Miami Gazette August 12, 1925 - May 12, 1926

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The Miami

~ ....~T~H~E~M ~I~A~M~I~G~A~ , Z~E~T~TE~..9·r~~~~~~H=AR~ VE~YS~BU~RG~~~~~~ -~~~~----~~~ISUE I.) EVERY WE D NES DA


.Entered nt the POIlt ofti ce at Wnynesv ille, 0 ., us '<lcond

. ~ r. IIlId Mrs. n:.. W. kuy l l'lIrrived Frid ny IIfll'I' l1 l'QI,I fl'om F lorida. ' ! I' ~ 1\ I Iln S i OIsnn hnH :l ~ ht'r house L: \1( • • t ·'!., 11 ~'\· hill ~f.l n , u r "i u(:i Jl ;h i ' ... ~II'" \\'. P. JlI CC'UI'I'f'l1 ull, l Mrs. i.llum ~11I""kcr \\'er ~ I nyt(1n visiLtot·S, "':':ltl! ·da). MI'. IIIHI Mrs, Eve r ett V ill nr~ , of I I nri " ". ~ 1)(, ll t lhi ~ w~('k with I'ela-

la~s Muil Mlltt,c'r \

O. L. CRANE, Editor ... nd, P ubli. her, W ay n e.vill", Ohio Su bHc l'ip lion P rice. $1.50

p~ l'

1 ' lj: l,' I~ 1I Attvi ( " , In,' H '11" I ' "

1" 111 : AM F It :L ,.\ \l J~ I{E 5 '

your .. .

A int it funny hut 60nln rlY of Oil r big , fi nu ncllIl bug" W :IS bom ill pl ot-hill ri rc un ls\[l ncc--

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am ong t he



C(1urnge prt'. ujlll oses convictio n, , ind omitlll>l o will, tC'nuc ity of puqlCl"", The drnmatic death, no I08S l hnn 's in c(' rit~' o f pur pusC' Hnd Ilhove 11 11, the eventful life of William J e n- ).I'~ '~ id~ p c lI m ind , "hillill l{ p\'t' r, una nings Brylln, sec n nOW in II lilLie c1ellrer perspective, will provid un Ne w Yor k hus ,f ound n wa y to inspiratio n to mlmy nn A meri cull b o ~' chec k tlt e !\lot. h thllt IItc the g irl' ~ an d girl, possible lellding Lhe m Lo b ll thi n ~ Rui t , Flap pe rs cll rry doll H greater heights of uchi cvcm enL, In t hllt cu ntlli n th ' iI" "a thin g s ui ts , Clip S. the passin!: of t he g reut commolwr s h o~s, tiloc kin g s t rou ge, powd er', l ip one outstanding fuct is indelibly M ti c k ~, c iJ.!nrc.' ltcs n nd m atc hes, in stamped on the public conscience, fll Ct, every thing that "n te rs into the namely, universal uppreciation o f the life of th e llI ude rn muid. two l'harade ri slicM l hut go to make Wide I'uhlicntion of t he fncl lha t men great- s incerity and couru~ e . Th ose who were un,a ltcrubly op- the Am e rica n fleet d!'llllk " t<Just l o posed to the clluses and theories IId- the Kill~ an d til<! I'r<'s ide nl nt t he voclltcd I>y MI', IJryun, joined eq ulIU y form,, 1 bunllu et nl Me lbourne, Auswith thoNc who b .. li eved in him in pill' trnlia, muy pOlSsil>ly he prl, pn ~u ll aJu ing tribute to his honesty of pu rp ose Lo en courage r ecruiting'. and his bravery un der li re. Defeuted time an d aguin in possibly II dozen C(l nser vlllive can d idatcH de fe nted political lind eco nomic crusu.d es, th e I rudi cul. i n lhe unnuul elec lion hy man from Nebrllsku uro se time lind \ prisoners lit S ing Si ng, rcluining CO II agnin , Phoenixlike from the IIshes of trol o f t he Mut uul W'e lfllr e Le ll~uu . ~Iscom~ture . One «;un ulmust hcnr Old-lime pllr ty li,wa, we ure Ild vi, ,,d, 10 e lurlOn tonCII, Ilgurn expressed th e we re wiped out. thought of Brya n, put 80 pointedly by the great Richelie u; " In the bright Now th ey are holding bootl eggers lexicon of youth there is no such barg ain du~'s in th e Federal courtMill word aB fail." New York. Those wh o pleud /(uilty Since Knighthood was in fl ower the ure fill ed $5 0 to $ 100. Or, ill oth e r world has paid homuge to courage in word s u sa crifice of the prolits on mankind. It nlways wiil, and so long at leas l fiv e cuses . 05 it do es th ere need be no (ellr f or states or nations thllt produ~c I.'ader, A Chi cago man was kill ed r ecen tship of such st erli ng quality. It was courage that made NUI)oleon of un - ly bcenuse he Ku ng. This should be perishable fame. It was courage n cupitlll crim e in all stntes of the that caused the grand old man of union. Britain! Gladstone, publicly to state Seemingly mnny hundred per cent hia pride in having become convinced hia first political advoClicy was wrong, Am ericans hav e little symputhy with It was courage thnt gnve us the,trnits hulf 0 f une per ce nt. of Roosevelt's useful life. Indeed, to co urage a nd sincerity we owe our Coal pocket picking mny soo n be happine88 in an independen t nnti on. nn exc usable offen~e . BRYAN



pl u ~ "l _ 'r~l<:!

Sund ay pap ' r Lcll s u' uf a Btu l· wa y [\arun's eli mb fro m Ilown among the u1 1ey rat..~ th at " shine,I" ro r half-a·llime ! Anot her happy billionnire is lookin' hMk with pri'!e to the bal'rei tha t he ~I ep' in-wiu le the "thcr pu p ~ wa~ tied I A n still a nothc r hea\'y-\\'ei~h t ha s forglJd hi ~ way In rnme--p;ot rich by c1elmm' cu spidors aud stayIn' wilh the I{UI Il I Then-vicw it rrolrn the other slunt-wo fln cl ~ um gt'Cnnlliers thut' s . quund e thei r Inhr.rl tunro in hal f n score of year,1 Fro m ou t th . of luxury they s putte r, flu sh 'UlII (\1.2., t u overcome Lh o hun dica" Ll, n ... enlth y pur nta i51 'I' hl'ir r.hnlJte1" of exiNtence Ill lLkc~ " mighty ha rrowIn' t.1le, frolll affluence to penury-from IilJerly to jni l. ... And th en, 't he IIL~ - illu s i un -it' 8 t oo lale lo make Ii rour--when wo leul'n t he ~on of In rtw\e Is the ofho ri !." of th e poorl


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IH.' rl' .

!\tJ't;. All\I H~ Van n () l' ~n has n~ he r hou '" C' \I" ~I. l\1r < .,/ Cll lI lIl'Ue r l' nquil<'



. " r Mid la nd , MI'H. Ra il l'v Cn mr lo!'11 i. th e h n UR<' ~: \l I ' ~ M ill', 'and Mrs. C. G. Rnllliull II d ~Ir:;~ lIel n. T he II. A. I r laR" "f tlw M . E. ~lIn01;1\ -. ·,·hno l. ll1 ('t wilh Mi s. Mabel :-it;Ir)', Wl'l inesday e \'un in ~, Mr. and Mrs. Fl'allk 1I 11rri. an d 'I I". ,' hm,. Tucke r mulli red LCJ Davton "" ,tI"I '>iI"y , in Hll r ri : ' 1I1' W Na~h l' n:v:h.


~Ir , l\!r". ('ec il K irk nnd daug h h ':r . J,i!'ll lu th , 11 1' T o !t·,lt l , arc J.!ut'::i l~


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lind Mrs. 1(, H .

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f\ irk .

Jl I ... an d M I·~ . Hu g h I3 l1 r~l' t t. an d f"Ini ly, of Hphll (l ll l. Wl' r<,' w~<, k - cnd lr\\l'"lH of Mrs. CIII I'II Cnn na, ~ 1 1' s, EI h,' 1 Smith and "Uns. Ik lat il'l'H hr're hnv(' received !I nnl llllll'I'nl l' nlS uf the hinh of n duul! hlcr, Wc dn ,,"c1 ay, t o ,\ I ,.. :rnll Mrs. Er n (' i' t


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Away From Th e C America i8 still undiscovcI'cd, stllJ waiting to be discovered-hy yu u I Away from the paved hl g h w n y~, deep in the hidden solitudeS- lire s h udy groves fragrRnt wi th the scent of flowers-sun-drenched v nlll'Y~ lllzy streams-or hurry ing brooks lIsJJd ir your mood. Waitln~ to pl ea se you with their untouched charms. Take your Ford Bnd venture forth

int o t he dell$lh rll of the nnknown. L~a \,\,' , Ill' l'w~. [ell r a t J; to nth r ~ . Go ~ bCl'L'

i !i

It is he ~ I. I '

will- v; h.~ ! ber t ht! road


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I r u8 n,lven turcT: II , ) ~()ll1g- t)l' ~t I>nl1 ll,

dl rl nr 1'01 I: y I ' : d - ('t. il hn lt [he cur th at w ill ukl' you 'a rely , r 'rtu inly a n d h appily t u wh ere n nt' u r e h lues h e r true lOWl in ess.

f h" W:ll d , o f L t'lmnon. ~lrH,

. G, Rn ndn ll nnd !'I li s. 11 ('1I'n , lin d ~I,·". Jjaile~' Call1Ploe ll we re g\\ l',I, "r IIII' .lIn d M,·s . Clin t Cleuver Ufl d d .!I.Ig-h lc r , ({ 11 t h , Th ll r s t.!ny.

?l1r, and


r5. M, E, ::-11I'1'\\'00 d wl,,'k, lhe nnd Mr,; . Omnr H, oI -


SP"lIt the In I"" pa rt (If tit


/(u ,., ,,· " r ~I ,. . l inJ.!'s \\·fH,th a nd

~ o n, nt' ill"

I TOtlrUtg Car

O" cKonin.

Jimm y ( ri di ng in rro nt scnt witl , 1I11'R, R. 1-'. S hu maker an d Mi s~ Ludad ) - " Wha t is I he nllme of lI," ( cill .. Tucker e nte l'tu in<'C1 th eir S un ri v(: {" we jus t ('ru!i ~l! d, dad '!" day -SdlU ul d;"" s \\ it h n pic ni C) lit F a t he r- " l cJun uo ." Ha l'lIlun purl" Wuclne. dny afl l'muon. Ji mmy- " 'roo ha d, dad, Aunt Ann e T he Ii . A, J. "' ass of t he M. E. just fe ll ill it." S und ny-Sdl"nl visited th e Leban on M. E. Su ndu y-Stho,,1 , 'lInday morn· ing IIlId ai' ll'r wllrd pit-niced in Hu,r o THE BOY ' S RIGHT m Oil Jl urk. Mrs. Amalldl.l StU rT a nd lIli~ 8 MuD('ck(' r - " B"irll;' on l he Ark WaS be l, tlllll ~ Ir''' ' 'h!ls. Gray ult.e nd"d no p icnic/' th e funl'ral o f Mr;;. W . 1\, .' W I'!', of !::inml'sun - "Wlml do yo u kn ow Morl'u\\' . lit lI l iulIli chupe l, Wedn esn bolll it'! " Uecke r - " With just lWO an ts day ail<: l'I lUon . ~ li s s CIIlI'll \I ntton, o f Ci nci n nuli, th e rt' '!" is nL hVIlll' fOI' tl ft'w duys of he r va catioll . ~Ii . ~ lIalton \\' ill s pend t he luttl '" pa n of her v n~uLi lln with a party ti t" 1r i Itds ill Ca lUlti a .

- $260 • 290

Tudor Sedan - $580 FordO?' Sedan 66Q

On _ """ domoun ta hl . rlJDlIlUld _ _ ""Ii1!5 ",. 1'>&11_ baUoon tlr .. U, u tro. A II~rIc•• f. 0. /). Vctrolt



$520 ~'.

o. B.


t··············································,······ ...................ensy,................... . me I enn secure Ford PIOWIe teU how II Car on payment•• ______________________________--__-+______ N~

_____________________ ~------------------------------------~~______________________




-.........................................................11-,. .

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Sear & Cartwright

Mrs. A'lna \ ' III1D ore ll enterta ined to S un day lIin ll cr, il l 1'8, Je nnie PcnST. MARY' CHURCH From Our File. FiftJ.Four Yean Aro Mahlon Ridge (who is s till in bll sine~s ll ui te, of .\Ii dl llll<l, Mr. nnd ;\11·s. F rank The reg ul nr Church School and in I>urbering) ;J. Sllnd s dru gg iMt ; Mill Cud , MI'. ulld 11 1'5. J. E. Cullie r, Miss Brudslreet, hurn ess muk cr; Rundall, Uoroth y IIl1d C ha r ll' ~ , a nd JI1 i: H Lau ra Mornin g Se rvi ce will not he held at this church during t he mo nth of AugEbright & Co., dry goo ds ; 8 . It. T he pl'ic<'s of nutomob ile tires have and ;\l r. Juhn \Var,l. ust. Printz, druggist: I.nnc Wood, Ca r- h('{' n acl"H n ci n ~ I'IIp idly durin g t.he Claurclae. J . . Gra y tII reshl't1 on th e Nute ringe puinter: H opkin s & ri spin, post few Wt~ l· k~. The cau se we nrc Rev. J ohn J . Schaell'er , Recto r. St. Mury's chnurch- The Rev. H . t in shop D. R. Ebright, harn ess. Gil bert fa n u, J 5G 2 li u, hel" uf Gold C. H. Dudley in expect cd to hold d it olll , i~ l ll(' unlll'ec,'dell ted ri ~e in the e n Ru s l.-\u"oo( oat~ t frum ~5 u crc ::;. Propert y insured with ua is placed vine service in t h is plueo next SunMETHODIST CHURCH price ,'f crude rulob er which has ud - T ime rC ' luired to thresh same, (; Othe r Item. day afternoon, at 4 :SO o'clock. No hours. The seed for these oats wer e in the very Strongest Companies, at 3G cents to $ 1. 15 per Sabbath Schoo l, 9 :15 B. 01 . , preach "ullct'd f rum morning service. Hnrry Doll has relurned f rom a puunu. The auvn nce is du e to lhe UI'IHlll'ht fro m I own by Mr. Gilbert ing at 10:30 a . m. Epwort h League t he same rates charged by weak ones. The Rev. I"ather Blake, of Xenia, visit ta Hoo:;,ie rd om. ubout 2 yea rs ngu. 6:45 p. m. Preaching at 7 :30 p. m., held C,n tholle servioe at the residence co rner on t h cl'lIdc ru bbe r mark et Property sold by us at Auction is sure Mr. and Mrs . W. H , HcighwlIY reof Michael Carroll in this place, on T he All en r eu nio n was held Ilt th e Wedn esday eveni ng Prnyer meeting, hy the Brilish \\' ho co nt rol th e rubEverybody invi te d to t hese 7 :30. turn ed, last week, from their Ellstern to brin g it s value, and 't he amount home o f 111... und 1111'S, Fr nn k B'cvan S\lnday morning. her output of the world . services. Tbe Rev. J. W . Mason preached sojourn. of Doll ~rs an d Cents is wh at v ta . T her" huve been vcill'me nt protests in Ih e ' cou nt ry, Su nday. T he da y R e v. L. A. Washburn, Pastor . Goo. S. Sale is ship ping pcach es fr ol11 tire . nmnu fHcl ur ers und from wns ideal a nd pus_cd pleasan t ly with in the M. E. church last Sunday from hi~ orchllrd to different poin ts IItltolll Qh ile users, ' Con ferences huve cll llversnti on, music, lind a general morning. easl lind north. , bee II held with a vi ew of r emedy ing goo,1 ti me. T h phol ogrn phing of the FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST B. F. Allen, the city marshal, hus th e siluation. It has hce n sup;/(estcd ramily g rotlp was a f cuture of the Blr Crop of Peaclaeo dllY's prugrum. The pic ture of fou r Morning Service 9 :30 a. m . Bible adorned the lamp-posts with u ne w t hat r\ me ri c un~ g o into t h(' r ul>ber Pllaoh e~ nro now being Ilhlpped in g r ow ing- busine~ 5.. Th is might ul ti· ge ll eruli olls of the f umi ly WIUI taken School, Communion and sermon. Evlllrge q\lantitie~ from this I:ounty. 6uit of bluck paint. A. H. Pugh, of Cincinnati, enliv- nWld\' lor in~ r ·Iid uut lilt' troub le which in cl ud ed Mrs. Mury Allen, Mrs. ening Service 7 :80 p. m , So ng SerMore arc shipped from Ft, Ancient Fmnk Beva n a n d two dau ghters, of vice and sermon. All are cordially ~an tl'OIll an)' other railroad station ened hjs Wuynesville fri ends by his i ~ lh:l t Ii \'!: II I' six Y<'II I', I11 l1"l elap. '; at b<,sl. hef,'re i\mc Tl c:1tl r rutl(· rub- ~I rs. Bevlln , lI'l r s. Frank Branden- invited . in the count)'. For the last lwo presen ce on unday. -------..~-------burg nnd da ughter, Bett y, and Mrs. 1eart WaTT!!n haB been tile largest Geh. Durbin \Vard is ann oun ced ber can 1)(' hl'<llll!ht into lhe nw r ke t. J esse Web l>e an d daughter, Ph)'liis. T he reIlS,," l hat Am erica hn. dePI'aph-growjng j;ounty in the state , to all dress fourteen Demoat'utic meet SP RAY t 1I00 n " bou nt iful dinn er was serv, . but It Is probllble that so me of the ings in Ohio, f rom September 5 t9 pellde<! upon n rit i,h cr ude r u hb er is A t hllt (he Briti,h, using nalive la har, ed, cafate l'ia s t yle, to lhe f ollowIIIpre hilly CO!lll ~l os will excel us this September 213 rd. ing : Mrs. lIIary Allen , Mr. and Mrs. ,,,ar, S. L. Cnrtwright hIlS sold 20 acres could [l l'ocl uce it Chel1l'l'I·. Accord ing Ha yes Ke ever, Mildred , a nd Orville, to free trarle duetl'il\'<' t il(' "r ru ng 'of his farm t o Jnmes Dinwiddie f or mc n t shou ld ha,'c bl'en idl'n l. Hut, Miss F'rnnces Ful kir th, MI'. nnd Mrs. spmpd tile Meat $5j) a n ucre. Seth is going Wes t-- un ftlftu nflte !y. it did not work out I:: d Allen, Reath und fri end, Grace HAVE YO UR HOUSE, B ARN OR to K a ngas. ~t Saturday. jl'hilc Jo Leak was t hnt w,' y. The r henpcFt murk I hilS He ndel'son, Hanison B evan and fnm OUTBUILDINGS P AINT"-D BY 1Ij!~clllll~ beef in qorwin, the colt tie i l~' , and M rs. Frunk Marsh, ail of J. C. Hop~i n s and family rllt urn ed bel' ome I he d e n r ~ ~t . Immig rants in the United Stat es HE SPRAY SYSTEM '!V~ driving, 81i1e~ to one sIde '01 tJie last Thursduy from u two weeks visit T he frel' Lrad"rs mni nt:ti n that we Lebnno n; M r . "nd Mrs. Rny Harri- are still sending bnck milli o n ~ an nu - WE GET THEM QU ICKL Y AND tpB4, tTu~lIing fl n ~ wheel, brenking among the ir friends in Preble cO Ulity. shou ld do he . am e Ih inJ[ a bou t "1I- son, 1IlI-. IIlId 1\1 rs. Clarence Allon, FREE OF CHAR GE the dash ana spilling the meat on the They truveled in their OVin convey- gn r- uuy in thl' rh 1I l'e"t mark" t. All'. und Mrs, J es8c Webb nnd Phyl- a lly to t he ir relativ es and fri ends, in lis , of Dayton; lIIr. and 1111'S. Frllnk Europe and Asia. It is eslimuted CALL '1)S ANY TIME AT OUR fpa!l. ance. • Eli m hl:l Li n ~ the "ufra,' tlll'in' wo uld cu t C.. II u . f or pr icei, etc. W. rU8J'a .. tee EX PEN SE W. M. Harford and hi ~ bride ar- off Am erica n J'l1'O<iucti')11 hi' ou . .. t he ll rnnde nburg lind Betty, of WUming- that $300,000,000 blls been "c nt o ut our Work rived her e from their honeymoo n trip .Cu bnn prod uc(, I' could undrrscll the to n ; nIl'. and Mrs. hus, Allen Juan- of the co untry in thi s mnnn er durill g uli d Mary, of Wuyn csvill c : Mr. rriges for lhi~ week, nre as 101- northward lost Thursduy. We lire Aml' rican pl'I,duce r. nut whnt woul d aita nd Mrs. Hoy 811is und Uh eu, Mrs, the past year, and thi s export of im!p""Ij; F lour, $3.5P; whellt, $1.10 : glad to Icnrn that it is their intention hnpp e ll when the " 'il y Cnb"n hlld 1d.\ HARVEYSBURC, O. H Qwe a nd Hany, of Harveys - migran t mon ey form s one of th " con- Plao ... 8 . BlIm in"t d nil com petit ion? Exactly FY!I, IiPe oorll, 400 iO 42e : oatil, SOo : to dwell am0t;\g us. WAYNESVILLE, .oHIO burg. sidera ble items in t he nnnuul import til 8~~; ~ftX 'see4, $1.50; fn ll burley, Willinm Rogers has had a fine th ~Ilme thing (hut hus happe ned in ------~.. . ------and ex port bnlance. 7PII ~8P9 p~r bu. ; !\pring bnrley, 60e stone paveJlll?nt laid on t he sidewalk t he rn bber Ki tlla ion. Estimates of the dep art ment showIt is hU lllltn II ntlll''' to dcman d t he 1:0 !l59, fronting pis residence. Mr, Rogel's THE CLEAN RECORD ed thut during 1924 imm ig rants r eB\I ~tt!r, per 11>., 1!Ill ; lard, per lb., contemplates still greater improve- h igh l' ~ t. pl'iCI' when MI (' hU H R corne r mitted $tOO,OOO, OOO to It a ly, $8 0 He; eRI, per !loz" 1Pc; drilld pench- men ts , to include n veranda along on' the prod ne(. The onl~' WflY to Husba nd (hel ping observe wooden PI' \'Cflt hpin ,. hc,ld u n i!< 10 jll'"vl'nl weddi nj:l' ) -- " Wo ll, cicaric, alI the 000,000 to Germany, $30 . 000,.u.tlU-i1-~ 11M, IU\:: cnleh;enJl, per doz" , •. 00, the front of his !louse, Ietc. . to Pol ll nd, $25,000,000 to Ru ss in nnd Freeport (OregonIa ) and Fort An- t. C Cf . I'Il {\ r , n n t t l!l (' Hil !tcs t be dnne yeurs havc flitwd bY- lind r haven 't $20,OOU,000 each to Greece and b'cby cO lH peti t iun - ,\ nw l'i cnn ru bher "l'l'c' i"NI yo u yet--hnvl' I ?" cient hove ' been shipping about 300 land. Ad."d •• " co m in ~ from th e r h ilil,pilH'~ or olher Wifc- "No , Jo hn, no; you ha ve- These large r emittances of A l11erica n AIIIIlIIJ the IIllvertlsen we notice bushels of peaQhes daily since the points ill th l' t rtJl'ir ~ \l'ou lr! d o t his no t deCl,j vcd 1ll C'-but heavens know s Reason I>eglln. . m oney serve gr eatly t o r educ e l he ~hp n/lllle~ .of the followln ~ , a1mo~t ju. t as America n. suga r i, c!" ing it. favoruill e trad e ba lan ce of the ni .tl of whpm lire lienli I Somll tobacco growel'1lln the Miami 'fhc ch eapest ma rk et in tht.' long r'un yo u tl'icd hm'd enough." The Drs, J'lmley;. R8l)lIIe Ebright, Valley aay that the crop is likely to may become the h ij:l'hl'!<t l1l " rK.,'l if doted Stales, t he de partm cnt sa id, whi cll on actua l imllllrts und expol'ls plano teacher; W. A. Crandall, be Injured by the rust, Bupcdndu ced 1"1l'stic eomlH' titi oll i~ d imillllL('ll. The painter: Jamel W. Haines, physician; by the recent cool weather, of mel 'chandi s ~ durin g I \)2 4 sho wed tubbllr s ilulltio n pro \' l's it. ' n bulance of $970,000,000 in fnv or of t his eOllntry. AI nieht after the eveninK meal It the "Wright hour". Tbom read aloud to Remittsnces durin g ) 924 totaled tJhe f a mil Y $350,000,000, but du rin g the san\l' The bug-a-boo 01 4mII'7. WOa period arriving immigrants w ere es ti man's1lfe i. dlab-waahlag. With mated to have brought $46,000 ,000 of their own money into the cou n try. hard watet' It III a dlaagneable. Although remittanqcR !nvclls ed discouraging task that reddens duri ng 192'1, it is expect ed tha t t he the hands, wearies ~ body, and n ~w Immigration law will grad unll y il5Ually ends with an uaalghtlYi. For the travllle~ whose duties car· The fllrm house now is likely to cut d ow n the rat e of Increase in t he Total Ameri<'lIn in\' slments in for f uture, owing. to the difficulty o f imry him up anil' down: the United States have a lelt'phone in the kitchen, n eign countri es now totu l ni ll<' " ,,,I lreasy film over eVft)'thlag. Wit, D~f'O L,m mil!'rants In getting into th e country. or who' j:aliell a summer tour by au- phonograph in t he pnrlor, a radio one-ha lf hill ion. 'H'eo rd in!! to t.h e F iSoft water la the hou~e's nerial on t he roof. Less distrncted tomobn.· throiigh many sections of nance lind Invcstm l' lIt Di vision of th e I. HoI.Illr.s>~ greatest boon. In It II08p lathers 1II._Ue pr~ur. the country, ncitliing is more striking' by local cares und necessities thB" are Department of Co mmerce. This t ~­ R. w ..... 1"ItQ,&8 _net p,..... freely, harsh waahlng compounds the inhabitants of Inrge cities, the thn the rapidity with wbich the tn l does II(l t includ e l h" twc h'c hil.. a ... ,,"ha' utr •• bo...... ere unnecessary, and the diahea whole n;litl911 from coast to const is poople of the country districts ure lion s whi ch the fon "ign jCove r nnH'lIl •. EI..tTIcaIl~ w.ld.. ......... jnionned regar!\ing owe the ~ o vernm e n t of t he Un ited laod ""IL. . If~tti!lt levele\!- up to 1Itatldards thnt often , \Jetter dry easily and qulcldz ~th • pol-L Motor .p.cI&I~ ........ IN f(;rl'!i_~y.l".~ oplf fqr ilje privi!ege~ world affairs than ure city fo lks: States, whi ch would bring tho tota l Ish t~t pleases. . pu.p u~ t" .I.- ' j l .. J, ~. '. \ • Out along the new gOll~ roaqs pro- to over tw('nty hillion s. I. Aa",,.,.1Ie .......u... mpted by \lprd!l~ "pf n @w ' motor cars, During t he first six months of tltla 'i.I!,~. ~ ' ~ '~:j;i !~ 1~a~ thi"lt!! as 'Wate.. "'I'll rh! aI, a~ wen good Muses a'ppj:ar ih tl1ousandll-and year for~ign securities in the sum to .at4llall - IIdIIfd thousand l!'. of Ilufe\ v~!e:vs and upon of $551,000,000 were oft'"red to the c h #f:8l'ttitn,fl , ! ; , .. • . thousands and thou s!lTlda of hills people of t h e United States liS an .. ' ~~nItIq. ~ Hl'!p¥e:V@\1I!!p~ 1n_ cIllt l1 ing, of wher furnllh loft water from the citl! for-merly therj! were only eab- investment. During lhe same period , 0 18: F 0 en, n the small lern. UDder constant prea811ftl, ,uat inB. . In th~ farthest W:rigles 'o f the no foreign loan s were offered In Greut ?!tfr,;'l . 11IIlI, Appalllchiami 'and in the de~pe~t re- Brituln, whloh hus recently ndopted Ilke city water service. Eatij-ely R!fI!f ;'~~.!' ',fl'\c'p :opolitan automatlc-nothlng to attend to mfld~ 'li'If~ ' ~" ,tQ I'~ p.Pnlti almp ~{ a~ ceases o~ ti1~ }lierl'llll I)no flOW comes a re strictive policy in r egurd to forupon houses which n generation ago ,enerally ' • 'PAln td : P91t as Now eign loans, becnuse of the . British Clf watch. Water may beplped JO in the best oities would have been York' .!lcl t~o. ;.' , return to t he gold stll nd ard. "'tbroom and laundry. called malislonR. lI'he ' cneap ·eatinll'.!houBes thnt afThe total American in vestments Good rQnds, automobiles and other in Europe is n(1W three times liS great The Duro way I, the modem ftleted" the traveller, of twenty-five :way. May be metalled In either yean ago with filth and fli eR have agenci~ for rapid! mOY'ement nnd as it was before t h e World War, it Iieen transformed in myriads of cases quick ciisserninntion of lntelIigenc ' is snid, anll the totu l is stendily in~d 01' new hom....-fu ~ together with lobor-savin~ machin : Into clean' ancP'wholesome plnces procrl!Jl5ing, . ~ the ~-me. ~ viding excellent food and agreenble ry, good w:r~es und good tim es, arc 'l1he Am erican t otal of 'foreign in~o~ . bri,nJ\'ing ' with marvelous rupidity vestmen ts, not includinJ;!' th e g ove rn surroundings. ' ", , In tbe midst of a forming region wonderful devclopments tbroughout mont. war lonns is diiltl'ibu ttld as fo lthe vI,itot now 'f requently come 'up- this. gscat ~C\untry.-Chicago News, lows, acc9rding t o the !igu r,es: on a well-constructed, ,w ell,lighted" G<>vernnLCnt . ItUl\rlllltec,1 obligaI ·~ seliool buildi~g of -br:\ck or stone, ~ tions : Can ada and Newfoundland , · , TW~ MERRY .SOUL~ building wqrthy. of .ny. city of, mo!l$1,125,000,000; Latin America, $915. erate alze, ~liel little bne-r\>om, in000,000;' Europ.e, $1,665;000,000 : , unitary school houles,! each m'Bl\ided Simpson.- :-" It'a so' dry over' in dur Asia nn'i.!. Oc,canlll, $442;'0 00,000 j toover a aiJigle tcaener, are dlsal{- ,c ountry that '!Vc , hnve ,to UBe a pick- tall $4,~47,,. peai'lnir. lit tl1e now l1ygemc struc- Be-to break ·tbe, ~u!ld." · '.. .~duatrlnl seQwititll! nnd dirent in*1irea" pe~fa\i"d " natructkln is rivMl Petkina--Ulfhat's n6~lIg, ~t'8 110, "estmentll: ' Cnnada and Newfound· ' ~lJdren _.Well!equipped 'teach'er dry over our way tha~. have ,aU my lnnd, $1.420,000,000: Lutin Americil. ,fllr . ell~h mdt. ,., boys c.~ying drinking wnlet' to the $3,226.000,000; Eqrop~, $450,OOQ.000 -;Asia and Oceania, $28()~OOO,OOO j ,. J.lttle towilll s'b~w. Indu_~lal e"tab· flah," totlll, 9,!l'i5,O'oO.UOO, . lim.ants wJai~, wbUe smaller than ------~.~Theae tillUJlea Jive a total, of both ijlolif of ~l!e .lJl'8at Industrial 'Contel'l\. In man, CU88 juat as modernb' cluaea of fqrtlp. investmenta of


Insura nce and Public Sales We Specialize on Good 'Service

Office, Amt;ln Bldg. Phone 61·.2 Waynesville, Ohio '





Lasts Longer- Looks BeHer

. "'.rlc."

Harveysburg Fertilizer· Co.



_--_0 ________

Spreading 'the Best Great AMERICAN INVEST· Developments in Our Country



s."" R,IU.'" pool''" .-




UlVfH:'.p.~~'iP~~ '''P kl,.:·,


•. =t' ....uI.,. - .....

In "

ftURO 61 .SnJeIU





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Call •• _ f . ,... ..... PlJatiq. '8.6IB.OOO.oaQl:,


W~ ~A r ' LO ~

'. .

LIpS" WH ~'" p.. ,V-

I' WClMA.'-I'S

,txJS5N'r u,.:tOi STANt' Ho; liii: F\QST IS O£ ~6

I ,'.










LOllt- Chevrolet crank, 'Please leave ut this office.

Finde r


Bo~ n-To !\Il·. nnd fr~. Th mae . HIII'ellll, of Ro to 3, W edn esday, Aug, list r" 1.026, a son.



,...... "cr,,'''' .)lIS( --(wo ~ClOS It-'

. f

... _



Now is th time to 1111\'e Kemp '; lool!. uitel' your (urllllce.

I Jordall

• II·~. Kl.'lI nCLI E);'.e,- wus in DlIyl 11. 1 ~' ''turd y.


'Irs. \'I' iIl I U ~S Utll, of Duyloll , is spending the we ok ui the llllme u f her Mr. und ) lr8. W . E . orn cll werc m other , II'S. Mary Edwa rd s, and in Duytu n. SaturullY. daughte rs. - .- ... - - If YOU1' slulo roo f needs rl'pairin g, allC Kemp & J ordan.

A~MA~~ \ e o­

I +4S;:iE. ...0 1 Af'ml n>.e .a.jlE' M ...~\l.IEp • .




Mary Cas key spent Su nday with Da yto n friends.

New York, is the champion life He has be.·" .Jec:oratod by lnRIlY nnti o l1 ~ fo r his coufnge in "lIVing hUllI n n l if~w ith now nea rl y fifty to IUs crt:<iit.


Bring your Eggs to Kroger

John W . Harvey died nt his home o n th e Anno Sh ,.' hll n farm. Thurs· Mr. A. B. Shane r ~ penl Saturday ,Iny, Jul y 3 0, foll uwing a long iIInes. lit the Cuney Isllll1d rllce tra ck. li e i. "u Tvivt,d by his wi dow (lnd severnl child re n. The fun c rll l WII S hl' ld alul'llny uftcrnoon . August 1. nlld Mi ~s Doro Ellis. of Woosl er Expel'. im ent S talion, is visiting rciulives, buriul \\'us in Spl'illgtichl MCClinl:h o u ~ (' cemu t lJry . here . Miss Gr lltill n RI nck , of Peorio, III .. Mr s. JORl"ph Evans. nftl'r a I«nl' is the flues l of Mr. My el' Hymun Ilnd illness. died Ilt the Stute husp ita l family. Th e Duy ton, , alllrdny A1l'::1I st 1. (un r rs l WlIS hpld ut the ho rn e 0 11 Mr. and lIIrs. Fred Bubble spl' nt Route 1, Mond ny IIft(' I'll [I " n. Eld" r th week ·end with r e lutives in 0- Rudclitre, of lml ialla, ofl\ciutill l-(. Buri al wa. in Minmi cem et ery. lu mbus.


Miss Dorothy Dakin, of Bis marck. N. n., is vis iting hoI' au nt, Miss ' May W ri)rht.





Mr. 1I11 d Mrs, ,Max Hamilton nnd • daughter, Fr:m es, MrA. I,'runces ox lIIul Oil, Harold, of Rn milton, Wore · ~u nciuy vi8~tll.n1 nt Mr. ~nd Mrs. dephun BU'ln tt. Mr. ontl Mrs. hM. E. John~ spent S lI nday with lh Q luU 'r 'M s i~trr, Mr~. F.Ii,.nl,l·th Smi l h, at the So lci l!'l', H ome, fit Dnyt 11. !l1t·~. ,'l11 ilh is 1lI11 l- 1 11m "I' lIlI.· :-iU I'SCS ' hOIllU, th ~ r . I Mr. und Mrs. A Ik ll Elllricl, an d , ullughtel', Gl udys. lind lll(,ir g u "s~., Mrs. Lelm Sali sbury and children . s pent Su nday afte rn t.o n wilh Mr. II'HI Mr •. Hurry Cornell. nenr F"rry. Mr• . Mary armony returned Mon· day ('\·en in ~, after" visil a l lhe h,m", of Mr. and Mrs. E. J . Carmony. nl :Spring field. Ohio. On Monday Mrs. Carmon" visited the IltllY1 c of he r chil d hood , at Sl. PuriK. Ohio. Mr. a nd Mrs. RlI~'e li Ber)!da ll nnd lit lle dau~hl('r. o ( Dnyton, wer e Sun. ("1\' g u .. ~l~ of Mr. l111 d Mrs. Williurn Be'rlrdall nn d rlau!!hter. Glntly •. Mi s~ Gladys uccompani ed th em hUlll o lInci will r elY1ain for n vi ~ i t this wl·ok. '1'11(, hnme of MI'. and Mrs. Gu y Ruu tza hn WflS t ho S,'enc lIf a hllPPY fam il y !!ntheri ll j!'. Sunda y. Th o~c p"cse nt WrI'C: i'll'. and MI'~. Jv"inh I:loilnult. Miss JIInry Boitnott. MI' . Cr ess Boitnott. · Mr R. Bl'rlha Jackso n nn d daughter, l\Ji"r, Dollie. of TipPl" calloe City; Mr. T . D. Bo it nott and f am ily, o f Miami City; MI'. lI a rry Curtis an d family, of Fle tel wl'; Mr. S. G .Boitnott lind famil y Ilnd Me".' t's Hoy Warn er and L<!Ruy Boitnl)tt. nt Chr istia nsburlC; 1\I1'R. R o~a K t'I1I1 C.!y and son , of st. Paris a nd MI'. Mal'vin We lls. of Ginghams burg,

Mr. an d !\In. Alfrerl J . Wri,:: ht arc Rogular commu'ni cation of Wayn es· e njoyin,:: n moto r t rip to Michigan vill e Lodge No. 11,3 F. & A. M.. TU(,5' and Canarla. day evening, AUI~u8t ll. 1925. All Inlur.nco on Toh.cco .nd sojo urning brethlren and visitors are cordially invited · to be presellt. . Scar. &. C.rtwrigbt. G. J, WATERHOUSE, W. M. F. B. HENDERSON, Sec' y. Mr. nnd Mrs. Howard Archdeacon 1\1 r. I~ I'a(' 1 Sco tt lind fnmily s pl' nt spunt Sunday wilh relat ives near the weck· (' nd with nlnth'os in Day· I Harveysburg. to n. Mrs. Vi oln Harla n and Mrs. HarMr. anrl M rs. Raym ond Osborn, "r o ld Earnhart we re shopping in LebXenia, "pent :Sunday aft rn oon with a non, Tuesday. Miami Chapter No. 107 O. E. S., relatives here. will meet in r egular session, Monday, Quite a few fr om here attendeu Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Barnhart. of Aug. 10. 1925. A full attendance is the funeral se rvices for Mrs. J OI! . Cincinnati , were in town a ahort time earneltly desired.. Visiting members Evans, which W eTe held Monday. Monday evening. welcome. Miss Mildred Morgan, of Dayton, ADA COURTNEY, W . M, spent Sun day with htlr m othe r, Mrs. Mr. W. N, Sears and family are SUSAN IliA WKE, SeL"'y. Eurl Marlatt. spendi ng the week vialting relatlve!f in Darke county. Mr. and Mrs. J ohn Rye a nd daughTRY THE GAZETTE'S JOB WORK t er, Miss Dorothy and Mr. and Mrs. Elton Evans Bnd little dau ghter , Miss Annie Webb, of Sprincfield, ~-~.~----spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. was the guest last week of Mr. and Cliff Eva ns Ilnd fam il y. Mrs. D. L. Crane. Mr. Harold Dice and family, Mrs. Misses Olive Allen and Henrietta Mabe l Sha w and SO il, and Mr. H an ~· McKinsey hav~turned from Miami ford J ackso n and fam ily, all of X '!lI1 01 univer sity, at Oxford. were Sunday dinner gu esis of Mr. Mr. Everett Clark entertained to a Herbe rt Mn rl lltt an d fumity . Mr. J. O. Cartwrlrht and family radio party. Sunday evening. Mr. and Mr~ , J ohn H odge, Mrs. are enjoying a visit with Mr. Charles Mr, W. F, IClark attend ed the Elizubeth Carter and son , Tom my, Cartwright, in Chicaro. Banken' convention at Dayton, last and Mr. Larry Olgol, of Sprin gfield, Mr. nnd Mrs, John Zimmerman ami week. H.iI I ... ur...c. •• Tola.... Mr. an d Mrs. R ichard Mo ore and lilMrs. W. M. Coleman and little tic W anda Lee Williams, of Dayton, Gr.i... Se.r. It C.rtwri,lat. Thelma Kearns were Lebanon shop- a nd Mr. and Mrs. Em erso n Dill were Mr. and Mrs. Hicke, of Darton, and pen, Tuesday. ~ und a y dinn er g uests of Mrs. Rebp.c· Mrs. Wa~J of Waverly, viSIted M.r s. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Clark r eturned Cll Dill. M, S. MCAibban, Thursday. Monday, ufter sever al dill'S' visit with Mrs. J . E . Martin. in Dayton. Mr. a nd Mrs. W. H. Allen and Ml88 Mr. Roy Day and daughter, Ida Emma Helghway were Lebanon vis- Jean, of Cincinnati, were g uests of itors, last Thursday evening. hi. mother, Mrs Ida Day, Sunday.


Is Going Strong Come In and Get Your Bargains. Some Departments I-Iave Not Been Touched So Far.

You Will Be Surp rise ,1 a.t The Wonderful · Bargains We Offer You.


I 1


, \

, 1

BANANAS Large, Ripe Fruit, 28c 5 pounds for •••.. POTATOES u.s. No.1 Cobblers 22c 5 pounds for •••. Club, MILK Country 12 large cans for $1.00 made, ·FIG BARS Kroger 10c Pea: pound.




1 Loaf.......................... .

9c ~~~~~.~~. ,. . . .. 19c

I-lb. l.o.f........................ ,...........6c

~~~I~!~!t!~. 25c Prunes')' Club. 2.1b. pQ ..

30c ~!~~~~. . .,. . . . .,29c

!~~k~b~~?~. 25c f.I~~:~I~~~.S 1.25 Raisins


21 c 1212C

Fre.b rendered, Ib ..........

CUfto.. 24 ~ -II.. .ack........ ..$1.23

Oleo Eatmo.... ' ....Il.




Cocoa ".n1MoJ'~.., Seeded


or Seedle ... p ..,.......... ..

l·lb. c .........

25c 20c 25c ~1~~!~h. . .... . . . . .32c Creme Oil. 4 h.r. ,... ........


Miss Mildred Clark r eturned home See Kemp & Jordan for spou~ing from Oxford, F:riday, where she has nnd metal roofs of all kinds. been attending su mmer school at Mr. Earl McMekan, of Detroit, Miami university. Mrs. Roy McKirby and daughter, join ed his wife and son here, and spent the week-end with Mrs. Viola .Hazel, and Mr. Bennie Smith, of Dayton. spent the week· end with Mr. and Carey. 'Mn. Fran)c: Rog'en. . Mr. and Mrs. Floyd McKean, of ) .t:l'iI. J. B. Jones and son, Therle, Springfield , were callers at the home sl/ent Saturday and Sunday at Chauof Mr. W. N. Sears and family, 8un. ti(Uqua, guests a,t the tent of Mr. and day afternoon . • Edd Longacre. Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Haines and Mr. Save your old carpets and rugs and Mrs. Walter Kenrick were Thurl!and get " Wearwe\)" Rugs made. day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Send for price list. Franklin Rug Slade, near Middletown. Co., Franklin, Ohio. · Mr. and Mrs, Harry McGinnis, in Mrs. W. E. Cornell and Mrs, Morris company with Dr. and Mrs. L : B. liall and family. of Waynesville, motored Cornell left today for Pittsburg, where they will be the guests of Mr. to Crystal nnd Silver Lakee. Sunday. and Mrs. William Michener. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Colema n en· tertained to Sunday dinner. Mr. antI Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Surface and Mrs. S. E. South and daug hters, Virdaughter, Edna. of Marion. are spend-. gin ia May and Hazel Marie, of Love· ing their vacation with his mother, land. Mrs. Anna Hathaway. west of town.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Elbon entertained Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. C. H . Youn g Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Elbon, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Elbon, of Leb a· non , a nd Mr. and Mrs. Carl Gilbert, of Ileal' Clarksville. Mr. a nd Mrs .. John Hole and family, of Dayton, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hole and son, Harvey, of Social How, Mr. and Mrs. Holley Petry and two children, of Salem, were Sunday gues ts of W. N. Sears and family. See Kemp & Jordan for spouting a nd metal r oofs of all kinds. Mr. J. E. Janney and· family, Mr. Loren Hadley and family, Dr• •nd Mrs, J. T. Ellie, Mig Dora Ellill. Mr. Charles Ellis and family, Mr. ::I. S. Ellis and family. Mr. W • .E. O'Neall and family, attended ·a family reunion at the home of Mr. and Mr8, Eugene Foster, at Butterworth Sta. tion, Sunday. H.iI 1.. lura.. ce OD Tob.ccD aDd Grai... Se.r. It Cartwri,ht•.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Dyke, of Dayt on, ent er tain-:d to dinner, Sunday. t he followinlt' g uests: Mr. and Mrs. Forest · Graham and daughter, Cath. erine, Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Tbomasi l\Ir. and Mrs. F . E. Tholl)as. 80n: anll daughter, Robert and Anna, Mr.' and Mrs. Lester Surface, Herman; ~velyn and Doris Surface, Mrs~ ADO Hatb. and Mr. She~ D71te.

Tne followinc personl ,attended the Friends Quarterly meeting at Selma, on Mondal': Mr. and Mrs. Lindley Meudenhall, Mr. and Mn. C::urtia TbmlinB:On and dailghw, Mig Faith, Mr. and Mrs, Robert Crew. Mr. Phln. eas Cqok, Miar! EJinbeth and Milll 'hl~'l.Uh Chandler, Mrs'. Esther Stout. Anna ;:;aeehan, MIIII Orpha Dr. T. C: Fur. lira. Ellulin. Julia DimOVIUl, lin. aDd CharleI CbaplllaD.

• u •••••••••••

;a.tO~ •• •• • mae mmply • 110 mc.torllt Deeel DOW bib •

co a

•• •• ••• •• ••• •



cbaDce of un-

' * - tbI price Ia loa PI. . OUtil B - .

. . . lin DatioDaU~

eoI4 a(III! •• mp~lDewq

I'I1II** III- I I , low pdcea.


ADAM F. MELLOH Plio•• 47

••• •• •• ••• ••

Miss Opal Turner is the g uest of relat ives in Clinton. COl'p. Ralph Adams is with his o. N. G. Co., at Camp Pe rry. N. T. Whi taker iR spendinJr a few weeks with his daughter, Mrs, A. W. Turner. Elmer and Carl Pete rson were ten· dered a birthday surprise, Friday evening. The C. E, he ld a social at th e hom e of Mr. and Mrs Perry ClllT, Friday evening. , Mr, and Mrs. Ral ph Learning ar e th e parents of a little son, born July 3 1, 1925. B. W. Kelch, of Chicago , has joined his family here for a thr ee weeks' vacation. Th e Sunshine society was entertained at the Mears home , Saturday afternoon. Misse s Margaret and Ruth Vickers, of Dayto n, are g uests of r elatives e hre, Harry Nickerson and family, Mr . a nd Mrs. W. V. Lackey are at Mi· iambi Valley cha utau qua. The schoo l re union and home· coming. Wednesday of lost week, wa ~ a suc.cess, About 400 p er Rons r egis· tered, Followin g the bllsket dinn er un address of welcome was given by Rev. Curless. which was f ollowed by s peeche~ of old pupils and t eachers Volca h Weaver, of Xenia, 83, the oldest ex-pupil, was present and gave a talk. Interesting early histo ry of the school was recalled. W. H. Harlan read extracts from a histo ry of Chester t own ship, written by his father. A, H. Harlan, in 1882. Music for the afternoon was r end ered by the)',1. E.Sunday·School orchestra. There were also interesting contests during the afternoon. In the evening the bund rendered a concert. Community singin g was intersperced . with the band's program. A com mittee was appointed to arrange for another reunion on Labor Day of next year.




•• •••••••


Janet Copsey is visiting relatives in Xenia. Born-To Mr. and Mrs, Wendell Morgan. Saturday, July 25 ,1925, a 80n, Richard Alton. Mr. Frank Lashur is sul!ering from a broken 'right arm, as a result of cranking a machine • Mrs. Nettie lIarper has been enjoying a visit with her son, Hugh. and family, at Cleveland. Mr. Robert Holland and friend, of Dayton, were Sunday guests elf Mr. and Mrs. Arch Copsey. Mary Ferguson and ' Mrs. Anlui Ande.r aon, who have been so sick, are 'bo't li reaovering nicely. . Mrs. ·Ml\.r y Griffy has returned after a pl~a8ant visit wi~~ he~ daughter, Mrs. Hopfee, in Oolumbus. .

Men have always advertiled-firlt themlelves and their deeds; then their religion today, their products and busineu. The most effective advertisinc today is th.roulfh the printed word~nd ri ght there i. where we are qualified to serve you. Every printed page should be a plealinr picture of type, p a p e r, ink and ilIultrationl, We can make it eo for you, if you'll let UI help plan your printing job.


The Miami Gazette GOOD PRINTING


b f every mem er 0 our· Heatrola Club we offer a ton of coal-free.

And that's just the beginning of the good things' coming your way. For with the Heatrola you have furnace comfort all winter long--and save money on fuel. Two dollars makes you a member of the Club-you can pay for the Heatrola in easy, convenient installments. Come in Imd let us tell you an about it.

For Cash Plan of seil- . Mn. ing Coal. Feed, G.r ain and FertiJIizer. . ',. '. . , Call and Get 'Our

Cash Price. . '.

Everett Early Lytle, Ohio W.rnuvlUe Phon. " Ce.teniDe PboDe_

/':!to"&.1:. "'E',,

;~:~:r~I!~;,t~:#u~~~~e:i~ ,~C' RED " l\t6 . r~ l ·Y I·. ~

Vf· E. .lIo"n.

'. Kn. Sarah Anabee, who' ~ been 10 iU at the' home. of- he.r daughter, . M.ra. A. C. Mendenha ll, was able to come to the home of her daughter. Mn. Ra)' Eagle. in to'lnl. Sunday. where abe wW viait for a few ~


How to Advertise


Miss Kathryn Clark entertained Wed nesday of last wee k, the Misses Veda and Margare t Irons, of Lebnnon, Eugenia Whitllke r, Louella and Frances Janney, and Mrs. C, W. Younce.

Us for Prices


- - -...

The W. C. T . U. will meet with Mrs. Emma Roper, Tuesday Iliternoon, August 11, at 2 o'clock. All lad ies arc cordially invited to attend.

Just because Goodyear Tires are the standard of highest quality, a lot of car owners have an idea that Goodyears are high priced. Positively, THEY ARE NOT. You'can get a genuine Goodyear from us for as ' little as you are asked to pay for an ordinary tire -'maybe even les.. ' ~~'t shop around. Come in and get a Goodyear.

Waynesville, Ohio


Wanted-Butter customers. Phone 44-2, Mrs. W. E. Stroud .

Goodyear Tire~ Are Not High Priced

Frank H. Farr and W,fe





_..- -O. E. S. NOTICE







Har'dware Ham.... r, I!'arm Ma-L1-..... ., Wavn----!lIe , ,_vaY.III, Ohio' ,~,


t. - .. """"", ,. .. ~


.~--~~ ~~~~----.--------~~----~----------~--------~--WAYl'iHSV£

Seven ty-Sev enth V':1 r

This Week


1 he Mia mis Stil l ~ontinue 1 heir Win ning Stri de of Bal l


AUG ~T 12, 1925

Whole Number 5661 P ole Fligbt , H e ro

1 erriRic Hai l Stor m Dam age s C rops Aro und This Vicinity ,

i-··...... .•......•••••••• Intere sting Item s i from the iI


Sta te. Capital i i i i


By TOM fn r tiH'Y lin' going but this makes Along towllnl th e lattcr pllr t of eight ~ ll'"iJ('ht, ' A severe min IInu h~ i1 storm struck The SCo re : Clnrk'. Cre~k ove rflowed a nd the lust wee k, so me of the 1)Ilyton pilI'''''' thi s vicinity last W ~ dn c"dn y aft er. wut er ran into thr containe d th is ann oun cement. t hat housp occ upi eu noo n, nbllut ~ o·,·I«ck, The st orm hy Earl 1;; " "08. und flllod ~d t h ~ lower t he Midwlly -S~ I'v i cc Co. ha Re hull t eam MInWA Y-SE RVICE CO, ( cnmc fro m th(· 110l1 hcst, and wn ~ I'"rt of the bo ll d illlll omL<, Ne w"'ns expectin g to Cllllle to Waynesville on Sun day afternoo n ancl s how AB R H PO A E Prepa red bYl nccoll1pllnie,1 by wind nn " e1cclrk11 1 ma n' s run r O!iC ou t of i l R hunks , causing r on. id(' rable rl nmage to the conthe Miumjs how to pluy ball . Tho Zimnll'l'l11'n 21.,," Ii 0 0 2 :.I () ui. tllrlillnc c. A l lhis poin t th e llllil 3 I Colum bus Repo rter 0 1 H 0 demolls tration took place ut Frazi er' s Fl'idc, ss , J> was no t o\, er half u mil e in width. structi on work 0 n the now rond a t th o T hree ilridges , 4 0 1 4 0 1 purk lus t Sunday n (terlloon , und so Gephart , c hut f a rth e l' so ulh it ex tend ed o\'er D. Smails, If, 2b._ 4 0 1 4 0 I Lig ht ni n" struck the house of Ceo. apt diu lhe pupil" prove that th cy quite an area, Hube rt.on, on the Fer ry ruad. lind defcate d th e ir t u tor~ by th e Inp -s ided L, Smnil". cr If 4 0 0 2 0 0 HORRI BLE, BUT WELCO ME Th o usan u ~ of dollars' d amn~c W IIS Blurinll'O? r. cf 4 0 2 0 0 0 d it to th e extent of about sco re of 7 to 1. Incid e ntly, this win Jiono to tho g rowing' crops, toLucco dnnmgc O NE MINUT E AFTER I DIED :\ 0 1 11 I ning busine!!R is J('ctting t o be qu ite Dec ker, I b 2 Lcillg t he hard '8t hit. Acre lifter $4 00. COLU MB US, OHIO- lllegal pracNolte, :l h 4 0 1 1 2 0 Small t rl'("; were blown un"'n, and a Iwbit with th e Miumis, a" Bd lbroo k THE POWER OF MOTHE RS IIcre WII S dllma~ed Leyo nd an y hope Le is, P in many plu,,"cK wher e the hail was n ot ti ces of rural justices of the peace , in 0 0 0 0 1 0 nnd se \'e rlll other \.cu m s can t estify, of eve n suving a 81llall part of it_ QUALIT Y, PLUS ADVER TISING 4 0 1 1 0 0 the cor n was badly damllge d ex t ur ting fi nes a nd fecs from alleged A ft er the fi rst three visito l's had Sh~el', rf Corn was s tr ipped anu the hn il dented s~\'ere, clffcnding moto rists, wer e thoroug hby the wind , . beo n d is posed of , Sattert hwaile startt he growing car. damagin g it seIn the tiou thell8t part of the town- ly discusse d at 0 mee ting held t here 36 eu t he fUll for t he Miamis with a dan - T otals 8 27 13 3 verely, in tho O'Nenll neighb orhood. ycsterdn y. The meeting WIL~ he ld dy double to right. J';udie Burton Obse rvers sa y that th e cloud whi rl - ship. under the au spices of automob ile Our navy will ma ke expe rim ents auvance the hai l was very bad, it being the club. MIAM IS d ed lilw II cyclune . a nd when it dipped o f the state, an ti a legal battle ... Ith wh at i. called the "dea t h stroke" a nd Gons' him with a single lo left . third ha il storm of I,,"t sacr ifice bro ught him hom e week, On was phllln ed on spcod th e hai l Hf!l! mcd to be worse. AB R H P O A E an interest ing Inven ti on g uar a nteed T om In tr ill' s wh ich Monuny , a week ago. two Bu hai rton l storms d Fl'ost sta rted Lhe Sallerth "'nil <' . I b 1 I 1 () 0 Lin co ln T. E:Uswor lh, the Amer i- Lowo the ha il ill p l ac~s drirt ill ~ two t o destroy allHCe with whic.h it cornell second with un 0 in one afte rn oon vi.itc,d th is locality exi.t in many parts of t he state, Committe 5 1 3 5 3 0 ca n wh o tlnt.nced and went wit h fe liL hi~h, The ra in, which precede d lind d es were in contact within a radius of twenty forced "Doc" s ingles, bu t Oounrn e E, Burt on, ~ h appoint ed wh o will beid r onsidera L le uamage to the gin at second , Fricke to Go ns. :lb I\l once prucecd ings t o eliminat e !l J 2 2 0 1 Am un'dse n In the air plane dash for the hail, was very copious , and, ac- crops. miles. D, Sma i1s. Fealy scored Tom anu H . Burt,,", c the NOl'lb cording _4 1 I Pole, to Sam road.ide is back Butterw in courts the orth U. the an S. d local inaugu 5 0 rat e a 0 Altoget he r the storm Was very disCharley with a single to left, Peck Adllll1 ~ , P state-wide moveme nt against justi5 0 3 0 G- O He ~ they will t ry aga in- using weather ma n, two ioches f e ll. It is hor r ible, but welcom e. Make walked trous t o this neig h borhood . nnd P itcher Lei T, s, Burton. of the visIr ces of th e peace ass um ing unla wful 5 2 2 2 a 0 nn I\lcsl1i(l inste ad of pill nes, war dungor o us enough and war will itors, took th e air, F rick e went t o Osborn<" rf a uthority . A numb er of flagrant vi5 1 0 2 0 0 stop. Don't believe the ig norant mil- the mound fo r the Fealy, visitors, ss and ,.4 0 1 1 ~ 1 The Delail. iolation s of law has been r e ported Iiona who tliink that a thin g alwaYB ca used Eddi e to fo rce Feal y 8:t th ird, and re moval of Born e of thes~ rural will be, because it always has been, Ellworth Wll8 in high Bpirita as he a nd Du teh fo r ced P eck at home, af- T otals __ __ " " " ", 30 justi ces is expecte d to be one of t he 7 Hi U II B again set foo t ('n Amer ic nn BoilTwo men pointing automa tic pis- ter Gons had singled to right. Sinfirst st eps taken by the committ eell ~I. "t each other 's hearts don't g les for , as he admitte d, th ere were many by Edd ie, Gons, Dutch a nd Ad12 3 ~ ~ (\ 7 8 in their plan of attack . 9 jI/),O!!~, Tha t only hap pens' when one ams a nd an er ror by De('ker on T om's Mid ways - ___0 II \1 Q I) 1 0 0 0-1 hours in t hose ice wastes when he pf ~hm BOW t/le drop. smash, netted th e Mia mis t hree more Mia mis .... , \ II 0 3 0 0 0 1 "- 7 knew full well the cha nce of sa ving his liCe WIIS very slim, A bronzed tan L_ A. Boulay, f or the Pallt four . counter s in the fou rth, , 2-lmu IItt- Sutlerthw llite. Mr, Al4lr",;;"'"';r~l!~'P II§ Il\wrer , Is from t hat glar ing 24-hour a day Arcyean director of public worka and " T he visitors escllped a 'shu t-O ll t in Snoriflce hlts- Gona, Frost. tic sun was sti ll on his check. He IlUIlIJ ,tp, "ivPfSP. ~ ~ wHI' ~!Illg11~ th e s ix t)! on a walk ~o Jl'~iok e li nd t wo head of the State hlehway depart.A pproxim at tw o hundred peoEarn ed rUlls- Miam is, 5, Q'~Jty,. ~ r cplipB, loo ke d the picture of pc rfect heal th, ple att ended thely M,f. ,o n .. 9 ~ u ­ m i8P~ me nt, stepped down out of office to'1 1f8 II" ~ ~ e ltlfitmliJ. DinnnG e e liminati uaat on contest Our bo ya Le ft on bU5cM- Midways !J' M i~Jty II) alm08t IItpnlng , I!!' t o go t t Asked his great est thri ll durin g the of the Food and Cloth day, and G. F. Schlesin ger, who h .. 1& one bn~k In t hu e ig hth, amls, 11. ing Club 'dem- , Mrs. W, O. Rap er was the dinner been his chief enginee • . 4.ealll wJtJJ j ewelry." }.Ie ~p.ent eventf ul three weeks wh ile wi t hin 11 on stra lion teams A ams sing led to r ight, but Tom r, aesumed the on T hursda y and ; gu est ,17-6', 000 on jewelry ; gJlve the lad y fo rced of Mrs. Amanda Maffltt, on duti es of his former chief. him a t second , and a moment maD ouble plays- Decker to Zim mer - hu ndred, miles of th e pole-h e said Frid ay, Augus t 6 a nd 7, at th e Farm Thursda y. , In the If ,35 000 sable coat, It chinchil la coat n ; Adums to E. Burton t o Sat- it WIIS Ule mo men t whe n, a n er weeks Bureau office. As a appoint ment of Mr. Schlesin ger Govlat er went t o second hlm8elf on a te rthwaite, result the winCOBtit:g $8,000, and sec urities worth wild of "'tc uggle, the gr eat pla ne r ose in- ning tea m in eac b co ntest, th er onr Donahey gave his approva l to pitch, f r om whence he mad e a eir lead" H it bats mRn - Fl. Burton ( by Leis) tI) the a ir , a nd the r eturn to civiliza$ 100.000 , t he ge neral work of the highway deer a nd a n individulIl uemons tra tor in flne run to scor e on F rost's sac r ifice. Eat.rta. ned at D..... Wild pitc ' hI·'ricke. tion Willi un der way. partmen t, and ill certain that there 1'he Middle town Gas & Elpetrie food will go to the State fair with Mr, and Mrs, Emerso n Maaon en- will be few, if Itany, The lady replies t hat n ot sables, teR m expects B a sc~ 0 11 bnll "I cnnn ot say e nough in pr aise of thei.' tran sportati Off Lei" l: olf changel made in t o como to Frazier' s Fricke, on paid and a free tertain ed at d inner, Sunday Mn. not je wels, not sec urities, not even park 1; off Adams. L Captnin A mundse n and every man- entra nce t icket to the g r ounds the official family of the division. Hr. next Su nday an d c;ontinue th ~ for two Laura t lte fur of the chi nchilla, most inter - instruct Zell, Mr. and Struck Mrs. out-El¥ Joe jllck Pent'rjC'k", oC the crew," sai d BUworth . days, Boulay will r emain in Columb ue for 3 ; by Ad ion niwit. Clstin/l little a ni ma l, can give r eal hap- ou r gr ea t naof th e Miamis as to how ams, 5. "W e accomplisb td the seeming imseveral days and then plane to go to M iss Kizer repor ts that each of the tionul pasti me shou Id be 't\'\I~ ot puss ga me-l ible, Florida where he hae importa nt inhour and 45 minwhen with the most pr imi- ten Food clubs in the W(,re PI1.~I~ ~lgfI~, ~lJt in l hili W(lrld WI! played, Better come ~9,vn 1\1\\1 I,e~ IItell. tive oC in strumen ts, three wooden repr escnt ed by a team county t erests. ·One of his fi"al official ada o..t of Tow. GII•• ta of two girJa IIICllllurp ver,ytIJ nlr \\'I~h mOlle¥, 'rile t he f \ln . W rt\> 'l'~ ~"II"+ .I11~t h'ow Umplre ll-Moon and H opk ins, shovels and our ha nds we moved t ons and se ven of tbese clube alao sent was the presenta tion of a I'Oport of an Mr. and Hn. Harvey Rye ' enter- hill work to Govern lullY!s ra~Wr; p!!pr~p' '(1p'rdc:ih" Blltlle, of snow a nd icc I,\nd succeed ed in dig-- individu al demonst rator. Donahe y, with Hethoda tained, Sunday, Mm. W. P. Salillbur y, whom he had a longorconfere (JemanRs 1.or h er alimony ot $76,000 ging thll. one plll.n e fr ee fro m its fro- learned In the ir cluh 'Work, Inch nce ye", u of Clevelan d, Mra. Chae. Evanl, HiIII your. The court cnn give her that; zen bcd, terday, and today on leaving hla ofmeasuri ng ingr edients accurate ly, Helen Evane, it ~annot 'g ive ~cr love and ..!l'l!ction . of Xenia, and Mr. and Il.oe declared that "in spite of reporta "B ut on that day, f ollowin g f ailur e ways of in terestin g s mall children lD Mrs. Ruaaell Benlon, of Dellwar e. afte~ {aU urc in t:rying to .get into the dri nking milk, Govern or Donahe y Is one of my very prepara tion of an inWllJil.llll J ennings Brya n made maair, the plan· too k the nir well, our va lids tra y, making attractiv best friends. He will be re-elect ed g017 e ulad. p):' 8 p~~Qh es worth hearing , a nd t he feelings clln never be to ld in words. a nd salud dress ings and making ernor next year a nd I have no fears of wor ld a pplllPI'co d. " Y I'S, we are going to try again, s ugar and oatmeal cookies were but what th e sume prog r easive ' caift' Mra. demHarry Turner, of Dayton, What wo ulp till) world give if he and by the Ilir r out e. But this tim e onstra te d, The judges, Mn. Carl Mn, Kate p'aign of the highway dep artment illl Coleman , MI'1I. Kate Ricks, .ts t'PIIW ~PJIl!l pa ~li IIJl4 ,uoke another it will be in n diri ~ible inst ead of MUler , Franklin, and Mrs. Carl Duke, construc tion work will be conand Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Crane were A lI ~ust & , I \l2{i, I.l~in~ til\! IiI\ttl, lflCJCIL!'f. th lr~y 6t~O nd~ on " Wh~t I tinued just 88 long as he ie chief exSe nator Simeon D. Pcss, of Yellow planes, I do not tbmk the airpiaJle Waynesville, award ed fim place in pleaaan tly entertai ned, Sunday, at .~" lfllllt Fel , Wfillt I I)nllw , a nn !ver.l\r),l pf t tl ~ rnllrr\ag\l of Mr. Springs , Is in line f or the position of is yet dev eloped to th ~ poin t o{ mak- the tl'am demons tTatio ns to the N. R. the home at Mr. and Mrs, Fred B, ecutive." 'r e ' r Went/ t p 14hiute ~ fter ' l a nd Mrs. L. K. Beltz, G, Foud club, of Clea rcr eek townshi p, Henders on and family. about 25 r ei11- ge ne ral Republicun utilily man in t he ing a suc~ css fu l trip t o the Pole. re~fll "The " Ei ther establish ment of new worktivcs a nd f rlcn us gother ed at their next sessio n of Co ng l'css. Besides exactly crew on the n ~ xt t rip will be with Myrtle Beltz and Helen Leichty , t he. su mo as the last. They demons trators. Second place was ~-the job of co nfid ential adviser t o houses or the ope ning of several Mra. Fir.. The British governm ent , to fight home t o celeb rate the event. E.~ertai a. are wonder f ul :men" every one of tied betwee n' the Nonabc l Food club, Sena tur Curt.i s, of Knnsus, maj ority whi ch have been closed, is s oon all one depress ion -In British tra de, ~' i1l un - Bel tz, ab out 25 r eluti ves and f ri ends leader of the Senute, Mra. Alvin Fires waa hosteas at a of the best methods of solving the which he held the m. Facing death, the re never was Lcbunllll , Doris Snook a nd Jeannet te 'd'ertalie int!qrn aponal War d aav'er- gather ed at th eir one word o{ OO .l11pl nint, no lack of Fox, de mons trator ll, and the Sunshin e deliciou s dinner l&IIt Friday evening so lution which confron ts almost evhome to cel\! brate l u ~t session , he is s lated to bl!co me lising pn 11 giga~tic scale. This proves chairman of the Rep ublican sena t o- I urag(l. a nd eve.ry fe Uow giving e v- Food club, Deer field townshi p, Alta which was enjoyed by the followin g e ry count y seat in Ohio today.- the aguib what I!very'body kn !lw~ , t~a~ the event . \l unce of his strength. to save th e Mac Compto n and Edit h Butle r , de m- g uests : Miss Eliza beth Stewart , Mrs, overcro wded prisons and jails... The7 rial committ ee a~ well as chi"r vig iThe tab le was spread in the yard lance "reat Britain baa' statesm en working onstr ato rs, In th e individu al dem - Laura Zell, Mrs. Kate Cole man, Mrs, are all full, accordin g to reperts re.ofllccr lin" parliuDl entarian . an d a huge ,;'hite cake,'ine~t\ld ~"'"~~ ''' Amunds en will be he re in onstration fi1'8t place wa s awarded f pr he" Se'nato r lII flseli . \If Now Hampshir e, to Kate Ricks, Mrs. J. E. Janney and ceived at the division of charitie s October with at " Golden which t An ime niver a mee r~v~ bi,'~n IIpJ!ar, sary" t ing will Marie BCl'caw, of the Su nshine Food Mrs. Ann a Sheeha n. in !ll\1~ w\\o \s l hll present head of the senastate welfue departm ent director . be ~pJ)ro: I!FI e ~t R~ £0 PPOJ1l 00 011101 gPO~~ 'ette r~ f orm~d the'~ntll~Jlle ~ti, toria l committ ee, is a candida te for be held to decide how we can financ e club. and second was given Mary Ply_ John E. Harpor, Baid yea.tcrd ay. ThIIt, Tile B',..i~la~- !,m*~, I.e\!, calic, hal!ert by 'tne Elite ' bakery, of re-e lection n(\Xt year a nd he wi U hllve the next tri p Ilnd other detaile." mire, Sunbeam Foo d clu b, Was hingcon dition is broug ht about by the fact Honored Minne.o la Gu •• t Jnll !found M ~ ste~q)ulret, 18 t~a Hll milto n: 'wali cut by the bride' and his han ds fu ll running his ow Mr. E ll worth iB very modest. He t on towilship. that so many violator a of dry rawa, n cam- would Aua,i\y, plul ailvertls m g, can over- groom of 5Q years, who made their pai g n. Mr. and not Mrs. talk Walter "bout Sheehan himself -nor enIn The the are going to jail 'nst~d of paying record Senntor F ess Clot hin g club the judges wish. ' , ~om~ !lnr tra~~ d ppre88io!!. , made uS chai rma n of the Repu blicn n the imI'Q\·...nt ro le he pillyed, For Mrs. Harry Ra lsto n and Miss Marga: terta ined th e f oll owing g uests at din- th eir large fines io cash. ImpoBlii~ ner, Sunday, !\Ir. and Mrs. Beltz are both in g ood congres sional com mittee inst Mr, allce, a nd how Mrs. be rushed T. P. to r the et McCain resbility of maIIY to secure work and , Le banon placed first the for \O,llr cue, and single• An¥bpdf ,:al) atond poverty, ' lIe- health lind enj oyed the occasion very years W8 8 so successf u ha nded saved two Happy Hour club, of Turtlec reek Tp., Scott and Bon, Thomas , of Lebano n; the immicra tion of many colored men l t qat {III i. oo n- member Mr, Eau~e' alJllol t eVllrypo dy 'is compell ed mu oh. They r eceived many uaeful . idered by and Mrs. John C. Collett, of Day- from the South ill also s 0.( the cre w who had broken with F a iry Corliss a nd P hyllis Cram, far th!! "9S\ tlq ulp pe d man said to be. an~;; '!~.!l i ~: W~' have ~lllnty pf , pra~­ imd beautif fll prese nts. ' ' for the COtJ'usP9n\li ng lien-a t\! jo\l. He througb tb e ice !lnd were etruggli ng demons trators. Second was given ton, and Mrs. Charlell Heathm an, of other reason for over-Qrowdlid COlffiOwaton na, Minneao\l.l, ~jlle: rl'¥' fllln \ltand ,pr o$f erlt y. A relic sea. Those who were pt esunt til ~I\k l! is regard~a t he Madewe ll club, Ha rlan town ship, ty jails. one of the hest strat- in th e A special r eport ia. "eing: --'~ ',ral'fll 1an/ll' Pf} t hp c(lgp p . D~~lIj t ttle ~~f II hapP"¥ el1 ~, f911 o~: ' W· igists In th-e Republi ca n party.- Ye ,with Edna Cleveng er an d Pearl Lyprepare d on th e nnmber ',ot IIrisone ra lpave -boo med, /lnd fannerij nave lioT4 and WI ts. H'en'ry_ Bran(lt, ~ ons, r epreseti n g them. Third place Mr. Edgar low Sp rin ~s N\! we. now serving out fin es outsWe -ot th& Qbul.,.. Part7 I!u~ -af price§' nevcr d ream l.-d ~o'w Bra nen ; - o( 'F'iankli n ; Miss' l;li zaliet h went to the Bachelo r Girls of Washtwo large state penal inatilJlt ions, ancl Mt. a.nd Mrs. Albert Shepher d and when - - --" .......---~ fi'r t!)en lif t}ie Jlu<l den lY ri co" a cc;ordi!ll\' Gepl1art , 01 Spr ingbor o; Mr , a'n d Mrs. ington t ownshi p, t heir t eam being fawilf this is complet ed DIrecto r Harentertai ned laat to doptors, I rc J)ervous /y unbalan ce<l. Leslie Payn e, of Cinoin nMi ; Mr . a n~ Wednes day, By selling $50,00 0 of life insur- Ru th Shawh a n a nd Iva Mill a rd. tb.e f;ollowin g g uests: Mrs, Florenc e per will probabl y m~ recomm endaThe ~h oc k wa~ t.oo much for thcm. Mrs, C. W, Neeley a nd IIl\Qghte r, T he judges eac h day co mplimV ' ted Gra ham and dauglite ti ons ,fo r t he esta bUshme nt of one -or an ce in sixt y 'd ays, Otto Hornick , a r, Juanita , and two II) ppvllr ~y they cou ld novo kept t heir Evely n, of li lllnij tP'l; Mra. Dor/\ -'Yeamore workhou ses at central former re~ide nt of WaynesVille, but all t he t eams hig hly on tl).Q.i,.- W~(lIJJ; Mrs. Clara Woollar d, of Norwoo d, l.talllllOc jnd plil\ itilly. z~ l! 1l11!1 ~ hi!dren , A \ldrey a nd no beffort. -. now of Xenill, a f ree trip to Berth a Lew is and daug hter, Miss points wh er e prisoner s may worlt out:' jlrt, of I4lbnllo n j Mrs, ~or!\ Bayer ot ers'T hecl nnnual meeting of the "'aml- lumbia LiCe Inswon II! q, urance conve ntion at ubs\ wh k h includ ee Lebanon , Opa l, and Mrs. Wlliter Rob erts and t heir fin es .,Istead of sitting arounel Two you ng r o ug h ~, clI~ 1) a gang Dayton; fd r. - Wm, Sntder, of B ianin idlen(t4l! in county jailll... Cedar Point this week. He was acdaug hter, Opal. (;'\ loader, ongaged in 1\ fi 8~ fight, and a chester; Mr . and fd rs. E, O. B It. an ll W l\ynuvi! e li nd I!' ranklin, will be compan ied by Mr~1. Hornic k, Miss MaAlexand er's 'hall at Fran kli,), ~~,d blow on th e head strotche d Anthony daugll ~r, Uelel). : Mr, IInli !\trlI, QIY<l~ held Thu r~day, August 20, Dinn or wiu ry Gretain ger and Miss Mari~ ~.qp ul:tI!-r ~ery f ew of the. politica l sub-dide LU llca, .eve n~lleJ1, deAd on ~h, . Ido- Pl'iQ~ett "pd children , Violet, 13\1l1by on Birthda ,. be lIe.rved a t 12 0' lock (l o'clock • ,- • of the " ,t e have 80 far tallwlllk. and B\l..:ll)'~,_ _ ._._.._ _ _ .. WtI w.isb to tha nk our friende and Richard A. CraBS's birthd,!~ was fait time) by tho ladies of the Presndvantq :e II! the opportu nity, of The pollee will do somethi ng about n ~ighb o rs for their kindnes s during Au g ust 5th and b)'tCl'lIl1 Robert l chu G.'. rCh, wda fo r the 75 leasing cents per the ~ndoned lands of the. , 00 thle, because it w48n't a "regula r otiCQ t he illness nnd death of our beloved 7th , s o Mrs, R .G. CtQi!'JI plate. Plall! are being made fo ~ ~ pfa nned to Miami and' Erie canal routes. Data - - --fight," with ropes around the lighten, ono ; Mrs. Murray for her comfort ing very enjoyable progl'Um, give th em a biri;hw...Y., dinner and en' for fll Wg: of applicat ions ' , , T~e W ay n ~\(Uli .. seh'Oob will op~n words; the ruffians watchin g and ga to recepita 1.or the u.. a nd Mr. McClur e tc~tained thll W ~i)!~ ~,' Mrs. G. L, Kin- of l'dRS, A , K, DAY, '1,1res. Mo.,clIlY·h~.· 7 . . Pupil ~ will for the efficis ingers t &is ta nd began July 14, but 110 fM:that make it profitab le, to violate the ent manner of conduct Raymon d Price, the 14-year- old cald ant:\. ~~.t:., I!~d, Mrs, Charles , onll( olle or two applicat MISS BLANCl bQ yxifecte (~ d ' ~ l.H" to bring ~ '!t~\~-, lunches, ions Uiv&. as a ing th e fun ernl. law. How long will ther States dis- son of Mr. and Mrs. a n<;\. ~u'I ~ te r, ~lIla, SardinIa , bee n tiled. The property , 160 miles Claude Pricej f ull days' att ondnn ~ will be expectgrace themsel ves by licensin g bru- who live in th o Bergan Mrs, Priscilla H a rvcy a nd Faw.i,I.Y:. Mr., s nd, Mrs. R. A, of Cr ollS and Mrs. in length, ill to be leased wn theCall property ' 'q" ¥.t (u '1QIP' Jo" ftrin"a ._ ed, Mr. and Mrs, Morris 0~b,1M'''', talityT 'i Lou ffilrlan. so uth - Main street, WM take!] -1n;1I understa ndin g that for ship' canal purpose s the s tate can at. U:i time I~ .; ~a~ag~ Pf II filling !firl !n ~he cuatll~y 'f\l!l'Ii~y, 110011 - W"·~_l\r.hal \f 'Jlt!~ ',1 IIn,lly· ha~ qa!,~ed nllwQlfa' Ilahtl y fb r ' '!«ea Jlllg f rom the ca ncel the leusos lind r e.t'fU1l the laad.. HOllO"" e«1.. ~U~ Omibn,' .A' PtotCata lh Bishop dorf and SI'rvia garllQ'e, Mr. ~ :Wr.. JalQes Nuctllre en- Politica l Bub-divisio na 'trill be givelll = Mritelf ,the c'oremon y althoug h For Bomo t ime pa. t the compan y ta ined. frid ~ y evenine- fM' Miss Dor- one year in which t o. .torm th. state :CORN ON THE COB 't"h'''e ' mother 'i8 . ' Oathol(C ond hor '" A.. B. 0iAPIN otlw ~a\s. i ll . Guest. to make up three as to wh at part d the canal IABcIr make t he cash drawer come besides missing several tools tnbfeo o.{ " 500" lllOluded Mi88 Dakin, within their b..rders the1 wish to daughtel 'll were hrought up In t h e the shop, Suspicio n r est ed on A{~ that indiTl dli als and <'lathblic faith." " , Mr. aud M.l'L Ihmald Hawke, Mr, and lease, . P . d T - ' 1illllthat ill t/le busine88 r ut i~1t will be Riven an oppol"., of the fam- young rice, un Mrs. J, W. E dwards, Mr. and Mrs. .uesduy Marshal -d ~"lIt ~ tlidse immedia t ,D 'Put in their applica ti ons. tely 'C ori- Bentley was asked to go In the bock Ily ou C, M., Roblble r, Mrs. J . B. Chapma n, d way at no on, while the men went to ......~."m~'r Donahey will appoin ~ a lIti ee Hwriet ta McKins ey, Messrs. ftrned. fB!lt ' P.l 'on~ ,-tatementht rna e dinner. They had scarcely gotten appraiM1's, whose duty it will John Pence and Charles Michene 1;, 1I~ t"e amllv. '/ ou e an' h ll · Ji·...!,;..! r/i," ttie 008erve b Clithollc' church fix. \he valu e of each Parcel oC ou t 0 f hearlllg w en, +h 'Il\~ ~ l'an to 11 en. i"'.&f!"o. 0 , the h\\\!.~ Il.f ~bil huJ); stepped fol' wbieh a lease is sought. The on-_..' Sunda,. Dinner G_~ -" , - -:.~.. _ '¥.~n~ [bUt, rani) lands will be made availalJlie to. to tail' '1l,; ~o(\k, ral,ed ' the back wlnIH~I ~ M;~!~I : dow' and '~ntilrdd Mr. snd Mrs. Th,~ , lia~y enter- polilleal Bub-divisions at 4 pel' cent: hop; The mar, .:.~t,';. : ltf I ".'..:~ I"· ~~ 'I~'tt . . . : ;ijPllIa.ted '011 the Ihal waltlid' unt.1lthlh tained at Sund~tffiI,oer, Mr, "ad ot tile appraise d figure, IlQable a.nite cntered the of~ , .' , behaff' UI.,'\'IIll 'IIaught ers fice, when he 'l"uslled In and i' • Mrs. Jos. \lil",-~Itt, , .. and da~t"'l nually. ' caug ht .1 ,'" "d 'thcl''Udfon'''8hould bl!' brought t~e YOUrg~t~ Wj\h. Th~t Mary \~~, IN::r. enf), Edrich and ~~ loole fa~\~, _~: ,nd Mra. ~lea Lacy Stati ~rcal returna made by 1m'.. h '.,11 C: 1\'Urdl. ' :fl\ere is ~o:geon1;\q~h · ~~\\'t'lan9, Is8 ~~e MQ{ P, ot Cincio- ployera of laboI in Ohio have been I!ath _ r, and 1Itr.. ~arry Lacy, of compile d by tM statlatic al diviaion o~ Waynesvillll \ a"d Mr, and Mrs. John the departm ent of industri al;' rela,.,->' 'i'raY~f daughte r, Martha, of (ions. Tate book is the third such r .... D~¥wn. art COJIlpile since 1913, but tile tint. :t:IlIIl:Sb ba, the etot:1! llfQ.\lCaaned since dthe ell iljl,l!R lfIll . 1l1lUf(!h ~\1Rt will th/ mo etatiltlc al work waa .. 1\ tI , I\~"'., llflcept 'Ill Ill' mll.h,~ llrl)"~ Clnd guide taken over wltb the reol1l'anl ..tlo~ Pl..... t SMiaI E .... t , P....@ _' _'_ _ act, !dvlng tti' of the labor buand• Ip.ft"onQ o 'ho • , .. .... _ •- • ..... _ Complim enting MIIIII )(~ .trd, reau to the contrvl _ moo, departm ent of Indultri al of Hollywo od, Cal., Mr:.. 'Wlll Rua- ,relation s In 1921. The rates of wasum, of Dayton, a",-~ MI.. Dorothy gea, fiuctuat ion <~.rtIJl. employ ment arid I Dakin, of BisJ;l)_"~, N. D., Miaa TrIl- wqe and aa1aryofpaymen lena ,and lIaraar et Edw~d. en- durinr 1928 .& re embodie dtsfit-IntheOhio , , Style. ' and " cuetoms change io IllI rete~w.9d .'fIOUt 26 friendl l ..~ Fridal port. 1'he report hnes of buslnel58. The buglnl!llB man covers all Indu.. ~ __ rnoon. Five tablee of "'00 trlee with the exc~tio who up with the times must were made up. The guests eDjo~cl railroad s, mines and n of intersta te quarriee . The of work 1 ~~:~:ri~ln'::liv~stYlesIn andthemodeB' a delightf ul afternoo n, e\ c:lose' wage data is underta king 1,287,96 8 emplo1. .e_ of whi~h a deliciou s t~ltntt lunch reported by for Old-~ty! ~ \\\l-f,I'!I\l' ia being 26,904 was aerved by the Itpt.t4luea. _liled statistic al ,lnforma empeye ra. The t.t\9 1111\ouslne funeral tlon for mines anti by Mrs. J. W. E4wv~ and MiM Kaq quarries has McClur e and Son been compile d separat .Leah Edwull.. Iy In another report. A previou l re-. of ' theBe beautifu l' port of the type juat laaued wu pub--~ l~:;'~t!'~'e~:~i;~~~i to their alread~ I~hed in 1916. S.....7 VIal...



--- ---


oc iB !;i j . ,- =:' ;

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tea 6r 'tW


..... ..- - --




Wins Free Trip

Annu al Meeting


of Than ks



Youth Arre sted

--... .. e.




'I 'd..


I o,,1'1




.,m ~~~,;~\\\~;e i~\1r)~3r~"'.;~ ti~ \tIa~ mp.~her8 ~~. !lllo~nill ~fh~~ waa








New Equipment



1Ir.. eel lin. , A. B. famIlY' enwna intd to 1\Il', Mr. and Mn, J.,awrtn ce IUId cbUdren j Gen. IUId Betty. hllnbu.. Mr. lUIiI lin. Jam_ ad cJillctrea. PaaL Belen IUI~ of Sprlndl .ld" lb. and Mn. . Field., of Lumber ton, Mrs. L.: F)e~ and daaehte r, Ven, , KInamA a, WUbur lUI_d Helen Myers, 'of ]tenia, Mr. and Mrs. Be~j~miD B,ecke,~--ancl lIOn, J~lor, lUIel lin. E. E. Beek~ AJree and Ion, WWiam , 'of Norw-ood. Afterno on e.nen wen Mr. WIU1am Koeppen ad IOn. Eu-



lDfer,ofof=:w.- __ , ~.u 1.~••!NIl~.


, .""~~"~


.............. .NEWS GL~ANED ~



i i

Madden's Lumber Yard W aynes v ile, Ohio





The favorabl e trade bal unce of the Unit('d Slates for the fisca l year ending June 30, t!xceeded a billion dolIIlr!I aocording to figure s just mad e pulllic by the Department of Commerce. Tho exports were valued at S it I II , $4,85 7,654 ,344 und the Imports at $3,824,0 72 ,847 . Both \hc im ports and exports for the fiscal ye ar exceeded those of any - NOTARY PUBLIC of the 1lrevious five years. The faI , bulance was greater than thal Willi I)qWD' ·Eltata SoUled vorable of any of the last three fiscal yean, although it was less than that fOI' the WayneavlllB, Ohio year end ed June 30, 1922. Gold movem en t fur June was small ''':. National Buk " but the te ndency ' for gold to leave the United States was shown to be still in operation. The nation lost $2 ,286,345 iii gold, imports being R.E.BATRA W AT $4,4l!6,135 and e xports $6,712,480. , Figures published by the United DENTIST States Chambl!r. of Commerce show many substantial gains in exports And X-O-O~APHIST during the fir st quarter of 1926. ExWQMIYIIIe. • • Ohio. ports f or the quarter were forty-eight per cent greater than for the 'same . :rel8phone lU, peri od of 1922. .. A large pa r t of this increase in OrFICE: , BArHAWAY BLDG, expo rt~ , " it is, explained, " was due to Europe's r~covery of purch a~ ing :~ 'I ON' MAIN STREET power s hipments to that continent in the first qu a rter of 1925 being ,: ' sixty-two per cent greater in value 'tna n -for th" first quarter o f 1 022. :i-J . As a Dlatter of fact, nearly twothirds of our e xports for the first three months of 1926 were purchased by I Europe--a far greater proportion than she had taken since the buying ~ . . orgy of 1920. This European dei.oJ EYt!$'iDAMINED mand was reflected in our heavy exports of cotton, copper, lead, zinc, ;11:1 Oil cake and meal, machinery and P'~~i~AI,R SERViCE many other lines. The leading export commodity Will I t.. "'L. !". raw cotton, with automobiles second. E..". Exports of wheat stood third in the and fourth in rank was the pe~ 5 p. m. list troleum group. 4 .... . ""'.) t t, '\ The report continues: "The in.-utoom GranreBldg' creasing Importance and stability of our export trade is demonatrated by W.peni.U... Ohio the fact that since the days of the inDated values of 1919, ' 1920 and the first part of 1921 steady gains, .;;'., ~ ,Pffice: year by yenr, with no setbaok, have been made in fifteen out of fI,tty of 'M~ South &own Street. our principal. export opmmodities. ."" OWW ~ ·Theater This elite clasa consists of raw cot: Da)'tOn, Ohio ton, automobiles, refined copper, lard, wheat fl our, ugricultural machinery, hams and shoulders, gas and fuel oil, fish brass a nd bronze printed matter, medicin als and pharmaceuticals, parratin wax. typewriters, paints, pig. me n lS and var llishes and tools. " • • 1 "Two jt(' I1lS ullly have shown a .10 ,. ... tend e ncy LJ keep the downward FOIl, aMI! BILLS AND GE.NERAL Kn,de- cigarettes (China is our big market) and fertili~~." P~ICa.'·£ALL THE __. _ _ _ .•GAZ~TTE.





D ••

Will·F. Young .Optometrist .... cUSS'ES' FITtED ~

The Millmi Gazette



:, ... " .• .l•.iD. to 1ft


PROBATE PROCEEDINGS The cou rt find s nnd dHe rmin es th(' n('t " olue of t he ~sl>,t~ of Herschel Fi she r to h~ $237!i .1 0_ In t he matter of the estate of Mary Youn g , deceased. Amos Dinkley fil ed in court hi s exceptions to th e accoun t of George E. Fryberge r , executor. J . Mer rill Bone was a ppointed adminislra tor de bonis n on with th e will e nnexe d of the estate of T. D. Morris, deceased. Bond, $2000. EI5ie Snook appeured in open court and accepted the appointment a s gu ard ian of J ennie Conrey, lin incom peten t. In the matter of the estate of Thaddeu s D. Morris, deceased, the resignation of George E. Young, as executor was accepted. , In the mutter of the estate of Martha A. Denlinger, deceased, the resig. nation of Firman R. Weir, and Wm. Weir, as administrators was ac· cepted. Margaret V. Boxwell, el{ecutrlx of the cstate of Alex Baxwell, deceased, fil ed her first and final accoul,lt. The wi ll ofC. B. Conover, neceas • cd, WIIS admitted to probate. Laura B. Conover was appointed executrix of th e estute. Howard :Monger, Sam Price and Charles Mount were appointed appraisers. Lultious Mounts was appointed appraiser of the estate of Nettie Hutings , deceased, instead of ~e McCor· mick, who was unable to attend·to his duties as such. In the matter of the estate at Martha A ,Denlinger, deceased, Frank C. Anilerson Was apppointed administrator de bonis non. Bond $2000. In the matter of the application of Orem Jordan for termination of guardianship, said guardianship was terminated. The will of Susannah Whetsel, decellsed, was admitted to probate. Clyd e E. Levlcy was appointed admin istrator with the will annexed of the estate. Bond $500. Frank L . Harris, Walter T. Jordnn lind W. W. Welc h w ere app ointed appralsen, In t he matter of the estate of Mary E. Cafferty, deceased, dower interest o f Churles Cafferty, as widower of th e dcacea sed, \vas fixed. Allron Trimble , guardian of Carrie L. Trimble, insane, filed his first li nd flnnl account. Laura Greplr, as executrix 01 the estate of Ang~Jinc Spen ~e, deceased, filed her Inventory arid IIJl1>,ail,iement, She a lso fil ed her IIrst and fllla} 9Ccount. David Mason was apoointed admiraistrator of the estate 01 Ralph E. Mason, dec~ased, Bond $~60Q, Appraisers appointed were Will Kersey, John Sherwood lind Lucius Frazier. MARRIAGE LICENSES Abijah Cox, laborer, and Esther C. Caskey, both of Franklin. Paul Louis Lackens, IIccountant, and Mary Margaret Morgan, both of Franklin. Carl Croll, dairyman of Franklin , .lind Alice C. She ehan, o f Waynesville.


r, ~


Jesse Stanley Auctioneer



..tiel.ctlon' or charll'e

centerville, O. Phon. No.2


New.BUrlington, O. Phone ' No. 320

month' d ~xp ora tl,e Sargoss o sea and off Cul np ug o> i, lon.l 5, nolo m ny new lopecimcn 01 ~ n iOT t hc ' at'l M ,, ~cof ' N"tural Hi ~ ory by Dr. W 11\. Deebe ~l<pcdi­ tion which just returned. Deep sea fi s h~s with " show window" or tronsparent s tomach.; othors with "lighting" pl an t s of th eir owni are some of t he wonders brought

COMMON PLE AS PROC EEDI NGS III Lho maHer o f William R if, plain ti ff, in error. and the tate of Ohi o, defl' nuant in err or, the former \\'as A'rantcd knve t o fil e petition in error . S~rvic c on unknUWll hrirs was ordered in t he ll1"tt~r of Holen MarA'olis \'~. Mildred B. Mnrgolis, liS Ildmini"trntrix of the e$latc of Max Mal'~ Il li fi deceased . ct III. T he co urt 'conKide r ed that pl llintiff shuuld r ecover fr om d e fe ndant S2(io .r, R in th e mlltter o f W . P. Chlrk \'5. L1 l,),d D. J! owutt and Harry Me · Fl'dy. Dh'orce \\'IIS j."1'anled in the case of Abijoh Cox w. RlI r nh Cox . In the matter o f W ill in m E. H offer VS. William EdwlIroi Blai r lea ve \\'a~ I(rant('d plaintiff tn fi le umeruled pet ition. F indin g c\" f endull t ~uil ty o f ~ros~ ne)!1 'c t uf d ut y. d j\'" r ~c was I,( rnnt~d in the ellSc o f J ennie A . LeScu r V B. ~' rnncis M_ LeSeu r.

REAL ESTATE . TRANSFERS G_ T. and Willa E. Flowers, to G . E . Nell, 104 acres, $ 1. G. E. and Ella R. Nell to Oowen 1;. and J essie D. Bannon, 164 acres, $1 . Luella M. Scott to Tony and Mabel Rittner, lost in Mpson, $1. Tom Marianos to Harley E . and Eleanor Trimble, lot in Franklin. $1. James H. and Myrtle V. Hollingshead to David Norman and Bernice S. Mills, allout 69 a~res in Turtle---- ----..·1.~----cree k Tp., $1. Wenzel H erres \0 Rufina Herres, a.A'I~I,.ED 'M t.S. PAYS THE .AD. ON LIFE'S MAIN STREET ab,out 115 acres in Massie Tp., $1. ,li:dna Knapp to U. G. nnd Stella "UTIIER IIORE THAN A HUN A pre ttl.. ,good fi rm IS . W atc h & W ale, Whetzel: 1~ ' 3n ' W~ynesville, $1. 0 " PU CENT. TRY US. ' And another is Attit, Early & Laty e; JeMe L. DU/l1(prR' fo Jll. oward lams, lot in Morrow, $1 . .. ~. And still another is 000 & Dairet; Geo. E . Young to I"ranis fl, !/,lId But the best is probably Grinn & Barrett. . Mable L. Hall, about 175 acres TurtJecreek Tp., $1. R. Jenni e Mc.Clung to John W. McClun~, about 145 acres in Deerfield Tp., $1. Fred .W. Wadsworth to Myron R. and Inez Mcngle Johnston, tract in Lebanon, $1. .L eanna Gray to Fred Gray, lot in Franklin ,U. " Nicholas Rou ster to Harry Ivins, agout 16 acres, $1. . J.~n ~. Coffman to Charles 1.. 81znr, str,ip pi. 19nd in Turtlecreek TpI, Date )'our .ale. with u.. .Wekuarantee

F. T. Martin

Sou~~!~~~t lf~n' ;~~~

"A ftc I' tin rk'. 'Ill Oh io Stut c fllir, A u!-:usl a I to September 6 , will dis-

" in j' o llnt' p!i\ on! to Lc th(! hcl\ cfic"'n t'~ i n " nr )'in~ lind ~ tll 'S tan ti,, 1 S Ulll ~, 1h"""lth t he di~tribution of mntlC')' cu nti nl-{ rr m lh Sb .'· of uulo-

" I"se il1 l1u ml !·" l..le nt tTact ioi18 and e\'ents. 'ight c .. uwds ut the Stat e fair huve g ruwn tu 'nOI'I11OUS proportions. A ~ a re~u 1t, ' tnt(O fnir mann goment hUB dcvolupud felllures that will have a ~rent ('opu Illr uppeal. Bel! use thiR v,'u\' mllrks the Dinmond Jubil ee an nivcrsary of til<' f,,"nding jot the StulA' fnir . ha rlos V. Truax, director uf uJ,;J"iculturc , hns made a sped nl ('.f fort to build ul' 1\ prnl! r nm thnt WI ll prope rl y I l llHI1I ~1lI0rntc t hi s occusi('ln . "Murch ill)." On ." th e Diumnrd Jub· il('1' Sl'l'ctllde, will loe l he mos t pre· te lltious unoertnki .,J.: of its kind ever pres,,,.tl'd lit lh" Stu te {ai r. It will piclu l'u vivid Iy the malerlal progress

mobile licensc tugs, by S cretary of State. Col. Thud II . Brown. Col. Brown hus iss ued voucher~ to· taling ~ I . iG2. !J52.U7. TheMe will h e uist ribut ed tu till' d ilTerl'nt counties and 10cIII lllxi ng sub -divisions . WurI'Unt~ nrc to be He nt at once to t he auditur of t he \'orious c'o unties ,lind each will he in filII for the alllount t.o whic h the (' Otll1ty, including l11u tliciI' nliti(. 1h ~ I' e in, is entitled. I ' rHl er thi ~ di stributi on Wllrren c(,.untY.. ,ll~d .i~ s. nlllni cil'u liLicft will Le

j.!I\' c n $vt(Jrl(J . .!,.L

This is t he "('cund distribution o f tl,.. y ... ur ,,,,,d,, LJy Col. flrown. 1'1 ~1" rch thel'" \\·us u se ltlemcnt with cuunt ie s

t il l'

r l·lH: hiuJ..!'

$rJ,n~~J.~7:L 1:~ ~ i rl ( (,>


Ko n £' tn the

even t wi ll IJc n g'lI r~t"u u~ di sp by ,:f

fil',·\\·('rks. TIll' NiJ.!' hl lI orNe , how ot the Cul-

that t ht' wlo" ll' s um which th e. Sccre'/I • t], ,,

~ra h'


d i~h ll"~ l ' d t hu ~


Yl'ar r ~I~I~s .$ ~U:! .i8,fi .IG .::! G.

Record Busines~ By ARTHUR BRISBANE Mr. Bee be, back from scientific travels and deep sea ex plorati un, t ells of s trange fi ~ h es oC the d eep sea. Broug ht to lh e s urface, th ey expand and die of a disease like the "bends" that kills workme n s uddenly coming from cais80ns under high air prclI8ure. Deep sea fish carry ligh ts to at.tract their prey, and to identify each other. 'Fhe male sometimes carries one, the female two lights, and vice versa. C.ertain fishes oorry and co ntrol colonies of light-giving bacteria within their own bodies. These they can cover up at will, with a con trivance like an eyelid or curtain, making signals from fish to fish possible and s h~tting off light in ftlght trom p.nemles. Mr. Beebe's disc overies, and those of his assistants, will deeply interest those that deny evolution with its gradual changes and adaptati ons, an d believe all fish (lnd all th eir colonies of Iight.glving bacteria were created at the same houl'. The "HalobatE!s," sea -going insects, described by Dr'. Beebe, wulk along the surface of the ocean so lightly that their reet do not get wet upheld hy "the tension of the wa'te r." They lay the ir eggs on the f(>lIth ~ rs of sea gull wings, and, li v in~ an d dying at lila, Elalobates cannot en. dure direc£' conttlct with water, One drop on their backs causes deat.h. The Amphioxus will cheer the antlevolutionist, momentarily, for accord -

in g to science, he is now exnclly a s he W;oR 50_000,000 yea rs UI(O. No chllnge since th('n, but of ClJursl' th at mak('s the world mll re th;on 6,000 years old. Bes;'l ('s, l" 'ol uti onis ls in their theories 1I ~ (' pVl'n poo r )oItntiollur'y Am · ph ioxus. They sny his faintly o utIinl'd' is th,' nncestor or e ve ry ba l'kloollc on the globe , whether of fish, r eptil a, bird 0 1' animul. In fuct, Am phi oxus , living with his tail buri .. d in the sand and taking Rny thing tha t fl onts inlo hi~ mouth, is alleged to be the direct ancestor of man. That is a dreadful thought, althoug h th ere are human beinJ,'S calling themsel v('s "A n stoc ratic " that Jive very much in the Amphi ox us sty le, or, at least with as Iittlo ef\'ort, and with as little backbone.

nfH ('l· ~ .

In s I

w cco k.

will h ri ll J!



'! SO'lIt!

th e L('s t

in th " l'o Ulltry, Suppul'l iii)! th,'. " ~\''' nl " will Ill' II ~e ri'H~ (If nttr:1(' t iOfl !-i that h "\' 1' hpl'n s~ l t;.i(' t Q d

lu:.:\utott.· uf Ih" ir vu lu e f f ll lll tHlt ... rtHiJIJP(·l1L 1'hl'

Dl\nU' Ht ic

:.I OO-picel' AII-Ohiu lIil!h Sd lOol bll l,,1 will h nve conc(ll'ts; C ,' r"nl' U'S u ,fi ciul Anwr icu u I.l'lfio n b ')P cI " ill t' lIrn iRh

music; lhe

n i oi in~

l.Ioyds wi ll :'I" ' s(,lIt

acrtlhntic l'iuin~ ~ lll n l~' t 11(1 I: · .. .:UI!O S lll n ~ h c rs huv e n c .. ",,,lIy act. I\lI d A n -

"Hies ,,\' F ord rnrs und t ru ck. tnlD.lled t.h'rHCl U's COlllcd y cin' us hns h l.'l·n 1 (i7,()!.!li in .J lI l~· . ('x ce~' d i n ~ by fi. 1K2 pi ck('d b,'cnuso flf iL< nLility to 1'1'0tho,",(' of H Y"lH U1!O . sni C5 of I'\u'os o n tr nct ,') r : ' " £' n ' Il'~o r {\ tha n :L:=! UO l!1·l' :tt·

du ('

e r th;;" l a~t yeill' and 20 7 m"r(' l.incoIn i"'S \\'1'1'1' d,·li,·,'red to 'u$lllnw rs dUI' ing the l1I (1 nth than in th e rj'~ vi uu ~

.Ju ly.

luug h s.

wh Ll l t.' f'O l1 W



Sill'll on rond ncar a hllth ing h" nch ., f Rranc h r eports re- - " \V nrning- - Dnngert'us Cu rvea ca d y in .Ju ly . th e c" mvany "hend." . .

lh~ ba"i~

lin cei vl' d

anlk i patt.'d a n i nC l"l'u:-\c d vo lum e o f bu ~ in ess

nnd \\'hile it

I'r~ rlicted

t ha t

8Umml!r h uying wou ld ri :i.e tl" n h ir: hcr l('\'c! lI on n usual. the d,' mand f" r a ll

F" r d produ cl H durin/.!' the m onth (' xcecded expectut ions.

This Week's Cross-Word Puzzle This , oross-word puzzle wns IIrI'Ilnged by Willi a m Dowdle. He hopes thnt you wlil like it. and we a l' ll sure you ' will. We will admit, though, thtlt you are going to hav e a Iit t.le


h l ' r~,·~

t he ~tn nd p('i l l t u r

During the month just fO nderi t.ho Ford Motor Co ., rlirl n r(' ('ord July husilll' SS in eve r y di"ishHL It wus "nnounced nt the Ilifr hlllnd f' nrk ~~n­ el'n l


b.i see n frflm thn'e pl'nnUllf'ut KtU'-:l'S t hat UI'C I H 'i ll~!' ,'r,·t:l t·(1 i ll the Tllet' tl'ack (·"clnKul·". Till' fina le of Ihi"

Stute Highway j~ppar tm C' nt t fnr rond purpO ~ l· ~ . unde r prnyi :-.. inn o f IHw . :\0 tarv of

u f 76

lnclud c·d in \ ], l' (,list will be sl!v" rul hundn·d '''''' Ille a nd th e s pudl\c\e will

.J an uary.

A n equu l unltlu nl


uf Oh il\ O\'er a

th o Utl IU'CCC-

oI ,·"tcd l"lul (Of $a . B02 . :I~0.:U. Added to tIll' prl'Sl' nt il makes n tll l a l o f

Dr. John W. Miller


more trouble with this one than with som of the easier onos we have huen send ing you. We nre not generoull when we give you just twonty mlnutos for this one.

Walter Me.Clur e FUNF.R~"

OIlU;1. TU~

Waynesville, Ohio

Fully Equipped for l~utlil Service. Large i) 'splay ~ U()III Amhulance Service T!;LEPHONE 7

Estella und R08s C. Lewis t o Ada and Wesley Pierso~ tract in Humi1ton Tp., $1. Salon e and Orie Roberts to Delaney S. and Mattie Cart er, lot in

\I."" Ok NIOHT

Harvey sbur~. $ 1.

John L. Lowl'Y to Gray Brothers, tract ill Mtlssio Tp., $ 1. Al oysius e.-- und--l;inn Lohlbcck to J oshua and CarTie Hill, four tracL~ in Hamilton Tp., $1. COMMISSIONERS' REPORT Stella Martin, blind pension due S!!rah Mar~in, $1l.10; H. E. Dilutu sh, coronsr, mqu cst, Ge orge Ballard, $5.65; W. H. fitanage Co., supplies for treasurer, :$44.26; s uppli es f or commissioner'll. $36.00; -,Il upplies . 'fo r au",itor, $243.76; Perrect Type wr lter Key Co., supplies for Cll!r~ orCourts $4.00; sume fa raud itor, $4.00; snme for Pros. Atty, $4 .00; The Ohio {.aw Reporter Go.; Digest, $6.00; Western Star, proof of publication, $2.75; F. J. Lewis, clerk, exprj'ltiS .of pk'g., 38e; Th e Columbus Blank Book Co., supplies for Auditor, $28.40; Charles Mount, gas,_ $2.26; Alfred C. Brant. sheriff, dog chllin and collar, 85c; A. B. Kaufman, supplies for jnn , $8.33; 8uppUes for court houso,. $1.63 L. G. Ander'llon Co., lumber, $179 .50; L. S. Walker, ditching, $7.00 : Cha s. F. Clark, road all for Lytl e , $RIJ.:lO ; W. H. Madden & Co., lum ber, $7 .50 ; E. S. Donnell pel' W. G. Thompson, estimate on Nos, 811 , 824 and 920, $559.45; The Oregeonia Brid~e Co., equipment repu ir, $6 .63; brid ge r e-' pair, $133. 14; W. F. Il urper. ,ame, $36.86; Eugene Harper, same, $56.45 John Urton, pnyroll, $8 9.75; J. K. Spencer, gravel" $326.00; bridge lum ber and deliverlr, $583.30.


so IT GOES Sing a song of. sixpence, Everyone is dry; Fqur and twenty, bar birds, /!;. . yelping 'for mince pie. W~~ 1J).~ .);lie was opened, I Those llTi"jj»' '''jllit'tln~ ' !lin.S" Sweet Adeline !Ina . 4"!Jrn llWJ, Hoo-ray-the ve,y tinS', ""



Sales Apprent\l!e:-"I Bugge.tyou sen~me to Europe' t6. lell our Textile oollng, 1'", ,Ieen reeding the pap 8 very car.afally and I'vet'dillcoveredtthat the 1'00.1 on livery reial' palace leaks 1earfUJUy," . f$1. ., ' . , . .; . Sales Manager-,-"Did it 801" Mary L. ~~~ Maxton Salell Apprentlce--"Well, ~~ot ezto WiI.liillli P. Al)a 'Edna ' I Y~r, Int In actlY-but it dld '.tate that all crown 1.1lf!~}§ lIle freq1llently soaked." •.; _... .... .. . ~. , ...... .... .1. 1 _ _ . ___ ,. in South 'L ebanon, $1'.-" -' . . .. . ,Ol!CaJ' lind Emma ·ilowar.d ~ ~. Cla!r flt" lot iIJ CO,14 ·SP~/ ·,~.' .



Discovers New '\Vonder of- the Sea



DR. E. M. RUDOLPH The Eye 'hthl


At Cary's Jewelry Shop Lebanon, Ohio

Every 8



1 4

Legal Science. Darkens. o A vcgetllble. 12 Make ashame.Q. 1a Neg!J,LlVl! . 14 To acntlhulate and ~ ay[!. 15 A co{oP. ' . .. " ' 16 Simil ar '. 18 Toward, 19 Name o( an automobile. ::!O Rt!lating or belonging to ~~e ",lvI'S. . 22 Storc], ousesiaLhny. ~a Pronollll feminine possessive. 25 To misreprellent wilfully the ch;orllctcr of a peTson, ~j Below, ev· 30 Th~ m o on'~ Ilg~ !I~ the t s~ ery month. ~2 Fruit of f~ rn s . 31) To picce out, :i6 Jumps. . 30 Tree bearing fruit resembling the o.range (plural ). 40 Principal island in Malay Archepelego. '11 Two·footed. 112 A little at a time. 44 The last m eas ures of a sOl)g. 45 · T est or trial. 47 Guided . 49 A day on which courts are not held. 61 Especially (abbr.). 63 Propelled. 54 Steeps. 56 Looked. ,~m,i lur. . , pt~ ' lP~a"inj!' \fouble. ~llIi!i~ 1J ra"ij; ... .. : To cro u!;h, Nothing (Scowh), By eurfrlse. ' , , Belongmjl' to a .boat. 67 Sea urchin. 68 ,b.ftlnnative.


DOWN A ('.one-bearing tree. ' NickJ)ame of. a famous president LOng-legged ,wading _bird. A. pallBBge ·f or light or air. o Inde1lnite artide, . . 50 Sjlot: IT .(;onjunction.

1 2 3 4


. 1 • •••: • • 1 · f ••


10 I! 17 18 21 22 24 26 28 29 ~I ~2

The coast. Annly ze. Before. To worship. A father. Diplomucy. The DUck of !.he neck. To' butt; as 'witli Ole-' h enel. CQ,rrll!!ive. .: . Old baron, of Japan. !fo t.ell~inc., ~ a h~w: " A pji~p l (p-ailJ! .';ilJrip) : AC crue! k!ng('j3I~! ') : ry.


I ueaday 111 ·10 ..


HAVE' YOUR EYES WillED --. -.-

-..-.---,-.;...--.. r~~ Rppp~:­

ld~~ QY~

3L Knpe k. ~LASSIF:'~ _ 34 omeiimes writt~n (or "said." 36 In th e place cited (abbr. ) . AD. C9LUMH , . . . . .. 37 Conjunction meanillg II in. ~~­ ditio"." 38 Pi$e~8 slgn.a l. 42 To bear. 4:1 A m eaJl Ure of w~ight (~lu Faj) : .' 45 '(last" .y .( p) url'!) J 46 Nourl ~hm ont, -~. . . • ",-...~ - ':"::" .......... ,: .!:..~-t::..... __ 47 To conduct. 48 Endowed . ·10 A male bird; -.~ 50 River Diety. LOA N~ on Chattolll,Sto~kH, IiIlIllufl\. 51 Composition. tics lind Second Mortgage!. Notel 52 Berry-llke bodies. bougM, John Harblne Jr" Xenia, 56 Collection 01 90y Ings. 68 A woodlike guiacum (abbr.). Ohio. .m80.!l!e 61 Frozen vapor . . 63 An Ea ~tern state. 64 Printer's measure, Farmcn of Warren af\d adjoin In. counties may obtain money on ' loni Ailiwer to La" Week'i Puzale time loans, at 6 % per cent Interelt, Cost of .ecuring the lame i. veri·r ..lIonable ,through The Federal Land Bank. For further lnform'at~~l\ . call on or ad~re811 nJ.!~HSl(,,~~ urer, plllUlfl If''~~, M1liPRII, 'A'litii~

. .,

CLASSifiED ADS, .--..

Farmers, Attention!

14, p.


' -.

:e::. , ....


bAS~-;or . Qe~tal' ~id",i.Ut\~"';. Silver; Dlamon'da, m"ne~ ··polntl,

false teeth, JewelrYl anJ va1I1.~le., Mail today, Oash Df rlttlr" mall. Hoke S. " R. Co., ~tleJrCi " Mlch,




,,-; ...

I ·


RENT-Garage. · )fn. AmeliA William!, 4th ·" Tyler St.: -.12



The Miami Gazette

·....1:HE MIAM I



ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY' , En t ered ut . tho Postoffic e a t WUYI1(!~ v i1Jo, D., uS D. L

cco nd Class Ma il Matt er

CRAN E, Edil or a nd Pu bliahe r, Wa )'n~'lI'lJlc, Obio Subscrip ti on .Price, $1.00 per yea r.


AUGUST ]2. lH6



fair, is it ? And if it is, it is n't very , 3cnsible. We arc 1111 working toW e may have our fiiifC' rences of ge ~ h er t\) make th e home town opinion in mutt er of politi cs ; w e IlHIY brlghtl' r lind better lind t he prope rty not agree on th e s uuj ,'ct ue relig ion ; of !!ve l'y 011 0 1I1 0re valuuble. sOllle of us have noti ons th at oth('r folks think are urnzy and other f olks Now t hey ha vtJ fo und 11 fi sh wit h have ideas we think luck in ~o u n d it's o\\' n elec tri cal lig-hUng pl ant, sl1f e r easoning ; but on o ne po int V.' e °ll . I)' slor l' c1 in its inte rior, No poor nil agreed- we 11 11 WUllt to gce , ' J " li ~ h th e re. hOllle town g row and prosper. SOllie expcrtll co nte nd thnt g nurl So me folks are wo rryin g about the tl'1lding fll c-Uitica build population in cum e lax. but mosl folk s arc W " I'alld reul <'SLate v llluc~ ; other s s ay ryin" how to !rut a n inco mc ~ 1If1 i · thllt good s tores f ollow popUlati on, cienlly la rge tn call fol' a tux. but ugllin , 1111 agr('o lhut locill pros· perity cnn nuv er come until ad equat e Th e e xecutive council of the A. F. troding fllciliti Ni urc esta blished. Good sto res arc th e life of nll y of L. a nn o un "~R th llt it ,,;11 o pernte community. Mureo ve r we know we o n non· pa rtisun lin eR, he nceforth. cannot hllve good s tores if th ey are It mi ght 11 5 well . No one carries th e not pront,ubly supported. No town vote cor .. he American workman in . ...D'~ WAS ever built by its inhabitants his pocket. ftunding their money out of town, A Some folks complain that the govdol bar spent in town travels from the bom!! to the grocer, to th e butch- ernm ent d oes not help busine",<. er, tblln w the hardware merchant, Maybe they're right. Eng lund he lp s and 80 on around the whole wheel of shipping men and France c e ~ tn inly 'home tradll, Spent in the town the aids the undertuk ers. dollar remains 10 the town and adds President Coolidge's son won pre · to the town's wealth. DoY a ,l d by roan gather8 enough 01 these floating motion the first day he atte nded borne· town dollars, bulldl anothlll camp. Eliliu Root's son arOB' fmm honlB or make. an addition to his a street-cllr co nductor to the PT,'si . lltore, and 80 values increaae, be:')e· deney of the street ruilway ':ompany fitting everybody. Spent out of town in .ix monthll. You can't kCl'V clever bOYII down. Ule dollar has gone toreyer. Thllre are somo folks who buy their IIpool. of cotton and now and The bilJ nClw'~lIpen In their Illual thlln a yard or two of gooda at home, "human mterest' Bob IItory way, ex· but when thc}' wlJ.nt to buy a fur COllt plain that Gov. Miriam A. Ferguson, or a plano they 8'ot out the mail-or- of Texas, could not sleep all night der catalogue or go out of town. knowing a boy was to be exe~ut e d. Th.)' UH tho homo town 1lIllrc-hantE "Suddenly leaping from bed ~he we nt to lUI thuir Plltty needs but when he to the telllPhone, and ordered a co m . baa • chance to mlil\e a rea80n~ble mutation of sentence." That's a l1ew profit they forget him. It'a scarcely Way to cure insomnia. ... " -f.. _



,. ~ .,.."

'\t,.",I,.t R,,,,,IIIII

Mr, ana'!l. J, W.

W~ltll nnd son, rred, I'eturnllll Fri<lay last from a vis. it at Jam(lltowlI unli o\1th Charl es· town. At the la t t!!r place they had the plellllure of taking part In a reunion of the Taft and BraWl) fllmili~8 at the home of Mr. WilIhlm Brown. Mrs. White lind lamlly Mlpr(lIQ!ltlld her II1PPlllr, fill'll. A. J.. f'!lrr, sister o,f MrM. Brllwn tfll!Y hllilljJ members of ~he Talt ~i~e of tl)\l flou~e. AhO\1t twenty pefl!OJl~ were present; at the reunion, IImong thorn Prof. E, Vun Cleve Ilnd wife, M1'1', Van Olllvl;l beIng " ~al!ghtp, of Mra, l'rown, The oUC8810n I. 8/lld to have been highly enjoynbill.



States weather bureau slloWl! that tile l1igl1e~t te nlpera~ure reacl1ed . w~ s 99'h demlll , to be e xaQt. Thll 18 the hlR'hel\t temp el'utur\l on record, with onc exoeptlon, for 12 years. On the 4tlt ot Aug\l st, 1887, th e maxi· mum reached was an even 100 de· grees. There has bell n no tim e duro ing August 1887 !lnq Augus t 18,9 9. when the th ermometer had been 80 high. 'fills ill not ~hC! hottest wel\ther in Cinolnnati, however. The Qat . test !IllY tn CinC'i nnati during the past 28 y~urs occurred on July ] 0, 1831. when the th erm ometer reached 194 degrees, but Wednesday will ~o down into history ItfI being the lIatteat day in August in Cjncjnnllti during ape· riod of twelVil yeara, Other Notet


E.. 'ntainecl Little Folk.

h d h That wal a faIry Icene we a t e pleallure of ",ltne"llng lit tho hQmo ot Mias Klzzie Merritt Tl1!It week, when I• 1 hlld b eighteen eaut ,u e ren gath e~e d on the green lawn on the ehlldy IIlde of the houee, and while Aunts Rachel KeYII and Emma Cartwright c~m:d for the doll babiell, and Aunt KI:ZIC and Miss Belle Brown arranged the refrellhment table the little girls and boys amused themsclvel In their o~n congenial way. The eompan~ Willi In honor of Margaret Merritt II sixth birthday. The follo. wing wero pres· ent: Rosanna Dakin, Ray Furnas, Florence Emery, He Ien St 0 k es, G i:hli,th, Ada fdichener, Marje Fur:< J an 1\ ey. E mm~ H,u \like · 'E(fJlla ' , . ba, lIu' ,UIl' Janney, .f.rank Emery. Uar-


M'oe/ulr. ·RolPn· Sml'th. Wlln~ l:l~n-


i , ·T.i:~~. ' !.i(lslc'ex, ~litiiar t' MetTltt, eahlir M'-Ct'rl~t .. Charles ~err!tt Jr., pilJ Gwehdol:;.h Mprritt. " ,. • . .. . • . • ptellDion at qld HOD1,~te~d p. Th~~d~~ ~f the \l~s,t 1vee k a

,. I

It Is with regrot that we have lellrned of thp lIerloUII Illness of Lee Adal'ns and 1Iiao of Mrs. Cadwallader, mother of Mrll. Adam •• at their home I'n Kanllall City. Mr. Harry Willon, of Richmond, Ind., oharmed the young millSes of W 11\ b hi I aynellv e y s presence lIevera days last week. The number and III1:e of telephone poles laid lit uniform dilltancell on our IItreetll ia a promise Of early and speedy communication with the outside world. J. E. Janney chaperoned, a party ot young people composed 'Of J,il.a 'Sun,day- S clioo I e1ass iit the Friends ' Whi t ') Brick. Meeting. house , ' qnd.. tlte ~tr",. d '1>1..1 B j .. c Iass '3\tm: t~ aspen mostIng' dollfh.ttll i. eIe" 'f~ on 'tlier cilasslc gronnd!\ ' 0 'Fbrt Anelent, last Friday, and. the girlS say he "is all ri,B'ht" as a chaper~ne.. ' A rain' came up Sa\urduy evening, that am\lu'nted by dark, to' fu~ ~wo inches ' ~! 'rainfall aild c:oiltinu¢ 'a go.o d part of ' ~~,e niglit, wit\\ ~ ~0tl!-l H of f l8 h ere e.Inarge~, a~~)1" . a .... _L lIB. .~ fen ou" contll1u\lua ow\lr Or a long tim~; it' Will heW · the crops and grass' a]1d tn good shape for raIl w ea~ pIQ\\'\l\Il'I . Mr~. Wa!1'"n 1l11l@\'11 QIl ~lIe slok III!~. " j

p~r~Y. o~. rel!,f,v~~ spen~ !a~h fill f~l1!lp.l~aaaii~ ' ~/lY 't,n -a atll de ~.' i.R· ~te~\~!lom-!-8i!~a ~"i:S Pt '

l. , .


'1 ~If 'C

iI't\; ,Ii Sm~h; ~f

idith !'\iler 'Milis"lU'Jry I>

r I,ll" d


aI~ furnlj: dmnet thll d 8RU~b pi! lit Oaea·

"V!lf.t.!lnlfli~e:a ~~ei@ !'f1 "~J{e!' Pfl.~t:v; P!lJroa M'r!l ' " f'l Smith ot 04'11.

Jd,AMri. M~,,~obo",


(9trth~~\e~, ~f~

p~tt~e ~\ln!l~

~t' H~R'II-1a' led~~~!~' Jsill: ~~tf~:t~~~t To·

bur" 14t! ~f1ct :lId' a·"t'f· °Vi~

ld'r lind MJ'l! Harlan of CI,l!ding

)I .... 'Mo~l\lre Bnll . I\U,SlI er,. Jl,n- ton,'have reo~ntly be~n rueJts of la, vot Kokomo, Ind., Mill Ledtltl°l c- Mrs Edith Haml ' Ka MIlS Edith Smith an I,ter, U L ...·h I Mi E' · .... ~;, .... ..., and Prof. Oarl Vander. ...n. !Iura ... 01 er w th se dlth .....ri ...·~·A1t III and MOllter Harris" are vllllting with "!lO , 0 on,. relatives in Morrow county. Mill Lillie Nedry starts next week Editor Ii.. FII•• on Him. tor Kansas City, to make an extended The Seloto Democrat, commenting visit with her sister, of that place. on a clipped from this p~The man who deliberate]y underper recommending dog owners tb takes to break down the business ot keep the"" dop free from flies a,!ld his neighbor is an un'M\f.e ~e~of to lrive tbem ;Ienty of w;at~r <w . , to ,h"O\ ,. '. l it " ~; . ' - .. . . '" ' _ """O~" 1~');'lII\n· I n.I'R~){ Klng, M~nIIlP R\qll, J. .. ~,' . ft~ 'V •a .reall)l .I'n , r MI", ~ ,'"~ 'fhomf."on· - '. . i" "n'&' MI·I.ftn' l" Ward ,. il,,~~ ~. mllJllb hpw@V'!lil'i'l@Jolnetl\elrl>a cQml'.a4,s ()~ tile 'f9tl\ ' iiipltl\ty wat~r, bii~ ~ (pr ~eel! Q. V. WllmtMlon. ",teN_f. ~., tile" 0 flf ~hm Wtl.ll_n't. lI.@ell "I1nt~G~l.lIl1t. liv!!" ·.ho .Um", 'U"e8 m oUl'Ilolnl, Th~. ftl" ' m\i.t " not be .. vlJoroua down Tbe m'fYlb,re ot the 8aholll thO' art up ~hlll .hey lI,ver IlOQI.h"to'2.~ o~r,:,t_. 1 , IftW"lt In 11111 n \I" IF rllt in your oolfee In tl)t mOlt tvenln, oJ I,Yinl' ~annlr,1 .and o~mmlt painful auleide/ ete:, ; right. on .your plate. Blame the dogtl. ' You have to watch o~t tor )1oll~lf-Clermont ~ourie~.

, fE ~






R,O"""Uli'It ,lin..

".., ".......

Tt " . -


Mills Mur gare t Sturr, of Dayton, is n ome fo r her vilcanu n. Chll rl es Mn dd ~ n 8[ll' nt th e lutlcr pa rt of t he week in Co l UllllJu ~ . M r. 13. a l'r , of Dayto n, culled on . fn Ma l'Y J . Finch, one dny this wee l<.


Orville Phillil~s spent Thursda y at the Xen ia fa ir.

ST. MARY' CH URCH I'agu lllr 'h urch Seho I and Mr. und Mrs. Chas. E. Johns wer e Mv "" 11" e n ·ic will not be hcltl a t Dayton vi ~i tu r8, Wednesday. t his church tl uring the Itlon th of A uglIlcsdllm cs [l un Hawke a nd George lis t. I C,'uy wcrc Day to n :;hopp ers, 'l' hurs· Hel'. J ob ll J. Sci mdrc r . Recl or . _ __ _ duy. 1 (.

Mrs. Wil Lur ] vun s. of Lebltn on, M ,'. lind Mrs . W illia m Brown aud cull ed UII Mr. und I\1 rs. J . C. Gray, Mrs. H. lit ,Cla l"k atte nded the Xonia 1'uesdI\Y. iai r , Th ursday. Mrs. Louisa J e8>l up spen t Wcdn es,lIIrs. Cleo Mon tgomery , of Dayton, <IllY in th e cou ntry, with Miss Lucille i5 visiting a t t he home of Mr. a nd Moore IIml broth ers, Mrs , Walter K enrick . J. C. Cmy has tuken fr om one hive Mrs. Ida Brown spe nt last week at of he !>" this seaso n , 104 pou nd.sec- the home of heir daug hter, Mrs. J ess li ons of huney. Who cnn bent that? Emswil er, in Dayton. Se vern I from 'here atte nde d 'he lIIr. DlI nie l Fox and so n, of BelHiJi;;bul'o Di str ict M. E. Sunday- mont ,visited his sis t er, Mrs. El!e n !:lch oul picn ic ut for t Anc ient, Tues- CU/l ~e y , on Thulrsday. da y. I\I r , an d Mrs. Set h Furnas are atM,·s. C. C, Handall a nd Miss 1·le l. t('n din!( Fri end s Yearly Meeting a t en und th ei r house g uest. 111 rs. Da iley Way nesvi ll e t hi s; wee k. (;:l",pbcll , Werc s hopping ill WilClyde Wh a r to n a nd fUlilily were mi n,;ton, Wed nesdll Y. . wC l:k · ~nd !;U!!sts uf Mr. and Mrs. Lee v l'ea thuuse. in IOuytun. . Or. J .C, 1Iiacy di ed T hursday at hIS hr,m e on 1!:ast Ma in stree t. Fu. Ml's. Harold Burge li nd childre n, nl' ral "" I ' \' ic~ s we re held Saturda y tif. uf Day tun, s pe nt last week with Mr. lCl'nUIJ n a t the resi dence. alld JIlrs, LUIY ,. ~n cl! Simms. Ev r ett S hu mak er, wh o hus bee n Mr. Fred F isl. , of Falm outh, Ky" in Ari zona, for so me tim e is at th e spen t last week with her parents, home o f his purents. Mr. a~d Mrs, J, Mr, a nd Mrs. Gl~orge Gra y. E. hum akl' r, for a vis it. Miss!!s Ka thryn und Mildred Clark F ri ends here hllvc learn ed of the spent lust week with the ir sister, Mrs. reCl'nt marria ge of Mi ss Hazel Smith Coulous Younce, at Waynesville. duug hte r of Mr. und Mrs. George Mrs. Be n Hawke and children and !:lmith. und Mr. Her be rt Mart, of Og. 1IIr8. Ell en Copsey attend ed th e Fox de n. reuniun at Schantz' Park, SaturAfter a pl eusu nt wee k at Lak e day. J a mes, nl'ar Angola, Ind., Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Roge rs were Mrs. W. 111. Mu thias are spending Sunday dinne r guests of Mr. and th e rest of th eir vucation with their Mrs. Carl Pickering, near Centermothe r. Mrs. Al1landu Starr, and oth- ville. e r relatives. Mr. Clifford Archdeacon, of Ban. 1Ifr. and Mrs. W. M. Mathias and gor, Maine, is visiting his brother Miss Margaret Sturr. of Dayton, Mrs. and wife, Mr. alnd Mrs. Ralph ArchAmanda Starr and Mis8 Mabel, Mr. deacon. and lIIrs. Charles Gray and ohHdren, Lytle school house is being painted and G. Cla rk Starr and family, pic- outside and decorated inside. Work niced in Bunnell's woods, Sunday. is being done blr Morris Graham, of WayneSVille. Mrs. Leon Sa'iisbury and childre n, Meriam und We lndell, were Thursday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. C, P. Lewis, in Centerville. Melldames Ada Cbenoweth and Me. Mistl Vera Tibbals spe nt last week with her uncle Tom James, near Leb- ta Rogers spent Thursday with Mr. and MrII. W. H. Carey, at Ridgeville, nnon, and Friday with MrII, Celia Graham. E. C. Mannon Rnd family have Mr. and Mrs . Oral Surface and moved to their new home near WiI- son, Mrs. Addal Burnett and Mrs. Emma Eyer sp,ent Thursday with ming ton. Mrs. H"nhah Bogan and son, Bert, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burnett, tn were Sunday gue·at!! of Will Wolf and Dayton. wfe, in Lebanon. Mrs. Rebecca Furnas, Mrs. Keller Paul Rich and family. of near Leb- Hoke and childlren, of Waynesville, 11110n , were Sunday gueats of Thos. and also cousins from North Caro. Rich and famil y. lina, visited Mr. and Mrs. Seth FurGlenn Davia and family were Wed- nas, of Route . 5" Wednesduy. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kenrick, Mrs. nesday guests of Clara Dunn and daughter, in Leban on . Allen Emrick, Mrs. Guy Routzahn George Davi! a tte nded the regular and daughter, Misses Edith Cram and meeting of the County School board Eva Wharton spent Thursday aiter· in Lebanon, Saturday. 00011 and evening at Chautuuqua. Several teachers from Tippecanoe Sunday evenin~: and Monday, guests ft 'th M' of Mr. W. C. Cornell anrt Mr. and · t CIty spe n an a ernoa n W1 ISS Mrs. Albert Stue,y were: Mrs. Chas. Ethel Mannon, rece ntly. Thompson and daughter, Ruth, Mr. Chauncey Bunnell and wife, of lind Mrs. J. H . Gee and two children, near Waynesville, spent Sunday af- of Warren, ]nd.. ternoon with Glenn Davis and family. Mr. and Mrs" Allen Emrick and Joseph Datchman un9 family, Gro- daughter, Gladys, Mrs. Leon Salisver Batchman anel family, of Reud- bury and children, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff ing, Ohi o, were Sunday gues ts of the Burnett and chiildren , were Sunday Jordan family, dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Carman and Mr" and Mrs. Raymond Lon Brannon, K. E. Thompson and Duvis, in Dayton.. wife and Miss Daisy Traylor spent ' D W M Mr. and Mrs. Charles Williams, Mr. nday \D andayton with m. . and MG ' ..: Thompson daughter. rs. arl Williams an d s ,?n R'0..ert, Mrs. Von W.ilIiams , Mr: ati~,l" Mise Hannah and Alf Jordon, Mrs. Harry Williams" of wa.basn, Ind., Nelllie Leibert and children, were Mr. and Mrs. Rallph' and two Sunday guests of Lawrence Brown children, of Tre~lty, 'lnd., were weekf F end gu ests o'{ Mr. and Mrs. Albert and fam_il_y_,_o_n.:n:. .2_rr_y_.__ Stacy and' accon~panied . them to the Cornell reunion at Troy, Sunday.




Those w~o att'~nded the Corn~U re.; . union from this ' neighborhood .... a, •• " ~ -" Troy. Sunday, were: ~r. and. ltln. a, M Albert Stacy Sind daughter, Mi9ll, Mrs. Ph, illip Perry is, q.uite ill. CICdot'6111r'Hand M~. A , I ...~.orneldl'M ~. aI ar~~:N[r. C..ornand , ,,,.r. r8. A nllnlber from here at tended ,t he an Will .Grabam, ' ~r8.anRussell d Frie nds Quurte rly Meeting at Caesars Burnett an children, ~r. and Mrs. Creek, Saturday. ~~n~ Null, Mr. alnd Mrs. Charlea C.Ol'Mr. and Mrs, S. 1;>. Surface and duug hter, of Mari on, Ohjo, were reo Mrs. Dora White and children, of cen t guest» of R ev. and Mrs. W. E. Dayton and Mi~,s Alma HormeU, of B\lgl\n; Ridgeville, Wfll'C <linnn guests of Mr. . M~~ter Eugene Con fcr, of Ye llow 1I~~ M\'s. KksleT,~rahim ontT~daa Springs, was the guest lust week of Mr.. his C grandparen ts, Mr. u\1d To~r~,. Wm. ors and daughter, ot Belmont. opse~. Mrs. Allen Hardy, while visiting Mr. ",ul toft's, William 9f her mother, Mrsi. Ann Smith, SaturOsbo!,ne, moved to her fnther s prop- day, fell, injuring her limb. She erty on Terrace uvc nue, this place, was removed to her home in Day.ton, Montlay. Sunday morning.

~n s:iu~;:y'

METHODIST CHURCH Sabba th School, 9 :15 a. m ., preaching at 10 :30 a . m. Epworth League 6 :45 p. m. Preacbing at 7 :30 p. m., W ed nesda y even ing Prnyc r meeting, 7 :30. Everyb ody invite d to these services. Rev. L. A. Washburn, Pastor, FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST Mor ning Service 9 :3 0 a. m. B ible School, Communion and serm on. Evening 'ervice 7 :30 p. m. Song.Service and sermon. All are cordi nlly

How to Advertise Men have always advertilled-firat themselves and their deedll; then their religion today, their produeb and buaineslI.

invit ~ d.

The m08t effe ctive ad ver t is ing tod a y is through

"Free"R ussian Child ren

the printed word-and ri ght th ere is where we are qualifie d to serve you.

We a re told by th c Moscow cor respond e nt oC the AS:;(lc ia ted PI' CS 5 th a t ont' of Russia 's g r eatest unsolved problems is to r e lieve t he t housund s of vagr unts, destitute children nnd unem p l(,yed, who overflow ever y city. The g reatest of these evils is t he number of destitute children, wh ich the Bols hevik commissioner of edu · cation has term ed the "most t (! rr iblc ulcer on the soviet union's body." Many of these chiidrE'n, it is said. lire addictecl to drugs and other " ar e in . fected with disease. All ure a pos· itive me nace. According to M, Lunacharsky, the commissi oner of education, who is directly quoted, "hundreds of thou sands of these children have degen erated into a lltute of s emi-savagery, some bordering on idiocy, while oth· ers have had their wits 80 sharpened and excited by collision with life that they have become dangerous enemies to society." Legi ons of adult paup~rs clutter every street and squllt in front of every church, crying "bread, please, bread." The commissioner of e du cati on, a stuunch communist, admits that the problem of destitute be. yond the control of the state, and in his appeal for public funds he asks for private aid, lltating that other. wise all efforts will be useless and "the great stream of vagrant children will not only pay a horrible tri.bute of death but will develop into a polluting flood, poisonin¥ the entire current of life." Here is food tor thought tor our AJ!lerican reds who talk about tree. int our American children trom the "chains of capitalism" by turning them over to the tender merclea of a communist state.

Eve ry print e d page shou ld be a ple a aing pic:ture of type,

paper , ink an d iII'u strations.


can make it so for you, if y o u ' ll let UII help plan your printing job.


The Miami Gazette GOOD


.- ..---

BLONDE BESS OPINES "Ferdie W.ttere thinka he i. an earl, bird, th. poor worm."



OLD, OLD STORY "There was a man in our town, Who ne ver told a lie. At leas t, that'~ whot his wife said, She did - J hope t'die." -----.~,~~.-----

AH-THAT'S THE TRICK Dootol'-"Gargling wi\! kill germs, Sh e-"But, doctor, lIow can one make the littl,~ t\1inlr~ do It?"




Harveysburg Fertilizer· C•. Pho... •


_0 _



J. W. BUrton



!~/ M~s~nJ~:;n M~-


Ra~~ r:h~k a~~di~~i1:~~, aM~. lI!~d

Mr. Harold Sollers and Miss Mar· garet Sollers, of Dayton, sP~r th~ Mrs. Samuel Smith, Miss Velma week-end with their parents, r. an Smith and Herman Smith attended Mrs. C. A. Sollers. the Smith famil", reunion at Schantz' L H T d II h 'tl ., ittle oover e we , W 0, WI 1 Park, near Springboro, Sunfl,/\l; ' . his mother, Mrs. Hoove r Tedwcll, of Mrs. Willia. m Ware, <!! "V~~~. Greensboro, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Mr. 'and '~~,~:t' C~l" s'img:l,s o( Jenni~ Jensen, has been quite ill. " "pnm" "·Q.I,l.t9;" P.!iC! ~r ' \an.<l ~r", CI!f\11~ 9~ (lrflt~\(~\Ie, 14lcll., VISThe ' many friend s here o~ Mrs. , ' seve~a~ <Il1f" I"st. week wiUl Mrs. Sarah North, of Si·iJ\g;fit-l(,t. ;oad- EIl~n Q(lp"ef and M1\ and 14n. Ben dened to 1~l!1'trv.t', ~"'il~iilell.~ when Hawl,(e; she fe\l \Ir~~ing , ~ ~I'p \ ~~Q .atu _~, _ ••_ __



p~.t .\I~ ~p.~ \V~~


MUll' OJt nd "_ Sal r", ..iO \11 .,amp on II ,u ••, lie TtaW'l!e .ud lon, WIlII,m, of Winl"'n-SlI~m. N. (l'J. were lI'ueets a "f 1"\ ",~k lit Mr. and Mra. J. IIIn"Flqra ,Mason, ~rs. Alice John811n and daughter, MISS Rosa, Mrs · William Cop8ey and Mrs. Samuel Holland, are staying in Wilmington this week, attending tho lI'rw,l\'M ~ea:rly . Meetin&" , Qt~~' ~f" In~ b~. ~~~~ye.t('tfIf''U' aa¥. , MIll'~ COPIl.e~ and Mr. and



MT. HOLLY MrII. Rebecca Dill ill apendlng a d 'th M d M ~ III i~-:e8 a~ L;tle. r. an ra. ,'. ~ Th' M u ~ ball ... h e t. ~,~I It 'rl'!'''' ~ ,vi' t e gam~~ ' ~ " J W LJt.le~ by Ule sCllr. el'fU to a., 'rb4! "'diu Aid ,.,nl meet, Thu1'llday, AUilll!t 13, at the home of 1111'11, lloward Shee!tall~ : ' , f

Mrs. Ar\lb ~oP~01 Ilnt4ll'tabled oyer Mr. and MriI. Clarenee Canon, of the wC!,k"end Ill'. and :&In!. Jllmell Cincinnati, ipeli't the week-end with Grovi and famUy, ot Upper San. Mrs. Reheeca'Dm. . dusky, ' and MrII. Lydia Bacon and . . ' , Mr. Wm. Grove and ' Bon, atid Mr. MIA Mildred '40, ~ Qay~. Dorelia 'Grove, ot Nevada, Ohio. 8pe~~.;;\~.~,;t. ~. ~~

~n. '~q~ ~~Qf ull


Da~~, 'P\\~t, \lI1~",,"eild' wltll I~tiel Beo" ..~.~I t~;· .: .





", '" ' •,~,'

'a~d falllilt ·enter,. Clnelnn.tI,B~.

,!'na..\...e"!I&: ,1&11," Sunday. '




Play Well Produced


.. M0111," '- illinl'."


Five More ' Ohio Towns Have , .

piny of country Ii r, I t· • l' 1/\' h l' nHHll bl'rs 0 r the i. ·i, . ;\). \ , ;·. e Gym 1'1I.'~d,,~' ni l-:'ht. WU!; 11:1' 1!tl: tI by 1\ hll'I-{" ",I d n il IIl'tll ,'rintiv( :w,lI nee. . Th" rh.l fad,'\'s 115.5 ACJlES, b.twHn Ferr,. a nd wore w ~l1 (' n. t I'Hrt bpi ( ~ PO l''' L,.t1.. 4 DIll". frnlD W.' n .... t it I l ' " - ~\ IPUI"' .ar Ih at rL, ': t'l t~ ''' '·NI .. Mr ..J . W, 1I,·i c y, (' 1' Da yt Oil, WI Yi ll. , l4 mil.. fram fla y l,,". w , II I to t t • l ' \, I ,. ,1 ..- .. 1' li;;:. Il't h ('!Uln· in t UWlI, Silturdo )' . f.anol, ... 11 Iiled. .el1 w.l ered. dler. Duri ng intrr lll i ss io n ~ delij{htful larse limbor, plent,. of mu~k wa ~ rcndrr<'. l u~ f l,ll ll \V~ : PiIf your slate r oo f npeds reptlirin~ . fnili. BulldinJ' .ro oslra ,ood. nit" ~I,JOS bv l\1i~scs Ru th TI.Hnli ns I)1\ ' I' C' Kl' mp & J urnnn . Cood a-room brick hou le. Bun lInd .I ~ .. n 11 ~~k "tt ; \',,,,,,1 d lll·l. "!\Iuth· ' •• ao, with ba.. ment, 36,,60. ~r 0 ' Mi ne," M i~ ::t\~ I '· ,· a n (' (~:-:. Hnu Lu- Mr, Adam Mclloh und farni ly spent rlln Ju nn.·v: "I.I· net ",'''I hy Cul'l Gray S unday ut Hussell 's Point. Toba.eo ahed and corn crib •. Mi~, OIR I'I "rtMck . IIC,·,' mpIIDlst. Mi ,~ \,l or oth y Dnkin ~pent Monday with Mrs. Wilso n E.lwnrds. TERMS to .alt purcba•• r. For price and lerm •• ee Mr. Murrny H op kin ~ . of Dnyton, t ;f\~) rg'(' Z..·H \\' J\~ II rr(' ~ t C'd ~unriay s pent Sunday with home folk s. 11 \' l' nn~t..\ b l ~ J oy (IIr b eing in tox ic;\tcd whil£' dri\' in~ 1\ CRr. lI e WDS Now is ' the time to have Kemp & tr~' inl!' III driv e hi s ma chine bc tweC'n th'e brllll!'l's when taken into cust ody. Jordan look after yo ur furnace. I II' \VII S take n berol'c Squire HnthnWilmington, Ohio, lIIr. Howard A rchtl ellcon and Dr, wnw. 'lnd WII " ,::h'('n n $100 fine nnd III Hhs i n the Cuullty jllil. Ill' lIIiller wer e in Lebanon, 1II0ndu),. or, \\a" " I ~n bound ,wer tn tho fa ll I(r:l nd j ur~' for oarryl11): concealed we apons. Mr. Charles Chapmun hilS been enFRED HUBBLE, on the Fa rm . tertnining a friend (rom Cincinnati.


Raised' Qu~ta In Legion Drive




-----_.- --

DroveWhilelntoxica ted


olis. I nd., ill the gunl for u million do llnrs for disa bl ed vet ernns. cio morl' than doubl ed t he amount IISsillnl'd t hut vil!l\\tc. Dowling Green . in th\} class of riti('5 with qu otas IIbov!' th e $1000 mnrk. reuched its IImo unt, nnd $2 00 beHides, Oil time. Lakeside collected the qu ota o!l.,igned that ,-ill age ill short order, ns did


lIlr. Lee Hawke lind family moved into the W. H. Madden house, Monday. Mrs. Gu y Kibler and children. of Dayton, nre visiting Mrs. Euphemia Hough. Miss Eva Lippincott a nd Mrs. WaIter Roberts were Dayton visiton. Thursday. Mrs. Sidney Block and daughter, of Peoria, III .• are visiting Mr. Myer Hyman and fam ily. Mr. a.n d Mrs. Cllrl McClure and daug hter, of Dayton, spe nt Sund 8Y here with r elatives,

Mr. S. L. Cartwright and Miy Emma Cartwright have been entertalning relatives from the Eut. Air. Harvey Sackett and family spe nt Sunday with Mr. Omar Barnett and family. of near Dayton. Mr. and Mrs. James McClure. Mn. Walter MeClure and Mrs. Earl Conner were Dayton vislton. Monday.


Dr. Ralph Vance and family. of Pleasant Plain. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hawke. laat Friday.


Goodyear Tirequ~itY:~·the highest there is.

If your slate roof needs repairing see Kemp &: Jordan.

~year Tire prices.••·aa low . as any 79u're q~~ed.

WilliDg. ' Can 79U t~nk ~f any bargain like it? I


Get Our Prices


Waynesville Motor ·CO. Phone 105

In. . ..

•Waynesville, Ohio

Bring your Eggs to Kroger

Cross Bros. have been in the Pump bu'si nes8 for forty-five years, and can repair anybring Iron them Pumpin. that is out of ______________""!"_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _= order, 80


Mrs. Ire n Dird ill visitin~ re latives Fur Sule _ BurtlC't.t pea rs. and friends in Cincinnati. I'hon~ 74- 11-2s. ur phulle \16.


. . 25c 9c

----.. - ..


Yearly Meeting

Indiana Yearly Meeting of the RcSociety of Friends is being held in the White Brick Meeting See Kemp &: Jordan for spouting House this week. The attendance and metal roofs of oil kinds. is good an d the r eports of the difrerMr. and Mrs. S. S. Ellis entertain- ent committecs are very Interesting ed at dinner Tuesday,. Mrs. Roy Earn- and gratifying. ...- - hart. Mrs. Alice McKinsey, Mis8 Lillie Njlg~¥ ~~ !dIs.s .Henrietta McKinsey. li~ou s


""_'.M.'21 C Tobacco Soap



... .




25:: ,CI _T. 19 .C





• •



,I '. !.

It Tr', battery trouble, we caD QUiCkly 1'0IOt out the cauae.. Rep:.iro m••Jo by alilla! m&


'. I

chaoo.:.. Pully lIU.....ntoed . Bu"d,,,,,... Prcat.o.l.itc &rio only $1,.,0 up.

: •

Phone 47



I~.. JlRM-()/Jte

.••....................... 81\1'1.1:1 . • '" m \l1CB

'T'O every memb,r of our. I Heatrola Club we offer a ton of coal- free. And that's just the beginning of the good things ,' coming your way. For wit h the Heatrola you have furnace comfort all winter long --and save money on fuel. T wo dollars makes you a 1 . ember of the Club- you can p ay fo he Heatrola in easy, convenient installments. Come in and let ua tell you all' about it.


H EA.~rROLl\

FRED M. COLE Hardware, Harness, Farm Machinery Waynesville, Ohio

The Second Week of Our


·!:~~!~~~~~::. .:. . ..4Gc ,I'




29c ~r~r:~~~ 22C ---------------------------, Waternielons 2c' ~


••• ••

Mr. and Mrs. F l'l!d 1\1. Cole and children r eturned Sunday mornin g . after a pleasunt visit with relatives in Wisconsin.

fJi ~J!l':. . . .~. .~. j Dc ~?e~~n~o., :49c

v.,"c wh;h tn c xprc!':, o ur J,rrr.ti l u liu


•• •• • ••

0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . . • ·. . .•

When you r old Pump ~iveR out , bring it to Cross Bros .• who will mike it us goo d as new, at 1\ very small cost.

Mr. lind Mrs. Harry Kitc hen und little dou !!'htel·. of Dnyton. were week-e nd j!'uest. of Mr. F'runk StansMr. and Mn. CUll' Lefever ond ber rv un d fnm ity. cilildren. of Franklin, were Sunduy Mrs. Lauro Sid es, who hilS be(' n guest. of Mr. and Mrs. Geo rge Hartstayi ng lit the hom£' of h ~ r ~\l n, in Bock. Onyto n, during her conva lescence nfMr. Gale Evan1l. who Is with Bar- ter an operation at Millmi Vall£'y h08tow'. Comedy Compony, spent Sun- piUlI, returned t o her home here, Su t d.y with hia par,e nts, Mr. and Mrs. urday . Earl Evans. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Moo maw. of Mr. Myer Hymun and family lind Greenfield, spellt th e wee k-e nd with their guests, Mrs. Block and dau gh- the l a tt(' r '~ broth er . Mr. F. R. Mooter. spent Sunday at Snyder park. muw. Theil' foul' li tll e dll ughters 1'1'ma in ed for a visit of a few days Springfield. longer. - -Mrs. Edith Harris, Mr. Harri s Mosher and the Misses Mildred Hartsock and Alta Odoms, were Dayton visitors. Monday.

BREAD ~-pound Layer'Cake C;fl:!Z~I=~~~~e25c


5 ubMc rib r f or .he lI1 in mi (Xn7.ctte.

U 1I 1

Club Picnic

Mr. and Mrs. Will St "PhD and P.hilfips daughter, Rosemary, atteRd(ld lI#1e Charles F. YB. ~ as\l No . 13286 annual Walkm reunion. which was 'C. ~i1l'j)8, et aI. " . held at Snyder's park, Springfield, S. By virtue of. an order of sale , duly last Sunday. .~ issued from said Golfct. III stated , C88e, and to me ·OIr'l'c •.eu. Mrs. Nettie Chidlaw, 'W~ has been Messn. Warren Surface, Oral will offer for sale, by way of the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Surface. of .Lytle, and ~aymond auction, on the premises in Wa ynesMcClurC\ left last week for her home Dugan, of Sprmgboro, left thiS morn- ville Warren County OWo on Monin Huntington Park, Cal. ing for Paint elr,eek. where fishing is day: the 14th day of Sept~mber, A. reputed t4) fl.\! very good. ' D.• 1925. at 2 o'cloc~ p. ,m. (Central Mrs. E. E. Beckett and daughter, standard time), on said day, the fo lAlice, and Mrs. Benjamin Deckett and Mr. and Mrs.. 6. D. ~J:ilJs. Mrs. lowing described real ea.tate,' to-wit : son, Junior. lire spendIng the , week The following r eal estate ' situate Grace L. Smith and Miu Luc~ J';mPure-Cane, with Mr. A. B. Shaner and family. ley joined a I)a~ of OddfeH iiws i'n the Village of Waynesville, Warper 25-lb. sack • from Lebonon and visited the Odd- ren .eountv. Qhio. and described aa Now is the time to have Kemp &: fdellows Home. at Spri,agn.!c!. ,Sun- follows, tiI-.wif:" . . . Jordan look after your furnace. ay • Beginning at tp'e 6011thwe~t corner Country Club, of Lot No. Ol)e ' (Franklin ' Square) 3 taU cans for Mr. and Mrs. Earl Taylor, of Los Misse. Gladys Harlan and Mary in said VUlage and r-umling thence Angeles, Cal., Mrs. Etta Printz and Louise Harvey returned to Dayton with the North line of Main Street Mr. Joe Printz , of Dayton, were Saturday nlnt. attn "pending a North 31·% degrees E. 6& feet and Country Club, ' . guests of Mr. and loin. J . H. Taylor, pleasant week at tbe hom. pf Mr. and two Inches to the comer of Lots sold b)' ~. V. f.aJrpam to J , B. Chapman. Sunday. . , Big 1 loaf for • • • Mrs. Harry Shld.".r. pf nc., Tllenc, ....j~ d!e Jlne ot pig lots veYlburr. Nor:tIJII~." dl!gr!lC§ W. ~14% feet Messn. Carl Gray. Orville Gray. to aJ) an~ .Thel!~e S~!!t)l B1. ~ deRaymond Braddock. Carl Conner. Mr. Jamel Woollard, of Norwood. grees, W . 6B 'feef; anll two Jneh\!4 to CyrU8 Gray and Clarence Menden- spent • few hours with relative. In hall saw the ball game at Cinci'nnati, Waynesville, Sunday. Mn. Florence east side of )taln Street; thane .. South 58% degrees 214% leet til Monday. ' Graham ana daughter, Juanita. and the place of beginning; Excepting Mn. Clara Woollard returned home therefrom one hundred and seven feet St. Mary's Guild will meet with with him after d'endlng two weeks fronting on Miami IItreet sold og of Ib.............. Mrs. Harris and Mrs. Mosher on with relatives 8m friends. here. the North end of said' tract to the TlJur}lda,Y afternoon. This is a very trustees of the Baptist Church. (,ReiJl1Portant Jllcetinlr, and a full attenMessrs. Raymon Hatfield and Bur- corded in Deed Records Vol. 72 , Page dance (s daslnd. .. nett ButterwOlrth were among the 601. Recorder's Office. Warren (::oun....... ... ..... students from Wilmington college ty. Ohio. ' ,A meetln&' pt the Pr,ot.e,ctW. and who ~j.oyed an excunlon to Niagara Said lot faces , on Main Street and Detective , auoclatton wHl be beld In Falla, . .q'birty' coaches went out of lies on the North side of said Street the Township House, Saturda, afterVillage ; the nearest Street on . inthesaidWest noon. August 15. at 2 o·clock. Im- ColutnbUil ~'Mr ~.~ intersecting Mid Main PQUDd~ ......... , .... _ ................. . portant business. ' Street is Miami Street; the nearest Mr. and M'fll. K. ·N . B ouK'b, lira. Street PJ) - ti,le' E ] f ng ' sai~ prtlj ' Strel'.t ; the .Mr. J. B. Chapman left Frtday by Viola Harlan. Mrs. -H. B. Earnhart Main Stree~ iii on a prospecting trip to Flor- and Mr. Erneel~ 6arlan left -MondllY, street il.uml>er_ PI! e bllilditlg" Il~ lIaJiJ East. real estate ill No=-.!..!... Main l)tr.llet. " " During his absences Hn. Chap.. \)1 aato, for a trip through Ib ............. Said real esta~ hBJ! '!ieen teg'lliarly 80ns are spendlll&' the time Their Itlnlli!!'lU'J' Will tnelude · Gettys' b urg, Washlngt:on D. C., PtiU!ldelpbla. appraIsed under ordcr "(l!: the Court Chapman'. mother, H1'II. New York Clt,r, Bo.ton. ,All1ailY and air the sum 'of $5300.00 free of '60wI ·Eliul~ieth Bilily. " , Niagara FaJis. . . ! er and will not be sold f4r ley UJan . f ront,. distance who atten'dtwo-thjiil~ of_ !\ajil'uilPraised vl;llqe: ffll\l!dl ' ofo Mn. -Joseph Ev- ' Mr. George Ql11iiiibee, ot' 'D~, )'ERM8-0n c -th jrd, casf1 In hanij ans. were _).11' .and ' Mrs. Chulence and Mr. John GODS left Tuesday for on d@£ ot .al i p/le -lhir~ in one year .Manhalf, and Mrs. Clarence Mar- and extended tour of Nortbweltern and onecthlrd in two "Yi!liril 'ffom ~p.te ~ Jr., Mr, and loin. CUve Marshall United States and . Southern Canada. 01 sale, . deferred payments to draw IIIId Mrs; Clifford ~arahan, Mn. F.rom Chicago tbey win go to Cal- .inter:est at tbe rate of. sis per cf,!nt a...dralrh.......,................ Chaun~ Marshall Mrs. Ida Bau- , gary Alberta, and 1IIeo through the and be secured by mortgage on the . " man, of Olnc:lnnatt; Mr. and Mrs. Canedlan ROOkies to VancouY8!i ' B. premises sold. . ------------~~~ Lawrence Evus, Mr. and 11ft. Jo1)n C. wtU at Victoria, ".atALFRED O. BRANT, Jam.. 1In. . ·I lama tr~b, of Day- tie, National Park Sheriff of Warren County, Ohio. ,t:r:=:=!::~~y::-:.:c..:.::!:~I~O~IIue:::-:.:::··:!:·~~Jlton; and Kn. DOS of CJedaio. and and famiJJ. Robert W _Brown, Atty.


g .• l. lI l1 ·hihi.l' ll

CIIII til 1111 our lIl'i~h hu rs ulld fl'i" ndR who ", pr e so kind to us in our bC I'l->lVeO1" nt. Hnd to the Jr. O. U. A. M,. for All mnkcs uf [r'on Pumps put in Mr. an d' Mrs. Lor en Hlldley Il'ft IIH! hplO ul ii"lI l num l piect'. gu"d r epair by Cross Bros. •IOS. EV AN S lind FAMILY, Mnndny fur th eir future home inSerlin He ig hts. See Kemp &; Jordan for spouting and meta l roofs of all kinds. Mr. W. B. Squires lind fami ly lln d Mr. Walker I-liltfield "pent Sund llY Tho Fril·nelship dub of lit ., ~l. E. Mr. Ken neth Elzey, of the N. C. in Troy. d lurch cnjnYl'd n picni t dinrll' l' in tlw R.• is enj oying a two weeks vaca tion. Mr. S tTllwder Rinj!'c r. of Pittsburg, ('h urch hll,,'nH'nt t orluy . Th.· d ull Mr, D. E ., who has been is Circulat ing IIll10n g " Id fri ends. had plann. '.! to pi"Cl ic at Sl .myto f'l ,,, k 1" \1'111. but rai n ('IlU "c c! th em .0 chllng'e working in Centerville. h88 r eturned here. t heir pl an K, home. Mr. Frell Hartsock and fllmily . of Mrs. Harry Turner. of Dayton. is lIIi1ford. visited Wny nesv ill e relatives spend ing a few days with Mrs. Kate on Sunday. ' Coleman. Miss A llen hilS IIccepted II poMr. Emmor Bail ey and family. of sition in the Xenia High school. She Lebanon, spent .Sunday with re la- will teal'\h Engli sh. lives here. Miss Wanna Hllr tsock. of Co lu mMr. and Mrs. Orville Gray and bus, with t hree of her friends of thllt daughter B~nt Sunday with reI a- city. spent the week-end at Niagara tive. in Clarbvill... Fulls.

Mrs. Mira nda Cran c an d Mrs. Schuyler Matthews, of near Pittsburg Pa., are gu.ests of Mrs. Maud Crane and other relatiVl!s, here.


M'\('! '

of su/f <'1' i11 [!. III 1111' ril'~ Ilg'" IIf .4 yeul's. !! mOl1th, 1111 .1 7 Jay" . In JlIuu ary. I !l4 . shl' united with the Middle Itun Bll ptisl church. ulld hos bet'lI a faithful memb el' ulwnw nttendi l1 l! nil t he III "t ing's : wus faii h ful to all h"r IH. llIe duti es :lnd 1\ luvMr. Thomos Piercf.' was in Xf.'nia Sheriff Brant. of Lebanon. was in il1 l! ",i f(' ond mother. town. MondllY. on bus iness. Monday. Carel of Thank.

Mr. Fred Devitt, who is living in Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller, daugh the West, is visiting his mother and ter and two grandchildren, of Springsister, Mrs. Lina Devitt and Mrs. field, called on Mr. and Mn. George Elizabeth Baily. Hartsock, Sunday afternoon. .

Mr..• l"rank Witteman. ,._ _ _ _ _ _ _- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . Oreg MI'II. Sam Taylor of andPortland, family. of Route 4, wetre guests of Mr. Marshall Harlan. Friday.


onv ~r~ nl-l!l"l nudatl ~ ht (! I' . Sh~ pu s~·.J I,OJ I h ~ G .. .at H ~y""d A ll~tl St. I, 1tt2f), aft er mnny II tollt It li

Mr. and, Mrs. Alfred J. Wright reMr. ond Mn. H. H. Wilkerson, Dr. J. G. Macy. prominent dentist, turned Thursday night after a de- Mr. and Mrs. Lester Gordon spent lightful trip to Michigan and Can- Sunday with Albert Wilkenon and died at his hom e In Harveys burg, Thursdny, Au gust 6. The fun era l IIda. family, of Dayton. was held at his late homo Salurday afternoon. with the Mnsons in charge. Mrs. Frank Andrews and children. Mr. and Mrs. 'C. M. Robiuer, Miss Burial in Mia mi cemet-cry. of Wapakoneta, has been visiting Mrs. Henrietta McKinsey and Mr. John Andrews' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. P(!fIce atte nded ,the theater in DaySergeant N, H. Haywood, a memHamilton. ber of the Day to n Police l orc e. died ton, Saturday night. at Miami Volley hospital, Friday eveMr. Walter Drummond has bought Save your old carpets and rugs nin g, Aug. 14 The fun eral was held the James Allen place on the Bell- and get "Wearwell" Rugs made. at his late residence in Dayton, Monbrook pike, and will take possession Send for price list. Franklin Rug day afternoon ond bu rial was in the next Spring. Wood land cemetery. . Co., Franklin, Ohio. Sergeant Haywood WO! a form er citizen of Waynesville and oper ated Mn. H .H. Wilkerson haa returned Mr. and loin. Warren Espy and home after spending several days Miss Marjorie Whitacre, of Center- the hotel known O R the Hammell with her daughter, Mn. StClair Fife, ville. were guests of Mr. Henry Sat- House, now occupied by Mr. and Mn. L. D. Chiles. _ _ __ of Wilmington. terthwaite and f a mily, Sunday. -~-:-.

GOodyear Service-.-complete, sincere. and


pcrfcttcd alill th e su li cituLi u ll a cc01l1 plish d without dlllny. A WIll i of more thu ll $30.000 w n ~ coll"".,'d. Other cili,,,, of Ohiu are "r('(l urin gto do th eir best, and if Clcv, ·luud . Cin ci nnuti lind Colu mbus do lh<'ir purt 115 well a" sever al of t h e smaller OIl I'S. the entire stute's quotu will UI! rn ise q.

MI~ Harriett I>uvall, of LeominMn. Kate Rjcks is caring for Mn. sterJ.Mos8., is the guest of her co usKirby, at the home of Mr. Harry In, rurs. J. Will White. Linder. near Lebanon . Mary Jo Miller is spending a f ew Misses Kathryn and Mildred Clark days in Cincinnati, the g uest of Mr. ~pen t last week at the home of Mr. and Mn. E. V. Barnhart. and loin. C. W. Younce. Miss Mildred Hartsock and Miss The Hisey reunion will be held Alta Odoms. of ~~[j llo rd, have been ThundaYJ August 20. 1926. at the visiting Miss Edith Harris and family. home of bfr, J . W. Hisey.


.:a •Ah- her gown; it was won: Violcttn Marshull' - wus bor n in d£' r f ul ; a wu uded'u l. wonderful. erI 5 • 1'--" XenIa. Ohi o, Nov mb IJr 26 She was t h., o ld~ s l of 0 fami ly of Othe r He - "Wondlll'! ul CREA10\'(> n "hlld!'l'n, O n Cl , i,.; tor 'a lltl thr~l' TIL N'!" br,)tilf!l';; su r 'we he r. lie- uNo . RI~ \- EI. t\ T ON."

Fi ve mor a to wns ha ve rui scd or om·oy. Slit' \\'11 ~ Il.urr il·d In .l wil·ph Evnns XCl' 'd"d rh ir quol:ns. IIcl'or ding to , ',,1£'<11) is til" (\Illy lnr~l' ('i in nr-tou...!" 11\ . I H7rJ; l o lhi ~ 1111,on W('rl' reports ,',' C ived lit L II ti lI ul hood- Ohi., whiCh ' IH~~ comp le.,· ti 11 5 ;;:1 1Il- 1\11"1\ tb n 'l! f' \i1dl'l'n , )1J':l. P "nt'l :)udth f\ llllncn; ~ r th o Lev-ion ut {lidiunap- puig. TIl£'f' the' Il r 'l1ni 1.uLiun was ';ul"l nud \VI ", " J' 11! ul l ~\I " \',,'t'

G. -A. REA,


,! __



Has opened nicely but ther.e ~r:ehundle4f of dollars worth of-goods to be sacr.ificed . and ,J,e ti~e is ~e~~ing short ~o 40'i{~IJ .


Ther~ Wjll Be No·Auction ofAny GOtto' So if y.ou w~nt any of ,lJff Ilf>Pc/, if wiU ~I to your adr;antage ~~~~ 9~c! Ife~ I~!"':



We Have Hosiery of all klnU. We Have Glass Dishes~small ones, We .Have Trousers-Men's Work TrQusers, We Have Overalls, botbBlue and Striped,'

We Have.Tin Buckets. 2 quarts, We Have Handkerchiefs;. Men's and Women's, We Have Tinware, RoUing Pins,·Curtain RodS, .j;' '~~1J ! 1..,*"r.'".· Flrc':'~ • .' ; eO\.1: ..'6U· WI" ~ Io .J '-=:,*,I r· .•~, rIn". l_2 I' t\,

f"'-. ... .., ...











AU Marked ' at · Barga'in Prices '

Frank,VIII. Fait aol'il[o' ayneaville, Ohio


Seventy·Seventh }rear

Thi W k



Seven crops of alfalfa in a year, to ns or potatoes to an acre, great are th e wonder C\J'Ops of this rich land. But the greates t crop is the hunuln crop. Withou t that, others would amount to nothing . Mr. Jones' Stnr, of Rillby, Idaho, tells of a family gatherm g of the Call family. It included Anson V. Call, 70 yean old. of Afton Wyoming, father of 20 sons and 10 daughters, all alive, healthy and strong. Mr . Call is the gran father of 90 children, and they are all well. T ell thllt to your fri end who thinks birth control will solve our problem s. Where ignoran ce, disease, poverty and drink, in the alums, combine to . torce large families upon weak women that cannot take care of them, birth control may be 1111 that its advocates say. • They don't need it in Idaho or Wyomin g. What they n~d there is Children .


The . tlltpmcn t continuc s : " 1':lI rl y ~stimlltc " S ll!:f.~C. t 'a po ~to prud uction 1)£ on ly "buut 3.1 bush'els per capita. which wou ld be on a pnr with the shortage yeurH , 1!III and I!I I 9. Onions, ('uhbol:e, mcJori s Ilnd !,Nlc hes hllv" be"n scllin g at two or three tim es IIIRt ye ar's prices an d seemi ngly havo a hri sk fn ll ma rket ahead. " Rains last month he lped hny and late oats crops. Corn is makin g enrs now nnd looks good as II whole.. A foil' spring wheat crop lIee ms assured, -despite consider ab le hot weuther dam age and some rust in the Red River valley. Winter whellt Willi a disappo intment but apparen tly has threshed out abol.\t 88 much grain as was expecte d. "Fruit is not 80 plentifu l In Eastern districts, but the Paalllc coast will make good much of the dellciency, Cotton haB lost ground in the Western belt by reason of the drought . but indicati ons still point to a sizable total crop." The departm ent's general index of purchdB ing power of fllrm product s in terms of nonagri cultural commod ities, remllins at a level of 90, compared with a five year pre-war level taken lUI 100.

Meetin. HOUle Where lhe Fri""dl Indiana Yearly Meetin . Waa H"ld. Indiana Yearly Meeting met in its Spri ngs, Ohio, for r eading clerk. have begun. 10 5th session, Augu st 8 to 13, at Seven businell8 sesa ions were held . Fourth-da y mOl'nlng the regulllr Wuyn csville. One of the most importa nt diBCU S- meeting for worship convene d. F ri ends from n distance beKan ar- sions this year was in consider atIon Second- day evening Prof. Raymon d rivinlr Seventh -day oft ernoon in time of a Friend 's Boardin g H ome at Shutz. of Manche ster college, Ind., Cor a meeting of Ministry and Coun- Richmo nd, In d. Permiss ion was glvon t he Outlook for Peace, scI, which met at 2 o'clock. en Ri chmo nd Friends to proceed with lectured which he believed is far from being In the e vening the visit ors were t he buildiag which is to be both a realized unless entertai ned at a social in charge of Home and Friendly Ce the good pe<lple of nter. world awaken from their indifferthe Yo ung F riend s' Moveme nt of The r epo rts of the committ ee for the enc e and manifes Waynes ville Meeting . t more inte rest in Games were th e Advanc ement of Friends prineihelping to bring Peace to the World. played and n gen eral good time en- pies, Frien ds' service. Central ComThird-d ay night the Youn g Friends ' joyed after which deliciou s h ome- mitt ce of Frie nds' General Confer- Moveme nt presented mn de ice crea m a nd cake was ·served. ence, First-Dn y School Work. Phil- Gym, entitl ed, "Mothe ra play at the At 10 o'clock First-da y morning unthrop ic Work, all claim Min ei ' which ed their was e nj byed by a large audienc the Fr iends and 0100 many friends of shure of attenti o n. e. Fourth- day night a lecture was Fri e nd ~ , asse mbled in a meeting for These reports. as well a8 others not given by Robert Pretl ow, of Philaworshi p. William Li ttleboy, of Birm- mention ed, prese nt a ingham, Englund , Dr. O. Edward Jan- loo k for th e Society. hopeful out- de lphin, concern ing Friends ' Service Part of the whI ch is th e mission ney. o f Baltimo re, Md., and Clarence t ime WIIS occullie d also in the r eading Societ y o( Friends . ary work of the Pi ckett, of Richmon d, Ind., gave in- of letters of greeting f r om other The meeting closed Fifth-da y afspiring message s. In the afternoo n Yellrly Meeting s, some t he theme o( the meeting was Peace, from across the ocean of which came ternoon and Friends r eturned to their . homes feeling lind it wos address ed by Dr. Jann ey. this session of InT hird -day on's session was diana Yearly that An interesti ng Round Tllble was held in chllrge ofafterno Meeting had been inthe Young Friends ' deed worth ofter th e ndd res8. While and hoping to meet . Moveme nt. Et hel Menden hall, preagain next yeur at Pendlet on, Ind. A \' ~s pe r s~rv ic e in chllrge of the s iding; Esther Underw ood, secretar y. Young F riends' Move ment, was held R. A. C. Reports of the Young Friends ' Conin the evening on the lawn of the terence at Eurlham NDt•• were given The guests of Indiana Yearly m('et ing house. In a meeting of till, by Ruth To m linao n,, Ind., of Way nesville, Meeting kinu h(! ld Ilmid guc.O beautifu l nat- Mary Hoberts other Yearly Meeting s J ean Cha rriere, were Dr. from and Anne Janney, of Balurll l sur roundin gs, we a re impress ed of Moorest own., and N. J . Esther Undert imOl'e, Md. wilh the nen rness of our Hellvcn ly wo od, of Harveys Rob erta and Jean recited in a Charrie re, ;ofMary Fllthcr. These vesper services were cha rming mann er bur&" Moorest own, N. J ., soe nes f rom th e CbM. F. Underhi ll, of New York; he ld every eveni ng obout twenty li fe of Geo rge Fox, the fouuder of and E dith Littlebo y, of Birmm in utE'~ before t he r eg ular evening the Societ y of Friends. Lilinn Wood, William meeting . of Pendl eto n. [nd., gave an in terest- ingham, England ; Robert Pretlow , of Philadelphia, and Clarenc e Pickett, of On Second -day morning" th e regu- ing and t hrilling uccount of a year Ricllmo nd, Ind . Itlr husiness .l1ssions of the Yearly SIJen t nt WoodlJ ridge, Friends ' School Lun ches were served at the OrMeeting began. Ruth A. Chandle r, in Englnnd , mId Edith Win de r Litthodox Friends of Waynes ville. Ohio, was chosen fo r t1eboy tord of th o ting House. The f ut ure of the lunch co mmitteeMel! pres iding clerk; E. Annie Wilson, of ', Youn g Friends' Moveme an d their help CTs Richm ond, Ind., for recor ding clerk, ing lhe yo un g pea ole nt, enc ourag- deserv e much credit for the way in of th e church which thi s importn nt and Evelyn B. Howell , of Yellow to carry on the go od work part of the Year which th ey Iy Meeting was carried out.

Young Frien ds Meeting The Youn g Friends ' Moveme nt will meet at the )1ome of D. B. Underwood , Sunday eve ning. August 23, at 7 :30 p. TIl. Devotio nal Leader ..... Grace Hockett Les!on Leader .. . . Frank Crew Topic. . ..... .. .... . .. Industry There is quite a bit of business to tnke up so a f ull attend ance is desired. Visitor s welcome at nU meetings.


~ G


o o


...-- ---- --

Ba'n'd' Conc ert Prog ram




Wbole N umber 5662

lhi!'i yl't\r.

Well, th e Miamis' winning streok hilS knocked int o the r ~ Ir, and th e J erse y at Inst been broken. Tho Middl u- cow belongin g t u MI'. FI'1I7.ier, thoughl town GIlB & E lectric· team caught the it WIIS SUpp01' I iflle lllld promptl y boboys rather short-hllnded at li'razier' s gan ce hwin!,! UII the hall. . JIllln park last Sunday . nnd took the long ager Pred~ r"l\ st hnd n hm'u tIm e to end of a 7 to· 4 score. At that, the make her I:ivc it up. visitors were -decidedly lucky, and, The sco re of thl' lhirteen th gnlnt': needed the assistBn ce of 80me dee! sions. which accordin g to all ti:llLi.""'~_ _ _-i.'II DHLhT OWN who saw the game, were certainl y li lT aolor. It Isn't our custo m to q. ~~. AS R H PO A E tion the umpinls ' decisions or to ali!:>i Woods, S8 f. 2 1 I 2 1 for the boys ,(they haven't necd ~ d Libby, If [i I 3 1 0 I much of it this yeur), but it wUu Stewart , 2b . :; 2 0 0 :1 1 What a nuisanc e the humim body rathe r tough to lose this :1 2 2 14 0 1 is. . Through Ufe it worries U8 with manner .in which .it ~as one in the Neal, 1 b But J . WilIiam ~. cf . 2 0 0 11 1 0 aches and ' pains and needa. The never mtnd, th e wmntng lost. ea k mlly M Meh} cf I 11 0 1 0 0 spirit Is 80 easily taken care. of. It hI) b.rokl!n. but the boys str w'U L~cas c' . II 0 0 6 0 0 hlUl no rheumat ism, no teeth to ache, right back and start another . r.nme You Myer; rf . .. ;{ (I 1 I 0 0 no &,out, no hair to fall , out, needs can't keep a r.ood team down. . Heising er no clothing ; eats nothing , supplies Each team scored a run III the H Mehl '3br f . ...41 (I0 0 0 0 1 I 2 I. tJ what little real happine sa we have. second, and the big hocl1 ~ pocus, E' WiIli~m s p 4 0 0 7 1 And we soon learn to supprea a that was staged in the tlrst of the third. ' • _ _ _ _ __ __ pallt of It called "consci ence." Wood was snfe when Eddie Burton Totals U7 7 8 27 14 !\ made a low throw, and Libby singled .... . Even when you are dead, the spir- to left. Stewart hit to Tom Hurton, MIAMI It takel care of itself, goes oft aome- who tossed the ball to Onborn fcir the .. , S where and the body remains a nui· force-ou t: Harold threw the ball to IIIII\ce. The limples t thing is to burn first, aeeming ly ahead of Stllwat" t I\B R ~ PO A. ~ it up, iaetead of leaving the work of and Satterth waite relayed the 'balt Sa~l\l'thwai'lI, 1~ .. 6 1 } 1~ ~ ~ del~lltlon to slow worma, but many home, in an \1f!ott to ~tl:h' ~f)(idtil E. B\I~~, l\~.... ..4 who was tryin!f to .cilre 'op · ~o plaX' C. Os'bO~J\e, r-r ".. ~ 11 Q do 'n~n!~~ th.~ .~~tiO~ 1~ea. Everybo dJi }jut til" "\l!!lP~ \\l~l\ig~t H. Bu~en, o .. .... ·· ~ ~ 1 4 I! ~ the tripli! Play liad auceeedl 13ro~, ,lit, If Rut ... · ...... .. . 1 2 1 0 1 D!la~ and w~at we call Its "horrl'''!! ou&'tif~ bp mOlt u8eful. Every they decided that" Llboy wlI!! the pnly H. Orsborn , 2b .... ·· 4 Q 1 " S 1 a· ,"iI~ · linb of death he Ihould man who lJad' !?oe" retlre~. · 'l'lt(s Frost, Ilf ...... .... .. 3 o 1 2 2 1 say ~ Iifm~ f, "mercll ul heavelll I took the courage ollt of Fe~lf and his T. Burton, .8." ..... 3 o 0 1 6 1 0 0 0 o t!ad D!I~r .t<!P thinking , and get ·out cohorts for juet Il Ill'" 'Jllinu1'ei lind trren4e I'Jast ...... 1 ""~ 'd p . tiOmp~lni' .worth while, for I Neal tripled to cen~, seoting Stew~ Fel\lrl tI ... .." .. ... 3 o 0 1 0 1 100 o ~1ia ~ojlp' . ~!I ' gO~!l and they wi!1 be art. He soore(f 1!i!iise1( on !l ~4 .ISchu Ill' ............ .. 1 pitch, a few mqmon~ ll\ttf.. Th~ee P!!Ik "g, 'wljat 'ahall wI!' do with the runs where th!ly ~oulll i!ave l\aq Total' .......... . .. .. 33 f~~;in!l1' ,met' 'wh~t did he amount 27 16 6 none. How do ' tltey get t'l\at way? -Batted for T . Burton" In8 ninth. "SIr ~ ~. If that is clean smoprtBTIlan-II'1l" vio- !Batted for Fealy 1n ninth. tory, give Ul! defel\t. Just inciden to show the kind ... ... 1284 6678 9 .. of ball an .our boy t play. There is a Middlet on .... 0 1· S 2 0 1 0 0-7 ground rule li11'IIting 1111 hits made Miamis , ... .. .... 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 2 0--4 . Followi ng Is the' program for the over the house or any "aJid con~ert for Thurllda y evening : . yard fence in right fteld part .of the to one ba~e. 2-base hita-Ne al, Frollt. '/ In the fourth inning, Howard Bnrton 3-base hit--Ne aJ. Mar'ch- PeerIeiB ............ . .... .. .... .. .. Hay hit a l!1ighty smash on ')'I'hich he eu· Sacrific e hita-C. Osbome , 2 ; H . The Merry (It) · Nights ..... .. ....... Hayea Uy' reached ' aceond with the umplre'l l Burton, Froat. . Iridian Summe r ... , .. .. ............ Roekwe ll full consent , but Mana- r Schuler a6 Sacrific e Fly-J. William s. loh r"....'n 0 f .V a Ior:.......... ,·..... ,.. ... ... .. Knoticed the (;a11 had !fane over Stolen blUlell-Neal. Satterth wilite, The Gem ......................... .... ..... .. Anon a ' cornel'that of the :felice and prom ptly H. Buiton. . lntenn~aalop called hili player back to lint: .We Earned runa-M iddleto wn, 1; MiMari:)l7 "BaNIl Mountal D ....S Qut h we'11 are not question infi ilnybodY!!I han. amis, a6 lod . t 1; . .. '(. . . . . ... e y ".o Youth .: .. ......'" ... ,.Wilf Huff .esty. but we d 0 be love ' . that. Mid d Iu. . O1'8horn til Doob!e . play-H Call ol ·Spring............. ....... ,." Clemen t town's ' nctlo.n in ' the Satthird .Wall not terthwa lte. ' ~~.:.~:'::::: :·::I:::::::::: ::;~.i:::I:: ~f ~~o!~n::::i)l~iII'S high ' 8~~1li11 Mi~';~, 3~ h8J!O: -M!dd,letowD, . 4: There, wjll be only two more' .band . Manage r Bill ~ent irtto the' gamJl • Base 00' balD-D 1I' Fd '9eoneertil tbta year, the JUt one fo," a tew minutes iii UtI! ' nfilth "and . Wu~ pitCh-F ealy . heinl',. comp. llin8n~ ~!>. nc:ert to th~ owed the boys hoW" to hit a aQuttt~truc1tQQr.:-Bf~' \YUH.m l, · 6; buainlll !"men 'lUId tI!! SJ~~t'M' ,. . paw pitcher when' he gbtacle an ain· by FeaW, 4~ , ! ~ ! gle to left.: _. : .. ,. !f;l~e . An amUaina mclclen t ~ ~\JIIo aUautes. of . ..lD.....l lIo\ll' and 8S Cell ~ II ... ~ .... ... ..... lq the whllD • fQ~ ball wp 'VIII " . . ,. . .




The Departm ent of Al!ricul turc i ~ optimist ic in pninting the pil·tun· of rnrm conditio n s in th" nit!'d SlUt ~ ror the y Dr. 1U25. Th c .tnt(·"'C ll l say s that l)rOllliBe is good ror t he r eC"I'"ry in nil brtlnche ij (If tIl<' li""Mor k inrlustr),. H og~ are ""uriy double thl' price oC n yellr IIgo and hN'''y "tel" '_ a n(1 lam". a rc hi gher. Truck c rup!; nrc !mid to he c()minl! in f ur a s hare of recov ery

Mia mis Meet Their Waterloo in Middletown Ball Tea m

. ...

WED ESDA V, . ·.ln l..S:

def'id~, lI y

Soil Telti ng Popu lar

i!!:w!o ..



---_ 0 _ ••----

Adve rtised Lette rs


105th Session of Frie nds' Indiana Yea rly Meeting

On Saturd uy. Au~ust 22, lin o ldflls hi oned " 1I') \l s~ Raising " wi ll be he ld on th " fur m of H. L. 1\1 'Cund1"88. aLout "even mil,'s north wt!HL !If Ll'buno n, nnd four ""d one- hnlf mile" , outh of Frnllklin . This, hllwev" r, wi ll pertain to chicken s . as II "uHlern " oultry Lay inl! h tl u ~e is ttl h,· "uilt uCl·.o rdi"l! to plllns of the I'oul lt·y Ilnd Eng incel'i ng , pc(' inli "t~ nf th,· Stnle Ag.-icul lurnl college, who WI ll he lp direct he work lind also " s~ i " l wltb IlrcliminllTY urrung eme nt~ the' duy pl' eviou~. . Everybo dy who is int!cTes t"d ill building or remod ell in g th,!i r farm pou ltr y houses is invil..'<l to spell" Suturdu y a t t he McCHncll('ss hllm l'. Men and boys nrc r equ ested to wea r overalls and bring 11 hutchet or hummer , saw and squnre, if conve nient, With 25 or 30 s uch volun teers interested in learn ing the lolest points and plnne in poultry hous inlF. the new building will s pring up "like a mushr oom," und evcryvo dy present wi ll get the instr uctions nnd sugg esti ons given by th e Stutc speciali st . A s im ilnr poultry house was thu s built in one clay two yean ago on the farm of Scott Whitacr e, near Bull erville, s ince whiqh tim e several mor e have been built privatel y in vnrious part! of the coun ty. Bes ides the building discussio ns, Coun ty Age nt Cla ss an nounc es thnt a culling d emonstrati on will be given, di scussio n of feeding and breedin g by 8everal of the lendin g po ultrym en of the county, nnd a ~pec ial cunning dcmnns trtion for the komen . Miss Ki z r. coun ty home demo nstrntio n agen t, plans to cn-oper ate in t he chicken canning and will also probubl y demonst rate th e usc of a steam pressure rooker for cooking and canning old chicken s or other tou'gh mea ts. Monthl y r ecord s f r om poultry dem onstrnti oll far ms in Warren county show that chicken s are r eturning nice pro/Its, where th ey ure g h'en proper housing , feeding, culling, etc. The po in ts to be brought out sho uld r epay all farmers wh o will help during the day, and who \\111 put th em into practice at home. DinnUl' wiII be .ervpd free to all who heh al ong with the " rais ing ."




I~ . ~~~~


Dnnoing and religion have long been un ited. Samuel tells you "David danced before the Lord." He well might, for his rise was rapid from ligh twe ight champio n, conqu eror of Goliath, to ruler over Israel. Dancing haa its proper placo, see Ecclesia stes, third chapter , fourth Vel1le. "time to weep, and a time t o lough, a time to mourn, and a time t o dance." The next verse eays there is also "a time to e mbraee and a time to r efrain from embraci ng." That should be rememb ered in theso wild dancing Alm 08t 20n sampl es of so~1 were days. t.e sted by E. E. Barnes, soil specillli st from Ohio Agricul tural and When you get a piere of this earth Co u nt y ,Agent Class durincollegt!. g th e serl ! keep it. It cannot be stolen ; does of ten local meetin gs co mpleted in not rust; you are your own board of Warren coun ty last week. T o ~1 atdirector s; unlike water ed stockJ\ tendanc e rnll conside rably highe r, a s there is only just so much of it, and man y far mers came but did not bring it goes up In priet, samoles. A complet e a nd complex The Indians lIold Manhat tan IlIland array of apparat us was carried. The for ,24. The land in Central Park complet e outfit weighin g over 600 alone ill now worth a tbouaan d mil- pound! , was hauled from place to lion". place in the UniVers ity's Exten~ion truck. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Mr. Hatcll got 100 aeres at Far J{p~kaway, New Yorll, under {or &eloBure, for $40,000 , tried to get rid of it, but couldn' t, on account of litFoliowi ng are th e letten advertts 19atlo~. When be <lid sel! he got 3,000,00 0. At. today's boom price., ed at the poatoffice this week: Miss Nellie Burke. I hill' son bad it, it would be worth ,762,00 0,000. K,ocp your real es- care Bell Telep hon.e Elxchllnge. Mrs. Martha Ross, R. R. B. tate, Mr. Georll'e Kirk. R. R. 4.. Mr. Richard Bordc n, R. R. B. In Indianap olis, punishm ent is to ROSS HA RTSOC K, P. lot. f\t th e- ~rime, when one m a n with his autom obll c kills another .. The killer is to s pcnd one hour lorked in a ro om wi th tho corpse of the p rson killed. Tho th eory IS t hat It will make t ho kille r think, a llhough ii won't bring Lhe dead back to life. Voltaire had tile idea reversed . In "Zadig" a travelin g philosop her causes the young widows of India to disconti nue burn ing themselves alive with th e corp8CS of their own husbands, He didn't forbid it, only made a law thllt bcfQte being burned alive the young widow should puss a coup le of houts with the handsom est young man in the viUuge. After that for some strange reaBOn! the widow usually lost interest in beiQg burned up with her . aged spouse. Otten she disappe ared be· before the funeral.

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Inte:~~. I

Sta te. Capital i Prepa red by, i i Columbus Reporter I ...... ...... ...... ...... ..

COLU MB U , OH IO-As a result the primnri es lnat week, whicb hard ly without exception proV'ed nbout one nf t he most expensi ve ever held, leJ1:isluti o n which will r educe th(' expe nses of such in the future !leems certain. And, incident ally, it brings great hop for those who hllve opposed t he primary methods of selee. ing candid ates, and who wunt t o get bock t othe old "onvent ion dill'S. It is no sec ret that almost every voter who has the best interest s of his state or city nt hea rt, has been disll ppointed with the rapidly falling off in interest in primnry election s. In some cities and villages the primary vote cast last week cost as high as $4.60 each, and even at that price the res ult was far from satisfac tory to that element of voters who would put th e ir best business men at th e head of ctty nffairs. While the primary is sure to go, as nt present conduct ed, revampi ng of the entire election machinery of the state is due, and if those in terested in securing stronge r men for public offiec, especial ly in cities of Ohio, have their way, the old convent ion days will soon be with us again. Conven tion system means better leaderah ip. and while Home may co nstrue this as a ret urn of the politicul bosa, othera hold that the return of almost any kind of a bas. or leader is better than the absolute lack of interest which prevailll in Ohio political circlell at the preeent time whe n nominat ions are made.



Storms of protests from rural tax· payen of the state have followed the attempt of the legislati ve agent for farm organizu tion to delay ownerFarmon of Warren county who are ship of the Rosev ille brick yard plant. plannin g to attend Ohio State fair This agent to ld ·the board of control two or more days, may be interellt ed that farmers opposed prisone rs makto know that arrange ments have been ing brick for th e state highway s. He made with State Fair officials to se- also declured his oppoatio n to the cure parking and other campil\g space building of brick r oads in Ohio, and tor all who wish to eome by auto, partiall y os a resu It of his stateme nt bring their tent and etay over on the IIctio n on the part of the board of grounds . No charge will be made for control has . been postpon ed &gain. this space and police protecti on will J ohn E. Hllrper, director of public be f urnished day and night, but reg· welfare , as soo n as he heard of the , ular gate admissi on charges will be stateme nt saId that he could not poscollecte d for each day. sibly conceive of any farm organ<II Ten ts and cots will also be rented iZlltion, or individu al taxpaye r, through thl! Columb us office of the would object to the states emPloywho. Farm Bureau. The rates which vary ils idle prisoner s in the manufa ing with t he number of cots per tent, can of brick to be used in constructure ction be obtain.ed by calling the County of its highway s. It not. only mean .. Farm Bureau office. Blanket s, bed- employm ent for these prl80ne rs, but ding, etc., must be furnishe d by the cheaper brick and lower taxell ' to Mr. S. M. Burnett and family, of oampers . Tho Warrell County , di- Oliio property OWBerS. "Whe.n ever rectors have e ndorsed the plan, and the state highway departm ent l ' ,near Cen.~ervill e, were given a p lelUld.e cldes • .- ant surp rise, S undny, by the follow- will gladly make r eservati ons for all against using brick for its hig.llwaJl!; who report by Friday, August 21. we will disconti nue making paving .... ,.....ratJ ......,...· ing r elatives , who took their dinners Prompt 1 ~ acti on is necessa ry because block at onee, and have th_ prison~ and spent the da y with t hem: Mr. th e Warren ~ Co unty officials must re- ors make building brick for which . If Harl Harvey and fllmily. Mr. and Mn. F. A. Hartsoc k. Mr. ROBS Hllrtsoc k port total r eser vatitms to the State there is a constan t delT\D.n·d ',' Mr_ FIITm Bureau office by Saturda y, Hnrper says. It is interest ing in the and family, Mr. W. Z. Hartsoc k and con nection to note thllt while labor is f amily, a nd Mr. Wm. Lukens lind August 22. organiz ed in the ml\Jlufa cture ef al• Mrs. Mary Caskey was a week-e nd fnm ily. most every other article made by gu est of Mr. nnd Mrs. E. N. Oxley, prison en of th e state, tbey have nev- . of T roy. er proteste d against the employ ment of prisoner s. Brick manufa cturers Mrs. Mary L.Adum s. who hus bee n have atways opposed organiz ed la· \'i s itil1g in Wil l1'litl"ton, returned horne Mrs. Ohmer Fox died at her hom e bor, and hence union men are not Sunday. ncar Ferry Sunday night nt 10:30. employe d in these industri es. OutPl an. for lho fi rst 4-H camp fOT The f un eral was held in the F erry side of t he oppositi on of the brick the Boys' nnd Girls' Agrieul turnl church Wl!dllegdu y tlft ernoon at 2 trust to the purchas e of th e nOSl... Mr. ami Mrs. Frank E llJol\ aLt end- C lulJ ~ of Warren cou nt.)!. a rc being o'clock. " ed J''riends Yeu.rly 1\1 ec ting at W il- complet ville plant, the first object ion that. ed by thu Ollllt y Agents, C. has come is that from tbe legislati Te rningt on last week . F. Class nnd Alta Kizer . The camp Norman Coutcs died at bis home agent of a farm organisa tion, ' and. it: wi ll be he ld at Ft. Ancient , beginni ng in Waynesville Sunday morning at is pointed out thllt this is aboat tIIeJ MasLer Chorlcs f1111' \.."ock, of MiI- Monday , August 24, and closing Fri- 6 :30. His deuth was due to heart mo at inconsis tent of all poialbleo opfOl·d. is s pend InK thi ~ weck \vith hi s day. AUj;(ust 2U. trouble. The widow nnd . children position , for none benefit mon than: Th e locnl agents will be assisted survive. Funeral services12were WuynesviJlo I' l<ntives. uy llircclin g the camp activitie s by in the M. E. church WI.'d nesday held the rural r esidents , in. the meting of: instruct ors and spc.cilll lead- ing nt 10 o'clock, with Rev. morn brick by prisoner s. It m611118 cheapHermnn [1n<l Evelyn Sur(oee spent traineci ers who ho ve been assisting with Woshbu rn, officiating. IntermeL A. or highway s, an d profltab le ' employ•.-· Sunday night ill DuytoTh, the g uests 4-H nt in ment for th e men se..' from these ellmps in other counties . Don Miami cemeter y, of MI'. Rlilph Dyke nnd wife. counti es to oo rve long ternls of im-· Burso n, 1\ "peelal CDmp leader from priso O. S. U., will teach rope splicing or J ohn W. Smith, S-U;--pro=m=ne"'n;;rT.a::;r=m=---ttnorirm nm en t. It ill, tnconce ivable that owners anu rural resident s wnn t: Mr. nnd i\!rt\. Chnrles A. Fishcl'. met ll l work, gumos and swimmi ng. er living about t) mile north of Bell- these men to sit around in idleness of Cinc inn ati , nrc gue5l~ II f Mr. W. !II r•. D. B. Phillips . a cluh lellder and brook, died Sunday night lit McClel- instead of being e~ployed where the H. Allen and family, this w~e k. Annett e Prickett , D club girl from Ian hos pital, Xenia. return!!. "'(luld benefit tihem flnan-. Ulllllill.(l11 co untv . will 115sist with the Mr. Smith was born ne ar Middle ciaU)" Miss Clara Berrvhill left Friday teachin)!. of Swedish wcn vlng, must- Run, and all his life was passed in morn ing fllr Detroit. whel'e she will cal I!nmcs and oth er thin gs. the so uttiern part of the county. Iti, Monkey-d oodle business with the. A defi ni te program has been ar- wife died last May. Funeral visit reilltivc s for thl' next two weeks. aervi- ballot of voters in Ohio III. barred. ranged to tak e enro of every minute ces were held today nt thCl bOllle, It always has been, but Bonie of theand interme nt was in BIlU\Il'Ook cem- election officers A card from Dr. nnd Mrs. Wm. of t he day, which includes : of the state didn't ' elery. Oglesbee says they arrived nt Portseem quite clear in their undel'llt artJ6:30 a. m. -Ri8ing whistle. --. land , Oreg., llUIt Thursda y \l1orning. ... ~--ing a8 to what secrecy of •the balta!: 6:45 a. m.-Set ting up exercise s. really meant. They also seemed to. 7 :00 a. m. -Flag raising. question the position of Tb.<! H_ 7 :30 a. m. -Break fn st . Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Hender son Miss Louise llen der so n and Mrs. Kate, Brown, secretar y of state, also head 8 :30 to 11 II. m.- InstruC;qol\. Coleman were in 1I1 idd ietown, Sun12 :OO- Di nn er. Forty·tw o reilltive a of the Hurd- of the elective machine l'J' of this day. 1 :00 p. m.-Qui et hour-. Jackson families held a reunion . last grand old common wealth. .10 ver In Jefferso n county ele,!ell baIlo~ were 2 :00 p. m.- Gumes and lupervlllCd Sunday , two miles north of Harveys Mr. and Mrs. Alvah Hartsoc k and recreati on. burg, at the residenc e of Mr. Andrew burned. Report tUched ' Secreta ry-- " 3 :00 p. m.-Aaa embly for Bpecial Jackson . Relative s came from Day- Brown of th e dlllltTUctioll of thele famiJy atten ded a l'1Iunion the Reed ' family at bland Park, Dayton, tallul. ton, Hillsbor o, Harveys burg and ballots and he aent his first assistan t 4.00 p. m.-Swi m. ( Springfi eld and surroun ding country over to Invell\ig ate. Result will reSun4a¥. 6 :00 p. m.-Ge t ready for supper. Every family brought provisio ne,. ,"oval of o~ of the membe n of thl! G:00 p. m.- Supper. spread a fine table and enjoyed them- board ot .• pllty 8~te Buperv1ll0ri of Miaa Zola Baker, after a two -weeks 7:00 p. m.- Vesper. selves. All parted hoping to meet elect.(()Il. And without apology , but visit at the home of Mr. Adam MelraUter lUI a warning , Colonel Br?WD 7 :30 p.m.-Camp ·flre. araln next yea~. _ ..._____ loh a nd tamily, r eturned Sunday to said that "The constitu tion and the 8 :30 p. m.- Get ready for bed_ her home in Hamilto n. laws in Ohio were dtlvised for the protecti on to the integrit y and seThursda y has deaigna ted aa . Mrs. Mattie Prater, of Winfield , Visitor' s day, andbeen all interest ed are crecy of the baUot, and that thl' acts Knn., and Mr. William Prater, of invited to the camp on this' day. The of the member ~emoved WeN clem:I.f' Tulsa, Okla., arc visiting relative s in arrnngem el1ts ere not extensiv e A school reunion. 'Will be held at and fiagrant ly m violati.on of these ' Waynes ville and vicinity . enough to serve dinner to the guests, the Cornsta lk schll&lh . lawlI'" It's one o'f the safest bets so they will plellse bring their lunch day, Augus\ all. Allouse on Satur- poaalble that there won ' t bli any more ex-pupil s are Mr. and Mrs. Keller Hoke and cbil· wi~, them. ballots burned until all doubt of their cordiall y bwit ed. dren , and Mr. Rl:Loadea Bunnell left value haa been removed and tho deFTiday by auto f~lr · Luray, Va., wbere structio n ofthem is legal, appropr iate they .will visit Mr. Hoke's relative s. and pro\ler. Too many very ..,Iendid appitcan ts for every job as dep. uty state supervis or that is open, and Mr. and Mrs. J . C. Ha~ke.l.. Mrs. with an appoint ing power that 1IIn'0 John Fromm and Mrs. Mary uaskey afraid to act, there ian'~ much danattended a meeting at the Eastern ger of any more wbite crOaatos behic: Star lodge, at LE,banon , Tuesday ev· erected at points ·of error to indiening_ ' .~ ...... cllte tnat one perfectl y g90d .IJ!U~ . The WaynelVUle Clinnlng Com. . vi ~or h'1ll Julten by ,the wav,l<1e • 'I Le V M Mr. and 1111'8. e an ~+.':"" ~1Id family, who have been . ~iuU~ ~ ny will ' begin operatio nl ~" If ~"', .. VanMet re's parente . ~v. aria ~. everJt.\l. l\lg goes all ril'llt.. 'I'hve Is "'athon Jnhnsnn, "o{'Ferr y, left. Mon. all eicep" on"" 811• ...,, " .com crop ., r , Y", . ' day f.o» thoeir hom ,.. e a \ Warren , Ohio.•.. and the p.~k will, u,iI~abtedly, 4Iz • 'ceed that of· fonner yean.· Mr. and Mrs. Lowell TliomDll, ot . A ·vilrit to faetory dlaelol ed the· Centerv ille, entertai ned to dinnin', entire insidethe painted Sundny, ' the folloWing gueilis : Mr.. neat~ as . a~in.- ' The white and aa ma~hinery haa pany bUlb lind Mrs. F. E. '1'ho~ Anna and tbeen in motton for neveral days, an.d aDd aaytt e Robert, Mr: ' and M1'I." .Ralph Dyke, '\lvl!I'Ythirig Is worldllJ .. elT Wam~l ~E~~~' to perfeetid Mr. on. ~ "lI and ·Mra. Leeter Surface , HernlaD !~~~;~;: ,. new husker, b.oWDar 1'1 e Evelyn and Doris Sarfaee , Mr. D.vid cooker have beelLlu:idtld pot an a to the equip. =~ry,~:;' main ThotnU of uroWOrk]a

DeL; :; ) l




Hurd -Jack son Reunion


"Cor nltal k" Reunion



C~nning Factory Star ted Canning

. Produce lor Season 01 1925


:ci~ 1~B~"

ce:t~~=-_. ~ ,.~







I NEWS GLEANED School Children Dimes for Jitting ! ' FRO COURT HOUSE · Memorial to--''~Bryan al d faith" By P :"ULI~ " DE HA



A l't""T finding def"mlnn t guilty or g ross lIeglect of d uty divorce was )(rl\n l ~ d in the cns'! "f Abljnh COl(

Madden's Lumber Yard •

Th ,· "ourl consid~red thnl plaintift· l'~C /l v('r judgm"nt from defendIIlIls in Iho molter "f W. p, Clark \' ~. I.loyd D. HoweLt nn d Uarry McFl'l\le \· . P ('I!c ndnn wns I/:rtlfltcd leave tn plp.1l1 on or before October I, in the I1HIlI(,I' of Willillm Hu ssett \·s. N. 1\ . lI amilLon.


Waynesvile, Ohio

V~ . ~ u rnh

(" o x .

Luav(! to til l.! nl'tition in error waR ~rnntcd

i • :

plaintiff ill tilt' mo tter of William Reif, plaintiff in e rror vs. Stull' of Ohiu defendant in erro r. The IIlOti"n uf defendllnt for tempol'ul'Y alim uny unJ all owance upon a Horlley fl' '5 WIIS grunted in the mnlle l' u f DlUlicl Dawso n vs. Rosa Dawson . Defendanl was granted :.10 daye In which t o fil e answer in the matter of C, W. nll:l c~by vs. A, H. Brown. Il \\'us ordered that plllintifl reCOVH from defendant $ ::!88. 15 and interest in the matler of Henry.A. t.ial'ks. trllst('e vs. Charlet! C. I-Inu~(' r,

...... .............................................. _

t . I

DIVORCES INCREASE MORE THAN MARRIAGES While the number of marriage~ consummated annuully in the Un ited is increasing so mewhat, the divorces sec urer! is growing It'reater by leaps und boun ds. nccording t o a . s urvey made by the Federal Ce ns us bureou apd mad ~ publi<- recen t ly. The 1023 fi gures wer e compared with • those o( l !l06.l:J 16 and I !l22. Two ffOTARY puaLIC thirds of ull th t> divorces gmllted in 1923 were to ('ouple,; who had be" n Willa Estat•• Settled married less than t t'll year s. T~e marriage rate. b!l!ed on pop Wa1neavllle. Ohio ulalion . \Va: low r tlllln in 1 \J16 in the Unitcu Slates a s wh ole. There I ' ·W.don&! Bank .t ... 0 was a slight inrcease in the rn te in 1923. howenl', as oompar ed with , 19~2. ometi mes thE> variance o( Lhe marrillg ' rate in various states (rom D~. H~E. HATHA.W A, l' one year to the next is due t o n~ w marriage laws. And t he ratl! is high DeNTIST er III some states than others because of non-resident couples who come ~nd' X-O-QRAPHIST '" because of the marriage laws. Ohio. Concerning divorces the report con w~ tinu es: . lU, "The number of divorcea per 100 000 total population a nd the numb ~r OPFICB.: ' HATHAWAY BLDG, per 100,000 marr ied population were highel' i n each geogr aphic division in MAIN STREET J 923 than 'n 1922, and hig her ill 1922 tha n in 19 16. On each basis .I" i t the Middle Atlantic division ranked y".<.,;· :~h"'. lowest, in 1923, 1922 and 1916; and ''I .. ~ the Pacific divis ion had the highest f t., rlltes, except that In 1922 and again in 1923 the West South Central di 'I' ' ~t" .... ,II-I t v;ision ranked highest In number of ~v ~ivorce8 per 100,000 married populaI ~R II''V a MINED tion. . 1'!!;' -::i::~ES'F - I'rt·'E'ft "There are marked dilferencea ~~ ~ among the geolTaphic divisions in the PROMPT REPAIR SERVICE prevalence of divorce. Thus, in 1923 \: -"~ 'J '/1 /I JI . ' 1\ Ule divorce rates b88ed on 100,000 eof'";",~\l:JJ. U ~ C 'IJ_~.... . L total population varied from 69 in .. GI~b r.a I l' the middle Atlantic to 260 in the Pa 1 ' ' : ' ' ·t'. "'r .', cille division, while the divorce rates to 5 p. m. on 100,000 married popUlation varied J, I !.)' from 143 in the Middle Atlantic to 'IR. GOlD . . . • iile---eBld" 626 ' ln the West South Central divi '., ~..... • 8ion. Each rate W88 over four times . Ohio as high in the highest 88 in the low ... " , 'n est ranking division ; and similar wide " 'I .h:""li/~ ;..'!,J AlNO I. . varia~ion!! existed among the divis • .MllIJl-umce. Ions m 1922 and in 1916. _ .. ,, ' ....'\.t'u"tb· B'rown St--t. "Of ~he forty-eight states which • _ ~ .ww grant divorces, forty showed an in crease in 1923 as compared with : . ' ~_lDa 'Theate. • ':> ~ " D'Yt'b'~ Ohio 1922 in the divorce rate per 100,000 .. .il Ii • .>1,1 < ' total population, and forty an in crease in the rate per 100,000 mar J r~ed population . In 192 2 thirt}' t. , eight states show ed an increase i. •,.,& 2« ~'~"IILJ .. ,. each rate over that of for 1916." ; I"! !i. I


e t ol.

The court confirmed nnd approved the I\rder of sll le in the matter of Charles F. Phillips vs. S. C. Phillips, et al. The matter of Vcrnie 1-1 . Wnrd low v~, Amber Wardl ow. was dismi ~sed without record . T he malLer of S, A. Stilwell va. Sam Snider was compromised and di.s miss(Jd. NEW SUITS Waynesville Farmers Exchange Com puny has entered 8uit Dgainst JOllies B. Rufl'ncr nnd Alma C. Ruft'Ill'r for cognovit. The Commercial Bank of Middletown has entered suit against Walter Black, Harold Henry, J. D. Taylor and WiUiam C. Osborne for money and foreclosu re of mortgage and other equ itable relief. Nalional Ideul Sales Co., has cnte red s uit against Enoch Chamberlain for appeal. Ru ssell L. Bl'own has entered suit for divorce aga inst !\fyrtl!) B. Brown. He charjfes neglect.


pt-cially f<lf the )fiami Gazette.}

NF. W YO RK-. natio n-wide move lIIent for th e Heci.i un "f an exl ra ordInary memorial to WiIlilllll .Iennin gs Brynn, at Cl(·wiMton . 1~ l oridn. wns annGun !'Cd todny by Miss Dio · n "sa Brynn Evans, ~od·dau~t hte r of th c IIHe ommon(·... ;\Ji ss Evn ns. whose homc is 1\" ;lli :iG Gl'ufil'ld 1\ "C · IIU Il. J'llil1l111apolis. lll'l'ived at thll 1£ 0 · tel Roose"l'lt, New Y llrk, to c~lnbli s h II pcrmnnl'llt orgnnization l or LII(' project. Ther' is 10 be a eo mmittee com posed of conspieullus I ('ud~rs of th uug ht. industry lind finunce fr om 1111 "cdinns of the counLr~· . Thi s incorpo. rated committee will hll\'(' J.(cncral chllrlt'e of the enterpri~e. There Is to he II contest (or I hl' most IIPPl'oprlllte de ~ ign for th e mcmorial, nn.1 a lrt'l~dy M iss Evans hus sec ured a donati on of $1 ,0 00 fr om B. G. Dahlberg, ot Chicago. to be IIward cd for this prupese. The fund s for the erection of the monum ent aro t o be ~upplied by t he ~h ildr(' n of the pll blic and S un dlly-Schools df the co un try in dime contrilJUtio ns. CIIIIS. F. Daly. preside nt of th e Liberty National bank in New York, has prom · ised the services of that institution us custodian o( t hese fund s. Miss Evans proposcs that the memorial be built at Clewiston, F lorida, on the southw est shore o( Lake Okce~lObee. Miss E:vans explains that she selected Clewiston us the place for the monument of her IntI' godrather, first, belcause it is in the Co mmoner's adolptcd 8tate and socond, because it us a benuty spot hI' favored. "Tho proPo88l has met with such enthusiastic approval as almost to sweep me off my (eet," Miss Evans enid. "It's true that when I proposed Washington D. C., as the place ror the memo rial , I found a number of objections. Critics suggested that any effort to secur e a site at the nationa l capital wo uld produce a su~­ gestion o( political significllnce. The

:' "

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Mra. SI ..

b ,, ' .,JaCM i!alt •

~ ..,.dar •

u bu:ked by the ...tiet 01 two gonera-


tt.a., more titan fifty SOLD EVERYWHERE ki nd.

yeu. of IUCceaa.


ilh allY "eel or pllrty." S UCC(' RS l-:\, "II ~ i, the dnul:h te r of D. II. F.\'uns. o f Trac\, . Mi nn. , 1111 inter· puyti. " \I


nuliouull~' l,n'IWI\ I", olit.i ( a l e co n o mi s t.


wht) wa~ II lifl'-I"n g f rk'nd o f Mr. it s o. B'·Ylln. lind u IIryun cI ('I~~ut(· tn c\'· llry

D (, 01 \l('1

a t ic National convention

fro m l S!I(; La nn.1 includin~ 1 !120 . Williul1I .I en ninJ.(" Bryan atte nd ... u the

--- ---

1:i'IB, 'F. Young


"Peraonally. I don't care for o ceiling fan- but I ordcrr d one j u s t t he oa . e . Th ~ Lo .. i . b" ld headed, you know ." ~ - -.

__ . ,,_ 14-.m.

a..t .





.F.. Tit Martin

J~$se Stanley



Centerrille, O.


Har veysburg Co. HARVl':V!lRURC. 0

PIoDn. "

(';rJh' ('-

in l! l'iuu'! "

Io \Vnn't

" ("Itt

10 i11


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Dr. John W_ Miller

"lh cl .-":-1 •..1 don ' t lilll! t o wlllk." t:1':l l' ~-- " \) n' t he ~i ll y . N.,n~ of us do. W" go,·t "ides \\ ith th e nic-


11In r ril-d llWfl yu u v\'ur ntel ••

Oentif.:t. ."



IInnl. tlltlv


S IG N Olli BACK O f" FOnD

Walter McClur e

This Week's Cross-Word Puzzle

, \.

-_ _- - - - - 1

The shee r jllY "f see ing his puzzle ill print Il1 U~ l hn ve pr"ll1 ]>teci ils author to effol·t - For certn in .1 i< that it was mail ed .i'1 to t~i s newspn perll ll SI!!ned . It I ~ n Koo.1 puzzl e with·

Ilut one hard or diffir,ult word in it. ~o we lire puhlis hing it th b wee k. 'l;' he definition s \\'('TC all chcck~d . curetully Ullo! the;' 1\1'(, C0rrcet- s o don't I: y th~ bl ume HIlt" he auth or if you iail to work it.


New ,Burlington, O.

Waynesville, Ohlb

.=-:==== Fully Equipped (OT Conti Servin:. Large f) .splay. I<oom Amhulancf' Service TELEPHONt::




~IKht Specli"l~t

At Cary's Jewelry 'Shop Lebanon, Ohio


I ueaday '; :'

8:00 s. m to .. p. ,., '


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----------------' -'""'--' -










metn ·


hnvcn ' t (ound leneher."


I am

DEAn '5T OCK ""'0







l'{·ived <lPg'I'PCS .from Ih (o Univ~ I'8 itv Minn esota. Syra~u"e university und Cululll bill.

--- -


1. ·---- --· -·--~--­

c hri :stL' ninJ.! IIf 1\1i s~ Evan s . w h u h us uti opted h .. .. t'l1lhcr' :o, \\'ul'k . S he r l".. f


AUTH'VUTY "\ tell yu u

FUNER.-\l DIIU;1.. I (I~

J ohn W. McClung. guardian of Ruth J. McClung, incompetent, tiled h,s fiTilt account. J ane Wrig ht, executrix of the estate .o f Jesse Wright, de~.ea8ed , flied her IIlvenlory and appraisement. Id~ Funk was appointed admlnistra tnx of the estate of Everett Funk deceased. Bond $600. Victor H. W,?rley, Isaac J. Irons and Elbert P. Snider were appointed appraisers. The report of Hilda A. Weber, guardian of Carl W. Weber, minor, was approved, allowed and confirmed. In the matter of the estate of Hannah Adams, deceased, the court ap· proved, allowed an d confirmed th e ~ccoUl~t of Alice E. Gustin. adminIstratrlx. The court a pp r' ved, allowed and neBota, god-daughter of the late WI1\. Jennings Bl'JPo jtl III New cQnfinned the account of Harry L. Dormandy, guard inn of Catharin e York organizing i 'national earn. Inlttee for a memorial to "BryanGray, miner. In the' matter ef the settlement of and Faith ." It Ie to be erected In the estate. of Angeline Spence, de- Florida. Alreadiy a aWl ' prize of ceasc~, 81Ud estate and successions 11,000 has been lleCunld to be !here!n were f ound ·to be free from awarded tor tht be4 aialllOlW A_J ~, ~ . mh oTitance .tn x The will of J ohn Brandenberg, deceased, WIIS admitted to Probate. ~usan J . Brandenburg, widow, there- !D0nument is so great and broad in Its conception and in its meaning In, was elected to take under the will. that I thought it would be folly t~ Sh,! also ru:cepted the tM4St n.~ execany hazards of political conutrlX of the e8tate. Appraisers ap- assume pointed Were Charles S. Irwin, Chas. troversy. Moreover, the fear of partisn~. objection brought forth the J. Waggoner and Robert Shawhan. a~dltlOnal fear of sectarian discusIn the matter of tho estate of sum. George W. Byers, dece88ed, William "It was logical, therefore, to reM·AByers, filed his first ·account. manda E. Baldwin. adminlstra- !Dove the. undertuklng from all politIcal, partisan, seotarian or other crittrix of the estate of D. A. Starr, de- icism. No one ('o uld possibly object ceased, filed her first accoun t. . The will of Joseph F. West decease.d, was admitted to probate.' Private sale of certain securities bel,!nging to the estate of J esse $16.25; Perfect Typew riter Key Co., keys, $4.00 i Office Outfitters Co.• supWright, deceased, was authorized. The net valli e of the estate of Wi\- plies, $1.50; Vuney Phone Co., phone Ham H. McCain, decease d. was found rent and t olls. $47.25; Alfred C_ Brunt, sheriff, supplies and repalra to be $7400.00. ~2.65; Bangham Motor Co., s upplies: ----'$2.03; Miller Hdw. Co., same, $1.66; MARRIAGE LICENSES H. C. Reif. same, 65c; McGetchin's . . C~arles. .Brough~Q,?, painter, at Pharmacy, same $3.36; E. S. Worley, Clncmnatl, and Virgie Ellis Lynn same, $36.65 i Jn o. Law & Son, same factory work er, of Mason. ' $24.07; $5.76; W. H. Stanage, same: Orner W. Blair, ' boiler inspector $1.00; Lebanon Coal and Ice Co., of Xen ia, and Louie Marie Davis, fan: Ice, $16.20; Trulltees Public. Affairs, cy stitcher, of South Lebanon THEN HE SHOT HER water rent, $10.00; Jno. Law &. Son, Matbias H .Hornsby, farme~ and sUPP.lies, $7.79: Alfred C. Brant, FOIl SALE BILLS AND GENERAL Bridc- " How much is mutton to- Mrs. Sar,nh Little, both of South'Leb- sherlft', board an.d washing for prisI ' anon. I .RlNTING, CALL THE GAZETTE. day?" oners, $380.32 i ICharles E. Mull. reB~tl(her-"36c per pound." pairs, $1.00. . ".:" f! " COMMISSIONER'S REPORT Brtde- "Mercy, I imagined it would V. W. Tompkins, payroll, $20.10; much cheaper. I just read in the ~~ ~S, PAYS THE AD. be E. S. Donnell per W. G. Thomp- $479.00; F. M. Collins, same, $860.18 paper where u scientist had invented son , I st est. Contract No. 826, $323; Eden Terry, sam~l $23.00 $368.35; A. VIUt'ftSER MO)Ut THAN A HUN a cure for insomnia--8O naturally In?. Law and Son, gas, oil and r e- T. R:ettig, same, $35.00; $85.16; Jos. there are a lot of sheep out of work ." P!llrs, $33.68; W . P. McCarre n gas DaVIS, same, $1205.02 ; S. E . Cutler, D~i~r#. ~. US. oil and sto:age, $55.88; Alonzo' Car: SRme, $39.00; $154.95; Philip Heisel, ----.~-ter, d~agg ln g, $7.76; Cen. Garnge, same., $26.10i Walter Var.nerJ. same, 1 TRY THE GAZETTE'S JOB WORK gas, OIl and grease, $4 3. 20' J W $30.20; John Urton, 88me, '1\47.66; Whi~e, linse~d oil, $5.60; Wel~h & E. W. Quimby, name, $83.60; P. B. Dakm, 8up~hes. $63 .55; H. S. Con- !\fonce, same, $99.40; T. C. Cough, over, sUPllltes, $3.75; J. K. Spencer 1111, same, $235..s6; W. S. Graham ., , bridl!'e lumber. $78.84; A. T, Rettig' sa!"e, $141:35; Hayner VanRiper; replp~s on drag and grader. $1.50 ; J: bridge repalJ', $5.90 i W. A. VanRipW. Lmgo Hdw. Co., supplies, $43.47; $5.90; W. A. Scott, same, $15.8.0; W. A. Scott, bri~ge repair $5.40; d Maloy. same, $9.80; A .T. Rettig, Ed Grady, same, $4.00; M. E. Gray shortago in pay, iJ9.20. 'same, $3.20; John Urton, material: Tigar &: Caril!ton, spikes. $3.25; ~ I ~ .5 5 ; Herchel F . James, truck re- Columbua Blank Book Mfg. Co., suppalfS, $95.03; Lebanon Lumber Co plies. $6.50; E_ I). ·Evan., furnishing '. \ !l'uard !ail material. $36.00. Sueme';: and plUng atone, $10.13; C. W. StewlOS' Sicker Co., supplies, U.76: art, same, $16.38, J. C. Bunnell, Date ,our· ..I . with UI, Welruarantee Stakalta Mfg. Co .. same $.31.60; Book same, $23.63; Oregonia Bridge Co..t1lf.ctio~ or ch~re nothinr. Shop, .same 50c; Dayton Blank Book blue prints, etc., $13~ 50; Mason Lum: and Ptg. Co., same, ,7.00; W. H. ber. Co., lumber and spikes, $29.72; Stanage Co., sa~e, $720.60; J . L. Wa!tes Garage, repairs, $110.44; Haycock, agent, IOsurance premiums Blair &: Leroy, gravel, $7 _00; S. q. $9. 27; Geo, Warrick, janitor service' Al.exander, scoops ana bolts, $9_14; Phon. No.2 Phone No. 320 $2.0.00; W. B. Carpenter Co., sup: IVinS &: Jameson Drug CP., linseed oil p\te8, $3.65; Brown Pub. Co., 88011), $2.70. '$ !


Avcd b r

b811 catolrrU 01 the It.onucb. bo••1.0 Ilv~r. W.. "'n~"ed 10 111, bed. I ave tokeo l'~·ru ·"" and Mln·D·lin .M Iba"" God fOf & L'OOd I"""ath .nd apPc\1tc. My fnnh ,. IItt'O lIlJ thD.t Pc -ru ·na f. a lire "'~"e'. I advise m, fric m!. Mil,. to a.e ['c-na -_ And miD,. ha ve be~" helped."

0.' ,


H\II.t, log Protpcct '.11,,", ••, Conn.. cos.-

AIl I ~rt





p. ~ri cti<'11 0 ; l'!ori,II' . I' " ~tat the gn>:t1 • C CHUU\O "lel' !.l t' Pth' fl . the .i e 1'01' th ~ III' t nwm or;II I Lo .n·cLed tu his memu ry; and t.h u~ F lo rI da wa~ ch osl n. "l\ly v-ision f l f thi ~ l1lel1wrial is cleur o f nny th oulth (I f ,,·ct , or sdlUol II' party." Mis" Evans said. " It ii<' un expre s~i o n II f his 10vI' of tha t faith in o ther,." Briefly. hesid E's lhe gencrul cnmmitt(·!, which wi ll han dl c the eKtllb. li"h nll'lIl of t he Memorinl. therl' will be H c \lIl1 m itL ~e which will HWl\I'o! the prj". "I' a th ousu nd doil lirs I" t he u~li < 1 suhlllittinlr the des ign whi('h best lncprl'" mtl'> the . iu cH of IlrYIIII and Fa ith . There will be u sepllrat c contest and prize for the Anes\. epiLuph (' xprcsslng. thnt ~p l endid faith by which Bryan II\·cd. Ilnd Ihf!rC' will hc com mill~cs to promote lhe contrihution of dllll(,S hy ~c hool ~hi ld ren . Th ' I\nn OUn~e m ellt of till' porson · npl of tlw ~c cum miltceg wi ll ue mllul' a~ soon. as Miss Evans hilS applicr! fur th.c IIlc?l'poration of the gC'lI crul commlllee In Nllw York. Th e invitation for desIJrn s fo r th e me mol'iu l will inc.lud e the title" Bryan- an d Faith ." Miss Eva ns ' vision of the granite str ucture inc1ud~s a herlJlc effigy of Bryull, Bible in hunll . surround ed by a group of school chi ldren. " I,; co ntinuance Miss Evans sRid ; It .. my uppermost desire in thi" undertoklllg to exclurie ail controversy A IlIcmuri,,1 li nked to the story of ~ fi);ht mus t ulway" be IIssocillted with ~h e memory o ( II c()ntro"er~ ial s ubJect. .. ~ monument to him as II tribute to h!B su preme faith in religion and to hiS ~rus:ud(! for the in culca tion ot t hllt t,lIth III school children can never tak u on any diffcrcnt meaning. l\~oreo \,l' r , t h c r ~ eu n never be IIny dlsput~ about religi ous faith as a spir Itua] elcnwn t commanding th e ven' erutlon. "There can never be any di spu te about the. supremacy above all other el.ements III the sou l of William J enntnps Bryan o f his fuith in religio n "William . .rennings Bryan- Haith' -schoo l chIldren - t ha t is th e "hibboleth for nu l' memoriu!' We want no compliclllions wit h isms of uny



FOR RESULTSACRO S 1 An article. 3 Unoccupied. 6 Waiting. 9 Dominate. 11 Invade suddenly. 13 Exists. 15 Intervals. 17 'In the y~ar or th e rei g n (Latin abbr.). 18 Put on, as a garment. 20 Pnrt of the verb "to be." 22 Belong in the rear. 24 An animal. 26 P'uta or places . 28 Bone. SO A pronoun. 3 1 Refuse or rubbish (mining) . 33 Final. 35 A fox-like African animal. 36 Ancient Irish language. 38 Before; earlier. 40 · A cloth. 41 Nllar. 42 Toward. 43 A fish. 45 Smell. 47 About. (Latin abbr.). 48 A prefix denoting' ill. 50 A color. 52 Exis ts. 53 Port for ships.. 56 Act. 57 Stepped. 59 Equal. 61 A stringea instrument. 62 Tax. payment. 63. Lad. U

2 S 4 6 6 7

8 10 12 14


A ""11111 l' lusl' d room for priso -


on~rs .

L'n nlll,,'sslIry 1\ctivity (plural). Northctlst (abbr.) . A tmct of I.lnti surrounded by wntc l'. 25 Secon d duy nfter Good Friday. ·27 An Hire; elern ity . 29 To remain. 30 To come together. 32 Relate. 34 Forenoon( ubb r . ). 35 Li ke. 37 A tr'eatise nn the science of the earth Dnd physical forces. 39 A bird' of Arabian mytholog v (plural). _. 41 Engendered. 44 Repetition of so unds. 46 1\ conjunction. 48' A title of respect given gentlemen. 49 To encourage wrong-doing. 51 A kind of fish. 52 Sick. 54 Sum up. 56 The Egyptinn sun god. 57 A preside nt (abbr. ). 58 A note of the snale. 60 A meas ure of music (abbr.) . 17 19 23

Anlwer to La.t Week'i Pu ..l •






LOAN1' on Chattels,Stocks. Securities and Second Mortgages. Notes bought. John Harbine Jr., Xenia. Ohio. . ·0130-'26

Farmers, Attention! Fannel'll of Warren and adjolnln. counties may obtain money on Ion. time 10llns, at 5 % pel' cent Interest. Cost of securing the same is very reasonable ,through The Federal Land Bank. For further Infonnatlon call on or addre88 M. C. DRAKE, Treas. urer, phone 3I6-X, Lebanon, Ohio, WANTED CASH-For Dental Gold Platinum SIlver. Diamonds, mag~eto polnt8' fal~e teeth, jewelry, any ' valuable!!: Mall today. Callh by return ' mail. Hoke S. & R. Coo, Otsego, Mich.

DOWN A leaping, jumping amyhibian resembling the frog. Hlllf an em. Makes known. Beloved. Before. Mixed type in print shop. A .man's name ( short fonn). Da\lghters of American Revolution (abbr.). Like. Like ashes. . Manner; method.

FOR RENT ' FOR RENT-Garage. WlIIiama, 4th &: Tyler

Jrll'll. Amelia



FOR SALE FOR SA~E-S. C. Leghorn Pllllets. Ready to lay. Blue Flame Buckey~ brooder. c\leall. Mr•• Edna' ,Mel'edith. . .a19 · S. C. White Leghorn hens. pullet. abd cockerel8, all produced from tr_npnested stock, of 266-egg strain. We trap-nest every hen. Hena Ilfteen montb. old and producln,, · L. · 'G .Brock, R. D. 5, Wayn"svUle Olilo.' ,


A K'55-




-.26 di~I", t&bie; ,

FOR SALE-Olle. od 1 .oak. ;Sulfet; 1 Walnut'Bed: '1 "apie Bed: 1 Walnut ,Stand' 1 Boo,case, .Oall, on ~. G.- Oro... ' al~ .. , FOR SALg,..,.Vel')" fine ;}I"b~griide • Phono.grapli and recorda ~lt lIald ' for. Oan be- ~u8'ht for blilartce dUe at '1.00 pel' week. Fat! lull ulars write .,., O. Bolt 142, Dayton, Ohio.. .• . ~. a26 ' FO:R SALE-A fr~Dt, bumper for a ,qbevrolet I!AP. . P. O. Box) 12.


'. "'a1.

II'O~ 8ALB-Sb.tland ~7!

w. N. Sean, W.,..1I9IDt, ~




....THE M lAM I


GA Z E TTE .... \


- ISSlJE? EVERY WEDNESDAY Entered at t he Posto ffic e at Wuynesville, 0 ., a~ S 'cond Clasa Mnil Mutt er ,

J>: 1.. CRAN E , e di to r and P ubli sh r , WDync. vl Un, O hio S u b~ cnptiO Il Pdce, $l.1)·0 p~ r Y'UI',

WEDNESDAY, AUGU ~ T 19, 1925

-====~-=~==~====~~=== ON COAL Th'c -cI'a!' Hitllllli nli T(' mi n d ~ one of what Mu r k T Wl: in Hni tl a bou t til{' wcnthcr- <,ver yh(lcly cO" 'Pl nill ~ , bl\t nobody do es an ythin g. Our MCll sati vll ul PI'('S" h n~ popuInrized nil th e c l~m en ts o r dcnun cinlion, but It hns not helped in nny wily to sllmulate poopl· t n uction. The momen t we reel somcthing to be wron\( we rueh like punic strick c n children brgg ing th e gC)\'ernmcnt please to gov ' I' I us n lilli e more. We pr onoun ce aga inst "prcdIItory wealth," we exco l'illte "lhe in eres ta," we de nounce ·'the puckors ," and "the trusts," and shri ck to high heavon against ope rati ons of th e " coul baron,,-" 'fh en, we scntter into inclividunl g rumbl ers, go back t o t he work of th o uay uTld moe kly pay the price, hopin g perhn". thu t public ex ploltution hal rrnch ec\ its ponk. As a fact, public exploitation hns not reached its peak, and it never will reach Its peuk until the American people ge t buck some of the red blood of the men who Qlade this nation, ' Popular Ke lf excusc lies in the pitiful phrase, "Well, what CUll 1 do?" Thi s weakling wuil has 90 seelled into our national character, that the world bas corne to look upon our citl:tellry 88 the most browbooten, brallR-button rul ed, Rolf-complacent, Bupine lIock of humanity tllllt hiatory has ever known to be gathered under a single ling, individually bravc, but in mn.s forma tion marching in step to any whip that cracks. . The handful of men controlling a:be coal industry, kn owin g t hc naiional weakn ess, do not Ilrgue prices - they announce l hem. The Ileople roar 1)/ cou)'se; but th ey pay th e tri,hula ',l'hen the y rcst until th e food tJucCanl!l)11I dec.lde t o exploit both the producer and consum e r, which pro-

vid es a Khmal fnr further exercise of tl,,· puhl ie I lI n!:~. T he ret a ile r sny". "I r un't help it," t he jo bher snys , "[ ! ~" \ PO\\' CI'l l'RS," th (· wh o lc Ral c r s nys, \\ hnt can I U(l?" Illl d th Cl for nes in control j oin with the publ'ic in Hitli n ~ dow n. . And n .. w, having written this ed1t';>rI al, \\' . will proceed to order our Wlllter c.oal, pny lh e price, and next week J:'l'Ind Ollt ROme other editoria l tha t fuils in lin e with accepted thoug ht ~nd ue ge ne rally pl ensing. Poor little Puck. He is quite deaci bu t his motto still linger s in lhe a ir. -E .P_ H. . Th.e ISllae Walton League of Am rIca I" to h,)ld II c(l nve ntiun in Septe muer . Pon r fish. Gen ernl Dawes says; "It is t oo darn ed hot to talk." Pity ror him th e Sell ate did not conve ne in July.

Mrs . .Ella Broo ks is ill. , Mrs. W. B. Sil vers Is qn it e ill .. ~ l r. an d M r~. I~ d B l'O\ n IIrIl visiti n~ l'cial iv('x n nr Wilmington. 'l'he Wilmi n!,(~vll rail' Iltt r3cted 11 nUnuc r of ou r ('itizens lll.t w'ok. I. r. Ut d JIl l'S. I lIy nwnd ooks und fam il y we re Dayton visitors, Thu rscla y. Mi ss Mnrga rct Sta rr relurned t o Da,Y tQn, Friday, a ft er tI ' , I ea ~n nt va r ll t ion. . Miss Mir iam Brnnt, of Lebnn on, IS till' hc lt'"c ~u cs ~ o r M iSH Hele n Hnnclnll. Mrs. Lnu!'" Shidnkc r a nd lIIiss Lnurn WUI'lI :II' C s pcn t!ing sOllie lilli e li t 'hIlULll uljuu. Mr. an d Mrs. M. E. Sherw uo d are entc rl"in i n~ th eir so n, II nci fa mily, o r Colu muu ~ . The Aiel mot Friday a rtern oon instend of Th urKduy . on acco unt 0 [' the Wilmingto n fuir. II1 rs. Pu ul Pe te rso n, of Sprin g Va lI ~y , vi"ited her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. I· m ilk il a rris, this wee k. The winu WccJn c, dny eve ning bl ew down sIJ vc rul bea utirul trees on th e Bupti sl pa l'so ll uge gro unds. Mr. nnd Mrs. A. S. Collett and Mr. !lIld 1-1 1 ~. 1\' . i'. :11<·( :"rrc Il II rc enj oyIn g U Il lU l, tt" l r ip tu

Niag uru Falls.

Manufacturers of rubber pad locks . Mr. und Mrs. J on\. M o ~ris, of Washse(' m to be do ing 0 11 ext ensive busi- Ington, C. B., wer e business visitors here Tu csuay, nnd ca lled on fricnd s. ness Cn New York. Mrs. J ennie PenQui te has return ed "Say it with Fountuin P ens," prob- to her hum e in Midland afte r a ably wiill be the slogan of I~ rank plcasn nt vis it wi th Mrs. Anna VanD. Watermun, Republic.nn candidate Voren. for mayor of the city of New York'. Mr. and Msr. Herb ert Fite and Girls painting their knees certain- Jllne Ellen, of Washington C.H., were ly offer to evolutionists proof of re - Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank WIlso n. version of type.

Mrs. C. G. Randall went to Van Why not let us all ruin the town Wert, ThurRday, where she will visit credit by sending our money out of her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. James town to buy from the mail order Sto ops_ mlln _ That's the way to commit Miss Hnrriett Tucker spent th.'e community s uicide wihtout trouble. latter pa rl o f th e week in Lebanon th e g uest of her grandmother Mrs' A London medicul director in a ' . ~hild' s hospitul says a buby's crying Lottie South. 18 not necessary. Fine, but if he Two o r our t each ers, Miss Merle wnnts to make a fortune let him pro- ElliS and Mr. Burnett Butterworth "ide the preventative at a dollar a are enjoying a trip to Niagara Falls' throw. lind oth~ r poin ts of interest, in com~ pany With II group of teachers and stud cnl.S rrom Wilmington college.

,BEECH GROVE From FiI ... of 25 Y..... Aro

PuttiD, ia Furnace. Mr. George Smith is here this week with his family, and is also engaged In putting in f'lrnnces for the firm of Faulkner Bros.. of Wilmington with which ho is now connected. George fiays th ey ar c first -class men t o do' husiness with as well all th e most fr.i endly to live by and n eighbor WIth. . G. E. Randall, James Stoops and . Wallnce Tibbnls will have f urnuces put in .

Old School Allociation The fift ee nth annu a l r eunion of the OId ' ~ , 11001 a~s 0ci nti o n, wh ich took place Ilt lhe Wn ynIJ"viile scl]ool hall, 81llurdny, Au !! u ~ t H h, \\' 8 5 conceded by 811 the rel!u i:tl' attendan ts to be happlcc.t of ail, an d this Is sayIng much, for th e fourteen that preceded til l. were marh d by genuine enjoyment. The foll owing office rs were el<.>eted for the enBuing yenr. Preeident, Jno Other Note. Llkene, of Richm ond, Ind.; Vice-presHon. S. H. Ellis has been appointIdent, Lh:r.le Glluze Packer, secretary Sollie Llkenll DinwIddIe; treftllUrer, ed ~y Gov. Na.~h as delegate to tbo National Farmers' convention to be Kizzie Merritt. held at Colorado Springs, Col:, from August 21 to 31. , Plcaic Mr_ George Pratt and sister spent The Collett-McKay piudc, which Sunday in the Queen City. took pIKe last Saturday was as usJ . B. Chapman Jr_. has been for ual a boOtfting snccess in all itl! detail.. .. Wblle appreciative of the oft- a week past enjoying a visit with his reMwed InvItation to be present at brother, Bert, in the shade of the these happy annual family reunions, beautiful home of their chHdhood. we regret that circumstances have Joseph says his parents will soon bo hero to shake hands with old' friends. always prevented ollr attendance. M.r s. Verna Kelly, nee C88key, D.ath of YOIID. MaD spent last week at her paternal home here. J. O. Cartwright received on Monday a telegram from Delhi, Ohio, anSeptember 15 is the day. Warren nouncing the death by drowning of ~o. G. A. ~. reunion. Good speakGeorge Falklnburg, oldest son of J. 109, splendId music, both vocal and 0, Flilkinburg. No particulars WeTe instrumental. given, except that the body would be brought here today for interment The Mi.a mi Vlllley Telephone Co. tn Miami llemetery. Later Informa- hill! . estah,hshed a night service at this tlon is that young Falkenburg lost pomt, With Harry Dodson as night his life in trying to save a young operator. This is highly appreciated fl'lend from drowning while bathing h,v the ' c;ompany's rapidly increasing In the White Water rive.r , near Rock hst of subscribers, City, Ind. The many ,f riends of Mr. A hapPY' birthday party took lIlace and Mrs, Flilkinburg' In this commu- on Friday, August 8, when fifteen nlty sympathize deeply with them in of the 'Young friends of little Miss the untimely death of their brave Bon Marie Miller gathered at he.r pleasYoung Falkenburg was , an asslstunt ant home and helped make joyous engineer on the B. &, O. S. W., divi- sixth anniversary. Arter a deslon, and was helo In high respcct. · hghtful time spent with their li ttle His parel\ts were absent on a 'lri!,it h«!stess, the children ' left with best to the e88t when apprised of their WIshes for many more such happy redls~.slng ' bereavemen~ turns.


If';'. a Saaotroke Special to the 0)110 Sta~ Journal froin Springtielll, August 9th, IUIld: "The C. L. Congcr, while preach tng at the Urbana camp meeting yesterday, had a eunstroke and sank In his chair unable' to proceed with hla ..,rm·on, The inCident caused conelderable excitement and the congregation Was dlsmlllled. Rev, Conger reYived Ister under medical treatmont. . Moat of our citizens will remember Mr, Congor at a former pastor of the lIIetnodlst ehureh here, and will rejoice to know that he hal recovered. '.


Geo rge Davis and Ralph Brooks were in Lebanon, Wednesday. Leo.n Le iKure, of Grassy Run, is spc?lldmg n few duys with the McKay Bros. Chas. Owens and wife, of Franklin, were Sunday g uests of the Jordan family. Mrs. Edith Davis, who has been quile sick ror lhe past week, is some hetter at th is writing. Joe Davis and fnmily, of Harveysburg, were Sunday afternoon guests of Glenn Davis and family. Hannah Jordan, Nellie Leibert, Ed and Vernly Jordan were shopping ill Lebanon, FridllY afternoon . Three hundred and ~inety-one attended Sunday-School at the Friends Tabernacle, Wilmington, 011 Sunday. Millard Jones, who has been spending the summer with the McKays has returned to his home in Tennes: see. Messrs. Ephraim Dunlap and Edwd Ransome, of Tennessee, were 'Vednesday evening guests of the McKays. .

George W. Davis, Walter Tibball s, Will. Smith Stan ley Gray, and Lon Brnnnon attellcl~\d thc Wilmington fair last week. J . E. Frazier and wife, R. F. Mainous and fa mily, or Wllynesville, were Sunday evening guests of R. J. MurrllY and family. K. E . Thomp~on and Wife, Lon Brannon and wile and Miss Daisy Truylor were shopping in Waynesville, aturday evening. The Jam~stowll choir furnished the music lit the Wilmington Yearly meeting on Sunday afternoon, including a beautiful solo by Master Leroy Bolen "There is Room in God's Love for You." Harold McKuy and family, Howard McKay, Bert Bogan, Mrs. Hannah Bogan, Lon Brannon and wife, K. E. ,Miss Grace Miller visited her friend Thompson and wife and Miss Dllisy MISS Sue Thackery, of Springboro, Traylor attended the Friends Yearly for several days last week. meeting at Wilminglon last week. !'fr. and Mrs. B. S. Howell and ~hlldren a~tended the pioneer meetmil' at Clarksville laat Wednesday. Jall!es Stoops. spent the first of the week In Clarksvllle, on business.

-----. - ..- -- -


C. W. Morton visited friends and relatives In Wilmington and Sabina . W. C. Smith and family are spendon Sunday. ,lng two weeks nt Lakeside. The Spring Valley Blade under the Ray G. Cramer spent a part of last management of W_ H .Blair has wcek with relatives in Indiana. greatly Improved, editorially, a~d in every wby. Miss Florence Wood has a position as clerk at Sheeter's store, in Wilmington.



NEWSPAPER .COSTS UnDBLED SINCE 1914 -"";"' - '-"'- -

Southern publlshel1l, appearing before Ii" 'C ongrellslonal lIub-commlttee, at Atlanta, recently, declared that Congre88 not only should not increase poRtal rates on newspaperll;'" b~t' on the contrary should reduce the ,rates , \

d I on secon -e 8811 rnatter. The vlewlI of the southern newspapermen were prl!!lented by Colonel Robert Ewing,'. of New Orleans, and MaJ'. E. B. S._LI_ .... '11 m an , 0 f N as h VI e. Major Stahlman declared that newspaper costs hl\ve been r.lsing· steadily and the publishers cenerally do not get enough for,thelr papers to pay postage and white paper costs, The cost of publication haa virtually doubled since 1914. hc stated. Colonel Ewing submitted .a tirief pr~pared Ifor the Southern Newspaper Publishers association. It stated that new~apers are gradually i to :1. &.. uso e ma .... "eeaUlle of ce88 ng

~rc:li~~~en!r~at~:I!:~ l:ca~~a~~Jr!'


instead of' postal lIervice. It contended ' tJlat the present rates are ~- hi h d h tild b . C~ngrgsll. an s 0 .~ , reduc~ed by Thc', brlel' 4eclared t~at the Rural Rbute setvice, "whieh cost approxlmately $a7,500,OOO in 1928'\ and the tar Route l!.orvjC6' that cost 112,000,000, "are aervices that are rendered lor. national gr'owth' and have no right to be ch~cd as operating, erpC!nRII to the post6f11ce departll!ent:" . 'The brief proteated -llgainst any adjuetmellt that would inc:reaee natea' on lecond..c.... matter that" ere In elrect In 1920, after the second ad.. YIUIC!8 ot the " . nvenue act.

Orville Compton, who has been in failing health for several months, is growing weak~r.


- - -" - I,jtti e Gf"" VII May Rou zalm has qu ite sick th e p nst w('! t1 k, but is I nl rrov ~d ut. lIds lim". T he F o J'e' rt'unh'l 'ng held at Ihe count"l' ",m " ( [r. li nd Mrs.


,Vili)ur F"I Ji..!H ~ "1 SUnJ3."" ,!rR..J. B. Jo C3 was CQJi~d to 1\1 •

"Ioily, Monoay, by t he i II Il C~ ~ 0 f hcr mother, Mrs. Rebecc a Dill. Mrs. Ohm er Feu: di ed Su nda y evenin g at hl' r home ncur P rry. after nn Ilin t". s " I' . cveral nIClI1 ths. rd r. a nd Mrs. J . n. J o n c-~ , Mr~ . All en Em rick nnd The rl e J onM spe nL SlI lIIrcl ny (' \'(~ n i n l~ at Chauln ufl un . Mrs. Pete r Banta s pe nt ~e v crn l cl nys Illst week a t Chnulnuq ua, a t t he l ent ur 1\1 1'. nl1 d Mrs. Ed Longac re. MI'. unll Mrs_ Glenn J ohns nnd chi ld ren, of Dn yt on, wer e Sund ay di nner g uest s of Mr. und Mr". Churl ,s J " hns. ~I r". George Scot t , Eve rett End y, a nd three children we re wee k-e nd g' lI (~S l S o f r e luliv us at Geu rge l ow n, I.ll'own co unty. Mrs. Elmer Montgom e ry, of Dayt on, wus a Kuest ot the hll mo of Mr. a nd Mr s. Walt er Ke nrick, scvl,ral d 1l Y ~ last week. Pr o!' a nd Mrs . J. R. Fe nstermllkcr un d tll' O grlllldchildrell, or ha uta uqua , we re &<l turda y g uests of DI·. alit! M r~. L. G. Brock. lII r. a nd Mrs. Alle n Emrick a nd dau g hler , Gladys, were S unday di nnc r g ues ts of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Corn ell, of oe i, I Row. MrR. Kesler Gr aham r eturn ed Sunday evcning rrom a trip to Niagara "'aIlM, in com puny witb Mr. and Mrs. Arthur White, oJ Dayton . Mr. nnd Mrs. H_ M. Clark entertnined to 6 o'o1ock dinner Sunday, Mrs. J. H. Martin and family, of Dayton, and Mrs. Mllry Carm ony. Mrs. Belle Dinwiddie und daughter, Miss Olive, a nd Paul Savage, of Waynesville, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Snvage and family. Mrs. Blanche Snlisbury Ilnd childre n, 1I1eriam and Wendall, s pent several days las t week in Waynesville at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Rye. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kenrick and gu ests, Mrs. Elmer Montgomery and daug hler, Mi ss Cleo, spent Wedn esdllY with Mr. and . Mrs. C. R. Binegu r, a t Jamestown. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Johns, Mr. and Mrs. Edd Longacre and dau ghte rs, und Miss Mildred Hole returned Mon- · dllY from Chautauqun, where they have been camping. Mr. and Mrs.. William Coleman entertained over the week-end Mr. and Mrs. John :Klotz and children, Mrs. Banne r RobInson, of Cincinnati, and Miss ElenOrE! Jones, of Pleasant Ridge. Misses Dollie Jackson and Mary Boit nott, and Mr!•. Josiah Boitnott, of Tip pecanoe City, and Mr. Marvin Well s, of Gin ghamsburg, were Monday and Tuesday g uests of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Routzahn. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ke nrick entertuined on S unday, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Montgomery and dllug hte r, Miss Cleo, of Dayton, Mr. and Mrs. Por ry Kenrick lind daughter, Miss Bel·tha, of Wa Yll,esville . . Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rogers entertained on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Huntzinger lind family, of Pel)dleton, Ind., Mr. and Mrs_ Everley Faulkner and family..!. of Utica, and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. ~arey, of Ridgeville.


Ealoy the Best Time 01 the Year' Now come the m08t glorious days of all-late August, September and golden October! Days meant t o be lived out·of-doors-when the road· sides are ablaze with flow e rs, and the woodlands a riot of color.

The bestvacalion days ofnU are still ahead, the weather is less changeable now and roads are In better condition. Get a Ford Car and revel

0. _ _ _ _ Ia .... rt .......

'uD .... """- _

State Fair Fealures

Several penona of this village are Ohio mothers and housewives will working t h -Inh the Roxanna Canning fac- find features of unullual Interest tliat Dry, w Ie opened Monday. will appeal 'to them at the Diamond Mr. alid Mrs. E. F. McKay spent Jubilee anniversary of Ohio State a part of last week as guestl! of their fair, August 81 ·to September 5 The daughter' and husband, in Cincinnati. working exhibits in weaving and baMr. al\d Mra. Kelly Mendenhall tik, the art show and baby contests Mr, and Mrs. T. C. Haydock enjoyed will have a pal~ticular interest for a motor trip to Cincinnati on Mon- women of Ohio. day, . The sixth annual baby contest will Harold Conard and Thomas Hay- be conduct4;d in the. ~hildren 's Home ddck were guestl! . last week in the Society building during State Fair home of Mr_ and Mrs. Lewis Conard, week. The contest is open to all 'Of Wilmington. Ohio children between the ages of six months and four years. Exam· Mr, at;ld Mrs. W. D. Larkin camped inations will be in chanre of Dr. E. lut wee~ at ldlami_ Valley chautau- 11. Baxter, of _the ehildi'en's departaua-d MIsses Marjorie and M~a ment of Oliio State univenlty hollpi.:v oek spent the week-end With tal. , Governo.r Demahey Will present them, there. '.' tlie awards to he cJ:lildren given the Grant l'hillips, who, with his fam. highest ratingll • .Theae ·olferl,np.c.o m. a~e spending th,e 8Ullliner with. prIse ·UOO ~n : golll, twelve.'l medals h s parenti! .here, was ~u'cceaSfully ,and thre~ lovmg cb.pls, operated for, removaI'of tonsils SunThe wo~ng exh.fb'lts -of weaving day of last week. Mrs_ Phillips and and batik will '1)e presented in the little eeln have been the g uests of Wo mon's bllUdiDC_ Theee features Dayton friends for several days. will bo instructive and educational. DO •- • The art show, also In the same . ~ MEAN ANYTHING building, will present a collecUon ~ "D"n't ..:;. af--'d 01 it, Id from the brushes of preaent-day masB ,.. "'" c-.. 0 man, ter.a This .·exhlbit will be di8played ~~'" .~ It'a tile on. in the ultra-modem raUene. that "W ... ha\"e been ' ·lnataJled an.d 18 drink i..~~n, old top-I Defti' whoUy education and JIleu-


ure of art


_ _ 111_

P6 - . f ..... D.troU



$520 F. O.B. 0...11

.............................................................................................. how J CIUl MCDN a Ford

PIeue teD _

car on

easy l)eJlDenh:

~----------------------------------------­ ~-------------------------------------__ ______________



MaO tblacaupoa to



a.;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;_:;;;iiii:;;;:;;;:;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiil_______...................................................~._~ i!

AT THE CHURCHES ST. MARY' CHURCH The regular Church School and Morning Service will not be held at this church during the month of AIlC· ust.. . Rev. John J. Schaclfer, Rector, METHODIST CHURCH Sabbath School, 9 :15 a. m., preaching at 10:30 a. m. Epworth League 6:45 p. m. Preaohing at 7:80 p. m., Wednesday evening Prayer meeting, 7 :30. Everybody invited to these services. Rev. L. A. Washburn, Pastor. FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST Morning Service 9 :30 a . m. . Bible School, Communion and sermon. Evening Service 7 :30 p. m. Song Service and sermon . All nrc cordially invited.

------.. _- ED PURY'S PHILOS

" ·'Great maD&ler, tbat Mn. Perkin.. She haa five doublJe cbino-aDd ke .. p. tbem "II bu .y·...

- ---

DADDY NOW Mr. Fred Turner, of Dayton, spent Saturdny aftern oon wi t h relatives, herc_ Mr. Elton Evans and family spent last Thursday with iIIr. John Rye. and family. Quite a f ew from here ore now working at th e Roxanna Canning factory. lI1essrs, Clifford Smith and Karl Dukin attended ,a b oxing· contest at Dayton, Monday night. Mr. and Mrs_ Elvis Michael spent the week-end with Mr. Michael's paren ts, of near Centerville. Mrs.' Ellsworth Smith and children, of Dayton , nre spending a few weel(s with 1111' . Smith:8 mother, Mrs. ,John Levi. Mrs_ J . B .JOI1E!S, of Lytle, has been spending a fe w duys with her mother, Mrs. Rebeccu Dill . Mrs_ Dill hus been very poorly the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Dill spent Friday evening with Mr. L. C. Craig and [limily, of near Xenia. Mr. Craig's entertained in' honor of Mr•. Craig's brother, Mr. Thomas DiU nnd wife, of Salinn4 Kansas. Mr_ Lewis MOll@ll and family, Mr_ Hiley Gibson and family, Mr. Clarence Crawford and family' Mrs. Mary Moore and! Mr. Lewis Murray atte nded the Morgan-Murray reunion whiclr was hotd,-' Iallt Sun4ay at the' home of Mr. Dun Morgan, of near Waynesvi!l8. • - •

Ford; nothing at wblch Its willJng power will balk_ And its cont rol Is so s imple, so easy that you can venture where you will on un· known dirt roads, with the Bame confid ence w ith which you setout on the paved highway.

"Well, how's the world treating you?" "Hold ing my own-" . "That's good . You cnll' t COlllplain then." "Yes-I'm complaining. I've only got two arms--and thoy were triplets."

How to Adverti$e Men have always advertised-first themielves and their deeds; then their religion today, their producta and buaineu. The most effective advertiainlf today is throu8h the printed word_nd right there ia where we are qualified to serve you. Every printed page should be a picture of type, paper, ink and illustrations, We can make it so for you, if you'll let UI help plaa your printing job. .


The Miami Gazette GOOD


POET AT BAR Lissen, Judge, thems mournful numbers. A heavy fine-if I .must pay, Hone ~ t , Judge, I wasn't speed in', Myoid car ain't built thllt W/l~' - " --------.--~.-------

SHERIFF'S SALE Inl Partition

Chnrl('S. F. Phillips } " vs. ....use No. 13286 S. C. Phillips, et a!. By virtue of an order of sale, dul y issued from snid Court, in the above stated case, and to me directed, I will offer for sale, by way of public auction, on the prllmises in Waynesville, Warren County, Ohio, on Monday, the 14th day of September, A. D., 1925, at 2 o'clock p. m. (Central Rtandard time), Qn allid day, the following described real estute, to-wit: . Thc following real estute si tuate irt ' tlle Village of Waynesville. War-' ren County, Ohio, ' and described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at the southwellt corner of Lot No. One (Franklin Square) in lUIid Village and running thence with the North lille ot Main Stre"t North 31lA. degrees E. 5S feet and two inches to the corner of Lots .old b Y J - -,. " F arr . h am t 0 J . B • Ch np m a n. Thence with the line of said loti! North 58 '>ft degr~es W. 214'>ft feet ~ an alley. Thence South 31'>ft degrees, W. liil feet and two inches to cost side of Main Street; • thence South 58 % degrees 2141At feet to the place of beginning; F.xcepting therefrom one hundred and seven feet fronting on Miami stl'cet sold og of the North end of said tract to the trustees of the Baptist Church_ (Re~orded in Deed Records .Vol. 72, Page 601 Recorder's 'Office Warren County, Ohio, ' Said lot faces on Main Street and lies on the North aide of eaid 'Street in said Village; e Ileareat Street on the ' West Intenecting aald Xaln Street le- lIlaml. Street; the lleaJQt Stree.t on the · East Inter.e~nc said, ,M ain . St~et 18 North' Street; thi IItreetnumber >cm ·the ·1 iultdlQ of Uld real estate Is No--, Main "Street . . Said real 'ettak liat been "lUlUly appraised under order of the Court at. the Bum of' '.5800.00 frae of and will not be ~Ia for 1_ ,t han two-thirds ~f iald appn.laed value. T ERM8-Caah. ' . AUlBED C, BRANT, '; Sherltf of WIIIftII Countrr Oblo. Robert W .BrOwn, to h

1H9-86 .

"tty. ' ,

The bug-a-boo of . , . , woWltIi bard water It hi • cllAenealb.


DWl', rue',~.

dlacounKln' talk that nddeu the bane&, w.rt. tIM an4 ,ktlJr u,ua1ly _ell willi aD 1I''''y &1m 0ftI" . . ., daIuc. Soft water .. the houMwlI... patelt boola. Ja It -.Ja. . . frMly, harsh ~ ~ .... IInnec....

rr. ua die . . . .

DURO ......

dry euUy ami ~!IrIda .....




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hmlab loft

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froaI tile ...

tenia UDder CODItaDt~" Illte clty Wltft'..met. .~


automatlo-aothlDc to . . . . . . or watch. Wa~r .... tit

bathroom and Ja~. The DIUO WffI .. die . ,·hl1l ,..,.. May be m..JIed .... . .


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hom. fa



If your Mlnte NO! needa repairing Kelll]) &. Jordan.


Mr. 1~' r Hymull and ftu nily vlbiLcd r ulnLivus in lllcinn .. t l, SUlldll} . MassI's. Hurry Stokes Ilnd W. E. O'Nc!l!! "'1\'<) rt·turnl!u homo { "" m F lur idll.


DraWing oa Cose There is a gnorl deal of goods to get rid of, 1m! there h· s to b ~ a closing t ime some· w here. Bette r get w ha t you need now, for when the sale closes and this store is shut up you w iB sa y, "I ought to ha ve gotten some of th ose art icles when I could get them cheap, b ut now it is too late."

Miss ,j ennie Dinwl !dll'. of IrllJ JnIl' allo lis, i~ lh" Iru st of Mi~ Muy Wri ght.


$1 49 SUGAR -------_._- - --- - --- - - BANANAS 20c Comeln and LookOver the Goods lOc' FIG BARS- - SPECIAL FOR MEN ---------$1.50 BREAD $1.32 $1.40 .. 9c ~~~~~~b. 4ge Beans 25e FRANK H. FARR & WIFE, 2!~ 20e -Crackers 14e -------Lard 20c £~~~!., 2ge Watermelons 2e Olives 24e - - - -- -- -- --~ otatoes 46e . Ma~nJan 6ge Pure Graunlatcd, per 25-lb. sack. . . . Large, Ripe F ruit, 5 pound s for . . .




Kroger Made, per pound

TROUSERS, all sizes, at. , . .. .. . . .... . , . . OVERALLS, at, . ... . . . . . . . .. .. and

Coun try Cl ub, l }1-poun loaf for

Ib ............. .

Waynesvill e, Ohio

Country Cl ub. 3 can .....

(noh. Ib .... ........

Butle r or Sod u , Ib ........ .

Ib ........ ..

Ib ......... .....

i\l issc's Trillrnll lind Mllrgaret Ed · wnrt!s art· ill Dayton today.

Pound .. , ... ,." .. " .. ,........ ". ,.......

Spani.b Queen, 11. ,1 ...

~lr . an t! Mrs. L,(j [\ funern l in


W e nrc inde bted to W. A. Lippin. rott for fin e vegetubleB from his garchm.

Pinta. doze n

Cobblet'., 10 lb.................

Quarto .. .. ....... ..

~~~!~.~~ . . . . . . . 25e

J nhn Fromm nttend· Dnyton, on Sunday.

.... 7 !1c

Soap Van Camp., 10 bara .. ......

lIfr. C., ulous Youncl' left Tu esday for Pittsh urg. H e will be go ne a mont h, working eastern territory.




Special For

I1S.6 ACRES. between Ferry and

One Week Only

Lytle. 4 mile. from Wayn ..ville, 14 mile. from Dayton, well fenced. well tiled. w.1I watered. 5 ac..... larl. tim bet'. plenty of

fruit. BuildiDI. are ·.. atra ,ood. Good 8'J'OOm brick hou.e. BarD 56,,60. with ba.emeDt, 36,,60. Tobacco .bed and corD crib •.

30x3 Goodyear Reliance Tubes


TERMS to .ult put', and term •• ee

For price

G. A. REA,

I 30x~ Goodyear Reliance Tubes

Wilmington, Ohio, or. FRED HUBBLE. aD the Farm.









31x4 Goodyear Reliance



TI~lbes .




rid ywr battuy cl traab1e. I!zped: II!pIIIIi


~maba c1 battedes by ekIIaJ medaID.








Phone 47


Waynesville, Ohio


Waynesville. Motor Co.



.........................••_-.... WI-II;RG TO D~AL

Phone lOS

tWaynesville, Ohio




:1 •

MTnmY 8BIlVla!

_ _ _CZ'









Elot ... d It.



MAL. T eXTR .... CT c o. DAVTON 7 10 EAll 5th St.




--........ .......

n.&....- .. ~,

2 me.

eu;eoo,ooo 00 •• ,laI82Q,8e7'. .. ,. . . . . . . . . .

Mr •. L(' ~tl' r SlIrfocp . Mr". F. E. Th vmllR lind Rllth (,oo k w,'re DII)" lOll ~ h o l'p('r s . Mund ny. Little "Bouuy" Orsborn, who huo Iwe n "0 sirk fur thl' past tWI) wC('kij. i. "hi" to he out ngll in. Mr. ulHI Mr • . Harry Turner. of D uytlln . nrc

f<l pu nding n two-w('(\ \.;, :-;. '

V3cIltion with re latives here.


N" .'ect,le


6.R.L!.WIS. ~W DMSION 01' STAn . . .


See Kemp & J ordan fo r spouti ng and metal roofs of a ll kinds. Rev. Ira E. Fisher and fnmily, of Wallaceton, Pa., and S. D. Fisher, of Frankstown, returned home TuesdQY ufter a five days' visit with their reiII th·cs. Mr. C. N. Be rryhill and family. Mrs. Merle Kerns, of Columbus. spent a f ew days last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Marlntt. Mr. Kern s joined her Snturdny and they returned t n their home Sunday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Myer Hymnn and Mr. and Mrs. James McClure will le nve Thursday for a motor trip to Eastern points of interest and will return home by the way of Canada, Buffalo. etc. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Samsel and children. of Mansfield, Ohio. were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Or· ville Gray. Mr. Alpha Bogan, of Clarksville was also the Sunday guest of Mr. and Mrs. Gray, Mr. Henry Thomaa. Mrs. Blanche Short and daughter, of Sidney, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McKinney. of Piqua, visited relatiVes here last week and attended the Thomas-Brown reunion. which was held at Schantz· park, last Thursday.

~Ixtu ....



. WILLY H LAU Mal" . .



Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Balla rd, Mr. and Mrs. Max Uuell. of Xenia, Mr . .. nd Mrs. Wm . Soene"r and Mr. Ch :., Cooley, of Cedarville. were rec,ent gbests of Mr. Ilnd Mrs. Eli Denn.

wrought 'roll ~rI(· Ind mount WI ooP)" but dlO not ,,"ndl, an·

1. N. Lulll_ ...


. ~PlliRTI'\tNT

For Sale or Rent-7-room housp . newly papered and painted, both kinds of water. electric Ii~hts, cel!ur, ~ood lot Lin d flara",'.. See H. H. Wilkerson, Waynesville.

Mrs. M. S. Snyder. o;f 'Lebanon • r el)r esentutive of WearJ Plu8 Hosiery. ohildi-t!n '$ and Jllen's

w. make


Miss Grace John son, daughtcr of Rev. Nathan Johnson, r eturnen Saturd ay from Columbin uni versity. hav . ing completed her work and received her M, A. degree.

Falls, S. D.• visited his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon Ridge, Sunday. . Mr: Ridge is attending the Delco salOl!ma nagers convention at Dayton. and lIfl'1l. Ridge is viSiting r elatives. ' They mado thlJ trip from Sioux Falls by DutO. . ,

~!enl~~_'.9~ .~lJSOc~


Mr. nn<l Mrs .. R. L. ~itl <," . o f Day · lon, \1' (' H' Sun<!ny !r1l1'"I" "r Mr . ;\ . L . Sitl('R lint! fllmily.

lIfr, and Mrs. C. D. Ridge, of Sioux

6 Big Vaude~e Acts and FeattUe PhotoplaYs. . Entire ehange of program every Sunday and Thunday. Conlinuoas performIUUl6 fr. . h30 to 11:80 P. M. Afternoon prlees ZOe aad aoc. ~

MI·~. Il nnllnh Anthllil hn ~ re(urTll·d lo her IHl nl<' nft er Il \'i ~ il to rdn· til' '' ~ in ~I'rin )!' h .. ro.

All makes of Iron Pumps put in good repair by Cross Bros.



Mr. lind .I!t·, . J . E. Jann ey IIttend(',1 Friends Y ~Hl'I)' r.1l; ,·ting ot Wilminll" ton. ::i uIHluy .

. 1

To guarantu yom bauay', future bakb..1IIap iD couple of wuh .fix em regular bpcdca. The alIIC is triiioa and the prj_lila CtCCla'\..

: _ •



= Ur


I' tIlll ' l'll

Cross Uros. hav c been in the Pump Miss Elma R.oberts. of Wil r 'I" ~' t on. s pent Friday wi th ~II' ~. ,\nna bU Riness fol' fur ty·five ycars, ann r lln repa ir nny Irll n PUmp that is out o f Clldwullati c>r nnd Mi .. (' 101''' Lil. · ordl'!'. so hrin~ the m in . Now is the time to have K cm II & ~1i;tS Dornthy Uukin, uflcr a plt'II ~' Jordan look after ~'oul' furnnce. lint vi sit with hcr lIunl , Miss Mu y Meetings are in progress at Fer· Wright, lind Ilth(>r relntives, left. FI·i · ry church each cvenillg at 7 ::1 0. clay. for Bis murck, N. D. John Wnllenburg is pr('t",hing. f:\,· Mr. and Mrs. ElllBrson Enrnhart ery olle is welcome. l.mtcrtained a t dinner. Su nday, Mr. Mr. allli Mrs. A. L. Kin g . l\1esR rs. nnd Mrs. J . R. Buker, of Cincinnat i. Waltcr and Cha . Burnett and J erry Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gray. Or~ born helped to swell the crowd at Mr. and Mrs. Torn Eng lish, of Bnd· the Wilmingtoll fair last wee k. axe, Mich., were her e for the Hath· Mrs. Reuben Roberts, 01 South uwny reuni on, nnd were guest.~ n\',," Charleston, Miss Martha a nd Miss Friday night of Mrs. Luurn Side s. l!\Inrgar et Warner. of elma, spent Now is the time to have Kemp & lnst Friday with Mrs. Ella Mic hener. Jord an look after your furn uce. Mrs.Veo Adams and son, of Day· Messrs. Morris Graham, Everett ton , Mr. nnd Ml"s. Olliver Davis. Mrs, Nettie K epler and Miss Rachel Davis Thomas nnd Ralph Smith started for spent Sunday with fri en ds at New Pickaway county, Monday mornin g, to do bridge Jlll inti ng with t heir s pray Vienna. outfit. . Mr. Henry Satterthwuite and fam Mrs. Edith Harris an d family, Mr. ily. !\Ir. Fred Sb~up and family, Miss Glennn Marsh and Mr. Jesse Thomas Ronald Hawke and family, Mr. F . C. spent Sunday with· Mr. a nd Mrs. Hartsock and family. of Milford. enjoyed a family picnic ncar Kings J nmes Morris. near Sabina. Mills, Sunday •.




Mr. J . O. Cllrtwri~ht lind fomil y retu rnen Inst Wetine. dny lifter a t"," If your slllte roof n!'eds repu iJ'i ng, w('"ks vu cutiulJ SP{'llt in ChiC'lIgo. ~e e Ke mp & J o rdnn, Mr . nn d Mr •. Fred Elban Mrs. Ra y Mr. and Mm. J. N. Finck we re MiIl ~ lind ri nu!r htf!r. Lena, attc.nded n Ll'banon visitol"s, TUl'sday. "choo l reunion nenr Bellbroo k. Sat. urday. Mr. and Mrs. Hownl'll Archdencon sp(> nt Sun dny with relntiv .... in DuyWhen your old PUmp gives oul, lon. bring it t o Gr oss Broa., wh o wi ll mik ~ it li S I!'ood liS new, nt a VHY Mr. alld Mrs. Adam Melloh a nd s mllll cost. children wer(' Hamilton \'i"i t or~ ;-'; un· day even ing. Mrs. Chn~. Phillips and Mrs. Frnnk Hu lr hi Ro n and dn uj..oter. hobel. of Mr. and Mra. L. A. Zimml' nnan Xenia. spent FridllY with Mrs . Oliver nnd children vis ited friend s in l; idney Davis nnd family . a few days this week. Sa ve you~ old oarpets and ru gs Little Marjorie Enrnhnrt is 81'.·l\d • and get "Wenrwell" Rugs m ade. ing the week in Cinc il\nllti wit h her Send f or price list. Franklin Rug nunt, Mrs. J. R. Baker. Co .• Frnnklin, Oh io.

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •• • • •• •• • • •. I•• •

30x3~ ~~ Goodyear Reliance Tubes

~Ir~. ." ././.\. Or, o orll nd ~ d Ih,' 1,,( I i rl'ial ,,·c nl \1' i1 ll\i n ~"'n In' t \ 1 !'(·k.

ondu ctor-'-"'Hot bOll." PlItIS ngul'--" The last· berth at the lid llf the . Ituk' nil lhe lo[t s ide. sir. 'l'h" lll r~o~l "ud oc~L ~to cl of ll' n r I Ill' ill it I oIt ni..:ltl;." . PUll'I'l <I w~ · ~".:r had, no\ on hunl:!. IlTlJl ~ ;" j U I ,del 1'111""~ haL Ill ' " " DUM .DAN AGAI N uf • ):<i ~ litJ II ' \el lL~lh II d~ \t"ol! ~ ." ·"p r. ( """l! anti ~eu us. ' l'os~ Bruth rs. He- UDo y"u care for cu rr ent I , po try? " ' 1:·l'i oud..:..... I dunno. J. . ,.nve r ,h'nnk 1 DIDN "J ME t< i,)'W? ,' llnY; l)\lt if it·" Itl).vl l,,,,:; il k,· wine, ('lI luke u "hun 'e," . Pu ss en~ e r (II ~ tru in st t'PI;--"" Wh HI -'- - - . - . -i" 111I' 11111 1 I· .. . ~' .. l1 l l1·t \l r ~ .. ~j uu s c l·i bu f ur lhe 1\!i'lllli Gazette.

Pumps' Pumps Pumps



See Kemp, .. Jordan for -apoutIDg

and metal root. of aD IdndL


cl'la rord L, . . . ry opport unity we are offering comea oal, once _ Thou.and. 01 peopl.. all over the country took advanta,e or it I".t ,eat'l many mot'''. lhou . .. nd. wilI join tbe H.atrola Free Coal Club. thi. ,ear. THE

Join the Heatrola Club Now! It's your opportull ity to secure free of charge a ton of coni in conn ection \\'ith the purchuse of an Estate Heatrola. You pny only a small amount tu join the Club and this is ' applied to the purcha.qe price of the Hea trola . ,Terms to suit your convenience ca n be . arranged. and the Hentroln will be delivered at any time you may specify . . ~

E.late Heatrola iH th e new·day wuy of home heating; more' efficient than a basement furnaj:e. easier to operate and mu ch enMier on the ~oul pile. It is finished in grajnp4 ,na!1ognny e namel, and looks like a /landsome piece of furniture,


A we~lc fljes /ly fast. Call or tillephone soon, and let \18 presj!nt the complete detatls of this e xtrllor4·innry proposition to you . . .

84lillit HEATROLA 4

:rI t heheats new-duy· wny of home heating. Installed in one of the IIvl~~roo ..... the whole house. Looks like a ha!ld80me. pl!C4I of ,~~Itur.. : I •

. '

Seventy-Seventh Year


••••••• ..···~·· ....•...··i # -H Club Members i Interestmg Items i Enjoying Camp

i from the • State . Capital



By A. B,

\. l l l l l , '

Registration Day For Waynesville High School Pupils



Life at Ft. AncIent



fll , .

' j

(' . ....

This Week

Th e up er intcn dent wou ld like to 1'h 11,·"t ~ - 1I Club camp for th e meet all High. ch " ol pupi ls. Fl'iday. fllrm boys amI girls of Wllrren counA ug usL 2~ , at th e lIigh Sc huo l buillty was ope ned und ol' very fnvorable Prepared by, ing. circul1lsLunCeR nt Ft. Ancient, MondllY The followi nl'( sch ell ule will be fn lnftern uon. About · fifty c1l1b m e l11· Columbu8 Reporter I nw~ tl : ue rs I'epresentin g nil parts of WlLrren 'county, urI! 'e nj oying thlj CUlllp . Fr('.hm,·n at R :0 0 o· c1ock. uve r three-foul·th- uf which arc girls. Sop ho nJores at ! ~ :UO o 'clock. !Ill'". Ph illips. n duu leader of Hurn.Iunh'rs ul 10 :00 u\· lnc k . iltlln (·"unly . lruilled ,,"petiolly un.l er Sl' ni" r~ llt t 1 :00 U' dU l'k, COLUMBUS. OHIO- When thou - t.he 1I11spiel'K of the Ohi .. !:ltute Cluh P"p il" will h.> pxcu~ed a rcol'<li'ng THE RADIO MIRACLE ".1I1ds upon thousund" uf vi"ihlrH comu cI ~ pUrLml'f1 t . ip. W'\:o/iiHlillJ{ Mi ~~ Ki z (~r , to t h ~ a hove- ~c hf'dult· l o luak e r oo m to Columbus next werk to .aUtlnt! th e M,'. O. 1\1. B u r ~on . :I Hp<:cinl rcpre· KILL AT 100 MILES fnr I,t ht· !"!;. IInnunl stllte fuir, they will sec many Hentutive uf th u Clll u ,Iepurtm"nt "f Tlw fullowin){ Ii ~l or cO\lr !-:p~ will MAN LIVES LONCER elaborute and exponsive di~ploy " , Ohio Stat e Lllli\'cr"Ity . ig nlso "" u, ~ he (, fT ~ l'l·d li nd pnrt1lll F nr ~ t!urn~ g tly but none which represents such hord ground ull th e time, helping to direct MAUSOLEUM AND TRIPLET S loil and lIuch IlnticipationK lUI thllt the vorioLls uctivllic.. Co unty A~~e nt I' '1l1" ~ tl' " 1." ~ tudy lhi ~ matt~r cnrcto be made by Rtllte institutions. At Cluss and a number of Club lenders fu lIy fi nd to advise with th eir chil dl'<' n r ~garoling the elective courses: the boys' lint! girls' industrial schoole, arc also h:ading the variOla activ ihu.pitllis for the inllOn'c, as well u~ ties. Mrs. Cluss is ruso present, havFreshm en - rtl!qui red: English, The world has n ever known such those for the feeble-minded, the in- ing arrnnged u medicine cabinet Cor General Science, A1gehra or Latin . a miracle as tho mirocle of the radio. matcs hnve for wucks hcen muking f'l' st alt!, ond ia cXllectlng to give a Elective-Co mmunity iVl e8\ Agricul- And no man Iivinl1: knows what ra· "pretty things for the fllir." As n Cew heulth tall!s or d C ll1on B trnti o n ~ dio lind mO,V ing pi(·tu res combined a rc ture ( Smith-Hughes Course . . result there . will be mnny nov elties to the club girls. ned to dOl f<o r educati on. Sophomo r e - rtequired: Englis!I, desti Rhown which represent long and te(liTuesday mOl'l1ing, "The Juni or As rnilroad. shorte ned men's joltrWorld Hi Ktory (exce pt !:lmilh-Hughes nays, ous hour. for theMe unfortunate in- Farmers und Farmerettes" were orund telegrRphy shorten ed trans · pupils), Mathematics or a Language, mntes. Blind workers of the state gonized Into three Indian tribes, ench of mell!luJ;,es, 80 radio and Biology. Agriculture ( Sm ith. Hughes) mission are al80 making whnt they can in of which selected their own chi ef, mo ving pic.t ures WIll moke shorter l .y Elective- Language, Home Economtheir <lontinuouB world of dark, ond and euch club membl.'r will b e e.(more than nine- tenths the journey ics, Com mercial A rlthtnetic, Geom- "l ong the tiresome will hnve one of the very finest ex- peeted to be n loyol [ndiun brave road of knowletry. hibits. Money dervled from the snl" until camp brenk. Satur(luy mornin g. puge. or institutional work goes into un Every minute of the dol' Is provided Junlor--Required : Engli ~h, Ecoentertainment fund ' for the inmntes. for through u pre-arranged progrnm nomics (pxcept Smith- Hughes stuMucM illal1. 3,700 miles away in 'rile Rtnte does not provide COl' mov- Special cduClltionul felltures IJrC\'nil don LS ), (1 ( Lsnguage, or (1) Sci- the Arctic ice, i ~ called up and intf!r . ing pictures, mUllical organizations. in the {ortllloon. State leadHs und ence. Electives, Chemistry, Advanced viewed by radi o, answering the AssooI.c. But the patients enjoy them M iS8 Kizer aro teaching Swedish Mathelllatlcs, Biology, Agriculture ciated Pre8ll queNtions with his own just the same. So the plun WON de- weavin~ and other hand nrt work t o (Smith,Hughes), Commercial Arith- broudcusting apparutus. vlslld to make JiltJe household arti- th e girls, while Co un ty Agent Class Later, when he starts flying, Mac;metic. cle. wlrlch' could be sold at nominAl Is giving the boys some fundamental Millan will ' be able to answer quescost, afid' the money used tor this inHtruction und pI'ncLic c in UULdUl USeniors--Required: English, Eco- tions by radio while in flig ht. purpose. "Entertainment, thCl :efore, bill.' und gus engine wurk. und in muknomics ( except Smith-Hughes 8tufor the next year, de llcnds upon lhe ing sim ple rudios, together with the dents), one Language or one Science, 11 men can do thllt now, how soon Elective, Languages (Latin, French IIberulity of the fair visitors. If th ey oJle~ntion of the ·Sll me. they talk through the ether to buy freely. the long. hours of th.ese or Spanish), Advanced Mathematics, will 11\ the afte rnoon /lllmes lind spec those flying machines, th'e physicullty nnd D\'Cntnl!y dbfecllve ia l instruction to th e whole group i. Commercial Arithmetic. plnnets,cosmic Biology, floating in space 1 will be made much happier thnn oth- being arranged and every evening Chemistry. No static or other trOUble, pre~----. erwise. It's a splendid cause and after supper, devolionnl holf-hour i ~ sumably, once you get outlld~ this wurthy oC the ' patroI\age of every maintained during the vesper st·rviearth's utmosphere, only abou L 600 ~tate Cair ~u~s_t_._ __ ces, following which the cllmp fi"e is miles deep. held, Special pilins arc mnd e to enMany atories have' feund their way tertoin visitors, Thursday. An invention from New Ze/\Iand Into Ohi" publicalio11!1 during tho Bends high explosives through tho air Pallt week or MO abQut Vic Donahey in torpedoes guided by wirelel!8. beclluae he has spent much time wltb These all' torpedoes operate al do membe~ OC his cabinet at their office, water-borne torpedo es u811J til' d Evangoline , c1nughter of Rufu s and Norman Coates, the .on of J . Levy Sabblt lh, A uglls t 30th, wiiI be the instead 'of caning'tlrem into the gov1\1 .. ry Rosnagl". wus bOI'n Mny 4. Ills t "Ilbbath before t he annultl Con- and Isabel Coates, was born at Wln- A few days ago while In conversation at'·oy battlellhips at sell. ernor)! office' for such interviews. It Anrl the New Zealand air torpedo 188G , nenr Springb(1ro, Ohi u. Hrr ference , We hope for a large at- cheste1\ Indiana, on June 18, 1886, with Mr. J. W. White, of the White was just the opposite of what former enrly life wag spent on th e fllrm tt\ndnn ctl nt Sabb.llth School. E. n ow and died in Waynesville, Ohio, on Grocery store, ho causually remark· ('1111 be Illunchcd against an enemy, . chief executives hava done. Othol'll, wh err she II' II S bOl'n. A ftCT she fin - Ban cro ft, o f Columbus, will be here August 16, 1921>, oged 89 yean and ed that he had, during the Pllst week. flying ship, battleship or city one holnwhen they desireu infol'nllltion or ished schuo l ~ he tllught in t he public to gi\'c th e message at 10 :30 a. m. t wo months. He WIUI educated in tho celebrated the 70th anniversary of his dred miles lIWIlY und wreck the obwanted to discuss deplIrtment lIffails, Bc hno ls for seven VC!lrg. In the birth and that he hod been in the ject against which it is steered by Jl e Is II Illyma n full of life ond pep public schools of Indiana. Illilled In the department hellds. The The Morgan and MUITllY r eunion She wos ma rri ed to Mr. Ohmer a nd he wiil give Iln inspiring messuge year 1904, he was united in marriage grocery busineM in Wayne"ville al- wirelesa. advantage of the governor visiting wus helli at the home of Daniel Morto Miss Irma Myers, of Ridgeville, most 60 yean. the .tate departments, inBtend of gan and family. At noon dinner WIIS Fo x. on Sept,'mbor 2\1. 19 16, and which you cannot; nfford to miss. The United Stotcs should get thnt Mr. White stated that he entor~d Everyon e is olJjked to bring n well- Ind. During these years of married having them come to see him, how- spread on· the Inwn and nil dlcl jus- moved at once to th eir fu"", home invention and be ready wit.1t It. neur Ferl'Y. where she li ved with her life t.hey have lived very happily tothe A. L. Farr store when a young fill ed bllske t and we will eat dinner ever, is considerable. When the tice. The day was spe nt in music and The m'o tto of this countrJ ~ h o uld hu sbund a happy lind useful life, un- tOj\'ether in the bnsement. We hope gether, and to this union have been boy. He worked his way up and governor visited John E. Harl)e1', di- a socinl good time. ' til ~ h e \VIIS cll\lpd a wuy, leav ing th e to make this a !rrent day in closing born twe lve children, eight boys and eventually was made a partner in the be: rector of public welfare, almost every Be friendly with the whole wolrd. Those IIresent were: Mr. Fred husbnnd . till' aj!ed parents, fou r sis- up the Cunferenoce year. business -and the name of tho ~ !.ore fOUl' girls. clerk was busy digging up records Morgan Be r eady for the whole world. und family, Mr. John Morgan A ftcr a few years ' of married life was changed to FII1'1' & White. Alte;' The evening Epworth League and that were needed In the conference, and fomily, Mr. Frunk Morgnn ond ters. two brothers and n large numand which would enlighten the gov- fomily, Mr. nnd Mrs. Wm. Voge l. Mr. be r of .. ther relutlves snd friend s to pu blie service will be held together in Indionu, Mr. and Mrs. Coates, with the death of Mr. Farr, about 17 yeors All over the United State8 the avo , M.r. White took over Ihe busibeginning at 7 ::10, lind lusting one their family, moved to Preble county, ernor. This doesn't mean that Vic Charles Vogel nnd family. Mr. Ralph mourn th('i r loss. erage age of man is incI easing. Fur th e short span of 30 yenrs. 3 hou r . Miss Lu~ilIe St J ohn will be Ohio, where t hey lived for five years, ness now known lUI White's Rtore. Donahey needs records to reach con· Vogel ond sons, Mr. nnd Mrs. Rnlph Every year saved in adult . life When asked If he int,ended to conclusions. For aftQr almost 20 yea" Tavener lind sun, Mr. ond Mrs. Earl months Ilnd 12 ,laYM she lived 8 very the lende r. The speciul topic will then th ey came to Lebanon, where means an increase in the nation's of intimate connection with state, af- Vogel, the Mis es Josephine Ander- busy Ii f,·. Snon after corning into be: "Where Am Ion Ihe Way." All they Iive.d for four yenrs and the past tinue in the business, he laughingly wenlth. It costs money to bring up tain, no··man In Ohio is better posted son, MargoI' t SlIeburger, ond Mr. the cOl11l11unity uf her late home, she arc in vited. There will be speclnl three years have been living in and replied: "What would I do, If I wore children, as well as eft'ort and anxiety. to sell out?" and, he added, "notwitharound Waynesvi lle. on this subject than the present ex- Chas. TInlll!rman , all of Dayt,on; Mr. obeyed th e Gospel of Christ anr! uni t- music. In the swte of New York the avDuring- the PIIst year he unlt,ed s1nnding keen competition, we are ecutive, He appreciates the advan- Homer Bla ir li nd family, Mr. and Mrs. ed with the Ferry Church o f Christ. with th e !Ii. E. church, at Waynes- enjoying the best and most !atlsfac- erage age haR risen from twenty-tour tag. of catling upon those responsible Chllrles Blnir nnd ni ce, Mr. and Mrs. She devoted mu ch tim e t n ch ur ch un,l ville. !vi r. Contes' parenl.s ore both tory business of our history, a fact years in 1840, to thirty yean now. tor the conduct of the depal'tments, John Blair, M.r Clitfol'tl Morgon and Bible 8chool wurk. a nd was 0 ve r y dead but he leaves Cour sisters, MMI. of whi"h I am quite proud, o. We'll This means that cemLlon senK, HeiraUler than having them come to the family, Mr. Eurl McGrew and fam - willing lind' effi cient hclper In all deClaude Ov('rtnyer, of Hartford City, o R th e splt:>ndid health which I now ence and good doctors have added exeeptive office minu8 most of the ily, nil of Xenia; Mr. nnd Mrs. J. T. partmenL~ of the church- activities. six years to the overage age of every . Following Is lhe prol\'rnm for the IncL, Mrs. Chlls. Moody, of Lynn , Ind. possess." She w ns 11 devoted wife, u loynl valuable records and data deBIl'ed. O'Brien. MillS Bee O'Brien. and Mr. individual. 10Sl bund ro ncert of th e season: Mrs. He dnughte r. 11 I(n-ing sister 1\110 a kind rman Bourke, of Marion, Ind. In spite oC his yeurs, w hich his apAnd when he caUa at 0 department it John O' Brien, of Ci ncinnati: Mr. HiIn Lin e of Mareh .. .. , ... .. Wells and Mrs. Rolly Thorp, of Richmond, pearance belies, Mr. White is still acfriend Ilnd neighbor. Above all she I_t heralded in advance, nor doos ley Gibson ond fllmily,Mr. Louis Mol'The yeal's Bre add ed In t he Money Mellow Moo n .. . Wendnll Hnll Ind. tive and says he hUll "nary a ouin or he 10 in an automobile. He walks gnn and f nmily, Mrs. Clnr nee Crllw- wns a co n ~cc rate d hl'Isti11n womon Rolling Thund er SUIlPuse t he ave rnge Fillmore Mr. Coates hnd not becn feeHn ~ rheumatic twist," and is probably earning period. 111101 fn ithful in ull things trusting In in, uklf to see tho director, or tho IIf- ford lind ('hildrcn, lIIrs. John Levi nnd ~' low cl's of W ildwooo ... SknggR we U for so me weeks pust, yet his lllst goocl for a number of years in the adult's work is worth to thls ~ lIation her LOI'd to the end, flria\' he wants to meet, takes ofT hi" son, Mrs. Mary Moore and Wllyne HI.'T health had been fullin g ror Best Lovell So uth ern Ml'I"C\ieR .. .. s ickness was of short duration. He harness. He is tru Iy a pioneer in thl! $10 a duy, allol that's a low estimate. ('out and time doesn' t ~ccm t ,) r" c:m Dakin, nil of Mt. Molly; Mrs. Gib8(m You olin fig ure out fo r yourself how ........... .. ........... AI Hayes was a h llrd workin g mnn and a will- business life of Waynesville. a thing to him until he has ~:lellncd and duughll.'r, of Bellbrook; Mr. mnny mont hs. hut Khe .lid !l ot COI11 much It means in money to ~, dd six I NTERM ISSION "very bit of Informution thut he de· Cloude Gmy ond Cumily, Mr tanley pInin. A!-\ slIP l!.1l1lll' H e ur' Lhe ('nri of Rellllsz Blind ....... , C. C. Sweeley ing worker to s upport his family. ------~.~years to every adult's life. sires on the subjecl. And somehow Gray und family, 1I1rs. Cal Bogan, liCe's joul'lIey Iwre, she expressed he l' Enc hunted Night, .... , .. .. .... , .. ,.. Kin ~ On the quietness of the Sabbath Cut the $10 to $5. Cut that or other voters of ·Ohio seem to hav o MeRsrs. Hurry Co Uins, Delbert Rich, \Villin g ll cl'.~ ond I'clI "il1 es~ to ente l' u p· !:love reign Murch . ..... ..... .. .. Foster morning he was called to his eternal amount in hili! to II110w for women r est, leaving many relatives and considerable f.,llh in such an offi,ciul lind Chnrles Voiers, of Wl)lIman: Mr. on tha t hlghn an r! I,1 cltel' Ii [e fin.1 Gurry Me Bnck to Old Virginia and othcl1l not working, nnd you stili friend s to 'mourn his departure. nod are anuious to know so methin g- 1~hurm"n Wilson and fanlily, of Wil- was con lid en \. <If t.he rewarcl o ( her have n 51lving, nn increase of 'nation........ :................ ... ............. .. Bland IIbout his political future. But "ie mlngton; DI·. nnd Mrs. B. H. Blnir, foith in her LOl'd and Sovlef. 01 weulth to the tune of seventy-five Indian Truil. ....... ....... De Lol\fater Card of Thank. Donahe), will talk on evelty subject Mr. and fliti!. Nathon Monroe and millions of ~ ollars a year. . Card of Tha nk, axcept pollti~ tQ newspllper men any daughter, nnd the Mossrs. Dave Holm~ W e wish to acknowledge our gratetime, and If any corre_pondent 0:111 Huph Haney nnd Harry VanMeter, We dCHire t,) exprcl\s n ul' hellrtfl'lt ful nppreclation of the kindness and Ours is a civilization of intentinlr get from him an expression nil to his of Lebnnon; Mr. Ru!\.~ell Morgon and thanks to mil' fri Cllll. nnd nclghhors help, rendered to us in our bere!tve· Specinl Evangelistic meetings nrc con trusts. For instance, consider tho) own political plans, It would make a fnmillt, _of Springboro; Men.. Wil wh o so kindl y 1111(1 willillf!'ly helped me nt, the death o( our husband and ruther who lives in two whltewaahed The mnrringe of Mi RS Edytlm MilL In progre s~ at the Ferry Church of flrst-page story for any \llII'N" rt!- bel' Honnah and Harold Rogers, of us in this till1~ of our brl·ellve l11enl. (at her. rooms in Jers.ey City. Out of work'i " '. cy nnel Mr. Percy William Ya~e s, of Christ. John Wallenhurg Is preuch!;al dle811 ot· its political fn tb. The Husbanrl lind Paren ts. Mrs. Irmo Coates and Children. Waynesville; Curl Ri(linger of Spring HI chm o llll. Va., tnok \>Iace In St. ing very earneRt sermons that per- he was worrYin g about feeding seven Valley, Mux Hollingsworth. of OreJohn's Episcupal ,churcb. Palo Alto , tain to our everday-life ano conduct. children when the neighbor. called 1n . ' Col. Thad H. Brown, Secretnry of gonia and Richard Debold, of Milnl.. on Monday, Augu st ]0. After On I.orldsday, August 30th, there "to help his wif e," announced trip.: .. State, :f911owlng his ulual custom ford. a ~h o rt h'ill In to th e nHlunwlns t.hey will be "A ll Dny" services at Ferry lut8, OInking the number of bls chil- ' ~ wlU pf1l8ent on Wednesday, Septem1I1'~ now ut th ·ir hnm<' In Re dwo od church. The occasion is tho F'ortleth dron ten. ber 2nd, of the State .Fair, the Silvor Anniversary of the day on which the Cii~'. Cal. Me mbe rs lind leader or the Way- minister, Thot father. WII ILl:1!! ;r" .' trip- ~ Th er e will be' lin ('x llmillul in" ror Lovinlr Opp to tho heat two-year-old . 1\I1'~. Yales is th(' yClung<>r (IallghNathun J ohnson, preached lets to be born. I'elld 11 1. \ 1 mng" 1' IIny pupils wh" wi ~ h til .·"t ('1' till' t or of IIfr ~ . Gors, Mncy 111111 th e late n c,v ille Rooter ~ Pig club nrc enjoy. his first sermon . trotter. There aro twenty-five entrioR Co unty N0I'l11U1 ~c h,w l. nn,1 \\,h .. h"v(' Edwal'd Mllcy. Shr is a gt'llduatc of Ing the w('e k Cum ping with leaders to cQ.mPllte for the .Secretary lIC Service at 9 :30 a. m. The pastor nificent n ew muusol •. nl 1 . ' builtt Statll') jlllrse of ,1600 and the Sliver not tllken tlw StJlte l'l1l1'lInCI' exam- Wnynes ville High s r.hool ond" lifter a unci ull oth er clubs of the county. will speuk on the life and the work by a combination of hurches, LO cos{ , three and one-ha lf millions, and prD-' . {ew YCllrs of teaching to)ok nur"~ ' s Cnlll Jl a(·tlvitics are b ein~ dire ted b~' of the minister of the gospel. Inatiun, 'opt<!l l1u er~, 111 25. Lovlnt~ Cup. This eXllmination w ill h" g iven onl}' trlli ninJ! und is Il groduat·e nllr"". train ed instructo rs und speciul lead· Dinner served at the noon hour and vide a resting placefor corpses, proJ,>ers; who have Rssi sted with 4H comps crly emblilmed, and put away in theIr at r egio nlll p"ints. IIl1d nut, a t c"ullty Her many ftiends w.~"h: ..1~~J' a happy at 2 :30 Bro. L. E. Brown, minister Almost one fQurth of all deaths in othor c\1l1l1ties. . little niches. seats. The I1Cllr(,Rt Oll l' hurl' will he of the Church of Christ in Wilming. (ulUl;e. from aqtomoblle accidents during In 1810, one fair; in 1026, two ton, will preach. Bro. Brown is a lit Dayton. tho plat ~n yean In Ohio occurred thousand fairs. That mausoleum will not hilve life-long friend of Bro. Johnson. amone chUdren under 14 years of In 1810 an attendance oJ: ,about whitewnshed walls, but a fine marble At 7 :30 p.m., John Wallenburg age according to data just eompiled five thousand; in 1!J21>, an estimated will preach the closing sermon of the finish. by the lltate department · of health. attendance of approximately twentyWhen churches a8k, "Why are we But to ~rove that. the value of safety five million. . Smeeting. not crowded?" one answer might be, work, lhIIonr achool children Is provThese figures, in a nut.qhell, tell ~~~l~~~i~~~~~!J~~~~~~~~~~~~~:;~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Come ~d "Becauso while mothers of cltlldren . . ( . . spend thee~h dol' ~~~g with UR dnext7~0. Sunday, Ing a .most profitable Investment, at- the IItory ilf the marvelous gtowth lack decent housing, you build $3,- ' the last of ~he !!ev~ . ,Dutc;h got tlV· MIAMIS the 30th. All are welcome. tentl~n' ':ia called to the fact thllt of the American fair from the hum500,000 mnusoleums for corpses tbat The honoruble and well-beloved e n with Brother whilcr 2~. 4 per cent of all fatal aul.o blost ' beginning to It!! ' 'by hitting a ------•• - ••- - -might aa well be put in the ground AB R H PO A E acclde.n.ta' in 1916 were among these status 88 an Important faoWr In ag- Dale (Babe) Adams returned from nice deublo to left";4' ~red _when to add to its fertility, or carried up younrer children, this percentage WON ricultural educatio\l. They are of bl" vacut.lon last Sunday, and ollr Wilhoif fumbled Frop;t"ls grounder. SlIttel-thwaite. 1b .. 4 1 2 ' 8 1 1 the chimney of the crematory, putredw:ed , In 1924 to 18.6. DUlinII' espedal interest her,e in view of the lIHaml. rellumed their winning wnys, A . walk, a fidder's choice, a hit R Burton, 2b ... I; 2 2 3 3 1 ting back into the air the nitrogen the pUt 16 yean 7, 798 penons met approaching Warren County fair, when they took the unbeutable (III. batsman, n single, a Mcrfice and a C. O.. horne, I:f. ,3 1 1 1 0 0 they took fr om it." Would tho "Mother Mine" will be given at the Founder o~ Christ ia nity. wh o h!td not 4 2 2 0 0 0 death ' iii auto accidonts In Ohio. which will be held lit Lebano", Sep· lI1iol1)i unoI' gave tho visitors two R . Butron, c 0 1 6 1 least In their own imtlj!'ina(,ion) Pay0 Town Hall, at Harveysburg, Friday 4 Th~r.e Is · ever:( indicatlo~ that thi~ tembcr 16-18. ",lIrkers in th e ,e ighth, nn(1 two s in- A dmlls, p .. where to lay hi s head, subscrlbe 'to year the number will be greater Illnn While the fail' Idea h~. bee" taken ton Shamrocks into camp by It 6 to gles end another . Miami . ~ rror gave Fro.llt, cf .... .. .. ... . .4 0 1 1 0 0 evening, immediately after tbe Boy thnt mausoleum'/ 0 1 0 0 Scout. Drill and Concert. Admis0 Kettler. If . ......~ .. a any previoUII year In the hlatory of hold of tl'!lmendoua\y In the United a score at Frnzier'!\ park. The Sham them one more in the ninth. the automobile. Carefully prepnred Stllle~ n III no' na\lve to tllill conn. roek.'11 and a bunch ot city wiseacre~ Another v1cto't'Y tOl' our Minmls T. Burton, 3b .... 4 0 2 2 1 1 sion, 26 and lIic. No extra charge 0 0 1 4. 0 for reserved leats. This play and the Fealy, 8S . ; .. .. . .... 4 rellorll. of !atal auto ac~i~enta this ' ' , ..Ira run back to ancient d"fII, who accompanioo them, were very and another c1ty team. VOrl' much 8urmUlle wall sreatly enjoyed at ita first )lear afiow a Il!\ln liver 192., tll(l numil\ the olden time. they were more lJIuch chagrined when the "farmer iS performance. This time It ia to be Totals .... .. ... . .... 6 2( lIerJ"\)l 4t.J! a1 qn. @, M~n" ten after the man.nel' of 'a bazaar 01' mar.: boya" and "tilcks" demonsttated their better. Come I Plat is now open at pe~~r thBlt agll, ~ettor en- ket, only held with less frequency, The Mann. Medicine Co., who have and did quite a bit of Isn't 80 bad. is It? Clyde Levley's store. The Miamis lltart another three1 2 3 4 6 6. 7 8 9 {Il~ellltm\ ~f ~l[ tl'l\ffic: In very much like the tairs ill vorue til been showing here for the past 8ve Especially WAS this true After expensell are paid, the progame 8eric~ with Bellbrook next Sun.. 0 0 0 .0 0 0 0 2 1-8 vI""iolili IIIU~ICiP~ltlll', on Germany and other European' cOllliduys, will pull stakes thlll ' evenlng, and fannettes Who came hlgl,lwa", . tOII!~ltin: vJlth tries toclay. Thll American fall' down with their favorites !lnd evi- day, and this will he followed by a IMliamis .......... 2 .0 3 0 0 0 1 0 .~ oeeds 'are to be u8ed to and go ·to another town. This ci.omfund , for a COlllpalJn\B,· i" uurell IIlI the only rllm- traces its ance8try back about dently thougbt th ey were privileged series wi1h the strong Bcnverfown pany gives a fine little v.audeville 2-base hit&-Col8on, l!l. Burton, H. Friendsville edy that 'will pllove bene'ficlal In reo the middle of the show, which has been hugelY enjoyed to do as they plensed liS 'long al! they tenm. Come. Blld help th'e boYS to Tenn., that one of duclng,~)lis trem0!ldoull toll of. h~mun tury, when a 'group win nil 0 [ these games, they clese!'\"e Burton. by c uwds every evening. ""el'e out of tile city. boys or girls may have an livell, and Governoll 'Vlc Donah~y h81 In the Tc.~1! your loyal sUPl)(Jort. - It· has bee n suvAfter . the visitors --------.~~ nlty to obtain the education are lathered a campairn (oJ' better law ' Britain, era I YCtl1'8' sin(!o Wa')'T1e,llvillo had , ./ \ .\. . of in 'the 10 annoUt to gain. eDforceme~.t ,nC;! ,wo,re .triot oblQfv~ 'together such n good tenm. The fitllt game of the Alwayl! It ia hard for them to overane. III aU' tt~e.l,aw .. ' , ' '. i the ' Bellbrook 8etles will be played come the handicap. of'thcir mountain at that place. " 1,,!f!'!~l~!!~f:~ en'6ronment, but this year a very di~ The !<Corll: . ' P' • • • "., Ji &droUI d~uth h" greatly increased Ule dlftlculty of the eituation. Hoy SIlAM~:edtcS . Scout quartet.t e will furnisJt intermi.. slon mlialc.




, .





M. E. Church ' Services





Band Concert Program







--- _.--- - -


Entrance Examinations

Rooters In Camp


Sh k . , - . 1II.,·am,·s Take Game from ._: the D,a yton amroc L

"Mother Mine"



E: :!-~d~.tnN~o:n!~ ~fY~:~~~ .



Show Will Leave

14 8


F.mily Jt~~rIi()~




= , ~.




~~i PO~TL"'NO






r" lhe ml1~ter tho statc or Mury Ytlll1ll{, deceased , t"l!) eo urt Ill?proved " ",I contirllHHI ncoO unt o S hi ed by (·xel·lItOI'. G o rj1!c E. l'rybcl'J.!er. Af11da\'it in Ii tI oj' acc ount· WlIS Ill· "(. by P. M. Bi -pb m, ad l1linis~rat or of the '~8 tal e o f Mary E. Bispham, do· ('II 'p d. The court dil'loct"d nu d itor t(l fix Rl'lual mnrket va lo l!s o f each s huro " f esltlt ' th c s uccession 10 wh ich is ~Ulr jl'ct tn inhe rit.mlce tJlX in th e ma t... tel' "C the scttleDlc n t 0 f callIe u f Thlldd cus D. Morri.", deceased. Louie H . Brown, I~uarclinn of Ruth Isabdle Brown l·t u.I .• min or , flIed his nr~ t lind finn l Ilccou.nt. In the matter of thl! estlltl! or Hal'· ry Gray .•lccclIsed, Fred Grny Jr., wus apllointed adminislrnt or oC the ('still.,. R<1Itll $6.0 00 . Willill'" lI$. ")((' cul ,,r of t he .'stlll .. {If Nuttie Hns tillj;!s. d~c o lI ~ ed, Ilk" hl'r inventor y lind 1Ij1j1 rais('-


. The Soul~, is rup ldly co ming inlo It.s own, aCCt, ,I'ding t il the A UK U " l 1111111 MMON ~ e l' of the uti ona l Republ ic, lind ~ 1"<..<14,'.7""::. ' ''' I CQ f \ . 1 1' ~1'I ,'I ' 1I II n ~ s. , • T1 l l' . mulll:r " !LS develoP'ment nl the pn'se llt ti lll(, m , " 1 0,, 1 11 1111 II. S. ,1I,,'e r " ns IS liltle sh' J l'l of marHlou. l Ii 8 m i8~ ~d \ iL hll ut n 'CfIl·'1. . .. No ,N! rt of the co ul1t;y has en · r"lIl't "v"rrll l"d ddu nd lll1t"' m.. tion J o y~d a . Illr~cr s har' 9f prosperity for II ne w trill l in I h I' ", "ttc r of th c dUring th e P,,"t quurter of a Cen · t~ry tht .1I hUM th e So uth," the NIlt lon al R ep ublic nsserts. "Th e figures tell a r emllrkllblc st ory of expa nsio n. IIII/: I1 11l1\ c of th,' I"dmn" Yearly The AI ; li r~f{nt(' wcnlth of the outh M<" ,t ill /! " f t hl' Hcli g i "u~ .' uciety of ,'rn s! .lIles hilS llIul tip liud s eVe n fll itl I 'ri <'n tl ~ (I f Wa\'n e~v illc anu th e Mi~!nce I R80 11l1d foul' fu lll s in ce I vOO. aynesvl e, 10 mi ~I"nthl)' M~· I.tin )!' Hf Fl'iI'n ds , it I .. tal . bunk t1l'flu~it~ in th"l ~ectilln .k Cl'C'cti th ul "nul HII IlJ'din!! II Ulll e Incr< lIscd 2:1:1 per CI' nt between I!JOO Ill' 1I 11 th"ri z(·tI tn . c'lI "ntl eonvey by Il nd 1 n3. Th e pop ulution of the '~(' II l' l"1\1 \\,~lrrnn ty d ('('t! 1'c nl cs tat e d .~ 11l 1' 11t. In the mnlter of thl' estllte o f Mnd- Sou th incrctlsc d ill r ound numbcrn !'t c rilH.·d in P ('l iti lHI. EXCl'l' ti "n < (I f tll'f" lulanl tll the de- plill" M . S late, dcct'ased, nd mitflstra- ft'O m twenty - 'cven t o thirty-s even cisi lln Llnd j UliJrrlLt:n l of th, ' CUUI't. in tor Wit S grunted additi onal tim e in ~i! lion in thnt twenty-three year jJer• o\, I' rndin g IIw tll l ll f or H rc..~ h (i u J'in g w ~h to fllll invento ry and appraise- 10 d ; the tru e vulue of property fronl. ¥ess than seventeen billions to more ~ Hntl n(lW tri al w l' r e made in the mnt-- men t . seventy-on e billions; the valu e • tel' (I f .J ohn T , IInrlJine J r .. \·s. WiI - Alli~ Calvert, admini"tr>ltrix of the tofhatl manufactured proiluctR from a bil . • Ii Rm C . 'l'htl lllp . . " " . n:o::, ig nc(' for th~ •~s tllt e of Mux Calv ert. deceased, file d lion and hull to nearly seven billions ; bcm·fit pf Cl'l' Jil p r. tlf Ef l", ,,r" S. un ",Id itio nal inv ent ory and Ilppmise. th e va lue of farm property frum ment. hroycr. five millions to nearly tw e nt y· The net vllluo nf the estat .. of CalhA fl ~ r h:\\'illg' <'urnpli cd with R for rn" .. orciN of the CU ll rt in regnrd to erine ' Wi lls. deceased. WII ' found to t wo billions ; foreign exports ' from less than fiv e hundred millions to one IHtY IlH'nt n f n cc- rlai n ~n1m (If m o ney, b~ $2700. Calli e L. Wills, as administrntrix ~iIlion fuur undred thousllnd; forei g n • d<'fl-Ill lun! "' "M " rd l' r NI to pay co 'Is (I f th e lise t o M(l lIy E. J onlun vs, Il f Cntherine Wills, deceased, fil et! her lmport..~ from fifty-two million to fo ur hundred and eleve n million s ' but first and fi na l account. Orie J or tl llll. Ru s..ell L . Drake, udmin i ~lratllr of ~o~t ~ignificllnt of 1111, school e'xpcnIn t he ",nit e r of Loin Blnck v•. Wult er Black. it W UH ordered thut .Ic. the estlile o f Warr>en Drake, d,' cens- dltures from thirty -eight million t o three hundred and fifte en millionR. fendunt pay II certain sum to plain- cd. fi led his first and final IIcco un t. lliulroad mileage has increased three tiff fM hc r RUJlJlor t li nd maintenance and a hal f times in the South since und thut of her mi nor childre n during MARRIAGE LICENSES 1880. The South tlOW produces half c o ntinun n ~c of this IIction. Harold A. Shutt/I, farmer of Way. the nation's lumber, twenty-nine pe r I n th e matt er of th e State oC Qhio VR. Charles Cook Cor an indictment nes ville, and Miss Ruth E. DOll ne, of een~ of its corn, eighty-five per cent of lts tobac('o, seventeen per cent of for kecp ing 'and e'Chi biting a gamb- Morrow. its wheat, eighty.three per cent of ..... ling device fo r gain, defendant waB ita rice and thirtY-line per cent of its •• ~~ .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,. . . . . . . . . . . . . fi ned $1) 0 and costs and that he reREAL ESTATE TRANSFERS fruits and vegetables. The South is main in jail until fin e and costs are Cheste r A. Campbell to Samuel and no longer a one or two crop coun. paid; jail sentence 8U8pended on pro· vision of good beliavlor a nd furnish· Ma tilda Whitena(~" about 68 acres try. The South produces one.third of the world's pe troleum. The amount in Hamilton Tp., $:t. Catarrhal Deafness inA' bOlld of $5 00 . Daniel F . and Hilda A. O' Neil to of ~oal produced has increased twen. I. otten caused by an In!lamed condition Motion o[ plaintiff overruled and of ~he mucous lining or the Eustnchlan lenvc lo file furt her pleadings within Florence M. Baker, 2 lots in Frank. ty-ell!'ht times aince 1880. Tube. Wbon this ,ube Is Inllamed you "~he mark~t for most of this pro. have a. rumbling Bound or lmpertect 50 .Inys was granted in the matter lin, $1. George A. Harper to George Dud· ductlon is wlthm the limits of thl} ' fUNBRAL DIRECTOR Bonrlng, Unlese tho Inllnmmnllon can of Henry A. Marks, trustee, vs. Chas. United States. Because that is the be reduced. your /r oaM ng '1'RY be d e· C. JIu, Ilt al: ley, abo utl05 acres, $1. Btroyed torever. Warden B. and Sadie Taylor to beBt market in the world the limitless Waynesville, Ohio ' Dofe ndllnt b.. ing found guilty of BALL'S CATlUlllll MEDICINIil will do what we rlRl m for Il<-rtd YODr system hrross nej:lect of duty, divorce WIUI J08 eph and Ella RO!lell, about 20 acres resources of thSeouth are enriching t~at . section.. It is only in the be'1 ': ' or Cl\tlUTh o r Den rness C&U8ed by hrrtllllcd In the matte r of Mrs. Jane in Clearcreek Tp., $1. CalArrh. William T. Estl~s to Dan F. and g mnlng of Its pro"~ess. The ne/Ct Sold by all druggists fOf' over 40 Yea". Tewell VB. G. F. Tewell. FuUy Equipped for Good In the matter of the. Waynesville Hilda O'Neal, 2 lots in Franklin, $1. quarter of a century will witness F. J . Cheney & Co.. Toledo. Oblo. Mary Hotrer and Florence M. Ba- more rupid ~evelopment in the South Service. Fmml.'fS Exchange Co., VII. J. B. and Alma C. Ruffn er, it WIUI con81dered ker, to W. T. Estes, lot. in Franklin, than in any other single ser,t ion of Large Display Room the country, for the relUlo n that it has that plaintiff recover f rom defendant $1. Henry H. and Hachel A. Hastings the climate, soil, resources home '~mbu1ance Service $204.96 and costs. Divorce was granted In the ease of to Edward H. Stelremoeller, about 99 markets and a new spirit of e nter. p.rise which makes this possible. Our ~ONB 'l DAY OR NIGHT Margaret H. Hudson VB. Charlea I. acres in Turtleereek Tp., $1. Julia Cadwallader to John W. Dare growing trade with Central and Hudson. The rom crop in Ohio should South America will also prove espl'c, , Raymond F. Leroy WIUI appointod lot in Roachester, $1. am ount to the enormous tntnl ot 176 _ WE GET THEM QUIC\(.I.Y '''''" Joseph and Hettie Ertle to Wil- ially advantageo'us to the South." The Bye Sight' s.,echil It I receiver iii the matter of the Com· 800 .000 bu she ls, if weather nnd othe'r FlUtE OF CHARC[ mercial Bank of Middletown vs. Wal· liam Uhrig, 6 lots in Foster, $1. ....- - co ndition,. cun tin ue favorabl e f{lr the 'Charles F . and Emma E. Batel to ter Black ! Harold Henry, J. D. Tay· next fe w \\'eck~ , accordin/:' tn 5;tlltiN' CALL US ANY TIME AT OUff jew~1ry ~OP lor and WIlliam C. Osborne. Orem and Laurn H. Jordan, lot in BLONDE BESS OPINES titinn West. of the St nt r Federal EXPENSE MlUlon, $1. • . I'fOTARY PUBLIC Lebanon, Ohio ' Cr op Reportinjf se rvic e. T his is at William C. Battles to ,Louis G. KenNEW SUn's "AD oil 0 ock promoter ealled . least 2, 000,0 00 bushel~ mo rt) thlln nott, lot in Franklin, $'1. W.... Drawn Eacatea Settled OD the bOH, ,elterd.y" who w •• the big crop of 1912, whrn 1j 4,000 _ Myrtle Clark has entered suit for Owc;n S. Higgins to Henry HlUlt'Ph<:>n. 8 HAoRVEY5BUII&, o. j 000 bush e ls were produced . 00 erook.cI I'll bet be h •• to un· divorce against Harry Clark. She ings, Jot in Lebanon, $ t. Wayn..vllle, Ohio The outlook fo r {'orn is eX l'cption-.. 8:00 B. m to 4 p. 111. charges absenc e. George D. and Flore nce Young to . Icrew hi. locka. ally good In all parts oC the state. Natfooal Bank Estel Wrig ht vs. The State of Ohio Charles E. and Eva Lewis, lot in thoug h her e !lnd there arl.' sma II arens Il!'ror. Le banon, $1. wh er e t he crop hilS sutT r ed from ED PURDY'S PHILOS J. S. Walters hlU! entered suit for ~r o !, g ht. In c uthern Ohio the crop mo ney only a gainst Elmer E. Col· COMMISSIONER'S REPORT IS VIrtually ass ured a nd in the Ce ntral lins.. ' HATH A. W A. 'Y UThele modern napper. rna,. coun ti es curing is in pr ojfr N's. A H. E. Dilatush, coroner , inquest Mabel' Thllcker Clowes vs. Ezekiel only be frail naft. OD tbe .e .. ~on sitlerab l e perccntage of the field s Clowes for divorce. She cbarges Isaal! L. Brockman, $5.65 ; The Office of lif., beeauo .. I've noticed U,e 'OENTlST III t he more Northe rn coun ties still Ou.tfitter , r epair on auditor's typeabsence. Optometrist older tbe, .et tbe craftier lhey s how ~hc effects of Inte plllnting nn ,1 wrIter, $ 1.76; W. C. Long, tax adjust'ADd X-O-ORAPt1IST let." arc still exposed to se riou s damage to \ ' , EYES EXAM (NED me(lt, $27.66; Rolbt. Warwick, paint PROBATE PROCEEDINCS ~ -----Dentist pORSible early fro sts. ing, $10; Alfred C. Brant, sheriff, Ohio, GLASSES FITTED The report of Elmer Sheehan, ex- amount Wheat yields arc now estimated !or cleaning cistern, $16 Subscribe for the Miami Gazette. 'VayoelvllJe National Baok 81dll ecutor of the estllte of Mary H. Pine, Morrow paid , " Ttl~oDe 114. at a state of 14.5 bushels per PROMPT REPAIR SERVICE Lumber Co., cement, nails decellSd, was IIpproveed and con· and guard rail material , $59.73; ... aC'l'e. ThIS means a state product ion ~mCE: HATHAWAY BLDG, firmed . of 26,000,000 bushe ls which is 4.Standard Oil Co., gas and oil, $182.· Frank C. Anderson, as adminisTRY THE CAZETTE'S JOB WORK 000,000 more than the ellrly esti- Every Thursday ON' MAIN STREET 02; Harry Hill, glUl, $13.77; Orville trator de bonis non of the estate of mates lind abo ut two thirds of Ilist I. Parkhill, furnishing and piling stone, In Partition Marthll A. Denlinger, deceased, filed $260.00; John ~r. Whitacre, pay9 a. m. to 5 p. m. year'~ crop. The quality of the crop his inventory and appraisement. The roll, is generully fair to gnorl . $171.20; John T. Gregg, .;arne, Charles F. Phillips court fixed the selling price of stocks $63.90; Dayton Stato Hospital, sup· Th e Ohio Ollts crop will be at least RestRoom in GrangeBldg vs. "lUIe No. 19286 and bonds belonging to said estate. 6,000,0 00 bushels morc than last plios, $566.80; Chill!. Mount, supplies, S. C. Phillips, et al. Reduction of trustee's bond waB $21.66. Waynesville, Ohio By virtue of an order of 8111e, duly year. and should amount to 71 000 • made in the matter of the estate of ----.~ - -- - -- -- - - -- .. _issued from aaid Court, In the above 000 bu shels if vresellt estimat~,. a;e Marilla H. Wikoff, deceased. stated case, llJId to me directed, I !Ipheld b~' l:t ~el' information. This Proof of publication was filed In Main Office: THREE MORE MILES will offer for sele, by way of public merease IS n r esult of t he larger the matter of the following estates: auction, .on the premises in Waynes. acrell!-!c f~r the a veragc yil' ld per 924 ,Y,; South Brown Str•• t, Nettie Hastin gs, deceased; Angeline acrc I ' estr111 n.cII nt 6 bu ~ h e l ~ under They had been havinlr a little fam- ville, Warren County, Ohio, on Mon· lallt yea r. Spence, deceased; Catherine Wills, 'Over Sicma Theater ~) day, the 14th day of Septemher, A. ily spat.. He hod dr'iven along a ' and Martha A. Roosa, deceas ed. Date your ..Ie. with ua; WeIguarantee ook for t he po tnto crop is The ou tl Dayton, Ohio peaceful country road for more than D., 1925, at 2 o'clock p. m. (Central conRidcr!l bly und er IIvcrnge a nd and Martha A. Roosa, deceased - ..~af~ctiol\ or charge nothing. Laura B. Conover, as executrix of three miles without e ither of them standard time), on said day, the fol- ab out t!I C ~ ame tiS a yellr :t~o. Tohe estate of C. B. Conover, deceased, eaying a word. A mule, stanJing lowing described real estate, to·wit : bacco IS til Ilvcl'llge condi tio n of The following relll estate situate filed her inventory and appraisement. at a pasture fence, brayed at thom in the Village of Waynesville, War· growth or s lig htly better. Soy bean Minnie W_ Vandervort r executrix a8 they pasltlld . fields sho\\' n vi ~ orou s i!rowth. FOR RESULTS"One of your relatives, said he. ren County, Ohio, and described 118 of. the estate of Euphemia .Crumley Tho farm npple crop is c!ltimll tecl Phone No. 320 "Quite right," said she, "by mar· follows, to· wit: WIlson, -dec eased, filed her first and at 45 percent of a normal ITOP, , Beginrtlng at the 80uthwest comer ~hou.h the co mmcrcial crop uverriage.'· final account. ~ USE of Lot No. One (l"ranklin Square) ag,!ls rhaps 20 pe\, cont higher. The ill said Village and running thence commpe ercia l g rnre crall is about hulf with the North Une of Main Street a full prOductIOn. OUR t, '] North 311,i, degrees E. 63 feet and • ~o Inches to the comer of Lots Bold NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT .by J. V. Fairham to J. B. Chapman. CLASSIFIED ~hence with the line . of aaid lots 1'lorth 68 r,;. degrees W. 2141,i, feet , E s h~tc ~i John G. Maey, d ecea~l'd. llifr Nolree IS hereby given thnt Bert to nn alley. Thence South 31." de- C. Hurtsock has bl'on duly nplloinll'll greos, W. 63 feet and two Inches to and qu nlitied os eXecutor of the E~­ AD. COLUMN east eide of Main. Street; thence tate of ,John G. Macy, Inte of Wur. South 68." degrees 214 r,;. feet to ren Co unty. Ohio, deceased. Q' the place of beginning; EXcepting Dated this 22nd day of August therefrom one hundred and seven feet 1926. ' fronting on Miami street sold og of W. Z. ROLL, the North end of said tract to the Judj!'e of the Probnte Court, trustees of the Baptist Church. (Re· Warren COllnty Ohio corded in Deed Records Vol. 72, Page Hownrd W. Ivin s, Atty_ ., ' MONEY LOANED 601, Recorder's Office, Warren County, Ohio. Said lot faces on Main Street and LOA NR lin Chattela,Stocks, Bee urI. An.wer to .... t We.k'. Puzzle lies on the North aide of aaid Street tie~ lind Second Mortgage1l. Notu in aaid Village; the nearest Street on bo~ g ht. .John Harbino .Jr., Xenia, THE SHOW the West Inter'Beeting said Main OhIO. 'mRO.'26 Street is Miami Street; the nearcst PLACB r ( D.YTON , .. Street on the East interaedirjg said .... VaacSmlIe Acta and Fea&are,PJlotopJays. EDtIN diu,. Main Street is North Street; the etreet number on the building of said of .......... , SWlISaY'and nurlClay. Cont~uOas pUfor.... real eBtate is No-, Main Street. Farmel's or Warren and adJobain. ace f ... haO to 11:80 P. M. Altenaoon pricea toe ...... Said real estate has been regularly counties mny obtain money Ion. r;..!~_~.. ~4 10e. appraised under order of the Court time 101108, at Ii I~ per clnt lnt.e....t.: at the lum of $6300.00 free of dower and will not be lold for leu than Cost or securing the ume ia.verr rea. two· third. of Bald appraised value. sonllble ,through The Federal wnd MUTtW. HOME ad SAVINGS TERIrS-ClUlh. I Bank. For further Information eall . 'A LFRED C•. BRANT, on or oddres8 M. C. DRAKE, Treu. Sheriff of Warren County, Ohio. WILt.V N. &.J'U "1r.aCW~ .IiIP .. i'. . . . .' . Robert W ,Brown, Atty. uror, phon.e 316.X, Lebanon, 9hlo. , 5t-a9·26 0...83,OGO" •••• ... I!'> ~ .. , De,..., 0.... c - -.............- . - - .... WANTED ·

'Madden's Lumber Yard I \' " I h'f~;i~~~!~~~~'t


~~\~~~(~:~I:~\:;i:~: I\I~ ,:tI FI":;l d\~~' B:~r:~








I •,

Wa:lter: McClure

11 iI

, I

.. .


OH~~R~~:~ ~~O:Econo VI AN 1 [II .;



At ,Cary's

DEAn 5 T ( )CK



Harveysburg F/erti,izer CU.

Every Tuesday





w.,....,...... . .

Will F. Young

Dr. John W. Miller



----- ---




~esse Stanl~y



New Burlington,O.

W,-,I;R' TO :!D'Al IN DAYTON . ',


='z; ADS. N: "




Farmers, Attention!



fIIe,-, .. ___



FOLKS IN OUR TOWN-Curly Gets a Soul , , ,KislJ



FOR ' REIII' FOR RENT-G~e: .,..:... Williams, 4th • . Tl'le~ S~. '



.(~,",I~ ~~liJ


s. C. White Lelrbo'm h~~': ~ ~cI

eockereIa, aI17prciaoilecl ' , t,~ nested · .toe~ of 2611.ea .traIn W. tt'"t lIv,:e!)' .'hen~ a.1 teen G.' monthll .old pl!nd PNduei!ll. Bl'ock. I:l. D~ . 6, Wal'nenIUe"Ohlo,


." .









GA ZE TTE .••.






11.11':;. Ann Smilh has p urchased u 111 1'. and 1111'S, had es leu vel' a rc luss Ma il Ma tter aew Ford Sed un . wit h 1'('lutiv('ti hC I·c. MI'. unu l\1r~. Chul'1es lurk were D. L. CRANE, Editor and Publi sher, Wayneaville, Ohio 1I'l1-~ . An na Va n Do ren is . ~i s iti n g D,lylull v i siI.tH·~ , Priduy. rclativc ~ r1 ~ .it' Clal· h ,·i\lc. SuhRc l'iption P ric e, $ 1. 50 per year. LilLI(! M ir illlll aIiti bury spc nt IlIs \ MiS!; Ilcl ,ul'uh Walt,," i ~ the I ,ou ~c w('uk wit h ndlllivos lit WUY IIl!sv illlJ. "'I '~l of nl is" lI ole.!l l:l'llham . .. t ~· r ll ' l1 J\ d vr r t 1 f' 1I\~ H ' · JlI I':" C ll t lllIV~ '"I I! \MLI~ 1\ ,\,... 1'1([::':-..5 ~ ,~ ')ClC I ,\ I , " Mrs. Edd Longllcl'''' is some what Hichll l"" Kibler, (,1' th" lV illllilll('toll ill l!J )'ov"d IIflC/' ucilll-\' very ill t he , ikl'. i, Illile ill w illI t Yl'hilid . Ilu ti L I\'~c k . \\' ,, a,·(· dud to h ll Vl ' t he \\, i lll1in ~­ W~DNE~OAY, AUGU'::il' 26. 1925 1\11'. a nd Mrs. A lue rt StIlcy ond t Im Boy S cu Ul~ in o ur vic in ity ug'ni ll . d uughte r, Miss Clco, spent FridllY in M I'. an d Mrs Irn J-i urls llck, IIi lJuy-======~~========~=============== the Gent Ci.t y. ' " n, 1Ir<' 5 1> '!\Clin g H 'fe w doy ~ with 1\11'8. H. M. Clllrk went to Chicago, )'(·Iut h·", h ·· n·. of the city fo ll:s to lise t h,' (,(jull try " HITCH . HIKIN·G " SHOULD ll E I'lHld s. 1'11<' rt'S Ull i ~ t ha t u nless t hos.! Snlurday lIIomi ng, whet'e she will DISCOURAGED ~II·. and ~ Irs . Rue Cllrr und daug-h-, wh" drivl' ca rs in l he co un t ry t o wn ~ vis it r elatives. I l! r ~ , uf () ~ uwn t om i e, K arL , n r c visit- ' The aut omob il e "pick up" prll cl i ~~ pll t n qui ck en d to t he ir hllrm f ul gNII\1rH. E dwa rd in ks und d uug hte r, Ing 111 t h" hom(' o f his JUlI'l' llts, Mr. has de ve loped in to 11 d el! rn di ,,~ in· <' ro s it y, t he· <, ,·il will 800n ue beyond J-ll·Jen. \\'e l l! S unduy g Ut!st s (If Miss :. rid .11 1">. W ill Cu rl'. fluenc e, ind eed alm os t int o n nationnl " II houn ds. It should not bo neces- Ku thryn Clark. ni,. a"d Mrs. R. II. 1l 1'f1u ks n il " menace a nd th e sne ll c r it iR br nu ;: ll l sa r y t o pnin t out th e da nger t o Iiie, Mr. and Mrs. Be n Hllwke alld fam · fa mily I" ,) t ure '" t o In d ia na t hi, w<'L'k, to an ~nd th e better. Tho . ihhl " C a nd lIl or e I'rl''l uentl y the " pp un uniily utte nd crl th e Hawke re union lit a tll'lI d ill J..: lhe B ro Hks reuni u n, anti hundreds of bo ys, yo un ~ lll e l1 . Ulld t ies fO I' chellp bl ac knlllil thnl result " pent lw() duys with I'C lllLi,·..,s. yo un g g irlK, Ntu rHlin ~ un th 'J rlll~ (b id \' in pick in g u r . t ran Ker , 011 the r oa d, Lcull non, Sun da y. no malleI' what th ei r uge 0 1' "p pear· pl'l1cticinr: th" ir RiKn Illng ull:."" III th e Miss Lou is c Woolle y, of Dayton, Mr. an d Mrs. Clydc Clellver and hoP" o f bC'in g picked up fOI' "a lift " Ilnce (I f respec t.a bilit y, hu t appa re nt- is visit ing he r g randparents, Mr. und :-:U I1. o f Ch icngo, ure vi!" iting his Cu l hly ('X lw l'ienc(' i~ a POOl' t(' a fl it er . Per- M,'". Willinlll B ro wlI. I ~ htll c I·l' n. ~ v (' d fro m I'lliin 'n ~ l )( n l ' l' , P. 13. Cleave r, Illld urolh,,!', Clin t caney. EncouJ(l ~e d. nncl in t h(' lib· ha ps the g reatest (I(('elld e!'s arc th e ~11·. Glen n Bruck, o f Indilln upolis. ("lea "l'l' anrl f a mily, and utlwr r e lntlenw of publil' l)rnte~t it hUR r ea('\I' new c nr owneJ's w hn, in th e ir Rpirit t ' \'I!>; in t hiR Yi ci nil y. c d a PIlSti thut see mingly nothillA' but of killd lin e,. "f('(' I ua(lI y" if th ey wu ~ u wee k· end g uest of his pal'e nts , MI.,.. Wilb ur Wi lsun. or RU :IIIC.II', 11 sharp Ilwllke ninA' 1)11 t hl! pllrt o f IlI U- "pin liy in t heir ne W found umucn ce Ilr. and Mr ~ . L. G. Brock. tor ists eun brillA' ab ()ut II lim pe r alld lell "c O il the r oa dside sO llie sweet Mr. En()s Rogers neur Midd le fiun, \ ·u .. "pc'nl l he ell d y I'IIrt II f till' ' V('l.k restoration o f self -.... s pccL 'I' ll ' smili ng girl (II' Slid -eyed boy to whom is spendin g II coupl e of wee ks with wilh Mr. nn d Mrs. I?rank Wils nn. On Wcdlll:, d ay s he de po rted fu r home. situlltion is more "erio ll" in the CO'I Il- "II lift t ll a point neu r th e home Mr. a nd Mrs. f.'ran k Roger s. la king Mr. and Mrs. Wilson \\'it h Iw r try districts tlllin it is in th e. c itws. wo uld sccrn to bc chnri ty nnd a joy." Seve rlll f i om here attend ed the fu - 1'''1' a few w ~c ks' vis it. This, of course, I ~ lhe natural CO II - Th e plain fll ct, however. is that the 8equences of the cilunlry homeK .lb- motor li ft hUB r ea ched d isgraceful nt,tIll of Mrs . Ohm el' Fox at the Fe rry T he I.lap ti st Missionary Circl e gav e church, Wedn ~'S dIlY afternoo n. smlbing more thlln seventy JIIJrLc ot proporti ons. It iR dlln gcr()U B to the 1\ t "" lit t ho hom e of Mrs. Howurd ot 1111 the altomobilcs manufdctllrcd moto ris t lind debasing th e youth of Dr. and Mrs, L. B. Hall and chil- I.:r uhll l11 , Wednesd ay 8ftern oo ll . It III the United State, plus the tlesire th e land : dre n, of Wuynesville , wer e Sund a y \\'1\5 w<'11 a ttendee!. A . hort prog rnm dinner guests o f Mr. and Mrs. Hurry (,f llIus ic and re ci t ations W IIS give n, McG innis. lin d r efreshments of ice crea m. wh ite MiS8 Cleo Montgomery l'Cturned to ca ke and iced t ea were scr ved. Coupe her home in Dayton, Friday, after a two weeks' vis it with Mr. and Mrs. ' NOT THAT BAD mIL _ I T .... ! '5 boda Walter Kenrick. Blid e"Richllrd at<' som ething f or Mr . und Mrs. Allie Williamson, and = IM ........ . . . . eh ycstcrda y t hut ma dc him IIW Mr. and Mrs. Klinc, o f Dayton, we re IUll fu lly ill." calle rs of Mr. and Mrs. Chus. afforcllag lIDKinser,' Carrio and Louellll Ivins, Sunday M.rried · .t H.r.ey,burl Frie nd- "C roqu e tte ? " Clark and other friend s. Brid e- " Oh . no; but he's IIwfu l ~r. T . Le e Adame, of Kan8118 City, Ween e Egan, Hannah Kelly. E dn a 'I -' Mis8 Mary Hunl r eturn ed to h!!r ~ic k . H elaeat eon of tbe late Dr. Thoa. Ad . McKin8ey , Nellie Irwin, of Chicago, ODe J' ICe 944 h ams, of this plnce, IlIId Miss Mary Rowena Wright. Miss Hallune, of home here Sunday afw r spendin g Leah Cadwllllnder, only daughter of Springboro, Nona Dodd, Winnie a year with her uncle and Qunt, Ur. BRAGGING Mrs. Phoebe lind the lato Thomns Goodall, of Cincinnati , Linll SlIbin, of and Mrs. Lorenza Trullx, at KulWi daTld c.wB; Cadwnllnder. The wedding took place Harveysburg , Adnh, MlIlI1e and Cora math F ull s, Oregon. F irst Mother- HMy boy has a uet McKinney, Adah Cadwallader, ot vdltllMMg t,.,e oa . . aID. Curtaio8 at Valley Home, the home of Mr. an d . Mr. and Mrs. Frank Montg omery t" r voice than youII' boy." MI'!!. Richnrd F. Willes, lit HllrveYB- Morrow; Emmll and Grucie Brown- and 80n, Ral ph, of Franklin. wer e Sel'ond Mother--"Well, he olJght ing, of Wilmillg ton; Minni eKe lly ,of opeoiag aft OIl burg. on Wednesday Augus t 25, 1886 Sunday afte l'lloon ca ll ~ rs at the home t", hav!! se llin gtickets every n ight The InRt wedding that had tuken Dayton; MeRs rs. Ed and Ben Collett, of Mr . an(1 M rs . Wultc r Kenri ck and d" wn ot Music H IlIII." fj01!! CU8 in coL .... place in this house was that o f the Bob lind Chllrlie Smllrt, Ed Dakin, Mr .lInd lI11·s. Frank Roge rs. pareJIlJ< of the bride; here she Was Horace Hatton, CharieR Smith, Ake Mr. alld Mrs. Wa lte r Ke nri ck e nupbeletay·af te born, lind hercl in the room lind Collett, of Harveysburg ; Alle n and on the epot whore ~he ha d flrst drnwn. Kent Browni ng, of Wilmington; C. te rtained to Sunda y dinne r, Mrs. CII I· ell the breath of life: ~ h e hnd c h o~en to G. Williamson, Horllqe Wright, Bert vin Humpt()n, Mr. and Mr~. Pre d JllIght her wrnal troth to the mlln lind George Smith, Jesse Di nw iddie , Lloyd and children, Mrs. G. A. Car~ A IIUIlIf Wiu Allen, J. E. Janney, Will Dod- rol and son, o f Middletown . of her choi ce. son, Will Rue!gers, Abijah O'N eall, Charles Johns has solrl his grocery Jr., Churlcs Wintersteen, of Dayton, E"tart.ined R. I.d•• , tbe tbeee Cli ff Cadwallnde r and Will McKin- stock t o F.:lbcrt Walluce, of RidgeMrs. T. T. DodHon I,tllve, 011 Thurs- ney, of Morrow. t g .t :~ vi ll e, lind will g ive possession Sep- 115.5 ACRES, b"tween Ferry .nd ; L . day .e venlng ha vcry charming party In Lytle, 4 mile. from Wayne.t embe r 6th. Mr. J ohns has been in • • '.'M-l5','1I1 honor of or ftlnlublc. lind pretty bu siness in L yt le f or thirty years. Oth.,r Not .. s viii .. , 14 mile. "rom D.yton, well niece, MIBII Nellie '(1'. Irvin, o r ChlenMiBll MIlY Fitzplltrick hils gone to fenced, well tHad; well watered. Rev. lind Mrs. Stllnley John ston &,0. The guest:! we re lUI roltows : Cincinn ati to r esidc. 5 acres, larl_ timber, plenty of ifilllles Corn McKoy, Emmll Fetter, MillS Chua Keys gave 11 very en- and daughte r, Gle nna , of Carrolton , Ohie, werll dinn er gu ests of Mr. and Lellh Wright, May Fltzpatrl(1k, Kate joynble pnrt y last eveni ng. fruil. B"ildin,,, are .,,,tr. ,ood. Thomp"on, Annlt ' Sellers, Rona MatMr. George mlth iA at home, of- Mrs. Wi lli am BI 'o wn, Monciay lind Good 8-ro<lm brick bous." Barn thew mlln, Myra Nelli, HlIttie Divoll, ter a deli g htful visit to Ningnra Falls. were evening \!,u ests of Mr. li nd Mrs. 5GxGO, with b meDt, 36x60. Fr a nk Snyde r . . Clara KeYB. Carrlo BlIrley; Messrs. Mi8se ~ Minnic Dodson and Nellie Tobacco sbed allld corn crib •. Prank FaIT, Otto Farr, Geo. Smith, Irvin visited in Dayton lind CenterMr. and Mrs. Kesler GI'ahom hud Harry Bushong, Clorke McKay, Ho r- ville t hl8 week. . C or their dinner g ues ts, Sunday, Mr. ace Wright, Ed Macy, Hllrry SteinMIM Mottie Woolley arrived home mlln, Will Wright, Harry Prater lind en Monday. lifter a long lind delig ht - und Mrs. C. W. Albrig ht, Mr. Frllnk S" iker ond daughter, uf Springboro ; T E RMS to suit p,, ~ch .. ser. For price J ealle Dlnwlddla .1 fu l visit in Zaleski, Vinton coun t y. Mr. u nd Mrs. Ch as. Gui t ner, of Mia nd t e rm. lee M iss Hattie AI. Smith arrive d here IImishurg , lind Mr. ond Mrs. J ohn Eat•• t.lned · with • D.nce from Gnrv bier · on Thursdoy evening, Myers lind daughter, of Belmont. Wit SaturdllY eve ning, Mr. and and Wll8 the gUllst of Mr. and Mrs. 1' heir after noon cullers were, Mr. a nd Mn. E, D. Roberts I,tnve t he largest G. T. O'Neall. Mrs. Arthur White and sons, of Daylind O1\e of the m ost delightful dnncOur bright youna- friend, J. O. ton, Mi8S Alma Hormell a nd Mr. TJ:lEN WE SHOT THEM DIDN'T HE KNOW LOT OF THEM THAT W A "I.~ Ing and .lee cream pailliol of the sea- Curtwrigh t, Is selling ' good6 fo r Mr. Rnlph Stowe, of Springboro. lion. Gucets " Mr. an d Mrs. C. D. Jona!! JRnney, and he makes an exWifmlngt:o n, Ohio,' HI have a box of cigars h ~ re, old Grocer- f1 Here, sonny; II little bag "Dick Dexter and hi8 flivver just WoolleYJ Mr. lind Mrs. D. L. Crane, pert AAlcs mlln. Mr. and Mrs. Walter J a nney d eman-'-uut not a s ingle mawh." got hit by th e expre S8 down at the of candy for you." Mr, ana Mrs. Frnnk Shidaker, Mr. Mis9 Etto Keys al1l'lved home from lig htfully e n te rtain ed to dinner, Sun" Well, I'll tell you. I will take mill crossing." Fond Mother-" And what do you lind MI'II. W. N. Raybnrn, Mr. and Colorado yesterdllY, blooming like a day, at their ocuntry home, t he fo ls ix ci gurs froth the bo x IIl1d moke "Well, Dick was never sup ersti- say to the r,entlema!l' Ja~es1". FRED HUBBLE, on the Farm. Mn. A. Ivins, Mr. lind Mrs. Madison ro se with health and happiness. She lowing guesta: Mrs. Clara Lewis, it lighter." Jimmy- ' Charge It." tious He never believed in sig ns." McKinsey, Ml1. an d Mra. J. W. Ed- is welc om e home. Mrs. Ella Bniley, Mr. lind Mrs. Paul wards, Mr. lind Mrs. Henry Mc.KlnMessr s. Edwin L. Allen lind George Nile and Mrs. Nile's mother Mr, and sey, Mr. and Mrs. Frllnk Barnhart, S. Baily havo gone off for t he 8ummer Airs. Charles Parlette, Mr. lind Mrs. Mr. Rnd Mrs. Ed Roberts, lind Mr. recreation, taking In White Sulphur Herman Lewis · and children , Loui se lind Mrs. B. F. Dakin, of Harve¥8- Springs, Old Point Comfort and the and Robe rt, Mr. and IIfrs. Ralph burg' Mrs. Will RU8IIum. Mi ~8 cs Mm- Eastern ci ties. or course t.hey trav- I,ewis, Mr. and MfR. Elery Lewi , nle ' Dodson, Leah Wright, E~~a eled by the CheSllpellke Ohio Ry. Miss Oro Gabbat-d, Miss Delight, Mus Helghway, Rena Matthewman, Ttllhe Our young friend, Irving Way, is WI' Jack and baby, J eon Williamson, lind Maggie Edwnre!s, Mllry Smith , not e njoying very good health at Ruth Esthe r Nile, of Doyton, Mr. und Belle O' Nea ll, E llu Mis sildin e, Agnes preso nt, but we hope he will bra~e Mrs. Cliff Lewis, of Centerville, Mr. - Williamson , . Lina Wri ght, Mary Me- up so on. and Mrs. Walter C'lark and 80n, Jun. ior, Mr. Earl ClllJ'k, Misses Lucille lind Wanda Clark. of Lytle.

Entered at the l'ostotli cc a t W ny nesv ille, 0 ., as Second

Announcing Important Changes in Bodies and Chassis

No Increase in Prices


AD-steell c • • _ ...... Serhn. aDd opea d


e... at .• p . ..... New prowd tl...." rear ale brakee _ • tn tlilt .dllel. . . duaI:JIe


with and R,lIJ18Nut.





II with 0.. +'*1 baIID'lU; 8IId .,., , IIheII& MaD, • 'KT's add to


ben., ... ".'" ~ ~ .....bed Jlan! o.t-

See ,....

- ---

'ct. .

G. A. REA,


Come to Lebanon, Ohio, to

---_. - ...- --. MT. HOLLY


Mr. Frank Kellis and family e ntertained rela tives from Rending, Ilist Sundny. I If you were born between AuguBt 23 and !t, you . belong to both Leo and Virgo. You' are materiaJi.tlc but bve a keen Mrs. Rebe oca ' Dill, wh o has been very poo rly the past week, remains Insight In~o human nature. You hllve a strong comblnatlon lIuout the s ome. of fire and eartti. and are WJIfI determined. Having made up ·your ' Inlnd no detail ill too triviRl. You are vwY methodical, Mr. Ellsworth Smith, of Day.t on, fAIlerQU8 and 8Ollcltou8 of athen. spent the week-end with Mr. John Levi a n(1 family. · Women are · fond of everfthlng that ~from bah... to .eeecl'ln the ground. They are excellent moth.t'II and wivea; Mr. and Mrs. Raym ond Osborne, ' like to le.d the fashloll and are logical thinkers when educated. o f X ~ nin, spent Su nday with Mr. an d Men love ,\he good thlncll of earth. They make excellent Mrs. Emer son Dill. teaehen, phJll\clana, ehemJ.ta, lawyen, deaigne1'll, JournaHBta Mr .•Jacob Zimmer and family, MiRs or pollticlnns. Ruth Kellis lind Mr. Cliffe rd Stnit h You have tact .and ·rarely offend. Born 'under thb algn 8pe nt Sunday in . Cincinnati. people hare few faultA-the mollt marked, unless curbed, are domineering tendenclel; Interference in a"alrs not their own Messrs. J. E . Dill, of FI'Cmont, and and a fal Ae pride and ambition whldt mUM them toaaiel to B. A. Dill, of Cillyton, spent the week : money · ane! pORition. end with their mother, Mrs. Rebecca Dill, ~~ " ' . MiS8 Glad ys Heiltman, of Dayton, • lind C. A. Herbert, district engineer, wh o has been spendin g a few day s U. S. Burellu of Mines, t o referee wit h her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George Marlatt, returned to her home the contest. Friday. - - -_0 _ ••____





A fit'llt-alif ' team I,ecruited from work~ . in The American R".I~ing

Mill Oompany'. plant at Zane8vllle, .,

the unullual di!,tipctfirst ever t o , Ohio meet, Sp,lng1~elli 11\"


tALl. ,1'1 (...O'I{f1 ~NQ<;RAPHI;RS,

"111eY o.rfr DI~re

1'}Ie.M " .. ~ ~I!'(IREr


ST_ MARY' CHURCH The regular Church School and Morning Service will not be held at this church during the month of AUKu~ . Rev. John J. Schaeft'et. Rector.

--_ ..

METHODIST CHURCH Sabbath School, 9 :16 a •. m., preaching at 10 :30 a. m. Epworth League 6 :46 p_ m. Pl'Caohing at 7 :8 0 p. m., Wednesday evening J>rayer meeting, 7 :8 0. Evel')'body invited to these lIervicea. Rev. L. A. WashblU'll, putor. ,


'~~r.~~~IIi~S~e~r.vI~C~e~:19and :80 L m~ Bible eennon. Ev.-


m . .. Son,r Ser-

aH cordially ,


September 15, 16, 17, 18 Four ' Days of Fun, Entertainment and Instruction Warren County's Annual Exposition

Splendid Racing for Each

s~ ~rogram WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 16 2 .30 Trot .. ....... ..... ..... ....... "Pura. $309 2:25 i>.ce ............... :..... ....... Pur•• $300

Speqal Prizes for Farm Bureau, Grange and B'lYt';' and Girls' Club Work



2 . 15 Trot ........ " ....... " ......... '350 2,15 P.ce............. ............... ~ ..... $350 2,19 Trot ... .. ............... Pur. ~ '360

FRIDAY, SEPT. 18 2111 P.c .... " ....................... ~ ..... $310 2 :23 Trot............................ $350 2:20 P.c................ ....... .... $310 Mule Race, _~t · MiI., 2 ia 3 ..Par.. t71'

Wednesday will be Old Soldiers' Day, when free admission will ~e flJrnished the veterans of all wars.













O'CLOC K , .. M,~~ _ ' . j

'Day.·. Ample . :'c~omo"a~I :.I.·:· and :Other Vehlcle.~. Vehicles; 2Sc '



I:t'i~~ .J ,,~', A~t1"!1

, Ayr(\!\, Nlt-A ( ,~

Tit n,h"" H"J, rt ,


'I' >t~·h..·.

~I M '. ) .







Myrn Baird is visiti ng re infdastl'r ~ernD.rd MoUoh is visiting ,~~~~~~~ . ~ - ~.~---., , U"cs in l?uyton. In Springb oro.


F.S-I •

N(· ill , E,I.· the a--.:-_...I' Mr, tLlld Mrs. lills. Davis s per,t .Mr. Murray ]{ opkins. of Day tor., rh.lpnuln, R nl "'r1 E,h·..a,lt\ "uli l Ch Hl' lp. I Sunday in' lurksv illc. was home ovcr Sunday . Ella. wife of Albert hundl or, eli .,,, •iI- I " dw [) "~ 't 111 ',.;< tll1 ~ .. l: i ,·t ure. "1'1"" . I und&)' vet\in~, August 23, lit lwt' Mr. aud' Mrs_ Hllrvey Sucklltt were All nrakes of I ron Pump. put in hQme In Kun 1\ City, Mu. The ho d:; Tl~ 1l (l nllhalldrJH'n t ~ I ~ 0 1lC' llr t.lIOH' !<hnl'pin~ in Da y I"". l o.nday . 'WIU bo brought to the hom of he r "h o t.11l 1 IlY~ Ihll Ih,· wl",le ","rl<1 \ Tf I'tlu r ,I "t~ t nof no ds rcpairing )::,0 0,1 r cpoir hy CrO~8 Bros. brothor, ' "mul!.! Butterworth , \\' '( " ~' .hnll1.1 Th """ prndud I" n lllh f'~ a link I) ,'er ~ee Kemp & .1 0 rJ o n . tho fun eral will be held ThurscillY RI Miss Lu cille Th o 11l1l~ on \\'11 8 "is il;\1i85 lItar y L nh t::t1wllrd s i ~ s l'cnd. tWII h"ur, I .. , h,,,, It i~ di\'i(kd int o f '1 ' in g in i) ayltHl l a ~ l W('('H . ing thl' \\" , ,,1;- wit h r..tntivl·N in I hlYt ornoon, at 3 o'clock. lwp part s, It ll( ' llnt nnd morh'l"Il 111 Mr, ~ : la arll1K (: t~t'd. n nnd umll ton. Wm. I. ORvis. n former r(! 8id ~ nt of I h~ ( .. rll1l'1' W,,' pi ct ll\'l' tlp~n " nn l hl' " pent I· tid II;' :II 1·II ,r\\('lti. Mr. llnJ Mr s. l\ ~ nlH'th r:lz\,y ure 1:51' 1 1rl it, ' :;lu\ t ' ''' hlliid i nJ! tlw <"ity o f Hllrveysburg, died lit, his ho me I n S"c Kemp & Jordan t or spouli ng ' TIIl'Y Il.. .., Le . Mr. B('rl IInrts tll'k nllli family w~ rl" n"W cllsi ly scI tied in Ih ei r new home Xenn, Mondny . The fUllcral ",·n·,e,· n' "I1('" ~ " 111 E ~ ypt . nnd melal ro\., f5 (If nil kinds. in Unytll " . was held lit the home this. Wedn e"- illg (·t'l lt·l1y I r,·:.h ·,1 by lh(' I'h u.. "uh. Le hnllon I' i s ito r ~ . Sulurclny . day afternoon . Burllli in ;'11 1111 II i nn d Ih i"l!', h'" k dark unlil M ,'~e. Mr. Hurr y IIni nl·" " f !layton, spent Mr. lind lItT". Alfr('cI J . Wri ght " is( 'l1 H~ rg-('~ til Itlad t hr ill. Th l' ~' un \', ith :\1 :-;~ r~ l'h n ma~ Pl{' r( (' nnd E. J . cemetery. S\lnclH~' with 1111'. Ed Couk lind fnmily iterl re lutiv(' s in Sprin gboro, last "dl ill ~ h tl rih '~ a n d 1!lnd hl'art .;. .. \'C' j But't ll n w ert' in J)uylun . :M n ndny . of H o ul ~ 1. week. Mrs. IItllry E. Ev"ns, 7. wi n(1w thr d,.. ""rt ";;: lI lt{... Thi :-:; part I1f tlh' N ow i$ the ttm e t o hn \'e K £!mp & of John S. Evans. di en at h,'r hll III " pktlll' 1:-: d!llll' lit Ila t ur a l c,ll.H'" anti Mr. nn,l M r:<. OLlw Il ('nti('r on wer e T o Hrn t. Room-· l1 omc -lik e pillcl' .J o rdan Ino k nft~ r your funuu:-e , in pring Valley, 'lIlurdllY mor nin Jr i ll t ~ "' \\( ' ~'l l 1~ t' \('T"\\ h.'lnll n),!' , T h, '11 fn ll tl\\ ~ ~l'l" H'~ !'- h u\"' iuJ,! Mo- ('!'with n )(uod 'hrisl iull flllllil),. in sub - ' ulldllY g\l est ~ of Ur. C. W_ Hellclcrat 4 o'clock. Her hu. band rl'(· ce "~" ' urb. Uf ti(.lri UIor Vnl1 l:~' 01' liltl e t ll"'" . SU II ulld fnnlil~· . her in dellth April 9 IllSL IIfr,. I·:\, · ,'l", "hint.!' th.· t'om ' IIH nd",(ln t~ un Iht' "1It1 1. Ih,' "hil,)r"11 ,.f 1 " 1~ll. 1 \\" ' r1.i·t ll,· U\:l l y 1I 111'l suck is ~ Iwtldin l'( Rent I1IU S ~ Io c ellenI'. ~ Irs. Ch,ris ana had been in ill health for lh" pll ~1 ,~1llll'l' lf' tIlt' ~"" il'1I in a ' \ ilcl t Ill' 'HTk ill Xeniu . \'is itillJ[ I'clutivt!s. il Wright (TrnincJ l'\ursc). Box :.l8, &evora l weeks. Mr. nnd Mrs. Ruy I rons. of Clyde, Stulfo rd. Ohio. Shc waMlorn nenr ~I o rr,\ ..·. )hi ... ...."y . :11 101 lilllllly th e fude -out in Ohio. hU"e bee n vis itin /! relatives in ~Ir s . Gntr e McCune, uf Limn. spent Mr. and Mra. Evall s lived ncar M iJrl k· \\ hidl ~1 u !' ('~ , wrRlhfl11 Hl ~ cl:'i n )! hiS Wllrr" n county. RUll for 60 yell n " a nel llHwed III JI('O pll"" tn'Ht'lH.·ry . n i n l!~ th e t nh l (' t !ol t he ''' 'l'k-e"t1 wi lh her mother, Mrs. Evn 1Ililll'l' . w hid) hl' h ad r\ '~ l' i vc d u ntu th e Tt.." k:.;, Spring Valley th-e years 1I j!0 . Twu Bor n- To Mr. und Mrs. Se th brothers, Abe Os borne. of L ~bllnllll , s mui' h ing 11wln i l1h) u thuu sand pi "ll! "i. Thomns. o( Dayton , Monclny. AlI J[ust Th" mnclern "tory Wtl S wriHen iJ y lIIrs. C _ A. Adnlll s and s on. Robert. and Fred Osborne. of Day tun. ,,".1 24 . I !l:!5, a Mun. on e sister, Mr,;. Lllcillu Snow, :-:prinJ'! ,I (' 111 1n II' lII lld 'hL' r~" " 11 lid ~ h " W-l I hilt or Payton. ' pl·,,1 Tuesciuy with Mr •. • a tht~ ('(. tnIlHtndnu' tll:-: un' as J,:'rcHt u O}i\' (' r Un\'i ~ . Vlllloy. survivl'. 1'\"" children . Mr .;. Miss Milry LefTerson, of Midl ll eWilHam Penllcwit. ne'llr Spri"i! VIII - m o r nl f ll l'ce today a~ th e y w \.' r c 1ive • rt t.own. iR the guest ()f Mr. J. O. artley, and W . J . Bak,·r. of Wll ynt'tI- lhous.a nd YC'Hr:oo 1lJ!1I. lII c~Srll . .J. O. Wh llnk!'r und L. A. wrigh~ and (nmily. ville, with fiv e i!mn dch ildren :llld ~ e\'­ Zilllnwrmnll \Vcr" in 1.ebnn on lin busIt· II l"





••••••••••••••••••••••• •• •


..•• • ••..

· •


grent-Rr Rn dl.' htld r(· n,

n~s o :-. Ut' ,· IV l' , o( th e

Graham Reunion

Mrs. E"ulls Wa " B member Middle Run l3 ullti"1 church.

j' H '!:.f: ,

Tu esday.

TIl(' Tit,," r~uni o n wi ll be held Th e Gruhllrn l'llllnill n will be he ld A lI~u s t ;lOth. lit the home of Mr. A. at Ha rm ol1 park . I.l' hllnOI1 , Ohio . Sat- Titu ~ . of Route 3. urduy. A u!!'u . t 2!1. I !l!!li. I.l't all the Mr ~ . N . A. King, of lndillnnpolis. fri,onds Janel t't..· lati v('~ c ome w ilh \\ e ll· spent th e week -end wi th Mr. Walter l' ts ,,,ld "njoy the dny. Cecil B. DeMiII~'M plcturizHtion of I\lIe,1 b,,,k EI 7.(·Y lint! family . 1Ilrs. J cnnif' t:rnh nm . Sec ·y. "The Ten Commandments" is sched uled to show at the State Theate r, Mrs. L. A. Zimmermsn and chilDllyton, the week of August 30. dr en have returned afte r a pleasant lt comea to Dnyton with more suvisit witb iriend~ in Sid ney. perlative advance notices than any other picture of t he year. [t is great, Mr. and Mrs. ' Calvin Longacre were The largest und bes t stock of Iron stupendous. colorful and movin g. It has comedy. spectaclc and d1'llma. A Pumps we "vcr hud, now on hund. at Mr. und Mrs. Stephen Burnett's perfect cut, a fin e story and inspired Bring in your uld pumps that aro out Snlun:lay night and Sund ay. of repair and have th em made goo d direction. Cross A cut of 6000 people hesded by us evcr. Come and see us. Mrs. Ru sse ll Salh;b ury and daug hRod La Rocque, Ri chard Dix, Len- Brothers. ters. Doris a nd Ruth, left today to visi t in Pittsburg and Cleveland. "N

"Ten Commandments"

Ur us


Pumps Pumps Pumps

Rosenthal Corn Huskers and Shredders

Master Charles Hllrtsock returned to his llome in Milford. Sunday, after R visit with Waynesville relatives. Mr. Alfred Dakin. after spending several \\~eeks with reilltives here , lcft , Tuesduy, for his home in Hannibal, Mo. Messrs. Kenn eth Kilbon and Dona ld Henderson, of Dayton. spent the wt·ek -end with Dr. C. W. Henderson lind fami,y.



!meW )'OUI'


youth.plates. Whether ' trry', ft', warped waD ~

For 'al('- Polllnll Chinll pigs. ('i th er ~cx. uboll t 200 po unds. A. L. Kin!:, Wayn e~v ill e, Ohio. •


Born- To Mr. and Mrs. F,,,rn Enrnhart. ut Ulllir 's hos pital , Lehannn, Tu csrlny. August 25, " d"" ~ h­ ter.

:'. ;:.




PhoDO 47

•. ,

• • ......................

Mr. a nd Mrs . .J. L. HllrtMck "pent the week-end ut Milford, t he guests of thei r so n, Mr. F. C. Hartsock IInci family.

i Jiat·O:.flp i BATIEaY smtVlCB


TbOClsands Have Been Waiting For 'Ibis Eventl-FIRST TillE AT POPULAR PRICESl

When your old Pump gives out bring it to Croll! Bros., who wl\f mike it as good as new, at a very small cost.

The Rosenthal Husker has with· stood the years of hard service under all conditions. and stands out today . as the foremost Husker on the market Made in sizes adaptable for any size farm and any size engine. And Farm Machinery


Hardware Hanaeu

Waynesville, Ohio

I-____ IIADE RICHT-DL'!rI'ALLED RlGHT _ _ _. _

Mrs. Henry Orndorf was taken to McClelland's hospital, Xenia. Tuesday afternoon, and was operated on for appendicitis this morning. Mr. lind M~s. K. N. Hough, Mrs Viola Harian, Mrs. H. B. Earnhnrt and Mr. Ernest Harlan returned . Saturday, after touring the East.

Mr. und Mrs. A. G. Roberts, Miss Vail und Mr. Rex Roberts" of Bonupurte. [ows. were g uests of Misscs Trillena and Margaret Edwlllds, to· day.


Mr. lind Mrs. J. H. Smith. of Springfield, Mo.. Bre visiting their sister and brother. Mrs. Amelia Williams and Mr. C. M. Robitzer IJnd fam ily.

........ 1'11& - _ HEA'IDI oWI! r " ,.ow.



TIIIB PAl'MEiIiS IF DFSIRED. Deeajled .......... r-.. w.wWcaIldQCltu

KEMP & JORDAN Waynesville,


·IjMIIi. ..

Ohio '""' I


1tICH1'• • • • • •~.i

Presentation of new

Fall and Winter Millinery School Hats Ju.t received in time for school opening, .: Gnd lor ,,!omen returning to college. Model. from the famous c/.esigners . of New York ... ·FJts,, Velvets and Velour& .' • r cor,IiaUy ' invite )'.our inspection of tAue neW and beaUtiful hats.


OiterJy Millinery Xenia,

Mrs. Leon Salisbul1Y and children, who have been spending the summer with rellltives at Lytle an,~ay. nesville, left today fOI1 their \\ . e in Cleveland. \ Mr. and Mrs. J. E . Janney and Misses Louella and Fnances Janney, we re the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Loren Hadley. of , Berlin Heights, Ohio, over the week.end. For Sale or Rent--'1-room house. newly papered and p.lnted, both kinds of water, electric lights, cellar. go od lot and gang". See H. H. Wilkerson, Waynesville.


1I'r ;,_

If your slnte roof nceds repairing, ilee Kemp & Jordnn.

A. low ...... turr- fo, homea . . . . . price" .....tia1, J'et a hiebpwIe all-c.Mt furnace with In-

....ed c:aJIiDc.



AUG. 30

S. F. Keith'.




Miss Trillena and Miss Margaret Edwards attended the golden wedding. of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Gustin. at Blanchester, Suhday.

Mrs. Oral Surface and son, Don· a id, spent last week in Dayton with Mr. nnd Mrs. Calvin LongacTe and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burnett and son

Circal.ti., Warm Air Furaaces

Mrs. Lina Devitt, Mrs. Elizabeth Baily, Mrs. J . B. Chapman. Messrs. Fred Devitt and Charles Chapmlln wer c Cinci nnat i visitor s last ThursdllY.

Rev. and Mrs. J. J. Schaeffer. Mrs. Anna CadwaUade!i Miss Clara Lile and Miss Lucy t;mley motored t(1 Cincinnati, Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Prendt!rgsst and children spent a part of last week in the country with Mrs. RebecclI Prendergast and family.

Mr. lind Mrs. Fred M. Cole .nd childrcn visited relatives at George. town, Sunday. Mrs. Cole'. sister, Mrs. H. O. Creagor and son. Leavitt. accompanied them home. Mrs. H.- M. Hanawalt and children, of La Verne, Ca!., and Mra. Alfred Bedford and little ·diughtbr.' of Long Beach. Cat., are visiting Dr. and lira. Ward and other relathle.-· here. Mrs. H. H. }V!lllamlOn '~d , da!lgh­ Grace , aneC Loueu~~ and 11118 of near -Kiagman. returned e~eninlf. after allendirut two at Clevelaf!d, llyrIA and Cedar .~ )(r. and Mrs. F. B. Henderson,' Millea Esther and Louise llendenon and Mrs. Kate · Coleman motored to Toledo. Saturday. ,, 'Mr. ad Mra. Helldenon retunaed Koad.,. evenbut Kn. CollmaD ad the gIr]a WIll _ _ • DIOftI ·. . . . . . . . . . . .


Mrs. Harve y Rye Bnd li ttle <laugh. ter. nre vis itin g Mrs. Rye's pllrents, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Salishu l'Y, in Cleveland.

Cross Bros. have been in the Pump bu siness for forty-five years, and can repuir Bny Iron Pump that is out of order, so bring them In.

Mr. Walter .Smith, of Fort Smith, Ark •• is visiting his aUllt, Mrs. Amelia Williams and uncle, Mr. C. M. Robitzer and family.

Save your old oarpets and ruga and get "WearweU" Rugs made. Send for price list. Franklin Rug Co .• Franklin. Ohio.


=- .1

Mr. Ceorge Waterh ouse nttended the Ohi (1 S lllte A ml' ricnn Legion meeti ng at Chillicothe. Sundny unci Mund ay.

Mr. C. J . Moore, of Harveysburg, lert Thursday ",ith Mrs. Mnttle Prate r unci Mr. W. O. Prnter, for Marion. Ind., to \'is it reilltives.

Miss Kathl een Henderson spent the week·8Ild with Dayton friends, and attended Ii wedding at Eaton. Saturday night.

Strong, Durable, Safe

Waynesville, Ohio

i1~' .

Dr. and Mrs. A. T . Wri~ht nnd Mr. Ilnd Mrs. A. J . Wri/!ht WCIC recent dinner guests of rellltivcR in lillYton.



Mrs.Churlcs Lctl'erson and little daught er . o f Cnvington. ure (:rlll'sts 01 Mrs. MnL"Y Watcrhouse lind f,lIn -

. '



: d':':.:r: p: ': ~~~coallmaka. $

• •


See Kemp & J ord nn for s pouting and melal roofs of all kinds.

or uarn:t, fa

Deed c-l ~



IO;i~~~o~~; ~ale I

Mrs. Rilla Brown, of Centervillel Misses Annie nnd Mante Brown. Of Columbus, spent las t Thursday with Mrs. Anna Cadwallader and Miss Clara Lile.


Now is the time to have Kemp & Jordan look after your furnace •

Yes--.!It Will Last , Ride hard, and a Goodyear Tire will stay with you for thousands of miles. Ride easy, and a Goodyear Tire will stand by you month after month. It really doesn't matter whether you pile uP . tire mileage all at once, or spread it out over the years··· Goodyear gives you the best seryice under , every·condition, all the time. They cost no more and often less than you are asked to pay for many inferior tires. '

See Us for Prices · DIaanond Jubilee Anniversary of Ohio State Fair Piw..iau Features That Will &ar,ass Other Fain COJ..UlIDUS. 01iJD-..Decl.\Me of tlIe atPlaca- attached to Urla year'. Dlamood JubJlee UDly"naJ'T of 01110 State JI'aIr, Au&uat 81 to .i elltember I, OI~. V. TNu, dtrector of acrtcultlml, all4 O. R. Lewl .. 8tate ratr ma1l1ftser. liue buQt Q Pl'0CJ'&ID ~ ed1lC8lioa, Uterta1aIDNt aK -rIetJI that .. III 8tUp.18 all other faInI . AUeDdaaee.m exeed tbat of ~e "bllJPSt ,ear." It Is fonocast: the lIyo.tock d~• •111 be greater; tlHI B\I>Oed progTam will attract 010"' eatrte.; the acrteull• • borUGukurai alld maehlller» ~. are to allow pealer 'dlYendty; tbe attn.etloDt. ror en tert&lnlnaat are to be ldaborate.-ta· • ..., depal'tlDent the 1926 State ~ w1ll eet an _Ytable record. ProperI, Ito commemorate u.e eeyeoty-lIftb anlll...-.,. 01. 0Il10 8taee ~.....'llJ'Chlag 0..." tbc Diamond Jubilee 8peclade. wtI1l1e of tile outstanding feeturea. TIlle wtll tie ~ted r.- th_ permaaeat Ahge8. ereeted In the raee track area. 'taetq the stand. Here a cut or zoo peepie wm p\etll11se tlla ~ Oblo oYer a 71>-year period. The stor, of "MarehtD(! A." wfll bo portIl4 by "peelal IIg btiD8 etfeota . mualw IJCBncry IUId • ·b aud of pieces. Coocl.u dlrc tbta oRTaVUnua W1ll be &Il 1...-1941 display

,of tlrework.. "CleopatNt." , i Manuracturen of 'Olda line COlltrfbated 810.000 wwu. ~ the oom· 'uodltlea th ey produ"e for tho State JilLIr Treasure CMal. Tbue ..... ,Ielea are to be ,1i_ llaFeCI pl'O!OIJleqU, on th4t faa croaud. uu1 each .lay fair PlltroDB wll! be P"u " portIDa of the donMed comaMldlUea. Tbe NIIM HorSe abow II the CoIIMulD has atua.cted 100le of ~ abo.. bonea from corner ot the ~ntl'7. Tllill disp&ay will be sUPPlement .. with • DUII1bor of attractlolla that .W have a popuIlar .. p~l . ' Tbe blggeat _nd .,.,. a-allled III Ohio wfll turaiah mualc I Ihroucbout tbe .... eek. ",Ia Ie a coUeetton of youq IDUatclane that III beloc brougbt. togetber troll everY CoaIIt7 at tbe etate by J. W. WafD. wrlillt or Fostoria. .t wtU ba IuIc7wIl .. the A1I.()b1o IU«b Band. TIle 000 meraben or the orpnlMtim 'WW u.e 00 the fair

Waynes'ville Motor Co. Waynesville, Ohio

Phone lOS

;-------------------.. Bring your Eggs to Kroger ~.



~I .

BeeaalHl ·tJf tncr,."sell ...a";"· me ...,ad JII'IIICNm Ilu auraeted of 1;000 borDa". AD lD~' of ha~ nenta hAIl . . . . KII"Q)~. tbe UIOlt .,&1ue111e of wIItdl .ID lie the






........ wen . . 00 . . . . . . . . d.y ..... PUr. B _ of 1M . . . . numW ' of tIItUtIB .. each ftpart. -to til. ,... . wU1 be "~ . w. . . . . . . JNM"'" fOr the entire _II. to a.elete tile lulr.. CaUl. . . _ _ are to be Judpd 10 the Co"' _ . . . . . I. t!a• •wloe paYftIM aDd aIIeep III the .beep pa.,.11olL . . . . t!aaa '.'" .... 01 ~ was lie _~ la the qrl_ . . , . . . . . I. . . . . . . .tadl


ODe f"'are ta wtueIa ell _ _ _ _ .......... t. 1M d"~ lmp'.-=t. M.....-nea& pIUIdaea that the uhlblt ata ,-ear wtIl be _ eIatIcftte ud ~te thAD &.Yeral ~a baY8 anIIInld ....... ~ 01 an a- will be _ . . . d8NIopmata in labor_vtng equ.lpm~1

aI' tnaa

.or. r _ ......


Tbe MIfaDoh4le .JIow wtIl be . . iIIte~ poillt. Tbla -.lIQa b. .... tbe IIIMldtAthll of __ y new modela aDd tbelle wm be dl.played Ute _rea bot4lDS local &ad Mate acenelel. lb&e ~ having ~ oolllaeU are vnB«lllR ~pMlaJ·

' C,1OIIl7 dlvilAoll and bureau of the ~ultoral department dtapk,. aM, eevera\ other public department. aDd In· 1~J&ej~" ... dlalllaJll th.t 11'111 have • PoPul.r a~. DaYI' ... prJa' dIIb work ODmpeUUou &1-.,. develop IDIIOb 1ft. ...... ~ tU ,.,....,n·cww tlle". TIuIM ooataat8a..

1_.......'... ~1I1e



8taotoi JIdr INlllpmaat bu ~1ete4 • ......,... 01 . .~ t!te fair srouDCIa. Moat iIDportat. Ie .... eleu1I1, '01. _ _ epaee 1'eCIIDtl1 ptIrd1a8ec1 tor ... _cJualYe ... '01 .atb~ ........ .,.. ~ tIM! fair ~ cae DO. ~ SO.ClO.- a~ IIIIIIIIC-.. ad It .. ppeeted that ~ ~~ wru lie teetecI· ~ ~

·tIIl. 1ear·. fair. .• Il'fw7 etltort la helDR IIMH to ~ a ...... ~ .... WOI I\NIIIl to &11 cluaM 0( 01110 people, Wbo _ · IDt..t..d .1D l'- ' doD. Tbe SI:ate Pair lIly.lltmeal ...,,.,.. • teCal or ·~ _ - _ ' I ad II ODe of the state'a IIlc I.te~. 1& will N8eat, tIIII ........_ .... thaD ew." 1M a«rIeIIltural, dom. . . . . .4 •.....,.. . . . . _ of ...

__ BuebJe.....



Countrr Club, 24 Y2-pound sack • • Country Club Flour, 12:!4-pound aack ••..• 64i:



Country Club, 3 Tall Cans -for

. . . . . . . 2Se ,

Kroger Made, per pound. Country Club, 1 loaf for


BREAD ~~~rs~~.••

. . . 1~ ...... 9c

25c £?~~~. 29c· f!.~~rks~r~ 1~ 14c ~r~?!?~~, . .". ' ' ' ' ~c. ch ....... Round ••• ch .............................. 35c

Ib..........; ..





~~~!~~~~~~~.13'c . MalOn Jan , ' ~~!!~~~. ~ 48c . Q..... "",'" o.. 25·111. '.IIk.,o...........

PIDta, _ • •

·lb..... ........


Oleo fr,••.h. 'Ib........ "..



F ....1t ...D .......d •

Peupi BaIt.






WAYNESVILLE. OHIO WEDNESDAY, 'SEPTEMBFR 2. A Short Resume of the Characteristics of Each and Every Graduate of the Waynesville Schools Written by a n E.rl, Graduate

CIa .. of 1872 II , M . ALLEN- Suys his ideaR und th .. lI g'hl.s of lire hnvc hue n 1'0illl.(·11 wilh the pt'n of fictio n.

J . E. JANN EY- Says mu(·h uf his time lind mon"y hilS b~en s penl in polishing the V,,"ccl' uf li ving. CI ... of 1873 ALBERT MOSHER - In a It'Uer just received. saY R it h09 becn very hot, but thi6 mornin!t Nuture had loundred the oil' with a copious ruin· foil, mnking it t oo we t to work in the field, 80 he had been taking a few hours of recreation in the cOW'PRIIturo of play-ground nmuse mcnt (golf), nnd th!lt he hud IIl'oken only two clubs. . EDWIN MICHENER- Fully np· p.eciated th e taste and posse8llion of Divine power, alld througb this fur( 'c he discovered tbat he could mel!t IInu fulfiU the demands upon him whi('h earried him out of lhe depthK of de· spair and eventually Bec ured for him II \ Po ~ition among the wurld of 1'(,0pI" llrul Ire va'lued 80 highly, und Klr ovll to prov" himsclf worthy of thei r highest esteem . Cia.. of 187. WILLIAM H. ALU~ N-Thi 8 mas· ter financier, through his long te l'm in t1.e schonl of life, .has broadened his me ntal, moral and business ability. Imob ling him to harness up lhe rorce~ which help bim to counteract the evil or contending influences which thl! human mind, at · times, is heir to. Wn)'lIays nmv thnt he is morried it is the happiness of ' heaven- two 80uls attuned to perfect harm , and rang Ing together ill t he (If richest truth and fancy. ' .1 " J, WILL WHITE~D.~ of the moU succeRs{ul hU8ine~~n our city, and deservedly so'f! ' vi nil' trained Ilnd co·o e.·ated \ 8 aggregation of clerts ao lIU C 88fully in the management ot his large business, he Ia enabled to leavll them in charge aud travel extensively, and gaining lUI be 88ya, a vision of the beauty aDd crandure of this world one could not (tet In any other way-in hla lecture on Yellowsto'no park he weavea corking good stories arountl the many rooll and interesting thinga they have seen. Indeed, this master globe-trotter tells them in· a way tbat captivates tlie Imagination of all hlB hear· ers. In spes king ot. the mountains-says that when the majesty of the mountains humbles the material mind and exalts the spiritual side of mnn, then he will realize God's wonderful power and wiadom, for from these our conception of grllndure 8prings.


VIOLA KEYS JlA WKINS-She abounded I.n such genial good nature, never losing an oPPolrtunity of per-. fonninl; a kind Ret. [ndeed, stie had fully . con8()cra~d herself to the work of doing good from tho purllllt motlvell prompted b)' a Divine nature, and her whole thought wns bent on dlllllCminatlng Immediate sun1lhine with admirable tact, tireless patience and energy kept her eminently and unobtrusivelY busy among the miscel· lalleou8 people of hel' neighborhood. Her married life was. the. happlne1ls of heaven- two Boul. attuned to perfeQt harmony, and unglng together in the richest fields of truth and love, LIZZIE BOGARDUS-Says if you fail to flavor your klndnelll with aincerttyt if fOU give only the counterfeit ot pohtene8ll, then I perceive you have not the educated beart. I am quite lIure, however, that Ruch diatinction. of charaete~ are really ba8ed upon ldndne••• Cia'. of 1875 ANNA FURNAS-Says no matter what the cPR ' of BIIcrifice 111 we must give tbe maxJmum service the Father expect. of U8 and we mUlt bear our portion of malntnlni.n g that high prelti,e of whlc:b 110 many Chrlltians have attained_ -




Whole Number 5664



The Twcnty·Fil"Rt Di. trirt aRsocin· ation O. ~: . S., is ""lIIpos!'d of Kixteen ChupLel'M f.'olll LC" R blll"j~ . Lynchburg.·o. New Vi c nnu,. Murlinsville, fllll n che ~ tel", WilrninJ.(ton, SlIbinu. Clllrksv illc, Morrow, lIurvcysb urg, Now Burlingto n, Wllyne"ville, Lebanon, Mnsun ' 1I11l1 Greenfleld, thu laRt tWll jU"t n'cl'lIl1y iIlMtiLUlc.d . All ex· cept rour, \\'C,'O )" .. prcsc nted. Lon d,,", (;,,",,1"11. Pll llldill~ . Cim·inll"ti . Okllll.IIJIll Il City :I lId Culiful'nill werl' repn·"clIl~d . The W"rthy G.·a nd Milt· I"UII nf LUlld oll, was ,,1"0 in IIttend· unce. A drlightful HPssi,," was e llj o),ed. The officers ["I' I he cllm ing yeur are: Mrs. Lulll C. ('I,nee. I.yn<·h·burg. pres· ident; Mrs. AlIrOIl I1rafman, Lrban on. vie", pl'I'si "I' n(; Mrs. filII McAcIIW. of lIi""" " ,'''. tn' HSII I' , · I' . IInci Mrs. J. C. lI u\\'k,', WUYIl ·s vi l"'. secn·t.ary.'

It will be S('Ve n yellrs next ·Nov· ember lIince th e nrmi ~ t.i ~ and in thn t periou litll' hDS "hangt'd in Europe where ncarly every nnlion is med· dling in th e affair" of olhers, uic lllting threntc ning, invading, taking t el" ritory. talking. of war, se nding troops abroau, mnking war lonn s, huilding up military allillnces. elc. In this period th e United :;tule~, minding its own businc"s nnd nol interfering wit h t he uther fell ow. hns huill up the !treatest prosperity it I! n r hnd. To th e UniL<·d ' tutl'S th e H(, \'CII yenrR fnllnwinJ{ th .., wnr hUV Q l"l('cn

bt'ul' r lhull th' KI'VPII pret',,"inl: , nnd it hll. d.·di".,,, ( 0 j " in lip ill Europcan ll r r u ngfl ml' llts \\,hit'h h llVt · LUl'lI c d

out S t ' \'\'n very had y l' llr~ fur EU f '/p e. A nlC'ri rll h". a'·lIi li ... d the dolleu

'rho ~ e

wh u Illll'n d c u 'lht· s(l ~si un (ro nt Wnyncsvillc, were : Mrs. Ada Cn urt-

ne)" Mrs. Mury Cns key, Mrs. Minnie Fromm, Mr. and Mr~. J . C. Hnwke, Mrs. Edilh Harllis. M,'s. Adnlphine Zimm erman , Mr8. Sam h Zimmerman, MI". allli Mn. F, R. Moomaw, Mr, an d M1'8 . J . E. Janney, M,·. un" MI'8, Chal'1,'s lIurt ~ (1('k , Jlfi ~se s Ola Hurt· soel;. Launl MrKin Mcy , Luu('lIn Junney, l" l'a"c,' ~ Junu cy. MI S. Mildred P . . 'mith, Mr •. Donna Edwa rds, Mrs. Luellll Miller a nd Mrs. Mabl'l Farl'.

i 'A Pleasant Reunion At.' cou ntry hume of Mr. lind M,·s. A. Tilus, near WuyncKville, wus held the third allllunl reunio n. At nu oll a ~ umJltuou8 dinn er wos SCI'""d to th e following: MI'. lind MrK. Frank Titus, of BlllncheKtel' lIfr .0 ndMrlI. Clarence Titus, of Springfield. Mr. Charlcs Titus, of Kin gs Mills ; Mr. Willillm Titus, of Fnll City, Nebraska; Mr. und Mrs. A. Titus and family, of Waynesvi lle ; Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Titus and child.~n, of So uth Lebnnon; Mr. und Mrs. J oe Wolf and daughter .of Clarksville; Mrs. Anna Wol!, Mr. and Mrs. J or," Woll and sons, of Leba· non; 1Iir. Stunley Penquite, Mrs. Rose P en quite, 1I1r-. and Mrs. Rob ert Day and f nmily, of Dayton; Mr. and Mrs. Will Phillips, 01 Wnynesville; Mr. and MltI.. Hurvey Cook and family, of Lebanon; Mr!!. B rtha Willillms and son ond dnughter, Mr. ond MI1I. J\Ill. ThompllOn ond 80ns, oC Morrow; Mrs. Elmer Holden, of Daytpn; Mr. Earl Reeder, of Blanchester; Mr. Harry Rowe, of Midland; Mrs. Mary Wat. erhouse, Mr, James Sale, of Warnesville t ~r, Robert Lewis, of Morrow; and AIIBS Ethel Hatton, of Cincinnati.



Subscribe for the Miami Gazette.




Miamis Drop Down in An Awful K'allop from Bellbrook Tbe .Miamis went to Bellbrook Sunday, to begin another serie8 of three games with their old enemies and took t he short end . of the ",ore: 9 to 1. Mr. Hermann had the boys eating out of his curves and drops and whenever they nit one-bingi right into aome one's hands. The boys had an ot\' day, too, in their fielding; they couldn't stop a balloon nor could they locate the bases on a throw. Bellbrook made runs in the second fourth, fifth, sixth and eighth frame; In the first neither side scored, but when the aecond frame came, then the fireworks began. Hess hit a high fly to center, which Frost immediately dropped, He88 going to sccond, and with the aid of a fumbled grounder, scored. This lltarted the fiasco, a nd it WIl8 kept up until t he ninth, when it WRS graciously stopped by the ending of the game. The Minmis made their only run after H. Orsborn hit down to sec. oitd, and Zimm erman vcr)! kindly threw too wide to fi rst to cntch him. Th"n Satterthaite made a dandy hit to center, and Orsborn aco red. next Sunday and the boys say they ·week. If I*lth teams play the ball they are capable of plnying next Sunday'" game ought to be 'a bumme r. Bellbrook will come to Waynesville will tlY und recoup their 10s!I of last Come and see it anyway, and you will be well repaid. The box score:

aspiration which aro hla iuhereut, dynamic powel'S. AARON MILLS - Says exercise your own pcrsonal co-relntions in the sellse that you would be learning to do something worth while. . IDA [)AKIN-The idenls of ehor· acter and loving friendships which SrAJ often guve eXI)ression to in her mony deedH of kln:lncss to her friends can never be forgotten. MOLLIE BlSPDAM-Said thfl true way of fashioning 18 tbe noblest work of 011. . LlZZIE 1SIDES-Once eniu the crymg need of the hour in this mighty work of Christianity, is service of the most efficient kind. IDA MARSHALL-No city the size of Cincinnati can produce RII many 888lduou8 travelers who are constantly in evidence. MIAMIS ELLA McCOMAS-There was no exclusion in her attitude toward AB R B PO thiings of importance. Satterthwaite, 1b.. 4 0 1 12 (To be continued.) E, Burton, :lb ..... .4 0 1 1 C. Osborne, rt ...... 4 0 1 ] H, Burton, c ........ 4 0 1 8 Adams, p ........ ... .. 4 0 1 0 T. Burton, 3b ........ 3 0 o 0 Frost, cf .... .. ..... 3 0 o 1 H. Orsborn, 1,... ... 3 1 1 0 Felily, 118 .. . .... ..... .. 3 0 o 1 ...... .. .. .. .. .. ..... .. .. .32


A E 0 0 2 4 0 1 1 0 4 0 1 2 0 2 0 0 6 0

6 24 13

BELLBROOK AB R B PO Zimmerman, 2b .... 6 . 2 1 1 Sacke tt, 3b .......... 4 2 1 1 Creamer, 1b ........ 6 0 I 19 . Heas, ef ................ 6 2 8 0 Underwood, rf .... 6 1 3 0 Spahr, c ........... .. .4 0 1 6 Sidenstrlcker, If.. .. " 0 1 0 RR. Crowl, 88.. .. .... .. 1 1 Herman, p ......... .. .4 1 0

In this week's Gazette will be found the begilllning of a serial, which will run for several weeks, written by one of the fil'llt graduates of Wayne,sville High School, and which giVCl! some characistic of each graduate, from 1872 up to 11l24. While some of theBe articl es will not exnctly fit, ye t they are interesting; some oC them being written in a humorous vein, others more serious. To the older citizens they will, Yio doubt, bring back many r ecol· lections.


J. Milton Thompson was badlr hurt when his car ran into a tree thIS side of Genntown, 118 he was returning (rom delivering bread to the Mason bakery. How the at'Cident happencd, neither he nor Wilbur Haines, who was with him, cun really tell, but Mr. Thompson is in the hnspital at Lebanon in a serious condition, Il He sut\'ered a broken ann and an X·Ray picture showed a fracture of the skull. Wilbur DalneB was not hurt, but was badly soared.



Brief Comment on G racluatea



---... - ..----

0 0 1 0 0 0 0 ~' . 1 0 An all-day 'nleetine and bome0 0 coming was held by the· colllWation 6 0 of the Frienda ehurcb, Xenia, Bo. 6 0 day. ,. The Rev. Amol Coot, of HarveJSTotals ....... ....... .... 40 9 11 27 19 2 burg. who orcani:&ed the concNtration and was Ita pllllior for ten yean, 123 " I) 6 7 8 9 preached at the momln" HmCe. Miamis ....... ... 0 0 0 0 0 1 0-1 Special mUlie WIll f\lmilhed b,. the Bellbrook .. .. 0 1 0 II 1 II 0 8 ·-9 choir under the direction of GroVel' Crawford. A large attendrUlC8 of former mem . 2·base hlts--Satterthwaite, AdDI'llIt, hers of the (lonl1'lIIratlOll relldlne Gut Dess, Sackett. of the city and of frienda of the Sacrifice hl~Underwood . Double piny-Crowl to Zimmerman church attended. Luncheon was lie.,... ved in the bll8ellUlnt of the church at to Creamer. noon. Balle on baU-<J1f Adams 1. -~Struck outo-B)" Adams, 7; by Bermann, 5, Time of I'8mo-l hour and 20 minutes. Umpirea--Book and Waterhouse. There ...AI • happy lurprlH ParV at Piqua 01\ Bunda,., telebratbalt the. eightieth blrthW anniv~ 01 ~. Bane; lIeKinn.,.. ' Tbow',from Q;Ia vicinity, wlio att.e.nded 'were, Mr. vid W. Tbom&:!,... IIr. ~nr and 111M . '<Mrs, Rebeec': Dill died her Cora Thom", 10'. 'ftank Thomuad tamUy, a ' Mr. ~et1l ad In lrIt BoilY. Sunday m~:::-iMl;~ falllUy. . ' . . .' " , • '. funeral held thll ·her tate bOllle. Burial. V~lef c.mate!!• .' .

Home-Cuming Pay -'-'-

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A Happy Surpriae








I~. ' ~i Factory . . --..

. Ella B. Chandler Ella Butterworth Chandler waa bam March 6, 1856, waH married t" Albert Chandler, September 10, 188., and died in Kanll&8 City, Kansas. August 23, 1926, Friendship II a . refuge that falls 9_ot alld years ago when t went to KaDSBa City to make my home. my first act was to hunt up my dear friend, E. B. C., whom I bad Imown in IDY beloved Ohio. Both being strangen out there it was pleaaant to recall early and pleaaant imprello Bions. How often I have beard her tell of bel' beloved fatber talking to her of the trutb and beauty of the dilltinguishing viewl of t!le Society of Friends. Both of UB having birthright memberships In tbis 'brauch of God's vineyard,· it comfortin, to recall tbe lIWeet service of communion and those wonderful sermon. preached through tije servants of God wbo s poke lIS the spirit directed. I think our mutual pra)'er WIIS, "Oh God, we thnnk Thee we have so much happinel'S alld quiet enjoyment to remember. We thank Thee we have not forgotten, cannot forget. We tbnnk 1'hce lhat wherever we may dwell no place can be quite 80 denr, so completely embalmed in our hearts so truly the iJesL beloved of all ns tbe home of our youth," How much we talked of the dear old homes on the bonks of Caesar's Creek and the Miami river, the murmurs of which wcre ever in our thoughts and \'OiCeR feU upon our ears until we 'leemert again surrounded .by tholle who loved us long ago, whose home8 were \lver rendy for our IlCeeption nnd tbeir hands never wearied with ministering to uor wants. She was a great lover of f10we ond being an invalid it W8ll well bad the resources wltbin henelf for pleosure and enjoyment. Flowers ahe alwoys had to give oway and as sbe often said. "These a~ my sermons," She thought they expre88ed Ruch sweet leSBons of trust nnd confidence nnd she wns willing to trust herself to Him who careth for the flowers whose Ufe is lesa than a 8ca80n. She looked well to the ways of her houRe· hold and her beautifully keot home was a lIource of joy, not only to her husband, but to all who had the pleRllure of entering therein. Though an invalid for IDBny yean. it WRII she who was always ready those with whom she minday when Ihe wu lIuf· a little more than UIUal,' IIhe tp her physiclnn, "Doctor, I ain growing tired of the struggle," Be aaked if she loved anyone and her reply was. "Yea. indeed, or I never could have done aU thla Itrugglin,," and then added with a smile, "WIth your help, doctor, I will try a Uttle



The Angel of Death came .. a centle friend, who elated her e,... In Iweet , Illeep froID . which aqela welcomed hoI' and restored her not to the home In Ohio, where there aft ao many chan.ea, but to a home not' made witb handl, where .ueh a COllk pany of . loved onel ha.. .athentd. O..r welcome there wW be more cor· dial than any that ...... could dream O.f' Of that ~ome It ill said, ue,e hath not aeen 'l nor ear beard the things that await 011." We are tearfal at the tomb but we comfort one anotber with the thourht that our Lord wept at the .grave of Luarwr, where Mary and Martha were wont to go and weep: and like aU thoM ",ho imo,v .· tbe power of Dill resurrection we' lOrrow not .. ·other. .orro,v. who ' no Fo,., we hoUle of diIIloh'ed. . .. . not


lin l' and haR a""ich·rI much troub le in th" pas t linu lhe pros pecl of mu ch' in t he future. The Unitl'lI StR te8 hall the !lignature of some of the nation K whit:.h would beguile this coun· try into Rigning more agreements. The signatures are on promissory Dotes and our discussio n with these nations now concerns f to fin d out how fur they arc willing to mukc good . The United States ha K the .ignunatures to as Mlemn an agrecm('nt as nations can make, one that Great Britain and some small nations have recognized, but has found it r equires firmne ss to keep the othi'r signatures from forgetting the wllllio mnller. With thut cxperien('c in ~ il!naLllI ' es the United tnteH can say that it does not think much of the validity of cl ocumentw. The gentlemen who sign them have their fingers croHsed. If they will not scrupulously respect the terms of a debt they wi II not r e.pect t he award it it is unfavorubie to them. The United Slates would be expected to toe thc mnrk, flirt we bave no experience to warrant U8 in tbinking that continental Europe would. Do we know when we are well ot\'? Then we'll continue doing just wbat we have been doing. We'll 'keep out of affairs In Europe whi ch are not oura, and which we could not improve if we tried. We' ll keep out of the world court and the league. There are the two picture~ to convince us that this is common sense. One Is of Europe in the court and league. The other is of the United States out of botb of them.-Chicago Tnibune. -.

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LOCAL SHRINE GUESTS Of LEBANON SHRINE Membere of the Waynesville Shrine club were guests of the Lebanon ShrSne club Monday afternoon and were delightfully entertained from S to 8 o'clock at Harmon pork. Various games were pla yed during the afternoon Waynesville took the honol'S in bBAeboll ond horseshoe pitching. At 6 o'clo ck a delicious dinner waa served I \t the park. Those who attended the affair were C. M. Rnbtizer Rnd family. J. O. Cnrt.wright nnd fllmity, E. L. Thumm< IIml family, L. A. Zimmerman and family,' S. D. Henkle Rnd family, Mrs. J . Wilson Edwnrds.llnd family', Missell Henrietta McKinsey und Bernice Hymlln, M"!\!ItI\. J. B. Pence, H . A. Cornell nnd G. J . Waterhouse.

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Reunion of Ex-Pupils



Interesting Items from the

State . Capital


i t ! .......................... Prepared by: Columbus Reporter

COLUMflll S. OIlJO- Alth uugh it iH on ly uu uuL GO cluys unlil th e No\'l' mh c.· <'I l' ctio n when imron llnt II ll\encimc nts to the Crm stilulion will he 8Ulllllittt'd t,) th e voters II f Ohio, vl' ry li ttl e i ~ b c il1 ~ tmid ah" ut so me o f thcse, and " (l Ien will be t'lCp ~ c ted to li se U)('i.· O\\'/1 jurlJ.(ment with out mutt. argu l1W llt e ith er (l ro or con wlll'1I lhey I'/l tl' r tr e polls. On of th" am end me nls would ex h 'nd t he h' rrn ~ o f the- gnv('rnor. attorn ey ~(.! n­ {lrlli, secreutury of slut" and "lute trensurer from two to i uur yeur•. The slute uu di tor is now elecled for the four-yeur term, and efforts arc to ber mode to make the terms of all Klute officers expire at t he some time, or the eve n yenr belween presidential el ecti ons. Another im portant amendment is that which would remove automobiles from provision s of the uniform tax rul e whore they have rested with pers,?nal proIJeI"~y . It also wo uld proVIde the legIslature with power to enact Inws for the taxation of intangibles. Another l'r o po~al would enaqt a II~\\' ~e clion of the Cons titlltion stating that 110 honds or certificates of inlieptednrHs shlll1 be issued by any polit,icul Rubdivision for current operabng expenRes or the ncquisition ~r construc.tion of new property havmg an estImated usefulness of le88 thun five years. rt would further nllow passage or n Inw nuthorizing b.o rrowing for a period not to e'l.:eed SIX ' months in anticipation of colleclion of r eve nue in and for the current fiscal year in which the indebted!,ess }s incurred fnr "extraordiuary epIdemIC and emergencies."


Enrollments nre being r eceived at both hte state schoo ls for the Mind and the deaf whic h will open during th.e next two weeks for the fa ll and \V1nter terms. Illdications are now that the list of new pupils will be larger thnn last year, while practically all of the former children of both s~ hools are expected to return. Many Improvements have been made at both institutions during the summer vacation. Children at these two schools come from almost evert one of the 88 counties of the state. State ~ighway Commissioner Gjlo. F .. Schlesrnger, was given applause ~hlch would have shaken things up if It hnd b~en confined in a single area. But as It was this vo ice of approval J extended to almoct everyone of the 88 counties of this -grilnd old' '!Ita'te when he said that neither religlou~ nur p.olitical affiliations would have anythmg to do with! eontrnctors getting rORd jnbs in Ohio while he wail at the head of the highway d epartment. And George said more than t~nt. He said he didn't give a cohtmental darn where the contractors bought their materials their rOlld bui!!!ing equi pment or ~ho furnished the.r surety bonds. All he wants is good eontroct ors to do just what the Statc requires of them and that i ~ to build t he best. roads that nre possible. "I don't owe anyone but G.ove rnlll· pona~ey for my job as hIghway dIrector, and am only under ubligatio ns to him to build the best roads p088ible III tho lenst cost" tbe lIew highway com missioner said and regardless ul politics this state'ment seems to make a reni bit with those who want the roods without the burden ?f constant cost of maintenance anel .mprovement.

The ex-pupils of the O. S. & S. O. home, 01 Xenia, will hold a reunion at the Franklin Chautauqun grounds Saturday) and extending over Labor The eonv~cation , this week, at the Day. I\. large crowd is expected, and a fine time is nnticlpated; All end of t he slimmer quarter, swella ex.pupils are cordially invited to be the n umber of actual grad uates of Ohio ~tate university beyond 17,000 present. Includ1l1l:' the JUlie eomnuincement tho aC.tu.ol number of Ohio Sta~ alumm .8 1G,941, occording to the lntest count. In addition there are porhap~, 35!000 otbers who attended the. umverslty, but never compll!ted the.r courses, and hundreds of otb,erll ~ho finished work leading to profe~lonal certi~cntes. The entiro OhIO State famIly is believed to be in e:xcess of 60,000, The firs t cladS graduated from tho university that oC 1878, uumbered only Six. year later the grnduating cla8s hlld seven membeJ'll, and had grown to 'ni~e Ill;: ' " 1880. The graduating clau bail I ~ :;; more. than doubled in site since 1916 and 18 nearly five times the Si%6" ot · thot of onl~ 16 years ago.



This i~ State Fair week, and Co. lumbus .s filled with visitors from every wulk .in lite and front every county. It.8 the 76th unnual fair of the State, and a8 such , unusual programa have bcen arran g ed by tho ma,!ageD\en.t lor each ,of the s ix big daYNud nrghts. Even ts of the day ~epillel stock judging .~d horse raetnr include atbletic events of aU kinds beauty. contestS Dnd even the babies of 9hl~ are competing for honol'll. Indlcatlon~ 110 fnr are that the attendance record of last year will be broken before tJ:re week ends. G"temen ot the Fall' grounds elltimate !hat. almost twi ce as many afe com109 In . automobiles this year and ev. ery .one of them is filled with membera of t he family. While ac!ditfonal .p arklng spaCIl haa been 8ecure~ durIng the 'past yean it i'li cWh1 ~bit even tbis large farm will :'be t1l8t:ecl, to It.'!. cap~~,ity bll.foro t~e, week" .u;.a~




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hI" Ihj W r: h is munng ing clerk8t' lf-tt!lin nt. bll t p rf(lctly nnd pillittt. hI' h.11I Wll~ liP n(,li by Mr. Dc whur~t u nCo lrl ln~ 1\ cnnLrl nkl' TOu8 ~Q m ­ pill in t fn"n un unillll'<)rtllnl (' ust\lm er I'. "'til- th ~ ",,,"t·s t t.-in", >ln d q uite un I wln·thy .. f till' "cC ... ion, t'ver l hc I~~~, J 1\(, R(flb" lt IV/lS by no ,m cun.i ~ lIi'prl~('" II till' t,ln(' nd'lpt d. Iro ,' ~"nll t im!' pl\~l lh<' ~n\ lIl1 es t opp nl'IInil il'ij had b '('n sl'izcd f or fa ul tfi nding IInll h kIll'\\' by in~li n ct that I dUIl' t !" " . ' I't I" ,.... I drllll"," .. R,·,ldi, ' h'uh:- \\ u l 'l h ',I! " mu rmurl,\d th" dima" hall b '<' II reuc hllli. " 11 .. w d n you UrC\I UIII f<' r t hiN bllllltill' c a ~h i l! r , " I' .. rhll p~ Rhl' I"," '·(·f ll~l· d him nfwr .kr'!" SUIt! Mr. U ' whur6t. s uspic io usly,Ill. " n·marhl·d " " 0Ih" I. Ili ~ clcrk 1:""'" " . implc. sl ruilth t~1 1 ' Hl'dludt I1wd,' nu Hn~ \\' t"r tll th ll dUll!. h ut ~trudt · hn ': 'd~· ucrn ~~ f.\f\\lIrti '· "p lull nlio n. which. to u r euJlS



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he ~"I n M lil'~ ,'nri Ahf· hn k. hl. c II IIlIH\ will' I ' goin '" 11' l:-t, Ihl' ", ' \ jnh "n" tl b '. H '( Idl~ _ d~I\l' !" I'lli\l III t ll,.t " \I it h II' III ( h 'P!'hr. I d tl~, KO ,ttl 1 n H .•"h·I' ~'oI' n

troul-It'. h f~nl-d hi~




lh!' 1" IIU I1L A mll"lI'n l IlIll' r h('

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hit· l11un. \, lHlld hovt! bee n ~ u


Matched Red Hair: to

ao. ~ter'8


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Da te your s alel; with us. We guarantot! s nti sfa c lion or c harge nothin g .


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P ho ne No. 320

Phone No.2

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I\ ~ ARRIA Gf.



( 'ha r .:-. ( ' 1,,"11 1'11 A r t'il d,·j\ f..' HIl . nB '· dl:tniC' "f ~l' r'i l1,... I Il ' l~lI. :In d ;\ l i:l!'o IlzlI' · rit' 1 i\I:Jdrcd .\ I :lll' l1 ll1 'lL:l "', \\'II.\ IH ,;-

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!'uu l f: nhl' I'l ,\ III !"OIl • . 1ol'o ntllti\,.' tin' mu n o f i\i nrrpw, ," It! ~ I i:-=~ f\a thn' ll

200 of Kallsas'8 fnlre8t "redheads" competed In a "reddest hIlIr" cont cH ut Pratt, Kan sas, with honors going .to Mrs. Rorace Nichols. A Rhode Islnnd Red r oo ~ter Wwi used as the n!dd est red, The ono \1 wIth hair nenrest a mntch to thl' birc! 's plumage Willi dec lared winner. I ,Mil,lred Simpson, left, alld Jewell Grant, right, were runners· up to- ~ ~ j\tr;l. Nichol.. ." ..

haarlem oit has been a world. wide reme4t for kidney. liver lind bladder disorders, rheumatism, lumbago and uric acid conditibns.

I.lIu rili u ~ 1 "" l1 t, " 'lId"'r "I' 1.,.1,:1",'" . Ll' wis ~l11it h . t'arnh" , li t' :,\ I :l~" rI .

lind MI·~ . l Vlll hin A. \." " . " f ~ las" n . Ell a T h,,,; ,p"" ,,. f UI'I II I 'r . nlld .\! !"T Y .1. Jh n s o ll . l'onk , nf Jo', .:-- lt' r , l\ rl d i ~ 1I 1I

F , ~lIlt l l l, Ht h l l' l it'

of II vth",· Il" ============~ ---=-- .-

New Burlington; O.

Centerville, O.

I ...


Ther e wore r uctions in t ht' ("(l unt ing-bouse of Tattersoll & I) whurst, One or two junior clarks hod receiyed a more or le-.s well-.Jesef\'cd " wig'going" a nd th re was a g(' n .. rnl f('I'li l1): of worso to fo ll uw. At last a small otllce boy ('nl ercd Ihl' clerk 's offic e lind sliid in II , hro 11 t r nHh.I,)CiklllJ..r : hi ~ p rllI('ipnl wa~ vcr y voice: Thi s nppenrc d t o g ive th e un.. r~l: .11. IfI S,iJ.!'U I Ii (':'H t and .. hvitl U5l y o n e "Mr. Red bolL iR t" Gv to I he Il<\\,' ,II • ,~ It II I t ' ~ n,'U ~ I" wO I'th y lil lie Lym nt his opportunity. ernor at onct'." "You urt? IIll1re Lhall hulf impe r. ('Ill' ntl dd IItI:q.."lIh ' H l't! lJII lt be in g Th er e wns u mhH:hiuv 1l $ ~ rin 1111 f",lI li:-h . hu ! lh \t.: r c' l w:tn l1 ~'; o n e tinl'flt!" he ~lI i d . r ouJ:: hl y. the young gentl(' man's fll(· .... .." if hi ' dlUltl irl11.1 ~i nt ' :\1... I ~t ' \\'hur "'l b l~ in~ " I I,oivl' you my word ( didn't Inknew wh at wa~ co ming, an,1 mo. t "f :-. 1). h ut 1lI ' \'l' r J.!'1 · rlt · rIt U ~ tl' lli l tl> b" '0 ," sa id Redb olt, witb the otbers, delig hted at th .... ir ow, T ill' inh'l"\'i l ' W \ \ ~h lrrlll s ult l ; the r e perf!.'et ~o o d le m p"r , cacape. chuck led. like "' ''lIy .I .. whl 'n ':-"' l 'p u' d t n III :-'1' 111 ... 1hil1~ 111 thl' lUlck ~ "P" rha ps 11 0 1. but I'm tired of it. lIome one else is in troub ll'. ).."'f(\\l nd ul'llllt w llll'h l " ' ithr r mUll Yo u J o ~ct yu ur pr oper positi on lind Joe Redbolt turned ju~ t n ~I""h' . Ih,kc. M r. I)t' \\'lolll·~ t \\ n. l·!t'a rly have crosse d my will in several paler when his n Ame Wli ~ culled out . ll1H.:-tC)· ld' l hl' ~ It uatH.n ,an d r ('so lved W ilY •• " Mr. Hcd bolt co lor l'.J ra ther painf ully. a nd his principal c ontinued" -- ~--- with a sm il e fo spite ful triumph : " You IIn derstu nd what I allude t ()?" The f!lerk uowed Hlightly. " " hQn I think you had bette r look nhout l or an otQ cr situution." "~hall we calcula te th e month from last Mo nd ay?" inquired J oe Rcdbolt, in u perfl!c tly even, matter-of-fact

F. T. Martin Jesse Stanley Auctioneer Auclii)neer


t. :


t h.· pT!. lic,!'nt . But :\10', I )l'w h \l~t was tiol ill a Y"lIn !;, Mr, II l· \\h ll l'~ t. lII\U hlld r \~;u-;p rwh l ,' hUll1ur. " It llPPCIHh I II 1I1l' . th(' n. thnl y nu Il1HIH1J,!t' d the' hU ;o; lIll' S ~ ": 11\ ('(' tht' (Il'n th 'Jot ill IIny way 10 blu mt'. Mr . "f h'$ fUl l"" . ):1I\'l' him" furtive 101l k /In' Il l' t! I ,,,It '! " he ~ lIitl , cynicall y. II:::. h\.! Cllh.' l'l.!li , n nd tth'n tUl"llC U hur" I thi n k no L" l'Iedll' I" u lIu ,"II I' "f c,'r r ~spo n.Ju n re Ii Yllu n evcr lnnkl' a mistak(1?" U) h~!- !'Oid .. , .lil t! !>o dt 'cled U 1(· t ttJ r with ":'IInl ,-c ry ort <m." n 111 1' lit lH:t l k:ou:o- slt t i !"f~H·liul\. "W hll is to blume, t hen" " Tlh' t \\" Ilh'U (IIrnll·1! HII o dd l' o n ~ Th r r 11'11. u m .' m c n t ·~ sil('nce . nn d t r a :--t. TtH'Y \\, ': l' \If nhull t thl' su n lC t il(' tIVO mt' n hlCl kecl in lo o n .. nnoth. aJ!1.. ~h "r JI, ' rh:&p~ ,hi but it r c~ e r's eyes, '1111 1 \ ,t f II I' I! ll at 11I,s 1l.: ht tll Ih.: rcci \' e ""till nrr. si r." . air! Rt'clbo lt, r elht, d'lr,'rl'lI<'l ill th(' II' l:hll rll(·lc r5. l' l full y. I /l('tl'd u nd e r yo ur in11".11. .. 11 ' <:1 , 11111, , trall{hl -t. uill lind SPl' 8t nu,tin n !:', II \'ut (' \' tlh'e',



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Xe nia. !lnt! Mi'R SlI llil' n "IT)" "f S .. , a mnn firmly belie ves thut there is , I. l'bH II " n. no bod y t o grieve oVer him nn d fi nds correctlntrmal troublrs, stlmlilatevital a morbid pICIUIUI'C in th e pro~p c ct of orllano. Thrcc sizco, All t.lrugal.ts. IoU. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS a 8Oldi er's grave. on the ori&illllt ",,"uinc OOLD }daDA&. Most of us get t hese attacks of deWilliulll l'nl'kc r I.. n. I. and I. i: 1.i,. spondency some time in our liv es, und T , I' ll \\, I,ll. I.. t in F .... llklin. ~ I. to tell the truth. it lasted u very J oSI'p h EI·t e l to W illi:!", ~J. K ipshort time with Joe Redbolt. After ge n. 5 I"IS in P"" rfit-Iol 1' p., $ 1. a few days of hard drill he had lost COMMON PLEAS PROCEEDINCS B. F. li ne! Lucy ilr(' t o) G. E. :>/(,11 . s ight of the pouibility of getting In t h" mutle r of 1\(' lon MarJ.[Il lis I'S, a bout I Oil IlCO-<'~ in Un io" '1'p .. S I. kill ed and was looking forward to J useph an d 1':11 n R""I·11 III 11_ A . lIIuking tJ1ings as unpleasant us pos- Mild red R, Murgnlis , ot al .• leuI'c " 'us IInrri ~ " 1l lind Wll ltl' " Ie Fitl < I, b i, g rant ud £'('op l('s Building LOlm and s ible for the enemy. rr:.:: i.::::L, ~ I. At last the tlnal moment cnme. He S uvings Co., tu fil e nn swc r and CQO ss Chnrl es nt'ih ergl'r til Cllthryne had attended the service at t. Pnul petiti on. EYES EXAMINED In Lh e IIInll(' r of lh e l~ irs l NIL~i o nlll Heib er ger , Int in Milso n. $1. and sung the national anth em until Am elia Frl'n r\ ('nber g to nicks )II W. GLASSES FITTED, he was hoarse. Hie hud been slapped Bonk of Morro\\,. I'S_ lIIichaol Ul' '' ' nnd Jllm es P. Ht'rIl. ab out .1l 1I acr c~ . on th e back by hundreds of worm- null , et ILl.. t,h e co urt conMid er ed thm $ 1. PROMPT REPAIR SERVICf hearted but heavy-burden ed citizcns , plaint iff r ecove r fr om de f endont Alb ert Roberts to Roy I. anti Mur$;! 46.0 3 nntl cos ts. He had e ven fought his way s uccess· VOil'C. It Wll~ con"idl' re d that plaint iff re - ' hn Hudso n, lot in I··rnnklin. $1. Every Thursday, "Eh. yes," said M ~ Dewhurst. 1uly tlirough l\ ~lo b of cn th usillstic cover f rom dl'fe ndllnt $02.8 0 in th e A.Jum .. nd F. liznh eth Hoeseh t o Adl\ paLriots all the way from Bunhill " Bu t I won 't a sk you to continue mutler of Th" lII n ~ J . Pn rker VB• •Jo hn J. Clark. lot in F rll nklin, $ 1. n ow 9 a. m, to~S!p. m. to Nine Elms, where he wa3 yo ur work he re:' J oscp h L. nnd E lla Rosell t n Wnrand Sudie Clll r k, Wi t h that he pu shed across t he ~_ one of th e tlrst to arrive, den B, nnd Radie Ta ylor, 3 Int. in The ca se uf Elizabeth Libecap I'S, ble 1\ little pile of coins. which had - There stood the tl'ain wu itin g t o Ambrose Her shcy ct nl.. waH .Ii ~ mi ss ­ FrnnkJin. $ 1. RestRoom in GrangeBldl bee n count ed out already, clearly ta~e them to Southampto n, There. cd fo r wlln t o f fl l'llsec uti on. Ka rl M, Brown t o J oseph F . Gerw(', too, stQod the long-sugering band, and Waynee"ilIe. Ohio' showin g that he Intended from the' The case o f th.. Cabin Cre ek Con. 9bll ut 10 ac rcs in TUrtle,'r eek Tp. , $1. fi rst to make UHe of bis opportunity . every minute .g rou ps o f brellthl eHs e x ~o l itl ll tt; d Coal ro ,. v, . A. F _ M e~ k (' r Walter Ilnd Fannie Surface to Jo For th e first time Joe Redbolt look- cited men in khaki, who hlld nlso was d iRm issed wi th out r{'I:nrfl , ~ep h F . and Gc n(>vi cvc Rces Gc rwe, Main Office: ed ungry. It was adding Insult to fought their WRy throul' h th ~ cr owd, i.) j\,or cl! \\' ,, ~ I!l'u nt c ri ill th e nwLter 2 tracts in TUI·tlere('k Tp., $1. rushed onto the pl a tform. injury to se~d him away adrift at a Leannu Riley to Catherine Riley, 924.v. South Brown Str•• t ., o f ;\Iinllil' I. 1~ I' un~ I'S. Absull" " f. ," Of course, it \\fas all over. Ther e m o m e nt~8 notice, as If he had disSchwartz, lot in Franklin , $1. Il n ~. Wlill nothing to be done bu t g et ,in to Ower Slim. TIo"ater g ra ced him self. ' E lmer E. und Myrta A, Collins , to III t h" llIall ~ r uf Es tel Wr il:'h: . Dayton, Ohio It was the more outrageous be- the train and 6I1y I~ood . by to old Lu". pi lli nt ill' in CI' : or VN, StllLc Ilf Oh ',) Harry L. Petre, a bout J OR acres in cau ~e lie was a distant connection of don for months--perhaps, f orever. def endunt in l'r ro r, ' it lI'a5 "nlr;'l,d Hurilln T)I., $1 . lhe Dewhursts by blood. The two Once more a- gloomy se nse tlf lonell- thaI l.!ninlifT ill (' rrur he di~e h "r':l' d Mil to n W. Moon t o E.Jwarci F. und F: \' r ybudy yo ung men had been for a short time ne8ll came upon him . Cl'o m ult swe rin J{ to suid ..: hn l 1° ~t· t DaTIl C. Wood, tract in Lehnn on. $1. ot school together. They had en- e lse had a chum or a re luti ve to sce (lUI in til(' nRltlll l·il. Myrtia G. Rmith lind nut h .1. r.:l W t ered t he firm together, and Redbolt him of!'. And then-lin lIng!'1 came ~' ~ ~a~ekl ~~. ~~~" S. LU\\' l'(m l'c . I"t in r\ 1' 1, \ " , , ' hud worked his way up by sheer abil- from hea ven ? Not quite ! But a n NEW SUITS ity, under old Mr. Dewhurst's eye, to earthly Ilngel II ppc ared , in th e ~h a p e J" IllL! ~ a nd Mur thn Hopki ns to n oy of a slig ht form in n long bla ck DI:NTIST II r espo nsible pos ition. Se th Seiders , Inc., has e nte red sui L. u,"1 Mur t ha Hudso n. lut in FrankNaturally. they knew the same oloak Who was pushing her way fev- for money only agninst th e FrH ll kllll lin. $ 1. erish{y throu g h the cr owd , euvel'l y And X-(l-(j~ ..'I'I1tS,. people, und to some extent visited J II IIl (, S and Marth ll Hopkins to n oy Coated PapCI' CII. th e slime houses, lind it was in this scanning th e fa c,~s of t he "g entl eE, C. Hllmil to n has entered Ruit L. Dnd Mur l hll Hudso n, lilt in Frnn k- W8yne~vllle. khaki." men in 'way that Dewhurs t 's inhere nt jeallin ,$1. Then the ir eyes met, and in a min- for money onl y aga ins t Jucob choo!. ousy hlld ripened into positive rancor J ohn E. and Tillie A. WUltllcr, tn Ella V. Billhnrdt' has e nt er ed ~ UiL ute he was clasping. in his arm s, th e - ror that there was a memben of lor divorce agoins t Andrew J . r.iII- Cyrll S DeBoard. 2 lots in Harve l'sgirl who had refused him a month be. a I"~'ICE : H A r II A\\'-\ Y , l.I til ' bllrg . $1. th e fair sex at the bottom of it is fore und in whose presence he had bardt. She charges cruelty. " almost obvious. , Goldie na Ap ple is suing Charles Absalom Evans to Minnie I. Evans , ON MAIN ~nn: E' 1 The innoce nt cause of the trouble, always been so shl' that he had never Apple for divorce. She charges ex- lot in W u yn~ svillc. I little dreaming of the mischief she dared to press her' hand. Clif!'ord Smith to Finley and Sora ~_=:"==~====~~-------_ How had it happened? There treme cruel ty. wns creating, had thoroughly enjoyed Suit for divorce has been entered A. Thomas, tract in Franklin Tp, $1. the rivalry of the two men, as every seemed no need- ana certainly no by Hilda E, Wright vs. J ohn B. daughter of Eve is bound to do. and time-f or explanat ions. Why had he Wright. ~ COMMISSIONERS' REPORT she had not made it quite clear which accepted her foolish .. No" when she A suit for divorce has been enterNOTARY PUBLIC Rhe always of them, Wile to be favored, which is never meant bim tol by Mollie Espy vs. Bert Elmer W. H . Stange, s upplies for ouelithought he would speak to hen again. ad certainly a woman's privilege. Espy. tor, $98.50: Judge W. J. Wri~h t. poo. Will, Drawn F.f.,eH "e1l1.I , But Joe Redbolt Was gencrall1 be- Why had he been 80 awkward and Romayne Apple, executor ur the tage rllr Common Pleas Court. $2.()0; lieved to be the lucky man, and Dew- bru sque in the way he had asked her? estate of Herbert Apple. dereas ecl. W. P. McCarten, gas and garage rent. Wnynt'!ivlllc:, ....... ~urst had vented his unmanly spite He had given her' no chance to say and Mahlon Gebhart, as administra- $31l .42; L, W. Nisbit, Co., cement, And it was only last night In a thousand annoyances in the of- "Yes." Nit' i"'"11 HKIl~ tor of' the estlite have cntered Buit and lumber. $33 .S4; W. H. Mllddcn ~e had learne!1 what had happened fice. for money only against Walter Wills Co., guard TIIil, mllterial and posts, -from Dewhurs't.'s own lipsand However, in love, as in war. It is ,I. B. Wills by L. D. Wills, attorney. . $48.1 I; Harlan Whitacre. bridge mathe unexpected that often happens. she had cried all night at the mischief " Helen Walsh has entered Buit for terial, $163.63 ; W. B. Colllns, repairshe had done . anm would he forgive ,' r Joe Redbolt proposed, and was redivorce aguinst Dennis L. Walsh . ing tools, $8.60; Kilpatrick-Fre nch FOR RESUL TSher? A nd did he care for her a litfused point blank. Charge wilful ubs ence. ' Motor Co., r epairs, $16.82: Will Mntle bit? Now most men , when they see a USE lott. rental and rechnrge of battery. "Take your seats, there," r oured dangerous rival put out of court, bury i. $24.76: J . D. Allllm s Co., repairs, an officer. PROBATE PROCEEDINCS OUR their animosity and even become gen11.1. FUN~AL QIRECTOR $2.63; East E nd Garager. truck reIt was no t the time for mock mod. erous. .. f·/ 1 !llft, t ' '1 entral GnonA'e, gas, 'I CLASSIFIED The court a pproved and confirmed pairs. $5. 7 0: But tbis was not the case withFred esty. With he r arms around h is neck oil. etc., $53.2 8 ; Or e ~o nia Bridge C(1. Dewhurst. Petty annoyances. devel- and tear-sluined cheeks pressed t o his , th c acc ount of Le Roy and Robert bars nn.d r epairs , $8.5.2 i J. K_ SpenAD. COLUMN Shaffer, ex ecu to r" of th e estate of oped rllpidly into daily insults. until she promised to wa it for him. cer, bridge lumber Ilnd delivery of "God bless you I" he whi 8 p er~ ,1 We bs ter Shaffer, dec ea sed . the morning, as we have seen. he had WE GET THEil QUICKL V AND "And God bring you back to me !" The account of William G. Thomp· same, $J2 8. 61: Otto Crosson, brid~e !!ully Equipped for' Good found on excuse to cut his former FItEE OF CHARGE she answered . "on, Ildmin i"tratol' of the estato of repair. $4.0(); J. 1\1 . Miller, sllme. $ f e llow adrift. Service. And lhen, with cheers and whistles. Amllndu I. MonJ::e r, dece ased, was ap- 40; R. C. Mount, same, $30 .00 ; W , A. CALL IJS ANY TIME AT OUIt Scott, same, $4 _80; HII)'rY Tindle, (Large DJ!Splay' Room and the band plny,ing "God Save the proved, allow ed Ilnd confirl¥d. EXPENSE Queen," and men s houting and laughThe report of Walter Tibbals, guar· samo, $2.S0; Clm'once Allison, furfJ\mbulance Service II. ing and crying, th,! train moved out, dian of Vera Lucille Tibbals et 1\1.. nishing and piling stone, $10.00; Mrs. Joe Redbolt picked up the pile of and the City's Own were enroute for minors, WIIS ap.provcrl, allowed and Mary Plilmer, s ame. $1.0.00; Jds. Nich Ta.ilPBONB 7 MONEY LOANED OR NIOHT alas, sam e. $20.00; Kenneth Fox, confirm ed. Pllolle a HARVEYSBURG, 0_ coinsl counted them deliberately and the front. - Black a nd White. put tnem in his pocket. _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ The ac count of J. B. Turner. atl- same, $20.00; Emery Hill, sUllle. $20"Now, Fred Dewhurst," he said, ministrator o f th e estate of Marga· 00; Ed Mllckabce" some, $20.00; V. LOANR on Chattels ,Stocks, Srcurlhu skily. "we ure no longer master BLOND BESS OPINES ret Turner, deceased. was approved. W. Tompkin s. payroll, $7.40; $1024.lies nnd ::)ccond Mortgagrs, Notel 26; F. M. Collins. same, $941,30; a nd man. so that I can 8ay what I "Smile if it kill. you and you ullowed and confirmed. bought. J ohn Harbine Jr., Xenia. $31.40; Eden Terry, snme. $63.70; think." .will die witb a crain On your The report of Thomas C. Christie, 'm30-'26 Dllwhurst looked rather alarmed f.".... executor of the es tate of William M. $294.30; Perry E, Wade , same, $193.- Ohio. and drew a s mall silver bell neare; Thompson, d eceas ed; was approved. 00; A. T. Retti g , SlIllle. $06.76: Jos. Davis, same , $211.40: W. S. Graham t o his side. ullowed and confirmed. "Oh, don't be frightened," said Joe, - - - - -- - -- - - - _.- . In the matter of the estate of Thad~ same, $36.00; Wulter Varner, same: WiLh a s mile of us tonishment "I'm n. Morrill, dt!c ellsed. the court IlPPIOV - $61.20; P. B. Monce, sume, $166.95: Fnrmfrs of Warren ancl adjolninl ed, and contirmed the Ilccount of G. Eugene Harpel, Slime, $86.75: Ja~Pllr countitl ~ may obtllin money on Ion. not )(,oing to thrnsh you I It wouldn't Gray, . treatment, $67.00; Harlow I e fll ir to hit u man your size." In Partition E. Young, executor. Mr. Dcwhur't tl'ied to sneer. but - -_ _ The co ur t approved. nll owed and Voller, samc, $67 .00; Ed Milloy, time 101l1lA. at Ii ~ per cent IntereAt. onl y looked mightily relie ved. Chlll'ieH P. Phillips } conftrmc>d the acc ount of WiII~nm bridge rcpair, $2.80; Harlan Whitacr(' Cost of securing the IIllm" is ver)' rea" I want to te ll you what) think V8. . Case No, 13286 Aunker, guurdian IIf Winnre Aunko,', )Iayroll, $48.00: Raymond Hnrshbcr- sOllnhle ,through The Federal Land J::eT, painting and repailll at COljnty Bank, For further Information call nf you," suid J oe. S. C. Phillips, et al.. imbecile. By virtue of an orde.r of sale, duly )n the matter of the estate of Mar- Home. $1S0.68; Penn l\forton, Janitor " Go on!" said Dewhurst, with II gdn_ "Selling thaL you 've had the Issued from I18ld C()urt, In the above tha A. Bone, deceased, the court af er service, $70 .00: and Jamea Fallen on or nddreRs M. C. DRAKE, Treas. ' urer. )lhone a16-X. l~ebnnon. Ohio. wors L of it all through, I SUppose I stated cue, and to me dlrecte.J, I tlxing the price authorized the .ale some, $16.00. mus ,,'t mind Ii few s piLeful words." will offer for aale, by war of public of celtain stocks belonging to the e3tbo bUg'4-boo 01 overy 190'J wunt , to te ll you you're the auction, en the flremiseH In WIlYlles- tate. WANTED pWl'l ju to la dlllhowUblac. Wlt2i ru ClIlICllt cad J' ve met, nnd if that poor ville, Warron County, Chio, on MonJ. Morrill Bone. Ilrlministrntor of bard water It a diaagteeabte, l:'i rl marTtes you I'", Ho rry for hel>," day, the 14th day ,o f Septembrr. A. the estate of Murtha H. Bone, deceasCASH - For Denwl Gold. rllltillUnl 41ICOUraging taak that redden. "In fuct. yuu'rll so sorry," said D.• 1925. at 2 o'clo,ek p, m. (Contral cd, tiled repllrt which wus approved, Silver, Diamonds, magneto points: DI' whurst , "that you'd even marry Mtandard time>. on Baid day, tho fa 1- allowed and confirmed. He also tiled lb. Weertea dto and falRe teeth, jewelry, any valuableR. ncr, yourse lf! Capital! And now lowing described rl'al estate. to-wit: first UIl.J final Ilc.c ()unt. uaually ends -with an unalghtlv: Mail today. Cash by return mall. YII U' VI: ijuid e nough, I'll wi~h you The followinll" re,a1 estate situate In the mutter of the estate of Jas. .....ay fUm _Ofti' evorythlng. Hoke S. &. It Co., Otsego, Mich . 11:0"" morlling. " , in the Village of Waym'Kville, War- C. Norris, decellscd, distribution of 80ft water I, the .houMwlfe'. With 1\ milthty effort of self- re- rell County, Ohio, aOld described as IJssets \V'a s ordered . strai n t Joe pulled nimself together tallows, to.,vit:, I George W. Cropper and Frederick greatest boon. III It IIOap latbera FOR RENT I.. pig feeding lests mode by the lUI" . resi sting the impulse to knock Degfnning at the southwelt (orner W. Hinkle. trustees of t he estllte of Ohio Experiment Station, standing freely, harsh wa~ compound. him duwn, RWUllg out the room. of ,Lot No. One (F'rarlkJin Square) George R. SOJ::e, deceased, flied their corn and soybcuns produced Illore are UDnecetl~. · aDd tile dIahea I~OR UF.NT- Garage. Mrs. AmeliR He hljd ' lost every'thlngL-the girl 'In said Village and running thence thirri Ilccount. ra pid anrj )Irofttahlc gains thon stand. 8 a 12 dry easily and' quJckI1, with a ~ he lo ved and th e mCflns of earning with the North linn of Main Street The net value of the estate of Ralph ing corn nlone, and ihe addition of a Willianls, 4th & Tyler Sts. lab that plea~ • hi s living. He was alone In the North 81 ~ degrees E. 63 feet and E. Moson. deceased, was found to be little tankllge or ~Imilar feed stili ---==- = = ==:;:=::= world. WIth no prospect but that of two Inches to the corner of Lots 80ld $969.95. fUl ther increased the gains and profFOR SALE cO lllmtincing life again in some eount- by J. V. Fairham to J. B. ·Chapman. Ida I. Funk, admlnlstmtrix of the ItS. .', inJ.[ hll use and- then suddenly he re- Thence with the line of said lots estate of Everett Funk, decensed, til. Soybeans lire Mme time! grown lJIt' mu ered. Only two nights ' before NOlTth 68% degreefl W. 214~ feet cd her invootory and apprai8cment. WIth corn for hOIl'c>lng down to BUp- FOR .SA.LF.- Poland-Cbina mal~'plgs wel!!'hmg up to lWO Ibs.• belt of fumlsh Boft water from the ciahe , hud atte~ded drill at the head- to lin alley. Thence SOtlth 81% deArllbel DinWiddie, executrix of the ply the neresaary protein Instead of ((\llll·t er \! oJ; hiS volunteer corps. The grees, W. ' 63 feet and two Inches to e~tate of W. H . Dinwiddie, deceased, fl,:,rehnsing tanknge or other ' expen- breeclmg, hOg'R on farm, on Center- . ,ern. under constant presa~:J~ me n hud been nsked whiM of them ealt side of Main Street: thence filed her third account. sIve concentrntc to bnbmce the rution. ville lint! S)l1 ing Valley pike. ,C. ' S. like city water servfeo. Eatlrely -sftQ,. wished to join the C. I. V. for the South 68 % degrel!a 214'h feet to Charles J, Wag~oner, trustee of I n the experiments, the pigs on Maxwell, automatlc- nothing to attend to [I'Ol)t. He thought of the glow that the , place of begihning; Excepting the estnte of Robert McClung , de- stnnding e?rn n,!d Raybenns made un FOR RAI,E- Good Jersey bull. 20 or watch. Wnter may beplDe4~ had burnt through his veins, how he therefrom one hundr,ed and Beven f eet cea spd , fil ed his third necount. Ilv(, l'IIge dtuly gaon of 1.08 poun,l" at Months old. Samuel Smith, R. R. had longt!d ,to offer himself, and had fronting on Miami street sold og of Nannie G. Hicks, gUllrllill1l of AI- ? 9 Ilo.uncls per bushel of com, S'imbathroom and laun~. . 4, Wayncsl'IlIe. Ohio. -s9 bee n pre v(lnt~d by bls feeling of ob- the North end of suid tract to the bert C. H ieks, min or, filed he r fOUl th II.ur PIgs rec e ivln~ tankage In addi-' The Dur o way I, tho modena : ligations to hiA old triend'A business. trustees of the Buptist Church. ' (Rc- nccfl unt. Fllr Sule or Rent--7-room houAe t lon ~alned I. 73 Jlound~ tlaily. lind way. May be inatal1ecl ta akiaK' , NOIV he was freel . c!lrded in Deed Records Vol. 72. Page rroof of publiention of notice of 13. 2 pounds f or every bUllhel of corn newly I'llpered and painted, both old or new hom~fu .upedoc Thllt settled it. Old ' England WIIA 601, Recorder's Office, Warren Coun- uppoint ment of udministra trix of th e cons umed. kinds of water, electric lights. cellar. c!ltll te of Everett Funk, decellsed, was to the o1dm~ ~ "... in need of help from men such all ty, Ohio. 1I'0!>d lot Hnel gllragj!. 'Seil H. H. Valuing th e guins Itt ,0 per 100 ~r. ' , he. He IVas sound a~ a bell in wind Said lot faces on . Main Street and fil ed. po unds, thc gross returns from stand- WIlkerson, Waynesville, und Ii'ob,' He hnd dOll'e his turn at lies on the North side of said Street Proof of puhliclltion was filed in ong curn IIncl 8vybeans were 80 cents l'oluntecrinJr :lInd could shoot more In said' Village; the nearest Stroet pn the matte l' of the estate of Susallnah pe r bushel f or the (·OI'D. When tankFor Sale- Poland China ,Ira. eiththan a little. , . t he West intersecting said Moin Wh etsel, decensed; RnJph E. Mason, a ge wa's IIdrl ed the gross rc.turns afWithin hulf.inn hour his name was Street is Miami Street: the ,neares t deceR ~c c\; and Martha A. Denlinger, ter deducting th'e cost of the tankage er sex. about 200 p.o unda. A. L. King, Waynesville, Ohio. ' e n tered 'as· one ' or those Who were Street · on the · East intersecting said dece as ed. _~' ere IS 1.] 2 per bushel of corn. Feed: ~eudy ~or.,servlce , at the front. and he Mai~ Street is North Street · the The will of Eva Osborn, decellAed, mg II little tankuge rellulted in a net S. C. White Leghorn hene. pullets and .was , ord~red ' to ' go belore the doc- street number on thEI building 'of said was admitted to rrobnte. Robert J. Increase of~ 2 cents pcr bushel of corn cockerels, all produced from traptor. ' .', - " . . . ' , , real e~tate is No-- , Main Street. , Shawhan was apPolnte.d JadmiillstraW; L. Robinson/ of the . Station, con nested stock, of 261i-ep .traln. We Thatrgentl.ema ll laul{hed· at. hlm.Said real estate h~ls been regularly tor ' witb' tho will annexea of the es.- cl\ldes f1'om thellO and other expert. trap·nest ~vet)' hen. Rena Jiftetln "I),f wo,gat 1;~00 men us 6t u you ' al>Prai~ under order Qf the ' Court tate. Bond ,8000. W. oW. ShUN, me!lts that it Is not advi6l1ble to de- months old aluJ produclna. 1.; G. are," he fsaid , "we shall do well'!' at the sum. of '6800.00 free of dow- Ed S. Rex Snook were p~d !)n soybe~ns to completely re- Brock. R. D: 6, Waynesv.iIle. 0.,10. ~aving successfully 'pllAsed all the er and will not be Aold for leg than appointed appralsel'll. placjl tankage or limilar feed , al·'te.8ts. qnd Oeell duly enrolled as one two-thirds of-lI8ld appralaed value. Th\l Will, of 10hn .G. Macy,deceued though less of the concentrate l.S FOR SALE-:-YU7 Ine hllh-81'lld. of ~he' city of LOndon imperial volTERMS-r-CllAh. Wall I allmltted to probate. Bert C. n~eded When lICybeanll lire I{l'own Phonol\Tllph and recorda, "l!AIf- paW ';Inte~r ,~orps, he felt alightly euler . ' ALFRED C. BRANT HartSock -was a(lpo~llted executor of WI~ the com.' for. . Can be bou._t f~ ~ clue In hl!!'!'ifi1$1. Sheri« of WarreD County, Ohlo.- tho estate. W. W, Weloh. E, B. ,1.00 per ••ek. .Por t!PJt.pUtIO.' It·must be eonfeued that he wu Robert W .Brown, Atty. kin and 1. O. Cartwrlcht were ap-. in pleuaot frame of miDd ~h'l1 Iiw9-21i "lilted a)lPl'llllerl, writ. P. O. Boll '141; ~ TJlY THE. GAZEnE'l JOB \YOK


lWill F. Young

--------....".............................................. j






i .Madden's Lumber Ya~d



i '\

WaynesviJe, Ohio

l):••. ; . l· "







.'!~~~~ McClure WI!,n.avllle. Ohio



Harveysburg Fertilizer Co.


Farnlers, Attention!



---_.- ....,...---











. ", .;&.

J. W. Burton









•..• T H E

- - - - - - ii1




GAZE'TTE.... [



Ente red ut t he P OHt office at WllynCKViIIe, 0., us Second Class Moil MatLer D. L. CRAN E, Editor a nd Pu~l i' l ..or, Wllyn" .yille, Ohio S uuscri ption Price, $1.50 per year.

Come to ,[ebanon, Ohio, to

Mrs. IT. 111. lurk rc t urn ed T bu:r:sday ev II ing ;frolll u v i ~ it to OhiCllgo. Miss Glud y" Bc rltdulJ n tertul n ~ tI iIIl ~ s gtt.., Klot z , o f :inci nnllti , las t wllck. ~ lr 's. M" lvilJll S l ucy . of n ny t.on. WIIR tI,,· g uesl .. r h" r ~b t e r . ~ Ir$ . hi",,,

·H. su v('I'1l 1 duys lust wee k. Mi ss Mllr y Cook a nd Purry Cook , of Wayn esv ille , were S unday g u osts o f 11'11'. un d Mr s. Chus. Eo J ohns. '''''crll l f rolll h" I''' at te n,l"d t he set \'ice" 1\ l Ferry chu rch IIlst wee k, and t he a ll-dny lII ee til\ ~ nn S u nduy . M r. nnd Mrs. lI arry McGinnis spen t t he w,·,' k·e nd ut t he hom ' Ill'. and Mrs. L. n. lI a ll, ill Wlly nes\·illc . Robe rt. Mildred an d Chll'u Ha ines. o f Ul' 11ll 11u l , a r c vi:.;il inJ,{ ut. t h u h o m t! of ~ I r . li nd MI·R. Wnlle l' Ken l'i rk . MI'. lInti Mn;. Ra lph J oh ns enle r-

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huilcl in g of uml the enco uTIlg e men l

(I f (l ciu (O a tilJ n .

E vc r y now a nti lht..' n Wl' lik e' t u tal k til ,HII' lill'I'c halll " II b,, " t " d"" rt.i ~ i n g n nd \\' l O lik ,' t u ti ll it in thi ~ wil y bl:CII II"" t ill.' su l,jecl i. of .'q ulI l intl' rI·'1. to th l' (l ubli ,·. J.' l'II lI kly t il£' in t.:rllst tlt e pu blic. till' ill t.' r c~t


o f l h ~ 11I l-' I'l'han t all d tlw i llh'n' ~ l o f

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Septernoer15, 16, 17, 18 ·-_--_-_-_-c---------

i ned tn a l' a J i u p Ul' l y Th unliduy cv t he loclIl "" \l SI''' I''' r p", II"I' lI n ' ill - LI," ' re is ' '''~II.II .Y h. ·lp f lll t holl,l!'hl he· t.u ~ lI i ll ~ . lee c r C'uOi and cak{' w e r e '''' IJllru bl y li nk,·.i. hill" llu.' WI'lllllg o f a ll ed ltorlu\. Th!' gr uwt.h of pUJlul ut ioll plu ~ es s'·l'v"d . Th e pulllic " Iwny" is b ~ M t ~ erved MI'. al ll i Mrs . Guy Hllulza hn alld Ill' h uyin ~ uli n rli« ·d ~u u d ". Coud:! H lIl' c"ed ll l ~ l.':.en cl' lIl""l H lit II ".'"Iu lthul nrp n d v ~rt i:il.d a rt' KOII !l :i that ar(' \ 'u llt agt.!. O r ~)..n n n i " t.n r(' 0rf, n u t IO nnl ci ll UJ,:h tl:l', viRilt'd :-; 1I111JII Y wilh Mr . mure l·x tt ' n ~ i vl. l y manuful' tureu Ilrld \H'n lth nl ' ~ },,'IOg' dt ' t~e lc d. I l! Py mu st lI lId MI·s . T. 0. I:! oilll utl , of Miami c nn !'4cquC!ntly l'Il l' ulw r h Cl'n u ~c uf, in . Ill' {' on ~ lHn t1 y re plcnuolIl wd. . Cit y, Uh io. cn'II""d pr u,hH·t io n. MOI'cllver, lid · Cu re f.ree flll~H "1.I,y t hut by ~he tIm e MI'. an d Mrs. II . 1.. Scars and chil vCI·ti. in g td ollY iH II ~uurulltcc of nwr- e xhllu Htl on IR In sl.l.': ht .we WIll hll vl' it. No o n~ Ilt'ed h" Il fmid either uf tuken (' ure u f th e ~ I tua t l o n some nth- dre n. o f SlIbinn, we l c wcek-c nlj g ues t.s f the hlll er' ~ broth er . Ben 1I11w ke the hunt'Nty uf t h" price u r th e 'lulll . cr wa y; th at wh!' n. a n~ fu el 18 oa nd fllmil y. ity of IId vcrtis,.d ~UOO " . 'om pe ti - found . coal nnd 1111111111{ won t ~" nection compels hunesty \! V(.'lI if thert! CS~lIry. .And tlll'l' t! ex uctly 1M th e Jam e s Haine s r e Lurn ed h o m e, Fri· s hould LC' u wish t o av oid it. pu tlll. ~ h,· ll'1:"ut nl'cd ,,~ th ~' hutl r day, urh'r s pc lltling ~ l· \.' (! r u l .nlln l hs Th er e is on othl'l' benefit too. in Ij 1" 1' rnV(·n.tlOn, f il l' sCl!,ntlfl c . I'C with h is Ilr vt he r. W . G. Ha ill es and 10",,1 neWKpn pp r all ve rti sing'. Wh e n ~(, ul'ch, fur dlscuve r y. for IIIge l\ully. family, at Rl· llII unt. adv ertising is tho u~btfuJly employ('o fo r l~ e develop me nt o f all those chu.rRe v. J. C. S titzel le ft, Monday, for it IIWlln8 lhe huilding of trade fur uct... rl st.,C" t hll t cu n filld roo.t "ni l' 11\ confe re nce lit Limn. The re will be our local merchants and thia n!!lcts th e trnlllcd u!1d "duca t ed .mlllo. WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 16 in incr ease in r eal estale vlllu es g enUnle>!H w e Invent !lntl (ilsco v.e r ~ .w no prcuc hin g- n" xt :0;11 ndoy. Sundayat 9 :30, :;chool will be erally. A pros per ous busille~s sec- n;ll·thods of 1,,·o.luctll> lI IIl1d tl lHtl'lbu 2 :30 Trot .. .. .... .. .. Pur ... $100 linn rnenns add ed population und in- tlun III e?,,,,·"". of IlUI' C.' " SUlllpt lO ll lind Mr. alld Mrs. J-\ oru, e Wharton and 2:25 Pace ... .. .... ...... .. ........... Pur... $300 creased conveniences. The whol e d C8t ru '':\.lolI . IIf.· ':'111 SOU ~l he~o ll1 e un - Mr. und M r s. Cl'is!. Vicke l's, uf Dayschem e of adv ertis ing , merchandis ing b e~ rllhl e nlld prrc". ~vllI 1'1 "" to a lun, Were Thur. dllY even ing g uest.s ancl buying is on e o f cn-op crati un to pO in t wlll' l" hum ll n e x,.tt'llce WIll ue o f Mr. a nd Mrs. Clyde Wharton. THURSDAY, SEPT. 17 a burde '! . mu t ua l advantage. Mrs. Ann L. S mi t h spent S unday The merchunt always wins fav or Thllt 18 why w(' IIlway. hoo st th e 2: 15 Trol.. .. .. ........ ...... .. ..... . Pbrae $350 ablll reaclion when he talks fmnkly school>l, ('ven whe n t h ey IIrc hnrtl to ev" ning lind Monday in Duylo n with her daught er, MI .... Allen Hllrdy, who 2:15 P.ce .. ...... .... ... .. ........... Pur... $350 in his advertising to the people and POl' f or. _ _- - - is convulcscin g from a re cent fall. shows th em he is d elliing honestly .. .. ........ ....... .Pune $3!i0 2 : 19 Trot Pl'i end. her e Wl' rl' sorry t o loarn of with thell1 and muking a normal till' s udd ('n dl'llth I) f 1 1'1<. Rebuccn Dill profit , FRIDAY, SEPT. 18 ul. Mt l\ o\l y, Sunday 111 0 l'nin ~. Mrs . The mon who week by week conThp r c iMsaid t tl h e l'Olil c n ll u g h in Dill is th e 1Il0 Lhe r of 111 1'S. J . ll. J ones s ist.entl y in hi. IId vc rti . ing shows he 2 : 11 P.c ............ .. ... .. .. ......... Pur.e $350 holds till' public int e re.t at heart. i. China to h" ut th e wodd f OI' It cen- o f thi s plnce. th e mun wh o win s. Mlln y nwrchant. tury, but little of it iH heinl:( min ed 2:23 Trot .... ... ...... ............... Purae $350 MisRe" Eth I a nd Eva Rc('dr r ro lU Re lhe 8ubstnn cc o f publi c confi- or murk etcd. It is we ll t o realize, tU I'ned Sutu n lay f ro m u delig htful 2 :20 P.c ....... .. .. ..... .............. Pune $350 dence in gl'llRping rnr the ~ h a do w li t howeve r, th at th ere will nevc r be IIny motor lri p to Washill g toll D. C. , in ELECTION OF DIRECTORS, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18th, . FROM 1 TO " O'CLOCK P. M • .,:, ge nuine COlli fam ine. We mlly have com pliny wit h II numllC r of sc houl iml11 ct.iiulc sa h'~ . Mule Race, ~i Mile, 2 iD 3 .. Purae $75 str ik" s in thi. clluntry lIlIIl mines ma y t ea cher friend s, clu sc duwn, but coal Is sprelld f a irly IIfr. and Mrs. Willlur Clurk had for WHY WE BOOST THE SCHOOLS thiJ! k ull ove r the world. and it can ulwny" b c had w\te n noed ed. The th eir Sunduy g uests. IIf iss Edna GarNeWHltn lll'r r elllle rll, particularly hards hips Illay b .. ncute for lhe mo- rett, o f Youn gstown , Mr. ~' re d Garr pt Lc lind ~o n , Ke nn eth. of We8tvHle , thoRe t wo have no chiloren. often ment, but it ca nnot long e ndure." lid Mrs. Or. Grime", of Urbana. wonde r why nowlll'a per "ditorll tako Los Ang eles Times. Mr. Leo n Salisbury, of Cleveland, spenl Wedn esda y lI t th e home of Mr. Ilnd Mrs. Alle n Em rick. M rs. Sulisbury and childre n return eo home with bim, aCter s\le nd ing thc s umm er here. Mr. nnd Mrs. Churles Clark and Mr. and Mrs . H. 1If . Clark Ilttended EDMON STEWART, President ED CONKLIN, Secretary the Clark reunio n lit Winches ter, Ind. ~ Suturdny. The y spe nt S unday with From Our File. of 1900 Miss Emma Peacock, of Da yt on, Mr. and Mrs. Th vma s Hen ry Clark, ul1(l re turn ed ho me Mun da y mornin g. Ed Smith came down from Xe nin Hp,·nl. ~lI l11l ay 111111 Mond ay wit h relMrs. Mary Boitnott, Mrs. E llen Ashlast Saturduy Rnd Qirculatcd am ong I\t h' <"~ h crf.l. OH, TRUTH, TRUTH The Wilmington Boy Scouts, who his r elatives and old (M ends h er e. 1I1i88 Annie U. Brown, who has with, Miss Mnry Boitnott and friend, 1111' . Frank BI'own, o f Ti p pecan oe, bee ll spending hc r two months vacaarc in camp a t Camp Stump, gave a Mn. D. A. I~erre e hud the plells- lion at her ho me. Ble ak HCl use, re- wer e ThursdllY dinn er jruests of Mr. While leaving the church, Bohby's band concct1t on th e stree t Friday urc of a two dIlYR' visit Il\st week turn ed MondllY to the O. S. & S. O. and M1 8. Guy Routzahn, celebrating Dentist even ing , whi ch was enjoyed by all moth er was criticizing th e sermon. frum her fath er, 1I1r. James Little, hnll1(> ,whore she ente red u po n her littl e Geneva Maes' four th birthduy. • fIaat ,.u ddD, .... presen t. Tho ladies of t he to wn Bobby finally turn ed, and said : f Edenton. NaynellVllle Natiunal Bank Bld~ "Gee, mom , what do you e xpect th ird yeu r uf t eaching in th at instisc rved the boys with sandiwches , Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Silvers and Mr. f'o a dime ? " cooki es li nd lemonade . Mrs. Annie Thorpe has lately sur- tu t ion. and Mrs. WilU a m Cravens, of Exc('\~' tIte piu." prised and pleas ed her moth er by The drill ers on the Ba ily lot we nt s ior Springs, Mo., visited se vernl da ys James W oo dso n was round in the presenting her with a handsome, low dnwn throug h NIUld and r ock nbout last w' e k with Mr~ und Mrs . Wa lt pr ~Jtiw ..,. rOlld in a n unco nscious state, Friduy. bodied !lubber-tire phaeton. · K nri ck and other r e latives . They se ve nty fr et , lind struck a s t l'O ng . . . , . III ...... He wos brnuJrht to Dr. Randall's offi ce, s uifc r;ng from a se ver e wound Mr. and Mrs. E . V. Barnhart re- vt'in , o f wuter, but n ot suffi cient (or were enrou te home f r om u thirtydoy motor trip t o East!!rn cities. water w orks, and it WIIS dee med best ill th o hllck, p { his heud. It is not turned Saturday evening rrom their kn own h ow he r eceive d the wound. ' summer's outing in New York Rtato, for th e wnr k to ~ top th e re. They Mr. and Mrs. Clau de UJwis enterare now drilling in th e Caske y lot H e left his home in search of a mule where the y had II m ost delightful tain ed to Sunday dinn er the foll owwest 01 Ann I':ngle's hOlli e, wh er e whi ch had wund cre d IIwuy Bnd that is visit. ing guests : Mr. lind Mn. 'l' homlls The Eye Siltht Specialist they havo !!,onc a bout f orty feet witb Cumberland, of Pleasant Ridg!!, Mr. 1111 his relat.h·es kn ow. Dr. Rundall Has BMa 1 % Mr. and Mrs. Louis ]\fay and littl e a pros pect of s atis fucto ry r es ults. 115.5 ACRES, between Fllrry and t ook him t n be X-ru yed SaturdllY, lind Mrs. Charl('s Hurley, o f Hnmil Emugtendee oi ~,....... daughter spent last we ok in Detroit, fearing complicatiollll. Lytle, 4 mil... from Wayn .... . ton, nnd Mr. and 1I1rs. Haymond I'riMich. and on their r e turn tr ip Silt.. We arc 1Jl ca ~ed to report ]\fiss Lina 01' for CNer ~y Yeaa. an d d /l u ~h te r. o f Il Par Le hunoll . MI'. a mi 1\1,,,,. J ohn Himpso n ente r14 mile. from Dayton, well urday; waR cunfronted at Spr inlt Val- W r iJ!'ht illlpruvei n!!'. Lebanon, Ohio tni n ~ " Mo "tI,,), evell ing in hon or nf ley by th e> pile of wreck('d cars, nausfenced, w,,11 tiled, well watered. . Coughs. Caids. One o f the most IIt t ra~ tiv " home. t hei r CIIl Ul!ht c r, MI11'~lI r et, wh o I"uv('s cd by th e collis ion o f, tw o fre i l:( ht~ 5 acre., larae timber, plenty of Stom..'\dt aRd. ~ 1·lll·, (lav fUI' WinRto ll-Slllclll, N. C .. and wer e oblige>d to l uke tiHl ovor- in Wa y nc ~vill c i ~ th o H . II. WilliUIllfruit. Building, are e xtra good. kc' up lH' r work "" t O llchc l' in the t o ta Innd r oute to WIlYIll' 8Vill o ill Il li v- Ron pineo on N orth Fourth street , 8:00 a. m to 4 p. III den and ail <.rher Cat~ sehoul th (· r~. The o ut-o f-t uw n g ll c "t ~ nnd th is SlInlrner Harry's bu sy hllnds Good a ' room brick hou.e. BarD ery rig. h llve Illud e eve ry square inch o f t hc coodirioos. wer c: Mi sRe~ Jo:.IHh an d Ednn Wil 56,,60, with buem .. nt. 36.60. hO tastefully designed and con- !:rollnds hloSRo Ill li S a rosc. Old lia mso n. or C hi 'a~ o , Ill., Miss Doro. Mr. onn MI'S. J. P. Ree d had clIllcrs Tobacco .hed and corn crib •• structed 11\lmes of Mahlpn Uiogc na d fences hnve hecn r emoved und reSoIiI l hy Pe tiford, of Co lumlllls. Miss AIorace Key s are shuping up to wurds placed by lig ht wi re; outbuildings from S I)I'in g fi ehl, Saturday ni ~h t. tta Gi bbons and bruth ur, Leonard, u e TaYet .... pletion and whon I'eud y fol' oc- r en ovate d. luwll nnd fl ower beds ill Mr. and Mrs. Edwnrd Cr<ew e nter Miss Annin" Williams, of Wilmingoupamcy will be ornamental t o this first-cl Ml.q trim, vegetable gnrden and tain ed r elatives fr om New Bremen, .' ton, Mrs . Pllige IlIId son, Lionel, Miss · TERMS 10 .IIIt purch ... r. For price pnrt of Main street. With these nice fruit tre es I\ud vin es yielding boun - Ohio, last Sunda y. Ilene Ande rs on. Mr. and Mrs. Mernew brick building s, the reconstruct- tifully. Such are the r ewllrtls o f in ritt-, of Xcnin. The y s pent an enjoyand term ••ee Mr. Is rll e-! Scott nnd family s pent ed Jonos building wh e n repainted on dustry. HALVS VATA.RI\R IlIlllDICINlD ....111 Sunday with l\1u. lind Mrs. Frll nk n ul" eve ning, leaving nt a late hour, ~o what wo el41m tor It.-rid your-.,..te - - - -- - -tho outside, and the n ew bank buildwishing Mnrg aret much Huccess in Cook, of nCllr Wayn eSVille. , r C.tarrh or Deatne.e cauI.4 1>7 ing we' ll try . and forge t the forlorn George ,J. Smith wh eeled into her year's work. Catarrh. Mra. Cora Gree ne and children, of rooking burnt district that has con- Waynes ville from Wilmington in the UALIJS VATAnnR MEDI()JNI!l oon • Dill' ton, spont Sunday with her mothfronted us 10r the last five months. rain un Monday moming_ .II~ of an Ointm ent which Quickly nollevca the catnrrhnl Innommlltlon. and er, Mrs. Dora Morgan lind fllmily. the Intern III Medlcl"e. a Tonic. which Ohio, Miss Mildred Morgan, of Dayton, Mr. IIlld lItrs. Kllrl Shidnker nnd l CI. tIl rougb th!) BlOod on the Mucolls 3urf&r e 8. thul restoring normal cond' .. James Traylor lost a fine bruod spent th e wee k-end with ' her A'l'IInd - fa mily "isite d fri'cnds at UtiCII, Tues tlon •. plII'Cnts , Mr. und Mrs: L. M. Stephen •. tla y. mare, Sunduy. Bold by 4ruggt.t. for over ~ Ye~.... FRED HUBBLE, on the Farm. F . ·J Cheney. Co Toledo . Ohio. 1\111. Ha rold Kellis and sister, Mi!<S M rs. r.11n ~ . r.ray HIIl' nt th e lutter Over one hundred and tWt'nty· five Wm. H . 'liarlan spent the wCI'k -entl peoplu att('nded the F enley reunion Lula, of X('niu, spent SUllliny with pnr t of til<! wc(·k with Da yton rela- with fri end s in Cincinnati. All Jordon hili! bought the Ed Gr~ held on the W e ll11llln s chonl !!'rollntis their paren ts, Mr. und Mrs. Frank t ives. Tho Ladies Aid m et nt the church Illst Sunday. Kellis ancl family. Born- To Mr. alld Mrs. 1"lIul Ri ch, farm, The ·f ourt h secMI'!<. Rehecca DiIJ passed away at ' o f Lebanon, a da u gJ:!ter, H e len Vir- parlors, Thur8d !l ~" Syl WI\Il, of COIUlllbu H, cllJl" d on Claud Gray ' and wife attended t • tion entertained. R. ,J. Murl'llY and wife , Wednesday. her home here, Sunduy morning. g inia. BIllnc)lellter fair lost week. 1111'. WlIlI WIIS born at this place and (o' uneral services will he he ld WednesReRv. Curless and family returned Rev. A. K. Sargent, of St. PetersMI. Anna Sayers, of Clintoncoull left here while quite yOung, over 30 day afternoon at 1 :;10, slow timo. hurg, Plu., has been calling on friends Tue~day from II pleasant visit with ty, wlU t.lach the Wellman Rchool. years ago. relatives near Cincinnati. Word hns been rec eived here of the in this vicinity. Cliff Hormell and family IlUJ denth of Mrs. Johllnnn Adamson, of We are BOrry to report Miss Lida Mrs. Mary Lemar and Mrs. Amos Robert and Richard Francken arc Murray not 80 well at this writing. Mrs. Met Bogan, of New Burlington, Dayton. 1I1rs. Adamson Wll8 n sisler v is i tin~ their uncle lind aunt, Mr. and DeHaven have returned from 8 pleaslind Mose Bogun and family were of Mrs. O. B. Marlatt, or ncar hero. Mr~ . W. A. Hainmlant visit with relativ.'s it) Cincinnati. The Bennett girls were Sunday af· .sunday ufternoon cullel's un Mrs . tarnoon guests of WeJlman friellol! . Hannah Bogun una s on, Bert. The annual r eunion of the Comp_ _ _..... ..t>e> Miss MarJrarett Starr o f Dayton, -Mills families will be held at the Our Ladies Aid will meet and clean E. C. Mannon and family, of Wi!s pent th" week-end with .Mrs. Amlln - ton u8unl place, next Saturday, Septem~-the achool houae on Frlduy after - mill~ton, T. L. Wall and family, '1'. da Starr ant! Miss Mabel. ber 15. noon, D; Hackney and family, of Chester, Mrs. Corn Summer, Mrs . Isauc Kelly Mendenhall and family, TreSeventy-two poople attended SUll- Clinto n County, attended church Brown and three 80ns, of Marstella, vor C. Haydock and family attended /, day,School and church here, on Sun- here on Sunday, Ilnd were dinner Po., are visiting Messrs. Amos and guests of tho McKay families . Mrs. Ed Hartsock and daughter are the Farquhar rej1nion at Lakeside, da,y morning. ClifT Hough and ether relatives. Cal Reader and wife, of Wilming- visiting r elatives in Cincinnati. Sunday. , 1 Mi. Marie Campbell, who haB ton, T. L. Hall, wife and two chilMi88 Hazel McCreight, of Wil!\Ir. and Mrs. Arch Copsey visited Mrs. Daisy Haines and daughters been quite sick, was ablo to attend dren, V. 111. Hackney alld fsmily, of lllington , wa~ the guest of Mr. and were calling on friends here last week fri ends ncar lIfiamisburg, Sunday. church l Sunday. Chester, Clinton county, Ed RotlS and Mrs. J. W. Clark !ill<L Kr.. aud Mrs. before leaving f or the ir new h" me in Mrs. UJanna Hollingshead, of the Guy Brannon, of near Wayne8vIll~ mother, "award McKay and family, Roy Clark and baby, this week. Tennessee. Glady neighborhood, wll8 buried MOllwaa II Sunday Il'UCllt of his broth.. r , Harold McKay and family were SunMisses Grace Shambaugh and MaMen have always advertised-fint themselves day alternoon crulel'll on R. J. Mu\" day afternoon. The Young Friends of WAynesLon Brannon and wife, Mrs. Alice Johnsoll and daughter, ville presented their play, "lofotber rie Mesechel', of Dayton, who are Mrs. Mabel Terry and W. H. Telry ray an.d wife. and their deeds; then their religion today, their ric MeHecher, of Dayton, who arc Mine," at the .hall Friday evening. Miss Rosa. have been visiting rolawere Sunday attll!J'noon caners on Jt was enjoyed by a 'large and appre- here, MI8IIes Hazel and Helen Hiel tives at Yellow Springs. products and busine... K. E. Thompson and wile, and 1I1n. W. D. Larkin were party ciative audience. • Mr. William Peterson, who has been guests at the home 01 Miss Mary Our 8cbool will begin next MonThe moat effective advertising today 's through Mrs. A. S. Collett and Mrs. Goorge. Lewis, near Kinglllan, Monday, working at thc Roxanna cannery, is day morning, Seplember ·'7. with Mrs. home, suffe ring from a badly infected Denny entertained their Mary Huffman at the desk. ~ chool clllsses on the lawn finger. E. C. Mannon and famlly, of Wit . ST. MARY' CHURCH are qualified to serve y .;.ti ill the Woods," Wednel\day nf't........,nn LINES TO OUR TAILOR Mrs. Robellt Col1ett and Miss Mary Sandwj ches, ice crE,"m aild cllke minglon, were dlnneT guests of Geo. l1hirt\!enth Sunday after Trinity, Press on II If ' fortune play thtIC Eyery printed pale .hould be a pleasing pic:ture and Glenn Davis ·and family . . ' September 6 Church School at 9 ;30 Collett, of New Burlington, callcd se rved the lit tle guellti!, ; ~" false James Foley, of Ch'lenqo, John Fa. a. m.: Sermon and Holy ~ommu\llon on 'Mrs. Mary F erguson, Mondny afToday, tomorrow she'll be ~tue, of type, paper, ink and ilIuatrations, We ternoon. Mr. lind Mrs. J .. ley, of Springfield, ate s\lendlng II, at 11 .00 a . m. ,;AU a~e ~elcome, A IImooth dime forcotten In tb~l\e ol.d tained with ol\ family Mrs. Elizabeth Smith, who has been tew days with the Jordnn family. &v. John J, SCII.etrer, Re~r. ean make it 10 for you, if you'll let us herp plan llUd- ~'ou. make like new. staying for some time with Mrs. An" 'rhose present ·incillded. Mr. ~d on-!.PTeea The McKay families att"nded tho.! e ,.,..on. your Printin, job, na Anderson, has returned to her John Gilroy, of Dayton, Mr. and fune1;i1 of tlieir 'aunt,- Nany Bailey, MET.,ODIST CHURCH ' Robert Shirden ··.lIId · family, ;· home jn Springfield. . Fealy Jr., and Mrs. Ina· Shane. a~ WlIll'\iiiglon, 'SIl~urday afternoon, Sabbath School, 9:16 a •.m" preachNOTICE' OF APPOINTMENT With two canning factorie6 110 NO EXTRA CHARf: £,-O LY AN Ed' Jeffery, wife . and ·two daugh- Ing at 10 :30 G. m. Epworth ~lfUe closo t oge' t heft this is a vorY busy ' EXTRA GOOD JOB tera, ' !tuth and . Allee, havo ,gono on 6 :4'5 p': ~in, ' 'Preachlng: at 7 :30' p. 1,11., community, Tnc new factory' at ''Rex. Estate of Jubn G. Kacy, deceased, a motor trip to Niagara .~ and W.dnnday .evenlnlr Prayer meeUng, Notiee ill hereby given that Bert all\la ~8 llunning two l!hlf~ ot hands, , .Cana4a, ", , ~ , '7 :80. .Everybody Invited to the~ Hartsock haa been duly appointed day· a~d .night. . . .. aeryiceL qualified aa executor of the Ea----.~. Ferris" witn and daugb. Re L.... W hb P'" of ;Tohn G. Kact. late of' War· tar,'S herman Luelle, attend~ the Viii,," v. . ,_.; .. urn,. aaour, Ohio, deceased, QUICK VE.RDICT ' - _ G00D 2~nd day 01 . ~Uplt, ::nrne-e~mlng a~ ViDal'll ChaPel, laat 'CHURC~: OF CIiRIST ilo~ BervtCf 9 :30 L!Ii, Bible Daughter.:..... "Father,' rYe' rrot l'l W. Z, ROLL, <lin. Ruth lIu~ 1'81 .ned . to 8eJiooL OOmmunlon abd urmon. Ev· have a naw riding hab!,t!' Judge of the Probate OoUrti LebaD~, Banda" to teaeh the adult enirlg Servtc:a 'h{lO p. Ill. Song BerD'ad-'''Sorry, Sis, but afraH Warren County. Ohio. Bible . . . . . .bleb . . . held In the .YIee and iei'IDoD. All an coNlaU1 10!l'U have to the " ALKlNO

Four Days of Fun, Entertainment and In's truction Warren County's Annual Exposition

Speed Program

Splendid Racing for Each

Day ~


Special Prizes for Farm Bureau, Grange and Boys' and Girls' Club Work

Wednesday will be Old Soldiers' Day, when free admission will be furnished the veterans of all wars.

Plenty of Coal

- ---_ ..- --

Ample Acco,"odations Good Music Each Day. for Autos and Other Vehicles. ADMISSION, Single, SOc Vehicles, 2Sc Membership Tickets, $1.50

!;. L-____________________________ . . . .______• ___• ______________

.. ..aM...,....., ....,. .. .,.


Dr. 'ohn W. M IHel'


At Cary'S Jewelry Shop



MT. HOLLY,....., I...iIFi\





---_._----- -



. - ..- ---



BUlJ.H~HHlf----1I--~ WI ! mln~:n,



How to Advertise




The Miami, Gazette



, . -'.

" • .....,.'IlL








. . .anI W. I.... Att;r,



S.r ing your Eg s

oK~oger Circulating Warm Air Furnaces



~I ," I·;,ht h '"I '~ Wl10


J)1l ~' t(1 n vis-

A low-priced f urnace for horn.. where p rice is eSllentinl, yet a highgrade all-cast furnace with insulated cuing.

it(\ I', M n nltay.

~ : l'

1,: , .1

\' "'it lll' U\



Bnrt ""



~l o tlnH' l m~l ,, {"~k.


\ . J ... 1\1tl ....

bnsi ness


\\'. 11 III1\1 I1 ', n .•,f nllyl"n, 11l~

!'- 1';; ll' J" .

~l rs " AllUltu\a


~L dTitl.

79c I


Quart !;ize, p er dozen ... Pin_t size, per dozen ..


C oun try Club, 3 cans for . .


:\1 a"ry

M I' . A Ivin Rurn ~ t t. " f I Inytc>n, WII.


can.2 5C i ~~t~~~~b.

48c ~!, ~!r~,J Oc 1 2!~~ ,. 20c ~~~.~~I ~.Ib l Oc Lard. 2lc ~.~.~~~,e $1.59 t!~;t;, :·~h?5£ I~,?~~.~..,.. ~.35c §:~-si;;~""" ~, 11~ il ~?o~!!~~~25C 2~~~~~~~~~~.13c I ~?~~P., 3!c Club, 3 t a ll


.... .. ...

h ,.h,

Loar.. ..

Ib .........



b.r ........... .. .... .


We wish to than k a ll OUl' friends for the patronage shown us during our seven years in business, an<t; , we trust that you will give our ,sue essor, Mr. F. D. Dakin, any business you may h.av e in the insurance line; he wi1l devote h is entire time to the insurance business, and will be able to give you good service.

Sears and Cartwright


....The Store of Better Values.... .•


We are moyed into tbe room , one door north of THE MIAMI GA. ZETTE OFFICE, and will be ,I.d to leC .11 of our old friendl and maD, ~w oDel call Oil UI in th e Dew quarters and , e t your good I, for we .iIl handle .11 .m.1I good. that you will ne ed. COME IN AND SEE US.

Specialty for Saturday

30C kind, Saturday only, for ... . . . .. .... . . . KNOX KNIT , STOCKINGS, a good kind, 30 the 35c ones, Saturday, only. . .. . . . . . . . C C~~~~~y~!~~~~~~~: .......'._ ... ._... 18c


Frank H. Farr,

Waynesville, Ohio

Rosenthal . C.o rn 'H . uskers and Shredders .



s . . _. .


urable, Safe

The Rosenth al Husker has withstood the years of hard service under all conditions, and stands out today as the foremost Husker on th e nlClrket , Made In SIzes adaptable for ~lny ,'SiZe farm and any size engine.


And 'Farm Maehinery

Wa yn esville,

Ll' lt\ IllOIl"

till' I! II C"t of !\II' . HIIlI ~1 1·~. Chari,'. ~ 1H.'t'WI)Ud, h u;;l wc('k .

. . . ·64c




61c $1.25


TIME PAYM ENTS IF DESIH ED. Dotailed .... t;,n.te. We will c.1I dllY 0 ," ayanina:.

~I C' .. I"hn LI.' llIll1uU a" d f"mi lY · o f 11:<,·t " ". 'P Cli t Su 1111 "Y With ~I r~ .



Cil1c.i " .. q ti. Ohio

~I n'. ~t . ·lnlr Fl f~ nne l chil dr('n . of " ";lmiH).:'toll, \" i~itf·d rdutl\'C~ h c-l' l' la- t wl·"k.

l\tr. u r! Mrg. Ll'(, lIuwkl' l1"d fll.m · ily sPl' nf Sundny ill !Juy to n, Wi th Wlttl ~h . ,Inn :\l rs. Cllrl 11,,\\ kl'.

MlIst('r W illi ,' Buco n. of Ci n ci ~­ nllli, ig visilin.r nl t he home of h,s uncle. ~Ir . D. E . St.Iln elifMd. l\lr. anc.l MrR..1. M. Flack left Mon-

" i~itcd rl' lnt i,'(:!, I Mi., ~ I uriel "f Ll'ba noll . spent I few III" t wi t h I-I nwk e. I Marl n!'1 I'l' tlllion wi ll he ld t Monduy, hnnlt' I MI'. /l llrry Sm,ith.

All "ind. of School Suppli" • .Fr.n" H. F.rr.

('li SP .



Mi "~

\\'\'(' 1,

no,. - ,




S~rt E' m bl."· 7 . at t il.·

Mrs. Grace L. Smith is a ttendin g Mr. Will Smith, o f Indianapolis , th e styl e show in Cin cinnati, this Ind .. \V1I~ the Il uest, last WednesdllY, weuk. lIiJrht. (I f Mr . and Mrs. Walte r Mc· lure . Mrs. Lnura Mos her spent last wee k MI'. IInel MrR. a rl McClure and wilh Mr. Ronald Hawke und fnmil y, little duul!hter. of nay t on. spent the of Houte I. w.'ck-('ne! wi th Mr. an r! Mrs. Walter Mr. Rny Hawke Hn d family, of Day · Me lure. ton, sne nt Sunday with Mr. nnd Mrs. Mrs. Ca r oline Rogers and Mrs. 'J. C. Huwkc. Witc rn ft , of Lebll non. spent last Mr. J ohn M. Tllylor celebrated his Thur~day with Mr. and Mrs. Charles 76th birthda y nlln.i ver sary, l'uesdllY, 8 hel'w '10d. Septe mber 1. Mrs. Ocena Corn e ll, of PhiladelMr. nnd Mrs. OUo Seibold. of Cin . phia, was th e guest of Mr. and Mrs. Mor ris Cornell and other relatives, ci n nati, spent Thu rsday with Mr. II tld Mrs. W. O. Rape r. I ~ t week.


Mr. C. P. HI'Ull bury nno fami ly. of ·Orego n ia. rctlll'llt'd Su nday. aft .'r 11 tw o w('eks' trip into Canada.


The Woma,, ·. Christia n Te mpcra n l e Unio n will mpct !It thl' Fri " n d~ home with Mrs (;c{)l'g ill Mend e nhall, T IIPsd nr . Septemh('r R. a t 2 n',·luck. Mr. atlel Mr •. Ed I3ro\\'n . of R. H. I , ent el'tu inco<l Ihe fco llowi lll! l!'uC's t~ las t Su nday : MI" . .Iulia A. Brow ne , Mr. E. L. Th omas lin d ("m ily, Missct, Ann ie tlnd .IanlC' Brown and M e"s r ~. Th u 1IH1!'i .uth! i t! und Ne lson 13 1own , of Da y tun. Mi s~ r(,cl~ ipt

E lizll\'l'lh W. 'b ll lldiell is in card fl' om ;\l iss Annll B. ' hi g ley, whe, i~ tl'llV(' linlr in ,"UI'OP' thi ~ summer. Th e cal'lI reponed hc r hllvin g n wo nd erf ul time in Ve ni ce. Miss Shig ley taught in our high school here n few yeurs ago. She is at presllnt l' ng ugcd in County. 'ormul WO I k

Mr. and i\lrs. Ed Ha thaway, of 0Mr. J ohn Gons, who, with Mr. Geo. Oglesbee, of Dayton, toured the lu mbus Grove , are guest s of Mr. alld Northwest and Canada, returned Mr~ . Roy Hnthawa y. home Saturday. Mrs. Minnie Evans , who h1l8 been Mts. Frank H. Farr, Mr. Thomas employed at Otterbein Home, hus rePierce and their house guests, Mr. tllrned to her hom,e, hel e. Stuc ker and family, spe nt Monday at t he Cincinnati Zoo. Mi88 Henrietta, McKin sey leaves tomorrow, Thursday, t o tokl' lip her Save your old oarpets 'and ruga work in the As htabulll ~ ch oCl l s. and get "Wearwell" Ruga made. Se nd for price list. Franklin Rug Mrs. Su e Haines, Mrs. Belle DinCo., Franklin, Ohio. widdie and Miss Olh'e Dinwiddie spent Sunday with Mr. Floyd Savage Miss Mildred Clnrk spent last week and family. in Dnyton, and attended the Montgomery County Teachers institute, Several girls hi ked to the home of at Parker High cshool. Miss Kathryn Clark las t Friday, and spent a very plelilsant time in the ·Mrs. C. W. Younce left Saturday peach ,,,chard. night for Harris burg, Pa., where shl! will join her hushand . who hIt. been Mrs. H. H. Williamso n and dllu ghlocated there the last two weeD. ters, Grace and Louella, atte nded the Hale reunion at Hunters Lodge, Clin Mr, and Mrs. Chat'les St.ucker nnd ton county, Sunday. two children, of Fowler, Ind., were weck-end guests of their cousins, Mr. Services will be resum ed at St. Maand Mrs. F. H . Farr and Mr. Thomas ry's church next Sunday. Church Pierce. Belhool ut !I :30; se rm on nnd Holy Com mUlli on Itt 11 o'clock. Mn;. Kate Coleman and Misses E s th er and Louise H enderson reo The !'ogu la !' nHw ting of St. Mnry'e turned Suturday, after a delightful Gu ild will be held with Miss Emmll vi si t in Toledo, with Mr. Ethan Cole- Hc ighwuy. UII Thursday afternoon, man and family. Septemher ani, at :2 0' . loc k.


.,f u

Have You He'a rd What Goodyear's Doing?

~rowll count~.


Goodyear is putting an end to the tire problem. Simply by putting the highest quality into Goodyear Tires--Making a Goodyear Tire for every need.·- -' And offering them at a. low price---Iow i', enough _so eveJ:yon~n have Goodyear Tires. Get Our Prices

The Wayn esv ill e Canning factory is running dny and night, Owing to the large acreage !lncl the rapidly I;pening com, It is nec cs~a ry t o work two shifts. The {uctory has uveraged about (lO ,OOO cans a day f or the pas t we ek, and the am on nt is expected to be doubled this week at least.

---_. - ...- - --


Mr: and Mrs. Nelson Thorne and Mrs. Kl'SS\! and oIaul~ hte r , Rore, Mr. children, who have be~ spending alld Mrs. Andrew Seit c; IInc.l two chila part of theil' vacation '!fith relatives dren, uf Cincinnati, were Sunday here, will leave this week for their gues ts of MI'. and Mrs. W . O. Raper. hom e at Seve n Mile, Ohio. i\lr~. I. N. II urt'i.!, M iss Il'Ola R Ilrri s 1111'. Harry Creagor, of Georlte- Mrs. W . G. Grethe:r I1n(1 two children, town, joined his wife and son, who of Dayton , spe nt today, W('d ne:,day, have bee n visiting Mr. and Mrs. Fred with Mrs. Alice McKinsey un d fam M. Cole, Saturdny, for the week-end. ily. I They r eturn e d to their home Sunday e vening. MI and Irs. A. G. Hill and c1 l\ughtel', Ressie , Mrs. Clem Burn e~ t and Rev. and Mrs. J . J . Schnetfer, Mr. daug hter. A utll'ey, of lII inmi, Fla., are a nd Mrs. George Smith and Miss Em- visiting rela tives ill Waynesv ille al1(1 ma H eighway motor ed to College vicinity. Hill last Wednesday evenfng and \\'(;I'e din ncr gu~st s of Mr. and Mrs. M: s . SUI'Hb Pritchard . Mr. and Mrs. Philip Zep!. Samuel Pritchard, of KnightHtown, [nd., lind Mrs. Annu Morgan of Mr. Frank Hurn er and family and Xenia, spent Moncftly with Mr, l-i. H. MI'. Leste r Compton, who are en· Williamson and tamlly. rou te t o Floridn, Mr. Horace Hamer, Mr. J . F. Kine and family, all of Ruth K. Stephens, of FIndXenia, and Mr. Charles Harner, of lay,Mrs. a state worker In the Interest of Route 2, were Sundny guests of Mr. tho Union, is mak:lng an address at a nd Mrs. G. D. Mills. the Woman's Foreign Missionary society at Mrs. Glenn Borden's this afCol. Sylvus Garver form er super- ternoon. intendent of the O. S. & S. O. home at Xenia, and Mrs. Garver, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Smith enter· Mrs. E. W . Hughes, of Columbus, tained at dinner hlBt Thursday evenMr. an d Mrs. Ha rlan Campbell, Mr.' ing, Mr. and Mra. :F. H. Miltenbe:lg'er an d Mrs. {jeorge Gheen, Mr. und Mrs. Joh n Munday and Miss Munday, of and son, Mr. and IIlrs. Clifford ArchMrs. Ruth Daugherty and Dayton, were week-end guests at the deacon, Miss Stella Daugherty. home of Messrs. J ordan & Kemp.

The following ann ouncem ent will be uf in terest to Waynesv ille friends: Mr. and Mrs. Whittier Burlle t ann ou nce the ma r ti nge of th ir d nugh tel', Lily WOIthin)(ton to Mr. All un Philli ps Fulton on Friday, t he twenty-fi rst of AugUSt., nin etee n hundred nn d twcnty- !i\' e Colu mbus. Ohio At home, 47 W. Northwood Ave . Colum b us, Ohi(}.

Waynesville Motor Co.

I ------ -.-_________ ..__.r.____ -. =-___ Phone 105

.......-ft li

• •Ie•• • ,/.-




i! i!1

·JJuM,-O:.Qt. : ~"YP.


Waynesvilla, Ohio


"Morning Pa pera! Commerci.1I Enqulrerl Mornlni Paper.!" 0 ... you rem .. l . . bar our old'friend, Web Meek., and how f.ith. fully he p erf ormed hi. dutiea- cllrrying the mall .nd di.tributin g the Cincinn3ti Mornin g Paper.?

I have taken the agency for The Cincinnati €nqulrer ' and The Conlmercial Tribune. These papers need no ' introduction -- ev~rybody knows that they lire the beat. I will gladly deliver either or both ofthem toy our home or place of busines8 within a ahort time-after-their-ar- "rival every day. Extra copies will be on .ale at Frank Fnrr's Store during the week and at Orville Gray'. Barber Shop on Sunday morning, ~ut you had bette~ place your order for delivery-it's much cheaper.

'. r

All-Day Bas,k etMeeting There will be an nil-day basket meeting' ILt the Frien Is churc h at Harveys burg, Sunda y, September (l. Samuel Mos hor, sup erin t1!2ltle llt of Ohi o Evange listic Work, and Mrs. J. D. Dost er , of Springfie ld, Ohio, who Waft with Evangelist Chapman as nn evangelistic si nge", will be present. All are cordially invited to come.



- - -.. ...- - -

"Morning Papers!

Commercial I Enquir.I"


MASONIC NOTICE Regular . communication of Waynesville Lqdge No. 163 F. & A. ~., Tuesday eve)ling, September 8, 1~25 . There will be work in the E. A. de· gree. Sojourning breth·rl!!t and visItors are cordinlly mvite.d to be pres· ent. G. J. WATERHOUSE, W. M. F. B. HENDERSON, Sec'y.

How to Advertise


Master Earl Wesley Conner Jr., had t he pleasure last Wednesday, AUJ{ust 26, of entertaining a few of his friCflds. The afternoon was spent in games and 8winl!'ing. Those pres. ent .were: . M.a ry and Anna Lee Crane, Ruth Conner, Barbara Gray, Rote. mary Bentley, Donald Kerrick, Leo Conner, Charles and Harold Ander. son. Ice crenm and cake; popcorn, banan~s, aud. pu~ker8 were serve4.

Stuart Nixon and Kenneth Fromm,


M", J . C. Fromm in Dayton, Sunda), .

Itev. nlld Mrs. L. A. WMhburne IIr\! in Lim B. Ohio, attending the an· Mrs. Sue Haine,~, of the Ohio Mu · nu a l co nfcre nc o o f the M. E. church. sOlli c home, is visiting r elatives he re.

MillS Doris Hawke entertained a group of friel)ds at. a birthday party .last Wednesday 'evening, August 26 at her home .on Fifth street. A veri enjoyable evening was spent by the fo~lowing guests: Misses Mary Hunt, Elhzabeth Henkle .. Katherine Fronrm Rut~ EarnhartJ Margaret Edwards: ' MurIel Case, Elflle and Doris Hawke' and Messl'll. Therle Jones, Luthu Hartsock, Melvyn Banta, Oheater Cutler, Levi Coates, Muon Hc.Clare,


the nnnow front porch of his fatlll~ r's Vermont fll mlhousc, President Coolidge met one of th~ wvrld '~ richest tIIc ,, -hl ~ Secreta. /I:)' of Treasury~ Andrew Mellon (right) for a co nference and declsfan regarding the Belgian debt fund to the U S With them was Senator Smoot, of Utah-representing th e Senat e. Thi~ conference ~8ulte" In a firm stan<l .which sent B el giu m'~ la rgo committee bnck across the aelUl-for furth er instructionl!.

day ni ght for No r th Dakota . They lIIr. and Mrs. Hllrry Smith were in will hI' ~onc abou t three weeks. Xenia,' Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Miltenberger and son (' nterbllned to Sunday din. ncr, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Archd cacon , nee Mildred Miltenber. ger, the following guests: Mr. and Mrs. J . H. Smith, Mrs. Anna Daugh. erty and daughter. Stella, of Waf. nesville, Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry Gross an<1 daughters and Mrs. Martha Milt enbe rge r, of Franklin.




ADVERTISED LETTERS The following letters have been ad· vertised by the local postoffice for this week: Miss Hollnm. IIfrs. DcllJl Ca~m!ln, R. ~. 4. MI'. Bul, operatpr, .~

Men have always adverti!,ed~f~~~ th,mMl1y" and their deeds, then their r4l!!li,itm tqd~r, ,if products and ~u"iq~'t Th~ m~st ~ff~tiv@ .!,dverU,in, tqd_1 i. th ...... ,h th, w.,r"~qd rilIM '''~re i. are quaJified to .e,ve '~ou. . .

wh.". w.




Eyery printe:4 should be a pleAII", pJCI~ of type, p~per. ink and iIIqlltr__ tio"., W• C4ln make it so for you, if you'll l.t UI help plan your printing job.


Hubby- HUa, ha , ha, hu, HAl" Wi fe- "What's ~o f unny ?" Hubby-~'Thi B s tory in the pappr - hal- says, 'a bUI'glar entererI th'! , office and commanded th e sufe he opened . Miss Smythe, the stenographer, who \."IIS alone in the place, was 80 i'righttll'led, she showerl ' him her com binntion I' . HA I" . Wi·f e-" Georgel" ·.


.- ...---



: ------

Penter-"I heard a good story last . night. Let'!! s~e, wJu:lt wu It- Oh, yea. Did you hear that one about· :~d ~Uw:~:r'1~f' black and white and Doda-"No-ro ~,,,

' . '

TeD abe Advertiser JOifreM Ids A4 II 1M ........, .



=I I



This Week


INTERESTING ACCOUNT Of TEXAS VALLEY MI'. Thad Zimnll'rman wTites Vf!ry I'rum his home in Phnrr, T(" x l1 ~ . 1-1 ... t;H YM, in 11Ul't : Whut u chung£' in Ihe Vulll·y Hinc .. we cnrn e Ill're horn \V ayn" svi lll' . • ix years ngo . Thu hnrd RurfLlce I'Illld i ~ completed and i. tin e. Fin~ church... . IlIrg~ Hch"ul huuKeR. fin e !lurking plnnts !l nd twenty fivtl c"ltu n gin N. WI' h!lv(' Nixte"" t..\Wn" in lh ~ Val · . ley. LInd ull nrc h,,"ming ; 27,000 nu l OR pnsReli Ihrnugh Phn.T during ije \'I'n days nnd nightH, We hllve hud fine cutton und corn nops. The fil'!lt ba le o r cotlon \\,1\ , ginned June 2:1 •• hipped to HouRton lind "old nt auc t ion rur $1420 .00 . Over I (10 ,000 bill". will brin", more thlln $12,000,000. Corn is $1.00 a bus hel, hogs 14 cenl s a pound, lin d


Whole Number 5665




~ \'OUR ...-.r .,.. 11&& -RlEI-fOA-ML -AY'01. ~·y,cu,••


Interesting Items


from the

. . . . . . . . . . .f~. . . . . . . . . . . ..


i State. Capit?!tf1>, i Prepa red by i I Columbus Reporter ! .

Whllt lin id4·tll dny we hnd for n g"t . tu gc thN o r t hl' M url lltt ram ili l·. a t the hom!! o f Mr, and Mr •. Hurry Smith, so dUling the dny it was dedded t.u hn ve u ro'uni ll " next YI·llr. The foll owing Orn (· c,·s w,,' C 1·lec l· etl : Pn·gi(h'nt. Timothy MlIl'llIll; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .__~L~a. Vic~ - pr~ " ill c nt. .J e lf(,I·~t) n Modntt; __ _____ Trco M ul·~ r. JUlllr R P. l)m ith ; S,·('retu.·y Pearl Smith Shultz; ~ n l" " lId nlll ent AMERICA'S ENEMY-FAT committee . Pnulin e Muriull l)1,,·,·hllu. (·OLUlI1HUS. O HI O ,- ~~pte lllbl!r .Io"'·phin(· II nrlnn 1':n ruh"l't a ull ~1:rr y A SHORT.HO RN BULL Ions ulwavs Leen II good month for Gruy ElIl'n hllrt. A ROOF TO THE EARTH the luy ilig of pulilicul pillns whi ch W e I!uther ed rrum rnr and near . IIro I'ither knnck cd intI) u cocked hut I,rillj!ing we ll ·foll ed huske ts. li nd h,)w 10, POUND BABY?-WRONG Intl'r nn or upprll verl by th e vntl·rs. we oid eat nt th e noo n huur. Gcnerully the (orm er happe ns to In! Il elen Marlatt Ker n" cu",£' th e far · the r~curd of luto y('ars. Right noW thest, fr l1 m Co lulllhu s, unll rece ive d a number of self-appointed guardilln s ns her pri?e 11 (' 1101 nf mupl c sy rup. Wh " t i" mOl'" ,Jun!!'c rous than ocean of the Republican party hn vo taken are sen r (&e . Th e oldest pl'rSnll p rl' ~ e nt wns MrR. t rnv d. ridin !! 0" Tuilroads, or flyinlr The new railroud t o Rio Grande It upon themselves to decide who will Clarence Bnrnl\TO and Lhl' ynllng"Ht in nn u irpln n t" ! be the porty nom inee next year faT City Is completed. Ralph HowurrJ Drumnllln(1.. The nll"w. 'r. !!,iv('n by Mr. JohnFormels nre now very busy getti ng gove rn or. or cou r~ e, Ohio hos a The men c nju y(·d th e hors,·. hoe son . 1I'f th " Nntiqnal Life Insuranco pI,imnry luw and all that, but why ready f or winter truck; thou8LInds of pitching lind th" rl,.t !'"joy" ,1 thern- (' (>ml1l\n y, is ra t. Lother the voters by aHking them acres will be put ou t. MOI'e lhlln selve" on th" luwn. Su, how nicc it their choice ? Conferenc es ohnve 1:1,000 cnrH of truck were shipped out wn ll t" lIlin~d u wilh Mr. unJ Mrl!, Pat kill ~ Amer icans mO l ~ rapidly been held, and more will be held with 01 the Vulley lust spring. Merle 1\1'1'11 '. of C" lum!.u s. Mr. a.,,1 Ihnn n nythi n ~ (·Ise. Fntty delteneraII wonderful plllcc; fine cli This is II view of deteTmining the choice of Mrs, Hnll'(' H(· iltmnn and t1a uj!hte,' , of li on o f tlw h(' url ki ll s many. Fat acthese party g uardians. Thy may mute und nice p~oJllc. Doy1un; M'·9. Clan'ncl! fl a rnanl. Mr. "umulail'" IO n mi.I,lI e.age.1 business Recently 26 oC U" went fi. hing and reach a dec ision, and attempt to put and Mrs. Mux Barnarll and Il a u!!'h t,· rl!. m... n. nnd lha t kill" them before their ca ught 80 pnunds. We had B fish fry Mrs. Duisy Hnrts()c k 1111,1 children . ' ,f tim e. their choice over on the voters. But the pilln has never proven ve ry suc· which WBS surely good. lind WI' all Spri ng Vull,'y; Mr. lind Mr;;. O. B. III ol d 81);(' , pa rt iculnrly int is dangot enoug h. On e man went to Point ceas ful. Somehow or other Ohio vot Marlott and chilllrl' n, MrR. Pa ulin e gerou s. And in nld a go it is most ers, of both politicol parties, have II [sobel, 66 miles Crom heTe. put out MOI'latt She('hnn . Mr R. Burto n Enrn · difficu lt I" !!,ct r id of dangerous fat. woy of expressing their choice. and his lines, came back for- his dinner, hart. Mrs. Knrl A. Bn bb unci S O il. Mad Th .. hN, rt won' t . lund eX~l' ci s(' that ison EnrnhaTI. Mr. lind MI' • . II l1rohl rui!!ht tnk" t hl' f at otT. The feeble 8eem abundWitly able to pertorm this went back and found he had a :100duty. They hnve alwllYs d one this pound June fish on his line. Earnhart, Mr. nnd Mr". Alvin Ell .... · will cun.,. l'unlrnl d iet.. in the past, and will continu e to do hart, Mr. and Mrs. Em er' "n Ea rnha rt , .so in the future . These confer enc es Mr. and Mr • . E. A. Earnhurt nnd ~nn . Tho 8:0 fl'st Illace in th o worlel u" ot Illleged leaden aTe called for the Mr. and M.·s. Chari,," Hohilzer and regnrds accidents is the caul n or a purpose 01 booming some special candaughter, Mr. a nd Mrs. ~ e mp . Mr. big steamshi p on the ocean. didate and gain plenty of publicity, and Mrs, .Je tTer"on Mnrllllt, Mr. and Nl""t In s u f e t~' cnm es a ll:li lrco ad but in the main, the real inside plnns Mrs. Timothy Smith and daughte r, tnlin, fOnd befor e long the f1 :J\:o g mao Sunday marked the day of a happy never reach any but the rin g leaders. family gatheri ng at the hom e of MT. Mr. llnd Mrs. Roy Smith !l nd fam- chin e will be snrer thnn eil he l·. aud word is too often broadcast to and Mrs. Perry Kenrick and daughily, Mr. "nd Mr~ H""'b('rt Murlatt The mlln in gre at~~ t dan ge r mislead, rather than to infollm, the ter, Miss Bertha. The occasron be· and son, Mr. and Mrs. Elvis Mi chael. t he rat man Pll"t middl e llICe, ea ' Mr. and Mrs. J ohn (tye a nd dau gh- hen rtily and hurl'ie<lly w hen he voters of the party bosses plan s. ing in hon or of Mr. and Mrs. John t er, Mrs. Genrge IIfnrllltt. Mr. li nd tired. Don' t i.. :\ure him. Nichols, of Sharps, Fla., the latter Mrs. Hownrd Drumm ond a nd chilGood ne\\'s for li ttle automobile Addition,,1 facilities for housing II s ister of Mrs. Kenrick. dren, Mr. and Mr • . Lynn Mll rllltl and own e rs. Gnsoline prices are slashed ' One feature of the dllY was the prl~o nera at tho Marysville reformadaughter, Jam e~ B. Smith, Mr. and a ll over the country, 'Y estc:'day, in tory for women are to be completed basket dinner, which was much enMrs. Horry Smilh lind Mr. and Mrs. Eastern territory. the ·cu t wa , It rc!! just as 800n as possible. E'rection joyed by all; nlso the home·grown John S. Shultz. cents a gallon . III the, Middle .v C ~ 1 of 8 new cottage which will have just melons donated by Mr. Goodill. The many buy gnRuline und er 14 cents. as much space all the IImitt'd appro- IIrternoon W 88 spent with music and [t mnkes n b~ differe nce to those thn l priation of $100.000 will permit it social chat, und all departed at a late count t he c'ost oC li ving and motor .. to be started at once. Loclltion oC hour ufter spe nding a delightful day ing. the new "ottage has just bee n made, together. It mClIn s n')thin ~ to the big men ; Those present were : Mr. and an d the con tract will be a ward ed as Rebecca ['dtehard Dill, daughter they d on 't core wh :lt. ga:\oline costs, soon 08 bids can be advertiaed for Mrs. John Nichols, of Sharps, Fla. ; of Benjumin nnd Elizu bclh Pritchard. The WaYlle Township . Slltlool opThe Woman's Christian Temper- was born lit Ne w Burlington. Ohio. And man y of th em, o wni ,,~ oil sto , ks. by the Statc Welfare department. Mr-. Wm. Goodlll and Mr. and Mrs. Mr. A .M. McKay, at one lime co nW oTk i8 progressing on the new build- Irwin Marx. of Dctroit. Mich. : Mr. nected with the Miami Gazette, but ened Monday . morning with a flne ance Union met with Mrs. Georgia May 19, 1847. and departed this lifc fee l ruther sud . A three·cent cut in g<lS may mel\n a $30 drop iri oil ing tor vocational training, and had and Mrs. Edward Bahl, Mr. and M.r s. attendance Ilnd'" it is, po88lble that by Mendenhall, at th" Friends home, August ao, 1I121i: nged 7R ycurs, S st ocks. Tuesday afternoon, September 8th; months a nd 11 doys. ..'hl' \\'1\11 m:lr· advSftced to auch a stage that the ear- John Custenbord er, Mr. and Mrs. until r ecently in the r eal estate busily occupancy oC this bu ilding is an- Rerbert Bahl and son, Jr., Mr. and neslI in Dayton, left last week for Mi- thl~ time next week the- lIttendanc with twenty present. ried to Abner W. Dill, Augu~t 4. J 86 ~ A ShOl't · hol'll bull, ' :l'l sold in Ih Routine busin es.~ was attended to, To this uni lln were born seven chilnnunced . JU"t as soon as thill can Mrs. William Bahl and sons, Edgar ami, Fla., where he will engage in !he will be much larger. The enrollment and the secreta!')' reported 22 new dren ~three childnm lind hu ~ lJllnd A rgentine r e public yes te rday 10" be done 'the women will be taught va- and Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. James real estate business fOT t he co ming to date is as follows : winter being associated with a group $60.000. I'ecord price for that brl'~ d . members following Mrs. Ruth K. have preceded her to the Grcnt Borioul tradel, and given employment Good and !IOn, Robert, of Dayton: Mr. NOl'l1lol Scho,g\.. ,•.:" , . . 22 Stevens The /'ell l record is the pl'ice paid in 'three days' WlJrk in our yonil. that will help defray the cost ot their and Mrs. Forest Bahl and 80n, Chos., of me~ who are planning to form a 1l4s11- Schoor- .. .. ...... ... 115 keeping. In the past they have "Cione and Mis.~ Carrie Bohl, of Cincin- company to engage in thill businell8' Eighth Grade ... ,' ... , ' .. She WIlS a gen tle, luving mother. this country Ly th e Curnution Fa: mB 69 community, for which we are all the lnatltutlon work, laundry, nati i MIll. Sarah Foater. Mrs. Lido in the Southern city. and a kind and ge nerous neig hbor. cllmpuny for a H o l ~ tein bull-$l02,Seventh Grade .... .. .. 50 grateful. Delegates were appointed to the and never happit!l' than when serving 000. etc., but the population is growing Killen, Mrs. Alice Tennis, Mrs. Ruth -------.~~ Sixth Grade 41 Warren convention to be held others, Being of a j oviol natuTe, th e 80 rapidly that scores of Inmates are noti; Mrs. Sarah Foster, MI81I Llda Fifth Grade . " .. ........ .. ,.. . 42 in the County These prices show what can be done Main Street Presbyterian young en joyed her r,umuany, as well now unemployed. Marysville refor- Killeen, Mrs. Alice Tennl., Mrs. Ruth Fourth Grode .... ... 35 church, Lebanon, Ohio, at which time all the older ones, and she numbered by breeding among animals. You matory now has a population of over DauKherty and da\llrhter, Min Stella, Third Grade." .... " .. " ........ ...... , .. , 34 cu n get II perfectly goou bull f(jf $+0. world's represen~tive, MI88 Mary her friends by the score. 800, while the number of inmates, of WayneSVille: and Mr. and Mrs, Second Grade" ...... ... 97 the B. Ervin, will he present and give Inwhen the women were occupying a Walter Kel1rlck, ot Lytle. The annual reunion of the Feoly First Grade ..... "" , .... , She waa such a great lovor of flow - But a little change in th l5 shape of 42 teresting nccountll of her trip ahroad. ers-she thnught they expressed such the animul produced by a "arefu l 8e,pedar block at the Ohio penitentiary family W08 held on Sunday, Septem· Lytle Grade, 1, 2, S,,, .... 28 lection oC the mysterious chromoWIll jUlt about one-tenth that numLytle grade 4, 6, 6 .,' ... 22. Also, a report of the World's conven- sweet lessons of trust and confidence somes, ber 6. at the hOllpitable home of ~r. makes a groat difl'erCllcc. tion, at Edinburgh. ber. With the preaent increase be. and she WII.s willing to trust herself Tom Fenly, in Clinton county. QUIte Students of eugenics think careful Owing to the cong4'lIted condition We hope to have a large d e l{'gation to Him who eareth for the flowers , inr mantalned, and In Iplte ot a lib· a large numb er were in uttendance breeding will pr.uduce equal improvein the first grade it will be necesaary of both the young people and older eral parole pollcr, It III only a queafrom T oledo , Columbus, Springfield, to refu se admittance to all who are ones, interellted In the 18th Am{'nd- whose life is less than n seasall. Her ment in humnn beings. They are tlon of time when the institu tion will curefuly kept home was n so urce of Cincinnati, Dayton, Xenia, Wilmingnot six years old before January I, ment, and for all that tbe W. C. T. joy, not only to her children, but mi.tllken. have a' permenent population around 1926. Unless ,:hildren a re not espec- U. stand a for. present at this meet- to all who had the plcusure of e nter· Word was received last week of ton Harveysburg ond other places. fin hundred. A good dinner, ice cream and melinlly well-developed physically, they ing at Lebanon, September 11; 011 ing therein. Learned men, including churchmen, the death in 'Mount Holly, N. J ., of onll swimming in a nearb)! 8h!ldy should not be sltarted before they are day and !!'Vening 801I1Ilons. M1B1 Callrie Kingdon. Mi ~H KingThe Angel of Death came while once taught that there was a roof That the new night information don was a cousin of the late Drew pool, and a very happy SOCial tll,:,e six years old. to this earth, solid, held up by ita s he was sitting in her favorite chair. own strength and called the sky. F. R. MOOMAW, Supt. bureau.t, eltablillhed by Secretary of Sweet and visited relative3 and filled the day plclIsa ntly for 1111. Will She clolled her eyes In sweet sleep. When Galleo denied it and BOid the StaW '!'had H. Brown, In the auto- friends in Waynesville in former meet again next year at the .8ame a home not mode with hunds , whcre place, Sunday befoTe Labor Day. mobile dlvialon, ~ fillin. the purpose years. a hom not made with hond8, w1jere earth was a round ball whirling for which It;wllll Intended, Is revealed ",any ot her loved one8 have gather- around the fl un, he had to gct down by recorda of the department which ed. She lr.. ves to mourn her /toing on his knees saying that he "lietraeted ahow that call. are increasing each her four children: B. A. J)ill, of a bj ured and nbhorl1ed his false\. nlrht. Establilhed only a few weeks Clayton, Ohio: Mrs. John Zimmer- Ings"- whicUl happened to be perfect. ago to facilitate work of VariOUB poman, of Dayton: J. E. Dill, of Fre· Iy true. lice departments in tracing .. to len mont: Mrs. J . B. Jones, of l,yUIl; one The idea of a soUd sky above. Ut, automobUI!II or apprehendin, crim• A number of WUmmgton peopJe lister, MJ'II. Joweph Miller, of Springinals, the bureau is lerving lIeveral journ.ed to Ferry cilurch of CbrlBt, boro; ten grandchildren, two great- with starR planted in It here and purpoael. Private citilens, as well The Woman's Foreign Miuionary near Wayne.! ville, recently, to a&Bist grond(·,hildren; two g relll-gront-g rand therc, flirted out. But now the radio aa polle" olllcials, have many timCII society met September 2nd at the Rev. Nathan Johnson, pastor of that children and a host of relatives and expert" rif th" Navy say the earth actually has II "roof" of another kind. nailed the bureau to report accidents. BELLBROOK home of Mrs. (;lenn Bo~den. In the church, celeb~te his 40th anniveraa- friends. Revenge is sweet I Especially is It e xists, prcsunulbly, where our thin TWo attendants are on duty through- this true when the revenge is obabsence of the preaident, MI'!!. R. G. ry 88 a minillter of the Gospe\. Card Df Than'" out 'the 'nlght, one serving from 6 p. tained from Bellbrook. Made confiOver 100 per80ns were present for We wiHh to extend our thank8 to ILtmosphcre melts away into the etber AB R H PO A E Cross, vie>e-prellident, presided. m., until mIdnight and the other dent and cocky by the accident which Zimmerman,2b Devotionals were conducted by Bible school, after which Rev. Mr. the neighbors for their kindnesR "nn ionized I'e",i"n in the higher lev. 6 2 4 1 2 1 continuing on duty until 8 a. m. Au- gave them a victory on their home Sackett, 3b ..... .. 4 I 1 0 0 o Mlill. Anna Williamson. Mrs. L. A. Johnson gave an interesting review shown us in the death of our mother, cis of the atmos phere," the scientists call it. tomobile recorda arl! at their finger- gl!Ounda th~ preceding Sunday, the Webb. 3b ...... ... ,1 1 1 0 0 o Washburne and Mra. G. D. Mill~ were of his 40 years as a minister. Fol- Mrs. Re bl' cca Dill. tips and p.'ollce afO promptly furnlsh- Bellbrook aggregation) augmented by Creamer, c " ..... ' 3 o 3 6 2 2 appointed delelg ates to the Ililllboro .lowing the morning services a bounTHE CHILDREN. The " imponde rabl e ether," so dense Cit wltll tlle namea and residences of a bunch of Dayton players, came to He88, Ib .... . . ... .. 1 1 1 3 0 o District conference, to be held at . teous dinner was 8erved to all in the that Ro Ud stl'l!! in comparison Is liko P'J'II01Il to whom automobile licenses Frazier's park last Sunday afternoon Darbyshire, cf " .. 6 o 1 4 2 2 Sharon, Ohio, September 24. basement of the cburch. ' a course fh;h IOct, certainly doea enlIave been iaIIued wilen numbers are and tried to make good on a lot of Underwood, III .... 6 o 1 0 0 2 In the afterlnoon Rev, L. E. Brown, Officers for the coming yCaT were d o~e our eart h Hnd its thin atmostumlatled. Olllcial. are thull enabled b088tful hot air they had pun Ishell in Sl'nst'k'r, If, lb. c4 . o 1 4 0 o elected. Mite boxes had been tum- pastor of the Church of Christ, of Wil phcre. '0 make prompt Investigations with- a Dayton paper. Thill boalt ~as to Fricke, 'lb, If, p ", 4 I 0 4 3 3 ed in and were reported on. 'rwo mington, delivered a splendid addre88 . Rudi o wavcg s uch as We use mat be oQlo.walttnr until the next day when the effect that they were gomg to Crowl, 88 .. """, 5 1 0 1 3 o numbers were given on the program, to a large and appreclBtive audience. tbe department would usually open. 8how our Miamis how to play ball, Herman, p t=============~ ahle to trav('1 outside that atmosThose who attended from Wilmlng3 o 1 2 1 1 by Mrs. Glenn Borden readillg a ~toJlhere. If 80 . science will fi nd Borne A ' ),Item of file. hall been established but if the exhibition they put up was Wilson, If of a memorial Xmas box, al80 a ton were: Rev. L. E. Brown, Mr. 2 1 I 0 0 1 ot hel' wllve that will take me8881fes In tile n",ht buieau where a record entitled, "Over the Sea," by and Ed Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Rufull playing, we hope our boys never to othel' plnn e t~ . of all calla Is kept. Ohio is among .. 42 8 16 24 13 G. D. Mill.. John,son, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. VonderTotal" .. , ' 11 lil;'ht-pI'orlu c ing "'lives can travel . tbe few .tatell of the Union to in augMrs. Ruth K. Stevens, State Work- voort, F. B. Wolford, G. A. Rca and Zirnm,erma,n atallted the game with (r'om t,h' RU 11 to the earth, men will MIAMIS ul1Bte the B4-hour metropolitan serer in the W. C.. T. U., W88 then intro- Will Flfe. which Fealy me88ed up, find Bo me wove that will cnrry inforvice. H PO A Educed and gave a very inspiring ad_ _ _•• - ••- - Sackett singled to right. AdAB R mAtion from the earth to 'the Bun and dre8s on temp,e rance and mISsions. ams hit Cramer, and got Darbyshire Satterthwaite, Ib .. 6 2 • beyond. 0 During the social hour delicious Arabi the Federal government is on strikes i Underwood sin~led to c.en- E. Burton, 2b ." ... 6 3 ~ '-, goine t~ copy an Ohio plan. The na- ter Icoring two runners, but Siden- Gons, Sb " . " .. ... 4 2 '2 3 1 1 refreshments were serveil by the ho.. Leurn. proud plIl'Unts, that the 3 9 3 0 teasll8, Mr. CI'08S, Mrs. Carmen and tlon haa not only called many of stricker fOTced "Tiny Tim," Fealy to Burton, c ... " 4 1 3 1 1 ~ lin. Borden. • _ • much praised "ten. p"u nd boy baby" Ohio', great men to Its head, but Gons and Fricke took the count. The Ellis family enjoyed a happy p .. .. . ' .. 4 1 isn 't the thing at all. The average scorell of laws and uaages ot the Thim tbe tun .tarted. Satterth· ~==------reunion Sunday, at the home of Dr. . . ... .. ,4 0 l I S 1 norm,,1 boy baby weighs 7 Y.I pounds Buolteye atate have been copied not waite singled to right and went on and IIrs. J. T. Ellis. Those present If 3 2 at bl1th . only by the nation; but many otheT to second when Underwood booted were:.Dr. and Mrs. Charles ElIIs Mr. If " .. 1 0 J On e learned Hulinn hn ~ writtll ll r statell. The latelt original pl!ll\ ~o\, the ball Ed Burton flied to Darby- Frost, cf .... " ... " ,,, 3 1 and mrs. Wm. Fuetterer, of St. LOuis book to prove thllt Wll men, by 5 p ec i ~ the nation to follow III that of dealll'- shire w'lio muffed the ball, putting Hopkins, of " " .. .. 1 0 Mr. John McClure and family, Mr. diet. can and should keep t he unhorn and Mrs. Ellis McClure, of near natln.. pu!'! ':"'~',l' ,1I10ng tlle main runn~t8 on second and third, from C. Osborne, rf ..... 4 1 child from becoming too fat ror it: Springboro, Mr. Ra)'Plond Miller and thoro~rl\far'lI Ilf eV\lJ'y .tate In the whence Peck soon scored on a pB88ed McClure, rf . " .. 1 0 own sa~c and for the moth " ,' l:l ~ akc . famny, of Franklin, Mrs. Della Fo.. ''fllis w8J o~lln"te~ by Gov. ball, Eddie taking third: Gonl topk We have a lot to learn UiJ Ollt ' taktel', Mr. Tom Foster and family, of V I! ,nlllll!)', penonally recog- the count, but Howar.d Burton, Ad- Totals .. ........... 40 18 16 27 11 S ing cure oC children b e fo·~ . they '\l nile ~'"' ,,~v.ntaar. ottaballng pure ame ,Tom Burton and Frost each alnThe action of the Welt Ohio con- FOlters, Ohio, Mr. Walter WllIiama born, inchlding the scie nce ,, 1' suving 1 2 3 • 6 6 7 8 9 !lnet ' wllolelOm~ water wells, with a gled with Faaly's ' fly sa~dwiched beference of thn M. E . churches in re- and family of Kingman, Mr. Chas. them from piling Oll fal tJ m l make>! lI~te .... of approval. The plan-hae tween and Charley Osborne was ufe Bellbrook . 2 0 0 1 0 1 0 4 0- 8 turning Rev. :L. A. Washburn to .the Ellia and familyJ., Mr. Sid Ellis and birth mo/'e dif1icul L lind i.· I ,,~t rillt,. pronn unllllqally lIuccC88ful and hard- at flr~t on Fricke's error: Peck then Miamis .. .... 4 2 2 0 2 ' 2 1 0 ·-13 local church, II very gratifying to family, Mr. W. r.;. O'Neall and fama£lc l' bii·th. l)' a ' day pauei but what letters are ended 't he agony by forcing Charley the eongre.atlon as well u to the Ily, Mr. J . E. Janney and family, 2-base hit-E. 'B urton. received rb Dr. 'J . E. lIvnger, head 01 at ser ond, Growl making the play. Mila Martha O'Neall and Miu Belle ------------,._-------ec,mmunity. 8-base hits-Heas, Satterthwaite. • _ __ the S\Bte Health department, fr'om Five hits, a paased ball and three!.of , Rev: and Mrs. Wuhburn have made O'Neall. Sacrifice hits--H. Burton, Gon!. touriata who congratulate him on the Bellbrook's errorll had netted our many friends durin, .thelr tWo lears' work of ·the &atte in the direction of boys four runa and practically the , Sacrifice fly - Adam.. residence in WaynelvilJe, an .the Stolen bases - Satterthwaite, E. , B18igll ruldlnlr them til PlIre water. • A large ball 8'ame~ Bellbrook traUed the reet lDent meets with bearty ap· Burton, T. Burton,' 2. . per cent of .the Interstate traveling of the way. Earned runs-Bellbrook, 3 i proyal. ______•.,-:- ••_ _ __ conelsta · 'of ' familiell, and often there THfll Inning was ~Ult a I18mple, and I, Milshmeloll8 and 'watermelol18 of ' U': are ,'more . children than lfl'oy.'ll,-upA. lack ' of space forbldl our going any is, 6. Left· on bascs--'Dellbrook, 9: ...d11vor were Pure ' water, to· them 111 ImpOr\&llt. if further--),ou'll ,have to read the box d . ne variety and delicious 6 brought to thil olllce Saturda~ by Mr. . • thllY wou,ld ' avol,d ~he .dangm eldet~ , and UN am,s, 7,' · " , . V. '11\ Hoblit, of Route 1. Mr. BobDouble J)loys...:..Dorbysbire ~o HeBl: ing 11\ .too free' Ind~lgenc' .In water "NIit , • J, . ' ,lit · hail a largeo ' crop, of these, fine IJInmlrS, . to lE. Burton to Sattertbw~te. '. that doOl not me-'Qt8 up to'. ata'ndard;' hi. 'PU!~J,al~~~!l~i _I(1I' hi~OI\' ,n .e rman,el l'li 1.'1 6 melons, and many penona' vlsi~ ~I. Tbe 8'ov"ernme, prell",,, . farm' e.ver)' 'da)' where t~ey can buy 1'In,nUU{I! ' off Frioke, 1 in 2 illllinga. , " in..,.' .une,. n oft ie theurakillir mattera ,.and ItJ r~~;~~i~~;: , them frelh from the Ylnel at vel7, pitched bal(.,-Orarrter, bi adoption ~Il be Uqed upon Co~ by Berman: • . reasonable lIricell. Dext )'e~ £cording 'to pre",,'!J~:'~. , ~. SUe. on balla--Olr Aclalllll, .1 ,; ' olr Dr.. Mary L Cook, aCeol.!!.nanled b,. h~ ,lateI', lJlI'8. Beule C. :«"Ite, will Fricke, 2. . Notic~ Thuna~ of thia for LaStruck out-By Hel'l!lan~ 4; bJ' 2; by Adalllll, 9. . t~l~e~~! Ind., where Mia' Geraldine Wblt.e wiD enter ball-cre"mer, 2; Sl~nuul'venllty. lin. WhIte 1rUl inll'l't' ~ linlt'ly


. _.

Kenrick Reunion




Fealy Reunion

----.. - ..----::..


____•• - .0-------

Miamis Easilv Defeat Bellbrook; Second String Players Used


- --_. - ..----




Elli. Reunion



_ __ g ~ g ~






Delicious Meloni

' . l ENlER Wll






'If. ........


fiIeDtII ..

. . O. E. S.



c: ,





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t ht' ~tote

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ew Bu lill;..,t0n ,O. I\ 1·

Centerville, O.

THI UZ£1' " rt _ ' 1 MIA"t _.! sF _ . 1

_"' f ~!~""

IKtl'n LI/l' \lC h ,_"[;,t 01 Kat" No liS\ ~ . \ ·tllI:1I11 • ,1\.nw l"(' Wil t; di:\n,hi~ed ter dec.' used. WU 8 appl'o"ijil "nil co~~ fil'l:I"d. Rid ndmini!ltralOr Siell hl :1 1 11~' ....:hth~· ... ("u~ t . \.' _ ,1",11". " \1'/1, ,m,d,' I I' lll'ty til Ht lIT1d Illml uooount. . .'"III11 1::, Joy, x cutrix of tho 011· d l h ' uu !.l1t 111 tnt" I1U ~U C t' \)( I Ot'1U ' '' ''''<\11 .. Ha. I I' . 1. lInwley. et 01. , t ute o r S. O. J OY. decea d. fil <> d hOI , .. 1.~1I""!l~ . ril l kC I' Il,·_t and fi nal Ul'(lo unt. " ... a~l "


. .-




I t WU8


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MARRIACE LICENSES H " I'Ul'rt L . ,.rrl s, cl ~ " '" lInd ~I ubf I,l." -lJt·tlt I I h l' Cil l1 Elizll udh 1(111'1', lJ ,l th of (-'fu nklin , 11 ' .- I !,. nl . \\ a:l cli ... • J ,,1111 ,1(, Harding. 1ifi1 ~$ mlll , ., 1' De .• 1. \ I' p' . " l:\ttiol\ , tr ('n t" IIl1d MildI'd Elizuueth Avp lf ,I' ll' • f ( ' ah:1I 'l'vC \.i \'11· of ~,.a nklin . , :. 1 , ' ' ' . ' ' ,\ . F , Ml'e h.Ceol'A" ' A . S idenslick, f ndor, :-111'' :-'1 d \u thu It r l' lv l',L work<or, and GI .. dy s Loui.1) WillfOO h'lt h of Lytl e. 1'; \\,' S UtT S II erl1(' I t Corn e ll. III bor er. lInd Bel fi ll' ,! i \'H I' \' (' hn~ h £" N1 l'nh' n·d , i" L. Llo ug hm un. bo th o f Sout.h Lell I

I ilhl If 1'1' \" 1\'e l' from • ," t l ' l)~ t S.




:!.GO ; C. \V.




l'n~l ~lo\,

"'I"lo,l ,II Ii,( llt ~1"1I1"'_ $40U . .) I ;' ,/. B, \\ nod . Imnl. ~ CI"\,' C~ Oil hurlul C') l1l11>l t l c , $ 1.00; Wlp. M, Rob lnh()n , lI nll' . $ 1.00; The W o.tern ~llll'. ~U IlJlil 'I. $ 43.ilO ; sunH'. $...W . 5 ' M. D. 1"u·k.-. IridJ.t1' r"IlUll', ' I ~ .O(: 1',""'''' ''11 I O\\ ,U'}, Nll\h', $7. r)l~ ; t. P. I" '~'h, ;;/lITl,. $ 11. 70; E. W ~ "nan,. t I, ,~ h11lJ: :u l d piliH j.f' " ~, n l. ,1i.~:·I : t (\ UJu'-

\ . ,"'

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t:.u \ in . , ,).-;.~ 1; n dnll \\llI t ~'l'n.' . ttl h i)!,· JU Jllh.ol , ~~ I .'. t -l: H,·id · ... I I tl~ :-,tO ~·l·. ,iU'lC ' d Oil ntHI tUt p~ lllin t ! ~ . ~ 11.1 ;\; .1 . j . . {: u i"ln 11" 1'.'" !'.·It


", ,~' hl

"d' \\' uy ul 'l,u nd bn Ll.;.-,

::!r.,oo ;




Dr H E Hatha vay NE\"S if GLEANE n U

fROM COURT HOUSE' ,:~\ :;\ ,:;I"I.:I ;



II ,,· lh "d " f 1"..r '·" 1 "n", ribbon, Be low, Ihe Porls designed d ,up.·... ", ,h0 " In" II.. · .II Ll·I " I'L to bring bo(k the pi(turellquo motu.


Walter McClure



Our Economic Posittcn .\

st l1d~'


f 1111' t-i J!url'~ ~i\'('·n helow

:--Iw \\' ~ d\.~ a r ly \\



h(' Unil{ ,d

S tatt\~


lud a y t ill' h 'adiuL! n :lti' l\ l \If thl' '\'I,,·ld . No lit il l' r r)1I1 ion pl'nd, r(, t' ~ ' lI IllP :II'Hlr h.' q ~ l:ln l it iC.'3 fi r ~ ~ I wi d f' I\' ,, 11\ l I'si r,ed !' J~Il · l s. l.: Sl.. .',:. i" g ~'K -

'ou tation. I ' I f' ~\l n ~ ::. q. mi lt':j \' a h ' r p tl \ \' l l . h, p , )hnn(' ~ alld T {.' lpg'l';lph:-: . miles

' ,!llld :l I' PH,

~ni ln'nd $.

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\ u ttl !'l and motnr tr u l ~~

' \Hl 1 u utpul .


rh' t ons

\' lruiculI, bnrr :I':O;

:;o IJP c r , ~ hnrt lUllS ~l-':'Hi, nll'tric l ons


Wheal, hu ~ hc l s )t)lPr Cl'r '1I 1 ~ . bushels ·:" ,tlo n, unll's IljJ.( i n..II1, g ro ~s


eXl'l'pt illn N

t oo s;

, }apl'T. short tlln~

~(J n s umptinn, lon s


cUlI 1111'Y produce!i


" ve l'ythi 11 ~ within lH' ('e 8~n r y fl 1- ~t If

dnr it'~


h O llll

l'Il uintoTr"uly Olli' n d 1nn j" Fi'l "ul:lr-

:l"Irh.' C.

l ' bl " :-o:-;,' d nn' ! t·ur h r' 1'il:l1 I'

, \ l1lC ' ,


i~" n " bl'Yl1 nd the vlllue of eslimRt .'

I. ; (;8 .207.000

6." 5 .' 37::' 67. !l 33.!' 82 .7

1011,240.290 2,973.774 10,000.000 30 .110.968 261,175 17,740.236 68 1,367.000 732,4 07,000 764.663 515,385 797 ,381.000 4,6G3.925,OOO IO,I:l!l.611 1:I.7 ii O,OOO,OOO

6 1,886.000 28 .000.00ll 67 ,714.6 07 740 ,0 1,1 2 1.445.071 I , 3:!7 ,000,000 I,OI 8.!l00,OOO 1,43:1.102 1. 118.000 :l,742,fi.l1 .000 W. 5QO,OOO , 20,115.016.000 66.'17 1,000 75,O!l6,OOO 14,000,000 4:10.000

=,1 l'P l, J.!ros~ lon s

rt ub hl·r ,

nificu nc c i, til(' (u.· t thnt with vpry

1~, .HI6.860,OOO

Lumllp r , ,.' u hie rC(\t


d. ·I.. the M'laml. Gaze tte1

-=:0.=-'=-===== In ihe

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, hn' t' , t (lnning- Anl (' r ic." a n tlc ::; iR" nc d Illodels, two of fell

"\h,, V", a nd

, I

TeIIlh~ Advertiser you reld

-:-..... ..'-----:----...;..... . ---:--



Wllrtell W . ('"lI i n ~. LI'u"k a nd 1",,1 re plli!' . $(i,:W; I.. ::;. S Lewllt'l. drll~·lIl1:f- . p: J'"! [ . . 12,) I ' . P~cn . I d. :1 $ 1.00 ; D. J . II l1tlil' ltl. ' ·X llt'rt ~(: : . • 7.:?5; , ClI sp"riH-O hi (, QUlll'l'i('R Co" '! rtl.<hNI . t one. $!hI,llO; Bll nl('. $;80.00 1-:1 ~lIl t n, (Ir 'idg-e Paillt Pl"o d llcts COl , hl"i'kl' :: I b~ ,till ' " .1 . I'I".! \ 1Ia!ni n f' 1 .h: 1Tc .. ..;.\., 11 an oTllm La mb. farmer, of Fronkiil '. poi nt. $;( .1.\) -1 ; J.'l'lln k .J. Dr 1\\ II, l 'P!, lt'. ~ 1 H.' dlar)!(\~ $:,!T I'!'~ nC'gl(·ct , and Mrs. Mamie LOll nruck, of W~ lUlU"' un l r t'H$ UrC,.'s oA1<.:(·, .~ I S,j ,on, (1Iltl'l't'd ~llil •• , . I I ;"" 1., ,;t'lillh' .. 1' " ~t.'I!:IIF .t!II-i', \ C"ha!' rI F,. lpy , :-; hc ncsI·illl'. Bur ton Peorson. labor er, o f XIl1lIiu I. DENTIST ,ha,e'·, ~, .. ~ .. n,·.:: I,·,1 , a nd S allie Berry , "f South LebElJl" I \ "( And X-O -GRAPHI S r REAL ESTATE TRANSfERS I (lHIO I Ii" .. h' ll 1<11"11 wII"c1 has cnter.,·d su it AYNESVI LLE , Edward Martin t.o Corn Qui r ~cY . : a~alt\ ... 1 ,J " ,';':-I t ' 1( , HutTner fo r t he r cTelep ),o n., 11 4 et a l. . lot in Franklin, $ 1. , O hl MO N P L EAS PROCEI::DINCS ,'" .. , '.' .. I' 1I\ ,' n. , ~·, ,Anna E. Roach, by admini stl', ltor. I _.--- FFICE : lIA TIIA WA\ 1:1111; :'\ f, 'I, d "t. l \l: l ~ Hut h ttl · , 1' .-1 I tn ~' l II t o George R. Brown, lot in Mo r Ttl \I' • Thf' ~ l'P t ' mil, ' 1' I f'n! 1 0 1' (·t iu t' L flf " II .1<11",' · .... ," . ,1 ""I'n ,I'" win ..: . ~n l PR OBATE PROCEEDINGS ON ~L\ 1:\ ~ T1(EI $l. pl e as \\' a~ f ' nnVl' IH , d InH ' lh~ (arm "nlh . l"ll'IP;IIIH'I lhdH· i \11 , ( hl'J'it~ \) [ Ink ln . ~ u!\rc.linn o f F ol' W. M. Reynold s .to Ben Est ep. cntnlllon ~=~~~~~-~~------:- ' 1.•. ,;01 :.·,. .1' ~1 011 111' I':'I'~' ,.". 11 ., rt 1 '-- I .J Ihhin, llIin l' ''. lill',1 h~r fir.<t ab out II a cr es in Hamilto n 1'1'., $1. W(' (O k . lnd the J tlrl l '~ ur i' f'I II11 I HlSt·d elr :-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ -: 1 1,1, r 1,. i ,\' :lnd fin al :ll' I'1l11l11. : Ro u('rt E. Benekcr t(1 Miriom B, lhe f " lIow ing-Gran d Jur y l.t ,\ 1 \\ ; , ... ,L t.,,\\~.t! d\' h'tHI.~l1t, ,.Jnhn \~'. J5 l· ~ I,inJZ. Irn Keslin$! nnd and Thomas E. Glass, f our pure 'el, Jmwph l)win' and !{It!H' rl H.", ·r\,'. I I-h· hi" :lJ \ \ . , \ \ t.l .1 ' ,\ t' n , I. l~'" 1I1 ( Iwrl .. " J.#. l\: e. llfl)!,. l'X (lcutn r !'ot o r the in Cozaddale, $1. Dcer th:ltI t (}\\'n~hIJl; (, Iilr II i" " " Il(" I t hi ' m:d it r I : 1. :01 j 01, 1. h ":-' \\" :1' Ll ' r I I ' ~t Illt' (d' ,J ~nh' S h. l ,:,diug , dc('cus cd, ' Ilff"rd Emith to Fin ley ond &Irn ait. I. I" , \ '''''. , I\I;h'~ J li lt.d t hl 'i f :'>l'('t llhf :In d fina l Hl:Cll unt. A , Thuma", Lr"ct in ~' runklin ~"p ., mag t;ut Lel'.\·. J uhn FUN ERA L DI R I'C TOR yell lind ~:l'(·d l-'lIuI"y . '1' '' 1''' ''''''''' k II I' 1\ '.1," I :L ',' , I fl. :' llll: t 'r 1"1 1\' IlI ·t \' HtU,· uf th e I '-:tate of Em - $ 1. lo wns hip; Hoy i{ os'. H"r1 l1n t.1\\, ,,"II,p; I, \\ 'I I" " 11\·, I I I ly 1 11111 1' .... n,d!)' , ,1t'(,\·H!,q.. d , WA g fou nd Minni.· 11. ~hl' phl ' rd alld L"ui f F . G , W . Sp uie,:;-th. \\' u.hi ng(nn lown · ' WAYN ESV ILLE,OIlIO !, Ip..:f 1.11 11: I,. , . \ \ h.·,.: \. I I,.k to lw $ I I;:~! I ~~ , Shep herd to WilHam F. 1\10ss. ob oul s hip : John Mn unL.... SH !CIlI lllwn t' hi p; I\'ill~. Ella )0"\.' 1'1'1:-, a dndn i~ trHt ri :< of t he 8 ntrC8 in Deerfield 1'p., $1 . C harl es I( n a pp , ll a lllil hlll tow ,, ~ h i p ; ill \." ' I , I 01 I I l it! 1,\ atlt' I' l':-.t : ltl· p f (;ll b (' r L F \..' rri ~, d CCl'aRCd, William F. Moss to Edworcl D . Du· HUIT), SltlkC' ~ a ud H o ht' I,t S l l'tlll S l ' , I I t\ .... 1\ \ , 1 :lIl l '~"" { } \ . , · l.ld\", , I fi l. ,d h l' r 1I1\'t "ltP l ' Y and n p prui s(' l1lc nt. Iy, abuut 8 acres in Deerfil'ld 'Tp " $1 Fully EqlliPlwd 1'(11' Wa yne t own,h il'; Willi ll,1II II U ll. \11 11. I ' l l ' ! dl,t\. I' ILdll .J.,h n \\ '1 F:l i".ah(.,lh n, Baily, execu tri x o f Harold Kirkpatri ck to n. F. Ii irk · Clea l'cn'l'k Lown" hip. S !'vict.'. 1' , • 'r r, Ir :1'-, \U\~ ,," 11Itl'd t ll fl !p tht, " !'>o lat,· o f Ernmnr S. B aily. d ecess- ptori ck, ab o ut 71 acres, $1. P~tit Jury It 1 , i 11,1 ,:\Jld ,, \,. Ilttll!1 \'=,. cd, I; \( 'd h(' r uflltla\' ll er r finnl se ttle LI\IXl' Displa y l{, ), iiI I. J o hn E. Dickerson t o "'r"nk W. A 1I'(' l't R .. n d. E"I' I I 'u n halll nn d I" I"~ .01 .. \ n \ 1 ,I nH'nl. MiII('r. ullll u t' un lIeres, $ 1. M:q,.!'J,! ip BH)(\\ ti l l. FI' lIllk1in t tl\\,,. :-I h i p : A mUUliUll' l' ,'I' I' \' il l ' "II ,' \I" III. ' 11 l h:"l' I I tl t h e mntler o f Lucy Ru :-os, ndSt<'plltlfl nml MUI' y G , G"r"ul·h. t o) Lad " "" CUII " I )'. Il nl "(' \\"H \\'i<' k. I." 11,,1.1'111\ :'1 \I. l:- \.: l't'p nl ),! \ rII il1i:-:t ratrix o f thC" c:-otnte o f Mary Thumu ~ E. Darllhart. a bout 10 I n ,'I'('", .-\Iil'" L.IIT il'k . Ih·It" . I< ' I{:I\'. Sa uh , ,I.d' ,) t'. I..! .' "lIlId.1I 01 . \' ~ I ' l'~ (ll.· Eli 1.ul)(,th H o~!'\, tI" ('l·jlRl, d. vs. Ht' tlic in Franklin . $ 1, Sdl\\ ",t z , \\' il1 ~ 1..rl "I'II"r. ( 'h,,,'lolI,' 11 ',' I" ," ,,1 ,t • ,1,1'1 v~ . I RthJh l.'l n l, the ("o urt IIro l'red thnt un Cliffor<l Mith te> fl( '!\~il' II n.l L)"yd I-'n 'I1(: 11 lind P F . I ' n ,!'tllll, T u rt lt, ' I 'I. II~ j,rdl'" t. 1 ;-;:. II t' th' 1:' u t'd to s nid aUlnin- Wrig ht, tract in Frllnklin Tp., $ I. " I'I, pk : S. II l1 :trr."",h. I':III ~ In " " I:".' 'i. ' :';,I r :x Ie> 1«I\'cni"" a nti Sl'll r eal Flora n. Gray to GCI1rJ;c uod Illlt · Sid HUll und 1',,"1 lIar"",,~h , l ·I .. "r· .. • \\ .. 1'Ili, I' ,I "I i n,' I (1:- tHtl' :'It pub li c snl e. ti c Newbe l'ry. troc t in Sp ringb ol'c . ' r('ck tn\\'fI~ hi p; A If H ," , i n ~n 11 and Iii ,'JI II • ,", .... lid l ' III \. )hil.' \ ' S, I Orde r to Still re nl ('~ t(lle a t pri- $1. F'1() rc n ('~· K e':;t'Y, \ Vu :-: hill),!ttJll til"!! )\ I II "" " III " . ":'01 ', "I O hiO \ Hlp ~a l l! wn~ g- iv~n in t he mutter of Lo urena Gingeri ck to Henry . :lnl l r '.II. ,I • 11\ I I . .... t.aI! I I ,)j \I, vo:., F rank ( ', Andp r~o n, ci .. bonis non . VB, Rose Le t! Sample. 2 lots in 'Frank - s hip; 1 1', H. E. Hnll lll \\''' .\' . and ~a l'­ NOTAR Y PU SL C all 1':11.,'),. WilY "" te>wlI <hi p ; CI ) tl.- (' .. I 'r .1. t ' 0 . .:'.l. llt ,,1 I d,11 \ .. I )un d B . Den li n{!,()r, ('It a l. lin . $1 . li n>. t lnio ll toI\'n ~ hiJl . Sr t, l • • I "," Ellll" r Shl'l'hun, l'xC!cutor o f th e Will. Drawn I,,, ,,,,,1',' : '( : <1 • • I 1>1"" '.- , V. (o st.atl' of Mary H. Pin!). decea sed, fil COMMISSIONERS' REPORT Wayncsv ill l", 01- j , e , .1> oIl>I'"."" ,j .,t , ,- t ..r " dhi s first li nd fin a l u ccounL: A r eBLONDE BESS OPIN ES H. E. Dilatush. cot'oner, in'lU I'"t • ,. • d ". po rt o f the ('Xl'c utor was ap prove d N atio"al Bnn" Jamcs W. Moore. $6 .66; in qu('sl a n d co nthm ed by court , "Jim my :;.,:J he Was ~\wrully '1 hl' fP 'U!\S "u lu~ o f the estate of Richorci llurne ll, $(i .OO ; ~tClkAlto M fg,\;, '1 Li . B OHLiIl":s. dcnased. was found Co .• supp li es. $47. 50 ; Jomes De lph , I gli't d t o k n n w th at h~ w n.. th e accond n 'R It ,-' ve r t o ki s~ lO t' , ' . labor and mlltcrial, $19.26; W. H . 1'1 IH' , 11 , 10(1 ,00. aft e r I it m i lted th a t he wa,n' . 'I'll" I'CP(oI t u f Ha rry Ivin s. ndmin- Stunage Co " ,uPlPlies for auditor. th e fir.I." OJ


__... _,_,.:

4!1 .f,

71.!' 62 .': 46.1 21 .!, 32.2 62 .0 62, [ 60,2 58 .8 57.4 70.11

40 .0~O .0 00

44.944 ,000 8,029,182 30G.000

T h., nb,,,'(> figun " "c rc cu mluled bl' t he Nationul Industrial Conferene>! l' ,BJ'd , '

---. -- = - = - = == ; = = , = = = == = =


Come to

\\rirl.'_ " \\' ou ldnoL

ebanon, Ohio, to

V i lli

t h ilJ ~'


I ~ I '~ "

pn'f't'nl-<1ay I.{l rl:~ WHi t tl ~ h \J'\' Ill'" 1 n n""J, ·,. ty·~" H lIuuy --" Gl\'(' '~ 01

Iitt lt· bit of

soon Ih l'Y wo n't lIa\'\' t.o :;h"w, "

---- -


tlln,· I', 'J 'HI'; cl 'l'

Uufair to the W Omf'D


HIlY lh il .~

- --~-

illl ri n," hi : ,- ~ I •.\ ~lId wi ldcat ~h nrcs k It\ J\ d l t h,' po puln r inclour E Rt nte of .J" hn G. ~ I n('y, ,1 ('l·e:l "~,I . !"ip ·)rt H W-n ~ ' I 1\" :;t nt':-J nJ,!'o . P c,,· Notice is her eby ~ i,' n Lh " t B~rt pll' u re 1~[lrlli11~ !H Ul'e nllt! m nl'C th O! C. H Hr lsoc k has been d ,d~' IIp pointed \\ i.<I" m (lr "n llsu lt illA" a blin k with .and 'l tlClli fied us CXl'tu tnr ot till' F. . - II ~ ond " l'putat ion bcf(lt'e mnld";r i!l tate o f J ohn G. lilac)" Int I' of W ar- \I"Rt nw nl ~ und h al1 ,J in~ out thei r hArd nrn t:'d m o nt·y. ren Co unty, Ohio . <l ee('ase,1. Nal lfol1a l di !tlribu t ion of t.h(' h,. t h !r Outed this 2;(nd d ny of Aug ust. 'Iu ti~ or i n y~:<tlllenl R hus heco nl <' II 1925 . 1lI0d~I'n ~(· i e n(' c . nnd in a !!,r ent na W. Z. ROLL, Judge of the Pro bate Co urt. ti on lik · (\ Ul' ~ with cn urmous accessions "f newly Cl'('utl)cI w~nlth. It is WalTen C() unty. Ohi (l , " ('!'y illlllurta nl thut t hu sc wh o huy H oward W. Ivin s. Atty . "~' c l(r il il'f: kn uw wh ut th ey I\re gettillg'. NOTIC E OF AP POIN TM EN T

111' :; I H


Septem e 15, 16, 17, 18 =========================-._-_.-=-== ==::==========================-= Four Days of Fun, Entertainment and Instruction Warren County's Annual Exposition

Churles F. Phillips } vs. Sas e No. 1 3~8 6 S. C. Phillips, et al. By virtue of nn order of sale. dul y issued from said Court. in the above stated (,IISC!, and to me directed. 1 will offer for sale, by wa y of public lI uction. o n the premi s('R in Wn ynl'sville . Warren County . Ohiu, on Monday. the 14th dny of Septemb er, A. D., 1!)25, at 2 o'c l()ck p, III , ( Cent,.al stullclard tim e ). on _o id cloy, th l;! fo llowillg de sCl'i bed r eal estat e. to -wit: The f o ll uwing r elll estllle situlltc in the Villuge of WIl~'Tl eMv ill eb Wnl'ren County. Ohio, and descri cd 8S folJo ws, to-wit ; ' Beginning at the southwest ('orner of L()t No. One (.'rllnklin Square) in said Village and running thence with the North line oC Main t rc et North 31% de grees E . · !ill feel and two inches to the corn er of Lots so ld by J. V. Foirhom to J . B. Cha pman . Thence with the line of said lots North 58 Y.. dCf.,"l'ce s W . 21t1 % feet to an alley. Thenc e Sout h 3 t Y.. degrees, W. [,3 f eet !lnd t.\\'o inches to easL side of Main Street; thence South 68 'I" degrees 2141h fe ct to the place 0 f beginn ing ; ~~xcepting therefrom onc hundred and seven fe~t frontinJ; on Miami s lre et sold og of the North end of "aid tract to the trustee s of the Baptist Church. (Recorde.1 in Deed Re cords Vol. 72, Page 601 , Record er's Office. Wurren Coun. ty, Ohio. Said lot fncc s on Main St.rcet and lies on the N orth s ide of Rllid ' Street in said Village; the nearcs t Stl'eet on Lhe West inter secting ~ aid Main Street is Miami Strt'ct; the ncal'e ~ t Street on the Ea~t inters cctin~ sRid Mnin Streut is North Street; the street number on the building or said real cst lite is No- -, Muin Street. Said real estate has ueen regularly "ppraised under ord er of the Court at the Bum' of $5:30U ,00 free of do\\'. ~ r liiH!' will rlOt be' sold for less lhon two·thir(ls of said oppTnised 'value. ERfdS-- CaKh . . AI,FnED O. nRANT. Sherifi' of Wllrrcn County, Ohio. Robert W .Brown, Atty. !it-s!l -25

---- -- - --..::::=::::=::============== Splendid Racing for Each, Day -,~

'Speed Program WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 16 2 :30 Trot ............ Puro~ $'300 2:25 PAce ..................... ...... . Pur•• $300


Sp,ecial Prizes for Farm Bureau, Grange and Boys' and Girls' Club Work

THURSDAY, SEPT. 17 2: 15 Trot .......... " .. .. .. ......... . Pur.e $350 2: 15 P.ce ... " ....... .. .. .. ... " ..... Pur.e $350 2 ; 19 Trot .... " ..... . " ...... Pu .. " $350

FRIDAY, SEPT. 18 2: II Pace ........... .... ....... .. .... Puroe $350

Wednesday will be Old Soldiers' Day, w'hen free admission will be furnished the veter'ans of all wars.

2 :23 Trot .... .... .......... .... ...... Puroc $350 2 ,20 Pace .. ......... .......... .. .. ...Puroe $350

Mule Race, % Mile, 2 in 3 .. P"r." $75


----- -- - -----====================-=-==-==-=-=--======-

..;...--d Music Each Day •

Ample Accomodla tions for Autos and Other Vehicles. Single, SOc Vehicles, 25c Membership Tickets, $1.50




CONKL IN, Secretary


!'t(' a ~(l n is here. Fnrm . . \\'} 1 1l')Tmal cr (\p~ a nd

ED PURDY'S PHILOS .som e I'L'C " Iwt "" than n01'lnal, nnd arp "I>o\'(' norllll1l. Th ey w ill II Alnloat ever,. man i • • loud dr .... "r--.. ben he i. looldD. for fi~ dll~ 'm l' '''''" Wi lli. pi nt y n r ",oney lhl ~ tal l. alltl L111' ,il ekc r st e>ck sal es. hi. collar b .. UOD." mnn will bl' on ha11 d too tnk e it away fr om th em. 'l'he re ar,' many g-oed invc ~tnwnt ~ NICHT ATTACK h, 1111 lin s ,I' Ilctil'ilY. !l lId !Ill thlll Fnrm er (Jl o undin/r on door of city n hUy(lr ' l1f't' \ h. d n i!" U "i t u r di rHu'Y P! u dud e, o ut to work his way buck to d pn( p un d c Ons ,! wi t h ('(,s')o Il Ki hl~ ' 11l':lllh) -- "n y. come on . . Pile out. b ank i l1 ~~ n r inv( ... t l)l "n\ l i nUSI 'S nnd It·~ tin1lJ t.0 J,!c t til>," m ill i" ns "f t1ulhll's \\ i ll be . uv d' fr olll Cit.y nu<il}-" Wha's , matt er- what lo?s. Ihtl(' is it? " III

rJl' ll' ('~



" Know Thyself" L(III )! , lgO ' 0 2'lIt ('~ poi ll ted llUt un impo rtllllL hUlllll 1I vhliJ::ntioll in th o au,,\,,' wo rd s. "kn ow Lhy ~ elf ." t llter POP(' exp rell~ed t.he some thOllg;lt in th e words, "the l'l'n)J<lr " tudl' lit lI1un· ki nd is man ." . But WI' s('l tlom nnt! 1\ mllll who toll o w ~ t hei r od\lic . If he ill ~IJ"­ cessf ul , ho lOllY credit hi III "c' If "1'111,, fo~ his .RU CCCHS; !.UL if he fuJi .•, tH! i ~ qtl1t c I1kdy to hla mo IInyth in g' or any 0 11 0 b ut him ,,· I!. . . The foU ow in A' lis t I)f 'IU c~it it . n ." mll v he lp y o u to (.ukl? II meas ure of you rself. An h" ne. t IIn Rwe l' to ench que stio n Illay S U ~A"cst some items which ne ed .V lJUI' attention. \)0 ynu profit by experience? Can you r ec og nize u fnet? CaTl YOli s pol .. fo l.c stlltem cnt '! Are Y.lU oJle ll -mintl e<l. or are you contro ll ed by prejUdice? 1)0 you co n tl~.1 your tongue. and your temper ? Do you \!,ct yo ur )lu sh from yourse lf or fl'O Il1 your boss7 Art! you de ptlll dablc, call you borrow money at the bank without security? • Un ot lH' r people- like your 50ci~ty Iln,1 to wcork wi t h yuu? " Are you expcrt in any onc w!lrtl.,. , while lill e? . Can yo u tuk" d ef eat or PUll ish· lI1e nt Iikt' I\_':...o:d~p:r_~_ ? ___ .. OBLIGING J\ Pllllcllnt- " PlclIse ~ny me ," 13os8- "Sure; skiddoo I"


nn ChnlteIR.SI.oekR. Securl. ti es Ilnd Second l\fortgnA"C8. Note. bOIlKhL. J(lhn Hnrbinc Jr., Xenia, Ohio . .mSO. 'Z6

Farn1ers, Attention! Formers of Warren and adjolnln. (:01lIltie8 mlly obtain money on Ion. time loons, at 5 ~ per cent Interetlt. Co.t of securinlr the IIBme is very rea· s(IIlIlule ,thl'flugh The Federal Land Banlt. For further Information can on or nddre88 M. C. DRA.KE, Tre... urer. phone 3IO-X, Lebanon, Ohio. WANTED CASH-For Dental Gold, Platin~w. Silver, Diamonds. magne~9. ' pO\\Itl' fal~e teeth, juwelry, lin~ va~u~\i\IY!' MIl,I today. Ca.!l~ by fetl1~' ' ~I!II' IlO~~ s. & R. C~h 'O~Ml¥~~ ~\~, . ,.- ......... "~NT ' ____ -""",....,~~~~~_ __ ~_


I~OH RENT- Gnrage. Mrs. Amell" WllIiam8, 4th & Tyler StI!. ·a12 II

wo,,1 for FOR SALE FOR SALE- Tomatoes. Amos. Cook, phone 12-3.

By .McCullough

----- ---_.-

~>i ~~.'oNI~

AM", 'JBQ 6<9BQort{~


~ l'l'I.L L...aoIVoI MIl' H.G.v..ELLS' ·OLJTl.. 'N~ 01=I-II~T~Y' AN' ~ SIOCONO \/Dl..UM9 OF Gtse.atS OECLttoIB

' -'

~rB nt-l'

In P.rtition

FOLKS IN OUR TOWN-·Who's Looney Now?


Our hn rvl' :o:t h CSM'l


Within n decade electric stoves. wll shing mllchilll·R. ironing mRchinl'~. \Vnt I' h co t er~ mixing devices . I',' · friA"erntors nnd sinlilur power applinnr.'s will be Il ~ Illuch n pnrt of '1 hOUAl' 118 th e modern hothronm, ill the pi .,diction nf Enrl... E. Whiteh, ·rl\ c l' <Ii t" r " r EIt' ctrie We>rlrl. "While th " m,,(\('rn OfTiC(l i ~ fill d with luunr· "o vinJ! d e "ice ~. ollly I ~ p. r Cl' nt of the homes nre thus pro,dd.'.\. Th~ women llre rr'luirl'd tn dO . lh . snll1 ~ kind of drudgery their grnn.l· moth ers did. and all because the homo I is away hchind the times. "The dcvelopment of the COr' ~ IItI · t·· oWlled pow"r companl~s. whit'h ie rl'al puulic ow nership, will bring abolllt th e further usc of elcctTicity in Lhc h(lm ',19

MENEl2. , How MAN"i "tMe~ HAVG I TOW) 'IOLJ NOT 1'0 Le:A'I~ -ai 'S DUMM'J SiANOIN' 'I



Inquire of

FOR SALE- High-gradephonogrRllh of standard make. Will 81lil for balance due; payments 8ft low 8ft $1.00 pllr week . For full Informatio~, write p., O. BOll 142, Dayton, OhIO. ' 828 F'OR .SA.LE-Poiand-China male pigs welghmg III' to 200 Iba" beAt hreeding. ho!!,s on fat:~. 'Il~ 9l~~­ ville and Spting v'ol\et u1k. .. : '. ',Maxwll!l: ,. ,,1 • . 'II Q ' .


FO~ ~Ali~-fipIlA fdQn~fllI 01(1.




.8am lllllmltbi, ... · ft. ,., W!lyn!!~vlll~. Ohio. ., FOR SAt~8eaut1fal · pl"e~ pla~o . ~'600 value, almolt new and III tlne condition. Can be parehued at balance ·due by I'OIpol\lible RRrtJ OIl . very ~ ..)' payment&. -For fqll tnf9tomatlon write P. 0, Bolt 142, Daytoa .


Qh\o., '


.aa ' boui

For Sale ,jIr Rent-1-ioom boUle newly papered and 'Irina of "ater, electric: llabta, .......

rood Jot ad pqg. Bee





THI MIAMt c.u!'f f!

.... T HE MIAM'I

GA ZE TTE ....


En'•e rtl d a t th 41 P OHrO t, ffi ce a tW:uynesv ill c, 0 ., us "... UCClnl I CI"s8 Mail' M"u t'er A rnflnd a Stal'!' is u • listMrs. .


D. 1.. CRAN E , Edit o r and Publi,""r, Wayn",yill", Ohio Subscr iption Pri ce, $ 1.60 per y ' ur. ... I U111l1 ,.- '\d\' t' r t l" nJ; R \·J1r.~. "" Il\lh· . '


,\ ~,

Ell r":t.N I' HESS AS S

'(;!,\T 10"

WEDNI!:8t>AY. ':)I!:PTEMBER 9, 1925

per~ (ln n l prosperity and nnt ional development. The t('llchcrs are not to The standard of living' In our home blnme, but unl e ~R there be u chnnge county is possibly 1\8 high 1111 in any th e day of recku nin r:r will IJc n very county in the statc; cerluinly it i. black Fridny. higher than the standard obtained an'ywhcre nIJrond. Ther e is n ot an CLOUDS Aml'rican nlivc wh o do cs not feel proud or the sup eri or livi ng co nditions Ga lh er lind gather, commingle a nd bl end, of A merioans. If the stnndard is t 'l be maintained, however, the time hUM Sever and scntter. dispersedly fly; arrived for the nati on generally t<. Darken nnd lil:hten, arise and des cend give serious thought t o the eurj,in~ Mys tic illusions nnd dreams of the sky, o f waste In living, and to the inauguration of 1\ period or sensible saving. Sailing and floating forever away, Even more important Is th e nceesHitv Shallops protenn of vapor are ye, to pre"8 fOIl some reform in our Splashing the snowy nnd silvery spray school "yste m which will bdng to th e Uu rrom th e nzure (·therenl sea , youth of the country a ,leeper under- - Written by a Harveysburg Friend . standing of l'conomlcs lind a more sensible id en of the per"onnl budl(ct. The Floridilln dll Y8 seoe m to be There are forty-four million" of 11t ~' proving as inte resting ns the Arabian American people now gainfully em- Nights, ployed who earn more than $60,000,000,000 yearly. The business of manAfte r the modern Hamlet we may nglnl: such an income is a stngge ring ror Othell" wi th n bnnj o and problem, bewildering, when one con- hope bones. s iders that e vcry worker is a member of the board of directors. Fully The National Burellu of Economic '10,000,000,000 is wllBted eVI!TY yellr because the directors kn ow Research says that the people of New York receive fifteen per CC11t of the nothing of economics. New York City, for example, spend. lotal cl1rrent income of the United almost $66,000 ,000 every yen I' in States. Presumably theater ticket charity, but for practicnl instruction solle rs ge t most of it. in (}Conomlcs, which, if prope rly applied, would largely do away with the New J ersey's Supreme court hold s necessity for charity, it spends not that n hus ban d is liabl e for slander one penny piece. This same condi- uttered by his wife even though he tion prevail s, in proportionate degTee. be no t preMent. Evidently J e r. eyright here nt home . Our 8chool chilo men can't bonk much on the snfety dren nrc not taught how to manage of their fortun es. their porsonal nffairs with 'prude nce ; they are not taugh t the value and usc P,,of essor Charles Henry, one of of money, or the baals of economic the leading mn t hemnticillns of Francc living; they !\,ather a smattering of declarC1l ho has had proo f of the scibotany. a litOe geology. possilJly in- entific mathe maticnl certainty that terspersed with a modicum of plain "nobody di u entire ly." In teresting sewll1g and kind ergarten chemic'al enough, but what is mnking part of experiments, but nothing a t all of the the world quake is th e qu estion of science that lies at the very root of carrying on oC conscious identity.


Fro.. OlIr Fil"l


uates 10 are e nrolled in the High school o,nd one will come in a little George S. Schr/Vlbley, A S is his later. I<cmi-occasionnl custom, spent Sunday Attorney George Clark is at hia m!ngling with his old Waynesville Lytle home recreating from his legal frlcnds. .. . work., Ae nltended service at St. Our tourISts, MI81IelO May Wright Mary 8 'Sunday morning and was the and Mildred Harris, are due in New I guest of Rev. J. F. C~dwallader at York, Saturday tho 22nd, and are dinner, and in the afternoon called on expected here a few days later, prob- his o,ld tutor, Prof. StilwelL Ilbly nbout the 26~h , wher e war'!' MII!s Dorothy Dakin leaves tomorhearts and wclcomlDg hands awslt row for her home in Hannibal Mo them. acco m~anied by har grandfath~r, Rev. W. M. Coffman preached the J . WrIght. Her sister little Mi.. first sormon of the conference year Catherine, has entered' IIchool here to his people last Sunday morning. and will probably ltemain with her As was eApectcd, tho return of ~r, grandparents durmg thu winter. Cotrman and famIly to WayneS\',l1e, Mrs. Edith Harris is visinting her was satisfactory to ~oth tho mem- aged parents at .Cardington. Ohio. bers of the COmmUDlOn and to the Mrs. S. A. Sttlwell enjoyed a visit community at large. They nre a part 1~om ~er sister, Mrs. Buck, of Cinof WI and we trust may long remain clllnatl,Jast week. so. to the mutual beneflt of themFriend Debor$h Lloyd, of Spring selves and the people. , Valley, preached very acceptably in Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Parshall re- the Orthodox Friends church last turned recently from a week's visit Sunday morning. among relatives in Belle Center, 0., MiBB Edith Shut<c entertained a and also vi~ited Indinn Lake. ' number of her younfr friends at tea WayneSVIlle School enrollment hn.s Ion Monday evening. In honor of Miss reached 172. Of the 13 Boxwell grad- Mary LetTe-raon, of Middletown. 1900


A Short Renz'the 01 the Characleridic. 01 Each and EfJery Graduate \ 01 the Wayne.fJille School. Wrltt.n by aD Early Graduate


CI..I or 1878 NAN WRIGH.T- Nan says there ~ml to appear the hand of 80me QYeN'Uliril pow~ which hammen you. take 'it however like a good piece of steel, and come right off the anviI with a bcttcc' temper: ANNA TAYLOR-Ther\! can be no unseUlah interest in humanity unless the ChtlJt lIfe-whlc" t. the' em bod1~l!nt o.f 'ove-~RB been instilled ~it.h\". Ohrlatlal11ty reftcete Its holy Q~n from the heart that Is po. I~ by Ita Inlpiration to give ef,' preNion to human worda of sympathy end rood oheer. MARY COLLETT-Says give her a .Iaterl, greeting and If necessary a helpin, hand. E. 1.. ALLEN-Was a downright amplifier, the results mU8t have been u he had visualized them. JOHN FURNAS-He was n combinatlon of valuable qualities, a sanKuine temperament, enthusiastic but k'at~er 'c autiousr quick to devise plans 'y.t handling them all In SUbjection to the 'religious principles and underlltandlng of God l• will.


WHERE EDUCATING IS DONE Visitor- "Do you feel that the effort and sacrifice in sending your !Ion through college was worth it?" Fond Wife-uOh, yes, indeed ; if for no other r ea son the wonderful education it has• given his fnth er." _ ..01"__ __

ANNIE U. BROWN- Says we nil have our problems of life to solve and It is u Ilther We do .it 1_ __ corree y or not, capacity for leadership and enlightened intellil('enceo on Christian idenls, are very important factors in rendering a PJfoper 801u,tion of the!e problems. SARAH C. BAIL-Physically morally and spiritUally, we must 'commer(\lalize our energies and rouse ourselves to greater action if we wish to accompltah much. SUE SATTERTHWAITE - She mnde tho splt~tual welfare of others ber absorbing concern, her home inftuence wall the most valuable asset with which one could be endowed. OLLIE SIDES- Had the happy faculty of getting into the very throb of Ilfe nnd appronchlng the common incidents of her community. Cia .. of 1881




Kftlo=6 fa.... 1IIIaool· . In"Dalll~"~"" WIta' . , . : ~... & paR,~'W.doc-O"""''' ·





~• •

I.Viduable BuildingSuggestions i

tho sick

Mrs. Ethel Smith and Mrs.Romine Shumaker motorcd to Port William, Tuesday evening, and on Wednesday accompanied Mr. Shumaker's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Garber, to the State fair. They returned home Thursday evening.




The Order Which 'StarteZCCreat Coal

Mr/!. W. A . Ha in es was in IAn ci nnull Lh i ~ wee k. Miss Alice Og'les bcc, of Spring Va lley, wa s II vis iLor hr l·,'. l'ri,l uy , Dr. n nll ull utLcn J ed a me!!i 'ul meetin g in W ~lll i n ~t ll ll , T u,.,dn y. Mr8. H. B . ,Iolr er i, atltm dcu the Oglusbee re un i,'n ill Vun We rt ~ 'w n ty SUllllay. Misti Netti e E vun ~ , of Cincinnati, W Il R a SnLurdny gu est of Mrs. Chas. Madden . Misses Helen nlldPauline Eva ns, of Gcrrmlll l\Jwn , or'l' d s iling th e Misses Gra hn m, Mrs. Eliza beth Li ~ tc r hils go ne to Californi u t o vis it he r :iist'll, Mrs, Ma ry McKee. Mr. and 1111's. Wil iJu r Hn wke are entcl1.n in ing Mr8. Haw J<i,'. father. Mr. J enkR, of Da yton. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Vnrvnli nnd fnmily. of Dayton, we re S und ll Y guests of Mr . lind Mrs, E d Brown, Mrs. Seven s, W. C. T. U, worker, gave an interesting uddre88 at th e M. E. church, Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ho ug h, Miss Ernestin e lind Willia m, hnve mo ved to th eir fllrlll nellr Blanchester. Mrs. Mary J . Finch and Robert Garn e r sPent a fe w days rece ntly with Mr. and MrII. J ohn Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Howa rd King a nd family, of New Lexing ton, we re wee k end guests of their mother , Mrs. Eliza Cllrter, Ther e WII ~ lin a ll ·dllY meetin g nt the FrielldR church , Sunday, Rev. Samll('" Moshe r preached nnd IIfrs. J. B. Doster sa ng, Mrs. Tom Welch lind t wo interestinA' children , o f F't. Dodge . (own, li re visiting Mr. Welch's parc n t..~ , Mr. lind MM!. W . W, Weolch , Capt. and Mrs. Chas. Garn er and son, of ColumiJus, we re hero u v ~r t he week-end with Mrs. Mary J . Finch and Robert Garner. Little Miss Rh ea McCarr en and cousin. Robert Gord on, nre spe nding the week in Dayto n, with th eir unde and aunt, Mr. nnd Mrs. Ever ett Villars. Mr. and Mrs , Hownrd Gra ham nnd Misse8 lIelen. Ka thl ee n a nd Ne llie , spent Sunday in Jam esLow n, th e guests of Mr. I1nd Mrs, Osca r Well<- r and fumily. Misses Dorothy and Virgin ia Dav is and brother, Richard, spe nt a fe\v days l'ecently with th eir uncl e and aunt, Mr. a nd Mrs. E. C. Ma nnon and M!sses Ruth and Gle nn n. ncar Wilmington . Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Brooks a nd family entertained t o Sunda y dinn e r, Mr. and Mrs. Howard King a nd rami1y, of New Lexington, Mrs. Eli za Carte r, Mr. nnd Mrs. A. L. Kenn edy and son8, John and Hellbert, Among those attending the State fair last week were : Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gordon, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. MqCarren, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dnvis, J. C. Gray, Raymond Edwards, J ohn Kennedy, Robel'l Gamer and Clyde Levicy.

gradUating course for educating teae~ers, not in hook knowledge alone ~ut 111 handling plllBlic minds-IearnIIIg ~ow to enter into these minds, keeping them open without damage this would certainly be a great work' There will, however, be some da:r a~ acceptable progressive standar of teaching shoWing how to keep auaceptibl~ nnd flexible what education now too often keeps and makes rigid and arrogant.

. MAME T. BROWN-Hor life demonsPatl)fl to us her belief that the spiritu"1 forces in Ufe-beauty, Idealism find faith, are real and vital. TRlLL,ENA ,EDW ARDS-Says the exp'ression of an Idea guided by a Divine Iij('ht. inci cases our possession oC knowledge which really is Power, It contributes to our p!)faonal happine~s and enlatt~3 our usefulnC88, a trained mind guided by such Intlull/lOell tempers one's mental mus, .CllIcIl of 1880 GEORGE SMITH-Re\lgioll' Is the clell lind wins the' prizes of life. science of God. and tba~ of the huJOHN SHOEMAKER-Said spasman : lIOul, tb~ ~elllAJld tn~" t)le lay" modle bunbl of energy do not acmeD I'f ~hll ~u"'Hl\att "fte\lt hI t"e compli8\) so much In the end as the "ualn~ . ,«or-US ' ~e •very spirit of steady work whiM utilizes every mo~hN~ 'ttJi~xpb:=I~golrpt:~i::ia~ ,ment to make it productive of the ,. prall ',_ th I h"'t III b fullest advantage. lIet~t'..... II on Y line t .. w e . JOHN C COLLETT-Was ev .cc.pted in 'thla practica' age, If the 1 ' ' . er OJiJoJatian activities 01 the · laf11lM g vin&' voice "at ~hool to the divincall ' m.ett the world's needs. It ' is Ity that was In hUD. ' ' re..,naJ>lo' t'o o*peClt I~ tc 'bee'omil t~B , 'CH.ARLElS A ... IJROWN-:-Say.' In ono rellgicn ,of, all 'men. , . the Itudy .of evolutIon he 'hu' recent: ANNA , HEiGHW'AY-Stie~ had ' a I~", diaeovered t~~ ble~gryph.lca. 'left bl~ caP_city for. true,' trlenilBhlp. Iiy, a prehistoric race of rabl .~re ~ Theft Wlia - a _kome in her amlli!', all~! ,to the hia~ry !»f humanIty, • and cordial an!l \'flank lI,ht 0dt her ' (T.c be continued.) .: " that drew to her alike cbll and, , adult. ' .Boln, le,al hanelf lllie inapir ' : eclloyaltJ III otbtn. A hoit of lev-. STARl' 't~ MtlSIC, PROF. . . frlenlia ' ln all the plaCet where " , I ' her wort, "er, attest bu 'power hfttab-:.... BID. 11'117 .. 01 " " and .,., Dinlq frt.J\\Io Jib a pupp, Oil leeT" '

••••••• t •• ~....... ~..... ..


• • ••

-- -




Madden's Lumber Yard Waynesville, Ohio


l.YTLE Mr. and Mrs , William Bergdnll have a new Ford Sedan. Mr. and Mrs. Oral Surface were Dayton visitors, Saturdny, Mr. and Mrs. Eli Russcll hnve purchased a new closed (lar, B Buick . Mrs. Ed Long acre attended the M. E . church conference at Limn, In. t week. ' Mr. Charles Kel sey, of Ft. Worth T exa s, is s pending a f ew weeks In this community. Mrs. Elma Allen and daughter. uf S pring boro, were Monday gue s t~ ,f Mrs, Eva GJ:8halm. Miss Bernice Gruham enter tnin ed her little fri endl, Wildl1 Smith, severa l da ys last week . Mesdam es Allen Emrick and Waiter Kenrick saw "The Ten Commandments' 'in Dayton, Saturday. Miss Gladys Bergdall spent Inst wee k in Cincinnati, with th e Misses Ettn Klotz and 11:lnorc Jones. Mr. WeBB Benham left, Monday, f or Centerville, where he has a 1'08iti on in the McNeil restaurant. Mr. and Mrs. 'Walter Kenrick s pent Sunday at the borne of MI\ and Mrs. Perry Kenrick, in Waynes ville. Mi 8..~ Kathryn Clark resumed her school work. Monday, as teaullar in the High school at WayneSVille, Miss Eva Whllrton returned home, Saturday, after spending a couple of weeks with relatives in Dayton, Mr. and Mrs, Samuel Stephens, of Lebanon, Ind .• w ere dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clark, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Clark '1 t lendcd the funeral I)f a cousin, Mr. Firman Focht, at Winchll8ter, Ind ., Sat·, Lytle school opened Monday mcrning with the tcachers; Mr. Melvin Banta and Miss Edith McKibban, in charge . Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Bishop and daughteJf, Miss Ethel, attended the Rauch reunion lit Franklin Park, Columbus, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hawke had for their Sunday dinner gucsts. Mr, and Mrs. Raymond ,Eagle and family. of Spring Valley, Miss Louella Longacre hns secured the position as 1leacher of the Ridgeville school, and began her work Monday mornin ill'. Mr. and Mrs. James J ohns, in ccmpany with Mr. and Mrs. W. B. l:lqUltll'; of Waynesville, attended the Sarvis reunion at Sidney, Sunday. A number of friends from hort! attended tb e funeral of Mrs. Rebecca Dill, lit her lat.e residence in Mt. Holly, Wednesday, of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Elbert' Wallace moved from Ridgev'ille to OUI'. villat:.' , Friday, and Monday took charge of the grocery. which they recently P'lI ch nsed of Mr. C. E. Johns. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Routzahn and daughter spent Sunday 'with Mrs. Bertha Jnckson and children , at Tippecanoe City, an,d were Sunday evenlilt{ guests of Mr. and IItrs. Josiah Boitnott, of the same city. Mr. and Mrs. William Coleman en. tertained on ThlJrsday, Mr. and M ..... Roy Proud, of Cincinnati, Mrs. Bertha Donley, of Carthage, Mrs. Gladys Donley and 80n, of New Richmond, A ve.r y pleasant day WRB enjoyed by all. " .

Mr, Carl Smith left las t week for Florida. Miss Kate Brice fell, last week, breaking her hip and arm, and is in a very seriou s condition. Mr. and Mrs, C. H nrnish have closed the bake ry and arc taking a vacation of several weeks. Mrs. Mary Ferguson was able to be moved to the home of her son on the Cincinnati pike. Sunday. School opened here Tue ~day, with the same teachers a8 last year. The High school opened in the new buUding. TheE lam sisters ar e doing extensive r e modeling on th eir hom e. The exterior will be of th e Colonial type. when finished, Mr. Al Cre w was severely injured in an automobile occident Sunday. The car turned over, pinning Mr. Crew under it. Mr. and ,Mrs. Martin Bag-ford and Mr. and Mrs. Clnrence Bagford and 80n, attended the Bagrortl reunion at Spr ing fi eld, Sunday. Mr. Curtis Thompso n, princripal of the Grades, and his sister, and mother have rented the Peterson property on Walnut street, and are preparing to mo ve this week. The many friends of Mrs. Thomas Christy, of near Paintcrsville, formerly of this place, are sorry to hear of her breaking her wrist while on a visit to her daughter in Dayton. Mr. and ' Mrs, J . W. Moore entertained Saturday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stern, of Cleveland. Mr, and Mrs. George Moore, of Toledo, and Mr. and Mrs, Fred Moore, of Daytcn.

---... - .•----

NEW BURLINGTON W. H. Harlan has returned to his school work at Madiera, Ohio. Miss Fanny Cheney is confined to her bed with appendicitis. Rev. Curless and family attended M. E. conference at Lima, Ohio, last week. Mrs. W. N. McKay is in Philadelphia, Pn., the g uest of he r sister and family. Clarence Gwin , and fnmily hav moved to the te nant house on the Mitchener farm , Mrs B. W. Kelch and chlHlren and Mrs. J osephine Blair have r eturn ed to their home in Chicago . Mr. and M1'8. Auman , of Indianapolis, wenc tne g uests of 1111'S. Mary Hill and Camlly, over tbe wee k-end. Miss Mary Colltt lert Thu l'llday for Bement, 111.. where she will Luke up her second year's wurk Ilsfi upervisor or music. Mrs. Raymond Wilson and daughter, Catherine Ann, of DDo yton, spent a few days l\lst week with relativell here, bufore leaving f01 ' Florida, where they expel t to ~ Jl e-nd the winter. Joseph Orval Compto n, wh u has been ill at his home in Sout h Burlihgton for several months, died ~un ­ day evening. Funernl selvices were held in the Friends church Tue ~dl\Y afternoon.


---... - - - -


Mrs. Mary E. Carmony entet'talncd to a birhday dinner, Sunday. the following guests: Mr, and Mrs. E. J. Mr. nnd Mrs. J . P. Re('d ent.ertainCarmony and children, of Springfield ed relatives from Day tun on LlllJO r Me88rs. Claude Riggs and Everett Day. Clark. of Dayton, Mr. and loin. WilMr. and Mrs. Emerson Dill spent bur Clark, Misses Kathryn and MilSunday afternoon with Mr. nnd Mrs. dred Clark. Henry Toms , of Xenia. Mr. and Mrs. William Coleman en1I1r. Harold Kellis lind ~ i s te r, Mi ss tertained several relatives to a week- Lula, of Xenia. spent Labor Duy with end party. Thl! guests were: Mr, their paren t s, Mr. lind Mrs. Frnnk an.<! Mrs. F. n, ,IGatea and daughters; Kellis and family . MIsses Mary !luth ' and ,Margaret The fourth IInnulIl !\tou n t Ilully Rose. and Mra. Gory, cf Cincinnati; M1'8. F . H. Glltes, Mrs. Ma)~aret Home-Co ming will be he ld unday. Makely and Mrs. Mary Davis, of Day- September 1:1, at the Mt. Holly 111. E. church, Everybody invited. Bring ton. your blUlkets and spend the day . Mr. and Mrs. H. 101; Clark enterMr. and Mrs. George Bratton and tained to a family dinner, Sunday, In honor of th.e former'. aliter. Mrs. 80n, James. Mrs. John Zimmerman Ida Stephens. of Lebanon, Ind. Th" and Mrs. William Dodd and little guestl! were:. Mr. and Mrs. Tllema\! granddaughter, all of Dayton, spent Henry Clark. Mr. and .Mrs. James Monday afternoon with Mrs: BratClark and daughter, of ' Winche~ter, \oIl'4I s iatet!, ·, Mrs. Clara Daughters, rnd" Mr. ",n~ Mrs. Samuel Stephenl,' 'r _Mr. and Mrs. George Marlatt, Mr. of wbanen. Ind" Mr. ' and Mn. MIl- , MArlatt, MI'. and Mre. ,Herbert ton Sheehan of Centerville. ' MI". and and 8011, EdmQn, . Mr. and . Mrs• ...E1l1)e), R9Cfll'll and "grandda\lghElvis Michael, Mr, an.d Mrs. John ..¥~are~, ef" lVaYn!tavllle, Mr. Rye and daulthtel:} Miss Dorot'hy, attended the Marlatt reunion, which Mn. ~lel ~:nark. , .. ' waS held Menda:;, at the hcm.e of Mr. , ~ ~ and Mrs. ·Harry Smith,. of neal1 Way- ' neeviDe., ' ENLIC.rrE~·IMENT

. ..







,DUMB DAN AGAIN ', Go_ip.-"ADd they Rlc~.d Pete up' in a &tate of coIlaJIH." , Dumb ' Daa-"Wbat part of the celUlD?1I dlat Ia-JOU 11'''


w.., aood in



• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . .. . .

W. Miller AT THE CHURr.HES Dr . .JohnDentist ST_ MARY' CHURCH F our tee nth Sunday a rte r T r ini t y, ~p t.c m be r 13, Church Schoo l 9:30 a. m. Mor ning Prayer and Sermon nt II :00 p. m. All a re cordially invited to come and wor ship with us. Rev. John J. Schaeffe r, Recto r.

Wayneav ill e Notional Ban" BId •.


DR. E. M. RUDOLPH Th" Eye Sillht Speciali. t

METHODIST CHURCH Sabbath School, 9 :16 a. m., preaching nt 10:30 a. m. Epworth League 6:46 p. m. Prearhing at 7:30 p, m" Wedn esday cvening Prnyer meeting, 7 ISO. Everybody invited to these services. Rev. L. A. Washburn, Pastor.

AI Cary'S Jewelry Shop Lebanon, Ohio

Every Tuesday 8:00 a. m. to • p. m.



FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST Morning Service 9 :S O a , m. Bible School, Communion nnd sermon. Evening Service 7 :30 p. m. Song Service a n d se rm on. All nre cordially Invited.


Will F. Young



Haneysborg Fertilizer Co.

Prompt Repair Service


Pho .. " 8

Every Thunday 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Re.t Room in Grange Bldg.


W.}'ft" ... iJIe, Ohio

to ... hat we claim for It-rid your "".tem of Catarrh or Deafnc... CAUN4 by




Main Office 924Y. South Bro~n Street,

!II" of an OIntment ",hlch QUlcl"}' Rellevee the catarrhal InMnmmaUon, and the Internal MedIcine. a TonIc. which lctl through tho Blood on th e Mucoul

Surfaces, thus restoring n ormal eoncJl-

Over Si,m. Th"ater


Sold by druggllts for over .0 Tea.r.. F. J, Cheney. Co., Toledo. OhIo.


Dim-waBbing, clothee-waahlnlt. ICrubbiJl&'-'A woman'. hands are iD water fI'Ietry hour 01

the clay.

Without 10ft water it Ie Impoesible to keep them aoft. white anel attractive, Don't be band-conscioue' Hard, ugly handa, chapped anel split, rouebened and ' reddened from hard water and strong lloap compounds are unneccssary. A cl... t ... and a Duro unit Bystem will provide 110ft water in abundance, lor kitchen, bath and laundry.

DURO Water Systems

80m. R«IIOfU W4" Duro LMMh L Molature-proot pc»ltlve au-

tomatic preslarll nritdL 2. Water gauge and preuure _ puge without extra char,e. 3. ElectrlWly welded PIna. bed tank. 4. Motor ~clally dealpcd for ptUnp tIM.

5. Automatic ,labricatioa. 6. area\elt


7. B .. t materiall-lIdDfal workmanelUp. 8. Ouuaateo I!i ~tlDg.

, j

are the standard of the world. They are made in many aU. and pricu-&utomatie, Ql'e-&ee, ec0nomical Cost 1... than Ie a day JO operate, Duro unit systems are compKt and powerful-pump and taU are combined in one .unit-eaily to InIIl&ll in 0111 or DfilW ho~ ,I.' , 1M ....,..","" ...., . . ; oI~




nnll Ml's. Glenn B urd n :undllY in Celltcl'Vilhl.

Rosentha ers· and



FOI' SlIlc- Choi('e Duroc ROfl1'll IIntl Lymun Sil ver.

Gil ~~.

!Ill' , u nci Mrs . J .. . Huwke li nd MI'. J Ollh I"r umlll und romil y spe n t . ' un · dny Ilt F t. Anci en t . 1I ~ .

1\1 r. lin d

\ ·icuna.

:>; l' \"

. M.

K ry~

were in

r~l·c ntly.

MI'. K J . Hurt " " left TUI'sdIlY l o h i~ . t: hllH I wo r k in M t)n r o~ .

MI'. 10.: . L. Thum a s ano fnmily " I" ' n~ Sunday in Day t u n with ~ Ir. Sl'lh Th'lln lls li nd film ily.

tak t· tip

W . N. SI'nrs un ll rumily Id 't Tll('" du \' f Ol ' fltlr id H. w lwr tht.·r f'XPc.' \'1 :\1 i~" Ad n MidH''' "'I' r('tul'fl('!l Fl'i,lny to 'S Pl'IUI the wi nl('r.

I t o n: l'ul u l11hu "" . \I,:1ll' ['(' ~hc }\ll ~l\d l' d ~lI ll1 H H't'

~·, ·}l ~H) 1.

Mr. Fronl! .'Il!nllbl'rr y wns in lon, 'rues.d ay.

l~uy ,

·Daughter·s- of' A merica

"Five gllllo n ~ o f cider .call be rl'dU"(I(1 by th is p l~) c e s~ to 0!1l' Jlu~lo n tI( ~ il'U I ) Y' ciclci' ••Il'l1eentrllte . .f he cld~r "0 11 'IJ tlLl'llte, being !Ill mu ch I,s s In hull(. ,'all hll s hiPlh'd ullli sto red Illuch mure 'collum;' llliy thnn .lho hu lky fr s h cider. 1l is also adler ~o k ~e.p swoc t when cu n ce n tralc~\' \\ h II It. i ~ 0 'sired to UKe the clcl el·. conct:n· tl'llte it CII II bu rc stored tu II.!! 01:1 ~ ' inal bulk, conditio n lI11d . fllIVOI' ~ 1111 ' ply by the addi tio n of ordllll1ry dr in k·

Th ' DIHIJhIC1'l1 of "\m (' rjLoll held lin Mi~s live A 111.'n wml u 11nyt on \'u;. inter ~ tin . nl ,,,li nJ,( ul\ Se p t" lIl u 'r ito.', lus t T h.u .... ,l l '. ~lI d . :ix II '1" ):in' ll lite II1Y~ leries of thi s degrt'l'. Tit ' I' e we r e ubout Mr.' Gf'Ol'V:" 11 1.'111 1 I'S(1 n n ad .' a eighty pre~ 'lIl, of whom wt)re th roll hu s illess t r ip to LJllytull. Tu esday . g rand ttlCCI·M. Tho dcgr cll , lIfT from ll l'llbl'ook iIIi s~ Rul h Mill ' r, "r Limn. has heen exempli l1 ed the wurk. Vis itQ rs cum e vi. Iling h~r m·ulh ~ l' . ~1I·s. Eva ~ Iill e r . from naylnn. Ll·J,1l J1 0 11 , !·'rallklin nnd . Bell l,l'l)"k. ifl~ wute r. "Concen trnt('d nider wi ll ke(' p dW('et AttH. Kute C el l L' IlU\ U i ~ !'L' t:o\l t ' l'ing A lin t' lun ch WII S "('rved und eve ry· Illud, Innge r lhC1l\ in its origin.a l COli ' rrom 1111 i .lllle,,~ "I' Heve r nl dllY s' du· body wenl h" II1(, happy . rlltion . ditio n, lind in co ld ~ tu r (\~e it WIll kl'e p SWI'f't in detinitely. Ita rl'dnc t, d .IJU!k l1luk ~ " il prllc t ienb lt' to k ~e p Il 1l\ M n .. :-';'~ ' phin, ~,,' h i lle l' . uf Un uI"IH,\· iIl L'. '"Id ~ l"ru~l· . T hl' ('lIlll'Nltrutl',I, 1' .. 0' Ohio . " \'i, il i l1): MI' . ILlld ~ I l' ~. I'. H. d~lrt thus n lllk~ s fr es h cider avul lub le !\IUUIllHW . <l l ~tl tlll r" unlui ns thruugho ll t t he ~ lIUlml' I' mUll t h K." Mi'R ~ 11I1lI " l ~r"\\'1 1 Ill " lllkl'n n 1'1 1l " 11 tllld 11t ....'..1 d at til l' (o'ril'nd ~ huntt~ f OI' I he WillI ' 1'.


MI'. "li d IIIrs. Curl l' l'ye alld MI'. lin n :'o il H. ~:rJ Mu ll in ILIII' llllecl th l' ~l ,. allJ ~I "'. F . II . l-'a l'l' wcrl' di n· DllylulI fn ir, Monday. II vf 1! 1Ie s t ~ uf !\Ir , H tld ~lrs, tJ. ,V .. \\' h il" . ~l \l llda y ~ \· .. nln~ . . M". C. W . lI (,lIdcl <SO Il and MI'. 1\ 1' 1111o:lh Kil b)) 11 atll' lllkd thl' ()/l) I\ l' p pin g' nppll\ ride r S Wt!l! t has hpt:'11 \\' 11 111 .. <1 :'l lI lT it'l1 llIan L" wll r k lUll flilr. Labo r DIIY . :\1,' h cn lH ,th l\' illHIf I :-,p l ' nt h i ... \'a ~ Ull farm IIv thl' day UI' mon t h, Il u lI sl' :l f a rm pl'ob le m fur cl!nturi('s, but , "ti olJ la ., 1 WI·I·k Wil h :'.Jr . C". \\' . II I'IJ - ,Iu.!m ist!'i huv e (I\' Crl'nm~ the diffi cu lTIll' Y tlun~ Fril'l " I ~ ' lI1uv Pllwnt w ill ( II ""I ~Ill'J . · l.yn1l"; S ih· ~r. MrH. l-' . C. Hllr l",ck " ,,"1 l'l,ildn·lI. dl'r:-o:oll and f Hm il y, ~le~ Hlid uny un~ can now hnv~ ~ Wt!.~t nll'l'l ul the IWIll~ o r FI," Allltlntl Ret·tl or Milrurd. sp~'nt " 1'"1'1 of IIL ~t W C I ' " SuntlllY II vl' n in g, SI'(ltember 13, a t \. h lt ' r a l1 Y a lnl o. 1\1..,,,1':;. J.. M. lIentl"rtiun und Ivith Wa yn es vI ll e I,' at '\'l". ~ I I'. lind :'1 1':; . W,IITI'II (': ~ py, eq' tI !-) weel l' id c r th e yeur t hrll ug h," 7 ::to u·c luck. (}Uil l l' Y (; nll ;-; "'l' rt' b U :otitH '~~ vil'\i lol'!-' (' {'Il 1"' I'\, d II'. Wl' l l ' SundBY J.!'lH'~ I !' Hf :' uy ~ n n nl\ nO nn C~ lncnt, !l it; u cum . Ikvtltitl ll ul LI'OI dl' r ill 1.,·uII 11 0n. 111"1 ThurKday . Ad n Gr uel' 1I Ild l'l'wI" ,d Re v. a nd Mrs . Wll ghh ul'lIl' r l' tlll'II ' ~ !t .. !llld ~II". Fn·d :'t!llli' . I. len· btl pnti, ibil ,ly nuw thllt the ch!!nl' Murk l\'Il'Mllllln cd l\l ondn y cVeniflJi! ffom Lim a Whl' I' V ..ltS \If the U llil~d S tates De pllrtmen l !.('""()n !.elltl cr Miss F'rlll)ce" .Janl1ey lerl MundllY l hey IIttendl'd CO li (cr"lItc . . Sodal Welfll re )< p rn Tt , • I!' . Hll d M "..... F I )JTl' ~~ I. r Ag' r ic llitlll'c hllve vivan thl' prllu, TtlPie ni g hl f Ol' Tn.m toll . N. J .. whQrc shf' W~ hopt' (ur n Inr~t! uUEondK n t.·~. li t h it . .. I' H" "II' I. Wl' tln eo,I OI )·. S I'P' .e lll lhcir atte n tion. T hey hnn' , \\ ill HUe-lid Nnrmnl ~ C'huu1. ' .... lnplld ''\ !' !'," ' r" ':' ~" "' :' c n l1 ('(,;: ~ ..'l ' ; :, gMrs . Ralph Mille r un tl SU II . of !:lilY ' t,' tH tH'1' ~I, 1~ J:!r) , a dau~htl· l' . : ,\'l " l l' i d l' l ' \\ Illt: h : I U!-'Is li'i t,' :;.' ': .ll .:U ttln. w ~ rc guesls t>f Mr. and Mr,. ) Ir. Illi rc Hillk l ~ a nd f umil y . of Iltlwurd Archdea cu n. Ingt week. 1' . 14\ ~ :\11'. Gl l( lr g't' \\ ' at ,~ rh " u .,; ..· wn :-: ill I,\' .. I' t'n' l 'zi n j..:' the f :.!:; h upj>ic j Uil" ' , ~Ii tl!ll c lu w n. were clIllinJ;' "" Wayn cs· Ci n t'in n Hli O\' l ' r' t h e w c ck · clld. nUt,tl d ¥:· ilL di llJ.!' t ilt' f n)Zl'1I " I'(.I C;II('(.. und thl'l ~ .., illt · f'l'icnlb Sunday IIflernuuli. ing U J\.' u nion of the ;';jth Divi s i()Il . Ly nH'U f1 ~ uf U l'C' lIlrifuJ.:'I\) J"' e)Ct ~~ . ~".. u nll MI" . .J IIC Till ll'·Y. wilh Mr. sepa ratinL! the (l sNell lia l tm lids rl'~ I IH .. i{usl,,". Ihllt dUl: or Y " ")' ~ Mrs. Hurry Truax. of Cincinnali . . all d ~ Ir . nn,l Mrs. Be n Reddick lInd Mr. k I C r Oh ' fl'u ~c n Wille r. in m uch the ~lIl1le mo ngrel." 1\1 1'. nnd 1\l rs. W . . RapeI' and th" "'. Will TllIl IllJl.o n. ef Cincinnati, spent " pent lhe Wee ··ene nt "Ilia, \\'ny thnl cr enm h~ lU~fJu ru l..t! d tr utH "No, ~ uh , Nu, ill lltH: tI . JL'Sl L'~nJ th e ir ~u,· s ts . 1111'. and Mrs. Se hal,, · lIIi lk. laM Fr id!l Y with MrM. Violll Hlldan . ili on dIlW!: , suh- cumnHiH d ,t).'\' (~ ' mlln. :lllcndl't! th e LJllylun fuir. ~I o ll ' M r . und Mr. . Il ul'vcy 'uckell en· dllY· M,·"")'", \\' . B. 8.q uires nnd .l es"l· tertnincd seve ra l r"lutives. Sunday. Th HII Ul :<o Htl e nd c d a " shool" ul tht, the ol'cus ion hcinJ{ 1\1i ~~ n.n x i ~ Ca r oMI'. L. i\ . Zillllllerman and ram . N. C. 11 . )!, rou llds , Monday II (l.e1' II 00.1. li ne' s sec o nd bil1.hrtuy n n ni Vl.·rsH l "Y , ily alit! 1I1L'ir hll use g'Ul'St 5, Mr. Car('~' 0;111 fa mil y . Illlllol'l' d In r: in ci llmltl·. {\lld Fa rm Hardware ~ II·. '. r. ,nrey and famil y, nf Sidn ey, Ohio, were week· e nd irue ' l ~ ----------.--------_ .----, Su nday . Harness '[;'I t' ll illt'ry nf MI'. L. A. Zimmerman and fam il y. Mr. lIn ti Mr • . A . 1I11I chil1 "tl n, o f Waynesville, Ohio Mllri a n, Ohio. \\' 1'1'\' g-u~ :; t~ of MI'. III\(1 "-=)fY~'/fW/"//.J!Y=A/.zI'~!I!"A;q.z-/Z"''''JNF~iI;rnil"A".A_''JtE''''~_;t)/_ lr. and Mrs. 1\1 . C. Sc hat 7nlll fl . ur l\'Ir~. L. A. Zirlll11e"llIl1n und family Cinc innllli. were g uesls of Mr. nnd la.t wee k. Trade I. ... be.. n bri.1t in our n ew loc. tion the p •• t w • • k, feir Jllr". W. O. Rllpcr. Su nduy fi nd :\lulI· wh icb w .. tha n" th e m.ny w ho ha ve followed us, .ad the m.ny !!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!:'!''!' lb y. n ew racea th. t b . ... " . pp ... r" d .nd wbo h ••e tr. de d witb .... The B\lrn ~tt I'I' lIninll wa~ h'.'ld S UI1, lay. I' ptl'lIl lw r H. at th e h"'I1' Re me mbe r. w .. c. rry a ll t h .. . m. ll kind. of tbe 5c •. lOc-2I5c \1 0041. Mr. G. IJ. Mills ntte nded 11 ll1 eelof MI'. lIntl ~ l r" . Antl~ I'H" n Elli~ . ,Hl • th. t there i••••1.. for , in .tock, .nd yo" will b. . .. rpr i.ed to . e. in ~ of the pa. llllllsle rs of th e r. O. So"ill l Ruw. how mu c h We c a n ,e t in • am a ll place, to .how you. O. F. l\ld K ~ al Kings Mills . Tlll'sda y nig ht. Mr . I". n. ll .. kill nnd fUlllily hll\' e

------- ------

Young Friends

Strong, Durable, Safe

The Rosenth al Husker hcls withstood the years of hard serrice unde r all conditions, and stands Ollt tod ay as the fo renlo~t Husker on the m arket M ade In SIzes a dapt~lb l e for a ny' size farm and any size engin e.

------_._--------_. _-_...- - ......... "'.......... ......................................... • ""


....The Store of Beller Values... ~




lnk l'U }J"SS( s~ itltl (.f lI1C' II' Il P\\' h ome

. 'trO\I PU R .. us.· me l" ns fo r Roll' ul & Pacific Ten Co ., L. A. Zil1llllHllI nn Ilnd Kr o~c r

whkh h,' n 'l'l'l\lly (lu rl'iUlHcd of Mr . W. N. S('1\1'R.

J . W. White, Atlnnlic

Have You


Save your old cll r pets und TUgs and get '''V enl'we ll'' Rugs made. Selld for price lisl. Franklin Rug Co., Franklin, Ohio.

1\11'. and Mrs. J . W. Wlldsworlh unLl da ug hter, Be tty D., of Dayton, wer e guests Labor Day of Mr . W. E. Stroud lind fam ily .

Say It With

GREASE You i~.ure Jour car ••• inlt th eft , fire , accideat .ad 1 0 oa - but do you in.ure the a ine and other world •• partl . ,ain.t Wear aad rapid depre-


Are You Getting All Your Money's Worth? You

The b e lt inlura n ce you c a n

,et i. OIL and GREASE. They .re .b.olute ly n"cell.ry to the proper runninl of tbe c.r.


you are getting Goodyear Tires-at .. present 1 · Goodye~r's ow price. Then you are getting the most in high-grade .materials, workmanship and design. You are getting it for . no ritnre money and in some .cases even less- than others are paying for or~inary tires. .' '. IflYou aren't getting these things, you aren't getting the full money's worth that we give with every Goodyear Tire.. '"

Get Our Prices

You may thank you know Buick and Bu ic k performanc e :Irom having driven Buicks in th e past. But you Ute destined to under go a new motori ng ex perience--you will discover a new Standard 01 Performance I A performunce wonderfully improved; 75 horsepower and more to meet tbe II go" in traffic and to take any hill in hi gb . Engine de·pendabil i ty furtber -imiureu by t Ile tbree new .seals for th e famous Buick S ea le d Chassis: air cleaner, gasoline filter, ()il filter. Butck .J approved mtc lllJIII I'1I 1 1wbeel bra ke s for [ 1: <: constant pro t cc ti on .If your family arid yourst ' f. Thousands of people a:'e taking rides; in the Bett ;r Buick ever~r da y . If ylX haven't time to ,!rop into the show roo : , 1I tc l )pbone call will uri til O i!(' to your door.

W~ do oiliDI. Ire •• iD. and

complete ch.lli. lubric.tioa. W. u.e aotbin, but SUNOCO lubrica nto- .nd we know es. ctly wh.t \ to u.. for your p.rticul.r c.r. We b ..... free c ranll. .er"i ce.

.-ice on tire.t b.Uerie., eleetri-

Ke~ elor

c. 1 . quipm.nt .nd br...... Dri we ia occ.lioa.lly .nd


ha ve ,our tire. in.peeled, and

your wheel. te.ted for .II\1nmeat.

Waynesville, Ohio



\..I_ _~-"

SHORTHAND IN 30 DAYS ' "dlvld u.' Instru cti on . Typewriting Day And Night Cour.e. •• tltfae-llon Guaranteed

Call or write fo r a

Copyrighted Book let DICKINSON . SHORTHAN D SCH OOLS '0 DaYl •• ·Bldg. Da yt o n, Ohio . P ho" . Oarfield 1142e.


· EITH'S B .,F . K





6 lliar .V audeville Acts and Featare Photopia,.. ....Ire . . . . of proirain every Sunday ·an.-~""', IUlce fro.. 1:30 to 11 :30 P. M. MtrDoaa · . . . ., ". . E_~e..r!lgp IOc . . Sk " -:.

Da nc ·

I"g Specia l t or' beOlnn e rl Twelve pl a "o 1."0". for '3. 00

·.IIA~ I



'B<!tttll' Drup




lOt 80UTH LUDLOW aT. '

Ve r i}O n E. F ries. A. B., MIJ • •

Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Lo ngacr e, Mr. and Mrs. Ora l S urfaco, Mr.- and M r~ . Robel't Burnett lind so n , motored ' to Cnasopolis, Mi ch., on Monday, a nd spent th e wee k wit h Mrs. Burnett's parents . Mr. a nd Mrs. Samu el WaIt ers. They s pe nt n !lay nt I:ake Michigan, l'et u rnln g SlItlll'c1ny ni(!ht, repo rting a delig htful tri p.

.. -

------- - -----

. fit


CHEMIOAL. 111 __ ,1114 .............tu ..... w......1It I~ .......... _ullt w. ~. ~ .. ~



------ _..._- - LlKJ A TOP

, He-"Wo~'t 70U take a Intle IJPln In my car'" She-.-'-"My. no; not If It akld. &bat

...II-_.."I badl,."


1'0 C IG BARS Kroger Made, F -- -- .. - - - ---- - per pound. • . . • size, 79C MASON JARS Quart per doi en... MASON JARS, Pint size, per dozen •••••• 69c Club, 23c BEANS Country 3 cans for •••• Club, $1 • 25 FLOUR Country 24 }2-pound sack • •


Country _~lub Flour, 12,X(-pound sack •• ', ••

Tomatoes Stand. rd No 2, c.n"

. lOc


~~~.~~n~-lb ~-~.~~~g


b, Ib .. ..........


l Oc-..- Lard ,.S·1.59· .!!I!~~. ~~~~~. .... . .20c 35c £~~~n~. 3:5c

Lo.f ....

.. ....... .


Oleo .E.tmor.,

. ~~~r~~~ eaeh ........ .

Ib ... ........ ..., ... ch......... ... .. ... ......... 2!1c

f~e~~r~~r~ 14c ~?c~~~.~~ . . ... . . 25c ~~~~~p~~~~~~.13c Soap 3.8c Ib .. .......

Cr,.tal Wbit •• 10 bara ..


... e. s . ~:

The postoffi ce d epa rt m ent Is Ul'-. j gel)tly mqucstin g p('rSt)l1S go in ~ to F lorida 01' other su mmer ' 01' wmtcr r esorts, t o hnve .th e ir mo il ~ent to ' .ome .tr.... t ad.dr .... , or hote l, wh en eve r ' l1 ossible. It Is a pparen t t h at whim t housands fl ock to 0 eity, .large or small, and have their ma il sen t General Delivery; t ney ' may have t o stand in line for hou rs to receive t h ell' mail. S uch Ie t he CDse in so mo F l or~ ida citieLllOw.--Ta ken fro m P (l8tal Bulletin, ,by Firat Assist. Postmaster-General.



Bring your Eggs to Kroge;1



M ain 40\1



Mr. und Mrs. G. D. Mills spent Sun duy a nd Mo nd ay cnlling on friends und r elatives in Dayto n, New Westville, Eaton , New Pari s ' II nd Rich mo nd.

· Oayt 1m 'H L~Hdln~ Hl'h OOI or MlI slc"


i Frank H. Farr, '

Mr. a nd Mrs. A. A. Linton, of W ilm in gto n ,and Mr. A lbert Cha ndler, of Kansas City, Kan s., were g uests of Mr . and Mrs. Samuel Butterwo r t h Monday.


M ' ED' C I N R. " co r - -N-O -bo - dY-'-"-D&rto:' -,,-ae-,..- ' " ~


Also a full line of Ma gazines.

Mr. J . M. Thompson, wh:) WflS i~. jUlcd in li n auto mobile accitlpn l l.osl wee k, is improving, und was discbl\rg . cd fr om B lai r 's hospital, Monday ev· en ing.


Director. Booklet free. US W . 2n d St reet

eept Sunday .

Messrs . •1. E . Janll ey and W. E . O'Nea ll left T ues day by nuto fo r De· lund. F loridll. Mrs. Ja n ney and Miss Lo ue lla will go by tra in, T hu rsday.

Mrs. J. B. Chapman an d ~o n . Rob· crt, who ha ve been visitin g Mrs. Cha pman' s moth el', J'<cturn ed . to Cincinnat i: Mon doy. Mrs. Baily .ac'cem. panied t hem h o me to stay until Mr. Chapman's r eturn f r om the So uth.

for . " bra " ch. . pI

MUllc . Bramatlc Art. Cla •• le

We h a ve The Cincinnati Enquirer and Tha

tlIltosSI'S. Bob Fiche I' and DOllu ld Hend erson , of Dayton, werc guests for Sli pper, Saturday evenin lr, uf Mr. C. W. Henderson un d eumily .

Gu ests at a fn mily din neT o n Sun· day, Ilt th e h ome of Mr. and. Mr s. Walter Elzey, include d Mr. und Mr s. Nels on King, of Indiannp olis , Mr. a nd Mrs. K enneth El zey; of Da yto n, nnd Mrs. Sarah Li ppincott:



Commercia Tribune on sale every mornin g ex.

The Ladies Aid of t h e M. E . chu rch will m eet at th e church Wed nee dn y IIft el'l1oo n, .S~p t e..,b er 16. at '2:':I U o'clec k. All la dies of the church arc requ ested t o be prese nt , liS it Is a ll , im pol'tant meetin g.



TOILET SOAP, the tOe kind, for Saturday . ... .. . .. . ... . .... .. . ... .

Cou!try Club, 3 tall c.n.25C

Lebanon, Ohio

Phone 47


Special for Saturday


Mr. and Mrs. Myer Hy mnn, Mr. and Mrs. James McC lure an d Mrs. Max Ko hlhagen r eturned Sund a)! af· te r a 'delight ful t rip t hro ullh t he East. T hey were gone eightec n days.


Adam F. Melloh

Mr. lind Mr ~ . M c ! ~ c Ke rn s , Mr. lind 1I1rs. C. I~ . Kemp. u f CO IUl1lUU 8, were wet-k·cnd g u!!sl s uf Mr. alld Mrs. J. D . Mnr latt.

T he Woman's Aux iliar y will meet on Friday afternoo n , September 11, with Miss Emma Heighway a nd Mrs. George Hartsoc k, at t he homo of Mi ss Heig h way.


- --_. - --

MI'. li nd Mrs. GC OI ~U Rtro ud and o n. Carter, o f Dayton . s pent Su n· day anel Lu bol' Duy with )\11". ~:. G. troud lIml fUlllily.

Mr. and Mrs. W ill Sw igert a nd Mrs_ Ma r y Rich ard on. of Dayto n , und Mrs. F lor ence J ohnso n, of S pr in gfie ld, were WaYl\(!s ville visi tor s, S unday .


LET US DO THIS JOB FOR YOU W. .1.0 render rell.ble •• r -

Waynesville Motor Co. Phone 105


cia tion ?

and u few

(' nt (' rta in ('d ul t ill> hll ml' of Miss 01 11 Hnrlsock. Mond ay (·\' en ing-.

had Your Ride in the: Better Buiclr

Mr. and Mrs . Ca rl McC lure und dnu g hter, e f Dn yton , s pent Sunrluy and Lab ol' Dllv with II1r. and Mrs. Walter Me lure.


SP Il io,.!'" til l n~r) fr if'lId > "'('n' d ( · ' i~hltll ll .\'

Th e





Seventy· 'evellth Year

This Week



------- - - - - - - -



W hole



MC ~R\S. Fronk I3rlludock untl So n, Fl1rnu ~ . L. ,~ . h an dl ~I' und L.

IH tecll Icutl ing wh cut 1f 1,.,werR o f Warren (,ou n ty wh o me t with County A~cnt Cla ~s in the Farm Burea u (.l Ui c· , SlIturday cvc nin J.(. Se pt'I1l Le r 12. to di Hcuss t he wh ""t s itu utinn lind ou t · li llc p l an ~ fnr th" g"ll c~u l crop illi ' p r( ~v (.' m el1t. Approximate ly 25000 ucr('s o f wh,·"t

'fh" ,'y':;

M. i'\i1 v ' r w.· r,> HlIlung t h"


\\( "1'('


Business iMgooel. Te llthlll to your in'luiring fri e nds. The va lue of crops will be ten thousand million dollat s. Farlll Prs Ilre more cheerful, priccs goud. Co mmercial busi ness in ci~ies is im. pro ving steadily. E xtraordinllry lOoowings will be made for Aug ust by Illlln)' depsrtm ent stores and othe r big institutions.

Tho IIl.11te of New York pities itse lf becuuse it ~aY8 ,6 00,000,000 ineolllc tax, nlmo..t a thi rd of th e entil'c natiollll) talt. New Yorker.s s houldn't fo rg e~ that If the), pa)' $500,000,000, it is b . cause forl),·seven other States senel all their weJIlth to New York blinks, apcnd millions in New York shops an d hotels, Bod alloW New York's high tillMee to tap with ita corporatiolls and its interlock ing ownership " the s uu rcee of wealth all ovel" the United Stntes. Since New York gcts lhe Income, it shuuld lie content to pay the tux. "Pn'sid ent Coolidge will leave t he lUlal si tulltion [or the prese nt to Cu nfP'" RS nnd hopes there will be no prof-' iteering in the mcantime. " So reuds thc di.l!patch. Thll~ iJ1. a lurge hope, for "in th e .mellnttrllR • mall)' dealers have r uisl!d the prict ' cent.~ a ton . With t he pU'b lic, panjc-flh'h:ken, t'Ushin g to buy, ~hllt means con:Jiderable profiteering .


J.! !'OW I1


Mrs. Elli.e Eaton Newton, Ohio lady, found herselC laciri\r the e mptin ess of life, with he r two daughters marriAd, rdany ladies would have IIIIt dow» have a gQod cry. Mrs. N ewton went to fnri etta collcgl', worked har~, got her A. B. degree, with her two grandcbildre n sitting in tbe aUdience, to cheer. Now she is Dean of Women in Mar~tta I!ollege, and happy, There it no life emptiness, except Rec(,IIL outhl'Cllk8 of s mallpox in on the brain. Keep that busy lind life is all right, eve ll if your daugh- a mild form in Spring Valley vilters are married nnd your husband Inge and town Rhi p, hus resul ted in an ()fd cr iss ued by the town ship Mild. board of e nucotion. that all children TQ Jlext generation will rend about i.n th e s choo ls must be vllccinated by "t}te n'tll patrolling th e route," t o October I . A few days IIgo evidence of the /lave t.he 111111. if necessary. and that will seeJII ae s~range as to send an t1 oublc' in two fam ilies in th e villnge Automobile with a cllJ'rier pigeon in resu lted in I]uarnntin ing of th e two honH's, and the vnccinlltion ord er . callC It sbould fal\ !lown, l 'he Illllind y is present in s uch a Mr. Konkle in New York, to prove mild (orm th o t in mos t case. the vicgrlltitude tpr the recovery of his 80n , til)l R nrc not ven mAli c ill , r es ulting lIupjlosed to be hopelessly ill, will in failure t o clIll Ii physic inn , and build 11 G5.story buildin g. portly r ellg- causing lldditlonal danger of epread. IDUI, parUy c.ommercilll, made up of a ing the infect ion, which in sOllle cachllrch Rnd a hotel , with 4,600 lied· se~, may prove sor ious, Rcco rding 1.0 TOIlm,a. Ten pet cen t 0 f profits \vill go thc henl th co mmissio n!'r. to mj,\,Il ionliry work , loo kcd nfter by the son. ThO fatti er will look after the prefits.



Friendship Club

1'he dininll room will hold 2.000 in the tallest buildillJ:;, thU B f ur, in the United States. T}tls religious building contrasts interestingly with th • old sill ful T ower of Babel, whioh probably was about one half the proposed height of this 65-story jlOtel.


The grent Bernllrd Shnw, in a mood 01. unusual but acc urate humility, says the world a thCl\lsand years hence will know nothin g ahout him exc,cpt that tho great French sculptor. Rodin, onlle made a bust of Shaw. Biographical dictionaries will contain this:

"SIa.,." .Bernard; ... bjec:t of a bud

b, RoeIia, oth .. rwi ... "DkDow"." •



Even that'll an ovorstatement, tor a ~housand yealt! Rodin won't be. Fe· membered IIJlY more than Shaw. Aodln, iJl art, 1,000 yeaTS from now will be all \lnlmportant as Kipling In literature or Shaw In phllolophy.



The Friendship club met with Mm. Stella Hholld es, Weclnesday af· t ernoon, Se) tam !Jer U. Re\'. Wns hburn r end th e 12th Chapter of Romans, followed by prayer. After t ho busilless session a program wllJ! enjoyed by nil. "The Old Rugged Cross" ....... . .. . . ...... . .Pll1no Player ReadinA'- " My Radio" ..... / Day Reading- "Mother Catches Up with the Times" .......... .. .. Llllian Miller "Old Glory Murch" ... Piono Player During the social l,ou r ' Ico cream, cake, lemonade and cider were served by the hostess, assisted by Ger· trude Wat kins, Amy Day, Lura Werntz Ilnd Elennor Babb. . The next meeting will be October 14 , ut the home of Mr•. L. V. Branstrntor. Every me mber is urged to 1)0 present.


'WOQ'" 'T'IlI9


Rain Bring. Reli@f .

f. '


~ NfoJCtI .,... £tWO ~'7 AROIJ-.JD

i%~N'''E .~"~~. / .


It4A.HHI~-' 0" VliiIlV -




"0 · ~trl=LE"('" ~ILAM

C+IARAC.,.=,S nt;9 -

The regulnr monthl y meeting of the Wlly ne T own.hip Farmers club was held at the plenslInt country hom o of Mr. nnd Mrs. Elins O~le s­ bee . on Thursday , 'cl'tembcr 10th . After a ""lI1ptIlCIIIR dinne r. spread und er the te nt and n pleuen nt social ho ur. the meetill g WII S called to or· dCll' by Mr. M. A. Co rn ·' 11. The invoca ti on wus offe re d by Rev. L. A. WlIShburn . After routin e business th e prollram f or the afternoo n waR !.akell up. Curr .. nt Even ts. prepared by Mr. Kenneth Hou gh wcre retld by Mrs. Charles Houg h. Mr. Stanley Sellers. o f Lebanon, addl'Cs"ed th e club na mi ng a f ew points of intc r e~ existing hetween the farm er lind the inplcllIe nt mer· chant. Two excellcnt pa pcl'!I on "Wom nn a nd H er New Responsibili ti es." were give n hy JIll's. W. F . Clark an d M..,.. Mami e Retn llick . The clu h a rl joul'lIed til m ect next month with Mr. and Mrs. Ernes t B utte rworth.


Dairymen of Warren county will find special armngl!ments and can· cessions offer ed fo r the ir attendance lit the Nnlionnl Dairy Elfposition, Indi a n polis. October 10 to 17, according t o County Agen t Class, who hilS been corresponding with W. E . Skinner, secr etary and gonerul manager . Class also attended a conference in Cincinnati last W edn esday of .cou nty ngents und dairy leaders from Ohio. Indi na and Kentucky, whene plans we re di sc ussed fo r ~ecurin l! special truin s and spec ial coaches on regula r trains f or the dairym en of the Cin ci n nll ti territory. All rll ilroads Ilt re o/ferin!::' r educed ru tes and for the specinl conveni ence o f Wnn .. n. But.ler a nd Humilton co unty dairy me n , 0 special trai n may b(' run ove r the C. 1. & W ., which stor ~ III Hamilton. Arrangc mietlts nlllY be made to park t he auto mobiles in Hamilton s o t h a1:'o<!ve n the busiest fnrmC'rs cu n get 1\ (!ood vi(·w of the da iry ~ ho\V by leaving th "i r homes cll rl y in t he mOT'llin g and r e turnin ~ late }It ni g ht.. "o llie coullty agents a rc plnn ning auto lo urs to Indian· ;'po lis. 'Y ar re n Co unty (urmcrs w uld have good driving all th e way over t he old National road . The dista nc" is rep',rled li S eighty mill!s fro m Dayto n. Ma llage r Skinner

PRIZE WATERMELON advises Ius" t h llt spac e for pa rking ing wil l be furni shed free IN GUESSING CONTEST anda llcamp farmers who can spend longer pJ'"mir'~ 8

ru ud

I na p ~

free, n ntl a hiu


A wllterme lon measurillg 50 If~ inch es aroun d. 17'l!. inch es long, 13 Y. inches hig h ane l w e i ~hi n g 62 ~~ pounds, is on ex hibition Ilt the Ox lcyPace Orug sto re. It was grown by Mose Dnwson ill the Charles Men· denhllll blue·g rass pasture field near the Corn stalk School house, une mil o west of New Burlington. Thi ~ melon will be given nwny nt the patch on S unday, September 27. to the person guessing neurest the number of seeds in a smallc r melon. The guesses are fr ee nnd may be left nt th e above -named store. Mr. Dowson hilS a fin e cro p or melons and thinks he has grown the largest and bes t waterm elons in the State of Ohio.

time to cOllie by auto.

THE ENGINE Of BUSINESS Nc.wspope r nciv er t ising is a s neces· sllry t o 1\ hll,incss a s a locom otive is t o a trAin of ( IITS. Every live mercha nt kno \\' t his --renlizes th at news· pupe r lI c1ve r tis inj!; is the pulling po w· er which moves !lim along th o road to success. The Associate d Advertising clubs of the Wol'id is responsible for the sto ry of a chewinl~ gum mllgnnte, who is a Ilationa lly known advertiser, and who was rece ntly traveling westward with a frie nd on a limited train. They finally camEl around to discussing advertising. The friend expressed astopishment when the manufacturer told him his fl.rm invested hundreds of thou!lllnds of dollan annulllly ' in advertising. The manufaoture,r replied: "This train is speeding westward at the rate of fifty millIS an Ilour. How fast ·do Y01l1 suppolle It would travel without the locomotive?" "Why, it coultdn't trav\ll lit .U!" exxclaimed th\! ottIe" "To \>e IiUr ll," tl\e. O\~utaQturer rejoine~. " f."d tllat ). exaotly what advert\sing III to our bUlllne_tho locomotl·vo. It .ne were to quit ad-

maY~~:e~~~~i~!: a,p.~g ~~ ~~ .~~=



"The Frelhman"


State . Capital



Prepared by Columbus Reporter


.......................... ---_. ------

(" () I. \1~ 1 BIJ~. OlllO- Dealh rllte lind P" I'c"l1tn!;"e o f I'ccevo ries of epi. It·llli., p;ttil'lIl ~ uf Dhin ar e prll ,·t ica lIy 1111' · lI m ~ . T h,· r,· is such a sIlln ll frac pltti"nt , " f ' )hi" HI'e pract ical ly t he SII no l' . The .. ,· i. " Ul'll n smn ll fraction b ~ t Wr',,1'1 1he fi g ures a s presc nt,, " by I>r. C; . (;. Kin eon, sup!·rint.ind~ nL IIf the s tat ~ hosp itn l at Gallipolis. to J ohn r;, Harper, direct or of p ub li c we i [are, t.hnt it r eall y can be ~ uid that "as mRny epil epti cs di e a9 r ecove r ." The . perc entage of r ecoveries, bllRed 0 11 admissions during tho y<>n r was .00G3 whil e the percentage nf dealhs, based up" n the en ti re populatinn was .0062. The percentage nf c1 .'nth s is " Iwa ys larger ill instit u· tio n. o f this kind tha n any oth!'r maintai ned Ly th u ~ t ute, ond Ohio is "ne o f the \" ~ rv fe w states wher e the deatll" lire It·s;' thall the reco veries. Only 1 4 Cl)lIn ti(·. fa iled to send in any patie nts e lu rill ~ Ihe pus t year. These counlieM Wt' re n cfinncc, Fulton, Harri"o n, Li l" kinJ.(, lII a(liRon, Morgan. OtlO"[I, l'a ulc1 inl!. l'ickawa y, Pike, Preble, Lill i"" . \'an Wert and Wyondutte.

" Chin a ', H"" I 1("\'" lution; r. lllIptel' I." M rHo l~ d i th lI arl'iR Vocal Rnlo- ·'I Th fi .J flU "Il CY · ~ End, " Mi R" Els ie Ha wke. Mi .~ Esther H c nd "r~Cl n, accompllni st "Bi shop Gilman T ells of lliRturh· a nces" Mrs. J. L McClure "A \Yoman 'g Work lit Dubois" .. Mrs. E. L. T h o mu~ "L uo kin~ to the Future of the Ne!::,no Rocc" Mrs. J . W. Edward s .' YocIlI Snlo-"Bcyo nd the Open Gatos" . .. Miss Elsie Hawke Miss Esther. Hendersu n, accompanis t nurinJ(' th e sociul hour .I elicious re o fr(' Rhm ellts wcre served . Mrs. J . W. Edwards. Mrs. J. E. McClure. Mrs. Bert Hnrts ock. Mrs . Ronald Hnwk c.· and little Marj ori e Edwards assiste d in serving. The following gu ests were prese nt : Mrs. Lina Devitt. Mrs. W . H. Madd en , Mrs. Emmll F . Dakin, Mrs. Will Cornell, Mrs. J . L. Hllrtsock, MrR. M. L. Parshall , Miss Myra Baird. Miss May Wright, Miss Marne Brown . Miss There will li e 011(' un d possibly two Hall , Miss Elsie Hawke. Mis8 Esth er H end e rson anel the little fo lk s, Mar - llIore lett illg 0 r hi ghw llY contraets th is year, according to nnnouncejorie Edwllrds and F rank Hawke. ments mad" lIy th e . ta te d epartment of hig hwaYR. T he"'r :Ire still 117 ronds to be compl.. ted in the " g reed upon pl'ogram f or the yeor. Engin-eers of the d epart.ment li re worki,,~ ove.rtime trying t o cVllI plele the plans and specificlltiolls f or these jobs. and on Friday of next w ek a~ many o ~ poss ible will be awarded. It is h(lped that t he entire huililing proj!rllm may Ornl Surface and fllm il" Robert be nwarded th is yell r, and if this is Burnet and family and Mr. and MrR. done prncticall y n il of t he jobs will Calvin Longacrc, who we re recent be started and comp leted before t he guests of r elutives in Michiga n, e n- heginning o f onother fi st'lll year, or joyed a day of wo nderful fi shing July 1, 10 26. All projects 011 this year's program whi ch nrl! not r p.ady while in that Stllte. Getting r eady for the 18th annual Mr. Surface ha d on ex hibition at f or. letting next we ek, will be IlwardChl';stmnR Seal 511le, which will be th e pool r oo m seve ral bnsR heads , tao ed probably the first or second week . conducted this year from Thanksgiv- ken out of Whitt lake . ncar CasRop, in Octo bcr. ing to Christmas, health worke rs and olis. Mich. The Illrgest one weighed Franklin Co unty Dcmoero ts nrc civic club lea ders from seven coun- seven pounds ; then fOllr others tak· ties in this district will hold an al1- en weighed . al to~e th e r seventeen goinJ.( t o make a a l· .. 1 efl'ort to nominate Claude Mee ker as th e party d ay conference in Hamil ton. Tuesday pounds. September 22nd. A Pfleuge r "poon was used in trol- cundidale fo r Uni ted States se nator Samuel Love, chairman of t he linlt, a nd the boys hucl a fine time next ye llr, nnd dllring th e Pllst week Hamilton County Health leag ue, tak tn g the big ones. Th e bass were passecl s tl'on!::, reso lu t ions favoring will be chairman Clf the meeting, Rll of th e big· mouthed strip('d vari· the candidacy of Mr. Meeker. The reso lutions w e rc adopted by a unanwhich will be held at the Elks' club, ety, nnd were fairly gume. beginning at !) :00 Ilt m . Repllrts The seve n·p ou nd bass wa, pre- imou s vote of th e Franklio countv will be presented ' on work accom · pared nt Lake Whitt . and brough t Democ rati c exec uti ve committee. and plished during the past yenr. and bome with th em, and was just a s ill th e very first pllragraph th ey say plans outlined for the coming year. fresh when th ey orrived her e ' a s if they are presen tin g the na me of Mr. Hea lth work carried on in this dis- it were just tllken fr om the luke, and Meeker to the vClters of Ohio for the tri ct thr o u~h the seal snle fund s in- fri ends of th e party had a won derful nomin at ion next year. .J ud g inJ:; th e standnrd of a man by the confidence cludes, frc sh air camps f o r under- feast. of his home people, and tho se who nourished children. nursing service, --kn ow him best, F ranklin County nutri tion work alll ong sch ool children Democrats want th e wol'ld t o know nnd genel'al educat iona l work. j URt wha t th ey think of Mr. Meeker . Th(' c U llnti e~ to b~ r cprcAcnted The choice of Co lumbus an d Franklin at this mceti ng include Butler, CI('r· ounty Democrats hns always been mon t . ([lImilto~n, . M Cl nt~ o m cI'Y . Preba 'hard-shelled De mocrat, a liberal le and Wurren. Amon!::, those wh o con tributor to th e par ty, a splendid will nttc lHI th p lI1('eting from Wnrren orator a nd scholar. nnd if he consents county arc : Dr. Ed Blair. C. F. to mllke the rac e nelft year,. Ohio Cluss and Miss Altn KizIU·. L ebanon; Luther Hartsock . Paul Tomlin.on Democrots will knnw that they havEt Mrs. FUlInie Gath, Frunklin . nnd Therle .J olles CnlliJlo:cd the co rn n I'eal cll ndida te li nd one t hat will lind grain judgi ng tea m reprcBontillg make thiu gs in tor esting from t~ Wayn e T owlls hip H ig h at th e Ohi o. s tU I·t. tate filiI" thiR yenr . whil e .' esse Men· Morc' thnn $100 .000 IInnually is e1 e nhall, Clark Stllrr Jr .. a nd Charles MI'. and Mrs. Will St .John enter· Hay Illude up th e dairy catlle judII" poured into t he state treasury . through the efforts of ten inspectors ltlined about thirty· fiv e r elalives, ing tealll. On e of the nw s l inter estin g a lld in the nutulllobil tl division, Secretary Sunday, at their hom e on Third stree.t The occasion was to celebrate t he in structive fe a tures of the Ohio o f Stllll!, Thad H. Brown, an"nouncbirthdays of Mr. St John lind Mrs. State fui r WII ~ th e live stock, c m cd today. after examining reports for and gruin judging CO li tes ts between the first s ix Ino ll th" of the year. This St John's mother, Mrs. Jell' Smith. The affuir had been arranged ns a teams represen ting the vnrious S mith sum r epresents th o amount collected surprise for Mrs. Smith and when Hught's departme nts o f the s tate. of from lIutomobile li nd truck drivers the g uests had a ll arrived, she was which t here a rc nuw 17 iI . Co nsid. IItlf' IIi(.l t illg to evade paYJllent 'o f a "ent for and her complete surprise ering t he number of deparLm ents r ep· hidler licen se I'lItc by purchasing cvidenced that lhe the plans were resenteel we Ofl' more than pleased I"ore! licenMs und attach in\!, them t.> to lenrn that Wnyn elOW nship High henvy truc ks or powerful cars. Th e very successfully carried out. Both Mrs. Smilh and MI'. St John according to bulletin report, WflS g iv- ~ tn tc is div ided in to te n distri cts, each en sixth place in t he CO l'll lI nd grniu ~ u pervi s ed by all illspector whose duty r eceived several nice presents . . it is to chec k Uw records of the vaThose present were : Mr. anel Mrs. jud~ing. ri ous nutomobile re~istrnrs in the J o hn Vennble, Mr. Loui~ Atkinson, district and see that license tags aro of Utica; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fisher, useci on the cars or trucks for which and son, of Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. they arc Jlurchasecl. Many times inFrank Swope and son, Mrs. Lucy ,, [)ectors h\l"e apprehended drivers Dines, of West Elkton; MI'. and Mrs. of heavy tTUCkll, Oil which license fees Fred Weller and SOli, Mr. and Mrs. of (rom $100 to ~ 180 annu a lly are Harold Strong and family, Mrs. Mar· The Waynesville Shrine club hos tha King, Mrs. Hugo Weckel and booked the Syrian Temple Trio, con- required, beari ng Ford licenses on family, of Dayton ; Mr. and Mrs. Law- sisting of Eddie Ball. H owllrd Haf- which only an $8 fee was paid. Sec- ' r "tary Brown said eH'ective work of rence Evans, of Spring Valley; Mr. ford and Billy Waterworth, for an the in"pectors WIIS resulting in f ewer and Mrs. Irving Pence, of Lebonon . entertainment at the School Gymna- violations of the license law, thus. sium in the near future. The date bringing into th e state treusury many will b(\ announced through the Mi- thoul!llnds of dollars ~nnua1\y which ami Gazette. otherwise would be illegally retained This will be one of the biggest The open season for tho killintr of things ever pulled 011' in Waynes. by drivers with fJ:audulent·lieeDI" squir'-.els began Tuead)ly mgrnmg', ville. and the pop of guns was heard throughout the country all day long. Ed Standiford started out at 6 o'clock HAUL PASSENGERS TO FAIR and was back in town by 7 with the Th e bus will leave Waynesvillo limit of five. Others report that squirrels. are very plentiful this sea- postoffice for the Le hanon fnir about every two hours. Ride the bus. son"



Interesting Items from the

-----. - ._----

I!JMtlIlO'DmEll ANI"IAol'i

~:~tl~:41".,(~~;.~n~e.p:~npt~~~ ~~:~gn!~aS";~~:; :&~~n::n.Fr~!~ ~g ~':'lm)ii(ngJ ~he beAvI~ ~~a~;:b;,rij.,~,t~iOf:J

Shower For Dride


'1 Unlll titH 1R W£:' I'(' g i ven ill J'(':'po n!'p til "1) 11 c all. At 1111' ('\ ()~c.' ,.f th e Lu ~ ill e"" sc .. i"n the f n ll owing pl'l iJ..! f' u m wu ~ r~n d crl' d :



El1I ma G p o rl!t' Il art :-ttH k,


S ('r ip l lu'u i

.1· · to Date,· Stan d·Ina f IY.I,am,S 'ommenclOng ATew SeT,·eS Sunda'"

fin~t~ best


r(' I' NIled ill "tlll c,·rt. f " lI nwN) by th,> (' I":erl n nd prnye rR.

games of the season be looklld for when th.e 1.fia~;~ s~hrt. C. Osborne, if,0{ .... 1 6 68 17 :293 atur- "two·best-in-ttIreo serIes ' WI . e Hopkina, ot ._ ....... 3 7 - Il .286 ____ . }o' rost, if, ot.: .. ... .... 16 1: From tbo standpoint of eIPort and tillY tne. carih 1'0- 'vertown is admittedly orle !lOf 29 . S :069 money expended. "The Frellhman" )oloe" '!Ire d~i>~·t eighteen dan nnd fll8test ' teams in the ayton - . , Harold Lloyd's latest scream film, 1,>1 ~f!lre.. ~drp~ . ; ~e rllin WIUl .r.~' elnlty this year, and their Un-e-pp' in- Team overage ...... 16 607 170 .336 wbich plays ' B. F. Kelth'lI Colonial j:rl''Pely,. ~ . 'IU\~ 0+ ~Wl\, ~.UB n~ eludes ' such well-known stal'8 Ill! theater, Dayton, the ' week of Septh~)'iV.l/J' 'D .rllIO ,nd. fllll · AYAlr .",,, "Mike" Wener, Leo ·. M.lI\s, Jesse· Note that Satterthwaite and Ed and tembor 201)11. Lolyd's moat 'ambitious bOUUJIIB. Com wu ilamaged soml)- '~C6ver lind the Powell brothers , Howard Burton have played overy feature. 'l'he lallteBt interiors Hal'wh~t)p pl.eell'· 1iI!~~re It ~811 · blow).l ''',C urly'' lind Gene. You know that ganlc nntl have not missed an Inning old .Lloyd hllll ' ever u",ed were built dOW1\ ... ·:· .. ' '. • " . , . bunch;will make any team travel some 'so far this -season. ' . for this picture and a hirge cut wu . .. _ . ' • '7. . beat them, buti the ~illmlBnre gPA.nd do~'t. f?,rgo.t the goo! 'of req\1ired to AAt over il:8 story, 'w hieh ", ' . 'I' . ing to turn the. tri!)k. ~ <'lOme out and l(anager I.Btll Shuler, ~ur ptnch hit- ' Willi . built to ' Lloyd's ' dramatic and see tbemdo ft.' Tile. scheaule call.8 ~r !ljlr exell:ll e~ce. Bill hM been CQ!pic liemenelol)B. by .four highly " ." ~ . for the tint game. at 'FrazIer parki at bat . nlne ' ~me8 as a pinch hitter, trained ~nd . ~peciahzed comedy writ,. ' , • ( 'I \ •••• ~\te second 'at! Bavertown and n coin In' tll1'e~ JUllIlcs/ an(l . bM m:aeked ou~ en_ . K~ Rllth , ;Ji)lIutrhllJ:V and Mrs. to be tollOd '( 0 deteri1iiho the Ileld two 'bit!! {tit an ~verage of .222, II bet;. "The Freshman'" III .described by G~e' L. S1IiI~"'elltertalned on .IMt fpr the Utirit Iam~, II one I. nee- ~r percentage ~han a good m.any ma- 'critics anil the prep of the cou~tri. W~dd.J froID; l! t<J6, The afriUr eIUl'J. . ' . jot league pincli hltteTII e8n boast of. 118 the funniest .pieture · in .l'....L .. wq. mlleelltD,01lll .~ower .. lor lin. The man.n are u1dng the pial'- Bill; hu 'alsO. \Von teJI of the twelve . Therc i8 \lot Qne mo\ftCllt in t1a...... ..mU(ord' .Mella_Il, • Nl!8ftt bride.' en to 1'epoit at t\Ht Patk for praetlee cames t.lie team hu p1al'~ 'alnee he tire film that laUl he are not in order. :Aboijt aftien ~~d .llex~ Frida, ...nin,• .IiJePtenJber 111, . took up' the pll)'in~ l1Wl~ment for It wiD play the Colonial aU week, ,aJQM .• ,.., ~' . . . ao,.. , ..... come .l It t .9'~ or . . . wtnniDI pereentai'e of ,888. dartiDg SunU¥, September 20. . .

) Ilh. wil h

WII ."

After war broke out, the Czar put 0 Russia on a cold water basis, stop. C' ping the sale of vodkll absolutely. 'Ehis column then auggeated that abeence of whiskey would mcan more ""' l ·.~ 'J oold thinking by Ruplans, and that one relult of lIuch thinking would be the ab.cnce of the Cmr. That pro ph Tho clouds gathered and the rRin soon aftcr as you possibly can. PracecyNew wuBolshevllii'n fulfilled. , restores vodka to descen d e d S a t urd ay IlIg . ht an d S un- t I' c e ma k es pcr f ec t nn d you WI'11 nce d ita. old alcoholic power-about forty day morning, consequently there WIIS to be perfect in this big scries. no game at Fr zier park last SunBelow we puhlish the latest batpor oent . .. . dllY afternoon. A Brookville tenm ting nvernges of the playcrs who will , .Men. to whom thinking i8 new dis- hud been secured to fill the open date most probably see Ilctive sCI'viee in III!e the unpleasant ..nsation and ef- thnt BellblXlok left in ,the Miami's the Beavertown series : fO~~d gove~n";~~ts'that want t~ rule schedule. But U is probably just liS GAB H 'ts A well that the boys did have an open . .. . I "vI!. In peace find their work oallier when ri . thll' crowd rur"d I- 'well supplied wl'th date, for they haveba. so os bcomt tng Adams. p, if . 10 39 23 .69(1 whiskey. I. l . 0 ., ,. which will can for t elr very es ef- E . Butron, if, p ... 1 G 76 3~ '42l p ,. __ • forts, and their star ratcher, Howard H . Burton, c, of. . 1 6 116 2& :a79 vertlaing we mlgl~t lIS well quit busi" • Burton, is still nursing a very Bore Gons, of, if..... 13 50 17 .840 ness, for we'd never got anywhere."

'l'h e b ot wave '/'f.. !!rpkeil,

,\us iliarv (,1' :'i t. lIl lI'

n H ' t 0 11 Fl'i d f ~ Y artl' l'I lfHHl

a nd 1\ 1 1"~. at th e ho m!! of ]IIi," II ~i t: h\\' a \". T he IIlct.'tinl.!' Wf.l:-l o p p ll e d hy i\1r ~. Cll d wll l1:u)pr. Who rOlntlllcl .· d III .. r eli!; · i l) lJ ~ ~w l' vil' 4' . Th e TW C J1ty ~ th i l'd l's;llm

' ''n rnon county. lind

ult.h'll1 J.( h Il ot ~e n l'rn l1 y clln . id,·rt·tI " pl'Clfilllhlc cn Rh crOll . ye t wlwu t i_ ,.• . :·w nliul · in th e " OlHliol1 !U; H nllr ~c CI'u ll fllr c1u ver. 11 iJ.(h cr yi"I<l, pc,' ncre we re held to l.Je the h p~t wily to 10w.· I· produ ctiu n C () ~t" , which will be featured lIy a s pecial ex hibit at th e Leban un fair this wcek . Th e gc ne ral Utie uf Trumbull ur Fulhio . wheut. tw o improved vnrioties d eve loped by the Ohio Experi· ment BtaUon . would mean Ull increasc of two bU8heiR PCI' n C I~, uccording to th e cx pl'ri ence8 of leuding wh ellt grow erR who hllve tested these varielics. Abou t tifty fnrmers of War· r e n cou nty hnd fi elds of th ese vnrietil's in ~ p e ct e d this summ er, freJln whom sev(!rul thou sand bu sh Is wi ll be available for seed. A list of th r men can be secu red nt the County Agent's office. As to the rute of sced ing, many flllml ers usc oll e a nd ono· half bushel. to seven pecks pan ncre. yet C l a ~. gave lhe (?IXact 2 1-yellr averuge r o· sui ts at Ohio Expe rim en t station to show that two bushels gave the high· cst nl!t yields, I1n increase of one and one·thircl bus hels over th e light secuinK. Som e sentiment is being expressed towards earlr. seedin g of wheat, yet Clas! snr.~' 'Ioolt out ( or the Hes· s ian fl y.' Owning to th e generul winter killin g of whent last sp rin ~ . fly injul'y ",us rather ig nored. yet ehtumo logy specinlistR, who m ude !.he H essilln Fly survey this s umm er. found IIbout Reven pe r CCllt infCHtu· linn in outhw('stern Ohio, which i. much larger thun n yeur ngo. CIIlSB found 75 per cent fly infes tation in the sluLble of a wheat field sm.-n abo ut Sept"mber 20, Illst fa ll. Octobe r 1 has ,:t"enc rally been consid· ered th e safe fly f ree date for War· ren cou_n_t.;. Y_. _ _

\\' o n ", n ' ~

('h tll"eh.

S ' llt ~ n liJC; " fl f'h~ h \\'HY


l umh r 5066

r --


----- ..


----- - ..----

Birthday Surprise




Announcement Extraordinary

---------Season Opens

---_0 _ ...


Woman's Christian Temperance Union Hold Annual Convention l' h ld' Edlnb h S tl d W T~;; 'tvarren County Woman'l ven Ion e m urg, co an / Christian Temperance Union met in e bManaionn,8trFerlet_ thLe tOfd the WC!rtld's S" a",o ro a e many m cret! .tng even a da~'h ' eptemlber. 11. I d ted ?bf heOrrltoutr of the many (.'Ountrie9 of T e 'momng sep on wu eva • e en . chiefly to rOutine businellll , and eleoThe evening was mnrt.:ed by a nUIntlon of omcen, Mip Clemans, of ber of young people prcsnt at a 6:frankl~, . favored ~B ~t~ a . readlng. o~ol<!ck dinner, who, in turn, gave U8 , -The , ~ter.noon lePton WaR OMned aever~ numbers <In the program. ., by devotionals, conducted. by Rev. MUlllc and devotiQna~ ' from Or~Laney, putor of the PJ:eebYterian, ~olll" a readlna: 1r~m Maao,!, mustc church. ' UnfiJliil.becj ~Ulllnjellll ' W'aII rom HllrveYllburg, WayneSVIlle and taken' up and the election of omcers Le\)nno.ll, nil was very milch enjoyedlor the ensuing yeaI'.wu as, foUowlI: 'Again we lIJtened ' to a verY interPrO!lide~t, Mfl!,. N. L. Bunllell; vice e8tiJ!g~ addreia to · tho -yount: people l.lreeldent. Mrs. G, D. Mills; recording by 11118 MatY .B• . Irvin. We were secretary, MrL Ed. 0. Clarke; neas- verg . mach deuc~ted , with the ~ pre• urer, lira. A. V, 'snook. Mrs. D...nee of the l'01UIC fone.· and 1'fah to, KUhI lani I/o "pleulng .1010, after thak theDi ODe and au for Qaelr atwhich M.!sa Mai7 B. ~ Xenia, tendaDce ad _ for part of • ftPrei\e.ll.tative to the wor.'. COD- the JII'OCI'UI.

~~~~r,a :!~~o~~ ~r;~~~e~n:e~<!Sii~~~ a~ountl Ct~nventiont'





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EWS .LEA 0 fRO C~ .T


M ' F OR T

!'<-U ftU·. "':l.'il\; I, ~baJto" (" h. I~e. ! I 01_ 10 ; W. ,\


"t"s\r,l r ~


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• nu l Ullti lef.'


" 'Oll, blid~. ·

11 I UH. --* ,(1 1 <!\( '1 2 ;lij ; .ttl ~ \';1""' 1'. .,11"11,', ~ I. MI ' 1 V:" WI II ' tl' \"II~, ~ ""H.' , 1.1 i ( :" \1\1':11 <. n . ~" , IlIh,'r. , .•.'{.l l; : 01" ". ('1111'. l hlvl' l l II" $ f'W \ r~ . ":! < H HU; ( ) f l . J.:l~ 111 ~ Br"l~t. (,t l " blu, I't'l H t ~ . ,' !' .., \.1.

COM MON PLEAS PROC E DINCS I , . ' '" urn 'n, !!':IS "nd n·lIt. ,.: .•. . ·t5 : .'t:tI,al u ~!fj! . (·o .. ,up pl,,·" . .; . 11 ·I tl ttlt' mai l t " ~.' ~ l tl\l 111 .dJ cy Bl.u l' apd It;rf '~' , "",....,:.",,1 , .:· t~·II) .• :r . fl lli1 .i 1, a nd I.n:. 1) :1 ..... 1.11:\' \ H 411 I t;.,1Iu ll 'r(11\ ' ·ur}, . . ilud .\I!' ~ •. <. 41 . , J~rH F' •• (" "" \". ;\1: I'Y Ikll ,· . ~ I ,,·.'I. \' . " l III' r · "1'1111 . . ;-, 'J, I I .1 . \\. Li I/(O IId\\ ll .. II' . ~ \\) \\ - ;\ ~ ~I\\.·n l o tlH' t'1"v ..... p c· ~ t " Hpp lll'~, ;:- :!4. ;. :J b.


tltlHIl .



I n Ih ~ lH alter "t th,. \\ :11 rl n ~al· IlIrl ,lI Ihl nk \ !'t. ( ' . ( ' :1 1111 \\'~\l ~t' r BIII\'l.. , 11 \\ 'l'" ('\ 11:-" ".,· n ·d th"t pJ u l n . !1 1t' 1t,~ I \t'r lr u llt dl'l\'fl d u lIl ~. :.! Oil I G. l'!Jd fl liff Wm· Jr r ll rt\( ' " U\' j, \\{:C' k f.o\ withi n .\ hi4..' h to ti lt· n tl~t.· fl t lt 'd pr.:l lli o n If) th, ' ma ttf'!" .. t' ('ha:- . [-' r u ze . ,"S. \' l"l rnl' r ~ ir (\ ly .

In I. h .. Ill" ter o f ;\1Ichlll' l It .. tr oupe II nl1 'Y Brunk. dt: ft' IHl nnl \\I l!'o g n llllt" 1,1 duys in whic h til n llSWl' r \''4 ,

und pl,·!lo! . Thl' mailer of lIli chlle l Br~wl' r I't HI. . \' ~ . Chnuncy R. li un l1 pll, l' t H I. , Wit S <:(. ) m Jlro mi ~ed . St.' Ltll,d ul1d di s l11i s!'~ d Without reco rd.

192,368 Orders Already Received ~,.

Tho incre-.ucd popularity of th e im proved Ford cars bu already become aD established fact. Stnce me annouoament of these cars, I 92, 368 orders have been piKed wi~ Authorized Fbrd Dealers- a record mat iJ aour precedent.




See the improved can It your neacest A\lthorlud. ford Dealer's. Place your order now to insure pr~ (erred position o n the dealer'. delivery list. Enjoy rbe DeW beauty and increased riding comfort o( a Ford car dUs Pall and Winter.

0.& DB'f1«)IT






'80 660

D........... an.dSuttt-r 8:aa .. OI>ooCuo a-J c..n Ie (AI ...







F ull y EquiP] cd for Good


Sl:rvice. Large Dis play Room . Am b ul a nce Serv ice





...... E.tat •• Settled

WayaeaYilie. Ohio


--~, ~ ,




YOU ri,btlull, ezpect more than a mere following of ,~r order when you get prin~ing fro~ this shop .





ww. Dna... ....




Walter McClure

\\' . (;. Th " III I'"-"', Ii " ul ,'"l ill1:J le 0 11 l'tdllr:U' 1 ~" .. .... V, ~ : ; , LH O : 1\'1.1. ~:! (; $:) I.,jO : ('hur l,·:-- .h..JlH..':-:'. l--:l IIH' , {1 J1 :\ 0 .' 'W". ~:l:!.UO : Th ,· Ha n .'l t nrn ~ . In r-

,74 .:!0; Tru >!lct·s I'u blie Atfuirs. light ~1I l; a nd wau'I' fur M ~ II . " t l u~l \ll' '' , $ 1~ . ;j (j: Lill!! ., lid\\,. C,... ~ u Jlpl;,'". PROBA TE I~ROCEEDINCS $7 .:' U: .\ 1. E. Hvs" . )l M ll1l1 l. t<'l'. p,,,In t he matter of Philip Whita!'re, !"j!('. $6 . aR a<imin i"tratr ix: with th e will all nexed of th e estate of Anna E. Ro ac h d e cc!l.~e d vs. Clary W il Ro n . e t a l .. th return and r eport o f puhlic sa le was approved and confirm ed by th e l·o urt. The gross val ue of the estllte of Thaddeus D. Morr is , decellscu , WIIS f uund to be $13,HO .62 . Flora Fisher wus appuinted ndrnin i" tmtrix o f the ".tll te o f Will ia m . (J hl\d i~ II ~I' to till' Cons tituti on a nd Fish er, deceased. BOlld . 1500. Dellll In\\" "f lhL' co untry nrc thl' fi r st duty CulL ertso n, L. K Baldwin an d Ge o. of nn Aml'l·ic" n. 511y S Georlle B. Lock l'heily wer e up pe- inted IIPp r a i.r r8. 1\","'1. "dlu.nall:; yn th,' 1':l1tllJ llal Rl'·I n the m ntter of th r estllt., flf J ohll pu,d,,·. '1U •. t lll)! :-;t<'i'he n A. n ou!! las Rranrl cnburg, deccased , proo f of pub t.u th at elft'c t. MI'. Lu ckwoou con · liclIlion of n otic,e o f ap poi ntm e n t o f lI n.~ t:' : executrix wus tilod. , \\ (' hl'nr IIho ut the duty of The will of Ann Mu rie Grnhulll ofli eiul" L', t' niurcl' the lillY thun oi deceased, wa s produced in " P n C UUI~ lh,' duty ,. f Ih~ .:i liz ... n to ub~erv" the f or probuto. Applicati on will 10" Cor law. . hearing Septemb e r 23. " If 1)f~'llk lll " W"re c.onfill ed tfl Th e a ccounl o,r Nelli e Me L. Fi ~ h - tho<c ,..·t"I-:OI;:'·" a. law les" th,' 111'____




We promiae you service. Service includes an intel~ Ii.enl study of manuscript; the proper faces of type to be uaed; peFfeetion in alignment; exact qu a lity of paper; how to cut it; print it. and fold iL No joh too amall for our . Quality Printing Standards

One ~hm ilicant nnd satis factory cond it;,)/) which has not y t sufficien tly impress d the American public is tha chan ge in Unclc Sam's shipping status during t he p ast two d ecade8. Twonty yell I'll IIJ!' O, whe n a citizen of th " Uni tcd Stutes wanted t () go ahr (,ud he hn r! lv trave l nnd e r f or e ign fllll-:~ . Touay he can go under thu Am e rican flog in In'eat steamers o f wh ic h I'cry cit; 7-e n or the United tu~ s s hould feel proud. T h~ chungo. which is li t tl e s ho r t o f ntal'\'(' I (l u ~ , \\'I1 S, of course, b rou g ht " bout by t he co nd itions ari sing during lh" World wu r . Yellrs OIl' O Sen ntor Mark Hun nn s ought to b u ild up a n A mericlln n1(,l'chll n t marin .. t hro' a SU b~ l d }' , whkh \\'o" ld have cost the people lib ut "ev"11 mi lli oll dnllnTS a your::l. The sum loo ked b ig, t hen, un d th ere wa ll t reme lldous opposi tion , oppoatlon so g reat thut even the a st.ute anu far-s 'cing e nator fro m Obio was lIl1abl to ove rcome it. The Mubsi dy Ilroposnl died and Au",riell wenl its wuy .shi pless, d epending on forci!,rrt flugs . Then we WOI'(J plun ged i nto th e World war stl(lIy luckin/? a merchant murine. It was necessa ry immediately to build onc lind the p rophecics of Mark Han. nu , uttered ulmost a gen e ration befure , s udd enl y became true. Bu this tint!! it was n ot a task co~ tillg \I "n lt ry ReVen m illi on s a year. 1111 '0 s um, had to b e expend ed and ou r la ('k of nution al foresig ht' cosl us bl!twc cn two und three billion s of dolia~ • Dut that is 110 W all wllter over the Wh ee l. W e have n fine merchant marine, 110 matte r whllt it cost, and we o ugltL 10 keep it. It e nhances our p ro~J1cl' ity in day s of peace and will I,,· (l UI' sa feguard in cuse of wllr. Every good A IlI c rlcan ('ve rywhere will res('!, l a ny and .nll cfl'~ rts , usually IlJ>l llIred I,y f ore!g-n shIpping in ter(!R tS. which l~ nd t o teal' down our ITlt'rc hant Ill IIl·inc.- Natio n a l Repu~ Ika n.

lh e cstnlLI o f


MARRAIGE LICENSES Wilson Allron Harvey , farmel'. of Il tlrveysburg, nnd In ez Merle mch Wnyn e5 villc. . ' HunSlf'otkl J oha Tewell, fac t ory workc~, and Noro L ee Rob inso ll, bo th of Frallklin. Charles C. Ln~l e, cle tk, Kin gs Mill s and Myrtle E. Corwin, oC Morrow. .Fra nk William Cromwell, forlller, and Groce Doughman, both of Sn ut h . Leba non.


THE MIAMI GAZETTE Printed MaUer of the Better Kind.

COMMISSIONERS' ALLOWANCES " Did Yfl U g-e t lhat new fall W. B. Ollrpenter Co., supplies, were ravin g over last week?' " Oh , y e~; I got it t he next $1.88; Barrett Bro~., /la me, $2. 40; .John so n Watson Co., sa me $3 .90 ; M. "And what did your father H. Oswllld, r epaIrs lor chairs, 0...'"2 .2 0', Ru ssell 'r. Speneer , DDme, '"7 .0 y ., Of. ~ .. ficc Outfitters, repairs on typewl'it"Oh; ho raved, too." er, $3.60; Alfred C. Brant, sheriff, board lind wlI@hing tor pri~oners, $270.26: Trustees of Public Afrairs, SLY SLIM SLATTERY SAYSgDS, water and Ilig ' ht, $132.00', Ravmond Harshbaraler, material and la'"About one hand of pok. ... bor, $187 .46 ,' DIl"" Dllblic W-Ifara, ' r" ~ .. v e r i • • 11 ye m o dern maid. can Div. o f Charities, $1,046.50; Ohio pl a y .•_'_ _ __.~___ ._-_Hospitnl for EpUeetiC8, supplies for Wnrren Co., Inmate~, $65.21i; H. E. THEY ALL DO DiJlIlush, coroner, inquellt, Robert Zecker, $6.05; John Law and Son, F ir~ t Wife -"My husband just nat.- jl:as , oil, r C)lllirll and supplies, $27.91; urally ttlke ~ t o poker." $4 1.1 4; J . W. Lingo Hdw. Co., s upS("''' nd Wif e- "Mine, too; much plie~ f or jail, $3.31; Ivins-Jam eso n more lIml1 hl' brin g s back." Drug Co., .~ ame, 181.92: G . Lederm a n,

Claracll al yo u fluth .lny. " lara soy '! " Huth-

. • •

_ ~~ __

_ . _-

._ _ •



ce~s l ly

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stnd( ()f

till' lilll P o f yl'tlr to tu ke to ~('(l what wi ll

UIlt."S dolht '~

b(! n Ct ' tit' d l o r F u ll und wha t n Ul be Di ll ti f.! tu d o fur Htl othl'r :->l'HSOI1 • Nu ~J n uh t ~ ClU h UVl' a ~ tl'u i ).£ ht Hne,pi l'cl.' dn\~!-i l lu ll l"; ~ ti ll J!,U II {1. AIrTh) S t C \ " ' l'y Un t ' hu ~ f or Uwy huvo br' l ' n i n sty If ' ~o IOIlI! . Th (· vpry I H"'~t W ily t o ~I\' l' ~ lIdl a ( h' t" ~ ;a :-c ma rl n C.' w li l1 ~ i ~ t o add u h tdcro. Th.· ",· t ri~ lilt!,· l'ff~r t" n r e bei ng-

" I", wn rur (0',, 11 ", .. I\r Ly th,' I"'>t shops Th . . 'Y


~v m p lillll"S

m ad (l o f St·l t

noat Pria l Ill' II!CH ill th ey llIay be of cr,,, rastin g cloth "" in Ih.' Ill od el I h"",' sk,·tel,l·d ht'rl!. III t hil; drell" th(· r ontru ~t itl )! gl1(l d s n l ~n mnk (l th o

cuffs und bl· lt. r\ "pl'~ ial pnll pl'n is n ot nece SRn' y t o cu t :I b .. lf'I'll of this k ind. .\ "q;lIllIr wai ~ t patte rn will do with IiLtlo .1ltel'Olions s h" wlI by th e dulted iin '8 i1 f th e " kutch ilL Lhe upper left . rh(' s i.le selllllS should h e ~ Ii j!'h tl y fiuTl,<1 li S shllwlI at A and B. Th ""t'P V n ec k i~ ~ hnped a s al C. The ;wlto lH of t he (fI'nl is curved upward ' owurd th" ~i ol ... ~e "m s li S at D. The uack is cu t sl m igh t a .S lit E .

F. T. Martin Jesse Stanley Auctioneer Auctioneer u..

Date your aalel with We paraat_ satisfaction or charlfe nothin ••

(I f strl'ss ing th(' imp n r tnn ce

,·f law "b.,('t·\·unce would not be ~o g-...· IIt, But w hll t more l han all e lse wCllk('t! the l'nu~ (' . ~ f Inw cnforc,-men t I" the di SpOSitIOn of IItern ll\' millio ns Clf Am('r ica n~ to di srega rd thu ~e b Wb they cO IIRlcie r ullj, <I ur lIn~.I· i~.~ ... . ," • r} ," h"it ef In law I ~ nut un u\ll a IlWI,,,, those ",It o disr 'f{ urd IIlW, The' burg lar li nd th e lIIurdt! rer of ten he l i",,~ tlwms elves jus t ified; the Oil!! a r g uilllt lh ~ t he i. only !.ukin ).! " dirc·cl method o r l'lfC' d in g t~ a t . w hi~h mlln y () he r~ 3l'colllplish hy IIIdl r<, <'I lolI. lln d th e oth er thu t he hDS th ~ ri ~ hl lu aV CIl g- c n wrong. HDi "bc li('f in D given IllW fut'l1i s h ~s n j U"liflcation f or breaking- it. The fu bric of la w, wh ich protects the ei l i"en in ~ is right Lo life, libt! l·t y lind the pur" u lt of hllppin ess, CU nl1 (,l be ll'm in onu spot without li lT Cling the flrm n e.s uf the wh ole mantic o f d efen se of ind ivi dual l~g h lS . 1'0 leDve tu " Ve ry indh'idual the r ifhl tn 1te rmin e wha t III\vs he . ha l and whn t he sha ll not res pect a nci obey wou ld be t o destroy ull la w. " N citize n wh o disl'ej!'lIrds and deti cs an~ law has morally the r ight t u complam beM US oth er citizcnfi disr(lgn r d othe r lows. (lven IlIws necl's3al'y to his own pr otection. T here must be r espect for law becau se it is law.. "i,ver~' infro~tion of IIIW, by whom. ne ver co mmitted, is a blow at the foundatiotl of nil IlIw and order. If the e xampl e of lawlessness is g ive n by the s us btahtial citi zen of r espec.· tuLl e rep utation. it is an invita tion to di ~o rd er ly e l e m c nt ~. with less at sta ke in the preservation of law and order , t o imitate that exam ple. "In \l republic like ours the law rep re se n ts th e will of the people ' in action. IC it does not represent the prepond erance of publio opinion, the mean s of repeal are provided UJtder our sys tem of government. "The ge nuin e ly and intelligent patriotic dtizens of this republic will not be found cry ing out aga inst t he laws of t he land 0 1' enga ged in brea ki~ g them, either privately or pub. hclr.. • The late Pres ident Harrison r cfused to follow a companion in his homl.' ci ty of Indianapolis who walkad over u g r ass plot ns a s hort c.ut to t he stTeet. H e knew thllt one cr ossing of t hat bit of grass would not harm it. He knew , however that if others did lh e Slime, a pln~CI of beauty would become an e yeso re. Ris deep-seated scnse of justice , li nd his ha bit of mcusu loi ng the results of h'IS own ac tIon "s f . t 'Imltuted by others, ' pre vent ed h 1m from doing even so s mall an anti.soclal uct. He was concerned with the principle involved in s lIch IIction. "Th e nation is the sum of th e units h' w ICh go to make it up. It is upon the behavior and the thinking of the uHlivldual th at th e stability and quality of gove rnm ent de pends. Keep in mind your own rcapon slljllity. If overy wl'il-intcntioned citizen of the republi c did this. good government w" uld be much more easilY at~ained objec tive.'" _ ....- -- C.II on u. for !,Olar Job p ..h.tinl'.

_ _ ,__ ,,_, _____ . _____. _ _ _

Centerville, O.

New Burlington,O .

Phone No.2


Phone No. 320




Free Crank Case Service

Things You SnQuld Know

Mellob's Garage :. Cold Is ono of the moat po,.,.. tuI agencies opposed to tree dJo. cui tI f th blood a on 0 e . lmmenIe the hands in l.c:e-wBter,--blanchinJr. sWl'ening and pain wfll Free circula.tion of tho blood t. the outstanding eaaentla1 for goocI health. It is tnae that cold bathinS' Is, In certain conditions, a va). ~Io nrocedure, but ' abUBO of thU poweriul agcncy II certain to pro;luce hann. Unless there Is prompt reaction after coldappUcat101l.1 to the surface of the body, there .... few measures more dangerous. Cold contracts the capUladel and forces the blood elsewhere from the point of contact. If ... ~



' Po, Sv-,t! !OT




LIIll-'\(\ "I

&'-'.3Vt'I" .: ' lflP. I'Ll.


Q1BAC ,( ' ... '1Wo 'SHA~'GS 0..- A PIG'S



'llie&e LATe ~ AN' MISSI"'" 'iOuA. BEAUT'{. 5Lt:EP

MONEY LOANED LOANR on Chntte ls ,Stocks. Securities "nd Secn nd M(lrlgagl'~. Note. boul':ht. John IIarbine Jr., Xenia, Ohio. ·m1l0-'26


Farmers, Attention'! Fanners of Warren and adjolnln, countlell may obtnln money on 10nl time 10Dna, at 5 % per cellt Interell Cost of lleeuri~g the same III vory rea. sonable ,tbrough The Federal Land Bank. For further information Cln on or addreR M. C. DRAKE, Treas. urer, phono SIB-X, Lebanon, Ohio:


4uriacio of the body be ehlIled fOI a considerable time, the blOOJ II

driven in to the lungs or other lno temal organs with great force. and staals will rcsult. 'l'hou8Mdl of Invisible bacteria find lodg&o rnent in the congested t1l!Sues, 8IId multiply rapldlY-il8 in pneumo!). ia, arthritis and even meningitiL Cold Is a much more deceptJ", agency than heat-the latte. warning Its victims In time, .hU. cold may Inaugurate a fatal di.,. ease. without jm~ratlve admom. tion. The subject of "winter bronehl6 ._" --'II ... ... Id WJ occur Mwith the e1d adTt'I'It cit eo atIll weath er. any i!rl)'~ ' I, ted wi h I are c t th s rifilt • maJagymj' and swolhlow bll.rl'(;la 01 coug xtUfeS w ich mayor rna) not give temporary relief:' AU your bedrooms (lallI', At;d _.thelU al night, A ...4ft:f'peo"'pl·e .hou~lt· 8"' not Rleep In. col air, ft-Itl,-' .~ should th e)' bo expolICd to .udd.,. changes of temperature. There II no sense In changing a cqmfortablc room Into a most uncomfortabll one, and wam) W. ~1 be ~uat '" pore qn ~Id,

WANTED CASH- For ·Dental Gold, Pilltinum' Silver, DlanlOndR, magneto pointll' fal ~e teeth, jewelry, Bny valuable!: Mati to day. CIIBh by return mall. Hoke S. & R. Co., Otllego, Mich • FOR RENT FOR RENT- G!lrage. Mrs .\",e\lll Williams, 4th & Tyler SbI.· 1"U FOR S .....~ FOR SALE OR EXOHANOE-One male hog, pure bred Duro!) about 18 months old. ' Rolla Bolton', R .R; 1 WAynesville Ohio • 13 ,a

._± _L



, .

FOR SALE-Two.row wheel cora .cultlvlltor, IIlmost new, J. P. Cummmge, R. R. 3. ·s28 FOR SA'LE-Goocl Jeraev bll'" ~Q monthll old. Samuel Sm·I'I..'~ 4, Wayn"svlll,,- 0 .. \.... WANTED-'" n .. A da~enpon bl!d. ,~, Clint Roel , • g.'1"







NElI;'l Wl4liiK


-- AI-< ' Wf-\AT;S MOQe '<'QU1'Kl>~ACN w .. 'IO<J QE,P>.C4-I FOI2T'I , ~'LL REG-QGT


Danger in Cold, But-

By McCllllouuh

FOLKS IN OUR TOWN-Eleanor Gets a Beauty Hint _ _ __ >' ''M~- co ? S vRE!.I'LL ( rO . OJm.H v HAT'S c"N ? "';e,....... ? F'll'r;("\L.PH \\ :,Eu, ",o



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•• ••

' SeWIng . PTacticallnst,ructions in Home


H ersche l Fisher, dccen5etl . WU5 lip . proved and confirm ~ d . The account of Mnrga rl't \ . Bflxwell, c.xecutrix f lh(' ('slnl,· of Al x Boxwell , d eceased, wa~ applo\'cll "lid confirmed . Th e r eporl of Loura Gree ly, ex('cu . t r ix of the estnlc of Ang"l ine Spen ce, deceased, wa. a pproved . " lI owt.d a ll d confirme d . The account of Aar on .J. Trcm hl,. g uard ian of Carrie L. T remhl•.. ill: comp etent, was apP I',, \ ~ d, all o \\ ('u nnd co nfirmed . Th e accoun t o'f J ohn W . Mt' lung. guu rll illn of Ru th J . ~'l cC'lu n ll . in com Iw tent, was appro\'ru. a ll owed IIl1d c'lIIti l'med . Tit ' tinl Ilc eount o f Mary 1\1. ,ta r, ndminiHt l utrix of lh ~ rstllt(' of Mary M. Sta rr, deceased, was np Jl rl!\'l,d , a ll owed an d con llir nwd. The reporl ,.f Auwnr! o E . .' ta rr , a dministratrix of lhe estHt 'If I , A . Starr , d eceased. \\'". a PIJ 1'0 \'l' I. HI. lowed lind cOll tlnll ed . The fint aCCl)u n t of Willillnl M. Byers. eXI'cutor of the !!stule of Ge... W. BYCr H. li eaee-lISe d. wus approved, a ll owed and confirmed. The gross val ue of the SUI! " f Martin Gons . li p, N,sed, was fOll lld to be $20 ,7!l:l .(lf). Thomas S. Br:tlndu n.'uto r of the estate of T . J . T homps il l . deceased , fli ed his tirst IIc~o unl. The net va lue o f the esl llh' o f J ohriathan McCu rd y , deceased , \V II S found to bc $8,741.85. The will of lE:va Sims, deceu scd, wu s produ ced in ope n court fo r PI'Obate Applicati on will be for hCllring Seplember 1(;, ut 10 o'clock. Thc Leban on Nlltionnl bank a nd Trust Co., ndministratOlll of the C8tate of Nettie R. Stowe. deceused, fil ed its. first unci finn l uccou nt.

e e. e

11.: .


c r t e xecutrix. o f

• • • • • • ~ • • • • • •• • • 1• • • • • • • •

lumla'f , .,'; ~ l l.G~, j'u r, $ 1 1. ' / :1, :\ , 11 ' )1'111' an u \ ' n ,. (.(l fltl ' n t. $1 .f,(1: .\ I" r r o \\' F l' l' d Hnd Sup pl y ( '0 .. l n H-ot lind l UIHh l'r. :.; ; ; " _II"..-r ... oI n L. S ll l"1'h"'·. I! II .~ :, 1\ - l'l' rlLnl! ( ;UJ· uJ.! ' · }.rut; n lld ).!l1~J 'q l t~ . . ... '~ . l.ljij; I' r: ln k ~ h t' l:. \\\llItI , :-Ll p p lll ·t'1 . ~'l; ~i .: ~ f, : \\' illiutll ( 'Hll'Tna n , drn).."'l-!lllS! rnad , .. 7 7':,0 : V.. unl-. 1111',,1:: . \\" .. 1-. "n ).!tnder. ,1. 10 ; II. •. C tlll l ll llllJ..'~. ~ ,,1. ~ ~ _7 U; Ih.' r l' uw til1rH)!l' . . . a rnt ·. :.Ul': •.\I oll zo Curt,·,. . III " ;:/.:1111-:. ~ I 11 . 1111 . I';. :-:. I ! " Il\l ~IJ !,,' r 11. f\ IPP. hri



----- --

\ \'UI '-" ... t,.; u ra ).!l' , n' Jntir~ 0 11

Till' l' R!"" lIf ?-ti c hnel B r pw e r t!t a I. . via, $2 ~ .1. :: z; i'l'rry :-i imp s(llI , f u n)l ~ h ­ v!'. J ., A . Il nrtll1~ll1, . \\'n ~ Sf.!~t l l· '1. com · !Ill.!' a nd pilillg ~t tJlll', $ 11 :1. 0 0; i\l ll l1h,y prom l!\(' .l :tn d th S ml s~ ~d wlth ll ut r e (·· It. .Ju lnes vn,. J!uru~e t enl, $R. tlO ; E . ....d . \\" It UIIIlI,), . p a~' I·" II . $ 11:l.~O ; I'. U. - -,\LtlHl't · , !-l(l IlIC . S 1 l )li; Chal'l t>:i ,) lIJl l' S. N E VV SUITS , un ,,'. ;::1~ ·1. 8r,; II l' llr y Il i; h" p. ,a me. urlcton Dunn hns ntl'rl''' Ruit $1\1 . 11I ; ,!o .hn T . lil·,·I.:).!. "" lilt , $:17. :': fi ; ngll in ~ t Clara B. nun n ('t Il l. . f"r pa r . \\':Jlt "r \ ' ''1'11'' ''. SlI llIl·. $·17. 0[1: ,J" hn relll estate. {; rt.lIl, "anll', $0 \; .00; lI ar la n Whi tll t itio n Elta Po llaru has enl er l'd . uit f or en' . sa m... $20:\. :W ; I'hil i" lI il'H'I, a divflrce and in j un cti on ll~a in$ t SUlllt'. $I OI.f;(l ; V . W . T n llll'kin ~ , Jam es Pollard . She charl!"" l'Tllc lty. S lIlIIe. $'.~;!. I ,. ; F. M. Cu ll in s , SUIlH' , Ra ymolld E . Humphri es IlIIs e n . $:110.0 :1: ~:1 i AU: Eden 'fe rry, s"m~ , terc d ~lIi t f or divor ce a gains l Doro- ~::U :!( (!~ $:I ~ 7 ' ,~:' ; A: T . Rellig, su me , lohy Humphries. Hl! churges g ross S h ~ , L h": .1. \\ . II""" . snnw. ;P8 1. IO;


•• ••• 0 ••• " •


"'\IHU"' t\Ptl~~!,' ' ,~ SALE-"\ln~i"l:

good fhll.vy FOR

dI:~t ' ~r


.. ~ reaf!l, e Mtllmr A~~ i:D~';V 'AOll $cAJtE-To!""tOfI. · ·lllquire flf p

ook, phone 12.3. ' , . 1/- .... FOR SALE-Hlgb-afllde_l'hQnQ" .JlI of Btnntlan\ malee. Will etir~1iii!\l ,.. balanco dUt!: paym.nts u '1o. ' iii $'.00 per week. For full lntOl'QlA' tlon, wrl~. P. ' O • . Bot •••• Ohio. ' " ' , ' ' IIJ~ • FOR SALE-Poland:CbtAi malt'M weighing up to . 290 l!»I.i bitt" IIf breedlrg•. 110gB on f..,... 0'1 Oil"kr. • . Ville and Spring ValJoy"p.,!ktt. '(,),. II. , Maxwell. , . .'.' .~O '. mOil,



, l'O~, SALE-..:B!!a~tlfulr pl"'Jtr " ,·-,600 vahae, 81"'~f ' gew "'If '" . IIno condition. (jaJl IHt p,,~"-.d a, balance due by ' relpOll!Ilbl, very ealY paJIII,nla. '" li'or 'flil~afo", mat:l0n write -P., D, ~ A Ohio. . ." .. I


Box 4a,

. For Sal. or

new.,. 'l:Plred





~ J,oiIi

:c:: lot-::f'~ . ~.l'I: Wu-.oD.W~



•... T HE MIAM I

GAZ~TTE ••••

Entered at tb,-PIIJltoffice at Wayne ~ V'iIle, 0., ns Second


Mail Matter

D. L CRANE, Editor and Pllbli.her, Wayne ...iII e, Obio :.....

Subscript.ion Price. $1.50 per year.

TI",Q t ehl n Adv ;;",1"'-;-\i R el' reac nt btjy l"



W~~DN~SDAY. S~PTEM BER 16. 1!J25 THE PROOF IN THE PUDDING The strange romnnce of personal fortune. find s .lIn,!thcr fasci nating chapter In p ullhcallun ()f the illChlTlC tax Pllyments over which there htlS bee n so much co ntroversy. 1'hc Prcs!de nt of lhe United States, Mr. Coohdge lead. the puLlishod list, with fl compaJ't\tivo:ly melll(cr payment o f $1-I ,OR I .86. John D. Ruckofelle r ,Ir., tOJlK tho list with a pa ym ent of $6,· 277,660. Seemingly the grcot oil king John D., the oldeT, hWi v"ry Il1:rgely impoverished himsclf. for with \tla pllymont of , 128,420 , hu uoes not fl18ch the atandard of income of Dough... Fairbanks, who chi pped into the governmont. 110 les5 thun '$ 182,· 190. Llkew lHe thoKe who ha ve fl g. ured a fabulous income for Charlie Chaplin seem to have been wrong, IIOmli WilY or lI.n other, for his income tax .",punted to only $346. Perhaps 1n Mr. CbMPlln'B cuse the high cost of raarrilill ma)' hav e tended to reduce hit net. Joseph H. Brewer, who began h is bUaineaa career a s a stenographer for a rallrond l proVes again that opportunity tor rlchea from a modest beginning ia .tllI with UB, tor he paid the largest tax In western MichIgan, $326,846.08, which leaves s uch men aa William Wrigley Jr., Edwin J . Qould, William A. Rockefeller, and a number of other notables entir ely In the piker class so far a s income i. concerned. Mr. Wrigley's contribution to the government amounted to only $2,644. Last year the tax of the chewing gum king WIUI $836,665. It appealtl how. ever, that changes in the law have permittfld Mr. Wrigley this year to deduct hlB 10ll8e8 extending as fnr back 18 1914. Unknown millionaires have s prung up by the hundred. In the light of th e figures submItted it seems almost ludlcrou. ot heer from timo to time t~ calaraity howlers bewalllne the shrinkalle of bUlinoss. Certainly ~

From Our FiI•• of 1904

Go._Bur,e .. A pretty wedding was solemnized at the home of Wm. Evans, In Lebanon, last Saturday, whe n Mi88 Edith Buraeaa and Mr. Quincy Gons were united in manlage by Rev. Cae. pas· tOr ot the Presbyterian church. The newly married couple are both residents in the vicinity of the Cacsarscreek Friends meeting house. ~e bride Is tho only daughteJl of Mr. arid Mrs, Jordlln Burgells and III a most estimable and a ttraetivo young lady. The groom Ia a so n of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Gons who boug ht the Joshua McKay homestead about f our year'll ago, and those who know him speak ot him in the highest termi as a Worthy young man. .


S Olll

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to huv.c dim in ·

lI ()udi ni. who can get out of any. lhing, Jlaid U ll in c u m ~ lax of $4 L Babe Ruth showed hi mliC lC a real man us 1\'l' 1I us 1\ rl!al base billl player when Ill! ex pressed a willingn ~s to fru nkl y apo logize for his attitude of defiunce. Only th o Itec''''I<' e bruin declines to udmit error in conduct.

nuy J uhn F euly Jr., W flS II j::uest of hi " pure n ts, 111 r, and 1\11'8. J. W . Felily. . 1. I\' .I\lill"l· is spe nding Il few duys WIth Ill s dnughter, Mrs. Mllmic He· tu lJ ick , lit Urcgo nill. Messrs. Elmer Ump lcby Il nd R is· illg"r, of nellver, Pike cou n ty, call "d un J . C. Gray, r ecently. Mr. anti Mr •. John Be rl{er, of BllI n· ch(> ~ tcr, call ed on Mrs. Cla ra Cunner an d Mrs. 8 thel Smith, I'ece ntiy. Mr. and Mrs. II. 13. Mc Knig ht, of 'illcinnali,


"l' hur8fiay e vening

K ue~ tR

King Georj:tc, rpccn ti y reviewing one of Scottish regimen ts, had to appear In th" c ustomary kil ts. It is u good thing His Brilanic Majesty is not a general in sorne uf the W('s t A fricnn regiments, n nd sillted for revie,\~.

We ure to ld t hllt a firm in Wi Hco n .

si n is turning out paper raineoa~ re. ta iling, frum 10 cents to 59 cell~ Th\! development folloW8 In line with ~b e paper shoes thllt have bee n !!cll. lIlg f ro m $8 to $10 for t he last few years. . Prusala will now r~stort> $50,000,000 In property to the Kaiser. The Roy. alists control the German courts, we are told, and lIO that settles that. The n(>Xt step will be 'to dcelure the re. public unconstitutional and fix an. oth..,r tag day. " Baby Bootlegger" easily ran away from its rivals In the speed boat ra. ce~ recently in Long Island t;uund Baby's fat her and mother hava show~ the coast guard boat.~ their heel. for a ' long time. Thero mu st be some. thing in the strain. Says Snm- Nowada ys it's speed rather than pride, thnt goes befor~ .II fall. "Early to molt and poor to lay' TheBe al'e hens that never pay.'" N. Y. Extension Service.

1 --



JlI:ofils don't isl... d.

Dvrl;":"" I'{J Mr . Itlll! !II "S. Jltorri!\ OMbOl'lI , a so n. A num ber from hl'~c a ttended th e Day ton fnil' lUijt we k. Mr. und Mr~. 1\ L. King, IIf Way. n",w illl!, \\'er~ vi s iturs Iwrc, Mond;IY. Miss Inez W eh nnd Wil"on liar. v" y WOI'IJ . '1ulclly ma rried onl' uuy last wee k.

Kcalded to death by a pot of hot coffee . Tbe eoffee struck th e little one about the shoulder and ran down ove r almost the whole' surface of t he child except one arm and one leg, burning it terri bly. For a tim e the life of t he pati,mt was ulmost despaired of by th e fami ly and t he attending physi· ciun, but it is th oug ht that the da nger is now past.


uf Mr. und Mrs. J. C. Gray. OWl'n llnrri ~ anti fl;end o f Co· lUlnbus .. sl1ent LuL ol' OilY wit-h his purellta, Mr und 1\1rs. Fra nk L. I-Iar· ri a. Mrs. Emma Clin e and so ns , Ea rl and J umell, of lJuyWn, s pent the week· end und LaLor Dny wHh rein· tiveR here. Mr. and Mrs, Chnrl(>s n. Gray have II four·year· old apple tree in th e ir yar d which is blooming for th e secv nd lime tit is sensu ll. Mr. and Mrs. Wulter Underwood, of Waynesville, w ere Tu esday g uests of th eir children , Mr. nnd Ml'1!. Wil · bur Ha wke a nd Cumily. Mr. and Mrs. Fra nk Wilson hnve rctuJ'Il cd home, Ilke r a d elightful three· week's visil wit h th e ir so n, Wil· bur a nd wifl!, in Roanoke, Va. Li ttle Mary Eleanor Hawke ha ~ r e· turned hom e frum a pleasant visit with her Il' randpnrents , Mr. nlld 1\11-5. Wulte/'! Underwood, nt Wnynesville. Mr. and Mrs. 'hus. II. Gruy nncl family, and Miss Mabe l Sturr Were S und ay g uests of Mr. and 1I11 ~. W. M. Matth ias , in Dayto n. Miss SltllT r emained for a visit. Mrs. Mary J . [Pinch suffered what might have beo n a smious fnll, MOil ' day. While at worll in her hurnc .h" attempted 110 lum around alld her IIl1kl" turn(>d , throwi ng her fUl'cibly tu the fl oor. 1\ bruise on lht! bill'k uf her head and a gl:neral shuking Ul' we r e the exte nt of her injuries. School ope ned Monday \Vith nn enrollm ent of 1 I ~; twenty. two uf these being in t he high s choo l. Our leuching staff cons ists of W. H. Og den and Mrs. Herbe rt Carr, in the Hig h sc hool Miss Merle E ll iR, advunc ed g rud cs ; Hurnett Hutterworlh. inter m ~d i al!' grades , and Miss Helc n Graham, pri· mllry grades. All arc loo king fo r . ward to B s uccessful year. Our young f olks are turnin g th eir fa ces colleg'c word. Misses He len Randull, E sthe r and Sam Underwo od arc resumin g th e ir studies at Wil· mington coll ege. Miss Margnret Couk hl1 ~ r eturn ed to incinnati to con · tinue her stud ies ut th" CUll· so rvatory of Mu sic. She will do some teach ing this yeur, a lso. Chllrles Moore hus retu rned to Miami univer· sity, and H wurd Cook has ente red Earlham college.






Valuable B~i ~di g ~estions ;

IJ you we)'() bOnl between Septombor ~26th, nil things. bcnatifuI apIJeill to 'i u, u l\~1 )'\)u r h It 'If wlaly ~ is nnd criticlhlll lendR y o u to dilioCovor 80mE! ilnagiJl{l r y defeat, which d""t l'U)S tor rou the relll benuty of in" II h .t. n~U1Uh6 you Cilll 111,,1 n.. 11!!.ppillQS8 III anyt lJlll1o\' til t i.q not ahs'I\lJwl y perfect, you worry (l ~.ut deal ab() ut tlJf KllOrtcmnlnl{8 o~ OtholfS. Wh en you reu.l ize tha.t notllln!!; in tho worl,l is ub,;olut.e ly »('riect., YOII will havo overcome one of yoW' grcate@t obstacl s to hapuitless. . You ha"" a kcetJ alert mind. You Ill'(! Intellectual vivnciou~, anti PO~"",M IU! tile IIu ulltie8 which go lo muo up a slngularl)' brif( ht, Ingenious ~~c:nW.ltty an,1 pll'tlIIlng VCr.iOllallty. P08Be@s\ng IlR you 00 unuf,ually · keon Intellectual rliocrimination, you BBpire to good and I{rellt thi n ~ , al thn u~h you oomci\ml'l' lnclt t ho courage In application. It '" quite 1l !lOi!"~SlU'y that you carefull)' Rtudy yoursell, RIl.I IlJuLl yze your (Ull Its, n!lst.1BSA nes /II InelInRtnncy, inquirJt lvencs8, cunnin gll e~ , and u&~it as critically as you dn those of others. Men burn und!'r these dates otten become lAWYoni, public .pcakprR md ag'n.'fIIi1Ivo polit Icians. Women often gain prominence lUI poeta, nualcians, nrtlllu<' phlloBOphenl. 1\1lI1 IW'ienUBta. -=-=:...-=---~-.=... -- ===- -==:. ~---'

LYTLE Miss M iltlrcd <la rk Wn" th e Fritln\' diuu er I(u('st 'If I\lrs. MnJ'y Carm oll):. Burn- T n ~ 1 r. and ~Ir s . I· runk 1'hul1l 1'>'<)11 , T uc"luy, 'c ptclIlber 8th. " duul{hter. ]11". Will L" y. o f n"ar nid ~c I'i lle, spent W"d' JI!suuy with her nunt, Mr9. Chl ue Sides. Mr. and Mrs. Harry McGinnis were \\,cl;k·enu ~u ests of Or . and Mrs. L. B. Ha ll an d chi ldren, of Waynesvi lle. Mrs. 'alvin Longacre, of Da yton, is spe nding a cuuJlle of wee ks with h!!.t' pare nt.~, Mr. and ]11~. S. H. Uur· nett. A num be r f lrom here attended the showe r f ur JIIrll. Mildred Archdeuco n, t;ulurtiuy, at the hom" of Mis8 t:.:thcl Bishop.


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inl (l r (' s t inJ.~! (,(lnCl1 nt rall'

nrc ~ nying; put. yu ul" \\'h l it: ~ I) ul inln i t . l!\.'l H:-i {'l1thu~ia~ t i l' li\'l' I' il ns tlwut.!'h vo u \ \ ' ( '''1' u~ I \'i:-.i l1 l.!' a f"(' IH' ,'al huw -t o! " ' np llll'(' 1\ strn nl!on Wh H·!




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Waynesville, Ohio


huld . Then. when the ot her f~ il ow is talk· in g. Jj,t(,11 to what ht· is say in g. L i~ t . en with

y~lur (, yl' ~ ;

1IIIIk at him ; d on't

bat you r t·y" ", ulliess they are ~JlIl p­ ping W it II in t o f""t. Liste n with Yl)UI' body. Don't be listl ess, but ,, ~s un\C an /lttitud.., of cuncern about the lOut· ~ tel' und llr disc ussio n. no mat ter how tr iviul. Follow overy word t he speak ' r says. and make it casie r for him Lo ta lk. BLONDE BESS OP INES Be since re I P e~onalit y wi ll never MI'. nnd Mrs . Iyd c Wharto n en· um ount La anything unl ess it ring s HM o th er b ecome. a wfull y v ex~ teltain cd tu t; lInclu~: di ll "er, Mr. ulld Lrue. Deal with pcol>le above board e d with me b ecaule I clln't re· Mrs. Lec Grea th o use, Miss Etlna and ill the open. Don't be afraid of m en,he r what h nppcn , ri g ht unTayl or "lid MI'. Fred Lacy, fir Day. a nythinl{ ur anybody. d e r my nn ~c," ton . Sec on ly the good in othcrs ! Close Mr. lind Mrs. Guy Houtzoh n and you r ~ycs to their fnults an d deal duu J,: ht cr, (,; C II C \, II Mile, " pent S un. with everybody just a s tholl~h t hey oay at a ' fa mil y gl\ ther ing at the home we l'e wholly good . Appeal to their uf the Inlt "r's bro ther und wife, Mr. bes t nlltures always. lind 1\11-8. 'pen'Y Buitnott, at Chris. Practice the go ld en rule and make it wurk fo r you. tiuns burg, Ohio. Put a li tU" pep into everythin g you Mrs Cle m Durnett and da ug hter, do, everything you suy, a nd into the Mi," Audr(> y, of JIlia",i, F la., Mrs. way you look. Turn th e C(I rners of 1I1 ngg le Uum et, of Wuynesville , IIIr. your mouth up ull dllY; smile readily all d 1I1rs. Calv i n Lungacre, of Day. and laugh heartily. t un, w"r" Su nuay dinner gues~ of SIlY to yourse lf once every hour: Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Burnett. I "How good it ill to be living in Rev. T. L . Stotler, the new pastor, s uch a wonderful ,",:orld." , . of J..ytle 1\1. E. church, fi lled the pul. Then, some mormg, you II. wake up PI t hOI'e las t Saturday niterlloon. He a,nd find you ~av(> per sona hty. -The wus accu mpanied by Mrs. Stotler and 1 rade ComposItor. dau g llter . Sel'vices n 'xt Sunday a s f ullo ws: S unday.sch uo l at. 2 p. nl., lIlld Jll'eaching Ilt 3 1'. m. Mrs. J. E. Smith received word Saturday of the s udden death of her broth 'l" Mr. CI)ris Ja ck , nell I' Ha· g erman Stat.ion. , Mrs. Ann L Smith Mr. an d 1\11'8. Clare nce King and Mr. allli Mrs. J . E. Smith attend ed the fUlleral lit his late res idence Monday Because our country is 80 Inrge, afte rnoon. we aTe often incHncd to nnrro\v our - - -- A ll10ng th ose wh o ull nrled the views regarding its various activities Dllytun fair , Thursday were : Mrs. to the more immelliate sections in Iwlph Juhns an d duuKhter, Evelyn, wh ich we li ve . California ns may Mr. und Mrs. Chas. Clurk, Mr. und th ink th eir stat(> is II Il·nder in road Mrs. II. M. Clark, Mr. ulld MI ~. Will work, New Yorke~ that they huvo Cox, I\1l's. Clyde Cux, MI'. lind Mrs. the on ly moder n buildings lind F lorOPTOMETRIST Allen Emrick lind daughter , Gladys, ida that it has the principal r ecreation resorts. and Mrs. Walte r Ke nrick . EYES EXAMINED To show the nurrow ness o f, sti ch viows, co ns i(ler t he r oad question GLASSES FITTED a lune. The Southern SinteR, which hove bCE' n gl' nel'all y adverti .od ns hav Prompt Repair Service inl{ bud roads, nrc rapidly forging to t he front in the construct ion of Every Thursda y 9 a. m. to new poved motor road M. · Reports 5 p_ m. fr om th e hi lfhway d<, partme nts of 16 ST. MARY' CHURCH So uthern slates sho\\' thnt under their Rest Room in Grange Bldg. Fifteenth Su ndny nft<.'r Trini t.y, direction a total of $170,000,00 0 Is Septemb er 20 . Church School at nvnila bl . for new rond s this year. W 4y ne. vllle, Ohio 9 :30 a . m. Morn i ng Prayer and In ('ludilll,:' the constructioll work Sermon at 1.) :UO p. m. A ll ure cor- IIndt'r way hy cou n ties and tow11ships di ally invited to com(1 and worship the "UIll S b~ing "pent in th c South Main Office with us. thi ~ yenr f or r ood improvclllents will (1).(gregalc npprox imlltely $400.00 0,- 924 ,Y. South BrownlStreet, Rev. John J . Schnerrer, Rector. 000. l n the n{'w cnns t l'llclion .. the asphaltic types of pu v(,lllellt pr<!do mOve r Sigm a Theater {nate alld"their milCIIl:'e thiH ycar will METHOI[)IST CHURCH DAYTON, OHIO outstrip lillY yelll' hcrl't offn re, on ac· Sabbath Schclo l, 9 :15 a, m., preach.' cou nt of th eir practabilit y f or all jng at 10 :30 a. m. Epworth League types of haril -"ur/uci ng . 6:46 p. rn. PTieaching at 7 :30 p. m. ; As it i ~ with r oads, so it is \vith Wednesduy e\' ning Prayer meeting, other li nes o f a ctivity. Tho whole 7 :30. Everybody invited to these country is g'rllwing. W e should all ' services. know more "bOllt ils leso urc{'s and rea lize tha t iL~ development i~ not Rev. L. A . WashbunI, Pastor. confin ed to anyone favo red . di nn.



D entist Wayn elyi ll " National B ank Bldg.

DR. E. M. RUDOLPH The Eye Sigh l Speciali.t

Batteries and




Dr . .John W. Miller


At Cary's Jewelry Shop Lebanon, Ohio

Giant Tires

Every T.uesday 8:00 a . m. to 4 p. m.

The Best Value for The Money



Entertained MII8 Martha O' Neall enterlsined a party of about twenty yo ung people at her home in East Wayne town. ship Thursday ,eve ning . The invitation read, from Beven . thirty .to . elevn, Imd the houl'1! were very plensuntly passed in various socia l ,!njoy!"ents. The company was Mrs. Falin ie McKee is \~sit ing r elcongenllll · IVlth every opportunity for enj oyment D,nd the evening was a n atives in Franklin. entire suceess in every way. . Born- Saturday, to Mr. and Mrs. Lee Spahr, u duughter. Stu.... ta E.ter Coli.,. Entertained GraduatiDIr 'Cia •• Ml'1!. Susie Douglns has purchased Herbert Warwick, Fred Caskey, ~isa Eva pavia, l188isted by Miss the John E vons property on Pike Stok8 Sliver and Samue l Henkle e n- Cel!stla AustI n, entertained the grad. tered upon their year's work at the uat mg c1os8 of '04 in a d elightful street. Ohio ~ State university this week. mannor., la~t Friday evening. The Roxanna Canning' factory ulosBenjamin Tlhbals stnrted in at the Olle pleasant feature was the pres- cd Satur day anrl tho fncto ry in the Ohio Wesleyan univers itJ', at the ence .of their teacher, Mr. Hei L Tho village expects to close Wednesday. Ame time. Laurence Sherwdod left eveluDg WIUI spent in playing flinch Miss Luna Lewis, the Home Eco· Tueeday to hegin his third year at and other games, Ilfter which deli. nomics teut\her of th e High school, Swarthmore college, cious cake lind ice cream were ser ved. is in the McClelland hospital r ecover· Edward Rleks has already entered ing frolll an ope ration fo r appendiupon his datie. in BUsa BuaineBl! col. Mr. WaiteI' Elzey, clerk at Zim- citis. Ieee Colurabus. . m ermlln's grocery, is tempoI'arily disThe 'friend. of theae young men abled by a badly sprained ankle. Dr. Grube, County H ealth officer, moat heartily wish for them every sue Mi~s Georgia Frame, accompanied hIlS pronounced two mild cases of ceN, and those 'who know them . are bl:eaking ou t to be smnll pox, and has sure tha~ they wlll succeed and. be a her . ~Ister,. Mrs. Margaret Martin , to ordered a ll school child ren vacci· her. home In Dayton IlI.St Friday afte rcredit to themsolve8 and to Waynesnoon, Where .she hopes to recuper- nated. ville. ate for a short time. FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST Rev, and Mrs. J. T . Young' nrc A. p. White, who travels for the moving into the parsonage this week, Scald.d by Coffee ED PURDY'S PHILOS Deering Implement Co" has been con- and ure being welcomed buck by their Morning Service 9 :30 a. m. Bible 'T he four·year-old child ot Mr. Sim fined to his home on lower Main St. , fri ends. Hev. Young held this ap· School, Co mmu nion and sermon. Ev· " Eph Land ~ow" down in hi , Curti., who lives on MIII8 Sarah Cart- the past two weeks by a very severe pointment seven year s ago. ening Service 7 :3 0 p. Ill. Song Se rgrov e the other dny IJAid he lA W \Vrieht' a tarm, on the Spring . Valley attack of Inflammation of the ki,lneys vice and se rnwn. 1\ II ore co r d ially by th e , p~ ,) e r. that ao m e city plki; had a narrow escape from being Air. White is. now Improving. The man y friend s of Rov. a nd Mrs. invited. . picnicerl hnd b et n th~rc:' E. C. Walley werc very sorry that they were sent by tile Conference to Bethany, although it meuns for ID E AL SPOT ;ETTA TAYLOR-To wear old age them an advance in the work. They 01 the with gracioullneaa, ICillds distinction will be greatly missed by the entire Wife- " Oh; I'd li kt! t o g'O nWIlY. community. Receptions for th em lClaaraderilfic. orEach and charm to one's character. Having qui t farming I will off er some pi lice , anywhere, to Rom c spot MAGGIE DAKIN-She waa capa- were given by the members of t he where I wOll'leI hI' nil nlone, cut ofT . and Euery Graduate hle When at ' .chool of subordinating Sprin~ Volley congregation und nlso at pu blic sule at illY residence, one Cram the rCRt of th e wor lrl," the Rlehland. mile w e~t of Wayn esvillc, on the all other things to the immediately im Huhby- "V .. might try th~ t ... I ~· 01 the Wayne,uille Lower Springboro pike, on portant things of life. phone booth at th e corner d r ug Saturday, September 26, 1925, School. THEN HE SHOT HER CLARK McKAY-Clark reall1;ed store." Beginning at 1 o'clock, the follow· that. financial Independence, social PARTICULAR ing: One horse, 2 cattie and farm· position, Intellectual, mo .... and spirHubby (from downstail'!\) - "You in ~ implements. Also, at 2 o'l'/lock, Itual attainments were personal at. w'rIt... II, . . Earlt GrM_t. Tenor (pn'\'ni led UpOll to ~fn g a traction.. never ,alned without great said It would inke you only a min· .l will off er my house and farm for J. ute to get ready." sale. Terms made knowll on day of song) - "\Vill yo u nC('om pany me'?" etrort, Wife (upstnil's ) - "Thllt's right, sale. GEO. W .MILLE R. Giggly Sh e- "nelighted. I'm sure; dear ; I'm ready this minute." C. T. Hawke, Auct. if you'll filld II chuper"n ." Cia•• of ••• ANNA GARo....:-She was cspable of tl8l ot lIubo~inatinll all other thing. to A~A WI8"~he 18YS th'e most the Imraedlately Important things of CIa.. of 1886 ing to lenm of rour spontaneity and i shment~ will he meted Ollt to us ent;nu'iolne factpr In the wo.r ld II that Ilfe. JOHN W . JONES---J'ohn at one enthusiasm mamfested whil e you are rig'ht here. n .··ture tlme 801, 'd" as we come t a Vl8ua . I'Ize so earnestly trying to hnl'h css up ' the CARRTE. B "ARLEY lif·.- dnm t .h."ma' 0 . , . . . MARY , ' HAvIL . '" ' TON--She declared - _ fJ"r ~, , · . MA'1!TIB"itENDkL~Tlie f\llftll- s,b e would blow up of her Ineandea- the neW in1pres~ions of a perfect late nt forces tlbnt were l<lumberin g onBtrate~ to all wh o kn ow h(,I', til< b<,· "' -~ ' am bltl on I8 :cent cur Iosity was not .ppeased, re- Ch' t'- h t an d in t he 'of subconscious minds of oththe ing amo'ng the ou t ~tan ding women hof ment '-o~, - any eonllura Ing n st Ian I'! I e, our a .... c mon youths the school that would the t",e way of~ life. . ,f!mIlng her 8I;hooll'Clport. enthusiasm for the better things of our commun ity, 1l0~Ressing os " e th 't I y. .' life become deeper and inore stable." erwise be goinllt to waste, Indeed, d ocs a rure g ift of fin o dis tinction for OOO.,~ft ABRAM . A ne 18)'11 a . 11 EVA JANNEY-Home-maker, wife these late)lt fOll'ces arc fighting for drnmatic art, in whic h ~ he Itll ~ pur. bIa ,arden of ••ppOl!ed ir1mIUII, notfi- and, mother, glOrified In song and CHARLES M. CARTWRIGHTbirth and 'freed om, realizing a s you trayeil in a v('.ry impI'('sRivD nnd plens. In" but nou~prCtduClln, ve~tatlon story. ' Frank 8aYI "this good wife i8 FlrmlY ' believes great men Bre price· do thllt these infant ideas arc entitled ing ma nn er certain phases of cOlin . Iptouted whll~ at ~bool. , like ' a ray of· sunshine In our home." lesa. In them we sec our~elves as to a chanco for their lives, and that try a nd oit y life. \8, Indeed, . we Ilhould wish to be, our neglected from the depths of their 80uls they OSOAR MO"'....ORT-ue ~ "'RANK.' FARftH · I our relec . t e d nrc heari ng 1\ IIoic.e caUing· to come ATH 'ELIA EDW ARDS-She is fa· ...." p08llel!lllng ' a ' fine' -r . . - e aaYe t wear oppor t um·ti os ImprOVe(, a 1rUe .,.~~'J.''U', idoil\l-m '1\4 ..tehse' realism. o~~ age WIth gra~iousnel!ll ' !fln~8 .d~ thoughts made frui!ul, our noble im· up higher and !'ift their finite )'lature mous ill all she underla kes. nnd be· , ...d r,. , . '"" ", tinction and ~h~ to one a charac- pulseR, which slumbered, wakened ill- into t he breadth of infinitude. They long>! to a fom.i1 y in which old tra· .. t 0 f u II er I'f d · t h. esc no bl e see m to seo a flln gel' f r om"afnr point- ditions are inherent." "I . ' :f liSP " .Ar "",. . '. Ie,. I n d ee, ">',,..,...e: o ,". traits of charact,3r should ever be ing t o the goal of perfection and it EVALENA 'EDWARDS-She says . Mt\Y w ·m qJi't..:l:-Hiimor , I. doml. CI~.;" kept :fresh ,In our memories; thoy is this which incites them to the utter - the kitchen should he the hear t of elel.¥il~ in , her eharacter, pqlEMMA. FETTE&,,-.Experlence is seem to pos,seS8 the proper bklance of most to bedeck the mselves with the the home; the dining-room the 80U\. ~"ho,.e';et( a ve1'1 charitable the only 'functlQn ot ~e body q'uallty whieh . always insures the garlands of in't~lIectual moral and ·DELMA DAVIS-She Is a perview 0.. life I~ ch ' llrinra many. 'that ... ~adl1y In tile mind. p.enon! hijrhe!lt us.cce8~; they POsa~8S ftr!'Rlle!l8 spiritual graces that they may move son of great ,faith, . open-minded and .Ieim of "unlbln; ,\.o thOM who are may read . and eommit lormulae to Wlt~oUt IkrCtj!,ry, c?urage . :w~th.ol,1t in celestial society and ming le among joyous, p088(>S8ing a freshnel8 of per:. ·· foriu1l,ate enou~ to be Jlet qol1!pa~. l'iuimo'ryt but, the)!eaJ retained know)- r~lineaa ; e~!ltlon w!thou~ t1midl~; ·the pure. < • 80naJjty tha~ is channing. . . IO!i 'JUd ·trlemt. ~. '1 • • •,.)!'. • edge II. that _whjc~ il! gained throu/th filendllhlp Without favor itism; ambl. -. ' . . CHA~'LES CLEMENTS-He BIIYS OARRIE' RIDG~lIeing aslted If ttie actual experience of Accompli_b- tion" wl.thout selftShnesS. lndeed, ' ADELKIDE '!HAqJO!!RY - Is a faahion has more 011 less emanclpnted , .lIIefeared the future Ihe TepUe<l, Un'o rae~t. . . ' ,'" . Chad~ is vel'Y . .hapPll in ' tlllks. ~Idely it)tag inative cbar~cb<'j show- women' from her sex, at lelUlt, tempo1I0* ,\.it oRe tlJlpee'f.l it a1lif dO~1I 'lIot . , for lie Is Tie}! in that' which III thp tng nt. all ti'!l,fs her p~lon or out- rarily" from' ~h9 tyfiinny Ilf buttons, dlaJlono~ ilIe 'p~"1I,t." .,. '-.. .MINNIE' "S-!\T'}\ERTHWA I T E fruit of all leanllnl;-Wi sdo m . but we men have to admIt that we door h fe. . PLOIt. WOOLLIlY-WlIen t~ soNOntll ".qlnull'e~e ' rlllfa~ela~.'!.~remPaelrr!lIpopen·r-_ ' \I Cl ' ; 1887 ANNA SEL1,ER~1 believe pro- are ·absolute! al.vcs t o thilt one little III!lIoOl mould I acetdentally thinK alblu~uli.. ~D Y " a •• o . foundly \ in the ~aw of COmpen1llltioJ); detail of our drca, 'IInd yet butt!)11s of ~c I WU:..,. ,-t o all .. upon . m. . .. LEAH 'WRIGHT-Admonished U8 I believe th~ Bollig \feeps are Hally the ~nstay of our ml~ of IMlltaJludlaa.tloD, RIld that ANN" SIQlRWOOD-She " ·a true' tjiat whUe ~'" truth we ahould bOQq - on U8.. has the only per- incnt, they are ' .... sole lU'IIIatnut ~'" ·Ur... it. belt .... u4 ~v-_ ~rlend With .plritual dlac!l!rnment and min ciuraelftl ·to have .a listening teet sYMtem invented: we g t tout). ~lHllre II to t'he wife: ttie Ia1 C! . ~, GIotU '& ·bl 8ameat _neena fot ct'01rtb heart, and then Illve instant uprea- out ot Ille what Will put In It; 'Iady who Ja npected to huy without tile ~ ~ .. futile· of CbrtatIaniV .. the world. which lion to the Impreeai0D8 of duty. we cannot the accountant: in- funds, and tci.-eew on buttons before .~tD . . . . . '. ......... .' Ibe ~ ~- ~ for.. . JIINNIE DODSON-It Is ~ deed, I1W1I rewards . . . pm- thel com. olr." • .





Will F. Young


Harveysburg Fertilizer Co.


Phone 8




10 what wo claim tor It-rl4 YOUr 8YIIt.m of CMaITh or Dea!n... cn.u •• a bJ' Catarrh ,



IJALI,lS CATARRa lIl&lJlCINI!l conI.ts of on Ointment which Qulckl, Itolley •• the catarrhal Inflamma tion. aluS tho internn.1 Modlclnc. a Tonlo. wblch 'ct. throug h tho Blood on the Mucou. 'urraces. thus r eslor'ng normal CODdltlon.. .. Sohl by dru g~ sts for over 40 T _

I:" J . Chen e}' & Co., Toledo. ObJo.

SiJ1l9Vliitefl8llt!J (t6 1


Public Sales

A Slaort: R•• uIn.

-----. - ..----


I! I









hi .. -....





Dish-washing, clothes-washing. acrubbing-a woman's hands are in water "CY hour of the day. Without 10ft water it i8 imposSomeRlao.s sible to keep them 80ft, white and Wit, Duro L,ads attractive. , Don't be band-consclousl Hard. I. Moisture-proof positive aapressuro ewitch. ugly. banda, chapped and split. 2. tomatic Water gauge and pre8lUl'e roughene~ and reddened from gauge without cura charge. hard water and strong soap com- §:"' Electrically welded plVIIDpounds are unnecessary. A cisbed tanle. tern and a Duro unit system will 4. Motor sPeciaU,. delilD~ for pwnp uae. provide Boft water in abundance, 5. Automatic lubrication. for kitchen, bath and laundry. 6. GreatntJ capacil7 - ) ea. t

DURO Water Systems

weight. materfale-lkiUful w orkmanship, Guarantee I!.i 'fI'rltfDc.

7. B 88 t



f' j

are the standard of the world. They are made in many mea and prices-automatic, care-free, ec0nomical. Cost leu than Ie: • da, to operate. • Duro unit systems are compae1! ' and powe~t4-=-pump and qukue combined in one qnit--aay to m. -.taU in, old 9r n,e w hoQl,& . ': ,Wae41....


;rOu._...,,.. .. "




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el,'" ~~ r. th" I ll. r mi\'o. it'. ~ :!! S Watt.., tr usts thu t ahc may bave the cO·I1J i~1"UthU1 o f t bl) \Vomen of War· l' II com,ty ill t h o C IItiIlUIUl C.e IIlId u~· A I : .J< '·.. IV 11 1'1',111 fl\rtl"'r IllI provc lI1 'lIl of t h Home f1 ""11l n l'tI\l" l~t l':\tt(" l II c' nt. h:ts r ,- V" IIH IlI st/1,tion w.lI'k. , h n'l'rl to Ill·t·, 1>\ :t 1'1~>itl n I\~ in stl'u(\--~"'r in ,(111) dc ' lhin)\, ,Il th Ohi .. Slul e IIU;·. n . il.l . hwrll1, li n.q \\' ith '.I: ' f,,11 qUlIrt!' r, wh k l, O l' 0 ll ~ • 'I'-

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Job P r lnt in.

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All Next Weck-! START I NG


Sunday, Sept. 20



Barold lloyd in


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t' ld al thl' h, .,n ,· I

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, . T hp 1 hill, · ~ P l 'f'll'l' rt • , ()ll1p rI S II1 j:! nh'l h ·,:··il1· . . · I Ulj l~1 , n ~la iJl S l r l\(' I . tw n :\hl111la~ . \ ' tH' :-t.,.J tit l· u1, l h rill'

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~In l'\' Ca~i " Y

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Wc'. Lh c' f CIUnwi n)!' (a rlll owne l s, ful'i li') a ny hunti nG' 0 1' U'llp!,ing- 011 (Jllr fn rlll ~. An y "i oluUCIn col' t hc' ~Il I1l C will be llr o ~ c" tlti o n !\('e''''di n)!' t il law Hl\c l \ 0 th · fu ll e~t \\ (l rk a l 'iJ lumlllH and Lh~ l : nh' L'l'~ H\' ,'xlen : uf P itl .s l )\-'t~ . r'(' l' (ivinJ,!' Itt' l' ~ l a~le l:s {'xl"nt : ~IRS. E L EAN OR S MIT H.

t a~' .

~lr. Or'v ll ].. \ . ..l Y HIH.I fa mily s Pl'lll I ' :\


Stt'phl' lI

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It' mbl\l !.. ,.. ~ \i"'G Nl\ lIi~ \VnU H, of . )~ ( at(~ {' (') leL:'(~, 1\' 1111 ., \\ ill ~ lI l' i..' (· l'd ~f h;s h I7\\· r n:-. t i ll 1"\1 n~' .'I~.I· lI l , ;\11 :' . \' ;( ~ t. \'./1'" h. ,1'O and r a l";l,d I'll h !'arlll oI r1d ha~ iI d .. ·(, p illtl' resl in ··;\ l'tn · h tH"l' Jlt\~. • ' f" , "~I'a du nt(> d in h Iml} C'(.'( '1l o mu's at till' l' VI1 I1 ~ .r I\'ltl1ia <"; I.ut~ C'tdlq':' l\ H ll d ha :-; tuh " n nd \,nl1(' j·d

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.\1 ' .\1 !JII,. II lItft l'ld \\"\ ~ " " r)' . IC ~{'\ '· l'ul d lly~ 1 J\ ~ t \\· l,(\k.


\1 .,. S/lm h )IUI'l':'y i~ sis t , I nl' HI' :'priu",bu ro ,



" j,i tin!!, her

t hl'


" ; l tT~ '11


{".I unly fnir, l ,hiuy,

\'1 " 1,, 11 111'\:111 IIlI d Mr. F:rlll·. t 1I:1l I" 11 ", , , \til ! h' \\' ('(·k·l'H d in I ny· ~ h'

haarlem oil h as been . a world-.

wide remed y for kidney, liver and bladder disordl'fs. rheum atism, lumbago and u r:c acid conditions.



; Br-ng your Eggs to Kroger

TIll' l' I "m"' r h.lIl1l ftlrlli ~h , ·d mu sic

tnn ,

'11'.111111 .\ It·., . \1' "I1"r ;\1 1'.... .

"The . Freshman"


l ·Oll lll..' J'


an d

\\·('r,· in Du )·t o n ,

Mun elay .

You'll Ronr Wil h Laughter Ant! <llUckle for Mont h. Afterwa rd

~I r ..J. II . Cilllj,man anti family , uf CillCIrHlllt i, III',' \' nd till~ r(·lulivl' :O; hl\rC

thi s w (i (·k . ~lntemol ttnubles. stimulate #ita!

,. .,. . . ...,. . ... .,.,. . ... ,. . . . . . . ...,., . I organa. Three bjZl~. 1\11 c1ru~gist•. InsiaC on the oriw;inal genuine G OLD MIlDALo

F. D. DAKIN ~~:~Ir~u~~~.e~~ee:~u::ne~~u~: ~~~:::ll:t c~: an d alt o the ho m .. o f Mr. S CM • • We have bec o me reaideR la o f y our t own nnd c:oun t y.

A._ftC" con,ists of leve rld ti l'lSt-cla•• corn p an iel, &-mon g wllich a .... T h,.. Home, of o w York. Hartford Fire. Penn. yl-

T h.

y ... ia

Fire; Tbe Queen, Th Sp .. n sli .. ld Fi r e a nd Ma r ine. North B r iti ab and i lf'l , NAtio",,( Firl-, : Fi re A .,o eja. tion of Philadelphia. all the No rther n A ...urance Co mpa ny .

:\I r.

(;l'O I'J,!t'



- ----.:---- --- - - ---- .. -- ._ .

confine d t o

. New Pack, C lift on , per can . . . . . . . .

hi. h OllIe " utr .. ril1~ wilh a carb un cle und"r hi H 111'01.





I). , ~ I t. 1,1' . ' 11. ~hl,II ~ 1I


DAYTON. 0 11 0

1 -1


Prup r ty Sold

t,· !' III : ,,'hlll ,

I~dl " "

Dashhur. Sma hhill' AJOftlf thl' Field of M irl h


n,;; :Ii ~ •. ' \


.COlOIAL R UBhln ~.


,~ '.' ,1 li t h, ~t· 11u ". Otl ,1!! • . 'I~ • '", " III rn lll fl' . Th e

Y·" ..hh' t .

B. F. K ,it~ '

Finh nnd




\'i ll o\\, (. f tI",



1oo1is. lIIyrn Bll ird r eturned to Wa ynes villc IUFt wee k. ufU'r a t wo·wee ks vis il in Duyt on.

r.l r. Jo h n L"lll lll on nnd f nmily le ft for F1(l ridll, wh er c th ey wi ll spe nd t hc wintl'l'. T u.., ~ dny

II i I

New P ack. Wiscon s in.

n o~p "Iew of tho i11 - t nten Shpn:lntionh. in the field whon It te ll ncn r Ava. Ohio. Thi N picture lalren after gouveni r hunte r.! had almo st st ri pped the craft. On ly u go""'' n'ass of twi ~ ted Rtcel Belaw -foW'tl!en botlies re ma ins of Am"I'\Cu'g " Qu e n of t he Air. " o( those wbo diE,,1 in t he c rash.


pe r ca n

Our stOI'(' wi ll I", c1 ""',j ~II day II . r.. (' ran<' nl! en dl·d :\ l1Ie~ t i ll g 101 rs . Kul e CUI"Ill11 n is co n vlllcsc in g /It the hume uf h!!r d ll ughter. Mrs. Sntludny, ,," Ul'{"tl Ul1 l () f ,1\.· W l It hu l- of thl' .\I billi \ ":..dl t, y l'I' l'S~ u :-' ~tll·iutiu n iday. ' ''ill " !'l'n tiL 1 1'. /1! ~lycr HI Ih e ~ Ia r y l in . ill ' l..oI'an'l n, F ri da y Fred B . He nderson. Hyn1nn. t ' \' t l1I n ........



Luk e ns, f o rm erly Miss M D ~ I I Helen Hartsock, is da nKer ously ill at r. . : . Stam lron. t un, "u esd a~·. Iwl' h om~ n eal' Ha r ve ys bul'g. JIIrs. Will

\\' n..::

M (I~rl alll(, :'


ruwfo rd

I' r e in Mrs. Adn m Mell oh a nd Mr. un d M ~ . .1. I! child r e n spe nt S Ulld uy with r e lutives Da yton, M"'Hlny. in L<'x ingto n und Falmo uth , Ky. Mr. nnll ]\·Irs . \\' F . ('. 11' ,,,. h. of h will be my end avor t Iret acquai nl"d ",ith t he f rmer. and people of thl. eo mm ull\ty. not ify all policy ho lel e r •• in M iss Shirley T itus, 01 Derto it . ..... nirf\(' ld, w ere in \ V"Yl l "'\.lll" , F I'i· a dVAnce. o f t h e e.xp ;r"t ion of th eir Insura n ce in p le nty of li m e Mic· h. , is spending a f ew days wi t h d ill" for renewal of •• me, aolicit ne w hueiDe • • , And g iv~ t he m he r pa re nts, Mr. and Mrs . A. Titus. , 'll'ndi ngMr~ . E d it h ~1. 11 '11""prompt and e ffici e nt aervice in all b r a n ch es o f th e bu si n es.. the week with r e lall".. ' ·inl'i n· In c .... of lou, it will b e report eel pr om pt ly a nel rea.o nab le Mr . und Ml's. Lowe ll Th o m a~. of n ut i. a nd sati.fa ctory " nt m"d • ; Dayto n'. spe nt S unday with th eir pa-. Your Pat ronage will b e Appreciated by this : re nts. Mr. an d Mrs. Frank Th omas. Miss Oli ve Allen ha., 1;.I:C·1\ li p hr r work as t .. ucher . 11 thl' ~" ' ni a It l!d, Mr . und Mrs. lI urry Smith, Mr. and schoo l. Agency. Mr!<. Gle nn Bord en were Sunday vis· itol's (lr Mr. und Mrs. Fred Braddock. Mrs. W. H. lI1!tdd cn I~,lul'n"d ho me ~. ;.p___.....__.. _ ...,..,. . . . . ............. . ...........__. . . ......"',...' ...' ..'#0.,......................,-41_ pp*',. . .,...,...,.....,'-....,_,........,............,..., T uesday afte r ~ p .. ndil1r.: th,' \\l' ekOur stor e will be closcd all day end in Hi('ll lund co unty . atu rday , o n .a cco un t of J ewis b h oi· idny. Will open at 4 p . m. Th e Misses My,..\ Buire! nl HI i\Iny Hyma n.


Mrs. Frt'.d !:itaup un d dllu~ h Win n ifl' r d A I ·mit:l.~f' n nd "'II'. J C"SI' Th"mu" "I,,' n t S u nriuy wit h Mbs eI l' I\l/a ~llr> h, of 11.·,\1' Lpoa-

The Ohio ~ lo q.~ l'!'


T he hu > · \ill 1< : \'0' I\'tl\·n~~\· ill(' Clem Bumelt lind ,llIug hte r , Mi ss Au dn' y, 0 Mium i. Flu .. . pen t poslotfic .. i ,,!' the L,'!.>u ,· ·n f,;i r .lbCou l Friday wi t h M't. unci M r~. E rn est every t wn ho" ,'S. Ride Ihp bus. Butt·rworth . Lucillo an d Loui.e S non k. A u~hd rC fin!.' ' icklc pears fou nd o f South Leua noll. vi~it e' l ~I h , th eir \V B )' Into ') ur OffiCl' I/l s~ wee k, n u How lnnd, Thu r;;duy aft,-r ' "'o n. fro m the or' haiti of Mr. Warr en ur· MrR. n UlI' lc,: . my ~p(,1\ InRI wc·e k inCl'. T ho" ks. ve r y plcas lln II' in ineinnn t i ... - he gu e l of her lIau )!,hlcr. :'I l r.. . R. Mr. Maul'ict J c'!fr ey, of nca r Or e· Baker . gon ia, was a I'lclIsant call e r nt the home oC Mr. nnd 1111'S. C. H . Sherwood Mr • . .I,·IT Smi l h ;, "JlcIHi uI r th" lI'londay eve ning . week in L~banon "Hh h!'r d ntl! Lte l·. 1I1 r s II'\'in)( re nce ",, 01 is nth 1\ lin~ . Snve yo ur old oa r pets a nd rugs th e ·fnir. · a n d ge t "W earw ell" Rugs mude. Selld f or price list . Fran kli n Rug III r. ·und MrR. . W . "'l1 n,' ~ r.. l Irn . Co .• Frnr,kli n, Ohio. cd from f'i tts bu r)!' .I·u .. .SlI t "Hill .\' , l\'I rs. E. W . Bra dstreet, of Xe nia , Mr. Y\Junc' u w ill ~lay in Way n,," ille spen t II f~ w dnys last week wit h Mr . a n d work in hIs old t l·rrit.,ry. Ira .Rim li nd fumil y, an d Mrs. Mary Mr. Ceo rge G:·l'c n. (,f "- ire '1"'. ) Cllskey fi nd mother. Obi o, wus in W UYII l!~\'i l! " . ~I . r." l)~·. GI'('en is It f " rm cr su p r l I 'n.l· I MI'. a nd Mrs. E. V. Bnrnhart, of Mr. ent (If W uyne T ownsh ip R"hoo] . Cil1cinn uti , Il nd Mr. and Mrs. Joh n Co ll ins. o f N e w York, wc rc in Waynps )' iIl u, T lI e ~dn y eve ni ng.


Heate~·s, 1I1r. un d IIIr·K. A lf r ed J : Wrigh t left Clermont Tu esduy llI o m in g for Philadolphi a , wh prc Mr . Wr ig hl will t ench in lh& Ranges. and Uni\'e r sity of Pe nnsylvania. Fu'r naces Shc r ilf Brunt wos in t own Mo n-

{' rop h; a1l11P.:: t pu~ l d n ll lo!' C'l' o f :o:e rin u ~ du m llge fl'om fr 5t cxc"pt in Il " IlIn ll pen ·OIl\Il!! · ,of Intt' pl Ullh' d li c ld~ in

P in to do:. .. ....... .. .... ... ............ , 9c

Beans ''':o u atry C lub. ca n .. .. .. ....

Fig Bars I~ r o c<:,

Ilu r t h" rn li nd nonliwes tcrn h i". {> ' u lt in" fll1 d ~ 1"H'ki n g is " nUN WOl' • In n ' IHral Ill1d ~oulh(' I' n Ollil) . The ~ L Hit .. cJ 'tu tr ' nul' '.' ~ Ii n .. " in cOfu li- (\ un" oI u ' "'" lit" "''' '' Ii "r .\ UKl1~ 1 :l nll, 0 , .C'. ('~ lll" " t~" '>1 :; 0 ,0 O.() IIU bli~h - . d ., 1"·1" ,, th ... fin"re',,' ,,,·.. rug... • Thr""htn~ retu rns sho w t hat oats : wp re I l('tt('~ filt .. d with ~ra i n thnn was • .,"ticipnt<·" f,,"m (:a.litor cond i:i n r eo • port -. 11·,,1 thlll he tll ta l nu m l,er or hu h(' l ~ u:.C·' ·Plj,; nl! (i1'Cvi ti S r ecords eXCl')!1 t l1.~ " "t' nor o f 1\112 . Last · Y Cll r' ~ Oh iO e"or '\ Il~ 7 1.000 .0(10 bus h : l,I, . Thl' t'nit" d : tUt .. R <>a l. t ro p is • n lll l\'~l I tlO,()Oll ,OUO bushf'b un ll e r. la sl : yell '" • Thc Oh io p,.lnto Cl'llp s hou ld pxceed : :I~t year by n ~Jl1nl1 lTI.cll'J.d n n c('o rd i n ~ '" tll<' 1"'C5('lI t ,)utio ol, th ll/lJ;h lhe : , nit' d tatt's crop is u, tilllHted 'at • " Illy ::'loI ,OUO ,OOO bushel. . as c·o mpar· ,'c! WI h If> I, 00,000 lu xL yea l·. : The I HI'I<,y yield pcr :.t (·.r (' i ~ csli- : IIl rl tl}l at :.I t bushcl 8. Buckw heu t . C.Hld, ion is pl'ol\1i~il1~ wi th indicn· 'iulI' "f a high yi~)d. ' lu" {'I' seed ~ ",lil il' l\ i ~ rut~d at 72 (,; 0 fa n or- . ma l fu !! e .... !' whi c h iR " poillt Mu bove • n )'ca r ll~", un ,) 2 p u inl ~ mo1'l' thun t

Are You Getting' the Tires You Want?

day. ull d wh ile lll're se r ved pape rs on ~ " \'t'r a l WU YIlt' t ow ns hip people (or ~ I' l'l' ia l jury du t y in Cle rmo nt coun ty.

The Goodyear line con ta ins a t ire that will fit your purse a s neatly as it will fi t your r im.

!Il iss Elsie lI uwk c sang at t he l." unty W. C. T. U. meeting at Leb· ullon. la st Fri day n igh t. Her nco 'c" mpnn ist WIIS M1Rs E s t he r Hen dc r -

And you can bank on its quali ty- genu ine Goodyear through and th r ough.

i i


111r. a nd !II I'S. N. Len l,us h und SOil . all cl SOil. B nrole! , of S und a y with Mr. B ra dley.


Yj(' hb

" " plli IHIll" "l.

Waynesville, Ohio

Refill Your



- wi " .-

M IS .

Fll t Mo torois tr-" I'vc drive n tWese tirCR 18,000 m il es a n d n eve t' yet have I t.rkPn n ne o f t he m off to fix Il punct un'." Til l' GOllt- " Wh at'! No t one punc-

o or il


I"at Mot orist-"O h, I've had se verol p un ct ures-but I a lways hire t hem fi xe d. "



Mr. nnd M rs. F r ed So ntag, Miss Letitia Schatzma n, Mr. Elme t1 Sonlaf-(, o f Cinci nnat i ; Mrs. Lyd ia W e r· n" r , J ohn WerneT, Jr., of Da yton, ' Mrs. M. D. S mi t h a nd Mrs. Mahala Ames, of Bellbrook. were Sunday I[U sts o f Mr. a nd Mrs. W . O. RaI pc r.


- - - .... ...


For Sa le by


Mi·. an d Mrs. A. E. ,Jeffrey, of nea r

Or~goJi in, e ntc r tain ed ~ in a most d e.

manlier las t Sundliy, the fol· Ilightfpl Inwi ng g uest!s from Mr. Wayi)e8vi~l e :

anti ·M r s. · C. H. S he l'\vood, Mr. and M~s . . E. 'E "ward s, Misses 'Margar e t an o Ma~ y E ll en E dWards, Mr. Herbert Edward~; :from Dayt!ln, MIsses Mil· cJl·(·d a n d V,i rg lnill Jeffery. Mr. .J e/fI J'cy is a u,!cesstuJ o~i.c:Jc.e n, 'l 'Uld t b e . l1'u. e"Ls wete ~erved with d.e· Iiciuu8 fri ed c hicken and 8Ji. ac·

ccssoriel.. .




- -- ---_ .. ---------,- - -- -- --------...






Phon. 32

~ayn.e.vi11e, Ohio


Frien dly Fl'i e nd- " An d ho w is t hnt . fi ll e famil y of boys .and gir ls of yours?" ," lIIotherly Mother- " Oh, the y're ' at th e Ilqwdor puff a lre ri Ow. The g rrls li r e Tlowdc'ri ng .lInq th o; boys a r e puff. i ng!' RATHE R CYNICAL Cnko-eate r- "Brown Buits nre be. i ng worn aga in ! ' J • Marri.ed Mun- "Minc is ; nltain a nd og ui.n." .

: • •

: •




MEN ' PAN T S Wd l made Bnd will we.r , SPE CiAL ... ......... ........ ...... .. ..

._--- -- --

ran k H. Farr, Waynesville, Ohio




. 75c



• • • &<1'" . . . . . . . ~ . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . ~ • • _


t Ul'e? "

Let . Us Drain and .'

.. .............. ...... .. ........ ...

FO R SCHOOLW., ha ve CR ~ P.E P I\P E R fo r your c1R~. eolore, in tb o 1St kind, ,, 1.0 t he 10. k.nd .

whic h i ~ RHnt (' wha l HhOYt' uvc rage. .~"y I" 'nTl yi ('Ids "r hny "c ry sat:., rll.·t ('ry. PnRt nr(' i, in poo r con. dit iclII as II r e~ ul l n'f the d r y weather. Ohio Bu rlo,l' tobm' (:I iR in uveragc l'ontlilioll nlld i.~ s how ing- up bctt e r thnn in I\ r ntll cky . Th e parl ie r fi elds f l"lme .. o un' h~i nl! ~ lI t .


Asa., M. Egbert . of Ka n sas City. 1\10., \v ill a r rive t his , We dn es. day evening , to vis il he r s isters, Mre. A li ce McK insey und Miss Lillie N edry. Mn. Egbe r t is e nroute to her h"m e afte r spo ndin g t h e Bummer with hl' r duug ht cr irl Fosto ria.


..\ Ifu lf" )' i(' ld, i" 'es ti-

Clc l'k- " I1 c grows f as t. tloesn' t he? It's t he same you ngs te r w ho wa s .i ust und er· 6 . when yo u r odc on my tl'nin "umm e r bef o re Inst."

Waynesville Motor Co. I

2 bars ... ...........

15c .1 ~h~S~I~t~Nto"t"d On e. .. .. .. .. .. .................. .... .. ......... .... ... .... .....32c ,: ~~eA~~·:[- q~~r~.~·.. ...... ............. .. ..... ........ ........ .. . t 18·e. 23c .nd 28c •

PE•RU•NA 818mRSIII 180 Keeps the Mediclna W!~ au • (Safety THANKfUL fOR GOOD

11'111. Cad Linder, 1l•..F. D, 'No.1, Box." •. D!.s.:."l. MlnOOl!O~, writel/ . "I to' 'hallk y ... - for ' yo UI' kindneu and . the IObd JOllr rtlUle<ll' diet me Jeara ago. I am ~rf"ctI1 well Ql~d 'l'1"ltlng In Spokane, WIIh. Were Ii


A ut olll oh j[., Li cc nse Cll' r k ( forme r r a ilr oad co nci uctoll )- "And how old is yo ur ho y w ho wa nt s thi s dri v. ing li ce nse, ma d nm '! " FO Il,I Mam mll- "H e is ](1 , Ill'UJst

Mr •. J. E. J llnney Bnd Miss L ou. ell /J luft last T hur sda y m orn ing f o r Ilc-ll1lH I, Fla . Miss LouelJ e has bee n enlpl" yccl t.o tl!ac h ut New Sm y rna, Whe r e , he t nug ht last year.


Q- --- . ..... 9·.~ .9' . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . .

't;,!S~r:n~t~Sbne ... .......... .... ... . ·... .. .


L. Cr okett , Mrs. Mr s. Woo lwo r t h Ci ncin nati, s pe nt nn d Mrs. W ill

bu .. ..

l1l alt,d at H Y (' I: , "~ (-' i:! .I; tun ~ pc/' Her e


Get Our Prices


'' '.O''Sl 55



oC J'l!d el l/vc r arc • n~pu l ·t ('d liS J!(H.d hill n h,ik· · i ~ n dis- ..... . . b

SCJll .

Tell ua what you are willing to p ay , and we'll hand over a Goodyear.

Phone 105




....The Store of Betler ·Values ....



7~c Plums For P r e. . .


M. de. Ib

;'" ·,. · · · ....... • ..... ,q..... •


! t)


c,·tl p will I'll' the



L .. r .... rip e, 2 lb . .. .......... .

n'l'lI l d

Ohi n i~ I ~ , cl ing- till' ,'C" 'n belt , Ult PS .lib YN,r in r i' l'n co nri ition :In.1 the

~!rs .

25e Bananas

e n . ....

thi s Y (i:ll' })nd the 1\I·lH lu.·twn of IIat" i, th~ lal'l!:cst : illce I fit:!. Th,' in<i iclI \ l,d Cl' nI (1l'oc lll(" W r ig h t wen· !.I inn el· g'tI('",l!" tlf Mi ss ico" ( If ' I!tH , 100,000 hll ~h(' l " is at Em ma H .. i ~ h w ay , t oday . IC"'tlo:. l\ n llIilli ou b\l~ h el~ in (> 'CP~~ nf flll,\' I'rt·duu~I~~ g Tt lWn (" 'l)P ;,In tl l lll" MisR ,iI!l I" D""l!'hc' rt )' ~pl'nt the uat' o f R 1. 50ll. ,)t)U hu~h\! 1 ,. thr" we ck-l'nd lit lh IWIlI(' " r ~I r. a nd mill ion ... hh t1\' l ' th{' ht'i\v ~' Jl I'{Hl 1l Cl iQ n of I!' 1I . Th e u ut I""k fn,. .' t hc ' l' Mr •. J::rn<'g Rntl e r wor t h. (, T0 1"!'.; i:-o n\"(' .. an~ . Hl'('onlinJ,! III . ln tis Mr . lin d Mr,. fo"''' 11; Ll1ng, of Co· tiein n W c~ t. "f Lh e Sta le Fed ""ul Iumbu s. "Pl' llt Salu rdll~' with Mr. H . (' I'O p t ,·po r·t i ll!! !'=.CI'\' iC'l' . 0 ,.

£~~~n~.. 35c 5Dc ~~~.'!~l ~.Ib LO.f. . 1Dc --- ---~n~!~~rr. .t.,ko.. . 25c 3


For ale-l!l 23 Model Fo rd o u pe, good I'u nn inl{ a.rdel', lind f ull set of bulloa n t ir es. I nqui r e of Wilford H. \\' IIliamso li I\lId family . G. Squir es.


Ib .. ... .. .......

non .


... 10c

Ib .... .. ........

.\11'. nnd \l' I'. M,>s


Mr. a nd Mrs. Be r t Hartsock Iln d daughter, Betty, w e r e S unday d inner g u 'sts uf Mr. an d Mrs. J ames E. Mc lu re.

PUl"nu ,; u n d so n

llu~l t(1n , ~ htlppil\J!'




M I'. a llli

GI·nC t·

W(' rp

.. .. . .

Avondale, 2 pounds, per can . • . . • . .

N<'lti' Ti nl/ ,'Y alld !:iCl11i ll


l Oc

.111 OAIIL



P.'...... ............,... ~ . ;. "'

ooli tor f~lu-nll I woUld hOC hn\) been able t(l '\"u(' W. $rlp. l.alwlP~'.JOUr medlclot. wit!. inS lor· latetr IbouJ4 I *tU cold. 1' ,..181' /;oJ h ,.ru.Da..'I.. . . " AI I,ll f>1!I\lrgeno1 nm64r for eftI'JdQ IllI. Pe·n. rya r.aI been ID aao 8ft, ,..... 1WTSAII lmUID ~ . . Emmm



lie*'1ffi\.~ .Rlmfr-INSTALl.ED


' -r-;- ..-

• •



RJCHr. • • • • • • •

CircUJNiD' w.,~ Air F..... A

.-prteed ---tIaIf tw · ........ ,~

- - . pdee"

..... all-cad aulated cum..

Jet.~ .

tum... .,.. .....



". .


., I

WlLLlMfSON .600 SIIIES' IiWe .." ~ ...,.....irA.... c:o; '•. : WU" , •

. ~0jt0Ie





.•.. ,

~ , ; .. .'

W.wIII .... " . a u


. . ..






'(; 1.111 1'1 [, fj(i7

.... ;::::::::~:.;::::•••• MIAMIS TAKE SCALP ___G_~_~_e~~~~_r_~_~_'_s~~~r~R=e=~=e=~~o~f~T~h~e~M=~~m~i~G~a~z~~~~~~I ~~~~~~ ~ ~ from the OF DAYTON TEAW SUCCESSfUL PACK State • Capital

t I

Prepared by Columbu. Reporter



COLUMBUS OHIO-Purchase of a location for a new state Institution for the houllne and treatment of the feeble-minded 8eoma to be a big propoBltlon that Is laclne John E. Harper, director of public welfare. Telta which have been made at the Grafton farm for a water luPplf luftlclent to meet tbe needa 01 lullb an inlUtutlon al bI requl~d, have so far prove~ the contention of the welter, department tJiat.,the water Is not there. It II known that Governor Vic Donahey Is very anxious to brine about a ' Iolution of the crowded condition. of lome InltltutIonl, and In this baa the IUPPOrt of the weltare director. They are worldng tolether on the PlfOpolltion, and ",hUe little publicity haa been liven to tbe matter, It 18 known that Plans lIl'e well formulated and will loon be put Into operatloD, wblcb will prove one ot the mOlt advanced Btep. taken In Instltutlo,n work In many yean. Governor Donabey bas kept In clole touch with the work, and no man In all ' Ohio realizes more than he. the neeeuity for prompt action in pllOvldinll IUIditlonal facilities for both ther feeble-minded and Insane. And In tbll connection It might be laid thlt the bUilding program pro'lided tor by the lalt General Assembly II being oarried out with the greateat haste pOll8lble consbltent with eftlelent workmanlhlp, and that absolutely no time Is being or haa been loat in putting the full leltlalative prolTlUn Into efl'ect. It II certain that it a new .Ite for any institution ia purchased, tbe State w1l1 be auured of a suftlclent water lIupply before any money ia paid from tbe State treuury, and that the mlltake mlUle under a previous administration will flot be repeated by Governor Donabey or Director Harpel'.

• • • Local Health oftleers reprellentlng .v.ry county of the State are expected to attend tbe annulIl conference with ollleial. of the state department of he.ltb, November 16 to 20. They will come not only from all tbe <lilies of the state, but 8corell of small townB and vll\aaes, to get direct IDformatlon on tbe belt methodl of enforcInr unitary lawa, and the adoption of pr.ventatlve mean a ·for Ipreading dlaeaae. In addition to being a letral Nqulrem.nt, attendance at the.e conferenc.. ia eonllidered highly valuabl. In an educational way to all penonll eneaced In' health work. Expenae8 of delegatel are paid In full and the law requires that certain county and municipal health oftlelaia mull attend all HIIIlonl. -


• •

A partlcul...I, bril\lant reeord of ..ervlee in tb. World Will', In which he. ",u ~verel)' wounded .tand. back of Ll.ut. .lames F. Hurd, of Canton, appointed b)' gecreta~ of State Thad H. Brown, law clerk In the Department. He will auume hi' datiel October In, comlnr from Wub· 1ngton D. C., where he haa been an employee of the United States Shippine' board Iinee 1921. There Is a peculiar Atn_ in the appointment of Lleut. Hurd, Iince he succeede Mn. Florenee BatH Kuhn wholle bUiband a BOldler In the World War, w.. kme~ wblle in aervice, and who lIeeently resia'ned. The selectioD of Lieut. HurCl Ie another reeognltloD of thQ debt due the veteranl of tbe World War IItrunle, He Is one of the few who wudeoorated with the French· Croix de Guerra, In testimony of . ' m.ritorloua recolld 'on the field of battle.,

• • •

If .there be tho.. who doubt the

enthUlium and conftdeuce of Ohio Democrata, they ahould have looked' in upon the rec.nt meetlDlr beld 11\ lbll city. More than 600 Democratli NpNHIIUnr ev.ry olle of the 88 coun tiM of the State, came to Columba. at tIIeir .o_ .lIJIellle on a hot 'dal to attend a ·confab whlob wu eallott for til. purpOie of rettlnc NPorta of count, Ol'lranlaatioD WOM and to heu . . m .....e ot encoa"'me~~ frolb CO~II Oldfteld. ~ The Np~ntativel preaent bu...... bled oftr "'I~ eonf\den~, tal ' . eandl4atn anel laRes and Nturn , to their born.. with more eOlltldene . aDd PIp. tUia .v.r before explleaed a , . . before State electionl. The rath'riIiW w .. an unu.uaI one Ia many wap, aDd a Doticubl. f.ature ~." the Dumber of D.W anel ,ounceI' fae. amon, the HrtY~ worlten. .. well u the olel famlliai facee of JUt'll Irone b:v. 80 luceealful wu the meeUn, that ~PlibllcaDi of Ohio aN 1.10. conlldfrlD, oae of the 'DIll. kind, to be h,1d durlne the month. of November, 01' I!VIaaPI a lIttl. 'latar. • • . OhJo Ph.,.lclan." \yho faU to report blrthl within ten da,., to be prOllecuted, according to Dr. 1'. E. Mon. gel', a~te · health dlreQtor. , The law preaerlbel that all birth. slla1\ be repo~ ~or re~rd , ~y. attendln~ .phyII~laill Withl~.tin daYl~ ~hill8' don. tIIat · recordl~ of. aU C)hndren born In. Ohio aIUW be "Cllnlplete.,· Finn for fallu• . to re~ort !faille from ,10 and ~OII~ liP to·.• eoo anel COita. ~ .- . • . .• .


n D. r. Ha II, DU~.




:1"L.1 ·e~.Pa' ce ,StO ' 'r e



# ' ,~



'f ,

Denny's Crescents, of Dayton, were the vletlms of our raging Miamis, at Frazier pQrk last Sunday afternoon. The visitol'!! came down h er e with a record of elgbt Btrnight victories and no defeats, bat they had e'x perienced a new sen88tlon ere they returned to their homes on the banks of the Big MiamI. Babe Adams and hie trusty henchmen were a little too much for them . Babe pitched a oplendld game and had the old strike-out ball workin g over time, but hiB support was giltedged, too. Especially is .t his tru e of the work of Charley Osborne and Tom Burton. Charley retflled the flrlt two of the vleiting batamen with splendid catcbes In deep right, and after that they didn't make much of an etrort to lend the ball In his direction. Tom provided the fielding feature of the game In tbe seventh Inning, when, after a hard run, he made a brilliant shoe-top catch, robbing Engle of what looked to be a sure hit. He alBO made two other nice catches, threw to third in time to catch an over-ambitious base runner, and cracked out three nice hits in four chance.. Quite a busy boy. After the vial tors had been retired without a run in the first, Satterthwaite started the victorious march with a walk In place of hiB custoDIary flnt-innlng hit, and a moment Inter was IIBfe at second when McConnell threw wild in on eWort to catch him Itealing. Boulman mUBsed up Eddie Burton's grounder and nil hands were safe. Gons ' sacrifice fly to right Bent Peck over with the eyo opene1\. Boward Burton WIl,8 IInw at first when Shindler dropped Harnish's thlllw, and he and Eddie attempted a double eteal which wns U!1lucceaaful slmpl,I becaule McConnell dropped another throw from Harnish to catch Eddie at the plate. Singles by Adamll and Osborne sent the Dutchman home rejoicing. Fealy forced Adams at third, Frost waH given free tranRportntion and Tom Burton joined the family "rocession on the base paths when he singled to right, acoring Charley. PecIC: coneluded that one trip around the boses per inning was enough, and took the umpirical count. Three hits, two paaaeB, one sacrifice four runs and three errors. The vlBitors got a little dnngerous In the third when the firot three batten alngled and eventually scored , but Babe put on the bench baH for two victims and Tom took care of another, 80 the danger was averted and the Cresce.n te never got within hailIng distance of the plate again. Our boys made it safe in the fourth with one down, Tom, Peck and Eddie singled, and Tom soored when Confer made a mod heave in returning Eddie"l1 hit to the diamond. Gons hit the ball clear out of the lot in deep right field, but was beld to a s ingle because Of a ground rule. Peck had scored on John's hit, and the plote remainder of the proceedings. One viaitor at the game wbom we were all very. happy to 8ee, waa Ben Smith, the star lIouthpaw who did so much fine pitching for "Stansberry's Wonden," several years ago. Ben was pleasantly impressed by the good game, and passed several nice complimenta on the fine BUpport the boys nccorded their pitcher. It Will! the writer'8 privilege to introduce our two pitching aces -Ben and Adams. Ben'. tormer team mate, Geo. Waterhouse, did 80me good work as umpire in chief. . The Miamis will get another chance at the Middletown Gas and EleCltrics a* Frazier park next Sunday. Thie team slipped In and beat our boys a few weelts ago, While Adams was away. But they can't do it again. The IICOre:


• "


!t~' ~1,*" to ", WI p,"", 'fol':' llta .0- . , • wIIo .... Well .... . . ._ la, IabDIIJf ~

pack Ull d best qua li ty it hag ever hacl . All t he impn rtllllt ma chin er y waH eil her entire ly r epla ced thi . y,'n r or re.Il r1·lul g"d sO LhHt ~U lllC ua y" Lhe c"mpa ny's output w,, ~ \V oII nvc,r !)O,OOO ca nK of s weet HIlI!at" cor n (,r t h... Stowe ll'. EV E' rl(rc ~ 1I a ll u Nal"To\V r,-Ta in vari l' tics.

Wp ri o not heR itotc' to recnm mr nd fuctn ry n8 beill~ nne o( the 111')<[

th i ~

UJl to date an d m()st sun itnr y f" Cl uries in th e co unt ry an d t h ~' cl('lInli-



"The Lost World"


Syrian 'T rio



. ...-------





.!l ..,...



m .

fl . ., a.S· '•


•.,j _ '; .-


' \",1_~' ~



~~1I11 Gia" inet. at ·Cti.



ile ~~r:.~~~~~~I'

Walta' WUaoD with r~m.. SUDdq evellmA' lin. ltarin,OR Wn.oll......... II': I', .17:80, p.~ ' " .' .: t.rtamlll.nt pro'Yliled lbi··ib.p~ DevotioDal ~er ;.. IPaul Toml~oll lI!'lIIe of

eommlttee wu _pleeltur~ old-flJllloaed L,e a der"",....... ."!aIth T.g~iDlOn q1il.1' blo¢b. lin. • .,.....,. .. Toplea.:... :...............Car~ of Criminal.. Ihtireltlq_t: 'of .... trIP tbIo' baWl lOme 9817 inteftltinA' k .... IIfO. . . . . . .. . tuer·. daJD. lnuJIiaea eODDeeted WIth our 8cb.0iu\. 'filllli& ... .. . . . WI ~ ~ 8eu,e come .

,. QD . '.. ,.... "....

" ~L


.' ' .

~ rtq~,r;1 t . " ~~:;

of tlo is placo has j,,"l C"lllph' LC'cI ""U c,f its mO»l s u cc~'8f ul I)ack" f',r :.. pe ri od of s ix years in f ael tlot! ilu'g-

ness may we ll be com pa r ed with the . best home kitchen . OVH 70 0 a cres of cor n was ha rvested a nd afte r a ll ord ers are fi lled, only a very small qua nt ity if ony corn will gO t o stock. Th" E av ey Co .. of Xenill. whil e not in te rested finan cia ll y in th e com· pon y. are lurge dist rihute rs of its prod uct unde r th eir ow n private label, th ~ "E Brond," w hich is the labe l t hey use for th eir hit;h 'brruu e goods. While conVers ing in ,,"enernl with the ma nage me nt , they expr essed the mselves li B especiall y well plellsed with the ass ista nce and courtesy of the growellS a nd the g enernl publi c. who a ided th e m wond erfully dur ing the ru sh, which wns very strc n uous, as th e weather COll d itions were s uch that the vnrious plantings nil ca me oft' th e fields about th e Ramc time. However, by using two shifts, run The fam ous " Rube" Gold ber g will now draw a weekly . ning the factor y eightee n hours a Rtrq) cart ooll for The Mi ami Ga z et ~, beginning with this f:a~!~ day, they kept the situa tion well in Mr. Gol d he rg has fOI' year s bee:n o ne of Am erica's highest aid hand, and canne d nil t)1 c corn ve ry cllrt o O nt ~ t s a nd we belie ve that our r eaders will be highly nt l:,. p r 9 mptly. ell by hIS . c1 ~v c r a nrl orilrinal wo rk. Goldbcrl( h!ls origin:tederm~~~ Any person who may have a prejuc ev.c r Re rlC' tha n nlly oth ~ r art is t. J ust now he has th e country dice a gainst canned goods, would d o saYl kn~-" I.t·" lh,· holune}". " Loo k for Golduerg 's comic every well to visit sut,h f ac to l'ies af< t.his, wee ' ))\ t hl" pal'!!)'. and by so doing, the y will be con"SPEAK WELL OF YOUR 80SS' SON ." berond a dou bt th at a ny kind vinced C,ortooniot Goldberg Tell. What It Did for Him The I ollowill g" is his stOl'Y in rc~a rd of cannel g oods packed und er s uch Befor e ICllving th e offi ce r pla ced of the happiest momcnts of my life sanitary conditi ons, will mect with to the beginn ing of his ca ree r, under h um!I'eds (,C pictul'cs o f f ootba ll playin that room. They wer e a fine bunch henrty appro val. n s In eVil.l·y imag·in a hh. ' pose on my II ouption of " Speak Well of Your of f ellow8. Perhaps the moral to this -------.~~ d.('~k to gIve me th e prope r in Rpira- i s -it'~ a goocl idea to s peak well of Bosses' Son." lion when [ rel tlrn ed. I IIr ran ged yo ur hoss' son. In 19 0 4 I was gradunte c\ fr om the nil my pens, brUt;hes in k nnd even a yeur'. exp erience and, beUnive rsity of Californi a li fte r ta kin g cut the drawing paper , ' so that r ingAftel" a hit tired or waiting for Borne a course in mining engineeri ng. I ('flu ld get do wn to. bu ,.i n ~.8s in a hur- of the York editors to discover mention this t'oc t me rely as a wa rn - ry whe n I r eturn ed. Then I was off. me andNew bring me East at an enoring to 011 pa...,.nL. who are t hinking .1 m~d e n Oles lind sketches of every- mous salary, as I had heard many of having th eir sons study mi ning. t.h lng III that gam e, f r om the size of times was done, I packed my bag and Of course, not nil ~ tud en L. of min . l he (" hec I' leJlders" megaphon e to th e went t o th e big town in 1907. I ing turn out to be cart oon ist s. So me number of holes in the fullback' s didn't Ru sse ll Voorhis, Leban on, won first car e to wai t until I was so old of them land in the inAuraa ce busi- stockings. 'l' hen I ga lloped back to and Ahaky tha t I couldn't shave my- prize which will consist of a free trip nesa. while others beco me acro ba ts lhe office. self on a Pullm an. HO I bode the Benls to Columbus in the Coun ty P ig cluh and bootl eg~e r~. In t he offic e I f,~ un d my desk clea r at th e Cliff House, bought contest a t the fair grounds last week My first Job was on the Son Fran - of every thing. I tri ed desperately goodby heavy undcrw eal' and Wll!l off His grade was 9 '1. 8 per cent. Eldon ci sco Chronicl e-as " a ar t ist." where to ope n drawer".. Ever yihing was f~oorm eNew York. Retallick, of Lebanon, stood second I W8l! pulling down t he pri nce ly sal- nai led up tight. It dawn ed on me I hadn 't lhe slightest idea on What with a grade at 94.5 per ce nt , and ary of $8 per wee k for seven car- what had h nppeill~ d. Th e gang had part of my anatomy I would land in will receive $5 in cash. Curl Belli, toon:r-very f ew of whi ch the edi to r pl ayed a pract icail j oke on me. To York, but r didn't have long Lebanon, 92 .5 per cent, $4 in cash. considered fit to pri nt. Spore t ime me, t he end co! the world had come. tNew o wait to learn. I wus shown out Harold George , Le blln on. 92.3 per I spent sweeping out the 'offi ce, so r was nl most lic: ked. Then a sud- of s even ne wspaper offices before I cent, $3 in cash. The o th er Pig club the paper did not re ally lose m uch den inspira tion s(!izcd me. I got n finall y landed a job on · The Evening members who finished will receivo $2 money in its invest ment on me. ha mm r a nd na il ed up every on e of Mail. in cosh, and are Noel Eas ton, SpringI'll never f orget my fi Nl t o~Rign ­ the eig ht des ks in that room. I had was shown out of The Mail office boro, Robert Lollar, Lebanon , Arthur ment. I was sent . oC'1'O"S t h ba y to plenty of t ime. All of the staff had theI first tim e I app eared there look- Rothman , Helen Roth man, Lebnnon, cover a "pre p" sc hoo l f ootball ga me. go ne to dinn er . Thc n I "jimmied" for worlc But J wns th en at such Dean Walton, Lloyd Cornelius. E rThe city I!di to r's YOUlllr gu" Wa" play- opon my own de!! k. pu t on my hilt aing ki ckuble age (rom c,o nstant training win Ellis, Roy Ellis, Ernest Green, ing on one of the t enm!'. I w as a.. Bn d we nt o ut to eat. . that I hardly noticed thc first IIssault Earl Hall , Howard Pe nce, Waynesnervous as n poker plnyer down to A ~t er cat! ng [ sim ply kn ew I hnd ville, and Curtis Beck, Fran klin. his last pan ts button. 1 was uncer- noth mg t o live fOlr, so I w!llked right and l'Cturn ed the n ext day f or more. The twen y pil{R ex hi bited wore I thin k t he sport ing editor was Bore tain in my draugh ls lllAllship: I w ns back t o t he offic(J t o get shot. Of in th e pu re bred closs lind timid, and with t he oldlitncrs in the r l) lIr~e I wlIsn't ki ll ed or r wouldn ' t at th e mannging e di tor that day and largely many of th o clu b mcnlb ers will condepartmen t I ha.d hnrdly "POken 1\ be writ ing this. Ever y · art ist in the took me on as s porting'cartnonist to tinu e in the sow a nd li t ter c,lub next play n mean j oke on the paper. A n ywoid. p lace WII S as m c'~: n~ a la mh. A bi t yenr. The t otal vu lue of th o pork It wns a ru sh nssij!"nm ent for me o f their own m edi (~ine had "ul"cd th em way, they used my stuff for fiftee n produced this YlJ nr by t he buys and years, so the jo ke s eems to have been at that stage of my cnreer. ] had to l:ill!ill'ho\~' I I{ot nut my d rawing a nd g irls a t current lIl " rkl! t prices was return to th e offico aft(' r t he gam e, l h" city ('(Jat.or li kc'd it. Tt m ight have 0 11 the sporting edi to r. Six or SlIven Yl1BrS OlrO I r ealizcd about $500. H owever, th eir pi g~ make my drnwin~ a nd have it in the bee n he rau!<C I had p ict ured his son s ell nt consid etabl e ove l' this, engraving departme nt by 10 o'clock ver y pr ominently.. v'rom t hat time th ere was so me thing else in life be- would becouse many of t hem are pu re-bred that night. The Chronic le was a on 1 WIIS accepted us one 0 f the ga ng side cartoons. We have two fine boys animals of good lJ I'ceding, type und and there is plen ty of room for the morning newspaper. and f or t hc nert yea r r s pent some f amily, th e ca rtoons and everything. individuality, so would command considerable premium fo r breeding purposes. · Some of the boys sold pigs a t very satisfac tory prices. Je88e Malcolm . Wayn esville, won first prize in cillf clu b, while Arthur DENNY'S CRESCENTS The Wa ynesville Shrine club will Sibcy, t-e banon, stoo d secon !l; Fronk Sir Arthur Conan Doylo's fantastic present Eddie Ban and Syrian Trio at' and William Sibcy wo n third and .story, "The Lost World," which dellls School Gymnns ium, Fnidny evening, fourth hon ors. The Calf club cxhibi t AB R H PO A E 'with the hair-raising experientles of a was unusually small this yellr, beOctober 9th at 8 o'clcok. Confer, cf ..... ...... 1-1 0 1 party-'l.LEnglish explorers who find This will he one of the best enter- clllIS1rth.e mNTIb ers and th eir parent ~ Freeland, rI .. .. ......6 1 1 1 0 o a 1000t count"Y where still roam the Now if< Lhe tinHl f o r Warren coun - tainments ever given in Waynesville. could not afford to hire tru c ks a nd Engle, If .... ... ......., 1 2 0 0 o brontosaurus and allousaurus, ptero· bring their stock to t.he (uil" during McConneU, c ........ 4 0 1 '1 1 2 dactyl and other dinosaurs, has b een ty pcoJlle to make the ir plan s f or at- If you do not enjoy a hearty laugh the busy season. Bausman, 2b .. ......• 0 1 1 2 1 booked for a showing at the Stato tendin g the National Dairy exp ositi on do not come. BIlII was the man who Harnilh, .. .... .. .. ..4 0 3 2 . 1 theater, Dayon, Ohio, the week of a t India nupoli s, n ext m onth. Co un - had the Into President Harding' singing "Soup ." LarlimoN, 8b ..... ., 0 0 2 1 1 September 28. The priC'e o.f admission will be but The picture, which took more than ty A ~ ent Clnss jus t r ece ived an other Shindler, Ib ........ 4 0 1 8 0 1 Addleberger, p .... 4 ·0 0 0 6 o seven yeBrll to film, III without doubt communiclltion f)"(~ lIi W. E. Skinner. 50c 10r adults and 26c for children. the moat atartling in screen history. mllllage r of th e exposition, which Tickets mny be obtained at ZimmerTotali ......... .. ..... S6 S 10 U 14 7 Hure reptilian crentures which inhab· states · that 111\ arrang ements have man's grocery, Walter MoClure's, Rail Drug Co. store, Hyman's, or the ited the earth 10,000,000 years ngo, are reineamated with a realism that bee n completed for the largest Dnd Bonk. MIAMIS most comprehensive National Dairy Drawing for reserved seals will II utoundlnlt. .-6th. exposition in the his tory of this great be Tuesday, October District No. 2, Ohio Retail Lumber AB R H PO A E a •• educationul in stiitution's nineteen Dealors' asSOCiation, comprising Buts.ttertbwalte, Ib.. t 2 2 t o o yenrs of his tory. Among the many ler and Warren countie", met ill the E. Burton, 2b ........ 5 1 1 1 2 1 inter esting and highly" educational basement of the M. E . churc.h, 'l' ucsGOJII, 3b .... ........ 8 0 1 2 1 0 ex hibits at th e 1.925 exposition, nt day evening, the guests of W. H. H. Burton; e. .. . ... ...• 1 0 13 0 0 Indiannpo lis, October 10 to 17, will Madde.n, local dealer. Thcn ) werc Adarna, p .. ....... .. .4 0 ·2 0 1 (; be 1600 of the 'World 's fin est dairy nineteen, and supper was C. Olborne, rI ...... t 1 1 2 0 0 cottle. the largest exhibit of dairy served by the Ladies Aid . Feal)" .1 ............ , 0 0 2 f 1 .machinery ever n!lsembled, the mnmProminent among the vi sitors presFrolt, ct .. ...... ......S 0 1 0 0 0 moth United Stat:es government exent were, Howard Porte r, of WorthT. Burton, It .. ......t 1 3 S l O O n last Wednesday evening nenrly hibit that picture!! every step of the The Young Friends' Movement, ington, Ohio, state president; Finley - - - - - 100 trlends, at the mvitation of the production, care, manufacture' ond numbering approximately twenty Torrence, of XlJnitl, state secretary; Total•... ...... ...; ... 35 6 .11 27 6 2 Ladies Aid, gathered at the M. E. church to extend no welcome to their (Ii ~tribution of dlliry products from girls and boys, have given a scllolar- Will Anderson , of Franklin, state to lhe eCl1ls umer, a n ew and ship at Friendville Academy, Friend- treasurer; Prof. Laith e, of Anti och . . 1 2 S • 6 8 7 8 .9 pastor and wife, Rev. and Mrs. L. the fllrm valunble He ~llth Food show and ville, T enn., to a child of the moun- college. erelcenta .... 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0-3 A. Washburn, who have returned for very judging nnd demonstration contests tain district. Theile people have sufSeveral very good speeches we re IItamia ........ ~ 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 --6 the third year. champion bOYB, girls and gi'Dwn- fered from a drouth thill year, no made by vnri ous membe rs oC th e usAs it was the evening for the Teg- by ups from all over the United States vnin hnving fallen since May. sociation, and a grist of business was Sacrifice lIy-Oon.. ular prayer meeting, Rev. Washburn and Cunlld iJ. Interesting and valuFrom our play, "Mother Mine," attended to. Stolin ba~H. Burton. conducted a sbort service after which able educatiollal 'features have been when given at Harveysburg and at Doubl. playa ·- Addleberger to Mn. James V'andervourt very nbly arranged for wQmen 118' well as: for Chester Meeting, we have obtained Baultq~ to Shl~dlcI1l E: Burton to and pleasingly spoke words of wel- me n. the amount of the tuition and supply , Sa~walte. come on behalf of the congregation. Fare lind one-half of books. Left on balle_Creacents 6' MI- Rev. nnd Mrs. Washburn responded one-way fure Is This sum waa '35.00. We have amla, 8. " " I n a very plen.'1illg mnnner . Mr. C. prI ncipal rallronds yet to raise the· board biIJ. Tbls Is Earned runll-Cre~enta; 2' Miam- W.' "Younce sroke in behlllf of ~he States alld Eastelrn .$90.00, In all, payment ot ,10.00 por Mrs. Wm. Lukens, nee fIelim Hnrtla, 1. . , .. '. ; Sunday-Schoo. ors who make thisl.trip month In advance. 80ck, died Sunday morning at the Buel on 'ball&--ofl" Addleaberger . ~ll were then invited to the, base- will be prOVided With ild(~!ju,ate ~ree . We thank all who bave contrlbu- home qt her. parents, MI'. nnd Mrs. 2' ofl' Adame 2 ' , ment wllere lID'm e time was spent In parking facilitiee tight on gro,und• .ted to thlll by. attending our little F. A. . Hartsock, on Route 2, follow ing . 'St~ck oui-By Addleaberger ' '6' 80clnl Intercoune and ice cream 'ond Those ' w.h o co",e to . camp .We uk continue(! I.UPPOrt in an illnell8 of several months' duration. b), .Adam., 12. , ' . ~ cake ·were aerved. out may do S!l ~t:h n,o on several eWort&. . The faneral was held Tuesday a.f terWild p,teh-Adat:nl. ' . . The' compnny dispersed nt · 0 late reserved fOI~' Deplan ' a aerie. of' week-end noon at the house, and bufliul was me of game-1 lIo.u r an!i .85 \n~ hoW;, 'a lrvolclne the wish that tbese u' exposition markets, perl!ap. a tea . or lO aDd in Miami cemetery. 'lIocial ~lItherinka might. be held more Im",u"mg,: .01, ... ·,.",,1 lJIeCl- varlo.WI goed tluiea that almail ·sum . tbIIp~Water1ioule '. ~ct ·.Rlc;b- frequentb'. '.. . IlroClired ': from may be added to. this .um, ' which ard.on, ~ .... ). \ .•.., ",. ,;. • -. , .' . rriean~ 10 m.uch t9 eome YOUI\It Ten-

1iO\~1lB.~;a ' H~,"

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The WurTll'>v ill(· I"'ck inlr cOm l'"ny

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Ott Reunion ,~.~ ,

Tbe Ott famn, ~unlol\. wu held Sanda! September 20, at Cedar DrI"- the 'bome of Mr.. and Mn. PUey. D, on Route i. Kemben·of the famll)- anilpeltl ~t .'e~lldi(~;<;;1:be .to, ,iii~laH Dumbered about Mt7'. . TIl., table wU Nt OR the lawn and a aumptuoUi dlmier . . . a d.u.htful feature of the eroalkm,. ;.. .



A WaRhingtlln cor respo nd ent says "I 'res id e nt Cnoliti t-r" will keep out of LIo l' Mit choll thr ill. " refer dn J; to Co l<l ill' l Mitch ell'. charge" ns t o gen ernl in co mpetency in lhe ma nagement of Un ited Stllt~" nir ff) r ce~ an d t he s uc!"genl io n that Co lon!!l Mitchell . lowered in ra nk f o r te lling the t l'u lh once, ~ h oul d now . ue urrcstec.l for teJ1i;.g' the truth tWi ce. 1I 0w enultl the P residen t. who ill Iwad o f t he Army nnd Navy , keep out lOr t h(, Mit chl·1I matter? It is n o ~ ,·"nccinllJlc t hnt his su bo d inatM kn uwing of th e Pres ide nt's rendln cs1 to h"III' bo th ~ ide" of a ny question, wo uld und e rtak e any a ction without his npproval.

Th e people dl) n ot belie"/! that the Presid ent will pe rm it any action ugu inst Colonc!1 Mit.c hell until the enti r c av iation qucRt ion shall have been fu lly thras hed out, including the fiasco in the effort to fl y to Hawall, nnd t}1e cnta Atr ophe of tho Shenandoah. It iA tIl he hoped t hat the inquiry when it c o m e~ , will not be a whitewas hing e nterpriso, but a r eal inves ligutio n. The. Pres iden t will want to kn ow why t ho pro t est of Command el' Lunsd n\vne, an ex perietlced a irma n wh o had fl own ac r oss tho Atlan tic in a dirig ibl e{ wn:; I~n ore d . The rresirl ent \vll no t wnn t nllY white-wn...hing- . o r an y offhand s uppression of Colonel Mit chell, who isn't casil y sup..prossed, by th e way. H e will wnnt. the fa cts, and will sec thllt hc gets them. The most disq ui eting ' thing in our so-ca lled defenso program is t his sla tement, a t tribu ted to Judge Wilbur, Secr eta ry of th e Nnvy; "In .iew of th e e xperience of the

navy pl,.ne. in the A~clic expedilion the failur .. of th e Hawaiian Bight and the Shenandoah di . .. ter, We bave come to the concluoion that the A Ilantic and the . Paci fic. are otill our heat defen.e.. W e have nothine to fe a r from enemy Ilir craft that i. not on tbi. continent."

:rhe oxperi ence in t he Arctic, the f a Ilure of the Haw aiian flig ht, the dl'ea df uI S hC'naT)(\lIah disas ter had nothing to do w it h ca pable nir navigat ion , bu t a gl'!!a t deal t o do wi th incompetent man a ge ment on our air force.

We Rho uld have, inde ed. not hini to f ca r fr om fon'i"n nircrnft , if wo (lo uld !,pve to fO l"c irrners s uch manalrrlll ent as (lUI' ni rcrn ft has. Mr. Wilbur's statement that ou r ocea ns nrc our best defense sounds like the s tutc mcnt . of ~o me o ~ tT ich sayi ng, "I hllV'.! u(J thlrt g" t tl f ea r , th e santi is my bef<t de f ensl!. I can s lick my head into it ." It i~ . uggosted t hat rail roads be fOl'.ce d to. combine in g reat transportut lO n Uni ts, :l tl d th a t th ey make their I)wn .e1c ·ctions. "ra Lher than have the Gov'll'nmo nt d!, lhe choosing for them! '

Why not have, " selection of well~ inform ed men, railroad men of course uC'lu uin teri with traffi c conditions, make u s ur vey of r ailroads und let t h ~ C uvc l"nm ent know whic'l! combi"H UO I) <hould he matle in th e interest of l'cu n umy UJIU o( efficiency? r n' s icJ ~ n t C,)olicige will certaInly not think it \V.iRC t o leave these combi nat ions t.Q se lfish inter ests based on opportuni ties for stock jobbing, comu ining broken down loada with good rouds for the sake of immedia te profit, rathe r than more elliciency.~ I'et'hups for t he sake of unloading unprofita ble railroads 0 11 the stockholdc l's that ow n profitable railroad a. '

Paupel"ism is dying out in the Un!. tqd States, thanks to bettcr wa~ea.. widows' .pensions, more enli,lItenect medl eal core, and ,especially camhralt h ud verti~i ng, carrie" paigns on by thc g r eat life insuralwe comPlInies. Of 100,000 in ou r potlulation, onl;, 7 1.5 arc in poo rh ouS"1 now. A.nct thn t is eXllctly 71. 5 t oo Inl!.ny. In 1!J 14 th er e were 9l.u out of 100.000 ill th e poo rhou ses. Thing. hllvc impl'O\'cd s in ce the WIU" fo \: \:e~ up wllgcs .


------- .. -----

Civic League Meeting Th e Civic Lea g tHl of Har\'eysbu~". ! e nle rlni ncd very l> rettily on Sl1tut duy afterno on, September 19, at Lt. " "Twin Pines." th e pleusant home of Mrs . Frank Shi dak er . Quite a numb el' of Ll!aguc members and· a welcome spl"i nk lirig of visitol's e nj o~ e d ar) open-Ilu' session . on the a Ol.\>le ter ra ce with iii> uver- . sp r eading canopy of g re'~ n tre c3. Aftor a' seu.on of soc,,,1 ch _~ ns~ olll b , was en tertn il\ d \10 Lh . p .: pnred of re adi n~s und ml"\s ic. ' close the difl'erent : ~oups . the c.ol)"lp)1n y, w,a~ .d iyidep.

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J esse Stanley \ Auctioneer







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Practical Instructions in Home Sewing




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New Burlington,O. Phone No. 320

Phone No. 2




Now thnt the time is apprnuchinsr when the fanners 01 the country will bogin to take stock of ofrricult urnl co nditions, to sec in whnt WilY if nlly. they have benelitted during the y,' ar 1926, the Depnrtm pnt ol i\gricul ture fa 80unding a distinctly CI\{,ourugl ng note. The price odjusbnents of the ~u m ­ mer have placed the purchasing p ower of the farmer at nin ety-one ns co mpar~ wit h a pre· war Jlurchusin/r power of 100. This is u di ~tinc! improvement over the past few years nnd ehow8 that the agriculturall dol · lar 'fa ' l1Ipidly getting back t o n or · male:; snd restoring its own balance The r eport of the deparlment snys

~ liJ!h t l y 1IllP1"lJ\'(,d tlVl' f 1 ~l:! 1 nnri t h ,· (hl lnLo tlJul '·('J.: t' tahl\· ..:. l l \\\' r s n Tl~ 'n

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rcported fr om ",'rlllin ~,' c lion~ "f th" South. In Lhe corll !Jelt it is ~"id LhnL a g'1 )UJ c rop is ill Pl' u :' p~C l . uud lhcl"l) wi ll be II ,,"cnerul fc,'dl n!! of liv,,· t ock Juring the winler, " " Ihe pricc~ 'If cal lie and hnl!" lire distinctly en-



For C"acn d., E Fr ecl

cu urnging.

F':\~ h i tHl

Th e whpnt region is declared to be fai rly o Ptimisli ~ cxqept in certain rt'gi ons in the Sv ulhwcst where th e crop fnlled and in the rnng e counl rur th e rnn g"s ure saiel t o be good and the stock in finc . hape.


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muV '- n1t'nt n Wlly from th c Sll'tll f.!' ht Il kl' t;'fl:'\ t tll' ll"lS t h ut hnv c been


"Pe:pu au CAN Ilc\(e-r AG\ N.'


I. N. Mill er to M'esg<' ng cr nn d Su- ta lly Il{'~ e ~" " r y f or the welfa re of the

Fully Equippe for Good Service . Large Display Room . Ambulance Service T&I:PIioNB 7 nAY OR NI GHT

\'n ~ \H\ for I " ,~I)' eire •• i.

n :ul'h i n

the lu!\t yen t's.

of ,i lk

c r ~ "e

ill n d l.'4!P \'i{· l(ll to n (' nnll d epends en il,C' ty UI H'ft itp. n ... n :.!I'Rc oful lilH."l~ f ,. 1' dcc, \l :lt in l! . olllplicnted ns Its'

-"fHA, ,!" l'r r> RAIN SOON 1tt\..L. NeveR. vo'rE I~


in I'lah"l';l l itIU tu




pl' ntfulum t\w iflg- ing

fJ (d•.' k~ s u t h tH; th l' (lll C I have ~ k , · td\cd IH' r c han th ut subtle note in I h"j)· Ii,, ('~ Lh ul shows t\ t1clinite


Walter McClure

i:; "

(' x t n 'rn('

lh l' I1tr.h ' l"'t ill 5-i lllp lh ' it~" Th f' pr e~· lIn t In' ll l! i ~ Inward clnh or:ttiun . __1L:. ll y of thl' " ~\\'C;' J' l 'ul'i",inn



0 . n


-.I/{' .

Date your laici with us. \ Ie guarantee .atiafaction or charge nothing.

Centerville, O.

---~ A. CHAf>i

cOII .tl'lI ction 1\\1\:; s,'em lit first g lunce iL i• . in fact , t' xtrcmcl y simple . Th e bud\' or Lhe co Mllmc is cut by " ~t\,:lig- lil , 1 C(" ' c IL's~ pntte rn. Th e cu,c:lcl c <I 1':1pel y thllt fnlls frum the Id l ~ 1l\1 u l d",,' in L11l' buck is shnp ed n, I IUI\,(' ,'",\\"n h,' re in the diugram , ke tch. Th t drnpe\,y is cut. six i" ch,," longe r than thl' dress (rom sl",ull1 c l t" hem. It is tw enty-live illc he" widc nt t he top nnd is grad. un lly Hloped to t he lower edge . At u po int hnlf way betwee n t ho upper and lower edges it shou ld be .. bout twe niy inchc R wid~ . as indiciltcd In the dia,::rull1.

Whe n th!' e d l1;CR of thi. ri!'rl' 11 e flni Rh",1 it pinned and thon SA wn 100Rely to t he em.tum" frllm the ·,hunl der to tlJ(' hiplin e, 8K 111{licnh'll in th J . dnlping chnrt. Th e gildle i ~ a baHl (If BPH mn · tt'rinl cut IIbQut fino.'n in e h ~8 wide nnd ~l1l.!'htl y. on th!' billR 80 that It will full in 90 ft folds. 11 Is drap ed hi gh on th e lefl hin whe re it fastens un der the casenda.


' ullins , lot in H n rv e~- sb\lrJ! , $ 1. nlltion. Uut it is lip Iv Lhl' ta xpnye rs in tht' Evn and J ohn R. Allen lo Frank \' a riuu s c Ollllnuniti eg t o Sl'e thnt o nly D. Miller, 3 l ot s in Frllnklin; $ 1. Frunk D. Mille r to J ohn H. A IIl' lI , about 160 ocrcs. $ l. Chnrlil! and Allie Moo re to C lnra B .Car ltu n. Luc ile unci Lo uiRc Dunn. 3 7 ncres in W" s hill~ t u n 1'1' ., $ 1 COMMON PLEAS PROCEEDINGS about A. H. Pummill nnd Mllry P.. PllmTn the' of Geo. K . nnd Al- mill t o W illilun E. t>um mill , lrllet in ==="'-============-=-=...=:.~=-'-:-.-.=,."";. -:= bert Mi ll ... r V~. Hen ry ZcfF, j ury Hamilton Tp .. S I. thc neees>ul'Y improvements nrc mad e W . 1. ~Iewa rt et Ill.. to Peter l-Iur found is.'<ues in cuse in· rilVo r o f th e un d thnt ('xtrllvngnnc e nnd wustl! IIro kl c, .h·., 2 ll'HCl~ in Su iC'rn Tp " '" 1. plai n tiffs. , When eliminated so fn\' us possible. Mabel Murr av .JnmeA to Tnr t. F. P laintiff grantod leave to fil e peti. Lhe people get to thinking nbout eeon DENTIST tion f orthwith in the matter of Na- Grandin. lI!Jout (; ",cr" s in Humilton om y at hom!' tIS they have thought ED PURDY·S PHILOS tional Ideal Snles 0.. vs. Enoch Tp., $ 1. ADei X'()-GRAPHIST abo ut fede rnl economy there will be "Some fellere beli ove e very· Cha mberl nin. Incal lux relief. The ma t t er of Gertrude . vs. Fo r- COMMISSIONERS~LOWA""C ES tbiD ' they read. F',.in.• t ance, WAyNESVILLE, OHIO Ed Bi,le.. d rank .a bottle o f es t E . Kir by, was settl ed and nisTel.plao•• 114 Johnson Wutson Co. , "U pli!" fll r .bell. c..... He , ot a n ice .Uck, missed without record. nurt , $31. if> ; Bell Pre" , It was considereel thnt plaintiff r e- PI'obo te .mootb 6ai.h." OmCE: HATHAWAY BLDG. CO VeT fro m deft'nd an L sum of $~ 2 6 . · s uppli es f or R"cllnh' r. $7.2 " : Geo. ON MAIN STREET BLONDE BESS O P INES 12 in the matte r of Charles Doug h· W. Lnrtrick, janitor · ~l'n' ic e . $20.50: San itury Supply l~o" ~lI l' p l h' s fo r man ' so William Doughman. "Tbe bo . . . . id Iw •• a thing It was conside r ed that plaintiff sheriff. 46.33: D . W. Bl ohop . la bor to .dore. Now I cen't All ur. re cover from de fend nnt $2 14 .00 in an d materinl, $2!1.6 :3 : F "an klin Co., out whetber b e meaat knocker Once y o u hn,;' t" d rhrc.n t he 75 h o n iethe mntter of .Jacob S. WlIt ~ r~ vs. Com ., ,'.arc of mlln at 1' u!J c rc ul o " i ~ or belle:' p c.1 "'cr, 7 - Inile - on .. 'h o ur D C([l..' r hOMpi tll l, ;240.00; om"" Ou tfit te l's, B. E velt . , J ohn ,. Buick l ~ u1Jpli e ~ , $2.00 ; JIlO. Law nnd So n. The courl ' ol"del"l'c\ thnt pul'lilion SUCH IS LIFE ~TAIIY ~UO of e tate b e n.ude in fnv or of a ll par- J!ns, $1. 38; 1'h Murr" w F,' l' c1 LI nd On ce 't' o u h.ave wlu~cln! {tnvcr Ho m e First Hc--"Look ucross the street upp ly '0 .• s uppli es. ~ ..J 2: , !"rrn", ·N.tioaal B .... ties In interest, in Lhe matter of Oren particularlv mUllh hitl- il\ hi!:h -Red Hot Muma, eh?" Lumb er Co.. ceme n L lin d IUl\1uc r , Koebel \' ~. Almu K. Adams, et ul. ~L.r - tlainl"tl . pe ed all the wa YI Second Hc--"You said it--and s he $86 .6:J: H. S. Con ovl' r, ~u l) p l ics . :$ 1 ,...... Dra. . .. .. ., ._.E.tat.. S.ttled didn't get thut w~y over u wush tub , 50: Barrelt Bro ., tllr via, Sl0 7.7a: NEW SUITS Onl'" you h u ve ob«rved the way eithet." Leba non LUIl.b er Co .. lumber, $36: W.,.....-riUe, Ohio it Ubsun, cl'I [he lead In rraffi ..: ; Cleo Ar thur hns ent ere d. s u it Qu en ity Cr . StOlH' nnd <1 1'11\1el C"., nlra inst Wm. F. Grnham (or money torpedn gol'!w,' l, ! I 7U.,. 0: Urego nia )ncc yo u have nccep ted, on tKlme only. . BQdge 0 .. stl'c l, ~7 .~!-: ~ rad er reopen road, the ('h a ltcn pc nf t'l"r.II! .. Otis Arthur has enter ed su it p81rs , 54.25: .fl ,·,·sc'h.·1 F ..lames, truck cnr thac: bonsts of ep~cd , nod: . I \ ' C agnin st Willia m F. Gruhllll1 for mono r e puir. $ Hi 7 . (i ~: .1. K. f;p l·nCf'I'. br id~e MONEY LOANED !'Cen rh e: B cttt!r Buid, h.' ave h {"Llr· eyonly. IlIlJlhe r, $ IO!).l;4: W . 1\ . ;';cIILI. sam e. rh e r Dnd f.rthe r b<:hlnu 1 $0 .45: II nrlcy M os.~ , h Hul in~ g rn\' ~1. The Table Your Foe LOANR on Ohatl!'\",StbVk". Seeurl· PROBATE PROCEEDINGS $:i0.40: The olu r'l hlls f Ii i C,. , gn' Once you have chcc\' L,tl lu ~co n u m· ties 111\<\' Second Mortgages. Not!'i /.!'Teuse, $8 (1.!H ; T!l e 'lund al'd Oi l tlnd Of the man¥ &Ina agajnlJt rlKht lenl a:080llne con su mptiL1 n c:.(iI:~ln8r: In t he matter of t he set t lemen t of , I)., gM . (il Hnd co u pon b o" k ~, bought . Jobn HBrblne 'Jr:, Xenia. Uving, OftreaUng is perbaDe lhe vour frie ndo' c ... the estaU! of Martin Gons, dec eas ed , :b J 25.4 7 : S. I':. r 'l ll!'r, puy roll . • J8.chief, especially In c8aes ol indi.Ohio. ' .. °m30·'26 it wns orde t'ed tha t a certified copy 25; Then you will rcall:e full y thn l .he $8:3G.00 : F' .•1. f1 Wf·me ycr . " 'me, viduals fa whom age hIlS lald its of t he e n tl~ determining the inh c l'i- $21) 0.08 aetler Bui ck, wit h Itl! 7 j hONe; T . G"egl!", SU III ". $1.1. :10 restricting band on bodily il.ctivity. tance tax to ~c paid be certi fi" d Griswold: JTohn il"e lind Bat I"ry SI ",' . ti l" es powe r V alve. ln. H e'ld engine , give. Many meo have retired from bual· without delay. tl.neM, $1l 1.Q" : C. C. ~1 >lI"1 ,en d n!)Sa, only to inuugumte a system you po w e r - op eed - nnd incx. Clyde E. Levicy, ndminis trntor o f nncl Farmers ,of Warren and ..djninill(lt on , burill l 01' illrl i ('nL nl el i"I",., I UO ; , perul"" p t rfonnancc IIko no uther of iiletary that is on Infinitely the estate of Susunnuh Whetsel, de· S counties may obtain mo ney on lone ' B. D. W elton. ~e l d,,(' ~ "II c')n\l : ,jt~ ce , WOI'OO burden. In ' such cases, a car you h nve known. ceased, fil ed h is nffidavit of fin a l set · $1. prolAlin, or, proteins, become the time loans , at 6'.!! per eent .interest. tlement. The be.t way to dl lll!over ho w very "'visible foe. "Baked beuna" and Cost of securing the same is vory rea· In the matter of th e estute of J ohn Pluch the Belter Buick h as added "dreslIlng$" tml heavy protein sonable ,through Federal Land G. Macy, d eceased, Bert C. Hartsock, f.O the pleasure of d elvlnll 1.10 drive foods. Fresh meats UN laden with adm inistrator, fil ed his inventory al1fl Barik• . FOil further Informa~to" ~"" /l Better Buick. We hove 0 e wolt. protein. mghly-seasOnillf · toodll a ppraiseme nt. on or addreas M. · O. ll~O\K", ,.~ owe their evil effects to -protein in b>g (or your tel ephone call. Florn Fisher . administ ratrix of t hc urer, phot:te 816-J, Lebanon, Ohlp. . exees~ Enough for you to 1mo~1 estate of William A. Fisher, deceased, • '~ I ~ YOU rightfully expect more than a mere following of filed hen inventory a nd appr aisement. that protsJn Is stimulant aod 11 · BUICK MOTOR CO MPANY pushed, a . dangerous tn~ The n et val ue of the estate oC J ohn WANT~[) your... order when_you from this .... shop. , PLINT. M1Cli tOi\.N " ~ . . 4._. ' . _ ., . . _get __ printing __________ ____ S. Bower, decellsed, wus fou nd to be ~ brings In many people, tor. D '",-klr'I 0/ (iene , « 1 M UIOII Cclrpc)f-,"W" $4349. 4. . SIC' of thll el1m1natlng cl)annels of FARM OF 100 AORE ~- O ne-lHll1 "Much t o the dism ay 0 the· Slate . We promiae you aervice. Service include. an intel. Fnye Collin" was Ilppo inted g uarthe body. O\;struction and overmile east (,If Lytic, 01110. lnq\\lttll diun o( Virg in in Tri mble, min or. Department of l\II"ssachu s"t t~, " ~ays supply of tood become a deadly of Mm., Chloe Rides, residence, LYtl Il, ligent atudy of manulcript; the proper facel of type Standard Six the B oston Trans(!rip t, " the cities and Bond, $1200. enemy. Stupor after'meWs t dizzC, Ohio. , Addrc~8 , Wn, "llCl!ville, Ollidi jJ-p ...muer Roadsler $1.15 to be uaed; perfection in alignment; exact quality of The court urdereu t hat personul town s of the com monwenlth, acc ordness, ,hurdened arteries, heJlth£en.,' R. R . lip. 5. , . . 1l~(J . l130 "'" ... ~nlcr Tourln lil ing to tnx returns al rea dy r ecc i ctl, property be longing to the estate of 1I 'J5 2..tUl.ClC n ,," Coupe· • ed · blood-pressure, auto-Intoxielr. paper; how to cut it; print it, and fold it. l t Il; ar e n ot subsla ntbl lly hceding thc lid 5-posl. cwo-doo, S .....unn .. Annie 8. Dilatu . h, decclIsed , be sold tI.on, apople.xy, not a ver), enticing WANTED WORKr-A ~ou"elt eeper .Il'. !S.p .... four-doof StdaIJ, • l 2~~ ut privute sa le f u r n ut loss than its vie ~ t o cu t expenditures to th e hone nurse. Call <lr addr!!~s Mianil a~' ¢lapter. MBJlY fatal easeS Ol 1115 "·paIMauet' Coupe • a nd practice cconomv." " " ~~Q ' .i appraised value. , No job too Imall for our bnip hemorrhage, can be traced· to zette. . , , · t . ~. , Whnt is true of ~1I1s"nchu.e tts is MalUT" S '" William L. Suc01e ning, ndministrooven.tblll, Poop-Ie just woo't stop I 9A~H-For ppnf.l\l Golll, PIAtt""",, lop••u nger [(oadltcr . $tl ~ O Quality Printing Standard. tor of t he estate of William S. Mil· perhaps tru e of t he co mmunities ill and tliinkl That neighl»e, of ,OUJ'9 ' IN 5 SIlver, J UlIlTlon!!. , ITll\gl1~tll .PIl\nt.. ler , deceased, filed his fo urth nnd t he mujority of the stl\te~ of th e ~::::~~~:l,':,~t~.n U ~5 that died sod,.dellly of paralyfda falae tl?eth, JllwIIIl'Y, 111111 VIII"""I", !I .",a••, fou r-door tiedft" • 1 ~t.JS .. Union. Fede r nl taxes hav e been reo final account. Blrty years en age, tie Should have Mni l toaay, ,(lllsh by return maiL 17 ~ 5 du ced and will be furth er r educed I ,)~! ;:::::::::~ ~~ to elgpty-had' be lived righij Hoke R, Co., Oteego"Mlch, '., and strict ,::overnmentnl economy is MARRIAGE LICENSES ·\q u S· Df'Ou gMln WJt:bin the 1)Ut ~, I have l -r-Ufo Spon Road. fel' IH ' bOling practi sed. But if the r elll es · Boo.. T u urir ,p; Jack .J. T od d, laborer, lind Mi .~ tule own er s in the various Ameri Clln I l l' known of 11 ball-dolleJl men, found 17/1, 3"'.... C!oUlltI'V CluQ Emma Loui se Wittlinger, domestic, communities a re to r eceive s ubstnndead In bed after havtris Mten a -'fl ".,tau ,. o . L, BMfcll/n ~ . ortc" both of Frnnklin. · hea~ BilI-o'eloek dinner. and redrtinl r e lief in the way o f tnx reduc· fM'ftIla.- co fN! added. FOR RENT-Garage. Mrs. . Amelill> ,'· 1'" InR in good h4alth; imd splrlta.· tion on lheir property, there will hnve REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS °.12 i /'Q--------~--"",'t>I , ) wru ""$ oevel tdko waminB r , ~ \yillillms, 4th" Tyler Ste. t o be n revival of economy in t he Prioted Matter the Belter Kind. .i I!; creased blood-pressure Ja s ' .ymp.. Mary M. McKa y to Mildred Gard , loca l community,. wh er o th e grellLcl' portion of t he ave rnge man ' s taxes .' tom aI. piotein poisoning. LeaseD tract in Lebnn on , $j . . , FOR th() amount 01 protein, and It falla. ' Thomas C. und Lois E. Boyso r e to are collected an d assessed. The income tux a ssesse d by the Serious d18e1l8O of the Iddne y M. P. 'and Esther L. ·Burke, lo t in Ced e rul governm e nt will soo n no . Mnson. $1 . St. orair a nd Llillian Fife, to Clin- lon ger be a btl rd en t o the ordin ary t on a nd Bertha Peelle alld. Lillian citizel). He mUt, t , therefo re, pay a t~I~ ,ete, while to Fife, 3-4 pnrt Ilf lot in Tur"ileereek tention til whnt i ~ go ing on in his own city find co unty. Tp., $ 1. . . ~.L~ their ba ~ Of cour"e th e wllr broug ht a slow. Charles nnd Amnndu Pope to Em· ~~ ~~""'B ~ met and Emma Rider, 2 lots in Mor· ing down in constructi on nnd pubJ! c • bu ilding, and it its necessary to catch row. $1. ~d' w~~ The greater am ount of the Ma y and M, S. Hamy to Oscar up. Lebanon, Ohio find Margaret Sc hneider, lot in Leb- money collected i.n local taxes is spent r-pae BloIudI's ~ ~ 1111 0 11 . $1. for roods and 8chools which arc vl-




Dr~ H. E. Hathaway

Prest-O-Lite Batteries and Giant Tires

--- ------

/JeIkJ- BUICKoroner.r an!.Maslers oJihe Road

The Best Value for The Money


MeIloh' s



Farmers, Attention!




/'Q-- - - - -----_._"\








Keelor Garage





s.mrl '

~~ d~nited~!'e-::u:~~


l:fn~\~~~Wd~I.~· , ~~"


READERS-Here is the First of "Rl:lbe" Goldb-e-rg-'s~C-o-m-ic-s-W-h-i-ch-W· -il-}-A-p-p-e-a-r-E-v-e-r-y-W-e-e-k In The Miami ' G~z~iteo ------==--=====;~~====r====-::--==:===~The language


Mo~orcycle 'Cops


Tf.\IS MA"l I:> CAVJ;i!t-\T ~NG SOMILE.s AN Hou~ ANb cQet':I


a. "


~ ... THE






.,.. , Valuable Builcfmg Su •

~ in th(' Ho ul of man thut ill work· ill!: !Ilway tn creutQ s omo pla n ~Ql:

\ de







I servlce l() l° t,hertl. , W~NIFRiJ:l) WISE- . nys .that evIIIS8 Mall MntLc-l' " I ·r~'thi.ntgl tlJ~lt SIIYS "yes;" to Iif.e is Raymon Hatfield, of Wl\ync~vi ll c, MI'fl. Ann . mit h and Olare nce Smit h • H.lII utl \I • sp lit Saturday in Duyton. vl ~ itt) d ou r sehool, Thu \'8day. MARY WlLLIAMSON- SI\Ys thnt D. 1.. CRA NE, Editor a nd l>"blil he r, W"yne, ville, Ohio Miss Mllr [C:\ret Slnrr, of Dayton, , McsdamclI Morgllret Johns ond all III1~i n ds\., is a CroN8-Cy"d nHm w ho ~ pcn~ t he ?c(' k-enil lit hnmo. . Harriet McGin ness were Duyton visl~ lfi ull kf uJ h is n t blllY.l egged. S u b~ c ri:>t1o n Pdcl/ , $1.60 per ye ar , :lnd Mra. Gn il Gordon nnd fnln- itOI'S, Til sd Ill'. ClI AI:U:S ... :\IO OR~ - l1 ow cl Mr. a n" Irs Eli R II ,~~e ll le ft, Mon i1y ~ Ill'nt IlI s~ •'unclny at ~hc ~ <l 0 . W· La.:J5.IL flLlr \l' o l'k ehch dlly '! AI''' morn in", on .. mutul' t rip t o J 0hn Ken n edy hus ucceptl'u II po- day we ~ ca" ' d o f Lh . j"b 11'" fill d , u " tI " Nor th t' l'n I nd ialla: -_=-=-=-=-=-=__ we/.!'rullpl e thi" la sk with <'a,'II(,KI pur- sitiu n wi~h th e I ('leo company, ill l\Ii ~!l I1 '· ..·n ntlv i ~ nnd fric·ml, of puse nlld l'<'ll llclellc that we will s ure- »uytun. incinnnli, w (.' r (-, Su ndny gUCHtR uf WEDN RSUA Y. 'EPl'EM BE R 23 . 1925 ' ly Klll·cel!11. Uu we stu nd ri J! ht ~Ir. nlld Ml·~ .' Evcl'etL Vil l ur~ , of C up to th e "'ll"k Lhut iM uh elld of u ~ , rluy l "n. we'" we e k-end I! Ul'K t~ oJ r 1- Mi" .l. n u ~ lIa J,,'ng:tc re. ",. dll Wi' paus,· alld view it wiLh fell I' ~==== ulivl's hcl'l' . M~. All e n Smith. of DnyLon. \\'1\ 6 nnd tl"'mldinl{, 1I 1' d u we dread the 'I'h" 'iy ie Lea~;u e !::nve n teu Sat- a Su nday gu esL uf his pare nt~ . Mr . AT LAST, AN AWAK E NING / tll thi nk, lind IIb,vt· a ll mus t rem elll- tu.k. or d., 11" 1',,1' 1 that We are re b '1' Lhut t li l'il' (l fli c(' 1M ,",t to ex pl'UHK a ll y IIlld t r uly J!oi ng- to do th e jub in u n lny ul lernllo n at Lh ' hUllle o[ Mrs. unci Mrs. C. E . :nd Lh. Mr. and Mrs. J . Eo Smith arc swyWi th t wo eo nlmi1tces nf invc!ltir::n . thl~ Ill R~ l v c~. 1'I' ,·hnp. nut Of . t he mud · u s co mplete u WU~' ag We kllow huw'! fmllk ·Ili dnk e l'. . di e th e cflulilry 111 y Ilh tuin a s(' ning with the lutter's mother, Mrs. Mr, nlld Mrs. Snnford Lynch and LIL LA BENIIAM.Is n t euc her of tl on formed und reatly fo r nc tlnn. in slule r~f(l 1'1ll ill i s uir ~el'vicc. This .Juc k, nCllr H n~e l'lna ll ' s Stati on. con nection wit.1l th.o I!:IIVc" III11 Cnt nir will lHl wI' 1 ume, ven thoulth it be g ruut ability nlld clarity, a counsdlol' f"noil y visited his moth et' ill I"ayett(' county, ~und"y. A numb e r of fri en ds f rom here a t · and io .. l ruclllr of t he 8urest cU 'lImon RC I'V IC() •. th ere scorns to be a sUtldcn bu ilt 0 11 th" Illililllry extinctio n of awnkenln g t o t h impo rtan c,o of the t ho mUll wbu alwnys will be cwuited sc nMC , UluJ, i n d~~ tl, ovc.: r uno above n il. Mrs. Will . Luk c ns, nel! Il cl(· n II nrt· tenrl ed " ~ Ur\lri K c parLy a t the home IS )u. ·,. hcuut i fu l and graci ous pe rso n Iss ue that N hi therto hus been 5ur- wilh hav iug compe ll ed t he iss uc. "'Jck, di ed. SUllda y mornill/;" . fo ll uw· uf ~ I r. and ~ I l's. Curl Pic ker ing', nenr a lity, which incvitalJly win. the ".- ing l\ lllng i ll nc!iM. ! I ! rou nded by little mor e t ha n letha rgy . Mr. Willi a m Gra ham returned A t hird " committee" Il' obably will HoW come th at ou r cn r too ni .; I ~ t""", all d /llfcclion " I' ull he r sc holar • . 1r. and M rHo Ed Muc \o'arl:md ell- ho me In. t wee k, arte r a visit with OT H U II EN I)/O;HSON - S/lYs the cllm ci n ,the nut ure of 80mc sort o f hliVe fai lo'd to ili l rlHluce us t o T ho hiR ~u n , Bert Crahalll nnd fa mily, at ma ll \l'h o ti ll , kH he is hard-builed, is tc rtui ll 'd , Sunday, Mr K. Myrt le Clark Kal k ll~ ku, Mic h. t r lnl co urt bofo ro wh ic h Colonel Wil- Il ir:: \l UIll Iln d Er::g Inan? and furnliy, uf Ge nnlown . o llly hulf· ba ke.1. ! ! ! liu ln Milehcll CUll be h"ih·d lo an",,"PI' Mr. an d Mr •. Arthur Watki ns a nd for hi ~ r e,bellloli R a t t it ud e t owa rd hi _ L<'"tln n ne w!lllnpl'rH are t11 led wi th !\II "5. Mary J . F inc h Il nd Hobe rl U LI J.: U ; WI S- Eluquellcc is th e tpc hni ca l SUIlIJ riorH. Perha ps mo rt· CO I UIll II ~ ohaut th " myslS' , io UH Rumpf' ardl' Hl ex p ressiun uf raith . I n un cl*u Gal'lwI' ""re l{ue KLs o f Mr. Ilnd Mrs . f11m il y . and M I' ~. Ma ry Watk ins, o f Cen tel'V iIl e, \Vl'rc ~un , l" y gucsts o( dr·fini te.,a ctioll may he ex pec ted fr nlll w h .. d ... ,;.,,, capLure lit Lhe hnnrl ~ .. .I' wh ill h hal' 11 0 failh. 1h('rc is nu ruu rn Joh n Thompson. recen tl y. MI'. and M)'~. II. M, Clark, t he third ~o mPlitt('e ' d um fr ltm 1 he Scutl un d Y.u d. Why bn" ~ t·! W (' (0 1· el u qu t.' lI cc. M rHo 1~Ii7.a T humas entertain d on PORTLAND uth er two, which, if past ex pe ri cII I!(' hav!: hun d reds .. f t h l'~ C chaps in Ne w M l~ and Mrs. Wi llinm Coll'ma n enLOU BAHNETT- At the vcry t en- !;undny MI'. un II MrR. Wi ll lI1cGraIT, te rtained Lo Sunday di nn e r, Mr . nn d be u guid e see m desti ned to d 'vel- Yo rk. der age of her childhood Lou exhib- and Mr. and 1111'S . Geo . McGralT a nd Mrs. S. E. South anU two childre n, op into long dra wn-uut· " pr obes." I I I wi t h th.clr usuul politi cu l e mbellishT he " Huma n Caltary"who has been ited a n insHt iab le des ire ful' l he be t- family. Virgi nia Mae nnd Hazel Marie. me nta a nd 'eit her- r ed-tape d ry rut sentenced tu spe nd h i~ week e nds in ter Lhiull's of life, a nd amb it ion lo Mr. nn d Mrs. W. T. J Ol'd un spe nl Mrs. F ran k Roge rs spe nt F riduv or headlin e creali nl5 testim ony, out of a New .Je rse y ja il , bC~lIu~e II f his COn - excel ill every luutluIJI" un dertaking, a few days this week with Mr. und whi ch ~o m e indiv idual in vestir::ato r tinu ed s inging UII the ~ trce t s, mUSl III-Iii.... '!'>sing great l'ncrt{Y i n wurk und Mrs. A. Z. Hur lsock a nd fa mil y, ncnr wi th h ~ r pa rent". Mr . and Mrs. W. I I. Ca rey. neur Rid",eville.. 1I1 r. Ca· muy carve a politicol fut ure. learn t hut it is Kett in!; da nge rous a co ns uming paMs iulI fo r life at its Clul'kKville. rcy hu" bec n ill Ior a few d llYR. Whatever . may be thn ug ht ttl' t he even t o chirp t h e~ e days. As!. lII r . b"st, which murked her activi ties, her A numbe r f rom he r e attend ed ~h c aCtion of Colone l Mitchell in mllki ,,'!; Mitc hl'l l. buuya ncy, her tho r uug-hness in a ll Mrs. Marthn Gr aham, a form er his Be~sat.lo nal charges. it is fll i ~ l y wurk, her love for good boo ks, her coun ty fa ir this week. Schoo l cl08ed tea cher has begun this yoar 's sc hool ! I ! co Fr iday in ord er th at the children \Y ork with little Thelm u K ellrn8, wh o e lunr jil t he pu blic mind \ that r igh: " Let me ~e e thu I;o lor of yo ur ra pid ity in process of t houg ht a nd or wrong, had the Colonel submitted mo ney? " s uggests different colors for utte rance, her i nte rest i n social eth- mig ht attend. hilS been und er the car e of Mrs. Win. hill thoughts "throul,jh e hnnn c l ~" hI' differ ent deno mi nuti ons. ~ ~ W hy not? ics. philoso phy an d r elig ion, are Mr. a nd Mrs. Will KeTsey a nd fll m- Colema ll th e lusL tw o yeurs. would · .ha ve rend ered hi mllill'f lit tle 1.118t Sund ny we d ropped $2 ill t he ma rked chul'Uc teri ·tics. utterl y un co n- ily of Orogo nia wer e S unda y visitMr. and Mrs. Kesler Graham and II!!!!!!!!!!!~_ ~ ~~ _ ._ ~ . ~~ _~~ _~ _~ _~ _ !"_ ~ ~~"" _ __ _ ~~~~~!!!!!~~~~!!!!!~~ ~~_~~~!!. m ore tll'an 'u" co uAln of ·the ' fa r-funled plutc t hin king it was $ 1. scious uf h 'rs elf, t houKh nlwlIYs hnv- or~ of Mr. und ~lrs. Subi n Muc DonBernice, attendcd a s urpr ise birthda y ti t mO\j ~o , tha t t r ied so vain Iy to ing abu ut IlI'r un utmos phere uf in- uld an d fn mily. affa ir for the lat t er's mothe r, Mrs. r oar ~inat thund er . Mitche ll Pl lIy Sa YH Sam- O'cc'us'ionn\ly th ere is te llse d c~irc for HeNiee. A num be r of Ad nms Co unty p eo- Cllrl Albright, at her coun t ry home huve vJolated the cunons ot militnry too much opcr nti lJ n in co-opel'ution . ple fr om he r e atten de d t he Ad a ms near Spring hor o, Sunda y evening. r egularity. To permit his c h nrg(1~ ! I I CIa .. of J 892 Den tist co unty re uni on ut the Dayton fn iragainst /his " sul'erio,"s" to .P"SS unn.' If your'yo shy ahout pro nou ncing Amon g t hose who attended the CH AUNCY lI UNNJ,;LL-Snys t he gro unds, S unday. t lced might open t ho 'doo r to a whole· pa rad!ch lo)'o lwllz 'ne, just tl!ll yu ur Lebanon fair on ThursdllY, wer e: Mr. W"yncovi lle Nationa l B ,,,.k Dldc. eale righ t of rrl!e speech in th e ar my d~ u gglst yo u want the chemicu l that hen is the on ly oni mal that ca n prn Mr. lind Mrs. J ohn Bogun and 80ns and Mrs. Allen E mrick and daughter, I will se ll at publi c ntll·tio n on the and navy an,l so cronto a s itulition kills flCll ch-t ree hUI'l!rs by gassi ng d uce dividcnus by ~itlillg uro und. en lc rw in cd on S und a y, ~r. and Mrs. Mrs. J. B. J on es, Mr. and Mrs. Frank farm owned by th lott· F rn nk Z!,\I, . of disciplinary NlU os; but t he pl uh them. J AMES P. MULLEN- Was a mll n Clilll Gray a nd da,ug htellS, Ve lma un d H!lger s, Clyue Wharton and family. miles n ortl1l'BS of Wnyncsvil\p. fact I, ' that it the Colonel he co nI I I of ..tee}) p iety, oxorcisi ng n cumnl und- 'l'helnl ll, of Millmisburg . and 1 ~ milCH ~ olll h w est o f Mt. 11 ,,1delnnell a nd punislled" fo r II is nction, lIIore thll n a 'Iuart n of all reco rd - ing inJ1ulmce, a d l:votl·d Christian w ho a nd Mrs. William Long r ecent- ly, on th e l'Dad leadin!:: fro m the WayMr. a nd Mrs. P . V. Reason, of Day- ly Mr. he will stand llefor · the pu blic a l- ed nccid cnts 1111\>1 e n in thc home. WII~ fu ll uf hupe a nd joyous ness, wi t h e nter taine d Dr. and Mrs. Seigel nesville· Xe ni a pike to th ~ State R oud , waye 88 a mlln wh o witting ly ftaer i- Leu.d ing t he list a l'e fn ll. , cuts, bites, a d ivine passion (u r wi nn ing so u ls ; to n, 1111'.' nnd Mrs . Earl Huckett lin d a nd 80 n, of Cincin na t i, Mr. und Mrs. on tlceQ l'im nelt lind his cu r eel' fO I' what brU ises, scnlds und burns, 1iJ'<l wor ks indued, every st p was wkc ll with da ughters, of W a~ n esvill(J. called on F lori a n Soigcl a nd childrc fl , Mr. and ThuradllY, O ctob er 1, 1925, he ecnce ive u to bo t he public intcr- and t he "un loudud" /run, fore ign bod- joy, mu derated unl y by th e ever pres- t he il' ma thel', Mrs. Sudie d~aso n, Sun- M r~ . Sakun hi me r and daughte r, of Beg inning Itt 12 :;) 0 o'clock, tho' duy. eBt. . . , .... ~ 'J • • • ies in eyo, ' nose, throut und sto mac h e nl sense of personal lVeakn ess. Tho £)'0 Sigh t Specian.l Sprin gfield. following chatte l" : :t h" nd of horses, Officers of tho a rmy a nd navy , like nccidenw l poisoning und el cctri~ CLY DE C()LE~AN- SllY8 the soo nChaB. Madden wos called to Waygood milk co w, 7 hond of she e,', 6 60"1e A m~rlciln juri';'s, a r~ n ot paid . hock. They were : head of h o~" , 30 bURhcIs of co rn and er u perso n Ilcl)uil'es the ph ilosop hy of nesv ille , Friday, to ussist with the in- Cen'terville, Sunday. life the lon),[e r he wi ll live, th e hap- vo icing of th e Oxley-Pace Drug Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Chenoweth, B lot of f arm ing imp l (·n ,p n t.~. pie r he wi ll be. an d the truer hc wi ll stoc k, whi ch has bee n purchased by Mrs. J . B. J ones a nd son, Therle, Mr. L AURA .1. J ONES. Lebanon , Ohio snd Mm. Fra nk Rogers, Mr. nnd Mrs. be to himself. his friends and a ll hu- Dr . Hall. C. T . Hawkt', Auct. George Grnham an d fa mily, Mr. and luunity., M;,\g Mu bel SU, rr spe nt t he week- Mrs. Fred Hubble and fa mily. Having quit farmin J! I ,vill oITer ANNIE S WEET- Suya as yo u end ut home. She returned to Duy. come to v i ~ u a li ~e the n 'II' s uggestio ns to n Monda y t O lnke up her duties Mr. and lIfrs. Walter Kenrick en- at public s ll le Ilt my r" ~ idl'nce , on e 8 : 00 •. m. t o 4 p . m. thut come to yo ur mind, your utulch- wi th t he Wilkie News Co., wher e s he terta ined t o Sunda y dinn er, Mrs. mile west o[ W uyn e,; ville , on th e Lower Spr ing boro pike, on ment und en thu sius m for the better has accepted u pos ition. Belle Coon , Misses Berthn, Beulah HAVE YOUR EYES EXAMINED S.turday, September 26, 1925, things of life, t. ~ cume de&Jle l' und and R uth Coon, Dayton, Mr. and Mrs. Wil bur Hawke was take n to a Co· muro stubl!! A:llen E mrick and daughter, Gladys, Beginning a t 1 o'clock, th e followFrom pur FiI... of 1901 school. lumb us huspit al, T h ursday, morning Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Johns. ing : One horse, 2 catUe and f armAbout' seven ty-five perso ns ~athEDW IN T II OMAS-Snys religion wi t h Ilp pe ndi cilis. Upon Harry Dodson lenves Lomor row for ered at t he home of Mr. an d Mrs. G. is the best a rmor a man cn n huve, sufi'oring in\;' impleme nts. Also, at 2 o' qiock , he was too ill for a n operanrril'ul and Mrs. Ge orge DaVis, Mr. Mr. Indianapolis, whe re he wUl ,pend E. Rllndall on M(lnduy eve ning,' in at- but the worst clua k. tio n, bUl he is e xpected to und er go and Mrs. Cha rles Davis and family. 1 will otTer my house Iln d f a rm f or t he winter in school, pre pa ratory to t<,ln ll nltce at the Inrewell r eception sale. Terms made kn own on dny of of Cincinnat i, spent Sunday with sale. CH AHLES M . AUST IN- T he a rt t he ord enl Mond uy. entering Princeton u nv(·r~ity. given in their honor by th e Ind ies of GE O. W .MILLER. Mrs. Emma Foul ks a nd . 8 0ns. The of expression s hould Le on e of the Miss Cla ra J ane Hatt on entertainMr. and M-rs. Algor Gnrd Ilnd II tlle the Current Topic, club. Tho evening C. T. Hawke, A uet. fam ily expect t o leave soo n for Davis most important purts of 11 child's edcd over last week-end at P leasunt daughter, Nellie, spent lost Thuredny was spen t in delightful socisl conwith the ir r elatives, Mr. nnd Mrs. verse, the only Pla rrlng feature of Ilca tio n. In their hUllles they ca n View fa r m, M iss Alice Habbercottee, F lorida, wher e t hey will spend the most rellrlil y ac quire th is IIccomJonathan Burnett , ncar Harvcys- of the plellsnnt occasion b ~illg th e Jeannette Ha umes, R uth Seiferd " At- win te r. bur~. , t hought t hat M" and Mrs. Ra nd llll plishment . Indeed, tve best way to to r ney Vern e W ilso n, Dr. Pnul Sm ith Mr. a nd Mrs. Samu el Hain es, and Mi.., Elsie Ro~el'8 e nte rtained Il lind fnmily would so soon leave Way- a wuke n and invigo r ate their mind. 1>1'. R. GUll inge r and Dr. O. B. Rob- Mr . an d Mrs. Wal ter Kenrick att endp'arty of young peole in honor of nOllville. is t o int roduce keen di~cussio n s stng- er ls, a ll of Cin cinn nti. ed t he G1st IInnu o} reunion of the \ --~-----WE GET THEM QUICKl,Y AND Le'e Wooll y eomplcted n full qu a r - ed '; n their own homes and or uund TravQrse EdmondJ • of Lebnnon, who Thirty-Fift h Regim ent, O. V. I., at FREE OF CHARGE teaches In the Hisey district , last te r of a ce ntu r y of his life las t Sat- their owu tIre ides. OPTOMETRIST Me morial hall, Dayton , on Thurs day CALL US ANY T IME AT OUR ThuI'llday evening. urd ay, li nd Pllssed t ho day in the G E ORGE L. CLARK-Says burnMr. Haines wns one of the f ourteen E XP E NSE The mercury was down to 40 de- usuill ma nn er at his busin ess and with ing midnight oil do!!" nut he lp m uch pr esent of 76 living me mber s of the EYES EXAMINED 8 r e ea on , SlIturday mornin g , whi ch h is f"mi ly, a nd was expecting to pass if it is cylinder oil. reg iment. we undel'lltand, break!!' the r ecord for tho even ing in lIis home ci r cle in the CLASSES FITTED lIen~ly or quite 20 yeal'8, ,f or 8 0 early u sual WilY.. when to his utter s urIIfr. and Mrs. W. M. Cole man en· CI . .. of 1893 Mrs .•1. R. Reed spent last Wednes- t ertained on Wednesda y of last week a date, Sept\lmber 21. pri e n company of forty-five brothphon .. 8 HARVEYSBURG, O. Prompt Repair Service E TT A MI ILDlNE- , ays the duy in Dayton. Death was bUllY In ou o didst last el's a nd ~;ster8, cousins, uncles a nd Mr.s. T . H. Gllt es and two children, week. . Mn.· Arawln ta McCune, Dr. a unts, fro m both s ides of th e Wool- image of God is on all of us and his Mr. and Mrs. Isr ael Scott and fam - Mrs. Mary Davis and Mrs. Margaret Every Thuraday 9 a. m. to ~obelt F~rna., David Chandler , t he le y-La mur house, walkeD in, and un- ge ne r osity will get into our hearts ily spe nt S unday with Mr. and Mrs. Maldey an d grandson, Paul Makley, 5 p , m. mfan~ chtld of Mn. and ~rs. S. J. der th e manipulntion of a mag icai if 'H e hns half n chance. of Dayton , and Mrs. Coleman's ne phT hom as Lacy. Casey, Brln, one. of the chtldre n 01 han d, 900n a la rge xt enai on tab le ew and wife, Mr . and Mr s. Roy Proud, school TH AC KERAT he E LLA HOW'S THIS? Rest Room in Gran ge Bldg. Ollear Mills, have all passed !,way. ' wos spread with all ma nne r of good of experience s tays upen 1111 night, Mr. and Mr s. Elvis Michael spent of Cincinnati. HAI.L' S ATA llU U ."t;l)ICI ~ e w\1\ ~c~o ol not beinl!( In session , I~~t temptinA' via nds, to ....hl ch t he family a nd concentrat ion is mer ely. in t 11 - Sunday wit h Mr. an d Mrs. Herbert ------~. ~-~.~----10 whnt wa dultn tor It-r l.1 you r sys te m WaynclYill c, Ohio FrIday (\, party of eig ht YO UDg Indies a nd g uests 8I\'t down and partook of s ive flll'min!: o( t he mind. Mnrl att and son , E dmo n. . )t Catarrh or D ea tnc.,q caused by r h. from the High Schoo! drove out in with. the merri me nt a n d good will H A LL'S C A TARRH !lI E O!CI N e ' ConMiss Mildre d M o~an, of Dnyto n, A VA IU LLA BRADSTREET-Turn th e af~rnoon. aDd vl ~ited the Red OO nSI&t n t with the happy occasion. Main Office slst.! of nn Ointment \vhleh Quickl y t he weekend wit h .her grandspent that NO around, un d go ON. Oak s.chool! of ,which MISS Ruth Chan- When th e g uests depa rted all joined Re llevea th" catarrhal atlon. a nd dler III teacher, and r eJ.l ort a model In wishin g Lee many happy r etur ns. I ntornnl 1\1 cclt clI.c. Q. ~l'o n tc . w hic h 924Y. 'South Brownl Street, th6 R UTIl E RFORD MOl'{FORT- Says par " nts, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Stcph\cl9 th rough the Lil~ "d l' n tho Mucous us he viewed Pike's Peuk, "God's a l- cn s. II rtlleos, th U8 r08tol'ln(; normal con4lO.,er Sigma Theat e r Born-Sunday, t o Mr. Ilnd Mrs. Uona. . tar of the o ut doors," lit by t he r nMisses Luln Kellis, of- Xenia, and Roy Haines, a so n. Sold by drugglots tnr ov ~r 40 Yenra. , DA YTON, OHIO is the produ ct of her environments diance of some celestin l r ose. It was Mr. Hnr old Kellis, of Da tyton, spent F . J. CbefIGY &. Co .. T~I"t1 o. Oblo. Mrs. G. Val Sim s is visiting rel- '-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ thnt relig ion and g08sip nrc th~ t he m o~ t bea ut ifu l s ig ht he had ever last Sund ny ,vit.h their pllrcnts, Mr. A '$laort Reaume 01 tlte and a tives in Pennsylvania. seen. and M1'6. Frllnk Ke llis a nd fumily . two chief charll \erlstlcs. C~aracteriatica 01 Each RO W E A REDFER T-A~I Y one Mrs. Nettie Harper hilS been a reELIZA ){ONFORT- Snys wh en n Mr. a nd Mrs. J ohn Rye und da ughwOrnl1ll 1M wrnpped up jn her self, she {jllli cuteh II bo uquet, but it takes II ter, Miss Dorotlily. lind Mr . Tim othy cent g uest of r elatives in Xc.1lia. qnd Every Graduate good mun to slop a hrick. llI Me~, a' mighty small package. l\farllltt spent Sunday wit h Mr . Ilnd October 11 th will be observed ns 01 tlte Wayneal1i((~ MA RGA RET CO OK - Some one Mrs. Elton E va ns and little dau gh- Rally Day' at the Friends churc h. HORACE JACOBS - Says bur y has to make our resources nVllilable, t er. faihnes, .II~ th e doctors do. Dr. and Mrs. W. M. Hartinger left S~hQol. pe rhaps, lhough, w ~ can do it ourT he Reeder r e uni on was held Sun- Sunday f or a two-weeks vueution. LINA W.RIGHT- Rare power of selves. , u Miss Mary Ag nes Harper roturned day at the hODl e of Mr. and Mrs. Jasoul ana)ysls and character drawing to h()r school in Centerville, Saturhas enabled her t o select a man for . WA LT E R H EN KL E - Once sai d cob Reeder a nd family, of nellY here. day. her life compnnion whose chief ehar~ ftn uncial , indefl ende nce, socia l p u~ i. At-. noo n It s umpt.uous dinn er was servacteristic is an intolli~e nt 8elf.efll~ l\g Uon intellectual, morlll nnd spirItual ed ullon the Is~wn . Those who at- , Miss Mildred Alexllnd e r re turned ulIl Iltwinmeuts are preannal a t trllc· te llde d wer e: 111r. J a mes Re'eder and tQ her studies at Dennison univerloyalt y to Ills good wife. tions nevcl' guined without grcut ef- n eph ' W, Mr. Geo rge Reeder nnd sity, last week. =========:~=.=== = = WINIFRED SHIELDS:-Says benu fort. fa mily .. ·Mr. J ohn Reede ll, Mr. lind ..-ty mllY draw us by a 'og le hair but Mrs. Carl Stump and li ttl e snn, WilMrs. n. F. Os bor ne, Mr. and Mrs. Ma, ..: Cia•• of 1888.' nftcr marringe ~.Elt i'5 mQrc Iiabie t o I'io ll Osborn e llnd family, Mr. Ilnd lia m, oC Dayton, al)d little Mildred Ml\RY E. COOK- When a Rchool grab n handf.\l~ Mr •. Ra ymond Os borne, Mr. nnd Mrs. Ca rr, of New Burlingt on., visited Mrs. girlllhe was one of those violently, CAT~ERINE LEWIS- Credit is Fred Sta rk e and fo mily, Mr. Ernest I. O. Petel1l0n, Saturday. beautifUlly' persons who make young d.u.~ thl . ardent Soul, which ",sa fired Archd eacon and f a mily, Mm. Anna Miss Clara Lile. of Wayn eSVille. men 'mad enough to kill some one, with ambition nnd desi~ 101' a joyMcClure a nd familY.l .Mrs. Anna Pat- and Mr. lind Mrs. N. P. Clybuln, of just :lor relief. : Indeed, i!l her mod- oua life. terson and Mr. and Mrs. Jllcob Reed- Washington C. H., sp ent the weekD11h-wubJng, c1othee-waahing. . ' ST. MARY'S CHURCH er ond famil y. Afternoon callers were end wltb Mrs. Ella Babb. ellt attire s~e "(as a confi\~~. omoHOW ARD ulS.srr,DINE-HtlI· II' fc IK\nlbbin&'-& woman'. hands are tion.. " ~. Sixteenth Sunday aft er Trinity, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Champion, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. J esse J ensen, who ~. T \'las oertain~ .full of humor pathos Septemb er 27. in water fIIIOCY hour of the clay. Church School nt nnd Mrs. Walt,er Kenrick, and Mr. CuttREN~ PH~LLlPs-, 0 pro· advent1J.t~ and business ability. ' !l :1l0 a . m. Morning Prayer and Leslie Re ynoidsi. The 1926 reunion recently returned to the ir home in Without IOlt water it II imposc e,·""Yi(litl'lJijY i was one of ' the Some R«MOU Dayton i spent Sunday here with ' his ~~ . \ 'BlIe " 'dl'd 'lucQesllfully. She MARV.NNA CHANDLER-Her in- Sermon at 11 :00 p. m. All are cor- will be held th e first Sunday in Sep. mother, Mrs. Anna J ens en. sible to keep them 10ft. white and Wily Duro L~b dially invited to come and worship tember at the, home of. Mr. George ~o,ul_" a~t~ tOil. ~it~ when ~he did Mte qllalitlea which enabl"d her to attractive. Reeder. Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Bloch moved t~io~"' ",oul~ 'AoY4).. BefOl'Q aetl?n, eontrl~ute so liberally to her school with us • e. _ • Don't be hand-(:()UC{oUII Hard. II. JloJ.tur..proot poelii...... from the Homer Walto n property J;t~W~V,r, ,~_,'W~,~\~ ~'W.1!I 4IJtan;lIne Work, .~nd to. the intellectual, social preuure 1Witda. Rev. John J. Schaeffer . Rector. ugly banda. chapped and epUt. 2. tomatic on Walnut street, to th e Simison Water pogo and praaarl 'I \~'~ : tizo~ ~o~ ~~~ Ill\. a,l,lIlIo leeward and CIvic aetlYii kll of our communi. THE CLERK SHOT HIM roUChened and reddened from property on Lady's Green, Inst week. pqo without cstr& chatp.. " ~ ty are I\\l~~ thoroughly appreciat. .. , f cd ullA\ WIt! nev~r be forgo t ten by hard water and strong soap com3:"ElectricaJly weIcW p1na. ~~QltQfl ~. JAfofES-His or,coful he\' t\l~~ friends, . Co llegiatc--I' How much are your bed tank. pounds are unnecesaary. ,A cis~e... :which ' nvealed a strong InSabbath School. 9 :15 a _ m ., preach. r oo ms ?" THE MAN'S RIGHT terD and a Duro unit 81Btem will 4. Motor apecl~ , . ..,.. f' .ttvldua\itY ~and . 'an ' ,ac'c uracy which MARY ELTA. EMLEY-Says a Ing at 10 :80 a . m. Epworth League Hotel Clerk- uTwo dollars up to for pmnp UN. Ilhowell . ' ttlle.·.oh*rao.ter, \IIoman is all old as She looks- but a 6 :45 p. m. Preaching at 7 :30 p. m., six." ProvIde loft water in abundance. 5. Automatic lubricailoa. .... t'UGH-,ff~ '•, F rlen ' d - "Wh y d on 't your h us b an d lI,ald on ell) to man is old ' whe n h e at 0p S I00ki ng. Wednesday eVQning Prayer meeting, Collegiate-OIl d on ' t U8ua II y ge t WAJ,1'El\; lor Jdtchen, bath and laundry. 6. Greatnt capacit7-I ••• , " ~hoo1..b~d~ ."I\\l~' your troubles o'f 1891 . 7 :30. Everybody invited to these up that early; but I gue8!l I can stand consult a specialist. Dellfness can weight. tn a nQcl(e~ a hole In It." ..., service5. it one morning." sometimes lie cured, you know." 1. Beet materiaJa-Ulllfid ' • .. . . " , " " ,. . E .. .41: -'aA.RNHA·R T-Sald "delibCt'R LAW hb P t - - - . -....- - - Wife-"That's what I've told him; worlrmBnabip. llARlt;r E, R]p~E-Harr.~ once .Iltely; every (lerson is entitled to av. . . , a s urn, as or. but he saYIli not now, not in this day .. Oaaranteo l!I WlitfDc. pl~ to,C-& ~rtend. ~lec\a ~~od. 'PJ'Qs,,' think as he pleasea, but for' my. pnrt TRY. THE GAl:ETTE'S JOB WORK of a radio 8et in every home." . E ntered ut t!:le Poatoffice at ·Waylie. iIIe. 0 ., . a8 . ecoll d




=-_=-=-=-=-=_= _= ===================-=-=_,_ _



I i•



i i : :•

..Lumber Yard.J


WaynesvilJe, Ohio

•• •



•• •

............................ ............••

Public Sales

Dr. John W. Miller



At Cary's Jewelry Shop

Every Tuesday




Will F. Young


Harveysburg Fertilizer Co.



. ..----

- ----



. "

.. ,i,


, I I

,j i

-----_. - ..- ----



FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST perQulI .company, on,e t a,t 111 In the t :f.o~ld I\ate \ o.,prcjud\ce I!\yse!f preline which Interllatlli~.y.oU InIl.S~ a,nd tending to bohe ve tha IItuff that is then f, yoll1' en~rnY an~ ability being ,spread broadcast iii tbe world, Morning Service 9 :80 a. m. Bible there. ' .. '. ""' 1"" '. Indeed, ~Ife ' may s ee m 'uncou t h to School, ~ommunion and sennon. E .... t , ., some; but r will ac1m~' l ' am vulgarly c ning Service 7 :3 0 p. m. Song Ser• CIa:1I of t~~. enth~siastle I\\!Q ~t its charms, and 1 yie~ and lIermon. All are cordially ELIZABE1'H COOK-She was so think, therf,l arl;l a doggone more big InVlted._____ _ ..._ __ enamored .?fth her ior~ that ~he thi~~ \Q l~ than many people . ~av& , .MARRIED LIFE gM'e Up. . to ·the in~\lxlcation of su~· notleed" , , f ~... '. I , cess. ,'. C. S, RIDGE-Sara -you. must have Wife , (wearily put ting II. plute of " JENNIE <DINW'JDDI ~Is :'Qf the t he vllli,olll you mqst kn9w . exactly biscuits on the table)- "A womnn's opinlonT'· thatl- J;Il*",~ J "t'~ ~n ' not :what yO~ wsn t to' accomplish: you work is never donc." , queneh ,:Iov~j' ~ ' i.tti.e~ ~ ~hQ g~t must antlsfy YO"ll'sel~ b.y a ' ellmmonHubby (pushing p!ate of biscuits flooos Utt\~ ~t; ~ I ' ... ' , .. •sens~ a.fiu]ysls ~hat ~t IS ,po88lble to· away) ,-"Right 'YQU, lI~e.'· Ir'" . ~ffl1DRI,am &! t8 ' a ttam .It; t hen If Yllu~ are afirlt with j' .'fl' Q' WJ(';(~ . .,. n" .;-,," Y B ~t"t lill, :yoU'· are btiund . to be able to· ~==~==:::!!::::::!:~==;::::::==~ Y.~tll\ ~~~~\'. , e ell Qf ~()ur re~,!l ,eVtimun,tc!'te your vllll«t-n :to othen: ' ~~ " lmV~ ill .' , an.~ bane 011. , ' o! LEWis - C;:HANbLER:.-Saya th~ • . 'ABCARET EDWAJtDS - Tbis }IOW :tUllr reall_e · that the hQuse'tlle pell~e Ii f~moat among . the old .folkS buUt, I. mach more than Jad . . tnatruijWr.t of tile prllMlnt da" and a plCM1e of property, that It Ii ~ aacnd ' . Iiu bl'O'\rIrht Into the Ithool~room a IIpot where ~~ sentiment. and tellDew elllCltional streqth that II ·very del' traditions cluster, and much of helpful to an adolOSCdt. • h. et(ann III due to !til' gi'ilcetul aim- ~. • . • L .' pHeit)'. " ,

-====:=======:================== _~=




Clu. . . .810

~QRNA ·0A8KEY-AM1'IDI, llte . . . . . ..



not. brilliant daab. It is Dot aD lD· . . . . I; WQIIIIU., .......... t.IdIIL IIut; 1to1a '






. GarAfle -.


! tj I

Water Systems -


are tho atandard of the world. They are made in many Ib.. and pdc:ett-automatic, care-fr~" economical Cost Ie.. than .le- • day ' \110 operate. ' I Duro unit .s ystems are -=ompaeC and powerful-pump and tank an ~bined in one unit--easy to'm.: IIPllln old or new' hom. . ' . /.


'E\.ee·· Crank' ""' ,1.-' I Case Se--dc ' e a-,Ya



t ,1'

. *-_as. .....1&Dl1IW.

i._ _

M ',



We take th is m enn s t o th ~ nk all of our cu.tomer. for tlte business and co-opera tion tltey hove girJen U II durin g ou r three :y ears in busfne.., and trus t o~ will give our successor, Dr, Lloyd B . Hall, t he same con siderat ion th a t you always IIh own u s.

OXLEY·PACE DRUG COMPANY E22 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ L

INTERESTING LETTER FROMHfiNOLULU Mr. Walk er Hatfield \\',,~ in LebaSeptl!mbcr U, I ! 26 non t odny. M(l lht'l'JUS I cro~se.1 th ('"unto I' ycstcrdllY Mr .. J . . Il awk i ~ "pending III f ew nOW thr " dllYs out ,If ll ll/lo lu lu. Af\ t,' r I~ stlly nf ninc dllY. t herc, WI' will 111>," ill Dayton. "AI"h,," to th,' SOll th I'll i~ l tlnd~ /lIlU L. B. Ifn \l !lnd Mr. \i: . ~L\ Oxint enu to IIrri\'e in th e " \ci n ity I)f the II'y wt' TI' in Lcbuno n , TlI~dIlY · Un ill'cI ::;tnlcs ub out September 1:!(l . ThL' i.; lund. we hllv jll"t \'i. itl'd is Wn/lt ~ d--- A s mall sl(l \"". Ihat ' will v('r)' ,·U!!U,' ill th" Illi ds of '~In>' , "0 ",hilt· ml' llI ur ie~ nrl! ~till Cre!ftr in my du for my ~ tore. Prunk II. Fllrr.

'11111 on, Ull wh irll is the Inrl!('st city lh~ Sallloull "roup, Apin, formet"l y n German sctth'IllCllt. It hils hee n luken over by th e BI'itis h 1-: 0\'ern lllent du r inl!' recenl years, lind is now ullll ~ r Brit ish r ul e. with New Zea land, de s il:"natcd by Englund to act U~ a protect i,m und rCI'"u lllll' Ilnd cllf.) rce laws. A s a ll tropicnl is lllllds it is d('n scly

co\'{! r e tl with vc),{c l n t ion , palm , bll-


I \'\



No . "IEs" About It--. Goodyears Cost Less w. want to sell you a tire-not an argument. So we put the pricea down where you can have ,enui..e Goodyear quality in every tire you buy from uaAt a 'lower actual coat than you are a.ked to pay for .omething you can't be .... re of.


Get Our Prices

Waynesville Motor Co. Wayne.ville, Ohio


~ -----------------------------------------------.--

Bring you,r Eggs to Kroger


nll nn, hW (l nn tr('('~, wilh f er ns of dif(orent vurielics ,m d color intermingled, whic h ",ake, it appear as one so lid muss lIf impl'netrab l ~ green. Looki n" shoro ·ward from t he anch orage lilli ,' k .uw lcdge of t he size of the city Clln II\' hml- just so meth ing whil e h"fl' lind there where the folia~t.! i ~ ~ \.I ti I I li St!, on u clcn.r duy. Apia is loca\.cu at the bose o f a lar!!e hill down nell r t he wllter fr on t , laid ou t with model'n plans an d most of th e bui ld ings in city prope r, t he latest d esign s of arc hi tecture. This applies only to t he dty. Wh en we near t ho outskir ts of th e villa,!c, plain hu ts o f tr ee bark cove red by g alvani zed roo llng lire very mu ch in evidence. Di rectl y u p fr om th e city (about six m iles ), on a n iso ill ted knoll, stand! a tomb in memor y of one of the wo rld's greatest wr iters--Robert Louis StC\'enson. Seems rather odd that .. mlln 80 prom in en t should want to be bu ried here. TheJe are aPIJr oximatoly 10,000 people in . Apia , mos tly natives. They are all vcry husky peo ple. Their f oods consist · chiefly of cocoanuts, bana nas and other fruit and vegetables that grow on the island, and some cann ed goods imported from New Zeal a nd. Ma in exports are product. obtained from the cocoanut, namely; copra, cocoanut oil and the dried cocoa nut. They also obtain an oil for medicinal purposes fr om the e uclyptu s t ree. Men lire tall, most stand six feet, have reddish hair which is brunette IIround t he t emples where the sun does not stlike often. Characteristic of t his hair is the f a ct that they traln it s tra ight up. The majority of tbe men have the lower half of their bodies. completely covered with tattoes, probably to scare reptiles away. Tbe women folk are sborter, in sta t uro than the men, much mar\! amiable lind better looking, .and a shade dark er , with larg e black eyes and ha ir, and beautif ul wbite teeth, One noticeable drawback to th eir ap pearanc e is the fact that they aU have large tlat fe et , caused from going barefoot, Regardl css of male or femal e for dress, they wear a skirt. One man said, "All they wear are mattress covens." A few of the most aristocrat ic who have had schooling .in other countries, dress as we do. Missiona ries have pla yed a large part In bringing abou the condition thut now exists on the island. They are tbe natives' best f riend, and they can be seen promenading the street together at all times. Catholic scbools aro numerous. Very f ew now, who do not receive some sMooling. Tbe Colorado, our sister ship, and we were d etailed for that' port, and I certsinly was pleased to see how mucb the natives were thrilled and appreciated the opport unity to come aboard a nd see the shjp. Everyone was ever willing to show them around and explain a nything that was doubtful to hem. ' Some of the bolder maidens cli me forward and danced with u s. We left with the impression that we left an excellent memory of Americans and I am sure as an individual, have gained mu ch in knowledge of that r emote land. So much for Samoa. As t hey all sa y now, "it won' t be long now." in Australia New aU .Exeepting n feawndwho lost Zealand, th eir hearts a re an ticipatin g our a rrival in Old San Pedro, wh er e we ' get our car f or Long Bea ch. PRENTI CE TINNEY.

Trumbull and Fulhio



15c 10c 10c

New Pack, . Clifton, per can ..••••• New Pack, Wi8consin, per can . . . . . . .

~?~.~~~.~. . . 79c rl~!~:C' ~ 2·0c -Ti-n -Ca-ns _~-9'_~ 0_:::':?%~~ 40c 3 doz .. .......

Pia.. doa .

. .. ...... .... ... ....... ..... 69 c

TI'Ullluull and Fulhlo wheat are being strongly r ecomm ended to farmers of Wnrren county, in letters going out ftom coUn ty age nts' offices, which g ive r easons why these varieties should be grown, and list of names of {arlUer. where seed can be obtained. Some of the nam es on this . list are, Trumbull, Frank Braddock, Waynesville; ].'ulhio, L. W. Chandler and Eli Furnas, Waynesville.

Lt....troar, 2 do",

50c 15c Butter $1 .·59 b Callie Hams 24c

sugar .

aJIt. liMbe •. ""......

1\ Co untr y Club, Ib ...... ... ..... ' I


-- -. -~-----------

5 uear c u re d , p e r lb ..... ...


--- - - -

2~c ~::r;.~~ ; :~?4~ Countr"J5C . . . . .,l3c MayonnllliC!A so. , -.......... 15c p . 1Dc


.•.: ..


Cl ub .

12 oune. New J.r,






"It ~D't. the cost-it's the upkeep a .. lie"" Caap Naptla., !i ..... ____.LV_ ..___________ ~:...:;...,"~~~~W:Oft'- mil," 1181a ,tbe ~teur

~~....~~• ._

1\1 r. Cha rl es Fis lll"· . o f Cinc innnli ~ p 'nt Ir,s t Frillny "lid SlIturdny will; ;\1r-. mal Mrs . \\' . II . . \ li en

Announcement T ho ro ll fl"'ln)( WII S t lipped from a Puylon JlUPC"': . Miss 11(' lin li ul'I'ingto n, ('ntl' rt ll in cd lit 11 mi ';c(> lI a n c'u u ~ showc ,' III her h"l11e lin No rth F ourt h . l r ee t, ~ l illlll ­ i ~ hurg , F r id ay e \' e ning, ~nIllJl li l11c nt ­ 'i n" Miss U e~s i e lii pple, o f Sycumoro street, wh ose mll"'i:we t n I': d wnrd Lc wi ~. of W ay n ~Rv ill c , Oh i.. . will be lIIl ove n I in the nenr ful ure.


. , ,\

Let Us Drain and

Refill Your Crank Case

Sunoco Motor Oil

Mr . Wuleer McClure und Mrs. J ns. Mr. and Mrs. All cm Ric h, of Indiana, have been vi siting r elntive" here. E. !o'l c lu re uttcn dNI u muetin!: of the Mr. Rich is n ur ul he r (, f Mr~. Hac hol QUIn tet F un el'nl Dire ctor s Il ~so c ia­ t io n at Xe niu, MoneillY even ing . Crew.

Melloh's Garage

lIfr. a nd IIlrs. Sherman Dyke and Misses Esth er Henderso n IInci Rh ea Janet Cart wri g ht have rC~lI lIl " 1 1 l heir dll,ughter , 1111'. un d Mrs. Ral oh Dyk e, Dayton, spe nt Sunday v'ith Mr. piano s tud ies with Pl'~f, lIe n ry Ditzel, Forest F rahllm a nd fnm ily, o f Hau te of Day to n. F ive.


Mr. a nd Mr •. Rolrert Crew cnle rtaine,l unday, Mr. u" tl ~Ir$ . All en Rich, Mrs. Ra chel rew alld Mr. Frank Cr ew.

Mrs. G. D. Mills , of the Cove na n t ~ ebek a h lodge o f Waynesville, was III at enciun ce nt th e an nu a l Distri ct School o f Instruc t ion a t Middl etown, Monday, .

Messrs, W. E . Corn ell, Ralph Miller, Roscoe Fu r nas and Oral Surface BIe ser\ting~on the-j ury at Batavia Ohio, Mrs, Anna Sheahan, Mrs: Martha H ough, Messrs. M. A. Cornell and Ray Mills were called, but wer e Miss Ruth Newland, of Cillcago, excused. wh o is attending Miami univp.r sity, at Oxford, s pent th e wee k-end with Mrs. James McClure 'delig htfully Mr, and Mrs. W. H. All en. entertaine.d 8~ dinne r, today, for: the pleasure of MISS Myra Bnird, of HolWe regret t o repor t that Mrs. Ale- lywood, Cal., whose time in Ohio is thia Ale xaxnder, of Dayton, a former becoming very short. Those invited resident of Waynesville, is failing fast were, Miss Baird, Miss May Wright with no hopes for her recov.e ry. Miss Emma H eighway, Mrs. Ann~ Cadwallader, Mrs. Edi t h Ha rros Mn. Mrs. Mary ClIskey and Mrs. Han- Laura Mosher, Mrs. W . H. Allen', Mrs nah Antl'am le ft Saturday for Wash- Wilson Edwards, Mrs. Ka te Colema~ ington D. C., where th ey will be ttoe and Mrs. D. . L. Crane. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fl'Cd Caskey and family.

The Ladies Aid of the M. E. ('hurch will give a Thanksgiving marke t and a carnival so me t ime durin ~ (he month of Dece mber.


Mrs, Seth Cook delightfully enter· tained several of the young peoplp Friday evening, in honor of her daughter, Miss Beryle , who is attend · ing Wilmington colleg e. Aver ,! enjoyable evening was spent a nd deliicou8 refresbments were served.

Clermont ..Heaters, Ranges and Furnaces

PRIZES AWARDED AT COUNTY FAIR Two hundred und thirty-s ix g irls in clothing, food and ro om arrangem on t clubs made an exhibit at the ~o unty fair last week, Mi s~ Kizer, Home Agent, reports 138 ex.hibits in clothing. The judgos a ward ed Dori s Snoo k, of the Hnppy H.our club, of Lebano n, first ph,ce, WIth a grade of nearly 997 per cent. Lilli a n Ogle, of the Busy Bee Clothing club, of Carlisle, was placed second; Edna Clevenge.r , Pleasant Plain third; Emme l'iene Stewart, of. th~ Mothers' Helpe l'l9, fourth, and Ruby Glancy, of Mill Grove club, fifth place In the Food club, 101 exhibits were made. Alice Settlemyre, Oregonia, of the Sunbeam Food club, was first with a grade of nearly 06, Muriel Aclams, Oregl>nia, of the ?tlod\lTn Cook well, was second; Sallie Jones Franklin, of the Pollyanna, third; Doris Harvey, Lebanon 'Nonabel club, f oul'th, and Mary Louise Zimmerman, Waynesville, of the Kan Rite club, Waynesville,. The tlrst prize in Food and In Clothing is a free trip to Columbus Boys ' and Girls' Week, which will b~ held early in November. Laura Lee Thompson wa5 awarded $3 as first prize and Lavonia Hause, $2 a8 second in the Girls' Room arrangement club of Mason. It is the plan next yeur that other communities will deve lop this phase of club wOl lk . An Achievement Day program will be held late in October, at which time on award will be gi ven each member completing club work.


-- ..------


Conference For 5.1. by


Mr. 'Crabbe spent Saturday in ,1>ayt on, in conference with Smith-Hughes teachers of the Middle West section of Ohio. The meeting was h\lld in the Y. M. C. A, hall and ques tions of State curricula, !lttimdan'CIl and ol'Vanlzation of work for, th~ ensuing year were ~18cussed .


=. _. ._____


FARM MACHlfiERY PlIo•• 311



POINT SETTLED He-"Wbat do you think of the world u .whole!" Bim-"BJ.r enouP for: mer'

Waynesville, .Ohio

Phone 47


" "f\ ' _ : lr~: "~

lfC'Jm£' :

-.--.-......... .. ..........- ..............

. -.--~~~------------------~---~--~-~-~~~~~~~~--~ ......... T

I:;;!~~J~~~~~ I ~

Mr.s. D. E. Standiford went t o Lena, Miami co un ty. Sunday even· After spl' ndi ng seve r a l weeks w ith ing, f or a vis it with her nun t, Mrs. re lat ives in Waynesville nnd vi cIn ity. Rebecca Wo lcott. Mrs. C. A. Burn ett nnd daug ht .:!r Audrey., left t his morning fo r theil: The Y. F. M. wHi hold a market home in Minmi, Fla. .. Saturday night, at 7 p. m., in fro n t .. of Mrs. Sides' storeroom. Benefit of Sunday dinner g uests of Mr. nn d t> scholarship fund. Mrs. H . B; Earnhnrt we re , Mr. and Mr8. J. G. Rogers, Mrs. Viola Hal'lan , For sale or Exeh,~ng e- Ee i ghteen anel Mr. E. L. Harlun. Mr. alld Mrs. months old male hOI:f. Big Type Po- K. N. Hough we re eve ning visitors. land· Chin n. O. H. St. J ohn, R. R. 5 , Waynesville , O. R. F. Crone and fa mily ha ve moved fr om Mnso n to Way nesville, and Save your old cllrpcts and rugs a re occupying the Elbon house on and get "WearweU" Rugs made. Wat er street. Mr. Cr one is the new Send for price list. Franklin Rug manager at the Fa rm ers Excxhang e. Co., Franklin, Ohio,



r~p"t· sc llled .

\\'ny n cs"i ll f' Wu s well


He -"Won't you sit In this awing.' " Sh e-,-.' ~ After you.".


Uramntjc Dnmscl- "He plays th e pnrt :r u dnmh he ll Jl('rfectly." Gr ~n "'i:~~hi e .. fll must A"ct ono. to" : 1 11I1"on't /llly th'hl{ but 1\ ull The W II rrell ou Il ty full', which It' le," cJ <)s Hd III ~t Friday night, wa~ Olll' uf the most u 'C , . f ul In its his tory (I f ("irs. 'fh"r" "'al' u hll'''1' lilt '1IIIn iH'c nnll the rlll'i l\~ \'o'''~ sn id to Iw till' II'M ~\ t'r hl' lIl Il il thL' t!':lt'll . Tlu'I'(' wn~ n" rllin dut'in~ Ih ~ lh l'e,' Jays, m.d nuL C om i ll g JJI 0" IIc('id,'nt of li n}' ki nd \\':I~ r port ' lJ. T he Wuyn l: 'f uw" , hi p . l'illJul~ We" ,' closed Thlll·.dIlY un d F' ,·iday . thllt I, ·,, ~h c l's a n d l1up ils mi)( ht IIttcn ,l . nnd

A Great Success

I • ••


Strunger- "Would you mind telling me \)'ho is that man over there?" Nntfve -"That/s Bill Simpkins, and we folk s In this town think · him the la ziCRt \nlln in .the world:" I l:?tr4.nger~"W ~Il, <. he : can't be the laZIest man-.-else he would .either get up or sit d(lwn, ,·instead of holding himself up in ' that position on his hands,'" '. . . " , Native - "You're wrong there, stranll'er , Some of the bOYB ~t • tack. on .that" bench, and BUI a tOO IBIlY_to get ofr'lt. "



W e , th e following farm owners, pos itively forbid any hunting or trapping on our farms. Any viola. t io n of the same will be prosecution according to law and to the fullest exten : exte nt : MRS. ELEANOR SMITH.

A ....1 ".Iue, do"

Jar R ubbers

M r ~. Anna adwull ucle r lind III i •• ·It."·" Lill' w e ro Xen iu v is itors, I Il~l Fr hl ny,

W arr.e n County F air

;\lis. l{h~1l Janet Cnrtwrigh t s)",nt tho w~ek·c n d with fl-ien ds in ~tld Jl e· M,'. un d Mrs. A. C. Bo wma n l1 nd town. fa.nll ly, o f Blullc h", ter, s pent Sund llY WIth MI'. and ;ll rs. Orv il lc Gray. Mrs. Hll rv ey Suckclt lind son F, Wllci e an d J ohn, wer c ill Duyto n lasl ~~r~. Wi ll m ith Il lltl son, Eldrin , o f T hursdu}'. Inellll l1 ll polis, lire the /luests of Mrs. II nnll"h ROl:ers li nd uth er re lat ives. Mr. nnd Mrs. Wait e!' McClu r e Il nd ONE BLACK MARK . Mi >R Mym Unird unci Miss MIlY MI'!<. James McClure we re Dayton vis· \\ .l'Il;ht werl' nl/l nl' r g uess. Mondll Y, itor s, Monda y. u f Mr. /lnd Mrs. J. O. Curtw rig ht . Prn f. -II T o Im \'£' nlld lo h u ld i:i n W f'rlt ( ·nmm . fhlt'ld., . ","pt. 11, .. ~ n o d m otto." Miss Matti e Pratt'r, of Wr"nc ld . S tu do- " !l ow nuu ul II plllll' o f hut Ily,l rnulic Cide r Mill lit Ne w BurKiln ., spent a pa rt o f lu"t we ek II ith Miss Ma ry Prater. Iin).:'l"n, II i\l ru n eve,"y Thursday. J..:'ravy ?' · I:lr t.lg your . IIples Ln. W. H. Heeycs. OA\,TIIN Mrs. Edith M. Hll rr is has r .. t urnSubs cri be f o r tho Miami Gazette. ) 1rs. F. ll n M iclumer ret urn ed Moned home after n pleusa nt v isit with tl oy e\l'ninl ' from Pittsuu rl!'. wh e re . re la t ives in Cin cinno.Li. s h,· \'isi l,',j ,.,, 1' so n, W illin m, nnd fa m- ----~~~~~--~- -~ --~ .-~ - -------------. ~ .~ Mr and Mrs. C. M. Hough a nd Mr. il y. and Mrs. K. N. Hough spe n t Sunduy Mrs. Ma r y Lewis, of Duyton, an d with Dr. und Mrs. J . W. Wa rd. Mrs. Luul'll Gu ion, of Bronltl\' n, :-.I. vern l Mr. Maynard W (, ltz, ma nugt' r of V .. v i s it~d Mrs. Lau ra Zell the Kroger groce ry. spe nt Sunday dnys lust week. In Wilmingt on with home folks. Mrs. N. P. Clyb urn , of WashingMisses Myra Ba ird Itnd May Wrhlh ~ ton ' . 11., WIIS th e ~ u cst o f Mrs. auwallade r and Miss Clara ' spent Thursday wit h Dr. and lin. An nn - wlth Li l ~, l a~t Friday ni g ht. J. W. Ward , of ncar HUl'vuysburg.


doz ........


l\I isa Del.urllh Wnlt'1I1 " 1'1'111 i h,' wI'(,k-e n,1 III Ihlr hu me lIeur' I'd"" Vull ey.

nli nd. 1 will 'lul cH'"Or to giv(I you U I'iclurt, IIf Ihlll "h, clI "c 11I1I.t. ;\\ " . E ~ t,, 1. of Hi<'hmontl , I.n.1.. 1111'. n nd Mrs. Curl lI uwklo, of nny . Apl'rllxinlUtcly 7.0 Illi le" fr"Ill Anll'r- slWIlt Insl weck lit til e Fl'i ell.t s hMlH'. lO ll, ")Wnt ull.lay with their pl\relll~ , cun Samon, lil'~ th (' island of Hritbh ~ lr . lind l\t r~ . J. . trnw ke .

(l r

Country dub, 2 can8 for •.

:Mr. G, D. Mills vlft itcd th e I. O. 0 , lodgo a t F'ra n klin, Monday ","cnmg.



A Rosenthal Husker; Special Four. Must be in good condition. Inquire at this office.

visit ing In Ttl·

It,ll\ 1> rtingLon of idn y i ~ the ltUI!~t of J\h , Iitro'rd Busick. '





Th~ foll ow ing i" " lcttol' wrilt('n hy l'r~lllic Till11u y, to h i~ moth!'r : Ennlltt~ Apin tl\ Jl olU.lulu


Phone lOS

IIr. ( ~IJ~on P arr ledo ,



Y ou ~(' t I h s,' (lut in tl1I' full nnd by the t im e s pring comea yon wi ll b ('Illillg YUUIl I!' Illlh li S. Try them , per \lO un t! .. , C



None h('ttl'r on t he market, you cun p:'l)' mor(' for t;hl'm other plac" •. hut YO Il can get no bette r tha n wh nt w (, off el' III 25 c, 35c nnd

4- 0C "I t


un bie.,

thp bC'st Illuclc,

......... . 25c RUBBER SPONGES Th e kind thllt yo u cnn cut in t o and put into your shoes; 10 t he beRt thi n~ fo r s pri ~i n ~ hrols that you ('Iln hlwe .,.. . C " I


------------ -----------..

SPECIAL FOR SATURDAYI MEN'S PANTS, well made and will . wear well. Special for Saturday . . . .


$1 • 25

. ~~:f;E~~;;;:' Frank 'H. Farr, .,


i................ 7Se Waynesville, Ohio :! ....... ••• ,... ....... A·····$· ••• 4. .







F. D. DAKIN Insurance Agency, of Wayneaville, O. Having purchased the insurance bu.inea~ of Sf!ara and Cartwright, and alao the home of Mr. Seara, we have become re.identa of your town ii'n~ county. The Agency con.iall of leveral first-Class companies. B!D0ng which are The Some of New Yor.k , Harlford Fire, Pennsylvania Fire, The Queene, The Springfield Fire and Mar~ne, North British and Mercantile. National Fire, Fire Auoc:iation of Philadelphia, and the Northern Allurance Company. It . will be my endeavor to get acquainted with the \ fanners and people of this community, notify all pol. icy holders in advance of the expiration of their 111. aurance in plenty of time for renewal of solicit new busineas, and .i~e them prompt and effici,,1 service in .all ·b ranchei': of the busineaa. I" caN of r' loss, it will be repotted promptly, and reaaonabl. : and s"tisfaciory adjustment made.


Your Patronage will be Appreciated by th'~ " '1 , Agency. . .

Seventy-Sevellth Y('ar




= -= -~==========


WJ¥t do el tl;!e world need? Thousands ' of prc(u;he rs; standing on the shore of time and peering into eternity with the strong ••thority that their vocation giveB them, try to answer the q uestien. Here are · a lew an swers ",ade in the puillitlt last Sunday : The Rove11c nd Hcn~y Howard . Tho, Bihle Is .now on the shelI, not enou"h family prayers . Not e nough reljglon 'in echonls- time provcs it. :.:


Reveren d C. Everett Wagner , Veth, E)pt8~opal-Too muc h ' preu~h•\ng 'of .heJI ~r~ . Too much .paradll lg of W\e.kedncas Inlltead of talkIng about coodnclllI. Too much' temptin g Ji s~ ' erpers by~, des~jblJ;lg in dlital the ~ tllings that the wicked do. . 0' Rev Dr'. Sookma p...LToo much shift • ing about from pia c to plnce. Too much roalti!ng: The people becomin g nomadic! .cana":.JI~ltl~ down. f' , Rev. 1l1-. 'J'. ,E. Young- Says votera neglect their duty. They '·.lIIake t.hla !~public anythin g that '4' choea to maKe i if they would tho trouble tn ' do it. PerhaplI that solemn Jrubh. . Rey. John Roach Stroton , Who would willingl y help lynch our modornista jf his consaien ce would let him ,!lays \\[e need more rev'ivals. fiat'll prete ll liy th e (act that there wore ten th ousand murd ers und only It few hanging s and elect'roc ution8 in this countt/Y last' year. He aaw two IlOldups in Chicago in one short visit.

•. a-. Paul C.' Warren- We n eed modern prnphet 3 to interpre t the old tl'utha in the ',p I and in the pulpit. .More ;p u~ity of. Ijeart and Rtrongth of convicti on will brirlg the mUleniu m, . But ~he .Rev. Charles Fran ~i8 Potter, J'rllmin!U't U/litnri an, says we need bllllnd new r liirlon, a nd he provell hiB sincerit y by resiJtnin~ from .hlll job: ' It III very enligbte nmg to read twenty, 01' thirty BermonR a week.



~ A. B. CHAI'IN •

Mothe rs Ilnd Fri.·nds of L,ytlc School : The Waynes vill e Mother s clu b has been such a bene fit to the 'sc hool, thllt 1 feel it my duty to ur~e the mothers and intercst eu f riends of Ly tle school to get into a similur nc· tivity. There ar" several ways in whi ch this might he done, 'lny of whi ch would ue hig hly RatiRfactory. J A Lytle Mothe rs club. 2 A LytIc hran ch of th e Wnynesville Moth ers clu b biking an active inter cHt in the Lytl e ijchools. :J The' Mothers c1uh of Wayn('M ville being juillcd by tho mothers and friend s ut Lytle ond th e n having a commit tee from th e genera l cluu to look ufter th e interest of the Lytle school on the lIame bu.~ is as they do for the Waynes ville sc hool. As sup erintend ent of the school, 1 am going to ask tbe mothers Ilnd friends of the Lytle sahool childl'PlI to meet me at the Lytl e school house Thursda y, October 8, ut 2 :SO p. m., to disc uss th" question of a Mothel '~ club followin g some one of the plans outlined abov e or Kome other one sugge8t ed by those presen t at that tim e. Accomp anying this letter I am P. II closing one from the nresiden t of the Waynus ville club, inviting you to th~ir firsl meeting . This lost lctte,· is being sellt over tho entire 8chool district. If at all possible we would like to sce you at this meeting . Yours truly, F . R. Moomaw .

, '.

Br i l'f

c<'r ni ng t h e 1!)110


1. -- . ,~ it ' #




DISTRICT CONfERENCE ArM. E. CHURCH Th'e Hillsbor o District confer ence will be held in th e loeal M. E . church, Tu esday and Wedn esday, October 6 and 7. A good program has been prepare d I\nd Lawren ce Ensley, evangel istic singer, will conduct th e s inging. The sessions will begin Tuesday afternoon at 1 o'clock. At 1 :16 Rev . P. L . Van Wicklin , of Greenfie ld, will preach the opening sormon. evening will be devoted to the Epwort h LelllIue and Rev. W. A. Deaton,. of Milford! will apeak on "The Price of Lealleloship." Wednes day will be Bishop's Day, At the morning session Rev. Foster O. Anderso n, of Munsfie ld, will preach on "Matin g a Chri st-like World ." Wednes day afternoon E. C. Harley of Dayton, and Fred C. Pauley, of Lebano n, will give addres" es and Bisbop 'Theodo re S. Henders on will preach. Wednes day evening . ot 7 o'clock, special music will be given and Bishop Theodo re S. Henders on will preach. . Dinner a\1d supper will be served by tho Ladies Aid III the baseme nt of the church .


Cele brate d Anni versa ry


~ flait~~k . L"ke"~ ,


."VRII1li " ni

-~- .---==

IVl'l'S l'(l d y

$5 .~ 7 ,


Hans on--G eorge



so C lass IIdvi."g our tiCK mu st It e ba sed on pres nt vnlOnl y n few countiell, BO, wh e n~ two o r rn (l r c uali o n ~ . pilln to go fr om the sam e f nmily , th e fur. hnv e lI, ked f nr ext enginns until nen yeur ill whlcb to complet e the Ilxpe nscs mlly be less by uut o. Takin g a tent. cots and small cooking appraisa l wnrk, tax: commlas lon members say. hu t u nleFs t hc commis sion " utfit will 111 so KaVe expense ! fo r I11l'nl ~ and lodging. '1IlR" hus a ltom- d Ol)~ off,ciltll y extend th e time to lIuch plote outfit. lind wi th fll voralJl e wellth co unti es II ~ arc unaule t o complet e e r co nditi ons plnn s to go by 1IUtO. A . th e work tlwy will have no valid tax N. ' !' r cn ch, L(' hll nlJn. li kewise pions Lo dupl icntcs f.. I' t his ,·enl·. Only eight dri vc through and will u l ~o be \!, Iud c ount. i('~ III'<: l'xpeeted to complet e to advise dairyme n 119 to ner 'sAary th e w"rk .. f ' ''ppr ui"i ng this yeur in blanke ts , etc., to take al ong. R"aol. t ime to milk<- liP d uplic Rte~ f or the from Le bnnun to Indillna poli H (ulJo ut YClir 011 n('w va luations . E leven 100 miteR ). arlO r eported to be most cou nti"s not r C'1uired to r eo pexcelle nt. Auto party will pro"/I hly "misc . havinJ!' dCl nn M wiLhin the last leave Lebano n Wednesday morning thr ce yea rs . lind return Thursda y evening or FriIf th e "pccia l \cl{i. lst ivc comm it day. R. B .Sto ltz, duiry profe sso r at Ohio t ell. whi ch hUM be en drilling and pumJlill l!: wells ill the otate , owned Agricul tul'al co liege, in a letter t o CIBBS, states: "We expect t o ha ve furm s n cur Grnfto ll . rep ort thut the wnte r SIIPI)ly an Ohio headqua rte rs uuoth well is . uffici cnt to cll re for marked in the south en d of the cattle the nc('ds of s uch a big instit ution as is propose d. there, 110 delay will occur bam. P lease have ev"ry one a twnding th e dairy s how from your county in getting t he bu ilding projtrnm lInder Rcspons ihility tnr the register at Lhis booth upon their ar- operati o n. rival for the purposo of detelfmi lling Rite ueinl!' Rc l clod of ~ ou l 'se will I!:O the highest ranking county ill attend- to th is Rl'ecial commit tee which hBII ance and mileage , and to procure an expendp d nlore thall $50 00 in ortler Ohio in signiu. Maps leading to the t o d rill walli a nd keep them pumpin g fair ground s have bee n sent you from to dete rmin o th e water supply. Funds Indianap olis. We will endel\vo.r t o or IIvai lul. le fo r start ing tho neW make hotel reservat ion s for you from buildings nnd thero will be lIbsolute ly the Ohio headq uurters buoth ut the no f urth er de lny in getting them unshow, should you des illC advance res- de r way. Tho in5tituti on instcad of ervation s, commun icate with the Tn- being use.1 in cal in)!, for the insune, how evcr, will be used to house Rnd dianap olis Chambe r of Comme re." The yell l' 1925Govern or Donah ey h u.~ also mani- trellt feeble-m inded patien ts of Ohio. 1(120, r ga nfi ll l? th e literary profested his interest. in Ohio 's shllre Change ill th e propo sed use of the grams for th o 11.lgh school, f ollows : Membe rs and Fricnds of the Waynes - in t he Nationa l Dairy s how. Re- instituti oll was made by the last genS!>Jltem ber 25 .. Senion ville Mothers ' Club : minding the pu bliQ that Thursda y , Oc- oral assem bly. Oct"ber 2 . Normal s The first meeting of the Moth ers tober 15 Is to be Ohi o day, the govOot ober 10 .. ... .. ... Juniors club fol' Every once in awhile lIome one year will be held in the ernor snys: Octobcr 30 ...... . . .. ... Sophom ores Mothers the Club r oom 'at the Grade "1 am cnlling attentio n t o this be- starts a story that the j!'eneral !\8scmNIlvemb er 13 .. '..... .. , Freshm en building , Friday, October 2, at 2 p. cause the expo sition is of easy acceSli uly is coming back and there are Nu v. 24 or 25 .... Public Tom Co~n to Ohioans alld becnusc I beli eve it those who ore nnxious to b~ lievci the Decemb er 11 ......... ......... . Selllors m. The present organiz ation is very will be o( distinct benefit to Our state rumol·. There is reully no occasion Dece mber 24.. ........... .......... Normal s anxious to maintai n its old member - if our dairym ell will attend and wit- at the pre lint tim<l for the general ' Janual'y 8 .................... ...... · .... Juniors complet e ' and to enroll mother neBS the world's champio n cows, t he assembl y to return. 1:hey can only January 22 ... ........... .......... so~omores ship and every other person in tbe School best dai~ product s and the latest reconve ne upon the C/111 of the pre~ Jalluary 29....... .. .... .. .... ... eshmen District who is Intereat ed in the wel- marketi ng facilitie a. Tim Stnt6 Of siding officer, having- recmed instead ~'ebruary 12 .. P1:lblic '.tthenil cum Prog of our child!1en. With this idea Ohio, ranking as it does fourth in of adjourn ed. Thl! liame milltake was Februar y 20 .... ..... ... .. .. .... ... ..... Seniors fare in mind you are cordiall y invited to populati on among the states ,of the made three year s ago, 'a nd respons iMarch 12............. ............. .... Normal s be present at this .o pening meeting . Union, must of n eceBBity , produco bility for their return i! in the hands . March 26 ... ... .. ................ ...... Juniors A of Lhe Republi can leaders and .not program hOJ! been - rellilred . The largely of dairy producta . April 9 :.......................... Sophom oros various commit tees will discuss their "Obio ranks fourth in the value with the Democr atic governo r. The April 23............... ............... F1lesbm en plana tor the yea r. of total dairy product s. It is th ird financia l conditio n' of the atate is M.ay 7The sup erintend ent and teaMers in total ~allonage of ice aream pro- sound, and ~hj s in spite of the recent .' D b te Athenae um and Tom COl'WllI e a invite you to visit the school and to duced; Sixth in pounds of butter; wnrning of Senator Oarpente~ to the t hat the IItate faced bankrup tAs many will s ay one 'of the beat inspect the s chool plant. which has sixth in condensed milk; eighth In effect boon recently repaired , and to solicit total cheese and seco nd in Swiss cy. In making this r llferenco thero features of.;l'cho ol life is Lhe social youI'! Ilre a good many Republi can leaders times. Accqrdi ng to custom, ~he in thecontinu ed Interest and activity cheese, four th in total number of who fail to underst and yet why CarMothers club, which has been pure-bl'cd dairy callIe nnd e ighth in Freshr.nen, Sohpom ore and JU!"lor of penter mllde the charges which were such classes held their a nnu al wemer in the materia l ben efit to the scboolR the number of all dairy cows. pust. "This great industry earns for the r epudiate d even by the Republi can Yours truly, r oasts las t Frid ay night. An ideal ELSTE ELLIS, Pres. farmers of Ohio, $90,000 ,000 annu- stato trensur er and auditor. Gov. evening was an added fca~ure 101' enLUCILE ARMIT AGE, Sec'Y. ally, which is almost one third of the Donahey is n't going to a ttempt to joymen t. The Freshm en baffled evca ll Lhp legislato rs back, and there F. R. MOOMA W, Supt. total farm in come of th e State. eryone in regar d to fmding. an un' ''There are, how eve r, 14 other is n' t much chanco that they will come usual place for such an afl'all\. The states whose aveuage cow produce s of their own nccord. There are plenHigh school co ngratula te this new more milk per year than the average ty of campaig n issues for next year class on lreing nble to keep a secret. cow of Ohio. Greater product ion rig ht now without tho gen eral asse,,,· per cows mellns more profit to the bly ~et urni n g to make more. And Last Friday afterno on the Senior that's one o [ the bcst reasonR in tho produce r. class present ed the. followi ng pro"This is not only of disti nctly world that the general assembl y grllm to the H. S., Faculty and Norcommer cial value to the ugriculLurul won't relurn to Columb us until tho mal class: industry of the state, but a hcalth rClrullir time comes. Senator CarPres, Address........ Kenneth Retallic k project OJ! we ns it enco u1"a l!es pent!!r W IIS in Columb us the other: "Playin g School" .. ...... , By the Olass On lust Thursda y Mesdam es J. W. greater distribu ll, d ay und discussi ng the recen t charges ti on of a most heal thTbis nunlber portray ed a model White, J. D. Marlatt , Am elia Wil'l fu.l he made about the stale being th" kind ergarten , the ac t ions and dress Iiams, C. M. Robitze r, L. A. Wasb- milk.and s ubstantilll food produc t-- verge of bankrup tcy expres.qeon cl l'eof the participu.nts be~n", of a j~ve­ burn Glenn Borden F. H. Farr and g ret th at no othe . state offic ial \\'as "In my opinion, a delegati on from nile nuture. The devotIOnal exerCIse s, George Mills attende d the annual ev~ry co u'!ty in ~hio sh o~~d ~~tend uule to ugrl'C with 11im, .adding thut recitatio n s, Mother Goose rhymes and convent ion of the W. F. M. S. of tbe thiS great mdus .. [ should hll\'e though t that Govera or tn al exp,osition. songs, rendere d in the languag e of HiUsbor o district, at Sharon church, Donuhe y would at lea,st have ag"" l d • __ - - the little folks, were highly amusing near Kingma n. with me -it would have been gael! and entertai ning'to the listeners . We An unus ually interest ing program stuff for him." But even tho ICOVmight add that Frances Henkle, of WOJ! given . Miss Fehr, a returne d ern or, who probabl y k nows more the Senior clasl3, was the authore ss mission ary from Japan. gave a very about th e alTairs of state than any 01 the play. interest ing talk. A deliciou s chicken other man In Ohio, declared the cbarThe Normal cllISS e njoyed a weiner ges of the se nator ·,too ridicu:o\lll So Piano Solo- "Dcldic ation" by Scbudinner was served. mann .... .. .. .. Rpea Janet Cartw/:i gbt Mrs: Henry Bailey, wife of a form- roast at StollY Brook furm Tuesday g ive con s iderntio n. High School Song .. .... ...... ......... ..... .. All er Waynes ville pastor, was present evening . The followin g nre th e stu... and the Waynes ville people enjoyed dents, this year: Clyde Armstro ng, Marian W WILL MOVE NOVEM BER FIRST meeting her. She asked to be re- Evelyn LClWis, Ruth Karr and Ralph member ed to Waynes ville friends. Mull, of Lebanon ; Leola Blnir and Fred M. 'Cole hll8 lelll\Od the room -------..--.~.~----Eunice Hollingswo rth, of Oregoni a; in the Aman biulding on Main street, Wilma Conwin,. Mrs. Carrie Glancy. known OJ! the FU'n key Store room, and Alice Heery and 'Ohester Heery, of will <take posseBSion about Novem, Morrow ; Phoebo Ll!ndy, of Wilmlng . . ber 1st. ' arid the followm g from WlIynCS i Everyth mg 111 sO.t for the. big en· , ton, . "', vUlo and vicinity : Ola HurtsooU.Prof. Olaude ~. BtunMl superin tertainm ent on Fnday evet1ll1g, Oc- Kathlee n Henders on Carl Gray Ken- tendent of the Lebano n schoo Ie, for tober 9th. The advance 8ale of lIeata neth St John Dor~thy indicate s. a large atte,!da nce. Do not Mullen, George Bunnell Rye "Edna several yellrs, and a former 5uper. R~ymond intcndo nt of the Waynea viUe schools, walt JI!'tJi the last mID ute to securo BraddoC'k, Olemen t Satterth waite, hUR resigned from the " Lebuuo n your tlcketa, buy ~hem now, and be Everett Carnaha n, Eva McMillan Ilnd sc hools to take tho 'Salllt! position in ready for the drawmg of seats, Tues- Margar et Mar-l ott. WaHhin gton C. H. day, October 6th, at 2 o'clock. Mr. Bruner hils bee1\. j at the bead of the sc ho ols at Lebano n for the pa"t eight ot' t en Y8111'S, nnd has given entire sati sfllction ther e. He gol's to Washin gton C. 11. at n ~" I. I'y t,f $3250 for th e first ye n! , wit h It good chnnce for nlivuncem en t. The Ga zette rea del's who n~c n quninlefi with Mr. Bl'IllI el' ar, \ \ gllld to hellr of his aQ vanc.. 'ucm. F,riday, Septem ber 26th, brought Affirma tive ..... ..... .. . Mrs. E lb on. with hi Mestimllb le wiIe, " ..1 I n ' r , totethe r for the Initial meeting of Negativ e ............ .... ... ... Mrs. O'Neali th eir ne w home 0 bout th e ~ th~ *ellsol!! twenty- one member s of The group of three papers gave October. the New ticnturY club" at the home ---.-~- " " h of, Mrs" Baily and Mrs. Devitt, a place much interest ing informa tion on t e ~eJli hown and appreci ated fo!,! Its methods of teaching in these !;chools Sattertl~waite-Rieske . IIcen!c beauty and genial ll08pital lty. and college. . The debate WllS ably , Prompt ly at ' 2 o'clock tbe new disc1uBBed in all phn.,es, prllllide nt, Mrs. J. W. Ward, greeted much favorab le commenand m ·t with t. The judgthe c~ub In a . lincere and ,pleasin g ell, MJ8. McClur ' Mrs. Moomaw and man.ner , dillllensink judiqiou lIly .'t he Mrs. Harris mete,with n knotty p~ob­ bUlinel8 of tho ' club.. The followin C lem .in deciding in favor of .the amrprogram marks the ' interelt of tbe matlve. club in educatio nal -work; . , A ~ost appetizi ng lunch served . 'It";l1 cali" .. School-D ay RemlnlllCence8 dui:lng tbe social houl', complet e.a a " ti ' plelUlAnt and profitab afternoo n . . , , P.r_1 den t'II r.. ..,reo. ngs '. Out-of- town gUestl!lein~luded Mrs. Reading Oooatltu,tion a'!i4 By~LaWII ' Sophia SchillerJ • .Boumes vUle, Ohici,.l'k,ee~'II\l~_~,t Some Modem Methoda in Schoo" " -' .. arn ....... .liN. · B arnott and' Mrs: ." and COllege l: . . JIU'1t. »~.. <.. a) Platoon Schoo" and: ' Tradl- Ohap\IIAJI, of Cincinn ati.. OIllO, ¥ra. J.-h •• AI'i", "' b-.l..·· - Hawk, John W. OOllln~_ S41em. N_ Y., ~ra. IwO S c .......... ;.~ .... ..:-;:....:.;......;..,._........_,;.., -.John Fromm, MrS. !4ooma'\Vi Mia. (b) o~. Schoola................ lulla Donova u, lin. Will GnIWD , .... .. ....._.... ,...........Kn. Batha~ Mrs. Jo~ IlIas TrIlleDa Edwarclll, De~tJeAla=::~ ~~ ilia ilarpf tt tldward a an,d JrliI!IlIaIlftID 'too aliCIa ~tloD ba oar Q'e TIIo... . . i1 t on is



d airyme n thut




DISASTROUS FIRE Lytle was ~gain' visited by a disas· trous fire Saturda y morning , when the barn of Frank Rogers, togethe r with all t he content s were entirely destroye d. Loss was probabl y $1500. partly covered by insuran ce .A Ford truck and a Chevrol et tourmg cur were destroye d. The building was ablaze when discover ed. Origin of the fire unknow n. . At one time the adjoinin g buildIngs were in great danger' a!,d the chemica l truck from Centel'Vllle responded to our caU for help, b.ut by hemic work of t he bucket brtgude, it was not necessa ry to use the engine.


. Won ' The ir Firs t Game



inl l' rl'!H" rt CflU IM lllJ f> . OIl IO- Tho ugh t he in go in g WUH urC't'd t.o r t!'purt t o ( 'I,,"" hy S" pl"ll1her :HI . II" will 1lI.· .. 1 1.. ~ i " l lI tur n III c nndin p; t he McDono ttw r co u nt y aJ!l'nt~ ( 1' 0111 Sltu1 h\\' t·~ · a ld n ':" ,·, Int .. II I'rrni ",, 1 law I R~t win1,'\'lI Ohi ", lind frullI Ill'II rby (' (,ulltil'R le,·. l)r oviol,'<1 apprai sals sl.lO uld .be o f Indiana IIl1d Kcnlllrk y, in rille ill - llI ud" t.hi ., ) ~ar i!, ull cou nt ies whIch nHli Thut'sd uy e\'t~ nil\J..~. at \\ h iC' h t.iln €" had nltt rl'''pprll l""tl dunn!!, t ht! last mure d e firJ il(' p l u ll s w ill l a' mil d\! UM thl" e y('n l'g, (i !1 (·oun ti .. . will not get l it,. work llcc Olllp Ji s lHd th i~ ye ar. Tax t u Rjl('ciu l trains. etc. i( edllceti r oun d tlJ p fu re f rom 1I1l1n dup li catl'" for 1!l2r. in these coun-

---_ a - ••----

. I l~

2: itJ1'

ta tel':m

HJlIlI H JlICl'll1 l ' nt S cfl n -

t" x p fl~ i tittn Wl' l'e Ht'llt t n rUnl H.'1 ~ of \I,' ar n' l1 t' ll unly In!'l t

Ru urda y , ul1 d



~~", !~~,I,~N,~~,~,L!~ ~ It

and Mrs. Milton Keys most pleasan tly entertai ned the descen dants of the Keys family on Sunday , Segt~mber 27th. There were six first cousins among those present on tbiu occasion . The hours passed all too rapidly in the mnny reminisc ences of the time when ull spent thei r childhood days in tho good old town of Waynes ville, 'those Who enjoyed tho reunion with Mr. and Mrs. K~8 were: Mr. and Mra. Montgo mery Howard and Robert Howard , ' of German town, 0.; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Keys, Chicago, Ill.; Mrl!. Evn Jones, Mishaw aukee, Ind.; Mr. and M.r s. Albert Terrill, Warren , Lawren ce and Benjam in Terrell, New Vienna, Ohio; Miss Myra Baird, Los Angeles , Cal.; Mr. and Mrs, S. M . Sellars, Lebano n; Misses May Wright, Addic B. Keys, Clara Keys, Mr. and Mrs. Amos COOk, Ruth, Ma/~lIret. Ernest and Warren Oook. _ _ __a •__


NATIONAUlAIAY SHOW i···:::::~:·;:::~·

pori,·" tu ('"unt y . g "lI t CI"ss II r In Ih · far m nllr~/lll li m,,· c'In c!'l'II illa,( Prepa red by the trip to t h,' N:iti""1l 1 I I " ir~' ~ h flw lit IndianaIHlli, . ,\ t·,t a l d" I" l{lltiu n or Colum bus Repo rter 1\0 or II \O I'~ is fxpeel. ·cI fr, ' ''' WIlIT" n ••••• _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . c oun t y .

Keys Reun ion


\VllOh: 1\ lIrnill;r {jOGS

A ' " ""

----_ ..----

Miss Fay Lanphie r, young Callfor. nilt girl, who "eallily lind naturall y" won tbe beauty crown of "Miss America," says, "Morrin ge won't inlterfolrc . with my careel'." Of . Tlill real business of hyman , ori this earth ill to make . It a , better wbile they are he~, and Mr. and M. weddin J. Oraborn celc-theirMrs. 16th " on ' bat a!>lllty they have to tuture brated g. anniver , generat ions, that they a~sll may work. sary Sunday. Those who enJoyed thc oocOJ!len were Mr. and Mrs. Albert Collina . and family, of' Wilmin gton; Good qualitie s a s heredity proves Mr. and Mrs. Oharles Mrs. i. a~e , banded on by women . ..And ' ~e Qced . and' elillducn, . Mr.Collins, , 'and Mrs, " woman whoao program doel not in- Wortz, Mr. Ben Ttiomps and Jamclude marriag e, can't polisibl:v have a ily, Mr. and Mrs. Slim on CoUina, Mr. .1 complet e career, . no matter ' w~at the Ed Smith and family, Mr. Elmer Gil·felRlnia ts mayaay . In a challl, the lem an~ familr, 'P!.fr...J\.nd · Unk that breaks ill not. the 8uccell8ful Mrs'.. Tom Oolllnll,ofofDayton; Dodds, and Mr. mik. · . an'd M.n . 'H arold Onburn and family, It has been suggest ed here occaMiss Helen _G!,11~d:.:.:a.::..;y._ _ II10nally, during the POJ!t ten leara, 'that architec t. shOuld have their BUS W ~S 'YR£CI CED minds on landing roofs for fly!. ng ma·chlne... Now Ch1calfo, ab9ut to build A serious acciden t occurre d 'last a $16,000 ,000 ' pos~ . o.ffice, will a8k Saturda y'i!venl nlr, when the driver of • , Conlrl:ell8 to approve a building , two a 'bus bOUlld ctt)- blocks tong with a landing roof ed to PIIAB a for Oincinn ati, attempt trUok , at a curve on the. fOl' the flying m ~chlne8. That would hill MDJ!OD. . $evera! 'plUlllengers . :cut"an. '!)out off the mall fiigh~ Itom were.near injured and the ear was totally - ehlcl\to to New York. wrecked . The truck and another (.I mac;.hlne were. alightly damage d. ,; Not far bI the future will come the neWt ! cttl, , ODe . bull~ini devoted to I o1'\e·'.ln cle bu'lneBII!. wltll a IlItndiq 1'o'Of for buyers and Rellers, and em,I ploNlU. flllDc ~. wo~k In the ~ornin~ • aru!.flJ,UlIr ~!lk at nllll\t.. ,; . ' J , . . The mat ~'oongl!lit!d trallle pro. h I l~'.nlt may .1)e ,aolvec\ from tbe .roof It is solved In the,Jltre ets. Ho~ ... , .verl don;!; • let' t hat discoura ge yo~ •... ))out Irooil'ft al ,eltate. ' . 'I ' j ~ \: «i.I,,6 t ..~•.'~~ f , "'~'_._-,



. '

left for the complet e circu it of the

bOJ!clI was the hitting of the game. . . For the visitors, Osborne PIle h ed ball and with cleaner '8Upport, have proved , a rather hard --.- ... ~- for our boys to · solve, quite favorab ly Impress ed work ot Davia Bogan, the H.'I'V,,,v!,btlrll catcher. . Althoug h entoo to withsta nd the at spced boll, the youngil ter gamely tackled everyth ing that eame up, ·and did a remarka bly good job of IItoppin g them, too. The /lCore by innings : ,

, 123 4 6 6 7 H. H. 8 ... ... 3 0 1 0 0 0 .'0- 4 6 6 W: II. S .. .. ..2 1 . 8 0 '1 0 ·-12 11 6 Harveysbu~,


for Waynes ville; - .- ---, •. Everhau t. . httl~()~.!> Hough.

·~c1tootNotes WAYNE TOWNSHIP SChed\l;:'~~'the


--- -



Norm al Class '

--- _. _----

---.... -.


. Bi', Ente rtain ment

'Fal l Meeting 01 the Loc al New Ce~tury Club Was Held


1 'it '


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IIB& 0110. J.

BIIlTB. Pub. COm.




I .~~~~ .

$C-1~tMC": ~n.~1

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tml'rJlIOnnHmt (\tlt)I,d pro Iclin'~ II'fcII(lflnt 11 Y:I 1111. Itt d C,'~tH nnel r~II'nil1!'- ol,t <If the ~tu t e for 1\ pe.riocl~ \) I' 18 IIIQnths. , The court'red thn.t dl'tendnnt R bond be fixed I\~ '$6.110, In the m/lt~r of th ,tnlu of OhIO va. F. C. Wellncr,

COMMON PLEAS PROC EED INGS NEW SUITS 'fl!. llIa t II r of t;e .ri!~ ' O ~b I'll . ~, N rn M. BOllt s hns cntered suit , '11\ fIr gtun:o.e ll. ., ul.. wn ~ (!orup r om i'~I' d nile! di~lIl i~~ed with out rel' I'd , for dh'o rce again s t Edword F. Bootes It lh, ,"a lll' I" "f th~ .'tbll' u f hi o Shc ~hl\rges (')(lr(,llIC ~,ruelty unu ' hBelren, alimony. \.< It , 11'1 Y L," ')..ey. ul'fl· nd:.1I1t Ofll'I' ~~cb eu l otly ther t'l' lie[. . pli..'ndil\i!' J.,'lI l lt y \\l\ ~ :H' l\ll'IIC tH J ll) n nt injullct ill n lind L,>Ili c Spurling hu ~ .'ntcrcd SUIt h' ~!"" lh an I ~ tl\u ll ~h~ unr Illu r u thalt thn ll ye.l'-:': an tit ..., pCIlI tl' ntiury at " ~I in' t T own" ~ purlin~ for divorce . "lim,' ny. ,,,,,I injunctiull . S Ill' chargc~ C l' llIllIlJ\b . cr\l~lty . .\ ti'h' I ll' ",:,llu : uld l"1 ):-. t ~ und ~ l~ n ·



tt" h 'L' Iii Hot It ' :i~ thUII Oll l ' Yl'ar n u r 111\11"\ ' th: 111 , hn ',- Yl.'nl ~ In th e p c- nitC'lI .

your order when you g.e l printin g from th i~ shop. We promise you IIcrvice. Service includes a n intel, ligent study of manuscript; the proper faces of type to be u eed; perfection in alignmen t; exact quality of paper; how to cut it; print it, Ilnd fold it.



$ 11\.25; Valley 3 rlll>l'I() Co, '1,h'mo rl'IIt "lid ll)lI~, ~'i.2!\; $21 ,7(1: ntlymon!,l IInrRhbar~o,', . \lPlllic~ npd !abor, $'1 70.1I!); Alfrcd . Bl'lmt, sher· llf. postu' c, 1.00; nn1t.nry SUl'Illy Co,. euppli es, $28.!JJ; The .Burr tt 0., tnrVln $595.(16; HElrry Hill, gns fo r truc~s, $34.39; Perry Sfmpson, ~to n e, $3'1.00; E, • Donnell pcr W. G. Th o l)lpM n, linal 'I\tnJl,nt~ COIItrnct ' 0. 26, $\127 .60; L . G, Andrr. son Sons 0 : , bridge lumb er. $1 }(i3.· 26; Otto CrOSH~ll . repnirinlr culve r t $?',70; R. N: Huynic. furniRhin~ IImi IlJl.lng stonc •. $HI8 ,30 ; Jume~ Bec l, brIdge repall·. $6.4 0; Ed Grudy Rnme, $16 . 0; 11 , S. Grover Mill c.; lllClH, $60 .75; Ohio Cort'. Culvert Co. ~e\\' t'r~ , .$ 11),2,60; Edell Terry, pay . r~lI. ,$~~ '1. j 5: J nh ll Urto ll , S :lIlll'. $.14..1 0 ; r . l\. MOlll' (' , "I1 me , $ 1:11 2." 11 0111<'1' Holl'rnft, '</lm ,' . ~ 1 ! 1 '1 :' 1 2; l?r. ;,Iuss, trl'alm('l1 t of pati !'lIt ; Dr.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • e ••• •




Practicallnstructiona in Home Sewing


• •

lI 11l'\);-lt) d


a • • • • • • •



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Printed Malter of the Be tle r Rind.

Dr.H.E. Hathaway Walter McClure ., • !










Fully Equipp ed fo,r Good


Service. Large Display Room. A mbulanc e Service TELEPHON E


l i.<\Y OR NIGHT


WIlla Drawa .. .. .. .. .. E.tat.. Settled

Wayueaville, 'Ohio

....... ........





P ,A, TTF.n~

", \1,








No job too small for our Quality Printing Standa rds


• ••"

PROBATE P ROCEEDINGS X)( D<X LoIn M, Vun De n 'I'l'r, ,'J('ClltriX (If - ~x LX lh,' ('stnle o f Willium T . Van 1J .. ,'vN·r, I,.t! UI",,·. sume, $;![i.OQ, 1'X dC"l'II""d, til rI her lir.t "cruu nt. >-;)< Louise Well e r, l\llm ini~trllll'ix of Lh,! !XX ,, "Lule I)f J, T. W.·llcr. decl'n"ed, fil · rHB ed h"I' ilr"t und finn l Ilccuunt. 1'1l01 ' ()S ~l.v AM I~ l' () MI·: :n . TO ~I'X IX~ C"NSTlTl' l'Ill!" O f 011 10 In the Illutter o·f th~ ('~ tut c Df Evn IX ()~bornc, dccell ""d. proof of pllbliclI· AIlTlClE VIII. 51iCTl P =" Il li on nf nuti'!: !' o f nppninllllcnt of PROPOIIING TO I'.MEND ARTICLE VUI OF H,.bert J , Shuwhan liS udminislrator 1)( [)j I'JoC 1>:1)( THE CONST ITUTION OF THE STAT!'. Of !XI)< X:I>: I)< muo BY THE ACDITION OF '" NEW wa S filed. SECTION, TO B£ DESIGNATE!> AS N,,,,mi Bllidwin nppointe d guar· )< X>C ARTICLE Vllt SE.CTIO/ll 13, RELATIVE 1)( IX >0<1>: TO THE LNCUIIRlNG OF IND&BTEDNUS dilln of C'Inrl'l1ce N. Fisher. min or. In th(' ~(' d!lY~ lOr I'l' r~i B t e nt d r or ts I'}( B" nd, $40 00. fly POUTlCAl. SU8DIVISIONS. IXIX t o unu e rllllue ["'triotisn.. lHlI.iO.nll l· For g(lud cuu.e , h,)\I'n thl' hellrings is.m nnd i ndiv i ,!ua li ~ m liy prt' achinr: • IH ~ '0,01 ,.,11 b.;. ,,,;C;:",oj A JI."""'~ of ... of the ucco un t>' u ' f Ih" fnllowinA' S toJr, oJ/ OIt4v thrtoe fift h. of the mem ber. d,sarmll m cnt. Inl crll illi nnltli s m anr! ('1('ctc,1 en cSlCh huU6C eonc.urrin, therei n : ('s lOl cs w~re con I inu(' d lo Septe mber communi sm, it i. a r~ lief t o hear n Far the Littl.. Girl'. S <hool Dre,.. Tb.,. Ibe fe' . hnJl t. a"bnutttd h) the eleclor. 28th : Murtha H . B"ne, deceaBed: vo icI! p cr" i"t olltl y rlli ,,,!! in .uppo rt 'T his winso lll c litlll' .eh "LI Cruck of the ,~ Ir Wl the In.nOel f pro vitJ~d by ta_ Geor ge R. Sage. cI" cl' n~ cd; C:uphcmill OC'I t~ ftut T"e~:l1 nfuu Ihe firtl Mond.,. ,D of tho~e l"" ~ which h" vo mutl e lhls N O\lcul her , l Y l~. " p r•. f'O!Ul 10 udd a nC1r ~ec­ Crumloy Wil so n . dec{'as('d; Ruth Isa- coun try \\' hnt it is I1nd aga in st thu.e <>f checked clwllis is c llluroidered in tluq 10 th., C:OCl,thu1i(If~ to \)It kflu wn 1M &Iud. belle Brown e t III., minors; Warr en i sm~ which w"uld \Vi' l'ck the great th~ wo ld rose cro~s·stitch puttern ~hat VUI, M'Ctu,IIl lJ . tn rud u t ollows : "" Drake, decease d; W. H. Dinwiddi e. wnrk done an d yct sti ll so far frum is given hON. A d eep und a 'Iill ht AIITICLY. VIII. • Su:. 13. No f\(It~. C C1'ti6cal~. of la · deceuscd; lind Hohert McClung. de· consumm ation. Unfu rtu nntely, 8n tone of pink cmbroide: y wool nre ckbtalncn. 01" ut ber ·(" ' Hienc. in4ebtcdnd. ceased. much ~ u \lPOl' t uf th e negative isms used fo,' the f1 uwers und th" l euve~ mLlll br la8urd b, any cou nt,. Khuol diltri.~. The will o f Mllrtha Kirby. decea ~ ­ mwnalli1l. mlln icisldl olqHJration ur oc h., pohu· c~.tnco from pulpit, ul'cup icd b¥ men arc greeo. H Ul" · W fubdl'tl'1flon u f UU1T\H dhtricl for curreat ed, was udmitll' d to Pr<>l!lIlC. \~hu I,urpo r.t ~o preach hTl s tJanlt y You merely fill in the lIquares of operatlng ea~u... Of' f ur tbe IiIcqui,iti on Of ry M. Linder W IIS u"p oinled CX{'cut"r the ch "ck~ d mat er ial liS indicated by dllll! ' Rm ~ k etch ITt the Inwer loft. COIll1 rUC llun of 111'1 pr Oltc: rt)' or imp,ovca,,~n t of the estute. wilh GOOI,!:C Curnuh u n, 1 h."rcfo re. It IS al! I.h e mure cncour· You will Jlrob:l bly wllnt t.o Bave ba~·1I\.a( IIIl cslimGte u .dulneu of leu ,h.n fi .... ugllll{ to find ~ mini ster of the Go~. t he pntte rn. The quickest method yean, but lun rqil r be pa,ted "ulhorisin. bor- Lcancl e r Curey lin d Oro li ust in, B P pcl" \'. ho, • haVing per sona ll y ~xp~ rl- is t o Illake the diug o nlll s titchl!8 first this putte rn til< it i" an attrutlve ono r owiuar (or " ~riud not ncc~lnll ,I. moa~. pruisers, en •.eo WII~ S horrors, devolcti h, s tIm e lind the n work buck, crossing cuch of 10 u~ .. on m Ull'! ,litl'crll ' ,t r,mllmta. in an l ictVtl. ti on of Ibe collutiun cf revenue to Th u will of Inn Eo Cla wson, d e· to pl 'ea cl~lI\g thr ough out the cou ntry these s titc h es us I h"v e shown In tho II' "'I'll us hnU 8Ah old IInnn. . . and f o r the current fife" rellf" ill . • hkb ,ucll inde:btcdnta. i. incurred/. or authotbllD.a tackbl· ceased, was admitted t o Probate. W , th e doctrine o f courugc. I n II rece n t ednen in anddpouiun u the le v., or c:oIlcctloo C. Shep hurd a n d J . M. Williamson IIddTe"~, Chllp lain Thomas J . Dickin. ==-=-=-=============~============'E'=:= or .pedal unlllllcn tl or IOf .defr~1inll ~I' e.pau~ of an n t raDrdlnarr 19,denuc 01 di. were appoi nted executors of the es- 80n. Who se rved with the Firsl Divi . OH. VERY WELL Wllltu V oorhis, J . A. Hehold ea.c or emer lletlc, ea:penK made ntct'l..." b, tate. .udden e,uu31\1 "bleb could not lIt.tonabl, and L. Earl Thompson wen IIppo int · sion in the Wllr, put his fing e r on the h ellrt of the an Mw e r to thuse who have be~ forcacep, or to p rovide 'Of tbe pa," pn'~ ch di surm llment. when h e said: First, Yuun~ BURines" Qent -"By ment of liaal J"4ament. for pre:rlOft.a1 InJuri" cd nppraisers. or other nOO·cooluccuaJ obli,.tLoAl. No bond.. Th o co urt ord ered thut the will r, r " A n army ill ttl(' hllnds o f 0 des- th., WilY. ~ I !l rry. whe l'c do you buy or DOl~ iuucd ' or the &tqwlitiOD or con.truc· Eva S iIll S, deceased, be admitted ' 0 pot' ,Ill is u m osL dan!(erous force y o ur typC\\ ri te.- ribbon!?" t.loa o f prolJlrt, or impfOvcmen1.l . b.J1 run for ' .dd " 0 troincd citizenship direc ted Second Y . B. !I1.- "Oh. Calvin, 1 Joarer than tbe probable period of GJdulnUi Pr.obntc. of luch propef1.t or inlprovrmmb, to be ad· In the matter of the estu t e rd' by : he will of a flocc people like don 't - Illld be&lde8-1'm married, mated or deternu ned 1.1 pro.ided b, 1•• , bin, Georll'e W. Brant, deceased, IIdn' Ill' dca Is u protection t o civilizu- 1I0W." a,aa.imum mat uritic. betdn DutJ.orile4. La... ....11 be pUKd 10 6a tbcr 6ocol )'uro of political istrator was au t horized to sell sec ~ . du n . Our school hislories arc very .~vlal.... and tul.,. di.trleto and 10 cIH'-- Ities at private SIIle. defective in error s of omis8ion and Mte the boardl or officE" b, .boat ."d t.M Application tto udmit the will of ",""ner Ia wblcll til. . .tim ...... to the peri"" ('ommission. Children 8hould be of _fWD .... 04 p', oput.l' or Imp."".mcnu &ball SlIrnh Black, decea sed, t o Probate !uught facts. The citizens of a rebo awle .nd tff1.16oci. Whhin lbe limitation. of will be heard September 26. public should kllow the r uu l condi· thi, M'CtlOQ l. 'f u mal be pua.ed 6dn, tbe Milton M. J ack WllS appointed ad· tion s, oth~rw i8e we endang.!r our na. muhllum maturity of bond. or note. iuued for .n~ pu r,mac or cia •• of IUlrpc»e6. ... ministrator of the es tllt of hris· An nppreciative B. ,', 1~"'1r u sollJ,d . Tbl\t at .uc.b eltctlOD tilln S. 'Jack, dl!ceased. Bond $8000 , tiunal ('"istence. n t rnin ed in Amel iean ideo Is ~~~e r;,Mci:f .!1J:ii~ Pthe~:!'n·.~an r!:ilde~ Frank Todhunter, J . T. En ds ond scitize hou ld bc the fini shed product tlf our Thinp You Should Kaow law tn 1Iuc.h form .. tbe HC r ellt.7 , ta le: mEJ Ray Holf were appointed appraisers. s chools."- AI'my on d Novy J ou rn ul. dCclian:ue . If tbe votes for tt.. proponl .b. _ __ _ 4_......_ _ __ In the estate of C. B. Conover, d e· c.xcttd thOlt' qaiQat it. 'h i' amendment I ceased, proof o:f publicati on of notice a..kc effa:1 Oil the Ii"t dDT of Ju""r'" 1'16. Aoopttd AI.rd. 27, 1921, of oppointment of executl'ix. Lauru B. on ovt1r, wus filed , ARTICLB XU, SECTION 2 PROPOSING TO .\MUll) ARncu XII , MARRIAGE l!ICENSES SECTION ~OF nu CONSTJTU'TlON SO c ' ll AS TO P OVIDE FOR TAXAnOl'l BY Charles Sharman Crane, furmer, U",U'ORM ULE OF ALL REAL ESTATE of Richmo nd , Ind .• nnd Miss Mury AND TANGIBLE PROPERTY EXCEPT MO'rOR VEHICLES, AND TO PROVIDE Frances Gentry. of Franklin. fOR THE TAXATION OF INTANGIBLE f Wilber E. Cu tl e r, Cllrpenter, und PROPERTY. __ ' ! • IN " r.Jo,,,,4 by G'f4ffCJJ AIl.flPtbl, of .11. Miss Edna S, Wulker, both of Love· Americn ha" 1>I' I' n brnndcd the most .11"" of o"w, lbr«·fiftb uf the mem be,. land , The Stomach's Rest Houn cRl'uless n nLion in Ihe world, in rc· dHtC'd to u _c.b hoUR concur rina the rein : i!ard to IIccid ent ~ , by delcJrutes gath · That there .hall be .ubmlttc.d LO the e.lecto r. of Nature's Inw _whlch are ,'retIiI, REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS the ....te. for (bel .. appro ..) or reLection. at tbe ering (rom ove r th e world to Ihe GooI's laws, are Infallible In elther election '0 be he'd on tbe fint T ueada, ah er Sebastian 1\,[, Buel'kle to Luellll f ourteenth an nuul Saf('ly Congress, reward for obedience 01' peneltJ \be fint Maud", iD Nov.mber. 1925. a proI)Ol aJ to a me:nd article XII, teClion 2 of tha P eurl Miller. lo t in South Lebanon, aL Cleveland. It is po inted out that for dJJIregard. contdtulio n of the Itate of Obio. to rftd u t he uccidenLlI1 deuth rate for the $1. 10110 .. 0: Dlgeatlon Is II wonderful prooeee ARTICl.E XII. Effie Newman to R. C. Cloyd, lot United States is 76.3 fatalities f or :;tt, 2. l.,wl . boll bo pa..ed, luln. by a I R 'd '11 t .. 100,000 population us al(lIinst a rate which acts independenUy a1 OIlr MONEY LOANED un lf unn r ule III 1'~1\1 e t.lltf! 3.nd improvrmruu n 1 g-avi e 01. will. In man, this most ImPortant ,~ Ib •• tOn IJId all ClUlllbl. ""rI,,,,.1 pr"~."Y. &e' Benj. F. Mills lo Fronk J. and of 33.6 f or Bnglnnd a nd Wal es. The chemical luborutory operates only safest co untry in th,' wo rld Meems to :!~~i Y~hi~t:~ r !"h~~h Y~bdt\)enl~~'d I!~'I~:~ Minni e i\1. Colcnlnn. ab out 72 arres, be Denmark , wh ere the rat e is 20 ac· In daytime, as IK true In lower aniLOANR on Chattell,Stoe~ '. Beeuri· be provided b, I".. All moneys, e~dlt • . bond. $1. tics I\nd S eeond Mortgag~ NotM DIgestion ceaeea with the ,1OCkO an d all utber In!"n,lble prope.ty, .boll Albert Stacy LO C. C. and A r t h ur cide!ltal deaths fo r ench 100.000 pop · mals. oncomIng of night. Digestion .. ~ hnll" ht. ,John HI\l'blno Jr~ \ Xenia, ullltlon , be ... 0<1 •• may be v.uv ukd hy I..... T . Ea8to n a bout 11 G acres "I Out al l btm_dl ouu l:mdin, on the firs t dll, of Lt . . J .p • Some 0 f the I1I!1cr epC'ncy in the to bed early" In order that other Ohio. ·~~- '2e j . n\lO<1. 1 91~ of 'he ''''e of Ohl. o. 01 lUIy eroy und Ma bel Hamilton to Ii , Important work may be carried Oft ci ty, V1lltlRC, . b o\lf,I ICI, CUUllt)' ur to"'!lshifl in tbi. E. nnd H. A. Reed , about 3 Dr ees of Un ited Stutes enn be accounted for, during sleepIng hours. ThIs Ie doubtless, by t he fact tlta t lhe United .tate or whi ch " ."' ~ b~en u.\led an Mh:aJ{ of la ne in Hnrlnn Tp $ 1 tbe public hool In Ohio and tht mcana of , . I , •• • tnlll of all animal creat1on. To ~rurrutdon in cU''Uu:cti uu thercwith. and all Sc b n ~ t ltHl M. Buerkle to William States hns mllny times the numbe r of lIutomob il es pos.qesscd by ony na· try to awaken digesUoo hi ~ bond. i.. ~ ,undo. . ..ide V III , .cetlon b of Ber)!e: , lot in So uth Lebanon $1. FArmel'll of Warren llIld jld'olnl... night Ie a dangerous vioiatiOll of l~:: f~t.'r~':t'~I' ~~:'p;'°l;~m Wta;.I~~~~~~d . David Morris to J osep h t A. and tio n of EUl ope , conntiBII mny obtain mane,' 01\. both natural and divine 18.. The b~'f· n • • r~u"d" pUbl;" .1tlIooI bo.... , ho u,... Fred .F. Jackson , a bout 106 acr es in penalty Is eure. _ corelumel, for f.ubloc wu~,b'r , 10 clluti",,, Wushlllgton T p. $ 1. time lOAM, III 6'r1a per cen UNci eaclullnb chant able purpolC" RbI LAUGH THIS OFF Man cannot mnlntaln hl. CORt of lecurlng the um. 1&,';'" re •• .public propert, uocxI or •• clu.ively I • • • ny public 0 e·t B ran d'e n b erg to E mma ane! PllTl'O"e• •nd lanRibl. 1...50n .1 p,o"""y, to.n H en ry Trautman, abo ut 62 acres in strength without protein, These son Able .throua'h The 'Veda,.1 Lan' ","oun' nDl "'~ •• ~ll"8 In •• Iu( fi.t .uodred Homilton T p. $1 are animal and v~table, and are GoUan for an)' indiVidual mil)' by Bt!neral J,tn J h ". . Loud Tnlker"I wi sh I wus b oss I bo oumpled from '",,>cioo, and I ..... may ~ o. n A. lind MlsRourl. Groves. to taken 88 food. 11 ntll ac:tecl II poD Bank, For flll'ther Information eall on or "ddT!'R" 1If . r.. OR ,\ Kf:. TNa. P.lled IQ prov,de aHaon" ,lb. duuble ,...,i.., Gertie Cook, et Ill., lot III Franklin at our pluce. I'd sl-aow 'em how to by man's dlR~lIMye 6ulda, tbey D~ chi ' relu1.. ' rom the l u"tl on of btnh the real $1 ' i'lm the bus in ess," ,nftt to enter hill circulation, and 11 urer. phone 111 /I· X. " OhA IIOI' , Ohio a tate and thf" rnortJlitgr or die deh. ~urcd ·G . ' 'Other FeLlow- "AlI right; let's a s- ablOrbed undIgested, are actin po&th ... by. or o,h•• lien upon il. bu, oil lueb I ertle Cool< t o J ohn A. a nd Mis· s um e thnt you nre. Now UI\KWer me IlOna And, most things swallowed 1>.... . b, 1I be .ub/'eet '.0 ahe .. 'lan o. '.peal: I so url Groves, lot in Flanklin $ 1 ~:Id the ",:alu~ ()f III prope rl )' , jQ eltemp ted I hall S H o r ~' 't t i t G' . P . t his? If you we re trying t o build up are absorbed. whether dlgctited or h (,In ' time 10 , time. be .\SCertained Iln d t)ubH.b;.i • Ben.. 1 z e a 't. 0 .rcorge 'loyalty' would you hire yourself for not. F!lJlcy nil the jui ces of a henvy ., .'"Of be d"ected b~ I,w. Gates, 2 lots 11\ Frnnkhn, $1. your present job-if you welIC b08s? " CASH-For Dental Gold, flatlnum , ;/, .1 f." I0,,, ,... Th. , al lucb .IOCllo. Annll 111. IStahl to Robcrt Seigrdx-01clock dinner bei'llg thru st In.bov< .eferred '0 ,h'. amen dmenl .ball be f ' d I . "'. Sliver, DiamondR, maJrI1. pointe, p!accd on the: ~mci .. l ballut. in the manner pro. rle, ot In .[1 f"ankhn, $1. to the blood stream without proper false Lee t h, jt'welry. any valuabl"l, vtd.d by h, ... .on such fo.m a. tbe _r.....' of C. Lloyd Strec ke r to Allie Spaeth. digestion In the Rtomnchl No wonMoil today. CII.h hy rl'llIrn mall. 11:1;1 d.~ ~~:;:nf~t"; the propo••1 .hall exceed ~ lots in ?tln's on. $1. der thtl victim Is stupid, olld withH oke S. &. R. : C .... . Ol-llego. Mioh. Ihose agoln" iC. thl. Imeodme nl .holl lake ~areldo J. Moore t o Th us, C. and out appetite next mornln~. No' df«;' on ,he h,., ~., of J" nu • • y, l?l6 . • nd LOIS E. Baysore, tract in Mason $1. wonder the "no-breakfast plonl origtnal .«llun 2 o f :Ullclc Xl r 0 ' the cou.d. ' FOR RENT The Dlorclles8, InvislNe toe jn this tutibn 1~J1 ~ rept-"Ic-d ,l lld ;umulltrl Adupled March 26. 1921. . • COMMISSIONERS' ALLOWANCES chapter Is THE FASH10NADLE SIX O'CLOCK DINNER I " This tieARTICLE IJI:S~C':ION 2, ARTJCI.E X. ~. lIf. Cunnlnghum, defense for FARM OF 100 ACRES-O"t-half SECTION 2 IndIge nt prisoner, $60,00; Judge W, fiance of nntuml law is building mile cos t l.yUl\, Uhlo. Inqull'e blood-pressures allover our land. PROPOSING TO AMEND SECTION a 0. , J, Wright. pos tage for C,!mmon Ple88 baarlem oI1-baa -been-a·world. of Mrs. Chi" S iel,·s. rCNifleilce, Lytle ARnCLE III"SE.CnON 2 OF ARTICLE X , Co urt, $2.00 ; H. E. Dllatush, eorhanlenlng nrterles. and producing Ohio. Addrl'll.' , W aynesvillo, Ohio; wide ranedy for kidney, liver and nIl monnor of \fver anti kidney dl,"" ~.1 ,r-9nR~~}Eg~CJ'JO: ~F °IR-t.~a oner, Inqu est Chris Jack, $6.25; Co· R. R. No. 5. f ISO bladder disorders, rheumatism, _ s , Apoplexy-«rebraJ' hemor. X OF THE CONSTITunON OF TH8 lumbu8 Blanlk , Book Co.. supplies, FOR RENT-·GllrnJre. p,f~, Amell. STATE OF OHIO, TO PROVIDE POll rhoge-the deoth certlficnte reolis. lwnbqo and uric acid conditiona. Williams. 4th & Tyler Sts, , TERMS OF OFFICE OF NOT LESS THAN "'!!!'!"!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!"!!'!"!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!"!!!!!'~"'!!!!!'_~ KfIIlng more men at fifty t~ ~Ixly. FOUR YEARS. - I-_-_-_-_-_-..=c=_==_=-_=-=..:::..:::..:::..:::.:-"::_ =. ftye thon conce r I Traced bnck to 8, i. ,."oI".d by tlt4 G,,...,ol A"""bl:l 01 ,,., SIO', D/ Ditto, three-fifth. of the member. U M,,,an S1A.TU 10' AM •• ICA. the Rlx o'clock dlnnor In tho VWlt FOR SAl,E elected to e~ch hDUM: c.oncurrinli thenln' S,,,,,. o. OUl O. ma'orft)' of Inntaneoot ThoRe who . _.That there . ball be liubmittcd In Ih~ ~Ircto"; Office 01 thl fIf Sute. persist In this doftance of the law. the .... e for Ihei . " or " jte,ion •• tbe f :'OIhrv:~ \""nlarr.f OflbSI.IO, F INE Irish Cobb'I~'~ - potnt~';;~: L ; , I · S l J LI _S, election to be hfld on the linl TlIc, da,. .'tel n 1 tate ~I f't 'I ecrU l .t tht 01 health , nre certainly • reaping livered In WaynesvilleJor $2 a the: Ru. M oodll, 10 N ovrmbtr, 1925 I to> 'orecoln. are ~emJMj6cd .CA?OIc •• ure ulb comconsequencee, Thill aort of crime pop) to alD'1 en d . Aectlon l of artide 'HI ~d partd", me With the qr,.,.naJl now 00 1\1e 'hushel. F. S. Tripp, Leb on R. R. CIlIIftetlDtemaI troublell, tttlmutate vital , «tion Z of att icl. X, and 10 repeal &«tion 2 m, otftce and La 'II' oflktal c:ultod, S«r~ Ia novor unpllnlRhed. 2. . ·0'1 of . .. k lt: XVJ[ and IeCtion 1 of IrticJI X of tar,~ Stat#' Pld .owad to be t rue 111 correct, cqane. Three alzea. All ~ IIIIIIt Ih~lull.,," ron"llulion 01 the II.,., of Ohio to rae! lluoll'llon l:0P'oci " ''!e 86th 0.... , Next Week-Limit the ....... . FOR SALE- -Sead rye and /loml dr, .. ' tIw t.te of Ohio on ...... Oft the ori&J.nal lenulne Oow Maw. , ARTICLE III • \, .r><! 11104 in I • of 11M 1ee..1..". stove wood , See Clarenqe 11,.1. S«. J. Tbe Ko •• m or, 1I.';cen.n. _ . . .. ...... Oft .\D,n 4, 1925, p,_IIIJ to amoNt 0'1 aoc-rtttl1' Y of IIl at.e, tru~U'tr. auditor ed ..~ Mot .... v111 c:r ~ coo.le"llon of tile State of corn., .,01 &boll hold their oBi .... f f Ohk> " ... ad •• bon \f • ne. HCtIon , to be FOR ' SALE-1] head ewel; 1 Great, heir ttTm.. 01 oltiu tb..U co:me~: 'u'caatrd .. artllclt V[ ~MC:tioo U. relaU •• to western manure spreader. ,ten roda ,., tbe "c Monday of Jonu.rf ne" at... .~. Ine."I", '" .lndebl~ H' " pohlical .a1>their tlectirm , and continue unttl tbe'lr ',vlllOOI, ... 4 a. _~ J.....I RaolutWD ~ of Blx-Inch tile. Inqulr. of Loyd ct..-o n a~ ~Jecttd .nt1 qualified. ~ tbe 8\rt.h ('~Itr.. AncmbJ)' of .~ Stlte of South, 11. R. Ii. '. ·0'1 AR:rICLI! X. afhl~Iee:!~:";~6;,,19~i~It~~fi~p;B ~5" Sec. 2. AU dec lIn count, oIftun .blJJ ... pro~iftl to IIJ1lcnd articl. XII IItC.tioo I cii FOR SALE-19'23 'M odel Ford Coupe eledtd on tbt fir. . TUnlda, after til. ",., tbt Ccaltitutaoo WI AI to pl'OTidt fO\ t&ndoa good running olider' .lId full eet Monday I" No. ember} b~ tha "octon - of __ ~' u",'orm rule .f all ...1 ..I.... ..,4 taDrlWe of balloon Urea. Inqllir; ot WlIlord eo""I~. fo, • po,Iod at f",,~ ..,.. ~ . . . . .....- "~iclea, Md. to pre-ida 8. it f.rllon .".,.,4, Ta.. It tIw .lectI.... ~ lIJa. <If Intanlible propelt,. 184 ... G. Squires. " -', ,l;{i' .bo.. nlerrc4 I.. , p_aI ...n '- placed • , )ft ..s~lod b, tIw 16th G«IIeraI on eM oiIolai ballot III ..... 1M ~""hlr e lIt.te of 0'10 ~ ' R I 17 cuarant~ D.le your .ale. with UI. We FOR RENT-:-F~ l oj ·'. f~~ ~rl\l _,a". of ...'" .... , deolpalt. 9 I . • nd • td i,n the oIII<:e of the ' .. known a. ,~ftlt. P.!\"" ~JJlitlt,, ~,~1 n ....... ~ for ~ropoql .ball uceotI : April 21. \925, p'_in~ .~ti,fa~tign 9" ch~~,e DC?~i",! "a ~

ill th\.' nu\lh' r u f 1111 ' SllI t ,· vi ohio' \'~, Duvid Smilh. t lHt\,v

yOU rirhtfully e peel more than a mE'rC following of




Fa rmen;;, Attt' . ion!



.u....__-,-:: ,rite"""








._- .- ----







are the atandatd of the world.

'1"be:J' are made In many • • and

pricee--automatlc, ~ coftomlcaL Cost leu than Ie a day ao operate. . Duro unit syatema are ~ and powerflJl-..pwnp and taDIi an CClmblned In 0Cl. uaJ~ay to In· In old M new homeL







Drive Him

of .rtitll

Nuts ' ,- = a

F. T. Martin Je.sse Stanley

....n.,. _

'f'fl. .,,4




-rc-B-uT ''Ve GoT 'to :5'TPo.RT SO~ET I t1 t;; -




1I>::r _

t':ri'el~oll.J:'i:' I ..l~~ .rtl;: I.~ ~!\,!,JV'IIA':;:~ _-u:1 2 of ..rtlcl. X aDd :,t. 'lId. T of Ih......tilutfon }If the· lb..... oJ

~et1lV!!J!Jl ff~R.@lI~PJ@ And "f!lDll"~


..nOD 2 of artlCla XVII .... acedoo J 01 ~rtld. 0"' ta "",>ide for te.m. of 0-':' 0' DOl ... X of tb. COII.tlludon 01 the. 11.1. of Ohlo ..aIl ~ four .... ro_ • be and .on,.U.d. ..... G< ... ,a1 A _ I. TRSTllofONY WRRRI!OP~ I ban IJar. blr .11"1 hive r,wer to 10 adju.t or ftteDd ClDlI .~b.crIMd .. y name AIld a ffiud tty aflcbl ""latin, tonn. offic... 10 effect the pu.po.. .... ., Columbu., Oblo, thlt hI day of Sop....,. .,f .he foteaof", . m... 4Imont. bel, " I). 192~ ,' I A40PIed April 17, 1925. THAD H, DROWN~

.f'l R.ST A~IIJOO.u ~A.J'\1E~~





( • •1)

Bozo Butts--



~"'" .~, t~J6,




J. W. Burton




w.r ""'_hi, , ..


Surd•• ,



Centerville, O. Phone No, 2

New Burliolton,O. Phone No, 310

ra. M!ldl~ Wfltn@l'


. n It



h"A~~lttld#; wl1''''-1 hlhlO, BJ'II..'; IItPd , ••lIltn.. ;t •. • , ft, R.. I, \' ./ .1114


APPLES-We havi a e l o t ,efJ nice BOlI)e Beaut, a aldwl" Ap)lI.. ,WfU her.D plckl aldwin. about October , At : Dt we have lOme ver~ .II111e dl'G , rea.o,,able priee.. D. B. Und"",,00d1 Valley pIIone 84·3. J(.rve"'b.... ohio • .





,FOR SALE-Fresh Jeneriow • .lobe 11. SIc:kctt, R. R ••• ' Wa)'llflYille, O. " 0'1 FOR SA.LE~Good Jel'll8f : bull, 10 month8 o!d . samuel S~lqi, B... 4. Waynesville, Ohio• .' , '.' WANTED-A davenpo\1 he d :" n. . Clint ROI8: ." '.', .,' ~," tid n

.'H " it'

FO& SA}o~Polanrl"fTh\M ~f4'3 ' welg~lInkuP"':W. ' 'gq.',ll\ft;, , breedlnr op on~.&1m · 0" . , vljl~ Bill S rillg. V .... '",•..:•• " . • 'Maxweq. , II' ..,p,." .-

or 1U1I~". ' ~ ua ' ~ 'at"

Far Bale newl, ,apeNd .

kinda -o water, .1..trIO


~,1;~~' . :, " ,...

1; ,












- •... THE MIAM I GAZETTE.••• ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY Entel'tld at the POBtofflc.e at 'Wayn,e aville, 0 '1 as Second Clas8 MaU Mattll1'

D. L. CRANE, Editor •• d Publil her, WaYD •• yili., Ohio Subacrh.t.lon Price. $1.60 per year.


cllrrieR with It r espoilsiblitles. involvIng possible 8acrlflces and that a mllrSupreme Court Justice Selah B. riage certificate Is not to be regnrded simply aa an in surance policy-{)r a Strong, 01 New York cast a bomb In the midst of th e Alimony SUIlkerH meal ticket. a wef!k or so ago wh en he allnoullced Col. Mitchell. r elieved of his com. he did not Intcmd to allow hili court to be used to force alimony from II mand, doe. not 8eem to be going up hU l band when the wlte 18 chlldleaa. In the air. In thiM day of equality of ~exe8 the ; jUltice said, there appeara no re'asnn Early morning Is the best time to cut why divoreed husband. should be ftowera, beca use the whole plant is compelled to pay for the ont l nnou ~ then m08t rigid and fresh. . upport of wive. who have not borne "hildren. Says Sam Perhaps the ' man who FurUler, the jUltice bellev.,J the illllisU! on calling boys Ilnd g irls "kidwhole Iy,tem of alimony should be dies," 'IIIU once calJod a "kiddy." l(evtae<l Inchted' he advocated tho \ . ellmlnatioD of alimony beeaule It' r W,e are glad to learn the tlleatrl cJlI keep!! certain women la,y rratlft.. p're... agenU are not contemplating a revea,l, lIIake. Ilave~ of mea, .trike. Our wute paper iB getting and len .. no cood end. Ue poiDta low. out that for yeara warneD haYe fOUDd Thel'l! an quite a million peoplo alllIGIIt a buala.... The momeDt tillY have become dlaaa,p. who will ,.ad witl\. regret that seven ted witll the manlier of life of their operatic .tan hav. Biped up to sing lu~abaDda, the, hava 10u,IIt lepara. over tile radio. Why ahould the s piratOll, elld obtained coulIHl feea IUId it et mlllic be proud. wmpa?..,. a111110111. . Often .u~ ..p. The farmer who keeps enough ture .. tioD .lIiU have Dot beea p1'llSMd ill ,..aN. JUltice 8\ronl' deelaft. keYB need not worry about graSlhoptlaat alimony keepi maDY couPle. pel1l. One Van Wert county farm er from belnl' recol'tClled. . " lap hia' furkeya syste matically tlIea r "It a womlUl tlrea of her hUllbaDd a field of happen!. or eeaDot RuttI 1111 treatm'D:Jllt BIC JieidB of com ought to be com. liar lep. .te from him" be .. "There II II ao law whlQh compe I mon in Ohio thlB year. Some 220 woman to re_ln In ber buabanji', Ohio farmen are trying to grow home. ADd there Ie DO Whr. 1000 bUBhel1 on 10 acres and so qualluch a weman ahould be a,.,ardtd a· Ify for the Ohio 100-bushel Corn club Imony. I ellcept cue. Wh:ltb~~e a~ chlldrea." . ' . ..' France's debt to the U. S. iK $3 , Th_ vie. . Ilia, .UIII revo ! ary: 340,616,043.00 with interes t due of 1081111, from tbj! bench, but h i"'U' f900.000,OOO.0C)-..{)r a total at $4 tbe tbolltbt that h.. ~ . in 240,616,043.00. Here I. a chane~ tb. public: D1lncl th_ IIWI 'nan. for uncle Sam to show his sporting The all IlIOn, I)'Ne. .... bee~bpt blood-and knock of the $43. aU.. b,. . . . . . ." .pano.. cllWilllrY, aDd unqu..tlonlW, la mewo,o'Htan With due respect to Gertrude Edceatere h .. aerved .aIel, . . . tempt.. erie'. charglll that she waa the victim ttOll for the deltmctlon of the lhtlm •. ot a plot to prevent her Swimming the U Juettee Stron&,'. 'view be ae~ted, <\hannel, the motion pictures tell the by the bellch: it may make more iWIOm- real Itory. Mia Ederle seemB to be .n reaUse the marria&,e contract a better swimmer than she is a sport.





GRACE COWGILL-Says there is o~e 8trat/!,ht road to SUCCI!!IIl/ and 1)1 ,MerIt. The portion WIJO is succersi' ul is the person Who i8 Usc. ~ul. . Capacity never. lacks 0PPol·tun. It 11:-= (\lInnot fcmam und iscover d, Mr. and Mrs. Chllrle!! John~ were bCCUUBC it is Ilought by too mallY in Dnyton, W lldncsday. IlllxiuUH to U 8 _it. ' WILLI AM WALLA CE: TIBBALS Mrs. 'Willillm ' oleman was In Dny-SIIYIi- ~UCC oss comes in 'clI ns l 'Foil- ton shl)~pinA', Monrlny. l1r~s in IInt'~. J\f essr~. AlLert St.ft(:y :md. Morris MARY TlllBALS-S he is indoed Mill er spent funday in incinna!i. r~lm{)U3 for . her poems of so ul an nlyMr. IIl1 d M,·s. Guy Routzahn nnd ~ IS . lind hns creat ed a hcwine s trikIOgly d fecti ve in 'a vivid .mudc l'D dau~htc r ntl4'nd d th e Troy fai r, on 1' h llr~ dny . t.x'('u l·siull into her hellrt nml suul. Mr. an d MrA. II. M. Inrk CI ... of 1897 M r~. ~1 1I 1'y llI'mony were Ge m D. CLIFFORD 1 RIDGEliff UII CC v:; ilot'!i , Thur,;day . said to a friend. "yo ung mlln, get Hc\,. lind l\1 ... T . L. St otier nnd aWIlY from the crowd r o t' awhile und "lIl, j '8nl, u f "p rillg'buro, wc re calllhink. !Swn Li IIMiLie ont! Id lh e crowLi Ing in LyliC', W c dn (- r~lny . p"s. by while you arc ~e tting ac. Mrs. ITarry McG innis has 0('(' 11 q uainled with yourse lf and ~ee what kind of a fe llow you are. As k yo ur- flllite Kick lhe past w(' e k. but is Ro meself que Htions about yourse lf; find whut iml; roved a~ thi s t ime. out wheth er you nre drifting ai ml ullS~fr. and MrR. Willium N'u lI, of 1.1' along the stream of liCe or striving :->p rin).(boro, were Sunday gu es ts of for a definie object For to surge lr. Ilnu Mr8. Alloert Stacy. . along with th~ crowA require~ ItO ef. MrR, Elizabeth Foulk" is viRiting fort and will bring you no ro\\:a ..d I AMk yourse lf if you are making pro- at the home of her Ilaus:\'hter, Mrs. grc"" so that e nch tomorrow filtLi s you M urtin M et h,.d. in M idd lctown. farther than .today I This app licH Miss CI(,II ,Ln Y "pI' nt last week not on ly to materi,,1 thing~, lout La lhl' in Dayton wi lh MI'>l. Mulvinn tacy. shuping of your wholo ch aracLer; un d Mr. alld 111 1'S. A. O. Wi ll iums. lo youl' moral and inte llectual Hid" Miss Mary Conk nnd Pnrry Conk, us we ll, for t hey lire l ounLi to go of Wuyn usv ill c. wel'c ::i ullllny dinn e r hand in hllnt! , gu cgl~ of Mr, nnd IItrs, hilS. Johns. ANNA M. CLA RK- May the whole Mr, nnd Mrs. Claude and world be blmtllltted by a unity of IlC- family were S UTldny dinll erLewiR ~u csts of tion by 1111 Ch ristian work ers. Mr. Hnd Mnl. Raymon Prior, nenr LESTER IVIN S-The propelling Leba non. fac~o~ that sent him to gTeoter oppor. Mrs. J . B. Jone1!, Mrs. Edel LongtUlllttes WIlJ! knowlcdg o, which arc ucre and daughter, Miss Agnes, s aw t he expressioaB of appliud ideas. the piIlY. "Romoill" in Dayton .on MINNIE HATHAWA Y- If our ef- Thursduy. forts in mllkinK Iln honest living does The Dayton and Ci n(';nnnti trains not aid us in our religious growth and Lytl e chau ged time last Satdevelopment ull other agonci es will through .Iay to the ir former sc hedule of ono fail. ho ur Inter. F RED ERIC STANTON- His per· Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Burnett-;r. Bonal charms dominate one's life and 18 the incarnati on of a forc~ tunded th e funernl of Mr8. William which 80me uf U8 a re fllmiliar with. Lukcn8, ncar Harveysb urg. all. Tues· but through pccsistent elfort , cour- day of Inst w(!ek. nge and work hI> finds yet s uccess Mr. nnd Mrs. Forest Graham ente rvery sweet. taint!d at Sunday dinner, Mrs. Rach el CHARLOTTE ANTRAM - Never Wills, Mr. and MI!!!. Charles Martin, tell all you know- suvc so me uf Dayton, and MrtI. William Grahurn. thuughlti for se ed. Mrs. S. H. Hain es ond Mr. and Mrs. J .Io:SS IE IRONS-Why pray cream on Sunday and live on s kimmed milk Walter Kenrick visited Mrll. Joseph GrasRi nnd litt le s on, at Miami Valley the r est of th e week. hospitn l, Dllyton, Suturd~y after· LUCY EMLEY- "To marry or not noon. to marry 'I" Oh, don't just think it Mrs. Mary Carmony and Mr. and over, PUl it over. Mrs. Frank Ruge rs wish, through NI~ LLIE CRAMER- Her forc eful - this co lumn, to thank 011 friends a nd ness which r eve aled lei stro ng indi- neig hbor" who su ably uSHisted in vid uality Ilnd acc uracy sholVud a true savin~ their buildings wh en Mr. Rogcharacter. el'S' b arn bUrlled. Saturdny. - - - -_ - _0- - L ILLIE COOK- In the end the things thllt count arc the things you cun't count.



Cia.. of J898

, .

F .... 0 - FlI. . .f 1101 ,. " Kennetb a nd Bud! Ridge, th~ two older .ani of Ifr. and Mft. Oakley Ridge are ezpeeted to ltart from \ Lot Angel.a, Cal., fOJ! WayneavtUe. ; The little f.Uo. . had beeome home, "ak aDd AI their mother'. health did , aot JUltlt, l1,r In earillfl for her t~refl . boye It .AI cS.termlned beat for" the two older to rBtu.. to W.,,,,.vtlle IUId for a Ume become the ohar,. of their grandparent&, . Mr. and MI1I. Mahton Rldl'e and Mri and Mn!. Eli. Jah Compton. llisa Xat.e Prendergast, who hI\! been iU with typhoid fever for over twC) weeb, we ',are pleased to report I. Impr"vjnr, M.... Or, Sh.rwood l'e*urned home Friday after I lew .""lel dell.htfuU, .,.nt with her brothel' and Bllter, Mr_ and lin. GeorgO S, Bally, In Cln· eID_I!a,t:t. ~ Mond_y, September liD, Willi the blithdl;Y- allnlYl!l'8Ary of Rllv. W. M. , CoWma", and In the evening Mre. Cotrman nt.rtalned at • dClI\tttful a o'alooJr dinner. *lIe followlll&' gueBta: Prof. and Mre. D. A. Ferree, Mr. and lire. Walter McClure and little 80n, J&!IIea Ifr. IUId Ifn. Ju. StoOPII and lOll, Holme., and Mr. and Mre. C. RhnltoD. About fort)- of the friend. of Mr.

i "



A 'Slt.,t Ruum••1 ,, ".'.,;"ie. 01 Eacll oml &.y Graduot. ot '". ·WqnuPill. Sellool.

BESSIE COOK- She is rich in thot which is the fruit of a ll learningand Mra. F. H. Farr, by invitation. Wi sdom. gathered at their pleasant Third NELLIE DUKE- Her children Bny street home lallt Tu esday evening in honor of M1'8. Farr's Bister, Miss Pearl "this charming young and handsome Pierce, of Lebanon. Ind. A most mother, is like a ray o f sun shine in enjoyable 80ela1 time was spent and our home. the dellclou8 refreshments served EDWARD LITTLE- Look upon added their part to the pleas ure of your present ns the IUlst of your future . . the evening, Mi.. Lizzie Stewart II e njoying ELLA MITCHELL - Religion n thi. week . In Cincinnati, among h e r system of love, faith and works. ' numeroul relatives and friend s. J, E. Janney started yesterday for WILLIAM O'NEALL--H e possess.Pendleton. Ind" ·In answer to a busl. es olltimistic idells the main fllctors neu call from hill siater, Miss Nannie of whillh refuse to loc disco uraged J an ney. by oo nditio~s, looking back uJlon t he Mr. And Ml'8. W. H. Allen Btarted plea.qant things rathe r than dw elling this morn ing for a f ortnight's visIt In the present upon unpl cusnnt among Mrs. Allol\'a relatives in Ma. things. comh and other polnta In minols. . The pl'oteplonal work of Dr. J. . MA RY Pl!GH-Shc has bee n ·try. W. Ward, of Lytle, has so increased mil' nil he r hie to solve the question that he bu arranged to) take a part- whether a woman should stuy a t ner, a medical gentleman from Co- home or be financially ind ependent ~umbu8. who wlll ' commence co-op- and thereby incrense the com forts erative practice with Dr. Wal'd on of that home. the 19th Inst. The territory about Cia .. of 1899 Wp)!nellvllle and Lytle dOefl not nor haa It ever laeked the best of medi.JOHN CU MMINS-John "nl's betcal talent, 88 ill, attested by the lo.rge ter r emll in ~ i1ent nnd be thoilght a ~er cent of pel1lons hereabouts whose fool t hun to spenk nnd remove all livClS extend Into old age, do ubt.!!. Mr. and Mra. Johli C. HaWke en. ADDIE GRAHAM- The less you joyed f88t week with relatives In Cincinnati and' took in: tho IIlghts of the have the mllre there is to s:\'et. Fall featlv"l. ADA STOKES- It is a pleasure fo r me to bear testimuny to the vir· tues of her consistent life. creatloQ In aU Ita beautiful sp ring SUE WRIGHT- Necessity is the garb delighta and iladdell8 the eye Bharpest spu r to pro~ress with which and I. uplifttnc to the loul, by Its ov: fortune ever prodded one's ribs. e_helml", .....ndeur. Really, lIuch LELIA GlT HENS-Says physicolmanhallll, 01 Oed'i glory, wisdom power and tOfte, II a1moat beyond Iy, morally and spiritunl1y we must reuse ourtlelves to action lind hnruess the power ~f comprehenalon. up our Innate foc:res. Cia.. IIti MARTHA COMPTON- 1'he Res· MAY EVERLY-LIfo il-t-ehorus urrection; a display of God's wondcrIn which the quality of the music de- ful power and wisdom, is the thing pendl upon the .Ineere, all singing in that saves people from the tnte of tune aDd In key, when each pereon doubt lind fear. 11l1li hll part perfectly, the ' reault ELSIE ROGERS- Abounds in ge. II harmon),; when one IIlnger reta nlal good nature, never losing an .. poat of tune or olr. the right key, or, portunity of performing a kind act. In other WOrdl, fall. to co-eperate In Indeed. s he has consccrate d he rself tM rlcht way, the re.ult of discord to the work of doing good from pure aDd tha whole performanlee ia apj)i1ed motives, pro mptcQ by u Divine ' nuThe Slocan-Do not he • discord. turo. aD' note In life'. ,work; bl a part of BENJAMIN TIBBALS- Do what the ~eat buman lIarmony. yOU 011\ wi~h what you ha,-e. where CARL DUKE-Taet II remember. you ,~ \od')l, Inc a woman'. bl:rtbdq and (mwetWARREN KEYS - His ""hole tb~ h....... .- 't"though' ,...all bent on dl1'!S8minating 'ELI CREW-fow ",. .~utre eye Immediate l unahine with admirahle trouble I!, !9\1"",, '''' ~. lw"h' aide tact. Tlrel!!8/! paticnce und energy \MIlA . . whil,-b kept him eminently a nd unobbullY at home Ilnd am ong 'flOilal MIRANDA--8a" when trusively ~. JO" mlllt remember it his mall)! frlendll. ".. 110 ,"lImtUo", RlaBla,. CORRON - The man !,ho _" n Clan" be donel II alway. it.temaPted by tbe mab wno t. doing





Good Looks as Well as Good Service


The improved Fo rd Runabo ut, with its all-steel stream-li/l e body, is ao unusually good ·looking car. It hangs low to the ground, and the body has been lengthened and re-<iesigned for greater comfort and convenience. The gas tank under the cowl is filled from the olltsirle. and the weatherproof storm curtains open with ho th do ors. Under the sweeping rear deck is an unusually large co mpartment designed . for convenience in carrying lu ggage. RUN ABO U T Standard equipment includes four co rd tire!, nickeledh ead.lamprimsand windshiel d wiper. The price remains the same $260, and you can buy on the Ford \,ve,:kly Purchase Plan_

$2 60 p. O. B. DBTROrr




TOURING CAR $290 COUPE ' ~20 TUDOR SEDAN '80 FORDOR SED~ 660 n...,.",,>aN· aJoiu &011 sw., btN OG~Can

CJouJ c'm .. CiJIw,







"I've ofte n b .... rd the we.lthy Mr.


JOD e. i. very D e mocratic,

Will F ~ Young

but I' U be durn ed if be look. like OPTOMETR b T ST. MARY'S CHURCH • politicia n to me. Seventeenth Sundny after Trinity. 1 • EYES EXAMINED BLONDE BESS OPINES Octohel' 4. Church School at 9 :30 a. m. Holy Communion and sermon GLASSES FITTED Frank Wilson attended the Grand "Father a.y" I mad" a miatake Lodge of K. of P. at Marietta, lost at 11 :00 o. m. All arc cordIally inif I think h e i, a fur-bellrin g a nvited to come and worship with us. Prompt Repair Service week. imal- that if I want" new win R ev. J ohn J. SchaeITer. Rector. Hnrl:y Howe hilS nccepted a po si. ter coat I will have to buy it Every Thursday 9 A. m . t o tion with the Cnsh Register comp any my .elf. " in Dayton . 5 p. m. METHODIST CHURCH l NOTiCE ON CHURCH DOOR Mr. and Mrs. F r a nk Knott and Rest Room in Grange Bldg. sons, of Germantown, were Sunday . Sabbath School, 9 :15 a. m., p r each- ',f Deb.te Toni lfht visitors, h ere. ing at 10:30 a. m. Epworth League Wllynen-iII • • Ohio Fundam e nt . liam v • . Liberali am Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bogan ente rtain- 6 :16 p. m. Prenching at 7 :00 p. m., FREE.FOR. ALL ed th eir gra ndchi ldren, of CinCinnati, Wednesday evening Prnyer meeting, 7 :30. .Io:verybody invited to these one day this week. Main Office Mrs. Mary J. Finch and Robert services. Rev. L. A. Washburn. Pastor. 924;{ South Brownj Street, Garner spent this wee k with Mr. and Mr.;. J uhn Th ompson. Over Sill'ma Tbeater Mr. and Mrs. l"rnnk Wilson were FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST DAYTON, OHIO Sunday guest/! 01 their son and daugh t er, lIfr. a nd l\Ir~. Harry Wilson, in - Lords Dny, Octobe r 4th is the be. Dayton. s:\'inning of thc scc.ond yenr of the Ever y member Mr. an d Mrs. R. ' II. Brooks and present ministry. daughters, Edith Moe, 1o: leanor and of the cons:\'regati on is urged to be Ruth E llen, a re vis iting r elatives in prese nt. Make it an "Every Mem· ber DaY-... The Every Memb er can· Wes tern Indiu lID. Mr. !lnd 1\lrs. W. W . We lch, Mrs. vass WIll be mRde in t he IIfternooD T om Welch n,nd daughters, nnd Mrs, of Odober 4th. This is a day of par. intere~t to the cburch. AII '' ~======::======== Frank Wilson we re l\1ondny dinner abemount present. guests of Mm . Alice McKinsey. in The Berelln social will be held at Wuynesv ille. the church on Friday evenin g, Octo. Mr. lind MI'S . 111. E. Shelwood hove ber 2nd. Lebanon, Ohio gone to Co lumbu s for u vis it with thci r s lln and famil y. Wh ile there. Mr. ~ h u r\Voud will take a course of medicn l treatment. 8,00 o. m. to 4 p. m. Mrs. A. S. CuHett, Mrs. H. E . Hatton. Mrs. C. C , Randall, Mrs. W. A. ~eeiding to di sco ntinue fal,ning, WE GET TH EM QUICKLY AND Hni nes and Mrs. Ch us. H. Gray at11'1 1\ sell my stock, fee r! IIn.1 illlpleFREE OF' CH ARGE tended the annual convention of th e ments. Am Illcuted :1 miles "uuth of CALL US ANY TI ME AT OUR .\ : \ ulllun 's Foreign 111 issionary society EXPENSE '\ of the M. E . church of the Hillsboro WRyncs.ville and Ii miles north of ~~~~\~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!e District nt Sharon church, Thursdny. Lebanon, ' on t he incinnll li an d CoT ho BOlltis,t Missionary circle met IUmbl!s Pik e, on Wedn.,.day, October 7. 1925 HOW'S THIS? at the Jonnh' s Run church./. Wednesphone 8 HARVEYSBURG, O. "ALV!! OATA IUlR ~lli: lJICJNI!l wttt day afternoun,' with Mrs . .r;. B. 0011- . Beginning at 10 o'clock, the follow10 what wa c1nl m for It- rill your ~"m ter IlS hustosll. assisted by Mias Mar· IIlg: Three horses, 3 cattle, 16 sheep of CalBrrh or Dea.fne.s cBu ..4 · br tha McCune, Mrs. H. E. Hattoil con- 5. h.ead poultry, corn and hay. farm . ::llw rrb. ducted Do ver'y intl!resting lesson all lug ImpI ements and many other artiHAI.L·S CATARR H !IEDJOJl'flil e .... ,lo t8 ot un OInl mant w hlcb Quickly t he :'Phillppi ne Islunds." ' The ' bos· cles. See lu rge bIlls. HOMER WALTON. _ Ho ttovo. tha ClltllrrhD I inflamma.tton. anll tess ser ved dt!licious SlUld,v.ichu. pickH~"'~J(Htlt--Y¥-~lY.HHelfi'tIRHntllrnJLt Medi ci ne. [l ToniC, wbleh les and te n. ' Murtin & Stnn ley, A ll cts. le18 throuKh the Dlooll on the M'Ucou.




Free Crank Case Service MeII0 h' s Garage


DR. E. M.RUDOLPH At Cary's Jewelry Shop



Public Sales

Every Tuesday



Harveysburg Fertilizer Co.






I will sell ut public auction on the farm owned by the lute Io'rank ZeD. 2 Y. miles n ortheast of WayneSVille and l 'AI mil es sou thwest of Mt. Hili: 1.1', on the road leading from the Waynesville-XeDia pike t o the State Road., on Tb"r.da". October 1, 1925, Beginn ing at 12 :3 0 o'clock,. the following chattels: 3 head of berne-. good milk cow, 7 hl1ad of sheep. 6 head of hogs, 30 bushels of corn ed II lot of farming implements. MRS. LAURA J. ZEIL.. C. T. Haw1re. Auct. ,

Mrs. Soph~ Compton and family are planning to move soon to Iowa. Mrs. Mary Cl1ites is recovering nil'cly from a ' severe attack of indio gestion. Mr. and Mrs.' William Copsey were g uests. Thul·S(lay. of Mr. and Mrs. Rakootraw, in Dayton. Mrs. Seth T,homas and little Bon, of Dayto/1, . are visiting h er parenta, -----.~Mr. and Mrs., J. T. ,Walton. RaU~ Day serviccs a~ 'the Friends ONE OUTTA FIVE chuttll. Octc)ber 11. Plan t() .ttend.. More defillite announcement Statistics aay that one out of evlater. ery five owns an auto_~_ the . Mr. and 1Il'8. Arch Copsey and other four stlU owe for theirs. family and IMt'IL Mar)' Copsey spent .-. Suntlay with .){l'. and Mn. Harry Lar· rick, in Dayton. YES-ONCE IN AWHILE Mr. and MD, A. ·C. Mendenhall and Several from here attended the Klan eelebration in Xenia, Saturday Mr, and Mnl. Ralph Watkins visited, Once in awhile we bet\!' that R~me Sunday, with Mr. and Mn. DeWitt min.i stera were too good to be true. night. Thompson, cof Middle town. ~ . , Mr. lara.el Scott and familY spent Sunday witb Mr land Mt'IL 'rhoma! ~ Laet)~"" Mr, and Mrs. Guy Chl'n'oweth and family , pent Slinday with Mr. David Lucas alld family. The Ladles Aid will meet Thursday October, lat, at the home of Mre. Howard Sheehan.



WaYD" .. iIIe Bank Bid,.

Surfaces, thue restoring normal COD.' ..



drugg\.ts t or over 40 Yean.

F. J . Chene, '" Co .. Tol04o. Ohio.

___ :ez::s


. .


--.- I

Madden's Lumber Y'a rd W ayn~sville, Ohio


"~~~~--~~--------~~~~~~~~~~--~---'~.~~~~----~~~~~~~~--~~~~ i Entertained Friendl~ Moviq Changes ~t:-,:,,7'D.'It1.U' i~·7_-U;II.==S119151::::::::!5Ilale 1---IIlIG--=-OF ~ . DEATHS St.VIII'III dtDt1jfea among our 'N'~i · d ntl! .... tahn place dllJ'ing ' the p .t w.ek. Mr. Cha rles Gordon tint! fllm U, hay moved Into lh P ilncp 0 I on Jlaln fttr 't ; Mr. Mnrvin Auy lind fam U)' into ' t he Sherwood pr (1 p~rtY n . the corner of Fourth Ulld Tyier, 3nd , Mn. Sarah Lippincot t is occu, pylng tbe rooms over the librriry,


MIMes LouiH!! rlln lind Irm Rich ntcJ'tnln d IIboll17 twenty of t heil' a h1l01rnnw8 TuestitL)' ov{.ning, epten b,'r ::!2 . nt the hom J th e form · el·. 'i'h· I'c~l\~i"n \\,II S the thirteenl h birthday nnnh'cr."!J· of both. The (''''!!l ing \\'u ~ ~pc nt very I'let\, anll y 1' 1R~ injr 11'11111('8 nnd d liciou ~ refresh· ment. were sen 'cd,

-r.rn<"Evll )1 , J1kill~ ondit, 42 , died, Fri(il'f morning, Suptem bcr 26, nt Mhun VnU\·)' lto,'pit"1 in Dayton, .fo l. Ipwin ll' nn ulwration, )Irs, ~o n,lil WlI S the daughter of the lat HilwaI'd Aopkins, and was born HI Wlly n Bvill . She is sur· vi v d by hl'r husbnnd, tw o ,dnugh tels. hl'r IIHlthH, M rs. Mnry Hough HOJ). klll~ nnd tw o br olh ' rs, Ke nneth Il nd "'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ OnTh I c Hopkills. ' ':: e fu nera l was h'elll MondllY Xen ill ov r tho wCl'k-,'nd. mo r.n i nil' Ilt the resIlience. T he body Mes"s, Cnrl H ~n d er5011 nn,1 L. N ' ~ . WllS ~e nt t Cincinnat i lo be crern lll· Pr in k were in Dllylo n, Montlny , ,·d.

D,::A~::~. : : :d-:~~:::::-:: ~ 'NE CLWHEAT ~ Without Mixing With Other Wheat


We have special bins for Seed Wh eat. We change our sieves before using. We do not handle rye, so there is no chance of getting rye in your Seed Wh eat at Our Mill.




Bring your Eggs to Kroger

Mr, lind Mrs, MYl'r lI ymn n spent J IIdge R, ~1. Emer y . promi nent in bu siness . socia I, Ma .o ni~ lind poli tica l . undny nn d lI1,md llj' in Cim'in Ruli. "ffnirs lIf ~e n '· Cl\. KllnsM, died lit hi" h.. me· in lhnt city Sel'lel1ll>er 1 G, Hnl'll-"To Mr. and ~ I r. ..Jo hn St llns· c:J 1!12fl. ber r y. Wcdncsday, Septr lll u.·1' :1':1. n Jud g" 1~ I1H'ry \Va~ bor n ncur Love- su n . W, lund . '1"rll1tlnt (·" UIK.y. April 2:1. 11\1; ·1. a nd was murried n t orwin. Mi s:; T rillena Edwul'd ~ Hlld Mr. September tH . 18 77 . 10 Mi ~s M. Lou (1 , J, Edwards w(,l'e in n lly!"n, MonTh umpson . 1I dnu!:htl' r of th e lute day , ~ Sa muel Th ompson.. He i. s urvived loy hi ~ wid ow. thre(' dR ul('htt' rs und Mrs. Grnce M cCun~ , or Limn. hus l h I'el so ns . n vi. 'tin/l he r l11 utht'r , Mr~, Eva T h.. fune ra l WII S held III the home bee Mill er, FridllY "fll·I'noo n. September 18. and





wus in ch arge o f Sc nccu

dery Knig hls Te mpiur.

Coun t ry Club , BEANS lSc 2 cans for . . - ---Pack, Clifton, CORN New IOc per can . . . . . . Pack, Wisconsin, PEAS New IOc per can . . • . . . . Pack, IOc ,TOMATOES Standard No.2, per can... ,

~~~D. .0. ,""~. . .~~ . . . . . ..79c ". . ~!~~,~. . . . . . .".17c .....


" ,,,69,,

Tin Cans


A real ""loe. do:.

!.~ a~!~~~rS

l5c ~~~~."". . . . ,S1'.~9 ~!~ 25c !!! !~~"" . . . . . 13c Clab. '3 caD . ....


2 Ib. ....


Ib .... ..... .. ...

Ib .. ..... " ....... Jew.l, pound ... " ........... " ..... " ... ,41c

Mayonnaise Country Club 12 oaDce N .. w Jar, .. acll

15c ~?C~!! Naptb~.

3 bar.

25 C 1Dc

Mr. Forr est C ra n ~. of Cincinn at i. was th e g uest of Mr" Maud Cra ne. IIlst Frida y. Saturday eveni n!:. Se ptember 19, about 5 memb"," of Spring Vall ey's Suburdill l1t" Ull d .Ju ve nile Gr anges, Mias Bernice and MII "te r Bobby by invituti llll, visited nur local gra nge Hyman visited r e l u l h'~" in Xe nia . and a ft e r Ihe l>usiness session. put over Sunday. on u s piend id prog ra m, consisting of readi n)('s a nd both instrum e ntal a nd Mr. and Mrs. J. G, ROlle rs nn e! Mr~, vocul music, nnd a short play by eight H. B. Earnhart were Day ton visitOl't; ladies, which was grcutl y appreciatel\ las t Thu rsday, by nil . A cafeteri a lun ch W II S served to Mr. Adam Mcll o'h nn d fUllI il y visabout 170 , li nd was well hllndled by Ited th e Ohio Cavel·ll. 11 ('11 1' West t he co mmit tee in charge. Libert y. Sund ny. Our rwxt meeting will be Ohio PUB. COM. night. Mr. nnd 1\11 8. W . S, Grahnll1 n d Mra. J. L. II nr tsock were in Le bnn n Mondaiy a ftet'no on .

AND I al.o wi.1a to .ay tlaat Orange will still be in claarge at tlae Drug Store, and tlaat botla lae and I are at the call 01 the public at all time.. Respectfully,

Butter-Fat nets the farmer more of its retail price than aoy other farm product if sold


TheforTri-State Prices' Butter-Fat Sept. 28 and 29, per pound . ...... .

Cream and Can. Guaranteed Againat Lo ••• Cana furni.hed for 30 days free trial.

The TrI·State Butter Co., Cincinnati, Ohio

...................................................... 4


....The Store of Beller Values.... ' BOOKS The kind that b .. ma de Moving Pictu~" •• 0 popular. We Ila".. them. Price p er book .. '" '''''' ' ' ...................

75 C



kind. ; if w .. do no t h'lYe th,,,, leave your ord.. r and • • will If .. t it. All p "icel " .. ............. ... ..


~:. ~~t'j,:·..!~:;:r ~i~d ,::y .~,e~~ .. ~~.. ~~.~:.".~o~~...~~...~~ 15c CHRIST,MAS ~--.;.;-...---- --- --,---------~-

"'RAT' ' u ' ERS ,

Half Sh" .. t , 10 ~"'4 ~ . ·~in •.1X P I" t". coppe rod . t eel .ide wir.... ' • .s PEc,JA L F()R SATURDAy ...... ,.......


~'.--"y~.;" , . . - - _PT.

. ..

IFranft ·H• ' .




5'C. '.

. F~rr,.

W.rMIYIUe, Ohio

Coal~ Ice"Co· ,1 ~

- la ' - ---;"1• &.;.I '" ._ _ -:_ • •,~ '" ..::::::.... __ _ _ ; ..I ~' •:I ~J

- : " ,_., :.J l.


~ Ir s, KlI tc Colt'rn un hus r(' turned III ilt'l' hu' oe on North street.

'1'1", Township

bu silles~

T l' u s ll' ~ "

in L~ b nn n n .

ll'1lnsnat(' 11

Mnnrl ny . ;

Mr. Oscn r " nyhou l·nc. of Sprinl!fi{' ld. wn~ in Wny n('svi llc, Tu eR'd ny, M('ssr s. Howllrd A r ehd ""C(l n 1lI111 Cnd Fr ye we rc in Ci nc in,Illi li. ~ I o n . dn y,


Mrs, E mlllll Egbe rt IIl1d ~ I il's Lillie Mr, nnd Mrs. I I. fl. Earnhnrt W('r e Nedry were g uests of ~l r. and Mrs. Su nday j!ucsts of Mr , nnd Mrs. Al vin Joe McKinsey, of Morr ow. lust Thu rs· Enrnhn rt. The Waynesville High School base- day. Mr. nnd Mr •. K. N. Dnb b IIml so n baU tea m will play the Normnl team Mr. a nd Mrs. J . R. Baker, of Cin. were g uests of Mr. Babb' ~ plIrents. at T hursday aftern oon. on the campus. einnati, spent th e w eek-end wi t h Mrs. Xenin, Sun day. immediately a fte r school bours. On Fridny aftern oo n the W. H. S. Baker's pare nts. Mr. an d Mrs. Ch as. will play the Spring boro High School. Gray. Mr s. Vio la Hurlun nll t! Mr. Ernest Hllrl an RI I'lI t t he wel' k-cnd w ith ~ I· .... Mr. Chnrles Lewils II t te nded u meet· Hti yes in Day ton. SPENT SUNDAY IN COLUMBUS ing of t he K. of 'Po lodge a t Marietta , lnst week, represe n ting Cr own lodge Mr , a nd Mr~ . J ohn Fromm und Mr. and M rs. Alvah Hartsock, Mr. No. 638. Mr. a nd Mrs. L"e Hawk e were in an d Mrs. Joe Penewit and Mrs. EmerDayton, Monday. 80n Mason spent Sunday 'with Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Wnlter McClure, Mr, and Mrs. Stacy Lamb. in Columbus. and Mrs. R. G. Cr oss and Mrs. J . D. Miss Emily Jacobs, of GClmant own Marlatt nre spending the week at Rus- spent Sunday with her au nt , Mi sS --sell's Point. Emma Heighway, SPENT SUNDAY AT RESERVOIR Mias Kate Hall, who has s pent the Mrs. Allen. of Leblln on, spent last • Mr. and Mrs, J ease Mengle and Bummer wlih Miss Emma Heighwa y, week with her br oth er und wife, Mr. so n, of Morrow. and IIJr. and Mra. returned ,Wednesdlay. to her home a nd Mrs. Will Nor to n. B. V. Smith spent Sunday at Rus- In Cincinnati. sell's Point. .. Hydrllulic Cider Mill at New Bur. Save your old carpets nnd rugs ling ton. will run ' every Thursday. and get "WearwleU" Rugs mnde. Br ing your npples in. W. H. Reeves. , ATTENDED CIRCUIT RACES Send for. price lislt. Franklin Rug Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Smith attended Co., Franklin, Ohio. Mr. D. E. Sta ndiford joined his the Grand Circuit races at Columbus wife at Lena, Ohio. last Thursdl/-Y. Mr~ Ed Mullin was called to the They rcturned home ,Saturday evenlllst week. I. O. O. F . home at Springfield, Mon· ing. ------~-~--------day, on account of the dea th of hie THAT'S DIFFERENT father. Charles Mullin. Mi88 Lillle Nedry Ilnd Mrs. Emma Egbert spen t Saturday in Xenia, Girl-"Will ?:ou please tUl'n on M'JI. and Mrs. Arthur Cas t, of g uests of their cousin, Mrs. Mary Wilthe r adio, Jack? ' Fairmount, Ill .• MY'S. J . W. Cast, of Harold- "Why do you keep call· Clarksville, Ohio. sloent th e week·cnd g us. ing me Jack?" with Mr. and Mrs. ,A. Titus a nd fa m· Mis8 Margaret Edward s, who hns She-"Oh. I'm Borry. I keep i1y. ' resumed her school work in Dayton, thinking this is Wednesday instelld of spent the week· end with her mother Tuesday. Mr. and Mra. Chtarlcs Mullinix, of and sister. :....-_Red Lion. and Mr. and 1\11 13 . Snmuel McIlwaine, of Sprillgfield, were SunSHE UNDERSTOOD The regular meeting of St. Mary's day guests of Mr. and Mrs . Howard Guild will be held at the home of Archdeacon. Lady. waiting to use phoneMI'll. Geo~ Hartsock on Thursday " Say. you've been in that booth afternoon, October 1st at 2 o' clock. twenty minutes lind haven't said a Mr. Leslie Satterthwaite will leave word!" Saturday for Washington D. ·C., He "Walt jUlt a litUe while long- where he will visit his brothel!-in-law , For Sale-One wagon t~p, good er. I'm talking to my wife I" and lalster, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph D. condition. will fit truck bed, pricel $3.00. Also bedsteads, springs ana Tolle. and attend tbe "Wol'ld Series." other articles for eale, cheap. ' W. O. Gustin. YEA. DO Mrs. Fra nk Stnnsberry, Misses Cynic - The modern flapper'a Mary Stansberry and Goldie Barton . clothes remind me a great deal of the Mr. Wilbur Stansberry, Masters ' Tom Liberty Loan speeches. and Russell Stansberry: spent Sunday Fallguy- "How 80?" with relatives near Lynchpurg. Cynic-"Just long enought to cover the subject and 'short enough to Mr. and Mrs. Sam Meredith, ·Mr. be interesting." and Mrs. Jacob Meredith. of Dayton, MI'. and Mrs. Burton Earnhart and Mr. and Mrs. J . W. White were Sunday d,i nner guest s of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Whitaker,


.. ,



Time to Think About Goodyea-,- Tires When you're down dn your knee. by the roadside--wre8tling with jack and wrench- you'll think of Goodyears. Youtll wish you had them on your car., Why not think about Goodyear. now? And when you're thinking about: GoOdyear quality' get the facts on Goodyear price8- low, low, low!

'Get Our Prices

W aynes~lle Motor, ~9. I

Clermont Heaters, and Ranges


R~fill " Y~ur ,Crank:-·C a.



tarin' :~ner8,

following positively forbid any hunting or, trapping OD ou'r farms. AD,. violaUon of the ..aame wIl) be proaecutlon according ' to law' and to the fullest exten : . extent: ' " MRS," ELEANOR SMI'llH. ' ~~-.------




Mrs. Alice McKinsey entertained r ecently for her sister, Ml'II. Egbert. Mr. and Mrs. Frank \Vilson, of Har: veysburg. Mr. and MhI. Tern WBlen. and childreil. 'of Fort Dodge, Iown; lind Mrs. Mary L. Adams.


Mr. and Mrs. Warren Espy, of Cen· terville, MI'. and Mrs. Fred Staup and Miss Glenna Mnrsh. M01!srs. Jesse Thomas and Clement Satterthwaite attended the Cincinnati· Pitts burg game at Cincinnati, Sunday. I

Mrs. ~mma Egb'ert, of Kan sas City, Mo. , Mrs. Alice McKinsey and Miss Lillie NMry arc in Dayton, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. L ' N. Hllrrie. Mrs. Eg bert will return to her home in Kansas City Thul"Bday eveni,ng.



. 'Wayne8ville, Qhlo . 51' ;

Sunday dinner guest s of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Thompson wer e, Mr. and Mrs. Charles ,Morrison, Mrs. Llnnie Elmore and Mr. Elmore Binkley, of Cincinnati. Mrs. Kizzie Thompson nnd Mr. Wilbur Haines.

The P. T. A. held a reception for teachers, Monday c>vening. Miss Fanny Chaney is spending a few days with her brother. near Hills. bora. Walton and Rebecca Miai'll have been confined to their home with tonsilitis. Mrs, Edna Darton and children. of Tipton, Ind.1 • are guem In the home of Mr. lind Mra. Fred Hadley. Ralph Darner and family, of Day· t Oil. were guests. of Mr. and MIB. J . H. Peterson over the ",eek·end. Grant Phillips and fnmlly, who have sp ent 'the BUmmer ~re. returned Saturday to their home il;l Cincinnati. Mr. and Mra~ Trevor ·.HaJdo'c k en. tertalned , .on • Sunday; Mrs. Susan Haydock. E. 'OJ' Shldaker and family, of Chester. l.{ ' H. Haydock and fam· i1Y. C. .E. naydock and family. of New Oakland. '



,Let Us Drain and

--=---- •.---

,'W ;.'t~e

Phon~ 105


---.. ..- - -

I. coala, alld w .. wilt ba ve pl.. nty ,of toy. for the little , all •• U _II . . . ift. ,for the older on"., too. '


. .~

Sixty-Foot Highway


Direct to The Trl-State

-:H:J I

' -H!:II -

.. - ..---


Dr. LlQyd B.


GlE-==1[:JI= '.


I wla to date to all 01 my patron. and otlaer. tlaat .ucla i. not tlae caae, but, on the contrary, I am .till ready to an.wer any and all call••




----- ..



Entertain Visitors

M " nnd nn d M r~. Il nrvl' Y Snr kett Bom- T o Mr. lind ~ I I"' , H::11 y ~ ntf ' :ained I(' U CR t ~ fl'om Dnyton. SU Il T hirty-t hree pr operty owners nbut· Turner, of Dayton, ~ 1 "" dHY, ~c l'le"'I ' tiuy. ling on the Cincinnnti pike. in Greene ber 28, 19 25. u ~o n. c:ounty, huve petitioned th e county Mrs, L . D, Chiles w,,~ luke n sl1<lcommissioners to have the width of Mr. and Mrs, C. I. i{ ubit ~" I' nnd dcnly ill . Tucsdny. Her conclitio n the road incr eu ed to sixty feet. This daughter spent the w('" k-.· nd with WII ~ repor tl'd . Iig ht ly impr ov('d to. pike, un inter county highwny, is to fri ends at SUrdiuiu, Ohio. dny, be "remodeled into u hard surfuced rou d t rom the Xe nia corporation line Uror Ill' piefi at hnrj!uin. pri C~ . by Messrs. Gle nn Frye. (; il\"'rt Frye to t he Wa rre n cornty line, a distance and Morris Sher wood SI\ \ ' ",],h e Lost the hushel. Frllnk LeMny. phone of eig ht and 'o ne·hulf miles. World," in DRy~on . uu;lny nig ht. 7<1'6,

Tlae report .eem. to be circulated tlaat, laarlin, purclaa.ed tlae Dru, Store, I am ,irlin, up my VeterinCD'Y Practice,


Mrs. H . B. Ear nhll rl Rpen t !';aturdllY with her Rister MrR. K, N, lI oug h, of Ro ute 4.

'~ ill


Satisfaction Guaranteed

40c ~~t~~~~b, 55'c f!I~~~}!~~,~. .24c . - - - .. - ..- -£~~~~, 47 C H. S. Hal Two Gamet dos." " ...



ommu n·



For S~le b,


Mrs. Schu yler Matthews, of Pit-t sburg, spent several days las t woek with Mrs. Mnud Crane and' other reJ· , atives. Mrs. Mir!lnda , Cranel woo has been visiting ,re~ative8 , h~eL_r.e, t urned to Pittsburg Mrs. Matthews. .. ,,: ' ' . , , ' . , ,r·

Mr. 'aM .)frs. Phil . Thoroman and daughter, ~, of Peeblee" Obiot Miss Ella SCIOtt; of West Union' aDd Paul Downing, of Cfnc~na~, visited Miss Edna Howland S\lnday evening Mrs. TborollllUl wa f01'lller1~ IUsa Kathryn Brodt; one of the teaeben

In oUl' local lChoolL




.' ': . " : ', ~, ,~ '.

' f_

' ,

. .


Seventy·Seventh 'lear


...... ...... ~............. NEWS OF THE

I Int.;:~n:h~em. i State . Capital I I I Prepa red by Colum bua Repo rter

...... ...... ...... ...... ..

COLUM BUS, OHIO-O hio Retail Grocera and Butcher s are in ColumbU8 this week for their sixth annllal convent ion. Represe ntatives of the two branches of the retail trado arc expec:t.ed from every city and many smaller v1118i'eI of, the State. A IIplendld program of entertalnm~nt baa bee a arrlUl&'lld for them dunng their villit bere. The convent ion will open toda)' and conUnu e through Thunda y. Gov, Vic Donahe), will malte on. of th' prlnclua l addl1euel of the. afternoo n and will welcQmtl the 4elellat el to ColumbUi. They are be~nnlnl' to Indone caJ1didatee for the lovlirno nhlp now. The IIrst of , t~"e come. from a lltatpage editoria l in the Jetreno n Gazette whim declar" tha' Coy. Thad H. Brown. Secreta ry of State. iB the logical aomlnee of the RepUbli can. next ),ear for go.vel'llor. The editorial the lare' majorit y of Col. onel Brown. each time b. Wal a candi~ate for Secreta ry of State, and JlQUlts to his ..... r record, as well as biB o&Mr quallftc adon for the office. To CotOMt: Brown the editoria l came aft a a:reat IUrpriae an" hill onl), reply wu that ".n), melllber of our great party would be hlahly eompllm ented 'by, and very proud 0'1, .ueh tribute from tho ltaunch R~ubJleana of the W'ltem Relerve . and I could do no Icu tb.n expl'li!llII, m)' appreci ation." Furthll1' deponen t ..,eth not. ..., I They are havln, jUlt one aw.u Ume tryilla: to locate a new atate offtce bulldlnlr. And the)' have been tryillg for more thallj two years with ablol"t eb' no proa:reu being made. 'l'he main trouble ill there are too mant commit teel or powers whlcb must live approVa l to the location befor It ill tlnal. Theae eOl'llmlaalonl, commit tees and powen are 10 ter .p~ that the), caJ1't reacb each other in commun ication. Eacb have their own Ide.. , and these ide.. are .bout .. far apart as the committ ees. AU ki n.l- of .ltea have been offered and ' ItI h be aU -Id d f • 0 about proPOl macl ••n bu~ the oua ttme .ve either en • It-· _o· . looa·,' .. ~n 100-- up • ...t lleema reuonab le, pollUcs- enten...the fn.,

~aln ~b m~~:e!:epos:;

anciedHnI{j poa. a _.. wiath elillllna~ and •Ieview J:o~. teat the poIic., of eeonom ., II ..... adopted , one cannot naU, ellJ)lCt mu!'b propeaa . I" the m... Ume the .tate Ia payIna ' IIOUItI mlabty hleh nntala, and at.te departm enta are acattere d ill .ve.,. pal't of the elty. Ollio will "till ~ be- taiktq about itao n_ lltate olllet! " bulldillC 'two .,eara hence Ipll- tbere . ill a decided change ill the opinion of til_ commiu lonL - - few men Sa public life The-... . 1ft CoIUlllbul tIII't .... to predlet tIIat a alna1e on. of the conlti· tIl'IOIIal amendm ent. to \M voted on at til. Novemb er electlol) will pau. Then" V8r)' Uttle lDtel'llt In th_ amend .-nta and , no O~1ed effort II Hlnc made, to have. chanres made hi the docume nt wb b... car· ritd Ohio ufel1- tbrou.h atOI'lllll of the.,.. t. The foubal1rd)'t¥f termredfbor State oft\clala taa·t '* avo )' thOle who would ben",., ~Olt. They .. em, toand think °l yearat'_fl enou·h are thAtmltW - . , na)' sa .. eidS wl~ tbe ' ~t Jaw. Jql\ wbf leg· ialabah p..... 110 lIIany P1'Opoae~ eon.ut\ition al , dmentl !y8ry I~~ yeus Ia a ~ ~~ , SUnlT the., .... not p ....qaaae of "'9pular dema~d or mon of, them w6Uld be Added " tile -Atndld con· ~"··'on of. Ohio. A ~te Is :;~d 'at; Ute Novemb erht;e1iietton , ellCillept ill clUe. wllere the., lIa mayorall,. or bona luue cp"n~ lil1\ \he vote .0 attracte d ...,~ til, lentim. nq of the VClttJ all ~e _ue h~vCl'yed, wl\l!ft ~ : b~ot; Ie cllanted- it wiU be tound ....' '''tholl. • __ .. '"-- f ." lltil'. -te - - - _... 0 '..... e 'ft"l The FftCnt adDlhiilltratlc!~" ' weU .. everj ,tupa, u of the eta muat han f.1t ,",titled Iaat wbell lt~" ....1, ,.bllClt open" the Im~t of ,IRON t.IIfq . Ue. of _ _ IIIP". , at ail ~ , .te eOllt of IRore than ',2,000, . • baa . ~.vnll."""~ ~~ ¥!..~e~



W. C. BercdaU Albert Drake M. Cram Frank Hartsoc k Ralph Jobns Walter Friermo od H. M. Clark Frank Cook Charle. Rye • ,., •



Clash for ' Baseb all's Prem ier Hono rs ,


Since the law takes its course , ~t Is too alow a way to get out of 'the pool. Under Article XIII, Section "D" of the By. Laws. which r euds as tollows: No member shall be permitte d to withdra w from this associat ion durIng any period In which he Is bound to deliver any product s to this a""oclation under a term contrac t. unl esa by conBent for such withdra wnl. shnll have been Kiven by the board of direl,t ors upon applicat ion to it by such member or member s desiring to withdraw." , This 18 plain Innguug e . Tho diructora can give you your contrac t any time they wish. Now, If every person desiring to' get out of pool without further litIgation and delay will algn the cBrd sent him and get It back to the committee .nd thus have by.laws changed .. card BtatU; we Clln then vote for ove~ dlrertor and elect men lor our own benefit. An anti·poo l board • nd If8t your contrac t accoTdlng to above Article XIII. 1 am positive tMI will let U8 out. I am also convinced we could get out through tho courts by keeping up the fight, but it may drag along for two or three yeara. Get busy, The election Is Novem· ber 2, 1925. at a place chosen by the director s. If you realize how much time. expenSe and tl'Ouble this commit tee has been to you' would congrat ulate thom instead of kicking them, Our attorney s and the committee have been WTongly criticize d for not deliveri ng the contrllc ts. If you wenl at the Brookvi lle meeting lut M.y.. you rememb er Jud~e Saylor l58y1ng. If they did not lot us out we would be compell ed to resort to the courts. They cannot compel the courts to decide and the courts have certain rules that they mUBt follow. Now il your 18lIt chance to sign the carda and you must be on hand to vote at general meeting for un insurgent board and if we all put our shoulde rs to the wheel we ,c an uPllet tbat brick building at 125 Sunrise Ave •• Dayton, Obill. and the pool will be In the W1'eckage.

\\ hole



5G~ 9

This Week .

Til (u.oth e r ex!,lui .. th e pu rp r.s,' tlntl lIimH (,f t he Na~i .. nal lluil'Y show, a nd nrruTlj.t e l1l e nts f or gou ill J(: t u d iAloco I plan s fur Cow T"s lill~ li S· ."ciutio n anti Tuu'I'cu lin testi ll !,:, IIf cus~

"alll.. in \V'"Ten counlY,



i ng~ o r co n rc r cn('(' ~ nrc n nn ou n('l'(i LJy "uiry leaders and Cuunly A~ .. nt

C ln"~: Muin~vi ll e


By Arthur Bruba ne

Sc h..ol hull, Wedn esday l'vellinl:'. October 7, M'II"o n, R ibold's hull, Thursda y

4:VCni n~,

Oclo iJl'r M. Fu!'tY1 BUl"eHu of1ic e. l ·· ri ~ lillY e"l' nin l!' , Oc~"uer H. L(~b u non,

Mr , Dllkin, in charge of enW Ll!st ·


B_ ve the \'Wo teama wblch ~ week bottle for the Wortd TItle. Top' pboto 811 UDU8Ual frrDUI of "'The Wubing ton Senator s" III "civiea" w1l1Je being- recelftd by Preaidll it CoolJdae, Arrowe IDdlcate Clark Griffith, Pree. 000Udae. "Ducky" ~ Mgr .. ad the 9Nfan Wal~ JobnaoD. . Botioml 'the chalIeng lnr Plttebar ch Piratea. lTont row, left to right:B .... Moore, Culleton, 'Sh+rt . En-. BUI., MeKechnleJ Jr~ (In front)J.._vvriallt. Cur.,ler/ ~ ,and Gooch. Center row, lett to rtgbt:-O ldham, Smith, Tra:rnDr, IrJclmiiI, Caley ivaptaf n), McJleCIlJUe J~""l')' C1artEe. BiBbee. TbompllOn, Spencer, Grantha m and Auaten. Real row, left to rlght:-F 'ruer, hlRUl, Oulow. ~ AJ4~ Sun Wau.ra , Bamey Dre.,twi (PruJde nt) Sam Dreyfus , BaWllD p. YdII\, AdanIe, Morn - 8IId Keadowa.


The Iirat game of Ihi •• erie, i. bein g p layed .t lPithbur g tbi. afterno on. Local radio oDtba.i ute are rcceiyin g the .c ore. A ••• we go to pr ~ .. the repor,•• from 7 i naia •• ba.e been receiYftCl, anel the .core Olanda: Wuhina ton.:i " Pillabur g , I. Traynor lIelo a home rUD for rl.

A Delig htful Even ing A merry party of Mr, Kenneth Elzey's old friends went ,!P to Dayton Jast Wednes day evening to call on him and his ~ood wife, and fou nd them cosily establish ed in their pretty new bungalo w. The evening was pleasant ly spent in interest ing convers atIon, contes ts etc, Dainty r efreshm ents were sorvd I d 11 t eater , an a re urne d home vo t -





Walter Elzey, Raym on Hatfield . Mrs, Lou Printz. Harris Mosher. Prank RoblnR D' , ld ' d Kenneth Kit Virgil Overhol t, Agricul tural En- son. " lrineerin g specialiBt, Ohio State uni- bon. ue tnWI( Ie an verslty. togethe r with County Agent CIUII. lIMisted Chaa. Baker rceontly . in plannin g a cold.sto rage room for 0 apples on the Baker ~it farm, about ftve milea southea st of Lebano n. Millll Beryl Johnson. who was nt· The plans involve a oork inllulate d tending Wilming ton college, and Mr. room. and tbe uee of an electric fan Glenn Hamilto n. of Wilm ington. were to draw in cold air at nigbt through m.rried in Covington, Ky.• Septem'speciall y conBtl'Ucted intakes. Pro- bel' 26. 1925. viaion III being made for moistur e to Mrs. Hamilto n is tho daughte r of prevent shrivell ing, and the addition - Mrs. Seth Cook. al ,uee of ice is l\ontem plated during __ • the hot weatber of late Bummer or carl), fall. Mrs. Snrah Murray is visilin~ relM~ Overhol t plane to be witb Class ativcs at Middlet own this wee k. again on Tueaday , October 13. to lay out and build twracel l to provent lIoil el'Otlion on the Landen farm, II011r Twenty Mile Stand. now occupie d b'l Chaa. J. Worley. "Terrac ing 0 W 1 fcrs a practica l plan to etop soil Marriage rong. eroaion. lefts of unc;beck ed War. will BOon makewhicb hundred acrUB In ren CGDnty ueeless for CUltivation." sa (J. . . . ' , ~vel1ybody interest ed should pla~ to be pre..nt on Tuesday , October 18th.' . - _.

H ami.• ton-J hnson

Farew ell Party The Normal class pl'CRented th" (olloWl' ll g pro"'ram last Friday to the e High School and Faculty : Devotio .. and. .CheerDorothy,ClnSll W, C. Nnal Rye Song In t r odu ctory Rem,a r ks .... , .. . ... Kenneth St John Cornet Solo ,... Carl Gruy Reading , ,,,, . RUlli Carr Violin Solo " " ,""""" ., Leola Blair I Of Tableau -"Befo re ant "- tCl ~, ."" ".", Allce Heery and Miriam West ____ A ~uggestion box has been placed in the office for those who hnve new ideas which they t hink would b,1? practi cal if put in use , The credIt for each accepte d suggest ion goes to tho class whicll offered it. ---Last Friday night the Senior class. Faculty and guests gathere d at the Gymnagium. An outdoor steak ro~st with all t he trimmin gs, had been planned but owing to t he weather . we wcr~ forced to accept indoor con\liliona. Sevel'al new gomes and dancing mude n very pleasan t oven. ing. And ellts I Wc don't think that anyone who was presont can say th e Seniors ca\1'~ cook, • _ ••_ __

Richard Brown and family entertained a few friends Wednl!8day evening, In honor ot , Mr. and Mrs. Charles Owens. who Are leaving soon lor Florida. The evening was spent in dancing and roasting weiners . after wh ich sandwic hes , pumpki n pie. pickles, coffee, and pop-con I were served. The guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Charl es Owens, Mr. and Mrs. HenI'.Y Cramer , Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cramer . Mr. and Mrs. John Nuge nt and daugb ter, Mary Mr. and Mrs. Clarenc e Se~man. john Murphy , Ne,l1ie Murphy. Anna Murphy , allot Frankli n; Mr. and Mrs, Bernard Kyne and daughte rs, Catneri ne and Rita. Hannah ,J ordan and Alfred Jordan.

We T U M ••••

f ee Ing

The Woman 's Christia n Temper ance Union will meet at the home of the presiden t, Mrs, Moomaw, Tuesday. October 13th. at 2 :00 p. m. There w ill be an interest ing Jlrogram ond u r eception to ne:w members, A full attenda nce is desh'Jld, Mrs. L, C. Mills. Sec'y.

n~ suciuliun

work of t hc C in cin-


nati PUI'C Milk assn ciutiorr. will be pre. ent the first LWO evening s. Du· kin un d Class wero both at u conf relloOC of dairy lenuers tlnd county The Stato of Washin gton plaus al('cntH in Cincinn uti last Thursda y evening , when it was decided t o rUIl gigantic wlllel' power dcvelop mont, n fipcciu l truin over th e C. 1. W _, bunk s in Seattle reflect general prosleaving Cincinnllli 7 :00 II. m,. Thu rs- pcrily in the Northwe st. Thosll Se(lay, October 16, stop pinll: lit North uttle bonks will nced bigger vaults Side , Norwood und Humilto n, t o and capit.lllizlltio ll increase d uy a bilpick up Ildditional " " Iegules, Ham· lion, when the power begins its work• iiton lind Buller counti es each pledI:" Main e will hllrnCII" 700.000 horse<,< I sen·nly · five tiuirym ... n fur Llli" truin , whil.· Warren county wus ex· power in thll BIIY oC Fundy, The p('cted to ha ve twenty· five alld Cler · pla n apprllved by voter s nnd scipntific mont ten, The special train ill Bched ex perts calls fIJ I' one humlred mil- ' ul"d ftlr Hamilto n at 7 :4 I; arriving at Ii on~, P()w el' enoul{h will be produc e,! La Kupply th e who I of New Indianap ()lis aboul 9 :4 (; , Arrnn~ements will be mad e t() Wk." EI1J(lnnd. and tell t imes onc hundred thelle dlllloymen direct to th e ExpOSI- lIIi11ioll would nut e'lua l t.he vulu e of ti on grounds without any delay at such power. In waterpower "nd the e l ~c tric a round trip fare of $5,75 lrom Hllm· i1ton, Special ribbons will be fur- force ge nel'llted Ii ea not th e hope. nished on the train to designa te the but th e certaint y of prosperi ty be"Cincin nati" group. and the Spec ial youid imagilllltion, London is IIgl lated uecause the will wail lit th e Exposit ion gro unds so that all may attend the HOM!C show gl'ent arc collection of Lord Leverhljlme, Auccessful SO IlP Dlnker. is to Thursda y evening . It wa~ estimate d thut th e total ex penscs. in cluding be sold in New Yo,'k City. not in railway Care, menls and admission London, This .is Slli" , tn \1ll'a n Lhut th e art charges nectl not exceed $7,60 ':",ch, As this Nationa l Dairy eXpOSItIon ccnter of the world has moved Crom may not be held ~ o c1os(l to us lignin London to New York, but that is for ten years. every one who can pos- not so . The money ceRter has moved, and s ibly do so. shou ld go this YOllr, ThoBo who plan to go by auto, muy in 11125 , aR in the days of the Medsocure free roud mups of County ici. IIrt I('oes where money is. Agent Clliss or by calling at the Farm Bureau office.

DEATHS Dr. John Wright. well known !n Waynesville. died at his home In To the t ime of going to press. funer· Tto the time of goinll: to preS8. funeral arrange ments hu~ not ueen C'Om"The average man likes to hear Jlleted. himself talk to o much." BaYS JU'd ge Gary. SlIlesme n should rememb er Mrs. Anna S, Hurtt, wife of Geo. that, Thousan ds of them talk W. Hurtt, died at her home in Spring- selves into 11 sale, then talk them· themboro Wednes day evening . Septem ber selves out again. When you meet a 30. i 925. The funeral , was held in fU "tomer rememb er the advice of the U. B. chutth at Sprmgb oro, Sat- Aristotl e. wh o was the Judge Gary urday. Bu.rial in Miami cemeter y. of his duy. "Not too much, not too little.' ' The Rev. Charles L. Conger died at his home in Delawar e. Sunday. He A poor old of MasSAcbusetts had been in ill health for some time, called "poor." maid not because Rev. Conger was pastor of Way','es- an old maid. but because sbe w .. ville M. E. church in the early mne· fifty·six ycat'S in the maaneahe ,pent , ties. and was highly esteeme d by .his has just died. While Bhe waaasylUM, in the congreg ation and ~he commuDlty. asylum. her small .fortune Increaee d, He was also WOl"8hlp ful Master of to $2,000,0 00. to bo divitlOd iJ'I O'W Waynes ville Lodge No, 163 in 1892 . among seven n iecee. Funeral services were held Tuesday "Money runs into money, " rapidly morning at Delawa re . The remains in this country . if you ~iVII it an1 were taken to Zanesville for burial sort of li n opportu nity.


------- .-._------

What becomes of all tbe money· tbe people earn? Why does the aVllrage America n die wjtb about cnou~h to bury him or her? . The Deputy Attorne y General of - ,....' _ _ _....;_ _ _ _ _ _ _~""I New York s hows where most of the money goes, ' BogulI ,stock sules alon'e [' .. . la 1,574 Game s take $500,00 0,000 fl'<lm tho poople If Farnler s of WarreD> county will of the Sta le each year. Even that probabl y have another opportu nity leaves a good deal of money for other swind lers to take. to secure pyrotol. n Burplus war exploBive. being distribu ted , through out Evidenc e at the Shenand oah invesOhio by the Agricul tural Enginec l' ____ ing Departm ent and county agents. tigation showil that Comma nder Lans. 11 • 3100 pounds of Pyrotol have already downe. who understo od flying, prote.. Subject to cha nge, the fo owmg been distrihu ted to forty-si x farnlers ed against taking his ship through will be tho proj,(l'am [or the concert by Chl!ls during two previou s ship. the storm belt of the Middle Welt, under the uuspices o·t thc Wayncsville ments. All who have used t his mu- and asked f or a postpon ement. Shrine club: . I 1'0 thole lOod frlendl Who eo kindterial report excollen t results for Those kllowing nothing about, lIyFl orida " , Trio Iy ..nt l.tte~, and carda of congrat. . blowing stones and stumps. in,!. but unfortu nately control1in~ Kind of Il Girl , .. '..., Trio alation on tile occulon of my Pyrotol is a mixture of grul.tnci aVIation in th e United States. ordered Susie ,......"""" .. ,,' ,Ilk Eddi e Ball eightiet h anniver sary aUow me to smokele ss powder and sodium nitrate him to go, in order to "impres s cer. The World is Waiting {or the . uprelll my Iincere thanks and put up lIimila~ to dynamit e. In douhlo tain State fai l'll on the way," BeSunris... . ... Mr, Hafford appreci ation I have lived throu"h paraffin ed IItic,ks, pack ed 50 .pounds ~Ilu se his advice was not takOR. LanaFor You Alone . . Mr, Hafford ~d. 'llritne~d the world'a great:s t in a box, It is a safe explOSIVe. has downe was killed . Dirty Hllnds, Dirty Facc ... ", .. Trio period of advance ment, of whlcb we Who is respons ible for his deathT no toxic effects in produci ng heatl· Song~ u~,. req~ e~t have . , Imowled ce, aDd .1I0w me aebell; cun be used in moist gro'!nd And how good a suit for damage s IN'l'ERM ISSION to e9~ the wllb that you, too, may or under waetr, and under freeung have his widow and the other Shenan• Bringin ' 'Home the Bllcon ".""" ".Trio Itve ~d enjo,. the pl_ure .nd baptempera tures; is explode d by '\ No.6 doah wI<Jows against those that. Bent The King Isn't Killlg Any Moro.,.. pinea of old ace, ' . clD> and is about equal to 20 per cent their husband s to deat.b 7' _, , ... ", """ .... , ..... Mr, Ball . Sincere l, and truly, dynami te . PtIarche ta .. . ." .. , " ,Mr. Hafl'ord GEORG E E" IULEY. Mr. Overhol t writcs Cla!lS thut the The Museum ot Natural Blstory Pal of My Cradle nays "" Mr, Hafl'ord • - ,. ned car will be ordered Novemh er will soon present to your kind atten~ laa dn~t....!r:oa~upovoenrtmYodtielmal Melod ies ___... _ u_ ~!1 •• O~ .. Mr. Waterw _II 1, provide d enough callB are r ece!ved tion a fossil borse, witlJ claws. in • Tosti's Hon~ at . 'Pll e '" ""',, ....... Mr. orth Ball d , , '" ~. H&D FOOT BADLY thro.'!Jh out tbo State JhoJIIc~\ from Wall Street. Mothe.r Goodby for a car load. stead of hoofs, dUll up in Asia. AcMcChre e" ... db~~~~~:~O~=~e~ b·liarft " .. " ... lItr . . Hafford ..... e:..~I ·'1 All :oJarren county farmers who want cording to scientis ts, ttiis little creaGlert·Q. Wlnahlp. Wall S~ Edl\-5 II' -....... . . The Soup Song 11ft bJa written a book, "Volono1" to tliu~ secure explosive at 10 centa ture. ancesto r of the bi!\" horse of b., 'eilitlaflt c1a~ ' to ' Oria ~the JIr. Hatold Onbun , of the Wa'f- -4n wbleb he calls for a 50 per per pound. should see CIUII. call at today with its hoofs, vanishe d from -~ ~. .- nel IrJ for neume Coal and lee C9 "l'I ' lIrn F-srm Bureau office or selid in order the earth long beloTe mell ~urne here tax on every man's Income , eo• . . " t ' ~d taltl4J&tlOn of taldnc a -~!\\lit :_ \ t 0 a to need horses, by mail. tire IlUpport of all women and the ~ bali jlllt" 1!'8II, ~· 'cab Il~ 1\:@ , ~ "Ill foo~, and 1" ftn. Also the aboHtion of UK It will amaze you to , I'ead the .va"' pu.w , ItWi ~~ tile ,a~ ' ~!I" m"'''' iWt ~I' ' ,W~. ---- _ t marriaa e 'cont"*cS. There is a moveme nt on foot to per lillie . . bHa ~.,td· 'v~ Wa . rious kinds of "despai r" listed by , ' , Profl!8sor Glenn Frank. new presi. have anothor Mardi Gras and Carni'~· .,~ ~91 " • • • ~ -~ (,,~~~ dent of the Univers ity of Wiscons in. val t his year. At I,he meeting of the . wqia . lit pli:rld, • , City Dods Monday evening . the subThere is biololfical fear. psychoBal' 8ehalk- ChJeac o Whltre Miami Chapter No. 107 0, E. S., logical fear. politIcal fear. economic: were fit iJjd'tJ li , the , alatiOn • . " , has also taken the matter under ad- more than lot games "'VI contnD tf' In f.ct ,~ a year·(l S. II~· berB are welcomE\. • TI.. · .' visemen t and In all probabi lity tjtere aIr be boiled down into one word, , . ~~ " , 11.. • o~F~~, ~ ~, Ntfa new reeord last week' whee lRla mlS Mrs. Ado. Courtne y. W. M. will be s~mething done similar to last he eau,ht pme numbar , • ~ • "Nerves." The only thing wo need ~ ~u OR 4! , til 167"" Mrs, Susan ' Hawke. Sec'y, be afraid of is ourselves . our weakyear's festiviti es. The Gazette will ~ "~ f • '''~I_';; . '':'•• nesses. And fort.una tely. we die. keep the neighbo nbood informe d as " ...... " - . , .a....!'I""!" fIY'f' Q ~~ .,,. 0 .... ...... h .. ad ht . . . t .... ha t will be done. , Th. "~thoo'.,,~,, and our fears with us, Then Cotile. " ., "~,, 1111 of ' \MII ,...d'1' Brit Jut. Sun"day Manage • a n ew, unfriKh tened generat ion. r lame here, two or t hree ye8l'll ago. L .,....._A· lHif- 'Ule miCl. _ d• •• .. t L_ .." " ked' K for the Dayton C. M. I, A. team, and , , on~~·'f it ooralid- c . .., e'!IM - ,' ,,~o "'. e an· made ,\ulte an impress ion on our fanll ~EW be 'u.... ' , Wam Day- b,. bi. 1Il!)endid work and his 'ready , d~ ~e ter/ tob; .1Id. ' 0 W wet lTOunda , ad wit. ' .. • "Well, I do doe1a'.'· " 11 nU • .' '" 11 ~' \loa- lcrtr.eril\l.,1Id1lll u.e .Miamill,'and . ,!rood, Weathe t' • r permitti , , ng, a ral!e treat, . , , Ie .... thi laumber of tUtldal' III In atore for our fans, next Sunda!;. ~ :11\1\" ~ lJ ~end 'at tU Wkla& ~ .pp,Olnted ,whell the Miamis talie tbe IIpee y 9!It''~ Htllft ' A cpillling lr01;l'l the Sioux.. Fall, ~ The ,bop put ~ tile ,tlnle Iln~ Troy All-Star s on , at. Frader park. ,',• . The meeting of the Dilltrict · Oon· ' ' Lawren ce ~s1eYb' ~ai chdargh. f h "'-~....... j o \ e N . ..Dak. paper, .Y' that;, rePl'eee .. --1000 ~ ___ '80 o'olook, wlUt. litNbuoua ba~ l'hiB ' f nf the M. team E. churcb lias ~' 'iIIl .....""...proved apqed Il:!Ielt music, to be and one under " . ,IS ea ers 'ttw 'ad, fteIdIuK riauce 'thaD ' " of the fasteet 'arid best ag~catlonB , ' , ,, , IP, t e tatives of the Delco Ligl\t Co., are erCllce 0 " with ft .Inlring t. lnearty. ... ~.\I~tDl· " be P . The t S· d 110 O,PPCID,.. Falla tt dl ' the til ~ ~ in ' tliill part of the State this aeuon, 'W;aynUBconBtruet~o:n 'Work Of! the here , Tueada)' afternoo n ' . , De Rev. Vari Wlcklin, of Gr~en6.eld. now a I u.x. • and L<ab~on ~lkhe ill ~dl. atten~nce, not'\'fith atandlng the tn· .,' I il9 • • " • ' , • _M ' preache d ' a fine, sennon T, uetdl'Y at- State annual convent lo\la en . . tIP , ~ .id' .. ·the na~e (l,1I,pliea, iII .eompOlled v.~clng ville ,tllere. ' ~ rapldl:r, andthif 'We.~ clement ":-m'.m. incl ~ Bm.. weatllw , ',' ' temoon ,and the evenml was devot- ~~~~ .r::~f '~~an, : -tlre· y of atar pel'form enl. " dltloDl remllln. Jood e 'ltor ""'"1\ e .P":r__~.:. ..... IIIaa1I ~rK~~ Abou't ftft, bel,. ~11 bave to !ltcP some mbalate ..... --z.o.. -, cd to the Epwort h Leque. Rev. W, ed by tQ,e ftnt ,of ~~ Jeer. - ,d about two bu~n ~:-; ,,~ f'''; I :!. _"_ ... _ UMi ~ . . . to ' win thla one, but watch ,tbeir complet n; ,A. ·Deaton . o~ MUfora, mad., a ~nlr Hi .... , The e. bridge 0 .",.;. work/ l! aCe, , undll1' , .... teI "',e ...., bu.i- , 1Il~ : ;'e.tin JO f ... bU 1Mie;."~_tba- appeal to that o~ani..tlon.. ' ud~'llm'ed ~....~. UIt "ob 'With Babe Adamll and ill lliiJ Vlelon of, nellll' for ' tlie ' l8at -month ill 100 per Mr. ~~In • t IiaatIc 'and the SHlcIr .... ,lIivt" '" Iate. '~ ~ nppoJ!t en ujl on tl\e bit and rarln' to mcH&:t comple TbiI : (Wedn!ll!day) ,mo~lnr, Rev. c:e~ ab.r;. ted__ but • e:u, New. ~c::llO,Od., i~'::':O" die ' D Ita&IIti . ., it ro, Better Clime, down and ... the low town. Th J'oetrer O. AD:!eraon. of ' lIanaBe ld, "'nJ~D' an~ ...Ipidaeti_.o.__ ........~ ... I;)IiteIl aDa aII1dIa 1\.I l~ci ~ kl~ tuft, Bilbop .iieno n·"sU ..... ... JIlIN man'a'1' I ,Mil W1 ill a ....u LUI · D.....":~_:'". ' ... .... niII, for aD ...-.., tbIa afteIIa008 ,_ ' . JIIIa toIII Wo..hS," on IIaIda8 a Chrkt-L lk. I"'" ', on. ot tile ftrIt _ kbul, IndJt III CQDf~ . ,~ ~ .. _ '.:.Iilll., to : . . _ _ _ _ . . . , . . II til!>! ' ..,. Aiel are ~ tile IIIaIa Sc!bOOd team did Dot • eoutbern ... :: to .1ftlft !la' . . , . . ...... .IiI plwl'dcl-r ~ eo... oat . . . . . . _ '. . . .~LadlM thebaaelMD~ of~~"-"II'L. .. ...... laftemOO D OD accollllt of , Mowrer 'l WI')' DO'" ~ ..... ......, . ' .


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- ====-

.-The .Ha'rvard's Fire Sale--


• •••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••• • ••• Practical Instructions in Home Sewing • •• • By RUTH WY ETH SPEARS

HARVEYSBURG .T . 1.1. Boglln . hilS b I'n klui t ., t h'l< w('"k,


T hl' .llltest r 'pI>r fru III Wilbu r : • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • uo • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I1 nw h ,s thut h(' iH impro ·.. ill g Ili.:cly: COMMON PLEAS PROCEEDJNGS DRE SSIN G TO TYPE- THE RIGH. HEMLINE Mr. Il.n d Mrs. C! hll~· l e~. 1(. Grny The mllt/ er o f \ in n Ri~h'" vq Hob . ",n d flllll tl y were Wl lm llll{t(111 \'i~ilors cr t r. v:t n ~ Wll 3 Lli s llli s~()d . Slit Itnl:oy eV(! l{. 011 mnt i.' n uf d!' f£' ndlln t lel \\ c I " .11 ..... He r hert J"i f u n.i J nne 1~ ll o ll . fil e un nnlc nci t!ci un ~l \\' l'r nnd l' r n~~ pe titi(> n WlIS I( rll nt ed ill th (' mn \ .... o r of Wushll1gtul1 C. fl ., aru spe n.lillg Dr . L. D. LeGI'IIr Medic ine Cn., VS. l~ ~ wee k With Mr. und M r~. 1· rank ~ Ii so n. J . B. HOI'pinR· ,.. I e r ~ wen' is.ue d s heriff I" dc~I ... lind M,·". 1<. II. Bro ()k ~ lin d lroy quantity of in toxicatillg Iiqu ur f,,"li ly rcturn.' d F,·illl.,. "\<" ",ng fro 111 lind art icle" " c 5i~n c d f or the ""I" l/ - L\ p!t' at-nnl tw o \\'l"c k s \\' ILh I l1di urtH rnct ure or th~ sllmc . l'l'iat h' ~ ..; . Th " cmlr t wllftrllH'd $111(· anti ,' r ;\It.. lind Mr<. Kll ri Shid u kl'r lind d er ".1 di ~tr ih l/ti (> 11 nf pr nc('l' ds in I I", mnlter o f I'hllr lc" F . Phillips ,·S. ~ . f:llnlly {'lltert"in,,<1 he r par '!lt H. Mr. u'lll 1I1rs. "Ill e r:'"n FrLl z irr, (I f P IlY C. I' hillip ~ ('t III. . In th e II1l1tt('r of CYll th ill Luu , 'g. t llJt, on " undny , August Lnu . custudy of rni nllr chi ld Mrs. ~idn \Ia nd c rvoort :\11<1 dllu ghwas g iv e n d ~fcndu nt until fu rth"r ter, Alltc, S P~lIt l a~ t w",'k with t hl' Late.t Faahioned New Fall Nobby oro('r of th c court. forlll er 's ~ run dduuK h te,'. Mr". (f uwllrel "iUltion was ordered i S~ Ul'd for Cruhllm lind family . Thoma" ,I. J oh n.o n for a n ull.'gNI di ~­ Mrs. R. H. J e ffe ris lind Ro n, Kirk obedi~ nc (' o f n f ormrr o rd ~r o f lhe ntte nded II SUl'priH<' rurl'we ll 'III""t}: cuurt. n ib uti on from 8/11e o f rcul ('s- u ,~ l\1r. and Mrs. HlIlTY (l'T. /H'ur Wiltn te wos o rd ered in the matte r o f mington. Sunday evoning. RlIch el Ludlum vs. Oscllr F.. Grismer The B.a ptist Mi ~s i o nary 'ircl ~ wi ll et Il l. huld theIr annulli IIIl · da y sewin g ut JlIcob S. Water8 was mnd e party th e ch~r ch W cdnc ~d ny, Oct ober 111. defe nd ant in th e matter of .John B. A ll IlId' e" lIrc invited. Ilinner wiU EVl'lt vs. John J. Bryant. n minor et be served . Others at al. J. T . Ril ey was appoi nt ed g uarMr Dr. and Mrs. Will Oglt·,bce dian ad litem o f "uid minor dden · F t' l'(ln •.L tl hU Vl- r t' turhed r f tJ Il1 n. m ot.u r daTl t. AII motions w er £' over ru led in th t' tri p t o Portlllnd , Ure g., 11 ,,<1 ur~ ..., Pnri ~ , August 2S- This fa ll. a ~ for For her I 11 8 {' rlnilI< or circulor line8. Worth Double mutter o f Sallluel F eere r y ~. Or. N . iI~ui " livi ng in tin- ~" lt"I!" O il I'lcu~ulIl V", w fann . Ith <' 11II"t fow scasons, th er e will be If the ICA"" lind lI'nklt" lire cllic- I A. Hamilton. . Every Coat Guaranteed To Be Perfect . Mrs. F lorcrU e ClIrr fe ll J.t the ' R ~ o n d delll o r rii v('rsity in ski r t loo k to the lenltth." Proceedings of sal e were upprov. ,I A drt'~S wi~h , '' " 'uvHski l"t 01t e n in th e matter of Citi:,ens Saving s lin d hOl11e of Mr. und Mrs. (f" n r \' ~I u,.. l, ·ng th, . The . kirt thut re"c hl'~ nbout Trust Co. , of Hamilton. V8. Chorles phy, near Leban o n, Frid ay. li nd fiv l' 0" six in ches below th e kneel! 'g ivell fin illu sion o f Shlll·tne sR, as In b'1()~e the lar~e bUlle ill her leg. :;c('mR to be lik" " b£'Rt by t1lOl<e who t he mnd el sketch'Jd In the centor. Hurley et al. _ Partition of estatE' WlIS orde red in ~Wlng to her ugoc. th b i. /I "I' riou s in- hn ..... s lrtlight, .lendt',r flgllre8 ' n nd An un even hemlin e is al Ro ~ntnrt and t ,"m I 'I!"' lin d II n k l,," . is goo.\ f or t he woma n who dol'S not t he matter of John B. Evelt vs . J" hn Jur y. " uri>iro n d .. ~ i g l/ c ' !; kn ow ' thut the wear short dr esses well . For evdnJ . Bryant, a minor e·t a l. Amo ng Dayton f olks wh o "1"!Ilt th e mnde ClllllIClt IIr mnlie alone for thl 8 ing frocks of trlln RJlnrl'nt materi" I, On motion of def.wdan L" saill <I". fondants w ere granted leave of si ty we ,I; -cnd with re lati vl' ~ her e. w.'". : t ype . }, . I) n(' e Xprt'~,eR it, "th er e i ~ with slip severnl in "h es shorte r than . 1 11. ·.nll lIl rs. Ev rett Yillnrs , Mr . II nel II hem line for eve ry figure. The ' the dreas itseU, rue murh used. This days in which to answer or pleud In the matter of Michae l B. Str. UJI .\ Irs W. M. :\1"lhi/l~, ~Ii ~sl' ti l\Iobel WOllllln " h",,, hips are lurge must ' hemline Is also a happy co mpromise vs. Harry Brunk, on motion of p l "i ~ ­ .I".! ~In rgar(·t S t 11 .... , Mrs. EllI mll Clin e hltV<, ("l/ llll's.- t,ls£' whe n s he · s its 1ror one who Hoes not 'teel well dressrI nnd J umes line a nd Hurry d own s ht' \\-ill 11 0 1 n" er be bellllti.!u!. pcl in on ex.trcme ly ~hort COMltl/ilo. tift' said plaintiff was Iminted ;)0 {h " . Ell ~ IlJ \\ I! . n in which to reply or plead. Mrs. R. II . J e fl eri. e ntertain ed :IS little folks Friday fr om :l :;30 to 5. in Subscribe for tho Miami Gazett._ NEW SUIT-S hono r of he r ~o n , Kir k·s. fo urth birth Veda M .Orndorf has en tered suit . I l!~" The . tim e pus:,cd IJIl'USllll tly for divorce again st Earl fl . Ol'lldorf. w ll h g U{'S~ lll g cun t e~ t " and J,!!:umcs. She chargee gross nlegler t . lleli cio uij icc cre nm, CU ke, canely und William Winstel has ent er ed ~ u it rllItes wer e sen,' 11 th L\ litt l .. g Ut'tits. "1 r _ a n,! Mrs. Willa rd Llu·kin MVc e • against Osear B. Cain, J ohn F . Gunn Kirk 1'I.'celt·cd II h of nkl' gi rt.~ rr nt .. d hp Rllrll urd hom e for thc HOTARY PUBLIC and J . Wilbur Shr ac:k f or money. Others at f r u JlI his f ri~'llJ!". winter. H, S, Eckl'ls and Co ., hn ~ ent('rt'C1 National Bank M,.. and Mr •. A. . Collell (' nl c rThl' ,\ id sO';iNy t he Friend ~ again st C. W. and RUYll1 o",! Sparb lu", ...1 lI( th!'ir h Ollle . ··(f ,de-in-the. chllr,:h hdel a very l'IIJoYlIblc all-day for money on ly. William C. und Mury J. Shurt h"vl' Wno ds ," "" S unday, 1II,'. 1111.( ~!n. '~l('''t,"g. ot th e h" Ill'· o r Mr~ . Flo," Will. Duwa Worth Double entered s uit agei ns t Osca r B. ('ai" f{rowu rd , (; r~hHnI "n d da\-lJ!h ".~ . 11 ,,1 . I . In,u Il, rhuTsdny. Wayne. ville. Ohio Quit .. " number (rul1I her c attendJohn F. Gano "nd J . Wil hur Shra l"k en. K al" ,," '-' HnJ "e lli e, MI'- ~la,' " (;,.nhflll1 . : •. r$. Laura Shi" l h. ,t. ~lr' I " d the "nl· hundr"d un d t'\lHl ti eth anfor money on RCCOUlit. npp pn intlllcnt of receiver and oth.!r legal und <,qui · an d lIIr, . l hal1 I," I'y l(" or 1.1" '.,,,,, " . ni\' t!r, an' "r th(' ea '.ur· s Creek ~I r. a nd ;I\r". . E" crcll Yillilr>. "f Ilay - ,Ill! rth Sund a y. table relie f. 'I I', . \V . LL ' . D nita II an d MAli Elizabpth und Myrtl p Li bt·rap 1111\ t· t"". lI1 1';$ :'>Ie lh". lind Pau l /llndll. r s. co e nter .. d sui t for s pecifj,: pe "CI r n" tllr,' -- - - - . . J O hfl ~llf1 n rH I uau)!"htcr ot tended the .of contr act a nd eq uit ab le r 1!..£ DENTIST . :,ll-(! .)' llli"..;.io"ury moot ing lit Mrs. IIgllins t A mbrose a nd Oda H~ rs hn . BLOND E BES S OPI N ES .\ Iary Aut rum '", neur Wilmington, And ¥-O.GRAPHIST Cn rolin e Vaughan Sanborn Ill " e nWl'cJ,, ~s llllY . t er ed ~ uil for divo rc e from ~h' n ry Who laYI mot he rhood int er· OHIO -~1 ..,. Mnx Ba ! nnrd a nd children are WAYNESVILLE, f e r e . with a wDman'. c.t\1"rcr? Franci ~ Sanborn , ch.Rrg ing I( ro ~ . ''''1(DAYTON, OHIO ,' i" it"~ ..: Il l' " pU"cnts nllar Lib~rty'l T.lapboae 114 Corner ~"ifth and Jefferson St. .. I r ead in the paper th e ,>lb ." leet. In d. Mr. Ilnd Mrs. Hllrnnrd an d famnigh t w h ert~ a WO Jn A n wi th 0. b ~­ ' '1\0' :I ud ~l l> . Fl ure nce Bllrtlnrd exOFFICE! HATIfA WAY IH,DG. b y in her arm. robbed . I t r u. PROBATE PROCEEDIN GS I ;Jt1<"t to IN'Vl' "u .. n to s pend the winON MAIN STREET Rcb eccu S. Cu rr o 11, execulor v f thl' I' ,' r ill Fl oridn. estllte of William E:11ery Carroll, dc· . . ."..• ""SfJ ED PURDY 'S PHILOS Rally OilY li t th l' Frien ds chu r ch than a general rise in the prices ceased, fil l'd her fi rst and fi nal ac • favorable reaction in the United er of a ll gro ups of commodities. Bolh COUllt. nextthe Sunday. s peaker expec ted Men are getting .marter and State8. . . for morningAand in th eisafternoon e ge neral ooursc of p rices in the A. C. Vail. gUlirdian of Chll rl e, Prices of. agricultural commodities th I marte r . Scientiata di U up a n pageant will be given. eIllitled, United States and the rise in the price E. Grubbs. inconi pe'lent, fil ed his fi rst the board finds. are increasing while bone in Siberia an d tell how old " The Ch:lfch Builders." You are ••••••••• _ •••••••• of foode havo been para llelled bi 8im ac cou nt. the prices of non-agricultural prod- Har it il. I'U b et the time will co m e cordially '",vited to b' ing a bllSket movements in the principa EuThe will o f Geor ge Carli sle, cl eMONEY LOANED ucts are 'inclined to decrea8e , the when they c a n tell how much a nd join in th e services. The lunch rop ean countries." ceased. was "dmi tt.~ d to record. tendency being to rstore the pre-war pork w •• a pound. a hundred will be s prolld in th e dinin g room of An Increase in the output of indusJean Tu cke r W il!l a ppoin ted I!:uarye .... before . by ju. t glancing at balance. the churc h. LOA Ng on Chattell,Stock. . Beeurl· tllial establishments has followed the dian of William David Tu r.ker, mino .r 1hIiIIa. . ill aetlve- o"er the United aD old .pare rib. "Pricea of non -agricultural com- recent upturn In price~, the board Bond $600. tiee ond Second Mor tgll!:'ol. Nu* .-~--Statel PIlHaUy ad the present sit- modities," the board added, "which in stated. The court ap proved , IlUOIVed and bo ug ht . John Harblne Jr., Xenia, 1923 were con8iderably above th e ·"Available informlttion covering an confirmed the account of Nanllie B. ~ pr01l1ise of continuing general averajle for all commodities, LET'S WAIT AND SEE Ohio. ~m90-'I!II ' parts of the country except certain Hicks, gunrdian of Albert C. Hicks. 'a eeordlDg to the Septemhave declined while those of agricul. states of the Far Wellt and repreaent- minor. jon made public by tbe Dodging' autos will se ttle thi!\ evotural commodltiea have increased ing about seven-eighths of tbe total p..smt ~e Board, The account of Carri e O. Uakin. sq uabble. If our great-grand TIle point oot that the by sixteen per cent and are at prell- volume of construction work In th e guardian of Forest J. Dakin , mi llo .., lution Mr. Israel Scott and family spent Bent above the general average. United States," the board declared, was approved, allowed an d ro nfirmed. children arc born with bum pen on, the week-end with r elativea in DIlY- Farmers of Warren and , adJolnl!1C COIlditionl In EUrope are it's true . "It appears that the recent price "shows that there has been . an inThe court approved , allow,' d and ., "~a" doe In part to the ton. count.lea may obtain money on l!lUII w'tii pJitA"ana ID _ toward the advance, as well as the present rela- c.ease in building activity over last confirmed the a ccount of Joh n W. Mrs. Cora Greene, of Dllyton, s pe nt time 10lln8, at 6l,i per cent Intered. favorable IlJltimellt 'ereated by the tively high level, reflect cbleOy an year In all sectio.. exxo.ept New Ira and Charles E . Keslin g, executors of the estate I)f James KeHling, COMMISSIONERS' ALLOWANCES MondllY with her mother, Mrs. Lew- Cost of sccurlng the sam. \. "ery mofta. .mad. : toward the leWina' of increase in the price of foodstuft's York C:..:ity~.'_'__....__e_ _ __ is Morgan. sonuble .tilrough The Federal Larid dec ea sed. the ,,~~ debta. which alio haa and other agricultural pzoducts rathBlind pensio n. $765.00; H . E. DiIThe court approved, allowed and _•• 1 Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Reed cntertain - Bank. For further lnformatlon caD lion firmed the aCcou.nt of Elme n Shee- atu sh, c or one r. $6.05; Ja ~ . Follen. ed r ellltivcs f rom Sllringllcld and on or addre". M. C. DRAKE, Treuban, executor of the estate of Mllry j anitor services, $ 16 ; Penn Morten, Dayton Illst week. urer, phone Sle-X, Lebanon, Ohio. same $70.00; W . H. Sum age Co., H. Pine, d eceased. . Li ttle Marjorie Martin, of Daylo ll , The accou nt of Sallie E. J oy, ex- supplies for auditor, $:17 .60 ; JohnWANTED ecutrix of tbe eJltllte at S . . G. Joy, son- Watson Co_, sa me, $37 .SO; Clar- is spendin g a few days with Mr. and ST. MARY'S CHURCH decea sed, was approved, al!ow!!d and enc e Mart in, r oadway, $5; Ohio Corr. Mrs . . 1.. N. Ste phens. Eigtheenth Sunday after Trinity, confirmed. Culvert Co., sewers, $490 .40; Central Mr. and · Mrs. Emerson Dill were CASH-For Dental Gold.! Platinum, October 11_ Chure" School at The a ccount of Harry Ivins , Ild- G4rage, gill! and oil, $25. 13 ; OregoSilver,. Dlamondl, magneto polnta. 9 :30 a. m. Mornihg Prayer and minlstrator of the eetute of KaUt nia Bridge Co., bafl5. $4,05; Wilson Sunday', dinne r g uest!! of Mr_ and false teeth, jewelry. an, "alullble.!' Sermon at 11 :00" p. m_ All are cor- Rouster, deeensed. was approved, Paint Co,; Qri4ge ' Pllint, $i2.1l6·; L: Mrs. Rllymon d Os borne, of Xeni ~_ dially invited to come and worsbip allowed and confirmed. W. Nisbit Co., gj.lar~ r ail 011 road, Mi8s M"~re!J lwIorgan, of DaY,ton, Mail today. Cull by ~turn with UII. The rep ort of Sarah M. Jameson. $2 1.60; Perl)' "nil wi\spn Equjpm!ll!t s penl the wee\(-end with her grand- Hoke S, " ll. Oil., O~'AI Mi@lll . , Rev_ John 1. Schaeffer, Rector. executrix of the estate of Mmin A, Co.• .tractor rllPlli1'll. , 11.61)"; MallOI) parents, ldr. -anll ~rIJ. L, M. S~ eph ~ n § :- - ---: J ameso n, deeellsed, wus upproved and Lumber Co., spike I, $4.051 W. p, J plln ~Yl! and family e n ~e$i!1 Mc Carren, gas and storage, f31J./lQ I ed Mr. confirmed. for SIlJldllY Mnller; !'dr..Ottp Mar- .. ...... _ - ' ' ' V • • ••• METHODIST CHURCH Th e gross value of the estate of A. G. Robertson, dragging, $3.00; R. latt lind family, of Co)umbu s, . an~ C. Mount, bridge l'e pait l, $29.60; V. Mr . .and Mrs. Howard BeIlJll, (If n~qf FOR RflN'l'- Qllrllllll. ~~. A!,!ell~ Georg#! E. Harril!, deceased, was Sabbath School, 9 :~6 a. 111•• preachW. T ompkins , payroll. $63.4t'; $2S5 .- Xema. William", 4th &I 'f)-Ie, I\t.;; ' 'aUi ing at 10 :80 a. m. Epworth League found 11> be $29,114.36. Georg. 1::. frybllr ger, exec utor of 60; F. M. Collins, same, $264.66; A. __ ; ~ • ~ B_ J ._ iii di!e _ . - _ 3 , 6: 16 p_ m_ Preaching at 7 :00 p. m ., Mrs. Florence Barnllrd, Mr. anI! T . Re ttig,. sa me, $10S.20; $31.60; Wednellday evenln&' Prayer meeting , the eatate of Mary YIJUllg, deceased , Joe Davis, same . $760,16; Harlan ~rs. Elvis Michael and Mr . . Hermall YOU ..qhtfully expect more than ~ mere followin" of 7 :30. Everybody invited to these filed his dillt1ibut\c}Jft "e~JJ l)t. were Sunday 4innerWhjtacre ~ame, $144.72; Walter Var- Lmdamo od ~our order when you get printin" from this .hop. Charle1l E, Keltley. lldminiatrlltor of services. the estate of EIiZ$ J"ne Kelsey, d e ~ ner, aame, $6.66; Philip Heisel. gue~ts of Mr. Hel :be~ Mar~a~ an~ Rev_ L. · A. Washburn, Putor. W. promille you .ervic:e. Service include. an intel. . ceased, filed his filtst alld final 110. Salll!), $af90 ;Van Cllmp ' StOlle Co., fllml!Y . CIIJ' crusl!@9 ijto ne, $66.70; Gol.d MetUreal .tudy of manulcripl; the proper face. of lype count. The will of Anna Marie Graham, al Oi) CII., ~ Il/WYIl! o.lJ, * 7P~i E. ~. FERRY CHURCH OP CHRIST to be used J perfection ill alipmellt J exact quality of deceased, was admitted to probate. Donnell, per -W. G. '"'t'hPIlIP§!1!h pst" paper; how to cut it; print it. ~d fold it. Mo~g Berviee 9 :80' a. Ill. Bible Fred H . Fisher IIIIS app ointed guar mate on contract 828, $303.uO; J, ~chool, Communion and sermon. Ev- dian of Annll 1\lay Hensley, !'ninor. H . Donnell. payroll, $ 102.70. No job too lima II for our eninr Servico 7 :30 p. m. Song Ser- Bond $400. Quality Printin" Standard. vice and sermon. All are cordially John Hendricks wall appointed ad. invited. minlstrator of the estate of Herman Hendricks, deceased. Bond $10,000. W. E. Scott. Charles Bowyer and RIPE OLD AGE C. .E . Morrison were appOinted app1lllleen. Printed Matter of the Better Kind. A Dinosaur egg found in Mongolill Certified copies o f entry determinil\ estimated to be a million yea1'B old . ing inheritAJll!c tIIx t o be paid was orI think some ODe playled a Joke on dered certified J!l inll matte r of setthe scientlsta by bur.ying one they tlem~nt of the I)s~a~ 01 9 !)(lr ge C. got fr om a cold storage. Harns . de~easc4 .

T op Coat Sale Friday and Saturday

Hundreds of Men's and Young Men's Topcoats and Overcoats



.s15.50 V~:es



$19.50, $21.50 & $24.50



Entire Stock of New Fall and Wiater Fine Wool Suits

15.50 V~:es








$17.50, $20.50 to $39.50






D r. H . E Hathaway






= t::'



rejiO'rts ·

Farmers, Attention!' 1't.-

~ ~





---•., -1':----


----.....-_ ..----


F. T. Martin, Auctioneer



MARIUAGJ:: LICENSES Ethelbert Phoenix, cement worker Fres h S~n-"How is It, dad, that and EvellD Carr, both of FJ1anklin, the night falls; but it ill the day that (aolorcd. breaks?' , Owen Sandllrll, fal:tory worker, of Weary Dad-"In the sunset of life, Middletown, and Hattie F , 1l1~Grl\w, of Franklin. son, It hasn't yet dawned on me." AND FIGURE THIS OUT

. . . ~II!>~-I CAl>.) .. ~.w AItK

IN:lrT9:\)t1 e»'\' G::I'r , ....

Ya:J \l~


h Doeeo°t ~.

,.....~ ­





" " $ I ~\CESI'\:;I\Ra. S ~.3 ~'(" 1oIDoR"T

Centerville, O. Phone Np.

\.VS\. ... Goo!> A..H (5",,,,f AAw"TO t!&r ~

Of'rlCll ...."T

~ ,I>.) ~ 15:


MoR/O.Jtl'<)G P;&I:Av £E" WI-I~ So6:i JUST RAI5.b\:) Me. "Tt:> • IS "\





P'OPO~3~STf.r I¥'Ig~E~isoHTS.





PROPOSING TO "MEND ARTICLE VIU OF THE CONSTITUTION OF THE STA.TE 0' Entered nt the Postofficc at Wuyne3vi lJe, 0., os S~cond CI!lss MII.i~ Matter OHIO BY Ti lE ADDITION Of A NEW SECTION. TO BE D£8IGNATED AS 'ARTICL£ VIIJ .... SKCTION Ill. RELATIVE D. L. C R A.NE , E dilo r and Pu bli;l;or, W"yne ...ille, Ohio TO THE INCUKRING OF INDE8TEDNESS BY POUTICAL SUBDIVISIONS. Subscrj,.tion Price, $ t.50 per year. .J. 0. II r'Jolv. rl b1 ,,;-c;;;~ral AI/IMbly of ,''' Sta t. of OAto t brtt ·6hh. Df tllt membe r. r!imeci to ea r' , hll ulCt (otlCurriuK the relo: 'Tha i ' th ere .hAlI be I llbmmc.J to t be clc.-clur. of Ibe UAfe in Ihe manner pro,·lded by t n," en Ihe fir., Tuu d3.1 "fler t b~ fiut MUlIlht.)' Itt Novelllhn, 19.3.5 . a I;lrnpocal to add a n e w ~(!(' . ( itP I 1(1 the uu Oh 10 lJC kn owo u aruclo VI U • • « ti on 13, to rt ad III f allQw.:


-==~ .•~==~======~=============== THE FLIVVER HOBO BECOMING It is--"his t'li'y repents itsl'lf." ~ NATIONAL MENACE . This m cu n ~ t hal un less cvc r~ one of us takes un acti ve. p c rso n~1 IlIle r. Smnll town s th roughout t h" ,!Ou n - ~s l in talking about the p e lld,~ g tuxt ry aile fuein g a Il'r"winl: and pcr . atiun ullle nunH! nb a nti in urgtlll(' (Jll r pl ~ xing -prub lem in the lal e. l furm fri end s un" bus iness assoc in.tes t o of modern trullIp known us tile "Iliv. v<>te for them on Novembel' 3. th esc ve r trl/.mp." a rrnducl whi "h HCC /lIS three importll nt Illlll'n <lmen.ts will to ho the natu ra r .... ult of misd irccted fnil to car ry throug h luck of Inte rcst. Then· is no orguniwd oppositioD churity. ill .consid ~ l'" d sentime ntality chenp gnsoline. the casc wi t h whll'h 11 to the nmendments. They lire care . well- 8~ilHo n cd lIiv vcr mu y be obtui n. rull y urnw lI by a sUlto.wid e com. cd, plur objection to wurk 0 11 th" miU~e and ure designed to co rr ect !,alt o~ thllt portion uf our pOll ul ati,," seriuus defects in the Ohi o Cons ti . that bJllieves th e wo rld olVes 11 8 hv. lu tio n. ing. . On the ::lrd pllge of the GllzeUe is a A surv ey in th e ~tllte o f Arkllnsa_ copy of the slImple ballot ca r ryi ng r evenl! pregnunt facts touchinl: on the text o f t.lwtie amelldme nts as they thia modern fornl oC nOllllld mondl- will be prcs"nteci to you when y O'J eaey 'The "flivver hobo" uRuslly. i ~ en ter t he voting booth. Rend the m nccompnnied . by a fairly la rge fnmtly . carefully lind t hen vote acce rdinll'ly. He appi!lll'8 in towns nn d vilillge", and Ili'Plics to vari ous socinl IIgenFrllnk I. Cobb. noted ed itor of The cie8 tor finallcial help . He is fa r Ne,," YOI'k World. lea ves a n estale from ~of!lll. . . .He .bas been forc~d hy of $5,099. of which $4.~ 8 2 is in inpoor lallol' ''c'1l1idltio'ns to move from l!uranee . He munuged to snve $2, his old surrou ndings. Tho " fiivv ur' 403 in cas h. Moralizel'1! may bolJ was his only· hope. Now he is strand- t his to be n mo num ent worth while ed with ~ \s w.ife an d childre.n. He but it will be hard for the widow t o has lie fix ed destination, a nd 18 pass- Mit in its s hadow. ing along from town to town with no solution of'the problem in s ight any. Mary Crox80n dies in Brookll"n. where . • THe lisua l requests a re for N. Y•• leaving morol\ thlln $2.000.000 mOlloy,. for gasoline. oil a nd repair• . in cash. after li ving in a tillY roo'" und for food. . Offers to buy the like II pnuVer . If the fe llow who "lIulomQbil,," 'Inti ~c nd them home has nothin g could on ly live as if he by train rench lIeaf caTS. The "/Ii,·. hud $2 ,000,000 .it might en n m a;. or is t heir· only hope." thC!y say. ·ters up II litlle. The wQl'1!t phase of th" s ituution lies ill the pl'olJl C! m presented, the A Chicllgo youth says he likes the cbi ldren, often undenoourished !lnd irls that don't s moke, pet or drink . stripped of. all opporlunlty for schb ol gnnd when he gets ready to mllrry he ing. They . db not rcmllln ' in anyone 8pot long' onough to come und er the 'will pick ono. ·BUT, in t he menntime juriKdii!tion of the nuthorities; a lso. he likes to kill time with t he crnzy Aint Humlln Nsture Wonder. for t1il\ most part • .local offi ci als orc fones. ul? more dlaPOlled t o! 'pl\S8 them along te Bomo other community ruther th an The Bank ot England, know'! us 8ad dl~' t'li'e expens'e an d respongi l,ili. " Th e Old Llldy of Thrcadneedlo ty on their own county taxpayers. is to have its his tory writt.en The " fli vyer " hobo" brings again Street" fro m "the huma n si de," which pr". Mh urp ly to mind thllt' at best charity vidos Is bul a pnllilltivll h nnd that more than uuthor.a tough j ob for so me inspirin~ ever the world needs S'hme cha nge in ita Bocial slstem that will cstnb l!sh Recently a /l orist in a Ncw York even justice. III its place .. As administered tl\1lr1ty seems cillefir to de- s uburb gave bis wife a new lawn velop ' the very condition ,ts good mower for the birthdllY present. Thi" hearted bul shull ow t hi nking udvo- equals the husband who gnve his wife a new ax for her wedding present. cates seek · rather to . r clieYe.


.~ '.

. .next lt1

ARTICLE VIII. Sec. 1J. Nu bond., \lutH. entitle.tet of in. dtbtet1nu.. or ocber e\'idencc of Indebt~d ne .. Ii balJ be- i .. uc:d by an, C'uunt" schoul dlltn, c~. town.hip, mun lcil><U corporati on or other poliu· cal .uhrfivi:dcm ur ta.xinR d il trict f or currc:nt tlJlCfOI tinR ~xp~nJe, or fo r the acquisition or conltructioh of "n1 pro(lC'rt y or t.mpro\'ement h av ing ft.n e. timi\ t c; d usd ulnen of 1e:1I thUl five rean; hut I"w. may be pa Sll~d .utbondn., hnr. l owirlJl ftlr a period n ot c:wcr~lII~ .iI: mO nl ~'


:'/(~~i~b~O~u;:eDt{h en:~r~t;~~ i~ ~icl;U:u:


indtbtc:dnr.... ia Incuned/ or au th ori&in. in debt· in on tidpatlon., t he lev)' or ~lI ectl (JG II f ' lipecial aUeumenh or for .defr~Y l ulC l~t e.xpensu of an extraordinary epldcDIlC of dll' e :1I4: or emeri eoc)' CXpc:nlt made nrecllary b7 . uddcm ca. ualty which could not r·c alOn.. W,. h.'tc beeD forluC'tn, or to p rovide for t.!'e p~y. ment of linal judgmcnll for pertKlnat lo j uries or other non~ont rnc tu aJ obli ll".11.on s, N o Lond. or notes illued for the acquIsitIO n or conltruc. tion of pro~rty or Jmp rovemenU IbaU ,un for Ion~er tb an tbe prohable period of UKf uln e.. of u)( h properly or improvements. to be d U· m:nN or determ Ined a. pro1'idcd b, la w. tnlximwm ma turitiel herein authori zrd. L~ . . ""all t... o••",d to 6& ,h. fiacal ,un of polillcal .abdiYu iune nn d t u: lnj' diltricu and to de.~~ nate tbe hollrd. o r officen by whom and ~'"' I'l'\lU1nl'r U. .hic:.h the e.timate. al to the penod of u .. fulne .. of .r.roperty or improvement•• b~J M made and cerbfied. W ith in the limita.l ioDa of lhU Metton law. maT be palted fiXlOW tha mmnsum maturi tf of bond. or note. iuued foJ' &DI. purpou or cla.. of purpoaa.. 8, I, / . ,.,11., "solrJ,d , 'rbat at .ueh cJectioa above refl'rrcd to th l.. .haU be placed on the o tfi ciaJ &al lot in tbe mannH fl'Ovl<kd b)' la. in . ucb fo nn .1 tbe I~rct.r, 0 .tatc deeirna te. If the 1'Qt«. for the proposal .ha CICud thole agaln.t it. tl:J il amendment a lab df••1 00 the fint d07 of ]aoua.,.. 1926. Adopted ilardi 27. 192!.

Watch YOUr edition


of this paper and




t'n~r~ent" ~emBnd I. I'

~q se~ice



\"U!'JKEY-SIlYO .,o,wer, r_ eR~;"n8. i.b )\" v IlPc;i aRl/far. Jrav1tate .. ,. .~18 .. .. til il'\ oem s RifT" I. !l . \1> .;; !lllle tQ ... Vl\~· ~ T9!\ dy ~(l! In W"Ip-.\.... (If III tem the mi"dB IIf her IIt~dentt, her 'fll , llima lind hl)pcI 1Il'~ ot ~ .h~h oNf!r. She 1111\1 beliaves in . a1;!~Qlll~ Q.O:-Q1'em-

"'"~ r~n"r.·, <lft~NPLJ:l\-~"e


B. "


by'" e, ...

,,d ,ol AII_bl:1 . f Itot. 01 Ohio "three·fifth af the memherl el«lrd to each bou.. cODcur rina therein : n it IbHe be ,ubmitted to the dector. of tle ".te. for tbeiJ' app roval o r rticclion. at the electlpft to be beld on the lint alter the Int Mon dA')' lb Noverube r, 1925. a pro. PO'" 10 Im."d article XII . _tloo 2 of tb40 ~tilu"OD of tb. or Oblo. 10 u





ow. ;

ARTICLE XII. ~ ·3. J......ball be p..-S. luln. by 0 IUllform rule &11 real el tate and Improvcmenu tbenoD and all tlJll"i..W. ptl'aonaJ property. aero co rdln. to tbeir true "'alue i n money, eu:ept'n,

n'olO, .c1Ilcl.. .boll be '....d u may be p.ovlded br la... All mOlle" •. crtdi... bond'

atocb and . U otbc:r Intanllib t prope rt,. thai j br: proyided by law . Dm all bondJ ouutandina (m tbe tint day of J anuary 19 13, o r Ih • •tate of O hio or of an, cit,. vill.~, hamlet, ~unt)' or &own.hip in thit at... or wbich have bun i-ll utd in be.h.a lf of tile public ~bool. in Ohio and ,be m..... or

be wed u may!::cdJ"un~~Q~ide ~~irl~w!:iiOf1&11~a ~~

('II canltitution for the world Wolf ~rupa:ua. tl on '.and••hall be exempt from taaatioo; and btarrinc _round., public . ehool bouci. hoUHI uted udulh'ely for publ ic \ynrship. inatitutiQn. UNci ••clulh,eJy for ~ri l abJe purpo~• public pr·openr UlCd U :dlUlh·itl" for ADy pubUc

~"tI ~\l\ld


tiQn :b!!twe(mp~" a\l1d ""eben.





ARLE'SI:~}«~'~~;. ~~t~eal ., bel'!~ 1111,(,. aJ)QYI: I"~. ""!11i!-.. "er,

~ . ~f~.tWt)~ ~.~if.~;~1' ~I!f W.A~· · TLLI"" M' ~6 ' .. ~_ILlng ZZU; -\ .~-'l!9.4 _.. . , ' lre . ~ . j~ :" lJ.u~.... ~ ~1.1t:I\t,ntl: ~~. It. B' . it :x \ .W;>@O.,~...-~ a y!lung .• rna~ygg~e~ h,Ii~d to work. prop·· l~ ·wl1 ~)t<UII ·- imlelf life's \If"4 ':1~ i·.... .:.:.: .. .' ;;;r.t~' Wtf.\! ~'any; h'- auc· Wtf, aro, n,,;,,~ . tS~.~ . h



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.,...0'.... -"!.-;'~C"x.~lB,;~'

S - !. All dectlve Counly o!lice", . boll be metod.. tb. 11..1 Tu..d., aft.r the fihl "Ollila, la NQ""mber b, the doc •• ", of -r. 10llnly lor 0 o{ f Ol1. " '. .... B. ,. ••r«l 10•• ,,,.Iv.d. That atIball thebeclec.llooa, .,.. uch PlOpo.a1 pIaa:d ~ft~~O~ial'la..ballomlatlndeo.u,.,Cnb....- .... I'" - .~., m f doe ..,... for I • proposal . ...11 IbOM ""a1ell It the .m""""..,t . balt .. inla dlllet ]"'''''7. i. 1926. oricin.1 _lion •

i, /.." ....~riod

or,'TAl~ ~ril~'OV1N,Sta~~Of SIal•. tht SI... or Obi", "" 1Ie,.It, om lIIat the _tIUtN co' ......r 011, co.... po"" Ity m. ~ orIdaal. file Ia 1D7 oflic~: .... Ia olld'al <"'Iod, r Sec.... tall' ~ 10, :!haM. an'" ' te trueth.an861b COT~ "!to hoo,,".Io. adopt.d by GEn. <rat uembl7 01 lho Sllle of Ohio on W.rch








c..n.e BidC·




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4. 19a5.

led I.

article V.I.II, _ion IJ. _Ifn to Dcurrin. or hulclHO<l1leOl b, J>OIItlc:ai ••11dl.lalona, a04 of • JoI,,1 Reoohllooo .dopt«l by tI.. 86lh c......l A'_h17 .r· lh. SIlII. of ObloliteonSec"'la., M.",h 26.of1925 In lIIe office .f S,..lo.. . .<WIfiled April 4. I92S. plO"".lnl 10 am •• ' wtIch XIJ, occllon I 0 the Con.lilu""" 10 . . 10 jlrOVla. f", ' ~ ' " uniform •• of aD ..,"I ' allte a"d *""ribl. doo .be

p'. ....

00Dl III




~-D'; R~~ Sel'Wee ,.~o; ". .' ."

0' A"cuCA.

0' OHIO.

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:17-. of lbe S.. r.t.". of'S~ ~rll Ibe ollocepropooI,:( I. am.... . b":~~ · ~ ~~e Id~~:a·ltll:b="O~ri·on~":::


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,.- ,, c:'e~ 'far' S:u rp. .s ;ll,I,s , 8B~. ~

F Young




lIal. or Ohl. 10 roed ARTICLE nr. s.c, ,, TIM cove",or. lleul_ II'OftmOT. of ltale. ... auditcw . Dd al· \WIIty "nt,a1 ,ball Ifea.u, hold doel. 0&.. for four Thi. lerm. of 081• ., u.ail commen« .. Bro. • Won'" . 1 JIlIlIlUt aft., tholrthe.llIellon ...t. <antinut "Dlil oul th.i •• UC: . lbefOU con.tilul u ..... : i... of ...



' 'ere ~ho.e


~~c~ 1vWic!~l_"i'1!. ~ ,:r:~i~ir o~


~8 W '~UI' .


II OF ARTICLE X Of' THE CONSTITunON OF TtfIl STATE OF OHIO.. TO ' PROVIDE FOR TERMS OF OFFIC.. Of' NOT LESS TItAN YEARS. - B ••FOUR it ,"oJvrd ,... tAo C",wal A,motbl, .f , .. S,." of 0.;', th r... fifth. of the membnw elect... 10 - . . bOUle cOllcurria, 'b. . . . , ThaI " - ,hoU be l ubmill«l '0 lb. "OCIO.. of dI~ .taoe for , approval 0' ",jcet"" at tho ....lIon 10 be held 00 ,b. fir •• T_d., .ftc. ~. Ilnt Mnnd:ty in Novembe-t. J'25, " pro-poaal 10 ammd _ tion 2 of ... icl. III and

be~c4...s: :t ... io.::'.t:

Whatever you,are fitted for. )tdu,.Wl . attain by usIaI' your P'pw¥':.~ .~e:ri"ht ..wal'.

notOED HENDERSON-.Fred 'until some folks are flnt I h to upo k .n n ·thelr backs do t ey carn 'Iooking up. . GEORGE TI[ROCKJ4t)RTON GeobtQ once 1'.\4' (Ire no atatuel ;1 ta who th,ought i\ ,·leave weD enough aJone. Jt.. ... ·RY BAILY-P08e88es;' a char.-A mhllf personality and a ' u II an d ' acute of •. tlte N of ature. ·.- ,... 1u "' -' ,•\ , , :.' . • \

:M1CT~ A~lli.~~~o<: :~¥~TI~

92. 4.~~ . " . th, Brown Street, "." -. .....:.:. S.... TJa · ... J . '. ""~. . . .~ . . . .r

r~ J:: ~t~~t=~~:j,r~~ ~:,o;i:; a ,.,In. llMotudon .4optca ht..t.'!- ..,. GEn~

~A9":!I1I~ afedth;:. f=~~ ~."L1:I':r:J I., ..... rli 21 19Z! P---'D8 to Ullend....

tI::'t :rPortidi ur• • ~i of Article X """ to ..... -UDl\ 2 artfcl. 'XVII ...d .octl",,) OIl

of • 'tiel. X of 1110 ..... Illula of .....late ., Oklo, to pro.i", for lunIo of of DOt . . .



lY1rlE Mrs. Edd Lengo.cre and daughter, dAgnes, were Gem City, visitoJ'll, Thurs ay. Mr. nnd Mrs. EU RusseIJ returned L b Friday from a m otor trip to e anon, Ind. Mr. Therle Jon es returned to school Thursday after being absent for !leVeral dnl/ll' on nccou:nt of sickness. . Mrs. Will Loy, of. Ridgeville, was a dinner guest, Wednesday, of ~r. nnd Ml'1I. Floya S Elvnge an d f nmlI y. . and "OIJ'II. 'A ,rthur White and U '" r children, of JUDayton, were week.en d guests of Mr. and Mrs. K-eaJor Gra. ham. d Mr. nnd Mrs. liIBl'old Burge an children, of Dayton, ape.n t the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Sims. , Ch I Cia k nd Wal Mesdames or (lS r a _ l er Kenrick saw "The Lost World" th t i Dayton on eo er n , . M.r. nnd Mrs. H. .M .. Clnrk entertaining tbia ee~l the latter s Bon and wife, Mr. a d Mrs. Robert Whalen, of Elgin, IlL . Dr and Mrs. L. G. Broelt left Friday by motor for Indianapolis. Ind., to visit their lIOn lInd wife, llr. and MJ'II. Glenn Brock. d l. h Mm. WilbUl' Hathaway and ' aug _ ter MarJ' orie, . Mrs ... W. M. CGleman b indI little Thelma .'KearnB were L eanon shoppers, Thursday. Mrs. Frank WooDey, of Dayton, returned' home atter a couple of VlBlt With her parents, Mr. and Mrs • .William Brown The north end of Lytla wlU aoon be equipped with e.'1 ..... _ . Mr. Heathman, of Xenia, . was. in town .1.' to that Fr l'd ay, m .... lng ar r _.. n"'ements , ell'ect. uc G' . Mr. and Mrs. Hlarry ...c IOm8 . ~eturned Sunday evening, after .pendin.... a eonple of days with Dr. and L. B. Hall andl children, at Way. nelville. I


Mond~y d.~ys .eyen~e, ec~,c . "~hta.


Mr. ud MI'8, W'. H. Coleman en. ,",,_lour_f."'". "R.OF , ...aaft..... .......... t'e rtained one day last week .Ml'B.. T.f 1ft TltSTfMONY WR", Eo • h" ..... ' u.... rllled m, name ...d a/filled till's.: H. Gatea and da ug: ter, lDarJ9 e, 0 T1 .... Columbu •. Oh;'" "'I. lot day of Davton, and Misa Mar)' Rlcen. of - . \ . U. 192!. THAD H. BROWN . Ci;cin.Da~


~~~.~.~V.E~IJ.!I~" Q _~dl~!..~I:: -:t! .'~J)~!'f0N, OHIO Sienter;, rl s;.. Sunday . dinner UUelte of ' 'Mr., and '.r,\l ~~ ~ ' -W ! .. '...... r~. t . r .~olo~ ,':,,:!-=,,;,.;-:.~=.if'{~~;=.~~'... . =.-=.-=.-::,-=-:-=.-:-:-=.-:-=.-:-=."~I -=.~~~~~=~==~== I Mrs. Winlam Colelllan .w ere: , ' ,Jir" ~ I and Mrs. Stanley ·E:. South _d ....ugh W I ~ ~ j!I~ O(.tll\"(\"~ll". ANYTHING BUT THAT tern, Virginia Mae and. Hazel Marie, ~.ui D1Jlm~'I'-Tbll prjlctical, of Loveland. . ".. ' \




.. •• Fifty or more from this place atFOR RESULT _ tended the reooption nnd donation..... USE OUR for the new pnsto r and wife. Rev. CLASSIFIED nnd Mrs. T. L. Stotler. nt the SpTing- • • _ AD. COLUMN boro M.· E. church, Friday evening. . . , A very social time was enjoyed by all. Mr. lind Mrs. Glenn Johns nnd two children, of Dnyton, Mr. and Mrs. Tbe Eye Siah t Sp.ciali.. . ' . J. B. Thomas, of Cen t er vi lle . Miss Mllry Cook and Parry Cook. of Waynesville , w ere Sunday IIfternoon nnd evening g Uests of Mr. and Mrs. Cbas. Johns. Lebanon, Ohio Miss Louella Longacre hllS purchased a Ford coupe which she drives to and trom her scheol !It Ridgeville. 8 :00 a. m. to 4 p. m. WE GET THEM QUICKLY A.ND Mrs. Mary Carmony is cl,ljoying a FREE OF ·CHARGE fine rndio, a birthday gift from her <CALL US ANY TIME AT OUR HAVE YOUR EYES [EXAMINED brother, Mr. Elmus Garrette, of ChiEXPENSE cago, who is spendiftg this week with her. Sunday-School officers were elected lost Wednesday evening, as follows : ·HOW'S THIS? HARVEYSBURG, o . Phon" 8 Jesaie Long8Clre, supe rintend ent; lIALL'S CA"I'ARRn MIilDIOII'QD ..,u, Martha .Graham, aaslstant-s upcrill ten10 what wu c ll1l m tor tt-rld. your sv.~m Jt Catarrh or Deafncsi CIID.ell IIJ' d!lllt Therle Jones, secretary; Eva Wharton assistant; Edith Cram, orC(lI~I~~'i.'s CA TARR EI MI!)DIClIVIII e ••• gllnist; Agnes Longacre, IIssistant; ll8to ot ;m Olntmell t wblch QII\cldp Re 'h e catarrhal InllsmmlLtion. Inll Myrtle Cox, treasurer. the Intor",,1 Me dicine. a T onic. which lo ta through tbo Blood On tbe MUcou. Mr. and Mra. Charles McDarr, Mrs. Surtaces. thus re8lorln~ normal con41Joh~ Hennessy, of Urbana, and Mrs. Dentist tl ons. John Sullivan, of Chicago, spe nt Sold by <'Iruggl.ts tor ove!' 46 ,;~ F . J . Cbeney &:. Co .. TolecJo, 0 ..,.0. Tuesday of last week with Mrs. Mc- Wa,neewle Natio nal B"nk Blda. Dan's line Ie, Mr. Samuel Haines and 'I wife and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kenrick. They also called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Hnrdman. ~~"1H~"1H~"~"'."'."'.' Mr. and Mra. Albert Stacy hlld for their Sunday dinner guests, Mr. and Ml'1I. William Lackey lind children, Mabel and Ralph, of Middl eto~, Mr. and MJ'II. William Null, of Spnngboro, Mr. and Mra. Russell Burnett and children, Mr. and Mrs; Dearth Sheehan.. Mias Cleo Stacy returned home with Mr. and Mra. Lllckey to s pend this week and attend the Hnmilton fair. Mr. and MrR. Wilbur Clark entertained to Sunday dinner, in honor of the birthday of the latter's mother. MJ'II. Mary Gannony, the following guesta: Mr. Elmus Garrette). of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Frank uarrette, MI'8. . Harry Mitchell nnd dau g hter, 01 St. PnriB; Mr. and, MI'8. G. W. Younce \' and Miss Kathryn Clnrk, of Waynes'1 ville, Miss Mildred Clnrk, of Contuville Messrs. Evere tt Clurk and Olau'de Ria'gs, of Dnyton, and MJ'II. Myoy Oup1ony.




CMl. .tcno ·•••'··up 11 In".8fI ' inte'i'e8~nlr

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hl.\man I how to be at home, anel' ne pl'ae"'~·· know "dge at JIC)" __ I . ." Ute. . ": ' : " ....... .. ""Y'< A:Dl>A TH'OMAS~Life (iepends '. upo'n the' ·II·OU' · and .... vell elt~.J'esal,on .. s· ,,. of 'God" Imprel8lons' in o\!,r 8OU.... r . . . . Clua of 1901 . . "" . Jl.UTB SMItJI-,-a.p .mle, .omel w1io 'If etb. " ~~CB ~Jifi.LER-V'Woa fa the



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•• ' ••""""""""'.:

\aLmbIe Building Suggestion~

Walter McClure





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Every Tuesd~y .

Dr" John W. Miller


;. . young bride hBII sued for divorce . . . on .the g'11Ounds tW her husbnnd ' Ml's. GUy RoutZllhn and daugHter; wiped his handll Q tile. gueat tcnreL Geneva, returilea liome ." after a. week's' visit: wi~ her]ltllj j:'U:r~E~ ~IREc;TOR ' ... .0 Joslalilr Boitnott, at , _ _ 1lIr,'. a' ad ' . TH>\.~ .,HE:. Quy.s,nON ~Oe City. ( y!AYNESVIU.E, OHIO (, )' t . V_.' 1O"orest Graham ' at:O~It ....- .. Boy-o~boy. 't'e go .... u >/!'.. .. I t L-... .. u mebile at last. ..... n orta' '.t4!lIlo,eo_ tunerall of Oharles, _u _ I" L ' I>o. O. F • .homo, of .... tate 'a hU)''' . at M"lmi chap_I -..".a::;,..·. ~U.p «Ir_. . down 'l'" ~ aftemoon. u' . . .;,

At Cary's Jewelry Shop

Harveysburg Fertilizer Co.


r@\.:n; "


~~~~~~~~'~~~~~~~~-~~~~~.-~-~.~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~,~~~~-\~·j: ~-"·"""~"~""S"~"~"~~~C:-a~lt~o·n"u·o-:f~o~r~~~o~~~U~r~J~O~b~P~rl~·n~b~·a~

~~1"O:rlrtl~~~0:..l .,!::'j~fx.-n~~ ~1!~a~tate.




WARWIC" We who k HERBERT • H ... now erb; so well lUl~jatQ and inde ed adiniiA;.t hiB IIl,vtnl1lble powers of h .... speee , ""~f O{\!\Ilot l1e BUl'VMMd; he tearneQ tl\q .rt. to per · of (rivi-ag eapre88ion to his though~ In ~ mQlt elia!)ning way. X of Ibe .....litu.m. 01 the ...te of Obio .ball JOl{t{ Wl1.LIAMS - John says ...."'IIe<\. 'he Ceneral A....... beaut~ Is tlnly skin deep lind mnny hi, haq po_ ..... adhul 0, ""tellc! pe.ople nee·d pee ling. ::::~ I~ dletl the p~ (To be continued.) M9~I~ AId 17. 1925.

certnilll~ (I~l~'· 4;re'!.~~ ~do ~ul~~t fectio~\

th~Mia1lti Val1~1J!


nn eloq ue nco ))o\verful .talr Uta: ~::;:nf~~ Ole propou) ah~1 exceed A t!ff:ltprt l?~sume 01 tlte' ,iOy, enough to Het .1111 hl.\outa aglow with 1110.. ...inu il. Ihi. Imtndmenl II.. U UIao . dfett on I~. finl day of J.nuary 1926. aDd CIi"r{l(!tf:riftic, 01 £flch EVA FUNKEY- To be tnntural, on,inal Itttion 2 of arti de XII 01 the. COOIti, t'u uon .baJJ be nopealed and lDDuUed, v nRd. Euer {;raduate s innere. teac hable to love to se-rve Adop.ed March 26. 1925. ...., ,, and not to r ul e ; to be helpful; these ARTICLE In. SECTION 3; 'ARTICLE X. ;fJ! the Wayneso.ille nre the waves on which her strong SECTION ~ . Schools hellrt of love tune. PROPOSING TO AMEND SECTION Z OF

MARTUA O'NEALL-Out ot her nature hBII been woven the heroic fib f h n-< . er 0 w ·IC h m .. n¥J'lS are rna d eo W'"ltt." II, la Gr.du.too< This. nnd her Inextinguishable Faith I hall made and capable ot -~____- - - - - - - - - - ' 'engagi ng inheraUstrong the aetivitles of philh I k ant rop e wor . EDITH CRANE- \Ve" s hould culCl... of 1900 tivate an intense esire for the bet. f' k GE'ORGE BESS--One of the ~est ter thmgs 0 hIe that go to ma e things to hllve up your sleeve IS a home and its environments funn"# bone. . CI... of. lto1 El.IZABETH WARD- Her lite revealed the chllracteristic humor nnd CAR~ .tIESS-The · school of ex· I · pathos which made her so POpu ar pcriel'lca stays open all night. am'o ng her friend s. . LA WRENCE SHERWOo n Cnya ~ is LENA HARTSOq K- lier life is a the only merit or stigml\ which &ttong storr flf 1\ ~tr9ng character. .attached to being elth~~ rt~ or poor DAISY ScuOOLEY She hlld an depends entirely, \w1I1'\ "ow much exn pression w~ gtv~ ~ God's impressionfl lI1\d desire fo's,' tur- of duty in OUI1 soula. or

RglHal'kab 2 E~ is in the Historu £


J1, II '.rIMF " 101" ,4, That at .uc' elcctfoa above rl!!erred to tbit amen dmen1 sball bI placed Oft. tbe official b:lliot. In tbe manner Pf~ "idtd b, Jaw, in l ucb f orm .. llIe .ecteetar7 of



next t4!eck lOT im. porUml in/ormar ion !

The fa mous Flo Zeigfcld says ho has sccn mllny painted pictUres of l1 d pretty girl~. but few pa inted g irls ~=;. n :. ::~i~l! 'i~50~~u~ro&:!'tr'Q~dr!d To talk a bout the August primary that mnke pretty pict ures, nnd yet h e dolla,. for any fndjvi~u.l. ma)' ~ ,eDeral I...... election ' witlf' its notoriously lij?ht 'runs t he Folli es. Inconsistency, thy be c.umplcd front faadon j an law6 may be vote lIeeml Uke ancient bistory in this nllme is Flo. f::~r.~auP'i~~~e t::~::!ti~~ o10~ :::a!~ at.te an d the mort,aif: or tbe debt HC' ured rapid". ri\lIvlll'g, I'nllJ'Ch eil events, but the reb,. or otber lien Upon it, but all .ucll there : ~ )In·' old adage thllt g ives us Now the Riff rail's would like Un law• • b:a.1I be .ubj't<: t to "ltendon or repeaJ: warn~nr as we go rushing II10ng to .nd Ibe .alu. of al p"'PEny. 10 .....'p'.d, .• haU, cle Sam to break int o the picture. fl'Olll time to time, bt atcen aioed and PUDl!.ahea ward,. the November 8 ballot box. As if we hadn 't eno ug h at home. at m ar be dirC'< te d by I.",. TH-::. NOV. EMBER ELECTION


the D"yto" New!, Herald and lournnl

One oft

.' F.armer to young .,man the ",ant,'big pay for seme one· who has never done allY farm work." .:. .. . "Well I ftguro ~ ·i t will' bo ''Yorth mote·.be~ulie .it'll take me longer."..


. l'RY 'AND .GET .I.T .: .

·Wayn~~vm.e, Ohio

' citY~"YOQ

. -.

young mlln, you- have a Wed.- lot<IIoftlJlri\, nerve to ask tp mOlTy my,

daughter whenl'ou're ci'n ly earning ~SO "a. w.eeJt, nat w~'t pay yo.u r


, ..



You dOIl'~ 1Il~ to . " you'U cha. GIad7l and, DIe rent!' "Rentl

tum~)er ' "ard ;·· . , .

••~____~______~____------------------~------------~~~--TH--J tMIAMI ~I

Teacher Reai gns


l'it'J'f.,n' w '

ur Air V"fel1s '

l .h la Bcnhllm, ()r mnl1 ~' )' 0' 11 ' " G popular t ar h~'r o'f thl' W",""" . il l." Jrudc " hQII I, h!lP re"Jtm,d h!', 1°'·' Ion. to the r g l' ~ t of 1111' hi" d ,II II th" "ntr<ln~ uf t h.· , (' h ••,,' I II hnr yean of "Tvice Mi. II nhnm hn. Always g lv II untill'" .nU ., flh"·,oI 1 We hnvt' not IL'nrn .. d wh,' \I dl , :>k .· Iwr 1)lnct'. I



\\' (I Hili ~r" 11\ 1lU'..l lJ l

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h i '" I III". a nd t •• lf t ;!.. f

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Pntro lll Zl'

Clermont Heaters, I and Ranges

'I d , '


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U. S . Le ft . tn. right. the y a re; Vict'· "i'OIl rf r.llchl/ta n; Chalrmall DWight ~ , 'c n' fa ry Wm . F . Durond.


~' e

hav e special hins for Seed W heat. VV c change our sIeves before l1 S l1l~ . \Ve do !l o t handle rye, so there is !lO Ch ,ll Cl' o f (~e t\ in <s P 'C in your Seed W heClt at Ou r [VI; 11.



_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. _



nit e rl Hh lll.

" Th f' II r1'H.'(, r c.. lit l ~ "ll" ld "fl l Coolidlf(>'c:, ai r bouret. nnW tn ses~jo~ at "1' : .. ' n .'< Ih.·,' I"' " "l' th en hrrculenll t ... k nr fi nthn g ,m .' 1



~ l tl t1i l llY

II\' ,

Without M ixing With Other Whea t



~idl ''''''

and Mr '1 .:< 'r", I,d 111'1 1)1' , II ll d

mW 8





Guarante ~d


~ Waynesville Mill Coa ~ Ice Co. -~~~'!~-I '- _. SPECIALS THIS WEEK . 11



lzaak Walton League ~f America



Theft"" \\,Ii hl' an 1I1'1'r\ Il\ t · l · tll1 ~ ,I f t h l' " Il ank \\· " It •• n I. (' a).~ul' ,. f A .lw r h·a " in \V Hy tl " ~ \' lllti ,'11 T Ul.. ~ day . .O rt,,Jlc r ~ " clck. Th.".,· ":' Pl'Hl-.l ' l' fr o lll ~prin~flL' ld .

\ ;lth . li t

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l! l \tl1 ~ atlt ' rI H .I·


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ht' r :-; h ~l d

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thnl l·iJ;: ht addpd t o

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n( ' w ' nU' Il1-


IPl o l



Waynesville, Ohio

~-== ~===========

H,·" i,· lIippl e a nd Mr. 0 .. Ed\\' HI . f L ~ \\' is were quietly nlurried W,·t!nt'sdn y e" n i n~. Sl'ptember 23. at :\·Yinmi sbul'g. The ccr('m ony was perr",·",,·.! hy }«'\'. i\lathill ~. o f the Il d Mm churc h. ~Ir'. Le\\' is is u rlillll!ht ~ r of Mr. lind ~In . .I ';"cp h Hipp le, o f Miami.hllr~- . Mr. I.,,\\,i. i~ the son n f Mrs. B(.nhn L('\\'i~ . of Wuyn t's\'iJl (' .,e C. n Aprie.oh .... .... .... .. 17 "Rub ·No· More So.p, 7bara Z5c

M t's . CY llthia Evuns il spendin~ tw o weeks with relativea in Norwo od .

2 25<: boltel Rub.No· Mo re



Hi .. heat pricel paid for .. II kiDd. of Poultry. C .. II ua befo r.. you .ell. Our tru c k will call fo r them a ny time .

Mrs. Kate Coleman IR spending a few days wit h Mr. and Mrs. Harry Turn er , in Dayton.

GLOVES-Light weight; good ones .. . .. ... . 1Dc

Mr. a nd Mrs. William Hayes , of Pa rkersburg, W. Va .• are g Ue;\ts of Mrs. Am elia Williams. Mrs. E dith Harris, Mrs. Rionald Hawke and Mr. Harr is Moshor wei'!! Dayton visitors, Tuesday.

Milk.Fed Frie ro- Rou tin g Chicke n. on hand. at a ll t im e •.

LOOSE-LEAF NOTE BOOKS-Both sizes .. 10c-25c : BIG 10


200 pages .. . 1Dc







............... ..•..........."........-.........._.I Bring your Eggs to Kroger

Free Crank Case Service

... 10c

KARO SYRUP B:~ I~~:~. 10c Pork&Beans ~o~::;~~l~~,•. 15c Campbell's, 3 cans for ... 25c


7c 2!~r? 20c ~w?t~~~. 41 c .~!!!'!!~~~ 29c Onions . Milk 2 .'J~ 15c Corn ' -- -- . ~ B~tter 55 C 1.0c ~ountry Peal '. 1'0- Lard 21c U~~::.. _ C' TOni~!~!... . _.10c ~~}!P ' 3...~ . . ....... 1Dc Countr,. Club, l·lb loa f I ~v , pol' nd Loaf.. ......

... . IOe

pound ...... .... .. ..

Ib ............... Frenc.h, lb ........... .. ......... .... .. .. .. 47<: Golden Santo •• Ib .. ... .. .. .... .. ... ·35e

Ib . .. .: ......

Ye ll ow Gl obe , 4Ib. .. .. .....

"..; Wi......

Club, lb... ...........

F rHh rendered, lb......... ,. .


t l :.( 'd a d illfl(' r pilr t y 111

J.1 ~h l1nun .

~ I iss

Anni e Brown, of Columbus, ' nt-th e \\' eek-e nd with her sister, Miss Mnm i' Brown , of the Friends Home.

S unday din n er g uest s of Mr. and II .' B. F:ol'nhu r t were Mr. E. F. F:nrnhnl't and f amily. Mr. and Mrs. Kurl Dabb a nd so n. Mr. and Mrs. Hurvey Rye enter· taine d Su nday, Mr. a nd MrA. Ronald Hawke und 5011, Mr. a nd Mrs. Rus· sell Salis bury and family. Mr. W. T. J ohnston, of Hoopeston ,

m .• and Mili Ella Ebright, of Dayt on, are vi siting MF. and Mrs. />. H. Farr and Mr. Thomllg PlsrQII.


Mr. J . C. Waterhouse. who spent last, week hunting and fishing in Canado. returne d home Sunday evening. H e I!'ot quantities of ducka .and fish. Mr. and M1'8. Leater Gordoa lett Tu esduy for New Orleans. where they will attend the Triennial conventio n of the Protestant Episaopal chu rch. Mr. nnd Mrs. Myor Hyman and t heir g u est, Mrs. Shalott, of Peoria, III. , Mr. and Mrs. L . A. Zimmerman saw "The Miracle" at Music hall. Cincinnati, last Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rye, Mrs. Violn Carey, Mr. and Mrs. Irving Welch, Messrs, Frank Thomu and J esse Thomas were dinner guelrt.s. S unday. of Mr. and Mr!. Leste r Ke n· ri ck, of Ferry. 1I'Ir8. Hany King. Mrs. Walte r Whitnack. Mrs. Elmer Griesmare, of Kings Mills, and Mrs. Emma Crane. of Sou th Charleston brought a aurpl~ce picnic dinner, Tuesday noon,' to Dr. Wlthum a nd .family. _ Mr. and Mrs. Ed EdwlU"da, Mr. Charles EdwlU"ds ' and family. Mr. Clarence Edwards and famjly. Mrs. Chrystit! McKinsey and Mi88 Laura McKinsey spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Swayne, D~ LebaDon.

. t~


In nn : \ dd' l'~~ b<' f n ,'(' til(' ~ tll tlf' nt H

Cnlllp W ilkin . . At l\l'll '. Ca .•• HI till'

SAFE The Controllalble Beam on the Better Buick Night drivin~: strain. th~ blind insecurity when ytlU dim to keep glare out of the eyes of an approaching driver-both have been eliminated by the Controllable Beam Headlight. a feature of the Better Buick. Daytime visibility every inch of the wavl Bright light all the tilmel And this is only one of many 19Z6 improvement8 which Buick engineering ha s given to the petter Buick. 75 honepower alld m Qr~; puotone in DuCO npisi)L tripl~ Sealed Val.,e-in·tJead en, sinc; IIght-pedal.p,~~y~ ,lu~hl approved lllechaO$

kal +wbef:l brakes; an4

many other e"cJU8.i ve a4· vancement8 now make the Better BUlh:k the bet. ter car to OWI:l and drive. . Look it overl Drive one l We have a Better Bqick )Valdng for your telephone call. any day or

any .eveninK- .

BUICK MOTOR COMPANY Dt..utOf'\ 01 Q.'Ml'ol Moenn Corpmoatan




Keelor Garag~ Lebanon, Ohio

('I"paLio n . ll . "Greater III tl'. ctivcn c89 t l' ...·st ' 10

and In-

fnl'm I·f(,

life will II.· "I' ".' cl(',i ' a t , l ~ than citY litl'.

". " "'11'1111111 .1 C, II lol l'Y

c·,· ",(,

t o. "Thr 'li e h" !l lcul p . oblenu will

.: uh jf'(·t. nJ' :1,.:ri(' ul t ll l'! l l l,<i1ll': l tiu n and iU" ' r" st 'he ~'O ',"~ mell and· I,,·e\, l h t l n t ' t· 4.'s~i t y fo r a pp ly iTl -: s l' i"' lItiti r th t" '" nn 1hc fllrm Il ll,th n cb In f. lr rll;I1J~, II. ,1\1. A t k i ll ~(.'Il , II . " Hllppie!' li vee. ' JI.' . Rnd ~lr~ . .I . I. . 11 ,,,·t s"l'k , p", .. ' i u dr" I :1 11 II f t h G c nr,!' iu R. Lih\',l-l \· "I W/lllt to cu ll III tho a tte",'\1n of ' ." Wl,oIIICS.bcy With theIr d'llll!h',' r . l n t! f'lIwf'r l"I ' Ill P ;II 1Y. !'n id : ' yo u young farmers the impllrtQlic:o of Mrs. Ro b"rt WlIl 'I'", " f nayl c>!: ··M y '. t Hlpll ny r l' n li 7. l' s 1hut !lgrlcul ".x ~·,·ciH i n ~ your p riv!lel:ctl M t':illif'1I

lH rol a lld indu , t l'i al cl"""l opm('n t 1:° Mr. nnd ~lrs . H. G. ('r fl •• li nd M"" ha nd in h:llld . l 11 d u,"' ~' f""lI i,hcs th l' J . D. Marla t 1't·l lIrn eoi. !'alnrdn y. ·af· home mnl'kt' l f,, : th i' f!l " m produc t. t~I' s rwlldinl! n (11 l' :I~II ,. t \\""' k a t \{ ll~- It is Illy a im Hl , d d( : i ,·· l O II :l hl' \.,It '\· 5(· II· s Po in \. t dcity lI\'nitl,hle for thL' f:ll'll1 . Some nr th ,' r(' , ul t~ of t hi, wOlllrl \)(' : I. "(;rent<' 1' li se of 1lI i1C'!li ntlr y nn Mr. nn ol M r • . HHl ph IlyhL· . ~Ir . II n<l Mr • . Lo\\'('11 Tho ma . . or J) ay liOl1 . :'oI l'. the f:lI·"1. Fru n k ThulllHS nltd f nlllil~· ~Jl I ' nt ~ " n ~ rl!l~'

~I I' .



~I,. s .

L.·,I,· ,.

~I' I ­

fill'<' .

2 . ' · .....:u l "~ ti t ut i o n :~.

The W" ,"nn '" Auxilinr\' will III C(' t wilh ~ I r • . II l1wke olld' ~I isg Kllth c· rin e Pr pnd ('rl!'uRt li n F";<lII I· afwrIInon. Oct.. \, r H, at Ih(' honll: "f Mr~. Hnwke. II'. and Mrs. \1'. s. l;mhnlll. ~ Ir . Mrs. W. B. Squire" and Mr. Wil ford Squirt·s r t'luTlwo hOllle. ~Y o nd ll>'. arter s llcndinl(' " (, \" " '1\ 1 d" y" I\t th'

"(;rI'HtJ :·

in('rl';l ~ t ' d

ynur oI lIty to voto. tt b ': i' " 1 th 'lt Y" U. :,' flll'mers. l k ll !In interest in jtovernm enlal alTaln. You sho ulu see thllL tho 111lht m" n ar(' "h'etc ,1 tn I1l iic(\ arlu thut t.l\xO!l

;II'.' ,.(.

1~(l I IHb l (O : tlh.l

hilt 10

e \ clh.: al \o"

.&. " n ('n ~t' n' Hljon

humn n


---.- .. ---1,

p ru l"ilu, tilHl

lIl an.

"' el

~ hl" 1I11t1

' hnt th ey will ,1"l'rl'flsP rathel' tbn il1crL'a~ e rcven\l ., by dri vlnp. · In rluso f IllP('hun i(':t1 for , ,.ic' 111101 cil izcn ~ out ot thp sbte."

Illun I HI ,'. t' f . [ll: r

li f e

~ Ircn/tth .


C•. lleg!' is "(Jon and a groat many f: lthers ,\1't' wurklng tbelr aOI\·. way UlrOlll!'h.

Ten ihe Advertiser you read his Ad. in the Miami Guefte

lI lI d




H (' ~ (' rv oir.

!\lr. u nci Mrs. Frank Ca nnan nn tl Mr. nn rl Mrs. Ra yml1 n·1 !la\'is . ·o f Ihtyto n . ha ve mov e d in tn th e ir n t'w h" lnP at ,, 11

t hey

.t ('ccn tl~·

H ufTmlll1 A ,' ('., wh ich p urcllll",' r1 .

:'Ir. Herbert Ca'T ~ h l> w t'(1 at the la rges t S\\'ine ~ h o \\' in the \\' orl d last wee k. lit Peoria, III. Hc w n n .luni nr Cha mpi on bonr li t tillS shl1w. He II lsl) \\'" n s~ \·" r,,1 pi ;7.L·' tit t l, l' OhiO) S ta te !'"i r . wit h his Dure l' hogs .

c ryt hin ~


G. "I.'·S" <lrlld .. ('j.y in Ihe homl!. 7. "G r ~a tc r " '· portunitiel for re o



5. "G, cutcr cum furts and o n the- f u n,:

i (\ IH'('~

TU " l:J IlY e " en inl! "f I:., t \\",pk .





'. lInri 1111" . !.. Y. Bran , rratnl' nt ·

I I vdru uli c Ci der Mi ll nt New Bur1i1l1:ton, will ru ll e very Thure day. Bring yourJ'Pplp" in . W. H . Reeves.

Count ry Club. 3 un l .. ..

N aw P.clc. t.n ._, .... ...... ....

Subinn 11 1'\\' 11111 01 . "f II·. ·· : U n 10 1l, i", vi s itin)! at tilt' hl' nH' o f r-lr . and Mr". W . S. G I,ah lllll.

and takes a n u ctive in t <! r est in e v-

Mr ~ .

Flour Count~y Club'29c5 lb. sack ..

~Yi!<.q ~t


~q;\ rl l

111,.. 111111 Mrs. Frank Thomas and 1\lr. an d Mr •. Lc ~ t.e r S urface saw the :S ill ll1 .. ~ e T\\'ills Ilt Dayton, Monday .

lis F e rrcL'.

Country Club, $1 19 24 7'2 pound sack. . .. • Clifton, 24 }-~ pound sack ... $1.09

of \Vul'r e n county . will pnd'l ahly about Oct oh(' 1' I f,.

Let Us Drain and

Refill Your Crank Case ' ,

Sunoco M·o tor Oil Melloh's Garage

.'---_. - ..- - -


Dr. R. J . H ess, of Gin cinnnti, zona govern or of t he Oh io Stute' Optometric a._sociati on, today nnn oun ced the appointmen t nf Dr. Max Kohl. hnge n, ...!!ptomerist, a s chailJnan for Warren county. Dr. Kohlhugen will ass ist Dr. Hess In a r ranging· classes for an extensIon co urse in uJ)Pli cd optic~ which will be eo ndu cted durin g t h4i n ext eig ht mon t hH by Ohio Stata u ni versit~', in co-operation with th~ State a~80ciat i o n .. .


Waynesville, Ohio , .. .






a roll nd her.

The t'Onso lidatio't\ of the two Leb· an on banks, The Lubonon Nationu l Bank and Trust Co., and Th e Citi · zens National Bank nnd Tru. t Co .. into a $2 .50 0,000 banking hnu ~e an t! nne o f t he str on /te st institu t ions in thi s sectinn of Ohi o was a nn oun ced las l week . C. C. Eu lass wi ll be presidon.t o f t h ~ new ins titu tion and .J. A. RunYlln. chairman nf the b oord " f directore. The lIume /If t he new bn nk will be t he Le bano n-Citi zens Nlltinna l Bnnk and Trust Co. , The location will prohllhly he in th e present Citizens blinkin g r oom, which will be enlarged. The officers of th e new blin k will include the following : .Iud~ e .J. A. Runyan. chairman of the board of directors; C. C. Eulass. president; Charles S. Irwin, active vice- presi· dent; Lawren ce S. S hawhan, eMhier; Charles J . Waggoner, assistant cashier . ussistants in both banks will have positions. They ure, Carl Stiles Rnl ph St J oh n. Mn. Sarah Suhwartz, Miriam Smith , Frieda Jum eso n a nd Nitu Guttery. The ca pital stock will pe $275,000.



Mr. and MI s. l.;cor ~e F. Mall nw . 1111-. and Mrs. J ohn ~lIis . Mrs. Amy .'Y allow and Mi ~s Bl'Ile Gntl'll. of Xe n· ia, we re jtU O~ ts of Mr. and ~, I ·~. W. II. MI' .. Am y MalAllen. on Su ndllY. low. who is p r ellllive o r i\lrs. Allen , ' Phone 47 is one of the pioneers of Greene cou n tl;', having cel eb rated her ninety-third .., .M·;~:, .., ,§..I..J,_~ bll·thdllY Illst .lu ll'. ShE' is still in ~~~'1P.t pO'"t'ssion of he r f acul tics with a clear mi n d and a "emarkab le memory

Mr. Ilnd I\Irs. H. C. Coleman. or Norwo ud, werc' ~uest8 Sunday !llld M"nd a~' . nf M,. .. . Kate Co leman.

Born- To Mr. IInrl Mr ~. W. L. Pa in e, ' I('~ Su ~ an WriIChl. of DII\luK, T CXIIS, Sepl pm bc r 2. 1 !l25. n so n , Pul·

20 ounce package

Melloh's Garage

and fum ill' we re g uests of fl'i.'nd K in Cincinnati, S unday . .

Mr. and MTR. Osca r Laybourllp.. M Sprill g-fi eld. we l'e di nner g uest.~ of Mrs. Snbinn Gi ll iland, Tuesday, of I,, ~ t week.




M,·. S. L. Curtwrig ht, Mr. J. 0.

ran a r r, 75c Waynesville, Ohio WE SELL THE CANDY THAT IS GOOD


.. .. 20e


Wayne,nine Bre.d

Ca l'lwri ~ht


H. F



Mr. und Mrs. Gl enn Borden were Sund ay g ucsts of Mr. and Mrs . J os. Munger, of MelCrittlltown.

DRESS SNAP FASTENERS- Black orWhite . . 5c



• Mr. nnd Mr R. Nevin J ordan have moved into t he h ou se on Main street, owned by Mrs. Minnie Evans.

THREAD-Black and White. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5c

OUR .ooK DEPT. /.\ ..

New Dromedary Date •• ju.t in, ..

Mrs. S. Shal1ott, of Peoria, III., sp ent several days Inst week with h er sister, Mrs. Myer Hyman .

TALCUM POWDER- Sweeiheart, per box . .. 1DC

Ct • .

SWEET MANGOIES ' .nd PIMENTOS The 'fiDelt you e .. er .aw. and

Mrs. Fred M. Cole and Mrs. L. A. Zimmeerman welle In CincinnatI. Monday.

....The Store of Better Values ....


Soap, I 25c bOll Rub · No.. More W".hin .. Powder I 5e Rub · No· More Soap.

B. c hurch is planning a Thanksgivinl,',

Mr. and Mrs. Myer Hyman a nd childr en attende d a fam ily din'n er at Blanch ester. Sunday.

SOCKS-Men's fine black socks . . . ... . ... ... 20c SUPPORTERS-Men's, assorted colors, 25 "Pari." brand, per pair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C


Bnrn - 1'o Mr. Ilnd Mrs. Pau l Brown S undny. October 4. 1\126. a so n.

Mr. and Mrs. Witl Vail, of Leba. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . no n. were g uests, Tuesday, of Mr. und Mrs. Fmnl< Thomas.

STOCKINGS- Ladies' everyday stockings .. . 15c

I/C' -" ppl·ni. eme lll "r th .· ' L·.. I ps tll ...

Canned Corn. can .. ... .. ... ... .. . 10~ Pe •• , c;.. n ... ..... ... ..... ... ..... .. .... IOc

The Lndies Aid sdcie ty of the M. ~li ss


F.ncy Cr.nbe rri., •. 2 qla .. .. 25c R.. d Kidney Be.,n •• can .. · 100e

or -

l..' hap1t' r .

For S.le by


•1. IV. Burt on was in Dayto n, tn· doy. l .(·b.l nll il In:"'t "\'l' k. it

At tilt' n 'L!"UI :lf m('t' till )! n f

Poupd. SUGAR:




.... /

Yes, You Ca~ Have CQQdy~~.. Tir@§ Mar be money

.rOU In

Jl~v,nt~ ¥pt ~ ~prp..r PO

tJte worlt;l.

An ~..,

V.ou c4n have GQocJyear Tires, ju..~ ~"e pm" We have Goodyea~. Tire. for ev,r),bod)" " ' " car, and ~very purte • Gu, ~l()c:'k anel ()ur prlc.:,. prQVO it,

. YQ~ mAk~ ' It mi8t~kft if yet" ~@I1' the best,

.......- - -

fA" ....."


Get Oqr Prlc••

NO HUNTING W e, t he ,! allowing farm owners, p08itlvely forbid any hunting ' or trllpplng on ollr rarm". Itny violation of the aame will be prosecution according to law and to the fulle st exten: . '. ' extent: MRS. ELEANOR SMITH.

Phone 105

. Waytleaville, Ohio


, I


Seven ty· Sevell lh Year


--- - -- - --

~ jtln


the ( ullO''ovin g prog lunl

\Yn~ r~n ­

J l' rc(l : "China 'M ltl'nl Rev oluli lln, Chll plH II Mr_. D. L. Cr une "Th e Conven tion City is Head y," .. Mrs. Honuld H awke "T he omplcti on o f Neve Hall," . Mrs . Sarah Zimmer man Vonl Duet- "Genlle , Holy Savior" . . .. . Guunod .l~· Chicllgo, wh er e this is written, John G. Shedd yest.crad y sig ned his Miss Elsie Huwke a nd Mrs. D. L. mime Ito an ag reement under whIch he will supply $2,000,0.0 0 to .b uil~i th e wo rld' s lurgest aCJuuloum, III era,.l park. Thus/ ull over lh e United ~lHl,'s, ml'n that huve worked hll"d n \I their liVes Illld buill up fo rtun es with th l' help' of the people, givt! hack llw nlOn ey to the peo ple among whum they eU l"ll ed it. . . Mr. S hedd's gift on a grcat a'!"nr · ium is money well spellt. i t will in· cret\Sc the supply of public informu · tion. If in the elLhibit ion of strunge erelltul es of the oceuns and lukes the J ohn G. S heddd g ift cou ld incl ude so me plan (or econom ical dislriu ution among the people of the fuod that comes from the oceun. t hlll woulJ add lo the valuo of t he gift. A plnn to get rid of shurk~ t hai de· stroy billions of vnlu able fish every year ,Ilnd lhe HIll/lll , ~lIvag(! whalcs thut Ilrey upon t he g n'ut ~ch o o l . o f sal mall in th e Northwe st wuu ld b" worlh m illinns in incr e "K~ d f ood value. Farmers Ilre ellco urngcd by news that makers of urtifi cial silk will re· quire great quantiti es of medi um grade wool, to mix wilh wood flbre. The t rade in artifl ciul silk is d".· tined to be enonllou s. If th e f/lrm· er raisi ng lind sheaJ 4nsr sheep clln compete with Asiutics , rni s in ,~ r.ilk worms, he mllY enjoy a new kind of prosp e ri~.

Thi8 nntion needs an air force controll ed by men Ulat und crs l.llnd 11y· ing. men that are interest ed in t he differen ce between an till mela l monoplane and a wenk cloth mude bipitllll! more than in neat uniform s , or ser · vile saluting . Provide nce, taking ellr e of t he b ird ~ . put in , charge of them the brlli ns o f buds, not lhe ursina of rub bits or turtles. Why should this nat ion, depend. Ing for Its safety in wur, upon flyilll; machine s an d fiyin g men, put t he na· tlon's flying departm ent under th ~ eonlrol of human rubuits (rom the navy or turUeB from the IIrmy? Not flU' from the tTain on which thl_ is ~tten in Arkansa s City, Kana' lives a .,\og, name unknow n, and ul\ the reat of his Ii(c that dog will be· lieve in mirneles. ) His owner, probabl y dead by this time, was Warren Hardy, man of quick temper. Seizing his sl\otgun by the end o f the barrel, HUl'dy hit thc dog wilh th e uutl. Neither he nor .the dog knew lhc gun W'lS londcd. Hardy is in the hospitul , and probllbl y won't recover . All In one second the dog felt the blow, heard the explosion , saw his . cruel mastor stretched on the ground. KDowin g nothing about gunpow der, that! dog will always believe in miracles, and also in a spocial" provid ence that aven ges dogs, when (bey are hi t with t he butt end of a gun. It ill fooli sb, howeve r, to say t he

Ifill! you underst and the more readily .

you believe in mirales. The radio is u genuine miracle of science, and it takes intellige nce to underst and it. A savage wouldn 't unde.r atand It or believe in it. He would simply say "witchc rllft" and go hi. WIly.

In old days, when thl) City of Par,

'. II, eompar ed to modem Paris, was a amall

town, thousan ds died of smallpox in a year. '.'t In tbe year just )Il1SSed there wns ' ~ no death fro m smallpo x, and only . ···th'ree ·...ery mild casos. Pariil enforce s vaccilla tion most strictly. · Children in the I!rima l1' IIChoola, infants, 50,000 hosp.tal patientll\ ~e some of thoBe vaccina ted. And "-In Parla' smallpo x do esn't exlit. To' what do gehtlem en that oppolIO va'eelna tlon attribut e that fact? Is it just acciden t?

Or. J ohn Wrighl, Civil War ,'ct era n II.Hl oldest member (I f th e modical plofess iull in Warren county, di ed Wednes day morning , Ot t lJ ber 7, at his home in Red Lion , lifter n short illness of neuritis . Altendi ng physiciu ns and r elatives believe lhat this IIttack nffec ted his heart and r es ulted in his c1cnlh. Dr. Wright was one of lho o ldest citizens of the co unly und woulll huve reuehcd his 8:J rd year next monlh. He was we ll known throu'l'h out t he entire co unty us a n shit) ph ysic inn and ~c n t l e lJl un. The Wurren Cuu nly MNlical Msociat ion in .Novcm ber 1\)2:1 . ten,lcrc d him nn honorar y life memher shlp ala meet ing hdJ at Leba non. li e hnd IJraclic~d Illedicin e for 55 y"ars , fif ty -four of thllt time bing spellt at Hed Lion . He W all horn in Springb oro in 1842 th son of Inhl on und Phoe uo Wri~ h t lind received hi s carly educat ion thcre ' lI e later altended rnedit'al college in th l! Eas t, r e turnin g lo open his pructice at WnYllcsvi lle, wher e he r emulned but u year. He then wenl to Red Li on where he hilS since mdtl e his home. He WI1S married in 187 1 to Amelin Gre ~g. allli lo thi. ulli on were born ~ ix childre n. on e of ·wh om, Mrs. Flllf.k I'lIu le>" precedc d him in dealh. Ur. W,.i j!"ht was ueLi,,(! in politic. Il ll d WIIS idt-nlifie d wit h the Rc puuli· cun lHwty. He was rI membe r o f Mn· snnic h"d ie". includ ill)! the Lebanon lodge and KniJ: ht.~ Telllpla r. He was 11 Ch ' i! Will' vl'l r ran, Nl'r\'ing in t he 7!lth r e!!"illl ent O. \'. 1. S urvi vin,:: is en ~ i s ler, M rK. WiIlinm lInll e lll, of Mia mi, ria.; one half ~ i slCl: fi sR Rowena Wright, wbo ll1adr he.' home wi t h him; and five children , Willa rd F. Wright, of Frank lin; Rolin W"ight, of Hed Lion; lI-!rs. ElNie Wa lcott, of Bedford , Ind. ; Co nner W!igPt., of Dayton, and Vaug hn Wrig ht., o f Akron . The f un ernl wus held Snturd ay aftern oon at. 2 o'clock nt the Universalis~ ch urch. at Springb ol'O. Burinl in Springb oro ceme te ry.

- - --

TEN ACRE CORN CONTESTS fEATUPEU '!'en-nc re Corn contests arc being f enlured by Fred and WlllTOn Bradduck. 'Wuyncs viIle; N. A. Gilben, of 'lnrks\'il lo ; W. S. Melllmp y and Rnl • r. i ~ h Poppe, Milson; Frank Burger, Lebanon ; Olto 1. Augspu rger, Curl Rah m, Rnlph Wilson and R. Augspurger, Middlet own. . The o bject is to see who can grow an avcrag.e of '100 bushels or 1II0re corn per acre on a ten-acre fi eld. Rul es f<lr the contest ore outlined by t ho:! crops specialis t of our State Agricultur nl collcge, who r eport considel.abl e intere~l through out the stllw t his year. (lver 200 farmen are competi ng for medals this year. From about t en rows of standin g com nrc husked nt rnndom from a ten-acre plot, from which weights , the . shelling pellentll ge and moistur e test is like_wise taken for determi nging the a<Itual yield. As Wnrren county has been in the favored section this Bummer , from t he 8landpo int· of rainfllll , it is (cIt Lhut Il number of fanners will win the ) 00 bushel honors. Mr. 6-. D. Shul~ 01' Lebllnon , Routc 4, IS the only farmer in this county wearing an official medal as an honor of winning a few years ago.

---.- ..----


Wcdnes day afternoo n; October 7, se vera l of the High School pupils, with the permiss ion of the English Literatu re teacher, toured to Dayton to the Victory theater to aee, "As You Like It," one of the many Sh8keepearean p laya. - After enjoyin g the . worth-w hile play for fully two and one-half hoilrs, t hey PlUllook freely .of the ·dlnner ""hieh was served at the Purple Pntc;h, fIn Fourth 8treet. . With Miss Smith, as chapero ne, the ' follo\Ving e njoyed the afternoo n: Seniors --Louel la William son, Rhea J/lnet Cart.wr igbt: Marjori e Hubble, Dena Rich; Jurii ors--Do ris ' Hawko, HaWke, Mary Hpt, Helen Wardlow ; Sohpom ores-Ev ely:n Unglosb y, Paulinc' Greene alld and Gladys BergdaI L


The Waflle TOwnsh ip Mothers club Is ap.o nlleri.nnllt a Hallowe ' en Carniva l to tie held October 81, stnz:t;ing promptl y at 7 o'clock. There will b'e the usual big parade, th~ bUMClIII men oll'e.rIng prize~l or .the best ,eommo s 81so. for best farm produce brought in, such R8 largest pumpldD , hu'gest ears of com, etc, Beald,, ,tbe ·doughnu~, . BBDdw khes; pumpli:tn pie, can(ly . anil . pop- corn bool)ll, there will be a booth ot ea~e.8 , pies and chicken s.. :Persons ~Ishlilg to order any of. these, pIcaac. BCl)d tlleir OMt!" to ~ .$Bie Hockett . . :fte School band .~l fumillh mu-· ' .-!.!-. .. e A • lie <for the parade. There will aIao be"lIluslc .for duclng. • , . , .Watch these .column a for detailed putlinI lan nut week. Every one .eom,1.-brine your neighbo rs. and' Llaa Devi': ' Ml'8. Julia DonaJiOOltri·I · · . . _ . ' 1' ~. v.riL'M n. Elizabe BalI7, Mrs. J~ . B. (;bapma f) pnd Hr. Men Baird ... ... .8_ .GnJiam te~1iId the ~m!ra1 Dr. Jphn ~id tIie ~nepI p!. W. altoD Jlian, Wrigh.t at SPriDaboro, otSat1Uda J af~.,. _~.1I0D". ~oo~ ~ I


Atten ded F~ner~l :-



W(lutlu.· r was ind c I1H: nl.

enli v~ n e d with sc v4!rn l voca l se lcctinn lJy r-l i~s E l sie

The Modll l hour


Il 'lwkl! li nd Mrs. D. L. Cmllc. lIecom-

J.m nied by

Mi s~

E Kth C'f J-I c nd e .. ~o n,

GueHtK of the aHenno on we r(': Mrs. Linll Devitl, Mrs. Will Cornelio Mrs. J. L. Hartsoc k, Mrs. J . C. Hllwke, Mrs John Fromm , Mrs. M. L. Parshnll, Miss Mam e Boowne and Miss Es lh~r Henders on.




\\'J £DNE SDAY ,





Th e Wll m" ,,'F ,\ ux ilill r)! of 1'>1. Ma· CralTt'; 1\1 i"s Est hcr II cnd el'son , ,"'I'y 's chu l'ch ml'l nn Pl iduy Ilf t~r n uo n. clllllpallist. lkloU(' I' (I . wilh lI1l·~. L('{' II n wk.· a 1111 . After n<ij tlu l'n rn c nt Ut· lil;iou 3 r cMi ~H Klllh e l"in ~ I'rl' III11·I"I.:uHt. at tlw frcs hrn ~ nl~ W l" C sc n '('(1 h\' t hc h URhOlll U o f Mrs. Huwke. The nll·{'ling wus opl' lIed llY Mrs. h'!O\!ic~ , tU~s i by Mrs.. 1\'1. r.,. I'a .. Cudwa lluder rend in!! 1"lIi uh &n. whi ch shllll nnd th ~ Misses El: ie and Dnris \;'115 f"llow ed by the d ~vo ti o nul ~(~ r­ Hawk e Bud Mi :-;.~ F.:il h cr I1l·J)( l cr·~'m n . v icco . ' (' r ipturul quolati o ns were gi v. The h O ll ~ (~ WUH t.nRtHf ul1 y ueco rate ll in r(·t' I' 0 Il ~ U lu n 'd i cn ll. . eli wit.h HuLumn nll\\' ~ r~ unci H a,{fJo cJ ly A l lhe do"e "f th l' ',u Rln"KR SI'S- nllOlbt~ r \V~rc prPfH.H1t . uith tl ll g-h t he



..---- -

1he Wom an's Aux ilia ry THE LATEST DOPE ON Wer e Plea sant lv Ente rtai ned

This Week


- ~-


!t ...

lil '

;- 1', It' ,

,,, ,, "'I "'


~I'n m

sill!!ll' h:ln .It,c1 . Th r· l'i '·IILt·, \\ .. 1l"1',·tl 1111' !-;" Jlll tn r , (l ll MI Hl d: l v 'IIV a s (.'c " '" Llf fi tel:t. A I4 drid!!"c gl.<i!!iti~~ " ,·o ll1 l·· l>n ·k ag ains t Covc lctik i, %a cJ.'HY. S n ll o u lint.! Mnrberry. Bolh te am" l"\'lul"lI ed to P itl_burg , Montl ny ni!!hl, an d (, II 'rUl·Klh.y t he Pit·utt·s ~ \" e ll ,·tI lit e . c,.; .·" wilh n 3 to

borin )!

l~ J\\r n f; ,

Eddi t:' Ha ll . whos" s nn~" d"iv (' ih '! blu{,H a wa y, 11 0\\;,,',1 llalrurd . who has th l' perfect rad iI! VOkl', un" Billy Wlltcrw,"·th. who pili;'. Ih,' pill n!> with (o:.t. :o'e a ll d c h anll, " P IIII) rl :,t the Tri o,

\V us h , of rll' u r 1I 3 "\' l' y~bll!1!" , an d ,.:av

--- --- --~

You are urgently requeste d to be present at a meeting of SundaySchool Superin tendent s and Pastors of Warren Counly on October 18, at 1 :8 0 p. m., at the M. E. church Lebanon . Mr. C. E. VanNess, Pres. Mr. M. C. Dra ke, Vice-Pres. Mrs. Walter Dnvis, Sec'y.

... ..-------


.Auto C~tches Fire While firemen we.r e Ilghting a sma.ll bloze at the home of Mr.s. MamIe Bulger, colored, Xe.nia, about 10 :30 Friday night, an alarm was Bounded {rom hte Pemlsyl vania ruilr~n tl sta" tion where a broken gnsohne line cau~d a fire in 'a For.d . C!lUpe, be· longing. to Wayne .C. SmIth, of ·New Burling ton. T he !l0tomo b!'o blaze '\Vall extingu ished wlth chemIcals: The damage amount ed to about $15.

-------... ..------~

. M,ra. F. B. H(lnf,l crson spd'nt . the week-en d with ber daughte r, ' Mrs. Harry !l'urner., in Dayton. Mr, and Mrs. W. H, Allen sa.w ·"The

1IInclt." in Cincinnati,.Ko~d!l'I D1aht.


I . Guess Her Age? •

A SOllf by E lgie Huwke lind u CJuorlelta co n s i ~ ling of Mary Margar el Un g lt; s b~', Elsie Hawke , Ne lson Watk in s und 13erl O'NeaU, r end('red the musk ,,1 s election s Ilt t he W. C. T. U. Tll cgday afte rn uo n. This C]unrtetw , U" \Vl·ll as lhe nig h sehuo l o rchestra , will furni sh mus ic Ilt t he Tellche "' ln sti l ule in Le bunon , Saturd llY·

Atten ded Trien nium Mr. anti M,.,;. I. •• te)" Gor Inn hov e rc lurJ1 c·d f" um Nt' \\' Orl '''n ~ . wh ere t hey had Ih e plea sure of ntt('n Jing

t.h e ()p en ill ~ se r'\' i e('~ o f th e Tr il:' nniul

co nvenli on of l hc F:Jli ~c "p!l 1 church , n o\\' ill ~ess i o n in th at. city. They al so \Ve r (~ Jl r(·~" "t at the He n'ic e at wh ic h t lte Uniled Than k OfTering of lh .. women o f the church WM prese nted . Th i~ on'crin g Jllll \l un t.cft t o $9 0 4' •• nI4. ~7 , exc r ed ing th e n fl·e ";n ~ in 1\122 wh ic h " ! lR ~ (i~ 1.1 .15.UU.

MASONIC NOTICE M.,' f" I"iday c\' L' nin ~, Ol"l n ht ,), tll ,

f Of


The dinn e~ g iven on Thursda y by lIf rs. Edith Hllrris und Mrs. Laura Mosher marked another of the mnny d elightfll l social evenls hQnorin g Miss Myra L. Bllird, of Los Ang eles. The table nppoint ments wer e charming in every detlli!. A beau t iful centerpiece of nasturti ums matched perfe ctly t he pillce ca rds anll ' favors, all 6ug!!l'sti ng the n car approllc h of Hal· low e'e n. The menu, served in t.hree courses, WUR s umptuo us ,u.d deliciou s. Those invited were. Miss Bnird, Mi ~8 May Wrighl, Mrs. Anna Cadwallade r, Sarah Zimmcn nan, Wherev er -ebe appeua duoush· Mrs. W. H .Mrs. Allen, Miss Emma Helghout the eount. ry4n -wtt , way, lIfiHS Trillena . Edward s M!811 eternnl youth III the wbjed of dlB- Marne Brown, Mrs. James McClure , cusslon. This Is a new photG of Mrs. Ronald Hawke, Mrs. Kate ColeFann~ Ward SIt 6z-nd IIID a man and Mrs, D. L. Crane. great A.merlcan, ~. fa~

---- -.- ..----

. [~s~kl 1I'1'b

~eC: 'EM ~1,l..eD AI.O .;

--rne ..R.opiD~ !

('ve n i ll ),!,

(" rowd of piocutur ia l fU/l s tl V C1 "Y

' n t hu ~ in~ ­

A. L. LllllK.

S pl'illJ,:'fi e ld. th(' ~ tnt..c s (' crc t.ll.ry , \'-" as ' "' l'.~·\l' nL. Hn d nUHl e i\ fin e t.alk, e x-

plainin!! ill d elail t hl! ub jl'd nf th p lzaa k \\'alto n du"- Dr. H. M. Wi l· Iiams . t) f 1.,·t1ll1"111 . co unty presiden t

uf t h e L CIlg' lI~ , w us " I!oIo prese nt. and

IlIldrclIB t·d th e lllel· . Seve ru l n ~ w 1l1l'Ill bc rs wc,., ,,,"h' d l o lhe ro ll. Oral !-)urfll cc, who is n member of UIC "ounty IId visury uunro. will a U,end to l his end "f th e cllunty . Th e mll in object of the clu b is fo r th e beUcrm e nl or. ull ould oor sporn, Huch us hunting . fi shing. elc .. and to , upporl the law" "" laid down by lhe St'I\.C, nnd to prutec t a ll gume and Ii ' h durill g the' closed seusun .

- - -......

-..- - --



. -.

Bew are of th~ Swin dler The public has been wamed time nnd ngain not t~ buy stocks in c~m· pnnies. abou t whIch It knows nothang , There is a Inrge amount of money ~ready for in vestmen t this full; prof\t by the fo llowing story before s pendin~i~r l wbo hod worked for years as a tllerk in a store had sllved $600. A, . smooth stock sal~sman met hor and pointed n glowing picture showing prof\ts she could make jn his compony, enough to make her indepen d. enb '"for · life. As a . matter ' of f8ct, the' compan y. was not even operatin lt. The gil!l wOs 80. overcom e by tbe sto· ry, however , ~at she bjveated her, entire $600 WIthout making any inquiry as ot the merit of the' e,!ncem , Needles s to say, sl!e receIved no dlvidends .a nd her capital was I08t. Any ~ve Irladly adviaecl her


!·..·:::::::~~:::::-i i

from the

Sta te . CapItal i Prepa red by I i Columbus Reporter I ...... ...... ...... ...... ..

-=========== ==== = C O L UMB ~ . OHIO - Prisone1'8 fr oll1 tho penitent illry who are empluyed in mlikinK puving brick, are IISsu lied plenty of work for the com· ing winler. Und er IIward" jUHt made by t he Swte Highwa y deputm ent, orders for more t han 1,500,00 0 paving brick we re made by the welfar. divisi on whi ch has ,qhurgo oll t he sales of evcryth ing that I, made or sold hy pri so ners. T h ese brick will be mnde Ut the Junctio n City plant, whe"e 200 llI en ure em ployed. It is declured t hu t many more orders could ha ve bee n IIcce llted by the State and further O""llr aIlCe of PJ"ofitftble emp loym en t lA. pr isoners furnishe d hud not the board of control repudin tI' d th e actio n of the la&t General A.semb ly nnd re fu" ed to upprove the paymen t .fo~ th e plun t nt RO Keville. Today lhis planl is dec ried to Ohio. For mer own ers cunnot operate It beClluse r ecord . o f Musking um county show it is the p roperty of the Swte but the StIlte cnnnot ope rate it beeause it is not pllid fo r . It ill really "no man 's lant!" ri ght now, and will be un less lhe board of c.ontrol <Iu its playi ng polilicR a nd approve s the payment of th e purchase price. E xpe . lM huve ag reed lha t the plant waf [I UI"ehaRed very ch ea ply at $!l5.00 0, hut interest s opposed to any kind cf employ ment fol' prisoners a nd the doterminatio n no t t o j!i\"e t he present odmini Rt ration cr edit with helping to solve lhe id ll!- huusl! p r ub lem, has cllll scd II mixup abll ut a" unllsual as one co uld pOf'Sibl )! finJ anywhe re. In the menn tim e th ... idle house is tilled with prisone rs wh o wan t wOl'k of any kind.

On Wcdne ~day aflernO (l n, Mrs. Jn o. Coc h,.a n und Mrs. E . W. Knapp ver y delightf ully entertai ned ubout forty friends at the laller' s bea utiful home, at n . howel' for Mis.q Susa n Co rwin, whose engagem enl to Mllrshall llnin cs , of Wayn esville, was recently ann ounc ed. Th e house W/l.~ henutifu lly decorated in a color sche me of blue and white, which wa.q IU 5 0 cllrried out on t he tab les and in the dninty lunch, which was served lo this ha ppy group of yo ung women. J) u I'ing lhe after noon. which Wle" spont . in playing clev.' rl y aITungl 'd gllm es und in lIlusie, lit li e l\Iary Lo urjll c Coclu'un nnd Fran ' CR Gene Cor· win pu lled u bellutifu ll y dccorntl 'd wagun inlo this ha ppy urid e-to-be, whu suo n di scovered under the clever d ecoration packageR of nil sizes and kindR, ull "dd reRled to lhis hnppy Whi le Ohio motor ists have paid In yo ung g i rl. the two-cell t gasolin e ta x approxi mately $ 1,000,00 0 du rin g gach of the Ilve months that the law has been en· forced, it is hardl y expecte d thal th is sli me rulio will be maintain ed during T" th ose g no d frit'nd . and patrons the en tire yenr. The travelin g and <o f til(' Wayn e TnwnRhip School who t ouring sea so n is ralJi(l\ y drawing to ~" vc me th e ir support and help dur- Il close, a nd n greutly curtaile d ata tein!! lhe h'le t·pn tl'O\,crsy . ull ow me ment of receipts in gu s tax . e c.cipl.ll In ('xp re&tl my ~i llc e re thank!! nnd IIP- will certnin ly fo ll ow. T he law has been in fO"c e long enough, however , pr c.:ill t ion. I.... ,,' ing lha L 1 was justifi ed in my to make u pretty fair g ueea of tho atl il ude. r have 1m r eg r .. lR ove r lhe }'ellr's r eve nu e, and it will not be far from $1 0,000,00 0 ; in f a ct, it may ut·tisiu n . reach $ll,OOO,OOO for t he first year LILLA BEN HAM. "f it.s operatio n. This will make a mighty nice sum for tho road mainten ance for which it i8 to b. used, a nd if after .the law is in effect years t here ure any bad roads There will be a meeting of the 11it few will be t he fault of county and You ng Pcopl o f the churches und Slate o fficials. With the mil· cOlllmun ity FridllY eve nin!!, October linot ons of d ollars pouring Inlo the I G, nt lhe ~l l!l h odi st Epi scopa l chu rch Stllte t rensury t here is litUo talk of at 7 :3 0, Ml's. Ruth K . tevens , o f in creusing l he true. The money Is Find lay, Ohi", will nddress them. a lready being distlibu te d to the various counties of' the state BJld r.· ports indicate that it is being expend. ed ubout 1\8 fast as it is puld out.

--- ----- --

An Appr eciat ion

Youn g Peop le's Meet ing

ltay ne 1 own ship Boy s Are Acc omp lish ing a Gre at ltor k •

PI~asant Social Affai r


/I \sd u~'

ti C' Il1 cl· ting" Wus hl'ld .

from t h e .vuriou s

Report of lhe j udg- in g- I'u n t e"t.~ held nt t he Slale Fair, hav c been received lind SO lll (' gmt if ying resul ts have been J"econl ed. Wayn e Townsh ip High schoo l "om and grain judging tellm wnn sixth pluce wit h a Bco~e of 920.1 points, whi le Rawso n, till! te a,~, willning first plnce, madc It Rco rm g of {lS6.) , leavi ng a differen ce of just 46 points betwe en "aynes ville and the winning Ind ivid uals ran ns follows : Therle J ones , fift h place ill Slate, sco re 95 on white corn; Pllul T omlin son, twenty. c ighlh place .n Stute , Bcore 88 on white corn; I. ulher lIartsoc k, e ig ht.ce nth place in SUIte, score 00 nn yelluw corn; Paul T omlinson t we nlY-ll jnU\ pl ace in Slate Rcore 88 .4 on yellow cor n. The hig hest Bcore

I'VE ~Et\R.D ,HAT A9T~~IWN sCtttR. /f\r NIGHT ao'"

t,l uik

.!; t..HlilJn ,

g'ath"" !"l·d t h<- f l..', nn d

proved very ln te r l'H t.·

t he Illll" IJo'sr o f ('\}lI ferri ng- th e E. A. d"I':'·("·. E, cry ,\I,,"ul1 is cc>."l iull y \r l!, t he fol lu\\"ill){ fu r m Qwners , ilwi lN I I" hl! I,,·e.,·nt at lid. meeting . C..J . WATEI W OUS E. W. M. po, iti\'e\y f,whid any h unl ing or l~ . 13. 11 ENDER SON, Sec'y. t rapp in!!" 0 11 o u r farlll s. Any viola· lion "e lhe "ame w ill be p r .. , ceu ti on ncco nling lo III '" anrl tu III ' fu llest ~l e Rsr~. C. P.. Bralltl n un tl T . H. axte n : "mith. o f [lIl Y!.OIl. WeI"(' hll ~ inesg vi ~· extent: itul" hp rt·, ttlli a y. lI\fl S. ELEAN OR SMITH.


S. S. Supt. Meet ing

e rat.ure . n.·po ~' Lo.;

o nes who saw in g-.

T he re wi ll t,p II " pe<'i ll l lllt' t'ti ng n ( \\I ""lI t's" il I,· Lnd!! ,· N u. 1(; :\ F . & A .


Tl1I' lUlIIk W"l to ll LengtH' (, f Wur rI!n cu unty hd d n IIl1fc'ling at. th e·

C " C'H lIl

WI.dn esdllY ufte rn oo n. As t his au· thor is bein!! studied in English li t-

un d a J"e \;e r y dl' \' l' " (· Ut,C' I' r R.

I' ntc rtnilll!I" nt '"" IIn dl'r th e The .' " ll y ))"ze n S f' \\'i ll ~ el uh, on nU RThe pi ('c~ fl f till' Y Ih" ~\ illt' Sh ri ne OCl ube r Hth. wnl kl'tl ill un ~II "' . 1."11 c l u h , n nd n c' ttl\,1 ~\\'a ::' Uh!;lLlflli n l :;um .

-------- --- -



-----. - ..

A commun ily with a r ecoJmize d swtus liS It tU\vn O\' .v illnge,. with a f ull complem ent o f c.ty offiOlals was establis hed by Director John F Ol d and u !Taupe of actors while on 10cRtion ut Dodge, Nevada, situllted on t he Pyramid Lnke Indian reservnl ion, milkin g historicn l scenes for "The Iron Horse" 11 slo ry of the const'lIc , tion of the first trnns·co ntin ental r ai h'Ond to be shown ILt the Slate the atcr, D~yto n, Ohio, the week of October 18. The town of Camp Ford, th e nam e of the location , with a populRt ion of approxi mately 5,000. consi~!-"d . of lempora ry "Pullma n Hotels, which housed the director and players; hun· dreds of pieces of r ock used in the product ion and lhe tenwd section occupie d by th e greut number of ~alive Piute Indians, and the "film" towns of Norlh Platte, Ncb .• and Benton, Utah.

S' d too l~otes IZAAK WALTON LEAGUE ---- ..,. -,

l lll'


her n ("omp h· te "; lIr Jlr i ~(" I':ad, nwm · he r ca r ri ed he r u lI"k~t. an d III til<' nov)' hdur the- ~ I' t':1t. r l ' m ;;L WitS enjoyed h;' nil. Th e !'\e \\rin ~ , :1.':' \\'t\ lI tts th e s(lc iul chat. WSl. :-S V('I'Y Illuc h elljo y l.' u hy l\lt,;.;, Wash, a.' she is in pLJ\Ir hc"IU,. At ~ o'clock t hc mee tin g WfL~ cnllcd lo ord el' by l he prc"ilicll t. A fl I' t.he busi n('ss H' ~!' i(ln W H~ ov('r th e fo llowi ng prog ram was r(' nri ercd: Prayer, in Concert Viclrola MIl,; ic- "In he G"rd ~ n " Rcndi ng , ~ll ·". Louis Brown Remurk s .. 111 "". J ohn Mc Knight "What th e Cluu Has Don e for Me" Viclrola Music- "C,ulry Your Cross With a Smile" Henn ing Mr~. Che. ler White "Bewa re o[ the Grouch" A . horl d iscussion uy Mrs. J ohn S imp S Oil. Mrs. Wm . J,;cwn a nd Mrs. Elhel Ellis. Prayer We adjo ul"lleJ lo mcet wilh Mrs. Wm. ECtoll , on October 2~nd .

Whole N umber 5670

The Ha le o f t he Lyrl'u lll ( 'I\ III'"l' I ,I".!!" ": ~ ' n( ':-; 1. I l he ' ti\,h l' t.o..;. in t.he · sc h uH \ i ~ Ilnl p rlH.' t · I,dill j!' wor l d . 1.:.1 'I ! ' 1I~1\l1' 411' I ,:. 1·1+.111 wlll \\'IIS l·x lll'CII·'1. T bl' pla n C U Il Il ' l · ~ d " ~j ; l l 'j ll - l ,1t ,1" fI<\' , nJup t c d l h i ~ Yl'H I" is th a t \\'h t'f l('\' ~' r . Ti,,· " ,'1·, " :tI"\ . ·.I ' 11 1' , ' \ I" ,,·· ta st two adult. t i l·k(·t.~ a n : I I U t'C ha ~ l' t1 In W pd Ht·. . d ;ly . \\lwn \\':l l t ' l I 11,:tIUl I he fam il), . till' childrt·n ""' a(illl ill ,d f rtl'. On t h... "th r han d. til th(' ~ tu · pil l·h t·d :1 I t '.It't o ''Y f o r t 1 •• \\' .I "- h - ,j pIII spll illg- ., Ill' a dul L t kk .. l. a f r(,11 i n l~ I "l l ~ I ''' ; l . , ' .1\·. . ·'· t h' "i l : .. l ' ll l'g l it·kl'l wi ll 11 f' ~i\,(> II , Thi:-l ... !to u l" h(, PiI /lt t. . ; . n ~" ld ,rI p lnn, hil t t. hro I·t':-:. p o n ~ (' fro m th e pi h ilS n ot h( '('" up t il l·~ I"'· ( · ­ On '1'1 11 11" '),, ),. ' ·i.· \l d ,·,.I·, \". II n l at iq n spi. l ~Any t, nc' \\' i~ h t o p lltc hns (' I :i III ~ \ I t· I ,,' \' lI \' t· 1' f ' • • " , . J C I' t hl' tiek l' l :-1 "ill pl,-usc ,·Cl' in~ ( Jil l} p C Ult.' S tll pit·al l" . d(,lI t !" I n nlJt.uin lh( ' lI L " ,7 (' wil1 he T ht , I " jllh lo{ W, l1 t U , \\', ~ h l"l '~ " )P ,.dad o f an y J1l1 rc h <" r~ wh o hclp lO Thu .." I,,)" . 1I ' ~' ht . IIlI d 'a, n " ''', . IItl'd Il wk,' ou r L VC I:I UH It S l1 CC l· g~ . u..q w e hu\'(.' fi\' l ' u l\Llsu nUy ~oo d l1 u mb c r t'. tht· F l' iday ':h ILI (' . O n :--;.at\lnlay F l' I").~tJ ~ l\ l l ~lIld ,\1 : r · T he .J b e rr y 11I 1'I lt ·d 111 n ,J til ; \ 1 "\ "I ~' f ill' f ll11 ng-t' ullio r dll>s so li cit., lhe Pllto f tlu.' pullHt: u t. lhdr Ill urk ct t il e ,' (' lI atHn..; , d~ · fcal..i lll! H a y 1\ rl' l l/ n - ~ lIlurrl , , )'. nt th ~ form er Gra y Barbe r er, u f t h ...· PlI',at e s . ~ h H p. onl(! n n d ~~ t. Y(lU r Sund ay \-" a l a' l" ,J o h ll .4 0 n t.~nlll(l lJ:u II l oll ,' n n- d in n t' r . dny a n d pill'h('d a ·1 t L) 0 , icl o J".)* ro r th e ~ t ' nal\)\ !-I . hi ~ p i L~hiFlI ~ "!l IlL o/Il' tlts S~\" r r ... l of lh e l1 i~ h S<'/1 oo l English bl'in 5! Ydt ' . Mu rrhm ll Ul H f "Ha!." " ,\ d 8m !", l ' iUs t'Ul'g"'~ Jrl'an d u1d r" I' I ,\' . ~h l' e e s lud ent" IISW H"bert Ma lltell a!l o yCl\r 01(1 pitciu ·,.. w h ll v i l"lu . id~· "'fl ll Gc nc vievp IInnlIJC' I" in S hak(IRpC are'R " A s You Li ke IL." in UayLo n lnst th l' J ! ftl ~ J l: i1 'lmpinn !"h i l' [ ,,,, il U

The Pac ulty ilL th e High School builtHn): UI'C Hpunsc ring u P uram o unt Artists Lyceum Cuul1!e f ill' the cllming fnll and winter. . Th" foll uw . ing hi g h l\Tude ent.c rtll in m('nt.~ will mllke up lh" lisl of ultructio ns: Frye and CO l11 pnny, Octuher 27. The Commu nity TIII' atcr I' la ye rn, No· 2 v ict(JI'Y. Kn' u mo r uutp i lc hill~ Fcrvember 28 . gU l'oo n fIl1d B n llllu . E lectra Plalt nn,1 Vern on ~ IIIl1 e, Th"[1 \\'i.I~ Il O ~n m(' nl l'ii t~h1lrg Deccmb er 12 . tuday, owin g' to W t t J.! r·o und s. lI om" r C. Boblett. _' alluary 21. Paramo unt Concern t Pu rty. Feuruary 8. They hnve adopted th e f,) llllw in!; uni'!u e p lan for sell in!! lilt, Li ckct<: )o'i r~ t Plul1- E ac h fa mil), LlI )"i l1!! 2 adu lt tick et., Ul ,2. llu en d,. will r e· ct.!ivc co mplim e ntary t il, kt' 1s f lit· t he r hillln' n in th,·ir fnm il y. Seco nd Plan- Any child wh r"" JllIr · ('nLe; do n o t h uy ti c kl'ls ma y t~H I' n 'I'll(' !"yriall Tri rl . r n,li" a nists, one ( 0 .' himself by se lli n ~ onl' adll it wi,lely k,,;,wn nn •.1 a dmin· o. np l)('a red ticket. ut th e G )' lll na.- iulO it]!;t FI~ d llY nig ht , - - -/lnt! Were gl"l·t~ t l' d by 1\ w r y large uudi enc't'. rl1u ny comjn ~ f l'om ne ig h-



made by the winn er of fi rst rilice on wh ite carll was 07 a nd 0 11 ye ll uw corn Co nsiderin g the scores and pluci ngs it may be read ily seen lhat t here wus so me reul competi tion among t he upper 30 co ntestnnt s of t he differen t elasse!!..... Ono of our boys wus just two points lowcr th"n t hc winning individu nl on while corn, while the other wns just seve n points lo wer. Another of our boys was just fiv e poin ts lower' lhan the winner on yellow corn, while the other wus just 1.6 points lower. Persiste nt class work hilS cllllbled these boys to meet the silu:ltio ll when it cnme. This year we arc studyin g animnl hushand ry nnd we hope to be abl e lo cnter a li ve-stock judl:ing tellm ns we ll ns n com Ilnd grllin judginsr tell m nex t year . 96 .

AT THE CHURCHES FERRY CHURC H OF CHRIST Mornin g service 9 :30 , October 18. Bible Sctho ol, Co mmunio n and Sermon, on "WAgon s nnd ,Oxen," Evening service at 7 :00. Song service and sermon on "Samso n nnd His Riddle." All cordinll y Invited to our services . Ra'lI y Day serv ice at Ferry church on Lords Day, Octuber 18. The trustees nrc installin g a lI C W furnuce in the church- a much needed im proveme nl. The Every Member Canvass to provide for the budget of expense for the year beginnin~ October 1st, is In progress Ilnd neanng complet ion, and the r esponse is generou s. The Loyal Women 's class met last Wedne~day with Mn. J . S. Rogel"8, and planned their work for the year. New officera elected were, Mrs. Olive Hathnw ay, preside nt; Mrs. N_ Johnso n, vice-pre sident; Mrs, Maggie Brown, secretar y, and ' Mrs. Nellie Wright, treasure r, - Deliciou ! refresh lIIe'n ts were served by t he hostess. ST. MARY' S CHURC H Ninetee nth ' Sun\iay niter Trini ty, October lB. Church School at 9 :30 /l. m: Holy Commu nion and Bermon at 11 :00 a. m. All are cordiall y in· vited lo come and worship with UB. Rev, John J. Scll8elf er, Rectqr_

Possibil ity of a number of county elclion boards being "put-to " for money lo conduct e lections in November, i. in(licate d by n number of reC]ll e~ ts from prosec uling attcmey s for a rulin g by the Altome y-Gener al us to whelher lhe Vorys budget law is to control election boaro expendi tures. They reprE!se nt that if election boards Ilrc to be compell ed to obtai n n certificll t e fro m the treas· urer that funds arc avaUjibl e for printing of ballota lind payinlt other ;eleclion ex pe nses, they raay not be able lo hold eleclion s aa no 8ucll money is now availabl e. The VOryS budget law r eC]uires a certil\ca tion lhat money is availabl e before an obligation cnn be incurred . Recentl y th e Attorne y-Gener al ruled that tho ugh couns may funCltion without the nece88a ry funds on hand, coal to heat the court-ro oms cnnnot he pur· chused unless the money to pay for It is nvnilable. Souther n lraffic is heavier thl. yoor than at any time in ·the history of railroad s, accordin g to report. of passeng er agents. Everybo dy II not gong South; many who wcnt tc Flcr-. ida weeks and months ugO are return· ing, most of them with more expe· ence than money and very few of th em better off financia lly than they were when t hey staned for the lunny , playgro unds t() win fame and fortune . There are Illready many cuel cf bla,<tcd hopes and life savings tlP en t , and as the winter months roll hy mor e and more will t hose elUlell come to light. The grentes t travel South I)ow, how ever, at this time of fear, is n ot those who are seeking iuveltmen ts, but the usulli number of Buckeye s who like to fish in the warm wnwrs of the Gulf of Mexie." or hunt wild duck mid lhe swamps of Louisiana. The number of Ohio men who go South each yeur for the IIPOl t they get is increasi ng very rapldl", and lhis year th ere will be n much greater number than ever because of the fa· vorable weather cond itions lind Pl'08pects for big bags of ga me and ftah.


DEATHS Thos. Miller, nn nged lind respecte d citizen o"f Springb oro, died- Tuetday .evening . The funeral will );e. held,al ' hi ~ late home Friday aft8Tne on at. 1 o'cloek. Burial .will be in SprioKo ot o cemeter y, ?tlr. Miller w~ a ' b~thfl~ of Mrs. Hann",h Antram and unel. of Mrs. Howard 'ArehdelUlon-, ul 0I1a" 1118ee, ;."_ • '. ,


METHO DIST CHURC H . . ~ .. • Sabbath School, 9 :16· a. m ., Mra. J, B, " and lOa~ !toll- ' ing at -10 :80 a, m, Epwort h e ert. of ClneinnChapm atlJ were P .... Of KrI• 6:16 p, Ill. Preachi ng at 7:00 p: m. • Wednea daY evening 'Prayer mMtiac . EUube th Ba.lly; lut ".,u. 7:80_ Evel7bo dY Invi\ed to th_



Bey. L. A.

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Relu, li n' .\ltU K.•1.

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A'I'An l lJl ~II':f)J('1'NIJl on' lell! Qr nn Ulnlm nl Whloh ulol(11 it 11 IV0 8 th'u el\ll\rr hal Inflnni lull llon. IJltd ' h t. l n t 'rnal MotU it ' , IL 'ron lc, w"h' h li la throllll'h thu filo od on th e Mil ...... IIAt.I. '



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At r ing



S,,)(\ b~ drUggists tor ovor .0 .Yean. r . 1. I,.ney & Co .. T oledo. Ohio.

TRA NSFE R S .hl h n C, II IIU . In''y [0;, WloIrl! hl Wil· liullI lind M'. ri " 1l'·IIIII . ;1 \" ls in Avu· 1011 1I" il{ hts, $1 . WilliullI 11, HUllz I" A1I,,: rt (; (\ ccy.


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nbu tl1 I I v H I'~'l':' 'II : ~ n l l ' llI 'J'p , $ 1


1l1i\'(·1' II. l 't",""" «I h t" lot 1[1 L, htUII I H. $1 . F lank L.


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narveysburg fertilizer Co.

1\I1l ~ ' \ " . I~ nllnll

JUtlt t~S , lot in l'u ld Sprill ~~ , " t . J a m ~s :lIIJ ~1 : lll1h' I·::lt l ~ tl' \\, illilll1l

C. IIlId 1 " l o r ~ lIc " I\ "i n, IOL ill S1.



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LUl,lI" B. 1111<1 II II I'n' II . .I"h",,," to Ben jumin I'. " .. d : '\ ;':'.I1 ),,,l h ~t . \'in · ~ow s, 2 ·IU Sprin ~

COnsist in g of a few Yelirl ing Hi Spr in:r

B oar~


t n 'e .

Y t'u rlillg


'J. EARL McCLELLAN NEW SUITS nCII H" l'd ha " ente red suit for ntOn ey onl:; n~a in sl th e Citi ze ns National Blin k li nd Tru ~ t '0 ., liS administraton ic ho n id non o f the e~tn le of Bert Re ~ d, d~ccuse d. Amo unl claime d, $ 180U lind intc!'cst. IlIl r!!ill!!, extr eme cru e lty suit for divo rc e has been ente rc~ by Fannie lI rown n!!ainst GeorJ!e Brown. ~I ury 'R, Os born ' has enter ed suit

.g Suggestions


Every Thursday 9 a. m. to

5 p. m. Reat Room in Gran ge

I''rcd H. Zimmerman, guardian of Willium .1. MiUikin, minor. filed · his fi rs t a nu flnu l !Icco unt. J uh n Hunuricks . uuministralor o f the estate o f HHmun Hendricks, dccellscd , t\l('d hi ~ inventor'Y und npSlI lI i· Wh ite wn~ IIl'pointed as ndmin is t rntrix o f t he e"tute of Willillm W . White , d eceased. Bond $4000. lh'!'$che l Big!!s. David Wlli ker and .•lohn Kr(len er wer e uppoin ted up· I I'r nisel's. Gco r!!e D. t a nt on wus appointed uuminis U'lltor of the estate of Elizab t h :\\. "tanton , deceased. BQnd $ 1000. , Mllry F. Eckel was appointed cx• t' ut'l'ix ( f the estate of C. E. Eckel, • cI ~c(!u~ed. No bond required . J. F I a ncis IVns appuin ted /l' uard inn "I' ,lIr:l1l J nnc Prcs buug h lIlcompei ·1It.. BOll d ..: b,1I10. J.! ·diu P: Gra il(l f!) was appointed nU1 II,n istratri x of t he estate of Anna Marie Gra hnm , deceased. Bond $500. r . F . Pres t on, J ohn Bolin an d W. B. Su-attoll we re appoin t ed appl'aiser s. ofs Frnn theReport exc utor o f kth Dilatush. stat .of one Annof :)



••••••••• o............................. ~.......... .



WaYDelVi Ue, Ohio Office 924 Y. South Brown ..Street,

p I"H i~llnl cnt .

O S igma Thea1e r


DR. E. M. RUDOLPH The Eye :sight Sp e daliat

At Cary's Jewelry Shop LebanclID, Ohio


Every Tuesday 8:00 a. tao. to 4 p . m .

I ________________. HAVE YOUR EYES .EXAMINED





6 BI, Vnudeville Aets and Feature Pho~oplu y8. Entire change of prOiram every Sunday and Thursday. Continuous performance from 1 :80 to 11 ;80 p, M. Afternoon prices 20c and aGe. ~venlnga 30c ~1'!~50~.


Sp.c'.' ror beglnn • ...Twelve I...on. for t3.00




OP MUSIC '· Oayton·. Lead l... School of MU8Ic" Vornon S. "rl••, A. . . . Mu.. 8., 405

Director. W. 2nd Street Boolelet










436 W el t S eco nd 6t. D A YTO N . OHIO


209 60UTH










),our , Plumber or .top In our dl.pla)' room the "oxt tIme you .r. In P.r~n ~nd let u. t.1I )'ou more •• out thelJl,

The Ohio Sa v~ngs .& Loan Assn.

THE VAILE-KIMES CO. D·. ylon, Ohio,

J . Mason Prugh, Pre.ldent D a vid I. Prugh, Secrot.ry


Complete course l In P IAN O, "10 · LIN VO ICE "ri d ORAMATIO A RT. leadtno tn or"dulltlan w it h d l plom a .





,h,... Room

114 N. MaIn



of the fo~otn8' amendment.

Adopled April 17. 1925.

UWI"fIP 5T" 1"£1 0 '


(lraperty e.xc.ert motor vehicles, Iftd to

Quality Drug..-Low Prices PreltrJ p tl(;('I8 by M~ lt Orda r Pro mpt l y ' F'III ~ j .

TreNlera Quality Drug Store 46 wo.t T nlrd SI . Op.n A/I N ig ht.

W A L K ·O V Ii R S HOE 8 AecoEI&M th o Wor' d O" er l o'r T h eIr WOII u l It)'I •• , Good F Itting Qu.l.

~ rl


P ro duce r'" I~ :.

J. "




\ .J r P r' llluce



CREAM SBPARATORS Lin e of O .. lry Suppll ... Roollng nnd ' RoofIng FI.ln"

M81&llnln. Floor Jeff. r.on · Maln Arold. DAYTON. OHIO, • "I/If't eervloee 1ft all Part. or Boau. t)' Culture. "rylo_ to 8ult Your In· dlvldual Type. , Perm.n.nt Wave. '10.00 ,For Appointment Call Oarllold 66.8.



t,1u r ...

(~"-RA L



P ~ul tr )' ,

. ' '~J



~I 1-.\ f ~ \\"111 h.t-Iu, ..-.: !1 1,tJdl 31' &, )c tfe,..o n St r ee t.


CALDWELL & T AYLOR'S O r:.,ln~.:


21 W ll nlngton 81.


tl •• and 8t.ndnd V~' ~ eo . F o r M l"~"" '" 1<\ WOM r~ :"l .Pt',,- .. ang. ' 7 tOO $8.50 S10,00 K'H "h~ WAL I< , O VER , /l'oOT HOP

f r o", E r 1J5 .

, ,.

Fourth 6.t r .. t. JoInIng Now. BuildIng.


2Sc for 12 .Hour Service For

( ) p.n Oil )' 'o nd Night.

~ --

....- ---

MIXED WEETS -Friond t~ o.newlywed-" Did

ha.\'o waffle)! with boney? " '~ wlywed-"No; she was too tired t o ~e t up this mOJ:ning."


SPRING VALLEY Rally Day a t t),e F! h:!nds church

. . . . Monument Ave.. "OL-K.: Ing..

HolldaY":-Sundaya-Even. dP'lve fre ..

You, no doubt,

quently to our clt)l.

W. or. al-

way. open . M aKe tn l. place 'l lour m . .tlng pl a c. to v your frl.tld •• Th. fln •• t , Ir •• h ..t line. 0' Fru~!" a"d ' Produce arc offered for . YOur .,Ieot/on at a pecl . i prl •.••• ' W. a:: open t o take oar. of y our nee. whU. In our cIty. e Rr 10 d. arrlv, "~II)' of 1<1" 01 0' Irult. e'Al1:c HFI I!tLD FRUIT CO. MOl:lllmeM and FouI\dry , .. Op.n D ay and Nlghl. PI~ nl)' Room to Parll • ·Phon. Garlleld e&6. • You may aome tlme h'V. .omethlng to offer In our linea. . Qat I'; touch ' ..,Iln u•.

- ..----

you Rud Oar All.. i. ThU I.....


. ---'.-

WaynelVille Nalional Ba.k Bldl. '


WAYNESVILLE, OHIO Fully Equipped f(IJ' Good Service. Lnrge Display Room. Ambulnnce Service T t::I,EP II ON ~:


L.M.HENDERSON NOTARY PUBLIC .....1 Ba.t. Will. Draw . .. .. ...... E.l.I ... Settl. d

W Aynellville, Ohio


WAYNESVILLE. Telephone 114




19", .•

April 21, 1925, propotinR: to amend . . . article Ttl .ec~inn 2 of Artide X and

2 of

~q " ~:\ I I!e<: tion 2 of arucle XVII and .ection 3 ,.f • tiele X o( tb t «'nsth-utit.m of the ltate of

Oblo, to l1rovide ror tern" of office of not leu :bao r(1 u r ye:& n . _ ' HI T ·. ~'I'I MON Y WIlF.R EOP. I b... h,r", 'InW li lt ' "1I1M"'d my "omt and affiJ: ~ m,. ollef.. .ed' . 1 C" lmnbus. Oh io. tbl. h1 d., of Septa. ' d, '. n. 1925 THAD H . BROWN

rl ,n

S"."••., ., 'S,.,•.

Fannora 01 Wnrren .nd ~djoinin. counties may obtain mone)" Ol' lpn, time lonne, nt 6 t,i, per Clont inte~t. Cost of securing tho aonlo i8 "ory to,,· sona blo ,th rough The Fedoral Land Bank. For fur thor InformAtion ClIIJI 011 or nddroS8 M. C. DRA KE, Trell. ure r. phone 3 t O - ~, 1.ebRnon, O"!P.



CASH-For_ Dental Gold, I'lat/num. Silver, Diamonds, mag ileto polll 1.11 , fnlse teeth, jeWelrY allY valuabJel. Mn il today. Cub by return m.n. Hoke S. & R. Co., Otacgo, Millh. FOR SALE

Public Sales



- ..

-----rLLSAY so-

Ch:::~t ~qu~~e CP4J~~!'~ ~;t

a: .

te;'s; ~. ~;:: #f.l ~..: {; : . ... . ."

F.,T•. Martin Jesse Stanley Auctioneer Auctioneer Dale your .alea ,with ua. We guarantee ,.andadion or cha-:'e ~othinr.

Center'ville t '0.

Farmers, Attention!

UNDERWOOD APPLES E"I.a fine Rome Be.ut, and Bald. win. fo •••1.. at orchard, I ~ mil •• "all of Har ..e,_hurl OD St.t. Ro.t. No. p g. ". UNBERWgpR! F OR SALE-H i gh -gra~e phonoK1!llp!! . pnly slightly u8cd l " verj The undersigned, agen ts of MI'!!. Payments 'or $1.011' per week. . '1':' 'O. p2§'" Rac hel A. Zcll , will sell at her- home Box 313, D~n!)I;; PhiB, , on High stre et, Waynesville; OIilo, FOR SALE-'J'rUfllblll~ ~!I ~!!!I'I opposite the Clltholic church, 01) r ccle!lped ~nrl fr~ (n>m rV:i!, ~lie!t~ or smu t. W. g:, 0~ 1. "A.II" I) lI. TUESDAY, OCTO~ER 20,1925 . .. ..,.,. at! . . 14 Beginning tit 1 p. m~ the f~ l!owing l Household go ods, such lUI chairs, tao FOR SALE- Six PQ!.ncl-Ohlna mal_ bles, di she!!, etc., etc., Terms, caIIh. pigs, weight IIbout .200 poualll L. NICHOLSON, BergdulJ. and FI1iermood, R. R. 5. Agents . " J. C. MURRA V, near Lytlo. .0U· ,~ CHARLES SHUTTS. ----,. - -'FOR SAJ.E-Extra nlr,e peara, Whit. Pippin and York Imperial applea: LEARN TO SWIM Charlea Michener, R. R. " Wayne':v iIle, Ohio. . The young son came running madly into the house and dllllhing over F'OR SALE-Large Whi.*e P..kln to t he book case he began throwing Ducks, lor atock. lin. Ilenl')' vo lumes right and leit. Murphy, near Ferl')'_ Addreaa Sprinl .021 "Where's that book t91lin' how 19 Valley, Route 1. . swim?" he i-rled. "What do you wanl: with it?~' WANTED-.Ran&'ft or ,~~9k ~~ "Pop ne eds it-he just fell in the river'" FOR SALE-Good Sheetlron beatin. slave, only ulIeCl t~li mow~ ' lit. She- "Is it true that blondes mar- quire of \farren· Bradd ......; · : • , "" •.tT,'!:... p.~l ry younger than dark hairpd giil~!'1r He -"Sure, tho lighter thll ttea~ the sooner t~e:v tie I!P." ' .. FOR ~ALE-B.aptl',.'· ol.1!. ~p • · .rcioCl·, lUi. nt*.' )lea.. ·... ' ! ch ed t .,..1.. .d .. .. 'i..!ii' '-

o.)IIon, O. I. Where W. Are Looated


" Oh. tlb~Q l utt,.ll ~' hv but <Ji cO,U XSC he knC"~5 ~hnt bllstnE> 5. iR business. "

----_ ..----


Dayton'. Lugeat Auto Parle on

11 "',' ,:'1 Gns



(or the tu ation of inta n ~bte proper',. Ind of • "oInl RUQlulion adoPted br tho 86th G... .,.&! t\.~ 'mbly of Ih. Stn'. of Obio on April 17 nd filed in the offic. of tbe Seem.". 01 d on



I. TliAb H . BROWN. Secretary' of Stat. of Ih. S.l nle of Ohio! d o hereby <er\lfl thot th' lorc.g<llD. a re c xem p ifird t opie" care ull,. ccupp....ed .by me willi the orilJinnl. now on ftl. in my office and in my oRicla) cu.IDdy ~I Seer~,. of Sr3te A'1 d found to be true And c.otr«t a ~ol nt Re.olut lon ndopled by 'b. 861b Oen: • at ...mbll of the Sint. of Obio on Ma,ch 2 I I 25. and fiJed in the ofbce of the Secreta,.., 9lale on April •• 1925. proposl n~ 10 amend ~ttlc. e vln of tbe consti tution of the Stile o' OhlD by tl" ~ddition of • new aec:tion. to be ,1.. Ii\naled OS .rtlcle 'VI" I I«lloft 1l, relaU.-e to the Incurrillg of indebteClnHI by .u~ dl.I.lon~ and of • 1.°1111 Re.olutloa adopled bJ t~. .6tb Gen.r&! ..embl, of tbe Stale of Ohio on M. reh 26, 1925, ... 4 filed 10 tho office of the Secrdary of Stat.. on AP1'1I 4. 1925 p",,,,,.i,,, to .m... d .rtid. lUI _lion , 01 t.,. Con. 1itution so .1 to fro\.idt fo-. t&ndon "" -,,""orm ,u1e of ~I re. __ , _sta te, ~l1d tan,;b1e

~t ., ·

~g ,



It. tho Amendment &hall ao into ~~t &n4,.ary 1. ]926,. and orilin.1 .«tion 2 0' 41 dl III • .and .eet.on a of a rticle X, and fOCIlon 2 of a'IIe1 . XVII and ICCtion J 01 a rtiel. • of the con.titulion of the . tate of Ob lo .baJr be rcoeaJed an d annull~d . The General AJlem. bt,. .hall b;;U'·" power to I dju. t or extend abun.c term. of office as to effect tbe PUfPOH

STATl 0' O U IO.


6 L7.a at70


Deposit a made on or boforo the 10th day of oactl mon t h bear d i v Idends f rom the let day of tho month .

Faculty 0 1 Excer le n ced Teachers All l.a.' l on. Prl'W l'I t e

. \AA 'N

Olly"'n Sella




MALT &XTRACT CO. DAYTON 710 E •• t 8th 8t.


net t e r



Nobody In



Thu l'l!duy with 1.11'8 . Emersoll Dill. Mr. and II1rs. O. B. Marlntt, Mr. LOANR on Chattels.Stocks, Securl,tics IIlId Second Mortgage8. Not e. lind frs. Herbert Ma rl ntt s pent Sun-.bnught. Jo hn Harbine Jr., Xcni., X. day wi t h Mr. Albert Marlntt Bnd f ily, of Dayton. Ohio. . ·m30-'20

OfflC'e of t he SKreUlrr of Sl ate .



Adopted Marcb 26, 1925.



FIfteen teach.r. for all br.nch.. Mu.'o, "".m.tlc Art. CI ••• Oano·

Dr . .Iohn W. Miller

cR:~ on th!=, fi ut dar 1>' J llfluary 1926, and an81naJ SC(bon 2 t) ( a rtl clr X tt the COD.ti. tulia n ,b~l he rrtl'!'a Jed and an nulled.

Messrs. H e nry Walton nnd Ralph Alexan der nr~ on a cum ping trip In Michiga n. Mr. an d l\b's. Villal's nro plcpnring to move to the Walton property below the r ailroa d. Mr. Frank KYlle has purchased the Henry Walton property on Mnin St., und eXpC(:t8 to do some extensive remodelling. Rev. Fred Mitchell, former p lllltor fo unt,. . for a period 0 four yeafl. 8 , u I.N"A.,r ",olv,4, T hat at the election here . while uttending the Xonia semoI>Ove re erred to, .ueb prOll<>Oo1U .hall be place;! inary. lately home (l'Om India, will @ the official bOlllat in l ucb m l nner .... the preach Ilt the F rien ds church next Mer.cary of Itate ma, design li te . 11 6:0 . votfM! for . tllII~ propoui ' ha1l exceed Sundtly.




of .. tiel. xy n :I'd IOCllon J 01 arllc l. X of ~.fo1l':;!t~ut.()ft tbe . ta" of Ob lo to r .... ARTICLE UI, Sec. 2. The ,overnar. JieuttnlUlt t overno, aH'reur,. or ltate, tre.asu re' l auditor and at: lom ey gnlcr.J .halJ hold thor oRieu far fow ytarl. Their tflllll of offlce 'haJJ commence on tbe nut Monda,. 01 J anuarl Dext afttt tbel r election, an d continue until chefr allCe...,.r. are elected and qualllied. • ARTICLE X. 5«. 2. All . 1,« 1'0 eounly officen . b. n bt eJected on the fe ru Tuesday . fter the fi ..., Monday In Noyombe,{ by !he electo," of each


In atruct10 n

cor din, to) tbelr trut v aJut i n mone y, el.c~til\' motor \'eh idf ' wblcb ' hAil be ta xed :u nl~r be provided by 141Y. .1\ 11 munc:r.I. ~ r cdltl, bond~, , cock, .md . 11 olhC'r Int "n~ , b c l)T tlpc rty , .haJJ be "'''tcd as ma.y be: pro vl\h:1I by bw. n ut all bond.. out l tan dtni on the fi nt day [)I 1an u.? 19 13. of the '1 a l e 01 Ohio or o( :my city. vd ialle, b a mJrt. count y Of" lO\9n.hip in tbi, true or whicb b:we ~c:n i!la ued ttl beh Alf of lIIr. 1 ~I' nel Sco tt is , ,,nfined tit his we publlc te hooh In Ohio lind th C' meana of IQ.tru('tinn in cnn nrct um t.bC"fcwi tb.. and . 11 hom" cuff"rinK ft'om the Kripne. bond. iflued undtr a rticle \" (J r, u!ction 211 of Mis8 Gladys Roland spe nl; the week Lhia coonit u lion f(l r 1h~ world WJi r t'!O rtll~I:' · ri on fund, .ban be exem pt from t,(uuuion i a nt.! cno wi t h t'~ lative ll in Ke ntucky. burying irrou nd., public scbool bOUUJ, b O U 5~ Mr. J (l h!l Rye and family spon t uud exdu. lvel ,. for public worsh ip, instit ut ion. Su nd a y With Mr. Elton E vans and "" d I.IclulJvdy Co r ch a ntA blr p U f fK)1a public p roprrt y uiC d fI" d u ~i\'l!!I )' (or nn,. pub1i~ runli l}·. P Ul'PO. ~ . tAnd tal1!!lible P~UllQ :U rt4.pc t ty, to An !III'S. Emerson Di ll :<pen t Inl<t Wr.d~ m o unt not u cnd1ug If] va-Iue hve hundred dol lar. (or any Indivi dua l, mD y b, Ken u al lawlt, n . <Iny wi t h l\1r~. Cllrl F'rve. of WIIY. he- uempttd rrom (lUral lon; and Jaw:. mAY be n~svi ll e . paned to rro~t aMain6f I h~ doublt. lan.u on .liss Ma:g aret Ed\\,llrds. of Wnyth a t rHult.8 r(('I m thc U\,U11on ,ur bUlh the ruJ <u tat, CUld t bC' mortJl: olVC or I.he debt jI« ur~ nesvillli, s pent Ihe wee k-en d with Mi:<s thenb,. Dr e thcr lirn upon it but . 11 sucb :\lIna Roland. lawi ' l ban ~ ' lI hj' cet to a lter ation or fC' pcaJ ' Mr, ancl ~f rs. Ray mond Osborne, of and the- value of !ll pr pert,... su c.xrrnpted J.h l't.U' from time to. t illl r , be 4j(crtai ned and pubJj,bc~ Xe llia. ~ i'enl last Thursday even ing ~" mal be dlrec:ted by Ja"" with r elatives here. SI, tI Itul h,r f#l olt·, d. That .t Iuc:h e.tectioa Mr. and Mrs. Chru'lcs Miars nnd abov, referred tu th l. ame ndment shOllI be p!t1~d on the ~ ffic ia l bllllot. in the nl3flne r prf> son, Rich'\ld, of Delmont, !'p-ent. S unvldr:d by la1l", .1ft s uch f orm as the secret't.ty o . duy nftern oo n l'is iting friends here. .tate inar, l\II·S. Jac() b Zimlll er a nd chi ldren If the .vott. , for ~e Proposol , .hal l ..cord those :tg:unst tt , thll' 'ltmr tlllm rnl .hl\~1 t.aJce and Mrs. Kenn elh Sow8Id spent lust

ejected 19 eaCD hO~H concurrln« therein · Wll ~ a decid ed success. That thcr~ ahaH be l ubtni tted to tbe d«t o~ Miss Helen Kyn e entertained at a of lb.- I' l te for their a pprova l or r~ject ion at lb. weiner l'nl\.~t. Wedll ('~ uay evenin g. dt<hotl to be beld O'D tbe tint Tuetda,. afte.t The High sc hool cnjoyed a weiner the nnt Mond ay In No'vr.mber. 1 9~ 5 , a Pt(» popl (0 I mbd &ection 2 of a rti cle U I an d ronst at the Fixx home, Friday ev• ~Ion 2 of a.rticl e X, And to ;epenl .cc-don 2 ening .

BUSI NESS FINAN CIAl and-PROFESSIONAL ARE THOROUC. ... '-v TypewrIti n g OilY and Nigh t Couraea 8 a tl.fa ctlon Guara nteed Call or wrIte lor a CopyrIght ed Booklet DICKINSON SHORTHAND SC HOO LS D."les Bldg. O~yton , 01110. Phon e Garfield 5428.

\.'il' l\n' r t,"· I, k

Wilrlll' r lIurri ~ . ~fiU ; Monr oe &. J " I\IIlu mber, ,"li ls and Illbor, $102 .35 Ed Tho mpson , labor and milt. and sup p1ic~ , $~W.:W: $:!UL.73; J u d~" W, oJ . 'Wri ~ ht, po s tlll~l' of Co m. Plc a~ co ur'l, $2 ; Eva . Cuwn n. tnx penalty paid in " prOt', $1.0:1; na:;m ond Hlll'8hbllrgor, puinting materiul8, $71.1\6: Morrow ARTICLE XII. SECTION 2 Feed und ' upply '0. , b";,llte materia l P.OPOSING TO AMEND ARTICLE XII, SECTION 2 OF THE CONSTlTtJTlON SO lumul'r nn d c 'm~'\l, $128.05: W. C. AS TO PROVIDE FOR TAXATION BY Turton. cement. $:;;42.77; . C. ColUN :FORM RULE OF ALL REAL ESTATE lins. hlluling g rnve l, $24 .67: Omar AN n TAI"G I ,LE PROPERTY EXCEPT MOTOR VEI/ ICLES. AND TO PROVIDB Hollingswurth , cliu nty s hure on No. Fon THE T.u(ATION OF INTANG.IBLE !17 - ~4 , Est. No . !Hl$ lOO; $100: Ralph PROPERTY, furni shing und piling s tone, s. (J , .Jot.,.,d b)' th. C.,.,,.al Au""bl, of 1M :Vintcrs, ] 04: Ed Bre nne r . same, $122.70 ' 1It~ " Of o .tio thr t~ · fihh or th t m~mt~rt t. ' ,' t, .1 c.1cb h ilu ~u:: c" ncurnll W t be rri n : H e l'~~ h e l F. Jnmcs, t ruck I epa II': Tbnl there . ball ~ ,u bmll tC'li.. l u the e.le tu n u( $ 1&3.1l 1: Mn ~o,n Lumber Co., n ails, ~:{Jt~lc i of °bc t~:lld g~ r~'b~ fi:./e+~!~'d'~·y .~(~~: wire . Inmber Ilnd Ct'lll1ent., $47 .70; 0., re pairi ng grade the ~ut M a ntl ll1 in N.",elllber, I Q2S .a pro> ll rl'~ onin Uridge 2 ~~~it~~io~m~~d t ~:tl!!:teX!J ' Obi~i,(lnto ,eo~ t~ cable, $i:!il.li5: Zaln Armitage, PIlY_ roll, S IIi .SO; Hertlard Buttery St8foll ow• . n, rel'nirs on co un ty car. $1.10; ARTICI.E XII. ~ec, 2. L awl . hall be pl15l<'d. tllx in K by • Waynesvil le Fanncrs l!:vchunJ!e, lumunifo rm r ule 011 rc.11 ca ta lC" a nd iIllIJl LJ \' C=RI~l\b t bcreco a nd all tW1ll lbie peraonlll VfU,J4!: t1 1 , ac- \J(' I', $25 .55.






i tl

~t o n,

Col. !glehart, Col. Koogler Lunch Served by the McClellan W. C. T. U.


<I e : t ' ~

Sl)me . $ 1 ; C. L. S .lUtt. , cll ll'lI11'nt ill full f or U U lIlUgC claim. $ 117 ; J u hn · . ull & Walsun Cu. , !'lI ppl i('~ for cl e rk lIf courts , a.ll o; J . T. 1{i1ey, d"rell ~ll


Waynesville, Ohio


COMM ISS ION ERS AL'_OWANCES M. II. Os\\'o ld, buri nl illdic;,'I1\ ~\l I ­ .1i,'r. S 10 0; J. M. SIIIH, k, m ~l\Ih" r burill l ,col1l lllitlcc, $ t; Johll Ilnckl'Lt

Everyone interested in OUROCS is inv ited to be witll us in uur Third An nual, Hog ale

Lumber Yard

u bollt

'1')1 .• $ 1.



HI1 • •\1:11"\'

:\,C"nes 11. Sm u t" . a h o\ !l . f: :.!

At 12:30

We ,-ill se ll


l 'l ' I U·C.



Phone ·No.2

APPLES-Fall tlnd Itaml Beauty, JondfJlm. w.tne..p and Rambo. Phone No. 911'. 'J. Jl 'Jlen,den hall. '." 'oU , FOR SALE-Pure-bred Dul'Oll boan and Gell.ll••--Am taking 'orden loy bred aowlI. . Herbert ' J ..' Can', .Harveysburg, Ohio, ' FOJt SALE-Seed' wbeat, ~o, }ilgh' grade, good _:rIeldIDlr•• I. F.

Dlf\lro, R. R. 2.




BQrling~Qn,O.- For Sale o~ Ren"-'_JD Phone No. 320 ~~':11 o/::!.!.!' -1:L~J!t~·~bo • I'~d Jot 8117"'dftIp. ·V . WiUlNp.W~ ·




• •



(o f Wilbur Unwke's grocery, during his illness. .. ,ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDA Y ... Durn- T o Mr. nnd IIfrs. Gil rt W(\Il·h. of FOI·t Dodge, rO\~ , n ~"n, E"(.rod . 1 '.,'o m • ~I W.",n ...III. , .Mrs, Chnrl" Mudc,lcn hn~ heon Wllli nm W, Oh'o• • • See_"" C/o.~ Ma ll Matt.r quito ill. 'I'h ~ch O(J ) wi n h n\~o n pi ll tm) 1\1 ' Mrs. Laurn V. Reed spen t this week Mr. S b 't' P ' $1 5 Y 0 IJ(-fa n-is' 'sture, Sa turday II· 01 ., u ,cr,p 100 rice, , 0 per .ar. in Leba no n. eto 01' 17 . . Do n't furg(\~ it. .Mr Ilnd Mrs. La u re nce LoMu r have . B 1'/1 'nrl' I'isited h iR I1I1)lhol', ~rr. D __ • _L_. _C_R_A _ _N E_ ______Publi~h.t '(111, to F lor ida. (0'1 11 I'CII Cit ;"l'I', lit the h01l11' til' Ite r v ,.s. ll nm , " sutTOI' d t wo brokcn d" UI~ h t ('r, ;'\rl'~. lI,mry Murph v, SU II I I II ) ' ) t I' h tiu. ." • • UH W le n I e . ' 11'11 C en ., ng l ei y. furna ce.



!\b", l-ln d ~1 !·s.

M I" .


1\. ::i. Pit

'1'. fi!l d j\~ r~ . II. E. Jllltl!jU 1 at I en,..

!,.,llI l

\ 'II'W

. Horace Greel ey's admonition " Go W est Y04ng Mlln," 8eem" to h ave made quite' an impression on President Coolidge.


good t o ~e deptha of yeur heart, nnli you wW discover that those who surr llund you and llSSoeiate \\ith YOll will b~ ~ood even to the same degree, Il~RTHA KENRICK - Li(e depePdM upon'. t he soul, nnd life gives @xpresston of God's impressions in j)~r ftOu~.

PO~NA HA WKE ~ f{UPII Ii~hts ~. e148 of you~h todny, tomor,J1OW ~

.liaa left t.hem dilll. VIRGlNIA HESS-Says it always takea' II mighty big person to be humble. ANNA THOMPSON- Be energetic \always ,uandlng against lukewlU'm-

Jleu. ELIZABETH CHANDLER- Let us Btrive to have in our community a moral and religious awakening, a resurrection in our schouls, making them a 1II0re constructive factor for good ' We Il. V~1 of our bl)YS and gl ~I ', ..1!lib. iheJII t!l solv~ t~\l P.'0re IUI~jjt pi'pb!ems of lIre, IP,Vlng tl!~,"


lUger'villlon, a grea£er lnSplrat lOn lor actual se r~t'1Il for goop.

p'~ pllwe~

'. ANNA MEltED!'fH-Self-control

a§ well as 8tilf-re-

. 'tile.' e;: -' ~er control" tlift .m ' nifn. "o~' sll1ill '., ~~ pr~Yl?p~iflg it : " " :runnjn, 0 , • tho trac~ o.r \)0111-

1 - tn.1rit11' an ''Oblltruotion, It IS rathI . r by lIIaking it do the work for ·which 'it WaI eonltructed and Intended-in lUUn.. the train and gattin, some'lie"_that he established · 'lim repu, _ ~jm; elftcient engineer. Once '!~' ,ive the boys and girls this POllUve slire 01 the matter of Bolf-con, ~. 1~)'blJ' ,· -:wtlhr~t them ' IjJ.' the path of develoJllllent; of operatIOn, and n Jarcer measure . -o.f 8uccess. Do not be a prohibitive teacherl -." '. a;~URA;McKlNSEY-She is evel' · ,. g{vj,,; ip'~~o to tho divinity that i.1l in '~ thoughts and e xpret!Slons J!1' ' j! 'JIl!ci-vo tlie ...~glon 9f our low., ' til 0118 ineb the ' 8l1D~hino of II ~,, :~ h~~e~ li~!l' . ~., ,' EDrJlJI- 'SHERWOOI>-The cro!!S ". ef 'O.h~ .. ~e perfect low of Godl :', iv'JifWn' 011 'tlie' t!lb1et of the heart-'ot .~'rj. .~!~P.' ta~lon" intll1Ugent~ cr1latu-l·II!., "~i ' EVA 'DAVIS-!J'he world ieeb for !. Pwe~ tbah for Uberty; Indeed, < tbe''b~perfea p~ .~ found under

'. i

" U

Fall Festival Octobep 17th to 3 1st

$12.90 Suits consi sti n g of dOllhlcbreasted coat, wi th long-roll lapel. vest and two pairs of knickers ! 100% pure Virgin w ool suits, tailored to Rike's specifications, especially fQr Fall Festival! Sizes? to 16 years. In tan t wcens , brown and hea ther He rringboncs and novelty mixtures.

$6.45 Beautiful high I:'rllde R t (l pi n pumps with buck les of l Imd jet. Hnnd tu rnt'd 8010s; Span iHh heels; choice of pntent leath 'r or b lnck

t hrotlJ!h Ollf C){tcn ~l VQ Fall L<'estivn [,J:m! .

Uik r-l{"mlrr'1r::i.'cond Fluor

Men's 2. .Trouser Suits •

For First Day

~'·I .want my overcoat cleaned and , , nuned' when :will It be roady'" t:. "I don't' kno:w, my father', in : co1ll't." ..~ ", ~ "IIiT" COal'U \ What;." -be " doinr ,.. ' .

b~ ~, ,aoIlIC ~01rD ' :'

to ~



A remarl<nblo exnmpIe of Foot ivlIl ~avln ~s . J.,ight weig ht Cl\PC Ilk ,"" of fin o quality nnd wnshable. P. K, s lim s lind . Paris Point stiching. In beaver. modo, gray.




Vanity Boxes in F eati~'al, $3

m ost FClllarkabl c F estiva l Qff~rin~ . . Single and doublc b reas t ed suits ill . tlte smartest ncw fabric •• Cheviotll and unfinish ed worsteds Iq blues, browns, nnd grays. A Iplendld selection of every wanted weaYCI and pnttern, They'll go quickly at this rare saving. Come first thing Saturday I

An example of Festival savings! fd n n y have tra18 and contain bob combs a.~ woll 88 other fittingt;. Choice of 1\ I a r d, beaver enIf, and leath-' er; black, gray, tan, blue, brown, r()l5(). Leatla. Good. Dept.Stf'Ilet FIoaf:


R o und and ovql p illows in changeable taffetas . hlue, ros!!. gold, p each , orchid lind pl1lin black.

20 !lnd 22 inch pillows "'\th large flower trim mingl

Fes~v" value for the averqe and medium IJtout figure .' Lightb boned. Siscs; 82 to d.

Ru..-X_kf'S-.d Floor .

$2.25 '.

.Tbl.s .JWtlval feature

Ibcerie of !De quaHtJ'- Radiam


EmIlrIo&dend iJI

.eH eelon iii ct.Igne of

Filet .Net Curtains ·talns of this fine quality. Y~U:i' choice (){ Filet ' or Shadow- nets . in de.c oratiyc aU-oftI' Patterns. Ri~ "gO' lhades~ ....

e~ 15eI,;.i}'Ollti.eas-lY







- - - - t - ... , ~ ~~,....,. .


Durable cottoa waah fabric at typical Festival I!&vings. Chints designs and floral pat.terns. 32 inchea wide.

R~­ ~FIoo<r

. Irish Picot LaCe! .

$2.9 ,air .

,~ , Yard

(CIIIDeIe ]lab)

~ ~ ,.udIe~= . ally Icnr~ ~ ' AD­ IItNrIarJ.


D6jNtr1! ........




• .In

40..Inch Crepe Satin Fall Festival -,\ llL'alll iilll Ill . tr io u s quality of t hiS\ wa nt ed fa hric , at <In exceptionally low price ! In Ma nnorrl, Terrapin. A nat~oli a , PC llci l n lll , Pan sy, ll n khara, coco a, navy, cofTee, black.

$1 89 •

Corduroy, 79c

Duvetyn, $1.95

86 inche;; wjde. Choice of twenty-live shadeR.

36 hlfhe8 wiele. Shnwn in nineteen wanted shadeS'.

Crepe at $2.29 40 inch crcpc-<l.e-chine in

tWerlly colors, Sutin Ca nton, Crepe Sntiu, now $3.H9.

64 inch brocade vcl~t in ten exqUisite paHr r ns. Riku-KHmlcr'8-Sclxmd Fl oor

Women's Festival Hose Sheer Chiffon $1. 19 Full fashioned chiffon hosie ry of fine quality, shee r but smooth and firm , Mercerizcd tops, 12 fashionable shades ..

FuU Fubioned Service HOle .

38 Ineb Printed Crepe in Sale; 7lte 54 Inch Bordered Crepe Now $2.39 Mystery Cloth For Men'll Shirts, 7ge 32 I neb Madras Shirting Now 39c Riktl-l{u:,,,Icr'1tS cclnld ~Ioor

Glassware at 9c and 19c Values such ne only Fall F eat i val bri ngs! 2 nnd 8 ounco tumblers. 9c! Gob let ll, she rbets. saucer champag nes, wi nes nnd cordials at l!le•

Chitta. DltpM't1M1ttF&urth. Floor

Boys and Girls' Shoes, $3.15 A Festival Featureboys' and youths' high shoes Bnd oxforda; tan Ruasia caU, oak 80les, Goodyear welt. Oxfora

in the _ _ rna"" model far Bmaller miIIII.

New zehn welt. . Collegiate Odol'd•• " .16. lWP&-KIMflerI_

StJeOffd 1"-'

Buttencotch Candy, 19c: Lb. CONly Depcm_ _ _ strut Floor

Quick Meal Gas Range. $74.50


Our famed Aimcee HOBe purebued !or FaU Feetiva! In 8uch a manner that


~n eell it below ~priee.




Printed Every; Day Zephyr, 29c

R ik c-l{m "IM'&-Third Floor

Silk Chemite . $1.95 ' " IIlk.

_....{."!:"~~_. ~~'. : WUU!I

RiktJ..KtemJor'_ Sec.oRd Floor

Co rn e in early t o mak c your selection.

A wond e rful Fall

Forstmanft - HafIman contings at superior quality at a great deal 1MB than they ordinarily cost, in Fan Festivall


Flared ChilJun E ve1l inlJ G O'lvtUt w ith Meln l L"c" Afterw>011 Dress wi/A M "taUic Tunic Gtui Velvct Skirt Velvet Trimmed Aftc1'llocm 'F'rock toi th High C<)Uar t&nd Long SleelJ68.


Fall Coating. in Sale, $4.98

Plaid Flannel, ..... Plain Flannel, $%.Sf

For th csc dr esses have th c style pnin g th at arc " good" this fall and winter.

. Brocades,

the new fall styiC15 in tan and black calfskin. The Store lor .!tim

W.ool Jersey, $1.98 Border MarcbaD,

O nl y in our grc;l t Fa ll F es liv nl Sale could y o u u btain dresscs of su ch bea u tiful qu ality at such a l o w price.

Brocaded Satin . ' $4.9S

Silk Taff~ta Pillows in Fall Festival Sale


An eICllPtional Festi-

val sa vi ng. IntI'oducjag

Festival Frocks for Dinner and Evening

-Conettea of

An' almost 'u nheanfofpriccfor cur-


Cape G loves in Sale, $1.65

Glouo De-pnrlmcnlr-




Shoes, $8.85

~ utin.

fl 'llul i.fu l in quali ty nnrl ~oll i d ollly bl's('Cur~d lit th i~ low price

A g roup purchase 'sccur ed spccia lly for F est iva l ! Coa t s r ," n leskin fabric ; sheep lill ed a nd with ne:\Verized coll ars ~ Sizl's 7 tu 20. Th e BOfIs' St oro-S cculld Floor


Rare valueI' i n ('oata f or 6 to j G girls. Tw"ed. suede cloth nn d pola ire coals, f ur t rimmed, at remarkable F est iva l savings! T he (;i"lR' .'iMpThird Floor

Stepin Pumps,

Boys' Sheep-Lined Coau, $7.95

'.:' lion I... _,,,....,.. .: _ _ . _ ..._ __


Men'a .8anill:er

Rlb-Ktc'I1Iler _TJPnl 11'100'1'

Girls' Coats Only $16.75

long. Rike'. M_'s Shop



st yle, chic, and exceptionally good }'all colors. R ik<>-1.::1J,"rJ~"':f­ T hi"d Floor

its wondertallJ IQ....

HoiWry Depart---..streeC FIoofo

25 Wilton Rugs An Exbaol""" Valuel 9 x 12 si%e, heavy wool Wilton ruga: A quality tha~ WoaId ~­ ily sell at a mnch higher pace. A Wide aslOl1metlt of attaaetift oriental patterns, including rir:h taupe. r~~. mulbe\fY aadbluie...,. combiaatiou. All triauDed :w ith beavy jriuge. _.

... ..




for Fall Festtval, Cut full, 54 inches

are_ ~

~, GN.Ult ~ , Bft6e King

Thl!re's vnriety , quAlity,

Boys' Four.-Piece Wool Suits in Festival

' l'aED CA8KtY~Whe" ·yoU !till , time ~member It bllCl•. ;no. re~urrec-

"~ '...


Dred ' ,



MI!Il'. Flannelette Gowna, $1 "FaultlC8!!" make,

:rhe very fashionable colors

There's a hat fo r every olle in this most remarkable J:'roup of F a ll Festival spacials.

Collar Att.adIed and S tyle.!;. Excellent quality English Bmadcloth. P lain White, Blue, Grey, Tlln.

aDd there is

Sf. . . aM G_-l>I/ed Fitch Bta.Jc. Bf'OIDtl. or Pt/JlJitt:nm Fo. BealJw, Na= ~.i'rrtJl

Festival Hala




Furs arc used choice from

Mak e your selection early.


Men'. Broadcloth Shirts


Rike's Downstairs Store

of 19Q'4

·. - m .-.

h" lf ••ff.


This ~(>UJl consists of all the ~w sty le ff' atures . Qua lity and tai lo ring is f ull y ~<Jual to that 50 ld r eglliarly in our stocks at a much hi gh er price. The fabrics a re : Roulust ra, Poinlira,

Chic Hats, $1.79 Girl.' Coats, $S Bovs' Sheep-Lined Coats, $5.75

CIa .. of 1903 IRMA ELLIS-I huve ofton thought the hardest battles '01 life are likely to be the unaeen battlcs; those which eaeh of UB have to fi~ht by ourselves dily by d ay, and nrc we not pretty closely duplicating lhe general human experience? . FRANK HAMILTON- There Is beauty and gludnc88 all Ilround us If we will only seo it. STOKES SILVER - Good habits are moJ'J val.u able thlU\ rubies I ,JESSE LEWIS-Put your troublos OD the dUlllb walter. LEONA ELLIS-I!! your head a bair farm' MABELLE COMPTON- Dc you realise that faith in God is the sonshine of life? ETHEL WILLIAMSON - Pnssing l unablne and shades ofi thought may aid in broadening our opportunities and possibilities, nnd lend up to a higher standard of efficiency.

~~8 ()~ gJ\r~t.


s~art Shoe., $1.95

Writt... b, a .. Earl, Cradua ••

· -; tile

In fashion' a most favored slylll1l, doldred mll te ri&ls and novel colors. In \.he riChL'f't of fsbrica, the new wanted styles and t he desired shnrlea.

, ·A Short Resume 01 the Characteristics 01 Each and Every Graduate 01 the Wayne8ville Schools


$5.95 Coats At $12.75

Now we nre gelting used to Hamlet in 1\ silk hat why not have a jnzz. band play while Ramo i8 burning ?



.;1m.el'iean. llldustl'ies

Fall Festival Sale Fur Trimmed Coats

Festival Dresses at

It 'i s fortunate thnt th e avero~e man Is 8clf mnd e. Provid ence must f ecI B tremendou s relief from 1'1'BI?OI~~i ~i II ty.


J uJ . ; n g (ronl the w ny t he air •• dress n ow . ", . (ta y a. t h e y m u al he w CIlr i n ,!, th eae i , "• • • 1.. W"I\'~ c~t! n a.dve r liled .. . ODe ..

We announced it's coming last week--Now, this remarkable event is here --Read this page-- Come t~o Dayton for the First Great Day's Savings!

While we lire passing Inws to hold up the pric ~ of whoat, lower the p' ic c at coal, wby not compel the railroad s to incrense their div idends?

• lIS


..A T,,;,hule to the Genius ~ SkiD. and CJ.caft$manship

'J'herc nre l, !) OO,O OO lull'. Oil lh e statute buoks. La ~t Y":II' \\' (' passe.! 100,000 mure. Bl'llc r I{c l bU RY. Ig . norllnco Is no excuse ill law.





S UllI et hin g ntU ~l Lu <l onll to mak e New York lIIu r dcrllr" mon! Lllo u/:h lfu\' The last COn Ull ltu, ot! cell ill Sill!! Sin g wus filled lust week. If I his ke eps up our assussin s wi ll Ruo n he uncomfortably crowcJ ll 'l.


~h.-4 t i :!":,4(I,, ~t·l'\l·d dl· lil ·iou~ :\J r. 11 1"' 1\ l\1 r~. (,: " " fl!l' I h'I1 I1 ~: an d ",11!!"' r ca!..' lind c. · .\j, ,~ Hu l h ,·"t.'rl"'11 "I l" II I,,) rhHk

iIHlml'l"" ."",


diun "', 8UlldllY, Mr, and li'8. Alb rt H ackll!'Y, ~ Ir . Il n d Mrs. "' .. Ie ha iIlI"kncy ,>ulIl .ons, Mr . lind .\1, , Weldon McKny,..,- lIn ci .!II·r. nnd 1\1 1'11. Hnrle y ::;1I1il h.

==-s: d _~

H<!l'c' s 11 leS>lun to r advertiseI'M; cvoeryone will louk a t flre wurk. but few tuke time t o look at th a w o ndr" u ~ 'sturs, If we 8 11W ti rew o l'k ~ 1\5 o ft!!n .a8 st nTS we would n ot I.. ok lit llw fireworks. C hlln ~o your ud vc rtis inl1 weekly.


We were 111 Lq \.u klo,. ill 111 date ,,1' t he Unplist MI ionlll'), rlil-d ny sewin~. It is to Iw nJ f'ritlU7'J October ·1 Ut.ll, insteud of \\ l' dl\('~'lhY, Oc!."bel 14 t\l. All Illd ie I'tw 'c II. L , lind a'·~IHngc to rome l~'l'idu.\·. Mr. nn. I j\[. rs . 'I . I'',. (."" II ' .,. n nlI ~o n, J\[r. a nd Mrs . •Ialll e" C"lll'lt a nd Mo n, M,·. lI~d Mn... ('li nt . h'l'l11lln nntl d ~ l lI/:h! "'" W('I'\ ' J.:u n tH at a ., '(~ 'I'lock dill ilL" 111,,"(\,11'. or ill I'. and M,·,. Geo. I, '1111 ' lIld ~11 "t.; l 'lIlh C y . ~ , .


G, .. ,hlHlI! t' ut , .

lJow nad

Loren Boer filc r has takell ~hllr.:c ~l r~. Luu,'u S.h , alHl

CollL·lt \\'cre !Shopp ing in P uytA\ n, Mrs. Mllry Emily McGee , n~ed MOIIIJay. culor ·d r<!s iden ~ of this vllllLge, ,lilld ir'. t llcl ~Jr . John Bcl'j(tlr, of Ulan- at he r humo Saturday morning , lifter Ch<!3kl', woro ~nst Stllldn)l gu" t.s o[ a hart illness of pneumonia, JIIr3. Clllr:! C;u llIlur, li s. Ethol mith Mrs. ChllS, Rudd uck cuusrht he r a nd $on~. . hnnd in tho powor wri nger while '1 ' . M r8 W ' Va I kur O • \\"' 511"11 ", Mo nday. lInd . b~(~r(! s he h r alld L" ' " Onyt,;n, \I' ' 1'0 'week-en d vi.<il"lr; ,,( co uld lop it, it t he hu nd wns hnd ly ht ir !'urc ll la . Mr. L1 ld I\[rs. A. L. K~n cru heel. I,,'d~' !llld fa m ily. 'I'h 1. 'E. Aid 111 ,t Tll u l':;"n~' " f'I ('I J JI II f ' l" ,',,' n Aft (' r Ih. II 1' 1 o· I ' I~~ nl n J.ncn Otl . H 111-..! )11 , ' ,"lUi HbIJll·.~~ n 'inTll" t·. -lll'llt lhi~ wl' .k will h.'r l'Hr- I ~h" I'L 1,,·nJ.( /·atn lO r 1'''qdill)!S W,I. ••~ iv-


For .Firat Festival Da¥. Semi-White &toft with Lorain Ovon-hea' Regulator_ A remarkable value. H0lJJl6 J'womB~""":'


Mohair Dave. porta Festival, $11Q


Mole shade witll rose . badqrro1md. Carvo.

feet . . ·base rail. Be-

_ _ 1dcIe : of. e-hJone


tal'ldl ......· .'

_ ? sw.

dlIft ·

:1IIIIldt." ';".: :. ,' ~-.- ' ,

.,..,. .ftIof '




.... IAp.tI GAZE'M'E

• r i a.;.


111::' KNOW S

IUllwad tlf bl'lbiny, II jury t{l ' dl. Th\1 111nd,,"11 e .. II ")·!'llIHII all ~tt'Hl a w hy nut Jlut·1I, Ililln nll!l his wUt' ki",.., , \\'lu lp 4h i"i ll(,! I 11 U urttn "'fth (In t h J u ~y . Ul t\' It ttl' • lhl1Y tlnci dd l'~ IIHndlJ ro ..


I l



hllrl II'm




ndlUoli of the Wayn,,~ · v ll1~ Nnti onnl Bank , a t Waynes ' ville In t he State of Ohio, at the close of busi ness. Sept 211. 1925





Uld dJ.lounlAt. Innl.... nll


........ ...... ... II KI.2 " .18 UOMOUred

~ ij llll 7b

g~:;ol ~~~ ~~~i~I::·'1 U.S.bOlldl par nl ue)OO.uoo.oo

tl b ll. 44


At o' b r Ual ted 8ta"'- Oo"orn·

o,¥:~~.~~:.:ocuril\~~ I~ ~',. ~';~: ~~

D.lllrlaa 8 0 ..... .. . . . .. 18.000 00 rum",,", and lI'tnUftlO ... 80 0. 00

La.:.~ r.s~.~~~~ ~~~.I . n~:

Cub 1D n ula Uld WIlOUD ' due !rom 1II"0ar.J bankl . . . . . 1.111' )11111 dUI from 81U o baa~ • . ban ..... aael anat com p""l ..

'be CDlM<! 8ta* . .. . . " 10. 11 . Il " no II .. ...... ... .. . . t U. I O; . OU


To-.l of


ItU-'laaIlOWi Cfub Itam • .... ...

1Ie.t=r~: .. ~~ ..~I '.b


ToW .. .. .. . . ... .. . . . LIAll l Ll Tlll: . ~ .~P6Id la .. ....... .

~:d.:rp;.o~~ .'.'

Sund~ cJct_IS


"fH t



I J :,SI,. t S

1. DOQ 00

11 08.011 0. 00

1 . "C . '~

OIJvuIaam. aot.el ou tn 'D<lIrt • ..

Amolllli dile 10 N. t IODaI I)allks •. To-.l or.. 1 _ n .l 2J H . a as .. . .. .. .. .. 10. 000 00

6 . OO~ . OO

16 .iU. II )0 .000. 00 U . OQ U. OO


lu~!!i~..~~~ .."~ bJ"" '.0

~t.eI 01 dol)Oll' duo III It... IIIu •• d.p . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . DI'tldeD41 uP&l4 ...... . ... . . .

ToMl 01 d_aod d lpolllA! (o,her \baD bull d.poeIlAIl lubJecl 10

a-..hhemaI1 . 18. ii. 10 ........ . J17. 06 U ~

.. aDd


IIID. deDOllIo . . ........ .

ToIII of IlIH cr.po.lI...ubJec ' '" - ... 1 ' - n. H . U . aad

U::WUM i ..,hai·,lia..; ~~~O~i!! Itod abO .... .. . . .... ... ... .

Ji f\. O!l), ue

1.001. 13


19. wn." 66 \'0

To&6l .. .. .. ... .. . .... . .. . 1 03 1. 00 1.81

OWo. r..,uuW 0 1 W.tr6Il &:I : I. &. Y. Headenon. Cublc. · ot .be abov •. DomedbaDk. do IOIemu1r ,"ear tbat ,ho above .......... 11.0 lrue 10 'be bell at m y IID ol< leclge ad4 beIMf. 8 .... 01

L. II. HEN DSRSON. Cubl. r 81Ib«:rtbld olld o" om '" be ta"' m. Ihl. m.s.r of October. IIIU. Mablou Rlclg •• OonwclAUee'1 No' ..,." Puhllc. J . B. PBNCK W. H. ALLaN J . W. wllna





' .. _ -

Mr . a nd Mrs. Howard A~bdeacon vis ited r(' lutives in Dayton , Sunday.

haarlem oil has ' been to ' world. wide remedy for kidney ,liver and bladder disorders, rheumatism, lwnbago and uric add conditiona!

M ~s~ rs.

H. A. a nd R. G. Cross at-

tcn ded th e Thursday.



las t

Miss B('r t ha Hyman, of Xenia, was the week.end ~uost oC Mr. Myer Hymun a nd Ca mily.

c:orrect Internal troubl"s. stimulate vital orpns. Three All druU11ts. 10m. OIl the orlainnl a,,"ulne GOLD MaDALo

Mri!. Earl Conner was ill Dayton se vera l da ys last week. the guest of Mrs. Cru'J McClure.




Tobacco Insurance

Mis8 Mabel I\ ylstock, of Hamilton. spe n t ' unday Wi t h Miss Ayleen Maino us, at her home he re.

Now is 't he time to Insure your Tobacco in the ahed or bam

or for any length of time you ma y wan t at the slaudard rate.


Can You Afford to Carry This Risk Yourself? Can You Afford to Do Without It? COME IN. Will be glad to take your .application for any amount that you want, ill the best Iuurance Companies in the World.

F. D. Dakin Insurance Agency Successors to

Sears & Cartwright

..................................................... L









10 .000. OU


To, " • . ; . .. ...... .. ... ..... 1 11I. 8D I. 63 8TATE OF OUIU. WARRE N COUN TY .SS:

lIu_bod a""


loab da, of o"'0~~ll~3tB8 &IAU DK N 00"..." """1, NoCUy l' u lllie.

O. D. COO le

T·. ·P . McOI ' I r> N O. J . CLEAVIIl R Ul rec lore



Round Trip


Miss Lillie Ne dry is spe ndi ng th e week wit h he r f ri en d. Miss Anna M a~h c r, of th e Lebanon pike. .

good in coach es only on train. e hown,

Central S t andard Tin;e

Leave Wayneeville.

Mrs. Gu y Ki bler li nd children, of Dayton , spe nt la, t wee k with her mothel', Mrs. Euphl'mia Houg h.

9 : 15 a . m .

Returnin g . Leave Colurnbua, 5 : 30 p . m.


~tr . Isa a c Cozad II l1 d family, of Ri" hm ond . Ind., were week-e nd g u ests o f Mr. und Mrs . Wm. Rob inso n.

Dr. and Mrs. A. T. Wright attended the funeral of Dr. John Wright at the Universalist church at Springboro Sat urday.


Free Crank Case Service Melloh '.5 Garage Clermont Heaters, and Ranges

Mr. E. J. Burton enjoyed a short vacation at home last week. The Monroe school closed Cor the Butler cn unty fair.

Mrs. Lina Devitt and Mrs. Julia Donuvan wdre in Springboro over Sund ll Y, the gues ts of their sister, Mrs. Junie Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Ru ssell Bentley, Mrs. Will St John and daughter, and Mrs. Lllwrence Evans a ttended a reunion of th e Bentley family, Sunday, at Blanchester.

Goodyear quality is at the peak···never so high as it is today! Goodyear prices are low···in many cases, way down below the prices asked for ordinary tires. We think this is every tire.buyer's oppor· tunity. So.we say, "Buy Goodye - rs now!"

Get Our Prices

( \


Waynesville, Ohio



Mrs. L. A. Washburn and her Sunday-School ClaBS of girls and bOYd had a "weiner roast" in Branstrato!"s woods, Saturday afternoon. A bout twenty-four enjoyed the occas ion.

i . ",



re lapsl' cll inti llu t·


~~~LL~~~·~ ~~ .. ~~~~·~i~s· .~...... ..........


A ,. us u al. w ~ are h eadqUArter. for H a Uo w.,' en Rood 5. unl il you I ce our oUI>ply.

III se f\' i cc~ «"H" he ld in the Frielld, church Mond ay III «. I'll UII 11 . I{,,\,. 'hus, Hn\\' u loth , o f Sa lem , dt·l i\'l·rcu

~~- -

- - -rcnl- -

I II~s to u:-;,



l~llE l\1 L~scs 1::\,11 and Elhel H(o l'ner s h opper~ , "' u tllrdny.


Oa)' t on

~ I !'S. Mary Carmo ny is vi~ili nj!' 1(,' 1ati\'('s lit Spr inj!'fil'ld li nd St. rl1 r i~ . So nle th crm om t(, l~ re,Ld stc· cd n~~ low as 22 deg rees la. 1 Snt ll l"tillY IIInr ll ing. MI'. Di ck ~[a su n . o f Ur llhn'I' k. wn~ II un day gu es t o f ~lr. lind .\1 1';. h a ~. Clark . E\' e rett Ell'\y is I'rlll odl' lll nA' hi R

ware h uu 'e, di.l!'I;ill j:! a

b: H~(\ IH (lnt

1 ·.i

Don', huy


i "'HE"~!r~~~;GON" I-F~~~k H. ~arr, Ii .I. ...... ........_..._..........._..... ..._.-....

m nll, Thl' ) 'rin l :!.l'\' r nllrtl u f tht· s chuo l ntt,' nd Ld ill ,,' loudy . , ix. ~'''un!( tJOys ac ti ng u" 1'111 1 b "II I' '' r~. Wnltoll wa:; a favol'it.e UIH UUg- o lder pClJplt-' .. as we ll n ;; tlinOIl g" hi.:; "1,,y· f .. II (1 w ~ . and

his passing uway i ~


"'."«', .011 ••••.,1,.•• 1.011 <I..." , ... "ioc


e d in in fa ll t i l l~ p Hndy ~i:" w hic h \.'a\1 ~\· d hi::; death Thur sd ay l'\'I,.~ niJl )! . 1,'uIIP r .

. ·. .





Gr.n~._y_o_r._E_g_g_s_t_O_Kr_o~~~r __

-- - - - ----_.--- --


will pul in a dum p con vey"r. Miss 1I 0ieil Du k.. , of lIlin mi \'lI lI e~: hospita l. Day to n, ~p e nt Sa lu rday with her pnre nts. Mr. a nd Mrs. Ca d Duk C'. Mr. an d M rs. Clau de Lew is a nd ---P~ C a ~·e-,--- · Mr. a nd Mrs. Fra nk KUl'fi s a t te nd ed th e Hamilton f air, Thursd llY o f Inst 25 pou n ds, . . week. . . - --. ~Qu ite a numb er from her e atte ndCou ntry Club, . ed t he Distrct conCcrence at Wa y12 14 pounds • • . . • • ' . nesvill e last week and heard Bishop Country Club, 24 1-2 pounds. . $1.19 HeRde rso n . MI'. Fran k Smit h is spending a Clifton, 24 1-2 p ~undll . _ , . . . . • $~ cou ple of we,*s with his dnughter, M 18. Aggie H ec hu t horn and fa mily, Jewel Brand, near Miamisb urg. p e r· pound • . . • • . . Mcssr s. Paul Duke and Th e d e Frenc h Ble nd, per lb ... 47c Golden S:lnto8, pcr lb •• 33e Jones saw th e pluyaf!ra ph of t he World Series a t th e Journal office, Country Club, Dayton, Sunday aftern oo n. 1 Pound Loaf . • Mr. and Mrs.. Clyde Cox spent Friday in Day to n. Mrs. Co x g oing 1 1-2 Pound Loaf lOe on to Ingomar in th e evening to vi sit he t pare nts there f or a f ew days. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Pickerin g and children, of Ce nteltvi lle, Mrs. Frank Roge rs were Sund ay din ner guests Choc. Peennl, pou.rut ............. .~ 27c of Mr. and Mrs. J oshua C henoweth. Mr. a nd Mrs. Wilb ur Clurk , Mr.. Mary' Carm ony a nd t heir g uest, Mr. Elmus Garre t te, o f Chi cago , were Ib ... .......... . ente rtained S undllY at th e home o f Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Cu rmony lind chil dren, in Springfield. Mrs. Willia m Colem nn and Mr. li nd pound .. .. ...... ..... Mrs . Clyde .W h a rton attend ed th e Pound ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ...... .. ---- - - .. _ - Hamilton co unty fair on Thursday M'rs. T. If. GateH a nd children nnd Mrs,. Makley, of Dnytoll . w ~ re FI'iday guests o f Mr. und Mrs. W .M. Freob r e nd e r e d, Ib .. .... .... Coleman. Mr. and Mrs. Wil bur Hathaway entertained on Sunday t he latte 1' M mother. Mrs. Kin g , Mr. a nd Mrs. Walter Tran el' a nd daughte r, The lmll, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard a nd family, Franklin, and Mr. Stanley Hathaway, of Dayton. Mn. Rufu s Wa tkin s, MI·s. Wilbur Hathaway and daug hter , Marjorie, .P"D""cke Flour. 20 oz. pack ... 10e Mrs. W. M. Coleman and The lma . Campbell'., 3 _ ......................21. , ; Kearn s etatnded th e District conference at Wa yn esville. Thursday. A Moth ers club was or~ani zed at Lytle school Thursday, with Mrs. Vall Camp., 3 ... Ben lJllwke as preHident. Mrs. Charles J ohns und e rwe nt a serious o pe ra tion for tum or at Miami hospital, Day ton, las t ThursdllY morning. Shc is l'C ported as do ing nicely at this tim e. Her many fri e nd s ~u. hope for her speedy recovery. In ' hcr absence from home, Mr. John s is DIMIIII staying lit the hom e of thcir so n, Glenn Johns and fllmily, in Dllyton. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!'!!~!!!!!!!!~!!!"!!!!~!!!!!!~ Mr. and Mrs. Berne J ones and _"! The rl e , entertuin ed on S unday, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Duke , Mr. and Mrs. Willia m Bergdali, Mr. nlld Mrs . AI - I len Emlick. Mr. and Mrs . S. H. Rain es , Mr. and Mrs. Wnlter Ken rick , Misses Gladys Bergdall and Gladys Emrick, Paul lind Robe rt Duke and ' J a mes Ha in es. A s um pt uo us dinner wns se rved . Mr. an d Mrs. Rulr)h •.Johns e lite 1'win ed the fOll owing g uests t6 a I'a dio puny, Thur,s da y e l'ening. Misses -wlthNan a Bell, 'Mildred Smi t h, Beulah / H ylton, .Mary Boen er a nd 'ara h .Rey nolds, of Wost CurroUton, Misses R,! nn,:,a Martz, . Hele n H ocathorn , of Miamisburg. MISS Levl!da GlIsti'n, of Middletow n, and Miss Velnla Smith, and Messrs. Edward Bell, Ca lvin Bell Roy LeFever, Charles ' Smit h) 'M ay" nard Teryehn, of W est Carrollton, Charles Cramer, Lawrence KeenPhone 47 , .. Ho nthorn, of Mlaml sb u ~ . Richard Gustin, of 1IIlddletown, and Herman Smith. ltefreshments of ice cream , 0' "Ii -' • • -: ' .i: ., !.~ ., 0- · . ' . and ~e 'were aerved,



- -







54c 2~~r? 20c Bananas ..7~c Lard 21c - - -- - -- ~!!!~.~.~~~~~~. ~27 c ~!~r~ ~Iub, ~ ~a~.~~~6c ~~~~~.~. . . .,. . . . . . . . 7~c ~aCn~~~~ft!I!~~ 27 C ~~~~py~I~'!!.. . . . . 15c . 10c"~. P...........

TeD the Advert·lser you read his Ad.'m the u:_-! UIICIle /'__


For Sale by





Refill Your Crank .Case

. Waynesville, Ohio

STATEMENT S'.temell' 01 'he o"a8l'8hlp .. od ·manage· .mllO'· at ,he MIami O .. e"~. publJebed .t WlI}'nee"III~. Oblo. U Nlqu1ro<l b,. tbe of Al!IfUlIt U. 18 U. ,


Editor. D. L. Crane· Wal'DDlVWe Oblo&!anllflClr aDel PubUeher. D. L .·O\'aIll. Wa,DIII; vllle, Oblo. . Own~r. D. L. Crane . . BOlldbp!der. mol1gl1411W. and oUiMoeoUrltr



IJ.lIOt7l'" Co .

Swona to aDd oubtlcrlblKl betonI me tblI 1IW1 daro! Oeto~. IUD. L, M.IIerridtInoII, No,," ~


SOIl' I-

Let Us Drain and-

Phone 32

The monthly meeting of 'the W . F . M. S., of the M . E. ehurh, will be he ld at the parsonage with Mrs. Wll~hburn, on Friday afternoon, Octob er 10. at 2 o'clock. All the membe rs and their- friends are invited to attertd. Mr. Crabbe, in company with a number of other Smith-Hughes teachon;, spent Thursday and Friday of last wee k st- New Vienna and Blanchester, . visiting ·the departments th o'r o; also In attenda nce at the annual State Sectional conference, wlrlcb Was held at these placea. \

i ~~~~~~o(~~ \~~~~;r :::::~z~:·~~~~


Mr. Carl McClure, of Dayton. is in Akron attending a state convention of Realtors. Mrs. McClure and lit. t ie daughter are spending the week here with Mr. nnd MrIl. Walter McClure. Dr. G. Farr and Mr. S. L. Cart. wright had as tl)eir dinner guests, S'unday, at tho Friends home, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Sellers, of Lebanon, 1'I1is.s Myra Baird and Mis8 May


~ u lill i ' ... mll.un ity " t\ ~

I illn l gl il'l' ''' alld


Ii ....The Store of Better Values ....



Mrs . Walten Sheehan has been employed by the Board of Education of Wuyne township to teaeh in the place ma de vacant by the re8ignation of Miss Lilla Benham.

"Buy Goodyears Now"

llI u n y

- --..



Mrs. James Stoops and Mrs. Holmes Stoops and little son, of Van Wert, nre guests of Dr. and MIll. J . E. Witham.

Why We Say


n mu s t ill s p it° in ~r n iH! l'om! "jrti n}! ,st! r .

Putl'Oni ze t he Juni or 's mllrket at Mrs . Sides' ~ l o re roo m , on Saturday, ~t o be r 17, III 9 o'clock n. m.

Misses Clara Lile, Laura McKinsey and Olive Allen saw "The Miracle" in Mus ic hall, Cincinnati, Saturday.

IO L' eipil'n[

tha t ui '. h yea l'-uld SO li of Mr. C. U. l\ li uro, ju ~ t IIlI l't h of the vi llage . II · hnd be.:!11 sulferin),: bOtoro mo thll fo r m ur e thu n t\\'i.1 \\ I..!l'k s ft' Oll1 i lll(' ~ ·

F red S nide r, Who form erly hud a shoe r epniring sh op her! , is now assisting F r a nk S tan s berry.

Mrs. Lina Devi t t, Mrs . Julia Donovu n, Mrs . Eli zab eth Baily and Mr. M. D. Baird were in Dayton. today.

t he


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . & . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . ~ • • • • • • • • • • • •

were :-. . .·r\·\.·u. A tl c •• tli l' I" . h LJdnl(s the' deepes l

I. H. 8 Tucker. Cubler 01 t ho abo ve s a rro \\ Walt "" an ti

~1.7° Oclobter 18th

Mr. I. r. Ha rris and family , ot Ouyton. spe nt S und a y with Mr~ . Alice Mc Kins ey and .s ist er , Miss Nedry.



e.Id • • • y .... ,. _ ........


menu; , t'1. " I~i :-' tlllJ.! 1I f pi nk and while ('uke 1 'l' Plid, ,UHl whill' ice crenlll,

a_ad bUIll . do 1.,lemol,. ow oar th.t die abOft ''''~OID' III true to tho bee, at my kDo",",,-- and bIU.l. H. 8 . T UC Kltlt . 'u bler.

Born- To Mr. and Mnl. James F . Bogardus, of Swarthmore, Penn .. 01.'tober 6. 1925, a son, James F. Bogardus, Jr. .



ftl l uo d bCll ut if ul v: ifts . wltidl w" le highly appr<'cillt" d. Jl,·liduu , I'e f l·csh·

C~':od reo'i'::D,ttr.~D ~~T:'

OOUD t.a , ,


For Three (3) Months . .. $1.20 per $100.00 For Four (4) Months . .. . $1.50 per $100.00 For Five (5) Months . . .. $1.80 per $100.00 For Six (6) Months .. .... S2.10 per ~OO.OO

IICI W. n. H . SD 110.1 . ...... . .. .. . . .... .. S. 3 01. DO Ow. ~a,.ablo (InclUd ing all o bll ·


.. a.,)"ap




- th e enmll depend able remedy - ~ t h ot ovcr a p erloil of more thun ~ fi fly ycar! has bee n 10un ,1 50 n :h.lbll' In t he trcatme nt of C~I :trrh a nd di!eascs of catarrhal n atura.. 'l'h o outside of tho. paclCB!,!o 011 1)' has b een altered. To facll" ot ,· ptH'ki nt,< a lld reduce brenk3 !(C III ~ h i \) P ln l;, th e paper wr app" r whi c 1 hilS Identified the I' hOllle for many years ' ,~ ., hrc n (1i; pbced by a substan.. 1 pa sle ,,,arcl ca rto n. re· r u-II:! cann ot be mad" any ileller. Three g c ncra ti on~ of I llscrs te.tlfy that P e-ru-na I. tho b~~ 1 r ·rnedy in the world for catar rh a nd d iseases of catarrh al ori gin. Th e r emedy our fathers and gru nMa th crs use q with so much satisfacli lln is sull the lIandby for Ihe Ill s or everyday In th ousil nds of American homes_



Mr. nnd Mrs. A. C. White, ot Scottsville, Ky. , nre g uests of Mr. alld Mrs. A. L. Sides.

.. ,




l n t erM t

and , ..... poId .. . .





'~ " . OO I . gl

__ . . 111 ." 01. is

CWft,D . . . . pen ....

& :!O u. UO J 1. IOI .!6

Week BeRinnine




accep"allc. t, r o'bw bWI. ...11 lorelllll bill> or Ut d,.nl . O(ll d " Uh 1l1dol'MlllllO' 01 , WI b.,.k ~unt&.



~h'. l\IId M\~. David Lyn ch, "f How{·ra"ill~. were ru~sts ill t h o hom" ~'f W. '\. Ewing. Su nday. Mrs. A . W. T urn er, pl'l!sideht of th~ locnl hupter P .T.- A .. 1I 1 ~' nx!l' d th e .' tllt e conn'nlion fit ill cillllll li , III:l \\ e" k. ~II' . IIl1d Mrs. A . W . 'I'u ril ci' CIlI PI'tn iIH'" IJI1 S und ny , r.1I:. IIlId Mrs. fl IlI·. 1'1' ~II Ll'I H: 1I uno [lIm il;;. of Spl'i n ~lh·ld IIlId I)/lle H. GIII ~ ()n , (I f 1',,<,. K I1I1 . Fo r' :O;I\I('- (;ood Fo rd Mulor, chc.all. CHARTER NO 11617 .11 r. tl nd Mrs . W. . SlIIi lh l' lll l'l'See M. D. Bllird . wlIl "d on S Ulld IlY. 1Il('lllbers o f thl' SllI lIh fumily, flO m Ullytu lI , C"l ulII 1111'S. J o{' Tin n ~y WIL~ shoppimr In Of condit iOIl o f' th e Harv ey ~ burg I,ll > 11 lid Sp r ill !; lie ill . '!' \\, (' nty- tw o I.~Llln()n, TI.h!~ d ny . National Bank at Hllrvey s burg , In 1 1l' 1 ~l lflM Wl'l'l' prCSt.' Ul t v cnjvy th (: .. ttl. th e Stat e of Ohio. a t t he c loHe of I'l'lIAl1i ~lI r pl'i sc party nimOie ll wrHti ll ~ ~1I·. lind 1\11'". Gle nll Dord en spe nt bu sine8~. on "epte ml lt'r :!8. 192ii. Sunday in Dnyl on . th e' hil'lhd .. ys " I' J . "Y. l'u w"11 a"d J . WE !:i OURCI1S II. ~llIlI n Was t 11I1"rl'd tlll'111 at tl,,· ~I rs. I,"te ' olemlln hlls r etu r ned Loa.oaand UI.cOUD t.lI . , . 59. "I1D, 'a3 1 69," ' {t II h Vl lIV \I f the fO l'mer un !-ill IHlny. F orO •• nJnotte . UU""" UfiId . .. .. . OI~ .ij ' ty -t"" ~ue!) ~' we n.! JU'(,8 1.' nl. and l'll . hnnl<! fr ll m n llyto n. U .9 , Oo •• roment 8ecurl Uea (1 wnt~ joy\·d n plca~nnl tim e alld u delil HHI ~ Der.. lled to oecu re c lrculotloa t U. dilllh.' r . 1\1 r . Cha rl es Go r don a nd fa mily AU ·o~:rdVn"~·k~:~ ' ('_;o',~~~~ :\ )'tJU Il g' Pl'~lllc 's UI'KII Uizu ti o ll ha~ W (> 1 l' in Iln yt o n. undny . meo' ile('urIU.". . . . . . . • I tl 2 . '~ 10 1. 20 Olhlr boodJ, . • tock',IKlCu r l t l08 ,o tco J 9, 811 S, l t3 b",·" ~I f ~ ct~d ill UUI' I'ullllllilnit y ",hidl llaa~lo" Ro~ . . . .. ... (0 U" I .~~ i" t u Ite cnlled the Chl'i st illn Leagth', Mrs. Fanny Car ot hers \' i ~ il('d Dny - FuraJlUN ""d runu r.... U.DH. I ~ 13.9 16.76 lIa" " illl(' rdc llominlltionu i. Th ,' fttl Real ow ned H' hc r tha D ton f ri en ds over S unday . i Prl':.; ibaolllaa houle . .. . . .. . . . . .. . lO O. OO u ,,"i llU' o IliCl'I'S W C l:(l t l lt1 c ted : I.otrfuJ !'MOne ,,"b Fodcml R&<I,·nl . Itll ym und Cur l; Vice -I' n 's hh 'nt , I\I r . M. J . F UIT, o f S prinl(bo ro, ",us o.:.~ Bv~~~i 'and' 'BDlO'uui ' ~ ue •.~ .9. a l Cllt lw rill c Nogg il'; Sccr "tuI' Y. Mill'· a W aynesvi ll e v i~ ito r, tod uy. !rom D.llo"ol Ilaalu .... . . .. . IJ. H ~. 08 juri,' ll uydu('k; Assi"th ll l ~el'l"etU1' Y, Tollio olllem. U. 10. 11. 11. an<l II \ ' CSIU Curry; Tr(,lI, ur t: r. Rub e l' l . .• . •..• . .... ... .... II .oIIS. '1 , 'n uth; A:isist unt Tn·u!'i un.' r , l\lY I'U lIlr s. Rc Lecca Pr e nd ergast. wh o h IlS T hel,., arc ""\"'1'111 eU III TOl" . .... . .. . ... . . . .... . . . til L b )1. 6J Il llydllck. b~en sick. is re ported bett er_ l1Ii Lte c ~ which wi ll direc t th,· diff" r LIA~II LIT I E~ ent lilies of IIcb\'i(\'. Mr. a nd Mrs. F. R. Mooma w spe nt Ottal~ .toeto p.ud lu ... ... .... u a.o oo.O) !\Il'sdlllllCg \ ' e rg'; ~litdl cnc l'. I-:I·"in 'U#plua IIIDd .. . . . : · .... . . . 30 00.00 th e week-end a t Lyndo n. Ohio. lllair, Amos l" Ulllp t OIl , II" cluo ll Wi l· Vlldlndad proOt. . . . . . . . a OOJ. 42 ...... C\lt1"eo. expoO.• M. 'll ttJr~ r. ,;on, RIII " I/:h U""Io Ii. CIII'I J.lIll'". Lllw and ".11 p.ld ... . . . ... 0 10. 2U I . us. It I'enc,· lIlrs. M. J . Orsb urn a t tended a faml\;i t .h ,· nc r IIlItl ~li s" Floss ily r eunion, S unday, at Mid land City. Id~U~.. d~~~I.tI .. ~~I"Jcc t.. ' 0 II>. m. oo Mitcht!Ih. ·r Wt' 1"l' h \J~ tc ~~t' :-: ut the home Ceruaco"'" of dopoI" duo In lu.. uf'·l\Ir. Hlld 1111',. Vcr~ \I ~ I i tc he n c r t u 'bon .u dOJ' (o,bor 'bon tur nbout ,' venl ;- file g U('sts . 1V(·dnc~ ­ Mrs. Laura Zell visite d fri e nds in 6 10.0 0 To'f.~':ll:::'~;~)J8·.· ~iJ: '10. ' dllY afte rn oo n of I",.t we,'k. The and ar ou nd B('llb roo k last wee k. Ud n . . . .... . .. ... . . GS.~OK DO oceanio .. wa s ill hun o r uf Mrs. Au d n·y OorUllcal .. ~I de pool:, (otbor t itan T hl! Mr.' a nd Mri!. J. C. Hawke visited lor mcnoy bom>w,OLI) . . . . . . :. 300. 00 UI c w n bride u f It fl' w wt.'c k !o'o h unur f,t u (":;t, whll i ~ n l' hnrmi ll )! yOli ll g' To'a1 of tim. , oubJo." to relnt ive8 at Pleasant Pla in. Sunday.

Nut.icc is h 'reby I\'iv \'n that nil i.1("Li Ul \<,111 hn helt! \lIl Tuud "y, t ho 3 .d DAY o f N O~"nlbe r . 1925. ti t t he IISulIl Mi nI( p illet' S 111 ~lIit Di8tI'i CL, f'lr nlrs. Il ll.rvey >lckQl( wns In ]lay- th e l't1rp08C of ('1"I<I.i ll l( thre(' l11<'nt Iwrs ,.f t hu BOllrd o f F:ducaLion . lIeh ton. M nnclar. f"r " te rlll of fOUl' ( I ) Y l·JII ·~. L . ;\1. 1I F. .,\IlEI{ ~( I :-<. ~I i$~ L.:' lir iu \\l cKay " hen·l lt· is nol ('Ie r\.. ol e Ihe 131 )lIr <l " t' Educatiuli . much impl',)vl'd.

' lHd ...,\ ,~ l lld , \J rH\1'k Ill ) nt' h ,,~ Id.·,,1 t.'l' !lr 'H,"illg. hil i I II I\\ipa . aye I II I f. I ' I nl'l ilo'. "Ih ~ .. lei h('l o$ :\nd

No. 2220


To t he " Ieetora of W ay"o ' To wn. hip l Rural Schoul Dl. trid, W arr e n o u" ly, O hio l

,nl ~ uth ' l

.~ j



ello"'s. Garage



JOBER 2 1, 1925


Seventy -:evclllh Year --



Whole NlImhcr M7 1


Plans A re Now Perfected for the

LHCAL ·8USINESS MAN REPRESENTS, COLLEGE W. 11. Madde n, of the Mndd en r..\In IHln y Lumbe r Venlc rs, hus Io ee n dl'8ij{nnted by Antiul'h colleJr'" Ye ll ow Spl'in )(s, Ohi n, to r eprese nt its 11I'W d.'pa rt mcnt of reseurch In rctlli l lum bel' in t his tow n, lind wi ll an swe r a ll in(lll iries Crom t hosc intcrl'sted In the ge nernl work oC th e co lIt'Jr(' a nd th e lum be r CO urRe. The establishm en t of t he CO Ii TOe in r(' t ail lum ber nt Anti oc h iH a pull lic-spi ri t" d movc, spo nse r(,11 by t he Ohio A",oc1atio n of Retuil Lu mb('r th·n lers:-

f1r~t numhcr o r till' I. yc('um nIH' "f lIw nt ,," inter esting prowi ll la t' J,! i \"(·tl TlI, 'sdn y ni1!hL, t!"'U Ill "l (' ,'(' r )!i v (' n hy till" Hi g h school 111'1" 1,,,1' 27 , al the Il i).!'h SclFJII I gYIll- was th r "IH' (lI'{'""lIll,d hy the Clas s of 11 :"i ulll. 'I'll(' cll \., ' rtaillC' l's ror thi " '27 Insl FI·ida)'. T h" main f~ntu r c of

Th e


I====~ ~~~~ I Bf Arthur


- ---..



Entertained For House Guest

-Our crops are wor t h b illions e very y eur. That's c ncourul!ing . In (l UI' min es und oil w(' lIs uro hu ndreds or billion s sforcd nWlly. IlIItI thut' s (' 11couruging. The unused wnLer powe r oC this nati on is worLh t c n ~ ' oC billions, lind other tC II S of lJilli ons rn r irriJruting, ' nfterwnrd. T hnt's I1co uNlg' in g . nnd alsll th e fu el t hat in th e utnl os ph e rc above thtlfc n re (, ndl 'SR !J illions worth of nitroge n which eu n be brollg ht d own by electrica l po wer.

On Frida y afte rn oon Mrs. Mary Wa tcrho u"e e ntertain ed f or her dllug htl' r , Mrs. Cha rles LeffN'So n, who i ~ ~pcnding seve ral wee ks her e. T he following g uests wer e in vited to e nj oy t his pleasant aftern oon : Mrs. Emll1 1\, McClure , Mr~. Nettie Hye. Mrs. lIf ildred S mi lh. Mrs. Bel' tic Mills, Mrs. ~~ th e l Ellfnhllrt, Mrs. Ju ~ " lI h i n e Gons Mrs. Ann n 1I 0k,'. 1111-•• 1'; lI l· n Co nn er, IItrs. Eri na Har ts"ck , MI·_. Mnr'l!'uret Mc C llIt~ lin d t hv ba ld s. Monimia ]J oke , Dorothy Eul'lll'tl- 1I,·I,· n Margaret GOM. Snrah }jut there is u I: rcu ter ,,,,·:tlt h, .. nd hU Edi th Co nn e r , J cun und ,J une II ar tits lig ures more imllur tunt. One s ing le ci ty, N,'w York, hl\" ro r ~lJck . Mnry Virg'ini ll Lefl'erso n a nd th e li rst tim e in Its hi ~t ol'Y llIo l'e th an J ran L o ui ~o McClu re. --one milli on ehild l'c n enroll ",1 in it~ public school classes. Tha t is th e REA L wcalth ur llldu y, und t he reul ,pow e!' o f tlw r il l U l" ',

.. -----

F areweU Party

T nke nWIlY th elle child ren . a nd t hi" coulltry, wi t h a ll its mllll·". WaLeI' po wer Ilnd fe rti le so il , wlJu ld Ilnlllllll t to Il~ little Ill! it did wh l'n n fe w In· di a ns lI osse58cd iL Hnd "I','nt lhe ir tim e murd eri .. 1I' ene h .. t he r. At til(' Ge nesce,

" Y . fai l', Lil'll-

tenant · ovcrnor Lu\\ nUl Il arrnng-cd to rid e one mile un the hll~k of u fiv e-to n elep hunt. The funners d oubtless l au gh ~tI , as thel' snw 150 pound s uf hUlllan being carried by 10,OQO po u nd s o f elel'hll nt . A 10.000-pound elephn nt will cnrry on ita head one IlI llh out, to g uid e the big beMt, n nd in the howdah on itft back an Engli sh g('nlle mlln enger to kill a tiger w i~11Out I g i vi n ~ thllt tiger a chance to kill hi m. Consid er the ga p between Ku blui Khan and Automobile manuCu rtu rel8 who g ive you rur a few doll ar!l n li t.tle mnchine thnt will carry "even people forty miles an hour, cnrrying more than its own weighU in freig ht. If our progress in thinking had equnlled our progr~ss in trun sportation, we sbould be better ofT thun we ~-

Riding over the dcsert Illnds, destined to be tho world's mo.t hcnuti CuI garden, from Colorado to Arizo na, you could not resist buying land, at the end of your mighty dollnr hunt in the East. Nothing grows until you irrigate. And when you irrigate everything will gMw. Do ~u put f~rtilize r , or lime on Mojave Desert nlfalfu? Not an ounce of eit her . Alfnlfa root s ,",0 down eighteo n f ee t through soil washed down (rom 111 0 untuin ~ made up of lime, mine rnls and centuries of growing and decnyin g bunch g rass. grease Vfood and sagcbrush. You cut your alfalfa seven tim e a yeur for fifteen or twenty yenl s ; then plnnt it again, irrignte it, and Nnture does the rest, The 90i) also prodUc es democracy. Any ma n with n hundred million dollars who thinKS he is better than some other Americnn should go there He would gather vnlullble information. Going through, thnt country every brown golden hill in the distunce more beautiful than nny palnce or

A nu mber of socinl courtesies nrc Itci nJr ex t e nd ed MI\ and Mrs. Chus. Owen., of Franklin , who are leaving in It f ew days f or Flor ida. Tuesd ny ('vcllin g , October 13 . Mrs. Kutherin c ,lol'da n nnd duughter, Hannah,' oC Donny broo k farm, Beec h Gro ve n (' il:h horh ood , en terta ined with nn cx clu . I,ve dnnce in honor of their de parLi ng friends. . Among t he lucky g uests were presrmL, a num ber from Dnyt on, Middletown. Franklin and Ferry. Splendid music was Cumi sh~d . dainty re(re8hm ents se rved. and each departing g uest bore with them a benutiful so uvenir- th e memory of u happy ,evc l1ing,_ __ _ _ ••- - - -

~c1tool Notes -----_..--, '-


nllmhrr a re W il lia m 1': II I!'('lIc Prye. ma tlip Jlr ll~rnll1 wa~ t tU\ "Trip Ar ou nd i ll ll ~ iuni ~ L ; L(ln h l\lil c~ , pi ~ t hr World." AI Ihc me nt ion of euch all i.:;; L. !'l a xJl phoni ~ t. anti ~n prnrl{l , Hnd C'l lllltr y. Mary lI unt )(aVl' a . hnrt d ~ ­ 1':d ytllP 1\('lm, ~n rrall ll, piani ~t lind s l' l'i pti ('1l of thl' 1,1:l(' l', e1urin g whk h

}!'id:l n :\lul


dl':lrlHl t ic r l'ud t! I'.



nlHg- il'Ul t ( Hnd

\ .' . t "


Carnival and Mardi Gras, October 31st Plans for the lIallowe'en Carnival are progressiu g n icel y . The hig pa rade will start at 7 o'clock. Weiner Roast and Marshmallow Toast will be staged out in the midd le of the street. Special orders · for pie, cake aDd chicken will be taken care of by :\1rs. Elsie Hockett, . A judge's' stand will be erected on the street. so that ever yone ma y see t he co ntestallts. Entries for the farm produce contest will close at 7 o'cl ock, so tha ( the jud ges will have ample time to d ecide on the winners before the evening is over. A speci al booth will be arranged to take care of the display, and will be in charge of 1\lr. Crabbe. The following prizes will be offered for Cos,tllll1eS and farrp produce d ispla y:

admit ('hildl'l' n:

boug-ht Moat FA n c y CO l tum e

Mnrce lle

DEPARTING MEM8ERS Of CLU8 HONORED The Leba non Rota ry cl uh hid fn rewell to tw o of ~h e i r act ive membe rs last w!'c k lit th e r egu lnr n Onduy meeli nJr ut till' Mari lyn , wh('n Claude A. Brun er. II fnrnwr sup ' r inte nd ent of th e schuo l!l h('re , nntl Frnnk V . Chur,' hill we l'(' ho nored . Mr. Brul1 ~r le ft In' l w(,(·k for Wu.h ington C. H. • wh er e hc ,.s"u m"d the d uti es 0 f sup er in tende n t uf "chools. Mr. Churchill le ft early last wel' k Cor F loridu, to ma ke hi~ f uture home. B oward W . I vin s m'lIlc 1\ hrie f a nd impre~s iv e a ddrcss. biddi ng th e t wo mcmhers f a rew!'11 and good lu ~k . Each o f til(' h onor ed me lll b.. r s re spond ed, te llinJr of t-he ir r cgret nt leaving Lebnnon.

New Bus Schedule T he win ter schedule of th e Waybus line , went into e lTec t S unday. The bus will lenve' Wa ynesville at 5:30 a . m .• 8:30 a. m. a nd a :30 p. m. On Sunday it will leavc ut !l :30 a. m. and 6 :30 p , m. Returning th e bus will leave Dayton at 7 :00 n. m ., 1 :00 p. m. and 5: 1Ii p, Ill: On S und ny it will leave n uvto n ilt 8:00 a. m .• 6 :15 p. m. and !) :00 p. m. Ridc the bus I n e~ vill e- Duyto n

---_. - ..----

Subscribe for the Minmi Gazette. enstle under a mllgnificcnt .blue sky, as big ns the country, you cnre nothing f or n ews thnt conIes out of human swarms in th e East. Your only hope is th a t th e Gove rnm en t will kn ow enou gh to provid o the flying ma chines necessary to t.nke people t o thnt land nnd to protect it. John Hulbert, officinl executioner Ilt Sing Sing priso n, quits his job after killin g 140 in the e lectric chnir. For this he has been pnid "21 ,000$150 f or ench killing, Will th e retiring e xecutioner ever meet, on t he other sh or e . the 140 thnt he se nt Oil ah ead? If so, what will th ey say to each othe r? Thank him, very likely. . It is diffi cult tn find nnother exccutioner, 'because he must be n trnined eleetricinn, willing to kill for a living. ]t should be not difficult but impossible to find such a mnn in a civili?ed stnte.


~ h op p c

f. M, COLE'S 81G

. Moot Uniqu e Co.tume

Sac k of sugar

D. R. Smith

Lilli o Bop • • p

Mrs. J. II . Sm ilh Lilli" Orphan Anni e

Spor t Il a

Box ca nd y



WIlIt.e r 1I1 cCIu re V . R. Salisbu ry

Each, 50c ,

Happy Hour Club Mrs, Henry Sntterthwalte rn tcrtnin ed th e Happy Hour clu b Tuesda y nftern oo n ut her home of to wn. A lurge per cent o r duh memb"rs wer e rire~e nt and s(' vera l tow n la lli eR wer e prese n t us /!, u r st~ . New officers we re " Iect!'d nR f ollows Presiden t . lIt rs. J os. Da vis ; Vi ce-Pres. ident. Mrs. H . fia t tenhwnil c; Sec· re tnry-TrClIl!urc l', Mr •. Hur t mulI ; n~­ sistnnt SClTe a ry-Trcnsurcr, Mrs.


Mitch en ~r.

Mrs. Satter t hwnite wn~ " s._isted in serving a delecw bl e t wo-co urse lunch by the two 1111'S. Du v i ~ ' , Mr". Renson Mrs. Hartm un. Miss Thelm n Sntterthwa ite nnd Miss Mnry Ka therine Wilso n co ntrihuted musical num be rs nn d Mrs. C. Bunn ell nnd Mrs. Mit.che ner, rea din g s.

To Hold Examination An examination of cnnni cl ntes fo r W est P oint nnd Annllpo lis. will he held October 2 4t h nt 9 a. m., at Urbnnn, under the ,d irection nf t hr United Stutes Civil Service commission. Th er e will be onc appoin t men t fo r W est P oint and one nppoin t men t Cor Annnpolis in this C o n g r~~~ io nnl di strict. CII AS. BRAND. Mrs. ,T. W. Th omp:;o n, o C Rou te :J , spe nt the wcrK-e nd wilh relnti v('R in Dayton.

Iri. h L allli"

Rid 'c Slndi .. G e orge Wa .hi n g ton L h. box h f cand y Ln Vo fltll' B urto ll

Old Kin g Col e

ho ice of kn ife or E\'cr sha rp "cndl .. F . M. Co le Rube

Doze n pa il' o f )(Ioves 1\ rog!'1' Grocer y Old Mother Hubbard

no x ca nd y



Drop I nn


F lash Light battery

J. C. Hawke

Quaker C •• uple $ 1. 00 i1r groce ri es [". E. Va n Ofl in Pair of Twin. Babiq.

Ear h lnrge st ic k of cund y F . II . F arr

P. M, Cole's big re movn l Ral e will swrl Octoh" r 24th an d continue for ('lie week, Ou rill g t his sa le every arlick ill th e ~1 'l r e wi ll be sa"r lflced. This Ra lo i ~ bonn fide in ,,"cry res pect, and a ll <I (' " artll1<'1lt . a re r educed rr um :!O t" ~O pCI' ,·eDt. , Th ere wi ll be nn e unique feat ure of thi s Rale- t hat of s!'lli n).!' a st ove loy hids. All t he co ntes ta nt hus to do i. to hid 0 11 the stove . an d t he hi ghest bid will ~!' t it a t the pri ce bid. lItr. ole wi ll move in to t he Aman bu ilding, on Main st reet . immediately a fte r t h ' sale , where he will have an up-Lo-dute sto re, If yo u a re in n eed of a nythi ng in hardware, f urm im plemen ts or harnes, , it will s u rel~' PIlY you t o inspcct his st uc k ntl W.

Fl'Iln k . tansben-y

Charlie Chapl in


High School Cia ..

To th e High School cl'nss ha,·ing largcst perce nt nge of me mbership in I'ura d C', $~. UO

T . J efT Smith FarmProdue .. Largeat Pumpkin

_ Kemp & J lI l'dlin

Gnl, of roof pa int Beat




White Corn

Pour best enrs of white corn, Huir cut and 8have .... ,.. J . H, Sm ith Be.t Ea.. Ye\low Corn

Four best cars oC yell ow !' o rll ~ Inner t ube, 30x 3 'h, Wllyncsvilie Moto r Co. Mi~;,d


BeRt four e nrs of l11ixed corn5 gullons gnso line Orndoi-f & Se rviR lrl.h Potat:o".

ReRt plllte of Irish POt.ut OCR, $ l.fiO tie" Myel' Hyman


( I I'

~ c: h ntl l


~ "n ~ on

(' h ild

t ic kt·t

a ll fl W H

Tl\1I11 11f" '!\

!-- un},!' h~' t he flua rtL.'t,


1h(' " I\a l.y .lim" and I hr "l'ill:'l'im'. 0110. rll :; f r o m Tunoh u u:-.;cr,"

.- ..----




from the

State. Caprtal

i ................... __....


, . Lee Uuw ke

T o th e Ili rgest famil y in parade (8 or more Tin L:lurel cruc kers.L . A. Zi m mernuTn



Prepared by

Columbus Reporter

The .Friendsh ip cl u:b met nt the home of MrR. L. V. Bran. trator, October 14. During ' business .seR, inll el oction of offi(:ers was held, wi t h the f ollowing results: Presiden t, MrR. Crubbc ; Vi ce-President, Mrs. Amy Day; Trcn,_ure l:, Myrtle EdWltl'dll; Secretnry, lrmn Hnrtso ck; n's s!stant Secre l:nry, Pend Shultz. A program of mu si.~ and readings was th en given. Dur'ing the social hour refreshm c nts were served' by t he ho ~ tess, Mrlt. Branstrator, nssisted by Rachel EOJ'llhnrt, EVil Dnvis, BellS And erson and Mrs. Mainou1!. The Novemhe', meeting will be held at the hom e of Jwlrs. Maude Crlln e.

COLUMB US. O]][O- The !lew v~­ cati on al bu il di ng nt Ma rYSVIlle WIll be occ upi~d within n fe w weeks and the 500 or more inmntes of the instltion will be g iven something more t o do than s i t ' nro un~ in itlle n e~8. or pat ching and mcndlll/!'. Provldmg work for these women h as hee n n trcmc nd ous p roble lll , but wiLh th e co mplcl.i on of t he, new vocu t i ~ n ~1 b~lild ­ ing partinl reh e r, at least , IS m SIg ht. Mnchin ery will be in~ tllll ed and th e wOIllCIl put to some kin.! of wor k th nt will occupy th ei r minds Ilnd nt t h e SlIllle time prove profi table. A ne~ co t tnge which will housc 1.00 addl ti onul inmates is nlso nearmg completion nt t hc Marysvill e prisu n, and ns oo n a s ready for occupnn ey will relieve. a bndly crowded co ndi t ion whic h hilS there ror l11a ny months.

Clevel a nd has the unique position o( being th e home city of the two commnnders-in-chief of the two erea, late wnr's of th e United St\tes. The first of the honors went to Col. Carmi A. Thompson , when he was chosen head of th e Spnni sh Wnr veteran., ut lh e il' meetin g in Sl. Petersburg, Fi n.,' nnd the second cornell to Genernl Mcquigg, wh o heads the Am eri· cnn Legion boys. It is a peculiar incident t hat th c two comm.nd!!" of th ese gr eat orgnniznti ons of war _vetcr ll ns . ho llld be co mrndes of old. The t wo Hc r ve d t oget hcr during t~e Spanish- Americnn W :II'. and nt hIS homecomin g lust week, Colonel Thompson t" ld or some interesting incidents in wllr li[u or Geneml McQuigg. A Rplendid home-co ming was tendered him lnst w ~ ek. a nd enrly in Novembor the S pan ish wnr veterans · plan one eq ua ll y us In teresting when they wi ll h:lve a r ccc plio nfor Colonel, Thompso n. And a t the S8me tim. Genl! I'IlI McQ uig pro mises to tell some

A It hough th er e has b!'en a " !' mand vo iced by auto mohile associa ti ons a nd cluhs t hat t he distribu t i(ln of 19.26 Cu ng rc~"mn n f;h nr1 eR BI 'n1HI ' ~ con- aut omobile tugs be stnrted earlr er tributio n of $5 00 to Greene cu un ty as its glllll'e of t he inc rea R!' in his salnl·Y. which he refu sed t o accc pt , will "Buddie's" Head-Old Ire uti li zed by t hnl coun ty in helping pny f or a new :;tun r. cru sher, county cOlllmissioners huve nnn oun ced. The crufi h"r will cost nbo ut $3,000. Comm ission ers ju~t drcide rl to nccept Cungr '~s man Fl rllnd's offer. This is lh e ln tc st o f th e counties in the d isl ri et to avu il ilself II C co ng r essm a n' s ofr .. r t o divi de t he "Illnry incrcnse a mong' thc co unties. I"ive oth(' I'S hnve a lready ncc ept"(1 t he, offer.

and New


Young Friends To Meet


Gave~ Good Prog' . r am ;


Springboro Gra'ligc tumJahed t;he 'projtram at the 10eaJgrange 'meeting last Saturday ,evenln'g_ ' .,' " A play entiUed, "M.,ther Pulill the String," and a , li'oc:al .duet by the MIaees Reeder. were very mueh enj :red. . . "'RelnIhmenbi wel'8 to about two h1UldncL

----_ .. - - -

Death Record In n recent lett er r ece ived from Dr. Th omas S her wood. or Newto wn, f'u .• he suys: " I hllve counted up th c number of dcqths thnt ha ve occurred in Wnyn esville since I left th er e, and havc 61 nl\ mrs." Dr. S herwood Ie rt Waynesville in 19 18.




Hallowe'en Social A Hallowe'en Mnsqu erade. social will be g iven by the '~ytle Ladies Aid at the hom e of Floyd Savage. Friday ,evening , Octo her 23. All kind II (If goo d th ings to ent. Eevry, one is, invited, ' t

. _ • •- - - -

Counties Sued 'Warren and Clermollt eonntiee have been lued by the State of Ohio with the claim thai the, bav~ be.n unloading dependent chUdren, ctermont county Wilillave to come aero.

" Strong feeling of comradeship W8II shown between Col1lJllander Drain (left) the retiring head. and "Go Get 'Em" John R. McQuigg, newly elected ' Commander oC the American' \Agion. ~omma"'t ... r McQuigg" QlVene&. I'«ord JlU!de hlm the unan!tno\l8 ch"'Io'I!. thnn usunl , Secretnry of State, Thud o( the interesting wnr incidenta of Brown announcCll that this distribu- Colonel Thompson, as tlie latter did tion will be stnrted at the re gular when he wns given a recepUoQ b)' time. "If tags weI'\) distributed e~r­ his home folks. Iier than ,usunl, mnny would not resIst the temptution to use the tugs before Ohioans ' may enJoy their 'ollte" the first of the , yenr, which would tJjis season without much 'ilaneer of confuse the identification systenl, being poison~. The State Board Secre.taqr of State Brown declnred . of Health is . going to. af!8i8t th, te»clil. It ' is potnted out that facilities are health boards .to see that 0'YIte18 '~J'V­ ample enough for the distribution ed either'·in bulk or abell, ebaIl be ' licenses and that no trouble will De fresh and free from 'g em'. Not eltperienced, Thill work_wil.t\O·dIU(Bcttui~rt'n"lonlY will o.ysters shipped to ,Ohio be about Deceinber 1. Tag DJ inspecte,d at the shipping ~\nt, b"t at the Ohio P!!nltentiary report~ alae, upon their dellveq_ ~up, to J.lormal. caution wUl be ~en .to ' " th., are al".,. well feed and fllr. ' W, A. J.ulian, who made the ftaht. Kuch ele~... In the few,ean ago for . the United statetJ to of .&eJIat.onbip from Ohio, hu UIIloiuac" eel that he Ie 40ne with poll\iea, ad tIlal ..... h. ~lved m . .,. flatter-


With 120,000, and Wanen with inc lDvltatlo.. ~8,OOO.



bHom. the I '~g~,..

~ ~ f~


ate he is not even giving them (011B id~ration. Mr. Julian is n retired manu(ueturer and lives jn Cincinnnti. He enjoys traveling and doe! con-sid erable of it nnd hilS reached that age in life where p olitical office with the glory thnt goes with i~ doc! not interest him at all. Th e Wlthdrawal, or rather refusal, of Mr. JuUan to enter the fray next year hOI added to the determin ation of Columbu. De mocruts to nominate Claude Meeke1\ if he will consent to make tb rnce. Strong pressure , hoth Stat. and nationally, is being made upon Mr. Meeker to become a candidate, but so far he has refused to pubIicnlly di scuss the matter.

The Youn g .F rien ds wil] ,meet at Auorted A p ple. Lhe hOll1 e tl r .Jea n Il oc k(·t t, Sundny ReR t. bnsket of asso rted apJlles. (' ve nin g, Octobe r 25 from 7 :00 to l"i"e ~lIl1 o n s guso line .. ,Melloh Gurug e 9 :30. . A .. o,ted Vegetable. D-cvo ti onul Lender Her be rt McMillan BeRt bn"kct of Ils"orted vcgeta bles, Lesson Lender Be rt O'Nenll Sack !;;tarlight fi our"... C. M. R obitze r Topic '" Th e Mee ting f or Wors hip

Friendship Club ..


Pig Club

Chine. e Cirl Largclt F"mily


---_. - ..- - - -

Flnsh Lig ht Wnyn esvill e Au to and Mach iner y Co. ~o\ t the P resbyte rian p nrso nag e in Mutt and J e ff L(' hnn on, Thu rsday, Octo ber 15. at n ox Cijl'ars .. ..... ... C. D. Cook 3 :3 0 p. m. , Miss Susa n Co rwin and Uncle Walt and Skee zi . Mr. Marshall Il aines wer e quietly Pe n Knife und watch J. W. While marrit:'d. T Ill' ce remo ny wns perfo rmWitch, ed by R!'v. Frederick Kirker, minisPair S nea ks Amos Me nden hall ter of the f' rcsby~e rin n chu rch , JIll'S . Il aines is the dnug hter of Mr, Devil • Clint on Corwin, o r n enr Leun n on, Onc ~' c a r' s su bscri plio n to t h" Mi a mi Gu zette D. L. Crnne For 8evrral ycars she was u. valu ed c lerk in lhe ' . F r!'t! stor e, nnd since ,/ J :leki e Coogan t hc denth of her mother has kept $ 1.0 0 Snvin )(s Deposit, hous!' fIJ I' h!' r f !l t her. . Wnynesvill e National Ban k Mr. Ha ines iH t he S O li of Mr. nnd Bak" r' Mrs. J . G, Ha in eR, of l his place , and ~!?O O cake Milto n Thompson i. !'mplored At t he N. C. R., Dayton . li e served in the Wo rld Wa r, going PocahontA' $ 1. 00 W . n. Mnd dell ove r>ea sc wit h Buttery I,,, a:l5th Bottali on Fir,ld Ar ti ll('ry. S i mple Simo n ]lnth ~I r , nnd 1111'S. H nin !'s ure $ 1.00 i n trade flnll Ol'ug Co . h i"lll y (. 'leenl('<1 I,y th('ir ma ny John A:lden and Pri.ciliB fl·ir·n"". For t.h e p n '"e nt th ,'y will ~ac k Cnrnati on fl ou r , Way nesv ille Pa r mers Exch:ln g c \'('"iri c wi th tlw Inid .,'" rut hr·l'. Ha il' bob

tlw . 'll'tain \\'a~ l'ai :'" ed, ~h o w i ng a ty p~

lll,' itatinns ar!! out f IJ I' the Sellior pa rty on Friday night. Tho IrrHhmUll invitation r ea ns thu s: ' Th e P re~hm nn clnss is cor dially Invited lo a Hallowe'en part y t o he giv en nt lhe Gym , on t he evenin g o( October 2~rd, by the Se ni or ci A"'. A ll Freshm!'n will come costumed in 1\ gree n outfit , ol.h!' r wisc th c elMS of • '2 6 will not bc respo nsib le t or t he The P ig clu b boys met on T hu rs- co n s!'que n ce~. day eV(,lIing lit the Hill' h schou l. There we re f o urtee n prrsl'nt. ReATTENDED FUNERAL freshm ents we re serv ed a nd t he evenin g \vus s pent in plllying bns ket.Mr. nnd IItrs. F. R. Moomaw were ba ll. This wilt be th e Inst mee tin g or t he year, a nd t he boys voted to ill Sidney, Thursda y, to ut ten d tho co nti nu e th e club orga ni zati on f or fun erul of Mrs. Moo maw 's unCI., Attorn ey Hess. next year .

Top.y and Littl e Eva

Pifty cents each

m ~'~ l(~ "inll ~

fH il to l'lltcrtni n .

sellcr tu !'lI rn a ti ·kl' t. You ha vl' a chnn('e 10 utte nd thi , . ~ I'i r~ ,)f hi~h ­ grael" entcl·tainmcnts "lit! h<'lp M ill e child Iltlend also, The drnwin g f or r('.c rv('d sents wi ll tak e place at Hll lI 's drug sto r e, Thur. d ill', Octo ber 22. Ilt 12. o'cloc k.

Scotch LAd Bnd L", .ie



1I 0mt· Beuuty

hi ~

k nl <('C Il l' "f th at cnuillry. Vnrio us n"'1I1hl ' I'~ "r lh l' el ns, imita ted t he ('hildrr n are .iu "t I'al'l'i ,' ,1 ~WHY lin d .I"P:III" " . (,hi l\" ~ p , ~; ng1i sh , Fre n ch, Ih,·I'/· is rnlllll!'h "t' 11ll' l' \Jild sUIl in Swis.', Sc otch nnJ Gcr mnn . Prob('\'t' r v Ulan and wom:,n lo havp n lot ., "I v th e m\"t II lIi qll c f!'a ture was t he tJf r't' al lhri ll :-: whe ll th /' y s rc birds d,'lh: hl fu l Spanis h danc e by Ma rtha Hlld fish(l~ ~ lInr c d in mid air . Tlw Nicho ls. prndlH'lillll or fl doze n ri lll!'inl!' nlar m cl nrk ~ rrOI11 n " in ).!'lc hat, and a se(iuitl' U lot .. f intcr('st 15 bei ne ri('~ of othe r rny sl(' l'l c,s. will ~e rv(' lo sholl n in t he (,,.~n nizati .. n of ,'olley k~ l' P you e nle l' lairl('d, umu se d and b.. lI l(' al1l ~ , as Ihe t oumnmrn t Ie Ill yst itil' d und make you n'm c mh c r ,,,' I,,,<i u l.,tI rol' n(' xt wc(,k , Practice i. t ht· 11I'Ol: I'I\m (0 1' u lo ng t i nH' . I,,· i,,~ lak .. n c u r" Il r out~H l e of 8chool TI>i~ parl 'Jf the prU)( I'"m will he h"lll's. Eal' h "' " S S has II boy»' lind 8ul' p ll'nll' l1lC'd hy ..: pll' T\diti 1I11l:-: i"lafl ~ ~ i l'l s ' l,'a m, .. "d will Pill f ort h t heir in " "t h ' '(It'a l an d in . . tru I1H.·nln l :-O l'}('(' . h,' sl l'i ru l'l ~ ill l h~ I(lI IU ' ·". Last yea" Lion in II m uo,;j{ 'a l p n ,h u ll' as Wt' li H ~ Ih" I,,, ,·s (, I' ':! f, an ti thc Jrirla . f '2T int'lil l' n t a ! IlHI .. it' t hrnlH!h~IUl the Ill:1l!' ,o ;!ITil·d off the h lJ n t} J' ~ . ,('ui pl'Cll,:ram , l 'l'i r'l' ( I f !'>inule :Htmis ... io n w i ll 1J(' :10 Tit,· IIiJrh ~ ~h ' , n l or chrs lra and ('en t~ . S pa ~ 1I 1l 1il'kt~ l :-; f o r till' fh't' (I nai' I 1'1 I\ r qlJ ilt(~ 1 them, clve. ver.,. l1u m 1tpr:-:. Br t' ttl,ill }! l"l dd ~ Il $:!. OU. uuL l'r"dila lol ,' at the T,'nch crs A•• oclaRC Il f',I 'n , h'kc-t R in tllf' h al1d ~ ,d' pa r en tto' I,.. " ill - "(·ball " n. Sat Ul'rluy. Tha I Il:tn ip lllati Cln ~ Il "Vl ' r

Selt ..




•• •


•••••••••••••• $

I ~I"'~;:' '·lL. GO !-\OHff En"~L'(' -m!:)A,(, A ~ CE1. f.4ou.) M I(


• •


a New House





Bonnie Brae Stock Farm

Friday, Oct. 23, 1925 At 12:30

sell at

-- --


the farm, 3 mUes west of Xenia, on the Uppcr BeUbroolc Pike

60 DUROCS- 60 Consisting of a few Yeai'1ing Sows, 2 Yearling Boars, 16 Spring Boars and 40 Spring Gilts.

ALL HOGS ARE IMMUNED Everyone interested in DUROCS is invited to be with us in our Third Annual Hog Sale

Auctioneers: Col. !glehart, Col. Weikert and Col. Koogler Lunch Served by the McClellan W. C. T. U.

J. EARL McCLELLAN - j ..................................

i 1




PROBATE PROCEEDINGS Proof of publication of notice of a ppoin llllcnt of W. C. Shepherd and J. M. William so n a8 executo rs of the es tate of Inn E . CI\lwson. deceased, was fil ed. P r oof of public\ltion of notic e of uppo in t ment (I f Harry Linde r \IS exec utor o f the estllte of Martha Kirby, de c.c used, W I'" fi lf.'d . W. C. Shcphcl d and J .M . William. 011 ns executo rs of th e es t.ate of [nn E. lawso n. deceased , ftled t heir inve ntory und app raise me nt. J . 111. Will iamson was appointed administrntor of l he e~te of Lewis Clll ws()n , deceus.,d. Bond, $ 10.000. A. C. Vnil. guardian of S. L. Palfra y incompe tent, riled his first and finu l account. Albert E. Dawso n un d W. ChestH Mu ple wcre upJ]ointed administrators of the estale of Nimrod P. Dawson, dec eased. Bond $75.000. J. E Hudge, Charters D. Muple and L . S. Shllwhan were nppoin ted appraisers. Lida P . Woolf was executrix (f the estate of Asn B. Woolf. deceased. No bond r eq u ired. Walter Ditmars, William Hewitt and Albert Berg"r were appointed opprniaers. Lucy Harmel, administrlltrix o f the estate of Mary E. Cnffe r ty, dec ea sed fil ed her fi rst a nd final account. Distribution oC bonds belonging t o t he estate of George C. Harris. deceased, wn s o rd e red . Proof of publication of notice of appointment of Mi lton S. · Jack. AS Ildmi nis trator o f the estate of Christian S. J lick, dcceosed, was filed. Oukll!Y R. Unglesby, us administrator of t he estute of Josephin e Webst r, ~ecea scd, fi led hi s inven tory and apprlllseme n t. Sale of securities be longing lo the estate of Peny H . Rue, decensed, wns ordered. .

Madden's Lumber Yard

MARRIAGE LICENSES Grorgo W. Shoemaker, inspector of lJa ylon, nnd Mrs. J en nie C. La ,e nr, Leloanon. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Elhl,1 Mentz Brubaker t o Clinton W. S tanton, lot in Fr!inklin. $1. ll o\\'u rd B. and Wi llialll C. An derson to J oh n S. Richllrdsoo . lot in F rllnkl in, $ 1. .John Somes to Frank and Lillian Santer. uuout 25 ncres in Frllnklin Tp .. $ 1. J c ~s " ~ . and I"aura A. Gross lo Gt' '' ' l~ C r:. Hall, 2 lots in Franklin, $1. . I(ichanl Cob urn to Roy L. and Mart ha lI udson .. lot in F r nnk lin, Ge o rgc E. Hull to Pearl Marshall Th' ,m Um, lot in F' a nklin, $1. Will iam L. Keevor, to Martha M. PIlI", e r, trllct in Muson. $1. r;U(!/1 Wil!gi l1 ~ et ilL, to Edgar C. a nd Emma Schmacher , lot in Mason. $t. Gco rJ(C E. Hall to Mary Ellis Fitts, lut in Frankli n. $ 1. A Ili e Spaeth to Rozella Schenck, ? lrncts in Milso n, $1. G. F .. Tewe ll to William H. and Malti e nichter, about 40 acre. U.


Waynesville, Ohio

ALLOWANCES Alfrcd , C. Bra nt, sherilr, bonrd and washing f or pzisoncl'S, $2t2.75; Lebunon Ice and Coal Co., ice tor C. H., S l4.40 · W. H . .Stanage Co., 8uppliea for Bli cl itor, $1 .75; Dean Stanley, of. n.;e rent of Pros Atty. , $26: The Weslern Star, s upplies for trelLllurer, etc .• $152.60 ; Geo. W. Larrick, l1li1Il ry as janitor, $20.00: W. H . StanHgoo. Co., s upplies court stenographer, SG; J(,hn Luw und Son ; s upplies for f , llv rilf, $34.5 1 ; same ;for Sealer' f \\' 'ic:ht un n measul·c8. $1.83: Lingo 2· IId w. Co., snrt'e lor s herilr, $47.13; ' -a ll!!y Telephone Co., rent ·for ·vnrluU R olliceR, $'47.215; u, lla. $3'0.25 ; Bur"uughs Addinf( .Machi ne Co ., repail'll, $1.7"; $1I:'i5; ' W. P. McClUTen, gas U! I ~ . r n·t,.. $51S7; lil B. Simpllon, repUlrIng 00. ptll'll, $1I3.40; E ltzroth tlr ton, Il).b'or, $10.50; W. F . Oulbertson/ hauling gr'Jivel, $38. Centriil . Carage, ~B8, (l:rellllC and aplll'k pI uP. $4 7 :7'6 : S •C: A lexander, grease. $2.76; Jon. Law and Son, gas ~d oil, $47.21; Waite. Gar, rePairiae eounty ear, $27.6151

I •

C. C. Deam, crushed stone. $305; Stakulto Mfg. Co .. suppli cs fOI' eurveyor. 52.5 0 ; Hnrry H ill. gus and al l, $2 7.90; W. C. Turton , c(>ment. $ l 25. 40 ; Mill~'r lIt1w, Co .• suppli es. 22c;. A. F. Mclloh, lruck I'cpnir, (iOc; Dnvlrd Brunk. repairin" to o l ~ . $100; Dewey B,·os. Co .. cement nnd lum bt'r; $11.4:l; Wm . . Mlllo tt. repuirs, $ 1. 65 ; L. .G. Anderson SOl1S Co .• I!'uard rail material, $ l 6.80; W . A. SNl tt. bridrre repllir, $6.45; Euge no Harper . ~amc . ' 17.60; R. M. Weidn e r. hlluling Itrn"1'1. $275.70; Bloir and Lero y, gruvc l, $74; J ohn Moyer, fin me, sa 10; hn ~ . Easto n, sn me. $9; • filo Beck. sum e. $SO; John harts, sn m~. S l (j ; lIar ry Mchl, &n me •. $5.'10; J. K . SpencN. samE'. $5.40 : Armitage und Sp,mce r. same 430.95; Tigar and Charlutfl l1. su pplies for R. and B. repa ir , .26.2 5 Morrow Lumuer (J ., sn me. · ~21.2 .1 ; Welch and Dakin . same. $ 1:1.8fi ; W. . Cox, same, $ 15.80; V. \V . T om pkins, payroll, $9-1.50 : $162. 3fi ; F. M. Collins, snme, $20"1. 60; Ed ell Tcrrv. same, $440.40; $20 .50: A. T. Reitig. SH me. $371.08; J os. Da'·i~. same, 2:)0 .05; S. E. Cutl e r. "11 111 <:' . ~26.BO; 379.50: W . S. Graha m. "1J1I~ , $2 8.00; P. H. Moncl'. smu(' , , liO .:I:' ; Philip li eisel, sume. 2 1. 30 ; Harla n Wh itne r", sulli e. $ 11); The ta " rlnl'd Oil Co .• gus li nd oil. $ ) 72 .:,0 ; Cu lu mbus Oil 0 .• sa ", e. $100.1;5; E. S. W orley. supp li es, $ 1. 25; F:. B. ~impso n. ropnirs, $9 .20; J-. D. A(Jllms lind Co., I!' rad c-r, $9 90; J . B. Tiissong, hauling gruvc l. $04.10; ;1. L. Whi te hc.nd, snme. $258.20; J. H. H lll11l1lU IHI, sa me $2a~ . 1 o.

A IIl1mhel' of inc,,1 men \\' (> TO t ll lking il t h" ('; . r Slnl'l' nb ollt n eloctor \\ : " 1 ·:'..~ . -"'t, so ma n v l·nsc~' . an, 1 said : . "I th ink do 'to rs IIrc th~ hunk. a .hl they Ctln't tin 01lyl hin~ ('v,·., th",, ;.:;' ~h"y did Si,,'e my Ii flO ollce. " "How di(\ lhey SHve yt" ,r life?" "W ell. I was hick !lnu I Wl'nt tu u doctor nnd h l' \VIIS nUL" TAIL LIGHTS, 1',)0 Everybfldy "ly~ in ll' n ye,~rs til(' lIir will he f ull "f :"·rr,plnn,·s. :'Ij,)W is th e t intl f n J~ f.;nnJtl l'1I ' 1lri z il1 ~ ~'oung mlln t o invent a bum per f ill' hirds. i

--- -


PRIZE STORY The ste rn sc hoo I principal Crowned over his glass (!~ at lhe two g irlish figures before him . They most be twins, they look('d I,likc. nct ed Ilnd dressed the snme. Each was bobbed of hair and both were dressed in pink crepe frocks thnt reac hed- not quite to t heir knoes. A nd what is your num e, he II.Sked, indiculing t he chilo on th e left. Slowly Iw wr ote it dow n. as she spoke. And wh Dt i ~ yo ur twin siste r's name? Si r. s poke the othe r in n husky voice: I 11m this child '" motherl NOTICE IN CITY PAPER App ea r smar t! City people gOing to lhe country sho uld take nlong one of our illustrated anim al books, 50 they clln identify thc horses, cows and pigs.

- - ----

MARSHAI.,L URGES BIG VOTE NOV. 3 Chief Justice Says Intel. Iigent Ballot Wid End 8oIIsism.·

The Better Buick is a Man..sized Motor Car People appreciate a smartdrivlns. easily.handled, but full-llbed, car. The Better Buick for instance. Each Buick model seats it. capacity of full.grown people -in relaxed ~a se -without cramped legs or necks. TaU poo ple, especially, enjoy 1m extra head-room and legroom. American men and women arc above the average stature. Arul' a smaller car than Buick is apt to be tlght.fitting, low-ceilinged, crowded! Drop in and try the ample, arm -chair comfort of a car tha t is right in size. Bring some of _your six.footer ' frie nds. You will nnd an. otner big reason wny Buick Is Bo-widely considered .a b l!ttl!T motor car - another r eason why there are a millio n and more enthusiastic Buick owners.









NEW SUITS Union Gaft Bnd Electric Co., va. Ryron Whitacre for mone y only. t\ muu nt c laimed $ 100.19 with interest. Willinm Parker VB, D. J. Powell, r.i z~ i o Powell and D. A. Harrison for f<Jrce los ure. Hesle r McCo llum vs. Roy Brnnt for da lllages. Amount clnimcd is $ 1000.


We wUl



and are very pnu:Ucal. YOll nro neve,' uffected by fooll ~ h "cnll ment. . You have a plco"ln g per. onnlll . nn ,1 aro wel.1 lik ed by ) ou r ce,.JI1Dll!li0D8. You carry YOUMlclf ,,1th Il ,,!lent, dl gntfie<1 'llp~r!Orit~ which mepil'l!S conftdence tlnd ndmi rat loll - a greu~ (ac r In h"Jpi n you to • IIQOC8SS. You have a natu m l creath'a pnwer-wht ch, Ii propt.rly devel· oped. otten reach tho point of g~ n lll s . '~ - Mon born durin g thl~ POriOll ill""" much ex eu i 0 abll! , and ·1 carry to a 8ucc es~ful t tl rmill rL inl , II " proj('('t .te, which t h(» apply - the11\.ll4llves. T hey m:lk e goOtl ,u rg'"on< 1t!,,1 ph Y ; lci nn~. , The woman born ullrirr tl,.. <c ,I;otc~ IIr c. ' .. h· \ " , e"ecu tives UB ~e men ... They nre ,.lIl"·I" T r",'l. 111 display g,,·.,t Ulct ,u,d skill In tho munagcmen of ttl'ir : "'s.


PROI'O I G l(:'''~-;;.No .A RTICI.E Vtl\ OF, ' 'rH E ON 'I'll \1 0"1 OF THE STI\TE 0 OWO IJV ttll:. ,\ no! lION 0 1' A NEW S SE TI 1 ' , TO till: 1 ESt ;00. CD II Aln le u. VI II ~1OC1'I ON 13. IIEI. ... TIV£ TO 'ntE I CURR INr. llF NI)C:OTEO NESS BY POUTICAL SU lilllV I ~1 0N S.

JUST "'U~N\SI-\eb V? AT 6~GA\

It "N'11l ~ this seas"n that on~ hn. n Qv()r h~f () r(! ncedNI :<0 lI1any 1~ld~ 'rhl' plllilllT thl! hat I he ' 1lI;lr ('r " I, but to bc in the 111<,,1,· Ihrr,· nlll>t 101 n hnL tor CV('ry frock . Some o f t he Paris drt·.,,,,, ,,ker> nnmaking ribbon hnts o~ t.hc Slime c"I · ors M tho dr sses "llh "ll1ch tlwy nre sh owli . Th c~p in th" <.Iti ll :In n gro!\llTain ribIJ on8 I",,", · 1oL.,." f' ); ceeillngly 110Plllnr nll (I urin ~ till' 1:'1,· stunm r and n ow th y nn" !lp Jl t.·a n n).! In tho v~ l" c t ri ul1l' ns u ~ Wl'lI Hnts of this kind :lrl' 111".1,· wi! h· o ul rrnnle p: nnd art! I$H :-: •• fl t h:\I thl'~· will fo ld pC'r1ccll y flnl. An)' 4In" who can ~e\\' n~utly C/ln m"ke Ih"l1 Tho particulurb' ~ mnrt fl'lI tu n ' " f tho Volvet ribbon h ,t I han' "I;t·t.I,,·oI hore, i8 the tuck, thllt t' rna n"' llt l",tl1 tho crown lind the brim . T11l' S~ turk ~ nre about t.hrcl' d " hths o f nn inch deeJl and I1Ilul e, II. Ih e )' " re , in the h avy ," civet ribhpn. Ilw), \:"." /I ,··orr!· t'd effect. A yard a nd Ihr .. ~ quu rt,·r. uf ,,1.'. incl1 ribb on i. r r ' llIIred t ll I)) ake tl", hn,L, Fir t cut fl circul" r l"l't'e ,,~ lurge as the wi dt.h uf the riuho ll will permit fOI ' t he LOP (i f t.he cruwn . Cut th e ri\>bon for the " ioles u f the cr,I\I'n occordillg to you r hend Illc~s ure­ menls, plus IW O HnJ a 'l Ulu·ter Illciw;; f or the tu ch. Th" crOW l< h il S only three tucks whi le th" urilll hll. four. The tucks lire Illlld<, su thnl Ihey cuver .tho selllllS in Iht' r ib on. When the side piece ( or t he crown hll.S bllen cut. cut th e r ibbo n le ngthwiso throug h th .. ce nt er as I have shown at A. Th i_ I;'ives you two strips with a 5c l val{ ~ on one edge. One picco for th urim is cut two inChe.ll longer than t h~ piece for th e sides of th~ crown. This !11t!aSU1'(!ment allows Cor the lUcI, ~ and {nr the Sl'I":lI:" edv;e of tlte cro wn p ortion slight iullne!l:\ un tl1l' h rin!. . Tho side crown is ~Iltl l cl'~d Ut th e ~ xt"ndill l: ~ lil{ hL1 y loch.\\' it ll b at C. top as near the seh '"!:''' as J1m;sihlc. 'l'hi ~ ed~(' i ~ I h n I lIrned dO "' n nnd It is then backstit chl·,j to th" (. 1 t Pr \I h ip!,,,,1 (lVCI' tho ra w "dge o f th e picce as 1 huve "huWIl nt 3 . T h.! hrll" IlS at iI . The oITllllll1cnl is brim is sewn tu the <'Tuw n with th e n l:uit~ HS at E.

AI,TlCLI, \·jii:""~ C'l'lO N 1J

I"AH H,.'(' I S ~.)O'(lo\lG -n15: '-l!rW t-\oU se I


If your bi rthday i~ thi s w~ 1e you Ih)sscs, Inrlo mi \.nble wil l, und bve the greatest self-con trol. You hRve a great a mount of courag c,

• for yllur J Qb Printin,.

C .. tl ou

••••••••••• •••••••••••••••• • ••••••••••• •• • • Pra.ctical/~8tructions in Hpme S~lPing a

B, iJ

';~~~' ~~ t;!J'i~',~~:rrirt'h ~i'';h:t~ICl()!I1!':!

f"lt<h.d to ~[1 l.' h huu\e (uneu rrin. therein : Th. t tbtl r "h .. 11 be: ,1ub nllHed Iv the elrctora of tbe ~l u l c, flJr .hcu fl lJp n 1\ al Dr r e;cc lin n. a t .be tlC'~ li (ln 10 be held on tht fi r ll TUHday after tb e li u t M llndtlJ in No\·tmbcr. 19 25 • • propoa .o...l In "me' U" :u1id r X lJ • • t'l' lion 2 or the ~ n A1II u tlU n of t be al ate of Ohio, to read. II

tolluw. :

"RTICLe XII. ~e<'. 2. t aws . tlJ,U bt' p:lu ed, ' .... In. b, • unif l1T1n rule ru l rcal euate and improve-menta thcn:uu an d all tanwible ~n on al prOIJerly. accordln" tD tht!ir Iruc value in tuoney, uCl"ptiuI 111 11 , nb itlu whlth . hall be tucd u ma, k pro\,itl.. d b,. I.. . All mouu'., M'wiu, bo~d!1 ' t l)Ckt And 311 Ofher iftflln8i bfe properl,. ID&U be ulxc:~1 III mol)' be Im ' \'ItJtd I,), 101 .... BUI n il bnnlb; o ut", rll ulIll W Il li the! fiul d.ay of ,1 ""IIO r)' IQ1.\. of Ihe " ale of Ohio or of UY (' lly, \'ili ll~C , hamlet, county or towltAhill in lhit at a te: nr wb ic.h h aVe" been inucd in btoh:tlf of tht! publn' liC1i t)O l. in hiD i1 nd tbe mcnnl of i n l lf uct lul1 i ll connt:Ct inn lhr:n:.whh. and all bond. l.tLJed LJ lldn . an.iclf \"111, HC lion 2a of thi. co nJtit ulion for lile world .... r c-om~n ••. IJon fund. ~ h l\ lI br exempt f rom tlUl.iltion; and burying ijn.lufl d., public: sc.honl bou"" boUSH uKd ~JI; c hl$l\'el )' (or publie wor. bij" io.titutiont Ultci, CJu:!\lIi vcly for c~3fi t n b f purpose.. pU hlae 11n1rrrty uKd eJlciulf\'ely for a n y pul;Ue PU'I"p06f- , !\no t:mRible- tH:fsonal p roperty. to an amounl unt Cltce-edln ~ in yalue nve htlndr~ d••lbu fm :. ny indi\'ulua l, may by wene ril! 11m he b emlli ed ( r MI1I t;u. nlion ; " nd lil "" . Inay ~ 1l3Ueti I f' prundc "",:'111.11 the d{)uble t{l.xArion that re l ult.Ji f rum the l UaU n of lh the rul e--ttUt n.nd Ihe rnot t l:~'lr:e tor the- ttdl! "ecured thereby. fi r nthcr lien upon it. bUE " U .u<:b la ws . !J:lll he Juh ,1"ct 10 :1l t«:I .' lio" or r(' peal ' !lnd thP \'a lue nf nlf pr vpt'rt y, so ('xC'IIIIlt ed. "hnll' ( r~ n\ hOle h ', t iane, lx "' .. C' . . rtAill l!d .\nd publiJ bcJ J ! mOf I~ rh fcc tcd llr I~ w . Si If / .. . t 1l, ,. r'$ol n·d. Tha t "t ludr electinn Above rrft rr cd to Ill;' " rnCndtuCIl I .hrll l be p!act'd fln Ihe !,ffi ri al b:d Jot . in Ihe m 3nncr proVided by bw . In .su('h r" l'm .u the Ircrcelary o f statt ""ay dUIQ"DBIC. If tt.e .v OIU fur the r rroJ"l'''IlI . llldl ext"f'Cd tbn~ "R';,t m ~1 It. Ihit a rncnd"n:ut .hnl1 lake dl.~t vn wt' fi r I ,1t1y . "I( J nn uary, 19 2(. , and nnv m a l i«tlo n 2 of l1rIIl..It! XII of tht! con.d, tutk.n .,h:tU he rePf'lt.lcd "li d nllnllllrd. Adopted Muc h 26, IQ25.






't "'lolv~d0/

bJ ,t h;-C;;;r,nl Asumbl, 0/ til, S'd" OI'll D, thrre -fi hh s of the member. elected to car.b houtl:: cfl ncu rrio g t herdn' That there . hall be submitted to the electu~ of 11le 11Ite for their appffwa l (If r~Jec tio n at l b. election to be brld on Ihe fi"! l TUl!sdl\Y after tl.e fir.t }fond:J' in . November, 1925, ~ propetal [0 ClDl.nd sec ta On 2 of tt rt u:Je J [I and .edion. 2 of art1.:: le X, and tl) rep c.,,1 .eetion 2 of artlde , fe(tion 3 of " rtide X of ~~ef Jr~:~':tutJon Q tbe IIta t~ o( Ohio to read B.

xyn ./1d

ARTI CU; lit. Sec. 2, The governor. lieutenan t governor IeC'ffl ary of ' Ia te. treasurer, audilo r And at: lorntJ' ~ne':AI a)JIl U bold their oElke. for foul yut.., Tht.1f terma of office .hall eommenct on the · 6rat MondR' of ]Zlnua r'7 ne xt their election. and continue unti.1 their IUC' eel.or. are ~ecterl and qu ali fied. • ARTICLE X . S«.. 2. AJI Cl ttl lve COllnty officer. s hall be elected on the tint Tutsd., ,. afte r Ib~ fint Mond." in Nov~,"~ rl by the eJector. of eacl» county for a pen ud () (our yurl. B. if I."rfll,r ' MIO/t'td, Thnt at the eJection above re e rred to . • nd. propou l IIhll ll be plated on the: official ball ot in lucb ,":in.ner as tbl' teerttary of '13te mal' dt! i.crnnlc: If th e, vot ~ for the (l ropu.ui . hidl exceed.... tbO! c !,Illln.t Itl tbe amendment ~hall to into efTect .1anu.:l7 . ]9 21\, an d oriailloll .eetion 2 of arti cle n , ",nd . « tio" 2 of nrt ic1e X aad .«don 2 of " rtid e XVIJ :an d .~tion 3 of artidt X of the constitulion of the alate of Ollio , bdl be repe.aled Bnd annu ll ed. The General Aue"," hi, aball h a \'f: Ilowc:r to .0 Adlu.t or extend mldnl le nns 0 uAke 113 to effect tbe PUt'pON of ;~~Plf:Jf!~~I~~i~ lfel~25~n



Columbu • .-A moftment to get U"ITEO ST ATU 0 ' l\lIfU I C4. ~TAT. nF (J,,,n. out the Yote at tbo .Iectloo No.,em. Offiee of ,h. Serr ... rr ,,/ St.,.. ber a. promal,.I,e 4 b,. Chler Juetloe T. THAD H. DROWN. SecrfllrT. State of th. S,. ,. of Ohio. d" herob, cen,f, that... C. T. Maraball or tb. Oblo Buprem. fo",golng .re exemplified cOI,I ... carefully..... Court. hu beell endprBe4 by tb, part'd by me ',:ich the oritrinal. now 011 file In Or telephone, and we wUl my offi u ond In mI' offiCIal cu.ted, '" Socre. loter·Club Counoll of Columbul. ta;ry of St~te :\nd rllund to be true . nd correct send a Better Buick to your Council Pra.fdel. l h.oll· H. Ward of • 10lnt Roonlut;on ad" pled by .be 861b Gee: .rol }..... mbl, of ,h. ' 5, ••• of Oblo on Mar'" home or office for you to try. announced t.ocIa,. 2[. 1925, an d filed in the- oRace J)r the Secretary , '1'1Iere abould o Stat\) On Arll 4, 19 25,, 10 amead BUICK MOTOR COMPANY be DO complaint ..del. III 0 ,h. con"hu',on 01 lb. State of Dt.IsIan oIlkn.rul ttlolGrI Cot porolJon O hiD by the a dditiotl of a new section to he of ealBt)nlJ can· de.olgnal.d.a. arlle!c V1lTd ,,,'ion Il, ""aU •• to Flint, Ml c:' IMa, ;;.10-12 ,h. Inournng of Ind.b,. n. .. by political .ul>dltlone Jr c,t~ divhlon., nnd of a J oin t RelOlutlOll adopted lenl _ II I nol loy tbe R~lb General A ...mbly of til. Sc.ote of Ohio on March 26. 19 25. and filed I~ tho .... lurn • hand to of lb. Socr.t.r, of S.. t.. on AOril 4 1925 remM1 thom, " pro« to amend article XU _If';' I 01 Wil li .. Oi.oTfEll A UTOMLl,; Il.E.i ARB the Con.,ltul;on so as ,. provld. f",' t ....tbo ..Id Chtel Jal' 1" unif orm rule of al l re:\! eat3te and faa ...... BUIl.T. BUlCK WILL BUILD THEW tlce Mar .ball. prop erl)' t .1tCtl ll molqr vehicln. and to pro.", for \hc ,... Ii"~ of 'otnn~b1. ·propenT. ad of wbo I. presldenl • J' ,nt R.,ol,,"on adOl'ted by , •• 86th Geaenl of tbo Intorne. .19%': ... , 'mbl, of the S,.t. of Obl6 on April 17 , .nd filed Ip Ih. olli.. of tb. Secnt&rr fJ Uonal A8BOCt" Stat '. Apri l 21. 1925. 10 ""'end _ tlon of C'yttlln lton 2 o!..Arlicle HI .• eet;on 2 of Atlicl. X aDd In "' '"14;31 section 2 of article XVl r.nd .eetiaa 3 CHIIF JUSTlCIl Club. ' .·f • ,Id. X ,.,f 'h~ con, thu"on thi .tate of C. T. MARSHA'L L ·W II e D Mo Ohl", 'r. pro..,rl. for Ifron, of ollice of l{ I II l ey \Vue .h~'lt f!r'¥.SIJ.'T.'f'bNY WJJF.RI!;OF, I hne.... )lnte ,,,,,,. ,,II.. rl my no ... and . ffi~ed my otIIdaI elected 80 (ler CUllt 01 tb~ people , ,.,.. ·.,t C"hunbu•• Oblo, Ib" lot d'T of ...... YOled . In 1&12 WIlIOI .. 111 electod her• .~ . I). 1925 .. .' Lebanon, Oh.·o prealdent ..d onl1 " per cent al· THAD R. DRpWJIf "ld811 tbe poUI. III 1920, wben lJleoted, only 48 per . .I 01 me people YOled. In tbo .. I' It.te of W'lbln&toa. aU. 9 . Ben· • tor wa. tilecced b, ·tlle aGlrQlaU.,o . .ote ot onl1 17 per cellt ot aU tbe QualUled elector•• "Sarel1 ItIore I. Dot 'll- elPies' lion 01 th e ptOPular _III ID tbe choice 01 meD and meuur.. wben \be .mrmatlve ... ote '11' IOmetime. Date your ~a)ea 'with ua. We gu • .raatee leal than Z& por ctJnL . 1\ 'lIClelte tbo ' 08le with wblcb aD OfS&DIIe4 - '- aati.factio~ or' charge Do.*hi~" mlDorlt y may (:081rol Ud 'domlba~ the l)oUcle~ olr .80 , tncUff.rnt and QuleeeQol tlloup perb.p. UDWuuq llll1Jortt,:' '- , . ' Phone No.2 Phone No. 320 8oaa"m. Chle' J~t1C. ManIaaU laid, ea~ol wll... all , . . - - - - - - - . . ; . . - - -_ _~-~----- I ple.ute. ..~ i . . . . . .tl1.



Keelor G , . ar age




DOt ·...

HIGHi.. Y RECOMMENDED Aclrc",,- " Whe re in the wurld did you get this tc rri l1 ie soap 1" Mnid--"l IlUW an ad. ill a aLrc(·t CUI' lellin' how much you liked it, so I lJou1!hl a do:r.en cakes." STRICKEN BY TIP A locn l burber Willi lit 'eken ill th~ lJurher shop last week when ',no of the IHltronR gnve him :\ hnl r dollar l ip. II · '\VLL~ <i oill!! " icely Ilt the hospital, but hns hnt! a ;;evere "~ l aj19() sin •.e the nUl'se foulld the co ill hat! a nole in it.


nn Challn ls.i'locks. SecllriNotClI .J "hn 1I 00'bino Jr.. Xonla. '11130-'26

ties 'lll d St·cond l\1 ortgn/.!es.

bou!:,hl. Ohio.

Farmers. FllrlllErS o f Warren and IIdjuillina counties moy obtain money on 10nl time loan,. ut 5 ~ per cent Interest. Co. t of Beeurin" tlle Mnle is very rellsonnble ,through The Federal Land BIlIlIe. For f urt her information call on or address M. C. DRAKE, Treg. urer. phone S16-X. Lebanon, Ohio.

--- ---,WANTED WANTED- All kinds of soft Wood. for pulp. Morris Gruham. t.f CASH- For Dental Gold, Platinum. Silve r, Diamonds , malCneto points. fa lsc teeth, jewelry, any valuable •• Mail today. CRsh by retum mltll. Hoko S. & R. Co •• Otsego, Mlch, FOR SALE_ FOR SALE-Peerless Coupe: two Iron beds a nd mattressel, two dre. ers, Singer sewing mllehine. Phone 24-1Jh . ·021 FOR SALE-Big Type P~land-ChiD. male hog , 18 months old; two brood sows. with pigs. .. W~ita- ' _ ker, R • . R. 1. '021 FOR SALE-Seed zyo; a1aoLetz ·1 0inch feed grinder.. MOrNl Brown, R. R. 1, Spdng Valley, O. . ·021 FOR SALE-One extra good yearling boar, sired bY' Unique Senaati on, Iln d one . sprIng bo ar'f' d d ouble . immuned . . Lyman SlIve\>. • • '028 t. U\I(DERWOOD APP ES Extra 6ne Ro•• a...... :a.... D_ 1.~, De win. for ••1• • t orela.ra; · .~ , IIIUII. ea.t of Han - bar. a Sta.. R ' t 0 .. !! No. 73 ~. B. UND~WOOI). •



·1. ..




FOR SAL~lllsh -1rRU" ptionO&TllIIl! only sllght1~_ uaecr·. ebe, ,,,,r .. J " Payments o~ _ oo~er'lreek. P. '0 . BOll 313. Dayton, . bib. 028 FOR SAL~~ Po.... d.Chin. m.l. I . b "P ga, welg t .uout .200 pouncia 'Bergdall and F ,unnoocl, R. R. II, ncar Lytle. .021 FOR SALE E • xb'a nlr.. pears, White Pippin and York lmp.rial .pples. Charles Michener, R. R.~··" • WaY8Uville, Ohio. FOR SALE-L White P kl . arge e n Ducks, for .tock. Mra. Henry Murphy, near Ferry. Addrell Swin&' , Valley, Routo 1. '011

WANTED--Ran,ge or cook .tove. Kust be in.· trood eoDditipn' pd

~:=~~:=:=:~::~~:=:=::=::::::::::::=:=:=:.:=[:..=al:J:'=====s:,cr:.u.:.:7::'!f~s..,=:..:..1 FOR eh~~p.SALE-Good Inquire .• ~! ~ ~ f~21 S ....t&o" lie till&'

F. T. ·Martin .Jesse Stanley Auctioneer Arictionee~

Centerville, 0 ·.

New Burlington,O. ·

,. Itove, only -used) ~o Jiioll~ In. 'qula:e olWarren, B"'~iICI~ Jt\2• .


. 1'"' ..


FOR SALE-Be~utif~ pla"r. plano, good ma~et like new. ' ClaD be pur. ~based at ' oluanee due- on. vf!rF 'eu,. . ferm", P. 0 , Box 313, ~ytOD. Obio•. ' 028 FOR SALE...:.:Pure.bred -DarOl\ .bOlli'll and Gelta. - Am taldq ordent for bred · BOWS. Hltrben J. Carr, Har. veYllbu,rc. Ohio. -

' For Sale ' or Rent-7-room hoWlt, nawl,.


ad PldaUd, both

kind. of .a&er~ e1eeb1O Ulrhta, ....... 100d lot


ad rue.' . . . .. W.,..,.




, .- I

-------- ------: THE MIAMI GAZETTE




J. C. G,'OY i~ suO' ·ri ng with'1l lome huck'. _



The TaX Am~ndments ill: aWay That You Can l.[nderstand Them '

chns. Mudd 11 IIl'rnt a few days in By JAMES A. DEVINE 'I ("!!lIl11huR t,hiM weuk. Chairman of tho Committoo for tlio Adopt ion of The Conotit ut ionBI T"x. D. L. CRANE I'ubli. hel W. . W lei .. judI! d hogs at the and Debt Limitation Amendmen t. Touring 1. :l lI ca~ltl l' r"ir this w eo k. ' ,1"1' n i ~ I'Y " or Onytnn , vi Rited hi R ~ i st <',· . Mary J I"illch, Tuesday. The demand for Ford cars has already ou" TnxaU"n lo most rolkR Is a Ilr)' and IInt ntp rtlsti ng .ubjecl. n lll Novtimber 3rd, Obloans must YulO to ucceN or r,>joc{ lWO 1'1'111"'. ' " ~II·. Ilntl M, • . George Denny wel'e stripped aU previous records . \1'a ~ hin I! LI. n C. I-I. vi Bito rs , Wedn es- lax a lllonllnUHl ts lO th e s talo cbnsllLllti l1 n. F. O. D . Dt/rol, day, LABOR'S LATEST DEMA ND Inasnlu h ns lhose amendme n t. IlrA ' nw~t tm l, v/ll 'rs ~ h oul(\ II nOl Motor car buyers who se~k beauty and com.. ,Ilt's. Annn Vanll"rcn is visiting Bomutiling ahoul lhem heloro thoy go lo th e poll., . '~~I. -'. fort are finding the improved Touring Car Tho Ilrsl a mendment On lhe ballot Is lhe dpbt Ihntlllll on alll omlnwnt Almost before th e shndc of Sll mu ~ 1 IlI' l' tlall l{ htc r , ~ [rs . .1. E . Collier and GOllll'crs hUll plUlijcd intu h,,, greaLer fnlHil y, Il Is Impostngly headod on th e unllot hy w"rdA tbat nWlln lItllo 01' nutld ll exactly suited to their desire. IIphere the spectre uf renl!w l' t1 lubor to lho· uvcl'8go votor and th u toxt or lh o um oollnwnt ts 'tullo lenglhy. Mr, a nd 1\lrs . W. p, McCarren troubl es ariBell Lo remind lhe wo rld How "or, tho votor Rhoul rl rt'momht'r that th o JlroJl n ,'t' ~ deut IImltntl ' " See this good looking car at the nearest of th o worth of thu mUll wh u hus a lld tlHu~ht('r . E vuly n , welt! in Cin · am ondmonl mell118 nolhlnl!; moro thnn II " p3y ,ns-ynu·so pt,," ," go"e. IL is DOW JlrOlltlSC11 thul Tit. ..·i llllali. 'l'ucstlay. Authorized Ford Dealer's_ As you inspect Su('h " law 18 atread)' 0 0 t ho s tntut,·. nil/I th .. R/lol'tl"n or liJo UIII,,"ollll ~ 1I American Federulioll of Luh" .· de fll Il' Mrs. Ceo. Beach, of Cleveland , would -I mllly lU;1k o It pOfll!lblo lo wrttA It Inlo lhe coo" tltlltlol1, its many new features, bear in mind that a nuw policy , d manding lhat \\'a~c ~ ' prllt II1 Hl wee k-cnd lind Columbu. Th o "Ilay-a s,you-go plan" Is 110 0 co mmon ~ l'n " n way "r doing bu Ino"~. be increased, ami Will th" wo rk in!: llllY h ' I'C wilh Mr. Bellch. F"or InHtanco It will pre ,'ent th e tR" ulng of lJrond s wllh which lo IlUrcbaR, this improved car is available at no increase tluy bo sho r tened . It is prvpus ed l" M,'. nntl Mrs. Mahon, of Daylon , n tn'll11 of hOr8('8 for a Ore depnrlll1(>nt .-o\'erlng n long pNI "d of yellrR wb ~, cut th e hours of lab or in (ll'<'i uni,," in price. Lo Lhe degree of dl!vdupnlt!nl In lahU l' IV!' re l'rccn L guest~ of Mrs. Mnry J . th ,' 11f1 1'!'W f\ wIll nrflbab ly bf' d~ ' nd o r worn out many ye ar!:' 1Jpforo tb o bonds ar. relire'l_ • lIvlng Illuchi n cry 1I11l1 waLcl' powel. I"inch lind Robert Garner . Runabout - $260 Coupe ,- '520 In olher words. tho am ondment Jlroh~h lls lbo Iss uance of bonds for " Where is thi s kind o{ rudicul lhoughl The 8cho,,1 he ld u pie sule in FI'l\nk Tudor Sedan - 580 Fordor Sedan - 660 ~o end? No suo ne r docs indu sLry lIurris' s tOl'C room, SaLurday even- IO Il t, ... . , .. , ... . J • • d UtilI! till; J,JI'u lm iJ ltt lIre or wh al Ie to un vurcllui;!ed [ron ' ~ot buck on II . ane hn8iM 0 f III'usjJe r- inl!. They were wel l patronized. '1 0 111011 Y c1 0rl v ~il from t It n .li l" of lh "OI" b<)D'I~ , C losed ('lin in cnlor. Dt'nuluntnbl c"'rlm N Rnd dorter cxtrtl on iLy for Illbor lhun so me one cu lll es upen Uri , A ll prlc~. f. b. t-)elrolt. THE TIjX AMENDMENT. 1\Ir. liml MI,., Herb erl Mnrl, of Og"fone to kil l< over lhe milk Jlail. Th aocond amondmont on tho bl\tlot Is lh o cO II"lilu,l nuul tl\X nmendmcn ' lie n, w(' r c Tucs(iuy guests of t.h e ilo The rllPort of lhe National I IIdu ~ ­ pllrents, Mr. nnd Mrs. George Smi th whi ch ts fOllncl und or lh e hORdlng of "ArLlclo t2 , Soctl .. " 2," Rnd prOI'""' '' FORD MOTOR COMPANY, DETROIT, MICHIGAN trial Conference bOllrd jus l made Ulld lO am end th e constitution so 9.S to provIde ror taxation lJy unIform MIlo al' fnlJlily. lUb ic shows thlll lh" nv ol'llge work · renl oatllte and tanglbl o prollorty oxcrllt motor vohl clcH and lo prov ldo fiJI JIg houls sta nd lit 47.5 vcr week, Curroll !'; marl, or Wilmin)(,loll, visThere is a w('11 tl cfincd illcrcU8c in i t ~cI fiver night, ThursdllY. wilh 1I1r. laxation of Intangible properly_ As In tho cuse of tbe deb t limtlatlon am ·ndmonl tlll~ "un slltullonal tn ) eraploymenl, and weckly I!uTlling~ ill- [lIld Mrs. W. A. Haines and Grandame nd mon t ulso nl,p~ars (,Jllite "word y" on th e ballot bUI tho only nolV par I crease d rather llllln decrcilsed 11.' 11 "' Il lher Smn r!.. In Lbo u.mepdment IB the single line "all moni es. credits , bo nds, stocks an,t result of uur slo w recolI ... ru ctiun_ Mrs. Elizu Curter hilS gone to spenrl Totul emp loy-melll in nil indus lries is SHme time with h'r children, Mr. all olber IntangIble prol'erty which " ha ll be lllxed as mny be provided by 10 Iler cent hig her in !::ieptemlocl' lhi. and M rg. LewiK Cllrter Illld Rilma law ," and a pbrue In another line r endtDg-"elceptlng motor vehicles which )'ear thlln it WIUI a year ugo. shall Ilo tilled as may be provided by law ." No workmnn l oduy can complain 'urtcr, ill Vetroit. The prosent l nttorm 'flU Rule wns wrillen Into th e ()onslltlllton In 18nl Willlur Hllwke has relurned from of. Il POO)' wage, ove n ill lhe face of and stnce that tim e there bue been prrlctlcally no cbnng"s In tb e method 0 ' L he hospital, where he recently unprellCnr living costs nor enll he comcollecltng taxes In Ohio. plain of pnemployment. In the coun- de rwent n mujor operution , and we In otber words. Ohlo'8 tUlllng syste m wal de~18ed U1alUY yeare before th, t.ry it il nexl to impossible te get al'e glad to state he is improving niceCIvil War. work don e II~ any price, nlld for the ly. It was devlsod at a ttme wben Ohio practically was n Illoneer slato; whe" rnost part the r esul l.ll bear Ilveryi:vi. Mrs. Holmes, Stoops and so n, denee of either incom petence or care- Jimm y, anti Dr. and Mrs. J. E. With- lbere were only lWO ratlroud •. no largo manufacillrin g tnt e ro~ ts. no lar'l' Icssnell8. Let the fnrmer noed n new am, of Wuynesville, were W ednesduy coq,orlltlons. no building allrl loan 8.IIHocll1l1ona. very rt'w blinks: In oth.·, ceiling in hia home a nd he wil! find call E'rs on Dr. nnd Mrs. C. G. Ran- words, Ohio was an agrlcullural stllt e IlDd mysl 1111 lhe property to Lo tax e,' himself compelled t o pay ,12 11 tiny was tan gible property, bomes. f"rlll s, IIV"Rtock, etc. for some one who will muke II Ilea u- dall. For tbls reason It dId not mak e so IIIlI ch <llrr e r e n r~ th on thnt lb o Un lfo .... Tho Bllptist 111 issionary Circle held Rule tailed to put inlan glhl e property on th e dup lioa te . tiful botch o r lh e job unles. lhl! furmer himself take 11 dny 01' tw o ofT lu lhei r a ll-d llY sewing, 1'-, iday, In spite The prOIJOsed ('hllnge In th o Unt form Rille would simply mako It elaet l, o f inclement w('nther severnl were onougb to lux In,,;tbles, monies. " to('ks, l)(lnlls ('I,r'" whkh nrt' now escapln).: boss the "York. Therc is -of course liLlie or 110 <Jlla r- pr,,~e nt und accomlliis hed a nice It Is eallY 10 s ee ~bat real fls tut o Is 1~llrin g tho tnX llttOll bunion and mon el reI wilh t he hi gh wage. ~\' e ry one JIllUunl of scwing. nod otber Intanglbl os Ilre e8cIlJlln~ , wants to see the A n",rican working Mrs. bRIlC Brown and sons. Ernest ESCAPING TAXATION rnan oelf-r especting lind we I! r eward- Gerllid nnd Jimmy Blnir, left, WedFlgure8 pre l,ared hy th e State Tnxln/( Commtss lon "how th Al moni es r ' lid. But when it cumes to shortening nesduy Co.' their home in Marstclla, \.ho work day. wh en iL co mes to hand - tion, and oine spring boar, double lurnod for taxation last ye llr ,ul",unt"d W unly $ IR:t.2:I,1 :\n l , while Illl"nclll i Inltltutlons In Ohio a lonc hnd aS8 el8 all d rASOllrt:llH "f $:l , ~, t~ .:t14.2 13 , sho wtn ring ove.r to inoustrilll workers the pKnied them on the journey. th.t 13,331,0119.852 on deposit In financ ial Instituttons we:re not returned fo r gross r esu)\ of gcniu s ill devcloping 1\1r.. and Mrs. H,bward Gt-aham production, it j" getting lime LO call t.x.tlon. u hnll . . Labor would like Lo burn the- and daughters entertained to a 6Tbe tarmers anfl the home own ers of Ohio paid tnx e" to malle up for th l' Harveysburg, returned, Sunday, alHOW'S THIS? o'clock dlnnor, Thursday, Mr. and cand.le at both · ends a nd leave tht! dollclency cau sed by th e fatlure of tiJ e o w~ e rs of tbls mone)" to r Olurn It. tei a several days ' motor trip to BAI,L'S CAT" ItlUI MEIJI ('; I~ wtlt Mrs. H . S. Tucker and daughters farmer sizzling in lhe middle. Lancaster. Ohio, They visited Mrs. Jo what we clai m fo r it-T lt l l'our lJ)'.lem Under tbo Untform Rul e as It now 8l unds the bOIll" ow n"rs and fa rn Evelyn, Virginia and Vivian, Mr. and )t Catarrh or Dcntn(!S8 caUiled hy Duke'. nunt th ere. ownera wJII conllnue 1'8ylng taxes on Inillngl bl('s lhlll nre not ret urned ,n Catarrh. All lhe theatricnl buse ba ll fnn s l\lrs. Herberl J . Cmtl'. long 88 the Uniform Ril le rem " ttl . as tt now s tands. ~Ir. nnd Mrs . J. It .Toh ns have a Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Coleman enBALL'S CAT"RIUI ~I E UI C INJll conpre clamoring for a r e\'ivIII of the Mr. and Mn. Bern Carr and f a mLast year th e tot,, 1 va ln o of real cstnte rc turn ed for tnxnlton In Ohio wa, nel ' coupe. I.crLained to . undsy dinner, Mr. and !leb or nn Ointment whIch Quick 1; play, "Tpo Much John so n." RcUevel the catarrhal Innammatlon, Rno ily werc SundllY visitors at the home $8,063,626 .0()5. whil e the lOlaJ \,llln e or all tn t'lIlgiblo pr" pe rly returnod t ill Mrs. S. E. South and dau ghte rs, Vir- the Internal Modlcl n., a Tonic. whic h oj' Mr. Illld MrR. I-(enl'.\' Murphy, nenr tallaUon was $1 . l r.u .~2I.4PO. neilI'll' H~ VI'II bltllon less th a.n wa s ...·""·11 d tor , MI'. IInrl M,·R. Allen Emrick were )('inill Mne Ilnd Hnze l Mllri c, of Love- lell! through the Blood on t h o Mu c'o", London hall manufactured n one- Lebllnon. TllJ!y r epo rt Mrs. Flor- real eSla le lIud (llhor ta ngibl es. yct th o Intangible weatth of Ohio lII onle s Dayton viMitul's, Thurs day. lund , and Mr. Roy Gates, oI Cincin- Surfacel, thus restoring normal coe"llion.. . lleated areoplan ll for .Lhin women, ence Carr, who r ecently broke her Rtocks. Ilollds. elC" now Is grealer thun tho tUnJ; It,i'e "' t'lI lt,h, rC1l 1 e. lato, etc. Mr, Cluude Lewis a nd f am il y nrc nllti. Bold by druggists (or over .0 Tear.. It cosU! ,1,500, H enpecked husbands leg, to 'be improving Jlic ely. F. 1.. Cheney"" Co" Tol edo. Ohio. How will lh o proposed alllondmen t holp eliuall ze th e lI LX burden on rell : now enj oying electric lig hts. wm rojolce In the IInt19Unccme nL of On unday I. N. Miller celebr ated !\II'. Gle"n Brock, or Indianapo lis. the manufllcturcrs that il is b uilt {or his !15th bir~hdny. It was a lso lhe eltato? The proposer! am endm enl will pu l on tho lax du plicat e millions ot dollar,: was u week-end guest uf VI', Il nd 111 rs. women only, birthday "C hifi daughter-in-Inw, Eliz- worth of Intllngtt,les whicb are now es(·a plng. L. C. Bruck. nheth Turner Miller. Mr. Milter's Il will do lil l. boclluse the amondm enl gIves tho leg l. lal urc l be rIght tn Mrg. Viola !\rey, uf Wayn esville, U necessity is the mother o f inven- children and g rlUld chiidre n gatltt'red Mrs. 1?l'Iln k Kelli s is confined to her s pent Welinestiuy wi th htlr sister, t.lon, after travelling ut n speed of ut his home to celebmte the occasion tax Intangib les at tho KourCu. PROVEN IN MINNESOTA lo her home with sic kness. Mrs . J . R. J ohns. 260 miles an hour, and getting the in u fitling, manner. Thnl such a me th/,d will get Int:jll glbles upon lbe tlupllcalo nnd will III news of the dar through the IIi.r, so me Messrs. Emerso n Dill lind Carl DaThe I,.mli es Aid had un illl-dny lII rs, Fod Frohleiger, o C Cincinnati, cr enso th e re ve nuo Is sbow n by res ul lS III slates which hu\'e a similar (.ax ln :-; one will 800n Invent a wirell'ss shay visited sew ing at the hume of 1\1 rs , Clarcnce kin Sile nt Su nd ay in Cin ci nnati. ~he Illttc r plln of the week jng "s:et. !::illlilh, Wednesday. with her s iRtel·. Mrs. H. E. Hatton syslem . Mr, Is rael !';cott and f am ily spellt For Inslanee. In Mtnnesola wheni in 19 11 a jilan was ado pted stmllar t/, a nd D,·. Hulton . On Saturday Mr. Mr. r. H . Russell. of Franklin, Sunduy with Mr. and Mrs. Harry The bard working famler requiros Frohlciger aud niece, Miss Claro J. the one proylded for by the proposod am endment In Ohio lbe res ull was II :, WE GET THEM QUICKLY AND is spe ndin g a fe w days with hi ~ Ilrolh- Lacey. about 6,000 food -calories per day, Hntton. came l1II for the week-end. follows : FREE OF CHARGE c r, Mr. E li Russel l nn d wif e. l\l r. J oh n Levi 11",1 family and Mr. the "light labot man about 9,000, All retu rn ed to lhe cily, Sundny. In 1910, und or lhe old Inw of a rMe of 28 mills per .loll nr lhere wOre 6,201 CALL US ANY TIME AT OUR while the chllp who sits at a d esk -Mr. apd 1I1rs. J ess Enswile r, of Day nnd Mrs. Edward Crew spent Sun. EXPENSE llBrsonnl tUll relurns mari e In Mlnnesoln and a tOlal assoelsment of $13,919.80C , Mrs. Clara Conner, Mrs. Ethel needs only 2,600. The more nse Cul lO n, spellt !::iunday wi l h Mrs . ldll dll Y wilh 1\lr. a nd Mrs, Aadrey Crew. hnd wblcb gave th e sta te a tolnl reve nue of $379.7 &4. SmiLh und sons, Hollelt llnd Edwin. ypu are ;he mere it costs you t o live. , The follow ing year und or a new law Intllnglbl es wore lu xc rl nl a low !'!' Brown Ilnd Mr. nnt! Mrs. Hllrry SeiglIlr. J ohn Ry e nnd family spelll were last ~undllY guests at u surprise Safunnyworld. ler. S unda y wilh lIIr. Clllrence Eng le an d dinner on Mr. lind Mrs. Jack Conne', rat&--thrce mills on tb e dollar; In two years at the lower r8lO lho number uf Phone 8 HARVEY~BURC. O. 1\1rs. Clyd e Cox and Mr. and Mrs. fa mily, of nellr 'West Clll'roll to n. Morrow. Olher guests were: M,' rell1rns mad e tn creased from 6.200 to 50,564; tb o amounl of Intnn!:tblo prop, International coiO'eures, meeting in at erly upon tho dupllcale Increasod fr om $1 3.9 19.806 lO IU 35.369.314, and UI L Will iu m llrown vi8itod Mrs. Cbarles and Mrs. Lon Conner and fnmily, Mr. Murlatt a nd son. EdMrs. lI erbert Berlin, tell us that milndy is to wear J ohns, at Miami Valley hos pital, Wed mon, Imd Miss Clum Dllughters spont a white wig, with a boyish bob. May- und Mrs. Owen Conner and family, revenue ball Loen Incrcllse,1 from S379 .754 to $406,107. Tbat WIlS 14 years Ilgo: now the totol num ber of per M liS making personal n e~dIlY. Snturd ay with Mr. anti Mrs. Elvis be. The old will agree to bo made Mr. und Mt1s. Stanley Watkins and lIu returns In Minn esota Is In th e neighborhood or 130.000; tax duplicate f or Mr. und Mrs . Will ia m Cox an d Mr. Michaels. youthf.ul, but wben it comes to mak- family, all of Lebanon. Intangibles approllmales f450 ,000.OOO an.1 tbe rev enu e each year in tho n eigh, and Mrs. Cly de Cox spen L Sunday ---~.~,------ -ing youth silver haired- good afterMrs. Marie MII!'lin Ilnd friend, Miss with Mr. and !\Irs. Wal ttl r Sellrs, in Mi ldred Morgnn and friend and li ttle borhood ot $1.300.000. noon shirt. Not a chance. NOT SO DUMB DayLOn, TRUE IN MARYLAND Marjorie M.llrtin, o f J)nyton, spe nt AcConlln g to Judge Oscnr l..eser of the Tax ApprO'1 Court or Mllrylrmd . Vice-President Dawes has renewed Mr. IIl1d Mrs , Bernie Di ll a nd II-Ir. Sun day with Mr. nnd Mrs , L. M. The Eye Sight Specllli", Ihat itllto has bad wondorful success wllh lh,' low rala law on IDLAnglblo a nil Mrs. J ohn Zim merma n, o( Duy- Stephen s. hill n~tack on talking , Scrmtors 'u nd ~I ()lh er, who is the biggest womanno unces he will take his fight lo an in town?" ton, were Su nda y g ues Ls of lIlr. and prol'e rll'. the people. He proposes to cllmpuign ; '1 thin k Mrs. Smith, who lives down Tho pla.n lo mo(llfy th e Ulliform Rill A Is not lIew ; s ucb a molbod ot tnx· 1I1rs, J . 13. J on es, to that end, liS the llrishmlln wh o SKid the streot, is the biggest. Why do atlon Is already lJelng succes sfu ll y carr trcl Oll t In C:onn ec t l~ lIt, )'lorldll, Iowa. Mr. [lnd Mrs. Guy Routwhn nlld Wil would hn\'o pell. e even if we h ad you a "k?" Lebanon, Ohio KIUl SRS, Kentucky, Mary lan r! . ~l l nn osota . Monlana, Nebraska. Pennsylvania, dllughte r, Gl' lIeva Mac, s pl' nl SlIlIclay to fighf for it, was not alone in his "Oh , n othin$!'; I was just wonder- Rbod e Island und Soutb nakota. with Mr. ulld Mrs, Josiah Duilnott, Idea. in ' if sho'lI lend me one of her stockJ _ W. Taan ehill. who for eight yenrs was lax ady'leor of Via Donahey ings. I'd give it right back after whil e lbe luller was State Audllor, nnd wh o has alwnys opposod cla.stllcatlon ut Tip pecanoe City. 1I1rs. R. W . Hiatt, of Wilmington, • 8:00 a. m . to 4 p. !D_ Mr. Ril ey Say lor hILS so ld his prop- is the g uest of Miss Nunnic ShamChristml1ll." amend ments, says : "This Is th o Orsl sonsl bl o taxalion am elldment ever sub· erly in Lytle tH Mr. Il nd Mrs. Chlls. & mltted lo the volors 01 Ohio. It Is not II. tax dodb'i ng proposnl for while In - Mullinix, of Red Li on, who will take baugh. ta ng ible property includlng deposits In Iinancl"l In sliluLions loday und er tho po session i n lhe s pring. Born- T o Mr. o.nd M,-s. Ca rlton ,A Short Resume 01 the RA YMOND HAWKE- Any prole- Uniform Rule pays but lillie over 5% of all direct tax es, nn dor this nmellJment Smith, of Columbus, October 10th, a and 1I1rs. S.' II. Ha ines mid Mr. daughter. Characteristics of Each t.nrinn cnn stay up all nig ht but it Bucb prope rly wOllld 'pay lwenly·flve lo furty mIllion doll ars ouch year Into tbe andMr.1111'S. Walte r Ke nr ick IlLlended tnkell 11 mighty good man to get up 88 county tr easuries lhau nl IlT OScnt," Thomas Huyd oc k spent the week· Lhe fUrOcral of Th omas Miller, at and Every Graduate early in the morning. ' WEALTHY MAN ESCAPES end with Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Larkin. !::ipringboro, FridlLY aflurtloo ll , DAVIS FURNAS-His outstundJ oh n A. Zangcrly, CoualY Auditor of ClI)'i, hoga. Cou nty, a('knowledged to of the WayneSVille Mr. and Mrs, All cn Emrick and of Spring Valley. ing charncter seems perfectly and be one of the stalo's lore most taxing uuUlOrlties, Ilod who bns always proDentist Mr. and Mr.. F. P. Reeves, of dnughter, Gladys, were Sundny dinSchools tected tbe In teres t of th e common peoille. In discussl:ng the proposed conwholly independent of nccessories. ner guests at the hom e of 111 r. and Daylon. were !ruests of relaLiyes he re lDA HAINES- She never chooses eUlutional lax Ulll endm ent SfiYS : "T ho prollosed amelldment Is a forward, Mrs. Clyd e Mount, in Dayton. Way De. villa NatioD.1 B.1lk Blda. 11 part of lust week. to resist her inclination which im- very desirable anr! needed s t" p," The F ellowship CIIISS, of the 1I1r. and Mrs_ I rv in liard man enpcls her to give eXP1Jl8l!ion to known Roberl A. Tafl. S pen ker ot the HOll se at lhe last General Asse mbly. says: f.-- W~tt ... b" ... Enl" Gradu.te duties. ' "E"ery Im!lortanl sl aie except lllinoi 8 anll Ohio has mlulc some olTorl to tax tertllined to Sunduy dinn e r. Mr . and Frie ndH Sund uy-Schuol. w as enlcrwined in Lhe hOllle o ( M,·. and Mrs_ WINIFRED MEREDITH _ Chris- Intangibles In a way lh nt will !lut th om upon tb duplicat e." Mr. Tart po lnt8 Mrs. John S ullivan , MI·s. CIIIlri es Mc- J . L. Conllrd, Tuesduy evelli ng. tianity demonstrates and gives ex- oul that oulslde of ball 11 Blocks leFS lhan $1 50,000,000 In slocks and boads Darr Ilnd Mr. Pau l Ebl'il:h~, of Urbana, Ohio. The fir sL numh er of the lecture pression to a IiIe of love. were re lurned (or lllxa! ion ill Ohio, Mesdames Neltie Emrick. Harriett course, an en tc rtllinm cn t by lhe AII CI ••• of 1905 WARREN EDWARDS- He has No ono IIno\\' s exnc ll )' whal th oRe securttles nmount to but It must be at McGinnis Ilnd Letitin Kc nrick called press Co .. wns highly Ilpprcdaled by been called from the toils lind trials least twon t)'-I\\'o liules thnt n,mnun !. FUNERAL DIR ECTOIl on Mrs. Churles J ohns III Miami Val- a large audie nce Monduy c\'cllin g. HELEN PARSHALL-Her service of this world to the rewards of eterFARM LEADERS FOR IT to the world COllies as a boon that -nity. , C, A, \))'cr of th ~ Ohio Still<' Grange. declares unless farmers ot Ohio vote ley Saturday, and r epo rt WAYNESVILLE, OHIO IIgntens burdeD!' lind scatters ~h~er S1'ELLA LEMMON-She haa the for lhe ad uill iOIl of th e proposed constitutional tnx amendm ent sooner or later her improving nicely, FIGURE THIS OUT and sunshine WIth' a love that IS m- gift of combinin~ the impO'ssibie and tbey wilt h " \'I! wille ollen LaX clas8tll calloti In Ohio. "Thl~ proposed amend mont Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rogers visspiring. . NO SPAH~An unselftRh co mmonplace thmgs of life, and is Is the lJ"Kl snill t ion to our taxing problems that has be,en oJrered to votere Of ited on Wednesday the former's fathFully Equipped for. G.04 Vine ~ were just loaded wi\h grllpes er. Mr. Enos Rogers, who has been this year. but he woul dn't give all Y RAYMO full of an acute appreciation of the I " I I 'I I)yer ' Service. interest In our :friends Is always a tb B stAte. sn r " r ' commondable virtue, . beauties of Nature. Murru\' T, 1,ln,·"ln of tbe Ohio Farm Buroau Federation urges farmor8 ill for a week Ilt lhe home of Sher- away- didn't eat any- he wouldn 't man Rogers, ncar Middletown. Large Display Room. sell any nnd his wife did ll't mak e jelMINNIE BURG~;TT-Threads of RUSSELL PARLETT-His prac- to sUPllort' Ih e . r : ' ,no! "" lIslilulional tlllt ameodment on tbe ground It will Mrs . Cnrl Duke, Pa ul Ilnd Rob ert ly! Neil!hbo rs lire wond cri n{: whu t . d '1\ d t f th Lical life demonstrates his belief that lelsen tal[ burdens on farms. Ambulance Service Joyan sorrow ran I an 0l! 0 ,e the .spiritual. force8 in Ufe-beauty, "I'c' C"lll". lllla" ,,,,,t " _, Amendment was drafled by members Of lhe fol- Duke, in compllny with Mr. Gmy, of he did with lhem. ......._y. tangled wob of phYSlool all- 'd OIl I'Ism an d f a Ith ,are IleaI an d VI' tal • lowIng. " :;;;ntB. " org anizall ons: Oht o Chamber of Commerce. Oblo League of Building TELEPHONE 7 llAY OR NIGHT f. -'tSTELLA WHlTE,-FirBt law of OLIVE PARSHALL-The aromn o.nd L6I\n· AssoclllUons, Ohio Manufac turers A88oclatlon. Oblo Bankers ABaondshl '" to llliiu'i! the-necessltiCII of of her beautiful character Ioingers elation. A~soci3tod Trusl Companies and Savings Ban ks ot Clevela'nd, The . wl'th pa friend. there still in the hearts and minds Mortgage Association of_OhIo. OhIo Council ot Retail Merchants, Ohio Farm : , EDNA ZE~She BlLYS It takes a of her many friends. Bureau ~'odornllon. Ohio Slat" Grange. Ohl 0 Assoc I8tl 011 0 f BU Iidl ng Own ers ~lkhty blg .pcl1}on to_ he humble, CI. . . . f 1907 and Managers. Ohio Medlcnl Association, Ohio Slate Bar AS8ocllltlon. Oblo :, ' HARRY ' HAMIJJTON- The mall LEAH WRIGHT-Out: of her gen- Committ ee on PubliC Utlliltes Infurmat\on. W. M. KIng. Special Commlttoo on At Millgrove Stock fnrm, 3 milcs OPTOMETRIST who says 'it , cun't be done, is inter- Lie constancy had been woven the Relation 01 Itllilrond Operallon to Leglslutlon In Ohio, Ohto Slate Teachers' northeast -of Mor'r ow, on lhe Litll e NOTARY PUBLIC rupted .by Qle mal)wh!l is doing it;. heroic fiber of 'Which martyrs are A-ssoclatlon. Ohio Tax CommlssloO. Ohio County Audltora' Association, Ohto Miami river, on EYES EXAMINED LUELLA;' .CORNELL.--1lIu per- made, this and her inextinguishable Investmont Bank ers' Association, Ohio A880clatlon ot Roal Estate Board8, N.tio';.1 Ba~k THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1925 • . b h 't . Faith made ~. strong and capable Ohio Sto.te Automobile ASSOCiation, Oblo Auto Trade Allsoclat1oo. GeneraJ'CooGLASSES FITTED Sale starts promptly at 12 :00 y w nt I ,gIves out, of engan-ing in many of tho acll'vities "'h CI I d CI abn,a lity ~oYls -It ts ... tractors Assoclallon, Oblo Rulldere' =-c anges. eve !Ln earlng House .A&Will. Dr.WD " " ...... E.t.. t •• ~ ..lIled o'clock. Sixty helld of r cgislerej no t b y w 0 t ge. of social and intellectual. s!!rvice. hi Re L Prompt Repair Service ET8EL STOKES-An optimistic aoolatlon, Oblo Loan Association, 0 a taU umbElr Dealers AssoclaUolI, .a nd high-grade Jersey cattle, from ",ER,lI1ES ROBI~SON-:-A8 we cO'me Way'neaville, Ohio the old Reliable Millgrove herd, conto, ;'l8uah:te the. ~p~elll!lo.ns of Earn- mind , t hat refuses to be diacouraged 01110 ~tor F1nlUlce~8OCiatlOIl, _ OIl.\o=IDIUtute of _~bllo ~~Ie~? Every Thuraday 9 a. m. to of 4 bulls, 26 fresh eows and sisting ~ B perfeet Chnstl!ln lifo, our at: by conditions, looking back upon the 5 p. In. , ~nthuslllllm for the b."V" pleasant thlngs rather than dwelling MARY GRAY-She cultivates an rights and true principlea of justice. heavy springers, Il group of bred alSo a flne bunch of yearling ter thtngs at life beeome deeper and 'ii the present Upon unpleaaant things optimilltll that tum~ the disappoint- FRED RA WKE-The one who butts heifers, heifers and heifer calves from the Reat Room in Granle Bldg_ !.i~re stable; ' - . : ' . _ IRMA STOKES--A ' pleasing cbar- mente of one day into opportunities in is usually the goat. noted aires, Rosette's Noble Boy, t ~ RHEA ROGEBs..y3he onc!" . Mlnd- aeter po_lnll: talent of unusual of another. FLORA BE RRYHILL-Opportuni- 185886, a l(Tandson of Noble of OakW.J"~lYiII., Ohio . wnat Willi necessary ' to' enell,ze II' qualiiy. DENTI~:r ~.o!;ces wall ~plritual e~e8thentc (n a . , . CI... of1908 SYBIL HAWKE-Her philosophy ty calls onco Ilt every person's door, land and Violas Golden Jolly. Hi!! dam; Rosetto~s Viola, is one of the Main Office And X-O-CRAPHlST ,< aqlritual ' ELL1iiN -, Sm'lRWOOD-She sees great cows of the hreod; nlso Chnm, JOIn , " 'j, ,: < ,' f everYthing im!lgl1iat!vely, and ' thro' her own lIoul and, the llUrity of her ' ably. docs nQt- el)joy tho washboo.rd pio'n 'I' yc oon , Fijtanclnl Richmond, WAYNESVILLE, -" • OHIO Pauline's EJtile .K;inll', Lucy's Agathn $24Y. South Brownl Street, • ~Q[J) COOK-We , !"JJn . "he her h qme d,utU!s<togetber ,with her 80~ visio{l, she', winB the love , ~d esteem but it makes 'it clean. ,. T.I.p~oD. l i'. eai'J,eneatb a tree, ~be steermg ~lieeJ cia! activities, she thinks life very of all her 'friends and .assoclates. , SETH FURNAs2-As I review our Boy and other proven sires. 0.... Silm~ Th••t~r He~s--36 hend of choice feeders, })roke. . "y n .' SA , 1I7JrE-T , sweet. R"YMOND w' ILLIAMSO,N-Love alumni. membership, ... OFFICE: BATUA.WAY:.Bi.DQ. ~ n. 1 am more than DAYTON, .OHIO weighmg nbouti 126 pOl.!nds, il'nmunBQN4UU , _ f ' ,op. . ny , SUSAN, WRIGHT'-Says married is stroDger than fear, and the moral. ever implle1!sed with their whotesome ed. _ _ ON MAIN STREET " _ " • . people wl:\Ue pr,a)'ing to be de~vQoed life \8 pathe~I~lly sweet. ' .f-orce is only true go.v!lrning prin- geninl Bjlirlt, 'their ' philosophy of Terms made mown on day of BIlle. from all temptatil)n. too ofte,n' peep 'AMY BAY-&lYJI now that womlln ciple. . kindness, thelr hopes that are! never Breeder of lersey' eatUe for over '_ -' them throqb thel.r finren. "t. is' ,I\nalng her IIplie~ IOmewhat NBERTlIA SMITH-"He Is not dimmed, together wlttl ' their deterC .... of 1801 _ inov.ed from the kitehen .mlt, it rna,. only a God of law, but a God of mlnation and conlltructite natures, SO years. O. WORLEY, Prop. RABOLD BOWELL-Ia • JOung app~ 't ha' .the Interpretatil)n of love." whleb seem to characterbe thfl entire Cola. A_. C. Baker and Karl Brown, . . 'Pho baa lleveloped lDIo • ai.. Hfe wiU come fJ'Cl1D women to whom ~A YKOND DAVIS-The mlljorlt1 aggregation. / , , 1lOoIl of accompllahmelltll that are AD Me- ill ' 10 pneioua becaae tbe7 C)t people have irruter respect for MAY STRAWN-"n tatlll. heap C)f ~uctioneerB. LUDch b;V the Lebanon GIaDIe. ~ with N....·. ·.... modar Ii. . 0D9 who Randa ' up fifmlJ fOJ! hia '11nn'in a hC)u8e t' make Jt hom..' ,Sub.criptioD Price, $ 1.50 per Year




- ,





_ _ _ _ _0

. .- _ -



Harveysburg Fertilizer Co.




At Cary's Jewelry Shop



Dr. John W. Miller '

Walter McClur e

----- - ----


Public Sales

Will F. Young



Dr. H. E Hathaw:al

reon~l. co~rs~ < of

b~end "


'~e~:; dfm~~~n:::/~:~~ehh~::&o'~f ~)l~;~~ ~~~,~~a;,rtT~:r:ht~C~r~I~:




... . '


..... .AtAMI ~Z£1TE I,

rh Ie


K iit' r !'ellts.




M r. ~Illrt Bni rtl 'visited 1.Iiwis\'ilI(· , Iml .. Tu 'sdl y.


'I!lti\'('s in .

1\li s~ Lll('y "mll.'~ , of l he p tk t (l fH c!', i~ tllkillll' a '·'I<.'o tio ll thi s w,,(' k. I t'~.

r.mmll Dnki n 110

been f] lIit c

1\1r ~ . Samh Murray h l'l~ "r t urn ed "ft",· an " x t 111\(0 .1 I'is il ill ~ t idl Il Q­

sick .

.. .' ..-

MI'. ,J uhn il('n e h "i~il<,d in Dn~· t .. n la, l w,·ck .

47~ .J!ii~f=

"Tile fIIorlds Fjn~i Coffee" Fl·enc.n


n~e VA"'es In .. tAste.



1\11'. Hllhert W ~ rnt 7. n nll hn,'c movNI 10 Dllyt, ' " .

~Ir ~

Ho b,' rl F u rn,," li nd


T inll(' Y wcn' ~ I H)p .rillJ! ill Ilnyhu\

fllm ity

"· ~ llrw ~dn y. ~ I r~ .J ul u\ [l()I\fJ\,lI n Rpcnl T \1L'~ clHY III ~prill)!'b lq·" with h l' t' ' '' i~tl' r. !\11 '~ ,

l\1r .lIn,1 Ml" . Walt,,!, 1':1,,· )' \'i,ill·t1 tri ..·nds i n X l'lIi n, ~lIllday .IlI'"' · lI·r id,\.


iime ' e"e.·y ___ _



Mr. l\Ir~ . •1. II. ~mith \' i ~i l,' d .\1 1' a,, 01 ~tr, . Frallk T llft. "f Clll'd a tivc s in C-oillmbll< Sun d ay . l it,,·)! lI- . :,,', . )!lI~'" u f >I I'. alld ~ I rs . .1. \\' . lI·hi t,' .

,JIWrJ. COfm 6~nuilW Go~tt BOUl'bonSantos 391l.b. ISWS COffE[ AGood, Rich Drink 33fib,


lI ilr\'p v ~lH: kl'tt i ~ ~ p l' llI lilll! wN·k with ·h(lr ~..tll l in l )a y l tl T\ .




t n Wl!.

r ~ lnti\' c •

i\lrl'. A. L. h ill)! lIlId ~I,·<. \\,,11 Brad ley \\'t'J'e ('olumhus \ it-: i t p r ~, ;-':'u n ~

cl ay .


Mr . . / .. hn Stall s !.""I'), v isilt!tI

n'lnti v l.·~



~1 1 I rl'\l w .

fill\1,ly :--:11 11 -

d llY·

1\11'. nnd 1\1 ,'''. R" hl"'l FI"'I1"; \11' 1' (' Su n dny II' I" '<t" "f MI' . an,1 1\Ir". 1[,\,·ry Hu rl !'y. Mrs ,

SH rill!


sist er a nd hrolht: r , !If t}' , Su ntlay.

l' ntl'rtzlil l f'd h,' ,. Cil- n ll tH ll C I' II Il -

ATTENDED NATIONAL DAIRY SHOW lIud Mt·s. \'{111 . J\!iII r r, Ir . nnd Mrs. Fl'eel Elbon. MI'. !I ud Mrs. H . '. [; eorge, 1111'. und MI·s. hil S. 1'. C l n~ ~ . L . D. Hnr (l ld. Frnn 7. 1l1'1I·jIJc. (' nrl ron e. lI c r sc he ll Bu n nell . Pnu l I{kh, A r th ur '. Pren ch, J ... W il ROII. Knr l Bmw n . Hnrl'i.<o n Bevnn, lo'l'U nk lI11 r"ej' , :II,d N . L. flunne ll Lebanon; G. '. Slnrr M o rri~ MilicI' "nd C. I,. M·ichenc r . W ay n csvi ll o; Fl'lInk W ylie . C()7.!I delalc ; Varel Clnr k und E . 1'. Clllrk. S " uth Le bunon; 1."0 li nt n 'Id . IV . O. Co rwin lind 7.. O. Worl ev . ~ I " 'r o ll' : C. ./ . Wo l'ley lind lI'if". P ust~l' : H" lI l1n rl ;\f(·C hlrt,. Frank lin W <' !'t' nm ong' t) l<l~ (' r l\~i. t l' l'(~tI fr om \\'nr."{' (1 co nn t y nt lh !' :-Iati nnni J):t i,·y .h",,· al I n di "n ap " li ~. a r ('unlin ~ I" lllhub . I/(tio n mati!, by Cou nty A)!l'ltl Cla « I'.

B\' rnll tl art>ock . fl f <"i,win · at I'll)!i~t l'a tio n hcadquHt'1<..\ l':-\ at n oo n I"rid "y l h ~ I (it h. Th o~ c l\lt~n"in t: f(' l-H Hl l!), l,t' ll c II 1 nrray ( I f rxhibi t s. in 1I ,,, il' l'. :'ul\c1"y. c1 uclill j! "" " r 15 110 " f Lhl' u ul slandinj! nitl'd :Stut ,'s, "l' P~I ... A I, ijn h ('" l li ~ r, of n rnr li ar- dn iry " a t t lc in Lhe \t" ' s htl r~, It Civi l \ Var y(· tera n, su r· I'cs(' nt in l> /I ll b'·ecds. Th o ll J! h the l'<iuclltiu n n l fentll"" " f";'j -d n ... t r llkl ' o f pn r a lr:; i ~ I H~ t Wl,t'k, w e le atl rnc t i,'c lind \\'('11 "rt'a" .:,.d. yet th e attl'rHi :lllcll \\' H~ t'('p('t't ('(i t o ~I " . .l !'nlli,· Si ll' r nlld !\Ir. Ralph be so mew hat bl·l"w t he I'xpe,·tll ti ull< ~(~vl' r, lIf E at l l n . \\' l~ rp het·l' Mon day , pl'obnh ly du e to the !'H inv wl'Hl I",r I" alt(,lI d t h r funeral of Mi ~" Mllry a nrl delllY in fa r lll \\' 01'1< b l" '\l~hl ~Il·t · ray . abo ut t h e reb~· . ~Ir .


Hatl, vhdi,-'d his s ist l' J' , ~t r ~. ~l lIl ild n

Ilrrl\lin~ fllr "('li t, f(lr t ill' Ll'ct ure (' " ur"r ('n t l'rt.ll in llll' lIt lit II nll'" Or ug ' tl' I'I·. Thur"lny . O('wl>e r 22, lit 12

Mr. an d Mr ~ . (;I ,'l1n B,' rd,' " ~ I "'n t 1111' . a nd Mrs . Grove r K lIap p, of Su ndny in Jo" ·H l1kl in. ~u,·"t,; "f ~ I rs . I.I·hnn oll. !lnd Mr'. Hnd lII r s. C. R. W m. Mun~ {' r . 'ol'ln'l1 !\nd su n Wl'l'( ' ~und!lY ~ u e s ls !lfr: Dal'in A r lll ~ tl'() nJ!. of \lnytun. I) f Mr . l!IIeI Mrs. W . IJ. Squires. \\'n.~ n j!ll c ~ l uf 1\11'. linn Mr o. J a"" , Kerrick. S u nd ay. i\I1' H. \ ' i"l" CUl'('y ('ntert nined a t n fj ·,,'clt,('k dirllH'r Slltu rd ay c" pning , Mi ~, Evelyn All en. o f Center\'ill L'. wilh wild (\tli·k n~ t hI' ',('ce d(' res iswn . . . th' w(lt:>k-e nd J.!ul-sl of Mi ~~ Rhl' U lUncc. Th ose \\' h" "n j" ~'e d t h r delici n us nw n u WC rt, 1\1,'. Hn d ~frg. Chas. .lllll el (' ''r l\\'ri ~ht . I(ve. Mr. unel ~I r~. Ir \' in g We lch, Mr. nnel 1\Irs. T . H. !-it okcs. of Lin- ~(r . lin n !\II·~. Ed lI"I't ~ "l'k anti son, Spring' \' al1,' Y. alld till' )l l's5r s. co ln. III .. " "e guests o f Mr. M o rri ~ of Frank a nd Jl' S~(' T htlUlH S. Sil ve l' nnd fllmily. ,


Mrs. T. S . Ha rdi n nr r ived home . Su nd ny. nfter 1\ two-we e ks ' visit with he r mot her in Fl\ lmouth, Ky .


Save Your Money -Buy ' Goodyears


You may have a barrel of money. We hope you have. But we can't gi~e you 'one cent's worth more of dollar· for-dollar tire value than the man of modest means can get in a Goodyear Tire today. The fact is, Goodyear quality is now within reach of aU. That'. what comes of building tbe best of tires and pricing them low.


Get Our Prices .

Waynesville Motor Co. Phone lOS


Waynesville, Ohio

I\l essr s. Fran k Stan s berry. W ilbur Hully IJ lIY srrv ice nex t Su nday , Sta ns be l·ry. M. J. Ors burn an d Clnr- Octobe,' 25. Bible. chool \1::W : lesonce J\1e nd en ha ll lI'e r e in Day t o n , ~o n, "Greed 0 r Gos pe l. " Act s 19 :23Mo ndny. 34. Speciul prog rum. Illus ic and se rlll o n. T he lur ~:cs l alte ndnn ce evlIIr. G . J . Wate rh o use is in Co lum- er nn d th e e ntire offering f or the f urbu s. "tle nding the ann ua l co mmuni- nace fun d i ~ th e ,~ o a l. All lire we lelll in n of the G rand L odge of F, & cOlll e. Eveni ng s(!"l'ice III 7 :00 .. A . M. nf Ohio . Bro. J ohn son and w ife ma de a busin ess t r ip to Glleenticld, t he ir f orTh e Y. F. lI\. will g ive a t ea Sat- Ille r home. t his wce k. .Jumes Do uglass lin d wif e, of New urduy aft e r n oo n , Nllve mber 7 . at th e ho me of Mr s. F'rnn k )O}lb on , All are Ho ll lln tl . Ohio. lI rc \'is iti lli( at the par so nage. r.11'. Douglass is ' a br other 'cord inll y inv ited . of Mrs. J o hnso n. Hemember Rally DIl Y nt Ferry Mr. li nd !\II's. E d Balla rd . of J a mest own , a nd Mr. an d Mrs. Dymond. of ch urch , October 2R. 1\) 25 . Xenia , we r e g uests . S unduy, of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Crell'. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT

Mr. ond Mrs. Wol te r E lzey an d E stu t e of Georg'C E. Wh a r ton , d eMr. a nd Mrs . N. A. Kin ~ ntte nd ~ d lh e ceus etl . fUlle ral of Mr. Wm. Nether to n, nt Notice is hCl'eb ), give n that Ed C. Xenia, Tuesd a y a fte rn oo n. Woo ll ard hus bee n d uly appoin ted and I I uHliti~d as udmi n is lrato r of th e esMr. R oy )[ ntha wny hns se ver ed t a le of G~o rge E. W ha rt on , deceased, his con nec ti o n wilh the W . H . Madd e n I/lte (If Wa rren cOll nty. Ohio. lumb e r co m pnny. nnd ha s go n r lo Dated t his 16th day of Octo bar , Hills bor o as mnnage r o f a Kroge r [02 5. g roce ry. W. Z. ROLL, J ud ge o f t hc Probate Court, Mr. a nd Mr>. G. H . T ow ns ley a n War r e n Co un ty, Ohio. no un ce th e birt h of n so n, Robe r t Eltzr oth. Ma ple & Mnp le, Attys. No urse, on Oc t obe r 12. Mr. T own - --sle y i. edi tor IInri b us in ess mannge r of t he W este rn S til l'. Re.d Our Ad •. in ·rbi.


...................... ....................... . ~

i ...

The Store of Better Values....




. To an,. Maluine pllbli.bed, .t tbe lowe.t' rate.


now ready, and w., have it in . tock . Come in and let .ome of it-it'. lood. made by one of the be.t manllfacture .. in thi' cOlinIr,.

INK TABLETSNODe better. 5c aDd lOco


"The Sea Hawke" By Sabatini


Judge Alfrcd McC ray, o f Day t on, MI'. C. Mad d e n, of North Le wi s bu rg, a nd Mr. and Mrs. W. H . Mn dd e n a tt ende d t he funeral o f l\J i s~ Ma r y Mc· Cray lit Cla rksvill e , Mond ay.


1 t i•

M,·. a nd Mrs. J. L. Hurtsoc k a tt e ndcd t he conce rt in Memo r ia l hall , F riday n ight, at Day t on. T hei.· du ug hte l', Mrs. Ro bert Walto n, W IIS one of t he t we lve pianis ts on the pr ogra m.

Frank H. Farr,


Mr. and Mrs . Morri s S il ve r , Mr. Geo rgc Ril ey and dnughter s: Mr, . a nd Mt's. T. H. St okes and Mr. Lynmn Silve r s pe nt undny a t Wilmin)::to n , w it h 1111'S. Adelia Tib bals.

Tobacco Insurance Tobacco in the

Mr. a nd Mrs. J . D. II1 a rlutt, Misses BeRlri c£' Roioi tze r li nd L~ nll Ea rn ha r t. Mess rs . Chnrles Bllell a nd Lou Prin tz s pe nt S u nrl ny in Columbus. t h c' g ues t s of 1I1r. an rl 1111'S. Me rle

.bed or barn For Three (3) Months , Sl.20 per $100.00 For Four (4) Months . . , $1.50 per $100.00 For Five (5) Month . . . $1.80 per $100.00 For Six (6) Months .. ' .. .. $2.10 per $100.00 or for an , length of ti me ,)·ou may want a.t the

Mr. Alle n Mowr er und hi s f orc e of mcn lire ' m o vin ~ to Otte rb ein, wh e r e he h us th e contrac t to Quild the eenle nt fo und a tion .and Aoor of a large cow bElrn, in co urse of construction a t th at p lace. Clifford Buzic will accom pany the m to Otterbein , and aid in the w ork.

Now is the time to ins lI re


Ke rn".



staDdard rate.

MI'; a nd Mrs. H . H. Wilkerson ent('r tll ined on S u nday, Mr. and Mrs. Al lJe rt Wilke r so n lind dau g hters, Doria nnd D,ollll a, M1'8. S . Garner, Mrs. ,fa.n ey .Wellm eyer, of Dayton, Mrs. StCla ir F ifo lind children, of WiIntinsrton. Miss Mart ha O'Neall and MI'. a nd Mrs. Lester Gord on. ,

c.n You Afford to Carry T h is Risk Yourself?

Can You Affo : d to Do Without It?

Insurance Agency

Succeaaora to

sear. &-Cartwright

. . . .*iM....~............~M4..............~~...~

Mr. a nd Mrs. James M'C C~uJ'e gave a ' family 'din ner on Sunday with Mr. a nd ·Mrs. . Walter McClure as guestl! of ho n Qr , that date belng ·their wedding . annivcl'Sary. Ot hers Who joyed t he ple asant occasion were Mr. J. . :McClure , ~. I da Kelsey, Mr. .nd Carl McClure and little 'daugbwr, of Dayton. .




HC'tlv(' " ( 'rppk

:II i ~~ ('\ I'n in

For Sale by

Fred M·. Cole HARDWAR~


IIlnry i\k l h "Y di,'" Fl'ldny .tt th,· h " , p I' \\ 1" , IItHI MI' ~. rry th o Miami Gaz.,tte for Job Work


NOTICE O F E LECTION T o t he clf'c t or. of Wnyn e Town Ahi p [t u rnl Sc h oul Dis tr ict. Wa r r e n co un Iy , Ohio :



. "'~ o t ict' i!'o hl'l\ ·hy g h 'l l lt Ihat Hn ,\t'C ! w i_ h ' t o nnnou u ce t o th e p ~p'c t . II \\'11 1 I" . Iw ld " " T" ",,la y. Ihe 3rd r \" ' 11 I ' . ' . lh I I I 9 "5 I .. ~y n r-. V l f" Iltu. :e l nl l y :\ O N ,. y o f , UY C,,, I c r , 1 . ~ . I :\1 I. It' 1I :-l .. w ill .c ontinl l c t o '''"'!Acl CQ V e l c ri h nry \1:01 V"tll' l: plllc'.\" I '" . :0,01 il' ''l l'l,·l . M ' J. . . t S ' V II Ob ' . I ,. d ll lil t! n . pnn 10 , tl w P UI"I'0 s \' .of (' IUtt~ lIlgl l r ,,' t ' IIIP II I · . I" V u . t a' e y, ., O . .. I ' I Ap l 'C l lI n .mu In c C ln a l o b a nn I I:, I=' u f t hl' B,n :lld (, I I', t U\.' Ul!lIlI. l ' ilC I 5 CUK,o, o ( S win e . .


! l l r ut"l'llllll t j , ur ( I) .\t ':lI :"

I. ..\1. I .II ·:.,\IW I ::-; " ~ . Clt'rk !If thl' Huard or I-:dlll'llt il) lt .



. Dr. R• V. Un.ennon


P~2~~~;~~d~~ ~--'--. -~ $1.4i -- --

Country Club, 121 :1 pounds

. ,,--_.

....... 62c COFFEE- J;we fBrari'd,---' 39C per pound . . . • . . • Country Club, 24 1-2 pou nd.. . • • 51.19 Clifton, 24 1-2 pounds . . • . . . . • •1.09

F renc h Blen d , A f~r

li ving t he ljuiet life of 0 vill ag e ph ys ici an f or t hirty years In NorfOlk, Nehr., Dr. Richard Taltlle r lo rn ~ out to be "Dlnmond" Dick. r1ramutic d im. no\'el he ro. T hnse :o. u f1 pO~ ~... 1 t' .:- t I'n ~t o ries are t r ue q"\ i ~ ~ ,:1 t Tannora I

Ii f~



lb . . . 41c

Golden SlInt<>B. per lb. : 33e

Cou'l try Club, 1 Pound Loaf

_ __ _ _ _ _--.;1:.....:.1....: . 2~ Pound Loaf


£?ra~ ._c_.n



'- - -

7-e -' tOe


27 Will BE C~~t~J~~~b NA~Y'S 150 BIRTHDAY 2~~r?


.... ....... ...


p ound ............. ..

Octo be r 27 will be 1\ r ed I Lt er day for t he Uni ted tates tllis y('ar in lhat it \Vii i mark. the 150th an ni vl" 'sary of t he fo u ndi ng of the Ame ricnn navy. Appropri ute ly iL is also the bir t hd ay of T heodol'e Roose,'elt. Grcll t prp ellra t ions arc bei ng mILd!' by Navy de pn r tment li nd t he Navy leag u e f or the ce le brution o f the day. Il w ill be "at home" day on 'board a ll war~h i ps and at all nnva l s["lions a nd th is will e nllble th e pu blic to Ket acquainted w ith o ut' nay \' nn d its p'crson n el hnd t o get 0 clo e view of wh a t t h e navy is d oing for th e prot ec ti on of the Un ited Sta t es. All nava l vessels that can be s pa r ed w ill be or de r ed into port .f or the informa l r eceptio n , bo th on th e Atlan t ic an d Pac. hc coasts. Th e re will be ad dresses 'It vario us poin ts by ollicials hig h in t he navy. Secre tary Wilbur will s peak a t Philadel phia, Ma jo r Ge ne ral Leje un e, command er of the Marine l·O l'P ~ . ut Ci ncinn a t i, Rear Admira l Moffett, at Des Moines, Ad m ir .. 1 Coon t z, at St. LOuis and R ear Adlllir ay P helps at Li ttl e Rock .. The r e will be a big rndio br oadcasting program in ce le bration of t he e vent in t he evening . Adm iral Ebe rle , will speak on th e tildio from N w York and an inter esting prog ram will b e broa dcasted f ·r om Washingto a.


Ha liowa 'o n M ixture. Ib .. ..

I.nIke Holcomb isn't all bashful as people 8Ily he isl Luke s wears be winked at· a girl In the dark once•

20c f!,~~~!!.


C C 5-lb p a ckag". Pancftcl,., F'lo ur, 20 oz. p 3ck

. tOc

bo, ..... .... ...


l Dc 15c

.. ..... .Campbell: • . 3 c.n . .... ...... .. ...... .. 2Sc


bu ... ..............


Let Us Drain and

Refill Your Crank Case -wlth-



lb . ...... ..


----_ ..

The America n a u tom obilis t. is "see ing t he coun t r y." The r e is no . do ubt abo ut t hat. He is enjoy ing life in t he grent outdoo r s where t he air a nd t he s un s hine fi re healt hful. Eve ry fa mily in Am c'3ca of mod erate ci r cu msta nces now has so me so r t of un a utom obile . S pellking of t he situation in t he West rece ntl y, S ec. r otory' HOll ver , said : " j found the m cu m"ing o ut in th e ir' nutomobil es in th e hill s a nd vnlleys w es t of th e MisH issip pi . It is est imated thut 5.000 arc so e nca mpe d ." "What is tru e of th c W es t is tru e of the Enst a nd th e So ut h fr o m F lorida t o New Eng land nnd e ve n into Can uda . T~ e peo ple urc ICll r ninl!' so met/ling about th e be ntl tks lIf the il' eo untl'Y first h"nd n nd 'beUe l' thnn this. they are lea r nin g sonwt hing a bo ut their f ollo w co un lry men . Secreta r y of Agricu lt ure Jl\ l'din o r ecently stated : "Colllmuni cat ion is II g r eat equalize r ." As t he peo ple ill t he E a st go t o West nn d the peo ple from th e W est dl'i vc EIl .O t , II H th c so uth ernel!! w hi z North and Lh,' nort h ern e rs glide South OI' C I' th e r'!I'f ee t syst em of r oads Lha t is ra pidl y be in g completed ove r t he cOll n try , t hey 'nr c lea rn ing t hnt llI ost Alll cri ieans U I' C pretty m u ch th e S8me; l ha t a l"ew Engla nd e l' a n'd a 'oll th e rn e" a H oosier and an Oregon inn nro 11 Irr eal <l eal a like u nd er tho ' s urface that a ll have t he sa me e motions: t he sli me go od pll int s, lin d th e sa lllo (let us hope) vel'Y f ew wenkncsse . In s hort, we a re r a pidly leaVing the \Qculi zed s tage . and hecoming 110tua lly A mericani zed . HitI'd s urfac d rooda a t'e bliin g ing t his · COndit ion abou t lind ·if the y brea k down secfonal p rejudices and c em en t us into one Ainet.ican communi ty they will be worth all t hat they may cost, Bnd ten t imes over.

Po,u nd ........................ ......

Pancake Flour

Sunoco Mo't or Oil Melloh's Garage Phone 47


WITH YOUR PRINTING -:" of rightfully expect more t~rn a mere follOWing

, . YOU your order when you get pri~ting from thi. .hop. We promise you se~·vice. Service ·include. an intelligent study df manuscri.,t'; the proper faces of type to be used; perfection in alia-oment; exact quality of paper; how to cut it; print it, and fo!d it. . No job too .mall 'f or our Quality Printing Standard. '



._l_0c i g~~~:~~.. .:.J~,£ -'-54c $:d~~!?~ f~~~~ 17C 22c I Bananas :._7ic 2 1__ C I~!~~~e~~.~.~~. . 27C






('(' lI t "

J Qhll Flac k. 1'1", 1\11' ''''' \\ :1' ,"·Id ~I " tldlll' II ft cl'" '''' II H' llll' M. ~ . I'hur" h' nl ( 'Ial' k, ,·ill,· . l1ul'i .. 1 wa~ ill l ' lur!\!'- \"i ll" (· ' · IIIt ' lt ' r y.

ROADS AS Clermont Heaters, AMERICANllERS and Ranges

Mrs. Harry TuTrn er a nd littl e .on nrc spe nding a :few d uys wi t h M r~ . Turn er's pnre nts, Mr. and Mrs. F. B. H end e rson . The Turn er s will soo n chlln ge the ir r esidence fro m Dayto n t o Bellbrook.

Waynesville, Ohio

..................................-................... 1Se





M rs. StClair Fi fe, (If W ilm ingto n. T we nlieth Sunday aft e r Tri n~t)' , is spending seve r a l days with her Chu rc h School at par e n ts , Mr. li nd Mrs. H. H . Wil ker- Oct"be r 25. 9 :3 0 a . m . Morning Pmyer and so n . Sermo n a t 11 :00 p . m . . A ll a r e eord iu ll y in vite d t o co me and wo r ship 1\11'. Pren t ice Tinn ey. of the U. . wit h us. S. We ~t Vi rginiu, is vis iting hi s parRev. J ohn J . S chaetrer. Rector. en L~ . Mr. nnd Mr s. Joe Tinn ey an d fa m ily.

We, tIle f oll owi ng f arm OWn e t8, .p oKitiVely f orpid nn y hunting or trllpping on Ollr In.rms. .'t ny v iola· fi oll of t ho SOlllO wi ll bo prosecution Ilc I'n rdi n to law a nd Lo the (ullest c . ten : ('xlcnt: . tr( '. WM .. LOY. li t HS. I~I. EA NOR SM IT H .

- -- ----_._-----.. _. - ... - ..


Sab bath ch ool, 9:10 a . nt .• prea chMI'. and Mrs. N. A. King. of In - ing li t 10:30 a . m. Epw orth Leag ue p. nt . Pr eac hing nt 7:!lO p. Ill •• dinn npol i' , s pent the fir s t o f the we e k 6:15 Wed ncsday e\'elling P rnyer meet ing , wi h Mr. An,1 M,.,. W olter E lze y. 7 .30. Ever y body inv ite d to t hese services. Mr. nn d !\II's. Geo rge Humilto n Hev. L. A. Washbu rn. Past or. Npent un<iuy wilh Mr. J ohn Vandervoort nnd f amily. at H nrveys burg.

----t WlIIil'll1l "'thl'l'llln; fl)lIHlI' fO r fl's. I cn llcl h · 1·:l7. \'Y . (liul '"lul'du y ni g hl III hia home :\ I'lI iu, 1'o llllwilll:' 1111 i1 l n\'~~' "I' ('O nly II "'I,,·k. Pl'ulh \l'II S dur (01 PII(' UIlI U)l ilt. '1 I.,' 'r,"Wl':I! "'."h ' ld 1\(. tI'l' Tat " !'IIllcl,· :It ' , l" "Il, T uc~ dl\ y "n" l'lI l" "" I:u , i.·1 \\a $ ill

Bring your Eggs to

o \ :lp4..'k.

Mr. a nd I r". Charles Edwa r tl s and MI'. nnd Mr •. Chll rl e, . hel'\\',,,,d Wen' vi sitors at Morrow. S unday.






Pr.inted Matter of the

Bette~ Kin". '

.. \

1; .1.,1., ' 0) IlU

Prepared by . Columbu8 Reporter

: :



4 ••••••••••••••••••• ,.. ... •••

CJ,.UMBUS. OI:lIO- There is t.u lk among politiCians th at perhllps bettc,. reglstrntion resu lts of voters would result if lhe rel:is t.l'I~tion dllYs clidn't come during the world,-!!e rics games. and th e big football conlcM ts. These big apurtillg events are ju st. as sure as the fint frost nnd thoy attrnct world.wi'l e attdption. especiall~ in the cities wh ere voters must r egIster If they expect to vote. No Burvey haa bee n made to determine whethe r It waM the world series. the footbull games or the rainy weather. h';lt it is certain that the nllmber 01 regIstered voters is about a. smnll in the lo rger ltitjes of the. stnte Ul! il hilS bee n in yellrs, One weuld judge from lhe regIstered and qUlllified voters 'ihllt th" population of the larg.e .ce ntel's i8 rapidly decreasing. But It 18 noth · ing of the kind. Just a Inck of interest in the issues to be voted up on. and the absolute rehJsnl to qualify for the November election. It is said that when , the final count is wk en it . will show a much Illore ready r~ IIponse of wom~n voters than men, and that were It 110t for equal suffrage the registored vote would be





' / "'

4. " ..

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~s ,

Whole f\'umher .'iG72

- --- .-: ~

...........~............ fAREWELL PARTY

I Int-;:::::h~·m. I State . CapItal i

\ .j •..• I




..Ji' I .



On Snturtluy nfte r noon J. Wil · son F:dw""d s brou"ht tOll'eth«!r a . group nr friend s, mllki n" up five tn LIes o f "500." Thi. WIIS th,' last o f II rou nd of cntertni nm e nts ~ivell fo r • Mi l<.' Myrn L. Unird during h"r visit ill Wn y nc""ill c. nn cl d,'spite the feclin l;' "f regr et cllu scd . IJ~ Miss Baird's nenr dc purtu,'u for he r hOnle in L,," AnKl'lrR. CuI. , t.h.. occ /l ~ i o n wns n most hnppy o ne. . The rOllins wert' ve ry nllracli v(' wit h d.'eo rations in kl'l'pinl! with th(' Hnllllwe'en ROIIMon. f'o ll o \Vinl~ t he gn nH'S H daint y 111111 del ectubll' two-, o urs ' lun ch wa~ He r v. ed by the hostess, lIss istcd hy M I'S. Jum es McClure. Mrs. Ronald Huwk e. and li t.t1 e Mi Ks es Mnry Lea h lind Marj.)ric Edward • . Tho followin~ we re inviled : Mi~s Myra Baird. th e g UI'. t "f honor; 1\01 rs. Will Ru ss um. Dayton. Mrs. Emlllll Barne tt. M1'8. K V. Bllrnhart. Mrs. J. 1:1. Chnpmun, Cincinnflti . Mr~. Edi th Hllrris Mrs. Lnul'n Mosher. Mrs. LillI! Devit.t. Mrll. Elizabeth Baily. Mr •. Julin Donovan. Mrs. Knte Co lemall. Mrs. A, 1'. Wri!rht. Mrs. B. 1". DII' kin, M iss M ur~' Dakin. M,·s. W. II. Allen, Mrs. Cy nthia Evan s, Mrs. Ame li n WilliaTJls. Mrs. Ralph Mill"r. Mrs. Ronuld Hawk e. MrN. Jnm es MeClure. Miss l!:mma He ighwu y Miss Ill Y WJ'ig ht. Miss l\Inme Brow!l. Miss Trillena Edwnrds. Mi Rs Mnrg nr et Ed. wurds. Miss Clnrn Lile; Mrs. H. E .. Hnthaway. 1111'S. J. O. Cartwright nnd Mrs. D. L. Cru ne. ___ - - _ .


• HALLOwS'r,.

l' r a l Yl' n r )oO , l' pn t1nqd:lll'd Illukinl!' J,!'ood Ihaf)}!'l"l:-' i ll hi !'; p l"o pl'rty. ~l'\'c t a l uf t 1II't.; l' l' hang'e s he h : l =-, al n.l au y Ul'Cu nl p li.., lwd, Ilnd is , nt. t he PI'CH1llt tim c , " lll'h i n,l.!' on n n l' III' Lhl' lJ i~g(,~ t so f u r a t!t ·lIl(l l (·d . 11 " I ~ pulling in a n ew

Illtn d -t:n tl' nnd 51r-a il.! hlf ' llill)-i ~ II·.

While the fame of Ohio has spread in many directions during the Pll3t f ew yean to various states of the Union. 1t I. loldom that foreign (ountries send reprelentatives to loo k into 'the lawl of th e Buckeye stat e. Yet tbla II euctly what occurred ll13t week wben two officials of Dub lill , ireland, commisaioned by their coun.try t'o inveatigate various health de'partmente in the United States, spent Hvera! days In Columbus and pronounced the Ohio health laws the best · they had come acroM. Copies of the law organising the state heallh di' vision were taken back to Ireland by theee experts and will be utilized as far ~~oSllble in the framing of new ~healtJi laws for that country. During their stay in Columbus they call~ ed upon Govemor, Donahey who or,.dered that every pOSlible aid be giv;en them In their research for Improve '~ ment of the Irish health laws, ae Jar 81 01110 could help hem. and when they left the c:itr. they carried a large lultcue filled wltb various documents ot the .t.te health division which had beeJi given them by Dr. John. E. Jlonger, state director of health. Although It II a month before the new brown and white Jurtomoblle UceD.le tags for 1026 will be placed on pie, Col. Thad H . Brown, secretary of State, declare, that many applicationa are bejng received tor speelal numben. Every year many auto owners desire the same serial · number, and many of, them feared that nest year, because of the revllion and changes In the auto tax law, it wopld be impoll8.ible for tllem to eeeure 'thele. Colonel Brown ' hAIl oftielallY J'eque.ted Major Chnlmers T. WillOn, commissioner of motor vehlel.., to do his utmoBt to Bee that all requests for special numbers are to be awarded them. Major Wilson III advlBhlg these applicants by letter, whether they will get them or not, If the favored numbers are secured pay· ( melda will be expected before December 1. .


, It wouldn't be ' surprising if ' the preHnt J'unning races being held here thi. week are the loat that will occur for lOme time,. There haa been a mlahty protelt· raised against selling of poola or gambling that is alleged to be going on at Beulah park where the rae~1I are being held, and ministerl of the city hav!! taken up the ftrbt:. 'J'berf} is already one case In eourt whlclt .,111 be decided in a few ' ~fII by the State Supreme Court, which may Hal the fate of the runnlJa, track. So many stories of broken hom.. and wives and children left in aetual want because the husbanell and fathers .quander their earnings at the raCe track, that publie .entli;nent Is getting very much qainlt contlnuing the races. The · .plem of betting at the track is the old mutuel method and while tickets lold' call for a part of tlfe earnings, there are vell' few who have opened any neWj bank aecounts since .the rabelan leveral years ligo, unless it wal the operators 01 the track and the -tIcket lellers, and not the buyers. Jlamelll ncing haa p&llled in Colum. bUI, and the .n'd Hems ' near for the mnnen, II the mlniltets and nlig10Ua . organlzatlons of the city win th~\r potnt. .. _ " . .


• 01;.'.



---- ..----

APPOINTED MEMBER OF BOARD 0FTRUSTEES Mr. George J. Waterhouse received the following letten last week: Dear Sir- You arc hereby notified that you have been appointed by lhe Board of County Commtssioners of Warren Coonty. Ohio, as a member of the Board of Trustees of th e Memorial structure in Lebanon, Ohio. for a term of.. one year, dating from Nove,mber 1, 1925. Said service to be Without compensation. , C. S. Mounts, Auditor-Clerk. 'l'he above appointment meets with the approval of the citizens of Wayne tOWnship, and is an especially fine ma,k of appreciatiop of the work that Mr. Waterhou se has been doing in thl8 en d of the county in matters per~ining to the Legion. and other servIces.



Pomona Grange

--Pomona Grange will meet in Waynesville, Saturday. October 81 . This will be an all-day meeting. The local Grange will have charge ef the program.

~ J' n \\' 11

1 .~:U~~uc:.





Ohlo .' ,....

t u J,!(If,dl y porpvrliu ns, it


hardly l~ oIe'1uate fnr hi s rap idly grow-

Ing b u s lnc ~s .

AIt"g"th er this busin ess ha~ made the name (I f W uynes ville very prominl'nt. an d Robitzcr 's fluor is a house. hold word a ll ove r Ohio.

--- _.----liTHE GOLD RUSH"


= Be careful IIbout littl e thingl, SIll" mUll Brietbart. called the Itrongost mun in Germany. bent iron bars with his hands. t ore horse sh nes apart, held two horses pulling agains t eac h other. li e ~cratl'hed him""lf with his nail bl uod p() iso " deve loped- ho 's dead! G l' "m ' t(,O 8,,\JI1I t () be "c(}n wi lh a miC r OSfO I'C lire' str onger thll" any n",". !::i l/ch !rl' rlll" arc usua lly on the hands. ll ~un I nge, emin ently respeetnbla c1 erJ{ymon at the head of St. Paul's cnt hcdral in London. favor s birth con. trol. He says "l imit free education to 110t more than three child reg. from a ny one family."


H . believes paren ts wi ll IiJnit t.ho num ber of children. if th ey have to educute ull but three lit. t heir own expense. Good, gloomy dean he knows little abou t human natur~ . And he worries. · becau~e rommon people hnve most of the ch ildren. the birth rate beillg lowe r amana- the The new Charlie Chllplin motion educated classes. picture comedy. "Tho Gold Ru sh." What 'Would the dean have said has been described by tho'l!e closely IISHoe inted with the world's greatest to Nancy Hnnks. with bare feet a comedian. a s a symbolical autobiog_ lady una ble to read or write. caring for a heay baby in a hut with a raphy of the great star him self. With that genius which peQulillrly dirt floor, and without window.? He'd hav e said, "Leave child bearis Choplin's own and against a back~ro und of lhe Klondike gold stampede ing to the educated upper c18811e1, my into Alaska. the s creen comedilln has dear.' 'But the big baby WIUI .brlldepicted with Bubtly tender and del- ham Lincoln, You never can tell. icate mnster stroke. the str uggle of The, latest a sinine, intensely dan. man's eternal search lor happiness, its heartbreaks and its tellrs, its hu- gerous proposition is that the United States should sign an internatio,,mor nn d its laughter a nd joys. Charlie of the little derby hat, the III "protocol," pledging ourselves tricky little .c ane, the boggy trous- agains t the use of chemicals. inolud. ers, the mustache. th e waddling walk ing poison g ases and other a:asel ill and big shoes--the man who has future warfare. mllde more laughs for the world than Chemical warfare, in addltlona to any oth<:r living comedian, has built least in "The Gold Rus h" a delightful being modern warfare, i~ struc t ure of f un nnd hil oriou8neS!. bruwl, most merciful form of war which comes to B. F. Kelth's Colonial thus tnr devised by human brutality. lheatel·. Dayton, Ohio. the week of Chemic.a l warfare could render uncon8cious the inhabitants of a wholo November 1. He has cast himself in the role of city, capturing without killin!!, them, the hard-luck " sourdough." who chas- The old style of war was to burn the es rain bows of the heart and of the ity, like the men and women. Tho sou l i II the midst of u struggling mob poiso n gR8es. so caUed, mustard gas, that pursues one th ing only--gold: tear gas and other gases are moro and !lathing but go ld .- Pathos and mercifu l thun powder or bullets, just s uffering are con verted by the Chap- as pow-del; nnd bullets are more merlin gellius into laug hter and comedy; ciful than weapons of an eIIllier klJad and there is 1I ' lAug h in eve ry nile of In the big war entire regimen., th~ nearly nine thouslln d feet of IiIm made tempornrily blind by tear rill, in "The Gold Ru sh." werc taken prisoners and brought In... to camp, tears streamin g down their faces, unable to see their way, with not a man wounded. Not on. dIed and the blindness did not last. _' Only a sick ly senti mentallat can call that kind of warfare "more 1I0rrible" thnn the old-fashioned wllr that. ~ hut Ill!!n to pieces and lett the.m to di" o f fe stering wound II on the battlefi eld. , Th e Home Economic Extension gl'OUps in Clothing Co n. truction Il nd Mellnwhile the army's cbemleal de. Design, are being llc·organi zed in pnrtment conce ntr<lted on .tudy of nine townships In Warren county, chemical warfnre and chemi.try &,In. und er the SUpervision of Miss Watts, erally. is engaged in work of valul the Home Demonstrati on uJ{ent. to the nution. apart from war. There are two new groups. ClearWe are not ~oing t() attack ' anycreek und e r the lead er ship of Mrs. body. and should devel op to the highEd lIIye rs, nnd W'st TUI't1crer k un- est pojpt every known method of warde l' the lundcl'H hi p of 1II rs. Eli Me- fUl'e, including chcmiclIl wa:fnte, to C,·enry. The first o f the training be ready for attack. meetings will be held in Harlan township, lit Butlerville. Octobe r 30. Meanwhile, poison gnse. lire to ba It is inter eRting to note that the used more nnd more in legitimate war 82 women trAined in clothing con- in 'lightin g lhe boll wCl!vil a,i'II the st.ruction during the lnst year. under Europenn corn borer. which baa al. the supe rvision of Mis8 Kizer, passed r eady appeared ill several Statc., and th e work on to two hundred other mig ht. if unchec ked. blight the cona women. while 600 dresses were made. crop ns th e boll weevil doe. the I:O~ us inl!' the pri nciples taught in the Excrop, tens ion course. Judgi ng form the en_ thusiasm whi cb has bee n shown. this Real estate is a respectable and ne xt winler's work will be eve n Al ore considerable bu siness. Augult Hecfk. extensive than the last . scher. who says he is like the old cab ... horse in Dickens, that ' would fall down if its driver allowed it to stop, g,ces on working and c/elialionally buys something. A lew days ago for "all caah" h. Last Friday afternoon the Normal bought a 32-8tory building at No. 61 class visited the grade schoo ls, after Broadway. New York, for '17,000,. which they paraded on Main street. 000. That would Burprise bId Assinging their clu88 son gs and giving tor, who used to buy farms pn Manth eir rah rahs, At the Bank corner hattan Island. Morul-Buy a piece of r~ estate they formed in a circl e and sang more now. where the $17,000.000 building so ngs. The claSH of '25-26 is the largest will be later. in the history of the school. The re ----.~ are 24 students enro lled. and under the efficient manngement of Miss Edna Howland. Warren County Normal will turn out next sp rin~ n large class of well ·trained tem·hers. Saturday. October 24. W8l' tbl) occasion . of little Edna Mae Sl:auP'& eighth birthday, 80 in ceillbratlon of the happy event, twont~n. .Uttle girls responded to an invitatIOn to her home from 2 to 4. ' . The house was prettily cleeorated in keeping with the JIalloweteD lOaBon. The little girls enjoyed merry games and eontests and w .... given. Refrj!8hments of eream; the h0 8~ess in supplying music for the cake and candy and Jliaa oCfasion. Miss Mary Louise Zim- Edna Mae was ot ~y merman selected "An Old-Fashioned Melody." foJ' n. piano solo, and Miss BeatrIce Robtlzer played Faust'.a Waltz. Both selections were charm. ingly rendered arid both responded to 'encores. ,,,' A delicious lunch wai aerved during the IOcl.8J. . . . Guests of Taft,


DEATHS S. K. ~ id cs , so n of thl' lut£! Wn ~ h · inlfto n ides. di ed Friday, Oct obel' 23, 1921i. nl Las Veglls. N('\\' Mexico. and was buril'd at that pInel'. October 26th.


Mrs. Hope Still'S. wif .. of th " lale Geo rge Stiles. di ed nt he r hom(' in Corwin, Thur~d"y, Odolocl' 2:!, I !I~ :; . She is s urvived hy her dau g htl' r, Miss Dorn til es. two g rnnddli Ioirell. one siste r nn ll five Lro·thcrs. The fUII ernl was held at her Illte home .'ut.ul'day. Rev. L. A. Washb urll. niciat,.. ing, Burial wn~ in Millmi c(,Dl ctery. Bertrum .Jones. 8nn of tht' latl' Benjamin 1". :Iunes. IIi I'd at his hume in Indian apo lis 1I1d .. 1I1 0ndllY Ill nrn · ing. October 2 1i. of tllherclll .. ~ i s. I l i ~ wife and one dll ughte,. survive. The funeral was held at th e home t,)dny. Wednesday. Burial in Mlloresvill(', Ind. Abijoh Colli~r , (I f Hnrvey_burg. " Civil War vld erlln. dicel Friday, October 23. ( oll ow in" U sll'oke nf p" r-_ aIY8i". The fun eral \l'llS he ld at his late homc, H(!v. Il enn clt . uf Wil lllin~­ ton. officiatillg. Burial \\'II ~ in Mio",i cemete..: ry:...._ _

SPECIAL ELECTION AT HARVEYSBURG Massie T o wn ~h ip will hnld a . pec1111 I?lection , F'riduy. Qc t oher ao. 1!l25, for the purp"se of " di ssol\'ing th l! Harveysburg' ~chool Dist.rit; l." A bOlut a year "11'0 th " t(1 wnghip vot"d lit a special elec tion h, brin g the cou ntry sc hools t o HI1T\'eY8hu rg . but th a t measure \\'n ~ dcfc lI tl,d. 1'Iow lI1lrveys bul'g wi ll r each out una! vot" for the town schoo l to go to th e township. The opillion is thnt if ?llassi town · ship is und er one boarel the scho"ls can be carriNI on mnl'e eco nom ically and mak inJ{ it poss ible t u hll VC U hig her I!'rade school. There nre not muny whn hitt el'l y oppo~e th e ch8n,,0 and "evel':!l of them have co me over. From ou t "'I(l'(i appenranccs t he propositi o" m:ty ·cIlrry at this election .

farm B,,:reau ",ill Hold Meeting Here Tuesday Evening



Ihllt it \lill ''' "1(' tu th e lII ill II lnlOst ill 11 stl'lli).: hl Ii Il l'. The lI e w flood . !ratt' is imlll cu illlt·ly ('Pl'oosite th c Kpi ll\\'ay . 111101 is mad e fJ f ronnc tC' , with tI (''' '' ('rd e tUJ! . Dllrillg' l'hangcs or hi gh 'oIa l(' r the fl ooei·gllles cun Le closed. alld it. \\'ill thruw all thE' wllter intu Lhl' spi llway. so met hill!r he 'was never abk to do wilh th e old "ystl?m .. This II (' W arran"e ment will lIlake a Ioig l'hllll!!'l' in the mill ·seal but one lhat wi ll hc o f inl'"tim llh l ~ bene fit [.. th(· () \I'lIl'r. Mr. RolJ itzH hAS sin ce h · hll ~ 1)\\' 111'<1 this property. made d H II' ){eH thut lIl'C \'I'ry bCII C' ficial to hi,,,",' lf un d the tOWI1 . Til(' icc facl"r )' hil S be~11 a wOIHIl'rflll help to lh is 'o mnllinity OR \,'ull u ~ nc ighbor ill /: \, ill a/:es. und while this plant haH


Mr. R. F. Taber, farm management d e monstrator, 0, S. univerity, will be with , Count)' Agent Cla98 Tuesday lind Wednesday, November 3 and 4, to diseuill economic situation in regard. to Swine Industry, for the special< interest ot farmers 'o f Warren county. Mr, Taber recently made a specilll atudy of several lines of prodUction and price figures in relation to farm commodities and Is holding 81milar meeting. In tbe counties tllroug!Jout the hog-producing section of Ohio. ' The 9bjeot Is to enable produceJ'S \[e get more comprehen8ive view coneernlng the 'probable IUpp'y and demand in'1'e&,aJ'1II to lwine products, the ~p o'ther fea- ,


~ (:Ol· t II p the mee y ard s, all d ~ lt·iliJ.dlLc-n it. so

1{" loit \\'ill

!->( '\'(,J"a l


In complia nce with a requ est of the tate .officers of the orde r. Miami Valley Cou n cil No. 103 Jr. O. ,U. A. M.• will conduct [f lodge of sorrow nt their hall in the I. O. 0, F. building. Sunday afternoon , November 8, at 2 :30 o·cloek. This service is to be held in honor of the m embers of the order who went over seas du ring the late World War, and did n ot return. Although the local Co uncil wns fortunate in that they had no such 1088es. ;t is appropriate that this 8ervi~e should be held in hon or of their brethren · who did make the supreme sacrifice, a nd thnt they again red edicate themselves to the patriotic principles or the Order at this t ime. The prin C'ipal add ress of the occasion will be delivered by th e Han. G. F . Brown, of Lebanon ,whose e loquence needs no further introduc _ tion in this community, A program of Dlus ic and addrl'sscs will also be rendered. Further particulars will be a nn ounced next week. Eneh an d every member of the Jun ior Order and the D. of A. is expected to be present.. and the general public is cordinlly invited to join us on this occasion.


C. ~1. i{ nhil?pr. of the Wsynes. \' ill e Mill lind I!'(' ('"., h 'I ~ , f or S ("'-

~:~!n1!~ u,~a~l~gi~~:ti~~8~nol e\~~= JUNIORS tlon are Just the same whelher one .

man votes or a million walk t.o the booths and make th eir desires known. 89 nothing is sllVed by lhe lack of Intercst, and the clections d o not regi$ter the real desire of the cily resIdents. With farmers, gene rally. bUBY now and light registration in the cities one may expect an unusually light vote at the November electiona only a few da)'ll hence,

This Week



This hnd mU I,h to do wit.h the improvemeni in price, However. th e hog' produ 'cr hit" already sold the' h og~ which we nt to market in July lind Augusl, nnd thc money is spe nt or in the bank. It is, therefure. the fn els which have a Dearing on futm'C proliucLion IUld prices which Is of .,interest. now. > Such fllcts nnd figures will be dIScussed at the meetings which will bc held in Wa ynesville. Grange hall, Tuesday evening, llIovomber 3. nnd in Lebanon, Wednesday eve ning. November 4. The mee tings are free, and open to th e public. Mr. Taber .plans to meet with ~. the Smith-Hughes cl8811 on Tuesdny' afterneon, November a., Warren county formers ·on the average ,secure 30 per cent of their income from the ~ale of h9gS. For that reason any information VJhicti they can secure which has a bearing ~n prospective prices of hogs th~8 fall, and .. during the. coming year III bound to be of interest. . . ~., Prices of hogs are now irentry IlIlJIroved over .a year· ago, wh11e the prosp,ets ~or a crop ate;pe beet ever hi th~ State. Wha~ a thele Iactil caine to do with h price. n~ IIUIImeJ' and taUt TJaese are lOme of ..... thin,. whie"~tJllj , railer II YU7 Hrioualy QOnllfdenn, at tbla 1IeUOJI of the fear and which will .,.



.........,d" t!!! . .......

SHtoolNouw I


1I 0pe A nn Si ms wns horn May I u. J 8~8 , an t! Rn swered her Mas ter's ca ll October 22. 1925, aged 87 years five mo n ths nnd twelve days. On Ea ch yea r as Hall o\\'c'en nppr onch- Janun,'y 20. I Sa!!, she was united in ·S . WI! l<alh~' I' in maRkC'11 groups to marriage to Geo rgc R. Stil es. who ce lebrate un cr II !'loud of my,t ... ry prm'(! d~d hcr in dent.h twcnty-live and s up erstitio ll . Th. first , il! lI b o( YClirs. t his joyo us t ime. came r.... 111 the Se llTo this halJPY wedded uni on were io rs in the f orm of 11 11 indlati ,lD to a bror n fo ul' chi ldren . Lnura, Dora. Os. pa rty lit th l' Cym. on Oclobel' 23. cnr and KIl te. only one being left t o In va ri .,us fo rms. c olors an d "ill'S . guide her mo ther's lust s teps. fr ien ds so ug'ht {ri ends am ong~t the J-[l'" life was ns n shining light of ullkn own. un selfishn ess, dedicated t.o the good of The Gym WIIS trnn s for med into a ot herR, ano! thou g h he r su ffe ring was "spooky" r oo m- th(' di m ligh tH, dec- long an d pa t ie ntly borne, she pnssed orati on s of fodd ' r and I' lJl1lllki n~ Ilnd 011 liS she hnd li ve d. trusting fully uni quc Illnlel'n ~, mphn i? iJw 1his ~ f- and cOl1l pll'tl'ly in hel' Savior. fe et. In o n'~ cor,lt'" M'lod n I!'h nst, Olle daug-i1 ter , t\\'o grandchildren, so Rill.'Ilt th:JI t non(' g tJ .·;,;ed it WI\ 5 nn e ~i!'t,,1' nnd fi\' e broth er s survive a ~Clli r' r, un t il, ~lt. t.h e prupel' rn o- hl mcnt . he des ce nd l!d into "UI' ml d~t. Wh at a l'e the th o u~hts thnt are stirThe firs t part of lh(' c\'e ning WH~ • r inJ! t he b" cast '! spent in IlwllJ'(l i.n g pri zes, te lling What is t lJ ~ my. t ical vis ion he sees ? !('host slo ri es and pbying games. Let U' pa ~ uve l' Lhe rivcr and rest, Refres hments of ba ked benns. sand l ' lId" I' th e shu d .. of tho trees. wiches, <,clc r y. ciU er . doughnuts and H il S h ~ro\\' 11 s ick o f hi s toils and cundy were the n "('I'\'cri , nftcl' whirh his I asks '! dUllcin!!, 'wus enjo yed f or the rl'lllllin· Si/. h, lile' \\' ''1'11 ~p iri L fo J' respite and del' 0 the e ·e nill l!'. Th" !(:l ily ""'(>1';0.' . tUI1l",1 dallce!'. :lJJ d the rfJ ilir ki nJ{ I ~ il II IlJO Jl lI l llt'S cool halt that. he s pil'iL .o f lIlI •. mllde l his one I,r th p ,, "h ; III sl tImes 0 r the ~· c al' . : nder the shudo of the treeal Yua. i WII " n,.Io1cstl,f h im, it was best The Senio,' bo y ~ will pl',)lJably be llues t i(Jlli nl! 11 11 u!rh 1 his Mllster's dehe winll cl's of IllI' \',.11<'\' Lldl loU 1'eJ'c c.', na ment, held lhi; \\' ~ ck·. A s th e T he r ... III ''''PI' the I'h'er nnd rest. Junior boys for fl· ill·d th,· iI· ~ "J1 II' < . 1·1\ ,1t·.,. 11 L . hade (of I he tr CB, . th" class of • 6 hu \' to t h.·i "I'('dil t.wo "icto d c:s OVl r t.h e :-;"1 j jp n\ "J"(1 Co"l of Th a nk, bOYR, . and it 1'('lI lu in" ",,110' 1'01' th •. Freshmen t o L" c('nquc l'u,l, '1'1,,,,,,, II " til'" ", tLl 1l101. l s inl'c re ly lhank two games will 1J1 "lJa"l ~ be 1' 1<1) l·t! "til 1l (' igJJI',Il" who ~o kindly helped this \\' ~ ek. . 11IId c til", ,. 1,,"( days happy of our 01 1'" I' m .. ' li t'!' li nd IU<Indm other; also l'uesday noo n t he Jllni rrr irl ~ \1' (011 tu Rl" ·. Wa > h btl l · Il.\~h . Mc Clure and t I\·CO eusy gnmcs 0\' ,t· lh e S~l1 i ",. j.:l rI ,. :,! I wh .. I . I, ' "d wil li the runcral serWedncsdllY 110 0 11 the SOl'hOIllI "·., nnoll v ~cc~, \I" ! "Hl'" rI IIU I' hcurtfclt a]1pre1"I'cshmen Irir ls will cOlnpete fa,. h,," - l·llIiwn . ors. lit i•. n.)I'1I Sliles. - -- - • 1111'. li nd ~ !J'~ .• Jerry Rogers. l }',


Surprise Party Sunrl"y being- Ii ttlc llonal,I'8 fifth bh'lhdny. M rs. Jalllcs Kc'rrick pla nIII' U a 6urpl'isl! f or him . inviting in fiv e ~i ttl c fr ie nds for Saturdu y after_ noo n. When ),l'frc~ hnll' lIt time clIIn'c 11 ca ke on whi ch fi ve ca ndles we re burni ng. was I'lnced on the tabl e and the child ren were served sand wiches , 11l1ll1pkin pie, cuke a nd po pcorn. Th o little ~: u ests wer e Pnul Hough, Charles and Harold Anderson, Milton Gl'Ilham and Earl Conner.

. -..

Lecture Course

----- ..- ---

WILL TAKE PART IN THE ' PROGRAM Three t euchers 011 the prog ram of " 1'h ,' Northtastern Oh io 'l'eachers' a"80cintioll. \V hi h "oll vc n es at Clevela nd. arc J\Ii s~ lI (' nriettn nil'Kinsey, Miss' E li zub,' th Chan dle r alld Mr. LesI' Ivill 8. all from Wllynesville srnool The f"lIo\\'in" it 'm WIIS clipped from a n Ashtahula paper: Miss Henrietta l\IeKin"ey. primary , upervisor, is in chnl'gl' of thu Fourth Year DepartmcnwJ ll1 ect in ~. 111 is.q McKinsey has her top ics pl nn neri 'with an eye to practiclIl a s~ i ~tllnce for th e fourthgrade t el'whcr.

The first Ilflmber of the Lect ure Co urse was glVe n at th e Gym 'fuesdny evening. The program of mllgic. music and r ending'S. put on by }?rye lind Compuny. was enjoyed by II large nuchence. Willhun Eu~:ello I?rye. '"ng it'i1J11 nnd Mr~ . .J. O. art wright lind daughillusi onist. Mis" Lenh Mills sllxnpho- t.l' 1·8, MiH8 Alln Bnchman and Louni llt. pianist nnli sopran o, nntl lI1 is~ ella Willium~"" snw "Blossom Time" EdyLhe Keiltl. sop ran o. pia nist. nnd at the Victory, Saturday. r eader, nrc il'l·tists ill their respective lines, nnd g ave nn entertainment of vnriety a lld i:ntcrest.

'(hankagiving Day Proclantatlon Put by Preai' . Qut . . d ent Wubillgton, Oct. 27~Pr".­ ident ' Cool ida. b.-• •i. iu"d a proc-

la.mation .,d~.ia"';ti~, Tb~raday. No'vamher 26, .. Thaobai ... i,,·a Da,-. . roaco .t .lIId .b~,.d, • b,o utiful ....~o.t ~Dd ..p~d_ lDr com ....I'C. .... epeelal re.'IIOD" tJj~ Preald.nt e.w, wIa,. A ...ric.... .hoDld 1M ".nkE.I


for ....


. _ .....wi •• 10 a


-- - ---



---_. - ---Normal Class

l'wentieth Century Club Had 'Very Entertaining Program The first tinge of Autumn breezes found the New Century l'Jub in session at th e chce~ful home . of Mrs. Cynthia Evalls. on Friday, October 23r~. · . . . ' . lwenty-two members I:!!aponded ·to roll eal.1 with "Autumn Observations.", The mmutes of ,the September meet.. illg" ead by the secretary, Milll May Wright· .w ere explicit in every dO'tail. ::ihorter pJ'ograms follow ahortcr ' dafs, and only two paRen wen scheduled foJ' tbIe meeting. ~'Na­ tional Trall~," ¥rI. Edwin Thom.., and I'The CUll' Dwellen," Kn. Robert Crog. Both pa~ carried ua baek to hlstorlt period., ad mach time. ODd atui!7-'" evident.

Hap". lad........ ~ ~

of .


Birthday Party




Mnrll'lIr,>t HUde.bran d to G (1"g K. Amollllt clain1\'ll, :J(IO . PR()j3AT'E PROCEEDINGS " 'illil"" lIy~l' htt .. CIIL(l./'· (1 suft 'rlw ,vill or Dl\vl~,· (1 CCllll- Unll, lot i n Fl'lIhklil\. $1. I!Jdwul'lI Mal·tin to Ullnnie nnd Lizfor III n y gail1 Ht L I)""<1n NnliOlllll NI Wllf. IIdmi tNI ! ~ llr of,!{ite, zi IIlorriK, lo t in Fl'lIflklin, BnnK nnd Tru~t (0" ,,,II< I. I, f Ill, <'~,I. Q . Shupol't , n,hullli",trntllr \'~ 'th (luJ ~ ' Bilker and -Cntlll'rlnl' Ritz to till ' or R IW .YIlt' 'l'·rll,(., tl" ""I1$ud. Dstati' or .)I) " !<' . W. lI1'lOIC. dl\~~llSe(l [~ dnn find Blun ch o 1~o rbl.' s ~ lot ill • , 1111'" hi Im'l' nt"'f nnd ul'l' l·n lselll\!n l. FI'u nkHn, ;'1. . . AIlH I1lI l · I,I[II11I1·d $ .I,iil.llU nlhi Inltn" tn Ih,' "' t' l l(',· " ,. th" " ,tutv or .Tn:;. ~I n r )' ~<'Ilillih~ to Th o rn~l g , Kllrr. ll~:t. \ , ' Muul"t,. dt \ (' (llbH~II , -it W.l !-i ordered F . .1.. II ill ha ('jll,'1'L' " suit >I)!'lin st thllt h(l I"I" he l,w illlt 1" Ih" ,'slatf' he lot ill Frullkli". S 1. NEW SU ITS G.('or!C~ K Gemmllka t o h f1r l o~ harl'" .1 ,, 11 ,,_ i ')I' ."" "1 1') ,'nl y. AIl1t. ~"Id at privnt~ !la l~ \\'h nn t h(' l!)nlrBU1'(!,'r, t m\'1 ill l:'rnnklin II ntl Clear. U)' (';a)'nol' hnR (,,,I red Huit for dllinrNI $:lOtl nllll lI' t:r."t ,· ilw Itl 1'>1 " ,. \\'lI~ 111"0 .. 1·. I ~l' d sold . a .... k 'I'p., $1. 1IIonoy only al(n inst Alir' Mnlro'l'I1. I l'iti 1.\'I I" . ':, ion:!l Hnnk ,llId T l' u ~t 1':li zlIlJl'lh Shl'ritt to Louzettn flry. ..!"~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!~_~~~!!!!!!..!".~~---..-----:---~ H., ulitl lillt}.lr nto r "ilh t hl' will 1\1\- lilli, lot in :;;uuth Leun n on, $ 1. Jll' KI' " of 1110' ,'slntl' "f (;I'.\ ~ ' ,I . H ,. t. CI' O!'g'(' F. Spurgt!on 10 J"nl c~ I' -~ ri,,(' :Jsell, iii 11 it ' in' \'11 ''''Y anll ap · !\Iari" " A, lI a yes. ab()u t 40 ucre, : pnti t.:t' I1IP Iit. ~:\h' ,I f :" Itllmn bi\(, L - "nd ill 1(,lIrcreel; Tp .. is I. . . - IIlIl)!,illl,( to Ihl' I'"tal ,· II'"" ;I" lh,,,' i i.~ d . "'l'lInk Lev\' ck to Gilbert 11 . Ilnd !-tlllh I. S,iu n,l c r~ , lut in S,)uth Lebll' ~mit". d'·"'>li."d , 111,,01 11,,·i .. Ii .. ,t nn d Ihll1r , $1. lI agl' 1I11111 t o hilS. Emml'lt hun I nccou n t. ' Hjt,lllI , IlU"U~ 71~2 Il('TPS in ni on • C. S. l\1l1un 1 ~ \\'a ~ npptlintt't l a d m ill' '1'1' .. $ 1. ! i~ll'alo r f tt., 1" .:11, ' " f Ell" n. Dad . :usan C. ll nynl!s by C... i\lnlints . • d c cca ~ cJ. Hon d ~ i ~,ltn. 13 ('s~ i e I'H'I·lI t .. ,. II) ~' r c tl ~'. lind l::vlI F. Simp: S ind ,'. Mar l' fl . Wopel , a .. 01 a"d 1'0 1'>1 R. VIIIl."~r\· II () rt w~r,· IIJ1Pllill l('d 1Ip' . "J1. I,'t in 1."I)I(no n, $ 1. Clara. trad"r ('t al. . to Sli rah Li L11Tni s(· r t'.. I >I\' ill ;\In'" ll . 1"lmi lli<lra l .. r II f th e il l'. I"t in South Leuanon, $ 1. : 1', L>1L" "f Itlilp h 1-:. ~Ia "" n . e1('cl'as d. COM I SS ION E~S ' PROCEEDIN GS • nlt~d hi ~ fir....,t and Hu rd (1\'l'IIUlll. .. C. fl"" l1 ld l Jill1t,,~h I\'!l- .IPPllint ed S Lllkn ltu i\I fg. Co .• reco rd fil l' n('· : Illlmi n i.lraln .. IIf Lh l' " ,tll l l' ,,( .1. M. cl' ued f el" for Pros. Alty .. $:IU .8b; : W,·ight. d "'l'II.",tI . BOlld, $~,IJOO. The fluldll' in Law Pub : Cn., cnd .. fOI' • il oward E . f< in • . D ... S. S. SLa hl a nd Pros. Ally. , $ 10: Co lumbll. U1ank .hlm c~ n (·\·1 \\'l'rl' appui u tl' d app rub•• n "u k 0 .. su p plies . $'1.0U; $.15. UO : ers. II. E. Dilntus h. inq uc~ t V. p , LuFra lll; !\Ul' II Clt \\'a ~ "ppuin tl''' 11(1 ' ,'as, $3.75; inqll'~st. ~: lizu he th DIln prai scI' o f til!' I'S nll' o f .\ " 1 II . W(lu lf , clly, $5 :Gfi ; II. D. "'illinms, s upplies, ! (l«!ccu~C'(L in ~lt' Jhl uf ..\Ibl'rt R(~ t'J!c rt D. IO; AI(red C. BrRut. "hcr ifT e x: who WIIS uII"III,' tu atte nd til hi M clu- pe nse, $.18.50; McGc tehin's I'h urmu• d es Ill' s uch. cy. s upplies, $8.67 ; Paragon Refining Stellu A. \\' iIIinlll sCl n, ex\'cllt. rix o f ' 0 . , oil and R. and B. repair. $33. 12; the e~t.llte or Chnrl"" G. Wi ll inmso n. E. P. Miln er, gas $1.80; Wnym's ville d"ceascd, fdc,l her fil'~ t li nd fin nl 111'- FurOlcr~ F:x c hnn1!c. cement a nd Ae w{or pipe, $!14 .70 : L. Whit.ncre , brid)!'c lu m • count. • Lrdin P . Gr aha m. ad,!1ini ~ t ra l rix herJ. $156; Ea rl Co nsta ble , tellm work o f tn e cslate uf Ann MIl "' 1' Grllhllm . $7 ,/SU: A. R. Thompson , sam e , $2R .deceased, ti l,·c! hl' l' in \'('nlory "I<" up- HO; The Ore/:'oni l!l Bridge Co .• blu (' prais!' m!'lI t .. pri nts lind steel. ~;17,10; Oh io Co rru In the nwller IIf Frall k C. And e r- I(ntcd Cu lve rt Co." corr. se wer, $ 120.SOli. u, lrnill i ~tl'"t " l' ,I e Ioo ni8 nUll VS . 20; Chus. Spence:r. puyro l1. $120.40; PORTLANO Dllvid n. nenli n!.!',' r ,·t 111 .. adm inistra - J. T . Gre!:'!!. salllle, $ 13.0 U; Lebanon to r WIl S nuthol'i zl' d to ~e l1 1','a l estut e Patriot., printing noti ce, $ 12. ut puhlic W. F. I" (l r ulh II'I\S IIP lloillLed ad · min istrator " f the c~wte " r Eliza· beth n. W,." duun·. del'ell, ,' rl. Bond ~ S!'.flOO . I.. S . ~1"1;"hall, Ed S. Co nklin alld (,hili'll'''' II ~ I up '" W \' I' (' lip point· " We nrc 011 1" young once," yo u 01.. ,.. d .J p prnl :-'t· r!'o . Le n hea r sO l11 e person r ema rk, as un • II, n.."'; 11 . k , .... Was :tpplJintcd t rJ - exc use for "hitting the pace." tn ifl i ... t at,, " II f th L' l's lnle n f Virginia True. we can be young but o nce , • I'. I.III·I\S . .\ (' ,' •.""".1. Bond $5 00. and t he plea sures of youU. must b(' I'l'owdcd in to thnt s pace o f time. MARRIAGE LICENSES ••••••••• o.................. •• ......... •• . .•• .. ······ ~ But how long are we young'! Some CI"y 1)""11. 1,,1001'1' 1', an d Mi ss Myr. men are old at forty, while othors urc s till youllg at sixty , H depend R II" 1"'l e r ~ , huth " f Kin/:'s l\fills. • 1. ('" Ii~ A. Fran z, mec hani c, of Lob- upon the pace thelY hit. and the man "" " ", lI"d Mi g~ S. Kathrina Fuhr, ner in which they hit it. [1·" ellI' r. lO f ;\llIsn n. We can crowd a lot of work an d .\ I"r, lull l S. Hailles, sto~kke e per. plea su r e in to youth if we keep our l\'aYI1l' ~ ,· ill (' . a nd Miss Susan Cor · hearts and our minds and our bodie ~ \\ n . q f Lphnnu l1 . clean, or we can r ed uce th e am ount I( ,,!re r t William Ca mpbell. mechanic of both and shorten ou r youth by o ( ~ l "illl' illc nnd Miss Rhodabelle Ap- resorting to rc.c·kless diss ipa tion.Newcastl e Courier. i'1I1' , leacher , "r Morrow. Date your .ales with us. W e guara n tee REAL EST ATE TRANSFERS aati.fact.i on or charge nothin g. MOTHER CAN 1\0 s nnd Ste lla Beck ett to J enni e Father used to cut his old troUSl!rs I.. alltl H lell Irene Houser. lot in down so son coulld wea r th e m, b' l Lt'hllll Oll . $ 1. J('n nio L . and Hole n Irene Houser mother now wears her youn g da ug h\ Phone No. 320 to K('ss alld Stella Beckett. about 60 ter's dresses witbout any tro u ble al Phone No.2 1111. ncres , $1.


Imo _s,


.................-.-.. . . .. ...........-...... I Buildl'ng Sugdestions . t ......

1 , 1 '. . . . . . .. _ . . .

V-l---1..1e '8IUCIDI



le/;~·~~I;~.':'I~,;·,~::~it:I,:'IJ,~~ ;1t':.r~,}\~~;J:



. t


:Madden's Lumber Yard


Wayne8ville, Ohio


T. Martin Jesse Stanley Auctioneer Auctioneer

New Burlington,O .






Flft .. n teache":


I"dlvldua' 1""tUctlo" Typ.... rltlllg Oay and Night Cou ..... $all.flletlon Gu.r."teed Call or wrIte for a Copyrighted Booklet DICKINSON SHORTHAND SCHOOLS to Davl .. ·Bldg. O. ytol1. ~Io. PhOM Garfield &421.

MUlle, Dr.m.tlc



• BI. Vaudeville Acts Bnd Feature Photoplays, EnUre change of Pl'OIJI'UIl every Sundll.Y and Thursday, Continuous performaaee frolll.1130 to 11 :80 P. M. Afternoon prices 20c and SOc. EvenlnglJ SOc and .oOc.

Speci a l




.U branche. of

CI ... lc

CI ... ·

beglnnereI... onl fOf' 13.00

Tw.lve pllno MIAMI VALLEY CON8ERVATORY OF I"WaIC ·OnYlon· . L cnd ln@! Sc hOOl of Muslo" Vernon E. Fri ••., A. B., Mu •• B., Dlr.!clor.

40!! W.


Bookllet free. St .... jt






. 5' T 0 U .T




OUR PRESENT DIVIDEND RATE IS Dopo.lta mado on Dr boforo the 10th day of each montti bear dIvidends from tho 1st da), of tho month . .








Wh olosoJe & Ruin U 54 8. Jeff.,..on at,..,e"

, Op." All NIght.



FOR SALE i I..,d 11 Buy now. Price. •• low.. $ 150, Tbey wo n't lon, .t that blr'

ea'•.• rna......



" Origin al


. Hbn Nuts. .' t


Dayton, O.

Dayton', Larrest Auto Park on Fourth Street. Joining Dilly Newt BuildIng. 25c for t 2 Hour Service


ond Cnspar Motor 0 11

For 100 "10 Mo tor Effi ci en cy,


' 1',' 11


cf valf"d



equ a l" \\·he,.. " .... s/l id thnt was a boch elnr .


They Dri~

WI.hlngton 8t.


WAY- 1,'.;5 BAt:. FoR '(OUR..

CHI:S'T- I'L L TEt:L '('oU !.l Ou')

I -{)o IT tC\lERY . ttoRIJING

" I ai n't Gloin' to .hiver alaiD My neW two-panta keeps me juat twice •• warm."

thi. winter. IUit


Fully Guaranteed-Rell.ble Alk your Plumber or .top In our room thl. "oxt tIme ),ou .r. In D.yto" a.nd let UI toll )'ou more ablout them.




Oayto.,. OhIo. Dllplo), Room N. M.ln 8tree"



CREAM aEPARATOR' Full LI"e of 0111')' SUPpUOI, RoofIng and Roofing Paint. 27


O:6<:CI Se: 'THAT

E\>zo Butts



Ilgg., p oultry. When In Daylon nrl nlf Your ProduCtl 10 U B. . John Q . IIka pl\(, Mgr. TH& NEW CEN TRAL MARKET M EA TS




. J. Mallon Prugh, PresIdent David I. Prugh I Secretary



'" Automatic

The Ohio Savings & Loan Assn.

Drup--Low Price.

W A L K·O V II R 1111 0 118 Itecognl,.,f the Wor4d Over for The' r Wona..-ru. Styl88. Good "'ttlng Qu ol . nle. ,nil Sta"dard Value.. P'Dr Ml!lN and WOMEN Prioa, " .&0 "0.00 KaHM'. WALK·OVER SOOT IIHOP . El:chl,l\'e AIl. nUl " S9 a. Mal" et. Dayton, OhIo.








We.t Second St. CAYTON. OHIO ".culty Experienced Teacher. All Lenon. Priva te compiet, . COUr... In PIANO. VIO · LIN, VOICE .nd DRAMATIC ART, 'ead'"" t .n Qrat':~~n ~'th diploma. 43&

Bette r Drugs


MALT EXTRACT CO. DAYTON 710 E." 5th lit.

DtlTAOIT 4t aut IIId 8t.

Nobody In Day lon S e U.

Ma .. anl". Floor Jofforegn, MaIn Areade DAYTON, 9HIO. Expert lIerv'e.1 I" all Pa"" gf !teau. ty Cultu,..,. S...... lo .. to Suit Your hi· dlvldu.,1 Type. Perm."o"t Wave• •10.00 For Appointment Call Garnol" ~6te , Da)llon, O. t. Wh .... W. Are Loa.ted aa" Mon'ument Av.. FOLKe, Holld.;y-Sunda)'_lEven. Ing.. You, no doubt, drIve fre· W..... .1. quentl), to our city, wa),a open. "'ok, thl. pl.cI )'our m~"o pla08 to vlltt )'our frl,nd •. Tha fin .... fr..heel ·lIn .. of I'rulUl a"d Produce a..... off...... 11 for your •• Iaotlo" at lpeel.l prtoea. We .. .. open to take oare of your "eod. willie In our cIty. Car load. arrIve daUi of alt kind. -of ,rult. CRITC",,,,IILD .. RUIT CO. NOOlU""'" and "ou"dl')' a.. OPefI D.y alld NIght.. PI."ty of R,oom to .. ark Phon, GllrfI'ld'lI&. , You may lomotl".. have eomethlng to offer In our linea. Get In tour:h ... Ith u..



o l ol: i ~

li11l f ", whil e thl' Nl rlirr orcul'T ' l' ,1 a!:, c~ II!:'I). Tlwse "" ils 1I111Y hc c.' n s idCI"'d tu hal'e Ih eir uirlh ill lhi. I"" )'


-FI! Is


'):;" '1'0!"!

curr in).!' in ('o mparntively Tee ' ut ge.



. ;,ij

finest Coffee


r LB,


• ~ T. 1,\_,'



' 1; ,


• .l

OelivelVd to . eoch&to~

ev~i.y PJ(O, ,,-iG __'-Y __ d _A-",:Y_S__- l



cet'\ ~

or ~hH.·iHlill n. "A lillI' tl'lI\'I' r"il11: Ihe midd le .. f

il ig'hl" lJ d r Ollll l y \\'e, twl1l''' throu ,.:: h Mur li n8' iIII'. Cu lm nlld Clark"'ill(' in

th e rH'C' ~n lltll\Vl· o,;t . \\ta rn' n county fln ti th (,11 il'l't!l-:'lliarly I\('I'O S:; norlli ('r n Hun l

Clillt OIl Wfil'd

(\Iun t y,

thn \l l1!'h

ilt" " ""unty to th e Ilidi nn" lill". llIurk ' th" ""u th l'rn b" ulllllu'y of the Illt l ' 1' 1,(l'I!'i~t i(l n , " 1'1", nN,ds II r I h,' o ld dllcia l 8o i," ""u th /If Ihis lin e IIl'e II l' Utl.'. T lwy n rl' s uffe ri l1g' fl'{' m th t· it1flrllliti c~ 1l1' ,!kl a s'('. Tl'i e ir re j Il\'Cnllti on I'CSts JOlnlly

up on

r»ra rti~s,"

seve ra l


TIll we Heard Day Fan we never Heard Radio NEW USE fOR GAS

jmproVe nl Cllt



I \ "{ '


SOIll'" SC I'U IW1',

I" I~ '> .

1 Coolervatlve manoge ment. Interest from 2 deposit, 3 Location most

THERE are other (fOOd radtOtl, of cou rae, but the allove n!mork Is one we hen r might)' otten I The only t rouble with bome lit. these dRYS Is that father wanta to hoa r the Chicago stock rcporta. mother wanta that Washington ~ e cluro on canning, aDd brother 'nd the girls want that dance .,U8Ic from t he big ho~1 orone. lr1l8 f rom all over the United States-so th ey all h6ver around the Day-FAn Radio at once. _ Whi~ hcvc r one la delightedly turning tho single dIal control, what he wanta he geta with the D1Iy · Fan Ii-at the dllll point numbered just as the newspllpel'l nu mber the station, or at a Dum· ber the Doy. F a n Air .Telephone Directory gives him. "Like watching a parade ro by" said one of our frienda a. he waD. dered from station to station. "Sure as the dial tolephono" lIald another "but with what beauty of tonel" All BOrta of claims aro made for a radio 'aet.. but we only 811)' "Come In to'night-roull ro out with • Day-Fan. -


!l 1!'O, th(. 1t1l\\' i l' ldy : ~ l1 d

Clnly ch;~ \'i l ' I ' 'I'llI'll

ol d -fash itl tH' tl S!ll ''' . W:l~ t hf' r mp' ,' y , d f,q' tlti ~ pur · CII 11' , ' I h., nil to rch, hut

tll(, o il sl' latt"l'l'd nil \111' ellrca ~~ IIl1d C:ai ntrd UIl' ItW P t, i\ new (I!'aelil' l) ill (I" ~ t-lllo r t (,1ll i ~ (' I~(1 \1\'h

Paid 0'0 DepOSits

t I'l

r"i::i I

a' d ' ill facl i ~ '()m1l1itt~I'



h CH.:':!-

w h h;kcr .. ,

"0'>" . "")IS l he Ohio T' ublic Uti li ty in for ·

mutia n .


I" II p. Lo-dat,, "licking pbnts, tonsorin l treatme nt is u" mini.ter ell by means o ( " )!'IIS tnrc h. Frcsh killed pi)!'s hi ll i'l'd 10 :\ 11 ov,'rh ~nd COll·


\,t' yn r :\win),!' t n w llnl t he ho g- hnrbcr.

\\, il h II tl o" h n f lUlll!' from the gus t" I'l'!, "Wee l'S up Ihe h (' !!" ~ huck. :,','rch. , iz?,le. sw;" h! lnd bris· LI \ B, hil iI', whi"kcr~ lI nrl O!M! lashes ""1'1 "1Il1 vlI'liHh in to n o t h in ;!'n e s.~. T his is une o r th " th ou"o nd n ew II I " !Iich hllvc been (ound for gus. S! ... . : I hI' cOll1 mittee.

~e ntrnl.




- -


Tho re st " f th l' I,>"net r o n ~ i"l'r g in S()llI e <l dail th e n('('d fol' lim " c lover, fcr tili le l'~ and tillin!!, lO r th eRe Pi J!~ iH :- ti il \li :.·'~. a ~ J.:lIi " l' a r k('r s.oil": A ""' d to Ih" 1IJ{l'k"l tu n d puh- Bu ll"I' mi~·. "t h:\\'" I',' ma"k,''', Ili it II h~n(lO n ~ l)il i c~ .< .lio Stll te uni v(, I's il y, J.!l'cut hun :,.:t· ha ~ I"k \.' ll fl l a ~(I in nH't h WIll br m..: th" ( 'e l .. lr"r is~ u c o f t he l'd:-t 1 1~(' d to r('II I1 till! t\l l :).! h ~ tll h ­ Wr im e ly . u il T llj dcs " l u you. bit' wh ich t' U\'t' I'~ t Iw l'orki 'l' s h idp, T hi< >'Iu hhl(' nlll <t I\(' "1'",,,,.,,.1 be fol'(' t.h,' 1''' l'k ('1' ":Ill ful li ll hh mis ...:.: , l H ill thl~ fo rm t,f h1H" ITl , ha m u n d plO l'k ch"ps.




sheet," writes J. A.. Sl ip h "1' , uulh or of II I~nct entitled, " T imely Soil TIll" i~ . f(l r OCl ober . • " A part uf this tnell hilS been ~u h · j (~ctc d III thi~ t rclltment lit two dif· · (e re nt timeR . th" lattrT l:'lacilltion ,' c,

Days of Youth



e r=a~NO

"l"rarticnlly nil of ~n uthw C8tl.'r n Ohi9 hus been covered at so me time in tho pa t Ilgea by nn immense icc



.Centerville, 0_


Bldg. and Loan Assn.


N. E. Co r. Third & JefCel'llO/\ Sh., 'Da yton. Ohio. LEE M ~\ RKEY , Se('y,

Mnn t(I Cnnductor- " Hnw Inn ofo,," it tllke I his I.l'II in to g t to Bel1l'l'iIIe ? "

Score One fo r American Youth President Coolidge's Choice "He may he t he ba by of tb e President's Iil tle fllmil y. but w,' nt lenst now have a Illnll h('l lling di!'ect th e War DepR r tment who hilS smel1ed g unpowder and kl\ow~ whtlt it is a l1 ubout." So r emar k,'rI II gl'i 27.lcrl regu lar a r lllY ser gean t tntion ed III t he Wnshingl on D. C, ba!'1'Ilck.~ , 1'0 11lotive to the nflp oinlnwnt Irf " Ionel Hanford Mn cNid er, of I owa. as t he new Assistant Secretary of Wnr. Summed uP. that fmnk ex pr f'ssion of th e veterlln just nbout inrli cate~ t he national satisfaction in tho a ppointment of t he youthful and unmarried Iownn to his Imp o rt~nt post. The resignation of Secretn ry o f war Weeks, long anticiputed. brought about a quick change in President Coolidge's cabinet. lhe undor-secretnry. Dwig ht F . Davis taking up Wpeks' f olio as sec retnry. and the nami ng by the President of MocNide r as Assist.unt Secrtary. Th,e latter is Il lrendy in W lI.s hill gton, sworn ill, and busy 011 his new j ob. Colonel Mnc Nid er was born in Mason City, Iowa. October 2. 1889. so almost to the day on hi. 36th birth day he assumed hl8 new duties. R e is the youngest mlln ever t o hold this Important war department post. Ilnd a lso the youngost member of "the President's little family"-os the under-sec retary group of all department heads are known. Colon el MacNider did not receive his sp urs t hrough other than a path of fire and pcrsona111chievem cnt. His re cord since 1917 has been a stendy climb u pward. promoti on and n ew respo nsi bilities fa llin g to his lot with eac h new a (' hi cvement. Graduated from Harvard in his ellrly twenties he took up banking in Iowa lind WIlS makin g Il name for himself when the Un ited Stutes started some military activities in Mexico - aimed principally at th o capture of



MacNider, a first lie utenant in the Iowa Nationul Guard, WIlS sent to t he border. In 1 ()1'7 he was appointed second lieuten ll nt in t hy A. E . F .• and 'real nctlon ijtart~ ~ for him. For six m onths he was milita ry inKtruotor in large tra ining camps here at pame. then came the ord er for over-sca,s duty. At Chauteau Thierry, St. Mihlel. the Meuse and In the Argonne he was with the American troops in the thick of these dcspe rnte and decisive bat- · ties. Then he went with the' American nrmy of oc r.up ation to Germany. He accounted for himself so well thnt he came OUt of t he ann k in 1919 with the rank of Lientenllnt-Colollel. On his brellst WIIS pin ned tho Dis tinguished Service Cross. Chev!llier Loglon of Hon or. and the (l:roix de Guerre. Out of the ser vice a nd back into the

bnnkinl!" bllsincFn hc <lid nol lose in· terest ill his butldic~. Hp hl'lp dar· ganize thl' Amrri ca n Lc/:'inn- nnd in 1!J22 \\' 11" elected NatioliR I o nd('r. . (lIonel Mac 'idl.'·r wno!' ., r i~~ ina lly rcc um nl ond ed f')I' t hi~ n II' p('\st uy SO GRATEFUL lown. His Rp· Se n"I,,!' r.ul11lT1 i l1 ~ . Jlo i l\t lll~lll loy 1'1'I · ~ idl'lIL idl:' h,w wit or the Celt .cnn alwny!! be been r,' CI·i\·cd wi til g J'cllt slIti"Cactio li Tr oduhe coll to the straight Mike 111,1 P:.t .i nkc. lIlI.liI a fllmOIlR ntter-dinner ijpea ker recon tly , and [ hoto to be g uil ty on this count. H owover, New ~:li d Mr. 'McCarthy to Mr. Oshllv.Hii: Secretary,.of War "ynu w.alk Vf'r)l rust." "Ye_ but [ wa lk fa8ter whon by myself,' "Then", snid Mr. McCarthy. "I'm g iRd ]'m not wrllki,,1t with you when you are b)' yourse lf."



- --.1. - - ____~




MONEY LOANED LOA N!,; 011 Chutlel~,Stoe.kR. Soctlrl· tics lind Seco.n d Mortgl'l;tel. Note. boul:ht . John Harbin Jr.• ' Xeni., OhIO. -m30.'U8 . .

Farmers, Attention!"

IAVTOC .... ~T'c9.1

F.armtr8 of Warren arid adJolntn. counties may obtain mon.ey on lon. time loantl:-at 51,; per cerlt . in~t. Cost of securing th~ same is ver)' rea. sonable ,through The Federal .Land Bank. For further information call on or addret18 M. C, D~AKE, Treg. urer. phone S la-X, Lebanon, Ohio.

Colonel Hllnfolll MacNider, former NnU"nal ComlTlllnder of the American Legion and Iowa banker h!lll been up pointed Assistant S~ rotary of W,!U'. by President C




offi~er~ and m pmh er.s Of the AmoFlean Legion. 'J'hey f ee l !Jilt' \'1 this sele:ftion from th eir orgllnlzatioll lor such an important post, th ey at lenst have been 'fully rec()S'n'ized. . . War Seer etnry Davis ' hllll alrf'a~y ~n n o u ~ce d thnt t he re wj!1 be a chllngil In pohcy of cond ucting the tlepartment. He PIIS sllid t hat AssilltantSOt l-tary MacNider wi\1 have a ctive chnrge of t he militury. leaving him ' {ree t o devpte his timB ~o the bigger problem,.. of nntional dpfense. .. The War (iepart ment i~ now In ~h ll llanda of two mld-we~terners, SIIPretary Davis i8 from Missourl-nnd MacNldor from J0'!YII.,

FOR lJo\L~

-------------------FOrt ~!,d

SALE- ForI! tOllrlng. j:aF, $75,00. Home t!rown lri~" Cr.h'hl., ..... $2.00 per bushel, dllliv!lre4! ~Jil, ~~ I!v ,Trlpp, R. R. 2., Lebanon, OhIO,'




FOR ~ALE --, ~m!\11 gp.mfo~ · 9.11\ heating fltp"P, Will C. g~ J~!ilt

'nil FOR SALE-F!trnnoe in f1rst-ci... • shope. See .Emerson Su~ phone Lebnnon 46!1-¥. - . .028..i ' ~ FO~ SALE-.,...One Jlxtra good·lt'~,,',. ' hng boar, SITed by Unique Sena~ tion, and one , pring board, doU\lI. immuned. Lyman ISilv'8I\ ,.02t. UNDERWOOD ,'A PPL£S '. '. " .Extra fin .. JI ••• .ad.8.ld- . Wlnl fo .....1...t ' o.-clt..... , .~ out of " ... "",.b ..... on · ~t.t.' Rou'. ,·; .. No. 73 , D. B: ONDERWOOD, .,'. . . :



FOR S4LE-Ii~h:grad. ~oJlo~ph.' . . · on Iy ' llligli,.t ly· ulled ; ' 'very, che.w. ., t Paymenta of $1,OO ; ~r."eek: , P;~ O" Box. 313, Da~ri, ,Ohio. ' . 9 2l




.FOR SA.LE-Beautl{u) pi~,el" ~~!,O: . · good make. Uke· new. Ctn be P ..... ., ehaaed at, balance due OIl VeI7 ."~ ~e1'l}1" P. O. Ball: 8U, PQtoft', 01110. . - . '1' ~18

FOR SALE-Pare-bred It1Iroq boua .

b.::t.:!"" ~,..~~ . . .

. ~,,-, 0Jd0t .



r ,It.

.",.,.4 .• Poltofflce _, - Wa y n •• ulll., 0"/0, III. S• .:onJ' CIaI_ .Mail lVu".'


Price, $1.6.0 pc~ ' Year






=A LITTLE BIT TOO FAR We soem to have rouched tho eli· mall: of ecOnomy In government func tioning-at leas t it !lome wuys. Latest word from Washin gton is to thl' effect that bills tor the funeml ('xpenscs of man y of th foul'leen mell who lost their liv cs in the crash of the nuvy dil'ibo1ble, Sheulllldouh, were recently returned to Lakehurst, N. J., by the Navy d"J.lllrlnwnt, with lhe notation thut the Federul depurlment ,/lId no funds wilh which to meet tIJlIllP ob1igalion~. Of cou r"e, no ;funJjIll wure uvailuble ut the uil' ~ta­ ~ion fllr the PUI'pose of burial. Al(!o rlling to LI.lOSO ill chul'ge of the air 8~UOn $160 waH all owed [or ~he tunoral of each mun . This money wus expended at the Mcc ue of - ~hlO llccid\lnt jn prepul'ing th e bodies for · burial and transporting th em to Lakehurllt·. Bills for auditionul expenJlel ' Incident to the . buri"ls alld contracted Ii)' the members of th e bereaved fllmilies were forwa rd ed to the Navy department, but to dute 110 tar Ill! elln be hmrn ed, the situation CUll be' ~itm murized by rernarldng, in the lunguage of th e day, "and that'~ thut." _ Surely a pretty sJlectucle is pre· sented when men in the 8crvice uf their countty, wh en th eir liveM arc snuffed out ' caunot be 11(;L()rdcd de· cent buriul~. 'The ver iest ' puupers in the lund are not so trcu tc d. Evon dead dO~1! an(\, cuta found on th e pub· lic stre~1.l! ~ re ' l!uri c d or cremated at public expense . . It is quite conceivuble that the in· tricate windings 0' our I.>l!wild erin l,( WUHhington red tape Mystc m mig ht tor (~e I !I}' .prese nt some liLlie problem of wuys and m elln~ to mect emelll;~!\~r e XPefl ~es of thi~ charneler but that· we h ave no man \11 the Nu vy department with enough red hllloll lo 'Iilt red tape go to the dev il und force through payment f or the burial of it.s de>ld h"t'oes , bcspel\ks UII Qr"anization of supine yes-men and politi cal heelers thaL might w,,11 be weeded out of til e publiu . ervice. Th is incide nt . is more than II blunder. .. 1.11 II natlonnl disgrace. '. S~ureiAari ldeUon would like to have th" 'n~ql1'le j.ux cut for every one, :Which s'eenis to strike a popular note. For the most purt, howjlver, the averqe man woult! like to have IOnle government solu t ion of making enough 'm ney to pay inco me tax. Raiding .poker games in Manilla hus been checked pending cnu rt de"fBlon' whether . poker is 1\ game of ohapoll br B /tBme of s kill, Actually It Beems to 1111> an art, W.e know when • we lost that last hundred no one ~ut a ,finished actor could hRve held a pair of sevens and looked l ike a royaJ, /tush when we laid down lin a ce full. -

Spel1king of poker, France is marketing . .poker masks for women, W tliBt they may have equlII rights In th~ pinel This mask idea is a good pn\!, Properly allotted wo might rri*kll Slime ot our refomlCrs appear tQ. iHt - It~, · · . . ·Gpvemor Smith of New York consents to run for tho presidency pro· vidlng all the leaders want him and cI~\llde tbat he ill ~he only man in the JlAti'<!lJ tlla~ ~an: win. Seemingly the p~~lp do JlO~ relllly ~now all about IDC! 1\.1, 1

A Sh9rt Re.llme pI the Chflracteri,tic. pf Each find Eoery Graduate ~ 01 (h~, Wa),neaoille 'J

. 'S~'.,opl.



" \c

: w..:~t'!I



aD Ellrl, ~r.1iul!te

ANNA HAINES---A person/II pel'n ver Withers tio ..... 0-." ..' can't quicken i Into

Y DA VI. What vcr you ure t(l.), you can attain by using "vtl'r power n tlJe right WilY. , MARY HA w kl~-p 'r/ection is the result ol!Jy of drudge ry. VERNON H AW 'KI~- Stick a pin in you r (uturo und Ilt~ il u lid On your past. . ROBEItT FURNAS-The mind is th e fi e ld t he Crcato r gives us to cui. tivute "nu bring forth its fruits. Cia .. of 1910 ALMA WATERHOU S E- In the schoolrnmm she tried to a rouse the student. s lumbering ambitions, and 8ll'gressivC' nell., nnd give them a new vision of the higher liCe. . LAWRENCE FURNAS- When we notC' the re$ults of II great life we 8eC' they were uttained by cellseless elrUl-t , ~ lro nuous living und endless se lf-c ulture. RUTn MILLE I would like th e m think of lIIe ItS line, with whum lhey lik<.>d to be, ONA STHA WN- She was inten sely conscious of th e momentary neu1' ness "f a pe l'Ronnlity which in/luence wa s the mo ~t pertu rbi nit' thinK she hnu ev~ r experienced. _ E'l'HLYN JONES- She "'liS eultivlIting' the belter lhings of life that go to ml\ke h"Ome and its environme ntH ideal. JOHN LEMMON- Tn the long run everyone has to depend upon his own wind. LU CILE CORNELL-Before we ca n commund BUCCelll! we must be co mp etent, and we I).lu~t be confidant in that competence. PEARL COLVIN- Insist on yourself- never imitntc. LYMAN SILVER- Lyman is Re eing the beaulies of Yellow Stone park and its environments- the "land (If shining mounwins ," wilh the rugged beauty created by a prehistoric uphl'nvu l which literally piled mountain upon mountain (July, 16, IOU). ELEANOR EARNHART- Be not hypocritiClIl, but always in a sincere \Yay beuring tes timony for the better things of lile. Cia .. or 1911 GLEE HESS--Tru!<t yourselr~v­ ary heart vibl'ates to that iron string. CLARA HAWKE-C lara is making lin ideo I wite and mother. she is agluw with the joy of mllrried life. EMMA HAWKE- W e must cultivate nnd deve lop the talents our Creatnr haR endowed U8 with, JUSTIN A HARTSOCK- The fulfillment of Rny consuming ambition is the true way of life. KENNETH HOUGH- It is not the ha.rd times coming it is the good (imes going. GEORGE WATERIIOUSE - Geo. hns made a wonderful discovery, morll vu)uublll than an)' of tho gold mines of the We.t. During his many visits in Dayton- indeed this is no cnemie love s tory; it is one ot powerful adventure, with a hero as primitive, nllturnl nnd fre ~ from the petty small trait.~ and the conventional c leme nts of ultra civilization. CARJ, HAWKE- Carl says he is in love with the bobbecl hair and short skirted girl ; the crinoline and puffs an<l powdered coift'ure type, ROSS HARTSOCK- RoBS says the raw human material of .the two star boarders who have just taken lodging with them, display amazing determination for more Instruction regarding the myste ries of Nnture, mak ing you feel every time they attempt to orate like something tugging at your heart. HERBER'r EDWARDS - Herbert is b 'uinillg liis mInd to meet the remorscleBS competition .o f our modern business life. HUGH RIDGE-Hugh started several years ago upon the llreliminary training of tli\! intellect, because its force In daily life deplmdJi upon the power witli which you can exercise It, and that ppwer can be developecl by careful s~udy.




HAS AN UMBRELLA Crankly old landlord to prospective renter: ' "Huve you any children?" "No, sir." . "Any cat!!. dOgll, IIr " Qnnary?" "No, sil'/', "Ponograph or pl!lyer piano?" "No but 'my w}fe ha~ I\n umbrella that squeakll 1\' li~tlo wfi~n ~he opena it--l bope ¥ou won't mmd





. tl... ~lie'o.

BRY' A N PRENDERGAST - co?l Our home flovris ne8t1ed away in the covert8' of ·whi~pering tree8, with thmr le~e8 lifted up to shako hands with the· bntuel, which in all its wide.. won derinp never may meet with res\.In(. • "Wee. fairer than "Pender~


LOage." < .


·tERRELL MACY-Don't have so

m~y atwets thilt, you I!~n~ keep ·~e

w~~le ~oeJt ·i~. x.()ur owl\, p.anure. . ':~Ept EARNI{ART - 'F.he whole..~e. genial sellUmen~anct abund~t 'I\or ~whie1a>- aeemlt· ··to c:ban.ctern:e '. sf 'entlre beillg,. :~C?'fe~her : \'Atb .hls . ' . lrig lite companIOn, enabhn!l' tlim :to .....-.. lal.~~antle · uf' ,yoeman with grace .nd ease, we predict great suce~',In,:bja.:lIfe" wol'k.~ ., , JOSEPBINE OGLESBEE - Try mol;l,ill~~ c min'dll, In,d:·lorc:es in


your·'I!~lfItiiUiJlWlfof'c 6bOD I

:'4 WO .._ _ _ _ _ _Letteff _ _ _ _ _ _ __~'




WI'lH~n ~ty~.....

, 1I8Ot •


..... . """'--' ....... ". H. ~

. ~""

lllIiARLES MICHEN~R-No .motter'f\lIhat Qle.,QQ,t .ot ,sa~rUl~!8, we mui~ glve~l~.maiilllum .eervJ!:\!, the F,,~r Qxpects 01 us, and must bear oul: .' ort . jon <If. .t he responsibility to OIa . tnmg that ' high prestiye, .ot 'JIl! .' . 80 man), ' Christi!1n 'workers. JUl ~·attained. c . . . ' " BltliJiL ~OSJER-"Merclcs ·, of . Glid I • 't'he~1;l ate ~P.e h1ghll!l~ ~I!­ iiyetl · 'tha~ I\fltm'l\te one to de.e ds of I.;;l larmlllg


,,10 i O"",


, ·HCloBd


HARVlYSB'UHG Mr, and 1\1 • A. ll.. P ull Y IlIld daughtel's hav" moved into ·Mrs. Nolan's property on Ellst Muin ' stieet . Mr. und M I'!I. 1I. S. 1'ucker and fumily enterlllined, Sunday, Mr. uud ~Ir" . Hell Ilnd flintily , of S" v 'n 1Ilile. Miss,," Hannuh und Louisa Coll ,tt . of Wilmin b1.u n, 1I1'e hou so gU l!.~L" of Mr. IInu AI I·S. George Venny and flllll ily. .

Mr. u nd Mrs. lI erbe r t - Fite and J alle Ellen, of Was hi ng t on C. Ii .. ure /!,u ests of their pal'e nts, 1\11'. a nd Mrs. ~'rank Wibon. Abijuh Co llier, oldest ivil Wur vetemn in Ma8. ie town ship, died at his home j"ridIlY morning, following u pal'll lytic stroke. I\fr~ . H. E. Hutton IIncl Mrs. A. S. ollell weI''' luncheon gucst.s, Wed . n e~ day, of Mr~, J. B. McKin ~-e y , ul Snow lIill Co untry clu b. Wuyne Shidllker his cOllsin, Alvi n Harvey , uf Lehllllor" lL'ft Mon rillY for "·Ioridu . whero th~y have em. rlnym e nt with Alvin's uncle. The DaJltiHt Mi ~~ ionnry Circl e mel Wcdnesduy aftern oon at the hum" nf Mrs. W. T. J ordA n. with Mrs. Geo. V4!nny and Mrs. A. Z. lIaHsock a ~ huslesscs, a ssisted by Mrs. J ord nn. RI!v. Be nn ett hud charge of the de· votions. Aftel' the us-uul bu sin ess, Mrs. E. B. Dos ter co nducted in inter· esting leRSo n on "Jo;uropeall Ficlus." Th e hostesses then served a dainty lunch, co nsisting of sa ndwiches, cake and coffee. The n~xt mceting will be November 18th, at the hom e of Miss Mile Harlan. Quite a crowd met at the home of !IIr. and Mrs. W. T. J ordan, S unday, to celebrate the birthdays of .II11·S . JorclHn and Ross B. Ha rtsoc k. o[ WayneSVille. Those wlio cume with well-filled baskets and l1ifts we re: Mr. und 1111'S. Ross Hartsock Hnd fumily of Wuyn esville, II1r. anti Mrs. C. Oe'utherage, of Oregon in, lIfr. nnd Mrs. F. A. Hart.~ock, Mr. and Mrs. A. Z. Hartl;ock Ilnd fl\mily , of Chll'k "vil le. After a SI)lendid dinner li nd Ii pleasant afternoo n, all drpnrtrd wi. hilll(' Mrs. Jordan and 1\11'. Harts ock muny r eturns of the day. Mr. lind Mrs. llowllrd Graham and daughtll rs entel'tnin eu II numh er uf relllliv es, Sunday, hflllOJ'in l5 lh~ cil!h . ty-ninth birthclny of l\I)'s. Mlll'Y (;ra. ham. Th ose prese nt in clud ed 111 r. and Mrs. Cha.. Pyles, of Lebanon, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Weller lind family. of Wllyn es\'iIl e . r.1I-. IIml Mr~. Ralph Stepso n and family, (If Xenill, Mrs. Laura Shidaker, Mr. and Mrs. Chus. Gordon and son, Mr. lind Mr •. Will McCarren and uaug hters, Mr. lind Mrs. Clint Gray lind family, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. ollctt and ~o n. (If Harveysburg, Mr. anti lItrs. Everett Villars, of Dayton, and' honor guest.


Help Harveysburg to Have




C. P. Nog~le and far\lily spont Sun day with f~l\)nd s ' ut 11idlllnd. . I Mrs. JC6~e llin lind .children were g uost.s of rIJlaiLlve8 !lear r.' uinnount, lnu ., la st we ek• .

Mr. and MrM I. G. A. Phillips spont the w<.!e kent! with th eir son and ra lllIy, in Ci ncinnal;i. The W . C. 'r. lI . met at th u hOllle of Mrs. W. V. LaCkey on Wed,w l;c!ny of IHs t I.I'ce l<.

TlHl ·elerk in the bank for .the tenth .tim ll that day removed a sizabl e pieeu of p ilist dng from be twe en hl~ colla r nlHI I1cck Ilnd turn ed w carily to 5 tve II cu ~totne l' at h is window. 'fh e lat. tet', hull!, hearty lind we ll nict , !;IUlleor! at, ut ut th e busy workm en r~nllJ rJ­ Qli n" lIlfo place. "Well, wh"t' ~ 1;"_ i llg'

1) 11

h ~ r c,

anywu,Y ? "


he u,;-;k(ld .

The clcd , 's fl c n e s na pp ri o li e had III1~wc .. cd th at sa llie ques ti on UL Ic'us u duzcn lil liu~ tlUll da y. " Wil y, wc · .." l.ouild illg a Ih' L'ry "Ln ble ," he said, I h,k MI'. and Mr ~ .. W. C. Smith we re in illt.: Lh c ClIgtollic r 8C1UUI'C in th e l'~·C. tho cust('"I"". Co lumbu ~ . ::iu IHiuy, where their daugh "13y go ll ies ," oaid ter-in· luw I" ve ry ill of olood poison- smiling' broad ly, 'Tm lo"ki ll l(' st .. aight. ut the lirst li n s tvc k kep t hcl'l~ u ing. p c rrCl't. uss.' · Rev. Bur\:c tt and olher worke rs of lh Xe ni a I'ri c nrl~ church, conducted 'wrvic<.!s at th e I,'l'illluls ch urch here, PROP OS~: J) ,HfI ; :-I n~n;N T S TO TilE CO ;llSTI1'U 'J'I 0 :-l ()f 01110 Su nu"y. ARTICLE VI II. SI::CTlON lJ Mr . nn<l Mrs. S. W . Stl' phell s nnu fllmily an\!, Mis~ Kalhe rin e Holland PROPOSINO TO AMEND ARTICLE VIII OF THE CONSTITUTION Of' THE STATE OF w~re wee k-end l:lIcst " o f 1\11'. Steph OHIO BY THE: ADDITION OF A NEW ens' purent.", Ill'llr Uillfi blJl'o. SECTION. TO liE DESIGNATED AS ARTICLE Vllt. SE.CTION U. RELATIVE lIIrs. Albprt Chen uwe lh, who has TO THE INCUItRINO OF INDEBTEDNESS heen in po"r h,· nlth . for ,eve ral BY POUTICAL SUBDIVISIONS. m o nth~, ~ lIbmit tl!d t ll a min n r ope ra .. o. " " Ioltl,d by (;'"''0' A",mbly til fM "It \\ cdn 'stIIlY . SteHr 01 Olli.o thrf'C·fifth. of '.he l1\em~r.

- -_.- -


tioll o f th l' tllI·,,:.t,

- .~--


eJl't t«!d t o eacb h uu.c cunc:urrll18 thereto: Th .l t lh t"re . tl1\n be lubm llh:d t o t.he elcc: tora (If lh~ _I:tlt: lo (he m a nllcr prOyiltC'd by la,_ en tbe fitlt 'fuc lIday after WE fir.1 Monday In

~:;e~~l~i;c- l!~:;li~uly~~·l~o 1t~~~o· :;c:nicl~

V J II, Ittliou ll ,


rend u

f ollow. :


Sec. 1.1. No bu ild! TUII ~. ccrtificatn of In· Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Reed ha d cl1ll- ckbtt'dnc i' or ut brr ·C\·h.l encc of indthletSnua eh;&11 he i;,ucd by a u, county. Ich oul d"tript, e-rs from Sp ringfield, las t Sund ay. town. b' l'. InUnl c1vnl cOfl' ortlt ion or othe r poi lU ' u.x ill S' distr ict fo r c urrent Mrs. O. B. Mllrlult a nd I\lrs. Carl cal .uhdh' isiun Wardlow were ,!Jayton vi silol's Thurs- uper.llllg u"p~n .e . or f o r the I\Cqui.i t' on (Jt h~'~i~rRu~O~ti!, a~c"l u ~:f~)I~;::. :f l!~~p~b::m~ day. ( 0'

Mr. Leslie 'Wurdlow and family spont . Sunuay with Mr. Ismel Scott and family. Messr s. Clifford Smith and Ca rl Dnlcin nttended II b C1 xin~ con lest in Dayton, Mond ull night. Mr. lind .II1n,. Ruymond Os borne, of Xeilia. spe nt S unday eve ning with Mr. and Mrs. em erso n Dill. Ilh. Chn rl eN Crawford is spe nding n fe w dn ys with his IJrothC I', I\1r. Clur. ence Crawford lind fan'; Iy. Mr. und MI·s. He l'bcl·t IIlurlatt attended th e fun " ral s(> rvi cl's (O f Mrs. Stiles, of C('fwin, las t Suturday.

YCtU I i but law. Ina,. be " ..lI cd . uthonein. bor r oWifltr for .. ~r iod n nt cx cccdiu(( .ix month.. in nnlici patitJn or the col1ection of rc ¥'cllue IU and (or tb~ current .6 11<:&1 yur in ~b ic~ .uch Indebtedness i. incurred or auth ofhlnR Indebt. erlnc.a. in a11ticipOlti ufI ut the levy or ~ltttl'Jn o( 'peccial A.uellmel'lU o r for flefr2y ma the ex:p~ se. of an ext rao rd ina ry ell idel uic of tAte or emervellry U [,<,IlJ C made nc:ceuary b, !; udde n (:a~ulllt, WIHCb oo uld Qot, ban bcdn furuceu , el f to provide far the. p~,. Blent o f IinOil judt(l11t: n l' f or personal In,unea or other non -<onl rne ltlltl t)btilll.ti.un . . No bonda or nOle. iuued for the acq uUltion or con •• rue· tlon of properl Y at' Improveme nts ,ban run for longer than t he probable period of UHfulne.a o( ti uc b prope rty or impro \'ements. to be Hlimated or determi ned at p r", hled by law. fixina n1<u lullrm ma turi t iu herein aU lborind. La.a .ba ll be paaud to 6. the fi .c aJ yun of poIitic;.at aubdlviA in n. and tu.lnS <tinriet. an d to dt-I ••• n ale tb e board. or office .... by "hom and ~h. manner in whi G:h tbe C!. tiftlatel II to the period of ua,., (uinul of p'ropert)' . or impronmc:nts .ball be m:\ d e li nd certified. With in the limit ation. of tbi" scctlun law. ml, be palled fixinK the mludnlUOl m~curilr o( bfJnd lf ur not!!. iuucd f or Rn y pura lO~e or cl a-55 or pUrllO'CJ. D~ j, {tU1'"r "'.I0 /(!Id , Thill at luch e.1ectlnn nt"I\' t r~ t'rr ed 10 t hg {,raponJ ah a ll be I,laceil nn t hro nfftcl.a J b 311o-t in the manner fro ... id~d by law in tl uch form I. the Je-c rcllry 0 , IMe m~ de ligll:tlc . If the votn (or tbe prnponl .h a e xut' d lhOlle 3fl:\l n Jt it. th i. amen dmen t .b take cITed on the lint day or January, 1926. Adopled March 27. 1925 .


Goodyear Balloon Tires Make Motoring Cheaper That's a fact. We can prove it. Here's what they do--absorb the shocks and jolt. that loosen bolts, break springs, run up repair bills and rack your car. Save you time on the road. Carry you safely, because they steer and hold the road. Give you long, economical mileage, beca\:so they're made of SUPERTWIST. Get our cost figures today. They'll make YOU want Goodyear Balloons.

1111'. and MI'~" F:ltl c'r son Dill ~ pent !"duay e" c nin g .with MI'. Jucob Zim !lI L' I' IIncl fu mily, of nellr Bellbrook. l\1i s~ Mildl'cd Mnl'J!an, o f llnyton. s pent lh e wl!ek·-cnd with he r grn ndpal'e llts, M1', and 1I11'd. L. M. Stephens. Miss Lulu l{ e lIis, of Xen ia. a nd Mr. lI nr uld Ke lli s. M Dayton , s pent SUl! ARTICl.E XII. SECTIO N a tiny with their par cn ts. lIIl·. an d Mrs. Phone 105 Frank Kellis and family. PROPOSING TO AMEND ARTICLE XD. SECTION 2 OF THE CONSTITUTION SO The Mt. HollY 1\1. E. chu r ch will AS TO PROVIDE FOR TAXATION BV hold a lDarke t' Sntu l'd ay, Octo ber UNIFORM RULE OF ALL REAL ESTATE AND TANGIBLE PROPERTY EXCEPT :1 1, 1925 , in !\IIr. Neeld '. r oo m, on MOTOR VEHICLES. AND TO PROVIDE West Mllin s trec't, Xcnia. Ohio. FOR THE TAXATION OF INTANGIBLE NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT PROPERTY. B, lJ r,,1oh,,4 by 'h. Glft.,aJ A.luMbl, 0/ IU "g'. 0/ O~1o Ihr~· fihb of tbe membeno Estate of George E. Wharton, deeJut~ to uch house C"1)ncurring Iherein: ceased. That th<rc . h. 1I be .ubmiUed I. th e al«to" of N' . h b . th t Ed C the etale, for their .PI)ro\'ll.1 or rCL('ci fln, at the otlce IS ere y g lven.n • ,leel1on 10 be held 00 Ibe 6r.1 Tueada, aft.r Woollard has been duly apPOinted and th. lin! Wond.y In November . .1925< a p~ qualified as administrator of the cspoaaJ to · .mend nrtlcle XII. 'I::c h fln j: of tbe d d 1\Irs. Sumh Walso n iH yis iting" rela- ~lIlulioQ of Ibe ,1.le of Ohio. to noel u tate of George E. Whllrton,. ecellse , lollow", late of Warren coun ty OhIO. tives in Clevelallld. ARTICLE t b s.c. 2. Law •• b.1I be XlI. p.lled, loxine by a Date d t h'IS 1 6 t I1 d' ay 0 f 0 coer, Mrs. Mary 11'1iddlc tu n ent.crtained uniform rule all re01l e.late and improvement. ~ 1 925. I'l'lalives from L,eb unoD, Sunday. thereon and all tnnllibJe perlonal property. ~ W. Z. ROLL, cordin,- 10 th eir true value in mone,. eu~tin. Mr. Daniel Stump iR in a ve ry se- mawr vehiclc.a which . hall be laud at ma, Judge of the Probate Court, be proyided b, Jaw. All mone,,_. CI cdiu, bond', rious condition with heart trouble. .. Warren County, Ohio. oeb and .U othe r intan,ib It: "ropenT. IIhaJ Eltzroth. Maple & MU}lle, Attys. tucd .. rna, be pro\,li ded by law. The first number of the Lecture \ be nUl aU bn.. do oulllandi ... Of! th. firsl do. of course wlil loe given Wedn<.!sdllY night l an "",1. 191J, 01 Ib, .tall or Oblo .r of an. dlY. yt lfage, bamlet, county or township Ln tbi. 'Mrs. Lllura Steele is recoverin/!' lllte or wbleb have been Illued In beball of NOTICE OF ELECTION very sluwly (rom an oJlol'Uli oll co n hel' th' publl. ""bool. In Ohio aDd .h. "'eaol of lft. truCldon in co nnection therewith. and all eye. bnpd. Inucd under .nlel, VIII, _lion 2a of To the electo .. of Wayne Townahip thi. conltitution for the .or d •• r compeau. Rev. Fred Mitch ell is holding tlon Rural School Diltriet, Warren coun fund, ,haU be uC!mpt from tuetion; an d meetings at the F'l'i c nd ~ church this bury;na rround., public acbooJ bDUKS. boUl.,. ty, Ohio: uled exc1ul i\'tly For public worship, in. lltuliOl1l \\'~ek. Notice is h ere!)y given lhat an elec\lied UcltHlivel,. for cbaril.We purpotea. prope r', uKd u d u.lvety for an, publlo tion will Ite held on Tundal', tbe 3rd Word C(lmcs to lhis vill age th at public ptJ"tpoac, and t.nKiLle:: r c.raonaJ prot~rtYI to an Mrs. Jun e 11 00d iR vcry ~c ri o u s l y ill am OWlt not ucecdinlt in value five Dundred Day of No ........ ber, 1925, at the u~­ in Dayton. dollatl (or ':1Oy individual, mAy "lReneraJ JaWl, ual voting places in said District, f or be «Dn~mrll~d from tuation; an J~..,. may be t he purpose of choos ing three merllMrs. Ella Bubb has lately returned p~ to providl.e ag:dn.t the double t .... tiOlt bers ot the Board of Education. enc h that ru uh. from the -a..Llun or both the rea) from a vi sit with r elatives in Wlls h- CJ.tat. and the mortR'l1Kt o r tlle df!bt J.eCurecl for a term ot {our (4) years. ington C. H. the~b1. ot other Jic:n upon It, but aU luch L. M. HENDERSON, laW'. ab nll be sub/'eet fa nltf!u tion or repealj Clerk of the Board of Education. Mr, and Mrs. Murtin Bagford and and the value of ill p roruty • • o ex.r:mpledl.lhall (rom time to time, be RSCc l"l.a ined and PUltJiabc;J Mrs. Clilrence IBagiord visited rela- a. --~.----mar lie di recl f!d by bw. tives in Troy, Wednesday. 11, It IMyt l.,,. ,,"olt ,d, Th ;\t at .uch cJe::tioa abovc ref~rr~d to lbi. Anlendment shall be Mr. and Mrs. Hellry Walton. who pJa.~d on the offi ci:.1 ballot, in the manner provided by htw, In s uc h f orm :u the .. ec ree tar, of rece ntly sold their property, arc mov- ltate m:11 dc!ignatc. ing into the Homer Walton property If the votea (or the ,nopo,nJ Ihall e xceed on Walnut street: those aKainsl it. uli. amcndnte.nt hall t.aIce We, the tollowing farm owners, dI«1 on the (In l JAY of J !Ulu ary 1926. and . original sectiun 2 of :tr licle X I f o ( the conlti. positively forbid any hunting or tuUOD .h all 1M! r('-f)C!uled ;\ lIti Allnullcli. trapping on our farms. Any vi~la­ Adopl.d M.r<h 26, 1021. tion of the same WI ll be prosecubon ARTICl.E Ill, ~ligrg~ ARTICl.E X. according to law and to th e fullest exten: PROP.OSING TO AMEND SECTION II OP extent: ARTICLE lit , SECTION 2 OF ARTICLE X MRS. WM. LOY. AND To REPEAL SECTION 2 OF ARTI. CLE XVII AND SECTION 3 OF ARTICUI MRS. ELEANOR SMITH. X OF TH.E CONSTITUTION OF'-T-tt STATE OF OHIO!! TO PROVIDE FOR The courts an d police officials have 1~~Vl~~t.FI~ NOT LESs THAN REWARD been load ed down with too much B. II ....Iv'd by Ih. Gr.".' AulOMbl, of '''' work by tho multiplicity of laws ac~~"c',~!f,.o~!'a, t~:':!~e~~~: ~":eJ~ DEAD OR ALIVE cording to the A t to rn ey-Generlll of ThaI Ihar~ . b.1t be .ubmitled to Ih. <leeton "What am de mattnh. ah ain ' t scen rt ur' L. GI'lll' om, who is of Ih, atal. for Ih,lr .pproval or rejection al tho Indl' nna, A~ .r~n c1.don to ~ held on the first Tuetday after you round about Intely? " q uoted by the National Republic, tb ft"t Mond.y In Nov.",ber. 1925. a pJ'Do "Man, ah dun been sick, ah has. poI~l Co amend .&cHon 2 of articlc III ud which says: 'rlion 2 of artiele X, and 10 reJocni lOCti... 2 Why, fouh days and days I wu z fraid XVII ..,Id atcr io n J of areide X of to look in de papuh, feer ah would see "A ttorney-G~I~cral Arthur L. Gil= olb. .nlel. eon.lltollon of tb••,a•• 01 Ohi<> to ..... my name in de died column.': liom, of Inqianll, has put his finger al fallowa : ARTlCU; lIT. on one ot the ehief. sources of InwSee. 2. The JlO. .rnor, lieuteoanl Ie('rft llr1 of atate, tr~lIS urer. ;\udifor aDd atlessn08S whon he declares that by tomay een.r.1 ohall hrld their ollie.. fo, f_ HOW'S THIS? multiplying lawl! regylating conduct ~.. '~, 1~' 3.'~~y ololo':u:~1J D~,:m= ' IIALL'S CAT<'\nRlI MEDICI.N1lI will we have loaded down the courts and tbelr election. and conllnu. until thei' I...,. 10 what we claIm for It-rId your eYSlem euson are r:Jected and qUAJifil'd . of Catarrh or Dearnc.. ca used by police authoriti,cs with more work _ ARTICl.E X. :atarrh. h 't ' 'b'l f th .... t d S Sec. 2. All elect I. . . .unt. of!ioefi al&aJJ .. IIALL'. CATARRH MEDICINIil oont on 1 IS POSSt c or e .., a o. 0 !'lj:eted on Ih. fint Tu •• day "Ie, lbe 'roe ,lsUl of an Ointment which Quic kly many acts have been mode wrong by Monda. In No •• mber/ Iuo tbe <locton of -.It Relieves the CAtart'hal InnammaUon . and county for • ",rlod 0 four yun. lb. Internal Medicine, a Tonic. which legislative fiat, which heretofore were S. it d, ThaI It Ibe electfDD, lcta throuch lhtl Blond on the Mu,·ou" k I I th .""",. elred 10. fueh pro_"I &hall .... pi ..... t th Surfacea. thue reatorlnll' normal condlk f un nown or ega, a e Wor 0 OII.he ollielal bal ot In .ucb m..,,,,,, u tho 1I0na. our police forces has been multipied -.rttl". of .latt detien"le. Sold by drugglat. tor over 40 Veare, · ·IDIPOSSI'bl C t 0 IbtM " .. , .01"ill fot' pm_at aball Iball IfOetreot4 to the poilJt w h. I!re It 18 !Dlnol the 'b. amendmenl In... F. J. Cheney" Co" TOleclo. Oblo. give s uffiQient attention to detecting dfoct In'l.~!J' ,1926 and orilinal ...,tiOCl I d 1 'lIhl' g tile more sert'ous of art c:Io l1r•• ~d Me' Ion 2 of article It, ad an PUnt n toCIloa 2 01 Irtl<l. XVII .,.d oe<tl... J ,of .rtid4 crimes. . x of Ib, o;onllltulion 01 the Itale of 0~1o aIlaD Mr. Gilliom SliYS: "This is a con- '" ~altd and a.null.d. The ~<nI " ' " ditlon which hais come abou~as the btl ahll have f"wer 10 eo adlu•• or ""tad result of the ever-increasi ng lenden- ~~~='f~::o'n~ :!'::d:':~ effect th. p~ cy to regulate lalmost everyone arid Ad. pled April 17. 1925. eVeTything by setting up )'Iloral stand- U" I TlD ST . . . . O. Alftal'" OPTOMETRIST ards and arbitrary conceptions of ST>n o. 0 .. '0. • conduct and by attempting to com- Ollie. of Ihe s.cretorr ~I Slat•. EYES EXAMINED BROWN, Seert:tarT. State, pe1 0 b e'dl ence th ere to b y means 0 f of I.IheTHAD SlJIt,: ofH. Obio do hereby ccrtJfr ofthai '" our police forces and other enforce- fC!fUtll~r Ire .nmpflfi.d .cople .. <arduUr eotaGLASSES FITTED ment 6mces, I:f this tendency con- .pirei! hy me ,!llb lhe on,lnal ....... on lila .. . . WI'11 ultImateIy: '10..,. my nlliee .nd and ID m)' ollidal eualod, '" See,.. t lDues, I fear that It nf State lound to be true and eorrOCl ' Promp~ Repair Service lead to a condition of poorly protect;.. of ~ ~OIQI R.",,'ulioo .dopl.d by I~. 86tb Gd,: ed people against real crime on the . ~h u.mbl of the 51.1. of OhiO on lola"'" • I 25,'D filed In lb. 0111•• 01 Ibl Se<:~ Every Thuraday 9 a. m; to one hand, apd III terntying entorce-. 02, 5101. on AJlril ~ , IP25, propoeio, 10 _ _ ment of t,yl'annous · law8 which in- .rtlell VIII of tbe .....tilullon .of tho State 5 p. m. · . \lon duc t de.lm,ted Oblo by lb. add'tlonVII[ of Iac:ctlon naw oectlon. .. va d e th e sp h erE. 0 f 'prlya.1I .. artlel. IJ , reladIe .... Reat Room in Grange Bldl'~ on the othllr, Iro lI1e it seems plain i/oe ·Inourrln. of" by political ...... tha' W" Dluat keep s.uch police forces tIl,hlon' and of. a 101nl Resolulfoo !'4oPtetI ~ ,. . • b, the il 6th O.. erol A ....... bIy of Ih. · State of W.yDe .... m•• Ohio . III our P!lople 8lre winln~ to lustain, Ohio on March 26. 1925. and AI", In th. oIIIoe. suffieijlllUy tree to .PllrmJt them to of .be Se<:rel.". of, on April 4, .,2S. -h - " . . th al " prop<iolne '10 amend utlel. JUT, _tIoiI I • eqp!! Wl·t.1. ~!' t "?ae 'WJ\o e re c,:!m lhe <;o•• lIlutio" 10 " a. 1. prona, fo.· I!uralhi Main Office inal8. lind WfS 1i~\l8t stop .demandmg Ii, u&ilform nile of. aU . ,.,.1 nlale ana taaaiw. their pl'j)tectlon 'rfimRl'il~ tor a vague rro""rt, """.,pt m,OIor . ..Iud... "'4 10 p-w. 92~Y. ~uth ' Brownl Street, .. .' h I ~- ,. f h for the .....lIOn 0 Itlblnlrihle' proJM:rt1 .!'lId of pubh~ tnateud oj ~ 8 ' n,,!,rests d t e a ~int Ruclutlon a<!qpl<d b", . lha , 1611\' ""-"1 O.. r·•• pubUc.'~ " •• _ • . . ' J\"IJ~:!!c1 ~eJhr.. r.,!!~ ~fhTbe~l:' DA Y~ON, OHfO Stale , April 21. 1!l25. pro~lnll. 10 ~ ~ tloa. of articl. IU. _lIMo 2 of AJ'6de X IL_______________ ..rl to ..""al ._tiott·2'01 1"lde XVII ad'-*'of . -tlelo X.>'11 I.... _lIlaU!I/I' of ........ ow... tn pr,md, for 1t\'1U of .... of _ ... ~_ fnur I"''''


WaynesVille' Motor Co.



Waynesville, Ohio

P. Mortimer Mil yun 's Ro lls Royce was stolen yesterday (rom 1n front of the county poor house while Mr. MIlIyun was in side vis iting his aired par. ents. ________________-:


Harveysburg fertilizer Co. Phon .. 8

DR. E. M. RUDOLPH The Eye Sieht Speclaliot


While the opuntry is g rouning under thousnnds of new and unnecessary laws, it Beems atra nge no effort has been made to protect the automobile owner Irom t he ravages of the incompetent motor mechanic, who yearly causee millions to mourn and de.s troys far more millions in values. Fortunato indeed, are the residents of any town that boosts an automo bile mechanic who understands what he is doing whon he "takes down" a car and seeks to put it together again. . . . Reconditlontng a motor IS a hIghly skilled wotk. Gylinder wear is not the only condition that mu!;t be dealt with. First must be determined which of the cylinders is most worn, for t his must set the standard of size for all the othen. The cylinder must be re-ground within the limits of 6-10,OOOths of an inch plus or minus, with not more than 1-1 ,~QOtll ~f a n inch taper. P!at~n ri~gs ,"ust be fitted In the grooves wlth nQt Inore than 4-1,dllQtha of liP l'nell cleuranee.. rap~¥ bpulld to happen when fl ' mlln WIt" 1\0 knpwledge of micrometllf wprk undertake. s~ch a task, yet thi, II only the begin'!tng of putting a mo to r together. Ahgnment of all other parts to synchronize with the operation of the r~condi­ tioned cylinders is of equnl Importance and calls for even greater skip. If there blt .a lack of acc!Uracy 1D alignment In a single one of many other parts tl'ouble i8 1I0\lnp. to qevelop, for it ja. impp§8 i"l~ for one point well done to oompensate for another. The average man's purchase of un automobile. is an important matter to him. With proper care and effi. cient repair there Is scarcely a car o·n the mal'ket that will riot last five or eight yeara, Ul\lortullatllly when "the old bUi,r glib! a litt!\! noisy, ~oo ottep I~ f"U s Into the hands of a mechanioal butcher_ Car owners wllI act wely in looking closely into the skill of those they hire as automobile doctors.

-------..--..------Pumpkin Pie

Never wlII: there tmown to. be Itllt;:h a crop of,Jlumpkin~ ~n thill ne!lI't!~pr­ as this)teu. !fhe fanners hav:@ . 'tbey ~rc bel!!&, 'ted til, stoc~ away. for wln\cr. feeding. . ' ~al' produt\Cd a cfo~b)@ pne 1!)I9ul~' gq 'wit!lou~ hfi pllmpIQn jlie, CV\\11 If" cgp are . .'fhere .. Jlotllll'g mllre appepUP,l.fl¢in pte.


--,...--,,~. ~




Girls' clothing Dowadays cer:talDly dlapla)'l their common _ .






- ..--- -


At Cary'S Jewelry Shop Lebanon, Ohio .

Every Tuesday 8:00 a ..... to 4 p •••


. -.

".rlA,.. ..,.,..

Will F. Young



t-... ....

. - ubnriberl mr. n..... 'Uti ............

....-,. Colulu1ir' 01110, dtIo h I _ ..' . . . . biro ~. I). I~ 5 ftIAD 11.' Ron _ . ~ oil . ...."., . .



Dr. John W. Miller Dentillt WayDe .... me National Ballk BU••


WA YNESYILLE, OHIO Fuily Equipped for qeM Service. Large Display Room, ' Ambulance Servic~ TELEPHONE 7



NatioDaI Baak WillI Dra.... D

.... ......

Elt nt .. -S.U I" J

W ayneaville, C bio


Dr. H. E.·Hathaway DENTIST


X~(j~~ HIST,


WAYNESVIUE, . ' T~I.plloD.· 1 i4\ OFFICE;





•• aw


Patronize ~ho MuLhcr'~ dub murkut 'nlvrduy ni!eM. In (a. (' O M r!lin th llullolVe'on ni-'n l wil l be held in t h ' Gym.




h 'l!. N, L. Bllne1L li nd 1\ Gc l'ge

to II ny one who is iri'teTcated. . WI! 'Sl1ggllM t that dairgmen who are interested in lat'ger mil;, production whet her they have one cow or ton, ge L' i n touch with Mr. R. E. CroDo and tak' advlllltage of the Idells and se r vices he has to pifer .


D. 1I1iJ1s. :pr aldcl1t and vice-pr 51-


-d nt lIf Warr('u oll nty W , C. T. 'U., 1\1l's. Wa lto r Rockhill. superiritond on t (I{ S, '1'. 1" Mrs, Omur ll(l llingswo l'lh, l)1'('~idcnt o f Or egQnia W. . T , V" " Mur e milk fl'ol" hualthi l! l' co ws" is LITTLE INTEREST IN. ELECTION a nd i\11'~ . w dcl o11l .of L ebanon. r ep Very littl~ in ter est is shown in the I' ,/ Il l' uch l'('tul'nl'd ~ u nd ny. • I J'('~e lltccl ' Varr ' n en nllty W. . '1' . U. tho . Iugu n ud('l'l('iJ h~' Mr. f{ , Eo 1' 0 11 ~ l r~ . Linn O,,\'; u i ~ '1\ll r~ skk, I clio II , to be he ld n ext cOll r ::;o cOlu ill A' afk r HIIl'ndi ng a I\' i!1!f; with rf'l uli yes in thl' Slntc cunventi on Ilt Akron, Illst who hus I' tJ~""IlUy ' ·I II Jl p lt·t ':'I' in nni ll1 l I nulrit i,, ". II~ k l\" w ~ Lhal T tl sdu y. ntb'r 3. . wc.·k . 1\1 1;, (, hnr l ~~ Gord,'n \\" ; :~ ill X enia. ttl ( )ay l " l l . p r o pel' c nr u un ci !t" 'l liltJ.. ,) f Co WS is tmlu\' , SU1'e t o ina ellHC llle milk ~ l1 lJ llly (, f " ' ~ (r , III~d :' I~", ~',I~~rlt,," ~ ;" n,~' lds , ? f thi ~ di s t.1'i t, :tll d hI' (·" p!'et:> 1,. 1"'01' (' E llI"r<lp:tll11llrk('1 tl nd AI'I" 'II ~IlI (" I ;;I"III~ \ li lll' ~, Ill " \\1l ) O( Rli lie V I ~il by cxplllin illg til I hl' dail'Y llll'n in Io n nl'C PIII)'!'1' I :!th, 'I "I'~ , ~1 "lI d,,)'. Th e t'C'l£u lllr nlCcl il1l1: o f th c III. E, 1Illd ol'o ll l,d Wal' l1c::l'i ll e what I,ind o f B .. () th~rh ll()d 11'11 8 hd t! lit the church H .·u lio n n l' UW :,"h ll uld ha \' L' t l J produ c(\ ;\11', lind Jl rs .I"hn Lunlo: WI 'I'<' ill I 1 '1I~d ;;\" h('~, ,'o il lO r ;\ 11\ II IIlI Mr~. lus t W l· ,l!w sday !'Ycnill)!. Thl] school lllU I' C milk. . in l)nytnu , T Ul';dav . t .fllt.' l :-i l p!... l ,.... 1 1" \.'0 \ 'rIlIg- trll it l H ve r y Mr, C"Pl1l' "11~ " I utliL·d tll{' !lulu,'" 'urcituit r;'1 wn~ l'n..'~l·Jll ancl p tn vcd . I ": l 'l'l\oI l :- ,II I H. ·~:-: ~(.I\'I · r d .sl'lul·ti n n ~, Hlid short, hut' in · Ilf lilt.' ~ r (\p s t' Ui ~ l'd in Ll I~' I{l n di ·;.' :I I d h ' rt\sti u g l u l k ~ Wt1r.: "" i" en. A SlIP - ...a ll tell ('IH.: h L l " ml' l" whll·h u f h is [l" I'l'"dy 1'" ,' tIll' hi )! pll ,·" d., ,'tIlllr - I , . dny l'\'l"\ uil1J,! ut 7 \\·dn . . . k. t 1) 1.11 t fl' l'),!t' t y ul U' pU I..' h t't hoo k ).lCI' of ' '' ''~ " lin d milk, d (l l1 ~ hnut " nil " hO I1l l! - g- r o,\ II J.( r~li ut'. hl' l' a ll 1I.:\' til 1)l".1 ! hi Il rill! ;: ll tll tht.' 1': I(", :u Il l' ,n ftcr c ul r(' l' \'.'H ," S('I"\'l'tI . :lIh iliit ag-c. H e f l' n :l l ~l l) (' u1l1pu l e the . . ' :\"\ 1 11< 1, l ... t. milk ca pal· ity o f IIl di\' ithuli (·OWS. If ill I I r. lllll 1, '~. W , 13 , Sq,,, ...·, "Ili'nl :l ('tn, is )..: h ins.:- ' y pou nd :-/. p f mini n 'u n tlny wi t h l"l, tati\'l':-; ill I htytn n. I da)~ . IH' (' an :-, hl l \\' h ow t il i ll t'r ... n,Se I hi ", ?ll~~

!.ida ' Og l e~h('1' \' islted relutil'''" in ::;p r i ll~ \'nll ey Illst 'I'hursday.



Brotherhood Meets



I \\




r ._ n~H


n r s"

I' I "

Il a rl ~J. H·k ,

Bt' "

Mothers' Club

IIf Ht)l Jtc' 1,

~lh' !1 l \\ ' ·dlll~ ... d :l\· \\ ill! ;\" {. .~t ') lIm a\\ .~ IH · l1 t 1.1 . I.. 11: lrt .. tI('~ • '

il nd :\1 1"~ .

l' o und ~ : if ~ hc i ~ giving : 1:; P IHHH lh. hl' l' UI\ J.,: t' t. Ih' " t .. l'n' l!LJ ' ..:

ill,luun t lo :t!)

Thl' I'l')!uln r 111(l;llhly Illl'clinl: ..r nn d )I,'~, .1, 1I. TIt " " I.,- , ,'f Cc n- thl' MOlhl" '" cll1 b wil l be held un duy lI f f.crll.,"n, Nove mher 5 , at «.,., ill , , ''''I'l' golll·st. o f ~I r . li nd ~ l rH . Thl1r~ the C; radc h l1il din". Mi", N(' IIi(' ro ll'. F:lI slvu rth t:l h,· ,'w " .. d h:" 1',,- 1: ,1.' 11.&! :I. I\\ :ty . Su nd uy . th,' (;l'Ildl' buildin g. Mi" NdV" tU rrt l' tl f rol11 Indiana, "h.'I', ill' " j >lll ' oI will nd dn.:'ss lilt' Illp •.'tin~. r c· lntiv\ls. ~I ".- 1',<1,," ~1. II n wland III,d ~ Ii ss Not" lh ~ eIlall)!" uf dille fro 111 Fri llll rlll). \, H" l' \\~ ' rH v i s it or ~ Ht Mo n dny t o ::hllrscln~.: _ _ - - l\1t·. . J...-' ITY lI inh·s . of 1\'l ll(' r dll . ." I'tlt ·. (n;iH. ~l'hlll' ~ ilJ ay afU' I'II (1(ltI . Wll S :t \'i ~ i u r i n \\ '11 V 11 p ... \·il h· h .. t Th ul'sdllY . . " Mr. und Mrs. SamuL'1 Bull"r wn rth

lh" wl'('k ' l' II<i wIth r,' I " l1"" ~ al ( . ,1111'"

bli R.

10 pout l/ I!".


"T he .li il nntl a li s" " Y" I(' I1' nn I h ,'

~I r.

d a iry

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f:II ' ll l

\!'ay~ (\11". Cru ne. (I II


thn t

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h nn :d ·upt(·y ," " Jt h n~ h,(c n pl"l IV-

pl'~q'"' I ' f( ·t ·ti u l g Hn d . a l',' a:'l'


r:H.' Lul' ~ for pl' tI(lul' ing T hl! (.' ll lII l ~,(J n 1I 1i ~' ~ . lht · :' i H Il ll. ii protludi ll!' nrc b c k "I' lib" ral f, " ,1- ' iflt;', I. u: k (If ~ U :: I\.: i l· t l:I.~ lSt.\,l· P I' J h· in , :1I .d l; ll' k or i ndidciu;lI fl ' l · .. li :, ..! . ~ i ilk : u!'\!d u t t.. ly l'HllIlIll Ut' Il li.1d ·: II . t~ J Ml' ss rs (; ) (~ nn nnd Gilh c rL Frye ~pc n ~ th~ t d · ,es !l o t CU ll l : .i 1l l11 i l k~m ;lk. Su nd"y wilh Mr. J-:rllest fiu lle r\\,urLh Ltg t'll tlll'nl !'l in tlh.' rig- ilt prop nrt i 11



nn d famil y.

J l r. Ullel MrR. G, D. Mill" were e nHnll owe '(,n Carn il'lI l Satlll'liay ni"hl. "·rt.ain l'l! at dinner at th e hOllle of Old-fas hi oned dll n('inl! ill A r('h ,l l'lI- MI'. IIn'd MI' ~, Snm Men 'di tll Jr .. Inst ..:on's guragc. : ull dIlY, Mr. alld .\1l's . .JIIIllL" l\1c CllIr(' und Mrs. St Cluir Fife and c hil<lr~n reMrs. Wa lt ' r McC lure " ,· rt' in !lIlY- turrwd to Wi lmnn/':to n, F l'luuy, a fter lo n, Tu esday. a tw o- wec ks Vi Sl it with her pare nts, 1\11'. li nt! I\Irs. 1-1. H . Wilk erso n. Don't forj(" l your pod,ctlJ o()k when YO I1 go 10 the I!:l cv lllor,nftel' Mr, lin d ~I rs. Le wis Fires And chil Novemb r l' I,t. dren . ~'I rs. Yl'du Orndorf and dll u/,:hler, Doroth y, wcre SundllY dinn er Mr. Illld M... . II . C. CI'W'S '"ltcnd - Kucsts o f Mr. a nd Mrs, Elvin Fircs, cd the fu ne ra l (}f /I 1'" II; li ",' in Sprinf( n' lt! lasl Sa tuf'(iIlY. ' The Wa yne.v ille W. C. T , V. wil! llIeet nt th e hOll1e o f Lillinn C. Mills , Mr. Mallrice Williams. (I f West Tuesduy nft ernoon , Novpmb l' r :I , al Union, Ohio, wn~ 11 business vis itor ill 2 o'do'C k. Men.,bc rs unci fri ends co r Wuynt'svi llc, Mon dny. diully invited. -

The Big Hardware Sale Still Goes On Our Discount Sale is going strong, but there are still lots of items you can save money on by bu ying now. And don 't fo rget to come in and bid on the Heatrola, the grea t est of all Parlor Furnaces. It sells to the highest bidder.

Mr, anti MrR. Andl'ew l~ ife, o f DuyMrs, Ada S. Cou rtn ey, Mrs. L, A. to n,we l'c w eek -cnd g ues ts of their Zimerm an, Mrs. Myel' Hymnn a nd co usin, M,'S. 1'; <I \\' in Chan dl er . ' Mrs. J. C: HII"'ke are in Co lumbus this we ek Iltlending the meeting ot Rev. und lI1rs. L, A: Wushbur n ure the Grand Chapter of Ohio Enslern in peOI'g'elow n. whe re they Ilttend cd Star . t he fun eral of 11 re lntivl', Tu esday, Miss Ruth Chandler attended thc St. Mary 's Guild will mee t with wedding in Indi'lnapnli s I n~t WednesdllY o f her fri,md, Ru chel alve rt , Mrs. J aml's 1I1.: Clure On Thursday afternoo n, ov mb er 6, at 2 o'clock. o! Lnk'e Wales, Fill" to Mr. Robert Elder, presiden t of the First State Mrs. 'W ill Ru ss um , of Dayton, spent bunk Ilt South Charlesto n, Ohio, the week-en d wi t h her Ill ot h ~ r und sis!III'S. C. 1\1 , Robilzer left, F ri day, ters, Mr , Ma ry Edward s und da ughters_ for Columbus, foo r a wee k's visit with her s ister, I\1rs. Merl e Kern . an d to After spending thc s um mer in uttend th e m eeting o f th e Grand WayneSV ille, Miss Myra L , n U;"d loit, Chupter 0 f the Ohio Order' of Easte rn Tucsday, f or he r hom e in Los An- Star. geles, a1. II1r. Roy Hathawuy hus taken th e _ Mrs. J uli n Bel'glln entel'hli ned r e- manage ment o f t he Atlantic & Pacifi c cen tly, at dinn er , her ( ol'mer n~ i gh­ )!rocery li t Hills boro instead of the hOI'S, Mr. a nd l\h-~. A. C White-, of Kroge r grocer y, a s we unn ounced last IV ek. I\Ir. and Mrs, Hnthawny will Lo uisvill e, Ky. take up their residcnc e lit Hills boro in the nellr futulI'e. . Mr. a nd M rs. Philip Zl)pf, uf al--~.lege Hill, Cincin nati, s pent unday wit h Mrs , Z ppf's parents. l\lr, a nd M rs. George Smith , HapillY

Sale Continues All This Week '


Hardware, Harness, Farm Machinery Waynesville,


Wayo~ville Auto

&Machinery Co~pany





Mr. und Mrs. V rn H O lJ~ h lind chilTh e Do rca s class of the N~ w Burdren, L ou ise and Paul, \\'c re Sund ay li ng t on 111 . E. church spent Tu esday gu ests of Mr, and Mrs. 'harl es Cor- with Misses J enni e nnd J ose phine n 11, on Social Row, Reeves. o f the Telephon e Exchan ge. .; Abo ut nin ete e n wer e presc nt to cnMr. and Mrs. E. E. Sears of Day- ioy t he dUy, The excelle nt. dinn er at the no on ton, 11fT, ' and Mrs. ' L. M. Sear s, of Jeffersonville. wtlre g uests of Mr. and hou r was a de lill:'htfu l felltur e o f the occasion , . Mrs. Elvin Fires, Monday,



Headquarters for




MI's. Laura Zell, acompanied by Mr, and Mrs. Horace Zell, of Xenia, attended the f un erul of Be rtra m Jones. at Indianapolis, to d" y.

Tell the Advertiser you read his Ad. in-the Miami Gazette

Mr. and Mrs. Karl Babb up lheil' r esideD!' in lhe kerson pl'operty on the Third street an d Fmnklin

Bring your Eggs to Kroger

Lo s t-Ladi~ s' \vatc llt strap.. The nUDl e Li llie 1904, is engraved in the )' pleas e return to trs.


have taken H . H. W iicor ne r 0 f roud.

wi th wrist M . Com pton back. FindG. D, Mi lls ,

Jewel Brand, 'per lb.

.. 39c

Jlfr, and Mrs. Will Tullis, Miss Abbie Graham, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Crock ett and dau g hter, of Springboro, we re Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. TIllY Mills.

Golden Santo8, per lb .. 33c

BREAD l ~t~:~u~~ ~o,a~, . . . . . . -1Oc , 1 Pound Loaf, Each . . , , , '7c PancakeFlou-':: C(;~';try--Club, 27c' 5 lb. Sack. , . ~ountry Cl ub, 1 1·2 lb. Box



Mt,s, Arthur Anso n, of Mt. Healthy, spent so veral days last week with her moth er, Mrs. Lucy Pratt and family. Mr, Anson joined her Sunday, adn boLh rcturned to their home Sunday Ilvening ,

. lOc

Karo Syrup-SCan Ib~ Blue-Labe(--2-7c .. . . • • . • 5 lb. Ora n ge Label, Can

MiRS Bernice Hyman entertained aboul twenty-four of her school f riend's at a Hallowe'en party on Friday evening, October 23, from 7 to JO. Various games were enjoyed, and It two -course lunch was served.


In r espo nse to a n nppeal from Bishnp Hend erson, of the M. ·E , church,


. . . 18~c ~u~~~~,~~.~ ~.~OP.s.... ·.. 18c ~p~!!?~, .~~~!, - . 20c· ~KC;~~'<k . $1.19 !I ~~~~ ~;~:; .~e~·b.J Dc , So . , VanCamps ap '1Oc.1{rae., rs, O~~~~r, 14C. - - --

Pou d




I ---

I It ..~, ... " "" ............. ,.. .. "













c r,

d poun .. ... ,....

--~ - -~

t hllt the week of October 18 to 26, be obse rv ed as self-denial week, approx imately $ 160 was laid on the al. ta ,' at th e 10cal .M, E _ church, Sunday.

Mr. ,and Mrs. Joe Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Burton ' Earnhart a nd [amity, and Mrs. G. D. Mills attended the funeral of Mrs. L, A, Gage, at Xonia, Tuesday, M,'s . Gage was a Hist er of Mrs. Joe Dn vis.



x __

A n0 ie· In ot.,

ST. MARY'S CHURCH TwentY- fi r ~ t > sundny afte" Tl'inity, f~~ ''''' . ,.~ , ~- - - - ' - - . NOVCII1 UCI'I , Chu r('h Scho oll llt 0 :30 ~ ., . '''''''. n, m. H oly Communion lind sermon at 11 : 0 u. 111. A ll Ilro cordially in-


vitC~et' ~'~': ,e ~"d~~I~ll;~;!~. \~~~t~:: FE r- In



ur ie(' :.'

S I'm on i!:v r nil1!{, 7 :00. se rmon. "Moses a s a Typl' of Chri st." All wl'!c011le. The Rllll y Dny 11'>16 w ' lI II tte nr! cd, ull d the "lrc rill~ Was liberal, bein~ $175 . The fur nllcc wi ll be completed lhi ~ week a nd r cady for usc. ~\ M,'. nnd Mrs. J ohn.on ar" ~ ,,~ ndin ~ ~ 1\ few d .• ys nt Con ve r,e , Ind., Lhuir ~~ form ('r humc, ~~ 11

' ::10


METHODIST CHURCH Sllbbnth Schoo l, !l :15 a. m., pre aching lit 10 :30 n, m, Epwo rth Leag ue 6 :15.- p. m. Pre achil1~ at 7 :00 p. m., Weanesday evening Prayer meeting. 7 30. Everybody inv ited to these se rvices, Rev. L. A. Washburn, Pastor.


7M Fr4~glmtan ').,ctunt

----- ..- - -

hog and poultry fe ed f' rs I·hat shortly after Nov. 1st I will have a car of

Purina Feeds


on hand. I feel sure il all theDfeedera who ho"e ~~ asked for the Che~kerboard feed will just ,ioe me ~ ~~ their orders '/ can soon dispose 01 this car. I will be able to make a more attractiue price than ever has been oRered in tlais .community before on this high' grade feed, owing (0 our caBh business which goes into eRect NOIJem '.Jer J8t.


Mrs , Ralph A~chdeac on i~ on the sick list. Mrs. Leora Bergd ull IVa" 11 Duyto n I visito r , Monday. !, Mr. Edd Long acre is working in Lebanon this week. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ke n rick spen t Wednesday in Dayton, Mr. a nd MrR, A Ibc1't Stacy enle rtain ed to ,1l f Amily dinn e1', S undl\y. Mr. lind Mrs. Clyde Wharton mad e " . busin cRs tr ip to Rich mond , ' Ind., Wednesd ay, Miss PIaI'll Martin, of Dayton, Rpent. last week with Mr. and Mrs. H. 1\1, Cla rk. ~~: .. :.: ... :x ................... .:::.. . ;...o:.;o;e:::~·~ ... Mr. a llli Mrs. Calvin Long ncre, o f Dayton, wc re Thursday evening g uests of Mr. and Mrs. Edd Longacr e. 1111'5, Cutherine Cornell and Mr. an d Mrs, Shelby Cecil, of Dawson, Ohio. visited relatives in this vicinity lasL week, Wilbur Clark sold his farm l ~st we~ k to Walter Whitacre, and with GENERAL INSURANCE his f a mily will move to Waynesville in th e near future. Mr, and Mrs, Kes ler Graham and dnughter, Bernice, were week-end g uests of MI'. and Mrs. Arthur White a nd children, of Dayton, Mr. Mrs.L J. B. Jones and Mr. •• ~r undEdd ., ••••• - ••••••••• 41 . . . . . . . . .' • • • • • • • • •_- , . . . . . . . . . .. . an d J> rs, ongacre, saw .the Pa1

R. E. CRONE, Manager

Waynesville farmelifxchaogr Co;

: hom e of Mr. and Mrs, Floyd Savage, ' and the Aid cleared a neat sum. i Mrs. D. H, n oo kwa~r, of Minm- ~ i. burg , "pent Saturday lind Sunday ~ with her daughter Mrs. Morris Miller, who is suffering with a bone felon • .... on her thumb. Mr. and Mrs, Henry Foulks visitell their son-in-law, Edwin Linneman, ~ Itt St. Elizabeth's hos pit.'ll, last week. Mr, Linnem.'ln underw ent an operation there. recently. Mr. and Mrs. William Colcman and little Thelma L. Kearns entcrtain.ed to dinner, Thursday, Mrs. T, H. Gates and two children, and Mrs. Margaret Makley, of Dayton. Mr. Albert Stac,y had a small tumor . r<,!moved from his forehead at Blair's hospital in Lebanon, Saturday, by Dr. Robert Blair. Mr. Stacy returne~ home Saturday evening, Mr. and Mrs, W. C. Bergdall have traded the Nathan Smith property here. for Dayton property. owned by Mr. and Mrs. John Fair, of Ginghamsburg, who expect to move h ere in the Spring. Mrs, Ralph Johns and daughters, Evelyn and Frances, spe nt several days last week with her sister, Mrs. Roy McKirby and family In Dayton. Mr. Johl1s joined them, Salurday, and a\1 returned Sunday evening. Mrs. Belle Coon, Mrs. J ennie Lamb Misses Ruth, Bertha and Beulah Coon of Dayton, Mr. ano Mrs, J. B. Thomas, of Centerville, and Mr. Parry Cook, of Waynesville, visited Mrs. Charles Johns, Sunday aft.c rnoon, A series of revival meetings will be gin at Lytle church next Sunday evening, No~emb er 1st, eonducted by the pastor, ·..Rev, . T. L, Stotler, of Springboro.,Meeting begins · at 7 :80 'each evening, and.- all arc' c rdially invited to attend. Mr. lind Mrs.' Wilbur liathawoy entertaineil to Sunday dinner, Mr. and Mrs, Eran k Hall and family, 'of anon, Mr; and 1\11'1;. Leonard Hathaway ahd family, of~ Flrankiln, • Mr. and Mr,. Gharles Beal and 80n, Harold, of Red Lion. · , . Mn. ~harles brought In an ambu1ance to Wednesday Irom Miami whem Jlhe reeeRtly underwent an' operation. 'Her slater, Mrs. Eli..• beth Smith: of DaYton. aceqmpanied hel' home, and returned Thunda,.


Miami Theater •

Friday all1d Saturday


and .'3 1

2 Shows:Each Night, 7:00-8:45

Admission ••• 25c and 15c

2 DAYS ---,

.L wi.h to -anaounc. to tlao peopl. of W.,.aoniU. and- Yichut, .thet I , 1\1rs. Lida r<l'tle n, Mrs. C. C • •Ser- will contiau. to practie. Veterinary "la•.Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cook, Miss Mn- M~icine at Sprinl V"Ue,., Ohio, tbll (;{>n~, Mrs.- William Bradlei, Mr• • peeialldal ia VacciDetroD aDd 01. and lIil-s. Hawke, ?tl~. G. H. Da~ .. a . . Swi.e. kin and Mrs, . g:- L. Parshal1 were in Mn. JohnJ fa improviD, alowlJ. ·Spl'iDgfteldt. Monday, W attend the ~uDetal of JW1I, .lohn Haines.




~tore J

of B '~tter V-aloes•• \,


." II I ..; WZi"Z;,~L,.,.hY.z/'/U7/J!""/7"7/J!zv:1W)(ZZ"z'''M''4?.Y,y:/./,··.,.~'_ '. ~ • ._ ', ""/j"iit, > . "-injWII·~·;;.._Mt~...~

CLO!~f.~g:1~S31oi:,,':~,~ ~~~~: ~~ ~~. ~~~U.~:.•,~:. ~~~........ -........1

.. .. POWDER PUFFS-Bolh la'Be or am.1I aize at

I ~

.... "" . "" . ............... ...... ,. ".......... ... . .". . . ..... ."............ 1 . '.


HANDKERCHIEFS-Ladiea' Colored, or White,

each, at .. .. .... ....... .... .... .... ......... .... ....... ~~ . . .• ~. ......... ...... ..

~AN!!~d~~?t~I,,~~~.=~~~~~:.' ~.~~~.~~~.~,~.~~~~.~: ~~~~.~~,


1 25c. - -_ .10c _-

... .. ..... ,.... MEN'S SOCKS- Cordovan, good on"a that will BO ... t. . t ... ,,, ..... ,, .. ......... ... ........ ,............... .... ...... .. :...... ......... ........ . MARCELLE HAIR W A VERS-Th" kind we alway. aoll, . t. ,', ...... .... .... " ..... ,' , ...... ,', ... ... ,,,. ,, ' , ....... , ,,., . ........ .... ..... ,

Frank ~H·. Farr,


"The Snare" By Sabatini




Waynesville, Ohio




............................ ...........................


&r:~i'r:,:-d Corp



I ·take pleasure in (; nnouncing to f/I(! dairy.



•Waynesville, Ohio











'·G "J b ill , his place."


Mr', and l\fl'~. Walter ..McOlurc ' a~cl ' Mr, !lnd M1'8: J . ~, Oar,t.~vr~ht wer~ In Dayton, Friday - evcrtlng. \ The men ' I' epr('~ent c d 't he Wtt'ynesV'llle. Shrine club -at; a dmnor at t ho Waml, given by Pvte"tllte 11 9 0k~a1ter.

,- ..--:---------:..u..:~~.:.::~:::.:::.:.::=:.:.;:.=J

('1111 Ill' oblained unl)' by tced ln )! u billanc"d ration," An el1lboss!:" dip h.n HI h:'R be" n .\, il L' '"~ 1111'. C".},'e lo Slll)\' th aI he hll ' ,\ , n :ss full y eon' l'lctc d his e(I Ul's!'. ) le wil l lIn dollbtt'dly bl' /': Iud to ~" ...,'.. ;,


Mi·. and Mrs. Walter Janney Rnd 1111'. lind Mrs. Charles Pailette and g randd a ug hter, Miss De lig ht, Were S unday g uests of Mr, and MI's, WalLer Clark.



'~ nt.! th ('s ~



Mrs, 1'1, H. Williamso n 'is spe ndin g seyel'al weeks in Dayton with her g r an dso n during t he a bsence of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Coopcr, wh o arc in the South. .

French Blend, per pound , . . . . . .

b i g'~l '~' t







Prest-O-Lite Batteries



All Rubber Ca..

Columbia-Batterl.' .. ' $_1:~9S


Rubber Case.




r {nte~:::::h~tem. i

................._ ...... THE HALLOWE'EN


\VI Di\ E ~> U A \',


Preaching Mission

' O \, E~!ljER


I V."

II~:'d~·. ~~~,:~~c ,~~::,~:~" WARREN COUNIY

This Week

-- -A- nn Day . A p " ~ac hi" g missio" will lJC hC' ld rn St. Mary's cll u rch. L, cl{i nn i n ~ nex t ~r.i~~~;;~~~;;;;;;;;;;~- ,' " nuny. The day will Ul' " lJsCI'\'\'d :w'cdm'sdIlY , NovCIIll>CI' II. 811J d o" in th e Wllynes vil e 1\1. E . ,·hul'ch . The Ing Su nday. NO\'l'rnh",' 15. nc". I' pnstor wil IJre;lch Ull Il PP "" ll r iate se r'ha rl es M . Lev ·r . of Zio n church I mn n lit I U:3 0. on the 5uuj ect uf Dresden. Ohio, will be Lh ~ !lreHt'h ·r: I .. Pcac'· ... All wh o ri .. nut wn,·. hip Foll owi nl{ i ~ t he sch(' du le of ser(' b"w here a rc co rdia Il y i'lI" ited to a t vices: Wedn esda y. N(} Ye nllH' r II ten d thi" " ' I'\·icc. 7 :30 p. Ill.: Thursday. Novenlb,·r 12: Prepared T he Hanowe'e • n ca rn iva l under t he ,(,h ,> . u bj ·ct ,' f the Ep\\'orth League ' VarrcII oUlll y Pomonn grnnge 7 :30 p . III .; I' l'idny. Nove mher }:1 . a t li : 15 wi ll h e "Cnll n lg'l·." lrd by nlet in Wayn es ville . ::;lI tu rd Il Y. Octn· Reporter auspices of th e Way ne Tow nship 7: 30 n. m. ;no se r vice "n Saturuay. I-: \"e lyn (I ,, ~ l c ~ " y. The n· W 0 1'0 ·15 1,(· 1' :l l. with " I{ood at\C'ncfIl IH·C'. nil I ~~~~~iEli:.3il1 Mo th ers clu b, wns pnr ticipated in by Sun dllY. Ho ly Gmnmuninn 1'1.00 II . n ... prcH'nt I... t SuulJl,th . W e h('1w tn Ii Vt, J!'rang-t' ~ heitl}.! rt· IH·l' ~c ntt\ d . r\ fh' r By Arthur BrisblUl8 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . . . . . . . . 11 large num ber of m en .women un d Morning Pruyur a nd setlll on II :UU " !il'P m tU ' ( ' I HI II l'X t. ~auhllt h . Thl' Sa " ~ Ihe \I ~ ua l rnutilh: o f hu ~ in( '~:-; ttl .... fift h m. EV£I'ning Praye r Ill1 d st.:rmun ilL child ren . Leri by the band, the m n ~­ 7 :;] 0 p . m . IlO.l 1h St' h u cd i!-i J.! f"o\\' inJ{. \V" hope t o d,'.~ n:~ c \\'a ~ l'(lIl f ('r rl' d 0 '" a duss of • q ucraders marched a nd co u nt e r_ : (.'t' till : lI u m hp )" ill l4! Vl' :! ,)O n n n e x t ~X. E""rybody in vit"d tu nil these ' e rma rched on Mllin street bcfnrc th e S llili m th . Art er Ihe It"l"diful din,,, ',' the re COLUMBUS, OHIO - Dent O. NO MORE ODEY Wus u s ho r t ui :-'(' u ss io ll nf )..!' cnf'nll 5uh Thompson, chief 01 the fish a nd game j ud geM' >!tand. which was e rected on the Bn nk cor nor . a nd prizes were j('c ls , und u lli c,.. rs we re c ll'cll'd f ur divisions of Ohio, has bee n busy duro .\I'·.SI·S. .I ,.hn (' ull"" inJ.(R. lI arriH N O. TO A T HE ISM th !' next two Y""I'S : Mast(· ... (,;. A. Mr. and Mrs. Will Stl'oud lind s on ing th e past f ew weeks st ocking the award ed the fo llowin g; : :\f u.!-hp l' a nti Jo' ,'anl< H u I J ll\ ~ (l n \\'': 1'(; in R USS I A TH I NK IN G "'"Ibau m. O Vl' r~t! <:", Il nrry ~ I'inner; s treams of tbe state witI!' ftAh gam e. Most Fancif ul Costu me- Mrs. Stan were Dayton visiturs. Frid ny. ( )ay tun , .' l1H d;t y ~\' cll i ngI,· ct ure r. Ada Tal rn aJ l{c; sec retar y. Thill year millions. of young baSH. ca L Icy Coo k. BEAR TOOT H NECKLA CE I': bi e 1':11 is ; a"s istll nt sec rela rv. Su o fish. crappies a nd oth er fish which Most Uniqu e Cost u me -Mary Jo di Y " nahe ; ,-.h upllin . Mrs. ·A sen· thrive In Ohio waters. will be distri b- Mi ller. nth Th omas ; , t ewaru . W . ll . Null; uted fro m the various hnnAI,eri es. Littl e Bopeep- Ruth Salisbu r y. II. s iNtn ll t Ht.> wal'll. S. S. 1~ 1Ii ~ ; Indy nsThe sellJ!o n has bee n a splendid one . Little Or phan An ni e- Ma ry Lea h The P rote, tant Fopi, coplIl Church ~ i ~ t a l\ t ~ l(' \\' u rd , ~t n r y c Th 0 111 U:S ; ~ate ­ in every way an d milli ons of these F.d wa rtls. o f Bis hc> ps deftni le ly r emoves I,,·t·p c,·. ('I"" . 11 'IU ~ e; In'asu rH o M. lIIl0nu,,· young fish railled to good size at Scot. h Lad al\(I Lassie--Winifr ed bl' Y" fr o m ' th · marriag-c ceremo ny. C. i)rak,' ; F lnra . Mary Ro ss : Pomona. Mo ny ,,,,Ir";t>d ""lies hod alr eady rethe Lond on, Middle Bass a nd other Armit age a nd Do ri s Su lisuur y. .J t .~ i t· \\'''I R: C'·rc ~ . n ~ n " Rkh: musihatcheries, are being placed in t he Old Kin!!, Col Di <-k Mil le r . mll" "d it fr" ln l hu routine of daily cal c1il',·ctu r. I':s tlwr Null. streums whereve r ther e is suffici e nt Rub Rus"I;'1 VIlThis. , nn rll l11 n n S(l Tl sa t elli n g th e m that TIlt' f IJ ll" winl! (lr .. ~ rnlll cn mfllctcd life water t o a ssure th ei r growth . 1'he OJd Mother Hu bba r u- Ve lm a Arm. m a rl' i a ~f' i!'- n ot an equal partnerIhe cla y. H~udinl!. ~Iiril\nl Ell is : \'i oli" isfh ip, demand f or th eac yo ung fish fro m itage. it i ~ Il 't mu ch . "( .t". Irma Ri" h ; 01" Il ul'ls(' ck. to 'coms portsmen is g r outer this year tha n J Il (l n n e sc- D~at ri ce Robitze r . PHlli s l ; )'t 'u u in)!,. Ma ry f-;a llt' rthwu i t l': eve r be fore. -because in t he opinion Quaker- Pa ul Bla ck . Th,· (d " ido .. about wo mcn is dying SHxuph (tu C' SltiU. Ma y n a rd Rich ; read · of Mr. Thompson, the number a t fi sh. Pa ir of Twins- Char lotte Maly I r." ""o n. Hriti . h husband ,. in!! . .Juli" n ('r"hl' l': pian " M,I" . HuLh "nilut I"nol ermen is increa sing f ast er t han th e a nd Glt'n na Thomp"" n . n!! cr Ilre III1 () w~ri by 'Iaw to beat T\lmlinHolI . ' 8upply of fish. Good catches ot uoth Charli e Chap lin- Ralph Mainou • . Ihe i,' wives with a . tick "/10 th icke r The n!'xt mcclin,; will be held Ilt th a n t he th um h." The hirge and s mall mouth bnss hal(e been Wi tc h- Rita VanOflin French unwritLebanon. reported from many of the s treams J ac ki e Cooga n- Ma r jorie Edwar ds tt'n Inw gave fathe rs authority over of the State. Nothing is bie ng left Baker- Ro bert Chapman . th eir chil dr en. according to Wester· u nd one by the presen t fi sh and game ' Pocahontas-Edgar Smith. mun·k. on th,' th eor y that the "h ild division to make the Ohio streams Siml>le Simon- Geor !':e Edward • . WII9 th e pro pel'ty o f th e moth er, and the best stocked of any stat .. in t he Chinese Girl- Edn a Sh ane r. th e nl oth e r was th e property o f th o Union. Expansion of the fish hatc herHigh School Class-Junio r Cla.s. (ather. lea have been made and millions more Following th e parade the reveler s The Moo rs. acc ordin g to the sa me young fiah will be distribute d t his enjoye d old-fashioned da ncing in t.he West ermarck (see " Origin and De. year tha n ever before. Archde acon g arage. ve lop ment of Mora l Ideas" ). believed Wei ner roast. popco rn, cand y and t hat old men becnme saints and old TThe careful prepa ration made by for t un e t elling wer e attractions, a nd Saturriay Ilft eI'II (I"n . Nov(,l1lbe r 1. An unu sua l bit of propaganda is women w itches. Col. Thad R. Brown for tab Illation th e' Moth ers clu b ma r ket was well Brench of prom ise Cases prove thnt Charl es, so n o f Rolo r r t und Gruce th~ Y"LIIII{ F'r i('l"I ~ Mo\'cml' nt o f \Vay now being curried on in th e primnry o f the vote of T uesday on th e Con- patro nized. Brad dock. ",us born Pun e 1f). 186 0. n ~~\' ill ,' wi ll g ive II I r~ lit the home sc h oo l ~ unde r direction of Mis. H ~ n . old mell become f colish and old w o m stitutional amendmen ts was evide nt Altogether t he alTa ir was a Muccess and palO"ed to the Grellt At·yonr! Oc,.f IUl'ia ~:Il ", n . A prOl{ram and re, r.i etta Mc Ki nsey, p r imary s upendsor e n have to he vc ry patie nt. with announcement of the prompt t o· th e Mothe rs club r ealizing approxi- to ber 2U , 1 ~ J25, ngl·d 65 y(·aJ":o~ , 4 fr eshm ' nl ~ wi ll add in tercRt to nn It is ca lled t he " Safety First Mov ic" tals announced. Speeding up of the mately $80. In New York " or roup at f oolish _ _ __ months and 14 dllYs. uft ' rn oo n of soci ul e nj o!>' m ~ n t. and will be on t he pr ogrnm at each r eturns has been adva nced co nside rApr il 8. 1896. he \\' II S unit"d in mill' We hope ~' jJ U will com e nnd Ict us prima r y sc hool ro om du ri ng the next yo un g men seek t o cha rter a corpoa61y during the past three years and ratio n to enco urag,· atheism. ano "ocriage to Miss Ella !\Iurray. O ne so n. Le ll yo u nlJO ut th e I! irl in T en n<!ssee two wee ks. appointment of election ofllcers who E rn es t. is t he f r uit t, f this uni on. an d lo who m we a r c se ndinJ.( th e bcst of Co lored cr llyon pictu res illustrating Rtroy the power of churc h an d cler give t his end of the work importance is left to sup!lorl anti "om f .. rt his a ll J!iftR- an edu cutio n. You a r e vari o u ~ t )'pes of d angers whic h gy," haa been one of the aims of Colonel Quite a progro ,l1 . but tHO j udge invi ted . . JiGI!• .t hrenten school chil dren . es pec ia ll y mother . T hree ~ i s ll' r~ hu ve prl'c(ul. Abijah, youngest child of Henry ed hi m to their ~tl>rnlll ho me. Wife Brown. Of course, it will be several _ __ __ 0 ' t ra ffi c dan gers. have bee n d raw n by wouldn' t let it go hruugh . days bef ore the olflelal r e turns are and E li zabeth Collie r, was born Ron ond one brother 1\1'0 lert to mou r n In Russ ia, on ~ h e otlw r hand , a t he PUfl il R nnd joined together li ke a all in, but . the totals are vi rtually April 12, 1893 , in Waynesville, Ohio. his loss. mo\"ie film. T hese pi ctu res nr c de legatio n of ort no::lox pri ests and Illiown today, and incidentally the an d passed out of t h is life on Friday. 1II0unted on r ollers and are ro lled bishops begged thp ' I{o vern me ~ t " f or result of the vote on the Constiuional October 23, 1925. at t he age of 92 Be still, sad heart. c ca>C th:.- !"l'p inin!,: t hroul{ h a min iature stage. As eac h on equal c ivil statU" wi th citizens of Behi nd t he clou,h, is Ihl' s u n .I ill , hin _ years, 6 months nnd 11 days. ameDdmenta waa not surprising fo r new picture is shown. one of t he pu- tiie Soviet state ." ing; H e had one siBter, Susan. who be· those who ban followed the trend of S\l n d,,~' c ·ening. Novemh"r 8. the pi lM expluin!' whut it is und ca utions. T he pri ests aRke., Ih(' riA'ht to pu b. public opiDion during the past s um· came the wife of Hen ry Nor to n. AI. Th y fate iR th" {',,",m on fn ,. o f 1111. Y. F . M . wil meet with (,;t he1 Men- the ch ildre n to beware of takinl{ such Iis h r elig ious litera l. ,. " nd have for 80 five brother s and two half-broth· Into eac h life ~o lll " m ill ; IllU >! r" lI. mer and fall, . denhall. at the F riends hom e. between chances.- Ash tab ul u Star -Beacon. thei r child re n (pri(' • . , f the Gceek Som e days mu st h~ drl l'k a nll d,·eary . el'1l. J ohn and Ben Missild in e. t.he hou"" ro f 7 :00 to 9 :30 p .nl. T he church marry) th" . a ll1 <. d U C ~ ti O·l C a r d of Tha n k . While temporary r elief from t he Abi jah lost his fat her September dcvoti on" 1 leader f or th e e"e ning will as is g iven to th e ,·hilol r,," of r ~ab ­ We wish to than k (l ur n, i J.( h bo r~ crowded condition of the penit en- 8. 183 4, when he was only IL little b" Charl e, r "Xeul ;lesso n lend er , Ray /lnts. The Russ ian v:u\'crnmc;;t sllH tiary will be afforded by utilizing the over one year of nge. When he was an d fri c'HIR fur th{'ir rna " ,' r ; " i s ' '' ~_ mon d BnHlrinc k. T opiC. "Group AcNO. new industria l building as a dorml- fiv e years old he was take n into the lion. of kindncl<R : ,,1M' thl: lI ndcrtuk t ion of t he Mee ing. This is t he tory, It. Is only ii question of ,time , f amily of Burwell Goode, a we ll- ers for th e ir ki ·,,1 a nd prom } t mun sem i-ann ual elcction nf offio ers. so Russian women ulso ~ how intelli· ;II I'S. Elln Bra ,i dn ck. Th e r egula r month ly meeting of g ence ano;! a very short time, when ei'he r klIown ma n living on the r oad frum n ero we hor e nil n!cmL ers will ue present. fi g hting an uttenrpt t o reduce E rn est .Brndd od :. the Mot hers clu b will he held on more room must be provided or coun Waynesville t o Harveysb urg. While t he marriage /lge Cor gir ls below si x. T hursday aft ernoon. November 6. at tie. will be compelled to hold th eir in this place he atwnd ed a country dec laring that a girl at sixt een the /]",dc building. Miss Ne llie teen, pmoners and await their turn lIt be· school, situated som e.v here beyond is "only a hob y." She is ml'"a tIran WattJ!. Horn e Demonstrnlion a ge nt, bll received. Ohio il pro bably no the farm of Charles Ha r tsock . But t hat. bu t it is fo olish to let h er mar· will ad dress the meeti ng. worse than in years gone by, but the the site o f this li ttle 81'hool house-has ry yo unger t han sixtee n. The right =-=--===--= Note the chan ge o f dnte fro m FripORulation iI rapidly Increasing and long since disappeared. Although law wou ld b.. no marriage un da r ___0- - - day to T hu rsd"y. At t he home o f lh ~ hr i.l" in Wau wiCh this condition It is but natural opportun ity f or edu cation was very tw('nty. R"trU lar cr 'n mll nicat ion f ' "f flV kegan , IIi .. Frid o)'. Oct n ! r :Il. :' I Iiss th" t.he priaon population Mould be limited in that ellrl y day, Mr. Collie r T he mol her g ives to the' child R: mUIl d Dl"adu'Jl'k: ; :lrr<: ll Co . n c~ ' Ie T .-Ige 1\ Ui3 "'. & . \ . 1\1.. Virgi n ia Bul kley a nd Mr. R. Elliott increased accordingly . . The _ special became a very in te lligent a nd we llhr til h. str ength, pl us mornl char ac· NO'·llIal. ,. . r T n. ' day c'·" lI in J.(. Novem lJer 10. At Wr ight were qu i" Ll y married. legislative inveatigation commission informed man by rend ing and asso cite l' . " nd rtlany other gooo qualit ies. Carl Crui:, I"/'pn Co. No rnltll. this meethg t here wi lt b electi !. '1 nf Mrs. Wright is a very charming haa recommended that no furthe r atio n. HIl kept well a cquainted with She should wa it u nt il stren,th and .H owar1 Cook U' .Iam ' lege" nffi ee rs u HI oa),, ' ·t of dues. \Ve young woman . . lJloney be spent on the penitentiary all t he vital questions of the da y, and health are full y u('ve loped. Mi ~~ Kn th r yn Clark attended the w nnt ever: 11e."". .. o f 'he lodge t o Mr. Wl'igh t is th e you nger 'on of RI~ ~1nl O n l. : I nd. . Ibrelt, bu* ratller at the LondO(! pris- was eve r capable of fo rmin g wise conA ma n contributes to the child Sig ma Knppa J homus ~~ I ~on -Il.t) n.. . c me " ut t o l hlR fI1(>e lin t,!. luncl1l'0n li t t he Grey Dr. and Mrs. A. T. Wrigh t. of thi " on 1ilrln. But little money Is avail- clusions. He kept abreast of th e ' . 11I Io",,;onUyno. OhIO. G . .J. WATERHOUSE. W. 1\1. Manor . Dayton . Sat urclay. and saw character and in te lli};ence, If he has Harold place. nnd has nlwnYs uee n very pop. able for the purpOIie and of course times and lived in t he present ra ther II n y. He sho uld wmt u n til both arc Olu Uart.l.uck - Wu,·~en Co . Normal F . B. ' HENDERSON See·y. the Mia mi-Den n ison gil III e. the bulldinl program 18 being d e· than in t he past up t o th e cl08e of ular in his home town. H e is It grad_ fully deve loped, say until thirty Irma Shutts·-Wll mml"t ,)] . c() llege. ' la),ed. When politics Is eliminated his unus ually long lif e. - He was In ua te o f Wllyn esvilie H·il{h ~ c h {Jo l. .u mong t he poour .ort-_-_=--=-======~================== fifty- as P lato sugges ted_mODl: DOrhthy Ryc - Warren l\,. N,. rmn!. from the pris6n problem then Ohio every way a sell·m a de ma n. e ducat- George Sc hoo l. Po .. :,n(1 Univl'r5ily of Ed na Mullin-- Wnrr e ll Co. Normlll. will be able to eanl' f or 11.8 criminals cd, by passing evenbr and exper ience. MichiA'a n. For ,e\"el'nl month, he' hilS the rea ll y in(ellige n t. J ohn Kersey- W ilmingto n culle!; l" and not a bit Booner. For years On January 19, 1859, he was h up- been in t he pmpl,,)' of till' Cyclone Kathryn Turncr-T~ach c l' Ilt Way' " Governor Ponalley haa attempted to pily married t o Judith A. Ri ch, a nd Fence compn n y, n l \ V n ukt'g'lI l1. At I';yzies . in France, hIlS be III T.he young enupl,· a rri "ed in Way- ne,ville . aecure a brick plant In which hun- the young couple set un housekeepfoun al . nrude of teeth fro m the cave Kath lee n 1 '(e nd er son-Wllrl'cn Co. dreda of men could be profitably em- ing in March of the same year on t he nesville Sunday tu s pt'n" a wl'ok vi s il- Normal. bea r . a necklace 26, 000 yeara old, plo)'ed, but each time the legilllature exact spot wher e he has dwelt for ing t hei r purent s ""d olhe r I't·lntiv es Pns~ io n for a dornme nt i. aI Itrong Kunn eth St J ohn·-Wa r ren Co. Nor as It ever was. Twenty-five thou. has blocked the attempt, and M"'1s over 66 years. their uni on four in this vicini ty . und will th" n leuve Mildred HoleDayton. but natural that Ohio 18 confronted aons were born. he eldest, Fra nk, f or Kansas City. Mo.. whl' r e Mr. sand yeurs ago cave wo men pulle" E va 1\'l cMill cn- Wa rr e n Co. No rwith a serioul altuatlon in caring for . died in early chil hood ; J oseph Wil- Wr ight is to be I"cuted us rcprcscntu- ma l. tee th from a dead benr to hanr l ome been my s tre tch of yenrs. Dea r Miami Gnzette-The spirit Ita ~ri.onen , liam, CharieR an d Ernest gr ew to ma n t ive of the Cy . ·Ione Fe ncl' compnny. moves mc to write to te ll you how That ull t hat li fe has brought to m e thing shi ny ar oun d the ir necks. Now Th Ima ,ruhnm--At home. Ohloan'8 paid a total of $241,636,· h90d and marr ied. Mr. Collier a lso pea rl diver s go "all nuked to the bunits bitterness o f tears. F'runccs Watk ins ulllplometel" mu ch I have c nj oyed the ' r esu11)e of '619.10 In taxes lut year. This Bum had five g rand children and two gtcut. Rich compensutions have been min e g.rl' shnrks" to bring up more expenSchoo l. Duyt on. s ive nec klac es: does not include taxes paid on the giandchildren , all living. for a li t.h nt I have doneMurl'uy Il opk in.s - Miami-Jacobs th e old gl'llduates. It has brought form of apeclal aS8Caamenbr, wrich ~'Sinc e the death of his devoted wif e An ,estirnu blc lady. jUMt dead ill buck t o lilY r emem brance m any w hom I' ve kn own t he bcn uty ' of the stll rs. Bu ~ ilt c Sfi C4l ll(,,.,,, . New '\: f) r k s tate. leaves a collection ' were $224,83'1,969.01. and Indirect Mf. Collier's home has been kept com t he splend or of the sun . Ed ith ~ I e l\ ibhnn--T"nl'h,; r '.It Lytlu I had fO l'l{otten and mu re vivid ly to taxes paid into the lltate treasury to· fomble arid pleasant by Charles a nd The Jun ior Order i""u ," n cord ial Lob Dukin - Is now Mrs. 'Mulfu rd. my mi nd th ose whom I ha ve born e lov And I sho lJld murmur at the und ue- of jewelry worth liternlly million. a t i:lollars . It could n't mllke her 1001.; tallng $2,02'1,084.38_ Of th e almost hia wite, Florence. All that was pas· invitn t ioll to th ge neral publi c, and fore my soul wit hdr ew l'I'ial·!!'Ilr ·t Mll rlutl - " ' llrl'en Co. ingly in my heart n il these interven· quarter of a billion paid in dlrett tax· silile was done to' cheer his d, clini ng especia llY to cx-!-te rvicc lllC tI , Its something to Irn vu li ved li nd a dllY you nger ur any more beautiful. join illl!' y ea r~. ell. 8choola took $110,388,247.94.This y~ars and in the short len g th of his them . in th eir memorial "H\'ic,' Ilt NOl'ma!. k nown os fine n f r iend ItS you. " But. 118 with t he ludy that ow ned .n e I reme mbe l' my O Wl! clnss. of co urse , Will iam Th omas- Farmill!!. I past ed them in lilY A n'tho logy cav(' bear te eth ncck lace. th o "urge" represented almoat twice as much la)t Illness he was most tenderly car · their ha ll Sunday nft e nl oo n. Nove m· h~ s t. · That little hu nch of children Itnd a m a bettc r womllll for them be- wus th ere. U Wall collected for ronlng city ILnd cd for. ber 8. ot 2 o·clock. The buy" " f W. 11. .' . h:ll'(' sta rted tlll'IlWI! tog..til l' r I,y l'iWIICC so cl ose- in g ~en t. vlllqe 1I'0vem~nbr. !the total for He was a Civil War veteran, h avT hi ~ Re rv ic0 is an an nunl aff :.tir ly. f",· a fC'w YCfl l'~ . "ut o f a ll e terSci enti sts in v"s ti"ating t he allelred theae purposes being $06.431,'194.60. ing enlist ed In the 36th Regiment, held on th e SU llday n caT('~ t 10 Arm · has kct ha ll (l,·,, <.Iit't· ",,01 ,·1' Cliach II nr- n ity uf lillll '. Mam ie Cha nuler. w ith her high transmutati on of mercury into g old Of the taxea paid through the county Co. D., of the Ohio Volunteers and Day. in hlln nr (If th l' 11m" !' bf1Y~ Illn . AIl.ho ul!h ~ l" '(' l'a l familia l' fa eII n ""tTl I Mi.,,,ild illc wus t he ~p iri t of itl enls flnu Rtca d y pu r posef ul wa ys, treasuren only $3,118,086.60 went been honorably dil charged. • wh o nlUd .. th .. ~up " '; m p SHCI"ificc dur- ~s wi ll he mi """ d I lis yen 1'. Llll'r" nr c y,,"th golly. 1)(.nn ), r loved him like Rhould hllve hee n n lesso n to me . God by a German che mist say the ' thing . to the State, This represented the He was a pains taking and prosper · ing th e Inte Worl d WUI' . fi h, ul,1 we Ill Hny pr ll mi~ill~ plnyt·" :; wh o wi tl ~ lc Jl >l brotl1(> 1' ... nd wl", n years late r I r ead kn ows no one ndll1 ires such quali ties hilS not bee n done. T h e NIH' nulI LCUln Gold busis of cu r re ncy will not b. .26 mill levy for paying the Interest oUS farm er.. He enjoyed ke eping not n il devote a t lea, t nnp hnlll' each into t hc- nUllt R.. the.e lin,>s by p lJ " ~ I,, s Mo lloc k, "1'0 in others, or is q ui cker to acknowlwilil1l P"[ W. It. S. in II pl':lcLic(' g'llme QU and retiring maturing soldiera' everything in order and good repair yell r t o this wo rthy purpose' edge th em than I, a nd 1 wonder if th ~ellte n ed until some geniul finds a Il Comrade." I th""g-ht of Howard. Thur~ dllY n i~ h L. bonu. bond.. Counties received t.he ~nd In the planting and culture of there ar e not men and women of to· way to extract gold f rom the watera • third larrest amounta. $4'1'1,488,641.- fr·uit. He wa. a man well known "T ime brinA's Il t dcath. it br ings but day bett er f a,. h uv ing snt und er her of t he oceun as they r oll through the c h n l1 l! t.· ~ . Eng lish channe l. or out of the Bay 58, while townlhlps came In for and r espected. A brave old figure Lus t Fri.iI. y aft.~rnoon t he Soplrobenign t eachings be f ore she fare d of Fu ndy. mol'" j.i irls e nLcrtuined th e Hig h I k" o", hl' r i d ~" . hu t "itl~s afllr. ,14,109.899,38, alert and cheery. A paasing pioneer Toda y _ 0 III l' " I her plan et .. all~es , for th . ~t: h" ,, 1 and Faculty wilh n roll ick in)); . with almost a ' oentury behind him, E lizll Monf or t wns a s quicl< a nd lII r . nno M I'~. Ch,r""et> R)'e. 1\1 .. ,. lI all,.\\,e'e l1 1"·Ogl'lllll. wh ic h ton,iMtcri A nd C,,,"p~ t"ni!,:ht upon n sta r. . Every to n of sea water contain. The health conteabr to be con. who wlll ·be missed from tho old faWh er e a ll his (,lI",r c nmnld c~ nre .. " shy as a squ irre, a nd a5 e lu - fi fty milligrams of gold. Nbt much Chll rl es Ryc. M,·s.· Vi nlll CUrt·y. u n" "I' the fo ll ow inp- : ducted next year by the State miliar ways and be mourned by his s ive. I believe I' m c loser no\. to th e Messrs. Frank and .It·g"C Thomas Ent l' r lnin me"t Adn lllK Sw ind ler Famf rom u ton, bu t a goo d deal if :vo~ To ull "1'!I'nit y h~ binds us. E li za than I was t hen ; and t he re health department, and come to a cU. family and many friends. He link< the pl"'ll't allli t ill' st.ur co uld get it 1111. The re a r e on earth ily. DIU dDring the State fair ot 1926, A long chapter is closed, the earth· left. TU esrt llY. f or th e ~outh. Th l'Y spend ~omc t im!' with MI'. a nel Sc ri ptu 1'0 .. Gl'llCl' lI ockett 1-1 •• rideR nh"ad. thl' tru il h e find s us ~ is myself, " wh en yo ung " .a li ttle ca· auou t on e q ui nt illion t hreo hundred . wlll be genuine conteata and will be life is ended. "Then shall the duet reo will And Whl'r(' h" i. a nd where we are. ger, unta med. und isc iplined SH UI. How I;'nd e igh t y 'l u!ldrillion tons o·f sea participated in by hundreds of Ohio turn to the earth, and the spirit shall Mrs. B. S. Howel Ilt lIul'l'ican!'. A In., SOil!! uy T.' i,,":- Glatlys BUI'!!dllll . Pa ul Will ","'er ~" ... m al{ain us f ll r. funny I must have hee n. cs{'ecinll y wa te r, co nta tnlTlg a bou t s ixty--nin e be fnre going on to F lnriJa. in e l;re"n, Edi th Cl'II rn . )'1Iutha. The boys' and girls' farm ret.urn unto God who gave it." up on the occasion of d cliverlng my Reauin!! ." Ruth Cook Thnt qu i(!t !,:irl. Ka t ie Le wis. comes g ra duali on essay. E lla Wh eeler Wil_ t rillion tons of go ld. Or one hun. " '. clubs of the state have taken up the l' illli ll Du,·tEvt>! yn Ung l c ~ by und li> me ' H,W . !';u ch II good fri end und cox was t he f as hi on th en. and I qu o_ d'red Iln d o ne thousand tw o hundr"d •• ·aonteat in eamest and the first act of 11 sort. of mo ther t o eve r yone of us, po und s of solid gold (o r each of t i,o J ell n Hockett. ellmlnatlonl win be conducted IIhortly J. thl' lovcr o r poetr y, when I ted her copious ly Il nd gave ou t wis· nnd VO"I1I '010 Geneva Ault d om nn d adv ice genero usly. I'm not one billion five hu ndred million m ~ ~ -,ter tI;Ie tlrat of the new year. . V" "111 Due t--Carulyn Swurtze l and r(,lId t his linl· . tray poe m, th ough of M su re of myse lf now, a s a criteri on, wo men and child ren on earth. / WJ!en thel, eet through with the eon· G" ncvu i\ ult. he r . "She is the can ny one wh o r ing~ bu t on e quotntion I used u po n t hat • tat IOhle ';ounc chap, or pretty miM, Hallowe' en P llly- "l'hc Ghost of Of little thing •• of little t h ings. occasill n was propheti c. I uncon - . If eoch of us own ed nothing 1 . '.'. ' ~l haye bro«dcaat the reputation of Croo ked La ne." T he s ti tch in tim e on n t orn glove. sciously hit th e truth wh en ' I said: hIS share of g old tha t is In the oce .. .. ' . . " 'Nilq \h~ molt he~ltJly and periectly he would be worth $48 ,000 .900. How. T his wus a c.l eve r play sui ti ng the W ood piled u po n u t end e d st ove , . fonned 'lDdividull 1ft ~I Ohio. ' and seas on_ The parts were we ll taken Books reud wi th eyes that do 110t rove " May I be one who li ves t o say. their eve r . if a ny lIl an asks yo u to Inv('s t in with Iilcb an honor' tll'erey wfll. be milSo may Rhe rellch t he end o f d~ y, • li fe hilS held m ore go ld than g r ey, a plan ~ o get go ld f rom the oceun, cd a large vQ te. a8 did Lee Henderson by t he So phomore g irls, bu t we t h ink .Wi th no mo re baggnge . let us SdY, ny c1fta worth ke.pbl... The conte,t ELECTION that t he pleasure of the r eal is a rrest hlm. . . that Thelma Sattedhwa ite as t he era· Than be rri es " nthercd by the WilY." uno this year was participated In by only grellter than my youth 's idea!." There was quite a bit of enthusi. for Townshi p Cler k. zy rn nn with a severe toothache, and " Well, wh en loo king back I have • dO&cD couutlei, but to each of the asm IIhown in the election here, yesElizlI bct h Bntn stf'ator j as the unI r e me mb er Hora<lC Jacobs and ma ny r eg rets f or th e past, not that I CORPORATION TICKET wlnnera Governor Vic Donahey haa terday. . .. fr·uid ( ?) ma id. portrayed t heir parts th oug h t he li ttl e unsophistica t ed g irl didn't then as n ow love my home, my written a letter of eonl'fatulation, The main Issues of the election was . Marthal exccptionnll y \~e ll. ' th at I was, knew he had a mind like fri ends, my town , but som e reg rets . and later' on they -will get a free trip for trustee, constable and marahal. SC NC a fl a me, a nd mig ht become anythin g haunt me. to Chicago to attend tbe National On W ednesday eve nine, NovemThe names 01 Bevera women, were Joy .... ... ...... :............... ... " .42 &6 I wish I ha d he lped so me people Th roughout tho hig h schoo ls o f he wan ted to be if he tried. He used Stock show. , writwn on the tiQkets. Haines .. .. .......... .. 74 61 ()hio chill'ch services :iltend ecl by the to "speak pieces" th at his intellig ent more who stand out co nspicu ously in ber Un t he I .0 . O. F . a nORebek. hs o f W aynesville', will hold tbeir ann u.F or council th'l'e were no names Elmer Rogers will succeed himself pupil s bll' e been r ecord (,· . T his has '\lint selec led {or h im. I wond er if my memory. Mr~ Drew Sweet in a l Home.CominJr and F a ther and Son printed .on the ballot. and every voter of you, boside myse lf. r omem· h ill colossal task of building a church, banquet, at th Clr ha ll on Nonh st reet cou4 write .the names of his choice. In as mayor by a hundsome ma j ority.. r<,s ult ed in quite a r ivalry between any St. Mary's, and Mr. Cadwa llad er in li nd it hall heen il1 tel'cstlng t o ber how well he.. did it. Bro. Palmer, of Dayton. will be both village preclncta there was name Mrs Kate Coleman recei ved alm ost clnsou". Ver na CaSKey was one o.f us, a nd I his equa lly bruve task of carrying on t he speaker of t he eveninlf, Music Il ute thu t tho lIl\l1l1ber vi services at· the entire corporati on vote for treU1'l' Hn. 1.0 AI .Zimmerman entertained ajter name written for council, which urer . The old co un Q il~e n will t ake t ended has illc rellsed [Tom week t o saw her years afterward in Spring l\dd and keepin g it alive. r Bu t I w as f u rtj ished by the orchestra of Gem "-~leUan~' ou' Mond~, hono ... made the counting very t~ their seats aga!n as f ol\Qws : Con. week. l"o ll o,ving is tIre atten danc'e Ohio. . ,'ha was 'a wite and mother aiJ1y and frivolou s and didn't see. .. CitY' lodge. OJ • ' [1. n" • dloua. . ' of baUot!! ~. the n. but only saw her as ' the ·Ut· Dr," Sherwood has counted t he in W. Fl . . uuring October : Senior, 'IUlr. Squires, H\lrlao /lk, Col ~ Wh ita~!!er;, o'l\ef, ra" Saral! mm~rman. The ·anofftclal V'ote 4toi1ow-: Every member is rl'Q illS e d ... pe t tie gir l playma te ,of long ago_ :A. deaths -ah, 110 manyin t he short . 1. : JlJnior~, 116; Sophomor r ., 116 ; lfMIII! ~ amltve~ was on that ~ \ ke r and Sher wood. present, a nd urged to brln~ lome slim, mod r st mist, with a wjs dom time he hili! been away. Dear me, one alon g ail t!leir gu est. p~, ~ \teU01ouI ~Ul?! dinTOWN'ttir 'f,ICKET For Wayne 'J'bwnshlp schr>ol bOIll"l re hlllen. 102. beyond her yeat:~. there wont eb' an old fri end left to Wlli on I1ldwl\rds, Lyman JJay and "ell"" ~~le.t "" t1Ie folrowtng Tn..... I All sojourning memb~ of the or. E lta Emley was · a little Jane Eyre shed a tear ove r me when I come der livillg i~ t his juriadietlon, are .reHockett were elected. t' t · .l f!eN Soh" .l, ~J:8I'. of SO NO f?YI NW EW Earl On the Public Boar d of Affa ln, W. of a girl. And Wlnniet Shields. of -'queating t o find a place for my 1_ idncm",~ ~~w la er, MtI- Graham ............ 91 109 !l '715 qu_ d- to be present. All 'wldowi' coune, was my ~riend trom her first resting." , Madden, E .~& Sherwood and B . M. . - - --~.ceU41d me mllen are requ8llted w 'E~ ~~ 1br.~\oe)Ie~. Jlrt Cornell ..... ,: .. ...88 84 87 7'1 , 118 H. bre at h, ond 'such a ..ood orle ! . After The )'OUIlf: people will just. tbiBk 'of She~ood were 'eleated. ' Mr . and Mrs," Gc !rnld KelleY) of the be present. . . COMMITTU , ~.:=' ti'#!~ Tholnal ' .. , .... ..... 78 '-'Ie.. 88 108 68 lorty years of the acid t est of tir.le. another old Jady haa be..!!n sent hODll The flrat two amendm ent carred, Wnbur Wris:ht 6cld. ~~;.; lin. Am.1ta WUlIanI. lila ." ta"le ·on n • or my blrthdaya. abe sent. me for good. An old lady, Dear Miami but the third olle W B!l lost in the town ' Cal 'il' ,T on.{'" "reo c:IaI7ftIe JleKtDMJ. lin. H, Eo 'Bitbi .lor .......... ......... , 88 • 111 11 Iblp, Tb, radio lailt night eald all udal., .md son • ._ ,'u."u, th is I,ttle >lOC 1 quote the b at Gazette rm n o~ al tht I know 1&. W. P. BV and =.::..:~. of hoDor. ~ GOrdon ...... ,. : ... 88 19 ~ 10 ., the ameudmeilte 1011\ tlu o hout the dar di - er ~ r SUDda ~eata ~~n.:,=w" uot ..y that taWe bere by !low to be an old 1ad¥ I aDd . • of JIr. StephllD Burnet L. W. B. . ' . ut.r~ t.~--.ncm. State. .



State • Capital


. Columbus




Scholarship Tea




Abijah Collier

- --

Young Friends

--------Mothers' Club

W right--Bulkley

--=== --


Attended Luncheon-

A 1 Tz·bute · to rlassmates--

Memories of a Graduate



Memorial Service '



• Spend Winter in South

= === ======== ==;'::::;= ======0-- =====-

Result 01 the Village and the Township Election, 1uesday

Annual Home-Coming


. -.







En er a:lne1'-' Company

.-........ .


-- ----


·tl.r ;110111('. nclmilli trnl,U'K of (h, cs· tntl.' of NinlTlld \,: Dawson, dec ell~erl, tiled th ir ill'·,·u "y noel npprnisc· nHlnt. The r"CP OI't of J. -L Shupert, nd· Olll1i stmtor Ill' th o ('stilt" of Jmne's W. Moor e, d' ' \'ll ('(I . wos Ilpproved, lIn d l! nlil' l1I cd. . , F. 1. Bi ' phnm . nr!milli, t rnto\, of O'MMON PL EAS PROCEED INGS the .. state 'Jf ~llIry F. . Ilhlphnm , d o· 'I'hl' ca. e "f Lnraine M. F nl!'y vs. c('nsed, fil .t hi:; nffichl\'it in licu of U(,t·.'IlIit. enr! 1-'(.11'\' W ;l .... db1l1i 8~ t' d . !.icln I' \\'(\011' . ,'xcclItrix lOf th '1'1" , n,,;lll'" ,, [ Eli z d,,,t h MiliC I' "5. ~i '" at. Ed"l' rt \\ ~ I:oI " l\ IJ1 J, r,lmi':- d ulld estatl' uf :\ ' 1\ D. \V ol'lf , lh'c~n~cd, til,·1! h"I' inl'l·nt,,,·y IIlId IIil lll·ui "rment. 1)1'.,11 1\,. ... (1\1. I',",·", \\ ,.,,. li x"d "ll h" nd R 11<'1"nl-\'. ti l t ill' fI': ltt"r ,,[ lIa1'r1 l'tl E llt' n ill ~ LC, lhl' ,·,tll t.' "f Ii c rll " lII II<'nd ric k ' \ Hll d \ '. , I" "'~ I ' H. I{ lJ l!'tlt ' r. It':I\l' \\01:0-




ha l dl.

l"! , lilo-d hi, in,·,' nltll·Y IIlId Ill'l'rllise-

1\;'11 1'\

I!ut :q q, \\a ~

1I1U tll' party d,'of :\lit:hl1t'} Jk n .

f t ' lI d! IIl{'!!1 t1\4' IlIl1th 'I"

nul l , ..... \ 1111.1 H\ld~( ' nhHJ.! t 'n. "t al. I' ..,t;lt l ' ill [lu i 11IHtt.l' r wa ~ u nlL'Tl,d h dd ' Il !'uhli l'

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·, IIlI.on\, a ... pra~' t'd

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Ill.tnl l lJliPlI lif p !' nl t, t: d ~ fl"lI m s~l1f' !r h ' II l. tltl ' r of Hu..;a ,Jll r d HII \ ' S. Hal'

ry ~ L I la\\I ,·y ,


al ..


111\"1"1'" " as gnll1ll' t.I I t' ,. I' !" ~; I ddiall l\ A p p le

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in thl' mn t· \'~.


\ 1'101 ,., Ill\' ! '!'l'(' w sa g-ranlctl i n 'I ' J' 111' :a l an' J. l' t\ule V~.



J l · lTl' r~ lIn

1' .... 1,·. . Ili\ o n'" \\ H ~ g'ra nlcd in UH.~ n wl l, ·1' "f ~1I"'11,· Clark \.<. lI "rr\, Cla rk . I'h~ m'' 'lll·r o f the Peopl l"~ Bll ildIn g' LO ll u Hnd SCk\' inJ.,t's Co" VS. H U Il -

II. Harnha rt



a I., was uismiss-


111 th e mlllt ~ r of Samu el Fce rcr v_. :0<. A .1I0miltulI, de f e lld unt , is


}.!THlI l4...·r!

Ic nvL' to fill' nm; Wl' r o r u lh ·

" " ':1111111{ un (l r be fore Dccl' mbcr I ;'th. P h'o rce \\'as grnnted in the mat· Il'l' fi r Mne Hartsock VB. Edwaru G. lI artRock.


NEW SUITS Mi ller has entere d suit for pal'l it ion uf r ea l estate ag-a in. t A nlla ~ Iill e r ct II I. Cnlha rin e Cram e r h,," en tered . uit f,"' di vu rc e "Kn ins t William p . Cra· 1I1!'r. She cha rg es gross n('glecl and cxtreme cruelly. .Iohn '1', Harhine .11' .• has e nt .. ret! " ,i t aKuill sl Frank M. un d Gmt l' F. Fox for foreclosure of mortguKo.! alld e qu it n hl e r eli cf. Will iam C. Osborn V B. Wlliter Black for cognovit. Geo rge Lowman \." . Ethe l Lo wm a n. Di vor, c. (,;xt re me cruel ty. Cha rle. Schlechty vs. Board of Ed. ucation of lIiUs dal e Oist . f or mOlll'V nn Iy. An,ount c'la ime.! $228 .00 IIn;1 illterest. J ohn T . Harbin£' ,J r .. \'8. Menn cle r H . and Me lvina Oren fnr f oreclosu re li nd equiatb le reli.e f. .J o ~eph






W •• filii In ,," ulyze t h" r"lI!! hly n u l' j u dJ,rIHl' l1 t l !-l ou t nf l ilH '


It bh uuJd lll' our c.dl .·r altt all1\ III 1-111 1" a ~ l ' l j~ l' hf J ~ ", , :, ll:-i l , ~It~ \0 dlJ th\1 lll1n~s \\ \. h not'\' \', - !tPlll d d, , t i l d n t h"' 1l1 tit lll' 1 11 1 ~ Ill,·, I ' hI i, I 1,\ oIl HI \'"'ith nil l os:;:: fi r tl i ll \\\. nIl kU\I\. ,'1). \ II a r l ' i ll 'I ' il'I':l ll'" d :lt ill l1 4 of h· .", . d 1" , }II'l \ th '; 11I1l1 t h, di'jl l,ttduIJlt'. \ \I " 111.""-1,, a Iii I, 111\ it ::tnll'ult' ll . w·· .1"1" l d, pr u m ~~ e t () d ., II. I f) (,p"ndah il :\, '" :, II',oIh" !!ro \\ th .. I. . t' ;~' .,



Thl' nnd in

A man is of conscqU lJ IH'C' ,n th l' world when it is knuwn t hut IH' ca" be implicitly r elied IIpon . '0 "tlwr factor so cenu inl." contrib"tl" lo nllr succeS8 as depl'ndubility lind ; ('t w,' frequentl y overlook it.. imlJI1.-tanrc. We make promises and brenk them. We assum e obliglltions IInli trent them lightly. We make appoin tments u1Id forgel them. . MA YBE HE'S MOVED We are prone to min imi ze the smaller but frequently imp"rtallt trungs. . BII;"ol't-" 1 wu ndc.' ), \\ h\ ' !'l I " t\\It~i L!t ' t Il'" W,e fOllj'et when our IIIIY 's wurk Liu cCl 11'~ G( ·t ly ~bu l' f:' 1\1 dlt ' :-'~ lu rn ' lil t (, 1 thi s l.; .. t,k , ' shOUld begm. We procrastinatc--pu t uff until lotu r, d SI" Ill' -- ·WIt . ""II t ;(0" ·,,11 'i nf\lrmuli ul\ ' " morrow what we s bould do lod"y.

he re

t ',qIl JIli.";Kitl lll'r S

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11,l al (' Plll lnu n iticl'; IU1\' ( J'('t., 1".1 ' til t ntt ' fl':O: l. the dec i· ::-. illu h UJI!!vd II ,'~ I hI, the S uprl.:! 11I c • 41url \\ lWIl It \'\ln~-I ru(.,d tho Cre c l} Ln w p n~"1 d 11\ ! IH..' lu ~ l \l'g is luturc, I

Th i::; law \\d ' In l· I,.d,lc Ull' ~lat4.~ t.o H:-.:; i:;l I,l \\'l :--1\ 11 '- III build ing seco ndnry rund :. P ( ' t d nf' (' t with int~r-cou n ty hi ,: hw :\)' ~. Ti ll' hl"t ]!'g' is lature .,\It ,a . . id,' .~;15 U. (llq I ll )' lhi:; wo rk. t 'ml 'r a I'uh .: loy All,,,·ney-Gen· l.' rnl Cl'ahlw, ;--:' Ill' TrN l f u l'p r Tracy \" as IHh ' I ~ ('d Ih·.1 til,· tnllnl'Y h ~, d t t lot: C'q u"lIy .ti.· ,d, 01 h!·t w ~,· n the 1·11 2 I tlwH<.(h i p~ IU t hi' t n t. , Th f' ('tHlllt\' {· t ,! "tt1i .. :--i l d ) CI'~ o f M uskl ll ).:U 1tl (.' IiUlll \. \\ , '), ,' lI (. t \\'ilJi t1~ t o arri.' pt t 1 i s int f'I'IIII.H lull ;1I1 d th l'lj ug- h



" !II; ~ 'nl

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", 1 I\1'in'.

1\' 'what it ~: " d "hl' n i ~ I""'ifl cl lllllt 11 11 Ie " thfl " .~ 10(11 1 ~ h ., u l d I, .. :I"",,·.lc·d ,.11 ' h t "" " , hip ""alifying lInol"r th net. Thl' !'iupl'I'm~ t'OUl't uphe ld tIll' cnll. ,·"ti"", "f While anrl ntl ,·" 1I.... lli",t (' 1'101 ,1", TId' iat,·r prewtio n. it i ~ ~ a iri , will allow II lot \tf fn l'lll t' r :-: t(l ,L:o t " lit Iif thl' mUll !!nd to conn!' c them wilh ~0,,, 1 I'" "d ~ a lr" "d\, huilt. A" t herl' i" ,,,, t "" tlu!!h apPl'op ri· ute d f(II' ""c ry I ll w,, ~ hip to get $ 1000. it is ~ai d th a t tl1l' ,.IIle "r firSl cu lil " tirs t sc rv ed, wi ll ap ply. The eu",' ca me Il('flr t" c.,la blish· inL!' a no ther I'l'co rd, ill th nL it was fU ed 0 t obe r I Ou f lIli" yt:a r a nd fi · I1l1 l1 y deci d"d H) d'lYs Int e r. ,II'




I i t


'Madden's '-umber Yard Waynesville, Ohio





m~J11u r al, l l'

hp wad e a C0ll1llHlli( 11I1'I

is Iroing to u He

f o r The

rn .il n r f rie nds,


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allhuII,:h lh~ oin k is lI"t ulltil Apri l I G, J !l:!!i, Jlrep al'uti,," ~ f ill begin wit.h 1~ .~.; .


III h,,, ,,, ,' ,,[ il< I' irthd ay T he panio n w il l l'U Il1L' t (.


y lill nl'xt


y en!' uL

Ill\\" priL'(' of $:2. I t will Lc in ib p:ll' t y c:hll hl.' ~ . wi th ll (,W d ,·.... ig-n=", (· nL. tl 'g'l· c! illuslra tion s ,

Jll' \\'

dn'~=" l'd


1"'illi"111 1y cl eu l' ly l' L' , and u \"cr

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2:!O l' ;tg, ·!" more lliall a ~ t ,V1'ar. I t will cOJiutin ~J h(Juk · ll'llgth s l' riul s t u~

l'i l's , r a!-'('iflat in~ tlI y ~ t(: l'y ~~ toric !" , ta le s II f n ci \'l 'ntut'c o n la n d and ~ l' n . l h e

••••••••• e ............................. ~............

n ~ \v

"l\la ke- It an d Do- It " pages.


di u, ,:tH III e:-i, I,o uk!; an d pU7.'l. i es, inte r:-

cs l inp: , pedal arti cles 1111(1 the ever .. del ig ht ril l ('hil \lre n'5 llage . Don 't flIi :,s

th i~

gTcal year o f Th e Y ou th's COm )Ht lli (ln ; ~ uu sc r i bc now and r cc e iv(,:

F. T. Martin Jesse Stanley Auctioneer Auctioneer

I T he


COnl l'nni un -


su es in I !I:.! 4: , a ncl ~ Th (· rem/dning- iss ues of 1!J2 5. :3 Or inc illded McCa ll's MaKRzine, th,· mon l hly au' hor it y on fa shions. Both p Ubli cations , only ~2 . UO. TIII~ YO Un l' S CO MPANION S T J) ept. , BosLon, Mu"s. Sul "l'1'ipti oll " receiv ed nt t his office

Date your sales with us. We guarantee aatiafaction or charge nothing.



New Burlington,O.

Phone No.2

Phone No. 320

Pc"ple t!J'l' :O;~


tha t i f mcn think

W O ol'

craz y s tyl es -what do stiff col i:lr:'" a n d d t.' rl ,y hHt~. L'n

i ll

Wnnlt'n t hing' of me n wca l'in J..!'

'-Bdi:·i,·om J~l


nlt' nt.


pnU !:5crs. -

Thl! will of Eloise V. Rawles, dc· c use d , Was admitted to " I'olollte. J o·

5l·"h r. Rawles

Wa ~

uppoi nted ndmin·

'I'h~ accou nt of Thomas S. Bran· don, udmi ni stra tOl.' o f the estnte o f T. .1. Tho mpso n, dec ea sed, wus appru\'cu, Illl bwcd and confirmed. Th e IIcco unt of the Leba non Natiu nal Ban k' and 'rrust Co .. IIdminist l'UlU l' o f the estate of Nettie R. !Stu we, deceased. was approved. a llowe d und e o nfirm,~ d . T he re po rt of William L . Suemenin K, us udl1l inistrato r of the estat e or William S. Miller. dec ea sed, was "P P" ovcc!, all owed nnd confirmed. The account uf Lola M. Van Der· vc r. exec ut rix o f th e estate of Wil· Ii u m T. Van Oer Veer, deceased , w~ np proved, II11 0wed and co nfirmed. The account of Louise Weller ad. millistrut.rix of the eIItate of j. 1'. We \ler, deceased, was approved, allowed and confirmed. III the mut ler of the estate of Wi! liam Eller:t Ca rroll, dec eased , the ac: co unt o f Rebecca S. Carroll, deceas· cd, 'I'IIS approved, allowed and con· lirmed. T he r epo rt of A. C. Vail, guardian of Charles E, Grubbs. incompetent, was approved. allowed lind confirm· er!. The account of Charles E. Kelsey, ad ministrator of the . estate of J a ne Kelsey, deceas ed, was approved ull owed lind ron firmed. F red Gray Jr.. udministrator of the estnte of Harry Gra y, deceased, filcd his fir st and finlll IIccount. Albert E. Dawson and W. Ches·

midd1enwde profit. ,

' PKO,

---- - -

JEWD.COrfd GQm~itw 601~ 8ourbon.Santos3~lh SANTOS COff£[ AGood, Rich Drink 3 3fLb.

MARRIAGE LICENSES I·'rlln I, H. :-i t (,k". lind ~I iss Clara ~1. Hlair. lout h lI t' L,·han on. .ll. ha 1\l ll g·. 1I1l· ~hafl k. 1~1 (1 l\1i~s ' I II, '" 1-' 1':" " "" 1I,,",ell. bl, th IIf Frank·


lin . .


ild,' ,. tIl Z,"' k Hllo k ~ , ,, "o ut 4 "",..', ill lI ami l1"n Tn .. $ 1. .1 " hn Hid "l' til Oliv l' " Wilde r und Za ck !{"Il k:-. 1\\". truet R in lt all1 lito n '1'1' .. $ 1. ISII t,,, II I' L. Th ll m n~ to C. I'. Krohn , 2 I l1 t ~ in ~1 " rr ll W, $ t . \\' illi ll\\\ T . I1 l1d ~tary Crant c r , to Fr,·d \I' ~ lind Lllunt A. Schoo ley. ubllllt I I H a"",· < in lI arla n Tp .. $ t. J . ~1 "ri " l1 ('",·hrll n I., Ayre" B. J cnni nK" all"" t I O ~ acres in Turtle cre!' k Tp " ~t. I." ui, IIIH I Il ai~y F l" '~ c ifl c t o Rou· crt Cecil about <!7 uel'es in lI a r lan 1'p .. $ 1. 1I 0w uroi W . I" ins to Snrllh Yo un · gc n llUll, alll,"t tltl IIcres in Hnrlnn 1'1' .. $ t. C'hol'le. A. Grnhnm t o Lut'lla B. J ohn so n, uloout 31 II . J·C~ 111111 ;) luts in Hid '!'l' "i l"'. $ 1. Willinm W. Shee ts t o Grnnt und Halli!' . Lea h, 2 lot" in Spring. boro , $ 1. SUSII II C'. Hny nor by exec utor to Alfred . unci Mary M . Brunt, lut in Le ban on. is t.

i l\ i ""

I' \\'

I ,'1) ' , 1' hi;t l1 <1ny i ~ tI,is week you are proud, conservative, and !nile,.. .el l\.- , . •' It n ",'cretive at'~ judicial lIature. Your pcrceptlOll Is rellllll : "' ) ;,pcn. "lid yo ur intuition Is exceptlonal. You potllM!lICI un Indomil.lllJi., ... :11 l"oWe r, ull ll nre cllpable of oxercislng • remarkable

i llt1 uen ce oVlUr ot . r~, You are in . InLl v nltn tcted by enterprisCli and project. charootcrize<.l by novel I). d" ;'i llg ' Uld uncertnlnty, and nro alwaYIl looki~ fiel<l ~ to CO II "'.' "' I'. Sclf, sRti~ faction i~ .t rOIlIo(ly marlced In these people. The1 /Ire inclined to live too IIllic h within themse1vee, becoming Bad and ,!I .... hen rtenetl, suffering nUII·I , , hrCl lIgh dlKllppolntmellt. • • The women Ul'Iually h,,"" v" r r fine voices, nnll become Kl'C8t 8 1111l'l' l'iI, public speakers. /lnd !Ictregse~. '!'ho men are IIIlmirably fitted to bo - doctors, Burgeons, or denti.-lts.

f or lIew

Public Salea

Practicallnatructlona Ill'

COMMISSIONE RS' ALLOWANCES Penn ~ I o rt uli. s" la ,'Y flS junitor, $70. 00; J us. Foll en. " III"'. $ I G. OO; Mary E. Hopping, am.,.· ,..' nt of Co unty S up l , $30 .00 ; Wilille r lI arris, repairs lit ja il . $ 1.1 0; W,' ste rll StilI', proo f (,f pu blicatio n, $ t 2.00; Thl' W.


The unll el'lOl.rnrd will IItrer at pub. lie g" le lit his farm. 1>,!J miles louth nr S"ri\\~ Valley and 1 mile east or nnxnnna . on Thundny. No ..... m .. er .9, .928, At 11 o'clock. the followln~ : Two honos. 4 head cattl" 12 hogs . S8 sheep farm Implements and corn In cri b. W. E. BOGAN. Stonley and Martin Aucta•

Bv Ruth wyeth Span

H. Ancl en.ull C(I., ' \\'U f1!o; Trea ti se for Pro •. Atty., $7.50; IL M. Weidn e r, han ling I!'rllv!'l. S7!J. 6r>; A. l" Me· Grn\\'. grun'l, S2 2J,ll ; Ge o. Phi lilps, sn ln e, $7 .:1U; rl'lILru l Ga r uge, gus and grea sc . $27. ·1:1; W . P . McCarren. gil •.


" p""k plu gs fi nd sto rllge, $37 .25; Gruss a nd Baysl)r e. lum ber, $58.77; Rob er t Ru <s. repairs, $:1; EdStoute n· borough, ;:-radill J{. $6; W. A. SCcott, so:c. celllent, $6; V. W. T ompkins . bTidge r epu,r. $1 0; Gr oss a nd Baypayro ll, $33.65; $ 17:U)0; F. iii. .,;1li ns, sall,e. $ 17 :1. 6(1; Ed e n Terr v ' lillie, $30~.!J0; $1 ., 0; A. 1'. Rrttiir: !'i Unl l · ••• B.2:;: S:!l17. 5 : J os. Duvif\, su me. $4 .13. 01; lIarllln Whitlle,·c . ~u me, , 17.:.15; Chas, Spencer, same. ~7:l.01; P .n. lIlonce, Sli me , $150 .7 0 ; Wnl t!'r \ ':U'1I1"', ~ :une, $11.40; I' . U . ~'fo nfort. j:!'1I1'11J{e I'c nt. $9; expe n.,·. $10.55 ; 'tll "dl1l'd Oil Co., gas IIIId


.. _. ---

FROM BAD TO WOaSE Sam_ OIl don' feel 80 good lately, " ,nil' I!ueils nb got berkclosia," Rastul'-"YO:lh bettah go see de doclah, fo it gets yonh down." Severnl days In le r Sam again en. co un te red Rastu8 Mhuffiin' 'rollnd. "Well, Sam; how's de berlcelo.i,,'" "Gitlin' worse -it am just twlee al hud. Ah done went and 188 de d(lc, toh and he snid ah done gote two iu.' rk e losls now."

WANTED-A SAINT Sh " J hllte Il man with bad habMy brother doesn't Ambke', drink, sWj!nr or chew tobnceo." f,'Ic- "Does he crochet" it.~.



d l'C~nS t·ll.

t' ph"I£' WeLster. dCl'eaSed, prou f of publirati"" Wit S filled, 1'1'",,1' 1) [ pub lkat ion of no ti ce o f es tllles for s,· t tl cml' nt was fi led . Howard M ong~ r , a dmini strator of t he estate of Geo rge W. Munger, de_ cewlcrl, Hied his fir st and finul a C· I cu un L. Annll .Jan ney Mi ller was appo inted admi ni stratr ix of the estute o f 'I'hom. as ~ I i ll o r , de ea sed. Bond $20,00 0. C. n. Graham, Gurrel C. Clevell Io(c I' a nd Il cn ry fl ecke r W~l' e "Jlpoi nt ed lip

~w:: '


III thl' n, uLt('r <.o[ (h e estnte of J os·


yC'ars old. and thl' l·,·c n

L'lI , ' l'r

Centerville, 0.

ili ar k.

u lways important isl .. uto r ,)f thc es tlllc. No bond reharles Le wis, Harry RalUCCW-I: l o n :-i. cspe-c ia Jl y i r D IU' i:-t very qu ired . YOlll1J! ti t!' \'t ory o ld . B t.· f o l'l ~ Iflng the ston and Churles J . W'!g'go ner were Yllll lh' ~ C om panion w ill h~ H hUlldre d u ppu inted app ruise rs. n irt hdays


PROBATE PROCEEDINGS hllrles Muuc. adm in istrator of th e estlll e o f Fred MQu e. deceascd, fil l'll his inve ntory Ull e! uP lJraise menl; a lso h is firs t a nd final uc('ount. Thomlls C. Christie . executo r of th e cstnte of Ma rion E . Greuth ous , deceased. fil ed hi s ~ l' cll n d !IIHI finu l aC t'o unt. Ed C. Woolll1 rd WII S upp o int ed ad· min istrato r of thc e~ tal l! of Geo rge Oi l, $161. !fG. E . WhllrLon. decl·used. BOlld $500. HOll ura Burke. ~xl' cu lo r of th e es· wt l' o f Patr ic k B urke . decellsed. fi led he r firsl uccount. PI'o,) f of Jlu blicut ion of not ice of a ppuintme nt uf urlmin is trllto l' ill' J ohn 1I.·nrlril·ks of til\' ,·"t"tc o f lI erman lIt'ntil'k ks, d ,·r e:l~cd, was liled. I'ruuf o f pUb licati on wa,; Oled jn til,· n, tt t. ~t'-'-"'{-H,..- -""tn t,.-nf-Snrah

(if th t, () h in An i ," uhlo n L, lu"UC, hr'oll C' hl Pt'tll'I'I 'd tul!": In m nflId lllU"-I in thl' SlIpn'lI ll' 'ourl, ~It, . \"·!lllt· ("o nh' lIli(' " t h, ' law IIIl'n nt t· ~ ­

- - - - - --~--..-

. Valuable Building Suggestions

\ 'o ll l1 l

' f i ';a >"; l'tI ,

\lul ,il,l ( h-lH' rtl.

fl , l" '1 1I \ ....

W e d" n't IIlwjlYS ,ti . k to the ab,

"hid, nrc t o h\.' ~n ld, C . 1)" ",,ld I 'ill\tu~ h. in i, t l' ntn r till' ,," tule "I' J. M. Wril-:hL. cl cr,ells,

;: WI

I II til lill ' an 'OWL' !" 1h' J' c i ll . , 1 1l " , r l'V \\ a .. ~r H l1lt' d in tIll' IIWUL!1" , 0 1 I II" Y. " ,II"'IOll \S. ,\ ,,011'<' \\ .J. U,I·


\'The Tf'orlda Finest CoffeeII


THERE lire other good radl08, of couT,;e, buf the abovo remurk is one we hMr mighty often! The only trouble with home lifo th.'se dll Y8 Is that fath er wants to hl'" r t1~ Ch icago stock r eports, n",t1,c r wan ts that Washlnlrton lec l ure on canning, and brother alld the girls want thut dance mURk from lhe big howl orches. l m .' frolll nil over the United SlaWS-SO thoy all hover around the Dlly· Fnn Radio ut once. \V!.i cheve r one 18 delightedly turning the s ingle dial control. whnt he wants he gets with th~ Day· Fa n 5-nt the dial point numher ed just ns the nowspapera numbe r the station, or at a nUIlllhe· Day·Jo'an Air Telephone 0 : ~ec to ry g'IVeB him. "Like watching a parade ge b," BI! irl ,>!Ie of our frionds as he wande"ed from station tostation. "Sure a ,' the dial telophone" said anotber "bil l with whnt beauty of tonol" All ~o rts of claims arc made for a rad io set, hut wo only say"Come In wnight-yoU'l1 go Ollt with • Day.Fan.

LOANR on Chattels,Stocks, Securl· ties. and nd Mortgagea. Note. IJoul)'ht. J ohn Harbine Jr., Xenia, Ohio. -0130.'28

Flowerlike Chiffon 81ctrt for Evening Weor. The bodlco of the dress Is fitted very slightly to the figure and cut in six pointed scullops at the bot.tom. ' These scallops are finished : with bIllS bindings. The dress is mnde with a plain foundatlon of Ule chJfron. There are two tlers o.f the chiffon draperies. six on each row. The easiest way to shape th ese drapery pieces is to cut squares of twenty. seven Inches dimensio ns. Then cut oU the upper corner of each square WI s hown in the diagram at the right. The drapery pieces are then sewn In plaeo at the top only, the rest being nllowe!l to fnll 88 It will. The edges may be pleoted or rolled " lid wrupped. • • One and one·half yards of the crepe de Chine and five and a halt yards of tltt)'·1'our Inch chIffon will be needed tg make this dress :


Farmers, Attention! Fllrm(,T8 of Warren and adJoin In, co unti es msy obtain moneY-' OD Ion. -time lonns, at 6.t,i, par cent Inte....t. Co~t of 8ceuriilg the tame 18 very rea· sonllble ,through The Federal Land Bank. For lurther ·lnfor.maUon can on 01' acldrc.~8 M. 0, DRAKE, Trego urel'. Jlbone 316-X._Leba!!'pn, Ohio. WANTED WANTED-All kinds 'of soft Wood, for pulp. Morris Graham. . tl CASH - For Dental Gold, PI.Unum. Silver, Dilll)1ondB, magneto polnta. fnlse teeth, Jewelry, ' any valuables. Mail today. Cash by return mall. Hoke S . &; R. Co., Otaego, Mich. FOR SALE

Foreat Preae~vatioD

Exclusive Distributors TlIE WM. HALL ELECTItIC .


-l)ayton, Ohio

'" 1",,'l$II_.

Tbe year 1!! 25 is going to ehow a splendid record in the National cam· paign for preservation of foresta. '. Tbls work has gone ahend on two lines, pre,:,ention _of forest fires and reforest.ntlOn of logged·off areas. One of the largest timber corpora. tions in the Northwest follow8 a pro. gram of replanting within three years. every tree that Is cut down. . Forest nurseries are being estab. IIshed to enable this company to reo plar..e about 4,000 acres a year. A survey' by the American Tree association, shows that nineteen states have state forests. 33 have forestry departments, 16 have state nurseries ,and that millions of dollan are be.i ng spent on reforestation.

FOR SALE-Good' Sheetiron heatin, stove, -only used two mcint\)a. In· quire of Warren Braddock, R. R. 2. . . -nIl FOR SALE-Freal. Jeney e~. call by side. Also" twO' feeding cow.. M. M. Terry, R. R. 1. O~e,onla, hear F1~t Fork Sehool house. . n' GOOD Bu", for ..Ie. Inquire at ' this office. '018 1 Butret; 1 table, 8 ft. 2.4,.4: 3 dinlq . • hairs; 1 sanilafy eo~cn, lor ..... See Dr. H. E. Hathaway. . ' FOR SALg......Hemord COWl an4 ' calves. .Ch.., Kable, s.l1brookj Ohio. . j' > • '~18 FordB~n Trae&of, wlUi fenden, lovemor ,.and PQIW~ 1 Tractor Plow,: 1 CD1tl~k""I' 1 -19110 CIi.vro'.te.~~\.AI1 ' ll' A-.1 coadltloa., "'10. mU. 'l""'tt': ;111 w,anaeiMU., oa the old' ·i,iiJiIl~,1. Heai fann. , Alk lor MI'. BeJlsman! ·· , . ,'" , 'aU


FORSALE...:-stoeq e.~le. W. B. ·War - ner, phone ,, 19....-~, Han.yabnrr, Ohio. . ' '" . , . . ' , all ....... .1 FOR SALE-Ford to'JriU; car, 76.00. Hom&~,",~Cobb'e.... 2.00 p~r · bu.h"." d.Uv~ P. ~ J' .,~~..., ~: 'lh!.08·



New Collars For Sensible


Men'l "~E.



-=::= e,

·'RuI)e". G~ldberg

"TMe' . <:o&.C..AR., 1$ "'Aba



'TI-\S IfL06:>E. ~ E CK.·'

. Fe?, ME.1\.l ,w~o


ARE '.

BaT~Et) TH'e eAel< cOL lAR-'~ivrr ON: CAIoJ · ALSo ~ 'W~N ' A:s A i!.1a LT OR .' f(, CA.~Rt€t:> AS A SF-ARe


,c fO~-11'toT"

~e "L I\)\J ~ .•

1l4E' .eo NOI S6"t..E:~ s .. FI:-rs Wet-I.. ARouN\:: "THe ~s AN t:a sl-\\1rs OUT A'-":' :SoUf'oJ~ - '-I€'R'('

PoPuLAR.. DU~I NG A F ~-D> l NN~

,-?t:E C.I-\E S • •



c t-\of:.E./1ORe" fLe:.SH,(


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INSURANCE: Poll<!.'( GoE'S WI-TH E\JE'Ry COLL A R, .AS TH I S STY Le:' S '·{AR ~ ON ,HE • WtNt::. - ~\I"E .

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W~I;>GfotT.:i~o~ AN,b IS ~»a.~I·AI.L'( ~c.OMl'1eN~, Fbtit, ~AN<:I~G- l,. QA~ •


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~OR SALE ~ SmaD . Comfort Oak . ,lIeatin, .ve. Will · c. ·at J.1uI • .

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' FOR' SA~~Uebi 'f1~1ut

IbUt. .... "See Em.reon SUrfan, pbo...trebuaoK 458-Y. ' ~oa~ -: UNDEaWOODAPPLE"

Estr. , .. R_ ...,,~, .....~


'or ..I. at ~', I "


_t.f~" _~i.........


- Do' B;Ul'lDDW'QOD.

"'OR ·8i\L~ '~ 1Ious .bred Iud10 0IIat. H:~" ... · • f ,....


,..,....... CJIdo..



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GLENNA HOBLIT...:....P ep . witJlout l) Urposc. is pi me I '


----- ..:;..-.-










Cia .. o f lIU·4 LEl A W. WH ITAKF; It-Thll idolLl l't1ra. Nolle Bill. (l r O~ h"rn, cnJ.l d 6n'·OA~o,,·at~ 's".~:;'o;'~::'1:,. M~ ,r':i~~:;ill., wily of ijJl mling a vlLcation'! ? ? ? ? ? hel' • 'rhlll1;dIlY. th j ury is stili out. . Wilbur Huwko iM ulusi nJ,: out hir. Sutii criptio.. Price. $1 .50 p e r Y~ a r L'IN LEY MILLS - His If!a rnlng, "lock or ~ r(Jc ' rlI'S lit co~t. : pruruo Id, h I's thinking ( 'ril~ i nal, alld D.L.CRANE Publi. he. ' . Inflll li ce of his pe rsonulity haM Iicc' lind Hub ert. G •• ,," IIrc ,lUI (l r c


~ I. (\

NOVEM 1Ht;R 4, 1\125


~C h4'tJ l , slIfreri'l).t

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· KA·F. A j(~ IAN-Li( e n ccd~ II ~ nil lhore is so m uch we ca ll don ki nd word s puke ll wil l CIIKe alluth c.r' t; Ol1 rc. MA RJ E SH U'I'TS-Li!L ' ~ be b ru v~ whe ll the lau ~t " e r di ~~ hnd teal's cu me in lo our troubled live •. ' B I~SSJE WARNER- To be !:{ood to Ull ene my is to loso UII e llemy ! . NEVA YOUNG- F o nd me mori es of uth e r da y~ bring to my mind th e ha ppy hou rs spen t in Wuyn esvil le High school. R EBA EARN HART- She is' a lwuys stcadfast and pat ient un de!' all ki nds o f llor row a nd u 'o uble, ll1ui ntui nin g a prayer ful alti tude o f min d a nd keenly ali ve to im portan t ma lters. JAM ES GIBB ON S- The man who thi nks he kn o \\' ~ it all hns mere ly Mtop ped thin ki ng. H E LEN HA WKE-Helen is a throb with th e joy and service we ll perf orm ed. She hus Htud i~ d t he vario us phases of life. a cq uirin g a ve r y clea r cOllce pton of its possibilit ies. Sucn ser vice co mes as 0 boo II that ligh te lls burdens and scatte rs su nshin e an d cheer with a lovo that is inspiring. WILLIAM MI CHE NER- Is a true fri end w th II spirtua l discernm on t a nd an earn eet (,(lIl cern f or the g rowth of edu cati on in th e world. whi ch he so zealously la bors fo r . E DNA SMIT H- Good ha bits lir e mor e valuable th an ru bies,


MI', IUld Ml'q. J. n. .Jon(08 . punt SUII d,l y in ~ I t. Hully. J . n . Applegate was a wee k-e n,1 s: u e~l or D(lylllll frieud ~. ~I I'. nlHI )II'~, ''' iHam reidlto n IV 1'\' Jlay hlll v i ~ it"" . ) Ion duy. Qllitp :I ltu I1l1" ' r \' 1' fa. Jlh·" ~ ill lh i~

willi J;I'iP l'l',

W. 'J.:. !l 'n ni' H. uf \\,ilnlill~­ tun. WU ~ c:uJiin ).!' f.'h 'lHf :-l ftl n', ull


~Iundll .\'.

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Su' ,oiay. 'It·, ,ul ur I 'Il yt .



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,\l I'l'r !:l Ine\,. an d lul l s pent. lon-

~I r . li nd :1,1" • . \\'. II. rl a r in 11;.yl"n.

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Tlw :\1" L1 .• ' !''' ,·Iuh. of Ly ll,· sr h""I , Alleviati ng Bronchial Diatreaa will hu ld n 1l1 (' l'lin g' ut thl' :-o(' lw o i htlU:-'l' Frilby aft L'rntloll . "Winter nrollchili H" is a real af~I I' , anil :\I!·F . 1~l"' I' l'll ll uill ('" anti Mi kR l ,c,d,,1'U Squ ire. li nd Will fli ction, peculiar to tllo.'e alrend y Smith Wer e In ~t S Ull tlH\" ~ /.!,W "M t :. I,d ageri or :tJlI'l'o;.ch ing aid age. It is ha lJ~' dau J.!' hl(·r. of F,'an kl ill. Wt'I '(~ Sun d a y ~ lI( '~l~ Df the fn,.m(· l" ~ uncle, 1\1 r. Mr. unu Mrs . Gail Ci u"')d n n nd 1.\ m - n l'ery COI1l I,)fl n cllmplnint, 118 \'ory i1y. pr:~ ticlng l,h)"Hic irLII knOW R. I t. I,dd l.nn!.:Il('l'c an d fami 1y ca l'O iJCCOOlt'S :l jll'oblem to mallY :-:,,\'c I',, 1 P"I'ROllS fr ont h~ r ~ nltl'llIl~ l l'. and ~I I' ~ , ( '111'", Il ud J uck . n d f nmi lies who nU"I~r ohJer iollu! ~ tI t h,· 11:111"" " "11 f('s t i v iti t'~ al Wuy f1! lIldy \\' v"" ~lInday 1-( I II"t .. .. f .\; r s. nmunfl th ei r In'Il,, ureR. T o olt.! II I s\ I lIl' Saluni a ,V (' \ ' (· J\illg' • IV[ uf" \' I l ul'l an and .I oh l ) Sp l'n y.' 1l ~v w l,cople, life nlll i comrul't aro pllrlloBu rlinglon, ~ Ir, an d ~ lr". I(all'h .1.. h n ~ alld chilmount 1>1 • Sill!.:.. Cough mixtu rea ,'cl",ul lI'a, c1,, ~ ,' t1 Fri da\' in "rolc r nro Ie.c,oion. a nd many ure pnlli!lt.i vo drell , ~II· . alld ~ I r", J . n, .I l,hll s W{' I'(' I t;t )' l il n :-: h oJl IH' r:.;., ~ :tl LJ I·da'y. that th ,' t,'a"'l l'r~ Il1ig- hl .-,It'' 1'(\ the but ~c l do ln cura tl\'e. Indeed , prop. So u thWt'sll' r' n Tt..'uclll'l".i' a !'1s\lt'in t i'l t} er conduct do(!!< moro perrnw lc nt, nnd ~ l rs , 1I. :I I. (, 1[Il'k visiled at Ci ll c;innnti . goou than ", ,,,Ii<=l nl', Tho "t'rcHh air :-: ll nl lav Wi l h ~ll' IInri ~ I!·s . lI u rold The Community duu alld (' iv ic cronk" CO nt ~s in ami delllllrllis tho Th:.tcl,i,,·a, " " Yank ,'(' >I"l'rt. Letl!:{ue h,' ld a mll"kl' d hox ~ ocin l ut 1nevituu le wide-o pell "lndO\\'6, :-10 MI', ,.nol M,·". ,\ II\'II Em"ick c nle rthe llall I"l'i day vl'ninJ,: . i\ la/'J,:c mntter how cold-how damIr-Of l.lIillt·d H,· \', a!l el M r~ . '1' . L. ~to t.h'rf crowd enjuycd a jolly ev(·nih!(. I how ladcn with floati ll g gll.qe. and IIf ~p rinJ!"I '(lrtl . til a '.- u· c lnck dinner. micro-o rgan.i s nl ~, I.he \\indows must ~undnr , ' MI' ~ . Clul'u (,nn~r. ~Irs . Elhel be open, and the couj!"h goes 011 tQ Smith and fill ns IIlot(1 re d to Belmunt the dl stresH of th e slllferor anrl of ~ll '~, Ida HI'" "," haH gone lo DaySU ll duy. and visited with ~Ir. lin d thOHO Ilbout him. T o ~ tup efy Huch to n t o ~ JlI ' 1 1I1 th, ' \\i nter with h(lr Mr~. 1I 11 g h .Burl';cll a nti f llmil~'. patients with narcotic cough mix- dall ~ ht<-r . ~lr;; . . Iess 1':nFw c iler Itn,l h ll :-i hand. At Il speria l elec ti on h .. ltI F rid ay" t ures is the general' ntle. but how the lIul'\,cysL llrg ~ I) cci!ll ::;ch,)o l u,s- I f utile ! 1)1'. and :\lr". I.. n. llall a nd chi ltr icl vuted to di s~o l \'e und be'comc a Remember tWs: Warm nir ma y dn n. of ,,' ;!Yll " , \'i1k, \\'~re Sundny purl o f t he MU fis ie 1'0\\,n5hip di s tl' ic!. be ju~t as pure (Lq cold, ami is usud inner ,-,U" ,ls of ~ II'. Hnd ~I.·s . lInrry 'l' he measure (·un·jed uy t ell votes. :l1(' Ginni s, al ly much more comfOrUJlj( than !I'\ r. IInti Mrs, W. M. Math ias nlld eold night rur. Be.lroomR should A lI uml) ,, /, h ~ I 'c purchased seuso n Missses Mabel and Margare t Starr in varinb ly be "!lired out" thoroughtickets o r th e I.,·cture co ur sl' ut WIlY_ Cia.. of 1915 ly _ r ing the dllY. Beds are much motored down from Dayton, f'ullt lay ncs l'i ll e, and atten ded the thot numWe promised The Goodyear Tire & Rubber ComE DNA CORNE LL-Edna now says and spe nt the dny with Mr •. Arn an Ja healthier un - m n,d~t ant! allowed to b" r TUI 's dll~T ('ven ing, air th orough ly. When ni g ht comes tU l'r nn d Mr. und Mrs. Chll~, II. Grny the sweetest thing on earth is that pany that we would see to it that every car owner Fra nk Rogers pu n hllsed the bam cl ORe he wIndows, an allow as and fam ily. of home and its environments. ')II Ho race Foulk,,' property and movwho bought a Goodyear Tire from us got the full litt le change of temperature as HARRY MEREDITH- Harry cll n Mr. and !\Irs. Frank L. H arris vised it lasL w('(,k ttl thc site whe re his mileage built into it at the factory. now give yo u safe condu ct throug h ited th eir SOli, Owen, in Co lumbus, pOfis ibl<J in the01 be<lro"m W I mornarn r ecently bU l'lled , the e nem y's line of moot ed questions lh is wel!k nnd utlendcd Gru nd LuLl)!!,. inJ,:, Do n"t 0'0 bedroom doo rs If the slc<!pinl{ Il\l nrtment Is ~mllll Mr. an d . 11". "'niter Cast" of Wa yWe repeat that pledge to you . in law by his slund ardi zed methods .Mrs. Paui Peterso n. of ~ Jlring" \'ulIl esvi ll e. W, 'I'I ' ente rtained to a n oys. of wo rk . ley. atuid wilh Grun dm olhe r l'l nnis and t hi>. " 1!,:g'P<ts , iring th e ,.,I Uro n . ':-rid r' I1("r> U ;\ lI fl'~l1 '.., nC'ccssa r:. fo r \1'1' SUPlll' I' :.I t the hume of !\I I'. an d And to give it even more value, we are selling ALICE CAREY-Alice Is now aglow durin g their II bsellce. purl' :.lir, but do it In daylime. j lrg. Wa lli'l' Kenrick, Friday e veni ng . wI Lh t ho JOyal' ser vice. ::' hc hlUl 11)C_ Goodyear Tires rig}ft now at the lowest price. S ":" Jl i " ~- rOl)mll shot,lld he wh ere perienced marri ed lif e and prollounDr. ,,,,,I ilIrs. C. W. Osburn a nd btil( ht r un lig ht can t!llu'r rrl'c1y ,luanyone in town can quote you. ces it f un of sunshin e and happineS8. I wo ... hiid" 1.'1l an d Miss Sarah Osburn ting thc da y. And. mem:'"r thh : of I )aylu n, were Sunday a[tc r noo n CECELIA S NOOK - Cecelia in Cold nlght-olr never benl'/i II ("I n f' u(' st.~ o f ~II'. und illrs. Wa ltc r Kenspeak ing 01 he r moth er suys. " T o coug~n the co nlrnry, it U ,{~u-. ric k. wear old age wIt h g racio usness as sbe vatos and p!\Jl ()n~s the IIll\lculty . dol'S. le nds disti nct io n a nd charm t o Mr. nnd 1111'1'. Philip Jlcnnlln C'II- Night-airs are ladell with imp urMr, nnd " rl'", RII ~H (' t1 Burnl.'tt cnSurely Bamum's shade mUBt look one's oharacter. ter tsinrd with a family di nn(' r, =-.,n· Ities, and , In winte r, chill tI ., rl eIite rlll;' ,·d !Io irl';-cil!!tl II f lhe;" rrie nds on 'the modem prCIIII age nt in scorn EDYTHA MACY- The countless day. lv tl I I>d lo,\·(" (:n pnrty . 81ltu rtlay evecat·e rel!J>lmtory m en l. rane. , bewh en ·It thinks of the g reat opport u- curv es a nd crests of her life work n in g-. A \' \.'ry c njoya lJlc time W aH yond thelr rpcu ~J()rati ,c r",\\'e r. The The pri mnl'Y room r e nd erl d !l \ ' H ' y nity provided by the Tut fam ll¥. loft add much t o the char m and effect "peJll. closed bcllroom 1& • ct nn "old interesting lI aIl o we ' ~ll l ' l' u~r: ' lll I·' r! · Waynesville, Ohio Phone lOS unberald ed and un sung. of her' se rvice 8 0 well perfo rmed ' in fogy". hlea. day nftern oo n. Mr'. und Mrs. Raym ond Davis and ministeri ng to the aick. chlld l'c lI a nd ~l l~. F l'HlI j, Car man, of ' Next week : Healthy O:d Age. Evidently last year'lI coal 8trike Th(l Grnmn'f\r Gratl\·s l·njn YNI n f)Uyt , Jl ,U'ltiU), uft 'rnoon MINE RVA HARLAN- Miner va is Hallow(,'en did not last. long e noug h to' clean up a flre party al I he .c h " I house with t he joy of her school work, Suturday l!vc ninl!. ' ~ U c ,,!' Jf 1\11'1. LI" Il('S J vhflti . who is all the burnable coal dust a nd junk hav ing ied we ll the problems of COnl'ulllMcin'T 1 >1';, '1 ;'. that for years has acc umulated on pedagogstud NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT P. Mortim er Milyun's Rolla Royce ics she is now able to r ender The Chri sti" " L cal!u ~ 1Il~1 nt lhe . fr, and ~1r~, r~lI, II 1 ,"rick an d the s idings. eo we aro a t it again. was stolen yestel'day from In f ro nt of a sc r ivee th at is well performed; in- hom e of Mr. " I' '1 , , -,,' gv ~ li IC h­ daugh l cr, ?llr. nd:l1 '3. \\ altel' KenEstate of George E. Wha rton. de- the county poor ho use "'h il. Mr. MiIIdeed , such work co m.,s as a boon ener. Munday (' ,·" nillg. l'ick W CI'" Wed n o~ d ay e\'ellin~ g uests ceased. yun was Inside viSiting h i ~ a2'ed parJ 4en are afraid of the n (Ow wo ma n. that lig h te ns bu rd ens of the student Miss Myra Haydock ~pr nt Ihe "e 1r. I Mrs. Un y Rou ' ,,,hll. [co Dr. Hunkle r ecent ly to ld d elegat<ls a nd scatters 6u nshin e a nd lIheer Nolice is hereby g iven that E d C. en ts. ':l'e am nh l 'nl\c ',\'C I" se r ved. ~Ii ,;s Li,la M ' .... " ;1 i ~ no betteI', week-end Ilt lh" home "t' ~ll "s Mil-I Woollard has bee n duly appo inted and to the r onventlon of the Child Study IIbou t the roo m with a lo\'e that is tired N(lgg le, n,,1l1' Xen ia. aaaociation of America. . In Ne w r eally inspiring. M :'. !lnt! Mrs. Guy Ro utzah n hnd 'lua li fi ed a s arl nlin istl'lltor of the es,\\r!\S Velma )J" n" "tL iri gcttj,, ~ bclYork, howe ver. t hey Rc,em mo re t o Miss lIIarj ul'ic Haydoc k ":IS th e ror -th l'ir 'i'ck· cn ' I!ues ls, Misses lnle of Ge or~c E. Whurton, d eceuscd. r, OLI VE ALLEN- Olive's hearty indodge the old women. k-end I!'uest of ~1 1', lind . l l'~ , W, Mary Boilll ott A'1 <1 L ,,\Ii e Jac k~o n, Inte of Wnr r('n cnunty. Ohio . ter est in her wo rk of star ti ng 'child- wee A lien M Kay is able In lJe ' 0 ." Dnted lhis 16lh d llY of October , D. Larkin. o f Spri n ~ \ -"lIe,v, nll d r.f r . FJ .In;\ fit uwn IIr T ippecanoe 8g'nfn. Mrs. Katherin e M. Frey i~ a ward ed ren oft' on t he ir j ourn ey of school City, an d MI'. ~ farvill Wells, of Ging l!l2G . workis r rally i nsp iring; her practiTh e Younl!' lIIa rrietl l'c"l'lc ~ "'US" W. Z. RO LL, Hurold Mc Kay was ill Ri.:hnHJ lId , ham ; bur!.:. $37.600 which mllAt be paid for by th e M. E. Sllntl"y - S~ h",, 1 1 ~ 1l\ I\'l' e d {no ., on Friday. J ud!!;e of the Probate Court • . Wilda Bllnnett. musical comedy nc- cal me t hods of wo r k a nd st'rvce is in- oS,f W. Itc· St phell s a ~ U rJlri Sl' " II I ~r i da y vil'al lIIc ~lin g is now in progress deed t he {'mbo diment of love and Warren County . Oh io, traM. f or a lienat in.s the afl'ect lons of service. ' M. ~ r. Torr y lind K. 1':. T ho mpso n at Lyll", chun h, undeI' the lcauet'shil' ove nin!:{. AI lIlllt tiflY Pl:I '~" " S \l'cr ~ Eltzroth, Maple & Maple, Attys. Charles C. Frey . ' It is hard t o beOL t he paslu r. Rov. T. L, Stotler. lIf were in Lehanon, ~I"nday. lieve the aft'ection of the race-horse LO UE LLA JA NNEY - As sh t' present. The li tn t! fo r be!:{i llning WE GET THEM QUICICL Y ANa Geo. W, D /l\' i~ spe nt Saturda y lI it;ht t..iprinl';bol'o. owner can be worth so much, co mes to vis uolize t he new impresTh" Ladi e. Ai d nll't ill ' (11(' chu rch llI~ct ill g"s has c!tunt;od t o 7 ,, 'clo" k FREE OF CHARGE sions of perf ect service in t he school parlors Thursd ay, ~Ir s.:" , \\'. SteJlh- with Elvcn I' lrc~ "lui 111(" , il \ .ay- "he I~ t l' a d of 7 ::30, CALL US ANY TIME AT OUR Forbidding Grece a nd Bulgaria to r oom. he r iden~ a nd t houghts I!'row ens. 1110'S. I·' rank SlIll1 ley. ~rr". ,lamcs lles\' lIle. EXPENSE and lhs . .J. R. Johns and Mr. fight: seems a little like "trying it on brighter . having consecrated herself Peterso n lln,i :llrF. Tn' ,'u r C. IInyThe Hallow,··.. " ."till l whitll \Vas andM/'. 1\lrs. Rnlph ,j e,h lls and f a mi ly atto t his work and abounding in such dock we rc 1" ,,1 I " I '., . the QO~: I';i""n at the ch ou l h.. u, p by I he La- ton ded a fam ily ~al hcrin g ThursdllY g enial g~o d nllt ure neve r losing an We, the f oll owinf' [ a rm oWllers. di l':-i id, w a S a c Jn1 , lt: t (\. I1ce ~ .,." l''' ''lIi ng al the ho nt" of i'llI'. and Mrs. positively forbid IIny hunling or opportu m ty of per form ing a kind News that Mr. EDrigh~. New York'a Phone 8 Bcrt I3l'J.!':l 1l a nd Hwtit l.' r W l' l C' SunSAV ES HI M THE TROUBLE Ch"d "s Ry e, in Waynesville. c'cr trapping on our fal'm s, Any violnHARVEYSBURG. O. police commiS8ioner . intends to luke a'll Cor her scholors t hot she wins the da\' a l cl'Ilo,, 1l ~1H'sh "f Chaullcy BUll t hei r delJllrtllre fo r the o uth . t ion of th e same w ill Ltc prosecution a vacation III in ter estin g. in that it love ,a nd e8toom of a ll her stu denls. llei! all li fun ti ly, " I' n~ ar WuJ·nc,;,·illo. Servan t -"The st,ew:ll'd i oul: ide, OfAL MILLS-H er life is a sto r y squares pe rfectly with tile i n ~n tion Li ttle Mary Sovn~c had her ton- accor di ng to luw and to Lhe rullcst of a strong character a nd win ne r in sir. Wh aL wili yo u have for dinof the inouming Mayor. J. '". Frn zir,. :ln d 101 .. " lI ~ rmall C Ull sils rcmu \'\!d III 1I1iumi Vulloy hos- exten : edu cationnl p ursuits. ner?" 11 1' 1'. of WaYll es\'ill ~, IV,'rc Sunday af- pilal on I ~ridl\y. ,,' h was brouf'ht exte nt: Seasick- " Orde r me n roa..ql duck tern oon g'lIl'''U; uf 1 . 'J . 1I1 11 lT"~' anu hunt e. ,atul'll IlY aftCl'Il llo n. ond is HAROLD MILLS- Keeping awake MRS. WlIf. 1.0 " . now conl'alesc in!:{ nt th e hOllle of he r da ys picks more gold en apples than und wh en il s rClld y f'u do\\ II nnd wife . MR S. E LEANOR SMITIl. th row il uve rhoard." ly ing a wake nig hts. gl'a lldm Ul hcl', !II I'S. Will Graham. 1\. E. Th oJllpso n an d wife clltor-I E DAVIS-She has the ha p l ai n tl ... Untlll.\' (.\ \'t.!l1 ing, m us Pri ~k A Short Reaume 01 the py MINN facult y of combin ing the a lmost lIn ll wif e •. J, (-, Yn ullJ,: un wifp, uf Calion UI for J our J ob P rintiDI. QUACK! QUACK! QUACK I CharacteriBtic. 01 Each impossible wit h the commonplace. IJlly t n, ' INA MAY CO MPTON-Mak eB all 'and EfJery Graduate Eo C. Mall ll On alld ro mil y. nf llear "Ou)' lIt'w Ih) il!hhtll' i!4 a do ctn r find fee l welcome who fa ll unde r th e fn s. Willllin p;tulI, atl l""',,,1 the II allo w- he cam e O\,C'1' l"day in II fit uf ruge. cinating influence of her cha r mi ng , 01 the Wayne.ville , Lebanon, Ohio ("en social III tilt · SchHo l ltoll~C hure, Sn id ~{J m e uIH~ w us ill !o' ultin)t hinl!' dl ~J) o s i tion. u f) Fl -iuny eveni ng'. I nsulti ng him'!" School. JEA NNETT E JANNEY- She has "He fc lt f()Idi sh, when I ex plained H. I . Barrett a(ld wife, Moody Price a In c persona lit y and a full a nd acute and wife, o( Wiitllin!(ton, lI'e"e S UIl - it W,ly the du cks clli linl!' l" enc h olhapprecia t ion of the cha rm8 of mar8 :00 ft. m. to 4 p . m. rIed lif". li u ~ I:'U sts tJf I:. J, Murra)!, wif" Hna er/ Writt•• b)' aD .E arl)' Grad . " .,. s istr r, at LOllg Vic.w 'tock fa rm. EUGE~A WHITAK E R-A disHAVE YOUR EYES iEUMINEO ting uished patria rch haa written me Lon Brnnnfln lilt! wir ~ nteJ·tuinc d Cu ndu clor- " A lit tI uver tln'ell of the' severa l t ypes of young men tu dlltn <'J', Sund>l)!, in hnll or nf ,1\le8, h UlIr's!" who are in love witb Miss Eugenia, BI'lI lln " n ' ~ nltlt)".. ,.·s ioir thua y, 1<' E, Mlln- "Thllt's, plHII' ~ .' r v i ce . This and how she tries to e s , _lpl! II Rly to Th ro m!'"on anti wife , M. M. 'I\'ITY and trai n is slowel' tha n n I:.< zy ~ n ai l. " be. ca ught by a very inte nse love from w if e.. Guy Brunllull lIud IIliss Ka thClmd uctor-·" W~ 1I. you can get off Claaa of 1912 the E Wlt. IIml wll lk if you dUIl't liI, e it." !een Too my. , MERL E ELLIS-Merle R )'I eom- , BERNARD GEPHART- 8ays m an Mall"No, I'll ,·ide. l 'm ill no hurDentist WIor'. Not.,- .Tluouah ~I. I nrry," 1Iieneemeni at the 'Waynesville High IS the ,p roduct of his environme nts. "",,,,,,,,,,nl wttll The Ed_Uona l Book Co., achool was the mOlt entrancing, J1l0N. Y .. tlli. newop&per DOW IIAI feIlJ· Wayne.vill" National Bank 8 ..... R.OSCOE F URNAS - Advocates ment of bel'llfe. cultivating the 'b etter thing s of life .... thI. InlAl...Una l . tuN, "QUIZ". belna MARIE ""'MILLER - Her charm . hat go to make home and its OIl vir- enract. hom ,tltat book, endoroed by EuF OR R ES U O. Glb.,.." DI .... tor 01 Exten.lon whUe school seemed wholly Inde- ro~m e nt.a ideal. tt. lll... N_ Yorl! IIo&rd of Ed UCAtion. pendani of 'a ll aecellllOriea. USE OUR on... __ will be lounJ lnlellcduul .. . ~U FURNAS-=Says trained minds ...u .. 1DAruotI_ EDNA JANNEY- Her budding 1m gUided CL ASSI FIE D Miss Mildn'o l\1ol'!(an, o f Dayto n, by godd e nvironments, ' te mqination as well as her vatefnl pel'll and strenghtens our mental mus PIlule No.1 spe n t the wcek-end with r elat ives. AD. COLUMN Joun, beart made het! quite a favor. clos and helps us to win the fin er here. Ita whU. Ia IChool. prizes ot 1I1e. ' Mr, Wolter May o lllld fami ly spent FUNERAL DIRECTOR XATBRYN GIBBONS - Looka CLIFFORD WINSTON- Says maSUllday a {tcl'noon wit h Mr. Duvid Luhanilaome atUred In the garb of her n>: men are always busy like a pig's "'l~ an d fam il y. WAYNESVILLE, OKlO prof..slon, with her lparkllag eyes ta'll. but nevel' do any thing worthAt • Ilallowe'en party. three The Ludi cs Aid clem'ed ;1 nice sum ,aad laahlq amile. &he is of the while. pumpldD. were brought fn, num(In the ir mar k 'l, wh ich WaS he lll ill , comfortably upbolaterad type. . VAN RET ALLiCK-Aa he visual- bend 1\.1 the 01181 ahown above. Xenia, last ,·a ' (Oreiay . Fully Equipped for C•• 4 WINIFRED MACY-The real bUl!- l~e8 the new ImpreS8ions of married The la.rae-t pumpkin W&II 'o ffered l _ of life II to be as well as ~ do. hte. hla attachment for the better AI a priM to the boy who could ,service. Mrs. Corn Gree ne nnd childt'cn, ~aytou. ~Ii ' ut u nd:.ty wi th lIIr. LewINABAMILTON-Obedlenee to ~'t!~gs become dearer and more sta- &rraIJ89 the pUmpldns in a row so Large Display Room. - aU o~ God'i law8. is 'the 11m step to the, formed a number of three fiS" i~ Morgan a nd fll li,ily. _ iha~ coald be divided by luccesaful cltllenahlp, Ambulance Service HOWARD GUSTIN-8aYII life 18 The illt. lI olly Ladies A id will meet nllj; a but a .trenuou8 school eleven. Bow did the winDer I\J'o Thur"tlay, November 5, l!1 '~[j , at t he TELEPHONB 7 DAY OR NIGA T ftII£'tI the pumpJdna' of' education. '. home of Mrs. Herbert iI1ul'latt. Claaa of 1.1~ ' Pua1e No.2 " ~ ·tcE.NNETH K1LBON '_ "I have Mrs. En!'l Ma"' att, of Detr oit, Mich. ELIZABETH MART-If you make lust Immerged (rom the swimming Fill III the mlAing .apace with Conse"ati'fe ig spending n few dnys wi t h her par.. '~up ,our mind what you want-work vapor ot illusion on my return from the proper letter, making a three el . " Mr. and Mrs. L, 111. Stephens. ' management. for It with all four might; If ~ou al'C the South," letter word to meet the requireaare fOU are r~ht and .oln. to win. __ _ __ MI'. and 1\11 ·s. H oward 'Bellm, Mr. Interest from date menu. When rightly gueaaed, tho alld MI' . Elto n EVans nnd litLie da ugh 'OU c~lnl, ~ll· ,.liccee"," . depOIIit. central letteJ'll reading down, will OPTOMETRIST leI', MIl ,·jorie. ~ plm t Sun dny with Mr. ' •. ~, ..j.UCILE THOMPSON-Yoll s.h ould .... Ct'N·T TEll '~OWADAYS spell the name of a President of Location NOTARY PURL a 1lI1d Mrs. John nyc an daug hter. Miss work. think bard and .pray hard ~~I ' the United States. You certainly , EYES EXAMINED most eentraL Dorothy. thin.. to a lIurpolU!. . Landlord opentd the door and with should not havo much trouble with N a tiona l Bar ', GLASSES FlTIED !" MA.R.t SHERW.OOD-Mary BIlid 3weeplng han~ , indicatea t he inter ior this punla- Time allOWed three Mr. mId M ~~. Jacub Zimmer and chi ldren , Mr. und Mrs. Kenlleth Sow_ Will. Draw.. " ........ E. .te. !.tll~d there elements th~lr famil,Y Ilfe ~f hla new ~odeJ toy apartments- minutes. 'I'd and Mr. Cli fford &mith were , they Deed most cai'eful~ to ,preserve There~ how s that; pretty cozy ' I Prompt Repair Service A performance A T Wayne8ville. ( hio • • , in order to ' mamta\Jl ,- ellleiel1'c y In ' call,it.' , ::;unday dinner guei..:s of Mr , an d Mrg. An, .animal G Em('rson Dill. . rllaracte't ~e 'elopment. -' c1 BIlI-;;-"Oh, John. ' what a lovel ~' Every' Thursday 9 a. m. to ';> A measurement ... NINA SMITH:-Sa)'ll George W " .". '\1rs. JIptb e,.t 'aru,; :_ I rs. Frank o p. m. ~ L. . A totality , Ineton .a nd Abraham Lincoln, were 'rhato! ~~rd)i •...<e!pI~slvelY) -:-"Clos~t? Uu l:I;I, Mi'S, 1.11'~.Y Gibso n, 'Mr s. Elvis A title 'both, bom on hoUda,.. ,< , . .. . . ' I e p n ... room." . -, Mi " ael, Mlb. ~ merson Dill and Ju iss Reat Room in Grange 31dS: a A poem -, RUTH ZQiI(ERMAN-Chrlatlan. • -~~--:-Ruth Kellis e terlained Inst ' T uelldi!r A Numbllr of yea rs W"yneavH1e. 0 Ii " " e ning lit ! h(l hlJmc. of Mrs , Marlatt Itt· tht',Ough ~e .church has Dlade 'a THE ' , , B A bertb DENTI~'f ' ' • \' UI a m iscellineous' s/lower I h " _ .LAST RESQRT ~ " , wondertullmP,et!ll In .lJrinelng';about': " ' 'u ~zle No. S -~ . ur ui Mr ... IIwin · MultOI'd, noo <liM The ne- r to dd" - -a 'crvilial,. Inftuenee In' the :world. Main Office ' And X-O-GRAf HIST ' • ' " ..,. ec r WIUI a re8lllng hiS _ An Arab died ' and - he ' ieft 'hili Dl'lkin. T Miula t t 'RUTH HARTSOCK.7:" aoon after I,!ol)~'-atlon. ,"As you all 'MOW, the beautifully ccorate d In • ,. " J ". , OlIlO 924X . South BrownlStl'eet, WAYNESVILLE. marrl'f,e Ruth said to ,ner good hUlf' ch'u rch h-., been tryinlL to .ralae 'm otl. seventeen ' camels t o be , divi .;d l1i oo, " irrty r efreal,"I, ' WoJ T .l.. pbone 11. band, . Thll.!e my· ftrst ,cl,!videnll from , ey ',for. a coal f un,d. ·We·ve \iiied ev- among his thJ'(!(l' son" _~() th a~ th e HOW',.; THIS? ,i • ' 0<1, c l:.;if;tln.ii p'f ie,'" • " n', ~u d my a~ck ~ thll ~orld. enterp~1I-' er.y conceivable :means of .getting eldest had h ll1l of, tbem. the next OATADtul D1llDi IN1!I :will .eM '., TI " brl(it; r eelved ' many .10it(U,L'!OFFIOE ATHAW AY nLJ)Go wh t wo cl m lor It-rl6 your ,.yltem a ~!_ vieJon of bOlDe. lWeet home,. mon,e y Iib'nntty; but with -pltl ful - r e- had one third. IIJld the y oun~es t 'Ind " ~ ul p to. nts. TI ~:: :atnrrb. had one mnth of. tit. .: )t Cula"1;t or Deatll'" cau ••~ bl' &.l...._ _ _ _ _""'!'_ _ _ _ _ _ _- : It balij8 another fOllDdatilln atone Ia l ulta. There ,I. notb:ing let t ' to cf: O. ltL\IN STREET ' a,11 de l'ted at .a late , .h J ur ~ It. over. _ Temple of ral." . . 'Ilut hold a ibalBar.", . ' 0 U'\ Llll OA.T \ RH MEDIOINIII con· tho l'Iowl~ m rl':i~ld co u}lle m lilt, ot - an ' In( ",,{ w hich - Qulckll' -'LBBRT ~'VB~f t 0'c10C!k . . . , • _ • . . 'poinl.' S -lind " by. Roe ll v"," thi> ~ - un,rbul 1lll!amID().UOIl, an4 *<t aID';- ~ 1Iapp, 110..... tb, J The IOYel'Dment hu . -neW lfUn that 0_ thl I nt II I Moll " Ino, a TonIc, ... blob '(T) tlIat webs a babJ.l:21· can MO!)t • ton ot metal a mile Gut "" \~ UtroU/lh u,It 'BloOcS 0 )1 the Iotucoua t t IOITl P neople ~urta.e., thUi rutorln~ ~ or ~ coodl• ,I('n pric1 ,.,," _ I U~il by ~ ·nllor.-9ft1' CO T~~ .tefl.. ....: '<II•• ~ 'B'. 1. 01, y" ",,,,. j Te' 40, oh.~ tIdaP JOII . ."- _to, • a9r , . . , . . What w ould be mor e fltti ng than that the ultimat um. deliver ed by th e Council of The Leag ue of Nut ions. , commanding Bulgaria and Gr eece to withdraw th eir troops behi nd their national borders, a nd to uclUle hostilities f orthwith. should hllve been t ormulated a nd de livered prnclicnlly on t he eve of Ar mistice Dny ? T im lJ . which modullitea and provides a dee per background for mutual un der Btand ing. time whi ch levels 1I11 thin gs and lays ' the she pherd's cro ok bl'sidlJ the scepte r. hIlS brought mu ch of ma r al a,d vanccment to the world. but never has it gi ve n to us a happier augury tha n no w when it t u rns lhe cons idera t ion of Armistice Da y to one of softened j oy in place of inspiration for the renewal of hllt r eds nnd continued bitterneS8 of so ul. It seems almoat all if that great apostle of peace, dying prllcti<'tllly discredited. had arisen in the spirit to stretch His IU'IIl8 over the people of the world in aim but force ful command that r eaIon henceforth · shall r eign supreme. Men in our n at ional cong ress ma y differ as to the wisdom of this great nation enterinK into the entanglng alUancea of the League: readers of ten thousand new llpapers may hold ten thousand d ifferent vie ws, but all wiU ropoice that renewed bloodshed on the field of battle , with ita incident ho~r and human Buffering hWl been checked. and muskets silenced b, the -influence of a great Ame rican. As the yeara r oll on that influenc e mUlt 1rI'0w in power . r.arrying in place of IladneS8. 80lace to those etrlcken soula whoee dear onee went Welt for human freed om. No more n eed Arrnstice Day C8use th e eye to flUh In m emory of great wrong done. Rather may It now make th e stricken sould paaa from that pain that is a lmpat pleasure in its sacrifico. to pleas U{ U that ia almost pain it ts no bility,

0 11 ,.11 .' Iullday, O{'I" hcl' :.!Ii, t H " II'. a n d !\'iJ'!'t. (; t,'o, 1. "llli~h, lin 4'1g-h t :It IU unu~ half poul\d ~ on . .


We Made a Promise; We'll Keep It



Get Our Prices

Waynesville Motor Co.







,. , ,"(,





Harveysburg ,Fertilizer Co.

DR. E. M. RUDOLPH At Cary'S Jewelry Shop

Every Tuesday


Dr. John W. Miller




_Walter McClure




Paid on Deposits





Will F. Young


0L:; '



Dr.~.E. H8 f



•~.!-=~~::-;,=-.= =.~e:I~"d"o~l~



THE MIAMI GAZE1TE ~;"isC\ pul markct und on \}cccm Jjcr 12lh .


ew I

Grinds All Kinds of Grain Grinds Oats Extra Fine for Hog Feed ·


Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Refunded

Waynesville Milt Coal & Ice Co. ....The Store of Better Values....


JEWELRY-We ar.. raiD, out of the Jewelry trad,,; tbi. that w .. have IS ALL FIRST-CLASS, WARRANTED AGAINST FLAWS OR TURNING COLOR. It i. too hi,h grade for thi. locality, aDd we are ,aiDg to cia ... it out. Tbi. i. goinl .t






ST. MARY'S CHURCH T we n ly -sccond Sun day after Trinity, Novcmbe r 8. Church ~ch oo l !l :30 a. Ill . Morning Praye r a nd Serlll on at 11 :00 p. Ill . All arc cordially invited to come lind worship with us. Rev. J ohn J. Schaeff er, Rector.

Waynesville, Ohio




METHODIST CHURCH Sabbllth Schoo l, !J :15 a. m., preacbing at 10 :30 a. m. Epworth Lealrue G:15 p. m. Preaching at 7 :00 p. m .• Wednesday even ing Prayer meeting. 7 :3 0. Everybody invited to these services . Rev. L. A. Washburn, Pastor.

- - -.....



Mrs Priscilla But terworth, wife of the Inte Edward Butterworth, died at the home of her ste p-daughter, Mrs. A. A. Linto n, li t Wilmin gto n. The funero l was held at Wilmingto n Tuesday nft rn oon, and Lhe body was br"u"ht to Wayn esville for burial in th e F r iend s' ~ravcya rel.

Headquarters for



Ten the Advertiser you read his Ad. in the Miami Gazette

Prest-O-Lite Batteries


Mrs. Alcthia Ale xand er , 86 years of agl'. and for many years n reside nt of Waynesville, rlied a t h er nom e in Da y lon, ~j l) n d n y. ,_hl' is survived by thr 'e s ons, Wil f red and Frank Alexn ndcr, of Middletown. and Dr . Hornee Alexander, of Dny ton, and one one' ~rn ndd nught e r , Mrs. Kathel'ine ArJ,ro, of Dayton. P ri vllte funorlll ser vices wer e held at the re sid ence thi, a fternoon and wer in cillirge o f Rev . Phil Porter , of Chri sl Ep isco pal church. Burial was in Middl etuw n.

Columbia ' Batteries

$11.95 All Rubber Case

For Ford, Chevrolet and Buick Cars

Melloh's Garage Waynesvill~,




Martin & Stanley Auctioneers If you are thinkill ~ of mnk in g a Sale of Household Goods, Farm Chattels . Rea l E st ate, Live Stock or other property , SEE U. \\ e work to ge t the price We guarantee t o satisfy you or c.harge O. It will pay you to et our terms. ~ en' ra l da tes already

Here are a few :

November 6, at Xenia Fairgr u'n d , Large Sale N.ove.m ber· 10.• at KingmaJ:l. Ob io. Farm Sale November. 19.' 2 miles Weat of Spring Valley . Ohio

For ale t)ates , write or call or.

Jesse Stanley Phone·No.

:-;<' lI e " ~ , hl' I'l'


New Burlinpon, Ohio

Thur~day Nig.h f

nlilltr 1I11 111111h, ~ 1:ll1tj\1l

At ·The Gym


I"HII" illllllll Hirlinj(H, "f ""lIr

l' (, lIhll \ 1Il 11j IU d l , II ~~

~I,' r j(II".

Ilat' ril'l Luui sc

Normal ys. High School

Il " th hl"l"" . arlo the duug h-

tt'r ~ 01 ~ II·. IIlId L\lr:--. 1 );t1l


tu q .w ol



AdmissIon. lOc"

1:1 :-:1 Wi.· Ik.



Mr. u,,01 ~Ir'" E. V_ Bllrnhnrl IIl1d 1\I1's. I': ",,,,,, 13nrn ett spellt Tu esd ny in WnYll es vill('.

F arm Bureau Meeting :\ I Il T'go t'



"" 'J wd \\ II~ IH't '!';L'nt at t he' h i~h Wu :-o held

Bur l' il LI Plt ' t 't i llL! \\

ill ( ; ru lIJ.! l' h ll ll T u\';-. duy ( ' \ ' l ' llill)'!". [\11'. R . .... 'l'nhl'r. ( al' l1\ IlHl n 1 1 l:I'IHl~nL d( ' l11 ull s trn t Ll r . ;.Iud , ','IIll l\' A~~t 1\ \ ("l uss

I ", i. h to' anno .. nc e to tbe p·o" pl. of Wayneovill" and viei"i l, th.t I wi ll co nti n ue to prtt. ct :e e V eteY'inary

Mcdi, ine at Sprint V311.y, Oblo, il1tl' l't'~t ing' ap cciaHzina in Vaccilla.tion and D ~· ~Ir . und Mrs . . Tnmes JII,' Ilire wen' ta lk!" nn t hl" ~Io\ iru ' I ll d ll..:tI'Y of \raJ' - Bcn' M of Swine , Mr. I·: . I.. Th o mll " and fnmity s pent Sunduy dillll er f.:U st" uf 1\1 ... an, l Mrs. l"l' !l l'OIIl\ty. wt.! I'e

Inst Th lll', dny with i\lr . SpU. Th Olll tlS Earl

'Cl IIII C .·.

alld fHl ni ly. in I>nyt un . ~Ir~. Hall'h \ ':l ncl' lind little so n, <If l' It'''.IInt Pl ain, "Iwn t Monday with ~I,. . !llId M,., . J . C. Hawk e.

Miss Ed ith Sides, o f Dayt ,,", vi sited her pnr c nt~ , Mr. II l1d Mrs. A. L. S ides , Su ndn:; .

F ur Side-Good used COrti hUs k"r :-;1. 1\lan's (;uild wi ll n.~ct with and sh,..,ddc r. Lingo Hardware Co. , ?llrs. , Tallt~ s l\Ir CIt'rl' on Thursd ay LeiJanon, Ohio . !lft<' rn uu lI, NO\','mb,' r G, lit 2 o'clock. Miss Lucy Emley Was pi aSllntl y ~Ir. R. F. ,\l usher und d n u~ht e r, e nt ertll ined Sunday at the home "f !l1rs. L,',li., J ackson, of Ca rdi ngto n, Mr. and Mrs. N. Jurdan. we,." weeke nd gues ts o f' Mr:;. Ecftth Mr. I\n el l\Ir8. Will Mohr, o f Dny .Il ar ri s ulld fa!lli ly. ton, were week-end lCu estg of Mrs. Whi z Anti -Fr eze for your Hadia- H uldah Burnett lind so n8. tor . Doc!; not (~ vapo ra t e, III. t8 1111 winMr. S. L. Cnrtwri" ht (' nt~ r l:o in ... 1 t er, ,,"" rant~ed not to inj ure your Rev. and Mrs . .I. J . Schllefrol' at t ilt" motor or I"Ild iator. Fred M. Cole. Friend~ Home , S unday. Mrs. F:lmer Han e nst ein and dnughMr. F. B. Hende rson lind famil y t er, Ele llnor., o f Cinci nnllti, Mr . WaIter Wies, of Clevelan d, JI1cs~ r5 . Ken - visited Mr. Hl\rry TUl"lll' r and familv . neth Kilbon, Chas. Du nh a m and Don- in Bellbrook, Monday ev('nill g. old Henderson, o f Duyton, were Sunday dinn er guests of Mr. Carl HenMiss Li zzie Joy W aR called tn Dn:(_ derson and famil y. t on a,t week 0 11 accou nt of the deuth o f a r elative , Mrs. Davi.1 Wilg us.


Miss E sther l'h omp ~o n a nd Mr. Carl Squires, of Spring Valley, were gUIlSts, Sunduy, of ~! iss Kalh erine Fromm. .


Mr. lind Mrs. A. C. 'n ll W\lI nn and family, of n(' I'" B\anchc, \ er. we re week-e nd "uo sts (I f Mr. Ol'vitlo Grn y and famil y.

Every Day

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dupree, lIIr. and Mrs: J. J. Fromm , o f Dayton, spent Sunday with IIIr. J ohn Fromm and fnmily. The Jolly Matrons we re cn lerl:tlined at lhe home of M 1'8 . Eli zlIl)et h 13alIy, Tuesday aft erl1oon, with Mrs. J . B. Chapm an 115 n oste s~ .

Ask You.- Grocer

Gall .Stones New booklet. written by Gall Stone Specialist, explains scientific home treatment prescribed for over 30 years Before ri sking operation-rMd about suc cess of this method for catarrhal infls, mation and infections of Liver, Gall Bladder and Gall Ducts as u sociated with Gall Stones. Sent free to anyone who writes. DR. E. E. PADDOCK Deakl02, KanaaaCity, Miaaouri

The questi',n of a State plat f orm for th e Hcpub ti c3n party will be of It ''cater impor l:tl ncc than the selection uf a candidate, it is pointed out by th ose wh o wish to sec the party a ssum e the respons ibilil y o f r etrenchment fr om lh e money spe ndin g orgy they SHY ha, bee n g<oi n" un. Olle of t he f Ol'elll o,t advocates of an e{" onomy progra m, iJased upon Lhc _ gam e meth ods that are being employed by Presid ent Coolirlge, is ChaB. L. Kni"ht, Akron lind Spring field publisher. It is kn ow n to f ew that Mr. Knig ht had a large 'part in th-e confer_ e nces that res ulted in the definite program of the Nationa l administrati on. 'rhis was the case, neverth~ less, and he is of the opinion that o lle of the fi (sl ·pl ace.s to begin in Ohio ig in the cabinet that controls the various State deflartments. It is a just non-partisan claim that there H.·C too man y State employees and wilh these SUIte employees responsible For th eir jobs to th e executive ruther thnn th e head s of the departmen ts. ins ubordin"tl on Is rampant and ' the State's businoss suffers. A p rogra m of elimination and a demand fu r e ffici ency rather than political se n ice is a cardinal point In this plan. Business inter ests have Indicated that they will aid ~ uch a movement, hav ing in mind the ever increasing t enda ncy t oward lethargy In caring [or the ir problems in departments whe l'e the law says they mUllt como f or r e li ef. The further te ndency is to present a platform to the people that wlII be lIlo,·.e drastic than those of previous years which carried meaningll!s8 words of .honey to catch votes. There bTl' tJ10 se who favor such platform. re~ardless 0 fthe result next year. in the end, it will reli eve the burden of .. taxation and rid the Stste of useless office holderS and pap-suckel'!!. A Republican candidate that will stanfl on such a platform win be selected, it is claImed by those favoring sueh a prOgTaDL .


11'1 I .llnl· M~ I IILIH,.'l n,'

" f t.l'!Jnnon , Smith .

I\Ir. and ~Ir ". 1\ . ~. II nw k .. , o f Onyton , >pl'nt ~lIlI d ll Y wilh l\Ir. and Mrs. J. C. lI awke .

COLUMB US, OHIO- Almost an y Stute official, memher of the leg i. lnture or laymun intl' rc ·t ed in the political welfare of tho Stnte, will tc' lI you thnt the a ll-importnnt qu estion before th e next State ailmin istrn ti un will be one of " tax es and econom y." No matter how men may differ on other mallers of im porta nce , it is practically II u nanimous fee ling that the matter of tnx cs an d c Ulting d ow n .. f needl es, expenditures is forem os t in impo l'tnn cc.

For your convenience, we have arranged with D. L. Crene, Gazette offlc:e" to date your sale right In Waynesville. Your sale solicited.


Call at

vl~ lt tll



,\I'u r WII YII "" ill ". \ TI H.~ \\,' d d i!u" M II 'P ft l' Wi\~ :-L t ' r\' l' d al l\Ii s~ Esther Kith, o f H olgnl{', 0., thl" ~t lJ r~uli h l lll ,P t l l -; ,,'dud\. .:\ bout spc nt the week-e nd with Miss Loui ",' ·I U HUl'Ml S \\ l' t ' Pl"t'~ "II L

--Bring your Eggs to Kro]"er

.-----------.----~-~-~ ---

COf E:iZ

Mr.· and Mrs. Ernesl Butterworth enlertained to a family dinner, Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. John Carey, Mrs. Ralph Earnhart, Mr. Howard Carey, Mr. Frank Mar"h and family, Mr. and Mrs . John Sheets, Mr. Perry Wade and family, Mr. and Mrs. Brice Smith Mr. Ernest Marsh and family, Mr. and Mrs. James Wykoff.

---.. - ...---

Local dealers-say that 80mI' people complain about the high price of gas. oline-yet they're ateppng op. it.



12"2C 1

Heavy C~nvas, per pair. • . •

. ___ Prr Doze n Paira


1ft LAR Perpound 'JC Pound i.~af'----I·· Oc E D 1 ~Each . • • • • • . •. • E"ell

Raisin, Every Wednesday, Be 1 Paund Loaf,

.2~,~r? 22c -,.--._--- - - - -


Fresh Milk

po .. nd ... .... .... ... .


Pint ....: .... .... _.... ..... ........... . Qu.rt ...... .. :....... .. .... . ... .... .. 10,·

~~~~.~~. .~~~~~~~~.... 12 C £r~~~,~~~. . . . ... . 69c

---'>' - -


- ~

' ---~ '-

Hershey Bars

Larle.... ...... ... .......... .. ......


Sm.II ...... .. .... .. .. .... ........ .. .. .... .... 4e

~~~: ~~uk

... ... .....

$1.48 r~~~.~~~


---- ---_.

Squl\re, e .. ch ... ......... ..... ... 25c



. . . . . . 17c

Do"en C.~ • ............. •.. ............• 2.04

~~Xde~U~~~~~..35c _~ • • • • • # • • • • • ~o

•••• ~


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..

Burgess Batteries


45 Volts


22~ \~ "'._OJ

$3.00 $1.50 -


'L 0 N G'S




You don't ~ nee_d awrlnger ,_ . - . . whenyouhaveaUUl«-DRY-l!11I.· I



HAT'S what make. the Laun. . Dry-Ene different and' better. Women everywhere tell how it ~ clothes, how it never ifamares buciona, snap fasteners, hooks and ' eyla l . bo1#


it dries comfon • .and blntlCet. for the hi 0,,< minute better thAn any ·wringer....,. aDd how it trulk~s it unn..e.... ry for you 10 put your htu"l. ill hot or cold water. . . let t \1 :( giVt: you " drmufllltr.ltion-that " proal -,..I!1:-_ _...liI.1._that l'rOV~L !'h~p ~ today.


DI»U_ 01 c;.a.ra.I MolD,. Co"..,a,.,

Lebanon, Ohio

Santoa. per :b •• --Golden -----._- --- - - -

· 1


Keelor Garage


00 Years of ;Thorpe

Com~ in ' and ~ee hpw mu~~' luperior these Befter Buicl(. Sedans are to "Coaches" be. fore you .pend your mQney, '


-11 7 C

French hlel~G , per pouno . . . . • . • "'i'

Jewe l B r a nd. pu lb •..• 3Se

A piano r ecital will be given al the Cent erville Towns hi p hall, 'l'hur, day evening, Nove mbe.· 5, beginning at 8 o'clock, by t he cia,s of Mrs. l ona G. Wilso n. Everyone cordia ll y invited.

And thelle BuiCk. have the characterildc Buick. charm of body pr<>file. They are finilhed in Duro. They leat five full-irown people in roomy comfort. The, have the Fisher VV one-piece. ventiladll\g windshield, autoniadc: wind.hield wiper, . and a hout ofliiht necessities. Buick'. lexacttns closed car .tandards prevail In their flaher-bullt bodies. \



- - '-'---

Whiz An ti-Freeze for you r Radiator. Does not evaporate, l ast~ a ll wi nte r, guaranleed not to injure your motor or radi ator. Fred M. Cole.

Miss Edna Howand was a g uest a t a luncheon at th e Hotel Gibson, Cincinnati, last Saturday, given by Wm. T. Howe in honor of Madame Alica Curu Delville, a noted French Womlln, who gave a very intercstinr talk on French schools. -

g.I ..

Dr. R. V. Kennon

. Mr. and Mrs . Clark Bacon lind t wo children and Mr. Bonrdmun, of il1cinnati, were S unday guests of II1r. and Mrs. D. E. tun diford.

Mrs. Edit!) Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hawke, Mr. R. F. Mosher tlnd dl\ug htc r, Mrs. Leslie Jack, on , of Curdinl.!"ton, attended the funeral of their cousin, Mrs. J. J. Crumley, of Athens, at Lebanon, on Saturuay afternoon,

And thel' have the famoUi "Sealed Chassis" and the new "Triple Sealed Englne." No other car, regardless of price, furnishell this completeness of protc:cdon for driving parts.

:1 l1 lt J.!'~·" · l·

rry th .. Miami Gazette (or J nb Work


These finer closed cars are built on the famous Buick chall8is with the 21-vearprovedJ. 60 and 75 hor.epower .Hula Valve-In-Head engines. Extra power!

prc st..' nt

Miss Katherine Fromm att e nd ed a Hallowe 'en ptlrt.y lit Sp ring Valle y, Thur. day nig ht, anu wus the ~ Ul'st of Miss Esther Thomp.o n.

Dr. and IIIrs. C. G. Rl\n<1ul l. of Ha r_ veysburg, werc dinn er gUests (If Dr. and Mrs. Witha m last Friday , honoring the 80th birthduy of Mr. Adam StoOI)S.


All Rubber Case

Phone 47



Chn rles Brnddock di ed at his home in DnyLon lust Thursday morning. afte r an illn ess of several weeks. The , fune r a l wal!" he ld in the Waynesville M. E. church, Snturday afternoon, [{C\·. L. A. Wushbu rn conducting the se rvi ces. Burinl was in Miami cemetery.


Dr. Lloyd Ha ll ulld fnmily rc lati,· s in Lytic, Sundl\y.


Mr. un ci Mrs. l\Iu('k Bull , of Xcnill, ~ I r. \\' !lI1:1'" (; ".101111'01 . "f 1.,·Io:l1l0n , were ~u l\lI ClY f.:lIe~t ~ of lII r. nllcl 1\11'>. w a:-: ill \Y :\\ rH ~\- illt, 011 b li Si n l' :i ~ , Snt - Eli I)\' u n .


Waynesville Auto & Machinery Company .

visiting r elu-

l} \l' (;U Zl!tll' ,,11i "'l'.

vi ~ itcd " ·I Ull\:'·...;

I'red M. ole is mavin' illt" hlh ncw s lore r oo m this week.


Morning Service 9 :3 0 a. m . Bible School, Com muni oll and sermon. Evenin g Se r vice 7 :30 p . m. Song Serd ce and sermon. Ali are cordially invited.

Frank H. Farr, :

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •. • • • • • • • " • • • 4• • • 0 • • • • • -



nil wiII a ,Dod . uit.hle Cbri. mao Pre.ent. Ju.' come in and look oYer our ulection .nd choo. " anytb in g you m.y need. By a .m.1I pal'ment yoo can hav" an article laid hy to let at a later date.

"'HE 011 LANTERN" By Baily


Fo\IIIIII - A h l1l1l'h o f k"p. at

Does not heat gr~l1n III grinding. Cell] at Mill Hnd see sample of grinding. Q uality of gri nding a!\yays the same, as th e gra in cannot Ica\' e the 1" eed Mill without passing through a fine sie\'e.


1"" 1 h " 'HI

JIIr . hnrl~ g Smull tiHs in Sprinl! til,ld .


ilL . • 1\ ~'II\"\" ~ \' II "\ M: N. 1l1"·~<In·IIJ;'c . tltl " \' 111;'11)' \\u 1l(\ I' fnrlll(' d tty thp I." I •. ,\ \\' IIJII. 10 II I II. Th COl' U'1l ti ng

Mr. Alle n Kibl e.· ~ p o nt und SUndtl)'- ill Loveland.

Mr. :-;I:l ll h·v

.,""""',................ ,.........................



'I·hu,. (J1'(0 ·cr 2!1 at ;3 ,,',,1'1( ,IIIl,. i, ,;•. ' urrc\1 t'vo w ddingll !Ill

. M r. ulld M.'s. , Wlli tllr Sunday in _'1lITksvl\l ,

) Ir. '. 1'. Hawke has be<'n " err si l"O

Basket Ball!

-Doubfe Wedding

What's a 'football season without Tho r pe? "Never complete," say '" oltltime · g ridirol. fons. The famous ' full-bloode d Oklahoma Indian ' of , Carlisle school · fame 18 tlii8 year dashinS-JIbout In the backfield for the N . Y. GianU!, a . profcssional , telll)l . . Thorpe, ' All-around Olympic: ChampIon of 1910, is to· fOQtball whst Walter Johnson and Ty Cobb are to baseball. "the .....nd old man of the ,ame." •

Fredo M'Ce 'I'" ...,.arm'

"11I11uu II wrln,,,u d 'ware. Ett," Harness .. ' . •

11"1'''''4 Ua"_D'1 uar








Seventy·Seve1l th Year


This Week



I 1,




: .J

Whole Number !1 !i74

. - - ---. -----------~



WERE INTERESTING Ver y kCI' n int,, !, 'sl ",us man ifest uv t he h" lf hl, nlll'c II II I' mure fo rme rs '~ho Il t t l' nd(' d th " "w in e nH'ctings he ld hy Co unty Agpn t CIllss ti t W"y nes. ville un d Lehu n on Ills t week. H. F. T ll bL·r, fa rm l11unas,rcnu: nl S p l'ciu li ~ t of Ohi ll Ag- ri l'lll turn l co lle/:,(' . ex · "PEP" FOR THE CHURCH pluin ell t he' purpose of t h" Ilwenn !,!. KILLING COTTON a lso t o pr ese nt info l' mll li li ll t o lIl\' farm e rs in r egard t o ~ up p l y li nd de· IN 1950, NO MORE OIL? mand and o th e r faets Iwari ng un th ~ CONDENSED KNOWLEDGE pust und f ut ur e cu nd iti"n" in th e hug busin ess, wJlich 11lUY Hi ll p n)rlU ( 'l'1 "~ in mor e inte llige nt pla nnin g fo r 'the f u· ture. Dr. B. 'ft. . Jenkin s , of Knn "a s City. As f arlu rs poin tin ),: t owu rd a lit· advises clergymen t o imitate th e ti c in creasc o r pCI'haps ~ vc n lowe r Heurew prophe ts lind P. T . DHrnum , pri ce , Talle l' mcn tio ned:: and udverLise. Th e anc ients ce rtain . I. Indi cutod pr odu et iu ll t hi ~ fal l Iy knew how to attract atte nti on. and wint ' r i ~ in CXl'es ~ ur pr't·- wal' Daniel in the lion's den, Elijnh with pc r ellpitll I"'" cl ucti ull an " als" in his chariot and trnlncd rnven s, th e excess o f I :'21 - :!~. pious, incombustible lhree in th(! fi er y 2. Pre"ll llt pri ceR ure t'IJ/lSi ri <-r a Lly furnace, etc. You co uld not ignort' Il uove :I IWI'lIlll l r ~ lllti"" , h i p to Ul'e f th em. tend in),: t o CU U " !.' n t urni ng l'r " 1II "" rk to Leer co nsumpti on , Dr. J enkins tells clergym en to se· 3 , He tuil bueo " priceI' arc 30 ',; lect snappier titles for t heir Se rt~lOn s , al>,)\·c t.h e pricc" "r t he lust fel\' ye31'S imitating newspaper heudl,in e wrllcrs. whil e lurd is -15 'f, a bove. ~udl in· It is not ensy, however, to be snap. creused prices nu rm u ll y reduce Co li · py and r everent at the 8ame tim e. 8um ption . The' Salvation Army does it, Tnl4 . Prices 0 f corn li nd hogs hav nlago, Beecher Hnd Spurgeon did it. a pparen li y enco u l'ueg d breedi ng- for It is not easy. • fll ll f a r n ,win),: II"d \1',11 he IIp t to h""e the snnw t·ll't·d ror "prill!: farruw in/.:. 5. 1'1", " I' rlllu l swint(' uf tIll' hog- cy _ A ranchmnn's wife in Culoradu killed 140 rntU esnnk es wi t h u ' club, cle wou ld t nd to ind icllte luwe r h o~ fighting the reptiles for two hour~ tn prices u year frulll t hi" fa ll or a yea r save th e life of her two-y eur.old child from l1eX L Hp l·in g. A s p01ntR incii 'ati n)': hi g her hog Women fenr 8nnkoB ns th ey do ratH Evo lutionist gentl em en will te ll yo u pri cl's, he JiU Vl': 1. A hig h It'\'e l .. f prus pe r ity in thnt when o ur ances t ors lived up in II tree tho snake wou ld com e out this coun t r y und ahl'"n ll wit h th e ex· olollg the 11mb and seize the w o man' ~ ce pti on of En g lull d . T hiMwoul d lead to cu ntinu ed gOIlR c()n slIll1 pt itJn. s leeping bnby. 2. Hig h lalllh pl'ices and i Ill P I·"V~. Wh en they lived in cnves th e dlln ger _was cnve rllts thut wou ld eat th e men t in beef prict·,;. 3. H ag prices bc~a r1 thei r impl'Ove· child in . sleep. Thut mude wo men men t u you r tlgO la~ 1 ,I uly. It is hat.c rllts nno snukes. But for the sake o f children, wom· vcry unusunl f or u d ' fi n ite do wn tu rn en overcome ull fear . That WOI"an to begill und!'r l anrl 2 0 1I10nth •. 4. Light ti lur ugc hll ldill )!s. on a lonely r a nch g 140 rntll c· Summnry : s nnkes with a club 1M n pict ure of L The d('pcnonhility "f crup " nd primitive life, live·s toek estima tes. 2. The vu lue of greate!' study uf Cotton growers lire disoouraged , and the ir complaln t8 are j UKt , a ga inst such mute l-in l to th e (uI'l1ler. a government helpinl! with it.s rep o l't ~ to put down cotton pri,ces. Governmental · crop rL'ports a n-· n ouncing gigllntle ~r u ductlon do mor(' thun give infurmnllon to bUyers.





The governm ent announces tha t so many million bllleS m o r~ than u ~u ­ al wiU be offered for sale That is equivalent to suying, "Don' t be in , any hurry to buy. You will get it ohoaper lator on." The government doesn 't print such reporta con l"OrninK the steel bU Ainess, oil business, or other business. Why is -it n eces.'!ary to broadcast to the world, at public expense, reports of which the result is t o inj ure Am eri· cnn cotton grow ers?


Richard Redmayne, who un· defJItands oil, lIaY5 t he world's s upply will I}e I!Jtha u ~ted In one hundred yenn., nnd ~he supply of the United States in twent~five years. This is largely guesswork, of course. No· bolly knows h ow much oil is hidden \lnde'lt round, in the Innds a long the PII41ifle, up in the Arctic, in MexleD and elsewhore.

AT COLONIAL Accl il im pd "" " mo num C' n!.a l scr een nchie vl' ml! nt li nd hni\ cd ll~ th e g r'cll test h isto ri cH 1 \.y(' ~ t e rn s ince .tTh c Cove red WlIg OlI, " "The P ony Expr(lss," .TanH's Cr ui',c's nro duclion on a tita nic sca le, hegins Il n engage· ment at B. F . I\ eit h ' ~ olonial th euter, Da yton , Ohi l'. S und llY , No ve mber 15. In thi ~ pictUI'i za ti (l1l o f th e sto ry hy H enr y F nrlllan lind Walter Wo ods , r uze has Qpen l'd a n <llher cha pter in the hist or y of Ame rica . It is a cha pter fill ed w it h the glnrl"u ~ romanc e, the Iluthen t ic in cide nts, th o thri lli ng episodes li nd, IIL ove 1111, t he wond e r· ful hum or o( the un el\' ilir.ed Wesl that hus g on(' , mould ed t ogether into u great plc to rin l cpic of o ur nation a l life, It take s experi enced players to do justice to s uch a trem end olls,-story Ilnd the presence in th e cast of such film fav orites a s Betty Compson, }1i· cllrdo Cortes , El'I1est T orrence and Wnllt\ce Beery, pr oves cOlll'lu sively that Cru ze W IIS alive t o his r esponsi. bility in thi s re spect.

••• ••

State ·


Union' Service

tht·i f rC ~ pl'c t s

t (1

vir tim s of the W" dd War.

dC l'~on

(·()J.I IMBI 'S. OIi IO- Total n· vt'.

pn'sidillJ,! al lht.: piano.

A f-

Ll- r th e :";criptul'(' k ~,; on . read II)' th" l'ilaiI'I1H.ln, IInri lh r il1\'''c'a li un h)' Uro. t; . E. Stroll ~ e , the >pl'lIke r of t he oe I a,i " n, Ar" . G. F. 11 1'0\\ n. "f Lel ,anfl B , \'\' H!' i nlr(\ciu("PLi. ThnSfl \\,ho fail .. d t o Iwar this IIrld !'l'>s missed (HIe of t h" lwst of i t~ ki nd l'Vl'r g-i\'(!f1 in thi s t o nliHu ni t,\'.

'fhL' ~ pl!Hker paid a


( " re nch an ,, [hl'!' millio n d ,) lIar ~ . I)f this g1'lln d t"t,,, $() .OO O,OUO hus al ready be('n paid in as n r esult of the t wo·celll. ~'I<, ) linc t ax , and tho "t lll' r $I ,I,OO<l ,IlO O f",m lh e sa le o f autum"bi", Ii '(' nse tags fo r thc yl'll r . TI,,·y 1It'l' still huying a nd se ll ing au· illlUlllo it.,s b" th IICW und oM, and nil

Jlul'l'ha~cr-.; n r ~ co m pc ll C'rl to 1it"l! II~ c JllJtlt· ~ !"o t h at f urth_ pr· n'l"l· i l' l~ f r llfll thi :-\ S Oli rCe i~ cf'rtnin /1('\\'

(!1,)\I'ing- t ri hute to L1w p r in cip les o f h:l\·(" lith o nl!.!}' find til l h" brnvc hu\' s whll mud(, till' }' lI pr' m e sac l'ince fo r lht' t' UU};l'



j\l ~ lic,' nnd huma nit y. Il l' th ~ impll r tHIH'l' a lld h(,lIl1ty

o f III ' m tl r i~l-\ u n tI tilt' nC'ccssitv f o r (]' l'i!' ],ei ng k.'pt fr u~ h and brig ht. Foll owil\/:, th e a,ldr·<s . lIliss Luq' t:: m ley sling "The Star Spangled Bunner," in her Own f nu 111 css mann e r , Miss lI e nd erso n accom pani st , lind th e se r vice was do sed with the ~ ing i ng of " America:'


'= - = . 0 : .

:==========-~=== =-==

Th e oun ty·wi ,le urn show to ue h old at Lingo 's IIl1rdw nre wnreh ouse hus th e unqualified enu orsem ent from Co unt y Age nt C lass a cco rding to r eo por ts fro m hi s offi ce t his week. Mr. luss is urrang ing f or n specia l rer>rese nlnti ve of the F arm Cr op De·

OEER SHALL ~. L~- '" u EDUCATION WEEK; ~ .~ fi!_[)" ..... _W~ .BE PROTECTED fc~;n~~l j ~d;~ t~~i~x~gr~c:~tS:I _~.~ •• " 'f~n __~~ " Decembe r A ll entries mu~~r~~~ st b e m., t hot day. Or they in by :3 0 VISIT THE SGHOO S - - -- - - - - - - - - - can be bro ug ht to th e Lingo st or e or 12 . u.


- - - ' I', .. , is T h!' At h!'ninn t; nd T""I CClrwin so. T Il<' wt·(·k ,f X, ,, ,· ,, 01 .. I' k nnwn thl',)U)! ',,, " t 11" I'. ,'. . :, 'L' ~ Cil.ti " ,'1' 11 " :" ", ,, .. 1 ',I, ,! , :, ' " ji b t' , n~ Ellul'llt l' " \\. ,.1: I' , \'. " , (·t f"P"lI' in(:, "t ie" r, : ' "pa r i uy tl,,' t·. ~ . II , "I' .' I ,. " . I , h, i" ,, - ' ",idl'nt. tkrt 0 ' ;\1',,11; Li OIl l'spel'i : t1 I~ j'll r 1' :11 ,'I I, .t. ~ vir . : ' r~ :o" \I(, I , [{I lea Janet C, ttl~ r Hl'qllain tl'd w it h ' i" , 114.' , ,\ rtJ,!h t ; ~l' c rp ' a r~: .. t n 'usurer, J ean public " h""I ... '1'1", ,'.,. I \ ',y 111"ckea . " ,·,vill,' " " ' (''I''' '' i. .I I.1 ,.. : ' ,'P r o m Corw ill- Pre. ide nt. 1 "anc('s l hei r patro n ... ".I "'ll i ll ' III II t I • \r~~ l(' ; vic -l)rc ~ idcllt, Juhn Gn ns : w""I<. Th "I , al l' '' ",., ':11, I,' p ,I'· ~l'Cr l'tll \· " .Lr o ·) "U r ' l' . Eliznbeth UI'I . ont. in oUI' Cull ll IIlI ity ", h" hill "t The l;u r , ,' of 'Ill: >lI ci r l ) ueen in:,ide n ~ I'I,, ", I ,', " , ., ~l" " I ,, 1 p"E'scnt t.. n ... SChlll'l the ' .y was in s('" iu l) ,illt ,· tl. ,· . " : ,1, 1) 01 PI ~ rI\lII , , )~~ , h l ... , fro . .. cl,6i1'C duys. " ,. IUllg ~u<: h I i ,~. l wic(' ellch "l':" " , ~I'" me ' . d,· bat" . \V c cordinlly '"' il YI '·' . , C,l1' nnd !H'C hI ,\'.' ~ C' W" ' d: ' i l1 ~: d ll ~ \ m llv \. Ct!l' lI d lg' som ' \..1\' ; , p w.,ek s d "1 '.\1' fOl' tL is 1"11'1""" . It · _ _ ___ is n ul nUl" pUnh l ~ l' ~,. I I~ ll ,y ' p\.~ cT " n l . "~ I f .~r. l'XIH' l"i(lnl vn

St lt te nil' _c tn r of Ag r ic ul ture, Chas ", T r uax, c"l1 < .he attent ion of spo rl' men to t he fn et t hat dee r lire p ro· teel!' d in Oh io. there being no r.pen '!H~ ason " . Ihc~l' animals. T :Jis may ,i ce m a n ~ : ; ll&.i ' rna ' 'er lo emphns ize hut hl' !'l' ... : appal', <Ill y at lea,t t wo dec ilt la!'!!'l' in the State at pr csent. Au hC' ntic , l ' tH )r tf; , r 'c' p iv d r ecentl y by I ir C'cto r Tru· .. , in ulc nte t ha1 one of tht' se alli ll ,,,I" was ill Champ a ig n cou nty , nca r l\l ,'c hllnic,bur),: earl y last "\l'ck, und , a L Ill' . :"1'. hu d wo r ked its way :·)to Mudiso n ,-uu nty . Th is ,jee r ' , all e i ~ llI. poi nt bUlk. T he r c }UtV(' a lso 'H!C lI two de1i nite rcpp ·ts f l'om Ho hues :, '1 USCHl'hwa_ co II· Ie!" t ha t <.t at' ''' r h !' L\ en sc ' .~ n i:'


in l w ork, b u t


\. un t you t il sec th(' o f i

nt' ,\' th l"ll l ~ ol "Se ll h H'hIJ o'.t" lnst. sll'

schoo ls "s th.,y go o n fr om d"y t o w~ ,. k wh "" hr' ..· ,''' nf '''lctcd wit h dny, You r pr, (ln c(' nt H'h / lul \\" '11 ~Ill it l' ~tU \110 n ' 0 ' ; , -{or d aC'''' p icbo nil ill<pira ! i III I.. th(' teacher>. nil [ UI'I· ';. !II ... Sml Lh " eS u " c i >ll l uu ded in .(·nti",. t o, !tu" d work lO the pr i,," fn r ~ l·honl ",or". "" ,1 h: . I)upd s on d Wl' bt,IIe\'>' u plclI >I,rc ~ :lti" factor\' ,. .'. • t o c1 : .. ,~~ , yo u: F eel f r ~e to n ,m e early a l, d L.J a n d '21" stay In lt'. F. R. MOIHIAW , S upt . Tlw pupil s hud a holiday In, t Fr i. - - -- - - - - dll>', ",ht' n tlH' " 'ucher s u r the ~lIli r e ,chou l attended th e 'o u t llwestt'l'II Ohio encher - <!onferunce ill IJll yl(d l. ~ I any took ,,(h'm nt llge of the sho r t va· .: at ion by cramm ing fo r variou s t es ts.

th e

It l ' '''~~C 111

·,e E ne- te r n r'. ' l .,f mit."l the

I'lt. .


Acc lJ r c ;ng to Di r cc-!or

' P ruHx ,

I lCr l"

l ~ a po Ih" it y t he "oster n decl' 11 IlV hl': wo 'd il ay i from " e l~ n_ h , : \·"ni~. . ' " eVll·. uo t >I f these anilll :ll. m ~ hllvC' (! ~cnpc , f r om the n"'ose"elt Came pres"",·c . th c vast ruge mnintui w I I,y l l,· liiviFia n of fish and , am " f th e S1!lLC departl1lent of A v:ricu ltu re, nca r Portsmu uth. The ol1 lv d rawu u" k to th e la l ter theOl.·v . h",,:e\·e r. i6 tht, imlJrob. ~h il ity \I f th ese Iw, ,,"ima l" n'ac hing tlll 'ir pr ese n t lucati o!) withllut havin g ueen sce n in tlw c()unli~s l. hey wo u ld 11Il\'e had lo ''I'''~s o n th ~ir j ourney fl 'o m the Purbll,o ulh preser ve. Ohio laws c1eal'l :1 ~ lIlt · that d eer sha ll be ,r()tecled II I all til11~ alld shull not be armed by hunters.

Then ' will be a speci" l mer t in ", of of Way n es ville Lo" /.:e F . & -A. ~ l. , l\Iond uy <,veni nq , Nn" cmbcr 16, for the purpose of r (l nfe l'l'i n ~ the F. C. deg r ee. All ~I . S(' II S lIt't' conli nll y in· vit.ed. . G. J . WAT ER ll OI SE . \\" M. F . B. H EN DER ON, Sec ·y.

Sp ea k e," of lI:utinnll l l·c'P·.J' .. t· ' n nr c to be in Culumbus n " xt ' ,. t, wh e n th e annua l cnn fe rc n ..! o f ' r " Ii hea lt h o ffi ciuls is he ld wit h 0 Is ',. of the Sta te depa r tmc nt of h. The confe r ence opens 1\1 , n d ~1 . ,I will co ntin ue t hr ough F " id ?y. " il morn ing , nftern oon nnd I 'e:l i:l sio ns cuch day. Locn l h' : t~ o;;c a r c un der the law , req u: I to ntt( th cse conf er en ces, und lei r r nl ;' , exp nses nr c paid from ' '81th! 111 0 5 by co unti es a nd mun icip ti· s · I ' e. I{ates arc expec te d to 2' ,d , 1I0t o' ll y f r o m ever y ci ty ,r ' :8 oun t! s . of th" Sta te, uut al m ~c(, r " s o f smuller towns an d VI. 1. A'I in ter. ORting l1rog r n m (,[ ('nte 9i n n~e nt, u.s well a s bcn efk ..11 to n from nn "fficiu standp u' ·l! . hM J .. e.l n:rloo ~ed fo r the entin' week.

O-acl'l' o r 1 ' )O-bu ~ he l co n t es t

d..,m o nstr u li oll of t hl' o j u:ial m c thlJd

of moisture tcsti n(! calTied on al the vari ou s g .... in exchnnKe" lin d gO"~ nl ' mon ta l 'In speclion di \'i ~ ion, Each co rn g r o wI'r n f th r cou n t y is in vit ed to e nter nn ex hihit of 10 !:'l1 r3 either ye llow, white 01' mixed. _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _

Shrine Club Meeting

Age Limits


Speeding Up work



Profitable Meeting

----- ..._---

Preaching M· ssion


--:--_...... ----

----_ ..-.,....--

.lect Officers

MaaonsElect Officers

I1t.. W

durin J.! lhf' n ' llInilllflJ,!' two nlonth!1 o f I :)U, . wh ile t h" g'''. tax rC' ce ipts a rc " XIH' l:'tNI tn C.'nnliJl th ' almost a~ hiJ:h a " dUl'it lg the SlImOle r m onth s. T hera Hrt· today in ' Ihi,) l .l GO.OOO naSsen· ~cr llUI"llI"llilt· ~ '"11 1 I G:1, 000 power I,perated !:asu linl! t r uck:;, ac co rd ing t <, Thad II . H.. "wn, sec reta ry ot 'Ulte, This C' lmpHres with on ly 1 .• 0[,0,04 1 pas'enKcr car~ and 1 53.88~ trllcK. in H):! ,I. an,1 !J~7.IlR 6 pn~sen· und 1;j\),!1 f>4 t r" ,'b in \ !' ~3 . As t ho licl·n,,· t:lV: pl'ice is ...·0111 ' ed [)O "!'I' " 'nt th e fir:;t o f January. n .. other yenr i, expected to exa ct ' 0 gre'll a tinlln t'ia t tu ll fr nlll the aU l omo bilo ow n rs o f Ohio. Bu Rllrely t his Yl'nr t he y' arc do ing the ir shar e lUwn rds lIw mn iutena nce of high wa ys l: l ro u ~ h o ut the S tate.

' ill olso \j" felltu r!:'ti , " . well as a



Co unty Age nt 's oflic c any tim e afte r Dece mb er 1. Cluss adv ises that corn will ue j udged from utili ty nnd "eed corn ~ t.nnf!po i n t. It is pla nn e d t o dc\'o t c t il<' maj or port ion o f the afte r noo l1 'to cdueationa l d i f c u s~do n s on co rn impl' oveme nt. Th e Uni ver s it~· i pec iulist wi ll demo nst rate th e cu lling of seed corn wh ich s houl d b e of sp eci a l inte r est t o every corn g rower o f th e co un ty . lI e w ill like. wi se exp lain his reasons for awa rdi ng t he prize~ to th e vul'i o u ~ winn er s. Cuu nty AA'ent C I [l~ s nI SI) plnns t o r eo po rt the prog-ress of th e cu rn variety tests whi ch h,1\' (' heen cond u cted in I . :1t~ cou nty r!'1 I' in$r t h· past 4 y ears, and fr om wh ,ch ~n r .. c·.. · valu a ble POlll d" cun bt.· g nth (1 1'cu, 1\.::; time per


Th rough t h it· own efT' t ~, pr' 'Ol' ~ ~s at t he Lo ndon priso n f " m h a 'e I,') t on lv : ssu l'l'd the m seh'l' ~ of II ·p ll· st o;'k, d lar d ' - f'l r th e w ' n ~er m o ... th~ bu c h a vc I . ' the < 'c r nnd i :on p I'~sib l e at , tie r sta te instituti" ns. !'vi " !'l! than :ii,noo ga llC' !lR of tc.:naloen were co nn ed during 5en10n li t Lo n· 1 10 ," in nddition tl) - more thnn 1.000 1~ lIlln n s pf _o m"to so up nnd as m uch l. , 1~Il Jt , A bo u t six lilncs ns I I1 U ( ~! water as tom a t o br oth is hL!d ed wh en sen 'NI as e'. l:p, so ,pt in r ealit y th" y have lib , . t (:,000 ~ at ~o n s of to· mato so up, en o ugh to fill a hlighty bilt kctt le. Man y t OilS of sw oet corn hAve! been dried nnd is no w r elldy f Ol' lise, whil e hu n dreds Ot gallons a! ~n u e rk 1'tlu t will soo n b e nvuilable. At t he f urm th ey hllve th eir 0\Vll butch· eri ng estubli sh ment, so that plenty of s pare rib ~ will be uvailllble when t he k1'tlut is serv ed . I n additi on to a ll this hundreds of pou nd s of corn me a l for mu sh hilS been made. They have their o wn <luil'}, herd nnd mllke th e ir own butter lind other Inilk pro· du cts, so, t.nkin g it al Itogether, th e pr isone r s will be m ighty well fed and cared for . Act ivi tics of the Lo:\d nn fur nt huvC' b en g reatly extendcd by GovNnOI' Do nllh ey d uring his term, And tiS u r esult t he c o~t of feeding t he 600 at London is ve ry small as cons idere d w ilh whut it h as. been cos t in g to keep th elll in lhe idlo 110U60 in th e peni te nti a r y. The Ohio Co mmissio n for the bli nd is alr eady bu sy IH'cpa r ing for the holinny" , und in nllll os t cv" ry coullty Gf th e Htat ' sli m e o f its s ightle i~ work· e l's lire busy making up little art icleB whi ch may bc used as gifts during t he Yul etid e senso n. " ach year t h e Ohi " cu mnri"sion f urllis hes aU mate· I'ia l nc ccssa l·v. sen ds instructors into t he h0ll1 e6 th ese sightless folks , und th e n wh el1 th e nl·tic1es a r e com· plet ed find s a Ill ll l'k l! t f M th em . The e ntire cash r ece h'cd, less only t he ('os t of th e m atel'ial used, is puid to th e blind work ers. Thro ugh the IIC· ti vities o f th e Commis.ion hu ndreds of the5e blind work er s hllvc been abls t n ellrn ell oug h to pay t heir expenses, but in additi o n to t he tinan clal r eo ward, th ey are empl oyed at work which tak es their mind from their umiction . Sales of t he a rticles mado by t hese sig htl ess work ers is made through large department stores, and wom ens' organi~llti o n s thro ug h t lit the State .. in addition t o the In: . e f sales conducted at h endqullrtcn the Co mm i~sion in Columbus. J • dred s of m a il orde rs are r eceived daily by II1rs. Frances Lumb, tb e exIleutive secretary.


Eastern Star Electibn The Easter n Star lodgl' eleeted t h e fo ll ow in g ne w officers a t their regula r mee ting Mo nday 43vc l1 in~: W. M., Lucile Armitnge ; W. 1'. , Char :es E . Brudbury; A sso. M., Mi nerva Hough; secretary, Su e Ha wke ; t r" asurer, ~er. t ie lI1i1ls ; Con., Ju lia Bl'tldbllrYl AliSO. ' Con ., Ola H a rtsoc k>; trust e.:, Minni. B. Fromm . •

Duck . Not N 'meroua



-- ....

,' 0.




,-,- -



Bro. Nkh o hw n UPl ' lll'd till' nH '4,t - n1l11 pai d in to til., ~t!d" treas u ry dur · ing hy r cad in),!' 1I1l' ('all fo r th ,' ~ nml · . in~; til .. fi r~t t"' 11 Illnnlhs o f 1 92[' , is a t'l l' r w hith t il(' .J un io r <luur l et rl'n - a pl'n ,xi lU lltl,ly $ ~{},()O(J , () O(\ . nnd he· ("' Ic d a Se ll'('II I) I1 , ~ I i ," E s t ~ (' !' li e n. f,)I'" the end uf thl' YCIlr it is expect·

Box Social



th ,1 Illl'lIlllry (I f u ur




Club Arranges Shoot




The m emb er s o f th e W ayn esvi ll e S hr ine club lind th eir la di es en joyed III con ne('LiOIl with Endis h wo r k a sumptuous dinne r last Wednesd ay PPll't let Sir Richard"s prediction Ntdl H. S. pup il r ellds one bonk el\\!h evening, sCl'ved by th o ladi es of the hurr>, >,0\1 Into Iluying poor oil stoaks m onth, taken fr. um th e Stu te I <'adillK Eastern Stnr, at the Mason ic temp le. II allY cat!e. The work of harness · lis t. Wl'i t t cn re no rts o\' er th e e uooks Dr. lind Mrs. n. E. Rudm a n and ng the tides , nlready begun in ~ng. a rt' requi r ed, un less a ll exa m, is "h"'n Mr. and Mrs. C h tl~. J. Waggo ner wer e IRI1d and ill Maine, n nd later dtrect "\'I'r each clas" i,', as is ul'illg 0011" ill ~u ests from th e Leban on S hrin e club \lfte of the powe r of tho sun will make Jr.· ' I'. E ng . thi s mon th. These Looks a no Rev. und 1\1 rs. IJh il Port er a nd power cheaper than it ever was, "re of the hign est li tera r y IIlu e, a nd Rev. and Mrs. Joh n J . chaetrc r fro m Some Edison of t h e future will in· we cu n Hcartce ly r eali ze. the goo d uo ne Dayton. ven~ an f,l IC\ltr!c bottery, lig ht in ,, ~. suc h rea d ing, lUI it bri ng s in to After dinn e r MI'. Po rter deli vered ""igllt; ~arrylng p,ower sumei.ent to t hl' r e uch of so me w ho fJ lh~r w i sc a ma sterful addr cs" to th e clu b. drlvll Qn automolillq or a1'l AIrplane would s hirk it, t ho- best Ii teratlll·c. T here is a n a r hitra rilteRs about age The Society of Fricnds united with !lcrPIlS t he 4lpnUnont. . '\ ; El1le r ~on in 'Walden ' sa ys : "lteml limits wh ic h J1 .... ll1 i t ~ plt-n t y of diRcus· Thc l adi e~ of til l' F('rrv' l'hUl'ch wi ll n ot on ly tlH' g oo ll , bu t the bes l. " ' S u gh " dis\lovery, if made now , the M. E. co ng regation last Sunday siL,n but no n l·~l l mC l! l. T he head of wpuld /I1ako 011 tro m the ground us in a special servic e for Armistice h uvt..! n 1llurkc t. C,lll ~Htll ~ua \' , NCl\"C' nl . llw I n rg"~ t l umb .... co m pan y in Can· Hev. L. A . Wnshljurn be l' J4, hCJ,!inniu)r flt ' H ::~O· :l . m'l in unlmportant in power produc,t ion Sunday. ada is nil! ,ty - ( · i ~ h t. Itn d eve ry day he ~1ain s l rl't'l. lUI ~halo 011 now is In t he producti on preaohed a serm on npp r opriat e for Mrs. Sides ' r oom Oil lioes n f ull day', wo .. k eu pcrintendin g Th e Wn y n e~v ill e GUll club is pl'e· the occas ion and special mu sic was Dressed chickens, c"ke~. pi c" lin d oth· ot hght. Ihl' b us iness "f hi s con ce rn . lie hns pa ting fUI' a b i ~ Hhoo t on Thllnk Mg' iv. re ndered. ' er goa t! t hjll gs to cat w ill \)c " II ~a l l' , nn in tu nti on ('ithe r II f r etiring or of in g D"y. The ofli cers nr e wo rkin g Since Yale University started 224 d yi ng', t ho ugh the do(·to l's t old him h ard to mak e thi s shoot 11 big >u('cess, years ago, books in the libt:ary have wht' ll hl' "'as f" rty t hHl he hlld but a "d j uu Kin g fr om th e urm nge mcnts doubled in number every twenty a f ' W I11ll ll t h, \.1) live . J ohn Il. Booth bei ng mad e, it will be th lll. Fi nnl years, Tho total now is 1,390,000, nrr angl' n\ ents will be p u bli ~ h t, tl in th e fur Flies in Mitchell Trial is an ex,'ep tio n La t he g .. neral rule. and every yenr 60,000 bOOM arc add· T hl'n t here j ~ tit ,· IllIeslion of the ed, others being put in storage to The hcuvy ra ins o f In t. wee k swell· m inimu m ag'c fit whic h a citi ze n may make room. cd th e Litlle Miami r ive r a t th is place arrogn te to him sel f the righ ts and This proves that orgaaization and nnd t he w ate rs ovc rtl owed the p .. ivil eges of Iw ing' li n "old man ." An condensation aro lacking in educa· Lolloms. The cold s nop coming , us interesti ng .. ecc nt illstance is that of tion, Buckle is said to have read The Young Frie nd s will gi vt' a box it di d Mo on L~l1b 5id e d t he wllte !'s , uut ,Ioh n P hil ip SO USA, wh o, at seventy, 60,000 boob. Voltaire apologized a ),:1'l'lIt delfl of damngc was da n e to wa s BAk e,1 why he did not tllke up sociul SlIlu rdllY night, No ve mber 14. tor his "small" library of 6,000 vol. at th e Friends meetin(:,· house, in the haLtom COUll t1l1lt has no t ue" n hus ked. golf. He r e plied t hat he was fur t oo umes, each with notes in Voltaire IS Seve ra l farm er s ha vin g corn in the yo ung ro r g olf, and thut he wo uld sociul roam. This is to help pay t he fine handwrltin~, Cntherlne of RU B. bottum lund, will lose q uite a lo t, Ilnd think (I f the g reat Cnledonian pns t · scholu rsh ip for ' th e littl e girl in t h e lia bought the hbrary, and everything it is Ra id th nl t he dll llla l{U w ill run tim e when he bccu m() too old to do Tcnn esRee mount.a ins. The tuition is else in Voltaire's house. Ple Rse co me to our unythi n),: e lse. An unfll ir us persion $ 10 "month. into t.h ousan ds of d nllurs . What is needed ia not (In impossi· un gu lf, of COUI'S!', but an excellent box socilll Ilnd help us g ive her an cd· ---~ ... ble library of 1,390,000 boo ks, but illlli<:lItioll uf th e bandl11an 's indom-. ucation . rathflr 10Q essential books boile d it.llblo will . aQWn Intp ten volumes, with an edMl'n of certain ph legmatic tern. ycatlPti in those t en volumes. The Jl ~ r fl nu.m l n UIY n:ll ire at sixty and t~liir (:ol!Jd be dono. A big >t eum shovel a rr ived in !.own grC'll tly enjoy Ihe remaIning your s of their lives. Others end owed witp at noon tod ay, lind will ue uSl!d in the gr(lnter rCRtiveness nnd nervous enrOlld con struction sou t h ll f to wn, The wo uld find retireme nt either fa· s hovel will be usod on lhe grod · etul'FY' ST, MARY'S CHURCH or a co ndi t ion of discomfort and ing, and is inte nd erl to cut 011' t he hill unh appin ess. . Services Wednesday , Thur day and at t he l<lwer enid of th e rond near the Despite tho stormy weat1;'er Sat· F'9 r a man ' Vho is blessed with a Friday evenillgs of this wee k at 7 :30. 1'hree DridgBs , and o n t hp gmdi ng co mpetency t.h e best rule is to work Sunday, Novemb er 15, Tw enty;t hird \lrday afternoon, there was 11 splon· the h ill f llrth er 1111 . Mr. Stone, o f IlR IQng >I S he finds work enj oyabl e. Su ndny a fler Trinity, Holy Comlllun · did attendanee at' the Scholarship the con t1'llcto r, pla ns UI have th e I'l)ad A,nd, fortunately. t hn great majority ion nt 8 u. m. ; Church School lit 9 :3 0; Tell !It the home of Mrs. Frank El. in a co nd iti<m [o r us(> by th a fil'~t of of Ame ricans finn work ' m or e pleas. Morning Prnye r and sermon at 11 :00 bon. Within all Wat! bright an d t he yeal', ",!!"ther ('()lldi t io nR I' mai.n . nnt t han id l e n C'~M . A mt'rican life n eeds o'clock. Eve ning Prayer und ser mon ' cheery and merry conversation vied inA' favor llb le. . tll e services of vet erans; it needs the at 7 :30. Rev. Chnr les M. Lever, . of with a program of jokes, r endlng8 c o un s~1 nnd o)so their active partic- Dresden, will be th e pr eacher. and music. ipn[io n in ulfaira.- ClcvC'lund Plain Coffee and teo. were served witH Rev. John J. Schae1fe r , Rector. lJenle l·. delicious eako \lnd an offering of " 9,96 wa'1I' a pie lUling result, "We --- -- ~ ' . I'ERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST thank you, A III'c uch h i. sion wi ll be heM in Morning Service 9 :30 a . m. Bible t . ;\fnl:y'S 'h urch lhls woek . ;,cr· School, Communion and sermon, ,Ev· vice t his, W , IIC tiny evening , 'fhurr ening Service 7 :30 p.. m, Song Ser,IW an u F'ri uy evenl n R at7 :!lO. No T he YOl' ng F'riends Movement m et vice and ·sermon. All ato cordially ,'rv ice on ~ urdllY e ve nin\.. \ ' S lm · , •. d,, ·, ::': ove.mb Cjl I' 15, ~cily Cf) tnm ' nn a t t be Frltlnds home, Sunlluy OVeI L· invited, ~ The foUol/lpg' officers were elected, at 8 :00 n. h I. ; Mor n ing P Il ~'er ,d ing, November 8. The i nteresting at the regUlar Dleeting of Waynes. sormt>n . at 11 ; E Vening PI'It) l' .. lid business session Willi followed wit h a METHODIST CHURCH I YiUe Lodge No, 168 F, II. AM., TII!!s: .' ~ermon lit. 7 :30 ;p. m. nov. harl es ' cry Jlrofitab1e lesson. day e"ening: W, M., Jessil Prender. Snbbath School, 9 :16 a . m., preach· E lection of of/leers was In order, 111. L<-"V'I r, of Dres d el'\, OhIQ, will bo ~; S, W,, _ Cbu~ ,B radbury; J, W., rl!Rultinl!:. 1UI' foll ows: President, Bert ing at 10:30 a t m. 'F1!lwo rth League t it pccllc.hci·. Chu. Damett; . .crewy, F. B. Hen· INI' '''bolty invited I. thos . se. vi- O'Neo ll, 'vi c o-pre~ide nt , ;f;8tber Un.' 6:16 p_ m , Preaching at 7 :00 p. m~, denon'; treasurer, iWa1ter McClure; derwood , se crp~~ry. treasurer, Sara Wednesday evenin(!' Prayer meeting, ces. ,. S E~rr'l!hom.. ; J. D., Fred Cole; Fl\'eryb<>dy ; " it !t? ttaelle Unde,rwo '1 d; r . ' mI'. l:thl'l M.,,),1on- .7 ---:::--"" tJler, Frank FlIJT.i toIatee fot three ' ' bn" The ~ ,~~; ;: 01llce1_ ." . nd aefvlcca lMfto B. L. Tbo~ . Sul)acrlbe f 'o r the .M.wni GaHtte. thel-t bllst willhea. . Bev. L. A. Wubburn, P..... •


i CapItal

Interestin g It ems fro m the

Pre ".... ared by, Q lll.te u goo d ly turnllut. ulth(lu~h :: Columbus R e porter t hr Ilt t rndanc ' \I'll" nnt 11(':1r half , \\ hat il , hlluld ha\' r l"' I' n. at ll'l ll h' t1 th" ", elll<>ri;" "·n ' i,,,· III th e .Tulli",. •••••••••••••• hilli . Illst . urld,,~' "flp l·noon. tl, r>a~' 7' _ _ _ __ _

... . .


9 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~.~.


Duck hunt eni have l en nUl"l'::")\11 for t he past .~wo' \vee ...". - b ut dll 'So they I18Y, are rather Ilcj\rce. It i, not certain that the dw:b have a ll started South , or whether th.y have taken a dl1ferent "(oute tlilil year. Several mud hens' havo been kiUfd duting the "Qst weel( I,r 10, bu~ u they are not &II ,dfble oJ the ~"" '1 . .


tbe bunton

verwlJ' alu...

bave __


J OR! ")lR I( WI' cnll Irl 1'1' ""r~dv() ,,_ ol /l(! r ~ 8(> II ., "/II·tll,,I1I- !." \1'",,111 I'" out (If bu 11) .~. . .

COULDN'T TELL FROM THERE \ ,d ,'I' t,lI th o' Wil'e

th ~ nll h UI'I>nrtmrnt ~cn li 1111' tw" pair "f " t ,'cklnl{~I "

-;; I()ok ~" f,1I' n hnndy ne Lhlll Clln nllik mill

CI 1'1,- "\\ H<"

•••• "




. . ..


"II !'II". lu,'P': tll'~ h

y<' II"I\'

. . . . . . . .. . . . . .



i~ th i~

Wl'll. ',)Iorcd

. . .. . . . . .:


Valuable Building Suggestio~s . i





fROM COURT HOUSE NEW SU ITS K. Lnwr cll ce hn s ent(' red ~ui t f"r dlvol'c,' agnin st Lesler 1.nw. I'cn ". Rho ~cch ·u< od,\' o f chil · <lr('n. J'. I. Shupe rl , "dmr. with t he will '''lnl'X d " f the estil l<' IIf JUIlI CS W. ;l1 nllr(,. 1I\'c l' n ~ . ·d. "" S. ~ I:\r ill E. ur· hy et nl . AI'lh, n fo r : ale o f r enl os tUH', etc. '. Ed McGuinn v~. W . A. Cuttery , " I ti l., "tn !li n rRh nl Li en .... I~. A. mill H. G. ('rM' ,·s. W . B. lind Ma ry E. Ll'Y . Act ill" (ognovit. B cs~ie

E PROCEED IN GS •t PROBAT 'eigfi-ic d nd · nistrll t or thc or Lnurn : Mmiiller. 0 0,"1 $r, 0110. Jllmes : Weid er. Chnrles : In th e mall"r " f the ,'. tlll(, o r Wil · was I1J'P" inl~d


" ,t:\ l! '

o( d,·c "a~ed.

P . W . BrI n n u nd w ,' r e npr o int~d Zlll p r n i s(' r ~.

F' itt ~


li n)n W . Whitr . 1I1'""n""d, Ill> li ce of nppointllll' nt of Ildmin i3trRt rix wa' filed. Proo f of pll lo li('n li lln W0 5 ti led in the matter u f th e c~ lntt' o f C. E. Erk e l, dccell"ed . Pr oof of puhlicntion W :l~ fiI ~ d in the niatll! r o f the esta lc of Lowi" Cia wso n, tlcceascd. Prollf of pu Lli n.lio n W IIS fi led in th e Illllt! "r lI r th e " s late 0 f A1111 lila·


rin Grahum. d l' c t u ~e d.

Lumber Yard

In the matt .. r ot the esult(· of Gra r e 1. n (!e d. d c c~us ed, proo f of puu Iiclltion \\ II:; til ~ d . Pr oo f u r ptl bliclltio ri WII S fi led in the matt er of th~ ~ s tlll e of Asa U. Wuol!, Ii ~cellscd. Th e ne t vlllue o f th e estnte of Myr. tle 1. Chen ll w~th. deceased. was f o und t o b<, '$2. ·177.73 . I I'l' n" 11. . McC urdy, cxec utrix o f t he <'stal!' "I' .J uhnntlltlO McC urdy. dc· cr n,e", fli ed her first and final ac ·



Waynesville, Ohio

In thl' r o f the estate of' Lew . 111 \1" 11 11, d ~ cell se d, 1('lI l'e wa s g ran t d nliministra lO l' t o se ll r erta in slo eks bl'longi ng I II th e (·"tale . ~Iil t" n ~1. Jn ck, udministrntor of Ih " e~ tntt· o f 'hristilln . J llck. dec",,"e d, ftit' d his s lIle bi ll . The will of Celi ntl a Gri est, deceas· cd . \\' /is prod uc ed in ope n court for proualc. Service o f s umm ons was o rder ed i~5 u cd on non-r es idents o f the stat e in the mlllle l' of G. F'. Rogers .lIdminstrato r o f t he estale of A lva E Jam es , dccNlsed , vs. Alice Mahan et Ill. The g r oss vulue of the es tate of Ki zzie Hutchin so n Cochra n , der.eas" d . WIIS fou nd t o be $7670.00 . Annu Jann ey Millc.r, adm inist ratrix o f the estute uf Th omas Miller, decense d. fi led her inyentory nnd a p· p raisement. Snrnh M. J llmeso n, exec utrix of t he es tate o f Marlin A . Jllolcson, d eceas· i.

F. T. Martin Jesse Stanley Auctioneer


Dale your sa l es with us. We s alisfactio n or charge nothing.

g uarantee

New Buriio·g ton,O.

Centerville, O.


Phone No,

Phone No.2

A Revelation In Riding Comfort


COMMISIONERS A.LLOW ANCES W. 11. 'tnnllcg Co., supplics f or au d itor, $:1.75; $9.00; Lebanon Lumber Co .• s upplie s for j a il, $5.56; Fred Simpso n, trea.u rer a,mt. paid by him to C. W. Hain Saf e Co .• $ 15; Dakin anti Daki n . prem ium on insurnnce po licy. $~ .~8: Alfreu C. Brant, sher iff, gas purchased on Dodge car, $2. 10 Char les .1-. Schwartz , supplies f or jail, $2.00: G. Lederma n, sup plies f or Prosecuting Attyorn ey $3.75; Lebnno n Lumber Co. , guard rllil lumb er , $50.40; E. W. Knapp, bridge r epa ir. $L7.50; W. A. Scott, same, $34.15; Ha rry Tindnll. ""me, $1 1. 90; Chester Nce ly, sallie, $8.05; Ed Maloy. gu ard roil repair, $3.50; He nry Hamilton , spikes, $ 1 ; Frank Winfi eld, hauling stone. $4 ; J .K. S pence r. lumber and dc livery . $ 189.24 ; S pe nce r and Arm· itage, furni shin g and loading gravel $198.90; W. C. Turton, ce ment, $2.90 I. L. White hea d, haulin g gravel with t ruck. $186.30 ; J . H. Hammo nd, same $ 100.05; J. B. Hissong, same, $65 .55; S. H. l\IaMulian. labor. $ 12.25; Hersche l James, truck r epai.r. $56 1.23; J ohn T. Gregg, payroll . $1.3.80 .

,,·o unt.

• • • • • • • • •0 .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..

5 .. ::ZSS__ 5!!!2!_

ed, Hied her fir~t Ilnd tllllll MOu llnt. \ Will innl Hnstings, cxc'utor f ~h e estllt c of o ~tle lin. tingl<, de (illS d. fil n hi ti rs t lind tlnnl nee unt. W. II. J\ lIell. tru st e under IIlI! will Mrs . ChaB, Grny haB been s uffering o ( Rulh A. h ~ n ow c tlt, dce~as~d. fU- with grippe, but is improved. . d hi. 'i/!'h lh accoun L in lhe mntt .. r o( The Vnlley Te l phone compnn y 18 t he trlls teeship of EIiZL1heth HAi nes, puttin g in new poles lind lin cl! in thi8 b(' neficiary. vicinity. . Born- To Mr. nnd Mrs. E dwin S. MARRIAGE L IC ENSES Randall. of Shelbyvi lle. l' nn.. on Al'd\i \\' 'ns , (armer, of l\Iason , 'fuesdny. Novem ber 3. II so n, Edwin J~ . . lind Mvr Uc taock, o f L"ullnon "' in ~ W. Ml'T"cr, truck dri ver, of Philope no Barlow Sabin, widow of L 'hnn un , nn.1 lIa ze l M. Glo."cr" of t he lotc ' Horace nbi n, lind daughter, TUI·tlec ...'e k. o f t he I .. fl' .Jllfll!'t, Ihrl ow, (If X'l'nia, J ohn Ellri" 11 00sa, truck drive r of died No v e lJl u" r ~ . Funcrnl g l'vlc es M" rr ow , Hi i tl Mliry L Oh' tlU Put'nmi H. nnd intel'men t at Xenia. 'o \'('mb"r 7. IIf ~I .. ill,' \'i ll e. The Dny toll Powrr and Light co m· I" In c \\' ililu r II lin nllh, ~ h up worker pallY which recent ly purcha sed th e " f \\'nl'n ~s,·ill l' . und ('lIlh"I'il1" privlltely o \\'n,'11 lig ht plant here, 's ton ~ior.:'nl1, fucl o ry worker of Leb- busy s<'tl ing IH' W )Ju ll'. , ant i pullillg an nu . up 11 ' W lin es. We will li e CV r1l1 cctetl {'lI r l Will ia m Hiding~r, ("I'II1Cr, or on w ith Wuyn (,gl' ili c . Spl'in.:' \' lIlIey. and IInrr ic t Lo uise Mrs. Ol'rn :11 1'1' und !\ii g~ Am elin, ~1 " r.:'lIn . o( Leua no n. ent erlllin(,d ubuut t\\'c nly )!i l'l ~ Smul:.lIiuhn ro l II. Joh ll"o n. acco untant. dny afte rnoon , honllrin.:' th o n ill th 1) 1' Iluyt un, and Hulh IlnrrielL Marsh , birthd a y of M:." y Elizahel h. The !- t e tlO}{fHphl' r, o f Lcb.llll o n . tim e pussed pleusll ntl y ' wilh ll:1I 111 es lIa\"" Man'. merchunt. nnd 'ciliu lind c o ntesl.~ . Dclici ou. fr nil ""Ind . 1I 11 1\\' ~'ga. I,u" '"e, hoth uf Franklin . yellow alltl whit" cake . cile!!"" tidbits and popcorn were ~e l'\·ed. lI!ary I::li1.• REAL ES'fATE TRANSFERS N abc th receiv ed a numbe r of hand slI llIe O"cu r 111111 E11I11I11 .l1uwurll tu L. L . gifts fr om he r littlo fri e nd ~. The resul t" o f th o r,,~ e llt e lertio n unlpton, lut in Cold Sp l;ng5, $ 1. Surah Gnski ll til Jo sep h Gaskill and in Hnr\,eyshurs: !lnd Muss i!' t o wII Khip JIIutLi e Shurp, !l l ot~ in Cuzllddalc, $ 1. are as foll ows Mayor. \\' . 1'. J o rd un; [, hurl es A. Graham to Lu ·1111 B. c le rk. C. K Lcvicy: t r easure r, H. S. Tucker; marshal, Cnrl Hlnckfo ... l ; J ohn "u n, lut ill Hidgcvillc . $1. J uhn A. and lIIa'tthias Kell er t o co un cil , Clla •. Madden, M. E. S herClura Ila zel Vnnce. tract in Harlan wood. R. H . J e fferis, M. C. Gordon. Dr. W. E . Fros t and Karl Shidaker. In Tp. , $ 1. Grulwi lle Tullis to Mary B. Don- the township we have for trustees , J . P. Osborn, Chas. Hllrtsock linn Geo. Ru n, lot in Franklin . $ 1. Matlie K Wuller Lo J ohn W. Brat- Davis; cle rk, Ra lph Brooks; jll ~ tic e of the peace . W. 1'. J ordan ; constn hl c. te n, lut in Lebanon, $1. Huth Weir nnd Leu m Bcr gdga ll to E. M. Lukens; sch ool hoard, Hurry Cline, Harola Gillam !lOll H oward ~lllry Fair. tract in Wnyn e Tp., $ 1. Emmu E. Hard wick to Eftle J . and Graham. W. A. Rosnic, lo t in Maineville, $1.


,hln Ik I" ~



If you have never had a ride in a Goodyear Balloon ti re equipped car, come dow·n and ride in ours.

Mr. Dnn H ,l ump is very low at this writing . Mrs. H erm lln Wlllton is ve r y ill. but is r ecoveri ng s l<"l'ly. IItr. Th oma s Saylor fell fro m his horse. Mo nday. brenking h is co llur bone. Dr. a nd Mrs. H l1rtin ger entertnin ed, S un day, Mr. nnd Mrs. Bradford, of Columbus. The tea chers from t his school nttended th e l ellche r's me et ing in Dnyton last wN!k-cnd. . T he Inito·o r circus g iv en by th e P. T. A. last Wed nesday c\·e ning . 11'11 8 a su ~ ee ss fro m 1111 stn ndp oints. Mr. and Mrs. [. O. Peterson e ntertained at dinner, SundllY. Mr. Ilnd Mrs. Emery Beal lind !II I'. and Mrs. John Flldge, of Xcnill. The Aid society of t h e Friends church enjoyed a n nll·day meeting and cover ed di sh dinner at the home of Mrs . [. O. P.eterson . last Thursd llY

It's a re gu lar stock car, but it rides like a canoe. Your car will be just as easy riding when you put on Goodyear Balloons. And it will coat leu to run, too, . Whether you have in mind putting on balloons now or not, come on down and take a ride with us, There will be absolutely no obligation.

Waynesville Motor Co. Phone 105

Waynesville. Ohio


rhe Magic Carpet

Public Sales



Individual Inotructlon Typ.writlng Day and Night Cou ...... a.tlafl ctlon Oua .. nteed Call or write lor • Copyrighted Booklfl DICKIN SON SHORTHAND SCHOOL S '0 o.vleo Bldg. Day ton, 01010.

. ~IDI!LITY 601. -;0 BUll,.OlffG AS!lOCIATION



Oomplet. cou.... In PIANO. VIO· LIN. VOICE a nd DRAMATIC ART, diploma.

PrMCriptlon. by Moll Ord... Promptly Filled.





"-Olll..d t he Word Ov~r lor Tholr Wonderful 8tyl.... Oood I'lttlnQ Qual.


V alu • • .



AlSen ta


Ori g inal

8 enKo i

O l.t lnat l .."



Mo t,o,. 011

Mot or Emclency.

J ewelttrl

Ar t


PUno, Su:upbona., BanJn, an4

~ Jsor;:&:'c~u ..iRl~TlEEff


Donlde! ten t (reel


121 3 G;D OI ~IGS

Opp. Gibhnn . Hol .. 1


$. 00



IUITS OR OVE RCOATS Cllanod and Pr .... d

MAAG-WAY CLEANERS 1118 e. Ludlow






s..1Iun.. at...... _


: uO k ~ c F OOd O u r Spec ia lty. Lun c h A t A ll H Ollr •. J: .l\i , /, l t t - lltiL' rl t l) lJ u r rr l end &

t. .o rne


I .-

, [11 1f t


t..l f

h I"



229 $ . L.. ud l, w , n t:x t 1.0 U nio n S t atio n .

Popular St yfe.

Pop ul ar Prices





HAT T ERS-FUR NISH ERS Keith Theatre Bu il ding 120 S. Ludlow.

Bolter 01'Ulr'





Booklet 2nd 81 ..... t

f ....

M.I" 401


Pull" Ouer.nt...o-ReU.bla Aall )lcu, PlumbW 0. Itop In our <Ileplay _ tI,. ''')It tim. you .... In Daytoft and let ua 'aU )Iou more .bout t~.

Olapla,. Room


'lIJ" III 01 P"",p In An, CIl"'\ct ___ a II.

The . Geo. J. Rob.-U Co. 243.261 • • 8econd It. DAYTON. OHIO.

DON'T FAIL To VI_It Our U..d C.r Dep.rtment Whllo In Dayton L.arge.' A'ior-tm ent In C it)'



- - - - ,TJicscwQ·roput in

Open S undaye

Till we l-leard D:j1' Fan we never Heard Radio ~.

Vernon E. Friel. A. B. t Mu.. 8 .•

405 W .

114 N. Main


JOHN'S BEAUTY SHOP"" '100' J."_r80n·Maln Are.d. DAYTON. OHIO. e"pert le,."lcM III nil P.rU of Beau_ ty Cultu... ",."Ic .. to lull Your In· dlvldu.1 Type. ""'"",an.nt Way .. ,10.DO For AppOlnlment CoJl 00..He14 ~"8. O.)ltO". O. I. Wh ...· W. Are Looatad lut Monument A" •• POLK'I Holld.YI-aund.y.-Evln . You. no lI10ubt, drl... , ... Ino.. Quantly to OUt ol't)l. Wa... .1. .ay. open. M.k" tbla pliO' ),our m",,"" pt ... to vl.1t your Irl,ndl. Th, 1111.... 'rMh ...t lin .. of '.utU a/ld Prod"... lor )'O)lr ..laotlOfl at IP"'OliIIl prlo... W, aM open to ute, 01 )Iou, n._da whll. I" O\lr otty. Car load. dall), of all kind. fruit. CRITCH'IELO I'RUIT CO. Monumlnt and Found1')l st. Opan Day and Nigh\, Plenty of Room to p.rk Phone O.rlIeld eao, You moy .omltlm. have lomethl"" to o"e. In o>ur lin_ Oet In touch wlt~ u ..

I.. 0"''''''' 01" 0'

a-w • W.

Shop in CODnec:tIoD

FIfth Sb Da,toa. 0hJ0.

FOR SALE-Farm ....... 119 acre •• · 8. room brick hOUle, hor.. liara, larll_ eattl .. barJl, tobacco .hed ••tI alh .. , outbuildine.· Soil mo.t1, "1l1li11 lain. and one of tbe be.t prodwci., I •• m. in CI"arcreek townlMp, Prl." to lell quick. W, A. S.. rf.... ville . Ohio, n"ar L,tle, -dl .



of course, but the above remark Ie one- we hear might y often I The only trouble with home life tb_ daya Is that fllth er Willits to heal' the Chicago stock reporta, mother wanta that Wa8hington lecture on canning. Rnd brother and the girls want thnt dance musle from the big botel orchps. tral from 011 over the United Stotes-so they 011 hover aroulld the Day-Fan Rudlo at once. Whichever one is delightedly turning the s ingle dhil control. what he wants he gets with the Day.Fon 5-at the dial point numhcrcd just as the neWKpnpol1l numlJer the stillion, or at< II num. ber the Dny- Farl Air Tele phone Dirl!<'tory ~iv cs him. "Like wSlchin~ II- parode go by" soid one of our friends as he wanderl!d tram stati on tO lltatlon. "Sure 8S the ,Jial telu11hone" saId another "but with whut beauty of tone I" All,sorts of claims ore mllde tor 8 ro dio set, but we only say "Coml! In toni g ht.-you·1\ go Okt With • Day-Fan.

W ANTED-To hire couple by the month or to rent 100 ncra o n thirdH', nt once. Furnished bOUle II des ired. Address Wm.· A. Lakena. Harveysburg. Ohio. .n11


THERE are other ' good radio!!,



- - -- -


I,' OR S ALE OR RENT- 6-room houae with eleetrlo lights. both watera. Cistern in Kide, A. C, Sparka,

BIG TYPE POLAND-CHINAS. doub·Ie immuned; ellgibl", for .ree\atry, S,.ring Boars and Gilts for IIlle, . Perry SlIckett &. Son, Bellbrook,. ·Ohio. loca ted 7 miles north of WaynesvUlo. on Be llbrook and Waynelvllle road. -n18 A good high-class 12-guqe Sho~ull for sale. See D. E. Standiford. -n1t.: ~' OR

SALE- Good Sheetiron heating stove, o nly uBed two months, Inquire of Warren Braddock. R. R. 2.

-!lH .

FOR SALE- Hereford ~"'8 and c!'lvcs. Ohal. Kahle. BeJlb"po~. OhIO. . ." ;1118 Fordson Tractor, wlUl fel\l!e"". governor and pulW; 1,.'1'.-."*,, Plow; 1. CI1I~lrflllller; l ' ~~20 OIl''U(Ilet tlll1.'·I,,1I' pur All Irt-l c\jlIl4UUlI". 2 'AI Hllks n urth Ilt WaJlletlvllte. PII t he olil '1'h08. Heas farm. A"k {PI • .MI'. Bens1!J.un. . tnll ,I

FOIl SALE-Stocq cattle. W. B. War . ner, ' phone 19- 4~. BafVeyabUll'. Ohio, ' rill Smidt 'Oom{prt Oak heating 8~VO; ' WI11 0, St Jphn


year ago-:-'y ou·

g.o to my dentist l lie will fix you up NOT 'A MINUTE LATER 1·lg ht. Just tell nim 1 sent YO U," Willie at the c.abinet makel'llA frie!1 t1 me II fricnd a nd during 'I ll ~ wecl< pa s~ed before they ' again " When will our sofa be. fixed. Mr, the en urnA' conVHRatinn the lIu bjcct "Well, did a u see my dcn tist ?" Wilkins?" or false teeth W[lS brought up. '~l'cs. and evorything was fine until "Oh. in a day or sp. I sent it .way "I wish I co uld find U (tood dentist I 'd I f' d that [ rould dep"nd UllolI." a id . the SUI wns a I'llm s ~.f yours-then for a new leg." • WiUie- "Well, my s ister says ahe'll OIlC with nour mo11\l'5. me Illade mc PIlY ea h . pay you .an dollar extra if you'U hIVe "Lo k here" said the other. poi nt0 ----t he Bofa ready by eight o'clock Wedillg to his bridge work, "Bow's tbat? TP)' tla. MI.mi c.-tte for Job Work neadal eveniDlr.'~





~--~---=:::::.... -

Twel". plano 1••lona 'or » .00 MIAMI VALLEY CON8ERVATORY OF MUSIC ·" ny lon'. I.endl~ SchOOl or Muoio"

0.)'\0'" Ohio,

d a Good '"Town 0. InAllNor...R_qulrom.nto Country 01





U Pfl'1l E" en ln~tJ


711 It. Monunl'nt Avo., Oayto n, O. Tol.pllono S afl 11115


Nobody In Da.yton Sellol




I V-K l Automatic

DA)'ton. 0.

MEDICINES School of Popular MUllc

Opo.n doOV II A.M. . 9 P .M . U nJ.r P.nonal VhtttJo. 01

UoIES SI.'T} ('I


on Fourth 8t1'e<lt, joining O.IIT N.w. Building. 2Sc for 12 HoUl' Service ODen Day and Nlch t.

ond C~ epnr

"ar the O l.crlm lnatlng Trade

8 S.


Dayton', Lar,st Auto P ....

OaytOll, Ohio.








IV 8. Main I\,

Ore. ...

Mu.le, Dramatic Art . C•••• ,e


ZT Waahlngton 8t.


I"lneen t.aohere '0< all branch.. 0'

61.-74 of.,0





Dayton" ObJo

CRIlAM SIlP.RATOR~ Full Line 01 0.11')1 8uppllM, Roollng .nd Roo'ing P.lnt.


rot M EN I\Ild WOM EN Ptlc. I1,DO t8 . ~0 "0.DO KIiHM'S WAL.K · OVER BOOT SHOP ~cIIlJilh'o


Dav!d t. Prugh, Secretary


Wh ol•• ale & n otall S4 8. Je".,..on Street .

S 11 0 • 8

8t an d.r,d

Pro duce,..

fr om

Egg.. Poultry.



W_.t Third St. Op.n All Ni ght.

IU •• an"


J . .Muon Prugh, Prnldent

When 10 Ol\)"ton nr1ng Your Produ ce t o Le. John O . 6kAp lk. Mgr.


W A L t( · O V • R

la? N . Perry

Diamonds. Watchee Ilr Jewelry Arcade Bldg, 3~1 W. Fourth St.

Quallty Ilnl,_Low Prices TreuJen Quality

_ -i V.t..4 , 'I e r. It '" T,..." The HeIlriJlBer Clevenger Co.

the Ohio Savings & Loan Assn.

Priva t e

"J r a ~u:!~n o:lth


OUR PRBSENT DIVIDEND RATE 18 Deposita made on or be'ore the 10th day of each month bear dl" ldendl 'rom tho let day 0' the month.

PROCTOR SCHOOL -OF MUS IC4$6 We.t 8econd 6t. DAYTON, OHIO P.culty d Teache .. I •• dlno t,.

INTERIOR DECORATORS Oecor.U,.. - DrIlPO"" - Rulli "urnlt"'" - Wall Pape... Antique 'urnltu... R' fln llhed and Upholot ..ed.


Night and Day in every Way"


0' A1I Lea. on l


6 Btl Vnudeville Ads and Feature Photoplaya. Entire change 01 Pl'OITaDl every Sunday and ThUrMay. Continuous peiform. Ute. trom 1130 to 11 :30 P. M, Aft.moon prices 20c and SOc. E~e~ln.. fOe ~d 50e.

Ph one Garnel d MZD.

Farmers, Attention!






Once upo n " tim,' in th e my~Uc la nd of PCI'. ill, th c l'~ \\' 11 5 found MONEY LOANED a m ong th e trcnsure~ of n kin/:" n won I will hold a public stock sale on derfu l CUTI 'ct. Onc hllli on ly to sit Friday, November 20. 1925, on it, wigh t o be ~ o ntewh c r(', and LOANR on C hntteI8,Slocks, Seellrl. Of hi g h'll:rade Jersey Cows and Heif- awny the carpcl w(l uld fly till the ti C! and Second Mortgagel. Noto. ers, Feeding Shoats. Sows and Pigs. \vishod -for place \l'as renched. For bo ug h t . John Hllrblne Jr.. Xenia. E. l\f. LUKENS. hundreds of YUlrs it cu rried kj ng" Ohio. -mSO-'S8 Martin & Stanl ey, Auets . a nd princc:-; u pon thp I1lt):.; t amazi n g adv entul'<'s. Nil Ollt' kn o ws what fiThe und er sig ned w ill offer nt pub· nall y becamc o f it , but it mn y h l , t hat lie sale at his farm, 1'h miles south its 11I8t I hr ead " wenl into t he mnke · ~'nrl11ers 0 r W n Tren and adjoin In, of Spring Valley and 1 mile ea st of up o f th(' fir~t Y o u th'~ Comlla ni on. For , li ki' the mn)!ic rnrpt't. _Tlw ('om- co nntit!s mllY obtnln money on Ion. Roxanno , on pani on f or I !l2G carr i,'" you to the time lonns , ot 5 A1 p er cent Inlerell Tburoday, NoY"mb"r 19. 1925. ' land of your h ('art ' ~ <I,•. i l' ' 1111 into At 11 o'clock. th e followinll: : Two t he Main e woods with t he IUl)liJ(' rnuln; Cost of seeJlrlnlt the lUlme Is ver)' rea· horses, 4 head cattle. 12 hogs. 38 out on th e W(lste rn plnins whcl'e the sO llnble ,throu gh The F @.d eral lAnd she ep fonn implemen ts and c orn in warlike Nav aho Indi a ns Jj V(! : fnr UI; BAnk. For further Information eall crib. W. E. BOGAN. into the g old r l'gi o n ~ of Alusku; und on or addre811 M. <1. DRAKE. 1'1-eallStnnley and Martin Aucta. uway on the South"l'n ~l'n~ in search Ufer. phone 3 16-X. Lebanon. Ohio. of treasures nnd I"st islulld... All you n eed f or .uch extraordin ary ad. WASTING HIS LAUGHS WANTED ventures is n young heart und a Youth's Compani on . Don' t 10:1.0 ti me Office boy to new c\erk- "Hey, what in getting sturted .: subscribe nnw nnd W ANTED- All kinds of soft Wood. are you laug hing at that ll:uy's joke! receive: fo r pulp. - Morris Graham. tt for; he ain 't no boss around here," .. 1. The Youth 's Componi on- 52 I CASH- For Dental Gold, Platinum. illSues in 10 26, and S ilver, Diamonds. magneto pointe, 2. The r emuining i ~RlI eR of 1026, All for only $2 . fu loe tee th, jewelry, any valuabloA, 3. Or. include McCull's Magazi ne, JIIan todny. Cush by return mlili. the monthl y au t hority o n fa "hi ons. Hil ke R & R. Co .• OtRego, Mich. Both publicat ion s. o nl y $2.60 . THE YOUTH' S COMPANION FOR RENT SN Dept.. Il,)ston, M !ISS. Suble ..iption. r ece iv- <l ,, : thi. offic". F'OR R ~: NT-Seve n r oom hou!!e on So uth Muir street. Inquire of J . Subscriloe fo,' t he Minmi Ga7.ptte. Wil Ro n Edward s. -n18


Exc:Juslye DIstributors



COMPANY Daytoa, Ohio



,',...u.. a..t.

. "Eat... I •• Ro_ .....~ .... ......' ,wl.a for ..I. 'at otc~· o.. t of Harr."It.r. o . . . . . . No, 7~ D, 8. UNDEIlWOOD, FOR sALE-Pure-bNd J)uoQ boara

and Gelt..

bred IOWI.

Am taktq 0lIl111 for Rerbert I. Carr, ....

vepblll'l. Oblo.



.' .










= - =:;y



• ,,'.r.J .t ,I.. ' •• 'olfi~ • • , W_.~" ••• ,,,•• Oh'., •• SHO"" CIa .. IIf.U _.U.r D. L


Publi .....

------------------.----NOVEMBl-.;R .11, l!l25 -- - .' -

= -

CONCERNING GOVERNMENT COOPERATIVE M~RKETING Establishin!, a division of co-opera, aUve marlt.ctmg in the Department of Agriculture will be variously reo garded by millions of our farmer.!. Conferences betwoon the Secretary of Agriculture and many of the cooperative leadera are slIld to have resulted In harmonldng coftlcting vlewl, but there are still remaining a number of farmers who will fear government control. believing that government at any time may fall under the domination of those big busi ncBS interests whose prosperity depends on exploiting the tiller of the 8011.

Secretary Jardine has not yet made public how he proposes to define the duties ot the new department. The supposition is that the new de. partment will aim to co· operate with the leaders of co-operative Belling rathllr than manage and direct policies. AIBO there is indication that the chiet aim will be t~ 80Ive the prob lem ot the farmer by co-operative ••Iea lit borne rather than by effort to atlmulate the exportation of • ur'plul. . Whatever may be tbe plan In mind, however, it is almost certain to be assailed in Congresa. Let us hope it will. Only by open attack and eoun· ter .ttack c.a n the facta be brought clearly to mind and the issue is too vital to be dec;lded on soap judgment. Government domination of agricultvre. II unthlnkkable. Government aid to stabilize prices that does not Imaek of special legiBlation and open aubsidy to govern priocs may be quite another matter.


When YOIl envy the fellow with a pull ret a little more pUBh into your lIystem. It miatakea are as valuable to us as IIOlI1e folb insist, then Iota of us are pretty well off.

The head of Chicago's Crime Commisalon Baya crime oosta the eity '600,000,000 a year. WOUldn't it be cheaper to put Chicago crooks on a I'eplar wary basili t "Thrift" teUa UII tbat Is not the amount of money one saveB that cDunt.: It II the "mount of character necell8al')' to produce the saving. Fine enough, but how about thecoal bill? The old one dollar bill worries the average man muc:h more than It worries the government. Gatbering a reuonable collection II II dllllcult task. Abolishing the bill may save $liijOOO,OOO a year. but who'll get the m lon7 , An Inch ot ralnfan, says the U. S, Weather bUl'oau, meanl 118 ton. of water to tbe acre. England; aroused by tbe invasion of ra til In Buckingham palace, hlUl begun a nation-wide anti-rodent drive. Annually, a government official estimated, rats cost England 70 mill}on pounda or about $340,000,000.

A .Short Re.ume 01 the Characteriltic. 01 Each and Every Graduate o/ ·the Wayne.l1ille , School. Writ"a

b~ .~ Earl~


REVA HORMELL- She ia radiant with ethereal warmth and beauty of , married ·lIfe•. f OLIVE WILSON-Sa)'ll ,ood man~ nen dretll our pet'IIonalitiea to per" fection. ~. HELEN DlNWIDDIE-"I am sure t,!Ule perfect satlafaction that comel! from human service is lIure to bring .. happlneu to youl'llelf and to hundredl of othel'll." MARGARET LEWIS-Have cour" ace to ' face dllllcultiea.-work hard : for the uphill climb. LILI>IAN WILKERSON-Saya abe • realliel that an unselftah interest in , ObI' friends II alw.ys • 'commendab!C! • virtue. ' MILDRED SIUTH-Romance ill .,Ylden\lx..o¥,Ittid from .her fomiu .. . of exoerlence and succellll. " ELLIOTT WRIGHT-Hla motto: '~'''Do yout: beat .nd you will never eauSe' to complain of lanure in


.' MARY ATKINSON - Remember ",the old wamlnlf about playinar with

Ar~A:ft.Y ~RDS-If you cannot !'.aln iIoInetNnar from In~rcoune with ; . penon it II not worth while ,to ! know them. ~ HAZEL RILEY-Mix with your . • uperiOI'll who can call forth your ;cnpwledre and keep your mind ac-



V.~N~~RV.OORT - Prac. . ~ I l"1 . u; : ,~Ic" ~ "" t , j!q ng lOme 'o ne ev· STOUT-Do not a~e ,'o Tt'lt'- ~ ~ep.$Ic; live It out with h m. ., OLARA' LlI.E-44n the garden of ,"e.. '- -'111 . " Irl'eat ' pollBib.iIItlea arc .~... "" ~ butldEipg· ,~,~ .'eK.INSEY-Whi.le





wa~ri« the .park1j\ftel' schllol hr r ' mind !ieinl' ' with the IIpirit of 80me .' dll'-1It obJect," .be . thoulht it abe • COllld onlf· tUJ'l).. from tbe' beauty. of. the.aun-tlpped .hilla .8IId see the gloam , ' in" Ih.dow. 01 an appreciative and • h • _L ld .yrjI~thetic ..flice, lue .. _e COli ,.. at le~t lmaarlne, tb~ v~gll of a I! ,8C. ;' tal object might "Cqpltl" would not , the enjonnent .he ~w an~ tIIe rbeau-' , tJ be dOli)!" enhabC8d' ~ • _ •

... r

Mrs. Lydia Pine is on the sick list . Mra. Ralph Johns WU8 a Dayton shoppor, Tuesday. Remember the meetings every evening at Lytle church. . Mrs. Harry Seigler and son,' Harold , spent Friday In Dayton. Mr. John Applegate was a weekend guest of his cousin in Dayton. The Ladles Aid met Wednesday af_ ternoon at the home of Mrs. James Johns. MeRsrtl. H. M. Clark and Wulter Clark were in Lebunon on business, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stacy and daughter, Miss Cleo, were in Dayton. Monday, There was no school here Friday , on account of a teachers' meeting in Dayton. Clyde Wharton and son. Morris, started out Monday with their corn shredder. Mrs. Ann L. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Smith were Dayton vis.. itors, Friday. Miss Louella Longacre and Mr. Mel, vin Banta! attended a tllllchers' meet· ing in Dayton, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Carroll King and sonB visited the former's parents, neur Springboro, Sunday. Rev. and Mrs. T. L. Stotler, oC Sprngboro, were G-o'clock dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. J ohns, Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry McGinnis sp ent several days last week with their daughter, Mrs. L. B. Ha ll and family, in Waynesville. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kenrick were entertained Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. Belle Coon and daughters, in Dayton. Mrs. Henry Foulks has returned home, after an extended stay at the home of her daughter, Mrs, ' Edwin Linneman, in Dayton. Mr; and Mrs. James Johns visited Mr. and Mrs. Harry Johns in Dayton, Sunday afternoon, the latter being v~ poorly at this time. MesdameB Elizabeth Jones and J essie Longllcre attended the funeral of Rev. E. O. Crist, at Grace M. E. church, Dayton, on Friday. Mrs. Della Malott and Mrs. Bertha Poinsett and little daughter, Elma, of Utica, were ' Wednesday visitors of the former's uncle, Mr. Saml Haines ·and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Kesler Graham and daughter, Bernice, attended . a Burprise party S unday, at the country home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hormell, near Ridgeville. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Archdeacon were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mra. Raym ond Deardoff, at Franklin. Mrs. Archdeacon remained over for a visit this week with her sister and family. Misses Bernice Graham, Cleo Hawke, Edith and Helen Friend, and Mr. Donald Simpson participated in the piano recital of Mrs. WilBon's cllUl8 at Centerville-, Thuraday evening. M.I'I. Harry Graham was called to the home of her parents at Spring VaHey, Monday, on account of an accident of her fatber, Mr. Thomas Say lor. He broke his collar bone In a fall from a honc. Mi68 Mary Cook Bnd Mr. Parry Cook, of Waynesville, were Sunday dinner guesta of Mr. and Mrs. Chll!!. Johns, celebr.,.ting the latter'8 ftftieth birthday. A/ternoon callen at the John's 110me were Mr. and Mrs. Wil_ bur Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Harry McGinnis and loin. Eli RUBBeD. The Mothers club of Lytle school org'Bnlzed Friday afternoon. They 'Will serve one meal a week for the children for awhile and expect to have an entertainment in the near future to secure funda,

DAYTON (;reat

Santa and His eindeer Com= ing To -_ke= Ku~- ler's Saturday! To Open


MT. HOllY M J I'll.. P. Reed IIpent last Wednesday in Dayton. Mr. and Mrs. Emeraon Dill apent last Friday In Dayton. Miaa Clara Daughters Is spending a few daya with Mr. O. B. Marlatt an~~~3' MI'II. Emeraon Dill WAre S I " unday d nner gueats of Hr. and Mrs, Ra}'U1ond Oa.,orne, ot' Xenla. Hillll Mildred )[organ of Dayton, spent . the :~.eek-end with her grandp'arentll, Mr. 'a nd Mr8. y , M. Stephent· .... lin. Earl 'Marlatt has returned to her home In Detroit, Mich., after apendinar a traw' daYI with her ' parents, Mr. lind MI'I. L. II. Stephens. Mr. and Mrs; Charles Myers and son, ·Rlchal'd, Mr: and 1111'1. Ralph Myen, and MI'. . .d~ MI'I. · Harry Boosenbe'l 'and children, of Belmon. d .. ;cnt un a, afternoon with ' Mr. erDert ~ar tt!!Dd t.mlly. D

_. '~.:..-\ Y '~ '~. ' ~





~, ~\ 4. .


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Sa nta if he really existed and if h e had real live R eindeer that come down from the North Pole at Christmas.

.j \'lr'it

\ Vc'vc re ceived cables and radi ogram s from San ta all along the trip from way up in Al aska. Th e big difficulty Santa had was keeping IlIitz en out ,)£ th e candy and preventing hi m from chewing up the stuffed d g s. lIut Saturday they arri\'c. And Santa wants every child In the Miam i Valley out t o gre et him and his Reindeer and celebrnte the opening of Toyland, "The Silver City of HappineBII," at Rlk e-Kumler's.


; ' ;';

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. .- : ..'

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" \~

: ,

t,dore ha,j Sant a brought his Reindeer before Christmas Eve . Betty asked.

But this year he received a letter from little Betty.

t . til


" .


\" . ~


TOYLAND~-The Silver City of Happiness

Opens Saturday, November 14th!


OYLAND pens Saturday ! What g rand new s ! Just think- a whole lit tle cit y fill ed with doll s that talk-autos that run--ani ~ mal s th at walk-a nd so lII a ny oth er w .. nd c riul things, it tak es days to sec th em :~Il! T his ycar, Santa Claus has na med T oyland becaus e it is just chu ck full of happiness for every boy and girl! It is enc1os('d Wi thin a high wall, in which there nre sil.: gateways:The Gate of Peter, Peter, Who H ad a Wife and Couldn't Ke ep Her The Gate of Little Boy Blue The Gate of Little Miss Muffet Who Sat o n a TufTet T he Gatl' of Old Moth er Hubbard W ith H er Po or Old Dog and Empty Cupboard The Gate of Old King Cole, W ho Smoked His Pipe and Called fo r His Bowl .Th e Gat e of Simple Simon-Among the P ies you'll find the Pieman - and that 'just begins to t ell th e story! There will be Santa Oaus and Jingl e Bells, and the dwarf policemen - and just everything that makes Chri stmas wonderful!


Tell Mother to bring you, Saturday. See the Reindeer and Santa Claus-and follow them right to Toyland-uThle Silver City of Happinets."



_-- -----....

.. ~



Mrs. R. D. Collett entertained r elatives from Wisconsin, a part of last And X-O-GRAPHIST week. WAYNESVILLE, _ OHIO The community band l after several Telephone 114 weeb' reat, has resumen ita weekly re hearsala. OFFICE: HATHAWAY neDG. The pupils of Mrs. Jcsse Hill rcnON MAIN STREET dered a. recital at her home, Wednesday evening. Zimrl F . Haines has purchased t he .Mma prnllerty, which adjoins the M. E. church grounds. The Sunshine society met at the home of the. leader, Mrs. Compton, on Saturday afternoon. . Mr. and Mra. W, R. Hiatt and Miss Nannle Shambaugh spent the weekend with relativea In Cincinnati. R. D. Collett and Harl ey Scammahorn attendcd tbe American Legion banquet In Xenia, Mflnday evening. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Stephens 'attended the Teachers' con Cere nee in Conaenalh'. Dayton, Friday. Our schools were man.,eJlllmt. closed on that day. Intereei . from date '" Mrs; Sarah Roberson. executive depoGt. secretary of the Greene County A. R LotatlOIl . C" delivered a very interesting addrellll be ~o re the P. T. A. friday eyenmeet centraL


Paid on· Deposits



.- ...- - -


SHE WAS MARRIED' ONCE ....,... ......__

• - ~ Clerk of emploYment agencY to ,. pd :;ta JIIebbe I am, but when me and my nl excba~ and lIeftl' ait down ba,vell't do.... _ , wUh and iron, keep house JOIa, a l.\t!Ie· piCture allow and Ii... anJthtnar Oil hla eouain, ~bo went to an~" moQa8l' taP alone, it ala't no aeelcieDt N_ York. Be'. paicJ .·bundred dolWom.n-'''Walt a mlnutel not 10 . . . . I . . , two ..... dowutaba f . Ian la 1011-.- fareiI ad bUD't pt. flit. That IIWl ain't Iookln' for ulD4 0D8 lip fa tile pIIerJ. , a . .t Jet. . - " • . ..I What. Jae . .fa II a wlfe." .


fun -g iving toys.

In answer to Betty's letter, and our efforts, Santa said h e would come .,. ')' himself and bring along HIS FAMOUS REINDEER.




;\'l!Vl! r

/..:: '"

,, '\,.

~pa rk Jj n g,

And most wonderful of a ll, Sa nta's l: ;ngin g with h im four really live reindeer, "Dunder," "Blitzen," "Pr;. ' T." a id "Dancer."

, \~



0/ H applness "

P . 'T A is ''In his way now~ His sleigh is loaded to the brim wi th

" ._




r " 1. rr'h t ,-Cif oe:" City oy f01lU--.,

'T' .l.


.- ---

K. E: Thompson was in Xenia one day last week. The company have a new eight.. roll corn ahredder. Wm. Mooney and wife entertained to a dinner Sunday. The McKay famme a were Wi!mlnton visitors, Monday. Geo. W. Davis called on Thomas McGuinn on Sunday afternoon. Bert Bogan and mother were Friday guelta of Raleigh Bogan and wife Michael GlUlam, wife and ion spent Sunday witb relatives ne.r Waynesville. . S. H. Hamilton, of Hillsboro, spent Friday with R. J. Murray, wife .nd alateI'. E. C. Shawhan and f.mily entertained Clarbvme company one evening last week. F. S. Hartsock and wife were Sunday afternoon oallel'l on Karl Death.erage and wife. Harry Cline was elected a . member of the school board at tbe election, lut week.Mrs. Hannah Green, of Wilmin.lfton ,was a pest last week of' Robert Andrews and family. . M. M. Terry, K. E. Thompson, H. M. Cline and Ell Sawhan transacted buslneu in Lebanon a eouple of daya last week. Bert Bogan and MI'II. Hannah Bogan, M. M. Terry, W. B. Warner, Lon Brannon, K. E. Thompaon and Misa Mary Kathleen Toomy weI' in Harveysburg, Saturday afternoon. Mlaa Velma Bennett, who hu been so dangerouBly ill with typhoid fever for several W4UlU, was the victim of a large poet-card .hower laat week. We are ,lad to know that Mi88 Velma is retting. better and able to Bit up some, thanks to Dr. C. G. Randall.

News for All Children!

~ff!' ::.~:~: '!,II::':a~P;\:n!;;''I:~tP:f!~w~i~

1 2 ·, 3




a Jeff.....

Da,toa. Old"

LIllI M'U.I, ....,.

- --

Will F . Young Dr. John W. Miller

:::::::=:::::::::: '

-=--:" - - :-- : :



Wayne.vill" N ..tioDal Bask 8'i••


New booklet, written by Gall Stone S pecialist , exp lains scientific home treatm ent prescribed for ovel' 30 years Before risking operation-rea d about success of this m ethod for catarrhal inflamation and infections of Liver, Gall Bladd er and Gall Ducts as associated with Gall Stones, Sent free to anyone who writes. DR.E. E. PADDOCK Oeskl02, KansasCity, Mi880uri


Prompt Repair Service

Walter McClure

Every Thursday 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.



Rest Room in Grange Bld·g . WaYDeaville, Ohio

Fully Equipped for Good

Service. Large Display RObm. Ambulance Service

Main Office

924 y' South BrownlStl'eet,


National Bank

Over Siima Theater DAYTON, OHIO




Will. Drawn .. .... ..... Eot .. te. Settled

Waynelville, Ohio



BALL'S CATA.RRH MIllDICINJIl will 40 what we claim for it-rid your system of Catarrh or DeafnC!llll caused by


HA.LL'S CATARRH JOaDICI1nD eon,llta of an, Ointment whloh Qulokly Rellev.. the. catarrhal inflammation. and the Inlernal Medicine. a Tonie. whleh let. throu~ the Blood on' tho Mucou. <> 9urt."u. thus rae orln& normal t ondl-




Gall Stones


Bldg. and ~an AIm. N. B. Cor. ftIlrd

Call on u. for yo ur Jo b p ; intin ll .\

8014 by GraaIJl.ltl for over to T _ r. I. Cllaq .. Co., 'l'aIecIo. Ohio,


Harveysburgjertilizer CO. . P...... II



~"' ."

At Cary'S Jewe ry Shop LebaDoD~



~very Tue.dat·~,' 8:00 '·a • •\ to 4 . . . .





T . Hawke, who h ll~ hf.' n

Mr. a nd MrB. ~1yer Hyman Wij!"ll ill in ·illnuU. todllY.


(' ~t.

qllit sick, 18 abl(' to be

' <1.



he r "II1l ,,:itnr r:trm . 0 vne rs, p" silie l~' forh1.l :lny hnnHI1l!. or lrllppinj.! 0 11 nll i' fn.r11\~. AllY \"I ~ I II . (i n" Ilf lie snme wi ll bt:' pr o.t:'~ ull0n /lccol·dinj.! t o luw nlld t t ho fll llest Mr. C. W. Gord on hilS been On the x lcnt . ~ ick lis t. J. F D1~nHo\\' ELI Z BETH HA lLY Mr. Ilnd)fr . •T. n. ' mit h we re• Dny ftl R ~ . H.'\ CII EL eRE \Y tOll \' i " it" r~, Monduy. MH~ . \01. 1.0 Y. ~I B~. E LEAl"\()R S MITH. II'. HII s~ l' lI Sa l isbur ~' ,,"us in C It~ \·e· lan u O il b ll sin ('s~ lus l w ek.


Elpi ~ (lo pnl market and Apron sale, on Duccmbcr 12th.



Borll- To Mr. lind Mr8. Leo nard T in ney. Monday, Nove mb er Il, a so n. Misses Knlhl en H end e rso n Ilnd Edlin !lIulll' n wI' re in Dllyloll, [''rid ny. Mr . nllri ~lrs. Jl n,'vry Rye and tlnu)!hler \\"e r{' in Duyton. Sulurduy. Mr . Ed lI ai n('s, of ~ Q'ulh Lc bunon, is vis it in)! h is l11uthe'·. Mrs. D. 1'. Pet· l~r .



)Ir . 1I 11\\'llrn ATl'hdl'llc" n d . itl' rl reI.

utiy e!' in Il nn~ u y ~ h u rA' , :--\UIIUUY.


Oflk r

Your Grocer

I, ,, ~ til ' lI',," d,' rk -"H ey. what l:lll .lo! hi l;...' :I t ha t g-uy's jt)kc~

;,Tl '

\ ' \1\1

for ;

lJ(' Hin 't

n t' hl\::'!' aroun d hcr~ . "


I' d

Mr. Ol'vill e I( i ~g'g, (I f Dill' t on, cnll· " It \\"IIVlll,.\·ill,· f ril'n tl s Illst Wed -

111 1'. R O~8 II nrt~()(" k and fll mil y vis· nt'~ d:\ r. it ed rel f\tivt:'~ in incinnllti. ·unday .


",,·i ll Ilt lcncled th ... fun. Miss Lu la ].'I'llly spent til(' week.",,,1 c ril l "f " fr i"nel in 13 (' lIhr Cl I,k. It" t Sil t· with hl'r ' sis te r, Mrs . .Iuhn Gi lr oy , nf urd ny. Du}"ton . ~I I ~~ A nn l(' Brown . (If S r"ll l lhl' w eek-e nd with

Waynesville Auto &Machinery Company Complete Line of





,Campbell's Bean . . 3f~;r~~ 2Sc --Sun Maid Seeded or RAISINS Seedless, 2 pkgs. for . 25c Count ry Cl ub, per p ackage



l Y2 Po~nd

Loaf, Each . • • . . . . . • . .

Rllsln, Every Wednesday, 8c 1 Pound Loaf. Each



IOc 7c


£!!~~d . . . . . . . . . . 47e ~~~~p~und,


......... ...... .

Jewel .. .................. ...... .. ....... 39c

::~~~. !.~~~.t~.~~~. 25e . Dates



Stalred No.3, faDcy box .. No. 1 box ........ .............. .. ............ 30c

!:~!ad' ~~~5

20c t.~~a~~.~.~.~~~.~.25c

for .. ........

27 C

blue lab.I.. .. No.5 r.d l.beL ............... ....... 32c


l Dc


~~~.~. ~.~~~. . . ~.... 20c ~~~~~. .~~~~. . .. . . . 32c I ~g~~~~~~~

.. ..... ....


45 Volta 22 Volts

$3.00 $1.50

FIVE-TUBE RADIO SETS $85.00, Co~plete




Waynesville, Ohio .. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

====-, 1'===:::1'Oc::l.O

VJ...... ,... I:'




ZOO TEARS haarlem oU · has . been , a world. wide remedy for kidney• liver and bladder disorders, rheumatism, lumbago and uric add condition&.

Mrs. , . D. H enkl e WaS pleasa ntly surpri se d by sev(' rlll o f he)' fri end s lus t Friday evening. F ivc hundred and delicious refl'cs hm cnts were en· joyubl e fea tures of thij eve ning . Th ose in a tte ndlln ce \("e re, Mr. and Mrs. I' red M. Cole, Mr. und Mrs. Rulph Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Ed wards, Mr. and. Mrs. J a mes McClure, Mr. an d Mrs. C. M. Robitzer, Mr. and Mrs. S id Ell is, Mr. un d Mrs. J. O. Cnrt wr ight, Mr. nnd Mrs. F . B. Henderso n, Mr. Bert Hnrtsock, Mr. and Mrs.nnd RonMrs. a ld Hawke.

, Oc::lO'

cP~!~ *+'4 "il!liJl j

c:orreetlntemal troublcs,ltimulate vitlll orpDa. Three Iizea. All druuiatL IDIiIII OIl &be oriciJW .cnulnc GoLD Maw.

e Oc::l.O

High Grade Coal ~ We have the coal to suit your requirements. We carry

0 0

N~~:hav~~:~:~, an~~iI1 g~~all0 higher, if the Coal Strike is not settled soon.

'Our supply of Pocahontas Coal is limited, and Our Price is still below the Market Price, We h~ye sufficienJ coal to fiil all orders that . were booked before the raise. .

Waynesville Mill, Coal &. Ice Co.



"rty O'IIIS ~c;.~&Ss~13. ""-0 ~ ., • THf COVEREC) WAGON .



s i ~tL· r.

Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles F. Mosher, of Mr. and Mrs. Charl es Gray entf'r · Cinc innati, were guests of Mrs . ta ined at dinn er , Sundny. Mr. an d Edith Harris and family, last Wed - Mrs. J . R. Baker, of Cincin nat i, 1111'. nesda y a nd Thursday. nnd Mrs. E. F. Earnhart nnd children , Marjorie and Charles Burton. Little Earl Mendenhall underwen t an ope r ution, Mondny, in Dayton, f or "Laverne." Mrs. Wilso n, will ent er . the r e movo l of to nsils and adenoids. tain you wilh balla d singing a nd blu es He is ge tting along very well. son gs; also a f ew novelty numbl"rs, at Miami theater , Friday evenin g. No. Mrs. W. E. O'Neall entertained on vember 18th. S undny, Mr. and Mrs. B. O. Jones. of Chicago, Mr. nnd Mrs. L. H. Gor · Miss Edna Howland ond Mis~ Dor· don lind Miss Martha O' Neall. olhy Rye were guests at n dinn er par. ty, ThurRday eve ning lit lh e homt:' of \ 1\Ir. Frank Hamilton lind family, of Mrs. O. W. Rnd ebaugh. Monroe. Ohio. Newport, Ky., l\Ir. Harry Hamilto n The pnrty was g iven in ho nb r of Mr. a nd f nmily, of Dayton, spent Sunday Edward J. Burton's hirthdny. with th eir purents, Mr. a n d Mrs. Geo. Hamillon. The Woman's Auxiliary will meel with Mrs. Harris and Mrs. Mosher " Jack Wil so n ," better known as on Friday, November 20 t h , at 2 Jake of Barton es Id eal Comedy, will o'clock. The tim e has been chnnged ofTer you an eve ning of r eal amuse- from November 13lh to Novemb er ment Il t Mia mi. theuter, Friduy even- 20th, on account of the Mi ssion. in g, November 13th. Dr. and Mrs. A. T. Wright e nter · Mr. Ray I\lills hilS ac cepled a po· tn ined last Wedn esda ~' in hon or of sition wilh the Waynesville Motor Mr. and Mrs. Elli ot t Wright. Th e company, u. s alcsmll n, a nd Mr. Frank guest s were, Dr. lind Mrs . Dudl ey Crew is e mployed in th e mechanicul Keever, of Centerville, Mrs. Edwnrd Keeve r, of Dayto n, an d Mr. S . L. Cart depa rtme nt of the so me firm. wright. " Jake and LaVerne" In one of their After 0 pleasant visit with their orig inal comedy s ketc hes, "The Birth pllrents, Dr. lind I\1r8. A. T . Wrig ht, day Party," full of snap und fu nny I\1r. un d Mrs. Elliott Wright left, Sat· sny ings, at Miami th eater, Friday evurd ay mo rning, for Knn sos City, Mo., ening, November 13th. where th ey will mnke the ir future home .



Sold E1NrJ'Wt..l



" Don't t ell me whnt goes on in ~ idc the sloruge battery, " n m o t o ri ~ t is III times heard to say. " I am no ch ern· ist . It is too complicuted {or me." That uttilude to ward an electro·chem. ical proc ess which is reall y compllratively si mpl e is o fte n respon,ib le for the Inck of in.teresl in , und co n"". Qua nt ne glt ct o f t he stora ge butle ry, in the Ol)in 11 of A. r. Melloh. Prl' s l· O·Lite deal · r in W ·n esvllc. While cu · rent is I;~ in g dmwn from the ,toraltc "I:tter y. .\11'. Mell oh say", the sulphu }. -: n ,id , i the elec tro lyte is be in g g i... ~ :,:' 'orm snrnll pu r ti. cles of non _ v .. .J " ~L lllg lend s ul phulC in both the positive and n cglllivc plates. This action g ruduall y t"l·t!II CI'" th e nctive plate s urface und h>l ndi ·


as rupi as it IS th.e n C· cumul ntlo n o f l('a d s ulphutc ('o ntlllue.

it ti l i t ':'> I ' nm r or~ .,I\d hllmkd :l fo r tJ\c: 1jut! in II inul r' hl' lt,' r th.m ~tlly wriu~cr - " lmd


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Faro' hi Jlt-. ,. ~. .



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" 1/ i f hIlS a wri"~r ill,"'f a l .mm · l )ry

~~:r~t~O:~~:~~~:;fb~ln!!" s}~:I:~~~'~~I ~ t:~:{:.I~~~ I u~cd . jt/


Tile L JClore of Beller 'Values ••••

u ntil t he battery \)cc nmcl'I in o}Jc l'ativc .


While bein g l hurgetl, the \\lller of th e e lectrolyt ll is br"k.' n up. 1n p Ol rt,

WA SH Cl.OTHS- 12xI2. lO ft, ablorbe nt, heayy terry, fact

~;hl~I~\S~~n~bt~~ h\~::~I;~I~~' I~~;i s~I~ ~f,~;::

:~\:h,,~I ~dg::~ ~~~~ ..~~~~~~.~~.i.~.n ~~~.~.c~~:. ~.i.~.~ ~~.~.~ :

l Oc wlt'25c

i .. .. ........... conver tin)! the plates to the ir ur ig. innl charged co nditi on, Hnd rup luc ing TOOTH BRUSHES - Dr. Warren', Perfect Tooth Bru.h; IDcll.icl_l. t he s ulphuric a cid in l he e leclrolyte. Iy packed in .. carton with a lampe of Deatal Cre ..... thu s r ais ing its spec ific g ra vit y. T ha t en h Bru.h .. .. .Tbe Bru.h that gi ..e •• ........ ... _ ............. . is why th e hydr omet er tost is abl e tu give lin index of lhe stale of chal1!c of t he battery. During th e carl l' purt of the pro· cess of chnrg inll: lhe buttery, there is , BALLOONS-85 per cent Rubber, try th.m, .t ................ ................ lc a suffi cie nt suppl y of lend su lphute ,'" to (.o mplelcly consum e nil t he ~I\ss es liS ge neruted When the amount of OUR ISOOK DE~T. lead sul phat e has been reduced to a certa in poi nt, however, more g ns i ~ beinlf pro d uced tha n can be used, 75c Waynesville, Ohio and It passes u p through t he eled ro· Iyte to e cape Wh en this e xc essiv e am ount o f I!"ns CANDY-A FRESH , SUPPLY IN; IT IS GOOD f orms in the pores lind on t he ~ ur· face of the positi ve p lates , IlS it d "e~ unde.r a charg ing rate that is lo o hiLh ~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!"'~~~~~~~~ ......~...._ _~ it ten ds to t ell r ofT small pnrt ;c({':; ,'f _.- - _ . -- - - ' ----- -- .. --aclive ma lc riul frt im the posit i\'e plllt.l' s urface, nnd to destroy th e cohc. ilJ lI L:.:. 1'__ aU of lhe pllrlicll'9 of activ e mull'rial ill. !Wi • side. If excess ive (\hargi n/,: is con· tinued long enoug h, n spongy, U "('· less plate results. T he ne gn ti vl' plate is not like ly to beco me ci"rolug'ed un · less the hiv:h.charg ing mi., i ~ co n· t in ued lon g- e n ough t o ru i~,· I he cell For your convenltnce, we have erraneed with D. L. temp rat ure a Uo ve the drllll'l:r p int Cran" Gazette oflice" to date yo,., ' sale rlcht I'n wh ' 1\ t he s pon ge lead bl'c " l11l' I:TlllllI· la r and th e po.itivc plall's and S ·pll· Waynesville. Your sale solicited. . mt ol's di sinteg rate. Rcasonuble cu r ll nnd attentioll fr 'h th e mo to rist , w ith per iodi c t c. t$ li t t he ser vice stntiun, will PI' ·,'cnt t he tro uble r esul tin" f rom ovcr d,urg c or di scha rge CJ/ butteri es.

.. TH~~~Ne~t!~SS" .

IF·rank H• Farr,

Ad·1D :he Miami" UiIKIIe

TeUtIIe Advertiser you read

Martin & Stanl~y

- - - _.-----


Tendered Resignation At t he reg ular meetIng of the TI oa rd of Tru stl'es of M iam i Ce metery n ~soc iation Inst Sat urday, Mr. L. M. Hend ersoll tendered his r e~ig na­ ti on as s ecre tary-' ·J\surm·. J . 0. ' Cartwright was ap poi nted to flll the vacnn cy until the annual meeting in Jun e. Mr. Cartwri ght r es um es a positio n that h e held for a number of yea rs.

Ordinance No. 112 To regul.te tbe cOD.tructioD and u.e of priyi ... and toilets in the Villace, Be it ordain ed by the. Council of the Village of Waynesville. Ohio : SectioD I - That it shall In! unlawful for ·any person to use, or permit the use, of IIny privy in said Vi llage . unless the voult thereof be construct. ed of cement or concrete. Section II- That it sha ll be unlawful for any person to use or permit the use, of any toilet lo cnted within any building within said V iIIage unless said toilet be connected with a':l!Toperly constructed cess-pool. Sectioa Ill- That It shull be u·nlawful fo~ any petion 'o r persons hl)ving control ther~io" tp P~ Fmit 'a n:/, drainage from privy vau lts, or from toilets or cess-pools to drain into open sewers or drains in said Villnge. Sectloa IV-That any person or persons violating the prov!§ions of Sections I, II or III of this ordinance shall be fined in any Bum not exoeeding $26.00. Sectioa V-This ordinance shull take effect and be In for ce from and after the earliest periorl allowed by law. T . E . ROGERS, Mllyor . Passed November 2, 1925. Attest: L. A. Zimmerman, Clerk,

Late Classified Ads. Fo.R SALE-One Haynes Touring car, in splendid conditiorj. Will trade for ·corn. Lyman Sil~err Phone ~ 9 :~ .




FOR SAllE.-Kitcholl ~abinet',and liI wi,1a to aaaoua •• to the peopl. brary taple j!:ood ilne~. See o.mar of Wa.....Yin. ilill Yicinlty . th.a t I Lew'l.. ~ . . ·!I.3Q ~HI .0atiDu. tD pra.tice V.l.rlau:r Fol' S81_G~od 'Usee! corn Jluskex: M.lliel.. .t 5pri.. V.Ue:r, Ohio. .pej:laUalaa I. Vacclaatloa .ad Di. and shredder. LJngo Har.dware {lo., Lebanon, Ohio• • e.... of Swla. . For Sale-Good heavy work horse,

=lOI:===IJ:===::I'Oc:::lO,I '===:Z'Oc::lO,I'===:Z'OJ::lO Dr. R. V. Ken.n on ;~~~:." ~~t! .

\ IIt\ ' j'S what l11ak,'S th O! Laun-

Dry- Ertt! .li/f t! r t! IH ami hl!ttcr. I'Vt!ryW Ill're !l.1l ho w i[ savell ~ !. 11 hl'!<o , hl l\ v it ll e Ver (iall1aaCS hutto n., ' '':.1' h ';! L' lh' r~ , ho oks alld CY"S; ho w





\ \' "" 1, ' 11


necdawrlr:zer wh~n youh:r~~t? a 1(J1JI1N-DRY-ln'!


Cn l u mh u8,

h(' r

Mi ~R Ednn lI owlnnn spt:' nt t h" w(' el< enci wi th her home folk" in "' I's t t l " . M is!" M ame R rown . i(l n, Ohio . Mr. nlHI :\(rs. \V a ltc'r lII cCluT(' wer(' in I)ayt,.n, Su ndny, Kues ts uf Mr. li nd ( I I I Mess rs. lIarry (',llln r r . o f l1"yt o" . und Mr. Ru ssell B,'n tle y were in L('b . Mrs . :a r . ct' urI'. unon, 1\I 0nduy. ~I r. li nt! l\Ir ~. II. II. \\, il kHso n s p ~ nt unday with 111 1". A lber t Wilkerso'1 Mr. nnd Mrs . ll . O. J .. n c~, of Chi· liSnd fami ly. in !layton . cago, un.. ~ )J c ll di n g' scv (' r ul duy s wilh 1Il rs. Ann ll Il ulnw s. u f n l' l1 hr(l ll k, Mi ss Mllrt ha O·1' ('u l1. Was It I:ucs t o f I\Irs . LUlll"II Zell, sev· e ral days lust we.·k. Mr. nlld Mrs . II . 11 . W ilk er s(l n vis· ited Mr. ~l luir Fif c' un d family , o f ~I r. nnd lIfrs. Curl Fry e. Messrs. Wil min gton . Friduy . GI "n n nn d Gilber t I"ryo were shop. pi lll: in Oaylo n. Fridny . Mr. nn d Mrs. G. F. Brown o f LeI>· anon . we re · Sun day I:u('st s " f 1\Ir. O. 01'. nnd Mrs. A. T. W ri ght, Mr. and R. Un ~ l e8by nnd family. 1II " . l;;1liott Wri~ht w('rn )!\l est~ of Springboro rela ti ves, Thursrl uy. Mrs. Ab rnm Cook nnd duughlet', Eva, o f Springboro, sp e nt Tuesday 111 es~r s. Harry Stokes and Lew is with Mr. nn d lIIrs. C. H. She rwood . Chand le i' ntten ded a ·big sale of J er sey ca tll e nt Yellow Springs. Tues· Mi s~ Lillie Ned ry left, Tue sday. day. f or Mium i county, wh er e she will s pend the winte r wit h r elatives. The elllire corps of Wayne t ownship t enehers "tt e nd ed th l' T ench r s Mr. and Mrs. Mo rris She rwood, or Confe r t:' nee in Dayto n, F rid ny a nd H nrvcysburg. a r c spending the wee k Saturdoy. with Mr . and Mrs. W. S. Graham. Dressed chickens, p i e ~ . cuk es elc. , Mrs. Euphemia Hough has g one to at the nt ll r kC!t in MI·s. Si<ll's' . l"re· Dayto n to ~(Je nd th e winter with her ru om, ' Sulurday, Nov emb er 1.1, at dnug ht <' r , Mrs. Guy Kibler and fam· 9 :3 00. m. i1 y. Mrs. Edith M. H ar'r is , Miss Emma Mrs . Chus. Leife rso n, Mrs. Bert Heighwny un d Mrs. J nrnes McClu r e Hartsock und dnu ~ hter, Betty, were attended a convocatio n (I f tht:' W(ltn· ditlner g u ests of Mrs. James McClure nn's Auxilinry at St. At1d" e w ' ~ ch urch on SlIturday. in Dayton, t oday .

"Jake" in two of hi s funn'y m ono ologs, with lots of good jokes a nd st o. ries, ulso parodies IUld coo n songs, in· t roduc ing waltz clog, so f t shoe nnd buck dUllcing, at Miami theater , Fri· day evening, No vember 13th .


You dont

~I rs. Lall m

R. 1, WQDeavWe, Oblo. .'

. ,1


If you are thinking of making II Sale .of Household GllOds, Farm Chattels, · I~eal Estate, Live S~ock or other I rop.: rty, SEE . US, ·We work · to tret the price We guarantee to sa tisfy you or charge e. . It will pay you to get oor terms. St-veral dates already taken. · Here are a few: NON. 14, Dr. Coyles, Dor Sale Nov/17, Chaa. Mendenhall, Cattle Sale, S mi. S, of Xenia N~v. 18, C. L. King, 3 miles Southeast of Xenl. Nov. 19, W. E. Bogan, 1 1-2 miles South of Sprlnl Valley Nov. 20, E. M. Lukens, .S tock Sale, ·Harvey.bur. Nov. 24, Walter Naachel, 2 1-2 miles East of Miami.bur,


For Sale Dates, write

F. T. Martin Phone No.2

Centervil e, Ohio


or call


Jesse Sta"ley Phone NO. ,8 20

New Burllnlton, Ohio , ·r--

When· You Drive to DaYton


Park Your Car Free ,.


Shop in the Arcade BId Drive direct to Huber'. Fireproof Cllra~. · t80 West Fourth St. where a waiting atte ndant will wlte yout: e~r: . Then do your shopping in the Arcade Blo.' an~ you will receive, upon request fl'Om lI.ny. merchant. a free pal'lcing check, good for 3 hours' pnrkitllr -Itt Hl,!ber's (5c charge for each addltionlll hoUl·). Pal'ldq che~k s g iven on all purchpsef! aggregating 50c or mor~. When you return to get four ell.r you 'l't'edont your Free Par.k ing' Check. and obtain your' car withCillt,:'t:oat! . ,. ~

free 'Parkinlr Checlu ,iven by all mfll"e"anb on Fourth St.. on Ludlow St. aJ!td on 1'I.ird St. in tbe Arcade, .. wel, ~ the.merca.lib ... 1M. Narket "Und,., tb, Doiae/' '. .'



Seventy·Seventh "ear


........~ ••• ~ ............. WOMAN'S FOREIGN

I Int·;~:::h~·m. I State!. Capital I I I Prepa red by Colum bua Repo rter

...... ...... ...... ...... ..

COLUM BUS, OHIO- The specl.1 legislati ve committe4li .ppo.lnt ed to Investig ate the ·electlon machine ry of Ohio, and make a report which will not only Ilmpllfy the election s but reduce the coat .t the same time, will meet within a few d.YB, accordin g to announc ement made b:r Col, Thad H. Brown, chairma n an secretar y of .. state. The commit tee hal been spend_ Ing conside rable time .Iready securing data on the election of uther states, and no.... the experience of • state election on .mendelite to ald them in their work, this eXllerlence Is expecte d to prove valueble In .many wa)", Colonel Brown is of the oplnluD that. conalde rable amount uf money. ean be And Ohio rs by. • . (ew Importa1 !t ~haDg'­ e8 in the preMnt la..... 'but 1IAll not In .n}' way w/iialt.n the ~m. The Inteatilr .Uou ,wqrlt wUl continu e for some tlme but u .toon aa complet ed meetin p wil~ be ,h~111 and .the, recom. ml!n~ations of the . commIt tee made pubhc. '.

F~al etrort. to b~ak the de.dlo'C:k between the State office building commis sion and the legislati ve advilOry commit tee will be Friday wilen a special meeting of the two boales will be held. Under present condltiu n. body virtuall y holds veto power over th. other .nd have thus del.yed deftnlte action of the prol.loaed ",000,0 00 uftl~ bundlng throullh their cOlllllstent failure to agree upon a .Ite for the structur e. In' the meantim e Ohio State offiCII ~ ac:a~d over a Icore of blocb In Columb'ua paying hlah rentala. E~ctlon of ;idltion al room for State dellarba eJlta ku lonrbee n recogni zed aa a neeeuit y,· but althou, h the eom. milalun . an DOth Republi can, Blfl'eemet\t ku Men tmpoulb le, Dot only upon a lite but the atyle of building to be erecWd.


The Woman '. Foregn Mission ary society met in regular session on Wednes day afternoo n/ Novemb er 4, at 2 o'dck at the home of Mrs. Amelia F. White. . Owing to the absence of the president Mrs. White took charge of the meeting . Meeting opened by a num_ ber of selectio ns OD' the Victrola , .f· ter which the society joined in singing, "Neare r My God to Thee." Rev. Washbu rn gave a very interest ing talk on the study books th.t we are to for the year, after which the followin g program WBll enjoyed : Scriptu re Re.dlng .. .... .. Mra. McClure Pr.yer .................. ..... Rev. Washbu rn Reading , "The Blllldin g of an Empire," MI'II. Cr.bbe, Vocal Solo .. .. ........ Mra. Joe Earnha rt Demons tration of "A Porch P.r· ty" was then given by MI'II. It. G . Crou, Hi'll. C. W. Younc,e and Mr.. J. Whitake r, after which we adjourn ed to meet In Decemb er, with MI'II. John Whitak er No. present. 60; oft'ering, $6.00. MRS. J . WHITA KER, Sec'y.


j ur y m e n '\' ere. d rown. T he r o lh) \\'in ~ w ill K~I'Vl' th r (Hl g ho li t the t ll r m , d u r -

in ~ whirh th e ,,\'crn~ (' numllt' r uf Ctl ~cs w il) c o me to t hl"ir all t·n l ih tl :

Th" jury a r t' :


--- - - ...-----

SerVl·cel Well Atten ded

.- ..

. Ente rtain ed Class

Hour CIub Mt.• Wa Ent rta."ned

----... -

Atten ded Banq uet

Intereating Lett er from the South ",ri tten Former Resident






_ti . .,.


, tloa



.....·ts_·ter ,b i CaUforDia

~ Ji -=--~ =--~ rJ .~,.yt~ U,tIo="'''Y~bIt .,;::,:~ ~ c.


.= .... ;::.rl''






J ll m~' Il nn,i lto n Lewis, 1'I 1wllYs pie. lnrc8<t lJ,c. !Jut ,olllctim e. ill uccura t e, "ny" lh~ Hepu bliclln nomin ation fir, ht in I !I~H will h,' hl'tween Secreta r y H ')"I' ~ I' and Vicc · Presi dent D"wes. Im n' nr ow n T url1l' Cl"C'('k; M rs . Fa nn i e II " Sll \, ~ Ih ,' "two ter m tradit in n I' SGr ee n, Ue;·r licl<l: !\I 1'<. It(ls!! \'ai l, tal,li "I;,·d · 1,\' \\',"h i l\ ~to n w' lI no t I"":lnkli n: Ethel Duke, Cl ear er "" I, hn' ilk r1uw n ." ~I u ry II l1 ssc tt . Franklin ; I\ owa rd C,)(l. ~' l'. Lp \I i ~ i ~ j lh l 110 1' . F rllnkl in: .I f,hn !\I cGuinll, \V ll sh 100 r e" cent ing t " ,,: I larr y I' rlltn, Wlly n!! "" fl H Ig' in two \',I\"~. T h arc isn' t any and Haymond ~ I d·ul'l l y. Cl c"Tcrt'ck . IllH"!'>I 'o!! Ilf n t\~11 t. I nl lrn d ili f" n . ~Ir· . ( '""li!l r,1' Ii:,~ h'I' n elecled by An othel' l'(·ti1 i tll'Y \\'a ~ " I!-It! rll ' UWII t o c n n Vl' IH' IU' Xl lI!Un t ll f or thl' pur. llw p( "I' II ' ,, " ,... . "I\d it i. tho e1ec· JlPVS(' (If ("ompll!t ill )!' b \l~ il1 i' s)oj of tIll' lion, ' lilt t h\· :1CTld I t ! 01' it p ,. ~i d e n .. l iat (!I'; Ih , t h;lt { , i I , i l ' . UnlcsR we Septe mber tt: r m of cou rt: : . T he.e j ur urs " "" 'I'lr r, ,,,,, " I h ll. liar. hu\"{.' \ ''' 1' I bad t itl l " ." i ll .L\ m eri n. b eJan i ~t r!' . ~ l,ltil! Cu r lln h n tl , rl"H l'(Tnnk t" ct:n nu'\,: and ill 1.·'.!1-., a n d w e sh a ll Clint Hull. I ~ ar (' r ~c k ; Lllul'I\ U h.d~ r. I lil t h:l\ I ' I ~ H'll l, t III :I" m~ na l io n a nd Fra nklin ; Os ca r [l lly n ~. Uni oll; C. l'1 .. ,·ti pli of I'r ~id "n ! '( 11i dg e nro J. Worl cv llee rli e ld ; I·: d J I,hn so n, ns (' enn in as IInyt lt il\J:t t: an h~. l ni on; !\I ;)~C BOg'nn, I\II1~sie; Mrs . .Q Ili e E be rle, F'rnnkli n; Mr.1 . Emma lIrovin lr p ir.l uI·c s Cnlll])I'rs..-;-;:-:" nt French, Turt lecrec k; Co llin s W u Ik eI', den l of work lIami to n; Hurry Palm er, Deerfi el d ; p<'l'i od of " 8ee a nd effor t j, to a abort in ~ ." W. W : Shur ts. Union; G ~o rge Co m])Wi Hayes say~ the n v ~I'I " p f 'r, t ton, Sale m; H enry Ge hls.. Harl a n; hou \' lldav of 1';l\\ma James. Uni on; Howa rd Mc· tl·esseg. 'di rec t orfilm -wor k. c t ~ r ' r . worlcinv h:', rr! " c Guinn. Massie; Geor ge Gutes, Frank· e ight hours thr e.'~ OUO :-· . lin; Grac e Spohr, Franklin , lin d Frank uf a minute . ofproclucr. n ~ tu n l film displ r .. In one big pict.ure, soon to b oo I'el ea ~ed, a s ixty-fiv e acre field w~ . c"v . e red with a " set" costi ng 'SO!' ~ -' I\ a nd it r eprescn tp<j in nil .Ill S : .. minuute s of mo vin g pict ~ re e:, tai nm ent.




Eli l\l l, Cn·Jt r y. Geo .

M,·loy . Mr". I. u,·v ( ·nrYI·I I, ~ l l\tt Foh' ), Id a n" "'nthal hnd MrH . Mary I vi J" s , Turtl c'c r (>l.' k : n td )(' rl S t()nf~br lL kl'r und Mrs. Katc Randall , Uocr . fi eld ' Ed T homas llnd Murtha O'N eall W l1 y~ e ; We bb Smp~o n , Hamilt/, n; W. S. Ro of li nd I:ll'lu'e Ma rshall , Franklin ; and Harry Emley and Per · ry Lawson, Clearcre e k. The Peti t jury ur e: Cha rl es Gree n. Dee rfll' ld ; Elwood Aul t, 'I'ul't1ec r ecl<; II . A. Ap)!ar, Sale m ; Perry WII,h'. 'I e al'el'(~ck: Mr ... Ann a Rosa, Humil tUIl; I'll " . Ann il Ca r ey, Turtlcc re(' k ; Mrs. Ma rga ret H ufr, D('erfield ; .John BCPlll c, ilio ll : lI emr y Wills , 'l'ur ll<:"r cck : Mrs. Mar y Woo dward, Frank. lin' MI',. A<I" F. Hill. Hamilton; i')u-



This Week

Pl· ~ puta ti ons for th' .Ia nuar y t·.'rn , of the Wa IT('1I C" unty Gra nd jury . \\' a~ "t!t rt eu l a ~ t w e~k wh e' l1 a li ~ l of

In a letter to nearly a thouaan d cr.mmun ity chainne n chosen for the Golden Rule rnbSund ay, December 6, Governo r unahey says thllt "becauB e of my sincere belief In the purpose s of Golden Rule Sund.y, It Is my hope that you will give favor.b le cOlldera tion to this service. My earnest desire is th.t the people of Ohio will observe this IIplendid program and vizuallz e this great Ideal • Ild I .ntlcipa te your whule-h earted cll-oper ation .nd IDdulreD ce in this pl.n tor a better appreci .tion of the brotherh ood of ntBn and the benefit of thoae In .dvenlt y" Headqu .rteR of the Ohio Golden Rule Sunday c:ampaign are In j the olllees of the Ne.r Eut Relief, 1900 Euclid Buildin g" Clevela nd, A. C. The -first game basketb all for Shattue k, uf Clncinn .ti, and Newton tbe year 1926, wasofplayed ~F--Thursda y D. Baker and Dr. Charles F. Thwing evening . Novemb er 6th between the The nut dlatribu tlon of .pproai, of Clevelan d. are among the member s Normals and the High sc hool, the remately ,1,000,0 00 of guollne tax sult being 11 to 2 in favor of the mon.y to the :variOUI municlp alltell of the committ ee. \liormals. o~the State wiD be early, In DecemThe High School th en determi ned be~ aecordln g to atateme tq win the nexL game . Th e whole nt of muthe SUt. Auditor thill aweek. Thlllle force came out t o practice e and th'ey m1llllcl palltie. have already received worked hard. Accordi ngly, nnother their first ahan uf the caa tax reThe preachin g mlulon . held In St. game was staged Frid!'y evening , and cejpb' whfoh ••ui.a nted to '911,40 l. M.-'. church last week,' closed Sun- tile Normals held the lead afler the The ..c.ond dll\rlbll jlon win be mad e " In neeemb er, the third next JllDe and d.y evening . In spite of un favor. first quarter un til the lust quarter , ~ _ f t able we.ther ~ the servicu wen when the H . S. put on more sLea m ~the fourth aboat the A IUlIt 0 nex A. ug w"ll Ult. The total amonnt to be dlatrib- I" attende d. The miulone r, Rev. .nd tied the score lit 21. ' After utl!d will be .bout ",000,0 00. In O. M. Lever. uf Dresden nin e minu Les over, Ohio, a de. time. the playing addition to thla diIItribuUon the State vout and sincere Normals scored, making th e man, made • good sult being 11 to 12 ..eta' a bll' ,hare for Ita bighway dl· impreaalo,n durin", his in favor of the short stay In ri.r. d tile collectio n of course W.ynes ville. to. the lIIneu mala. • .!!nita~wn w.y. With the liberal uf his daughteOwing The game last Frid av night was he was called home also ~unte to be lent each county there Saturda y, and r Rey. by the Normals , the sco r e J. Schaeff er beingwon wi!' be plenty of highway improve - rectol; of tJ:Ie parish, J.conduct 22 to 21. ed the ment work and in many cuel thla .cluslng sel'Vlcea --work Is already IInder way. A.I time .~On Sund.y .mumlng a telelffllhm\ 8' " 0· on .utomob Ue uwners are And· from Rev. Lever, stated th.t and Ie.. objectio n to the two daughte r waa very much better. ,lDt tax and II- the row are 1m· - ••- - On Saturda y evening , Novemb er proved aa they Ihollid be there will U at their home nea r Ce nterville , . be lit1Je cOlppla~t offered and no etnd Mrs. Harold Whitak er en· · 'fort'm. de to repeal the r..... next year appy tIl'taine d . at a 6-0'clock dinn er, Lhe , ' whan the G.Deral ' A_mbl y meeta. ' N'1nn ..1 class of '23 and others. The " Tb. · atht of autoillta will then be to I,' I e talil• •ppointm ents werl! charmin g, pnunt ·aD IDereaae In the taI, DO the ),ellow and white color scheme thoqht belnl riven to uldng for a ..,H ..... P.rcy Reason waa bOlte. to .nd decorati ons ot fruit and ('!Indies repeel o(the prepnt law. the B. B. elub and several peata, No- sU&'leating the Thanksg iving Beason. V9tber . There waa a lara'e at.. The enning was devoted to " 500." The ltat.elt ;r free .mplo:J III_t t41t}"'c e10. of membe n and the ruab The guests were. Mr. and Mrs. ~I. bureaus of the Stete an now placlllI "I'll K..... Frauk Squlrn and Miu fred Ayen. of Mason, Miss Hilda S~t­ ' more tlwt ODe-third of all the appli. mira, Mn. S.dle tlemyer , Miss Eliubet h Sheetll, MISS Reason. uf Harveys CUlta for ,work, accordl llI to the lut b.... Hn. Pearl Rich of Wayn_ Edna Howlan d, Messl'll. Raymon Hatnport of the State luperint eDdeDt. vIDe, and M..... Rellnge r,-of New fttlJld and Burnet Butterw orth, Dr. The compUe d reporta Ihow that Dajton, AlbertaRol . Canada , who ill con. and Mrs. H. E. Hathaw ay and Mrs. :there baa been maintai ned for ..,..ral aiatory cenven .r In her provine e. Juhn Whitake r. · DioDtha an ave..... of abo.t 60,000 apoke of~. of the Feder. ~---· . aPJ!lleu ti for emplo)'1llento ODe- a8"oD of Women '. value cluba from her In. third of thill number haa bMn fe- tililate BIIOclation Y1t1l maleS and _the o'ther two-thi rd. male. atitute work In CaDada. Women 'a In. A1moat une-hal f of Ule female applL .11..... Acla Smith read ~nta have been placed in poal60n . r.". Braddoc k .!ndJl... and iii..... War.. Reb. BradMr. Walter McClure and Mr. and aa tba d.mand for female help baa ~ acted a clever little skit, "M.d. Mn. J.m •• McClure nttended a meet . I been steadUy p1ninr wblle Ule num- eIdoiaeU e'. Militate ." in&' uf the Quintet Funeral Director s ber of appUcan ta haa f.Uen uff in the 'b e boste" tvaa auiated In serving _laliu n .t Wilming ton, Mondsy _ . . proporti on. Of the male .po her dellcloll l hinch by M..... Hockett . enninr . pHcanta only about one-thir d baa been placed. BDt go'l' of th. tone-th ird Ia ....killed· labor. The eaU fer aiLlJI· ed .labor, ad help in the clerlc:a, and Prof_o nal line baa abown no de. creaM wbUe the aupply ill "'1 lim· 'it,ed, FNe efllplo)'1 ll.nt .....cI.. are ~ . In Akron, Olnclnn atl, G an.lan d, 04>IDmbua. Dayton, ' Halll. ·"Uton. Jlldcn.t o....J. Toledo., Van Wert, _ Wanlen 'and xounpt o.... The Deland, Florida. 0I.v4lla nd oftlee for lOme time baa led cent. on town ~d 10 per cent on land Novemb er 11, 1925. property , It Is not aatisfac tory in ma_ the Hat ID· til. Bumber placed aa well Dear Miami Gaiette -. .. · ~tio-. whU. ~e buslMu ny ways to me, ss you have no s lgn~d V~ Wert oftlce baa been the &--ever y real estate 1'1 We an IIll -well and eajoyill l the eontract town haa the same propertyma,n _nut . hSLed ine cllma~ bert; alto an mach pie.. .nd the owners change ed with Deland and Florida in &,en· out notice. I think I the price. withmay qUIt the . Three 'buDdre d and lift)' mon fee- eral. tllat : iII aa much of It aa we apnt busines s altolret; ler nfter a J bie-mln ded 1>0)'1 and .Irl. of the have beeD able to .... Of courae when while and just buy and sell our own State will be i'eeelved throulrh the. we arrived here It was. achool tlDle , . . itnllntl the 8\ate b_ and ....e had no time to look the ~te stllff. The wild stories you hear up there . tor~, d~. ~e D~ aht;r cia,., ac. over for -a 10caUon and it may be jUlt are In liIost cases false, as t o people (,.:........loi unoliac ementa juSt as well for I think Utili Is a better belD« swindle d out of their money, .. TbIiI iI'mAde .poulbl . bl the tomple- town than lOme otllen for U8 U · v.I· or at does not apply to this sec•tioIIr ' f newaDt ta/feit· .t the Ori. an ~ore reaaonl\ ble and It ts an tlon. The only thing I ICiIln see they • ift~ ':'"c1i Colum" ua Iioapltab. a1\.y.a town.. • are overdoin g, is the lut business , but Two of' ..,.' 6Y.· aottql l baVl been Deland baa a PD.PulaUon of about anybody with any judgme nt at all eoOlPiet ed aDd·wil l M read, lor o«a· 11',000 DOW. with the .tourista mostly ought to know people cannot .&ia00)' ~ within anothet: month. The to come )'et, wbleh will f1Jn it up to on Iota w.y out inthat the sticks. There r ':~-~ntil..m ~ '\rUIJtiIned from about 20.01)0• . water here haa .re thousan ds of acres of wild land . the, Colaam bus lJiatitut ion and the mlneN! taate, the a~e !In· th.t will grow almost anythin '. D.... commtt ment. wtll .,. .mad• .to eel with IJI1f8 altade. g; of treu ~d w. an course, must be fertilize d but it . , Colamb lJl. tile n .....· ·arrlVaJa. tald... only 24 ~. from the eaat coast will rmeIt aa mUQh a8 three crops 'a 'th. plac4l of thOle trander recl to Oli. bril'k toad all the way-m~n)' ye.r aw.itinR some develop ers. · '. eat: ' Btlc:k 'olD the ·Dew' cottar.. at with peuple prefer U'IiDc to the eo~ One thing, this h.s .11 been brought . -'" -_... . b., ............- 'mallJuI_' . tIId f , n\ .Il about 1 ' _ by e Norther .. ,·r._~ n people. Just . ..... 'eJI1Il11M . lad a are· ou In....tea...0,." 0 re ..,.e no bllb_ how' 10." It will . lut no thllJl W~riI 1e. e proeer. une \mows;! 0 ' 'hoapita t .tMWiiiIY... ud Ut. furnl- lea and meata .re no ble and coal her bu~ theTe 1.1 too much at stake an · .tan tnd btaHa b., .,....,D. n at bill .lInlina ted: '· ID faet l. .ft ' not too m~ch Dloney back of i~ · to die Jlan\fte14. TJa,e . OrilDt htBllela haa _ aa7 coal here. what UW"fu el tor fI time at least; but we all. know Weil 1leti1nat.14 -, ~...\ tnaUt1I- used ill wCiOd! .' . ·t her" is • top to be .n.ched some aDd WID ""ucle r itl' own JIlRDW. have ·'to·mO" Dext ..t..~ .. time. ' . i ~.nt; . .... we .old our to a DiaD New Everett bu a job .t Qne of the A, · . , • _. York. W. bo....' apin ~ a1lfAn • ,P. ' lf1'OCIrs evenill" and on " . . . fro. Da)ton. O!tio. Of co~ ". sat~y, 10 beevery getting some valli-. IIlRJ .... ~, before ... ret Into ttl' able .aperie nt.·ill bealdl!l . ~.JII . •. '. w..... ·tarbitu n uti aD, .0 Ita· nui 'ffOrkJ til .f.ct, _·the · trip bra achoul dqwn. wlUl ,. mu," -of ·. job '''' t : r l DO aadlOD wo~ a 10\ to aU uf ua In an· - .. . . . .Ii. C. brilll thi. .erthh.. to aB. CI_1at a . . . '.' el9M" WI", beat wiIh.. to 108 aDd . . ~~ ...... tile ...... .. I .... ~ ill tIda OIl• .otMr fzieilda,~'





~1~oIPs With th e stlli!'C (I f the Gvm decorated in ke~pin l! wi th t he dute. nnd "Uncle Sam" acting- liS chairm an. the Freshm e n cla ss prcFe nted till' following inter estin )! prllg r um, Frid uy, CDmmemora ting Al'llIi" ticc nay : Scriptu re Cha rl ~ s O' Nca ll Sta('\.8p anglcd Da nll c r . All Pledge of A ll rl!' ian ce All Vinlin Solo . Rhea Elli s Talk- "Th<l Pence Move mcn t," Mrs. Keev er, of Ce nte r vill e. Vocal So lo Ern est Eurnhar t Talk- " Last Days of thc Wa r with t he Ohio Troops Geo. Wntcrh ousc 80n.11: by Qu artct--T hc lma H urt.~nck, Mary Etta GUlr. George Henkl e, Morris Sherwoo d. Joker ........ ". . Theodo re Coates Reuding- " In Flander s Feld" .. . .. ... Mary Etla Guy Vocal Du e Mabel McMillan a nd Boyd Henderson . Song-" Keep the Home Fires Burning" ............. .... .. All An unusual ly fi ne spirit is ~ ing shown by th e "rooter s" at the bas ketball games this yellr. On e r eason for this f eeling is because of the r egular pep meeting s with the entire High sc hOOl present. under the leadership of Sara Missildi ne, Mary Margarct Unglesb y and Kenn eth Retallick. We hope that as the seaso n ad . vances, the tendenc y of the student s will be to encoura ge the players. not only · in ·momen ts of victory. but- in times of defeat, a8 well. With these ideas in mind, let both players' and rooters put forth every ,:ffort for. a winning game F~id~ night, when the H. S. meet the Alumni on th e Gym floor. Plans are under way for the Literary program to be given by the Tom Corwin society on the night of Novemb er 24th, at the Gym . This will be a public perform ance and a small admIssio n will be charged to meet expense s. The program will consist of music, reading s und debatl!\ etc. The Gleaner staff for 1926·26 , chosen Munday , la as foll ows: Editor-i n-Chief ... ..... Frances Hellkl~ Assistan t f nd El(chan ge EditorRuth Eah\har t. Busines s Manage r .. Kenneth Retallic k Aaaistan t 'Bus. Man ..... Bert O'Nell1l Social-M usic Ed .... ESlhe rHende l'son Joke Editor .. .. .. ...... ..... Edwin Pamby Athletic Editor...... "'" ..... J ohn Gons Athenian Reporte r .. Carolyn Swnrtze l Tom Corwin !leporte r . Mory Hunt Senior Rep ...... Rheu Jan et Cartwri ght Junior Reporte r ...... Luther Hllrtsoc k Sophmo re Rep .. .... William WiI\;erson Freshm an Rep _.... .... ..... Mariett a Guy


up on Ohi onns to observ e Th a n k ~~ i\'in).: Day, Nn\' cmbcr 26 , ul'l"'opr illte' ly ill th e h,'ml." , in places or iJi\' inu wOI'shi p a nd whereve r LIH' ~' m ay hn piJ n to be . ( ;overno r iJ on>lh ey's unnua ul proclum ation was mude puh lic, as foll uws : " Whil e We Ihus return Ibanks let U I resolv e alao to d e mon_ .trAt e Our gratitud e b y tryinl' to bring a ray of happine ll in·

to the liy" s of Ihose borne down

by .ickneu &.nd mi.fortu ne and

to r el olv e to revere the lawl of

Cod and the laws of our .tate so that gr .... ter blelling • may be


wh en

a.nother Thank.g iy ..

ing nay shall come." ------ ~

.. --------


Th e ope n seaso n for rabbits began on the 15th ond on Monday the country WM overflow ing with hun te rs, local and foreign . I t is snid thut not many rabbits wero taken, u. the day proved t o be to o bud for good hun ting. A great ma ny farm ers hav c posted Lheir - far"1Jl, both with posters and through the Miami Galwtl e, and they (ee t that they are so ju s t i fi ~ d 011 account of a Illrge n umlr c r of hunters that do not Care what they shoot, as long as they usc t heir amm unit ion If hunters ar o wise Lhey will ob ey the law this ycar. Th e law suys ,he consent of a proJlcrt y owne r must be. obtuined before going ont o his pro;>· erty. To do t his without consent i~ trespass ing und many furmers , wh·) have had stock a nd pou Itry shot will insist upon the law being obeyed t o. the .l etter . . The good elem ent am o n ~ h unlors will suffer with the bad unless there is scrupul ous r espect for th e law. It is up to e very man und buy wh o r e· spect others' rights to demand the same respect fr om fc ll ow h unlers, for they spoil a good thing which all can enj oy if they a re decent abo ut it.

The compressing' nf I· C t'"o!'k i: not ucw. MOKLcsq ui eu r >rcle -I Ill " ro thnn twenty yenrs of in l ,· · at rea"'\~ h and s t ud y to the proc\ rrc ti oll of hi ~ two small v o l um e~, "T he Spirit of Laws, 't Darwin , ov er a pc1'i,,1\ ef thir ty yea rs, I-\'athered in form ation ahou t eart h worms , lind lhei,' 'ontrihu tion Lo the ea r th 's fertili ty, that you· may r ead in a few moments. Fortuna tely, lind mo.t iml'orta nt, moving pictures when the best u ~ e is made ~f them will compre Sft «,ducat ion, as they now com)1res s action . It will be litera ll y possible throup:h moving picLu res to teach . child in t hree· quar ters of an hour., and to t each well , thorou ghl y and pf'rmanen tI y, mor e th an t he child can learn und er proper methods in a doz en sch ool years of eight h o ur~, spcnt in· dool'S nt 1\ tim e whel) t he child ouc:ht Lo he ouL in th e synshin e.

Tn politics we used to ftght IIbout sla" cl'y, th e I) nhout tariff a nd the full din ne r pail. 1' I\O ~e iSK ues are worn noL, and , as MI'. Robert Barry says, 1)O lit ira i fi)!ht~ now IIrc centered on alco hol und relig ion. Those issues will pass aWIlY, but men always will hav e som eth ing to divid o t hem. The r everend Selden T. Delany says faith helps disease !IS it undoubted ly does, and g ives a scientifi c expill nution. Fuith inspires benefi· cial emotion s; they cause in the body 'clie mi cal changes that banisb dis· Mrs. Julia Reeder wife of Jacob case." Rj!/lder. who lives on Mrs. Laura I -" Zell's farm. north of town, 'died enrly Th e Rev. Francis J. Hal "nne-,l l . f . t s uffering with tho will of God, and ~~~U~df~\~ohrj}nJ1l.r;n!Lg:--aEtl.eeCSr~7--lu>t:-l~0'"i.-:':'"!. sickness is sometim es good f nr band she leaves .fo ur children . The you. When people ure well they lnck funeral was held Monday n th e U. useful warning that sickn.a. irlvel. B. church Ilt Springbo ro. Burial was SC'iencc and relis gion al'c drawini toin Springb oro cemete ry. get her.

Mr. Rector, r ep r esentati ve from the Corporu ti on Depnrtm ent, of Columb us, v i ~i tcd W aYliesville last wee k and found 't,v cral irreg ula rities in Lhc wor kings uf the 10",,1 departme nt. He exp lain ed that in the past two years, chan ges hav c been made in corporut ioll afrairs that possibl y our municip al officers were not aware of. Mr. !lector found th ll bookks of the corpora tion in !;ood conditio n. He gave instruct io ns to the officers of the vi llage whereby impnrta nt and valuable changes can be effectcd . H e declared the office of pollee judge illegal, li S that officec is an "'c" tive one ; therefore" WayneSVille is now with out thut executi ve. The vi sit uf the inspect, ,!, direct from headq uurte l'S , was an importa nt one to t he counc il, us that body WIL8 Dr. Harry Dilatu sh, aged 63 ~~urs, e nlig htened on several points of the corpora tion laws, of which it had not di ed at his home ill Lebanun , FrIday Novemb er 13 . The f unerul Wll8 held been apprised . al tire residenc e, Monday , Novemb er 16. Int.erme nt at South Leban on,


- - --- ...- --- -


._ --...

Gran ge Notice Reg u la r mceling of Farmers Grange No. ] 3, Sa turday evening , Novemb er 21, at 7 :30 prompt. Election of offf'cers and s urJlri ~ e )ll'ogl'llm . Conferrin)! of deg ree in Juvenile Grange. A ll offic ers IIrc r equested to be preaont.

--- _..- ---

Some p"uple lake post g raduate courses ill the schou l of experien ce.

Mn.. CooU dp Hostel S to Girl Scouts

Co nducto rs and tru inmen in the West want more mone y, an increase of $::!5,OOO,O OO a year. To any it will horrify the co nse l·vati\'. mind, yet if the in crease in pay be grunted , .... co n ~ e rv ativ£' s a nd everybo dy elae will' be beller off. All t hat the big man can possibly gel is what the little man has to s pend. Let him who thin ks low wus;es mean prosper ity for th e big' . man s tart somethi ng in Chinn. 11 e \Viii fin.! men and \\' omen t o work for !I few cent s a tin y. bu t he \\' on' t build any great f ortun e. GO"1i lire to The Waynes vil\ o Gun club ure pre- a nation 's prospe l·lt:.', wagol fl'om t op to paring for 'a big time Thanksg iving bullo m . whut il'ri)!lI tio n is to Ct. ~. DDay at Oakkda le park, where they tio n's crop s. will ;tage a big shoot. Ther e will be plenty of good premiulI~ s to be After years of talk and n r eful given away for goo d s hootll1 1;, and the prizes will cu nsist of tUfk cY3, handling of ar-t icl ~ s from Tut ankhAmen's tomb, thl~ third sm','or.!1 8I'!U!, geese, chick ens and merch llndig/·. The big premium will be u spol· wit h its layers of gold ano wb ga d light g iven for the best sco re out of )!oddess es , is reu ched. with pi ctul'l:s the first 10 0 birtl. . This, to ~"L" e!' of the ~ n d O ~iri s. thl! vul ' Ire ,··cd . with t he oth er prizes, ought to br in g d(·os Nezkheb et, und the se l ' ent ,." . de.s, Bu Lu, painted on tilt ou t>-i' I nul a lot of good shots th at day. Bring your gun and huve a 10 of Soon the face of lhe you ng Phllr I fun, even if you don't take home dried and shrunke n t hrou ..:b 1 sands of yeats of waiting , Wi one of the good prizes offered looked up on by me n of this l.y. - -- _, All th ose gods and godd!' ses not saVe him from that. But hups th ey helpcd him to he 1::1 tian heaven .





- ..----

Frien d.hip Club Holds Meeti'ng The Y. F. M will mee t at the Friends Meeting house, Sunday jl"en lng, Novemb er 22. We have. asked the Epworth League to meet wIth' us. Everyo ne is Invited. Lesson lead er, nhodes Bunne!l ; devotion al " leader, .' Grace Huckett . We Young Friends ·wlsh to thank the commun ity for helplr,v ,~o make "the box a ocial a aucceS8 . . PrOceeds, were '20.00. • _. ....!-


lrfr. Carl S.;.McClure hal succeed · I-.<Illartet ed Mr. D, O. Boyd, resigned , 1\8 seeretary of ' ~e Dayton Real Estate Board. Mr. Boyd ed III seeretar y - of the board lor n. ),IlIII'S. lb. . McClure win assume the position Jan· aarrl.


_ _ _!2S .!E


~~~.............- ........:::-:-~••- ••~...... WHAT THE






A Ncw '!;l

r ',· r. c(lfr,,,,..,,t ing

PROBATE PROCEE~INCS Proof o f publicntion \\'U 5 fil('d in tl... mutte r o f ' th e estate of Thomlls

on t h u l"e('C'" ~ J' rt . r1i8.I1\t.· I H~tt y ("( n .. f c r en c(· h(' , • \' li nl!l\)H. "'h~\~ '-hut

t w o in t e r •.




=,,'OI1 f'-

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ni hl'd ).:· I' ~ " "nrion : "-'\ , Ih Euro CU ll ... W tl,' l," L~ 1:.. . 1: hu" J .r ~~ u r. ope i, IIW"V fr.>111 '1" minu , (I f the aVCrl. l!'l'· .'\ 1lI l't 'C HII . n' , I ·,'con d, fripnd ~ (It' t h: Pn ~., h I t ,\ t~\Uj!'hl ho w cloH' (1\ ,. h ·. U\! lh' f'f' fl;\t ,t·n!' i~ H'I the heurt " I' E ~r 1' "",, :\, Ih,,' tIll Y wil, not di sl'nrrt I t t,1 }!L'1 tiH' t I ' h. i ':fi t t':-l t o join ~ . ' n h,,-l thil1)! llhl Tl' t. t .... lIid l\g'.


i: .i

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Tht! r<- j .... n o do ull t :,11.'\.It th\.- 1l'1I t.h of th t! fin·;! )1l'ltP4 ,,,, it lll ll. t:u r ~ qwa n

nffairs ocnq l)' hill ii ' tl" " f lh ~

!l11 " 11 _

l ion of th e' J\\' , ' r rt)!'t· " l I l t'f H.:a!1 T he leagu e f n nt i tJlI~. t he " 1I . ltll·lItlrt. thr Loc..nrn c nf er,·tl cC', nllil ..,p q 'l, inl!'r I'~ t him but lit ll(' n. '·" IIlI' li r.<! \\i tl;


Madden's Lumber Yard Wayne8 ville, Ohio

thc qu esti Cl ns o f t" x, >, r uud bn ilding an rl th e- l'ri"l' of )ta . ,,\i'll'. It mny b,' th nl th e 1"'11'11\' of nn· ti ons is d o", t o t he heA r t.s f,f thl' I~u· ropoan \><'01'1('. n ., uuth·," of the s lll ull e r nnti "II' f"\ldly 11<'1'(' thuL it will 1)(' Lo It tl'ir ~a h''' ti o ll . .h t" II1\'



Probnbly thl'Y would " ".L ~c ral' till' league j u,t t u ~ I'l linc le ~ lIm 10 j ••in



to4 las. II" 21014

MI......................... ....••• .................. f

F. T. Martin Jesse Stanley Auctioneer Auctioneer tales with Us.



New Burlington,O.

Phone No.2


t ul l! fir Mary II . Pin e , d('cells"" I, fil ed hi, ' ''sl ri buti"c ncc ount. L A. JdT,'r y. KuarJiu n uf Wm , I". J d Trcy ..t aI. , minors. fil et.! his first and tinnl fic ,'olln t. Pr uu f o f pu blicatio n was til ed in the l11utte r of t he esLate o f J. M. \\' ri Kht. deceased. . In thl' maltl' I' of the e~lute of Vir· Killin 1'. Lucas. t.! ecca se d. proof Clf I,ublicntioll wus til ed. Pru uf of publication fil ed in the IlIlll ter uf the eslute of Ella P. Davis,



fa nni e ~tewart was appointed a dall w('11 nnd Ir,.,,<l. Th er · \\' ill be no objectio n t o t ha t fru m th is "ide uf minis tratri x of the estate of E lla th" A tlam ie. What A me riclln8 ob- Ford. deceased. Bond $4000. Apject to is jo in ill K an organizllti on prll i ~(' r s were P hillip Gaines. W. H. whi ch milr h t I'mu r" il thl'm in \>ur('ly Sei!( fried and George Sellers. In th e mattei' of the estate o f WaiEurol'cnll 'lua rr l'I :-:. 'rl11 t o ha\"e t o g'lJ a rnntt:(I' a ny po li t h:a l t er S. W i1kel'5,on, dec eased. S. L. bordl' r:; or cor rid ors in ea!'ltc rn Eu~ Mo ntgome ry WIIS appointed appraiser I·Opt· . alld th oy arc not g oing to be instead uf L.- .>. Shawhan. who was jo ck eyed into a po~ iti o n o f being co m unable to attend to his duties. Distribution (If pror.eeds of sale was pl'lI ed LO do it. It is a fllvo l'it r pa t ime of proleaguc ordered paid out in the matter of t.h e n,·\, \\ til'l\p ,'r, in A me l'i ea t o paillt t he Le banon National Banks. admr., of .\"," ril-nll ionn lb t n~ u diabolicn l th" estate of Lucinda Sublett. de"r,'at ur e \\O ll n is ben t on destroying ceased vs. Margaret A. Kirtley and the I,'ague o f n at ions. lind who lnug hs Reu ben Finney. George A .Brown was appointed lik.- n 8"lyr wh enl'ver the lel\£ue makes 'I ll y of its too freq uen t (a il- adm inistrator o f the estate of Charley Brown, de,~ ea5e d. Bond $7600. lI r(Os li t prcsl' r ving the pMce. :\'oth inJ! cuuld be furtluor fr om th e Appraise rs appointed were Clinton tr ut h.. The nlltiO'1 ulist will be pll'us- Hutt, Ray Fre'eze and John McColcd \\ Ith any program whi ch in . ures lo ugh. C. S. Mounts" administrator of the P"IlC ' .ill Eu r op e. What he obj ects to IR hll\" n~ Unc l(' Sum made the polic e_ es lute of Ella B. Davis. deceased. man For you r Und e Sam has (' noogh fil ed his inventory and appraisement. The r eport ~,f J ane Wright, execrn,ul> lcs uf his own , utrix of the eslute of Jesse Wrig ht, deceased. was IIpproved and confirmed. TO TRA VELINC SALESMAN 1

Ask the nearest Authorized Ford Dealer to show you this car.


aoeed ear. fa color. Dem o . .. tau aod ....a.rtu e_yq oa opeD 0 ....

All p.I<a /. 0. b, Daroll

'Kuwle ~ .

,", ruis l'lllcnt.

nlt' Tl' ttl hi s. lik ing.

• .,290 260 520 580

Runabout • Coupe • • Tudor Sedan Fordor Seda..



.ati.faction or charge nothin g.

Centerville, O.

h~ rt \ ,' rl f"l tl werl' a p po int e d app rai se r s. 1'~ lrnl' r ;-O;1H'ch a n executor the s-

b:uro JlC in th t' way o f pr,; m ut ing- peaCt

O llt.'

Every ounce of material used in building Ford cars.must measure up to FQrdstandards of quality-reinforced by Ford stand.. ards of workmanship and inspection. That is why Ford cars give such long and satisfactory service. The Touring Car with addedbea.i lty and finer riding comforts, is representative of the unusual value available itl Ford cars. ., I

Lrat ul' " f the e.' lut e Cl f Mury L. Mcmy, d"" " Il ~ "u . Bonu $8000. Josl'ph 1I: k ldcs,' n. W n s hin~t o n Carde r Bnd Al

th nt i ~ only hulf th e ~ tnry . Un,·h· Sam <l ocsn't "unt thl' 1ll t" " ' r:ll' it an d build nll ll , h(' r . If th~ 11l·,·,,·nt league CUll r ell ut: r " n\' ~ (,I'\'ic c tu l

Date your


. 1illl' r, d~c('n ~ etl . hd lop her Dwinell wns appointed )!lI nrdian o f Hazell 'B. fl ow ('r. min Cl r . Bond 20UO. J . T . .... ack \\ II R nppoint d ndminis-

deceased. Proo f of publication fil ed in th e muLter of the es Late o f Elizabeth D. W uutl uu ry, d ece ased. . \\' . F. r:ltzroth, IIdministrato r of the estate of Elizabeth Woodbury. dee"u. ed , ti\~d his inventor y and ap-

a ne w

Phone No. 320


-'- --

. sF



Woman - "Dun't you ever get ?' . , Caroline M. White V8_ J ohn M. "Ob, I Suppose I wou ld if T ever Riley et a l., for reformation of deed. stn Yed ~ h er (' 10llg enough."

h o nl c ~ i ck

Practical Inatruc:tiona In-

HOME SEWING By Rum Wyeth Spc" '


MARRIACE LICENSES Richard fuby Shreve, plaste rer. and Marie Frances Krell. both of Foster. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Alice M. Scholl to Charles Diesh. lot in Franklin , $1. George W. Meeker to Sylvester C. Sc hlink, 2 lots i n Frankiln. $1. Florence M. Baker to George W. Bassett. lot in f'Tanklin, $1. Marion L Reynolds to Mary H. Perry, about 1 () acres, $1. George G. King to J. E. Hitch. 2 lots in Kings Mills. $ 1. George Long e nbrunner to Delilah Longe nbrunner. abo ut 6 acres in Ham i1ton Tpp, $1. lit. H. Horns by t o Edward Johnson, IIbout 15 aaes in Union Tp. , $1. J osse D. and Orpha Robinette. to George C. and Mamie E. Baue r, about 20 acres in Turtlecreek Tp .• $1. Charlotte W. Cros ley to Elizabeth Kohler, about 100 acres in Hamilton Tp .. $ 1. Wilso n H. Berger to Elizabeth C. Berger. numbe J~ of lots in Franklin, $1.

Miami Gazette for

Job Printing Walif.

Is the Shoulder Flare or the line Flare Best for You 1 T he straIght coat or the plaited mode! usuall y hel ps to give the 1m. pr'C SSH. n of added heIght w the bijj Ule. Tho woman whose hIps arc brond will do well W avoid a side flnre, The front tlare gives a gracoful lI ne but If the coat is to tie worn seve ral seasons one may Ure of it. ~he coat thnt flares from the wa istlIne hI the back Is most becomLlll' to the woman who has stmi gh t narrow shoulders lUI I have Mown in the sketch iii the rig ht. The loose rippling ooat lust rnted at the loft I. especla1ly good for Ule figure that is fndInad to ha\'o bu:ging Unes IW:1'08II the fi h~;Jld era or the hips.


COMMISSIONERS' ALLOWANCES Arthur Bryant ,acting coroner. inqu e. t Elle n Mills, $4.90; Ohio Penitentiary. s uppli es for auditor. $46.60; Ed S. Conlklin. agent insurance on court house and Orphans hom e, $27 0.80; The Western Star, s upplies for clerk , juvenile coort, common pleas court, $136.00; Sluka Ita Mfg. Co., supplies for sheriff, '17.00; W. A. cotto bridge repair. $28.30; Harry Tindle, sa me, $17.60; Ed Meloy, sa me. $23 ,80; Will Sparks inspecto r on bridge constJ~ uction. $99.00; Caspers Ohio Quarries Co. s tone and fr eight on sa me., $108; Standard Oil Co .• gas an d oil. $253 .17; Eugene Gurd. fin;t estimaate on contraet No 838, $300; Oreg()nia Bridge Co ... blue prints, bolts etc., $4.,42; Qhio Corr. Culvert Co .• culvertS, $206:70; Willia m COleman. dr agging, $32.60; Alonzo Carter. same, $8.00; Frank Sher w.o.o d. supplies, $21..48; Harry Hesler, plhng and furni s hmg stone , $86.00 ; Morrow Lumber Co., cement, lumber and nails, $60.89; J_ W. Burton, supplies, 40c; W. C:rurton. cement, $3160; Morrow Fe(ld and, SUpply Co., cement and lumber $41.83; Tiger and Charlton. 21UPPi ies. $15.30; S . E. Cutler, payroll, $148.63; $42.10; James H. Miller, same. $266.60 ; Ch811 Spencer, same. U 73.06. ------1.~

If your· birthday is this week, courage and determination 8l'8 tM most ma rked characteristics of your nature. Desiring always to erat. an impression, you sometimes take upon yo urself burdens 'and !'eSpoIIUbilitics that seem far beyond your strenght, but your clear grit and enormou s reserve power enables you to carry the load, and endure the stress, where weaker natures would fail utterly. P ersons born under these dates lire not gencrully ' populal"-they are either loved greatly or very much ~ sliked-tjlere is. DO In-bet;ween. Yet when cultured, they are the most f ascinating and COllJpanionable persons one would eare to meet. The woman, wh.lle r ather impatient nnd hlu nt of speech, make very • good motherll and rule the hOtllleh9ld. Ou l~i t! c aITairs do not allPea1 to them. The men ha~ re-ruirkable l.aI ent ~ , a n!1 call re~ch the Stl't!."ltent heights In any vocation that de man~l ~ ~uwe ,.. ' e " !>n lnf'~ Q~ n~lt' ~" . '. .. udoo~~~



WA NT "TO -rA\C.e

E:)(At;:,l.'r ~tGI-rt"

----..... .......


SIDEWALK PATTER "What are you dol~l-" "Helpin.r my dad" "What''; be dolnrt" "Nothing."

¥ wv

.CLASS.lHED .,..,'ADS. ........ ,,"' . .

LOANS on Chattela"Stocb, 8e'eort. ties and Second Mort.aaees.' NotH bought . John Unblne Jr., ObJo. ' -mSO-'Z8

7had Brown's Hat . • • IS In Gubernatorial R~ng Fa'rniers, : Attentio~! - ------

Golumbua, (tlo ocIBIl-1t has !leen him to become II "",,,lIdsto, aud 1m· appuant for montha past . that mediately this endo rsement ,wa, tal· _er · OJ' atOl' Thad Brown. pre. lowed by aD ondorsemont 'by the F.r&nitlln Connty Committee. eDt 8eoretarT of State, would haTe T!leee Committee endorsements eome ltatement to make to We Reo lIubUcan. of Ohio lui to his attitude and "requeeta, foll owing maDl' comIn t&«anI to the Republican Gubqr. pllmentart ed ltorlal~ from : th~ IIStorla! lIomlllatloa for 1926. ~" · bt Ohio; and Tlal(a trom ·many Durlnl!. the 1M8t weel! two svents . . Stale Celltral Comm lttoemen, "Jio oeourrecl wbleb" ualul It Incumbent - . were In. ~ttendo nco at the '9t&tQ " 10 ~Te to the Republicans of Ohio c.Dtr&I pommlttee' JIloet1JJg .o t ~t . /lOCh s ltatement. r niday •. togatber wltb h~lIdreds ' of The Republican Commltle~ pf rega ...... from In!U"fHuw' III .aU H()tloo8 at· the . 8late. IJ\duhed Mr. ' Monow Colmt7. III which COWlty Bro_ to submit hi" candldncy to Mr. Brown WIUI born and reared. _~ Republican electors or Ohio ~at lID8nlmous~ enclorled hla 081[. ·.L_ .. _ I • . dldacr ror Go.,ernor . ~~ r!l ~uestod - - ....te pr ~lI\ry III AUg ust, 1926. 111 bll acceptance Mr. Brown tl!&lIked the Republlcn\l CDmJillttee fit Morrow and ~'raukUa CountIes , for theIr fri ends hip . In (lI\doJ;8 lng blm for nowlulltioa for Go.,ernor. 8114 , .. aI.8 0 tor the .record vote: ........ 0 : ..,.~ !lim bY tfiese countJetI In past cam.

Farman of WaneD. and &tIJo~. , conntie. may obtaID mo• ., o. ..... time lonna, at ~ ~ per'eent ia~t. Cost of aecul'jo. ~ laJIIoaa yuj ~ sonllble ;throulrh The Fe4enJ .... Dank. For further 'I nlorwlaUon 'eaD on ndcire~ lit C• .DB.AKB. T,... Ul'llr, phone 3 tG~~;Le1Nin ••• Qhlo. ~ . ~ • WANTED



. .

.' .



'WANTED-AU kihdj ' of ';'ft . for pulp. :Morrl • . GnJsaa.- . '".

.... -


. :,;


CASH-Fo~ Dental J]ow... PJallaa,...

Silver, Diamond,. ~-~ ,.I,ta. fall!8 teeth, jewell'Jt , OIl,. ~aa,l\l... Mall today. Cub py ' ratu~ iiialL Hoke S_ • R. Co vlda. ·' u ~.v.,.. ' .f.. FOR RENT ,.. ' j-, FOR RENT-Seven roo. '110"'. 011 ' ~j)uth M~ln street. !lIIqolre,.-of J. WIlson .Edward •• · .. ~ , . .18

. '.




, .

~~rther thanke~ tb~

edltors' QIf FOR;SAil··,' ." 01110 and others tor cooperation la . , -,JI!&ll7; ome'ltI · !DMteJ'jI ',w/licl! have FOR ' SALE- W-.oB aeatei · iit ' pod beeu of general IIItere8t lo ' tho cit!· condition. InqUire " 01 PNcl ' II. ~ or OttlQ .4urt'lg, hIB Incumbency . -Ctl~~. W.aynesvitr~. Ohio. - . .. • . : .,' .. 8e~ or Stite. , . . Mr. browo III bla 'latoment FOR' SAL&-.:.R~mi~gtoq. 8"~"'. _tee It cloor that he will muo an ' ~ merless ShO~D, 12'~', iIiUit_ . • Afr.rjlul." . campaign. troe trom ' barrer• . $6: .:p one ,eWi: c .&,. -.. . :~oftal~~I~... a,,!d bnsod upon hi. BentleY_ ' . . ." "";" ',--11 secord a, SOcretllr1 of State. if ' .:S~'£ E,,-O~"· .ii~";i5J ~' ·~.ted. he will ' use ! livery ' tair .: car,. in ,plendid eo .. . C ' zpethpd~ to ~8toro Ohio to tli~ d.... trade (lID- II",., L,..a ,Qf a RQllubllcaa Stat'e. ...h'ere 49-2. .. l . ' ~::.r 1fIJ normal Rep"ollclln ' majority FOR SALE-Kitchen Juftl,. entltlell . It to' . be ~l\rollD4 . , . 'b~ table' rood"qn.... , -'8M Mr. Orown Is In cOlllplote accOrd' Lewis. ' . ... ::.q ". t·" .~. with the p,oll cles anrt eoono01le. or' " , • .. • .... n." . e the Coolidge attmlll18t~atlon FOR SALE--Pa.... ~, ...,l ' r _ . . '11'1\1 e nd eavor to translate' luch ; . ___ lift......... ~ , .. - . . pollclel ' Into .atilt.. Government It ; ea!~':i.~ir." t.Ucco;'';I;~~e.: . nomlnatOO a~d elected':Qovornor of.:. : ...a. ~'~~6..~Z~~;.n;.. Ohio. . .' , . . .1. CI..... ~k .. '• ..





eablllet'and -.:


~~~~~~ -~~ .-~.~ -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ r.:.cW, H I sn=:R B\J\i €J. ~Ol-t. '(bUR C~IN VP Po. ll'TTle l-I\G l-\EoR - 1 ~ON'T

fi.,e 'l ___.


__ ••_______

Floorwalker-"Mlat ill the-:;t.ter. madame ? Did you lose something?" "I can't find my busband. I le ft him atanding here a minute ago. " "Better inqui!'e at the w and found window. maybe 1oOtM! Q/l>E! Wrl:\I'd him in_"

Handy Man- "Say, maD, yer neigh chickens be in yer yard acin'NaJlt 'em abooed ootT" . , " How· 1001' bave they. been ' In!' ~ . "Ob ten minot. 'er thueabouta." "\Ve~II, irive them minute. ...ore and. if they don't lay any ergs--out -they go.u_ _. .. ~ hor' ~


~ P ICTUR(; lll\jTI L "/1 s\J RE; ~\'I:>scla




larg e r l'o untr iC'!:t , t h ""i r a nt i~ , t , ,, w ith lil- t CuzH'd. I' rouf o f pu l>liclltion tiled in the reg ard t o it J,{ i \' l' ri ~l' t., j! T: I\' (' dnuL t$ matt er o f the estute o f Eloise V . Us t o t h{' d('pth of the ir nfl·,'l'l iull .



i ·

Viduable Building Suggestions ·1




...·M··A . . ,,,.. M I






NOVEM8l!:R l,a . 11/25 THANKSGIVING Thla i. one holiday of the year

that never can become hackneyed in

Ita obeenancoll, for it makea appeal both to heart and conscience. The vert dawning of the day bringa fresb to Inlnd the apirit of humility- that thla il the hour let aside to thank our Creator for the mercies of the year that hu paaud. Coming to us aa the lift of New England. thi. Ilmpie thought haa developed in the people of the land an appreeiation of wider lIignlftc.a nce. Well may we be thankful that God in bia mercy has h.ld ua -In the paths of peace; surely Wtl may rejoice In thanks that prollperit)' hu continued to ble88 the peo_ pia. that wllld~m haa continued with them lao to c('nduct their internal cov.ralnj!nt that the nation baa crown in dignity and atroo!rtb for lenlce. but, underlyin, all of these material advancel we Ihould be thankful. ev.r, day for that amaaing natural order under whll'b we live and have our, being. that unalte~ble law which make. impolllible permanent evil as a reault of our own shortcominal. Tbe"ln Ia found the apotheosis of divlne love. Let us not miss the sub_ ltence in our admiration of the 8hadow: The horron of bloody strife may ICGU1ll'e the world in temporary acon)" but the Innobllnc of thOle 10uIB wbo p..1 tow&fd weat. and of thoae who ~ Ita)' to moum. brlnp to the world a widei' uildentandinc of our mantr.:od and of our womanl), lI~ri­ Ie.. that let a new and hicher eter~ ltandard for our march into the mal adventure. Out of evil ,ood. That ill the law-that is the b~ for our real Thanksgiving. Sometimes our poor mentalitiOll feel tlM law ill .1011' to function. but in aU the history of the world it baa never faDed UL It la a. the risi ng and the IIttiJI, of the lun; It la the buia of our ~bievement. the Inexorable rule t1iat lifu UI upward. to the hleher ld¥l. the law that makea our eara attuped to the call for lrinder human eond·u ct. ,


Inptead of throwinc awa)' oil from &he UIUlk cue of ),our automobUe or tnctor. 7O1l can use It for lubricating farm machinery . . Let It stand in an opea metal container 10 that the 101Ida wll ·.. ttle and leave oU of 1J0od IDbzratina value. -

Silica lIlotion pictures Uken Ihow ella IUn to be • clant refte~r. it la catting time for our lerialatora to ....lete the len... and insist on the proper UM of dlmmera. Tha rum ahIPI are catherina near New York for the Yuletide trade, A Greea- Rlver--CbrlaCmu, may mike a fa' church yard.

ucte of his service will give 'UI 80me ideas ·off the quality standards that are being cstablished by our youna men who have started into .the field 0' instrllction. 0 ... of 1921 JOSF.PHINE HARLAN - Daniel W<'hster 8U)'S that the mightiest th lJu ~hts thnt cnn e nter the human mi nd is through ' God. SETH ,THOMA S-Knowledge is power I It is the ex pressio n of un np plied idea. - MILDRED CLARK- I am g lad we can tling the wintry gu rm en t ~ "f reproach in th~ lires of hOIl"HL s pring tides. MARGARET CLARK- Husband o' mine. day lifter day cheering me along the wny. pllti~nt. tend e r. smiling and brave. always ready to renew fal tering courage and lo s hare all the day may bring of care. ' BARBARA FILER-I chloriformed my perso nal antipathy for school Ufe. HAROLD EARNHART - Says to Josephine. " Let us try to live on tho broad plane of love." CURTIS THOMPSON- Remember there are greater chances for )'oung men than ever before. ANNA SATTERTHWAITE - I am striving to create and cultivate a hig h Itandard of womanhood in my new married life. ETHEL BISHOP- Reve nge has no place in a Chrlstian's character. . EDWARD BURTON- We recognize a tremendous dynamic not to 88y a domineering spirit in him. how_ ever he is the type that overrides. always good natured. but always blind to , any things in opposition except resistance to be overcome. CLAUDE RIGGS-In the garden of his geniou8 the most prolific flower was s uccess. RUE DINWIDDIE-Rue is striving hard to enlarge his field of service by eillling into action his marvelous Intellect and business ' ability In • way that enables him as a peerleSB adviser and director to guide the ship of state to shores of success to the entire satsfaction of the officials of the company with whom he is aasociated. KENNETH ELZEY-As your experience increasea knowledge will in. ereaBe with it. VIVIAN RETATLICK- We under_ stand he is a past master . in understanding and knowing how to deal with school children CHARLES MOOR~He has developed into a manhood of aCCllmplish menta that arc in harmony with all moral laws . EARL CLARK - Earl advocatel mixing pel1lpiration ",ith aspiration in hill lite work HOWARD WHITAKER-In speak.. ing of a Jap they met in tbe West. aa1d we were able only to touch the outakirts of his mind WANNA HARTSOOCK - I have ralaed myaelf above worries and disappointments by developing my mind and gaining increased knowledge of my business.

.- ..---


Heulan fly reduced the Kanau , "Absentminedne88 neWY oost me crop b), 40 million buaheb this my Ufe once," said the sailor. ,ear, the Federal govemment report.. "How was that?" "Well, I 'was out rowing one "af Th. Senate committee hopei to when the boat upset. and I forgot I .luh CU.. '600,000.000. Reali)' a know bow to swim." detitl. Ask the shipping Board. ~' i1-'~i' .. .....,i;l : . Ii' ' ·t · THE EARLY BIRD GETS Sap Sam I Thankeelvng Da)' callll for heart .. weU as stomach. "M), wife aa'Ved us from being r6bbed last night." "You don't sa)'; /low?" "She had taken the money out of my trousers before the burglar rot

.- ...----

A Short Ruume of tlte Cltiuacteridic. of·Eaclt fUScI EflerY Graduat.



. of ·tlte Wayne• .,ill. '.ft Scltool. ., Writ. . . .,. _ Earl,. Cn4••••

C..... f 1111 ANTHA DINWIDDIE-Antha adYOCatetl bam••iq up tha pbyaical aacI moral forc.. of the world and tbeie factora w. can have a won· dwfa.- power for ,ood. MARY THOKAS-AI JOU let Jour . . . b~the lun ..., Jour conaeienet br :.... Iadw4!JUq Iplrit of Godl I i;BV-1 ~UUNS - Levi'a motto: "Kao.:.Joianelf and )'oa will DeYer be ' ' .... with aDJthlq short of , . . lIloat ",rfeGL work." ' &THIlL BAINES-Do JOu dare to ~a. Wtaat JOu practice I RHEA ~ACY-Be lteadfaf.~and ' . , . aruI.r aU IWlda off p....ure. aacI cHappolatllllnta. ' ~K.AT"Rm CLARK-There Ia much ...:'ean do-a kind' word apoken here ,~ will . _ another's ~ellht of-1IU'e ' bad..a: lile Ileedaal au. . UdNA " JlcGINNI8-Chriatianltr ~~ 'Ifa , bolJ oriain frolll,the blart , WWeIt ill promp&ecl by ita lupiration , : .. ' " ' pPHlllon to wo~ of 'l)'m: \,.~~ :pd,pralle ,( i -.rrIiAN CRANE-Reprdll.. of .. 'an. that. 1 am .alwa),1 on the ·tOwer · rb', men~ wheel at ....JI. baclinid to trud,.. down the



Santa Claus has been down a grent many chimneys since he started business. and he is intimately acquainted with a large number of people. He knows that the best kind s of gifts are those which please the whole family; and which bring! the excitement and enjoyment of Christmas every week. That Is why he looks so jolly when he receives hundreds of subscriptions to the Youth's Companion with which to fill his pack. And. be_ ing wise from long experience. he knows that people arc likely to over do things around Christmas. so he ehurkles when he sticks a Com¥anion Into the top of a stocking; • Be as greedy a8 you like." he thinks. "the more. the better for you," The 52 Issues' of The Youth's Companion for 1926 will be crowded ·with,. serial IItories. short stories. editorials, poetry, facta and fun. Just Bend your order to the address below and Santa will take care! of dellv.ering the raper to your home or to the bOrne 0 a friend. Subscribers will receive:, 1. The Youth's Companion- 52 isBues ' in 1926. and 2. The remaining issues of 1925. All for only ' 52. 3, Or include, MeCall's Magailne, the monthly autbority on fas hioOl. Both publications. only 52.50. THE YOUTl('S COMPANION, SN Dept, BOl!,tbn. Mass.• Subscriptions reeelved at this office


. '::SbWIN RANDALL-1Ja hla ehemkal "'ork Ile 'hu lbe faculty and abU-

Ity to comb,lna the bnpouibla witlt the ... "JIlII08piaOL :" .'

,- ~ mOLD JlIlREDITIi-..n emo•J prolllem hal dev,loped ' in the . IIlbad of ·HaroJi.· ~.


. ,:.;' '.."

~.,." IUCP ,

", . LAtA ATKINsON' - !.: Make JOur t ••marl but "'IU,. what tha, mark Ie.

, , ci.-.uu.:,Eaa'l(BILI-Bu a per-

.' . .o~'J. -~, .... h~ - an ;' ~ " *I




. ' . ' , FRANOES J~~$EY~Tru. frl.nd , J..: aldp dIG fUiletiqlll p,i'feC&1J la ~.

~ ..~ ioUild. Wcaaae It .iIlaurea Ita_ r .. JiUIiiiI ftIa~ tU qualltj: that ~unc



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: ' ~ , =::::' eo~IaID~ ..... IoId_ _ Of ,

RAPI. SAUSBuay~..,.

."" . . .·Ia• . . , II put.:-

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u....... .,


I Clark were

Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Dayton visitors, Saturday. lifTS. Mury Carmony spent Sunday with Mr, lind Mrs'. S. H. Hain c~. Mr. and Mrs. Eli Russell were in Lebanon on business. Saturday. Mr Edison Burson. of Duyton. ~pe nt Su nda y with his parents. here. Mr. and Mrs. K M. Wallace and 80n spent Su nday with relatives in Dayton. The Wayne Towllship property ap. praisers were working in our town, Wedn Cllday. Mr, Ben Smith. of Dayton. was a week-cnd guest oC his sister. Mrs, Ralph Johns and family. Mr, and Mrs. Calvin Longacre, of Dayton. were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edd Longacre. Mr. and Mrs. Rudd Saylor. of Wren. Ohio. were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hurry Graham. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. E . Johns were Thursday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Thomas at Centerville. Mr. und Mrs. Jam es Hawke. of Lima. were weck-end guests of the former's brother, Mr. P . B. Hawke nnd family . Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Huntington were called to Adams county last week by the seri ous illness of the lot· ter's father . Mr. and Mrs. Waller Kenrick 'visited the latler'H co usi n. Mrs. Elizo· abeth Hetzier and daughter. Miss Millicent. in Piqua, Sunda~. Mr. Fred Turner and fath er. Mr. J . C. Turner. of Dayton. were Monday dinner guesL~ of Mr. and Mrs. J . B. Joncs, lind enjoyed the day hunting. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Cox entertain cd to Sunday dinner, Mr. and II1rs. P. W. Stroup, of Ingomar. and Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Stroup. of Carilden, Ohio. Mrs. Elizabeth Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Johns and children. Pnul lind Vivian. of Dayton. were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs, Charles ,E. J ohns. Mr. and Mrs. William Coleman entertained to 6-0'clock dinne r , Monday. Rev. and Mrs. T. L. Stotler Hnd son, William. of Sprin gbo ro, und Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kenrick . Mr, and Mrs. WRiter Ke llrick w 're 6-o'clock dinn er guesls at the hfl me of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Campb ell, at Centerville. The occasion being in honor of the birlhday of Harry Kenrick. Mr. and Mrs. J . R. Johns. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rogers, Messrs. Sumuel Bnd Herman Smith and Miss Velma Smith attended a banquet of the I. O. O. F., at Waynesv ille. Wednesday evening. , Mr. and Mrs. Harry McGinnis spent last ' week in Waynesville with their daughter. Mrs. L, B. Hall. who has been <Iuite sick. Little Howurd Hall r eturn ed wilh th em for an extended vis it. Mesdames Lydia Coleman, Meta ~ogel1l and Mary Marshall. members of a class of the Ferry SundaY-Schoo l were entertained at the home of Mrs. Roy Hathaway. in Wayn esville, Wednesday afternoon. Mr. an. Mt1!. Earl Young had for their dinner guest s. 'Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry West, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lacy. Mr. a nd Mrs. Orville Young. of Dayton . and Mrs. Emma Lacy and grandso n. Gerald Lacy. The first Quarterly Conferen cec of the year will be held at Lytic M. E . church Sunday afternoo n. November 29th at 2:30. Dr. J. C. Roberts, district superintendent. wiH preach. There will be communion service and business meeting. Eight new members at Lytic church were bapt ized and inken in full 'mem_ bership. Sunday evening. These arc the result of the meetings held here the past two weeks by the pastor. Rev. T. L. Stotler. The meetings continue this week. Friends here were grieved to iearn of the death of Mrs. Jacob Reeder, at her home neur Mt. Holly. Saturday moming. Mrs. Reeder lived in tha community for several yellJ'8 and waa loved and respected by all who knew her. A number of friends from here attended the funeral at the U. B, church at Springboro. Monday afternoon. The Ladies Aid. of this place. of which she was a member, sent a beautiful tloral tribute.

---_. -





J. - C. und Cllas. Gray' wero Wilmingto n visitors. Friday, S. J. Kibler. of New Washington; is a business visilor her e. Mrs. Anna VanDoren is chtertaining I'elatives from Springfi eld, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. I. Smith have named their son. Carroll Eugene. The Lamb fami ly on the Co~k farm arc und(!r diphtheria quaranline.

A!JQuf l/Of,ll'


i --


- ___ . _ _ _ _ _

'to ,YGU ~Mwd




George Edwards. of Leba non. \\'aR a week-cnd g ues t oC friend s. ~ ..... here. Beware of Fake UCure.Alla" Dr. C. G. Randall and Frank L. Harris were Daylon visitors one day Every normal. humane soul I)'tnlast week. pn thi'te8 with the lIid: nnd a1rlkted, Mrs. W. M. Mathias, of Dayton. but It i8 to be regretted that mall1 ~ pent Sunday a'nd Monday with r elahearta are not up to tbiJ ItaAdard. tives here. There are those who - - . by tala.. Walter Harlllln come in from Indiana t o spend the week-end with his mL;leadlng inducementa, to exploit tLc lnvnlld and swindle the Idek. brother. Will. (hnd olher rc lul ivc~. Of all fraudulent ach-. the The sc ho ol i. enjoyh'g th eir recently purchased magic lantern. mOFt contemptible la the 0110 which They have a n umber of educati onal pre,s on the helpless. Idek man. pictures. Even today there ..... "cane" Mr. and Mr •. A. Mueller, of T oledo. fIa :l0ted In the fMM of cmaot.c and James Cli Il O, of Dayton, came luf:'eroB, too oft4n aided IWd abe>.... down. Sunday, lo enjoy the opening ted by teetlmoniala bam PIrgyof the hunting seaso n. . menl My roMtll'll will ~I oruy Captain and Mrs. Chns. Ga rner and son. Bobbie, spent th e IlItter a Ie'" rea rs back, co~ part of the week with Mrs. Mary J, "cu re5" were adnrtised tn bla lTve. Finch and Robe rt Garner. even in religloua periodical •• whick Wilbur Hawl{e sold his remaining were In fact abetton of the crlmel stock of ~rocer' ie s at auction. Satur- Ignorantly. It 1& true. but never(Jay even mg. Mr. and Mrs. Hawke thelCll8 parties to tM ."lndle. plBn to move back to the farm. . The hUllllm machine Ie a coalpleJl: The Aid met, Thursday a fternoon. afl'ai r, t he JlIlUlterpieo;o of an nlAftor the busin ess meeting they mJ g hty Gud. If you happen to Ctl were fllvored with readings by Mrs. Carrie My"rs. of Columbus. afilicted with IIOme nllment that Mrs. Sara Cla rk, and Mrs. Eva Mac- )'ou do not undcl'IItand, tl.i nk twice Donald . The hostesses served deli- befo re you buy a guaruntcod. or cious sa ndwiches. cranberry sauce Iccrct-formulatl!u "euro-nll." Weigh a nd coffee. every etctcment in' an adverti,ement of tJlO miracle-worker. the man who "wants no mODoy." Tho mcmey-b;u,k artist 18 U uncertaIn. Thollsllnds of UOll lU8 annually aro Wrwlg {rom poor people on g-UttcJ-. ing pr"mlsu that are nevor tulflOK. E. Thompso n spent Thul'sday in od. TnLSt : .... body In as vitul a matBelmont. ter WI you ~ health. unlelll you know The hunter~ and trappers are get- th em to be honomble. If you ha7e monoy to give aw&y. give it to tJle ting in th e ir work this week. poor round abou t you. thus layilllC Michael Gillean and K. E. Thomp- up trooSUl'CR in heaven. inatead of so n spent Saturday in Waynesville. In tho pocket of the charlatan unci


The McKay families were Sunday eveni ng callers at the Murray home.

impostor. t

We arc ~o rry to report Miss Velma Bennntt not so well at th is wrirting.

' .......'\I~.::1

• ' . . . uiAWCJ&-Il'JIe ...... ~ --. .... ~

k ,~: .....4-=s~

"Hanaen hu bGen with a. 'for about

foUrteen years."

';~lUI'be he'. til, o~. who took

GOODYEAR TIRE PRICES ARE AS LOW AS ANY YOU CAN FIND. There is no reason on earth Why you shou ldn't do what the largest single group of car owners In the world does Put on Goodyears and forget tire troubl e . We have this famous quality tire ill all sizes , illl types- Cords or Fabrics , Regular or Ball oon.

Get Our Prices

Waynesville Motor Co.


Phone 105

Waynesville, Ohio


- - - --- .. ~

B. F. Taylor, of ncar Oregonia, called on K. E. Thompson. on Monday.



BALL'S CAT . flhli ", b lll ' Il'fE ~ . 10 what we claim f or Il-rl d )' ', JT eyer ( ... :> t Cnttl rrh or Dentnl'ss (nuse d lIy


K. E. Thomp!lon attended protracted meeting in Lytle one night last week.

WiCey- "Oh, this is news; so me one hus invented n shi.1. without but.- ::atarrb . ton s." HALL'S OATA RRH !n:IlIC INE eon . Hubby"Not hin ~ new aoout thnt, slsts o f un O i ntm ent Wh l' Ii Quk k ly Miss Imogen(! Gray and mother Mr. and lolrs. Raymo nd ORbo rne. Hell Ve8 the ca.h\rrhnl inn :'U J1IU RlIon, . nncl were shopping in Lebanon Saturday of Xenia, spe nt Sunday with Mr. and I've been w('nring the m over since til e I n t el'nat M edicine, a T Hnle, which I was marrif'd ." l e ta thro ugh th e DJC' f)d o n t h e Mu r'o UIJ afternoon. Mrs. Emerson Dill.

----- ..- - -

We are glad to know that little The Y. p , S, will meel Friday night Geneva Routzong. of Lytle. i8 get- November 20. at the home n f the Miss ling bettn. cs Gladys and Anna Rol an d. Mr. and Mrs. Hansford Jackso n, Mrs. Mary Long and son. of Bel- of Xenia. "pent last 1IIonday with Mr. mont, are lhe guests of K. T. Thomp- Herbert Marlatt and family. so n and wife. Miss Laura Kellis. of Xenia, and The McKay Bros. sold a fin e drove Mr. Harold Kellis. of Dayton. spent of sheep on Saturday to Mr. Watkins the week-end with th eir parents. Mr. above Waynesville. and Mrs. Frank Kellis and fa mily . The real estate appraisers are apMrs. Julin Reeder. wiCe of Jacob praising the la nd in this part of the Reeder, passed away ut hcr home ncar township. this week. here Satu rda y morning at 4 o·clock. Funeral serv ices wer e 'held Monday Bert Bogan and mother spent Sun- morning at the U. B. chuch at Springday with Chauncey Bunnell and fam- boro. Burial in the Springboro cem_ ily. near Waynesville. etery. The Terry fDlmily entertained on Sunday. lIfrs. Anna M. Brannon and Miss Kathleen Toomey.

M. M. Terry. W. H, Terry. K. E. Thompson, Lon Brannon and Anthony Davis spent Sunday in Lytle. Geo. W. Davis. Glen Davill and family were SUll day guests of E. C. Mannon and family. near Wilmington. The Ladies Aid met with Mrs. Hannilh Bogan in Wellmon last Wednesday. Those present were. Mrs. Deatherage. Mrs. Edwards. Adah Talmage, Jessie Kenyon, Patience Thompson, Edith and Ua McKay. Grace Rich. Inez Harvey. MI:tI . Harvey. Ida Collins. Florence 08lborn. Bertha Eakin. and Vada Lewis,

The Job· That's Mine There's n joy divine in the job that's mine, However 80 humb le the task. Though it sheds no luster whel'eb), I shine. It afford a me all I can ask. There's the honest pay I receive each day. And the jo)' of E!8ch chore begun Which at night is finished and put away When the day with i.ts cares is done. There's the joyous thrill of the hours that flU All the golden span of the day. And a song that IIpeeds me on with a ,will. As I busily toil a'way. It's little I care if I do not share, In the boast of the world's acclaim; If along my way I may always fare With the pride 01 an honest name. If the thing I do s:erveB a pntpose true Then it's ever ['U be content; And bravely I'll strive my aim to pursue At the task whereon I am bent. For I ask no odds of the ·fickle .gods Of chance or go,od fortune that be; It's the path of duty the workcr troda And it's ever the path for me .

The following stlltemcnt gives some of the results of the 1U25 farm cen8US for Warren co unty, Ohio, with comparative data for 1920. The 11125 figures are preliminary a nd are subject to correction : 1026 1920 Number of Fnrms Total... 2.49 3 2.584 Operated by Owners .. , 1. 576 1.517 Managers It 119 Tenants . 906 1,028 Farm Acreage All land in farms 237,046 260 .348 Crop la nd. 1924 13 1,675 Haryesled 12 1.829 Crop tailure ... 3.007 Fallow or idle , 6,839 Pasture. 1924 8R.155 Plowable .. 43,120 Woodland . 2 1,893 Other .. ,........... 23.142 Woodland not pas.. 4.316 All other land .. 12,000 ... Farm Values-Lan d nnd buildings. 1925. $22.890,171; 1920, $29.700.962 Land alone $14,016,47 7 $21,26] ,677 Buildings . 8,!!7:l,694 8.440.376 Livestock on fnrms Horses 7.GS6 0,387 Mule!! ' , 1.041 992 Cattle. total 19,127 21,932 Beef cow ~ ' .. 1.016 1.846 Other b ~d cattle , 1,922 8,769 Dairy Co\\s · 11,845 10,431 Oth er dairy cattle , 4.344 6,896 Swine. lotal · . 69,367 57.967 Breedin g sows· · . 16.650 11,096 ·Cows and heifer s 2 years old and older. "Sows and gilts for breeding pur.poses. 6 months old and over. "Principal crops 1924 1919 Corn. acres.. .. .. 47.433 54.426 Corn, bu .. ... .... ,1,461.142 2.111.670 Oate. acres.... .. 6.086 6.666 Oats bu .. .. .. .... 202,752 125.182 Wheat, acres .. 27.495 42.678 Wheat. bu... .... 0 779.586 RYt:. acres,.. ...... 457,08917 2.127 Rre. bu .... ...... 9,428 22,749 Hay. acres .... .. 22.814 21.176 Hay, tons .. .. ,.. 24.268 23.446 Tobacco. aeras.. 2,582 3.000 Tobacco. Ibs .. .. l.666.648 2.481,607

. ..---

---~ ~

Public Sales





II. LtJJoi:NS.

....................... Aa - "....l . . . _



mal coucH.


Dr. H.E. Hathaway



6% Paid on Deposits • 1ConaftTaU" aana,.meat. 1I'0Il 2 Int..t depoelt.



. 3 LoeatlOll iBaet eentraL

IOITGOIERY COUllY Bldg. and Lou AaD.

N. B. Cor. Tllird a Jefferaaa sa... Da,ton. Obio.

LBB 1IAJlU:1'.


Gall Stones



New book let, writte n by Gall Ston(' S pc(:ia list. ex plnins scientific h ome tJ'catment prescribed for oye r 30 years Befo re risking operation-read about s uccess of th is method for catarrhal inflamation and infections of Liver, Gall Bla dd e r a nd Gall Ducts AS associated with Ga ll Stones, Sent fl'ee to a nyon e who write •. DR. E. E. PADDOCK Deskl02, KansasCity, Mi.aour i

L.M.HENDERSON NOTARY PUBLIC N.tional Bank Will. Drawn .. .. ...... E.t.t •• S.ul.,J



Dr. John W. Miller Dentist W.yneavillo National

a ••1ot



Walter McClur e

Every Thuraday 9 a_ m. to 6 p. m.



Reat Room in Grange Bldg..: Wayne."illa. Ohio

Main Office

924,Y. South BrownlStreet, O ...r Sil'm. Theater DAYTON, OHIO

~;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;:::;;;~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ,

Fully Equipped for Good Service. Large Display Ro r. m. Ambulance Service TELEPHONE 7 nAY Oil Nil ~~~~~~~~~




1larieysb1ll1 Fertilizer .

... ---.--

111) 1

druggists tor over lG Yura. F. J . Cheney &. .Co., Toledo. OhIo.


Martin " Stanley. Auet!. ~


Mother discussing her RO n' s future with his t ellc hcr - " I dem't 1< 11 o w whether to ha ve Harold cu lti\'ate his voke or take u r art." Teacher- "Oh. art by all mca ns." DENTIST Mother- " So you ' ve SN' n his pictures 1" And X-O-GRAPHIST Teacher-"No . hut I'vc heard him si ng." , WAYNESVILLE, OHIO T "'"phone 114 Call OD u. for your Job Printioe. OFFICE: HATHAWAY BLDa.

1925 fARM CENSUS COMPARATIVE DATA Mrs. Lulu Gillean and son. Nelson,

are the guests of relatives and friends above Waynesville. this week.

?1~~f8~ceB ' thus r estoring


M. M. Terry. K. E. Thompson of this place. and Guy Routzahn. of Lytle. were in Dayt on Tuesda y. •


'1 • ~. ,... ..

Maybe because they're recognized as the stan dard of quality you think they are high priced.


.. --


Why Don't You Use Goodyear Tires?

----_ ..- - -

Ob, the hea.r t of me singa a 'song of . glee. "', ~\----...~----I busily: ply lilY task. alwa)'IJ aa happy u I can be BOOBY PRIZE STORY aU I ,can .honelltly uk. ' I Bepi~d in'se,,~Uie end l will hold a public. stock . ,; ,.... . . . 1 It ill ., ... ' ....... ... " . . - t _ ..... .... . . .... . oj~ handa eombine, ' Friday. No. .mHr 10. Man in restaurant drew the '~ ry d 1........... will Ii 11ft, attention of the proprietor--"S." I bend. Of high-,.rade Jeraey Cows • era; Feeding Sboa~ Sowa and 'Dt~~..l who Ia the old.... walter. ·1n tbla ru-



...... •


.-...- -.

DR. E. M. RU. )LP 1 ,At Cary's 'Jc;" ' {Sbop .Lebanon. 0#


Every 8,00 a.


to 4,p•••


c:==~e c e==~F o~o~e==~FO~O



eCoal · ~o

W e ha, e the coa l to sua your req U 1rem~n ts. We carry


P rices have adva nced some, and will go still hi gher, if the Coal Strike is not settled soon. Our supply ot Pocahontas Coal is limited, and Ou r Price is still below' the Market Price.

6 :0 ~

W e have sufficient coal to fill all orders that were booked before the raise.






increa s e i n t e rio r space.

Come in the seat-

It-added head roomadded lei room-added width In 8~t8 for both driver and passengers. Buidt engineers have dis~overed new ways to

car. for grywn-up people to ride in, without being squeezed in.

lIl& space In the Better lfUick. There Is more of

It Is a full-sized, man sized

awny. th e supplies ror h er eve ning di n nc r . T he British se r vice is good ~cxccll e n t- b u t t hat stat<'mcn t is purely fnnciful. I hnve t h e a ut ho rity of G('nern l Wi lli amson, the direc tor o f the British Postal se rvice. fo r saying- tlmt thl'r!' is no such pme·tice in I~ n g l nn d an d thllt t hcrc never has bl',·n. W ithvu t mca nin g to insli lute cum pn ri SOl1~, uur parcel post service ~ i\'es in SOme rcs p<'cls more th an the Briti ~h . Th e Enl(lish wc igh t l imit is Icvcll pounds to t he packllge. whil e we will luke on e at seve nty pound s rO I' thc. first t hree zones and fift y !lnund s f or th e oth er s. The unit cost 01' n parcel tra nsaction in t he United States is. I a m cer ta in . ch ea pcr than hat in a n y other cou ntr y of a ny con"ici " rahlc size. Th e cost asce r tai nmc nt shows t hat fo r t he ycar 1!l23, t he postnl scr vic ha ndl ed 23 .0114 .831 . 6:.18 pieoes of ma ll ma tter of a ll kin~ an d t ha t t he average piece was 2.«l cc nts pius . Wh at did t his expendi(urc repr ese nt It r eprcse nt ed fi rst t he coll ection o f t he piece o f mai l whe re not actually deposited in a post omeo; t hc hundlin g of that pi ece in t he p ost offi ce of ori g in; its di stribut ion t her e ; its' d eliver y f r om th e Railway Ma il service t o th e p os t offic e of destination, an d of its han dling there ll1\d its dcli very e ither directly by car_ r ie r or oth cr se r vice to the addressee, whether on II city, rur al or s tar '·(l ute. I t repr ese nted nn a verag e I'tlilway' h nu l of 442 miles. This w us the avc l'nge di stance l'arr ied of cvC I'Y piece o f ma il committ ed to th e ser vice. Fo r all thi. serv ice the depa rtm e n t expe nded . on t he averagc less thnn two a nd on e ha lf ee ntE per piece ."

--- _. - ...- - - NOT SO GOOD

Come in and tty it! Mother discussing her so n's fu t ure with his teacher - "[ d on 't know wh ether t o have Harold cultivate his vo ice or take up art." T ellc hcr-"Oh. a r t by a ll means." Mo ther-"So yo u've see n ' his pictures? " Te ncher-uNo, b ut I've heard him sing." ,




C.II on



for Jour Job Printing.

- -- ....... Guard Against Thieves ~-

The wife of the neighbor Who Ii..e. nexl to u. W"nl .hoppina today In her cute little .. bu .... Her':d had w.rned her Tbe brake. weren'l too aood : "Slow down at eacb , orner'" Sbe .ald that .he would. Out a cop .ignaled ".top·" Tbougb .he heard-and .be .awSbe found heraelf In tbe arm. of tbe law.

Duri ng t he last f cw w eekks Mnrsha l Bent ley has r eccived n otic es in regard t o t he increasing numb er of auto mobil e t hef:ts. He ad vises a ll who pn r k t hcir machines on t he str eet to lock the m and take th ei r keys w it h t hcm, thus lesse nin g t he cha n ce of hnvi ng t heir muchin es stolen.

NEW 8URLINGTON o f Mrs. Pickin's mothe r. Mrs. A. H. Ha rlan.

Vi ola Curry is confin ed to her h ome with symptoms of p ncumonia.

more interelting for you. Cau't we 'interest you in letting us install them on your "bus"?

Th c W. F . 111. S., of Sha r on g~, me t at th e parsonaggc Wednesday aftern oo n.

Authorized Multlbestos Servlc:e Phone 47 Waynesville, 0


The Dorcas society was pleasantly e nterta ined a t lhe home of Mr. and Mrs. . H. McKay, Thursday. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. C. Pickin and son. .foh n ll .• w ho ha ve recently returned f rom a three- months visit with relativ s in .Eng la nd, were week-cnd '. Th e seco nd number of thc Lecture "our se, a n entertainment by C. Lawrence Ab bot t , impersonator. was apprcc illlcd by a large a udience, in the M. E. church. Friday evening_ •

~:~pi~e ~~~~i:~ry Company' -1-10 R

KWIK-UTE PROTECTOR. 'B BA1TERI£S Headctuarters for




The best ch nins on tho mll rk,'t nrc t.he McKay Tire Chains. .Sec J . C. CI<'IlI'lIncc ~n l (' of 01\ fa ll an d w in- C. Hawke . tn hnt ~. Gnlc(, L .Smith. 1I1rs. Russell Sali ~ bu r y \\'0 8 hostess lover Leur club. Sa turday Spl'cial <n l,' C'lf fu ll und wi nte r hats to th e lit reduced prir(' ~ . nl Grnce L. S mith's af tern oon . ~I r. II"d · hlr~. ll. S. 1I 0w(' 1I le ft t his wl' ~k f" r the·ir wint" r horne ill Ala · UllI11U.

Our stork is \'ery for your willier


Mr . an d Mrs. ~·. n. H e nd c r~ o ll nnd Mrs. Kale Colc llllL n \' i ~ itcd in Be llbr uok. "Tucsdny "fte rn oon.

1)l"(~ U S

Coaloil Il en tro 'as . •wd tove s· i a ll killlb ; FI'('d Coo kl r ~. L:t ru CU ll S. CI .}d H()cl ~.

1111'. und Mrs. F red Hid~e. ·or AnThe Io.·.t chili"" O il the market IIr(' .\l cKay Tire Chn ins. . 'ec J . C. dll r~o n , i n d ., wort! ),pll.~:o\t~ . Sun day nnd MundllY u f Mr. ulld Mrs. Mult i"" lI awk,·. Hidg". ~Ir". J. Wil on Edwnrds entertain . Mr. and 1I1rs. A. K . . Geo rgc. nf rd th(' "J olly Ma t rons" ntllrday a f· Ashcvilll'. N. C.... s llcnt l u ~ t wl, .. k ti' r ntlon. wi t h Mr. a nti Mr ~ . W. ~; .. CU flw ll . o f ~ I r. a nel Mrs. k llufTu n~ . of Hnm ilt on. Rou te 1. spe nt S und ny with MI'. Ad llm 1I'1 ('lI oh nr. Ed \\' nrd s . o f Richmo nd. Ind .. and family. presid ent of Ea rlh ll m co ll ege. gave Fl'Ilnkl in PnckH. (If Ncwtown. Pa .. lin "bl e uddrcss lit lhe F rie nds Mcet.h,," tuk.' n up h i ~ r ~s id c n ce nt th e ing .S unday. Fril.f1 d ~

((I: "

' ('O Il )! S

S l(l V ( '

:1 11 "

Stl ppl i('s.


A Ilt' W :-. h ipl1l' ·111 A h l lllilll1nt . Glal d ll' a l l d

P I ,,'X '.v'IIt'

hom e.

Miss Emm a Hcighway, Mr. Ilnd lIIr •. Bvrn - To Mr . und Mrs. J ohn Ronald Hawkc lin d son. F r ullk. wc rc di nn e r g ue. t • . S und a y, of Mrs. Edith Dllul!'hte rs. of Snit La kc City . U tah . Har ris nnd f ami ly. n dUlll-!htcr, J I) YC'C.

All (i Ft 7.(' GlJllr,\11 11 \ d Pul i : in I1< l W nnd s top \\orr y ing. \V II i z

fo r

Mr. C. S. Moor e . o f Washingto n Mr •. Dud lev Keeve r, o f Cen te rville . t he week- e nd g uest of Dr . a nd D. C., vi siLed lItr. nnd Mr~. O. C. Henderson and ot he r re lati ves a nd Mrs . A. T . Wr ig·ht. fri ends he re this wec k.

' DIll


I : di Hlor


Mrs. Sabina Gillilnnd le ft today t or M. E. Aid societ y will hold Sp ring fi eld, whe re she will spl'nd th e a The Thanksg ivi ' r~ mnr k .. t W('dn csdIlY. wi nte r with he r s ister. November 25 . tle ,. i n lli l. ~ Ilt U o· clor k. in 1I1rs. Sid e~' I' OO Il! , .. , Mllin str('ct. l\f~"s rs . W. H . Allen and J . O. Everything J " I' yo ur Thank sgiv ill!(, Cu r t wright a ttende d a banker's con- d inn cr . Lea, c yuul' (J . tier wilh Mrs. \' enti on a t Dayto n. Tuesday. Cross, or com ,· ,. d 'l'c' whut we have. Mr. a nd Mr s. H urry T urn er an d li tt le son of Bell brook visiled r elat ive. he re Saturdny evening

Fred M. Cole, Hardware, Harness, Farm Machinery

Friendship Club



Rcv. nncl Mrs. J . J. SchaetT er wcre The Fri endshi p c lub m et at t h(' of Mrs. A nna . Cad wlI lla der llnd home of Mrs. Mu ud Crune. Novl' mbcr Miss Cla ra Lile, on S unday. 11, 1925. Forty-three rn e mh<'rs a nI1Irs. Ma ry BUITO S WII S th e week -en d s wer ed roll-clllI . wi t h s ix ,' i s i t () r~. After t he bll Silll'"" ll. \I p rog uest of her brother, .Mr .. John Leo n_ nrc! an d family, (If Kings Mllls. ~u ests

i f'

f~3:~ ::":,::::~:::;::f:':::'::: ,ili """I'

Mr. and Mrs. Geo rge Stroud and Bon , of Dayton, spent th e wee k-en d wer e se r ved by l he hu sll',., ted ' l with Mr. Will Stroud and family . by Alice Hnrtsock. 1111'•• ~ I Il SO ll. MrR. I

Mrg. Charles M. Robitzer and Mrs. Sh~~~ aN~v!~~i;erUn~;~~~;7,~d. wi ll be J . O. Carlwrighgt are g uesftl of Miss held at t he ho 11.. 1C _Of_Mrg. Cr abbe. Ma ry LetTerso n in Middletown .0. Th e Womim'!1 Auxilia r y will mec t with Mrs. Harrill and Mrs. Mos her, on Friday afte rnoon, November 20. at ~ o 'clock.' .


Mr. and Mrs. Merle Kerns, of CoST. MARY'S CHURCH lumbus , spent Sunday nnd Monday Sunday ne'xt be f or e Ad vcnt. No with their parents, Mr and Mrs. J. vemb er 22, 1926. Church School D. Marlatt. ' 9 :30 a. m. Mor ni ng Prayer ond Sermon lit 11 :00 p. 111. AlI a rc corMr. and Mrs . C. M. Robitzer and dially invite d t o c omc a nd wor ship da ug hter, Beatrice, were dinner with us. guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. MarRev. John J. Scha cffer. Rcctor. latt, Sunday. FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST Mrs. Belle Dinwiddie and g randso n , Paul Savage, Is pent th e weekk-end Mornin g Scrvice 9 :30 a ."In . Bible with Mr. Jacob Strouse and fa mily, of School, Communioll and s ermon. EvFive Points. ening Service 7 :30 p. m. Song Service and sermon. All arc cordia lly Mr. and Mr'~ . Harry Coop er and invited. children, of , we re wee k-e nd I!'u csts of Mrs. Cooper 's mother , Mrs. METHODIST CHURCH Hes ter Robinson. Sabbath School, 9 :16 a . m ., preachMessrs. Clar k BRcon and Fred ing at 10:30 a . m. Epworth League Bahrman , of Cincinna t i, WHe guests 6:15 p . m. Prcaching at 7 :00 p. m .• Monday and Tu esday, of 1I!r. and Mrs Wednesday cvening Prayer m ealing, D. E. Satndiford. . 7 30. Everybody Invited to the se services. --Rev. L. A. Washburn, Pastor.

---_.- ...

NO HUNTING We, the following farm owners. positively forbid any bunting or trapping on OUir farms. Any violation of the same will be prosecution according to la w and to the fullest e xt ent: ELLA MICHENER J . F . DISBROW ELIZABETH BAILY MRS. RACHEL CREW MRS. WM. LOY. MRS. ELEANOR SMITH.

Local Bank Honored lIfr. W. H. Allen ~nd Mr. J. O. Cartwrig ht r epresen ted the Wayn esvill e Nat ional bank at the annual mect ing of Group One Ohio Ba nkers associcntion, at the Miami' hot el, Dayton. Tuesday£erno on an,j evening. The loca bank and Waynesville were honored by Mr. Cartwright b~ng elected vicc-prcsident of the group.






The Stor~ of Better ·Values.:..

'/"n/""/'''////.I///.I// / / / / / ' N.·> d ...<N//''/:r/;t'":/.'r./Z'/.')(,''Q;;''Jf¥''~;oy,.,..,,",,,

P~II! _ RI NGS - Good valu" •• gu a ra n teed .............. ........ .... .. $11 .00 $15.50 9 ·00 4 ·50 Good va lue, ru nranlee d .......... .... .......... .. Good value. gua ra nt ctd .. .... .... .... ........ .. ..... .5.00 2 .150 BA BY RI NG5-Cood valu e. GuaranI . ed ........ .... 1.00 . SO Pi ll s-All guarantee d .... .... .. .. ...... .. ........ ... 1.50 . 7' S. All ~ u .. r.nleed ............. .. .. .... .. .. ............ .... .. .. .... 1.00 50 All guar.nteed.. ........ ........ .. .. .. .. .... ........ .... SO 25 . NECK LA C ES- D.inty and good ........ ........ .. ...... .... .. 2 .00 .. 1.00 NEC KLA CES-Cunranteed .... ........ .. ........ ........ .. .. .... 1.20 60 BE ADS- Black or amber color .................. ...... .. .... _ 2.pO 1.00 I3R ACELE TS-Good line to . elect from: 3 .00 . FroM1. ......... ........ .. ...... .. .. ................................ .. ..... 6.00 2.110 1" "n", .. .. .. .... .. .................. .... .. .. ........ .. ..... : 5 .00 1.75 From .......... .. .... .. ...... .... ................ .. . . ............. .. .. : 3.150 110 From .. .... ................................ .. .. .. .............. ., .. ...... .. 1.00 . V FST CH AI NS- Nice and d ainty, juat Ibe thinl to aive Jour Po enl i m<! .. f r iend .......... ............ .. .. .. .. .............. .... .. .. 5.00 2.50 F r . In .. .... .... . ..... .... .... .... ......... .... .... .. .. 3 .. 00 From ................ .. .... .. ...... .. ........... .. .. ................ ....... . 2 .00 1.00 CUFF BUT TON S- The Cu ri Button. that 10 with. w.1I d .....ecl _0<"" .......................................... ............ .... .. ........ 3.50 FroIn .. .. ........ .. .. ........... .... . 3.00 '1'.50 From .. .. .... .. .......... ........ ...... .......... .......... ..... ... .. ..... 2.00 1.-00 F rom .. .... ..... ..... ... .. ............. ........ ..... ..... . .... .. . ... . 1.50 75 From .. .............. ...... ...... .... .. .... .. ...... .. ..... . .. ... ... . .... ... 1.00 SO



= ............... ........ .. ..

THESE a r" onl y" few of the nfany ... I"e. w" .re olFerin, In our JEW ELRY DEP ARTMENT, JOU will ha ... to <lo·lDe In' .n. look . throu gh them ; no IrDuble to .how tb.m to JO.. REMEMBER, EVERYTHING IS GUARANTEED. ' ," -"

Frank H. Farr, CANDY


. ---- --~----~-----------


CA"P~ --.,. '

TeD the Advertiser ·you read bis Ad. in the ~ ~e

.- ..- - -

The Miami C.zette'. CI ... ISed Ad •. Are .11 to the lood

GAM E ! Alumni


High School

Adml ..ion. 15 cent.


I wi.h to anno"nce to the peopl" of W .In....ilIe .nd .iciait,. th.t I will continue t·o practice Vet.rinarJ MedLclne at Sprial V.II'J, Obio, .p.d.n.ial ID Va"cln.UoD .nd Di.e.... of Swine.

Dr. R. V. Kennon


.' Nice '6-room HO"use; ' both wat~rs in house;

garage; ~ good big lots on comer of streets; . good location; located in Waynes~iile i only $1800.00. Call or write

To rel"I.~e tbe con.truction .nd u •• of pri.i.. a.d toUeh In ' tb. Vil1.le: Be it ordained by the Council of the Village of WaynesvilIe, Ohio: . S.ction 1-That it shall be unlawful for any person to use, or permit the use, of any privy in said Village unless the vault thereof be construct.. ed of cement or concrete. S.clioD II- That It shall be unlawful for any person to use or permit the use. of any toilet lo~ated within any building within said Village unless said toilet be connccted with a properly constructed cess-pool. Section III- That it shall be unlawful for any person or per so ns having control thcreof to permit a ny drainage £rom privy vaults, or from toilets or cess-pools to drain into open sewers or drains in said Villag e. Section IV- That any p er son 01' persons violating the provisions of Sections I, II or III of this ordinancc shall be fined in any sum n ot exceeding $26.00. Section V-This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and af~er the earliest period allow cd by law. , T. E. ROGERS. Mfl yor. Passed Novembjlr 2, 1925. Attest: L. A. Zimmerman, Clerk.

.... . ..... '. . . .0.; 1 Pound Loaf. Each. . . ". Ie Pancake FI.p.o r c;a:::k!1;~~~ lOC ~~



5 pound Blue Label~ per ca.,. • • "·27, '



Country Club, . ' 5 po~nd Bag ••• .• .•••

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.-;.12;;,..;.1..,:-4 pound' Sack


\·.:22 C

Ib .... .. .. :.. .........

'L ard Freob, po ... nd ..... " .:.......

Late .Cla~smed Ads,

Centerville, Ohio


FOR SALE-Pure-bred· Barr~ Rock Cockerels. Inquire of Mrs. Walter Cast.. FOR SALE-S. C. Brown .Leghorn Cockerels, pure-bred D. B. ' .U.nder_ wood strain. Phone 20-6 for nppointment. Floramond Reed. H'uve)'llb1lfljf Oblo,

5 pound. Sack · . ' . • • 27e

~R~ SyR· Up ·5!:~~~t.:'~~32~


F.' T. MAATIN, Auctioneer {lhone No.2,

In our new locatio n . we are better prE'pll rE'd to t a ke care of you,' wa nts than l've J b d ,Jle.

a Dayton

FollowlDI th .. .n oJ.ter .op. Born - T o 1\Ir. and Mrs. Ralph BuL per will b. 11 .... n for tbe two t •• m., len . Novemb er 13th, a da ughte r, Mil- for whicb tbe door receipt. will be <ired Irene. "."d. Miami Quar terly meeting was h eld at th o F ri end s church h ere. Friday and Saturday.




Thom as Hayd ock spcnt the weeken d with fri ends n ear Gree nfield.

A set of new Multibestos Linings will make driving



Home!- Coming

gu es t.~


'rUl· ~ rlnr·



Th ey h ave mad e the B etter Buick m o r e roomy th a n o th e r cars o f even longer wh e el b ase.

l\Ir~. W. II.

vis itor.



of tho Nationn l R puhlic : "To t ho, .. ,,:ho compla in of th e rIIte s of pos tage in th e United ' tat l'g kt it be , aid thnt " ll l'S is \ h" eh np1" 1 P" Ktlll 'c n ' iec ill th e world . I hll\'l' ,1,, '11 l'lllt<'lllem S puulicly mlldc, c XI I,J Itn l-! ( hI' "0' "ie,· IIf (h" London 1,0l' tThe Unit ed St.1teg hn. (I ... eh.·ap· tit ·. c.' :lnd "t:lti lll-! tha t the En lr lish h( IU SI\\ i f l' h . l' l:-. :lL ~,-\ l ull' !-=(l cU l'i t y in est postal rat es in the· w 1rld . nccurd . ing to P ostmaster Gener'al Hnrr y :>. .1 dl'ri,,~ fir 1 U tJ \ 'lll(' k 111 lhl' 1110 I" n New, who says in the eu I' n 'nt iss n.· Ing- frlllll n pnl\· i ~ i()n s lor(' t ('n J1l ilt'~

Born- To Mr . Ilnd Mrs. Wm. Shu le r, T u esdllY , Nove m be r 17, a daug hte r.

O ·tl" .

Waynesville Mill, Coal & Ice CO.



Marsha l B CJiltloy has been con fi ned t o t he house with g r ip;

O o

NIne Grades of Coal


Ep iKllopa l mllTket and A pro~ sale, on Docembcr 12th.

£~~~!~~~. . . . . :. 14c~ 1.· Batter. po. .d~,.u ............ 1.........

2'9 c. •




Seventy-Seventh Vear



' OVElvIBER 25,


Whole Nu mber fi676



Interesting Items from the


State • Caprtal


Prepared by Columbus Reporter

The brave lind plltriotie American women of t he Uevolution havc never rec eived all the credit due them. lICcording to Quakcr O·Taylor. who writCK interestingly in the National Republic under th e cllption "The Womcn of the Revolution." Mr. O'Tllylor relnte. a number of hcroic incidents of the Ucvolution in whi ch putriotic women took a leading purt. "The attitude 'o f Mary Draper. wif eof Cuptain Draper, who lived on n farm near Dedham, Mass .• is typical of thoullands of qthc r Revoluti onary wives aod motheni," Mr. O'Tayolr says: "At th e first call to a rm s s he hurried her hus band und boy to the front. The boy was only s ixteen. She tied his blanket and knapsacks to his shoulders and kissed him goodbyc. Her dapghter begged for the lad to stay at home and protect them, but the mother said every 1I1an HIllI boy was needed. "You ancl I, Ka te , have also n service to do," ahe said. "Food must be prepared for th o hungry; for before tomorrow night, hundreds , I hope thousands, will be on their Wll~' LO join th e Contin enti iLl!'eeg. S() II1~ who hav e tral'l'lcd fur will noed fllod an d you and J mU Nt fecd Us mUIl Y us we cnn." All that day all d ni)!hL IIIItI th followin g duy .!l·s. lJr:ljJl' r- uud KaLe were busy bilki ng' b!,I'llcl ill I h" hug-c brick ovens . l\ul n ma Ji enrolltl.' t.1I the front passed I he I'mpe l' hU'lic without recei villg' fll"d. When General \\'l& ~hi n g-t"n CUlll'.!

I •


COLUMBUS, OHIO- Ohio ranks third in the number of Ilutomobiles, according to statistics prepared by Thad ll. Brown, secretary of state. Only in the states of New York and CaHfornia are there more automobiles owned than in Ohio. New York for the first six months of the pres· ent year reported 1,404,653, while Californill had 1,817,825. and Ohio was third with I, 292,287. Pennsylvania which in previous years h ilS gone ahead of 'Ohio, i8 fourth, with 1,206,287, while llIinois is fifth with 1,133,084, These figures are for the first hilif of the y.e ar, but when the yellr ends It is expec,l.ed that Ohio ",ill equal, If not ~ass, the state of Califernla. It is "oanted oul that in the Pacific coast states practically all lic(lnse plates arc secured the first six months of the year, while here in Ohio advance tI{Ita sec ured from the office of the 8tate registrar indicates that an unusually large number of license plates. have been issued since the first of July, and that when the year ends Ohio will have between 1,300,000 and 1,360,000 automobile. Employment of Emile E. Watson, by the state of West Virginia te verify the solvency of the workmen's compensation fund in that state is probably the highest compliment that ('jluld be paid the Ohio Workmen's compensation law. It was Mr. Wat_ 80n who fir8t estsblishe d the rating system of the Ohio law and it has proven 110 8uccessful that when the time came for West Virginia to settle the same question, labor and cap_ ital combined In urging Governor G'o re to appoint Mr. Watson. The hundreds of thousands of w.' rking men and women of Ohio, proLectcd by the state insurance fund, have no better friend In all the wor1d thnn Eniile E Watson, lind th .. employer is just as well satisfied for he has been equally Ill! fair to t hem. It is pretty certain that when he gets through his work in Wcst Virginill, the compensation fund will be In an absolutely safe and sound condition. He will begin his task in Charleston next Monday, but w\l1 have the work SlY arranged that it will not interfere with his multitude of other duties as an actuary.


J1; is pretty generally understood

aband.oned !lny hopt) that her friends might have entertained that she would seek the Democratic. nomination for 'United States senlltor nelCt year. It is knowaothat Judge Allen has not been enjoylnjr the best of health, and while ahe 18 periec:tly capabel of attending to the duties as a m.mber ot Ohio'8 highest tribunal! It is said thatthe has been advi.ed that It would be harmful and perhap8 even dani:~rous if she participated in a StreffUODB campaign for the senator· ship next year. There i8 little doubt but what the campaign for this particular olllc~ will be a strenuous one from the very· start. · The campaign. ing ability of Senator Frank B. Willis who will, in all probability be the Republican nominee without opposition, i8 well known and the candidate who opposes him muat be able to combat with him on the stump and tilt rOQnds 01 tlte 88 counties of ~~~\I,

. Thursday,


D!lY, will

'lie properly ol>eerveil by -the II 0,000

unfortunate warda of the Staw! of Ohio. There will b. special dlnnel'll eerved, shops will be closed clown at \he penal institutions, and It will be a regular holiday for all. The war veterans at th, Soldiers' Home in s.,nd\lskl wiU enjoy roast turkey, bu~ Itt no p~"n state 8QPported inltituijqn will thl. dellcaq), bO ,erved b(l· Ca\lllC of the higll Qo~t. At tbe ~n ~ dpn pr~on tal1Jl. ~hl! penitentiary and the four Columbus State institutiP!ls ae well as the girls' and bllysi Inilllstriallchool, roast porle with Ilre!llllng, mince and pUmpkin pies, eta., will make up the b~ noonday meal. Pork",. wUI be aaurhtered at the 'London farm and IeJit to Inltitutlons . wh.,. they bave n~ butoher\ng pro1P'IIrn. At the Staw' .ohools for the deat l'~d blind, roast c:bicken will be served,",e ~blldrell. Special musical pl'Ovams have beOll arrllng\ld by the chilClren In theee two institutions for the dllY.

. A qu~r:: of ' mUllon dollal'll or more wUr be Ipent at the Obio State Fall' &roundl In new buildings during . the oomlng year. The program has been agreed upon between all offi· elalt 'concerned and will be started u seon 81 poaslble. Temporary shacka borrowed from tbe War De'partment at ' Washington, have, for two years, houlFd lOme of the exhlb_ lte, Ind they mutt be replaced. One ot the new b\lildlnga th/lt ill to be ereotBd befor, the next State Fair, will be a hortloultural and agricultural bulldlnc oomblned. Many other .' chang\ll are to . be made at the Fair groundS which will make it one of the most complete plante of Ita kind In the United States. .


~4.~ .

~ ri(;ualy InJ"ured

" ',' ', ,Knocked down ' and run 'o ver by btl own' autOmobile which he had crank' e(rwhlle·< tt ·w.. In cear, .Home, Wa.ltonJ weD lmo,,", Spring V&1leLman, ana .fotmerll ·1 reaident ,o f WIJDe . ··. to~Jt_.m: aever.· IDjurJe·II'1a.~ : weo. ·, ' < '" , .' . Two i'I1IiI wen fl'actuj'l!d' he'recelv4!d a eut tlai:M j~· lonc {.; the bac" of Jik lieu. ad ~ back was Injured ~ ~,iI~ ~c~ It !I~ \f'~to..'~ ..,.".hi lM. ~. ' . . , •• .



The f arm woods may be imp rl)vl'll and the ou llny for f ue l a ud f ' rtilizcT' he r"duced by utiliz ing wH d tl'Cl' and wlisLe foresl produ cts for fue l. I( mallll'c trees and weed trees which wi ll n Ver make valuab le tim . be r are r em o v~d. yuun g tr e". will "oon tako th(' i ~ pluces. provid ed Ii vl'Rtnck arc kept out of thl' wo ods, Th e weed trees and lops whil e green may be ea sily cut into stove l ength ~ lit odd Limes an d piled to dry. Dry wood will mnke about oneth ird more heat thlln green wood, as it takes 30 or 40 per cent of the heat to evnp orate the moist ure in gre en wood. A low, will e-s preading beech or other tree lIlay crowd out lIIa ny young trees o f \'a luohle specil's. Th ese a s well as th e tops of trees cut f or lumber, make exce llent firew ood. Unleach ed wood ashes ( co n tni n about 5 per cent potash and 30 pe r ce nt lime. As these are easily leached out, a shes should bc stored in a dry pluce until sp rin g. They may be mixe r! at the rntc of 200 or 300 po und s of ashes to 100 pounds of acid phosphate and appli ed On corn or oth_ er sprinR' crop with excellen t results.

"T om Corwins" A fllir · s i~ I'lJ audi ence en joyed the ntertai nmc n l R' ive n by th e Tom Co r. win L i t ~rn r y sOl·i uty. at the Gym Tu esdny (l \' tl uing. . Th e pr"~ra m c o n ~ i " t (' d of mu sic a nd r CllrlinKR an d 11 debllle " Heso lvl'd. That Intcl'Ilut ionnl P('ace i ~ Pus, ible ." I rvi n Fri end. Rh ea E lli s and Enlyn Un)!le"uy for the aflirmative Adelbert McMillun . Eli z!l lodh Hen kle Ilnd LiJlilln Wa tkin s fU I' th" nega ti ve. Th(' judges , Mess rs , Wilso n , Cu tler lind HarJun decided in fav or uf the ne ga ti vc ,

th e inhub it.HntN fu r IH ·wte .· .and

lead for bull ct muk ill)!. J\I" . 1) "" Pd' and Kate melLNI up th" I' Ille r hei r · looms inhcritcu f" u llI h ' " ,nulll ' 1' and molded them in tu I)u lld». .· hc W Il M doing someth inl; II unh while unLII peace was declared.

tbat Ju(lge 'Florence E. Allen has

-m t!l@

Tb' Week


tOI' tilt . . . 0..-.

"Three Blocks Away" Next Lycenm Number Thc second numn er of th Lycc ulll course will be l: iVI' 1I at the lIiR'h Scholl I Gym, uturd llY l·c n inR'. November 2 • nt :00 (J·t'l,,,!k. Thi ~ num bel' is u three·"ct com ,' dy dru mu, entiLled ""hrec Wu 'ks Awn v:' Thin is a Geo. H . Cohlln pIn y. un't! has Ill! the chllrnctel'is Li l's 01 h,s besL plays. It is hUIllUII in its upp cn l, it ~ plI"kl es with wit. lllld is full IIf suutil ' humor. The roman ce of yo u nl{ lovers, the mystery of the l>ccrct Ser vi ce, the SChCming of d (',ig ning friends, lhe quaint philosophy uf nn hones t so ul, the estran ge me nt o f fril!llCls make this l\ ma ~ t I' pluy . Play/; of this ~o rt ral'ely como to place~ of Wnyn svilles s ize, liut with a Gymnas ium such 05 we hove, it is poslIible to seat un aud ie nce thut warrants the best thllt Clln be secured. Th ere is n larR'e number of seuso n tickets ou t but \.he re nrc sti ll a R'ood I1umloer of dosirab le S 'll ts. Si ngle a d missions are being sold at 60 cents.




S unday nile!

~ t· a i....

ar e

fl'l' (l' .

) tltJ

wnnt. to h" a r th" dny ,

!:U'rnll lfH fl tt \. !,. Ulrhullk ~j ! i v ill g ~ ('n~c an d

Sense." nw rni llj! ,

wi h

S u nNu n.

Birthri ght o r u Brt!ukfa .t," c\'l'u in).!. " LL·I 11:04 go up inlo thc hou ' l' "f th e Lord ." lIlId


The NII" e mhe r n,e~ting o f lhp Loy_ al W OllH'll \l'a~ held al th c hOllle o f S istel' Oli\' ~ 1I 11th:lwav anti \\' a ~ ",,, II attend l'''. Th l' lI ext ill(, li ng' will lie Dece mbe r II . a t the par ~u na~c . The I n "i c~ o f the ehu "ch f('el g"UlCCui for the lib ral pnt r onnge o f th eir market held r cce ntly. They a rc announcing 'lllother ma r kc t for Decelll_ ber 2:lrd.

The new furn uce in the dlllrch j!'tl arus 11 comfor u,b le lind eo zy place to meet with out "cg'lml III the The appointment of Waldron C. weather. Come a nd e njoy t he se rGilmour, Lebanon, as oroner of War- Vices with us. ren county, was announced following a session of the Warren County comMETHODIST CHURCH miasioners here, last Monday. Sabbnth School, 9: 15 a . 111 ., preach· The appointment wus effective from Monday, and the new official will Ing at 10:30 n. m. E)llI'ort h Leagu() continue to hold t"is position un~il 6 :16 p. m. Prellching at 7 :00 p. m., 1927, tlte )'ejU' that the late Dr. PiI- WednesQay evening Prayer meeting, 7 :80. Evol'ybody invited to these atueh'lI ~erm ViPuld have expire<\. . MI'. Gilmour'lI appointment was services. . Rev. L. A. Washburn, Pastor. certjlle(l to the Secretary of State, Tuesday, I.Jls bond I. '6000. . -----Mr. Gilmour has lICrved his c/lunt)' in the capacity of sheriff, and his many friends are gratified to know that he is back Into the political har · The Ludies ,Aid o( tl~ Lytl e M. E. nellll again. church, will give a chicke n SUPJlel' at Lytle hall. Thursday evenin g, IJecemlier 3, from 6 t o 7 p. m" aervNI ~etter cafateria s~y le. A 11 e){cc U'(' nl f" ce (lnterlainmc nt will folln\\' the suppc,·. Feeling ",onfident that Santp ClllUa Everyonc cordi dully invttt' d. reAds the f,fiaml Gazette, liUe Bernard f,felloh ohose that way of getting the followIng me1l8Bge to him! Waynesvile, 01110, Nov. 20, 19l!6 Dear Sanata Claua-I hllvc been- a ,oo.d boy this year, 'so please do not The Mothers Chli.l of Lytle will torret me. I want an electric. train have an entcrtninm l' nt ot Lytic and Bome small animals, cllndy and School housC', f rid ny ni ght. Novcmnuta. Do not forget my little broth_ be'r 27, 192Q. Evcryhody come. ArL er Billy. Be ' good to all the little miss ion 10 cent s. children and do not disappoint uny. Lots 'of love. BERNARD MELLOH. Call on ua for your Job Printinlr· a.ntee.~

.. --------

Chicken Supper



ST, MARY'S CHURCH The I ~i "'l Su ndll\' in A. hcnt. NovClllb(' ,· 2~1, I !I:!i,' (,hu .. ch S r h" o l Th~ f,oI l" ",ill!!, illt""", l ing pmgrn m \l ;aO n . nl. M'"'lI i,a- 1'1'11 ),1'1' un rl ermo n a~ 11 :(In p. " I. ,\ 11 n ..c '01'- \\',, ~ I" ·". l' lit ,·d T I" '" d,,~' n iJ!h t by lh e dillll y in vi l c'ci til cum(' "li d wo rshi p T (illl C Ul'wi n T.1 f":lr\ " S.. l'i l· Y: with us. Or igin ('If TI[l 1l1 C'nrwin ~uci(' 1 y , Mar v IIUllt Rev. J uhn J . Schnetre r. Hector. \ ' ont! IJII,'I F I. i,· 1I" "," l' ;lI"1' F:"th('T' l ' ( ') l ll "t"'i C,n o FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST o 'alifln 1\ 'Illl th H ~ t a lJick . uxupl lllllP Solo R oy ElIi~ R el1l(,lll b~ ,· I hat our H' I·dc.," al'P lit !J :30 :I. m. a nd 7 :OlJ p. nt" (,v ry 11,.hlll ., "I.,"" h'cd. Thai Int.·mal-

--------to Sanl" Claus


The Father and Son ban quet R'ive n Bible ry. Anoth,'" SI)('n Kl'l' wh l) was hearu by the Methodist Dro thermood. In a ~" " 3t d CII I nf in t(>rcst was Mr. the baae'ment or the church last Wecl- with H. E. lIuil g-c A, n Lr:)v(·ling snl csmnn, nesday evening, \Vas indeed a very wh o came a .• l hl) I'( llc ~ t o f Mr. Cole. pleasant affair. At tlw nppoin ted MI'. Hodgcs i ~ a ll cnthll"iustic l11(Jmhour 71 lilen lind boys ~u t down to ber of The Gid eons, I\n or ganization a most bountiful repHst, of which rab_ composed ~o lrl y lo r Ch"i tinn tl'uvelbit formed the piece de resistance. ing sul cs mcn. who 111' (' doinf!' a grcat After moat 'of the eutllbles had dis- amount oJ gO(l d. ('51) iully III proviclappeared, tHe assemblage was\ed ing Bible~ reol' cnch gllcst room in u to oruer by the president, Fred M. large mujl1r ity of the hotels in this Cole, Who challenged the boys to vol- country. His talk wall very interes t:unte (!r til makt) a speoh. Gr;(Il1t was ing, eXJllnininl\' what his orguui zilti on his surprise .when Master PaUI,.ac- is, its prinl iJ)lcs Ilnd i1$ met hod s of cepted da~'i challenge and ncquitteu a.ccoll\ pli ~ h i l1g t ho re sults it des ires. himself In a mllnJlCf highly crllditnble Rev. Washburn end Prof. Z,I(i(J maw to one of, Ilia age. 'I.'he- speaker of explained the ' orf;'n nb\!ltion I1n~1 pl'ih~he eve.I\lng, Prot. Wil~ S. Reeves, ciples and purposes of the B"othcr'was then Introduced. ' I I hood {o.· lh <l bencfi t of 't hose ~vho Mr. Reeves, form6r)y supet:intend- were lInfamilln.r wi th the organi zaent 01 the Washington. O. J;I, Ichool8, tion. everal other !'da.ds" resP Qnd_ who Is the leadlU' of thl} Men's Bible ed with well'chosen llnd enthusilUltic elaA In the Fir.t Paisbyterlan 'SqJ\- remarkl\ . •. After adjournment, Bevday-Sch.o ol at Jb&t1Jlace, ,gave B- Vf!q, 'eral sons were overheard tQ express pleasing and Interellting addr:el8; lie ttle hope thnt eu.oh and eve" future • treued the D~ fpr a greaq,r gen- monthly nleeting would be made • ~ fllllWarltt . With til. Bible and"father~nd. llon" aft'air.

Th e grndl'H recci\'ed by thl' tcn can. .lid" te ~ who took th ex amination for \V es t Point and Annap olis. at Urbana, Ohi o, O(·t nne r ~4. hll vc be en receiv. I'd by un""I'ssmun Bmllu , und he is l·C' l:Ummt.."I lllinK:


Profc:sor Bell, a su rgeo n o f authority, .liructor of the Liverpool Cn nee r I{ csellrch, annou n ceR to th e 1'0rontu A"ade my oi Medi cine a new und succes, ful l reatment uf ca nc er. I"iity cases, including many considcred ubau lute ly hope less, have been cu r et! by injecti ons of a lead solution One woman. with only a f cw weeka to livl', WIl S cured. 80 this rcsponsl1,10 6u r ",eon saYR, of n r apidly grow ing s pi ndle-cell sarcoma." If it is lrue thal a poiso nous lead ' solut i.. n Cll n ulluck und dcstroy cancc ,' tiss ues without d estroying normal li ~s u~ . it IlI can s th e sllvi ll~ of millions of Ii\' e". an.d , most important, it lTl can ~ ov ullhn J! nR'ony. phys ical and llH' nt ~ll, ""y un d calculat iun.

l,nj! la lld, in r.r> ite of her un employell. dil1lini ~h l' d t l'llde , conI troub!<,S , etc., go es ulong cheerfully. Good Kill g George hHs ~one to shoot with the Enrl (1 f J veagh. As th ey proceed through the est ute, shooti nR' as the y go, a traveling kitch en acclllllpanics them . Servan ts carry thcir g un s. load them, hllnd them up whe n the timc comes to s hoot. ometim es " ~ i z gu ns" in one day's s honting brings down as many as 1.000 pheasa n ts and 500 partridges. It is a most noble, R'loriou s and inspiring s port, every bit as exciting a s it would be to entor the Earl of Iveagh's ch icken yard, shooting right and left.

A surprise program nf unu sual interest wus given ut th e 1000 1 Grange nt their reg ulur me eting Oll SaturdllY ni ght by ounty Agent Closs. Read_ in gs lind mu sic were othe r f eatures of the even i ng enjoyed by th e large crowd prese nt. Following the progrum an excellent "p otl uck " supper was served, cafateria mod e. A s hor t play and box socia l will be In Britain it is called "sport." the attruction . of the next regular There is one advantl.lge--it enables meeting. --the trovcling American to buy, all co.oked, for four shillings or less, a pheasant that has cost the Eurl of Iveogh twenty shillin gs, merely for the pleasure of killing it. Andrew Koontz; who lives west of George Pullman tried to creote town, lost two fin gers and suffered a a city. It was culled "Pullman," but badly mun gled hand. when it was as a separate city it didn't work. caug ht in a shreddin g machine . Mr. Wo od, once president of the "Petc" wus helpin g Les ter Surface Americun Wo olen conlpany, decidwh en the accident occurred . He was ed thut · he would build a city and taken to Dlair's hospital, Lebanon, spent $2 1,000,000 on his 1110del town wh ere his wounds. which co used in- Shuws hee n, in Mussachusetts. A new tense s uffering, wer e dressed. pres ident of the American Woolen ------_•• _____ company, Andrew J . Pierce, Jr., movcs the company away, a nd Shawsheen will become a deserted village.

Fo .. the Nllv,,1 Academy at Annap"l is. C;"o r)!c Ru ,scll Ove r, of Springfi eld, Oh io. pri nc iplIl; C"hrlcs E. Webst,· ... Sp rin~f1u l cl. Ohio. IIllel'llllte. Fur th l' ll1ili t" ry lIcauemy a t West Po int, Raymond P. Kiz er. of Urbuna, Ohio. print'ipII I; Fronci s Thomas Miles IIf Ur ba na. Ohiu , altc rnatc. iun ~ lI 1't.'fl t ' i~ P, ,~ ~ i1 , J t, !' The l'alld id lltes wcre selected ac. Aml' lllill i\'l· - Jr·l' in 10', i('llol, Rh.' a E I· ('{' rdill)! to t he J?rut!es r eceived at lis . E\ plpl l' llgl<'"hy, the eXUl11 illntiulI. "'l'~111 j,'c- A "~II"'I'I ~ I (' \J iII pn. Jo:Ii1.nhl'lh Il <"ll kle. Lilli:lll ,\'"t l<in •. V"c a l !-i.)lo EI ~ i" II n wke I/.·" di,,,: . \ ' n- ht i nl·cl(et t Pi"n o Solo 1·:,1 1", 1' 11.·,,,I .. r ~o n "r,:lb",i Ilu hl,ard . "" fl ll Allt h .... of l\Ii R~ lI elc n Dukc , d aughtc r of Mr. Shnrt S t "l'i('~ Mnrthn Nichols and Ml'~. Cur l Duke . 0 stud e nt nurse On' co f IIi; Short S tor i c ~ ilL lII ia mi Volley hos pitnl, was operat.. I) uri , II e ndl'rM n 'd on la st Friday morning for append i..,itis. He r condition was S('l'iOU5 for Ov(',' one hU lldrl' d ~ tucl c nt " Ilrc (' n. n fe w days, but later reports are joyi nl; lh e hol l unchc ~ which arc he· vl'r y encourag ing and it is thoUR'ht ing spons(',.cd I,y th(' l\I1ltl1('r. cluh. thnt in nl out two weeks she can be Ench I unch con i~ l :; of c!) ('oa . n .an d- "cmo\'cd to her home , wherc she can I will rcccive ducs and applications A t own is lik e a language or a hufor Red Cross membership until De· man being. It must start naturall y wi eh. nn d n hot veg ta bl ~. As thcs(' havc a much·nceded re st. alld grow of its own power. You meals Ol'e $(, l'\, ed f or 10 c. mn ny IH\v(' cember 15th at the bank. can'l invent or create it. founel it im possihle lo bri ng Il lunch J. O. CART.WRIGHT. (l'I' m h' "lI1' tit stl ch u s lig ht cu:;t,

..... - ..---Loses Fingers

Undergoes Operation


Red Cross Notice

Will Present Play

bn ~ ht h a ll


R' irl g orJ;(R ni 7. pd Tu sPl'ncLicr ~ tl1 l't ~ urxt w ee k a nd spy rn l J;(U tlll' ~ Ill'e sch edul l·d for the \\ in te r. Wilh lhe "dd itlon o f ~c vcl'll i new pln.l·c r·s and wilh l\Ii ~s Fi "t'llll1:1n ,, ~ ('II"ch, th e t('am shnu ld hm'l' tl ~ uc _ cl'ssfu l scason. day.

Schools will be closed Thu rsday and l<'rida y of t hi s wee k, owing 10 the 'Thankllgh'ing holid ay ..

-- -

Thanksgiving Service Sp('c ial Thnnksgi,,;ng Sc ,-vie(' wi ll be held at the 111 . K church 0 11 W edl1 esda y evenin g, November 25. at 7 :30. A II urc urgcd to ntte nd and to ~jvc thank'l.






' V \~'.'1l T

father and Son Banquet »'as ",ell Attended Last Week

Received High Grades

- -Surprise Program




Auxiliary of St. Mary's Church P!easantly Entertained





' ~ ':




~.,: .. '




It Ii n~ been til(' hope o f the Postal Sl!r vicc. deflurtm ent th at this year (" pre 'Hight b(' no delivery by carri e"s fin d t.hnt the "mee might be put on a holid ny bnRis 011 ChriRtmas Day. and I direct Oll1l this be undertaken, ulthuu gh it I11U S~ be uncl erstood to be in t ho nnture of on oxperim(!n t. Postmastcrs will therefore suspcnd all work at ]:l o' clo ck midnight, Decemhor 24, except to retain on duty on Chri stmas Day only s nch employees as arc reQ.uired to make the regul:u' holiday dis patches of first-class mllil to thl! trllins and to receiv.e, but not to work. incomill~ m'ail from the trui ns. 'I'here will be no city de· livery, villuge delivery or rural delivery on ChrisLmas Day. At 12 o'clock midnight, December 26, Ruch a ptivities as usually begin at that 'time, may be put in operaTHis y~uthrul radio 'e nthuslaSt tion; and on the -following morning ,Ra.m,lall 'Catl1cBrt o( Oalclan<l, CnL, all IIctivities should be resumed witll who white ftxing hi. aerial touched great vigor and enterp..ue in order the binding post of hi. let. Instant: tbat trbch mail all is lett over may Iy h .. heard mus ic and discovered' rea~b its deatlnlltlon very promptly. that U\'" human budy will catch • . HARR¥' S.lIfEW, waves.' · -' Postmaster--GeneraL



It is said in Job : "God thundereth The number now confi ned in the The Qu ee n EstheT' Ci rcle will pre- Warren Coun ty jail is six. as smull as marve lously wilh his voice; great SE' nt th e pIn y, "Mis" Molly," on the it hns been for the post several thin gs docth Hc, which we cannot comprehend." monthe. eve ning of Deccmber D, at the Gym. To understand this unil'erse, the force s or the intelliR'ence back of it, seems hopeless , after you read Dr. Millikan's dcscription of the new rays that roam through space. They are stronger than ultra-X-rays, 1,000 times greater in frequency, their Ionization is constant, day and night, and they are of the "10,000 volt vari ety." . When Volta, learned Italian, wrote Th e Womon's Au xiliary of St. MaMrs. J. J. Schaetrer his treatise, "On the Attractive Force ry's church met on Friday afternoon, Piano Du et .... ..... "Moonlight Revels" of Electric Fire," 150 years..ago, litNove mbel' 20, wit.h Mrs. Harris and Misses Esther Henderson and Mary tle did he or Nllpoleon, who made Louise Zimmermnn i\II'R. Mos her. him a count and Senator of the KingDuring the social hour the hostess- dom M l' ~ . Cad w/lllud"r opened the meet_ of Italy, imagine what terriffic es were assisted in serving refreshin g and conducted the devotional forces in nature ' would be called ments by Mrs. J. W . Edwards, Mrs. "('rvice. Scri)ltuml quotati ons were "volts " in Volta's honor. Bert "Hartsock, Mrs. J . E . McClure, R'ive n in respo nse to r oll call. Ronald Hawke and Miss Emma lIfrs. AlLer a s hor t business session the Heighway. f ollowing program waa rendered: The ntllgnificent W. K .Vandcrbilt The following gUests were present: in New York's Fifth ao!enue Pi uno Solo .. "Canzole D' Amore," Mrs. J. J. Schaeffer, of Dayton, Mrs. house will soon be turn ed over to wreckers Wm. Howltz lIfary L. Adams, Mrs. Lina Devitt, und t orn uown. Mellnwhile for char_ Miss E slh er Henderson Mrs. A. T . Wright, Mrs. J. L. Hart- ity, the crowd, to whom the name Reu,ling- "The Great Day of the sock, Mrs. W. E. Cornell. Misses 'Vanderbilt means something, will pay Women of th e Church" Mame Brown, May Wri ght , Lucy Em- to e nl er thL' house, wander about, Mrs. W. H. AlIcn ley, Esther H~nderso n ,Elsie Hawke, the great dining room, -.Report of th e' Convocntional Meeting Mary Louise Zimmerma rlt ann th e lit· contemplute stori es hi g h, "und Mrs. Vanderlit Dayton Mrs. Edith Hurris t Ie folks , Betty Hartsock. Murjorie two bilt's roolll on the third ffoor with the Vocal Solo- "The Bcautiful Gurden Edwards, Paul Zimm erman a nd Frank bUlh ro o m cut from Italian marble." of PraY l"'" MiHs Lucy Emley Hawke. All this, cl'en th e bathtub, must Talk on th ' Il oo k of Rcm embrance LAURA H. MOSHER, Sec'y. pass away.

The only il'rter cst ing thing about it is the fact thnt Benjamin F. Winter, who ow ns lind is tearing down the hou se to build so mothing suitable came here a poo r Jewish boy not 10llg aR'o. H e has hHd more fun out of th at Vanderuilt h Ollse than Vander bilt who built it, over hod. Winter. who e lll'll ~ his m oney and power The unnual roll cull oC the Amcri- onj oys hoth. ' eon Red Cros., is hcld each year between Armistice Day Bnd Thanksgiv_ ing Day. Th e time to become II mem y ber of this orl:unizntion or to re· enroll, is now. It is duc elltirely to the loyal sup· A t t he hOllle of Mr. and Mrs. Ray port of Warren County Red Cross MiIIH, on !,,, t ul'dny evening, November members that it has been po s~ ible to 2 1, Miss Deb oruh Walton wus tenmaintain an organization equipped dcred II handkerc hi ef shower, the oc_ to care for the many soldiers and clIsion being her birthday. needy civilian fomilies who hav e been cnted at a beautifully appointed 811Sisted when they were in need and table were the guest of honor, MiiIB distress during tho put year. T Wal ton, M,'. and Mre. Lawrence funds of the locnl Chapter are aI- Drown, Misses Edith McKtbban, most exhausted, and unless the melD- Kathryn Turner, l{atherine Fromm, bers ra-enroll at once, the services Edna Howlund, H e len ' Graham and .will be discontinued, the Chapter re- Ruth Earnhart; Messrs. Burnett But. turned ' to Washington, and Warren terwortl}, !}harles ·Collier.. Melvin cOUhty will be without a :Red Cross Banta, ,Albert Wilson; Cheater CutCha'pter. ler,' George Wall 'and Raymon Hat'This year there will be no house field. ' '. ' . to house canvass. Inlltead, all mem. The hostess, Ml'II. MiUk 'Was.A1bers are asked to leave their ques at sisted In, Berving a delie(oua luricMl.on tllelr ,earest._ bank. _An .appeal is by, ,Mrs." Irene Bird, . Mn. ,D. ·R alph made that thlls be done at ON.CE. Smith and Mias 'M ary ' Marpret UDWill you see that cbeck ill left at. gleaby. }fonr bank, or 'mailed dlrec.t' to the Games' and mUBle wera 1I1eadnc "'" Bed Oro. ofllce at LebaoD todq. varal911& ' .



---- - ..------

Birthd a Surprise



... -................................"





PROBATE PROCEEDINGS a nd fi ll lli nc,'u IllIl \\'n ~ med h ~' Mnr~' 1-'. E chel . execn t l'h of th c l'~ l:lt(' o f . E. E ch e l, d c"ll~ eeL Pr(lof oC publication fiil'.1 in th mutter of th e estate o f l.aura :'liIll!r, F'ir ~ 1


d c




In th~ maUl-r o ( the " ~ tate of .Jas. W. Moo re. d eceased. pre'of of pub li"a t io'n \\'II S flI ·d . Er tll"., cit-'c"'l'H8t' ll. in l~n·H sC' d [\lluwa nc ~ Invent ory ri lt·" by Naomi Bnltlwin . wn~ ol'dl' r l,d ft.r widow HII II child. j!uurd iu l1 or C lnrl'l1l...·l- N. F i ~ h(· r. 1n1B. A. Ilill \\'11 " 11\'1",in l l'" nd mini s· ",Jr. I mt o !' ..r t h ~ "" lil t,, of Hcbocca 0111. In the mull e r o f th" e·,tu tl' o f ' V. d,'cl'n,,·,1. n.. nd. $2f,UlJ. Appraia· A. Fisher. d ca sed, iL \\,, ~ o rd e r el L' I''' lin' ,J. II. l',·nec. Louise St t' phllns thlll Flo ra Fi Hhcr. wid o\\'. ('xcc ut(' n lind J . P . Heed. bill of Sill tl'ansfe rring aut o mobile Maude WhitlinJre r. ex~cutrix oC t he lei her inciiviclulllly. . hRrlcs E. Be nedict was nppoinLed es tute o f An n a G,·ul'ing. u,·ceBst·d. uumi nis LraLor or th e e~ Lntc o f Snruh riled hH fir "t account. TIll' n~t val" .. o f the estate of W. )1. Jameson. dece"",,,,!. Ho nd $ 20.000. AlJpra i H I'~ nn' Cha ri I" S. Ir- A. Fisl,"r. ,h'cc,,"('d. was found to w in . I-runk Prc ~ I t' Y Hnd I .(l ui ~ F . be $1"~O ..ji . In the malta ,,( th~ eslutt' of Ra lph CH ll-' man . . The IXross "olue o f th ~ es tule of E. Musu n. d C ~~" " · ll. the court appruv. l'd, ,, 11 ,. \\,<'(1 nnd co n finned the al'c o unt .ruhn H. Bradl e y. d" ceas" d , WII S foun d II f Daviil MII,o, n, rllimini stralor t(, be $ 52G.J .5 U. Th e acc o unl o ( 'eltie Guard . axThe Ilc,u unt of Fr cd Gmy. Jr .. ad . mini s t.rutor of th e cs tat e o f 1[1Irry ec utri x u f the " slutc o f N,·lIi e lJupp, Gray, d,·c c n ~ ('<!. \VII " app r o,'cd. 111· d el' ' H :-; l~ cI , wus upproved, all ow ed nud l'o nlirnH,' d. lowed and confirm ed. . The n 'po rl of St,·lIn A. William· It was or<!('red thaL th .. \l ill o f F o n. tnnn Mass e ole. Jl! c CUSNI, bl! til ed in ", n, .. xac utrix of the cslate of Chas. G. Willinmso n. deceased, was ap· court. L . Earl Th ompso n w a s appo inted proved, a ll owed and confirmed. In the matter of the eslate of trustee in th" muller of the lru "te e~ h ip ari sing in tht' malleI' of th e Fred Maua, deceased, t he account of estate of Roy M . Harpe r. deceased. Charles Maue. administrator, wall 1lPproved, all owed and confirmed. Bond, $2000. The account of Thomas C. Christie The will o f J ohn H ozlin. deceased, was admitled 10 probat e. M. H . ndministralor of the estate of Marion


Madden's Lumber Yard

• :•





WayneaviiJe, Ohio

....................................... ......... ... ~




,"urnlture -


6 Btl VnudeviU. Acta and Feature Photoplays. Enti re change of program every Sunday and Thursday. Continuous Ilerfo!'mmee frOID 1:30 to 11:30 P. M. Afternoon priaes 20<.' and aGe. E_~e.!1lnl. 80c and 50c.

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ROOMS 103·8&1 RIlIBOL.D BUI L.DI NG TelepboDe: OCU'O eld I~~ L.. J. H... THAWAY B'ormCM'ly Located a t 806 S. Maln St. DAYTON. ORIO.

P " P~ rs


....o-e.a-.. . . . _-... .. ...

F. T. Martin Jesse Stanley Auctioneer Auctioneer

11 (' ~ha r J!e~ Hh~ f.. tll' t\ .




Kega .nd lIottl...





M ... L T aXTRAOT 00, D ... YTON 710 •• at


FurnltU,., Re11n l,hed lJ pho latorcd. A V".. . , .... / ••

an d

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The Behrilllger Clev enger Co.

eth lit.

127 N . Por r y S t.

__ . _ __

••• dl"O


Ill'. Rob I· t Blar,

at j:lil.

$ 1 I I.:! :, ; l'p lu mbu s l;l.111 k iloe'l-, ~I f L: . l ' p. , :- lIll l I'! f: fo r p l'o h a t('o Cl) U I' l, $:! J .-

lalto r li nd mall"

Diamonds. Watches & J ewe lry Arcade Bid,. 33 W . Fourth St.



trom Produce... Butter, Egoa. Pou ltry, When In Dayton Bring Your Produce

.. .. Mal




Leac1i n~ l::JchOOI of Mustc " V ernon E . Friel. A. , B., MUI, B.,


SHARPLES CREAM SEPAR ... TORS "Ull L. lnl 01 O.lry SuppllM, Roofing and Roofing PaInt.


John G. 8kaplk, Mor. Naw CeNTRAL. MARKET



Whole.CLlo & Retllll "

W A L. 1( · 0 V . " • H 0 • • . . . ."I.ed the We"'d OVer for Their ~Ittlng Qual. ..... In' 'tanct.nI ... h r IlZN anc'l W OMEN ..... 'In" ",00 " .&0 '10.00 ".HM·I WAl.K·OVIR lOOT I~O" h\,I",lve ~.Dt. ,

W ....... I IVI ... Qo04


8 . Jeffer.on St.,-eet.


0 I-.

25c for



a: 0



SOFT DRINK C"'I'& AND RESTAURANT Koma Cooked "ood Ou r 8pocl.lty. L.u nch At All Hou,.. Pereon. 1 e" IBntton to our (rlend. QID~tNQS

S S,






(' ( '11 ). 1:11,






haarlem oU has been a world· wideremedyrorkidney,livorlP.d

'iX ; : V. P.

bladder disorders. rheuma~ lumbago and uric acid conditiont.

(p.;CBIWII" n

] -


f r o m out of lo\\n



UI '

DON'T FAIL To Vlalt Our Uaad Car Olp.rtmlnt While In O.yton L orO •• t Aaaortment In City

THE TOGGERY SHOP H ... TTER S- FURNI S HERS Keith Theatre Building 120 S. L.udlow.




The really impore .", ehinR .hout .ny rul.urnnl i. ehe .. "nlily of food


EARY 'I"ElR'1I1__ _


BTVDE.AI<KR DIIT. ~U W . Ther"t. . n""n Pl,·.nln.. o pen Bun4a,..



Boo klet


D avie s BldU _ Dayton , P h one Garfield 5429.

Oh io.


I "rJ

I r r ;,d

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ddr,-,. r.

pH/ pJI'

and can tnlk t o l-4 i x


AFTI:.'R Looo:.l lo,)G

Yea, E er:vthina y~: Put 00 Is Wfong


-- ---..........-

A.Lt ""'{ -"<",c\':.s

foR Il tol f<Qt,)1=' , ,1,1:5 16 1rtG BEST PAIR" l COUt.b FI;.ID

s ix


.. ubj ... ·t • . all &t h,· p. a m~ Lim e. T "" IlUd ".y wi f e d,tI ,' t ,.luy ('h lJss-h e

w" tlid n't have" chance.


you ~





f" ~

0.'" of olty. Car

to taka



whlll In ou r lo.d. arrlva aU klnda of fru it. ORITCH,.IIL.D PRUIT CO. "'o"umen, .n~ ~oundry It. OP'" NIOh" .. I."l., lef Roem parll Phon'. a.rfleld .... You ma., ",,,-'I,,,. h."a ....,ethln, d.U., of

D'" ,,.11


\II 0".... In our lin ...

Get In touch with u.


m"n wh o can play ~{: V·

1{:i rn ('~ tlf dJ~ '"

~.sAl1e .


e.UT't'C:N as

HAile ~ OFf



FoR po. '(lOI,R,


Dayton, O. la Where We ... re L.oc.tad .... MonumOflt Av •. FOL.KII Hollday_Sund.y_ltvln. quontly to our cIty. We a . . .1. waya open. thla place your meeting pl ... to vlalt your friend .. Tha """t, , ... heat ""N of "rulta and Produoo .re 011. red for )'our allectlon .t Ipecl.1 prle... We ....

Auntie- USo Fred \Vent a way last ni g ht '!" C;irl _H y ~ ::. ; h ,' ~ f,t(Jn c- ." Aunli e- uPi.rtillJr mus t m ilk,· your hea rt nche , " Girl - "Y cs, and e\'cry rib, loo."


CLASSIFIED................. ADS;-

Farmers, Attentionl Fllrmers of Wnrren lind acUolnln, counties may obtain monev on lon, time lonns , at 5 ~ per' oent IntI/Peat. Cost of sccurlng the same I, very sO llable .through The Federal Land Bank. For further Info.r matlon all on or addres8 M. C. DRAKI!l. Treaa· urer, phone BIG-X, Lebanon. Ohio.


Expert 8er'vICl_ In all Part. of B •• u~

In l t ructlon

Type wr i ting

Ony :and Night Cou r au S at isfac tio n Gu.ra"teed



Mezlanlne "'oor


Coli or write fo r _

Barb. Shop in CoMectioa 29 W. FIfth St. ~ ObJo.

C ount!'")'

IItr ..t.

ty Culture. Sorvlo.a to SUit Your In· dlvldu.1 Type. Plrma"ent W.".a ,'0,00 For Appointment Call Oo.rllel c'l &Ue.



• .. yz

Je"o"o", Main DAYTON. OHIO.



Popul a r Prlc ..

118 I. Mollu""nt A"... D'rton, O. TeI,phone B. . l1et r

lJ CD fI>

The Geo. J. Roberta Co. 243-251 B. 8econd st: DAYTON. OHIO.

UV 8. L.ud low, no)(t to Union Station.



on the ori&inal &enuine

MONEY L()AN£D Cook (to hons('\\,ife )- "Shur p, "n ' I can ' t sland y CI' h n<h:1n rl arnu,," th p house n o lon ger . Ye' U ha\' e to get LOANS on Chattclll.Stooks, Seoupt~ a divor cc." tiC" nllt! Second Mortgagcs. ~otca bought. John Harblne Jr., Xenl~. Ohio. -m30-'\!Il

An Invitation To Eat A r-Laughlin'. In Dayton and An Opportunity To Park Your Car Free.




Dayton, Ohio.

If In N.ed 01 a Good Ri ll able Pump lor ... 11 Requlramenta In An)' City. or

W ... TER . SYSTEM8 W ... T£R 1I0l'TENERS

214 N. M.ln


OI'lIan., Three sizes. All drQUiltl. I .....

"II" I'~ ' ::l Idte·1' fl" m \ ' ,' 1' I l'I I 1<' 1'. wonde l' what Ill" , I!ul lh e black border around it f o r?" "I!oly s moke; h" III usl !It' c1 cud!"


Dlapl. y Room



'.0:, ;


l'C·~';D E~::· ·I:~.TTER


Main 4011

Fully Guar.nteed-RIIl.bla






Noboc'ly In Dayton Sella . Botter Drug" CARL A. SCHMIDT 209 SOUTH L.UDL.OW 8T.


~ .. nt free.I Ope.. ,11 A.M.• II P.M.



Aak your p llumber or atop In our dl.pla .)' room the ".)(t time you are In Oayt:.on and I.t UI tell you more about them •


Su.ophoae, a.oJo. aad t', sSSON~UAR lnttrum.entl tau~ In 2 0 NTBJIU.

Of.. lnGt lva "'awlla l'l ... rt

WERTZ D.y ton, O.

Hour Service ('v ,' n Day and Nigh t.


........ D"'I1... I~ Tradl



Dayton', Largest Auto Park on Fourth Bt~t. JoinIng Dal ly N_a Building .

CALDWELL & TAYLOR'S Original Bonaol au and Caapar Motor 011 For 100'.4 Motor Efftcle ncy.



rr W• ..,tngton at.

School of P2l!ular Mutlc ~

Dane ·



.' " ., • . 1l';''I'e ll Cn .. , \\- . T,II l1 p kin st poy roll , :; I ;0..0.; : J', ~,I ~ (I l 'i l\ :t , };1lmc , $l:!;\ ,Cd'l : Ed\\n T l'I'I,\' , ~nnl (~, $01.05; .: :~ I :;' 1 r., {ro, 1):1 \ , '.1 , t ! , ~ ~1 nr,. ~ (l:

QA '


Quality Drug Store .. W.., ThIrd at. O,.n ... 11 Ntght.


Prin t C" .. WI'~'

Ln t'\' lr , :::., ::11,; I :

' P n ,\' t rm's


«('xamining young man's

--- - -

Mc('" n (... . t:'" '1'1 .\ nk., h., I. $8.75; LA'wi;. al'd ' 1I'akC' . l'''IO~'' t "Ol d ~ew "" pi lll' , $f,~', -; : h i l t r Citq·.. (I iI Cn,. gn ~ . $3S .GG: R. ,, /. " '·· ;.1 111'1'. h " dillJr J,':'fll" ai, $1 ·l fi .f> U; II. F.. T,. m: ~" " . "lu,,~ , $ 102 .011' I' • . ( '. Ttlfl/, " . ,' , 'I' e 11 fo r

Special tor beglnner.Twelve pl iil n o le•• o na l o r $3.00

405 W. 2nd Street


lI afhm \ 1. C n Ui n!" Mil"' . ~ ,:,. 1-11 : .\. T . f("U II!. "U me. $38 :;: ,; . \\' :lIt ,'1' '",.,wr. ~I,," e. $7. 60;


J . Mason Prugh, President Davi d I. Pru gh, Secretary





The Ohio Savings & , Loan Assn.

~ Drug_Low Price. P,,"orlptlo"a ~y Mall Ordlr Promptl., Filled,



OUR PR6SJ!NT DtVIDEND RATE 18 O,po,lta made on or beforo the ,OtI1 day of oach month boar dividend, from tho 1st day of the month .

A,.t. Clnl,lc

Ilr :Jl~ I',


\V h il:lc ' p ""'1"1' , .....

for all br:tnChel Of

Oram 21tlc


: 'II .!II d dray T UllI ~I\YR men I!et n('nrl~ trnm tic... ..; , " . ,', '" tI ' ,\ ,·n .. ~· . I! rRV_ {.}, :. ': . . I'" .' . . \ , A , Scott, o y ~ ter ~ li nd women g e t III monds htid l~ t rl" ", ;)' ~ ! ' 1\: II art' . Ti ndl e . frum Unut!)," ~ i\ nll , '~\ ' ~", !'." ' 1"\,,\,, oInml', ~ IU,lfi: 1-':. S, 1l 11 ,11. : ... 1 " IIIl :t\" on r (l l1 I r :h't ~' l. \,.':: , " : I It t. : II:lVtu n Blue


MUl lc,


,,' . $ 1 ~. OO;

011.11(1 , .h .. I· .. 11 ,".


Dayton, Ohio

t .... '1r-aduD tlo" wi t h dip lom a . "


L l" ,\ '_",


"'tteen teacher.

PROCTOR SCHOOL -OF MUaIC4S& ' Weat S.""nd 6t. DAYTON, OHIO F.culty 01 EMporlencod T.. ch.... .... u L. ...ono Prlvlte Co",plete cour.. a In P IAN O, VIO . L.IN, VOICE and DR ... MATIC ART.



plaintiff in <!rror

~=====:=========~) ~5: .1. O. ~li t .. h~ II ,


Phone No. 32D

P h on e l'lo . 2

dc f£'ndant in ~tr or, munda t e r l! t u rlh' d ; 1.. 1/ \\ n . 1IJ,:'," lIl Hh~I U .... , " l ' , ~"-t. 10: AI - hl' lI rl ) - "I Lhi nk its ageliu stret n ris!" I ,()' e--kk Youth- UNo; Iwr NlIllO ill frllrn cou rt " f appl!a lR ~u ~tai n in l! j u d" f c.•: " C ,.. 1.,·" ll l, "hI' : fro I"" tll!!" f,.I· Illcn t of Com m on Plcns uurL. ~ ~ :.: l'(', ~. " r , I:p nr ~ .r, rtil n . ~a l a ry. Mury " t H' I ~ .1t

-- ===-=====-~

"Safe Night and Day in every Way" IDELITY 6Di PA ID ON M'AIN ST,

New Burlington,O.

IiI Centerv iile, O.

COMMON PLE AS P ROCEEDI NG S 1'\ :\'. ~ . ',, 1: • ;" . . .1 ,, 11"",'1' \\' :tt ~ " n Co .• In till' . mall I' o f ) l m'Y ~ e'hi ll in).:' I."i ·I'!: ':" :"':" ':," : ,.\\' .. 11. :~!;. n:' I':" I";. p ialnLLf r !11 \, ,' ro r \'5. ;:itnlp o f O hio. f~ lp p h ~ fil l "",!LId , \', 10 . O. K.

INTERIOR DECORATORS Decoratlng - Drlpor iol - Ruga



It'e l.




--the ~amc dependable remedy th at ovcr II perIod of m ore t han tifty year, h as been found so reliable In tbe treatment of cata rrh and dJ~ease8 of catarrhal n a ture. The outside of the packap:o only hal been altered. To faCIlitate packln, and reduce breakage in shlpPlllg, th e paper wrapper which has identified the Pe· ru · na bottle for m 3ny yeara h as been displaced by a substa ntia l pasteboard cn rton. Pe·ru-na cannot be made a ny better. Three generations o{ u sers testify that Pe-ru-na II the beat ~medy In the world for catarrh and dlaeases~f catarrhal origin. The remedy our fathers and grandfathers used with so much satisfaction I, . tlil the standby for t he III, of everyday in tho usnnds of American homes.

PE-RU-NA Ila"'.__

::iult was ,' ntcr,·c1 uy Ar t hur l ;. I,int: , ' g . L o ui ~ e King 1',, 1' tli\' " r c·,' . charl!illl': :dlHe nce . I'cnrl Kl' lIy ,.~ . Wayn e \\'. K ' lIv. r ll )' d ivan'c. 'he chal'g'c :-; g'J'\I!o\:; t1 (,'~ .



la my ple.,ur. to Innounce th at I

~Od ~~ddv

REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS ::iamh Litll e to hrisloph er C. Bow man, lot II South Lebanon. $ 1. Charles lind Elizabeth Blackford Lo ~;. R. a nd Bessie WaU eek, about 70 lIeres in Clearcreck Tp., $1. Clara Gichls Kelly to Olive Hin es, 4 I" t,; in Morrow, $1. Julius nn d Bnrbarn Vcwcnde to Florence K Romohr, nbout 100 acres in 1-1 a milton Tp., $1. Hcbecca C. ~nook to Wilber B. Snook. tract in So uth Le banon. $1. Wilbur B. Snook to Wi ll iam O. Wi l. der . tract in Hamilton Tp. , $ 1. T om Maril\n o~ to S, J . and Mubl' la Thie l. lot in Franklin, $1. Wi lli am a nd Cllrrie Patter"on to Maurice Kirk, 2 lots in F'ranklin, $1. a.~"" •• Charles " "'razee to I. G. and Ior~ Grace M. Rotte , lot in Frank lin, $ 1. 't ... __ Charl es J3urger to George E. Gem. maka. lot in Franklin, $1. 1. S. Ridtlcl lo l''rank J. Baloll, 2 - ..... _c:-~.~CIMt lot!! in !"ranktin. $1. Charles C. Frazee to F lorence M. Baker and Mary B. Hoffer, lot in Franklin, ,1. Charles C. Frazee to Mary B. Don- ~--------------------------------- .- . --aon, lot in Franklin, $1 . CiaI'll Jordan to Gertrude Edm on, lot in Lebano ." $ 1. Daid and ; d ice il. ,",eston to Isaac and Agnes Cro use. ub,' ut 22 acres in Solem Tp .• $1. W. L. Han ey 10 J. W. Kibler auo ut acres in 1'•• 1.~· I,· 'i (I. , S1. Date you r sales with u a. We guarantee NEW SUITS sa t 'sf ucti on or charge nothing. .J oc T o J n \' "5. Mllr y 1111I'al " " Tod"r. f H I'







BUSINESS ARE ....... aH TRUSSES EndeaY....tng I t .11 tlmea to glvo my

"'liS npprovOswnld WA!! nppointed I\llmil\i ~ Lrntor E. ' 1" tho ll ~ o. de 1\ Illl o wod aud QlJfu·R\cd. of the c&tate a nd A. B. bl\llflllall. M. ed,'l.he court npllrovcd. nllowed and B, H ymllll nnd E. B, Kehoe arc afl· COnlll'lllctl t he I\ceou nt of Hon ora pml ~e rs. Th neL \"aluo f the fOr Ro)' Bu J'\«! , exec ut rix of lhe astute of PaL ~1. 1I11T1lcl' , deeen <I. Was f{lund lu rick Burk', J ec~l\ " J . 'l'hl! lirilt lind linal account of How b(' I ~ 32 Aj. Rulph 11 . ar~y, lXuardian of Fron- nrd i\l on l!ar, odmini stmtor oC the esces Louise ' tlrcy, llIin or. med his tat e of George W. Mong<!r, deceased, WU, S RPproved. a llowed unci co nfirmed. ~econd uce nnt T he IlI't Vlllut' lOr the cstllle of 'Vii· MARRIAGE LICENSES lilllB A ~h' rrltl, .\~cc a sccl, wa ~ round 10 b e $54 10.44. W illiam Wes ley Flesh er, truck drierlifiNI copy of entry determin· ver , of Middlelown, lind Miss Mnrg o_ in g lhe ' inh c ritllnce tllX to be paid ret Denr. t~lephone 0(10rlltor, of Le b. . was (, rd e rcd ('l' rtillco in Ihe matter anon o f lh c ." latc " f J ohn III Brud lc y, d e. George H Lembusch. mechanic, of DL'nvL'l'. 'n lo:. lind Mrs. ~; dlll\ C. AgI ca ~<.:d In the matter (I ( the ('slute uf Geo . nu~ . o ( Waynesville.



frt."de ."d patronl the belt earvlce wltll every poaalbll convenlen.e. It



.. ..



PauIe.!f.. 11

What It the bed .tate m tile s. hi a BoodT WhJeb It the ~' The bat statemo.t In ha time T Good state far the un~lT Beat state to curt the lick t 'J'b- lather 01 etat. T L hal. N.. u.


- A 'dd~

'rIM iWr Iltwrw ali"", ab<mt "'"

p.....nt a dmple If'ltef\ce of three

Although the sentence Ja a correct one It doe. not reter to anything. What Ja the sentence?


_ . . . . . . lb ....... 111_. ioIutlonl received to each _ of p wtlJ .... ten arcdl ... : when b.. obtained 100 .....m. he will be entitled 10 • "QIJIZ CloUU" butleD 01' Dill. 500 c.....J lla will cfltltla Lhe wl:-- - " t' to ~l \'.. It" Ri t r!4l"tiw, f'\ rlw ,nld I . /) h,," 111, ! ' f\R\ 1," priall ,. 1 Il ~~ 11,(' li('\r,c. r " 'I. Atl'Hl' ' '!If') Lt . 1 , ~ .. "It '.: I'lI17 Iu. •

~" ouch winner


'j'/',:: . I~' ('t

/ 'r

~:" ~"




t),:::~, '~ ~. : , ',:




ho • •

of "crv lce


WANTED WANTED-All kinds of soft Wood! for pUlp. Morris'~ . tr CASH-For Dental Gold. , Platinum, . Silver. Diamonds. magneto pointll, false teeth, jewelry• .any valuablea. Mail today. Cash by Ntum ' mall. Hoke S, & R. Co .• Otllego, Mlch: '._ I


Vou neee! nnt'worry ahout the pnrk~ inl!: of your cn r. Take it eo ""her', PI reproof Oar.g•. 120 W. Fourth St. (jUIl h~1f a block from Laughlln',i wh ere a wailin \! aHenda nt will Ink, your car and ~i\'r YOli ;) cou pon , Then tmn. 10 u. . Afler )'ou hava finished Your menl we will. unon reo quel1. ~Iv(' " 'I U :J P:l rkinp: check Jjtoud




Huhc r '!l Vfl nf


\\ ':11'11 \'011 ,' nr, I rt"c rll Cll1r

\ Vl'


qu a lity

bamte •.

- :11)(1 o hl.l lll

i 'I,\:.ll ' ,

(1 I, ,' t. · )' ,I, \; '1 , ll. H... ~ "u .~ It lo". .J the - ~ , UCUj . -

a nd

de red. LauRhlin'a pride them,e1ve, upon their rigid adherence to lit... ewo essential •. namely. goo,1 fon,1 and J/:ood service. II, mercha ntli.inJ/: p·ac .. before you Ihe choicest food produe.. nmi d pleasant surroul1din~'. 3ntl it il priced within the reach of the nverafte pro!perity. The quality of the fond. ncellent service and plealing env ironment are characteri.tic fea lur.. of l.nughlin'. that are Inti.fyinR a very larKe pat~onaRe of D3), lon i3n •• "d lubur.

Keit h'

;I re hl l

\"' 111 1' r :lr

FOR SALE - Full-blood Pl)'IIlouth Rock R oosters. J. M. Key., Waynesville. Ohio. '-dO FOR SALE-Barr\!d . Rock eo.ckereJa. $1.5 0 each. rdnl. Ottlo Henderson; RD.3. . ". FOR SALE-Pure-bred Barre4 aook Cockerels. Inquiri! of Mrs:' Walter Cast. ' .

rarki nJr At ,n get p:t rUn,:,t 'herk r{"tlJr n

\,illU lIlt


(:ost _

Inf'au'd flp pt) ~iIC B. \Ves. FOll rl h Sifeet.


FOR SALE-Wagon . scales In good co ndition . Inquire' Gf · Fred ' M. Cole, Waynesville, Ohio. . '


FOR SAT.E-Kitch~n c~blnet and Ii. brary table good on~ See Omar Lewis. . ,.. -d8D .


FOR SAL£":"f'arm r of acnl, , aroc nt \'~ : ck "on.o. hone barn. lar•• .;.ul" b " rn , tobacco ahad and olll.r ,Il:oli,,,j',d .; as. Soil Oloal!)' b1. "k 10• • anJ (n ~ of lh ~ b os l producan. farm. in CI II. rcr.. ,,!: lown. hlp. ' Prlc~' to .ell q"VIc:. W. A. Surface. WaYD".v iii". Ohio. n"',r L),t,i, . • cI2 •




InR SALE on RENT- -6-rnom bon Ie . ',i ith .-fI'C! ti . . L hih t( :'both wate!'l" ;, _' :',. t" l;lo ,;. ,\.' C. !;;Jlarks,· ,.





1.IN OPHVOQD_ A!'P'::'ES , l,... ti-. fine. ~ot. • ,n,"'''t)' &ad aalt1. ", ina (Dr aalo at 01'0........ I " ••' .Dat or lb.....)'.bur. _ State Ro." ND. 73 . D. B. UNDERWOOD. FOR

SAtE-~re.bred. nflrOc\i ioan

and Gelta. Am· takiDl' ord.... ro, bred IOWI. JIerben 1. Carr•• a-. vepbUlW, ·Oldo.






-._-- --

~"t.,..d at 11.. P t... ' o!fir:. \VQ,.n •• fllI l . 0"/0# o. S lItco nd C / Q" /tfu i l JJ.1utl ..:r




Sub.criptioa Price, $1.5 0 pc r Year



Publi . he.

NOVEMB I<.: R l!5. I ~<!G ~ . :z




A Short Resume of th e Characteristics of Each and Every Gradua te 01 the Waynesville Schools


• Ii".

has. lIIm!ll('n ha s been qui te

Mrs . .11. ,r .!r J\ndl'l!\ 11 is added to II L UUi; week i . 1"0 ~[rs. Mu. . J. II. n OI!;IHI WI'lit. to Gille'innuLi , blo 'l' c'r l· ~. Munliuy, JUl' jury eJ.uly. J . J . F'i. hl",ul:h and r'-unify. of ~lid­ The W on lllli'~ I! ,mlc M isRio nal'Y HI" dleLuwn , SJldi l I"rid ay ilL the J or<lun h OI1l('. hen'. ci(,ty mat J.'l'idny "fL(' I'IHI 'n. A. 1l. 'I',1Inlll/:(' :lIlt! K. 1-:. Th,) ml)r.. Gruy and C. J-: (i'''', I" " have Writte n by I1 n Enrly Gradunle SO li culle d \. 11 .\,.Lh,,1' ltu .s. at Le baI,cen KUITe ri ng- with ~J'ifl this wco k. no n. 1\1 01111-0,.. AII'. IIncl Mrs. H . S. Tuc kcr anu E. C. ~ I " "n" n :111<1 family, of near fllmily a J'e '· IIL'· I·ta i llin~ Mr. 1'uckl'r' ~ Wi lnun g- I, 11 . r.tlI L·" "" lh eir old home fothel'. :- hVI' L't ~'Ul lliay n1"le r n uOIl. Cia .. of 1922 l<1 isscs Harriett and Lucille Tu ckT!iU ~I d\; , y I'a,ui lics att ended II SunJay wi th uul-ur-town ·r SIJl'i1t IR ENE V) CE- A "rcut delll haR "u d iu pHr l~' 0 11 Su nduy eve ni ng a t been sai<l abo ut the weathe r, bUl lit . I'elnt i\'!!". l'u('"ciu,V gUt·, I" "f the J Ol'dun fam . tl e hilS uee n <lo ne. Dorn- T o Mr. an<l ~I .... W. W. ('os· ily . su m, n ee Anile D(Js t ur, o f Suifu l, \ V. 'rliF':LMA ORA NNOCK - As soo n .1. \\ ·.~I " ' Il1I" " " :"HI wi re, and Mrs. , us II p!-,TSon gels th e huhil o f l hinki ng Ch ina, [I d uughtc". M:llt il' Filld, "lid " "", I( vl",rt , were prOI)erly th ey beg in t o se arch for the Mr. an d 1111'S: H . S. T uckc r a nd th e hOlll c ui' Itul',,, Kersey, ut Tur. rUl'II ns to brin g th('ir me ntal t J'pacit y fami ly ent(' rta in ed IIIr. Tucker's tlec r cek. t o it. full deve lu pme nt. iJrotill'r und fumily. S unduy . 1\11'"..I(·r. ni .. 1! "Yl\'l'rth an d da ug-h. NELSON BROWN - Pructicll lf y Mrs. Ina Shnne, of X""iu , was a t er , MiK" I::li"auNh. o f Wi lmingt on , e" e ry one Il limits the imp o r lu ll ce uf week· en d g ll est lit the hUlll c of Mr. " PCIlt t he w"d"ellJ with tht! McKuy thrift. und Mrs. J. W. FCll ly und ru III ily. f umili('8. MAY WATKINS- Fix a goa l lin d Th e Wo man's Home lIIiMs io nary so. . Rc v. lIulh ~Iu,.,.ay prenchl'd the IIlw llYS kee l) it in sil:'ht a nd move cict.y wi ll ho ld a Th a nks" i" in),: su le ut f Uil~ra l uf Mr . 1I ""I,s, "t the M. E, steadily o n. the T owns hip hUlI Stl , Wedne sJay . No. church ill H,.Ii·I',·y,burg-, Thurs uay ufo vembe r' 25 . lern oull. ESTHER CURTI S- Life dept' nd s upo n th e sou l; it " ives exprcMs ion to Mr. a nd Mr s. Jl ug h B urgeLt un d W. B. Warll!:I', M, M. T e rry and our many del·ds o f kin dness. family , o f Be lmo n t , were r ece nt K . Jo: .Th onops" " :llLrndcu the Ed guc, ls of Mrs. Iura CO lin eI', lI'1rs. B U~"1i sui,· Il eal' Sp ring Vulley- on PAUL DUKE- Wi lh his quic k in. T h",. , day. t e r est an d wcfl ·dire cted life, IlS yeo· Eth el Illith un u ~""s . l1Iun Pu ul cx perie nce. li n insat iable ('lam Dun n nn d tlau~htcrs, Carl e. Mr. G I"dillu" Ellis li nd 1\11'. und Mrs t"rili wh en in t he la r"e cities with tun Dunll lind fami ly, a ll u \' Lebll. Cu r ri ngton E llis und t w o childl·c n. the pushing , hu s tlin g , s urg in g aggr ef WaYlleMv illc , und :'1r. und 1111'S. L(! w n UfI, we l' e SUllday u rt(' .'n uo n v isilors gatio n of the cntoptic mixturo of oWash took ,'u ll cillY dinller with Mr. uf Mrs. lI an,nab U"g:lI1 lin d s on. Bert. people which is so in e vidence thut m,d Mrs. J a mes 11 . Cu rtis. Two pretty " irb kissed whell th ('y now he a ffirm s that the freedom of ml' t in the p ,,~ t (J lTicc the othe r day. ru ra l life is r cally th e k e y to hapI N. ([ links died at his home here T wo m,'n \\.',(' I'e standi ng by. F irst piness f o r him. Tu esday morni n". fo ll owing a long mu n- " 1' 111 U j)PH8Cd." Secund m a n Ii w ife u nd Olle illn ess. He le""l's N EL LIE FERR IS-I" a I:'rcllt be· FUli erul se r vices were - "Oppused tu \\,hat.·!" Fi l·~ t ma nIi ever ,in luck, says : " 'r he hllrd cr I d aughte r. 01 Women du nng- m e n '~ w o rk ; Hcverycondu cted f" oJll the M. E. chu rch, body's" - -_ work the more I seem lo h ave." _ 4_ _ __ _ Thurs tl uy ut 2 ::10 o·cloc k. In te rm e nt ALI CE GON S- A lit'e decl arcs you in CO ll col'dd cemete ry. mu st not res t upon lust yea r's lau rcls. th e y wil n ot I'">' t his year' s bills. Th ere>" __ m8 to be Sl'l1lC fr ellks in t he bird wurld thi s fall. An yway, MARY BELLE H ARNE I(- S hc Ch r is Lippincott n ' poI'LS s houting a says we s hould n ~ t. whine ",l.out o ur onc.wi ngNI phea , ,,,, [. t he first of t.hl' lack of OPf'Ul'lu "' t~, d", re I ~ pl,:nty \\'0ek. li e als, ":lr" th e IJird wus Mis,< , 'i"ln ( ·II ny. \\'ho hIlS been f o r everyo n e whu 1~ ali i , l u t 'I/llrlltl:<: blind in .. +I\(' i ~ t'. h as n't hl'aru ii1.-

0111' ~ic k


Romanc e in bus in cR8 , xccc<ls in won<lerm ent tb e thr ill ~ of th e m o~ t imllg inalive fiction writer.. Th e lat. est example of thi s fa ct comes in lh e election of Geo rge 1-1. Joncs, liS chuir_ man oC th e Board of tlirectors of the Stllndllrd Oil co mpany, of New J ersey. s ue, eedirllt th e lu te A. C. Bedf ord. J ones, the so n of II poor Cu r. punler, began h is C'll'ee r with th e 011 corporation th irty. five yours ago I1S a ~te no grapher. Th e n hi s salary was $6 U II month. T od"y il is $ 125 •• 000 II year. It is not unus ua l, how. (lve r , thllt this spec tacular rise sh ould f a ll to the lot o f II lad f ro m the country. Born In Carthage , N. Y .. Jon ea kn ew pove rty as a boy. He w ork ed in a chair factory , and thcn In a knitting 'mill Cor :36 cc nla a d uy. Charles 111. Schw ab, a noth er ~o"n . try lad, begun h is busin ess c ar~A r driving 8 g r ocery wago n f or ~ 4 H week In a s mall town in P enn s ylvania. Many o th er m e n n ow hea d. of big bUBinessea, could be add ed to the list. As a fact, more th a n nin e. ty pe~ ce nt of tho gront corporations in New York ur" ma naged. by men who cam e fro m the s mu il town s, m<ln who LIS boysr did th eir dally chorl's, worked ,on tne farms und in thc Iittlo factories, th e while fitting t h em. selves for tho greator opportuni ty. Always the church hilS contended, that given a charge of a b oy up to his seve nth year, hi s faith is safely lodged. By the same toke n the boy who spend s his early yellrs in t he en _ vironment of the country t own, establishes the basic characte r whi ch, ill ~JI' pJlf 'lJl'l'lll1a . I ... imp r u ving. baoked by indus try and a bility. spe li s th e wor ld lh ut thl' Y 111'(' \\'"rth~' n l \\h., .th el' hL in l" lids htl\'ill ': it mou nt. s uccess. . l'l' d , ()t' nut. \\' UI''''' I' .\ "ITi, "nl,' r tn ined h is leaderRhlp in busi nt'sS II it docs in i'aillily t" a 111 1 k,·.1' d, n nl'1' on Sun atlltUllfl1l1nship. Opportunit y i~ mu ch DONALD IIEr\1 1EH :-i O:'>; \l"I,:t1d ~II'. lin" ~ l ' . .\ . :;, e .. 1I\'ll alit! ;; 0 11, "rllalel' t utla), th ll n It ol'e r hus been ~ays dUt~U1J!' hi S n~Hlldl 'R un.' I' LlIl ' a d · l ~ obl' I'tr lflt. rl.l i ~H d to) ,\ :..qx-,,' c!.,t..'k dll,l'. before. '1' 11(0 (" r, II,·,,:,· (;"-1", 1 t"am co nductJac e nt hIll u nd \\,1111. · th,· ,~~t."I'~· I"\\" of ,j"",,. ,. 01, :-"" " h) " \\'lilllg- al t lt d ,' sunsc~ burn ed It l)l'itlltl( u l t!l tlt~ en h ll l1l\ " " lI olt' III 1' 1' \ \, ., d .. ," Il f, and (: <1 :-:' 1' \ 1('\':; ilt 'h .· F rien d s church, Some of our EnstC'rn min i s t e r~ r os!!. 111 the we ~te l·.1l "~y , "L',,,l<:rliiJ,: ~ll.' . .1. II. ~I.-I .. " 'i" . ,\1 1', ,,,,,I ;II ,,". .Su nday, complain that r eligi on i, Ioc ilig' me l·g . gl o!'l(Ju~ t he \'t'll III, l'u l' p l(, \ t \ \.' f" M I- .J: l l 1 \(, ~ ( '"Ik' t .11 ,01 " 1. 'I il nlllas , 1' 1'. Til.. I.adi " .-. ,.1 ''Ii' ""ter tained ed into ethi cs. Wh y the lilaI'm? 'I'll(- ami ~a lJ cy •. h(l t.c' !u·.d III l ht, J:a l't~cn ! and ,\ i l ' \\ II I It ,1, h' V !lnd Dr . in Ih ,' h .. ",, · "f III' . ~ I ary McKay, fun~ti o n of re l ~ion is til in culcllh' or !'11 ~ J.;'1 ' 11i~~ :CI 1,\, , 1\·, t ul "l'n. d uf ~ll i d :',1' , II t' , !' .lU 'I'll t li ', "a ~· . correct hu mun pruclicl·. If th At be t clli iig- alUl t1ltll '",, :dlllh rllCl~ i'l.g-HI·d. ac co mpli s hed I.hen l'c1ig-ion hn ~ se r ved in g the var iH U ~ , 1 ~J · ubl l' llI !-. (If life , . 11 '·I·m a" 1" '111,," <I't' lit I hl' wee k.end Ti l' l ;:qq i:-: t ;\1 1.... :O- l lIl lal ·y ( 'i r ule m e t its purpose. . ' I A I) ~."I'O~ · Ill·.'·1' • I d :It til, ., '>lnc ,.1' ~II '" .•1,,, · 11 .. l'l a ll. Wed wllh r, ·lali \' ,·, iii e' oIumL us and atl' \..') 1'" ., - lie 'I(.:s~ ;tn Ilt',sda j art " "' h I! II. ' k I". hus l<" R8L'S Il'".I<-" L1 1l' " 1 1\ "r" l), foo tbull game. 'J'/lIrt)'-e ig ht ton H of pork - 7G.O~O ' Ylli pa thy II hI :1.\" 1'.. 11 . II li fe of \\ "re ~I , :. J! " : .,11 :1' ,I .\iI·,. A. IL '1'1", I.. , " I \.\' , r, T . t'. and the Ches. pounds -we r e produced f" o m 3:\ lit· Re n ' ict:' , P"' 1l1 1r. .\J n. \"('If. i)( ' llil Y had charge t ('r lIll·I",. 1",1.1 a il :oIl ·rlIlY meeting at tara by 28 Ohio rarmers in 18 dif· uf thl' d lj\' I' I I\oI l ~ and .11';';, \\ ' , E. l:h ..'l1_ the h'. lllt· " r ~I 1' ,: . ('I ura Ca rr, FriGUMlI'II r\l:; .11 ), · r:::; l i e < 1(' cl uI'es terent co un ties this ycur.Thlit qualn ell h ad l'har~ \' "f tht.: It'~!'\ dll , th e ine! them for mcmb ('r~ hip in th e Ohh, life i ~ a g Ub llC' Hlltl : 1,,1':; [ ll1yst(' rio us l(.ljiic I"' i ll g' , "l'hlJ'~lia n l't· s." day. p ,. o~e s s wond ," fIJI Iii ;t , rL·~ ul1s. Ton-Litter clUb . ThC' " ,\ If' 1i'Y \ ' iI~~ " E mbroidery She Wi l .... a:-o .. 1. t t·t! II\' jll' ~ , I' C I1t1V and BF:HN ICE l' I':~~I:-';l, I'll" - Suys ~II':<. Ch a·. (;'''~', ' 1' 1,,)' "' vI',' da d tu d uh \\'11 - 1' 1,,·."llIIll y C'n Le rtained by Frozen watl'r pi p('s \\' ill he in sen. CIVil thin kiu g J,."rc·atly h" .dl..'r Ihl' ~·e. \\' l'lc"li l(' H Ill \\ !H " 'ld I I' l ilt' , tlH! c i r cl e ~J I ·' . I . II ..\I ll1 ,·I·. 1\'< "nes,lay after. son soon Wh en tha\\' inJ,: IIH·m. \l'ork fining p l'oces& pi Ii I','. ,xl th e· c ,,,,.' .,f Iii,· I.. ·" •. " . lile ho" nl/\,lll , toward the s upply by "p"I~'iill:' hot t. l 'l-=;"Il'n , u ~""' I,,' ll·d 11\' )11 .~. Ill' nny's JIll'. :11101 ~I r". 1\' ;011,' 1' Jl[oore and cloths or boBinl:' Wall" '. \('u"inl:' n DA J. Y P L.-\:\I\ - Il i, th e dU l y of duu g- hlliS. Co l'" 1,1'11. ikall'll\ ' :11 ,J Aud. faucet opcn to show wh (, 11 the wute r 1111 goo d citi.:l· I< s (II I, · i nl cl'r~te d in I'('y >e rl·(·d n ddIL'I"tb t\\" 'I'" Ul'se "aug- hlpl'. 1:11110 . ~P(' 1I1 Lho week.end with f"i e n,b """,. )1 ia nti sbul'g and starts flowing the morali ty of ou r ~ o llllll u ni ty. , lull ch. ·1 hi ' 1l, · Xl nll·,'II Iig- II III be Dc- Ham ilton. Cl'IIiU,' " 1(; , til(' the h0"',. L.r ~l r8. C. A Russian Supreme court has im . GLADYS HOL.·\ ND - \\, (' ~ho uld re G. HUlld"l!. posed the death se ntence on t \\,('h'e buke immorality in Olli' n('i)!'hh" l'IlO od T HI S. S IDE UP government grafters, in stead of paint in a lo\·in/.: s pirit. blU in teriliS iilus t . ing the m with the us unl whitewas h conv incing. bruah. How ~u stom s dlft'ell. 1)n ug-h I(' 1'._-" I hl1 Ie (; C'''rge and I'm ALI CE 8 111': 1'; 11,\:-/ - \\' 1' s hulI ld 'e nrli n.: hi" '''ill)!, Lad, 10 him . Whut The h ouse of Rhinelun de r seoms cond uct our lleLi p nR th aL the\' a rc en. ~ h n llld I pu t " n tltl' unx?" to fall with an ag ility eq uul to th at ub lod to l'eac h lhe maximu;n [ef1I1 " lh l'r-" G l u ~~, ha nd le with care" of the hou se of Gu elph , the PJ'ince ficiency. w from hill h orse Bnd L eon ard from SUSAN SIDES- S he alwa ys adl'o, his high estate. Mrs. 111illl" 1I"I1.II n is "cry III nt cated th e id ell of' cul t ivuti nl! an in. tense d osire for the be tte r thing-s of h e )' hu11\t·, bl'n'. Seats on the New York ·tock ex· life thut go t o muke n Chri s tiun 11k lia ni(·1 Slump is nol expected change now ~ell for $ 125. 000, rather ho me id(!a l, t o l i\'(. uny tinH.l , " hlgl] price for th e publio to pay, CLEO STA CY - Se l(· co ntl'ol is but" the lambs continue t o chip in Li 1.tle II l is, Alina lJ ndl'rwood ~ "ent s elf. dil'ection , us well a s self· r e· th(lll' bit, s trnint. a purt of Ia.- t wc~k in Spl'ingfi eld

MY. HOLLY Mr. ISI·uol Sco~t und f amily spen t Sund!lY afternoon with., 1111'. nlltl Mrs. Thomas Liley.

1111': und 1\Il·S. Emerson Dill wer e S Ulldu y dinner guests of :\11'. an d Mrs. Ke nlleLh Soward . of ""ur Alpha. 1111'. li nd 1I!1·~. J ohn Hye I\nd Mrs. \l e rh e r t ;\lal'httL s penl lost. atul'day \l'ilh ;\II'. Elton Evan ~ and fam ily. Mr. and IIlrs. Frank K e ll is and fa mily hud :~ 8 l hrir Iruc~t.s l a ~ 1 S u nd"y. !l1i ~, Dorot hy o lul1Ia n. of Dayt on . Miss Lulu Kellis , of Xenia , IIfr. lI ar li ld Ke lli s, of Dn,Vto n and !Ill', Carl Weiho ld, .l AC',j, R!'edcr and ch ild r(·n \\:i, h to (" I"''',s th ei r sincer e t hanks t o thei r fri end, an d nt·ighbnrs ro l' the ir k ind. ness anrl sYlllj,alhy s hu\\'n th e m at th o d" at h of Lh('i r be lov('d w i f~ und m othe r. T h<.' y 1118(' exte nd the ir thanks to th e mi ni"I<'r fur his con.ol_ ing \\' 1'<lS, MI'. McClure fu r his er. fi " ienL " e n' ic e~ ill l'iln dliC'tin~ th e f u. n end . an rl to nil f or the I cau tiIul tlora l u fl·t·j'i ,, ~s .

' :ac ~i c a \


Instructions In


u ' Ru th \ Vyc, h Sp canr

Now You're Safe It's good to have a gripping tread, a safe tread, under your car. Wet nights, slippery roads, concrete, dirt--The All-Weather Tread takes hold anywhere with a deep, wide, live-rubber neverlet-go grip.


A Goodyear Tire has more traction, more power, more miles behind it, because its ' road-holding power is greater.


Get Our Prices

Waynesville Motor Co. Phone 105







New York Elks, with their grill ALBERT WILS O N- The ni g ht I padlocked for six months will'appre- graduated I did n ot know wh ethe r Cjate tp, trlal~ ot tqoee wpo tread the I was keel down or on my ~ellm ends. hot Sjlndll- -all brothers under thc . MARVIN ALLEN- H.e 18 ~ loq ~I\' IIII!!), elous youth, but all admlr\1 hIS gemal • _ • Pt;llslllent COlllid!!,e I ~ going t(l New mannel'l!. Yor~ lO "pea~. and MrS. Coolidge is !rilIng to shop. Women always seem A YOUNG EYE FQR BUSINESS to g\lt tpe best of i~. . Boy (to doctor. who ha8 been treat.. SqYB SalJl-Another reWlon why the ing a very rich old I)lan) - "How is· fatm ha~ it on t"~ city is thut most old man Simpkins getting along?" farm. h\lVe only one radio set to the Doctor-"Oh, hc 's pretty bad. I'll _qul"~ tnllO, . have to come I\ga~n tomorrow." Boy-"I 811Ppose you'll charge him, The 4!volu~lolllsla Q(llllled(l It to btl too." " blilBIII~g thllt turk en call not relld, Doctor--"O! Clourae, of course. My services are worth mOlley." Boy-"Well, just remember that it A maa claim. h. h'.. di,cO'Ier. was my dog that bit him.'l ... '. wa, to lliill' water with oil, but . ' .a.oline compaa, .a,. h. Call oa u. EoI' :Jour Job Prlatia •. It..le tb. Eormula Erom tbem.

•• •


MI'. Gnlllviliu Bl'nso n left. last WCl' k for Florid", where h e w ill spend so me tim e.


A new P.·T.·A . wus o rganize d II\:" th e new Hi !;'h sc hoo l bui ldin g: Wed- ' il esdu y " ,·enin g. . Mrs. Wayn c ~I\li t h and dHlIl:'hter; of New Burlillghlll. wcrl' ell II ,' r s SalurdllY. o f IIlrs. E li zab cth Smi th. Mr. lin d Mr s. Rulph Thornhurg', of Selmu, an d Mr. und Ml·S. lIl. W. l\\en· denhall were S und ay It Uests of Mr. und lII rs . 1. O. Peterson. The re wil b e a Th ank sgivin g se r· vice nt the M. E. church: Thurs day eve ning . Special mus ic will be fur_ nished from both churches. Mrs. Charl~s Oglesbee's Sunday· School class o f the M. E. churc h, gll\,O a box social lind e nter tuinm ent in the grade building last Frid ny even ing.

Paid on Deposits 1 2 Int"n!llt depc81t.

GRACEF UL TRIMMINGS In the mOllel that I have sketched here nrw y blue brocade q 0Md tor the body 01 the d - . 'l'h. tl~ oollar, the nliorrow Ue cut:& and the iun1c drapery are all mB<lt of Btrlpl 01 plain navy blue crepe de 1lhIne. The small ake,Wt at the upper-' righ t eho..... e the li"oce8s ot ndjus," ,in&' the trimming piece.. The odl'lar and cuffs are maJe double. The tunio which cascadOfl In such graoeluI lines is made of II straight .trip ot material two yams 10r14r twelve Inchea wide. The edges of the tunic flece al'l all plcoted. The materia i8 pinned and thelj tacked IIqOI!IJ the front of the cosmme lUI MOWn, allowing ends to .hang. free.



READERS .-It ,..... h.... d.... m~ probl..... 101 Rulli Wyeth 8,.." ..... tb.m for fOu. .Add,.. 1.0, 1a CUO If


ConSel"ative managem@nt.



n .....papv.

---_a - •_____

About 'tfour


Locatilon most: centraL

Thlnp YoJShou1ci


Bldg. and Loan Asm.

. "1 , "

···Dress Worn by Telephone ()peralors fro",! Yearlo Year

HAI,L'S CATAIIRn ~I E DI C INE con. ' I . ~ ot an Olntm enl whr ch QuIck ly Rultevee t he- ca ta r rh n l Inflamma.tlon. lL n d tho Inlerna l MedIcine. a T onIc. whIch lete t hrough the Blood on t he MUCOU8

With th e a nn ou nce me nt that th e r~ ces, thus r estoriog' n orma l condt. will be II Co rn Show held in Midd le· 3urta tlo ne . t o wn, Ohi o, on Decembe r I"t t o Glh . Sold by druggie t. (or over 10 Yean. th e re com es I.he r c\'clut,ion of a 'lOW F. J . Cheney &. Co .. T oledo. OhIo. e x per im ent in civic cn tc rprisl!. Realizing that corn shows lIrc to be a rather monot onous r ecurren ce thi" ye ar, the Direc t or of the Bureau o( Ag riculture, iI'liddlt-tow l1 Civic " ",0 , eiatio n, who believcH thnt 8j!rirult ul'c is the m os t com pr ehcns ive pro fession , DENTIST conceived th e idea of buildin g n And X-O-GRAPHIST g r euter prid c in it by otTcrilljl' pl'i1.CS f or design s of seu l~ or meda lli ons fur WAYNESVILL E . OHIO agricultural schoQls and f or co m dis. Telephon e 114 elL'le demon strati on s by them. ' The quite unusual featu re, how. OFF[CE; HATHAWAY BLDG. ever, is the part d esign ed for the me r· ON MAIN STREET chanla, who everywhere suffer m or (' or leBS from the competiti on of m a il order house s. He asked the me r· chants to display two articles of standard usage, with their pri ces us compared with the sam e article frum II mail order hou se. Inv es tiguti on in Middletown and n e ighboring t o\\ln5 New bookl et. wr itte n by Gall revealed that they nre often ab le t o Ston e Spe cia list, explains sc ienf urnish these articl cs at II co nsidei'- tific hom e treat'ment p!'escribed able saving to the customer, and the public. be una ware of their exist e nce. for ove!' 30 yea rs Before risking They have fallen in lin e with the operation-read abo ut success of suggestion heartily and thirty of t hem thi s method for cata rrha l inflawill display articles in wh ut will be mati on and infections of Liver, the most unu sUlil occurrcn c.c yet a ttempted in the way of co mmunity dc _ Gall Bla dd er and Ga ll Ducts as associated \V ith Gall Stones. velopment. The event is caUed "Farmers an d Se nt free to anyo ne who writes. Merchants Week" and the slogan, DR.E. E. PADDOCK "Let's Trade Smiles," has been adop· ted. Deskl02. KansasCity, Miaaouri

Dr. H.E. Hathaway

Gall Stones



Fickleness oj Fashion is Shown by Changing Styles of . .

HOW'S THIS? 'BALL'S CA ·I .\J1I1 11 DI K blCllli,]ll w11l

.:t o " rha l we clo.lm t or It -rid rO UT system It Catarrh or Dcn rn of'S en u.ed by : a.tnrrh .

='---- _ .. ---

N. E. Cor. Third & Jeffenoa Sta" Dayton, Ohio.

Controlling Your Weight

....... ' ,

Waynesville, Ohio

'rhere are at least three _ys to acqul rc flesh: to eat too much. to eli mlnate too little, ILIld to ride everywhe re Instead ot wa1ldna. Reverse proceduroe If you .,ouId 1081 flesh. Eat lesa and ex.oardAe roo"" if your adlpoec threateDa. Fat poople uluall7 drink too much fluid at meal.. F1uld8 ALL aM absorption. TMre are m11lfoDi of absorbing glands In the intestIne, and they ani conatantly at work, unles. we may lilnagin.e the l.ymph.channels 80 full that they will hold no more. Fat people lib~o,.h too much- more theII they CAD di. pnse of properly. SlnQl) dl"J fOPtI ''(IN. ,r bs Illore slowly and sparI I' :; ly. YOll r stout lady should d "i,, :, 110 flu!.1 at mealtime nor Boon "ft ~ ,.. Not l) tll ut 1 fiay FI.UlDS. A II dilll t ents Illust be e;x:cluded, tea, n, i, k, coffee, fLlid other pre pared be\'el'''!!,'' ~ /Ire I\S hll.!'lntal a t meals 0$


of ~uga1'1l alld starchea should be o\'oi.1e,1 ILl well, also ' white bread . The six o'e1ock di~ Jler it; the foe of 101111' Ufe. AV0A4 It · Indolent habit s dispose one to fktnefis. OVERFLESH ¥! sluggish, inactive, weakened. tissues. Fa' women hav e tolle~l, rolling on the 1\oor, enduring hard s,,:~at8, sub; mittlng to mauling. ot massilge ""':'all the while l'our1ng dOW1l auld. with meals, and eating Irtx-course, slx·o'clock· dinnerR, .ta1dllg ".a'.'tIfat" Ftne things, apd wO\ldennr why on earth they remliln fail Here I muy emphJl.<dze that druga do not ~move ,the 'CAUSE. bleither will IieIts, . pau, or "suPPllrten" out-do vigoraue ab80rptlve apparatlis, when the ·lntake 'of ~sorbabl. fOod. 18 pushed ,beyond all ~ of the

body. NEXTWEBK_ -otJ'L~••

Natioaal Bank


Will. Drawn .......... E.tate. Settled

Waynesville, Ohio


Dr. John W. Miller Dentist Wayae.ville NatioDal Baak Bid••


Walter McClure

Every Thursday 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.


Reat Room in Grange Bldg.,: Waynenille, Ohio

Main Office

water . EXC ChS


924 X South BrownlStreet, O .. er Siama Theater DA YTON, OHIO

WAYNESVILLE. OHIO Fully Equipped for Good Service. Large Display Room. Ambul a nce Sel'vice T E LEP FlO N~:







.At Cary's JewelrY ShQP



llarieysburg Fertilizer Co~. ..... •



Thil Ey" 5i,bt Speciali.t

Lebahon. Ohio


Ev.ery ...00 a. _. ~ue8day' to ,. .. __


'-- -



Lnurn SilloR \I'll· in

TI~I' ~ dny ,


MI'. Wnlll' r te: IUT · was in l,('bunOli, Tu esday .


Rlldi n Epl",,!opul mnrk t n nd AJirOIl sale , o n D ecember 12th. A hy wilh ('\,(' ry fiO,' purchllse lit ary's Jew elry Shop . I ... nnd Mrs. J . S. \' n nri erVO(lrt were in Leba no n, Fridll Y.

~nytlln' l PREST·0·1I1 E


J (>h n - will att!'ne l the in I nYI <llI, Frillny.


MI'. W11I . Kemp. of Kcrnp & J o rdun ' (lut

IIf ~l' Ilfl i lln" ,~


~ e vcru l duy ~.

M i~~ Mnrl!'arC't Edwnrds. o f t he nll"t ll n ~ d",," s . i ~ s " "ntl inl!' the we c'k


Th l' hl'" 1 dln in ~ on the m llrkct are '"l' ~ l r Kny Tin' Chllin ~. .::ice J . ,C 1i," Edlin Mu ll ell wn ~ "h opp in g C. Iluwk •.. ping in 1 nyton, Thursday.

~Ir". !'arnh Zim nwrlllnn :I nti Mr~ . ~ II· . ulld MrF. l\ elnlH ~I r ll " h and IiL Amunti " ~l l1 l1ilt \I' '\'\' <hnp"in!!, in !Jny t Oil . ~ I oll d ay. lit' Bi ll y . IH'rl' in Da) t nn . ~I \. nduy . ~Ir .

Frank I I. Fan' i, ("' lIfi ncd to ~ I r. II IlrId d \\' illi: mSll n. (If E lyr i" , til\' hou s!' "utfl!ring with "Yl' trou hll'. (Jhi .. . i" ' '''' lIil illl: the Th lll lk$g ivinl: htd iday!'i al h i:i h u m e h ' re ,

Cou ntry Cl ub , 12 1.1 pound Sack . . , .


C.C .,24 1·21b. Sack .. .

Sl.1~C l i ft o n, 2 4


1- 21b .Sa ck ..:. .~ .09

1 ' .) Pound Loaf, Each . . .. . . . . . . .


The bes t c hnin. o n th l' nlHrket a r c thc Mc Kay T ir e hain. . :Sel' J . C. ~Ir. ~I " lTi ~ .Idfcry nnn Mi"s ~ Ii! 1I I1w kl'. lal'll .,. f 01"·,, Brunch call"ci on Mr. "lid ~Ir ". t'. II. ~lte r w t\o el . Sunda y Mr. nntl Mrs. RII I"h Mi ller nnd M r~. r\'l' n in ).!", En , Mi lle r \I'~I'(' ~ 1t "I'" in~ in Dayt on . W ecin esda y. ~ I r. anel Mr ~ . Chll rl es lI ink lc' "lid hll'''. " nut run/! , of 1I 11l1liltlln. w ~re Mr. li nd M r~. G" n r/!e lI f1 r tMck 11I'l' I!",·,ls .. I' Mr. IIIId Mrs. Ad" m ~h' ll oh, ",'lJlldinJ: thi ~ week with r e lnt ivcs in SundHY, Gr ee ll\'il1 e , Oh io. Wil y. n nt II rrnlll!l' fo r a flU:!', ('x· Mrs. 'Ja n ie W ridl t. o f S prin g bor o. Htlllnatllln of ,'clur ("'~~ nl' xt 1 1H'!'lis visiting Mr s . .Ju li a Do nova n nncl dny hy Dr. Hu;lnlph. ,; ur "p t umet ris!. ot he r r c hi tive s here. ('ary's .Iewel ry Shop. Ll'bn non .

I P o und Loaf, Eac h

IOc 7c

, ,22c OLEO Eatmore per pound CRANBERRIES P;~und 2 0c

M rs. C h n~. Gray s pent th e w eek· MI 'll. II<,n 1';- Suttert hwllite , Mrs . e nd in C in ci n nllt i. th e g u est o f IIlr. F r eel Stn up, Mrs. Wllrre n Esp y, Miss· an d Mrs. J . R. Bnke r. l'S . Ru th nn d Mury Satte rthw uite ""l'nt Wl'u nestl uy wit h !\Irs. J llm e. M is.~ Mnry Sn nll' r me ie r , o f W c~t · Morri s ,o f Subi l1 !l. woo d . Bpl' n t th e w('e k·e nd wit h her au nt , lIt r~ . H . G. C ross. T ak e yo ur sho ppi ng n~ e ds t o ('ary' , '/ .. w(· lry Sit"". nn d mnk e th i, !l1isB II l' le' n Grnha m. o[ Ha r vey.- y eal' ~' ('hri~tl11a ~;, htl~' iJ1~ th(, pl (' n ~ an L hul'!!'. was th" I:, u·, t o f Mr s . Ray Mills \.'::,t yo u h~l\' c ("\'( 'r k ll llwn , A K(·y \\-'i lll nnd famity. Tu c~tlllY night. eve r ftOe pUl'chll s('.


Never Too Much Corn!


~ uto moblle gcn crntors a r e built nn d ad j usted to III l1i ntnin n pr opll r . torag· butt ery vo ltage un der ove r· ugl' d ri vi ng conditi vns . No mnllufllcture r clln antic ipate the dri,,)ng nc~ds o f e ve r y individual, Adum F. 1II ell oh, loco l Prc.:st· O· Lite d e nier . pllint s o ut. Ther efore, sa ys Mr. Met lo h, t he p urchnser of a new or use d '111' sh ou ld vc r y pt'o mptly c heek up on the c hal'gi n/! rut e o f hi s gene rutor "nd~ r a ctu ul d r ivinj!' co nditio n s, in Il l'd H to " void ovc r chllr g ing, with its IIttondll nt de t erio rllti o n t o batte ry u n.1 Illlnl'" , or tlncl., rc hnr g ing, wi lh ib acco mpan im e nt o f un expect ed f uilure (If the ~t.a rte r t o " turn o \'er." Th e usc t o whi ch th e owne r put s h i ~ cll r hus 1I grent de u l t o do with t his qu estio n of batte ry co n dition . Ta k., two car s t h ut are id en t icn l in l' V(' r y r espect, even t o t he adj us tm e nt "r t he ge ner ato r bru sheH. One of tht' m is driv e n by a city doc to r, wh o mil k!'" "' "ny 's tu rts Iln cl st ops with s l",rt rU ll S be twee n . T he o l her is dri ve n by a so lesman wh o ma kes lo ng rUI .. bet w een t owns princ ipall y in d"y l ig ht . C hances are t hal the doctor i_ druwi ng current (r om hi s bot · t~I'Y ut a m o re ra o id r at c thu n he is I'l'ple ni sh in g it. On t he othe r hand t il\' snlesman may be 8ubj ec-tin g his hlltL(· ry to an ove rcharg e which gives lin c xcess of voltage at th e la mps, un d cn USes t he us ua l de t eri oratio n of tho butte ry l h ut g oes IIlong w it h over c ha rJ,\'in g Adjust me n t of t h e gen cr nto r to l1I ~et ind ividual d ri ving needs is a co mparllti vely si mp le mutt e r t o t hc He r viee s tntio n . lin d it is .n s ure me th_ ud of mAi ntuin ing a s utisfactory ba t. te r y voltAge Whe n the d riv er know. thut hi . bntt e ry is o l' ~ I' (' h ar/! ,' d , the co nditi " n mil, be nil e .. (l' ,l hy t u rning on t he full power , r , hc· 1 ,' uulig hlS f or II tim(' with t i cllg in , s toppep. rreqlll. ntJy mo t ::{t :~ 111 :d ng- long rlllY -

The farme rs of W arren County are harvesting the largest corn cro p this fall th at they have had for a number ot yea rs. Since this has bcen the o nl y depe ndable crop thi s yea r, th ey w ant to get all th ey ca n out of it, wheth er it he ove r th e scJl es o r thro ugh th e li ve stock o n th eir farm s. \ Ve think 1h (' latter is th e 1l10st profitable.:: \-vay. if the pro per suppl clnent is used.

If you nre in terested in this hetter pla n fo r in creasing the valu e of ) '. ,UI' corn, ~, i\'c li S (l call. W e h ;I\·'..' hot h the intormati o n and th e suppl em "nt to improve th e value of your ( o :·n.

~ i g ht rlln ~ \\ ~ i·'If·'f 1(,ll l Uti e uf th(' - :'>11'. ",ol'l Gray. o f Batll vin, was the I .I f)" on the I' olld r T tl{' "L llyal \\'olllcn" (1f t he F e rry "ta rl eI', bul'l . l-(ul'M <or hi s s ist.,r. MI·S. Cu rl Du ke ., church (If Clll·i,. t wi ll hold II llIark l· t til l1Iu i n lnin i.L nu1'llia l \'l)ita J(c and f"mil)" I n s ~ Thurs duy nig ht.


\\'a"!Il '~\' ill ll

~:( rd,

(,' l' mlll' r"




Nice 6-room House; both wa ters in house ; garage ; 2 good big lots on corner of st reets; good location ; loca ted in Wa ynesviIle ; only 11800.00. Call or write

Phone No.2,

Cent~rville, Ohio

Ther~ i~ n \' 3"t tlilf l' I'l'n, (. in ~ iI \'!'r· Be among th e hup py fo lks wh ose Ch r ist mas G if t Proble m" nr c Solved Wal·c . " Yo u('t·. ' " b lik(, sl<' rlin ~ Ill1ci E\' ('r\' at CUl'y's Jewclr y S hop, " T he Ho m e t>nu t lt'{\S llll ll\ ~(\ I H'l'at ion ~ , pi~ee /!ull r antl·cd. :-; " ld in W n rr~ ;, o f Gifts ." o unty l\ nl~' I.)· Cal'),', .l l·\\,,·II'Y Sh" I). LcLllll on . Abo u t twent v of St . Mary's con grl'gatio n atte nd"d the mission ser T he ltil'lhda~'~ (I f hll·>. lIarry W il· ·\'ice;; lit Grnce c hu r Ch , Lebanon, S un lialll son, Ir s. Ed Th o",as . Mrs. Frank dn y even ing. Elbpn, JIll'. Will Sh''''\\'lIoc\ IIn el ~I r s. Mr. nt~ d Mrs. ,I. C. H awke a n d Mr . R. G. Cr oss wus c .· I.,j,r.'t~ <l with II J o hn. P r o mm and f a mil y $pent S un- din ne r at t he h (l llle ,.f Mrs. Cr oss, on day in Dayt on wit h Mr . a nd Mm. Sun dll Y. NO " eml"'r 22. with t he hu s· bnn us un d JIl l'. lin d ?Ii I'S. lI e rm nn CO" . Ha y Huwk e. lI e r !l nu Miss Mu rv Sorncl'llleicr of Wcstw ood. . Mrs . Emerso n Mason spent We dn esd ny a nd Thurs d llY of lust wee k On last Friday cn'n i,, /! ~l r . 1I11e1 ill Dayto n, th e g u es t of Mr. a nd Mrs . Mr s. Walt e r S hee han Wl'l' e \'C ry pi ensC. W . Y ounce. a ntl y s u r prised in III 'nt .,I')' o f the ir firs t wedrl illJ{ a n ni\' {! r~a r y. T hose Your E yes-Let Dr. Rud o lph, our pre'se nt to enjllY the () ~·~ t c r nnd fr u it eye specialis t, he lp you to Sig ht Sa fe- s upper we' r e, Mr. unel Mrg. E lm er ty. Ca ris J ew e lr y hop, e l'I'TY She ehan. Mr . nn.1 Jlft·.. Chest(' r Cr ock T u esday , L e banon . ett und dau!!'!:lle r, Cla rn . Leo, M r~ and JIIrs. ElJi s McCl u l·c . of Sp ringMI'. a nd un d II1 rs. J a mes McC lure, boro, und Mr . Ilnd Mr s. Ca l'1 Cr oll. Mrs. Walter McC lur e, Mrs . W ilson o f F l'a n kli n. Edwa rds and daugh t er, Marj o rie, were in Du yto n Mon day.


F. T. MARTIN, Auctioneer

Mrs . Will R ussum. of Dayton , was he r e last w eek h elping t o cu r e for her m othe r, Mrs. J. W. E dward s, who ha s bee n ill w ith pn e umo nia .


3lit DAYTON POWER &LIGHT (0:5 Preferred Stock Price $96 Per Share w.

TO YIELD 61/4 %

arc glad to otter our cUJtomera another ~ppor. IUIllty to become partnm in our business. Thia fa !!lade possible by an issue of $1.000,000 par valw oJ our 6% Cumui.1 tive Preferred Stock, recently avthorl1.ed by the Utiliti~ Commission of Ohio. . Dlvldend, on our Preferred Stock e.Ie paid on th~ of each month a t the rate of $6 per ahare, per )"QI'. In other words, all our Preferred Share.



u our Company receives i~ income monthly, o ur customer-ownue receive their propor tionate aba re rI the Company'! ea rnings every mon th.

Pounded on a fu nd amental, necessary eervice to


community and backed by a eucceasful propaaIve compa ny, w ith iu unbroken div idmd ncord 0!1 ita Preferred shares since organitation in 1911, tha bccomee I safe and profitable inv~tment opportunity well worth your wh ile. . AlII pre. ent holders of our Preferred ' tock what cbev think of it u an investment. Many of them .nlI undoubtedly uk for more ahne. as 800n u this UIllOWlcemcnt appearl, but w e are &nXiOUI for 118 Gllny of our C:U8tomeu u possible to take advantage rl tbia annctive lnvatment, and therefore euggeet that you make further ina tliri~ abou t it withour

delay. .


_--- - - - - Hao Idea 01 It.

Jo; xp lnl nlng

" ~ " p ' l lt ~·

to hi . "'tie RA td : "" m r nna th nt If yn ur gr nnc1tllth e r cli ps wltl.oUI nny chllctren. you r C" IIll' r won' I hnve ROY nnd you woo', hnvc uny."-BuatoD Tninll<'rlpt, cor npn nl " " . B oh h ~

------- _.



IposWeit ively , the f oll o wing f a rm o'~ners, fOI'birl an y h un ti ng ' or


,trappin g on o nr forms . Any viola. l ion of t hc same will be prosecution nccor din g to law an d to the fulles t ex t e n t : -

XENIA DISTRICT 3 7 S . Detroi l S lr .... t Xe';i a, O hi o

....................... .....

. . .. . . t • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • , • • • • • • •

Am e r ica i" t he H e rmit na tion and lhe lead er s f o r p~ncc u re in Eu· r ope a nd n ot in A m e ric a , a ccordi ng to Rev . C. E ve rett Wag ner , of New York, who laud s t he Leag ue of Nati ons un d ud vocates t he entra nce of th e Uniled States in to ' a Leag u e Co u l'b clo ubtl ess as a pre lim inar y step t owa rd h is iu ea J. It is t o be hoped tha t t he r e is n lead(·rs h ip fo r p ea ce in E urope ns tha t wa r t orn con tin e nt cer t a inly n eeds it. In Am e ricn every o ne is fo r pence. W e hav e n o ar m y whi ch co uld be used for aggressive warfa re and we ha ve ut o ur own 8ug'g-est ion e nte red in to a n in t e rnatio n a l agr ee me nt to cut down o ur navy in prop o rti on as the othe r n" vies o f th e world arc re du ced We Im ve n o wur pr ob le ms in t he Wesl ern he mis phe r e an d a re not /! oing to in it iate a n y. The war da nge rs arc in t he Old W or ld und t hey ur e no t of Our mak. in ~ . T her e is u peac e leader shi p in Eur ope, a s Re v Wugne r s uggcst.. , a nd if it is a re a l lead e rshi p and n ot Il sha m. it ha s p len ty t o do. It has a fi ne c ha n ,·c t o show ils effi c iency in Mo rocco, in Sy ria nnd in Chin n, t o say nothing of a ha lf d ozen oth er plac es w her e t he /l a mes a r c apt to brea k out a t Iln y mom e nt Reverend Wag ner seem s t o think t hat if th e Unite d St ates had jo ined t he league t h es e proble ms would have ' bee n e lim inated. H ow ! Co uld we ' ugges t t o Fra nce tha t it a bandon ed its wa r in Murrocco a n d its mand a t e in Sy ria! A nd could w e have eliminat ed Ch ina's t r ou b les by inducing t ho nnli on s o f Eu r ope l o Icav e her a lone '! Th r! on ly W il Y it co uld be d one "' f' uld be l hro ug- h the u ~ e o f fo rl· c. ::t!. e1 th a t is what we nr c seck.


Hall the coupon, t r lephone our OIJa"H tmtnt Depar t Illent," or uk an1 'lIIploi~. ,



inJ! t ~ a\' ui }l'()r \\"1,,,' ca n lIn doub l~ eel Iy d o III 0 rt' hy mnru l s Ullsi o n fro m t~ ll' uul s idl\ t h df l f !'o lll wilh in. Hc\,. W ll v n tll' "Iys I hat Unc le S:..II llU~ iJ P£Hl pl; tyi ng t1 cowardl y g am e u f isolntio n, ff Rc:·,'. Wagner 's br eas t is ti ll t·d wit h c r u<fllli n/:: he mij!'ht /!o tu Eur ope an ti try it u ut p er sona lly . T he Il wuke lt ill!!, jo lt w o ulu be of in,'s t im a h le be lH' lit t o him .

holden receive twelve dtvidend checks a year. Just





Vl aynesville, Ohio

1111 \ \"('dn('!'(!J\\", np+ \\ 11('1"{' V fl U (.'~ln bu\'

Th p r egu la r meeti ng of t he W . C . y uu r L' h ri::, tlllm; l'H t~, . . T . IJ . will h e held :lllhe ho me o f Mrs . I \\' ait(·), M.· IUl'e, T uesduy, Dece mber M)'. nnd Mr<. I{ (I ~' lIa t ha way mov· J sl. ('d thi$ lI'el'" to Ilill, h" l'o . Ohi,). wit ' r e :'>11'. II nlh"II'''1' is in hu s in,·ss. MI'. nn d M)'s. F. B. H e nd e r so n , Mrs. Th(' Lt.'~l wj..:.h,':- Ht tllt.lir many fri ('n ds Kllt (' C01('1llIln unci Mrs. D. L. Cran e in WIIYll l',v iliL- and "irlnily f o llllll' W\!I' in Xenia a n d Be ll br oo k. Mo n· thon!. d uy.


W3Y1er'I~ ;e farmers' Excha]1'~ C u.



Makes Flow" ... Bloom. c1 I',·p.topl n!( ('Ipetr le II l'h t tn nn

tnt ('n slt ~· n n~- rol1rth

I h ut of t hi' ~\lll ' ~ nh),' t o h 11111111 Ilt II I)rt'd,"

ra~'~ , (,xJlll rlnll'l1lt' l'~ 1t 1t\'P tWI'1l


fl u \ \

,' rs

t er mlnt"ld tl Il U-, :Jnd to mnt urI'



t uhles In f l'um t wo to th rrf' w l.'cl'!l l ess [lU ll' rh :1Il I l" I'I Tlu ll~' pla (l!'O t's lit> l wet:'n ph' , ." P!! II IH I rll\(·lI l n ~.


--- -'- ---LYTLE



4 5 Volts

1\[r s. S . H . Bu'l-nct wns n D n ~' l o n "is it" r, " l'Ilncsduy. Mr. a nd ~ I rs . Ch us. E. J ohn s w ere Dnyto n v isitu r s, Sut urdny. Mr s. W. M. Cnle m an <pe nt severa l ,I..,·, lus t wce k wi t h he r sist er a t Hum. ilton.


Burgess Batteries

22 14) Volta


---_.- -- - - -- - - - - - .


?ll rs. Ed d L onl!'a cr e Iln d da uj!'h t er . Mi ss Al! nes, we r e Dlly to n s hoJlpers Thu rsday. A nu m be r oC fo lks he re he ard P r es. oo li d ~c's s peech o ver the rudio. Thu rs da y eve nin g . A suc cess fu l seri es of me eti ngs at Lytle churc h closed on Wedn csduy e ve ning of lust w eek. ~ I rs . J. E . Sm ith s pent n co uple of ,. ua ys la st week w ith he r mother. Mr s. Jack, n ea r Hagerm nn. Mrs. Arthur White und c hi ldre n, o f Da yton , were Friday g uests of Mr. an d Mr s. Kesler Gra ham . Eot w ith the Ladies Ai d nt th oir c hick en , upper at Lytl e h ull, Thu rsday even ing, Decem b er 3 . Th e Mothe rs club of Lytl e sch oo l will give a n e nte rta inme nt a t the 9<:hool ho use, F r irla y eve nin g . Mrs. L. B. Hall and children, of Wayn es ville, spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Harr y McGinnis. Re membe r th e Quarte rly confe r ence at t he church n e xt Sunday Ilfte rn oon. N ove m ber 20 . R ev. J. C . Ro ber ts will preach. JIf C. a nll Mrs . P e te r Ban ta and so ns, Me lvin an d Merlyn, we r e Sunday g uests of Mr . and Mrs . Frank KenLy a nd so ns, in Columbus. Mrs. H. M. Cla rk visit ed s everal clays las t week wit h f J;i ends in Dayton , ns mely, Mrs . T, MartiD, Mrs. Belle Coo n a nd Mrs. C. S . Lamb. Mr s. Guy Ro utzahn and da ugh t er, Geneva Ma e, return ed hom e , Monday e ve ning , 0 fter spending se veral days wit h r elatives a t Tippecanoe City. Mr. a nd Mrs. Will Creighton visited Mr. Thom as Saylor in Spring Valley, Su nday. Mr. Sa yl OT remains quite poorly si nce he f ell from a horso sev_ e ral weeks ag o. Mrs. Kesler Graham ontertalne d he r Pri mary S. S. clas. to 0 Thanksg ivi ng party at her home Saturday e vening, in honor of the beginners a nd their mothers. M~. a nd Mrs. S. H. Hainea and son, .Tames. Mr. a nd Mrs. Walter Ken ri ck, were Sunday dinne r gu est s ~ f Mr and Mrs. Jo seph Grassi a nd chi ldre n , in Dayto n. Mr s . R obe r l Hunl a nd son , War:·c n. we r e in a n accide nt Mo nda y cv· 'n in/::. whe n t heir car co llid ed wich 'In ot he r on t he Day t on · pik G at th e Lyt ic r oad cross in ~ . B ot h cars we r e la ll1 (lJ?cd , bu t n o on e wa s h ur t. Th e Llld ies A id o f Lytle c hurch will h" ld t he m o nth ly bus inl'ss a nd soc i:d mrl' li ng W ednesday o f ne xt we e k, Dece mb er 2, f r om 1 .t o 4 p. m .. a t t he h ome of Mrs. S. H. Haines. a ocl 'I .\1 r ~ . W a lt er Ken ri ck. Th e us uu l off erin g will be take n t o r eplenish t he .\iu t ,·cas ur y. Mr. an d Mrs. O"nl S urface and so n, Do nn ld, Mr. a nd Mr s . Ru sRell Bu r n ~ t ' and c hil d ren, Mr s . A deluid e Burnet I 111 ,1 so n , Ha rl'y, spen t Sun day a t ' Springboro, wit h Mr s. Burnet' s pa r· enls, Mr. a nd Mrs. 'Mur ce llus T hackera, Sun day bein... Mr. T hackera's 8 0th birt hd uy.

$10.00 Radio Repairing

Radio Tubes, $1.50 at



Stor~ if

Beller Values....




Candy Department' is Down-to-the-Minute Fresh

Supply Twice Each Week

Try Our Wine Balls!

Try Our Golly Papal




TeO the Advertiser you read bis Ad. in the Miami Gazette

PREPARE for WINTER In our new location, we are bettE'r prepared to take care of your wants than ever before. Our stock is very complete (or :ynur winter needs

C oaloil

Heaten, Heatrolas, clnd Stoves of all kinds: Feed Cook~rs. Lard Cans, Coal Hods, Coal l'ong8 and Stove Supplies.


\ A new shiplDt'ntor Aluminum. Granite and Pyrt'x Ware.


W h i zAnti·Frt't'ze fgr \ am rndiator. Guaralll ~ed Pu\ it in now Gnd ~ I I' P worrying.



A delicio us birthda y d inn e r WUR s prv ed Sunduy nt t he hom e of Mr. nn :! ~'l l'~ . Wu lt e r Cla r k, in hon or o f Mr. : Cla rk's bir t hday anniversary . Th ose who enjoyed lhe occasio n we r e : Ml'. a mi Mrs E .mc r Rogers and grandtJl.l ul!'htcr , Ma rgar e t , Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Yo un ce and MIss Kathryn Clark, of Wa yne.ville , Mr. and . Mr•• Milt on Sheeha n, of Oentervllle and MIs8 ~1i l dl;ed' Clark, of. Cen'tervflle, MilS Dorothy Pierce. Messrs, Earl and Ev_ er ett Clark, ot Dayton; Mr. a~1I Mrs. W ilbur Olark, Mr. and Mrs. Charles ClarkJ.Mr. ",d Mrs. H. M. Clark and Mrs. ~ary Cannon"

- -- - - ' . ~------..,..--


Fred M. Cole~,. ,

, Hardw~re, Harpeas,

Fflrrn M,..~hlRe;1





Seven ty;Sev cnth Year


Tha nksg ivin g ,Day App ropr iate ly Observed at the Frie nds Hom e

11Ds Week )







~ Ethel flunnel, • young girl of the Univen lty of illinois, beat fifty-eig ht me" 11'1 a cattle jlldglqg competi tion, and tba\ isn't aurprisl ng. Women bad to' be good judges of anlmalo to exerc\ae ,discreti on ' In plcldlll out their husband s. Nature hili ,Iven them' power to see clearly and . fp~ !'o\lnd judgme nt at a glance )rIan>: a huaban~ who thinks he did die picking was to reality the one 'picked • by a n'atural- born judge of , IIve~ • .


A' n'ilw comet I, discover ed In the e.olaiteU atton of the ' Hunting Do&" a .·'....n -comet. Fortuna tely we have leJQ'Jleil not to be afraid, even of bIg on .... ; We no longer ring church belli to frighten the cornet away, as our. n did; ,We 'm eaaure, and ~€a.orue' it.

.:. W. ougbt to get on our knees and · ~lC ,B eaven for that wond erful , eniten 'of all ahock ablorbe rs, our • • . 8dCQtia ta are surprised by a ahow. el' '01 ' meteo"" unu. ual at this time ~ . ~. TIley an IUppose d to be . eon d With the "Leoide " ahowers · that mbud thi; earth once In thir·\t)'.UIte e , ..n. If It were not for · .~beri'a fuulltiol l, Which melts the ...eteOI'l, great b10cu of stone ,would bombar d our earth, and aoon - Jll1tM1dl wou14 bl! left alive to lII&ke 111111t~tlpl)a or records.

Prompt ed by their kindnes s of which wa." written 8 Biblicnl selcch eart and desir'll to add cheer and tion, or s · stan za 011poetry appropr ihappine ss to the member s of the ate to the day, which were read aloud t he fnmily WI\S seated. househo ld, Superin tendent J. L. 1IIen_ after The feast, with roaat goose as the den hall and Matron Mrs. Menden hall, piece-dc _resistan ce, was prepare d and 01 the Friends Boardin g home, Apared served by Mrs. Menden no pains to make Thanksg iving a red_ and effi cient u8sistan \ulll,'s faithful te. Misses Emma letter day in the calenda r, and th eir Raphun , Ethel Me ndenhul l an r! Eva oft'orta were crowned with abunda nt McMilla n, and left not hing to be desuccess. , sired. Upon entering t he dining room at After retiring to t he the noon hour, the sight that greeted r idor, Mr. Menden hall snaciou 8 corprese nted R VR _ the eyes brought forth exclnma tions rt ed but well selected program of ol delight and admirat ion. The two ch oice Vi ctrola mU B ic, and Inter t he long tables w er e plneod in the form mY8t~ri O u 5 radi o brou ght t he H ome of a T , sy mbolic of Thanksg iving, in to immer!iu te t ou ch with the outwhile in the center of each WAIl a s ide world. tasteful ly arrange d display of fruite, The fami ly in the Home f eel the nuts, vegetab les and vinea, ahowing deepest g r atilu,l e to the rich autumn colors, not omitting and Mn. M~nd e nhall Superin tende nt a few ean of golden corn. T hQ en- to IJU t 'cheu r and f or th eir efforts brighne ss in to tire etfcct waK an inspirat ion. At th c Iivcs of their chnrgcs . "May l ig ht each plate W illi B s li p of purer upon I perre t unl s hin e upon th e m."

==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ===== Chris tmas Seals

During t he year seye m l stude'.'te have expresse d th e Wish for a 11\"1' literary club, so with t his in view . 8uch an organizati on wus f ormed la Rt Wedn esday. At this meeting Rh ea Janet Ca rtwrigh t "'"" e lec t!'d president a nd th e club lInnn imll"ly vo ted to c~clude Crom mc mbHKh ip 1\\1 s tu dents whose English wllr k <l ue s not average B plus. The wnr k ll f th e club will probllbl y RUPl'lcnw nt olher literary work, and it is pla nn ed thllt at each w\lekl y m eeti ng. a n aulh or and his most impor lant wll rk s will be discusse d. S uch an ol'l: a ni zati on is entirely n ew in (l ur s cholll, and it is the duty of the memb,' rs t o Ree t ha t It becomes a fix ed f ac tor in th e r ou· tlr> ' of the W . R. S.

J ournalis m classes. under t h e supermio n of Miss Smith. ar c being planned in connect ion wi th t he school paper "The Gleane!"." All t he wnrk on ' paper \I'm ue done at these valu a ble poillts will be 'Tfie 1~P9rt11nt tjllng JII the crea- ~~~~~:~r;:~ and I\l! to st yl es (If wriling. good UOII . ot ghi!drt! l II .pfegt oll-qot 1... ' ... .' ,."nIR sub j ect mutter in cuch de~ A eblld'I ' atart In life 48- partmen t, etc. Whilc "The G1 enn er" ~ not on the father' a hnk ae- has only a s mall circul nlion. it is th e ' .. ~t;),Ut on tbe mother' s love and general feeling of H. S. pupils tha t ~~ tof her children 's father. much credit Is du e th ose wh o put ~ devot, d ~p hlt wife (orth an effort each yeur in it.. beft bit . dttn. thc! r~itt atart, if hal!. A certain school spirit. whitlh • .JtvtI! , n: ,,~~tb anq oharact er, is often lacking in s ma ll sch ools, ,!,~Ollt · mq"", . seems to be present, wh ere such a • • pubJlcat ion is issued. All tcn lUmllelll , ),ou never can tell. ' . ~1exandC!l' tlie Great WIUI a one and Mrs. t, secretar y to t he .~,. Caruo foUowe d after ejgll-- Preside ntGum\;>/lr of Mtami..J acobs Busin e.s J'!Illnaer brotben and alsten. coHere, will adllro Hs the H. S. Frida)' : ;~......V Wi§(!r than bjrth con- afternoo n, lit 12 :30. Her s ubje(lt will V' fl' 'url!JIi~. Th, mother ~~~t concern "Charao ter and P~l' so nality WIlDt. .,blJ~ h .. tho beet q}l1l\1~Q. In Busines s." Any ono, partioul arly •.' .. ..., interest ed "long this lin e, Is invited i~_!b' rood and learned Blahop Ool- t(\ attend the addrell . IUI& DeIIn" ..,elkln r In North Carou~ · .' ad'(laft ml" to wear muatach ea The church attenda nce in H. S. as' eir bJid,e of maaeuli nlty." lOt Novemb er was as f ollOW8! . • beNtatt to dlaagree .wlth any F'NIrhm Girls ...... ...... . 98.8 per cent 1I1M6p. • tt'. like • hop'toad arguilll' Senior en Girla.......... .. .. .... 98.2 per cent '......".-. -lOC9lllotive, but there an Sopbom ore Girls .. ....... . 96.66 cent 'maD)' ....· of "maaeu llnity" Witbout Junior Girlll ...... ........... .. .96.8 per per cent __ mlllUl e"' . . Senior Boya.......... .. . " ... 94 per cent .. JUbior BO)'l ... .. ....... .... .... 93.3 per cent -' Alu8lH ltr, tile Great, who made the Sophom ore Boys ... .... ..... 90.9 per cent _00\111" fashiona ble, was mAlC1l· Freehma n. BO)'l,., .. , ...... .. 86.6 per cent , ~, ano~: a~ Caeaar and Napo-




.. .l


te9~ . .~~ ,,~ t~!l .f~lr1f'


----.. ..----


Dim. ' ''Ji~it'''lt!l '!'!lli ."-9 !!'!I~ .,.., l~~" 0 e" b·"I'll "fle 1tI1If-

~ . IIICl let, ;

. . ~ JlI~' ~mld of ~hll 1Ii.opM;e"z. ~ ~ m\JltllGII~ lind to II.. au non,


'\'81'1 mueUll ne. , You

UIl~ tell~ .




" 'Jholl7d iln, IIi tl.\e vilible' unlvene frOm the of an o,ater to the b~ ,1ItaI' AldebanUa, II made up ot fewll' . . . QII!'. oa, bundred dureren t "el.· mQta" 01' l.Ilbitancea. . A ·f ... an m~, and tWo KlmtlItI! .Jarilla. , Bej'ron kt and ProfelltOr IDoleJH~' IPInoUJI•• the dileo.,er y o, ' oal JDO~ wbleh, thef ' call "dviln.




., '.


,'_i' i;:I1i_-;:eo."..


The el.vato r at Roxann a, operate d the Sprlnlf Valley Farmen ExCo., waa totally destroye d by orilfina~lnlf in the back fire from oil engine, aoon after noon yellterday. r,len from the surroun ding country did valiant lIervlce in saving the acUolni nc . propert y with amall 10811. Wheat. other graina and feed stored In the 'buildln lr amount ed to some $12,000 .00 of value. It III stated tbat the compan y carried :$18,000.99. \J1!1~r!lnoe, . ---=~;,. -


w. C. T. U. Mrs. Walter McClur e

Meets Will

TIle attenda nce was good. Many account l of the advance of ProhibItion in lands, ali well as our were given. 'fhe White reachin g around the world, law enforce ment, the world is going dry.

Will Broa dcas t Master Bobby Davis. li ttle son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymo nd D n vi ~ . o f Dayton will broatlca st [mill Slation WSMK, Dayton, on T h u!"s!luy evc nInr, Decemb er 3, at 8 :30. Mr, and Mrs. Duvis woa ld nl'l'rociate having a repor t f"om anyone of \tie Jocal radio audjenc e, who happens to hear the li ttle fellow's performanc e.

I~'~I I



t r ac ti \' e eV('Ir

fi J!' ht o}.!'a in q try,

i lti' l'rt'lIll l!'ob in thi !l co un -

T lw d U\l h h! - I ~an·l· d l' '' O~S. e m blc\1l " I' I Il l' r l'\I<ad" "l-[lIi nst t ulH'rcu . l o s i ~. i!' !OlltlWll in rj·d on the· !-i cn l, (tut! is li)!,lill·d lo y two eand lp,. A louch () f

holl y I1dd~ th,' Ch l'i:t mns at mospher e . mnk illg' H Iwppy t' (lInbi na ti o n f o r u n

C h,'; xt Ill"" S.. Il I. Il l'l'

Nnl iollu l

i S~ Ii ('d by th e Hs~\) c i H t io n, 1' 1"11 11\ th e ir 8ale. I'"r l'u~(,s .

Tu hl' I'(' u l o!i" i ~

nnd 11 11 p r" ('cedg arc u, cd f .. r hoalt h

In Ro ra rd to the F ea.ibilit y of Ha .. ina. Com munity Chr iatmu C~lebr.tion

DIII'ing r ecent w ee ks lhe idea of " C\lmmun i ly Chri stm a s tr ee has b('(' n exp ressed b y vari ous p erson s on scv eral occasion s. T o lorin g such un id ca into "cl ion. calls f or so me pe rson or n q~uni zuti o n to ma ke 80 m" move which wi ll cun to':!e th er th e f orers o f th e co mm un ity to decidt· UI' on a d cli llit~ pr nl( ralll u f acti uII , With t hi s id en in mind th o Brothe rh oo d of th e M~lh ltd i Rt chu l'c h a rc exte ndin g u ca ll f or u mee ting o f t he r e ligious , fra te rnul nnd "oci a l orga ni zati ons to me et ut th l" T ownsh ip e W c ~n '· s. ti ny (' \, enlll j!. I)ec m bc l' ;! nt 7 :3 0 p , ' Ill .. to <l i ~C ll KS l he mntte r. In l1l!lk in ~ Ihis ca ll th e Br(,t hc rh o()d is IIw n ·ly IIc tin g a s un in ilint.ury body. The)' hnpc e'a ell or )!'u ni w ti ol1 \\'ill : e nd tW(, re pl'e"c ntativ s 10 th e mee ting . If at th liL t ;ml! lher e i. It desire f or it un orgnni zatinn cun be per fec t ed t lJ cn rry "lit an y pla ng t hat may be Ild u Pl cd~ t lhat}~ c~ _ __


Amollg the pl easant s oc ial evente recorde d on th" Than ksgi ving cale ndar , was th c me eting o f the New Century club a t l he home of Mrs, J . W. White , th e aft crnoon of Novemb cr 27th . After gr eetin gs be tw een hostess and fr iends, th !' go vcl In th e hands of our eapahle pres id,' nt, t u ll~ d us to order . Appropr illte s(, lee ti nns () n the Vict r ola wer e prov idNt by th e hoste gs . Roll call und - lhe ap pointme nt of l'o mmitl ces for Ho mc Xmas ph il nnt hropic wor k. and th e f oll owing papers co mp l p t~ d the prog rum for t he ti ny . HCn nq ucst o f Arid America ," Mrs, Wult t'r Mc Clure, "The Beauty und Youth of Old Age." Mrs. Mary L . Ad a m ~. In n f or ce CuI nnd enter-

where t hirty mi ll ions 01 ' mor e /lc res of IIr id la nds have h" l' ll I'l' c l a im~d t hrough irrigatio n a nd Illude to ' bl oss lo m ns the r os e ./I The eUgc r a ntici pa _ tion wit h whi ch Mrs. AdarnH' pape r was g-rce t pd. \Vna n f e/l t ure !If th e mce ti ng. "Th e Youth a nel 13" lIu t y u f Old A g~ . " huwcvc r. pruf,' u ndl y ex ·, could n ot lo t, (·x,·llI l' lili,·eI more bl"" lt if ull y t hull ill th e l' hul'acter of th e wri tc r. A

\~(I~ om~: \' l ~l t

f J"t) n1

llls, n lC ce, M oll ~,

1 hiS ," .'th oth er su rpTlses. '.nak es I Intcr e. lIn )! f .. 1' Ih" un ille. "IIll ss Moll y r u ns f or one ju lly ho u r and is full of f un. Seals l'e8(!rv<!d al R a ll' s Drug s tor e Mon day . D l!c~ mbe r 7, at 12" o·cloc k. nm e and e n ~ uy an h our lIf 1 11u.~hter , AI R". thc re \1' 111 b · s pe CIa l mus ,c an d rcnrl 1l1g's hetwee n o ct.~ . T i ('k('t ~ . ~5 c nnd 15c . -- --

- -

- - --

Pate nt Feed Grin der

ddi cillu ~

lwo -l'o ur ~(1

ll' a lunc h -

co n w n~ serv ed hy t hc h u~t l'~" . dur in g t he social hou r. TIll' fullowillg guests wer e pr ose n t : Mrs. L. A. Wushbu rn , IIlrs. J, D. Ma r ta tt . M, g. C. M. Robitze r, Mrs. J . O. Cllr lwri g ht. Mrs, Emmu F. ll" kin. Mrs . J uhn F ro mm, Mrs, Cra bbe. lIIi s. Eli zabe th t1\ lning m a n ner we w e r e carri ed w est St ewart nn d Miss Ma me Bl'own. wa rd by I\Ir". McClu re to t he r eg ions l'.:. L. S.

Gun Club

--- -- ....- - -


Cap ltal

Prepa red by Colum bus R eport er


•••••••••••••••••••••••••• ll)Ll1~ tn l· S . O lt l O Wi th winl "I' CH ur t IIO \\' in ~ ,,'~;:.:. i o n tl lI· ~,u 1.- h

t(\ rl11 f1


out t hr- _til le , l he p" I' UlaLilln o f til,·

pe n a l i l\ ~ ti lllt; nll~ is ('xpc~ tc ·d t o s h u\\'

;t ~ wwal Willll'l" ~ rr)\\· t h :I nri c l' owd" d ('o n d iti H!I :-I M ' (' m ('.: rlain, P r i S Oll{' r~

w ill ~ oft n :1)!:Liu h~\ :-. lel'pi n g 1n hulls

und t or r id ur, :,,' w ~ 1l a ~ do u bling up in th • "11Iall ,·" tl ~ a t th e peniten t ial' Y. \\'hi lt· t he ~1 "lIsHc " l I'dol'11lalor y \\'i ll Ill" !';ur '


shuw u su L~bl l1ti n l gouin .

wi nte r

t he

conditio n I! row~ rdh·r i~ 'Hut ils lh ' ,ame " Id "1,,I"y. an d lIn tii p~ r ~o n ll l politi cal a11l !,i.


l iu n ~


Au mill er

n r t' la id H~i d c a ll d h u ~ in (,Hs 1n -

\'I \:-;' llJ l t ' lIt ~

f ' Q').!'l lt l e n

.Hu hst nllt io t


n· l il.,r ma y III ' •· .q1 4' {·t l·'1. T ht' id le ST . MARY' S CHURC H a {hi' f' l' llit l'lI l inr,\'. (l IH' IIf tl1f' Seco nd Sunc! ay in Ad venl, Ilc<c m- hl't.\u~\.· 'a l ('UI' '"'t '!-i 1\1' t h (' F,tu t (" will ~H'l1n 110 ber G. hur ~ h Schuol ut

\1::lO n. III.; Th e Holy Co mm ull ion ull d s~ rm o n at 11 :00 a. m. All arc cord iall y illvited to ultend the Sl' rV ic l'". Rev . J ohn J. Schne ITer . Rector.


Mornin g ,e r vice 9 ::10. B~ on t ime . Bible lesso n, .. A St ur m li t SCIl." Acts '1.7 :1··11. S CrnH\1\ o n " Cities o f I(ef· uJ.! c." EVl'lling Re l'\' i c~ nt 7 :(' 0, :3 u b ~

j e c t , li T h e B r eak ill g I' lJint." nrc in vited t o t hl'~ C S (! J· \' h: c ~ .


Don'l forge l th" Ladi es Mnrk ct Wcdn c"day, Dece mbe r 2:l rd,

li ll ,.t\ "i th " bl l,· b"lti ed 111 (' 1\ wh ll wllnt ""I'k. Th,,\" witl I,,· w illlllg 1111<1 II I1 X iCt US t " " .. nil~· lhin ,: . U litl a ll d uc cI'ctl it mu st. I,l' },!i 1. 1'1l tin' (" '\l' I ' uti\' l ~ IIflicC' 1'S , ~ r ( , h iu f HI' W llllli u J,." tI, l:i\ l' l h e m thi ~

\\ III k, Hli t \\ h i 11 n 1,":11'1) fl f cO ll t r o l t'(:l'u d iatl'!" lh \., :ll'l il l l1 of i ~..; OW II po li t . . it'a l 1tI Hdt ' I' ~ i n ti l( G (, fl ~'ru l r\ ~!w r1lbl~f .

nnrl n ·r\l Io;.i,11'I til h.-.. I, . 1' 11 1 l )hio o f t h ('l id lc' hnu!'l' . \\! WI't: ('UTI n n,· l ook f(u' rel ief ',' F,q' tln p(· y eat'~ . now, C"v.

(' r uot' P fl llJlh l* v ha' tri"d

Fred 1If. Co l ~ , th e local hardwur e mc rchnnt is g h ' ing :l d~m lfn s trntio n Chri~ lm ns pr(~s c n g'1ve n nwny Il f a patent f eell Irrin der nt t he HurCrc ~ "ith ('vc ry jlU)"{'hll" , o f $ J nnd r y S tok es fa r m thi s " fLc Th e regu la r melltin l( of t he Mot hers m onn, up. M . J\ ohlhagc n. J cweler, Leba- is u goo d-si:r.ed crowd a ttendill Th ~ r e club will A Furmer 's In stitute Co nfe rencc be heltl at th e Grud e buildg thi s non, Oh io. demon stration. ing. Friday afterno on, at '/. o·clock. wn8 he ld in the Farm BU l"ea u omc e in an . ull-day session. Monda y, November 30. Mr. D. W. Gilie house, repr esentin g th e Slnte ofli ell for Farmer's instiLule H, was prese nt to discu ss the advertis ing , fin llncing , and manllge ment o f the in st ilu tes. Mr. Gal eh ou se raports in cn ·nsing inte rest in t he Farm er's insti llltes ove r the State and comm end s W urre n co unty f or their active part in t he work. ,/ Wnrren Co unty grad uates li nd wired to T'r'e sident Emer The advertiS ing will be rflrri ed on itus W. O. m ~ n Ohi o and oth er son gs with Mrs. f ormer stud ents of Ohio State uni- Thom pson, t.cmporu ri Kirkcr the pinno lind Arthur Hill chiefly by a poster contest, which will ve rsi ty ce le brat ed their third annual Brown Palace hotel, ly preach in g at as cheeratleader, be held in ench of th e diHl ri cts in directed the ycll~. re un ion and frolio at the Marilyn , spite of the fnct that De nv(ll", Co. "In both the grades and th e High s choo ls . Bricf yet you intere are not sting ou and r en li ghtFriday evening , Novemb er 2 7th. /ll rexy. we find ourselv c ning nses were made by a num_ Several of the eommun iti cs will give Though the attendan ce was not up Thomps on tonight. es s aying P rexy ber ofrespo th e former graduat es, includ- a home-ta lent play fo r t he evening We hope t hut to f ormer years, the en t husiasm nnd you en joy your visit in in g Mrs . Kirker, Rufu s Kersey and program of one da y. yo ur old paBfun was more abundan t. Immedi - t ornt e und fJ.lld it a re The followin g d ates have bcen set : li c! from your Carl J . M\l1 er. A number of t he old ate\y afte r gatherin g around th e ban_ forJOer dutie·s, Grads spoke enthusia sti ca lly for more Cnrlisle .... . " ,.. .. .. ..... J an uary 27-28 quet tables, formalit i es a m! dignitleM "Jiellrtl est and. belt wish es from local Alumni spirit. Rcv . . Kirker Mas ou .. .... " .. ........ ", . , Februar were la \d as ide 8~ pl\per pate were Warren County po inted out more impress ive ly t he Butlervi lle ,,,.,,,,.,,. ,." F .. ebruaryy 22-23 alumnI. 24 -25 donnell , sq u ealer~ ra~t\el1l , be\l~, "Chall. F . Class, Secreta ry." magnitu de and importa nce of the Lebanon .... ,.. ..... .. ........ Febru ary 26-27 whisUe~ apd Pllper horna distribu ted; Officcl1I elected for next year were! State university .and showed that ite whillh II'reatly facilitat ed th e mirth Presiden t, L~~man Silver, There will probabl y b e at lea st two Waynes ville real worth and vul ue to the common and laughter . indepen dent IDstitute s, one at WayVice-Pr es., Dr. T :-F. Walker, Mason; wellith could not be measure d. After a su!\lptuo ulI. four-co urse din- Sec'y-Tl 'eas., Frederic Dr. J as. R. Withrow , head of the nesville and on e at Morrow , the n cr Preside nt Bunnell called the nnon and Lee Earnhark Kirker, Leb- Chcmica dates to be announ ced later. gro~p to order anti called f or reading F'red Elbon, Oregoni t, Waynes ville; gave thel E ngineeri ng departm ent, Carlisle was re presente d at th e conprincipa l add r esa of the eva, McClure Ral s. of minutes of th>! 1924 meeting by ton, ~'ranklill, and Th os. B. Foster, ening . He showed the growth of the ferenc e by Mr. A. C. Ballard. Mr. and Secreta ry CIIlSS. After some brief Foster, executiv e commit tee. H ew- instituti on a nd pointed out what the Mrs. Clayson Small and Miss Eroa discussion of military training at the itt Mulford was also Brown. appoint ed to es- un f.versity is tod a y. State universi ty. a. motio n was car- pec illlly work with the Mason by Mr. C. A. Cowan, Mr. :&"ll present above at in t he prome eting gave a ried favoring th e compuls ory t wo- moting the State un iversity rising voto of thanks to Prof. With- Chas. Hoft' and Mr. Clifford Stil*. 's intcrest yenrs traininl( 8 S hus long be en the through out the county Waynes ville by ?tit:. and Mrs. John in variouB lit- r ow and also complim ent.ed Pres. Bun custom. crary and athleti c actjvitieB. n ell for hi s untiri ng eft'orte in making Shultz, Mrs. J ason Sheehan and Mr. A night lelter of greeting s wall and Mrs. R. E: Crone. Hewitt M\lllford led In singing Ca r_ the 1925 me eting Buch a succeS8. Morrow by Z. O. Worley, Mrs. John Jack and Miss Koeble. Leban on by Mr. C. C. Meloy, Miss Morie Benham , Mrs. Effie Surface , By A. B. CHAPIN Mr. D. E. Dunha m, Mr. H. C. Gcorge and Mr. Eli McCrea ry. Others .attendin g the confere ncc were Supt. F. B. Harri s, Supt. A. M . Calion, of Lebano\ !; l'rof. S. C. Frank, of Kings Mills, and 1IIr. C. C. EuIWlS, L ebanon.

Farm ers' Instit ute

For mer Ohio Stat e Uni vers ity· Stud ents Hold Ann ual Mee ting and 'Ban que t at Lebanon


.- ..----

h i~ h (" ~ t


p u t th" !" I' Hilt· il l" -I'nt' !''' in t o prnfit.nh h' fi t. lds (I( t' "l pl ltYIl1l' Il t . Inll ~: tI ' h t im e

Iii' iH 1,lucked "i'III' I' h)'

n il

New Road Open ed

Moth ers' Club

fl li'l7

: :• :


w "r ~(' a nd II r(0 1l\i ~l' d .

Come to till' morning se r vice next Lnrd 's DIIY lI ud bri u)!' so me p rodll c~ Lo hel p fee d th e s t ud en ts nt Cinci nlIu ti Bible Scmin ury. This ".ill DO . The Wayn !'svi lle nnel Leban on pike II he lpful deed, was opene d Mond a y mornin g. One or t wo plnces ue tw een the bridge and METHO DIST CHURC H the cor poration line are not fini shed. Sabbath Sch oo l, 9 :16 a . m., preachhu t on ncco un t of delay in getti ng mnter inl. it WR " dee me d advisah le to in g nt 10 :30 a. m . Ep wor th League upl' n t he r oad f or the winter a nd fln- (j:16 p. m . Pr eac hin g lit 7 :0 0 p, m., iRh iL nl's l spr ing . This netion is We d neRda y e "e nin g Prayer meeting , " cry s al i"fll ("\u l'y t f) the l r'\\'eling pub_ 7 .3 0. Everybo dy invi te Ll to the so lic wh l> hlll'e hud t o mn ke th e long services . deb ,ur to und from th e county scat. Rev. L. A. Washbu rn, P astor.


N \l1\tl \(' r


~:a ('h

Th e Wny nCl! villc Gun clu b pulled 1l ~ l1 c c ,·" s ful fihon t Thanksl(iving IJn y lit Oa kd a le pa rk . De veral good "huts wer e pres 'n t fr om a di stlJn ce, bu t lhe s cm'CS \\"er e not as good aM th y wuuld hUl'e been had the d a y hcen 11I O " !, pror itious. With a feel inl( of ""nnW in th e air and n lowering sky . thc sh oot ers could not locale the uird s. Dirnm e tt, of Kin gs Mills. made the best scor e for th~ da y, cl osely fo lInlV ed by W. B. Squires, of the local cluu. Oth er g ood scorc. were mad e by Miller , Holden a nd Drak e , of Kin gs Mill s : Him r s and Willi a mson. ro f Ce ntr r vi lle: H awk e a nd Reece. of lluyton. a n el Hc ve rn l "th e rs. The locn l ,huys pc rform ed vc ry Thl' QI I\'ell l':sth('r will pl'e"~ n l th is \\"ull. 3m(,n!-: t h,' to p - n o tc h e l' ~ heinA' . p l H ~' at t tl t,· G y m ll cc (Ou t he r' ~ H h at 8 McClure , O r nd orf. Th oma_, Burto n. o' d ck. T hi" is t he stOI'~ '.' f a cr"',," D111 ilh, Ol'~ u o rn Qnd seve rn l oth ers. graln l'(t ,old 1,:1 eh"II I' r.e cc I.v ln g an lIn-


CxpOI1 I'nl " f 11I'IIIth a nd I:() od cheer . T he ill" ,. IIf the Christ mns Sea l. o ri g \l l~l' d I,y I::inar Jl u lh o~ ll, a mnil cler v in n ~ m all Ilos tomce in Dl' njuar·k. 22 Y " III'S a go. ha, dcvl'lor "d ~o s t.elld il y in Americ a tha t it ha s 10llJl; s in ce cI"''';l'd itM messnl!e of hcalt h lind h"I'" ;n'" he furt h ~ rmos t pll r t A o f th e , l'Ullt 1"\' anr! h,, ~ become t he m o s t cfTt·(ot ivc· ~vl'nl'fll\ a).!'u in sl tu b l' r("\Jl usis .



i ~R U ­

(' d du r ing th e I R YI'n rs ' hisl ory n f till' l il LIe s ti cke r' ~

W hol


h08tellS at • very intenat lng meeting of tbe lWoman 's Chriatla n Tenlper ance ion,' Tuesday afterno on, De '~ mber


11 "1'" is th e I f,25 ":.::;~::;~::;:;:~ me'S('n!!er of henlt h ~. - t he litLle hris t m as Sea l. whi ch we nt on snl e in Way n e T nwnshi p, DI" ' mber 1. T h e Ch r ist mas Se a l for thi s ),ea r is <'nl' o f th e most nt-


tun o or Ily


Citl' IlIi·~

i[1 1i

that L 'J:rhdu l Uf'(' \. hi 'h,

t ill'

I.I')!'i, llI -

appoillte d by fil f' n o oth l' r

rea son tha n """' \It t hal it i~ llllt. tl f t he poli tknl fuitn rof Donnhe )" it Tef l1"l>~ 1. 0 Iw lp 1'(' 1,,"',· t he (~ro w u ed p ena l in st it uL 1<1n ~, the id le hou,,, and inci dcntll ll y bc g ivpn product i ve work tha t will " I'cll ·... "! ly hr'll' l llw~ I ' the laxe" () f ever y t Is P"y" " in Ohi o , Th e cllnni ng indu ~ lrr in Ohio , r eali t-inl! t he I!r en dn m:u,:c bei ng done by Sl!'Clllll poll utill n. h:\I"e . u bscribed $ IO .()OO to a fu nd to fi ght poll ution, nnd the i nve s l i ~lI t i un (I f hell or methods or lrl'ati nl( wasle product s fro m cnnn er ies. Dr . J ll hn E, ~ ro n ge [", " tute hc nlth director , who fl l'st sta r ted the ug itatio n fo r preven ti on of wa ter poll ut ion sairl . in comml'n ti ng upo n t he uetio n of the ca n ners that th c step Was in line with t he policy oC th e late H I\lt h d apnrt 11l en t in org un i7. in " each in dividun li ncl us try to d evelop nc1~llullte mca ns of ca r ing for its wusle pl' obem. Other g l' OUpS, he w id. ar c worki ng to wlL rd IL ~o l ution of t heir in d i\'id ua l proble ms. Ohi o is ,ennning' appr oxima le ly 5,000,00 0 cases uf fo od products unnull lly. and t he gr owi ng import.a nc e nnd ext e nt o f t heil' indust ry r enu ers t heir detel' min ntion t o solve th ei r wast o problem nn impor tan t fa ct or jn cleaning up Ohi o st renm". Th e uni quc me th od o f the go vernnr o r th e st ute vot ing on th e aw arding o f hi g hway contruc ts hus he en adopted by Vic Donah ~y, nnd in"tell d of individu nl r espons ibility fur conl m cls , t he S tate Highw ny Depa r lment e ng inee rs . a s well us the dir~ d or himself nnd t he gover n 1" vole wh en bids arc awarded. Wh en contrnc ts arc 1'0ce ived th e)/" a ...· H" st opened in public und t he n tabulate d. The t ubul ntion is th en presente d the Div;s ion cng ineers and sup erintend ent., a long with the highw ny direc t or and gove rnor and a round tu ble di~ cu ss i on ill held on each anr! every co ntract. The bidder must be known to sorile of them lind hi s responsi bility d etermin ed befo re a contr ll ct is let, Facts on hau lin g dist nnc e , railroad fa cil it ies nnd other infr rm ution is br uug ht out at t hese discu ssions, nnd t here is no dou bt but that ninny th o u ~a n d s of doll urs al'e being sav ed th e taxpaye rs t hrough this unu sual melhod t"kcn to safegua rd the peop le 's inter ests The nex t contrnc ts wm be aw nrd ed on Decemb er 11, and bids for approximate ly $1,000 .000 wort h "f imp rovo_ ment will be ope ned a t. th at time Th en tho bid, will be t nl.o ul nted and r cferr en t o 1II l' "~ olli c ;1I 1. nnd "on trnct.q nwartlt' d, A vot e (I f l he highway directo r. GllI'('r nor Dona hey, n8 w 11 a s th c rli vis ioll ell gi nee rs Ilnd S Ul'et' inte n d (' nt~ is tuk en. a nd a ll must fa vol' the co ntrllcto r li S b eing t he l owMt and bes t 'bef ore the contruc t iB awant ed.


Dllta is being' prepllre d up on t he UIl IO lillt of dalll" ge th ut hus been don~ t he un hu"ked CUI'II in Ohi o He llis. BeRegular commun icatioll of Wayncs- c aLi S\.' o f lh t.! r ai n an rl cold, togelh ville Lodge No. 163 F. & A. M, . on wi th mudrl)' C III' II fi~ ld ~ . corn hu ~ k; norg Tuesday evening . Dece mb er H. So- hil S hee n g" l',, :otl y ,I<-ln ,I' ed in muny secjourning brethre n and vi$ito rs nrc t i n n ~ of t.h e State' , a nd a s oft! r esul t cordia lly in vi ted to ue present. ", "ch . d UII \ Il ~(, h n~ bee n ,Ioll e . t o t he G. J. WATER~lO US E. W. M . c r'VJ)' T h t! ~ tHll' fl' ti f'ra l R tn ti ~ i d nn ' II}," in sl'''''iul I"<'POl't t hut Lhe \\'h eut F. B. HENDE RSON. Sec·y. s(" t·din !! pf'l'ind hag cI\1 ~c tl, with r cr-~ --hilI'S t ht· w lt r~ l I'l'con l in t he hi st ll ry " I' Ohi o n,::" l' iru ltul'c Ilf rec o n ~ years, DEATHS 1\,1' 11I 0 11 Y ~u l1ll lil' s in th e So ut hN'n pa rt o r the t nl,·. cs peciully . The aplIfrs. Bolle Harri s die d nt the h Ol11 c 1'1'1':l nce it is " dcl .. d o f t ho g rowin g' 'o f her son, F r nnk, in I-I n l' vcy~hu rJ.( , C I' P P i.' g i" vd. but th e .a c t(~aJ!'o in t h;sc Fri day, Novemb er 27 . 'fhe funer nl c<ttl1\li~ " \l'i ll ue mudl less t hll11 ut>ua l. W IIS held lit; the homc Mond a y morn- The dl1 01 ng-e [,\ hnt h th e corn und inl! a nd was eonduel od by Rev. Moon , wheat er Ul' will be esl imn ted in t he of Clarksvi ll e. Burial in Mi ami cem- g Ol'ormnc n t rCI'0l·t t o b e issu ed Decomber 20. ete ry . - - -+


---_. - ..----

Anot herL etter to Sant a Pleas ingly Ente rtain ed


Waynes ville . 0 ., Nov. 2!l, 1!J25. Deur Santa Clnlls, How are you? I am well. - Now. Santa Claullt' my 8ister w;antll a mama doll and some blocks and fruits and candy and nutll.' , I wan.t a horsesh oe gamel_a pair of rubber boots. ' A Merry Xmllll to you, from ELDON ELl:iJS.


--.-,,-~ ~ , --~-

One of the us ual good t imes was onjoyed by n mer ry crowd of y oun g p eople F r idny ev ll1 nl.\". No\-e n)ber 27th, wlie n th e MiSsel! F.rnnces ahd E lizab eth U e ii'kle an ~ Rh!!a J a\let: Cart wright nlert,niu ed at :the ho mo -, of t he former. - A mat '/1 box ' cuil te. t p roduced a spirit of' ,hilari by, whIch prevaUed t\lrougb out t he!)g. Games, cards 'alld- .d aneillg <\Yero .•mjoyed-<by about tbirty-tt ve ruests, after which deliciou s r-etreahm ente wero served by the h08tCIIt!C s, .... Ji'0Iie holiday decorat ion. WefI. willI. earrlecl ou~ ,




NEWS GLEANED fROM COURT HOUSE I'ROBAT E P RO CEE DINGS \'al dl it' Sl l·\\l\r l . ndhlini s tru t rix of tilt' ,·,Iat.· of 1·:11" FO ro. dec~a~"d . Jile -d hlT I lh .: ll lHI' Y n nd Hr pl'ai ~ "'· I1H· nl.

Junl' \\ 1·IJ.:h L. wid,,\\,. 1i1,',1 Ill' I' "I,',' ti ,'n IU IlIk e und~r lit " wI ll II f ,I" ,"" \\ l'iJ.:ht, ,icl·"lIH·U. H"liIH' II,,1I ,'f bun d to :): 1(1 .1100 \\'n ~ (\l'd l ' I'pd

t h,· ma tt I'" Ili' lhl' \'.., \ a tv


" f Thu n1:1:- ~liJl c r, (kl'l' a ~ c d . 'l' ra! ~ fl'r n f . . t oc.· k ht'J \lflJ: inS!' t Il t h,· ~· !'-t:\l\. II I' Fr:luk Z(II1, dt" 'pas,t' d. \\a~ Il l'd,'r"d " ""Il' I ..", .J . Z .. II. PI1\'1J1' IIf puh lic..' atinn \\': 1"" tilt 'd ill tht., l11atll'r Hf thl' l ':.. lah ' tlf :--:''' pIIlH Burkit·, dl'l.' j'a:--l'd. \\' , II , S t.·ig-frit· c,1. admini:..lralu r o f thl' ...' ~ t atl.· Ilf l.u urn i\l il l,·r. dI' C" 'U:-'l, d. lil<:d lll ~ in\'t' rl llIT' Y nn d aJ1P"ui ~ 1 I1ll' ltt. Il l/ rat.'l' L. ~t.· ltlt.' nlyt"l·. H( lrllin i:.: tfH tor u f Ihe l'slat" l, f WlI llI'r :-;. Wi l·

kl'l":-aJll. dl'('('a :O: l'ti . lih'u hi:; in vt.' nt u r y and

:lpprai ~"l nH'flt.

I )l 1Ha1 11 Curt haJ.f(1 Jall" '~

IIlId Addra

~f .

wa ~ Ud uP l l' O


" 1' I·ric k.

Chndl':-; C. D(' n c di C't, a dw in is l r ator Ilf thl' l's lnll' of Sarah ~ l. .J nrnll~w n, dl' ~' l' a ~,-. d, fl ied hi s il1n.' n t ll r y Hud up . p r ll i:-, ' Illl' nt. I ' . \\' . C"lIi er wns "p point ed II dlllitll ,lral o r (I f th ~ (" [:ltl' (I f AlJ ijll h I·" ili..r decl· ll s ~d. Bo nd $ :~5 0U. Ge n. \\' . I )", ;" F. :\. IIll rl ,,, ~k alld F. M.

Known Tire Quality at a Rock Bottom Price

U Rltu rli \\ l"'l' HP nt\..'d Hl lprni :o'L' t's,

.J. T . Fla,-k, admr. o f the estutc of .~ l t('ray, uecl'n ~ c'J, til ed hi s inY l' nt .. r~' and a pprai.~ (1 ml'JH , Il WIl S ()r d ~ r !' d t hut udm inistl'Utrix distribule l:l'Ttain a ss I t ~ uf t h e e~ tatl'

:'Ita l'Y I..

That'. what you get when you buy a Goodyear. For long wear, strength, good looks and all 'round quality at a low price you not only can't beat a Goodyear--you cannot equal it. Figure out the best tire value you can buy ---then drop in or phone us for the price of a Goodyear in your size. That's fair enough, isn't it?

of Will iu lI1 A. !>h' rrilt , deceased . T he J.:russ va lue of th e cst.. te o f Fra nk 7.,' 11 , <Ic cea,cd, was found to be $ 1U,7 6 1.:t:l . Th" cuu rt upprov,'d , n l l o w ~d unci cIJ lltirmed the account o f Ro bert W. Rro wn, ~u"l'dilllJ uf Ilea th I:: a~ t o n,


i lU'o III lH' l (.' Jl t.

~. ~l. alld A IbcrL R UNkl~ . c' xec uLOt·s ',f the l's l atc of S"llh ilj Bu erkl e, t\"cl'li'c'd, ti l ",I their ill H 'n l ul'Y lin d

ap pnd . . l'fll Int T ht.· ).!1't)!o;~ va l u(· u f lill' t.'f::t :ltl' of

.1. UlIl'l tl' t, d'.'~l':\ Hd , wa.s fou nd hl' ,,~[, , ~I:,~ I.~ ';. I II :I ll' " ,atl,· ,. ,,( W illi:lln J. TIt " ntll :-11 11, ;p ,1~~1~lIl ' (" in lrU :- l for thl' I\ ,-, n L'ut .. t till' l'I'l, ditfll'~ II I' Edwa rd !-\. O\\t'H


I I1 :-- lU":lIll' l' C II .

:-Ili d a:-.,~i): r ll'\ ' Ill'Ill t"i.

Waynesville ~otor CO. Phone lOS


(; , t 'l');e


Waynesville, Ohio




bF 4ruQlIte for o"er 40 Year&. 011111)' • Co.. '1'01040. Oblo.

Ihl(l~l l dnnt

Di\'ntt' (' \\ as




and wh ic h if obsHw!d. w ill pre v .. ll t

'hU I' " l' I' , l'Xt' l'u tl1r or n ('c:i d c nt ~ n ~ r ndl! (To!" sinj!s, for n I', d wurd l 'C1110Y\.' I, lil'· g rade crll:;si nJ.!' i:; 0 11 ly u nl1~~e ruu s 1"111'1


h a ccoullt.

Dr. H.E. Hathaway W.\YIfESVILLE, T "1,,phOD. 114

Reat Room in Grange Bldg. Waynesville. Ohio

924 ,Y.' South Brown!Street, O"er Sigma Theater DAYTON. OHIO



....................: REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS •• Peurl Nagl ey t o Geo r ge R. Brown . • lot in Morrow, $ M. Hufford t o Wulter Building Suggestions



]O~ li z no c th


a nd Bclvu L. S heets. abo ut 'I aCl'es in Union Tp., .~ l. WaiteI' a nd Belva L. S heets t o Clyde C. ulld harles H. COllins. about 73 acr es in Union Tp., $1. Fred und EJizubet h Keller to Ju s. and Alic ~ Murphy. about 3 a cr es, $ 1. Emilia Pui ll tel' to Blunche E. Shu mard. truct in /l arlan Tp .• $1 . W. II. GCl'Ting to Lil y Rhodes, lot in Franklin , $1. Beason 1'. Blair and Raym o nd E. LeRoy t o Stltll uel Johns un, 12 lots in Fran klin Tp ., $ 1. S Hmu el Juhn so n to Hiram N. Alex: unu er, 3 lots in F rul)klin, $ 1. En oc h Chumb e rluln to (ra G. and Grace A. S pit ze.r, 1.", acres, $1. Estella Lewis und Ross C. Lewis. t o Geo l'ge W. anu Blanche Whaley, ab o ut 2 acres in Hamilton Tp., $ 1.

Madden's Lumber Yard ' Wayneaville, Ohio





i ....................................... ............ ~

COMMON PLEAS PROCEEDINGS ' Divo rce grun te d in the matU!r of Veda M. Orndorf VB. Earl H. Orndorf. Demurr er ove rruled in the mutter of H. M. Clar k vs . Albert Stacey et al Lenvc for defe ndant to file answer was ~rant c d in t he 'matter of Oren Koe bel vs. Alm a K. Adams, et al. Defe nd a nt v;rn nted 30 days in which to pleut! in the matter of William Hyer vs. Le hann n Na tional Bank a nd Tru Rt Cu., :tdml', estate o f Roy Vlln Tress, decell'cci. . tock , e'lUip IlI Cllt, etc .. wn S ord ered sold hy t ""IJlul'ury r eceive r in the matt ~ I' .. I' William Wh ets e l vS. Os~ar L. ('a in et :t l. ('''"n ;~ r allt" dcl'e lld a nts 30 dllYs t o a ll""I' r ' ,r plead ill th e n1<11 PI' o f 1(" nlll)" '" ,\p plc , a g executri x V8. Wall eI' ~ I ills d al. Ul'l' c! {d' cOl1vcyn n(' c w ns Il!'c! e r ed

V Nt:.ER '(ouR: ~'fe .s ARe A BAt:. sIGN -


L 11.IeR.




Centerville, O.

New Burlington,O . Phone No. 320

Phone No.2


BEECH GROV.E Tom Gates is suff 'ring with blll,,11 poiso n . We nre Hurry t o repo r t M rM. A ndrews no betl~ r. Mrs. W. 8 . Wurncr is a.ldcll 10 nur siek list thi8 w~ek . ' George Binkl!;y lost on\! or hi. I",st

Paid on Deposits 1 ..... ..... ....

Even-It S tll rb uck nnd futllily (Ianw down f ro m Wilm inglo ll Hlld ote th(' ir 1'hanksg i\' in!! dili llcr with t he Md, ny fnmilitS, Mrs. l::di th M" l\ay oeinJ.: Mr. Stur ouck 's si,ter.


Mrs. He rb ert ,\ l :r r\ utt and . on, Edmon, sp<'nt S und ay wiLh :\Ir. Frank Dakin lind flintil y. 1I1r. a nd JIIr~. U . H. Ma rlatt s nd l\lr. and 1\II·s. nr l Wardl ow spent MondllY in \la yto n. The J.adie~ A id will !lIe"l Thursday December 3, l !l:? ri, lit th e home uf Mrs. Hownrd Sh c('hnn . Lebanon, Ohio MI'. J ose ph 1~luine s . I) f Cincinn ati. "pent Th :.nhKi vill!!, with hi s uncl e and lIu nl. Mr. nno! !\Irs. Fru nk Thomp50 11 . 8:00 a. m. to 4 p . m. Mr. !l"d I\Irs. Burt.on · Earnhart wer e ThanksK ivi ng dinn er !!'~<'t< ts o f HAVE YOUR EYES EXAMINED Mr. and Mrs. He roert Murlatt and family_ Mr. G corK ~ Smi th nf n ptroit. Mich. spent a fe w tlllYs with hi. mother a nd brother. Mrs. Ka le Smith 0 nd "on, Raym ond. Word has been recei\'ed he re of the birth of a so n, Thanksgi\'i ng Day to Mr. and Mrs. Jacoo Zimmer, who FUNERAL DIRECTOR formerly lived her e. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Mnrlatt and WAYNESVILLE, OHIO little so n , of Akron, are spe nding a few days with Mr. Marla tt's parent.~. Mr. and MI'!!. George Marlatt. Fully Equipped for Good Mrs. Ellsworth Smith lind daughService. . ters. of Dayton , returned te their home. after spending a few days with Large Display Room. Mrs. Smith's mother. lIt rs. John Levi Miss ·Mildred Morgan. of Dayton; Ambulance Service spent Thankagiving with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Stephens J)U OR NIGHT TELEPHONE 7 Thanksgiving with her grandparents' Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Stephens. ' Mr. and Mn. Audrey Crew, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cr ew, Mis. Reed and Mn. Ellsworth Smith and daughters were Sunday dinn l'!' gueats of Mr. and MI'!!. John Levi and family. Mr. and ¥rLI. Stany Lamb and litNOTARY PUBLIC tle daughter, of Columbus, Mr. and Nalioaal B.... Mrs. J. F. Pennewit Bnd Willi. Pennewit were Saturday dinner guests of Will. Draw. :... ...... Ea.a... !.ul"d Mr. and Mrs, Alvah Har tsock and family. . W aynelville, Ohio Mr. and MI'!!. Emerson Dill had as their gue8t11 for Thanksgiving dinner Mrs. Henry TOQ\s, Mr. and Mrs. Ray: mond Osborne. of Xenia. Mr. and MrLI. Lacey Craig and Floyd and Doris McCoy. of near Xenia. Mr. Hugh Burgett and family 01 Belmont, Millll Dorothy Colemu: of Delltial Dayton, MillS Lula Kellis. of Xenia WaJD".. B.... BI ••• and Mr. Har~l~ Kel.lis, of Day toll; were Thanks«tvmg dmner l!'ueBts <if Mr. Frank Kellis and family. Mr. and Mrs. Alvah Hartaock and lamily, of neal' here, entertained at Thanksgiving dinner, the following: Mr. and Mra. John Allen and fami1.1 Mrs. Luther AII.e~ and family, &flo: and Mrs. Earl Wllhnmson and famify Mrs. Suellan Eliott Rnd family, Mr: and Mrs. Jerry Allen. Mrs. SUsan Montgomery, Mis" Cora Swigart Mr and Mrs. Edward Hamilton Clnd 'farn: WE GET THEM QUICKLY AND i1y, all of Centerville . FREE OF CHARGE CALL US ANY TIME AT OUR EXPENSE BACK FOR MORE

lilt. . . lro. depo.Jt.

3 Loul"

• _ _ 1.....

MORTGOIEIY COUllY metr. eeI,LoaD A.aa.

•. a. Cw. ,..,'" • Jeff.... 8t&., Da,taa, 0Ida LBB alA IlK RI. tIM').

Puule No. U.


State elx wOlrds that qMl!l Ute Barno both wa) : I, A fonn of dresa; 2, An animal; 8, round fruits; 4, A 101Pc:a1 docu .....i Pan of a ship) 6, XIddq.


Pu..... No. 18. DROPPED VOWEL ~ D- -11 tb-g- -d y- e-n, -n -11 th- w-ya )7- 0-110 T - -II th- p--pl- y- 00-120 -n -v-1')' pl-c- y-- C-ft." -t -1\ th - t-m-R o-n -n th- q-- t-st y- 'ern. -9 I-ng -9 -v-r \7- o-n." ~




hule No. 17. I am a 00d y of people. CIIIIIIce my lnitlal, Blld I ~ a comparltlv. Iy small number. Another ~ and I am a Chrletian name. 0Iitt more, and I becoIn41 a blrd., Af*ID giove me a new bl,tdal and I am ~ u.etul inatnlJnet. 80m....

tbnee 01 veq

AmC'rican journalism ah<>",. neon· stlln tl y increasing tendenL'Y to C:l3t off sell "nli"nllIi8111 :\IId morbidnl'lill iri fa. vor oC hig her ideals and cleaner mor_ uls. Willinm McAndrews. 8:t :.uin teneh'1l 1 .. f seh ols in Chica:(o. 1I" de r tbo captio n. "Cnrl Morality be Tnn:.; ht \lirectly'!" urged that "Whell w.e 8 0C the op posite of mornl ;! ;! ,!\rt'd !y ' taus:nt by nnat)' drama•• ~ah. Jou. lit· ('rlltur e, di so nlerly movin, \.Ieturea. daily dcta il ~ of crime and law ClIme"., t hl' TI' cornea to' every man anJ woman in thi s ed uca tion bwlinea the dr<!ad· i ul cculization that vice if t ""chsbl"." If tlw world's moral I'rogresa I. to keep up with itll Progrc8.1 "long linea of mute ri ul advancement. a decld ..d lind world -wide change of front mllit be obtained lUI a result of jounaIisUc , effo rts. GIVE HIM TIME, JUDGE M ng i ~li'Rte-" Did you have ,. help-. er on thi" job?" Burg-Iur- "No, yet honor. I CllO't

affo rd o ne

........ til 1.0. 'Ir-. ...... Plaalo No. II.. '1"1000 !etto. "t:' I ,.... N~ It. 1'bo ta- 1Il¥\ded i~ 1110 ..~, Into _ ~ _ .nih • ~ hi eaelI .. """"'..



:, ~





' P un l. No. U. A rlL Mua. w..h. Md PL I 1'Il"1. No. 14,

''No Wn~

.11<>, oJI."

&m d To ur OIlA"'.ra to thil nf"" paper. 11!.} (irJt fivIQ IIOluliona ~cl v oo to cnoh sot Jt ' UI,s l ~ho will receive t on C'roolts; WhQD' "rh wj ' nf' r b i l l!! oh t"n lnod tOO cnxllu ho . :11 1:0 '''II ,too to n "QUIZ r.LUn" h,lt ton Ij r t1! n. . [' 00 eredlte wIll on tttloJ th , w !hmrr " r . "': n eft n'l rth'o ~~ rl "-? ". , : ! ...




--.- ------

Harveysburg Fertilizer Co. Ph o•• 8




. 1'" ..

.. _

_ _

We, the foll " lVi ng farm o""nel', positively fOI'uid IIny buntln. or trappill!! on o ur fllrms. Any violation of the Bame witJ be proaecutlon acc ordiJlg to low and to the fulleat exte nt : ELLA MICHENER J . F. DIS8ROW ELIZABETH BAlLY MRS. RACHEL CREW MRS. WM. LOY. MRS. ELEANOR SMITH.





LOAN~ on Chattel •• Stoch, Securities and Second Ho~ Notee bought. JJllhn Harblne Jr., Xenia, Ohio. ·~aO-'2e

Farmers, Attention! Fannen ot ' Warren and adJolDln. eountles may obtain money on loa. time 10llns, at 6 % per cent Inte...." Coat of ••curln. tbe ..m. II vV)' ,..lonabl.e ,throueh The Federel LAnd Bank, For fUJ'tber InformatioD eaD on or addre.. M. C. DRAU, T ..... urer, phone SUI-X. Lebanon, Ohio.



='~== .>.: ' ._: • •:__~--"~~ WANTED-Rough wood, ·cut about to or 12 Inches 'for beater; '· Call at thl. office. ' '. . .. ,.. d , .. ' ( WANTED-All klnda of 'lOft :'WOO~l tor pulp• . Morris GraIsa... . . ' U' CASH-For Dental ' Oo'..t . piaUn.~, · ~a..~ Silver. Dlamondl. .1ftIII' _ _ falaeteeth, Jewelrrtao7 ' 'IIluatil8e. Mail · today. DJ' ...&un ..u. Hok• . S. A R. Co... ~i~ " f ' ='



.~ ;


FOR SA'LE-LOi of hun411. fodder, in good abape. Walter H. Whit&~or, R .. R. 1, Wayne.yi~., Ohio .dJ

" Suy, .Jack, you're on old friend of the family; did you kIss the bride?" FOR ' SALF;-.(). K. POIlltr, Farm of "Sure, thi s is my fourth time in 88 acres, with bateblnr 'of 7800line." egg capacity; and e.tablllbed : nell8; or would trad"· fo~. ·.... 4110M in propetty~ DI bealth. nIUon' fOl"~ ing. J. E. ISI'Own, Prop:, LebeDo.., O.



,. '--'I


.. ,

FOR SALE - Fu~od :, ·~atII Rock ROOllten, II. It.,., WaFncsvllle, Ohio. ·4t.,




t '':' '


FOR SALE-Wagon: lCa1~ ba pod condition. Inquire ot ,'Phd II. Ce,le, Waynctvlllo, Ghlo! .'. . .:



FOn SALE-Kltcheft dblnet· ~!I:., brary table good 0 . . . .· 8ft ~ Lewl.. . " .., , .


y ~~. _ _


Dr. .fohn W. Miller

humbJ~.. ,.

It ap!n. and I ~ P lUanhy plMe. .nother and now you IUI~:OW !tI. wilL Yet one Il'lOI'$ C ADd fW'Il dnd m. in a awa.



Clean Journalism

Every Tuesday

Walter McClure



day Ifuests of Oa kl"nd friendli: George Gi llenn culled on IllS Ro n, Mich.el, here, Sunday eveni ng. Mrs. Lent\ Hartsoc k ")lent In ~t we ek with he r 80n , Don, nnd faillily. Miss Do rtha Gates clllled on Mi!lS Mllry Kathleen Toom ey o n SundllY afternoon. Walte~ Tiboll1l8 and fam ily ate their Thanksgiving dinner with Wul tl' r', sister in Day tun. W . H. Terry, K . E. Thompson lind Lon Brannon were in Wuynosv ille, Saturday afterno on. Ed Jeffe ry, wire and dllughtel':! 8p ent the ir Thnnk'gi\'inl! with reln tives in Wayne8ville. Clarence Clcuver and fllmily, uf Mad isonville, were Thankslr iving OilY guests of Glenn IIn vis nnd fa mil y. Amos Coo k and wiie . lie lIar ve ys · burg, Rufu s K er~e y, .. f TurticCTl'e k, attended me eting hl' re , W,' dll ~"t1I1 Y evening. Th e Moore childrml · o f Ridg eville, were t he wcekp nd KIIl" I. of th ~ ir KrandporentM, Mr. IIl1d Mr.o. J . W. Ed wards. M rs. Anna lit. Brann o n ontert.nin ed to dinner, 'I-ha nk sg- i\'in!!, 1),1)' , Mrs. ·Patien ce T hompsolI , Mnhl'l Terry ulIII Mary Kathl ee n T umney. We a rc dud t" l'('l'orl ~Ii "~ Ve lma Benn ett, wh o hll~ bee n "0 \' ery sick, for Mever,,1 lIl oul.hs. nhl e 10 leave he r room. W e 11 11 ho p for a ~ I)ce dy onc! pcrtnnn(ll1t r Q('o v('ry .


. 2

h orses on J.'riday e vcninJrr{. Lon Bra.nnotl an d wife W(\ TO Su n -


HELLO, 8 0 = , ,(oU lOOI< ~R\~l'( fI 11-1 11'.} - \~6se bAG S

Him' Nuta

Date your aales with us. W e guarant~e aati.faction or charge nothing:

AI Cary's Jewelry Shop

NEW S UITS R u lph E. Ll ec ll1 VS . State of Ohi o. nn the volition of P or ol h,. . 'lIlit h, Act io n t o 8et asi de juUg l1ll!lIt lin d \'{'I'dict 1'0 1' a II,' \\' lri .d . Wi lliall1 Li ni< \.,. '.Y . C. RoberL, . For mo ney olll y. A mount c1uilll ~ d, $258 .:lO , wi t h in lc rest. J alllc ~ O,;ca ,' Co trey vs. I"d ust ria l Co mmiss io n of Ohi o. A ppell l fro m decisio n o f Indus trial COlllnliss i{J n of Ohio. L. V. B r ans tl'a ter and Lida BrulIst ra t or vs . J os iu h and Llo yd Da vis . Mo ney all d attachm ent . J . "C. Putte rson, plain Liff in error VS. Villnge of Lebullo n, defe ndant in ' error .

Main Office


E.lrl .1 BU l· T"j.!C rm p i~ r . s ig- lI.d ,ma n, UJ't gou l llU , an d ~Irs . L l't1l 1H 1 ',

F. T. Martin Jesse Stanley Auctioneer Auctioneer


l o bl' rl \\'d lillll1 \\'" dc'. oll':IftsIlI UJl. o f L" ek la lld. ,In u G<:l'lrll d,· Li cc , OJf Mn." n.

Prompt Repa ir Service


-- -

Pit'!' . . ' l' , p f ;\1 , r r lJW . ,J I':'5t! l\' , .\11/0 11, t ru<:k drivcr unci l\I iloll'l'd L ~ 1 1I1 1 " tt bht h of Leoan o n.

Every Thursday 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.


'Little Laura Ellen Shidnker is 1J] :;: l Oll, if) H ntl l' nsl.~ . g nu ll,',1 ill l~1\-! lIlu tte r with !frippe. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Brooks nnd ,if ~I III' Y B. U"fT ' I' ~. \\' ililllll J.:. lI ofdaughters wcre Duytofi visitors, Wcdfer . . , Th e' IIlnll ' I' n( L Y. llI ' oj Lido BTIln_ lI e~ day. Borll- To Mr. nnd Mrs. Coleman , ll'a ll' I' I S. J " ~ i,,h und Ll lly,1 Dav is Jac k on, atu rdl\t', Novemb er 28. \\11 dl ~ mi:-:;!4 t ' d with uU l r t ' l 'fl f'l. 1925, a Ro n. Mr. and Mrs E. W. Ross and Miss COMM I 10N E HS ALLOW ANCES Es ther, enturtnined relatives on :\11':'. Je.'lllllt' Iroll !', i nM Jlr~ll1ium, T hunk s~iving. ~7.-•. lItl ; r'. I·:. IJenlil, Sil ml' , $ t 62AO ; Da nie l tump, of Spring Valley, 1I.• k lH '" Ilakin. ' "l11 l', $ 11 :1 .20 ; "lice a r ~s ident of this village. died ,\1 , I. h,l' r &. :'-1"1 ' ~ \' r. ... anlt', $KH .SO: re c·enUy. li e W08 a hulf-brother of :-'l o l lfll ,So' ~ l Pll th!llHl'I)' , :--110".', $.1·1A O: ,J. jo'. Stu III p. T h, ' \\""IPI'Il ~ t "l'. ' ''!' I>lic:! fl) l' t r ensMr. unci Mrs. C . E . Gordon und llil 1' , ~ll 'I , ! ltl : \ \ ' . I t. ~ti " IH~(' (' 0 .. .\\. C. Go rd on attended the funernl !--1I1l\t' , f lr r alldll\t l. ~ ;t O {l; :-:.tnkaltn Mfg u f 111 i s~ Berry. ut Springfie ld. S utur( 'II . • :. a ll H', f il l' p l"obn 1l' ('\J url, $28.45; <IllY 1\ flel'no on. • rO l' ,h l'ri lr. S:! .Il II ; ~1 ,, "I'OC & J o hn Mr. und Mrs, W. C. Walker. of " " 1, 1" ' 1' j'li l, ~ :t.:Hi; fo r ~ u rv c yo r . \)Uy tOIl, we r e guests over Thanksgiv*'; 7. :'~; ~lIl1nl !'uil Illlllc rilll , $:12. 70; in!!, of Mr. und Mrs. A. L. K enn edy Uhiu Cll f! ', (,'ulvprt Co. , cu lve r ts , and ot her relatives. $ t 1: 0.7 11 : \\' urn'lI W. Co llins, r epairs , The f ood sale co nducted W ednes$ It UW; E . B. Sim l""n . re puirs , $:1.70; day afternoon by the Women'. Home !l alli,,,,,,.., & Ohio, oI"llluTragl', $4 .00; Missionary society, W&IJ well patronFr a nk !-; hc!'w .. od en ., , ul' plies. $25.- ized. The ladiea cl eared about $20. 70; W. 11 . Stllnngl' ell:. s upplie. for Mrs. Paul Peterson, of Spring Vala\ldito r. $8. 00; for sheriff, $7 .50;' ley, spen t Tueeday at the bedside o f Ba ldwin Law Puo . Co., Ohio Code her g ran dm other Harris, who is very S e l'vil- ~ , $ 1 ~ . 70. ill at Ul e home of her 80n, Frank Hllrri ~' and wifa Mrs. Amanda Starr nnd Mrs. Chas. Gm y and child r en were Thanksgiving \)IIY gue~ts of G, Clark Starr and fantily. Oth e r I:uesls included Mr. und Mrs. M. Mathias, of Dayton. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson entertuined to Thanksgiving dinner. Mr. a nd Mrs. Harry Wilson, of Dayton, 1(, ,Irive r of 'n vehi cle Hnd more li nd Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Fife and cRpcc ia lly nO dri v(' r of an automobile, Jlln e Ellen, o f Woshington C. H. Misses He len Randall, Esther and sho uld ever eros!! a rnilroad or interur bnn truck witho ut first looking in Saro Und erwood were home from Wilmington eo liege for Thanksgiving both dire ction s to de te rmine whether vacntion : Ernest Gillom wa. home 1\ trnin is approaching . When th ere ar e two or mor e trac.ks fr om Denn :'on lind Howard Cook never start ac r oss afte r u train has fr om Ellrl h "" Mr. and Mrs. G i:bert Welch and pass d wit hout waiting to sec whethn. cam · down from De~ r lln ot h, '~ ll'llin is upproachin g on an_ three child oth£'r t rack. Le t t he first lrain g et tl'Ili t, Micn Tha nkE·.· iving for a vis it oy ul l('asL 500 fe e l. If neccssury t o wi t h thldr ,r nls , :I [r. and Mrs. W. ' c . .\·l :l. h r eturned h ome shift ",ClIrl<. do ~ o n ot less tha n 60 W. We lcn. fc£' t uc for e reach ing track, lest auto S und a y, whi le Mrs Welch and the <Ih ildr" n remai n ed for u longe r visit. s ll\ l l ~ (I n th e Irll ck. Mrs. Be ll e Harris died at the h ome Al cr os, ing: protec te d by fl agm an , J.!'U ll':o' , h(, Il:; o r wig' - w u~, n{'v c r at. of her so n, Frank . Friday morning, 1<' !IIpt I I} C I' OSS w hil e n'll('nttlll is 011 a ft er a brie f' out painful illn ess She I he cr o:;s ill l{, o r ",ntes a r c in !letion. o r is s urviv ed by one son and three h~ ll s ('I r w i~ -wa~ s a re in Ilctio n, fo ~ g ra ndchild~n, her husba nd having Ihi s nteans lhat II tra in is closely ap - preceded her but a f ew months. The fu n erlll se rvices were conducted nt p r oachi n~. Th l'!'>I.' a l'(' a f e w s U Kges ti u n~ to tll'i - thu hOllie, Monduy at 10 a. m.


H I., lil t..' rl 1' 111 L llf apprll\' l' " rtn d l't) n ~ vcrs w hic h ot'c as ion n o inCOIlV('ni e nl'c,

I'~ r .

' I t'


when mude ~() by carele ss drivi n~. I n Boss- "I 'm expecting a collt:'clor in fllct, Ihe dllnlrc r is ill the driviog . no t so on; act like I'm uut o f town." MAR R IAGE LIC ENSES in th«· ~ l' nss i nK. Cle rk- hI don 't kn ow whether I can do th nt or n ot ." Alh c l·t Frnnk lin Th o ntP501l, meWAS MISTAKEN ChHn i(' und :\r'lel An ita ] ' i l.')':-u n, lIu r se B088- ". ure yo u can: just sit th e r e Co p- " Don't y a see that s ign , no doing no t hing. " oc't h ,, 1' !'l Ias" " . swimlllinlr ? I ' ll arl'C's t yo u whe n ye 1I llrl'i.IJ n 1Il'lto n, fnc tll ry wnrker, co me ou l ~" of Jl umil l nll , lin d Ma ry lIl l'iJU lIl l' l. Ilf ,M UIl - " Bul f'rn l1 (ol (wnli n' Ollt, " Kinf(h 1\1111:-. Cop- "Th 'lI I'll wu it ti l d o. " AI(,,,,,,, 11,. I.oa cll. fa rn l('r, ,if ClnxMon- I'\\ Ju' r e i n f OI" u lu ng wnit ! ton , t ;a., ~lIlti Lu rilln l Ul h L.: l' ill", C'u r - ] 'm cOlllm it t ing- s uicide." l e r , L eh alll "\' . uf


th. Int.nlal 11041011\6, • TonIc, whI ch tho !l100<! on the Mucous IhII'facM. 01_ rMtortn. normal condt-

..u tllreun



nHh!" in l lt l' Inllt l' l' I. f l lll'(l11111' I'll , WI Ilc' y~. Jo hll ,\1 . !til y L a\. III Ilw lIIlj tt·1' 'f til ' l l\lln (;:l~ and ~~ I Ilie ' .. V~. R)·rt.JI WhiLnk el'. it \\'il~ o l'd ·\'",1 tllm IJ lnlnliiT l' ,,'I,ver


1LUoII. ClATARRD JllIiIDICINlII will elalm tor it-rid your ey. tem ." catatrb or D_tneu cauted by Ctt,tan1l. II.UoIIa OATARAB JllIIDICINID con... . t8 of &II OIntment which Qutckly R.eUe1I_ u.. eatarrhal lnftammatlon, IUId



t' :o- la tt.'


\, d.:'

tl'aH'd , 1i!.,,J ht.

______________________________ ,

10 "bat

Th,· t ' "i"" ( ·,·"lr:>I Life

:-;h .. ,,\·,·,. \ ,

Get Our Prices






'"" .

FOR !A~aria .f ' lit::"" '.. roo .. ItrWIllo-. ..... .... caule , Ita... ......... , ..... '- .~ o .. t ...Udl.... ._I, --:tt~I'• •1eUI . .dD ••• f~ ..... ,


I. CI..N_II........ ..n ..1ck. W. A. ........ .

. ...... ow., ill.... ..,....

•... =r...~~..



~ . . ..

()R .~=--......



.... t. I." c..~



SPRING· VALLEY 8ubocriptioD Price, $1.50 po'r Year D. L. CR'ANE

Publi. her

- - - - - - - ---_ .. _-lJECEMB~R

ll. HI2f)

..=:s=====z _ _ _ _ __ _

MERCANTILE LEADERSHIP IS COSTLY Before we succeed in complete ly dCBtrbying the American mere·hanL marine, the likelihood is we will have spent marc than double the numuer of million. it would have cost any other nation to build a shipping back_ ground for the protection and development of ita world trade. If we arc to follow the recommendations of H. G. Dalton, the investigator appointed by President Coolidge. then further vast expenditures are certain to r esult. If we don 't, then a continu ance of tremendously heavy 108ses must be faced. Seemingly the possession of a merchant marine Is our greatest liability- a condition that Burely would have caused amusement in the days when the American flsg WIl3 foremost on the seaa. The expenditure of millions upon millions in Washingtan, the added expenditures resulting from continuous changes in the Ship}!ing Board from Admiral BenBon to Albert Lasker are equalled only in public Imagination by the eight of hundreds of great ships being 8et on lire by the government to get rid -of them and ~tail even great er 1088. The c.,st at maintenance of the fabled White Elephant shrinks to nothing alongside of the cost ot America owning ships. There haa been a steady decline io the American Shipping situation since the time Admiral Benson was turned down 011 hit! program to educate the people of country America to the fact that on American merchant marine is nothing more or lell8- thnn an extcnaion of American railroad service to incr:ease, A~erican trado in foreign marlteta_ It is an admitted fact that no program oC the governm ent can lucceed unless it has back of it the eupport of the American peo ple, and that. meaDS the support of the country where sixty millions oC th e American people live. Out of those vast mass_ es of our population few persons in the interior have any conception of the ihlpping problem, but they certainly have been made to appreciate the fact that American ships are a costly proposition. Asked if she felt that the radio was taklag ·the place of the magazlDCfI and newspapers, an Ohio houscwilfe shook her head and said it couldn't happen. "We cannot slurt fires with radios," she remiuked. The latest move to enforce prohibition by checking home win e milking may hi! extended to prevent fermentation of corn in the silo, and lhen what will happen to our milk supply?

If the soft coal workers go on stTike all the American people will have left to bum will be their indignation, and that ·seems to be a little damp under streM. Mrs. Coolidge has started her Christmas shopping. Why not follow the example of the first lady of the land' Everybody may work but father, but nobody smiles but the coal man, tJaese days.


---... ..---

W ..ltte. by . . Early Graduate

Cia.. of 1923 CECELIA G.ORSUCH-The best thiall1l of life poaaess the fruit of all learning-rWisdom t ELIZABETH BARNETT-Her inItiative and application-these propeUlnIl' factors-help her to touch leut the outakirts ot her mental visIon of the great and important thingll of thJlI life. GLADYS HARLAN-Her forceful lIe88 reveals a strong individuality, .howing a character full of hope and JOlouanesa. RUTH ROSELL - Her character ·po....ed .traiehtforward · and clear ,U . . . .IOIl8 of fundamental truths. . RU1H MeHILLAN-She is atead.Jut and active at times, maintaining .. prayerful attitude of mind, and is .:keeill¥ alive to important spiritual ·matters. 'r IllIIIA ELLIS-She is so real, so ~urred of vanity and affectation, hav: In_. ~. evidence of being !lble ta conf'qu,,~ the bia' problema of hte. .l S\(LVlA' DONOHOO--:Beautiful to ' 10Qk upon are the heautiful flowers i tha~.dec:orate the roadside of life. RUTH TOMLJNSON-Thc expres11011. pi ail applied ide. ~ided by a Divine lIih' IIIcreasea one's k~o~l­ edp and understanding. It contrlbutO to our ' personal happiness and enla,rce, oar influence. MARGARET STARR-To note the decline jn. the aocial. and intellec~ual ailtl+itle. of any neighborhood, 18 a ad commentary on the vitality of ita

· cltiaenl.





.., '


COOK-She believes 'In : the law of suggestion, character . an~ aDd I. an idealist whose gen_ eroUil' impUlsel elve utterance to her . praeti.dil ability to master the better . thiil~ of ijfe. . •. EDITH SIDES-She is a young WoniU ,0' treat faith, open-minded, and joyous, believing as she does that


~ ma,.""Uone for the Irritatlng things ~dolle while 1n 8chool with our peet-

" leu 'i~ructors' JIILIZABETH . CLARK - Some of j the imPortant.things eeen In her- wellround. charaetc.,.. are "1m e.xamp.le :for othf1ill; conftdellce; courage; .dll· ~nc:e: 'I\duranc;e;. pt1tude; kmd-

"Ilea,·_ud Iorio" ·



RHODES BUNNELIr:-Having alnedT mad, 1Dn'ple proviaion my IIWlr fril1Hll I lea.. them " . " ' . tokeIII of ID7 atr,ectionl, nOM ""01 .. ID &heir rich auocla-


Su nduy

CVt ' uillJ,.:


iL' f '~

FriunuH chul'l..' h ~ l' I ' IIl H til h....


Miss Lena Scars WaR thll guest, of Miss Alice Reeves, last we k. Our villuge and itnoled illte viai ni ty contributed $52.26' tQ the Red Cross roll call. Mrs. Lewis Holland and children sp('nt Sund ay with relativcM in Riehmond, I nd. Donllld Ree ves spenl Thllllk sA'iving hoJi dllYs with l'Il r. an ti JIIrs. hll s. Fra_ zie r. m'u r Mia mi. bur/!". The ~ cho {l l r('nder('d n pl ensing ThUll ks)!i "ing- "rO~l'UnI on Wednes1\1 , '. Mary Cllrllll lll ~ l' nl«' rt :li l1 d Mrsr. J ennie Reeves spent several da y afternooll . All I' xc('11 nt enterto d l l1 uer t t:iund:IY, hCln fl J'IJlJ,r the )lIl'th d''''s lust weuk with I'clutiv{'s in tllinllH!nt wa!; Kivt' n ill lh e \vell ing day nf ?tir. Wil " I f Clark. lhr 1',, 1:, \1'_ ~;)·ringfield. hy the Chrisli,," lellgue.


ter tnin cd


dinner on

Thurs uay, '

n Cdhl l'r- Ih '\' Id q, I' thu

~ un7"

Hampton Ten'ell and Mary II . Tel' l Ju li .. t (Il l a 1"·ll·d '·'lice) -"Y ,~ . r ell , " f Ne ll' Vi~nlln. T. l.. Wa ll and I "nd II,,· - .'" ·1 .1" lf i ~ b inll' pul l. d fumily, of ·ht.'ster, Miltu n Hawkin •. "IT lind, ,. lit . ,n " "" ."





" most wonderful time of all the year is here. And the l 'HE Greater Christmas Store is Ready. Months of preparation have been made for these three intensive weeks of RikeKumler service before Christmas. American-made gifts that are unusual as well as gifts from the treasure houses of practically every land await your choosing herel

ing. All urc mosl cII l'tlial ly ill l'i("d join ·in the sl·l·vi e{·s. nlr. and Mr s. Hugh Il lll'{l r and fa mily. of ·Ien· lan d. alld ~ll·s. T. \' ao..Pelt unt! tl a l l)!ht .. ,· !\ullw!'j u (', \\'~ ' I~ gtl<'sts ' l · hll nl(.-l ·"l1ll~ JI;IY. I f ;\ll"l<. Nettie lI arp."· .tnd L"nily. Mrs. Mallie :-'m ilh ,·lIl,·I·tu illl·d nt dinn er, Than ksgi"i,, /!" !loy. ~lr. !l el1 l'y Smith Rnd ~II'. :"Id ~1 1·s . D.Il. so u Smith, Mr. Hurl,·y Smit h and d aug hter, Helen, of X,-n in, Ilnd ~l r. lind IIlrs. Carl Smith und son. Mr. nnd Mrs. I .0. Pderso n {' nter tnilled lit elinl\ , SUllrby . Mr. Ilnd Mrs. W. H. MuntlL- nn il, i'II,.. nn e! :'Ir•. Everett Mcnd"nitllll lin d dau;!h ter. Helen, IIIr. nll d 1\11'• • 1': lnll'" COlllpto n and Mr. J ohn COll1l't(ln, "r Ne l\' Burlinteto n. Mr. anti lIlrs. DeWitt Th olllpson . of Middletown. IV!! I'" I're,c nl nt th e an naul Anabee ThHnk ~g ivi\1j.? din ner III Mr. lind Mrs. Hay I'rug·,. ~ ll"s. Snruh Ansb ee, Wh o hn. he('n 'Jll'ndingo 'OlllP time wi t h her nnul-:hter in Middlet own. retul'ned to ' pen,1 Ih" win ll' r here. Mrs. F:llrl I ra rt. ...·k 1l1(,\ with 1111 unfortunllte' accident as th ey wen' returning hOllie, Saturtln~' ~ vc ni ll/!", after spend in!: th e Thllnksgil' ing ' ·0cation here, in ste ppin g from t he train at Co lulll bu~ h,,1' fo ot sli pped. throwing hel' und brcoldng Loth Lones in her limb. - - -___0- - -

J-Iere are just a Few of the Gifts of Every Type--Fo.r Every Purpose and Need--That You Will Find Here! Men's Delt and Buckle Sets ... ___ ... $ 2.00 Meo's Cas hmere Mufflers .....____ ... 2.95 Men's Silk Lounging Robes _____ ... 18.95 Men's Wool Dath Robes .. _____ • 10.85 M e n's S ilk Lounging Robes .. ____ ._ 9.95 \Vo m e n's Kid Nove lty GlovllB-__ .. 4.50 Sil ve r-Plaled Waler Pitchers.. _._ 5.00 3- rol\" J mita tion P earl Necklaces 3 .95 Philippin e Gow n s and Otemis~. 2.95 "Vo men's DIanket Bathrobcs-__ 3 .95 Lace- trimm ed Negligees ... ___ .____ . 15.00 Dresse r Set in Mother- o f-pearl effects ............-...... ...........$8.95 to 82.50 Women's Boudoir Clocks $4.25 to 11.50 Magnify ing Mirrors with tweezers ._ ....................... ._........ ____ .___ .. . 7.50 \Va.terproof Touris t Cases, 85c to 7.00 Flat Envelope Purses ............ __ .... . 5:00 Flat Pouch Bags in wanted colors 2.95 Women's Enameled Hat Boxes .. 10.00 Wo!"<:n's Overnight Cases with FlttlllgS ........_.......__ ......__ ...... __ ._ ... 12.50 Women's Rain-Shine Umbrellas.. 6.85 Gift Handkerchiefs for Men and Women .... __ ._..... __ .... __ ...... 25c to 1.SO Childrcn's Picture Handkerchiefs, 3 In box .. _.............35c to .65 Boys' Genuine Le~ther Belts .. ___ •.. .75 Dol'S' Rayon Fibre Striped Sport Belts ..... ____...... ___ ._ .. _.. _ .. _._ ..... ___._ .95 Doys' Rayo~ Fibre Knitted Tics .. .50 Men's High-Low Felt Comfy Slipper _......... _.. _..... _....... .__ . ______ ... 2.50 Men's Tan Kid Opera Slippers... .$ 4.50 M en's Romeo Tan Kid Slippers.. '4.50 Men's Brown Kid Everette Slippers ....... _......... __ ....... __ ...... ___ ._.. __ ._._ 3 .00 Women's Quilted Slippers ..... _._.. 4.50 Women's Quilted Comfy Slipper 2.25 Child's Felt Slippers...... $1.25 and 1.95 "Once Upon a Time" fairy tales.. 2.00 Newest Novels for Gifts..._..$2.00 2.50 Hand Embroidered Towels ..... ___ .98 Velvet an~Tapestry PilIows._.___ 1.65 Stamped 1'lllow Cases to Make.. 1.00 Artificial Flowers, spray. __ . ____... .10

Mrs. J. B. Jones spent Fridny in Mt. Holly. _Mr. and Mrs. Wiilium Bcrgdall were in Dayton , Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. James Johns spent Friday nnd Saturday in Dayton. Wmam Stoller, of Springboro, was a week-end guest of Gerald Lacy. Remember th e chicken supper at Lytle hall, Thursday evening, December 3rd. Mr. Wessley Benham, of Centerville, spent a few days last week with Lytle friends. Mrs: Lucy Fitc, of Pleasant Ridge, spent Wednesday with her mother, Mrs. Emma Foulks. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Cox, Mrs. Will Cox and Mra. Emma Lacy wero Dayton shoppers, Monday. Mr8. Roy McKirby and children, of Dayton, wertl rrhanksgiving guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. Ralph Johns. Mrs. Allen Emrick, Mrs. J . B. Jones and Mr. lind Mrs. Walter Kenrick were Dayton visitors, Wednesday. Miss Clarabelle Hunt and Morriston Hunt, of Cedarville cOllego, spent Thanksgiving vaclltion with home {olks. Dr. and Mrs. L. B. Hall and children, of Waynesville, were Thurllday dinner guesta of Mr. and Mrs. Harry McGinnis. Mr. lind Mrs. Ernest Lacy and children, of Dayton, Mich., spent Thanks_ giving with the former's mother, Mrs. Emma Lacy. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rogers spent Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Carey, near Ridgeville. Mr. Carey remains quite poor Iy. . Mr. and Mrs. Kesl"r Gru hllm and daughter, Bernice, ~pcnt Thsnksgivin.,. at th~ home of the latter's paronts, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Albright, near Springboro. Sims and daughter . . Mr. ancl Mrs. H. M. Clark entertained to Sunday .Hum·r , ~l l·. and Mrs. Arthul' Wat kins, Ml's. 1\I1II'Y Watkins, Miss CIII"(llinc Wlltkil1s und Mr. Russell Watkins, of Centerville.



1Ukt+Kumk.. Com,'·.X~lJiJ'

It t'

the north west. CALVIN LON GA(,HI~ -Bc h onest and upright in 0 11 OU I' te mpornl IIffairs. MYRON .THOl\1AS--Hi ~ whole life is n good clean stu fly of both boy nntl fllther psychology. HARRY "'HOWE - " A(·~.ordin g to your faith be it unto you. " . HARRY 'fUR. ER-J)o n ot pay a tremendous pl'ico -Cor sonlcthing . we know but little about, and trusting after the pJ:ice is l)uid we n)ight fo r mulate something 'W.e nctolllly n ~edcd; . ' • ELWYN Sl!UBBS- The pretty HttIe pebble8, so round ·a nd nice; ' we see along the "rOAdside, constantly remind U8 of • well rounded-out life. . ROBERT VANDERVOORT - T/le value of Christian moral and Intellectual work Ilea In the breAdth of viaion normal viewpoint and unewervinll' steadlneaa of purpo.. ; Indeed the Ideal precedea all thln8!l 80 the lei'vIre of theae faetors without 811 ideal

Missos l\Iarll'nrc; unci Huth Vick~rs. f or ~l it1IUlld. ,\I •. lIlId M. s. Dllvlc1 Jucof ])nyl" n, ' Y l 'C guusLs of r(lllltivclI ' , h~IH , " r '(." ~"JI' k Cily. MI'. 11111./ here dllring Thnnhgivinl\' holifhLYS. 1\11'1' . W. II. l.arilln , "f • ,,!'ing ul1 y , Mrs. A. II. Hllrlnn. dULlg htcr and .1. J\ . !l nr\mall Il IHI fll.IlIi1X' anti Tr '\01' so n sp~ r\t Thanksgiving in Minmls- ( . II. .11111 I. IIllly. burg, the gu 's Ls of T. M. Hurl an nnd '----~ fami ly. THe SAME OLD THING Tho C. E. und Christia n league we re pleasn ntly ' enlertailled in th e ____ home of Mr. lin t! Mrs. Rnl ig-h BoH',II\"u 1111,1 .1,, 1,. t spnll llilll( in the ga n, Fridny 'vc ll ing. park. He,' . an,1 Mrs. Jes~e 1I11wkin R e n-\ I:.. ",.·, " fl,.,,, h" lievr ther. ·~


i ll ..... n . a~.

WIJITAUB-He hu . . . . . . IdI dna_ of )'Oath, raoW' be iidlittil ped moan. . of .. .like • "1IWl w1thon • .toWltIT'



lug guests: Mr. and Mrs. E. J . Car-I Illon y and children, Mlrium und RobOl·t , of Sprillgliu!d. Mr. lin d Mrs. C. \Y . Younce and 1il;~ Kllthry n Clark, " r WnynoHvill e, Mi as Milelr d Clark, of . nterville, 1\1 'SS l's. ~Jver tt Clllrli and Claude Hi~i\~, of J)uywn, and i\l ... and Mrs. Wilbur ·ark.


A Short Re.ume 01 the Characteri.tic. 01 Each and · Every Graduate 01 the Wayne.ville School.


M ~. W. M. H nrti n ~('r Is V~T'y ill; Mrs. ][ rnll-ln Walton iH recoverillg n(, l'ly now from her IIIn e s. 111168 Lela LiHleT' is ill DlIyton, curing f or her mother, wtl< ~ is ill . Mrs. W. E .n O~'Ul hilS bopn enjoying a visit the \llIst weak wit h her sisler, I,'om Murion . Mrs . A" eh underwent an opel'Ution for the r elll ovtli uf her ton sils, Friday morllin g. Rev. und Mrtl. W. E. BOj.?u n \\'crl' in Leban" n, Sundny, vi siling ht:I' fllther, who i. very ill . Mr. and IIIrs. Wilfred SilllS, o r Dayton, were guests uf MI'. und Mrs .. C. VIII ·ims. Th u nk sJ! i vi rt~ OilY. Mr. lint! Mrs. W. (,;. 'dles e nt l' rtnincd lhe Hartsoc k fumily lit th ~ ir annunl ThllnkKg ivin g r eun ion, this yellr. The funeral of Mr. Dnniel Slump WIIS held lit the home of hi s niece. Mrs. Arthur l'5 tUlllP. Saturday a ft ernoon. Messrs. Olis Prum er and Andrew Hutchin so n will huve charJ!e uf th e morning servic e lit lhe Fri{',ul s church next Sundsy. Mr. Jumes Bostnn spent th l' latter part of the we{' k with his son Ullt! family, Mr. nnd Mrs. Bert Bosto n. of Indinnnp olis. Rev. lind Mrs. J . F. Young hud as th eir guesl for the 'l'hllnk."'iving VIIcation, th" ir niece, Miss Muyme Pre. ber. of Greenfaeld . 1\Ir. and Mrs. Arch Copsuy and family uttend"d tn e Nurth family 1'1' un ion dinn er held lhi, year at the home of Mr. lind Mrs . .1. A. North, in Xenia. The SundllY-Schoo l cl ass, of which Mr~ . C. K Wulky was a member. \I cut in a group to visit the Wa lley family, FridllY. Th eY' report II wonderful time. The Elum Sisters hud us theil' Thanksgiving guests, their uncle und nu nt Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Sims. of Cincin nati. and Mr. lind Mrs. W. M. Smith, of Xenia. Mrs. N"ltie Il ar·pe r and d/ entertain ed. Snlunluy. Mrs. Anna Wri~hlllnd d/lugh t",.. Ma,.t hu. of Ce n terivilc. 4n" 1\Ir.. fu llIe s AndreI\" li nd rnmily. of Daylo r>. Tht' inlcl'l-st und atte ndan ce lit 1l1l'

Mr. an·d Mrs: llul'olcl BurgI.' ami ('hilelren, of Duytu", W ' I tl 'J'h UI'Sthl)' g u >ts of Mr. un<l MI·.~. LIIWI'CllC MI'. nnd M,.s. hU H. ,TOhtiR lind ?Ill" lind "'1 rs. WliltCI' JUII Il"Y \,','rl' Th;<lI kq giv illg guests of 11[1. s }lul'Y al \<I Mr. Purl y Cook, in W /l y ne ~\'illo. M I'. lInd MrM . \V i Ilia III HI·.,wn ell t" rtnl ned Mr. and .Mr~. I"ral ll, \\'u"lley and chihhen, " f PUyl"" to Th lll , k~g i \" i, g dilln!!r. Til,' h"y!:" Mnk .. lm ulld Mel vin. I' nl; \lII"d " " 1' un lil Mond,,), marilinI-:.

Iridescent Crystal Vases at ... _._ .. Lavender Bags in Gift Boxes ..... . Shell Flower Perfume Durner s ... . French DrQcnde Dr es ser Pieces .. Crystal Baskets, Bowls, Trays, Candy Jars, etc ............. 5Oc and Optic Iridescent Stel11ware Sets; 6 goblets and 6 sherberts. ......... Ray o n and Taffeta P illo w s ..........•_ ... _.............. ...... $2.95 to Decorated Glass Pieces .... Jeweled Metal Dresse r Pieces.... Colo nial Brass Candlesticks: 9 -inch size, per pair.... ._....... _._.... 12-inch size, per pair ..........._.... Normandy Lace Doilies ...... 25c to Wrought M eta l Ferne ry with copper bowl. $3 .75 ; vine filling Shtll Ros l's for Flower Bo\\'ls ...................~ ........ _........... _... 50c to 8x12 to 14xl7 inch Pictures.......... 14~xIB~ inch Choice Pictures.... Bed Lamps ..........................$2.95 to Dresden Otlna Lamps and SI1ade Pottery Lamp and Shade..............

1.00 1.50 2. 50 2.95 1.00 3.50

15.00 2.00 2.95

6.00 7.50 1.50 2.50

J .50 1.00 3.00 0.95 2.95 2.95

The Downstairs Store Women's Felt Boudoir Slippers ..$ Children's Fcft Boots .................. __ Men's Gift Ties ..............................._ Boys' Sheep Lined Coats ...........__ Women's Gowns and Chemise ... . Women's Thread Silk Hose. ___ ._.. Men's Fancy Gift Hose __ ..•...• __ •... Men's Broadcloth Shirts ........__ .... .. Women's Bathrobes ......__ ...... _...... .


.79 .55

7.95 1.00


.55 1.:W 2.95

Samuel Small Ru..ell Artist, Creator and Sponsor of the Modernilitic Trend in Fashion Design and Color, will be on our Third, Fashion Floor from Tuesday, December 8, to Saturday, December 12.

Toys to Gladden Children's Hearts Locomotive and Tender... _._ ....._$2.oo Tractor v:.ith Three Trailers_... Toy Bissel's Sweeper_. __.____ ._

3.50 .50

Star Building Blocks ____ ._.......


22-inch Dressed Mamma Doll .. "Beauty," a Collie Pup .......... __ ._ Duster Bear on \Vheels.. _..... ____ Simplex Toy Typewriter.... ___ • Steel Toy Aeroplane........ _ ... ____ .

2.95 4.25 .. .75



Bring the Children to See Santa in His "Silvery City of Happinus" TOYLAND-BASEMENT

Community Plate Club This Week Only·-Join Nowl Your opportunity to own lovely Community Plate with but a small immedIate expenditure!.

What the Club Plan Meana to You It's just the easiest way In the world 'to find for )'our dining table the Sn....rware you have dreamed about, but which has until this inoment seemed beyond your reach. Think ~ YOU .sELECT all the beaut.Uul Commu- nity Plate Silverware you duirt. YOU PAY &II little all f5.00 now• .accord.111' to the amo~t of )our puGhuel then a emaIl .um · weeldy. . YOU IlECBIVB ..,. SIIftrWU8 at once, and belt of ~ __JOIl pay 0lIl,. our .. .t ., . ~ ..

rea'UIar cub

'. ' . .





~-lIOt ODe ~

Let Cornelia Do Your Christmas Shopping


If you are unable to come t o the 6tore to make your gift selectionsphone, write, or wire Cornelia and she will gladly make lour purchases for you and even mati them to the ad. dresses you wish, without · extra charge,

Qelivery and Mailing

Without Extra Charge Any purcbaae made at Rllce-Kumwill ~ aelivered or mailed anywhere in the tIuite<! States without extra charge to 1Ou. Shop early and ler's

take acm.atqe of then I.rvlee..



Christmas Gifts


l\I r. Oak ley Ull rl<!sby nnd fllmlly ' Ilent ;\l,lIldu in Oayton.

- 1 lind Mrs. Myer Hyman were In .Itl cinnllti, MO!1dny.

il!sr Bnd igur~ LLe 11 u ill cl'~ lit Barbn :tllllJ.

NrH. W. . Rnper ia .visitlng re la· ti\'I'H in incinnBti.

Gruy '~


I '

Mrs. Mul'Y Ed w nrds hus r e covered MI'. and I\Il's . ,I uhn Long wc r' ILL fl'llll1 her r e('e nl iIInel!9. thl> DaYlun Hndio s huw , SlIturdny.

It your birthday Is t.hi K week you are kind, s ympathetlo and un~ fi sh , always C'l1j{er in YOllr des iru to help others. .You nlO neat, econol'&Icnl nnd illtlu,tll"u" HI .! 1'1 '\'·' \ wit h a Kl'e ot lore~l l£ht and k een In..tul tl,lIt. You I'Ur"~d . I"' nltll' IIble inl!l' mlil )' tlnd ublllt y, wh ich, wlt.b f our UXl l'lnaC \';u'cluln . . :: ill I \d~it \·~ dt' tail~, CJlub lcs you to wo rk out yo ur plulls I1lPlltally rOll' 11 , II I"ullc ' . 11 1l(\ to. fo reclls t tho pro grell8 and outcumo of ~'ou r pnJJ''\t~t !· anl l l' I" .~ . : f;:.;p~ ~\'tlh relllurltnble uccuracy. Yuu ~. r ·t1 :-,0 ~ Ii .1111',.u i-.. . lt l· d 1,~ \ ,II II' dl'r lf: i\'cncss nnd executive a.bilily, ~1t.'c . \' :. in Cdllll ,iH! Hi l\'!' i~; I·1 ( 1\ 1't:~tillg 0t.1~c r persons tn drcum·tlln(' r:' • ~" ' II ,. , r T),thil1 '" I .,' , h' p" ;o, 1 '11",11 rap Id thought and prompt . ~ ,, : ion " : ' . ~ 'I'

E.l'is(!opnl rl1urkct anl! Apron snle, !\Ir,.. Anni e GiblJuns sp ent T han ks · Mr. W . E. O' Ncall urriv ed hOlll e (Ill December 12th. .::h inK with 1'~luti,'~s Ilt )Ii.idldl'wn . f"UIlI FI"ri<lu, lu ~ t Friduy. Pip!!" fu r Chris tmn . , oOe to ' $0.00 . Mr . ami MI'~. fl ol'l' l·t Crew nttend _ l\Ii g~ e s El >ic nnd Doris Hilwkc were 1I:\I' h"r ' hop. ,·d the Hudi .. " h",\\' ut Oavtull. !;;utur- "hup rillK in Dllytu n . S uturduy .



!llr. nrl Henrl p r~ (1 n nltenrlecl th " Hlldin . :; h \l \\' lit Duytllll . I·' r idll)' . i\ l r ~. I:il' i n~


1IIi," Clarn Li le wu ~ the week -end J ohn F rom lll un d furnilv WCl' l' ~\I " . t "I' "eln ti"I," at W nshi" ).(t,," Thank ,.).(ivi nJ,( Ouy ~u e~ts uf iJllyt on C. II. ~I r .

I'/lt,· ('o ll' mnn ' 81'(,lIt Th ank,- " (l I nt ivt,,:{. wll h ~II' . F H. 1I l'1" l t'r ~o n and rallll l), . MI'. \\'. ,

When you think of Christmas Gifts, bear in m ind that useful gifts nre always most acceptable

~ Ir'.

11 .

~la ddl' lI


n'I'"v"r - t"

i l1~ :till'!" fill II l l1 l'h:-i o f three \\' l' L'k~'

i," (;

~I IlId~' ~ lIut1un. of Dayton. dll rutiQ.ll. ' was in W nyne"\' ille a ,.hort tilll e. . Thlll'!'UIlY e\,ening.

The Gifts you will find in our store will last for years. Each tim e they are used there will be a sense of satisfaction. which me 'l ns that the Christmas spirit of the giver will b e remembered throullh the entire year.


1111'. lin d l\!rs. . \\' . Y ounc ' penl nay with Mr. YOI II l(" "" parc nts, in Dayto n .


Fred M. Cole,




hl' r e.


I.. (Hlh-W

Ht'nd ~ r Ko t\



Mr >. Gru~e McCunc . o f LIma, WI1 " tiro week-" "d guest o f her IIl U till'r , in S prin g- 1\1 <s . E\'n Miller.

CI!lllati, :' P l'lIl


\\ Il h

~l.,. lIlJd


~Ir .


and Mrs. Les l e r Gord on.

\\, ilk..rso11l

{ )' :\4,.'HIl

!'Jl li ut


'u ntiuy

1\Ii <8


presents givl' n a\\' ay free wit h cn !' ), pllrL'huH' .. f ~ I all el Doll y \' 111'<1,' 11 B"x ('"lid\, fill' up . 1\1. KuhlhuJI't' n. Jl'\\'l,l 'r , I.,'t,a- X 11I.a:- . Gray's Uarl.H.·r :-iho p . ' li o n. Ohi,). j\1r. nn.1 Mr s. ~ I r(' r I [yno all and l\l i ~s Ma ry und Mr. Pnl'ry C()ok had c hildre n wcrt.:' d inllt'\ l' g"lll'~ts of Xt.' nia f o r Thnnksgiv in Jl' g u csts. Mr. li nd T(·lut iY(· s. Th:.l lll{sj.:i\' ing Day. Mr~ . \\' nlter .I unn"y. :\Ir . !l1It1 :\Irs. Cha s. F:. J ohn :,. lIIrs. ' arl rr cntll' I·"'II. ~!i ",. I'alh · 11'('1\ and ;\o!t.• GpU I'g' c II cnder"o n wei'" 'rhllnk "~ i \'inl! ~1I<"ts o f lIIr. Ilnd "hupping in Day t u n . :-iaturdIlY. Mr, . Vern A rm illlg' p were ~Ir . and 1II 1's. (,harlo" AII,,". )\11'. and ~1 I's. MI'. and 1\11'8. C. A . Ol'th<'I':W" "nd Evart Holl in_. uf Ilnyto ll . ~1llstcr Wil ton 1I,"·",.c k spell t Th 'IIIk :, giv ing with r(,lnt h'!!:' in Day t un. nr. lind MI". A. T. Wright attended II fnlHi ly dinn " r al the ho mc of Mr. nnd Mrs. G('OI' f"(, lI arlso(·k . wh" Dr, a nti M ,·S. DU ll lp), Kec\'e r, in Cen- :5p~ nt las t we(,k with n,·lati\'cs in te n ·illt.>, 'I'h unks!!i"ill!, n a),. Greenville, re tu rne d home, 'ull day.

from a given quantity o f PIOline. And no,", the Buick 011 61ter make. It ne cessary fa chanae crankc • .., o il o nl y a t rare inte'YI I•.

EYen .mollcr, leu powrrful car. do not march the Better Buick In low cost o f operution and m aintenance. You add to I Tbe Bak:k Valve.In. Head en· . your power to economize wben rlne de".lop. more pawn vou buy a Better Buick 1 ete.1 hoa. . . In the f.mou . BuIck "Se.I.d Ch ....... and "Triple 8ee1ed Boalne".

D'''U'OflO/O ....ud MOfonCorpmarlo"



Burgess Batteries





Radio Tobes, $1.50

Radio Repairing




Pound Loaf, Each • . . • .

IOc i Club, FLOUR Country 12Y2 pound Sack • .62c Sl.19 CRACKERS Soda and Butter, per pound . . . 14c ORANGES 216perSize, dozen . 32c 22 1-2c Pound Loaf, Each


Countr, Club, 24 1·2 pound Sack

288 Size, per dozen

2!~? !~t!!~~b.

22c ~u?p~~ . ?~~.~. . ... 4c 50c !~d~~, 1Oc ~~.~~~. .~~.~~. . . . 18c ~~~~tn£~~~~ . . . . . . . . . 75c StewiDg Figs . 15 Q;i;:;; C ~~~~~~kiJJgPo~der45c 35c ~scm' ffee a...... 47 c .pound ...............

Ib .... ... .. , .. ..

can .... .. .... ... ...

3 pound •• each ...... : ... .... ...... $1.25

Ro..... LaY.r. . .eb ........ ..

La,.r, ••c .. .......... .. .. .... 25c

II can ................ ...... .. .... .. .... 9c


French Blen d. lb .... .. ...... .. Jew.1l Brand.. lb .... ......... ...... . 39c: Colden Santo., Ib .... ................ .. 33c:

. . .-.:. :.·. . . . 15c·


P.c ...... _cb:.. .. :... , .... ... ............3:lc


Ci g nret t e CUKe.

Mi ~s

Mal·tha Ci g; .o.fotte H o i ::cr s

ill M U lTO\\, .


hOnlt, f " '111 ttl" h ' lspitn ! \\"11 .. ,,.1' ti l' lal:-. l 'l ' ( ' 11 I-i illl' \' I", t \\ '·l' k.

C ic:nr


Ci!:3 r Holders

Su\oki 1\ 8 Tonbca.:o

Tobacco Perf U

POll Ci , ClY

l1l {' ol

Toile t \ V llleT"" D o l l y \'l\rdcu



Cn ntl /

Nothing Better!

- Ihall :t I.ox o f (·i).; C\l :-. , j pi pl! , " j ar of chr. ict' t.- l • .('e·· rl. III of cign I c llcs. rill' Inall \\ lit> ~III"kl's loves th e l'no) so nlhillg (,llj 'y. a I.t' ha nllll . IIi< lit " f t .. h ;! , TlI l ie lt H:- IllS 1.1\·orite killd tOll. and " ... hl :- ac ri d .. , I ,I C. l fr\· :tl \ P I'pllbr fJ\·" rild in stuck , re ad\' for } lIu r

.\11'<. 1."11"', 7."11 ~Ir". A II"i., Soh,·.· . han. Mr. 1': l'I ll'~t ": a l'f lh :,,"t alld ~lIn j ,i s it~ d _\[1' . IIj)11 ~Ir". W . II. ThOl'pe: j a t ArcHllu m, las t" l'l' k, ~II'. " " I M,'l<. Hnn:t1d lI uwk,· ~ntrr- I

• If ' I (' ;,

il1<;t :· r: 1 ~elc(' li oJl .

l.adiL's n eed II ' t h esi l t' t' in select ing th E'ir gifl ~ 1\[ our 11l\'e l i S \ : I V !twa \, \' 0\11 gif lS while mlr st,,<:k is

s t (lfl'

Otl1- I" ic (' ~

cOIll(lld .



i;.::l :t

Gr y's Barber Sh~p and Cigar Store

taint'd, t ll 11 Thall k~I,d\' in ", diu ll('r thl' r" Il "wln~ )!l1('~l,,: ~11". Edilh lIal'l'i , . ~ll' ~. Laul'll I\ll"Gt'o h e l'. ,s kl'1'; ""IIn li "iJ!hw:I)', l'ge ~Ii lIaw und ~\ _ _ _ _ _ __ _________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _...", ~Ir.

~II'. lI arl'i~

!\l osh c l·.


M,.,.. F. C. Hartsock, Mi ss Mildr ed lIIess rs. H oward Archd ea con anti a nd Mas t e r C hnrl c ~ Hartsoc k, of Mil- J. O. Cartwridl t IIlt('nd~d n luncilL' nll rord, spe nt ,('ve ral days Inst week lit th~ Miumi hote l. Onyt ,,,, . loday. with Mrs. Edith Har";, n nd ramil y.


22 ~~

C'iRnrr tt l'"

Ilf :

IIt· ~ \'i ll t' d~ih ' I':-' , ~l 'H1(fay,

4S Volta

Pipe .

Ilr. nn d Mrs. 11. O. Whitak e r. of Ilublill. Ohio , s pe nt todllY with Mi &!' " .Il'""i ~ lin d J u,cp hinc Reevcs.


(,hri ~ tma s


Gift Suggestions!

111 r . IIII rI Mr s. R. G. CroS" nr ~ th e l'1 ·(' i"i,,"t. o f n co(·uu nut . which cnrne hy ",ail froni Ho nolulu. .


Bukk detIp prOCltct. all oper. . . . peru fraaa dUM and wear ~ t;bem with iron or


1\1". H owa rd Archd eac o ll

und Mrs. C. U. Hitl~ e . Ol f Si(luX r. l r !'>. Gt'org-e 'mith. Fall s. '. D .. un' \'i ~ itil".: n'lnli" r_ in M.·,,<r,. Phi llip' nn d Cra ne. ,,( J\lid , W u ynr ~ v il\ e nn d vicinity. ~Ir. Ilnd Mrs. Adllm i\ h·ll " h and twn dll,town , W(,l'e &: ucs ts lust \\'l'l,k \If ~IH) ti w('rc T'hn n k:olg- i vill,t.! ~lIl';.;t!'i of 1'1 .1. 1\ 1r , alll} l\11'~, .J a l1le ~ Vand,' r\·ollrl. j\1i ~~ Huth l'ewlnnd. of Mi nm i lIni . aliv es in \I allliit un . YC" r ~i ty, \\'n ~ tht> \\'{'C'k-l' T1 ,l J.nll' ~ t n f ~Ir s. C. (I . Hilke Hnd ~Ii " Mil",,' I II ;\Ir. \\' . II. AlIl·n nn d family. . " ".... s t ~ \If ;\11'. an d Ml'g·. Luura Zl' lI ' lI l'nl th.· Th ank:, - Br j ,\\ n \\'t' r'( ' ul' sdny l'\'l ' ninJ,!', ~i\'ing h o lidllY>; with ~II' . Ii ,I rot.' I' Z,· II ) I I' ~ . ~1 ah l o " I{ i ' h!l' , IIlr. FrNI Lennard 11",1 fami ly , "f un d family. of X(' nin . Ki l lJ;l" ~ l ill~ . Wl' n' wl' ~:k ·(· r H.1 ,l.!'lH.' ~b ~1r. I inn :'~I W· and family, tlf ~Ir . and Mrs. ,1. 1::. Fl' az i~l' . ~ lidlal , .1 . ,· It . .\ 'e 1:11",.1 " . 1:I , t l\Ii:t~ Host, \\·l1kl'r :--~IIl . pf ' ·tl I 1l1l1hll ~ . ; . Gc u l'K(' >Iil ls. I i~ S pl' IHlin g- l W\I \\l ' l, k :-. wit h :\11'. alld \\', ' 1 h. to t' .·1 !\I iss CI"llImt'n ~e McC Ollum. of ~Ir " . tl'r G"l'd un. I Oakland. CIII., is :t gU"st in th e home ~II" . S I Clair Fife and ,·hild l'l'll. tof o f Mr. \Y . II . AlIl' n Illltl family . \\'i! tll i llg tl 'tJ, s p tIll \Vl'(hH' ~dll\, "it h Mr. II nd ~II" . .1 "hn Fr o mm IIIlU !'iO I1 and l\1r~ . .f . C, II H\\kl' \\ l're s h pJI - 1ll'1' pa,..·,oIs . ~I r. and . 1.... II . II. hl'l' -';' lI l1 . II l'v. find ~ Ir ~ . C. !;;. Grauser lind pin g- in J) uy ton . tlll!:.Y . son, o f Wa pako ncla WL' r L' !!Ul'~tS. Fr' iday, of MI'. li nd ~!rs . W . 0 Raper. Ch r i!'itm:ts pl' ('!-' (' nt ~ ~ i \' f' n awn\' !III'. lind i\lr:' . J . "'I. ConK w(· r.· j!'U(·, t, (I f :\11'. nll<l ~ I I'" 1' . I I. Sh"I'- fn'p \\ it Ii ('\' I' r y P UfTi!; I :-:P Ill' ~ I nn;l ,' lip. .\1. K" hlhar '·" . . 1'·\\'l' I,'I'. I.,.!.,,1\11'. n nd Mrs. Kr n nl'th El z(·y. of .w uotl, Sunduy n ftef·n oll f·!. 11 1;11. Ohi ... Dayton. sp,' nt Thank ~j!' i\' in~ with their parent8. Mr . nn d 1\11',. W nlt ' r MO% I·s. ('hal'i('s ::; lnn , lt.,I'!·Y and !'tIl', '\ nell'l' w J\llIltZ hl1;-; I'\ ,tlll'flt ' d . ~Illl'l Sta l.·y, " r ila n,"' . \\l' I ': \I' ",..

Ohio I

III owaenblp.

Tellthe Advertiser you read his Ad. in the Miami 'Gazette

~Ir .

Hardware, Harness, Farm Machinery

Better Buick operadng call. _ .... low. Tbla car Is th'rlfty -boch In parcb_ price and

'i' , •

Ilarol d Williumso n hus r\'turnNI 1':1)' ri ll. afte r a visit with his pur-

:-ip e~inl ""le I) Il ~I'c<'lacl~" he r e C\' - ~1 1l' . t o f Mi ss Lo ui&c em ne, Thanks~ry Tu,·sduy . r.l. l\ o hlh aKcll. Opt " m- I:i\'ill~ Ony. l' l J' is t. Ll.' bun u ll, Oh it).

' 1ll'l1t Th n nk 'g i\' ing- 011)' Mi.';' Erl it h Sid", ... f l1u yt f HI. ' p" nl bor.,. In, t I hur ,.dny with hc'r pare n t, . 1\1 r. "n d 1111'''. A . L. S idl" . Mr. Hob(,,·t C r o~" WIIS co nftn c d til thl' ho use 6evel"lll da ys las t wCI-k. wi t h Mr ~. Lo u II n rian ' pent Thanks - t hl' ~ rip pc. )!i\' in~wit h M I'. Frank 1I 1l1'\' oy und fumily, near L~h " n on. MI'. II nrl 1111'S. J. It. n"k,.I'. (,r Cillcin"ati . " P C I1( SUllduy wilh 1I1r. lll1 d Spl'cia l ~ nl c on ~p{'ctuc1 e~ h er e ev - Mr , . ·has. Gray. ery T".· ~ day . M . 1\ "h l hal!~n. OptOnl _ l' tr ist, Lt' han u ll, Oh io. . Mr. and Mr,. I'hil ip Z•. pf. IIf (,in -

The selection of you r Gifts will be easy in our store, for they are displayed conveniently, and their ran ge of usefulness makes them accep table to any member of the family.



l\1 es~ rs . Kcnneth l(ilbn n lind Do n Mr. Bn cl Mrs. F. A J[nl't ,o~ k. Mr. a ld H e nd e r so n ~ p (' nt ThanK sg ivin g nnd Mrs. C. H. DI'ulhcrnge. Mr. Wm . wIth Mr. Cllrl lIt'IHlr rso n and fam ily . Luk ens n ~ daughter. wcre Sundny guests u f nn tl Mrs. fl oss Hur tChri stma s p r es ~nts ~iv e n UWII\' ·sock. free with eve ry purchll~e or $ 1 un il u p. M. K oh lhngen, Jewe le r. LebaMr. lind Mr s. Tom S h errod. Mr. no n , Ohio. Stacy Burnet IIncl family, Mr. C. R. Cornell lind fnm ily werc S un day dinlIIrs. B,·l le Di nwi.ldie IInti Mi ss Olner g u es ts o f Mr. and M,·s. w. B. ivo, s l)('nt Th nnk'Idvin~ DIlY w~t h Squires . . M •. J a cob S trou se lind flintil y or Five Points. ' Mr. and Mrs. Harr y Turner und li ttle son, nn d Mrs. Caro lin e Barnett, Mrs Sn lli e N ixon and Miss !\futtie o f Bell broo k, wet:e g uests of Mr. H lIr_ vey Sackett nnd family, .1It Th anks- Fire • • o f Leblln on, w('re gues ts of 1\11' . nntl Mrs. E lvin Fir~s from FridllY givin g dinner. until S unday . '

Mr. anti Mrs. R;Ymond Willi n m ~o n Mr. Robert Vand ervoort. of Ohio and son, Hobcrt, of E lyrin, Mrs . L . T . Cooper a nd son, J . Byro n. o f Day - Wesleynn univ e rsity. spent the hnlida ys wit h his pllr ents, Mr. nnd Mrs. ton, "p ent the week-end witr Mr. H . Jam es Vnndervoor t . H. W illi amso n nn d family. St. Marv's Guild will meet with Mr. und Mrs. W. H , Allen, Mi ss Olive A li e n a n d their h o use g u est , Mrs. Lee Hawke on Thursday, DeMiss Cleme nce McCollum, of Oak- cember 3rd , Il l: 2 o'clock. E lection la n d, Cnl. . wer e dinner guests or Dr. o f o ffic ers nnd paymcn t o f du cs. Stahl nnd family, at Frnnklin, Thanks Mr. and Mr s. Mahl on Ridi! o e nterg iving Dny. lUlned Thnnksl:iving Day. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Rid ge, o f S ioux Fulls. S. Mr. and Mrs. Otho H e nd e r so n D .. Mr. and 1\Irs. Churle s Well er o f pleasa ntl y entertain ed at Th nn ksgiv- Ce nte r vi ll e. ' ing dinn er, Mr. teorge Str oud ' and f amily . of Daylon, Mr. L. F. Perkin s Mrs. Laur ll Z"U e ntertain ed at din a nd fam il y. o f Pas adenll, Ohio, and n".r , Tu esd ay, Mr". Mary Edwurd s. Mrs. Maud Crnn e . MIS" Trillena F.dwurttH, Mi ss Alic e lint. Mrs. Annie S hee ha ll an d Mr. Chri stmn s pres ents g iven away aFnd Mrs. J. C. Hawke. frec with e\'e ry pur ch a se o f $ 1 and up. M. Koh lh agen , J ewe ler, LebaMr. u'1d Mrs. WRiter McClure e nn on, Ohio. tertain ed Th anksldvi n g Dny, Mr. !lnd Mr. and Mr • . Ch nrles Gray. Mr. a nd Mrs: Carl M<-Clu re and dnughter, uf Mrs. E. F. Earn h urt und ch ildren , Duyt on, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Con n er nd son , a nd Mr. a nd Mrs. James E. " pe nt Th nnk sl!i\'inp; in Ci nc innati with aMcClure. M!'. nnd M,',. J. R. Buk e r , Mrs. Earn _ hart, Marj o rie and Ch arles Burton l\1i ~s Edna- Hu wl a nd s pent-tlt c relll u ining- ' f or thc week-end. Th n nk s ~h' ing h oi id ay" with h er Mr. Fre d l1 !lrt s ock und fnm ily, of sc h oo l churn. 1II,'s W . n. Sc hwnb. (,f Mrs. Ir\'ln EI'a ns I!IIVc a Mi lford. Mr. an d Mrs. Ar,.,hi{' II nrt- Ripl ey. nch e urr on Frid ay In Iwno r o f M i"s sock, Mr. anl.l Mrg. Robert Wnlton. lu Il owlllrr d . o r Da yton, MI'. Be rt H artsock an d fami ly comprised II ha ppy fami ly Dinl"'l' ~u e"l' (Of ~I I'. nnd 1\Irs. Ll's )!I'O Up at the hO Illl' of Mr. Ilnd Mr,; . te l' Gordon on Than ksg- ivin j!' D ay , J. L. H UI'lsook, Th u nk sp; ivin l! ]l"y. wcre Miss R(ls,: Wil h ":' "II. "I' Cn It";l . Ious. Mr. Alh L' I·!. Wil ke l"" II, of Ihv Cij!'lll's lind C i ~a r e tte s in Xm as ("n, MI'. " nd ~ ·Irs. II. II. Will,crs, ;n IHH·kll).(c s. Gray', Barbe1' Sh op. "li d Mis, 1\1unha O'N .. all. M,·s. An nie S hee han ~ n terlain c d Mr. an d M,·s . II. ~ 1. R,'" v <,~. ~ rl' . o n Thanksg' ivin g !la y. Mr. a n d Mrs. Mortnn Ree v" , u" d ~II'. I\('"nr th Selh Th otHas lind little s on. o fDuy- Cri ~ . of Hicllm ond. Jll d .. W . II. tun. MI'. and Mrs. Cli ff 1fim es . u f Reele ves nnd fami ly. o f N ,\\. Hurlin !!Celltcl·\'iIIe. Mr. Alvin F.nrnhnrt and tO ~l, were Th a nk ~g i v ing )!lI~ <;t:o; of HIP famil y. Mr. lind Mrs. R ube rt Cl'e\\' M,sse" .Jenni e and J osep hi ne Re"v C$. and ]\11'. Phi neas Coo k. At the h ume o f Mrs . Elizahet h B a 'l1y. /In 0 Ia bu rato T h ank sg ivin .. .. dinn c r w,, ~ se r VOlI to t h (! . foll ow ine' 'd M r . nn d M I· S . D aV I D un ~ lIC Rt >: · • •' ' I I' • . T.' h pm ,', mnlOl' B nl' 1y ItntI Ch 'll I ( ren, M J . B . C hllp o f L I IIIInon ; "' 1r. unu.• ''fl's. n1U~l and so ns , o f Cincinnati. .MI1.. I Ju l ru Donovnn , Mrs. Lina ' Dev itr. Messr s , M .• D. Bairu and l"hid _. ·'Devit t. Mrs. .J. Th omp·s o n. oi Main Istreet, entcrtain d at a Thanksgiving lH.

dinn e r,

the ' following: _ jVIr.

an d

~ll's. Ru s~e ll Ca mpb e ll and children ' of Dayto n , :Mr. ahd Mrs. C has W~

Morrison, of Sou'thgnte, }(,y.; ·Mrs. O. S. Elmore, and the Messrs. Joseph and Wilbur Haines of Cincinnati, Mr. George ThoO:paon of Loveland, Rna Mr. Jos. R. Thompson, of Huntington W. Va.

~~--~~------------~~~----------.-.--~ .

Friendship Club The Fril' nd ship c lub will m eet with Mrs. J. B. C r ab be on W ednesd ay nfl"rnOOn, December 9th. Evc ry one I ~ rcquest ed t o come lind brin g a te ncen t prcsent.

---_. - ..- - - -

Stepped On Nail

nnd Mr . Mv er 1I\' mnn' ent e r. d d' " tnln eh litI Inn er Sunday. 1\1,'8. J. nl u oe al n s o n, l\f1'~ . R . Co hn. MI'. d M S d nn r s.I M y ncr Bloc h, o f Cin c innati, M r. an e I d '.rrs. L Bl och, o f 8 1)l'in'" ... Va ley,Lebanon. un "I'. und ~lrs . M. Kohlha ...orcn, of

Adam F. Melloh's Ad. in

While nt work o n Frank Braddock' s barn last Friday, Wilford Squires s uffer ed nn injury which is very pain_ fu I. if n ot serio u s, when a nllil pen· etrated his foot.

This Paper Next ' Week! ·

DOG OWNERS, ATTENTION W e will be at the following places on dates and times mention e d for .t he purpOSe of issuing Dog Licen~e$ for the y ear 1926 : MONDAY. DECEMBER 14. 1925 Red Lion ............ , ........... , ... 8:00 ... m Fra";ldin ............ ......... ... .. .. .. 9:00 a. m Car".I., .......... ... .. ... ............ 1 I :00 a . ' m Springboro ..... .. .. ... .... ........ .. 1 :00 p. m Ridgeville ............. ~ .. ............ 2:30 P . m Lytle ..... ............... .. .. ......... . :00 p. m WAyNESViLLE .......... .... .. 7:00 p. m TUESDAY, DECEMBER 15.1925 Ore.oni•. _........................ _. S:OO a. m H.r".y.burr .... · .. · ........ ..... . IO:OO •• m Wa.hington Tp. Hou.e.... 1:00 p. m Middleboro .. ..... ...... _ ........... 3:00 p. m Butlerville ...... : .... ......... .. .. . . . :00 p. m Pleaaant .. .. .......... . .... 5 :00 p. m Morrow ........ .... .............. · ... 7:00 p. m . All ow nc r s and h nrbo r er s of d o!\,s WIll p lellsc be at the mos t con ve ni ent pla..-e f or them promptly nt the ti m e m e ntion e d. P erson s who can n ot com e t o t h e Auditor 's office, or bc ut IIny place 0 f t he above-name d plllces. can secure lag by . endIng r equir ed fee, d(' ~ ''l'ip t ion of dog and pos tllge fo r I'ct" .. n or lice nse tng to Cou n ty All dit or, L~h­ ano n , Ohi o, :\11 do,,8 three month s old or ove l 1Il" ~t be "cKist ered , a n d their l icp n ~ c ' L'c ured h e for!' Janunry 20. l!J:.! G. t\r II penalty o f $ 1.0 0 wi ll be lIr1.lcd. C-S. l\I o un t s. Auditor. ALF RED C. B R ANT, S h e riff



An o ld p;(lntiem nn, aged 99 craved yo.•)t h. Th e ductu!' sai d monkey .. Iund s wou ld rnstore 111' S' "sc'hool" ,' rl .. ~ co mpl ex io.n " u nll bu"y - t .·lr n~ • \·\"' ,'11'_ U ~ ill" to t ry nnyt hin '" ·on co, lI e we nt t() h " the h ospitnl. Pati e ntly hi s w ife wllite(1 out'.,·l·<lO .Il C ope ruting room . . Suddenly the doo l' bU~Rt ope n and h e r anci ent hub_ by went Hkipping past. IIIr. und Mrs. C. H. Sherwood en"Don 't yo u kow me," cnlled his tertain ed the f o lfo win~ guests ut wiil). · "Wnit a mjute l" t heir pleasa nt hum c Oll Third s tree t " I gotta hurry, mama, 0 1' I'll be late Thanksgivi n g Day, IIII'. and Mrs. Ed fer schoQI," he cried, dashi ng on. C. J eff;cy. a.n(i son, R obe rt, nnd daugh _ . • _ .• \. tel', Vlrglm n. Mr. nnd 1111'S. Eugen e ' ..,... , J effrey and two sons, uf -ncar OreWi.e cr.clcinr ..ilar to rr~en, gonla, the .l\USSlls Ruth,· Alice, Doro· born tauriat. "Don't ferr it to t~y .and Mddred . J dll'rey and Mr: Wi!· c1o.e ,.er pot 'nle.. the tide'. hom JeffreY'1 01. Dayton, Mr. Lewis ri.iD.... ' Jeffrey, 'of n ear Oregonia. ' ID the nlct4l.,. af th••qaare . • daDcea, the, .era't botllered 8ablCl'ibe for 1aliam1 Guette. mach with eteraal tri.a..... '


Watch for

, : =~ ~--------------~-. ,

Never Too Much Corn!' ,

The farmers of Warren County ·are harvesting the largest corn crop · this fall that they have had for a nu'mber ot YeClrs. Since this has been t'-- able crop this year, all they can out of o ver the , scales or


the ,only a~pend,; they want to I get it, whether it be

through the lW:e stock on 'their farms. We think fhe latte r is the most profitablt:= way, the proper supplement is used.


If you are inter sted i 1 this better . phll1 fo!" 'incrC' :1s:n:s: the value of your corn, gIve l S (1 crl l i. We have. bottf the. intormation and the suppJemen~ to Improve the value of .your cor~ ..~;



Waynesville farmers' Excluingeto.:: Waynesville, Ohio ' f


Sc:venty-Seventh Year


.......................... Intere.ti~g Items i COMM UN ITY TREE I.


from the


State. CapItal


Prepared by Columbus Reporter



A. (3.

PLANS UNDER WAY In rc sp on ~o to a call from th e Brotherh ood of the Method ist church, rt!prcs(lntutivt~~ from loca l f l.:! 1igiuus, fruternal ~lrI sncia l urgonizations met at the T ow nship hou se Illst Wedn esdlly ni " hl. Superintendent of sc hoo ls . ~' . R. MOOJIIIlW, Ilcted li S t~llIporaTY ellllirJllun und ~lIl h:d the mee ting to order. A rter some tli.e u,. ion It was decided til hll ve n CI) OImunity Christmas tree. to be pl aced in u conspicu uus 10(,lItion. An orgllnizlltion WIlS effect ed and officers we ro elecled. as follow,: Dr. J . T. Ellis, pres ident; F. R. Mou maw, secretar y; ~'. M. Cole , treas urer . Plan\< were furth er discuRsed and President Ellis app ointed the follllwing chuirmen of committees : Finance, F red M . Cole : tree, J. Wilso.n Edwards: de co ruli () n, Geo rge J . Waterh ouse ; mu sic, Al fred Wutkins ; lreat Mrs. Vern Armitll ge; localiun, Rev. L. A. Wash u urn. Christmns cnrol singi ng will ue a pleasing f e lltur~ of the Il rOll'l'Um . rt is hoped lhot our I iti zc ns w ill coopernlc in thi N und ortukinl,: und make it Ii SUCCC NS_

WUl'\ ('Pl·II (· d by th,'

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E. S. Notice


III s Foreign lr.lissiona ry Society Had Splendid P, rogram

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Gua r . sr i vi ng

p u r :-a u e k n o wlt·dg'l'.




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a re luke n fro m (' n ch of the l \\'\1 1,,-t (' r R o f IIwn h l· lo," 'l'lw nn n H' II f t he· (' H m l' Flrl ' gT OUp is " \\' hl( i la ·


The Sc:t nd ina" ill ns run a cnble und" I' th l' \t Itl l' r ,ship nlld sell power to it wu :t. I 'c nill ra k.

tl ll a," n1 ('u ni llJ,:' "h illt o p ," Thi !oo ('or n .. :: p n n d~ w ith I\ur hll' u l ion I,f \" llY IH.l S\'j ll l' , Chll .... {· n.

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TIl(' d t!d ion of I,mcers r e,nll"11 tI ~

T I,,'rp·. a "iltl for New Englllnd,

f H ll , ~ \\'s : 1 'J'(·~ id nt, L llll i ~ t; Frazt, r ; vic€·--J) n ·si d\·nt . l}, )ri:-l II nwk c : .1'{'T(' la- ""I """ iltli" f"r ,\l ai ne, wh ich inte llir y , ~lal' Y Louisl' Z im1l\p r mun: trpn ~­ )!t' nt y plan ' tn h l\r n "~" th e g ronl t ides The Mnino lJr(' r. J-: n~ l y n C n rtw ri "dll; ~c.: riL e, B "r- in l h.. Bay 0 1 Jo'u nd y. n kl' II YT1l un; s u nK' It·a d l!I', Ht 'a lri L' 1' ·Xll(I l·t uh" UL \\ hich wr know most i9

Hub it zc r. 144' (' d P Ut.:llHt!!ic, t:C' 1l 'l nt potatoes. The CallIP Fi n. gi rls we r" e leoled t l) tl l·,o rat e tht! (' umll llllli-ty (, h";, tlll"" Th" w"; tel· h n~ h" u).(h t man y a car- ,lultd . t rl' {' . The Camp F ir,· I!'i rl >' art' Inttkinl!' T hl ' " powe r \.: l' Op" o f Mninc should flll'\\' ard tn a happ y a nd u>,dul f u· bring t" the Stul~ m ill io ns of dolla rs t ur,' , un dr-r th e l(uanliun Hhip of :'tlrs, F Ie ~I OCl n l aw , a nd Ill' I' a :~ i , tli nt "nry Illo nth. without the inconveniell ce of fh:hti ll\!" potatu bugs. J!:unrdian , 1\1'->4. Yo unc e. BEI{NI(' E IIY:\fAN . Scriue. No thin g C O Ill C::S s uddenly. It took II lun", Lime and seve rul revolutions fur the humb le bo urgeoisie to take po wer frolll kin gs , nobles and clergy, thU R incrensing a thousandiold the number of those with a sharlll ,in life·. huo d things. And the Dlerchants , the "money men" did not gain Warre n Coun ty is a mong th e for - power eXc c lJl u s lhey learned how t unale ee. unlies in Ohio in h uvi n ~ lItr. ttl usc it. R. B. Ttlm , of lhe:> Ohiu Stute univ erThe t('nant huu sl:! ut Miam i ce ml!- s it y ex h.·n s io n forc e, a s U ll in 5 lru ct o~' The next st ep nlong the path of tor y \VII ~ t "tally rl esl rcJ y.. d by fi re 11IF.t in a Hural nram n ti~ " project, which democ racy will I' e a nol her increase Thur, dnv ~\'c n i Jt g . a boul 7 o' clock . T h e l~ o u ::c was f)ccll pi ed llY Ji'n'd will st a rl ill WlIrrc n Cou nty, Jan- in the number .. r earth's children Ln w ~;o n nnd t'aru il y , w ho w e r t' uway u "r~' G. thal s hare its prope rty. Thnt step frum h " m ~. It i, t ho ught tlic bh\Zc T he proj ct will r equir e three one- will be taken when the great crowd wa s stat'l pd fro m an O\' l!I'-heated dll Y elm fc renc es, onc ullY Clll'h month Icar ns how to rule its elf and finds stove. Nuthin g was ~a v l'd. Th e loss i: pa rt ly eovc l'cd by in- for three co nseculive mun l hs, and compe tent leade rs that won't betr6lJ suranee. b.v courtesy of th e Lebnnon Grunge, it. wil l be held in the ir hall. If ou r men of power have anY' inThe objecL of lhi ~ course is to lraill telligence, the chan~e will come a le aders in Comm unity organiza ti on long time henc e, nnd liS peacefully as FosLe r nn" .\l nrgH r elta l3lal' kbnrn fll r rl l ~ muli cs , choosing the piny, un " Iection in a golf club. Il enc o(' k. o( 1.:1'" r" rd. I'u. . \\ ill h e coaching nnd directi ng . re hea rsals, , Th e trouble is th at our "big" men Jlrl.' ~c n L a t II 1llC'I' I I II)! tll Ill' h,·l d al the scenc ry. cons lruction li ~htin g stage tak e themselves too s~r iou s ly, attachF ri e nd s l\ ] Cc t i ll )! - h tl ll ~ e. T hut'fday eve, !'q uil'ment, milke-u p find Ihe ot her in g to the ir bank ba lances more imat 7 :;] 0 p. Ill . Jo' ~tc r II (,Ul·"c k will qu estions t ha t urise ill home-lnlent po rtanc e t hnn to histo riea l precedent "peak on the s uhj<,ct: " ,j e :; US, til l' produ ctions, !l nd the rights of others. Mocler n '~ eu<h el'. " !-:ve ryb,. ily we lThe class will huve to be limited, eO lne . as l r. Tom has nakcd li S to ha ve not Frank Casale, aged forty-five, Is more thlln ,I u or 5 0 lenrl er s. In or- orrested for chnining his children to de r to reach the g reates t number, it the fioor, and fiOlCgi ng them with a has ueen recomm cnd c(1 that each heavy Tope. He beat his wife when organization in· the cou nty, church, she r e leased · one of the child re n, Opens Sport Ar(na grllnge, school or olher Com munity chllined- clown for four days. Bootclubs, which is inleres ted in dramat- leg Whisky. ics, send two representatives to these conferences. The first 60 nnm es sent Mrs_ F erguson, gove rnor of Texas, into Home Age nt Ne lli e Watts , or Co unty Agent Class will comprise tnkes prohibition seri ously. She wonders why th ey a rrest bootleggers who lhe class. . Those who attend th ese meetings carry two or three pints for sale, but itis expect ed, will be better able to don't arrest bootleggers worth more dir ect Ilnd stag e plays fur th e orglln- thnn $5,0 00. The Lady-Governor has something izulion they represent. to learn "bout Am erican methods. In th is co untry five thousand dollars means protection, five million dollan means immunity.


Disastrous Fire

--=-==--= ==


TIll' .'(' ni cJr C I "5~ will present the cnt<'TllIinlllcnt t o th" lI ig h s chool in th e Gymnllsiurn . Friday, ut 12 :HO. Thl! prol!'rnm will con sist of 1\ pl"y, Illus ic li nd olher' numucrs of interest. C:very one cordially in \'it" d. Th e Liter a l' r c1uu Iwld II meeting aft.ernn n lit 2 :45 . A "Boo k un d Auth or" t est occupied the pnti re period . A story. of which numerous book thles formed the main them e, wus r elld, and at th e mention of n uo ok, ('ach Illemuer wrotc the au_ thor. Must of t he hooks were wellW"c!lI p~ dny

kllllwn uu t seve r nl w ere minor works

of lhe better aulhol's. The contest creuled quile a great de al of enthusiasm, which we hope will co ntinue throughout each meeting_ In her talk to lhe High school, Friday, Mrs. Gumbart, of Miami-Jacobs Business college, pl"Cllented many val_ ua llie points of busines8 ethics. She emphasized loya lty to firm, bU8iness deportment and importance of personality. Sarno of the factors for II successful business career, according to Mrs. Gumbalt, are knowledge, ambition, sincerity. r eserve and good personal appearance. She closed her address by saying that Ii we wished a successful bUllincss career, we must start now in preparlltion by taking udvantuge of all the educa.tional facilities offered for our benefit.






-'- -

Friend s' Meeting


The various rooms in the school present a festive appearanc~ , Christmas borders of different de8igns appear on the blackboard8. This enthusiasm ill probably due to the fact that a number of pointll are credited towards the sllortsmanship cup for general appearnnce of the room.

DEATHS Miss Louisa Neale died o~ December 2nd, at the residence of Dr. Mary L. Cook, where she had made her home the past year_ She fonnerly reSIded in Newport, Ky_, but for t he past 8eve rro years lived in Harveysburg. Miss Neale was a woman' of s~er­ ling worth, possessed of great fortitude and stre ngth of character_ Even at the advllnced age of 83 her mind was clear and her interest in life keen and vi tal. She will be missed by many friends. The funeral was held Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the home. Interment in Millmi cemetery:

.. -.

--Waynelville Bearcatl


b('a ut ~·.


The Woman'8 Foreign· 1ofis~ionary prayer. Three things that hinder the 80ciety met at the home of M1'S. John answer to prayer. 1st, if I regard not God in my heart, that severs the Whitaker Wednesday, December 2nd, connection; one sin un eo nfessed and at 2 p. m. "Silent Night" was 8ung unfowgiven sevcrs the connectiun. 2, as the opening number. Mrs. L. A. Selnshly as king. 3rd, Thl' unforgiv_ Washburn conducted devotionals. ing Spir,t. The H oly Spirit helps to Rev_ Washbum reviewed the second forgiVe and we mu st forgive if our prayers are answered. chapter of the Study Book for the Mr8. Cross, a r eading, "Answered year, entitled, "Bible Teachings in Prayer," in the Novembe r Friend. Friends of Howell and Emma Pierce Ohio baa more hunters thill year Prayer." Speaking of the Bible as The song, "Where He Leads Me I will regret to learn of the death of than Jlver before In all itl history, the world's prayer book and how Will Follow," was su ng as we depos- their g rand son, Pierce Brickett; at and the men bahlnd the gun are bagited our Christ mus offe ring, $13.4 0. iio, their limit of game, according ~o God invites prayer. He says call up_ Following t here wns n demonstra.- Toledo, last \V~ek. Another grundRichard Pierce, has also ueen Dent O. Tbo~plOn, chief 'of the fish on Me in the day of t rouble and I will tion represe nting five you ng ladies son, very ill of typhoid fever, but is reand ,ame dlvl8lon. Rer0rta received answer you. Gild wRnts us to seek called to the missionary fields, each co'vering. eo far Indicate that al past records Him and He g ives us many promises giving a synopsIs of hel- lue and edu_ will be' broken in the number of huntcation or preparation for her life 1I1rs_ Amy B. Lumpkin widow of ers' Ilc:enaea aold iblll season, and so if we ask Him we shall find Him. If work • far there have been few accidentll we search the whole heart. If At the close o.f eneh retitntion a can· William H. Lumpkin, living west of reported, Mr. Tho,"pson said. This ,we kn,o ck at merr~'s door it IIhall be dIe WIlS lil!'hted' r "presenting them- New Burlington, died 'suddenly at D hunten are ahoWing a (a~. spirit, and opened unto us and He is willing . to selves a s lig hL-bl:IlI'Crs lo t he foreign o'clock Monday a~ernoon at the wlth but one or two exceptions no fields. One lo India, another to South home of her 11011, Albert liumpkin, reporta have been received of any give more abundantly than an earth- Amtlrica, Rllother to Chinn, /18 n med- neur Spring Valley, where she had one bMlrln&' more Uta" the limit in Iy parent. There is grent need of ical migsionnr¥, one to , Korea, nnd been spend ing the day. Acute indiand heart trouble caused her camli. -Rabbit. 'are .pecla1ly flen- prayer. It is t)le only way of salva- another as a nurse to rlldiu. Those gostion ' . tiful in SOuthern Ohio, and al re tlon, 'conf~ssing our ~in R and, exera!s- ' taking part' werc Mrs . YO U11CC, Mrs. death, portS that Inore quail have ~ee.n seen inll faith in God as our Savior. · Crabbe Mrs. Hole; ~I rs. Davis and ttiW" ~ear thaD ever before; while .Jesus our Savior prnyea' ail night. ¥n Washburn_ , ' .. Pheaailltl are multiplying -at, luch a often 'agonizing in prayer, and prayer Mts. Jo Bnmhri rt then favored · us nte ~t . the)' were seen b;I large i. based upon . the holiness of God. with a vo II I solo, "'I: he" Killg's High. ~ "N4 in ,iIi1moat every county of Prayer is petitioning, also comlffUh- way," with Mr\!. · W.hite, all accom. the St&t6. Plane tor next Ipring are ion, asking that we receive what we pani.. · , - .. The hOrR of the Smith-Hughes d ..• lrrr ~ dlatribution of even a greater are asking. Believe that ye receive , There were thirt.y-five present. The partment organized two weeks .all:O .~. . of boUI ,OWl, Pbeaa8llta .. the things and ye .hall have them. plate olfering amounted to ,3.37. for varioua ae~vitiea. The orgllna nd for nsWcldn&, the We shou~d recognize tile call of pray. Adjourned to with Mrs. G. D: iutlon t. kn01l'll U The , ", O~ ' wltII .... a.h 10 er aM we Iho'u ld alIo' take time to Mllis the first Wedn.esdaY in January. Bearc:ata. their ftrat IIMI ... .., ,n.JOJ th_ l&1IIe prar· During the social bour delieioUl reo progr&l1\ ~~~~i~~~~:~ 9. IP.It* • tile ~ Mota lira. Afehda.c:oo'a lubject ~ freabmenta we!:'e lerved b, the hoa- A number eO• ' ''La... Govenalq the PraeUce cIal lntenat


a ~s i " t.nl1t

t ru.<t wt)rth y. II olel On l u h,·alth. gl,' rify w" rk an d lor hap py. 1'1... Ilnlp Fin' cllll i ~ " wllllel o." IllPH "in g wo rk, hea lth lInu 10\'1', 1'11<". "

Enjoyable Afternoon


)\l'l d a t t h e h Olnt'

th"i l- IlIdulO flUIlIt 'l'1 . whirh at'!' :-; ~'f 1l1 Jl) 1 il' q( ~1I 1I h' :u' h h'\'(' m " llt t o hl\ .I o n p , rll" f:. tll1l('t h ill~ p ·aUy w o rth \\' h il" ill lif \- , Th. , Curnp F irt:' law i~ ,.6Vt.- s,1.: rvi l.'c,


Standardisation of canned foods will be ODe of the subjectll to be con· aidered at the annual convel\tion of the Ohio ..ubjoc:tII to be conlldered at the annual coovention of the Ohio Cannen' convention which is being held In Columbu' thlll week. The dlac:uuloo will be ed by Arthur McWilli&IDI, chief of the State dairy and food dlYilion, Ohio canned gooda are beins iold! allover the Unite4 States, and the . standard at the Ohio product is .. hi'h as that ot any state of the Union. A feature of the cDnvention wUl be the sampling of canl of peN, coni, tomatoes and other foodl under the direction of Dr. T. W. Morgan, of Syracuse.

wn ~

C. W. Y,' unn' ,



This Week

'-q.; ula,· me- pt ing' of Ihe Irt' l ;irl li

COLUMBUS, OHIO - Before nil the Christmlls bills lire paid and the people forget of the Yuletidc fes tivitie8 the open season for ' 110liticR in Ohiu will be under way, There lire a number of near-booms thllt are about ready to be Illunched, lind some of them will cause surprise while others are already co nsi dered a matter of fact. Senator Frank ~. Willis is expected to make announcement that he would be willing to serve lin other six years in the United States Senate, early In th e new year, and while there has been so me talk of opposition lo him In the Republican party, no such thing III expected and be will be nomInated ' without a contest at the pri maries. Who his opponent will ue on the Democratic sid e i~ a reol proulem. Former Governor Cox says he will not accept it, and former Senator Pomerene is too busy in ' his law practice to go back into politics at this time. Claude Mlleker, local 11 nane ie r, has been frequently menWe nJ'e mukinJ! pJ'cpnra ti ons fnI' tioned and has been given the cna short co urse t o ue held SO l11e t in le dorsement of the Franklin County in J ununry and F phru ury. This will Dcmocratll, but Mr. Meeker even be givcn without cust t o Ihose who . hun 't said that he would accept the are i.ntercsted. and th c subject mllte. nomination. When the time comes it would not be at all surprising if rial will be whnte\'cr t hose who enroll Governor Vic Donahey didn't have choose to tak e. Specilll in vilntiu n i~ eXlended to those who ha ve not hud something to aay about who his runthe advantnges of n hi g h school. .. nd ning mate will be next Fall. There also to those who may n nt h,,- v<, had seems little question but what GovOn Fr i d a ~r a ft4.' rn (HH1 , De cl"mb e r II , vocati onal trllining in hil!'ll "(· ho ul. ernor Donahey will be a third term Co urses w ill bt! ('llII side rcd frull! n lIIrs. Irpnc' lI ird ,·nt ,· l'l uiuI·<1 thc Cl uv_ candidate, not so much because he practical viewpoint nnd non" uut er Leaf cluG, Owilt )! t" th" incle l11likes the job better than others, but th ose thllt will be of imlll ed iule eV- cnl w ealh l~ l" q ui l l' a nllll l1J(,r of lhe because of the genuine demand for eryd ay ben efit will ue off e rcd. Ir IIny one fe ci. thal hl' CU ll Spill" ! 11l C mb( 'I'~ \\ , 'n' t ll!l Jl rl' ~ l't1l. Th ose him to stand for another term. He o n e o r t w o c \' e nin).!' ~ U \\;(lck [0 1' n who cn j(l~' l·d t ht ' u fh ' II/ IIlO n we l'e: hasn't said as much at any time, but short time, WI' ure s un' thlll he will :\'l rs, IJ('n 11:ll't ""l' k, ~ 1J''' . 1 ': rn I'S ~ his friends insist that he shall again be pleasl'd for hnying d Oll e so. Eurnha rt. \!t.,. . II . l{al ph !': milh, Mrs. head the Democratic ticket in Ohio All th os e who ure intcrest ed should Adalll ~1 l' 1", h a ll d , ,, ", Hi ll y. ,\1 r,.. Lc"_ next year. The Republican candidate consult Mr, rn bb e . cit lwr per ~o n ­ for the tJovemonhip is still far from a ll y. by mail or te l ~ ph (t n e . Any of ter C o rd o n , ~I r!'i. L . :\. l. i m nu.' l'lllun . being settled. Leaden are tryin g the II igh Rc hool sl udents will A'ln<lly Mr s. Huy ~ I ill .. , \1 1'''. U . It. L: n)! l('shy. to get tOlether on the matter but so nct lUi l1l e~sCl1 J!'ers if nny OI1l' p r efers and MI'>', I.-,·I I,· Bi nI. J\ ti t.'lit'jilu ' t \\' .. ('lll ll'~ I ' I Unt'll l 'o n fllf inside information is thst not 10 t'ommunicll t e throug h th,·Ill. \\'n ~ ~"'nl'tL nflL:I' " hll'h t hl' J.!' lI (" ~ t~ much headway has been made. Col. -'(I~rnrt. t' d CXPI''-' ~!,dllg' tht'n\:-;l, l\' l-S us Thad a, Brown, is in th& ring with huvi ng H \""-" I'Y (' n .ill y a h l~ ti tll C', undonement of several counties, ond will be an active candidate). and a IItrong one, too. Friends of l;ol. Carmi Thompson insist that he also enter the fray and a positive announcement f~m Cleveland is due along early ST_ MARY'S CHURCH In January. Licut-Governor Lewis The Su nduy in Ad ven t, Deia not expected to enter the contest. (·" mb e r Third Church School 13 192&. ~ng ago he gave his word that in 9 :30 a. m. ' 1I10rninl!' Prayer and tlie event Col. Brown was a candidate Sermon at 11 :00 p. m. All are corhe would not be, and there is no ininvited to come and worshIp dication that be bas changed his mind, dially with us. , S]me Important developments from 'Rev. John J. Schnelfer. Rector, a oUtical standpoint are being carefu \y laid. Both parties are trying to eliminate all contestll pOll8ible aud FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST have the primaries be a real love feast Morning service 9 :3 0; Bible School Time only will tell the result. Communion and sermon. Evening Service at 7 :30. Song service and Ttlad H. Brown, secretary of State, hal been named .. chairman of the sermon. All are: cordially invited. llpectal reciprocal relations commis.ion authonsed by the last General METHODIST CHURCH AHembly to conduct negotiations Sabbath School, 9 :15 a. m., preachwith borderlnl states for the settleat 10:80 a. m. Epworth League. ment of CODtrovenies over Interstate 6Ibg :15 p. m. Preaching at 7 :00 p. m., bua anCl automobile truck operatlon8. Wednesday eveninlt Prayer meeting, For sevilral ),ears perplexmg prob- 7 :80. Everybody invited to these lema over thlll traffic have been spring services. ing up and there never before has Rev. L. A. Washbum. Palltor. been any agency through which the --'--Iuues could be settled. Creation of the Commleaion was made at the 8Ug_ genioD of Col•. Brown, who, as chief of the automobile division, haa been cominl iD direct contact with the Miami Chapter No. 107, o. E. S., problema. ' The ftrst meeting will be ) held on the week when the members will meet In rUlfUlar ses8ion Monday, Leonal'li Kip Rhinelander, scion of the Indiana Utilities commission the 14th. All members urged to be of weRlth and IIOclal position, who aa beeq Innted to meet with this present. Covered dish lunch at 6 o'clock. Ia Ruing his wi fe for divorce, claimspecial commiuion to agree upon rna ny matien of iJltentate tralBc. which Visiting members welcome. ing ~ he's colorecl. The ~c n s ntii'nol ADA S. COURTNEY, W. M. have cauaecl trouble and delay In the lri~ has society gasping. SUSAN HAWKE, See'y. put.

'"" "P

Whole N umher !i678







m .:..t"~Il I " t




&jUllre Gartlell "IJ II~ ltM (\0..." to sport U, rulI,,". I1 ... r.. I. Tel< HIck-

Isabella Owens Ha rris wns born December 25, 1841, and died November 27, 1925, aged 83 years, 11 months and 2 dill'S. She li ved most of her I in and near Harveys burg. ber 11, 1867, she was On in marriage to Geo rge Harris , n WaR bo rn to this un io n, Frank Harris, who survives her; also, three IrI'nndchiidren, Mrs. Puul Pet ersori, of Spring Val ley, Ohio; Geo. . Hnl'old, of Le banon, lind Owen Garlind ~of Columbus. Ohio, She hecum~ a member of the M. E. ch urch in lI nr veysb urg when qu ite 11 ~'o u ng girl. She was also II member of the Eastern Stur, Home Missionary Bocilrty and Ladies Aid. She ho d foi led in heuIt h rapidl y since her hus band's deuth, s ix months ago. . She was the Inst of seven brother" and sisters, the rest ha vi ng pr("ceded her mlln y yenrs. She was u patient suffere r. never complaining and her first t hought was for the co m_ for t of others. She lived 1L life that needs no eu log y.

lint, Jlfum' tlt,.' r . ,,,· .. II ' J! U1 h tX.' k vy r(! Klilill , (,r... \ :O-lJurl 111,,' wll~ ~t~~c ill Ut!'WaJ' l!JL..l-

African RavllgeR ClIpture II hippopoln mus, cat all their distended slomachs can hold , lie down beside the carcass, sleep, wake, eat more, s leep ngai n, and so on_ So me die of ptomai ne poisoning as the meat gets bad . Th e survivors think th ey have hod a good t ime and givl' thank s to th e pink-nosod idol that they hnpp en lo worship. We improve on t he hippopotamus caters, and the Romans with large murhle r eceptacles to which they retUl'n ed food previously swallowed, t hat · they might swallow more. But our ellting, like our thinking, and our idells of justice, is of an age, 1,0 00 years behind OUI- scientific a ~e. We are nellrtlr to cannibalism than to civilizuti on. One hllif o'f the adults do lI o t even know enough to protect t heir c hildren from the effects of go r go ing,

if no t overdone. Every mlln worlh while seeks mentul solitude, d iOlt ult to I1nd in this IIgc. But f"r lhe wea k, criminal brain Subscribe for the Miami Gazette. so li l ude is tl HIIl:c r "us. ure ed~ bitter hllt l'cd, lends tu insan ity. As we ll jTrescribt· solitary confinement f or a cuncm patient as fur a cr iminal.

Achievement and Program Planning Meetings To Be Held gram plan ning mccling will be held in ench of th e I' lcven lownships in Warren C O llnt ~' . IIccOl'eiillJr to t nt llti ve dntes nnd plncl's listod helow: Thursday evening, December 10, Deerfteld towll ~ hip .1 • Dec mber 11F n' uny evcnllli!, e l\Iass.le township. Saturday ev nin g, December 12Franklin township. . Monday evening, Dece~JIlber 14Union towllshlp,' Tu esday evenil\g, Decemher 1~ Turtlecreek township. Wednesday evenlnjt. Decembu 18 -Clearcrcek township. , Tbursday eveni'!lt:, December 1'1:WlIlIhingLon town!llilp. Friday eVening, December 18.Ha~lan township. ' Saturday nenine, December 19-. Wap. toWnahlp. ~

N't.~v Hnmp~ hiro rc v ive~ Bolitary imp"; ~ ontnciit f or criminals. For a stronj? bruin ~o li tude is a good th ing,

A 'com bin ed Achievement nnd ProMo nd ay evenin g, December 21Snlcm township. T uesday evening. December 22Hnllliiton t ownship. At these meetings eve ry membe r of the Boys' and Girl s' clu bs who have comple ted their work will l'ec ive a prize nnd a cartificnte of achievement. The girl will get the ir rccord books with their '!Tades. ,The diffe rent clubs will take part in th'e evenings' entertainment, also. Rep~rta of progress in the Farm. and Home Activities of the township and_county will· be given, plan~or the future ' made ani!: next year's.loeafFarm BUreau officers eleded. The program promises to be interestinlf to all w_ho take part. i:n, 01' are m~e!~lted In, coun~ M • ...ct itll acttVltlcs. It is hllped t b a t a meetings will mark an?ther fo IfteP In Warren count)' I agriclIl and home-makiDc prolfl"PB •

----... -_.----

Lyceum Course The thi r d n umu er of t)le Lyceum Co urse will be given at the High School Gym, Sl\tur<lIlY evening, DocembeT 12, at 8 o'clock. Ve rnon StOllO and Electra Pliltt will be the enlertain e rs on t his . They como wit h equally good n !co rd liS entertain ers a s the person· · nel of the past numbers, which guar. . IIntee an exce llent evening's ente.... tainme nt. If you ,haye not purchase(L ticketa you can enjoy this entertainment and assist The. Gleaner staff by I/urchuing from their r epr esentatives.

.- .


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., ASK DAD, HE KNOWS W ife - "It r CQIr., you ulwnys b ro~e II O\\' , bu t bcforc we wc' r<' mn \'rl crl YPli ~"Id YOIl had pIr'Illv of mo nev." . ll ubby- "l d lel, t hcn." If Y( (I Inug h r d nt that Joke ~·o u n 1'(' III IllTictl.

Why a Lot of Peop e

\) i ~ i ll !lsi(\ n c d


Have Quit Shopping for Tires The tire you want is here for you. Come in and 'let us help you choose it from t he complete Goodyear line we , carry Every type and size from the good old Goodyea r 30x37':2 Clincher to the new SUPERTWIST Goodyear Balloon-:-and you name the price you want to pay.

Get Our Prices

Waynesville Motor Co. Phone 105

Waynesville, Ohio


\\,lIlia l1' :\1 0 1"""

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and l"q u itttb l . r c-

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K U 0 9(') '. Act ittn, l' ( '~ n o \'il. L" I.all {) 1l l'uti " n a l Bank and Trust Co" \'8. U. G. alld F I ,)l'l' I)(' ~ Ba~' n es. fu I' nltl l )(: \ ' _ Willi a n', E. (,hll'k v : , Ro bert J . • hawhntt, ad m t'o flf till' c ~ tat{l o f ~\' U O~ bo)')l, cI,·ccas"d . fur IllOllCY only.




Will F . Young

of Catarrb CaUl rrh.



Deafn. ..



U4LL'1I OATARllit 1I11t:111CINE c on-

lleta ot an OIntm ent whic h Qu lcl, ly Relieves t ho catarrhal Innn mmallon, "nd tho Internal Medicine, a To nic, whi ch lota throuS-b the B lood on 1110 Mucous Ihlrfacel, tbul r estoring norma l condlUone. Sold b,. drusllate for over 40 VCIU'II. F. I. Cllenl,. .r. Co., T oled o. OhIo,

EYES EXAMINED G LASSES FIT1:ED Prompt Repair Service Every Thursday 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.

Dr. H. E. Hathaway

Rest Room in Grange Bldg.

924 ' ,

Dml~ lIIl1l

IC l ll d~'


FI' H"i;

\\' .



Onyc mft; Five-Tuhe, "ith Built·in ~pcaker; price. S I4~.O O

an t! Lill ie F. Mill e r , t o 11\' !l oll e y, :1 truct~

~ l l' lIi l'

<:I' inc' Dietl' i, l1 , a hou t :I ac r es in Sal-

llan'y L. P(' tl'ie t o Geo r gc F . I'cl-

Centerville, O.

New Burlington,O. l' h one No . 320


0\\' )1

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LOANf; on hnHc(§/Slo\lk" S~l1llrl· tlCI! nnd S econd Morlgage.. Notel bought. ,John Hnrblnc · Jr., Xenia, Ohio. 'mSO-'20

Farmers, Attention! Farmers at W"rr.on and adJolnln. c'o untie8 may ohtain money 00 lon, time loans, at 5 lh per cent Interest. Cos t of Molluring the 8ame I. very r~8-

!tonnble ,through The' Fedllral LAnd Bank. For further Information l1li11 on 'o r address M. C. DRAKE,. Tre." ur cr, phone ale.X, Lebanon. ,,?hlo,



W ANTED- Rough wood, out about 10 or 12 inches tor hoater, Call at this ornee. WANTED-All klndll of 80ft Wood. tf " for pulp. , Morrll G~a~am, CASH-For Dental Gold. Platinum, S ilver. Diamonds. magneto pointe, fulse tccth, Jewelry. any valuable., Mnil today. Cash by return mall. Hoke S. & R. Co .• Otsego, Mlch,


Dayton, OhlO

']'IIn -

$ 1,






;1( t't"::' ,


, I, li ',!lIt i n ll,



Phone No. 2


l 't,tric . uLo Ul 'L 7 nc r c s '" II a !"Ia n '1' 1' .. $ 1. (;, .. 1').: " I; , I.. i ll" ttl Chal'ie" J . W I, b-

Date your ~ , k~ w II, !" e . Wf' !(.lI ilran tee salisfa,cl ion o r (ha rg" lIot h in g.

RRlli:) !";C't

Ask t hr

:I lld, \ ( ' :l tl1"l'ill( '

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[Iron n et !;,

:;; 1.

!'i,' . au"'I!. .J U IIC I'"S ill H lll' lnn Tp., $ 1. II:\) " '~' l.. [, p \l'i ' t o P h ilip alld A m-

F. T. Martin Jesse Stanley Auctioneer Auctioneer

~l\ffioi cl1tIy ~ il11p11'

)'(,~ I'R "le(' tri c'lIl e l\p~l'i e nce hn e),

l\: hl'th:ll ia Il il l to Edwa rd a nd Cath

ell1 1'1' .•


nnd of IlI'Nlt il1lp ort lllH'r. huy huilt hy n mllll uflll'l Urt'r I'lIpllhlf' nf prollw'iug hi),(it qlllllit.'· J'll' not\ctR with II I'cputnti on t hnt iH in it fi" ll' n gl\fI1·lItltr.C 'of hiR Illl'rr hnn (liRe. nay-FilII i s lIlane in A fartol'~' with :n


K. .\ldridge t o H a r vey C. n. S n e ll , loL in Le bano n

F ra n k and


RO th ltt nIl of tll f! family CIIM 01'(" '1(11' il nnd ellll (,/lsi1)' g!'t t1,l ' Rtllt ion s wh ich they ' rl ('~ i\' r.. An rl s('() th e Day·Fnli Sill gl(' Dinl r n)~ 1 1'01.


an d FI "fa $ 1.

So uth Brown: Street. Ov er ' SigmB Th eate r


na y-Fan; Pive-Tu be ; Price, 5115.00

( '''l' iI 1,' I,' Il' he l' t o Bl'ice lin d Eth C'1 E. , IIlit lt, 1.. 1 in FTl1l1klin , $l. I.. .I, lI urclwick t" W. A. und Effi e lj, R a ' l~", I"t ill Muinr'vill c , $ 1. ,

Mai,n Office


Do not l<'t ~fl mf'nno ('IRe' fI,!II'rt .'·O ll )' Harlin Sl't. ,\ pil ly yOUI' 0"' " KOlll l j llrl l{ m(,Tlt. Df'lIIntHl faithfnl r!'J'lrOdll clioll of tho hI'Ollti('lIs t , R rlrgroc of s(, ' or tiv ity Ilnrl n Innn I'] tlali ty thll t iR unl' x~('llt·d. so ,t)mt yo n ' will eiljny tit 1" ;':) p rO !;r11 111 . Day-Pan hns t li !'s(' CltlR liti cs.

o n , $ 1,

Wnynelv ille, Ohio


A lb"l'\' C. and Grnce Veidt, to Clyd, ' D. Whitllcr" , I"t in M urruw, $ 1 Be n Estop t u Adolph und " l llrie Leder, obout 11 aues in Hamillon Tp., $ 1. ' Will. H. Win s t c ll t o Ge o r/!:c ond Ila ttie L, !Il e ngle, lot in Morrow, $ 1. Ben C. n nd Clo ra ~1. K ~ l\ y Lo T e ll tu n ia O P l'~ , tract ill 'u lem Tp., $1.. S u ~n )l ll h a nd Hurry Yntc ~ to WiIlin in IJ. S" o tL, 2 tracts in H:l llliiton Tp .. 8 1. Ella 111. PoLter to Edwin C. . W CIIV"!'. I" L III Frank li n, s,; I , Thl' ud" , ia an d .1. G, Wi sh nll'ye r 10 H t'I ,· " Uu r', k. ah out I~~-ac!'c ill M II"-

W c. Ih e f . , ; ,.. in " fa rm Clw ne18. posiliv Iy for bi d ,'ny hllntlng or trnppin l! on o ur [nmI8. Any violn. n o f the ~ Il llle will be proseolltlon acco rding' to ,Iu w and to tho tUll~ Rt .·xl cnt :

Th cr e is 1I1 111~ h ta lk aho ut rlif fe !'!'nt setH olLrl lilli I' ll of t.h e til l\( is C Olltll s itl ·~ to th l' tttlinit inl !'(1.

\)"y.Fan: Four-Tube: Price, 575 .00


BALL'S OAT-'RIUI ~l E DI C INE ",111 So wha.t w e clai m for It - ril l your system



[,' OR SALE- An 'old -Ctlshioped double ba nI,! s hotgun. Inquire ~ this


u fficl!.


FOR SA LE- Keifer peara for eating : or canninll'. 50c per . bUlhel, .t ho use. L. V. Bran/ltrator dIe

FOR S~LE-Bo~B RIIlI¢e. Sideboal'd, Bedroom Suite', Secretary and oth_ er articles. See Mrs. Arilla Kelley, W£LL, "'-.J'(.WA'(:

ONE t:>,

And The Story Was

Never Told = lip

"Rube" Coldberg



tN f-Ro"'i OF po. "'",(XC"'..'..,

R. D. 5.


FOR SA LE-Brome Turkey Cockercis. Eggs booked at 2/sc each. MIS. Horoce Stl,lmp, H;lIrveYBbul'g,', Ohio. ' .' d~G

'F' R SALE--'O. K. P,q ultr)" Fa~ of 88 uue$, \vith hatching of 7800egg capacity, anll .. established b\III.' 'n ess; or would ~ro d e< for 1\ small illpllO ' in property. III hell'th reason for soIL ' ing. J. E. Brown, Prop., Lebanon, O.

FOR SALE "":" Full. blood Plymouth Rock nooste". , J.' M, Kept WilY,

orsvllle, Ohio.



FOR SALE-Kitchen cablJiet and U. Ilrary table good onel. See, Omu L~. ' , ' ,' : . ~d~o FOR SALE-Pure·bred _D~bo.... and Gel.... Am taldac ,oNIl'I for bred BOWL Herbert J. Carr, IIuO

ye,.b.... Ohio.





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~T=H~E~M~I~A-M~I~G~A2Z!~E~T~T~E~'~I~ti~S~ge~Lt~illg~tin~le~f~or~o~n~i-c~o~st-I~'i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~H~A~A~VE-Y.~~U~A~G~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~-~-~-~~~~~~~~~-~--~~~ bllron~

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,_.. ISSUED, EVERY W EDNESDA Y .•. ha lf tl oing it. o f h(1:t t.. n:-; t u

f l·CC.~ t~ th cfn

t i)


u i!uth .




----- '- - -

• Great Reduction In Prices


t iU II .

==- -

Ida .

M r~ .

fl.ln' l

l'11H 1'I l':i An c.l l' r!';o ll Ullf l !-' IlU . a nd 11."" t 'l;,u.i. ' ell ,k.·'·, r \ Inl TIl(' EUf'lIl'l'H li {,( Irll hOl' e )' ",pt.·lld " " f \VaY Il l'>" illl', ' !'t ' ll FriJ,,), lI ith Jlr . I" 1;" 1'1 .llId "" I."IIll- I·, ,;,1 ,,<1),8, THE COAL SITUATION IS SERI . a h lJ ut t.· !c\,cn n \t) nth ~ n ut of tht.~ y CH I' i\ 11 ' 11 1';lll l' kk . WI T" \\' , 01 " . lI:!y l': li ll'I" h"I'I'. .O US- LET'S HAVE ACTION a H " 1':l Le J'pi ll ar . ill t hl' g- J'l' e ll ,")(1 IllI' Th e :\1" t h,'l' s duh hcld 11,,·i l' rl'l.:' dd (·:! Sl ll lkM\I f C O I'l1 . ula r bu siness 11l l'l' lill " at lit " " h" ,,1 ~II·. :11," )1, . H. II. .I " ir,' r i" ' 1)(O1l 1 T h" .co!l npsc of thc Pin" hul plan hf'U !" C. Friday aft ' rn oo n . Tlta/lI, ... ~t l, "I '..-~ \\ ith 11i:{ 1';11"<-'11 1 • )11' . for en din g lh" " uul Hlrikl' . dll ~ '-0 thl' :illI l '\ 11''':' . 1 1" '~ " ll n .J 1.'t l" '1'j ... i ll \\ l lm i nt!.' Su ys Sam If fl'es)1 IIiI' wa sn " t s' , pOint blun k ""jl'cli'JJJ of lh t, Gove rn . fl·t' l', \~· (,' d I'r'nl; abl y U ~ e IH o r' If it. ;\1 1" ~ . Eli zabet h ' llai t h , ur Ilay t oJl . t"1I . or 's pro l' oRIIIs br till! coa l ('pe ra t ur., l':i fl (· fll ~ t'\' l' I' a l day s lu s l \\ l·l' l-. \ \ it h Iwr ---. tinnily puts th .. I"S UC up t o Congrc"", s l ~ l " r, Mrs . Charl es I':., ,Juhn, . 1:"" . 1\. I·: , H,' nn l'll, o f W ilmin!.!'l""' \, ill J,,. . .·;1('il ,tt tilt, .1 '(II I H h '~ Hun Lh u l'th ~nd the 800 ll l'r CUnKl'l'~~ l"l' klc" the J\l r . an d Mrs. Charl c ~ E . . Joh n s Wl' r (, ~ l1l1da y III Qrnilig' , Il l '\, t · lllh(. 1' I :~. n t Jo b the bc\tc l': Wh y il " Iway s SeCll1 B Su n da y vi silo r s ut Ihl' h il l/ ll' of 1\l r . Ih t: 1I ,... u: d h u t/r. ne~e ssa ry thnt the pliulic HI\I, u ld be A Short Resume of the and Mr~ . •1. C. ,Iuhn " , in I la ylun . . drive n to untold Bufferin g- beforl! our rn \(· C)arloll P (lW fl r a nd L i ~ h l COITI Characteristics of Each natlonn l 1 1\~\' m ukc I'H IIr ou se t helll <el V( '" ~hs. Lydiu Co ll·mun . ~lt·" . (, Iarn T homps un unu Mi :-;s V l' llIl a S mith pan y t n. ,), t.'hul')!,C' pf oll·r li ~ hli Jl,C!' ~ys to th l.~ R(! rl o lfS t1 c ~~ of an,}' ~ituHt jon and Every Graduate Wen: lJuy t u ll sh (lPJ1 e l'~ , l\ l ll nd lP '. Il'lll, D ('('t ' lliI,('1' l ~L \ \' (' nil\\' hav pnsses unders~nn (!in l!'. li nd W" s hill~ I.·o ut illll lltts ~ ('I'\· i ('l'. • ton. be.e n (I ll Its JOb " u~h 1\ Hilulltiun of the Waynesville ~ Ir. lind I\ll'~ . ('lI lvi n Lo ng-act'! ', .. I' 'llS eX l st~ today ct1uld no t ha ve ur is e n. I hl y u, n , s pc rr t !-a' v l' r a l day :.- ia )o; l w ~" ' L ;\1 1':-: . 1·:Ii za T h oH1 n ~ h us J,!'onctrl Schools Now un opp ur tun il y l)J'c ~e n tM it"('lf wi th lh e lut te r' s pHh ' n l ~, I\l r . and l' l l'~ . "p('J1d th, · "jut",. \\i th he l' g'l'Cln ot~ put O l~ ond t o thi " co ntinuo us p ub. S. II. Burll ett. t h i ldl ,'n, ;\11' . [ll1d i\ l r ~ . . n l'an ~ /Jl1 Ite exp lOl!utlOll. I hd·.l':--' Hll d fn m ily , fle a r L elJu fl u n . . Coa] ' i ~ II ho sic il1 du ~ lI'Y, und il can!VI I'. nnd Mr". fl lue r l S L:ltl· and lilWritt en by An Early G ra duate n ot lontre r he pcrmitlcrl 10 upe rale in tl ... j.{ru nu ~ on, e c n c BUrlll'll ', \\' ( ' r e ill 1\li '-\~ IIt' k " { ;ra h a lll WU H 1I 11ah l(l til 8e~ re ,y und un dl'I' n IllOnopu ly. Thl' Ll'!JUnon, Mond a y a.f t l' r nOO Il, alld SHW ~i ll Ilt' r Jt" .. it i 'H I in ~ Ill' Pr i ! ll:! r y n,lll i ll n;l1n c rs l'Ofltf.'thl that U WH){C ndvull c e t he reindl' l' t' fr u m ll i l yttH I. :It :o- ('hd O I, ~'1 01 1 d:t\'~ I t W I lit!· t il illnL'ss . ,.' coulll I> e a wol'ded " ut of th e PI'o/ils Mr~. Cath crille GUI C'~ al1 d d li l:!r"11 .\I i" I lia lIar l.· , ;'k ... r I h,· \\' 11 1'1',' 11 Cia .. of 1924 , .io.f ." lho ,OIWpllur" ,\'ith IJ ut UllY injus. a lld !\lr!" . .\b"'J..~arl. t l\1a k h ' y. 1)1' l):IY (·ll lI rll ~· ·' IJ'l HHI. \\; . ... III ·t· f'f1i(' il' 1I1 :, U" . lice . 1 he IJ pC' rut o)'s say Lhey cu nno t ~H-: L\,I :--J U,\ NT,.\ - Thl' v il'\\' po in t nfford, to d iv id e th ei r m!.'lnn with th e of m Ol'u l s er \'h.;c . ~ mut h J1l' l.: dcd in tn ll, W (.!t' l' S UlldB Y ...i i lllll'l· gll l' ~ l :-: III ~ til t d t· . ,\11" iln d -' 11''':. 1~1I1,t. FrL·(· lan d a llo . public, unu thut uny wage ll<lvIIIlC" tJu.·l'\ l! · time s of PI' U K I' CSS a n u tl 'vt..: l up ~ Mr. :uul I\'lrs , \\' . ~1. Co ll ' lIlill l. would 'monn pullillg o n th e peop l ~ Inl'llt. Mr. and MI's. 1\ 1:.11'1' t ;ra hUIll v i ~ ill' d fH!lIi l \' Il lIl\- t ,d 1" 1"11111 t Lr' \\'. L. Il a 1'\',·y \':\)'111: Wh,· l · l · 111 ., \' h :,,·{· l i\, (·d for n tuo grunt u burd clI. l~ o ll lJ w s lhell .l Oll !\' l' flll l. ROI.T OK- Thllt w,' ::; UlltlU Y, the lu ltcr'" mo lh " .. . M "' . ', IIII1J 'I" It! \ ' .If'~.' III 111I' il' (1\\11 f:l l'lli. t he i~on y II~' monopoLy . Th e 0l'ern. C url Alhd ghl. IIr f lt'H I' ~ pl'ill ~ I H JI·fI . I i i" ! 11 \ , pj 'p ,! " " .' f' ;\1 i:--.. La III':' to rs· lD ·provlllg t h'>l r g r l'at interc", in n n.! al l rL' vl'r l ing- to :1 Sll' tulil'J' atl i· whtl i ~ n ' r y 11 110rl y : u tli i ~ till1 t' . h.', IlIU ~ t b · t' \'it.h'nl t o Ji ll whll t h illk th e dour pu bli c Hcll cun l a t $2:l a t Ull hu Hd ." fill lI d . pruf()u n d 1r Ilnd :\ I't! i n lttu c·h with t.h,' /\. l an!(' (' 1'i , \\' 11 :ltt"lldt,d til ,' l'\ li{k nd fr ee ze tho se wh o hllv e no t gul a Cli,' iti(':; 1)[ t }ll\ ~: l ti l lt1a l. S l ale , ci \' il' " n ~ lIPi'\'r :(l L y th· IIHII. 'I'h ur ·~ .j:I ~ t· \ ' I I . II, ,'.' I,',j <:1 :a1I'11l1 ,'r!tflrltdn t· d th.a p,i ~e ., S uch 1\ d ungCr ll uH. vel and l'l·l i.L:' iti u S \Jq.~lI n j i'. at JO Il !'". l'rd llg- , Hud I·n jll),v d lilt' 1' l1 t l ' l't ;l illl1ll ' I JT ' :1 ' I " :.' I ' " 'Il d, II" HI 'l'irn: ;.In.:.. ) • wlthnl_Tldl r ul ou" sitlJulinn, should iw l a lslI. T ilt, I.all i.·s Aid l.l ,·HI·ed :i g' ''1 It I , ' I I ~ " , .. i!'", ':. \ l! 'vr t a Cana da. LOHH A I1\ I'; n '!: ,\;-; :'\ ( )(' !-i: ~ a \" bc p erml t~~d to obtll ill ill li n en li.: ht. UI I1. I'l l " .. 1',', ' I: 1n.-II: d l cI .\ lr ..;. }! /·j, i ll -I " . . ",\' ha\,i;1 ~ e~l el l country. Th e" indi clile 1\ wi l. af tt, ,, J!r: ttl u :tt in \!. "'1. \1 'd I,., 111 1.:,,1 II " 1< Itngncsa to bow to l he ded" ioll u for . pal'$.cd th rll\ til. · xl ! r•. a nd \VHr ~ ~l,. . II lld ,II .. ,. Hall,h A ... ·ltd .. ",·"" "'; . . ' 1, .. ·."111;:\ :\ ; ,1 1· 11,,; ald . ~11'r.. bi~ers. T~i~ is wl'i l e Mug-h. bUI il fare o f I'll III!II.;' \\:\1 v!' .... Ih' hvld U w 1' l1 t t ' rt :t lll l , d til d iltrtl' r , ~lJIHl ;ly, ,\l r. It a " . (; , f' II ~\ l r · . . )'It· /1 :1 i', .... . ;\ 1t.~. _ WIll, r e main the veri est cnmoullug- ~ lw ,i \u t y \If i ~ lilll ~ ht '.I I' l'tt t! tl('t," :lIl d ~ Irs. Il nlll' t· l lr;, kl·. ,, 1' \.r n\'IlI·.. : t ' j · '''1I11. '! ,. ,~. 1:,,11" " l , ' h p 1'jilt-n, ., untJl Cong ress ma kes it im p""ild .. \l lh· . :l ll d MI'. ;tnd ~ Ir ·. t;1 o rj.!(' ill'a r II l · lt ll:l·;TT Il l·I"n: I: \\·I II :T II . 11 I " ,'\1 ' ' 11 ,· lJ.tstl'~R . for th e lIrbiler!! t o sMrdl the uooh H Ul'rlc tt :- ays 1 1t:t1l~ P I 1 1, id·'. 111,\, a dl II. ; 11 d ~I!n . ,of F '·Hllkl lll. I • '\1 /Hi ll !" ' ;' I \ll"l1tl' l'~ , fOT"llrofits. The bou ks o f Ih e op !' r". nU"'I')' ~I " I 'I,lI f H • I :(~'. ' \ " .I \ 1I100 1J.."h . , , \1 ... H I til \ ·l lI d ..• r \, a\ n ,," n ll, ·. toTS, ~8 \~ c ll liS lh osu uf lhe min e r. J.:' \ JI) dlll·~ S t llo, , ,.; .t: t ilt· I' lld t.t' I n( 1 11111 ... lby 1'\ t'll ill ": a t (h" hilI'll' orgu~ l zlltlOI) . s hou ld be o pen lo lhr t hl~ , ' l' a r till ' \' h:nl' :, I ~I 11l·1! t hill~ . pUblt c. ThI S marie man datory it Illa tl ~. n o un:/lt!\l v.f ., \\ \ 11 :utd Il r r h I ' .. I' 111'1" 10 lll" I,· a lld ;I H lit. ~1 f". an d \II i / ,}.i 'j ~ . R~OR t ·. ,... ,1")111 ". nlHI aU/ ·1l .11 ·.1 t ht · d,l l'l" 11 ,~ou ld no t tuke long t o I"urn Oil wh ich lJo w ill' r c . :: U Jl IH'" Hud l'1l11' !'ll1illllll'nt at Ihl' hul l. I S ide the ~cal s of ju ~tic" ti p. ~ ' l' . alld :\Ir:". 111'111 \' F Old ks I . " 1: H ~,. 1111 t" aill ": il h E VI~ IU': T'r 1.\1::>:.\1 1 \." 1.,1\'" , ~fore I~por~a nt ~ha n th., ~e tt l i n l'!' I Ij, " j l'l • I t h,' . r of thn strlk l', IH Icg lsillt i('n thllL will d pntO ll i" l r; Ih'!" a Ii i\. " 1 \'1'\ h.·\ t l l l ' lIl i I I 11 '111(' ~ : 'ltllJ't I ;'.\' . :1 U'" :111 I -x ,It,.,.1 !I,"ke im po ~s ibl e future s trik eR. This :' , J, III ":l<.: :1 ~OLEV.I CIl :\ '1 I': ~ T i-t \ ;" 1' 1'1 .. r ~ 1I1 - t' ·l lIi .1i ,j ... it :1111" hll!l l l 'dftIH ' l r :-;'l l/ \ I ~ nQt an illlJIossible ta~k. It i ~ s cnl'ce. \ ' at h i lt i:-; rl'dt'lHl'l J\ .· 10\ ,'. \\ ill'lIl' ,;'1l1 li .... all d (alllil\,. :" llth .. ~ I . 'j, I' t" .111 .1 It,;III '1 Ily. 1i. difticult. one e ve n th oug h Wt' IIlU ~t ., \\ 11. '1 ,''';. "' "ull,.,,:, I": \" t'r~' p q" I' I~ II! • I , .~, i.. 11 .1 dill' !'lIjl BEY!!!. COllI\. \\'1 «;,/1 "' Irl'ul, I(' . :l l th i ~ tilllt:. .pras~~ve mnn' s rig ht t o r u~ t f ro m la. 1,1 " Ii I. ,1/, . . . I~~I \" uah ul d bot - JU s t · as we mu"t pr ese rve his unit y of ~tH ndin ,L!' by 0/l l' Hll ulh,·!· i:i Al 1'8 . ,.\ . 1-:. W hil" nnd !i " " ~ . H.. t. · Il an lInd:lh 1"1 uddah Ul.111' :t n d t'l'oh rig ht to IlIbor so thllt he muy r est. e~se lJlial. , I'rl lind I' a ul. of Da yl o". wei'" 1"1'1 <1.1), ' l' II. l)t)af 011 ' !a l (~ alli f'f(la h !lC' ~ in ti n." An LT O N COO I, - f,,"Il"11 hn ~ ),:lh"tH at t Il<' hllu\I' flf ~Ir . !tn" ~ l r;'. i\ n t'r i ~~ tlp.'() n de ll. lli n f oal l Ctd~. '!This fellow Chapman, i. ' JIl hOIl. whit t Hb hol' Sj"lll '''' 11 II " ul " call 1\ ,,,1" 1' Gl'llh lJm . Mi-s l1!.' n lice al' 1i('fo;,l 'H'~ .! " • I ar!lble sprt of a bounder after nil." Ull eu rt PuWl' I' ," '· (Jlllp:ln i l.' d tlH' nl h ll l1l\.' an d r C lll nitltl( i H:I ':l' 11 dl' t .\in f ,.• iI. nIBald n Broadwny lounge li zll rd ro. ' l i(·l' l~ thn(.' ('." 1 : ~ T Il t::R OI:W I ~ -.Tlri ngs to ot, 1' u n t il S unda y \'l' uin ,:. ce ntly. "Ho insis t s on pa ying his , "UT "~ II !-" Hlll,~· :-tl' l lll.l· , Ill' d " n' ~ I r. lint! ~I rs. W a l I" .. I-i l'nri('k en· .~ de bt to ~b o F edcrnl gover nm unt be. mi nus lh e .·heery , nl ut utj(m s u nd f ore the Slpte mok cs it imp oss ible, kindly ex prL'S'io n s "f Irue f r ien " ~ h ip . \ c·l'ta iIlNI un :-i un "a)', Jlr. all d ~Ir ". C. Wllnt ...·11 t u ~, t l t i l A l:ihan .. ·· I{ , Ui lll'':Ur. of J "ul' ·~I" \\,Il . 1\1 1'. nn tl ,E,·td e ntly he \V\lnts to puss ulong with 1l 1':LE:-1 Il l ' l\:1-: Ill'l l'lI says sil u -. II eleon sillte," ,h'lcsls a p r (! nt1l tuI'C u r idgl~ C',1 'o gs cr, ~Ir". 1I1,,"e ll B i lll' ~"r a nd ch ild re n , (,f Ha m ilto n, Mr. nn d HrH. W i lli un! (llll' w h o l'ru!"s(',.. UH ' 1 11 'i d ~ (' he fl11'( ' The Cylvllr) Elliscopal chu r ch in h .... Nl m o~ lo it , nn d ~ t l ll'f'tinllls (' V CIl l ;. li a ill(,8 au d ch ild r eu, o f Belmont. Fletcher, N. C., hu ~ ju s t rl~ d i cate d a Ijt· fIH·(' t hey a r lO ,:ol l:; tru l'led . 711 1'". S. II. IIn iu", all:! ~1 1· s. Walkr w!nd ow in mem ol'Y of " !:JIll Nye." l\f'l1riek l' n t l' r ta inpd on \Vl·dn·() ~ dil\' KAT II ER I I\' ~: Io'H O ~i ~ I -- Sh ,· "tY' afl l' t· lh.ll rl a nun lh~ ·)' 1' (,' Indi i ~ o f lh~ · VlctOI'y lit las t, W e hnd a il"tly< thollg h t thut o ne of t hcse d.a ys Bill h tl J' wuy uf ~!T'J \\' i nK i ll l'l' lig-i ou, t1e- II "nil' Jl i s~ i o nltry :wr i,· t)' of ~pri n dJV . vl' lup me nt b tlY gl'ttin~ ilrtll har rllu n y 1'0 1\1. E. ehu rt' h I11l11 thc' 1.IIIIi('"· Aid would be found in the ch u rch . with the h u nt a n spi ri l "f vU I' lri " nd ~. u f Ih e Lytll' 11I1l·ch. A t W(H IIUI' 5t' haarlem ' oil ' has ' been t a'world-. "The d e8~e ndarrt of till' o ld Hug. .sel'\·"'1. RAY M()~ ll ATF' IELO -- li e be· lu nch eo n u eWots of NGW Ro chell e " is gettin g li eves it i:; n b l c~ in g t o ue p ou r f ill' I\lr. Itll d Mr". Rnl ph Arch dl':tCIII ' a t. wide remed y for kidney ,liver and Side by' side with' 'Thc ri ch Butter by be ing , um pc llcd' t o really work te nd ed /I ll oys t er Hupp er " Ion day I'\,. bladder disorders, rheumatism, and EgO? ·Man'." W ere th e r e no Hu g- for "" etiucnti un une is care ful to ~ ct cllinl!' III tilt' hom e of ~Ir. [-' ralll: Arrh . lumbago and uric:acid conditions. u e not cab drivers, or "'pre they all all Ih e r e is in it. dell co n . in Sprin g' l.o}'\). t h l'! 0 Ca Si l)l l nristocra ts ? being in h o nor o f Mr , ClifTnr'd Arch GEORG~j ,HENDER SON- G('u r!!c dpucon , wh o l ea\' e~ Ill' xl F' ri d u y f or On~ tree wllJ make n million se nsed at o nc!: n le is urely watc hfu l, Missou ri, wh e r e he will take up his match es, en~'8 the fores ter. bu t it perhl1(ls to ler,ult cynicis m in lhe N. C. R. wt 'rk., takee only o ne mlltch to d'e s troy a young Indy sitting n ext t o him in the '+"4,11'1%" Mr. an d ~ I rs. Albert Stacy 'lnil car th e other day . million trace. daught!:'r. Miss C leo. \·i . i t~ " th c fot'· HE STER JAMES- S he told h im me r' s m ot he r, I\1rs . Mulvina Stacy . correctintema l tro u bles , stimulate vital thnt. nltho ug h the car cou ld make Thursday, nt the h om e of Mr. lin d organs.. Three sizes. All druggists. Insift s ixty miles per ho ur without imincnt I\Irs. A. O. Williums, in Dayt ~ JJ. :'IIt-s. on the oriKina l cenllline OOLD MIWAI. tri sk of di sintegrntion, shc did not Stacy h us bee n q uile ill for ~o m e care to ride thnt fnst. t im e, but nt presen t is so mew ha t im. OPAL LEW I S-H er li fc is a book prov pd . MillS ClpO remained wit h her fo r several days. to chuckl'e over and r ead abo ut. j




W e ~ ~oin ~ to maice a T E N D A Y SALE at g r eatly reduce d pnces on our comple te line. co n sis tin g of

Ed itor', NottJ- Th rouab ftpecial arrnnr;ume n' with Tho Educat ional Bolk N. Y.. till. D~,"p"".r now off... Ita roadl'rH Lh la'ln t c nun.1n jl t\latW'O. " QUIZ", beJI1. ."'me'" (<om 'h Oi Look. oudoroed by I!:u.

Co.. "

~:;~: ~~~.\..?.~~~~~f !1'&~:':II;'

~as&I"" witt ~ound lnatructlve. ,

.nd -



:-1I1,,' rt n t c ll

\\' a y ne


Bing B A. ~n f ull of .......- ..... _ ,L.. Four-and-twenty happy " - L_ 800n they will be ...._~ _ _ Wh en you r stocking's . ~, ._.. _. __ Oh, what fun there'll All the gtfta a.nd pretty _ _ " _ I You will LO\~"""' -'----" l PlI.Ule No. 19 What Is tho ! difference between; an old penny' and a DeW dime t Poztlc No. 20. IUDDLE-ME.'REE. My tlrst is in UlOUJnr----6 name we hold dear ; My nex t Is in eo ward- a word full of fea r; My , third 18 in lovelY- in beautiful 1.00; My f ourth IR In morning mista, - Heve r i ll .~ e \\> My ne" t 1< III desort, so dreary aw l " 'lId; I\l y . ixl h's ln the laughter of cn~h lilt.l e child . My "e\'(Ollth w as lost in yeaterd a y'- Ilig ll t ; in My Ia..... t. i!-i in SUIl'n ner duy s, ne\·er

Wednesdav" December 9th Saturday, December 19th Just sign your nam e on the dotte d line below, and the number of Cows, Hogs and Poultr y you have ; brina it with you to the E levator, and drop it in the box.

ON SATURDAY, DECEMBER 19th At 3 o'clock, th ere wi ll be several names drawn from the box a nd e ach oli e dra wn will r eceive a valuabl e prize. Give u s a clll!. We w ill not only ge t acquainted but we will save you Borne money. '

NA ME .. AD DRES S , ................... ... ....... ... . ..... . .. .. .. . ...... ... ..... . .. ... ... .. . ..... .... .... .

ni ~!h t.

~I Y

wh" I("fi a r,TC';,t dcli,("ltL t.o nI l, 'I'hp y "un.:, th" Ull l, th e big ami " n ai l, .,to'll tlo ll !'l



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,1. ' I'


... 1 \ . I ,','


". J\. I ,\ \


li ll

II ,,·

W It }''4

Y" "

(',\ n.

NU MB ER OF HOGS ...... .. .... .. ... ..

... I,l, .... " 1'!l1' I " ! . l r } 1 1.· (·... ,II II, , i llh " ,',,1 1 ('11. II ."

·,n . . \ ,.: I.....


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P u-z ..

1'1/p' PII)' I l,,,,,,t . "' ...--ir., ' 1'.: 1\/1 the

I ,

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P UJ.7 1fi'l -

NU MBER OF COWS ..... ...... ... ..... ... ..

f Il)n .

'~T I 1 "-H " '. f· .

to t h lt'l

...... ' TI'I


n " .or.p(l r. ' .• • Jd I, , 1,' :, \\) ,' !I

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• I 1I; .t; ,j, .... 1 1111 \ ... , : ~II ,. : ' il l, In '\ " t,J I IIZ C I. , r ni . "I "',..-ji ' !1 w il l (' hthlr'

I.' 1'~·t!j "l · "" ': nl'lh't~ h bVC hI" ,·time " f , aled Uti


" ll.

---------!Fo/_:nos . nvtitllte of t bu bon o!

~~~i~n~~~fiii~~~: ~~lii~~~~~


I Animal EconomL:s

M! ~ -a


Paid :00 Deposits

:. 1 2 3



At Caiy's Jewelry ShoV Lebanon, Ohio

Every 'Tuesday


8 :00 a. m. to 4 p.





. ,. .

. ~






(\ 11

: ~

• ••

.. ,

'·dden's ~~umber ".


Yard .

.W ayne8ville~ Ohio

viA YNESVILLE, OHIO Fully Equipped for Good

Migs Lula K ellis , of X('n ill , and Mr. jllIl'old Kellis. of Dayton , ,pen t the week·end with t heir parents, M r. lind Mrs. Ji'rllnk Kellis and family .




. .i


Wl' w ill be nt l he fullow ill ~ plac e'S




men tio ned


lh (· P Ul'J10 Re of i s~ uinJ!' Dog Lice nses


Walter l\1.cClure

n ess.



Service, Lal'ge Display Room. Ambulan,c:e Service n~ L ErlloN I; 7 ,M _ DAY Olt N IGHT _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- - :

~_ _ _ _ •


ftll' Illr r em' 1£1 26: NOTARY PUBLIC MO NDAY , DECEMBER 14, 1925 Natio n o.1 Bnn k Red Lion .. , .. .. ........... .. ...... .. 8: 00 a. m . F r Hnklin ............ ......... .... .. .. . 9 :00 ft . m. Will. Drnwn .. ...... E. l ul c. Seltled


C(1y )i& l c .. .. .. . .. ... ..... ......... ... 11 :00 B. m.

S pr ing horo .. .. ......... .. ....... .. .. I :OO p. m . R idgeville ....................... .. ... 2:30 p . m . Lytle ..... ..... .. .. ... .. ..... .... .. .. 4:00 p. m. WAyNESViLLE ... .... .. ..... .. 7 :00 p. m. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 15, 11125 Oregon ......... .. :.. ........... ... ... 8:00 a. m. H .. rve y. burg .... ........... ..... .. l0:00 a _ m . Wa l hintrt'l>n Tp. Hou.e .... 1 :00 p. m . Middl ebo To·.......... ..... ...... ..... 3 , 00 p. m. Butl .. rvill ..... ........ ...... ......... 4:00 p. m .

P le .... nt Plain ........ ...... .. .... . '5dlP p. m. MorTow ......... .... ,................ 7!'1n1 P. m. All OWllCI.'ll und h!l rbOl'crs of dogs will plc nse be at the most conve'nient ,plllCte. for:: them prom[lJ l,y at the t ime · m ·ntlO ned . P e r~'o n s \vho cannot (!,)iIlC to the Auditor's pfficc. or be lit uny pla<:e of . tl)e above-named p lll~es, can· secure 'tag by sll nding rcquLred ice, deserip-, ·tion .of d og nnd postage for l'eturn of lice nse tag to Oounty Auditor, Leb. anon, Ohio, " " . All dtlgs ~}trco month s 'Old or over must be rCI,.~tered. and their license ' secured befol'e January 20, 1926, or a penalty 'of fl.00 will be added. a. S. MOUJlts, Auditor.


"II Dh' ay ne SV'l e , 10

It ('In.... y r ,lr )l UU 1.0 nW I) 0 11" 011 our <A..m ven i. ·u t. rJlytn(! n t )l Inn. wl thl'l1:Jt any i~ l . ' rM t e t ul rJ'[f"It. No nmtt,u whc rf' }Tnt . l ivc. WI,' .:-' , , n"t~ Chrw-u:na. •


Jrvuy to yu ur h omf'.




~ ~ ~

~ ~








~ j


~ ~

~ ~



J ameH E. Larrowe What the Rockefell er F o un dntio n stand s for in the wei rarc un d progr e ss of the world at lurge, th e Lar· 1>we In st itute of Animnl Ec onomi cs ~ ulldertnki ng in heha lf of the E astcrn dairy nnd po ultry f arm er, ae cording to a n ews sto ry r eceived here t o day. Funds to carry O ll the' w ork have bee n pro\' idcd f or building a gre nter dlli ry ind u~try in th(, Ea st. Emphu. sizing di ve r sifi cution 0 11 the average farm anu ml)l'" emci~ lll met hod s with cows, hen s a nd cr oi)s t o f eed them, cove r s the scop!.' of th e n e wly estab· li ~ hcd i n ~ t it u t~ . Th e II clu al ·work is n o w in th e hand s of n ~t nff o f agr icu l· t U1'II1 ux per ts wh o lit'(' intimately fa· mi liar with fa l·m in!.!' L' Oll diiio ns in th e Eas t un u who have Ih elll se lves bcen pntclicll l farmcrs. No phase of dai. r yin /!, IInr! pnll ltry rlli sillg will be ov· el'l on kcrl whi"h bea rs IIpon putting mOl'tI <Io ll ars in t he fn rme r's p oc kets. Sin cp thl' indi vidua l farm e r cunnot r1 etcrm in(- the .market pr ice himself, it is up t o him t o in cr!'I!>'c hi s prbfit und LO lower cos l", a nd t his is what th e Ins titut e of Animal Econ omics will work hantl . in .glove with him to ac· co mpli. h . "Dairy in g' is ! he lordea l ind us try

nUl( l c t,h(,

1nst..i t 1I t t'


fil · l d





I. ~






~ ~ ~ ~

j'(l,:.:si bJp, ill ex-


" No l (" n dt t hit 1:-; slIitvd t r) t


il. htll a" " \ , · r · "l\.,., ·,,~i tl " mn r ke l i, f UJ' ni"he<1 in Ilw 1'''I' Jl ll y " ""win;; popula ti o n 1'\ "l l"r~ nc:tl'bv. ~ () othe r farm " n'on \\ ill 11\' ' him so well " " (, tli c ien t oI : 1i" .I' iJl ~~ ,; i(h pou ltry )'IIis.' , ill).!,'



<: (J n l jlHlli' ,/I L·n tl'l' jlrisc .

T he

Tn.t it ute will keep Ihe fa .. mer ill-

Cu nn i d a ll \\ ~t\'S t o ill Ct'N 1S C hi!; co w













cr==FREE .

- ----.- -

With This



= -. - .







II ~ ~






iii ~ ~

~ F.. l?i ~ With this Console ~



'it.a Jr.:




~~ ': •

SO C O.LUDl.Ula ,'1...- L.. ~~ Reeo:id SeleciioitS .it!~ .

I fA!

n nd h('n ct11ci~n cy th l'Olll!'h 1'''~('Il t'ch li nd intl'l'prc l llliQ n of th g r e" t. wo rk of t h(, \'nl'i u, Il~:l'ic u lt\lt':ll roll ('~c .. . I t will d l) t hi s in "e"u nli ways. F or o n" thing, fl cure r,,1 su r vey will be Dellltillt mnde uf r epre'l'ntn ti\'C' locnlities Lhn.J lIgh o ut t he East t o R' ive t he InWaynonill c Nbti,onal Bank Bldjf. ~titutc a ,i'nrking Imowl ed!!e of farm con diti ons to day ' and What problems ' - - . ~.-.-- .. -- - ..~ --- _ _ _ __ most I'clrn l leMs ly confront t he forllJ c r , An ('xpe rim en.lnl iurm will be opc J't\ t('d under Ilver ug l'" far m condi. . LIO ns lind the I'os ult s of thi s" will ·be made kn own . New me t hods of f eed· • illl!" nnd ,~ring for cows ' and , thick. >ns, for incl'cosinl;r milk lind egg productton will be closely wQtched und IS T O C K tl:ieil pue b ef or-c reconlmendation. .A ., I . . hun lllu of illqui~y will be estllblis hed. GET THEM QUICKLY AND g iving per so nal service on any quesFR CHARGE . ' tions sent in. CALL UB TIME AT OUR ]11 'c r ent ing thci Institute and pro\'h ling lal'l\' Iy . for its m ll lDtenance~ MI'. T.JDrro," s is giving 'substance to whllt h us lc;mg been a' dream of, hII. Mr. Larrowe bill! Ii' wide bowledn (I{ both en~ineering and nutrition 10 •______~......_!!-_ -....._-~ both of wblcb· he has given a life-

Dr . .John ,W. Ml'ller


~ $1 0.00 MONTHLY

II" lI d h it y .

f HI'

rll-:ly a l'l' ph),"'ii " ,d



I'la in illg- II I ,~ Ih,' [" , Iit nt!' has ch n~ • I' U

Brand New 88-Note, Guaranteed


o f th e i:: u!5te r ll fat·ln l·r ," s uytJ .J u mes


~ ~


1-:. Larl'o wl , wi del Y kno wn eng in eer a nd I "' ('~"k ll l 1, 1' l he lar gc ma n u fncLul'inJ,!' c.:o n l' t'I '11 wh(l S ~ d onatioll S

•• !• .



- - --


mll e.h Idl·ft lllJ ~"" 1u th..· e ntire (amil y. /\1111 n o w t-b y & Co. n ot. n lon. 011.. ~OD f) tlLl"'r'J,u ln os and I lh o l1 c,.::m r h :t al LP; OlC'Tlll r1u!dy low pri ~ . but mo.



The Eye SiS!bt Sp.. dali.t


Christmas Sale of

I p.~~~~S~m.~.~~. N~~~'" ~~!~~~ iI




And Continues Until


LOUELLA LONGACRE-May th e whole world be ue nefitted by a unity of action by all Chris tian w orkers. HELEN RANDALL - There arc three things essential to winning succeBS. First, Is "determination;" secCullMrYattn Mr. George Smith spent Monday in ond is "the power te concentrate;" ".nU.cement. third; "willingness to sacrifice pres- Dayt on. Mr. Edwnrd Hnley, of Xenin, called e nt comfort for future success." IDt~ from ' c!ate at on friend s he re Ins t Sundny. depoelt. CLEMEN'l) SA TTERTHW AITEMr. a nd Mrs. Emcrson Dill spent SIIYs the me etings with her a re ge n· toeatlOD erally a se ries of explosive outbursts. Monday afternoon in Xenia. moat eentra1. Mrs. Ch e noweth spent Illst Sunday with Mr. David Lucns a nd fam ily. NON-PLUSSED Mr. R oy Shaw and flllllil~' spellt Old Colored Lady-"Gib me a tick. S unday with Mr. Lewis Morgan a nd fnm ily. et fonh Belinda." The ticket agent looked through Mr. and lIf,rs. Irvin Mulf"r " SpOilt his stubs carefully. Scrntched his lns t Tuesdny with Mr. lind . Mr s- Her · head und wont' thru ugh them once bert Marlatt lind family. Bldg, and Loan AIm. more with no s uccess. "Wh e re is Miss Clara Daug htel's i• • p e n'din g B elindn 1" Cor. ·Thlrd • Jeffenoa a f ew days with Mr. O. B. Marlatt , I, 'I ,N., B.BfLo Colored La dy- "WheJ'e is she? and family, of near here. DaytoA, 0 .... 'Why, s he' s settin' ove r dar on a seut, " Mr. Tim othy Marlatt i ~ now IIbl o bo " · 1JI)I,;JlrAUBr...8ee'7. be out again, after being confill!'d tc> .1 N~ .'~~I;~\~'~·!!~I_~,~~~~~!!~~~~~!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ his home for u f e w days with sic k .

of DraIn Tile , Sewer Pipe and Flue Linings, and Other Miscellaneous Merchandise T h is Sa le Begin8




H og and Poultry ' Feeds FenCi . . ng .. • ••• , 10C t d C d P t A f II ' . rus. an . e ar os s.... U


Inl.t\ll_J ('II ( r" !1 1 ~aJ"lte . .. ( ) • Pu ~zl e No. 18 , I I ' 'II 1, / A Chns Lma8 Rhyme ,\I ~I ' J song of . .. ...... __ .. ____ >11, ..I t

11" ..., well lIB





l'rTrs . Clu'i"l' ll cf.! Smi lh is )11'."1 . (1 1I" l ~'lPl f1' n: t nlll lniucc1 her Ll'l U~ be 1mllk ab out th fl'un c. lis t. i. tel" ThllL~d hY. '. ,sub.criplion P rice, $1.50 p"r Yen r' It IlIl1 y bl! in u hatl WilY , but h .. w c, ln ~ I ,·". E d LU II"IU"'h h.I. " I,,, hll 1111 1 ' ( f I n ~ U I ' II .., , " ,~ )1". and ,\ 1, ,,. Ch;ld" . ;\ udll' II C (! • /lin tu Wilell hc hus g' 'II , idl f(,r "" \ " "u l d a " ~ . 11Oth ing' of i t '! J ""p " lll S UlH.I:IY '11 (' 41 ~1Ii11 :tt i. D. L . CRANE Publi.her ~ I i~, Gilldl'~ 1l" I'J.:dll ll i ~ IIw pr'l lui 1\""" 11 "11 ••,, ",.,101''''('''' hi s ki st I 1\ i\I iJin (lapul b WII 11l a ll has uiJluill L·d I J(· ~·. . (>~!'-" r nf; n IH ' II " \\' plll .\'\·/' Ili.", i Lil't h,fny. \\. ~Jr """1 j 1 . ' \"4l Ill!,")" 2 . 1\ "i "q r ee I '~tllll"l' Iw l' 1\II ~ halld s pellt 1·lIu l. II I" 11'lll (. ,."n v' ·f· 1(, " . u" 1'' (1 II r " I ' v II . ,,, ,,I ~II" . \ '. I.. II ,\I '\C' Y I.. fl II I II ~ t mll' ti l l W I'atl in ; Li w r e f o l" ·. ~ h(~. T . I.. :--it.o tI C· f, h:t ~ }, l; l " I q ui ll' ill .\l ll ll ,b.'. lH :~,h Ii lJIl ' v, jUl!.'!' :11 1·'}\ l r '" I.\' 11 11 1 Ic'l II., " Ill e nd lh,· cO Il ~l ilu · wilh " ripp e .


Term s : $4.00 •

Monthly Ttu~8 e bc1tuUiuJ mahol:~"Y rild .. ht.>d ~ ('(lt\13(1I' J>Olllda.r- Qu ~n Anne d~l"u . W1U ,lillY' all mute

l'ocOld Ki(.'CLionlJ ( t ee wit.h t.b hs phuu,oarrnp h.

No Interest

or E xtras

[thorJ - rnl,hs


Charged! .

Free Delivery to Your Hl)me in Tune for Christmas :


1111 MIAMI CA2ET1'1 jobl Saturday-ull' I willits n,rotoetion." I ,b "!?h, you IVont in ~url\nco against A IQred gunt! man nddreued fnf(lrmntiollclllrk In a largo InsurMe ompllby . .. Ah' wan.... "ome inilurnnco." Let us bo frnnk "bout lhe franc. • :'What kllltl do yo u want!" . It may be in n hnd WilY, but how can 'Wen, I doan 7.Bckly kno'lt ' my ncle Sam 1:1>11 whon ho has secn bOil done said 1 Wal! goln' to 10;0 my nothing of it? I-

~e'•.l00 Percent. &e y~r


Mr. alld Mrs. FJlnll~r hcehllll ~pc nL I~==========================~~ wcck.und with Mr. and ,Mrs. Cutl Croll, of Frunklin .


The largest selec~:;;;we

In a

/I on. Ju ~ lin Hardinlr nnd 111". E,l Baugh, o f Frnnklin, wor~ in \ \Iuyn !'? , iIle. MC'n 'ln y \'.·I' ing


GILBERT B aGGS, General Agent

Christmas prc"'nt" ginm away fr cc wi l h " " pry purchase of $1 nnd lip. M. KohlhaJ[en. Jeweler, L e b:lno ll . Ohio.

! ._The Ohio State Life

Ins. Co.



L II,.

• M!'. lind Mrs. \\' ult ·1' uUon cil'r1 lho flllll' l'Ill o f Mrs. l'usi' ~ cO ll ~ i" . M I'. lJavid :';1",rll1l1n . at \\·ilming-lu". MOiltiny.


1':pi ~ c " I'(\1 murk ot "n.1 apron slll~ nn Saturday . ll .. c"IIII,pr l :l th . in Mr"

shown in',Waynesville.

Ln Ul'H Sill4!~ ' \I :30 'II, 11\.


l'I'lllflH' ll cing-


J , BarTlnrd Walton, or I'hillltl r l· WnYII <,w ill,' f',r 1\

ph in. _l"I'P" ,1 III

wi th

r o n fl'rCJH.' C

W Ul'kl' l':{


- - --- - - -

l hl'


Fri ~"d" M .,,· t in ~,

We present a few Items 'out of the enormous stade we are carrying

Hurt In' Fall


Mrs. J. C. Hawke Monday ,

, Women are so clever at aettina a man'a shirt s ize, without him knowing abe's going to give him one of our madras, or broadc:loth ahirts.

Mrs. Harvey Sackett spent Tu es· day in Dayton.

$1.50 to $3.00

Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Ung lesb y wcrc In Dayton, Monday,

P ~AS ~

SOCKS You can't beat a box of Sock!! for bei ng n downright useful gift. Silk, lisle 01' wool. They c.ome in beautiful Christmas gift boxes, . Single pairs. ~

25c to $1.00

Mr. Harry Schwartz, of Lebanon. was in town, Monday. Pipes for Chris tmas, 50c to $5.00, Gray's Barber Shop.

d V,L!"r\.' l:'

1 \ 1,: ,)

li n

,sec to '1.10


pe r doze n


i ~~~)~~~d I Candy, ;,\,

... " ..

Sl d f " d







-IOc ~1~!'~?~~h. . ..". .. 15c 17 C ~~~~tH~~~~I?b~~,.....,.,.25c

.. ,, ' .... .. " .. .. 3 0 e

Cu t R dl. pO llnrl ... "" .. ", . Hard Fll lt' ri " '.,, " '"


Packllrre .. .. ..... ... ... .. ........




f or


~~~~~.' .,~.~Ik' .fj 7c

19 213 auto licc ns\' tng" . Jl II b(' S~­ h l'r :-- n f 1111' Craft a r t' lI r~ " i nt ly mik t. I I cured III the Way n ~s\' ill " ~I " to r ,"1\ _ to 114..' p r l"':-- t· nt . The appearance of the library is Jill ny. \; . .1. \\' '\ '~EI' I,lnl '~ I':'_ \\:- ~ , improved by a new floor. I" ll. 1IF.:"\lll', hI'i U :"\. :-i,c y, Mr , and Mrs. K , N . lI oult'h an. 1 Mrs . Edith Harris and Mr. Harris Mrs, C, M. lI oug h wcr\' in P Uytll1\ , Mosher were in Dayton, today , . Sa turday.

Messrs , W. S. Gruham. \\" E. orMrs. W. E . Cornell and Mrs. Ralph MiUer were Dayton visitors, Mon - ne ll and E. L. Thomus were in Leb· day. II non, t~day .

It Jan" a bit too early to select tiea for Chriatmu presents. Heavy. aUka, foalards) or brocades.

t'!u l d lCla t" !-l.

._---- ---

2S ' pound . ad "", "" """ .. " .. ,, $1.48


1I1 r, James Lan ,~ . of \\· i!mIClI' l,)'l. SUlld ,.. with ~lr. M . F, \\' ,·I u"

Cigars Dl!d Cigarettes in Xmas ' Dolly Varden Box antly pat'lkagea. Gray's Barber Shop. Xmas. Gray's Barber Shop.


216 Size,

Cigar lin d Cigarette 1I"I,krs at Gray's Barber Sh uI',

~I'(! nl

Standard Pack' No.2, 3 cans for


2Sc ORANGES Florid~ or Navals, 176 Size, doz. . . . . 40c

aminutio" wns Ituuh' to cI ('ll' rlll ill L' lit"

A . "I'l'inl I I IHmllnit'a ti o n (I f \," u ' ill ,' L.. oI J:" No. I G;\ 10', 8: ,\. " w ill I'l' h,·I <I l'ul' ~ d n y l '\' l' lli n ..{ . II l ' PII I! ll' 1 : :'. I .':! [' . lit -; n'd rt~· k . f ·· t h!' p u r J'll~(' o f l'pn (l.' r l ' lu}!' t !ll' ;\1. ~.

s~a~d:~/l~~ ~o. ~ . -

WIl '

Mrs, Grn ce L. Srnith wns in ))ay lo n Tuesday and Wcd n\'s day ,


- ----- ,

In Dayton, ex t c r:t lIf lht:' injury. Mis" r.hright is we ll knL.1\·n hl' r\', ~ht' is 11ll' , I nll~ ht.,~ uf the late G" ,. , Miss Helen lI uwkc "'"" II ))llyt OIl IV . 1': I0,' ,):ht 11 1101 hn curl\' 1:1'(. \\': 0< \'i ~ ito r. Salurday, ~Jll' IL ,II \\'nY ,h.;o. \·ill,. , . Mr, Waller El zl'Y is enufi lll'" t o hi,; hume wilh g-riI' Pc.


Fresh rendered, per pound


Mi.. Emma Ebright. of tI", Xl'lIi" Nali onal bu nk. ~ lIff<' r c d a ~e\'l" "" i:1 · ju ry to he r hip whl' n she slipp.'" und f .. 11 ill an Ell t Muin str(' el IH. "i ll" "" ro o .. Monday noon, An X-Ray .. x-

,- - ----




SJlc~ial sale on ~pectacl es h ra evor y 'ful'sc\ny. M. Koh lh ngen, ptometrist, L1lbll 11 011 , Ohio.

WE cordially invite you and inspect our .'l . New and Practical CK .


~~~:~k.~c~,~~~.. . . . . 27 C

I~!~Spollnrl . . ",., , , , . 23c


~!~~.~b,~. ~~,~. . ,.--30c - -

75 C ~~.ap.~C:6 ~a~~,,~,~ 25e

)'<':"' jI F 't CaIres, I

It 11:," !J e (' 11 the hop<' of Ih, ' 1'0< 1 I Counlry fiJI Club . Mr. and Mrs, Fred B. ll end .. rson S(' I'\'ice , d~pn rllllent th nt t hi' Several of our radio fans heard .. .. ther~ ml)'.ht b~ no de ll \'cI'Y IIY ca.' 2 p , und n. ~ . : h .... .. .. " " .... I~le Boboy Davis , last Thursday a nd Mrs. Kate Co leman w(·re in Day . l' i e l' ~ nnd that th ~ onic c mi~ht be plI' '. .. t ton, Tuesday. night. , nn II holidny bas is on Chri sll1lus /1 ,\\ ' - _ . _ . _ - - _ ._ - - and I dil'cct thul th is be IIn d e l' llll;,.!, I ~ .,. , -~." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -...-~ . .~_~.mImAil_m5lJE,lD~IiII_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _... Miss Grace Bee, of Dayton, spent Mrs. Minnie E vans. of Wes t Ca r- although it must bc unders to od til k the week-end with Mr. anti Mrs. F. roUton, spcnt the week-end with in the nature of an cxp or-in1l'nl. R. Moomaw.. frie nds here. Poslm u~ tct·s will th er .. f or~ ", ,, pl' ntl ull work at 12 ,o 'cl ock llIid n i ~h t. D.·, , Mrs. J. D. Marlatt is spending t his Mr. a nd Mrs. Clarence Menden hall co mber 24, eXCt'pt to rctui n on ,lU ly , week in Columbus, with Mr, and Mrs. :,nd little son, Ea rl , werc U a ~'lo n vis. on Chri stmas Day only s uch emp loy . , Merle Kern . ,tors Monday . ees as are re q l\ir ed to make th e r" ~ " ubr holiday dispalt'h.," (If firs t cI /I> : Christmas presen ts g iven Ilway mail to th e traii' 5 and t o' receive. " ,,( . Mr. Robert Mosher, of Cardington, 18 spending the week with Mrs. Edith (ree with every purcha se of $1 Ilnd not t o work, incominA' muil fl'om tl,(' Harris and family. . up. M. Kohlhag en, J ewele r, Leba- t ra ins, The re wi ll be no- city d,·livery, village de li" c r), o J' rurul d('non, Ohio. livery on Christmas Day, The Normal c1alS with the teacher , At 12 o'clock m idlliJ:rht, December MislI Howland, villited the Greoi!nfield Mas ter Jose ph Coates was home 25, such nctivities as usu ally bolt'i n schools, Tuellday. over the weekLe nd. H e is spe nding at that time, may be put ill opern · the wi,i'lter with relati ves in Indi- tion, and on t he following morn in" all activities shoul d be resum ed with Miriam, little daughter of )(1' , ond Ilno. great vigor lind ente rprise in onlet· Mrs. S. S. Ellis, is ill with irofl>lmma. tory rheumatism. Drs. Mary L, Cook, A. T, Wright, that such mail as is left O\'er Illay J. T. Ellis and J. E. Withum attend- rell{n its destination very promptly, HARRY S. NEW , Mrs. Anna Sheehan, Mr. and Mrs. ed a meeting of the Five-County Postmaster-General. Medical Society, at Lf, ! banon, last Ernest Earnhart and children, were Thursday. Dayton visitors, Tuesday.


SCARFS All wool, downy 80ft or sllk.en. Such lovely searls will ~ set,tle a number of gift problema.

$1.SO to $3.00 -


Watch for



m • Melloh's Ad. in This Paper Next Week!


Slippers for ' Men,' Women

and Children, of felt or leatb-

er. C/lJI't beat 'em for com. fort and servicc.

89c to $2.98

SWEATERS Slip-ons or buttoned ones, for boys and for men. All prices,


$1.95 to $7.50

ROBES For Mon a nd Women. Uscful, practical and bound to be .llPpreciated.

$4.95 to $6.95

HANDKERCHIEFS The old reliable gift. Pure linens, from Ireland; silk onea from Japan, or the finf!8t cot.ton, grown in Dixie.

tOe to 75c

Epl~copal marbt and apron sale on Saturday, December 12th, in Mrs. Laura Sides' room, commencing at 9:30 a. m ..

Mr. and Mrs . .Dearth Sheehan, of Five Points, are rej.oicing over the arrival of a 'seven-pound daughter, born Wednesday, December 9. Messrs. M. B. Hyman, Lloyd Hancock, Fmnk RetalJick, of Lebanon, and Lou Printz were . dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Ml'II. Myer Hyman Christmas presents given away free with every purcbase of $1 and up. M. Kohlbagen, Jeweler, 'Leban6n, Ohio.

GLOVES A rlon for e",ery need. r DNuy kids, auede or moccal Ll tan., gray or black. Fur-linea on.. for driving or I!l0to ring.

Mr. Crabbe addresaed the Spring Valley Grange 1ast Tuelday evening on the subject, "Education arid It.'s b\'terp,retation bi the Smith-Hugh!! Law.' J

PAJAMAS AND NIGHT , , SHIRTS We have them in plain white or colors. Surprise ' him ' with on e of these sets.

' $1.~~0 $2.50


Rev. Walter E. Dakin, who for seVeral yearS has been rector of Christ church Clark,ldale, Miss., has accepted a ~l to Christ church, Bay St. -Lou", Jrlles.

Mrs. '

Mr. and, G. D: Mlils entertained at . 6 o'clcok dinner, Thul'IIdav evenl~, M~. Mayme Hatfield, Mlia Lucy Emley" Mell8l'8. Raymon and Walker Hatfield • The 'Woman's Auxiliary will me~t on Tb,UJ'8day afternoon, December 10, with Mrs. L. A. Zlmm,e rman and Mn. SaraJt Zimmerman, at the home of lin. L, A. Zimmerman. Election of oftleen ad payment of duel. Please :,~~~ of dale from Frida,

- ---

- - ..




Frank sa ys Kin... Tut must hav ~ been a tight-fist ed monacrh . After 3000 years he still ~a s hi s go ld.

Mr. and Mrs. Byron Davis. of WesMr. and Mrs. Harry Turner and litof Bellbrook, spent Sun1>1Y terville, Ohio, and Mrs. Will Park. WIth Mr. F. B. Henderson and family. of Mt. Vernon, Olhio , were week-el .d guests of Mr. C. T. Hawke an,J Episcopal market and apron sale daughter, Miss He:len. on &turday, December 12th, in Mni. ' Sidell' room, commencing at 9 :30 .f !' Franklin Packel~ and Lindley Menm. . ,. .1 tlenhall werc in Richmond, Ind" W ednesday and Thur:sday of last week, Mr. Robert Tharp, of Newca stle, attending Friends Service meetings Ind., and Mrs. Tillie Moody, of Lynn, and Richmond Boarding home comInd., spent the week-end with Mrs. mittee. Irma Coates and children. . Mr. and -Mrs, J. C. Hawke entet'~ J dinner ,Sunday, Mr. and Christmas presents given away wined Mrs. George Larrick. of Lebanon, Mr. free with every purchase of $1 and Joh!'l Fromm and family. Sunday up. M. Kohlbagen, Jeweler, Leba- was th ~ 'wedding anniversary of Mt'. non, Ohio. and Mrs.. Larrick and the birthday of Mrs . .Fromm. Mr. and Mrs. Will Harvey, of HarveYllburg, and Mr. and M1'8. H. E. Christmas prellents given away Stokes will leave Sunday for Miama, free with every purchase of $1 and Fla., to spend the winter. up. M. Kohlhagen, Jewel er, Lebanon, Ohio. Mrs. Hannah ~tram and , Mrs, Mary Caskey returned home, Monday rIIorning, after a three months' visit in Washington, D. C. tI~ 101),


Dumb D.n pitie. the m.n men tbe.e d.y., hi"i", be.",. •• clu· He •• ,.. he would ..'t c 'Irr,. th"m-

He'd m.i1 tbe"'·

ChristDlas "Gifts

---. --- --


"I'm driyinl my hu.b.nd to drink, •• id tbe wife, .1 .be mo'


tored o"er into C.....d • .

~ .~ .\

FOR SALE FOR SALE-Forty Rhode Island Red Pull ets; will Iny thi ~ spring.. I nquire at this office. ·d9



Holiday Specials 1-2 Price Sale, Friday and .'aturday, sem i·a nulla l event. These. hats are from our carefully selec ted stock. HAT BAGS

Daisy' DeLuxe and the Button models. Hundreds of women are telling the advantages of Daisy Il at bags. An ideal Christmas Gift. $1.50 ami up.

When you think of Christmas Gifts, bear in. mind that useful gifts are always most accepta~le The Gifts you will fi~d in our store will last for years. Each time th.ey are used there will be a sen8e of satisfaction, which ~.-Ihs that the Christmas 8pirit of the giver wiiibe remen'lbereci . through the entire year. . . The selection of. your Gift. wUr be euy ' in our store, for they are displayed co"veniently, and their range of usefulness makes them ac.. c~ptable to any member of the family.

Fred M; .Cole, . Hardware, Harne• ., Farm Machinery ,


We are displaying a choice collection for Boutonnier$ and Corsages: Chrysanthemums, Meta~ Gardenias also in colors. Individual boxes, 50c and up , HEAD BANDS Just re'ceived a beautiful line in Silver and Gold· New designs; make a very acceptable gift. SCARFS Lass~~. ~a:s~mere Scarfs, diStit,lctly ,feminine : a~so CrepeDeChin.e and GeQrgette; ,make an excelleht glf~, . Mll.LTEX DRESSES ' A 'pretty a9sortm~nt jus£ .Latest materials.. Satin a~d Flat Crepe. Sale Price, $11.95: '

Osterly' Millinery Xenia, tJhio

r.' ,



Late Classified Ads,


37 Green Street, '


~. ~ '.


45 Volta $ ~.OO:

FORD SATTERIES Radio. Tubes, $1.50 "


,. .. Seventy-Seventh Year


\\,'1' 1


-r:c.;n,\: ,

DEC [ ';:.lD E 1 ~



\\ hal



' ' Ilm her fi679 .


WOMAN'S AUXILIARY 8T. MARrS CHURCH The Woman's Auxilill l' Y waH entcrtain ed on Thursday afterno on. LIe· cember 10, by Mrs. Sarah Zimm er . man and Mra. L. A. Zimmermall, at the home of the latter. . The meeting was opened by Mrs. Cadwallader reading a portion o f th e second chapter of Luke, foll owed by prayer. Scriptural quotations were given The and dues paid at roll· cull. name of a new member was added to the roU Ilt this time. Elec tion of officer~ resu Ited In the re -elcctlon of the old officers. At the close of the business ses· sio n the following program WIlS reno dered : Piano Solo .. .. .... Schiefe in "Dream Thoughts . .' Mary Louise Zimmerman Readlng-"Good Work of the Girls' Friendly Society" .. Mrs .. Lee Hawke Song by Quartet- "Awake," Awake My Soul"- Misses 'Elsle Hawke. Katherine Prenderga.t. Mrs. Lee Hawke .and Mrs. D. L. Crone. Miss Esther Henden!on Accompanist Reading-"The New Building, Holy Trinity Cathedral. Tokyo" .. .. .... ....... ... .Miss Emma Heighway Pilttlo Solo-"Erotik" .. .. .. .. .. ... .. Greig .: Mal')' Louise Z.!mmerman Re.dlnlf--"The Passing of Margaret Therne Emery" .. Mra. Mal')' Cukey Song by Quartet.--"SweeterAa the Years Go By." DuriDg the social hour little Mar· jorle Edwards recited MveraJ \liee,,; In a ckarming manner. Delicious refreshment. were aervod by the ho•. telae.B) aaai.ted by Mrs. MIIry Calkey and Mary Louise Zimmerman . • The following guesta were ~re8ent : Mrs. Mary L.., Mn. Llna De· vitt, Mn. A. T . Wright, Misses Marne Broirn, Elsie Hawke, Esther Hend .. ,,son and the little foil,., M.rjorie EeL warda Dean Hawke and f'rank Edwards. MRS. LAURA MOSHER, Sec'}',


Santa Claus Will The GraDI_

1he Community Christmas Tree



Pl a ns fOI' th e Com mun ity (,hri ,.;tma s l' ·!I l' \) r a tio n . [(I IJC h,! lcl o n Chl'i :;tm as E vc, arl ' jll'ug1'l's;.; illg. :\0 (il' l'init ' " 1l11 01l1ll' l' nlc nls hav e uc e n Inull • l)ul it i~ un d e rs t oud 11I; l l a ~~ (,od prog'ran l is be in g arrangccl. Th e e nlil'e comm unity is co rdi a ll y in \' it e d to ('0111(: out and join in th e obs t! l' vanl' '. A hu ge C h ri s tma s t r e c wil l uc en'de d on Miami s treet, n c a l' i\lain. and \\'ill u c brill ia nli y lig h le d and de co rated. G. J . Wate rhou se , ass is ted by thc Ca mp Fire Girls. will have c harge of th e d ecorating. The carol tlingi ng. und er the direction of MI'. Alfre d Wa.tkins, will add to the pl easure o f the oc~as ion. "Gath er Around the Christmas Tre e," will be ;j ung uy th e chi ldrell of the Grade sc hool. All c hildre n ulHl e r Hi g h Sc hool age, wilt be g iv en a treat. There will be a puLlic r e hean;a l of th e C hri s tma s carols next Tuesday night at 7 o·clock. I.t -t h e Gra d e lJuilding. Eve r y one who can sing , is e arn estly r e quested to ntte nd .

';.. A I ha l H'I ' h ~, ... 11 ('c ' u II w d l' i n lh ~ n a rl ll ' I I!' , til' i I . =-" PHP " I" .\ l : l m e et. i ll~" flf

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of o ur a ctiun s

'm ellrth. as are so fillc ly discloscd by nicken s. Vashti Beckett. in an able presentat ion , pi ctu red th e life por · . trayed in the "Story of th e Other Th~ preSide n t s ay ~ farnl~r ~ can Wise I\1l1n." by Van Dyke. T u nOllr- , solve their IIO'o blc llIS. lIr sOlli e of them, Iy everyo ne, t he m"n ti<lIl o f the hy co·opel'llllvc llIarkcttn~ .. three wise men b fa milial' but f ew Co uld th e pre "lell' lI t g uura ntl' e the kn ow the stor y uf th e fourth, 1\8 is f a rm el's a).:ain ~ t pro"c ru ti on, baBed so u,'"utiflilly tu lu by Va n Dyke. on rc.trllinl of de. if farmers combin ed esta uli shcd mark,·t prices and Thc Se ni ors pr esen ted nn unu su8 1· fixed pri ce <'? Iy interestin J.; pr,,[,(rllm Friday. us fo l· A . G,.-·,· rnm l' nt hoa rd now t ells h 1W 5 : movin g pi cture mcn that th ey may Song \\'r're the ~~ni (J l"s" Clu ~s of ' 2'3 not ex hibi t th ei r own p ictu res in their Play- Act I , ",\11' . Jl unt .. .. ·, Mi ~ tnk e ." o \\'-n th~ nt l' r~, I f that w~r " s" unci - o f course it is Mo nolo!,: ue "I n th e Dal k of th e /l Oll not sound- farIllH" ('o uld not selt ey- MuLlll." \lol·i. /l cnd er soll. ated. Dt. Fa lor g-u v(' us so m e i nt Qr- :!nd Act · .. ~ t l' . lIull t"r' , ~ t i " tak l'. " t h eil' own products in their own mar· esti ng fncts and sta ti RtirH c O ll cer nin~ \ ocn l So h.... 1': lsie /l awke kct R. whi l' h iR what thl' Y should do .. G. H. Archd eacon di ed lit his home .. II eted i ty." An d wh a t, i f an ylhin g, would Gov(h ) " Th l' C .. " " in ~ ... [ tl1l' S ti le" near Harveysburg. Thu rsli fl Y. Decem· Afte l' "ge l1l'l'nl x(' hun g'l' of (,hri Ht. ; .. d A~t , " .\) 1'. lI ulI ll' I", ~ l i H t"kl' . " " I"Tl nl('nl ri ll til h£' lp t he f n rIllPrs'! A ber 10. The flI ne rnl W II ~ h" ld in IUns J'I;H' I"n r~ ' S, \\ hi d l c r r alt'd llIu c h l '11.1no ~ lI l ll 1.ld; l ,) ; IIH·t (' ; ll'l wri~ ht j.:f't ' a t d, ,: d i ~ d .l ll l' r,"- r:d lr(' iUis , A the M. E. ehurt h al W i ln li n ~lo n. :::~ t . m e 1'ri me n t. t l I ' 111 1'1' t ill ),! a cij o u r nCtd ( ' I' \'(lr nll H' Jh hn:1n! w .lt l'h f'S OV e t" (!d :"" .;' 1· all t a; ~ . "" urday mornin g . Burinl w;,s ;,: Mnr- t o Ilh' t', t in ,1.tlltl ; I!': wit h Mr. and t h"Ill, : :t j, I' ,: I' ~ I II till' r ai lru ad 1,.1 01\ 1 I a ll. ) 11'" .•1. 1\' . \\' hll, ·. 1':11;' ;t ll d :",;l y~ \ 4,) tinsville . llli , c'h l'bt Iln Sp ir it" I. Il' b: 1' , Mr. Arch deuc,.n W Il R II bl'p t hc l' of lJ. c' PlJil i: l " . 1 t il \' d h.." !, l Mr. Howar d t\n:hclellclIIl . or t h,· Way \ o ll! d . I " ,' "I" qr' n : h r,\ . .· in t (·,. All ,·:-t p f tl l:, 1 I ~ I r IliI :l ., t! Hl IlI nesville Motor ' llll1pany. tthe..· ics' flc ul1 llo 1i uj.:' h Pol• 'J I,"" ..,th.'.1{':lI l l! \' 1'I jl\oI " Miss E li Zll Mur .. a y .Iied :> t t\ ,. huIll ,· . . -- .. . of n. J. Mur ray · Orc""" ,, ;,, . \\ " n" " 1 T h,' I I' i ' • ", 1" , :. I '" wl l h ) 1·· ... C hristm as Pro Gr am s .. f 1",1 day mo rning. (I~c. ' ,. I '" I .· .. ·.. a l {· I·,Ii .I " . '. ) : , I· r Ul1:1 da <! ' " ;:tt ..Jund a.y ..... c!1ool s iu lU .l. tl~ , ; , "', , /'tl serl'il'e \\"11" 1", ld "t 11> ,· ' .' '. " ,.,,' 11 WI" " . " aft orn nnn lin t! ' " ' ' [nIH , : ::' III '.. .d lie Ill) 111 \' lIt h "I 1H lilli' P i III 111 , uf \\' u, hill).! tn ll ".01. r ial .\ 1 ': '. (to, ....l I'" '01'1 • " IH .• I ~ ' Ir . oil ,. J... W UH i ll :\li:ltll J eCJIlf.l1t'r~. l' it: · ! .. I~ , ' d I II u B It \.' ~"Il1 'H I ' I )' :-d lltH I of I'. ,!'ht


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-----C·h ristmas

Kroger Storea are stocked with the fin est of Holiday Foods. You will ftnd everything fresh, pure and of unsurpassed quality. PI·ices. too, are beyonll COlPpariaon. Come in t Let us ' pel'sonally show you our variety and wish you greetings of this joyous season.




Kra,er Candlel are absolutely pu,re a.n d fresh. Let the "Klddies" have their liII. Quality ill exee1!ent.--prlcel surprisingly low.






.Asaorted Chocolate&-rlch centeri; 5-lb. box, $1.00; per Ib .... 20c fud&,e-rich and deliciOUS; Ib" 15c; Peanut Brittle, pound .. ... 15c Out Rock-The old-fashioned hard. candy. many shapes, colors

t ' !" to i:1 1 1(

of colOn! many ftlled pieces, pound ........ ...... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 19c Holiday Cream~Tempting mix of colored, flavored creams, Ib.20c Creama and Jellie_A rich, colorful rnixture of fine flavored 10ft candies' pound .. ........ ".. .. .......... .. ............ .... .... .. ....... .. .. .. ... .... 1ge Filled Candie~Country Club, fI neat quality, 8 lb, fancy glass jar, m.ues an Ideal gift .. .......... ....... ... .. ...... ..... ... ........................ .. .. .. .. 99c


SWMt and Juicy wre 250 Size :PO'ZEN I




Ntw Crop. La,..





'FRU ITC-·a,r,.•• CI.Io, Oat,. Fl••• , . • "tter ...... lDad. - 3.110. ·111 " •• ,If.1 ... 1 $t.2!!1-110, .C .kl,. 'aaq ........ :.......... :.......... . .. CAKE. .... ,red.iento round



> ~.Uf


t ..

per can.. 8.9 c, cor.-:oounb'Y ClUb. can .. ..15c Peach---..Country Olu\', c&II.25c .. PrUlt 8alad-liJo,. 2 can........ 38c .aapple-!{o. 2~ can .. ........25c


!'lone Such, pkg .... .... 15c



11ft ....",

Pe.a..... Count~y ' Club , C~\I\ ." 1!l Sptnach-Cahf., ~ an ...... ... ... 15c ~rune_CAlIf., 2-1b pk . .... :J:!/c Pumpkin- Larg.e con . ' .. n c Apple·Butter- Quart l il r








.Walltu~ Meata-V,ry ftDe .q uallty a~ a low price, Ib .............. 5~C P.e 4na:-Jumbo ~apef. SheU, New croPl.fa~ey.; lb ..... ............ 5:Jc

lIince lIeat:--Country Club, pit',. lOco



B~~to WalIIuta-New 19211 ~oP. onr own Importation, Ib ,. 27c JlIse4 Natl-~neei De", erop Walnuts, Alrnond.. Brazlls, Paper 81i.eIl JIkau and Filberts; lb.... .. .. ... .. ... ........ . .... ...... .. ...... . ....... .. aoc


The Season's Greetings'




II d

nt .

( lll

. ~ling


• T

Ll :-;1

.In. d , I.,






" "', ' :



~ ('



In the SwiM village of Piona men' drank brandy, and got drunk • . There was no cafe and the village was ' on a "hard stuff" basis .. The men wanted a cafe. The women objected, opened a woman's cafe, and ran it, supplying the men with light beer nnd wino and keeping an eye on t hem. lrange to say... the men who pbjc cted ut first are now contentell , and what s more important, they m'c sober .. . Drunkenn ess hilS d is llppeared from th villag o. . . , H ere w e I,lrc tl'yil1f\' ,itlst the oth er ex pl'l'jmeni, ,lri \lj n~ out lig ht wine nnd b ccl"' ll/lllill \,( ill bl)o llclr whi. tty .. Tillie to11 ,whidl ill Ule bot ter pl an.



The rebt j" ,!,l . • wI.rkin '" (lt his coo;mic 11l'(jb{1IID , ul! pC11 dlll~ 0)1 the Empcror f iil' IIj(lnq' WId protection, had to ~ end t hot he could r e/ld the lItar:! ·uucl t 11 t he Emeror's for. tum;, WIl I.- II!!, him J: oncouragi ng him, a (' rdi Lt, tll(o ~ta r8 . For the lI1ogniileOh wisd III II! Kepler, one of the world'••Ix greatest uatronomen

and mathemati~, tho Emperllr had little &lie,

. -.

.Good Entertainment


t h,

iu.' JlI l'

dllo l b p u r

(,r 't..

"' l'd nl' ~ lln y ill l h. hl1 ,.~h.



(j iv,' /JU r ul' 1 II. • ,

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __

. . e._ _ __ _ _ _ __

Gift Suggestions! -




I i



Ciga r ettes

Ci garette Caau


I.' n.

T h, · Il l.·'l'id I r (' ,.l ult lill .l ,'.ptl r t o f ilnt1 (l ll s . i,.·' , h,'L t l,,· inuie t.l11e nt8 {" ,(1n i n g, Appell Is , in

, ,.~



l it'I ,ro -

=-'UI , . :lY a r tL' !'

c nll l U' l:LCl Il


il h H,(, st('i1 lin ).!' u f

Cigarette Holders Cigar' ea.e.


Celebrates Birthday

Tbla morning while workin&' at a shredder, in some accountable manner, Forrest Hobllt'I ' right hand wai caught In the machlhe and completely levered. He was rushed to the Miami Valley h08pltal, where he I. being cared for.

Spread La,." .pound

3' 4

O; ~\ , ti ll

I ~l l ':1 ' " kCl'P alld

Stl~;!l nr I'll t. lk I·,

r uul'l h S Ullda\' in Adven t. Dcc"lIIbcl' :!ll, I !I:!il.' Ch ul'ch S ~ hnol al !I :ao 11. Ill. r.l o1'l1il1 g' PI'IIY ' I' .nll li SCl'lllOn li t I I :O U p. Ill. A II ill e c,' rllill lly i1l1'ited to come and worship In ce lclJratillll "f 111'1' l,i l'l hday, Mr, . with us. Cy nthia Evans e nt.crtai llt·d 1I 8111nll fl' roup of fr iend s un Monday cvcnill:{. Rev. John J. Schaeffer. Rector. Afte r It full' Kam e:! o[ " 5 00" thQ gl1 e ~ ts wer e summ oned t(1 the dini llb FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST r oo m, which in g:'y Ch ri s tm as a tOur .e r vices nrc nt 9 :30 a . m., and tire, prese n tl'd a ll n ll l'Oc li\'e PJ1eal'7 :00 p. m. "rmons s uit.u bl c to the ance, nnd on Lht' jlro1.t ily !'Ippoint erl table W:I S spl'cufl a dl' lcclu b lc 111 11~ h . · se1lson. Come! Thosp II'ho ('n ju yed lIlrs. F.,·a n's h,r"Don't forget the ma rkel, Wedn es· pita lity weI" MY'';. f.dith t1arri s, Mr -. A. T . Wri ght a tld 1111'S. n. L . Crullc . day, December 23 .

LOIe. Right Hand

Pack.., Fip-GIUline wr.pped, pkg .... ... .. .. .. .. .12c BDlJ11la ' Natural StewtD¥_ .F lp--New CNP, low price, Ib .. .... .. 15cc . Da~olden HaUowl, New Crop, low pnce! .... ....... ... ....... .. . l0c Stuffed 'Date&-Bordo, fancy, nut .turred and sugared, 3 I_dn liancillorne m,tal jrift box, 98c l. lb. bOI'.. .. .. .. ........ .. .... ........ 30c • ial.~OUDtry Club Callf. Seeale.. or Seeded; plqr ............ !Ie ImPo~d KaI~ Cluater Rat.lna; Ib, &,w,Ine pkg........ .. ........ 39c

. '.


.. ..-------


Diamond Br.nd,'~ew 1925 Crop, No.1, Soft Shell, C.lifornia., pound



S~yrI!a ~yer

· ' LNUT~ IA , cl


, ~ll l'Y ' :-; ( 'Lu t'l' !1 dll Hd wi lt J,! ivt;: i.. h l ' Hav a l Ilil j' l' :" t ,: '\' l 'S m u st }. Ln nd .. It \\ nuld I lf' ~ 11I·p l'b ing' ,g r atif y i n g :t p r u r: r:lm . I f lIdll"=il' :ll'd 1"('1 i atifi n ~ tI l" l th e chil d h' ll ,\( 11 1,(. l! iI'(' n thei r nd IH'II if th,· f ud ,I". uld he c ~ t.Hb · Ch rL t n l1l ~ tn,':1t o n \\· I.' d ll ~ 'H I :l\, pv (' n· 1i h t.· d thu t III t h is l'o u nt ry :1 IJIUtl 'nn· I ' l g il fr\'t l. \ l' lI wlH:n h i' s t ('n i d o n (' in)..", Lh.1c Llm h (l l' :~ :!. ti l "; ,"t',t! c1~,

METHODISTIf.HURCH Sabbath School, 9:15 a. m., preach· Ing at 10 :80 a. m. Epworth League 6: 16 p. m. Preaching at 7 :00 p. m., Wednesday evening Prayer meeting, 7 :80. Everybody Invited to these service.. . Rev. L. A. Washburn, Pastor.

Grap,frult - 8 for ...... .. ...... 260· .C,el,ry-Larae atal~ .. .... .. 12 ~c Cranlterrle_per I b .. .... .. l '2\~d . Iceberg Lettuc.e -head .... .... Uc Potatoe_l0 Ibi ... " ......... ,, 4'~ ~oD.than Apples-3.lb8 .. .. .. 25c ;


itl I

III 1 . 1\'

llCC6111U l'l' :.!;j,

The Loyal Women met with 1\1rs . Johnso n at the pursonage last Wed· nesday. The me eting was an inte r· esting one and the attendallc e fine.




h llndrpd m ill il'fl u,dJar .... imp r t' ~!oi, i {l n

w a~

Th l\ j.!t' llcra l

1I1 ! ~'l hi ! ~ frOln tH1C milli on u p \ \H'" 'I 'li h ' ~ afl! .

t ilat

A 1{' Rr l1 l'd 1~,.i l i~ I \1' I , I ra ll .... la l in g: the

I:iu!t,. till c!

lIIi,· I"k .. ill th e King J a m s (' \, 1"~ id :I. , '1'111 !l a' !) thnt th~ ! SU\l' g uided I" IIL- lI d, helll \\' (' r" not :0

l\.i nl;'R o r It w hw

1l H:1l," lh (' ~r Were


J! i<:iu ll !l. . In flnc ie l' l (h,,'" , I f", cl ifl'"r cnce wns ~l i g h t.. L' nI 0~R ' !I lII a ll \\'a " a magi'i'" 1 th~ ~up,· r~tilil 'u , jll'OJp lc t hought litt le o f h i> II i,d"m. 'r hnt i ~ why f~ 'lInd(\ l' ~ of 11(\ \\ rc'IW ill ll ~ have been

Cigar Holden Smoking " Tobacco P,ouehe,




Toilet Waten Dolly Varden Box Candy

Nothing _B.etter!

Just What You Are

--than a box of cigars, a pipe, a jar of choice tobacco or a carton of cigarettes . The man who smokes loves 1he coo) soothing enjoyment of tobacco . He has his favorite kind too, and we carry an popular favorites in stock, ready fo,: your. instant selection. Ladies need not hesitate in s'electing their gifts at our store. Have us layaway your gifts while our stock,is complete. Our prices are right.

Looking FQr

Gray's Barber Shop and Cigar Store,

c o mpe ll ed to Ih.\ I' I\ 1'111 nlinll:lcs , or I' l'c l t·n t.l JIt rt' q l')) I:I I I\·".

Our Christmas service will be held on J;'ridllY evening, December 2&.

J:"~ ~:tfilie~ClC~~die20viir: 3'5.diver~iii~d" iih~'p~ii .i'~ ' ii"b~illia~~c



., . ,

C .l lll u.Jiall

Th l' .\t. E .d ... · l'\1 ,, 1;1 .


S-pound Box, .9Oc PER POUND

l l LL'

(11 ..·. a tll


;I V I


L!IHJll , L1, d


" I.-l"

Hll(1 m u.: ic. o n

Pure Fresh


p :l

\\ns ' !lI<,,1 Il uJ'if'!! j \ ' ''1'4 '

ill t h, · cho r u, uf t he piny.

Club Meets

"'l' j \"

.. , ) 1' 111 I.: tl' l . "

(If th is p l u et',

I'or t he "pring pIny. Th,·~ c pluys n ow luk,· the pla ce f those which wer e f urm f'l' ly Ki ve n Ili le rna te y ~ar" uy th e \,Ilr ious ,o ci eties of t he school. Th e l· U ~1:.s a r l' now ChO Hl.' TI Ly co rnpcti~i o n fr um th e wh ole st udent body which mak e. it an esp ed a l honur fur Both the first and secon d boys' UIIY one to be se lec ted to take part tea ms of W. H . S. journeyed to in the play. K ingmnn Satu rd ay nigh t. 'rhe fir st team houllced the Kingma n Quintet f"r /I ~:1 to 22 viC'tpry. This was tliIJ lir.t · tim!: t.hnt thcy hav e been def Plll:,·" On llwir own" floor fQr five The year of 1 925 is d n lll' in:.: 10 n Yl·ars. They nlso hllve been Clinton close, and th e tim e for li e\\' e ·IlI,· ", hl ~S "" lUlty ChlllllP10l'\S f or the IJllSt three will soon be here. T he lUI' ' j.!'iv inl: yea rs. We " r~ sorry t o say t hat our spirit comes t o all of us at Chri st mlw . ecuntl team went on a slump and time. On Saturday, Dete ntl'e r I!). losl, I :.! to G. ' • Ai. yet no gllmt!s have b ee n sched~ we will have r eady f ur e!lch aild ev · e ry family in thi s vicinity our gift uled for thi s week. of an Art Calendar. e ntitled, "The Story Hour." With it we extenu to all of you; our best wishes for th e coming :,rear. WALTER McC LUH E JAMES E Mc LURE The third !lumber of the Lycenm Course ' wns given nt tHe Gym last - - -- , Rn,ul'!Juy 'ni g ht, Electrb Platt and ~ r~et V " .. nOtl Stun e being the attraction. EI~clra Pratt's impersonations The Loyal \Vomell .n the Fe rry church will hold a mark et in l\ l r ~. 'were . extn:tr1l' ly hu moro us. Vernon Laura Sides' l'O Om, Oil WednesdllY. SllIn(', com edia n a nol versa t ile muslDcce mbel' 23 1'<1. Chickcn ~, ,s lIl nd: c ia W II. t hUl'oHll! hly enjoy <I . H••th l'n l ~r l n ll11I'" ore ur tists and pi,'". !lak es . couki es llnd II vhri c l v (I e ~(1 o d thiJl~s f()t· y" UI' Chl'islma s 'din- kerl th l' IIlltIW II ('C in an u pro ar of 1\('1' wilt IH! on s ale. '1!llwh ler lI "',, "~h ll ll l the evening.


!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~_ __ _ _~'ioiP~ ."" -"..

1\1 a s 'Iu P t

W. H. S. Won One ' and Lost. One

\V Cc.l U(' h r


f rom


'I Ll' ~~l\ iIlK u f !'o c honl pla v s wn g inH 'll" j r :tl t·d la ,!; t Yl'Hr wilh the:' pre s· ~ll t i1 l1 " " of "A t th e S ig n of tht, (;rl· \'d y I' ig-," [or t.hl' wint. e r p lay , and A . A .•'1ilne's, H~l r . Pim l'aslS cs By,"

dllY afternuo n, two spknuid reviell's wc r e ~ i \· l·n , Dori s Il t: ndCI' ~ {J ll lli scus' NI Char les \)ickell " " (,hris tlllll unly

B n dJ,:. t · ' ~

IV U ,

At till' ChristnHl H IIll' <:lill~ (If UlC Ath letic C I O.ll e.t.Atl3f1f!ll nij.!'htmi Ii I,

The Dece mb er mcetin g of the Wayne Towship Farmers cluu \VII S held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Duke, on Thursday. December 10th. Eighteen families and a numb er of guests enjoyed the bounteous din. ner, a8 well as the program for the day. Mr. \V. R. Lewis presided in th e absence of the president. A well· rendered 8010. appropriate to the Christmas season, was s ung by Mr •. H . B. Earnhart. Interesting Curr<:nt Events w~r" read by Mrs . Kell er Hoke. Mr. Co)'· win Drake addressed th e club o n t he uRcapprai ~ mellt and Budget Work in Warren County." This ~ uhject wns of great interest to 11 11 .and Mr. Drake's rcmal'ks wel'C much uppreci.


~ 1 i :-.., I ril ll C(;, S .fa n n t' Yo

hristlll u" purty . .

Aletlwnai I.i tt..: rar y ~ tJCH· t y,

Girl Sings

t;" II" ldle a t l. h" .\l " in !;tr et·t c rossing in SjJ rin ).: Va ll ey. • The ma ,·hi n,' . a h"" ,·) ton ring ellr, wa s hurled fie) fec t a nd st ruck a mail , ' '' ;\111' n(,H r t he Sl' rin)!, Vulley depot. Th" Io o di l'~. w(,!" , ha lil y lllU l ilatud. l'rYI' \\'u ~ iuenlifi (' rl throu ).: h his aut Olllohi ll' Ii C{' IHi( ' t : q,~~ , and ~l c CHbc ' ~ id l' ll 11 t y wu s learn ed from n co py o f a divol'C' f' p "t ili~/l fll eu llguiMt him hy Lnum ,\lcC~h c . h is wifc. Prye ' \lI S t h,· ow ner and driv('r of the car. R . O. COPR" ),. ucti ng coronel' of G r e(' ne county, \\'a" (' nll"d and (IrderI'U thl.' h o uie~ r~ mo\' e d to the J . H. Witmer un dert uking estahlishmc nt ill Xl'nia. Th oy . w("re lut er taken LU t1\('ir hom es i Snrillgfle lu. ,~ - -.-

T h,· 'J' r " ldo ll :t at l' ;\ H nlla l ~ c hw d p rl· ... . · fl ' t ' rI ! r,," it ~ winll"r p la y , 0 11 ~a tl1 r d.t': (' Y l ' ning', Ih~cl ' m lll'l' l ~. IlHIJ ~ l' r t

T h e .J ulllv r t:lJ-lsS is hu s y in pn'pa rullUII fllJ' U ~u l a utf ..tir I, nd a y ni tr ltt. wh"n tlll'Y \\ ill ent.· rl "i n . lI ,,' 11 '1' 11 !-i ch o u l. F acu lt y and :-\ 0 1"111 11 1 c!a :\:-; ; Lt




1J\·i n l: " "nlflg'O au u b l ac l ~ " i s it p la n tha l tl'\\.' a fr a i r s "r t hL'

(: 1) 1111' :-;


Christmas programs will be given in the schools, as follow s: Grades 4. 5. 6-Friday, December 18. 1 ::10 p. m., Grade School building. Grades 1, 2. 3-Tuesday. \)ecem· ber ~2, 1 :00 p. m' Gymnas ium. Lytle School- T hursduy, December 24, afternoon, Lytle • Eighth grades- Thursday, De~em­ ber ;!4 10 :30 a : m., Gymnasium. Seventh GrBde--Thul'I!day. December 24, 10 :30 a. m., room. Sixth and Seventh Grades -Thul1l· day, December 24, 12 :30 p. m., Gym_ nasillm. Junior Christmas Party-Gym"a.Iulft, December 18. ev~nin .. Parent. are cordially invited to these ~hool entertainments. There will' be a small admission fe e charg. ed for the progTam at the Gymna.~i . um Tuesday IIfternoon. II. it is th e Christmas Operetta. given annually by the Primary grade •.

1I :l1ll f:

(.' h!l fl~l' .

~-= -= -=.~==========~============~--=--

Schedule of School .Christmas Programs

t h" " 1' 111'


T lt r",,' ;1 I I,, · , 0',', ., . lOt' ~ \l I " ' I 'int e lld e : l F. R. Mo omaw . 1h l' • h ildl'l'11 " I \ \ ':t 110'.'< 1'1. ;",,[ \ ' ayn e Tuwnship will hav e \hl~ ----- .; L ,)nol ' :1 1111 1,1 " ,1-111 " ." I ' I "1" 1\1 1 S a ll lll Clau s a nd his l' c illcl ce l'. .\1 ill" .. " ['n '''' ;lIld Ch"l rl l" Mc Ca be, ; 111<1 I ii" I·:.,k illi ', h . I '! 111. .". " 11 " lll ilak:' TI)' pa rty w ill leal'l' .. [ Sl'l' iII ).: Ii I' Id , . "Ul'e kill " ,I .\l fl nuuy l: i l( e-]{ lIl1 llo · I : · .~ . 1>:..1 ' "" "11 · u r:- ila y, Dy c.e.fl·lber 24. ancl :lITivl' II ll.!'lt l \ \ h('n . 1 rn~ 1. t~u ... t L() und Pennill' r e at I ~ '1.' 1, ,, 1\ . 11' '' ''1. 1" ' I I1I' Il ' lf\~"~:tJ c ual e a ocl hou r . :J\"h.:1 lli a mail trai n s U-'J(' k till-ir au-

1 ,\

At the regular meeting of the local Grange, on Saturday evening, Decem . ber .19, Santa will make a llIIort call following the program to be given by the Juvenile Grange. All members of both the sobordi. nate and Juvenile are rllquested to bring a ten-cent gift, and all sub· rnemben, candy. The usual treat for Juvenile members will b e given. A Rood attendance is expected.

(omin~! TWO MENK~LLEa

IS anta and His Reindeer Are


We are going to try and explain the advantages of the gasoline pumps at Melloh's Garage. These ' pumps are a Dayton ·p roduct. They were selected from a number of Pumpi by the Beaver Oil Company, who went through lleveral fadories before selecting pumps for thia station. The pump that we selected is mechanically operated, measuring from one gallon to ten. You are .ure of 'getting the n'lImber of gallons you call for. There ia no bypallllinir of ga. out of the pump only through the hose . A reaerve tank in the body of the pump takes care of any water or cllirt that may get into the gas. All of .the gas. is taken from the top down to the num· ber 0.£ gaUona called for. This pump ha. all the impr.o ve- . menta of 'i,umplI and valves. A visibl e grass in the hOle permits you to see the gas pass ing into the car. There are .several other advantages to the pump whic:h Mr MeHoh will be glad to explain in full to thoae inter.' e.ted.



7bls is the 11me to buy your Beller Buick.. Buy now, the Better Bulek you had Inteilckd to buy In the .prlnl. Have It l tanclinl at the door when Ghrb trna. mornin g d '"ns. Give your family t he (ilc Q~ure nnel eUl'Cound them with the sa f~ l y o( the Better ui~ ' .lIier sta~ Ins: Bnd ,, ~( I' contra! f r ell ~ intot "

O ft'ilio n


~"ua( M~n J'''

- Exc lllsiY' Agen t [61'--





'9heBeikrBtll KEELOR'S

o' PoratLn.


.. ~




IT DOWN lilr lll,q l linw nin'l


Slim WI.. for Ill h inll. the police remove h il handcuff . could . how how bl, ' the

arrolted had t o' 10 Slim

6.h wa.

h" c .. ughl .

Are You Hunting for a Tire Bargain? Don't grope in the dark. Don't look up and down side streets. Don't watch for red and yellow signs. The sensible, business-like, time-saving way to solve the tire question is to buy a good tire. at the right price from a reputable, established dealer.

NEWS GLEANED fROM.'COURl HOUSE P ROBATE PROCEEDINCS In I ill' m"Her I)f th o cstlltc of 1.11 c'i lld" ' ubl tt, dc:ceascd. tho Lellanon :-':lltionlll Bank und Trust Compa_ ny tiled itfi flrtit and flnnl oc ~tlu nt. The wi ll o f [sa uc N. Hanks, dert\f\~cd . wn :"! pr odured in t>pcn r o urt fM pr obllte. . In tl". mntter o f Ina E. Clawson, d,·cl·a~,·<I. lh e court o rd en'd thut exl ' l"utllr!'- trun s fL'r and dl'li vl'r ~ hure8 "f slock be lun!:,in!:' 10 th e esta t{!. I n th~ mll U"r o f the estu te o f Ed flll K. And 'r~(Hl t de ceased, it. wu~ Ofd"r,,01 lhlll there be un udlllinistl'Utiun " f lh" "state. I'rou f of pulllicalion was fil ed in th,· mntlPl' of the estute of Surah M. J n 1Il,'HO n, dec(·nRcd. . !'r uo f (O f pUblication filed in the nUllt('r o f th e e state o f Ho y M. Hllr· )l~I', dece nse d . Th e j.( ru"" va lue o f Ih e (·.lllie of Fru nklin 1'. ))'1\'is . derel1sed, was r o und t" be $U .,\ .I1. " O. II. M. Adum s was app " in ted admin istratM "f the "stut., uf Franklin P. Davi., d'·c'·lI se d. nund $ 1500 . . Ed '. Wou llurd, udminialrato r of the "stul,' of GeorgI' E. Whartun, de_ C('II . ed, filed his fir s t and finnl ac co u nt .. In the estate of Harr y M .. Conner, minor, Guldie Be ntley . uKardian, flIed h"r ",'cond nnd final IIccount. In thc Illatter o f the estute of Rebecca A. Dill, decease d, B. A. Di ll , II R admini strllto r, flIed hi s inventory and appraisc mc l1t. F'l'll nk L. lIurri s, udminis trlltor of I he estute of Geo r ge C. Hurris, d eceased , fil ed his tlrst untl flnal ac count. The net va lue of the estate of Rebecca A. 0111, decease d, wns f o und to be $1226.UO .. The report of Milton C. Rue, ad· ministrator of the estate of Perry H . Ru e, deceased, wns approved and conflrmed. George A. Brown, IIdmioistrator of the etitate o f Chorley Br own , de c.. used, flied his inv entory and . ap praIsement. The gross value of the "state of Charley Brow n, dcceati cd, WIIS found

:,1 t.e ;f:l,ur,.:; l ..

und tract in Frunklin, :; l. . . \ John >\ . Ri tz l e,. I1'onel B. UnKI.'~hy, lo t in lo'ranklln, !p. G(>org' 8 ..H III I l ' 11' n~ B. . Un- l glcRby, lot in lo'ru nklin, $1. . Jo'rllnk A. .1I i1d 'r lmwd to Ann ll 11i1<it' ufI\nd, llhout :l() IIr c~ in Fru nklin TV:, .: I. ,' ('rullle nn.1 J em ima Willinms III Le ti Ll'nk. 2 · lrn ct ~ in 1'I ~ n~ llI\1 )lInin, $ L. . Lore n J. lIardwick unu ElI1ma Hardwi ck lo A. E. Hichllrds, lot in Pleusllnt I'llIi n. $1. Geurcj{ E. nlllrluw t ol Alf red Swigert, ~ trad s in Salem 1',;" $1. . J . W. H. Suylor to I'; \in ll r 111. Mulle nix, truet ill Wayn,· '1'p ., $ 1. Owen '. II ig'):ins to Murthn M.


~ruhlll11t lo t ill Ll,hnn u ll,

$ 1.

St,.lln J .Uooth lu Ow e n S. lligKin. , IUl in Lebullun, $1.. Sll ruh und Max YounKerman to ('Iurcncu II. Tay l,'r, ubuLrt \18 nere s in Unrlun Tp., $l. Frcdl'rick S. lind ):;"a F. S impson t o ).Jet! and Haz el llick K. about 20 nc reo in Solem Tp .,. $1. Jnmcs A Dllu l( h~rlY t o Lucretia Hopkin~, IIboUl 0[' acrt's in Unio n Tp. $ 1. Til l.: . inv ~~to ,." " f I,,,I'IY nrc tho il61l10 Il3 those ,' 1 Y""l(' ry,'1t llit'y Wllllt U> S('6 alld be su tb,l.· " w ith llr"i'L' rty before they buy.

N E W S UITS Frunk 1'. lIuri inger vs.. E. L. Ho berl lind S tan le y Brnnden berg Moc kllb ee fo r cot;ni,·it. vs. th e 1I1asol\ Cunni ng Cu ... for mo ney o nl y.

H ninp :o- CiL~ i ),~l H":i tin illv ltfllton ro r the mORt ax ·

uCli n" 10'" ~ 1;'lIltJ;,n "r It. claIm. , lillo:!, further, '-!'uat·illlf,' .... , ;lti~(; H· ti()11 on a bwd.a of JntrlnBJC' \'uhll :-' ~'Jl d dct ir.ddlit y.


('o lll.e 10 II nin~ " (' , t)'. r OllllnK met ropolis u f

Hero YOU will tlne! tho C<!ntrnl Fl orida. Hore i ~ ono of Ihe fu , t ~"t Krt".i ng cities in the UniteJ Rtlltl'N. E\' ~ ry f ...utllro to Illllke thi s munlclpallty a 1ll01,\] ,Ie' irnhlll placo for inve~tment b being cu!th'lltcd . Now Indu ~trle s al'O apPcll rlng almost ,1'lIly.

Valley Phonu Co ... rent {or vario us offices, $40.00: l olls $lV.26; Frunk Wlltkins , burinl indi gen t so ldi er, $100 O. K. Urown. in~ uran ce premi um, $ 2V .60: Dukin LInd IJnkin, . ame. $2V.GO; Ed S. Cunklin, SLI lIle , 32\1.60; $04 .2 2; J . S. H olcomb Mfg. 0" ""pplie • • $2~I .. V5; W. H . S tanage Co., ",une $ilO.OO; $ 11 .45; Bobbs-M .. rrill Co., supp lies for prosecuting utto rney, $ 10 ; W es t ~ rn SUIT, suppli es, $66:75 ; A. ll. Turner ri~ht uf ,,"uy and drainnge, ~,I 0; The Bell Press, $4.60; Morrow Lumber Co., supp li es, $40.05; Web Simp so n , dragging, $6; J ohn T. Gregg, bridge repa ir, $6; . L. S .. Walke r, in full contract No. 837, $700; Vun Camp Stone Co., crushed s ton e, $207.64; Internlltio nul Harvest ~ r Co. , labors lind r epllirs , $8.60; Standl\rd Oil Co., ~a s and COUPO II bo ok, $ 1 U8 ; DeVlin and Stin!:'ley {urr and huuling ston e , $4:!7.5u; J. D. Ad a ms and Col., grud cr. $!H)O; Harry Ilill, gllS, $ 1O.. V7: Ludlow Bauer)'

COIll!! to Ilninos Ci tl'. Only your own Inspection ClUl bring the Cu lle. t conviction of Haines CIty's nllure. Groupcd ultrnc t\ ons-a 221 foot altitude, c;tcellent drinking \\'uter . Illke", hlllR, "ide b'treet8, white "'ny s. good sc hools, churchC6, and tho finest "y.tem of hil(h\\'ay an,l rnil (lIClIitfC6 In F!orld_ mak .. Hulne~ City. COME TO HAINES CITY-WELCOME AND l'UOl!'IT AWAIT YOU. ... .

lfrdnl\.., ~. "J80tl REALTOR

In the multer of the estate of Eth- und IKniti on Cu., r epa ir on truck , cl H. Furman, deceased, adIllinstra- $J~ . !I(I; S .. E . Cutl",. . payroll. $ ·16 .• 5. tor with the will annexed was ordered to di stribute to Ownl y Furman g uar~ dian of min or chil,hcn, fund s or prop .t,. crty now in posSoCssion 0 f suid administrators. I. It In the mutte r of the estnte of Ethel H . Furman, deceused, the CitC. D. i\li al"::: n izens National Bank aod Trus t Com_ _ __ _ pany. admill istrutors. filed its s econd of medical t n ' Ullll '111 II, P ,IYl,,," Bo rn- T,; JIll'. lIlid .11 ,'>. I'hil Iil' l' <' < and final account..


Get Our Prices

j~ :lh.jn~ l'lIur~" I


Dt'cl'nll.h.' 1" 1;).

m Ull

Waynesville Motor Co. Wayneavill~,

Phone 105






l'hillii \ Lt' -

Uo y: MARRIAGE LICENSES Jum es. P ~lers{JlI h u:: ;H"l'l'IH e ,1 a PI I. Earl C. Fair; machin ist, anti MiI- s ition with \ V. ~L Il idt l ,I\:. :-'OIL, ut dred R. Armstr ong, both of Franklin. Spring Vull" y. ' . Mr. untl ?-lrs .. 1{1I s~ l' l l. umpkit1 havl'



REA LESTATE TRANSFERS mov ed to the lat e htlJ11~ I,f ~lr :;, Am\' . Frank J. Balon to J. S. Riddell, lot Lumpkin.



"'1 ' -



.. ~ .' JI I ..... l1l 111 1'\\ j.. : .. 'hi' ''' Ul' .. t of . T h"f t' ,:,, ' ,'11)" t tl i. e Ilo law s r, l ' t~ I)' I ' li t'l" ~lsll·l . :\In· . . HotY stl' \I 'Il.... nl'h· u t:,· f H I' till ' I',! jll' nu e! two 11111l\ll :-S Bb ul l.:lI ....... tl'plu' Il!4 , \\ ho has Ilti n fur yuu and n' l ', I, '~n il l f",. till .I''''t "." .. k \\ ill, " r"l1\V c>, the foll owing' farm owneltl, )!l'H c tllu llg-, I~ IIl1pn,' Q n g-, . . , ~----p,'si l ivel)' forbid nlly hunting or La wrcncl' L Ul11pkln , ~Ir em ,lll lWli , trapp ing' Oil o ur fnrms. Any violaiF Iwrc fo r II f:w wl' ek~; l·,lIll·d Iw l'l' I,\, th e <l l"ll h .. I h, .; 1>10 11\('1'. 1110" of 1114' SIlOle will I.Ic pr o"('cution . The band, ll " i"II'd It)· some pf ito II l'(' <J I'<ihw to low nll d tu th o fullest (I' : l' nd ~ I' l nth.. r·\,d a \'l' I' y pl (,:t::-ifl :;:! ))1' \1. l1x ~t.· nt :

lhc lIi~1r Sell " ,,1 hu i ldi,,~. ~I"nda y I"· ,·"in,:. Mr. alld ~Ir" . . Salll ::;1lt' lInt ~n and ~I rs. Gec'.. HUIIlI oic \\' I' re c" IIo 'd t" Elm (; rO\'l , Pikl' 'l,urdy, :--;a lul 'du y , by th~ (' enth of ~ [I'~. lI umlr ll" , ~ i R I ' l' There will h., a (,hri,l mll' "'n 'i, '" I in th e al. E. ch urc h Slh"luy l·\',,"i n ~ under the d ir ectio n of the Rrnth c:r . hood. The paslor wi ll d,·li",·r 1I Christmas s c rm nn. Therc wi ll I,,· special nlHs ic, n l ~o , .



• We Vaudevill. Acta ... Feature PJtotoplays. Entlr.

Sun." ...


of Pl'Op'am .veI')' Tku....,. Contlnuoua pertopa&nee from 1 :30 to 11;1t P. M. .uientooa pricea 200 uulJOe. '




81dero.blo pl t!Jl-,,, ure, H en l B OJIte Cook· eel F ooU , Altr llc tl vb Sur r ouud lngs , Pho ne Mai n 447.




MAL T E)(TRACT CO . DA YTO N 71 0 E a lt

2"d St .


Keg. "nd "ottlal

8 •.

4e Walt


w. Store



aU1T!! 01'1 OVII'lGOATS C ••• n,d ."d



i 1.00]

CALDWEll. " T A.YLORII OrigInal a..







to Ua.

and Clip., Moto, 011 For ) OO'k Moto, I:fltcl."cy.


Q"pIIY Room


C. LEHMAN til SONS 71 2 E. Monument AVI., Oqton. O. TolephDne liut' 11$6






Coo keel L~n c "

Poreon al



a.pert t)'

:lt4 N. MaIn

.. \lentloo


'" our out ot 10WD.


Popular Prien

Barber Shop lD Conoeetioa


19 ·W . Fifth St. ~ 01lI0.

HATT ERS-FURNISHER8 ~e lth .The a,t,e Building 120 S. Lui:lIow.

SHARPLES CRI!AM alPARATORS ..... tt L.1'!e 0' 00 1'7 6upplt.., Rooflnll and Rooflnll P.lnt.

OSCAR 0. WERTZ ., W.hlngt'o., ..:

8 0n

,e .. 1 to

~ U j\

Vourq,, ·

Ty ", "", "'' 1\.1 .:. : 1,;),:.0" J Appuh th.,,·, , II ,-"

[,t. "



Nob04r In Dayton Belter Dru.I




e ••t

M e, nUI II n '. AVI! . H (.oIoJ;))' __ S ~ II~ d , y...-Eve n , You, 1' 0 ouv bL , dr v~ fr. ,







to ou r c l : y We are al· wily. opan. M ." l tt-I, pl(l ee your meet ing p rac"!! t o s it ), o ll r friend., The "nelt. fnohesl li ne. of Fruita and

Prod u ce

"~~,,,~~.,• • • t~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <t • • • • • • I • •

Valuable Building Suggestions ii • Farmers, : : :

.olectlon a t

while I" our c ,t y. Ca r lond l arrive dill y of a l l k l! c,!, ;" f '''I t CRITCH cI E L. D F , U ' T r o o



to t ak(:


I AM now orgar!izlng' Warren County for the Ohio Sta~ Life Insuran ce Co. For Agency Opportunities or belt insurance protection, wr~te til-Gilbert BiI!'IlB,. Box 83, W\lyoesvillo; ObIQ.

Excluelv. Aaenta II ... MIIII M-



" ·"t·

W ANTED- Rough ·W4I~d·• . cut. about J 0 ~r t2 Inches .J or .I1en~i, Call at





W A)'iT€D-All 1ClniJi' of soft ~Qr ,pulp. Morris Graham.


.Lumber Yard



Woo~l u


CASH-For Dental Gold, PI.tlnu... . DIamonds, magneto pointe, teeth, !ewelry! . any valuablea. today.' 'Cash · 'by returft mall. &- &. R, Ga.,.otaeco, .Mich,

Waynesville, Ohio


of )' r- ur

F vI.Hl t! I'Y

n et!da


Op en D ;'\ ) ,lncl N l "l , t. C' f 11 '.:0 H t t ,I rk Ph o ne G ,.r ll d d 9!l!J. m a y l orn e t l 'l,C Il . I Vt! !Jornet h l ng


t o offer in ou r Ihl !! S, Cet In t r ue l, Wl tlP us , 8P EAOH


.' WANTE~ .

Pl ent y


Prlc. 'Inlle f110\) ... eo '10,00 MIIoIM'I WAL.K -OVER . BOOT ,SHOP . .


Farmarl ot Wl,rren li nd IIdjolnln, counties mllY ol,taln money on lon, time loona, at 6 ~ p er Gent lot'lirell. Cost of securing t he same Is ve" 1" •• sOllnblo ,through The Federal Lan' Bon k. For further Intormlltlon aall on 01' addl'eu M. C. DRAKE, Trail.. ur~ r. phone 1I10-X. Lebanon. Ohio.

of1 c cd tor )lour ap:.clal pr,Cl' I, We arC


ope n

LOAN!> on Chattels,Stocke, Seeu,l.


tics snd Second Mortgages. Notea •• bought. John Hnrbl_ Jr., Xenia, Ohio. : ·m80.'26



W At. K · O V I R 6 H 0 a I Racoonl. .d tho Wor'd Over fo, TheIr Wonderful Strl ••, Good "'Ittlnll QualItll, ond It.ndlrd Vllue•.



S old by dru ggist. for over .0 T ear.. Ie. J. Che DOY '" Co" T oledo. OhIo.

hoond 1M.




tJ un s,

ClLlont ly

The Geo. J. Roberta ·Co.

S . L.udlow , naxt to .Unl"" atatlon.

An ae.tre ss said that TCIl I h ~ allty is of the mind. That's !!,ood - it clul's not cost anything to mnke it up.



.: 8.~u­

Perman 'l: t

M o nu me n t


And X-Q-GRAPHIST , •• A YNESVIJ.,LE. T "I"phone 1 t 4

\f'ts throUKh the B lood on th e Mucou. :;ur (al' e8 , th ul r cstorJnlo: nUl'mal condt~



I' I" N ..d of I GOOd l'IoII.ble Pump 'Ot' An Requl,.m.nt, In Any Cit)' , Town or Oount." Dlltrtot_ UI



ll.clle\'c8 th e catllrrh l;JI Inflamma tion, and the Inte rna l Modlc lne . a 'I'onlc , whic h


Jo".,..on .. M .lr1 Ar'::.lde DAYTON. OH IO. SerOJlcClI, I n ~jj 1- :' 1U of



"ood Our apeelalty. At All Ho .. ra.

:.....;------_ _- -- -


dlv ' d u AI



Dr. H. E Hathaway






O.yton, Ohio.

Oayton. O. I. Wher e We ArQ L.ocaud



10 ., 1'. n,.


Opec 0., _


8 :00 a. m .

u. t."

ale for. la Hour s.ntce


Every Tuesday

Mo nday of last wc ck by th e sutld" n .. death of one of i l~ lIl ost hig'hl y 1',' speetetl citizens, ml' s. Amy Lump ki n. She h Rd spent thc day at the h<II"(' HOW'S TI-lIS? of he r son, Albert, ncar Spring' Vn lRALlo '!! (;A·I'.U IIIII ~''':'' J <'' '~ 1ll w itt ley, and was returning to her htl llll' Jo what cl aIm tor it- I 14 1 ),OUt lI ysto m when she was s tl'iCke n and cxpin' d Jt Cata rwe rh or lJeu(ne ~;:o! cltuHcll by io a short time. .Fu neral ~(' r\' ic"R ::ntnrrh. we re h eld in the Fri.md8 church , IIAI . L'S CATA IIIIIl BIIl:D IC I NE oon. I. UI ot nn Oln ,nr_nl w!rloh Qui ckly Thu rsday after noon.





. . . . . . ull .....




Le ba non , Ohio

"uHy Guorlnt..d-Renlb'.

en I'o.rUI It.-, joll""11 Dell,


~ h 'H'I{p c.f

S~1O p

A.k rOIl' Plu.,,_ 0' .top In our dllPl., _ tl>e time you • ,. I" O.rton and I"t you more .bout tttem.

Da,taD'al.erpet AI1Io Pull

Ikapll<. .gr, NEW CINT"t. MARKI!.T 1'IllllA1' Wbol..-l. • 11 " I . JIIff..- • ...-.



'rom Produ-. "'ner, ISag-. Poul\l'y. In Daytoo nTlna Tour Promsoo

Thl,d St.

Open All N ight,

~~~~ MEN'S


Oavld I. Prugll. hGretar,



V-K l ne

Pr_rl ptlo ne b)' M.II Or~.r P r omptly Filled.

Tr_"a QualltJ



Quality Drug_Low Prices

S ..

~ond.. Watchee & J-4iIIry Arcade Bld8. 33 W. Fourth S&. Dayton, Oblo

YANKEB Malia ,. Sc:ratch F_ H your dealer can' t IUpply you. write lIB and we will .hlp 71)G .direc:t.



\\' a ~

At Cary's JewJry

1·: L1 .A ~l J C Tl ENER J . I·'. ))]SBR()W I': U Z:\ BETH BAILY ~II ~. RA(, IIEI.. CHE\


J. M _ PrugI\, Preeldent




6~% The Ohio Savings & Loan Assn.


117 N.

OUR PRESENT DIVIOaND RATIO 18 Depollto made on or ~fore Ula lOtI! eta)! tA ... ctI month boar dlvldonda from the let day of tho month.




6oL . IFe~~~ID'OCIAnO. ~AYTON.()H'() . 7V




Our goal in next 18 months $1,000,000.00 The Union Building &


,0. ...


The Behrlntrer Cinelller Co.

Ni~~ Day in every Way"

(f you dlno or lunCh II.l -lite Orey Manor we (cel Bu re )'our vlel t to DR.)'· lOa will be rem embered with con-

Loan A5so~iation 5 E. Second St.

. l.~V..

o_"tl"O O.. perlee - Rue"urnltur. W.1t P.p... Antlqui "u,,,ltu,. Reflnllhed .nd Upl,ploot.rod .

DR. E. i~. RJ ' OLPd


O ur com munity




~I am




Ende avorln o at all tlm f: s t o {J, ve my friend . ' ~n d p~lron& the: beat service with every poaal ble co nven ience, It II my pl ealur" t o announc'e that f • 11m locllted ot ' , ROOMS 863·864 REIBOI.D SUILQINO

.Telepholl e: Gllrll Id 2.09

I.. J. H AT H A WAY P'ormoriy Locat:ed .a l U06 S. DAYTON, OHIO.

~ I nln


D4'te your sales with U 5. We guarantee or charge nothin g.




O.• yton, 0111.

~~~~~===~~~~~~;;;';'JI? Vllit Our

U.e d Car .Departm ent

Wh ll" In Day ton

L.rgel. A.lo,1m. nt In Cit)' '"Alp' TlilHMS



Dayton_ O. Op••

F. T. Martin Jesse'StaQley Auctioneer Auctione~r .

Third at.

OPal Sundql

Cen~erville, Phone

1':'0. 2 '

0 '.

N~~ Burlington,Q. Phone' No. 320 .

SA LE- An oill-faati!oned lIoull'lI hOl:rl'i sh ot!l' un.. . Inquire ~ t~ . ofllcc. ., . . . . , .dlB FOR SALE- Kelfer·. Pllus fpf' eatlnr or ea'lnjng. 60" PII'" ')lugfl,' .a* house, ~. V, Br~at.ot. . FOR S ALE-tibi a Bld.b.,~, Bedroom ' Sulte, S'Cl'eta and ofilt,; Ct· artleles. . See Mrs. Arl1'. K.I~, .


R D. 5. ,





. 'dle \

FOR SALE-Brollze Turkl,' "9ft : cIs. Egg. bbok,d 'at' llill .... .Mrs. H~race S~b~r' Harve,~b~.




FOR SALE-.KitcheJI eaJdDet _ ,\t! brary table cO~ 0..... See 0-.

Lewis. FOR


i.. '



- --_._--

1'h,· 1" " idl'lI' ~III,I;,' It'llly Wh(,ll he ted,/ I ll~ fill IlI l'r H l c'!"I~ l hat "it is lltll. !1 1\'1'~ Iy lor ' ;ullply o f fouu lhat .. _ISS UED E\ ERY WEDNESDAY ... we loul< Lu t he· t hr,w' , I,nt as a ne,'c l'ruilillK ~ ,ur 't: fl'lItH whi' h WI! . CIIII HIway~ rl!I'Il!l lI~h t h· 111 /11111 .. ,)11 lind wo'1111"lll ,,,d "I' Iht· nuti,III .. " II c tH il!ht have, t\ dd ,·d Lh at it is th t' fnrmer (llso S.b.cription Price. $1.50 p e r Yellr to whellll we I,,"k to II b"urb the llI aju ,'


- --- - - --- _.

Publi. h cr


11(,!'tiull (If Amt.' 1'i un I1IU llufoctUl'l'd HI1) 111 ,Lii ti'\:-i, Il nd t.h at \\ hl' rt t.he J'a r~

ll1 ~ r f,. ils () hu y, the c·rreel of ,tug1\:l II t lI·"d e is CelL ill 1'\' "'y n uuk all d ()ECEMB~R 16. \!l25 ,',,, n,. r .. f th " IIIlId . H" might IHI\'C' ·'·'d,'d. to o. tll" L Lhe furm e r hil S g l·" wn Ll r~ d o f bc inl! juckeyed into ma ki"1! ju st e noug h money to kee p the THE PRESIDENT' S FARM SPEECH "whee ls uf illd us try h)J mming." th at

= = = = =="-"--- -

he !'! (' m'; (I s wt.ih t h e Sl'c r e t a ry o f J\ J,!'r iOur west ern fa rm ers mtty hu\'(' cullur,· th o PJlJ'es:-\ i,o l' injusti (· c thrill ed when Pres id e nt Coolid J:(' lold !J1' .... :'t· l1t f r l:'i,l.!'hL rall's , :ln d se es l il lie



them tliat it was "th e emb utlJ.,d fa rme[s" who stoud a,t 'onco"d Urid )(c and " fired the first shot aroun d til<' world " and that in "those t ill ... r. "f the s~ i1 of th e great pruiri e , tutt·s . propll(.0t9. pionee,"! of freedom, whu rose to power in hme to ma ke It I"" · sible [or Lincoln to save th e Union ." Arn eI' ca recognized th e men who "turned the tide for the ca use of Lib _ erty in the Great World War." UnQuestionably when pause f ollowed period th ere must ha ve been a hearty round of ap pl uu se; but "when t hey woke up In th e morning" mllny of these same farmers we re uskin~ them selves how come thut th e s pi rt of Co'nl!ord Bridge seems 1111 wrong when it COmes to b"t tling aguin st th e Industrial ond ~ giBI/l tive exp loi.t u tion that has dragged th" men who feed the world down to the leve l of slaves of the soil.


... .........L



2 In. . _ eentniL 3 LoeatloD



Sir William A. Lnne tells England that prohibi t ion in America is a furce , NothinJ:!' of th c ki nd. In Ne w York they arc it to music und making it a comic opera.


and Loan Asm.


~ _'UBI. 8ei'J. ~;t . ,J_.


. : ;;:,



"u. it ba the ho me Chr1ttnu". f oth,'r l:! rl (",'ld .1 I ' " muc h ph.·•• u ru to lh ~ r nli re r:l m ily. ,\ ".! n, lo'" M .,v r. ~ plnyer. piana. .'\11 Jlh on~rftl \hj At lrf'!'lf nJ "'j I I I,,~ • rl ,. ",y for )'Oll to own un o on ou r (""j ' \ ,'u,q,l l'l)lt, . interett cbaraoa. No ma. tter ", h,'rt.' } ,It I Ih"I', UY8f7 to your home.






,.' I · r 1. , 1,1'


.- I

t lillY .... fit"-


.:t ~"1

lr1. ~ Ir1.


$295i Tlr.~YI~L~~~R ~

$10.00 MONTHLY









,., 50 Q. R. S. WORD ROLL S



50 ,CoIUlllbia

.' :'ReeOJ.'cl


.i I


Il "



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T$e:;;~: oo"""le phonw ro"l" ,to ·


~ Ilh

-.- "J . Free





mAke " '''''''11.


y"" ".\ ( .


Delivery to Your Home

in TIme fQr Christma ,~~~~



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.\1, ..... ! .. ' .


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011 i . . ~ \ I 1.11


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~Iurrtl y .

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!-:. t,.. ~lnn lltlu


Hlld l"a rh i1y, flf \\'n"h ~unda ) ).!"Ul· :~t!<> "f th t·

Wt.' I"l'


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II tid I l· lI.

t urda)'



li nd

j,. \'i ng' a 'I ; Ill''' III

( ,!" 1'1lf'1I '.s


!.h cir h,""e lllst week.

and !lir". J ohll F ile ulld daug-h_ leI' ;\Ii ld rcd u f filuc Ash. were :Su n:OJ' '~lIe~ t s or' 1\!J'" .. l!:mma Foulks and SOl1b .


Mr. a nd Mrs. Cad Duke enter ta lll c d lhe W uyne Tow lIship Farm ers'

c lub 011 Thursduy at th eir home so uth rtf town. MI'. a nd Mrs. S H . Huines and so n. MI'. alld !\lrs. Walter Kenrick helped ~u celcb nlle t he l :!Lh bi~~lda y of Robe rt Haines. lit Be lmont. ::lunday. Mr. an d lIlrs. Kerr Routzah n, of Miamis burg and Miss Churlotte Routza hn, ~f DllytOll. were Sunday visitors of Mr. alld Mrs. Guy Routzahn. 1\Irs. Steve Burnett visited. S unduy , with her pnrenls. Mr.. and Mrs .. Mur_ cellus Thackara, of Springboro. both of whom have been very ill with the grippe. Hev_ and Mrs. L. Stotler alld son. Willium, of Springboro, were G o'clock dinner gueats, Wedn esday, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Konrick. Mr. and Mrs .Kesler Gruh a m und daughter, Bernice, attend ed II birthday dinner at the h~me of Mr. and Mrs, Charles Guitner, at Miamisburg, Sund y. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stacy a re hap_ py over the arrival of a little granddaughter at the home of Mr_ and Mrs.. Dearth Sheehan, on Wednesday. December 9_ Mr_ and Mrs. Clifford Archdeacon, nee Mildred Miltenberger, left. Sat· urday by auto, for their new home In Joplin, Mo., where Mr. Archdeacon has a good position. Walter Kenrick hBII reccived his commi88lon from Governor Vic Donahey, for justice of the peace. in Wayne township for a term of four years, begillning January 1. 1926. Mrs. William Bergdall entertained seveDal friends to 6 o'clock dinner, Monday, in honor of' the 16th birthday of MI98 Gladys Bergdall and ~he 8Ist birthdny of Mrs_ Ann L. Smlth• Mr. and Mrs_ J . . B. Joncs and Mr. and Mrs. Allen Emrick and daughter. attended th. revival service at Cen · tl,rville ch urc h Sunday eyening. and heurd Lh ,' Il<ltl'd c \' tln~e li st singel·s. MI'. :\I1d 1II,'s . Mill -. Lost- A ",,,u ll g ray leather han dbig', cU!llu il1 i ll)! a snulU am ount of lU on ey, on ,"lIu d n y aflernoon, -;,ne nr hpJ' h n'~ ill !.yt1,., 0 1- on the F erry mild. I· illu er pl,·II. e return 1.0 Mrs. K n, Ill1i11e~ . Lyt.lo.


_:.. ._ --

,rm1l:\' - "NQ\\' d '~Cl'ibo to lhe jury how YtlU strul!k thu victim .... i'ritlon,l r " W <'II . 1 picked up n big J;1,.i. k and h it him un L1w nose.'1 _ Atlurney intorrupting ) - "How thick 'WIl Ihe !;~Ick? " .' """('Il, $i~, l can't' e_""ctly tell .." . "Conlpare iL "it'h so ml1.thing so the j ury will kilO v h w tJii k it waa." "Offhand . 1 sho\! lif say it Wa&ulJf>ut liS thick af\ your bead." \

----- ...----

si :-.t er, Mr ~ . Il unnah 13ognn,

d a ss, No



nex t T u c sduy c V' lling.

n. E. T h(Imp:-;,un \VaS ill l ic lm o nt n co up le of days last week ill t he inlcrest of the :S. P. C. 1:10)( asso cialion. A Chris tmlls prog ram will be given at the close o f the Sund ay-School at the ch urch h ere . on Su nday mo rn. ing. Dece mb er 20. Everyb ody is invited, . lIIi s~ Velmn Bennett, who has been ,<0 se ri Oll sly ill for the pust sixteen weeks with typhoid fever. w as a ble to attend churc h Sunday morning, to th e ueligh t of her mllny fri ends .. The WeHma:n school will give a Christmus entertainment lit the school house on Thursday e venin g , December 9. .Miss Annu Sayers. t h e tench C I-. extends an invitation to one lind a ll. K . E. Th ompson was in Xcniu Oll W edn C!sdn y of Inst week and was on t he evoning train that h ad a breakd own above VVaynesville, und was ovcr nn h our Illte arrivillg at Oregoni a . Another <e ngin e hud t o be called to puH the tmin into Cincinna ti. Robert Lewis and family i'ntertaitJcd at u dinn e r on Sunday, Paul ~i eh and family. of ncar Le ba non. Cal~b Jackson and family, of Harveysburg. Thomas Rich and family, east of Wellmllll,; th e afternoon call ers were Less Rama. wife. daughter and grand children , o f London, Ohio. Howard Harness an d family, of Bowersville. and Miss Lata Lewis.

'111' 1,1 I ' , " .I





F ull,\' Eq ui pped [or G ood


Se l'vice' .

Prompt Repair Service

1:<lI'"e D is p lay R oo m. ,\ l11u u lance Service

Every Thurs day 9 a. m. to 5 p. m .


", ,,.

MI'. ud .\1 1',' . 1-: 1111 I ,," I I


Irvin Mul ford 8 )1<.'11\ I- I j\j ;I.\ I \ l ' IIIII'" with Mr . . l1 erue ,·t Marla t t ... d I,,, .. Ii .I'. l\fi ss l'vl ildn ·d ~I I I/ )

: 111.


II.t ~ 1 <111 .

s pen t th ~ wel,I,-e nd w,th I ' ,. I!T,,,,d · parent.s. Mr. und ~ I rs. L . ;\I . :-;1 ('1'111' '' " Mr. lind Mrs. lIarry n""' ld! l' l!;, a llll children. of n " lllI"nl. "1','lI t Sunday afternoon wit h Mr. II L,rI,e ,' ~ brl att and famil y .. Mrs . Henry T "lll s a"d :'II" . .an d Mrs. Raym od O ~ u " '·II e. of Xenia. spent SUlld"y aftc'!·,,,,.)n :Inti l' vening with )\Ir. and :l1 .. ~. E,", r ~o lt ViI. TOO BA D Irate v(,ice on win' - ":-;a;', I 0 1'dered a d e,zen ~I!!;, ' a lt d you "n il' sent me nin r: ' Gr oce r- "Y(' ~ ,

nw'HIll , I kil l/\\' Y ou

see three of l hl' lll ' \\" ' 1'" It" d '" I t .. ld the de lh'l'ry h".I' I " Ih ... ",· LlIl'IlI away."

Dr. John W. Miller Dentist


Rest Room in Grange B1c!1: Wnyne.ville. Obio

Main Office' ,


924 ,Y. South Brownl Street, Ovcr Sigma Theater




Harveysburg Fertilizer Co. Pbone 8



Will. Dr.w,\ " " ...... Eot.te. Seuled

Waynesville, Ohio

Tell the Advertiser you read his Ad. in the Miami 'Gazette


W.yncITille Nnlion AI BaDk Bid,.



Prlet'. $75.00

Tlt e rr is much tul l( nh(,lIt niff(' r cnt tnlir is cOlltusing to th e lI !li nilin t en .

set!> lind 1I1\1(',h of til



D" not let sOlll eon e else sl'lect yom' rlarli n /-)et. Apply .\' 0111' ow n ){ood jllll!-i' 1Il"n t . n l'lIln nd ' ffli t hfu l r cpronn!'lion Miss Helen Randall. of Wilm ington college, spent the wcek-end at home. _ ·Mrs. Harry Hough and so n. and Mrs. Clara Sumner were shopping in Dayton, Saturday_ • Earl Gray, of Batavia, visited his father, Nate Gray · and his brother. Clint. and family, recently. Mr. and Mr.~. A. L. Kenn edy and son, Herbert, entertained Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Walker. of Dayton. Mr. and Mrs. Walter UnderWOOd, of Wuyn csvill e, wer e S unday g uests o f Mr. 3lld Mrs: Wilbur Hawke and family .. 1\11'. II lld 1\[rs . W. M. ' Mnthias nnd 1\li 6.<,·s Ma bQl o nrl Margaret Stan'. of Dayton . were S undny guC!st " of Mrs, A flllln da Sturr_ MI'. and MrlI. Frunk Wil soll s pent /I few days this wC!ek with ~ I r. an d Mrs. HC' l'bcl't Fite and baby, in Wash_ i n~,ton C. H . Mrs .. WOl. Lawson cnlert:tin ed a numuer of Indica Sntul'duy afternoon , The a.f fnit' was a show t' {or 1\11' _ l~ red LI\\V~ I) Il . whose home. wi th 111\ i t.~ CO I1t ents. was I'ce01ltly burn ed •. Thoro hil S beeti q l~i te a bit of s ick.. ness in our villuge t.he 'Pll~t w o ~k. Mrs. Mildred Engle. has. GI'ay, Weld on Bogun. Kirk J e":oris, .R bQl' ~ _nnd AJice Gray nll bemg ~rlpp'o \'1cbms. The M. E. Aid met ThursdllY Bft()I'no oo_ . The business fe ntur of ' tbo meet ing was th a nnual 11.1 ctlon ot officers, resulted ill the re-



l1:vc II e li D apple and started wear· the Aid Ing clothing-wQllder what' tho mod- teuea ""ed

c:m rirlate. .




~ I r s . J ames .J"hll s lire C IlII'~\\' radi o, which wa S in -

Miss RUl h.




'T' I_

( ' 1( ' 1..1

lI;llJt' ovc d, at t.hjs t ime.

F":l II I, 1\( di-

W ill F. Young


n . II

1""11 ",'.

,\[" . J ':i~ i" LO Il!;,:«'!'e a nd ~ Irs . Le!\I rs. Vuda Lewis wi II e nLCI'tain J\iiss Iia . 111 it h ,,flO ha I'c both been vcry I.ulu L"\\'is and Io cr Su nd ay-Scho ol H l'e


Walter McClure

1).1\ 1:- familil's. W edn ">1da y ("o'vllll ' \\ill. ,I :I n" l lA y OR NIt, I'IT .1, H. l'lcl". y ,,"ll of WiI - Mrs. Alva h l1 arb" "I, ;.Ild. "I'. '1I ,i.I·:I·II,,:o\F: 7 li ! iq.'.lIdl . \\d'l' Sunuay KlIe:t:; uf t h e Mrs. Hnll'c Il e'II II""' ".t " h ~ H,: i\:i\, familie:-:. Iwr ...l • GlndYK o f (1 11),1 ,,", " 1,,1 '1 ';o t IH I:ty i~i\· . Lou l:-" 1'11 J1111 L.t ll d wife. 0.1' w~th Mr. und \1 1'> . l ;""r ' , ' , •. 1.((1. I --------_-_-_ -~~~~~-_ -II ""Iii II I! t" l1 \.'. .11.. !II' ( ' L" ~ g'u ' · ~ l.:< of Mrs. ~'rank I);ok ,·, .!I,d \: .'" ),j , ,4.

I ,ay-

h. II lJul't' lHS in IJ uyt oll .



a d i:-.t ancc alt(.' ndc d

I; rlda\"

I 1.,1 . " ." .II '} III !' \\ i: l't I ; and :\11 :->. (; I, 1111

. ' 11:

C lint eIc"a ve)· :l nd '

tak ing lJlu ~ ic l ea-

.1. ~llI rt' uy alld \\'iie. 1.0" Urallnnn li nd wife 'IIt ,·I·tn in d " I) :-;1I 11d .. y. J\l r~. Ma l" 1 'l'l'I'I'Y und II I J .,,1" ' h t'I!-' l.lIHI:"l , ~ Ii ~s ~I a r y Kat hle('11 Toolli cy. I .lllt·1 . "1 ,' ~,l:-' , L~u !'a aLl! H ue \\' 111, U ~ h"rn :Illd family . "f Wi!· ,'1 '(' 11 1 , ,: l urday a ll d :-; ull day mi ng-V, n, \"' pre S u nd:t y J{ lIl' s t~ tlf' hl r.

I •

,J Il l

dl t "lItil' d I

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Mr. nnel Mrs. 1-:<1 \ [:II'F " I'l:(II d ('nt ertai,w ti on SIII1I1 ".,'. 'II'. :llld ~I rs. W. D. Hurl,,". 1\11'. ,,· .1 ~ IJ·" . CIiIT Hnwk l': Mr. :1".1 \1 , \\, (,101"11 11,1le r und Mi ," .\Ia\ '''' . .\11'. '1I1d ~Ir " .

=-- I J II ~ .

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. t .I • . dl Ll 'Il~:" I'l' \\' ~' n ' .1 11 ... l'Ullll: ,d' .:\1 r.


\\ , ',

\ · Jill' J.

I,,, ~



\ /111 • • ,


( .. , .

l .l ..



Harry (,Ii nc an d wi fe were in Leb-





All />rla./. • . b. 0 . .... ,'

Will . Wal'rl, ·1' nnd M. . M. .Terr y ill L~· ll ,· on Su nda y. M. ~l. T ," ,'y an d K. 1:; . Thompson \\'t" ", ill 1,,, ,1,, " Ja,t week" 11 .. .. .,l' d .'1 , 1\1 '~' and wiC" worc 8hopC 1.1 :, •.J. 1ll and l\l a y I""g III I'a yt. I', \\'" dll ~ ua y. :\ l :ta:: ~ hllJ)p c l':i In 'l'n bh' \' \, b., \\". I J:~vl s Illl' t wi th ti l'-' llJllln'1......... I " rH.·I'~ . T Ul·sday. d . . .\1. .Cln!' !. lIlId rh, · I ·h.(l'Il' " 1"11' 1. an d " Ia r y Kath·



Ru,....bnut • $260 Tourinil Ca,. '290 Coupe - • $520 '1\tdor Sedan Closed cant in wlor. Demountable rims and .tarter extra on open can_

1111011, • · al ur d il~· .




Monthly f1nlahed

r,. "'\I . lio ~t'erest. or Extras Oh11.rged I

1Ju- _

'; ~ I ~

" ' .. ',..



' ;~ ~ 1~dfUI ':"'b~n7-


Ib ....... -... ... ..

Whole .Ib.... .... ........ ... .... ..

Ill ,



"~ ,

Non. Such. 2 for" .. .... .. " ...... " ...25c



BrtU1d New SS·Note, Guaranteed

,. -'

- - - - - -- -

c.,uDlry Club_ pk8' ... .. ...... " " . 9c

\\ 1111




Seed leu. 2

; ,It



lb .......

\\ "



25c £~~.~s~eam. 32 c ~r~"~~r., ellcb . . .... . l Dc Raisins 25 fo;.~~. ~~~,~~. C ~~!~~~.~.. . . ... . . 20c ~!~~~b~~~~. .l Dc ~~~~!, 33c Callies 22 C

f ·.

;1& iffl

..... .... . , ...

( -~ -

I [ .~.~ , \ .. l'I '-.'.




I AUl h or-

.~ '.~.hrr" n ~ed .


c. : r \i \:

\j I' f I ;.'-:

Cou!lry Club. 3 can . .. ... ...

t~ ~1

, dec! • ,o d eJ ,\-lnok .

Nul. ;h .... .. .... .... ..



Ized Ford Dealer. Easy


~Uf.;:: (

Cooking Apple., 6 Ib . ......... ..... 2Sc

.. .f


harn· .



Ib ... .

. ~.~..,

wit~ int eril' r IIplll)l stcry

l'adl ;n.o r . low. J eep Sea lS. w id sun VISO r and l ar~e fe nder. . c-!nJ:: car ,It the ,ale~ roo ru of I

. $1.48

~!.~~-fa.hiODCd. 16c ~~hl?n~~S,b" 2~~~ 22 C

~ ~

/... , the wholclamil y-an a rtracl ivc and practi cal all. ~...;:..--' --- ~ lJ 'I..... year ca r . l t i sfi ni ~ hedinJeerWind . 1., n, \ \ ' .r ' .

25c 25c

Pure Cane, Bulk, 10 pounds for

._ , I l IH.I

'Christmas Sale of Pianos and hOL!1J.·' ~ ~,


Navy Beans - -- - -SUGAR


Michigan, hand picked, 4 IbFo •.• - -- - Pure Cane, 25 pound sack




Christmas Suggests This Judicious Purc.hase . . . . . TIle Fordu: <·da n is an id ea l Chrls,mas gIft fot" -;.--~




N... Oer. ftIrd a Jeffenoll 8 .... Dayton, Ohio. , . 1,


Standard ~'ack, No.2 cans,Mor .•.

N'o w th e wpt s o l"J,!"anizl' n COI1I.P·(·S~ io"a l bl(,c. Th,·)" enn Illilk.· up thei r ",illd~ t hllt liquid s :ll'u a 11"01' La se for ~olidity . ~Ir, ullll ~ I r~. C. Co x have u n"w : R ~ d Gr"n K~ . ('III'll i ,, ~ ~:\() O.OO(l in h"\'I'n lc,t . ·,·c!:lll . tw o days h ,,~ 1' ,'O I'l'n thnt a mud " "n .\!t.." \\', C. ( .. ,.. has be" l1 'Iuite ill co l1 c~(' ecl ucntion is w '11 w.. ,'t h II'l ti l~ _ w il h t h" !; ri l'l ' till' I'!lSl wc~k _ . Alkn mi ll, . uf U.• ytu n. vl'ltt·d h IS Th e d O~l't" ""ll lln' f11(l f :'l r t hc r P :l l'l ' O ,..:. ,.\i r . , I IHI ~ Ir ..... C. S. Sm i t h , u\\'ay ~'ollr fric ~ d " an' . ~ lIlld.t .\· .



Curl Sherm a n, New York's form er atrl.orncy -t;e nerul. pl'ope l'1y compla in s !Igu inst criticism of la wyers who tu ke criminal bankruptcy a nd matrimon ial CIl" CS. Acc·,)rd illg t o slime f olks law yers sho uld a.\:-t onl y in of "r ~!l pectllble luw break illg."

No won der t he Berlin chauffeur who was cut down by his mutes when fou nd ha ngin g t o a bcam, beat ' up his saviors whon he regained 'consciousness and rUII home in disgust. Per.unal liberty must n ot be interfe r ed with.

\Paid on Deposits

Peas or Tomatoes

Pil:-;:-. I h ly the Pl' ~s idt ' n l may he r it,rht. i n hi li d en un c iatio n hf pr ice fixi n J,! ns

a prcnatll l olrtl r ing t hat shou ld lind " " pla c,· in th e Republic. but it must uu n 'flw m"e l'"d that t lw farm e r" have bee n dr iv('n to dcspel'ULe e nd s._ T he y have b" e n u"cd sO long and so often that tlw "p it'it oC Co ncurd Briuge is cl early in th e air and th eir backs are again,-t th o wu ll. Su und gove r nment aid in co-o perutive mnrketing prlllmbly will h rill!;' rc li e f , but let it no t be f OI'gotte n t hat the call to arms demands netion. rather t han oratory.

Gold Medal, 24 }~ lb. sack

Gold Medal, 1~ 1-4 pound sac k

rdic f ill , i!; ht.

1t is hard t o under~ tllnd why Ihat C" nn eclicut mnn who t elephoned fo r the ulld"rtllkcr be fore he hunged him"elf wus su di~cuurt lJo u s. When the burial man urri v" d he fou nd the door locked in his f llce. S uch an ins ult.




wleI!.ea, 1lInr.

those an


n ay-Fan; Jo'ivt'.Tube; Prirt; :> 11 5.00

D l'llIo ntI a set ~l1ffi(:ic ntl~' sim pl.·

La stl y, anu of R'l'flllt i m )1 nrtllnr l' . h HY Rn<iio S('I. 11l1i lt hy n mlln I f u('(rJr·~ r cill' ,tlo l" (I f pI',',ltll'inlt hi '; 1 prnu ul'\s w il h II n'plI"' li "n llirl l I ~ , itse lf II ~lIal'III)\" " of It;~ 1I1t'l'l' sc. 110\--1"nll ' is 111 1111(' in a fll!'t',r), witll ~17 . y('~ t·, plc'dri cht rx perir.n c lm'k of its pro<111l'l s. AsI; t 1(' 1>11 .\· -1;>an denlcr to denton sb'nlf' ill y OIll' It l)nll'--Iluil lHil) yom' . ow il jt;l! <r!ll('UL. l' ou will be \Intlci' !l

il ;()

"raft : l· i,·c -Tu llC. with Ruill-in Speaker , I' li CC. S 1·\i'.OO

(11)lhJ:~tj· Ol l:.• ,'P



De.alers Who May Be Interest ed Ac:l.d ress

se'wintr at

The bOI-



thnt nil of th e flll1lilv can OIH'I':II ~ it fUl(] (lll l1 '~ lIsily ~ct t1;c stations whk h thcy (l ('s il'(~. And Rce t he Day-Fan Sin g-l(' Dial Control.



of t lt (' hl'O ll dcllst , a d"1!rt'(· of sc l('l'tivit.y IInrl /1 to nI' qualit y thu t is 1I11('xr(·lI,ld. RO t Ita lyon wi!l c'lI .joy t ill"),' pr o!.!1'It ill S • n n.,·- F'a n has tlt rse quuliti,'s .


. LA KIN CO.' Dayton, Ohio ExClusive Distributor •







otic 'l'1!


'11111 tilL

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fOr lIw \\. 'I'" Blink, rlH' th" 1"111" ,








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GILBERT BIGGS, General Agent Waynesville, O.

The Ohio StateJ..i:e Ins.:Co.

tof la'nlt h

:\t'\. tI :-.1" 11


L , .-\ , ZiIllIJlt'rman , ('l. ' rk,

PI " · ilmillJ,!tnn.

.~ \~l' \: I \ \'o d \ 1:,011 ,

\1 1'

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I{ , ~lIlit h ~ :--p t ' f1dill).,!':1 fl' \\'


Lytle, Ohio

2' Cc nt onlllC - 1 2 J


s hnl! ·t :\I, ,, (·t-rt' l t "lid h t III f" I'I'\' 1'1'11111 anti "Il ('r thl> l' nrlk - I i' l' ri " ,f ~ 1 1"wc d I)y

Clt:\ l.,lnn d .

Ea riy

~verett W~ l y" r " illo -

..\11 .. 1111'" (h',lina nce's ~ l'l' tilJn '" lit' l )l dllt ~ " l C\.·:{ 1"lI lIllic t · r - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . , " "·=,."".- , with t hi; ()rd " la l\ " " II",· h(' rl'iJy

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tl,,' !'l' UY SHil l \.

t ill ' (; VII1 .

"" I' h ll l:'o, Il f ,I i


. We ar a l ie to do crushing and grind ing agai n, having remo del d our pla n t, and h ave a Full Line of Prepared F cads and Conce ntrates 'for home m ixing.

St:CTII):'\ ·1 I'II,> ,·,f:ll the C" un. " Ii ChllmbH, th h; th l' I·lth ,Iur .. f )11' ../ ..i", F" " " III ' ,,,"I fa mily " PNlt I )(' l't'mber, 1 ~)~ ;J. III,b~ \ \It h I't· la t l\t ':-' in I)u y t,)n. '1'. E . IW e; EllS, Mll yo r . . \ t tc, t

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Best for he Least"

Ih:,l ~\·~ th :n , ' fl. I I I ()tdi fll U h l '.' :--U , Itt'lt; II,, 'n~ tu I tl.t \'(I m p l h ... i,'" ",' th\.· t ll"h uf tallllJ y :-o lH' lI t :-- •. lI.1 Vi ll ut:'l', I'" ;dh .. nd,·d 1'-\ ' a~ l(l !' '''' ml I! dl tl w ~ : t I • "I l !l t· n ... : ti \ln of th .! \ I, " k o f >.. I 'I ai ,. .. ltall I),' .'1Il1

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• l Or-din a <t .' men ~ 'n ~ Section N o. of Ord i- " t" e No . 80. providing (IT the (' o rnIJ'!lu[lt io n of t he Cl erk f t h \ VH"'1::t: \Va yuc.vil1c, I ill clin linNI hi l·.l',[, l~) .· I . 1',· tt ,lIdall1t'II h~' t he


.,iI \,:2

) dinance No. 113

iii ... ' (

j ll'. t •. H. I I nl!'I, '~h \' \\:, .\t Pfl d h Y. '



.n Jo.

Ill'llt k~


ZL 1

su mC' ..drl ~ tllt' '''(' da ~ '''' : 11', · hl'althier 11 11 unt' side t h HIl pil th t.' ,!t il l' r ..

n f L t'U d IL: . :\l P lhluy.

I hH \\,I'l,

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~I r;o; _ .1. L. lIar t :l!ll' k s pent w l,\.h t nd w ith 11l' 1' (' h ildn' lI in




Anl~ l i:l "' ill i a"t~ '.a ~

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the din · SU' IJ uy. "f llr o. Cy "thia

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ i 'Evan IPr KUI s . '>t



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h C arm for. Everyone in the Famliy

-lijl/- '. /

I ... ,






One visi t to ou r store a nd you will accept : wi t h o (J t ques io n our s at e ment th a t Santa Cl a us has m ade this stor e h is Waynesville h eadq u arters . Gifts of q u a lit y a nd d ist inction for every ge , which you will be pro lle! of. Selected to maltc Chri stmas shoppi ng a pleasur~ f o r a ll.

. {


O~ en


Every Evening Unt il Christmas

\. ;.l ...


W ill " ,," Th , ",,." ' I,, ' nt tilt' we ck ·

silk stri pe" from


, It IT'd

::t1l1d , '

o!\~ a l'd~ \\. t'~ ' III Pa"lol l


1,1 :-. i. , ·r

,\11" ...

~Ii ," ~I ,,\'lha 0 ' :\ ",, 11 ~ \' i ~ili) r " . LIst FI' ld a y. \.\'I'i ~ht

,J alli (,

lIIr. und

(; ' Jld l,n "'If! ' ~ ,·r,.


Neckwear I n p ur e s ilk, and s ilk knittl:'d, [rom

.50c to $1.25

50c to $1 .50

" lid

)1 1" .

Su nday

~ Irs.

\\"al ",.

1 };I~-III!I, ~ rc \ ' l u .. ,' .






lflle ,




lllC:1 tl


~ rI.,1t 'n:.L.1..


e i n and see a ' e mon Ion o f this sweeper


to.. .

. . $7.50 .

Mamma Dolls for Children


. Waynesville, Ohio

Fr"d ~l. ('\ll" nnd f " ",d v


FL[ C"


le ;- R. 11 '.!::

f ER, } ') D h !::A', ,!\O , _ ,b'l) ~

~Ir, '\' ilh ul' g' lI ('~ l {If

, hl. !

Cray. sc \'(·ra l

tt l

:.L;-, ·,· nrc a

· _·c .

mo,'c P t ~ ::t ic~l S \lg; ~s t io "., "or f l'. '! ,c r, Moth er, and any of the

[> w

_ hil ' r en:

Carving Sets



Bhg';l ll, (If X lI nia. wa ~ ~ ull ~j n, 1' ]", Orv ill(' da~-:-; IH~t \\'cl' k ,


~ I r. alld .\11', . \1. .1. 10'111'1', 1,,,1'''' \'i , ill,d th l'ir f a lill'r.

S unday,

I ;.~"

\Vt'f l

t hl'

F' ri l' llci:-:

4' f

Jack Knives

S[l ring-


~' arr,

hOlli e .





Iv! rs. 11'"Ty Turn e r li ttll? son , u f H,'ll bn,o k, Spl:'lll Tu es day wit h Mr. Fr ~d U. 1I"IHl c rs on and fam il y .

Tools of all kinds Coleman Lamps and Lanterns KIDDY CARS



Itlr. and l\lr. , H o rnce Zell lind Mr. a lld ~Ir s. :; . O. lIa l" , of X e nia, w r l'C oupp,',' g-U ['sts. S undRY, o f lI'1rs. Lau·


, =-

Hp\,. and M r~ . ,Jo hn J. Schaeffer Idt th e tir~ t of th e we e k for Vi rg ini a to s Pl'nd th e h o lidays wit h the ir son anrl fnmily.








Baby Walkers Kiddy Kars

. Mr. S . D. Chunceller and fa mily , o f Wilmin gton , Mr. and Mrs. M. L . Parshilll ~pent Su nday with Mr. Lee Hawke an d family.


Mr. and !\!r·s. C liffo rd Archdeacon left Sntllnlny fO l ' ,Joplin, Mo .• w h ere Mr. A r ch d enc QI1 i. e ngll gNI in the inlerpst of th e Nationa l Cash Regis . t('I' Co mpany.


.-....- ---

chaR"d 11O n1\' , here. • ' ~ I rs. ' u phiu CO lllptUII 'and fo nd ly, j I ft l a ~t \V~ ok [U " p e nd u year Il l' r h o!' Diu hom e ill I uw a . I A bad accid(:nt h appened here, M un. day eve ning , wh.m tw" Slnln i!C men w ere kill ed ,it t h e rnilrond crosHinll; .. MTS. L. J. Wllh!nburg ('ctut ne d from ollllnbus Thursdn ~', wher . she! Wli~ vi ~itill lZ' friends and attcn<l im. tlu· Ohio CarUlel's' ban 'IU('l Christllllls progrlllJlfl at thn Fl'i~tl(l church will he ,-il'('ll !';U Ilt!U V mo rn


Dazey Churns


Mr. lind IIlrs. Hugh Ridge, of Wil· killsburg, Pa., are ann o un cing the birlh of " so n, J o hn C lin ton, Decem. ber 9, 1925

~ Ir . 1),.1,' V. j" ,(, ,(, I' C(lv ing-lon , ()., WH S Ihe /!,lI el' t , SalllrdHY , of MI' . . ;\1'11 . o ld 1lI'C w ('s. ' ~ I l " .FI'a.n l;· Kyn,' Sl'., .mld fnmily ll1Cl ved "'~\l.l, d"y to thei r rucen tly pu r · ,


AlumioKm Ware

JIll'S. Sa rah MUlTlIY h as returned' home aft"r an extended visit w ith l'eJative s in Middletown, Dayton, and othe r plae s.


ConservoSteam Cookers Pyrex Ware


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~r~~~~~~~~~~~1 day ~gandattheM thuili~ chu~~,Sml evening.


r I,


ulIII ~Ir~. I.. A. \V a~ hb\H " "


.$l.50 l k drc,o ll1 ~Ii ppe l ,rrolll !);<'c t o .. ... . . . . , . . C!!3.00 ' l'aiilllj ;~ , S J. \l. aJl( I. . . . . .. .. . $2.50 :i l\' ( r, froin ~ 1. 5() to .. . . , ... $7.'50 ~. \l lll b er .I ' d~ " fro m .~~i.!j ;) to . . . : . . .. '. $$.95


4', t , '':;-'

r ' \:' /~

w:\rd !'\ "'t.;l'(' sho pp ing in Duyton, o n

In ;\1t' l' ce l'iz c d , 1'1'0' 1\ !;; 1.50 to . . . . ,$ 2.50 In S i l k, frum $,j.Oo, lip to... . .$8.50

Traveling B:'g,:, from S5. ()O to . .. . . . ... .. . $ 10.00

,rJi\'c her a l lu~\ , r



:llr. a ll d :\ll's. Jall1t' ~ Mc Cl ure, Mrs. W" ll e r ~lc C lur e ulld Mrs. ;J. W. Ed·


r..t:,('~ t o '


il y.

Ladies' Purses, from 98c to. , .. . ... , , . ... . . $5.00 Lad ies' Collnr Sets, 50e and. . . . . . .. . . <r"7. ~c RaYlHl S il k R cd Spreads t.f 'Jowc ls Sets, 110111 59c to . . . " $l.98 llallrlk cn :hi fs, from lOc to . . .... . ..... 50c Bo x lland kcrchiC'fs, :3 in hox , from 50c to . .. $1.25 P' lu do ir Caps , IWIIl 39c to . ... . ... . . ... .. .. . 98c LOll ,it) ir E lec tri c Lam ps , S1.\)8 and '. ' .. .. . .. $2.98

'['i s , f r (1111

'1 1


,·b itl·d h c r I' l'l,th,' r, W illi alll, and farn·

]3, t h Eoll(:s , f r01ll 84,95 t o . .. . .. , .

13 ;ausc her h:l p~)illese J li~ .' (' gth, I) r ,ti me, h/: r prid<, i n a ~ut n

! ",'



~li ,,, Ada M iclt!'IlH mtul:nc d home I s l week f rul1I i' itts burg, where she

l (a t lI I~() bes, ~4 . ()5 t o . .... . .. . . . .. . . . . , . . $7.50 l:l:uroom S lip pe r s , U8e to : .. . , .. . . . .... . .. $2.00 S il k :.Incl S ilk and Wool Hose, from SUc to .. . $2.50 Carll'r Se t s, from 50c lo . ... . . . . . . . , .. .... $1.25 Ulan k(.' ts, [ rom $1. 25 to . . , . . . . . , . $5.98 :::,ta l iolle ry, per 110X, from 25c t o . . . . . ., . . $1.00


\1 .

All Kinds of Electrical Goods

"':! r..= V::: "__..--~

Alllla. ~ I n y , o f Wilming-toll, Mr, lind ~I rs . ~1. L , I'",.,hll l! . p e nt S unday wilh :\11'. Lee lI awke and family,



acceaaoriee. I

~I r- .

C IIIl' Cllt' ,\Iorl., .. ,) ,,, ,01 1'" ,,>'1 ' of Il::lyt n n. "I,,'nt ~'II "la y wi ti ~ l r. and ~1t .,. /.I ",.d j)", i,..

For :'Il e n and Woo men. Useful prac · tica l and surc to he ap precia t ed .

e Best of p.ll Her

Heraldyne Radio Seta, with an


~II' .



1I .,vl '

,\ "tlt" .. .\ ,,' .r:. ' ' 1" 'lIt ~' ''I '''I: ",·I·1t ~J r Lucy I'l' u lt :til l! fll,"i1),.


woo l ' .I n ' silk and . 111 pu re s ilk, from



We handle the Kodel antf :\l r. HIlIl


For men, women ;I nd c hildren, from


$20 to $325

H,d .. " . . " n. Ch' nn Frvi

1:-', 1-'1'1\%1;';

Tll',j " t't ;

. : p p nt


50c to $3.95

with prices ranKing from

.\1,' \\. I (1',\,,, 11 " ,' d f'lI" il y a lltl '\! 1'. :1'1.1 ," II :ll'I \' ,';' ,Ik e ~ It, (t. ~t tl ll d ll ~ fl,l" "I I ·ld.L .

~ I t. Iil'n ll hy ,


98c to $4.00

Our Radio line is comp :eto.

,(""lI n.,I .. ( nrii ,\ I\U,

~ Ir.

In percale, English broadcloth an iJ

A Radio Set

,('lId "I t h 1I "w' I'(I (' "ok a t Earlh a m

t: lI( '~ t $ a t a dinlJ\.'r St,lId a,'

Dress Shirts

For Mother-A Laundryette Washing Machine For Th~ Family-An Estate Heatrola

ville, TlI Ps dny,

t ill' \." ' 1( '''; I II f Ill'. nlld ~I r'. ,, : T . W ri g- ht lit "" I' per, Saturday C\ 't,.'n in ~ .

'l.,.' '1


:'l e dicnl

~ I r. a nd ~Ir o . S. K. Hain ('" o f 1I('llr "p r inK \ · ull"y. we re sh (\ [lping- in WilY ..

Mr ~.


ntt~"d~d !I

meclin},! in Dayton, 1\l o n-

Mi >s Glndy, Ilarlllll. or Dayton . spenl Sunday with her m oth!'r, Mrs. L Oll Harlan.




Elli ,


WH l ~ y e t.: I uy a real u seful gift you are nav e r so rry that you bought it, and the ( recip i,;nt wil. a lways thank you for your \; ood judement in choosinK· ' ALL ~{ ..It:!' ~ ift Su ggestions are practical.

uay n iKh l.

(N'//~~'\ / 9rom the Christma9 Store ;J


na y-

' ,) n.



Gifts that End Ire





d: IY, l'n t,~ r l: ti ll \ 'd ;Il d ll l flt ' !' . :-\tl Jld :l\' , :\11 ~llI d l\ l r ~, ,) ,dlll l ~id l nn t! :--011 'l H ~: 1I.ln1, II p d \ 1 ... ;t nd :\Irs, EllI l'r:-o" Il~ la

I(~, · ' ~ -~ ,l.':'.)

)1. t o-




Ice Skates Roller Sl<ates


IN ear new loea.tion w e a r e better able to 'serve you and our line of Gifts w . . a ..... 83

com plete as they are now .


Come Iri-We Have a Cale~dar for You. STORE WILL BE OPEN EVERY EVENING ,tiN::"ILC"RIS~MA~.

FR.-ED M. 'C OLE Hardware, .~arnels, Farm Machinery


--.....;----------------------_......_----- -.... ~. \

l"lll) :

Y:·, l'.. \·JI,IY.

11 '



th,·r~ . Wi1~

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Cl ul' ~ tv God





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with the


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Young Friends Meeting '1'1", ...


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hand ...


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Roof Caught Fire

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.. - Won A Prize







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THE MIAMl GAZETTE ~ n hox o r

hristl1ini l'i-'

HARVEYSBURG lIfr~. CaB .0r(lon i~ on Ute ~ir k Ii t.

Mt·x. , . A. nuincR hll ~ bee n suf· I'illl! wit h ~l'i J> l'~. TItI' 111. E. dlUt'ch will h:l\' u Christ·

Christnla Sale 01 Pianos an f!

" ',('1'("


h tl1nf"


t'lll tw r

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\\'h O )ll

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al'(' ve r y )lun ri y.

~ Ir. and i\tr_. (juy Roulzu hn dllll ~h trr were ~lI nd Iy J.[ur"ls uf ulh' l':4 1\1 TiI1pt.' l'anl'p Cil,Y.

LO'o king For

fir' !'i t an' HUIi t.

W e are g oin g to try a nd ex plain th e advantages of the galloline pumps at M e lloh' s Garage. a Dayton product.


1 ~l'ou.l.d1t

J-:llt:h Indy

"I' f,,, ,.! and th b lI111d~ ,l lltl dt' l i£'i ll u ~ dill lH' r ,


Brand New 88·Note, G uaran teed








~ ~

Tlrl~YI~L~~~;1l ~






With This





I 50


I . Reecnld


..:. ..:w .-: . . . . . ~~





= =




'I $49'

Tenns: $4.00 Monthly

fteH are ~Qu U f ul mnhognny tln U!h~ ronMle pho noa rllPM papular QU H'D Anne d~ l ~n. \VUI plu), nIl m nkr record&. You -NCGI'd. .elecUon. free wlt.h this phODOU!'R ll lL


~ ~

No Interest or Extras Charged !

Free Delivery to Your Home in Time for Christmas


prnct·('de n with unci r e-

vot i nJ,! wu s su l t~ d

f,)ll ow" : 1'1'Ps idcn t, Mrs. i\lllry Denny: "ic(' · l>rc ~i d e nl. } '! r'S Mo· rie Grit): ~('c retaI'Y, Miss Mny HnrInn ; trells ul'!' r, MI'". N . E. Ben nett. Tit pn'gram ffl l' I !l2 6 was I' ud . All Illl'ctinl!S in tlt l' ['o min)! ), pnr will be held lit th e church. 'I'll\) hostesses t hen ~(' rv~d n dainty lu nch, con sist · ing of chicken s:lIldwichcs, pickl e. ice cr cam. light and dnrk cake , coffee and candy. 115


Tom Applegate parked h i. brand new n;Yer wilhin t e n fee t of a policeman. a nd yel il Wal .tolen 1 So he called t he cop I The Iria l i•• et for n ex t week an d eve rybody


goin. to

he a r what he call ed him .



H. Russell

General Auctioneer


Chillicothe~Ave. Phone 201




10 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~



~IE OI C IN E will 10 what we claim to r II-rid your . ystem Catarrh or Deatne.. caU8ed br Ca tarrh ,






or an Otntment whtch Quick ly Relieves t ho cBtarrhal Infla mmatio n, and


the In ternal Medicine, a Tonic. whIch , c te through the Blood on the lItucoua 3u rtace., tbuB r eBtorlng normal condl· Uon • .

Sold by druggist. tor oYer 40 YelU'& F. 1. Cheney &. Co .. Tol e40. OhIo.


~. ~

~ ;:.

q l'n~ ( ' cI , \\':1 :-;

H. Jl nn l\ ~

th (· nrc

The pump that we selected ill mechanically operated,


DR. E. M.RUDOLPH The Eye Sight Speciali.t

At Cary's Jewelry Shop L eba non. Ohio

Every Tuesday 8 :00 • . m. to 4 p. m.



I ~ al'"

measurin g fro m one gallo n to ten.

\\ :I!-'

water or dirt that may get into the gas_

All of th e gas is tak e n from th e top down to the num-

Id a :lppnilll ...'4! PX 4'("l '1ri'\ pf

ber of ga llon ~ ca lle d for. Thill pump has all the improve·

A pprai '; l' 1'3

menh of pumps and val ves_

\.11\ b, l~ ll l plt Urlluks lind

( ; "dl').,!' l\

L uu i :-= I., i\ull.

l.' X \ 'Cl l t lll'

tale uf 1-: . A. :-\lIll,

o f th e

d,· c~as ed.

Glady •• Mrs. Edd Longacre a nd daug h leI', Ag nes, wer c in Dayton Christmas shopping. Monday. Mr. al1d 1I1t·s. Vrank Ruge r spent Sunda y with the latter's pllrents, nenr Rid geville. 1'>1 rs. Rogers' father, who has bee n ill f or ome tim e, is worse . I\1rs. P et(~ r Ba nta entertain ed th e Ladies Aid at a social mee t ing , Fri· day afternoon. Every. one presenl enjoyed this holiday fun ctio n very much. lIlrs. Ethel Saylor, of Lebanon, spont Sund:ay wi th her parents. Mr. a nd Mrs. Will Long. MiB!l Thclma GrnhuIH acco mpani ed her home fo r a short stay. Mr . Clyd(! Wharton entertain ed the shredders of the n eighborh ood t o an oyster supp er at his home, Saturdny eve nin g. Twenty·six friends e njoy. I'd the ocasio n. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Grny lire hom e to spend the holidays. Mr. and Mrs George Gray and daught er, of Belmont, we r e a lso guests at the Gray home, Saturday. Walter Kenrick received last week a box of fi ne grape fruit and o ranges from John Stroop, lit Merced es, Texas. A lso 8 , lemon weighing two and a quarter p,ound s. Mrs. Emma Foulks recently received a box of fine orllnges from her daughter, Mrs. George Davis, whO, with her family, is spendinsr the winter in Florida. Mrs. George Graham went to Springboro, Fridny. to visit her fath er, Mr Chas. Thompso n, who reoontly had a stroke of paralysis. She found him much improved. Tile Mother's clu b will Sl:!rYC B free Christmas dinne r to a ll the chil· dren at the school house, Wednesday. This will be fo llowed by the school e ntertain me nt in the afternoon . Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dearth, Mr. and Mrs. J osep h Miller, Mrs. Ad a McEwe n und Miss Uenna Bresc ul>, o f Springboro, wer e Sunday dinne r g uests of Mr. and JIll- . S. H. Haincs and Mr. and \\Irs. Waltcr Ken rick. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. lark nnd guest Mr. Wm . Thompso n vis itcd 1111'. and Mrs. Ed Hanby, at.. Belmont, Thursda y, and also cl\lJed at t he home of Mr. Thompsoll's g randdaug ht er, Mrs. Ca~P ic ~n!!. ~e ar Ce n_tcr\'l ~ I ~.

A vi llible glasa in the hose

perm its you to see the gas pasllin g into the car. ( 'S-

There are severa l other advantages to the pump which

filed hi <

first u(.'L'u lIllt.

f'" _t w e ~k. lIIrs. \\ . C . BerlCdn ll a nd daught er,

Th e r e is no by ~

pump only through the hOlle,

A reserv e tank in the body of the pump t akes care of any

:-.: . 1I 111lt.:s, dl"

B Olld $:,[.00.

You are lIure of get.

tin g the number of ga llons you call for. passin g of gas out of the

adlll it t l'd t u \lr'o hat .. ,

\.'~ Lall'.

They were sel ected from a number

sever a l factor ie s b efore selectin g pumpll for this station.

~ I os~" Jj",,1I 11.


~ ••

TIt " will " I'

U llt '


These pumps are

of Pumps by the Beaver Oil Company, who went through

1'I'III,f !If puh l il'lItil ln wa s 1'il t' tI in und reI. th l' m alt" ,. Ill' til" (·~ lntl' or 1{(.·1.H· {·~

~1 r. "nd ~l rs. ll)',k \\, h ul·ton IItlll urt it'll' u()ullti ful fanllly >pl' nt Sunda y I ' ith lIlr. and ~Ir ,. Arthur GI',·ulhn llse . in Duyt vn. M t·s. A IlIt.'r( Slacy ~ p.'1Il j\\ on uny j\1r:; ('. G. Halldall and :- Ir ~. J. E. (, ,, 111 l' r \"l' T(' h 'J :' t lj ~~ t.· ~ ti l lhl' Bapt is t wilh h 'r duuJ.[hll·r, 1111'S. Lll'al'lh Shl"' _ ~li " .·i" "l1l· Y (·in·I,· Il t till' homc o f han nnd bahy daulihtc r . near Fi ve )Ir". Halld"ll . 1I',·d lw "day "flCl'IlOfi n. Point. Mi~~ Mal'y Thom as , 1\11'. Harry BlIr!IIr". II. E. II :1 t tn l1 had r hurJ.[L' of the dl1\'t1t. i"n:-:, r endillg' the L'h ri ~ tmas s to ~ net lind )11' ~ . S. II . I:lU/'Ilet lItt~ndcd the thcntH in Duytull, Suturday HfI' ~' in Luk e, Sh€' a l!"o J!UVP n brte f his t" r \, o f B~lhleh c lH. .. h. Little tern oon. 1I1r nn d Mr~. II. 1\1. Clark ellterT u\\,n'lIf Bcl hle lwlIl" wns I'lur~d on th" \ ' ictrfl la. 'I'hi, being t he t imc tain ed the former' s uncle, lIIr. Wilf(\ I' th e IIlI lllllI I eIt' cl ion uf "mce rs, th e li a m Th ompso n, o f Cincinnati, the



Just What You Are


lo' H A, I )ill, dl'l' ,'H :,+,' d, ~l o nd: 1 \" }tt' \\:\ :' t' hoppingI " tl\l' nlllt!.' .. "f t he "stUt l' ,of .\ bi.Ilr. alld )ll's, Arthur White nuri \\ PtH t' \\ h l ' l\ tt~ l' :.X hit H knnt and t,.d : IJP ·~· d IItf, .... tJ'ik i ll}! hi ~ Itllkll' nnti ~ o n g . uf l)aytl ll1, W('I'l;' !:;un d ny g u c~t s jah (,,,Ii i,, ... d,·,·,·"",,, . prlol vf \Of pu lol' . nHi"ll \\"1\ :' fi lt·d. uf ~II' . " !HI 'II'S. h e -tl'r (~rahu l1\ . dtfli ...·tin ).! : l tll ' l'P J.!a:-.h III th,· malt,·t· <If l h,' ,·"lllt(· of 11"1' 1)1'. und .11",-. Will , O~le s b ~' . o f lI UI''I' ll\' " .\\ in,' 1",1.1 I,,' t h~ ~1. I':. ,\ i,1 Thlll' ~dn \' W ;\ ..: \\ ('11 ·att l1 t·t! t, d and It \'cyshuq! , Wt' r e Sunduy aflc rn o\) n man 11 l'lI dl' i di ~ , dt 'I'P HS\ " 1, ::- t nc k was n ict, i dlh ' lIll t p f w,!I'k WII ~ Hl <">lllp li sh . ",upsts o f ~ I r. lind II l rs. ehus. 1::. J o hn ~ unf f·l'\.,d ;..n ld a l PI' I \ alt.' :-; u i p,





\' ('l"l,I\',


·1 I I I I I

Cox has purchased

Mno. AIl'x Traylor, north of Lytle,

": \ t' I'\' 0 1\ (' 'i ~ \ ' Hl .\ ll d l \, " \ i t' d t ( . a U I'! " I , ' 1' lIn :'lid H.d,t rt :o:; nit hi:-: 1I1lkll' ~ (' .



C'h ri !"t mnK,

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on the _kk list. PROBATE PROCEE DING S Mi ss Ruth Heeller was n h 1!'i.~tl11l1" In tit" Illutter o f the ," Int" of shupp,,}, in l.)uylUn , Momlny. :'Ill'. lIlld l\1t'l'. Geo rg" 1l(,llny were l\11'~ . \\' ill inl11 oll'mull mad e u bus. )Iury Col!. ~ 1l>1 ~. dl" 'case d, Williul11 C'illcl nn:l\i , i, it or'<. W. ,dnc· ~ d I IY , Clw nt'y, "xc·c utOI'. fl ied Iti ~ i"x th nc.1, ('. alld Ch"rl l'~ Gruy I\'~ I'(' bllSi- in ~s t rip to L,' bllnun, Tu" s dll~· . . HUlh I':ur l~' w aS quile skk the past (lUn ct . fl\\~~ vit- l l u l'S ill (· lI tllI1lL u ~ . T i l'Sl..lay . Eutry u.., \('t · mi l! ill~ inhcritllnc tax II I I'''' ~' ll ll lllJ!ltr, ·y. n f ]."" n, I\' n~ wl' ck with ('nUIl', b ut i improv e d uL t" he' paid II I" <>n ll!red c" l'liflpd in ~n· {'l i ll ).! old fri t'luis ht'l'I ', Thlll'R dn\' , th t:; t il1ll' . )1 r. \\·IIi",." C,)X ha. "o ld hi ~ funu II", maU, ·1' or th,' l' ~ tllt' uf .Chari,·y ;\11 ~, Il ll \\nrJ ( ;rahum I t 'H.I "nll)!h~ h . t':-. \\ vI' .. ... h (l Plliu ~ in \\ !l 11ti ngll)n. \\' l' ~ l ~,r ttlWIl tl) ~ l r. A. L .Sid es, uf Ht·oWl! . d,·['(·" "('11. Ad nti ni"l t·llt•• r \I'll' .. n h· ....:d t ,1 ~ l' lI perHl)Jl nl prupt'rty be ~ \ \· al' n l' ~ I· illc . \ \ ' •. .1 1\ , :--ti :,y ,." vt 'n iu}!:, ~·II'~. lI:<r r:1' {;,.,.h am and i\lrs. Ell .. 1 1'1l g'in~ t u tilt· \':,Hat· III pl'ivHtc tin l \ , \\ oI lof ll' \Y. \vi l' on . "f 1; " '"1 " k('. \ · a .. p" iol hi >! j>lll'l ll l", )11' . :<1 .01 ) 11'>'. ('" ,, :-il' Y \H' r,· ~pritlg' Yull t:y \'hd t l ll' ~ Ordl't" wa ~ ':al .: o )..:"i\, , 11I tu ('O U Vl't't ~a\' ~ in),!'!' ('\ ' I,tiJil,:t t(·s intu l'Jn~h. I·n . nl, \\'il .. n. " , I" \l't I"it \a, t II' l· ~ k . Tlh,:-;.da\' o f IHst \\' ct.:k. )I \'nl ., \ :mt'um!'. ).(uu nliull ,'f Ot·l'· ~I I' . · Addu idc B,lIlw t ~ p"" Frid a y T ~ t il ' \ \ 111 lH ' ( ' I , r i ~t",:!" t ' \,' r\.·I ~ ~ :: W ltl! hl'!' pll l"'nt" ill Spl'in"bu l'o , !lulh thll 'I':li ulo dh \ ·ulll'nmp. llIillUI', fil~d It l It , ,I "lI :\h ' .. H un , h u j'l'\', ~undn\·.

n u\ ~ :H.' r\"i('(' ~

M Ullt' III Ih~ hI n'~ f'hrltltn\JI", N t! Il\lwr !: l(l euul ~l ~.\.. i tlt y I i\ (I , . much ol, ,, · ' ,n . I h t hl" , In'lI (, ( ' 1" ""', A till ""w ~1 JI \' &. ' "' j ,,, .t 1\~ 1 f\" ('Ief.r you l.l a)o ' r o.,l un06 n ll.l 1\ 1 ,':l, ,gnq h. 'I t t r,"u' ,I, . b' In w ·, ri C"~," . h l'lt 1l'\1I 1 " It r ru. r t n r ) ' UIJ t.1 i . \ n " un ' I' I { ','I "~ I 'I' It I ' ., "" ",,' ,1 M, " lt h o" I' ,, !I V cn' '' t l'!' t • h nrp..-, ~O h lH tl " r I 1 ' r , \\ . t I' .' h t \ '· m .... ~ .,~

Hwr ,. to )



Mr M e lloh will b e glad to ex plain in full to those lnter·

In 11ll' matt"r of the ('state o f Mary 8. Starr. d e~,·asc<1. th e L.·bn· non Nuti oll nl Hunk and Tru st Co., ad l1lin is trut" r , flied it ~ lirst and fllln l account, In th ~ !lIulle r of the cs tule o f Wi llia m }\ . :ll cl'l'i tt, d,· cl·a~~ d. Chu a I. ~ I c l'rllt . admi nist t'lItl'i x, lil L' d her lir~ l and fin n l u.: c" unl. In l he mU l te r QI' lho estate of J (. hn H. H ,)zli ll . de colls"d. administralor was orele l" 'u to ~e lJ person ul properl y ot priv>ll l' su le. Said slI le w ns co m · plet ed und pro ceedings were npprovcd lind confirmcu. Geo. B. F'u uche, gu ardian o f Stan . ley F e ldcll lllp, minor. fil ed hi . fourth und final acco unt. 1n th e mutter of the cstatc o f Abi_ jah CO llie r, decclIsed, C. W. Colli cr as a dm inistrator, filed hi. inve nlor y a nd llpprai ~('me nt. Stock was order ed sold ut priva te sllle in th e mutter of the I' tute of Christian S, Jllck . d eceased. Sallie Wh ite, exec utrix of the es· t.ate of William M. White, decease d . filed her inventory lind appraisl'ment. The will o f Dav id J. Mount, deceased, was ad mitted to probllte. Alic\l M. Mount was app ointed executrix o f the es tate. No bond req uired. S. L. Montomgery, George L. Sche nck lind Lawrence Sha whan wer e uppoillt. ,.d uppra isers. Ella R. Brown, adminis trutr ix of the estnte o f Samuel '1'. Brnwll. de. ,,ea sed. fl ied her fir. t and finu l account. Pl'oo f of p.ltbli calion WIIS fil ed in the malte" o f the estllte o f Charley Brown. dec,," "cd.

I _

A. F. MELLOH Garage -Excl usive Agents for-


Gas and Oil


Waynesville, Ohio

Ray Starry to Pcnrl Starry . lot in Lebnnon, $1 . Donkl W. nn d Chris tina D. Dumf onl t o He r bert a nd Anna Murray , abou t fi~ :l c rr ~ $ 1. Jnn S. hell owelh to Effi e 1If. Chen· owet h, about 82 acres , $ 1. Sta nley C. Wi 1I0ugh by to harles S. Stegor lot in Lebunon . $ 1. Wilso n' Thompxo n to Fred W. and Mube l Conover, Iluo ut 'h·ncre, $1. P('arl Stun), to Hob,'rt J . Shllwhl\n , lot in Lchunon. $ 1. Grn)'cc M . Fis h to R. L R o hin ~o n, lot i n Franklin , $ 1. He l(' n MIlY Evn n ~ .. t al .. to Frank B. Stokes. lot in Leban on. $ 1.

MARRIAGE LICENSES James Basil Suwyer Jr., hot('1 d erk of Lebanon, and Edythe ]1. Tow ns end, of Lebanon. Ado lph J. O'Neil, mllchilli,t o r Frankl in, IInu Myrtle G. Kramer, " I.u of Frunklin . Ralph S. Hllll , e ngin e hos tler a nd Ollie Milton, fa ctory worker, both of F'ranklin. NEW SUITS' Me y<> r·Kiser Co ., vs. E. A. Oulrner, and Edwa rd . Zehring. for cnl:n ovit. Fed era l Lund Blink, o f L o ui ~ \' ill e , Ky., vs. Oliver A. Broc k eL aI. , for money und equ itnble r elief. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS A. C. Va il. trustc e to Roy L. and Mnrth" Hu dso n , 3 l ot~ in j"rn nklin , $ 1.

COMMIS S IONERS' ALLOWANCES McG ~ tdti n' s P harl11acy, supplies, $2.05: $1.00; W. H. Stllnage Co., S!lmo, $25; S. Fred Co .. pub. notice, $9, 00 i B. D. W(' lton, se rvices liS mem_ her buri nl committee, $ 1; Ellst End Coal Yurd. coal. $:i05 ,aS ; Morrow Hdw. Co., too ls, $5.00 ; W. H. Madden Co. I gUllrd . ruil mater ial, $9.67; Van Camp Stone Co., Cl'. sto ne, $204.40; F.. S. Donn(' 1I , p<'r W. G. Thoml>son, (,Rt . contrnct No. 827, $32; V. W . Tompki ns. payroll, $3 46:-5fr; Eden Terr y. Slime, 80. 75 : $40G2.02 ; T . C. Co ughlin , same . $ 130.7 5 ; A. T . Rottig, sume , S ll 5.50 ; $28.3 0 ' Jos. Dn\' is , s am c. $,107' P. B. Monce, same, 97.8 0; Kill'! W. Mins t, same, $118; flar r y H (>i~e l, sam e. $ 14.2 0; C. E. Bradbury, $44.!18 ; E. W. Quimby, ~n m e . $3 ·\: F. M. Collins, same, $121I G; F. 'irn s, hridge rl) pair, $ 15.75; R. M. W (' itln",., hau lill J; g rllvel. $ 108 .00; W. P. McCa l'rc n, g us and st orage $2 0.40; Gi lpen nnd SOli, gas and s upp lies, $!] 1. 211; L. W . Ni. hit Co., ~ p ik cs, $.\ .'1 tJ: S. C. A lexlIlulcr, sup plies .. $.\.0 5 ; J. 8. nri ggs, J.[as, $2; Sll ppltCS. $ 11. 2R; Fa n nie B. Hill sew_ er. 84.50 ; Va n CRI1lP !ilo ne ' Co., r l'lts hcd stonc, SGR; Wm. Shoemaker,

Wal ter C. Dun n an d Car ri e D. R itte r to Blasie N. a nd Mary Eli za beth 8allard. ubout III a cro:; in Turtlc· crce k 'l'p., $ 1. J ohn H. and Mllry 1\1 ic r t o J esse A !\I erry Christmlls to one and 1111. E. and Min n. L . Grubbs, a bout 1.79 Glcn n Duvi s lin d fa mily were acres n Dee rfield. 'l'p .. $ 1. Wilmington, Saturday. Bert Boga n and Glenn Dnvis were in Dayto n, Wednesday. M .M. Terry and K. E. Thompso n "' " . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - '.. spcnt Saturday in Dayton. K. E. Thomp son lost a fin e Guernse y heifer IMt SlItu rda y night. Alf J orda n spent Sunday with Rich ard Brown, and f a mily, near I-'erry. Not muM news ite m ~ this week. Eve ry body is getting r eady f or Christmas. Wil so n Bennett and wife and Mrs. Edith Davis were shopping in OilY ton , Monday. E. C. Mann on and family, of near Wilmington, w"re Sunday g uests of th e McJ<:ay families. Lon Brannon an d wife, K. ~:. Thompson and wife ILnd Miss Mary Kathl ee n Toomey were shop ping in Leba non, Friday. The MisHes Alida and Imogcne Gray sli ng a duet lin d Miss Mary Kathleen Too mey sling a solo at our Christmas ~ ntertllinm e nt at th e church, Su nday morning. Waylan d J ord on, wife and baby, of Hyde Pa rft, were the wee k·end g uests o f their home fo lks here. Ed ,Jorda n acc ompaniep them home to spen<\ the holidays. . Ed Bogan a nd wife , Raleigh Bogall wife alld daughte r, of Spri ng Valley, an d J !l m e~ CleaVll r, of noar WjlmilJ!~' t on. Bert Doga l1 IInp Mrs. I~ nn nah Bogan we re Sunllay g u~sts of Gl e nn Davis a nd familY, '" A committee, compoRed of Mu. Aduh Tulmadge, lItrs. Edwards, Bert Dogan, K, E. Thompso n und Tho~. Rich. met on Monday eveni ng and ap· pointed the new omcers nnd ' teach ers for the Su ndaY·Schoo l for the coming year.



stone, $4 .5 0; P. B. \I1 once , bridge r ('· puir, $ 18.2 0; 1If. R. Greathouse, r,·· pairi ng too ls, $ 14. U5· W. N . Cox, supplies . $5 . 15: J . K. Spen cer. gruvel, $2&0.13 ; bridg':...I~~er. $34~.58.

NO HUNTING We, the following farm owne: 8 , positively forbitl ony h un ti ng or trllpping on our fnrmll. Any violation of the SRme w ill be prosecution according to law lind to the fullest extent: ELLA MICHENER J . F'. DISBROW ELIZABETH BAILY MH . RACHEL CREW MRS. WM. LOY, MRS. ELEANOR SMITH.

D H E Ha taw h ay roo

corn Increases its digestibility 20'% . Bring it in and 1et us grind it for you.


SSEMBLE in your mind a municipality whose features are In the composite the mos t de.:IIim.l,.n'hI A to be fo und In a group of cities. Compare Clly with the image of a perfect city. They a re the I18mel . Compare Baines City with the ideal from a point of transportation. ' Rnilways an (1 many highways Dlnke their central location perfect. Compare living facilities. Hllines City and the laeal city each have excellent d ri nking water, good schools, many chlll'Ches, lakes, hills, and, above all, a desirable cl a.~s of people whose thought is for the betterment of their c\lmmunity. Each is built on a BaUd foundation. Eaeb Df tbem is clean. Compare value!!. Haines City's real estate prices . have provider! one of the finest Investment centers in Florida, by beip./! now below intrinaic values, Those of the ideal city a)'e the Bame. • Compare Haines City with' the Illea! city. They are identical I VISIT HAINES CITY AND MAKE THESe COMPARISONS FOR YOURSELF.


o-r4nl\.. BnJ.~on . REALTOR

20c per cwt. 20c " " , 25<; " 3.0g "

Ear Corn Ear Corn and Oats Oats~ medium



We have als.o just received a Car of

No.3 Pocahontas Coa.1



The Christmas pr ogrllm H at both churches were well attended . MiBs 'Mildred Alexo nd er , Dennison university, iij nome for the Chris~ mas voclltion. . ., Mr. and Mrs. Fred Moore, of Day_ ton , were Su nd ay g uests of Mr. llrid Mrs. J. W. Moore. . Mr. a nd Mrs. William MOl'gan ahd aon , Gerald, of Catskill) N. Y., are visiting here. ' Rev, lI!1 d Mra, !. F. Young }Vere called' away, Sunday, ' gy tile 'death of Mrs. Veu/lg's brot/)er, . '. ' Mr.and Mrs, Jack Reeves hav:e their pro-perty on Mound street Mr. lind ]\ilrs. William fenew,t, The mony friends of Mr!!. , P. ~, Hudson Itre g lad to wei com" ~e r hom e in good health nfte~ an operlltion at /I Cincinn.ati hospital. AIrs. . Walton 'went to the Miami hos pital last week, where undergo an operation for the near future.


Waynesville farmers' Exchange·Co. Phone 25

- ---,-






CLASSifiED ADS. MONEY LOANED LOAN R . on Chattelll,Stocks, Securit ies Ilnd Second Mortgagell. Note! bought, John Harbine Jr. , Xenia, Ohio" . ·m30-'26

Farmers, Attention! Farmers of W6rren and adjolnin, counties may obtain money on lon, time 10lln8, at 5'>it per cent interellt. Cost of securing the 8ame is very rea80nal>1e ,through The Federal Land Bank, For further Information call on or address M. C, DRAKE, Treas· urer, phone SIG-X, Lebanon, Ohio.


AQctiQnee~·· c

Date your sales' witIJ us. h.W.r_" _ ..tid.ction or chu.e IiQtlir.. ~

r. , "

Centerv.lle,O.· Phone No. 2



AM now organizing Warren County for the Ohio State Lifo Insurance Co. For Agency Opportunities or best insurance protection, write te Gilbert .BiggR, Bdx 83, Waynesvllle, Ohio. · Jl2 W ANTED-Rough wood, cut about 10 or 12 inches for heater. P&:H a~ this oftlc~, . . .. WANTED-All kinds of 110ft Wood, for pulp, ~~Pnil\ Gr"h~lli, .. U CA~H-fot; pentll\ Qol~. ~lfltlnulD, Silver. Dlamon"s, !D!\gnlltp p.lllnt~,

false tlleth, jewelry, fln'V valUAbles. Mall toll a)" Cilsll by fetu!'n m*U. Hoke S. 1ft tl. 00., Otllerll. Mloh. .~ ...

: AlIiM

' POUND FOUND - Large balloon tire. in: , quire of Wilfred G. Squires, ·d28 FOR S'ALE


, I'

FOR SALE-Kitchen cabinet and 11brBl'Y tab~e good oneil, See Omar Lewill. , ..; .d30





. ..

~lft \o'

, ~M S~Jlf.1 -'~,ltfr!!ix-¥Aat.j)ld J~~,' qow. an .•_~ ' Jieifep ell~bre til register,' a I ' due to freshen Ii Ja~u.•

a'ry: :t

S S: EUit: ' , .01

~ .".. I


t~211 '


,. "



1./5 ·, _

T. ',Martin Je§se.:Stailley




FOR SALE--Flne home:b.own potatoes, $275 per bushel. R. H" Strouse: R. F _ D. 5, WIIo)jn8l111@..O,

• ' . I.'

;it, .-'" " .~ .4;'~1 ' "''



·,Wed . authorities say that grinding

Com,pare HAIN~S CITY





• ,. ••




Met Painful Accident



Mr. nrr! M,·s. Howard Archd eacon SAVE THE SURFAC~ AND YOU SAVE ALL enter lnined Sund llY, Mrs. A. M. Arch"W omen li~e mu ch mort) beautiful MI'. Russell Bonti oy wus in Leba- dene n, MI· ~ . G. H. ArClhd Nlca n lind son , Bruce , Mi MS Altu .l \l n b~, o f la rk .. t han nt~ n . " non, 1I1oll On y. ville; Mr. and Mrs.' J uhn M (' u llough " Ccrl oin ly. tha t.'s nlltural." " No. it'. t1t'lIficiaC" ?tl,'S. U dll ~tll ith is \'i ~itill g with and gO ll , t;; v~ r c tt. of Fi ve r'lint . reilltivcs In IlIrksville,

Mr. Walte r E lzey 1S acriou Rly ill.


George Scott fell on the sidewalk on Miami street, near the .Wayn esville Motor Co. garage. this ('Wed nesday) morning, and sustained pain fu l injuries. It is thought that his hi p 8 ...iarf,tIDft P.I.., fl.50 per Y.. r was The chlldren' &t l'eRt a t th e Cum mu broken. nity t "ce will be hn ll ul ed hy th,. f(l( 1\1 ,.". Elvin Firc~ hn~ bec'n qtlita Mr. nnd lIIrs. C. H . Sherwood spe nt --~--------- --SU llll n)' with rel atives in Unyton. lowi ng- pCr"OIl S, a8~is t ing lI,,' ' a nd y sick. D.L.CRANE o ll !mi t tt·". hildr ·n wil l J(nth cr ~II . tu g r o ups a ccordin g l<\ f a mil y nllmes. Lilt l" Bet.t y Hurtso 'k l UIS be" n on !II i "~ la ra Li lr' \' i ~ i ted rl'lut iv('s in Thus €! who se num t!~ begill w ith th e th{l si~ k li s t. . p ";n ~ Va ll ey, . undllY aft ernoo n. _ c_ • Funeral services for Mrs. F ess, wire letter ind icute d mecL the t~ a c h~ r-:; in of Senator S. D. Fess. were held at c h ll r ~~ 'Jf th ut group: i\ li ~. Edn" Howla nd ~ p~ nt SundllY lI l,·•. I.,'" lI uwk" ; IIU ~ I i ~. 1·:I. i" the famil y home in Yellow Spring . . A and Ll- - Mr. lIaLli IrJ ""d lIli ss in Middl et(.\\ 11. lla wkC' \\ l'I'C ' I )n y ttill \' i :; jl o l' ~ , TU l' ~H..I ay Ohi o, Tu esday. Her death in Wash - McKi nsey . ingLo n D. C., Sun day, was t.he resul L C and I) - Mi s~ 1'Il rll er und Mrs. Mr. an d Mr'. \I' " lt,,,· l lntl "f'\\·,'od of injuries susta ined in a n automobile Shcehn n. ' 1 vis itj ·d l"t'it' lI d:-, i ll !'Jl nll ~ Va ll,',Y , :';un · ~ ! tb1 accident. J~ , fo' lin d G- Mr. Harlan a nd Miss d Jt y. Rulan(i. At the 4 ueat of the Junior class II , I , J and K- I.... r . Wil ~o n a nd ~ lor,e jjortlon of the High school MI'. S. I. . Cart wrig ht i ~ t l,afl ll l'd t.) Mi ~ s Berryhill . tdtiiJ d th.1r way to the .. top of tho hi ", r o o l1\ w ith an 'l\l!~ I'nv u l c d a tturk L, M, Nand O- Mr. Cull 'I' II I1lI hill" Frib~ . night, Dece mb er 18, to of " "lhilln. Olu lI artsuck. ~tjd a btiCull1 decorated Gym The new centrnli zed Sugarc reek p. Q and It- Mr. Ban LII and Mar'awalun, t 'm . II large, IIght.ed tree Township Hig h school, at Bellbrook, Mrs . Th o ll111sfln , of Cinc inna 'i , belnr the center of attraction. A was dedicated Sunday with appropri - ~ard Ma rl att. is yi :-; it i nl:' h('r i 'a n ' Ilb., :'I lr . IIlIeI ~tr ~. S- Mi ss J"romm a nd I'l'nncth SL few ramea were sched uled for the ate exe rcises. Th e complete cost of (; .J. Smith ftr.t part .of the tlvehinlr, and later the stru cture was $90,000. th e cost J ohn . T , U and V- JllIs. Mc l\ilob un a nd unique rt/freahmenta were served . in cludi ng the t en acrcs of grou nd on Kathl ee n Hen derson . ~II ·. L. !\. I' r int z ~ p l' n t IlI" t SunConservative For the t./nalnd,r of the evening which it is erected. W. X, Y lind X- Mi ss Feall' un d da y witll hi ~ >bLer ,,, " 1 fa mil y . ut management. danclni' and oard a were t horoughly Clement Satterthwaite. Cc nl('I'\·ilil'. enjoyed bt all the t ueau. Interest from date of Parcnts o f ~ mnll childrl' n \\' ill deposit. Mrs. Fl o r e n c~ .Johnso n, of SJlr in~ ­ plense SC(· that th ey Io((·t into I h e Several of tbe Nonnal clall8 have proper group. fiE-ld , sp(!nt . 'u mla y with :111'. li nd Mrs. been .~fntnr Invaluable experie nce Location W. S. Craham . in the praeUcl of telKhlng for th e most centraL past tWo week1l, owing to eickDess in Having sold my farm, I will sell l\l ond av \\,ll ~ t hp !ihor t l's t c1a \' o f variou. 8chool8 in the county. at public sale at my residenre, 1 mil e LIll' Y('ll r , 'a n d t il (I !'O Yl' it , l h l.' tl:l :-' W :t ~· west of Lytle on the Waynesville and duu tiy u ll cl d i:- lIl :ti . A committee from the Alethenal Lytle pike, on The Campllre Cirl. enjoyed n deLiterary society have been working Tu ••day. Ja .. uary 5, 1926, lightful party last ::il1turduy a fte rJ Ol' :\l (' l\il1 ~ (\ Y . of Mo rr ow, WR" a on a iohedale 01 prorrams for t he Co mm encing at 10 o'clock, the fo lgues t o f hi, mo th er, ~ lr ~ . Alic(' , 1('remainder of . the year. The dates lowing described chattel property; • noon at the hom e of th e Assistant Guardian, Mrs. Younce. hi n ~ ( ' Y, Sunday. will be definitely aet, and meetinga Four head horses, farmin~ imple-. Bldg. and Loan AsSD. The Campllre law a nd cred o were held aceordlhlrly. As Boon 118 the ments, so me household goods, etc. given by the girls. Those whu Were ~ I i ,,~ IJ erll'il'lla ~ 1 (' Kin "l' \' will nr · lI.t t. c:ompleted, It will be printed. N. E . O!.r. Third & Jefferson Terms made known on day of Bale. present were, Louise Frazil'l' , Dori ' I'ivl' h'"l'" Thun da y fl'II IlI ;\ silta lr ulu , Arl'i Qne InUrouted In any particular SIs .. Dayton, Ohio. W. F . CLA RK . Hawke, Evelyn Cartwright, Mary f ill' th e ho litIaY, · tolile I, invited to attend the meeting. --LEE MARKEY. 8ec'1. Louise Zimmerman, BeaLrice Hll hitz(>1', Bt!rnic e Hyman . Ruth uuk , Mu rMr. MY ~I ' !JynH1II ulld fam ily W(' re Undor the title of "rtferrie Eng!raret Cook, Helen Be ltz, Ka thryn in Xe nia, SUII UUY, J.[ Ul·st s of I' l l'. L.. land," the followin ~ editorial appearBoger, Lena Earnhnrt a nd Ma r y S. Hyma n nnd family . ed in the "Orange and Black." lIunt. "Let aa rio to Merry England, Th e aftern oon was cn ju), eri b y T oda y is >ai r! tn be t Iw coldest dll )' where Clltl.tmas with its trsditions Miss Clara Daughters spent Tues- !>1.rin g ing cranberries f or the Ctlm'uf the willt (' r . su nH.' l h e rl1HJIll l' t c r s I'Cgo and c.eremonlea, Its wall8als and carmunity Christ mas trC'". Eac h memj s tt' rin ~ "j a I HI \ ' C Z('I"IJ. ola. and Where everything e l ~e is day in Waynesville. OPTOMETRIST pushe4 by for the t eMting and joll!. Mr. and Mrs. Alvah Hartsock, of bor brought a t en-cent gift and numMr. Cha rl es Wri~ht, of Ant ioch. .ty. IiI r ural England there sre yet near here, spent Monday in Dayton . bers we re drawn . Th" ~ if t with th " EYES EXAMINED co ll eJ.[e. Wll" Ih,· I-ru t', t o f nr·. a nd Mrs. Mrs. Herbert Marlatt spe nt Tues- number corresponding with th e numancient chimney piece. and injl'leA. T . Wr iJ.[ hl. Saturd a y ni ght. nook. to accommodate the great birch day with Mr. O. B. Marlatt and fam - ber you drew was l u be YOU I·S. GLASSES FITTED The ampllre .so llgs Wl'T e $unl!' un Ie.... Here on Christmas Eve the ily. ~lI'. lind :llr~ . \1' . C. Phillips and Mrs. EmenlOn Dill spent Sunday der th e leaaershi p of thei ,· Stili I/: leud"walbl" are welcomed, and lifter they Prompt Repair Service Mr ~ . 1.,, " Til u ~ and ~o n, Clem, were have .unr their carols, are regaled with Mr. and Mrs, Raymond Osborne , e r lind pianist, Beat ric e I(nhil?c r. Delig htful refre shnwnts Wl'ro scrvin Illl yttfll sh" pp in J.[, Monday. with fiot. .plced ale. of Xenia. Every Thursday 9 a. m. to Mr. and Mn. O. B. Marlatt and cd by the hostess, and by th t) aid o f "B. whole, be well," Ia the real ~ l l' . Ben Smith ulld (amily , of Os· J1leinlna' of wUlan (a mine) and on Miss Clara Daughters spent Monday Mary Hunt IIlld Doris Hawk(!. 5 p. m. born . O hill, we re ~u ndn y gue~ts of BERNICE HYMAN , ·crihe. Chrla'tlpBt Eve the company toast in Xenia. Mrs. Emerso n Dill sp ent Sunda y tll.h' 1I01t, and one another before Rest Room in Grange Bldg. III r. Ch" rlt·, A nder""fl nnd fllmily. with Mr. B. A. Dill and family, of tbe~ depart. WI!l.yneavillc, Ohio ~lrs . Will iam Drunncrner, of In/I Introduced, one cannot wonder near Clayton •. di nna p"li •. • p"nt last week with her The Mt. Holly M. E church will ilt he renlaUt)' and bountiful Christ... cOll s in, 1\1 1"5. Walter Clurk and fammas, and that they penlat In cling- hold their Christmas senices next The Ilnnual Alumni Bltnquet of th e Main Office ily. Ing to tradition. Thle I, not done, per- Sunday night, Ohio Wesleyan un ive rs ity, o f War:-I' ll Miss Ru th Ke11ls has returned to coun ty, wili be held at th e Wa yne. hapt, by aervlnr bonr'a helld and pea924 X South Brown I Street. . l\1 i ~:; (, 5 Lil ey E:mley and Olive Din(oct pre. but by wreathing the great her home, after 8pe ndln~ a few ' days ville M. E . church on Monduy even widrli,' wcr.· I-r ucsts of Mr and Mrs. plum padding In f1amea (a relic of with r elati ves in Dayton. ing, December 28 , at 7 o'c lock. Prof Ov •• r SOllma Theater Ross Ilurt$ock at supper, Monday evMr. a nd Mrs. Bruce Heiltman and K~rl Meist er, from Delaware, Ohio; the daya of the ftroworshlpperB), or DA YTON, OHIO enjn g'. by Invltin2 the mllst prominent or daughter, Miss Gladys. of Dayton , Will be present. . beautiful woman present to carry In spent Sunday with Mr. a nd Mrs. Geo. All the graduates or those wh o have Mr. Raym ond Conn er nnd family, Marlatt. the principal dinner dish. . ever atte nd ed t he un iversity, or are Mrs. Sar nh Murray and Mrs. Ru ss~ 1l now attending and ali those who in Bentley visited rclali v e~ in Dayton, the near future intend t o go to colSu nday . lege, arc cordially invited to be present at this banquet, A splendid proMr. J ohn Beac h spe nt the weekDentist gram of music and addresses wili be end with relntives in Dayton. He given. reports ~ l iss Eli ?\1 McComns in very W ay ne.ville National Bani< Bldll. poor hea lth .

--- ..,-_.---

Death Calls Mrs. Fess

·&\001 ~oiPs ":+._.,.------., *

G~ld Medal, FLOUR • lb. sack . , .. $1.19 Country Club, 12 1·4 pound sac k 62c CRACKERS Soda , Butter o~--14c Oyster, lb, .. ORANGES Fanc~ Floridas, 32c 216 Size, per doz . . .




Schoolhouse Dedicated


.J ()(>

Paid on Deposits


Fancy Florid'a Oranges, 176 size, per dozen



10c 25c

f -; ble: AP- P-LE- s~ancy per pound

2 3

Public Sales

241, ~

Fancy Jonathan Applea, 3 pounds for


Campfire Girls

Fig Bars

.. ----·MT. ·HOllY

Oleo Eatmo r e Nul , Ib ..... .... ....

Will F. Young

o. W. U.


k~r~nd"red' r.~~~! ~~~.~~


16c ...75c

Ib ... .. .....

~!~~~ .~~.~~~~ .. . .. . . 32 c


3 lb . • ize ..... ..... , . . .. .... ...... ... .... ..$1.25

~:!~.~.~.~~.~. . . . . . 1Dc ~!!~.~~~~~.~ . . . ... 1Dc £!1li.~~ . . . . . . ..... 22c


Dr. Jo11ln W. Miller

. . . .13c

2 pound.


Atwater Kent Radio A World of Difference

.Electric, Auto and Radio S~pplies

Waynesville Auto & Machinery Company

JI1i ~s ,' ,

After an illness of long durati on , Miss Letitia McKay, pioneer r e~ idcnt of Waynesville, died at her home on T hird street last Thursday n ill'ht. The funeral service was held in St. Mary's church on Monday afternoon, Rell. Ralph Lee, o f Daylon, officiating. Burial was in Miami cemetery.

AT THE CHURr.HES ST. MARY' S CHURCH First Sund ay after Christmas, December 27, 1925. Church School at 9 ;30 a. m, Morning Praye r and Sermon at 11 ;00 p. m, A II arc cordially invited to come and worship with U9, Rev. John J. Schaeffer. Rector. FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST Co me to our services the la st Sunday in the year. Morning se rm on, "Unllnished Work," 9:30; evening se r vice. 7 :00 . ,Janunry 3rd will be Every Melll ber Sunday.

Wroughout the year may . you be, bluNd with happinu. and every other worth while thing. Thus w:e extend .he friendl~ greeting that we would be pleased to express to you fpce to lace and hand to hand on Chtiatma. Morning.




-., ".

WaYne~Ville Motor Co. Phone lOS



John Wallen burg was calling on some of his Ferry frien ds, lust Monday. Our Christmas progrnm will be g iv_ en Friday evening, December 25.


METHODIST CHURCH Sabbath School, 9 :15 a. m., preaching at 10:30 a. m. Epworth League 6 :15 p . m. Preaching at 7:00 p. m., Wednesday evening Prayer m eeting, 7 .30. Everybody invited to these services. • . Rev. L. A. Washburn, Pastor.

.- ..... - - -




Mr. Ch arles Wright , of Antioch coll,' g,·. spe nt ::iu nday with his grand mo ther and nunt. Mrs. Jane Wrig ht and ~lrs . Juli n Donoys n. Mrs. i\]{·!'1 e K c rn ~ , of Co illmbu ~ , is visitin g' IH' r pare nt", MI'. an d Mrs . .J. n. ~ l nl' l a l t. MI'. K C l'rr ~ will join her Thul·sday. to s pen. Chr ist mns Day hc re.


1I1ess r<. GCOI'(:c W nterhouse, J esse Prendc rgas t, Kennet h l'lough and D. L. C Tlln ~ attended a spccilll convocat ion of Past Masters of the Masonic lodge, nt Unyto n. Inst Saturday even ing .

Harveysburg Fertilizer Co.

Miss Tr il lenn Edwards and Miss Marl!u l'et Edward s left last Friday for till' ::iouth. Mrs. J. W. Edwards lind !Iii"" A lice F lint wiil spend the win tH with Mr. Wm.· Ru ssum a nd f am ilY, in Dayton . .


Phon .. 8


F" ll()\\' in g their lInnu a l custom Mr. ~ Ir ' . .J. C. Hawke entertained the ir chil dren and fnmilies on Sund ,, ), at " sumptuous Christma s dinner. T hMl' pre sent were Mr. and Mrs. J , NOTARY PUBLIC 1'. Fro m", and family, Mr, nnd lIIrs. National Bnnle C. \. (' 1' Hawke lind fam ily, Mr. nnd 1\ 11' ~. Ha v Hawke and daughter, Mr. Will. Draw .. .. .. ......". SoUled find i\lr~ : Knrl Hawke, Mr, nnd Mrs. R. H. Va nce nnd so n.



Waynesville, Ohio

Aft O.dinance am.ndin. Seelio .. No. 10f O.di"ance No. 80, proyidinl for the compen •• tioD of lhe Clerk of the Viliare of WaJne.yUle, Ohio. SECTION I-Be it ordained by the Council of the Village. of Waynesvi11e State of Ohio. Tha.t .Section No. l of Ordinance No. 80, pertaining to the compensatioll of t he . Clerk of said Vi11l\ge, lie "nieMed 110 as to 1'Cac\ a!\ ~01\0\V8: T he compensation 01 th a 'Clerk of nid Ylllal1'e sha ll be and therl!ll~ IIIme ,ill here~y . fix,.ed at Two Hundred lind . Twenty-fivc Dollara ($226.00) per aQntim~ payable qua,rterly. · . S~CTtON 2-All ' other Ordinances or aeotions ,of Ordinances conftictIIII' with this Ordinance are hereby ' repealed. . SECTION '8 -Thla Ordinance ehall take eA'eet and be In force from and after the earUest period allowed by 81lC'rION 4-Pasaed at tho Coun ell Chamber, Uda the Utb ..., 'oi





Christmas Day,

December 25th, 1925

"The Lost World" with

Bessie Love Lewis Stone W aU'a ce Beery 'Lloyd Hughes

Special Matinee at 2:30 p. m.

One Show at Night at 7:30 p.m.







"Where You Get the Most of the Best for the Least"

Ordinance No. 113



"The Lost World" is one of 't he three best pictures of the year.


~lIiber, 192&.


GENERAL INSURANCE Mr ~ . .hilia Donova n. IIlrs. Jane Wr ight, MI"$. Eli zabe th Baily, Messrs. " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.1 Fred Devitt a nd Mert Baird were f' Dayton visitors. Monday.

The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Waynesville National Bank, for the purpose ot electing offic ers for the ensuing year, will be held at their banking rooms on Tuesday, January 12, 19 26, between the hours of 1 :0 0 and 3 :0 0 p. m. J-6 L. M. HENDERSON, Cashier. .... - - -

L. ~ ZlmmeriuD. Olerk. ",~. .~~~~~~~...~~....~~~....... A~ .


Fully Equipped for Good Service. La r ge Display Room. Ambulance Service

Mr. Robert Vandervoort, of Ohio univ('I'sity, is spend ing the h lida \' s with his pa rcllts. Mr. and ~ lr: . J ames \' undc r vo orl. W c ~l e yan



- F. E. V.a08ea, Propdetor



Notice to Stockholders

'Yayil...viUe; Ohio

We·Wi,h Our Friends and Patrons

Walter McClure

1\lary and Anna Carstensen, o f Cleve la nd, arc spending th e holidays with their sist er, Mrs. L. A. Zimmerman and fa mi ly.

We are able to do crushing and grindin, again, havIng remodeled our' plant, ' and have a Full Line of Prepared Feeds and Concentrates for home mlldn,.

End the wo", of Christmas Shopphlg , Nothing you .co·u ld discovel' in a monthof Christmas .hoppingwould be quite as acceptable to the whole family as a Better Buick. ..

Everett Early



I 'N

DiW!cm.' 0.-1 M - . eo.s-;....

. oJ

Lytle, Ohio

Phones: ~:~;:::::::::.~:


S · U · ·R~ A





__ 3 ,

c:==~,o~ooc'== , ~,o~oc,==~eo~o,~e==~eo~1 t r

o o Merry Christmas to our Customers , Y \lr ffdth in 1I,.-il1 (, I l l Int "g'nt~'-Ill the quality of " !.'I'~·lhi llg wc :0;,,11 and III our n 'a"O llable Jlril'I!,~ ' ha,; 'olltriblll<1d tu thl' ;,\l1I \'''::\ III lI11!' bust) e~,~ , \\ e than k \ Oll " lie ;\11(\ : II 1'1 01' \ OU I' eonl'idef{\"" ... · Muy ' OU I' hn '''i'l't~ be a .11'11'\ 'Ill' <'nd the :'\ l' w- Year bring you a g'lll!l'nU8 111 '''''lin'· of all 1 hat makes life worth Ii ·!lIg.



Wl' s uos<:I'il l(' d to this HpacI" ju;;t tn senu you u MeHRHge of Goo d Will . [or eh ristmas, Al1o t h l'l' C hri-tm: l<;, All olhrr (, 1]' \l1llllit~ n nrg't,t I,ll '1]1 ' :',< :ln d npp roac h and (1l'i lC hhurs in Ill'inren' - lllril fell \\'shll'. \\,llh e xpressio ns of seasonable good \\ i" hl's. \V l' . the ll lldl'rsiplc c\ hll si n cl'~ I'cnpk o( \Vaynesvi ll e thank you for ,, ·UUt· (a\'() I' ~ during th ( losi ll g- ,'",ar lind wil'h " ( \U ;1 JOYOUS AND HAPPY CHRISTMAS



friellli g

Waynesvi lIe Natiorial Bank



I o





• aths are found in every window, andles twinkle in the n ight, :May yo ur home be wreathed in laughter And Your Yul etide day" be bright,

0111' Store has be e n ex tendi ng the ea~o n's t;l'('et J Il~S to the Good Citiz('n~ of Wayn('sville




TlJ e l'ason'", Grecling to you and all our many Friends

, J. M. Thompson

i\ll'ITY ( ' hr i~tma>: bE' Yours , And to this "UI' firm \\'ould add, :'Ilay it ue the ill'tlt Of all ~'n\l'\' ('\'er had ,

for t \\'ellty-fi\'(~ ycar~, and now w e wis h You the "ante ,

L. A. Zimmerman

'W taynesvi lle Auto&Machinery CO.

,------------------------' " "

. ,'



,With sincere wishes for h appi ness , and prosperity on Christmas, and every other day


May Chri iltmas bring Joys that will laHt throughout th e coming Year.

Ac cept our Sea!;on's G reetings Tn t h e good o lcl -fa~ h io n e d way, We wish you Joy and Happin ess On this Merry Christmas Day

Accept our s in cere Good 'Wishes for J oy, H appiness and Pros perity

Dr. H. E. Hathaway,

J. C. Hawke

I).roger .Grocery & Baking Co.

t, •


M, B. Weltz, Manager

I o

Chas. May your C h ri:,;tm a s be la d e n' with J oy, H app in ess an d Pl'ospe rity,



The Great A. & P. ,Tea Co.



May your Christmas be one of Joy and Happ in ess Don't fo rget to

Walter McClure J. E., McClure

To greet you sin~'ely at C' hriRt mas a nd wish you Happin ess

- ,-

- , -- - - - -- -

E. Edwards,

Ma n g~r

With kind est thoughts and best wishes for a Joyous Yule· tide

J. Will White

Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Farr

C. LEE HA W 'KE, The Barber

D o


Merry Christmas Greetings ' All in si mpl e rh yme, Sincere, Hearty, True a nd Cordia l, To last as lon g as time,


\_---------------------~ ...... ,: ...



n o W e're wil<hil1~ .rou a ren l oldfashioned Chl'i,.:tm/1':;, the jolly happy kind ,

,.: ,WaynesviHeF arme , ,

s' ExchangeCo.

Th e SCil son;s Grcetin gR to all our Cu~lolllel's a nd Friends, Old , Nell' and PI' ilpective



W e '~ i sh you n ' M erry' Christmas and n Prospet'o!,l s, Happy New Year

The Spirit of Christmas' 'ails (;s to a .better appreciation of old associations. an\} the va!ue 'of old fri encl~h i ps, .May the New Year brmg you a full ' qu ota of p nc,e , and pros- ' perity, ' . ' r ,i,~,

Gray's Cigar Store and , Barber Shop



c '.., ..


..: , "


w. 'H ., MADDEN , &·' ~O.











This Firm takes t his opportunity to extend y ou its most cordial


" f


Seventy-Seventh Year

r··········· .. ···· .. ·· .. · Inte;::~n:h~tem. i

Digs O wn Grave

This Week

SCORES MADE AT IT'S MOTHER THAT PAYS THIS TIME! RECENT SHOOT Th e Wl\yn t' s \' i ll ~ ,un clnh ,wi ll Iwld , ho ot , J.'rid ny, l" 'w Yea r's . Day. ul Oakda le pllrk. Tlw, ,· , Iwo ts Mr. and Mrs. 1-10wnrd Archdeaco n ha\,' bc'co me vcry pllJl 1 tlar, :111t1 are SpCJlt Christmas in Duyton. nttruct ill~ the uUen liun "f s purt,men from nenr and far. Lost--Chol'Tolet crank, betwee n my office nnd residence. Seth Cook. Th ere will be pl(' nly o f priz"H t o "hoot for , nnd if Y"" do no t K~ t a Miss Irm~L Shutts, of Wilmington prize. you will have lot. o [ expericollege, is home for tho Christmlls e nc e at th e ga me. At the lust shoot Jr ive n :It this par k holidnys. seve ral I.:'oud "co res were made f rom both t he l{J eal und vi ~ itinl.:' "I'OI·t, . Pre-In ventory Sn le closes JaJ!u- F'oll owin/: is th e oeoro of the best uary 5th, at Cury's Jewelry Shop, s hots mad e: Lebanon, Ohio. McClure, locn l 70 ou t of \) 0 [, 2 out of GU IIfr. and Mrs. William Michener and Demmi tt, MOI'row 5 1 (J ut vf 60 so n, Jllck. of Pittsburg, Pa., nrc vis- Decker , C('nleni ll p Willinm so n, CClIler\'il le 3a (J ut of 40 iting relativc!! here. Squ ires, loca l G out of IIU 10 ':11 R vut of :!O Miss Edna Howlnnd is spending the Cllmpbcll, 48 OIlL of 80 L. SUl'fllCe, Incal holidays at her home in Wes t Union, 1'hol11l1s, 17 out .. f nO loc al and with fri·ends in Columbus. Ornd orf, loca l 11·1 OUt of 70 H. Burt on, lucH I 9S outof1 70 Mrs. J . B. Chapmlln and sons, of R. Smith 66 out of 110 Cincjnati. nre spending the holidnys Merrill , enh' rl'ill ' 27 out of :1 0 52 ou t of 7 0 .~ome OIt Mrs. Elizabeth Baily. Stllndifo rd luett! j: " ., • UO out of 100 C~r f (lrK . Ziml'll(' rnlutl Kod el Rndios and asse mbled sets, 01'111 Su rfnce, local .2 1 out of 30 Co rn cll. 1(,,::11 12 out of 20 lIiiss Helen Hawke is o n the sick lis t.



Before long unless a prominent .utomoblle manutaoturer fails in his "ndertaklng, tbing machines wl)l do a grelll d~al of this refrigerator busiJ1~< llwiftly and much more cheaply mlllOJlg "cold" car~ unneccslary. 'l'be fruit will be take" on bOl\rl\ and carried to a heig ht supplying nllt_ ural retrigorntlon t Jhe plane gelng up or down in nccordance with tit ther_ mometer, and arriving at its dest!llation with the t::'.uit naturally refrigerated to just ihe point for storage,


Young men now making 'living with In«iependent passenger busscs will make_ a l>etter living with independent refrigerator flying cars. Senator' Capper. of Kansas, one of tile ablest 'friends the American farmers ' have in Washington, sars Uncle Sain might well co-operate,wlth farmere by actdally helping them to sell their 'graIn. High spirited financiers All>." t~ra 10 ClOSll ~ aparc~r,but ·th!iI 991111" t J\'Prn' gapperI II'he '~gy~rnmght l}~lpe Qilroadp bf "a!slng raffill ~'0!npl!l!il!r tl)e pu,,!!_ . lie to pay, Uncle Sam can act III ~lcket aalesm*n and price boos~c~ for 'the rallroadi, why not as whea~ B,ill!!lmll!l for tile farmers? .,


an .

CHRISTMAS PHrrURAMH ;~~~1r~;:"0~y US~po?UC:~~;in~d ~~d~~ fORMER RESIDENT Mills. Mr. nnd Mrs. Alfred Wright, of RECALLS EARLIER DAYS AT SUNDAY SCHOOLS spe the University of Pcnns ylvunia , nre fiRE DESTROYS ndi ng the ho.lidays with Dr. and A t the Sunday-School, on Mrs. A. T. Wright. Clifton, T('xas, the und ay mll rn ing ht'forc ChristDocember 22, 1925. COOPER HOME Dcar Editor Miami GazctteMI'. and Mrs. C. Kuhlman. Mrs. and the memucrs rccdvcd th ei r hrist Chri~lian

The n\1ove letter tak e ~ us bnok to childhood days when th e writer with hi3 )'o\lng r b;other, frllnk, the late Hownrd Hopkin8, the , Inte Chnrley Adnms, Stan le y Sellers and Esther Keys Sellers, Nan Wright Dakin, May Wright, the editor of lhis paper and a few other hilltop resident.B, were inse parnble compnnions. They skated and played together from morn until eve, lind fOl' several years this companionship existed. The Bradstreets were the first to leave the neighborhood for their far awny home in Texas, and, as time went on the companions becllme widely separated. We are very glad to publish IIfr. Bradstreet.'s letter,' and trust th-at lIome of his old friend s will ~ilC - ~~ l'!i~l_ . IAltters from formcr residents al:e alway. welcome ' and are very Interestin~' ~o tlieir ' formo!, associates,

Twp milJion fiye lJuf1dre~ ~h?u Han~ American mCOme tax pnyers wtll wel_ come, one change In tho' proposed lri. com~_ tax law. Ii increases the eX·om.'IPuon pI )jn/Jle p'e~on8 til '~l,~1)Q ~nd of m!!nied peopl ~Q '~f6P . "'WhJ 'hpt ; lilC'te~e the ' xe ptlpn Jot' eilQ~' ~1tI11l1 '. Ybu ~an' brThg up. ~ child 'for UOO a lIesr.' Parents rals~ ing children lire Working ' for thol State- wit~out charge, and ought not ~e ~~d !o1"t1!~lr trOUble. '.



' wo:~'IP1




~" last fdpnd"y j!venlng the annual mee~lrig of the W nrren . County Wes-

leyan U88ociation was held in the 1>1. E. church 'banquet room, with abont twenty present. A fine dinn er wns served by a dlvi. slon the Ladles Ald. Cnrl .Meister. of Delaware, priliclpal' spenker and other int';'''''RtllnlZ' -'f~af~res ~Iled ~he prp-

mas tl'eut.

On Wed nes da y evening nt lhe M. E. chUl'ch, th e S unda -Sc hool guve an interes tin/: prOl.:' rum of mu ~ i c and recitations, after which Su nta Clllus ca me in with hi s donation. On the sam e e\'enin g, lit St. Mary's church, the children had II beautifully decor ated Christmas tree_ The [l rogram con sisted of recitutions and songs, interspersed with carols and other approprinte selections by the church choir. The usual Ch ristmas treat was dis tributed.

SANTA AND PARTY VISIT WAYNESVILLE Loud blasts of u horn announced the arrivnl of IInta Clnus, Oomilak lind the four reindeer at Waynesvillf, last Thursdny. S!lortly 1\ fter n oon they drew liP at the Grnde building and were ell. thusillstically welcomed by the children lind n vast num ber of persons who had gathered there from nil over the townsltip. After a short talk In which Oomilak gnve some -interesting facts about his nati"e co untry the pa rty drove down to Mnin street, where a -crowd wns nlso waiting. Before leaving Waynesville Santa and Oomilnk lunched at Burton's restRurant.


Date Changed On account of the c·oming of Bishop Henderson to t.he Warren C,o untll rally of all ;the Methodi t . ill\urehes of the count.y, ·a Lebanon. on January 6 the W b l11lln'~ Foreign Missionary ' soeiet.y will be changed from Wcdnesouy to ' Thursday alternoon, Janullry 7. 'J:he meeting will be held at the honlo of Mrs. George Mi\j{l. All t.he ladics nrc r!lqll~ted" • note tho change of dn te ana to be prese~t on ~~~~r~

f""':' r ( -

. _

"'!.r-''-:--- .


:~'~mHS~I"':" ~ ..' ". Eli Denn, agcd 83, died at pis home here, SundllY morning. He was a veternn of the Civil Wllr. He is survived by his widow. The funeral services wcri) held at St. Mary'll church TuesallY alternoon, Rev. Philip Hull, of St. Andrew's church, Dayton, officiating. Burial in Woodland cemetery, at Xenin.

CAR ~'fRyC~. ~Y ~UTO~OBILE was ttl\n~ a~~etl l3om\ng Y\ll\l: wer\! - AI lo'ranklin Pac.ker was retumin~_ P,cesldcn~, MrJ!: to Wllynesville from Selma on Sun~ j , lIe~retary-trensure, day evening, the car in which he _ TownAlev, of Lebanon; 'e xecu- riding struck a coar car at Xenia, tlve committlie, Mill. ·Dora Srawhan, shaking the passengers - con'BtileJialiiy~ Morrow, Rjlv: Stafford, Mason, Mls!\ break. ing \\ar w\ndo'IYS a\\d delayina' th~ ~\\inl ." - '1 " '-. Edith !larrip! ~~~~I!: 1 •• _



Mary Rogc~s and Mrs. Li1.zie Davis. uP'truycd th e $25 .000 home of Cinci nnati, cnlled on Wnyn C8viJI c of FIre Lee '1'. Coo pe r , pres id ent of the friends last Thursday. L. T. Cn"p ' r He,,1 E.tllt(' co mpany, at Oakwood an d tnr Hill s nvenu e, in Mr. and lIfrs. J_ W. Edwards and Oakwood. 8hortly before !l o'cloc,k, children and Mr. O. J. Edwavds spent Mon day llI oming_ Christmas Day with Mr. Will Russum The e,)nlcn ts of tlw two upper and family, of Dayton. fl oo rs, vulued nt more than $5 ,000, nlso we re a t.ota l los~ . Misses Annie and Mame Brown e The blaze is b~lieved to huve bee n Mrs. J. G. Smith und Mrs. Elois e cau se d by a defective fl ue. Thompson were dinner gu 5ts of Miss The contents of lhe fir st fl oo r were Emma Heighway. on Monday. saved by ne ighbors who ru shed to the assist ance of members of th e fnmily Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank 1-1. Fnn, Mrs. and lIid cd thelll in carrying out the Emma Dakin Dnd Mr. Thom ns Pierce furnitur e lind other belongings to were Christmas dinner g ues ts of Mr. sruetv, reducing the thronten ed pro?_ erty loss by several th ousa nd dollars. and Mrs. J. W. White und so n. The dam'nge to the building is covIIfr. nnd Mrs. Walter Clnrk and ered by $ 17.000 insurance, according family and Mr. Everett Clurk spen t t o Mr. Cooper. Mr.. Cooper was formerly Mi ss SundllY with Mr. and Mrs. Rolla Bolton and so n. J ohn Paul, of Ferry. Ethel Willi nmson. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. II. H. William so n, of this place. ____• _ An eye examination Is an obligation to your physical com fort and personal efficiency. Consult Dr. Rudolph, eyesig ht speciaUst at Cnry's Jewelry S h()l~, eve ry Tuesdny, lit Lebnnon. The boys lind g-irls nrc having a fin e time 8kntin/.!' this co ld weather. Mrs. Effie Smith_ Mrs. Flossie Ca- The II) ill p _nd at t he dam has been rey and son, Chester, and Mi!lS Lucy fr ozen ove r. lind makes a fine place Emley spent Christmas Day with Mr. for skll t inf' YOllnJrstcrs arc enjoyLeander Calrey and family, of near ing th' ole ru sh pond, which is closer Doods. . to town. This will probnbly be the last yeaI' Mias Mild11l!d Hartsock r eturned for skatin g- on tl1l' old pond, 0 8 it will Tuesday, to her home in Milford, af. bc dr aine r! off. This historic pond ter "pending n part at the Christmas has bet' n in exi stence for years, nnd vacation wit.h Mrs .. E'dith Hurris and many II person has developed his prope nsities on this famous. fllmily. old pond.


Many nre the j .. ke, crll(,kPcl at ('XI'Cn Re of'poM ,,1<1 rind at thi _ "rl\ SlJ lI of t he Y('lIr, lind how he i~ f nrc('d tl) pny f IJ I' hi " u\\' n ), j'ft.. It r emnined, howev('r, fvl' n &-year-o ld yo unghupefu l of thi~ community t o turn th e juke on l11 oth e l'. lind force h ~ r to pay f u r h ~ r own Chdstmag p r~ " ent . A r~w (' v~ll in!;~ ng~, li ttle W illie, (we cnll him Will ie Lecause t hut di'_ t inctly i" nut his IIl1me) , went into n I .. cul . t vt·,· an d d(' ll1undcd thu t h.., he shuwn su mc H"li c l ~ which l'oul d he Jlurchn : ,·d fur a dona r, . tntin){ that he w!Inted n Christmas pr('scnt fur his mut her. A flc l- much iJa rgn ininl.:'

and IIr){UllIcnt with the clerk, th,· g if t WIIS duly select"d nlld purchased and Will ie depart ed, ~hc proud,Cs t boy. in tvwn . Later il1\'e stigati o l1 ~ broug-ht f nt·th the su me what umu~ il1 /: lind ing eni o ll s n,,·thnd , by whi ch Willie hud ~cc ured th e necessa r y do lla r wilh which to mak e his purchase . Befo re s turling fur tOW/l, he hud cu nfld ed tu dml that if he had lL du lla r he would buy a Chri stmuH prese nt for mo the r, but his cuntldences brought II .. r es ults . Someth in g hud to be do ne. Willie kept sile nce li nd bided hi. tim e ' \;Ihen the flllllil y III'1'ived in t"w n. Opportunity kn vck ed at his d UlI l', an d was quickly ('mbl'llc~d by \\-illie. Moth e r sell t him t o d~li\'er S() II ~ e uutter to Il customer IIl1d th e cUH tomer paid him n do ll nr. Theil a ll wa~ easy sa iling', lind moth el' g'ot the proceeds from tho slIle ll f that butter when Santa Claus cum e.


Co-operation of th e_ citizenship with the s chools for the purpose of not only securing better buildings and facilities, but securinll better results in education, was a main thought in the nddress of the Rev. Philip Trout, of Springfield, fOl'mer Methodist Epis. coplli pastor lit Spring Vnlley and Bellbrook, in his address at the dedication of the new township high scho ol at Spring Valloy, Friday afternoon. Prof. D. H. Barnes, of Xenia, ussistant - county superintenden t of sc hoo ls and head of the 8chools of Spr ing Valley and Sugarcreek township, presided at the program. The first speaker was H. W. Owens, of Xenia, who formally prese nted the high school buildinl!' to the board of educution. D. F. Beam, president of the bOllrd, res ponded accepting the building in the nllme of the board of educati on and the general public. H . S. Noggle, clerk of the township bourd of educa tion, gave a report of the expenditure.. for the new school. His report showed tbat $63,000 covered the costs for grounds and building~, and thnt there is enoug h left from the bond issue to build a garage 24x80 feet in size, which is now ih course of erection, and wm nccommodnte about twentyfour mllchines. The new hig-h school, whkh is onc of the most IIttrllctive in the county. hus been in usc since the opening of school in September. A. W. Drewess 011 acc{)unl of R"ickn c s~ and extreme is principal of the school. cold weather the special song se rvice, t hat WIl S to huvc bee n given nt the church on Inst Sabbath night, WIlS. pos tp oned, lind will be held on Sqb. bath night, J anuary 3, at 7 o'.;:loek. All are co rdinlly invit~ d to this s'ervice, which is tQ be given by the cllOir. -

I IlIll re'n ewing my subscription for anoth er year. I \VIIS born ncar LytIc in 1860. We moved t o Waynesville in J 70. My fath er owned the Bee Hiye ha rn ess shop. We lived on the hill, two or three block" from the school (where C. M Robitzer now lives ) which I attended until April, 1876. I well remember my father often sending me to the Gnzette office on Wednesday evenings lor a copy of the paper- the Inmented Drew Sweet was the editor at that time. My mother's name, before mal'riuge, was Kelsey, and I would be glad to henr from any of them, or from nny one who knew me when a boy. . In 1877 we emigrated to Bosqu e county, T-cxas, where we still reside. Our family located considerable lund in this section In 1861, before the county wns organized in 1854. In the first election he ld for county officials there were only seventeen \'otes cast. 1 have lived to sec B0ltaue " punty become pnc of the be s~n Texas, and the State to pecome ~he greatest State in the Union. With best wi~ hes for th!! editor nnd the puper, I am, Very truly, ):I. C. B~A,DSTRE E T .

u ve ry g-ood IlTogrn m wns gi ven,


mn ~.


A-IJ repordlf a~e Ilroken in freight traffic. In- Optollcr: r e farries! morl! than fort)'-four !JIllIons of ton~, IIbl/ut /1 bll jpn ton~ mor!! t}1an October, l!l!H, The growtb of California's fruit blJ8inj!ss is relles:ted In orders for JllPre thlln 6,000 new refrig~lrl~tor cars tor the Union PMifi9 aJlQ ~()ut/)\lrn Pl'9itll:.

. b,


. Cancer, steadily Increasing for seventy-five years, is etiJI on the increase. The highe"t cancer deat.h rate in the United Stutes is found in MallS&ehusetts and doctors do not know why. South Carolina has the lowest cancer death rate. Investiga· ~ipn of diet, number of unmarried WI/mil" lind other social statistics Jlligllt enligpten the professio n.

===== ==========;:====== l = " ,,-,.,-"===='"j


For real deals in real estllte observe New York ity. Million s upon millions arc poured out; n o one notices it. One mun, F. F. French, announces n building project to supply living quarters for 800,000 people. They will be housed in buildings towering townrd_the sky and covering a small plot on Manhattan Island. In one corner of Greater New York there will be a new IIttlo group of 800,000 people, in itseIC "one of the great c;Ues of Americn."

"A medium for the dissolution of Twe/ll . '! I'~ ug o Walter Hansen lonllness," says Mrs. Neil ii' B. Stull dug his 0':" l:r a ve , Lut hasn't need- or Elyria, Ohio, new president of ed it j'ct. H(\ sa:,.~ he hutes the the Widow and Widow el's' CIl'b of Bounu oj' d"<ill fa lling on u casket Amenca_ "Don 't I'll h-the" line dun •• u ;Wler!1l. fo!c nloen's home form s on the left," says CUPId. 1& m ', ,\ .-ka nsas City, KnMIlS.


ha nges aro slow or they ar e violently rapid. For thousands of years men were content to trnvel on a ninlOla, or slowly moving, clumsy vehicles. And in less than one century came the change to the IIteam rnilrond, auto mobile, flying maehine, the submnrine and from the messenger on foot to wireless. What will the ra te do in the next 1,000,000 yellrs.


Good Skating

Mr .and Mrs. Hnrry Turner and son, of Bellbrook, Mr. F. B. He nderson and family and Mrs. Kate Ooleman spent S:unday with Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Cran\!. -

- - - -_.---

Missed Service

. . ~

In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Wright, Dr. and Mrs. A. T. Wright ento.r tained at dinner, Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. W~ne Keever, of George School, Pa" .a ng ~rs. Jane Wright. Pre-Inventory Sale eioses Ja.nuuary 5tlt. ni t Cary's Jewelry Shop, Lebanon, Ohi.o, -


Chris\\I1BS Day, glleatB 01 Mr. and Mrs. Jllmes ¥cClure were, Mrs. An CadwulJllder. Miss Clara Lile, lI1is ~ Wrigbt, Mr. G. W. Hawke and Mr. nnd Mr,s . Walter McClure. Dinner gnest& of Mr. W. H. Alle n and family, Christmus Dny, werc Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Burnhart, Mrs_ Emmll Barnett, of Cincinnat.i.. Mi s~ BeUe Gatch, of XCJT1ia, Mis" Elizabeth Stew_ art and MisfI Emma Heig hway. Mrs. Lina Devitt, Mrs. Elizabe t h Baily, Mrs. J . B. Chupmnn and tw o sona, Mrs. J:ulia Donovnn , Mrs. Jlln e Wl'lght, Me!!srs. Fred Devitt lind M. D. Baird were entertained Christmm; Day at the home of Mr. fln,l r.h~. Elllmor Baily, near Lebanon. Mr. nnd !lIri. Sherman Dyke, Mil;s Rhea P'l/lto, Alvin Dyke, Mr. and Mrs. William Dyke and family, of Dayton. Mr. and Mrs. Cltft' Burnett and fam · ilY, M.r . and Mrs. Forest Grnhlltll 01\\( daughters spent Cltri s~mas I"!{ly. with 'Mrs. Huld~h BUI:nett, tIn" >IOn8.


~. alld !lin. Raymond Osborn, of )!:enla, Mr, Dnd Mrs. Starke and sons, Lowell, Verllun and VirgU, of near Wl\yn,esville, and Mr. Harold :Met~od, ot Middletowll,. spent S\lt1~!'~ wHih ~.: and Mrs. ~.

F~ 9s~~-l'PJ Q)t \¥1I~ne~ville ROI,l\e 4, ;~ ~;

New ~ :lvel' .


Is the champion lifo He ha s been dccorated by

mnny 'mtions for his courage In £lLvin) .. humlln life-with now nea{ly dity W his crttli\.. (.

. The State Highway 1)epartment has formally let the contracts for the im_ provoment of the Cincinnati pike, south of Xenia. The section of 2.627 mlles in Spring Valley township wns award ed to Bish & Cary, Ada, Ohio, for $61,737.58 for wuter bound macadnm, grade A limestone. The section in Spring Valley and Xenill townships was award ed to N. B. Putman, Columbus, on a bid of $9;1,018.06 for wlLte r uound macadam, grnde B limestone. Th e total Is $164,755.66, whkh is con siderably under t he engi neer's estimates. The work will bc started in the spl'ing an d mu st be completed by September 1, 1026. Th~ Abel Magnes ia Company will supJll y the stone for tho Putmnn co mpany. With the addition of t.he bulllnce of th e building of the Warren county rond, the coming SUlll mer, Wnynesl'iIIe will Le almost shut off from lhe world for several months. But with the good r oads from Cincinnnti to Columbus , Waynesville oug ht to grow bigger lIod better in the coming years.

; • : :

Prepared by


Columbus Reporter


COLUMRUS. OH IO- Ohin Stato IInivl'l"" ity. that gren t in. litulion of il'arlling. through whi ch so llI uny of Uhiu'~ fut un' me n a nd wome ll will hal'r tIH·i,· !i"" S "ha ped. i ~ to be di 'lInC't! IIJl thr/ rough ly IIn, 1 put on lhe great piuu" whe re it shou ld be. FOI' IlIll ny montlt s lhere have been rum nrs o f th is ur that bt'i ng wro ng a t the unil' ' r, ity, of t his or t hat sorority nr thnt fraternity contro ling ccrta in ci n.scs and IllPthods o f ~ ch ool ,tI, d eVt'n pru fe"surs hnve been hand l"d rUII[.: hl y by Dllmc Rum or . The urn'fit "f onl' profes ·or, the dismissal o f one dell n and other chnrges huvc () 'cu rr ed durin /: the past t en d uys, but nl'.co rdin g to hig h informati on th cl ean-up work hilS ju st sturted, The admin ist rlltioll is ro>ponsib il· for the con duct of the in" it utiun lind it. is certain that dete rmined efforts are to be mud e to make Ohio Stale uni vers ity a ll that it ; hou ld be, un.-I u place wh ere young men anrl gi l'ls may co me wit h complete conlld e nc c, the s urroundin/.!'s iJc inJr such thnt b nefic ial res ults will be 1II0re evident in the future. It is I'CI'y probublc that some hi g her-ups II I'e go ing t o got into print be fore the glmkc- tlil is over, but the powers that be dec lare thut ind ividualis m s hall not prevail ove r institution benefits. nnd that th e sole PUI'POSC is to put this Oh io'. g reat est in stituti on of learnIng- on the very hig hll8t plane posSible, nnd thnt it s hall be a university which the entire world s hall respect. The Stote of Ohio Is looking for a s ite for a new institution that it proposes to build. This institution will be a hospital that will have a capacity of at least 3,000 feeble-minded patients. It will cost unwards of a million dollars nnd the location of it in any county mea ns nn increase In popu lution and considerable business for the merchan ts. At least 1600 acres wil! be required. More if the price and soil is right. There must be plenty of water on the farm, and it must be locsted near a railroad. The State doesn't want the land for nothing but will pay cOBh for such a site. The Grufton site is to be aban_ don ed at once and no further money will be spent here. A special commissio n has declared after a close investigntion that the site is not suitable for the new hospital. John E. Harper, director of public welta,r o, wil! eventunlly select the site, but he hilS caUed in experts to aid him In buying a property that will meet the needs of the state, not only today, but for many yenrs to come. Ohio needs a hospital" for feeble-minded. Almost a hnlf million dollars is alrendy available for the purpose and the only thing thllt is holding it back is the selection of u suitable site. There will be a comparatively few Ohio auto owners without -their new brown and white 1926 license plates nfter this week, according to Thad H. Brown, secretary of State. "Auto mobile owners hnve been eo-bpee1'llting splendid with the vnrious licensi ng agencies. and us a result delivery of new tags has been carried through without mUch difficulty," Co lon el Brown says. For a while there wns considerable objection to the new law which compelled bills of 8111e to be shown ut the time the lUgs were issued, but. once these are uecured th e u uto owners will not expC1'tt!TrC(!""'the present difficulty oguin, and now auto purchasers will be a bit more particular about taking good cure of their bills of sale in the future. First distribut.ion of auto tax funds will be mad e just as soon us possible" Colonel Brown said.

The sale of the 1926 hunters and tl'upp ers li r.cnsc which must be carri ed by every hunter on January 1, hl18 been sllch as to indicate that there will be plenty of a.ctivities in the fie ld with the firs t day of the new yellr. The old license expircs on Thursday night, lind F'riday morning OH t·y hunter must hnve the new licen se. Dent O. Th ompson, chief of the State Fish lind Game 'department, l'e lJOrts thnt the slIle hil S been heavy a nd predicts record receipts through this channe l durin g the coming year. The fishing lice n'e a lso expires this week, but it is hardly probable that th er e will be nny t.lemllnd for the 1926 cards of aut hority before spring. If anyon e expects to fish with rod nnd r eel. howo\'e r, before Spring, they mi p' ht SOYe themselves from trouble by being equ ipped with Subscribe for the Miami Gazette. tho new Ikense cards.

---_0 _ ...----

--------. Christmas Spirit Shown NICE NEW FLOOR In Community Celebration IN OUR LIBRARY -.~.-------


" On Monday night of last week Mr. The new floor in the public library Mrs, Ruuell Sallsbu·ry entertainSuccess was the reward of thoM in Miss Lucy Emley, in fine voice, of friend s. 'complimenting charge of the Community Christmas with violin accompa~iment, p)ay;~d by is the gift of several publlc.spirited citizens to each of whom we owe our celebration whlQI.t. took place }In M!. 1;l!red Watk1l15, snng Holy thanks. The project was made POllguests were, Mr. Chrl~tma, :f:ve. ,fl la1l!e tree wIth, N i g h t . . _ W. tterworth, E. Michener, of It~ brilliant ltghls a bright star shin_ I After a bnef but able add~B9 by sible through the efforts of Mr. s. Mr. and lind )tn, Ing at the top IIn'd tasty dec.orotions Rev. L. A. Washburn, the Qbildre!l L . Cartwright. The lumber was fu~ Jamell, was a beautiful steM. The tree wall 9f t,he Grade schools, u~de: the dl- nished at cost, and the labor of lay- . Smith, erected and ah"ptld by Robt. Crew, rectlon of MlslI Clar~ Llie, san" in'g the /loor Willi cheedul!;v d\>nateCl Rye. and. and the electric; wiring was dllne by "Gather Around the Chnstmas Tree. by Messrs. Robt. 'Crewi Geo. BartSatterthwaite an~ Il. E, ' and Mra. W. E. Mr. ' Jell~ Burton aBllJBted by -by D. . The children were gatht:re~ Into " . E, 'Standiford. . " gr9ups an!! the treat was dlstrlbuted The- weather Will Ideal ana early In by the teachers in cl)arge.. More _than I mllln.•"" the evening a larire crowd had eath- 600 bags of cand~ were Aiven out. .. ored. Tbroughout tile entire pro- - The eaTol singing. under. the ,dlg~ oroel'lineu and re\1.Cl'ence- pre. rectioD of Mr, ~fred 'Watkins, wu Tailed. _' bearty and fn..,ln~. .. . Dr J -'I' EWa was master of eel'After the program 'Will emoDi8ll' ~d announced the begin- the carolen went to _the homes of Dine ot the lIro~, Followill.L the shut-Ina ·and pddelled their hearta IOI11r1 "Joy to the 'World," and "Harl; with the GhrllCla1aa ADal. SbI.... the ~ A committee Df



State . Capital



triv.ln b, ReV. L. A:. Wash- ~ balketa of

!' . .:.~.the 'iii ~hlmD. . . . ."

"" Came UPOD •

Day ~~




Notice to Stockholders


Thore ill AlwAYS rOQln tor mon t t ho tllpl


Th. llnlllla l III ~Lill g of he RlllCkhol<lors of t he WnYII svillc atiol1a) Bunk, f or th!! l'UrpoSL' or clectilll: o fficers for the l'llsuiu)! ~'<'ll r, will bu h lei at (h" ir bnn kin g' ronm" on Tue ~ day ••Tu11I n l'~' Il!. 1":W. bel \\'ocn , the hours (' f 1:0(1 Ilno 11 :0 0 p . m. J-6 L. ;lt. Il l':, 'D F:RS ON. Cu~ hh' r. --2-.- - _ _

illlpr ov~.



The Atlantic COC:lstal Highway Now NEWS Gl~AN~D Open .to the Public; .from Maine to Miami


PROBATE PROCEEDINGS 11 . nll\·is . IHlmini"t1"nto r of lIll' (da l.· of Frllnklin P. I avis, de'l''' ~'' U, filed hi s I\rs t nll <l fin al acIII n '. l', lilt" l. f :\. il SlIlIwhlln. 11 it \\U ~ o lel C I'l' tI that.. ti t.(lck ucI""eilll: to lit e l'SUl tt' he chulIK('d (or

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Prompt Repair Service


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5 p. m .

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ra t' , hUl C' \l I1\(' t p find IlIlt hl' l'uI\' IIIllI II i.' >l1 il elt'an ed. .

M ain O ffice

924}; South Brow n l Street,


It'. R<' ttin' 10 uowJ\dny ", lh :\t jua t Kcllin' mllrri .. d i~ ," u ffictc nt gro un ds (o r div orce ,

Over Si g ma Thel\ t .. DAYTON. OHIO








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Centerville, 0.


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spe ntlin )! mOI'e t ha n $ 1U,OOll ,lJtJO on

New Burlington,O.

Phone No.2

<l ,n,:; thl.\ (lHeiti l' C4Ins tlil

:~ U l t'l l .):tI·d :1 '"

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t his h i.L! hway dllrill~ HI:!5. ,I'rac ti · !'lIlIy nil "I' t he I-'lo l'iu" portil,n of 1his new cO ll ftlai hi ~ hwny i ~ now r e nu.v

:\ nllth l' t' Yl' al' w 11l S l'l' work ~ lurt c d ,

Whil t, Ihe upp e r <:n<l of th" AllulI i.- I.,; UH ·ir Ii " t ol'l' (l l·tullily t t) driv e 01l8 1a l h i~:h\VuvoJ l'a $~ CS" th""''n:t". Il b,'I\\'h wh ich lit IIIw tid,' i" lie .... t ht, tl'rrilo ry whk h IlHld~' .l h., Ii .\ 111 " 1'" lh K r" l wid,. ,Iud,"" n-


~:i-;~,~~ n~.f s\':I~d ldl:llU~)~~~:~~~~::,tI~,I,I)i:;~ ~: I~i ,i~III'

. :.=.==== ' "-,,, (ALAIS

~ ~~~/ VI\"( if·

,. ~ 'v~~;~~tON I



f\. 1,'.;',):/" ~<'" J


I ...{. /" . \ :1. 1\1 1;:\11 ~.

I~ c~~



• ~ VnudevtUe Acts and Feature Photoplays . Entire change of program every Sunday and Thurs day. Continuous performMoe from 1 :30 to 11 :80 P. M. Afternoon prices 20c and SOe. EYe~ing8 SOc and SOc. W."COMII TO DAYTON I If ,.,u dlQe or lunoh at The Orey IIAIior ",. , ..I .Uf'e your to n ayile rememberod wltl\ OOnplw.aure. Real Homo Cook.. Attraot1V8 8urroun41np. PIlon. Main 447.

"Safe Night and Day in every Way"



Our lIOII1 in next 18 months $1,000,000.00



1 of. /.j.


David I. Prugh, Secretary


..... . '/



D epar tm en t

Whi le In Day ton

La rg o.t A •• oMm e nt In C ity TI ':H~IS.

cP'-~.' )



Prnorlptlona by Mill ONler Premptl), FllI.d. TreNJ.a Quality Drug Store ... We.t Th.lrd 8t. Open All Night.


If your dealer can't supply you. wTit e


us a nd we will ship you direct. HERTER &. COMPANY Dayton, Ohio






w~--------------------~ X Nobo~y In DlLy"'n Sellal Bett er Drug. CARL A. SCHMIDT 20jI SOUTH LUDLOW ST. CHEMICALS


:I ~



:II ~


Dayton's Lar,eat Auto Park on Fourth Street, JoinIn g Dally New. Building. 25c for 12 Hour Service Ol,en Dayan" Night.



Benzol Oa.

and Cup.r Motor 011 For l00'/' Motor I!tnelene),. QIDDIN08 BOI"T DRINK CAFE AND RESTAURANT "'ome t oo ked Food Our Specl.lty,


LunCh At All Hour . .


N. M.'n




att ention to ou r t ro m out of tow n

8 , L.Udl ow, nex t to Union S t 3t lon.

Popul a r Prices

THE TOGGERY SHOP HATTERS-FURNISHERS Ke ith Th eatre Build ing 120 S. Ludlow.


711 It. Monument Ave .• Dayton, O. Telephone East 11~


SHARPLES CREAM SEPA RATORS Full l.'ne of Dolr)! Supplle.,

a...ber Shop in CormectJoa

R~ o 1 l ng

19 W _ fifth !to, Ohio. 'il1



Automatic Fully


OSCAR O. WERTZ W..hlngton St. . Dayton, O.


Guar~ nteed-R .l labl.

A.k your Plumber or s t op In our d r oom the n ext tl m e y o u ar e 'n Ol yton and let UI t e ll you more a bo ut them,



Popular Sty. es


trl.n elll Roo m



N. MaIn

Street ,

Dayton , O. II Whe re W e Aro Locilted ELi s t Mon um e nt A\lt;, FOLKS : H Olida YI -Sund ays- Eve n Ingl , Y o u, no dO ~l bt, d r i v l!: 1re · qu e ntl )' t o ou r c it y . We a re a l . w ~YI ope n . ' I' ' ake th is pla ce your meetin g pla ce t o vlal t y our f rlendl, Tho fl ne .t.

~ nd



_ ...r- .....,r"'\



' -',.l Ac.<:'O hl· • '.~",\ VI LL E ~


. .,



\ \ ~




1rt ,h u t lines of F ruita

Prod uce


off e red


y our

. el ect lo n a t spec i a l p r lc ea. W e are o pen t o t a k e c are of your ne edl while In o ur ci t y . Ca r loa dl a rrIve dally of a ll k i n ds o f fr ui t,

CRITCHFIELD FRUIT CO. Mo num e nt a nd Foundry St. Opon Day and Night. P'enty of Room t o Park Ph on. Gar1leld 95&.

You . may l omotlm e ' have lomethlng to off e r In our linea,

Get In t ouch with ua.


Furn it ure - 1>'1.11 POI'. " Ant iqu e Furn!ture Ron" .',ed an d A v~,~~ ·r .. " The Behringer Cleven g e r Co. 127 N. Pe rry St .

~ ~:'

whcre th e Spa nis h expl'II'l'r Illuded 011 till! pcninsula. A little [urlhe! on the Coastal hi!!hwllY pa ~scs the lus toric f:ntes of ·t. Augu.ti nc . swings to the lef t, and t)l(~ l ouri st ti n ds himself ;:tl2.illg u po nrica. Ft. 'fhi 1\I ar th e oldest - - -_ _ _--., f OI'(' in Ame s ion, stronghold was .• cnll1p leted by the Spanish in ~boDt I' SO. A di sti n ct ion of Jot. Manon tS C ARL A. MYE R S llltlt it n e \'cl' was taken by an ene my. Diam o n d s . ~';\ t ~ ht! J " Jewelf' · In t. Aug u8tine, also, is f ound the oldest house in the Un ite d Statcs. Arcade Bl d:;:. 33 W. F l.. . 1· ,)"1 St. Goin g into Flaglor coullty wtho CoastaJ hi gh way t ouris t strikes, ~t D ay t u n, . h io "n l!~. one o f th e fino st roads III the State. alld through tho first d enseI Y Kl'ow i IIg se mj-trQ"icnl vegetation, SP E A G H I i-1 U SSES passi ng th e h o mll~of ~n D. RockeEndeil \lO l lnu , t • , I ( Inl t/ll t o gi ve ' fe ll er un d t he i-cJidences of m llny fr ie nds ., n d J.! •.t l 'JS th e b ~ .l lorv lc with ev e ry .,: r.) ~ 5 to te con ve n ie nce . It ot her ki ngs or ti'y und finance. I. my pI C;1&U ~'t" iu In" o un ce th ilt I Ormond, pnyt<Jna, Sea an I lo ca hd at ly in g within a fe I euc h ot hROOMS 863 · 8G~ 1o!O IUO LD BUI LDING 'J' ult-l..tilll !Jt' 1; .. 1 fl . ' ld :! :III !i cr •. recently combin ed em selves into L . J . HATH AWAY onc munici pality which h ilS ta'ken the Forme rl y I..o('.d cd 0 1 3utl H, M n l n St. nume of Dnyto na Beach. It is on D AYTpN , ()H I , Da ytona Beach where the world's speed reco rd s for automob iles have We Buy ftom Produ cers Butter, been made since automotive vehicles E gnl, P o ultr)' . were first munufact ul' ed. \'l'hcn In D a.>'lon O I" llS tour Prod uce After passi ng throug h New Smyrto U•. nil where the Atllln tic Cons tal hi g h. John O. Ska plk, Mgr. WilY is swept by oceUI1 bree zes until THE NEW CEN -RAL MARKPrT ~[ r: J\ T S it rellc hes Miami, t hc toul'is t is well Wh nlesllJ o & R e tall intI) the Blue Goose, 0 1' Indian River S4 S. J . froraon Street. country. f r om where com es th e. fa· mou s Blue Go olte ornn!('e the p in !!' upple and almost every kind of veg. WAl.K · OVER SHOEB Reoognlz ed t ile Wor' d Over for Th e Ir etalile and frui t. Wond er fU l Style., G OOd FItting Qua l . Me lbourne is equidistant, because .tlea and Standard Value •. of Lhis it is kn own a s Midway City. Fo r MF: and WOMEN It is th e Atla ntic coast terminus of Prlee r.nge ,7:00 $8.50 $10.00 the cross state h ighwuy fl'om Tampll KEHMBOOT 'S WAl.K·OVER ~ SHOP and furni shes a junction point 'f or Exc l eJve A g ents \ those who wish to leave t h e Coastal 89 S. Mai n at. highway · for points on the West D a yton, Ohio. coast . Long before he r eaches Stuar t the motorist will sight the lighthouse at Jupiter and find the highway taking him up lind down d ale IlS the vegetation changes from semi-tropical to tropicnl Crossing .Jupiter Inlet the



----- -

INDIGESTION. MAYBE REA L ES TATE T RA NSFERS The sword swallower Iroin' around Gl'llce lit. Fish, tn R. 1\1. Robinson. It)t in Fnl nk li n. $1. _ _ with a circus died ye8terda,- h. Armin 1\1. lIud Wi llillm O. Ha ll, to swallowed a pin by mistake. La wr enc e K und Muri e Murke r , about :;, II 'I'('R in TUI'II 'c r l!k Tp., $1 . ,~lll nJt.y '. WiIIQul:hby to J ohn C. a nd 1':lIen Ad a ms , lot ill So ut h Lob·

----*_ ...- - -

u n o n,

' .:_




r... "" ~~ ~


011 \! 11 SUnda )" .

Oecol"IIt tng -- Dr ape r le. -

M I STe.'R I>IJTT":S, I WANr 'to

I~blJc.e ,(,oU E\I~'('e.ob ~E. ,"0 'Q:)U'l.L


11"'" "OoIEl\1




"'ANT 'tbU ~

MEET" M~ ..... AFPL~uN~ A "-II!. ' H 1.s'rER.

\lA~' ~CSLE."'A.s.P


I" 11,1' ll1:tlll'r (Of Ih l' cstut(! of Am. Jus FolI l'll. Hll illry as janitor. $1 5; I'e lln Mll rt(\n, ~lI m c , $70; The Law I I' "I I ' . t I ' f LI all l :l ' .. (" ~~rr , J:HI\ ~ll ll~~ ra I) ljC A b ~t r flc t Cn., guh sc ription. $ 12; W. t '!''':I ;~' t',1 ~1',lI' j' I . l 1 l' l'l'~l S e t, A. Scu t t. uricl;:l' rl'pa ir. $10 ,8 0; J . y. \' ~. ~llt"', Ip\.'n '\ I~' Il " 1 UPt Pnu :-\Nersl' Mul ford. "tll nl', $:1.10; !larry D~VI8, t "1'1' r .w ' e, bri og" r£'pnir, $101; Clint Butle y, II k'' 111 e. t t'\\,'re : n'uC"I I 1l'1 ,(> f \1 ' ' -',. .urH , , · 1t..'1I !·g"(' sUlli e. $IiO .·IO ; J os. Mi .. kelso n, gravel, J ~I III I IlUHlJ'S 1Ptll\l'( l un 0 (" t ee DitnuI l':ol. ifll'om ll~t('n t, til ed his fHur . $2.70 ; Susie McCray, BU lIle, $6 .60; ll ' E'"'nl'sL I~u rl'i s .• unu·, $6: R. Drnke, tt' (~',~. t'll'\:IC~;).1111;; ' al'd\lff . a t.imini :;t rat o l' ~u n w . $0; Geo. Cu rder, hauling gra v_ "f lit ,. 'l':;lal l' .If I)ulli 'l L. l'l'n l'do fT \'1. $ ; W . n. Cnrdl·r . sa me. $4 3 ; OLd, .,',."".d Ii"'t! hi :; til':;1 lind tillul lie: to C I'o~" e n , I",idle,' r epair, $3.90: Blui,' und Le r oy . SUl\l e. $7; grav.. 1 and (' (\ lItl1 , • III th,' IIIIIIl.'r uf th e e s lat~ !I f l!:dlla eou l, $ 110. 65; Fran klin I rc and Fuel Co., cou l, $20.·1(;; Van Cu mp SLol,e K , :\ndt'I' ~Il ". dl'('l'H S(' d , it \Vn ~ nrdt.-'r . l'd Iltat :"hl1i"i , tI'llL01r ti le purtitil'" Cu., cr . • Lone . $224; Orc!!o nia Brid!!e n., I'l'pairs n tru ck , $9 .!10; S . E. ' Cutlcr poyroll. $ 6.02; W. E. Gmhnlll. S;IIII ' . $ 120 ; W m. Spllrks. inspec In th l , mutter of Nap , Hill , it wn~ tUI' (·Il"·C .. t c0nlfll cts, $10; J ohn T . ord l' f'l'd t hat appli('u titl l1 hi' tlHHil! t o Grcl:g. pllyro ll , $36; Chits. Spencer, I hI' :' UI' 'I'in tl'ntl(' nt or the DlIyton S II III ". $44; Duyto n St encil ~V o rk B . ~1L1tc hO"l'itu l fil l' ntiOl i.;sion f ." id ~ uPJlli eR. $6, 12; St.a ntlard 0 11 Co .• :-:IIP II ill. I. l~. Spl'lI iJ,!h l WU H IIppoilltell n •• glls u nd oil, $ 137.30. Sig'I1(ll' i ll t he maLll'r t.lf lhl' oS5 iJ.{ nm e nt tIt' (:l'(lI';:(' W . Spl!ai;:hl. Bond S15, . NO CHANCES !lOll, App .... isPI·8 of thl' prol,erty nnd II SS I' I, lin' L,' wis Kiphnrt. Nicholus A \,iator- "Sur(', I'll luke you nil lIufrml1n lilt" Sa mue l Cha rlto n. Tl w \\'i ll (Of Aman du Lctiti" Mc Ka y lp but you' ll havc Lo pay in ndvance," " In ncl vunce? Wh y, we' ve boe n up WH :-o llrd<.'rl'd fi le d. I{alp" Gn'\'n WilS UP I'"illlCU aUlll in. be fore , and " I ways pa id when we got is lra l or or (Iw l.' s lnl(, of I·' r unk n, thro u~h fl ying. " Avi ll tor- "Sure; bill th is I"'n~h i ' r .I II I"' ~ . ,"',·eased. B('nd $.\000. Gllr. I'clt l'Il'\'l·n;:l'r. W . . Pellce anti Geo. isn't UM Sli fe as it used to be." S,'II"rs \\' (' I'e appointed tlppl'fli sc r~. The will "f LULN se, Nell ie, deccllBcd, THE FIRST ONE wa' nd mitt l'tl to pl'obate. I'rllu f o f publication was filed in T euchH- "Now. child ren. how m:l · lh e lIIulte l' of t he est ute of Edna K . ny voyages did Co mm odore Dllo n A ndl!l'"on , tl eccused. make ar ound the world ?" ItThree." MARRIAG E LICENSES T eacb er-"Thal's right. No\\' Cllr> Il erue rL C. Curroll. far mer of Mol'· you t ell lIIe on whic h one he . . s I·OW . !ln d MI'~ . M!lr!!,lIret C. Wi lki nson drowned 7" of Lebllnon. Elmc l' E. Snell . hllr ber a nd Bessie WANTED TO BE SAFE L. Hu nynn . hoth o f Lehan on. J amcti J o~(' p h .John ~ . printer . of Doc t or- "H( re IS t he med ic\! ('. ~I itillll'ttlwn. and l.illian G. Taylor, Fut two drops in each eye tw'~e . ollice workel·. o f Frtl nk li n William Gran\'i1 le Kesling, stee l dnily." Old Henry- "Beloah and altab wo rkl' r of Il o lidll~' Co vt's West Va., catinl?" >tntl Mllha la Fitzgera ld. Frankl in.




E. R. lind Be ~6 i (l May Waldeck to l'h ~ rl c" W. Hluck(o rd, abo ut 69 acre. in Clc arc reek Tp., $1. La fayettc and CIani Graha m to \V "It... r an d Belva L. Sheets. lot in Lebano n. $ 1. Jl enr y Au g u ~t u s Balo n to P .S. 'L'rclld way, abo ut 20 acr es, $1. lI enry A. Bur~"rllf to Thomas Pllr_ ker. lo t in Franklin. $1. Lc)is a nd Minn ie Hoppe to Mollie Reyn olels , ubout 1 .1 - 5 a cres. $1. David und Jennie Rol!e to Walter Lynch, lot in Franklin, $1.

We, the foll owinJr tum •• n.r., poaitively ferbid an,. h"atln. or trappinJr on our farml. Aar ,"olation of the ••me will b. pr_latlon accordln.1r to .law and to thl flllI_ extent: 'ELLA MICHENER J . F. DISBROW ELIZABETH BAILY MRS. RACHEL CREW MRS. WM. LOY. MRS. ELEANOR SlinK.'

NEW SUITS Edith Klink va. Alva Hill, administ rnto r o f the estate of Annie K.. S pence, deceased, for allowance of c. claim. Amount claim'ed $1191 .60 and interest. F:dgllr Stricftan vS. John and Celia Henderso n for monoy and equitable LOANS on Chatte..,Stocb, See urlrelief. Amount claimed $341.27 and ti cs and Second Mort,....... Not•• inter est. bought. John Harblne ' Jr., XlIn!a, COMMISSIO!'iEJtS' ALLOWANCES Ohio. emSO-'i'


• • • • • • • • •

ane nery becomes more and more pl!!asing and tifteen more mile, of It cnrries th e car into Wellt Palm beach. W est Pa lm B each and Palm Beach are soparated by Lllke Worth, a body of water s urrounded ulmost entirely by parks. Illgoons and hostelries. The winter tourist traveling in search of pleasure will be in the center of acti vities her e. From West Palm Beach on down to Miami toul'i stti on the Atlantic Coas tal hig h wny find t he mselves trav. oling through u ser ies of small towns. Da de ~ o unty, at the extt;emity of the A L1antic COlIstlt1 H!g hway, is ono of t he chi ef cont ribu~or!S to good roads in F lorida, hllving spent $ l,240,OO Q d uring th o Illet yell~. .. Alth oug h the AtJllntic Coastal high way will be the m ai n thoroughfllre ot t hc east coast of F lorida. there are many Is teral road s which provid e f or s ide trip s from the mllin hi ghwny. One of these junction poin ts is Jack. sonville, wh ere t h e Old Spanisn Trail llIay be tu ken to the western part ot the slate. This t rnil extends all the way to Pensacol a in Florida and on to New Orleans.


Farmers, Attention! Farmers ot W/lrr.n 1I!l4 !J4jplnln, coun mil), ol>taln "'An", '" Iqn, time loan., at Ii". p" ''In~ 1"'*-J'8~ Cost of .eeu'rln, the lal1l' I. sonable ,throu"b Th. Lan. Bank. For further i.dormatlon .all on or addreaa M. C. DRAKE, Tr.... urer. phone BIG-X, Lebanon, Ohio.


v." ;",..


WANTED rAM now org/lnizlng Warren County for the Ohio State Life Insuranee Co. For Agency Opportunitie. or beet insurance protection,. write to Gilbert Bi~~1'2 B!llf !III, Wllfn"sYil!~, Ohio, . W ANTED-Reugh. ",oDd, out .boll' 10 or 12 inchel tor heater, 9all at this offiCII. _, W ANTED,;,:",AII kind. ot lott Wood, for pulp. Morlr!. Graham. tt CASH-For Dental Gold, PlaUnum, Silver, Diamonds, jDla"neto pohlta, false teeth, jew_try! any valuabl... Mail today. Cash Dy retum mall. Hoke S. R. Co:, Otaelo, Mich.


, lc:"-low ,.148-1 ~tC,1CT TI·,.,e; ~u

.. L--.


F E. '1-:.t'~~C~ 4 '';:~:,

• ;.1 " ' · ;





GtO· \

The BALLARD SALES Co, STUDED KER DIST. 333 W. Third St. O p en E\'t!fl l ngH

F" ,


'I ~ ~ .


~' G '


M . C~R· \,1


243·251 iii . Second St.

To V lalt Ou r



YANKEE Mash &. Scratch Feed

QuIity Drua-Low Prices




~~ .




RK~ '



V. E.


!;:w~1I orRt~~rn't~nl~I'~~lct~~o;l t~~ The Geo. J. Roberta Co.




:o:ll:r:n:.:'d=6:6:.6:.~ I I

'n Ne.d of a Good Ro llable Pump



f:J ' "V' , I,' ) t ' "./.{t ~. '. '. 0 •

ty Oulture. d~!;r;~c,.~ i~ p~~lt Your In · Perm anent Way•• '10.00 , :F:o:r=A:p:l'J:ol:n:,,:":e:n:t: C : Ill =1


,, '

E . pe rt Servlc•• In 411 Part. of 8eau.

E;' ~Y

J . Mnson Prugh , P resident


TRY DETROiT'S ORIOINAJ,. S TO U T MAL T D.TROIT MALT I!X TRACT CO. 41 .aat DAYTON 710 lE ..t and at. Keg. and Bottl.e &t h St.

, . . . LudloW



The Ohio Savings . & Loan Assn.





OU R PRESENT DIVIDEND RATE IS Deposita made on or before t he 10111 day of ea ch mon th bear div idends from the 1st duy of the mon th .

'RM Union Building &.


601. lO







A ..ociation Second S t.



Pell,i,"I , $n8 .OO:

O11:11;~I~.~:~~~;~I:}\~~ki;~~ \"';;~;~~";~~:~~t ~:t\~.i:.'f.rc~1 C~~~,t~.o mlllo"

for tht' nrlllY of ~ un - hullterM which ·-t will went its WilY pn lmward duri ng \l'u<hinl:toll. I" rc d e " k k , uur~ un d the ill tilt' world . thl! next thr c n "' nth ~. cities murl e p r o milllint ill thl! Wat' lH!_ T Ill'1I lh l' Coas tal hh: hwuy l' n tl' r :-1 Ev"ntua ll y tlie COlls Ul1 lIig hway t Wee n th e S tull'S, it has fWlhing- t o intI! thl' Jn l1t1 Hr l'on l'~' cit. L l'\lJ l a nd, aPl'l'Ollc hi n)( St. ,\ u;:u>1 in.,. l'a"~,'S whu t is Ild\' l'I'ti~ cd '" till' "Fountllin o t' Youth ." · It is IIbn,,!. Itt tltis point


llI ind

Stullal:~ Co .. " Ippl ies for uudito r, Hic

I "

It a lTol'ti :.- SO\llhhnu ud tnuf'·

IHdl' :-;,


l,l'r. 1'1,

"II It :-- 1·lIl1d :-: . I=-' :-i 1'1'lldlIH!' HI1 Ht h,' " up prll Ji"lati\')Jl \,f $I ,;\ OU,U00, :\nd i:o: ' Ult ~ 1I 1 t.· rlll).!' lhllHIiIl,l.!" it ~ l ' l ( 1'0 1' :0:1. 10. ,1 00 . -

\\ ilb

lt i"h wlI Y lI hi ,, " lhrdlt! . tl", Allunti,' Il ig-h\\; lyand

F. T. Martin Jesse Stanley Auctioneer Auctioneer

l 'CI\lIlty,

lIi J,! hwa;·. IIl1ant ' I':atl 1!1 "ull)! 1I th l' 1·.;:er/: I,"II '" . \ JlI,' I S Iltl' " '11 1. II lI d l h,· I::~I " WII Y I" and J,! .. to 1I 1l' Wl'~ l ,·" U, t, 1I Il'II~l' It , lite :-'''"1h. ha ~ J II ~ t . ",·1l1 ::;2.1' 111' .111111 jo in


11l' 1tlt't1t.

Wl'l' r allll CI'iest E. wert' IIPpui nte d exccul .. ,·. ,, (, the (', Inle of ll' linda Griest . \\ i ll !lilt (' lid ut. :\Ii (ulli . Flu rida, Ilut "lrt ' l' uf mol't' hi .... tul'il.· \' "hll' t han Fl~)r . . dt' . (la :{l· ~t. HllIal. $u, OOO . Apprn is. pl' l'4 appo int e d \\'t'I'C E ll Hamilto n, \\'i ll 1"",,1 II ,:,, II 'll " "1 II J!'1'lIl'd ll l l·II.'·,",' iJa. . . I I I 11:lI'I'Y ( :I't,,,th,,u,e ""d ,\ rt hlll' Bnrk.

\\ ill


$tj~ 1 ~ 17 .0 \1,

L. ~1. ", ·n d,·!'s .. ll. J,!uardiull of th e ." Iil l., .. f Mllr;' I':. ElIi:l. d l" 'NI 'cd , ti led hi:, lil':-, t lIlT I.JUl\l with vo ue hcrs fo r


, tlh'

. ,.

TIll' n, 't \,111 111' Il f thl' l·s tut.e of Sum· T, Bnl\\' I1 . dl' el' lI scd, \Vn~ found

1t \'.l ' I'

\1a ltll' til ,'l i arlli F I,)r Hla, i:; IIh\\' \'al"111. ll iy l" nl p l t,t"d a J.!'1'l'at l'il llh Hl of

p rt ...

~H I (I .



~:\111 11" ,ditt J.· hl' \' t'7.t ,d i nl ._, t l \\f1 ~ t.' nb~ :"-1lH.' lhn ).!' o · )..!1\~\l11I1 ' · 1' \ I ' r ~'hll d y I hOll,L: hl S:lIU ll:, d II H IJ g' h~ ;)

",nal" o f J o-

H l ll ' I'J.!', · I' l1lil· I'. dl' l'CtUHHI. au;h J,!i Vt,,, II' lil' lI chuttc l pro l~ '

l' I' l y ht· l v IIJ!1I1J..!' t o lhl' ,.. s tat e a t




Reat Room in Grange Bldg. W .. yn .. avillc. Ohio

Loan 5 E.


l' 1I1l til.



~very Thursday

. ..










.~",crt.1I0. Prl ••, ,1.50 piP Puloll.b••


A Short Re.ume 01 the Charocferidic. 01 Each and Every Graduate of the Wayne.ville School.

LJECEM Ii ~; R ::In, 1!l25







lY1LE MTs. Cline Gray is quite ill. Ro bart Collett is on th e 'slck list ,

MI'. li nd Mrs, Wilbur Clnt'k enter· ChBS, Madden was a Colu mbus vis mined ut a fam ily dInner Chris tmas itor, recenLiy, • On )'. Rev, and Mrs, Am os Cook huve a Th~rm o llleters he r o l'eJ!isl red 8 new Ford cou pe, be lli \\' Zl t'n ~lI nd uy mornin~ nn(1 6 Mr. /(i ld ~I rs . eh a>, ~ I:t dd,' n I' erc I.l ! ,W ~1 " I'd ,~' ,


Ci llo uti \' j:, it unj, t his


Cia.. of 1925

world, encouragement



waa falterinv. tor it demonstrates how powerful indeed, how irresist· able i8 the Influ ence of the Prince of Peace. The torr~nt sweeping dowlI the mountain aide hila Coree that is but puny when meuured by the forco of Christian Truth, "J~8us was," Rabbi Wiae admits, aw. eping aside for all time the age long teaching that Jesus was u myth, The theologian then proceeds to say that the tea c'hings of the Nazarene have form od the very foundation of tho Jewilh onward march to God, that the truth no lonrer can be ignored. but must and 8hould frankly be ad· mltted. He 8tate8 that the busis of Christian life is the foundation of moral 1I1e, and that i! Christianity hill! seemed to faU it I. not beea u8e of its weaknes8, but because 80 many ot those profeesing Christianity have practiced It 110 1008ely lind indlfl'er· cntty- many indeed not practicing it at all. The arraignment Is saluto· ry. May It bring the mind to a cll!ar. er und.rstanding of the fact that Chrlltlanlty h a living thing. non. exlstant when not translated into life lind .ctlon. It 18 beside the que.· tlon to raise a quibble either with J IlW or Gentile as to the personality III the world's Rede omer. It Is c:nCllI"h If cree li s Bnd S8CtA shall hon· l'dt ,) ' w\> l'ohi" 3L their respective • hrlnu If thr\r hand, bo linked firm· Iy Into a gl.nt bum.n ehaln that unite! on the common ground of Christi tin Jiving, of Christlike kind. nala and buman love. That man can be termed a phllol. or ht'r 'l<ho finds hll joy in b.lng dll. p08Bellld.


,h. aa,.. .f .... Lor" t .... Cod la nia· ,.alt ao. ,alee


arc mil es and miles o f sm il es; s o life 's

worth while If you but smile, " HAROLD WILLIAII1 S0N- "When a man ain't got n cent; lind he's fee l· in' kind 0' blue : it'B U J,(reat thing, oh, my brother, for a fell ow just to lay, hi8 hund up un your shoulder in a friendly so rt '0 way." KATHERIN E TURNER- " I deteHt an electric fan for Illllwuys ruin~ my .. permanent wnve, MURRA Y HOPKINS- Murra y hus already heard the call, "go!" onc Clf the prim e factors of his "",bi lion - a command and exhortation lo move forwnrd to g reater accump li sh. me nt&-ind eed, the history of civil. izaUon is the sto re of this mighty im. pulse.

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• . 0 ~ /I e ~, tll i ncd tl l<'ir dJildn'n 11 11ci g ralldc hilM,r , lind Mrs, ,Wilbur Il awke an d dr"n to ( ' hri" t\l1l1~ "iIlIlC1'. 11I,,"ly ijpe nt Chn slnHls nul lIf tOIl'II. Mr, ulld ~ II 0, .) : IIII(' S It. ,Juhn. (' lIt(, I'· Mr, an d Mrs, Clint Gra y li nd fllm · (u illed I n a fumily g-a lllC 'rill g uf LI,, ' il y wer c Day lun ShOPPC I'S, Mll ndu)" IU II<'r, IOn Cll ri , tlllll S Day. Mr, IIl1d 1\11'., W, f) , lI a rl lln ell · Mr, Gl'C1 rlr l;ray l'cc"i,'''cI a box " I' tertllin ed Ir. lin d 1\lrs, Cli lT Il uwk(' J,(rar ' fruil fl'OlII ~Ic', ,I uhn SU' ClU p , of on Chri. tm as, M I' I',' .'e/('~, Tl'~ " 111 "1. wv .,I" Mr, and 1\1 rs. Slihin M, ,, Don a ld >! lId M i", (,/ "" Slal'), "I'(' nl la"t 1I" " ' k family l'flle rlainp .1 relative" tu Il wilh h.,!, "i"t CI', 1\Ic'>, Ill'al'lli SIl",' hll ll hris lnHI H dinner. ,,, ,, I fUII ,il)', lI~ar Fi\(, 1'., i1lL



city be soUd ? As well 88k, "Can gold be solid r". Of courso It can. Belld04, solid go le! is th e only gold worth .... hlto. There used to be Jewelr y call ed 'gold washed'. iii had the a ppearance but not the reality.

MI', und Mrs. Ch aH. Gray and l'lli /' \ 1:11"'" (, .... 1\1 1 lIll " II e/ ,'oI III ' UII Ill)' rJrcn W(j rl' (; ht"i !"\ ll1la ~ dj"u ~1" g'lIl' s t !'i " f :-\l' h .. rd ( ' h ri !'> t ' II:I ~ ('n tt ' r-lui ':11 . .1 1\'11' , and Mrs, .1. C. Cray , I h" " ,11 1'''1 , W,.dll "" I.IY 1'\" 'I,,"g, Mrs, Id a lI "w(' 'I'e nl ehri >lll l". ]: "1' 11 '1'" \11'. a" d ~I " I;" '"" " wel'k in !la ylon with hl' l' , ,," , H IIIT)' Sa ), I" .. , IIl' l' 1'.:111 ,,1 1.""1!, "I' /..,1. :" ,,, " .

ulI ,1 1111-. an d Mrs. Clare'nel' AlI"II .

Mi ~" N~Jli u a nd (' :ltil (' lllri )!h t w. '1'( ' J!Ues ls (If Dr. li nd ~ I r' , (" C , l{a n· du II and l\Iiss II ,' I ~II, lOll Chris tllll'" Uay.


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There are cities like that, but Brunet! CIty Is not ono of them. It baa substance. Nothlng holl ow about It. Ita tlnancos uro sound. Its Banks Ilrc bu sy and growing . • Ita Fa.c Lo rics are Increulng. I ts Business Concern s are expanding. One Whole. RaJe B oWIe is doing approxlmatel¥ ,71S0,ooo u yea r, There Is no oommercial camo~ about Hulnes City. We have the real thlog.

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,\ It'. Io lld ~I I':, Will ia lll 1l1'll1l'11 w.' r~ Miss Nita " vs t!'I', ,' f FUI' Ill/'r;; SIll ' ('hl' i,ll1l l1;; l"ul'~ I " "I' ,II I'. Ii" d ~l r-, t ion, is ~p"ndillJ! lh" h" li t/n l' "'/1 ''' " 1'1'11111, \\ " .. 11.,,\ 1111 01 ,'h i/ oil"' II , "I' /I,,),. with Mi ss!'. Hurri"it leI,,1 Ludic lOll. 'rucke r , ~Ic 's , ,I. H, .J ,lnl" 111 1 M1'. T }W I'I " 1\11'8, Cla ra COl\n ' 1', ~11'" 1';111,,1 SlIIith 91 I\ ( ' ~ \\" " '( ' Wt.· c:k ~ lId g'U t ·~l.-; of ;\1r.


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hris t rtlll H f) ay gu,'", " Cl f' 1.;'1.III\'ln rclnlivcs. Mr, Fran k I-Iough. l\l i"s I-:rllL'~ linl' unll urother, Will ialll, ',f II 1:1 n",,,,,I ('1' , wcn' ~ u c s lR of A nl(l" II IIII g-h lind WILLIAM THOMA S--He posses. fami ly, Ch ri Htlllus, Bes the proper balance of quality whiqh alwuys insurcB the high cst suc. Mr, IIncl 1111'". A. Z, Ila l'I , "c k ""cI celIS, fa mil y, of IlIrks" iIl l', \\'l" '~ ehl'i" ,,>:,s Day g u~sts of th ei r pure·nb. ~ I 1', und OLA HARTSOCK- Her noble im. Mrs. W . T, .Jordu n. pulse8 which slumbered at une time arc now awak ened into fuller life. 1I1is8 Mari e Puul. of Cincin nati , CARL GRAY- He now realizes sl1en t Chl'islml1s vncalie, n wi th h" .. how valuabl e lire the beat of young grandparents. Mr, lind Mrs, L, T , Volers, IInri Chus, Vllie rs, men, A sh" rt Christm lls proC'rnm and DOROTHY RYE- Be honest in all th e s in ~' in e' " f cn r o l ~ nt tlli' l\[, r. ur Lcmporul and spiritual affairs, ~ hurch Thursday c\'e ninlr, lI'as great · MARGARET MARLATT- I wish Iy enjoyed by a ll prese nt, [ could but repay a portion at least Misses Mabel and Margaret torr. of the gladne8s that my friends have of Dayton. were home with th eir strewn along my way .. mother, Mrs, Amanda Sturr, from KA THLEEN HENDERSON-Could Thursday evening till Sunday. I have one wish thlll year this would Mr, and Mrs. Everett Villars, of it be.. I'd like to be the 80rt of friend that my companions have been Dayton, spent the ea rly parl of thc to me. week with t he ir mother, Mrs, Laura JOHN KERSEY...LA8k yourself if Shidaker, lind other re lnti ves, you are makng progresa so that each Mr, and II1rs, Howard Graham, tomorrow will tlnd you farther than MI'8 . A. S. Collett a nd so n, Robert, tod.y.. and Mrs, Chus, Gord on ond son, Rob. THOMAS BURTON-Do not let crt. were s hopping in Dll yto n, Mon· your athletic jackets b et"ome too day. atilT, you must be in attitude; "fair and Mrs, Bert Ba rlow and fnm play," In order that you have a 8en· ily Mr, and J , Lester Starr , o{ ncar Way. altive Impre88ion of known duty. nelville, attended the Christmas ex· EDITH MoKIBBAN-Young men. ercises .at the Hall, Wedn esday ev· Of my cIa.. , I appeal to you-make ening, your mother your Bible •• Mr, and Mrs, W. C, Walker and FRANCES WATKINS - She poe· John Kennedy, of Dayton, spe nt sellles tbe quality of a natural math· Christmas with their parents Mr. ematlclan and what Misa Kelsey calls and Mrs. A, L. Kennedy anal son , "heart power." Herbert. IRMA SHUTTS--Behlnd and back Sunday dinn er guests of Mrs. Am· at all her tendemeu and unciion is anda Starr were Mr, and Mrs. W, M, the baekbon~ of hard, ltout thinking. Mathias and Misses Mabel nnd Mar. MILDRED HOLE-The fullnell8 of garet Starr, of Dllyton, and 1.11', and heart, the gentlene81 of her manner, Mrs, Chas. Gray and family, amonK the charming flletors in Mrs. Clara Merritt ned on her char.cter, Christmas, Mr. and Mrs. A, Mueller, EDNA MULLEN-The benediction Toledo, Mrs. Emma Cline and SOilS, at her smile, the memorlel of m.ny Earl and James, of Dayton, kind acta that meant t?Ue fellowship Mr. and Mrs, H or ace Stump and and sympatby, al'e Indestructible ler· daughters, Marjorie lind Miriam and acie. left for her friends .. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Hnrlan, KENNETB ST JOHN-He III • The school gave a very entertain · youna man with spiritual discernment Christmas program at the Hall, .nd an earnest COnCern for the ing Wednesday evening, consisting of 1fJ'0wth of morality which he 80 earn- songs, recitations, dialogues, plays, estl,. laban tor. .. .. and readings, Both teachers and TBELMA GIlA BAM-She haa ' I pupils deserve grea t praise for th eir large capacity for true friendshil', efforts to entertain the public in this and a receptive welcome In her smile. way,





Too Many Law.


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r: , I) ", l,' r,, 10 "',1 ," ' 'n .IUl·, l'I ,'vl,, '_, 1." "1''' and H lIe " l'll1gl l,' I(j . \\'I' I-'' In "1'" ," 1,." ,,1'11' >" 111(' 1 1 "li d "y~ with n t" "un (IU)' \II ,'P t lll'II' ,pu",'nL_ ill JIll ) I "", tv!r. alld 1v!rs, )';d l\lcFadll lld ~ !,ent Ch"1Slmus WI th oUl of l \VII I' I ti l' .\1J-. /Inri ~ I I''' . A 1I" 'I·t St".,y l·n(" ,-· '0 '

Surely this is a commandment th.t might properly relolv.e to oblerve .. one of our fixed detcrml. natior . tor the coming year, Thr ,rowing UN of prof.nlty particularly amonr our bOYI, lnd even aome of our ,Irle. baa reached • point th.t CD",,,,,,,,d. ,",lItlon and Ihould recol"e I"''''edl.... correction. Were ". to lIot one at UI would dream of ulln, the name of our tath· er in til. ·10.. ' and olr.nllve m.nner In whleh we hear bandied about the name at Him who II fatll.r to each one of u.. The thou,ht th.t profanity adds It"nrth to expr...lon I. one of the t.I\'I~. Gr.ll~ t wom.n, "ell~ ""t'~l lpeak.n h.Te .o",e to ... ~.t Itrtlltth power \Ie III ,ImpliCit,. aa4 ~at even the UII at adJeeth'•••hould be avold.d W"eft lI~bl.·( That man I, Itro"-. ..t holdl hll In re.ene. JU,hteoul Indlcnatloll earri" point on I:r when . elpr,.. ed ill talmn.aa-th. 'lp"NlOft of lIIature and deliberate eonvir,tioJl a.t torth wJth ArmJl ... AIId rqret. . How terribl, .hockin, to one at an,. riftJlein'Jlt to hear hom almolt ehlldleh li~ the oath tI\.t ehould be r'IIened fo? IOlemn and ·I.ered ' oe· euloDI. Bow' d\acUltllIlI' to hear m•• tUle men and women eet lueh an ex· ampl. to thllr children. Th. eare· Ie.. Ule of the Dame of God " .. reached that p... whare It hall be. Our college folk are at home for tome almolt a Part 01 ordillary can. the holiday season . Misses Helen veriatlon, It makes tb. slipplnr Rundall , Est her and Sarl\ ;'\Jnderwood away of all revereDee tor the divinity from Wilmington; Miss Margaret .nd ot relp.ct tor the conltltuted Cook.. from Cincinnati ConselI'\'lItory authorltl.l: It become. .t once al dill· of ' l\lusic; ' Chas: Moore, from Mial),~ tuteful .. it II obnoxloUI. Let our Now il a good time to turn over a university: Ernest Gillam, from first and flud resolution be to end new leal at the beginning of a new nieon, and Howard- Cook, from Earl. thll ,thourMleaa and unpleasant prac.. year. ham. .. ~ ' , tlee, ...... :,.., I On Thursday IIfternoon the school A B.ppy and Prosperous New It bu been dillcovered that In Alta. Year to one and all, is the beet wish children enjoyed a pleasllnt hour when they opened the gift boxes lind mont lalta lome of the male flah ha,ve of the Beech G,rDve corre8pondent. Forest Tibbals and Sister Vera" at· , distributed tho gifts, Each (',hild was H many all tour wives. What Is the "'"rlll comlnl' to 1 Our Iegltlatlve tended Alida Gray'8 Christmas 8chool remembered and the t euc hers receil'. entertainment .t Blue Ball, Wednes. ed a number of handsome gifts, The F"9'~~ "'ould lI'et bUlY at o\1ee,., day evenlnlr. children received a genl'rous box of cnndy and an orage apiqce, Th e I' 'PC!II!~d :p'ut ~atwhU!II::el:~~~tl.:: Cbaa. Ellis, of Lebanon, was among bank also prese, nted "a r,h one with ,Jt'P.l' 9l!r PliO",. are ,not m those from a distance who attended ~ a P!tFlr !tl! tllei !!III~ to, ~h~y are mak· the Cbriatmas entertalpm!!nt at the large stick of peppennint ca nd y, JIl, ",p ,pr (ills ~y marryang oftener. school house Chrj8tm!l~ J!:vl!. Through an oversight we n ~glc c'ted " , K. E. Thompson !lpd wife, Lon to mention the high schoo l pla y in our Frlendlhlp doel not c.n for recompen Ie. Only It. counter&it , Brannon and wife 11114 Miss !'dary Inst letter, "Prof. Pepp" was s taged Kathleen Toon!!); ~ent Chf-l8tmas last Thursd ny eveni,.'1g, The char· bilJar\ce eheeta. .nd part of th, holiday/! In Payton. acters were unus ually well cast and each one ucquitted himself in II credo Our new Sundlly·SQhop) offioers and itable manner, Mrs. Herbert Carr teachers the committee appointed at coached the play and deserves a grent their meeting lalt w,eek. wlll take pas· deal of credit for her ef\'orts, The : : IClsion ot the Sunday-Scbool on Sun. High S",hool orch~stra, und er the day morning, January 8, 1926. leadership ' of t heir in~tructor, Mr. . Am"lnnl "'. falrlr pvtrwh,lmed K. E. Thompson. Harley Walker Lewis, furnished excellent music, ~ l!)'w b1l1lU11f! pt th' "v~lanche of Sherman Ferris took our lehool 1!1~'191I'1 Il,@orlll"g to H.rold C. fQu"~ft .....wrJlI I("'~I' attorney. childn," to Wayn ..vll\v, Thursday, to '"I~r"1 mil,1111 ",cllntl, before see Santa C) all. OCJmilllk, the E.kl· , , Inl'~'" II.. 1M. UIIoclatlon. mo herder from AI.,ka, "Dllnder r, rQul.,p PIlIJlttll PII. how Can. and BIItz"n, Prancer end Dancer" all there. Ire.. Itullem almDI~ .0n.~lnually the Telndeu, ..rlndln, au' le,talatlon tqr )'ean and Having lold my farm, I will Bell Thll pl.ce we. well r,preeented POinted out that there are now 110 at MI.. Anna S.y.,. Christmas Ichool at public sale at my reaidenc,e, 1 mile 1", than 16,000 aeCltlonl of ihe Unit- <Jntertalnment at the Sehool bOUle on ot Lytle on the WayneBville and pike, on ed Stat.e atatutee. III addltlon to Chrlltm .. Eve, w~ich wall. complete thla thlre are more th.n 11,000 aec· from Hart to finish, esped.lly T" ..... ~. J.auary ,S, 1926, tlon. 01 tha ltate atatqtu and the ,he sonlr (The Chnst Child) lung by CommeDcing at 10 O'clock, the folnUIlIllNtl' II eonatantU,.jnere~IlaJ.. Bt, t.he Mlael Claudie and- Joaepblpe loWing described chattel pr'operty: Four head horees, farminl!' Imple. Gray and Mildred Wright, .nd the ments, lome household goods, etc. "1!citatloli by 141.. Veda 'Bennett. Terms made known on day" of sale. :&II. Anna S.yen entertained at W. F, CLARK. 4".,,___ the home ' of Mi., ano ·Mrs. Robert I:ew II, IIJu Lota lAwll' ABSENT MINDED ':11. . on Tuel!da, .Y'~'~~n,!":~f!f~~~?~~! 2Znd" wltII lo~rte.n ' _' ___ -:'. __ .__. PreMat. They were Stollard fell otm' ~ 'scatl'old Santa Claul. ",ho I \;:;~~:y ' and the)! to\>K bl1ll to the JK.I1~fI! I ~ Fe,~ he had QonouaalolL "-ra;e 1Ua ~~d, but Gould qlltll~~. r . '.

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;\'11'. nnd :II I>, 'h,,>-, :;"H\' \\" 1',' \' i I It , 1' 1)'11" 111", :,11' and IIlrH, \\" II. , ,;I' ''I'[1 in~ in Wilntlll l:l, '" , ~I",; d l')' , I \ 'a '( y, 11.:10' I :: ,II~l' l ilk,

! HERBERT AULT- "Don't" waste I ~'I'S, th a t' your time in longin'" to tight impossi. I I ~r

Th e P u bl Ie ' nnnou ncemen t 0 t • ' h aynpgoll'ue th eo Ioglan, . " II'reat "eWlI ble things, Rabbi Wise, that the hour haa come RAYMOND BRADDOCK - It is wben the Jew. mUlt .ccept Christ aa harder for us to rejoice with hose a f.ct, and HII teacblnll' the ba. wbo are prOBperous than it is to wee p "I'S of ·.wllh life and "onduct, buret ' th th h ' ... , W1 olle w a are III so rrow. like. bomblhell in the city_of New HOWARD COOK- May MiB8 For. York where Lhe Jewish population tunc, th e dllughter, neve r show her ilia tremendoully IUlI'e; and yet tho ugly vis14ge in my path of life, 8enutio~ ha. been accepted more 148 LOIS DAKIN- There arc tim es an obvious truth thll nas a prop· when deteat and loss are fru ug ht with osition Bet forth for purpose of con· lI'ain. troveuy ,Comini lUI It did on the eve of a new year, In fact just at ChristEVA McMMILLAN- "When yo u mastide It brings new heart to the smile another smiles, and aoo n there

Mr. Kesler Gruhu rn hns purchased n new radio,

Public Sales

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This a.pplles al80 to the real estate. Thu land ls high and dry, s tanding 221 feei IIbove _ !eYe!. It has un enviable focatlon In the CWlter of Central Florida, consequently It. value. are lIB high as Ita elevation: but, forto.nnbely lor tho investor, the prioes uro stiI.I low by oompariaon. This Is Ii state of atl'alhl whJab ls d1stInCtly fa.. vo rable for action, and th~ time tor /1Ot2on III DOW.

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UI" I lh., 1"'in d" L'1' at Lyll, ' s, hro ul, IJ n Thll n du y, at n"nn, A ~ p l"I Ht i d {' l ll l rUdr ll lH ' nl WH H J.:i\'.

Q-ranl\.. Bnj80n REALTOR

L' n ;11 L ~' lll' "" L' III II .! \\' ·.jIll':--day ai'l l"'. n ( IU II. .\ llumh"1" oi )l lrt·lIt:-. lin d fri l nd ~ W f ' rt' pn'Sl' ll t . ;\11', and ~l l'" . 1\",,1 ·1' l;1'II1IH1l1 II ncl ullu g- htl'l'. H ~!'1I i "(" at(e nli,'ci a flllllil r h ri ~ IIIJU :- ,/i Il IH.' " ut t h", h om e u f MI' , 111'1(1 ,\l IS. i\ 1'1I1l1 1' \\' hill' , in lluytu ll. ~ l r", II. .\1. ('f a l' k len, ThuI" ciu y U f l\- 1' 1l0 " 11~ fHr ( ' j " ,·111.:: WIl It

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and 1r8, Walte r Kenrick . in com pallY \\ ith 11'. and l\Ir~ , Wa lter Cust, uf \\' aY IH! HI'iil c, Raw "T Il{' l Ull. can 'istcrs" ill " T upsy ulld Evn, " at th" Victury , in Duytun , f'r iday ~ v en · ing, Mr, and l\1:rs, Clyde Wh a rl on had for t heir 'hri,s tmas I!UCSLs, M1'8, Eliz· nbu lh GI'cuth o use un d Mr, Wtn , Grea t house of Le b~l1lo n , 1I1iss Velmu S mith a nd Mes81's, 1llllU I und Herman Sm ith, Mrs, eth F ul'llus a nd chi ld re n, Sarah o ninn e and ' elh Jr" of So· cia l Row, SI)~ lI t Christmus nnd th e hoi days wi t h 'hCl' parenLs, Mr. an d Mrs. John Hill a nd other re la tives lit Richmond. I nd. Mr, und Mrs, Chllrl es Clark en ter. tained to dinn er, Ch ris tmas Day, Mr. an d MI's. Milt.on Sheeha n, of Center. ville , Mr, and Mrs. E lmer ROl:cl's und granddaug ht clr, Margaret. of Waynes. vill~, Mr, Dick Maso n, of Bell brook, and Mr, H. 11[, Clark,

MI HOllY 1I1iss Clara Daughte rs is s pending a few da ys with Mr. O. B I Marlatt and fllmily. 1\fr. and Mrs, Emerso n Dill spent Christmas Day with II1r, and Mrs. La. cey Craig II ndl family, of near Xenia, Mr. and MIl'S. Bruce Heiltman and duug hte r, MillS Gladys, of Dayton, spent Christmas Day with 1111', and 1\1I'S, George Marlatt. Mrs, David Lucas and sons, Earl a nd .Ernest, and daughter, Dena, spent Christmas Day with Mr. Guy Chenow eth and family Mr, J ohn Rye and family enter· tained at Sunday dinner, Mr. and Mrs. El to n Evans and li t lle daughter, Mar. joric Elnd 1111'. 'Bnd Mrs. Howard Beam. Mr, lind Mrs, Earl Marlatt, of ·De. tmit, Mich., al1d Miss Mildred Mor. • of 01l)'to n. lire spe ndin g II few uys with Mr, and Mrs, L, 111. Steph. ens,

DIU NOT INSPIRE OUR REVOLUTION Dcnin l of the sllltemcnt l hat the Am eri can sl1'ugl:les f.n independe nc e was inspired by thv Fre nc h phil oso. phers of the eigh tee nth ce ntury a nd lha Frellch r evolut ion is made by Georg I:! , Lockwood, in the Nati onol Rep ublic Ill agazi ne in li n cdilorial un· clCI' th e caption "A ~ ntru st In Revo luti on ~ , " Our I'evoluti on was th o fou ndin g (of 1I fralH md nation, and th c Frcnc h rcvo luti on a sl l'u~g l c ue· tween chlsFes, ho states, One e nd ed in lh e ~ t a rli ng of a g reat rep ublic and the othe r in lhe swuy of II dictat or who fOI' years dr~llc h ed Europe in Co nti nui ng, lIIr, L ockood, blood. snys: " The French revo luti on marc nea rly rl'sc1l1ulcd lh e Ru ssio n than the Americlln revolution . As th e French revul uti on 've ntu nte d in tyro a nny, so has the Ru s~ ian revoluti on, Ru ssia, like the F'l'Unc c of th e Nllpo· leo nic era, is rul ed by the bayo net, thouJ!h l es~ int elligenty nnd liberall y and li ko the Frnnce of Nupoleon Bonapll rte, seeks world ·wid e dominion t hrouJ,(h t he desl ructi on of ot her na· tions," "Our Revo lutionnry for efalh ers werc t.rained in se lf·government, They we re practical Ill t'n, not dr ea ~ . ing doctrinaires, T ht'y were patrtots, not fanutica l prcac he rs of closs hatred. Th ey learn d littlc fro m E urope. except whal, t o av oid in lhe instituti ons they reared, Th e Rus· sians ha ve been im itutors of Robes· pierre, Dunton and illara t. But th ~se preach ers of li berty und prac titi onl'rs of tyranny happ ily have no PI'otO. t~'Pes in our Revulu tionary hist ory."

- -_ ...



ACCIDENTAL Sam Hoskin s accid entall y . hot him . self whi le hun ti ng, One pf th e

wound s is fllla l but his fri ends urc g lad to heur th at th o other one is no t se ri ous,

Paid on OaposHs


1Conlervatlv. m.Dagement.

2 Indepoalt. 3 Location moat centraL terea&

haarlem- oU · has ' been ( 8 ' worldwide remedy for kidney ,liver and' bladder disorders, rheumatism. lumbago and uric acid conditions.




eorrect In~Qt troubles, stimulate vital or&ans. Three sizes. All druggists. Insist on the oriima! &enuin~ COLD MEDAL.

N. E. Cor. Third & Jeffers. Stll.• Dayton, Ohio. ' LEE MARKEY, See'7.


Dr. .John W. Miller

~ MlE:hAI .,.

Bldg. and Loan Assn.

C A P S U L E. S

HAI.L'S CATAIlIlJl a ll::U' C I NEl will ~o what we cl aim t or It -rid yo ur sy stem ,r Catarrh or Denfn e.s cnuBed by

Cntarrh, ' HALL'II CATAIlRn 31EDICINE con. , Is ta of an OIntment whloh QUickly Rcllevea the c&lnrrhnl lnfiammntlon, nnd lho Internal Medicine, n Tonic, whi ch l~ '. through tho Blood on th o Mucous Su rfa ce., thus reetorlng normal cond l. llon's, Sold by druggtBt. for over 40 Years. F. J. Cheney & Co .. To'edo. Ohio.

Dentist Wayneaville National Bank Bld._




Thanksgi ving


Fully Equipped for Good Service. Large Disp lay Room. Ambulance Service

The Eye Siaht Specialiat

Mr, und 1I1 :rs, J ohn Levi and son, We ll Can Ameri ca o fT ~ r up devout Wellingto n, an d li tt le Worne Dakin lire spe nciing " few days with Mr, and thanks alt his seuson of th e yellr. Mrs, Ell swurlh Sm ith lind fumily, of W e li ve und er th e best furm of gu\'. e rnm ent in th e worl d, Our r~ o pl e Lebanon, Ohio Dayton. T ELEPHO NE 7 Ih Y OR NIGHT enjoy better li ving conditions tha ll Mr, a nd Mrs, Elvis l\lichIlCI , nee any o th~r nation, past or p r ('"~n l. No Lelia Marlutt" ure the proud parenls nati on in the world hilS I:r (,[lle r r e· of!1 baby girl, ba m Suturduy morn· li J,( iou s fl'ccdom or Ill ore faci lities for 8:00 a. m. to 4 p. m. ing." Thc li tt le one hus been ntllncd t he highe r eclu cliLion of the you ng Dorothy Mae. generation, No IlInd "IJIlI'onehl's 11 ~ ___ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ HAVE YOUR EYES [EXAMINED in nl1 tional wealth, No ,'oullt,·y in th e wor ld hilS n ' g rClltel' vuricty of fertil e , prod ucti ve suil. . A Hard Worl' cr In no nalion a f the wC) dd ar~ S(l many w!lge·cllm ers an d li llers of lh e soil (' njoying steudy emp luy nll' nt at (' lI mf ol'taue remu ne ra tio n . 1n no lither counlry 'lI'e t here s uch count· General Auctioneer WE GET TH EM QUrCKL Y AND less opport ulliti es for se lf adv a nce· FREE OF CHARGE nw nt. A IIl c rir,m taxpayers do no t CAI.L US ANY T IME AT OUR hn v" to carry Lho buroen of (I hu ge Residence: 9 Chillicothe ' Ave. EXP E NSE Phone 201 army. Unli ke many other countri es, Lhe I nit cd Slt,tcs du cs not have con· scription . No other peop le hll ve the Lebanon Ohio fac il iti es II l1d the lIl ~ an s to enjoy Sn Phono 8 HARVEYSBURG, O. much <: ntc l' Uiill lll cnt , amusoment und r ecrcati on, We nrc blessed by the ab senc e of cfl ~ te, Our yste lll ~ of communicationrllilrond, teleg rllph, telepho ne, autoDENTIST mobile, radi o- nre unmatched. Our rich est mell oC atTl\irs exercise a genAnd X·O·GRAPHIST NO.T ARY PUBUC erosity not equll lled elsew here. Slums aro ulmos t unknown, Few who are WAYNESVILLE, OHIO National BaDIe honpst need ever to go hungry. .We Telephone 114 a re deve loping a r ealization. slowly, Will, Drawn " .. ...... E.tat•• S.ul.d perhaps, th llt we arc our brother's OFFICE: HATHAWAY BLDG. keeper, thllt we have II responsibiHty Waynesville. Ohio ON MAIN STREET townrd 'others, Neither our borders nor' our shorea arc threate ned with war. We are abundantly blessed with peace and plenty and with mean8 for extending a helJ)ing h~nd to others less happily circumstanced. , .. Ye8; well may America oft'er up devout thanks. ------__•••___ __

At Cary's Jewelry Shop

Every Tuesday


V" H. Russell

Harveysburg Fertilizer Co.

Dr. H. E , Hathaway


4"~ _ ----

In a

HE'S STILL WHOLE Tourh Lad-"Me big brudder


a looJdn' for 70use I B.'I lrOllllO bock your block 08'." ''I ain't met him 7,L" ''No, Ildn Nt dat."




GILBERT BIGGS, General Apftt The Ohio State LIfe _....


. "TiiE

0=1 Year'

M I A M I. THE ATE R \.{r::oc~ cler:~n~a~;::ers;oClOI:'=:::::I-I'==='Oc::lO'J:;'=::1'01::10 ~PE~


A Happy New

Mr. nnd Mrs. J ohn Smith nre visit.. rng r elntives in Greonfield.

New Years Night ·

January 1st, 1926



0 •••

lIlr. nnd Mrs. Ru ~se ll Bcntlr;' spent .hri stmas Day with rel atives in Xen ia.

"TheScarlet Wesfi

Prc- Inv<>nlo l'" Sa le closes uary 5t h, at Cary's J ewelry Le hano n, Ohio. Opnl were hri.lnUls Dnyton rolnti "cs. IIII'. and

Robert Frazer and Clara Bow A Flaming Drama of the.Early Days

One Show Only, at 7:30 p. m. 25c and 15c Admission



h up .



gUC . I ~ (If

Harvey Rye nnd dal1l!'hter nrc ,·i . itinK Mrs. R yc ' s PilI" ents in Cle ve lan d. Mrs.


Miss E sther Henderso n is spendin g II few dllYs with lwr sist er, Mrs. Ha r_ ry T urn er, of Be ll brook.


Mr. a nd Mrs. J . H. Raker . of Cincinnati, we re weclt-e nd visito rs o f Mr. nnd lI1rs. hilS. Cmy.

IF. E.

Mrs. lIlnry Cousino, of Port Clinton, Ohio, is the guest of her cDusin, Mrs. L. A. Zimm erman and family. For Sale by

Miss Mnrjorie Earnhart is spending her vacation with her uncle nnd aunt, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Bnker, of Cincinnati.




Waynesville, Ohio

Mrs. Howard Gustin, Miss Elsie The schools will open n ext Mondny Gustin and Mr. Harvey Gustin, of mornin g. Dayton, visited Waynesville relatives Sunday. . Mr. A. Boga n, of Clarksville, visited relatives here Mondny ufternoo n. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Zepf a nd Mrs. Mrs. Ru ssell Benson, of Delaware, Joe Thompson. of Cincinnati, spent Christmas Day with th eir parents, Mr. was the guest oj: re latives here last week. and Mrs. G. J. Smith.

With .11 the confusion, misunder8tanding and general lack of information on the subject of tire buying, one might think Abraham Lincoln coined hi8 famous. phrase after an experience in tire ~uying. . The truth of what he said as applied to tires is beat 8um.m ed up today in this statement of fact: MORE PEOPLE RIDE ON GOODYEAR TIRES THAN ON ANY OTHER KIND. Of course there is a real reason.

Get Our Prices

Waynesville Motor Co. Phone lOS

Waynesville, Ohio



.. .

Per pound

Mr. and Mrs. Chns. Gray entertained Thursday evehing to a sixo'clllck Christmas dinner, Mr. and Miss Lulu Smith, of Warren, Ohio, Mrs. J. R. Baker~of Cincinnati, Mr. was the Christmtls guest of Mr. and and Mrs. E. F. J!;arnhart and Mar- Mrs. F. R. Moomaw. jorie and ChIll'I!!s Burton. Dr. and Mrs. A .. T. Wright, Mr. nnd Mrs. Alfred Wri~:ht attended a famA pleasant family reunion was held ily dinner at Springboro, Christmas nt the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Stroud on Christrn88 Day. Those pres- Day. ent WeTe Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Vice Mr. S. L. Cartwright, Miss Emma and daughter, Miss Irene, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wndsworth and sons, Guy Cartwright and Mrs. Ha nnah Roger s Winstead and Chiles, Mr. and Mrs. spent Christmas Day with !l1r. and Durward Vice, Mr. and Mrs. George Mrs. J. O. Cartwl'ight and daug hters. Stroud and son , Carter, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Wadsworth and daughter•.Betty Mrs. Eva Miller joined her daughJ can, all of Davton: Mr. and ters, Mrs. Grace McCune anel Huth Luther Perkins and family, of PaSa- Miller, of Lima, ill Dayton, on Christ_ elena, Ohio, Mr. and Mrs. Otho Hen· mas Day, and saw tile Du ncnn Sis ters derson, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Stroud in "Topsy and Eva," nt the Victory. nnd 80n, Harold, Mrs. Maud Crane Miss Ruth nccompanied her · mo ther nnd daog ht.lm!, Louise, Mary nnd home for a few dnys. Anna Lee. home f or a f ew days' visit.

fEED GRIND NG . Feed authorities say that grinding corn increases its digestibility 20 %. . Bring it in and let us grind it for you.

20c per cwt~ 20c: "

25c " 30c "

" " "

We have also just received a Car of

10c No.3 Pocahontas Coal

Wisconsin Cream, . per pound .

·CHEESE 32c .CRACKERS Soda, Butter or 14c . Oyster, lb •••.•

Waynesville farmers' ~xchange Co• Phone 2S

!!~~~.~ . . . ~.$1.15 2!:~~~e~tSJ76 .iEe,4DC nr.. ,I•• Fiab.................... .... )Oc

Florid •• , Iwe.. t, )50 liz... doz .. 42c

,!-.=.~~~. . . . . .25c !:?~!!~?~~ ~1:~~aa 15c r.~~~~

. :. . . . .

.Dates Bul~,' pO.DDel

49c f. D. DAKIN INSURANCE AGENCY GENERAL INSURANCE . . . . . . . . ,. 32c . . . . . . . . . ::1Dc Ib .........




Found- A good automobile blnnk. Inq ui re Ilt this omce.



Mr. and Mrs. S. K. Ha in es, of near Bellbrook, were in Wnynesville, t oday

"Tone' Quality"

Mr. nnd Mrs. Ru ssell Salisbury and children are spendlng, the holida ys in Clevelnnd.


"Ease of Tuning" "Less Interference" "Great Seleetivity"

Masters Wnde and J ohn Turn er ure visiting Mr. and 1\l rs. Hurry Turne r, in Bellbrook.

Mr. Mack Morgan and family, of Columbus, soent th e week-end nt the Mr. and Mrs. Henry Westerman, home of Mr. and IIIrs. F. R. Moo· oC Dayton, visited Wny nesville friends mnw. on Sundny. )\fr. Myer Hyman and family and lIfr. und Mrs. Kellar Hoke enter , Miss Louise Hend erso n nttended the t8ined a compun~' of friends, on Sat- Mnsonic reception in Lebanon, Tuesurday evening. day night.

Ear Corn Ear Corn and Oats Oats, medium Oats, fine . Gold Medal, 24~ lb. sack


Proprietor• . ~


Mr. Isaac Lincoln, of Dayton. s pent the week-e nd with r elatives here.

Pbone 32

the Gwners All of the Time



Mr. Ipld Mrs. W. A. Lippincott and . daughter, Miss Eva, spent Christmns with their daug hter and family, in Dayton.

"You Can't Fool All of



Fred M. Cole Oc::lOC:=::ZOJ::lOC'=:::r'Oc:lO'

Kod el Radios and assembled sets , from $12.00 up. Gunra nteed Radi o repairing. by depot, Corwin. R F . Mills. •

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Turner and Bon, Mrs. Kate Cole man, Mr. and Mrs D. L. Crnne were Christmlls guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Henderson and family.


The Corwin. Grocery wishes to th ank all their friends and patrons tor their support · ip maki ng, the closing year a very successful one. And wish one and all Happiness, Health and Prosperity a 11 through the New Year.


1111'• . Berthn Lewis nnd dUllJ,!hlet',

II n "~



III rs. Lou Harlan spent Christmas an d the week·end with her daughters, in Dayton . " " ••• "'tI l"


Mr. an d Mrs. C. D. Mills had for their Christmas guests, Mr. and Mrs. L, A. Barnes and daughter, Ju nnita, of Enton, Ohio.


!!!!! JUDGE BY RESUI.TS THEN ASK THE PRICE you will be delighted with both of them.

Mr. F. C. Hartsock and family, of Milford, Mr. Ronald Hawke nnd famiIy. were Christmns guests of Mrs. Edith Harris and fnmily. Mrs. R .F. Moomnw underwcnt nn ope ration nt the MidtJletown hospita l. Monday morning. Th e r eport is thnt Rhc is gettin g on very welL

The r egular meeting of the W. C. T. U. will be held at th e home " f .Mr~ . L .A .Wnshb urn. n ext Tues· day afte rno on, January 6. Mrs. Alice McKinsey nnd Miss Hen· r il·ttn McKinsey spent Christmas lind ! he week.end in Dayto n. with Mr. nnd ,\11·S. I. N. H arris and family. The slightest eye-strain is a drain on yo ur nervous energ y. Why n ot make an nppointment with Dr. Rud'llph next Tuesday. Examination F RE E. Cary's Jewelry Shop, IIIr. and Mrs. Alfred J . Wrig ht we re tn Centerville, Tuesdny, the '~u ests of Dr. and Mrs. Dudley Keev 1'. and on Wednesday were guests of Franklin Packer. at the Friends home.

Call for -a





Melloh's Garage" •




Waynelville, Ohio

Phone 47





. ...................................... •..•....•..... .....




~ unday dinner ~uests of Mr. and Mrs. J . O. Cnrtwrlght, were Mrs. D. o Letferson Miss Mary Lefferson, !lIessrs. Sands and Bro)vnrig. of Mid_ dle town, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Robit,: I' DIW daughter.

,. ,

On Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Corn ell entertained at · dinner, honoring Mr. and' Mrs. WlIIiam Mich_ ener. Others. .present were Miss Vel. rn a Cornell an~~88ell Stockstill, of Dayton, '~"PJld lwIr~. W, E. Cornell. . . Mrs. Anna Cadwallader and Mtss Clara Lile were hostesses to an elegant six-o'clock dinner, Tuesday evening, with Mrs. Mnry Leah Adams, Mrs. Mary Caskey, Misses Mny Wright, Annie U. and Marne T. Browne and Emma Heighway, as g uests. . Mrs. Ella Michener has been having as house guests, her son, Willtam Mirhllner and family, of Pittsburg, and on Tuesday the company was join ed for the day by Misses Annie U .and Marne T. Browne and Mr . Franklin Packer.





W. H. Madden:& Co. B~iIding. ,M_teritJ, ~ • f. , ' Ohio 'and w ayne.lville


Rev. and Mra. L . A. Washburn had aB theirgueBts over the Christmas time her mother, M1'8. Sarah DeVore. her sister, Mrs. Katherine King and her husband and daughter, from Columbus. Mr. and M1'8. King returned home the day following Christmas, but her mother is remaining for an extended vielt. • _ ..._ __ 'NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT

Estate of Amanda ;Letitia mC.l\.a'~, deceased. . . Notice is hereby given that W. H. Allen h88 ' btl'en duly appointed and :.._ _ _ _ _~-----__- - - - - -__- . _ - - - - - - ' qualified -!os executor of the estate of Amanda Letiti.a McKay, late of War.


, .,



.,, I'

I ... .



. ..


renDated County, r==============~==========:!!~ 1925. this Ohio, ' 28th deceased day of .n .. ,......lh."•.I".;'\Iif!I~~"!ifii"---iIf!_ile_eil""IIj""".~"~~ .. W .. Z. ROLL, .Judg~

OfLthe Probate Cou~, Warren County, Ohio. '" Dean E. Stanley, Atty. .

A Wodd of Dlfferen~.


Auto and Radio Supplies






,....:=:.::::··1i NEWS FROMHIGHTHESCHOOL from the

State . Caplt

Whole Number 5682





Some Important Items from Each of the Fifty-two Issues of the Miami Gazette of the Year, 1925.

The church attendanco in High Mr. O. E. Brudfutr, Xcnin, Ohio, foJ' School for the month of December, t he past thrce yeurs president of 't he was as follows: American Farm Bureau fedcrntion, Prepared by Freshman Girls ........... .1)8.9 pe'r cent will Kivc the chief address at Lhe an· Junior Girls ........... .. .. .. 90.3 per ccnt Columbua Reporter nual meeting of the Warrcn County Senior Boys ... .. .. .. 90 per cent Janunry 7 ', d ,"", hnri l wnr o tHOI' ,· :llltl j\ ld lonllld : r"'r'mc' I' h ' of Hnrv uYt-l bur~ Au.c1''''. l1t...- IOa th Htl flR lu n ur Fri e nds In- Farm bureau, at l\Iemorial hull. SalSophomore Girls .. ... 94.4 per cent V-ilTll" .. rl11 :d l ·r! ", r Oi ' ,l/'\' dtlll ,' ,1 I,,' 11111'dil l" III F'I. " ·o rrh.- I h· ll \' F'nlrrn~ II III IHl " Pil rl y 111", ' 1I Ilg' \\'lly n cs \' 1I1u f; l u rK ,- ,\ln I!' 4JJl H 'Cl' 1.. I~r ulo II \ 1Lit " n I, 111Senior Girls ....... .. 93 .l per cent u,tdr(!"'''''' H ;\1 0 111 ...·1·8· c' luh.-"':" U,,\IHh ('I r M~. Brad_ P ac kl l lK 'u" I '\.'/ot lll o J) (' rallul l~- M(lr· urday. J anuary 23, 1 026 . \, \' I'i'u r y - !\ l iKM I h' I1, ' J'; uluH If paH d Cu ;\ I illllil ', \ .11\ 1I 10t'11 T1 . of LCh t\lll)l1, l' i., JtI· IIr ~III1K HlIth D Oll ll t!. rUHl :'Ifr , Sophomore BOYB ........ I) 1.8 per c~ n t n W i t ) " u l 1 '''rl,.H I ~IH II UIII I' , lI 11ndd ShllllN - l.J oa t ll~ . Mrt'l. O hl1l ~ I' Culc's ('xpcrience and services in conAI.rl1 :.!~ I" · lIlll II f Par-utili! ' SmlthFreshman Boys .......... 89.3 per cenL F ox , !\or' /1I:In t.'oale N, John 'V , ~mllh , nectio n wilh lhe National orga niza.J f.J hn ,I Ul'OI h H oI· lll. of I. I.huhun. dh·,.. O r 1 , '- l\ll\rr i 1 1~1~ u f :\lrtL 1~ It "Hn COLUMBUS. OHIO- Activities of Junior Boys ......... . ..... 87.1 per cent JUlluu.ry pn"ull1 o n la . -('oUlIl,- !{"Io ld m oe t . U ('la ll ick :ln l l ~II' , ~'hat4 . II ~hl ' rwuuu A U" UNt :':U-- Xllort r o\' l"w or 'o unlY tion, hus r eeenlly tuken him into AT CRIME, YOU CAN'T WIN the State highway department for Mrti. l!illlfll or HU l l .\· rail,. al'1I1 :-lllH tnl no .\.,rl l :!n-~IJ [, H( h ~ . :\11"", I ~ rflo e,·~\\". \\', ( a1l'-.1 . \\ '11 1 \\' hllo ptoll l'C I' hll !:t iIllHS~ The Junior ClaRs is planning lin in_ \\' , \-\" '~ ' l< I't . l ~ i lllll1n (l Ht · t u ll lcl<, l~lIllIlur practically eveTY State of the Un ion. hr·ok ... " nnkll' Sl l ll lOI P :q;cnn l. IHll1 llh.'.., :S m ltll fla ~UU-'tl 't"tll ml) t':- l ll n (> the next 18 months will Involve the teresting program to present to the ET TU MA FERGUSON? K. Hjlll~ ' . ;\\ ,', \\"111 '-rhvIIiPHUII. 'J "wu Mal' I'II\f{ " ~ ' ,\lIH ti ,\1lhln'l\ !\tllh II t,,·rJ.{er Juutlllr)' :.:t - " U~' IIt: 'I' 1J ' ' '' Il Hlllp Fnrm crf( H i l l o lI (.'ci,h · n ltl . Itl l t! Mr. ' 1I H IlI'l! AI'\' )a d 'al'UII ; MI NH 1'; 11)'· und bro ught hint into frequent per- ~ expenditure of approximately '36,- H. S., Normal and Faculty on Friday I n l4 l1lut t..· nl Ill u I : ) m - l:dl .,.lo H8 l'iUr ' PINCHOT'S PANACEA I ~Ul M rH'~' alhl ~ t r. )I"r t' Y \\'11l 1alll ;lIn , ' H-l\I"1I 1 h l ' '' ~ (, f I. p h n nnn I. O . t ' , sonal cunlact with Presid ent Coolidge . " y of \Val 'I'\' 1I cu urll y , 000,000. Conferences have been held afternoon. Those inter ested arl! cor- Jnbunr 'u1 I,,; - l l,-'ol lr ,., ~II' K, AIlI l! rt C1Ullllllt.' t" V , ) ol l ~c II l't' l-o, ' lIl , , \ .,,'1,' 1' 8 1 ~ n t o l uy :':N-' I)\,a lh or ~'lr s , J , 1-1 , 1,ln· AM B ID EXTROUS 7 Sec I'cLary of Agricu llu re and t hl! nlh\Ylll , J . lI uvlK, ~II' H . ~ lHr y B , E\'UII R, "111 IlI dKt',_1 '('Il th or 1', H, Th urnp~lll', with commissioners from IIlmost ev- dially invited to attend . l o n, at \\'l l lIlllI~ l o ll , ( " nIH ' [' I Il U !-th: I,' h ' n l l in 14 11111' c'h afl ~t ' K h nlld H,- P',- ,. tt.'mht· r :':-,J. )1. TlI o lllf'lBun t njureu I n el' lcading gove rnm enta l ofliciul s und l ,'achN' I n tl '" "' :lY II\I ~" III(' ,:choH l -ery county tn the State during the T ld "\'\ ':j l uu t l : m r rM I) 1t Ru,' rnt'u'M Hlo I'l' ~II.l HI:U's . ('lI l r Il uw k o aud " r lll} III' IlIllu 1ll 'r· lclc lIl - I., ' wl ,tJ F 1""!4 InJlI r l ' t1 III A qu estion much discussed toduy lik ewi se with ex('culives and leaders nl 1 ~l r lg-~ · \'I1I' ''- \\ · : LI' I · ' ' 1I , 'Q unl ,· r{' · II nw ktl Jill \ ! ' II lI fru w U ~ \' ilJlI' W hl ' lI J td).u nll l\ c' allnlll~ (U Cl ol'y- Ann ou IH' PaJIt few months by Direotor hles- is whether or not it is a mistake lo 11 1110 11 n i I '<'IH A I\.K I ' I I · ~ - lhHnd of I '~d · ti l , ' lr 11 11\ (')Ii III' I ~ I'4 U' th:i( Uy (1\ 1-\ 1 l ral n 111 0'- 11 \ or lh .... ml\rrlu~\ ' or f/t l \" \\· or' l il. of raijroads, chambers of commerce, "Ma Ferguso n, ludy Governor of lIl '1I1lul1 1 · ICt ' l ~ 1I' , ,,~ III! rt' . tnger, and the complete build pro- put a\l of the emphnsis on the valu e Ill'lIf lilt! (' u l' wi n l ' ! I..'va lo f - " l1 l\ ti lln t.:' IIIg't tlll HUl'l wt all,1 ',\ .... J\\l cli Pltlll llJ.Il H( ·-(.'l cl l~ llt :11 SlIrl n H, Valll' y- Il ItHul'Y )1,.)' ' :I - HI Po h f,t! I ~. ' c,,"(' VI Hl l !ol St . ~Ian" ~ 1!· ,ll l tlll - 1 )"11 I 11 :-0, Mrtl. Hcllcc cn U11 I, and olher commercial and busin 8S Texas, says evo lution must be removgram hilS been carefully worked out of an ed uclltion. For of what usc is , t: h ltrcl l Illta n j n i l:! t''I'tI I Ito nr ~I)nfl,ml\:-;ar uh .\ . ll n.l'l n ll. ot ulll' 1" l n.;. or ga nizations. Bankers, bu siness IlTId ed from T ex.a~ puhlic school books. 1 1011 , ' ha n~,p ) ur (i n7.t'll c I nlo ~, in Ilbsolute harmony with these offi- the educlltiori if one lacks Lhe ins pi- 1 " ~hr"lIr)' 4. - 1"" Itlo c.: kad{' In Lhll r' ~1 1ration to use it? Many "walkin g en11"nlh, Hu ll ,\' I I 1-11I )'t4, 110111\11] . ~v n of ~t.' II ..' m' ... r n - I: l ' " S'lllhnn .l ohnsoll col · professionlll men of ,Varrell counly One book actually "'lid that for men a),,1 r-IVcl' M , II 1 \1 1 ' n r i Jlln!l ~ UII rd) (o h l'n t ,., .fIlth n nn ln! r BlH \I or hl ti Rorcials of the counties in whloh con- cyclopedins" arc obliger! to dep end on ~lr . n n d 1\II"B. f'1t~IiI'''r \\rhlt r . ~lr8 . \\;IIl . )t!III'H III \\·hYIIC.!i\·I1I " Si.Ul lJ nnl huuk vi et: I n th e ('IIr1)llla li IIIl"nI IHry-Falll' arc likewise invited t o hear ex · Pres- tu s peak 0 r "men and animals is un'; " u,11 1. ,-\ llt, I t \\ II UI t-l .' I - l tesol ut lo n s struction work is to bo pushed ahead others for finllncial support simply be_ delillt ur ~ I nc I. UCI' , 11 10 111"" or ,\ I n ". iI)' r. · un lon s - Ill-uth nf MIH8 'n.n tl) r tl r ll ]l ~ Id tll l ' u( IJo llth;, \\' . P Sa l l t' I'U l'y . l ll \,r Li l'i " · J.r' wllrrentlOd ego li sm, f or man is a n anKtngd"n -- lllh' I"(IHt lng .ll..'llcl' rl'O Il) Mr, ident BradfuLe. durfng the next 18 months. That the dause their e nthusiasm has n e\le.' H J' rlluhl Hi ul 1lio 110111" or hie MIJ n. llr.)' :':U-- ! ' I II J,{ 1,r . ·fi"IIt,~ . 1 lit th e Crade T hu d Z,lrlll ll l ' rlil iln. His obser vations and cX I)(,ri ence imal. just as Lr.uly us lhe benst of the ,zcl ,Ot. 1 h,\' ,J , \,1 , t ·, ,\ . .\1 - n " nlll.!:I, :\ J r H, l"lIlrl otl , n Hpr lll lo;' Vall ' r. coni.emplated program may be carried been kindled . into a burning flame. ~ (·''' t'hlher J.~Hnll1 hrln~8 rel h, t nrt f' r Rarilh ~l l\ r t l n , I Naat ' Kl' l h' . -:"a ~ t e l · As a resu lt of such thinking, various I Ilcall! ur 8uailn \\" o ll ~ 1 fie ld." l u n ~ dr)' HIJ(' l1 - " ' ny n ,' l ow n ttld " mlLric in behalf of farm organi zation work out with the least possible delay, schools have been lIaked to presenL Frbrllnr Ilulo"y HUll1I 1I t ill (J " Il (I' ulIl trlt' y f'l c, ~hurwuod url-(:l lli z l\t l un or ~ 1 l"11 4 H HIJUlI :othl/ \\' 1n J.; Ilt Oh Io Stn llJ ( n lrIII HI I" lI l" lal"t' IH HI("11 1I 1 ' 1I1 ,- "~Oll JO I ' tJ' in Lhe various states could be of Itr o thtu ' hO\Hl HI ,'I. K l' h"r (' h -.I (~t\ 11 Scbleslnger announced that starting th eir views, and W. H. S. was not lin ) Jf'l\lh of l\1 rtl , ~lllri ha KII'L y. 1 ,'un'wl ' fl, " 11 \ ;\1I "'M h. :uhlt"' 11 IJ l! n · HrL', or !\It. tJ u ll y 1I1 1~:iIIl~ Ht'\"t' I ,41 Some beusls of the field would have dl ' I' l-' l lf i . . S .... tc .... h.· r :':!I - I.ocn l druJ..;' 1'\ 101'1' ,hn.n l-:Cs special in terest t o every farmcr and this month, lettlngs will be held every exception . The several English clllss lIa YM , Wl\ ~ f ,/ ull rl nl 1 11 \ ' hOI1It.' t)f Iii !; hUlIlIH_M . I~ , l'I.!c. 'jH (otl t u p us t""r lUI{] farme r s' wife in Wa'Ten County. Mr. somc thing to say ahout thnt. Many tlo n -I I1 · l ilW, I,,' ar \ c nlf' I' \, III" , - II\' lI l h \I ,,:, ::';"_ t ' ). Hd ll g I \' I 'lI l t4 lJr \\r U )' llt, 1'''\\,11 es we re asked to write why they came month until all contrllcts have been \\ Ife - J.III1,1I,.r 1 ' t.'nlcf's l\s,.;oe intiull !oo ). II' spil , .,,) !" - Ihlllh .>:: , ;\.1 nf. 1\f1l1ll o C ~lrJol • • 'l ,' lI rl )It )olt;lIdln " ~ lIIlth. :Il or them don't commit wholesale murto High Bchool, why they liked or disInf"' 1 III ba u l l uc1 nllHII of 1\1 ,.;, churc h Bradfule has been held in very high Vau g h)I, .\11 Ii. Au.aHOn I':l' l o n .- I..;:tll 1):\)· !t1 I1,-0\.' l\ lh u r )1 ,.,., L'tt l ':H l' l' Ih·ail· awarded. - ltelllh H, !\l rfL " ' m . Lllk'· n ~. Prorry liked to study and the subjects they III&.:' (r lJ ' l ~ dll'llaL,:.!tO ~;ll'dl ' 1I 8 , !oIlr{l i'l . o r Xt' uill . esLeem by governmen ta l officials an d der and call it patriotism, don't lock 1 ·'IL' t eh ' 1', M rH o ,J o tleph I nf! cbst c r , liked or disliked. This broug ht forth l··" hrunr, · I N- Valo l n~'i'! d c' nl tll I:II~­ . , "un .. :l--lI. ·11I.rllll day, - H{lunlon o ( 0, lenders of indu strial orga niza tio ns in- lhe half·developed children of other' I,)' ll~ JUl8 dhm s lru l1 s fire Prison workshops In Ohio made some new and rad ical ideas. Some ~ \...... S 1I, 1I " l flc HIll/ lf' nt t' ILt X,.. nlll. - S ...... .. m l, ... r 3 IUIIH\ n l rltll rOlu t c·rOH td U.Io:. I :IIH ,~ , ' II . animals in facLori es or mills an d call - l\lurr·ln~l)8 . l\Ir a. ~dl lh l; l"o rS'I' a n d t<'resLed in uf:(ricultul'ul movementK . \ 111 ,11111 III' "l l l ll..: • r "" IIII'l'I' ,' a~Hu c IH. (',) ul1er, of ~ l'\\' Ullrllll~t ' JIl, ltll1 f' d ulIII sales of approximntely ,5,000 dally of the reasons for attending High IJr. II lltlt~ vn: ~lI fl :ot M an:II,' ritl ' 1~t.:ti kt: Duri ng his thrl'l' years as prll~i dent l lrl ll I " 'h ll l~, ' ·JIIII' I I·· 1\:I' n ·dd<. ;\1 1'9. ' h ' lI" 1!;w l nj(, It t ill :,H l1h: 1,IIH' t' . He ' l t " nlld HU ~bt:' 1I SrHt t.' rth walt.· - D c nlhs iL bus in ess, or underpay their. broth1:11 11, .\ 11 :11 111 ~ \\' . ~ i , SlmrnbHlh:; h IIK ly lli / u rm] _ 1':IITI " r 1" , 1"" , \ (:111 1'( for the p'allt four months possible. schools were : of the Ameri can Farm l3urca u feder1.11' 8. 1·:,' ;\ l-JollklrlH 'CJll fll l, J IHl gc It: ' p·t . ,h ll ill ,"'\ , It ld·k .'.-,\nIH lli l l'cpon: d o wn ('p i fll' 8 h l'x 11 11 (1 (l'a.·l UI/ ' ... ~ I(\I II, To derive information t o make ers Lo in crease profits that they don' t ation, th e orl!llniZaLiol1 haM made [\1. 1 ~ l1I cry. This is a n ew record for prison In- higher education possible; to acquire or l r" H HIII Cl' lOr ,\lIaml C I· rTl\,lpI'Y.'-:' w ld'1I n ' Hu l t Ji: I n h l::l ,It'lIlh .- .\1r', alit! ,I t I / ' ~\ .\1. r~ f lll 11I1 1llI' cd \' I ' lel'U rl M, OdHlu' r . -:\fls!oJ LlIlll 11,-'n lll lln r 81g''''' great strides for improvClment even neer!. ;\lrtl. li nl'ry 1~ l1Il p~' C t! h ! iJl ':l. h · !'Ilh" ' r dustries In Ohio, and bas been made knowledge in ord er to obtain a betfil1l1h·onmry .- J)ch l h u f ;\lr8, L'nth..r· - JU H" IH - :\I:II r':t g (' I" '''I rttl :\Ilr lnm ~11 1 1l h"' r posltlQU III tin!' tlc huol- :\I:.Lrrln,,;c though the period hUM been une of' IIf )tt}O':s lJ(.'r;--i "iok a ll d ~Ir , (li eun p088llile through co-operation of the ter position; to huve a good time; t o In c J ohli d Ul hOllle or (Inu~htl· r in rllld \ 'nll 1:" tltllkl, . _V (· rn li o uj.!'h I n Senlltors Edge, Ki ng and Bruce Il a rlll l l ot\ - U (·nthH , DI'. ~t (lhn W r lghl. depression a nd disappointm ent to so · c ltl iH\' l1l c . JlI .,(1 t,~, n lllo, III ' alhs. ~ ~ ol'g linuJ· various counties of the State which enter into outside IIctivities, because Frl.rllnry !.!.."i- IJc:n lh o f I.afn\·clt " H,) UHis snlle leadership ,'.t':·I~g~ .IHHl · " lJ urll, Ito'\' , Cll11r1 e~!:I L . many f a rmel·s. tI ," It,, fllll'llt-! , ~t rs, ;\Iary \ Vurt! the law requires it; to acquire teach. and deter mi nation to overcome obsta. ngree thut th e workings of prohibi- T\\ hi'" itOI'll tu J ~vM lIIHl 8 lt' r Hnd ),Irs: are increa'!ing their purchases of the ers' training, and in order to be able In so n n t. hls home n cu,r OrcKunl a.I:IIHH Ilarltifll' )" , Ot!tUI",1' l'l- h~aa s " · :.tlt o n 1.. l.'IL~Ue o r- cles has broug ht some of th e allied tion are enough to make the Demon D ll tllh of \\ . S. 111111 Un' l II l' at \\'nl' I' t.' fI State. Increased earnings have been to do something worth while. ~urll z t: ,I - I JtoH l h of T h umR !! ~1111 (t r . '011 n t~, honH-,- .li'lrn hllnl 8 lIlI Oll .", •'UIII' 1:- - I)I~ alh or 1"I':lnl( Z,t.· II.- L odI;C tJ al,T1'icu llurul ol'l;allization s und co-op, Rum laugh himself sick, that dr unkArlhur' tI lJitlC't' , n or th or L~ ll c , hol d lrI t"H l o rln l 6\!' I' \' lc , ! ~. reported In almost every branch of Moat of the studen ts expressed II Clel .~ h t" r :':1- '''. JI , Mn.dllen c.I HI glI U.tod thro' enness is rllmpllnt, lind our political D1HtrlLlltfoil uf n utu l HJ:{ 1110 Ilc,\ , h~' A Ill\O\'ll cu ll "'g.' t (') r e ur cst'n t Ita erntive marketing association ,hllll· :.!I·-.\rll· r' an abtH'nce 0 1 40 ~' l'!lr8 the prison workshops, but the great- liking of the study of particular subrtc'\\' ue punmelll of re8('arch In r'l . II per iou of adversity to n mOI'e hope 4-)i"l c , ' n f lJ,;llllug pin Ill' !>! JlIl~g Alfl'l' d Ilakln vl HlL ti 'V u.)' lI e~ \'l li e I'dnest was In prison-made brick where jects. Others liked to study wben in M.n'b l all lllmber - l\Ial'rtu.go or Mi as S II 8io f ul outloo k Lhan a few years ago. ov er \ "nyn 'fH'1l1 e - \\ ' Hrr~\ n \'Otlllly - life "menaced." li\ ' eM - \\ "' cl dl n~Ii , ;\.II .!Os 1- II~ h'll Bi sho p the sale for the four months ending the "moQd" for it : some if they were CU l' w in n nd M r. hl ar ha ll BnlnosBasketba ll lOUrJlU llhHI l.- !\I"I' J.! t' r Lit .:'i l l', ,\ I fr.,:d \'· rll;'ht ; Mi s s l'\ n l1n Snlt 'I' ..' Sentiment was very keen for main!J, 'nthH. \ Vm, ='i c:l1h (\ rton. ~1 1sH M l\ry gas coma ll letl .- lJcHth o( ~II'8, :\l llry th wnil l ', :'Itr, .I111l1e ~ :'Il o ...·ls: M iMj t '0"October 81, totalled ,99,821, aa c,om- not bothered; otbers if they were A g irl, twelve years old. is found ta ining Mrl Brndfutc as pre ident of u1 Or ~t;n nll\ .-' n :ll h o f Mrs. :\tcCl'ftY r l nl'" Kl n~ ntl d Mr, L efl ;\.Itllon R y r So! pal'ed with $t0,908 for the same pe- capable of mastering the subject; Be v_ ,Pollorrr. J, A , Run),nn, or .I..('hnno n, Un In I" )fc"C8 JOII ~ ()rau l h,- Shiu!Oll O("i oJ... r :.: RXlOn Hly c han gcs m ade at the National Farm organ izations. Had unconscious in the street. Explanariod a year qo. The present admllli_ eral "not exactly," while a few stated lJa ..... b I l-J)cll t h or H ohe l' t nenlhl, l1t~ .. it oI> IL •. pr· s mlll-DeaLhs, Mr! . Hope RrOWll s ll'ucl< b ' auto !'Llld u e:uh ra· it not been fo r th e fact that he had uu Il •. Istration haa done well In Its effort that they regretted the time so spent. U e 80n ot ~lr, null .ltns. Fred DnughStile s. S . K. Sides . Bertralll J unes AlII a lreedy served three yenrs a s presi- tion, bootleg liquor. ju h ·o llier. • t er a, or Dn)' lo n.- II(Hl th or ,\Illire w Jul>' ' -ll esrrlfl,lon fir I . S . rl ee t In to rid the State of Its idle hlluse, and The frank statements of the stuThe police ure investigating a danCe MU,rph y, l\ (or tne r In l..' mh tr ot tilt: .:'.11Jlnolri,' h v P rr'n llc(' Tinu £,)'-l\l nrrlnge NtI\'''mhf'r 4-Hn ll owc'e n cn rnh'n.I- '''· o.r dent, some of the other states desired with the comine .year and the opera- dents in regard to these subjects and ami Ctu:eu~ for e t!. al his humo In St. or r. ll s ~ ~ l a ry I'; li znbt:' lh l11\w l y arid ren Cou nty P o monu grange m ee ls in Lhe honor for theil' son, which, after given at a most r espectable women's tion IIf another brick plant, the es- the courses they like or dislike, reveal Paul. Minn.-Derah or ItOY "~ urn hnr l . Mr. Ilun \\'lIho r .- Annual niectlng- of \\' :\)' n e8 l ' III t ' -Mnrrlngp o f Miss Vlr ~ eight ballo ts, led to the clectien of Explanation. To o many bot-Otluth o f ~li ss ~er e plll :;ln n",,11. III tabUahment of indu'.tries at the Ma- the fact that the pupils of W. H. S. J~Jlll1 ll1 i Clf l)rf-' ~ol1l:\ Hi gh 8ch o o l . glnln. Hu lkl ). nn~ ~"'. fo}lIlott Wright S. H. Thompson, of Ill inois, as suc- club. Lytl ~.- F' rnnklln l'aj ' k.~ r wrltl' d InI Jr.:lll l hft, ~lrA. H l h~a " ('l h Ht:'nso n J C8HO ..::....,·rrll. l llle lo dU.8tnnutefo' hy L~ln(l tles of bootleg liquor found in the ry.ville re1ormatol'f for women and are not afraid to express their view8 t e r es tingly (1'0 111 LO ft A nJ.{e J 'd. \Vrl ghl, :\Int, K.n.t o :\I(1 C0 ll1n8 ,~rnnd­ Wright llurch- lJe nlh., C hA •. Brnd· cessor to IIIr. Bradfute. tile London pri.on farm, It III certain on a subject intimately connected )farC"b. <lou","hh-r or l1r n,nd ~tn~. Allen d ock , MrH. P rl !'ld lln BUllt!rwo r t h, Mr s, Deat h ot H an' y 1\1u rrny.This will be Mr. Brad fute's first place when the entertainm~nt was lliU greater prOP're.. will be made. with their welfare. Hnlrl ~K IIlJlI l'Cil In (ull rl' t)m sw in g , A l cthln Ah: xandcr ' Alcc llnlj' or . toc khold I'. ot I··urm r8 public uddress in southwestern Ohio over. ll:xchnngo. -O(! lllh of ElIlls Jam N~ .lul,· >,- \\' ll1lnlll K emp. plllllllJ~r , eJ ect d ~o,' emll t.~ r JI _ I--I U3VY rains damngod Total salel of "mon made artic.!es· vlc"'~I) r t.' l'li i dClIl o r A.tIsoclnlio n of exCozad,- tJttath uf ~alha.1l $,",Ilh, Ilt CO I' II ,l . 0 , U , A . M ., ho l d mem orln l si nce relieved of the National IClider{or the preaent year will total more Il UI'II . of Lhn O. • & S. O. e h ome o r · his dllll J( llte r, Mra. \ Vm ship , so farmers of other counties are M(" rvJ e -Frl f' nds nnd M. m ,(!ongr ga· High finan ce denounces Governor At the Gym FridllY night Waynesthan ,1,600,000, a flgure never beMurl'lllJ.{ of l'I l lft.!i I~I nno r Ha)' dvck !lc r gdull. lion s m 'c t lugf"tllcr ( o r wordhi)l, Arm invited to spend Saturday. the 23rd, and ~Ir , \\', tJ, Lnr kln - "·a.rrt' n Coun· Pincho t 's suggestion that the coal fore reached In all the history of ville High flrst team wi ll pillY Steele M."cob ::30-~lI' S, ,J ohn li N\.<!h fll~8 nt thc hHic e SlI llthl )' , nl t. he M., l:l. ' dlUl'ch in Lebanon. I y ("llf n m ull lt).'· pl c n l , -Deat hs, MrH. Reserves, of Dayton. h o m e of h oI' .15 I tJtc r, ~ I n,. Arrns t rul1~, No,'''mh" r 1~ "· . N Senr" .wl'llUR rrom Ohio. .\I nt·,\ J . ~OJJ "'1'9. ), 11'14. ,a l'D. 1l E lbon, Mr. P. O. Wilson, man ager of the fields he, "a public' utility.'" In Du )' t on , - " · a Yll t·,tI\· I 11 (' Prem i l' r' Waynesville second team will play I (·Ia nd , Fla .-Dealhs. M rs. J ulin H eed bnnd Hl !rh S c hOU I Gl l'~ ' Iulo nnd Hl l{h Jul >~ 1r.- .A1 Ut' l·t Hi b be r t and Rn)rmond "A dangerous coal panacea," say Cincinnati Co-Operative Commission cr. Dr . H.nrl'y DlIntus h , Springboro first. at Springboro, and A I,'hl ' kUI "d hetwl"' c n'C IllcJ'v lllc and S c ho ol 01'C hl' 8 1 r n. hl' c nHlt!tl f lo m The flrat distribution ' of caah to Fnt her nnll 80n hnnQu c l house will probably be here to ex- spokesmen for "Big Business." the Eighth grade will play the Spring n Hylon rn lin unt o accid un t,-Defllh Ncn'("mh .. 1':'::"VL'V . incllllUt li : ti n ' 0 m cm l,CI't1 o r the variolll County Auditors of the Valley Midgets, here. a. t ~l g , c hurch-I' nllre w ]{' oontz ,hflN plllin at the Saturd ay meeting t he ,J oh n \V Jrtll ,- Anno~l1Icon"'tlt o f t.ho Pre mi e r b nnd h un' p oc lU, l R I~ kk ll d 1;y hun d Il1tutlHHl In corn s ht'c dtl c r - M IH8 t;tate 'from the sale of automobile ftlll l·llnJ.:'u of Ali!'\.}O A li ce Sh£H..' han and yeggm n 011 Il tr f'el Cl. l1·,_ IJ ~lll li o ( progress and rllsults already attained Il e l n nul< e u n d('I'KoeK operation for MI', 'arl ·1·o ll . -)·' I · ll· n~. nntl EplscO' Is the COlli business not a public ... MI'H, ,r. I, . Allu rHu ll . o( l-I u l UJIl. I\:n.n,. licen.e taga for 1926 will be made by the Farmer's Co>-Opcrntivc .Comflpp e lHlIclt I"" )Jul ltl ll8 In ' c l t o'J.;{~t her to r worsh l!). a form er r cft.1 11enl ot \\' n.~' II f1'tiv il1 ,· . by Col. Thad H. Brown, Secretary of mission house on the Cincinnati stock necessity? Can people live without .I td )' :.:.:! 1:t~-all.,rul~("mclIl -committee Dr c.'rn h~.1' :':- \:\'l\yne8v t1l ~ n nd Lebnnon "ltl'll n nth or U ixofl \\,h r\J tuf1 :\Ir' ~ , State, just .. soon as it Is pos8lble. IJlko l~pc ned l o Iwl.d lc - Thnnksglvlng yard s. The forenoo n will also be de- heat? Is it not the busine88 of goV11I (' t' lt( - ~ J~' f'I' I I ,YII1:\n J)urch HIf6" build J , U , Chl\ l)mnll. o ( Cincinnati. r eccl\, Uur Ilt ft"rl e nc1H hom t,--El cVJl t o r u t voted to routine affairs including the Every year Iillce he haa been in ofluf.,:' or U. S , Jl u Wt. II.- l)en.lh ot C 3c orge ed 6-hock \\rh c n ~ ) w Krn~ p,,!(1 Illl (tt ." ,· ernment to protect the public welfare no .n nnn d ~" lr oye d by nrc-De ath of LI!tlch . t rlt conI with wc' t hnndH, -,J. H. Sco tt fice Colonel Brown hllll made the election of officers. the giving of re111 ..... J3 0 11 Illlrri •. gh 11 lhr l:c yc al'S I n ,, (~ nlt t' llt ian' t l )r ,lu,l ,. :':1 D eu lhs, \\' ililam J enn in gs putting that ahead of all other dupra~tice of diatributlng the millions Passing away Is .truly a 'part of ports concerning Farm Bureau activJ).·ce-tIIb~r D--T nnn t hOllst Ilt -c mctory att e mJHlng to 1)(188 worthi eSt! ohecks, ~}r )' llll, M n~. ' VarnPI' "tl)rri !ol ~tr8. \VIl I of dollarS received through the tal earth. It lendB a deathlike air to our -Mr s, .I , " H h hll ecutll, o f UroJ,fo n la. hUr l1 H llown-Commu n1t r pinna for ities and extension work in the coun- ties? Stnn', J: nlpl1 4\fu.! wlI 'ommtlu 8ulctd The real objection is not that Govhrlstmns celehra t lon - Deaths . Mi ss ty. aale to the municipalities and coun- enjoyment and mingles Borrow with kl1 tC,l In nUll) ' U' c! ltlanl.- Hul· s CO II- 1", O. D a l<1n JlUr C hu.8e~ lu..sul'nnco Miss Nellie Watts will 8ummllr_ l #Ou i Si' N n l , Pl e t'cu BricJt'e lt, It:IrH, , cc rnln ~ \\' oy n c T ow uflih ll. IllJ r nn', bU !!iltlNi:l Ott S t!lU's 31 H't Cnr Lwl'lgh t , ern or Pinebot's suggestion is " a dan_ tieS of the State abDolt the same day our cup of bli8S, ' Those whom w(' Home Demonstration work ize hte Am)' Lutnpkln . Lite o f Gov{,l'nor Eva n s. o w f' I'l! (or' ~\tt811 AIi 'c h eelltLll, n gerous panacea," but tbat it wou~d aa the cheek up hu been completed. love die and the cold earth encloses ,- '.prll1 H-J)en t lll1, I·;dcly M :\o .. CO IL. Mrs, :-:h hl· I(lo-('h' II.--E , J . BU l'to Jl Il 'c c pt s po .. j)t'('(Omh .. r I-T'~' O men 'killed at Spring includ ing that of Miss Kizer, her There will, of coursel be aome delay them and freezes the hearts tuned Vnllry r allron,l croRs lns -Foree l H ob- predecessor. County Agent Class ia interfere with the pilins and profits M o ll ~8n ~' hurto n , Al ex I';lnl· 'y: f';t..1 .. ~ltl Jg,nor;'I~o ~ ca{] or .lunlol' J-f lg-II schoo l thia year, but it wil come through best in unison to our own. lilt loses rlij_ J~t hnnd......:..Den tlu5. O. H, likewise planning to have a summar- of "Big BusineSll," which is the real H fltHOn,- A pl' l1 7, lW(lnl)' .. CJ(l h Ilnn l ... .U ch dencotl . Mias C;Uzn Murray . v c r'sury of "'aY ll c ~vlllt· tlr . - \\'o.y u O . \1I 1:'1I'" !'i- OculI! or J, II, Ol ell1tlo. John the check.up- of the varioua tile c;iiaWhen 1 came to Waynesville to i~ed r eport giv ~,! concer.ning the ag- government of the United States. T own"hlp wlllt~ oralodcn l contt'!st..Al. H nl''',ey, Mre, J OB , l~vnn8.-Drowll" lle-ec"mttel' ZS--C h ns. Anderson w in s 0. tribuUnr ..,eneiel and not through make my home mr first thought was En13 tor arUel c 1»)' 1\11'8, 'orn 1.'hQlnpInS' In Cnt;'fULrs (:rc(>k ot I suuc Brock . prize In suggest ion con t cs t at N, C . R . rIcultural actiVIties carrIed out with the office of.tlie The demand Letitia McKay wil be such a comfort 80n . his co-oper atio n. rufL lI ,- l\lnrr' h\Jre O( #l\Uua Alice Sh ec~ Dealh ot Mi ss L e titia. Mci<ny. Professor- E dward S. Morse, noted han nnd Mr, "ar l r o ll. for tap h~ unusually to me. 1 clln go to her cheerful home A ... rll l !'J.-.T·hi '\'~ s nttempl tQ bn.!ak Dec-e m her a~hrtstm n8 program !! at . The socilll committee of the Leba. authority on geology, is dead, but still In Co l es' h1\r,I,\\'~l rc ~ t o r ~ nnt' lU'e ...\1I &:,u" t l!: - Uull .s lnrm dumngeq croJ>SSUflllny .. SchoolH-Leltor trom H , C. non Grange will serve a cafeteria and while 'tile ia on on,e-hal1 about which there were so many useful. Yesterday, his brain waa rr lg-htoncd nwa y by hur ~ lar nIUl'lll.J "-"cor·old b y nr J'~s t ad to r Ule tlBrnd s treet- Sn.nllL ChlUll . Oomullk happy memories and We could talk what it haa been h~re~;~o,~!~:,~ Dr. J C. :Ifn!·)'. Hersen "l N uti the r e ind eer visit \ Voyn osvl11e--O. lunell for the conveni ence of those at- sent by express to the Wistarl Instl~ ~~" V~';t~l~~OU~lr ntr:ne~;?~~-!:~h~ n 'A~~~~ UI\calha. celpts fOT Ithe year are of those delightlul days in the past. . Muywooll-A nn uu l m ec ting or tilt) tending the annual meeting. W. U. a lumni m a l In Waynesvilletute of Anatomy end Biology in Phil8us tnln a b ro k en .1 K, - Mr's. Sllr:ll. Fn l'm eJ's' Chili, Denth or BII Dean. show only about one-third Letitia was one of those characters adelphia. Professor Morse waa "amThe increUed number of Dew th'at' looked on the bright aide. John bidextrous," GOuld use one hand as , chines wiU help mak!! up for the 10118 Cad.wallader uled to aay of her, she r eadily as the other. He had, In ef. In the cost. i. 10 brave. No discourllgement fect, two right hands. Scientists. say could depreaa ber_· an examination of the brain may ex. Of ber we can truly say that both plain t ha t. Selec'tion of W. A. Julian! ' public and In Rrivate life ahe obeyOne thing is certain. If your 1I.t r clluUl~l, aa Democratl" NlitloDal com~ Miss Rachel Ridge, a former resi\he Apostle, Hold fast that form mlW.eJiJail to· lUoc.d th"late 'Edmond dent of Wayn esville, and sister of tie boy is left-handed, don't tty to lOund wordl which thou hast heard H. IIpore, brbip Into poUtlca\ activ_ Mr. Mahlon Ridge, died Friday nlgpt, make him use .his right hand. Thai ity a mailJ' who ,baa been' unulu~Uy of me in faith and love, which is in January 1, at the home of her neices stupidity, which, centuries old," inI au«elaf~ in hill own l dalr!l, and 'I'ho Christ J eBUs." . ill Bellevue, Ky. The body was juros a child's mind, Is useless. , The Waynesville Shrine club gave a Mr. J. Mason Prugh, who bas been During her Buffering ber cheerfulcan ~ eou,ted upop to be ~ Teal AIIet The fourth meeting of the Waki- brught here Monday morning and into Qhlo Democrats. lit. JuUap haa ne.. wa. unceasing and by it she Christmas party on Wednesday, De- fo r many year£1 an IIctive worker In titinn Gampfire girls was held at the terred in Miami cemetery. Rev NaScience might look' in the dead the nputatl911 of/ nevi!l' dolDc thlnp &TUtU< adorned the religion she pro_ cember 30th for t he members and t he agricultu ra.l organizations, will home of their assistant Guardian, than Johnson, of Ferry, bad charge man's brain for things more interestaddress the Farmers club Thursday by 'halve!!; 'and' 'Put. ' hia entire fol'Ce In.ed and lived. of the committal service. ing than the secret of ambidextroul!I their families at the Masonic Temple. and • penonaU~ . into anytbini. th'at • She was an earnest adherent of her Santa had provided a gift and trc'at afternoon. Janu.ary 14th, at the home Mrs. C. W. Younce. eccentricity. o{ Mr. J. W. Wlhite. ~e .~t.,"", throug~ bit friendi church which she ·was tlwaya ready The Campfire girls are going to Florence, aged 21 . daughter of What is it that works in there while His topie for discussion ,(rill be take the opport unity of having a Tag Mr. and Mrs. Perry Lawson, o'f near who 'reall.. hill 8Plehdld orpnillnr to advocate and explain. How many for everyone pre$ent and much hithe plans prop o!~e d by the Ohi'o Bank- Day, on SaturdllY, January 10. All Ridgeville, died Monday night, Jan- the brain is alive and suddenly vanIIIbUlty, tlItit' lie wu' .elected for the of our loved ones are passing away . larity was indulged in. ers asso~iat.ion last month at Colum- citizens arc welcome to donate any uRry 4; The funeral was held this es when th e brai n dies? NatiOnal commltt:e~, and hla election But death ia ahom of Ita disguise 88 Delightfu~ fea t ures of ~he evc~lng add~ preBtiP to. the place bec;au~ a tenor a d stands forth 8S the ra- were recitations by Beatrtce Robltzer bu s, OhIO for the ~o -operation be- amount they wish. In the evening Wednesday morning, and burial wa~ In England the body of King. EdMr.. Juli.iI. ~ f.' probably known u well diant messenger who comea wben the and Bobby Hymlln and impersona- tween banke rs and farmers for "bet- the Cllmpflre girls will have' a lunch at Second Crellk, in Olinton · county . te r C"ops, b ettc·r markets and better consisting of slmdwiches, hot coffee, ward has been moved so that his ."..ork Is don~l lulls I1s to IIleep, outside of ' Ohio and' in National atwakes Ua to tne bright morning tions in costume, of the Dunclln is- liVing conditions." cOIpse, now dead for a long time" candy and other good tWngs to eat. fairs u : .,01 other 'man lin the State. new day. And in that waking we ter8 in " Topsy and Eva," by Misses may Ii!! beside that of his Queen, --_ . ... MI'. Julian baa aecepted the honor, This lunch will be served in Mrs . rejoice that the true love of . Kathleen Henderso n lind Ed ith McAlexandria. r eeent\y dead. . I nally thrUR :upon hlm by' 'admirb.lC Sides" room. It is sweet British sentiment, but outlaats al\ time and ripens Into Kibb en. They su ng , "Remomberin g,' The Campfire girls will send roses friend.,. and .a personal acquaintance beauty in Heaven. As we "I Never Hed a Morning" lind "Swat it is like taking t he shells of tbp . to their Guardian, Mrs. F . R. Moowhich' ex'teodj oller . eggs from which two chick~ns h~ve faces of our loved onea in Onion T ime in Bermuda," .with Minss maw, who is ill. the writer to Rhea Jane t CaTtwright at the pi!1 o. escaped, and putting those shells let us remember they are The Campfire g irls agreed to beterestl as tar Ladies of the Ellstern Star : ervcd Miss R hea Janet Cartwright gave a They have gone. B'u t piously. side by sid e. With the hugi n winnning t heir honors, starting ilona! c(·*,.~ recitRI dainty refreshments. The ufl'u ir was at her home on NOI·th street mun body it is t he so ul. . How close one more voice il added to the fhorus January 3rd. Some ways of earning Thu.rsdny, December 31st, presenting in chnrge of the, Wulter Mcnow are Edward's and Alexandria's pf praise, one more BOIJI has broken the Hom e Crnft Honor or Hou sehold , six of hcr young gi rl pupils. A few Clure lind J . ,0 . Cartwright. souls? That's the question . free from the trammels of time. guests were privilege d to enjoy this are: Wash and and wipe dishes and We have one le88 to •.love on earth, leave the dining-room in order after occasio n' and appreciate the musical one more to love In Heaven. • one mea l 1\ clllY for two months ; air Pi ty Uie poor Duke of NorthumSubscribe for the Miemi Gazette. ability of pupil and tonchor. Thus says tbe 'religion of Christ. nnd makE; a bed for two months, and berland. His income is $375,000. cheerful and hopeful The day by ironing for eight hours for two Incoine taxes lind other taxes take l.blrilrhtlms we depart. Sun~et means months. $200,000. Th e British government 'pe,nailntld real loves are untouch_ . The meeting was adjourned and knows bow t o tax and how to ~ol1e ct the g irls hiked for two miles for entaxes. Enemi~ joyment. Herc, instead of making taxes hlgBE RNICE HYMAN, Scribe. ger, thanks to President Coolidge and Secretary Mellon, blllions Ilr~id' off ----.. on thc wa.r debt and taxes' IteadiJy .reduced. Happy U_ S. A .

I_-..............._....I ..



------_---In Memoriam

. -.




1, __



Piano Recital

--- --- ---


- -----


OY81(R SUPPER fllrmers Grange, at their regula.r meeting ,Saturday evenillg, Installed the fo \lowing officers: . Muter ..., .... _:·....... Dalllls B~ger

. War, whi~h Is wl\oicBale , eri':ll4!i theft and highway robbeno-' reta1J crime, do not pay. . ',,' . . :,Edward F,. Kellar, famous b;I crime ten years ago, recently I~t- out of prison, went to work In a' J)aJ)k .tole $18,0001 took .it in a taxl~'b . an\l~·81 found aead.. The doctor IIdd ' ear kil.ed him: ' Crime ' d08lln ~ ,p.&y, 0 u tile atrllring ",antJ..~e pPlite,l'II. laY, "You can't .w m." . .

) i .,_,.





A!'o. the yOII!' 11,! dl'RWS I" n d t1s(1 l he l nti NI ." Ial l'r, " t 8nd ~ II tl ,n \I, udd'e rn u~ t l Pl o ll ~ n .\ l.inll. L~~ ... !hU fl J!;O y, " • III I,' .. t h., fo un (h l1 ~

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<d l'l' r ...


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Id f'H :-: a ln ll go' ! l ll y


11I ll':" " r ,

I :t f t.' " and p h li"i u ll f p l' t1h n lH n ~' , Au y

Buick motor cars are deili an Wlh\ h a ~ I.' IH,'I' J!' Y :lnd p,-' I',s <.' V,,' I · .iined to run efficiently in l .11\('(' ('u n ri ~ t' frnm thl' 11)\\ l's t t o t he I l igh {\ ~t p O~ it i l\ll in incJu:-:'lry , t't'1i::i nn every temperature, and unp,diticJo: 0 1' \, ha t t \' I' 1' hi : chu icp may der every climatic condition. 11,l'. Eue h 1111\ 11 a nd w om ll n hns l he a small percenta~e of " ppu r luni t y f o r n Cni !" ~ tu rt regard. the mUllon and more Buick.s 1(' S5 of th l' hnn d icap:-o n r Uisa dvuntu · have the opportunity to go J,!'C'S of nn c~~ t tJl·:io . It is no wond er lhat a nntion wh t're co California or Florida for ~I' ery fnmil)" can ~ et iis own goal to the winter. , tl'iv(', f or without hindrllnce from Buicb ltare quickly, even at c'i lher political , religious or so cial aero. The new, high-speed sources, -I1O Uld hav c develo p d in a manner IInpllrellelccl in the world 's RartI.ns motor accomplishes histor y.

un t he g'(\\, c rflnH' ul I f'l dHi p us e Il l" th (: t !'It.·ph o ne Hy s t C' 1ll a nd t u tUt'1I it u Vl'l t ll pri\' a t e int('re ~ ts in till' int ~ i' :" s l o f C!'onomy li nd rnicil' IICY, Gr cet'" has I'l'cc ntly I ll med 11l'1' t(' leph ul1l'



Runs smoothly Bukk Automatic Heat Concrol reducel another cold.

ttartln8 annoyance -that ot buddng, .pitting,

I weather

IDldirInIl eD.Kinea. Thls adulive Buic:k feature heau the , fuel IQPPIVt and sava pao-




Stops .aIel, , In

nm. mow or . Ieet Buick


4-wheel braka

:::J,,!~e car firmly, in a

liDe. Neither heat

aor cold affects the direct

mech.nfcal action of these brakea. There is no liquid in

chem Co expand, contract or J.ak awav.

Bukk is a better Motor Car-In Every Kind 0/ . Weather '

Keelor Garage Lebanon, Ohio

As the flll1lily of plnin John, mitla J;athers around its lJounlifully fill ed r hrist mus or New Year's dinner ta1,le , it sh ould hCllr in mind th ese fucts. Th e Sm ith home will be typica l of mi l lions of oth<'r A muricun homes. It will be warmed by II modern heuting plant. Dinner will be cooke d on nn elllcient sto ve which, fn many instances, will Lte heated by gll~ or ciectl'i city, Water [or the tab le will como thro' mod ern plumbing from slIn itary sour_ ces which fu rni sh an un endin g stream f"r all h ousehold purposes, including th" modern bllthroom which hilS placed Am eri can homes hea d and shou lders above those of other nlllions, 111 usic during the m II I mlty be furnis hed by a piltno phon og raph or the meth ods which ha ve seen th e ir g rentlItore modern rmllo, which will bring tu the dinner t nble tll r opera n ews , cs t developm ent he re in orde r to tak(' music or lectures Il'Ont p oints which cure of the vur i('d necd, nnd reCJuire_ my be nctually thousands of miles di s_ ment 8 of Am er ica n fnmil )' lind busitanl.ln till' evening the home will be ne s life . flooded with light through pressing 'fh ig is not nn overdra wn picture, n button; und the telephone, t hnt ill- It is ty pical of the nvcrll!:,' home in di spensab le ar t icl to th e American every t own, village anti ci ty in t h e family, will offer communica ti on wilh U nit ed Stales It is 51) r<l llllll onp lac c loved ones or fri end s who mny be in to mos t o f us thut we ti n! pro ne t o the next city hlock r 3,000 mil es forget t hl' backg round o f soun d gov· across the continent. e rll ll1 Cnt which has Ill ullc it Jloss ible. After dinner the family will prob- But a t this s<'oso a of the year, when ably take out the autom obile , wheth- it is th e endeavo r of all th e wo rld to cd it be a $200 second-hand flivver appreciat e th c bless ing s it has r eor a $10,000 enclosed pa lltce on ccivud, it is w('11 rur us in thi s IlIt, whee ls, and go for a 50 or 100 mile tion to be c10 ulJly gra teful fo r the ride over paved hig hways, or t o som e opportunities whi ch we ha\'c, play or entertainment, as the mood Each uf us indi vidually, s hould de_ stri kes them. termine in our ow n minds to sec that Chance, which in the past wrecked the structure f ounded by the fathers the happin ess and f uture prospec ts of of this country is n ot weake ned , but 80 many famili es and industries, has mad e stronge r with IIge; and that the been largely eliminated in the Amer- opportu nity and freedom gua ranteed ican home through mo dern insurance to tho individual and industry under

/Q.) / ' I ,'

1\ ...-;-=



~.- .



.-o ur COII "tilution, is not curtn iled or d c" tl' oYl, d, Ltu t enlarged nllli strt' lIA'ltl ' clled ,


MISUNDERSTOOD I1 11 ~ t~ ~~ - "P" \' Oll oelic"e in capital puni ~ hlllcllt '?'; lIos t (u wtllkillg drl 'gntr- " S ul'c I Iii>. Wli)" lady. t he wOI'king mAn n(' \'er will ge t no jU ~ l ic e 'Lil 1111 them cnl'itn li ~ t ::: ur~

in pt' iso ft ."



lint's ov,' r to a privllte Briti sh synd ieat" and Spll in hil S pu t her gOVl' I"II IIIl' nt-own ed lel,'phone li n c~ in to the hand s of Ii ('OI11IHIIlY which is t~ drvl'iu l) un l'x l en sivc lind effective t elcpholl e se rvic e , ",,,net hing which t he country h us fnil ed t o e nj oy und er gov c l'nme nt 111111111j.tel1l enl. In Haly, Mus~ol in i hns nlTIIIl j.ted to sell the govl' l'lIl1Ient telephone system to II pri· vnte c o r puration in th e hopl! that l ow ~ er rntl'" nn d bol lel' s ervic e wi ll pre vni l. , Thc Ulli ted States had II convincing ami' un slilis rncl ory expe rienc e with gov er nme nt OP Cl'lItiO Il of pub lic util ili es c1U I'ill A' lh o wllr and immediately lherenrter, lind a purt of th e g reat Hl' puuli clln I11 l1jor ity f 1'!J20 WflS clue tu the j.tcneral dissllti sfactio n with gO\'crtlll1cnt upl'l'IIlio n of th e ra il wllYs


thb molt dea1rable result.

tllll tl"Jl dcnl'Y t t)\\'nrd I11' i·

Th t , I· a ri .~ ( ' ha mul' l' ('OIllIlIt ' TTt! l'f 'Ct ' f1t ly uduptt' d 1I r cxnl uliull l' ulli ltg'

\\ h l . h

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T ll i- IS nu l " Inlld " I' I' fl\' ilt ·..;cs f,' r

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lll l!l \lt.!I, .1 :ln d ' II Ii \ Il) I ' 1' n r ho tl ,


: l1 it!u t i\"l'. ,·Hll·t p riS t i


Starts easily

I tl l'l.' U}\ ., y f1' o m th ~ up l 'J"nti ll li and

" \I' ll , .., I,ip n r I' ub!k ulil il ies,

tl ;t

~ h HUhl UI' l' I'\.,(·jnh' , i ~ t il<' (I[ll h l r t llTtit~


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' ~' \ H· t.' dlJlI l' lIt

\ u t t' np l'l'utiu ll i ~. l'st"L"' iu ll y llotil'I' nld.' i ll I' J~ "l'd tu thl' l" l pthd1 t ' (.' \l lt\pnrti l' ~ ' a nd l lt t' f o ul' 1l : \l i ll l1 ~ IlI Pll ti o lh,d :1 1" (' l toW ltl'l-d nnin g- lu fa"or th(l pri n d o IIpc.' r utin ll II f t lw il' tl-' 14'ph{\IIC :-: y :-o h'1l 1~ ,

J(~ t :\fh li! . ~ }..U\' l rll tlh dl t. ,\ H ~ h


The -


THE fiRE HAZARD ON THE fARM The A mer icnn Farm Buroau f oder_ ation lit Chictlgo, tukes lip tho CJuegtio n o f fewer fire s un th~ farm . cry yOllr e no ug h fllrm fire s occur to Ltuild II cily like Kllnsns City. Practi ca lly every dnily pn per contains an ite m li ke th e follow ing : "John Doe' . uarn lJurned with all its contents, loss so-mlln y-thousund do ll llrs; un ins ured," The Furm bureou will urge ils people t o do sOlllc t hin~ ab nul 'fire carelessness. Many burns ure burned throug h th e use of lanterns , llInde more necessary throug h la' k 01 cu re in plnnning burn work. A litt le (>xlra though t in routi ng th e bllrn chores, in plucing th e f"eding f acilities so lho t lh"y lire prncticn lly auto llllltic eVen without II lig ht, would save mi ll ions evei''' year lind wou ld cost hllrd ly a penny. Bnrn s lire left unin s ul'ed b ecnuse und er ordinnry conditions the y a r e dllngerou8 a nd hig h-priced risko , It wou ld be fa r better to in sure , however, rother thnn to ' t ry to carry one's ow n hllzIlrd; but t ho dnnger might be greotl y redu ced by definite plllnning,


and exp l' f' ~!'\ c umpallies. nnd govern-

me nt intl' l'fel' cl1l' e with the t elegraph alld l eleph onc liliCs . The "X I' ' l'icnce o f the Europea n co ulilries with g ove rnm ent ope ratio n is whutmi ghl hll ve lJec n ('xpec\cd nnd lhe !l' nd'IH'Y t o\\'nrd privute operalilln i" lill' nll tu ral r esull. It wi ll be It I'lng lim e be fore the Lht'o ry of go vL' l'I\lllc nl " wn 'rs hip o f pubic utilities in th e Un iled StlltCM I1Inkc~ IIny consld craLtlc hcndway. The Iiiltc l' expe rien ,·,t's with t he U, S. ruilwllY nd lIIin i~ L rllli o ll 111'(' still f resh in th e nlelII ory of t he Al1I ericnn people.



Spring wheat may be g rown as an " I n ~'our opini on whnt A'Teat thing emerge ncy crop where weather con. could u congressman tin which wo uld ditions prevented seeding wintl'r in s ure his re ·e leclio n ?" "Thu t's ensy, Senalor- ju st push wheat last full und it is des ired to that ta x· cut bill thl'o ugh- th en Il\uke muintuin the regular cr op rohlti an, Small lawn s cumplain thut big cita motion to IIdjourn." T he Blue Ribbon and Groti' vllri eies drnw ul1 the Ltu siness fr om rural ti e' h uve g iven the bcst U\' erage yields COOlIHuui ti cs , Benuty docto rs Ilrc nrg uin g o\'r r ' 'fl" . t k'd II in the 10 yeurs in which sp ri ng wheat which is th e mo re hellutiru l th e fcrnn IllIS a -ell I ea. A over varieties h uve been tested at the Ohi o ini n .. el bow or kne e, Must 'bc '1 joillt Ih e co un t ry t her e are shining eltamEx periment station, These spring discus-, ion, pies to prov e thnt Itlll nula cturers, wheats averaged JjJj,l and 16,6 bushpublishc l'S, writers, motion picture e ls per IIcre, or less than hnlf as mu ch prudu ce rs , mill opcruto rs lind num erliS the Ltcst winter wheats for th e snme period. ous oLher productive e n terprises are On the expe rim ent farm in Miami c~ tI\IJIi R hed, thrive and distribute Coun ty Bluc Ribbon spring wheat th('ir prod ucts more econ omi cally hns avernged 11.6 bush els; Tru mbull f l'o m n smull town thon fr~m a popwinter wheat, 33.3 bushe ls ; nnd Mia mi outs , 64..1 Ltu she ls p~ r IIcra, ul ous oenter, Th e small town which Crops of more lh un 30 bushel s per will nnnlyze it s possibilitil's nnd the n acre hllv e been grown in very fav org o a ft e r the bus iness can build itself IIb l", s ea sons on s ev·e r nl of the expe .. ur a long sound in dustrial a lld comim ent farm s in th e northern pllrt of the Stllte. But lhe crop i8 very u nllI ercia l Iin eij. ce ..tain lind low yield s of inferior The Central Illi nois Pub lic Ser vice quality grn in lI .. e quite common. Company, of Spri ngfield, III., has i! This c.. op in Ohio cl mllnds a fel·til e su('d n fo lder entitled: "Fertile Fields Hoil alld IIlUst be drill ed ns (>lIrly in for Factories," It has not waited the ~ p .. inJ:: liS it is po ,~ i ble to p ...·pa'·c for rum l towns In Illinois t o sct fo rth a glJ u<i fil'lll se ed-bed, a ~ for \\' in ll"r their a dvan tages , but is go ing ahead wl\('al. IL is Rc('(l" d a t th e l 'a L~ o f an d showin g how low prpduction ab out 7 peck PCI' Hcr, costs a re possible in the communities in whi ch it operates. It s hows the raw material, transportation and llIanufacturing resources in its t erritory and gives statemen ts of e xecutives from some of t he The Ohio acrenA'e seeeled t o whea t co unty's largest manufacturing plants as to why they, as manufacturers, is es timated at 1,D40,000 acrc~ 1) 1' pr efe," a sma ller city as a factory ' 6 per cent less th a n n year ago , aclocntlo n. In every instance one of cor ding to Stnt istidu n West, of the the mnin reasonll' cited is that living Stnte Fede r nl Crop Reporting ser conditions in the small places average better than in a big CIty; there is a vice. The decrcnse is due to the stronger community interest in the fnilure to complete the intended sccd, success of the industries; employees ing in th e southwestern parts of the are of a more permanent nature and State beelluse of the continued r!ll n2, own their own homes, thu8 eliminatIn so me other parts of the Stnte t here ing a large part of the costly labor has been an increuse and especially t urnover. _ , in Northern Ohio, but these increus~s The Ce ntral TIlinois Company i~ were n ot suffi cie nt: to overcome the doh;lg constructive wQrk ami , setting s hortage in other seCJtions. In Cli na n exnmple which can be adopted ton and a few ot he r counties it is with profit by wide-awake communidoubtful whet her more than oneties a ll ovel'the country. f ourth t he inte nd ed! acreage was seed_ ed, Rye acreuge has apparently in creased slightly over last year, The condition of' t he you ng wheat plants is 10 pe r cc ut und er aver ngc FITTING THE COLLAR. fur Ohi o and a IlIrge percentnge of A collar that is 6tted to a V t he acreage showes a ve ry s mall neckline should be snug to the growth , neck in the back and have a smooth ' - - - -...... .,,- ~ --e"en roll at the Bides 88 I have s hown at 4- U the collar Btand8 SAFETY FIRST away from the n~ at the back The num ber of hogs on Ohio farms a nd Bides as at B the 'f ault is IjlfScared Passeng er- "R"y, there, unll y with the neck of tho bodke_ should b e increascd next. year, ncdri ver, don ' t go so fast; you' ll upse t In .maldng a dreas It Is very easy cording to th e reports obtained-f rom us in t he ditch'." to stretch the neck out of shape. Dl'ivc r- "Y cs, si:r, this is n dan gerthe December l s~ pig s U1:vey ma~~ E ve n If the neckline is only sllght- lJ y the rural mail carricr~ for the Oll S bit 0' rond hl~ r e , and I nlwa ys Iy stretched, as shown at C, It will United Stutes Depnrtmen't of AgricuY~ drive fost to get over it," The couse a collur to 6t badly. . , . - - ._-~. ture , The filII crep oi pigs this yen~ remedy Is to run a gathering NATURAL ~U:S '1:0RY TE:lT t hren d around the neck and draw may hav~ been liS mu'ctJ DS ~ n~-fiftJi less than in 1924, ns 8~OWri bi 'the the materiul into Its natural shape &am e reports. Th e r eported. in£r ea _ Brimke n- " What hus lour legR, a s s hown at D. a nd leaves," Sometimes the neck of a dress es lire much larger £or t he coming ' Th e Boob-"A .nollse-when t ho is cut too low in the back 88 abown spring crOll in IOWA afl d TIlin!>!s thlln ' ill OhiO, and also the reducli!ll\ in th g cat HJlPCllrS," at E. Thi s a lso will cauae a col. lar to fit budly. The only remedy fall crop , ~aS ll1u ~ h lelll) in t hose We ~~.-In t hIs case, Is to add a smaU ~ t eru stat es. Th ese pig . rllPort3 aro HAD PRACTICE tinn to build the neckline up 88 one of the, newest d ~"e l oIill'len~~ iii crop r eporpng and furni~b by fiir tnt! xhown at F. most reli~b l e indiel.!tions of . pomjng LlIywer- " Cr06S cxalllin otiona did UF:AnrmS:_Jr yo. 'lOY' 'd,_maIdA. changes III the n~lmucrs ot hogs fn not Ree m to bother him a bit," uroblcm. I" Uu lh W, otb Sp ...., ",•• Uh1l11 ( Of ),O u . Ie . . ., be mark eted, in the ppillion 'pf Mp. Other Lawyer- "Why should they , tltle III1fWl p3per, W "~ hll'S been mtll'ried fo ur times,"


Will F~ Young,


. OPTOMETRIST , . ' ·EYES ' EXAMINED CLASSES . FITTED Prompt Repair Service Every Thuraday 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.

Reat Room in Cranse BidS.


W.,ne",m., nbio .

Main Office '

Y. South BrownIStr••t. OYer Si.m. ~ ••t.r DA YTON, OHIO

- --_.- ---


Wheat Average Less

You'll J.,ike HAINES CITY



?ranI\.. Bnj80d REALTOR




",,...--""'.............................- - - -_ __ MONEY 'LOANED


LOANS on Ohattels,Stoclca, Securltiell and Second Mortiage.. Note. bought. John Barblne Jr., Xenia, Qhlo_ .m80.'28

Far~erst AttentIon! "


Farman of Warren and adjolnln, countle8 may obtain mQDeY ,on Ion, . time loans, at 5 ' per cent Interest. Cos~ ot securtnr the IIBme I, veC7 reasonable ,through The Federal Land Bank, For further . 1i1t~l'Jnatton call on 'or addre81 !ri, ·C. DRAKE, Treuurer, phone BI6.X, Lebanon, Ohio.



WANTED. . I Aft! now organizing Warren County for the Ohio State , Life Insurance Co. For Agel)cy Opportunities or best in,surance protection,. write to Gilbert Big gs, Box 83, Waynesville, Ohio - J12 . WANTED- Rough wood , cut .. bout l~ or 12 inches for heater, CIIII at tins offico. ' WAN T E.D- AII kinds IIf soft Wppl! for pulp. !>ferri~ Gr!!h!!IIJ ' CA,SH For P I G ' Sil v;;; Diam~n~ olt!, rll!tl~um, ffl lRc te~th . w" s, mngne 0 POints, Mail to day' J e~Y6 ~"¥ va!uaLtles, I-l'oke S & R C~s 'Ot y retMu~I\. mill!, . .,' sego, Ill".



Io'o rd son Trlletor with fenders gpv' e t;1ol' and pulle ys, Ohv cr Tractor Jll p\V ' I C III~i p llt k !l r.. ,., ," : I Ol' bu~h cJ ~ IIf p n.l~, ' : , , . , 00 uusb~ !s f Corn in crib, ' I g oo~ 1)11111 cow: to be fresh in M ay. , ' , I !bull culf , 6 months old, 6 new shovels for , corn cultivator $760,0,0 clISh takes all, if sold at o~ce 2 ¥.. m. les north of WayneSVille R R' I dn h" ·, It! Th nmn. 'lTl'ss f ' . .


• Your Own Isn't So

;~:I:.!:" "I; ~ ANY

, , :" , -~ '., .'.'l~1"fT:·.~lr, .'



one .wnn ling to feM ensila .. can get th'c Slime by ap p I . ..e, Wa~nc!lvlll~, J>addng , Co. )'In,!a\:,,o



- ...-:.v

• ' . FOR SALE-Pure bred R I Red roc~erel s. J . P, Reed H I Iy; O~IO , ' I" . . , ~J6~ FOR · SALE-8everal used -R ' ... Stoves in good condItion ~t!ng '!.- p, Fairbanks engine" , ~'ft .. saw, rood ~ new, , Fred If. , EIoJ-:'!!6 WE CAN SAVE' YOU " '-Condensed Buttel'JnIl:O~Y ON Ohio Creamery ' Co 0. W utel!ll








un_. .

SALE-eoo -.:tdnYtUow .... No. J, FOB




Mrs. Gail Gordon is lluite .ill. Mr8: Mnl'Y Fin uh is ill with grippe.

Price. $1.50 p er Y ear

, I'n- 1'o lIfr. upd Mrs. Oscllr Free

1" ' 0 , n so n .





I:' ~ n

lj 'I' L .

rhus. I\f ad i l ~ n wn' a Cinci , ,_,l i "isit o r, Mo nd ny. Ml'R. Chll s. G01'CIOtl and son . RobSHORT OR LO NG , "{;HAT'S TH E crt. OI'C ill wit h g r ippe. QU ESTI ON ~li " " Ne lli " utri g ht hud he,' ton· Mr ~ . J uhn U. Hend el'so n, Wa Rhi ng· ,; ib r Cllwved a t l hl' Il nle hORpitnl, '·e· ton societ y lelldel' wh o wages w!~r (~ e ntl y. ugain st ~ h ul't Rkirts a nd c igarettes Rulph 'B r ooks and Chug. Mudd cn for A merienn gi rls , see ms to hu ve w(' r (:, Co l umb us b u s inl"s~ vis itors , tilt been in ci ted t o th e frRY by sec r et T hu rsday . Mrs. Will Orndorf a nd Laby, ()( wurry over what ha pp ened t o Rome, "A lIlerica is go ing the sa me wuy Wayn esv ille, ca lled on IIft·s. J. r.. th"L Rume went t o her ruin ." fi llYS Gray, SlIturday. Mrs. He nde l'so n. " Rem emb er It wus J oe Hisey, . of Le bano n , vis ited his lu xury and r ccklessnes" too ml1rl~ sist er, Mrs. Mar y J . Finch lin d Ru b· th ouj( ht u r pleasure, t hut ca ll SI'd th e crt Gn rn er, S und uy. f ull uf Ho,\,e," she add s, a ll of whi ch Mr . and Mrs. He rb ert Mart, of Og. mlly be ularmin g but not eu lculat ed t.o CIlU " C hi " h blood IlressUI'e in 1!l2ll. de n, ,'iaited t h e ir purents, Mr. IIml Th e Wnshingto n gi r 5 ri sing coyly in Mrs. Geo . SmiLh an d fami ly thi s week. . d er"nse o f lI1od ~ l'l1i s 11l point OUt lhnt M r<. 1I ~ nd o r80 n hus hud her flin g , Robe rt and Dic ki e Fra nk en nrc vis. wh ile th ey have t heirs be fore th em iting th eir u unt and un cie. Mr. nn e! all u uught t o be p ermitted t o enj oy Mr R. W . A. Haines, d urin g Chris tmas it. Nor does Mrs. Hen derson's lutesl vucu tion . effort tu g llthcr t he cou ntry gi rl "Mrs. Annn Stin "on, of God's Bibl" mound her bun ncr uf sup er moralit y ~em to huve cau!!'ht 011. Re ply :nj:' Se hou l, Cincinn ati, en lertu ine d tw o t o her critic8 in the Nationlll cupit II. fri end s f J'o m Cincinnu ti Il t her ho me Mrs. He nderson SUYR: "That sort of her e. during th e Christm as holid ays. tnlk C O Il1 I1 ~ fr om womcn of t he ~o· Mr. and Mrs. ~I<'r b e rt Carr ·nler · cull ed s ll1 a rt se t. The wo mcn of th e tu ined II num ber of fri end s ' uturduy Hmul\cr cities and the co u n try villa· e vellin g , honorin!! Mrs. Ca r r's s i;; te r, ges have hig her moral ideas than the lin d hu s bnnd , 1\l r . lin d Mrs. Arnold IIvcruge Washingt o n deb utante . The Linton, of CI.. ve la nd . women of the 10·cnJl ed s mart set are The Ch" istmu s prog ra m a t t he J o· the wo rst ofl'enders in l'egnrd to imm oral styles and smokin g hll bi ts." na h's Run ch urch ~ u n d ay e vc nin Jt, This thoug ht is in direct accord with was interesting, d es pi te th e fuct thut thnt of u propri etor o f n N w York muny who wer e t u tuk e pul't were belln ery who , lust week, stopped a a bsen t . owi ng to il llleRs in some cases woman sm uking in his f oo d IImpor and the e xt reme cold wCllth,'r ill oth · ium , ' soberly r ema l'iling, " CU t it 'l ut, el's. Santa appeured at th e cl ORl' of g ir lie ; where do yo u think yo u al e th e progr llm nnd guvc euc h child a ~e n e ro u ~ tJOx o f culldy. in t he Ritz?" Fllct is, however, thnt most or , he Wllshinglon debutnntes are g ir ls fr om th e , ountry. Ind ('od, if it were nut for Wnshin gto n's shiftin g popula t; un , and the he uvy influx of th e rurul n Ull· per it is hard to co nceive how Ii fp. would be beJlrable in greut city H ur old Beason u nci wife have movof statesmen. And the sho rt . kirts ed to Dayton . O hi u. tielp not a little. K. E. Thompso n J\t t~nde d the f u· Mrs . H end el'!lo n need have no f car fol' th e morals of the A m er ic.a n g irl. ne ral of Eli Delln , at W ayne~ v ill e . la st They lire inherent "nd nut to be g ung. wee k. ed by t he flu ctuati ng lise of th e tuoe George W. Davis is vis itin g rela · m easure, W e nil loved Victoria in tives and fri end s in Misso uri, this her day. W o admired our Naney week. Hnnks. But tim es have change d, n n~ Mrs. W . B. Warner is quite ill at 110 hnv' )!klrta rt d sanitati on and h it. m8n mind ~ . Limbs have become legs lhi s writing. We a U hope for a speedy thank God, uno hypocri&y is on the recovery . decline • • B. F. Trnylor, of n ear Oregonia, culled o n K. E. Thompson, Su ndny Pro feasor Paul H. Douglas of the a fternoon. Unlv'l!tsity 01 Chi cago, t ells us t he K. E . Thom pso n and W. B. Warn· earning power of t he white ~u ll:lr er ap e.n t n co uple of dUYfi InHt week worker has dwindled 6 per cen·. ~ in '!c in Waynesville. 1900 and that of the manual labor er This place was well rep,reIWnted h ill! Increased 28 pur cent. Erg(\don't wony about the high c os~ tot nt the bas ketball game in WIlmington last Saturd uy evening. laundry--get to work. Geo. W. Davis , Mrs. Edith Davis The Paris Credit Municipal ie now and children we re shopping in Leb· the world's greatest pawn shop. Thir. anon Saturday afte rn oon. ty· thr e miles of oun t.c rs and shelves R. J. Murra y, wife and J nso n Bid· hold' g o'ods " hocRed" for 1,018,000,· 000 france dUring the last y ear. P er . dleeum attended the funeral of S. M . haplI the city may now have time to Green, at Ogden. Thursday aftet<14r. ·up a few trea8Ures. where moths noon, will not eat. J. B .McKa y, wife and so n, May. nurd , and A llen McKay, of Wilming· London hal II OW. added beauty ton , spent Su nday with the. McKays shops and rest r oo ms f or dogs. Mi· at this plnce. ,lady's "Peke" can be wnsh ed, curled R. J , Murray sold a fine lot of and perfumed while mistress sh ops. bro .1 sows last week to a Mr. Jam es, Next? Suggestions are in order from of College Corn er, in the north ern the ·coal heavers. . pa rt of the state_ Mr. and Mrs. K. E . Thompson held Euter n cities seem rapidly to bE fulling ' into the plan of electha;: a t heir annual family Ne w Yenr's din· ncr las t Friday, with scveral outside May r and then appointing on 'aSSis· fri ends bein g present. tant to "ao the wo~k. - --_I _ ...____ We nre glad to report Mrs. Rny Drummond, who is getting nlong nice· Iy, underwent a critical operation re o cently at the Hale hospital in Wil· min gton. Mrs. Iia McKny is at the bed side of her mother in Wilmington, who is seriously ill. We all join with Mrs. Hayworth's many frie nd s wishing by the tim e this appears in print, that 11 Inp You Should Know she will be much better and on the road to Wellville.



j. ...

~I ,' . .


Mr. and Mrs. William Brown spent Saturday in Dayton. 1 J\1r.' Everett lark, of Dayton, spent N~w . Cllr '. Dtty alld the w ek·end Noggle Laurells is 8ufl'eling on at· Ilf r. a nd Mrs. J ohns ton Burson and with hom e i lk ll. tack of pI u r iscy. fomily mu ved t il Day to n T uesday. ,A Lotlt sixty fri ends of , Mr. an d MlsA Mory Co lle tt hRS I' lurn d to A JlumLct· of frie nds tend e red Mr. ~l rs . Wilhu r ' Iu rk and fa mily t en· Geor g e Gl'ah"," " sUI'p r ise, Saturday de r ,d t hem quit It surpri se by g a th· her sc hoo l work in Be m nt, TI1. . ' irJ,r. ' " J· r ll~ ut th e ir hOlll e ,ut u rdav ell en· Wm. n . Harlan , o f Mild rin sch·oo l. s{lciul time WuS ;' nj o~'('(1 .pllnt the hu liday s nt hi . hom e, h er~ . , 1'" . e . t . rtu i n rl li ttl e 'wrl1i~.lh tIlA I'tlgoM,udIlIlis ic, eLl'., un d 1\ \:-;0 th e I.l. ~ 11 .., d ll'1 r\i l l, ld' J)ayt\I Il , l O din . It. n. 'o lletl, who ha. b ... "n co nfin. f i \"Stl.· I'~ whi dl w 're S t.. )' vcd with aJl !!I', T nlll'sd a y. t ile t l' imll1ill ~". 1111'. ·tllId 1\1rR. Clark c d to his hUIll!' with jaundice, i ~ imMih" 1\'it'l'i ll ll Bri cld ", o f X~nin, will muve thi s wecl, tu t he ir new h o me pro villl{. "I)(' n l lIw h" lida YH III Lh e hUl11 e o f M,' in Wayn es vill e an d will b e g r eatly The Larli e~ Aid s(ocoiely h eld /I und MI' ~ . •1. R. ,Inn t'R. . mi ss l'd in Lhi s cu mnlullity. Thc gou d "hirthd a y port y" in the Annex , W d wi, I,,," (lr fi ll r" llowin g t·he m. 1\1... und l\l l's. J . B.. I,,"(,s all ndcd n Cbday t· v(' nin g. 1\1,·. fllld 1111'S. Cha l'l,'s F;. J uhn s en" Wa lch I'lIl' ty III III" Cl'a ll ~ (, at Wuy. The Chri., ti un Leul'( uc h eld a Waich Il c:.;v lll e . TI~ \lr s duy t:\" cr li ll g'. ie,·tai 'll'd a few r r ie l1d s l\' cw Yea r's Party ill thl' M. E. church pa ri"",, MI' • . Will iam (,,, Ieman uccompliliL 1" \'t·lIi ll g" . thi ~ l i ll i l Ill' ing Ull' iI' :10t h N ew \Yl' u r '~ E ve . A d e li c io us r-d J{a ze l I\ill ~ a nd TIll'llIl a hl', ,,:Il , to wt,·dd in g u nni ve r ~ HI·Y . T he W. F. ilL S .. "r t h" F'ri(>nd ~ t ltl' h o:; p ilal ill l ' iru..'inlluLi. \.\" l' drll..' ~­ LWil - l '{I UrSC IU lu.'1l Wa x fi cl' vc.:d to th e r(\ I1 " \\' il1~ ~\I~"t:; : ~11' . an d IIll's. W. ('hurch met at th e Iw n1l' u f Mr. ami day. C. (' ox, Mr. and M r<. J . U. ,I" nes, IIII' . MI' ~ . ,Iesse H tlwkin ~. Wedn rsdny. MI'. and ~Irs. Waitl' l' Ke nrilk spenL and 11 11'S. Cl yde Cux , MI' . nnd Ml's . 1111'. and Mrs. Curito n mith . of Cu· TlH':'UHY (Jf Ja "'i l \\ (' l,k at til l' h Onll' of AII"n Em l' iek , ~11- . and Mr". \l arr y l umbu" , Spl'nt a pa l't o f lust week li t ~11''' . U,·lI e C"U II und daug- hLer", in ~ll' l;inni " , !'III'. and ~ I r s . \" a lte r Ke n_ I he home of 1111' . and 1111'S. W. C. !JuyLon. "ie\(, Glurly s Emrick and Mllrion $ mith . lJri eld l' ; Mr. Thed e .rlJ n e~ und Bal. 'I'h" I11111 Keam s cllterl:1in etl her la 1111' • • Samu el Stulltidd s uffered a n l Wallac e . Su nd ay · Sch,", 1 d uss Satu1'<lav afte r. se co nd strollc of llarn lys is, Sunday lI o" n at thc hu me o f MI'H. ' William ni~ht. He r fri end " have vcry lilth' ('" lcnulIl. hnpc of her r ecove r y. ;\IrH. W illiam Lo ng' is makin~ an 'xtl' nded vi sit wit h h e ,' daug hter, ,' I '·H. Etlll·1 S ayl o r an d litU" S O il, Ilt Ll·buno n. M,·". 8m c l·so n Dill s pen t the week· Mr. lind Mrs. W a lte r Kenr ic k and e nd with ~Irs. Cu rl F rye , uf Waynes · .1a llh'S Iltdnl' s we re \Vc dH c~t1 ny guests vi lle . o f Mr. un u 1\lrs. C. !{. llin Cg'a r, in Mrs. O. B. Marlntt s pe nt last Thurs. Jalllc ·tuwu. d ay with iIlr. H erb ert Marlatt and Mr. and ~ Ir s. Alle n Emrick and fumily . Ohi o ' ~ f ourtcenth an nual staLe-wi olu d ~;tllg' h t(! r s pellt New Ycar' s ~vc fit th e MI'. Ern e r~ un Di ll s pent th e week· fa r m er ~ ' in stitute, better known a H hOlll e "f 1\11'. Gnu Mrs. J . B. TholllUS, e nd with !III'. A . B. !Jill and fumily , of Fnrmcr'g W eek, wil l take plaC e til<' uL Centervi ll e. fir st Week ill Febt' uary- Fe hruar y 1 C lay t un. ~ [r . und 1\1 rs. Char les Guitn cr, o f tu I) ,inciusiH·- al the Ohio St at"~ ~ I ia mi s bu '·g, .were New Year 's din ne r MI'. J ac ub hirnlll er unll fami ly, uf u ni vers ity, the agr icu ltul'u l colleg e e x· ~l,,· " t " of 11'11'. un d Mrs . Kesler Gm· B 'lm unt, sp t'nt $utu l'dll Y ufte rnoo n te nsion sel'vice unno unceH. it a ',l and dau ~htel', Bernice . w ith fri ' nd s heJ'(). l3eg inninj( with li n lIttcndnnce f)f 140 in 1!11 3, It"L year 5 ,42 8 diffe r ent ~ I '· . and Mrs. Hoy Day and dnu g h. MI' J o hn Le\' i a nd family htl "e r eo farrllc r~ , farm wom e n nnd (,hildr e n let. of ' int!innuU, returned t o th e ir turned to th e ir h01l1e. afte r s pending IIttended ranners' W ' ek. And " "l h'''lIl' ~J (Jnday a fte r Hl'vl'ral <.Jay s ' vi s - a w(, ek in llayt o n. year tilt' prog r nm list ed 20 1 spenk rH , t wi lh th e furm er 's mother a nd sis· le I'. here, Mr. alld 1111'5. Earl Marlatt and IInti :J;J G meetings or dmon s tration", 111,·. an d ~II' " . Hl) la n" Wea ve r, n ee as cr' mpured wit h 7ft even t s and ·1;; ~ [ I'. un d 1111'S. Frank ROg' Ns arc Mildred ~I o l'~n n , hav c re turn ed t o s )lenkers in I frJ 5. Th is year 's p r o· II II\\' stuying at th e Iw me o f l he lllt~1'I1111 wi ll compa re . Cavo rnbly both in their hUllle in O(' troit, Mi ch. Lt: !" S parents , helpin g Car e f o r he r quuntity Il nd q uality with last year'. fa l he r, M I'. W . H . Cu rey. wh u is ';e1\lr. J ose ph .'l iles passe J away at the ollicials ill charg e believe. ril ' us ly ill Ilt this tim e . E" c ry ho ur in eltc h o f the five dll Y;; hi ' hume n car nc re, Wed nesday e ven· Itudiu pa rties o n Ne w Year 's "V I! ing. F un crul ' Cl'viL'e s we re he ld at o f F arm er's W el, k offe t' s so m e thi n ~ wet'e en j oyed at th e homes of MI·S. his homc Sa l u l'Iiay aftern oo n at 2 o f in tc!"est to the vis ito r. Dur ill g ~I " l' y Ca rm o ny , 1\11'. Ilnd l\1r~. Ra lll h o'cloc k. with bu rial in S pring VlIll ey so mc ho urs th e re will be u ~ mnny a s a dozen lec tures, d emon s tratations J o hn s, Mr. lind Mr s. Edd Lo nga cre ce metery. or di scussions go ing on at t he sam e und Mr. Kes ler Gra ham. time. In the evening, however, c d· Mr . and Mr •. Allen Emri ck a nd ucati ona l meetings will g ive wa y t o JUll~h t c r. Gladys , Mr. a nd Mrs. J . B. en lertuin ment. J une" and The rl e J ones we l'e $ lIn · Asid e fr om th e events on th e pri nt. day din nH guests of Mr. and Mrs. cd progrn m, college a uthorities ex· WilJium Bcrgd all und daug hter, 1I1iss plai n, Farmers' Week visitors will Mr. I1the Moo r e is ailing. Gludys. have op portunity aple nty to ren ew Mrs. W. 1\1.. Hartinger is very ill. old f ri en dships and to inspect the n ew Mr. a nd Mrs . Edd Longac r e motor· anim al industry alld agricultural en· ed Lo Cu ntin e ntal, ::;at urd a ~' morn ing, School op~ned here Mond ay , after g in eeri ng buildings on the Uni versity an d spe nt Saturda y und S unday with th e mid ·w i nt~r vocatio n . camp us._ _ ____ " _ ...- - - Rev. and Mrs. J. C. Stitzel. Th ey Mrs. H erm a n Wnlto n wa s able to enco unterd a lot of sno w before r eturn fro llt the hos pital last week. reachin g their d estinatio n. HE CAN NAME HIM Mr. a nd Mrs, J ames R. J ohn s en· . The Method ist chureh was fill ed Sat The J ones' have a n other ba by. te l' tai ned to New Year ) dinn er, Mr. urdny for th e fun eral of Mr. J oab They can't thin k of any name, so I lin d Mrs. J. B. Thomlls, o f Centerville Sti leR. Mr. nnd Mrs. Earl Thoma s and so n, Rev. Russell Burk e t t , of th e Xenia 8ez why no t w ri te to the lIIan who Warren, of Social Row, and ·M r. a nd F riend s church, will conduct a se ries t hinks up th ose t ri ck nam es for Pull. M I'S, Ralph J ohn s and daug ht e rs. Eve· o f m eetin gs at th e Friend s church, be· nlan cars." - - - _a - ••- - - Iyn and ~'ran ces . g inn ing January 10. Mrs. Mary Carmo ny. Misses Kath· Mrs. J ame s Laurens entertained NOT DEAD . YET ryn and Mildred Cla rk, a nd Mr. the S und ay·Sc hoo l class of which she Cluude Riggs, in company with Mr. is a me m ber, at th e home of her m oth. Doetor-"You' re a sick man . . I'll an d Mrs. Co ulu s Younce, of Way nes· e r, Mrs. Mar y Feguson , Thursdny ev. be lucky if I Cfn pull you through ." ville. wer e dinner g uests New Yea r's e nin g. A delig htful tim e wa s re· S ick Husba.n d- "WeU, I ain't dead Day. of Mr. and Mrs. E. J . Cllr mo ny port ed. yet, so there's hope." and children. of Spring fie ld. Wife -uSh.h.h. T h e doctor kn ows best," Mr. and Mrs. William G. Haines a nd children , Rober t, Mildred nnd ' Cla ra, o f Be lm on t, Mrs. Eva Haines TOO BUSY nnd Mrs. J ose ph Grassi and two chil· The annual meeiing of t he stocku r e n , o f Duyton, were S undll Y g uests Father-"Say, young man, didn't of 1\lr. an d i\I rs. S. H .Hain es a nd holders of the Wayn esvi lle Nat ional I see yo u kissing my daughter?" Bank, for th e pur'pose of e lecting of· Mr. and Mrs. Wa ller Kenri ck. aybe you did , &'i r. I fiee rs for the emming yenr, will be wasUomeo-"M too busy to notice." he ld at th eir bnnking r OO lll s on lIIr. and 1111'S . Ben H awke e nter t a in ed at cards o n New Year's Eve, Tuesday, J nn ua ry 12. 1926, between the fo ll owin g g uests: Mr. a nd Mrs . th e hours of 1 :00 a nd 3 :00 p. m. MISJUDGED L. M. HENDER SON, Cashier. Robert Frie nd a nd family, Mr. an d J·G Mrs. Fl'Ilnk Kurfis und fa mily, Mr. Cu stomer - URnve you nny eggs und Mrs. Geo rge Grny and so ns , nnd witho ut chickens in them?" Mrs. Eva Grahnm and dnug hte r. Call OD ua for your Job Printina. Grocer- " Sure; duck eggs."




---_0-__ . .____




----- ..- ---


About fl ftee n o r sixteen cases, which is the approxim ate number come before the body Ilt each 5es,ion . will be conside red by t he J nu uary t erm of the Warren o unty g rand jury, which convened nt Le banon, o n Monday morning. The grand j ury will be composed oC Eli McCrcal'll, Geo rge Me lo)" Mrs. Lucy Coryell, Matt Foley. Ida n o~­ e nthal und Mrs. Mary Ivin s, 'l' urlle· creek town ship ; Robert StOll!,bruker Rnd Mrs. Kllte Rundul l, Dee rfi eld ; Ed Thomas and Martha O' Neall. of Wayne; W ebb Silltp ~o n, Hami lton; W. S. Roof and Bruce Marshall, of Frl\nklin ; and Harry' Emley Ilnd Pel" ry La,wso n, Cl e~r e ek. The petit j~ will co nsist of Chas , Green, Deerfield; H, A, Apgar, Salem ; Perry Wade, Clellr cr eek; Mrs . . (\111111 Rosa, Hamilton; Mrs. Anna Cary Turtlecreek; Mrs. Margaret HoI!', of uecrfield ; John Beedle;Union; H enry Wills. Turtlecere k : Mrs, !dury Woo«· ,vard/ Franklin; Mrs. Ada ·F . H;ill, of l unttlton; Susan Br(lwn, 'furt!ecreek; !lirs, Fa nnie Green. Deerfi~d; Mrs. ;'08a Vail, Frnnklip; ~tner uke- ot Clearcreek ; ~arr Ilagett, t'8nlbin I Howal'd Conover, Franklin; John Mc· Guinn. Washington: Horry .Prater, of Wnyne ; E lwood Ault, Turtlecreekj and Raymond Mc CurdY, of CleaT. creek,

No matter what you want, we can fix you up with a genu ine Good year at the price you are prepared to pay. Why shop around - why take chances-- when you can buy this world-famous tire , from a r eputable establishment at a pri ce yo u can ' t bea t. Come in before you buy your next t ire o r phone and we'll come out.

Get Our Prices

Waynesville Motor Co. Phone 105

Waynesville, Ohio

F. T. Martin Jesse Stanley Auctioneer Auctioneer Date your lalel with UI. We guarantee lalilfaction or charge nothing.

Centerville, O.

---_a - ...____

New Burlington,O.

Phone No.2

---_a - •.----

Phone No. 320

Ten the Advertiser y~u read his Ad. in the Miami Gazeue HOW'S THIS? RALL'S <lATAnlHI III EDWINE witt




on Goodyear Tires Clincher or Straight Side Regular or Balloon Size Cord or Fab ric


Notice to Stockholders

Our New Low Prices

Catarrh. HALL'S OATARRH 'MEDI C I NE can. ,IIta of an Ointment whloh Quickly Relieve. thf> catarrhal lnflo.m mntlon. and th e Internal Medicin e, a Tonic. whi ch lota thl'Ourh the Blood on the Mucou. Surfaces, thu. re_torlng nOrma l condl-

Uon • . Bold bY'. d",-rl_ta tOI' over 40 YetU'l, F. 1. CheDeY' '" Co.. Toledo. Ohio.



Tho Eyo Sirht Speciali.t

At Cary'S Jewelry Shop Lebanon, Ohio


o O·

Every Tuesday



For 1926 will be better and neWSIer than ever. Come in and subscribe or send it to some relative or friend.


Fully Equipped for Good Service. Large Display Room. Ambulance Service T ELEPHON E) 7


8:00 a . m. to 4 p. m,


The Miami Gazette

Dentist Wa yne."iIIe National Bank Bldw.




Dr. John W. MiUer

Jo what we clnlm tor It-rid yo ur oy.tem of CatalTh or Dea tn es. cu used. by



H. Russell

General Auctioneer Residence:


o Lebanon


Chillicothe ~ Ave,

Phone 201



Harveysburg Fertilizer.Co. Pbone 8



WAYNESVILLE, Telephone 114

- ---.. - ...----




NatloDal Bank Will •. Drawn .....; .... Eat.teo S.ttl.d

Waynelville, Ohio

Men mak~ monkeys of themselves when they try to .ape another

_-,'c -_•• ~.



. GILBERT BIGGS, Qeneral ASrIlant The Ohio Stete Ute Ins.

'I1tE .JI1AMI CADti i E

yer Hymtin's January Clearance Sale, Which Begins Janua' Y 15th .





Clermont Heaters .and Ranges.

Mrs, Lucy .Pratt is quit" ,el'iously Mrs. Mary MoKibban has been "ery sick. il l.


Mr, George Oglesbee. of Dayto n . William T homas sp('nt th e wee ke nd in Dayt on, visited relatives here. Sunday,

Mr~, Kate Co lemlln with MI'S , 1I1lr_ Mr, lind Mrs, J, C, Fromm and family spent Sunduy with relatives in ry Turner. of B,.J1brook. g p~nt !II onThe average price lcv d, or i nd('x, Dayton, day in Dayton, of a li furm pnltluds. IlS slated by J . I. Fa lcu nel'. chi e f "f tho dcpartll!t'lI l Mayor T. E . Rogers is on the sick Mr, and Mrs, Harvey Rye and Mrs, E tta a nd Mr, J oe Printz. of uf ruml l'conom ics of the Ohio Exlist. dllughter have returneu hallie from Dayton. s ,,~nt New Year's OilY with periment station . d('clincd {r~)ll1 I Gli Mr_ u nd Mrs, J , M. Ta~·lu l'. Cleveblnd, in July to I f,7 in Nlj\'emb er. This Mr. and Mrs. Myer Hyman were in lower price le\'e1 hilS ca uRed th e I1UI'Richmond. Ind .• Tuesday. Mr, nnd Mrs. Paul Nill. o f Daylun. Miss Henriel ta McKin sey returned "husin;; po wer o f the Ohio fur lller to spe nt the holidays with 11k Il nd l\lr ~. to Ashtubula. Su nday morning. to slip buck from t he hi):hcr thnn prcresum e her school work. Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Wurd are spend- Wulter J anney. WUI' le\'c l whi('h it IItta in cd in JU IIC, ing the winter in Dayton. UI25. Mrs. H. W. Ritte r nnd so n. oC On the deman d side city wagcl; 1I1iss Ruth Sackett. of Dayton. wus Mr. and Mrs. Howard Archd eacon th e g ll('st of Mr. and 1111'S. Hll rvey Clevela nd. nrc guests of Mr. wn d seem to be 11! u~llI t in g . the vo lume of Mrs. L. A. Zimmerman oll d family. sal ,·s at rel:tll IS j!ood. As u wh olu visited in Clurksville. Sund ay. Sackett. last week. ull inl e r ~s ts Sl'c m to be looking f orMr. and Mrs. Myer Hyman spe nt lIfr. Charles Sma ll hilS r eturn ed The furme rs made good use of the wurd t.o u Iwriod of prosperi ty for Sunday in Cincinnati, with relatlVes. home nner a n exten ded vi sit with re l- wbacco wea th er. Mon(luy. It ueing in the city works. Thi s. Dr. Fulcon!'r s~yS. shou ld meun a good demo n. t atives in Sp rin gfield, fine case . quite n qu nntity was taken fur furm products. down. Little ' Bobble Blatt. of Monroe. Thc chief CU U "e for th e recent de· spent last week with his grandparents Mr. Sum Burnett and fllmily. of cline ill overage fa rm price leve l was , here. Centerville, s pent Sunday with Mr. The condition of Mr. Wal te r Elzey th e lower prices fol' (101'11 and hOl!s. and Mrs. Harvey Sackett. who has bpe n cu nfined to his bed sev_ whi, h compriSe around 30 PCI' cent o f eral weeks. is still considered very the Ohi n fll l'lll income. Milk/ which St. Mary's Gu ild will meet with Mrs. ·W. S. Graham on Thursday. JanMr. J. ' 0. Cartwright and family serious. is unother important item of 1I1eome. uary 7th. at 2 o·clock. saw "The Stud ent P rin ce " at the VIc.. did not show the us uul sellso nal adtory. onNe w Yenrs Day. LOST- Adjustible rim wrench. be· vunce. tween Corwin Ilnd W"yn esv ille. F ind . The lurge corn CI·O p. howev er. will Mr. and irs. CoulOlls Younce and Miss Ruth Miller returned to Lima er "'"ve at Mclloh's Garage, and re- help to improve conditiu ns by mukMil!Ul Kathryn Clark spent New Year's ing uvailable f or sillI! U larger tha n Monduy, after spe n di n~ a week with ,eive rewurd, Day with relatives in Springfield. normal c rop ei tlH-r us g rain or liveher mother. Mrs. Eva Miller. 1111-. und lIfrs , Harry Pace. of Co- sto(' k. The lurge crop uf curn. alit" Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sontag a nd Miss Mr. and Mrs. Seth Thomas und so n. lumbus, with Mr. und Mrs. T, C. and coltoll would abo bring abo ut 10\\ Letitia Schatzman, of Cincinnati, feed prices, whi ch is of inturcst tu wer e Sund ay gu ests of Mr . a nd Mrs. of Dayton. spent the weak-en d with PntLe l'so n, of Le banun. hllve gone to th e li ve s tt1ck fllrmel' who hu ys feed Mr. E . L. Thomas and fnmily . Fl orida ro r the winte r , W. O. Raper.







M. Cole




PIao_ U

Wayn..viu*, ·O hio

Mrs. Kate Coleman. lItrs. F. B. Misses Lucile St J oh n, Ruth Earn Henderso n and 1I1iss Louise Hendel'hart, Louise Frazer . Mary Margaret son s pent last ThursdllY in Bellbrook. and Evelyn Unglesby were shopping in Lebanon, Saturday. Mr. Wilbur Clark and family will take possession this week of th oir late Miss Edna Howlan d was called to ly acquired hom e on Fourth and TyManchester. Tuesday. on acco unt of ler streets. the sudden death of her aunt. Mrs. W. W . Howlan d. Miss Mollie HowMisses Annie and Marne Brown land. of Middletown, who visits here spe nt a pa.r t of last week in Le banon, frequently, is a daughter of the de- the guests of Mr. und Mrs Stanley ceased. . ,M. Sellers. '


Mr. and Mrs. Alfred J . Wrig ht left Friday for thei.r hom e in Philade lphi a. having spe nt t he holidays with Dr. and Mrs. A. T. Wrigh t.

Country Club, Fresh Churned, per lb. • . •

Fl:OUR' Country Club, . . 24% lb. sack .,.. • •


Countrr'Club Flour, per 12 1·4 pound aack


' __ ' ~ ~.~~~-+'____~~~__________~~~'-==C

CRACKERS' Soda, Butter or . . Oyster, lb. • • • •. 14c Oleo";

£&tIDON, ..

Milk '. _ Coffee

Co._t~ CI.I.; 3 Freocla



Bananas Yellow Fr.i .. .. lb...........


F... c:y ROllle., 2 II........ , ...

~'5c I .


........~ , '~

Cooki_1f ~PPle., 6 Ib............. .... 25c

47C :Oranges ' '32C·



Jew.I, II. .................................... 3.,, · Florid.. 288••1:"', d.o• ....• Florlde,,218-.I.., do . ................ 35c:


Cared Cream, lb .•.. :........ ..

Briele Ib ...;................................3Oc:



....... Bollr. 10 Ib. .......................... .. .. 88c

r.~t~~?1~b.... . . ..53c

Sweetl. .. lb. ............................ 25"

~~!!.d~~L~.~. ..2Dc

fr~! 1~~~~ 1Dc ~~a~:0~~ol 25c ~?~P....~. t ~r:~,.......25c ~!I~~~ao 15c •.•.... ,..... ..



Tune in to Crosley Radio Station WLW, Cincinnati Ohio, every Wednelday afterno9n, 3: 30 to 4: 00 p. m., and hear "~er Cooking Chata," by Mrs. Judith Anderson, expert dietician.

Kad el Ra di os :lnd asse mb led sets. ', from $12.00 Ull· Guaranteed Rudio repa iring. by depot. Corwin. R. F. Mills.

1111'. J ohn ndul·wood. of Mosco \\,. Ida ho. und Mr. George Underwood. of Clearlield. Pa., were visiting theil' brother. Mr. Wallo~ r Underwood nnd wife. Tu esday. . Mrs. Ehzabeth Baily and Mrs, Lina . Dcvitt e ntertained 'New Yeur's Day, Mr. and Mrs. Emmo r Baily and chilMr. P erry Sackett and fam ily a nd dren. o f nca r Le banon . Mrs. J. B. Chapmun und sons. of Cincinnati. Mrs. Laura brook. Mrs. Jnn e Wrig ht. Mrs .•Tulia Dono'New Year's Sellrs. guestsofofBell ltlr. and were Mrs. van a nd Mr. M. D. Baird . . Har~ey Suckelt. 1I1r. Dan Brown and family have moved her e from Virginia, and are oClmpying the Susan Wright Puyne property on Third street.

After spe n din~ two weeks with relatives, Mr. and Mrs. W illiam Michener and little so n. J ack, left F r iday for their ho me in Pittsbur g. Kod el Radios and assembled sets, from $12.00 up. Guaranteed Ra dio repairing. by d epot, Cor win. R. F. Mills. T he Woman's Auxiliary .will m eet w it h Mrs. D. L. Crane and Mrs. F. B. He nd erson on F rida y after noo n, Jan_ uary 8, a t t he home o f Mrs. Henderson . Levering Cartwright. of Chicago. st op ped over in W ayn esville MondllY on his way to Princeton for a short visit wit h his grandfather. Mr. S. L. Cartwright . Th e regular meeting of the Mottlers club will be held a t the Gr ade buildi ng. Frida y afternooll. January B ,at 2 o'clock. A specia l program is Deing arranged.

Welcomed New Year

Re\,. L. A. Washb urn. Pastor.

Call for a Demonstration NATU RA L HI STOR Y T EST

A F MeU0h's Garage

Brimken - " Wh nt has fou .. legs. lin d Icu"cs " Th,' B~'n b--" A mouse- whe n th~ I • • Cllt IIp pen l·S ." Phone 47

Waynesville. Ohio

, ATTENTION • Watch Out for Our

8 ,1 G


Commencing Next Week

$5000.00 Worth of Staple and Fancy

C ER liS Cost ·


To Be Sold Regardless of !

We Want Poult ry of All KInds.

HI,h ..f PriCH 'aid ,

L. · A. ZIMMERMAN Phone 66-2



"f. D. DAKIN





- - ----

Gun Club Event



----_ ...- - -

.. •• • •. , . . • . • ~ • •

Mr.' and Mrs. Elmer Sheehan entertained at dinn er on New Year's Day. . Those enj oying the occasion we re Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Crockett. Mr. and Mrs. E llis McClure. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Crockett li nd daughter, of Spring bor o; Mr. a nd Mrs. Georg e Hunter and daug hter. of near Middletown; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Croll. of Franklin; Mr. a nd Mrs. Dearth Shee_ han and daughter , of Five Poin ts. and Mr . and Mrs. W alter Sheehan,

Would YOU .B uy From ',. Firm That Didn't Tell What They Have? Then why 'expect your pat~ons to do what you would not? 'Every week you fail . to place your advertisemt>nt in The Mlilml Gazette., you ~iss an opportunity to ~ell more, than ooq families in. your immediate tradwg district just what you have . to .ae1l. and 8I;1y spec~~ bargain,s. you may nave to offer, We·~tan~ ~he 'A ~iS/er Ad Servfce, .'~hich ~n~b~eS us,'to .furnIsh 'our patrons tIi the verr late4~ ideas'.in ady~rt~iD'g" indUd~g ·,Uustrations for ·the ·same. Outrep~tati~ ~iU be ple&Jed to'snow ~d explaitt 'tllis 'service tQ j ou each ' anel to ~del' aIlf se~ nc;t can~' , t' ...

se rvices.

.- .

U ~ 6,au . ol

O vordrarta. unaecul'lld .. . al4.03

2BO. 5 18. 01

U. 8 . Uovornment 800urltlee owao<l:<l t.o _ un> ctrcult.t/on U.S.bonda par . .lu"UO. 000.00 A.I f other Un tted Btalel, (lovern-

meat 8ooI>rltl.... .... . . (oooe) Otber IlC .nd • .• toc .... . eclirttI8l.etc

Uanklnll HoulO . .. . , .. 18,000 00 ~ urnltu re and Flxturea • . , 800.0 V Lawful ~"e"ml Foderal ReIII"" BIUlk • •. • • •• .. , • . • . , . .. Oub In vault aod amouot due ]rom oattonat ban~ I. •• " ' " A.mount due from Bla>te baok., baakers and tMilt compaot,," In 'be Unltod8t.atee(0' be. 'han

tncluded In Items 8. 8 a l1<1 10). • Redempt Ion fuud " Ith U. B. 'f reuurer . .. .... . •

•••• •


Poultry Farm Sold

aU. 02

50.000. 00 IID.BSS,n 8. 8 00.00 U . 250,B7

21.10a. 17

31.5 ,6,15

Dr. J. E. Brown . a former r esident of Wayne t~wn ship . unllou nces t he sale of tile O. K. P oul try f a rm . e a!\J; of Leba non. to Mr . Geo. Theis of i?ayton. wh,o takes imm ed iute po~ses_ Slon and will conduct the bus iness in t he future. ----.~-

...- - -


2. 50000

.Miami qhaPter No. 107. O. E . S .• TotaL ... . . .... . . .. . . ... , I U O. 001,6 7 Will mee t In r egula r $ ~s8i o n Monday LIABILITIES J a nu ary 11 th, at 7 :30 ' p. m. All aaptt al l took p ..ld In • .•• • • • •. • 1 100,000.00 me mb ers are earn estly re qu ested t o Surplllll fund .. . ..... ... .. . , . 3 0.000. 00 be present. Visit ing membe rs wclUndivIded profita •• .. ".681.71 r- current " x peMeI p,.ld ., •• H .68 1.71 com e. '9 .200.00 LUCILE ARMITAG E , W. M. ~=u~~3~:~~~t~~~':i"~~8: . lD.OOO.OO SUSAN HAW KE. Sec'y, 130.50 OWtlltod c!lreka out . ....dlnlf .. • .


Standard Radio

METHODIST CHURCH Sabbath Schoo l, 9 :15 a. m., preaching at 10 :30 a. m. Epwo r th League G:15 p. Ill . Preac h i n ~ u t 7 :00 p. Ill .• Wed nesday even ing Prayer m eeting 7 30. Everybody invited t o thes~

The Village and Township officials and new members of the Board of Ed ucation took the oatb of otti ce and IIs,sumed th eir duti es the first of the week. Those inducted into office are flS fo ll ows : Village - Mayor. T. E. Roger s; Clerk. L. A. Zimmerman; Treasu rer, Mrs. Ka te ColcllIlln ; 1\1l1rshal. J, G. Hain es ; Co unc il. W. B. Squires. H. M. She n vo d. R. A. Conner. G, . H artsock. ~'. 111. Cole and Jn o. O. Whi ta ke r ; Buurd of Public AtTairs. W . H. l\'ludden . E. L. Sherwood and R . L. Fruser. Towllship- Board of E du cat iun. J. W. EdwardR. Ly man Vny und Earl H ockett ; Trustees. E. L. ThoOl1l9. W. E. Cornel, and W. S. GI'"hs m ; Just ice o f the Peace. Walter Kenrick; Constu ble. C. P . Joy.

Mr. and Mrs. Myer Hyman and T he local sportsmen. with seve ral No. :1220 da ug hter. Bernice, Mrs. L. A: Zimf rom ou tsid e of town , enjoyed a day merman and da ug hter. Mary Louise. of shooting on New Yea r's Da y. Some a-nd Mr:!. Mary Cousino. saw the fa irly; good sco res were mad e and " Student P rince" at t he Victo ry, N ew Of the CondItion of the Waynes- num berl ess tur keys. Chickens' and Year's Dny. ville National Bank. a.t Waynes- ducks f ou nd their WilY t o d ifferent ville in the State of Ohio. at the homes. The local boys are co nte mplating Master s J ose ph a nd Ba r.tley Ken ty. close of business. Dec. 31. 1925. several more s uch events be f ore. t he of Colum bus. Mr. an d Mrs. J os. MilRE80unOE8. weather ge ts too ho t to enjoy the ler, of Spring boro. Mrs. Hannah Anahd dlacounta, Inoludtng ~Ml . tram and Mrs. Mar y Ca skey were LaalUl re<.Iacoua ta, aCC41p'lUlcea of N ew Year's dinn er g uests of Mr. a nd ocher bUIll ....d fONlIgn billa 01 excba~e or drafu . IIOld Mrs. Howa rd Ar chdeac on. " Ith Indof'!l8mel!' of t bJa bank

Say,.Mr. Merchant!



Murn ing se rvice 9 :30; Bib le School Tr, th e Mia mi Gazette for Jolt Work COllll11union nn d se rlll o n, Eve ning ::ion 'ice ut 7 ::;0. Song service and "e rIl101l , All nrc cordially invite d.





Enjoyable Party

o •

- -


Estate of Amand a Letitia McKay • dec ellsed , Notice is here by g iven that W. H . All en has bee n duly a ppoi nted lind quu lifled as exec utor of th e e8~te of Amlln da Letitia Mc Ka y. late ot War re ll Cou nty. Ohio. deceased. Dnl ed this 2B th da y of De cemb er 1 !l 2&. W , Z, ROLL. J udge of the Probate Court, Wurren Count y, Ohio. Den n E , Stan ley. Atty.

ST. MAR Y'S CHURCH Fil'st ~u ndu y UftCI ' Epiphany. J unull r y 10. I D2G. Church School a t !l :ao a . Ill . l\1or ni n~ Prayer and Sermon a t 11 :00 p. 111 , A ll li re cor(tin ily invited to cOlll e and worshi p with us. Hev. John J . SchuetTe r . Recto r.


Misses Lillia n Watkins a nd Evelyn Ungles by were hostesses at u "Watch Party." given at the hom o of th o lutt er. on N ew Yeur'!! Eve. The ovening wa s spent in p luying games Ilnd music . A delightf ul luncheon was se r ved by the hostesses aHe-r wh ich th e jolly g r oup of abo ut thirty. ushered in t he New Yea r with shouts and the blowing of horns. Soon after the IIrrival of the New Mr , and Mrs. C. M. Robitzer enterYear the g uests de parted. ex pressin g tain ed New Year's Eve in honor of New Year g reetings to their frie nds Miss Henrietta McKinsey. of the Ashund hostesses, tabula schools. who wus hm'\1e for t he holidays. "500" and a deli , io us lunch featured the affair. The guests included Miss McKinsey. Mr . and MI'S. F. B. Henderson. Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Hin kle, Mr. and Mrs. Ron_ a ld Hawke. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. EdReg ular commun ication of W a y- wards. Mr . IIndo Mr s. L. A. Zimmernesville Lodge No. 163 F. & A. M.• ma n. a nd their guest Mrs. Co us ino, Tuesday evening, January 12. In- of Port Clin ton. Mr. a nd' Mrs. Ra lph stallation IIf ' o ffi ce l~ a nd other b u~l · Miller. Mr. a nd Mrs . J . O. CartneSB. Sojournin g bre'thren a nd vis- wright, Mrs. J . B. Chupman. and itors are cordially invited to be pres- Mrs. S. S E llis. Mr. an d Mrs. Bert ent . G. J. WAT E RH OUSE . W. M. Hartsock. Mr. a nd 1111'S. Jo'red M. Co le, F . B. HENDE RSO N. Sec·y. Mr. und Mrs Quincy Gons. Mr . and ... Mrs. Ja mes McClu re, Dr. and Mrs. H. E. Hathaway and Mr. J oh n Pen ce. The be.t wa" to e1cape Leinlf beld up Dowada,. i. to aet ,our.elf loc:ked up.



....!-. ~ ~

Ciutoaaera 'What Yo*, Have·to Sell Each W ~k

auble,·. cho<;k. outltUldlDf ' .. . ToUI of Item. 32,; 23 . 2 • 35 . IIldlvlduai deposita . u bl""t to

check ... .. . . ........ ...... . .

tbl\ll 10 d a YI, .. . . .. .. ; . .... . Dhldenda unpattl . . ••• ••.•••• . •

Total of demaod d epoetlAl (othor

Other time depol lta • • •• . • , • • .• LtabUt~l ea o ~her Ih&l1 ~bOM Ita· ~ed

aboYD . ... ...... . ... ... . .

, 83,629.6 7


I:• i•

Ar-roI\D ONE" !


the ,Most · o~ ·" the Best for .the ~ . .. Least".

"Where You Get'

15 ·

L; II. BKNDSRSON. ~. SublCftbed 1Ul<i to befDre IDe \hIa .

or JUI\IVJ'.








8'tte 01 OhIo. OoUIl~1 of WIU'ND '11: 'J. 1.. M. Bendlll'llOR, Cubler tb.. aboy. Damed bank. do IOJeamlt::M1' tIla' 'he abO"" ~r~:l." true'to t~. . of my kDO.led,• .

00tnI:' A t&edl


178. 00 3.0 00 . 00

Total ••. .•..•.. . .. : • . ; ..• 1 ~,. 0. 00J . 67



••••••••• o................................... ~ ••. /••• . . .

26 8.2 88. 66

chUl bank dep08lta) . a bject to

R OICrv". l WUIit 27. 28 . ~a. 80. 11 and 32 •.• . . • • • • 2.0.&66. 6'


i Waynesville

8.0 6 1.00

. . an d 26 • .• , • • .• . • •. 11, 18 1.00

OerWIcatee 01 deposit ducln 1_

i W. H. Madden & Co. I Lumber and. Building Materials .



. ' We are abl~ to d~ ~rulhln, ~nd Iflitd'i n. ~"I~, <In.1 remodeled our plant, and have a Full Line Prepared FHd. and Co.n centrat" for home millni. , - .




. Everett. Eat" .



Seven ty-Eig hth Year



.""Voman's Aux ilia ry of St. Mar y's Chu rch Has Good Meeting Tho Woma ll',

Aux il illl'Y met (111 \ "(Je ll! ~Cl l' ('LiU l\ - "l1 rPH1l1Y 1 Ji~ hl," afterllo on, ,J u lluHry 8 , w ith :\ l i\':' '- l':-O En'llt'y, I lu \\ lil.', I' n'ndl'rg': t ~ t Me ' '''' I'''·" Il awk" "lid Cra ne. I), L. ('rane nlld Mrs, ro', Il , I1l' " _



;\1 is!" l': Ht IH.'I' Il l ' lldcr:-;I'II , nc~om f1an i .! t

del'"o n, at th' h"I11 (' !i f Lhl' I"tt" " I'ia l"', So lu "T hf" Sun},{' of th l' C\·lIu Th ~ nH'l'till ).: \I'll ' ()pl'lIl~ d by 1111'" , Il"tty II "rt , ,,d; C~~dwll ll adt!r. who n "u d H por t iu n u;' (J urin!! tht, slIcia l IlUllr tI,'Ii. iilus thc ""eolld c hul' ll' r .. I' ~llIllhl" v, nll d 1'( t'r{' :·dll l lj · ttl :. \\\" ' .. . ."n'I'd I,y the h(l ~ ('ondud e d t h ~ d e v()tiollu l s l' l' v i c', Sl: l'i pLUral quotulinn ~ Wl'r(' )! i \'(' 11 i n l l'~~; l'Jo' a:-;t' i!-t,·d \1\' :\11')0:, ( 'u l ~' l lI! 111 unci till' ~Ii ,,,' s I':bic· Ilu \\'k,' lind I·:,thcl' rCS[lun ~ e lo r ull lu ll. At th~ l'iu<c of th e hll ~i ll e .-" Hes- Ill'ndl'r!' io fl . ll

dcred : Voclil Sei(ll't.inn - ull. 1Iy Iy Singin g." E ls i(! IIIl \\'k~,

A $10,000 ,000 TRAIN

\' uie(.' ~ SWf'lll l\l i~:-;(' !i L lIl'Y 1':11111 ' Y, j ~a th. ' ri"l' Pn·lld l·r·


Reveren d JamJS S. Monlgo mery,

~ ~apillill of til!! Hou~e of Represe ntapvc'" put!t ~he rnp~ellDi ~t and fun~a­

melita)i il€ 'prpblem In few wordi: , "Modcr nlsta' lay ":fhere ain't no hel!." Fuhdllm entn,lls ts' say, "The hell their ain't." The av ernge man says, "There mayor there may not be, s uch 11 e .1pcr heuted r esort. But to IIvoid r un ning riskll I shall behave decently ." You nlOY uda that he doesn't amount to much who r efrains from /lin on Iy because he fears that he mny go to hel!.


;J.' ..

I ...._ •.....,, _~_

p reat Britain with hat rubb er mon ppoly takes from this country abol;t UOO,OOO,OOO a yeat:, moro than enough to pay he r debt to us, Bit way of repriasl the Mn ~sachu­ Betts leg islat ure IS Ilsked to, <jnve out Britjsh insllrlln cc compan Ies., Such ~Ik is fooli~h, "Uncle Sam, hl~ po~k ­ li~ ~ulgipg with gpl<\, I\rtP play!n~ tllo part pf 1\ "ory Ilnb)',11 '\1all~H hlm _ Helt t,mncoes~arily rldfculo us, Besides , In the) Calltol'J lla fire Eng_ lIah Insuran ce compan ies paid what they Qwed In full, wllk.l lll. more than cnn 1,)e eald for eome Amerlcn n companies, ,,

Good-by to tI\~ :hl)1'Se.l ", Los·Ang e'les is the 1il'llt · eity to have "no-hone" streets, W.ash\nR IiO" fOl;bi~8 horse _ drawn vehIcles on fOllr ·Import ant thoroug h'f ares, That, wi.lI sp rel:'d: rhe horse is hnpPler m the cou']try, aWIlY from \l ard ~tr eets , He IS rll' longer net' ssafY In the city, no o1<cub. for 'him . Even If he wer e a littl e ~eI\PCT for so me work, which is 119 ubt £ul, ·be '~hould vanish, Gel 1\ truck, ' '

Th "l

tu s.

re f'I"

t 11 1",' a t

"Chleag o to Ne,r ·York in \bree houn, ,,~~ ~6.~·





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n' ~I ,J t'I"'(" m:;.." ht "!""( I'" l II i : Ii 1':ll'~, "r 1·, , I .. IH~~ it. been :-n\'t'd I n ~ IH' pH t lind ~ I (, hl 'nl ~ ('H II II f" I'~ r i,j •• ·, I', '-.\' )'11 '~'w ill e engi ne b .'\"n r ~! ld.' t o j.!'II t i l I Iw lIn', ~d l ·. \ 1" I I'd ',,,, h'h )11' J, mnny In n 'l' , ' n l IIJ" '~ th€., bdd l',r ' ('fl u id f l i . lld~ '\ lip not (' Un \l' l ;i , "nt l \' II !' illkt' ll 1 ! lIllI, th r fit \ \'1.1111"\' , \\ 1:- 11 !11 111 ""Il't" ;, in hi s cngin(' hUll :", a ll d III t hl' (' ol !'= l' Id tht, ( '111 1 I' !" \ ' t ' !--~ I \ \ Ilh ~ ( ,, " An'hH ~nl(' fin Ih"y WPI'." 1"ldl)' n(-I'lle d. ,1<-11 vn. '

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nl1n: .. :..



"Du sty "

Birth day Surp rise

Fire ·a t Frien ds Hom e Shortly after 9 o'c.I(lc\< 11\8t Friday morning (\n all\rn\ of fire was Kont in f r om t he Friends l-\<'1 III e, wh ere fire had he·on di~covere<l in the little. Citnens were soon on the sceno n nd with the lIid of chemiQnlij the Cue was aoo n exti.ngul!',hed, It ie thought a defectiv e flu e was the cnuse of t he fire. The loss wi ll probabl y be close to $200,


Will R., L \\'is, of Le banon, has bee n UW lIl'd cd 11 free trip to Philade lI'hl ll with nil cxpense s pa id 011 a ccount of bein g one of the winners in 1\ t'.()l1tesl Jlut on by th e Pro vidl'nt Mutual Life £n ul'llnee compan y, ror writing " large amount of business . lilt-. L wis , who wu s formerl y ~­ tv tl'cns ur 1', has lllany fric nci s here ,;'h" rejoicc ov~r his g-uu<l f ortune,

.. OUt' Whit e Hous e Fami ly

Whole Numb er 5683

SHt(~lN"otes SMITH.HU~~~~s~H~AoTRK r:::~:~~:=l

A Falli ng Off

Miller Ente rtai ns the' Hap py Hou r Club at Mee ting

Wins Free Trip


L uc), Jall e. daughte r or Samuel and Mal'Y ,J. Whur toll , wa g bo l'n Decemb er I:! I R.I!;. 1I ~11 1' P urt Willi am , Ohio, ( n ,June ~ .1. I!HH;, ~he \\' u~ un it'!d in man'ill).:,' to Willi nm H, f'l'IItt, T o Till' class o[ ' 27 prese th is ulli ,," we re 1:01'11 eight. child ren , , u"unlly cl eve r program nted a n unFr iday to the thn'e u f WhOlll, With lhe husband an~ High S chool Ilnd Faculty , when vurirat h~r, 11IWe 111'C'<:l!de d he r t o the , Worl d 13,'yolld . ous B,' c neS fr om sc houl h fe were d e~ l l1" L of her li f" \l'a~ spcnt in and pi ct ed, Th e tit'RL sce nc showed the 1I~lIr Wn),!ll'<\'i lle, where . h, hn", u Pncll ity hu ~ y settl ing IIffairs concel'n I"'"t "f .fn ,'mls, who luved Iw r, Shc in s to len app les, matchin g or pcnWUH n lo nd nel).:h ll,,1' and 11 lov ln g.1' " Illt.liu.' )·, always de vo t ed to hC1~ honu! nl ('!'! , etc. J he n('xt showe d r-.lary a nd childre n, Hun t. us Mi ss Bachma n, I-(ivin).: the On J a nu a l')' 4th HII" pn'H,d into a typical dreadl'd writlen legso n, Sara . Ieep ",dy t~" awaH"n whe~ th ' IIlas- ~li5,i l d inc I)(J I'travin g Mi ,,~ Sm ith, had " 'I' ,'"l1l'd, I hlll'<da" "" 1I1ng J anu' ullrv 7th, lit ~ ::10 ~' ,· I ()di.' chul'gc tlf the Sllldy Hall th e nest ,\ <1;'(')1 , I,h, n1l,the l· dcnl"! period, and hl'r d eliberat e a cti ons ,.\ , 1:",1' fl" ' ''' a ll t hy ill s ~ we r ' th e main th em" of luug-hte r, .\ plll('c is ,'aCt"1t ill ntl l' home L lIth~ 1' li a r tsock as Mr , rabb,', held :1 :11,, 1 I' '', (,nl' el,~ ,~a n fi ll. hi~ All'ricullUl'UI ' cl a~s n est, expillin,1.lw 1'''"II IK har!lh; W l: l unJ,! lu pres~ , ing- sum c pha~e flf th e w o rk. n oris 1'0 rnorl ' ("Hn ~lve a 1 unci .ca re s!-;, Iluwkp. as f\. [r. Moomaw , upened Span (lh : Illuthn, d ~" I', "C 1l11"~ yo u so , ish cluss lry II d eclarati on of not I,t I' eu h" I'" to hUI'c yo u f<.", . know i ng where the l e~so n \I'as tn be :-; l ~t , p fi ll, "h llloth"I', d('al', Ire sb ll, fou nd, The foll owinl-( sccne shulI'~d And 1'1'"1 f",'m ('v('ry cllre und rl!. the Ma in Il ull durin g th e noon hour, Sh e i, ' ul',,;\,,'d by two " is ters , wh o "ilh ~r" sers fl yi ng thick an d fn st. I'" "idc ill (Ja ll"ill,' , 11I ~ .. fr"e chi ldl" n, The fif lh period s howed n uth ~I:!I-Y K, (;"Ul').:(' S , Il nmer E .. Lillie Eal'nhllr t. as Mi ss Glark, with E ng lish ~ l., "nd Mrs, IIla l'glll't't Ansoll, three Lilel'lltu re c la"s, at the end o f which !! III"d(' hi lcl l'en lind thrl'l' gl'"at g rund- sl1l' IISS ill' ll Cd thr ee ncts o f the play, "hildn'II , "liamle t," for t he f ull owing- les,o n. ---A t~-picfll li brary sce ne ens ued, when Card of Thank. ~" ""ral fai t hfuls (ll ot to I'ul e~ ) were \r ~ wi,h t" t hallk QUI' ne ir-hbol's hastilv "ent back Lo the Sludy ll a1\ Hnd f .. i~llI l.-; f"r tl1l' il' killdnc~s during b)' l\fisH CIIl!'k Fui th Tomlinso n, as thl' <ic kn! is Ilnd dl"lth or uur dl'n r Mi " y.; ~ I Hc \' , ended hcr Geo metry 111(,ther : til tho!,,(l f u r th(' fl o wer!;, Rev, cla "s with i·he us ual lack of lime to . 1.. A , W,,,h}'l1l'n lIrtd Wal tCI' McCl ure fini ~ h uss il!' l1 ' d w, I'k. Th~,e few scclles werc thoroug hly and S (1 n fur theil' I<ind scn' ice~. c ll joy"d by th e pupils , because of lhe THE FAi\Il LY. V ~I'y lru e ness of th e odditi es of SC hOOl lifc as portray ed by the "J olly Juniors ," A vocu l solo, "By the Waters o f ~I inn c ton ku, " by Ruth Earnhar t, (o nclu ded t he program one which Thl' numner of llIurt'ing c Ji cens es will be !'l'm emb e red ror ,many a day. I'C('uI'tl ed in the Prubute Co urt of Wall'cn Cou nty during 1925, did not Miss Kelsey represen ted l he High eOI11(' UJl l .. th e numb er r ecord ed in lh., I' rc villU' Yl'IIr, Tn 1 ~J:! ·l there school at the first sessio n of "Rural w'r" 2 15 1icens ' 5 l ss ued, while in nrlll1Int.ics," held at Lebanon . A State repre Kentat.iv e I)rese nted many I!I Z5 t he l'c were 154 . valuable points concern ing dramati c work.

WIth 1111 "u(p (' hl'Il1I ,' ul. t he ludde!'> arll I1I\\'nv ~ I'~n dy, __ The d;~l1Iitll l npl'nrla tus (1W Ill''' by Center \'ill e.. Sp!'i nll'hu·l'!l , lith!'!' smull Low"s hilS, \\' ithin th" find past YClIr, bee n u ~cd at Ct'lIntry fin' ~ with \'l'r }' snti ~r:lt'tl1t' y I' e~ ult ~ itt rnnst l'Hst'S. \,rit h 'In HutuJlltd "lile, fir ('~ in nlly pUrl of W,,) Il l' town.hl p cou ld Ioe r e8~h~ 11 !ll U " NY , 11I1I,t t.ime, ulld it woul d iJu \I firth the 1I1110un t flf lllo n,,~· L'l-. p~lIdtd 10 hll\' C lIrH' ill th e Thllr;,dll Y "lll"\ )," ;\Id l.. r, fo r n "lillie but no plan wh atsoe vcr can yo u lowl1 ~hil' , ntlllll,,'r or \'l'ur, "'[i t, r (,r t hl' WiI- make witbout inv olving sonll:) one nd '.:. J!t d ll :"'-\\!'i-,J n ul" lI ul. and fur th e cIs\! , -l'll"t liH' )' ~ , 1-'" a , !,,'uk, r n f l\'at iol1al MI', Miller touched fa ill e, wus till' srh' a " ~r at llll' Gra nge the o!'y lllld s uggeste d on tbe evolutio n that the church hall , SU l urdil;' I~ig ht. \\hen the 111lpPY might. well cont'ern more about 11 "" I' duh "POl1 "'·I'I'd It ha nqn el. An where wc arc go inI:itself than whence we MI', li nd 1111'. , Frederic k S tark" and t ucl i"l1ce of ~()U 1'''''1'1 " grecled the came, son s ~n tcrt llinc d Satllrtln y ni ).: ht ill spcn k('l' in th e " ""cmiJly ha ll . nft!!r fo lks intoHe s uggeste d a division of classcs, 1. The fellow who hon M (I f jIll'S ,~tal' ke's birthduy , Th e supper \n lh" uining ruul11, knows it all; 2. Th e fe ll ow Who wan ts evenin g war; IJnjuycti ill gurne~ and ~tl' , 1I1il1 er ha~ in imitalrle ,tyle, a to urg ue und (3) the fellow who lismusic, lind" d Iiclous lunch foa t ure d 111 811n I' that often r 0l1chc8 th e hellr t tens. the ull'nir. while his add ...,s" WaS as' rull or laug h T hos c who were I~O fortuna te as to The g uests in cluded Mr, a ll d "tr~, ~ l uft· Il~ 11 hri sL mas pudding oug ht hellr th e address were unanim ous in Raym ond Osb.or n, of Xenia, MI', an d to be nf plums. 1-1 e marshal led a approvlI l and e nj oyment. Mr. Mrs, Edward B lac kford, Mr, and ~11"'. li ed of s hi"., I"ri e nd <hip, court"hi p, their lIIill or ha~ lec tured iby invitatio n only, Pete Wiele and dnughto r. Elsie \\lay, ci izel1- hip , wOI':>hil>: and fur tla).:ship 326 times the pnst year in more than Mr, nnd Mrs_ .1no. Reml cy ,n u daugh- the ).:., ,,d "hip spo rl sl11llnsh ip, witl] twenty states. He is extreme ly pop_ ter, BClltric r Irenc, Mr, lind \\Irs, Belt which to mur k OUI' w ay thl'('I ugh 1026. ulm' wit.h Rotario n IUld Kiwanis She ehan and SOil, J ohn ,Jr., II'S, B, A mun' s worl<l consists of hims e lf ·on clubs , and on this occasio n spoke g raF, Osborne , IIfr. nnd ~h's . B en Gru- t he line hun " and cve r \'bo cl y else on tuitousl y driving over from Wilming _ ber Misses Proda Sla rke. Dorth ea th c oLhel', Th(. \\'odd c')lI ld g et along in h,s automo bile. Wi~lc IIl1d Mal'ie Rem ley, Messrs, A1_ \'er~' nicely without. you; the sea- tonT he berl Starke, Gerald Rem ley, Harol~ SO il S ro ll un; bUsino"Sl" 1-(0 just the 1scc uringcl ub is to be congrat ulated in him for th is occasion , ' Me~hod alld J o~ C~cnow(lt1,. . , . At u late hour Ill! de[larteil \\,l shlD ~ Mrs. Starke many happy yenrs , _ - -'4 - _ more _

~tjlke !\ ~otld ' ~~(I;etrap nnd , us you 1m!>w, tho wo rld will weor ,o ut 0 pntll to yo ur dool', . Run n ~1I1 1 "o(\~ weil I\nn your · puth 3Cro~~ the Qo~tt­ n~n t will a lso be w~1I u. ~ tI, 1 be '1" on,licth ' Ccnhll') ' New York C.e ntro l tra in .bot,!"ee n New Y.ork a1]d Chicsgo , ran In . se'(en sectIOns one . WilY and six the other r ecently. Its ' manage n proudly announc e tl)nt they ';tMk 0'1 on that Om! train $10,000 ,boO lalt year" ~ nov( (lClmfortably, th~n It did to go from New York to LIverpool on the fine old stellm~r Spain flrst-claB8, years ag~. ' The fly1n, ·macbin e will eorreet that. Men now of middle SlI! will Ii.e to read t1da:

(' ,

smull h!lI ,d lh Hli .. , I~," An ;\ I· ,.· .. /,d . \.· h l· I~"·l l !-1 l wu ld be pU\'th .l!'--t d 11 \ ' l ~\ I ' \ dla).!' .. • ,;11 d til " II

T-hat l (lvol~~lpn lfts g9Y, I~ why w" <Iream dO often o( fo\llnl!'. And I l'x plains women' s horror of snl\kes. T he snakes could crnwl out ,lllon!" t h' limb, Ilnd steal the sl.eepin ~ b ~ b. f rom Its mother, An y good. antI evolu t ionist, of course, could pro," to you th/!t thll t'~ nons ! nse.



Busin ess Chan ge

J't.luc h·,,:'d I !'. 1[ 11111' \ j'Y lil~!I ' \\: .t l r ( hud tv II I,.' ,III'I I\\!! , 1 ... 'Ih " 'll'., \\it ... ;L I mn sL II I~l! Il t . l y ~ " " I l""U ".1 by t ic .

--- -


11;lrl ~ II (.'k .

\\'1 i"lll,· LUI')' 1'. 111 1"1' , 1'.I "ie 1111\\'1' :111 .1 th,' lIt II " , ,, 1"-', Il l ' tty lIart,-" ,' I(, ~ I" r i .. ril' 1';dw 'll'd " an u 1'''111 1, lIaw kC'. .

Eight mcn ana- nine women tried to kill themsel ves in Venice on on o any !ast' \\'cck , " Gonerlll misery" is t he expland t'ion, Gns was th e fuvor i~Q exit · r evolvers ate so eX)lCnSI'le, Jumping f, rom a hjligh t is even chenper lind SU'rer tljBn' gns. ' Thl're is no tt!tl1iJW ' baSk on' e ybu, l\t~r~ do wn, . , Jlut th ose t[red, ot lIfe ape u 8~all :· ...cak ill will, and It takes WIll to ' ump In'tp space; mell since tb eir n \l ~ ~~d Darly free dltys havln!!' had bred III them an Intense avcrsion to - falli 'l~ plf ~"e li!n~t

It c~8ts more to go. from New York ' f!? ~hlcillgo

II, ;\! /'!-i • . 1 I ..

lill Y


i' While Westl!r ll , tllll'" a I'" fi ).:hting- ,· jU c Rh n ull L1L"~

Three of the largest, rich est Luthera n churche s in ew York ,are a merger, lhe cllmblllllth'n to ~uild a sky ~~r~p er Wlt~ a t;ru l'ch tUQl!el! 1I1"1l}' In I~, p /,gordlDg /1lo~~rp Ide u.. How would that Im preM Martin Luther, who sn ys in his "Table 'ralks" "For where God built n church. there tho de vil would nlBn build u chapel." If th e Luthera ns build 8 skyscrnper church, woul~ tho devil find it necessa ry also to build a skysc raper chapel?

Ii\'t., lh :~


illcr ':l H '

- ---=- --==---=-.-~

prOV l'S

~o n s ldering


"I' , .

De ll y 1I 1l,'tsuck

she uses Wllt('l' fo r in;' ~atlon, Mexic o cstablis hes un ill\ el'. nati unal rll{hL wllh which this country mu st 1I0t interfer e.


Jll aht ·~


"Chilll1' " It,':lI l(c\',duL i",, " Chaptc l' III MI'". I': . 1._ '1':" '1,' .. , Piun o So l" "W it h,' ril11{ L " 'l\ "s"

li S

,t' lo which . hu ll hil \'I' the water thHt I{Cles to wast" throu gh lhl' decp call yo n, while pr iva le power compan ies bloc k ony usc .. r t.hnt wllter, fearfu l thllt the peopl l1lUY gl'l th,' be ne~\, N. xi~fl \vill .'stllhlis l! u , Iuim, 1I1l d pUt. Slates th ruugh which th. g l'Cllt river pOls ce will be Informe d that they must not drllw off enough wElter to interfer e with lI!exieo' s establis hed irrigatio n rights, . ' , preside nt Cool Idge Illlg ht rnt erest . hlm.elf in thl\t. It Illny become ,II ~·!'f' ioir8 .'rtlll!\llll fp'r pimself or hIS "ucQes1oi'll,

\\('> " 0

In\,II('1I I-~u( ''''h Hf t 11t' aftl' n H l l l1I \\f'n' ; ;'\II'!'o, \ ' t ' I'IIOl K,·lIy, of Spt'inL.:~ Ii.·l d, ~ I I" . Lilln 11I·"itt. :11.-" 1': li %ll ll"tl< H ' II)" .I. I I. ~i:lr"d t, :111''- , 11-. E.

HCllrli l1h"

into Mexi('o?

As {ust

Pl'( :-:l.' l!l

Y" .lr ill til, . nwltllH'I ':-.hip,

HC('o mpHlliHl .


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lHkt.'1I ill H:; IlH'mlu·,'", II I thi s IH ee l in ...",

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K,,,L, Mr<, l. l'C II :",·k " 1l11(1 ~II'''. IJ. L. ('rll ne , ~Ii <s ""thel' l1 ell .I<' I"','1 ,

TIll! J, G, Whit e E ng incerinA" corpfl!'alion und e rtak es u $:30,000 ,000 irril-(uti!J11 Neh,'me for Mexico, AllY thinl-( Urat hl'lps Mex ico plcnses us, but what IIbout. the walers or· l he Colorad o ri~ C I ' thllt wun der, ","st,'d, through th e United Stutes and the n

ot' liI (·


s iull t h e follu wi n~ pl' Llg- ram WH :-> J" : n·




W , H , S, is in th e midst of one of its mosl disagree a ble periods -midwinter year eKams, To every one th ey ,mggest crammi ng, worry, flurry, excitem ent and a probabl e low grade a~ II result. Howeve r, there are a few who are being rew a rded fo r lhe effort spent in s tud y dur ing th e veal', Tho ~e who ar e exempt f r om a ll , or part o f the exa ms, because of high scho larshin are: Sen iorsDoris Hend erson . Frances Henkle , Rh ea Janet Cartwri ght. Mildred Githens . Velma Grisham . Anna Thomas , Pa ul Tomlins on. Mary Stansbe rry" Louella William so,n. Juni orsMary Hunt. Lillian Watkin s, Doris Hawke. Sophom ores VIIshti Beckett . Elizabe th Branstr ator. Gen eva Ault. Grace Hockett . Carolin e Swartze l. Freshm enHarold Berryhi ll , Ge neva Denling el' Rhea Ellis,

\v ..

al'c clqwrti ng t o star t s hort w O l'k on next Tu esday even· ing', ,J a n uary I ~/th, at 7 :~O p. 01" lit th e lIi ~h Sl' hCJul huilding , The course O ff l' I'~" wil l dl' pl'nd lIJ10n th' ch oice of th o ~ e wlw enr oll, but will proba ul)' Iw on une 0 1' twu o f the fo·lC Olll'!i\C

l uwing- : ul)jects :

Officers Elect ed

- - -Insta lled Officers

At a meeting of Waynes ville Lodge No. 163 F. & A. M., Tu esday even ing, the followin g office rs were installed : Jesse PI'ender gast, W, M.; Chas. Bradbury, S, W,; Chas Burnett , J, W.; F, B. Henders on, secretar y; Walter McClur e, treasure r; Earl F, Thomas . S. D,; I<'red M. Cole, J. D, ; D L, Crane chaplain ; F. H, Farr, tyler; E. L. Thomas and M. D. Baird, steward s; E. L , Thomas , D. R. Smith and D. L , Crane, t rustees, Reports from the treasure r, secretary and tr ustees show the lodgg to be in 1\ very · healt hful condi t ion.

It is rather un usual for convicts to enjoy meals which were made pos..

For the firsl tim;) in years Mr~. Wm. Jennings Un'an, widow of th e great "ColXUTloner" permits h ~fself t o b~ pho~graphed. She is work\g,g un th o dju ry of hel' late husbancl--oR!li R~U b¥ b..c , Bon WIlL Jennin,?s ~rl::Q.t\..

AT HtE CHURGHES ST. MARY' S CHUI.tCH 'econd Sunday nfter Epiphan y, JlUlllary 17, 1 U26 , Church School at 9 :30 n. m. Morning Prayer an.~ Sermon at 11 :00 p. m. All nr~ </0..... dilt ll y in vited to com~ ~\4' wQranq, with us. ~ev, J oh n J. Schaeffe r, Rector• .

- - - --

, FERRY CHURC H OF CHRIS: r . . 0 "S· n n'hl uh 1 Mormng servlc,: • 'l'; I ~ . 00 . Com!Ylunlon I ~nd S~1'tr1Qn, 'EveIiin~ Service at 7:3, ~ortg seTVlce 'and, All IIr~',co~diallY invited,.

s ible by the chief executiv e of the State, yet that is exaetly what happened for the few men from the per.iten tiary wbo arc working as trusties lit the game preserv e near Portsmouth. Governo r Vic Donahe y h~s tho reputati on of making about as good sal1sage as can possibly be made from a porker. The otlrer day, with two of his boys, he went down to the Rooseve lt preserve Qnd assisted in the slaughte ri ng of several porkers. Theil he donned an apron, bell'ed make a ketti e. of lard and after-. wards made several tubs of sausage- . It was g:(eat spo rt for the governo r and a wonde rful treat for the men lit. the preserve . Govern or Vie haan't dOlle his own butcher ing a s yet, ae> cording to local newspap er correspo ndents, who ·general ly expect; a ' libel'tll helping of Donahe y sausage . These corresp ondents agree that any time t he present Chie f Exeeut iw gets tired of his job h e · can ·earn iii fort ull C if he decided to place "Donahey sa usage" on the market.




Eastern wool 'lnllnufa cturers will conduct a study of wool uses and r eq uiremen ts when Ohio wool growers meet here, Friday. Ohio's cooperativ e wool sa les agency, already the largest in· the country , c.ontinu es to grow, accordi ng to reports by officials of the Ohio Wool Grower s' Co_ operlltiv e associat ion, at a rec ent meeting of the executiv e commit tee. A total of 4,562,86 2 pounds of wool has been consign ed to the co-oper a· tive pool this year and it is expecte d lhat before th e end of the year the total will be a million pounds over the volume handled last year. Columb us will be honored , Friday, by the members of the Ohio General Assemb ly, who are eominJ1i to town for twenty- four hours dunng which time th ey expect to pass importa ,..t tax legislati on bills, see 8 couple of good shows and talk politics. Of course, the main purpose is the tax relief bill. The commit tees bavo agreed upon virtuall y everyth inr, and all that remains to make tbe bM effectiv e is the approva l of the General Assemb ly and Govern or Vic Donahe y. Legislat ors won't get any extra pay for coming back, but the expense attached to even 8 one-day 's session is nothing to be laughed at. Everyth ing is ,cut and dried for the solons to eome and ' go on the same day if they like, but it happens that leading candida tes for office next fall a rc to be In "the ir rooms" at certain hotels and thls may detain some of the member s a little while longer. Theater manage rs do not expect the session to run into the night and will give no midnigh t perform ances. On.. ly the r eg ular , ones as usual. But reservat ions may be made now.


'Mrs. al'ah 1I1ul'I'oy a nd Mr~ ~ Earl ('ollner were Da yton V\~itu~:i; Pri:, dn y,


" Fu r m Crops ,' A ni.


---_. _....._---


f Prepa by •• Colum busred rter :..... ...........Repo ..... .....

ma l lJ usuu ndry, !lui ryinl-( , Poultry , Soi lH, I,'ccui nl-(, Manlll-(Cl1Ient, F"rlll COLUM BUS, OIiIO- One farm in Acc"u nts and l3uukke cpi ll l-( or Fllrlll ("'cry fiv e in Ohio iR equippe d with Sh up." ]\;u f ees wil l 1>" Chll l'll'l'd lind we electri c Ji g- htH lind other elect ric serWUll t a Il'ood Cnl'Ollll1l'nt, fl8 th e S late vice, an,l ono farm re sidence in every departm e nt wi ll nut ~u ncti"l1 u cou rs e "cyon hilS a running watcr system, wlH' l'l' th e ('11 1'011111 ' nt i. few er than Other ~t utistics cOlllpile d by the State l ell. Th e Cuu rse j:-; up ' n to any Hnd all who cal'c tu ellroll, I' 'I-(ardles s or HI III Fed eral agencie s r evoal oppora ge, He x ur occupat ion. tunities f Ol'ml'rl y confi ned to t he city All those who arc interest ed should dw ell crti . The t otal num ber of fA rms con.- ult \I ith ~Ir. Cl'lIblrc un 0 1' ue fo rc in Oh io i" 256,695 . Of th ese 48,509 the dat e set. have electric se rvice, 33,944 derivi ng' t he serviCe from th eir own electric light plnnts and 14,666 fr om ,utside , our ccs , Farms with runnin g water The Warre n County Agricult ul'ltl so- <ysle ms nu rnb el' 37,38 4, The task ciety has elected the foll ow;"" nffi _ of the fllrm wife is lighte ned lvith the sallle equipme n t lhat city houseke~p ­ eel's for the ellB uin g yeRr: Prc <id cnt, Edlllund Ste wart; vice- ers e mploy. On Ohio f arms there presiden t, W illiam llu fTo rd ; treasuI'- II l'e 26,117 wll shing mllchine s emcr, Salllu e l L, h' ons ; s"c rela ry, Ed I/ Iuye d to help r move the drudger y S·, Conk lin . Chul'les Waggon er re- from wa"hday . These laundry fa s igne d as one o f th" I}(, a I'll or direc- I i1ities (Ire furthere d by th e emp loytors and 1I 0ward Mun gel', of Carmen t of 2~) , 282 electl'ic irons in far m_ lisle, was e lected in hi s place. The boa rd of direcLor s consists of houses, Vacuu m cleaners are found Edmund Stewart , Will ia m Hufford; in 2 0 ,041 farm homes. While only Sum Irons , Dnvid Bisholl , Joseph Gi l- 7,933 milking more, T. E. Barnh a rt, C, C. Melpy, Ohio fllrms, machine s are used on 132,268 cream se parnFrnnk Miller, Z, O. Wor ley , Prank tO I'S used. Aids t o traction and Elbon, Orvill e Girton and Howard haulinal'c g nre g iv cn, by 25 ,2 44 farmMun ger. ow ned motor trucks and 38,395 trac· tors. Gasoline engincs are used on 89,2 18 farms a nd 18,276 farms have power motors,

-------.. ..-------

M,'S, Lucy J. Pratt died at har hOltle in W~yne svi ll e last Friday nig ht She IS survived by three dUllgh tcrs, Miss Liillde and Miss Lilli e P ratt a nd Mrs, Maggie An son. QJ )4.t: Healthy ; and . two s ons, Georg'll lind Horace. 'I'he fun!lra\ serviee was The Steele High Re se~\(e.8 journey held ut the ho'me Monday morning , Re\', L. A, Washbu rn, officiati ng. ed from Dayton to the lo cal Gym Friday night, \vbere the W, H. S. Burial in [jami cemeter y. ' first team gllve them a royal trouncing, thtl eoo re being 25 to 9.. Th~ IIfrs. "'m, Dixon died at the homo local Qui1ltet scor ed ! most of their of her daug htcr, Mrs. George Park~r; [ l-larv('ysb urg, ~1~~u l'd8.y, January points during the first half. "Chi·c k" Missildi ne was the lc.ading pOint-ge t. U, The f un era l was: ticld i\f onduy ai_ tell, scoring 7 out ot 11 field goals. tel'l1oon ill t.he Bnpti.t church at Har\·cy.bur g, In lermont in Miami cem- Ramby wU,8 next, with 2. The entire squ ad was in good shape and played etcr. a Il'ood game. ' Mrs Sarah tanlield di d lit her· theThe ·Waynesvill e "Runts " played Spring Vall e.y "Midge ts," defe at· honl(' lIellr Ne w Dud ii-Iglon . January 5. T h' fUIl"!'!1 1 IIC1··" ice Wus he ld in ing them by a \!>Core of 27 to 6Th e Waynes ville High R es(U've~ e\l' UUl'iillgtOIi M. E: ehu,l'ch, Friday afternoo n Dudal in lI1ia'mi CCtl:L played Springb oro's first te<lPl, Imd th e, locnl g il'ls with g irls, e cry, '. at Springb oro. Not being tl sell to ,fncoh E,·an", b..., t tf(,~ r Qf Mrs, J ohn .sur,h a s ma\) floor both of these teams went dowlI to defeat, T OJlI~OIl, who li ve, su uth of t own, on We hope for better results from EI)ute ,I, di<'d Janlwry 6, 'rhe r emains thcm next time. \\ HC t like n tu HUItt 118[}01 neal' Rip. h'y, Ohi o, wh c re the funcml an d the btll·ia l took pia !}. Subscri be for the Miami Gazette .

Sta te . Cap Ital


Has Interesting FORMERRESIDEN-T Meeting at the M. E, Church


The W, C, T_ U. met at the Metl;l,odist Episcop al parsonage, Wednes day, January 6th. 1;h" mceting was opened by ll, tnu!ii:ea l.selectio n, "Hap_ py Dey, of' Prohibit ion." Devotio nals were eonduct ed by Mrs. Mary Adams In a very interest ing manner . The s ubject for thQ day w'aIi Evangel ietto and Sabbath ' Observa nce," , "Dping. One's Best,I' Wa& the ·-sub. j ecb of, a readinr by Miss- Betti;e,

The first official aot of our new Na_ tional presiden t, Mrs. Ella A. Beole, WIIS a call to prayer. To pray for God's blessing upon our leaders a.nd our work. The Wets are making· such fier ~e attaeks on .prohibi tion. the Eigbtee nth Amendm ent lind the Voletead CQde' that we nelld ,to invoke the power of God ae we did in the Crusade daye. Do you \q1ow the op_ ponents of prohibit ion are to hold an internat ioJlal glltberi ng ;in ' Washin gOg)e';b ~e" ineluding the. twelvo virtu ell ton, January and 17·1 1he brewTempera neil" SilenCe, Avoid Trift~na: ers. of German16 )" France, Belgium and Confere nce, Resolut l-oll,lo' rugallt,. , Great Britain. are to meet the brl/wen In\luatry , Sin~eJi!:y, Justjce. Vadera - of thilt c:ountry floee America from tion Oleanlin ess l'r~!l.lttlttf.,ud ~u- th.~ bond_e oftopro·bJbi tion. mility•• " ", ' , ' - . . 'the W. C. T. U. wome~ 01 the ' OtMt', re"cIhia's' 'Wer'll: ~e Inllu· sa.d e State accept the challeng e enoo ot ehristia n lI.ivu." ''1'h~ WId.., while they are ow's Mite, oj bf Mra. ]rJenden halh let UB be bolding unto their mEletliU "What to GiVe and How to Give,' whelp us win In· th.!. God. in prayer flnlll battle tor " Clv't Jl'rlulty and ,Bountif ully, ~n·, God ll'rld Home an4 telltgen tl)'. LOvinr. )' aDd Lofall)'," \III pray u If it aUNative Land. Let "ReJfula rlY and S)'ltIJm atieall7 aad God and 'WOtk u U depende d UJ!OD 'it aD itepeDiled by TtthiDC ." , ' UPOD UB. U. is the llUUe God ~. A poem read by IIJi1a Alma .d ay, today aad fore.ver . alld it is the Jlarlliall, entitled, "'1'b8 Ooapel Ao- pnrer of fafth; tUt ~


eoNiDc to Y\Qo"


nanetb .....

L. Ct . .

Alfred Dakin, sun of the late Dr and Mrs. E. F. Dakin, di ed on Monday, January 11, at his home in Hal\nibal, Mo. , Mr. Dakin's early life was spent in Harvey sburg and Waynesville, but for many years he had been a rem. dent of ·Hannib al. After an allsenCl1i of about fotty years, he returned to Weynes ville Jast Sllmmer and s pent several welika with his niece s, and nephew , lin. ~. W. Edward s, Mrs. Jamea McClur e and Mr. ~ o nllid Hl\wke. and in .renewin a: old ~equainta'l1ces. 'He is Btp"lived by two brother -. Rev. Walter E. Dakin, ·of. Bay St. HillBiB8ippi, and J. DaldD, _~_"" ... _, Fla. ' at





a nd Trust Boyncs.

0 . , V8 .

G. E. and F I r e nce (l r ew F . Meeke!: dllceased, SU911n Dn

lind Honry W. me eker we r e np pc,inL('d IIdm ini ~rl\ t o r of l!.he cRtnte. B nd $ ~ OOO . George R. R OSSIllIUI , A. . NEW SU ITS Vni l an d . • A le:xll n der were a p.lulius and BorbaI' Ve%cndl v s. F'lo_ poin ted nl) prlli~(,J"II. r nee .E, R ohom r ct n1., fo r r ecis ion 'r ho will of Rut h 1:r ovillo, doc us«d. of de (I of cOI1\·e~'allc c . WM ",ltnlttcd to pr boto. lIfa.' y L. w6rld. 1'''''1'1 f.rt I V8. ,I cr c miuh . G. E r tel, Karr w u~ appointec i a "miniRtrutrix of CPMMON PLEAS PROCEEDINCS et 11 1., fo r pal'ti lioll li nd eq uituble reWide remedy rOt kidney ,liver and 1he estute. ll oncl ~2 ,OOO, H. E, bl.ddcr d llOrciers, rheumatism, Tn thl' n u ll'l' (If Elhel 11. Furl1'lun lief. '\Yn r wick, Cliff Brun t an d Will' W ag_ Lnllrn A. Gros!' v~ . J esse S. Gross. V~. OWli ly ,",unulIll,il W ll~ (I" ,) cretl t hat lwnbqo'and uric acid c:pnditions. go ner were appointed uppl'lIiscr s. fi ~I\sloc ll' of lllil lC ll' chilul'l'l1 h. u\\'ul'(l- I~or divor cl' . Th e will o( R. J, Ll'wis, deceased , I\:lw l HO A'gerty ,·S. INrn ncu B. Hng wus uumilt ecl to pnlbnl .... ' Anrd e l, ,'d rt,' {VJldnnl. 'he c h arge~ neg- I r win was appoint ed ('x cutri)( of the til tilt' Ill nltl'" of .h .hll 1'. Hu rb ine, ll''' rL Y fClr <I h·on.,' . J r., \' ~. M ~ :lJlL"'" II. Orl'lI fi nd r>ld\'in Ill' . slnte. No bund rcquir~d . E. C. 1:lIlh l\lcA \,oy , ndlll t". C"tat(' of li On- Morr iso n, Jerry Pn rkhi ll a nd Enrl rl r~lI. it \\' s ",'0""(' 11 Ihut un l ". d t! CA P S ULES il' l E \' t'r~ \'0 . En\'t-"y ('n .• f u l' m oncy fl'fu hult!' Jln~' ~· t l...: l~ of l'U'"" nnd the T homps on wc t'e app oi nted app r aiser s. A 11\\ lint (' Iaimed. ~5 u .OO. "IlH unt ~J1I ' IIi- ft hI plailltilT tha t s h r o f thl' es tate. ClOrft<lt lntemal troubles, It Imulote vim! .\ll'h,, " "" M. L,' " is y ~ . ;\Iy.·t ll 1.1'1'" iff !'\hnl J pru -,'ed til ~l'll 11l' Pl'~l' ty u B Fred J. St J o hn. exec uto r of t he OI'IanI. Three sitts. All druwsb, Insist i" L ·t Ill. , (or rofo l'lllotio n tl f deeds. \\ hid . chlltl"! 111 "rtl!al!" has b"~11 esta te o f Mari o n F. T r ovill o, dcceased etc. p b ... d. Oft the ori&lnD1 Ilenulnc CoLO MEDAL. li led hi s s econ d acco unt. In Ilw Ill"tter l.f ,J. Q. Sh upert , Mil to n C. Rue. ndlTli nislrn t or o f utilll r .• With tht.' wih nnn ~ xc d of t h e PROBATE PRO CEEDINGS tlw est llt ~ of Pe r ry H . RU Il, d eceClsed , l... ~ t: ll t' of . JUI1I(,s \Y. ,Moon' , U(lCpuscti, Clyde E Jt ~ ro th was mud e a par ty ti led his first lind fi n a l acc o unt. ' .'. ~Inrh' t:. ('urby. ~t Il l., il wns or· HOW'S T HIS? The ma lt ~r of th e will o f IW Denn, in t he a cti o n of LidCl P. Wolf, exe cu· d~r,' d thut IC ti mr. 111'0 L'cd I f' "" II re nl n .lI .L·S A'r .\ IlRH ~1I ~ lJll"',( I~ ". tt1 decc"," d . Wlls fl ied. t r ix "5. J.idll P. W olf. I!t 01. So what wo claim tor it- r id yo u I ~YBh'lll l·,l nle cI " <criiwtl ill th ,' pctili('l1. In the mulle r oCthe estll t" of Isane '11", wili o f Amundn Letitiu Mc KClY of atArt"h o r D~4fn ,lo.!J rnu JlPd t"ly She riff ordcl'NI t o dl"rllIlr~1' de· o I13rrh. wa s ndmitted to pro bnt e. W. H. A!. N. Hallks, ') "ceased, 'it ap pea r in/: thut fC 'lIdanl iu th 0 I11a ttl' " of th .. S til II' o f tALL'S CATA R Rlt MEn. I:\' E <onle n ,\\"II S uppoinled ndmin istrator o f 1I1,, ",'~ [JOglIll bei ng I. n o ble t o IItt end ,Int i a t on C'lnlmen l whtc h Q" ld. I)" Ohin ,. ~ .H o \\' nr d Hull. to hi" duti es as IIppmise r. \V II Iter F. Rell V P 3 the cata rrhal Innammatto n, u nti ('ollrt ~lJsb\in~ d m otion of d(·fe nd. th e es t.atl'. No bon d requi re,) . A p. J orclnn wa s a ppointed u, suc h lip· the In w rnRl Med lolne. 8 lOn nie. whkh unl fLlr n"lhol·it)· t o in s p ~c t an d tllke Ilrnise r" a pl}o int l'd we r" L. M. li en· ado through tho Blaoo) on t ho 1I1"" OUB c1('\'$on , . J. Edwarcl ~ und W . S. Gr a_ praisl' r . RUrra l!C8. th u . reetorln g normal cond'- n I'hvtlll{rllp hi r l'OPY of t bl' n ot u de _ hi li R. Hanks. u. execu trix of th e >e r ihed in plni nUtT's pe titi on in t he ham. lion• . ('SUlte of Isullc R. H o nk s, d eceased. Sold by druggtlte f or o,·er 10 l llAr a. I n th e m lltter of t he est nt e of !lIniler 0 f Ben Reed vs. CiLizl'ns Nofiled hc r invenW I'y and II ppra isc mc nt. F. 1. Cheney & Co .. Toledo. OhIo. ti"nu l nun!; lind T ru st (I" a s ndm r. A manda Le tilia l\I c Knv. d~cct.l "e d , it Proo f of publiclltion wus flied in th e ell' bonis no n (If the estate of Ber t uPPl'nri ng lha t O . •1. Eclwu rdg nnd W . mnlle r o f t h e estllte of [sanc N. S. Gra ham bei ng un nb le to utlen d 10 Hrl'd, dC l'nscci . II nn ks, decellsed. COMMON PLEAS PROCEEDI NGS the ir du ties , J. I.,! . Gons an d Elills Og_ Geo rge E. Young. admr. o f ' the esDi " o r cp wns !!rantcd in the mlltter l e~ by we re uppoill ted app ra isers in tllt e o f Mar y Deboard, decellsed , filed o f Cllth l:l'in~ Crn mer vs. Willi am P. the ir stead . [n the Illa tte r of the cstllte o f C. his first nnd fin a l acc'JUnt. I Cr ame r. George A. Meloy. g urdill n o f Grac e Divo rce wn s grnnted in lhe mlltter E . Eckel, d "'l'cllsild. the a ccount of J . Reed, in co m pe te nt, fl ied his tlrst uf P('arl I,'. Kelley vs. Wa yne W, Kel- Mary .... 1·:ckc1 . exec ut r ix, was a p- unci fin a l a cco unt. The Ey. Si lrbt Spe c ialiat proved , all owed und con firmcd. ley. Ed S. Co n klin and F . A. Dilatush T he account of Ra lph II. Ca rey, In the maHer of WiIlinll1 H assett wer e a ppointed IIp p ru i "e r~ of tho esI' ~ . Dr. N. A, H um ilto n , defendnn t . g uurdion of Fru nces Lo uise CII .·Y , mi· ta te o f Ruth Trovillo , decellsed . ing rllnted lellve t o file an swer o r othe r nor. was opprovcd, 11110 we d and co n· stead o f Cliff Bra n t Rnd Will WngLebanon, Ohio fir med . p lellding on or befo r e Apr il 1st. gon er, wh o were una ble to atte nd to In the mutte r of Guy Gay n or vs. The fou r1 h nccou nt o f Geo rg e E. th eir duties. Lilli"n ~Inxwe ll, it WIIS o rd er ed that Frybu rger. CXl'cuto r of' lhe es t at e of In th e matter o f th" estate of Mima ele fendant be nsscssed the sum of Edward Co nove r, deceased, was ap· 8. 00 .. m . to 4 p . m. E. Heed , decellsed, it WIIS ord er ed $ 150. p roved , 1I110\\'('d lind co nfirmed. Pla intiff required to ~iv e security The first li nd fi nlll acco u nt o f J an e t hat money be co ll c,c ted for cllr ta in HAYE YOUR EYES lEXAMINED f or costs in t he m atter of the Nat- W rig ht, executrix of th e es tate of bo nd which is n ow collec table. The g r oss valu e o f t he estnte of IO nlll SlIles o. vs En ocb Cham ber la in. J eSSe Wrig ht . decease d, was IIpprovEloise P. Ra wl es, d ccensed, was lJivo rc ' g r a n ted a n d cus tocl y o f chil - ed, a ll owed li nd co nfirm ed . dren grllnted to p lui nti fT in t he matThe r epo r t of Heste, Do uglass and f ound t o be $ 11 , 100.00, co mposed a s ter of Geo. UJwmnn VS , E t he l Low- Ir wi n O. Byers, adm inistr a t ors of the follows: Pe r so n a lit ~' n on e ; real es· man. estate of F r ederick B. Doug ills , de- tute, $ 11,100. 00. It was ordered lhat writ of parti- cea.ed, wus Ilpproved, a ll o wed nnd Th e acc ount of Ed C. W oollard , tion be issu('p to sherifi' in the m atte r co n fi rmed. admr. 0 f th e estat e of Ge orge E. of hlorrow Brunt vs. J ohn Gilmo ur, In the mntte r of th e esta te o f Lu- Wharton, deceased. WB S appr oved, et a l. cindll S ub lett , deceased . ' t he IIccou nt a ll owed lind confirm ed. The matter of H, P . Mi tc he ll vs. of th e Leba non National Ba nk a n d Th e account of Gold ie A. Bentl ey, Relidence : 9 Chillicothe~Ave . Industrial Com , of Ohio, Wlls dis- Tr ust Co ., wns a ppr oved , a ll owed a n d g ua r dian of Harry M. Conne r , mino r, Phon e 201 m issed. \VIIS approved allowed and confirm ed . confi r med. The court npproved all owed a n d Divor ce gra n ted and plainti ff g ives In tJ. em atter of lhe esta t e of AbiOhio cust ody of children i n the mllt ter of j a h Collier, d eceased, it was ord er ed conflrmed lhe ncco unt of t he Citizens Lebanon E t tJl Pritchett vs , Willia m B. Prichett that udmr. procecd nnd sell personlll Nat iona l Bank a nd Tru st Co., a dmr . Co urt r eleases nn d di scharges the property belonging to th e estate a t of the estate of Ethel H. Fu r -man, dea ttachme nt h croto fo r e ma de in the priva t e sale, ceased, Call oa _ for If'our Job Printi ••• matter of L eban on Nationa l Ba n k. The co urt a ppr ovI!d, a llowed an d In th e matter of t he (!state of A n-

a...rtem oU' '''s: beesiCa



At Cary's Jewelry Shop

Every T uesday

Ve' H. Russell

General Auctioneer

onfirmod the acco un t ot F rank L. Harris , IIdmr. o f t ho eHtl. tc o! Geor ge , Harl'is, d eco lls d . T he report of Wm. bn noy~ executor of th estll tc of 1tfnry on"tabk. declllIsed, W II S apP I"oved; 1I110wed and confirmed . ou.·t npprovcd, nn owe d IUId comfirlllNI lIw first II 'co u nt o f Myrtl e Vnn 11 111 1' , /:ullnlill n of B ·.·tha ~: I I\­ abl'lh Vun aliiI', nti II et r. Iivia Kell<, y, g uul'cli nn of J os phin!' 11'1. Kcll y, mi llc, ,·. fli ed he r 7t h anci I1n nl n count. W: 11 . All cn , liS executor o f th p e~_ tat e of Amlll ltill LC' ti liu Mc KII)' , do('enae d, Illed hi~ in vc ll to ry and "I" prllisc lII !'nl. l\l lIry L . Ka rl', adminislrat ri x IIf the " stnt e o f Ruth 'I'1'<)"illo, el l'CCIlSl,d, nl l'd h",. in " l'nlury ullli aPllruisc l111'nt. G':U l'gc C. J OIl C'S , g'un rd in n of ~U(' Spcncc . inco m pt'te n t, fi led his in ve n · to r y a nd opp ru isl'n",m t . . In Ihe mlltle r of Dani el Da wson, it W UM ord ered thll t a p plica ti on for u,imission to Da yton State hosp ila l be

f·····...······.....·.;........···...~~·...~ I


i• ••

Iw. H. Madden &


J ohn Sc ull llll d L"wi s l\I u r r iso n wer e np po in ted appra ise r" of til(' ~s tate u f R. J . Ir win. UOC'(HIScd, inst('n d o f E. C. M "r r i~ll ll an d Eu r l Tho mpso n . wh o wllr c ull able t o atte nd t o th .. i.· duti es. Alice M. Mounts. e'xt'c ulrix of t he estate o f Da vid J . . MOllnt, d eceased, fil ed hi s inve n tory an " a ppra ise ment. 1. Q. J o rdan , uMs il{llee of th e assignm e nt o f Geo rge W. Speai g ht , as· s ig nor, fi led h is in ve ntor y a nd up pruise m ent. Alfre d Wm . Neall' WIIS appointed e xec uto r o f th e es tllte o f Louisu Neale , d eceased . No bond r t'q u ired. Appraise rs npllointe rJ wer c Ra lph E. Brooks, II . S. Tucke r a nd Pr a nk Sh i. doker. T he g r oss val ue o f th e ('s ta le of Hertn an H end r ic ks. d~ ce n s~ d, wus fo u nd to be $1 5,346.62 .



Lumber and Building Materials

: W a ynesville



••• •••


I, • . . . . . . . .6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

REAL ES T ATE TRAN SFi RS A. D. lind Bessi" Blackburn, to A lWillinm I,'n'el ::;ppll iJtht. fac lory bert K r etsc ha m. J ohn Wi chmu nn . EI· m er Wichm ll nn and Tholll n" Dud!!l' . wor kt'r . lin d f{ uth Mlt r ie Archer , both u f Mo rr ow. lroct in Sule m T p . $ l. Lester B. B utte r wo rth t o Lillie F. Miller, about 94 Il CIl'CS, $ 1. C OM MISS ION E RS' ALLOWANCES J ohn lind Magg ie Long t o L. G. An. Jud ge Wr ig ht . I'IIRlaj!'e fo r Com mo n der80n's ons Co .. lot in Fl'llnklin. I. Anna B. a nd Edwa rd ::i. S hroyer to Plea, Court. $ I ; t he Colu mbus lJI onk t h e Uni o n Ce ntra l Life Insurll n('c Co .• n ook (' n., su pplies fo r a ud ito r , $11 .75 ; a bout 124 a cr es in Clellrcr cek 1'" ., Slllll l' f or survey"r. $4. !10: W . H. Stn n a/:<, Co., " u l'l' li s fur a udito r, $.1. 25; $1. Lawr ence E. nnd Mllr ie Mu rk e r to 1.. E. Krll t,,· r . ph oto o f pr iso ne rs , fo r E ly ie H. and Be rth ll E . Wa lke r, sheri fT. $2.:'0; L. D. W ills. s up plies a bout 3 7 acres in Turllecrcek 1' " ., $ 1. fM jai l. $1 1. 10 ; J os. L,·w is. co unty A. J. A ntrobus and Vi va Antrob us cle rk . ~tIl Il\ P " fo r o m,,<, . $8; L. M. to Orv ille lind Ca the r ine a nileI'. 2 Princ ' Co .. r epa iri ng stee l ta pe . 76c; · ttt nclol'd Oil {I" l!a~ an el oil . $ 11 9..1 5 lots in Franklin. $ 1. D. A. Harriso n to Jasper Lnm b, lot lI(' rs(' he l F. Ja mes . t r uck r c pai r . $2 01. 2 1. in Fra nklin , $ 1. J . B . Fosl er , Jr., t o E. R. a nd DoCON S ID E RAT E ra Tho rp. a bo ut 50 a cr es in Sale m "W o n 't you let m e tench yo u how T p., $1. F er n B. L ut! and W. E. Littl ejohn to piny car d •. dell r ? I wa n t yo u t o to Willia m E . Bow ker, ~ nlR lI t r act, $ 1. know 11 11 IIbo ut ' t he m w he n we arc George Koe be l by ~h eriff to Du vid nlllfl'ied." lIf. and Almll K. Adams, a bou t 14 5 "H ow lov('ly. What gam e are v o u n cres, $1. . go ing t o tea ch m e?" ' Citi zen s N a tiona l Ban k an d Tru st " Solitaire." C., et al t o R. D. Geo rge, Il\o ut flve "-=-=-=-'===-=-'=---~-~====_o--=-===== acres, $ 1. B. W . D. Keeve r, et aI. , to Ida W . K eever, IIbou t 125 ncres in lellrcree k Tp., 1. J am es B'. Hoppin g to W . M. Hope CONCeR.NS_ COMP~'SINCi ping . tract in Deerfie ld T p .. $ 1. J. M. Greely to Cllrr ie E. T u fts , 10/ in Ma in eville, $ 1. OROUC.... TRUSTWO«THY A. L S noo k to .I" h n Hurd in g, abo u t ; " 1UO ocres in \,;ni oll Tp., $ 1. Sa m uel A. Cla rk, 10 Es te lla M. .; Clnr!;, ~I I,)[s in M.ddl eboro, $ 1. Geo" go 1II0yer tet J,)hn W . Yolle r, Jr .• lot in F l'Il ll klin . $ L. THE SHOW Geo r ge oncl Huttie Newberry t o INTERIOR DECORATORS Gro ver C. an d Lu l u " " r t~ ra v e , lot in Decorat ing - O rOlip e r lea - Rug. PLACE OF DAYTON Furniture - W 0" Pope.. Sp ri ngbo ro, is 1. '.Bfa VaudevlUe Ada and Feature Photoplays. Entire change Antiqu e Furn iture R efl n l • .,ed . nd Samue l llu tt.crwor th to Ken nelh N. Uphollte r ed. of protrram every Sunday and Thursday. Continuous perform. an d Mine n '" H. Houg h, about ~ 2 A Vult Nne I. A Tr-a f Je.h" Jos. ph O. ln eo. M. D. ' nc res in Wayne Tp., $ 1. anee from 1 :30 to 11 :80 P. M. Afternoon prices 20c and The Behringer Clevengel' Co. J oseph T . Dcurdo ff t o W illiam P . 127 N . P e rry _St. ____- J .~!.t!l.I...D ~Oc ...11 50c. ~ l Y LADY meOT! ' Eo and H erm a n .1. J entz, abo ut 111 acr es



IP E AG H TRU8 8 E8 lindla vorln ll a t aU t im .. to g lv. my a n6 pat ro ne the belt eorvlce with tv• ." pOtalblo con venI en ce, It la my pl...o .. -to a nnounce that I . am locat l d at ROO I)IB 88S . 8e4 R E IBOL D BUILDING T elepbone: Gl1rneld 1609 .... J . ti ATH AW AY Form erly Located a t 809 S. Ma.ln St. DAYTON. OHIO.




o.... tor


of O'atlnctl".

Jewel... Art


$ 1.

601. I(0

M..h &: ScratCh Feed IE your dealer can' t supply you, write . us and we will .hip you direct. V. E. HERTER &: COMPANY Daytoa. Ohio


Dayton'a on


. •u". o. OVI.C:O"'.


201 N. M . ln

taraeat Auto Park

Fourth Str. .t. Joining Newa Bulle/lnll.


co c:I



Z21I 8 , Ludlow . ne.t to UnIon Itotlon.




Popular Prlc~



HATTERa-FURNISHER8 K.lth Theatre Building 120 8 . Ludlow.


G. LEHMAN cI: SONS 712 ' . Monument Ave., Dayton, O. TeI.phon. . . . 1191

Tho nIXt tim. you ..... In Dayton a nd Inlpeat thl da ,p lndable, guara nteed IInl 01 AUTOMATIC



Ma k e our dllpl ay r"Oom your D ayton ·


hoadqu i rterl-YOU




The Geo. J. Roberta Co. E.








Buber SIaop in Conaectioa. zt W .. PiItIa Jt. o.,.taa, 0bI0.

Firat and Ludlow Stro.t.

To Vlalt Our U•• d Car D'Plrtm.nt Whll. In Dayton Largo.t Aooortmont In CIt)' EASY TE RMS

OSCAR O. WERTZ 17 W ithingt on St .

Da yton, O.




A ttrnc llv.

Su r roundIng • .

Ph on, Ma in 447.

8T UDEBAKER DlaT, , 533 W. 'th'rd at. _, Opon 8unda7'

Opon Iilvon ' np

POOR AIM "Somelh ing to kill m oths ? Have you tried mo th balls ?" "Sure. Bu t t hey didn't work. You see, I couldn' t hi t t h em."


Bozo Bulb


"Aa \fCLT


cau.S •#.,) ftl>.R.ALlA!L.


'1t) ~n'\IC

ANb Ne<!lAT'''. -n:> ~ATI\I4!. _ "


wei -



DAYTON , 'OHIO. Dls p'ay Room 124 No. Main at.


If In N .... of • Qooc/ R'II~bl. Pump for All R~lr_.nta In Any Cit)'. Town or Country Dlltrtote-e.. u.


come •


243· 211

WELCOME TO DAYTONI It you dine or lunch at The Gr e y Manor we feel s ur e yo u r v isit to Day"" ton w ill bo r emembe red wllh eon· .Idero ble pl••,m r.. Rea l Home Cook -

V-K :::::~ :~::::.~.

Nobody In De.yton S,1Ia Better Dru ...



Ens for I... Mone,

'ro 124 NORTH MAIN ST.

Open Day &lie! NIl'll t. QIDOINGI aOFT DRINK CAF. AND RIlSTAURANT ,,"om. Coo ked !"ood Our Bpeolalt,. Lunoh At All Hour-. Pel'llOnal a tten tion to our tTI.nda from out of town .

Popular Styles

CREAM 8IiPARATORB , F Ull Lin. of C alry 8oppll .., Roof ing ari d Roofing p.lnt.




25c for 12 Hour Service

8 ' South Ladlo. St., D~7toD , Obio



••10 •. A repo rt fr or.. h 11150 in diCllles th nt C· co nstitut e n r ' c ·.. .. quail i n Ihis '·· r· been seen t o sLI'H; r OFFIC E VA M" "W he n t h e bM ,. to work, he's i · ri i ' s t'l t






OrigIna l B.nzol Oal a nd C alpar Motor 011 For 100 % Motor Eme leney.


L:ADIES .un. _ a ......

Rl'cent Investi gati ons of Ihe S nt e Di vision of Fish nnd Game , hnv f " vculed th e fact l hot th e s~e d s of lIll' . ku n k cabb age comp rise a l nrJtc p"r ti nn o f l he nnlllru l food (I f ph easunls. Th is pla nt is charnc t(' .-i" t ic or I ' ~ .,Dnd moiSt g ro un d 11' ·,1 I 'I knowl edJ.!C is by no m e1 < " .. offe rs a dditio nal pr ouf cof : hn ,. I of t he s ku nk cnhb " " '" .. nn t ht.' nu't'l1 • ; h "{·.. iE<·: t ' ~.



-·' ~ ,.,· I-i "tll / 'd' .

I""-..;" ,. ,~

I - .............

Value Skunk Cabbage



" ... th. Dllc rtmlnatlng Trad.

• • • •• • • • • • • • • • ,

t• !

~. . . ~ ·: At" ~





I I)..'~ :~ ~I I

"Safe Night and Day in every Way" ~IN

C Oo l

Our IoU in ned 18 months $1,000,000.00 The Union Buildiq A: Loan Auociation 6% 5 E. Second St. 6%

Mllltie G rny to Alfred A. J ordan, a bo ul 47 ac . · ~s, $ 1. Wi ll ia m L. and Anna Mo r ris to F ran k J . Bll lo n , two lots in Frll nkl in $ 1. L uc inn C. nnd Lulu May Innis to Gus Mill el·. lot in Ma inev ille, $ 1. Cll ivin M. a nd Milli e Quimb y, to E. W. Q uimby, lot in Muson , $ 1. Carl J . Ga lla her to Frnn k C. An derson. 2 lots in F ran kli n , $ 1. George W . Grismer to John E. and Rh en a Leininge r, abo ut 103 a cres in Un io n T p ., $ 1. Suru h A. Wo rley to E nola J. Corwi n, a bout 1 8ncres. $1. S. C. and S usie May Jj:xander , to En och Toole y, 2 lots in F r an k li n, $1. Flore nce R omohr to A. M. Buhr ma n, a,bo ut 100 a cr es in H a milton fp ., $ 1. Benj a min F. and Leu ra W r ig ht t o 3 ta nley Lohrman, t wo lots in Dee rfie ld T p., $ 1. Gll ylord a nd F lor e nce Ba ynes to .\1 odd ie J, Fond ersmit h, 2 t r ac ts in ";Iearcrcek T p ., S 1. F ran k D. Miller to J acob lind J oj cp hi ne Sc h'0 1l,3 lot s in C lellrcreek .'p., $ 1. The HOllie Loa n a nd Bui ldin g IISS0~ i a t i o n to J oh n H. Mllr tin e t a I., a bout L2 7 acr es, $ 1.

MARRIACE LICENSES Forrest J. W eise r , shc'et metnl wor ker , F ra nklin a nd Na ncy Mount, •eacher , Carlisle. W illiam R. Grah ll m, far m er, of CARL A. MYERS Cla rksv ille, and Mrs. Anna R. Hight man, Le banon. Diamond., Watches & Jewelry Ho m er E . Hill, truck drive r , Mid Arcade Blda. 33 W. Fourth St. dl etown, and Emma Louise Mllrtin, . Le ba non. Dayton, Ohio. 1.ouis Eug ene Thoms, farm er , and Lola H. Stok es, both of Frnnklin . HilInrd Profitt, r ubber worker, Lester , Ky. , and Edna R Begley, of F ost er. ACREE QUICKLY Willinm Campbell, factory wo rker, She -"Tobaeco in any form is very of Dayton, and Elizabeth MOrriB, of Wa ynesvill e .. ba d. " Walter M. Botts, bat tery man, and Hc" Ye p ; it' s the cherott of all P earl Pottorf , both of Lebanon. . evi1."


.lIcer, one of t he niost d n!8lled iti ong, may be ar ou&ed into ~­ y by e:;cessive smokin l:': ulcer e stomaob Is agg ravated if not ~ " by e xc(:ssive chewing; high l- pre ~s ure, pa.ralyas , f onnidaI' iseaees of the heart, palsied ·~.'--e\'ell in.sanity-nre o{ten Im tcd to lhe wiles of my lady ti ne . lewirlg t.ooacco c1rai1l8 the snli' glands, causes "acid indli.o n" and invites u1c:cratiOli of ~tomach. It you have !Our .ach, quit chewing. ' The saliva. valuable corrective at oddity, should not be wasted. Snlokpoisons the olfactory, eardi~, respi rutOt'y nerves. Nicotine subUe dru[!" aad will enter the em from any point of contact. :ot tobn cc ~-l ea!, laid on the BUI', of th e body, exe r ts pl'ofound ~t s u pon t he nerve s be neath . Ie of eUl' useful oi ntments conI oil 0{ tobacco, and th eir use t be practiced with great caucowth in our young people is ..t'e r ed with, ami ment ality nry pe r.eptibly in youthful ,rett e-Rmokers. The mlUl who '.; not URe tobaccO In any form, ~ asler to r elieve of his IIIneas :\ the ad dict; his >;¥slem is cleanhis nervou8 sys tem more stabil e, ·1 he responds to t reatment more 1l1lptly. Any so rt of dru g ad::ion ca nnot be too strongly con.'"l ucd-for "moder at e Indul gence" • .lI1 Y seductive thing is s o 1mossible. • Next Week : "Croup"


CLASSIFIED ADS. MONEY LOANED LOANS on Chattel., Stocke, Securities and Second Mortgages. Notet boug ht, J ohn Har bine Jr., Xenia, Ohio, ·m80-'26

Farmers, Attention! Farm ers of Wa.rren and adjolnln, coun ti es may ol·tain money on Ion. t ime loans, a t 5 per ce nt intere8t. Co st of securin g t he some is very rea. 'nnnhie .throug h The Federal Land Fol' f u rtl",r infor mal l.. n call II " I' ild dre"~ 1\1. C. DR AKF.. TreBs 'Ire I'. IIho ne 3 16-X. Lebano n, Ohio.

'". 'e

' WANTED . AM now organizi ng Warr en Co unty f ' .. lh - Ohie 1't, tt l.if' 1· ' '' r '' nr p .. ,



IJ .!lL l' J il!'gs, Box 83, Woynesv iJIe, Ohio. · J 12 .' . h!,.!c"


l . . ~ L \ I , • r i. e L

WANTED- A ll k inris of snft f l'" '- p} ., l'f",'" iq r " nI 1 ! ~'

WI) (\()


" fl/\l~ ,1-\& GRa!10 LEAl::> f'RoM. )lY'2~ CA8Ui w l-\ lcl-\ 1:5 "'!'ACSc5eb -t ,20 B . A~h co,o..\NIIq WI"'!'''' PO SrT.-.lE

-reRMIIU .... L 0,. l"'R-ST "'B" BA~'(_ 1JOw RU ~ WI~ MCQ o\l€R, -ro !"o I ,o;,n-


AI\J I:> - " ~ I t '



, \',"


. Con d~ l , ,. Ohio CrC:> /i -r'..




FOR SALE-aoo buabela band I )," . ell YtUow com. lohn BoHl'lnn R D. No. I, ~ .~... ..



VI!:ONFJSDA Y ... --____ .,."r." --- -1. -





.t ,II. Po. ' o ""t e. \II WCI.,)' Oh'o, •• S.cull j Cia .. MMii ,\tU nuulli. ltr"

811111criptioD PI ice,

1.5 0


Virginill Vllvi s i ~ (I ut (If pc hoO I owinS!' to iIIn H>I.

M I·~. (~"jl (' \1 1'11,," "lid Mrs . . Jut· IlCl ~ gnn UI'e Hul r<'lwitJ"'~ t hei r 1,,·,.lth as Publi. her "" st U~ we all wi~IL F"llnk L. Ilal'liij, 'Joe Ilu vi s ,",,1



'~' . P. l\1 c.'Cal"'l-!\

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n l! ~:1 vi s illll'~J 'I'll(·:,,<d ay.

Lt:uullo n hU l'i i-

=·t'1 ~·~---:;::=: :




- -

Lilt'le Hu l h Enl'ly is on the sick list . Elle ll uJ\~ey is ,' bi ting her in UllyLon. Am c ri cnn t(Jlll'iHt ~ vi s i ilt ~ in th e ~! I'. I{ohcrt Hu nt hil S h.,(oJI und e r ellsLel'1I "tu tc ~ .hu uld II Il t f,d l t" st" p lh(' dUC lOI" ~ cat'e th e IIH ~ t \\·t ' k . M,'. II. M. 'Ia rk left, ~u II"ay . ror lit bellu li f ul lind hi, l{, ";c VUIl I'Y Fu r r ei nC l tJl'Ji lJ~ til 11. O. Uh;i10f" ( ' htt'uJ:u , \\ h ' t' c Id s wi 1'(' i ~ \ 1."'I itl ng. \\'hl) w r ite s l.' tl tt'I' tHlOiIl K l y or t.he ~I r. " "d ~11·s. I 0)' Fril·I·"", ,,d huve p u r h l l !oi l·tl a I\l.'\\· ['f l l J t ' JUI'IIlg' cur. ", 1'CU t Am(lrica n tlH'lll l) ria l i ll l he ('tll'I'"flt is"ut! uf lh ,· ).;aliullu l Hqlu loli1\) 1'. 11(' /l I'Y F lJu lh Mr~ . bl'llth " I',

~ I r'. Will . i)i xII ". II f nuu l' W illl1i n ~ t un. ,li ed t)utu t'dl:Y nl lh,' hllm e o f hl) r d fl u ~ h tl' r . ~ J F:-<. G l'o r g-c Pa rke r. !<" hH~ 1'\' l'lI cun III par t , ~l r. lji ~ h lJP ~ ay :1 : The W ~ .~ . l·~ ut 1-\ 111 i!:> dl~H l h . ur a t ~ Ir ·. ,,,,,1 Mr •. (' nll l'l " s Ell i". IIf Ldl- li !1 t,d l v hi :; iHIIII\! Sl'V l ' r: ,! duy ~ , with CUll. fl l ' U I ill .... " 'r' her(' i ~ 110 IJlUf'e lJcau l if u l S pl'l " ! IH1 , W l' ll' .,u" fh,J' j!1I ('!'\ t s o f Mr. and least, nHJ\',. ", 1UU U H ! . L... lliv rd'Vh it" , 11 1 the l' uU Il LI' )' IIt l \\ lhun t h e r ullin!!: II1rs. Fra llk 'l'i et meyu r Il"d fa mily. ~I I'". I·· /'i II ", I(,, ~, . I'" ' fa th,·I'. ~ Ir. W . WU 8 I. : . . d 1\ " t . lI bU , 11I .s I"'uuic tn "i h ill!-, u f Valh·y I,'0l'l,{ l', \\ hi\'h \\'u:-h II . \. .. lfl' Y, l ~ 1'l'lttJ l' lL' d I llueh loll'. a Wtl ' d n ~l i e l s. th e III g- l UlI :-'l·lc l·t, d H:; ti l l: p lul'l' qUil' . •' Jol . U .,J J oJ )Ul' lI~ mUll fru m ChaM. I';. t; lll' dun II lhl 1'1)1' Wl l1 · , ~ . :'; l 1 , ' \\ dHY!'I . li Un. Hu lH' I'1 , !'i P('lI t ll ll! week (" l1 d i ll Pitt . ~ u .. g. U.' l'I l1 g' Ill!'\ H l'1 l1~ I II I ~71 ' j~, I L b l (l,OJ :,' t vn \\ Ith Mr. UII O ~ II"' . 1'; \,,, r cLL ~I I'~. Lu y I· IL<· . vI' I'h'a ' ''''l HidJ.:c. c aLl' iI :.!f) IH ll \ ;-, u p I he Sl'It uylklll ri \'~ ' UWI ' J. ~ ~ ,.'J \d ! L!, 101' " h um \\' h i Lt' Vi llllrs. ,; p \' lI i l\l lJ IIOU l'r



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MI'. " lid ~1r<. lI u)(h [lur~" lt lind ,;.SL, I' , M I'=' . 1 . l lI llIa F ou l k s HII LI :"t I n ;. Lu hil i h" rself. fa rnily, o r }j {·1n10 Il t . Wl' I'c \"h' l'k ' l' nd "t i d L lJ U gi H.Tl' , \...;]ertrym e n \ , I,. Hil l! I I . dll s U got.>d ... l h ::H S uf Mrs. C l al'u COli 11 l ' l" n nd r\ci ghtn ll'!i nll~ 1 fl'it' IHl ~ h a d a fan'· l"xt for a tit.! I"1 • • uu LJlU L \ \ Iii liUt pu t nIl's. l~ t h ,, 1 S nrith "lid sClns. well I.a,, )' fur , 1.-. ami .\Irs. I':arl ~ (IU ll g , ,"'I utul da,\' l.' ' t'lI l tl~ t a :-. thl'Y lh~ \.ougrug ul io" I.v ~. l t" Ii, .1111' . ulld fi ll's. I'au l Hunsu n, of I)uy LOll, ~ PC rll ~u nuLl. Y with Ull·i!- mt/t he r , , (11111 Il ' II \1..' I~ H' lllt..' ir t Ll tUI'l' h u lltl! i n ~ome "rlldic u l l: 1 _ 1 ... .)'IU CIi Illlg ill IJ a yt"n. eve n engag~ };, _Iyu 11 , I1W LII UP IIC." .Hr:-i. SU Uil' J l' 1I 8u n . l\l nol. H l!H Sn n al'. cO llll lll ni " d lhem home to sW·nd lIlI' I.\J I', Fl' ank Sm it Ii hus 1' (: 1 1I1'1 11, d l u in hh~ ch urch DII ... " "" UJ:' leX t ur " ~ H'J ,\ IIl ll' " W ith lh l' lll . ill S 111I 111 1' Ii ~ r ' , a flt' l ' all l'Xll.'l ld, ' d v i ~ it t:xumple " it sh t. .' ~ UrVl\1~:i. Miss ,"'an lIu rk" t t . of W "y n ~ H ­ u 1 li l t..' 110 11 It · of hi s da uJ,!\lkl', .l\1 r i:). IltJIlry Wurd L <:cd,l" ' . In th e Bro uk villp. Sl h- ll t. f, ,(t m Friuay O\'l.' , \lI ~ h' ~tt ' l' kHth' ) 1'1i Hlld [ ;: lIl1dy , Il ~ ar " thl.' I) 1,1 pulpit. so l<l U lIlulutLO Ki d at Il UC _ W(:ek · l'nd wit h Il l' !' J,{rH Il c!rn olhe r, 1\Jn... •,. IU tll J:- IJUrg . tlon in uld slu vny du)'. to e m"nnsiz e .""n dil' Hl' uso n . S h e \' i ~ itt'd o UI' sc huo l .\ Ir-. lind .\lI'~ . Wall,',. \\,hita k" I' alld Fr idHY Jlftt·rn uon . , , H i ll y 111 11\' , -<1 ll~ t hLi r Il l ' \\' hu IIl l' , ~l oll u ., , mOil 11~u.l n 8t Hlavcry . Mrs. Flo rCfll:C Car r rclUfll ,41 hOI11 (- . . l ') . \\hll: 11 lI l\..' ~ ' \" \..'(.' (111) p U I l' ilu =-, c.' d =-'lIl IUll Y, u t' lI.: 1' ~ PCIj( 1i llg :-;~v ~ .. u l w (,l:k~ .~ l \ VillJur \. 'l a l k, \Vc wL'll.' u lll C t henl 11,L.dANS IN PURITA N DAYS u L t he h UIl1l' (I f her duu,.dllc l', Mr!=! . ,1110 \J Ut' llIid :-: t. AND NOW lI e nry Muql hy . v f ne,"' I.l· uunun . ~l l' s . II M "Y l; l'ahalll 'PC llt la st Four white men lire IlcclIse d u( S he WElM co nfi n ed l u hlo' l' LJl·d w it h u \\ l'ck Wi th Ii ...·r lli ollier , l\1r ~. Thl)llla S brukell le I! while the!'e. ...,,, ylul', lit :i p,' ''' ~ Valley. whv fe ll . furllllllg II murder ril,g , thlll IIlr""d ) ---- - - --1)1 CHh lllg' her cu I l u I' t v ile u uo di s lutu l. hilS lO Its credIt thc u", uths uf twcnt)· II ... hcl' s huul der. MAYBE TOO MUCH \.Ju ....., Ill<lJull ~ . VII I"...J II1n(J ~ thcm .1\1 !'~. Ino Lin ll l' t', u ll , o f () u Ylun, " l'h crl"s lJnly u nl' mUI1 in tlH' w (l rlJ rich, lind in 1025, us in old l' UI'itllll d.W J.:, lIlPI' Ht' ~ lr. I'd llI a IT Y." aliI! J\ l rs , Itl'lll'), duys, it seemt'd lo ' hri"tiun wllite " Well , whllt are yuu crubbilll : l ' U U IIi.:.t " \\'11 :" OJll' I·J~l L· d till I q l*' llppl"ll · me" wrong Cur Indiun. tu have prup ub out'/ _1~l ~C.2 0 u gh :!~~ • lull!'! , M l dlUUY H I la!'<o l \\ 1 ck. S ill' l l-PUrLl J US <luiJlg- nicely, u, Ly. 'illC), killcu li le l\1 l ilell . •llou ~_ . ... " l\l U ~hcm no W . 1\1 r :-., I:.dd L n llg'Ht' f'C It: fl, Tu esd ay, UUL n o w Il i ~ it · " '" ,\I,U"" \ 'Il I1t-y h""III l:oI fur all UJlh.;~ "h' .. uu LJl c ~ru llt..l J lIf,) w ul til' '': ~ l ullOI1, M r', tJ.ll d 1\ l l's. C alvi n L U Il~_ ur..VUt th orn . 1l\,':'I'(;', o f l ' U YltJll, w ill r emai n ut th l' \\ Ui !.! !' \, lut e! po isonous


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Ii IJ,.:. h w a ys !'I ilil '

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Il is t'l' HCh<:d t I Uill a ll di Ull:



\ ' ntalnl' -

t)\' eri v u k ill g'

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"' IL~ ~, l d l' t , \ l CY t ' I ' l.' \.' k.

l'rl ,u..dil,d t he ripplin g- \ aI. '1 It\; \'illag , h lL{i \..' IH,':U Il IPIII Cll l dl' I'I \' C U II :, 11;I !Jl l ' 11' 11111 till il'on f u l' g' " ld ' i J..! I~ l all ,\' ltn.: aLt'd ~ tfl t hh l: l'l \., k,


:<O l t t·


lh t: , ' tl t" Hmplll\ ' IH.

t :-'

IT truction GETS you, first s. Its

beeau Ro of its natural at· cl evation of 221 feet abov e s ea level, anti the s ix lukes withi n th e city's limits mir ror the blue of a frequen tly cloudles s sky.

hu:h -

\' 1' tli all thL' !iU I'l'UlllI ( III I)..~ \' lIuIIlry, lil u ,'t

l ·ludd llq..~ till' \ ' I ;-- itl d '

lu ulJtil 1ll a \ 11 '\\ that \ s I"'.'\ l ' r 11I 1'g ll -

L1 1 1' 1Jt,; lIOIl ~

11 \ a li

ten .

Again, Haines City ~ts you bceause of it s husiness possibili ties. "ThIs town haH a thrill", a stranJ{e r who came to look it (over. Thul's it exncUy. A T h rill I Everybo dy senses It. It's n so mething In the elr. You cnn'l help but feel i t. Things are on the mov e. Improve ments eve ryw he re. Wido Rtreeta. Ne w Stores being built. E nlargem ents of older premise s . Churche s gOIll!\, up. A Big Hotcl takJng ,h npe. A new Grumm ar School. A nc'w Thclltrc. New Everything. Yes, there' s a business t hrill about the pl uce. And it's Infectiou s , too. Come to Haines City an d it will get you. There's nothing unpleas ant abou: It. In fact, It's juet wh at most people are "/>~1I 1 seeking, namely, a good place to locato where there's a chance for a profi table Investm ent; a p! ace where Ilne can grow wIth the growth of a cily t~at knows what It wanta, and which Is now reaching out to ItB destiny,


plal' l ' III "Ul l all d ('a n \ ...,-' ~ \-, , ..' 11 11I ., l' l' (a n ll~ , IIII:! l 'P lllflo] l~i1 d l' la l' lIIhlJu :o:. l.' :-<, h llt~ l' 1101l' lI l'1 a ~ w(· 11 \ ' dlllll,d

t't·ru l\..:

u s l h l' I lOu ~~ \·!'! . Il illlll' ll :-'l' l: 1HII="' , iI.lIld n Il', IJI lIl HI,·d I h l ·:-. lu l'k 'lI\ d 111 ~.II' l.· pr U!'i Jl C I' HU ~ amJ l' Vl1 ll'I\LL' d !oll l\ lt lg' IIl'u pl l' llmll tl )\ ' !'t' a r t.: \ 11 Lhc \ h .. lIln~' u l \ all,·y Fl,lq,~C-" " 'lll anl\!:t LV lJ l \ ' IJI'Ij ~r l·:-- ... l\ t·"l' ~ :-:' of P c 11 Jl:-' ••'l \. a l Jia \ ~dl 4.·,\' I' ~) r ~(.'t t0Il1)1 1' 1:- .

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Oranl\.. BTljson REALTOR

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A WJ'J,{(' cr o w d a l tl'ndl,d th e sa le o f 1\ 11 .. I\' ll uu r l;lal'k UI1 T u""tiuy uf Illst u ud . ,"1 II. :-'1'\\'Ul'd ,i ~i t cd l he "lllct! \ \l're thl'lJ IL'd \\lt h wli u t they s aw. \leek. Tire la J i" , uf

L),l l,' Chlll·. h

.A' nt;d t h l! lll l l' h a lld Ch': HI'l·tJ a Ilea l !'iII H I. .1\11'. a n d Mrs. C iHI'K 11\0 \ [ J t ll


C olo \, ;ll tiu,. Lv tire pulln where it


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l1uw uu w nlu U, i ~ 1.a: X.Ul'UU, c .

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MT. UU J' I n \,C::iLU1"uWt .1.; .. u~8 the SC!:18.

j '\ldNibl), re . Oll'lIItiuII o r Ulis [act is toe undc r ly ilT\; CUU b " III l' r"ncil delny In the pu),men t of hH \~ur deb ts. ~ ..u...a.-. ... .,. ,. n lLll vile song writer installed as lUllyoj' IIi Lhc \Ji~)' of ew '1:' ork, lind uno Lner insUllied as hu sband of a pos_ Sible heircl!ll to lhe MaCKay milli un s. we may look for a quick revival in Tin i-Ill ' Ailey. "\'ea, We May Not ~ e~ the Han nt/us," ul1ght be .UI allI'ropria~ e title fo r a new Herlin ef-

ENOUG H IS PLENT Y Lawycr- "l'm terribly 8orry, bud d)" 1 thought 1 could do more for you./1 1J0nvict ed Man- "Aw, Bhut up. Aain't you BIItialied? · I got live yuarll' - that'. plent)'."

--- .--- --

'RAH FOR THE MOVER S Old King Tut never liked to see \.he day- but he'B hlld his furaitur e moved earetull y at last,


C~ LE~


alle rn oon .

\\C.r\· prl' !'lC llt Hili! a

tUHUPt'~ tXPUHI5 IN~HtAbtu ~IN~E WAH 'I'h ~

l\lltionu l

I{cpu lIli c



CO Ul' ,""C )ull l'hf'o n \\ us :.-;1; I' \ · , .. d, They :ill': Wit h l he ~ t.HLenle n t. of ClIng'r'ess· a d jo u rn ed l o mCl'l at dll' !W Ille! of /IIUIi l. v ....I cll lIull tu t he "trcct thut Mrs. Nettie Emfltk u ll \\' clln csu ny, we C"lIIl vt collec t what Eurupe owcs

""IIIl1",'. ,


,"u C la! I!Il:l·lI .. ).!' a t. lhl' L~' dih ( " kl1ll1 l1, un

A J.:"od ly good s u " 'lI l lillie WUS "/lJII)',," liy all. A two ·

\I .. uillulillll l' vp"fatlO n o r th , v1 bd. VI·"~,,rvatilln. Amu!cu lvr \:lIu1<.1 n ot IIl!vrd to see 1",'8I1C" I'''UCII U til.ll~C of ti nan cia l col · luplle. h to mUSL protect our loun s

Now we re to have an invesLig atlo n of the Aluminu m Trust. More hcadllne s In Bight. Wh)' not begin lin investig ation of our professi onal investig aton '/

:,,, "1

II L'rirl""":lY

",o LlII~

fort. . , " ~~ London hn, founeled th~~ Utu," 01 the HorSe to preserve the equine species. Waahin gton haa solved the ",roWem ill Lh" product ion of the Hon steed which ean only rust out.

A id lId o! th,·i,. n") llt hly

li t' :\1 1':-0 ,

IH u lJlH' "



h o m e in \OV UY lI l'~ \' illt' l on

.11\..' 11' Jll' \ \' I ul'~ .

nUt,..U l'UJJy

u.,-.' uy s has Uilli a l · \\ 4).$ oJ n. ~ .. urrc~L ulh:uLl0 n Stl lu n K d 1 1.~<d\L) h~ .1\ ... Q ) 1I\uul u1 lu bv f, 'J' h ' \!' ..... ~ l· l' U .... '-I1... .. CU lale lO nnulIcJu l chuo ~ l.u\,; d\: l' .11t:,)' IJl.!con\c, th e ll' securllY l ' .1.


htl.:t.h, U JU S l


'fh ~ Y. P. S, will me et 1"l'ido y n ight .1:.r n uul·Y I fl, with Mr". lI ull' llI'd !>hee-

han .

Mr. and Mrs. lI e l'uc rt Murl att lIt~,, "d ~ <I t.he fu n eml, ) Iullduy , of Mrs. ; ni,e ('rutt, of Wayn eSV ille. M... and II1 rs . Em ersu n Dill spent t h" week-en d with Mr. li nd Mrs . Ju cub Z imm e r a nd famil y, o f Bchuont .

BOX I'LAITS " An execptio Jlally smart effect Is gaineo in the Jenny model I have sketehed here at the lefl. In this dress pairs of the box plaits are held together near the bottom of the skirt with narrow banda of fur appli ed a s shown at A. thus making a kind of doubl e plait. The pillit between ench of these pair.! is left free. Another unusual and deeoraU ve tr~utmQnt of box plaits is shown In tho hCIl\'y silk crepe Ipock at the )·irrht. R ere the ploJts are arranged in POi\lt6 at the top. To do thi s lay t he pillits in the usual way as shown at B. Cut the topa Into p(lints as nt C. Then slash down IIb(lut • n half iIlch between ' 'the plalts ri.~, sh()'W)\ at D. Tum under the rllw ':!d ge~ as at E and the skirt por:'ion L~ ready to b e applied to th ~ UPIl ' r portion 01 the dress.

fllrs. Harry T Ollls and Mr. an d Mrs. Raymun d Osborne , of Xe nia. ~ pcnt 'fue"dIlY eveni ng with Mr. and M r~ . toll\(:l'so n Di ll . ~Ir. und Mrs. J ohn Ryc and daughter . Mi ss 'Oonlthy , spenL 'undllY with Ir . und Mrs. ~lt on Lv:!n s and lillie da ui:-ht er, IIIl'j0 l'i e. Mr. a nd ~-h-s . C~I!\I'l es My ers and so n, Ric hard. of Belm ont, s pent S un_ Iluy afternoo n with Mr. ll nd Nrs. Herue rl MlI rl lltt a nd fllmily .

- - --

Soak ing The Wag e Earn er TlI X cxempt ion is clellrly de fellling ItS 1I 11" S by pcrmitL ing indh' i.duals to \li vest in tax-ex empt seC Ul'ltles , thu s escllping ul1 Federal tuxes and forcl .. ~ he incrcuse d burdcn on thosc leas t ubl e til !JIlY. Unearn.e d inco~le, which sho uld bellr t he nltlJor portIOn 0 1 ta xati on is esca pi ng, and carn.ed mcom e is forced t o shou ld er an mc r ~"sinS!' b l'udcn thereby . This is unfllir, -disc riminato ry lind un-Am er-

h an.

---sAFEST B~

us bec u use uf vU I' prutecti vc turifr .,,,d P O IIIll! out thllt I':uropcn n illlIlort" are greater nt,\\' l ha ll before Lh" Wo rld Wur. In commen UIIg on t he funncr D ~muauti c at ional dlui l'/l lan'~ stntem e n t th e "tionlll ~\ C}JU lJ tic sa ys: "){e prest!nta live o l'dell Jlull hn ~ ,"s ued a st lltelllent 0 claring thnt the ..cason we lir a unaule l o cullect in lull the de bts owing the Un ited ::> tntes by Eurupea n lrations , is th a t " ur itl' 11Iw d ill'S not IIccord Lhe (oreign produ cer a lurger sha re of the Am erican lIIurket. Thi s see ms u rllther fli T-f etched theory, espec,u lly in view o f th e fllct thllt European imports t o t.h U llited States Il l' e lun;e r tuday than t he y were befo r e lhe Wor ld War, when II lowe r tl.lriff Which fte prese ntativc Hull h a d much tv do wit h f raming , wus in effect. Th e New York Wo rld in s upportin g Lhi . positio n of R e p. Hull , oom_ pillins that in the last fiscllI year be( a re th e World WlIr ltllly e xpol·ted tu th e United !>tates $5 6,000,00 0 wurth of marchan di!!e an d boug ht (rum uS $74,2~5 ,OOO worth, wherell ' dUI'ing t.h e fiscul yea r ltalilln imports to the United !>ta tt's were a lmost ;;;8 0,000,00 0 whil e Amcrica n expo rts 10 Italy were $ 175,aOO ,Ooo. 'fh ese figu res seem to prove neithe r n 'd eclin e of Am e riclln cus tom for more than forty per cent over prewar fig ures, 1101' a lllck of l ta liun pur_ chasing pOWt!l', since in t he Am eriran 1Il1lrket t his hus inc r eased 23 0 per ,·en t. 1I, under t hc exi sting turifT lllW, Italy is ab le to In ore thun 1I0ubIe her purchlls es in tile! United Stlltes th ere does n ot se em to be much left uf th e Il rgum ent lhllt. the ame law hilS destroyc d Italy's ability to m ee t debl puym ents. As fo r the favor••ble bnlllnce of t rad e in o ur for eign delllin gs, this wil l fri ghten unl y th ose I" ho believe tha t n c8l11l1l\i~y has be· ,ullen the Unitod :;tllt e~ wh en our 1I1 lornalio nnl

tran sa c t ions

nluk e


"I Wllllt u very good dinner lo d 'l ~. "huwing o n th e profit Bid e of th e ledg waiter. Whllt wo uld you suggest? " .·11 tU of1'sc ~ the vast umount Ameri ~an s s pe"d in E U1'Ollellll travel , for "Anothe r r es ta urant, sir." I .. eig ht a nd pu.sen", er chijrgcs o f ~===---""=-=--= .-='='''--- --...:;... .r; Uro\lCUI I s hiPllillg lin d in immi~' fnnt s ' J'c mittnnc es t.o E urope."



A Well -Fed Natio n




Americl I is todny be tte r f ed with llI"rc kinds uf nourishi ng food pr epared in bet Lc r wuy s t han eve r berl)I'C , Ilcconfin .! to th e H ouschold Arts dc purlllle nt helld of l he Univer, ity of Orego n. Fo ou is s impler , . here is II stl'ung an d g ro wing len.I e ll "y t oward s I'egetllb les ra l her th an lO WUrO ti oxcessiv e meat ea tin g; m o r e .;ind s lind quuntiti es o.f t he vitumin "o lltnin ill !: r llW food s ,8 l' e u sed, a nd illlpro"l' d cooking appJ. iu llccs. es pecially eleclri ca l an d r:caH, bring cookery ulnl\l!;t to perfeLt:~ n. Gas and ' Icl'lrici ty ns cuoki" g fuel s hnve do n e mu ch t o bring th e mod ern b 'lI of ful'c t o its presen t wllo leso l11 o per fec tion .

NOTICE OF APPO.lN TMENT Esta te of Eli Deun, decclIse d. Notice is hereby g iven thnt Annie )!uriu Ueun ha s been duly ' appoint ed a nd qua lified Us cx eclIt'r ix of th e estate of E li Delln ,. la te of Warren _o unty , Ohio, decen sed. Dnted this 8th da y of Janullry , J 926. W. Z. ROLL, Judge of th e Proba te Court, Warr en County, Ohio.

'NOTIC E OF APPOIN TMENT Estate of Amnljdu Letitia lIcKsy, decease d. Notice is he r e by given tbat W . H. Allen hUB been duly appoint ed and ualifted as cxecutll r of the estate of Amanda Letitia 1I1cKay, late of War_ reil Collnty, Ohio, decellse d. . ·. Dated this' 28th day of ·Decllm ber 1926. . W . Z. ROLL, . Juqe of the Proliilte Court. Warren C;:ounty,. Ohio. 'Dean E. ·StanleJ. Atty,


REPORT co~dition


of the Harvey sburg N nll ?nal Uallk at Hurvey sburg, in th e ::state of 01ll0. at the close of bll s in e~s . 011 Oecernb er 31, 1925, I<b:SOU I<CL:S

Louo> aD d orll<UUDLa • •• ~~ . b6 U . U 1~6. SG O a& U\·oruru fLw. UII Stx;Un.U.l •• ••• lI u' . 60 I U4 .60 U ,M,liovern wou1. tJocurJlluti owned U t-o &UCuNc1r c ulatJoD (U.

A'~·o~~rUJi~~reJ·~~:}!.C. · O(;V~~?

ID.O~ _urUle• . . . .... . ' ~U~,y& OLll.r tJou<1ll . •lOck•. locurltlo8.elc. Uauklug HallH ., . , .,. " O, 9Yf.b8 t'urol. u.... ou~ tlXLUreo .. U.~UU.UO

13 . 194.68

servo Uullk . .. .. ........ . . . .. ' rruw u.Uou.1 baok. ... . ... . ..

11 . 164.&6

H.Obol est.ttl u""uw othe r t hlln IJ l.n kW" hOuitj . .•• • • • , .•• • , .• L~wruJ reserve with . 'Ol1otll.J He-

202 .9 & 18.8&6. t6



Date your .ale. with u.. We &,uarantCle or charge nothin&,.


Centerville, O. Phone No, 2

New Bur liqt on,O . Phone No. 320


ODMh 10 VQult. \lnd unt due

To ... l! u r Item. 9. lU, 11, 12,

F. T. Ma rtin Jes se Stamey Auctioneer Auctioneer

....... .. ... ..... .. . 11 .1 6•. 64

l11sccllau eou 8 cuh ltenls .... , • .. .

Talal. .... .... . .. . .. ... .. . . i1Oti.10 ~.2 H L IAUILITI ES

Tell the Advertiser you read his Ad. in the Miami Gazeue

Uapl""l sWIck pal,1 10 ....••. • ..•. UOO.00 Surplu8 tUllll . , . ' , . ' . , . •.. . . , .. 128_.. UOO.OU U u<llvld"" vrall La • • • •••.•• 0' G. 20 Leu curnJut eX1JtiIUIQ8. intontSt.

llJ~f~'d~:au cfe~ili.8 ' ·IUtJJect 't~o' . chock. . _.,


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CcrL Uh:IlLC8 C1 t 4..1"1')0811. (u thtlr t.hUD

tor mun oy burrowcu J . . .. , ...• To".1 of l i me llu Jxuoil l,/i JiiubJ o(' t tu U u:tent:.


v:J, 3 .. ,

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Dr. John W. Miller ACURE THAT Denti, t a.aoo. oo Biela. COSTS NOTHING 6 10. 0 0

W"YD •• YiU. NatloDa l BeAk

as • • , • •••••• • , ., •. • • , a ,J Ul' . UU

Grad e crossing acciden ts can be ~-Totll. ... ... ....... .. . . .... 11 0ti . 7GD.l8 prcvent ed, not by tllxing public for dT .'l.TI£ OF OU IV. WAlInltN c OUN·rY.8 8: grade changes , but by automob ile I , H. 8 , 'l'uck or. tJ8.9hler or the a.liovo drivers stoppin g and looking before nlwed bank, YO fK1lumnly Iwear "nat. ... he cr ossing rllilroad tracks. "bovo I. t.ruu l-o tho beet 01 m, This is prove n by exp erim ents of the IllIO"led4I~ lull 0011 01. Slllndnr d Oil Compa ny, of Indiana , SulleCclbod ancJl \:~r~Ul~ K~:~roC~~·~lrl' which requ ires all its truck drivers 8 ~h d07 01 J~uu .ry . 1~~ O . to sto p, loo k find listen before crossClU.HLI tS MAI) I)I>N in g rllilroud Oom><:L ALlc.' . tracks. No.ary l'uI>lIe. In ihe yellr 1924, the ve hicl es op." O. E. LEV10 Y u. D. C UU({ " ruted by that compan y crossed rarlU. J . CI. ltAVEn r oad tracks 31,000,0 00 tim cs withlHroct ore o ut an I.lccide ni. .... Public oflicials and others having to do wiih the regulati on of t raffic /lnd avoidan ce of accide nts llIay well co nsid er th e significa nce of this perThis is the lillie of y~ ur wh ell most formunc e . It is II rem edy for acciden ts which pr ogr essive ol'J.':lIl1 iz:!li on. tak e 1111 uccount of tlr " ir bus in ess. It is o f in<ur es cosy and quick curc at no g r eat impo!'tu n" e t o lillY con ce rn tu expense to taxpaye rs, whereas t o lell OW j ust where It sta nd", 11l1 d f o r remedy by grllde changes would take thut r euson a cll reful ulld accurate half. U Cl} ntu ry for the 256,000 crossa n a ly s is is Jnn d c .. t. I ~ a :-t t t)ll CO a ycu. r . in g~ in the United States lind cost S uch lin in ven lo ry is be in)! Laken at t he lllxpaye'rs n o less than ~15, 000,000,000 . _ __ the presen t tim e. The am ount uf

----- ---Taki ng Stock

r aw,

sc mi - fil1 i s h~ d

u nd tiui !-' hcd mu t c-


., Wal ter McClure FUNER AL DIJU;.CTOR

WAYNESVILLE, OHIO Fully Equip ped for Good Service. Large Displa y Room. Ambulancll Service TELEPH ONE .,



";al is cn icuilltcd ; cost of manufac DUMB DAN THINKS t ure, equipm ent . la nd s, sa ] e~ . lTCd ils, de bts and vari o us o th e l' iwm s which Tha t J .ive l'pool is a sw imming tank; have n finun ciu l be uring o n o rgan i zn . '('hut S ing S ing is a grand opera protion s arc t akell in to car e ful acc o unt. WE GET THEM QUICK LY AND ducti o n; By mean s of thi s in vellto l'Y, t he Tlwt Long Island Sound FREE OF CHARG E is made with manage me n t o C compan ies is enabl ed CALL US ANY TIME A.T OUR fog horn to 1I11nulyz e th e I,u sill es. 1' 0 1' t he year; That u jll ils ;bird EXPEN SE lays striped Euster profits or loss,'s Cnn be ca lculated ; eggs: efficie ncy in mcthods II 'cc l' ta ined, fI- Wh)', he eve n th in ks King Tut is a nancill) position letc"mil led- ill short new muvie star. the inve nt or y no\\' bcinS!' take n will phone 8 HARVE YSBUR G. O. se rve to mllke dell!' the uU :lin ess s tanding an u l!Iimina t .. ull sup posit iolls and g uessin g . It is quite ns esse n t ial th al we, as i ndividul lIs, tak e an occas ional inventory . W e s hould kno w ,\'hut DENTIST stoek we have Oil , ha nd, i f we are And X-O-GRAPHIST showing a profit or loss in our progHOTARY ',.u.~ ress, if our fin a nces are sound, If we OHIO are making Cllrn est e fforts to im- ",' AYNESV ILLE, Nallo.a t Telepho n. 114 prove oursel ve.s to the point where we ure of mOl'e vulue to our compan y Will. DrawD .. .. ..... .Ealat~ S.ttl" OFFICE : HATHA WAY BLDG, lind Consequ ently to ourselve s, if we practice effici ency and economy~in ON MAIN STREE T Wayne sville, Ohio short, we s ho uld analyze ourselve s to determi n e OUI' per'sonll l standing . MIlIlY of us are so ~ati sflcd with ourselvl 's we con ijJder a persona l anal ysis 11 1' neoessa ry . .T his is · bad busin ess and e.V'entuIIHy leads to a rut and ·stagnat ion. Persona l progrlillS is built over much the same pnileipies as is . busin 58 prplfrclIS, and hi bo'th instance s the rewords earned. , . In • . Instead ' of lIIaking ' resoluti ons which ypu lmow you wou't carry out, STRO NG, PROG RESS IVE ' O LD ~INE COM PAttY I try milking an invento ry of yOl,lrIIclf. Perhaps you--wo n't be pleased or aatiafte d-a good algn that ;voa will improve where you )"eaHle your

Harveysburg Fertilizer Co.'

Dr. H.E . Hathaway.



wtiab -. Taking ,took of )'ounel f Ie not an eRq matter. but if dOll. colllCleDtlo...." 'fir It. .



The OhIo ·State LIfe I .... c..

TH! IlEASON ~NOUCH dar, wily In th 1'(\ rId 10 til" want II dIYorco?" 'Only on~ jtqt>d r 8/lUIl-btl ,:nllM I'", 11Inrrlcd."

lIll'. I1nn-i. Mosher :,;un<lny c\'"ning.

uDllt, my

Clermont Heaters and Ranges

. l\1r~.


in Da . tO l1



lI1l'f!. lIann uh R OI~el'f! ill siok at the home or her dau~:hter . 1r. J. O. a,' wrig/,t.

lary nllkey 8Pcllt'lnat Wed· in Dnyton.

We IIr!.! ~\ad to r«'port-that the co n. dition of WlIlI'tr F. l ze~· is. much' betMr •. Em mn •Dakin nnd Mr~. Veda tllrtllis wCl'k. 1'1Id""f wcr in Xeniu lust ]. ridn .' . M'rs. .John Mc auley, of Ilring. Mr. und Mrs. Herhert Celt~r, ,, ( f1 ~ l cI. II' IIS lho gue st uf Mr. nnd Mrs. ~!r. Glenn Bard n, o f L~llRnon, wnS Du\ on. lI'er week·end gUE'sts of 11'1 1' n . L. CrslIe . MondllY. in t,)\ '11 ., ll hUllln ~~ . todllY. alltl Mrs. . \ . Youllce. . ~I r~s r~ . ~la\,llard '\' ~ lt z lin d Frnnk Mr . . <1 11111 7Il(·lI oh wa~ U b u ~ ill~ss ~I(' ~s l'~ !\funny H , I,ki ns nnd 1'h, ,. Robinso n wer'" Dayton l'i Nito ..s . Sun· ·i~it(lr ill Dnyt 11, ~nllf r d \ \ y. Hu rt.,ll mll ue thei r II ec kly trip 1(' du y art('rn oo n ullll evc ning. \\'uyn l', \'ille Insl Sat u rduy nnd SU ll ,1 ,, 1111 :---uu':.:h-"r rr lUI:-=' lll'('pple d n dllY . UaskLol hull ut th e G~' m Fridny el'· P . , "j II wilh th l Ohio f':Ik~ ': .)Il\ pan~' CllillK . .Jall UIl I·Y 15. WII;·ne"l'ill •. n ~. If P.\~ ~In . ~I r. all d ilJr". Charks F. Mo , I", ". :-:t' f\' CH V ~. St vp l un d Stivl' rs At.h l£' tlc Amlmiss io l1. 25c Ilr Cincin nati. le ft. Tu,· ~""y. f or S"n dllb. ,) f UllyLon. :\h ·:oO ... r~. ~f'th u n tl :\l\'r(d\ Th n 111a ~ . F rallci _c o lind othe r point" u f illll' r· IIlId I:;c. ('.t ill uliforn ia If I'H\ii.n, WLre "i :"'It"1:~ hlort', TUl'8· ,




dtl ~'

- -Has

~t rung-.

Kod el Rnd ios nnd a ssembled ""1 '. from $12.00 up. GU "l'IIn l ~(' '' Had " . ~, I1· . ""d ~Irs. Cnr l ~h·r l uJ'l· . of r cp,drinlt. hy depot. Corwi n. P u,'t,'n. a"(;' ;1'1 110UI)"inrr thl' hirth (,r n. F . ~lill ~. H '1 .llIJ,.!h t~ r . :\L.u iun L,'c,' . .1 :'i.l\unry 7.

.... -

- --



I "~ I l.

. 1f" .1. It (,h :l l11nnn n nd !'-1U n . Rob· H t' l IJll'j"l1:lt1. ha\'" I,!'Ofll' tn Na "I.·,. F I" . II I.,.". lIwy II ,II ' 1' ~ lId lhe n .' !'ool uf lh ll w int pl',


:\lr. C'ruhhp J!II V \ ' H l:d k h l' ( t l rt' t "I' WI'.t ( '1' 1111'0 1 (J h io :-;l11 i,h · II " g- h . " 1\,,11 .'1 Ha, lios 011 ,1 oss"mhl('d <('ts. T('n dH'r ~ n :-...... tIt·iatilHl i~ 1 I ' a\' t un Su l _ fr um ~1 ~.ou "I'. GU I1 "nlllc(>d Padin ut tlnr. till' ~uL.I"·l' t hl' in ~ '::-; l1l)1 1 '· 'I' n ir in ~ . by a~pol . Con\'in. UI,)!,n ni l.a l io n. " R. F . Mills.






Waynesville, Ohio


lin d Mrs. 11<-nr\' :-;11 tIl·,·t hW lli l .

an d :-; OJl ~ .

C l"-'1Hl'l1l

II;lt l G"tll.,,:l' ,

Zimmerman's Big . Clearance Sale


: Worth of Groceries to be S~ld Regardless of Cost C~mmencing

JANUARY ' l6th, 1926 ~

first day of the sale at o'clock a.m. We SPECIAL forwilltheplace on sale 200 Fine Brooms, 39c Regular 75c to $1.00 va lue, Only One to a customer, at .

Here are only a few of the niany Bargains we offer. Come in and see for yourself. You cannot help buying when you see all the low prices we are making.




AT LESS THAN WHOLES ALE Rei'. 10c ReI. 18c Ree. 20" Maine,

a;'d ISo Corn, 3 ·for .. 25c Corn, 2 for ..... ......: .... 25c Corn . Wbit e V illa a nd only.... ........... ........... 15c

Early Jun .. P"aa. , 2 for .. ......... . I-5c Peas .... .... ...... .. ............ 12 ~!i e Canned Pumpkin ............... ... .... 5c Large C. a Pumpkin ... .. ............. ge Three for ......... ... .. .... .. ......... 25c Large 15c Can. Kraut ............ l0e Sm . 1l Can. Tom ..toe . ...... ...... .. 5c 12 * e Tom.toe . ........ . ...... ... .... 10c Larae C.n Tomatoe., S. Briar .. 15e 15c Cal.a Apricots _........ ... .. ... .. . 1Oc Large CUI. Apricota ... : ............ 15c Larae· Caa. 'P eache. in .yrup .... 20c DehaoDte Peach e., .ale pr i ce .. .. 25c 40e "lad 45c Can. Aaparar u. 35 : Red Kidney Boan ........ ........ ..... l0c Heia.. Bak"d Bun... .............. 9-c ::ampbelJ'. Soup ... ........ ...... .. .. .... l0c Piak Salmon, worth 18c to 20c 2 can. for ..... .............. ...... ..... 25c W,.lru. Salmon. re g 40e. only 33e Small Milk, caD............ 5c Lara .. Milk ca.n .... .. ........ .. ........ .. l0. Fa~cy

' Churn Cold. cut to .. .. .. .............. 300 Co.! (m. 1'&lIon ......... ... ........ ...... 15c



Lippincott'. 15c Catchup, .... .... . 10c Be.. chnut. 20c Catchup ........ .... 15c 25", Chili" Sauce...... .. ... ....... .... .. 20c 154: JUly J e ll. 0 ............ ...... .. l0c RCilled Oat., package ......... ... .... 9c Corn FI .. k .... packag.......... .. ...... 9c PO&t To na lic •• p a ckage 9c 10c Package Dye ........ ... ..... .. ... .. 5c 5c Matche.. box . o nly.. ...... .. .... 4c 7'c Malch " • • 6 boxe& .... , ............. 35c

Good Rio Coffee. 2 Ib . ......... .. .55e Santo. Blend. onl,-................ .... 35c SOc Golden Sun Coffee .... .. .... .. .. 35c 50c Silve r Sea Coff........ ............ 45c Reg_ SOc Tea. onl,- ............ .... .... 55c Re g. $1.00 Tea. only ................ 75c

400 bau Palm Olive So.P. to go a l 4 for ... _.. ......... ............. 25c 100 can . Kraft Cheea", 15c to 25c good.. box .. .... ..... .. ......... 1 Oc All P aints and Varni. h Stain., and Bru.he" at 25 0/, off Reg ul. r Price. Vick·. Salve, reg . 35c good •• only ........................... .......... .. ... 29c C altoria. r eg , 40c g ood., ..

Sale p ri c e .. .................... .. ... :30c 10c V8.o lin e ...... ........ .... ... .. ... .. .. 5c 10e Talcum .. ... .. ....................... .. 7c 30e Liqu id Ve neer .... .......... .. .. .. 23c 60c Liquid V.. n e.r .................... 47c 30e O'Cedar Oil ............... ......... 23c 60c O'Cedar Oil ......... ............... 47c P ep.oden t Tooth Pa.te" ree. SOc. onl y ................ .. ........ , .. ... 39.:

$ 1.00 Auto St rop Razor ..... .. ,.... 39c ISc L,-e., only........ .... ........ 12 ;';' c $1 ·00 Gille tte Razora ........... .....39c JOe !-ye., 3 for ...... .......... .. .. .... 250 _ 500 Ca lle., IDe Toil e t Soap, r g o at .. ... ... ............. .. .. .. .... ..... Sc Min"" Meat, pack. re .. ............. . 10c ., " Bulk M.. caroni, 3 11.............. ......25.: .~ . I Fa .. , White Potatoe., peck ........ 70c B\I.~I .......................... .. .... $2.75 Navy Bean .; 4 1b ... ..... .. .... ......... 25c

Soaps& WashingPowders Lenox Soap. 10 bara .... .......... ....25c Swift' . Pride , 10 ba r. .. ............ .. 25c Rub No More. 7 ba ...... ....... : .... 25c Ki rk'. Flake. 10 ba ........ ...... .... 39c 25e pkg., W a.hin g Powde r .... .... 19c Wa.hing Powder. leveral kind • • 3 packag" ............... .... .. ... .. .. .. 10c 15c 25 c 25c SOc 35 c 20c

:-; . Il. Jl r nkl ('


r("(' lel'lr ti p ...·s· Cou nty l'oi1lrl·-o rJ.!'un izntion llll'dillg' a t J.l·haI1 011 las t w(·,·k. Th is wil l he C l1 i11llli s~ i o n l' r II f' nkl ("s g ,' Clind CU Il ,ceuth 'c y~Il" liS hend o f Ihe h,.d y.

;\1 1'. illl'lll u f Ihl' 130"1'<1, Illi -.:~ i o f)(·r · . at :\

il' gu ~" I ". i\lr~ . alld i\lr<. li ar r \' ~all .. rl hll' lli ,,· ,,"·1 \'('l'lln 1·.~lI(· y, o r Spl' i ll/!'fi~ lrI. 1'1 11'". sun \\' l ' I'" dilil H"" J.[lH ·:'i t~ o f ~[r. un ,t I! un ,;ah .\ ntl'llln an d Mr •. !\Inry Cas· ~ Irs . 1::. Pnll('r. ·of !la yl on. Hlld ill II". llc y. eve nin g \\' ll l'~ J!Ul'~ts n L n thentt' r pllrly. Rc\,. nnd Mrs. J ohn J . SchaclTer relUJ'lwd In'l lVeek to their ho me in Mr. ('rllhbc is condul'ti nl-':' n shol'l Daylon. aft!'r a th ree weeks' visit ourse i n Dnil'yinr: in jl"illr: \ ·" lI e.\' . with th eir son and family. in V ir. The fir st nu·('tillJ,( was he ld on MOllginia dny c\'cnill~. W ~ hll ve It lur/!,c l' nrollment. lind 0 g'ood nnd prufituble ti m~ Mrs. Lllurn ZeU entertain ed at din. is antici plI ted. n ~ r. Sunday, 1111'. Rnd 1111'S . Elvin Fires. ! r. a nd Mrs . Lesle r Gordon. 1I·l r. an d ~Irs. . W. YOllncc ('ntel'_ IIl iss Martha O'Neall and lIIrs. ut e tnin ed wilh "500 " 'ulurdny el'(' l1 in ~ Coleman. in honll r o f Dayton friends, Ih l' following' : 1\11'. o nd ~11'!'. Ht)rbel't Gl' :Mrs. J . R. Buker, w ho hus been le I'. IIlr. and Mr,. Herma n !.lIen". very ill with t onsiJi t is since New Miss Thelma TillllllCrlllltn. l\I ess r, . Yent's Dny, at th e h ome of h er par. I'rank Somers nnd Clallde niJ~l!'g. all en t.<;. was able to return to h el' home of Dayton; Mi. ~cs I~ dnu Kel sey. Kalh in Cincinnati, Sunday. ryn Ilnd lI1ildred ·Iark . 111L

For Sal.. b,-

n"" :'111' .. \Y. S. Graham h n'd n5 dinn er Su nday.

Re-Elected President

Po.tum, 2 for ...... .. .............. 25c Poatum. only ............ ....... ... 20c Royal Bakina Powde r .. .. ... . 19c Royal B.kina Powder ....... . 39c Rumford. only ............ ........ 25c Rumford. only .... ........ ... . 15c

Argo S~areh, 3 packag e . ............ 25e Corn Starch. 2· p a cka ge .......... .. . 15c

Cigars and Tobaccos 10e Prince Albert. only .. ...... .... 5c 15c V elvet . only .. .. .... : .. .. .... .. ..... 10c All 8e Ci gftr •• 4 for ...... .. ........ .. 25c O r. by the bo x ... .. ........... ............ 6c All 5c Ci gar •• 7 for .................... 25c 5000 good 2 for 5c Cigar. g o at 13 for 25c or 95e for box of 25

---_.- ..- - -

. ·~MaDy other articles at .Money-Saving Prices. Watch our Windows for Special.sales every Saturday. Don't put off getting .ome of .these wonderful bargains. We have the Goods and mUlt leU them. Cam is what counts. No goods charged ,at these prices_ 1OtIl11l." a' Poultry, Same al Ca~h. . Sale S~art, S~turday, Janu~ 16th; 1926


Exclusive Age·n ts for

~DGenuine Miller's Cr


The Standard For All Coals


n U o o o





Lump Size for Heating Stoves and Furnaces Egg Size for Cook Stoves and Furna ces

Put Miller's Creek Coal in YOJ r' 11' urn :]c ~ . 'l1d then cover with fine Pocahon tas; nwk es Cl tine CO l , ,. ,1,111011 . Every Furnnce User shol1ld hav e (l quick hurning coal to hurn with Pocahontas; e:l~lcr to get :1 qu ick, hot fire: then 0 cover with Pocahont'ls.


o We have Eight Different Grades of Coal



ou r )':Jrd,


and all ;Ire Good Coals.

Edwards-··Watkins ~Ii ~s F~ancc s Wat kin s. dau ghte r of Mr. und Mrs. Kufu s Watk ins. uf the Wll y ncsvil!ll and Ly tle pike. and Mr. J1 crb~r t Edwa rds.' son of Mr: lind 1111'S. Chas. Edwards. of lhis pillee. we re mnn'ied in Covingto n. Ky .• Inst week .

ANNUAL MEETING OF COUNTY FARM BUREAU !\lore co mplete plnns f or the an· nual Cou nlY Fllrm Bureau meeting to be he ld in Memo ria l hall, Leba· non. SlI turday , Janu ary 23. includes the open ing ad dress of President Dunhnm. at !J :30 a. m .• f ollowed by Secretury and treailUre r report. lind reports of Miss Ne llie Watts. hom e demonslrution agen t . and Mr. Chas. F. Class. county alP'icu ltural agent. Appointmen t of nomi nati ng committ ee and election of officers \\; 11 lIlso Special be Pl1l't of routine busin ess. mu sic lind co mmunity singing is a ls o pla nn ed. T he social commi t tee of Lebanon Grllnge is planning fo r a cafeteria lunch nlso to be served in Memorial hall for the co nve ni e. nceof patrons attending the meeting. Coun ty Fa rm Burea u office is assured that O. E. B:radfute, ex ·presi. clont of Ameri can F'an;n Burea u "fed· eration , will be present for the after. noon address. !Ill'. Brndfu te is only g iving H limited n umber of public addresses in Ohio, a s h is time is very much tllkell up in large r m eetings th roughou t the vllrio us states. 'l' he county ' directors are als o ex· pec tin g Mr. P. O. W ilso n. ma nager of t he Producers o·Opernlive Commis. sion l~ irm, Cincinnati. to give'lI brief summary of lh ~ acc omplishm ents lind activities of the F a rmers Co· Opera· tive F irm at the Ci n cinnllti Yllrds. I n a ddi t ion to pla ns for the an nu!ll County f'arm BUrEia U meetinp' the County Board 01' Directors at the me eting Saturday afte rn oo n, plan f or a number of r eprese ntali ves from Warren Co un ty to altend th e nnnual meeti ng of !Iliumi COllnty FlIrm bu. reall in Troy. 'on ThursdllY of thi s wee k. wh ere Mr. L ucius Wilso n. lhe chairmnn of the Gene ral Orga nizlI' tion Co., of Chicago. will give the ~hi ef address. Anyone inter ested in rurnl work is invited to hear Ml'. Wilso n,


News pa per comment, . both in this country an d Great .Britain. has belln to tho effect thnt wit hin four yellrs Am e ri ca will pay Great Britain $4,000,000,000 for tu6ber" at prices fixed by the British r ubber -monop· oly. It i$ a good lesso n ' for us as to t he necess ity of pr~'te~tillg ourselves Ilgllinst such fore!~:n mOnopoli\!s. During th e World War. if it hnd not bee n for our d omestie beet au· gur industry, \'ve wo uld have been i.h much th e sa me position as Ito suga r. It is better to g'lv,e reasonable pro. lection a nd encouragement to basic Americnn industries than to find our· Relves Ilt the mercy of a foreign pow. er when buying esse ntial commodities. Sugar is eve n more importllnt lhan ruuber. The American people ure t he greatest llUgar eaters on earth und it form l! part of every mea l of eve ry American fnmily. F or that reason it is essentinl that our domestic. s ugar industry be kept on 11 safe basis. which will prevent it from being crippled or destroyed by forcign inter ests .



The .ma~ wl1lked into a store to buy a pottle" . Seeing the 'si,z e h e wanted he Inqu·l red liS to the cost. "Well, sir, ir you just want the bottIll I'll have to oharge you !lve !lents for it, but if you something In it, I won 't charge YO~I anything," "All right. · Put a cork in It, \\/111



The annua l par ish mee ting wns held in St. Mllr y', chur ch on lust Mon. da y e l·ening. with Hev. J ohn J. Schue ffer . presiding. A fte r a sh ort servi ce l he busill CS8 \VII S tllke n up. The l rcu, ur er" of lhe diff"rcnt soci· e tie s reud t h<' il' reports, euc h one show ing u nice ba la nce. The electio n resulted as foll ows: W. H. Alle n. se nior warden; F. B. Hend erso n, junior warden; O. J. Ed· wllrds, W. S. Graham. Leste r Gord on. E. L. Thomas and D. L. Crune, vestr y. men.

We Print

---_.- ..- --


An Appreciation Th e quick res ponse of the citizens o f this vicinity pnd their val· illnt work last Friday when tire t hreaten ed the deslruction of ~h" Friends home. WIIS highly apprccilltl'd by all th ose residing th ere and we tllke lhis mean s of expressing our gratitu de l o 1111 wh o h elped or can· trib uted in an y wily liS we ll as tho se who so kindl y 'offered shel t er to IIny who might need it . In beh alf of th e Family and Bunrd o f Control. J . L. MENDENHAL L. Supt.

& . !LL . _ _ _ t _


Farmers' Institute An independent Fnr m~ rs ' Instit ul e will be held in M ynesvil le , lit th ~ Gy m. on FriclllY nnd Salurday, Feb· ruary 5 Rnd 6. Th e S tnte ijp'ellller s for th is in sti· tu(o nre O. A . Dobb ins. of Ced ar. "i1le, Ohio. and Mrs . Mury Field He nd rix, of Clll rksvi lle, Ohio. WlI lch t hese columns fo ,' a mor~ exten ded notice IlIler .


"Where You Get the M ost of the Best for the Least" We a re a ble to do crushing and gri nding again, hayIng remodeled our plant, and have a Full Line of Prepared Fee!is and Concentrates for hom.e mixing.

. ... ------


Everett Early



1'rnOlp- "Dat's sure . n swell over· c(o[, t. Whllt did i' cost?" Bo- " Thi s one cost m e six months. I don't swipe no cheap cloth es. "

W."no.vlllo- 29 Cent...lllo - IU


Lytle, Ohio

----_ ..- - -

SPRING VALLEY Mrs Rufu s Squires is quite ill. Coast ing' on the long hill is the sport o f th e day. Mrs. Alice J ohnso n, who WIIS ill dllring the holidays, is ;mprO'Ving. 1I1rs. John RecvClf entertain ed the Aid society pt heF h.o m!l, Thurscjajl afte rn oo n. . Mr. lind f\frs. Jllmes HuwkeJ of LI· ma. we r e wee k·end g uests of Miss Bessie Filch. Revival services bcgan at t he Friends church S und ny morning. Rev. Russ ell Bur!(e tt. of Xeni a. F ri ends church In cha rge.

$1.19 .. ' .' . 62c Butter or CRACKERS Soda, Oy~ter, lb •• 14c


Coul1try Club, 1}1 lb. I,.oat, ~JlC" , •

"IOc FLOUR, Pancake COUPtrf Club', '-2" c . , 5 lb. pkg, ••• ~ 7c .-:-.,,-, .. -~--"':':""-~-=7-"":'-'~~~':""""':":

Country C'~b .~.a~, lip. ~af, ~~S b ~

•.... . - ..


Pancake Flour, Country Club, 1 1." lb. pa(lkage •. . lOc




Service Phon.


W, ~"r~ . D

.. .

Hllhest ~afket Price Paid

A.D~Swank &$on TelePhOM282W

Miamllbur.. ,;. • Ohio

3 !b, .... ....

27 C 35 .

Cood Cooker •• Ib ...... ..... ... .......... 5c

3 lb............... ..




Florida, 216 .Ize, doz .... .. ·


15' ~

NUt8·~WalniltJ " 2'-9~ 2l~f1te~~~ ~ fo~:... :', ~

Waynesv~lIe, ~.

Livtt Poul. t ry . '.

20c ~~~!~~n·, 25

3 Ib . ..... ...... .

co~nt::,.plu~~a!~.::.~~.C C~Jerv

~l '





A tourist be li evin~: himself lost de. cided to ask the way of an old col· ol'e~ gentleman who was s huffling along' th ~ '~o ul1try r,o.114, "Which \vay "to KCri~on?': said the toul'ist. . .. . . ...... . '"A h doa n kn ow," r eplied t he old . da rkcy. " Is' this the rOlld to Larksville?!' "Ah doan kn ow," . "How do I get to Kingston ?I' " Ah dOl1n know.'!' "You 're cel'tainly . dumb. Donlt YllU know anything?" "Maypb e not, mebhe n ot, but ah ain' t 101lt,'' l'e l'Jie~ t.~e 0.1'd mil1strel. ~

. :=0

Annual Parish Meeting




Oc=Oc:==~OE:lOc:==~J,=== =:3~O~ O . ~: (

A Good Lesson

SALT Coar.e Salt, barre,., r eg. $3.00 Grade ...... .... : ...... ... ......... ..... $2.65 100-lb. B ag •.• reg. $1.3 5 : .... ... $1.00 50-l b. Bag., 75c erad e .......... .. 65c 25 -lb . Ba g •• 40e g rade ....... ..... .. 35c 65c Block Salt .. .. .. ........... ..... ...... 49c



Soft Sh.II, lb. ......... .. ....... . U; Ib .. : ..:.\ .... .. :; ............. .215~ ,

Oleo . .


Eatmore, Ib ..... . :....... ...... .Churnlqld. lb ..,;.. .... ................ 3jc;

B ". l\nanas




.' F~.:~~l~, §ip.~ ~ ~ SoaJ) .p& G " ~5'G' '.Kirk. it'ak.,. Ii ~a..:~ ....... :~ '

~'5.C· ' s Peas . W'

NJlts . .

·i 925 MI lIe,d, 11.. ....... ,.. .. .... ·

,Stu. • ff d '" . . -:-:'23 ' uat,.'. I, ). Ib .....,., ..... ... .. .. ....




... ..'2' ' 5'.~.


II con.,a, .


" _

53C Peppe~ A»c'fSt~~ 34 ,' .. ~"" ' "

' lb - •. ,... ...... . U.s.N 0 " I, 10 ... ~ . 5 . . . &., 4 Ib . ..... .......................2Ic

Bourhtp' befo",e the .dl. "aoo. t rIce '1ea. th an ' culold co.t tod.", Ib.~..

C .


Severity-E ighth Yea r


The farmer's In stitute Will Meet In f ebruarv at Gym

This Week

T he ~-a rmer9' Ind epe nd ent lute. whi ch co n ven es F e bru a l'y 6, u t th e locol Gy m. is v; row ing ter est. T he SPCll,kc r s fo r th. •


Tostl. 5 a nd ill in_ oeclI-



1r. ~T 1-~ ~ MASON PRUGH ............~.....u . . . . .. t}CItOOl l~OwS f Int e r es t ing I tems ! -_-o_a, ADDRESSED CLUB i from t h e ! ~:t

The Wuynl' T ownship Farlll e r~ cl ub

Th e next numhe r o f L1w Lecture was p lea,a nt ly entcrtllln ed nil Thursj te l' ~ Jll'}'s~ d lo y a snxOIpho lJ c ~o l o by Cour"" will he held Thursday night day . J un ua r y 14t h , ut th e hOlll e () f ,' Roy \::IIrnhu l't lind II rellding by },;ve·

91 ~ n nr c b~lh \\'O ~lh houri ng, lind! WI ll t ulk on IIlt e r es l !n ~ s u bjects. The o ffi ce rs nrc t o pr esent u loca l program o r m u ~ic n nd read inl!s .

dl'ix \vi ll tid k 011 "~I !lk in g Ynul' I1 eorl Sllve YVUI' lI e,·I.,'· Thi s will be in-

Il l. tIl!' G)'lll . Mr. Bob lill. Icc tu l·cr . Iyn lJn~I"R I. y. . F l' iduy cv'c nin ~ 's program wi ll CO il . w rll " ls(1 address thc I li" h School ~ I R~ of II Illu ~ ;"a l tri; n I'eading by Thur" la y nftnrnolln. My"" I'ellce; "Fo"d ('u sturn s in OlhAt the mt'etin J:' o f l hr Alclh e nni "1'1' JI; ;l 11IIs." ily MI·s . Il l'ndl'ix; mu s ic.

.. at ll'!;

(ju urlt·t:

" IJtlci g'(· ti ng-

Your Li ti'l'U l' Y so c ipt y .

'Ve d n4..' ~ dav

uftc r -

whI ch wtl l be ed Ifyin g a nd enjoya ble. Lif(· .. • loy MI'. Il uiJili ns; n'I"lin~. " <' n. n Oo li, " nnn 'fhomu ~ n 'ud II' one-ne t Th e pr egra m f or F rid ay morn i ng. n" lh It,·tatll il'k. '''1<1 II tJ'nml"'nc so lo play e" t iU,· d. "(; ollt All,' "." T h i~ T IME, SPACE, D IZZ INESS WH ~ un ? '" fC/l IIII·". th e p'lay beinJ:' Feb ru a ry 5 , will in (·lud e mu s ic by t1w uy H (, II<1eI'So li. '. GARTE R BO UQUETS "c hool, a nd tw o in te r es ti ng Bu bjeets: I ~ . "d( 111 0 11 t o th e usua l .l ns t llllte \\' 1'11 t(lU Ifl lll'J: r n d in lccl . ano wn~ c lr.v C'l' ly ct on~. II • n l',r oJ.pJl Ill the r e wlil bp H (01'11 and NO T YP IN AL BO Y ?,o ur J ob n.nd M II1 ~ : by Mr"; ~! ul'y Gl'a lll Sh"w. wilh pri zes attnc1wd for Flcld He ndn x. ".lId L elldersh lP . by LIlI: lH' st s he, willl!. A I", n 1'''''t('I' Cll nP OOR OL D LADY Qui le fin impro veme nt W:1 ~ nlad e Mr. 0 .• A. Dobb ln.s. " . . t,·sl. whi ch \\i11 hI' "C I'y int.' n'slil1g-. On Frldar. nft cl noo n p r lvlng OUt 111 OUI' iss u,' "f n('xl \\''''' k \\ ill ap. ;n 1I", li g-hti ng- o f th" 1Ii): h School t he I'l ng u ~, • WIll be t~O!> subject o f pea r m or~ of t hc program. WaLd l ),lIi ld il\~ fhll'in~~ th c week ·e nd . \ Vhile tl1<' "Oh-p. ha ll " anti f> lllliv Il nl! had T he scie ntists t hnt hea rd fro m th e Mr . Dob bin >;, talk , whll" Mr s. H I' n- fvl' it. ),(',: n wil'('d ~ inc" the bu'i1din~ wa s I,'ur ll cd .chic ugo n"trull umer Moulton, b uilt, t h (> \"Hl'iOll ~ da ~J;- r oo rn ~ have nbn ul t he (·art h·s proba ble uge, one np,'pr har! that a d l' all tllC'e. This n,i mi ll io n bil li on years, prIl<! ti(' l\ lly a ll di,l i,, " " 1 wiring will h" flf !!rrllt hen. uf It . t il! ~ h ell<\ of us, hea rd a lso plit nn da rk day • . nnd i. II fin e thing ,1\101't th e s ize (I f u ur co r ner of s pnce. fr,r CV(! t·y on e. (l UI' ""u laxy," in whic h th e s un is as II g rui n of sun rl . S("'rra l of the lli g'h f>c hoo l pur~ s It i" s huped lik e 11 wll t c h, its di. SIl W .. 110'" Ma ri e" at tlH' Vkt ol'v t.h emcn siu .is nr e thi r ly th ousa nd lig ht aLt'r in Dayton. laH wc k. . yea rs th ru ug h fr o m fr o nt lo bllck. t wo h und red mi lli on light years th rQ\Urh 'fhe firs t boys' and g irls' t en ln F.x · P I' ~" icl ~nt Rrndf!ltf'. ,\m riCUIi t1w wid e wily. acr o&s th t! face 01 the jo rn eye d to Mo nroe, F r iday ' night. Th e ~np h Om(\ I'" and Juni or cl ns,ps Farm Bu reuu Fl·de rulion, a nrl I' . O. w n~cp . '1' 0 g\!\. t he dis t an ce across to o k rrtil'lIntn)!'f' o f th e SIIow In, t w ee k "lit. ~u l u x y l1Iultiply the n umul' r of lin d t here m el onc h Burt o n's t!':lm s. \ Vilsol1, marlHg't'r IIf L irestock, P ro. hy rntrl'tai l\i n~: th!'i r mrmbe l's a t "ecHlids in two hundred t housand In l he firs t hn lf I)f th ~ boys' ;Cli me, dul'('''!'' a'jn tilJlI. o f Cin cirllla ti, wil l ... 'asl inf! p.ll·t i<,s. La t (, I' in the ev 1\~' e8rs uy onl! h und r ed a nd ei~h t y -s lx W. H. S. und l\.l onro (' eac h hud one I" , t ho mlli n Klwuk e l's nL Lh ,· II n nu nl ing- th€.· ~op h{Jmflr eq (' oels-ted t.o th FlIl'm Bun'fiu meeting-. Sat ul·d n y . .Ian . thousund llI i ie8, which will g ive yuu h' ~I11l' ,.t' .f cHn II ockett lo r n jny Sn lll e "u nwt hi ng ove r n q u in Lri llin n of mi les of l he il' b c~t plny,;r, off th e lin e uP . un r y ~;ll·d. ,tl('k y lafT)·. Hnrl th~ J u ni 0rs indulg' f' d The t l'l1tn ti\'(' pn l~ rnnl i ~ aH f q)l ows: und It ond r d J tJ t u 6 in fnv or o f W . W('ittl'lI with o ne. (a ll owed by eigh. !I :00 n. m. - Cu ll to ol'del' In' I 'I'es- In th" 'lillie ('ntel'l ai nme nt at t he t ee n zeros. acc ord in g to rapid proD- 11 . S. When plllY w a. (," "" l11 c d hOIll(' "f 1': liznbet h fl e nk le. ident Il un ll nm . . nb lr illllccurutc f]1C\II'il\& on t he edge lI!o nroe put in th eir \1UIII. Ilis hop. H.(~HdinJ.!' (I f lHinu(fls of l:l ~t lllC,?t · til lg' (It "ne wdPIl11U1'. • A Imost I'i~ h t IIway lhey ti ed lhe " 'or,, AppoilltiJlJ,:' of n 01l1inntinJ.!' l'f)Jumit Let yo III' little boy tl o t he s u III but Hn r l sock o f Waynesvi lle W(' lIt te e . nelllllrk ~ by pl'psid"nL But re member lhe r o [Ire in thlll Ollt on a cco un t o f persollul fo ul ~ lind Sl'('retal'Y- Tn:asul',·r's n ' po l't. gll lu xy of our s a bout o ne bil lli on s un s Go ns . our off mnll wcnt. inlo t he C"lIl1t.y A"£'ll t I'l'p, " ·l . L:"l S"t ul'l lny. in til(' S idt's l'uO hl, Il1n ny of t hem 1\ l1Iillion ti mes ns tr ig 11 "111(' Al:'ent r ep .. r!. th!' illllpfi l'c Gil'\:; 111'1.1 a Ta ~ Da y. g nm e in spite of h is inju r ies. l"ro m as our 8un. which is II mill io n ti mes R ( ·.p~H·ts o f , t n wn sh ip!:ol (m('mh(l r~ hi J1 1\'0 Ct·!'! ;.!in Hmoll nt ttl be paid, wns t hell unt il t.~e e nd of th.c gume W . II. ," big os o ur I1 rth. sco red \I points to l . "hc gn lll" ("(lnd l ! lon ~ . CII ope ra tivl' \~'H rk, clu ll !'pecifh 'd on lh t' tn t~s . A nd t he billion sun. mol'" abou t S. I n t h ,· nftpl"I1I) ' 1I1 :a n d f'V t ni nJ!' pO p ondrd 19 til 1 1 III flll'()r of IV . H. S. \\'o r ~. and pro j t'l' l wnrk , li t ..: . like bc es in n swa rm. If t w" of t he m A f ternooll - f{('1 ort or n O lll i na lin ~ ('o rn. candy. ~andw iel\('s and eofree ~' h ~ girls IUKl n fighli ng gll me t hc ·,: mo ~ u o close ~oge~ h er \ . , ~ c pla nets "ou r e being 27 to 10. committ(,c. Wen' . " l d. Ilf both 8un~ or o Inst ant y wip ag out ArJdl'es~- " Th e Cirreinn illi i' r " ri ue Al S" Il\(' lillie in (h e fulure the T he second bo ys ' t ea m IORt 10 the er f (·xlstencc. Thut ha ppe ns only 'o nce tro ng W a yn e A. C. teo m vf DlIyl on. ers C "ll1ll1i s~ i o n Firnr ." 1'. 0. \\'i l<'JII: CIII 1I1'fi 1'" ~i r1 " wil l attempt to show in a minion billion yeara. o n the ovAddl'l' 8.' l-"Amcric a n Farlll f.l r eau t hc peo p\(- what lin aid in l ifo lhey erage. B':It it m ight hnppe n nny doy, T his t eam a verag ed se " crul oUllds F~d t' rlltio n ." by O. I·:. B rad f utc. ex. reall y OI·C. I f £" 'e ry o ne wou ld ohey mo r e t han our t enm, 80 we do no t th er efor e It is well to be a lwlIYs pre· fee Prc ~ i d c n t . Ihe CamptiI'<' law t his wor ld woulrl be l tha t it wns our boys ' fa ult plI l'ed wi t h a cle un slute. . - - -- - - - -. diffe r ent.. nnrl t hat is why t he Cump Eve r yo ne co me t o l he GYm F'rldav •• fi r g irl s' o rgani zation is a goo d one. nigltt, ,f ;tuUlll'Y 211, when Coac h Bu r The " !rll r~e QO\lqu f/t' r ~ l\1 f\ow. A Campfil'e v;irl s ho u ld g ive service, to n lind his t ea ms co mo bnck to see k ,.1'3 Is Illlnoun\lcd In f'l1l1l1d ll lph ll\, to~, • • ~e ek hl'nl1ty , pur!':.ue kn o \vl c d~ c t be r eve nge. Admission, 25c strnig ht. ~et·m e -po t~ . presuma bly worn Just I ~ l.- ust\\'''l't h r . h~ld on 1.0 heal t h . gl orbelow th e kn ee. W umcn s pe nt ce nIly work lind he happy. lul'ics hidi ng t heir legs even with BERN I C~~ H YMAN. S('I'ib('. Thp F r iendship ('las" IIf till' i\1. r::. drcllScs swcopin g micro bes from lh " SUlldny-.c hoo l, 11£'ld their mon t h ly "ro und . mee ti ng lus t We tlll l!"d a y ul t ilt' hO\ll (' Now ~h e y ex~a u st inge nui ty ca llin g Cliffo rd B. W in~t o n , who I" e m· IIf ~ho~ . J "h n Wh itllcl·e. Mr"rla meg R tW rt ~io ll t o th e ir legs. P ink 8t O<)kI ng~ , ~~rllf1 glj g~r te l'S," 8 llpller~ tljlll pl()¥ed lit McCoo k F ield, Dayto n . le ft Robe r l CI'O s . Al'lllitlll!e. Ho"1. ~h lltts, Ivpli Uk u II s~ t of gola pori l! h a rn ollS, Monda y fo r th e Cu r tis Airpla ne & V"da Or nd orf and Fllrr were 118.isltl iss Min n ie 1\1. Adams and Mr. n o stoclilngs, s pmct l mes, hig h tid e Motor eo r pornlion , Gard en City. L . tllll hostesse •. .Inhn Fra lll e were q ui ' lly marr ied nt There was n la rr!c IIttcndunce . Mrs ski r ts. I .. N . J., wher!! he w ill in still! Ken Lh e M. E . pa r sonage on Tu esda y, It is pu zzlin g, but yo u may be sur e e ra\or s 0 11 n ew nrm y obse rva t ion L. A. Was h burn had charge of th~ Jllllua r y 12, Re\,. L. A. Wash burn devotional nart. Th er e "'us ·ollsid· tha t back o r it 011 usefu lness nn d plnnes. He wi,11 be gone abou t a p 'rforming th e c eremo ny. (' rub le bu , in e~" lifte r which Mrs. w isdo m a rc at work. Ma n's d ull qress week. T he brid e is t h e daug hter of Mr. Wh itake r favore d t he ladies wi L h a evo luti on is abo ut over. Wllman's ~ li nd Mrs. Geo rv;e Adu m s of Cor wi n m usica l se le"lion on the piano. Mrs. is (ln ly Dta rt in~ , . Fl . E. Il thoway rend 1I pleasing selec. Mr . Fra m e is t he adoPtcd SO il of wili . or~er. tio n lin d J\J rs. George ?II ills :~allg a Frnnl e. n ow of Californ ia . WI 13 oftl t:lals of S ilesla ord er ca ts beautifu l solo. II" well aK 'dog~, mu zzled A good Durill g the socia l hou r duinty reo id ell, tiut it Is n't enouJ:'h. Cats an d Sendin g in his ~u bs cript. i on fo r th(' ~l og8 s hou ld bc s have d, as well as muz Mi um i Gazette. Mr. W. W. Willi a m ~ , fre RllIllC'nL. we r e ser vt:d. zled, to m a ke t hem sa fe f o r childre n of Heyworth, III., says in hie--Iette r ~p p'h.y wit/! them . If a m oth er, Ill· A ha ndso me and commodi ous new I pwi n ~ . hl' r ghild t o play wi ~~ . a ca ~, that when he wa~ a boy h o lived ew t eig h lee n pnsscnger bu s is now making ttad lI1Jllr OBliopio e Ylli, a~r1 oo ul4 sllil of WlInY \lSv1I\e 111'1 \ hl! fl nl'Ve y~bul1 1C the r ound t ri p betwee n W a yn esvi lle 'o l11e t he di sease germ s t ha t thrive In t.he pike, H e i ~ now ,/1 yean old . The II nnu a l · mectin!! of t he st ock- and Dayton. Mr. F. J . Mayo, t he cat' . f ur , ehe wo u ld Bhave tha t cat o r o ut oldre r ea de rs may r e me mber holders of t he Wayn esvill e Nation ul cou r teo us nnd acco mm odoting owner Bnd wash it In a wenk solution of him. ban k was he ld in th eir blinking room an d d ri ver, is do ing a fl ou rishing c b.r~o ll c acid. bus in ess. Tuesday, ,l a n uary 12. T he follOWi ng ottiee r s wer e el ecled: Philadelphia's Wiatar I n s titute , part 01 the Un iversity of P e nnsyl vania, can't II\'e on t hat, a lth ough y ou can W . H . All e n, president; Geor ge E. Rispecililiies in breeding white rats, kee p going if yo u r ummage in gar - ley a nd J . O. CU I·twl'ig- h t. vic.e-prellicouains of the g ray rat. not ordinary bag e cnns, un d pick up f r uit dropped d nt, L . M. H ender~on, enshle r ; W . by peddlars , a s Mrs. De utsche r did. H . A II pn . .T. Will W h ite. Geor ge E. sewer rata thlit car ry plague. Our stan dard of living has chang- R iley, J. Q. Gons , E li lls Oglesbee, W . The rats live a nd breed In a special 10 0 yea rs a g o on ly on c ed. About F . Clnrk an d 'J . B. Pe n ce , dil'ector s. rat es tablishment costing $60,000 ST. MARY'!? CH UR CH iin d a r e shipped to scientific bo d ies all workman in the Un ited States cou ld oarn a day all the year around . T he Third S unday ai'ter Epipha ny, eyer' t he wor ld , inclu d ing Japan . that ,J nn u ur y 25 , 1026. Ch u r ch School a t • .ctenti~ta may work on "standar d ized Fabletti, olnrriage clerk 9 :3 0 a . m. Morning Prayer a nd rata! ' an d compare r esults satlsfa c- in Celestino Rome for twenty. three years. sa ys SOl'm on at 11 :00 p. m . All are cortori»r. ..-:Th annual m eetin ~ of the Wa y- dia lly in vited to come and wor ship . Th e rata live. die nn d subm it to marriage is an art. To know II ma n di.tie'a~e infectio n, knowing as little well wat ch h inl closely when h e pro- n esv ille Far mers Excha nge Co. Wns with us. R out ine R ev. J ohn J , Schaef!er , Rector. ~1I~ }Iuman bei ngs know a bout t he why nounces t h e fatal "fes.'! . Me n arc held Mo nday afternoo n . or 'WheT~fore . Litt)e do they dream mor p afrai~ of ma rrIage thun WOIll- business wus atte nde d to and oth el' that ' ~h elr tl8suel~ s tructu r e; growth en, says Babiet t, an d 11 child m ight busi ness WIlS brou!!ht U Jl f or d iscusF E RRY CHURCH OF CHRIST sio n. a n d !1igestivil proccs. irs h apPlln to ~t: know t ha*. . T he foll owin g ofiice r ' were electS oqog pnllnu er calls marriage Ii f e. semple t hose of m en, a nd t h at they Morn Ing se r vice 9 ;30 ; Bib le Sch ool P reside nt . Chllrlr" MichclI~ l' ; Co mm u n ion li nd se r m on. pree~, live, !lie, on ry to save a h igher ma le con so iracy ~o mak e eve ry mall ed. Even ing ra ce f ro," d eath. Even 30, t h ey kno;'y s upport some one ' womnn 1111 he r II f~. directo rs. H. E . StokeH . Clur nce Ser vice at 7 :30 . . SOlt13 ser vice a n d .~3 -mul=h as we do abo ut prima l causC8 T hat, snys he, is wh y wo men nrc nw r - Rye. Laurc nce Furn ns, .Io h n CUIll - scrm on. A ll arc. eordi,ally invited, cile8sIy cruel t o other wo men th nt d o mings, Enrl Hockett. and fl nal pur poses. ' . not insist on marrjagll .. Wh;v' !\r!J w~ ~r.eedlng a nd dylnl\'? METHODIST CHURCH N, C. R. APPO IN TM E NT The fact is that marriage is a tra in . A poor old 'l"om~ n , !lge~ eevenWSabbath S ch oo l, 9 :15 a. m., preach· . pn e, is foun d dea~ )n Ii wr/ltch ea tell- ing IIchool f or men ; wo men are t he laude Ri gg~ . of DU Y.lo n . who ha s illv; at ]0 ::10 a. m . . E p worth League QIllent, n o f urniture, a few dry QrusU! profe6sor~, an d pro g r~ss is slow. But tl :15 p. m. Preaching' at 7 ;00 p'. m ., ",nJ ·.I" t hOllsand 1101111/'8 to h er exedit since t he world is to last liS Pro fe.· b e~n ns"ocialcrl with the N. C. R. WednesdllY ev ~ni n g Pray er m eeti ng , .a les sc hool tor lIl e pasl four (ll ont!1" . in t)1 r c!\' ban~. . Unjiilltl y" thi s ol ~ sol' Moulto n, of Chicngo uni versity I'(~eci vcd lin appo intmcnt to the ag Hn. 7 3 O. E verybody invited to t he se ~, oo q ,OOQ , OOO,OOO , O O O YCIll'8 lady is called " mlaer." ' n te~/ls, o n SOY II. serviccs. six t h ousan d do llars would give hev mote , t heve will be plyiity o r ti mo t u <:. ot Miam i, F lul'ida. H e le f t I Q~ t Friday to o"s ume hi ~ du ties t he re .• Rev. L . A. Wa sh uu rn , Pastor. trai~ ~ u 8ban~,! . . 1 .1 jess t ha n eighty cents n d ll~, Y ou



Campfire Girls


Friendship Class Hold T heir MeetIng

Takes Eastern T rip





- .,.--- -


H andsome New Bus

A nnual Meeting

- --



Annual Bank Election


Whole N umber 5684

State. (a ortal •f

\\""rk~ which will bring Iho u ~a n d s o f \ Ht"rs lo the city. T his week the (lhin H!'tnil Lumber D eu lcrs uR~ocin­ , i,." III" in ~ "" s ion . and next w ee k the IliIi., In d.usll'i" l [.,·" d el'· a ~soc iution \\ til h,.ld iLs annu n l ~"thel'ing III t he :-':,·i l II nll"l'. Th e Ohi o Dn iry Prod1! {'1 "l a:-i ~ f) ('iat ion me ets J a n uary 26 'Ind :no Ohio Society for Crippl ed I hlldrcu. F""ruary :1; Ohi o Rela il .('I"lh il' r ", 1-',· 1"' \1[11'\' 15; Ohi o Hetail " II'''' I I!'al"r~ . JIIar('h J. an d lhe Ohio 1(\'La ii Il ry Goods assodution, March

$ Mr. a nd ~! r s .•r. W. W hite. O\'e r sixPrepared by + ty m Cntbl' t"s and S!l1('StS enjnycd th e Iwun leClus dinner and sociul ho ur lhat CoJu m bus Reporter n t ll LI . follow e d . T he mCl'ling wa s call ed to order Tlrrr·"~ h th e sign inl! of n !ens e on by P r es id('nt S. S . Ell is. ('ucr<' nt Lhl' A lh" n" State ilosp ital far m of EVent" were prepared and r ead by ('Or.l'~llll·S . ()(IIO - W hil c lhe approximatel)' I flOO ncres last w eek MrH. W. A. S\\'Hrtzc l. Mr. White death 1't'("u l'd ill Ohi o \\'a~ 11.(j fut" ne xt intl'odu.ced the spe nke r o f t he c \' pry UI ' f' t lillll s n nd lJo puint ion in l lil'cctor "f W,·IJ' nr e .Joh n E. Ha r pe r: nftc rn lJon , M r. J\1uso n l' rug-h , n CO U!! . 1!J :.:!5 , and hi}!lwr than it \\':..1 :-1 in 1!)2 . 1 h" I"'s tllIl( the ullimnte re s ult of his bl' the sav ing from $30 l y com mis.ioncr of Montg o mery b:'l a t-t mnll fl"n t i O Il , l'llfllpnri"ill n "it h lI('t i.,nt" will $ 10.0011 allnuo ll y. Tha t is county, and Il gtllle-wi de worke r in lhp ,kath l'I' l ' " 1'1 I (If ,,111<'1' ,lat, s. 11(11) 1\ hill it ClOst l/r(, sLale tOJ buy cnal for F arm Orv;nizRliolls . li e di scu ssed th e ~hln\' !'l t h at Ohill b H prl·t ty ... nft· PI:\I'(' pia nl< n ow bl'i ng- f o rmu lal ed to bring ill w h it'll to Ii,'". Til t, nf1j,,: i:d d a t a Hf Ildl l. IIL·"t allol PlOWl'r pur~ ost:s at th e about sr r eall-. r co.ope r at il) 1I between the Clthl' r ~ tHlt·S ha ~ I\ ot HII hl'l'lI COIl1. At h,' '' _ /r"spital. Un der th •. t erms o f th" I.·a,,, if a g-as we I! i" drill ed in th e fa rmel' Ilnd lhe blin ke r. H e thi nks piled a, y,'t. hut LllI' (·'Jll! pal' is., ns lh,' ~La t " . lh,· Slal£' Kets firs t 1I11 t he it mp re diflicull t o gel the city banker which h an' It t- CIl made an· j.! 1'C'aU \' in t o see th ill!:. f rom t he fu rm e r 's on- f nv t,l' f l f thi ~ s:rnlJ d uld comn;on- g'U:-\ i t 'H.-t·d :; fill' lhl'SC purpo~es. nnd I!lc than it i" f.. r th e banke r in a weulth. )l ul1lit:i dt· ~ , :-:u i('i d ('s und au- lh"n if lh ~ l' !' is ony left t o s II t he ~lal,' r.:els o ne- fourth of th e 'cas h rural c(Jmmunily. t Olll ohil e Ilceiol"IIL:i h~ l p"d to mak e Mr. Prugh a lso men t ioned so me the Ohill n' ·" rd ",hat il \\ "". whi le prOf ce(k If o il is fo und lhe State poi n ts he lh o u~h t m il!ht bring about indu stria l ucdd( \nls r t'Hll y s l"Hlw a d c • Ircas u!'y will ~" ~ o n.e-e ighth roya lty beller "onditi ons f or the fllrm er. c r ease in n umbe r . rrh c dl~Ut.h r ate J ust a ~ Innr.: us glls Is fo und in payAmong th e"e w el'e : Limited pl'odu c- o f infanL"t under one yt.' ar of U~(l was i "~ fJ"u li lili,'s. Il was a pretty goo d tioll; equa l attenti o n to marketi ng a s unl y 7 1 :\ PI'I' Ill on th. \\ hilc 11.()tllI li ve I" '''e "" fal' ,,~ th e Stllte I-;' )CS a nd to prudu c ti on; r estr iCted imm i ~l'Ution birt hs WeI',· 1·~PU I·t c d " ul'i,,)!' lh,' , lIl11e IH Hy U1t:U Il U sHving of m allV ' t'housalub uf !l,d l" l'" a nnu a lly to Ohio taxin o rd e r to protect Illbo r; hi" hl' r wng. period of tjm ~. I nnll~n1.1l shnwcd pa)":I'" The lease had t he appr oval es. nnd perhaps ,H'ice fixin g. il~ L" l'rihl e wurk Wilh a r ecnrd o f of (""' ''l'Ilor Don ah 'y who s tudi ed it AV;l'icullure is the funda nl('ntlll in- 1.1 llO \'inil11" durin!! th e fil"!' "ix ea rdu lJy lJcfol'c sig ning' it. duslry, and fa r me rs hllve II r i~ht to mo nth ;; o f JU2G. eont 'IIU fo r beller eo n dilion~ on th e fllrlll. To a g- ren t exte nt th e fa rm. F ri ends ,,[ T hlld II . Brown Secn'e r s I1lU , t wo r k ou t th"ir own prob- t ur y o f Statp, un' ha vinJ,{ H hiL flf fun lems. wit h him lit-calise .. f ~e\'eI'H! I'L'ccn t Cllr l So McC lure. a Wuy nesv ill e The special lll pic. "R e port o f th e Iclt('l'~ which h e I'eceil'"d a(ldl'f"" d C':nnC'l'cs, ionlll Act ion "11 Am e ric a '" to Hev. Thu d II. Bl'Own. Fac l i" t hat I ~oy. seen·lar}'. of th e Dayto n 1\ea l ~_statl: IJO ard . I~ 0\1 the \,lrondca sti ng f': ntl'ance inl o t he World Court" wu s t he Slate Secl'l' llal'y ha> I'(," cn tiy He di sc ussed uri e fly by MI'. E li us Ogles- been milk in g II numuer of h{';rrl .Lu- PI'Ot:::l'llm 1111' "Thrift Week." bee. As nil definite action hus yel hea rt tlliks in l'urious c hlll' c fw~ fi r , p(ll,~ l h r ,," ~ h s tnt ion W S MK t h is nf_ h<'en tak en by Con~ r(!ss. ~I r. Og' lesbee Ihe Slat". and th e dem and for tl1l'1II U'nIPOn a t ·1: I /) on the s ubject ' th o ug-ht no report cuu itJ be give n. hil S grown t o suc h an I'XLonl t hll t Iw "()IVII Y(lur lI"m~." Th e lI1eclillJ> adjourned to meet in would be busy dllY lind niv;ht if he F"J,ruary with MI'. and Mrs. L. V. accep t cd t he m al l. Ollie who heard ill'U nslrntor. him dec id ed right. th e n lin d 1Il1' r e thll t of "ou l'se he was a regu la rl y " I'dllin ell mi ni ster. und so ndd r c. ~ ,· d lIim. (,(, I. BI'own is u lawyer an<1 us fa r as hi s J ohn Zell di e,1 lit the home of h i ~ fril'n ds know hn s nevl'l' taken IIny sU!1, Arthul·. lit Blue fl eltis, W. V II .• spec ia l theo logicnl course , a lt hough On Salu "(\ny e veni ng. the \Vo rt'e n he atte nded both Ohi o Wesleyan and 1I11~ , W e~ n e day morning. The r e. m111O.' '~ 111 be br ough t to his hOl1lo County !'{" rm ul telll1l j o urneyed to Ohio S ta te u ni,·ersitics. 111 Cu r wln . to m orrow mo rnin~ on t he JIJ(JIlI'()~ to plllY th e " Wildcats" of 10 :03 tralll. Fun er a l sel'Vlces w ill that plllce. A fas t j? am e was playe d Ma ny conventionR a re sc heduled the sco re beil1g ti Nl unt il t he last f or Colum bus d uri ng th e next f ew be held at th e hom e F riday, probably at 2 p. m. qua r te r. In t he lust quarter W. C. N. losl twv of he r men a nd bef or e s u bst it ut es coul d get war me d up Mon _ roe had gll in cd th e leod by t wo bask('t s. th finn l sco r e bei ng 22 to 18 in favo r of Mon roe \ Vild cllt s . • Co yne. of Leban on . was r ('ferec, a nd both teams were w e ll satisfied wilh hi R w" rk . We hope to pIny th('m ogai n un d r everse t he scorc.



Was On Program

---- - ----


Normals Are Defea ted

Celeb rated Birthday ---T he chil dre n of M r. and Mrs. Geo . H . Dnkin met a t t he ir hom e on Sun· d ny. Janunry 17th, w h er e a deliciou s din ner was ser ved in hon or of Mr. D akin 's 8 6 th birthday. T he guest s in cluded Mr. a nd M rs. George W . Da k in, Mrs. nnd 1>l rs. For_ est Git he ns, of Da yto n. Mr. a nd Mrs . M. L. Pars hall, Mrs. Clarence Surface MI'. und M rs. Ru ssell S urface, Haro ld S urface, Master s Delln Hawke, 1~o re 8 t J. Dakin. A happy da y and one long to be rem e mb er ed wn s s pe nt under the par e ntal roof.


Country Club, 172 lb.- Loaf, each ••••


Country Club Bread, 1 lb. Loaf, each. •



Baked, Very FIG BARS Fresh Low Price, lb. • • .. 10c Club, FLOUR Country 24 72 lb. sack' • • •• $1.19

12 1-4 pound sa ck


62c 98 lb. sack

SUGAR Pure Cane, 25 lb. pkt .


New Location

SUGAR, Bulk, 10 pounds for .

W iJl F. You ng , optometrist, w hose home w as in Da yton and who f or m or e thun a ye ll r has had a n office in t he Gran ge bu il4ing IIlld spen t one day he r e e very week, hus discontined his visits and will loca te in a s ub urb of Detro it, where ther is an open ing. Mr. Young , by his pleasing per s ona lity and fri endlin ess has won many f riends. H e was bu ilding u p a nic e b usiness and his wor k was a lwa ys sat isfllc to ry to his pntrons who very much reg ret hi s going.

Oleo E a tmore, Ib

Ib .... ... ..... .

$1.48 59c

22 C Nuts '29C 47 c S~~Pob!!! ~~~~.~. . 25c

.... .... ........... .



New Crop, Ca lif ornia . lb. So r r e nt e., pound .......... .. " ... ... .. 2Sc

J ewel, pound ...... .. .................. 3ge S a n t o., pound .......................... 3 5 e

£~~p~!~.~~~~~~~~.~. . 29c

Corn Meal

10c 32c ~o~~a~~e~~!~.~~ 25c r~~~!~, ~e~tc~~~ed~\~E'. ~'. 46c Bananas- - -15c' - -~!>~p. 25c ~.~!~!k., 25c White o r Yell ow, 3 lb . ...

Cu red, pO uD d ... .. ..................... 3 2c

Market T he Sophom or e class of W . H . S. will hold a m~rket Saturday , January 23 in Mrs. Sides' room (formerly th e Gray a nd Bogan bllrb e r s hop), beginning promptly at 0 o·c1 ol'k. Yo ur patronage will be g rMtly. appreciat ed .

2 -l b. Pk g .. Lar ge Si ze. bu lk, Ib ............ .... .. 15c


Fan cy Y ellow Ripe F ruit, 2 lb • .

... ...


Kirk., 6 ban ... Cre me O il. bar .... ... ... ". " ............. 6c


5Ib. .. ... .

Delicious , e xI r a f a n cy. Ib ........ l0c

Th e Yo ung Frie nds Movem ent will meet wi th Roscoe F ur na s. Sunday nig ht, Janu ary 2 4. L esson Leader. " Ruth T omli nso n Devo t ion a l Lead e r .. Ethel Me nden ha ll

MYER HYMAN'S GREAT CLEARANCE -SALE NOW GOING ON You can save from 25% to 40% 0«00 Men's and Young Men's Suits . an~ Overcoats, .Shoes for Men, W·o men and Childre~, · ~ndDry Goods. , Com~ here and get ~our s~p~ 'p lies fo~ now;and the fa~are, s-u .Blankets,.C omforts, Swe~ters, Under.wear, Rugs,. Bats, Caps, etc.· Come and get you.. choice of these big .bargains.. . .' Linoleum, . '







MYER HYMAN, W"aynesvine, 'O Ale



No' 'Demonstration can reveal ·all of BUICK 'Excellence /U&y tim. you drive a Buick you will wender bow . u ch a remarkable ""1' can be lold at IUch a moderate prl~: In just a few minutet you will rt.aIlre that you are unrrlng, uoptllQll, parkin II. driving with muCh Itc-.rer ea,~ and ,,,-:urity. And Ibat you. re 5urr<'undcd by quality and lu xury which rank with the very fineot.

BUldemollllradon will (ell onlv part of thc Bulek Sl ory,nnd you lhould know all o f il .

A dcm"'oilitradon cnnno( . how

you the enduring Slum in n of body and ch31~18 Ih a( be",ng. to Buick,. Ycan arc ncce .. nry forthat. lt ean o nly JUllae" the powerful ability of Bukk', 7S horle. power Valve. In· H"ad enaino, buU, for bUl.. It CAll' no' tell you bow thoroughly 'he Bulck "Sulcd ChUIII," nnd tbe Bulck "Triple Scaled" enGine wlll protect Bulek performance on dwty, v'tty road•.

And It cannot even bint of the mental eale Aou wi ll enjov. with Buick utborind Se1" ~ce "jult around thC:.COl"Der," CftI"YWbae In Americ:a. . . . . . . . . . . lb:o,tIowIoor v...... H •• 111 ...aa.r co,.. ....... tn awn ~ ,lIJ1 c•• 11195.1..... BtoIdo die IIodda ...... aM cI_cl ••el... ,he,. I. . . .

..."""-_ ....... --. t--. "-


Keelor .Garage I..

Lebanon, Ohio



N.~'" Bpk

ww. D~_ .... _ ....Eatat.. S.ttled W.,....ul.. Ohio



WI' ore indcl\tod to Frllnk Dakin, our loonl InHurllllc .m'nn , for s ral copiRs ,I'{ th · l\it\gfi~h t. kla ., Tilllos. 'l' hl' foUowin Item. nr(' tll kon from wl'okly l('ttcr 8 se n to t he puper by th Indion 'QrrCSll ndent: II up no min. Irs. Lllzy Woma n is ull tho sick II ~I this wee k. Drulon St\lmphorn and his new br id(' ur{l un tlw ir h(\1111Y1110 0n trip. ttlurin.:- through Tulsll, S ' illtook ond \l ominy, Oklo. ~11'l!. LonA" n ea d is vi"iUn/< lll'r so n Lamc I3l111, n,'n r ~killt"ok. kla. W ild al :llld hi . brolth r. BUFtcr,


\\"\11'(1 nut ill th~ ('uuntry ~untlny nrtrrnclull. lind entcl'tai nC'd lh· l'OUl1t l' ~'

ow thnt th(' Itt'('nd oC automohile nbso rp tion i ~ ~o obvious ly country. wurd. the s tatistical hound s who hov e he('n cO lltendin j! the· sllt urnt ion point has bet' n renched Co r the moto r cal' hll\"11 t nlwn a buck sea t. and thcre is every indiculiOIl thnt u ut011l ub ile pro. du ctiun :Lnll ~n l l' ~ thi ~ Yl' nr will ex· ccc·c\ all I'rcv i ol1~ YCIll'S. Ou r he~l lit 10 eeo nom ists hll l'C ('5' tl1h1i~ltctl sal uratio n 1J0 i nl~ f or the mllt" r CIII' 11101'(' t h ll n once. Indeed, ('very onre in it wh il e th e" bur>t illtu

illl: n ,'"I r. ~I r. :In,1 in

!\I\'~. Fritz M",lidl1(, B~lI r town , "r~dn,-,::;dItY,

SUllll'$oIl1 LnllH' Bull ig

d\'il' il1~

DR. E. M. RUDOLPH Th. E". At Cary's Jewelry Shop


V. H. Russell

General Auctioneer


,w. H. Madden & COo!

... I

d ll' I!")" i, ~ t iii ~!"u\l"in.:- b:1' Icars li nd

111'(I"l' rhial hUtllld::-, Th " '1II t i~licil1ll" 1r \~ r ,iJ! ht of th~ 1.1 Id, dying- U \U Rl' uf illl' r eas!'d UMC o f th ~' H1L)t('I' CUt·, \\ hit' h i:-, it!-l l'llJ) ... t n n t ly


in c l'( 'a t; inS! ''''u n tl'ihut ill n t o l ·c"l.II1 0 mic and :--", ial \\t"lran'. T h t· ~nnh.' ru le npplit ·:-- td thl' t,·h 'l' hfllh', tu t h t • r:td in , liti Ie \":\c:lti on . t o tho:: t~dhI11J.! Illll('h int', a :HI. in fa t' l, Chid SllI'l' 11 ,,:1<1 hll' rl'lurn",1 fr ont to l " l' \' ~' ('j, iljzin~: i,dlul'lIl'{' t hll l ha ~ Tulsa nn tl n 'l'nrl:-- :t. g'1)u d linit' \\ Idle ht 'I'n hrOll.l! ht int o lI ~t.' H:O: a rt · ~ tllt :-;;l'if.,·' H' l ' Hrul ill\ L't1tion. Th e il14Ho r 111<"1'('.

Littln Tl :lrh n ra !f ult o n, lhirt(,PII y .-- .r nJI\ L! I nnd·,I:lug h tl' Y rtf I ' . In 'I ' F ran k \\' \V o ll i worlh w hl1:-1..' 61t )00 - hnr,·, "C f. 111\,( to <" ,· :, t 51 , ro ,llJC'k I'ld for $ln,Oon .(\l ttJ. SI . sli ll 11:1.' ~ 1O.001),I}VO " .. nr. 1" 11.

J ) , ..< ""'.._-'- -_. •



• 70.=======-'=~


-_--. -=~


1I1Il~ ic




n~ ,'t'l c

.I nhn and wN'k.


l~ rlfl l" u).!'l·r rt'L!'an lc.- d mol n lu x· In('z Bull nrc vi ~i til1C" ('al' ur y. It i:-. jU~t p art Ilf )HH' rn n l t·Xhi. li ominy, kl"hol11l1. Ihi. 1 ('11 ". Th ~ I ' i ~h . th,· luI". lhl" ri" h

Ha rr y Il nus('r an d fllllli l)' will

tl i id fl' -

t ill· p uo !' U~t.' til(' 1Illllnr car .

t.ihidu a l tJ'all~pllrtllti\ln bit

In .

rl' ('lJ).!lliz.

turn frnm C o ndlo us ~f101l D~ H UIT\' ed """l IIf Amel'ieall life. put . his t wo litt l(. ~irl" ill s~hon l th l're Nat lInlly thi s del11and fll .. the IlIO. ConA"ratulat ions t o Mr. alld Mrs. to r ear. which np"c r ('Xistl' d in the Mo...... ' \11 1'1' in t h e ir Iw lv bonds o f (' a~(' t)f th e hon,t h B~ hud nn imp or i

matrim ll ny lItl'!! . S t.arr "';15 fo rm('rly Helen H~ap of Birdg. of Clinton, Oklu Newakis Lame Bull and Lizzie "hi n mo tored t o onch o. W cdnesd ny T om Blind W omn n is picking cui· t on for J ...sse Horn. T om s ays it's e a ~y picking. Fr~nk Big Nose a nd his n ep hew, S ulivnn , motored through here Satur_ day on their way hom e t o Watonga from Tulsa. Sioux Tall Meat entertain ed a f ew visitors at his home, Sunday. Old Lady Lazy Woman is r ecovering from sickness this week. Wm. Goodsell and family nre vis· itini\" th e hom o of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Yellow Eeys . Black Engle and family. of near Calumet, are visiting this vicinity for a few days. Andrew Tasso was in town Sutur. day as usual. Old Andy is one of the small original band of Cheyennes that dwelled here nrounil thi s vicinity be· fore t he Old Oklahoma nnd Cheyenne country epened for settlement and they were known lUI tbe Cut Finger Band. Rush Harris, LiZ Zie Wbitt ond Standing Woman motored to Concbo Wednesday. Sampson Lame Bull and family were g u ests at Chief Mohivod's home Wednesday noon. Black Eagle and family h ave returned to their home near Calumet, after attending the f uneral of his brother-in· law, Gilbert Foote. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lamebull, of near Tulsa, are here visiting this week. . Little Snake is at the present visiting ot R ed' Rock, Oklahoma.

.- .

ta nt bl'HI'ing 011 /ina ne!! whi ch hus hlld 10 nuju st it .. 1f t o met· I the re · q uirt'nle nt> of th(' tinH'" . . Th e fllc t th at th e prospective moto r own e r ha s !lot lh· 11l 0n('y tu buy a ca r lIut l'ig ht IS 11 0 lon .:-e r II blu(' k to his purchns('. His confid encc in the future. b.lSed on t'ither ('xp('ri~n ce or obscrvotio n is thl1t th e mot or ca r will pay for it. self whil e it is b e in ~ used, or ot leas t th at the expe nditure s pread ove r n long pe ri od of tim e is a fixed churgc of living that is a ltogether well worth whil e. Particularly is t his so in the coun!'ry. The ~ily mlln is rapid ly reachIng th e pOInt where h e find s uisad. vantuge in ca r owncrs hip. The cong stio n is .s uch th ut he ca nn ot park, and c ertatnly the traffic rul es lire s uch as to preclude the possibility of ridin g wilh pleusu re . Garage re nts nrc cn ormous li nd ot her expe nses are corr<'s ponding ly hig h. None of th ese conditions apply to the countrv. There nre the open s plices. good r oads , n o garllgc rent and a fu ll and fr~e opportuni ty to get nil there is out of a car .vh ether for business purpo se~ or for pleasure. Already more than fifty per cent of a ll the nutomobiles manufactured in the United Stutes nre sold in towns up to fi ve thousa nd popu lation, and to the farmers, and th e de mand is in. creus ing rapidly.

Ak014t 'L/our

Iiealth Things You Should Know

INDIAN GIRLS LEARN SANITARY HOME LIFE CROUP, The word "croup" is ages old. It has no scientific meaning, but no mothe r is m istaken in what it impUes. Its presence is a nnounced by a drows y, feve ri~ h concUtion of the baby, and by " shnrp, ringing yet hoarse cough, unlike that m ost other (U seases. The s ymptoms are intens ified as r.l/tht approa ches . At bc,ltim(' the lillIe fellow is hard l IIrouc-ag :::.i.n the hoarse , loud, hl'a Rsy COllg h. '1'he pul se is .cluiek, th e breathing rapid. Yes, it's cro up. Oth er, and more se rious dlseas6S of th o little tltroat, exh ibit radically ditl"crent symptoms; diptherfa has very slig ht If any cough. Scarl et fev e r and meMles begin wltll s light, f requent, r ather loose cough; wi h no outcry during the effort. Pn llnlonla lays a heavy h and on the lun g; the breathing painful , shallow, and the cough 8Up[ll'CsReu as fa r M possible, beOIIuse v'Jry painful. Every mother • hot:lrl know these simple points in dlugnosis. Croup should be "nipped in the bud" it possible. You can do much if your physichln Is not available. He may' be away on a long call and cannot come lor severul houl1I. Give b aby 11 I~rge dose 01 castor oil, -after tI briel, wwm, sponge bath. Try to induce swCtltlng as soon os you can. Give the juice of n rO'lsted onion-it is sedativ~ .to the in flamed air,pM "ages-ten drops evcry fifteen minutes. Rub the skin over the throut with a mild h:dtating ointment. If you have a fnmily medicin e·closet, mnybe you have a small bottle of tinct· ure of aconite. With a dropper put five drops in a fou r-ou nce bottle of wot",r. F or a child six m onths old or older, g ive a tenIIpoonful of the miJCture ev<!I'Y hour, being carefu l to cease givi ag os perspiration beg ins.


"" .'~ t Wl'el<:-

.. .-. ': .... DOCTOR".

Lumber and Building Materials



I "II.~.

D' ,.l·\ fain l


,' ~





-= •




The old Indian civilization is gradually fading und the newer genera· DENTIST ation is taking Ul' the hobi ts of the And X·O-GRAPHIST white men, a ccording to stones from WAYNESVILLE, OHIO the greut Northwest , and if all of these nre to be believed We may soo n 't.I.pholl. 114 have the full·fledged Indian flapp er OFFICE: HATHAWAY BLDG, who will know more nbout jazz music ON MAIN ' STREET than the tom·tom. T hat the chnnge is greatly for the benefit of everyone is ge nerally admitted by a ll except the old.fushion· On e of the Inrgest CATARRH lIIEDICINIil will ed redskins. claim for it-rid your 8Y8~m government Indian schools is at Bis· or Dealnes8 caused by marck, N D., and it is reported that a great deal is b eing acco mplished among the Indian maid ens th ere in uplifting the family life of the In· dia n. The Iadians nre acquiring knowledge of up·to.dnte sanitary methods and substantial homes are beginning to r eplace tho old·time t e· pees In th e ac hool 126 I ndian girls arc being taught domestic science and the latest h ousehold a rts The school is in charge of Clark B .Dickinson who hus the fo llowing to 8uy on wh at is bein g accomplished: "It is hard to induce the old·time Indian to sleep with wi nd ows ope n, Speciallat but we t each t he g irls here to do it, some of them con ti nu e the practice after they have returnd t o their own people. Lehan.D, Ohio "Of co urse the tend ency is for th e girls to full back into the ways of their people rath er than fo r the old folks to adopt the methods which the 8,00 a. lB. to 4 p. m. whi te man has taught t he new gen· eration. Like white people, they are inclined to follow the lin e of least resistance. But by t he persistent· training we will elevnte t hem. " The Indian has come II long ways. Imagine the plight of the white man if t he civilization in which he had a lways lived were obliterated and ·h e found himself for"ed to meet the conditions of an I ndiu n civilization. The white man h as expected too mu ch oj' the Indian. I urn sure that our R..idence: 9 Chillicothe ·Ave. red brother wil) eve ntually find him· self and arrive at a plnce where he Phon. 201 will be able to take care of himself Ohio but it will t ake tim e." Lebanon


the tin )}).!' uf sn rr o\\'. I ~ e n .'I'Y inst:\Ih.·", h n\\'e \' ('r. Lh t"' point ~('t hn s 1H"r:n t'l":\C'hl"d nn d pU~H'd anti the in -


ll ('t)l'Y F'lrtl'S ht.Jr~{'ll'~~ W :lj.!'OIl fin et :-.n ) ~ IH' is i\'ill#! hiR P ih)}' hu r:--..' . . n



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(0\' " \\'Ith tlw 101 Rand, $ lllnt ~ ~u ch U:-i l"'lh,' :o:pinn inJ!' and ~lH"\ in,.: thl.'m lw\\' n hu li:iuSt ~tel'I' i:::. tLlliLI , hy riu-

"'(' 1",-"


RELATIVES ASK fO R OHIO CANNERS WILL AN ACGOUNTINGI AlTENO I~ONVENTION : he l \l l1od in Huth· ... r ' I h r l>\h. ,11 1'1 li n • d I'.


()hi' l' :-\ l ('atii n s.: l 'u l 'lI (' !\I\J1l'ri:- <.: may

Pil'kawny. Lo g-u n, F a Yl'ltll· . FI"; lllk lin ~lnd i~~ ln . Il i,.t hlalld , ( ' h Hm l ! al~I\, Hurun, RllSR, Grt 'C' rl l', YtI !1 ''' t'rt Hll d

possibl y one S('\'c rnl


lWO oth er counti es.

hundn~ d


\m n nl' r~


{oud jobbers will /<'0 tll Llluisvi ll e on Jllnuury 25 COl' the a nnu ..! con ven· ti on or-t he Nlltional ann e rs lI"sociu_ li on und othe me etin.g of fo od brokers anti pick le and kraut pnckers. Lou is. \"ille is preparing f IJ I' 10,000 vi ~ itu r s . All the ofticcrs o f the Ohio Cun· ner s association will atte nd th e Luis. vill e meetin!(. Th ese ofticcrs arc al. most 1111 Warr~lI Cuunty cn n ne rs. and nrc as f o ll ows: J". W1II"ron Woud, pl'('s idcnl, Leban on ; J. T. mith. vicco presiden t, Circlevill e ; Ro.v Irons, sec. retary. treasurer. Glyde; and Arthur Hami lton, Lcbnn u n. Il owllrd A. Orr, Ci l'd eville, HlIrry McDona ld. ~:Iy rill; J nmc< S toops. Van Werl lind A. 1,.. Shnrp , Ce li nll, direetors.

- --


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Clinttl n, \\' lIrn ' Il,

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The year 1925 hus been rec ord d by the U. S. W cat b ~r Bureau as the warmest known. For the first time since 1922 Kel· ly. Springfield Tire company shows II profit. About $1,500,000 has go n e into surplu s. Express companies restrict F lori· do bound pcakages to one ' hundred pounds in weight. Building s uppli es, furniture, etc., will not be handled . Cold wave warnings we re brond· cnsted eve r y half h our to Florida duro ing t he recent cold snap. Vegetable crops suff ered as fur south as Centrnl F lorida. In five years molor cor registra· tions have jumped from 9 232 ,0 00 to 20,2 10,00. Year-end r eports show Georgia'S farm crops to have b een worth near $360,000,000, of wlhirh cotton had a value of $220,000,000. The peach crop run J 3,000 cars and br oug ht $10,000,0 00. St. Louis will abandon gas lig hts for s tre~t iIIuminl\tion. Th e new electr ic s yste m will r equ ire 375 miles of cable, weighing 2,000,000 pound s and will require n trnin of fifty freight cars to tran sport it. A tota l of 280,000 ,000 incandes. cent lamps wcrc sold in 195 for hou se hold use. F or other purposes 195,000,000 were sold. The average cost is less than two·thirds of pre· wnr. prices. Frogility hilS been ove r come by u ch emical process.

~____----------~--- . .

, I •.' i l' t (I It,,), t '..: t at(' , d ;. Il'n t'~ rt lal i \' P R n ll ;"J.!'C's t hi ., I ' Ill' amull!1lln,l! tu $ I(JU , ~ f'

t l1:


.i t.' "

~· k~. :-.I'l·untll·.... l'I1'~' ' l'~ l pl ' ll y , 1:-0 ht· ill ~ CIlII· Cl' . "'1 I. . n ~~ h; 11111 l'l'o n ' 1', lh lll tJ,\· CS t •• ll! I:" lin' !-iH IIIl' I<.,n I)~' B\l y l \· l. ntl

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1}ourSAle ill

t hat lh,·y It",·!! I'il! hl s alit! illl "I·,',t" in it. Th ('y "C(·k lit rp m!' .. 1 1I :1,"c h to Illnk· an

nCL' n untill ~,

-- Lt'lJlu\(



paP". It will bring 90U butjen


Wh c n laking 11 youug lady to n church socill l and she in. its on pny· in g her own way, do not ur!':u (' with her. Show lhut you r ~s pcct her independ en ce and Irt her PIIY f or both of you .

The ficti on writers have quit writing riovels. Ther e's more money nowndays writing reat estate book· lets,


First Girl- "Have you seen Jack Secon!! Girl- "Oh, nbout s ix wce ks ago ," Firs t Girl- "We ll , . if you sec him agll in, r e mind him that hc's IlllllTicd to m e. a lld t ha t [ \I'a s ill'lui r in!r II bo ut him. " .


A i ood way t o keep your hu aba nd hom e wh e n yo u go out il t o leave the

baby with him.

Old. Older, Oldest a~





Makes Pumping Up Tires Unnecessary Ch icago, 1Il.-F. E. Hughes, Suite 14{), 25 12 Monroe, this cit y, has perrected u ncw air. tight valve cap that enables nulO owner8 to pu mp up th eir tire. ollce and never t ouch them a gain until pun tu red or worn out. Leading t ire man ufacturers, afte r thorough tests, ha\'e approved Mr. Hughes' invention and ban ished t he old theory that air escape3 th ru rubber. One i nllation last. th e life of a tire, a nd t ire mileage i. do ubled. Thesc caps I'l"tai l for $1.25 for .,·t of fi ve. T he inventor wanls ;)'!"' n!s nn d wi!l sen proof nnd salllp ies F rc~.

·,\·nt'· him today.

Dr. ·John



Waynelvillo National Bank Bid ••



r ece ntly ? "

Save The Old Roads





- ---

r ••


--- _.-----

Twenty .th l'Cc thllu su ml miles of hi g hwny w ere built t o .A"rndc, or sur· faced on State systems in 1924 , nCcording to the Bureau of Public Rond s of U. S. Department of Agri. culture. It estimates thnt approximntely half of the 251,019 mil es of r oods e,;,braced in state hig hway 8ystems Wer e sur faced at th e be ~d n ning of 1925, a nd that more thlln 17,000 miles were surfaced with so me :form of covering fro m sa nd, clay anti gravel to sheet aspha lt, a spha ltic conc rete and ce· ment d uring the sing le year of 1924. With new surveys being added to t he state syste ms yearly and with maintenance bills mounting on our present road system!l, it is highly es· sential that old mac a dam and grave l ronds may be salvaged by applying a waterproof surface which will util. izc the materia l n lready compacted by yeurs of trave l. Mich igan has su ccessfully saved some of its main travLlled gravel hig h ways by app lying nn a sphalti c wearing surfa ce which Ca n be built up as time and traff:ic conditioris reo quire, . t hus saving practically the whole road investmc'nt . With th ousand s of r oad to pave, it is essential t hat ecoaomy and effi· ciency in construction be the watch· word.




Pa tri ut.

Do Y~u Know That--



WAYNESVILLE, OHIO Fully Equipped for Good Service. Large Display Room. Ambul ance Service TELEPHONE 7


WANTED DEAD STOCK Captain Billy Mickler. 101 yenu old, oldest man in St. Au gus tine Is shown here stand ing before hi~ home )Yhich is the oldest house in ~merica's o!des t .c lty, St. Augus. tine. Capta in MIckle r is a civil war veteran, and the onl y litin!!' member of the state legislature ot I ~. ;


Harveysburg Fertilizer Co. Pboll e 8


MONEY LOANED LOANS on Chatt~II1,Stockll, Securl. ties lind Second Mortgagel. Note. bought. John Harbine Jr., Xenia, Ohio. .m30.'2G

Farmers, Attention! Farmen of W.rren and adjoining counties may obtain money on lona time loans, at 5 p er " cent interest. Cost of securing the same is verl' rea. so nable ,through 'The Federal Land Bank. For further Informatlo~ call on or address M. C. DRAKE, Treas. urer, phone BIO-X, Lebanon, Ohio. WANTED I AM n ow organizing Warren Oounty for the Ohio State Life Insurance C_o. For Agency OpportUnities or belt in.surmlce protection, write to Gilbert Blg~R, Box 83, Waynesville OJilo ·J 12 . ' • WANTED- All kinds of soft Wood .for pulp. Morris Graham. CASH-For Dental Gold, Platinum Silver, Dia~onds, magneto point.: fal ~e teeth, Jewelry, any valuable •. Mall today. Cash by return mall. Hoke S. & R. Cd., Otlego, Mlch,



, FOR SALE FOR SALE-Pure Bred R I. Cock. erels. J. P. Re ed R. D. Waynes. ' Ville, Ohio. ' -j2S


FOR. SALE-A four-year.old 'Hol. stem cow, with two calves by' aide J ohn Roberson, R , D 1, Oregonia, . : . . .' .• -(4 BROODER HOUSE, 8d, on runners • '. '. I -j13 . R. F;. Crolle. ANYone wanting to feed enlna,e clln get the sanle by applyln, at tn~ WayrtesvlUe Pnclllni' Co" ti


.---. .......-C .......



. f>OWERs wAs' o.'la: OfI', IHC5E b\l~S, . WHQ5E: HANbtS ARE p\s' BLAC~ AS !He ~E);l Ot=- C'-Ue.~ :





I'b S\OF: 1-\1:5 !-IANb5, WE'RE. Too BUS( CARE:;.sII\3~ p... MOp,


tl'l (lb~·l· .

will lind

11 0


WHilE WOR~ ~.)(SRr GREA~ WE'A L,,", \b.


FORSAL~Pure bred R. I . Red cockerel., J ..P. Reed, Mt. ' 'lol. ly, Ohio. .. ,



Condensed B\lttermllk. Ohio ' Cte.mery Co., C. .\pnt. .

Wllttm W Fry, • if"

Foil $Al.E-eoo \uIwJa laaD.i '!auk::t y.Uo,,· GO..... lob ... , .. •• D, .... J, Cbni'''' _






Fred Pnkin is quite ill wilh g~ ii>p e. Mrs. E. B. Dukin is on t he sick list. 5ubicrip tioD Price, $1.50 per Year The school students enjnycd midyou,' exams l u~t week. D.L.CR ANE Mr. nnd Mrs. E. B. Doste l' visited Publi.h e. I'e l lltive~ in Greenfie ld, ·aturdllY . Gray Brothe rs will give a dance lit JANUA kY 20. 1\l26 R ull, FridllY eYcni ng, J lln uary 22. ,,===---:._ -,-- - ---- - -- - theMr. nnd IIfrs. Ceorl:C Denn ey lind fu mily hllvc a ne\Y HupmoL ile Seckm. THE INCREA SE OF POSTA L ~JI·. and Mrs. "hus Gray \Yere ah .pRA'f. ES

Lilt.le Mi Rs Emily H intt is s pending Rulh Early is still unllble to lhe week with her grandpa rents in tend school. Wilming toll_ . Mrs. Ralph Archdea con spe nt Mon_ The meeting l\t th e Frielals ch urch in churge of Rev. Ru ssell Bllrkctt , of tJoy in Dayton. Xe nia. is growing in numiJ ers and Ml's. Iydo Wharto n a nd 80n, 'M orinter est. l'is, were Lebuno n viHilol'l<, Mondny . lIfr. Ethnn Wllltn n. of Dn\'\:on who Mr. and Mrs. Lawre nce Sims enWU8 injured su mc t ime H~O' wh~n h e tertaine d " number of friends to SunWUR Rt r uck by nn uutomob ile on da y dinner. Ludl ow stree t. in J'I" yt'.n. has co me Mr. nnd Mrs. C. W·. Cox IIncl Mr. p i ng' in Wihning to tl, Sat urtloy moJ'ra - tv hi. t"·,,th,· r· s M,·. 11"" " 1' Wu l- a nd Mr .. Clyde Cox s pe nt Friday in lOIl's t o IIlllk t' hi . h"l1I o. the Gem City. Thcr~ is II me3, urc of iron y in ef- j IIJ·~ · The T. O .. ay lv,' fallli ly IIrr r eeovWU ar ~ ~ i l1d lo rep ort Mr • . Gui l forts of the l'Ili lro "d~ lo ubtai n fr(lln Mrs. J,.hn File, o f rll'lIsnn t Ridge. rin:;:, fr(1 1ll a RPI'j 'l:5 cd 1\c!' id e nt s on Hb le lu Io e out uJ,[uin, aftol' the governm ent more money for C3r- Gord Ro m e w ec k K ago Mr. Suy lor ~ u(fcre«l spent Wed nc"dllY and Thursda y wi th hN I' ·cent i lln ~ss. I'e lutives hCl'e. II rying the mails and the ir inge n ious co ll.u· hOlle; II lilll" Illter MI's. Emma Clin e li nd Earl and Jus. his broken son . Riley . brllk e hi s fin J,[c r li nd A coupl e of s leigh s weru see n oi, attempt s to enlist t he favornb lc utti- Clin e. of Dayton. spent the week-!>n d he fo,'" Mr. Say lor had full~' recov- our s treet s Ill st week du rin g the tud e on the purt of th e nCWMpapers with r e la t ives here . <,r.·d M I' S. Say lol' di slocu led her shou l- hcuv y l'ovcrinl r o f sn ow. The funeral o f Mrs. Wnl . Dixon d,·r. towards the "roject. As ' u fact when_ M!'s. J o> iah Boitnot t. r.ij' Tippeever thel'e is a rais~ in the cost of occurred nt th e Zion Baptist chur ch, Thi,; is u bu sy "dlu",c thi " wl·ek. CUllOP City . i R vi~iti n ~ hf' r dnug'hte r, Moncluy nfLernoo n. handlin g the mail" the burden 1l1ways I~ l llblll'ot HI'" lIlud,· fnr l h,· ~Ir·s . roll), I{nu t zu hn lind fnllli ly. J Ullt lif OI'd". o f WlI shingt on Furnu·!"s ·c Inr lUII, l"t itutp, a l ~fI f or th l> P. _ Is placed 0 11 the bllck of the news- C. IIfrs. H. , wu ~ u Snt.urdn y d inn l' l" g' lI (I:'\ l T.-A. JIl l'S. Rt'u SIIl'..JHln und littl e ,IHug-h . l1lepting . TlwlI th el'u is a lecpapers. This was exempli fle d quite re_ of 1111'. nnd !\Irs. J. C. Gray. tUI't! cnll l'~(" numht' I' Hntl t he r't'U lIlut' ll'l' Wa!'i a ~Inn""y g'UI.·!"; t o f he r parconLly when the n"w"p"p crs having ents . JIll'. a nd M,·s. A lb en Stacy. Mr. and Mr •. Sab in lIfuc))onnld uu,kc thnli g-'"",". Lasl w,·,:k thl' fought for 8 higher wage f or the nnd fp!l1ily entertai n ed the Hun gry di fferent t"," ns of th,· villal!c pIH\,l'l1 SC\,l' rrd o f th,· litU' fr ie nd s of MllrPostnl employe es Were awarded by Hounn cl ub Su ndllY eve nin g .. fi~ c ~ulll rs . th e bO)':-i o f t h e g-ra'cl es goal'l·t Si ms "ur pri sl'd he" Satu"d uy having the increa.e d expendi ture \\,1I1 The 1l 11l ~ Fertili one of th e lll. zer r ompany held th"ir II ftl·,·nn,, ". it hc inJ,[ her (lIh birthdllY. passed on them for paymen t in hi gher rates o f newspap er trullspor Lution . nnnuul meeti ng of s tockh older• . Sl1t:\1r ~. 1\1 /1 1' )' E. CH 1' muny Wl\S u Su n _ urdllY uftern oon. ut th e Hilltop In l1. In the case of the postnl employe es d ilY d i nnl'r g' U ( ' !.;.t at th e IHllnu uf Mr', The boys nnd gi d s mud e good usc ABSEN TMIND ED of course there WII8 u legitiml ltc I' aan d MI'H. Wil bur (, Ia l·k. in Wuv ne"IIf th eir sleds lust we('k. '" t he S SO li for th e mise. even though it did \' i 11(' . . Old Ilill "'."Rso ubsentm irrd,'" that in vo lve snrriflce un the purt of th e hill Wtl M in th e pi nk of cond iti oll for MI'. W:.ltC'l· Th omp son IIn, l falllhe tTlcd to Jr g ht th e fire with a Hparpub lishe rs. but whe n the fIIi1r ollds cons tin g. ~~~ ~jjL= ~~~~~~~~~~11 ily 1111 )\"(' d T lll'S;ti HY lo the Sm ith pro p ~ ste p out with demand s Cor u higher iii:: lIfr. und Mr.. F'rllnk Wi lson spcnt a~u s nlld cook t he ki rr d linJ,[. e rty r('c (, lItiy vuca t ed by the RU "H(l n Tht' rlucl"r Ildvi sed him to take II rnte for tran sportllti ng publicat ions. th e we,· k-end in WlIshing ton C. II. . then it is time to calll1 hlllL. with MI'. und Mrs. Hcrbert Fite und C()lIlp ll'tl' n.·~ tt so IH:'t; r Ullnin~ f o r falllil y. C() n go l ·I' ~H. We wond er how the public would .J une Ellen. ~ r r . ant! MI·R. ('Ilrl AIhrig ht. of feel if it had to me et the requireS pri n~ " (J rll, \'i~.;jh.· d th t·i r lb-lu".dH Pr. ONLY MiLLiO N AIR ES W. P. McCarre n, and Ra ymond Edmen ts for postlll sPTvice demand ed of ward s SI)ent t he ~i"" , i\"Sil'" Grahal11 ant! famil y. Wet! fore pllrt of the we,·k the publisherK who deliver lheir bun- in Chien!:o New Y o rk h H~ r~uni1.l' d n club in lu'};day. dles to th e cars, each bundle separat_ W.. d nesday.. They returned home. which nnl y Illilii(lo,"rirl '~ wi ll be ad Fdl' nri H 11I' rp :U' ~ sO l'ry t o Ie:. ,'" thllt ed to reuch the differen t zoncs, put Ou r llUsket ball telllll pluyed Frank_ miltI'd. Thllt'" I1 n (,Id iUl'''' Al l th e 1\1f'~ . K ilt.., ( ' 111"11<· 11 is vt' r y puol"l y a t the bundlcs in the cars at their own hotlds nl',· run tlrut way. Ihe hOllle of hl' " da uJ,[ hter. lIlrs. ~; 1I11 expense lind have them pit k ed up by li n on th e home (\ 00 1', Sutu rd"y eVl'n8"'-lJl!lll "1 ( 'c il. lit I )aw ~"n . Ohit •. the deal !! r" at lhe puints uf des tina- ing. with n res ulting sco re of 12 t o ti on. As u fu et the postofJice d e purt_ II in ou r fllvor. ~ Ir . IIl1d MrR. I. ('o l·g" Grul' an d Thc bunk elected th e su me offi cers m ent hUB prllctica lly no cost uf hand<llIug-ht(· r. MI'. and ~I rs. LOll F en""r ling, oth e r lhllll what it pays to the for tho co ming year at th e meetin g of 1.1<·III, onl. Wl' re SundllY g UI'stH of TU" sdIlY. W. T Jordun Was made di _ railroad s. ~II' . ,1111.1 ~Jr " . Geo rgc G rey. 51'. The governm ent charges are in ex- rector ill place of 1. N. Hanks, de~ I r". CIHud(' Lewi s II n,<I Mrs. Alhert ecso of $1.70 per hundred po und s for cea sed. . ' taey \ ' j ... itl'tl t he fnr mer 'g ~ i ste r. Mrs. a haulage of 150 miles for news paMr. and Mrs. F'. lIf \ Reynold s. of 1-: 11 ,'11 II 111 i.(' rl:II,d. of Ci ndnnuti . at pers , wcreas ruilroad s and other cllr- St. Ber nn rd . were guest.' a t t h", Co m_ .\I illm i \ 'II II l'Y hosp it a l. W'·Ih1l's <iay . riers competi ng for s imilar shipmen ts munity club, Monday evening . Mr. offer ratlls ran g ing fr olll 30 ecntll to Reynold s gave th e address of the ev~ll·. \\'lI lt"r Clark w:' s He" c r ely in90 ccnts per one hundred pounds for ening. A dellciou s oyster supper was jun',) I,, <t ",,·,·k bv " bu ll which IItthe same dIstance . t a,·k ..d hi m. il ," i ~ "0 11I'(' w hat im served. The cost of newspap er transpo rtn11I'I)"ed at li ris li ll"·. The 1\1 . E. Aid met Thursda y nftertion is already exces.iv e. It has noo n. At the close of the busin ess F U J'nH ' r'~ in thi s ~ ('(·tiu n nr c n o w - r eached lhat poillt where if it be in- meeting Mrs. gave an intereRt_ hLl ~Y !-.l l"i ppinK t obac('o. They were creased it is likely to affect the pub- ing reading. AOgden hell"litH '') hy th e rllin th e first of t he lic. Surely it is time this exploita - The hostess seli vely contest was held. w(' (' k, l'nahling th cm to get it a ll tion of the press by the governm ent crackers . pickle r ve d vegctab le .oup. and cofl'ee at the close d vWlI, fl·ady to s.trip. came to a stop. of the program . Abou t "ixty f";end s (If Mr. F loyd Tammu ny's rulcs are still en forc ed. Savug-l' l e ndered him quite II ~ urpri s e The tlrst duty of any well Tamman lit his horne Saturda y evening . A ylzed Poli.( e Commill8ioner is t o dis~ood so cial time was enjuyed . ReLIVE ON LOVE credit the prevIou s admini. trution. freshme nts were served Then t he public may get a look in. Mrs . •l ussie Longucr e underw ent a Her-"J 'm su re we can live on ~e r i o u s operutio ll at Miami · Valley twe nty-flve dollars a week. My Ain't nature grand? All you have hnspilnl la st Wednes dll)'. Last reports olothes won't cost more than that.' to do to become a playwri ght is to is she is gett ing a long real well. Her Hl'-" But what will we have left mllrrr a song writer. Maybe if a girl muny fr iends hope f or her speedy re_ t o buy food?" marrI es II (:;ongrllsaman she'll become Two years ago there were f ew co'·cry. Her--"T hat's a man f or you-ala statesm an. roady-m ade radio seta on th e mnrket. 1\11'. and Mrs. Albert Stacy and wnys selfish Bnd thinking about his Today, stomach there ." are IIbout 150. rangin g Connec ticut tobacoo growers ure Miss Cleo Stacy were S unday dinner seeking a substi t ute crop to cultivat e from crystlll receiver s selling 118 low guests of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Burwhile the gro und Is resting. n et, and in t hc nfternoo n visited Miss What as $4 or $6, to th e e laborate superECONO MY BEGINS AT HOME is the matter with wooden nutm egs? het erodyne s. costing Mabel La ckey, who is vE,ry ill at her hundred s of dolhome in Middlet own "Could you show me somethi ng That Michiga n woman who write lars. Mrs. William Colema n received suit:n ble to give a lady?" Mr. F . M. Steers, preside nt of th e "Dumb Animals J Bave Mct" lind "About what price, sir?" word T hursday of th e d eath of her dedicate d the work to her husband Mnrnavox Co., 811 )'8 : "Radio as II "Oh, somethin ~ ch eap, I'm just brother- in-law, Mr. William N. Robevidentl y is wile in her generati on. . necessit y for the getti ng it for my wife." hom e is recogni zed. inson, of Mt. Healthy , Ohio. She attend ed the f un eral Saturda y, and was A hom e without ·a receivin g set will accomp anied home Sundav by her 800n be rare indeed. The missing of nep hew, Mr. Earl Proud and family, If a man didn't haTe to propOle to /Jroadca sts by day or night will be who spent t he day here. the girl. they mirht keep the ir eoconside red as se rious an injury to the g.aeme at lecret. ---_ , A prince has been arrelted In Hun- America n people as failure to read gary In connect ion with a counter feit newspap crs, magazin es and books. plot. We always suspecte d that a Manufa cturers are spendin g large lot of those Ifrinces ,vcre counter fe it . sums of money for r ese urch und exIsn' t it queer that in all of the perimen ts to perfect the receivin g tourist advertis ements from Bermud a set and gain simplici ty of operatio n. Guy Brannon . of Waynes ville, was they don't say a word about the on- The great advance ment of the sing le n Sunday guest of his brother, Lon 10nsT dial over the endless number of dials Brannon and wife. . Over in Paris they are experim ent- and other operatin g devices of the The nHlIle lrIay he tr:lIlsfer rQ( Ing With a lot of new vaccine s and earlier sels, is an example of what E . C. Mannon and wife, of Wilone of them must be an anti-deb t has been done in rad iO enginee ring_ fr om a lelter or fr olll an y piece 01 mington , were the gues·tII of Glenn pa pe r. Use fllle embroid ery threae Dllvis and family , WednE!sday. serum. It i8 now possible by a simple turn M. Pangal0 8 Is the Rew dictator of of one dial to get a station. This nnd Il flne needle. The lines lin R. J. Murray and wife, G. F. TrayGreece, and he ought to last some advance ment is a wonderf ul advangiven fI rnisNI effect br workl~ lor, K. E. Thomps on lind Mickie Giltime as ita' hard to get up and pub- tage to people not blessed with eyeover "nd O\'er r. strand of heaylel lean and Chas. Kibler w ere in Waylicly denounc .e a man with a name sight, as well a8 to those in ou\,-ofthf('arl 11.' I h:lve shown at A. Onl) nesville, Saturda y. like that. way pl ll~s where service ~nd . inone n two thread s of the mate ria . W. M. Chaffin, of Galena, Ohio, was The most popular arms parley is structio n are not availllbl e, as it en di ruet \ v on t he outline shoul d bl the one in which the young man ables them operate their setll to the While here Mr. takel' the noe.ll r for ench ~titcl here last week, drives with one hand on the wheel best advanta ge. IIn,l t he ,,\ rand of threat! used fo: Chllffin and R. J Murray sold three and the other arm around the back "Our children , long before they pa M:~7 H:,oul cl be kept perfectl) fi ne register ed brood ma rcs. of the lIeat. read or write, will underst and the SIllOO U, . R_ J _ Murray lind wifl3 were SunIn nil double portions o' The man who broke the bank of spoken meBaage from radio r eceivers the idwl's ,s shown here in the 1\ day dinn er guests of the :McKay famMonte Carlo died recently in Lon- and gain a foundllt ion for an educlInnd i he A the puddi ng thread i ilies. W. R. Kersey, of the Turtledon, and so far as Is known he dld'nt tion that their parents had no opporcreek ne ig hborhoo d, was an afterhel, l ,:. "ble ~ o thn t at thef\e point leave any Iystem. tunity of sccurinll'. This will menn no.o n culler. YO Il wo rk over two threads lit on Maybe that Rumani an prince who a better educatio n for the coming t i :!!f'. Sta nley Lewis and family and a gave up his right to the throne had generat ion and will be due directly REA ,'n i'~: :-H l'oa hl"'C urCZlflr.\ak l" Mr. Con ner and family, of Dllyton, some inside dope on the general sit to the radio and its simplici ty of op" robh' \\. Itl Huth Wuth Spo ••• lOb were Sunday dinn er guests of Robuation. eration. " Ilhlltl ril l 0' 1 11 Add, eu hor in c ert Lewis and family. Mrs, Dan .' Lewis and daughte r. LOtll, were IIfternoon calle rs. The church will hold III public reMA·!:· NIGHTMARE ception f or lhe twelve new member s that cnme into the chur,:h the past, next Sunday morning , January 24, just after Sunday -sc hool. There AI='T £R "'TR'fIMr TO SATISf:Y ~'D!s will be a special program for the oc~ A?PET'Te'FO~ 'BUCt< WHeA -r CAKES cnsion . . . "o .w.4 COL t) ·JA..,V"~V lMV: ";"'" Olive Branch hud qui ~e a mad dog sca re one da y last week, when Max Bostic's dog went mad, biting their daughte r, Miss Nor ma, and killing quitl' a lot of chicken s a:nd geese in the ne ighbo l'llOod, . befol'e they got the dog killed.



FROM: a "wide spot in Indian tn.Il between

the road" on sr. old Jo.cksonville and Tam pa to the most dea1rabl e alte in Central Florida l or manof8c tunm! and distribu tors-th ere are the Umit. of Balnes City's progress I Fift7 )"MI'W aro HaInes City was the site (becau~e of ita central locatlon and plellsunt living conditlona) ot the meeting s of SemJnole Indinn • . Toda.t, It is the oeoter of a l1l1t1on-\\-ide migrutlOI!. The reuon has not changed. That predIcts pro~ Five yeai'll ago. Htdnea City had 658 ita 6,000 populati on is .... one paring for JIlIIIly thou sands more.

progr_ .

In Jul7 )f 1926, I selected H aines Clt~, a '; the r;;eat of a .21,000.000 development program . Since that time, real estate tran,aetion~ hllve mount<!d into millions of doUal'B. New buUdlnll' s have been started and eompletOO_ Larr industri es have IInnoonoe d.thelr intentio n 0 mo\-ing to ,Haines City, and have bought sites f~r their planta. That proT. proareu -

Urdnl\., Brljs on REALTOR





. -.



F. T. Martin Jes se Stanley Auctioneer Auctioneer Date your salea with ue. We guaran tee aatisfa ction or charge nothin g.

Cen terv ille, O.


Phone No.2

New Burl ingt on,O . Phone No. 320

- ..----

TeD the Advertiser you read his Ad. in the Miami GazeHe




The Gazette Office is well equipped to do all kinds of Job Wor k. Call on


us and get our prices on Sale Bills, Booklets, Commercial Wor k of' All



We guarantee satisfaction.


Mill In Oper ation Th e ~naml Valley Co.ated Paper co mpany , under the direc:tio n of Albert Srere und his associat es, haa started up and the sound of the!.whis tle is music to the etlrs of their employe es and the peo»le in a'oneral . This mill manufa ctures a complet e lin e of enam el book papers, coated litho and coated specialt ies in white and colors. The first runs of paper have been highly satisfac tory and the outlook for the Miami Valley Coated Paper Compan y, Frankli n. is exceeding ly bright. .

. -......---

DON'T GET PERSO NAL Lawye r-"Wba t clluse,d all fighting ? " Accused -"He wns shoutin g 'You dllmb. idiot," 'You .Stupid Asar, .. Judge- "Don't talk · tI~ me--ad .\ dress the ju·ry."


7.,~.~~~ ' - '''--.'------

-Try Us Once and See

~h(\- ":u~

: but whnt will y u

Z 1M ME R M-AN-;sl

Big Clearance ·Sale Still. Going On ==-=t=;.


- -- ----- =_===

2 pound. Rio ColI'ee .... .. .......... 55c ill Soft 5 10,,11 £ 11 1/1i,1. W nlnut • ... .2Bc 2 Can. June Po ...... ... .. ....... ISc I P Olt T Onl l i"., package .... ........ .. 9c S C.n. Cood Corn .... .. ...... 2" K .lIo ~ (' ,.T Il Flak"., pack.g e .. .. 9c Lar,,, Can Peachu, in .yr u p ... 20c l 4 II,. (.,n . R. B~ .. uty A ppl " . .... 25c Pink Salmon, 2 211 Sil~~r 5 "" Co ff e ..... .. .............. .45c 4 pound. Navy B ... n. ........ .. 25~ Old [{" Ii " bl .. Coffee ... .. ........... 45c 3 pound, Macaroni ..... ............ 25c I B.tll,. Shi p Coffce ... .......... .... .. .45c H ei n z Bilked Beana, can ... . ... 9c


Palm ()Ii " e SO Olp. 4 f or .... ... .. ... 2 Sc

Vi cki, Sarve, on ly .............. ... ..... 29 c ,I Loq.:r Len o .,. Soap . 7 ( or ... .... . 2 5. Liquid VenN" or O'Ceda r Oi\. .23c 25c SOl\p Flak,,". only . ....... .. ... ... 19c Good Malch .... boJC, only ..... ..... 4< I 25< Wl\,hinR Po wd er. o n l y .. ... . 1ge


Mr~. Wait .. r l\1cC lurl' und Mrs Enrl ('ol1 l1 (' r wCI'e Da yt ull "is itol'S, last Fri_

Only 5c a Cake

Mr. li nd Mrs. Hurry Turner Ilnd "On o( Bellbrou k, visited re latives here, , Tuesday.


Waynesville, Ohio


Mny or T. E . Roge rs is out again, havin g been confin ed to his home thrl'e week s. J. P. Cummings WCl S the g u est o f Frnnklin Packe r lit the Friends Home, Sundny. Mr. und II1rs. Ronnld Hawke will entertuin the "Jolly Mutron s" and t heir hu sba nds. toni~ht.


·In Order to Close Out Our .Crosley Radios 3·Tube Trirdyn with Loud Speaker, complete., goel at



. $28.50 1 Tube No. 50 Radio, with Headphones, complete at

$24.25 $14.95 $4 95

Boudoir Lamps, with 8 inch handpainted shades, g o .at . . . . . . . . .

'O nly a few a ..e on hand and no more can be obtained to sell at these prices, so if you want one




Waynesville, Ohio

FACTORY·BUILT RADIO, 5 tubes with all accessories, complete • a-TUBE SUPER HETERODYNE, with all accessories

$70 $160



The OLD RELIABLE CALENDAR is -here. Call at the office.

. y'ou Get th e . M ost "Where Best for the Least"


th e .

W•• re able 'to do crushing and ,rlndlng again, hawInl rem_ltd our plant, and have • Full Line of Pre--.. - C ent-t ... - ,---" _s a._one • - .. for home mlxln, •



..._. 1:=:..:.c -


Mr .S S. Ellis is in Miami Vnlley hospital, where he wns operated on lost Fridny for appendicitis. Mrs. Lee Hende rso n, who has bee n in a very serious co ndition, is thought to be some be,tter at present.

Mrs. Emory Davis and two daughters, of Huntingdon, Tenn, nre guests of Mr and Mrs F . R. Moomaw. Mr. John Squires is in Col4mbus attending a three days' convention of the Brotherhood of Threshers. ' Mrs. Ralph Miller and Mrs. C. M . Robitzer are in Cincinnati, the g uests of II1r. E . V. Barnhart and family. II1r. and Mrs. W. S. Graham, Mrs. .J. L. Hartsock a nd Mrs. Lincoln King were shopping in Lebanon, Mondny. J. D. Marlatt is in Columbus this week, the j!'uest of h is son -in-ln and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Merle Kerns. Mr. and Mrs. Kenn eth Elzey, of Dayton, spent the week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wolte r E lzey. Mrs . Harry Williamson is s pending n few weeks in Duyton at the home of h er daughter, Mrs. L ee Cooper. Mr. a nd Mrs. Howard Archdeacon ancl Mrs . Mary Caskey attended the funeral Qf a re lative at Greenville , last week.

Mr. an d Mrs. Ross Hartsock and nhi1dren spent Su nday with Mrs. H nrlsock's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Dcathernge, n cur Oregonia. Messrs. N. P . Jordan, Lon Cnrter afl d Thomas Pierce attended a district mectil1K of the J . O. U. A. M., at Miamisburg, Sa ~urday night. A fter a plensant visit with her sister, Mrs. L. A. Zimmerma n and famil.v, Mrs. H.. W. Hitter returned last wee k to her home in Cleveland. l'ilr. and Mr-s. J . C. Hawke, Mr. and IIfrs. John Fromm and fam il y spent last Friday in P leasnnt P lai n, the g uests of Dr. a nd lIfrs. Rolph Vance. Lost- Gold wrist watch without n chain. Thul'sday, belween High sc ho ol building, DI·. Hathaway's and Hall 's dru g s tor-e !"indl'l' please leave at this office J{od el Hadios and assemb led sets, from $ 12.00 up. Guaranteed Radio r epairing, by depot, Corwin. R. F. MlI1s. Mr. und 1111'S. S. D. Henk le entertained last Friday night wit h "liOO" which was f ollowed by a delicious lunch . T h" following were invited; Mr. and lI1r~ . C. M. Robitzer, Mr. and Mrs. J . O. C.lrtwright, Mr. und Mrs. R. ilL Hawke . Mr. and Mrs James McClu re, lilt-. and Mrs. J. W. Edward s, J\1I-. a nd Mrs . J. Q. Gons. Dr. und MrH. H. E. Hathaway, Mr. an d Mrs. Berl Hartsock, Mr. :ind Mrs. L. A. Zimmerman, Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Henderson a nd Mr. aed Mrs. F r ed M. Colc.

.from Kodel Radios and ilssembled sets $12.00 up. Guaranteed Rlldlo repairing, by depot.

Lytle, Oh.o



1I1r. and Mrs. Babb, of nenr James. town, spe nt Sund ay with th e ir son, Mr. Carl Bubb nnd family.

Mrs. F. R. Moomaw r eturned h ome lrom the Midd letow n hosp itnl last week, and is recoveri ng fro m the effects of ber operation.


. ',

MrM. Laura Zell was called to Bellbrook, Monday. on account of death in th e ha llie of a friend.

Mr. and Mrs. E llery Lewis. of Dayton. were guests, Saturday evening, of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Graham.

2 Tube No. 51 Radio, with Headphones, complete at

Large Table Lamp, with 16 inch hand-painted shade, goes at .



Miss Lucy Emley was the dinn er ,guellt of.l;Iome, Mrs. Carrie Sanborn at the . Friends Sunday.


Garage for

Collecting Data

Miss CII'\) Wilkin so n, Il repr ese nta. Mrs. J erry Ors burn \Vent to Ogden. tiv e of the' Rikl··Kullller co mpan y, Ohio. Sunday, to uttend the fun eral "'liS in Wuyn es\'i1le today. collectin)"! of un a unt. da ta for n histo ry of the Miami Vul· lI'y. which will be go tten out by the Alfred Wntkins. mu sic in ~ tru c t o r abo ve- named firm fo r th ei r 7ard an· in the schOOl, is ve ry s ick at his home niYersary which is so me time in in Morrow. Ma rch.

REMEMBER- This sale is going on all the time. Come in every day and get some of these big bargains. Poultry and Eggs same as Cash.



.Lecture Course

The {" ur l h lI umb(' r (I f th e Lecture ,'. Thomfls Prendeq:lI. t s uffered Co urse will IJ(' held Thursda y evp n a ><'\'c r" hea rt attack the first o f t he ill", .lanunry 21 st at the Gym. Fur the (!vcninl-: 's cn\ennillrncnt we hu vc week. II omcr C. ll o bl ~ tt. HI' is not ed u. an urat o r. hum o ri ~ t nnd fl w o rlel-wide ~l i ," E mmfl lld!(hway wus th e din. COlli I' u nd h,' ur him t e ll o f lI er guest o f Mr. "nd Mr •. G. J. !;milh lravclH. hi~ inter e ~ ting ( ·X Pt'ri C' IIC(, S. Sunday.

Limit-IO Cakes to a Customer.

Phone 66- 2

A.D·!:~~~2~Son l



Special for This W ~ek 1000 Cakes of Fancy Toilet Soaps, regular IOc to 12 1 -2c gooda-Jap Rose, Kirk's, J,ergens, (Fairbanks,



' Special Low Prices on Paints, Varnishes, Stone I Ware, Enamel Ware, and dozens of other articles in the Grocery Line. '

Buckeye Incubators and Brooders

Live ~oultry WANTED!


il Sw.rt I'ot~toe•• .c~: ' on:~=~~_O~


Late CJassilied Ads;


H and.P"C&,,,d Toma toe,. Cftn .. 10. ' Kirk' , n" ke W. Soap. t o (o r .... 39 c Seedleu R. j,in_ • . 4 poun ds .... 45c 1 S .. ifl' " r·ri d e Soa.p, 10 r or ..... .. . 25c

I~:c~ F.a~i~~ pO: At::~P~Ck ~.

Tearful Lady-"TeU me, doctor, is there any hup!! 7" Doctor-"Don't know, Indy. Tell Due to th incre l~8c d interelt in III ""hnt you were hopin~ for? '" Po ultry wOI'k tho Jo'mrm Bureau wls1) . C~ to submit a gonot'"l report of the II ernge of the 16 Demonslmtlon fu rm report, in fo r Dl'comb r, as fol· ll) ws: AY r~)gQ n u mb er oC hena, fir st or 0 com ber. 41i 1 . o.v ruge eggs p er FOR SALE lIliss Ore lie ' Henry ill on the sick hen lor · Novembe r "lid December, (1. 09; .werngc to\1I1 eggs for Decemli s~. toe r, 2737; a"emge rec'lpts to date, $211.04; u\'erage expellse to d_ate, FOR SALS-Fresh cow. Inquire of Mr. Waller E lzt'Y' s condition is im· ' 11 .2·1; a verug ' gain to date , J. H . Snckott, Waynesville. Ohio. pro\'i ng. J 20. ~ I 06.33. . The total C):I': production per hen 111. V. Lewis, of Daylon, s pent Sun. fo r Novolll hur 11 11,1 December is j ~ . du y h H(' . ~o me of th ,· d Cllw n!ftrati on form own. l'rs ~ , O(!J'n g'l' IInlll' t ha n t a o whil e oth\\' 111. Orndorf is visiti ng relatives t rs· nrl' k ~:-; , dUt' tu s udd e n chnngc s in w(,Hlh",' \\ hi ('h i:ot cu usin g quite 8 in Mi:.ln\i~uul'g . \" t uf l'o ld _ in lhe Illying fl ocks. A Mr . . S[lrah nlurmy wns in Duyt on f,' w tiugj.:l·sti OIl :; for overco ming this iR u~ f oll "w:;. Wllt,:h care fully IInc! ov,·\· t h e w"ck,c l1d. n'move bird s that sho w "igns uf culd; ~rl'e n fe l'ti, and milk, if p o~. ibl e ; i'lr. Elv in Fir ~s is out nft('r nn ill· Epso m "ult s oc ca~ io n ally, lind the Highest Market Price Paid n(' .. ~ o f severnl days. ): rclltest ca re p06 -il>le ill T!~ar" to I'l' ntllatioll, wllrrll th and fr equent :'I1l·s. Osca r Smith vis ited r elatives ch ange ftf litter, are s lI ):ge6tc d. in Leban on, Tuesda y. ._ .





Phone 47





Waynesville, Ohio


O~OCc===~FO~O t=~==~eo~oce==~e~c~e==~FO~OCF==~EO~O









Annual January Sale ~ g IN Gigantic furniture Sale IN o -Colossal Remodeling Sale



o o

D Now Going On and Continuing the Remainr

I o


der of This· Month--Unheard-of Bargains in Every Department--Nothing Excepted--Noo thing Reserved.

A 'Sale Well Worth Driving Miles to Atte..d. Nothing Like It Has Ever Before Been Ato tempted in the Coun~y.




Our fondest hopes were 'exceeded last . Saturday, and n o to those who could not be waited on Saturd,a y on ac-



count of the 'enormous crowds, we promise better s~r­ vice for the remaining days of the sale.

Come Mornings, If Possibl'e Store O'pen Evenings




6 o ·on


o D






·0 s. Fred Company .. .







hebanen, ..Ohio


01:10.''~====:I =O~Olle====ICU:=!I





Illy · Eig hth

Yea r

;·----·-"·---·-~·I·~~~a~y~n~e~l~o~~~ns~~h~~-~f~a~r~~~e~r~'~s ~-~~ ' ~~-~'~~~r'-~ ·~,-OO~·-J:-~-O~~~~~~;· ~~~-e~w~C-e~n~tu-r-y~(WA YN ESV ILI ,E,

Int ere stin g Ite ms fro m the

St at e

.Institute, Corn an d Gr ai n Sh ow





192 6




• Wh ole Numb~r 568 5

Ve ry Enjoyable Ja nu ar y Meeting

1hiS Week

The Fnrm ers Inst itute and Corn . how will close nt noon on Frid ay, Th e ,ccn nd t el'm o f O W ,"('II I' and Grai n show wil l be held on F'ebruOfY 5. beMrs ga n lust wee k wi lh li ttle cJ;nn , ruar y 6 nnd 6 at the Gym nasi F e bPre par ed by J.'re in Mos . Edi l h lI a ni. und )Irs . Lnur o rl(,t "I >l l ' to h" 11r(·'I·nt, "'" Priz es will be awa rded ns f ollows: rlll ~se R. um . her ente rtai neo the m"nlber~ " WI·II I'<·ad ",con om ic" is fo ll oWN I by No effo rt has been spar ed t o mak Bes t ten cars .ye llow Co rn eo( hy ~Il" . )),·\l tl. Com m('I'c ial G.: ogr:lph), lind Or'c the Ne w Ce ntur y club Fr ida ,' e Co lum bus ~eporter 1st, lIpR$2.0 nf tel'0 2no, this co rn and groi n Mhow a' Th.' 'l· "'" inl l' ''c ~ ill l! IWJlrr';; . 3rd, (iOc tion s i. s lIh"t itut cri f or f'ivi ". • • r OJ,) hil w_ succ ess Best te n cars of Wh ile7 5c .' r', cod ,lIl ll(' h , t~ l" u t.!h t all~ a nd we Ilrc mak ing an I spec Corn 1 l',ar<·f ul prep uS lid C"o nw\I' " "lice red. Ad whil e noon , Ju n u.u ~ ...... n~ .. IH t llg' lI lg' 9 .............. ial apn,llll ili. g l\' l llt.:" t }lf' 1st, va . . . · ~ ~ · ~· . ~ $3 nced .00 pnnc lJlul ('\'(' n l:-t in 2n d, $L5 0 pen l to a ll farm ers to brin g g (lt h ~.r nl th ~ !oO atll (\ tl1n~ 3r Alge d 50c bra. Rt'.vo nd the f nrt thllt II in ten BORt t en ca rs Mix ed Co c l' tl g'enu,d h,l!;lo ry I palil l lg' t41 curs of corn nnd u sam ple of onecot" ne o f fl'IL'n ds to (·nJo ),H th!: . rnf ew ~tud(· u ~ H I"~ di ~ ('()nt i fll' (' ~ t'IIL cOllu i' half clu b H lI u n s ull d"r r " "1i " ttH' nuin~ th e pl'{jg 1st . $2.0 0 2nd, 75c pc' k each of whe at and oats. ,l oj l·I·1. r u m nnd th e. h w~ pitl,lily seco 3rd, nd 50c cllu .. se o f Ow o f t h e ir yellr . few One .\ chan -hal f tl ' g l" f ad p~ck j 'l u rlllll Wh The eu l'lll. ple m:tu nt h onlC u n ~1 H ill s tn'(· show hll8 bee n conc eive d, not d u rill ~ l h e ~O _ I es were m llde i n , ehr·d ul e. OLUI\IBUS, OIlI O- P oliti cal r in l hlOli r. a h I Ht, an _ with the si ng le idea 0 . P ian o tlln s ie op elled t h e t. 2nd , 50c ~ I)n1 , · lv a p po in ted 3rd, 25c of ' a g rllnd di s· One -hal$1.0 nou nce men ts o f co nsid er a ble prog rnm . lu u dw lI lI \\' H ~ l · rl;ll1d f pec k Ollts imp or- play of first -clus s corn and J UYfl , 1. Th e r(· s po n ~c ~ to r oll -ca ll wrrl . grui n, but ', " Frc tnnce may now be ex pect ed Mr. 1st. $1. 00 l ' },l~ ,If tht: h u !-\l t ' :-::-tl ':-; were 2nd, fiOe nlm ost thllt wo may have a lorg e di spla y of 3rd, 25c (our th Doh hitt, who ap fl ra rcd o n th e qU I' lI t ly ~li sp ron oll nc ed Wor d. ," prov - S" (~tl : ;\11'!~. C. l'a n h M. uml" ~l nny day. The pla ns o f se ve u Rob , ITa r "f itzer j. the lh ~ ing Il'> ~ will IIV Lect . erll! it . 1. give ure "mu ('h I'asi,'!' to be cr it ica l ;e good corn , whe at und first fl . ~I"rl lltt Co ur.e $3 .00 for addr rn}, who Mr,;. e~se d the" Iwn l p upil , in and $ 1.50 fo r seco nd pri \\" S . (;rah l h oats thut ar c raise d in the com un allt. corr ~xrec t to be cn nd ida tes {·ct. ~ Ir'" " a plen s. 1\ . '1': ze to in~ m nnO THE MON KEY S TRI ED mun on eith er it y. Ano \\' rig- li l . !\II':-:. L. 1\ . Zitll ll ll' rma l' t" Thu n;(I ,,~r art~ rn no IT Th e ull (Jwi llg pnllL'rs W( ' I'~ ther im port ant reas o n that- ex hilJitor s of whit e cor n. n , .' lrs. of th e purt y tick ets. a re bein then Mar y ( '" ,k '·.I'. ~Ir '. I{"n told OlUIl \' intl' r,'st inJ.'r f eatu n, Hp rcud :" fAm g well wo arc makin!" app eul t o you IMA GIN ATI ON' S POW ER a ld re e ri lI awk e s of The foll owinJ.'r bus in ess men cnns in I' r og rcs, aB farm ." Mrs. f orm ulot ed . The re will h e plen Ar~t Mrs. k ex pl ora t ion, be;;idrs lh e in- Cha~, H fl U),d1 ; "Aclvt.)n \\' il;;"" Ed ", " .. 0 ' . )11" ty uf cr~ to brin g in your sam pl es, is that cont ribu ted priz es ( or th e boysha vo Rt r uc tun,·~ i n Bu )s hc- C ,'u COR N LOW , HOGS HIG H n(' , ) I !' ~, ('Ult W l'i ll c r.,Jl' Ina. n II . L: ti\' l~ Hncl h umn rCl tl S ~ k e- t in tim bCl' f or bo th th e Hep ub liun ('hC' ~ of \'ism / ' Mr:o:. . F. H. ~l ll0 1 l1ilW, , ~rs, a nd Lhe boys of t he ugri c ultu ra l clas ses judg ing: Th e. 1 1H _ that Jam kind l's )t l'(' I U l' l~ . ~ I i,,=-, Em11l a of a l if~ . li e II lso t,)uclll'd PC I' writ u'n by Mrs. Moo o f the High sc hool will be allow ZER O WIL L HEL P Demuc ra t!; of Ohio to muk e I llliJ.! hm uw. who is cd to on hi ~ ~X p (l1'i(l n ('Ps in th e nuvy thei r comp ete f or L. A. Zimm erm an , safe ty rnZO du r in g co nvu l esc in~ afte r u n oper a t ion lind way . ~l a;; II ' " F rank T . Il ll wke a nd places in th e judg ing f_ choice. In o ne or two case s th e coo ;l1 ,J. ,,'~ th e C. ~ I Wor u Haw rj" ld ri~ F:d\\nrd , . ke. flo. hlig ht butt eri es_ War . tost at this show, and the on KL.!'l . cnnd idat es for offic e will be es A. F _ Mcll oh, F ord tim er and plac ing five min ed probub ly be fore th e a nn dete r- ing to mo st neur ly corr ect acco rd- gall ons of gas. oun cothe offic ial judg e in char ge 'h a rl es Garl and, an Pllrn est I men ts are Illude tiO li S to elim inat Th e Sop homor e boy ~ will ent< Fran k Farr , 25c base ball. e as ~ill be· awa rd ed priz es, and a judg~ New J::1l ~ l n nd e r, inh c ri t ~ d a youl I8 'r(or li S pos8iblo cont ests at t a in Dr. th e Hall Hi gh , bill scho f !ng old o l and t cu m will be chos e n f or judg po lls rtun e, refu scd at first to takela)'g e in Aug u st wh en th e prim athe in g Friday afte rno on. A II th oseF o r' lIlt y Will Whi te, watch_ In the St ute co ntes t nex ri es arc lIlon intc ey, s/ly ing no man hod a righ tthe rt fnll hl.ld. Outs ide of th e gu bern at the este d lire in\'i ted t o aHe nd. Mye r Hym an , spur ti e. to Ohi mO lley not earn ed. He chan ged his mce the only anno unce men t ator ial credoi taStllt e fu ir. Th e boys mad e a D. R. Smi th , 25-lb . soc k fl our. bl e s how ing this past year a nd mind a nd d rifte cllnd idac y hus been mad o by of any we d into Way nesv ille Aut o Mac hine trac k. Co nvin ced. perh aps, th ata heside Co. , of E dwu rd C. Turn er. wh o will,frien d s Iiltl arc nnx ious that they do ju st 2 pock et knif e. Seve ra l Hil1:h School s tud e nt ~ W88 an uf"i l;inll Ilrc l thin ker, MevOl'al year s o f prvf itab le pracaftc r he lpe bett e r next tim e , so at leas t he deci ded that mar · now eli l!ibl (' to heco me m el11b Miam i Caz ette . 100 prin, ted th e boys ou t by r espo nd in.; with ti ce, rr~ ril1J.'re wu. an unn ecessary insti mak e un effo rt to be retu rn W . N. Ray bu r n. o f St. Lou is F. M. Cole. $1.0 0 juck knif e. card .l_ th e Al cth e nai Lite rary Mci ety. ns o f tutio n. C"n ch lJurt on to of- entr ies for ever y c1uss. , Mo .. N" w u he his is arre ~ died I tice of Atto rne y Cen eral . edAnd sted on l' oe Janu beca ury res use a you ng ult of incr eas e in EnJ.'r lish . choi 22 , a t F ort Mycr<, Flu. , hoys ' Hnd Way nesville Mot or Co. , I gall Th e priz es offered are at in child ll born rJ,!i on l' l.,, ' on t(lall his lS wh this effur t , it is said , po li ti , a l f Calli arm leas ere e t died to he shi \Va p. , havi was spen ding th wint er _ mot or oiL y- fur At th e re .. ula r mt'e wort h an effo rt, but let U K hnve ,,~ He had been Its mot her un unm arrie d girl. ng nc:; \'ille t o sec k reve njtc lust Ilre vlrtu nily agre ed upon gh'i I ~nd crs tri enThu rsdn y, Esth er Hen der so n tinl! Wal ter McC lure , $1.0 0 in cash. Frid a)' es with the larK er iden l in mind will di s . yeur s. The in poo r hcul lh seve ral ni l;h L th e nom inati on with out a cont ng him thut . cuss body How ard Arch d eaco n, 1 gal. mot "Ch wus ta ken to St. t eri s tic Am eri can Poof showinJ.'r for plac ings and not The you ng man shou ld or e!;I'\' ." em arac C. Cl'8b be, t he pres ent At t orn est. C. ile that oil. phas izil1J.'r th e w!lrk s of IT. I,oui s wh er e th e fun eral lin d buri al Th e gi l'l ~1 g-U Il\l' ('"m e fi l' Rt . f or pl' bear ing in mind . .t oo his expc l'knc e was tri ed real Hnd a l el'8l, is not expe cted t o u.-k ey G(, I1- you took th by our al. plae at W.'L l' to Way uay on g nesv . f eliow t he ille 27th nnd Nati . fu will Eu onal lh(,u rlh g be lth I' ne Bon bOO le!!,c th Fi k e cld. , Ming d gum $ ,s I.UII imia n ance st ors f or thou sand . e W Il S r nugh thl'''uJ.'rhf or g reat huno l's at Lhe pres en t lim e. Whe n u yo un g Dl nn MI-' cess in th e youn ge r ge nera ti on_e; s uc - on savi ngs acco unt. li ved for u ti me with t he lat eRny hul'n out, the Wa ynes vill e gi rls won thei r uf year s Ite fore man appe ared , and . Wh eth er ~tatc Trel lsu r er Da y The se Kem p & J orda n, 1 g al. r oo f pa ur Hon e your n . ;ks S . boys IIban and d in oned t . you by our hu mon ance ston a lire inle reste d Kroger Croc n third term or sOIlH!t hi ng S. and Mrs. Crud e card s wer e i ~ ~ued Inst 'V es . lind cond ucte d fi rst gam e of the S(!aSUIi by tmu n t inl! of 100 ,000 year ery Co., doze n pair s of er is in th e ir futu re we lfnr e. en . a dry good s aRnin s ago. n ot yet cert ain. A few frihigh neRcl Aj' showin!! n ma r kc·d dl'cl glo ves. nd noti on s tore in th e the Mon roe tca m. "'hk h had e If th e farm er s resp ond ns nds are "en Not ~e to won in do over awa y with mar riag e, but well li S boom ing him for gove rno r. but Ha dd~ n bu ild ing, now de r ort men t ~ n the pHrt o f Chu s Edw ard s, I -lb . box Chocoln own our ed bu by th sinl' othem Mrs ss the . to men wee .eve mllk have k ral e prev men , t, th ious e show will cand y. wor thy of it, is the task ers scc easi er saili ng il\ a third , 27 to 10, by Luu ra Si des. . t udpn tR. Som e of the o ( the Rons fOf n , co r-e of 10 to G. for tr('a su rer. J . T . Tra ce y, term wi thou t dou bt be a succ ess. He \VII S Dlarri ed t o Flor a. da ug low mu rk in!!" as po;;t cd o nr ea Orn dorf & Serv is, 5 gall on gas. J3uth Leums monk eyhum an r)lce . "Aw ay from the Stnt A hter II e e ntri t he es bull fo play etr life" the ed good Corn IS a bett er mott o than Aud itor , is eXlle cted to take bull, but t he Wn\' nes viIle nnd Gra in o f t he late Gid eo n nnd Ann W. H. Mad de n, $ 1.00. ti n bou rd , a r c: a lcov e Leuk . g uard s, Bur nett ulld " Back to Natu re." of au.e nce from po li t icol ' /lcU !'loll le " Dod tim e o" unc ' IIend r the I er "~ d of cuth t ohnc of his wife so n, he ld the ro. vity whe n his t erm expi res nf he wen t to !'It. Lou is, whe re he oppo sing forw ard s t o T a lkin !!' in hllll !lnd nsse mhly . m8l'- 6 I)oin ts. The ir pass yea r s in offic e . In spite oftt' r eigh t ri ed agui work was very lmu gina tion is mor e pow erfu l n . I mpf 'rtin r nce. than J.'roo d, II unt t o the cont rary , it wou ld not rum ors und A littl e m ore t ha n a year ago Wnt kins rclu ying the fn ct. J a mes Dem psey , not Cul ti nl!' ri a5seR_ he the Dem pball d own th p risin g t o see Cha rles IL Lewbe sure flonr spen t in sey se fi vera ne you s l tyl Lo.i da e_ mea ys nJ.'r St n, in Iibrn own Way s ry is nesv a us p rivil e!!'es . k anot her term as Lieu te nan lind vi cini ty visi ting fri ends nnd ille J ohn ann exed all of th e poi nts f or Two men ente red , held rest aura nt. Noi. y ronn u ct lit noo n_ e rnor reln_ W. H. S. . !lIth o ugh him up, he He nus been men tion ed f ort Gov ativ es. Hop s, who deli vere d his mon ey. Inte rfer in g with show ers. the go vcould 110t hi t the bask et, didkin erns hip, but thos e e\os e to the He is surv l\'ed by his dou ghle r A poli cem an dash ed in, arre Leav ing buil ding with out p e her purt Hnr with p. ated rOli~ ­ wh om he in keep ing the ball at our end ter edit or and bank er , thin mad e hi s home _ of the th e man "poi ntin g the gun " at Dem p. sion . fl oo r. wait of anot her two yenl'lS korthat a sey. The only gun was two Con duct betw een clas ses. mor e ting era The Boy s ' gam e a lso wen t of!' On Wed nesd ay nigh t, Janu ary wou ld not hurt his Ilhonces. in that had been poin ted. 20, A larJ.'re atte ndan ce is ex pect ed fine style . W. H . S. d ef ea ting Vic Dllnl\hllY Is expe cted to be draf The secd nd mao esca ped, cam e the Bro th erho od of the Met at the tbacl!: Mon roe quin l et by a scor c of hodist th e Form ers' Inde pend en t Inst itute ed for n third term . 27 t o th a t afte rnoo n, poin ted one fing e v~n nf chur ch e nter tain ed the 20_ The pass wor k of the mot hers and to be held in the Gym, Frid ay and \lIle ther e Is no pos iti veButassu Way n es- at Dem psey , and the latte r alaier ranc e. dnu ville n ghte rs of the chur ch with a deliatur day, Feb ruar y 5 and 6. boys was good a nd in It Is of cour se on odd -on bet. man · gave up wha t mon ey he had. FriHe ciou s dinn ner th ey plnyed rin gs arou ndthis • Ma ke Na tio n Suf fer b not on ly th e lead er of Ohio er. The men u consist ed of .day ·s prog ram was publ ishe d in last Mon roe. Dem wee The k's po,in ts were di vide d up nmo ng issu e of the 1\1 iam i Cuz ocra lS toda y , but (ollo wers John Zell, so n of Edg nr and roa st pork , mns hea potl ltoes . Corl i pric grav y, The prog ram f or Satu rday follo wsette . son a nd Wilso n real i ze thatof J effer - peas Zcll waS born ncar lurk ~ v ill e , Ruc hel the play er s , Rnm by makinJ.'r som e high ." Cornes are low, "ho p art ; the , frui fut and hog pric es 0., sala on d, lC!n.g crun Satu shots which enti rely f ooled th berr y sauc e, rday mor nin g, /It Il u. m. ture of Ohi o's pres en t gove rnor Feb ruar y 12. 185 1. WhIl e 0 boy h,s. VISIt orS. e go up and dow n toge ther , sincshou ld Is buns . coffe e and for del<' Violin sol o, Irmu RI ch; " Swe et T.hc e the not t o be limi ted to bei ng Chie nws pare t exce le nts rt, llen peac muv t Clov g h ed uard er pig near Har vey~ bu;'~ ' : 109, of JllIll is ly com chan ged bito mea t. and Soy Bea ns ," an a ddre ss ecut ive of the Buc keye Stat e. f Ex- saUC e with whin ned crea m and n ous kept Bishol>, Mon - The re real OhIO , whe re th e curl y part of by Mr_ is alwa lady But ys som hIS hfe ethi O. 1 ng A. roe to Dob s puu best bin le s, f ollow ed by keep you r ears e<los e to the mlln , from scor ing mor e and distr ess was spen t. He atte nd ed the fin ge rs a nd coo kie sphon e so lo, by Muy nord Rich ;a saxo a nd it WOl\'t be long befo regrou nd, sch ool at that ,plac e , and laterpubl ic lhan thre e poin ts. In evel'y way it suffi cien t natithe farm er. H. I!... 110 " Rais The som enti onal ere , mea thl' orga l in show was g nl .. You ed prep tloD r that .own , ared and th e W. \tl\lll> very Inte resti ng happ ens Livi ng," by Mrs . Mar y and Nor mal Scho ol at Leb anon in a serv ed by the men of , Ohio. imp rovin g in form . H. S. boys were ofte r elec tion- day he haan 't milc h p.o.Utlcal way . Tha t is On Feb ruor y 22, 1883 .. he was the Bro ther - F . HendrIX. . influ ence in gov ernm ent, com ss a ll hood . and unit Satu This rday com pare d afte plan s go a stray . And In unle in g Frid ay nigh t tb e first with railr oads rnoo,n. at :15- Mucd in mar riag e to Nan cy th e Indi es oU pron ounc ed com Loui and othe r bil' !aan s.t .ic by Mr. Wel don Hell er; 1repo Boy s' and Girl hand s, as they ar e toda y, real ly pete nt it a 5 well coo ked a s' t Tho eam mps s go olI to _ rts Otte To of cial t rhem units we _ nd re ther as well serv ed com mitt ees; "Fig htin born two b ein, wh ere they, e isn' t muc h dang er. chil dren , one of who m is still wilr mee t fast g ne Dis09 they coul d do it, livin g. team s. We expe ct this ease s by Sun itary and Swi t hem selv es. ~Vhen .a youn g m~n he to be a good At the Pro tecti ve becn At the dinn er nine ty-s ix mot Met hods , O. A. Dob bins ; mus ic l!'e mid day lunc heon club In g~m e Also Law yers a nd judg es a ll over , umt Har. ed WIth the J onah s Run Bap veys burg Boy s and New by Mr. h- Hell er; the ers and dau tist k you can see eatl ng at the Clrl s "Bo com ys' e to and Stat e t" e t urni ng th eir eyes Way Cirl chur nesv ghte rs sat dow n ot the s' Club s," by ch at Hor veys burg , and, unti ille and play 88me Yor towD rd time thos e that cont rol ten . l the seco nd Boys ' and Girl s' team Mrs. Mar y F. Hen drix . prev ente d by i\In es~, was one Gi. ea'l" ti this wee k whlln s of its Ohio lade n tabl es and afte r thei r appe tites thou sand mill ion doll ars. Far Oth er inte rest ing even ts will be -_ _ Statl! Lar asso ciatl lln Is to the ~._mos __ t earn est wor kers . Eve r the were satis fied they adjo urne d are scat tere d aU over ' the lalld m.r a to the Post er Con test, Corn and Grai n show annu al mid -win \e[ oonf eren ce.hold its Sund aY-l and sinc ere, he tried alwa ys hone st Grea tchoo l room s, whe re an inte r - and the Rou nd Tab le disc if you coul d get them tole ther , and to li,'e er intere~t oent ers In this in acco ussi rd once with th e teac hing s of s ons. year 's con- estin g prog ram WIllI arra nged . wou ldn' t be any hall that c01l1d tiler v@ntiol\ ber'a use of the ' mov Chri st. He love d chil dren and "old --- --- The prog ram r.ons isted of seve eme nt lhem was . • " 'hlch will be laun che d to brin g ral a true frien d, figh ting alwa ys and selectionl'o by the Ellw orth Lin coln Hum phre ys, 80n of John Leag lle a reco diflc ation of the crim inal abou t qua rtet. with a who le hear t for that whic com pose of Hele n Haw ke, code h he lind Sara of Ohio. belie ved to be righ t. Thro Leg al refo rme rs have Iren e Bird , Mar y dMar h Hum phre ys, was born at vet.Unc le Sam is ridin g alon g on n). ugh out gare t Ung lesb y Seve re com peti tion abro ad In been figh ting for seve ral year s tho strugJ.'rles and trial s of Rad n or, lO Ohio ge~ and Katl \orin e , Muy 14, 1869 , and died the wor ld's mar kets life From he m, with Edn a tech nica litie s elim inat ed from he ld stea dfas t to his f/lith in ot hom e Kels ey at the pian o. Mtd the at God the . hosp to Myn itul be a Pen re at GaUipolis. Ohio. ah ead of our prod ucer a. Ie But criDlinol 8tat utes in orde r t.o proh Th e last few mon ths of his gave a read ing and Bea trice Rob ,ibit life eVe Janu ryth ary ing, 21. itzer ~rl~i}laI8 from eeca ping incl 1926 udin were . g He spe WIIS Prp' nt fld.n with 56 a year s seem s pian o 5010_ Edn a Kels ey gave ce. his so n at Bluefi eld , ice at to be with us now. \I:Ie hand s o( shrewd. lawy jl.\at a W. 8 mon Va., ths whe a re nd he 7 very pass days ed own peac einte rest ing talk on the inflUi of age at the TbJs .Citl zens of Min neso ta get is the prin cipa l teae on whyers. fully at Ii o'cloc k on the moryning the con - ence s of toda y that are shap ing the of tim e of his deat h. Elbe rt Ru ssell, prof esso r of thei r Stat o Univ ersit y inte from ~"ren~ tQ~ week Is expe cted Janu ary 20, New 192G lives reel iD. , oged of the you ng girls _ 74 ye/l rs , 1 1 to take He was the elde st of a fam ily Test ame nt Lite ratu re at Swa rthm acoUQI\ on the reco dific ation prop m onth s and 8 duys. of info rma tion abou t thei r Stat e. It ore Afte r the prog rnm the Indies collp ge, cont thre aine will e chil d proh ibiti on of "exp ert witn osnl . jour s)J.en the dre adk at the Whi te n, two so ns and one begi nnin g of He is surv ivcd by onc son ned, prol loun cing the Mot hers esse s," Bric k Mee ting hous this plan et, In the form of algaIIfa on aban don men t of th.e gran d jury M_, and two grnn chil dren _ , Arth ur da ug hter. His on ly siste r, Mar e, two sys- Dau ghte rs banq uet as a com plet e suc- enin g at 7 :30. Hise nex t Frid ay evtha hun dred tem and 0 rf\!peaJ of the non, -par mill ion year s ago, . subj "Th e brig htest crow ns th at will be, Hum phre ys , dep arte d thi s life cess from begi nnin g to end. Tbe arc "Th e Cha llen ge of the ect first som life e cam ac;.t wi,ll slso ~ urgect. Frid ay stoa k e as worn in Heo ven ha ve been tried soon 88 the eart h'e Wor ld to 20 year~ ago, at the age of 32 nigh t nnd Chr istia nity. " tel!' pera ture {or mer Gov erno r Juds on llatm fell yenr sme belo w the boil ing lted and poli shed a nd ified He is surv ive d by his brot her, Har s. POIOt. Last year Dr_ Russ ell was ol4.c lt Itvln g ex·p rc,id ent of t.ho on. thro ugh the furn ace of tribuglor latio n. " Hum phre ys , of Middlet own , Ohio. ry Germ any as a repr esen tativ e sent to One of Bar._alll!o!liation, wl1.\ be hono red Stat e the first real anim als W1I8 of the Mr. Hum phre ys had been by a Ame rica n Frie nds ' Serv ice , com an ance stor ~O~lmo"ll!1 d\nl ler a\ whic our frog s and 181mitheul th ever s ince a boy {)f HIin poor ama nder s livinof h U. S. tee, and whil e ther e he lect g S~nator ~h"ter I. Lon g, on yeur land and In wats. ured in Afte r the deat h of his s iste r, he Kan su, seye rol Germ an univ ersit ies. prea ideJ \t of the A'me ri,cal\ofBar wen t er. with a foot four Inehell in He t o asi!O th e hosp t{av ital eled exte nsively fn the ut Call ipolis ~I"tion, and Fed eral John care diam eter . It is from the five toes an d trea tlll en t. Whi l e ncvcl' for Kno x, Lan d and last sum mer he atte Holy ~r 0:( New York , w~lI be the C. fuil y rc of the sala man der, you know , that we nded &1e prin ga Mrs ining cipa . Mar l hi y s Edw the heal ards , who is spen dth he mad e such Im - g et t he five fing ers on each hane Univ ersa l Chri stian Con fere nce pilt r. Hr. ·Cttlseu • peak ers. t, • ing the win ter in Day ton with provcmen t U ~ to enub le him of Life and Wor k in Stoc khol acco rdi ng to the evol utio nists omd I whic h 0IIe her lla rlg m, Swe h~U . T- daug hter , Mrs . Will Russ Pere hed on a gree n hills ide year s to lend u chc'o rful and of In te den_ He ,has met man y prom inen be doee ..,. to UJld e Sam ; -op um On~ of the benefit~ ot the over and he fam lpfu l t peo. ily, with a mos t di stre ssin g acci tifr in th e ins titu t ion in whic h he wus Mat hem aticiuns wish that the 1Ilitomobile laws wlltl lb Ohlo tax new look ing the ferti le Littl e Mia mi vnl- ple in seve ral coun tries, and is well Giv8 '~6 COllI at • fllk . dentmet man • last wee k whe n she f ell and su - a patie nt. der ha d hnd six toes . Thasala ,r, are jllst begi nnin g to real pay- ley, i8 the qua int villa ge of Way nes- abl e to talk abo ut so me of the Euro ~rlee- It II a publ ic ~. f_ t wou ld ize is vllle, wblc h was settl ed . fere d a brok en hip_ lIi s de ,"uLe pean ha d ve prob Chd J!'i ~oinlr te enri ch all coun ty lems and slilln ven by the whit e .• with wh ith he cal11e in we ueOO It NOW_" us the du o-de cima l lyaand tren suri es, a few year s befo er, mot h er toge ther I'I'(·c(·,lelifat her 1'1 that wllich prov re the forb iddi ng cont act. - -Maj or '11- W_ lna:Us, head Upp him lo le m in ~tead of th e d ecim al _YIIt.m, that all mono hills on the Ohio of thIS t he othe r wo rl ,I, whic anrl h '1 re<;eived thfo \lgbides is thc buse Coal rive l'e r, at wha t !s d 0wMrII and Ope rato n; Low ·' our ten fingena and tho BIlle of auto . now Cln tJnn Har ry thin ks that the r easo n hiH broth er and a la rge circ ler(o)l1ni l1s thum!) ~. The onduo atl, attra cted the hard ', ~obiio tags is to be of r 1J U!r !!i-, Jo\m L.. Lew1e. heed of -dec imal syst em in dire ct to pion eer. Try th .. Mia mi G ..... tt .. for Job tiee aUv es is ond tlMJ blin fri d wou ends is , ld beca who be t\le coul \ty audI tor, paid use kne a grea w eve Wor k IItlDIe Wa rbn . In thQ post pull s the wool over h er eyes . ry body lo m ou rn his pn s!'i nJ{ U\\'II Y. him best t he deci mal , twel t Imp rove men t on 1110n\lY b.a,- belW ae,nt to thQ , this . The atm osph ere abo ut Way ne!ve havi ng four diStat , ville has nlwa ys been The sinc er e sym p!lt hy of nil and then afte r a time the coun who viso rs. t en ha ving only two. perm eat'Jd ties stro ngly with the Infiu ence knew this br othe r in Ii f l', goes . wou ld get thei r shar e. Whi of the le the Frie nds, or Ql\a kers , whic lo th iR fami ly in thei r hou r of Ollt Mr. Grec n, of the Ame rica mon ey was in the Stut e trea sury h has gone sor r ow , erat ion of Labo r, pred icts ann Vld . Stat e reap ed the inte rest bene the fnr tow ard rais ing to a high degr ee earl ,. fits. We the cu mor nn ot under~tnncJ the al and inte But now the coun ty gets the tual stun dard te r y cud of th e coal strik e, now distr essrest. of the com mun ity llec " f. Ii fe or d(·at h. but can (Jll nws iIII{ the Eos t, and othe r part s The seJll ng agen cy for tags Inte The peop ly' le trus ther t e Hun wh o ,holo s them bot.h wi th co untr y. Th e ther mom eter atof the coun ty mus t mak e his repo in ench arc cons ider ed abov e the aver age in in to the refin ome nt und liter ary hu nd. I.ay thcr e clIm e t.o nil His may help . Am eric ans are "do :lero coun ty' audi tor and turn in rt atta inm of ents . cile " mon th oij~ wh o tn duy pny The re is In Way nesv ille an a' Nor thcli fre snid. You mus eys collected_ The coun ty ,all t1w ir tri bu te of insti I'l'sp ect t o thi~ deplll1.e(1 une, thei r fing el's with the cold ort pin~h then , at the end of ever y 30aud itor tutio n know n as the Frie nds Boa rdsuch pinc h failf i nn d rl!sig nati on LI S tlmt mak es his chec k paya ble to the days , ing Hom e, whe re are livin g happ ily which th ei r pock ets hard to mak e them tske The Ann ual Farm Bur eau mee Stat e a g roup of less than a fi ller! th e hear t of t he poct acti un. And , unli ke mine wor ting cinna!.i. The vo lume of thei r husi - i ~h ed, tren sury for its shar e of the whc scor h e he of peo"ena mon ey. pIc who m the vari ed and s were outl in ed :for Sa id: nnd own ers, the peop le are not In othe r word s the coun ty hold unes of life was held in Mem oria l holl, Leb anon , ness has incr ease d stea dil y and per- 1926_ Onlyplan orthe have draw n toge ther.fort a f ew offic ials knew o f "!\ " L now. but in th e comin!!, man cntl y each m onth from the gnni zod. Satu rday , Jonu nry' 23rd . The mon ey now inste ad of the Stat The se yelll PEo '", outs ple et Clas mee s's t. goin e , g os he pre fe rred to with _ It mal' b,' i n t he Iwet e r lano unti l it has reac:hed as high any inte rest earn ings whic h may and enjo y a dall y feos t of liter atur e from i\l.g was open od by invocatiQ as 17 draw quie tly We'l l read t ho meun'i ng of ou r I1 by Rev. pef ce nt Of th e enti re crul l goes to the coun ty rath er uc- thei r favo rite peri odic als. Almollt a ~a",y, of busi ness han- Clas s is said toand very info rma lly. ti:\e Mo,\n Stre et Pres by tEll'- died at the Cinc inno A nd th (1r (l, so mo tim e , we' ll lenr s be the third co th~ Stat~ treallur~. The IMw t~an dote n dift' erpn t daqy ' pape rs ar\\' ~k . un ty unu r: ti Stoc s. agen t in Ohio wh o has bee n uwa d." The spea ker stres sed thek nyard Two jaun dred peop le ' t>r.bvid~lI ·fot· tl-i~ Icou nty" to ' get law en, besI des a grea t num biii of ~e@lilY ~i:\ur ~hrded eces sity thi~ oppo rtun evity. of the farm er bein g IlOya l to and . mont~ly jj!ib Card of Tha nk. Ilty doll~ ' due it as' loon as tion a: andt aU werl l prll, en\, Mr_ Clas s is taki ng cour ses in is col- provl~e toe men tallii:a We dl Sil'c to e xpl'CSS our sin orga niza tion . He show ed thathis own di slecte d thIJ, elim inat ing thO it fooq requ ired by cer e TlIe min ute. of the last mee in rna. tribu tion wor or lind k mar of hC keti llr·tf each ting ny \\,II)' S the finan cial r etur ns ng f a rm p rodu cts, clt than ks nnd ap prec iarea~er. wl1 icn is paas ed :trom ba'villg -tho Staw tteas urer : chec in the wer rura e .. l soci by k olog ti ST. MA RY' S CHURCH It on C. , y one to C. form and nil Melo to agri wh o wore heill ful to us hy of reba tes and incr ease d sale anot her. and the best l!l\aNd y, secr etar y u ral ' engi ~ll and t~init ~~~k ' VI ' ~ac~ ' \If t~~ whi<:11 wal follo wed by an addr neer ing. Clus s has' not cult word s of sy mp a thy und acts ~8 by !I\\ ... - pric es mor e than mad e up for res iJ.' r ned, ess by but Nex o t f Sun day, Sep tuag esim a, JaDkind _. ~ount!el. the mer ely plan s to take this D. E. DUl\ham, pres iden t. $10 dues. opJl ortu n ity n es~ duri ng th e d eath nnd buri al of uary ' 31, 1926 . , - - -1 - • Di»t i'ibu tlpn pf bnd s to the Chu The finan ohll repo rt: of the War to prep ,our are for bel ove mor Mr. d e varl brot effic O. her, Linc oln HUI1l. 0:30 a. m. Mor ning rch Scho ol at ient serv ice. pu~ ' tilx.iiig distr l\:£a in each Cllunty Cou nty Farm Bur eau was give ren of Ame ricaE . Brn d!ut e, ex-p resi dent Pray er and Mr. Clas s ,JlhrI nnd 'Ys. Geo . R. East Serm on at 11 ,00 p. m. AU are Ol1 l0p a . Gr an lle i! 'a lrp. ay be\~g ~a~e \»" lTIgst the aecr ,etar y and follo wed by n by tion , was n Farm Bur eau fede ra- his ' supe rvis or, arc co-o pera tingwo od, cor· We espe cia ll y wish t o tha nk nex.t intro d'u ced by Pres i- loca tow dial with n· ly invi ted th e to com ship e e 1,;(I~n\y ·.·ild~tDI1I (hilS fa\l\ tatin g and r chai rme n repo rts as to the busl den t Dun ham . l Farm Bur eau officials .to secu wor ship mi,,, i,tcr, Rev. Was hbul 'n for his with us. Ilk re Brn help dfut War ren Copnt!o' Pom ona gran i:~ad repa lf wor k wh\, :h will stal' t just e 8tat ed nesa an assi done and the proj ect wor k car- that the last (ul and consolin g word s, to t he ge annu al Ame rica n Farm duri ng stan t to follo w up the work take will- mee t a.t Leb,anon , neil \ S"tll Rev. John J. Scu elre r. Rec tor. ~ ~,oor\ II! we~tller '!\lnc!ltions his leav e. OJaBS plan s to atr, Mr. Wal ter McC lure und er_ Bur eau mee ting was the first perm it. Janual\Y l'd!lY, ried out 'duri ng the paat year . farm ers 3Q. Thw will be a1\ a\l-d The tend Hom coun ty boar d mee tmg s and to efllcient wn~' in whic h he , for the e Age nt repo rt · by Miss mee ting in histo ry whic ay took care h the Pres i- rend er 8ugg estio mee ting , and tl\e ' l\ew oftlC!ers of the se rvice, to ns and FER RY CHU RCH OF C..- IST of the Wat ts, and the Cou nty Ag1lnt repo rt, den t of ' the Unit ed Stat es ever 'ofga nlza tlor: \ ",,\1 be In ..~led by Mr. Clu e, will be give n In ad· fere nces 118 far as pOBSibleaid in con- who kind ly uete d asthe old neig hbor s . dreBSed. He cam e 2000 mile s a . pall .late bear r ers !llln acrOB ieaue. B From ,. Mor to the lovir ig r elati ves for the b~au Apr il 1 1924 , ning serv ice 9 :30; Bihl e Scho ol" the try to addr ess thes e farm Apr il I, ti. Com mun Tho ' non1 lnllt lng · com mitt ee, whic At coun 1925 twen ty-s ix farm famito ion and lerm on. 'Eve uina r whic h timo over 5000 farmen. lies in Ohio ful flora l piec e conta-ibuted. h had been appo inte d duri ng the ers .ave Serv ragi ice ~n @Q\lount of tl1~ Fllr men Inst ng at '1 :30. Son g ..rvle e and 4.3 Hnn .men 1ber s each kep t ac'y Hum phre ys and Fam ilt from 46 stat es wct:e pres ent. mom · ling •• uion , report~d the follo wing serm on. All are, eord lallJ In'fl Mid dleto wn, Ohio. tbe re~lal' lTIeeting of the stre ssed the poin t .that . agrl eult H,o cura te acco unt of the expe ndit ures of ofted. ' fice rl for 192 6: Pres iden t, is the fam ily and have give n Mot hers club wlU be held on Car l J. a big busineBB and stat ed "we qre U8 soni e Thu rs~~ ' , , Mill f.arm er, · F)-aJ very day . aftel1)OOIl, F.ebru&rJ' 4. 1ldln Inte ; rest Vice The ing 'pres and valu able resu lts regu lar mee tlni of the W. lden are it." The re ill 'm ore mon Men denh llll. Way ne8v tlli!; dlret, J . .L. In1rea'ted MET HOD IST CHU.RCH of thei r wor k. the pha "le of date , from Frid Note .C. T. U., whic h wsa to' have HE WIN S THE PRI ZE cton rin agri cult ure than the threey. been held ay to at the e , T!te ,wom en .of War ren, coun Thui1Mla),. Frie nd. Hom e, will, be held at at-la rJe, . Hl'II. carl Duk e, Mn . C. J. Sab bath Scho ol, 9 :15 .. m., ~ ty t who o day_ . Wor have co-o pera ley and Mba ·Mar ie BeD ham ; del. :---~-.~ in this wor k are; the hom e of Mr. .. Geo rce MIlI t, ing at :(0 i80 L m. ----~The mos t abljent·mlnd~d- man ente red the Mrs . John Jac.kted wo~ ~ Tne s- egat ee to F~era Wee hLt 6:15 p. m. Prea ehblIlp da)' aft,n ioon , u&r , o~ Mor row ; Mrs . Mor been fqun k, D. E. Dun · I ~~~:!!'~~.! J' 2. . * at '1:00 p. m.. ll Stat a* .' ham all~ Har le BeD ham lut. e ani· III!! ria frien II!U d calle !!t , Spri d ngb ; Wed alte oro; neld riia .Mrs. Mar\~ 011 ~m thil othe r ay ave nin, ~,. m"~ ~ I. U awa rd. KaU R, 1Il1l80n; ~ talk ed '1 :80, Evm O. I. Aup pt!r cer, and ' Ill'll . abllen,~e ill Fos ter,. ~Ii Mrs MrB. C. J. WO~~Yl fer ten mln ute••.•~.I'~ bod J Invited to " ' " O. J. .~~O~~ . . :. A. ~!'! B. Fran k S • ..,. that tt ~'t Jrla: Wor le),. Talm NCI pIck , . or ed up hi. ;, It';~~!~~f::~lfaltllf!1l_ l\t Kr lIe~ Smi th. lOll of Hr. and Han ...,. P. O. ef; onlL • . coa T~ . the t, . ban ed the ..I'.i-.,,:Iia.....d o\ht r es have volu ntee red Ill'll . Samt Smltb,oJ LJtIt. .,. ~ to take tbil COU Dtry .'Ift )' boom the crin utl Pro dDc m ~Y. L. A.'"I1"'b~"'" help In ladl '"'",...." this 'fiOrk. pard on for ta~ so ~t:,1!~~~ bdl au- but It woiaW )Ie a m•• riec l'lal t . . 'to ... atart~.r the J~u er • ary mO ~up ' Eat lt lfOo 'DI b . ... !P. Th., . tdeI l t.O p"t ·1t bUk tile ... e. .~ . ·; He .... ~ lett ~-.~ .. hlI are, .... . .Wilscm EdwaNt. of Wrs - and hun It 'l) 0 ~, ~ 't been ...n or " Dav ID,; 0Il. ,. _ _ _ &ad JIri. Mrs. E. Ge r, of La Hav e J01I ...Il him. . IJII abo ll\!


- - - -- -


i i







Lincoln Hu mp hre ys

.. -- ..-------




Serious Ac cid en t


. -.

R ep or t o f A nn ua l F ar m B ur ea u .. Meeting at Lebanon L as t W ee k











, . W . C. T. U. Notice



-- --',







H. D11Vr!b:=n,









..... , .. .. ,E.t.. t • Set lIed.

haadem oil has been a worldwide remCdy for kidney,liver and bladder disorders, rheumAtism, lumbago and uric acid conditions.

Wayne&ville, Ohio

Dr. H..E. Hathaway

tV fElJh.t1 ~-






NuiollDl B.nk

· And X-O-GRAPHIST OH IO 'WltYNESVIL LE, T~ I.l'h"n .. 114

cnrrect Internal troubl.~, . Umulate vital organs. Three sius. All drul>g;'ts. Insist on

J1. 'I'll A W ,\ Y RLIlC. ON MAI:"l STnE E1'


U'It' ori~innl




- --.

Dr. fohn W. Miller HO'V'S TliI "?

11 ~ II III ' 1'1' w ll: '0 W hut ~\. p 1')1 1111 t'l r It --J, "1" "'S,!-o! m t, t Cutn.rrl" {;T I \l-:\rn, '~ • 1 ! Lr Catarr h Jl ALI.·6 <:""I\IIICII . 1C : nl\ l"l~ eM.51~ tl! o f up U m tl .h·n t \\' 1.".:h Ijukld \ rteUovca th p I,,"/tuitlllnl InOanlll1H nOll. n n d U\O Inlb lnn.l Mi Oh,'lIu.", n " 111.\. willell lcts throu h ti l'" 131Q('I] o n Oil" AJu \"o 19 Surla ,'\ll, th us J'ESI rln t:; n o r ma l condt .. UOO~ S('ld by ,1rUmnHt s f or ("f\"(>r 40 \~ars. T·'. J . Chen, y 8: C' ~ .• T oledo. Ohio.

If A I.I " ~ r l\1



Wayne",ille Naliona l Bank Blda.






d f o r Good cJ'v il'e.

Large Di sp l ay Roo m.

Tbe Eye Siabt Speciali. t

Amb.u l l1tlcc

At 'Cary's Jewelry Shop


L uW1l1nl) v~ ~:th ;a } ['O\\' III"ll .

~ l'l'~'lId llll d




V. H. Russell


General Auctioneer Re.idence: 9 Chillicothe Ave.

Harveysburg Fertilizer Co.



PboDe 8


1,l lIa) Uc.,.· l·l IUIlt.

th e

rnatt e r

Mo rro\\'


,·S. Juhll Gdm o ul' ('t



NEW SUITS Andi Luca ~ " s. Alice Lu cas. f or diJud son A. Mollit Vg, Elizabeth Moffit f ur divorce. A I·tiun abse nce. The Virginilln J ui nt !:)tock Land Ba nk \·s. Chl1 r1 es Jun es et nl., for nlllney uud foreclo s ure of mortgage. PROBATE PROCEE DINGS The will uf Eli Denn. d ccensed, wus admitted to proba te . An ni e Mu, ric Denn \\'ns Ilppoinled executl'ix uf the estute. N o bond r~'1uir"d. Ap· pmiscl's appointed were W. S. Grnhum , J o hn O. WhilUcrc nnd J. A. hUlls. Th o will of Martha A. Mutonn, deccused, wns admitted to prubate. J. A. ltebo ld a~ c cpl c d the trust us ex-

tir:, t HJ1td linnl a l ' ClIUf\(. l ~lI :-;:-- l'l 1 L, G. End nil .! Vila, . \1' . )11',. 1:'" I11"l E I·l t·' \\" ..' l'l' nppui ll lt,d Hdrlli lll o., u 'atu r:;


~ hM\\' ha" unt! lit~lIl' ~ l OI'l'1I ~Hll' u r ~t"ch in til\' Ulutter f,r th e I.'!;latl' of L t'\~ is CI H \\' Siln. lkl' casl'd , \\'a~ ..:u lltlr l11,-,d, I'atilit,d alit! :t PP t'O\'l"t.

J . ,1.\1. u[

CCHSl'U. ril .> d hb




tIl t ,

l'~t att l of ..

d\ '~' l'fuwd,






Illlr "O\'I'I1l1'lIl (''' .. by

tI l


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d~c,' usNI.


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11. T hn 1l11'Sllll tu S t 1111

H., .. . h. I t ill

LI·t. I111011 . ~

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III the mu tt 'r .., f I hl' e,la t c o f lIIary E, Slurry. tl cct'l1~ c d , th e courl nppru\'cd, II 1l0wed nnd c"'lhnned the /lC ' co unt of the Leba non Naliollal bank and Tl'us t 'ompuny, ndnlli ni s t rntur uf the es tote , Courl approved, a ll owed and confirmed lhe ucco unt of George B. I"o uch e, guardiun uf 'lun ley 1"el<l comp, min ur. . The uccoun l of Jn111eg B. Davis, udl1linistrator uf the estule of Frank, lin P. Unvis , decI!llsed, "'ns upproved II1l 0w l.'d und confirmed. Hulpll Green, liS uuministrator of the estale of Frunk D. Jone s, deccusud, tileu his in ventory lind appl'niscmcnt. ,Annie 1 Il'win, executrix of t he es. tilt,· of I{, J . l rw ill , deceu sed, 61ed he r inventory und appmi sc ment. Susan na lind He nry W. Meckel', IIdfllinis trato rs of the estate of AII-





Carelessness Increases Accidents Thrre




(JlleH ioll



w ,... t h\.'r or not compu lHo ry flUlOlnO bi ~. ' il'S\lr~U1Ce would aCl'omp li!'h the



tt) I'l'otect ind i\'i dua l ~ -a nd fUIlliii .; ' !l t:: theo l'Y thu l such u~t inn wo uld pre\'('n t PO\'clty lind reli('ve the stlllo f r om the bUI'den of cal'in K for dos titulc }lOl' S()II S . It wi ll t.llk e more than luws whic h s hift th e burden of responsibility for hubit s uf cllre lesslI(,s's lind e xt rava· gance to the s ho ulders o f nil i nsurance. company. to bring about habils of enution nnd thrift. Th e r Olls tn nt end,' a\'O I' to I'eli e\'c lh e cal'C fess person from r espo ns ibili . ty , simp ly co mp ound s the cost of in · surance protection nne! c ncouru~es the re ddess to b c Ollle 11101'0 r e ek l e~s . . Instead of r educi ng nccidenls, t his policy encourngcs accidents. _______•• __-----




1JourS41e io

this N~'Ws ­ papPr. It witt bring




~ '~ 11(" ,



r - . . t , 'Looa.te~ at aoe B. )falo BL l?AYTON, omo.



Mash & Scratch Feed .' H your dealer can't s upply you, write Ull and we will lIhip you direct. V. E, HERTER & COMPANY Dayton, Ohio



Our goal in next 18 montha .$1,000,000.00 The Uoion Building & , ' . Loan Auociation




to OU r Of town,

Th e

WERTZ Dayton. O.

'.~ .


MEN'S .ulre OR


00 I


Duy and Nlgbt.


III So LuolJow







Monument Avo.,' Dayton. O. T.laph_ .... 1195 .

KOORS 29 ..

a.ber •

Shop' 'fa Connedloa 'tt

Bett er Drugs






and C•• par Motor 011 For 11lO 1i. Motor Emcl.ncy.



209 SOUTH L.UOLOW 8T. ~ I -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _......-/(JJ



If In Need a Oood j'ump 'or All Aequ'.omenta In Any CIty ,

The G rey

T own


C ountry



The Ceo. J. Robert. Co.


243.251 E. 8Kond

Flr.t .pd .



L udl ow

S t re et .





;i~l ...

F:c~ m

_ .-y .....


No .

M ,l ln

s t.

F ood,


on. ' -_____Ph ~

Surroundings ,

MaI n__________ 447. ~




Diamonds, W atches & Jewelry Arcade Bldg. 33 W. Fourth St.

Dayton, Ohio

THE CHILD'S THROAT, De very vigi1rlllt in c ri ng for the child's throat in wint er. Formaldc)ld In ~olut1on Is the mo~t elTecti v8, )'ellllblc of the f\lmigants with vhich l am ·nrIJual nlo!l. In epidemics of in fe~ io u ~ d i> !!RSO It Is a Bervant of in e ~t il11 N>l e valuo. The 'ca se of SCArlet feve r (Iemand s leola ' on \Lnd 4uarantine, but t he rest of the famil y ma)l be protected b~' t'10 judicious, timely use of fornlnl" l'h)'oe. Kept sprinkled about th e be,luing', cJ o thin!~ nnd ruga, It Js fntnl to gCTms which ar e nbroad in he air. Fo rmnl deh)'de is n 1';00<\ defen5(l against pneumonia, sma ll-pox, and in{] uen:': ~. It Hhouu.! be u ed ill fo rty percent ~ olu U n n, Ilncl itl; In c lim ited t o a poin e whero it ge ntly irritntes the oyes and nn.a! pllS~a~es. It is never useu in contact being to o strong, b::t shou ld be cal'~fllily sprinkled ahout the room an d breathed i n \vit h the air which it l", iifi c~ .

HOW IT'S DONE • Mrs. B._ uI w ou ld n 't doubt but that Mrs. Grnce R odgers will be a 'Jun e bride ." Mr. B.-UNo doubt of it . If she can make up he r swee tic's mind."

.- .

T'WAS DAMP, ANYHOW Careful Karl- "rm suving up for II rainy day." Blooie B1iss-"I did that onccbut it turned out to be u wet night instead, The b ooth~gge r got mine."



WELCOME TO DAYTON I I( you dI ne Il T )uneh at The Grey . hI:!.nor w. te el ti ure you r vt.ltft o Dayton will bp. r c m e m b~ r ed with cOn.I,ler. b) o pl.a,ur.. Ro. t Homo Cook-

W. PIfth St. Daytoa, ObIo. ..


N. Mat n




~~------------~------~~ Nobody In Dlly!on Sella

Orig inal Benzol Gal


AU T OMATIC W ilter Systems Water Softener"






229 8. Lu dlow. n ox t to Union 8tatlon.


D l1 )' t on

Maks. our d l spl .1Y· !'oom your D Ayton he.,cf'!fu lI rt " r s-vo u ~r(l ;1 rW4YS w ei .

25c for 12 Hour Service O pe n

are in

dep,en CS3ble,


Dayton'lI Largeat Auto Park on Fourth Streot, Joining Dally News BuildIng.



t i mo )" ou




nex t

Dnd Insp ect th e nn tee d line of


GIDDI NGS SOFT DRINK CA~E AND RESTAURANT ""am. Cookod Food Our Specialty. • Lun ch At All HolI'r.. a tlenUon t rom OUt





OSCAR ID Wa.hlngton 8t.

Keith Theatro Build ing 120 S. Ludlow.


.SHARPLES CREAM 8BP""ATORII Full L.lne Dairy 8uppllH, Roofing and Roofing Pltnt.

Popular Price.


Person al

6 -;0




C".. ,,-tor of DI.Unoltvi J .w.I.... Art 1'01' th • • ~llICrlmln.tlng Trlde


STUOE BA K ER OIST. 333 W. ThIrd St. O pen Even lnga O pe n S undays




A GRATEFUL CUSTOMER "What's this, waiter? Here I nnc! only half a chick en, and I ' m bill~<l for the whole thing. ' , "Thnt's th e custom h ere, sir." "Well, thnnk heavens I didn't or·. del' a bee fstea k."



1 'I ,




"Safe Night and Day in every Way" IDELITY . at PAID M'AIN ST.

Produces Egg, for leu

Popul ar Styles

'> %

E. Second St,


Thur.d" y, J n nul\ry 2~ . 1926 DCl1' inn ing at to o'clock. t h~ fol lowing: 5 hOI'SCS, 2 hend cal tle, 46 heori hogs , funning implem en ts, 2 s he"p. corn lind fee d, har ne ss and chi ckclls. !" ec large bills for infnrmlltio n . L . J. BURTON. ~ hl' tin & S "liley , Auc ts.

DON'T FAIL To VI,'t Our UIOd Ca r D. portm.nt Whllo II' D ayton , L.rgtot A.. oMment In .Clty EAIS\'


, ,, ., (

111...· ~ ,· :' It;'t ~} n

• Big Vnu"eville Acts and Feature Photoplays. Entire change . of program every Sunday and Thursday, Continuous performance from 1 :30 to 11 :30 P,~. A fte rnoon prices 20c and 30e. Evenings ~Oc and 50c.

I'•. I

• P " " Q·H T R U 8 8 E •

• .a,I"







90U butje~

T , .,; 11 , " "



__----________. . . w. e ••

p i ." , I' f, I' which it is PI'(lp Ost,d1'1 ll·. 1t th ,' pub li c fro m cureleBH ddv · l·l. It \\ ul<l be JUSt liS 10!,icl1l tn 1lI1',kc li f(' 'Ir fire in su r a nce C01ll pul ~

·.,ftr · r

. . . .wo01ng· ..' aU tim .. to glYI my flf""e end patron, thl beat ae.vlce wttII ~ _11111 oonyenlenc., It Ie "" Pl ... u.. to .nnoune. 'h.t I · a", loCI ted It ~ ,REIBOL.D BUILDING · t-.I.ep.Done: Gornel~ 2608


• • • • • • • • • • • • 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , • • • • • • • • •• •• •

I· ..




A. Null,





II .

Lumber and Building lVlaterials .


A ll h r t ,'l:\cy anti \\' U( tl'I' h , ,,,· ..·k, Int in \\' '')' 11'' '1'1' .. $ 1. I :. 1\ I "lid ell"" l,11 \\'. S,J lne ll

tina! Ul'l' (l unt.

•"• W aynesville

BI'l'wtl . lahuJ' l'l' , ;ul d !· l·k,·1. h"t" \) 1' 1.,· 111 "

TIll' 1. )'11,'


\ Vnyttl\Ho-




to , I p!{~l' l'h,tI 1. , The nCl'u unt u[ (, Ianl 1. '\I~rr itt. P il l' h a lt' i nt l' r t':'.t in ill Franld ill , admilli Hlrntu r of l hv , ':-- t:1lt.:' uf \\'il. , I. liuln A. l\h' rntl, Jt:4..'l' lI:"!\.'d, ,,,:us ap.I .. F. . fll1d Ah hil' I.. IIl'u\\'1I III pruvcd , all owe d Hnd \ \I n fi rna'd . (; \ ' '' 1' "lO I' unci 7\ IHr y r,: 'I'I H·i ~ , ahou t TIl<' cuurt appn H'l d , }dlo\\ ~ d and H ~ :1<'l'{':O: , ~ 1. c o n Jirmcu the l h .'l'ulillt , d' Luui s 1.1, I I al'd I·:. Bl' I'1'vhill til .I 11111e ~ lind ' ull, eXl'cutur tlf lhe l·,IUIl.' of JC. :\ i;,,· I I'y'·. ,d ,O"t i :<n II CI'I·•. $ 1.



t i l'



\ \,iillaltbuIl J ad rJli n i:-:t rulvr t o IllIrl'\' 1'. :-;d,n,·II. tra c t ill :"a lrm t h,· ~"tUll.' "f Ll" " S ( '111 "''''' 11. d ·· TI' .. $ 1.'

"R' TO 0



.,f Mary .\. I·:nl'i . II<-·

Cl' U!-ol'{J. 1.)011<1, ::15 00. r\ 1'1 ' r ... i::it ' l"~ n pp41l11tl'd \\ cn:~ \\ ' Illiillll Hu ~s , Eth\ a r J



,\ dam~,

. I~ '·l· mi ll h

<If lh e

RR IAC E LICENSES J .,h l1 II. 1-'1'11 111(' . f"'·1111· 1'. al ltl .\I in_

hi ~

til l,d

o f pe rso nal property within 30 d ny~ "U S o rd c r~ d in th e lIluttl' !' "f till' di, "cd ut ilJn ,, !, th e JlIa ~ on ~l illing ro .. It cu r po rnl iu n. D efl!n Jallt. ti ,u·d ~5 and c ost s in t h,· mnU,, !' 01' th" Sl"t ~ u [ Uh io v s. Edward Durham. It was ol'dcrI'd thul defenda n t u" " un l1l1ilt cd t il the county jllil [o r :J lI,unthR in th.. 111l1llol' "f Slllle of Ohi o ' "' . Chilt,," A. Lc~d o m. A tine uf $5 0 nn d co ~ ts w us im pos l'd in the Illatter of the ' tllte uf Uhi .. \·s. St e ph ell hiuuy. F ine of ~5 0 IIIlU ('osts impused in t hl' 1II ll lle!' u f the !:)late of Ohi .. \·s. Fred IIcllry . I':s tllt (' \l'as o l'd e r ed so ld nl public

: :


Divorce grunted in lhe malter of I· red I.. !'-lhul'Y. ", <,cu t!)r of th. l' ~ . rl il' ~h l~' ('lith rill e r nml' r vs. \\,illium P. ern. tll l l.' o f \\ 11111 .,\ 1<-," I1dl' l·. <I,·\l'U,,·,1. \' ill,· . nll' t ..


" ' arr all l t' n r l'o n \'f'\' nIl Ce t (l ()hi o fol' \·pil , pdt ':'. \\ .1:-. (l1"d .l'vd i,s ued in l it l' IIli t l h'I' Ilf 1. .1\11 tl iln!:I! 1I 1.

!!,1':Inwd in lhe m att,'r o f O.~. ~I " I'I' O \~, J!:uul'll ill ll tI~ Eli z ~ . I'ellrl 1-'. Kclly "so W nYlle \Y. Kcl . h,·th l Irpp ll l'd . 1 11 CU11l IlCl< lit, hl('<1 hiS



d,'OW l~. Meeker, det'en. ct!, fill'd U';'i;'ll' in ',n nl'Y Imrl HIlPflli~l'ml.'lIt. Dis lriltuti\'c nCI'(lUnt liI~d by tile iUZl' IIS I\tioll11 1 Bunk " d Trus t CQl11puny, udn li nist ru\ors ' f the (lI'\IlItl' of I::th I H. Fu I'm II II. dt'cl·ns ed. III ~h Illn ( 'r "f tho ~ stllle f Eli DCllII ti l' ~ 1I ~\l d , R F. ~jlhtitl w,, ~ "I" po int 01 upp ·.liSt']' ill,h'lld or ,T. 0. ' Whi tnkl;I', \\'t ", \\,'.'~ IInablt· 10 lilt ud whiR clutieR. TIll' \I ill lIf J llhll T. Tn~'lo l', 0,·" ('I\S I' ti \1'1" Ilcimilt,' d t o p,. o\' a t~. Chnrl us n, 'l'iI. ~ Hr \\';I ~ apJloi nlod cxI'l'u tor of th~ , "b'le. wit h 11" bon dt' eq\Jired , 1"\ PP" -ai s t::),!-l :l)IlHlilL lCd W01' ,John Nidll,j ... t111, AlIIl'l't rl0 n and AII' ''l't (,1",.1. .

OJ\'O I'C,'

V u ft'c ,

8 :00 a. m. to 4 p. m.

•.' 0 nJ l'eIluired. A I'J1rlln~ ' r: IlPI' inted V ' 1'(' D. B Il Stl\lltnll. 'Hichnnl. ROl'. IIl1d Adum Dutro. ' Vnrl'l\llt ru~ Cll II V('YIIIICe t o hio Instilut hill fo r I~'c bl ~1indll d YI)mb WIIS ordc rod i!lSued in the mutt .. r of Gnldll I lay Wih~>Il . Pl'uol' o [ )luhlicat iu n \l'a~ til"ll n t he IlIlttt pr r t.1l eM/ltc oi DIl,'id J . Mount, ' deeea~utl. ' harl~s ]\IIIIII\Cl: W itS up po inteo IIP _ prnise r in thc llIatt ~ I ' uf thl' ~sll\t ' ur Cclilldll Gl'i ~st, dCl'asl!d, in 8tcnd of Ed H lllnilton . who wa s unu bl to >1t· tl' nd to hi s du l ies liS s u,·h. 1n Uw mll t le,' of t he ~ lute o f Thomlls MilicI' , <I 'c" u~e d, ndlll!­ lrlX of th e c~tllt c "'liS uutho l'l zed t o :;L'II Llbe ny bUIIlI. ut p l·,,·"t~ ."Il I,l','

r\\lthoJ: I ~Y t o ('t d ll" ' l ~'L' I'l: lll1 II'C H .w '11:l' :. r l:-;· \, I I U li Jun' foun d \' crdirt in fl\VOI' "f t l\l' Ul')' 1'1'l1h. ,,~.'.s IJ d" n!,l n ~ t o Ill" ~s­ p illi nlin' in tho mailer "f B uy Gay- lilt.' of J uhn t ,. ~lllr y . dl'Cl·I1 ~<:d . WII,; ~IHl ~' I ., ,\ h'(,I'UY, Lv I,"' ~ :1 7~1! . 'j 1. nor \·s . Lillinn M"xw~11. . I ~I' a nte d l'X . cut .. ,·. Il1\)('g-C


Every Tuesday


COMMON ·rLEAS PROCEEDINGS Divm'ce g;'llllted Iln d pltlintilT give n cus tody uf child ron ilY' th e mlltte r of I~ttu Prit chett , \·s. ' 'i lJiam 11. Pl'ieh tf. 'fhe malle I' of fl. P. Mitch,,11 vs. lnd ustl' iul C"11l111issio n o r OhiQ \l'IIS dis mis"ed \\ it lwllt record. "Writ o f pa,·t It il1 ll WII~ o rd e r ed is. ,uc,1 in lh nlall,' 1' of i\lurl'Ilw I3runt V". Jnhn Gilm our C' t >I I. [\i\' III'(" !,I'nnl ed in tlw III IIl I. ,1' (l l

IlUl' t i ulI in

1).<\Y Olt NIGHT

Lebanon, Ohio



Apprni ~(' nH'lIt


,I "

~c ~tor of tho ,e~ Putl'

G CI'I11 ~ t1 ,~t attack tho throat a r e nmong tbe easie;; t t.o destro)" if combatted enrl y- befom t hey become deeply imbe. lrled in t\le \.issues. Evon a weak sol ution of b orlM:ic acid Is etrecUye if u ~e d lIS a g!,U'gl.e, spray; or nasal douche a t the first s ig n of distur bance. Babies and small ch ild ren mny be sprayed with a Buitable ntomi7.o r for the nose a nd throat after t ri ps. through dust, or after alten<lnnce on winter gntherings where "OmBbody cou ghs nnd thus s ct s rl' e infectious bacterin. A good plan is to spray befo re goi ng' to bell and on rising, and the boracic a cid RO lutl on Is onc of th e simples t anLl best preventives of trouble. Cold, icy oil' i s dnn geJ'otl " for a rl")ts as well as ehildl'en. Co\'er ba y's fac e with a light \\'n"i~n fr.b ri~, if he is to b0 c:1t' .,·01 through e xtreme colr! to ... r .', ., . bor's 'house, no fn: ltCl' !" ., ". urt the di s tance . K 1"1:1 W ... t: : ."DO L·jQUJ.·u 1'0 ,'" .. ,.,. "


H"" illg so ld my fnnn, I wi ll sell b y way o f pu blie auction. lilY . lock. f l'e rl nnd impleme nt s , l o ~nte d 2 milp, .' E . of L·pri ng boro. one-half milC' • W. o f ri ve Point Sc hool h,mse , on the L y ll ~ nnd Spring boro ro od, on Mo nday, Februa ry 8, 1926, B~ '~ inning at . 10 o'el, the fol, 10 Wl 1(:: 2 h Ol'ses . ·1 nl,lc n cows, 4 bl'lln d sows, 100 chickens, farmi ng impl(,11l ents, ha r ness nnd l1' ruin. ec Illrge bills for te rms. JA COB B. STROUSE. Martin & Stllnl ey, Auts.



HaVing ren ted my farm, I will of . Jer at publi e auction on th e farm on\! mile so uth of Wayn eSVille n. R: S tatio n , on the Wnyn esviUe . and ClurksviUe pike, the fo llow in g prop, erty, on Tu".dll~, February 9, 1926, Beginning at 1 'o'clock : ' 3 head 'M()N£Y LOANED of horses, 34 hend of fine cattle lot fal'mi ng imp lements, hnrn ess a;d a LOANS 011 Chatte ls,Slocks, Securi. few househ old goods. t ies snd Second Mortgllgcs. Note. See larg e bills ftlT inform ation. bo ug ht, Johll H arbi ne J r., Xenin, J. L. MENDENHALL. Ohio. .",30-'20 Martin & Stanley , Aucts.


Farmers, Attention! Makes 'Pumping ·Up · .Tires 'Unnecessary ChicMIO, 1It.-F. E. Hughcs, Suite 140, 25 12 Monroe, this city, has perfected n ncw air·tight valve cap that cnable. auto o wners to pump up their tires once and never tOllch them' agoin until punctured or worn out. Leading tire manufacturers, after thorough t ests, have approved Mr. Hu ghes' invention nnd banished the old theory that air cscapcsthru rubber. OneinRation lasts the life of' n tire, and tire milc.lge i. doubled. These ca ps rctail for SI.2S for set of five. Thl: in ve ntor wa nts arre nt. and will send proof and samples Free. Write him todn)·.

Farmers of Wbrren nnd adjoining counties mllY ohtaln mone y on long time loans, at 6 per cent interest. Cost of securing the sume is vcry r ea. sonnble ,throug h The Fe deral Lan d Bank. For f ur t her informalion call on or Qddres~ M. C. DRAKE, Treas. urer, phone S I O-X, Leu /lnon, Ohio. WANTED WANTED~W o rk on farm wh er e everything is furni shed. Edward H K e pler, Wayn esville, Ohio "j27 I AM n ow organ izi nl1' Wnrren County for the Ohio State Life Insurnnce 90 . For Agency Opportunities or best rnnce protection, wr ite to Gilbert Biggs, Box 83, Wllyncsvi![c Oh'lo "J1 2 . , .


WANTED- All kinds of soft Wood for pulp. l\forris Graham .


A LL 0 Ui'


Bozo1 Butts




Him ~ N_




CA~H-Fo~ Dental Gold, Platinum , Silver, Diamonds , mng neto points fa l ~e teeth, jewelry, nny valuables: Mac.1 todny . Cash by retlll'n mall. Ho l,e S . & R. Co'.• Otsego, Mich . .


FOR ' SALE ,FOR SALE-Fr.esh ·cow. Inquire ot .J . H. Sackett, Wayn~svilJe. Ohio •



FOR SAL'E-'-~ four-year-old HoJeteJI\ cow, wlth, two calve. by eille ~ John .Robel'llon , ·R. D 1, Oregonia, . ~.


ANY . one 'Wanting to feed cal? get the laDle by applyin. I\t! tb; 'Waynesville PacldDg Co. tf


oJ5:~~':.I1~o. . _w~ .








WhY 'PI'" .ecllte lhe Lil li e m a n 7 T he r e is little use to lll'osecu te t he ... ISSU ED EV E RY W E DNESD AY ... tell ow who makes a gli ll on of ru m in The ' Palmer's VoJ.ce Pat Crowe's Ransom his base)lllll lt or who is foun d with n boltl e of liquo r in h i ~ pocket If t he Fred Daki n is slowly impr oving, bl~gor m e n buck of the crime 0.1'0 a Howed t o go scott fr ee, Mo re exol't lITr~. hilS, Mnddcn WUH in incillSublcrip tion Price , $1 .50 pe r ' Year s hou ld be placed on th e enforce ment nati, Monday , _ !. the big whis l;y rings nnd the r um Dr. an d Ml'H, H , E. Hatto n ~p ent D. L. CRANE Publi. her l'u nl1 I'S who or s upp lying the booze, Thursda y ill inci nnnti. J ury Commi • • ione r •• Dr, Wm , Og lesbee wns R Wi lmin g_ J'A NUA ltY '(.7 , W;!(i to n vi sitor, W edn esduy , hllr lcs J . Wa!!R'Ollc r , of Lebanon , nlld Thomas E:. Burnhur t or Frnn kMr, and Mrs, .J. C, Grill' e n,t ertai n _ lin, hnv e Leen a pl ointed r. ew JUI"Y cd M r .Ilnd M I"S, Chu~. G my and film OLD JOHN'S SP IR IT S TI LL cU i1ll1li "'~iuIIC I'S , thl'i l· t.erms CIHJi ng- t he iI" S UIllIIlY. HAU NTS US . fOll nh Mo ndllY in May. 1 fJ2 H. 'l'Iwil' Mr. a nd l\ll'~. Will lu ,' L~ wiH und . Juti eK n~ SlI h cOI1lfl1i 8~ i o n e rs will be How fur th e Cungl'C"H will be lined Ihe sell'eli ol1 of ~G O jlldic!on~ pe r5""" !Juby hnve IU')\'~ d ill to this ndgh bor. U[J on lhe Bt UC 01 1I!\I (! lI l c ntlUll o f tI l :' h uv ing hood f rvnt Alpha. quulificl !t iol1s Vuls lcu cJ t\ ct IllIl Y u' u u e ullLUul c wl de h g l'OU '" till jU I'u U~l di!cto r~, fr o m rs wi ll be tl1'll wn. ( ur symp athy ~ "C H "U L tu Mr. nnd ' lUCSl.1uII, uu t. tl ni C l! ,.tal ll the co u n · l\ll '~ , i{. I I. .I,·rft,,·is ill lht: dl'ath of try I ~ lJ\!~t.1 JH! d tv Inc U1\u lh e r O!l~tlc Pre m a ture B a t he r. 1\1r. Jefrcrit; ' fhth c l" , O\' ~ I' LnC U ~ l!lo n 1'1l1l1. IY-Cll\ ht . . 1I1 "I""'~I'~ <>1 Lilc Il uUSC'l 0tlll1 nJ L' I I~ I ItcpI'CSCIIMIDDL E!OWN lI' l l!idlrtol1 la ns Incu n ~u mp !I'ey, Lrot hct' u f liartllll\'C" " " U II,"C Ucc Jl' comlucLill!;: g nt II surpl'l"C t<) uuy p hrc y , WIIS b uri wh e n two uoy ", I'y lI u:" ed in Miami t he u' own ill",,<tw u'II OIl inlo the ope.l llbO Ut 15 , stripp eu dow n t o .ala I1UtUI'C , elll etcry , ut ul'uuy. I'Utio n o f LllI! IlI'UlllUlt lon luw, ure g'ft,·b . and Wu k a n.lunge III lh ~ hV- , Mrs. Mary J . Fi nc h anti H ()b~l't I1U W we ll ol'gU l1 l£ ed U ll d unq uesliu n- I d mu hc cnnu l P o h ce we r e called ClIl'ne r Wl' l' e ,'ullday j.{lI c8l s lof MI'. ably wi ll pre',,"L Lu Llle. nut,o n ul IC"-l !.Jut when the boy~ saw t he o.f1Ic~r" Ul ,d MI·s. J . W . Th o mp~un . '.llI t ure U uill 01 U1LertiLIOliS h. t hey fl('d fr om th e OI'PO " !t ~ n Icr" . 1.3 ev. ..... .), ' . . ' t h t tl sapiJepl'onc of the upe n wat e r , t heir clot hes ~1r' . ~nd ~ I rs. IIl C,lllUn t Oswa ld and is "Eddi e" Cudahy, wh o a Ie. I ' I . I • uU lltry gOIlC1'ull)' I UI lJ y o[ LeLanon Ernes ~ LuKi ll g U VHy I'.' t lelf, ~r n.lS. called t wa s s nowlllg at l Ie La when a you ngster was kidnnpp cd M . 'w A H . ',. S dun l\lr . tind Jll" lIc ticli l view oj the li' l,wr s ituati on . li me. I hell' nallles huve Il Ul ue n . r s. by the notoriou s "Pat" Crowe and . . Uln es, un IlY· E. B. t he grna t mJd" ,'I all Y of t hose wn o rell\lI ln s t r o ng ly Icur ll ed. . held until Il $25,000 ran80m was we~t, is now t.lle Americn n Fnnn" Mr. und Mrs. Geu. Den ll ey an u III luvo r of p rohiloilio n see t ha t thei r er s voice In Wus hlnl-(ton, appointpa.ld by Cudahy S r. Edward , Jr., Miss Ruth, ' were d inner guests, S un !;'uu l wou ld nu,'" lJeen reached m ore Gee. e Flying NorthEarl" Sprins day, of 1111" al1 d Mrs . E. B . ])oster nud ed to th:lt post in Decemb e r by the now 40, i s presiden t of t>- $70.qU ickly hlld it be un Ul'p rouched XEN IA- The hnrd es t pa rt of t he so n tt. 000,000 Cuda hy Packing '. Co.A Ll~ rica n Fann Federati on. tllro ug h t he dOor of LCIIJ,peru l!ce ; nn!l w inte r is ove r in th e opini on of E I'istaJ1.iDg as billing clerk. Mr. und MI'S, Ceo. De nny, A. S. "lUst uf thcom ul'c comlwll .,(J to a dmit worth WelllUin j llnitor lit t he city Coll ett. E. B. und Cha >. Doslel', ut. tllut the I'8mpu ll t luwlo,s neSB ex hiLo - buildi ng. Mr. ,Wenklin suid he allW te mJeu t he func l'a l of J oh n Ze U, tit ---==============~==== Ile(. in uOlh c,ty and villagtl i~ eutl llg n fl ock o f wild geese ============= pass o" er the Waynes v ill e , Friduy afte r noun . IIlLu 1I1C very vitU1S of 1' ~S p ec t for city fl yi ng northwa rd seve rnl d uys ~u\ Cl'llIftc nt. ago. T hi s is a sig n of an enrly sprin g ~ I rs. J ohn S hl'uck an d SOilS cntel'· I U 'Idor ce the exis ting sla tu ll! he says. tuined with a neighbo rho od pa rty 0 11 wuu ld tux · the ti lJOnclU 1 r esource s 01' T ucsduy e\'en ing , us u surpJ'isl! for t he ntlUun II l1 d lU1'1l eve r y ulhe r UII1I1 Hcad of F a rm Loan Alloeiat ion Mr, Shr ock, it being his bil·lhduy . MI's. W illiam Bruw lI is 11 11 t he sic!; IInu '0 11lun ,ntu u nalilo nal pO lkeMr: und Mrs . R. II. J eITeri s hllve Ji"l. lltall tu wute h his IIlllghbol'. It IS Su m D. He nkle wus e lecled pre3· bee n spendi ng mos t of t hei r lime Illu l:!putabl y U'ue tllut 11'011\ th e cco- ident of the Wa r re IIII' alld lII r~ . All clI Emri ck htl v U n Co un ty Nllt ioll- Wilming t o ll , at lhe ueuside of Mrin. I,ulllie unll'h! Ine eltec t ul VIIISWlld- al Furm Loun lIRsociot lI ew i;ord :,(·.1 11 11. ion lit t he il' Jefferis ' falh e r , wh u is Cri ti call y ill. T he fnnnin /{ ill d ustry today is fa c_ 'sm nus VUDIl LO Lmllsle' - VII~t Il'U"C1'I1- annunl meetin g r ec ently. Other o f~Ir. E '~I'l'l t Eur ly muJc H hu s ill " " n,ent reV(: Il \lC In lO ti le POCI "t ~ uf flee rs 'we r e II, C . Ge ill l{ 11 \' el'y mnl'kt'd degl·ct' . Ih ., same o rge, . vice-pre siTh e BH[l Lis t M issiulIllr y Ci rc le l11 et t ri l' lo Dayton t h u usu nd ~ "I LuoLl cggc l's WIIO tIUV~ d nt , Thursda y. lind M. C. Dr akc. sccl'etll ry· ut lh c ch urch, Wedn esday uftl:l " r ,, }'I ~m:; Ill',· Ill'l' I ,~illl{ mel by <:\'~ I' l' noo n, ucl' U nilluc nulliu lHuruH uV I' nlg-hC tr ea s urer. T he n e w board of direc· "lih lI'lr' ~ . Il . I~ . MI'. I{ll l,c l'l H Ulil is able t o L ~ ou t II l he l' I{ I't':lt iJ1(lu" t r y Hut to n nnd .\1, " . W . ill thi ~ CIIU lI lI·,. . it I ~ unqu "sLiOIlUl.I lY Lruc l OU , thut to rs is co m pose 01 Sam D. He nk l(', A. Ha in es, h u~te sse ~. !I1 r ~ . A H. l'en_ agaill, uf ler a coup le uf \lc eks' ill - lIceo l'd in!! II) ~II'. II. ~l. rHo .hel·" is lin UIICOIISC,uUS l'e.,SWIICc, Luwr en ce Flll'nlls, ".; , hrllllc it 111 . R. Philll ps. K ' ny hlld ch'\I'gc o r th c d l'voti (", ~ nnd n es. . uu rll }Jc rhups u l uu r h,s lo r y, tu Lll e I11l1nn g , '1' 1',, 1' thl' nli,,,r (,\,illl'd Pl ,\\v ,Je/T~ry olld II. C. George . 111 rs, A. ::i. Co lI ~Lt hud ch" cl!c .. i the \ cry wuru vrohiulL lon . ;:, ~u ~ov crn­ MI'. !llld ~Ir ~ . J c",' IIlll' r is nn d f nll! _ Works, llllU Il u th"rity "II eco ll omic Il' !:!:' II, th e tupi c i.Jein g ".A. f r ll:H." S he ily nrc.- n(J\\ lIi CUt. IIJUKc:J U tllt'o ll g er IHll iV Jlul upri dln~ in n n ~ \\' C h (' \' I'(J lel Bi ll Moo n . hi ne Still c uncl uded t he JlI'O~ I 'a1\\ \\'.t ll all in- :-)edun. '1 uesti uns. l Ieu!. , 'J ht! m c l'l CU.ll n Ullll1l gro wD ll' r es ti ng' t'cad ing. Thl: ) hJ ':~ (lSSC !\rr . BI(I~ ~ ill u n i n t~ r \'i('w g- a \'e U ~ .I ,,·:i\.1\, C L}~HA NON- - Shc rHf A. C. Brant undul' the \.J!cluLur l a l tUBU, ~I i",,'s Edith lin d !'auline lh e n se r\' e d d t.-lic iu us sHII J\\ i l h c~ , r a m hi:: \'i(.' \\'~ o f l:(' IH ' r :l1 ('IIIHliti , )fl~ , a n l.h lJ Ubll it. Jti uh\ u) s I' UU U }' ~u gov cr ll und hi s depu tic s br okc UI) one of t h e hu,·c he" n \ O u t of "d ,,,,, 1 wiLh th e ('x pr csHloll t h at. t n(b y rl10 re tlWII at 1l::,dl It.Lo l'cm;unu o lc 1't!S L1·uiut.. " "'ges t lll uullshi ll C s t ills last week , ca ke alld COCO II. I;'l' iI' 1'(' . any time ill hj ~ " r y t ill' f armcr' h o ld ~ e yer fou llu ill Wurren county. It Mrs . II. S. T ,.cke r a nd Mrs . J [) ~ ~Ii~ ,; \',I mtl >"1. ith and !II 1'';. L e lia in his OW II hUlld s. tIlt." nJl!, or t un it · o f A Nuva Scotia llIan hu n ting for was 1" ,·111 ....:1 ill t he 'village of Foster, Dav is ueli goh tl'ully c nLe l'l tllLl'd lit t he his nll.sing wil e "Wit h u buoy fIlC~, II llmiltoll 1(,w nRhi p. Two men a nd hUnle u f th e fOrll 1C I', 'rue~ , ltly \,' \' £On · \ r hll)'t un \\'L'i' C U a~ l l d l :-.hLIJlPlq·:o, ' \' «:d· d(" 'd o ping LificiL'lh Y ;11101 mal: in!! lI sC (.I f t he n ~"' ('r I lI l ' lIH , d !'\ tl f farm 0 1'1 ' 1':1· a " u ~;': " hUS sent l!o CCI\lS to lIle po_ two wOlllen w ~r:.· IIl'rcsted . One h u n- ing', a numbe r uf liule Hi d s , l",nol'- n c :;day. ti,'n. It is hi ~ 1o<lid thut lhc farill'c l J1l01 of Ly n n, !U llStt . , LO C OV~ l' dl'('d line! t W~I, t y g u ll olls o f li quor ing lh e binhday of Vil'j!inlll Tuc ker I\l .. !'. I ll u L o ng'; I<Tl' ~ l' lI lI l\I ctllciay Illl'I' o f t hl' pus t hl\ ~ il.l; l 1.. •.. 11 "crulchand over 2000 gull on 8 of ma sh wert! and VirJ:;' inia U uvis . Lne C.\.IJt!US~H U.l " Th,· eVl·ning- with h ~ 1' IHlrt·II L'. ~ I l'. li nd TI ll'S. S. B . s t:urcn. \ I'd !S, i n1!' th e :-;urfac". in pl\,thk l in n. on th e prl' mi scs t ogethe r with o ne passed pl easa ntly with g'"11l'_- a lld mu_ UUI·net. :iUl'b Y uJ'C e.xpcnsi vc !UXurh:~ . A gn'n ll'r und("I-:,- li\ n di fl ~ o f th" o f th e mos l -comple t e s t ills. It • wu~ s ic lind de licious r e fl'esh llll'll LS wcre Mr s. C. E. J ohn" ,·i. ited h~ I' s is tcl', , c i"nc e of " ,ii f ertility and t hl' al'l' Ii_ ho used in the o ld DetTend ahl pr op- served. The gi r ls wC l' e lh e recipn Au s t r iu n chemisl h1l s perfec ted culion f lhe wodd ng meth ods o f e ie n ts of a nuntbel' of hUll sulllC g ifts Mrs. E li1.!\b~ lh . 'wi th in Day t un, Il glags LhuL CUll Ue lJcnt und wll\dl r ty on the banks of t he r iver . scien ti fic f arm ing which th e fur me r W dn esdB)'. ' from th e ir fric nds. Will ouuuet! wnen l nl'UWn un t ho Elta!., or Mr •. Fell llIay h,," • if he wnll S th em, w ill ~n ­ nOU I·. MI'. lind Mrs. 11. 1\1. lU"k II rc vi s- alJ le the flu'llll' r of the Mrs. F r ed lI urlnn, as!iJ stcd by Mr s. next len year R iting YE LLOW SPRI GS- T he estate Clara lcrritt und M)'s. HOl'lI et! Slump Wh"l('nth eantiIn t ter's SUIl, 1111'. illc l'I'cll t'J r adl /!'ou ls in produc ti o n unu fa l1lily ,at Tucso n, AI'i- ma rketing no t dl'cllmcd of le ft by Mrs. Eva T hom1ls Fess, wife e ntertain ed U It ulube r or lillie g irls zona. hy the fUl'llIe,' o f ~ r, 0 1' 30 y ('n " ~ "go. JI (lWl .... of S nutor S, D. Fess, is va lued u t t o dinner , Tues d ny, as u s u rprisc for $ 16,483 , less d ebt~ a nd costs of a d- Miriam StUntp, it being he r e ighth ~lr . and : II'S. Law r e nce S ;'lI , "nu eve l·. sLU lcd !\Jr. Bl u ~ ' fl' U)l'C , m ini s t rat ion, omou ll tin~ to $$2,500 , Illrlhday . '1 hose prescnt to cnjloY th c uaughte r, l\lar~" I""t, wel'e w ~~l< ·e lJd fl1rll1el' of th e pasl ~ ,, 'lee,: ow, accord ing to t he in ventory li nd up- occllsion were: Ma rju )'ie ShulIluk er, g'UeSt " of Mr. and ~Ir s . Hnro lcl Ilurge en tir Iy t,JO , low. to ~rn : P !It these IlNV , d c nlifi c t rut h. an d weed nut pruis lIIent in proOutc co u rt. T he He le n Osborn, E valyn ~lc C "rl"en, An- III 13elmun l. the impl'llclic'u l un d J!1lt. ill to u <e th t' estule w ill be exempt fr om t he inhe r- na lIl llclJ nald, A li. e Gray, l),')'ol hy ~Irs. Amos Cook a nd children . o f 1"'adie;! 1 of th m. Any mnllufa ctu . itance t ux, being in herited by h<!l' " lt d I{uth Jo'ree lund, Evu lyn Can, AL- \\' ay ncsvlll I were Lc.".tl.I~v"' - An oft'er of $500 by wi dower dinner guests ice or re I' to Ja y. wh o wnuld t h ru'" out ~r.y Uoglln, . Inrjo l' ie nnd M irium lind th ree sons. hun. \"'.UU·h~S J.Jl·..lfld. c..;Ullgre8~ lUa n Stump. Mir illnt r ece i,'ed a number i'lli'. and Mrs. C. E . John s 0 11 1I1ol1da y dC\' i"c li S ill1 prucliclI l t hal will nss is t I) f last wee k. l'vlll thC /1,11 1.I1~,'·'Ct ol VI\l O, t o be vf beautifU , 11 spl'cding ' llJ'uuucl i nll II I' clTcct !I l lind usef ul gifts fr om Kin, Brothe rl Sued h o,l "U lu Lilt: lHi. ~Jh.l~U til U StUIH,! and he r li ttle friends. JI ll'. a nd 1111'S. Elber t W nll nce <'II- SI\\'ill!!' ill that pr",luc li PIl Oil t he LE BANON t,;., ua l.u .. Seek ing ' v,' ~ ~ u l'rell $ 10,000 g-rou llu thll l ·it wa _ II~W a 'lll, ther euUIH,y, teI'La in cd 0 " " 1' t he week·en d th e lut•• .. . ... \ .. ... L: ... ~ ,)l.u vy UI\! .l,J UiU U 01 UvUU- d llll10ges fl'om King BroLher s, 10cIII te r 's cousin", IIlr. 'un d Mrs: Michael fo re, no good is (In hiti w ily t o deuus operato rs, Colelllu n Me rcer, 'If _." ...... ..... ~ l ..... ..... lb u U lI. u a ~ ~H~Il' nlt!et.structio n . ilLt'l', of !Jay tun. NOTI C E OF A PPOINT MEN T incin nuli , bus filed s u it in th e H am'"' , _ ... " t . ~ .... . ~ , ... .. v u .:ull1\t! uc lu n Mr. Bl oss furth e r ~tltt "s thllt t h e ..... ~ u •• ~ ... u u1 til t: UVula uut !III'. nnd .'Ifl's. El b~r t W a llace and desire of th e e ll tire }>"I"<onn the prop ... ilto ll County 'ommon Pleas cou rt. e l of th e ' Ull , BulinI'd, "ere ::;u nday e"cni ng Oli\'~r Chilll'd Es tate of Eli Den n, dncease d . uo",., Uh ' ''uS ..auleo. l or l u rthc l' aCLio n. ch1lrgi ng t hat on Septemb er 2G, 1925, l'l nw wo )'k ~ ~ t(1 :I S w hell he was 011 t he bus w hich t h e Notice is he reby given that Annie .:ucsls o f II'. und 1111'S. Pe rry Wadc ~ i gt in n very ma terial way i to ~ , ' c...tue Thiel bri ng defend ants operat e betwee n Cinci n· Marill Dean has been du ly appoint ed of lh c ])uy lon pike. the fnl'm c r into closer t ouch with hi~ noti, Lcblln on und Da yto n, it co llid- und qua lified as exe cutrix of the 0 3· u e 1 eturaed uTh.ak . u lUI's. ~j,"· t ha Gra ham spent Thurs- pr oblems lind helJl hin , li nd th e III':ICed wi th a g r n" e l t r uck on t he P e :'- lIIte of E li Dea n, lutc of Warren day with he r m othe r, Mrs. ' uslln SIIY_ Li ea l ~o luti o n to th ~ " e prl>lJlell l:. Wit h U A,Il U .. .l'U - ';'t ha n ks" written on r in e hill neur he r e, and he s utTe r e .:! count y, Ohio, c1eeellse d . lor, at ::iJlri llg Va lley, who is improv- th is in mind, we have nrran gc d , at " . .. , u h' U JlWU" U LO tho s~l: ~r ll1 g two broke Dated n r ibs Ilnd his left unkl., this 8th day of Jan uary, 1926, ing s in ce her r ccent an en o rm OUH expeJlse! Lu Our organ" .. \.! -.;a lI J.. 1.11 .:1 u~"utHuU l1 e , t Old u ord oll WIlS fa ll. fra ctured. W. Z. RO LL, izotion, t o hold t hr'Jul!iw ut the e ntil'c .h" p':, l C'&: U J. UU1" CJt y It WtlS taken as u IIIr. llnd Judge Mrs, of th e Probate Co ur t, Chnl'l es Mu ll e ni x country a s~ I'i es "r f UI'Il\el' mee tings " h l:C t S~ I ~y ,' : \ llcn he f ound his mu_ Suit Asainlt Univera ity llIu\'eu fr um Red L io n, F riuuy , to fit whic h t imc men hi \{hl y q ualifi ed t o WaTl' CJI County , Ohio. clime nllSsi ng ne r epon ed to po lice . their ne w home !l,n'e, r ecen tly pur- disc uss I he f a l'llle rs' p"o hlc l11 s will X E NIA - Th eo dor e ' Simpso n, Wi'h IIOU 1 ~ was [ OU ll d Ill' the pob cc the chased of Mr. Hiley Saylo l·. be pre5cllt lO t a lk LO th e fn l'lll cr~ nnd cu,d ulSO wus loul\d. A n IIl vesligo· uc rf o r~ e student has brought s u it HE WINS THE PRIZE M I·s . J oseph GI'lIssi nuu c hild r en s how t h em in a ve ry mllte!'in l way, tlOn s nowed u yo ung lIlo n wh o h ud ngll inst th o un ivers ity for $25,00 0 ' \l1 d MI·s. 8"" Ha in es wer e Thursdu y how he CU ll "o lve so me o r hi s pn' b1:0':01 "a n young wo mall to a theate r du mllgcs. Simpso n a ll egcs t hat h e The 1II0st nbsent-m i nded lIIa n h a, IIflcrno on nnu e"ening guests at t he les. These ml'e linj.{s will he el\ l1 'd una lue " IIlic!' tUll OS t u wke he r ho me r eceive d pe rm nnen t in j uries when h e in u tuX l, hau appropr rutcd the uuto - WIlS fo r ced t o loop from a third story been fou Ild lit la s t. A frie nd cull ed home of Mr, unci ;\l r 8. Wultel' Ke n- Oli" e r Days . and accl.rdinl-( to Mr. Bloss w ill be W~" w urth lhe 1Itt ntion 1lI00Jie unu P ClltlC U nlS la coliic m eso wind ow t o snve his life whc n the 8. on hilll t he other nigh t and tlliked r iok. of eve ry (urine,.. F . Lee dormito ry burned J llnuary for t e n .m inu tes, Sudde nl y he ur ose, ~uge oi tnUn KIU lness, Miss Cl eo Wil kin son , per-s ona l r e pOlive r On)" F eb l'u llry 2:3, 192';, :n , 1924 , The plai ntiff con ten ds pic ked u p his visitor 's hut nn d ovc.r - resentat iv e of Rik e- Kumlcr C" Duy- will be Jwld nt Fred M. o lc 's Hll rdther e we re no fi r e esca pes a nd no con t, begged th e as tonished mlln's Cow h Somo Milk Produce r n , Wa s in our village Wednes day, wnre 'to re, Wa)fJlcs ville, Ohi o. convcni e nt exits and no lif e':;8vinc par don for ta lking so long UII J su iu to collectin g nnci e n t hi story of the lIl1LF lU.J - Majesty 's Clotaire upparat us h1lndy lind good-by e. He left hi s only his own means hou~\> tow n. -llo ollU, u mature cow , ownc d by of escape by the s tair way cut o lf and has lI't been seen or heftrd 0; (,;lI mU ell 'l 'c1'1'Oce iurm, of M ilfor a , by flam es. s ince. H avo yo u seell him , underM1'5. Marthli Creig hton lind Mrs. Th e s uit was broug ht by VIIIO, hus complte a un odicia l aOfi dny Attorne ys .:';loy Banlo, " acom panieu MI'. Edd T. D. and Geo. H. Smith. in g Ilbo u t7 test m which s he producc u 027.0 .1 L ongncre to vis it Mrs. L'Ongocl'e at 1 • po u nds of tilt und 1l!4 77 pounds o f Minmi V ll lley Hos pital, W e dn esday rml\{. he carri ed I)(,r culi f or 1 Stj e ven ing. A SURE SIGN OVERD UE a uys of t llis time. Wi th this rec orJ Mr , a nd Mr s. Chas. H orm el, Miss sll.: <l uurines tor the k eglster of AterBoy-"M o. there 's a mlln down Returnl n.g fro m u d r ive in th e car . Alma H ormel und Mr. Ralph Stowe, It ot lIle Am c n call Jersey (,;uttle le U) , irs who wnnts to see you about the " 1 believe we' r e on t he wr ong roud; of nellr Sp r ingbor o, w ero We dn csdllY IIl UJeSty's (';lot!1I1'e 4111611 0 wus t est et! sf ta • this don' t loo k lik e the WlIY we Clime eve ning g uest s of Mr, a nd Mrs. KestW ice preVIO USly, ilL lh ose tim es sh~ utniture ." Mother - "Te U him to have Il chair, out." ler Grnha m. p l'ouucea 4t1l.U pounds of lUt a s a I' U be do wn in II minute, dellr." " This is the right r oad III right ~ un lOr l 'wo, und 44;l .u l! p ou nds of Mesd a mes Net lic Emrick, E li zabeth Boy"I did, but he says h e come th er e 's one of t he men we r a n ov er lat 1llI Il JUIIIOr t nree' yeal' Old. J o ncs and Cora J'oh ns visited Mrs . for t he pinno." t his mornin g." Edd Longncl 'c 1Il Mia mi Valley hos. --pi tal, Fl'id uy, an d report he r im-~====~~============~================================ ~~====~==~===================== pr oving l'IIpid ly.


Her bert Car r ·

Harve ysbur g, Ohio


CHA Pin BRE Dsow SALE Febru ary 2, 19 26

r d




(;) la... . "



at Spring Hill Farm, Washington C. H., Ohio D:lUghte rs of the good bree ding boar, The Colonel, jr. cham pion ot Ohi o 1922 , ma ted to Sensation Col. 2d, jr. cham pion of the

\Vo rl d 1925 . Also daug hter s of the cham pio n boars, Sup er Col. Uni que Sensation, Jack T and Bob T.


Terse ewsJ ets PJuck ed from Uur t:xch ange s



Take the short cut to sueINCO MPARABLE cess by buying the greate st - IN BLOO D LI NES combi nation of Champ ion - IN TYPE , ( Blood that will be sold thiJ - IN QUAL IT Y year.

Get on our maili ng list now I

Send 'you r bid s to Geo. Wm. Morri s, of Duroc Swine Breed er's Journ al, Indian apolis , Ind. Auc t ionee rs : Col. Guy L. Petit, Bloom field, Iowa Col. F. D. Heng st, Louis ville, Ky. Sows purc hased b red to S ensati on Col. 2d will be return etl to ou r fa r m a t H arveys burg free o{ chara- e.-Her bert C .....

The:Hugh K. Stewarl Estale

Wash in gton C. H., Ohio


Her bert Car r

Harve ysbur g, Ohio

:-----------------------------------------------------------------~ '.



F.. T. Ma rtin Jes se Sta nle y Au ctio nee r Au ctio nee r Date your sales with us. We satisfa ction or charge nothin g.

Centerville, O. Phone No.2

New. Burl ingt on,O . Phone No. 320



Ten Ihe Advertiser you read his Ad. in the Miami Ga . ~.

---_. -..----



Mr. nnd :11'11'8. Henry F oulkR were culled t o Dayton, Tuesday , by t he ill ness of the il' 80 n-in. lllw, Mr . Edwin Linn e nHUl. Mrs . L in nemnn is slo wly improvi n g since her late opernti on. • MI'. lind Jllr~. Al bcrt Stucy, Mr. and Ilu "so ll BUl'I1ctt a nd children , !lli ~s 'Ieo SWcy :lll d Mr. a nd Mrs. WiiI Mull wer c S unday din ner guests of 1\11" li nd Jlll"s. Dcal' t h Sheehan , of Fiv e Point. 1111'S.

-""::-::0.' _ _

1111'_ He be r SlIlilh, of Dayto n , a for me r Lytl!' rc ~ ii.l e nt , t ook un lo him. ~c lf n wife last we ek , in the perso n "f Mi ~" Katheri ne Eo I-lnuck , of Dayt un. Th e y hu ve the best wishes of mllny fl'ie ll ds here.

PICK ·UPS An A ustrian arch d uke says he wo uld like t o get back on the t h rone a nd th e Democru ltic pllrty shows sig ns of wa nti ng a nother fig ht 0 11 t ho tlll'itT, which p roves Ilgnin tha t som e fo lks n ever get en oug h p unis hment. Nothin g so adds to th e wi nt er of our disconte nt liS looking over th e ne\v sp ving m odels at the nutomo bile s how, It is a nnoun ced t hllt ex-KinE Geqrge of Grecce is tire d of t i, e Bu kana a nd will l ocate in Fl orida . He may find tb e r eal es l:atc dea lers dow n the re os pestiferQ u8 as the ills u.rre ction lsts . back h OJlle. .

Tbe Slogall ot' t.h El in temlltlo milis t ne¥,spllp e rs in Aril el'lcll Sl!l:ms 1.0 be free trade; the Leng ue of NlltioDSand high er .rubber. , .





The L.e agu e of NnMoJls is just Beven years old this m onth,' and 80 far as we can leal'll it bas yet to cut ita· flrIIt t:ooth. • - 11~=~---'-


A·en·AL LY

built on actualit ies-that Is Hain.. Cily. T here Is no fi ngrtUlt1y exa~rated t nlo of things that Jnay be done; instead, then i 10 oO'e r to tho- investor a long list of 8CC01II0 pli ~ I ' lIl ctl ts by the re sldentB and develope rs df Huill s Cily. rfhefi" acco lllplis hmen ts Ill'8 in the fonn of loUd suu Ma n(iltl impr ovement s, wor~ng constant ly for t he Il aines City oC t he fu t ure ra ther than temper~1I'i1y for tho H aines CIty of th e minute.. l' ubs ta ntlallty- there Is a charllcte r of prime Imp Ol't!l nce t o every Inves tor. For examp l-. prog'l'a lll of city Imp roveme nt wlrlch will pave every s~ ~eet In t he city ; ample wllter lind sewage fac!lItles ; pl enty ot homes to be provided under a ,.0, 000,000 buildi ng program for the next btw months ; and a co mmun1ty of neighbo rs de.alrable b~ cou se of their never-fa lling intBrest In Ham. City. urroun ding all this actlvity Is • ~de whero an Increasi ng number of farmers and growers qre pr od ucing the necessar ies of lUll. Thafr p r esence means thllt thli aforssai d subltant fallty i s not confin ed to the city. It ia the ~ of Q whole district. ' .

dran1\.. B"l8 011 REA,LTOij



'lI1 ~CT trpll:m it cQ,f\flne\l t o hl hom\) \\ it h ·ippe.

Pie Eating Cham p

IMM ERM AN' S BigC leara nceSa le

Inven ts Rubbe r


wu. • hopplnJ:( In


Be.t CaD, S ..

only, .•• c k.,$1.47 , Bean., 4 pound . ............. . 25c

C.I. P eac b"a, in a,r .. p, only .... 20"

S ..dl., .. Ra iain •• 4 pound . .... 4f,c Good Corn, 3 cAno .......... .... .... .. 25c J .. " o P ..... , 2 .. no ............. ...... 1 Sc Old R _ Ii~ bl " Coffe . ......... .. "Pc 25c Roy .. l B~k in~ Po ' dcr 1~', Roy.1 B ·, I,i ng Po wd.. ]'1<

JIll'. find MI'".

:'9c ·I P c

" 'ill


~l ".

49 c

II 1Ia,,'\'


""!lill"' !", ch (~n\h.~ n l

(I ndallll~ h~ h.I": 11\', !·" tt' d <.,. \' n t lwt I~ 1'ub be r, whir, l.~;U\ b(' d,~ri ~ l' .1 ir.' 111 va rio u 5 p r ud· tH" ~ il'(' I'I,h 1\~ l!.t·h:\~~ . If tl'ue I t :;. t :n,'


1"' 11 1C ..~."'.

r ',,(

'tn' !,·1.



49 c ODe

It will pay you to come in a nd get your share of t hese wonderful Bargain s .

'L. A. Zim mer man Phon. 66·2


th ~

vI jo int.

rubbe r indu :;·

We have

Rlenty ·o f Po we r to . give you , ,.

Thtl r~I.IY It f tt' l'lI llu n

;\l l p.


I -nylon

'1 o r !\ew IO\\'n, Pa. , di('d at l hnt I' ;"'1' , Tu('sc!ay. T h" r mJlins wil l I.. , i. 1'(luJ.rht h,' I'(' lin d the fu n"r,,1 II ill ,,' I " hi nt the Whitr Brick Mee tillg


GENE RAL INSU RANC E The OLD RELIA BLE CALE NDAR is here, Call at the office.

~I' Fr ida \' nft(l r n onll nl 2 l,'doc.: k .

7 :~O.


Old Adam feU fo r &Il apple but mea nowad ay! fall fer peaches.

JII iss Ru t h Ne wln. nd, o f JII inm i uni. vers it y, is S )l ctHiinJ,;" the W4,., \!k - (lll d with Mr. a nd Mr". W. 11 . AIIt' n.

CRACKERS Butte r, Soda or Oyste r, lb . . .

Mr. nnd Mrs. Lee Ha wk e an d fam. ily spe nt Sund ay in D.. yh'TI, th e gu st s of Mr. a nd Mrs. Ray Hawke.


C. T. Hawke is uble La be ou t again.

Mr. and Mrs. Ar t.hur 2 cll. of Blu fie ld, W. Vu .• s pent ' un day wilh Mrc'. Mrs. W. H . Allen was in Dayton, a nd Mrs. E. L. Thomus an d f.. mil y. MO R E TRUTH THAN POETR Y las t W edn es day. MellQ,h's Gumgo fo r Serv ice . Ph olle " Le nd 111 1' fi ve doll nl's'!: Mrs. Edith M. Ha rris is vis iti ng r el- ·17, Way n esv ille, Oh io. "'(l t ~i nA' do ing. You n(,v('r pa y nti ves in MilfoTd. \ ' (1 ' · rI(' bt ~ " \ \T . H. Madd en ntt e nd ed th e co n· . " I np,·,j ·; t bndl y. J u,t I ~ nd me ven tion of t he Ohio Retni l LumbH ' fi ,', ll10l'l' u,d la rs lind K enn eth Kilbon, o f Dny t l1 n. spen t men's Y(l u'li ne ver sec assoc iation lit Colu m bu s, last me :1J!uin." Sundny with relatl \'~s. . wee k.

·LA RD ---

Way nesv ille, Ohio a ;

.' ;.. ~ilWhere Yo.. Get the Mos t of' the ,Bes t for the Leas t" We are able to do crushl.--, and grindi ng again, havIng remod eled our plant, and have a 'Full Line of Pre~ p.~ Feeds and Conce ntrates for home mixing .


Eve rett Early Lytle, Ohio


Fresh Cream , per pound

CHEE SE-Cu red Cream , per pound

Torna toes



$125~ 48 i: SHeadLettuce25c p

weet otatoes

Flou r


:.67 C

--- _. C~rn Meal

Ban anas





- --

1Dc ~~~.~~?~~~.~. 15c 4c i M~!'~~~=~:25c I

... -_._--

After II pleasan t visit with h er paT_ Boy- "Ma. there's 1\ m.n qOWlI en ts, MI'. a nd Mrs. G. J . Smith, Mrs. Eloise Thomps on r eiurncd to Cincin. s tair s who wants t o se'l you about thG furnitur e." IUIti last week. lIIother- "Tell him to ~avc a chair. Mrs. Milton Thomps on nnd son, :Mrs. I'll b" t!own in a minute, dear." Orville OraiV' and dJ!.ughter, sperrt BoY-" J d~d, but hI' says he came Sunday wIth j\irs, Clem Pennew it, for the piano." east of Bellbroo k. Mr. llnd Mrs .Cllft'ord Hlmei, of HQW IT'S DIONE Centerv ille, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Earnhart and children spent Sunday with lIfrs. J3.- "1 wou ldn 't d oubt but Mrs. Anna Sheehan . tha t Mrs. Gnlee Rofigerll will be a June bride." . . Kod el Radios and assembl ed sets, Mr. B.-"No doubt of It. If she from $12.00 up. Guaran teed Radio ca n make up her swcetie 's mind." repairin g, py depot. Corwin. R. F , Mills.

The Gaz ette Office is well equi pped to do all kinds of Job Wor k, Call on us ' and get our prices on Sale Bills,

Booklets, Commercial Work of All Kinds. We guarantee satisfaction.


Mr. and Mrs. D. SeldUtz , of Hope, North Dakota, are announe ln g the birth of a lion. January 18. at t he h ome of Mre. Seldlitz 's parents , Mr. and Mrs. J . N. Flack. Mr. Ilnd Mrs. Lowel! Thomas , Mr. and Mrs. Ralpb Dyke. of Dayton, Mr. ,an.d :Mrs. Forest Graham and daught.ers ,w.e re Sunday guests of .Mr. and Mrs, J'l:ank Thomas and famIly.

Try Us Onc;e and See

Mrs. George D. Mills s pent the week·e nd In Spr'ngfi eld and attend. ed revival services cow:j ucted by Dr. Hoffman , at Cent ral M. E. ~hurch . She also attende d t he dedicatI on of tllC new whIg · of t he hospital at t he 1. O. O. F. borne. MT~ .

Mycr Hyman entertai ned in

!w 1'101' of Bbltby 's 5th bi rthday anni .


33 e 2g e 32c


Miss Edith Sides. accomp anied . by her friend, Miss Edith Husema n, of Dayton, .pent the week.en d \vith her parents , Mr, and Mrs. A. L. Sides .


47 c •••• 35c

".,. 25c i ~p.;~~~~ .. .... 25c 25c ~;;;~~.O d' l' "o:~~


E lbert Russe'll, a noted professo r of Swarthm ore college, will i ectur,e at the White Brick Meeting house, Friday evening at 7 :30. Everyo ne is cordiall y Invited.

fRfD M. COLE '

Santol l, per lb.

Mr. and Mrs. Ro b(·rt F Ul'llns were ATTA BOY LIBERA L in Covingt o n, I\ y .. lust \\·,·dn esduy. M ., !.,'curcr - " We ·v e g ot t o he lp our NaLh a n H awes, of Sp rin g Valley, Mr. Furn ns ul>l i""T'd his cr OI) of Bur· ley l obacco there. i llfn nt indus tri es; " was in Waynes villc, Tuesday . Yoiee Fllrbar k - "I'm helping. an li Mrs. I onalol Hawkl' en ter . hr "ther . I j ust bou ght sl o('k in a o J. Edwa rds WIIS ca ll ed to Da yton tainIIII'. Pa ck. 3 can. 'I· eu tIll' J o lly i\ III\I' ''"~ , thl'i r hus· .-af"ty pin compan y. " on uccount of his mother' s injury. band. aIHJ a f ew r.-i,·nlls la. t Wed· nesdny (,"(,lIing. Messrs. Mny nard W eltz and Frank fa.,.. atal"', .. ch LOGICA L CONCL USION Robin son w er c in Dayton, Sundny Mr. nn d 1\1I'S. Leo na rd T illney, Mr. S tandard Pa cl(, , can. eveni ng. " I Bce Conj!l'clisman Spoof has got Wilbur T in ney, Mr., . l;rncc T llylor and so n, B en nie , wc re s huJlJ1in~ in tl", presid en lu.l bee In his bo nnet F . S. Elbon was in Lebanon . Mon- Dayto n last week . and ha s tossed it inlO th e r lnj!." Lar,e h ... d., 3 for ....... ... da y, to atte nd th e a n nual dinner of "Ye p; but il's the public that wlll P.cket, each.. J.!C' ~ t un g. " the 1."ai r boar d. Mr. ~,ntl Mrs. Wa li:,'1' I\! cCIt, f('. Mr. 10· lb. Bulk .. ... .. .. .. .......... ....... . 59. lind MI·s. E" r1 Coll n,<'I' we r e in Day. Mr. and Mrs. Oakley Un glesby and t on , S umi llY, th e g ue st~ of Mr. a nd ,J~llI(, s <a y< tliat while Congress Count~y Club dau ghter, Miss Evelyn , we re Daylon Mrs . Ca l'! ~lc C lure . 5 pound. for ... ...... .... .... . .. i~ I ry in g to l'l·lie\·e the farmor' s bur. visitors. Monday . o!'n how n!.lou t milk ing it ellsier f ol' . • aclt ......... ...... Messr • • lI oward AI'chden con, Gilos , ·tl", farml!l'" wife? Miss Mildred Hartsoc k, of Milford , Go rdon and Cllr! Frye Clifton , 24 ~. lb ••• " ........ .... $1.19 2 po un d f ,~ ..... Went t o T o· a or . . 1,,,,.,I1\ .. _ spent the week. e nd with Mrs . Edith ledo. Frid a y, I'l~ lul·nin J.r Sntu.rda Country Club, 24 " -Ib .ac" .. $ 1:29 y with \I Hurris a nd f a mily. two ne w Overl an d cal"S. A SURE SIGN I{ "t urninj! f rom" dr ive in th e cnr . Mr . a nd 1\1 rs. Fred B. H enderso n Kodel Rndios unci nsgpl1I bled sets , . " ~ heJi t'\".' we 're on th e wrong r oud : and IIfr s. Kate Coleman were in Bell- from $ 12.00 u p. Ou nr White O r Yellow, 3 lb .... llll tced na dia th , don' t I,>o k like t he wa y we came brook, Monday afterno on. repairin g , by d epot, Co r wi n. ('lit." R. F . MUll;, " T~,is is t he righ t road alr igh t-Misses Bertha and Ethel Mari e Hy. tJ"'l'I' e Oll~ nf t he lIw n we r an over man. of Xenia . spent Saturda y with Bulk, pound. .. ............. .. Mrs. J a McClu re en t erta ined tll ·3 1ll0 rnitll{. " Mr .. Myer Hyman nnd famil y. the Clover Leaf club ihis aftern oo n. --------------~ Needlew ork o f vnri ous kind s occ u· ~ , -~ ~ - ---=--~-~ ~.~~~=-~--:..=-::'.>:"'"'-::=::-:~~:!!:ro~~_ :!",:~ ~.......... :;:r=,·~ _ -:'. •;:_:--::, _ -:-;'W":!::cr~__-~::-""""""'-----­ Mr. und Mrs. Myer Hyman and pi ed the time and da inty ref ~esh­ famil y a tt nd ed a recepti on in Mnd· mcnts were se rv ed b ~' t he hostess. ---~ -- -- isonville , 'inc innati, on Sunday. Mrs. Lloyd HIlIl d eligh t fully en• • • 4 . Severnl frOll) this commu n it y nt- tlli ll ed a g r oup of little A'ir ls la st tend ed Lh o annual Fnrm Bureau Saturda y afte rnoon, ehe occfls ion b e. meeting at L eb ano n, last Sa t urdny. ing th e 7th bi rthday nnni ve rsul'Y of her li t tl e daught er, Eileen. Gnm es Mr. und Mrs. Howarel Archd eaco n were enjoyed , after wh ich d a inty r c_ and Dr,' and Mrs. H. E. Hat haway fres hm ent.; w ... ,·o scr",~ c1. Th ose pres. vi sited in Spring boro Su ndny a fter- e nt wer e Mllrgrc t E a rnh a r t . Ree,1 B Van Ollen, Murj orie Tinnev. Louise nOO/1. Zimme rm an, Bllrbara GTllY, Edn a Messrs. C. D. 11-1 iUs , Chnrles Str ouse Mae StllUI' and Bea tri ce Robit~er . and C. J. Murray atte nded Oddfe! · lows ' Installn tion at Sn.rin ~b o ro , SatOVERD UE urday nigh t.

--- --.,,- --

Buckeye Incubators and Brooders

per pound

Pure Open Kettle Rende red, 2 pound s for . , , . .



McJloh's Cnra~e f or en ' ice. Phone 47, Waynes \' i\Ie, Ohio.


Frenc h Blend ,

Jewel Blend , per lb .. . •

Rolled Oat s

WayneSville MiII···Coal and Ice Co.



h ,': 1 in ~fia1l1 i l' t' nlutl'ry .

- --

.Qu ick Service

Teleph one :l82W

Miam lsbur l,

111 .





JIIr. un d illrs . W . I! . iII a cld,' n nl· tend ed th e fun e l'tll o f 1\1 rs . ~lIl d d c ,, ' s uncle , ut Clark sville , 'l'ue" uny.

Billy T . ~f1ys Henr y F ord b egoll life p lay ing with a mttle a nd hasn ' t stopped since.

Yo ur Fe ed Gr ou nd Ri gh t,

~11'< . .J.

\ \' (.' rl'

illr. a nti ) Irs. !.: ell nelh El1. ry . Ol f Da;-to n; Rp ('n t Su nday h er e wilh Mr. und Mrs. W alter t:: IZI'Y.

" I wn' (ou t l'iding with I1 nr(o ld l nst Il l' go t lM t n nd h nd t (l st op until Iw re ~!li n ed his beari ngs." " DolI ' t Ihl' Y hun' f unn y excuses ?"

to have


t ' ll l n g'. nl.

n i ~ ht.

It Pa ys



A.D .Sw ank &So n

An hnlll' "r " cou'· I im t' will be \\',' 11 ' Iwnl al th e \\' h il l' Brick Fr idl\y n··

R('\> , C. McG rego r crf N. Y. ch:ngcrJ that ' WI"hi ngtOIl coo ks ,'oll l.l ,,·t mnlce good pies. T o pro"e hilll wrong a Ilie· eati ng conte"t was stag"d and here is Co n g r e~s · man Montgo mery lit Okla .• fini s h· ing his th ird pie.


lot to a cu.tom. r

On·illt· (;my.

T hun.;dny .





Th (il\llh.nn an d ~\)!\


10 pound. Extra F a n cy Rome BeAut y Apple.,

I lc,

t h e I nter mu ll t ill ntuL1n i Ct'm..! t 'ry.

Til,l lll ll!"-, I·f (\ dll rnh(l ~ . i ~ w day:; in \VlI Yfl0svil h.!.

~ p('ndillJt II

for Friday and Sat urday W cu h ing, for only

~ I'en t

Jlr. Th an"" ~her\\'o(ld . fO (' I1\('rl t Il \-:11",,'[ [(n" ,'11 II I lill' \\'hi ll' lIl';';'k ;\1 C't'ti n),:' h PlI:-l', Fndny ni,,"~ h l. Hi 7 ::) U l' \'I' Hlinclll physicia n o r \\' uY I1 ~ . v il1 l' . I 'lt fot' till' {l11 :-. t 1h'c y t'a r:i !'l r C8 i .


Two 25c pMltft !! •• Rub · No·Mo r. Soap Flak•• O"e .. 25c .. pacllkge .. Rub·N o· Mor.

. R,)bilz(' r

wl'el-.·l' nd w il h I rif"nd " in ~nl' d i l\in. .

R umford .. lnkin-r PuwcJ,'r : ' ~

65c Block Sail. n .. I),


Highe st Mark et Price Paid'


r R SA Lb - Dl,dr oo m suite, old . fll. hinn"d \)ur('l\ u , hlli rc l(,th pnl'lor lIlrs. Man in lI"v eli l·t! nt Jl1cCIo'l- Stl it t'. c u phollrn , (i- f ont cu un te r li n d h·s . A. L. ShkR v1"itcd r oluti v s I . l\ " '~ IwslI ' .... Xeliiu. ilh1lltillY lIi~ht . ~tlm ~ ~ I a ~"" ill \\, illia llls towlI, } y., In: l wl'ck. Ho rn S t iles, ut wi ll, IIl' z' d ent h "as due t o ptolll:dn c puis~ Ohio. ' f~ to"in)l'. : he i ~ RUl'vil'ed hy her hus· An l holll' , nidI' '' '' , nf Dayton, ,·is. ""nd Ilnd thr ~c s Inall t'hlle lr,'n. The it ed in Wi,yne8vl lle In<t \\'I'ck. f'p! ""n t \\ ill I", helu li t ho(' late he,,!\('

poun d ........... 30e

1m Soap, 4 b .ro .... .... 25e Klrk'a Fla ke W lte Soap, 10 fo r ... ............. ........ .... .... 39c Pin k Salmon, 2 bi ll' can.· .. · ... :>5

Swi ft '. P r id o 01'''', t n l ".... 35<: iCK '. ~alv . ~, "tl1y

h (\~p-ilal in


.Live .Po ult ry Late Classified Ads, W AN TE D !, ----pI _._- --

Li ncoln II un\Phr~ ~'8 died at thc Gullll,)Qli8. 'Jnnllllry :0. :M"I)"h'" Gill' ~~ r~,· ' i~ Phon e 1 he fun er-..:.I WIIS 11 It! lit the home of h.i~ hro the r, H nrl'Y. ut lI1idd ldoWl1. 47, W Il)' n c~"iIl\!, Ohi". Satll l'll uy , JtUI\IU1'y 2a. The r emai ns IItrs. A IlIclin \\ llli.I1.\< l\Us hocn \\"'re' b1'o 1lig ht to liul1I i cem le ry fo r i: t"J·ll\cnl . quit s i k fOl' snnle limt'.

Still Going Over Big b " I)"

Subscrib e tor the Miami Gautt. .


ver sa ry, on Saturda y, ,J anuary 23rd, Those Invitep to en j(.y the afternoo n, Wilton HartsoQ k, Cbarles Anderso n, Marga ret E a rnhart Marjori e Ed" wards, Rosema ry BeoUey , Mildred Salisbur y ' R uth EvelYll Conn!)r, Ru thle Frazer. Audrey . Crawfor d, Ethel IIf. Hyman, Buddy LeMay.l.. Bobby Servis. 'Paul Zimmer man, !Sobby Burton, .Poul Hough, B ernard Mel. loh, .Bllly 'Mel\ph and " H~ward Hall. The afternoo n wall apent In various games after wllicb deUghtf ul rcfreshmenta were .~8e~ed.

,\ , Miss He~en Wills, Am(lrlca 'a ten· nls queen, if, ~I>W fn Europj! t e, study art but trieud.\! &,II Y ~ wf14 battle Mile. Lenglen for the "orld', net crown before retVrnJlna' to' bel' native ehores" ,


., "i eve ul y f\ig hl1 l

Yea r


J. B. Ch ap ma n 1 ell s Ve ry Dr. Th om as Sh erw oo d In ter es tin g Th in gs Ab ou t flo rid a EliThzabe(lInnt hs. h" !'\\'O{:--\huJ,1"\\(I(,d, \\.J " hn n nd


Jen nie Ma rga ret Ha y

SO il l'l f



Wh ole Nu mb er 668fl

fa rm Ag en t an d Ho me , De mo ns tra tio n Re nd er Re po rt .

,Jen lllr Mar ~:I rct Wa r n.' a ~ 1, (11' " nll lrhtc r _ _ _ __ _ of MI'. un d Mr<. Wun drolr,l tiWur la-li t \V uy nc",,,lllr , Ohi o, ,) f·t! 111 0 . 1 t<, lle r , II as bOI" lhre e mdt' 1f~ s ~JK. N apl e~, F la . • eu ~t of li e .J,: 1l'\V tv m ll nh j' ~ 1I 1 In th I'tl nl·· prOl1lill e llCe 1M,HIde d to both c ,·i1 I,·. hiLI . A 1'111 n. I Uft, t' llI eN. J Ull ull r y ~;, . 1 !l2G. .t. l' l ,tl'l"s b l lfl! l!:i s ltuu Lcd If1 1' 1IJ(' 1I 1' 1 ~ hl )() l'h oo d .. r hI S ull t h. 111< flllh "1 lit th' j\l c It·ll ull hu sl'ltu l ur,,1 dl (' ti Den r Ed llor lIlId I-'ll on l1 1 ~ d rl n)! I m~ (.",lu nt\, 111 \\hlc \\'IH.' II hI,.' w u s qUi ll' \tl lInJ,{ Janu ur) :!il. I ~)~(j . OK(,J 20 ut X,· rll,l. h 11'\ ,d s() ( ' I ellr-On Th " SIIp hnlll " re buy" cll teltu lIled mun year .... U It mIg ht be of inteTl'st 10 \ Kl' l l ~ ' 1 tt l ~U nlll1tll' y Of re\ ! tlh IHO .' . I HfJ{i . h n, 1l 1ll w a l eI' Hnd Tut rH / 1l ~pr th s un d 2U uny , . l hl Il'W o f fina l1 ( iul r etur n to B back in Oh iO to know :;;OnHfrI ends d i.1 ('ilJP s , t.! nt:h hn\i ln g !ol , t \ \ 0 ~ plt ' li (' lar k:;, wI C; aUst· , \\ hn lll Th n r ntl\JI H.: d ti ll' 111 ~ h .'t·h 'l" I, Fllcl Ill; lind vast l' Xpf' fI (' n('(' 111 d t. lJ Sl' f or· She h ad l111t l'I1J" y,' <1 1.;(,,,11 h mH ~ , \\ Ith Ill HI FI' IlIa\- II ftl.:' lllU ll J.,{ it:-\ PJlflJ(~ 1J IH I' mOl' 1.: vutHHI S fl!') A ~n~ far mers , besid es thet r equagrou p of fl l1 WIth n p In y, •. )1I :S hl o thl'l ~ a ll d h hl <. r 1l fnct s, fir M hUll d, uhnu t thi s t h lly grea t dl '\lU1 cu\, e :iuI' U~" () l' l\c f I ullU ... t f'( 1 u s \\(11 ,,, ut ll·d , "N " (;Id He\ '-'ra l mo nth s , but ll on s l ul UJ.' I II I JU ll n rt th(· p purl .11I Cle of 1I1~ UfW by nte co.o l'. pera h er s tlve cu Adll as ndit t H'1 ( ' 1.111. 1"(1 11 ( ;. I IlM"!lllt cd" The tl ld nut ~ CVCJl buyin&'. of anI ' io th e no w "o · nlll "h tnlk t'd· a lwll j 0 \\ 11 {htl d n"u. on ra!-i l \\Il hero n1\' ~e I'IOU S unl ll one" ~ (' drS \\ L' ~ )!I\ (1011 hy )1 t :tal e. IIlth Its I"IIIIIU IIl'1Ic h. 1111 1 MUU II h", (' the fr'l' 2000 ~ a ... f l.l lll\\\ ~ to ns of gr ou nd :-10 I wi ll t lY tu l e rock . The ge~ r ('tu ~s nt t he c lt l 111 iutt, CHl1 dl tll1l1f' ns th e ti ll C. t d, \I)I" pnw llt on Ihe Wes .... l· ,hl\ s lh al d l CO f r l! ~ \\eck rllC,·et.llll~ hl' r d"nl h ril l appl icati on of t tllll' ",I} \\ l' nt fll!" An n u a l , oun l y l'a r rl1 Hurc ,l th oy Imp ress mu. Uft!' 1 I have tlftc soli fe~ ))" 1" lh v l"lI lH hl1l11 l' \,- r \ VO llll u mee t ing tl hly prin Cipl es wills cien At l he a~c oC \L'n , he mOI"'d Hoy Eilt s 11111(1" r on ~ t, SIn '.:c thI s c ily Ih..' lu g h nl!O\ l' t o 1ll' ~ alon e num orvu s il l P S lIJl a nti II just ify all !'IIII Ilh lp \\n h th e fllrm \\ 0 I ii. Thom -t the Uulf \\ Hh'l s. an d h ,ls wo III M'·lIl oll .d ha ll. I" Elm ol 1"1!!1I' k he r pa r e nt s to n Cum n cu r \Vny coun ty ce ntly - !.r,U I:-t'IIll' nd e rf u l a ' . h.I\ exte nsio n appr opri atio n .. Stil l e, li nd had opp urtu llll ) d4t ,nw n th e ,'IU' U t-I l'lIun t l \' U ~ back n~ s .. IIII:' 11\ 101 1\1 \' h .I 111<>, \\ n(O ~" h l' llI lI Kc unll l! OU se('u g1'o eI r::;e thr l nt u nd K"lh . r \\ III k \\ n~ hlul l e d 11\ 1U 17 rc tend cd , choo l uoth III t he ough m or e econ omi cal and eftlc Tl'{' impr e,",s lO n s und JOf nr ma t !{l l~n' \\' !Iliu m L"., n~ c"U nll y and In Wny l1 by ('Ont - ·flt·ll ull lI " t l·I" i'~rhllp , kll ll ll'lI Inllrt · .J l' ~ HI.! B lltll' I \\ o nh tUH I " , hp J's . nllt! (1(,; Ul(·(.' prud uctlO n . abuu l t hn·, ·· f"ur lh o f th e c nr s l'l lIe PU ling lh t! v n rlOll S UC .il ll t ~ \'ln J.! t u slho t d thru omp l e t ~ U \, ltI P ~ at tJiU'c r_ t'lIll1dllll ly til l he II ~n l t h y, 1Mun impo \\'lI ug-h d,' t lll\ TUI'I On wint I Mur (' r ( ch LIke r I n. wise 1!l17 s. th . e she' snvi fl \I.I ng 111 l S lllt~ h c n l Clt lCS nnd cClIl C'rt; and at u III n h ' ited man "' I' _ Il u-t 1I ure Ing' r" d ld III liw co unty 1\' lI S 1-8- ) m or e au4 tll'-:w l l" ti n co unty ~ l'Ht. lI erb" 11 ~ ll'~I "' ~ n Itl rmg' C "Ith !\Iar v lfl B. li llY. H I ~o to n oll' Il u \\ gene ral grow i ng of legu m t he l i s e nnd rull o f ma n y 1:1'1'1 In t l : a' ly m ,t n hlH ,d h(O \\1 li t \!\' I, tIH' ''' C $.10 {IO .. Cerl l itl L ucy tht· nl " t'l e 1,(11 f1 th l t' l' c hll (lJ t'n ~ \V T o 1 -8- ~: t o! - t :! . o r !:W nle Il lher luw J!rauc wou ld gIve equa lly ~eat UI1\\ l )o; (' l y pt'l day r n lt· !O: ule tu lhl' )llll1 "I t sf'l cc l cd t o \\ n s it e s antI Ull d .."" ar­ Xt ll ult· er u' retu n o I ~'ngt ' l' 11 n C0ll1 111 0n u l rn ) 11 \\ iI . .... ,h. lt d ill g' . . " nl ...• lI t' 1 !lWU SUI f a ,,· p IWI, Alf re d , Robc l l tnktn l h l ou~hU\l l t h(' tlnlt ' l Mun on ulld "l ux 1111 H1;"11 > Thll J uc h cUrl' fully plan n ed F or ever y d a Iry cow we oug ht to hav.... till till' f U I III , ~,lth hiM Il,·t\ To or leny " IIUlll e co nditIOn s J!s ( : f1n ~ t cille s . \ t ( n .l e t s. u s:\ x0 ph <..n,· ~1I 1 1) hy I:hl nod t( ,lI!·,jI l , !\l o l' ( ,l tI .. I I ~u- t on e acre of legu m e hay. nnd Jl l· lc.J l('!'-.t !'> Hlld d l' Ol o rt " ll ulwl t.~ (' llI pnrHW n ~ • (',," ,,11. ls , h Onil' In cr The :>l I'et <I " IJlII·~. th e ulllc <t t" e' t hl· r o h, " a' In du l" ',j 1I ( rll1.1l1 Sur fur l' Hnt! u \"(,e:11 ~o h, by She II li S a kind . 11" I'otr d , hWl ease d popu larit 1J1'lSt 1" lu kl' up IIl ilhtl Il1IX IIIJ.[ Ju(' k ~on vlll c h nR IIc(,11 ;\ alld ng II " II cl S the It l y I Y (In u-e 1\1 e s I' the t C u of f <.' a u I " d dv I,f l1u! d l~ tn t, \\I l h \\" 'st Cnu gt. I" ~ 1 (J Wl n !: hig·lIde swe et clov er, and y of 80y bean .. IIwti w r an d '1'1fl' , L1l1nkln~ alll'u t h e J!Hlc \\tIY alfa lfa In War ren I l, Inl o I>'l or ldll, 8im c 1111 trulII t he II c lf~1 c and baPl 'lne"s of her ;s o f " u ll1 p l, t , )..."'oCl d ~ tunc b ee n gCIll !fu lly "ou nly dur ing the post " hu l'c mp" II) . .1ll11 II UII bUlls ts IIbou l 125,. 1I 1g' \\ H hu m , an \\ ll l o ll, hU lI ll \' Il' t li l fl few yenr a hee been ulJ h ~c d t n e nt er thr ou)!h fdlll ' c,tIlIJI" hl'd to ("11 11 It In u ti. Hnd }l1~H<.J lI OUO i'"pu lulJ(Jn, und lIke c\ ery Il y 1\ " 11}\\ ltl j.! III C' th (l 1lH.· mh( ' r Sh4..· bc \\ U lJI1J..:" ell U!'C U J,!(>f l(.' l l 'lI H, h(' tpf ul her very ll o," olh( clI" grut ' r 1 lfyin )[ r g. al m~r 5 in f l"01 ~ l lam l " 1.. t1II n l ",, 11 ('):0 ~lIte . ,!IHI s he I" . tlll ll'v g ll o,1 COlls t p Oint , Its hotc l. ure ,'h.- th! n,1 1 LUP J:!I'v g(\ t'i l't y - ~ o f the 'ym puth ctl e 11I'1g-hh or and fl"ll'nd. and VU II Oll :; luw nshl p tn j:( t o The hnlcl usc I1I1 "d of Trum bull , '" QUVC from $5 t o th r- (. tu~ IIU S thnt I'nvlIIlJ le p!>sltlOn . bllt rntl III thl' "I'"n ;r IIf IRi S h" \\ ,," lo BDII o f a thN'rfu l dl , poSl t lO n liS he '$:! r, Pl.'! ot her Impr oved vari eties Fulh roll ds to ra]lll It} lit th e prc" ulltl lg hll:'h t't lm II nll· d ~l\ t " m nl nt ninll lg' 11 b'Tu,l c u f B nd from tho Wes t und Mirldl e W,'s ot whe at YIJUI by h o mc -mlx lTlg' and In m,ld ,' frt 'lId s I,}"' Ill U IJ Jtj~l' \\I t ll I'h fl l' lw wInt er mles . I cu ll nttel1 t1 on Bl111\, . o f )·: nJ! ll' has t li mea re re,'e to nl r 'I'UI·. 20,0 shc 00 wen bush l. els thl .h Incr ease to forc ing- e ntl nncl ' 1111 Lllke Cit I (,.., pr l ut I\'e bU)'ln !;. 'I he rohu Hl' S ldl! ~ n ht):-.t uf y. "hi ch P Oll .'pl lngS us th e l u r~e s t spun ge p r u~l' tl\ ill ug'c. b'"(q n ~ <-ll (l Il Ct' t o 1,, \\:1 t o ( ,l' I H'\ i1 "AlI0 1 k tes t o Lhe co unty and coneerte d. actio n th" f c IH Nhorl l'n" th e dIs tanc e to Cc Cf' Ill lU I"IIJ \' , \\ })l're li t, I lui lt fn cnd s : -. h(, leu\ ll 8 L() mnU l ntl\, (! ~ and fllrlllCI'S 1\ h" Luu),( ht c<> nt r ll l II l1d h s ill'IIC S 111 th e wO ll d. yeur muy g rea tly exte nd the l L up \ , . her ope 1088 r ativ ely ~htJ \Ve~t. COU!oIt p Oint s . gooci B" tkct l A" III l hl' Il1t ol lOr Clt l ~S . O ll nn ti o. n Jn l'~ c 1" IlC II C( , In \\hh h thl· ll l.lIs he l' h u, b,lnd , Mar VIn B lIay and saVln~ SIX Imm edia te actio n was IUIl'_ , lh l'ee d UIIIIg th l' Ihl, t few yellr s '" r 'pu rt ed work 11 111 "I d III' '' )'h lll hnur s ru nn illg' tllll e fl a m Chl('U ",o ~;(m~ , \ \ 'Hr- nrr , n ~(' d b~ till' sc cII·t ur) to 11> g~sl e d to prom ote the use KO to 11 0 \\ conc ed vd lhe "","t\Jtl fu l and I rro\\ j.; a n d j 4'YS ,,'e l ' I IP ' le'u U y r c~ l ' l l~tlb( 8; Ho ol'el h t.J ' 1 $:\00 L lI g't'd 0 per 'I of h Fulg 11 TUlllp", nJlI" :.1 hulD leu III t he t.l l' t l ill I11),( ; "' I ' vf ' Lr pOlh np s th e I n l·l:'l· ~ t inla ..<I tl l tl, li nd lIIax , u ~NI 2 year s nnd veu l. m.,r · t ha n lh. co unty npPl 11Is Hh ea J ,IIH' l Cnrt U l ( I!' y , I\lth 'op rt · Oll ts f ur eme r genc y spri ng 8eed lng. n Ine a llIIn T ll ml'lI, th e old cst co mm cl'rll Jl U llI c r' OllS st or t·s Hnti \l I . ~ hl mOllth s : 111'1' p a l'~lIt s . !III and f o r ho t h )l ottol !\, imm en!'t t.' II fl' . tH inly A )! rl c ulau r nl Ove r 4000 bush els of this vari lty I\l C rs. "I IC' \ 'U I1 n<l d ~ s tin c d to be th e lur),( l'" ll cIty bunk dl·IU )S llH. UII I III th l )l' are n I)r Sh '· I1I,, !!d. \l ll h h" ," f,· II1l}! t l \V {l tldr~ )\"" \VUf ll('f, o f l. ~ I nce e mlrl t of th e 1\\(1 H om e an d Hh, , I Fil l< :'\ e n lu. U s l"' lc l, A g ent. a nd D e m o n s trall O n ult cady on the avai lable list in the It 18 lI enr th e ccn l er o f th e ~llll \o: ')'!oi It' t U I n t'd lo "tru . bell . IS II cu n Irlls t liS R MI H,I!el1 ~. Ruy l ( 'lOf' lIull \ V Cou lI a e a nti , n rl a and nty 'l' tl. l\ (' II brot her , Geo rg e Farm Bur eau offic e. Exp erI sa w It Cn I II uun ty \\ n IHIt\ o n hus nlltu l'1I1 decp wut er hnrb ll G"" s \V afn CI, <,f Xe nl u \\ I(le p u ld lC lty a f e \\ \' CUflS nug-o f.r f ur t wen l Y \,cur " u;ro, lit thut t im ~ J"I.;S I ,J nlll 1Ul' lu 111 01 P I H f l'Fl'I( I U the sU ll lIll(1 J J\ uh , th r o' Imen tal r esul ts and num erou s tam lD toJr,lll Gtl,h H IlI up tn t T llm plI bay. The I H' JI; , OiO \ l llg froll l l ll t' l IIlId CO li . 1010' ' "l ng Kbo ut l he l he We a 1 c"nn 11 11 d ou dl ot f' of s r tnll tl unde Cou ~ ,I , \\' c "pec n rstn H\ly prac tical lu nd l so d hltle n l' :w l il e th e' S thc il, ,) d II ll1 li " I',"n from Tum pa to St. P eter,bur fl am !, hote l and d ool,- alds . Ul11 m N uf I ~q7. \ ~ hC H II f hfe fin d den th, hut we l'an mys te ry di p loma l1 u \\ h Un ~ 1l 1 ~ ill ourfcrll it ty e Is per acr e incr easely assu re 5 bnah ' , flurl " II en whe l e a .11(1 o UI' get by the un of uinc so t e. bl' ell I:'l'ea tly I",,-,cllcd hI' t he ~ hns we mu s t d rl\'e th e nUIs de r <on Su\ w r. "h c \\ Cll t ,d H)u t dn. th e <I nee nnd com fo rt from th" One t f or \I hlch IllS" gave to t he Fulg hnm oats ance s back t o ing J,!"(io wh o .,1uup ",It r; s t h~ r 11 " 11111 I ~II n br Id ge acro ss old T Ull1p " Bnl' G" n d~' k"~J1 th e sq u'·l·1 d. " ~ ll'e K It [ u alld ta kes ut exce IroO . l whic lent l f h lea " lI ullln ders It. Cu rn vari ety t ests duri ): liS who h elpe d It F' r nll n'> 1I ~lI hl l' I ~ mad e of c on cret e I n I!I J (j 111:-; Cnll1 llHlllOt1 "a \Ie Rt eppe d " tT Into the past fUl llnl\' Lu lhlll k o f d"nt h 111 theI S com · t o {, UI ry u n the wo rlt. an d C' x th re e year s has show n the ng wu rds s pun o f "ix nll lcs fmm IIPIJr l CI1 (h~ n I" r u >t l ,, 11 dO \\11 t il the Hllnd "tlc e t :II,. I}, 1, ... d,·at h. 1111 01 III ) !ll b ~ lak(111 l\J III lI ullt adva ntag.. "r . \l Th fI e· Nl lut Lur e"t oach tn" II( d ancl T 11115 enl1) ornn /It mos of ;rc so ea l ll. I rl r citab nc y k· 1ll.!l l led to AI H.'t, matu rlll g vart etles and Ule r; ,·n(', \ J1 0(,. kc·t t le IIlfo r. o uter end . . ThIS wun d,'r Ill).!' hn u:il , b ut. li n ma llU lI co nCl' rn lllg t he USc of P, l h H: r AlPt ll' ll . "lUI S u nse t nnli even ing- s t u r, IlIn e· p os.ib !lltie s of gett lllg from 8 to & JI"l t O· ."\ca ll co nn ec tIOn lfi ,·a u. il,g bolhfulcllIbrid ge ~ C l .l](} I1. ~ h {' hn :; rl\t 11 nlJk c e \ CI \' o t ht)r "'un" " tiS 111 111 stun e. II1 vo lvlIll.; aclth ty te s L~ fr 1 11 I !I I tl h t.' III' t' nIlW It MIM fu ~ t.. cum l ll~. es to bu shel s per om A nd acre incr ease by grow ln. ovn il e ei<'a r cu ll fIJ I' me I CU I " I) II ~w" rt .:cl expa nd towa rd the brId ge, 1 ~~ItJ cnl II f ~(' '' tU\\ll er IOOU fie lds /lJl U all.d yslS of , lin . \\hC' r ,' hll so t hnt over 100 the prop er sele ction . "ntl nu ~ d 1)11 puge 2 ) And mllY ther e be 11 0 man nI ng ~ .11 I' St:t n ~ hl' l ry r t IIW IlH' " u n til h b ti t' ulh , J : l1I nt lh e sam p i,," of li mes ton n hos mell n t II high UnI \ :! U \ 1 nll n T hom us ba r. lu ~(j (Ce ntin ued on page 2) Wh en 1 put out to sen. L illia n \, .• t l"IlH It \I n:; d u rIn )! t he la. t 1" ' 11,, 1 "f his LUII "l la \\'Ilh am son It fe lit \\' :1\ 111'''1 111' t ha[ h,' h o ns, but fil II. to pro lid fOI' T\\lh ~h t und el' ninl:' hell. hl'l'a m nn \' ~" l 'll u C,,' nl ed ItItHCHt hcn~ PUIIJ IIlto the" fU1I t " u:;. H IS 1\11Id h cal(' 1 he , llIb i. pla ll nlnl:' a hle A.nd afte r that th e dll r-l, I stru ctlv e state sma nshi p mor e 1 1 f,,' I ' Int ere stin g Ite ms rro r y 3'" ~l rh y ~ 1( IH II .un u lh~ U !.oi (' of lh t! mon cy. bene llt !,"It f rl(' y nu t" t nke pla' t· T hur sday nl~!J l, And mny t here be 11 0 sad n ess \\ a !'i as a T ~ mOtl l' Y t hat It wou ld from find ing gold Iu- n (·d lcli u tl t o \ f't \ mHIl~ of fnre . is no\\' ('II I ninK bett el l hn nlu fl mln u Fdl luan ~ lh. unhn llted Each we )ur ll, . pll'r m e mbe r \\111 he In Lh e h (, l ~ ht ,, 1 h" k llu\l IC(K: cent , nnd on" cnn ell8 11 \' fig-u fro m the Cf'l:t u nit·;! n'p l Cf' l ' ntln g Wh en I em ba r k. " l'c an d som the e char acPO\\ CJ' Il f hi s :--. u 'C' n g lh 11 11d luss lit lh is Illte o f lIli cl'es (\IHIU I unC t' t" 1 In Iltl'r utur c 'An unu sua ll y :11 t "hl· n John Hul bert kille d 140 hum an ill ill lOll S arE' ill vo h cd b. . The Stnt e In· no 0111' sC(' metl t o full "h ul t of th ,· t l r e'ti n;r phas e of lhe ente rtain men t- For tho' from out our bour ne of Tim e ings , his total prof it on the IJes t h,· huu f ill t he lll. The Cr. d ustll ,,1 cum ml"SIO n mad e publ 1\111 kil1 lnp b,· and the Pla ce tnlti II\ , lIin~ nll on of five n ~ 1I' bom g $18, 200 fac ts be f r c th e speCia l lel:'15latlic the fent ur ' of h " nohl c It fe nn lO His line Th e fl ood nluy bear me f , not that " j!" t u s IlH nlh c rH. of t he ord inar y hold up manis, for "io n, nnd as ked f or a claTl ficat \'0 5 0 S wus, \\'~ a ll love d hllll. I hop e to see my Pil ot face nr be Is F . P. lOn of to fnc Sing e, Sing 's • publ the ic law exec nnd safe ty pro\'i, lons for a ny utio W he n I have eros s'd t he bar. and Pre par ed by A gr ea t dea l of h Ole a nd effo each time he stra ps a man ner, lO o ney t o be ta ken (rom the co rt IS into the h e l n ~ ~p ent i n mpe n. chai O]le r the r ttn Stat prac e satlo pays tice ll $130 fund . It Hem e . Th e legis latu Co lum bu8 Re por ter " P u ul Ih ,\,e re" WIll be pres e easy , $190 for wor k that laab ntpd to t his, hOll evcr . lind liS a r esulret d enie d Card of Tha nk. l halt lhe puhl t c sOllle tllll(' this mon th e en· an hou r. But th. tire kIlli pr nlL oj ec caus t has VIrtu all y bee n <i r op· .. Itraba ~ W e des ire to ex pres s our sin The stor y is lllid tl1 ) 775 in lin on the nerv es, so Mr. Hul bert ce ped unu l th e Gen e ra l Ass emb r east e retir e.. and hea r tfe lt t hank s a nd appr er n t OI\ n. A deli ghtf u l com ly r ('· Som e one else CIIJl have the ,130 ecia tion blllll tlOn t o all, turn . ag oin, lind lhls ion't Hcg ulllr c0111 1l1 un ic uti un of Way Job. <If old · fa sh lOl1e <l cos tum es nnd 1\ ho by \\ ord8 of H}' cted mlla n es. thy nnd n ull t ll n el\ III1'm bers nr ~ dectexpe el, · ed N VIll e Lo d ~ e 1I:u 1G:l F. & :\ . M" rd hlun ed tun cs "frO Id unu sual in · acts o f kmu lless We l e help ful lo us CO LM unu s. OHI O - Rem oval bla me " :1 11 IJ e alta eh ed to fitlY d urm g l he slcJ<lIess a nd deat h of exce age ncy T uesdll Y e~ !)III1l I\', Febr ual I \\. VI S. t.' re5 t. T he plot Is \\ Ol'e11 lII'oun t l the Qf our pt qunl l from th e list o f f a vor ed son g to star tth leg l, latU le fo r thi s fa il ul'( Itlng uull SO JO U lnln g brtl hr l.:n a l P "",e ncn n, P,lIIl Rev N'e , an d h IS r eo WI f e nnd moth e r We es peci all y all ollte e buildll1g' , \\ Illch m·· cord lO ll y 11\\ It (' tl I n ASK ENG LAN D bird s it now fnvo red by th e WI sh cl to ptlo th n un fln k lO lI IJ{!' th g e hi P1 s mllli (I .... T t·nt. orv st e!', Spo rts· ~ ryone ad nll tR I. need ed fn end ". At Was Rev . ,I ES:>E PIlI ::-ID ERG ,\ST W by the , tllte hb th e urn "ncr men Leag ue ~f Ohio and com fOI' ltl ce his GOO . of co love D PAY , GOO D WO RKE RS nsol . in !\Jr j:( .. war ds; a ul." t he ulld e r tul.~l nlltt ec< of Oh IO. but t he erro r IS Just one F. B H Et\U EHS Ot\. Sec reta ryM I" he IS ca lled by th e trout.blPesom of look ing towa rd s the acco mpli e so n f or th 's , \V all eI' McC lure and STO P, LOO K, LIST EN shm ent the mu ny t hnt hUl'e r e fle cted th e lack 'Illull SIst er , r el1la in s true clr effic ienl serv ice; of leud ersh of this desi re will be npPO lnted ,11111 IS .int er e ly g-lud to procto duty , fl lend s who kll1 dlv acle d as pa ll the 140 soon year s by thelJl duri ng th" past two DEA THS , $18, 200 PRO FIT S. uear laim to Cl s mnjo 'by I. S. Mye rs, AkT on, pres ,,11 t hnt he IS an Am eric an . nil the fn ends and rela tlve s id ent of Gen om l Asse mbly.rity m emb ers of the Afte r f or athnd I1Il1n e y benu tlful fl oral pIec es gIve n. com phca tlon s he r etur ns to hi the orga niza tion . Re ports shoW With the app roat h of the .. s t hat uon ~Iol h' un d lhey nil lIve l\Iar vlll B. Hay and Sons thou sand s of qUill 1 have p or ishe happ ily Her for mnk ing map le prod uet.l , d th is nftc r th. Dl, Th us th e fit OI y boo ks slIy. e Frtl 'nd, llIp club will ~e n' e Con gres s IS pu yenr beca use of Ihe heav y snow zzle d by surp lus farm visio n of Foo ds and n ~Vatc h for f utu r e an cnfe te ria IUllc h 111 the Gym , a nd Dal rl.. ...i n n ounc em e nts. prod ucts prod uc t ion. Som e thei r lI1ability to feed . The Relo luto nl on 1"l ldoy a nd Satu ltia y of thlat n ou n reck less ca 1l8 the atte ntio n of man urad uree n ~ports· . \\ pek bols h eV iks, men wou ld limi t the num ber and or rur ut deal the leas \Vhe reas , God, III H IS IIlfil1 ers of Ohio stat utu whid a com c n lellCC of P('op t socl ailst s: sugFarm er. , r emc mue r t he Co rn of quul l 1I 'ld ten th ng the Fal'llleT"' In _lll ut c. le at· dom ha s see n fit to perm it t h 1te WIS· I:'e~t thnt the Gov ernm ent mig ht thnt co uld be shot in any one e dent h in- prev ent $e mark etinl l' of lube tttul e. day as G r ui n sho w nnd the Fnrm ers : n5t· A ngel Sinc e map le flav or is quit e eaei to VIs it th e hom e of tcre st itsel f in help mg farm ers tu te, they do phea sa nts at the pres e oy and ntur day , Febr l, 4 m: inar - itate d, inBp nt time . 5 nn.d Frirl Cou ncil ol', Bro. 1\1. B. Hay , our VIce ket th eir ecto n of thill dl~oll of 6 at th e fJ Ig h School Gym .... I·y and resurp lus abro nd. The y also favo r r educ ing the mov e hi the s The belo dep num · re ved artm IS com ent som pnni Brin of e o g n, ci agri Ollll in and eultl t te n t lJ'e hnt !,Ir. e urs f or ""m pies Chn rles Will iam s, who ough an ber of rabb its and squl l'l'els n Wh erea s , In the deat h t to char ged with the duty hun te r wh ite , ye ll ow or mi xed corn , of Gl ou nci Hog 5n\\ hl ~ . hndu \ , 'I'uc s· and du)' Hay t he com mu nity an d 1111 whof Mrs. know som ethi ng abou t cons erva tion legi timn te prod uce n andof Prot alltl nl may bag a duy ns "ell a s wild The one· tl ay hulf " .''" peck I\'loo o , knew dllt each my rlbu and of duck s ton \\ hellt lin oa ts t her e fore dark , h er hnvc su ffere d we ll·llI gh "No ; that prob lem shou ld be from unfa ir com peti tion whlc b lubucc" rdlll alld othe r wild gam e n yo u now dc pe nds the sducc Irr ~ pnr· says . Th e Leag ue oUpo cSs t lO n t he bn ckbnll e ~ to th~ old trad l· able los" ; stitu tes or Imit atio ns cons titut f th e show left to farm ers with out gov ernm o f \I inter IS IIro· has show n n l!ant dly incr easi ng e. '1'1Ie ent law requ ires that map The re fore , Be it Reso lve d, by ke n . The W C. T. U . met nt me mo le PIO th e help ." A two· mon th·o ld baby hom e offic er s and bers hip duri ng the pnst fe w o r Mrs. G. D. !\till s in comthe mig ht shul l be mad e by the e't'ap oratl oJldll* mem bers of Miam i Vnll ey m onth s, ---~== mem ora· of be ======~~==== left Cou to and Is now on a firm foun dnti tio the pu ncil n t pure on of No. hi Vict sap s 103 own ory of the map le bee -tJl a, J . O. U . A .111 ., that little unde r_ Day , nlso Fran ces ========-- Will urd o n a nd Mc mo rlUl D IlY\ A good ly we exte nd t o o ur bere ll\'ed hrot her shn·t "Wi thou t mom mer 's help ." The they shal i be at 8uch denl llt)' that a expe ets to brlll g nb out muc h In th e our s ince le and hear tfe lt ymp l1u mb er r espo nd ed to r oll nthy . farm er s mig ht be as well able to deal stan dard liqu id gallo n Ihal lilo t ",e" b way of legIs latio n fav orab le \\ Ith quot atIO n s from Misscnll, som e By orde r of Mia mi Vall ey Coun less than 11 poun ds avor dupo to OhIO Will CIl With f oreign gove rn men ts, und ls a rd. spor tsme n. No. 103 :lit N Mar y A dam s' exce rpt Dire ctor Trua x poln ta out tba~ er our COO1mittl'e, bein: .: aIIJ es· Con stitu tion , one pecl nll y expr essi ve of the char or who WIth o1fe foro Tho l'! Co ull cll met in reg ulnr sessi ign mas for prob L Pter ce, sale or ..Ill an · acte r o n, The Stat e of ' Ohio is prnc adul lems o r tera Mon Mad , tion as day Roy ame /I of baby (!ven Plgo Will map wou lllg, lt, ard. le ld be to deal with prod ucts with nil me mb ers ticin g pack a!!e bear ing the wor d "maIn a Dev otio nals wer e \.1Pnd ucte d pres en wha t it prea ches whe n it nsks Carl Snll th. ItS own nou rish men t lind cloth very pl." othe rs ten dedt. t(l Ro utin e busi n ess lVas u t· ing. IIn IS pres subj s ect lvely to by pena Mrs lty li nd . und bIlls Cad t(l com e and help beco me pros er the law. wall nder. The u se of 8uch wor ds or phl' pero us coul l (.ilm en took thei allo wed . The In tere stllll t rend in gs wer e give n by r oath of ofllc ~ aHl .. by oper atio n of the ferti le land To lear n how form ers enn b e Mrs EVll Dav is, Mrs. T omli nson r s of and nll bond s we re appr ol'ed. help _ "Mn po," "Ma r,ell ne," "Ma )'po le," '"1m , lIIiss l\1r~. Nel ho " ell er, \\lfe of ~I·. the Stat e. The annu al repo rt itali an Mnp le, ' or "Co mpo und ed and surp lus prod ucts sold <\1. Pett it und the "Flo wer of Tem per· of the denTbe I'cs igna tloll s of Mes srs. Mad . len W ell er: p.a s e,! IIlVll Map le" nt B or any simi a nd Shen voo d of th e Boa rd y ot th eIr hom e nnc" Ch ivalr y," by Mrs. Mill s. Stat e Agr icul tura list mnd e to lar misl eadi prof it, they mig ht find out wha o f III Cent ervi lle: Ohl? J ll nua Two Gov ern. Pub lic Affn irs were t the shull be cons true d 118 ng trad e nam . rr 28, 1!l 2G vo ca l num b ers wer e rend ered , wilh or Vic Don ahey show s that the acce pted a . viol The ation Brit She wus all In vllild III thei r ish do with thei r surp lus rubb of Stat e new m emb e rs, Mes b~loved Mrs. CI aub" ut t he pian o. er the lnw. Illus trati ons on con taln .n oper ated 16,0 24 acre s durj ng tho last John ]< rom m and srs. Ralp h Frnz er, home onl y II fOIl ho u ls . II he n the M:ls . prod ucts. The re is a rubb er whic h tend to misl ead pur cha I. I~ht refr eshm ents wer fisca l yenr , and out of anle G. J farm . SmI th, e serv wer nn ed. e by te l' cllli cu h~ 1 0 HIS 0 \\ n . . SInc d epic ting We m lly s urp Ius And yo u noti ce thnt totn lled $1,0 40,2 31 mad e a n s whic h pres ent and took th e oath of offic e th ey or simi lar suga r cnm ps, map le tree e m:tr llnJ.[c to 1\1.1'. i\11 ~ n \'1ell e h ,·r pliel ty oC glor Ify the u nity and nim . et prof Cou ll cll puss ed an ordi n anc e scen es are also claa l!ld .. e ~, De· it of $402,185,QO. This was the W. man C. age T to . U. sdl and thaI It to it. the cem ~ UllI ted Stat es illeg Itim ate. b' r 6, 1906 . her II1t eres ts III all nil te leph one WIre s nUl lle! Wil l s l l e ngth, bu t we still Who t wou ld soon ha ve been mnd e pOSSible by the emp loym h er mu" t be at put n abou dis· ijee in i< a t ho a d oll nl a pou nd, whe n It me an? hu s band \\'er~ ent of cond u it unll erne ath All cont ain ers of mnp le good both pati ents and nrls oner ' UI'· lo kll,"1 hOIl th (' ~e thinit'S were ma rle astr ous fire was the ~round. s for perm ost In ),e l' h ~ :u t . :S he1I lwlIY aver ted whe n Mr. could be so ld C. W. (Pnl lie) Gord on \\'as prof tta bly at tlllr ty mar ket shou ld bear the nam e of man pII.· '"sed pOSSIble. T o spea k of MISS Will a rd's and gard en and dair y activ itiess. in farm , n p. unu . sual Mrs . Prac ublh ~lI Ern tS a po und . ti- pOin ted nssis ta nt mar shal est Butt erw orth saw an ty a. n stc p· nw lhcr to 11l11"nl7. ln l\' ,Ibil lt y, her ufac tur A er gove or rnm distr cully ever y bit of t his grea ent ibut that (lr the state , . inte llect uali ty, unu sua l smo ke IllS chIl dre n , IIlwIIY" I uok ln ~ wan ts to do a thm g call UO It. terri pou Aft er the co unci l adjo urn ed ring tory hel from or fill wor k wns done by ward s of thet f.nrm ~c co unty lle all a l'a chim l " in hip, or even · whic h II pro. th~ nppo r tunt y to mnke t he devo tio n n oy lit th e h ome of Stat e, mat ter o r jJ urch us duce d, and the net cont ents It II 11ft' u'c ful ,IM8 11I>t j!1\'P un an swe r, her Joel Stok e s, abou t and whil e the finn ncia l bene lIlg U new fir~ np . ll 1I1th ougn 1111 in tcl1J ll , o f weig ht or Stat e wns cons ider able , the fit to th e Jllll utu s f or the tall nshi p was take n \vl1 d hc lpfu ! III the ~ en r· ueim 'e them " f tl\t's " ]J laye d a part . liqu ' id H The mea er vO r sure ailro ad trum men , hun dr eds of Ice 5 0 cloc k lust Thu rsdn y even In plai n, phys ical up a nd dl sc d. h.ute\ er JIlY or , 0.rl"1\'· cam " t legible type , in g. and m enta l bene fit t o thes e war o Ill II ns n" ~w " c t liS n nute . She had' thou sllnd s of fU lthfu l work ers Sa m P. I vcs, r ep _ <I"' ld uIl18 The Butt erw orth 's, wh o h a d or to prI vate hOIl!cS WIIS· flll c 1l' ''So llln ~ )lo , ask been evon grea ter. The dair y repo rt ,b wus I' sen ti ng the Boy er 'F,re App alat us shar ed for \\ers bett , er pay, and o ugh t to t It. So fnl I CIIChlll1.; '\[IS IlIl'nW I'Y , t nct. e loqu en imd glna lion , o ut milk in g, wer e r etur ning to th e thnt the Stat e prod uced 9,01sh ows Cll., of Log on~ pnrt , Ind. , . was pres . her In by h e: Rull roau s, prut ected by ge ce . sym path y, h ouse whe n te rest 111 t he ntful l s of 1'",.]> lc (: nthu sIHSI lI, gove r!l. they dI scov but poun ds of milk duri ng the year 0,411 ent, and sho wed 8m'e rn l desig ns of t hll t the ered her men pow th t , e e llJoy er PI·os pcrr ty. Stcnd Ily m· m en puL ll ti ons of hel li fe 5"em - u nd \\'on1l'1l Clllln ot be expl aover ined Ull'- smo ke nnd flam e" shoo dillo n to the man ufnc ture of in pd· hre. figh tlllg appn lutu s, and e xpla ill- cd as CI e onc WI t h hum ,,"lt )' 83,7 30 cd th e m in de ta Il. ting out. The y Ity a,Il ,,, ~ , lh ey shou ld diVId e pros per· I ,,~~ we take IIl to ucco unt poun ds of butler. The pork her lth deep t he mC II th at do th e \I 0 1 k, A'nv e t h e alnr m and by quic k actIO 1\11'8 . Well er lCllv es t o ~1" l'l lll ahL I', De fo re adJo urnm cnt a co mml ml'"1 n thro ugh the n Ight s m cold te nd ern ess nnd love . and hllld tere d tota lled 696, 187 poun ds,slau gh· t- I,,' s a husb n lld and chdt ll'r 'T1 t he ll' S he S IlII' I h(, her ulld ram , whic wor h k the fire from was pow el of band ed will t he cO ll ncll, town ship b! othe n alld n help ed to supp ly the need of und el' co ntro l bef or e any serio gott en Wh en th ose t hut co llec t divl<lcnd s are ST. MA RY' S CHU RCH r, !-00II is N. Prin tz . of Way IIll In t rl1 st eeg, Co rwi n coun Cil, Bu t kll " 11 th at IOl'e \las " tron g us dum nslc cl' nes. stitu tioll s for lard , baco n, s hnm gru nge er rtill nnd . ag vl He, e WD S d one. S h ~ "I'I\' IlIlI ~ e d f OI' d oing Sexn gesi ma Sun day, Feb ruU othe r pork prod ucts . From the s and cl t tZens, wa s oppo in ted to go (ut·t ht' r ulmo ·tOh1 o, who b PIIlJ,! \ Ollng -C I \ \ fI :-; All goo i\ d l11 e t h rl e ca ns Th , espe e flu Y.' 7. ciall y bu sine ss 192G e was so hot rlll scd by he t I.lI1d, "l<t(' I'I) " GIlt!'" ulll t('(1 wom allho od, . Ch urch Scho ol at 9:80 try hous es 38,5'Y! doze n eggs r, oul- mto d etlll i c onc cl'lling t he pl'opos i. and If hon g in g on it, cau ghtthat a cule ndar , m en Ilnd 111 01l0Y mak el s, shou ld de· hlln ds. were lIOn. The cOll lmlttee II ~ f .. lI" I' hl' I' ll S sh e fire and dl'op . m a lld t hut ~ The H oly Com mun ion and .. 11101 gath ered . In spIt e of the latc follo wed IS Ch as ri st, follo uo d ping ws: wor serm kme on She on to n ~et theI r at 11'0 0 mc pape rs on th e toul e a. m. All are cord lallJ In. and drou ght it \Yn~ ~he best fre e?e W. S. Grah nm, Hllr ry Sher woo u, W. t er vl ll e becm e a ml'lllb Cl uf the Cen . II r glln ll 11 .1\ e t h i. II1 scl'l bed on our se t fire t o so them , It is tho ught , and fall' . ha r e ur natl on,, 1 ]lros pcrl t y. M. E . chul 't'h Ulltll'l' H,,\· 11:.11 111'1" C'lI llqu l' r by t hi s , ign - wou \'itet t to the histo ry of OhiO s Stat e :(ell r. in E. CO I'ne ll, E . L. Tho mas, John l\I oo n, also IItte The Ilch lI1a ll call eas ily get nd the serv ices . ld soon have spre ad but for lIlSt ltU· I'rom m, J O. WhI tak only t he Lath es Aul, alll' lIYs Lo\('! the IllS shllr e of \I bn t th e av bon from n farm ing stan dpo int. er , Ben MIll s beillg fnith ·of Rev . Jobn J. Scha elre r. Rec tor. time ly aid of the But terw e rage man u l to hel' vo ws and n \\ 11C. M. Rob itz er. orth 's has to spen d ling help er 111 t heHe o l ~ an l"'tl __ __.~__ ___ Un, . Mrs . Wel l er wus b0 11l In Wlly Colu mbu s, like man y othe r CItie FER RY CHU RCH OF CHR IST n .s,. is Ville , Ohio , Nov e mbe r 2~) , I KG Gov el n men t fi g ure s show l hat havm g its traff ie problem ~, and. from 1, nnd whIl e I D20 to 1\J~ I, "aut omo \Ins the onl y ulIlI l\'hte l' of Nath an John son, Mln latcr . con! ider nbe stud y and diSCUSSI bllos 60,8 76 men , wum en a lld chil drenkille d Mr .. E rlwlI l'd R P lllltz , ther:II ... alld the subj ect hus been goin g on 01 Mor ~ Ld ng." ning serv ice, 9 :3 0; Bibl on for And In 1!12 '1 t he "deu th r oll" two brot h er s, lIar ry , dl' cea <cd man y mon ths, little real head n um_ John ix , 1-41 : spee ial mUl ic; e..leuo n. . way has On. SUlld a~, JanU II I y 21 s~, qUIt LOUIS. Her life was lIke (J ur , nnd bere been mad e Poll eem en hnve d 15,5 lo· 28. LlI, e t /I i\l onda "'I'h y, }'eb rullr y 1, \Vhi! II e Gosp el of Love." Eve ninlmol Calc ulat ed to g ivc th e fa lso r ..rtake n from ' the busy corn ers been Ilum ber of fllen d s and r ela tive s !(nth - ell ly Fath er's, a sacr ifice l o the ltI' ll I . JlII1Y man , "A Stor y." and v.," whil I11~ n elll' the kitch en e eted at th e dam hom ,.. of agin e . s tove , In othe of colo red hgh ts reO'ulnte the g Imp ress io n that the auto flow of lan e-y <:Iu·t er, noar MI'. nnd Mrs Du. f OI herrs, and It'lve ll chee rf ull y 111 lOVe ~()ll1 e un llcco untl lble NOT ICE mob Ile III itsel f IS a dang e rous t ffic ~ ew B.urltng toll, mnn y frleJld~. But the deSi re of som man ner the , dead _ A "Saw Mill Sup per, " wal enjo ly dem lll:v er' to croBS busy corn ors e auto and g av e lhem on old. fnsh lOne d sur. cloth yed 111 on, th e word s of Ten nyso ll hel' WI"h Ing of Nellt e Kath ryn, aged thes e figu r es nre not true by the Loy al 6, . Men 's Clas s and Abo ut II year OIrO we publ ish th~ cO~OI'! of th e ligh t chnn ge, befo re prise . The Cart ers wl l! soo n tr.ove es wer e' dnug hl er of Mr. and Mrs. Law ed a to fact . im'i tcd frien ds in the chur ch. som e renc e noti ce to the effe ct that baM halt s them in thei r jour lley , whic h to the c;:oll ett farm , n enl' Hary eys. Muy ther e be no sorr ow of f-nl'e we hnd lIl ent udop T hQnH J.ast has t well Is, Frid al- bUlg. 'I hey ~vl ll be gren of ncar Whi t!!'s Cor ner" ed ny even ing. It wa. an Whe n I emb llrk, d~ been the caus e of seve rnl Of tly the the n1lS~ rule slx ed, ty.o of enjo dd othe ynbl thou r new e snnd occn fats spap kill alon l ers and five a s they hnve lived n ear ed . cl1ught lire un d the child was rea . I hope to sec by Pilo t face to t8 year s Bo mc were the victllllS in burn ed wou ld char ge for nn face accl en . The auto . club h i8 now ,- ton a num ber of year s. New Burl ing. of obIt Uary and a stup id, r eckl Whe n I have cro sed the bur. , to dCllt h. ' h III ess or plan ning new IBgislat\~n w h~ The drun Loy k ell al card Wom driv of ers, en will hold a "Do L thnn ks W e find that it was som e of wi How sad 10 oll r hear ts are Card of Tha nk. The m othe r hnd Just tltep ped in ro mp etcn ts. mak e it lJlega~ t? par mac lar Soc ial" at the chur ch Frid ay the soun ds out over look ed or forg otte n and mes {l e.,.n W e wish to expr ess our grat . of the wag ons, The grea ter num ber kille d wer we busY cent en, hml t two pass en~e lng, agai to Feb n n itud shed ruar e for y 19th f uel e vic ulld WIIS nbse nt only publ ish th e r ntes : and nppr ecia tion of t he sym path $1.0 0 for an Ums of thel l' own eare fless ness , com - so meth ing di1f eren t. , whic h will b8 a fron t seat , and offe r stan dmgrs to Tba n · mov e DiCK Car ter y nnd a few min utcs , lind wh en she retu rned obit uary and 50 cent s for card reo help exte nded to USI by our neig from our 'cou nty, • ward a for tho arre st of thos ' of mon ly desc ribe d liS "jay -wa lk illg." hbors t o the e who lind frie nds nt the time of our h ouse f ound the little girl in than~: 50 cent s for re solu tion s. caus e inju ries by thei Whe n a man on the railr . Alw nys atte nd chur cb. sud r eleu drjv . Now wo nil b erenv eme nt. knuw Dink, is kille d, nobo dy blnm es theo ad trac k In nam es. Colu mbu s hus not as yet est.a loco mob. his broo d, Alle n E. ~el1er nnd Fnm ily. tive liste d I&ny one wa·· stre ets, or sugg ests The fu nera l WIll b o held at Tho Loy al Wom en rece ntly supp ress ing railmad , the. ABO UT THI S TIM E 0' YEA rond s, The sign s read , "Sto Is bein g cons ider ed as one but this Has n. ft~e r eput atio n R p,' look a sub8 tant lal pay men t on ~ '\1" "" hum e on Thu l'sdnf, nftel~oo of ~he , neig Hbo rhoo d, nnd n · ot 1 ltste n." mos t plau alble meth ods ' of chec nnd This is very enco~. "Ke ep off the o'clo ck . Bur ial wlll be at kll~~ Whe n he mad e up his acci dent s. burg . _ _ _ _ _ ._ --" --:r.Uams- haaHus band is driv ing and wife , who tr/lC ksl" . bad ' cold is ridin g in back seat his JO(Altlon, . . , Wif e has ' just blow n her Il,ose Mat tie, h18 wife , snld , The neW Stat e office buil ding ' . Con The Colo rado rive r, put tinu dis· e with the lcati stor on. y: ' • and used , will add hun dred sto wor k euu lon has abou t died ' dow DEATHS HUl lban d-"1 wish you' d stop of n and Now P loIde Mia mi Cha pter No. 107 will Ohio will have no addi tion al qua that lion s yelU'ly to the wea lth \11 the milInfe rnal hopk lng. I keep thln rtan Uni_ in regu lar seill lon Mon day 8th mee t kiD~ ted Stat es. for Ita rapid l)" grow ing Gev ernm .. , it quit e~ at 7 :30 tlier Mrs. e'. Alle a n E. Wel lor died at her car behi nd UB." pllom pt. Full atte ndan ce ' earn It wlll supp ly seve ral Wes tern ellen .tar ted dtirl~g t~e nex ent To leav e all ou~ estly hom e near Cen terv illo, Thu nde y, deslrecl.. Vlll titig mem ben wel. .----~--.~ .~~.~----~ ean . The pre..nt law, whle t two • to figh t! Stat e" with mor e than a mil10ln , Janu ary 28, 1926 , of pneu b pro. hol' H• . LUC ILE AltM ITA GE, W, :ome mon ia. ~ded -for tile new olBe e bull BtL , pow er, and Irria atio n I:!~:n~ to She 18 surv ived dlllr . II Ob,. y~~, he ""I"''':' ' by 'her hUll band and .sUE HAW KE, Secr ettar y;, An Ville opti mist food abou t the mot t mea ninc leil tha Is for childre~ and one brot JUj of SUE ~ WK E, Secr etar y. . Lou is N. man wbo thln kl the tralB o P911ce- man beiD p. ~ of. hi:' d l.w .ttr . body. It protjd" Prin t&, of tbil plae a. her, be can .t9P • > "..." .Ev~o The filne ral awa t bt .imp '1, • _ • for mOU07 10 .,. take n from the ly hold ..... held at her late hom e Satu inl up btl baIlcL own rday , ....~OI! fad . . . . .-a t Of com. • •• • DlOmfDa' and buri al . Call ... . fer ,... . " .... in IIIam1 :lIll th




~ . GI · ' '''

G\ -' ''


-.............................: i

This Week


St at e . (a or ta l

-- -------

j.•••••.•........... ......i



-- -- - ..-- --

Will Se rve Lunch

Co rn Show Notice


Council H as a B us y Time I II


Nellie A. We lle r

. _..------


Child W as B ur ne d to Death

Ol d-F ash ion ed Su rpr ise






MID ...,.

TrJ Olll' ~ Co11111DS fu nal ta


c _

THE MIAMI GAZ!Tr£ ,I(·sh: n II lin,,\\, us ..". COUNTY AGENT'S Ih (' ANNUAL. REPORT


should be a BUICK C·I~'.KP

For Comfort's Sake TIl B •• ter Bul'c ll offcn ever"!' ~ mororln. comfort, and m . ., WI are CIIdullvel, Buick : ZuIetr .tarda.-a ,....., high .•pted ...... motor doel It. Smooth run· JliM froID die ao-Alltom adc Hut CGDtroll_ltJrclullve Buick feature. Eades tr~.eri'\8- Buick's 5-coDlrol. twUc:e neerinll gc:ar II the mOlt ex· ·pcOll... and molldfid~Dt typc today.

For Safety's Sake Buick . urround. 'I'ou with ever, cmilnary protection, and then addt B~lclt prolECdODI Buick d~pend. abilitY. whlcb taket 'I'ou a Dd brlaga you " back, on time, all tbe time. BuIck m«dwInicGl "·,,,beel brake,"

wi'" codlnct or

luk • ...,. And Buick:



aO Uquld III them to expand,

ContrOllable Beam HCJldllllhu, with -.rtaJ.i~Hl control, whlcb m aka


aa4 ..... HJ'dpie Sealed Enaine.... The ~.I.d Cba..le" 'lowera operaria. .... .,., aDdoela. every opcnria. pu(la,tcl•• dlr~.proof, oll.d,be 1IoaiI._."a,.... ftIte "I'rIple Seal." dOM " .rt ....In. ootat of eDCry Co dirt MMI .... _dln 'caa....

- . . . it..,c,u····t f -can

~I~';..l;.~.~ ;.;wo .. _ .... IU . . .



;~BUICK 'J(eelor

~:Gitrage ~"~oJ'l, Ohio , , .1.. . ~

a. ) .

i : I



,'" :Baak .

WIlla I





!..I '.",




.. .. .. ""Ealat.. Settled ..


,...emue, Ohio

.-. W; 1




\ f.'I . ..



Drl!:~~;~."t~thaway DENnST X-O-GRAPHIST

ADd WA'1fUVII"LE. ' • · •.


.If.l,plaltae 114


.-ON' , MAIN



II.UVt . 04T.-aJ( MEDIOIlQll ....111 .. ",bat.,... cIaiID 'tor 'tt-rld your IIJstem Of ' Catan"h.or ~ f.'eatnua cauaed b, CatarTtJ.. , ~ . • " ... II4LIn ,o.t.TABRII JllDDIOIlQll eon..... ' ~ .....u" C?!Dpent which QuIckly ........- .... oa~hal iaftammatlon. an~ ... JIi~ ;'Xe4Iclne, a ToniC. which ~ . -191004 on the Kucou. Ala,,.~. ntIIOnn. normal eon41.


~ ~

r. · • CIMa~



~ . '-1 ' , '". :








~"..~~ Spectellat

.AI .t;u;'. ~· Jewelry Shop ~Ohio

Eve",:. ' 'T uelday .

'.,~ .... . to "

111E' •





V.. H." Russell

'CeDeraJ , . ' Auctioneer Re.ldencel 9 Chillicothe Ave. . Phon. 201




btl nn ~ w~ 1" u u t! l' J'USS Wa H ~ 1' U ., t t.! J i ll t h l" 1I1lIl l P I'

:-,u PJ IJe llle t

Pl' Uti tlll

," H.. 1hulC"11



h o w mally Il1 l'1w !oI fi ll I l\ f ,,"I ., da ~ s . ' r h" {l' n ' l tu .. ), r r('l m t.,n K I.\ Oka <: h o l,,' (' " .. ut h , 18


l h .· \ n!ol t "' ) 11\' ,' l'4 t-l ~ W :\l HIl "


\\'I\ ~ t ('

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wli 11'11

'~ I'

t o ~'uu ~ "t (' r h O p (," i -; ~ s h' I ~ I· n ll (' n l1 IU"' n t h , t l t ;1

lh lb l Crr l ( QI' ,\' n ",n 111 I . Hilt no \\' \') J..:,I\ h:t~'k 1('1 T alll p a u n o ( u llllw l u g I l8 tl l · \· l · t ~)P ll h ·l\ t ~O l il h . t hlft' Brntl\:l\t OH, Olt T lI 111 ia 111 I "rr-:li l rOIltt." I s th e n o l ('~1 Kllrcl lq l i l H~ antI I I u , ' k l fl ~ . I h ; . trl c l , OWlIl ){ t o t lil' fln t h I \\' \' f\ II C' ,\' n l o ll ':

the OilY, th e n o n 1 :! m il 8 t o N trntJo t a h\Jfl s t :-t


t h ,'

Illu ~ l

1I tl ll l n ll all'f'!i

p rop t.~ r lh· 8 In kll l' I )III~ with IH'r ", · pll t ll ~ lion _ ~O \l th 3U 1111 14.' -1 a ~a lt l l h r t.)lJ~ h Veni r e, n IH' w d. " t·! ,. J}nl t 'fl l hrl n ~ p ll t

I' '



l11ut t e l' of till' R UI' ll' \'

G r O w l· I· .. · ( ' O" l p L' l"nti\'l'

A !"iS l l~ .

1 n l Hil' C"

\'s . ()tho

Iln ll lrr . ('}h' ~ t"r ,\ . t' llno pb II und A. II. Clark. T 4,' ll1 lh ol 'rl l' Y r C' :-. l l'ain j n ,L!' (,11 ' « , , 1'

in th e' I1 UIII ,'1' M (;1'0 \\' \\ 1':;'

mad e

tl\(, Bud (' )' T" IJIICC O A s ~n . . \' :i, .I n-

(' O- O)l{' I'i\th' l '



11l"n lti I II t h o " tHUHrthtloll \ h llli lu ' rnuJ.a' m ' nt.

• :

ftr'Qjf'{'l;': al "" ", f\ t th ., j con liml a l h -I-tl lth; I.r h UK~ . Hu d "a tt ic 1 ... · \ . In),: t- f'l I,.t ' l~ li a r ' :Ii •• d ll p il i l. 11 do ll Lt !'l Intu I h ,· pod\ ll~ ,I! :1 h'1I11 ~ 1 p l ·r ("I' n t r n ll l h 'l lol tn~ 11\'. t'l t p l' l~ p,nol l! c' I ' r!4 'l' 1 ~· ' t' I~ :00 1111 u w l d j' 1)"pOrtl lldl\' r o l Iln l ll· .. . \ 111 " "1 . 1 · !ot "I.,~·lu lh I n 1 · l l\ lI n t n ~ r r ("q' li . H l .. 1 t 'lo r e ,' I·II I1 I1m l.'H I " , .. II .. ( u c' tlu ln C~ :l t ti l '. Sltni! :\ 1" I\U" ' l l lll ll t il pO I' Ie. pi (l tl Ul'· (I on, h w l U,l llq.t ti ll,,· It'a.; !l r +t r n r m it"' -I\ I "' ' ', lI ll' ' ' ''' , li a ni la l lnn lI lI d \\'", r'il II n ' \' , ' '' 1[ ,,· 1 1I 1 ~ h l r' l l' l l l:\ l":\\ ,' 1111 " (, ,' 111 lH1 r

d C C t·I\~l' ti .

(I t a1. . t'o llfirTll:lti o n uf r e".lIt nnd .. Ipct; un t o tak e "lid onle l'


di ~t l'i h ut ioll

\Va, matle.

N EW SUITS Bcrtha Eli za he th I3rud ;:hnw \' S. Sta cy Hl'lIds h"w, for div orce. t::xtrenl!' cru e lty ' ~ I II·ge d. Fl'I\lIklin Nlltiona l blink VS. Williom N4' Xl, ~al)ll ' R . o n . l hl .~ c;ulr . t h .., nlo tol l !4 t!'l I' U t nH'''' w nlilirul ('It ~, on lhp C OIl! t. and Kate Hurley fur money only . s ln c ...• t t 1 1(' ~ tlll'l · \ ' rl y 11 11 t ill' Ciul( a "d Burl l'Y T"buc('o Gruwer,' Co-opdO f'fl n o t 11 11 \' 0 lh o i s l an d s o r k o"' \, s o ff fr o m mn l n l n lld t o uittH ru f" t Ul .' 'I t'w erati\'e A, sn .• V< . J onas H. Flora , tr o m lh ~ Uhf Wa lt'r :. , T h l ~ c ity h n8 I,;he t er A. umpLl'1l and C. H . lark ·b c t' tl (l WflN;l h y mlll lll ll a lr ,"s wall l l1 ~ .for injunction, ctc. up"l.r l un ..· tl II10 10 IImkf' Ull i' th o tln :H Burley Tobucco Grower~ CO.O pHrlC" ·t.. lo p ll h.' nl III F ln r i,la . It n o w hO B onl y r t' w h OUJilt·Y n nd th i nk m Os t or th e m nti\'e Ass n., vs. Ot ho Ratliff, Chc<ter o wn. '", IJ Y t ilt' hlJ,;' l a nd OWn e r M, A. nmpbc ll lind C H. Clark, for in. I hll\'e decl,led to see this bea u IIful ,)Ia<:(' c om ('. "0 ho. \',-, f' I\tl.' d :t ,'Il l l R';;~ juncLi on. n n d ru k p d m y (rull ll ), Iv c.' un ..." o n Dntl Al onzo till'S vs . Hurry J on l's for atwre my r a t a lH' r c. wh " e r I\m tf ll E' nll- mOIl l' Y nnly. Amount c laimed, $ IU~I . InS' Bo rn e ~p nr tllIl P Ilr h ' ln H" N111l 11Irth t' r I tlto Florida Ulf llt (~ I'o ad !i' :11' '\ n la de 3 1 "nd in tl' r st. pn ssahl(,. At tl1l' co rn {\ r IH o r~~ I l ~n rn C' d Geo rgiu Be lle lIIurchant vs. EvlUll r h e rond t o "'-: vl' r g i ll fl e h a d J llfl l CI·~tt R. Mnrchant for div orcl'. Nl'g b een o p f' n c ,J rQr !ill m e t r n\' e } ~ ') (Id e lect. dn r this we('k. l Oge th..,.r wlUI nil' fr h- o ll I1 n r r ich m uc k I n fltl . ( " l lI t llll1l " .: t o 1.'f Hol .My {! r~ , Wh ic h lI eH I ' mll, ' tot 'ro rn t ho t:ulC up (h (' Cal UO!f fllialt ' h ("\ rho r . ", hil' li 1:~ }.1t · Ilfll u r a l l' Uth' l Cor th e U kn clt ob C'~




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11' ·" li1,·



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o t I h , · U I"I{ :l IJ Ii'. lItloJl tc . 1:: ~1 ' \\' I I"I'.: " h I 1'!-l, 1(' V llo d

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\ \ ' , , 111 1' "

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,· r r "' I · I"' t~

\ \ :1 \ TI I ~' ( " I U'·" lIf' tl L:. fa l li f u r \\' nl ' r"!1 ",IIII 1t , in 11 ' lIt1t' E,\,~ n ,.. i lJ n w(I,·k wi ll Ii ., d"' \'I d .' ,, h , 1111 :01 n ll ll l11 ll tl ' l' at 1 twitr l Od Ill . d ln~- I " 1,' ,-hnlar ,L

I I 'j H "IIIl t.1

- --


... , :o\l' illHt lf' l·al' t , I r t h. ,~ . · HI" , :I . I , kc ; ,t \ \!t I. ' 1! "!lu'd l. r i l1/o!. l\ '111111 " 1 1Il l ili u n " ,"I H r~ 111"", · h ' d lJr r a nlt I lt t'u lll\' . " , h ' 1' 111 / , . .! V I' I :-~. t 1\ . ' 1· '". 0 1111 1111 :-0 111 , 1" li t :q ql l ...1il '\\ ; ' . ,

1!I ,·k, ·,1 (rll lll I ii .,: r ,I Ur 1 " ; I" l n ~ " " 11,''' ' -c1 ' aI IOI\ II rl ' l l a r lh~ I n J!.' :! .. . T it.· II ~L.' "r \' II . ' III" al fll ll· vg' ·' 1 ( o r ( . ' rt llo". 1J 1~ ( '· u lt IIf" ~ "U ti 1, l'a "lk a ll y UII I WlLI'l l or w hl' I I I I" , i ' '' " lIt ,\' . \g "II ! '" Iu n " , ~ " \' cl\ ) \.' U I :"! . I J,: , ' , \ \ 1t , 1". ( , oJ l h t ' I: l :oft f,·\,· : - ' .U t'! ll lo ' lIl l 1 11 , 11111 / P'\ \l h tiJoJ " " II IlIl I }' \\" ' ,., , , I :-i. d . ,\ lI o ll t :.! ;I , tlr l ' hlll ' d~ w, I' ,' ul\" ' 11 IlI r\lr~ "'H I lli n ;I .... t u :-I p nl)I Il J.;;, r l ' r1 t1 i:fIIl f.; , t H ' , ''' '1 1 I ltd ,· 1"t..I II III III".j "r dl.!r:ol tOl HI L.'i.l 1 1H) Lrll ll ll ll M o f 11111,: ~ l l l p ' "l r , .~r, 1I J.:1I 11' 1I 1 ~ u f ,)jl 1" lI lIIl'>oH' 1I l :tll "ltl l l d" II " W p l',)d u C I I ,;' 111 1," 1I1 h l :ol: c tt P l' cr ~ t1l phatl '. 1\ 11 11 I IlJtlJld~

n l' ~.l1a t", II r ). ' lI d <L ito! H I PV l lt ld l'l f l u W I ' J" ~lIl ld nll -. ~1I1111 ' n ll" ltl lI ,· Hu d pH r a.lI ~


- - - - --

11.1IJldt uIl a n ,1 Il l h .' r III.a r h y

~" \ , ' I

al ~' U llll g d ,' III U I1 :i 1 ra t l o ll 1'i'lIH r ,h. ;t l' l ' 111' 111 ", r '''l':I t.' r t~ 1 1. nlld "l lt " ' r !'! Willi ili a ,·

l ,t., t "1f· I" ' i' t l' ~ 1 \\ II I Ilt' ,. 1"'-"/1 JI !olfl i s l lIll/'(' . • l .. , "d s ' ·n l ',-' / tla fl l h q ': H ( " 1" ' H U ll ( \' r al'm h,, " It' to , !'ito'IUII ) ,\ nn hs 11 111..1 l' h u lT h la w ll li, u!t ll tt llr' u bl l l ' r y a ll u f1 o W t' r li h a\ t · b (' c l\ , . tlll'tlo! III tl ' \', ' 11 plf\ '· t· :i a n.1 p l un nl .t! f il l'

,. lh,,: !":",

\.' 11


l WO -I 1( "' "

W aynesvi'11 e

\ ;

r QJ" ' ~l

PI' U-

\\'II H r t'{ ' \ " ll l ~ Hl art ,,'t1 wil h tiUH a :o: ll . ,jtr1l (111 1)1 IH'lol lt l' !ll lI d :! q !, c a t alpa 11·f"' ~ , ~ ~ :iI r~::; IJ'~ 'I ,tl (n· t· h~ t il ,· l": xl',· rI1l 1t· " t

.I(' t'l


:• •

t• II /wing ;:" Id my fnl'm, I wil l sell by W>l Y o f J1ublit· (Iucl ;IIn. my ;;tock, fl' r d and im p l ~ I1I ~ lI t R . l"ruLed 2 miles N . E . .. f :-;p l'in~h o r" , <llI e- half mi le W. "f Pi"" " (tint School IIllU ",', on the Lytl" lInd !'prill gbonl roa(l, on Mo nd ay . Febr uary 8. 1926, HL'':;II lIi l1)!, at 10 o'clock. t he fo )· luw inlo! : :! h U I'f:i ('!::I ·1 mi lc.' h '0 \\' 8 . -1 l.}I'(ll'ti ~ t~ W !" ,

ill 1Jdt.' Il 1(' l1l ~ , ~ t· t· I" ... ~ (·



('hiekcn s, fH I'utin g


••••••••• &• • o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~~.

hnrn C's::t nnd g rain. hill . rn r tCl'ln ~ . JA .08 n. -T IWUSE. Ma rti n'" :it,," ley . AuL • .


H'll'i ll g' r" 'l ted my farm, I wi ll of· f e r . I p " h li ' u ucti on on the fnrm, on,' II ';! L' >' I\;th o f \\' aync ~\' ille R. R. Stu : " 11. 1''' th e Wnynes\'illc nnd CI" '," :1 1, I' ik!', Ihl' rollo\\'ill~ pro p-


since Barron Colli er own. Iho enllre COUIII)', hilS Home cons ld emble hold .. ,,·. On Ever g l nd tJ. ~o\V P\' c r. we (ou.;d lhlngs prog r ••• I". nnd n il .ml, lon .s abl e and cour teou.. N rtor 8 001 (' lhn" t h ere w (' (oll o \,re d on rhe Tim 1...",1 Trail und er con.tructlolt ou t boyo nd th tl redg. nl wo rk 1",1\.1_ lo g elghly t • • 1 .'r tlU )' II )' blnsllll g Ihro. 801ld rock which lI e~ abou t I ~ Inr h<8 u nde r th . muck . urfacc. " lid Ihen fol. lowlnl; up wlih Ihe big <lredg • • whi ch span tho ditch mn (lc by Ilrtlng out the




11 11

T .., o, F"bruary 9, 1926, I "gi ll l i:u' at I o' clock: ;j hend of • t, , .. , .. j head uf fin e cuttle . lot furnoingo im plements, hurn ess ulld n few hou.o hold goods. See larg e bills for inforlllllliol'. .1. L. 1F:NDENIlALL. i\'Iartin & Stanl ey, Auds.

IIl ,,' 1 a :c l tI~ In tt.' r (' ~l a ll ll nr' lh' ll\' In I n the maHer of the estute of Mary ' lI lt un d f ' 1 1J,; it ~ "' ("' I I IL!' H Ol' k !tali 'h{'\ ' 1\ L. M~ ray. deceas ed. permission'was AJIIJ.Cril. ant ff ' Sl ufil ' lI ~. · a r, " ' lth h l~ (ann "'runted adminis trato r to dl'spose of it" ' .' 1 tl H' V Ull nl ,' I\ ~(' n t }oW \ ' ,' d e(l nlt t. f!'o I n r l' rll llll J(JI1 li t' l ,) t il t.· \ l rn. l lI ~ . c ..'l l lI r o ul. stock belon"in.: t o th e estate. , wa l, ·f J'i Il P J!I~· ""1.1 I:H~ I'LI c lank M, L. III. He nde rso n, e xecutor of the lJIIult :-4ltl l ll J{ rllu n lJ:t l h'II ~ , 1I ·1'1':lt.· 0 8, e t c' .. 11(' _ t t (0 J B I hlt.!1'1 p iJtll'" fll,' FI (' \\. f a C'm 1, \1 i Id I nt;~. es a e 0 wen. urnctt, fi cd his ~,:-.;U~~ We \~ill sell the s ~ock, feed and .:i t 1 11 ft a ll, 1 I/ i a:l:t 11 :, \,\' l\1 ~ o h \.' I. " firs t und final /lccount. flll·n I8 11 .... <1 f o r /" . II l ·,) t h 'l. lI L: J" b .... r a n J.:" It' ~ im plcom em s, located 5 mil es N. W. o f Aunic Marie Dean, executrix of tho ( r O IlI k I tl'l l f ' lI I .. h U l'lI ~ X'II-.'I\"" II l . u ll l ·Y 1 t t f L' I' D cun , d ecense d, , fil e d h er I1 tHIS l ' W 111 1,11) 1' It II \ . ' h I ~ II t~ " rt H I r ue- t et t V i' Waynesvill e, 3 " miles N .of Lytle, ('8 'u e o", I · 1 mil es S of en te r\' ille, 011 t he Sor O ll ll .. lf' I,-,1 tlw ~ L'lU 1',\ :-:[. 1 : :l lI O p uu n ds in ventory and IIppraisement. r o t o l , a I'-I Jl l' l u ~ WH,I' ~ \ Jt l u~h·(' . " ' l U I cia l Ho,,' r ud, rig ht Ht Mn no r, 1111 the W. Chester Maple, executo r of t he oi'.\' l' ,h' r e d l ur hll; 1:9 '!5. a l n 1'I a dJlS' Of C., L. & N. R. R., on the old Ne il ~~:~. ,W~l~h J1t~~:d2l0~e!·rl\,~TJ/or" I ~:~ estate of Curn C. Watts, deceased, ah o ul $1 :,! IIO. n llll d (, 1Il0ltlH "IHI (,) J' ~ gl v t' n CI"rk fa rm, on un ! 1 ~11 1~' '' lJ.t ~l ll II1 IW . ~t() n' ·!i . dit C'h t' 8, et ,,'. once tJlled by t ho ,,·ater nnd ntro'rd8 ti,e fil('d hi ~ fourth uccount. Friday, February 12; 1926, .. t !.~ , u l p n u n cls Or writ) I Wel' !l Ro l.l In gnu ... 1 which I. U S ~d by th e loont. or. ,,_ F. Eltzroth und W. Chse ter Mu- 1,1 an ti n l lt.· o r LWO {,Hr lu nd ", t'!l t' h Beg inning at 10 o'c lock, the fol rnrge. \\'hle h Suppl y mntflr ln l 10 .',,' . pIe executors uf the estate o f J enn- Y"' ..O\,)I'. pr'e \, lolls w h lr' h ntl ~ cI l ht.' fi r "' ''' Ii 2 horseH . !J hen d cntile, 2 1 ace th e trnll . WhHe going throu gh 'F k r p u un d a THJ it lljlr()\·t.\(1 lIll' {( u n l- 10\\,ing : IhlB Itretch or neWly co nstructed r ond net~ e . muen nec ht, deceased, ti led I;.it· cynt:io r lIt'JI/,o h ogs, 8a Chicken s, furtlling imple. (l u t lo n, ';0 ,Ob5erVl! u pan lh er o r boa r 150m e their SL'<th account. ll1~nts, ~oo bu. t orn. bees and hou selarll'~ "bhend l oru8 : " rille turkey " Iso Proof of publication fi led in th e I.old urtides nz s 0 se n ' ng th o change In lh o JUn• f h . gl : a Inrgo Bevell.foot I1ll1gnl r sle.''' ' mlht r .. ' t c R~~ l gnme nt of George A. E. MARTI N. Inhg a long the b.lIIk, mnde uS ' reo.1I7," W. S pealg ht, asslgnur. \\' A. J\1AL B RY t nllt It WfUI virgin terrll!) r)·. . Proof of publication fi led in the Martin & tn nl ey, Aucts. arron Colllcr, 'Ilrollnlll)' the moa t . lnlked·ot -lntll\'Jdual In 1.·lorlda. I. II c. mott.,r of the estate of R. J. IrWin, :\ l I JiB F I \t t ~ ,' p p I/ r l l' '' h rl . n" n il l'lf~ serv ing or grea t appreC lntlo n (or thi s d eceas ed. 11 JU e lJ e lll' III ... ll .lt l,,, worl< l"· ' r r l ~.t o n Owing to the dealh of my wife, I W~rkh of r"" lnlm lng th e vltat ~ cr c. In the Ill utte r of the estate or An- d url ll ~ t h, ' i ,:t!oo( ,\. , tt r hy i\li r,. A lt a K I. .... " seem to.lny to be questioned ~y G ' d I "I d . will sell m y stoc k, fee d lln'd imple-, r , t h e f Or lll c. r nJ,';" n t nn d h (' n f I f . many who have not . c e n th e au na ee rl ng, eceaSC(," a u e W,tt- z l' Til l! t'P P v tl jtt :1,:of ' -l l f" : nll'n t~ . Inca ted ;) llIil es N. o ( \Vuyn es_ with Whi ch he Is certn.l nl y crc IlLJ~"i·: Iin!!er, as executrix, filed her in ven [n I !t:! :•. ~ }. h: ;ltlit' '';:4 \\" '1 ' (' lrnl 'lI'd In v ill e" 1 mile .. 01' M t Holly. I milc vtllluo. There now remains a gall or tory nnd appraisement 7, t uw n shlp~ 111 ' I o lhing Co n a tI'U Cli {HI, on y about !tlx mil 8 betw een th o d ed h . " of th e incinnati "nd Columbus t~ S~ 1' ·ll.lh ·l' fI ~ a \' l . t \l r w o rk w hllll\e. workn g toward ach other ' ro",r C"~h In t e matte r of. the estate of Mux 10 1I H.!!>I In tHi rt t v :.!t:! (",,)a , 'r W(1I111' 1l m JLkl ll i: ]like. on th e frank Z ~ ll fa rm, on l!f~ast. 110 t h,o n. 8urnnco or Iro\'e l f,' O'" Coh·.cr.t, deceased, It was ordered th!lt n hlln. 1 "f :" 11 WU ml'1I I L'i"" h ... <1 ,· 1 ft t h Is Thur,day, Febru ary .18, 192 6, ce~~'.' NIllllc8 by noxt yer.r '0 " '8 admlllls truto l' lIlake nnd execute b.,11 wrut k. I . ,· ~ r fl ., ,, , t uwll ~Il II ' l .n d 1'. 1! l1 ll." l1 lr : lin ll l l:' (1 1 u l h i' I' H; FrOll lc lt n H (!g innin~ lit 10:30 u'clock , the fo l, The Immed lato ra ts In vnl,ws h of ~nl e for trnnsfer of Duto llloblie lW'(J o wns hlp , ~N.'v l~.r . It KTfJUP o r 13 l c-n tlt' fli 1howa the contlden 0 t hot th. lI e o~~ ~ belonr;n ng to the es tnte. lowing: 2 horses , 3 cattle, farming tr n lnhl~ 13 u t h t' l"s. • rom Miami nnd New Yor k an-I th In the mntter of the estate of Kate Thi s wl ult' r ~ tu wl1s hlp H urc o r~ t\fl . implements ,hay nnd hou~eho l d goods. Norlh hnv Inhere this enJoyell t roplcnl cJllllhte d F Iora E berl e h: \."tl In C l uth h l ),! C v ll ~nt ' u ct lon :1 11(1 I) rc ~ s tJ on. ?tinny b:lth l . ec· · L • R ss man, d ecease, J ACOB REEDER.· I J~ Jii iJ.!' l J. I n I hcl'l c 11111 t o\\'Il Hhh s' SII tn .. bench Ch rl stmns Dal' . n.nd th.:' ~. 'l~l~ WAS ap pointed administratrix. Bond t. · a ~lt!r -", n rf' Murtin & ton ley Aucta. hi Inl{ U ,td n cu t il the work . el t night here t hnt week wn.. 6J. Th:.t $12,000. Appraise rs appointed were !' o f" ' )} OJ' l B 11 :1\ )1I'1' n lllk.' n us y(· t H iS nl orDlng r recal"od u .wlr Cram \\' ~I t o I h· flu l"b" r I heM,· l e ad l' J' H nl'~ \.ra.ln . neBvlll " say] ng . oro ",enth r th o , "l'- George I' . G a t es, R . C. B oys and ... J will se ll nt public s ale at my resiu,:. J . B. HAPMAN NIIPle/ -F'" .. B. Anderson. r ::\.rlull w or ~{ h as bc t" 11 c Hr rl cu o n idClnce on th e Chas. Hurne s8 Curm at - - -- _ _ __.___ ' . . W . Chestel- Maple, ndministTator de In lHlll~ lI o rn e A "'co u n t :i, A l.H1Ul :til w u m e n F lat Fork Schoo lh ous e, 4 mil es W. of bonis non o f the estnte of Wils on h a \'e " ('en k l' ~ ' l dll;":' l lt l' Il Ull t A('C U\lIlt Oregonia, 11 miles E. of Wellman u,u 'J k~ l. r u dll\Jll h~' til t' S litte Huh' ' r ~lty. Harlall, deceased, filed' his fou!'th H CHarry heard t hat starchy things I, h ' c 0 Ll w m n 1' C k E! ~ l ti n ,.;- t h i' nWrt.' d If- Illld G miles S. of Waynesv ille, on (l c ulL It ls\'n r c h A C O \lUl f': w hic h are !"8 de ,Peop!e fnt. He cut out wear- count. Frid"y, February 19, 1926. M. D. Adnms, nd ministrn .or or th e Ing stIff slllrt~ a nd collars but it didBeginning ot 10 o'clock, the fol. estate of Edna K. Anderson, ol CCCU Hnot reduce 111m any. lowing: 3 horses, 2 cattl e, farm ing ed , filed his tlrst and filia l !lccou nt . In t he matte r of Elln Ferri,. as ad- . Ra ymond Ryd e'!', fnrmer, nnd Le- imp le me nls, harness, fee d alld hous')hold I&oods. administ ratr ix of the estate of Gilber t vIa F rye, both of South Lebanon. MELBURN GILLILAND. F erris, decease d, vs, Shermnn Ferris, lI1nrlin & Stunl ey, Au d s. et Il l. , it was ordered that. adminis trnREAL EST ATE TRANSFERS trix proceed to ndverti se for sale of ... ~--Artemus Stitt t.o Frnnk V. Stitt, 3 r eal estate at the door of t h e court tracts in Dei!rfie lc1 Tp., $1. house. Chnrley says women in the big . Clarence H. Kibbey a nd H att iet cities ure more dnring t hun ever. Robert W. Brown ~yas appointed to E. E. und Julia Kibbey, lot Klbbey g uard iltn Itt litem of minor defend One or two hove even been known an ts in the matter of t he estate of in Main evi lle, $ 1. to go out w it h t heir own husbands . Roy L. and Martha Hudson to John Alva E. Jam es, deceased, vs. Alice I Mahan et 01. It was found to be nec. S. VunHorne, sma ll trnct, $1. J ohn ,E. Reyn olds to William B. essary to sell real estate to pay debts Clark, 2 tTacts, $:II. and cost of the administration. Heard First WorU Fra nk Suuter l~nd Lillian Sauter Grant Ditmars, executor of the es tate of Anna Geering, deceased , tiled to Thomas W. and Minnie W. Stamer, lot in Frnnklin $1. his distribu tive nccount. Benjnmin F. and Leura Wright to The court approved, a llowed an d confirmed the account of Mnud e Wi t- Hallie Wright, about 132 acres in t linger, executrix of the e~ta tc of Deerfield Tp., $1. George H. Francis to Howllrd L. ADna Geering, deceased. George D. Doug lass, g uardian of nnd Sarnh E. Denn, lost in Franklin, $1. Louis Douglass, et nl. , minors , ftl ed J ucob Scho ll to F rnn k D. nnd Anna his second accou nt. Transfer of stock was a uthori zed E . Miller, Idt in F:ranklin, $1. Margaret J . Brown to Jeannette E • in the matter of t h e estate· of Ma r tin Lyle and Orville K, Brown, lot in Le b Gons, d eceased. n non, $ 1. The report of C. W _Colli er , admin. Martha A. Mnh an to Howard B. istrator of th e estate of Abijah Collier. deceased, wus approved and con - nnd Lucy Io"lorenc!! Snell, lot in Mo· son, $1. tinn ed, Clara A. WenklilY to M. A. Burke W. B. Wllrner and O. L. Conn er were nppointed administrators of th e nnd Leo Co nner, lo t in Lebunon, $1. Will iam a nd Luc:ie Fife, t o Sumu el est ate of Med ia Warner , deceased. Bond $ 16,000 . A. B. T a lmage, How. G. nnd Ida Onn Gammell, about 65 ard McKuy a nd E d Wilso n were ap- ac r es in Har lan T p., $1. poi nted uppra isers. Frnnk L. Hnrris to William Enrl Th e g ross value of the estate of FroAt, lot in Harveysburg , $1. Mllrthn 8. Trovillo to FreJ O. Sal'ah 111. Jnm cso n, deceased , was found to be $ 16,:3 :3 2.48 , cOIllPosed us Jumes a nd A . B. !(uuffma n, 2 tracts Dr. Thomas A. Watson, who foll ows: Perso nality, $ 11,332 .24 a nd in Turtl ec r ee k Tp., $1. worked with Alexander Graham r eul estate $5.,000, Chaa. 111 . L eslie to F r ed 0 .Jam es Bell inventing the telephone, heard and A B. Knufmnn , tract in Turtle. the first sound or word 'e ver trans. cr eek Tp., $ 1. mitted by wire. In the test, Mr. MARRIAGE LICENSES Lester P: Bu d oll' of Star.l!orc1 , Florenc e J\, a nd A. E. Binckley to Bell spoke over the phone ssying Pa ul Willia m Noble, farmer, of Conn" js Jll W :,:; hill;: ':on dClfw n.. Sura S. Kilpatrick, lot in Le bnnon, "Come here, Watson, I want you:: strati r: l.f his a m8z i",: i ~ v nl.i ons . F ranklin, lind Ed ith E llen Seame n, $1. A tablet was recently unveiled com. of Lebanon, L. V. Mo rris et a I., to Emary a nd He is $how n 1 1; I'P with Id:s rn a d ne Ru f us Coolt ,factory worker, a nd Lilli e Urton, tract in Hamilto n Tp" memorating the 501)1 anniversary nn tl a rri:l l lo t·pe.' ':;, ~ , " J ( la tte r ca.n of th is great scientific marvel. the Ever Lee J ones, bot h of j<' ranklin, $1. telephone. . fl y lO CO n1il , ••u.""".Ucally.

s ent of Colli er r ounl y, " lid Illc ld entnlly


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Lumber and Building Materials



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C h nr lo ll P II n ,· h u r. n rlle tr! c t 81m t tl B rail t' n l on :a 11 (1 hn~ th e ~HIIH"

Dad H aY fI , w e mllcle lhf,. trip t o E;\' I' r~ J.11nde. whi c h h a d h en n n('nrl y Is o l nt'. 'd s e ttl eme nt , Ro rHe SO miles ltO\ltll (rom Nn.pl1!8. and t 8 d Cfll g nulo d as t hp c ounty


lid" ' 1:18 lH"t ' ll 10: 1' " 'I Kf' Vllru l t n.mlHclI

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lUI" II. FI(lI'!l, l 'ht!;: tel' A. l'lIl1lflbl'l1 I , .• I I ... 1" ' lI lt r y a ~ l h \lI( · " . 1:": 1>( pl"lI dU I'IIl1d A. II . Clark. 111111 \I ll t h .· d l ' 1I 1 0 1\ ~1 t": lIl"n rll rJlI ~ I!~ In th,· l11a t t ~ r o f He len lIInl'g()li ~ \'~. I lIlIn I l!<I lI ,I UIl !. I. · t l llil 1/ ( l i lt ' a \- t ' rrH:'" Mild" cd U. ~l ll rg' " Ii ;:, "s adllli nislra- ,1 ,1,') ';:\ 1 . ' ~II; ~ ~l t'I·.',. oil I~\,_ ,:: : ; ~d 11 r f:ll:~~ :, .III;::; ~' t I'i" IIf the l·~ t al l' u f ~1!lX lIIul'Killis , ",,,,,,1, ''',,'" ""·,,,· 01 ,, ' 0. " "~ I' ",( 10- n,,,1

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.!.. hn T . IJ ar vin .. Jr., \' <. \\' ;Il ia m G. I·I/ ~.·h l n n 11 11' ' 'I !lt. IIf p(lr lt p rollne lh"l : T hr·m l' ' 11 . a o; ~ i g' nt.' C, e t c. ;111 IlP jI : iI ' , ' IH I II "d,l.,t" I1IIH" UH II l' JII \ ~t a j (1\ l d .l l1 l J!i\' c n a u d :"I\'s in wh id) ''' In) I ', ' I, lr l hl l l !p n , of . , h H ut $ ~ I\ ~. \'O., to h · !,.i t. :,;1 \,e t' tW f'l\ill in th·t • mu tt ,'!· d f 1; 11 1\ '\.' 1 ... , , ' It':. I. ' t'l. Ur J; IInl ;"' fl P\.I'I' (, harl ," Sclt h' l'lIl Y \' . . ,)n"les l. .. n ~ . I,,; "'I!t rld ,,( :- It'l ", u)' \\ II I" l1~ III .tI" " )1 II l\ n ~ nr \' n t" 1 Iol l ,t :-- . ~ ' t , 'II I'S . (, 111"1" , ,, joI'. 11. 1 I h ., JlI , O/ , J.: ~ !I . 'I,I I I\ " ,'I, ! ...;. • ..... " ,. 1tlh l'\Ul . tt, · ( :c l.~ ,, 11 11 l ur k, \· :\ fI " I"HJ!h'll 1'1 (''4,hl . lit l ' L a i. " I,~ :1''' l l t ' t ''III!~~ ,' 11. ,111 1 ... 1I " n h, !U II ! I\' r :\"'\ I U IIi I f h , ' t ' tI ~ l' ~ , ( ~ ) k :1 1 h " t"lC f'> I :lk,. 111 t il l' m alt(· !, u f !"\' lh :--\l'id ) 1·..,: \' ~, . 1t1 \,1I . ... J. i!" a "H ,' r, n " Ptil t' . l h' r h ap{ t:\I1.":', I t 11\ I ' /,H ' 1 1\ .,11 , \.. \ , t . 1 a ' /I I . ' " I n l l , ., ,· P ' II)· th~ Fran!, l i" {'u/ll l' d I'upt'l' Cn. it WaS ra i ~ , alld 1 ( '''''' ''I1~ I ( t it . " n h'l I n lit .., a 1l1d ,.\; ,\ tlh !h , T I, ~ t ' 11 11 : ,, ' I l1 k t' , ,i l1 1.1 ~ '," 111 !4 l u 11 11 \ ,. Ip h 1 11 4,h . Il rch r t·r! thHt pl Hint ill' r l' C,)\' t ' r fr u m t1 .1, II I1:01I, ' f"" l !' l ' . \ 1":1 p l. 'l l , 1 : \ ' 1 .' 11, , ·1, .( "aY 1 ,1 \' t' l!" t ' l lIl i ll ll I"" II ,', ( " );" ' tH\' n n \', I ,h,' f l' n da n l $ J ::U a ile! c n~t~ ,lltl , ' I tl 1 1 .. ,· r f .. l ,1 " \\ 11"''' 11' Jo.; 11, 1".11 :) 1 1 !llfl ),:. \\ 11 11 0111 w lI l"r a n t i 1Il11t' " Ilk ", ~ llwdu"'l \\ ",I n '\., t'l, I" , at jlll" l t il l ' 1\ .·n l))('l'u I'Y I't.'!'i trn in in g urd~'!' ma d e I, ,.. 11' 01. 1 ' ; 1:: •• \1 11.· ,, 1\ _;t; r allll :-' : t;~ 1'I'I\/l'-' r ~ t nl1' " ,)r llI (" ~l url It gr, ; wN '·I'~_ f' t n ' if' >l 11, lI lt' In i r,lI t t·- I W:HI t ' l l (! j\l ~ t


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COMMO N PLEAS PROCEEDING S Dl,r" nollll l granl ~ d I ~ n\'e t (l ti lt, mo · ti on. hen' ;" r,' r t hw ith ill lh e Il1 llttCl' " f \\, ill i::1ll to:. Hoffer \' ~ . Willia m b:t1 _ \\, :\ 1<1 Bla ir. T t n ,!a y, in wh ich t" fi b nI1H' I1 c1~ tI

•1" '"

~dI IlU I ~ ,


1\ I

o f f\n~' t ,. \\: n ur 11:01 S i ll', I~ !, u Ill n,.,:' ,UI hll': h- d n~15 c1t ...... "l u pll1. · rt l 1'! (\ 11 h l' l' is lauo

No odMwcar be. elM "Sealed Cha..


from I' UK.'

n t tl rt lh.' r f;1 j u t h thl' , \1 ~ h l hl!\ b au .. t Jfu l , hi gh I n k ' itP tlon n r {l th oll~n"d~ Ill\d IJ\U I'I..'! r"t 's ll \\ a l 'r lakt:a rf\tll.o!.lfl t.t tn w id th (ro m o n q un r 1t' r 111 11 l" t ,1 I)"fhun t' r o u r ," i h 'H n l Ht l Ul l " l' r , h €' 1\\l tr r ~ i Hk mil(ol! or th lt' ht '"' '' HCCO t ' u n " d l ~l nWfl to 1.:II( t' tllt nl'l l .') b ~. Al t h l ~ , ,(,i Il C tl l"l It· r r l t o l .r I~ ('()mpl c t c.: b ,-' hll llg f · ~I . :\ c., \\ ) UII s,' " II I r ('!;. y ,, ~, Ill a ~. t htJ lI~u l1 d :-t . , ' 11 \' , · .. ,I wl lh .... \\· u m l' ~ r t' ..~ ~ . ::;U" ~ r,, ~ . I hl'(,1' ( 1", 1 h b.: h . np 1l ; t. 1" %l 1 1~ \\ o r t lt lt ' :-a .~ , \ t e ll l U ~ r l . ' dl l, ~ ~ r l i llthl f O r tHu ll(t·.,. a ll l': h h 'r~ ' a llt! 111 11-

th a t

.For Economy's Sake

v .............SI.

(rlln,lo urd






HE SHOULD KNOW BETTER H andy Mnn- "Ah's so rry, boss . nbsolute , but II mu lc d one k kk~ d lne ," Boss -"You sh ou ld have hee n here an hour ago, unywny." Han dy M tl n -"M[\bh ~ ah wudda have bee n den, only dis yere l o n~ . ca red critter dun kicked be in d e udd er direct.ion."

.- ....._---


I ·'


- ...

Irate Custo mer to Wniter-"Say, I've bee n wai t in g nn hou r. I'll be ~ tnrved to d enth if I wait mu ch long_


Waiter-"Please be pntient. close up soon ."


Read Our Ad •• in Tbi. l ..a • .

Dr . .John ·W. Miller Denti.t w.7D ....



NatioDal BaDk: BId,.




Fully Equipped for Good Service. Large Display Room. Ambulance Service' TELEPHONl!:



CLASSIFIED ADS. MONEY LOANED LOANS on Chnttelll,Stocka, Securl. ties snd Seco nd Mortgages. Note. boug ht, John H/lrblne Jr., ' Xenia, Ohio. -m30.'2fJ

Farmers, Attention!



Harveysburg Fertilizer Co:' Pb on .8


Fnrmers of WErren and .dJoinin. counties may Dhtaln money on Ion. t ime loan s, nt 6 per cent intere.t. Cost of securing the Bame i. ver, ie •. so nnb le ,through The "Federal Land Bank. For further InformatIon eall on or address M. C. DRAKE, Tre. . urer, phone 8l6-X, Lebanon, Ohio. WANTED FOR SALE-FiVe ewes, S>.year.otds Inquire of Wm. L, Graham, R. D . • ; Waynesville, Ohio. 'i3 ' WANTED-Work on farm· where everything Is f urnished. Edward Keplar, R. D. 1, Waynesville, Ohio.




• 11.


Ae's Got'·l . HS·


~U"-lhlE'S o"l 1/-\6 ~"TRA •

.:,.,.... uey .",~?, I'l..R....., .


c..o.JoN·T t:;.Is"'TOR9.·


FOR SALE - Bedroom Buite old • .fflshion ed bureau, h.ircloth parlor !IUlte, cupboard, 6·foot cOllnter- 'and /lome glasB. Dora Stiles, Corwin Ohio. , 'f8 ' I AM now: organizing Warren County for th e Ohio'l Li,fe Inlurance 90 • For Agency .Opportunltle,!l or be~t tn.Burance protectlop, write to Gllbe~ BI~~i'2 Box 83, WlIynesvllle, Ohio. WANTED- MI kinde of 80ft Wood, '. for pu~p. Morris Gr.ham. tf FOR SAtF'


FOR SALE-A fQur: HoI. stein cow, with two clI!Vq bv ~(f John RobeUOIl. R. D 1. Ol't',-"on~



WEeoCdAN SAVE YOU KONEY ON OJdo ~ 81lIIcI Btlt!ermUk. W. . . AII_Onaa., 0.;,. 0. W,~




men~ to lh nl ~~ ·til' lI of Lhe nounLI'Y . Th t! heal'iHIr wil l b(· hll d l~I' b l 'U l!ry .J. Ll\ck of PUll'4ll1l1gll CIUII! '0 lh e retjuellL to ~) fl lnudl' by til() cOInp'lIl y.


~"t.,..d ., the POI (O /la c. ul Wuv n f\: u ' I'U. Qhlo f oi Seco nd C 'u u Ma lt " 'ul fer .

CRANE :..-.;.--

P ubllahe.

---- ,

r tlct.'lllIr




r A-

Hav ing un suc c~s~ f u J\'I th u nVli clIUon u f :al'l cxtC'm~in t\ or his W H ~hu, ;.1

h 'j'\"

Null h i' Il'q P W' l 'u I II \\ Jl'l' I l,'s:; bl'lo l'!' I,," ~ dul.'~ S t) \!11l1J' ' Jy (llJlxutil ' !-l ln Cl '


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: i nn hH I.t "l.·('11 ~I\'I 11 t\l llw 1'1 '111" ';"1 , '-l' d ( IiIl LolI ( \l LJll l \. :\ ~I'Il.'Ulllll·a l ;-. ,) l' ll' t.y \ ,y t ll \.' S lut l · m; tl n ''': lIll III .\. t· hl l'b l'\' Gl.'I\ (· rn l ( ' I':dd, , "~ lp,'Plll 1' ldlll~ .lnd th " fH II' Irl l!lI n i y.aL l l1 ll \d ll I . " i·h i,· ~:: , ::o n fr o lll Ih,' " tl\lIlly tll " ~ lrd . II ~ {\"'I, l' ,ul itUI'l':\ in lhl' f ai r IU !'o t AL l' I ·t

At! suc h "UI'I'IIIll ...

UPJl.cHr us l he q u illl~ ' ~c" ll c~ u 1


j!, "qd Xl' nlu.

n o~ se \"1lI w or,1 '-'l'Il ,,·:, t v ll:-:l dUll thl' liu y i s ' Io t so f ur uista ltt \\ h L'fl hlJ;',l wH I lrall~

milLeu try I'a dl u.


Billy says that it's ClllY to cut off mdio a ny time but th e eavesdr opper o n the par ty line \lticka till the last wOI'd, _


---- -----


T hal youlI~ l 'hi(' Ilg'o ~:1I(.'s lII,t1 Ht~('I'





Khu vc



And r w s is gcWng 11I'Ue r. MI'. a nd Mr~ . UI' I Duke have a n ew Mrs. r . . lludso n iH il l "gain. Jlrr.t (' ~tl· ( 1 ht. Hgu lhi~ \;e ,·k Do uge Sednll. 1\1,·R. C. G. Rnndll ll is ilL !o'cn t ( 0 1' Mrs. Flom Mason iH 011 th e sick 1 ':uI' I'; ~ hllnn(lll ~ti ll I'l'mllin ~ un dl'I' l lln 1., ' , 1l .• Xcni n hus rullll' {"ot'll XfH')1H Mi ~s (;Indys B''''g d,,11 waH in Duy- liRt . M,·S., hn s. hidden i ~ on th e . ick l list. I" U~h" ' ·II. Lhl' L)av to ll. ,'p l'i, wl;.!,1 ht' d uctor's CIl I '('. tllll , S,.tlll'lin y. ~ ".". \\' " It(.,. ('"yh'. wh" ' liitl :\ cnin h{Jdlll1 rll· " n u tiuu , n. uy hll" h~"n 1-: . I ~. '1'1 .11111 1:,l1n ~ !h. nl ~ l tJl1da y nnu ~I!'~ . \\ illium I~~ rl:'dli ll has ueer! ill q uitl' ill, i", IJ I'. \\'111 . Oli ll'sb" e i.< i IH·tl,·I·. 1'-" f l.'Cl'I\l' !' , 1(q1)1'1 t b . Lll n d i~ , llk 'l a I'll . . . duy itl l:lflllIlLI Il. '"(11* H \ ,-'nd day:--, t hi" \I·I·, ·k. 1110 110 11 at th " {JI ll .. puldi ' util i';. ·, i\ti ~~ . ' l r eo t, u r X('u K. I '~. ' l'hnm pH')rl ~P lll1l n C.'ullp lt, of ia, wldn !-I::l'd ('olliltli l'tdllli f . d · . l M r . ( ;('" l"l:t' ~id n::tick hl\~ St', 'ul,.,d t.he .f U·lIi ol· . fip ,innu lIoll'IIl'd (, ,, ,k, or E:lrlhlln l tollege, I'(~lH'Hr ll ll ' \}I' th \.· l'Y M (·i,·ty a L Ihei,. i~ hflnw da~:-; III Xl'Jlin IU:il wf!t·k. l' US \ ' , \\'''''k ill lluy'nn. F" nl \\ IS n lso .,. 1\' ,tU ·. tll ~ i1jd' l lr \ hi... \\'\ (,''\0 Ill c('t in g- I",L \\·cl·k. '0 1'1 0 ' h n~l' un p I\I!-l linJ; iJlIs llnll IH 'Tlw t s t'lt,· "f t il(' lil t " ~I , · "i" Wllro. 1\1,'. " ,"1'\' 1 :', .11''' lIlk . ; i, clln Ii II I' d to hi s •r. ('. ( ;,'11;- I' allt·d ron M, s. Roy ~II' . lind j\ I". Wi lliam l \\ t'\.'11 (I b' i1'n ,,1 ·1 HH~ '1', I II· l't·by ' I' \ ~h 1'111 .,\1:-1 t,·,·". pf IInl' tillY la ... \\" ,t·k . honl{' \\ tih I·H.'lIl·iti ...... f\ Jph.l. W('I(' S·tncltly ~'Ut' b of ~ Ir . IJ J" nll'HIIHI. :lI nd a),. pf(l\idl ll g a iH'\'y I Il l l!1i ll ll~ 1", ,, .. ,, , I .. ( I,· ,.,. 111101 ,·.i l..·. lI f \\'d a nd ~! :':O- . G"II I"I-:' (1 r ~' ·II~IIII. I:-l illl :\ ,' . ;ITd

X El N

Sublcrlp lion Price, $1.5 0 p c r YeAr

D. L.




iIltH)! I .

nllll un whell Lh,·y 1I1'"l J'('ul'l1 th" pu[,lie CUI', but in the s" uuy " " t' wOlI ll",·s un " hCSllutes til pu >!" Jlltlg- nIL'IlL 0 11 l h ~ fJ o,;" itJ lc .

The u'ull s l11i ~sion ur taint w(lu lu

Jl ATA \ ' 1,1,

not lIpp"ur t o tile laYt11 !111 Lu be be. yuno hUllIlln sol ullun . fur lh l' \,iula lury theo ry is Irl' lI e l'ully Ut ,·cp t ed . Lig ht , he ut, colul' uud ""L,,"I ~ eclll tirlilly es tahlis h ed liS til's t c(, ,, , ills if nut ho lding closer rc lutio n"hip. Th e trulI Rfe r 0 1 sound l hroul!h the "lht' '', whi ch 1I1l111zed th e wur ld un ly II rt·\\,

T he

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days. ,,,, ,1 ~ I I' ~. (,h:l s. Rud

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.III k , I , ' in =" HI!', \ V li l la m lind \ VnYIlP . ~I I" . .c\ L l it 1 l. W i ' n '

h' t' nlh '.! ' · lind son , 11(11' , q ') t.:\ ,:j..; ito r s, S u p c! ay,

\ 1I'. ,",01 \I r-. I ~' "n' l t " illarH, lI f llay (,,,, . <1' ,'n t t hl' w,·(·k ' l· lld he re wth


1\'1:1 t I \ p ....

I cannot think of an)lth.lng . . . .)1 .. · lllIl11t ."; .\lal,l' ) 'r ' · 1")"\' . a 1 " , \\ . ~I i ,- d , I,· " Han d,"!, o f Wilmin lrIs a greater menace to your ph,.. I~ :, 11,( )J; lt It" l·,· Th ulIlps;) " aru adJ,,'d 1)1~ . Ion (', I II )..' 1' . ' 1"' lIt t \: t' la t t l' r pal'l (If ienl welfare, than the hour ..... It t 'H I d lIw t..' luil1l ~ o f t h(l!;.u r!"fll l) .\ ' 1'''- 10 ('lIr :-k}., I. :- l lh i"i '\·" c.'lL tI:-;ta, I, \r. , \\ ho p urtklptlt. C'd i ll t Il, you uttempt to diagno se your owa :'1,·. ~'""""I . " til h ",, " ,;"",'h l r l'. W4 ' I't ' 1"1Il''' 1 .; '1' 1' 11I..c ;-. 1 =, ll'I' ~ . :\lr~. SU !"rlI\ t l\ll "(·i 'h. a f hlll1l(', disease, and set out to bu)! II . . . . . lIan of d ~k l\ ay nnd f"'ll rly ~ 1 ... nL ;\ Ji.... \ ' , ' IIlHI. \\ t 'll' 11,lyt. II \ ; .. ilHr· ,Fti. llH lI).da .. ~ alld ~,t hs .:\Ii lllli ..., t 'u •.).:" l' ''I,lll ''c o f 1111(' \\' illi ll lil II I'rrr y W i;· ~ I I". lI a l'"l d C ili um. Mi% !'\ ,' lI ic Ann :'UII !oO.p n w ho ki ll ,," !'ii1t..' r iff l\l·l!u m. " " .";a lll rd Il.Y B lt d SU lld H~' \\,11 h fl,l .... t i\~l'S ,I,I\' made cure for it. You could bu4Pnu l C'u tf'i l..'hl Wl'I'P I'I,t'ph',·d a ~ tlC'W day. 'F ri :lay !lUl l nlllJ.!' u f l ht-' Cco r g-('l,q' ll Hil t! f r it'n d :-:; In \\' l l lll ll1 g' tuli. ly nSRume a that I.e , ~ Il l! mit !'} '" II I lh t' Jltn u h'!-' H Ull c hur ch ':\1 1'. :tI lt! 31 r :-.. 1' 111'1.' :- 1 <; I':IIIa r11 un c! :,\1,':-. lI ann:lil l ~ HI.'an and : rr. H('lt ~u lIll: '.\". with p; r eotor danger. yeu r::; ugu, is n u \\' accc ptliu u s pn rt rail'. en h d (' llland ill~ u Il(l rti u ll " I' I ht' d ."L. ltl j I ,,, :--]'\'u l ~Htlll·tI,l~ 11\ Illl ' (;l' lll 1 1" ~ all Ma x lI o llin /!s wu rth I'Pt u, :llti III(d ,hUI'( II hi ')', i lll " II,ok uf the regular o rd el' 0 1' li fe. The l(, w Hf't1 1111 Inl"y . T he re Is little ot "ma,te'" ~ 110111(+ III 'i'lil U('L'l'c.«.:k lu::- t ",(·(, k, aft (.' I' "il ••. T h. · .\ id !<" O(' ;l! Y (If tlw Hun'j' YI{t1 Ulll{ ' " \\;'h HI \'. :l1u l ~11 ... \\', I·: Uo . lI'un sfer o f th e llIoti un pictu re b~' comllion seilSI'. A human ~ "iPl·IH! I Il J.! l-it'\,' I' a l W t'l" l{s i n til( ' '\' t ·~~ . I' UII! ~ I I '. " h," (' h \'; 11 ha,'" a ' ·,lien · gu n . ~ l! lld.~~. :1, Ii " n ~t,,,· \, \ \',,11' I ' h"i ' n l'ld" BJ-;T ll E I ~ Jo hn Swins::. p " ~ tnla " t . .· "ud ,u is wdl a long its wuy. Th" who does not knO'W how to IIIIIj lillt' ,11('1. 1 i l l tht· 1I :t1 I. F,id a \' ~ \'l'n ­ .\I i~~ }\Iit- !' .I ~ J I'(·I'l' I"" )·.· t ll l·n,,1 '" aI' , ' f't 1l1od dil l'g- lhL' ~.lIlt).'"t' a t Lytl l' trll ll SlnlSsion of heut pl'Obubly de- uf II ' lhe l, by t he aSH i~t"nre " ,- II ," 1\1,'" .f nnlf..' 11 " ,.<1, "iJo llU:-. IJP l' t1 III).'. F ,.Jq' ua l \ ' l:!. fro m getting !!lck, fa a milrhtJ' .... jilL! I. Tlu'I"(.' wi' ll be B pend s llIore t hull anythlll g else 0 11 C. C. I{ c urn s , H ~s urt!s h,I S patrons th at hl'I' hO I1H ' hl'l' L' [ " , Ill t hl.' I hl1 hfJ o: pilu l, 1idn }.!' \\ i tl l hi' !' di\tI;~lH l'I' , 7\11' -.! , It H1H - pr tlJ,!' r a Ul andproposit ion to take care 01 hla GWa :" l1J1pl ' t' 001' uuilily lu pe rf ecL alllplific aLi un. frl' c d,·li vl·l'\· IIf lIIu iI fnl' till' it· Lown 11\ l. .. ·tll inun, alld j:-, g l'tti ng' alullg' ni l' e.\ I (~<r·,. 1:-. •. 1'\ t l E:tI'I)' ull d CI),d u ( ' 1' , o f ),\., 11 /,\\ :-\jl l'IlI l!-.!, h as l'l'tlll ' lh ' d 1 1 '.IJ!i nllin ~ at ;) o' d\ wi ll hI.' ~ · I·\·~ d . alIments when he doeR get .... )c k. ::;0 fur U" powe r IlIl1y be co ncc rlll'd IS Iwl fa r oiL !\I t'. S wil! l! ig p Ulling- Iy. ('1)\ mae).., a ilu , III I· !-t~ tl' IP t l , ( 'j nl'IIl' t n hl'r II!l n ll' bll'(', Yet there are dozens of ~ .. Lhere hes 111 th e tides e nough pOW,,1' IJvl' r y l·(for l f o rlh fur til l.-' ~ll kc f,lr t il L' )II'Joi , II :l1Hwh n"I'a n li nd ~tI!l , 1111 \ i. Thill',,,,, )'. most commun ities, who attem~ .. Th l! I,"d~' I lf Adll ni .In'lt':;' \\ u:-t I co vl e u ~ t he )' 11I'e unxi o u ~ fOIl' t hI: iJl' l' t , \\' ('n' t lJ bur n the ulli vCl'HC to H c r iMp. S lIlIda\' d'IlIH'" I!U t ' .. S ,, [ cure themRelves upon that Ii". .\II·~. t'i )'tll' (, ,,, Sl'l'lll I."t wl· .. k J.1'I111~i lt 114' 1' \ ' f'II' l ,ullH l, ~h'nd:I\,. :\ 11' . It fullo ws of cou r se liS a llIutLel' n\ I1 \,'-· l1 i ~ IH·t.· thut w ill 11'-' uITo l·t!(·c! E(I Uo~n ll :lnd rUIl'lI l y, a t Sprill g' Vllithesis, thut th ey know 18 ~ '!" fI1 d r al1li l \' \~('n ' 1',, 1' 1111'1' 1' l" i· Wittl !t\' I' p art·tl t s , .\ Jr, Hlld ~II ~ I' . " ' , JIIIH of seq ue nce thut o nc e the wul'id can t hcm . Th e mU\' CI11t: llt h as l.H..'l.n1 on Icy. dent s III t ht\ (',:llllll lJ lllty. when they exercise rell8Oll. Sl . 4IIlP , al I I1"tl llI : lr. Lt l' war med thl'ough th " uil', it 1 1111 flll' ~OIl1C t imc' with the depal'tm nt. =-'0 Ut.l·U ... tff llll' d Uf r p ('o p le of our The profession of medicine II _ :'11' . In 'in ~ "'I' r ~ . \\il(' altd :ll l's. ~II' . \\'I lI i:lIl' .\I lxlI,,, I,· I' a" d ~II' be coo led by n r e lltled pl'oceS" wo t haL ~!I ' :llId ~·I r'. \\, ill, II' ( ·I" I·k. "I' \\' ., .. l'll\lIllry t il l'IHl tilllillll R H' Il'p ho nc.' ~e l·. NI·:W ClI RLI SLI': - Muyol' Dol ,hill H 1'1 11 1((.'l· L.lnd .·I', ~,r i l 'lIll l' , I II " nn' tit " n t'!-\ilh' , \ d :\ ! "'. -' I honorab le one, however UJ\IICNlI9" probuu ly before lo ng w e muy lind a r\" ( 'an IlIl17" 11 ~l r" l d :--:. ') J\'I'" I lltlf!!,f! 1'''11111 j' l' lfld a \ i('p , l' I)! ht UI' da y , \\' l·l' k ·day . S unclny IOU 8 some of Its adhe-ren te :--ial urd :l\ IIl ~ht. uurselv es out of th e g ri p of th e nOlll _ of New ClII' lislt·. UillIOU II Cl d t hat t ht· I!U " ' IS u r th.· Ila \'is fUllli ly, "ca l \\, ~ II ~ :I tll :' d ay ~(t u ! 1I1 l0 11 . T IB')' ,,,: ,d L· thi..· trip be. ' • " I' t",liolll"- th a it iN ditli 'u lt fill' \ There are plrnLes on all seas ........ in th"h' IlliH'hi : ,' 1111 I h.leI :-,dlI1' " (l ry ri ous cou l "lid ic o mun . II requi "es c ur f (!\\' ot'di Il Hlln: \\ill ht, l' llf, H't.'l'd t il m an. \ I t 'fil'un ~ h, npllrt'l'iu (' th nt t h!; con.\11'. lin d ~]I"'. ( 'tt l \ ill f II II L."Hl'l'(' Lan.' t ho It -ttl' !", lind !l easy l \1 11 lI ex t. j\Iond a y l ' \' l' ll tl·!'I · ... • il l'" " 'P ' r il'Iar'l vletlms a re af1oa~; and 1M some imllgi nlltioll to lhink u ( lho I'l tll l'l , i l1 ~ t i l \\' iL '>I' i ~l'lIlll Lt. wife n, ' l I·tl t IJ II' I':,.~ 1\ •. \ 111 111 oil'" 1111 ' \ It . dlL, ir il lOl1l1 h~ \'.:\y Iii \\'t\. hillgtU I1 n , ti I ,n i~ ,, €It t ~'p l ca l o f t( ·lt·p hunc ~ cr _ most villlanou s Is the b u _ nlllgnitu dl! of cllpitlll t hut Will U(' n ec· in ~ th c c\II·ft·w i,ell wil l Cllmnh' Il C(' r-:dit It I I", i" "tL"ndl' d th ,·alld ~I "c . c.';,lt \;l' t lll'( ,u~ h () lil lh l~ wllrld, Il " d t I' !Iii Lt '''\\:1 :- :J·" L't. cl A s a I"i n g-il1 l:{, T C. h~.' IIl' dllli:lf who l (' t' pl'~ , \' idl ':i that 1'1111\ ,'nti cssal'y when th e ' r elit c hange shll l1 preys on the sick and affi~ uI1 "f I 'Ylh i HIl :-: i !' tl~ ' ~' at 11.,111 IH:. t £'1" of fact , c Oll ti nliOtn; RC'r vice is be brou g ht into p l'lIc Licul usc , buL ,,~ n il e hdd l''' " 17 .1" U l' ~ o lJ ""d l'n d,' 1' ilLIIII , I-'r, dtly . unn e r the dl.eguise o[ respectabfH~ : 11':.. :\1:11 !t.l ( ;!. 1"1111 and ~Ir..-; Ed . 1 '-" (' pti( tI,a l 11\ mo:-t l f Ol'l' ig'1l co un. III US L u.· lIJf th • 5t n·l·t~ IL fILet this is th e leus t o [ th e pu blic 'H uy i I, 'c lnck l And, there are people who are . . n 't ."1111: \\ I~' 1' .\ "II :--!I"I'IH'r~ IIIl t r ll S. OutSl d t· o f II t1l inna l Cllpitols ~,"·s. 1. 1I(·Y Fi"hhuu l!h ond dnu!!'h · '1' 1" ,.I~ ( ! I·, I ", \ .:k, worri es. 'I'he finun cle r with til " I'oady ea c h n iS! hl. unlt· .. s hy ~ IlOll' n p('('~ " ll l'\' r eady to sing the praisetl of "egre. all I IIl r I!C" L ci ti ,·s, al1 · ni ~ht Re l'" icc is A fI,·,. Api'll I . t hI S tilll~' tll' S, . \ lit'l., fl h.' i l . LUl' Y nn d ~1I 1 1 . \\' 11_ pock tbook W e U I\\lI)l8 hllve wi th u ~. I' ,,,,,,"d. ulls" and furni sh their photogra plw , 'I llite IInusuu l, I n Ge rmany a nd Bel. \\'t1",~1 11 1 ,11',.... , .11. , \\a .. a \\'l'l'h l,'II J ham. and (. l'nL' \' C~IX, uf ,M iddlt't }\\'tl . 'fhe lI eed of the h oul' is ll rllin s, nlld chan g es to H II ' ·Itlch. to clinch the evidence. Is that.:s /!\II1 ' I,',s t htlll 5 Tw rc( 'nt uf te l 'phone 1"!I'l' S Ull d ay Ii ll( ·~ t 5 at th e J OI'du n l"lI " :-l a t t Ilc ' L"lllv .... 11" . :Illd :'II r .... (,Ila: , they Ul'e hard at wOI'k the wo rld over. \'a lid reason why the stu1! I.e ,'xt..'h ung-c s g i\' uninte l;l'IJ l al . Jlitlll i II\.JI',g" . honH.) . May the g lad tidillgs Suu n be spr elld ;'Ilrs. C. F. \\'ill, \l'h,' hn" Ill"' " ~e · In [:nln N' Ics" thllll 1r r upt ed se rvi ce, for you? pel·cent. Sti ll before the world. l'i otl~J ~' II I ru 10\\ 111;" l ' r:lIHHlJl lta, i s aUllt h tl r f catur(! in !\Ir~. ( '!Jt·I!I/\\( ·tlJ J. R. ~l d\ H Y unn :o.1I f1, l\luy nur d, h..; " j - ilin}.!' Mos t any Irlnd of testimon y _ Eurup()a n l c lei': lh ntt ~ ta rl1UrI .. \1',1' . and thl'cl' >O Il R. Jlt:n!' ( 'l'll l \'r\'illt Ht t ill' hOIllt.. u f !\ll'. impro\'i llg "h,, "1' " , n' lee is u lu ncheon inte rvul be bought for the price these da,.. French dancing mus ters now pro:til'; )Ir". t '"r l 11""(' ''; 11 1-:'. of \ Y i llll IlH.r U'Il, \\'( I}'j ' :-';a tll'tlny (, V(lll~I rs . :'ol!l~li(' )!" h,'''. "h " has I·ec n I,et II' e n 12 lind 2 n. Ill . , w he n ",any from the people who sell them. " Ad"ocal<" o f ~o\' c rnl11 c nl 1'1 ie\!- in l! l! u "~L~ o f ll" wu pose to patent th e dan ees ' th8Y inrd MeK u), nnd 1\1t·. :l u d ;'\11· .... ,J'lln!'." Hawke, nf Li _ worJdn g- in X ('IIIU , hus n ' lllJ'lteJ t u ( ' XLl HllIgCS al'c cl osed. good thing to rememb er I.e, mal v ent. ~ The "goose ga llo l>" IS the lut_ fix ing fo r nS::l' icultura l t l'UPS hl1\'c nlll fllll'il y. Jl H I , Ohio. "' pc. r t U fl w cill\ S ia!-lt week ht' r h Onll'. h(. I·('. every ~he or pain has II d.tln1te est . Girls Will huve to wutch th e ir wh oll v CN" .. d llwi l' ~fro rls , ,dlh o Uli h cause beneath it. And, unIeaa yoa, I·' . .' . El bnn " ,," wife, K" Hllkli:1 \lith lJ('" "" "!;l' allu f Ulli lly . T h \\' . F . ~ I S ., 11 r I he friend" t oes if they pon't wun t t o be s ucd they ;'I'C forc ed t o Hdmil Lhn t C(ln U' A BO UT THIS TIME 0' YEAR know what th is cauae is, and UJo for infringe ment tion s f o r th e fum1cI' hll\' (' il1lp"ovcd l'ockl'l', l,f Wuynes \'i ll c, Am us Cll u k "I I'. alld ~jl's. Seth FUl'll il' rtttentle tl c h ur c h. lI11't " I ti\(' h"llI e of Mrs. I': . I{. nctly how to remove It, you W rap idl y durin g th e pnst ),,,ar. without nnd \\ iIe . of Horveys bu,'g. uUe nd",1 th,· 1·-, dll1·~ ., f 1"',,1'. i·.I),<: r L H u~s l· lI . lit St cdd ol11 , Wcdnc hclny. Il us ha nd is dl'ivin g and wife , who the Fri(' r: d ~ M',IlLh ly mee ti ng hf'l'c, \\·.I Y lll"\ il lc. Fri da y l' \'C'lIin)'" . better l eave treatme nt t o _ . There d08S not seem to be IIny- !l progl'Um of price·fix in ,'. haK bad co ld is rid ing in back seat. Wednes N(l~gle duv . Th e '1Il1m es of (' Iove :l Lnul'ens , \\ he. ul1de1'we body who does know. Even. good That th e low Ill'ices of the pust tIling very e illstic about this rubb cr W i f~ h,," jus t blown her nose. Con,I)'. all') :'lr5. Mil ton Shel· hnn. of un operutio n at lh .. ) l eCl ell un I"'s pnt physicia n when he is slck, and hi. we re du e t o excess prod uclio n, hus n \l' upp licunts fur m crn hl' I'~ h ip We r e row. i- Un ue wi th Lh e sLory: C' elllC I' \,I II ·. Wl'I'(' Thun·dn Iw nded y ta \'",it l, in is III ol'5 ree'uver the monthly meeti ng ing lI ic"ly bee n cleurly pro ven by t he cour'e of judgmen t I1kel y to be erroueu ., lIu s band- " 1 wi sh you'd stop that (If Mr. nnd Mr s . Cha8. Cl urk. Dr. Cadman , noted preache r, says prices in th e P lls t y~H r . Th cy h",'c w ill call his neighbo r phyalcla n to 1\11'. an d 1111'S. S. W. t, ph' " ot., in f e"na l hon kin,:;. r ~I nvi ll l\' Li na: h us begu n Buddi e keep thi nking in n il cases r ise n ti N Kup plies dc- Wnlk ('l' is mo\'in/; many of o ur towns are over populat · )1 1'. Sri):l e r. of M"rl'ow lo wn , work- t~nd~d th ~ fllll e ra l uf , ,<, 1&.1\ help him out. No good doctor wtU ill there's a ell l' behind us." from the HobCl't eO with fraterna l socie ties ana dup- crClIsed and declined us supplies in- A lldrcw ~ fal'm, t o the Mannon l·tI ut th ~ ~tn lio n " f" w days la sl \' u" k 'pr ill !!fi ~ lu . Ohio, W C JII~ , JlI Y. t ru st his health or that of hil fam_ _ _ _ __ crellsed. licating and c o mp elin~ churche 8. ~ v­ ily to the mercies of the eJrploitfarm . Slim Bl'own will mo"" on th e in the al",(,lIce uf fl lr. L. lll. illts. 1I1,·s . Li zzi~ Hllil er Ilno d uughl er, 1L wou ld seem that the reaso nab le 1'(1111 Collin s plac e o n Fl ut idently it is possible to hllve too much er of the bottled nostrum .· O. F ork, \'a ~Irs . !"(· th Furnns l'('cl'ivcd w\l l'd, were cnll ~ d to D u ~-lo n , I-; undny, by th e T he m a n who u nl tbe exprelii oD policy is to ucce pt this I ~ sso n , an d "" tcel I,), J alll l's T ray of a good thing. kn ows the valu e of prudenc e III u.. lor "dir t chea.p," n eve r tried to buy real e nd euvo r t o udju st pruduct ion LO co n. Milt" n Euki n will mo\'e and fami ly. Su t u ",I"),, • f th l. sel'i nlls illn!'ss of he r i lln e~s of ~I r. Bai ley's Ill nt lie ,·. \1tnl m,tter of caring ·for the IIioJr. f ru llI the A. fllthel', ~ I l'. ,Iohn lI ill, a L Hi c hm on d , F run k Mcln t il'e und fami ly huve edate, say. one of our loc.l men . New York's crime wave see ms t o sllm pti o n requirelll e nts . inst ea ,1 of H. -rul nlllJ! ,' flll'm t o t he fa rm r e lnd . moved t o t he fnl' m th r IlIt£' ly pur have beell checked . Last week there cont in ulllg the agItati on for Ir0VC: \'II - Mcluul'n Gdl ihll,,1 \,ucaLes . ncawhe r lh e chased o f the Chas . Mc Kay estat e. were sev rUI thou sll nd persons in th e mlltllul price-fix ing. schoo l hous e. \\' ilso ll lllu'\'e y wi ll ~11·" . F: lizuhd h . mi th I'e t urned t o A' rOIl"ol1 l1bl .. t ariff on farm c r ops, lIIo\' e to th fam l vncul·d cit)! who hud not been held ur'. Da yt o n. Mondny , II [t e r s pendi ng sevF ri en ds lIn u n eil\'huo l's o [ IIIrs. J ohy l\Iilton whe re necessar y to g i"" t he A me l"Cll n EIlI<i n. M I'. Toll e, of nen r Clarks. c rnl d" )ls with M r. ull d J\lrs . Chlll'les sep hill (' Blah' who is Ill'lullnl; the We are g lad to know th/! t men's pr oqucel' lin e"c n br ellk with chellJl vi ll e, w ill mov e tll t hu W .il . Warner .~~ .J "h ns. winter ill hi cuf,(o, le nd e re ll her II golf trouser s are not to be c.ut aL the lubol' f or e ig n o utput. Is abouL ull Lh ' (arm , vucllled uy J ohn Robe post.clIl' d s howel' Feb ruary 4, it hcinl! n. knee. lJece ncy mus t be pr escl'\·cd. protecti on or prlet! r cgu lnti nn Lhllt \\' ,1.,0 11 BCIII1 t t wi ll move fro IIIrsoLhe D r. nnd 1.... L. B. B a ll nn d ~ hi'l ­ her birthday a n n i\'e rsary. Our eountr)' men ubroad are ut· Am ericll n fllrlllers or other indu s- J. \ ' . 10'Swe ll fa rm t o t il(' Com'pto n (h'c n, of \Y uynesv ille. w e re S un dny 1isscs Culllt!r in' Noggle, Dorot hy tract/ld not only to the f o reign mu- lri s n eed. d ill ne r t:rU('sts of lIl r . a lld Ml's. H nr r.,· fa rm, n CIlI' nrsu l" s Cr eek chur(·h . ---~ -- ---COllu rd und Mar j ori e Haydoc k and 31cG inn is. Ivums, but are coming t o look with MI'. Ca rl CO llnrd IIll n ded u s ixcuriosit y on , the Amoricu n Burs thuL M,'. and ~Ir s . Ben Ha wke an ti chil- o'cloc k dinn el' at the home of Mi ss 1I0uriah like the bay tree. NOTICE O F APfOIN TMENT Date your. lalel with UI. We guaran tee drell nnd lllrs. E lln C\lP e y " pent Sat_ N Ol'ma Gaddis, nca r Xell ia, ulu rduy. urd ay e \' e n ing w ith lIlI-. lind 1\1rs . KesTlie head buyer of n Chicugo desatiafa ction or charge nothin g. W o rd was receiv~d , Sund ay , o f the le r G ,·lIhulll. Es tnte of Eli Dea n , dccen cd. partmen t store hu s ba nned ha ndshakA tn<:'ri cH ns li\'in J.!' in Ft's nc(' m n y nen th o f Jnme s Crit es, a f OI'mc!' cit~"licc is hel'chy !; iv cn t hat Ann ie ing, saying it is as silly us l'u bb ing le:lve becuuse II f the thrcllten izen who died nt t he Maso n ie. home !\Irs . E llell CllPRCY le ft Su ndny ed high noses. Washin gton ple use copy. income tllx es ove r h ere. W 11. w hy Mariu U 1111 has been du ly nppo inted Lernoon fo r an ('xtc nti ed ,isit wiufnt Sl'l' inlrfield. Burial yos mude in th and ttun lilit:o a s exec utrix of t he esd on ' t tl",y comc to n l'elll cOlln ll'Y Clnl'ksvi llc cc metel'Y, Mon day after· lu t e f Eli Dea n, IntI' of Warren Mrs. il ood und oL he r !'elati ves ut n oo n. Phone No.2 whe r e tuxes nrc beillg reduc ed? ~prinlr Vall ey Phone No. 320 cIJunty . Ohio , dcc c>lscd. Go vern ol' Ritch ie, of 1Ilnrylun d , is lIlIt ~ d Lhis 8Lh day of J anu ary , 1926 . Mr. L awrence Sim~ nnd fllmil y slIid t o bo /I r ecep live candidat ~ fnl' W .· Z. RO LL, wC"e cnlled lo Xenia, ADVER TISEME NT onday ('vent he De mocratic ll ominllti on for Prrs· Ju dge of t he Probate Court. inI\', On n " ou nt of t hc 1\1 seri ou s ill ne ss ident, w hich proves lit least that he W a rre ll County, Ohio. of Mr. Sim s' Cather. .. Dcuatc to be he ld in Town Hall lsn t ' mu ch afraid of uuythn g. 1 ri zes g ive n. Am ntl!urs Mrs. Edt! L ongllcl'c wa s r e move d t on ight. SPRING BORO- The members o f Brook lyn may ga in u stalc sen lltor, A GOOD REASO N fl'om flli:.mi Valley hospital by ambu · only. Contes t not open to tllllrrieo tbe local order of the 1 O. O. f'. held ~ lIy s u ew York hen d line. But L haL l lllcc 011 Tu esday o f Ills t wee k. Sit ~ me n. their annual banquet and election oC Is n 't much of an accompl is hment, at Lit LI l' plrlymat e cullin g up sllllr> tn S J'c c ovcr in g ni cc1y. Olheers on Saturda y e vening, January that. his huddy• 23, at their hall. The clccLion re"COIllC on down un' play, it ai n t By chang ing th e ir c ulendu r Ills t M r. and Mr~ . lifford Archd euc on sulted as follow s: James Hllines, N . durk wee r eLIIl'n ed lust week from J oplin, Mo .. yet." k the Turks moved frol11 the yenl' G. ;Perry Lawson , V. G.; Curl Burn1' 1 can't come , no mot'e, I can' t , " nd a re now stayi ng with the hart, secretar y; nalph Weidne r, 1344 to the yeur 1926. Alld just latt er 's 'cou se 1'111 aslee p. " plIl'e nts, Mr. li nd JIll's. Fran k Miltentreasure r; W. H. Siegfrie d, ehaplnin i think how much r ent th e y suved ? berger, John Sheets, Hurold Thncke ra and N o doubt England would be willillg l'erry Lawson , trustees , to fight the world Will' ove r agai n i [ lr. and Mr". A. E . Wh ite iIlnd sons, GOOD BAD NEWS M1LFO RD-Pat rons along the Cin_ somebod y would only lend her the R obert Rn d Puu l, of D nyton, spe n t cinnati, Milford and Blanchester money to do it. "Wbut' s th e mu tter ,Dorothy , you S unou y aft crnoon ancl e \'o ning with traction lille have IIled a prote.t The time is rapidly flpprouc hing 100 k so happy" Mr. "nd 1111'S. Kesle r Gruh am und against abandon ing of the line be- wh en lIIoSt Americu ns "Oh yuu knoll' thut Mrs. Van oaughLe r. tween Norwoo d and Newtons ville, terest ed in the w orld will be less in_ o urt thun in Ri lle I' 't hllt li"o" l1~xt door '! \V e il, cluimin , they huve . no other way of whether Bnbe Ruth F rit!nds have re ce iv ed wor'd of til(! will bc able to I just heard sO lllc thlll g' Lerrible nbvu, travel and ~he move will be a detrl- come baek this summer death of 1111'. Frallk ]\f o n t~o mery . . her," lII olld ny mOl'ninl r ut his h on", in Franklin , afte r li n tll nc's of foul' week s. li e \\'115 (it) years of a<:,o. ?>Ir. nnd 1I1,·s. Max Wilso n , nee Jl'LETS PAUSE A MOME NT 1I1U o rudl, f Ol'm" l'll' of th is ne ig hBy A. B. CHAPIN uOl'h ood . nrc ann olln cinlr th e bir Lh of n dn ulr htl'l', Shil'l ey Mue , Stlt urduy, Jun . 3 0 , al t he ir ho m o n mll' . White's Co rnel'. . " olTl ll li!'i:; i\!lIt ' I')'-, III ~ l' :;~1(1 1i IU :4 t \\ (' ,' " :1 lt £: I' trnll :i al' lill~ th e t'(,,'t.!'u lar 1,1I hl J l '~:-\

--- -

l'il:t"l' d "h: \l I ~ k lll'\\ II :1:-; tht· HI'Il.' l PI'IIP(' l' ly a u el a l' p p rt'p. U ' III1~ 10 1I1p\'l . :"ttl'. 111'1l1'\' ( 'ook ;I ud :-;(111 . Hnli (' l't,


Diffe rence In Servi ce





Reas onab le Prote ction


Ters e News lets Pluck ed from Our Exch ange s


F. T. Ma rtin Jes se Stanley Auctioneer Auctioneer

-- ------

----_. - ..----


Centerville, O.

New Burlington,O. ,

Tell the Advertiser you read his Ad. in the Miami Gazelle

---- -



Fo~ Til: LIVING-, RAtl4E~ , To Be 1>et)ICATEO HIRS 1'0 'tHe UNF\NIS~el)

WORK WHICH T»EV· •••.•• ••••• HAVE




T he qu a rterly COil CCl'e nce of th e Lytle and Sp riltg bo,'o ('hu r ches will b e heir! nt Spr ingbo rp n ext Sund uy, Feu_ I Ulll'Y 7, ill c harl!e of Rev ..J. C. Ro ul" 'l~, di sl l' kt s u pcrinten d(,nt, of IlI nn che I N.

J\lr. 11 111 Mr •. L owe ll T ho ll1as 111 0·,,,d f!'Olll Day t un W,·t! nesdllY t o th~il' III "pc rly h ~ re. ret' cntl y purchas ed of L. M . • ims . . lIll·. lind l\Irs . Sims a nd d llu~ ht(, I' a l' C o( cupyi ng u nnrt o f the hvus c ful' awhile . "bo ut fifty n cilrhbor s an d fl'i ends e nj oyed the su rpri se pU l' ty SuturdllY c\'" ninlr Ill. th e hom e o f MI'. alld MI'S. Churles 1\ II1cl Ie, of Soc ia l Row. The oecnsion urin lr in hOllo l' of M.r. Kindle's binhday , whi ch fntrs on Febru ary 2. ]\frs . Mnrv Boil nott r eturned to hc r home in Ti ppeca noe City, Snturda y even in g , nft el' a cou ple of week's visit with he r dnu f!htcl', Mrs. Guy Routz.hun lind fumily . Mr. and J\tr~,. R ouu znhn alld dllu g htcl' necomp anied her lind r emained ti ll Su nday evening . . NEVER AGAIN F'armcr- "How . did you come to brenk that ax hnndle ?" Hired Hund- "Well, I didn't Dlean to, I nccientnlly stnrtcla to spUt s ome wood.' NOW IT'S DIFF.ER EtoiT

. "'Ph . ncaTer it gets to ml~ din,lf,'daYI the 1110~e nervouB, ~la!lied . • SbuClt8; before I was . didn't know what fear wu!'


H .II I , 'ES Cit y has won the mos t mi nute inepee-

liolt of the leude rs of t he busincB8 world. The fI'('e nt g rowth lind .exllII II "ion of force and acli on ill Haines Cit)! m eli t their attentio n. Walch, io r exulllple:, t hese Items bearing out all c,[ the , tnLemen l in r crtard Lo Haines City. Study them cl osely, 1111 ,1, wTiLtt! n between the lines, you \\' il l fi nd my l etlson [or selecting Haines City ns the "eat of a five y M r dC\'elopl llcnt program emiJruciJlg millions of do ll ars. 1. H aines City is uctually built on actualiti es. The builders of H aines City are exercisi ng every for etho ug ht to gua rantee the pl"" 'nnce of a Bound, subs Lllntill1 foundutl on for eve r) , 2~e of growth. Wlltch this growthl 2. Haines City's potentia lity as the greatest manufac tu rin !; and distribu ting cente r of Centl'a] Fl orida has been recogniz ed. This is evielenced by the coming here of many new industri es, Watch this potentia lity become a reality I S. Haines City bBS under way a develop ment and improve ment pl'ogrlll11 which during the next' ·, year will exceed $21,000,000. W.tcb this pTOJrram make Baines City t\le moat deairJbl e lpol In Florida I

uranl\.,. BrlJs'?ft REALTOR



Walter E lzey is in ndili n.

Incubators and, Brooders


very !\~ ri\lus


Edith ll:lnis hns hom\! from M i1t'o rcl ,

Mrs. Eurl Mrs. Chu d ('s sic k.

onner is se riously ill. ul\('rthw nile is quite

l\(r~. Wnlter McClure WIl S ill DayTu <:~ dIlY.

t all,

E. L Th omas und Mi,s lIIary were in Ll'l,unon . Ml)ndny .

1111'. IIIIlI IIIrs. C, W Youuce w('rc in P a yton. Satur day

'h .., g' lIe ~t or hi~ :o\l:-o l t\r , :\\rt5 .

\V w~ s


GOl·. ueh. o f n .. at·

~II', ""J


Irs, Wilbu r

Sillh l t · t~ ' I1. nf IH' ar Orcj.!'lI niu, rU l'R~ llnyton, dny, I"t ·hr ullr y :'! t 1 ~ ' :!u, u da1lvh t t· r .

Saturday, February 6th

"The Phantom of The pera" I w ith


[ir: ; ; ;: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; -;:=~11 11

in \VHynl'!!'\' ill ~ , Tuc ~ d u y .

Mary Philbin Lon Chaney , Norman Kerry This Pictu.e




Universal's Masterpiece Ah.J

:l1i", ,\"ni e Ii Brown ,' , or Co ill mi\Yrs. RC'hc c t,.' a Furll n~ i ~ rN' \Ivt 1 ri ng from U "" \'l'r atta l'k "f ~t"iPI1l'.

o nwl! 1'1I11wna non. S"tunI.1Y. ' It; ratli:(' at ('Leha II.


rhlrn - TIl i\lr.

hu :oi , :Ifld


Mrs, Gr org('



.fRED M. COLE Waynesville, Ohio

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ ___ "

Seeds Seeds Seeds ... ;We have heard a lot about imported field seeds, ,but this is the time to,be careful where you buy your s.eeds. Due to the shortage ot dom~stic seeds, there will be a lot of ilnPorted seeds on the market this spring at a lower price. We have just received a lot of do~estic seed This seed, we can guarantee to be ·domestic. We have on hand


' .

- -, - -


- ,- - - --



ri es.

lIIr and i\l rs. F. B. Hen" ",""o and I f eel thut till" yenr s I have s pent dau ghters a nd 111 iss Els ie Hawke were in publi c life. li nd egpeciall y my tw o Dayton visito rs, sturday. te rm s us Li eulC'nll nt Governor of OhIO hav e given me a n urvi crstllnding o f Miss E dna Howlnnd, Mi ss Lavonne th positi on t o which I ,,"pire. B ~ ­ Butron ttnd E . J , Burton were in Cin- lie ving tha t m,' reco rd in publk o ffice spE'uks for it sel r, 1 willi hg ly ~ u b­ c i~n ati, F r id ny nn a Saturday, mit my ca nd idacy to the Repubh cnn S. S. E llis was brought home fr om voters of Ohio. if n ominated an d e lected 1 ph,dge Miami Va lley hospitn l Monday Evenm yse lf to att end to du ty lind ~ o tr ll ~ s­ ing.. He is rapid ly impro\·ing. net th e business of t he offtce wtl.h utm ost. econo my commensur.ute St Mury's GuilO will mcel with the with efficient and prom pt serVice , Mrs. W . H. Allcn on Thursday after_ Fu ll y realizitt g th e imparlanc e of the n oo n, F eb rmlry 4t h. ttt 2 o·cl ock. ollke of Sec retar y of St at e. and its dose conn e ct ion with the interests M rs. Kate Coleman and Mrs. D. of ulmost e very ind ividu a l and busiL. Crun e spe nt Saturday in Leba- ness concern of Oh io. :I shull en deavor non. th e guests of th e ir siJeer. lIfrs_ to be their true flnd f aithful sl't"va nt . H. V. Wah.c r. CLARENC E J. BROWN.

--------Not ice

f\:C'ltiC l! is her ehy ~I\'f· il thn t th l' un Carl S. I hl ll lchnm n llll Il u \\' -

Kadel Radios and assemble d scls. nrd A rch " ... n c v lI , \\ 1\0 IL!I \ ~' h~' f' 1l PIl ~U. iI \ ' d I n):dh or AS p,HUlt' r ;\ under. t h e from $12.00 u p. Guar anteed Radio rlflll na lll ,· o r \\'ayn e"t vlll " M Vlnr l (1 1.1\,repairing . by depot. Corwi n. I ,a n ), . d u lil t-{ 1It1 .i lntis:!i ut. \Vn yne fl d ll e, R. F_ Mills. Oh to half (l le so l ,'\ld th e llh Qve IHlr tn e r -

Waynesville farmers' Exchange Co.

, Balloons? Sure! Ride comfortably, safely, s wiftly; reduce your reo pa ir bills, have a longer. I:ved, better -looking car. I n other words. put on r:ood ye a r Balloon Tires. We ca n make the change . on your present wheels -- in less than an hour.

I Waynesville Motor Co.



30 cents and 15 cents




GemMineRunCoal Best Furnace Coal Sold No Clinkers

Holds Heat Long Time Try This Coal

Price, $6.25 per Ton

Waynesville Mill Coal and Ice Co. Waynesville, Ohio

february 26 fRED M. COLE


" hlp ' Qnd t hat a.H t1~"Hon~ nnd crotl itors of t he sn lll \ Vny nc Kvll le ~t oto r O~II J :\ n r

Call at the ·office.

Geoage'Da\'is. of Route 3. who h as Jo"h al1 se ttle tl ud r nrrn. l nt wi t h Carl St. been visiting r elatives in Ind ia n a . r c_ fj ' lnglu\111 who Is now th (' so l e o wner \V nyncsvll tt> l\t Ot o t' Compa n y. turned home l ast week. He wos acCA RL S. D .r\)iG HAM compa n ied by his sister. Mrs. H ora ce 1!OWAHD J\ttC ltD l!: <\ CO ~ Linder and son .


You will find our

One Show Only, at 7:30 p. m.


d e r, ~ l g n iJ,

,W hite and Yellow Sweet Clover

Phone 25

Ie t·,

The r o ll ow itt ~ Il,tt<u: WIl S r.cceivpd lit lIIi gs Edith lI1cKibban gpl'nt the thi" ofli ce lu"t wl'c k , atld Is gr lf -cxwee k-end in Day t on. the g uest of plll nnt ory: I 11 rc s p o n ~c t o t h e nci o l'sel11 t' nt Mi ss Dorothy Co ll ie r , and requ est of th e Repu blknn . co mFrank Snook was in' L oui sville . Ky. mittees of my home co unty. Ch nton. last wee k, attending th e Nati onal /l nd 11 nu ml,..r of oth er counties . an d in answe r to the ins istpnt demands Cunner s co nven ti on. uf fr iendS lind R.'publiclI n leaders over the Stat.l'. I havc d('eided t o nnMr. und lIIrs. Scth Thoma s and 80 n. Ilo utt ce my candidacy for the Rl'p ub of Dayton . s pe nt th e week -en d with lielln nom inulion a ~ .' c~ r e tary, o r E. L, Th omas and fnm il y. Stnt-e, s ubj ec t to t he n untng Pr l mll -

Mrs. Rob ert Wu lton. of Dayto n. spen t th e week-end with her par ents. Mr. and Mrs. J. L . Hartsock. :Mr . Walton j oin ed h er here on S u nday.

Saplin, Red, Alsike, Alfalfa, 'C ive US a call. PFices in line.

Mi sses Lula F ea ly. Gladys Roland and Kat lwritl (' Fro mm wer e Dayt on visitor s. Slllurd uy.


f n llll $ l:.! . UU up. C u aralltt,t"d Had io l.l~· dt' p td, ( 'l11"\\"in.

r \'plIiri n g- .


Miss Gladys Hn rlnn, o f nay t on. spent th e w(' ('k-cnd wi th Iwr mothl' r, Mt-, . Lou lI arlan.

: "Papa's Pet," and " 'fhe f ast Express"

K"dd HH di' l~ and n~~t\ mld t·d ~l't~1

M on.ln, TU(l:.:<.lay, Fl.·hrunry 2, 1H:!H, f\ ~~)

)t i~ ~

:'.lnlllt' Hrt \ Wl ll- W l' t'{· C' 114'~l :.; i n lhl' h.lm t' Ilf :\11'. n lhl ;\I1' s. t:rank 1':1 11\,.1 11 ,I' ( ' I th\' \\ \ , \ , k·\· IHI.

att,'nd l' d


NOTICE OF APP()INTMENT Miss T her ese Ryne. a fonner stu dent of t he W a rr en County Nor mal. n ow teaching in t h e Bellbroo k sch ool, E stnte of J ohn Zell. decen sed, feU w hile p la~'in g basketball and is her eb y give n that Robert sustained a f r actured bon e of t h e E. Crew h as b ee n dul l! app ointed a nd arm. (IUalified !IS a dministrlltor of the estate of John Zell . lat e of Warre n Etha n C. Crane has resigned his County. deceased. posit ion on t h e West ern Star. and will Dated t his 2nd day of February. leave Friday ni ght fo r Fort Lnud cr - 1926. W. Z. ROLL. Jud ge of the Probate Cour t . dale. F la .• wh ere he ha s acce pted n position in the a dvertis ing d erm rtm ent Warren Co u nty. Ohio. of t he Fort L auderdale Da ily News. L. M. H en derson. Atty. f1 7 ----.~ -

Waynesville, Ohio

- ---

U. M. White. of Lo uisvilJ'e. Ky .• s. n LHurlen ee Van Hurlengen. Mr.s. and ' -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--', Mr J ohnMr Va gen. Mrs. E l- Try the Mi a mi .Gazetl l. for Job Work sie Creiger and Miss Lilliun Vl\n Hurlengen. of nds Dayton. relatives a nd frie h ere called Sundayonufler n oon. Mrs. Alice Alcorn She r wood. of Atl antic City. N . J .• Lnw ren ce Sher wood. of Morristown . Pa .• an d J esse Linton. of Philade lphia. Pa _. accompa nied the remains o.r the latc Dr. Thomas Sh{)rwood to Wayn eS\'ill e, Januury 28, a nd r emai ned u ntil after the f uneral and burinl.

PEAS -' -, . Standard Pack or Hand Pack, 3 Cans for • • • . • • TOMATOES


Country Club, 172 pound Loaf

BREAD-Country Club, 1 pound Loaf

• 'Be



Country Club, 2472 lb. Sack

c. C ., 121-4 lb. aack


• 67e


$1 • 29

Clifion,24 1-2 lb. sack. $1.19

25l.~hnd Packet,


SUGAR- I0 Pounds Bulk

. 63e

Apples Jona tha n A.g rad e.


25c 10c

pOuDd .... .. ..


Cured . p ound ....•.. ...•..... ...... , .... 32c


Oranges Ca liforn ia 176-. ize. doz. 4 5 c Nav" l. 2 1G-.ize. pound ............ 35c

~~~~b. 49c--- ~I~?~~~~uit. 7~c -------~!~~.~~~.~. ~...:2"0c r.~t~~?I~~b. . ... . . 53c .' :!. . lb ... ..

pound .... ...

Sw.... ta. 5 pound . .... ... -... ...... ... . 29c .

Co~ ww .. . · Y.Mea] o w, 3 ,1...... ,



n..sll!'!'._."....". 15c ~! lb...... 16~c' s

, ,

~ ~.25c 2~ po.~ or


...... :-.......

Mrs J. O. Cur twrill'ht wllS hostess at a charmingly appo inte d threecour~e lu ncheo n Inst Saturday _ Those who en j oyed t he affair were ;.rr s. Ha nnuh Rogers. Mrs. J . D. Marlll tt. Mrs. J. L, Hartsock . Mrs. J . W. Whi te. Mrs. Wa lter McClu re. Mrs. R G. Cross. Mrs. Cyn t hi a Eva ns. Mr s. H. E . Flathllway. 1\1 rs. Amelia W illiam s. Mrs, C. M. Robitzcr. und Mr s. A. T Wr ight

,,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ •_ _ _ _ _.,

ZIMMERMAN'S Clearance Sale

The Gazette Office is well equipped

Still On Kirk. Wbite Soap. P a lm Olive Soap. Swift. Pride Soap. Wa. hin g Powde r. 3

to do all kinds of Job Work. Call on

10 b a .... .... 39c 4 ba .. .. :.. ...2Sc 10 b ara .". ,,25c p a ckalle • .. .. l0c


us and get our pnces

Coa l Oil . only. per gallon ··· · .... 15c Churn Gold. only. pound " " .. .... 30c 4 Pound. Seedle .. . ... . . 45c Pink Salmon. 2 c.n ........ .,,· · .... 2Sc Tuna F i.h. only. can.. .... .... ....... 1 0 c Vi ck Ca lve. only .. " " " .,, ' ... .. ..... ..29c

~n . Sale



We guarantee satisfaction.

Rub-No-More White Nap Soap 7 Bars for

25c And a lOe packa lle of Duz FREE

Salted Peanuts, per lb.


Try Us Once arid See

Ju st to .bow you the good P •• nuts we .ell.

Mr. a nd Mrs. J ames McClure entcrtu in ed last Friday evening. Januury 20. hono ring Mr. Ronald Hawke. whose birthday f ell on t he 30. und • • Mr. und Mrs. J. W. E d wurd s. whuse Pbone 66·2 thirteenth wedding anniver sa r y fell on the sa me d ate. A n interesting coincidence. ot which ,t he hostess was previou sly un a wa r e. was tha t the birthda y of Mrs. , Fr e~ H enderson, one of th e g uests. f ell on t he 29 . " 500" was enjoyed and a delightful f eature was the elaborate ' a nd delicious two-co urse lunch served by t h e 110stcSS. Those ipvit ed were Mr. and Mrs. J .' W . . E dwards, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hawke,. MI'. and Mrs. F . B. , Henderson, .Ml' a nd Mrs_ S. D . Hen- Highest Market Price k1e •. Mr. a nd _ Mrs. C. M. Robltzer, ' Mr . a nd Mrs. J. O. Cartwrlgil,t, Mr. an d . Mrs. A. Zimmerman, Mr. Mrs ,and Mrs. BertL . HartIIock, Mr. and _ _ _

L A Z·Immerm'an

Live poult,r y WANTED!

22c . :,.-:;stnuz,J::y r:.t:.n.

Paid '

A D Swank 'D-Son

Ralpb M.l ner, Mr. and Mn,' RU88ell F .14 • .Cole

Telephone :zaw



Booklets, Commercial Work of All

for Friday and Saturday Last Th ursday n ight at t heir ch arm ing co u ntry h ome, ]\fro and Mr s. Ernest Butte rworth e nt er t.aine d n com pany of friends with "500." Followini: th t! gam es a pl easant hour was spent ove r II s ubstantial and d elicious lunc h. The fo llowing were inv ited: Mr. a nd Mrs. H arry Smith . Mr. and Mrs. M. A Co r nell. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Cornell. Mr _ a nd Mrs. Ray Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Miller. Mr, and Mrs. Ern es t Har tsock . Miss Thelma a nd Master Milo Hartsock. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hartsock. Mr. a nd Mrs. Russell Salisbury. Mr , a nd Mrs. J oel Stokes, Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Crane.


Public Sales

', '~1 ,

Gl1 t'lb) 1\ Bud fUII1t!y, un l\ l t)llday .

Horn- To



r turned

Owilll(' til th death 0 f my wife 1 "' ill offer at "uhlic s ulo nt my r~a­ nu s~('1! Snli~bllry wn: in C'oviIlH' Id !> IlC(' on Firth St.r~ct. on l .m . K y .. la ~t \\" k. Saturda y. F ebr uary 13. 1926 U('gi nnill g ttl 1 o·(liock. all of my Roi 1 i, inRcr. of Alb erta. Ill1ll d n. IlI lu.ehold goods un d gar den tools. \' isitcd re latives hcJ"u IlI" t W ('dnc~· \ Iso . a fe" : pi~ccs of antillue furniLU re . MARVIN HAY . doy. :'Iurl in & Stanl "y. Aucts. lIIr~. W . 1'. Salisb ury. of le ,·cla nd. is rC~I)\· l, ,.in l\" f rom u v ry ~ e ­ H •• Id~. of It. d ous illlH'ss. Jo:xpln ln lnll: h N!,,'lIly 10 hts li ttl e •J. E Uwwn, furnwrly of I.l'hnno n. ,-n ln, I'1nlll 11, nold ,) ~H lct : "It 111(1110 • hut IIUW u f :X ~·n ia. was u 'V nynesv il lc lh a t Ir )"Iltlr "rllo rtfuth " r (1I!'~ wit hoot i1n~' c"htldrcn, ~' o l1r fnthe r won ' t have "i ~ ilo r In =-,1 \Y t'dnt..·"dny. II(I ~' li nd you won' t bn\'e 001."-80Iton W, C_ \Ic~ l illan. of CcJ Il n'i llc . \\'11" TrRnsc rlpt

:ll iss Anne Bachm lln "p rn t thl' wCl'k entl at hrr IlIlnl(! in F Il,to l'in.

---= ___



Seventy - ~igblh

Ye ar

This Wee), ,


'~j "-,,


LECTURE TO fa rm er s' Independent Institute THE FARMERS F or 19 26 W as a D

ecided Success

Whole Nu mb er 6681


J. A .Slip her. of the Soil s DepaJ·tmen t of the Ohio State univ ~ rsity , will mee t with the farm ers A good crow d atte nded t he Farm - ing town ship , Wed nesd ay aft ern oonof this ers' r Hea d Save You r Hee l s."S he Inst itute , Inst wee k, and were advoYou havi ng ft lute gurd en liS we ll runr y 17, at 1 :3 0, at t he ncw , Feb_ cate d eli min atin g som e of the as an orga niz a ti on { I f ~x.s c r\· i c c m n band - • scho ol we ll paid fo r thei r atte ndan buil ding . food s. She did not thin k it n eces sa- early one. ce. ed tog eth el' til. pl'Om li t e. th e publ Adjo urn men t. The r epor t by th e Hecrctary , show ry to iron ever y piec e in the Cou nty Age nt 'clas s say6 in r egar tcre s ts. es pcc'lllll y 11 8 It pert amic in_ Pre are d by w88h s buli eved d to the lect ures : Th ese mee ting " to in orga nizi ng fam ilies and; that grea t inte rest was take n Satu rday P Aft er noon s will in the kitch ell s to save worl d· wll!, vcle f'llll ~ . "n il to ke cp be mos t inte rest ing and pr oll tabl labo r; she men tion ed alive Co lum Mus ic by 11'. Wel don Hell er. bus Re por ter eve ry farm er of War ren co unty e to i nsti tute, and the prog ram was w~l\ seve ral hom ema de lu bor the mr mor l,'s (O f th ~sr. tl uys whe devi ces tor Re port s of Com mitt e s : n the . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lu nter n slid es will illus trate t . T he wor th while. th e home. b" y ~ \VOI'(' th e kha kI. ......... he vaPres id ent, Lym nn Day , Scho ol S,,~ .ion riou s poi nt8. Mr. Sli pher Adj ourn men t. ·pre siSAV ACE EVO LUT ION Th e L"!!, ion hn. a !'('cord of ach ll Bhow den t, Jam es Gibb ons; secr etvicc ieve t hat the prud ucti ve vnlu c ofwith nry, Frid men Cha R. t ay, th(· coun try ov er Feb ruar y 5th, the 1926 e maEllis ; ludy corr espo'nde nt, ELE CTR ICIT Y'S BAB YHO OD FrieL .,. E" .. ninJ nure prod uced by the . Elbo n; cum man ds th" " ride andth a t n ut on ly rm wo rk- Far mer s' Inst itute at the Gym nnsi exec utiv e com rn itt ce, RoscMrs fll" o r of e hors e is over $25 per yea rfa um oc Furn POO R OLD BEE LZE BUB as. COL UM BUS . OHI O- Farm ers Am er icun "olllie!'. Llit 111 ' 0 th th ; and abo ut open ed with pray Sess ion open ed with mus ic by Mrs . Hul'Vl'Y ~ " c kett and J. D. and in· $40 for a dllir y cow. Incl udin er by Wm Rev . . Wa t Rich eres i h . t und co-n rura pC\'II Tho g l resid ents of Ohio had one bit othe t mas io n r , "Fig of Geo A BOO MIN G NAT ION thos hti rge ng e a not nd Swin bu rn. Kllthl cen Hen e Disease s by San- eligil, l" to) lTIen farm stoc k the vu lue of ma nure Mus ic by th e Hig h scho ol. ders lhcr shin . The on . foll pro- Mrs d by u read ing by My_ itary nnd p , ut ectiv e Met hods ," by been ha" wee k of it last wee k. The y Came duce d 0 11 the Iwer aga War re n . Mar y Field H endr ix wus the first I'll Pence. owe cit ed n Ii ~ t " f achi eve menre Nex t o n th e prog ram wus Mr. DobL," ". He ad"o cnte d irn mun ts that fr om ever y' town ship far m is "bo ut $500 per year . coun ty spea ker, hilS and coan ty of utt ract l'u wid e int er"" t allll co mher subj ect be ing , "Yo ur J ob a drum solo by Will iam Tho mas ing hogs , keeping- fecdin/! plac Yet Mr. Slip her will show that . the Stat e. with but few except es liS me nd a hle favo \' . S"l1le Afri ca n savag~s be li eve Mrs. , as clea He lind n ndri Min 8 S x io~ p,,"g e." then ible She talk and ed spo on ke of the nece s- Cus tom putl ing little that comm on ly prod u ced and " d pigs Hul"h P . Sno "k ['", t "f th e Am hll ndle d on s ity of goo d heal th s in Oth er Lund s." SheFoo on c1cll n grou nd. er- and they hear d prog ram s arra nge d lhe aver age farm , abo ut half told gorillas and chim pun zees can in icn orde n Lt:J! r to io ll. mak h a e ~ o of f h lt d it s h n r t: in the fo r t heir spec ial bene fit the old this 1111'. Kee lor gave II r epor t on an kitch en s; the cusand enllgh~ judg - gr eat pr( Jg'l'U nl l, f t he Lel'~in but hide th eir kn owle dge, lest tulk , vu lue is lost by eX l'ONu re to rain a nd the mos t out of thei r schoo l work tom s of theRom n II ntI h n s nlen t. Rad io play Sax ons and the Fren ch ; ing the corn and grlli n show. . th ey wea ther . To ovel'co me t bis, t he Also th e need of ed an Imp orta nt cont f'i be put to wOI·k. hute d li h" also ndl the y t l) t he inte rest s part com mun ity idea of livin g in Miss rest and Wat ts prop gave e r food u Stat tal k e of spec tel' whic wh ic h thl' Am 'ri ca n Leg io n . iuli s t wil l illus trate or de- in orde dur ing t ho enti re wee k 'a nd Oth er su"" ges have lin evol utio r to reta in I!ood heal th. She Russ ia; s he gave a very inte reMtlng Mr. Hell er agai n fuvo red wit h ha li n . sri be gom e of the simp lest onal ul'J.{u nizu t illn , hus f ostth e Na- t hous ands of rura l IIcco unt of the food custo ms of . whis llinl t sele ctio n. nd mos t gave an illus tra t ion show e re d. resid ents who pI'ac tita l ('qu ipm ent for th ea econ Japa theo ry of thei r OWII . The Ilutl n . l thi s ti ml' t he loca in g the vlllu e a nd Chin a. om- of IIIrs . Hen d rix talk ed on "Boys' lg ni, Icnl prod ucti oJl, cnre and t has n w~ r e unllb lo t o mak e the jour ney to milk, gree n food an d vege tabl an d cum puig ll (I n f ill' nrw ml 'Cp". Clln go nntiv ~ s , tell t he Rev. IlIln dling of The Girl lI ext Il, s' h num (~ clu I·~ es . bs." She told ber was a ladi H. It Colu mb us, kept Info rme d of the proGrah am that mon k e ys are desc C. man ure; poin ts, which if put into in the diet . tet. Miss Hele n Haw ke, quar - of judg ing and the vn lue or the way s S O (' tn ~ tu us th at 1\ 0 l:' x -Mc r v i r e man of the tmin - should with h" ld h is Iren e ing ~cedi ng s and hear d the Bird ed fr om mc n thut have been e nd- I,,·ac tice. would mea n a sllving or in, Mllr inst ruct ive nw We y fo m r bcrs Mar wc the hip gare r e agai n fllvo red with muboys nnd girls ; " Iso the the LCl{i un. in lectu t Ung lesb y and dis- crea sed in come uf ove r I t uppc urs t o lis tha t he re via radi o. Ohio Stat e Unl Cath erin e From m. cr edit that shoul d be give n the $25 0,00 0 to sic uy th e High scho . t he farm ers or War ren ,· ount lead shou ers grac ed. ol ld with lie pr uud to I"' l,,,,!! and have vers ity auth oriti es Miss Un" Bud ge tin g You r Life ," y. The claim the atte .n d· li se of phos phat e5 to rein forc Mr. of the clubs. a part in thl' w"r k th e Leg ion "We arc bett er Il nd prou der Dob bins ' subj ect for the evenwas e an d gl esby as soloist. Adj ourn i. m doent. thun sa ve man ure will nio ance was one of the best of an:r ing. He ing . A nd th e wo rk clln be lllr ge be tuuc hed up the a pes, " say thes e prac tico l Mr. O. A. Dob bins was the told uf the nece ssity of lear ning l' aDlI J . H. SAC KET T. Sec' y . n ext valu t he of wid H sco pe wi t h a la rgoc men , "the refo re we eat th ell1. blnc k on. e of m oney , also the val ue of ser_ i' anti mor e Farm ers' Wee k prog ram , and rreat.w "pea ker , who se s ubje ct was " Lead activ e mem be rship . It see ms All mee ting s are fre ~ , Ilnd t he er- vice to the com to us inte rest was shown in all dem onst ra.rub_ mu ni ty. lie is cordiull.v in vite thul thus e who arc not elig The resu lt of t he judg ing of d. Th e lead e rs ship ." H e said ther e was need for Th tions and lectu res. In addi tion e trio, ihle .con si,.ti ng of the Mr. and Miss corn and gr ain lind town mem bers hi p ~ h nu lJ e,, -,'p ' rate f or to Sam uel lns ull te lls the wo rld chai rme n wi ll "o -op- leud el's in very line. H e said a lead_ Hen d er son and Wm show is liS fol1 ow8 : that o[,er ate in5hip wi th the farm ers, Ohio ed itors . Tho mas favo red the boys ta king Mr. Slip hc l' froll l er mus t firs t hav e a visio ersd in Y elec trici ty is on ly begi nnin g its th cHow l'lr c Cor fT"l' t ~ hI l, uild a nn; mus t know us with ano the r sele ctio n. Rea d ing work . plac e to pill ce d UI'in l!: th for thei r annu al mee ting . and larg er mem bers hip. Those who Firs t-Ch arle s Day . by Ken neth Reta llick, trom bon e wee k. 1IC0re8 We are a littl e wny , but not fill', hi s job, hllve cour age and be serv_ of e solo ed duri ng the war in olhe l' than fr om willi ng by Geo rge He stoc k bree ding , appl e grow ing, Seco nd - I' rank Gith ens. com_ ncJ.Jr.lon. th e sava ge that fe ll dow n and t o work . bata nt forceR mig ht cn cour uge T hi r d- Guy Hoc kett . worpoul Adj ourn men t. try and othe r orga niza tion s whle b shi pped an unkn own mal igna nt vete ran s in thei r cll mpui gll lind th e Pres iden t Schu l tz appo inte d Whi te Corn dev il CO IDhelp have to do with rura l work , wer to inte rest e held whe n lhe ligh tnin g flush ed . th 11\ iUec s a fter whic h Satu ose Firs rda boys ,. t-E Mor whu vere ning tt Donne. eJigi - an d Colu mbu s was sess ion wus adble but who have not entearc liter ally crow ded Rail road s will soo n chan go from Seco nd - H orac e Sha ner. jour ned. red the Vio lin solo by Irm a Rich . ra nks of this ex-se rvic e man over with theae rura l r esid ents Mix ed Corn stea m to elec tri c pow er, and that , who , Frid a,. Afte rnoo D Mr. Dob bins spoke on " Swe eet izati on, if f or no othe r reaR'sO orga n- a long with thei will Firs t-C harl es Day. 1.11'8 . Ann n Clolill.·I'. wid ow of th e lute n than r studies at the unl· , all for twen ty-f our -billi on ver an d Soy l that n Beal1 the ls." He r ecom men dthe Leg ioll has just ified its ex- vers ity, afte rn oon the fir st on the Wh mor e Wm. Mille,f'. und UU ll t of Mrs. eattook time to visit lIome of ed Midwest and U. G. hou rs of kilo watt ener gy , S8yS ist ence. ram WIIS a s8xa p hone solo chu as the vari Firs t-H orac e S hane r. Mr . Wh tsel. di ed lit the home of her prog by et ies of BOY beanllfan the man y inte rest ing plac.ea l{oy Ellis . T he Ame rican Leg ion and s su itab le for this fn sull. Fal'm s will be "wir ed" daug Seco htl'f In the nd ' in Ken Day neth ton, the Tue Penc sday , Feh e. loca lity. He told for IIry 0 Ral ph P. Sno ok Post have justi Mr. Dob bins ' s ubje ct was "Dri Thir d- Guy Hoc kett . . She W IIH II form er resid ent r" elec tric ligh t and pow er. ving soy benn liS a ·ferWof the valu e of tbe fied city. of Out I thei the r izer exis Whi ; tenc e and whe n Hllrv (! ysbu rg. The thin Whi te te Plap:ue." He advo · Ollt SMos t enco u ragi ng is the pred orga nSwe et clov er the best ; mu stkspast ,izlltion achi eves tho t goal aitnydese ic- he ld in t he Cha pel at fun crill will be cate d the tube rcu l[n t est fo r catt Firs t-P aul T omli nson . Outs ide of two or thre e who wer ure rves ie. whe n sma ll to .get Millmi cem eter y He said that tion of E lmer Schl esi nger , Loui e tn !'ve on stoc Th a from 40 to 60 per cent n d wo rk on to high er s eeki ng the appo k to eat it; s Leursd ay at 12 :3 0. Seco nd- Law renc e Furn as .. thin . intm ents , abllDlutely ks vy's Inte llect ual an d dash ing its grea of gon test chil ls.dren valu Wes e und is tcrn in addd ing er 12 year s of age ferti Thi Star r d-G . youn g uy Hok ett. no com p lain t has been mad e beca lity to the soil. who have tube rcul osis. law pal·l ner. E imer Schl esin ger u.. ract it says Ham er Edg ingt on aged 32. son Nex t was a saxa phon e solo bY'!> {rom infe cted catt le. Hecont of the deci sion of Gov erno r Don of elec trici ty in this ce ntur y, wi ll lI1Yexpl aine ahe, d Ben Th nurd t Edg ingt on, of en terv ille , died t hat as a mon ey prop e r Rich esul do t . for of the Post er not con lest: to mak e apPl lintm ents of two ositi on tube rthe wor ld's trou hl es and Grad e Scho olAt t his t ime s wha t of tube rcul osis Tu esda y. Feb ruar y culin t estin g wou ld pay as hogs Hen drix spok e on . stea m did for the wor ld debt Com mon Ple u judg e' In cOU from "Ra is ing You r Mrl!. Firs t-Fr ank Swa rtzc l. in the last His wife and thre e chil dren s urvive9. free aree s wou ld brin Own ilUel Livi ng." Sbe g . cent ury, afte r Wat e rloo, E urop 10 cen ts mor e told of the whe re ther e are vaca ncie s. The Seco nd- Dori s Sali sbur y. e and The fu nera l will be held at Owe ns per hun dred . valu e of milk , eggs , mea t, rovt he nat ions wero calle d "hop chur whe ch. Thir at, Frid d-C eles corn ay mor ning at 10 o'cio ck . leo Haw ke. sly" , vege tabl es, frui t nuts , erno r, who alwa ys insis ts upo Nex t on the pl'o " rl1m was a r bllnk rupt. I n prop ortio n ead- etc., a ll of whic h we High Scho olr debt s Bur ial lit Spri ng Vall ey. ing by Miss Eve lyn Ung lesb ing inqu iries in caJIes of uu.n mak can have on our ST. MA RY' S CHU RCH wore grea t er than th ey, thei y. furm Firs a l.--W s, r e whil todll m. f ound out that for $000 the cOUkind. e p eopl e in citie s have to Y Wilk erso n . Mrs. Hen drix then talk ed on "Jlfa Stea m , ame and debt s were iltiea k- buy all a£... theBe thin Quin quag esim a Sun day, Feb ruar coul d have Seco nd- Wm. Lon g. wi th gs. She adviBed the wor k done y the "'rea test elise . In8t ead paid 14, 1926 . The Chu rch Scho ol Thir d- Ken neth Pen de_ of bank · j udge s whic h wou ld mea nbya olltl lde at rupt cy, Eur ope kn ew pros peri ..Yinr 9 :8 0 II. m. ?>Iorning Pray ty Buch er and to the coun ties of $6.4 00 eech lear . as no one drea med 0(. Serm on at 11 :00 p . m. All are was ISO Both Hoc king and Carr oll QOu corgrea t tllat nati ons coul d It nUea dil.l ly invi ted to com e a nd wor At th eir mee ting Mon day nigh t, r esist ship have littl e wor k for a CO _Oi l PIeaa ligh ti ng Gover It Whl lt steanot the with us_ men m dirt of for th Judg e Ens e and alth oug h poli Uca l pnM lIU tern StIlr en tertu ined the 1ll8t cent ury elec triei ty Beg inni ng with Ash Wed nesd Rev. John J. Scha effe r. Rec tor. was brou ght to bea r to haTe ay, do with a s u pper of saus age, panc akes for t~ia. And that- is no ·drea will pa..c.t Feb ruar y 17, 'antl cont inui ng thro and map le syru p. The com mitt m. fitte d, but ugh the gov erno r decl enel tha, ee in Len t, serv Tho mas char ge WUS com pose d of Mes R. Kell y savi ,of ice ng' Earl will $600 ham be held in St. Mar y'8 a mon th waa mor e Imp or. colFER RY CHU RCH OF CHR iST Him es, Hym an, Bran stra to r nnd srs. chur ch ever y Wed lege , who rece ntly retu rned Poly gam y is lega li zed and gett tant than the dem and to take nesd ay even ing at Rob_ from i nl1 itzer . Tho eare a divo rce is as easy as boot of poli se Mor 7 :30. Euro pres tical ning ent pe The r ect or will give a seri es upir antl l, and nfaa ecl service 9 :3 0; Bibl e Scho ol, as a work er on 't he Frie nds r epor t a delegg ing, ' ligh says Mr.• Hackenbul'1" of New tful to tim mak Com e. e of mun the addr ion appo esse s on som e spec intm ent& . In both and serm Serv ice com mittee, will atte nd Yor k's topi c, legis latu re, and he wan ts Way - serv ice, 7 :00. All areon_ Eve ning coun ties men espe ciall y weB whic h will be anno unce d lateial The oper etta , ~ 'P.nul Rev ere, " y di equi ppwelc ome to ed to r. will nesv ille Frie nds mee ting the 14th , at our meetin vorc es from Pari s or Ren o .eas fill The the ann pOll gs. ual ition offe ring for e Chil d- be give n Thu rsda y nigh t, Feb W e Invi te you. mad e ilwer e ~r the lep:al. ruar y both ' mor ning and afte rnoo n serv ice. judg eshi ren' s hosp ital, know n as ththe ps, but now that the Nath an J ohnson, Min ister . llion 11 th, a t tile Gym nasi um. The D\vo rce and boot legg ing, has been mad e to call In deci Wed nesd ay offe ring will be take Ash is Prof esSor Ferr , of Wilm ingt Perr y Tho mas , Sup t. oaW el. ' \vor king hard and unu 8ual ly cast n at on, easy , simp ly prov es that whenow 50 judg es the to help Ash fine out Wed nesd Inll1 may :eM ay serv ice. also be pres ent, as well as Emm mak . chor us wor k is the resu lt. The The Spec ial Eva ngel istic Serv try to regu late hum an natu re,n you ing the appo lntm entll , taz p&of a The pu blic is in vited to thes e cos- Stra dlin g, J- leD- ser; tum es are of an earl y date , and conof Indi anap olis, Ind . invi te t roub le. "Th e alit w1l1 you will begi n in th e M. J<;. chur ch.ices eral ly are vi ces. MET appl audi HOD ng IST at the CHU RCH pYe mO J sequ entl y are elab orat e. The Eve rybo dy welcome. an\1 the dOl! will have his dIlY." mew Way nesv ille, on the nigh t of Fobfor his deci sion . cast is as follo ws, in oJ:d,e r of appe Sab bath Scho ol, 9 :16 a. m., prea ruar y 17th . Rev. J . C. Rob orts, aran ce: chof ing at 10 :80 a . m. Epw orth Lea Blan ches ter, will prea ch on Dor othy Fax ton, MI'. Fax ton' s gue F~b:-u­ Milw auke e sup pllcs an acco unt The 6:16 p. m. Prea chin g at 7:00 may be a few who MtI nd of ary 19, 20 and 21. All are cord ially dau ghte r ....... ....... .... Ruth Earseco p. m., still findre mira culo us exor cism. belie ved Wednelld ay even ing Pray er ing faul t with U1e p....nt nha rt invi ted. by m a _ mee ting , John Fax ton, a Loy alist and ny, de eply relig ious , to have law conc 7 :80. Eve rybo dy Invi ted to thes e bile licenerni ng the we of auto moThe War ren Cou nty Nor land own er .... .... .. ........ Dor rlsweal~h the actu al driv ing out of a devi been serv ices. bask et se tags , but the atnI e and BlaI r l froJl'l ball t eam will play the Sprimal Thro the body of an unfo rtun ugh argu men t for a chan ge I. not the ngb oro colu Phy A. mns of this pape r llis, Mr. Faxt on'll 12-y ear- old IS REC OVE R INC ate insa ne Rev. L, A. Was hbu rn. Past or. Dea r),. C.'. Satu rday nigh t, Feb ruar wom an.' so grea we y t wan as It wu befo re the 191 0 dau 13. t to than k our loca l editO r and ghte r .............. Cha rlott e Ram by This is the first gam e the W . The acco unt o·r th e mira cle brow n Mrll. and C. N: Ada m Mel loh has been sick team has play whit e plat ea wu . .pu the mer chan ts of our town for Pau l Rev ere, a youlllg Patr iot runs ed at hom e. al follo ws : A wom an thei r of chas ed. Col. Tha d H. BrowD de-Jim Dan dy says that the way Bos ton .. .............. .. WlIl lam Tho se min d with quin sy, but is imp rovi ng raphelp and co-o pera tion in mak ing Eve ryon e com e and see the Spri had beco me unba lanc ed who to mas Idly. clar ed . this our ng wee k mak e thes e new fang led danc ~_ _ was carr ied thil Mle Uboro A. C.'s, as two of thei es un- been grea ter, thethat to the Cha pel of St. Jose ph's play ers Mar gare t Fax ton, Mr. Fut on's eld- Farm er's Inst itute a succ ess. ----.-~ popu lar ' is to in vent one that deliv el'1 meN hosp ital, wue star s on the Mia mis lastr year est dau ghte r ........................... . you step prom pt tban ever INS whe re the "exo rcism ritu al" was TIT UTE COM _ . on befo re and Gern lan lead ers are calli ng Mus you r own feet . per_ ........ .. ...... Mar y Mllr gare t Ung lesb soform ed, in Lati n. not und erst tbe pres ent snte m of distr ibut ion that y ood by linia s uper -kl.liser, and they no long hN RastuB, Mr. Fax ton' s body serv the pati ent. met with unu sual er mea n this as a com plm ent. 8UCc eBII. The~", ant, Sub scrib e for the Mia mi Goe ... ....... The ques tion , " who are you ?" .... that .. .... ...... all mon Ken lell neth due Reta each tte. llick coun t:r .... wp answered , appa rent ly from the paid dire ctly into the coun Cap tain Marlu!, an offic er in the ty treY at Brit of the wom an In a deep masthro urer , who Ish in Ann tum y ....... mak ...... ee .. out a war · . Clyd e Eve rhar t culi ne voloe, "Bee l2:eb ub." Ask ed why rant to the Stat e tres Mic ury hael for Swe en ey, a !bad lot It. .har e ... .. had take n possessio n of the wom he , Sen atp r Ch will add cons ider able to coun ty ....... .... ..... .......... .. .. Hve rett ....... arle s Cu rtis fUn di Don ohoo Bee lzeb ub repl ied, "Be caus e of an, C. for P'S thou . Ma sand ster s of doll Fin ars anc ill i now -r ml!lLieu t. Wm . Day , of the Brit ish edie tion ." ing inte rest with the bank s wheearn· . ... It Arm y ... .. ... .. .......... Nels on Wat The fien d prom ised to leav e has been plac ed on depo kinS the b,. the Dina h, an old colo red Mam my wom an at 2 o'clo ck' t hat afte various coun ty treB llurellit ra. rnoo "lIo n. n .................... ........ .. Lilli an Wat but did not actu ally leav e tlll!S have been sold so far this kins l half ,ear past 6, which is ab out unti than up Will to iam Daw es, a Patr iot '"'''' ''''''' ' Apr il a year and a wou ld expe rt of a dem on. wha t you supp ly · suff icien t to mee tago, .... .. ...... .. , ........ .. ..... Ver non all wan tll Mai nous woman then rela xed and Is gettThe for the e ntire year are read y for Frie nds of Phy llis Fal( ton ing betship men t. ter. Righ t now Col. Bro wn Edit h Cram , Rhe a Ellis Ore ne and othe r officials Inte rest ed, are . Hen ry, Jean Hoc kett , Ann a, Rola ing to agr ee upon a suita ble colo trF. This mira cle, not as yet Mar y Stan sher ry, Caro lyn Swand, r for hed rtt he plat es of 1927 . Just u IIOOD for by chur ch auth oriti es, vouc zel. aa , this i8 done , wor k on nex t year ever yday occu rren ce in the was an Frie nds of Dor othy E'ax ton 'a IUp . ply will be star ted by prill one ages , whe n dem ons were m or e mid dle Glad ys Berg daU , Oliv e n at the peni tent iary . ahan , num erou s and effici ent than atactiv e, Mur y Etta Guy , The lma Carn pres Har tsoc k, ent. . Mab el MoM iIlan , The lma Satt erth It Is rom anti c, r efre shin g and wait e , Eve lyn Ung lesb y. Hele Colo nel Carm i A. Tho mps on, com Inn t eres ting to have one of them mlln d"r- in-c blef of the Uni ted War dlow . resu me Stat es business at the old stan d in wltr vete rans , leav thes Brit es e ish this Soh wee liers k for days of radi os, auto mob iles and Hav ana, Cub a, whe re he will new sTheodo re Coa tes, Carl Con deli ver paper s. It Is said , how ever , that ner, the prin cipa l addr esa on nex Cha the rles Day t Tue , sday Boy d Hen voic e of Milw auke e's Bee lzeb ub on, at tho dedi catio n e xerci8eB of indi Goo rge Hen kle, Ade lber t ders cate d irrit atio n and a feel ing McMilmor ia l to th e hero es of the einl a melan, that Wad e Tur ner, dnr of Vilrg il tim es are not whll t they were Wilk erso n. the batt lesh ip, Mai ne. In addi in th e Min uet Cho rus tion good old days . to Col. Tho mps on, a num ber of othe r Mar gar et Edw ards , E lizab eth Hen pr omin ent Am eric ans will atte _ nd ~h18 kl e. Fran ces Hen kle, Sara Ogden, still in Our pon ulat ion in cren dedi cllti on serv ice, but Ohio will ilm or e dine , Mar tha Nich e,ls, LucMiss hav e at 81, is the grea t Canthan two 'p er cent or abo ut ses only ile the St one repr esen tativ e. 2,00 0,00 0 a.Uan Paclftc 1>ystem 's mas ter J ohn , Mor ris Sher woo d How a vear . Busines s ond pros per fin· The ard keyn ote of the addr anci er; 011 t ' ~ minu te, twic itv inMissildin e, Joe Kers ey. Roy Ellis of Col· crea se twic e as rapi dly as popu onel Thomps on will be "thaellll Shall we , with the new and on t men may mon th, he pa) ~ thei r 100,000 e D Will iam Lon g, Her ma n Surf ace. lar eme tion . We IIhou1;l !!.e pate ful. mbe emwith r, prai the se, old, !lan al.a. In hon reve or and rsin g the 'Wellemu late ployeea. He can rem emb er.ll Dire ctor .. .... .. thei r supr eme sacr ifice for free .. .. Alfr lck know n axio m 1 Miss DiM M. Wes Wat kins blood and dom , whe n they had trou ble to Coac h ... .. . ..... ... .... Edned t· plltr iotis m and hum anit y!' The Ineet a of L. Por Kels Indi an ance ator s. t e Hur y on, Mlch, Sup rem e · thei r ftnt IIO¥roU of a few work Busin ess Man ager .. . .l~. ume nt was erec ted by the mon Com · man der of the Cub an Wom en'. Ben&e:ia. Acc omp anis t .. Rhe a gove rnm ent at a cost of $600 ,000 fit Auo dati on seeks to aid Uie Cos tum e Dire ctor .. re'. bron ze tabl et is the cont ribu tion. A viva l of oldfuM one<!· danc e.. Uut Mak e-up the Unit ed Sapn ish War vete of ct., Olive Bell e Ham on, ran •• daug hter of Bon, The re will be a speo lal com mun The tabl et, cont aini ng the nam tl the iealate .. of Jake ~ Ham on arde ntl" kins . tion of Way neav ille Lod ge No. t hose who lost thei r live s ~;~*i;ii~;~ ( advocates Jan and t}le IIin~ Stag e Dlre ctors--M ary Hun t, &. . A. M. Mon day 'eve nlng ; .Fe.b163 P. pres ent. ing of the Mai ne, will beInplac Dor is ,· beau trful arg\\ men t.: ed 011 Haw ke. 15, for the purp ose of con ferr the mon ume nt, mg the Ush ers- Irw in Frie nd, John E; A. decr ee. AU . Mas onl aI:e aon s, .. corLuth er Har tsoc k, Edw in Ram dial ly Invi ted to be pres ent. by, Haro ld Smi th. ' JES SE PRE NDE RGA ST, W. M. .. Rese rved seat s may be secu red F. B. IJEN DER SON , Sec ',: Last Wce,dn·esda.y tnig ht .the at .' the Hall Drul f stor e. • I· • _ " '_ _ ,._ boys." team of, W. , H. S., 'met Way ne A. '0. team , of Day ton. 'rhla team outw eigh ed ours , and by ----:- " accu rate ' shoo ting 'they outc . la'J.!c d The Yo~ Fiiendl ·Mov.em~nt oUr bors I>y ~ acor e of 26 to 14. .• will Ncy · mee t at. the 1l0mC\ IIf TheJ'ma Ruth satterth..-Ite} 'Sun d4y even'l\J\d erth elell l, the ' vi. H_ S. team , plar ed lnif it 7-:00 o'clo ok, Fe_DIlUU'1 . 14a rood floo r ruui • . I r.rUlk~!B Le8ao'n 'l'e.pie'-HThe , Thll I8l)1 e I\iIh t the!.; Way of Ule God," . lAa det ~Ilee Fu~er Runts· met · the Har ver- burc nen u. Cro. . Dev '-Ila ble IIcl ln. at the a~, and ' deftilClCl them 19 laD. otio nei .Lci .del ." to O. . The re Wal

(a or ta l






Pa nc ak e Su pp er

Le nte n Se rvi ces

Pro mi ne nt Sp ea ke rs

Ev an ge lis tic Services


w. C. N. Ba sk et Ball

-- --

Ca rd of Th an ks

1 -----------------------.



Lo ca ls 'Win Two, Lo se On e ,f Ta~klin Pl ay s. f 'ri4ay Ni gh t ,.'



Mo ve me nt






-- -- -

W om an 's F oTe~gri Missionary Society #~s .' PT~gTam

.- .

A Good HO I t





Fully Equipp ed for Good Service. Large Displ ay Room. Ambul ance Servic e TSJ,EPHON£ 7


NEW SUITS Lillie Bnkl'r \'t! . hnrtes L. Bal;cl' for dh'or e. aJl mony mId l'eRtoratiun of mni I n nnm of Li llie Eltr.rlll h. Mrs. Mary f,' ~b () \\,pr ~ . W illinm ,1. F oxbowe r nnfl JIll's. Eva Foxbow cr Cor cogllovi t. Murtha o(lk \'~. ~ gcr Cook. (or divort'. Extr<,ml' ' ruc lly chol·A'cd. E \' relt El'tl'l ,,~. Hu mer Ertel. ct 11.1, r r pu rt! lion.

...... ...... ....


Our Mary 's Message




o pre~itl('nt. nnt even WMhing ton. pO S~l'SSNI ~o much po~vl'r in t.he United St"t.·~ as dtd AIJI'ahum LIJ1 _ cI'ln . nt th ~ time of his death, nccording to l hn ullccy Dep w. who hns II r ·tllllrkab lt' c~" ay 011 the Jl'l'pnt Civil Wur Pl'l~si(knl in Ul e current i, sue . o f ' the Nati,"la l Republic . , • Cou rts IIIIlI unKrCSS e" werc hi. • ""rl'lI11 ts," ~I!', n ~ pl!W c ll ntinu e~, nnel :

"The .1 m pier things .~ aft.e% aU the real things of life. • Neither the



complim ent. 01 the multitud e. the hon· ' ,om 01 high plnces nor the pleasure s that money buys can compons llte for tho sImple joys ot a happy family. a smile from a loved one or an honest frienti's hllnticla sp."

:i ~~~'I~~~)('}I'!$ 1::\~i.cS ::i~ ~~~t'1Ii~~:,~ :~~:~k


W H Mad den & C. 0 :·•

COMMO N PLEAS P~O CEEDINGS iuto lhl' l 'Nt h ll (l( p n ~~ i l~ 1\ th e recOIl- • ti tl'ul' Liun vI' t ill' sla ll'S. IIml h" liv- • ) n Iht' mllttl'r of lhe State of Ohi" ,.,1. a plan """i1d ha\'~ uee ll carl' iC'd • \'1<. Cli n \\' cst. rh'f~nda l1l. hlW illj:! been fOlln c1 guilly of char!!e by jury w. ~ Dentjs t i. ' • • ~ ('nh' Ilt'rd to lint less t hnn om' "1 • of t h~ pcri ud , w"uld hllv e cstublbh ccl mol'(' than t hl"'" Y nr~ in Ohio, tal" Wayn". .,itJ N.Hona l B.nk Bid •. lhe fue l thaI in u('illl{ th e hc~t friend : \'c fol'llllll(lry nnl l cosls. of he Sou th upon Lhe lilll S which he ~ The ' mnttcr of H arl ey Mnritt I'K. h:1d laid out, hc \\'IIS !llso ' ad opting Emil C. Shubc"I , WM di s m i ~"t'd with, Ihl' l,; sPRL policy fo r his counlry . : nut r ecord ul th e cosl of lhe plainThe I{rClJt ch nrad crH of hi ~ tIlry • . 10 tifT . arc ul\\'ays dl'nnlll tic. It is not be1'hl' caRe of Wm. Pnrker \,s: D. I. ClI USl' they wi ~ h to IJc spc ctncul ur. ~ and Lizzi' P owell wns compro mised bu t locn".-c I he mllj e_tic evcnts in : NOTARY PUBL.IC li nd d i~mii<Sed. Lh.. ,h'ullIu of nutions make them • In th(' mutt er of H. S. Eckels & Nation. 1 B.nk ulll' un ~ ciou s IIclors upon th is wonder- • Co .• \'S. • W. and Ruym ond Spllrk!!, ful ,lUKe, Linc oln WIIS one of the : Dr.wn .... ...... E.t.te. Settled it was c nsid cl'cd by. th o C,>U I·t thnt l1I ost dislingu ished nctors of modern .t the plaintiff re cove r Irom t he defentime.. lie pe rformed his part s uWayne aville. Ohio dants the s um of $ 164 ,67. pl'rLl y, whethcr in come dy or melo- : 111 the case of Edit h L. Bi "hop vs. ministrn trix of lhe es tnte of Th"lll n~ han, as ndminis tr"tor 1he c ~ tnte drumll or trugedy . The Becompli sh- • David W. Bishop, proceedinj:!s in con- Millcr. del'l!asc d, WIlS al l'w\'c,1 "nd of Eva O,born, dt'ccn>c,)1' d. I'S, Daniel ~ d . t.h e e rud ite. lhe nble and strateg ic : tem pt \\'('1' 0 d i. mi ss d wilhou t record con firm ed. r:. OslJorn et nl. A ppru is(' rs nl'l' ·!!wHrd. loo king with distrust on nt costs of dcfendn nl. A. E. Binckle y, admi ni3LO'r.LOI' of W, Shurts. Ed S. Conklin and W. this awkwur d bllckswo odsman. up sent Rex In th e malleI' of Clarcnc e 1", Buer_ lhe <'stete of Juhn S. Bowe,·. ,J ,,<,O !' - Snook. him a program for the manage ment g rm eier vs. Eurl J. lJu rgel'llIeie r et ed, filed his fir st lind filllll accoun t. Alfred W , Ne nl e. executo r of of the J!nl'crnm by more experi- I ai, It was ordered that th!' eSLllte be Thc nccount of L. M. ,)f""d cI'Hon , esl"l.e of Louisa Nea le. d " c ~ lI~cd. lhe t'nced minds; t o rent eceive back t he mes_ flI, DENT IST sold at publi r, unction, . guard inn of Mury E. Ellis, incompe- ed his invento ry lind uPPl'ul"c sa.:" thut the Spr illgfie ld lawyer ment. In th o matter of Lilli e . Co(lnby tent, was approve d, nllo\\'cd nnci conwould I'UII the governm ent himself And X-O-G RAPH IST ,. VB. Mory E. Messick et aI , it wus ur- firmed. nn d IIsk such nssistun ce from his cab_ MARRI AGE LICENS ES inet ns he might t hink he r equi red." ••• _ •• _~ . . . . . John Ditmars . guardia n of Alice WAYN ESVILL E, OHIO dered that the Lebanoll Citizens Na. . . . _ _ _ _ _ ••••• •• _ •••••• •••••• •• tional Ditmars Ban , incomp k lind etent, Trust hll:l om his POllY Paul f f, be urR. Howard , general ng<'nt. :> TUDY T.lepho ne 114 , Ilppoint ed tTustl'eS instead of the Cit · teenth account approve d. nlluwc<I and Cinc inn ati . nnd Miss Pcn Th om ~~~~~~~~ ... pson, ~~~ ize ns Nationa l Bunk & Trust Co. confirm ed. OPll'ICE : HATHA WAY BLDG. clerk, L('banon . The nl'Count 0 f Perry D. D en r· 'harlt'H E. Castle. press man, Day_ in ON MAIN S'J;'REET giJl'ulltic is foun d to be Ih" doff. admini$trntor of the estate of ton. nnd 1111'S. Mury Frances PROBA TE PROCE EDING S mean s of supplyin g ch('u!,pr lij:!ht nnd : Dan L. Deardof f. decease d, was ap- wards. stenogr npher. Oregoni a . Edpower to ever)' IIII'm hnme. the politHarris Bennett , admi nistrato r of proved, allowed and confirm e d. icn l scarecro w of super-po wer will estate of Martin Simpson. decl'nse d .. The account of Milton C. Rue. ud_ disuppe ar. filed his first and finlll necount . REAL ESTAT E TRANS FE RS ministra tor of the estate of Perry H. HOW 'S THIS? Proof of publicat ion was filed in Rue, decease d. was approve d ~--~--, nllowed JIAU'I oATA-R nn IlEDIOIl O!l l\l t he matter of the estatc of Ruth TroPeter P, and Loretta 'Benham t o nnd confirm ed. The differen ce betw('el l n tt'afl1 c cop bat W6 clAltD tor It-rId your 8)'.tem John Shillito. nbout 28 acres in TurQltarrll ' or Doo.fnclI8 ca.u •• d by \'iIIo. d ceased. Li ve s tock men wonder whnt has und J!il'l is that whe n the traffi c cop haarlem oil has been a worldThe second account of Fred :3t t1ecreek Tp ., $1. Fred Harlnn. guardia n of Earl E. JohnJ. executo r of the ~, , cnl1:' cd tI,,· i.' wide remedy for kidney. liver and general. long-Ins ting "nys toP. ho m;ll~ l,t.___ _ estate of MarBALL" OATAR RH IlEDIOIN EI aon· Cline ot 01. minor. filed his fiT8t acBnsore to Ethel Basore. 2 s IUl:, p. Th, lon .1". Trovillo . decease d, \l'ns a p- lotsEnrl reul reuson may be th al 0t an Qlntmen t which Qulcltly count bladder in-Frank disorde rs, Thewna tism. lin Tp .• $1. as to James M. Cline and finlll proved. allowed and co nfirmed. P" O I I I~ d ... the ea.tarrha l snnamma tton. and A merica are not eatAlbert Miller to He nry P. Mnthnz, the lwnbag • Internal MedIcIne , a Tonic, whloh nccoullt as to Earl Cline. o and uric acid conditio ns. inl( us The mueh nccount meat of per Joseph capita P. Rowles. 10 lots in Deerfie ld Tp .• $ 1. as they \illite throud> the BlOOd on the Mucous The will of Josepb H. Applega te. executo r of the estate did . The tendenc y towards n meatof Eloise V. ~ Qua l'eltol1lla ' lIormal coDd l· Fred W. Fatule decease to d. Lida was P, admitte d . to probate , Rawles. dec,eaBed, was approve d. al Wolf, less diet is stronge r every day. More U_ about 1 acre, $ 1. Beulah Donnell y accepte d the trust lowed and confirm Ilol4 bl. &-untlta for " ....r 40 Yeara. fruits, ccreuls vegetllb les go into t he d. We will sell the stock, feed and William B. ForUng as exec utr ix. Bond. $3.000. Ape r. 1. ~.II'F .. Co•• Toledo. OhIo. to Thomas C. Amo ricnn diet than.eve r before. In the matter Last impl em(' nt~, located 5 miles N. W. 01' praisers are Ed Knoche nhauer. E. Y. J. Re~d. decellsc0d.f the estate of GrllC ~ and EmmA Clayton . two lots ill Deer - year t he country in and it west was ordered of th e t!lat Wa~'nesv c.;.APS ULES iJJ e . 3 Y.. miles N .of Lytle, field Tp., $1. Adams and Alva Hill. Rocky mou lltains shipped 22,000 car_ 4 miles S of the Lebano n Citizens and Trust Center ville. on the SoKate C. nnd Leora E. Githens to loads of Lucy Ross. adminis tratrix of the Co.• be and the sameBank lettuce t o the Eastern was marappoint cial ed Row r and. riJ7ht nt Nettie V. Edward s. tract in Clcnr- kets. on the c:orrec:tlntemal troubles, stimulate vital estate of Mary E. Ross. decease d. s ubstitut ed and continu Snlads that used to be con- C .• L. & N. R. R.. on Mnnor, ed in the stead creek Tp., $1. the old N!'i1 orclUlL Three mes. All drug~.ts. lnalat filed her first and final account . s idered of the Citizens Nationa l Bank "\'ld merely as relishes or tabl e Clnrk farm. on Frank L. and Rose A. on the originnJ genuine GOLD MIWAI.o In the matter of the estate of Mad- Trust Co.. aB adminis trator ev ins to ornumc n ts. lire today mujor foods. of tI, e Willinm u nd lI1ary "Fren ch. about 19 Frid.:". Febr\lar y 12. 1926. e line M. Slater, decease d. it was con_ estate. It was ordered There is s till a great market for Begi nnin!! at 10 o·clock. the f ol- ~~~~~~~~~~~~ sidered that it would be of be nefit tate and chattel pronert v that real es- acres in Harlan T'P .. $1. meats, and always will bej but today lowing !!!"~~ be sold. : 2 horses, 9 heod cattle. 21 ' Lawren ce 111 . and Edlla Sims to the su; cess ful to lIIIid estate to com promise and set.. In the matter of the es tate of Bert Lowell farme r , is . pretty 1M cerSI.lot Speclal ilt hogs. 83 chickens , farmi nnd ng Cnth(!ri imp lelle 'I' homas. lot in toin to make his profit tle claims against it. oJ • ~ ,f Reed. decease d, it was ordered thac Lytle. $1. J • from e1h'er- ments, 700 bu. corn. bees and house Edward C. Weer and G. E . Tbrock- the Lebanon Cititens sified product ions. Nationa l Bank hold art Mary icles E. Davis to Robert morton. cxecuto rs of the estate of an d Trust Co., be appoint A. nnd A close r study into this nation al ed and s ub_ Viola Whitacr e about 12 ncres. A. E. MARTI N. Celinda Griest, decease d, filed their stituted instead of ·the Citize $ 1. foo d habit might help many an oldns NIlChest W A. MALSB URY r and Myrtle Nee invento ly to Bec k_ time toc kl1lun who s till believes ry and appra isement . ,\ tional Bank & Trust Co .• IlS adminis - ham LetiaaOD, Ohio that Mal·tin & Stllnley . A ucts, McIntos h. 4 lots ill Union Pp .• n s inistet' Somebo In the matter of the estate of J. trators de bonis non with the dy in the GOI'ernwill nn- $1. M. Conrey. decease d. it was consid- nexcd. m nt, or in orga nized sodety. is robOwin g to .the death of m y wife. I ered thllt ·tbe adminis trato!:! th e Citbing him . Nntiono l table and table Sidney Chnndle r. executri x of th e izens Nationa l Bank Bnd ',! 'rust Co .. estate of Edwin Chandle r. decease d. ~v iJI offer n~ nublic sale at my r eS- I' Highe st Mark et Price hablts. nn •, ' 4 ai'OO d no t a .... robber to WANTE influenc " p: ... ~ e D TO BE HIRED Paid " iI sell certain stocks belongjn g to the filed her first and final account ~ .:. is affectin g thc great IIve-Htock busi- ,dence on F Ifth Street. on . estate. Sa t\l rday. Februar y 13. 1926 IICSS. John D_ Kirklin was appoint ed ex"Tell me n story, mn mu ," In tho matter of Lida P. Wol!.r. ~'. ecutor of th e estate of Lossie E. KirkBeginn in g at 1 o·dock. nil of my eeutrlx of the estate of Asa B. wolf, klin. decease d. "What kind. dar ling?" househo ld /t-oods and Bond $500. garden tools. Ap• . .. - t f t • ,.. "One that I have t o cnt cllnriy to decease d, plaintiff , vs. Lido. P. W.o lf, praisers are Edgar Ludlum . Jo'hn Also. a few pieces of antique f urniDit- listen to." Teleph on 292W et aI. it was ordered thllt .. 24 executr it mars ix nnd Genevie ve Malsber ry. tur e. MA RVIN HAY. , r: ~t "1'- ... .,.' MI i b proceed to selt r eal estat-e belong:l lg Mnrtin & Stnn ley , Aucts. Distribu tion of proceed s of Bule was Ohio 5 . to said ostnte at private sale. ordered mude in the matter of Lid s Dir ector- loWell. WI' can't fi nd the An ul a rmist newspap er se~ s 0. In the matteT of the estate of Wil- P. Wolf, executr ix of th e estate of al'tist who d rew it 0 .th ere·s nothing !!reat ml'nucc to the America On the C. G. RandRlI farlll at t he liam M. Dare. decease d, it was order- Asa B. W olf. decease n people d. vs. Lido P. else to do but hnnl~ the pi cLure," from what it cnlls a giganti c super- foot of the "s" hill. Harveys burg. ed that the ad ministra trix distribut~ Will f et nl. ~: Oh io, on power electric co mbinati on ill tho in kind and transfer the followin g de_ , Morris Oswald. e.xecuto r ot the es,I t .. • "' ~.f Uniled ·tates. scribed stock. Wedne. d.y . Februar y 17 . 1926. tate of .G eorge Oscar Freema n. de. R8ald~Dc:e ~ ', 9 Chtllic othe Ave, "Is a woman as old as . he looks ?" 'I'his ueing an age of e lectricit y the In the matter of Henry Edward ceased. fil ed his first and final Comme ncing ut 10 :30 o·clock. the ac"Y!.'s, snper-p Beechle ancl n man is old when h e ower nwnuce call bl! jugl\led fo ll owing property . S horses , 7· r it wtis ordered that a war- count. Phon~ 201 cows rant fo'l' conveya nce to Dayton Sbt.e t o alarm the pu bllc not yet familiar a7 hogs" farming impleme Frank . Anderso n was nppoint ed stops looking." nts. ha rwi t h Ihe Ohio hospital be issued to the sheriff, advanta ges of handlin g ness and feed. g uardian at litem 01 minor defende lectric ity ill lal'gee units. Tb report of Anna J. Miller. ad- llnt in th e matter of Robert J. IRA M. SYF'ERD. ShllwCalion u. for y our Job Pri ntin • . When the hundling of e lectl'ici ty Wlllter Lacy. Auct. '. ,"-.:1 WE GET THEM QUICK LY AND Owing to the death of my wiCe. I FR£E OF CHARG E will sell my stock, feed and impleCALL US ANY TIME AT OUR ments, located 3 miles N. of Waynes EXPEN SE ville .. 1 m ile S. of Mt Holly, 'oil milo W. of t he Cincilln ati and Columb us pike. on the Frank Zell farm. on Tbur.da y, Februar y 18. 1926, Pb on .8 HARVE YSBUR G. O. Beginni ng at 10 :3 0 o·clock. the following; 2 horaes. S cattle, farming im plement s .hay an d househo ld goods. ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!~!!!!!!!!!!!! • JACOB REEDE R. Martin &: Stanley Auctll.

Dr. John W. Miller

~}~:'.~.~7.I.'e dUYLh:~il;:I\J~:.(~:.~h n;:tl~~II~:I~~~



. Is Lum ber and Suil ding Mater la


Oh. •

Way nesv iile



.D r. H.E . Hat haw ay


------ ----






PubHc Sale s




E.r. ·.:~ CarY'S Jewelry Shop

~;£~,y Tu. day

Liv e Po ultr y WA NT ED !

---_.--- --



,, ' ,


A D Swa nk & Son

- - -- - --


.:.:., ~.i~V__ ::~' "'I~ :~uuell .!I Auct


The Elect ric Age


--- _._-- --

ionee r



Harveysburg Fertilizer Co.





as au tho riz ed . 'a ge nt '-' fo r


De vo e Pa int an a Varilish ' Pr od uc ts ,...,the ol de st ~ mos~ c011!Pl~e muJ biJ!he$t lJuallly l,ne In Ilm er kt( , •


For depeud8bte pain t service base d On Devoe~ 172years- expe rien ce. see us - '

FRED M. COLE, Waynesville, Ohio ,'''r,''''''' ---- ---- --i

Bocr.oi Bwta;

. Him!-N-is'

n.e,~ ~




GO'T THe B IN-ll<: f'c:lk 11'( PoiJroH I LE ll"-'~ .ALL.

f'ILL£t:. oIJT'-

' "ll\1t( 'it> Lt;) h EO -rt> ~H1I: To


WI Nt;) OW



- - -......

Now '(OU

eso "T'O

A NO"T,o" R'( AI'>OlJ..) .;L AN~

lAe'LL ,e l L '(au WHA.' ,l:> t:>o

"',41.\1£ IT .$TAI1~ AI UlINb~ 't'\ Go '1'1:> WI loJt,ow $ 8'1t, ;!>,7• ..s~', I. ~ ANI:;> • 'tDIf,;. ANb-, I'1-1iiI ~oMEO: SAQIII:. ' f,OR.~~ , - INS'TR UC'Tlc" ...sS '




I will sell at public sale at my residence on the Chas, Harness form at Flat Fork Schoolh ouae .. 4 miles W. of MONEY LOANE D Oregoni a. l'>it miles E. of Wellma n and 6 miles ,S, of Waynesvl1~e . on , LOANS on Chattels.S tocks, Securi. Friday. febr\lar y U~. , 1926. ties and Second Mortgag es. Notea Beginni ng ' at 10 o·c1ock. the following : 3 ,horses. 2 cattle. forming bought. John Harbine Jr.. Xenia. -m80-'2 6 implem ents. harness. feed and hous'l- Ohio. bold goods. ' MELBU RN GILLIL AND. Martin &: StaniIlY, Aucts. Farmsr s of Wa.rren and adjoInin g As I am gQ.\ng fo quit farming . I counties may obtain money on loni will offer ' at public: ' sale at my resi- time loans. at 5 per cent interest . ,d ence on the A. B. ,Talmag e f~, Cost of securin g the same i8 very reaat the Flat Fork church. ·l 'oil miles E. of' Wellma n. and 4 miles W. of sonllble ,through The Federal LaIId Oregoni a. on the Lebanon and Har- Ba nk. For further Informa tion eall veysbur g pike. on. on 'o r addres8 M. C. DRAKE . Treas. ' M.onda" febru.r y 22. 1926, urer. phone SI6·X. Lebano n. Ohio. Beglnnj~g at 10 o~block, the follo~ ing Jlrppert y; 'S horses, a c,ows. 19 WANTE D sheep. corn. hay, fodder, harness and farmiri/r 'implem ents. . ., ' MILTO N EAKIN . MANUF ACTUR ER desires lady to Walter Lacy, 'A uet. ' introduc e its goods No can vassing. Position pays about $18 per week. I will Bell at public sale on my Prefer lady who belongs to ('hurch or farm 2 miles ·S. of Waynes ville on club organiz ati on. Write Sales manthe Waynes vllre and Lebano n pike. ager. 505 Sloan Bldg.. Clevela nd. Ohio. f24 . Februar y 23. 1926, Be~inning ,at 10 o'clock the follow· I AM n ow organiz ing Warren COUlity ing chattel property : 7 horses. 3 , for the Ohio State Ufe Insuran ce cows. 15 hogs. corn. oats, harness. Co . For Agency Opportu nities or best and f arming Impleme l\ts. insuraJ\ ce protecti on. write to Gilbert B. V. SMITH.' ' Biggs, . Box 83. Waynes ville. Ohio. -J12 Martin & Stanley . Aucts. WANTED~AJ1 kinds of soft Wood. for pulp. Morris Graham . tf

Farm ers, Attention!

• r


-.,-- FOR SAl"


<. '1:.F' ~ : rali" rh :~kp "I - ~ _ your order now ' for gpod chicks "," : (' ;'P"c , 'O UI" C~g8 hnLehed . Nc \~ ~et~l' Sim e inCubat or. jllst h .,"l!Ml.

~ll '1"' ! I. ~rll ct n o"" rri ,. Franklin , Ohio. phone 246J.





TWO ~ood horses; 1 ba~. 12 year~ old '. weig~t 1200 lba.; 1 g ra:( 6 years old, '\Y~lght, 1700 Ibs; sound, a nd ~ood WOI'~ef&: 9 heud o( sbeep: pure. bred Col he pup. F . IA. Hartsoc k, Rte 8,



FOR SALEl- Good house aJ\a lot on . Fourth 'ktreot; eleetri ~ lights. wat r In house. Price right. A. D. Hde,. ~. ,5; Waynes vill,e ; phOll1 '786 Cen . •ervllle. ' " .n'1 WE CAN ON CondeDaid


OhfD "Cream



THE MIAMI GAZE TTE Terse Newslets Pluck ed ----- ._- --- -...ISSUED EVERY WE DNESD AY.,.


A Q uaint Relic


from Our Exch a nges


Ente r.1I ell P o . ioHic . ti t W~y " a.uU/tt Ola~o, a. S.cftnd CJ,. •• M a n r.'utlcr


Pub li. he.

...---- -- -.._.._- -WOMEN . BRAINS A ND P O LITI C S Rh eta Ohilde DllfJl-. n(.ted write·r. says t hut tlHl ollLS'f,nding ,,:Cliillil wilh b ruins has a8 nllie h chullce ur getting into Con g re ss as T l'otHky hnd . IOTh (~J'1.! n1'C


WOIHcn m(lmlJCr s

of Co ngl'ess. t wo of whom III'" wid OW8. elec led by the " lIlI e mac l,i"e t haL co nt rolled th ei l' h u~ba ncl s." HU l'S th" wr iter. whu ncl rl R l haL "the 8a nlC i" tru e of t he two women gOVlU' J1 0I'S, ont~ a widuw, th e utlll! r cn nt l'ollcd uy hel' hus bund a nd hi" mllchine ." Piling -nt ore fap;o ls ton the fire, thi : woman critic of he l' "ex say.; she rece ntly heard u speec h in Co ngress t hllt a high sc houl g irl wo ul dn't make. S he ulso declare" t h e ." n'" Ca rp e nt e r Injur e d (r o m F a ll X EN IA- J ohn It" ·"es . :lR, cllrpcn· cun d ition exists in locul poli tics. All t h o wo men co· leaders in t he di s tr icts 1('1', o f Sp ring Volley. wus I roug-nl to Me lella n hospita l Wedm·s duy su fTer_ of New Yo r k she den ounces Ils WUnI ' iup; frum frnctul'l" or the pe lvic Lon e en wit huut bl'R ins , uHuu ll y Ilnli·su f· when he f ell 22 feel fmlll " rouf he Jim and J es" P ugh • • TIll' ke e p ' I" of !" hUl' H, wu s r cpni ring 011 ForcMt uycnuc, Dny_ fl'll g ists an d chose n by th c hosseR bo_ W,'nt tu .J oc . url' s cnuse th e men k"ow t h rll ~ no 1'0:11 Ill n. Tu esday. A fll' I' lhe acciden t Heen,; W 3S tllkT o huy "0m" . 'l uiIT'·J:.. organiz at iu n bu"k uf th e un t i.s ulTra- ,." to his home in Spring And thel"'s Stnce "illdle, Valley by his g ists. Tb,' J:I'Cllt Ion/! >)li ndll', hl'uther, . Willinm H ee"c~ . who WIlS And .J", eph W" lkl'l·. " Women are still be ing di scl'imi. wor king wit h him. lin d he did not And th<:I'c'" :-.1 <: ,' St ylcs nnte d aga inst," co nclu des t h e write!', I'cc ei"e sUI'g'icll l Ilttc nti on until ,1 fter Tlte 'k" "p( 'I' "f r, It', . reu! hing ho me. n X-RaY cxumina " th ough t hey thi nk t hey nrc ill 1101 - Lion mnd by Dr. AWi Thev n il weill ,, \, .. r' " ll ialll Harting e r , c iLics." all of whi ch m"y be true in of Sprin g Vu lley, disclos ed t hnt the T n ::; 1(" ' 0 Vcnanl. Th l!'r ~ at 111'11 YlIl'd . degr 'C, bu t is not in uny wuy pec tt · p ·Ivic bOlle wus cr ul<hcd on buth s ides To stca I a g' l H"'l:'l l' Iill r to t htl sex. There UI'C lI1un y The Reeve s brothers have been etnFrom J a c' o b Fll o~e . p:oycd by Fred !l ul luml. u DayLon con men who th ink t hey nrc in politi s U'uct or. A lid l"rI, 11 ad 1(' y Thou/!h l J'iglt l mildly, but who. in renllly. nrc only t ho tueds To think tI"'~" d , t ca l tl g"""C of hidd l!lI powe r behi nd t ho throne . Meaalel Epid e m ic From J Ul' o b F UIIKl? Yeurs o f obse r vution 01 nominbt i ons XENIA - An ep idemic o f m(lR,les mnd e froll1 ti me to tim· lit the com · i, pr evnili ng umong Green e cuunty mllnd of II\lI n co n tl'olled muclline " ch ildre n, in comlllOIl with the g r ea t er here a nd there ur qllite eoncillsi vc p:l rt o f the childre" of Ohiu .th! (·,"·d. ing to Dr. H . II . Gru be. Greene coun,y proo f of t ha t fuct. We fear, though. hea lth cOlllmiN ,iOller. A lal'g'(' numHheta Childe DO l'!' muy be nil out- ue r of II"I:S f wh oo ping co ugh " I' ~ Al rend y t h['1 C ",.(. ,ir-rns tha t the sla nding fig ure in the wOI'ld of lit· ,, 1.0 to Ue fou lld. nnti.rulJ bcr Ill ',nopo ly C~tnll :\ign ill erature , she docs not weigh hea\' ily America may hl'lI r fl· uit. An agiul . a s a political a nd eco nomic unlll yi,-\. li o n h ns spread 0 "")" lh e! c' ,un t ry fOl' ('collom y in lh" usc o f rllbl '(' r, espec· Whatev er muy be sa id of Lhe s tand illily au t omob ile tire". and the p lans IIrd of t he wOllle n in politic.,1 <-flicc fortnuln ted to pul lIl e t'i ell in the it must be reme m uere d th ey arc A flood of oppo~ition has devel. ruuher produci n g hU Rine.s Itn\'c re· oped in New York to the proposa l to eoived wide puul k ity. A t nlly r ate bound to be r eprese n tative of the !'C li rl t he ten oOlllmB ndment s in the rubb er shares on the Lond who ,PIa co them in t heir posts. Outpub lic schools on ce 11 weck. Doubt- change hus evide nced mOl'e . on exign of standing women with bl'ni ns have un less on the theory t.hat it wou ld be nCTVoU ,'lIess during the pnst fc w day s excelle nt cbunce of getling into u nfai r to the cvolu tionists. thun f or mllny 1II 0nths. Congres s lin d mo re and mo re will be It is evident t ha t the luws o f s up· A New York man to ld the police clectod as ti me goes on . iudge thllt he wore three' pai rs of ply and delllund cannot he e nti rely set uside .even by monopo ly. And trousers to pr otect h is ba n k ro ll. They ha ve just disco\'er ed t races Most o f us. if we had t hree pll ir of the fa r mers, too , urc very wisely sta rti n!: on n n ew li ne. All over the of pyorrhe ll in t he t eeth o f lin Egyp- lrouBers . \\'o ul<I II 't huve IIny bank· co unt l'y, hut e~pe c i alIy in the corn ro ll left to protect. tilln· Phllroh, dead three th ou sand belt . t here is I'ublkit y dc,i):!' ned to Br itis h news!>up CI'R say t hat our incl'ense the usc of corn years. Nel( t t ho" wi ll Ilr obablr find product s. out that Ven'us de MilO' hnd ha li tos is. kic k ing on t he rubber hold up wo n 't F a r mers, and lhose who wou ld li ke tlo a n y good, bu t anyho w the pri ce to help t ho (nrmer s ure beinp; im· T he inco me tax offi cers say t hal has dropped t hi rty cents a pound porlu ned to buy co rn s ugar. a nd bills duri ng th e past few weeks. ha ve been in troduce d into both bra n. nin e out of e very t en p eoplo are nllt · E n rope is barring ou r jazz musi- ches of Congres s to legalizo t he lise ·ural "orn fiction writers. cia ns a n d it h ll9 been suggest e d in of cor n sugnr in canning lind preThese bills, it is und erongr(·.s t hot th e Un it ed Stat es s~rv in g. I wonder if Henry F ord orig inllte d shoul d retaliate . We m ip; ht bul' out s tood , are n ot opposed by Amer ica n that saying: " T her e's one born ev- some of those f unn y. movin g fore ign enna lind bee t sugar interest s. The fur mer. of course . dues not ery minute. " da n ce rs . want to clirtail the supply Germa n lend er s nre cnlli nl!' 1I!usso· he' raises. Neithe r does he of co rn t hink t hut linin super-k a iser . a n d they no long- u cor n mon opo ly a long HAVE A CHAIR the lin es of ~ r m cun t his us n co m plnwnt. tho r llbber monopo ly is f easible. Ob. viously . then, the thing to rio is t o "18 lIh. Smith in ?' in o'case the consum ption of cor n. "No ; h e's gone to th e ce mete r y." WANTS TO KNOW The lise of corn , ugnl' is only one "Do you expect hint back soo n 1" way to do t his, und a s the campaig n "No; not till R es urrec tion Day." Th is is th e story of the old da r ky progress es. !lOll b tlcss other who WIIS out fishi n' on de Mi ~ si .. iJllli he discovcr ed IIl1d oxploite ways will whe n he caught nn immens e ca tfish, 1'IIte the fitep is one in d. A t a ny the r ight cl iJim Dand y silys t hat t he way to which plllled him overholl rd. ,·cclion. A nd probabl Coming up splu ttering allll spitting Ih" plnn is we ll under y by the time mllke t hese n ew fan gled dan ces un· WilY the crisis populllr is to invent Olle that you s tep mud he yells: " Wh ut ah want,~ to will be over_ Marke ts are se nsitive kn ow is di s; is 1 fishin' or is dis her e things and usu li lly respo nd p retty on your own feet. catfi sh nigge rin '?" well to moveme nts of the kin d.


--- ---- --PICK ·UPS


-....;...-_.- ....- - -


lIfl's. William Bergdai l is ill ~ith Ute grippe, Some of th e new tobacco h ero is s elling fo ~' 12 cents. Mr ~. 111'1 Duk~ is serving on the I (·ti l j ury lit Lcbnnon . . 7.I r . n ,d l'Ifl·S. J . B. J nllcs are now I'iiling in II fl ew Ford sedaa . JIlt·. an d Mrk 1.. f . Silt1s lind dau gh ' (' I' ,,!)ent SUlldny in Duyton. Paul S D\'a~ .·, of \Vuynes ville . sp 'IIt t hv week-cn d wilh his paren ts. bere. l\li r,~ ,1\ my II lJ pkins. of WayneSVi lle, Wll ~ 11 w,·(!k-lmd guest of Miss ~ I a l'y lI ulI l. ~I ,· . lind M 1' <. CH rt·(.1I King alld sort, Ruhert, were Frankli n visitors,

S"blcrip tion Pri ce, $1.50 p e r Y ear


COli/SeR VE S OMI: Oil 1'" E -


JIl l". Lucy F it... of PI(!anm t R idp;e, vis it ed her mollier and siHlcr here, couplc of d a y, la, l week. JIll'. Chllrl(), M l\ 1I('n ix wu s called Lo lilt. Orl'b . iA l' LJwn co unty, Thursda y by Lhe seri ous illness o[ his mothel'. ~ I r. an d MI". Chus. Clal'k and lIIr. und :vI 1·S. !l urry McGinlli s WC I'e f.un. day "is itors of relative s in l3ell brook. MI'. Hnd ~ l l' s . J. 13. J on"s alld so n, 'l·h'·I·I,· . SPl'llt ~u nd uy with 1111', anti ~ll' s . W illinm Sitiens t rick,'r. in Dell· ul'u uk. JI ll'. and lIll·s . •Ine HOI·m ell. of Way n",,·ille. were SUllda y di nne r guests of :\Jr. un d 1111'S. Wa lle r Whitaker- and ramily.

M rs. Chu rles Mulleni x. in compan y wit h Mr s. Howa r d Archd eaco Ll, of Waynes ville, vis it ed th e f ormer 's s is. t el'. Mrs. Lucy Map-rud er , at Miami Vall ey hospitlll , TltUrsd ay. Mr. und Mrs. Wa rr en Kenrick and li ttl e daughte r, Ma rgnret J ea n, and Mr. Hurry Kenri ck, of Ce nte rvill e, were W e dn esday eveni ng g uests 'at t he home of Mr. a nd Mrs . Waltor K ~ nl'i ck.

The Ladies Aid h eld th e Februar y meeting at t he hom e of Mrs, Allen E mric k, on W edn esday. A number wer e p r esen t lin d a p lellsllnt time was en joyed. A tW[l·cou rse luncheo n wa s sCI-ve d by t he hostess. 'l'he n ext meeting will be held lit the h ome of Mrs. William Bergd ull, t he firs t W ed. nesduy in Murch.

----- ..----

SPRING VALLEY Mrs. Will tel' <Coyle is on the /liek lisb agllin. Mrs. W. lIf. H llr tinge r see ms to be r esti ng mo re comfor tably f or several days. . Mr. a nd 1111'S. R ussell Hiatt lind children visited relu tives in Wilming ton, S unday.


r4,:nll.l4 qf fNOUGt+SvPPL.¥ NtI\tl EN6l.AND

~l 1Dl~~/,{ ~~yjJJ~ - --;-;--...;.:r ._--



Willium Long J r., WitS a week.en d guest of his ul1 cle. Dr. F. K. Siegel unll flinti ly. of Cin cinnati. Messrs . Frank und Rudy Sieg-el IIccomp an ied him home, S und llY.


CI/C:~G-V ,0

WITH ': uS L ~ o l:l A WI""~ ~_

~II'". Mary E. Ca rll1 0ny I\lI d MI'". la ra Th omps on wcre in Dayton sh op' pili I!'. Thlll ·" du~· .

1111'. and lIIrs. S. II. lTa ines an d son und lilt·. and 1111'S . Willi eI' Ke nrick Werc culli n!: a n fr icn ds ill Springb oro, Su nd ay. Mr. an d lIfrs. 111'1 Albrigh t. of Spri ngboro. s rent Tucsda y e"~ ning of las l w e k with JIlr. nnd Mrs. K.e s Ier' Graham nnd uHug-h tcr . 1111'. nnd ~ll's . IlcnIH,n Say lor and hu by S U II . or .~li n llli s bli rg. WCI'" SUII<I uy dilln el' /!u csls of the laU" r' , par· e n ts. MI'. an d Mrs. \\' illillll1 Lo ng' . MI'. and ~rr s . Ra lph J ohns and dnught! 'rs. Mr. nnd I\Irs. J . .R. J ohns we re Sunday guests o f ~It·. nnd Mrs. HUITY .J o hn " und fnmi ty, ill Duyton. ~ll·. li nd 1Il r h. J. B. J ones. Mr. and Mrs. AII(' II ElII l' ick an d 1111'S. Robert 1IU1l[ uUcn (t cu th e Farmers Institut e in Wayn esville . Fri day and Saturda y. Miss Cl 0 SLOley I'ctur ned home, Thlll'"la y frolll Midd le tow n. wh el'c "he vi;;ited he l' cous in. Miss Mabel Luckey, who is seri()usl y ill lit this tim ~ . I e\· . J . C. Ro berts, of Blanch est er, dislrict s uperinte nd en t, prellche d at Lrtle (, hu rch Sund ay afternoo n. A nllmuer fr om Springu oro attende d the




H AlNES City 18 emphlltl cally a. "pull-to gether" tOWII.

·It-. hilS' the two unities whlch spell CIvic pl·ogress .' They are Unity of Concept ion, and Unity of ~ction. • The people herehllv e got the Right Idea. They see a. bright presopt IlIId a wonderf ul future. There ~ be no mistake IIbout the present. Things are ~Ing ahead, stelldily , confiden tly, reIlstles9l y. The .c ity hilS moment um. Nothing ca n IItOP Ita advance.. In fact the futuro Is lUI certain ~~~~~~i~JI ,city aR ifare it men ",orewith heroImllgina now, for leaders of the tion.thoThat Is how the ~li~~ftt~~ invisible becollleR "lsible, and how Haines City- is :. taking shllpe accordin g to the pattern. The s econd unity is the Unity of Action, AIl sec.ttons of the people work togethlfT. There is no CUa~Ull!tY-iiO clique a,t war with Mqther cliquetrO interest see~g 'a soJllsh d()minlltion. EverYboar Is for the cIty, well knowing thllt as the , city jprospet a they cnnnot bu.t prosper With it. 11".111 So they pull to!fCthe r--the CiLy Omcials; the Bllnk$, ~Ju! Mortga ge Compan ies, the LaWf~ the ' S~oreKeepc~[O, the Realtor s-pjl bent, on ~~ ing - Ralnaa Ci~ whllt it bu&'ht to be, ' and what it will become. <• •


·'~h2n~;'-Bryson . REALTOR

I ~~,£ fN.JU Ylr l=.f\8L[

MIGH T FUcIJ I!.M TONS A ~~ ':'~ _


HARVEYSBURG W il1!am Lukens attend ed Fanner s' Wee k 11\ ColullIh us. H. I~ Bl'oo k ~ was II Day tort business VI~ l tO I', Mo nday . . wer Mr . and MI'S. Frank 1.. Hul'l'Is e CincinJl ati vi~itors, \Vcdne sdny,


~fr. a nd Mrs. F r a nk Wil son wer e

S unday gu est s of Mr. a nd Mrs. H er ber t Fite and Jane E llen , at Wa~ h­ ingt on C. 11 _ Miss Win nifre d and Lester Starr, of W uyn esville, ca lled on lIf r. and Mrs a nd Mr s. O. H Grny and f a mily T uesday even ing. Mrs. H er bert Fite an d Jan e Ellen, of W ash ington O. H. , arc spendin g a few da ys \vit h he r pa rents. Mr and Mrs. Frank Wilson . Miss Ola Hartsock. of the W arren County Normal, taugh t the int el'm~­ di a tc roulII T hursday li nd F n du y III t he nbse nce of Mr. Butter wo r t h. Our basket ba ll ers lost to Adam s townshil> Sa t urd ay evening . on the home floor . The boys' game r esul ted in a score of 17 to 10 a nd t he g irls' st ood 14 t o 6. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hoove r muved Monduy f r om t he Wilbur Huwke f arm to t he Al ber t S hu tts fli nn, ncar Wuynesville. Mr. and Mrs. H awk e m oved bllek t o t heir f arm, Th e Commu nit y club will hllve an open meeting lit th o Hnll Wednesday evening , F ebruary 17th. J. A. Slither of Ohio Stllte un iversity , will speak on "Soils lind Crops." Mr lind Mrs . Harley Carback lind son s 'm oved , Friday. from th e E dwa rd s farm to a far m near Spnnp; Valley . Mr. a n d Mrs. Simm s will move from t he F ran k Shidake r fllrm to t he farnt the Cnrbllcks vacated , Itnd Mr. lind Mrs. Alva Kimbl e and son w i\1 move from t he H. E. Cresw ell farm to th e S hidaker farm.



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The W. O. T . U. held a sih 'o r tea at t he home of Mrs. W. T J ordan, ThursdllY afterno on Mr a nd Mrs. Ed BI'O\',' II en ! ·'·~ain ed Su'nday , Mr. and Mr s. Geo. Vllr vall und fam il y, of Dayton. M'r. an d Mrs. Wil mer C Wa lker . of Dayto n , spe nt Sund uy with their pllr _ en t s, Mr . lind Mrs . A . L . Kenned y. Mrs. Clara Merri t t h as bocn ",isiting Mrs. E mma Cline a nd 'son s in Da yton. Sh e return ed h ome Sa t urdllY·

4" ll 1b"'~

S~"~O,?t~~!S Shot I m



Mr. and Mrs. l~a nk Cul tice, of Cedan'iIIe , a re visit .ing Mr. nnd Mrs. To. nel' Und erwood 1Il r. a nd Mrs. J nm es Har ne r , of the Bell brook pike. were S unda y g uests of lIfl· . an d Mrs. Wa lter Coy le . MI·g. El zie Smit h en ter ta in ed · th e Ladies Aid of th e F ri end s chu rch a t h CI' h ome Thu rsda y after noo n. 111m. J ames Ba n e. of t he New Bur . lin gton pike, wal; t he g ues t of Mrs. Toner U nderwoo d, Illst Wedn esdllY. The L a di es Aid met In the church Mr. li nd . lIfrs. Charl es Scartl' lind parlors Thm'sd a y af t er no on. Mrs. n ell e St J o hn. of Xen ia, 'were Mr. and Mrs. P a ul Hull have moved g uests . Sun day.• of Mrs. Annll Anderto the fa rm of E. F. McKay . son. Sun shin e Soci ety .me t at t he h ome lIIiss Dorothy So ilel'S en ter ta ined ~I r~ . C. A. Oglesbe e's Sun day-sc hOO l of Rut h and Buddy Reev es . Saturd ay. chm ' of which she is n member , at her Mr. lind 1111'S. F. L. Conklin . of Sa. home Monday evenin g. bina , wer e week-e nd guests of r ela· illI·. lind Mrs. Ed Eyers, of S pring- tives h ere. boro. lind 1111'. a nd Mrs. Fred Moore , Mrs. A. . T urn er and da ughte.r. of Do yt<1II , wer o g uests. Sunday , of Ag nes. a re W the g uests of relative s III 1111'. un t! Ml's. 'J . M . Moor e. Dublin . Ohi o. Litt le Betty An n Alexand er caused Jantes eterson hilS b een IInable consid el'llble oxdte lllcn t. o ne day last to attend P to his work fo r severa l w ~ek uy swu llow llIg 11 rubber ha il'p in days on account of illness. Aside fr om the choking a t th e time Mr. a nd Mrs E. R. Steddom enter il see ms t o have caused h er 1\0 troub tain ed on Sunday , Miss l\iarjorie Gille so l uI' bert of Dayton. Qunrte rly meeting will be h eld 'this COl1lP'ton . of this Mr. an Mrs. Ed place. week at t he Friends church. The se_ A t t he r egular nt eetlng of t ho P.lecl body mocti ng ~'ridIlY, the general congreg ati ons on Satur day and the T. A., Frida y, the fo Uowin g offic ers Young P('ople's mee tin g on SlIbbath were e lected : Presiden t , Mrs. T revor C. 'Haydoc k; fi rts vic e-~residen~, afternoo n. Mrs. R Il Y R eeves ; second Vlce,pfe SlA co mbinat ion .m terlainm ert t from dent, Mrs. ' R. D. Collett; secr e ta~~'. t his plnce lind N.m Buxling ton was 1I1 iss Ma ud Harlan; treasure r. Mtss g iven in t he new High school a uditor- Martha Bell~l. ium lust Wednes da.Y' evening . A play was given by enolt villalle and inter- ~ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!! !!!!'!!!!!'!!!~ csting nu mbers ' weI'" .g lven between acts. The a igh Si:hool orchestr a f ur_ ' nishQd t he music. . ~

~A'l.A60 WHO ,5 ALItIA'(S ~It-I~G("" ·\C>OVT r-hM6H.F r& Mol ' ''~ '/.w AIISTAeL'' 5.:JuR.e.: OF HOT


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B on"



I"r. (' nf\f" h,t


w . . .. ~ h()t

Dr. G.~o n.. " Davis at, Otto.,.. !{ r.r'" I.~~ ",,,rlted out A "Calend ar of h UUuUd" which h'l8 18 moJ\tha I of 28 dal's each, the lIew. .... ' " Lunn" being pla.eed ~~ ann July. It hili! been nbiidW . , ~ "--I,lnr~<I by'"



VI CT OR IES in life are never gifts. They are . bought with strulil e and sacrifice. . Regular deposits in rite West Side will make your victories easier and more certain

Assets Over 9 Millions DoUars More Than 18,000 Members One 01 the Oldest and StroNgelt I{,e Slate

Buildin g A '$sociations in

WEST SIDE BUILDING & WAN ASSOCIAftON We st Side Office, Third and Broadw ay East Side Office, 510 East Fifth Street Centra l Office, 19 East Third Street

Dayton, Ohio

MI L PA llM H.



By A. B. CHAPIN • . _]

'!I:!I'(T' 'fI.lATNO W IS W" .. TEI>

~aturdu ~r .






thiSN"tJe. pa~·lt

wilj~ ,


. .,

F. T. Ma rtin 'Jesse S~nley .A uct ion eer

Au e,t jori eer

Date your aal.. wi~ ua. w. aatia(acliOD' or charte DOth......

Centerville, .0 . athoa.




; aO CrJe.ii ••


J. W. BUTt, n was n busine~s visitor I

Judge Wright wos Tc·e.lect d - "tate iinll Dayton, MondRY". J ('~srs. Ed lind '1'011'1 Burlon wcre RccrcllH'y of tbe ommon P Illaa .'ud~ $ ' "s~ ociuUon of Ohio, (It their i1 H~illna! , atunlay . cohv"ut ion held last we ek in inclnMrs. Jo Tinn ey nnd son, P rcnUco, nllLl • wcre in Dayton , Tuesduy .

Mrs. Churles Ed wurd s, who hilS R uss 11 SII\isbur y· was in Clnrin. ueen very s ick, is recoveri ng. nat i, lIfondllY. ]\Irs. Illlrvey Rye retllrned home 1\1,.". M'lry Cusk<,y has been siek hom<, fr()m Cle\"el"ml, last wee k. f ur scvprul duys.



Miss '1II1"'C Thom ns was in Dlwton, Wnllcr E lz·cy is bE-tter , afte r a very " • • seriou!! relllll"'; In t week. }~riday.

=== ====== === === ===--

A n Or,U .... u c..·.· "rn ut luJ.C I."ODl!If'nL tu ' rhf" \'n ll ry r l "' I " l tbub~ l ' unu.ftn y t" th~ ,-"UuMt rut.'Utin and InalD I f' n a n ee of UlllI. r r Jl,'"ro um' ",areo t. I(.("" nlld (!Ond ult . lu

"n Y...... , ·l1h·. ~U)(,1'I ON I t "011 1\(' tI . nl 01 (' I.Jl llu . Il1 lll til.)

On Sale


Hi' It o .. (I A. ln fl tl h·· Lh o \"1111\1';(' u ( \\' l\y nl· g \· llle , "",1 1(,)' '1't1.lI' llhOIl(' C n1t1 · o w nl ll J.t Il lht npl r at f1h' n l l' l ,·· . C!\l'Ilnl!·~ l· ill \\ ;, ," I1 .. d \ nh-' . " Ilh),

I'lIl1 f .

" 10 11"

IIn,l ~I r". (''' I'I Illlw kt' . o f nllY· \ ott n nd Il . ilti IHJ\ · t· l' ~th lf' ~ a ull 1 ;\li~s Edna l'l ()wlund "'liS a Cillcin. ton~lr. , "pe nt ::;lIndllY with Mr. lind Mrs. lin . 1I""f..,\ly Krh llh' d t tll' ~ · O IHH·n l 1l:ol:-tl{II!'l' 1)( Rai d nnti , Fis ito r , ... n lurd HY. V 11111).:"1 - t o ~'o n :i t l' lu ' t alld malnt nt u UII-\ J. '. 1Iu"' ''t,. C. C. Cook. who has he en \'ery ill, is .. onvn l cscin~ .

,I dnllJ;(hll Mrs. EVil ]\lillN' \, slt 'rg in Lima, Ohi". I~




, And no Mor tgag e on the Old Hom este ad Yea air, high quali ty Ballo ons- Pathf inder s-

priced BO low you'll shout fo r joy. Big, hand-. Bome , tough tread ed road hound s, bllilt in the wbrld 'Blarg eBt tire factor y to meet the const antly Jncre aBing dema nd for Ballo on equ ipme nt at a mode rate price. We've JUBt receiv ed a fresh , new shipm ent 0 '. Pathf inder . in all stand ard Ballo on sizes. Every ti" backe d by the manu factu rer's guara ntee.and ours. Come in and get the good news -on price.

Waynesville Mo tor Co~ Waynesville, Ohio

e of tWe McCorm ick Medical

to••altatin Ire. You .et the BEST in SERVIC E and CLASS . ES at tIa. prica of the ordiDarY. Promine nt people of Wa),ne nill. caa '"' ,Ivaa a ..... f ..... nc ••.


Don't fo rget to order your d oughnuts for Saturda y. The Mothers ' club will have th em on sale both af· ternoo n and· evening .

GENE RAL INSU RANC E OLD RELIA BLE CALE NDAR is here. Call at the office •

Mrs. Ida Githen s, Miss Lelia Gith· ens lind other Dayton friends were Sunday afternoo n g uests of Mrs. Ma_ ry Caskey and mother . Tire vuleaniz ing shop. Come i n for repaired caSings. Kodel Radios an d aSb'ernbled sets from $12.00 up. R. F . Mills,

Our Wind ow·s Are Full of SALE BILLS But We Have Room . and Time to Print Yours

The Woman 's Auxilia ry will meet with Mrs. J. E. McClur e and Mrs. Bert Hartsoc k on Friday afternoo n, Februar y 12, at the home of Mrs. McClure . "Juck" Wilson, better known as " J ake" of Bllrtone 's Ideal compan y, will offer yo u an evening of real e n· jnyml!n t lit Miam i theater, ever y Thul'sdu y eveni ng.

Seeds Seeds

lCiv~ -~~ a ca·U. rices in line.

Yau ,vi-II find our

.fariners' fxchange CO. • Wayn eBvill e, Ohio

\ lid" 1\

SI ·: ' · ·I' I ~ I :\


l ont

"lI l :- ld ,

\\ \


I II ,I, ~1 ~lI ntl' ,1 !Hi t h, · l 'II ;1,r~ I " \ l n d ~Ylt l"It. "

~UII , I'

ZIM ME RM AN' S Clea ranc e Sale Still Going On

;I fol

~ I r"c l ~ UH IIt·n r l,,):-;:dl> h ' , ('I HI ~ hc­

MYER'HYMAN Way nesv ille, Ohio

Bri ng you r Eg gs to Kro ger.

Fashi oned, Kettle LARD Old Rende red, 2 pound s for

33 c

n Santo s, ,COFFEE Golde Per pound 33c FRENC H . . . 47c: JEWEL , per pound ••• 39c to 80 to the pound , I PRU NES 70Per pound BLEND,~ lb

t ha t

fh l" u n -

ellr! S. Unnghnm n nll How.\ r C!1I1 "u l'on \ w lin lin \·c 1 'en e n _ t ~n,a.;l· tl I ngl' lht· r lJnr t'H.'r~ unde r th e f irm nnm e o f \Vnynes \'l ll c M olor t.:O Ol -


p n n y . J Cl ln g

N . J Retu rns

hll tll lL~e~

n t \ V:LY UeS \" lll C' j O h io. hAS dhtl"llh·e tl th!:! nbo\·o parlne r-

8hJp und ThH t all d ch l ot·s and

c "Qllit or "

~1~ lSr !j~~ll"C \\~I~:I:ti~'n~~ r~JO~~~IPOe~~rnl.

H I\I)(l' ha ll1. w ll o i!t now th l5u l ~ ow ner \\ "n~" ur,' fwf ll t' Motor OOlon n ),. (' A H I. ' . D . \N ~: H,\M IIO\\' AHD All HOE" 0:01


IO c

.- ', . .

PRUN ES- Sunsw eet, 2-poun d packag e for --- ---------




--~ ,

P. & C. or Kirk's , 6 Bara for

r!~~!.!h ..

25 c

$1.29 ~Pw~.!~~oundl 25 C 2!~r? 22c ~p~~d~~~~ 15c ~d~~::~~~~ Oyat." 14c 2~~~!~~... .. ,...20c About itou r £~!!?' ~~~llbl l c ~?~~~?I~~b 48c Milk Rolled Oat s 4c H ed lth 27c Thlnp NOTICE OF APPOIN TMENT

E state of J ohn ZeB, deeease d. Notice is hereby g iven t hat Robert E. Crew hns been duly oppointed a nd qUlllified as adminis trntor of the estate of J oh n Zell, late of Wllrr'ln County, d eceased . Doted this 2nd day of Fehruar y, 1920 . W. Z. ROLL, Judge of the PI'o bate COUl't. Worren County, Ohio. L. M. H end erso n, Atty. £1 7 - - - - + _ ••- - --

Counlry Club,

ck .... .Ib. u ck .... 67c

12 ~

pound .... .. .. ........ Churnllo ld ,Ib ............. .... ......... 33c


... .... ........

........ ,....


Counlr) ' Club, 3 can . .....

You Sbeuid Know

..... .•... Wine tap, 4 poun~ ............ .. ....... 25~

cured, Ib ......

Bulk, poun d ............. ........... .

31 C Beans

N a vy, Bnd pick.d, 3


Big Special, Saturdu L. A. Zim mer man Phon" 66·2


lIfes~rs. G_ H. Townsle y, of t he Sloan Bldg., Wes tern Still', Lebanon , and D L. Cran e were in Co lumbus ThuM'da y alld Frida)', attendin g t he Mid· Win· ter meeting of the Buckeye Press 88. sociatio n.

Clevela nd, Ohio

Tire vulcaniz ing shop. Come in for r~ pnired casings. Kod el Radios an d nssc mb led .sets ft'orn $12.0() up. R_ F. Mills.


" .Juk e" in his fun n y monolog s with lot. o f goo d j okes und sto l'ies, also pllrodies and coo n songs, introduc i ng wu ltz CI()K, soft shoe and b uck dan cing, at Min mi theater every Thursda y. even ing.

'I'he fnll owing atten ded K. of P. lodge at Harveys burg, last Thursda y night: J . C. Hawke , E. L. Thomas , Chllrles Strouse , R. E. Crone, John FTomm, Charles Lewis, Howard B,u. ton, Chnl'les Gordon, Clarenc e Men. denha ll and 0 : O. Missildi ne.

"La,vern e," Mrs. W~n, will enter~ taln you ' With ballad mging aDd blUe apna.; .Uo novelty Dumben , every Thand a, OveDing, at. Miami theater.

If h· ~n

No Exch ange s


Speci al Low Prices on Hund reds of Articl es We are still payin g the highe st prices for PoultrY."""7 Call 'Us when you have any Poult ry to sell Watc h our 1window for a

Mr. and Mr ~. Rolph Miller enter. ta ined at <Iin ne r last Wedn esday evyou how to enrich e ning, lIfr. and Mrs. M. A. CorneU, your trealur) , $100 to $6000· For Mr. !lnd Mrs. W. E .Cornell and Mr. fun delaill, write lind l\Irs. El'Ilest Butterw orth. IMPO RT SPECI

A /troup of friends en joyecl the de. Iight{u! hospitali ly of IIfr. Dnd Mrs. Jum es McClure MondllY night. "500" was the elltert"i nm cnt and was f ollowed by n deliciou s lunch, Those present were 1111'. lind Mrs. W. E CorneJl, Mr. and Mrs. ' Bert · Hartsoc k, Air.: and Mrs. S. D. ·Henkle, Mr. and ,Mrs. J .. Q. Gons, Dr .and Mrs. It. E. Hathow ay, Mr. and Mn. nOllald ' Hawke, Mr; an d Mrs. J. W. Edward s.

derslg lled.

U I'd

to clos e out at

IP' n

Nptic e

Recovered! Stolen Goods

197 Pai rs Lad ies' Hig h Shoes, valu es from $4. 50 to $7. 50,

T ;I!' t·u ll 1l' ll l· t lnn o( aul d ;

" " 111 101 111 1 :1 11.\ Hhull , .... JOI"I\\ I·d III l ht, 1 111 '

~ penl

Mr. ond Mrs. J. R. Baker, of Cin. T cinnati, spent Saturda y and Sunday with the latters' parents , Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gray.


Saplin, Red, Alsike, Alfalfa, Wh ite and Yellow .S wee t Clover

l 'OUl l t ~ "

l'I ;OI1' I II 1 1011

tll p t' ujlt · ' "I\ ~ l lItl ," I ' ln.,: ~ o tilat Sundny Mi;s Io:li za u'l 'th illig, o f Cincilln uti . th, ' 11 m tI tlod l' i.'o \· cr,u)::ot will I'alllt( e th t" with n· lntiv~ s in Sp ring VlIlIey. h'lI~1 o ll ,.;lI "11 110,, l u I ht' ~ 'I· l\I ' l IIl' IlC l lSPOilt u f t'w day~ Ht the Fdcll d ::l ",·Idd t· . lind lli l l'l ,u dult~ I'lh ull l,. · lul d i n Homo th e past wl.~c k. ("Ollcrl ' II ' ! .t.-!tlW tit., ~ 1I1J - ~"l\ch ' IInc o r Guy Dllk in. o f n uy t on , 5pent 511n nu y \In\ III~ "tHa l>IIH!lt'tI loy l.' ()\IIlCIl, 8uld 10(' l\ li,lIl [ ~ I ,, (, iliad \, 1)\' an d wllh tillY wilh his mother , Mrs. Emma Datll t, !>Ir. and I1lrs. C. n. Death erag e, o f nppnl\n l u t Ih-: ,· n .,: IIIi·er VII kili . Ol'c!ronia, were Runday guc:;tl:i o f Mr. la ~e. \)1" l tH' !-'ll c d \"IIIII IIIll("ItlI' "suoldr 8u lll l ·tlu n dl. I I It lIaH JW t' ngin e(' r , lind Mrs. Hoss 1I11l'tsock. S E t' TIO=' 111 - '1'h t.' \" a ll f"y T e i <" ph o ne JIll'''. Grnee L. Smith is in Cin dn"ulIll'" T1\' sha ll hU Ve II", rl).:'"h l tu In ukt' II lI ti this wee k. attend ing t·he Style Mi" Mildred (,lurk, uf clltcT\'ille, an y IIt ·t.' . 'j;!l"lll" Y 1"' I Hllrs l O the co ndu i t Show. "P"llt Sun du y with he r pnrent<! , Mr. Hy ",l t' lll II fllrt ' Hnkl :t:-. lJ t.."c ll::Jio tl rn ny r t'(lll I I' l' , hul .l ll y 1Iu vl n ", II I UII)' time dlsalld Mrs . Wilbur Cla rk. fUI'IH·d , :-t l1al1 he I' ll:!tO I" CU by t h t e leBorn- To Mr. nnd Mrs. Ernest ph unt' ('11I1I " lI n y. a t I l~ ",X P l' IUh\ t o t hp Daki n, Snt urduy, F ebrunry 6 , 1926, Dr. and rtlrs. ,V. E_ Og-Icsbc e, of : ~ ~l1llt; [~:I~~~~"li'ftlllll~{r~~n~~~ o~I)~)':"~I\~n~I\~r a 80 n. lIarveYf'b urg, cull ed nil \Vn Yllcsyj lle . ~~~~'I\:;lln~\~~~ ~jr l ~t Hh~~,~~~c~~G'I~i!~ " s trce t :-;1': " T IU.'1 I\' - Th o Vnl1~\' T o l e l, h u lI " Wi nt er is s till with us. the ther- fri"nds Friduy ufterllo un t..·ollqmn~' lH. 11I1; ,,;-rantc, 1 t)\O r l~ ht tu momete r stan ding at 18 nbove, this !\Ir. and ('o l uH'"Ul' l Mrs. CaI'l !Hh ' h Co nduit u.nd Ulult·r· Bllbb and son morning . w"rl! guests of Mr. lind Mrs. Emerso n ~1' t) lI1ht S ) ~t,· I1l. u gn' c8 II will m nkc ~lIl' h ~ · tln :.:tI "llf· Ll on a t the time unll III Earn hart, Friday evening . ('onJllllc ' I l lIn w il li the "' li n): .. upon flll)' lIlrs. Jenni e Bogan, ot Dayton, :! t'· \"t · t ~ Hllli nlll'·YH. ns til e t3 ul1l t: Is Im s ponl Sundny with 1111'. and Mrs. Or· prt:)\' ,,'d h y th e V il i nge n,nd binds Itse lf A shee p-killing dog invnded Ru s- I l Jol ~IH ' C\'~So rij nn ct Ilttsigns. iU t o do ville Gray. se ll Salisbur y's . heep fold lust 1\Ion- h e r, ill. ullY ni gh t and pluyed sud havoc. :-: I I ~ IX V _ .\ pia l u ( t tw C Olllluit 110\1 Mr. and Mrs. Edwnrd Bur-ber, of L' lli. l 't':TU ll il d $ >· ~ tf'm 8h" I I be rurn Ished th . , III-:I n t'e ,' or lh t.l t...:lt~ l' k. It It Norwoo d. spent undny with !IIrs. ]\[rs. Leste r Gordon "pen t last weck hH H \rd'It aJ.:~ t' Il /oCi l "!C I' (rom t l ltl e t o tim e IUt Cynthiu Evans. in Wilmin gton, the guest of her sis· 1r 1l1 "U ~t'" l t' lI 1l.·U Illnd ..•. s huw l n ).{ the l O('IU IIII I 1)1" al ) Un tlt:! l" ,K Tou ncJ wlr t':!8 . tel', Mrs. StC la ir Fifo, and fumily . ull 'I .... i: 1I 11 t ~1 !d. rnnn h olt' l:f nlld (Iuta 1'\ £'0 1111'S. Caroline Burnet t ,of Bell. \· ~:-' H. )' tt t 'l c nt e t h~ c li u Lluit s)"Ht r nl. brOOk, is th e g uest of Mr. and l\Irs. wh ic h pl u tH .:t hi\1I btl (l Ied nn d rt~ (' or d · Arthur Hami ll"n, of Lcbullo n, was IIlId da l1l t! t3111r1 1 Co n tH lttllt· no t! ·c to Hun·cy Suckett . in Waynes vi ll e , Mon da y, un nouncin g IHd (>\·t" lll Inlert'l'n'TH" or ll nmn s;fo t u tho his candida cy for tllte Hep resenta- cunduit a nei un , lt' rgTtJund 8 .r 8t~11l I n r~n .v nC('Oti nl . See the Wilson's in their funny tive. S I';L·T".' ~ VI - T h ht COlIs~n t anll gra nt sketche s lit Miam i theater, evcry I f" In ildd lt l o l1 to nnn 1I 0 t t o S\J lkr ~ '\j: JI' Thur&day evening . 1111'. an d Mrs. Howal'd Cnsc and til l' r l~ h t " null IJr !\· II t.'gt:!'4 O!t al 'ilrN,c ul lumil v, uf Le bnn\)n, \\l"re J!u cs ts of c'~~n 1~:'lli,~Y ~~ ~ ~~~):~I~~ v 1~:~I"l!Jh 1~~' l~ Vhvno lI1iss F lossie Fires waS in Ci ncin· Miss Emilia He ig- hwu y. Sundll Y afte r · SE,"f1 0 :-l Y II - T h l . Ori11 01\1I.6 .hn ll nati ove r the week.en d, the g uest of nOOIl. t ukt' l·rtt' c l nlld lie In t O I"l'(! (I·Ol n .lnd Miss l\Iorie hutt s. nfl r,' r ' h~ ea t· 1I,'s t l)e rl0 d allowud "y •• Soturda y wil'l be Doughn ut Day. 11\ \\' Pa.:t8f" t.i fi'l·l! '"Uury 1. 19!15, W. E. O'Neall a rri ve d home Sun- The lI!ot hers' club wili furni sh tl:.em . T . I·:. nOGEI S. Mayor. day night from F lorida. His family Phone you r 01'(11:1'8 t o Mrs. R. G: MilAll est: l~ A. hl~IM EILAtA:>1. C lerk . remaine d in the South. ler, and they will be deli vere d.

111 iss ]\ll1ry PI'oter

Miss Abbie Graham return ed to Suits and overcoa ts vlllu ed at m9re Sprin gboro, Tuesdny ,after a two- thun ~700 were identifie d by the pro· weeks visit with r e latives, here. priotor o f a stort! lit lIlnson, a s a part Mr. a nd Mrs. Floyd Savllge ond of th e goods sto len f rom his place, family spent Sunday with Mrs. Belle S unday night. Dinwidd ie and daughte r, Miss Olive. The clothing with other stolen ])ro perty, was hidden in the homes of Mrs . Harry Turner and so n, of two mcn, Wa lter Clark and Charles Bellbroo k, spent last Thursda y with her porents, Mr. a nd Mrs. F. B. Hen. Wagn er, of Hamilto n. Officers ex· pressed the belief thnt others will derson. be implicat ed, E!xposing a ring of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Turner a nd lit- thieves operatin g if\.. Warren and Buttle so n, of Bell brook, spent Sunday ler counties . with Mr. and Mrs. Hnney Sackett and family.

College , Cbicag o, and IaDv. practice d i. Da)'ton thirtee n y".... I want 10 .". Tho.. di...ti.6.d with their glasse s; Tho'" who have nev.-r worn gla88es but need them; Tho.. ~ho need their gl.88es 'c hange d; Those lufferi ng from Eye Strain ; Tho.. with defect ive vi.ion.

We have hear d a lot about imported field seeds, but this is the time to be careful where you buy your seeds. Due to the shortage of domestic seeds, there will be a lot of imp orte d seeds on the market this spring at a lowe r price. We have just received a lot of domestic seed .This seed, we can guarantee to be domestic. We have on hand

H lll-:'lI l1,

l';o tl c{' 1-:5 hercb)'

,THURSDAY, FEBRUARY lIth , .... a Iraduat



of Cla r ksvi ll e, WII S t he ~llt'~t "f Mr. lind :\11" . Orvi ll e Mr. llnd Mrs J ohn Fromm An d film· GI'''Y, Sun,l"y . il~' spe nt Sunday ill Dllytnn . 1IIi," Emma II cighwny wos th e din· ]\11'•. Jane Wri S!h t is \'isit illg rela- IIl'r 1!'1I1·. t uf ~I ..s. Edith Hllnis und tiv es in Cenlerv illl' thi. week. family , :)unduy .

Born- To Mr. and Mrs. RU Bsell Morgll n, of Springb oro, Thursda y. Feb ruary 4 , 1926, a daughte r.

Will F. lOUD" optome tri.• t. hal moved to Delroit . I will con. • tiDU. bia. p~.ctice at Wa),ne" ,iII e. My 6rel will be


he r

--- -_.,- ---


·~flice-.••Gran ge Bldg.

~Ir. ulld !II r". lIIyer lI ymnn and .\ Irs. L. A. Zi mlll"l'llI lIll Wert· in in· t,jn nl1li, t oday.


Ba llo ons No w

Phqn e' 105


,,h','- .,; r' t,ul"Ill \\ i!·,·H , 1'111" 1'4 llnd rO lltll llls ulh ... · Clxtun.' at th l'r t' ut (nl' th.· :It-' "ulltrllud ntl ll li n u d t' oh.llH· l lllg u ( \' ahlt' s . w i l" " ~ H IIlI ,' ,' lI llt.' lio ns" wll h n il th o ap pll n tH.·. ·M n ..· I · . ·~ ~n r y In t i l ' Cl l JIlS tl'll L'tio n . 1 Ill a!ll t "II ;t fl t' ,· :l llll o p. · ,..d l< llI of : 111 1. 11' til:'r -JLfUU lld :1' ," "'1 "111 t l r t ,· h : ,Jhun t' tI, wll h tl h' I I.d tl t il jl l:lt'e I"lh' lI I lIllllllI)II' K, I ntt ""!ifJl' til.n~ Illld ,'t h or , -111\ 1"11 Ul"tlt,n fl ~ tllay I Ill.! 11'1"'1' . ,.1 til l,r l,, "" I"I ,\ il1.:4 t l d l l-iud, 1 liytH, I" III tl,,· ;-. ( I',·I'( f<! . 1:l1lt.·": , Illl· · n: a n d 1'11i'111 ' plal·. · s III \\ " ) 11 ' ~ \ I ti L', \" ant'lI

H l hl

~1rs .

Sa tur day , Feb rua ry 13 ,

february . 26 .fR~D .M•.. COt~

Ph~ 1mDw that repair pee ~OD 0111,. d~ aleep, that II, the tlImIfpr tDatlon of inert matter (food, ~ 1M"" . aetive tie8ue.. Phyalaia ns !mow U!N t1 .'-tIp ~ .... tertered with III III hatemperat.Jt mlllUler, the human machine run down III exa.ct~rOport1011 to ~ violatio

Buckeye Incubators and Brooders


ns lDdul


man I, y nature, baa ."... been. will enr be-e nbeL Be does not like to bow tbe knee, _ tho~ Iooger aDd b.ldlle r lite. fa tho I8MU"d for 10 dof.nlr. He eat. hla heaviUt meal at the ooaet of cmm!ng, when d.\teItIotI II ~ for tho dsy. Be worb hie ~, after ODe manner or another unw midnigh t 01' even later. There are But,

clubs, lodg'ell, meetingB . of the, ''bean!" , amoJle1'8, theatre. . After th_ be fa "dead to the world" until barely dme to rush into hia gaimOllte and hurry, breaJdutlllllB, to the oftlce. After a -.sou he finds that he awaltO Dtll_ iUdiiyhe buYB an alarm-d oek. TbU _ COUll devfee literally jerJu him out of bed, more Ured than when " went to Bleep, Be becomea stu~ fa the ofBce, gete ."dlU7 apeIla and ftnally CODsu1te the doctor. Yea, be haa h1.crb bl~~ tu above . DOnnan The dfagDOIfs, overwork I Tho warning that aD out-doo r vaeadoD fa Jmperat ive, e1.. the crull "m come. BelaetlU ltlt the ten-dU countl7 ' ute is underta lam--th e . simpler lite. ReIIet Is prompt as a 'rule-h e gets better, and goes directly . back to the viollltlonB ot right liviDa' that made . him B1ekl T~ otten he J!:qI the p8l)8lty wlUt hII lite, before the age ot sixVl Then we sa,. he ' /Hed of ~ work. .

taote are, tIaat 1fodt intem,CThe tlT• out, . III ,Jwmtu ~foJlcrnd

eaI~aD4 II~


t ,.. . ~ of ntP'-1n1Io cia,. III • ~.tSOIl of tile law of ri8ht J'!-' Inr; that fa llara t.o draw Ita· peQaAo tr with. '"""" Na&IDIedq W_ _ '"COLl'l' 'JB"





Waynesville, ·Ohio




~··::::::::;;:·:::'::s····· WOMAN'S -AUXILIARY ATRIBUTE TO ' ~·:t l.~ LT. ;.~ ·"PAUL REVERE" WILL PROMOTE hom the SI MARY'S CHURCH DEAN GEBAUER WELl RECEIVED EXTENSION WORK Sta te · Cao ltai Fr~~~, ;':b~~;~~ ~~~~lt~YMr,!,.e~_ ~ WILMINGTON COLLEGE lastAt Wednes the Alelhen a i Li ter ll ry meeti ng • McClure and Mrs. Bert Hartsock, at d uy . Carolyn . wart ze l WElL RENDERED fl Ullty




Whole Numb er 6688

This Week

Tht, first llll·\.·lill~ (,f the \"arfl' n II nl11~ C{'lI1n · . lI e~ W IIS h ~ l d in gave a book, revi e w oC th e " SOUl of th e Fa ,'", HUI'l'JllI "IliN', F.'hIIlY, F ebAnn Rutledg e," by Ba bco ck. Sh e (' m_ When a person lives her li fe so phil sized th" irn r o"lance of this ri end Th e Opl'rt.' ttn " ) 'Hlil It(\\'(' r('," was ruary J~ . with ,\ 1i•. Knch, of t h ~ thoroug hly; when she seta high idelii s ship o n the cha l'acl e r of Abrf nhum before her and striv es so ea rnestly to Lincoln, an d how her 11lelllol'y Ilfrecte d \\'n.' mly 1'l'cL'i l'l'd L;,' 1I hl rJ.:e "udirn(' e Slul p E""tpn}o icl n d"l'artn wnt pr ese nl, l u ~t Th lll',day lIil!ht. !ll ;lI'Y !l l ur~urt' t t tl nid in 11t\ l,r· iI;"~l1i z: ~l i o ll. 'live up to them and when she is so his life. I . Uu!(,leRby It:; .. 1.,lIy Faxt rl l1 ," an d successf ul in her attempt that the Th h l 'Il lli lHiU eL' i ~ l"1 .mpo !-o l 'J o f r cp _ W illillm Th Hn H\ S HR ~ ' J ' uu l ({t:V(' I' C," whole atm oRphere about her is affecL n ':';t"ut ulh The Sophom or e clnss has cxt end;;-d pi llycd t he /(oa d ill'· r LO I l'~ . Tlwy "'(' Wtl lI l \.' 1I f rullI ('aeh t o w n LUMBU S, OHIO- Smalle r coun re c d by it, thllt person should be prais- n cordilll inv itatiun ties o'f the Stato hllve been notified ed. In order to prllise a person we Faculty and Norl11 to th e II il(h schoo l ('xcefJli( , n ull~' HJ1(:, in so fHr a s h ot h s hip in t ht· eOIIl.ty li nd has been url., tn II pa rt y ol have V(:I' Y ('Icur \' uic.c s, H :i wt, ll UH J..:'an iz4'd \vi tn tWo hiJ..C PU I'P () SCS i ll thllt the addition al ~pace at th e hosneed not flatter her, we need not even th e Gym, F e brll a ry l120 th. pital for Feeble Minded will be reo "etinp; a hilit y. EATING HARD COAL mi nd: FinH , til Il lllkl' lhe WOlll 'n in speak of the subject to her. We need S rvcd for ,Patients which the courts Rulh E:n rnh nrt und N(·I_nll Wa t kins th e 1-' 11 1' 11\ Blll'",," ", ,, re etfed !\'e and only to act and show our appreci a. HEAVI EST BABY LAMB may send m . Hoom for 340 addi. Th e Frel,hm cn clllSS Lroudca stNI had "('CnlldHry '·O ll·'. which greatly S l'COIlU, to hl'll' 1 11 \ I lnmc Age n t . )1i ~:; tion byour actions which ec ho and reo tiona l patients is noW being provided , enli v"II('u \\· t he Htl~ POODL ES. 2 AND " LEGS ,,, . .liooll. tn their n ' H! At regul h th,· mo a r l'C last prog wo me n f\ lId ram lllst Fri da y echo farth e r than our words would by the complet ion of two new cotta· frum St uti on W. II. , , Wtly n(!"'illc "HlIlI"nl (,hllr lun e HumlJ y "'a:; u n ah l ~ htlllll' S \\ ith (,.'X l t.'lI ~ i,)J 1 wo t'k. dare. BURBA NK AN INFIDE L? ges at the Orient form, but new rom. '\ 111""~ l ll(' illllll!'d iate need. d;'We have just such a rare persona ge Oh io . Th e n IJ I11Ue l '~ On'l'r N!' WNt!: ' t u take! 1,,·1' 1''' '1. . alld the (·"ach. Mi" mitlmen ts will bl) made to the main I< "' se y. nd lllil'n (" lI ~;; p Lly d un ,,", Hellding ci umed al:ll~ d u the plln pa wa rt s t h e Gir l ~' In our midst. Such person8 --those Hhcli Elli s husp itlll in Colum bus. Then, after uf th e schou l J.:il'l and hntiwrs" m e ·1-11 dub,; the st l',," ~t h e n i " !l' uf the who have hi gh ideals lind s·uccessf ul· Song. " Am eri ca" Ali y(lUll~ a period of observa tion , tho patients ~ i s ttJ r , Ph y 111!o:l. .lld Freshml rlub, Th . ln th e e churus, Proph IlO cllLio ecy n " I' th Ma e lIew r tha ly a nd attain li uy thom are rare- very rare. Fai lure of another effort to end wi ll be sent to Orient as all the lanter . 13y Pepper co rn Family w hi dl 1\ ~:-l i s l (l d lI tr, HCt'lYlc d to t'('a Hzc dl l' ~l'l: lIr i Il K u f fl('W lead e rs \\'h~rc th e We conclud e, therefor e, that we are Sung coal st~ike brings coal 10 mUcb counties have more than their quota. the UlllJ !o' u u l Cil'CUIIlS lallcI.! , a l HJ wu~ ." cdl·d. The l!o,,1 in du b Neg ro Piny "A xi n' Her fortuna F uth \\' er;' te-ve ol'l< l or ry fortunat e. Ur. F. L. Keiser, superin te ndent of ve ry line. I ~ I~fj 1:3 at l east ·IOU ~ i r l !i uU ll tJuy~ "carer t o control by the Governm ent. The name of tbe person need not the hos pital, for ("eeble Minded, ht.B Uor l'i ir. ". thl' stern [nther, ell l'"IIl'd with :'0 /ll'r ce nt min imulIl (l,, 1 under groun d is owned by indL be mention ed, for the greater number The Sen:io rs will ICntel'ln in nt'xt und hi Rs chBlu decid ed to accept only patienta from ol'us o f r ed -coulS, sh" wl'd t.: o lll ph'l illl 1. . of girls viduala only thro ugh public consent . in school do r ecogniz e her, FridllY wilh a musical pl·og-rum. t:" 1'('ul spir it agaill st the 11atl"iuts . the smaller countie s until all of the It "'"" proJln~l' d also that 4 for it has come to my attentio n that du b Eve rythin g tha t represen ts ab80lute xtremc low type hllve been cared 'Iyue Ev CI'lIH I·t lind Evert·1t ))" " "h",, CU tlip h e hl., ld this Yt' u r, · t o i.le-.1 :1 nmegroups ot girls everywh ere Oil the c:1~\'c )'l y for. Devolop ment of the Orient hOllp o rt rayed t h(·i ,I ill r tdy rol Murch (' ; o:; fullo,,,,·d uf n ~­ J Gth is th e da t e se t fOI' th e by II thr ~e ·(1 y Fa rm pu blic n ecessity (air, water, coat. campus have thi sf or a t opic of dis· sist anls tu F a x ttl n' , Lillinn \Vu.lki ll~ \1'"111''''''' CllIIIII. pitlll wus first started by Governo r Ill·tai ls nnd d" t e~ railroad s) mu st naturall y be subject cuasion and everywh ere her praises elimina tion contest f or th e Wur ren an Donahe y more than two years ago, county ricu l cont est. to public control. iIIa ny un dd Ken neth Hctall ick, u~ " Dinah " "i ll Ill' \'~ II'k ~ ,d out a nti g-ivc:u lut 'l r . are s ung, especial ly among the upper Has and he iM about to sec a realizat ion lu"" ad ded a M gtud r ca e 'I'll<' l nts d ea l'l>ll al'e l til lll1ittc eal'l1estl ' i, Cll ml)08ed ,'I l hc y wur king f or c!aasmen. The Freshm en should ap. Mine lire said by union lead the of his early Ilnnoun ced pluns ot car· hum orous f ~ \, ilum l1c,\\ frst i j on. n ~ n' and pr L second 'RcntaLiv positio es; Fa n n B u .. ers to beowners ns. preciate he.r , for she is our friend for cing a practica l lockout. Th e rninul'l ChOI'U ~ , w h (J da n n: d !'eau )' 11111'11, MrH. '. J . Wo rl ' Y. ing fo r all the low type feeble mi nded r.tfl. and the 8oon j!r we r ealiz The e unions this th~ broug ht trouble on themthe stlll(: ly mi nllL·t, u, ,\'(·11 li S a SH i st in~ ('uri ll u l{ ~ alld M,"·i,· Dunham ; Fra nk. patie nts of tho State. With equip· better satisfied we will f eel. The A th e n illn soc iety will p r cs ~ n t wit h se ve ra l c h o r ll :-l(,!' , fOl'lnl'tI sel ves in the beginni ng by defiant reo ment installed in f our more cottages n ve ry Ii" l.I\\·" , hip, )Ia' • ••1. C. J UlIl· . ; Wllv ne. f usal When a person the il' of public so urbitrati r ad e iates nterta on. her inment. per· Feb ru Bl'y pr elty pur t roC the '·lIlertai nllll'lI t. now comple ted, more than 1,000 new -29, will deliver an address in Younga ~II' " . J. I,. i\1 "" dl'n hall; West T ur tle· that it affects the li ves of 25th at the G)'nl. The prog l'lIm will Unions Rnd owners are working l\lu l:h cru d it fo r th e SUC Cl'S" 01' the ~I"'ck , I\Il's . I!. H. Uarr iH; East TUI" putients lIlII bo rece ived. The first town, and e nds a busy month with an sonality hundred s of consis girls t as of does her e as they have done in England music, the I'ending I)el'son s and 11 df'- opl' retla i ~ d ue thl' pr ud uci nl! ~taf r, tlcae ' k, Mrs. Chas. two cottages opened are for male address in Clevelap d. . Col. Brown ality ouk; Sale m, bate. A sm ull ad mission f ee will De Mi ss Kelsey i ~ tn h e conl( patients only, but ClarlY in March two has develop ed into one of the practi· personof Dean Dorothy Geba uer, that charged rlllulntc d Mr s. J uh n J ac k; Uecl'facld, Mrs. Chas. towlird Governm ent control of mince. . should be praised. Durin 1l' the upon her w(lrk with th mi nu ot cho r us Hause; Ha rlan, JIlrs. Frank Cleven- It wi~ 1 come in England before long. cottages ex(:luIJv elv t or female pa· cal and interest ng speaker s among past several years there It Will ~ p mc here eventua lly. Tbe been Il as we ll as SIH'uldnR' Pl1l't", \\'h il ~ , o r g-e l' ; Hamilto n, ~ l r s . E. ti Qn ~ \viil be opened. Two larger State officers, and his knowled ge of great number of girlshave . F ost er : people Will not forever fortunll te On F eb ruar y 12th Mi sM Chll'k read COU l's e , Mr, ' '''u t k in s gflVC h is u!5 ull l Washing ton, Mrs. Ed JeffeHry; consent to shiv "ott!l~~~ will be opehed before t he State affairs is making his services enough Cloarto come in contact cr, while "cllpitnl and labor" ftght Dean th ~ " Perfcl!t Trib ute," by Mm'y ti ne assistlln ce t o solos Il ild · h o ru~e s . creek a nu Massie un repl'es nte d. I\rB~ of July, and when they are, Rrac- very much in demand . His address Geba uer, and no place will with abo ut the terms on which the people t hey find Shipma n Andre w., to th e English Hh "'n J un(' t Cu r t\\'ri~ h t uccn nlp ', nis t ~iollily ail on the waiting list Wlil be in Cincinn ati last we ek on "Our more true and underst anding Litel'lllu re cluss. This work may bave heat. a nd Faith Tomli nson, dircctol' of c.o saccepte d by the Stllte , and they will State Govern ment" to be publishe d. afriend tells in a broader mind. s il1lple lan gll.nge th e finest tr ibute cv t umes a nd mok e- up, showed IInu ~ lI :'l l be wards of Ohio instead of any co un· is a most compreh ensive history of I hold Miss Gebau er on a pinnacle er paid to A bra m Lincoln . The a bili ty 11 1 Ojn~ t hus e linc s. The heaviest new·bor n lamb on reo ty, as hundred s of them are today. the present State operatio n. Many She whiel. is is everyth ing a woman should be s incerity and realhawor ord arrives on the farm of Robert Opening of these new cottages is one requests hnve already been received th o f hi Get. npl'rec; atcd by nil. !lor is ll llwk e li nt! .he is intellig Magee, ent and intell ectua l; tys burg address , thuug ht by him self Mary Hunt , "tuR'e di recturs, ul su g;n in Michiga n, weighin g fourof t he most advance d and progressiVe for copies of the speech as soon all she 'l! is successf ul in her chosen line;. to be an utter fa il ure becaU teen pounds. steps taken In yeara to cllre for [he it can be publishe d. Se o( its of theil' ti me t o lhe coll ecti ng of she is morally superb; The now born cub of a 500.pou nd she is femi· qui et r eception unl ortunllt e f ee bl e minded patients r th e sto rm of up stage fu rn u it ufl' and s cenery, a nccnine, and these factors are all told in pluuse, which ufte bear weighs only a few ounees, and greeted Edwn.rd Ev: essll ry PUl't o f " ery pr odu ct inn . of Ohio. While several importa nt her outward t he apearan mother ce-the Is usually sound asleep in y tend, erett's fine oration, is d iscove red To a ll t hose who lent costu annoU,n<:ements are du e almo&!; any each one, fu r.· la te winetr, wehn ber baby is bom~ toward her neatnes s--to· impress ed upon th e Preside nt I;yand1I niture, etc., lind wh o r ' Il p dme., da¥ now, tho ; Th 1 best e lI ny Wll guess yne Townsh is that still wsrd her beauty. More thon 500 member s of the Ohio ip club Why should nature inflict on dell. dymg young Confede rate soldi er. wny, to make " Pnu l R( .( :~ " t ~ . " uc - held its mont hly meetingFarmers I.uta ll Chll hler's and F'urnish e 'I!. tv.. more importa nt ones wiu be made a on Wednes. cate human motbers infanta Such a person deserves praisc, so cess iL was , we wish to ex tend the day , Fe br ua ry 10. at th e home r so ciation of Ohio are her tU\ "'eek month or two later. Politica l le.nd· let's praise, not alon e by our of !III'. twelve pounds and more? weighin An Ita!g rea test tha nks. und Mrs. L. V. Bra nsirator . ! I ! to attend the annual c;.ot\1(ltn\ \on, IIntl ers of the rural countie s are being sion of her in groups, but let'sdiscusia n doctor believes tbe shnw t tbe ri,bt diet Me mbel's r espond ed to rol\ call with for the to get a line Oil SUO\e1 for the com· canvassed and re-canvllll8Cd and her we do appreci ate her. mother would make the new Let's qu ot a tions 'fl'olll Was hington or Lin· baby hl g 9umm."r , t:;lIh1bils are being made sounded. out o.s to theli- opinion of keep her here with us.-A much lighter College and atronre r and coin. Two so los given by 1\1rs. H. childbir l!¥ 11'1{1~ of ~he largest dealers in this various import-ant matters which are Girl, ' in "Pep," Wilming ton College th much ellsier.. B. En1'llhllrt we re well rendere d. Mrs Q\lntry, who hOVe on displ.ay tho verY subject to many round·ta We discua- paper. The fattest, heavies t baby Is not Retallic k gave a reading which wus necessa latest creation s in men's wearlng "p. siona, except WI to their nominee for rily the best. parel: Mony convent ions' are sch~d. U. S. Se oator to oppose Frank B. St. Valentin e's Day was np propri - much apprecil lted. The club wus fa vored by bavin~ illcd for Columb us d.uri,ng tlI.e next Wiijil\, The .Ohlo Democl'Ilts are ately obse r\' d at Lhe Frien ds home. Profits on the Pennsyl vania raf].. few weeks. The annual convent ion pretty weU set, and there will be no Mrs. Carrie San born acled ns h osl<.!~s Mr. Thurmn n (Dusly) Miller, d.f Wil· road for one year reacb a "P,.t... min g ton, as R of the Ohio Hospita l Msoc;!a\ion will primary contests to m&r the peace peaker and of th entcr e afternoo tn in ed n. nIi other The body membel oC Philetus' Leon Eycke, 'fl for all time, more than $100,00 0,000. be held April, ~, 7 and~. On t.he and happin ess of the party, but thia The Sperlal Evangel istic services aged 28, former'l y of Anderson, Ind., ot t he fn mit y, as well as II few wh o In his inimilab le munner he gave us This, and !!" railroad pro Its sam l; dates and in conjun~Uon with cannot be said of the Republic.nna.. begin at tbe Waynes ville M. E. church who was fatli lly hurt in an automo · havc been reside nts of the Home li t his "Duily D o ~e n, " whirll eOlltained everywh ere, increasin should gain a friendl, . !IS much philoso ph y ns it did humor. t ile hospital gllth.eliini \1\0 Ohio Diet· So many of them {eel that they have on Wednes day night at 7 :'30, Febru. hile acciden t at Los Angeles , Cal., ar· vari ous tim es. hearing and better pay for railroad The spacio us cotrid or on the second In brief o utli ne his "Daily Dozen" workers . ~Vc a,so~itltlQll wi)'" in the Neil. ,heard the call and demand to sit in • ary 17, and will continu e until Feb- rived here the first of the week. co nsis ted of th e f ollowing : A Day's flo or was ~ 1.\l' ~'\!1\ nd~n~ and othl!r executiv es the guberna torial ebair that votl!rs ruary 28. t as tefully deco Leon ratccl Eycke, with who left To raise the pay of millions of men Anderso n ~ix ~,v uo) , Ijond pr~vate hOUlitals thro' may be able to pick almost any kind Rev. J. C. Roberts , of Blanche str:I', years Ilgo and went t o Los Angeles, Cestoons of red hearts, Il lsn with r ed Work; A Bit of P IIlY: A Word of would cost hundred s of millions a of a candida te they Pruyer; wllnt. A The Bit of Success : A Bit of year. But that list (.f Ohio, wili prench on Friday, Satur· where he became a camera ,.. , .•hc ':){aIC will be h.ere {Ot lhlt con. and bloomi ng pl a nt s. Sma ll is the sc.nle we .re for candles ,,-,. 'l\c '1)1 et;,etle nlljloc;.iiltlon entrie~ ptomise s to be large and in· day and on Sabbath . All are eord ;"l- the F. B. O. Motion Pictureman ta bles w e l' O scnttere d about, covered Fnilure: A Bit of Kindness ; A Littl\) now geared up compato, n.ntionally, and the ._",",Il'1< ', 11 lj" aLtunde<l by d\.utlcia ns terestin g, Dot only for Governo r, but ly invited and urged to attend these ny , holding :a sple ndid position, was with embr oid ered na p ry a nd .bright· Walk ; A Little Love ; A Bit of Laugh. hundred s of millions would be poured .ilvel·. A two-co urse luncheo n waR tel': A Bit oC Sorrow; A Bite to Eat; back into general prosper of ' I.n8tltutio~. there wl\l for other places on the State ticket. services . injured last Tuesday when an auto· it7. the raUbe di.sP\oyS o( varioua t~e. ot hos· It is entifely too earlY yet to muke Sabbath morning , Februar y 21 , will mobile that he was driving was served, lind th e entire affnir was on e A Wink of Slee p;. roads getting their Ibare. pital. equl,pmell1;, 4\\fl\\S ~e th.ree·d,ay any predictionB.. Every c&ndidllte ~ug. be Decision Day in th e Sabbath school struck by a street car at a street in. of the m o~t enj oyable that hns been . The Specilll T opic, "Does Modern gested will have certain SLrength, "Come thou and journey ,a\h.~~liilt, tersectio n illl Los A,ngfes. Tele· given at the Home, ev er yone e nter- Educa tion Meet the Needs of the Husban ds are gradual ly loBinr tIIeIr . but un.leas there is • getting togethe r we will do thee good." with us and grams stated that Mr. Eycke had the ing hearlily inlo th e s ririt of th e oc· Time ?" was briefl v discussed. Mrs. a!lcient "ri"'hts. " The marr!aee Mr_ Lewis - a mIAtler which aeems today out of offe r ed os Ii criticism cosion. to mod· right-of ·way at the corner, and ndV1ce no longer makes womau Prollliae • -Clo\dnel Thad HI> BNwII. I\e~re~ the Q.uesti on-ther e is going to be a A beautifu lly decor ated box con· ern educatio n our lack qf thoroug h to .obey. English vanced across the street when his au· law no longer perQC state, gOlls to 1:\ma ~onlgh.t whete poUtic:a1 batUe royal that knowll'd ge 0 f the fundam tained entals will Vale ntines, Such leave J. tomobil G, Heisey, of Dayto\l, was here, whi ch were dis· e was struck by the street car. mits a man to bent his wife l'with a pc wIn deliver an a~d~et\s, ~tQIlI l.J. aeveral sore. spots which may not Tuesday knowled ge tends to better tributed fit '3very am o n ~ the g ueHt s. , to attend the funeral of He was sever-ly hurt and was taken stick no bigger around than hta !l1(1 he S'ocs to D~aden fat hil allc:ond· heal up in time for IUCC088 Wh e n all had assem bled. 1\\ r. and one for life. when eiec· Leon Eycke, formerl y of Anderso n, to a hospitaL He died at 4 o'clock A Ruasian husband no loq ~p ech of the weok. On Februar y tion time comes In Novemb er. Moeting adj ourn ed to meet with thumb." Mrs. O. 111. Ri dge broug ht their cam. Ind. Saturda y afternoo n. er beats his wife gently on their marMr. Eycke was II grandso n of the erll a nd took a most slltisf uctory Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hough in March riage day to prove that . he Is bo ... late Anselm Antrim, a nephew of picture of the entire group. And now a wife gets herldivo rce with ---Mrs. George Denny ,of Harveys burg, cash alimony simply because the hua and Charles Antrim, of Denver. Col., band, during the past eight )'e""; lind hns a number of more distant has had a way of calling her in the Fr~en dship r elntives in the Antrim and Dakin morning by throwin g cold Ce1leral Scori1l, Oil Unsuccessful in their ambitio n to 'her as she lay in bed at 6. water families . keep their intentio ns a secret, friends sional, not frequen t beatln An ocea. The Friends Services hip were class Position No. Points Per. Score held of the at the M. E. McClur~ .... added to f>rize Won and Doner Won by Underta king parlors Tucsday after· Sunda y·Schoo l was delightf ully e f) ' were congrat ulating Miss Mary Lef· the effect of the cold water. 1 6 500 429 Safety RulOr, Zimmer man, ferson Hnd Mr. Adolph H. Sandel's, Watch, J. W . White t ertalned noon, 'on at Wednes 2 o'clock, P. Tomlins day Februar of lust on week y 16. Bu. ' 405 2 22 $1.00 Knife, Fred M. Cole at th e home of 1I1rs. Will St Jl)hn, lotluy, befor e tlteir mllr·riag e. HowWilliam Wilkers on riat in Miami ccmllter ¥, An expert aays poodles and othlll' ]0 392.5 3 100 Carda, Miami Gazette with Mrs . . Maud Crane, Mrs. Cha~. ever, the couplo r efu sed to Ildmit any· lup dogs "go mad" oftener than dop E.Doan 24 4 379 1 box Candy, Chas. Edward s thing when interrog llted this morning that take more exercise . Anderso n, Mrs. Howard Archdellcon, Q~~. p~¥ Anothe r 8 5 365 Mrs. Russell Salisb ury and 1111'S. Robl. f o llowill~ their r eturn from Hllmilto n expert, friendly to poodles...:va that 12 6 367.1i where th ey secured Furnas, assisting . a license to wed isn't 80. One thing Is certain human '7 &55 After t he business ses.~ion M,.,.,. today. Rev. G. H. Simonson. of the poodles, petted and pampere d b,. in~ Fi rst Presbyt erian church Will , oJ which herited money, go mad, or loee their Stroud rend 1I selectio n, "Lin· Sll . ' coin us Postma st er; " Mril E lmer Sh ce t he bride has long baen u me mber . balance much more quickly than thoae ?7~; hun r ead a poem on " J anuary W enth. was the oflidnn l. that work for a living. Soe the diGood wis hes, howeve r, Wt' re not vorce and " high class" cr," crime 'uewa in re!lC!w €orf':=": nmi Bs for" couple o f Pap th~ir ers yo populnr u r daily newspap ers. and pencils . were passed 12 02.5 100 6 gallonl 688, A. F. Melloh, ity IHC duu an Ilvalun and chc each of congrll one in t· a give n length of Guy Hockett The second meeting of the Warren ~Q tl7.1i l.qO. Walter McClur e Lu l ber Burbank in a San Franeis eo Everett Doan County Dramat ic confere nce was heIr! time was to write aM mlll1Y words as u l nli o l1 ~ now lhut th eil' SeCI'ot is Q 87;5 1.00, W. H. M.dden th ey could f r om th e letters Paul Tomlinso n in the Lebanon Grange hall, Wednes · compos· k n QW11. T he l"'ide i. th{' da ul-( hte!' of pulpit gives more informa tion con. !l,M 4 8 dozen pain of Glovei, Kroger Grocery Co. Herbert McMillan day, Februar y 10, under the directi" n ing the word "vale ntine." Mrs. V ~ JIl Mrs. Marg-ul'e t L,' ffcl'son while Mr. ~ erning his views. 011 a Suprem e BeSall dl'rs i" iv busincss with his br?th· I!lg. · l!e says he 18 an infidel, of Mr. R. B. TOIl1, of the Ohio S'.llte Orndorf wa.~ the winner and wus or but be. ,Fr ~ d Sanders . aWllI'ded II prize. .. Iwves In God. Of coure he doem't; Extensi on service. In spite Th c >lbo",· i. ta kc- n fr om the Mo n· know that he is an infidel, ' Dainty refr eshmen ts were served anti he roads this meeting wus well 8 24 66 rI ,,~' i""lI t' (of t hc 1I1iddlct own .J ol1rntl:. cu n't tell whether he believell in God \) Besides the r ecreatio nal and 1111 departe d ufter thunkin g th e Mr • . , nnd ' 20 65 cl'S will bc t he hos recipi tesses ont for of or not. a very "Belief" pleusnt is a after· word stunts used a nd games which is aiways II COlD,.. 21 10 40 many g' ood wh= hc f ro m friend s in monly to describe a mental habit. fentul'e in Mr. Tom's program , the nooll. Waynes l' ille whe re she h o~ of ten visit. --- ---.--~ group received instruct ion in stage Whit. Cora'rl ,, ~ t he h"l'"" g ues t of Mrs. ,T, O. ~ s to the existenc e of a Supnm o and sconery construc tiun and lil:htinC 22 l 100 10QO Curt wr ight. The g room is to be ~ o n Bemg, the belief of individu 5 gallons Gas, Orndort ! and Servis William and ala hom in the Wilk"rs cOlllchin on g Jor stage pction ~4 02.5 II J.:rlltullll eU urOIl - winning ~ l1 (' h $1 .00 Savings Accoun t, Waynes ville Nationa l Bank. Tholes to tbe Mahatm a Ga1ldhi Ia C, . Day und express ions in plays and panto87,6 20 3 ('ha rll1 ing Base Ball, Frank H, Fan brid e. IIbout as importa nt as the beliefa' of ! Kenneth Pence mimes. 4 On Mond ny night, a t their pl<, a~n nt 6 85 so many hoptoad s specula tinc' on the At the last meeting which will he country home, ~ll'. Ilnd 18 5 85 Mr,. R«nnld !,aturc:, power and purpose ll of a I'IUIL held Murch 10, cost umin g and mnk e. Hawke n ~ertnl ne d 11 COIl1Jl!1n 10 6 85 Ing. ~Irplane. We don'~ even know up will be studied and the L ~ ball oll friends. Fivo tn L i c ~ WCr e fail y of 8 '7 811 e d ful' POSitive ly that We exist. and haven'" Grang~ . 'yil\ pr~~~l1t 11' ? n ~-ql:r pJ.ny " 50U,'· and th e de licioll :l r ·pu::.t !'!~ rv­ 16 8 57.5 ~hc vaguest idea hoW' or why we exfor CI·ltlclsnl . \) &7.5 cd by ' th e hos tess .. dd od v r y "'lite·· 12 The Wa rrNI C"U lltv W. C. T U. Ist . . OUI' abstra~ specula tions are t - ~.---ri nily to the pl ell ~ ure o f thtl ""Cll- \\'il\ lJI: held in lite First Presbyt ei'ian foohsh, but We ean't 10 21 50 help ~. , ing . :I " I dlU l'ch, nen r the court house , Le!,a· Mixed ComTally'ds und fll \'u r ~ wcre in 11 ,1 11 , ,,"edn c. da y. F'obl'ulu'y 24 Tea9he~s' A88oci~tion , bekeeping with th e Valentin e seu s\J n. 10 1 1 .gp\lon tlot\lr ou, H. Archdea con, )!illil ing ut 10 ,,'cl ock. An Everett Doan ~~& Th e li st of '1' lIost s incl udod ~1t.. ill~ titlltc, wit.h J\l r~ . 0 1'. F r ies, oull-doy 1 ghlton Motor 011; Waynes ville Motor Go. f Du\:' W. Parks The Warr ~DI (lo\ll'\t,Y 'l'eaQhers as- and 1I11·s. W. E. COI"n ul\ , MI'. ~g FI!lQIi Ligbt tln d 1111'S, tOil , as prinCip le: "I'c'u<:cI'. Tlter~ Ba~ry:, J. C. H.wlte _ . .. . _. , l . ~au\ Toml,ns<ln S.O(;\llti ~{I \"ill meet lit the Leballon Bert i3.ul'lso ck, ?>lx, '. , .... '--.. (lnd 1~ Mrs. be ech()('s by local presIden ts BIg\! 8e9001 blli\d~ng, Saturda y, Fell• vey RYQ, Mr. an(1 1111'S . Ru"seil Ha r. lI'ili Last ThUrsda y, while J. W. Burton III Salis· from ellr h If,cal union, Dlscu ssi"lls ft7·i ruarll 2\l, 1026. was attempt ing bury, lIfr. !Ind Mr, . D, R. Smit h, ~lr. on departm ent wod\' lind 9peciul put up an aerial 117. mu· for his radio, to Tlie PlOrnilllll' 8clllllon, boglnni ng lind Mrs. J. W. EdwUl'd , Mr. a nd sic. the ladder slipped At the lunc h houl' a pot·luck from at 10 o'olockl ill as follows: Music, Mrs Jame" McClure , M ... a nd I\Ir5. under him and as a relult he p , wHI \J".ltCl·ve d. We auticipu te Q very is Lebllnon Hlgn SIlhool orchest ra ; In· L. Cralle, Mrs. Edith M. Uanlb, M.i8s confined to his home with a broken vocation , Rev, John H. Lamy; ad· Emma HcighwllY 1,{l1I ~lJ', f{lAw~ pro~tab l.e dllY. lower limb. drel8, Mill Edna Block,. Kings Mills. Mosher;..·_ __4 .......,,...... _ .... ,r,. _ __ Dinner "'ill be served by the wom· en of the Main street Presbyt erhm 1 26-poun d Sack Flour ;D. R. Smith, 110 100. William Wilkers on church. 80 !! Pockllt Knife, W;ayneBvllI, Auto and Machlne l')' Co" Theo Coates The afternoo n B~sei9~ \\~ 1 :~,n: ltIu.. S· Ford 'l1imer, A. F. MeUoh 80 ' . Palll Tomlins ol\ ~tQ, al"lh~~\J'\\J 1'~~"4! ~. J. 'Y. Mc. 65 4 ~m\\~, ¥,-!\I¢I \l.nivel'8~Y~ . 65 ·

Prepa red by Colum bus Repo rter

I............_ ........ w.. ....I •

th e home of Mrs. McClur e. Mrs. Cadwal lader opened the meet· ing and conduct ed the devotio nal ser. vicli. Scriptur al quotatl ons were giv· en in r esponse ko roll call. At the conclusi on of the busines s session the program was taken up. Mrs. Schaeff er gaVe a talk on the meeting at the House of Church Wo· mell held recently in Springfi eld. She brought out many points of Interest and held the close attentio n of her hearerH. Consecu tive re.ndlngs from the b"ok "China' s Real Revolut ion," were glv. ell by member s present. Little Mar. jorie Edward s recited "My Mother, " by James Whitcom b Riley, in a charm. inl!' manner , which was followed by a talk by Miss Sanders . During the delightf ul social hour deliciou s refreshm ents were served by the hostesse s assisted by Mrs. J. W. Edward s. Mllry Lea and Marjori e Ed. wards, Betty Hartsoc k and Frank Hawke. Among the guests present were Mrs. Walter Mc~aure, Mrs. J. L. Hartsock, Mrs. Mary L. Adams, Mrs. EI~z. abeth Baily, Miss Mary Dakin and Miss Sanders .




Evan gelis tic Servi ces


Vale ntine Party

- -..

Repo rt of the Grai n Scoring at the Farm ers' Insti tute


Sand ers-- Leffe rson









! ~

Ente rtain ed Frien ds

~ .


. -.



----_._- --w. C. T. U. Meeting

Fell From Ladd er

' ~.


J il lr

C~mpfire Girls




--- ......... '. ---.

. NotiQ.e

Loc al Bas ketb all Tea m Win s Over fran klin' By ' Poi nt.. : .





Lalit Friday night the first boys' tied at .the end of,the and g!rls~ t'eamls of Fran)di n High a thoroug h recoullt 1fIUII,.. inIt ~ ing of

here and met our teams, In Wa)me" ville won. by This IFriday the preUmin al')' ·game the Fra'n ldbi girls Quela!gec;i our team and ·won. 21 to 9. Even thOUgh they lost the lOCal girls s howed the right spirit and played a IQod' iame; the meetin~ were The bo)'8 ' had sOll1ew Zmom'.rm.... and tier hoUSe luck, winnbtg by the eeote~tof JJetter 14 13" The Clll,O~Ie;"ct'O.:st was adjoUrn ed by out, I! Pin Paw. .fq

iil&iiitCi JIYIUN. Scribe.

R ....


"Ill'" tile





JilPresent Prices THE


lhc GTeatestAutoIDobUeValue In tlu:7IJOrlr/ No other car offers so much of quality and luxury, such fine performance, such durability and such di~tincrlon, at any comparable cost. Comparl~n will convince y ou. Yeu will find Better Buick 4door and a.dOOr Sedans, on the finer Bulck chassis, with FisherbuUt ~eIj offered at prices asked elaewbere for coaches. You will find (U standard equip. ment, the fineet system everdesilP'ed fora motorcar-Buid. mechanical 4.wheel

COM MON PLEAS PROCEED'~CS In thf' nu\ltf'r of Mithncl Dennell, "~So Anlln' Bork nha!,!cl1, till., sherilf'H Fa l I,; UI'Ill"t1'- d Hnd ~ herifT is or Ii reu to mnkc ~cttlomcn l ~ wilh cr('d' Hil I'S nf th., ,'~lllt~. In tht· F l' ~IIIHl mott r nf Micilo ('1 De nnrll V ~. 11l1na Bo,.l(haA'o h. Ihl' courL o"l'''''\lle~ llie action o f tllo C n. lu mhu~ MuLII:d Life 1l1 g ura !lc~ COIllJIlin)' t" IIlll k~ lin n!low: liCe tu plaintiff fo r parti l iOIl f"l' . In tlw r" -hl·,,ring of th c mlltt",· o f till' dj '~u llll1nn " f /111' Maso n Mill ing rUlllpulIY, 1I\(' (lIrt lIulho1;ZNI \VilliunJ G TllI""p,,, n ns r pc!.'''·er of lhe ,·,t.<ll(·. La "(,II l·" I·tuin P tJ r ~" "111 pr operly (If ~ nid " . I:1l r . In II1\' mot {~ I' of the diFsoluti<'n ,'C th." : up.:' .. i",· 1'''Jl('r compnllY . th e \lIen 01 the' I'l'cdvcrs Cor r('npprni s('l\1 (, I,t and Fall! of pn' I,erLy of sa id cOlllpany WIl F IIl'pr(I\'NI by rourt. 111 Ihe llIuller o f Richar P.'icstcr \' S . The Miami VlI lIey Purking compnny. the court ord('red tho def"""I . an t to p"y the prinl'iJlIII nnd illteres t of n promi ~s ory note 10 the pluintirr. I n lhc mnlll'i' of Mrs. M"ry F",\;bower v~. Will. .J. l~oxbowei·, and ~ I !"S. Eva Foxbowcr, the court ord er. Lhat plaintiff recover principal of note with inter('st from the defendant. I n the matter of Jam C~ A. Purdum et aI., YS . Stlllla Pitse r et rl. t he .court ord ers that the p laintif f" recover their note with interesl fron, the def endants and thllt Geo rge ' nider r ecover $ 160.63 from h i ' codefe nda n Ls. In th e mn tter of Matilda C .. Hasen stub , of Dayton , VB. Emma C. Hasen s\.ab, of Clevelan d, the court ordere d t h at p laintiff recover $5285.74 and cos ts of trial from defenda nt. In the matter of Jano VanTress VB . The Leba non National B ank & Tru st co mpany, as adminis trators of the cstate of Roy VanTress notice was g iv.en that said ad ministrator has changed its tit! to th e Lebanon-Citizens Nation a l Ba n k & Trust Co. In th e matter of M arrow Bran t \ '5 Joh n Gilmore et aI. , the sheriff was ordered to n cit exceed the su m of $ 10 in advertising fo r sale t he Telll estate of said cause. In the matter of Ben R eed vs. The Ctizens-N ationlll Bank & 'frust comIlny as administrlltor of the estute of Bert Reed, decea sed, jurors fol' said coso were duly impanelled and

bnka. ' You will find ea.ler Itartin" easier clutch action, easier 'teerbl, and the mOlt econoaW:aI enalne on earth. The molt ~lidable. aa well-the famous "'Buick Valve-In-Head. You will find Controllable Beam Headlights, exclulive wlth "Bulck, which make ~t .driVing a pleasure. And eM "Sealed Chassis" and "Tri. pie Sealed EnJine," two more eulUilve Buick features, which ~ perfol'manu and rechM:e opendog costa. You will 6:nd a finu motor car fat a very moderate amount of mOney wlien you examlDe the sworn In the matter of Bettet Buick. We urge you (nee Link) vs Alva CD do lLtoday.· Your next car . tor 'lf teh estute of .hould be a Buick! deceased, the court ~.ICK MOTOR COMPANY

........ .,o--IW-~ .i.lIIfT, MICHIGAN ·

Edith K Ranson Hill. adm in istraAnnie Kissinger, gronted plaintiff twentY a ays to fi le an amended petition • . In th ~ matter of B n Reed VS. Th e Cltzens-Nationul Bank &l'rust company, administrlltors of the estute of Bert Reed, deceased, jury r eturn s verdict in favo r. of d efendant.

tote <)( HnT\'i~ Scott, d cCllse,! vs. · nnid 10 rD, ~:!l llIail' for ;\I\tIi-rnbic WlIIiI\m B. Scott Qnd Louiae E. Hl'l"lInl, ,~fi; Il uwll rd W Ivins. d feJl~1' f indlgllnt pri~'lncr, $50; The J\ 1"Ilh:~r, [ror. (l novit. J ohn su)) ollli Wntson .0. , MUPI)1ies for Pr bll I' e,lul'l., 11.75 ; 'Ollle, !\UPMARRIAGE LICE NSES pilus for RecQrd'r, $l1.l)lI; Book \lurk". Gnbbllrd, factory worker, Shop, 81\1\1(' ~2J.f> 0; ])('pnrtm nl of of Franldin, lind tilrlred M. !I\url'ay , l'ublic Wclflll'e, sUP(JIi '~ fur Wm. factory worker, of Uiehlllond . In.d. lddmQrt' , Limn State b ,<pi Il l, '. 1\.1 ~ f orris ~\ old, budal Ili in,li!-:cnl ~(' I­ di(,I", $ 100. RE~L EST AT E TRANSFERS ll. . Helf, s upplie " for jll il, a.!lu ; AI"'iu A111'/\ Gmh,)", to ' V. T. 81'1- Thl' Fru nk lin Ch roll icl~. buh. d oJ.( Iic~n s(' nul ice. $.1.713; ak in Dakin, \i v,,". 4 1"ls in Ridgevi lle , $1. JIlhll S hillil u to Luuru Shillitu 1~1 in~U rR nce, ~:l.40; ~ll e\.allic Equipl11cnt in Tu.·tlet·l'.- "k 1'p., $ 1. ' "'" I'llses for Hecord,' r, 225; Book da O. Ib,.r"d Thur,;lun 10 llle ::;hop , ,;uliplies, $:;)3.65; I'enn Mo rW ~~tern Ohiu lirll\'cl cnllllHlIlV, !l~ { (>)1, jnnitur ~ ('r\'iCl~, $7U: Jllm 's Folncre!! ill Fl'unklin county, C 1,lsl dNII - lell , san\(', $ 15; BOllk Shop, Sll ' I>Iies, $:10; Mal'y K I! )ppin!:" officI' lent, IllllI, $ 18,40U. Be!'t Heed, by adl1lillislralur III the ~a o; Vr unldin Co . , om. care 1\lnr'('"th l.chn'Hlll Padd"K 0 •• un ,li vi ,1. ~h" ll lJu nn nl Tu b(' l'cu l ,,~i~ h o .ila1, .t! o~le-h lllr of I:; "c re~ ' 11 llod"" ~:! ij : MIII'Y II. j{o('kw~\I, nmt Ii I' in ( ., I'UI' on taXl·• . $7 1.(;0; Sln knll. M fK T]!., "onsici l'ralion, $!;UUO\ CrucE' J. Heet!, by !ldmI1li ~l r:llul' to ( '0: , sUl'pli~s for I'l'ubnte ellu rl. !!il)!. lh(•• Sou th L~bnn llll f' :lckill>! Cu. , tlll - :! .i :J. P . Allullls l ·,•. , grauer bll\de~ , dl\,ld~ t1 o.w-hll lf uf 15i; IIcn' " in ' n· ~; ~:!.GlI: Th" Frank Sh~rwood Co ., inn Tp.t con~idt!1"atiun .... fHJUU. ~ ' :I" , ~:!.:1 1 : W. A. Scnl I . bridJ.(l' rcCOMMISSION E RS' ALLOWA NCES Wlllter I\!cClure. burinl fo r ihdi · ge llt soldiers' wid ow , $100; S. L. Curlw-ri!1,'hl, member. ,. Ieli ers' Burinl coml11itlc(', Ilurilll oC M,·s . L.ucy !'r'l\ll $1; ~ I nh l on Ridge, sam " $ 1; Thomus DUl'lihnrt, services li S jury comnds~i(i n e r, $50; haries J. WlIggoner, ::;GO; .Judge F. M. Cunning-hu"" uef,'n se uf indige nt prisoner, $5u.00 ; Jud J.(t! 'N. J. Wrig hl, postllKc for nmmon Plens 'o url,,:J; Bell I'res", su pplies fur Lrensurer, 52.6 0; G. Lede l'UlH n, ~upp li .. s for Proseculin l!' Att orn ey, $3.3 0 ; The Bllri on Pen Co., suppli S for Auditor, $4: The Ofllcc Outfitters, sam e, $1; Fred lll'nry,



10 whnt wo c llllm'

tO f'

~"; lJl n:\'E

Hir, $ :~; llurry Tindle, sa m et $1.76 ; ;\1. H . •Innwson , garngc r en t , $8; W .

'. Turt •• n, ,'cml'nl, $!UJO; Spencer & '\ rlll it,,~.· , fU1'lll Ril inJ.( un d loadin g ~~ ru\'c l , $ 1Gil: A. G. Robcr Lso n, drng_ g inK. $6 : Clint Baily, huuling gr ave l, $ 1.1..l0; tHlk & Sw cc nl'Y, g r ave l, ::;:J G: l unow LUlI\b ' r Co., n ai!., S ~. 15; Wil"on WhiLen nck, lll bor, $8 ..10 ; E. W. WhiLCllur k, Slim e, $14 . EllUl'r Cramer, Sllme, $20 ; K W. Quimby hauling til c, $4 .8 0; Ore!:,onin UridKc Co .. r epairing "toile ,r u ~ h c r, $ 17 .60; V. \Y. '('o mpkiIl8, JI"ynoi l. $%0 .55; F. M . Collins, slImc $:' 0.80; I~ den T('t'ry, sume, $7!) 1.06; .I os. Ilnvi ', Slime , $253 .56; A. T . Ret. Ii!!, s am e. $123 . 10; Wailcs Gu rage, n'llIlirs O il truetors, $87.5:1.



it-rid your system


MODERN NEWSPAP[R f.....············~...•..····~····..•••••••••••••..• OfTEN CRITICIZED :


\~tl; f

'" ",,,dcans 9!!Tee Lhe stat{'m ont o f Grovo Putt,(lrson, editor • o f Ih!! '}\.l ool" Blnde, to t he effe ct that : tho lIIodl'l'lI nowspnJl er is on of y mnnkin.l's fuu r greal c~t institutions, .: tho olhers of cours , being t.he home , tho "',urch und the Rc hool. • I,ike othe r m odern ins titution s, t n"WS llllpel' ~ lI ft cn make mistl\kes, and • the llulJlic dOl'R not h eRitutc to t ell lhe l,ciiLol' about these t" Tors. But. I he mugnitu de of the tnRk of building • thc l11 0dern newspup er in So short a : ' . time will c",ily Hccou nt for t he mis- • tnk ,~ , und t h ~y Itr ' 11 0 !"Ore IIume r-. •• ous thun thl',' would be III oth er lineR OJ ('nol"l\ovor under simi III!' conditio-,s. : Peuple like to criticize p ubli c utll- • ciu ls, luwycr~ !lnd the gelle ral run of . fo lks, but fo r so me r easo n, they like • b(,~ l. o f all to criticize newspapers. r easo n may be t hut the miRlllkes of the ncwsplIpe r s arc nlwuys I'cfor e t he m, a nd cllnn ot be deni ed ~ r bur- • ied. At tin y rate a s II1r. PaLtcrso n A say s ; "It is th e cheap lind joyo us cus tom to criticize news papers. Nenrly all • p ub lic speu kers from snnke charmers to preuchers IIttack n ewspap er s for "e r enso n t hat it is th e si m ;> l e~t and e, :est wa y to ge t q uick tlPPlause. ! A PI ' .,u se is the breath of life to the lunch , '1 n spea kers ... · Yet , he n ewspaper i~ r.Jl'lays in the fure fron t, de fe nding t he co mmunity , ;n which it lives, IU, din promoting all t hi ngs Lhat are for t he communi ty 's • g ood . It probnbl:' g ives more free sl'rvico and ' lU ore honest ser vice for les" m oney than any other 'Com mer. cia l enterp rise. No man would want to liv e in a city a'· to wn witbout news . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._ . . _ _. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ ••••••• popers, fi nd th '~ newspapers themselves are usually an index of the prosperity lind progr essivl'ness oC the comm unity.



W H Ma dden & C 0 -1 " Lurn b er an d BUl·ld·Ing Ma t ena . Is

i Waynesville


Ohio .,


i i




The Boston T :rnnscript t hinks it is lucky for the cou ntr y thut F lorida I1ALVS CATAflnlJ ' IEJ)l nN E con- und 'uliforll iu lire 2,000 mil es apart. 1 !l Ist s of an Ointment whi ch Quick ly Fra nk say~ he 's in gr eat luck- a NOTARY PUBLIC Relieves tho caln r rhll l inf1all1rnntion, Dn d EVl'n I hilt di~tullce migh t not be di stunt r('l lItive died and lef t him a the Inlern,,1 M cd lrlnc. II T onic. whIch complele security were it n ot f or t he Nation.1 Bank t un of haru COll I. le ts t.hroug h the B lood on the MUC'OU8 1 will sell at public s ale at my r esSurfa ces, t hus restorln,; n ormal concH- fUl·t thut 'rCXll ~ s p'r endo between th em on the Chaa. Harness fllrm at idence could lick boLh of Ihe m und not only Uon9. Flut Fork Schoolh ouse, 4 miles W. of Will. Drawn .... •. .... E.181 ... S.. ttled old by dru ggi.ts tor over 40 Y ears. at the sallle ti me, but would l ake F. J . Cheney & Co .. Toledo. Ohio. Orego nia, 1 '12 mil es E. of Wellmnn !1, reut pl ens nre in doing it. - Houston Waynesville, Ohio and 6 miles S. of Waynesville, on Tex., Po ~ t Dispatch. .-\n () i"dl u n n("(' ICrnra.lnK ('oa.l"ntl to'I'''e Frida" F .. bruar, 19, 1926. The Kin g and <;1ucen of pain may "u IJ j'" 'l''' &'' " booe C,un".",' tu .. be Beginni ng at 10 o'clock, the f ol t'U IU"t .. u ~IIU U lind DlAIt'teu.nee of Uovi si t t he Unitt'C1 Stntes n ext s umm er . They want to se() whut it was t hnt ~~:':.~.c:.-~~tll!~I'Jh\t~~". and euadult. In l owing: 3 horses,' 2 cnttle, farming implements, harnes., feed and hou s~ ­ Culumbus discovered. Pittsburg SI:X-TION I- Ilo' It orolll ined " .. the hold goo ds. Cazette-TimE'S. C Olillcl l. ot t h e \:lIhlN"(' ot \ VnY lwJ!lvltle, MELBURN GILLILAND. FUNERAL DIRECTOR Ohio, thn.t th, \lnllcy l' o l(\phone Oom· Martin & Stanley, Aucts. In fivc months So ut h Dllkotll col- Jlo. lI~· . ownlnK l\nil ou erll t !nK 1\ l e le pho n l! exc ht~ nS'c In \ Va,}· !l c.\, itle, Oh io. lected more thail $ 170,000 from cig- lie n nll It, Its SUl·Cl·,uwr~ a n tI n.JH,tgna WAYNESVILLE, OHIO arett smoke rs. Why not \.ax t he lLrO lh>l"el,)y J;rull t e<.l tho OO ll s~n t o f 81l l a As I am I:oing to quit farmin g, I mlltch borrowers?-Miiwaukeo J our- VIl I"-gt' t o co n Ht l"Uct and m lli llt u.ln u n· will offer at public sale at my resi- Hlchest Market Price 'Paid t)(' r g ruU1hl wir ' Ii, p ipes n.uJ con du it s na l. Hilt) othe r (ixtures therC'o f for lhe n c- dence 011 th e A. D. Talmage fann, Fully Equipped for Good The h oop skirt can never re turn, "omntodnllon a nll COlluueUng oC cub ) •• at th e Flat Fork church. 1 Y.a miles Service. despite predi ction-... thnt it~ will. It ll1iaflCC!f W 10'08 a ndn ecessar connec[lo" •. wllh a ll 'h e "II: E. of Wellman, and 4 miles W . of y In thfl l,'Qnstr uctlo n, Large Display Room. wo uld p u t a ll ou r modern trall~por~a- 11,,, ln l onIlDce Ilnd ollernllon of "n un- Oregonia, on the Lebanon und HarTelephone 292W lion facilities out of business.-P hil- d"r -l~rou n d 8YS t m of t~le ph .. ne•. with veysburg pike, on. d 1 h' J - ' th ri gh t t o place l3uch manho l es Int l.! r · Amb ulance Service Monda" February 22. 1926.

:>t Cotarrh Ca tarrh .


D ea (lh! s1:t




Public Sales


Live Poultry WANTED!

Walter McClure



e p la


st"c tlona anel 0 \ her COlle tt"u et Ion iu m ny

Ilq usrer..

!It: r flu fr .o rl to IJ " o!>c ll y IIt ~ t n l1 s u c h Beginni ng at 10 o'c lock, the fo llow Everybody wal1lts the f nrmer to be . orslr'/D In ti'e alr "Qls. I nn~. "Ihn's nn d in g property: 3 horses, 3 ~OWI\, 19 prosvcro us , but n obody wants to pay 1,.ul, lIe IJI~ ~ ... ~ In W'!'y ncsvl \) c. WIl!'ron shoop, corn , hay, fodd er, harness and ·· . f h ' m''ik , l ,'UllI)' Old II h lin prospe ro us t prtces B 'ort IS Tru :-,"1·C't·,·O " ;\:· I I'- TI 11: fJOIt~ t I'UCla.JIl or !In 14 Inrmin g impl ements. NEW SUITS eg[1S 11 11 d PO t ~ oes.- as on n- '~. I e lll Ihlll Is he,el ll dt'H IKIII"~ (1 •.e til'" MILTON I!;AKIN. SC ript. ",', " rluit IInu Undl'rl<ro un , :;Yll! . /H'" Gert rud e Callans vs. James Cal)VlIlter ~II CY, Aucl. gllU.ll hu io r.n lec.1 In th e 8 tr t'ct", a M n l-d.p I ~ns and to Marianas, upon a promhl c ,.; ull cr JlJII p ossihle. con !!I, · it 51:; If Senator Ring gel!! jn ~he Dis- litt.!lt'tlt OUI,s \\,Ith proper engln eeri ll g !H.l th a t isory note and foreclosuro of chntt rict of Co lumbia a law agllinst ~rim_ til\.' JlHlnho le co\'cri lltftf .wlll l' alHlU the I will sell at public lalu PIJ IP.~ tel mortgage. inal s lunder, t he capital \VII loS/: (l kHat ouetru(' U un to th e Sl ro -t unletl- fu rm 2 miles S. of W a ynesville on .Mathilda C. Hascnstnp vs. Emma a n d 011 l!ulHluits Ithall b t! 111111 in Dentiat lP~ of its Iiveli ncss.- Philadelv h ia cnlJl('. COl1l'l"PLro lwlow th e sul.J-Hnu l a line or t he ~Vaynesville and Lebanon . pike, C. Hasenstab, fo r cognovit. Lebll;fton, Ohio a n )' POI"I0Q' t'8luul1s h etl by oUl1cl1. ~al d Tu".day, F .. bruary 23, 1928, Mary Sc;ott, executrix of the es- Wa,.De..,iIIe NatioDal Bank BId • • BulJptin . locu ti on t o h~ umtio b~' a n d '''Hit the Beoinning at 10 o'clock t he foUowIl JlIJI"ovul or the e IlFJn {: r of sa id V II· I n~ c. o r (IlL" :;lret·t ('lHIl .tll J-!.(·e uf Hniti ing cnnUel propi!rty; 7 horses, 3 \.:~ l ul1('1 1. tr It hns no f'JlgIHtJU , ~ ows, 15 hogs, corn, oats, harne ~8 , !:'!,;CT luK Ill-Tho \ '"II<y Tcl cpl,o Jl~ a nd farming implements. t: omS)UIIY i!h.a.ll hu\ 4) tho I'ight t o I1I n k e . ". , p. V. SM ITH. un ,\' ne c\.'ssary rt'll:tl rt;! to t he condul l l-fYtlll'll1 n.(or('sul d UM occasio n mn.y r JIIartin & Stanley, :A'uvt~ , t.l ui r t', UUl an)' vavitut nl fllly tim e el 18IUrbe,o.l . • huJ l be r e~IO " "cl by t hl> li elJhlJI}t' .conlpa ny. a t liB exp ense. t b t he One mile sou theast of Wellman, on lorlU"r 8141..0 01 usclu l llDSH q t lJuch p~\, - ' lug dl8tu r L.d ' ~l1d 10 th o lll)proval of t he Wellman and Clarksville p~ke, ('n Ihe village by It, 'e,;"I~ o r or UII .treCt commi ttee, It It ba. no jlllSiRof9'" . . .. . Thur.da,., February 25, 192jl, r,; C T~ON IV- Tho Vlllley 'folUI'II.9R Commencing at 10 o!clock, my enompany b ei n g grante ,l the rlU'hl ' t o tire IQt 9f farm ()q uipm en~, as' fol~on8truc t BU ch Condui t nnd Under"round SY8tcm, ngr cs It will m n k~ lows :' 8 bOrllell, 8 cattle, 12 hogs suc h co n ~ tru c tl ori at the limo 8 1Hl lu bay, corn, 'farm jmplem~nti and ' h~'THEse CONceRNS_ COMP ~ ISINCi ""nJuncllon wl lb tit\) VIII"ge upon ll n ¥ ness. - ANNA E. SHE:EliAN. s trde ~~ nnd a lleys. as l he Hltm . 1.8 Imp"OVI\4 lly t/ e VlIlnKC and bind. · l~.c(f Walt,= Lacy,:~t. , . , :,.---tlt:r :l~~coasor.. ~ Qq ,' ;lftstgn.s', 80 tp ~9 ARE THOROUC.... T R USTWO«.T SElCTION V_A plat ot th o O"dIlJt~nd Undergrou nd System aha II ~o turrll ell th e Vlll UgO cnglo".r or tllo Clerk r It "~8 no engln ce r 'rom time l o tl n'e !/-II . "...-:!:' . . ,_. _ _ _ ~ IlOp r ll~ .. rn cnt. nr .. mlLd e. , ~bwl h" til" A~e f11e ~,oj)r" ~ee ,." tNngs that ,-_ _ _ _~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~ locution pt Al l p,ndcr-gl'.Qu hd · wl ,~, . , G P E A'O H T R U • 8 E , migttt trip ~ome onp? a!O~!l .t gpnea u d!!la Jlece""""orlno attron. .11 tim" to give my THE SHOW' pipe•. m~n"l/lc~ "fi.1 frle_ .nd p" tho be.t .orV'ce SHAIDDLES csua ry eolOnd\lll., loell tl' tfle C911l1 IL ' 8}'lI l cin often result from fal!s cau!eg by tripwith ....r Ibl I PLAC'E OF DAYtON nr whi ch pInts . hall b~ tn.d anll r1!09i1~ pin", . I. mw CREAM SIiPARATORB ed nnd " Int Ull O s ha ll co n6tltul e noll.c e 0 • ___ l •• up,o."to· anco~uv.n ny nceen,chl't • ItI . pre"cllt ~ "f o re n c" or damage to t l\o ~tajrll lI"d hall #lnp a~tie lind Me R~.' . ...: '~~It:~~~ ilU'LDINQ • Btl Vnudmn. Ads and Featur, Photoplays. Entire .change ~~~fI.:-~neanaJ ~~~7.n:u':f~:~~ co nault nI)lI lJlld rgrOlJ nu By_lim '·n basement fre, fpom J'ul)blsh t/lat TeleplaaoDe: Oarllold 1508 of P1'08'raDl every Sunday and Thursday; Continuous performJOlly II oo unt. " . L. 4....ATHAWAV anfro 1.0 to 11 80 P M Aft ' 6SC'" R 0 WERTZ SECTION VI-Thl. con.ent jlnll gnnt ml/rht caul, !Ire'? Tlloulan4s of }lVI'S ~ Lcioal..s at 108 S. Main St.. . . . . . :.. :.. ernOOl) prices 20e and 30e. ,... • I. In ad dI tio n l o and nOl to lu are lost each. because Of house DAr.rON, OHIO, ' .E_".en_ln .... 3. 0e ·and 5Oc. · i7 Wa.hlngto" payton, O. lh o rl" hlH n nd pr ivil ege. " . at p rel ent fires. , __ "~ __. ompany In \\ a)' ne8vllle, Ohio. Are your porches railed 1 Porch u "0 br The aV"lIoy Telephone ordi nance ft hnll railings frequently prevent fal1a that . , SECTION VIl-'rhl YA-NI(E£ tl\1I0 "treel nnd he In torc e Crom und result seriouslY. ' . l'tfasb & Scratch F,e ed Prod l~~~I' t)I,~ \~,,:,"II 'r6 1 p.erlod allowed by might Is you," stepladder secure? Peo< ~.. PII •• 04 F'qbru'HY 1\ JIj2J). ple often uae a stepladder to stand on that ,\ho\l,ld be used only for kindling. . .N IT. 8UILDINA "'."OC PAID ON If your dealer ca,,'t supply you, writ:.e q. II , Alteet : 'I'l E . ~ O()IllEl~. lJ~1.9r. Dt . . Are ' bd~rtls wjth nails sticking out PI.lITH OAVTO;'SHio · IATION SAVINGS UI and w.• will ship \you direct. J". A. ' ZIMMERMAN, 1 . , left Iring tllfou.~ ,: .~ -nll.U ~rough a V. E, HERTER & COl'tfPANY ----. ' foot IS dangerous buslni!b. ·"'oney I !,re sharp tool!! ·put· away so that DaytoD, Obio children can't get at them? " Na~t " aVBRYTHING IN RUBBER • Notlcq I. h~reb;-'Jrlvo n .th.\Lt \be J.lJ1.- and often " ~angerou8 wounds are CALDWELL It T A.YLOR'S BWtJnc, HOM, BalDOO&la. BOola, Btalr uer. lgned. Ca~1 E}. fillft g ham ~nd ' ¥IYWCOME TO ~ , Mala. Hoepltal And SIckn\o!,l . ~r C hd ."t\cQ '" w)io havo ' blren en'- ~~:~:t.I "~ ~4rfn fla.yin~' with sharp Dayton's Largest Auto P z. rl( Or'gln., aeMoi 4~ _ JDqwpmen, TOV" &I1oona. guge.a ~og" ll1l! r as parlhllrb und~r lhe Are poispllJ3 locked -PoP IIDd PRoperly 124 NORTH MAIN ST• Sov.IM.. " .,eto. f irm nanle 01 W4l'n,uv llro Mot9r' Conl• nd on Fourth Street, Join i ng Oa lly R1Pt Prloea. FrMh Stoeb, ny, (Joinl!" bu~l ll e". ~ t W;p'pc"vllle. and conspicuously labelcd1 ' ' Pp is'l n Ila The next time you are I" D.yton New. Building. C •• par Mo ..... 011 . Qwol< Bervloe. Ollio. hno dl asolved tllo' o.6 ov" p~Ftllllr­ has its uses: Rut i t should be handler! and In.peet the dependable, a u.,uill p and tbnl ~ II delJloril and ctedl bra THe: Al''-Ai RUBBER • 8e:Lr,t~ Fo, 100 % Motor Efftclency. 25s: ffJ! }2 Hour Service '. . I COMPANY. o ntced line ot II/lld 'Wayn osvill e 1010tor CO'mj)IID;y 11 ... LudlOw Bt., ·.c..... from Kelth8. ,A.UTOMATlC · . 10/. I ~,,~p.# ~) l e U .a tfalr. with Clirl S. as O"on Di-¥ Mli ISI/l'hl. Ihfnghp.ll1, W fO now ~l)e 1fqJe owner free ~.O!ll Ic!'!1 .Brp .!ill! g8ne~ pft/ln Wilter System. or Warll c~vl ' 0 0t<l~ I.:lO~M result ~n !Iegle!;tmg 9 8p~na a lit'tl ~ T AKE YOU,R U A L s: I3AJjOl " Water Softeners HO~V JIi.flD Mt ·rp ACI}N tiJll(l lind ~!fpt1 ~t/l11 !!i!ovil!: MEDICINES HIDES & FURS Milke (Jur dllplay room· your Dayton A.,~ Pllttn ftrlljll"~!ls aJllP!y prot ~ ct · U) ;I: he::d t';~im~c!rg.~.o:u. (' ;Ire ,,!waYI welNobody tn Da)'lon Bolla cd by . Mr~{lnll J.JlIl'nn sAlleeit !ly ppen • f n u III a co me, Dett er Dr u ~n NQTICE OF APPOINTMENT fire. cnUJj8 ·the death pf Qr serl iJlI il1G. LEHMAN &: SONS ;:, ;Il . '-" ___. _ _ jury to thou.anda of persons ea r h 712 E. Monument Ave., Cayton, O. CARL A. SCHMIDT THE V AILE·KIM~ ID II: Telephone Eut 1195 ~l\e pf !ofI.iI Z~, deceased. year. . .... eM'TON, 9HJO. ~ .!IOU TH LUDLOW ST. II> g Nptico 18 Jiere~¥ · ~Wep ·'tp'tl,t ' mRert' .• .:rhese lind other. ~etalls of home O .• pl.1Y no om 124 /I/o, II1~Jn st. E. Cre w has !leen !July IIPpojiitC/a i n# safe,t y. m!ly ;seem trlfhng, but prom pt CHEM' .~ ALS - .1 qUlillfied AS adminlstioawt of We 'e4- a},!PR ·W -t~tm .. ma~. avert a tragWELCOME TO DAYTON! . ., tate ot John ZullI late pf Warren he YJ" OF ~ !1~~F f.I:~~~!lr!n ~\Ir hous e ,Our goal in Dext 18 mQntiu II IOQ 41n. or IWIC!h .¥ Tile Gr., If In Need of a Good "., Iable Pump County, deceased. . 0 H, • . . u-r .. teel auro )'Our "salt to DIl¥for All R eq ulr am e nt. In Any City. , .. ~J,9O<l',OOO.00 Dllted this 2nd day oC February There II! no tlmo Ill{e the prallen', ~~ to • .ua b. remembore4 with CODBarber Shop in Connection T p;,&, " or Country Dlltrleh-aoa ua ~ble pleuure. . R...u BDIBIl Oook1926_ ' W. Z. ROLL, ' corr~ctan)' un8af~ <\Ondl~lonJl-.Don't . . 1"004. AIt..-eUV. Surroundl ..... The Unioa ' IJ~ Judge of the Probate Court, now. _ _ _ _ _ _ - - The G~o, J. Robert. Co. 29 Flftb t5L Da)'toa. Ohio, Phone Mlln ~7. Loan A iMloclatlOil Warren County, Ohio . 243 ·251 E. beQQn tf st. L. M, Hefllolet PD,."~ M~'I ' 117 60/0' 5 E. Second St: 60/0 Try our ClaBS. Column3 f'lr results DAYTON, OrtIO. .~ , tI






Dr. John W. Miller



Harye1sburg Fertilizer Co.



Phone 8


.w ••

"Safe Night .and Day in every Way"

1)1 DE un





Farmertt, Attentionl FumRa at· Watnlln and adJolnln. counties m,ry obtain money on Ion. time loana, at II per oent Interest, Cost of securln, the aam-.!. vel'), reasonable ,throu.rh The Federal Land Bank. For further Information oall on or oddteu M. C. DRAKE, Treasurer, phone SIO-X, Lebanon, Ohio.

., nJoy~lI



f~ ~

WANTED MANUfA.C:rURE.R <! es ires lady to I'!trodu~e !lt~ g0 04S No' canvassing, POSItIon p81.~· !Ibo.ut· $l~ "l'iir ' ~eti"\ Pref er lady wh!) belongs ~o <'burch ' 0.; club organization. " Write 'Sales ma\\'IIgt;r. 506 Sloan Bldg., Clcve lan'' \1 OhIO. J . . ! f24 i





••••••••••••••••••• ~

ties ani! Second Mortgag'es, Note, boug ht, f phn H!lrb jne Jr.; X~nln, Oh/p. '!I! 30-1?4

B. F. K E I TH' S



LO:"N~ ~n' ~hatte l~,Sto<:k~, Sel;lIfi-

A f ~w----~u~~~~~ionl


0' tI/,e




I AM npff pp~!lnizing W!lrr!!n e~p~~f for the Oh!p I>tnte Llfll In ~urance ~o. For Agency OPl'orttinities' or be!it m.surance protlletioll , wt;ite to Gilbc~t Bl~~~,~ B gJ( ~a, Warn\lsvjJll'/ Ol1io, .

g~i~f~ ~e~.p f~""'tP';Gh "~l!'~ w~lkS


WAN'j.' ED-AU kinds of 80ft Wood for pulp, MQrri~ Gr*hll nl. ~.::;;

FOR SALJ: FOR SALE- Twy fr esh H o lstein ,cows, each four ye·a rs old this Anril. Fom:_ WC~ >; old cdlves by th eir side, Joh n H(l'!i~r~!ln, ~:p, , ! , -{'\ro&!llni" n



,BUm " The;}' Orive ' H~ 'Nuts "


.. ,-.



Boss, ,HE. MEN

f.l.o ME - I \<;N o Ud

€)<Ae.TL '( W KAT IT Gal k}G

'-n::> COST

A"-l\:) WI-l.C;::~ I,. WIL L e.~ F IN ISf-\E~




IT'LL l::e: LAY ,I-\€ ".B




,1-\ ~ ' l1 eN PUT "TI-{E ROOF ,~ I~ C EL LAR

+f 14

FOR SAI.,E-Fres.h J er'~ ,; 0·' 'luil'c of I:url .Gishor .Jt D . .

Boss ,

. MI~A i:::.e::




r r- ':"'I

: 2'" 8- "':T~ c;.\-\ANG€ . IT

• r"" t ..


IT VlI l..l Q?ST

~ .s:.

....... - {ii'1:

FOR SALE- Two ;Bourbon Rel1 tUI'key hens. ' 0, A;' StJohn, Lyt.ln, O. .~ ~. ·f24 FOR SALE- 28 hea.d: of good sh eep !nquire of E. H . Bl'.own, R. D. 5.


G€£, I'M ·MI'I>,(. I'M BU1\-I::>I/l..lG M'( OWI>J
















I ,

• .(


. , -h····. (.


•• ,'

" "1) . ,' ,


. . _'\ .r




tio~TI-\S' .

Ttl; l r \" '011: bt . ~Id , \ Ii 11 y,'orl(c ' ol1\e pup.


'.: f.'}

..., y t,H 'f

00' lb •. ~ , "~r OIl· () ~a ' 8 - 00 lb~' r",'" d :l •. d , j! .,1'. d '!'f $: ,eep ' 'pure hr d F. A. Hartsock, Rte S. . - ·f~O FOR SALE-Good' houle and ' fot on Fourth .treet; electric Ilihta, Watei jn house. Price rlrht. . K. D, Bole, R. D. 6, Wa)'tleavllle, IihOIle 781i (1Gp






,i !





Enr.,.d .,- fit. Po.tolfic c 'Wayne.ICI/II. Ohio. II. Second ( I... Mail Matt.,.

. 1I1rs . Hllldah Burnett is on lhe 's ick


Sub.crip tioD Pric:e, $1.50 per


.Mrs. F orrest Gra ltlm is ill with the


Publi.h et

======-=~.=--== -== -~

Mrs, Emma Lucy s pe nt the week. e nd in Duy to n. Mr. IIn tl ~frs. ehfl' . E , ,r hns ,wre Lehunon vigitol'R, Mnnri llY. Mrs. Ra lph Archd eacon sp(' nt Friday an d Saturd ay in Da)'ton . Li ttl r WiIIlJdin c KllI'fis is confin ed to hel' hOIllP on nc r oll nt of s ickne ~s. Mi ss B ~ rni ce Crlll"'llJ is ou t of sch oo l t his wee k, on accu un t of . ick· ness. 1\11'. F. D ,Dak in, uf Waynesville, mllde II lJus in es5 ll'IP to OUI' vi llage, Mon day . lIIr. Allen Smilh, of ])" yt OIl, wus a S unday gucKL o f his pUl'Cntll, Mr. lind 1\11'5. C.S. Smith , Mr. Stanley So ulh, of Lo v d~n d , spent Monday with his uncle, Mr. Will '01 'lIIan and fami ly. Misses CI a S tacy , Ve lmu S mi th lind AJ I ·~ . 1I1,.rt lc Cux we re Duyton shopper s, W c dn~s d uy. Miss Za<lll We ir, ,,[ Xenia, was a we ' k-cn d g uest UL the home o ( Mr. lind M,·s . J. 13, J Oll es.



The most impol·tn nt thing in Amer. icn Is the baby of today, destined to be the Presiden t, th e. postmas ter, the milliona ire, mechani c 'and fanlcr of the coming ge noration . · The importa nt thing for the baby and there lore (or America 's flature, is milk. Postmas ter New kn o~8 that the farmer gets ILt mos t four or five se ntc a quart for his milk. And the moth· er who needs milk for her children ·pays (rom fifte en to twenty cents. In other word s. the farmer if he does well, after ,rnisig t he culf, wean ing it, tOlLching it \.0 drink out of a pllil, getting up befo re dawn three hundred and sixty:f\ve times a year, cleaning out the stlLlJle, raising the teed and d oing all the r est of It, gets three to five cents 1\ quart fOI produci ng the milk. And so me llody , u8ually an " In telligen t combine ," gets from wtelva to twenty rents per quart fo r deliveri ng the milk." M I'. Postmas ter, why can't you b(, th e milkman and deliver the milk? You deliver egg~ now, and handle millions of them with minimum break IIge, as pou ltrymen will testify. Fresh eggs in cities are worth 60 cents to a dollllr a dozen, dependi n g on the season. Parcel post del ivers them for a few cents per dozen. If it cost as much to distribu te ('ggd as it does to distribu te milk, and if the farmer 'fat present prices for fre sh cgb'S as III winter time, t he city (o n· Bum er would have to plly lit least $3 .00 a dozen. The uistribu tor of miJI, ndd s from one hundred to. tlll:ce hil I d " ~d 1 or I ent to the cost of t he mil:; for I,is trouble in handing it to th e "lJ~to­ mer. Milk, of course, involves m(\rc expensiv e handlin g than eggs, but there should lie r ea so n in oil thing~, even in milk combine s. If it is pOSl!ible to uistrlbu te ~J.:''''''' without breakin g the m, is it not pOR· sble to distribu te milk without ~ ",II · ing it, Or letting it s poil? The parcels post is well managed a nd powerfu l. Glass botU ~8 could be replaced with paper containe rs, sealed wit h paraJfin , bottles thrown away .after use. There is a gigantic waste now in gluss bottles -th e consum er pa)'S that. The po~toffice of the Uni te d States could take the milk ,from tho farmers carry it on rapid trains to the cities, and distri bute it through its great distribu ting agen·-y thut visits every house every day. The milk for which the farmer gets four cents could be delivere d to the mothers of ch,.i\grlln for seven ~e nt8, and o\l\of tf!! mOllt ~ P8t1y ftOm~i les would ' e nbo1ished ~)l" ,i'tnple"goyernment efficiency.



·H.nrl:Y lIaya that he fell out of a ~eri atory building one time, but it didn't' hurt him, bc~use he wits ali ~~I? lirllt /loOl' when he , fell. ·C .... ,;'




K,epln~ r~ce Witl\ ~r~t61'

l>a>1oo Alon. the Linea of .

Progre ss


Mr. E. A. Riley and J. E. Jordan Are at the Head of this , Prol1'essive Institu tion Mr, Riley Is tbe managlnl': part.. , ftar and- Haa had over a quarter of a century experien ce mOlt difficult glaaa work. Be Is a gl8lls authorit y and hlB Judgme nt Ie almost unfatlln g. Mr. J. E. Jordan supervis es all work in detail nnel upon Ii~ sllon\dera fal1 9 tbe :responi llb\lIty o~ 4~ Ilvllrl!l¢ lill ''',drlr :nne ItUn4re lt n'Ar ceul ' arflt¢~ . 1, 1: G... " , • , r'Th~~ M'M¥, IllltrQl\ I, .lIaJ:a~­ teIl4" ftfttiSfacpo'l' Th" fltm speclolli~p III a\ltqmob lle Wind SlllQlas, c\lttlo. Il'llIs~ to tit 4001'8 anif wlllliows 9f <I)C/sed IIl1tolllQblleq, Grlp-alng qn!l flllllalllll, tbe e!\ge@ a!H\ resettlllll' IIII\SI while you wali, Tiley supply all ~Inde ot IIIas8 for a\llomob lle handlfll1ta aB well a8 wind elt!elds. The,. also 40 r~8l1verlnl of mlrrorl -luppl, . all kinds of 111488 topa , tor the hom. or oWee furaltur e and opallte aholves for bath room •• Both member 8 of tha firm are gla88 speCialists. Speciali sation counta these days. Here you get ' what ,;ou want aa you want It and wbon ,ou want It. Dalton Lena lind G18118 Bevelin g WQtlfl 'tl\ye tIll! fl!Hlt, tl\~' ~~q~ I~ ' t e fJlJrtMlPIBPCI! 111\11 t"'l1 ~ sire 'to ; leftse' eaCJb and' etealr


tAlm.J :;,



All . work Is done satisfac torll, ed" economi cally and rememb er yOU em drln I,n ;,blla work ltI belna done-tb e,. hue facilitie s for'that . '.1Wilen you' comer to I,lay-

UI8lli ,ii,' tft~~ tltTll1\fl\~~ ~, :~I"l\~'~· '

, w;~eD J~ "ee4 o~ anf.l~I~~ \D . the- alia. fne'; 'ca1l ~n pa~ton LenB a'Dd 01811 WorkS. nortltwe st eoi'. ner<Hopefatid ,and' cotlcord s'treeta. You • wI~r l!e Ja.tli!l~q ',h~~u8e merit '(a' ~ni~* df '\!.I!~{ tT.!m8"~ Uoli 1I.,r~ iaU.tlij\t' al~.'~ 'merit hOWl, DO other w~" . .

Lincoln Orator

XENIA - Milso n Douglas s, Dayton attorney , was the orator when the MaNon ie club commem orated Lincoln at its annulIl bAnquet and me~Ung, Friday night at the Maso nic temple.

HARVEYS8URG 1 itl ln >f" "thn Ashl ey is sufl'erin t!: with tonsiliti 8. Little Wayn e Grny is quite ill with intestin al grippe. . Mrs. R. F. Shumak er wa ~ a bu sin ess visitor in Wilming ton, recently. Mr. and Mrs. H oward Graham were Lebanon visitors, Wednes day. Willard Bogan is at home agllin, having received his discharg e from t he army. Mrs. Harold Gillam and children arc visiting her mother and sislers in Covingt on, Ky. Mrs. Geo. Dllnney I! at the home of her siater In Andeno n, Ind., owing to the death of her nephew . Mr. and Mrs. ·Geo. I. Smith and family visited their children , Mr. .and Mrs. Herbert Mart. at Ogden, Sun· day.

FRANK LIN-Th e Frankli n ·Paper Stoe k coml,an y recenlly received an importe d shipmen t of 500 bales of Japanes e rags. These rags lire of in· terestin g patterns and colors, Leing the cast-of!' clothing of the w~ll·to· do Japanes e. The bales were all pressed by s team and tightly clas ped in metal bands. The Franklin Paper Stock compun y ' recently ins\al\ec\ electric eleyatQr a~ their p\an~ lind will add I\n\lth~r .....asher and a dryer til \t\eir Ilqllipment. They are ~ehind In the fillIng of orders for theIr san· Itary rags, and the new equipm ent is needed to kllep up with the grow·· Rev. Wottrin g, o( West Ru shville , ing business . Ohio, will preach at the Jonah's Run r hurch, Sunday morning , Februar y 21st. Fair Board EI.cta BAT A VIA-T he Clermon t 'County The M. E . Aid met Thursda y afterFair board met In Batavia reoontly , noon. The program consiste d of a and closed up \he bU8ine~ of t"e contest in which Mrs. Sara Clark year 1925, and opened th" work for winner. The lunch was deliciwas ous the Vtft!' lOllI!, 1Iy. electing offieen. sandwic hes, pickle, peach pie and cofIl'h'~ aat\UI Ilt'th\s year's fall' are Aug- fee. iiait 18 to 2f. commen cing on \\fednes day and closing wlih Saturda y, this Mr Ilnd Mrs. W : lIf. Mathias , Misses being the firs~ y~ar U\a ~tr WM Mab'el and Margar et Starr, \If Day· evor helQ on \\l.@last dllY Qt t\l~ week. ton, were Sunday guests of their mothel', loin. Amanda Starr. Mrs. St&rr accomp anied them home , for a ~f~er 4,\ ,,~~.\ ~n.,i~e week's visit. LEBAN ON - T\le~dl)ll mernlng Mr. and lIfrs. Frank Wilson have member s ' of tl\@ Wt,nen eounty bar, county officialS and ot\ler ~Iends as- received the announc ement of the sembled In the Oommo n Plells Oourt birtl1. on Febf\lar y 4, at· a daughte r, room. Judge Wrig\\t pr\ls\ded and a Betty Jane, to Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur summon s was sen\ \0 J)eputy Cler~ W. Wilson, at Roanoke , Va. The D. W Humphr eys to present himself little miss weighed eight pounds. in the court room. In a fe ..... we1\· The Valentin e Bocinl given by the chosen words the Ju4ge pronoun oed a gracefll \ trit!lI~e til \tie services reno M. E. Aid Friday evening , was a dered the QD~l" "IId ~be Qommu nlty success In every sense of the word. by Mr. Humplir eya, and In conol uslon The program was very fin e, and presente d him with a handsom e gold the supper was deliciou s, and, best of fountain pen and a beautifu l bask~ nil the crowd was large. They clearof flowers, a birthday gif,t from the ed' quite a neat sum for t heir treas· ury. bar and friends. There were quite a number p resentThe Old Fire B.II at the High school room Friday morn· LEBAN ON-Th ere Is a possibil ity ing to .hear the reading of the Lin· that the old fire bell that for many coin Essays. Those reading were: years pealed forth Ita warning of Misses Harriett , Lucille, Evalyn Tuck. fire while restinK in the tower above er, Kathlee n Graham , Davis Bogan, Washin gton haU, now ,M emorial hall, James Cnrback , Cecil, Eakin, Winston but replaced by the .presen t siren, Cline John Rob erson and Gerald Ad· may come into ita- own again ; ' A ~ amBo ' The judges w~re Rev. Moon, the last meeting blhe Vinag~ 'eo~: Howard Mc.Ka:v. I\n~ Ch.arles O(\ster. They de~i d~ d in favpl' of MII\S Lulci a proposa l to e 'a ~\vir.- "l\ UI~ Tuckeri ~o ""hll!1I was presente d east end ot t~ " .lle!f. h Q~~ !\n~ cille the L\nr ofri med",l awarde~ by. the place th~ \>~~t 'e~t \\1 t\gl\ .1\ ,punt! Illinois Watch compan y. MISS VIOlet Its warlJl9t~ ~! .~! ~» 1i~ug~t \l~, Bogan won the medal In last yeor:s contest, so was eliminat ed from thIS. Spoule SOOD for,o\te R The Batist Mission ary Circle he ld XENIA -After declarin g Ihe Will througli 'with mon to~ver, at the a Silver Tea at the h ome of Mrs. W. time of her divoroe from the Rev. W. A. Haines, Wednes day afternoo n . W. Ou)~~ elopIng pastor, tormerl y of After the devotion s the roll was cI111. Spring valley, the former Mrs. Culp ed, to which each r espo nded with ,8 now Mrs. ~emln, is residing with her quotatio n from Li~c oln . . Mrs. Nelhe new husband on a dairy farm, nenr Cutrigh t read an mterest mg story of the life of a girl in India, Mrs. E. Mishaw aka, Ind. ~ B. Doster read extracts from a letter from her dsughte r, Mrs. W. W. Cos· Cue.t of Wbite Hou.e sum, who, with her husband " is doin~ YELLO W SPRIN GS-Sen ator S. mission ary work at Suifu, West Ch,· D, l~ess is the guellt of Preside nt and na . . 'rhe letter describl ld their Chris. Mrs. Coolidg e at the White House. mas activitie s. Mrs. Doster also gave At the I?reslde nt's request the' "junIor an outline of the work of the ·Cii'l;le. Ohio senator has taken up his abo\1e' As tMs was a\J!o a ':.ulll\ar Day,'" eneh tempora rily at the chiet lCX~!i\l~k:.~~ memb"r pic'dri\e~ rl1dllar "and told residenl:~, ~~(lltu~ ~)., ~ 'IIl\leplh" in rhyma hbw '.be earned her dollar. In the Il\rge loutlieast 'be room 'on' These rhymes were v~ry clever and the second ftoD ..: 'The an . ent' hantP amu~ing and disclose d mllny ways by (arved bed' is the one that And,rew which a woman can 'earn a dollar. The Jackson used when presiden t. c• ." . program was Interspe rsed with Vic· ,. t trola musill. Guests tor the afternoon inlcudln g the Metho«.Ii~t Mission . ~ 80eiet¥, (oiftOnC;l.s' · l4ll1l1lon· till) 'Il:~~~~la1'J o.n'4'" ttv.ruh.e\' A " ors. ',l"lte b:08il! ~, a~j8tedofbyneigh. Mrs. C. G. Randal1, :~ ;\. R. P.enny and ·:bree daugllte i-f; ' "rvell ' deliciou s


OU8tom er--"Thl s butter Isn't ncar· Iy aB fresh as what you sent me last week." . GrocCl'- "That's strange j it's from the !!IIP" tl;1b," . _n .'

Ters e Newslets Plucked from Our Exch ange s

RaJI from Japan


Buckeye Irlcub~tors and ' Brooder•




Ul" 11611"",

~o~;a~n" .sanrle~e8 ' 'wit~ c:~~'; \'.n~.

NEW BURLINGTON ,Tohn Powell h a ~ been conlin I'd to his home f OJ' a week with I!riPJle. Mrs. Fannic McKc (', of Spring' \ nlIcy, is the gucst of MI'. and Mrs, H. F, Compto n. Daisy L . lI uin es, of Fl'iend sviU(', Tenn., is s pend ing a few days with relatives he re. The Woman 's Home M~s i o nary s o· ciety met with Mrs. Curl ess for an al1-day se wing, Thursda y. A Lincoln : program was rend ered in th e M. E. church Sunduy evcning , undJ'r the auspice s of the "Brolhe rhood." The C. E . and Chrislia n leagu e en. joyed a ValentiTile party at the home of Ray Carr an di family, Monday ev· ening. C. H. Smith and family, of Colum_ bus, were the wElek·end guests in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W, C. Smith. . Mrs. Sarah LytIe, who has been with relative s in and near Wilmin gton, for seve ral weeks, has return ed to her home, her,e. The services at the Friends church Sunday morning were in charge of member s of theA. M. E. church, of Harveys burg. The service wus great. Iy BPpreci atefi by lUI who were there. Tile home·ta lent play, "Yinnie Yohnso n's Yob," was II complet e suc· cess. It was giv«lII in the High school building on Wednes day evening and In the school building here on Thul'll. day evening . Proceed s amount ed to more than $55.

.- ..----

Mrs. 1\Iary Ca rmony wn ~ n Sunday di nne l' ~u p st of Mr, lind Mrs. Wi llJu r lurk, in Wllyn esvill e. 1111'. und Mrs. llul'l'Y lII cGinni s were w ' ek · cnu guests of I)r. und Mrs. L, B. lIali a nd f amily , in Way neS\·il1e. Mr. lind Mrs . Kesler Craha m and dau g hte r, spent S undn y with Mr. ond Mrs. a rl AlhriJ.:'ht., nClIr S pringbo ro. Mrs. Ru lph J uhn s I'e turn cd home, Sunuay. a flel' sev e ral dayg' vi ~ i t wilh hel' siste r, ~ !J's . Hoy Ic KirlJy , in Dny. to n. Li tll e Evi l' '' nn u Prnnc es J o hn~ spe nt mo. t of las t w(' e k with th eir gr a ndp a r ent", 1\lr. and Mrs. J a mes J ohns. 11"". and I\I r s. Hoy F'r ie n nood lind childJ' c n \\' r re , lIndu y eve ning 1;'lI cs ts of Mr. and 1\11'• . Ceo l'ge Sco t t and fam il y. MI', an d Mrs. Cu lvin Lonj!a cre, of Duyton, spent s veral clays Ins t w ek with the la tter' s pare nts, JI1 r. and 1\U". S. 1I. Burn ett. Th e Lndics A iel of Lytl e ch urch, will giv e n chic ke n ~ UP Jle l' li nd e nt er· tainmen t ut Lytle 1-1011, Saturda y ev. e ning, Februar y 27th. Th e Sprin gboro grunge will ·pre· sent the play. "Yimmi e Yohn ston's Yob " at L ytl e Hul1, tl:'. Th n sdny evening , Februar y 1StI-. Mr, and Mrs. William Ccleman en· tertaine d Rev. and Mr• . T. L. Stotler and so n ,Pllul, of Spl'ingb oro, to din· n('r, on Tuesday of last week. Mr, a nd Mrs. Herman Saylor and son, of Miamisb urg, spent the week· end with Mr. and Mrs, William Long. Mr. Long accomp anied them home, and w ill also visit hi ~ brothel', who is quite ill, at West Carrolto n. A delightf ul affair of the past week was Wednes day, when Mrs. Mary Carmon y entertai ned several friends from II :30 to 4 :30. Thc sumptuo us noonday meal and social afternoo n were enjoyed by the f ollowing guests: Mesdam es Emma Ru ssell, Belle Scott, Georgi,1II na Haines, A lice Clark, Em_ ma Brown, Clora Thomps on, Margaret Johns, Hllrriet McGinn is, Mary Marshal l and Letiti a Kenrick .




nesv ille, Ohio

Ced ar Lawn Dairy 123 Acres on the Cinci nnati Pike

One - Quart er Mile from ' Leban on, Ohio-- -- Wonde rful View- ---Ove rlookin g Valley S"v,en room hOUle, e lectricit y a nd furnace , bardwoo d Roon, I..... living room, open fireplace , bank barn recentl , wired .lectric:ity, city p" wer. Larlre Duro Electric pump for for no• •i •• wa ter, milk bou se, da iry equipme Dt complet e, iDcludiDI' bottli •• maab ine. and I"para touj aloo DeW Ouele .. boilor. Good , .... ing ; 30 choice C O W_, truck and farming implelJle Dta. now $650 to $750 Per month. Po .. e.. ioD lri",eD Marcia 1, 1.11. Will conoide r city propert y iD eUMDl 'e or' will lell farm paymen t of $5,000 down, or will ull COWl, dairy equipmwilla dairy route and farm chattel •• eparate , aDd reDt farm for ••', cula mone y reDt. For price, aee


7 E.. t Second Street



in life are never gifts. The,. are bought with struggle an4 sacrifice. Regular dep~its in TI,e We.rt Sidlf will make your victories easier' and more certain ""' here Su'\'ln",... A.rc



DR. E. M~ RUDOLPH. . ,... E,. SI.Il, Sped" " • r ~

At Cary'.' ,.Jewehl' She, ~aD,Ohlo

Eve r, Tue ,day I,GO . . . . . . 4 ..





'0 .. ,


Assets Over 9 Millions Dollars More Than 18,000 Members O'le 01 the Oldest Dnd Stront e,i Buildin g AS$oc;ation$ in the S'atlf

WEST SIDE BIDLDING & WAN ASSoCiAl1ON West Side Office, ' Third and Broadw ay East Side Office, 510 East Fifth Street Centra l Office, 19 East Third Street

Dayto n, Ohio




Phone 201


. 11~

H. Russell



Our Wind ows Are Full of SALE B~LLS But We Haye Room and Time to Print Your .


Mrs. Billy says that the farmer is lucky again. AnnaJe nsen is on the sick list If he were more prosper ous the gov ernmen t would try to regulate him. Mrs. Fanni e McKee is visiting Mrs. Amo s DeHave n, ncar New Bur· lington. Mr. J ack Reeves was moved t o his hOl\lc from the lIIcClellan 'hospita l, in Xenia, Friday. , Mr. and Mrs. Howard Littler, of Union, spent Su nday with Mr. and Mrs. Toner. Underw ood. Mrs. Sarah \.nabec visited her mother, Mrs. Hiett Perry and sister, Mrs. Middlet on, Sunday. Mr. Ed Pratt and his neice, Mrs. Retla Adams, of Dayton , spent Sun· day W th Mr. Frank Pratt. Mrs. James Hubbard , of Old Town, has been the ~ue8t of Mrs. Julia Cof· felt, for several days last week. Mr. and Mrs. J . N. Startsm an and Mr. J . H. Thutc her, o! Bellfou ntaine, were week·en d guests of Mr. and "'COLrl 'I8" Mr s P. O. Hud so n. M08t fI!1fl'1 one JmOWl! the locaMr and 1111'S. Hllrry Rakestr aw and tion 1IDd . geD81'IU outUne of the 30n, David, and Mr. and Mrs .. William greet _ of. t:he bod,. Colttitl fa risher, defined 118 "any disturba nce of the day, of of Dayton, were /,tuests, SunMr. and Mrs. William Copsey. seoretion or inna:rvat lon in the col~ The Friends Quarter ly meeting on." It Is not Ilecessa rlly inflammatory. Displaee menta or II8gg'iDg was fair ly well attended co nsideri ng of the coloa may be a partiBl the bud con dition of the roads. Itov. causa, and overload ing contribu tes RusscIJ BU1'kett, of Xenin, delivcl'cd to the ugly process. Protrnct ed a n excellen t serm on. Thi s was the errol'll of diet are probabl y the fi rst quarter ly meeti ng fOI' IIlony most real BOUl'ee" and 'these errors, yours without at lellst one vlsiting min if known, may be avoided .. I have ister from out. th e limits of the qUill'· seen chronic coI:1tis intensifi ed b;: t e rl y meatinl!'. The Young Peopl e's 8urglca1 operatio ns in the meeting on Sabbath afternon n was well attended . Thi s mec (ill ~ leaying the pnti?nt ,"«on\lerlitg why. very a <\dresse d by the Rev. Hcrshal sh\I' cUdn'~ get . Emtirely well-th t was Folger, of th e Wilming tol\ Frl e nd ~ ' \l,W!rator 'appan mtly overlook ing ohurch. This was a very strollg a nd the cqmpUcadon. • And, too much~ helpful message even 01 the right; kind of nourish-. people. Sp~eial, especial ly for YOIIIl/{ mus ic was furni shed ment, will' .colitis actiVe. by Xenia and SpriJ,lg Valley young Diet is ~b~~. ...""'~-.:, al ...... m or· ~tii, ' tried, or hard, ~w


F. T. Martin 'Auctioneer ',....


Dat. your ~lea ~JIi u.. ,We ...tiafactioD 01" char•• Doth. . .


CeDteivin~, o. PhODe .No. a , ,.






the cnrpl't hy Ihe Bill .id : .


...... MlAMl GAZlnl .


r to explain,

-- --

\\;'l' (l~ ~ Iln (} \\ n z


dl'uil nnd t h

FORGETFUL The police of 1\ nearby town were t old a hurglnr "'aM In n HI liter. 'I'hey Wif o-~' Why are you takln~ IImio ru shed to the plnce nnd g uard!'d all the entrtlll oes yut hI! el uded th m. utnbrellu8 along?" " 1' \1 "forget one In t he On!! tlrlll of tho '11Iw slIid he must . PI'Of0980 hllve c8cap~ d by way ' :( one of th rt' tuu runt, ono I' ll lenve on thu t I'uin and the other ·I'U uso it It rain R:" exits.

Luther Burbank, Famous HortW:ulturist

<'1\1" And T'vtc> ~rno 1c '''~ on thl ~ job .. I WIl Z tip ~he polo tina Pet" " ' lIZ '00 t he) g l'llllllU. 'I'he)r~ wux t W(l \\ uz IIv" clIl'I'y ill"S OOO h ., "k)" ~ Il ll tho Ii e O'H' '1'hl 'n h e ,;nid: "Stl~·, elim !. Ull III1fI ~hllt 0 1l' Ihe

- ::e:::::::s


n": h~ r

v"IL~ .

J I" . hy mish.w.

Bill, please ('urre)nt:" lIarrill III n. her wos ill Cincinnati, Friday. -- ~

~ l l's

I':d " " l' k in ~ lust Tursda,- .

Several More Weeks of Cold Weather



I in IIllyt nll, l ..

that you will have to use coal to . keep your home comfortable.



d in Bellbrook

Bring your Eggs to Kroger




,I;, ), .

~fI'~ . AllWli:l "' illiulI1 s WII S U \' i ~ i t" r, Mllnd u y,

I t un

We recon1mend


W. E. CMlld l \\, prc

~I I' ~ .

M,·. IInri

Yi ~ it


:'oll ·~. l: u,,· \'11 ~ "li ; l ltIry i. ill 10lld for " f e w dny , .



('\to \'(' .

Genuine Miller's Creek, I :'<1 ,·<. Hulda h Ru rll\'lt. wh o ... i,.. k Gem Lump, Premium and Yellow Jacket Coals Ie nd a t h e r h " 111e:-;mith in \" ' 1', ,,11 1,,,. Ohi... 11:1 '

' PI' 1l

f el l' ~ t ' \l (' l'nl tb y~, i ~ l't'l t t 'l".

~l j .sH L o u i ~ i'


' Ii' :>:" " ll I F lu.



\\' ( ' t \ l.,. ·

A 1" "1' "IWll li ing' n wI,,,k h.,I',' . Ir .


~~~~~~====~~=~==~========~:3 "!!I!!!!!~~~~,!,!",-,~~-,~_~~_ _ _ _ _~~~~~~~~

:O:l)(' n t t h l')


I\II·s. Flo .~ip

EIll!t'Y Wl\ I'(,'

Sun d ay ,

CIII'l' r

1', ' 1'




Here is the great "Plant Wizard," snapped while on an in spec· t ion lo ur of his wonder gardens at Santa Rosa, California. The worltt, to .which he has given sto ncie!s pi ums, seedless oranges, Md D hun· ,lrcJ other " fl'llit~ of his labors," ill g lad to hear ho will not retire , nor will his gardells be sold as W08 reported.

Iholll ild.

:1nd ~li ,,~ I. u c y

slipopinS! in Dayt l)ll. ia ~ t

_"'- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _.... Thu'·MdIlY. W. II. Allt'n "'U5 ill Dayton,

~ I I' < .

Start The Little Chicks Right 90 % of the Loss in Chicks is in starting. Start them right by using

Conkey's Starter and Scratch Grains A feed that world over.


Cnrt\\'ri ~ hl Hlltl

Ilr. Fnf'r

W (l f l '

known the

Fresh Feeds

WayoesvDle farmers' Exchange Co. Wayne8ville, Ohio


GLASSES I will coatia_ 1\. practice of Dr. Y ountr. Optom&trilt. .; I will h. at lhe Grantre HaU.

THURSDAY OF EACH WEEK Hi. pa1t_1a aad ollo.r. are cordially iaviled to cali for .. ay lervice . ........ No char•• for ac1juatiD, ,Jalle" I Ii ... .peelal aUelltion to EYE AND NERVE STRAIN al wclt .. .u DEFECTS OF VISION. CROSS EYES are du e to NERVE . STRAIN. Se..._t7·S .... p&r cent can h e .traitrbtened without opera. . ~,a. ConsultatioD free. · DAYTON OFFICE 294 LUDLOW ARCADE

G. H.

On ae collnt (\f th e heavy rn in Sat · urda y night the river overfluwed it, bunk". li nd Mondll\' th e) wutel' \\' U " :'<11'. 11110 M,,". Ollk lc-y 1I11~ l csl>y uve r till' Ave n ue 50 ' dCl'p D ~ to be im· pne"ih((· fo r machilH's. It soo n r ecet! . "'('1'(, ill ]la y t Oil , lII()ndll ~; . et!, howe ver. and but v ry li ttl e d am· :'oIl'S. .l, ,·ff Sm ith IIlId ]\11'5, Lucy age W II " dune. Se".,·,, 1 horses unci cattle w~re DiTt t!s W(Jl'e J uyltun \' hd lu l' ~ iaHt Thur~ caught in th e bottoms. but they cume day . out "II I'il{ht. A C(·" rdi ng t o the old tradition there Mrs. Lucy Din ps, of W,'st E :kte,I], hlls been yisilin g he,' ~i ~(('r, Mrd. Jeff ,,'i11 I,,· fo ur ' ore snows Yl't th is \vill" ter -cig-hte en having a lready fa llen. Smith . ~Ii "

See the) WiI"o ll'. in th~il' fun ny "ketches tit lIIi nm i tI1l'ntl" ', C\',' ry Th u r ~dllY eye ning-. 1111'S. G. n. ]\h lls was callcd to Slll·ing-fidd. 1I10ndny. on nC r'c,unl \I f the illnc'ss o f her . i.ler.

Fn' d M. Coil' is in Clevl' llln,1 t his we ek atte nding tI IlI N,ti ng o r th ... Oh i" Hurdwnr" D"lIlers' " ",.cia t io n.

Mr. J . C. I'nbbe utll'ndecl th e meet 1\Irs. A . P. Cnrstcnsen nnd "on, of ing of the West Central Oh io Smith· Alba ny, N. Y., nnd lI! r~ . H. W. Hit. lI ughes Teach er s lIssocia ti on, in Day. tel', a nti so n. of Cleveland, are gu eJ<ts ton, last Saturday. of L. A Zimmerman and family. Mr. lind 1I1rs. Howard Archdeacon Tire ,' ,dellni shop, Come in wcre gucsts nt n birthday dinner a t for repaired ca~in ga. Kod el Rndios th e hom e of 1111'. Archd ellColI't nephew nnd Ilssembled sets Irom $12.00 up. R. F. Mills. in Franklin, 0 11 Su nd ay. Hev. and Mrs. L. A. Washburn litlI'-rs. Vern Armitage, 1\Irs. ,T, C. tended th e Su nday. chool rall y at Barvey. burg Sunday afternoon. Rev. Hawke, ].1r&. J ohn Fromm and H. A. Co rn (' ll wer e in Wilmington , MOllday, Wllsllbum g a,'c l\ll able address. attellding Eastel~il l)/.:\Ir schoo! of in· stru ctio n. vu lcanizing in forTire r epaired casi ngs. shop. KodclCome Radios lIfr. and Mrs. Ellis McClure, of an d a ssembled sets from $12.00 up. nenr Springboro, arc the proud pal'· R. F, Mills. en ts of a li t tl e daughter, born Wed· nesday, F ebruary 17, at th e Midd le· Mr. and Mrs. F. B .Henderson ond town hos pital. daug h ters, and Mre. Kate Coleman vbited Mr. a nd Mrs. Ha1'1'Y Turner " Ja!:k" ,,\ jlso n, bt'tlcr knowlI us and son , at Bellbr ook, Su nday aIter. "Jako" of Barto ne 's Idelll compnny, noon. wil l ofl'er you an evening Df real en· j oyment at Miamj th<:tlter, .fi very Mr. a nd Mrs. A. z. Hartsock and , Thursday e\·cning. family, of Clarksville, Mr. 11m! Mrs. H. C. Harvey and daughter, MIss Do. Mrs. W. P. Snlisb tiry, who has been rill, of Lebanon, s pellt Sunday with very ilJ, will , on the a dvice of her Mr. and Mrs. ROlli Harts.o ek. . ph ysician, IC)1)'C in a fe w days fo r t he Sou th, hopillg to j.,e I'cnMitte d. She "Jake" in his tunny monolOIrS with will be acc.ompanied il Y h ~ r d~ ij ~nter, lots of good jokes ilnd sto.1'ies, aJao Mi85 Htlze l. parodies and coon Bongs, Introducing wa ltz clol1' soft shoe MId buck dan c· Mr. an.} ~lrs . Wil bur Clark entcr· ing , at MIami theater every Thursda y tn ined fit dinner. SUlld a y, honor ing evening. Mrs. E. .1. CnrmollY, w!lo se Uirthday a n nive r"II"I' ~' it wn.. The gu~s ts we .. e t. Mary's Gu ild will ml'et with IIIr. anel Mrs. }': . .1. Carmony and chll. Miss Emma Heig hway on Thursday dr~n, of 1)J:in g-fl (' ld, 1\lrR. Mnry Ca l'. aftcrnoon F~h ru 8ry 18th, at 2 mon y, of ~ytle . ~lI ss Mildred Chll'k, o'clock. We begin our Lell te ll sew. o f Ce nte n 'ille, ~Itr. Everett Clurk, of ing f? r the Childre n's h !,l~'p i tll l at this Da yton, Mr, nn dl i'l ,·s. C. W. Yo un ce . meeting. , Millnii Tncl1tel' every Thu rs day ev. e nln/!: Merchants Adv ertiSing Cam· Plli!fll. ~cycrll l a rtic les of merchan· d isc will be f(IVt ,n r..ray to patrons of the above tbeater eve y Thursday n ight Be sure and come. You may tok e away ROlI1e of the valuo.\)le,. Every one hus a n equal chance.

- -- -.,.

A" mem bers of Miamj lVnlJ\l¥ CoundJ No, .1,03 Jr, O. U. .A. '1\1: , ~e urf(c d lo be p)'I!lI€nt at the regular mee ting next F"riday Ilvenlllll, Feb"lI/try 1!J, at 7 :HO sharp. Tlie Lell. I\non Degree te am wi lt be present un r co nf er th e degr ees. Vis iting ~nd sOJVlIrnj ,,~ ,Juniors ure cordially ·In· viled . R... fres hm cnls. A. GAR1J.'Ett, QH U!l5Cllor. PlC01';l', #-: .§:

FOR SALE The re.idenc·e of the la t e L e titia M"K,. y, I'it,ua t ed on Third s tree t in Wayne·.ville. Mo.clern in every way. E lectric li ll' hto, furnace b.Ilth. Price a nd t e rm.. reaao~able . In.peet ion at any ti me by apply.

Inll to




Waynesville Motor 105


Waynesville, Ohio


AT THE CHURCHES ST. MARY'S CHURCH At St. Ma ry's church t onight, lit 7 :00 , the Ash Wedn esday servic e will cOlls is t or t he Litany and Pen itential ll tIie e. SCl'viceR every W'e dnesda y ev· enin!\, dpring 'Lent 'at 7 :90, . . S unday, Febru.Rl')' ?1, Pirst S\1n,d!lY III Le nt. Ch urch School'ut 0':80 ~' !:'11 Morni nf( P r ayer and Bermon at' II :Ou p'cl oc k. All a re welcome. " .. Rev. ~p~n ~. Schae,fl·er. Re.c tqr. FERRY CHURCH



CLIFTON FLOUR, 24 1·2 pound sacl( for ' .




/l 1.oca1 g arage man says autois~ should be careful who they run c.ver. A g,ood. .Dlllny p~J?pI9 pAl?7 glass flasks WhICh badlr ~l1t .



- -- ---- -

Eatmor e, pound .... ... ........


22C ~Pni~!~5Slb'"'''' ' ' ' 29c

Bald win • • 6 lb . ...... ........ ..... ..... 25c

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..

Z'IM MERMAN'S Clearance Sale

- - -- -

Old Fashioned, Kettle Rendered, 2 pounds for . . . ' ,

~.?~f~.~G: O,~,:~ 25c I ~~!~e,orru~~

.-. *e" . .

Chll7!ey sriys bJ .round a ijme· ~ble tha t was Jrrlnted twenty.flve yeal'lJ ago. (Wonder It all the trains are III by now?) • ~.

t 4E-""-.


~~,I~a~er~leaner 15c r~:~:~~~u~8,~ Special for Saturday ~~~~~~:S . :.. . . 25 C Still Going On


E.t r" Fa nc)' Rom& Beautv Apple., The Snelt ),ou e .aw.


pounds for 2 5 e

1 Opound8 for5ge VICK SALVE, 35c .ize,


Beans ~u~1.~~~ ~~~~: .22 c I Han!, picked, 3Ib . ...... .. .. 20c ---~e~~~~~ .. .... .......... 2 32cC Cu red pound .. ..... .


..... .. .. ... ......

23e Special pri5. IpJ' §~~~ rd ~ )' only.

We are 8till paying the highest price8 for Poultry.- Call us when you have any Poultry to sell

L. A. Zjmm~rJl1an Pbone

6q · ~

f.. D.


. GENERAL INSURb.NCE The OLD RELIABLE CALEI" DAr: 18 here. C~lt at I - (' C - -----~~...-.,..I}~t.""l'.~••~S!!!iWi"·

Tuesday Feb. ' 23rd

@}I1~W~~ IIDAW

fljOHrDay at 0",. storel

l, "1

j, February 23rd will be OLIVER DAY in Wayne;; ville and you are cordially invited to be our guelt on that day, Your friend. are invited, too, and you'll have a good c::hal)ce tf) with them a. long a. yo'u like. Come and meet then) b-oro, · L(lt', aU ie' beUer acquainted.

At noon hot coffee and .andwiche. will be .ervcd free. It has alway. been our aim to render a real servite to the farmera of thi •. community and we. feel that through this Oliver nay we can help you .olve s~me of your farm problem.. Oliver men will be on hand to anawer que.tion. and explain the Uael of the fu,1 line of late at improved implements that we will have 9!t ·di.pJ!i)'.· .. :

c ... , ~ ' . " .'

OF '"!JIlT

MornI ng se r vice!) :3 0; Bible School, Evening Let UI . how you how. to enrich Communion and se rmon. All are welcome to your treaoury $100 to $5000. For service, 7 :00. 0 111' meetings. We invite you. full detail., write Natha n Jo hnson, Minister. IMPOR'J' SPECIALTIES AS. P erry Thomas, Supt• ..sOCIATH)N, Sloan Bld \:.; . Cle ¥el .... d, OhIo - - ' ," METHODIST CHURCH Sal>b~th' S~"oPI, 1I :j.1) ~. m:, Prre~~h. in.1l at 10 :30 11. til. J!l'p wor.t.» ~jl~S'lie 6 .16 p. m , Preaching at 7.00 p. iii .• Wednesday evening Prayer meeting, 7 :30. Everybody · invited to these services, < Rev. L. A. Washburn, Pastor. '



~ ~. ---

AUentla,t, J~:p-io,~!


Pay your monex and take your choice. In either case you II show wise judgement In picking a Pathfinder. I . Pathfinders are big, tough tread ed, good looking tires..-made in the world's largest tire factory for folks who've been bying to get long mileage out of low priced, un· known brands. No coaxing or coddling thele babies. They deliver. The manufacturers guarantee 'em---and 10 do we. We've got your lize-·-when you' want it--at a price so I~:w you'll ·be surprised. .

$ 1 • 29

Cou n'tr y Cl ub, 24 I ~-Ib . sack fo~

\r .. ·~ Bm'hlllllll ~ Pl' lIt ~lIl\ da y

i'll'S. MII"" I Alldl' )'son, (lC Ft. An· "Lav ern e," Mrs. 'Vilso n, will elltl"'. CiClll, "Iwn t the wl)"k'cnd \\ ilh her !.ain YOll with lla llad sin g i n~ und blu e ur th e r, E. H. Ben tl,'y, an t! u thH n ·l. "OIl~ S ; a lso non:\ ty numb ers, every utivcs. Thursday even in g, lit l\!ium i theater.

Mrs. W. E . Stroud e1Iter tui ncd t II delightfu] dinn E'r , SundllY . In hOIl' or p f 'h er hushond's and 80n' ~ hirth . day, .wti,lch fnlls on the same doy .• 'J'h~ fo)lo\\;ng f:ucsts were pr rson t: MI' . Jlnd )\h-s. L: p, (.;hiles, Mr. find Mrs. Ot:1lo H!ln,d enon; iM'r. lind Mrs. F. . T . Stroll t\ lind *,OQ, -Claude, ;!rtr, "'o l'n'~t Cmne and d otl/l".h ter, 1'.1,,,,, Marjori e, of Ci ncinnati, and Mrs. Ma ude GI'U III' ~11I.J da ughter.l, MiBse~ iA>ui,e, Mul' v lind A-ll nalce . •

The Economy Twins


ill IllIy(on.

F."lhers of the M. E. !"UI1· Born- To Mr. un ci Irs. Frnn k day. chool, wi ll have a nUl rk~t in the _ hc plwnJ, Thu rs, ln~' , F\,hru nry II , a Sid es ruom. IIturtla y, ~llI rl' h la. dll ll );h te r. .

The mnny friend s of Marjo ri e, Jit. t/.e .(1 a ughter of . Mr. and Mrs. Emer · Soft Earn hart, wiljl Ibe glad to lInow that ahe is re overing after an m ness of aeyerai w" ~s. 111 a rjo lie \VIIS mtlde very :ha(}py 4Jy ,II Valentin e sh ower, having r ecci-..ed f1.r~y Va!en. tnea {rom h e.1' trien~s, .

.Here They Are---

High Water

63 c

BULK SUGAR , 10 pounds f or


J)U)·t u ll . TUl·, dny.


We have just received a car of

Phone 2S


:llr. ",,,I Mr • . .1 . n. Ca rtw l'ig'ht, S . It,d a y .

25-pound pac ke

You Set the Price Sealed bid. on the Oliver No. 37 Two-Row Cultivator wilt be opened on Oliver Day. Don't overlook thi. chance to lJe~ the .~ultivator yo~' want' at ~ price you set y.o uraelf. • Be .urel t~~ ~t( f.~!'~!! r:!'!! ~i~ in time and be' with u. When it it opel'led. ,,' . . ' , . .'.


Come. and E'nJoy . !,!~elf-TO,~DA:Y, FEBRU~~ 23rd. . i

Seventy -~ i ghth

Yea r

This Week





Wh ole Nu mb er 56SQ Doings at High School LEBANON DEGREE STAff W ar re n C ou nt y N o rm I:..•..••.......•...•••••.. al D ur in g the P as t W ee k VIS i Int ere stin g Iten :ta I ITS TH ELOCAL A ct iv it ie s fo r P as t W ee k : fro m the I .JUNIOR COUNCIL St at e . Caoltal r.

At the last mee ting of th e Alet henai Lite rary 8oci ely, two inte rest ing repo rts wer e give n. Lou elia Willia mso n told man y littl e odd ities as weli as h istor ica li y inte rest ing fact s of th eir . so jour n in Flor ida. Mar y Hun t , who has trav elled exte nsiv ely, in the Wes t, th orou g hly disc usse d Yeli owst one Nati onal park a nd Crater Nati on pa rk. As she ha d li ve d with in 8 few mile s of the lutte r, famili arity soun ded t he keyn ote ot the repo rt.

The date of the publ ic Ath en ian ente rtain men t has been chlln gcd Fe brua ry ~:, th t o Mar ch ard. from Sev· crill inte rest ing num b ers ha ve pla nn ed. incl udin g music, roodbeen i ngs and a piIlY . T he subj ect f or is, " Reso lved, T hat for work ofdebl lte char acte r, men and wom en shou equa l ld re ceive equa l pay. " Eve ry one come~ The last nu mbe r of th e Lec ture Cou rse will be' held at the Gym duy even ing, MUl'ch 1st. This Mon mus ical num ber and an lIiIIu is a sual ly fi ne oll e.


~Jnnd :1Y lhl n '

wa.., qU lli.: H


P\' t'J"- t

illl (' ' l~ ' r Jn d tlH' oJlr·'n

f·n l ~ ~; hot !'- t u dl"nl~ Btl: 1 lc ,l'I wi t':d [(Jld . C ,t l'l Hiha n ~() t u· . Th ~ "1 ",, ., f ':1 1 w"o< 1- 11 ..,"1 1\" ld "" '>I, :O;l'l'illg' \ ':dll' Y "'g'i H' . Pre par ed by .: Il'llrq ,," n·pn· ~w nll· d ll y ' "iq..!'ll Ht · t nlli~ ' k, l \ r h(.i!l~.' · :.!,'",fill'111 \\11 IIln\ ' J.!4 1a l. lh e ~tore :! ,L .. 'Ol'\l'uoc.J , /l lid lit-nail'" ~ lul'l' t'l1. • Co lum bus Re por ter "f L ei)nn on; th r tla l.;~ or ' 2 " ~ b y \ 'j·.. in n Mi s~ How lnnd E n te rt ain. Ih·t" lIirk . (I f C(· nnl< .wn : I ill' cia, TOO MUC H WE ALT H " of T hl ' ~ l r,dll ' I" ~ t1 uh )'110 111 \\H H th(' '~ :I by I.o,.ai ne nra ll :--( n,,,· ('lll' k. I,f of .1 J.r; da nl r ai r il\..; l Tu(· o:.d Clul'k,. SOM E STA RVE , SOM E DON ltv dill' , 'T ~ ( II1I ' pf til l' dfl :-'~ {. (,\',·n ; I1\". wilt' ll tlh' :\",I' mn l <'in!"" al\el f ':! .J ", pr e 1h(· ,,' fnvll li!" a ..:;-t 'm ld \· d COL UMB US. OH IO- No aoon er TOO MANY DUC KS pres en t. hul lI1\'Y se nt a I' ' I'n'. fill' \ lIl l' of ,'n la · t ht , HI 11 ... t (· I:d n"'a h' paJ'l l P!-l ilr th(, is an Ohio man men ti oned for tive i n th e p C l'~f) lI of E \'a a - AND A LIT TLE MOR AL L (_ iH . J u lIl'!-!.' Yl'U l', Th,· l .,\ . nI W:I:, dl'l' O l'nt p d in ~tate offic e than he is also men tion ed 11 11 llrli ...:t u- 11\:1 '''It'1" \\ith The Seni or C1Ms had th eir r i hho ll ~. f(l r a pluc third e on the Nati onal tick et. 1."1,, Bl a ir .. AIi(' (' 1I (' I'ry, At lhe cord ial invi tatio n of 10:\ (' ];, .. lt l?:ll't ... an d ('lipid "" w hill! ltitl( 'h Hnd the real "thr ill er" lust Thu rsdllY nigh t, Wh ethe r i. is done to han n the L:"; III1 ~' ~ :-: 1' 1'\'I ·d t tl ,'t'l1l L t!w i ~ , Euni clI ll ol l inJ{~ Clnss of '28, a larg e num be r ltlll all (Jf lh(· \\()rt h. CIW l'-o Ll'r can · of the whe n they f('nthered nt t he Day suo Cl'rt l\ in inte r"st s conn ecle d !'it. \ ' a lt, tJllJl c ~ ('U !"u l1 , ,lida t c or give his case grea ter ga rcam p for II l,,: ry. ('a1'1 (; ray , Cl l'1)1e with Hig h scho ol gath ered at t he !'ood t ime und ea t ". pub ll t f'ntt f' fGym Afte r see ing ajust Tll H:;(' dl' nal'l illg lit Jl~ver co mpa llies t hnt wan t to a licit l al (.o h olt !' y is not know n , bu t ente rpri slnr how thwa ite 1\11\1 G eo r~ c HUll lleli conl rol last Satu rday nigh t. A danc le sy rull e floor is mlld e, an d con sum ing map "1'1' Hnd \" 'linJ ! .I\1i s~ Jl ow lllnd II nl(l ~ l dcwa lor ]low er carr yon syst ema tic eur repo nden ts find thnt a man not II hale , amon~ lhvs mls_ bea utifu lly d ecor ated with t he clas t he gues ts l i::ht f lll h f)!' h·~ .t . \\' ('I't' It: :-: till~ lh (:ir ah j l1 t y thi In n ~ SU ~ IIg' f l) s lI o ws: (lulJ alld play re prl'Kentatio n a. rega rd s the gam es ~] i, ", ~ ,la n!UI', L ~1:.1'I lie li (e is easy prey for all sort wce k ill II I' ar·"u nd \\' uyn\ '",'il valu e colo rs, gree n lind whit e, held th un til the six chic kens were ed "tt, Ed na Mul · a l e. th orou g he in- ly of liTig atio n. II'n, ~ Ii ... ;c", W "st , J.:\'~ l y n r ousl ed. t eres t du rin g thi! earl y part 1.1'\\ is. Le· of sto ries, and seld om finds the 1au nd suc h "volnill es" ns lt ,,] .. Il lnir. Eun ice 11"llillgs \\'or of t he they wer e ! ASure Dem llnd for irri gati on influ ence that t any h, ly PhI.' olle ~Ii>th ey co ul dn' t else th an a cand idat e s even ing. Dan ring , how eve r, form 01" lI arl ,; uck HI)('nl till' \\ (·c k. he Lun dy. I, alh l", n lIoud l' ed have been vote s for Gov ernm ent conl l'ol. . Eo;- wou ld. Ellst ern pape rs h ave sug_ en d in C"lu mbu s. Hen ce the chi e f ente rtain men t of thc eve n. seas o ne d, bett er had they bel'n we ll tI,er 11 ,·n']" I'", n. I-:\'a )l c ~lilll'sCln roas an ted , the IIttn<;k 011 il'l'igat ion , dest ined Car in lin g'eRt ing/ e lectr ic ed the prob able cand idac y of Vic mus ic by Kath leen Hen de rs on and n rit ' (;IHIl t'~· . ' Vilm a G<H·win . Ol to eale n with cran berr v sa uc e. ove a Hur l· ana Will iam ThomW!. rede e m mill ion s of a~ res, the But Tlw !\o l'Hla l Imy" l,,"t til!' ha ~ ' H ' k. J) o r u t hy whe n the last tend er mor sel was HYl'. A Ji c l' II ' lory. Do nnhe y for Pres iden t in 192 7:A mos t rd est f ough t ~tlme (J r til t· :'lCHS On g one ~l i ~, F ,'uly : M'·"S I·' fe rtil e in th e wOI' I<1, nnd to add we noti ced that it was rain to h Mull. \::"- fi ne com plim ent to be sure , but righ t te ns The Sen ior clas s pres ente d the Vall ey la"l Snlu nJ "y <'\'puing- , . rri n~; l' I·I·tl Cal'llllliun, ('\. eHalp hard . Soo n hear i ng (' ri es ofing very f l1 \( l1t ,·att \'rth · I1I'W Govc rnor olof billi ons to th e wen lth of the wh ich lowi ng pl'ov "cre ek un us uolly inte rest ing prog ram is risin Don ahey isn't a cand led w ;lilt ' . (; ('O"'' :l) tu be e,ci ting from slar na· BUl1 l1l, lI, g," We fou nd that it was a lt 10 Hay m on d da tion . to the enti re scho ol on Mon day finish. At th · end "f t he fil', le for any office. Of cour se, afte r_ read y so high th at the cars l qunr · Il radd , ... k . Cl y, l~ II rm.t '·"nl;, it i. ,nI'l noon : t'!I' th(t cou ~t'(t l' (' wus ~ t o ~ ill l;I'I\Y. !\ " l\ nC't h Sl J ohn , Chcs fu lIy expe cted that he will acce n ot cross. -Wh a t a pred icum ld 0 pPO pt the ~l!rilltu ro Ill'nl s fal'o r. whi l\' III t he 0 1..11' ent! F'nrml'TS .kno w thut eve II whe I'Y. 'I'h "I1I 11 < Burt on Wa lker Illel' Her. nom inat ion E mm a Cum min s Tho se who had gone half re it "Am~rica". w,· l\lfield, f or a third term Ill! ara in the ha ck we re we I' INlliinl!' I I I" 8. I';d wnlcl Burl "l1. Wii f"rd :(Iu ruin ~ il'Ti gutio n CII II ''''I . " All very g lnd, . (hi l' <1 \\' )rol~ crop Pinn o SoloCj llart er we h" I<1 nUl' own The il1iHIIl Th n m a~ nnd J oh n K ur~H· ires ,eve rn l Rep ubli can Stnt e officers, but -.. - Est hcr Hen ders on ford ing the us it hud no trou b le! ill va lues . with lilt' Y. swo lle n slrea lll. }\ ft e l' ' the Pres iden cy Rend ing Rcu re 15 10 1 :l . lind then ca , Tt... Chllp" I'o n,·. weI''' Mr •. St Ken neth Reta Uick seve ral un succ essf can be said to be the me t ho John , It is shuw n thut in fa,'o rabl e loca ul effo rts l o tow IUMt Cjulll'te r whie-h 1'1'[lv l'd fart hest from his thou ghts . -E ls ie Haw ke the othe rs across, the l- Voc a l Solo - - I he c1a sh- Mrs . • nUC' rthw llitc al1d ~ Ii ~s Lilo. Th. bus wen t buck Son g by Trio - Esth er Hen ities , unrl er iTl'igutioa, two crop illJ! pf' l'ind , Th e li neup [{og ret , w're I'l' c,· ive d frnlH Ruth sam e corr espo nden WuH lo loW II with its load and s(' nt s of t said that if Ed. Mar y Mur gare t Ung lesb y,ders on, to II Icam Sl. John and ('I\rn :thun . f"l'\vchung~d [( arr- and l\loc Glan pota toes can be I'ai cll in one cy. Elsi pull e Ul'd th" illg, cnrs wllrd acro ~cason, ss. C. Tur n er, of Colu mbu s, WBI Of Haw ke. with 1\1\1 11 Hnd r\ .t' msln H'lg, Insle lld ot one. III addi tio n to by th e time ever y one reac hedcour se , ~ U al'dln J.!, The Ilap p)' HOlll' cluh was elected. Attor ney Gen eral of doub_ Tllik home II C· lIuy t",lk A rl1l ~ t " o ll l:'g Ilo"i lion .. . Dr. Ellis it was earl y (in the mor Ohio , A noth ten ling the s ize of the crop , a seas ('r d f a ~ t glll1lC is ninJ d. bul ligh lfull y cn t prlll ineti lit Rcb luo ped one ill fl' <> ln ,c nt('l' o n's Pian o Due t- Esth er Hen ders on, Rh ea no Olle is so rry it happ ecca SlIll . whi le Thu l-,; dll Y nigh t wh en th e expe cted he wou ld at once stsr t buil ding his ened , and su re Furn as' s paci irrig ntio n mor e than doub les its June t Cort w righ t. (>rth Mon wnit roe e I'un l!' np ou s coun t ry h OITH~, TU0S Iy by this time t he' Clas fcnc es to succ eed U. S. Sen ator 11 ~ horl \ alue Talk Hen n'ats ('om e to Way nes, 'illc Fess . '\ 5 lh e finul ~"n)! mill! the une . to play by brin ging in the first crop Dr. Rob erts the repu talio n of pult s of ' 26 hn s dqy, F ebru nry lIth. sco l'e the \\' . C. N In depe ndel lts. Gam Thi s stat em ent is just liS misl muc h H. S . Song.. sloo d II tie, 22 to 22. 'Dur e eadi nlr . .. .... .. .... AII ishin g to uch t o ever yt ing the fin· ellrlier and gett ing high er pl·ic ing th e st a rts al 7 :.10. At the n ooll hou r nn e labo hing . as e. f or that of Gov erno r Don ahey , rate and carlier pota toes. lIlen u was se rved and th or ough Mr . Tur ner on a rece nt visit l y en· to joye d by a ll the mcm bers ,. exce Was hing ton on lega l mat ters took p t olle This colu mn has alre ady desc rib who was d etnin ed by sick ness. Mrs . the oppo rtun ity of bran ding ed the t he alfa lfa ranc h of the Hod ge Hoc ke.t's mot her, Mrs. Rea on, 13 roth fa lseh ood to Sen ator F ess pers who is onal er un the Ariz ona dese rt, whe re her hOU Se g uest , and Mrs . Dav is Fur· rai n ly. It is fully expe cted that Mr. rllre ly tails . Mrs. Lou is Nut t died at her hom nBS and her in tere sti ng chil dren , were Turn er will be give n the Rep e ubli can The land t here, year in and 011 th~ Day ton and Leba non lhe only gue st.s. year pike nom Mrs. in atio n for Atto rney Gen eral this Isra el Satt er_ • mor nmg at "o'c loc k The out, prod uces seve n cr ops of , thwa ite, her daug hter , Mrs . alfa lfa but he is not look ing a bit will be held nt her la te hom e f uner al Burg e It may soo n be poss ible for L eban furt her tl 'per year und er irrig atio n, mor n Voit urc Frid ay N. 782 La So. one mor ning at 10 nnd chil dren , wer e pres ent, a nd e than to trllv It has than o fte n been poin ted out tha.t that office. The se ofl¢ts are o·clo ck. . Buri al at lhei r ciete tI ~. 1I 0ll1meg el fr om one e nd of the Stat e nine ton. lo the ac re. The tota et B (,he vaux th ' s ure~ l way pr esen ce was a ppre cia ted liS lhey Cen terv ll\e. l cost to lhe othe to bett er the fi re haz- gi ven beca use othe r Pres iden tial can. set elec teu lhei r chup l I' r in mot or buse s upo n of eiec tric curr ent for irrig atin ofTI ccrs dom mee l with us. for th e ard cond iti ons in a city dida tes next year have thei r g one the frien da is to to uch in Ohio year al their' me~till ~ hel,l in purc h nse of only ono tiok et. hund red and fifty tons wor th Mrs. Mild red Eag le , form erly who migh t find the Don ahe, !I1em\)- th e sens ilive poc ket book The afte rnoo n prog ram was nevl $28 a (If . )tof Plan the r Hal' s ia l lire perrum veys bu rg, di ed nt the hnnw or hall b e in~ wor ked out, it was ors t on, is $260 . Any 'f arm er know la a ~t caus :-I cd unda e to for a y stud ('v('n oppo y illg, sitio of n the life of Linc Feb - so n r espo nsib le for mni hoI' th. s th \' anno unce ntai ning the polls in Nov emb er, and tor theat118m ll toda y by t he Ohio Mot or daug hter , Mrs . ,Viii Wri ght. in DJlY - Mrs. Hoc kett revi ewe d Bach eloroln. ruar y 10. 'I'ho s(' cl"c terl nre prof it in that kind of far min g. . 'S, as fo1- haza rd. ton, last Thul·sda y. Fun eral reas on Sen ator Fess has thou "Th e Man for Bu s asso ciati on. of whi ch Earl sand . R. ces were held al th e hom e Sntuserv i· otic sele ctio ns the Hou r," two Jlatr i- lows : Cha r de GlII'l !. Geo rge Wuterof loya l Crie nds who mig ht In auto m obile wer rday tran oppo Lew e spor tatio n" Mr. Tur s u ng a nd Mrs. hous e. \\' ay nesd lle; Chie is, of St. Clnl rsville is pres iden afte rn oo n. .. Mrs. Mal'Y Har ring on, of llahC f d e Trai n, bu ildin g, emp lo yme ner beca use of thlllle unIn te rme nt in Miam i cem Rens o n in a fini shed man t, lney for the ner play e d Bill GI'i8wol ,I, nt, IlJId in ever y fo und ed rum ors. esto bllshm ent of join t ratell llter y . Ci!;y, Pa., hit!! seve ral child ren. Leun " Whi n"n sper Alis ; ings corr ucce esro of asfu ndHop l cane." li ne of indu stria l and co mm ercia Her OV H the Mrs . Bun- cnt, l ac· dida tes in Ohio in the past have rua nell read , a poem d edic ated li nes of the com pani es. Carl St ibbs ; Com miss ionaire Inhus\>and, a ~oa l mine r on strik e, to Linti\' ity, we in this nati on adhe wen t Afte r a long illne ss Mrs. lIrnt coln and It is prolJosed, ' nlso, that sche Mrs tend re . H. ante to for one office lit a time , and have Sate , \ 0 look for work in anot her ]lar rtthw ry aite read llda a pape S. Hose n, Nam es lhe pol ky of pe rso nal d· Hos ier, a prom inen not he en hlin ded by the atte mpt town , ules be r whic h plea t rosp sed citiz onsi her en s 'of of bilit of audi othe l' officers wi ll be ann'ou nced coor dina ted in orde r t hat lit,. plac'e, y. flatt ery and this The club ence . She gave her child ren wha t food to misl ead the vots ra. die d at her home on Thir But mee whe t'S she tle or no in n Mar it com ch es wi t to h Mrs. late r. d Isra el care lessn ess This time mlly be l o~t by a t.rav- stre et, T uesd ay nbo ut hf.c;1 and (lied of hung\!r. is just as true toda y as it ever Satt erth wai te at 2~22 Way ne wi th firc s we have let th e guil no . Tlie ty par· was , and than ks be to the inte eler at th c term inal s of the fun eral w ill bo held in on The new offic ers of lhe 40 and th.., 111 . E . Ave nu e, Day ton. lliva riou s ch 8 ty go to the limi t in cau sin genc e of urch line Ohio Othe s. , prom g vote rs the, . .,are no. r l"rid ay lI[ternOO the city ised to mnk e Leb anon Voi ture item s of in tere st thro ugh One allv!1ntagc' \11. with the min expe 80 nse eas f or ily W ith n nelw orrk of hus rou tes o'clo ck. In te rmen t in MiaIlmi at 2 the dny were Curt her wor ma misl e in ead tain as ing wha t it sho uld be und ther c som e mijr l\t thin k k on the doub over cem - club IlWllers. jIl() rna~ter \low long 1\ is no ing a for e depn rtment, or and oper at. quil t. Som e am usin g cont ests t that t hey will, with Geo rge strik e the Stal e, ever y coun ty no'v bcill g eter y, for caus ing at th e lasU!, min e own era, thei r wlve head serv of ed, and il, it i8 H~ the belie Mon slend ved ~e ur Che f de his neig hbor lid hosp itali ty whic h that It is a a lind tion Con trac ts for high way 'mp zo", expe nse thro u gh n ecesGar e hns outl in ed so m ~ live of only a shor t time whe n Itques Mrs. F urn as d aug hter s help ~h il(ll'e n , peve l' starvll. " Mrs. Eliz abet h Frye , wid ow of Tha t's an ad_ be poss t imes saril y hig her insu ranc will ed her f or men t at a tdta l cost of mor th e disp ible e en se rate t for e than he . s one pres late and THE e to Isaa c F r)'e, died at th e hom e nt yellr. At lhe mcet,. prop go to v irt ually vant age, yet pu~h~d too far, SEC RET ARY $1,2 . 00,0 00 are erty des troy ed thro ugh fires of to be let this wee ll It can any 1I0int in the Stat e by moto in g 12 new appl ican ts were r bus her flo n, C. 'V. Frye . Tu esda y m ornbec;orno jI lIisllQvlIl\tt\ge, by the Stat e High way depa with out' the loss of Ime, and with rbnl Ult. ing at 11 o'clock, follo wing a n u po n and will be toke n care of vote d caus ed by cU I'cle ssn ess or deli bera te thus com the iIIne plet at as' ing the the letti ng of ap.reck lcss ne s. purchase of a II.lngle tick et. n ext mee ti ng. of seve ral wee ks. She wus the prox ima tely daup $3,0 -h 00,0 00 wor th of D_ Mor e than 300 bus Ilnee are Wile n told thll~ the pllor hall now ter of the Inte Jam es and Mar y A. road cont ract s sinc e . Janu ary no in one rnti on in Ohio brep'g, ~!~ri e A.n ~oi n eHe wonc 11" outs ide of the Woo lley, and had live d her e ntire life This is the \lll'e c\ first time that eo man , mim iclpli\itle l\. i'wh y th ey p!d nllt ellt cake ." near and In Wa yn (>sville. She Hhou ld be follo we d. A loca l cont ract Lllte s iR r have 8ur. bet\n let 80 citiz en th §he and \le r hUKba!ld st oppe d J in viv ed by her son lind t hree g rand ma inta in ed a dang erou s e year , hut it is the desi re earl eatin g, sons . haza rd erno of GOY. Yi/l ~h e ' guil lotil\~. Sh~ was Tho f un eral serv ice will be held an d refu sed to clea n up hisfire r Don 01\. ahey 1 )' ~ at to have all prem wor k Itar l pllor lpo\, th e hom e Thu rsda y afte whic h Illldn nger ed his neig hbor ises cd j ust as soon as wea . n at I ther eond 'and tion a An al)ll) stnte omn n of \ler o'cloc k, Buri al will be in rnoo time Miam will .ugperm i ce mit the t hat wh it ole may city. be rest ed that t he peop le eat gras eom A Her a fair ' war n- plet ed eter y. duri ng the sum mer mon tba.. peop le stuff ed his mQuth withs. The The last num ber of tne Lec Maso n team s, In t im prel imin a T abul atio n of hids bein g rece grllas ture 'ary whe n th ey carr ied his ' head C. Lest er Cask ey, a form er s how ' that beca use of the open ived arou nd Cou rse, whie h will bl) held at the Gym co mm issio ner follo w s the poli Tho se who vis ited th e postoOic resi- ga me the W . H . S . g irls won , keen on the end of a pike . It is well cy of dent e, of incr over Way Mon easi nesv day, ng to ille and elde r son of t h e Mas on team r ates whe re unne(lessar~ com peti tion , pric ea are muc h 10WN" Mar ch 1st, will be enti relY rem omb er thes e thin gs, even in .on Satu rday mor ning , foun d 16 fire n rds arc the to 11a7. 15, late than Our John they u g not irls H, haplus corr were Cask t y.. "cte ey. died at his pass ed the ball well a year or two year a d, he Wl' 1 mus ical. The conc ert, of the py, pros pero us daya . ~ and a lon g ,,'ith bUllch of 1000 get type hom e in Spri ngfi eld, Ohio, Satu l ts an d uene fit the who na- ago, alld a s a resu lt a very conl lldel 'rday baby chic ks to be tl on ·resu whic h appe als to ever y one, thro ugh othe r stllt es follolewing nb le savi ng all be mad e to Ohio Is rep- mor ning , F ebru ary 20, 1926 . He had clos e g uardi ng Bnd good sh ooting deliv ered to uoy s of the Smi th- suit. t hey play ed th e best gam c sent ed by a trio of tale nted bee n in faili n g heal th for seve paye rs. Ano ther bunc h of cont taz. F. G. Bon fils, in his able of the Hug hes dep artm ent. artia ia. year ral raet a The s. will y . Post , t ells of truc k farn l e.rB Den ver The pers onne l of this com pany offe be let in Mar ch, and PreM cam e This s houl d be one of the f un efrom th e L"y~ver Leg horn farm seas o n. nt For m any year s he had held a plan Burp aasin gly rich San Luis vall In the ense mbl e, due t and solo num hers rs s, s at are tion for s virtu of a ally stut e Insu mnc (! depa rt. all of the St. Clai rsvi lle. r The boys won thei r gam e, year ing the Gov ernm ent to prot ectey ask- lecte d from a Ill!¥'e repe rtoir e, , se- spon sihle posi tion with the Ame ricaes road me -bui nt ldin for afte g r it activ can ities to be n play ing wh a t indiVIdua l awa rded them vari ety and com pani es hove do pow agai nst too man y wild duck s. t wo. extr a thre e-m inut e pill'i not late r than Jby 1. The of mus ical lllst rum ents . With Seed ing com pany , in Spri ng fl eld. Clar k Star r rece ived 500 and er t o do in IIcr - n :mat ter s uch as no He is surv ived uy 11 i~ step .mll prog ers plan t mHa s of pea fi elds forFarm _ tech nica l educ at!o,n, mullical ress iven this ess ods. . on Tho the bert scor part McM \! was 13 tp ther , illen 500. 1'he aensibll_ Mrs. Mar y Cas.k are adm inistration mea ns not only of the neri es. Wild duck s, like a clou can- ity and Indi vidu al char m, thes ey., of. this pla!:e, 1\ sisThe OO'y8,' aftll r beil1g inn 1 L rear ing t hese chic ks as II partboys • e ar~ d, eat bIts are of thei r rond s , but will prov ide thou bett er the peas . everywhe.1'e gree ted wit\l e:,t- ter, Mr.s . V.e~h K\llley, of· Shr ingfi e ld , for thr~e 0; four wee k!!, cn a slum p school wor k, and expe . of me up and ct to hav e them and a ljnlf-br othe r, Fr£.1i A. Gask wor kers with cont inuo us empsand thus iasm in thell : ~nde.av~r t'l play ed a read good y {or gam loym ent mar e. ey, ket abou t May 15th . 'fhe ~coro was ',:mll.~ of ' wat 'ng tp u ~,~ duri njt the sp ring and sum g ood m~s"< pop\iI~.:', ' \ I' clos , e l l1rou ' . The duck s will he annoye ~ whe . We gno . thin ut' and k mer tha t real life prob le ms , ..' thl) crow d was mon ths. un'cra1 W Ui he!d at the Mo- v~ry mu ch di stur bed duri \, .. . \ J • • • •- G. Parvis, Colo rado Harne ' eortln It. -ng the. extr a whe re the boys get train ing in syst em mis GIJ tc ' urlo rli Mon(lIlY a ftern oon, time peri ods. s lone r,"carr ies ou\ ~!s Jilllll arid and bu sine ss man ugem ent, lire with a largl l num ber 0'1- rela\ iv imIn the Co unty Bask etba ll tour A com plet e aud it is to be mad a l ~lloT~il,1g, q unlm lng' 'airp lave ~enQ~ \!s and e of na· port ant influ ence s ill thcir iutu re we lCrien~, ' pre ~~Il~'. up anl! P~otogr~pbe4 men t, whic h will be held this the actu ary divis ion of the Stat . .. daw n the Siln I.ul§ valle~ ~rigbt!\ fare Vm . ft ~@ Jo'rid .! Inay nin~ ReV' . J ohn _ ._J. and ~ro !luck s tron f'tlU I POIlI .· T ' -' ~urance, or Wor kme n's Scha effe r, reet or of -Satu . l'day , the W , H. S. girls Com _.... play pens aMar y's Epis copa l chur ch, conduct.. Mor row ~irls at tion fun d. It bas been pltn ' you Imllgiftp ·the r ag@'oi t\losF. T~@ Z90P,l-zPP!!1 pf !ll\ lIirpi~ne St, 3 :15 p. . Frid ay. e thaD ed the serv ice, and buri al WIl8 e Mor row 15 said t o have a m., six year s s ince 8uch an mor du~k , wI'lii n Itlie y see t hat !\ Bell broo In k MiCo Sun~ unci ay l good .r. aud mPl' O. team it ll\ng U. was. A. M. mad e, sinc a; abou~ · q :SI} over ami cem etol'),. and we expe ct a good gam e. loo1i: ing to them ' as big a~ Ii nl!W hir~, our villa e whic h time . the fun haa wi ll dedi cate ils new hum e in nEal n, ge, W811 hear d and peopl~ lhat mOI' o tha n tripl ed in volu The drllw in g for the hoys ' gam pe'lhiw!ng liji nng roar i!lg at mou me. villa The g re e 100 mile s won der ed at tile nljll e wit h in l,.(' l' e ~ ti n g cc)*c motl ics Is noth ing A heav y snow fa ll IIgain, Mon will take plac e Frid ay afte rn oon, unus ual abo ut the aud it. t\!l flP\lD up and dow n tho valle rnea l. It was day to be 1", 1<1 ~nt at 1 even y? expl ojne il whe n dodg ers wer o'clo but ck. u .. is dn take y We "ft,' ing. n hop at the sugg estio n of the rn oo n lind e a good cl'ow This mak es the nine teen th ped from the plan e anno unciengdrop go from Way nesv ille and SUPI d will snow for this C\ ·('Il]I l (! . F<'lJt'II " I'Y 27 that . Nati onal and nc tu ury, I. E. Eva ns, who mak es the JOrt the wint er, and we lire still Tha t's ~ettcll:' than In old days t ho Rlke -Kul 1ller com pany tellm req uest s, beca , use beSlal e f)O ic,''' ' " f the I' l'der lite expe of insin uati on that was takfore the Fren ch revo lutio n whe doom ed fOI; lhre e mO're; to fulfi ct- mlc s in so me risk s have been n nrls- ing pict ures of the villa ge, to be used Cha rles W. Schw artz , Leba l! the l~d t il 1")1' in nltl·I unfa ir. ernb le peas ants wlit cheat deer non, Hlul1cc. old late r on. cust om Hav in of of g Cha full havi "at rles n conf g W iden as Schw artz & Son, Mece ill bill wor k, T he JU'lIJ ! nHlI will upe n at ~; thei r crop s and wild boar s root s now s duril1 ~ the wint er, a themlln y o'clo a nd ck mor solv ial ency up buil of ders the , fund , the aud it who has thei r gard ens, help less ' beca conup on whic h t he first spoW fell, dnl~ 1111,1 w ill 1'1" opell 1.0 the JluLlic.. Din. is to bo mad e, and II:!. fined at Chr ist hosp itnl, been nobl e· whi ch n"1' \\ il l h ~ ~(' I'\'e<1 by the Dllu a resu lt both A loca l gara ge man says auto men wan tet! the plea sure use follo wing was the 22nd . g emp hte of rs loye an lats killi r n eper g as atio well n u is emp loye es wiD impr shou ld be care ful who they run o f A me dca at 6. o vi ng nice ly. thos e anim als and wou ld not be (.ver It mor let . is e the! hope thor d oug by hly his conV mnn A y fl'i ends in good man y peop le carr d of the peos ants touc h them , V(,l'y heal thfu l eond ition ,Ince as flask8 whic h badl y cut tlre~. y glalla War ren eoun ty that he will be able Tha t Is one of man y thin gs t he econ oml eally man agem entwell 88 . to I.hat retu rn to his hom e soon . brou ght on the Fren ch mill ions fir doll ars entr uste of the olut ion. To avoi d revo lutio ns, mak eRev to the membe\"lt of the Indu 8tJ:i al dcom the mass.. Ch.allenges es cont ente d. Give them som mlsn sion , ethi ng to live for. gau '';n last W'e dnes day. even • ing at . " ... the M. E,, conc \uete d .Thaf ~QI!,~ h~I!~~~ ~11~~C;~!~­ , Grad ing the pap ers o! appl iby the, rfi re A t!~d r~, IP' ap~fI(~' Ii", ca nts for appo intm ent to posi ~ past or, R c\,. k1ov\ilg ,Il!tiuf;,, · ~ lie iet'~~, 4 Re A" tur W.ah n. bu~n , are tnat lhe Hig hwa y se rvic e is beintion s In 'a .!)~bi\tlon·lnlghl- br~aK up' tlie grow inlf in inter elJt, g com mov plete d by the Stat e Civi l Serv ice ! nd •.iii~~u·r~ 1\1'11 QJVal1caa'tinlf stati ies com The atte nda nce has bee n miss ion, and anno unce men t Dn" very ,,"ou lij 1Il~ 1! t'h~ p~opIe he~'~tll' good . Dr. Rob erts , District sult, a nd eligi ble lists will beof reSup ermad e C i _. ~ . ~ t: just as soon as poss ible. inte nden t, preachoe d Frid ay and .",; , .,.. ~" '" ta in , how ever , that ther e willItbeis eel'urea y even ings , and at 'both serv mor e ices QISn llllo mted men .ev . Sun day, The ch,)i r has give . n sOllle " very ·goo d mus ic. R ev. R. ' ~tl\\ nior u , ir1ga, Dep artm ent · Of Ar,r leul tule ;esti COlld~c;te'd'ex~15 pastor:.:6 mat es eM~Nild b' ~f·~~~:f.~~;'t~. . ~tlC\' . wa~ 76 'bUlion as the proh aerIs 0(' bird s In the worl d, be num ber of peoe,tiin~lt~five )l11110.n :blrd , llni \JII nf

Mi nmi Vuli (>y Cou ncil No. 1 03, Jr. O. U. A. M.. hud .quil e a ui~ time at th eir regu l n r m e ting lusl Frid ny e" enin g: Th e dcgr ce stuff of J.~b u n o J1 Cou ncil No. 19 wnR pres ent und con _ fe rred th e d eg l'ees upu n a ,'and idnt (· in a well ·nig h perf ecl I11n nn,·r . . Much of t he cred it for the pcr' fect iun o f th e Leu a no" stuff 's work is du,' to thei r capt ain . lilt·. AI Dill, of th e W c~· tnn Sta r, whn ha ndl ed hi s me n bcst adva ntag e a nd enuc ted hislo Ihe ')"' n pal' t faul tl essly. A her the work sev(> ml .ple nd itl talk s were givc n and refr l:nts were serv ed . Seve rol of thc>hm non brot her" Ilccll mpa nicd the LeiJa · e ir d e· gree staff, bri ng' in g the e ntire lo ab oul f ort y. Visi t"..,. were PIII'IY al su pres en t fron t Piqu a, Spri n g Vall ey and olhe r Cf)uncils. Th e loca l Juni o r~ wish t publ icly thun k th ~ Leb anon bl'ot herso fur s ple ndid coun (>sy , and cx t en d Ihei r dinl in\'i tatio n for them to a cor· com e agai n .

the \\'.

tht. p ld

:\'t l' llIal



... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..







-- --_ ..-- --

BOYS' AN[) GIRLS' CHICKS DELIVERED Mi~~i~a~ni~u~':~~j~g ~~~~~~~I~~hig~ TEAMS WIN GAMES El bo~;S!n~h;;:'~~~e:!~;~n!~eth':'s :~n ~ BY PADC n POST ~~~e r~~~tiv\~a!nc;:~~it~~ld.his r~ns~h~


Le ctu re Course




W int er Lin ge rs

.- ..-- --

Sc hw art z .improving

-- -- .-

----_ ..-- --



Don't Kill Th e


Tho,o!~ ,~~,~,;":~~~~~ [,,---- - - - 'I




._ ~ ... MIAMI





Harveysburg Fertilizer Co.

prt.ll~ tl' nlhcc r. Orirht, ,!'~l~ tH ,:-o itiun



~larc.Hr!.' t

C. at $1 !i;j l'HC' h



Comedian, Tells of His Youth and



Harold Lloyd, Popular Movie

' 1i7.0b ·lh Libl'cnh t 81., "~S o AmbrQl< H w it y et 01,. plninW1's, 110pt terms of d ' enndant.!I I\nd <:Q>l1.8 III' equnlly cn rrj"d by both 8i des. ..In the 1;latler of EdgRI' StrelHhllU . ,10h n HCllder on nnd '!'lin :Helldel' on . COUl' t find a det nd'lnt. in d efault und orde rs that plalntifi' Tcovcr COMMON PLEAS PROCEEDlt-jCS from d f~1Il111nt8 ;a3~.27 nnd ot hel' 1n th e elis e u( Il'en(' W sL , .. Clin - juugmell t~ . WI'ill n I' ~ \l cinlly COl' th 1II1nmi GIlton WCS I, di\' r r e is grnnt~d on th e z .ltl.', by UaTold I.I O} d !rI'Ollnd_ t.f ~ r ~ n<'l(l('ct r s ~nled NEW SUITS ---by plllin ti lT ugllin. t le f nd ant, a nd H(\y n, Hinck un ci EliI'I Ki l'k \' ~. In Ih e co n fusiorl f the yuuth(1l1 11111d~ fl' n tl :1nt mus t p y $ 10 each m a n h Dl's, ;" C. Blalk f ord, for $:WO ,,:ith I, llitln < (If .-.n}' AnH' I'ic!ln b y, it is to supp" rl th r ir m inor chilt!. ' inle l'l'51. f t'qll t,"LlS (>xl r "IlI('I ~' difllcult 10 llut_ In Ih ,' malter of l\l\'rt le BI';lDt vs. Juh n II. Gr ady vs. ClI th(' l'ine Wall'- I lk .iu,,1 whllt h I' \'iMio ns hhn"cl t in W illiam !I1cllonnltl, odm r . of (·stllll' e r .. n<illl x. o f es tute of Ell u 1'111 ~y, hi, lal cr l'·, y,. W hen 1 was 1\ ro ung "f Gt t,rV; r W . Dhlnt, d eceased , plnin- ,l e "l'u~!!rl, for $ 1 4~O li nd in\cl' es\. I·,l .,r "'''',I b t)~, Illlliciplited themli lT 1'/' ( t' \ e l' fl't, lI1 dcfl'ntillu! "0 50 due Th l;' :outh Leh ano n l'nckillA' Co .. ," ,.h!! , Ill"rc n~ g rl'lI l h",!!b,, 11 plIlYfro\11 ~ aid c ~ II" <', and co:t:; of th vs. Enrl I' hilhuu r !lnd C. l l , \Vutki n~ ' l t· "" Ih"" pl'l·.,id l·n l.; Kroul pl'i7.£' <1 .' ( ' • lil:!,l , ,- 1", lIlt'r t111111 hiK banh ers or for $72 1 un d inll·n ·,\. In lh,' OIl1 tll'r nf Hn y 1'1I:llnt vs. TIll' '3"'" ,.". . "'a l II11in(>. lind . 111/,", ,,,, nlt' ll. \\"\11. MeP tlI.Il YI , ud III 1'. of cslul,' o f I). \\ a ILI " -. rtl r S,I:1 I alltl illl('rl'~L II , p. \ p" " CII ; ' · . 1 think , s far (;"nl'l!e Il l'll nt. tlrt'l' a ~('(!, cas" com The ;;:nlllC \'~ . Lpn B urn ~ :J IlU C. It . :Iad.; :a I Ca n I'l' ('nll. my ).!'I \"\ I\lf! ~t prtl ll1i>l'd li nd t ! i 'llI i ~~ , tI III co,,! " f \\' It klll!- lU I' $ ' ·11 H Il d inh.' r t' t. tIl ' l."' 1J1 ·~ , t, u:-- lu l' l' l'U tlll' on u l'lo r . dl· fl'ndnlll. l~nJ 'l Iii _ie ,',. ~yI-. , "l t I' Ilbl". f" r 1'1 'qUIII I)' [ h: I"e Iward my mill her In t i l' mattt,r \I f th e nppoin tnll'l1t tlh (II ',' '. ,,1 'H'nc,' ch:\rK~ d, .I> ,'rl I I", t I il dll·ritcd lhi. umhitio n .



I"' I! 1 hl' l', ::: lll" l III' lU'PflHtal il111u · I'n.. " I \t (, u!t l judg-e . In Iwr I{irl.




aAnd mh a lbf intidoonzenS :.

fi r e eng-inca tore past t he buildjng wher e the sou th sayer was ope rating, I WIIS too wru)))lrd up in his chu rl to PIIY nnl' ntte nlio n lo lhe .tIre, but v;l'lllully evc rybody e l ~e had scattCI'~ d wilh t h uJ> prouc h o f th e fir~t eng-iny . A fl e r seve rnl minut es · I felt so me one ttll1c h my shuul dN' and t IS I turn e.l 1Il,., uild I r eceivcd th e lhrill of m:.' iife. It wus 1I 0ne othor l han J "hn Lnll' Co nn el', I ~ad ing I11l1n of th ,· Duhwu()d lock cumpuny whom I ilr n'c dinlely rec ognized. huvin ~l!'e n hi m u nu mhe r or tim es with lh e BUl'wntu l o r gn ni7.nli un .

t ,f

: • : • •

W H M dd ' & C t • • a en o.




His inler '~~ l in nw wns aroused by • illY fnil ul'l' fo llow th e fin' ' nl{incs. : \Y c w e l'e s oon cll ~ ugl!d in COIl\' CrSlll io n, /I ud it d"\' ~ l o l)~d lhul he was




Lumber and Building Materials





pI'!! purinK to challl~e hi s li ving q ua ', aynes vi e l(' I'~ , und I s liggesl ed l hll l P"rh llps • Illy mothel' would find llcCbmmodll- • tiull' for him lit our home, inu,;ll\uch : ns W I! hnd u uig h ouse , and ctluld f' wk.! ea r c of him ve r y comfurta bl y. : It d ey,' loped lh"t h e did eu me to Ii\'e • wilh us, und t o him l owe m y eurl ;!!,t • st uge trai nill l!'. Through his teach - : ;n l:'s Ullil his in flu ence with Ihe Bllr\ 'ood com pany, [ was cn j!'ugNI \. 0 p: ' y ill 11 number <l! s lock s ho,\'s. fi r, t o f " 'lich \VH ~ "Tess of the D'Urber\' ille> . in which I portray ed li tl le Ab('. Tn lhis SU III (' compuny wa:; th e Inte F , nnk Bacon. wh o al so became • de""I), interesh'd in 1110. Wh en the : "l oc k , ,'nson closed, ·MI'. Bacon WIIS tnldn~ a company o u t fur a vuudc\'ille tOI:!'. and he offered me pllrt in his uni t . But my moth." , cou ld nol sec it lhal wny, lind in si. t e<i that \ ••••••••• I remain i n Omuha and keep up my . "'!!'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"'"!'....._~~~~~""!"~~~~ sc hooli ng. ,~ Later Wt' moved to De nver, which In the m atl e r of t.he l{uarcliallship put 11 te mp, _ry damper' on m y stage ambition s. " bout lhi time I hud of Sumu e l J. Bpan, a" ulleged incompetent, John W . BelUl fil ed applicaa d esire to bel' olUe n ~reat prizo fig htleI' a nti took up a mate ur b oxing. At tion (or app ointment of 11 g uard in n 1 (j I ba,! elll'TI cd my way into the for snid incomp tent und court sets se mi, final s fo r the Colorado state February 19 as dllte for hearing. In t he case of J. Q. J ordan as a schampionshi p, all un known to ' my mother, But wh en s he learned thal s ignee for the benefit of the r,rcditors 1 WIIS bo);; n£:" she nC'lIin inter Cer ed of George W. Spenight, plaintiff vs. und PlIt the quietu s 011 thnt ambi: Ge orge W . Speaigh t at Ill.. d erendants, oourt orders that plaintift' sell tion , 1I1 ~' in te rest in t he stage neV er died. premises describ ed in his petition and howen,l', a nd whe'n at eighteen we r eport proceedings to court. moved t o San Diego, I hSd thc ~oo d fortu ll e of aga in meeting John Lane MARRIAGE L1CEN9lES Co Dlll' r. He was condu cting a drs- Harold W illiam s Roth, ·fac tory workmutlc school an d he engaged me a s er, of MiddletoM" and Sarclda Eli zua n a si~ tant inslr ucte r. be th R out, fnctory wor ker, of Frank _ I also played wi t h a local s ~ock lin. co mpany, but being at th e awkward Willinm R. Dill, factory worker, of nge where I was neithe r fl esh nor l\fa~o n, and Elsie B. Fox, machine opfo\\'I, too ~I d fO.r kid pacts and too erator, of South Lebanon. y ung fo r J uveDlI08. r took to eharRupert Pn.u! Hill, fanner of LebllC~el' work, and played moet eve ry- anon, and Annn Mllrie Trinkl e, cigar llulIg from a s keleto n to lin aged Chi ma ker, o( Baltimore, Md. DENTIST nam an. 1t was wonderful trainin!!: . Willie H. Hayn es, railroader , of 1'1' l,I1 U~I Diego I drifted into the Somersot, And X-O-GRAPHIST Ky., and Estella L. Allen, motIOn pIcture bus iness in Los An- housekeeper, of ~banon . \"'AYNESVILLE, OHIO g..,les . Raymond Firman. farmer, Telophone I 14 But I must ny t.hat t hrou!!'hout of Lewis Blanchester. and \\fay S haw, houseIlly en t ire edl'l y days I had the one keeper, of Blnn ches ter. OFFICE: f1ATHA WA r BLuG. thought i ll plind- to beco me an act or . . ON MAlN S'l'I{EET _ RE~L ' ESTATE TRANSFERS Ed}Vi!l C. IJ'homplI,on to Flora L . cou rt. Settlements were ordered IJ'hOI)lPSPll, !JltFt of twp lots in Le bma de. to DeWitt Marsh all, In the matter of th e guardianship of Grace J. Reed, incompetent, G. A. parts of lots number 11 and 12 In - - - - ------.--,---- --- . - - - - - ." Me loy, gu ardian, applied for approval Anderson's addition to the Village ~. ... ••••••• ....-. of his first an d final account of estatc of Franklin, $1. MONEY LOANED , Emma Burtonl to Ernest Kirby of said inc ompetent, of which ,the an d Mary K,irby, undivided 1-2 of - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- court ap proved on e confirmed. .As g ua ~·d.iu n of Josephine M. Kel1y, 4 0 '1-4 ac~e s 10 Hamilton 1)., $aOOo. LO~Ng on Chattels,Stocl(s, Secur! . Cathcrme ·lIf. Cramer to A. J. _ hes Ilnd S('cond l\1ortc-ages. Note. mmor, Oh 'y1~ , Ke!lY, guardian, applied for court's a)Jprovnl 9f her seve nth trobu s and Viva Antrnbus, part of 'bo ll.g hl . J ohn Hal'bine Jr., Xenia, Ohio. 0m30-'26 . aDd fin a l nccount of estaf;e o'f jutid mi· three 'lots in 'Franklin, $1. A'D/lrew J. Deboard to Minnie n Or, and said a ccount is approved and confirm ed by ourt. ~r~~,~~~'kpr, of lo t 6~ III l"lailJ"_ Att~ntjOfll Final ace . I.. !t of the estate af Lew_ is Clawson, deceased, applied for ap- Andrew J. DeB oard to Minnie May FormfTS or WHr!!n I\n~ 114jololllJ proval of court by J. M. Williamson, Becker, near 100 a ('.res in Hamilton counties may oMaln mon ey on Ion, ' admr. de bonis non, with the will an_ Tp ., $1. . H oward DeBoard and wife to Min lime loans , at 5 per cent interest. ·THEse cONceRNS~COM PQ I5 I NC; nex.ed an~ COllJF )laving investigated DIe May Beck or, lot number 49 in 'ost of secllring the same is very reasame, action /s apP"UVIlp' and con- Maineville, $1. firmed. .. . ... sO llab le .through The F ederl\l Lan" e arri ~. H onak er and Joltn H. {<..e THOROUCH , 1 'i'<LJST WOI<THY Df th e estnte of Willa Alexander, dece!lsed, F red L. Kibb ey, c,xec utor, Honaker to Matt B..hynler ' El nd Rno'h , Banle. For further infor'T'a~i!ln F4\1I applied for appro VIII a nd confirma- e l Behym er, fiv e ,Iol s in Muple Pal'k ' 0 11 or utl4tess 111. C. DRA;K1!l, 11r,,!\~. tion of ti):'~t al)d final account of said neal' Kings Mills, $ 1. urel', p.hono 8 l~-X, ~eb!!n'ln, QI1IIl. Elfleta M. Enton to Jesse Ment z - ;m;1'~J!!'!!;::" -: ..- - -- - , . ' """I"lIa estate of wp~h ~~\l court approved two lots in Franklin, $1. . , s P e: A G H TAU 8 S E 8 and contirm~d after inv. e8tiga~ion. ~il1iam Burton, by executor to WANTEp' E"lI~vor fng at all time. to give my First and final accou'n"t ' 'o f estate of Ernest and Mary Kirby, undivid ed Ir1 nd. "I'd p" tron. the ,be.t .erYlee THE SHOW SHARPLES Owen J . Burnet, deceased,' fired by L '. one-half 01 41/ a!1l=c~ ' 1) Hamilton with every po •• lble convenience, It CReAM SEPARATORS M: Henderson for appr,o val of court, - " .... MANUFACTURER des i.res lasly tp - 10 .my 'PIC3~':,';eIO~c;.t:.:'n"'tunc. that I •• PLACE OF DAYTON Full Line 0 ' Dolry lIupplloe, s,ud spppo¥ul lllld conflrTlJation being 'l'p., $3,000. !l)tppd1lg e H~ gopa l No fa"vl!;~I!l~, William Polley at al., te Walter .JlOO~8 863·884 REI BOLD BUILDING FolD' Days Starting February 28fh Roofing and Roe'lng Pllnt. a llowed ai ter Investjgaj;!pn . . Policy ·et al., lot' 46 in Pr,an~lin, $1. Poslbon paya n~out $111 Il811 We @Il. •Telbphone: Garlleld 2009 HARRY SNODGRASS "KI'ng of the lvon·.-" OSCAR 0 WERTZ W. Chester Msple, alf exeQute. ef Prefer !ad>.' whp belongs 'to cliurch fir : ," L. J. HATHAWAY ~. the C$tate 0' Gprll C. Watt!!, decoasCJI~ club organization. Write Sales ma,, ~ 1I'o~ Loca. ~tT o doNat 308 B. MaJD Bt. and Five Other Acts • !l7 W •• hlngto n at. Dayton, o. p rese nted fourth IIccpunt ot said "sCOMMISSIQNER~' AJ.LQWANf;:ES D A,. . '. , OHIO. ' h' h ,. agar, 506 Sloan Bid,., Clevelapd, Oh!!!, !!.l4 I ~.::::::~::::::::::::::::::::~:~( tate W IC wa s approvod lind Ilo~t\rm.'Penitentlar>, Mfg.,01 ' supplies "";::;============~~~=============~'"';;:;::::;:========,_==::::J:..:. cd by court after Investigation. . forOIJlp aherllf, ,1!7; 'rru~teus P,ublic WAN'J'ED-AII kinds ot IOtt Woo'" Day every Way" YANKEE As exe cutor of lhe estate of Asa B. Atrnh'~, ' tor water relit IIl1d flxtl1res for pulp. Morris Graham. tf ". Produce. Wolf, decea sed , Lida p. Wolf, filed $l{); Judge W. J. WrIght, pOltag~ ~ .Mash & Scratch Feed JI!,~ unci fina l aec.ount, with vouchers for Common ~I\l(ls Couit, $8; E. S·. Jf your d eaJer t'_~ n, •t supp IY you, Wlrlte . Egg-0 {oll ' d~iit~l1Wt which wus ordered sus.. Worley, repOlrs for sherl·tT's car PAl D 0 .. 'A"rION ,~ -~ :< d' . BUILDING ASSOC ....... 0 SAVINGS '" co -r.-, pen e, "' . .. ,. $2. 106' Chas. J. Schwartz, Sllppll'oS' FOR SALE t ec us and we wi I ship YQ" for la_, In tho matte r 0 t.... ' D"AYTON • 0 HI 0 ,,, " direct. ~ ~.. e tcuw.r dl ,nf:! ~p f or o!"mon Pleas Court, $12.78; I >- ~ V. E. HERTER & COMPA~Y M of Sophia Qarrl solt, I\ofpltal jnmll , Th~ g!H~'~ ~utfltters, same, for pro. ~ .J Dayton, Ohio rooney Lida Lucas filed arnlicatlon for ar" bnte VOlIl'}. .1, '8: 6-r~4 Co., supplies FOR SALE-2 brooder stoves, 600~-I ~- • pointment of guardian for said In- f or jail, .• p.OO·; W. II. Stllna"'; ( IQ chiek capacity. Will be sold reae; and February 17 is ~ate Bet for supplies fOr au.ll·to 140 T,Il" W>i " sORabl", V ltF.f Pron~ 69·6. # . EVERYTHING IN RUBBER _=.~._::_:_.~ ., IJIllt f24 .-Uaa, HOOle, Ra1nOO&ts. Boo"', Stair CAL.DWELL & TAYLOR'S beuTlng vi ~!.ljE applicatibn before the e~n Star, 'I: ; e e.st_ .. .. ' ''61.80. survey?r and treasurer, FOIt SAl-Ef:-n. F RccJ Egg~, p.ilr~ c.ourt. ~ ')(aLI, HoaplttJ and Ble!<90Mc. TO Orllll(l81 ,"nzol Ga. 'I' stock for' se££ing. at' Mt. f1c1!y " J: Dayton'$ Largest Auto Park room tl BGlIlpment, Toy.. .Balloon•. Noy.,l . . .. eto. • I I 'In the :matt~r of th,e s~tUem.\'n~ pt t :, • -. P. Reed, R. ·D. 1, Waynesville. Ghio; and 124 NOR".f'H f'1A.JN on Fo"cth Str• • t. Jo ining t;liOoI y BIelat lI'nIIIb Stocks, .'estate by A., D, Easton, de\!eased, ~ m"S ·Q. ~1IlcIr Service. (: •• p.r Motar 011 News Building. The ne. t t lmo yo~ or", ' ! o p'nl~n cpurt ma.,Ie appraillemeri,t of .s aid .r e'a l NQt-c ' r' TH. AhA. ,",BBIlR • BELTING . n/l In,pec.t the de p.nd'~le, guar· ClIt;ate !!<nlJ1l' llIe,/! pe . rsorts '\lntitl~jJ to I',' v ! , FOR SALEAbout three toiis ' of For 100 % Motor £ftlcIMCY. COMPANV. 25c for 12 Hour Service x 11, ." LlltllOIitt _a L, from K~lthl. ll a cr-fr~of~ ' " ~~ .nvte,~ _I1I1 pf AliT"' ., "IATlr. paIrnts ~,~oh·fe 'm . ,'~ ' '"n'~r. :/°fu,cc Jo hereby s-Jvcn that tho un· OrelrblljA, gOlld }lIiPh19 !:d ,pay. W. B.. ,V.arne~, {')pc n Da), and Nigh l. ... "" " 'Y n ib" '" : ~ ' -4034'" W'ltO F Sl~t!,Il)" jj!, }l:rtel., ~ dec'clise. d , C. h .llr e . . B . ' • •' _ r"';' , de~e It'\l.~. cl,,'!-I ' S. BJ.l~SIID.~ 'lind ' lio'~- FOR ' ,. S ' , ) ,J ! t ,. ~ TAKE YOUR A • ~ ~ at ... Are!l,Be, 'U/l n: wlio heen ' en ' ALE- Wood, split or tpugq WIIW ~o 'tener~ a~ ~l!!!!!l . , r~, OF, p. ed hlP IDven~pry ft~~·t~. e &I;~~~~nD~CI!", e r~ Ut"dc II! $3.00 Ii cord, delivered. Also, 200 HIDES &: FtJas M E Die .1 N I:. ~ C bhl~K locus t pos R. J. T : Her'ringtp~; r.13Ke our d l. pl~y room your " ~rto,. and ap'1alie'~rw wh;':-f11ll oi'dj!red \lany. doing ' b\J81hc~H htB -Mgy~~.\,~IP; '" _-----....:...."--~-"1:r: TO I,cilcq uart< ra-yo u are alway. wel rl'~ord.!lu p.-ng J;!8!f, . Ohio. dl~.olved til e abO"1l DQ.rtllcr: R. D. II WUMllC ville, 9hio ' . f (:!il Nobody In Day Ion Selt. corn . . Waldron C, Gjlmpprl JI~mjni8~~t,!ll', .~16 liP tll~'! 1111 dc blQr. nnd c"~dlto," . " , ... -" (,!I Be ller DrUIiS . ~. LEHMAN SONS of estate Of. Rob' o rt Gilmour de~lIIi\ II~' w~S·n.c8v ll l ~ Motl'r Co,,!pan ~' FOR ~ALE--:-Ghil~'8 f!pllu&:iqr ' bet! 712 t:, ,Monument Ave., Dayton, O. lr ;:) CARL A. SCHMIDT THE VA.f l, 1l'. ',K1M-,..J:: CO. ed, fil ed written statement of eOlldl~ IIIIItJ ~ fll'lllfr It/fn , IV ltll Carl .~. ~ed, Alnililm lamp. 1;iee 'MtA "R&¥ T.lejlhpne Ea. 1195 a: 209 IIOUTH LUOI..OW 8'1'. O/. Vf6N, .OH,lg! .. tion of said estate and petitioned for oti\ ,q~:~~.JliI ~ A~Or~flrWc~~f:*~ Olvn~r Mlljn pll§/ W~lD1\sville, Phi If - . ~mll o I-..;...-....:....;...-""-~-.....;;.,~.J UI I;J;P?I~)' Room ' 24 No. Mall' .at. COf'ti.lifl!te to settle claims on said es_ ~~~J'A;~D8~~!~?H'i1JACON FOR ,SALE- Two Bo'urbon Red turCHEMICAL,6 -----~ tat,e ' ai( '!!)}1 ,is granted by _~ _ • key hens. O. A. StJohn, Lytle, O. court. '!i-- • . . :l . 14 \. . .... 0 .. B'Q,.} in next J8 mo",~ Notice is giVen ot the a.ppohitmen.t •. " ' 'f24 If In N.ed Good Reli abl e Pump at .§!:ulab Donnelly a's titrix or ~tJT Ptr~ CAN F~R SALE-Fl'esh Jersey Cow. In" All R.q~lre.m.n~, In Any City. for Barber Shop in Connec:tiOD $1,0010,000.00 the !l~tl!-tll /!t J ' I'k"OJJ, mrtlie (. tbfl~ 1~I'Dke,\' 1.00~ij IlH'f~ ('f l):!lrl Jl!sI1Pj>, R. D. 4. Town or Country ()fwf"~_,e. u. The "nion Building &: dcce/l&c!l, ,.nd I e Pllp,," . r .~ , - '" • III 29 W. Fifth St. Dayton, Ohfo. .,. Notice of ' ~h'Wby, Mnrto, you shouldn't ~"' , . .-, : The Geo. J. Rob~ .e~. Loan AesoCiatioii Warner sue . ugly things." WI!: (Jl'\.N fjAVE YOU MONiJ QN ;243-251 E. Second St. ...."·,E,., 1:1. . t ... 6Df . "But, mother, monkeys ~an't CQnd9nslHt Buttermilk, ' WG.~r1i OAYTON, OHIO. ~ Ii" 70 .1.e~~~~!i~:."~ 'P ,.' • '" / ' .; f " OhIo Creamery Co" C, month. [n Ihe Tllallrr o ( \ . A St) uth vs Mary 'o ulh . Ih l' parti~ s hll\'ing bc~ n I't" 'oneill" !, n,url di ~ continuc( 1 pnyllIent .. I' nlill1() ny I.' p laintifr t d l'f ,' ud an t, Ct,;;1 (If URe paid by pluin -

P ROBATE PROCEEDINGS h"" d ,I",', ,h,· uiml '" 1'0.· u cureer un Phone 8 , A ~ IIrlmini. Imtc'" of he l·~l lllt. ('I f tht· s l:tl!'~. HIHI di d 4I1it,· n hit of nm · Eva (J ~ l,,,l'II , cI, CCII"'·". H"Lerl :-: haw - :tll'llr lh":ltrieul work. hili wh c n slw hll n flied in\'l' m ury alld :IJ , pr:tis~l\I~nt :t11~'" J1t l'd ttl <' nlt' r th e profes'Iona l o f s!l id cslut e . . I t,,·,,1. h<'l' pH"c u l, nevc r would co u n111 th<- 1II111ler lIi' lh ~ se tlh'ment r t.'n:tIll' c· til l' 111 0 \' ,'. They were of t ift'. th e e sta t e of Marlha A. ,\llIhun. d ,- L.. " '<1 10 '111: a r,' li l!i ,,"~ In' lId . 1I1ul'Y Scott. execut rix of ti l<! ('s- ~cnH' d , it is "!'tIered lhat a ," 'py "f l \1" " tllll y. ab uu t Iwl'l\'c yc.urs old tlltl' llf lI orri ct Sco tt. n ccens(>d, VS. th" ~nlr y. dl' tel'min i,, ): the i"heri . \\'hell 1 \\:t~ hrsl l'C I·.n ~l ll t· d I.. lIIuul j!'c William n. Scott ulld Loui~ ... E. I'l'l' it- lanct' til' 1o be puid he ce r tified 10 II'Y t1"'ulrtc >l 1 tl mbltlo ns befu re ,', n 7. T, plai ntiff l' "O\'ers fr o m c1 c f(>n d- co ullty ,," ,litor. . nnts $aG4.fi7 nn tl C(lRts of tria l. Ntllic(' filcd of npt1i ntm l'n t of 11 ......~ < ~. In the ma tter of Hosn Mc ,utch- B. 'rayl o r. a R l!Xt2 lItu1' u f tht! c~tate vs. ROFu ,,[c utchon , execu trix u f J o lin 1'. Tayl( ' I', tl ecl'as ed, ~ o f estate tl f Rob rt Mc uthl' on, d eN o liet: is fill'd o f <lu" pl'oof (,f pub ,J ,~' i"';: : ~~~ c(lUSQd, t u l. , cnsu i s r enssign(l d for Ii(i lli on o f lI ol ice of e "~llll'S rur SdJ t-i .' .•.....'<' '., ._., : : ~":'t; " 'S(- ," '<,,~ ,~, t rilll on Murch 1., conl inunnc e ut t lt!lI1 e llt sel for hellri ng on Ft·brll nry l!O~ts ('If plnintifl'. 81h. In lh e malter of C. Ed McG uinn Ct~rtnjn otlll~I' estH tl'~ for ~cttl e~:~{4~ Telephone 292W W. A. Guttery et al .. p laintiff is II1CI1I. dille ~l' t fur ~llll'ch 1, t>,. Ohio order ed to publish affidavit in a news- I " th" matter o f t he wi ll of Co ,. · Mla",lsburl, t '. j't paper for b ncfit o f dcf!!ndant and n('li n B. Evnns S .. hc·" d <. " '·C (,"~,· d . t hat elerk of court sendcopicB of s ni d cou,·t nl' prO\'t'S oril:'i nal will allll SIIIll\! ~ ~ paper to d 'fendants. is ad lllitled to probate. Lu te l' Wil· " .: • In the matter of Willinm E . H of- liam F. SCl'hnck . name d c X"cut( r in' \ ' fer vs. William Edward Blair, acti on sa id will. IlPpeared in ~ (l\l l·t and Wa, overrul ed by co urt. alllll'oved a ~ such . Thl'n William F. In the matter of Rarry Otis Mc- S ~ hf!nck, ns xecuto r o f said estate, FUNERAL DIRECTOR Clung \'5. Ethel Inoe Dudley et nl., IIppli <:> d for app ointment of ll]1praisers Charles J . Waggoner, trustee in s aid of th e estale an d the court appro\,e d WAYNESVILLE, OHIO cnuse, fil ed his first a cco unt of his th .. appointml'n ts . transactions which are accepted by R n~e Gl'chl , os nrlminis trnt rix o f court, and sa id trustee is allewed t he estale o f Albert Crchl. d <" enst'd. . F"Uy Equipped for Good $100 as compensation, tiled ber fil'st Ilccnun t with vouchers . Service. In the matter of Michae l Denn u l fo r ~elllem e nt which is .Jrd Cl'e ti ~ us VB. Anna B orkenhagen et a I. , court pcndccl. Large Display Room" overrules mo tion o( the Columbus In lhe matter of the estu tc of VirMutual Life Insu ranc e Co., :for new g inin P. Lucas, decea sed, H . B. S10kt"s Ambulance Service trial. us ndmin isl l'lllor of snid estll te, mad e Harold Lloyd In the malter of P earl E rtel vs. application l o court t o se ll chaHe! TBLBPaoNE 7 DAY OR NIGHT Jeremia G. Ertle, et a I., court ord ers propel·ty of th e eslnte. proposa l apa partition of estate wh er e plaintiff proved by COllrt. La ler repOl·t on action of sale was r eported and ap- audienc e. It nil came abo ut in a peand defendan1.8 nrc residing. culinr fashion . \ ~ w~re living- in In the matter of John T. Harbine , proved by co urt. Alfred WiIIilllll Neale. liS ex ecutor Omaha, aad with my A'Nut longing Jr., vs. William G. Thompson, as as· signee for th e creditor s of Edwa r d of the estate of Louisa Neal e, deceas_ for the thentrics l l if~ , 1 fr quentl y S. Shroyer, court orders defendant cd, fil e d aplicatio n 10 sell n certain Cound m yself drawn towllrds onc the to file second amended and su pple- bond of ·snid cs t.ute; ~lIid app lication IIt..,r or nnother- u;,u"lIy lo where approved by COUI'\' and rep ort on pro- t he Burwood tock cOl1lpany wus ,, fIO,."",V PUBLIC mental an swer. pla ying. In the matter of George G. Per- ccedings WII S ordered. ) . Natloaal B_k In the mattcrwf t h e esb,te of BeThi ~ ~l ftel'nOOn 1 was one of n rine vs. Ab e Probasco et aI., 'm ostof . v.ror.' ·~ra~ .... _ :... Eatate. Settl.d defendants hAving died, case i s r eviv- atrice P . King , deceased, R. Eugene crowd guzinl!' into II window where ed against BurvivLl'S of deceased de- King 's appli cnlion to be made aJmin- II fo rtune teller was di splayin g bi s fendants. Later on motion, plnintift' istrutor of estate is accepted by the horoscope cha l·t to the enlertal nment. W.,... .. YiII .. Ohio , '. 'is granted leave to file amendment court and King gavt' bond. Then R. nf a g oot! sized crowd. Even a s a to his peition, and is given right to E ugen e Ki ng, us administrator of said Iud thi,; interef ted me , and il s till While t his file reply to answer of Benjamin F, estote made application (01' appoi nt- does for that matter Perrine, and to the answer of other ment of appra isers of the estate and pe rfol'man~e was going on, a fi r e aPlll'aiscrs were named nnd a cce pted . defendan ts. The VirginIan Joint Steck Land A full inventor y oC th e ctltnte was · • Bank of Charleston, a corporation VB. ord ered tn ke n. abeth Scott, d eceased, vs. Berry Love Dentiat In the matter of Charlos Madden et a I., said administl'ntor's sale o ( said , Charles Jones et a)., cUlle dismissed as adm inistrator of the estute of Eliz- esta~e is aPproved and ,~onfi rm(>d by Natloaal B_k BI<I8. without record. HARVEYSBURG, O.

Live Poultry WA.N TED!


A~D.Swank &50n

i i

,I.4';, . . -,"""{.,<. ..", f. ' ·

Hllhest Market Price Paid "0"






. Walter McClure


Dr. H. E 11athaway


.or. . John W. Miller .



. -w.,...m.






"Safe Night and ,



6 Oft

':'1 : ;:-':-::====:-:-----:==, ;==========:::::=::::





· K









0' •



Th. theater manager aaya that if the ahow ever stope it would pe houl'll


10m. couples realize the fact.


AFTe"R. st)C I>A'r-S ANb AlIGI-ITtS' ~ ''le- GoT 11,(, WO~l<;f1VG



'TA-lC ~q.... HAt!.E OVT P.M~


They Drive \


Him·. Nuts ,

-== e,






HA\lE;' lI.lomli-JG MORe' ""m . : . W .OR.R'(" .A~IJT



F:r' ..







., flAT EVE'r.JINGo W~eN 'roV we~1!: AMONit 5TAAN6oERS A~O

- ----_.-----



Mrs. Willillln Long is on t ho 5i·k list. Mrs. J . H. Michael, north of t own ' is on the s ick list. Th ere were sevel'lll rad io pm·ties in town Sa urday eve ning. Mr. a nd 1\11'5 . Charles Clark we re Cem City visitors, ~nt.uJ'(l uy. I\1 l's. Berne .J one' "'8" u Thul'. day gues t of Mrs . A lIeil Emri rk. Mr. nnd j\ l r~. L. :'II. S im s "'ere LeL. ano n "iHil ors, Thul'sday ('\'clling. Mr . Clare nce Smilh lind Mrs. ,\ nn ,'mith spent SuI tJl'day In n ay ton. eve ral f rolll Ill·.... a ttl'IId rI .J uke needCl" s sal(', nen r ~It . lI ully. ThuI'sday . .


Sublcrlpeioo · Price, $1 .50 pe r Year D.L.CRANE





A NIC£ lAD.&E FLO~ ALL 0\1('(1. TM!' ,"LOOn.. _ Ot4! SIIADF.S OF NISin, co...,s 1>0-. "IJD COV61l. Me "

0 .. '


Un i crslIl sulisFuction will be fult at th e IInnO Ul1 Ce nw nt that u copy of the (Ju It'nvl'rg Hil,l(' hI' li ght :$ tn 6,' 000 lit public auction in th~ COSll1uPOlitllll city of Ne w Yurk . So fa r us IS ~n (lw n this ill the highest pl'ice ('ver paid (or a silllde book in th ~ histo ry oC th e wo"'d . Seemi ngly we may have our battles OVer evoluti on lind fun.dlllllcntallslIl, we muy Hplit theolog Ical hull'S lind follow ~I! ct u riani . m down' II thousllnd difTer nt by-pa ths, but whon the 5mo k~ of religious diff er ences hus clcu red away, the Boo k of Books st ill stllnds as a rock imperishable III th e hellrts of th" people. The Guttenberg Dible, now in 1'0.sessioll of Dr. A. S, W. Rnsenbach. wus printe d be fore Aml' rica Wll B dis. covered- woon Christoph er Co lum. bus was r omping liS II boy in the streets of Genoa. It wus th e first book printed from movuble type, but it set down im· movlIlJ!c ethi cs. Pec uliarly, howev. er, while formI ng th e vas is of civili· zation the Bouk of Books see ms to be set aside in the functioning of ~overnn~ent, Those opposed to cap . lta l I)Ull1shment fo .. exumple, point to the (act that in infi icting t he death penalty civi li1.ation l1ics in the tee th of Bibli cal teachng, arroguting to mlln the power (11 inflicting eternal da mllation, in thllt no sinner can repent to order, and ensure his safety III the other world by sincere contritio n perfected a t th e fin a l tick of th e clock. Another hou r of life and a ll might be well, these good f olks co ntend in striving to bring to a n end the official killin g o f mankind., What . ever of Biblica l fa it h a nd admoni tion may be ig nored by government. however , th e Great Book stili stands a:, th e rul e and jl:uid of mll n's prac. t lce. It hilS thund ered down t he ages without chn n ~, resisti ng ull onslau g ht. It. iN th e book m ost wide_ ly read,- an d most often uRe d in I'e!. erl!nce even in this ag" of ja7.z a nd j nmbl' re es. It is " ltogeth er fitting it shoulcl commnn.1 Ihe highest price oC any work in the world's history.


gel', as solois t and chori ijtQr. • Mrs. Reogan, also 'a minister , 'is assisting. All, resille in In diana. . The P.-'r. A. play, "Yimmi" YubnROn 'S Yoh," wa s g iven al> Kingman Thursdny cv ning. Although t h~ IVcuther and the condition e> f the roads WIlS a gainst II good attend nnte the pIIlYcl'~' "hul'c a mo unte d to te~ dolla .... Quite a little <,xci (·mc nl was CHII" c d in t h e vill H~e Th ursday

I' V

"d n\r-


when the Ford truck helollginl! to 11. R.:CVl·S cnu~hl fin' . II c wns h,I\'inl! hi ~ truck filled with '::11'" Ii III! when he "la z.! :;11I1'lCd f r"", II li~hll'd illl1 1'h ~ Inl' WII S Ipnl in til(' tru ck. hlll'ned off but u. ide from t hill I he <ia mag'1' WIl :- .,Iight

T ~rae NeWlletl Plucked from Our Exchanges Men Bound Over to Grand Jur"


lIubby- ""' hy are yllu dnting thi. tt"r the l,a h wh en t (,day i ~ the Mrs. L owell T homas >pent Monday le in Miam i"vunr. li t lh(' h"me o f her I ~ t?" Wifey- "I' m !!,,,inl! to leI you mnil uncl e. . it. .. The E,,8 Sisbt Speclalll' R(,lIle mb(, I' the Aid SlIppe l' Hnd I'nll'l'lu inrTI (' n t at Lyt le hall, 'alunluy A r cal ('stale 1I!!"nt has had gr eat c\' ning . luck 1I' "kln~ peuple se ll hy te lling Mr. "n~l Mrs Ha rr y Grn lmm ~"ent lh(,,,, fI fllm ily o f "nxop hone playe rs , undll~' \\' ilh l he lalter's plIl' (' nl ~ . at hml LouJ.(hl next doo r. Lebanon, Ohio Spring Va ll ey }Itl's. Le lin Sm il h , wh o hilS Iree n ill fOI' some time, is nr,t "0 ",(OIl and is The modern womn n is more like 8,00 a. m. to " p. ID confine d to he r b,'c! agnin. u moth I han abutlerl1 y - judgiull' from l\'l r s. Geo rge Graham r ~ c e i ved word cl ot hes.Ihe way she goes through . las t wee k of Ih e denth of he r uunt, Ml's. Ro xa nna lI a ll , !It Dayton. !\f" S. J ohn Fite un d daughte r, of P leasant Rid ge. spc nl Monday with 11<'1' mothe r . Mrs. i::l1Imll Foulks. Mr . and Mrs. Wulter Kenri ck and Mrs. Iyde Wharto n and dUlIg htl' r. wer e Lebanon vis itors. W ~dncsd ay . A numher of mem bers of Lytle GENERAL INSURANCE church attend ed II confe r ence nt Springbo ro church Su nd ay uUerThe OLD RELIABLE CALENDAR is here. no on. Mrs. Halph Al'chd eaco n return ed Call at the office. bome, . Saturday, nftcr spending a \\:c\lk ill Duytun a t the homo o f he l' sist er . JIll'S. Ellu Cops('y 'pent the weeken d wi th nfr. and Mrs_ Ben llawke , ~,.-----------------------------­ but retu l:ned t o 'pring Vall ey, Su ndllY eve n IIlg. Mr, and Mrs. Frank Snyd e r r etlll'lIcd home la. t week, afte .. spe nding several month s with the Co rm el"s sister, ~n Lebanon. T he war.t illl !! inl1at ion has a ll b~e n Mr. W_ G. Hain es lind daughte rs take n (JUt. of fm'm IUIl(i values in Oh io, and tenuncy hilS dec l'cused, sn ys Mildred and lara, of Belm ont, wer~ J , J. Falconer. hie f of th e Depart. 'u nduy g ll e ts at th e home of Mr. ment of Rural Econo mics o f the Ohio and lII rs. Walter Kenrick. E xperime nt station. Seve ral famili cs fr om hl'l'e glllhThe vulue of Ohio farm lund and cred a t the home or Mr. Dnd M rs . buildings, as s ho wn by the cens us Bert Bunn e ll, Satu l-day eveni ng, und o.f 1920 was $2 ,66134,5,940. In 1925 lh e occusio n WIIS enjoyed by all. it was $1,!J43,150,524. In 192 0 the Mr. und Mrs. C. W . C x. M_·. nnd average valu e oC lund and Luildings was $113 per ncr e, by 1925 it was Mrs. Chllrles E. Johns :In <1 II'. C.. UR. $87, a decrease of 23 pe r cent in Clark Ill te nde d lhe funeral of Leste r fiv e years. Land alone without build- Caskey, at Waynesville, Monday afings decreased 35 pe r cent in value. ternoon . Tenancy decrcased from 20 .5 per 1111'. and Mrs. Chus. Clar k an d Mrs. cent in 1920 to 25, 5 per cent in 1925 . S. H. BUnle t visited Mr, an d Al rs. S. Th ese figures al:e significant, says Dr. Thackllra, in Springboro, Sunday. Falconer, as eve r s ince 1880 when Mrs. Burnet r emained us her father figure s showing th e per cent ~f ten- is quite poorly. dency were firs t collected, th e numMr. lind Mrs. Carl Albrig ht, of ber of farms operated by te nants had beeD increaSing. . Springboro, and Mr. H erman AI· The larger part of this decr ellSe in brig ht, of Dayto n, spe nt Sunday at tenancy has taken place in the east- the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kes ler Gra ern and lower land val ue section of ham a nd daughter . the State. Jackson county, with 9.3 MI'. and Mrs. I~l o yd Savage and per cent of it!! farms operated by children, and Mr, and Mrs. Walter tenants, has the lowest percentage of Janney attended n surpris e S und ay t enants. Madis.on county, with 50.9 for Mrs. Savage's mot her, Mrs. Belle per cent tenancy, has the largest and Dinwiddie, at Wa ynesville. IS the only COUl1ty in the State with Mrs. Lillian Fox, wh o has been more than half of its far ms operated by tenants. qui te ill f or some time, was taken to Dayton Saturd ay to the home of her siste r, lIfrs. Maude Copp, where she HIS MASTER'S VOICE will receive medical attention . Mr. and Mrs. A. E . White a nd Rastus in undertoDe to Sambo"Time was whe n ah co uld whip de sons, of Dayto n, litis., Alllla Hormell old lady in a ruff and tumble fight." and Mrs. Ralph Stowe, of Springboro Old Lady (Clverhearing) _ uyou's were Sunday aftern oon and eveni ng a black lia b-time nebbah wUll--lleb gu ests of Mr. lind Mrs. Kesler Grabah ain't.-an ain't nebbah will be." ham. Despite the in clement weather Thursday evening, a large crowd attended t he Grllnge play of Springboro, at Lytle ha ll, which was well presented and much enjoyod by ull present. Mr. and I\1rs. Harry Watson and childre n lind Mr. Oliver Watson, of Bellbrook, Dr. and Mrs, L. B. Hall an'd family, of Waynesville, were . Thinp Ydu Should Know Sunday guests of Mr. lind Mrs. Harry McGinnis. .

HARVEYSBURG Mr. W . A. Haines was n Cinc innati vis itor, this week. Th e M. E. Aid se rved lun ch at Sy_ {erd's sal e, Wedn esday. Mrs. Harry Osborn called on Mrs. Chas. Gray, W ednesduy afternoon, Harry Hosier had the misfortune to teor th e ligaments loose in his


Buckeye Incubators and Brooders

- --


About lfour

fRfO M. COL(

Waynelville, Ohio

. .Mr. and Ml'S. Albert Stacy had for their dinner g uests, Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Williams and Mrs • Melvina StaCY, of Dayton, und Mrs: Grant Corn e ll, of Sidney. Th ey also called on Mrs. Chloe Sides. .

Our Windows Are Full of SALE BILLS B~t We Have Room and Time to Print Yours; - ~


Mrs. Joseph Grassi and children and Mrs. Eva Hain es, of Dayton were Saturday dinner guests at th~ home of 1111'. and Mrs. Walter Kenrick, celebrating the 85th birthdoy of .the latter's fatber, Mr. S. H. Hames.

1,' GOLDEN HEALTH RULES If you are interested in good bealth, may I pl'esent you with my "fourteen polntEl" for recognition' 1. Welgbt and proportions of The following and th eir families body m,ust confo.rm to hoi~ht of inof Social Uow, I!athered at the home dividual, sexes ~'ar.ying. of Mr. and Pal~ e r Stanley, Saturday 2. There IIhould be no limit~ cvenmg and en joyed a pleasant time: tlon of motion In any muscle by Anderson Ellis, Walter Long, Earl reason of pain .)r other hindrance. Thomss, Allen Hole, Charles Kindle Chnr les Cornell, lrvin Hardman , Rus.: 8. The five senses-hearing, sell Campbell, Mury Campbe ll Hoseeing, taBting, smelling nnll feelmer Burnet and Virginia PhiIJip~. Ing should be alert, capable and . dependable. Rev. T. L. Stotler ' ha a resig ned as 4. No pain should be aroused by pastor oC Spl' boro und Lytle the functioning of any organ of ch ur~hes, lind Re v. Silings has bee II the body. • al?polnted to fill th e vacaliCY. He 6. Mind should work without WIll preach here next Sunday nt 3 stimulation by a.rtlfici!¥ mellluL " ti O'clo~k und all lire cordilllly invit~d should 'l\l.t bq Ulgitate.B. by flts of, . to thiS service. Rev. StIlings vl~ lt ed ~mpi;i~ iit bY' worry. ., the M. E. churc h at Wa ynes vi lle S·.! 1 41• . Sleep should come. naturally day eve ning, un<\ fC)nde red a very /lot the end of the day. pleasing 5010. . . ''1. No morbid appetites should, ---~----1£1it their ugly heads jor recoQ'ni~ tlen by the healthy man or ~Muln, 8'. Elimination ~ the natur'at. ~a~ne).@ ' ,tw~Id ' be pe~rrnl!d au-. ~m..Ucilly. at regular Inten'&l s~ ~d without disc<)mfort'of any kind •. WIHlIl~l fl. Hllrlan wne home from ' : 9. Skin lesions ali~ W811'1i\'l1!l\l., lIiade'r ia, for the week·enrl. 'f .W\II ,e" ~ -.~'r m}'. M 'u lehold There S)lQ,uld b,e nQn lIe~~atlo" Mr. and MrS. Albert McKay ar-e ,06~; :I9c;AtWd ·"t t~~ Earl ' Orndorf ;houl4 ~' W!\t~\\Iq ra\~~fW!l" d\J\ the ' parents of a new .son . p'r opmY, "on' \NortH stree,t, Way h c3"!lil~~" ... ' "Q.U" I" ....~ pel'o vlll~i '9\\\<,,: o~! " ' : " ( , 16. 'A ¥reat."ng 8b • . Sa~.f.i.llL liIap,J. " ,~~'" f9tn.'ed Withoot atullllttng ihe at!il!lJlillfthn"-' .f 'l~:8~ ~ha11l\ ' ~"qn "f' .~'her' the indi.! tduat or . Term.- 1I!8!\. .. {lis audience. .... .. .,' l' V~tP'\Io : QRNDQJUi\ 11. 'rhe ftgurle <eh'tiuld be ereatl , Stan ey 11 .~U\ 1\1 ~!I.tii. '. man is tne GPo\)' "I\I~ ~rtJl~ " " ~ ~. . ~ '. this 8~~ pTlvllIe~ · ..

.. Public Sales

, ________.............__. ·,;;,•tV••

Advertise ~Sa1elo tbi8N~-

pi.,...It will

brl~g _


Are ~su~: 8~¥l~~~' Safe~.· . '. $867t86~.S~

We c\eslre to t~aD\t .pur more t~ai:t 16,0..0'«\ patron" who \\a~e" ' :.: aided ' 'us 'in 'n)IIIUng 'lil ia, ~~uao,! ~al!\~' ,~~~ 11,-

A~ et~ ·Qy,tr 19"Q()O,ooq.~ ~ak,e loa,pa 00 app~oved r.eal estate .ecurlt~ )

the be's t seourlty,

6% ,ON 's~V1NGS


~lDpoon~~ 8ClD1·Annaall,. " or' , "WflERIll' 84.VlNG8 ABE 8AJ!'B" ~

~ ~be : W~t -Side· ·Building

.' . ahd Loan Associatioq ,







... .


organ•. Three sizes. All druu!ata.I..... on the ori&innl &enuinc OoLl) M--.



correct Intemnl troubles: stimulate orItIiI




Every Tuesday I




At Cary'S Jewelry Shop


haadem oil bas been t a ' worlctwide remedy for kidney,liver an~ bladder disorders, rb~tiam. lumbago and uric acid conditlona!


LEBANON - Waltllr Cla rk and Ca rl Wag ner, Williamsdale men wbo were arrest ed lust week on t he charge of receiving stolen goods in connec· tio n with th e Mason store robbery, were bound ovel' to the Butler counW ell . we have ' kept coo l with Coo l ty gr and jury, Authorities have not been uble to clear up the case as yet, arm. idge, a ll rig ht. but expect further developme nts Mr, and Mrs. Everett Villars, of l'he ma xim, " Look Be for e You soon. Dayton, were here with r ela tives this Leap," undoubtedlv is now impressed week. on th e mind of that New York er who Put 'Em. to Work A number from here attended the tried to comnlit suicide by ju mping FRANKL IN- Franklin is goin g' to from nn "L" train. but who fe ll in a inaugurate a system oC law entol'ce- fua eral of Leon Eycke, at Waynes. ville; Tuesday afternoon. snow bank with a broken noge, ment that should attract state· wide Mrs. Ida Howe has gone to Oberlin uttention. At last Monday nig ht's It wuuld have been !\ pity to en· sessio n of the vi\lllge council, an or- to r are for Mrs, Frank Howe. who da nger the morals of ou r Oo ngross· dinance was pass,'d giving the Mu yor has been stricken wi~h paralysis. \!le n by permittin" Ellrl rllv~n and auth ority to se ntence law viollnors There was lin interesting program pountess Cathcart t r emuln in the to work on t he streets. This is a and pleasant social time at Hi ckoryI!o\lntr ~. _ ___ _._- _ se nsib le piece of legislation and Act- ville schoo', Tuesday afternoon. ing Mayor Bnso re will find the la wMr. and Mrs. Ira Syferd and son. abiding citizens of Franklin solidly behind him in his enforcement of t he ,John, have moved from Dr. Randall's ordinance. Boot\eggers, drunks a nd farm into the Baptist parsonag e. reckl ess drivers may now work out Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Doster and ~url s on Maxim sees twe ntv yeors their fines. on the village streets in entertained Rev. Woltring, of of ·peace. Not, howover, becau.~ stead of playing seven·up in the coun sons West Rushville, o\'er the week-end. Europe has reform ed, but because ty jail. Two ' dogs invaded the flock of Mr. sho is " broke."- Cincinnati EnquirKoverman on thp. W. 1" Harv~y f",rm er. Ho~. Band Gan .conc;ert. recently, and killed a dozen sheep. The mon who says that he <lIlught XENIA- The Ca4et 1!and, O. S, Captain and Mrs. Chas. Garner and a fiftee n.pound b~s !aR ~ ~ummer Is and S. O. Home, gave 1\ concert at flOW h ·lllng that his radio set ~ets Southwll ~te~n Qll.i.o BQo~rs meeting Bobhy, of Columbus, are visiting I!1\1TOpe nearly every night.-Indl8n- o{ Spanish Amllficnn War Vetera ns' Mrs. Mary J. Finch and Robert GarneT. .apoJis NewB. association, a~ Co~umbus, ~ecentJy. Harry Hough returned, Saturday, Not 011 ventriloquism Is on the Crom a Dayton hospital, where he has vlfUdeville stage, There is, for ex- Wi~t~ rias ia flori"a been receiving treatment for his ample, thllt vo ire of the people that OSBORN~d FogweU, the Osborn eyes. . 80 many: patriotl; hear< every eleQt\on ho~e\lll1n, w\.to is wintering b.~ pacye!l~. - rlmnaaa G",zotte. The Baptist Mission Study class will erl!.. All Bingen lind A" Jllnn\ngs, at Florida wat~r is sWI ,elllng by the the Orlanclo, Fla.• t{ack, wri.tes th.Bt meet at tbe church, Wednesday. March 3, at 10 o'clock. All are cor_ 1l\1l\ce overyw~ere Ilxcept tn Florida. i~ is a busf l;>lnce~ with m.ore tha.n 100 dially invited to attend. It III selJing by the front foot there. horses tn \ ralniM the{~, ~Loui svi\l\, O<;lurjor-Journa~' . M1'8. Mildred Eagle passed away at the home her daul!'hter , Mrs. Will Our idea of an egotist is tb,e man p"p1i..-\<1 Wright, in Dayton, Thursday afterwho thinks his wife 0llght to ~II Gfelln.e 4:.o~nty'. tax du211cate IIpOIl noon, after several Wleeks' illness. him ' Icolone\" just' bell!luse he partJ! which taJl:es will be paid this year, hi B hair witll militar~ br\l8~ell.­ wit' be cjeoteased by H89.72Q from. Funeral services we.r e held from her late home, Saturday afternopn. In j)nl!a~ !-{Il"'~\ I"t year, a~cordlng t.Q the State Tax terment in Miami cemetery. h 11011' develops that Leon Trotsky Commisslon. Total duplicate this Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Jordan enter· wn& once a moving picture nctor. year i8 ,60,866,160. tained Saturday evening at supper flo'" IJtterly relentless a man's poU· in' honor of their daughter, Mrs. A. tical enemies can beoome In digging State Aid for School. Z. Hartsock's, birthday. Those presup hIs palt.-Detl'Olt !"ree Prosl. ent to enjoy the occasion were: Mrs. ,LOVELAND-County SuperintenWile," radio comes In to the house dent E. H. Patterson, received war- Catherine Jordan, Miss Hannah and conversation flies out of tile window. rants on the Stat.e treasury for State Alfred Jordun, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. - Indianapolis News, aid to the amount of $26,955.00. MC Hartsock, Mr. and Mrs. A. Z. Hartand children, Kenneth. Sara When the Brltlah Army left Co- ami township is to receive $300 of sock Anne Louise and Joseph , logne they Itepped along. to the tune tbis. Milford $600 and Goshen $1000. Katherine, Mary This makes a total of $90,430 Wm. Lukens and daughter of Yankee Doodle. They hnve Caroline. Mrs. Hartso~k received a marrh ed to it before.- Boriton Globe. ·that Clermont county has received number of \lseful gifts, among th1lm to date this year. About $26,000 If you cat six .comcakes at break_ more hus been promised which will being a quilt her mother had quilte d fast every mornin g for a month you arrive about July 18~. ,- . for h~r. All wish.\l1! ~,!r !"a!!)' hllppy .. ~ " • 1 .. ,' J k • • will have done m or e for ' the ~orn . .re\u\, a I>! tl\'! ~ay. ~~ f8l' mora ~ han COl1gt'es~ will nooon)(;I~~ W~~ ~~u~~ .,1I~~ In one Se8910n,~,!,01e~p ~ENIA-How8l'd Smith, oE Selma, . ~rigllain Y~\lllg p§\ld to be famous adfl'lJn1strator of tlie estate ' 'Of WiJ~ fot hll\'ing S9 many wives, bllt now' liom 111. Smith, killed when his' auto~e i ~ famous be'c ause he ' had them mobile was struck' by a 't~.~n ~~ S.e~­ «II at ollce.-Chi,cago Nows. One mile sout~ea~t of Wellman, on '!Ia a your ag<;l, w~ glvel\ ,"uthoT\ty .. OPf g~ess i~ that 'if the Italian liy, prC?'~.ate 'lour\ to sl!ttle ni ~1~lm the W ~llllll\n lind ClUI'kdvtIJe plkl'. on ing \!raA'lted os /ll1l t:l1 ils ' Mus~ol lni !!gglnl!~ Ot'! f~lI.n@~lvt\nl(\ J'Rilroai'{ .... TI"nlda", Februar" 25, 1926, O ~B tn'!y '\'Q!1I~ hove tp fll!'ht. - .Dld. fQr ,1,(iQO. Commencing ~t 10 o'clock, my en- - -. . . . . . I .A~ New~. tire lot of farm equipment. ns folThe two things thnt know no naGertie, a friend of !!line, made' a lowa: 8 horses, 8 cattle, 12 hogs tiQnal boundary linc8 IIrc love and big mistake. She told a boy friend hay, corn, farm implements li nd hal" neas. ANNA ·E . SHEEHAl\. l!ap!tal: -W!\8 hing~o n .PQst, ~he had· ne.ver been kissed beforeWalter Lacy, Auct. then he reminded her they were once On acc~unt of the death of my Try our Class. Column ~ for results engaged. wife, I will sell at my farm, 2 miles I E. of Lytle and 1-4 mile S, of Ferry, 3 miles N. W. of Waynesvill.c, on t\te Waynesville' and f'IlH)I; \\QII~' lM,e1ll('.~IW" ij ~rcb \0, ' 1926, aom'n'lene£n~ . n~ ! O,i; m., sharp, the fdUowlng1 4 horsl).8. 7 cattle, 2 brood 80;'% henl, farmin'g Impl e ment~, feed: harn'eas;' tools/ engine, .household ano kitchen ~u'r\tit\lre .See bills for terms. , . ''', r, . ' ~ '. OHMER H. FOX. Auc bt 'Martin &: Stanley, , . " G~in in ~ssefS t~e Past ~ea.\' . ~\l ""'a





~" ~ ~~\~~ W!.~rt~:WelOl1llUl,th ...,,;

llee"ll sl4;le .' Wl<1 , ~l,I,iIJ , . ~~il . . , . on . , , . "", li The-hall' IInd' naOe MoUld ~ . _oft, and 'llboul/llllnC in. the ~utt....

flII tiritli bo8to~ed bJ ioviN ~




F~ T. 'Martin ~esseS~ey' Auctioneer ': · · Au~tionee~· . ; I





Date ,.ou~ ulea with u.. We utu.factioD 01' ch.qe· DO~.


Centerville,.o. ' .... ·No. 2

. ~......


__ _ L...

--~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~ - ~~

111 i. IlIrg:m l E d\\ftT ~ ' iR on ~jc~ H;1..



II s 1·;J<t h· l· flenul'r.<lI ll

.Jd m e .

I, too, d Olln: to win



I will b . at

H a ll.


' "ViI!

!llr . . : t hcrinc . ,ll' mun was in I r~. W . B . Squires wus in Dayton, Bell bro,)k, T ue U(\ y uflc rUOO Il. l\loULluy. 111 1'. nnd Mr·s. My(' r Il ~' mnn nl HI Mr ~ . O. Dnvis ~p ent W e dne sdll~' chil un.1n \\ llf',' in Xt' ll lll, 'U IlUUY · in CiTlcoillnt\ti. C " llI ill ~ . , l lln'h ·I! " Yim mie Yon· )1;". \'.' nller Md' lurc \\'n~ in Day- " llfl ;. tl·lli n J,r Y.. I U uhuut hi :i "yo b." lOll , :-int u Tll u}'. '.1. ('. " tlrra\' 1' ~ Irn<, ,1 I",:n('. 'fues. :\lr~. S(tl'uh Murra y is yi ... il ing her liny, "ft tl! ' n h'ri(l f \' i!'! il with rc l.tUVl'S

th e e.o.t a n d tjn ..~ of goi n g

to t he cit.,. I .. lI ow noh ody to d o better work than I do. I s t and ready 'to prn c thil. 1. t u , tll ll. your ye and g l~ ,.eo prob l" m oY"r No "b&rlfe for t hi,. I bri ng .. neW me""Rc in Ih i• • rviec. Dayton Offin: 294 L u dlow Arcn d .,

G. H. Brower ~~ Oph. D.

Tire prices have advanced. We were fortunate in placing our order at the old prices, and will share with those of our friends and customers who buy Tires . from now to 15th, the benefit of the old price.

30x3~ 3Ox3~ 30x3~


$10.25 $12.40 $10.25 $11.75 $11.60 $13.30


O"'.ralu FINDLA Y CORD, R.Kular ' FlNDLA Y CORD,


11II11ey suys he fo und a . time tnu lo t hat was printed t w.enty-flv e YI'llr~ u ~o. ( W onder if nil t ho t r ains a" O in by no w? ) Mr. lind Mrs. dnu ghl r. My ra , of ited :' I I'~. R i~gi n ' s CUllk, Sun du y ul1 .1



5c Up

• T. Riggin nnd WilllIingt on, viss isl er, 1I1 1' ~. Se th MO l1 duy.


The nnn ivl'rs nry of th e birth oC Mrs. J . T. Eolis an d of JlIt·s. Chnrles ~b lL' t' t al :,\1 i a l\1i ~bllrl!' . HI P "vt"II. Ell is fu ll" <In 1"~IJl' u llr y 20 . On S un _ du~·. t he:! 1"1, II jnint celc brntio n wns ~I e ss l'" W altH lind ClifT HUTIl.'tt ~Ir· . li nd l\I r~ . ;\ . L. ~ hl 3 lire n' ov- h ~ ld a t lIl" hume of t he f onn!!I', with \\',Irt' in Lt.\hun\1I1. Tlil'~day. in g' thi .. Wl',"I K to Uh·il' n e w home in " ' UlllptU Ol1 " turk ey di n nm' as lh e t h,' \·o untry. <'hief f('lItu\ ~ . !III'. IlIl ll ;\lrh. .F. n. 1I" ndcl',n n W"I',' in Ik llbrook. I·' r i,l a y. ;'I l~~ l'.Il1 f1la C'urt \\ rig' ill j , confi nl, d li.\ h, l' t·o \.)ll\ with " ~ l' l" Ui n l·d nllk le, Mr. linn ~Irs. Cllrl ' Hllbb anti Hon 11", l" ' ~lIlt uf II fall. "Ill' "l 'undny li t Plain\ illc. Mr. Hlld JlII·s. C . W . "1' uun c(' , of li l'o r " "1' imnde "1','"")11 Y"b ." nntl Payt o n . were .... uuday g U t.'~l~ ur Mr . ST. MARY'S CHURCH lnnylH.' you CUll g et one o f Y(lUI' OW I1 . and ~Il' ~ . CUlI lll llS YlilI ll r c. Sen ico . ('ve r y W edn esday eve ning Mrs. n. R. S mith s p ~ nt th e wel,k. :\Ir. and Mr". Wnll er Und<'l' wo od el uring L .. nt lit 7 :3 0; l upic f or lhe end with !'l' I"tives i n An d e r~ <) n . Inll. "pL'n t :-; und ay wi t h ~ II· . Hnd ~t r s . Wil- Len l e n ndd re sse~ i, "The Purables. " FcIJrua ry 28, s (' ~ o l1 d S undllY in Lent. lm r Jl nwkl', al llar v ,,!y ~ burg'. Chu rc h Sc huul ut \l :3 0; M o rnin ~ MI's Kate Coll'll1l1n Wa" lhe rlin · Il el' ~ ll eSl (I f 1\·l rs. A nlll nda JI1 ntlit, MI'. HIllI ~I r R. . lIrI McCl ur e a nd Prllye r and se rmorl a t 11 o'cl ock. All t"rlllY. Ilau.: ht l·r". (If I )n Y1< II1 . " P ~ nt Sunda y n) .. we lco m e . 1:, v. J oh n J . Schae ff er. Rector. with ~ II·. II"d ~\ Ir~. Wll lter 1tl cClu re . ~ I r . . nnol 1I1t·s. ~ tll n l (' ~' S" II !'r" 0; L uhnno ll. wc rl' \Vnyn ~s\' i1h.· v i ~ itors . Th l' l'I' JIu lllr Illeclint! uf t hl' W. C. FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST T. \ 1. wi ll h., tH' ld Ilt the (o'r i end' ~ :undnr, JI1 se r vice 9 :30; Sible School, 1I 0lllc Il l' Xl TU l's d,iy "ft !' rn oo n March Co mmu ll io n lUlll Ncrm on. Evening . Mr. ancl Mrs . J ohn Fr(l lllm nllli Mrs . :!nd. sCl'vilo, 7 :00. All ure welcome to .T . ..., lt l\ wk e we re Dnytun \" i ~ it o l' :; . o n our melti ngs. We ' invite you. M r~. Br ud.l n 'l't, of Xen ia, i ~ with Tuesday Nathan Johnso n, Minis l er. Mrs. Hnnnah ,\ n t rll m a nd 111 1'S. Mary Perry Thomus , Supt. Messrs .. Kll rl Dokin nnd 0 01' . Wil- Cnskey fol' awhi le. Mrs. Caskey is linllls, o f Leban on, weI' in town lust sti ll quitl' un i,walid. FridllY· MET: ODIST CHURCH Sabba th !:jehool, 9:16 a. preachlIIr. and 1\l r8. Geo rgc T homp so n , ing a t 10 :3 u ... m. Epworth League o r Lnv(' lund, yj s il('u )'c lative!4 hore, 6: 16 p. m. Preaching at 7 :00 p. m .• -un dIlY. Wedn esdny evening Prayer meeting, 7 ./l 0. Eve rybody In\'ited to these Mrs. Ru .~ ~ 11 Ben tley to nk d inlll'r se rvices. with Mrs. Om nr Lewis I1ml flllllily. FOR SALE Hev. L. A. Wa~hbu;", Pastor. ·Ilturdny. Fon SA LE - C r noc Holstein he ifer, Dr. lind Mrs. Llo\'d II IlI1 nnrl ch il · 1 "'" Yl'u rs " Id ; I Hols t(' in heifer. dr!'n ~Jl c nt ~ u n elay' with ) l rs. HIl II 's olig ibl(' til rl'.: is te r, 2 month s old. parents nt Lylle. Robe,·t lI unt , R. n. 6. W ay n eSVille, Ohi o °m3 See t he Wil so n 's in th eir f un ny FOR SAL" - /\ N.,. fr ('~ h cow. J. sketch c. at Miami 1I1('nler, every C Of27 . Hisey, H. ;1, T hursday evening.


Late Classified Ads,

Theae are Strictly New and Guaranteed Tires



leD tH Advertiser JOO read his Ad. in the Miami GazeHe "

B orn- To .' homp ~on.

1\I r.


1I I r~ .

Enn is

Misses Mny W"ight, Mnry an d Vir !('in iu IJllkill visited friend s in LebanOli las t W ed ne" day. Mr. .and · ]lIrs. . Howa rd ArchdcnC(ln were SundllY d in ner guest~ of MI'. and Mrs .. J ullIes Kerrick.


Mr . and Mrs. J . n. Baker p~ nt Sunduy and Mon day wi th th ei r parents, Mr . an d Mrs. Chas. Gray.



J. O. Ca r twright attended the mid _

The World's Greatest

wi nter ('onfcre ncc of l hc Ohi o Bun kers association at Columbus, Mond ay.


St. Mar y's Guild will meet with Mrs. Cath eri ne Colemnn on Thursday afternoon, February 25t h, at 2 o'clock. Mrs. Veo Adams and son , Rob ert, nnd Mrs . Ann ]l1cBrian, o f Dayto n, spen t S und a y witb Mr. and 1\'11' • Oliver Da vis. Dr . and Mrs. W. E . Ogelsbee nnd Mrs. Horac e Hatton. of Harveys burg , we r e calling on friend s here Sunday afternoon.

Th e W nkitnt ina Campfire Girls held t heir weekly meeting at the home of t he Assistnn t Guardian, Mrs. C. W . Youn ce. Tu esda y a fte t·noon . T he tren ~ u r er 's 'eport ~h o w e d that all bills \\ e re p aid. 'fha a e ou nt book, health chart un d cer l ifi ca ti on ca rd s have n ot arrived , but lhe gi l'ls are ougcr t o IlfI ve t hem. . T he Law nnd Credo were I( ive n . Min utes a nd roll ca ll were r ead by t he sec re lary, Ma ry Lou ise Zimmer_ man . The songs were practiced un. del' t he lead er s h in of t he so ng leader , Beutrice Ho bitzer , a fl e r wh ich we ad· journ ed. T he a mp fire Girls wish to lha nk those who so liberullY plltronized th eir sa ndwich sale la st Saturd a y. BE R NI CE HY MAN, Sc ribe .....

FiVE GAS. PAINTFREE A la r ge poin t co nc e r n , i n fur. t heranee o f t n adverti ai n g and i n t r o ductory campaig n now i n p ro gr~ •• , off r. t o CivC, f rce of

chArg", fiVe noono n. o f ita beat h o u se p ai nt, a.ny c o lor, t o on e p ropert y ow n e r at each po. t ~ o ffic e or on e a c. h r u ral ro ule i n c-o un t y .. Th i, concer. t h is w an h i h pain 't on B h o u l in

eac\> localit y this s.,..oon which i. the p u rpOlie of thi. remark. ab le off" r. It alao want. a local . :tle _man in eacb. county. P erlon. interelted are re que.t.



FOR SALE P rice and term. re •• onable.

Inape etion at any time by apply. W. B. Squires attend ed a shoo t a t Vand lj.lia·, Ohio, on Monday. Weath_ ing to '. er conditions wer.e n ot favora ble f or go od scoring. ' H . ALLEN EXECUTOR Mr, and Mrs. John Fromnl an/J family and Mrs J . C. Hllwk r spe nt Sunday in P leasant PI ~ in, the guests of Dr. and Mrs. Ralph VanCe.


.Just The Biggest Lallgh Riot Ever! . All .Lebanon will be in the Throe8 of Mighty Laughter

.' Now in its Fourth Year in ~ew York

20 W~"'I W.... N


20 Weeb 14

w eekalN 'Week. W ee'" Wee... •

17 HI 8 23




Call for Kodel Radio d e mo n ~tl'lI · tion, Tire yt,l lcanizing shop, casings tr".,ury $1.00 to $5000. fr om $2 .5 0 up.' Battery c\la rg ing . your full de ta il" wrih, ' ~. !i', MILL S. Telephone 71:



SlIw rday morning from Cl eve land , Sloa", BIds: , whe r e h e had bee n in attendance at n Hardware Dealere' convention.

Seats on Sale at REM's Electric Shop

Special Prices Lower Floor, $2.80-$1.50

"Laverne," Mrs. Wil son, will ~nt cr ­ tain yo u with ballad si nging and oj ue so ngs; III so novelty numbe rs, every Thursday evening, lit ),\ijltp1j theater .

Plua T ax

Balcony, $1.50-$1.00



Start The Little Chicks Right 90 % of the Loss in Chicks is in starting. Start them right by using

Conkey's Starter and Scratch Grains A feed that


known the

world over. /' :W e have jus~ received a car of

.Fresh Feeds

Waynesville, Ohio


IMPORT SPECIALTIES ASSOCIATION, F red M. Cole returned helln e 1ns t



Mrs. Ernest Butterworth I. In Mi ·

~h" ~u h·

mi a mitted Valley to an hos opernti pital,onwher f or ge oi tre, l a~t Thursday. Th e la test rep ort of h er condi tion is g ood ..

1\'11-. ~ n [l Mrs. W a ld.o Jlill cs and d nu l! bte,I', MnfP" ?TJt. lind MI·s. Hill . o f C i nc il1n ati~ vi"itc. ,fl un,I Qr wilh Lh ~i r fne nd s, Mrs. Am cl.\u Wj Uralll: ;;j1l.q O. M. Rol"t izer und f amily. . " ,Jake" In Jl~ funny mOll o'l ogs with lots of good j pk.cs § nd ijt ories, also paro di es and coo n HP 'lg~, ,ntTp,d ueing waltz cl og, so tt Mhoc lind ou ek d un e· ing, {I t Mia mi th eater every Thursdu), eve ning . l\Ji!1S l elll Githen s, M i'5 Lelin Gif hn nd MI'. Fl'Ilnk Mo r ris, of DII~, ton, ", .. re amo ng tft o~ c fro m a ci ist.a nc e who a ttend ed the f une r'aJ flf Les t er Cl r ~key hCI'e, n10n duy aftern oo n. . en~

W aYM!vilJe is til bl' cong ra tu lated on hn.ylng Dr . G. 11. Brower , of DayIon. g ive one day ot eae /! we ek to 0 111' peo ple. Yo ur attentio n Ig direr- t ell to his .announcemen t in t his issue . .

Mrs. Belle DI n widdi e

tend er('d n l!ll.'usnnl :;ur pl'ise 011 uilllay, the OCCU$lOn b eing ber IJirth anniversllry T hose present were Mr. a nd 1'>[rs: Wlllte~ J n/l l1 cy, Mr. a nd l'tfrs. J llcob tro use and so n, 1\1r. nd Mrs. Floyd Savage and fa mi ly. I WB S

!dta mi ~entel' every Thu!'~dny ev_ omng . MerchCln1,l1 ADvertiSing Ca m paign. Sll verul articles of merchandise will be giv!'!n away to pntron!! of t~e abdve theater every Thursday ntght Be !Jure and come. You mal" take away aome of the valuables. Evel7 one baa an equal chanee.


Waynesville, Ohio

Department Store


Bring your Eggs to Kroger

Standard No.2 Can, 3 cans for



Full case, 24 CUllS .. .. ..... .. .. . .... .. ..... .. ... .. . A\'o n dale. 2- pound clln s. 3 fu r. 40c :' ull case, ~ ,I cll n ~ Country Club, s ifted, a for SOc Fil II CII""


- Country FLOUR . 24 H -Ib. sack for cOlift L o n EB r uO nd,

.. ...... ..


Brand, Per pound



Fresh , pound





Nor the rn Whit es, U. S. N (l. 1, 10 Ibs

25c Rice .10c ---------------------N w hllnd-picke d, 4· lb

Apples n " ltlwin ~ , 6 W in ~s IlJl s. 3

Blue Rose, h ead, lb ...


Cakes Gin ge r Snaps,Fi~ Ib Bars or Crackers '


tb s Ibs

48c --.25c 25 c

15C . 12~c

Bananas '


I Fu l~~~~~_~ _ _ _ _ _

o,,~~~::~ 14c II ~~.t~~cde Peaches 50c I Oranges ~ U~ 11~~, Prunes 1011 176 1"7"~ I 'B~ ' B".rt" . '



The Ohio Stllte University a ssocia_ tion of Wurren Coun t y will present to th e winning boy~' t eam of the unnual county basketba ll tournamont, a s ilve r baskc tball trophy. This tro_ phy shall ,each yea r, pass Into P08sessio n of th e t eam wlnnlnJl' the annual county tournamen t, and shall become th e perm a nen t property of the team fir st s uccessful in winni ng the championsh ip of t hr ee occasions. Presentation will be made at Franklin Saturd ay night, F e bruar y 27, at the close of the tourn a ment, by Re v. Kirker, of the First Presbyterian church of Leban on.

$1.90 $2 .95 $3·75


Bran d, 3 cans

2 t or



9h{ • un .

eel to wri t e lb. Ce n tra l Oil Co., D"pt. N.o. 8 40', Louiavi1le, Ky.

lIfrs. Chas. Grny r etllrn l'II homc, The res ide nce of the late Letitia Satu rday, aftel' spendi ng Lhe 1""t McKay, . ituated on Third ' treet in wee k in Cin cinnati, with Mr. lind 1\11'5 . Wayne. vill e. Mod"rD in ev"ry way • .1. .R Baker. Electric li llhla, furnace An d


Kitchen and Bedroom Papers in BlOCKS, Stripes and Other Beautiful New Patterns. Living, Dining and Bedroom Papers j' Tapestrie8! Blend8, Satin Effects, Stripes, Chintz, Two Tonea, Foliage and others for all room s .

CAMPFIRE GIRLS C;;d~;; ~Cheese Cured, Pound

o f Co r win , F l'iduy, Jo'eb-

ru s ry 19, a tlnug h tcr.


In All Colora from


Special Tire Sale

'NEW WALL PAPER ·DEPARTMENT A Complete New Spring Showing of



30x3i 1 .3Ox3 2 30x3i

ill wi lh

confid e nce


I b r inrr t o your homo town t he ,kill a nd

tI'X p.rien ce o f " e ' ty practice .


. W. Cnr do n hilS- purchased the I'uh 0 (1 I IlIlel! of MUTvi n H ay li nd will ]111'. an d . I ..R. F . II. Ih ' nd r~ on \V t're drive Ule roule th e r e mainde r of the in Ouyt n, Tu '~d n y. year .

,.,rv., you . ,THURSDAY O F EAC H , W E EK I ca n do it by o pport unit

Mrs. Cla ra Mer ritt and 1I1rs. Frank lI lI l'I'is , or Hurv vsb urg , \VC~e Wayne~\' i1le visitors, today. •


I h oar nOlliin, but ,.Iod wor d, for Dr: Young Op tom et rid . I foP ow .him . It i, ,, ' pleas u,' to kn ow • m ~ n f clt"ro\C:ter and ab ility pr" c.,d. ...,d rood will.



Z2!E2! _ _

70 t o RO, pC' r pound 4 0 to 50, per poun d






5 he§b ~:~-l Dc W:;~;~;n;·"· I' ~~C :1

Hams Picnic St y le, lb

23'c I


Med ium size can, 2 cnni! mllll ~a n, 3 qan,!J .... jl5'1


_ _ . 2£!E_.

--_.- ..- - -



Cleveland, Ohio

Louis Untermeyer, the other ev, ening descri bed R.o bert Frost 118 ;the poet of ~he N ew Hamp.s l¥r e peasantry, We must eouCj;t ;.tr. Untermeyer. We .Qonit have peasanta in America, either in " Nevr ~~mp,~I¥re , or Illinois. . The wo!d i:s Europ.e an an§ Frcn~ in origi". Jt §cept§ f.,o p'ave /:Ie,e n applied origi nally W the til!\l1'8 of the soil who un'lIer teudal lIystem had IJeen lIerf. or viUlenJ bound to .II teudallord, A peasant may be In France, or Ger many, or Italy, a proprietor of a tenant, but his condition is usually of th e lowest. His living ccn dition' a~1' Ilho ut on a par with his 'eows \~!10 ·~P!'.Y ,I)..I~ ~o.t~~HO w~/' /Iii wifll Ilnd childroii .' treelio!,n~' an4 ' hle own man, he 'sti,1 h us the ' ambition-s" ot ~ slllve an.d 'th,e ' jnfluence 'of tl ~ el;'f. US!l~!lr b!! l~ ii norant an d hilS n'p de sir e t9 l'l~e Ilut at /j18 Gla.~ , Hll doesn't qraVQ book~ Ilr i;lathropms:' We don't have. pellsanta !n Am j!l'ica .because we have no eleiGl N,v8tOnJ wh ich prevents a man from risIn g. A farm er on II rocky New Hampshire hjJlsjde inay be poor, but his Son8 nlli! /l~Ught'II"1i mny 150 to college. Th e fa"m:~ry '\iote!~ J!::';\it !!~ 1:001/ aR t hat of 'hl • .wflMtJJ;v 'nelg}lliov 'a:nlt po may be a gre"M Inn411Me in' loQ,(J politics. . . . '. . In the last few years n good deal hl\8 b een said about th e American Ul,n npJis tlegtln~rating into peasa ntry t~rough th~ 10fPI! pI Il ollOmlc condItions. We 'wo,n'J; bllve • Il clUI~nt;ry. Moreover, we s\la/1' protelit agalnlt European class terms beibg ~mploye4 to dl8til1gtl1~Amerlcan occupaijona. - Pecatl!r, ~erald. . _




The slll'pl'Ue party wu 4n IuD

'swing__verybody who.oping it up; flavlnk a IfloriouB "",0 when IOI1U1 one spoiled It by diMevertq tlaq WII'I at u.. WI'OIIB Iaollle"

No Oratory Ne~ess~ry y O~ ~ilJl leave off the ear muffs with perfe~t ~a'e~f ~hev yo~ e0!D~ ~q 1091$ 'At " P~th~~e~~ We don~ tiflv~.~o "~~I~. ~~Pl qp:H


, P~thfip.der~ wjll spe~~ for the~aelvea- .. ' oq looke, T~oY'r@ n1~d~ ~p.4 gP!rllPteed by' the w()rld , Iar«ellt JJlIlDUffl~tur.,... ,pI q"O- 0ity tirea···which · a ..ure. · ~uaUty. . And . they're .priced 80 low you'll ha'v e a hard H~e persuadin~ . yourself to 'Ieave withou.t o~~~



So---come prepared to b\J~f We fl@,'\je , 'our, ' . .. .-. size, Clincher,, Straight Sid~ or' Ba II. 00"..



~~"_tlMl(~_7MIIIIM~iI~~ . ,

WaYQ~.vill~ Mot~r

Phone lOS

. '.






Sevel1tY'"~igh lh




Etta Benn ett Dixo n

Mati lda Hosi er





Whole Numb er 5690

Lose In Tour name nt


Give me a foothold on the Rock, , Matilda , da ug hter of J esse and 'Till voices o'er the sea, Hurri et Ha rts ock, WUR born ncn r I.a, t Fri tl ny the h () y ~ 'nntl ~~irl s ' Like evening chiming of the clock Waynesv ill e, F ebr ua ry 28 , 1843, di ed t, lllll< \If W . II. ~ . w" nt t" t ho W"r· Bid welcom e home to me. Fc hru ury 23 , lH26 , had s he live d ren C('U II I.'· Bu okc thnll t ournllm cnt , The dill' of toil and watchin g o'er, untit undny, she wo uld have bec" III Fl'I\ l\ kli n. The nigbt of BOrrow PB!t, eighty.t hrel' years old . T he girl< p lny pd Ihe Il rst gn me of I step upon the shining shores, She is sUl'vived by one broth er, lh tou rn"nH' II L. T hi. was flg'll in ~ t And rut ~n peace at last. Byron. of LHnclIst c r, Ohio, I n th e lilt' ~I ul"row ~ i l'l ~. Thi s team wa.'i th e year 180 2 s he wus united in marEtta Bennett , daughte r of Wyatt ~l l'lI l1g-l! r , thu !'> d •..' fNlt illA' u Urs . and Rutb King Bennett , was born In l'iagc to Aure lius M. HORier, who prcAt 7 :1:, p . m., l h ' W, II. S. boys Harveys burg, Ohio, May 20, IS72, CCdN! her 3 :J yea rs ago. There is 'lid tilt· Kin)!. ~ I i ll " boys lI nu n(,t be. nnd departe d tbls life January 7, left ill the home III mourn hel' dcnth illg' li p lo t heir usua l f o rm, a nd hu voll e dnugh ter , E th e l, two g rll nd<'l,il1926\ at tbe IIge of 63 yeaTS, 7 in)! Cl ll e I1H' ''l h(.'I' o ff U h n ct·ount of dre n und a host of l' ' Inti ves lind :: i tk ' H~ S'-l , they u l!o'.o, w ent dow n in F"lrh"" , Oa" I. Recomm end.d b; montns nnd 18 days. She was married to Wm. Dixon In Wa. tb. Them .. for Two Mo.t Excel- friend s. d" f 'lIl t tl II >C(l re of I(j to 15, Term Reporll luued and Name. ATe Co"nt, Arent a. th. B •• t the year 1889. To this union were Twe nty ye ar!! tlll'O she united wi th 'I' hlH \\' etl l\ " " dll~' nig ht our t eams Dayton W. C. T. U. Memb ..n Were lent Papero, Prepare d by Two Civen for Tho • ., Not Tar.Jy o r bom four children , two boys, Ozro the l\Iethodi . l c hu rch, Wus n f llith ful I1H' ct lh~ Sl'ri nl!'hnro t ea ms fit th e Grad. to U •• of the Memher o Pr"ornt at tbi. Me"tiDIr , and and Lawrenc e, and two girls, Mrs. uttendu nt until hcalth fail ed. ' he If/cu i Gy m. Ab . ent Thi. Year has always li ved n qui et life, a lways Ada Bell and Mrs. Elizabe th Parker, T hi ~ rltill ing' Fr idflY OUI' hoys will W ere on Prorram r eady whe n n eeded to aid he r fri en ds at whose home she spent her last go .. J!Ian~h( " 1 'r. wlll'T(' th ey will A letter received at the Farm Bu- days. Althoug h Fridoy, Februar y 26th and neighb ors. take pa r t in th, ' I'c nta-Co unt y t our reau office, Lebonon , from County . While still a girl, Etta At the mod in l!' of tilt' AI(·tIH'nu i n"nw lIl. L (H'k to t hem. was one the dull est of win ter days, Sunset nnd eve n in g s tar, Agent Class, who is now on leave of verted. While she never was Nn- there WIlof The Warren County W. C. T. U. L it ~I'l1I'Y s"l'i"ly I".l T h u r>cby. F' rn n · S no hint of gloo m in the And one cl eAr cn ll for me! affiliate d obs!!n< e for advance d study at Ohio herself to the church Institute was held in the First Preebeautifu l corridor s of th e Friend s And may th e re be no moa n ing of t he Ct·... II l' llklc g-3 Vll au 1I1l u!" u a ll y intl\rof her choice, State universi ty, Columb us, 8ays: byterinn church in Lebanon , Februl 'sLinf.!' l'(\vi (' w on ·'t\l e::ti l' I\l nrt'll P o l<J," bar she was a quite consiste nt Christia n. Home, where th e New Century club Though my leave of absence pre- She had been fl ry 24, 1926. Rev. Kirker, pastor of by l ) on l'1 BI'yn Cl. T h i-.; buok i ~ l' ' . had assem bl ed wi th Mrs. Lindlcy Men When 1 jlU t ou t to sell. in falling health four vents persons l work in Warren ti,e r hurch, conduct ed the devotion als mur kal,I,' f r ullI Ih " ' 1l1ndpui nt of t he or five years. but was so sbe co uld den hall as hostess. of the opening 8ession. Mrs. W. O. !r' yet I have just arrllnge d forcoun. Mr. be about her home duties until a Twenty -three answere d to roll-call But s urh a lid e li S m o \' i n~ sCI'ms t'('u cll' l' I ll' CU U Ht' n f t ill' \'ariN I Il t mo sFricH, or Dayton, presiden t of the F . H. Beach, our State Orchard Ex- year ago. She phl' )' ( ' , aslee p, TIll' flU' \ t hat Hn I ris hma n been a gTeat sur- with a "British Possession ." After MOl1tgo mery county union, was prestension speciali st, to meet all the fruit ferer but washadr heerful ll' lI,. th .. ~I" r;' () l' lin It a li nn in China T oo full [or !;ound and [ "u rn, the minutes of the Inst meE'tin g were and opent with he r corps of officera, except growers nnd fllrmers interest ed In timistic to the end. read, two very interesting pllpers Whcn th a t whi c h d rew from out t1w I1Inkl'" n 1'1\ 1'~ combi n a ti on . one , und add ed much to the interest fruit growing in my office. Lebanon , on Friday mO\'1llnp About 1 o'dock fill ed th e program bou]'1dless d eep . ' the grim Re~.''' r of. th e mecting . Two most excellen t at 1 :30 p. m ., Tuesday , March 9. Death, entered into Turn s again home. R ~nH'l1lb"r th~ Atl","ia n' Li t"I'III'\, . " Cha r acteristi c Type of Old Cannthat home whore On W,·<in csci a y. ~1 1I1'c h 10. th e 18th papel'S we re r ead; on e on the "Life mol' be the only orchard meeting in there was already pr tl !':' I'um t "ni~hl at 'j ,, 'cluck ~ ha"l i ! J) i~ t riel Fa slckne88 and 80r d ia n Life ," Mrs. Harris. Und e r th e Twili ght and (" ' en in!,:, bcll , rm l:hll' 'H U m( 'l' lin~ will be! of Madam Warren county this spring. SO every- row. and Willard ," by Gertrud e F ( rll ' I\\' f ·d IIV tw o La s lil' lb ull }!:UH l'S h(·ld lit ~ 1 ~m old regime quietly French possessi ons , the And a ft e l' lhat th e .I a rk! lJ r i:l 1 hal l. Leh nn on . Kcl"lcy; th e othe r by Mrs. Stotler, of body interest ed in conferri ng with 0, death, where took mother awey. outstan dingoft1.pes were the hard y ex- And rnllY the r e Ill' no sadn cs" of fa re- wil h ~ prill ~ IJO r (l. is thy sting, 0, T h(,1'(' at'(' f"ur countie. in thi ~ di s- Franklin , "Why Temper Mr. Beach should take advanta ge of g rsve, where ance in the w ~ 1l plorer, the sturdy sett ler, with th c is thy victory. Irkt-- l3utler, PrclJ1(·, il am ilton and S unday -S choo l ~" this opportu nity. :M a ny t hill~!" Bte I,rin:. d n ~ t n t h t· God hB! in His Word that he ro urageo us and unselfis h wife and When 1 e mbark. Wal'l·"n . R.' pI·p"('n tu tives ur E e c h eX o ~ pect~ A bout 10:30 a. m., Mr. Beach will would not said from the local organiz a. put more upon u s than n un. The interest ing events in Ihe F or, th oug h fro m ou t OUI' hourn e of mind:-; of t hl' ~elli il!'=-, \ hn t onlv a f(·w l'cI fn ,m n il l:'oun t i('s . tiOll R wcre given Il IRo from a member demons trate th e pruning of young we could bear, Inn l'l' I11 t llllh s will mark tilt' ,: I o ~(: ,' f lime lind place lives of suc h explore as Champlain T he l entati,'" pl'('!,:,l'lIm is us f"ll ows : Itf th e uni on in the city of Dayton. poach .ul1d apple tree~ at the farm of some glad morn so be faithful ond and others covered arswide t h r ir h ig h sch.,u ! days, Itl\' j ulio ll s 10 :'1 0 Th e fl ood mllY I,,'ar me fa r, not far away you territOl'y, a. . -Heilorb fl' 0111 coun ti~~ T he rep ort were very interest Mr. Cllrl Duke, about 'four miles west shall ing and hll' C I,,·(·u ",'u'·I'.'d nuu I U~ L FI'idu y "f oJi , ll'i Ill mother again where milking on altogeth er inst ru ctive nnd I hupe to sec my Pil ot fucu t o face, t (,n A,·ti\, ili ... of Co unty encoura ging. of Waynesville. All Interest ed arc there'll meet A ~eneral dincu8si on th" ch,s" w" nl tu lJaytoll fur rictu r cs. Assoc iatio n . When J have ': 1'08 ~ U the ua l·. be no parting. On the resur- pleabin; : paper. H(·m nJ'k s . E xte n ~ i o n then fo llowed on the problem s which invited to his place. "IndlB ," Mrs. Cadwal lader. Indi a is morning , soul lind body meet ActiviLi Card of Thank. Questio ns concern ing pruning , rection T l'l'm r epI)/·t" W(' I'C i,;"ued Mond llY d ist !'ict .r~ , by ' Coun t y A l?en t~ of th e We meet in the work, which was very the intellect again. lind spiritua l trns urcprofitable , Noon tide prayer by Mrs. spraying , fenilizin ll and other prob- weeping , No morl! sorrow, no more house of th eulIl We de ~ i re to th a with nk our the f rie nds lind usulIl ri se und d"dilw in ages. To the Hindu a nd no more pain. At 1 :30 p . m.- Me ·hip lind Marne Re tallick, of Oregoni a. lems of orchard mllnage ment, will be his philosop hy the world is indebted neighbor s for the ir kin d ness 'IDd l!'rad es. The fo llowing HLuden ts hll" c Main tenll l1 cc. J . R. AI1mber c r, discusA t the afternoo n session Mrs. answere d or di8cussed by Mr. Beach Here awhile they must be parted, tor a vast in spiratio n and .much it hos sym path y s hown us during th e s ick- bee n ~ i lh c r absen t nu l' ta r dy d UI'ing , ion led br ]\il'. Campbe ~y ll. Ruth lI1urroy conduct ed devotion at' both meeting s. And the flesh its Sabbath keep lho ye u r : led to, in modern civilizat io n, W8S n ess un d (1 ,l a th n f n ul' moth e r Mr. W. J\ . SW11 n , of Oxford, will in her usual iml'ress i" e manner, als, C. E . Earnha rt a nd F a mily. Waiting in a holy stillness later Seed Oat. SU"., Planned Geneva A ult made clear in Mrs. Cadwal lader's be ch:li r ma n of t he meet ing. All givi ng a talk on "Sabbat h ObservEliza hel h Brnnstra t or. most interest ing paper. Mr. Class also included a letter to Wrappe d in sleep. Fa rm Bu reuu l11e muel's nr once." e urged to Mrs. Pless inger, of Dayton, Rhea Ellis. After adjourn ment the members be se nt to a number of the farmers On that happy ' Easter morning , II· prese nt. gllve a very inter esting r eport of her Ma ry Etta Guy. and guests were invited to the spacof Warren county inquirin g ror seed All the graves their dead restore. work during the past year among the H a r old He r ryh ill. iOUB dining hall where covers were oats. H e especial ty recomm ends Father, mother. sister. brother, sold iars and ssilor boys of the MiliEd nu . hllncr. placed for twenty- seven. The charmFulghum oats for sced, and urgell Meet once more. tory home, she having baked 9000 Anna Th umus. ing hostess was assisted by her that every farmer of Warren county Soul and body reunited cookies for them, furnishi ng them daughte r, Miss Ethel Mend enhall , who haa ony availabl e, to report at Henceto rth nothing shall diwde, rags to knit or crochet rugs, and in Waking up in Christ's own likeness , Miss May Wright and Miss Marne Thl! Ora nge a nd Black s totr wish t o once to t he Farm Burea u office. Th e s mallest s hoemllk er in the various ways helping them pass their 8atlsfled. thank nil those wh o pUI'c hased sing le Brown, in serving a delightf ul lunchClas8 saYII Fulghum oata · has outShe leaves to mourn her 1088, a eon, and In the hospitob le duties of admissio n tickets t o the Ly ceum worl d, ma king th e smllllest sho es in time. Old Victrola records which 'yielded all other varieties five hushWednes day, F ebruary 24, 1026, Co urse , H~ from th e proceed s sO llie t he world for the smallest people in families have grown tired of, are cis per acre during six years of rare_ devoted husband and four children , a very enjoyab le socinl hour. t he wo rld. is th cillim of Peter Binek very 'acctU>table to them. Guests of the hostess were : Miss was anothe r joyous da y am onJr the of the deh t uf t he stnfT was pllid. fully planned ' experim ents at the a host of relative s and friends. ofli cial co bble r and one of the diminMrs. Fries then made the addren Ohio Agricul tural college, Columb us. I would not live alway; I ask not to Allie Frame, Miss Emma Heighw ay, member s of th e fa mily at ·th e Frie nd s stay, Th e th ree youn ". ladi es whose pro· utiv e Th espian ~ in the compan y of of the day, giving us many side-lig hts Upon tha t dote Miss Clara . Lile, Miss Mome Brown, Board ing home. It \s 0 reddish variety and early maRin ger's !(,ets, who are coming of the Nationa l convent ion held at Mrs. Bran strator. Mrs. Meredit h, Dr. G. T. Parr begu n the 88 th yenl' gram mUl'ked t he last lIumb ,l' of the t.o the 13. Mid turing, 80 fits in nicely ror early har- Where storm atter storm rises dark P . Ki elh Thea ter, Dayton, Detroit, and very helpful talks on law o'er the way, Mrs. Sanborn , Miss Ethel Menden - of his life, and t he good doctor was Lecture Cou I'se londay nig ht, gave Ohio. the vest. observa nce and law eoforce ment. e nt ire week of March 7. wholly unprepa red for the happen. II s hort nl usi,·,,1 a pprec iati n j\lond u ~' A number of farmers in Warren The few lurid morning s that dawn hall. E. L. S. Singe r's II I idg e t ~ trav el in three We were favored by two very spec 01\ us here, ings of the dny .!IS they c"m e "houl. afte rn oun to the scholl I. Two 1('l'OUPS county have also reported outstand · ~"pccia ll y r onstl'll cted rnilroad cars, ial vocal selectio ns by Miss William s, A fter receivin g felicitat ions i r om of selection s jJl'ed "l1li na te d, th e first ing yields of Fulghum oats and tell- Are enoujrh for life's woes, full fitted with nil th e lll ouern contrivn n_ of Lebanon . enough for its cheer. me mbel's of th e househo ld, he was in cluui ng those nund)er s par ti cula rl y tiry as to its outstand ing qualitie s, The Loyal Temper ance Legione ra. presente d with letters and congrat u _ emphasi z ing eithe r D1 lody, harm ony ce" r educed to their ow n s izes. enrly maturit y and high yields. Ev- I would not live alway; no welcom e In of Lebanon , put on a little demoncnn ne ciiun wi th S in ger'& Midglati ons the tomb, fro m or s ixty-fou rh ythm r . !fri Th end s at ery bushel ot Fulghum oats that can " Rec" nd g l'OUp in- ,t s. o f co urse, th e Ki eth house will of - strati on and we adjourn ed, feeling' The WakikR tino Csmpfi~ Girls g rent er distance , The Doctor ac- clud ed t he rdi!':'i ouM, t riunll,ha l, f unbe spared for seed should go into Since Je8us hath lain there, I dread fe r five oth er a rts of vaudeville and W e had a very profitab le da)' and held the weekly meeti ng ot the cepted all these exp res ions nf love crill or mar tiul l Ylle, The students not its gloom; the ground this spring. n picture. e entil'c progrllm , with that it was indeed good to be there. If you have any Fulghum oats The.r e sweet be my rest, till he bid home of their aRsilltant Guardia n, and rcspe rt, an d felt that his birth- WCl'e as ked to tell wh ic h t he me pre- the c xceptiTh on of th e Midgets is And the covered dish dinner wu not Mrs. C. W. Younce last Tuesda}' eot- day had been duly celebra ted, and dominut ed in each selecti on . . me arise, a\'ailabl e, kindly report it at once. chan ged on Thursda y of that week. the last nor the least of the entel'" was quite content ed, bot the climax Or if you know of ony one in your To hail him triumph descend ing the ternoon . taining features and was .U that The Law, Credo and hand sign was not reached until the evening skies. A. E. A. neighbo rhood who has surplus oats could be desired. were given. The minutes and roll meal, when he had found a circle for saie, tell them to also report. Card of nanb MRS. L. C. MILLS, Institut e Leader. call were read by Mary L. Zimm er- of daintily decorat ed blazing canThough I cannot assist persona lly, We sincerel y desire through the man, secretar y. dies near his plat.e, and a Inrge artis~ yet my interest and best wishea The girls received their health tically decorated cake with lighted tor ' the agTicult llral develop ment of columns of this paper to extend our heartfel charts, candles also the secretor y book. t· thanks to our relative s, orrllnge d in the fig ures 1838Warren county i, as strong as ever. friends and neighbo rs, for the kind1926. At the concl usion of the meal ST. MARY ' S CHURC H BERNIC E HYMAN , ribe. Murgare t Ann Whetsel died Sunne88 and sympath v sllown us during nnother handsom e cake was prescnt.. Scrvi ce e" cry W c dn cs d a~' cvcni ng' duy m o rnin ~ at 4 o'clock. ot the the illness and death of our wife and cd him, th e gift of Mrs, W. H . Allen. The most formida ble .,Iace In Wa,.home of her brother, U. G. Whet-qel, mother Etta Dixon. Especia lly do During the yenrs o f his life Dr. during' Lent. March 7 , Third Slln· on Four th sb 'cet. nesville is the store ot the Waynee we desIre to thank Rev. Charles Rid· Farr has witn essed the changes that duy in L'mt. Chur ch Schoo l at 9 :3 0 vice wo s held ut theThe f un cra l ser- ville Auto and Machin ery Co. On ley hn\"e come betwee n the covered wng_ 0, m.; seI"mon and Holy Commun i on a ftern oo n. Burial Was house Tu esday entering th e room the ete Is attracthis consolin g words, the 'c hoir Lois Angelin e, daughte r of David for for in Miami cemlit 11 o' cl ock. All nr c wel co me. their o singing ed to the display of guns and plltoI. the friends for t~ If th ere is anythin g in the old tra- n and the aerop lane; {r om trlJYelin g ~te J·Y ·t and Ruth Young, was born near Bell- many beautifu Rev. John on J. foot SchueIT to l er. listenin nnd other curios of ancient origin. floral Rector. ' g triJ>utes to the; hc , and dition that the first three day ~ of brook, Greene county, Ohio, March Walter spent more than half a century in McClur e and Son for their March govern the month, Mr, Sherwoo d Is a connoill II, 1839, and departe d thb life Febwe may exMa tt Sal e, brother ot James Sllle, old-time guns and pistols, andlleur of elllcien t aervlces . pect some rough weather , for her en- going about min.ister in g to the sick FERRY CHURC H OF CHRIST ruary 24 , 1926, aged 86 years, 11 kind and nnd II1r~ , Mary Wnterh ouse, of this great pleasure in showing his takea Wm. Dixon and Children . colleetrance was that of a roaring lion, and affiicted , aiding th e destitut e months and 13 days. . pilleo, di ed suddenl y in Salt Lake tion to tbe public. Hia Morning service and distress 9 :30; Bible eB; much School, of this was done lateat purwith snow and nenr zero weath er preAt the age of fifteen she berrah City , Friday Commu nig nion ht, Februnr rid anti in g se horscba y rmon. ~6. chase The ck Eve . is thr ning an oug old h dark Moorish and gun of the vailing'. We are hoping {or n lambteaching IIrhool and alwaya held In dangero us forest s at night, and now , scrvi('c, 7 :00. All nre welcome to body urrived here Tuesday night and Sixteen th century l and is a pIece of like exit. tender rememb rance her pupils lind the fun ernl wos he ld at the Snle home art. The barrel 8 fluted the as he sits ot the s unset gate, he sheds our mee tin gs. We Invite yo u. ---. , the people with whom she was aliiathis IIfternoo n, Rev. L. A, Washbu rn length, and the handle III inlaIdentire cheer ·and sunshin e to those abou t Noth(ln J()hn ~on, Min ister. with ciated In bel' school work. officiating. Burial \VIIS in Miam j ivory. him, and many are there who ri se up Perry Thomas , Supt. She was married · to Simpson Nutt, cemetcr:. y_. _ __ _ _ -and ca!1 hiPl blesBed ! Mr. Sherwoo d will welcom e YOl1 M ,ti0veml !er 24, 1~6 . •,. ~o thll union any time you wish to drop In to He ,.i16 (~ri orlll Jo1r, 'W I~, \ who died ... METHO DIST CHURC H his wonder tul display. ' U@. 11 ' m&Ii~Ap~. ~ ~wlI ~I\~~' J,fiami ehapter No, 107 O. E. S., Sabbath School, 9 :16 11. m., preache~j , • 'I\nt I\~it .,Yli!!l "MIll t'1I1 n in g nt 10 :30 a. m. Epworth League Myer HYJlllln, \ho loc" "" 100\1& Will meet In reg\1lar session Monday , t!1I!1Jan fIl@11I0f iiI"" noble 6 :16p. m. Prcachi ng at 7 :00 p, m., othe~. .Sll4' Will ,I' othn" allo to and Qlothln , meroh"n t, ~urohaaecl Maroh 8, 1926. All member s arc reWednes doy evening Prayer meeting , ono f~~JI!fOII, .fohn, who pused to Ills tha drr .~oda Itore of P . 'II. hrquar quested to be present, and vlalting Reg ular 'ommun lcatlon of Way7 :30. Everybo dy invited to these nesville Lodge No. 163 . r.wlIrtl ll fIlw weep a,o. She \l1I\lr_ of wn, Ohio. Mr. 8),man al- member s are welcome . F. &. A. M., LUCILE ARMIT AGE. W. M. A trio of talented artists presente d servic es. vive\! by onO 8late~ and' two broth- 110 bought the butldlng whIch the 'fuesdny evening , Mllrch 9, 1926. store ocatiple SUE l. HAWKE the last number of the Lecture , Seo'y. en. Rev. L. A. Washbu rn, Pastor. There will be work in theFt C. de- Co urse Mondoy night at the Gym. This make. three stores that Mr. - - - __ - - - Eariy In life slle became a Ohrls~rce. SOJour~'ing ~ r e r en and visLyman Silver is in the E spy. hosIndian music compris ed the first part tlal!:, uniting with the Central Church Hyman I. operatin g and we beapeak · ATTEN D MASON IC INSPEC TION ' Itors ' are cordlUlly inVited to be I'res- of th e program , followed by M",. Ross Hartsoc k was a r hnrming pital lit Xenia in II very seriou!l COnof UQriat at Dayton, and later having for him auccellll in every aenae of the Dutch, cnt , word. The Jamellto wn store will take hosteRs to the Clo'·.r L('at club In ~t dition, the refiul t of cpmiJlg in o.ontact Irish, Scotch and America n number s, her member ship with the Church of Mes. rH . F. B, Hnnd erso l1, Ross JESSE P.R~Np a gTeatllr part of his persona l a~ W ednesduy Afternoo n. Febru lll')' 2~. with a high tensioll electric light wire Ii lll'l<oc ERGAST, ,W. M, wilh costume s Appropr iate for each Cbri.t at Ferry, Ohio. So long as k. G. J. \V ll l e rh ol l s~ . Wnlte r F. B. HENDE RSON , ec y, Those prescot were. Mrs. D. ~. Her.: last Sun \lay Illorntng . gr~up. Several of the aelectiDns, Inr :healtM eTlitted , ehe avec! to at- ~~~.tlt:" McC lurl'. Ad:l111 Md l" h, 1':. L. T ho n> 'l'he - - - - - ••- - - m~Il~~~ tr~erry. DAyto n, M... JllnH"§ M~ · Silver's tt!lepho ne had been eludi ng both vocal and instrum ental n!fJ~(I' vl~ew 6'f' pl~ . ~ , . h. ' She plure, ~r,,: Ber.t H .. noock. M r~. Lc~­ out of orde r and Lyman, thinking he li S . 1I1 yr on Th" m ~ • . K,'nn(,th Il(' ul{h t!'io, co nsistin g of violin, cello and ~I~,~~ L~. UUf ~ur!' 'r e ;hat Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Stokes arrived pinno, were chosen from -tbe better tH @ordon, Mrs. Rnlp!> Smith. Mrs. could make the repairs, climbed the a nd Co. H. Ila rl~(lCk tlltcndc d in spec19 Le. Leplmcm lafi I!l!l~"rtla, "'IiNh trene Bird. Mrs. Alvin Earnhar t, Mi ss pole and in some way came In con- tio n of Hal've ysbul'g lodge last Snt- I home Mondny Irom Florid a, '~' here known composi tions of MacDow Wblln M!I=f 0111" II ... r • tna t91' ~1'JlIt, they have been ! pendlll g th e w1I1tcr. Hllchmnninotr, Grieg and Godard. ell, e, ~,le" Pawke and Mllrtha O' Neall, ttoct with the IIgilt wire and fell to urday ni ght, the ground. " A neighbo r who had been watching him, ran to his assistan ce a nd. at first thought life was II'lttinct. Drs. Mary Cook and Ed Blair were called but the young man did pot r egnin r on8clousnes.~ for $everal liours. llIli( head and right wris\ tlr 9 ~adlibunh

On Farm of Carl Duke

"Brit ish Possessions"

Athe nian' s Ente rtain

Have All Day Sesli on



Singe rs'. Midg ets

----_ ..----

Cam pfire Girls


---_. -..----


- -- .. --Roar eth Like Lion

Lois Ange line Nutt



0, E',5,


-----. -- - - --

" :a !'fIS~P ~11




Last of Lect ure Coun e






!nH! r:


------- ..------A Mina ture Arle nal

- ..----






This W, ek' s Letter··From the

Pen ().1 Art hur Bri sba ne


Interesting We ekl y Let ter Fro m Columbus Rep ort er


He was r emoved to the hospital on Monday morning , and (8 under the care of ,D r. Gallowa y. s urgl!on for ROMAN TIC OIL COLUM BUS, OHIO- Rural voters those wh o wo uld l'cfl cct nipotenc e ~e ~ft!lt majotiw ~e\leye. up on the will be made on this Bpecial feat\lre ~y,n Ule prosaic oil bu~ln!!ss is the Dayton PI/wer end Light comof the Stote mu st not get t he idclI ~overn ol', if pnBs ible, ~e has Pl!w!lP tp w\\h4i!l' f!lr., Bfmtia' i romanti c. You know Of the all well po ny. _ _ ____ - - BETTE R A~E CQrtlN g that the Stutc go"ernm ent is g oin g to ~ U CSg to ~IlY l huy will but it is not a of summer camps. a8 the lilll,rell lip; ,ree was withered . the Roekefe llers gait) absolu te!y • - ,. ..--pl@&ER THE BE'ffE '" But - it ·f. pOBIIlble that omnJpoten<le in" within the Arctic haVe "brough t d in th e end D. onahey WIll the dogs becnusc of r eporte d 'w Ye" t'I- " otl'I' I''' When C. C. Crabbe complet es his .. , "'an"til cleun g!\tions whkh nte cith er unD.1er ",.ny, C1De l'"" is not much Interest ed In what '·Mr. cost flfty milliona toCircle. It wearll1g npparel. 5()NE OTHER ' THIN(J 9 seco nd term as attorne ... ' y hgenera1 ne xt run in . l th n l'l u('I,slin "ers th emselve s ,viII Jonuary , he is gomg Bimba bellevell. or are 800n to be events 0 f news tn, - ',I n', line. But at least the RocklefeUers to ' out h '\8 ' ' . be co v,'red with lhe splashin gs of sh ingle In C0Iurn b us. Hang'--The way to make fooU*hn el8, know that there Is an Arctic ponanc e c. '"'" They anmust ju reserve. st come to '''.'It' I'-soa l(e d dus t. blaaphe mous ·or oiher, Importa nt, Is . Clea n politics nounced that he· will not be a candithe very propel' sion that tl~ i g • C ____ _ is election yeur inconclu Ohio, lind as such b t t to take It aerloul q. nl'c odlni!' ' d by rurnl voturs, as well date for any 0 III ce t h' Prof~880r Compto n, ' of the U'" IS year, u a there mus t be int c re~t nrollscd if th e a. otht' I"S, Th e l'e is no At Ventura , on the Pacific coast, vel'llity of ChlcactD, san .*lt~ man la voters leuve t he il' fi clls of nct ivity "; h,,~ t hNe ure thousan question but the end of hi~ term will practice law. 011 Compan y's docks we r~ JURt. begi"nln g his aareer on .earth, ds The Goverrtm ent. · lighting the Nawho would For a time he was mention ed for govlin d take part in th e n l'imaries nnd like t o diSI)lnce Donllhe away.· Ita tankers could 10lld . lind OUI' cblld.r en 60,,000 ye8J'll frolll tion" Fooll ·Produc ts Corpora tlo-.. y, but they· a third term as attorney genother prelimin events bcfore th e will neve r gai n this end by their ernor, now will be as far ahead of UII al eltJllalns tliat the plan III OIl!> ftght no An account of Il achool party eon- main contest ary . eral, or even the Suprem e Court in Novem ber . The prese nt mcthods . ~rlated Oil said: a tendenc yJtowan Ftrulta, rather than ~r!! far ahead of o»r ·"naest.o l'l "Bring your dueted by Mi8s Wanda Graham , of bench, but his most recent announc e· f Oh ' . . , · ' mO., tanlf ships bere, ,w e'll load th em." Kansas OIty, ftC 60.000 yean a,o. ' h men t is to the effect that he will not to trusts a_ready existing . • .. , ". ent The of thoState tnte house 0 were ,' S a f ew over governm DI'strl'ct heulth officers of the State be atl right. a- candl'da .10stIll The battle against blx bualn_ AlIlIoelated Rni a pipe line half II two thousan d ' atuinde d. . te for ony ollee. standa. It does _.- J.d T. n' t f make uny (hfTerhnve be en notif\.ed mile ' out on the bottom of the s~a, by t.he State Board Tracey, State au d itor, h as ..... wbi h 'Is These are: some of the remarks ilnce how bitter the opp ositi real name of t1111 "truat," o eon my be of Health to sec haa to .. it 8exible plpe 'anchore d at thH overhea rd: that all outwas fought and IOllt long ago. . initely decided not to seek auy furth. tQ Govemor Vic y, no one will door camps ure in snniary conditio n er . 1I0di!lD ,buslnes, aucceed , must surface, ¥,'d 1I11a .tan.ka, storm or no "Aren't 'You h Elving a wonc;lerfu1 even hi nt thnt Donnh office whHen bi~l1prehsent aeco~d t~r;:: any StHte · e mployee before thuy permitte d to open. expires. time'?" big bulinell l. " ·J.·be Go.v erpmen i's II Wl .' eVe aerve ew . who is li nked with qu estionab le Under a law are which goes into effect years next JaQuary , BJld will -we blllllilc!III. ls· to lIupervise big buaine" , "Isn't the punch ·good '" ' . _...._ ••0<. "Doesn 't 1\41"11. Graham . 1001C pret- deaUn5 s might as well. ~ook for an- th is year fo r tbe lIrnt time, all types seyeral months tlIV8C8~.ion, baf 'and- encoura ge flo not. die.~t. of &ummer cnl\lps )ilUst have an of- ting into any a er Jinea f ty?" <. No tiuainet l ,in ,the Uni' .. other . ob, ' d d' flclill permit from the local health Thad ' H. BroWD', Sec:N~0 acuvi.y . Donahe ~ of Sqr.t41, has only the har "Have · you. ever s~en' 1\\10., ft, «1.\gC . -came rep- a.'tho'r l·tl·es. DUl'·.·ng the lIummer of is' 'a :.tlndlda as b!c a It tiUlht to b'l!'..\.ellter'Prilil*" " P~G'PectCJ,I'JI. , of.y not ~e ill g absol)Jte lY U te for the .BellubU cu ·· success? " •. . but has no use for a State 1!l2'Q a majorit y ' ot cQunty distrlets nomina on f,or.llcoV• emQr • . . . . . ~ Did yC!\I ' ~ve~ ~top to tIIlnk h\lJl'f I '~~iiplqy.!e ,"ho .wavers in ., ~ ... his duty, "o were yjslte"d' by represen tatives of the S~ Day) It much' the Parent-' l[eaQhe r auoclat lon 1" Is saki, w,ill proba~' . ~ •. N t Reolth dep,e.rtm ent,. U1d the' a thira term - ." . \II , ' thi h" 88 honesty ~te 01 $~U ' · In quesvlo ....WClt' r ...... . doRnlt.for 0 of C8nlp .. . up a sG 091 · e.-n-'·Ion mos~ bitter , enemy n... outlined . though he ,baa \;.-- ID'eIl6&ox the, . ..;a .ID f{eaQe U1 Mrs,- B R. GrabalJl , who . ", ~ .__ ~. b as dared to' hint .o f him the filet tl1at the 'work .atal'te4 connect ion -"-I." al"flIIe a p~.ident .. ~~u,I~ be ~ .... ro."! '.-~ dish oncllt to 't he extent of 'a many of the ~mp8 'Wera, in found.. this excellen t oqarti ..t1on II The . enemy attempt ed to I\Umeyou8 ,defects were accomp llshin, wOIl,den. It 'waS State Auditor , and it telnu'Gre lri)Y perm tted In or4er to lin. Grabapl iI\ the daulhte r ctf that illllnuat lona cloafn, ot COO1p11 aDd lira. Emma N~ l!'cbert:. . . time cheek 1' ~~~lg the ot lie , • ~ • ' syntl'dll!~ce 11 Thia it la










Recent Perfor:manc~s Which are ,L~CJlrng Rebuffs to Those Who Persist That Ye Modern'Maid is Skidding



Mrs. Emma Lacy s pent Monday in DII)' loll. Mrs. May Bun t~ WIlS II Daytcln vis_ COMMON PLEAS PROCEEDINGS itor, l ' uesdny. ' In th e mutter of AIIlhon 80 M. t owMr. S. H. Hoines hos been ill 8;nce is v . M yrla Lewis et. 01., co urt fi e l ~ lost Thursdny. orror in shed Ir'. deed to lrn!'! LunMr. and Mrs. Geo rge Scott hnvc n d v wh Ic h is CO'Tcctl' d li nd c 1tl1lll ~ of new Ford coupe. nil' uther def endants llll nullcd, )Ilain . tilT puving co.t" of trio!. . Mr~. JcJll Duy m Qved to the Harlan hI tit matt er of nCIl Reed vs. L l·b. pl'uperty, MondllY. Illhl l1 -I' iLi zcn6 Blink , :ldmr. etc., m o!IIr. IInll Mr •. .r. B . Jones were Da y. t \11 11 " f plllinli lT f llr neW tri al i, Il '~ r _ t on visitors, Friday. 1·"le,) II\' ('our t. on ,1 f orm Cl I' vc r 'be l ill fll,'ot: "r ,h·fclIcln nl iR ca rrie d .. Miss ClItlwrin e Grahnm and Mi s~ 111 til<' mat lt'r ,f Julius \ e nzendi lI ... len Ea rl y ure on th e sick lis t. ,·t "I . '"', Flurt·nce E. l{ot11 () hr et al " Mr. lind Mrs. Eurl You ng a nd famc n urt I!in'~ p ln inlifr lea \" t o fi ll' il y moved to Dayton last week. nnll·lId,·,1 I '(· li ~i " n, . , III th e l'n >(' o f lh e Lcbanon-CltlMessrs ·Rudd nnd William ay lur, 1. ('1I~ .'" i,' l\u l Ba nk V" . C. E. Buyof Spring Vall ey. were Lytl e visitors, I l<'~ and FI(l rencl! G. Buyn cs, c o ~rt S un da y. 1.10 !'''ll llfl ,kf"ndu nls ind ebted lo plnmlIfl'S C. A. Thompson an d Mr s. ~nn ti lT II", th p >-,"11 of $ 1366."". 1n conL . Smith were in Dayton s hOPPIng, Iw('t iol11 . ~h('ri lr was ordered \.0 scll Wedne sday. d lultr'l pr" l'crly lnke-n u,nder attachm ent n nd n ' po l't t)l'o c~ed ln gs to co urt Mm. Ralph Archd eaco n spent sevIn t he mattcr of Morr ow Brant, c rill dn ys last week with her parents, \' •. .l l1 hn Gilm our .:- t 01.. sheriff 's sa le neal' Wu.\'ncsv ill c. li nd " r('cecd il1gs under form er ordcl' III i~ s Norma Charlton, of Dayton, "",,'l' Il l'pr<l\'c d by court find decd of ,.,' wus n weck·en d guest of 111 isses Eva Illt' I'r " l' ~ r ty is or dered executed .. Woman has rapidly como to th~-fo re i,n all lines of endeav~r, but a nd ~:thcl Reeder. In t he matte r of 1'I!ari Erlt:l vs. theso thrw girls have modo the world sit up and toke nobee by Jl'r~ llli " G. )o~ ..te l et a I. , us n either Mr. Alonzo Pnir visited at the honle IiChleving the pinrulcle of success while ~t.ilI in thei r toons. Tho "port part y 1I1! "N~ , 1 to t:lkc t hc com'erned of his cousin, Mrs. Charl('s Mullinix, world worships at tJJe feet of Helen Wills, (,center) Amerlcn.'s youth... tlit l' at tlte se t te rms, the court 111'_ O V(' I' the week-end . ful tennls queen' ri ses to its fcet t o acclOlm Murlon Tulley, (left) cJ "r col Ihat snid est ute be sold ut pubi\1rs. Frank Ro~c rs lIttended the whose triwnphant debut at tho Metro politan ma kes h~r 0 star of the lic an ct i,)n. fU ll(' ral of Mrs . .Elizabeth Fry. in first magnitude. Gene Goldmnn de!l\OlliItrates th e ability of her sex Wlly nesville, Thursday. to ~ money ins tead of spending it., by amassing n millioH dollars NEW SU ITS eeUing Chi.cago real estate. . 1rs. Johnsto n Burson lind duugh'tel'. Miss Elsie, of Dayton, s pent the II. L. Byers VB. Mury F. Hasset King and J oha King, for l oreclosure (Written especilllly ( 0 1' :rhe Miami Then came Heilen Wi1l~, Califor nia wel'k·e nd with Lytle friends. whis p who beca me wonlon 's s in~l c.s of mort gage. . ~l r. Allen Smith, of Dayton, spent Ga zette, by A. A. l\ o o Ptn ~l)rncr . Cnrri e M. Gibbs VB. Oscar Gt bbR, tenni. chll mpl on of. t;he UOItl'd Su nday with his mother, Mrs. Clar- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ for divorc e, absence chllrged.. . Stutl'S nnd now is l1Waltlllg onoth.~r inota n seoms to b~ the fige of ell "e Smith, who remains quite iii. I George Zell vs. the State 9f OhIO magic- lhe year . of ucl~ , e\'e m e nt an d bult\!! wih S uzann e Lenglen f or t..e RAISE TH E ANTE- AUNTIE I Several friend ~ from here a t t e ndNI i Mr . and Mrs. Albert Stacy and chllll1piollship of t he world . Alii {or error. . fam e- for AI~lerlclln ~ lrl S. '!\Iiss Cleo spent Wednt'sday nt th the funeral of Mrs. Lois Nutt , PI'lday E ll n Wolff VB. Fred Remes, et 01., •. t h h,'mc of Mr. 'Ind I\1rs. Russell Bur- mornin g. at her lute reaidcncc • I th r Old Indy " n",ht lnK y," 'nK~tpr In t he public eye toduy nr c three onl y 19. for money , amount claimed $ 10,018. typicul Amel'ican young w<?me n, cn e At the momellt, her alded uy e Dayton " iKI!. at,.8. Null WII _ a ror- " I r 1'1' 11 " " y~ will <I(' P fighting I'U world /IS un ot.h~r MI' lbu, C0111,,8 r.~a­ net. of whom won world (ume In t~e le~ _ rlun Tu lley. t!l-yell r-old Kallsas Ity ., m r Lvtl e reKldl'nt, wh .. r c , h p hud ~ i"j' ' y ou 'Ill'h n Ilh- k\·I." . , Mrs. Frances Null and son, Huber. "I'\ot mil. I'n. a rl,·l' 1\ ,lime nv"'. tic business world , Ilnothl'T ~n nllt. Kirl. PROBATE PROCEEDINGS SCOl ing ~ t remendous of Springboru. ac co mpanied R v. and mllny 'frlend A und was hi!!,III y " "he is another in "l' o rL~ . At th ~ p"m n" e S UC C I'S. in I('l'anti o pera In New York. teemed. M,',', Stillings to Lytle unday a ftl'rIn the matter of the estate of Rob - of success and at t he a~e of 19. Wh llt h ll ~ bl' o ul~ ht these g Irls . to nO OIl. The Aid chicken supper nnd l' nter FirsL t l;erc is Geno Goldmllll, . wh .. ert Gilmour, deceased, Wal~ron C. SECReT OF SUCCESS lop a t littl .. mol'c than g raduation w in ment at Lytle hall. Sutur,luy ""eGilmour, admin istr ato r, apphed fol' came t~ America from RoumulllB ,nt the Mr. and !\Irs. William.. Creighton uKe ? Equftl rights ' ! Or, the nc.w enlng, was uttended by n Inr!!'l' crowd It of se "~ n, At l !l ~hc \q, S t h a C rtificate of money necessary t o UU t." ~ i n at t hc' hCl U nm. my lad l ' spc'nt Wedl1l'sday ut t he home of Mr. settle debts of Baid estate and l uch c o~d~cting n million·doliar r eal es- freedom in th ought. new freedom III an d ]\(rs. Thomas Saylor, in pt'ing who did ample justice to the . upper Th a t ' s tlw S l ' l'-l·t n f ~u r r ('''~ ''' ity for womon 7 and enjoyed the entertllinnw nt o( was granted by court.. ' tute business in hicBKO. ,,:ouay ~h llct ivome "H ro w uh" ll l whe n ~''' Ii I , ~ \' n lq thinl(' surely. Yel th!!re are Va lley. rendings, songs and two shol· t play-. Notice ' was recorded t hat Beulah is the pr oprietor 0 r 1 oftl c e ~ , C Ill: swim'! It Dr. ang Mrs. ~ . ~ , Hall anll chil- which were well rendel:oc\. Donnelly was appointed execu tr ix of ploys GOO men Rn d wom ell lind I,el so me (!,lk~ \~PO l'e rsi. tt th ll t ~oday'~ girls orc skidding to the deVIl. dre n, of WIlYnesville, were Bunda), the eBtate of Joseph H, Applegate, company is rut ed at $4 ,000 .000. A lurg 'r r gwo. w fll~ o Jllor\ th~ n(oW din ller /rue ls of Mr. lind MI'II. Hl\l'r>, plistor, Rev, Sttl\llIg~ . at Lyt\ <' chul'oh deceased. McGinniS. Notice was recorded of the ap· Sund{l), Ilno~nuon .• His home 18 1I0llr COMMISSIONE RS' ALLOWA NCES pointment of W. B. Warner and O. L. MI'. und Mrs. Chas. J ohns spent a .Dayton, and with hi' famil y. \ylll MAR RIAGE LICENSES Conner as admlnlstra10n of the esW. '1' mpkin • . S ll ~t . ti i.t ri.ct ~o . c" uple of days last week at the ho!!,e eoon nlOVe to the, parsonage ot Sprl ' !!' Ji'rllnk R. car. , poi!!ler. ~f Frank- 1, V'. tnte of Media Warner, deoeased .. pa yroll. $ 14 .70 ; b . M , ollms, o r their son, Glenn J ohns and fam ily, boro. Rev. Stillings is n pleasing lIUlCIt MOTOR ' COMPAlR Charle. S. Irwin was appointed lin and Et.llI'\ Mll l'le BIshoIl, of f um.:-, $ 11.50 : Eden Tt! rry, s.lIme, in Dayton. speaker ond inger. Every ono cor.;,~' d g Ul11'dian of Mildred. Sherbet and Ir- Ft·;'nklin. dinlly invi te (l til thll !;hur'l\ or" i ' e ~ 11 2.fl O; A. T . Rettij!:. sume, $73.10; .. " • -..aft,,<WJCIIIIMN' Robert K . J ohn so n, fautory wor~ Jos. Uov !~, .l1 m ~, ~5 1. ' 5\ parl"1 win Sherbet, minora, and said apMrll. ArtJlQ B p rn~t wall ~al leq ~P ever¥ \ln~ljl ii1~ ~n btl, , cr, of Franklin, und Fay J? Swallow, Whitacre, supt. of Hllrion '1 p., 8 am~1 pa:1~g 0 0, Spnl)IIYt on Rllqof nt 01 pointee gave bond. A. ' ~oclal event of the week wa" ' . $3 1. 0; . J. Wi ble , fo r steam shove t hci ee.rloha Ilhlee8 ' or her fll:th er, 1\11"; Court Issued a warrant to sheriff factory worker, of F rary k!lO. a farewell party for Mr. and ~~r s. Her~chel MOl'\},oe WI lliams, I?hy.sI- wor k, $50; W"l ter' Beltz, fo r graye!, Marcellu8 Thackerll. for the conveyance of Olarence EdHarry r;(cGlnnis at their horne, on ward Eltzroth to the Ohio Institution cian of Lebanon " a nd l\Iabe l Vl rgm - IU) \): J. ~ . Bril'lgs, for gasolme, ?lir. and Mrs. larence King anti Thursday evenleg, e'er their <lepnr. ill Woodruff, m1:ist , of. Leban.on. for incompetents. , 11.07; J . D . Adam s, [ rehl:h t on grafamily moved last Vleek 1rolll Mr~; ·ture for their new home In Wayn ~s­ 'Wilii@ 'Neall W urw lck, da~rymnn Frank A. Dillltush, administrator ti er r pail'S, ,$ .,19; '1 ~e. om ~ e OuM : Sid 'H' furtn til a f!,rm ncllf 1?~han~z . ville, They will /ll QviI in ll"I..~' Clh of the estate of William H . McOain, of Wayne vlll t!,IlIlt:j S~rnh Elizabeth tel's, r "pl1 lr lll~ t ~'1.' eWl'l te r, $t5.26 , P~Ii, norfh Sptlngbort.: . hoblle wltH' thett son-In-law lind duug \ de cens~d, filed his affidavit of final Wadsworth, or Lllbli n n, J ohn L'1W & Sc n. for coupon bOOKS, Mr. anI! Mrs. A. L. ides moved t el' D r. and Mrs. L. B. Hall. Friends settlement III ~lIid estate. . ~ f.l li 5 " A lie n !:\t rcle ~. t;nl'l\A' for we}d her~ regrct their going, but w!s h th em IIns L. Dennett, R'pardian of RIlYin!],: 1'.00; In te r.CLitlc~ Oil Qs " !Pf frpm Wllynesville Wednes~ay,' tp REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS their homo: we~t ';r Lll tl" . wjliClh ' ~h ¥ fu~ure ~a~p~n~ ~; mond M. Bennett, miner, file d in co upo n books, l;I!J O; Eu ~ lie lflll'PQl' , 'Lebanon, Ohio _T I John S. Richnrdson and arah iH'idl c l't'puir, ~J 1.10 ; T he Barrett re ently pprchaseli Of E;:. Vi, Gill{. probate court bis fifth account of Richardso n to. Waltel' Fitts, lot Hum· Co., f or eil:! t 1)/l I",I·ls tal"\'."\' ::;9G.60; said minor. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hormell and CORRECT, SIT .DOWN In the case of G.. F. Rogers, as ad- ber 914 in rrunklin, ~ 1. 11 J r,,' o' er , fo r ~ lu ne , ~ Ui .John Vol Mr. Iln d 1111'S. • W. Albright, of near minlAtrator of th e estate of AJva E .. J aco b B. Strouse and Mary L. k~rd illg. tOI' u,nlollding stune.. $89.- Springboro, were Fridu y even ing A group of t~ \,;nspeop l e \'.'('r , vi"HOW'S THIS? James deceased ,VII. AU~e l\fahan, Strollse to F. Rnymond A ult and u- G ; lu nd arcl II e n .. fol' gaso hne and g uest s of Mr. a nd Mrs. Ke sler GraII&IVI CATARRH :IlEDIOIl'lB will iting the school und naturally th e 10~.bat _ dalm for It-rld your I178tem et al.:, court orde~ed that ndml!,is- san 'M. AlIlt, ~2 ncres in Olcu rcreek oil, $ 129.301. ~ \.t 1-- I , , Ml~1 trator sell said estate at npprllll!o r Tp. , $ 1 . t ea her ,v!,n\~~ ~o ~how t>!I' !J f!~ BIl; H /.. ~ t \ • . I., Y ~~tarrb or DeafDeq caulM4 b,. plJ~. value, subject t o terms of Alice MaCharles J. Conover and Pent·! . Miss MurIel Sykes visited her fath) () y . ~,a- t r r., : " : . "What did Sampson SillY th e Phil .......... fJATARRB IllllDlonnD con· ban to-wit; cash orr day of sale. er in Dayt on Saturday and Su r- day. . \\ 1 d I.' .:a , 1I Conover to H erbert L. Thompson JI8UI .-\It 1_1.11 Ointment Which Quickly · . ~ the matter of the gUOl'dianshi p and Miss Sykes is now boordlng at the lstl ne witll '" she asked. Mabel Alico Thompson" two R.tIleYM me ,catarrh&1 Inft&aunaUon. and MPORT S P EC t ..' "A bon~," shouted one. of Sophia Garriso n, caUSe was distraets being In Warren Co un ty a nd - - -home of Mrs; J. R, John., on ac~ount -ltae' Ke4latne. a Tonlo. whloh SOC ; .. r l UlWtile BlOod on the MUCoua m issed following advisement of court part s of section No.6, join tly co n"The bone Dr " whllt7'/ of the Illness of Mr •. C. S, Smith. One day n far mer, says the Coun. IurtaCM, III rNto~ 1I0rmal conell· that said subject had died. As no lIl1Jlwer wal forthcom1JJF' r he Sioun I "~ " tll ining IIbout 100 ac res, $1. . t r v Gent\('man , wtmt to th e county UOM. Mr. and ' Mrs. Walter Whitacre and In the matter of the estate of Ina &114 117_ ~ tor over 40 Yeara. Ire n" n. Dill nnd Heber 111. Dlil t o faI,r nnd his hurd ..working wife rc- children spent Sunday at the home of raised her hand to her face und blyly E. Clawson, decease d, W. C. Shcp- Joseph T. Dcunlofl' , obout two llc res '" :l in ed at ho me to sec that the fl11'm the latt r 's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam tapped her jaw, , 1'. ~~_"' . " . Co., Tole4o. Obio. '{Jawbone of an ass I" thei cr ied. herd and J. 111. Williamso n, as admin- in Lebanon, $1. suiTere ei no I v~s durin!!: his absen,cc. Meredith, at Johnsville. Mrs. -Met·istrators of Fnid estate, filed applicaHorace Dill and J essie J. Dill to. He r t:t U!'llCcI nbll tl l clal'K and commg edith hilS been quite iii th e 'past week, tion t o sell bonds bclongi nR' to Bilid William Thacker Jr., Nelli e B la nehe out un the porch, he inquircQ : " . " . but ' is ii!lm,,~y~a~ impfovll~. ' deceased, ilnd ,the eourt fix ed th o Thacker, two smnil tracts in Worren . A FAIR WARNIN' "I ' m about tired out, Mnry. Is DENTIST value of bonds f or sale. . Mrs. Hany Graham \\'~~ called to county, Secti on No. 2, $1. t he CQW S in th e ba rn? " WlJliam F. Schenck, a dministrato!' Spring Valley, Sunday, by the IUness "Begorrah, Pat, an ' don't yer be Sylvester Selb y and Liley Jano "Ye, long ago," 'r eplied the wif~. ~ And X·O·GRAPHIST of the est ate of COl'nelia B. EVlJns, Selby to Arress B. Wood, I'eal c~ttltc "]s the hosses' unharnessed a~' of her fath er, Thomas Saylor, ,nd reo talkin' back to me becausCl lure an' Schenck, decet, ~ e d, flied his inven- in prin~boro, $50t). ma ined until his death, Monday ev\t- I jel' go thru a tidy In' up the h ouse I" ,.,' AYNESVILLE, fed ?'" OHIO tory and appraisement of said estate . Martha 1\1. Gruham, Worrell GI'Ilning. Mr. Saylor is a brot her-in-law "Yes." Telephone 114 A not~d -~dU;aTo;-;;ys -that girls and same was recorded" of Mrs. Mary Creighton, and iB well hanl to William Edwllrd Bla ir a nd "Fowls lockeq up ?" In the matter of the will of n. J. Robert Miller Blair, lots numbered known here. Funeral service will be are just big, grown-up dolls. Some "Yes." . '. . OFFICE: HATHAWAY BLDG. deceased, Annie I. Irwin, wid_ 88 and 3!1 in Leba non . $1. at thl) ~ . E. church at Spring VlIlley of them even cry Pa-Pa and Ma-Ma "Wood chopped fer 1ll0rnin'1'/ WE (lET THEM QUI(fICLY AND Irwin, ON MAIN STREET ow of sold deceaeed, appear ed and Willin m Edward Blair and Cor"Yes." 10 0 ~l<jc~I -lr~u~~~~, ':V~en r ou squeez~ the~. . FREE OF CHARGE application to take under the rine C. Blair an? Robert 1\1. Blair and "Be them ducks plu cked aI!' dr!!sJl.' CALL US ANY TIME AT OUR made will nnd was elected. Mildred E . B IUlr to Martha M. Gra- ed fe r market?" t@ ¥ ~ 4 , EX~ENSE Notice of appointment of John D. hum, aj} of lots 36, 37 and 88, said "Ye~.'~ Kirklin as admin istrator of 'the es- lots being in /lnd ad jacent to Leb"Wagon wheel lllend!,id !m' rea~y tate of LOS!lie E. Kirklin, deceased. anon, $1. to sta rt hauling in wood t 9mqR'PW Appointment was made of tile P. Downey to :lames YQung morning?" • .-. • HARVEYSBURG, O. Lebanon-Citizens National Bank nnd 10George 't _ 't i if ncres In East Turtleercek Tp., $1. "fes." , T rust company IlS admi nistrator de Idn Warrick to Anna E. Lilight, "Well, thjln," }te concluded w~tl! It MONEY ~Q~N~P bonis non with the will nnncxcd of small tract of !lInd with ten ements sigh of relie/, "'Ill. JIll) havjl BupPt!r, '-----,=-...,the estate of Bert Reed, decensed. in Section 15, $1 . Mary, a nll we'll turn in. Parmlp' Is LOAN~ "on Chn~tels,StookB, SllPq~l­ Maud B. Ertel wns appointed Waller A. Clark to Wilbur F. bc~innin' to tel) 0 I~me." .' ties and Secon!! lIIortgllgel. NO~\I. · guardia n . of Ralph L. Ertel, minor, ClaJ'k, undivided on e-half of about - _ _ - , ••......;,.-bought. John lIarblne Jr., Xenia, f.r ,.oar J, Db Prlatl... and accepted the appointment. 16 ncres in Ciea r creek Tp., $1. We desIre to thank ou .. more than 15',1100 Pllt~lIl1s wllo lI"ve J Jerry Parkill filed his first a nd Ohio. · mSO-'26 Wilbur F. Clark to Walter A., Most untrue huebands< have blul) al(led U8 In maklDS thla uou.ual ' BalD ptls,lbls finol account as administtator of t he Clark undivided one-half of about ' eyes, which gradually turn to dark estate of Mary J. Parkhill. 16 ac~es in Clcarcreek 'rp., $1. '\ blue un d even black, when they are Assets Over, $9,~,CMJO.OO _ _ __ fo und out. Make loalll 00 approved real eitata eecllrltyFarmerl of WLrren lind adjolnlnr the best securIty. . . counties may ohtaln mon ey on lonr time, IoaIls, at 5 per cent Interest: WE PAY ON Cost of 8ecurlng the samb is very reaI FeEL lIkE ~UA.,,!(I/lJG So 1 "~II\lK I'LL STROLl.. Compoulllied Seml.Annuall, SOIl able ,through The Federal Land Imo A NICE, QUII;T Bank. For fu~ther information call "WHERE SAVINGS' ARE- SAFE" "mE-'( '\Ie MO\J IE - TI-\ E'fGe: '.:; HI,best Market Price Paid on or address M. O. DRAKE, T real. <:Lo s /:b '!-Ieo Butts /\lOTH I "-Ie-; .so txx.Rs ,'t-L. -rl-\E' urer, phon ~ :JIG-X, ,L ebanon, Ohio. :SOo'THtJo.lG AS. A N",>e;T SHOW A"-lt::. MOVIE 1 ':'AN'I PfCAlG oNE' Driv~ WANTED ~AY OR l1-\e OTHeR=TelePhone 2e2W EI''l'ABLISKF.D .1887.

I• •



BUick value • •• • IS Wlnning a larger share of public favor every day. It took eighteen years to huildthe first million


jW.H.Mad en Or. \""0. !;•

.i :


•• :•


Lumber and Building Materiil]s, -

i• ••


: i ••••••.••••••••••• ,.i .................................

Buicks but

oruv thirty~

·three months .for the

-- ---- ---

next 'half






Work Telll'ng


9n Him




Or. H. E






Haneyshurg Fe~er , Co.


c;.u .... 'J

Farmers, Attention!





A.,D .Swank aSon

Him Nuts

. Ily

W.alter McClure I



Fully Equipped for Good Senice.

_Large Display Room. .. Ambulance Service ~HONB7


J GlJES.:stl CAN




INslbf; AN!:> ':lOP

lr-lToANICE, COM "oRTAa~e ~T


10 EaJ!t Third


IUO East Fifth St.

nllrd amI Broadwa,



.. --'

"Rube" Goldberg


The West Side .Building, and Loan Association



Mlal!'lsburl, rt .




C . JJ __ ...... \-.--, " ••


, 1-\& beoRS AREO~ N Iv~ E\!f.l~'(&:-I::>Y~ GQ~.l~ /1 .A.;:', - NURH I

rhe OLD RELIABLE CALE~DAR is here. Call at tbe office.

wo~ t..~""·1 t ~ .r,,\JE

ENr)U GH -~ \'E.;:b RoR

, P,IS Mo B - 1,'.11::1.1.. ·· /1 Ll 1 C(I.(\. l 2)(.:- I os FIGl-\"i \, ~;\..lT

;,.t-l -rHI:' 1<:;""'2:S'1' OF, 'EM

F~. T. · MarQn "' Jesse' Stanl~y


~. :Auctioneer' .. .. .,.

--7Date y~~r ..1_. .iIIa aa:.



_We , opar~~

..tiafactioD or char,. )l~f.

. . '.'

MANUFACTURER desires lady to introduce its goods No cllnvossi ng. Position pay,s about $18 per week. Prefer lady who belonA'S to d lllrch or club organizlltion. Write Sal es manager, 505 Sloan Bldg., Clevela nd, Ohio. f24 WANTED- AIl.kincis of Bo£t Wood. for -pplp. Jolorri~ Gr!\hl\m. , ~'f FOR


F OR SALE--Team , wl1gon and har-' ness. [nqulre' of Ennis Thompson, .mS Corwm. FOR SALE-Cireull11' woo d salV ing oqtfit in goo d co ndition. R. E. Crew. 0m3. FOR SALE-Paper crepe a~d 'vl1~d " fl owerB. . ' 11 exhibit lit Hall's, 'Coles an d Hymnn's. Mis EthelYn Ross, Third street. . . v ' ! ml0 F OR E- -Grnde Hoistcln hoif( I' ' ' 1 ~ years old; 1 Holstein heifeJ:: eligible , til ' register, 2 "JIlonths old. ,. Ro,~ert . Hunt, ·R.· D. 6j Waynesvtlle • . · OhIO .nia . FOR , SALE- R.I:. Reel Egg~: PUN: stock for setting at lilt. Holly l' P. R!l~d! R D. 1, WafJlesvllJe. 6hlft:.





'a ~ ' m., ¥0~~4.~~~~~!1t~ s.t;a ~ Xainoue. W.,n~~n•• Ohio ' ..... '







••• ISSUElT> E.vE~Y WEDNESDAY... ~ "


,I._ P''''o~~. ot Oh'o, •• Second Cia •• M.n "'-.J







Sub."riptloD Price, $1.50 pe r Year

D. L. CRAl'i£

Publi.ber ======~~ -= - -~- ~=.~~


q~n "idcl'il\l! the got'''\\'ing (' nBC o f !ln ~":)/1U1 r,'".vcrnment fUncli onirHl,·. it IR Illtc.!'est lnr.- to l'el11 ~ mhC I' ~ hl\t twelv~ ye ll l'S h,uvo uc e.n s pent u ~ to dnte In th e cflort to fix 1I vu lull ti"n on th~ I'llill'ouds of th e coulltry. In th~t tIme, ucco r rling to figures obtUlned from Th e Prps idl'n t's Confer. enc ~ conl/nittee on The Fe d ~ rn l VOl! Untlon of nll ill'nn ds in lh ~ n it ~ d St.lltes, II grun d tollll " r ne hn n.lrco d n nd ten milli ons (I f d, .ll·:rs h,, :; he I, Sllellt. At Iht! run t·, li l11~ " 'Po l,iu r n t 10;mission Xllc.<.'t~ to culllp ld .. the prlllln ry VUIl/ nI IOn" ~OIl1C tilllo In 1928. Pres um ab ly th e n t he r eu ! ' wOl'k will begin . The Interstn t(! COlllm e l'co ca nl r ' is slon In this t we lve year< has rerrch(,cf G82 valuutiolls, J 33 of t hem for tln nl figurcs covcring upproximutcly one half the milollge of tho country, an J only a few of the I\nll\ Vl\lulI*lon s IIr\) on the largu Nlld\l. Surc~ Ihe nler6 ll\~11 CommHce oommlss i?l1, iko Provlden Qe, moves in' a myst.,.,.:_ (lua way its wonders to perform. ~. c t us be cheerful o r hellrt, IWWCVl,lf. rr 8\.ntistica\ CaIQull\U0'1a may be reli ed 1m tltere is qultQ 1\ poss ibility ot this \yo 1'1\ being fin ished in unQUler ~\\,plve, or, witil un (I)re~Il~./l OO l11pli. \!!lUon l! Il[i ~hlg, v.o~ 8Ibl)' twenty Y~\lr8 tI!\I\ ~"e cxpen tli~ure ough~ j O l>e ,nor e than t«'o or thr~~ "undr'l . mil. 11\>118 ot 1I01lilr@in Ililgi~on to the hIm. dl't'{\ ftii!! ~ 'n nulli ons u\r611tl)' ~ ullk. '1' 1 0~l! whose l,ollUenl memories run bll ' k !!IS tar ns I ll l 3 will r ecall t.hut the ag ita ti on which r esulted i'\ th e valuation act was sq mulated' \I'yone of ou~ pe l,iodlu waves of pu'blic .leplllntl that if .t~~ govern'mont ver i\'il ~ '~o take ' o\'er the r ouds th(\!I' til" ¢ovcl'nmen t shQ\\l d htlVoe re ua'lll;' IIg\l.r{lll II! 1!1I1 ~ns !& bargllirling or onll8\1utiQIl, Ot coursl' th e Gilbe .... thlll phase of th e s itutltion' li es in thl' fac t tha t when the fi l;'ures have been reach ed, the Ylllu c o f th e rO \l~ ~vill huve c~unA'ed. p\!.·tt IY \he~ tS no ~~~~'p\n¥- ~¥9·\4H{lIl,.


~ HARVEYSBURG M~s . Will Og lesbee s pent the week end l~ Cleveland. .



" .

v \.

', I



Not Even a . Cyclone Could Deter Jamestown From Succeeding-

'rbo fourteenth pact tor the 'pay. ment of the French. debt having been llealed and delivered. France would now like to open negotiation s concernin~ p.ayment of the French debt. The young shieks nowadays aren't enlisting ill the Navy because the gobs wear their trousers too small. C"lifornia tells us a ·man has be\l!\

curc~ of . paralf_sis ~y qe lng ; truok ~y h~htnll\lt'. Wlia\ 'bae FlorIda to

'to tlta~f "-"--

.- ----


- PICK~. UPS Lond(Jn bas op~nl\!d cabar~~ for Ing men. Tp\lY s/1ould afford amuse. JIlellt f or t!\o!!e' wlJo lire . living Oll the g{lVc~'1m.en~ dole.-LoUlsville Courler~ Qureal, "Things have come to a pretty dull pass when we have to get excited over "orne of the secrets in Goorge Wa8hing to l1's Iife.-~s Moin(!8 Reg. Ister. . Thoee women who asked President Ooolidge for equal rights must want to fire the furnace and carry the ash. es out.- Indlanapolis News.

We think the "Democratic Outlook"

is a subj ect worthy of discussion by serious ' minds. We wish the .miser. IIblf,l humorists would let it alohe.Houston Post-Dispatch. Charley Schwab says the way to he happ y is tq work. :And think of the large number of people Who are trying nut .to be happy.-New York Oommercial. . H Senator Borah who 'says that the people will be asked to decide the World 'Court issue, can prove that it Is respon sible for radio static; the peoplo will do the . rest.-In dianopoli ~ Newe· Musso)lni should chang\! his diet. nothing but .raw \1leat always. ~a~ PI'!lV~{1 ~o ~j! ,tatal ~o great s~tes. P tt1>,' ern 'Ollnt\ Enquirer. ~11~ing




. .


"!lfr ol(l \TI an h e do Be got de soft.


iob in de \\'hole [aet.ory, he hob,''' '~Whl\t d o'cs .)'our old man · dQne d«iT" "J ,. tln J.l' tell a il de III ttrC!!so-'J. U( j' 111U1 ufacturl'"


....--~---The" Ey. S!lht S~all.t. · l..

!'. :,'; ' J~weJry L

. Il


\to!'. Qhl,,- ,

. '

Every Tueaday ' . • ••00 . . . . . . ~.,. . .

AMESTOWN was originally platted br Thomas Browder and Martin Mendenball on May 31, ~816. Tho name was given by Browd~f wba Illld come rrom Jamestown. VirginIa, • Jnmeatown waS Incorporated In 1849 by S. T . Owens. The second brick scbool, the oldest building In James· town Is used today as a blacksmIth sbOII. In April, 18S4, a cyclone struck Jamestown, wiping out half or the village. A relief committee was organized with W. A. Paxson as cltalrman and work begun rebu ilding. The Urst newspaper was published in 1870 by Wlllium Galvin. Today. the Jamestown JournuI. or whIch Mr. J. Ervin Christy Is both ed itor and publisher, Is one ot tho outstanding village papers In the Miami Valley. 118 ed l· torial pages. Its makeup and pollclC$, lire excollent . Jo.mestown's present populallon I. 1,300. There are 460 homcs' of whlcl\ SO % aro self owned. The Ross Town' • ship Centrall,~ School b&l\ In aUenda.nce 400 studenle, with iQ teaCher!, under SuperIntendent J . W. Gowdy. . ~ll Ides the Farmol'8 lind TradCol'l! National Bank. In· COl'Po:!ted for $50.000. and founded about 1860. by Mr. Sylel'8 who contlnl\ed as lis presiden t until his deatb, th.e re '18 the Peoples National Bank. Incorporated tor $21 .000 of ",h~ch W. W. John son III prestdent and George Spahr, caablllr. Robert Zimmormall Is now presIdent and R, J . Moorman, casbter of the Farmel'll and Truders Na· tlonal Ban~. . Dr. F. W. 0caII I, the lI1ayor. III the dr)' jIOOdl fIeld. the W. El. Reid Store.and that of L. 8. Farquhar are representallve. Besides these there are groceries. YlU'lety, jewelry and hardware stores. The Venarg TheatOl; I, owned by DlI.vld Venard. The James· town CannIng Company operatCII In season. . Tbe manner In whlcb Jamestown attacked Ita rehablll· tatlon problem when the cyclone of 1884 struck It Is the wsy In which It bas surmounted every obstacle presenled to It. The Rlke-Kumler COmpany wishes to take thIs opportunIty to pay a trIbute to the Inlttatlve and determInatiOn whicb hIlS marked Its every endeavor.



It Is suid t hey lynched a coal de~l , r in the \ cst becau. e be told Ol'\e <!f ~.i.1! {It!r.\IJiwntl)~iv - .ou1tomel'l! he I"!\§ c,;rll.~ \V'", tlie h eat,


will fe e l w e ll re -


Spirit of Waynesvi lle





to tell of its

dev:Z~p~e~. city

. n

Bellbrook's First Settler Became

coun J ph ILMINGTON was c!10 sen the . Faulkner a~ld ose and laid out in 1BIO. I))~d~d Isaiah MorriS wa s the the doners o[ the 8 . J 8l!8 Doan were d first postmaster .In .i2 by ISllac ar· first ml~Yo~ ~~n school was held 111 1~ IOn A hi~h school SU~lscrtPI I "bi n erected by MI'. .011 ':'23 It" schonls tson In a o~ cn . ' I' hi" h 111 1,, -,. I J{ re ':1" lIlll and a Junl o I 37 tellchC l's. . , . was bUI t In 1 030 students throul': 1 today Instruct '. "d t pub. Probasco is supermt,:n ~n t he fir"t newspaper\, l \~[l S W J . . The True America 'It! £ '1!J 15 was boug' );' D"I" The Hera 0 , W ' I ' " l n 1\1, lis hed 'in f1814~,estown und han~ed to k;~~lIl1lt Kc nnd h ocrnt' of 1 80, 15 t\ wee . U Gt\:VIn. 0 N ew s '. The. D em mana,geI'. . t f ol' furna ces , Ken~V~!~~~I;:;~ is >l l1Ia!lufactu;~;1 7 i:;o ~oo Ir \'i n Au ge l'


One of Ohio's Early Governors


{\~gcr ~i~Sr a:l~ic\~ItJ. 'W~~~~~:~~ iK ;~i~~i~'~~\i}:;!.~~h,:~.l.f.~~~

BIt (I " . f ·ts kind III l he wor l ' . ' ll Fr,m"lS II. orgl1\11ZUilOn 0 I. b J H. Glc\' cnf;Cl. Wl I . 0" of nncc ~o.' ~i:~le:~en~ ul;d the Wiln~d'~\Ona;:s~'~fstand:ng Flnqu. or s~ Go ebel is Vlce pres, c ;WhIch :1. F. Trust Co., with. U mdu;I!:lrlesCiint on N ationa l Bank! ulnbd" M R. Deliver wllh Ie ' $400000 IS hea, C( ' . ' . • d "fler capitIlIHiz,aJ~~:~ o~ashi c;. O(:nvc r . COI~l't~l<61;~).~a~~',.r,"'.r~. H. G. u · ;s [uthel' wh o WII S all. ~ , t • ~ 1 0 ) OO:j with M R Denver ' . ·Inh?"" ,01 ~ . • . The Fil'at National Bunk 1~ Vandervort, c:~ " lt~ ~· b A J. Wilson, pr~sl'dCd~ ~'~c Wilmington Corn mercc;\ 'l~'~ • M R Denvcr len ' d L [ the Mothers u . Mrs. Cha~les Mrr'r tin is T1de~, ~~ ,,?MurphY, of .t he Chkago . House was·donate y Opcr" . lie of thc Oubs. , Depa rtment store IS 0 . W tt nd Patte rson s . n Ilr us in th e communrty. cabin W\l1111n glon leadmg ;1~OllldUY OWIIS lhe oldesl I~!;r c~ bro·Hters. 1'homu" C.. tarted hCI'~ In by t Col)(,ge W.I15 IS d H Carsou Farvln. b . fl sum Ill' D In\u es ~ . a n · , can but rte y ., 'Th Rike·Ku mlcr Compnn~ . f ' ts 5000 inhabitanls e . I ieh each olle 0 I 'I t li ve In herE' those tlllng s u 1 f Thllt it is /l p acc o?r-own .d. know and nro Pdrt Y 1.300 ~ Is demonstrnte








ine nt in Edu ca tlo Wilmington- Prom \ ' shment . I d - in Accom p I -in n ustry ty seat in 1803




~n~~rl1ld" I .d evelopmel;ts'

Towns ·in Miami Valley OHN AND JAMES STEPHANSON wl're the flrst settlers. From J oseph Vance they secured land nnd built lhelr cabin In 1797. John Paul. Xe nia's first director, dODated all the land for Its public buildIngs. Court wns held In William Beatty's Tavern \lnW .1807. He succeeded Paul as director. Remembrunce Williams' erected the first <:ab ln at Robert·s · Vflla In 1800, threE. yea,rs later Joseph Vance laid out Xenia. ~n 1804, Joh . Marshall built the flrRt cubl n Inside Xen lu's limits. TJt~ first postmns.te,r was , Reverend To\vler: the rirst tea Cher:" ¥elijamln Grov~r. · Xenia was Incorpora ted In Tile flrst log BC1\ool was er.octed In tS05 . 'r5\8ay ther.e are _t.~oo st~dentl! In Xenla'8 'fOll r schooll1. are 61 tellchers \lnder Superlnlendent C. Pendy. ;~nlo. t0l!ay hIlS a PQPulalfol1 of 11.762. ThIs "olty of !Jemes ' hlltl 3.600 of w!lle" 70 0/0 are lIolf (!Wnell" Today the 1\. /<. lCel1y Twine Faotory. the Hooven and /JII!l ol1 Cordage Company. with J . D. Steele. president, and *h@ Xel1la 81100 COmpany, hended by P. H. Fiyman, are OUtstanding Industrle8 ot th() country, . R. 8. l{fnsbtlry bflalls the Citizens NatIonal Bank wIth M. L . Wolfe, Msbler. The Xenia National Bank I~ pre• Icled over by George Little wltb -Tohn A. Nisbet, cashier• Both ate.ln«;orporated tor 1100,000. ' s. P, Hate fa tbe present City Mo.nager. Jobe Broth. e .... Coll1panyaDd the J. W. Gibney Department Store are Ille leadlnr ItGrell of .Xenla. . The Xenl. Guetb! Ili edited by J. A. Ohe~· and the ' Xema ~.rald by Harry E. RIce. ' ... w,lJ~rtoJ'oe Collece. near Xenia, recognized- as one ef .... mOlt 1~~t negro colJegea In AmerIca, WIItI tounded ID 18ft, and In ,.1883 taken over entirely by the colored \!Ice' did XeQIa'. el.vto 1P1rlt and progresslvenesa and the iu>leq: type of Ita eltlSensblp give to The Rlke·K~mler . Co~. and· or Dayton the tbrlll 9~ l!rfde '1'" .a CliIDm\\III\1 '~f W:or:tliy. Dr: P1\t.,



T d '



H E: villaGe of Bellbrook wall tlrst lettled by JOIICPI;l C. .Van 0 wllo hullt a log cabin In 1796. He later became Ol1 e or Ohlo's UrNt governol'l!. Tbe first Btore was, kept. In thlM lrullrllll g by Josepb Gowdy. Here also the flnt hotel WU H opcru[NI by J ames Clancey. At nblJllt 'lh e su me time Nathan Sam me 0118 of the very ellr ly Bettl crs built n long cabin a little of U,' llhr ole. S~e Jlh " lI Bolt. Jnmes ClanC«!y nnd Henry Updike laSt! uul lire \' lIlal(c 111 18 15 and Bell nam~ It Bellbrook beeauae of I hI' ""I I1Y hl'ooks nr9und thi s spot. Bellbrook waB Incorpnr:ctPII' III 1 32. Henry UpdI ke erectcd tbe first flour will "II Lilt Ie Sugar. Creek In 1820. Th o fh'w t sc1lOo l wus built entirely of logs. GreBIIOd P"I'(,l' I\'a ~ used for windows. .fames Paln taught the r1" , SC!Il . 'l'Orl llY th ol'o Is a centrallUld School which was hullt In 19 24 nnr! In whlcb tho hIgh school clnases are held, Th e ,:; rll cl ~H arc still ta ught In the old buildings. T1Iere ve nbout 150 pupils IIIHI 12 teaj!hera. Mr. Weaver fs BupenDtcmlC'fll . The OInking ot maple sugar was one of t\:Hj eartleet indust ri es. Map le Bugnr campa were 8potted throughout thl! country. . Dullbl'ook today has a population of 400 willi 100 homes . SG% or which nre self owned . Bellbrook 18 8 IPIeDdid fHrmln g di strict whlle general b~lness Is the c:hjef oecuI1llt.ion. Oliver Wa lso n. the mayor. has written a numbel' of arti cles on Uellbrook. 111 Bellb rook Is tlto general store of the DlnwiddfeThomas ompnny !lnd the bardwilre store or Raymond l'enwlt. The old home ot Mrs. Susan Stotzenbei'ger Is over 100 yearM old . Indlvluuul!y, l he capnbtlltles of tho men Bellbrook hns de "e1npcd un d collectively tbe spIrit Il has demon• struted lu buildin g up ono of tho fastest progressIng vU· I "I;~~ In tho Mia mi Vu lley, makes It a neIghbor ot whIch 11:t),l(l 1l may well be proud. As proud und as glad as The Rlk e. l{uI Jllc l' COlllpany Is III prlutlng theMo few brief detans of Be librou k'A foundin g and RubseQuenl development.

Xenia is one of the Most Progressjve


Week of Mareh 1



nI~n. Hn);e~


IS BUilding T 0 ay WAYNESVI L L E . o morrOW_ ment and' Was laId ou t in 17~ 6 b log cu"in there. IlIr 1797, umucl He ighwa y .the gov~rn. n~I'ced On W n. 180.l th e citizl'ns I y buIlt the fIrst eral :'Mud .4. 1~~~~(;~,';.IIV;, cr>nuuOl\lO~alin; ~h~~~l unan imously Uprl SI I/~ of t he 1 ',. syne whOSe lar' . Ilme of Gen offie,,' wa s eSl"bl . l~h"iIIS had been so 8 I/I~> III quelling the Wlig ht 's r'l uu IS .cd U1 11<04. ucce~s rul. A pos tby C. M . I' - IJI' : mill , el'('('led in 1828 . wll t"r """':":1' tze r . . IS onl' of trw Ve t lind .today operntedOC'rc, "ti Ilie' ~ ill,TI! ," /lJi lJ a nd lh .. ry ew n1/ lls s till run by '1'1 " c "lIal1l/ In ' S2 • CO\'er d bridg 1(' Mia nd C""CLt. . . n. nrc ('It 'riHhc I Ire erected I);~n"r; :'.'-'!.:' ('di["d' h(: .1 I·~ I·.Y mod~rn lind ro ' . audmark H. lU,anl/ " 'IIlo r I I ' I'v D. I .. ( r""" i~ lit P g reSSlve llews. J /I 0.,"; "I ' .',' 1/ ,. I Wus fOUndeu'i n' 18 1°1 ~lIlgrowth of the dp,. E ,, ~,,·,t "P 'I\," h . "y ./ IV Robe 'r" '" ' Ull,'r" nrth ~ d ~ , S(' ""Is \\'(' r f . l' r ts. od".I· W"J'lI cs I'iJI 'I' '. St'Ot t wer c- lh ,'Jun( Cd . Miss " llU II, 1 !fl'udo C flrSl lcac hers s18 [":.dl" I ' r.,o , '0 1' Clh"Ill S5 '),I7 tl/le hi " cl I . . up,er S · 100 with l ire n[' p n·/liIl'nl. '!''' lIt . I ' - sludent.. F . It . J\['> omuw is III" 'i lia • /lOPlI Ilt'O f IV I')'~;'l~,; tl~~:l11e' l of whichn 805 % ~~;esvlif"o is 020. Therc 'PI on yrJ /l N 01'/11 '1 1 se -OWned 1(' \ V"v lI Psvi '. ~(' I1110)1 ill lhe . Here is DUO. W Ii Ai, ~' a tu'rr:d Bnnk ; . COunty. . '1'he Nel~ '('~~ IS jll·" 8i.I~lIt /Jll d r 'j~t~~'Ol'ut!!(1 for $ 100_ PI·(:SltJ~l1t.. lh ", I'' UI·IIWI·S lJl'y Club, of W1)i~h '1\'1 errdcrno n cas hie; th eo CUI11/lfil''; " wllb . A. Eli; rs J ' .W: Ward is• Girls T l .'I Uol. q.j,IIt1s lin Contr ihu1 (' trOOp which 1\l rs ; PR,eSldent, an d E (' M ot he r6 Clu!" is the betterment th . Moomaw '. Rogel'S is the m' I.eaded by Mrs. V CI'/1 J\e commUnity. lIJeY('r H ' III :IYOI. rnJtbuge. T. Pllck jn~ Con~p,,~ n s Dry GOOds Store and outstllndillg IV y, ":, a nuj1'cd by H G Wthe Waynesville The spir it clles, are two mentes this co .en IneSS und It I' ( l."row l h und C.~,~,~~~~tl' is rca son eno~~h u~~~s~ which. Per. c,:e r.l' honr e the . '. ,.'1. On e very sid . I Its continu ed RJk e.I'umle'r ('l/lSPIJ It of lhrift nnd ~. IS p.r o/,"l'ess. In 50 n IV - , " ' :lIly is I I auvance~cnt The ear IIYIlC~ vi1le_s:1 d I:' Uc of its loca ti "' . ''_,_ _ _J~=::~~::"-.L:~-~~:~-l


. <s h.I, . •• Cut the h ,come • .;~ •• uv \ ~ big business to 111 "111.:,,,1cu L I I the ot hllr fellO W'S j,lcunrc. Nolhing like running It'ue LO 1I1'm. . L..

e ra t ion. The Ril<e..KulTller CO.


Kumler'S Is sot;l;lQlhtng o[ which both

Isn't it time so me one shaped up a little nlore save the funnel' legl<la. t ion r '1 he olt! sopo l'ifics seem to hEl Pl·tcling out. .

- ~ ~ .• Ie

to a g r ea tcr spirit of fri c ntlly coop-

~s Igr~c:ry~nA:.ted.

Vt.. ll.

h ,I tlo ' 1:" 0 " f \, . • 1"". \\ I.Il li\lt ~.:lt i " . tl. · ii~ .:·" j.I, V" ~l'\ II)'S Ulougbt vII 1111 1' \lntul~ Wn" tlnn . oil oJ.!y by ~h~ 'I!sll\w ighta. I


Is ~~.'

Jl ., h:1.s

1' . , 11"




a ccorn-

theseMiarniVa I t t'r e yow n s S I their neighbors

5 boonThe president ~Incecomml.\lIttY' 191 . tod farming ot Cednrv II 1e uy IS ma(le , 200 InhalJ,\tllnts 71l % 01 whom own their 0.... 11 A "0 h'omes. ]<'Ive hllllclred stud nts a lhuP of l:"'her om08tit" IIOnoolidatcd , "" m, • • u school. There are 1 4 lenc IIC. rs Pro. tend t " (~Geor~e Oxley Is super II\len den. d 1\1 W('s t ' cMhler or RUe Is presld enl an r. J ' kRon II the Cedar,vllle ,~CbaHnlgc~koBrn,~kJ'; U~ry ~n.1 d endant of Old y ing nnd Louu Assoc lu ti 0 11 . esc dnrvlll e Build D;\l'.~h~ Hthn~a;e Strawlloo.rtl und pope r com. PUll l', WHdh th e ' c.. sn s tone quarry and lim e rr ucts , Abel M8gnezla :tOemr PAblYe' nnd the Cednrvllle Lumher Comn .. ged h" ca, 111.8......, W ' d b A 1\ Wright wilh Harvey "'I ,101U1lS, \>"'~1I, lPanage Y I uCI I I duslrieH are the pr ne II e dl of Rob rt BIrd Besidea the II: n ral mt'::'~reanar:e groceries operated ' b~' ~nd SOli' ! OompanYi-r t 8 H . Little. Reed Prlnglo. Chrltl M8lItel'lt, Willard ou c, . b A E Richard ' hurd· lull J W. Johnson; a drug store ~nd A E ' Bu"v au G . 'fI' etores by Charles Stucker etl and "Service Hardwarc" ma:nt s b~oe:' Re~d Prln t:: le I~ 8ates operates u meat mar e a W Jobnson runs i:be connection with 'by Jacob SIgler ooDd jewelry store. Ba er es 8 e ,,Pe rry Glllalan . D t d Rlkc The IU!ftociatlOIl Q( Cedar-vllle with BY on a n d '



.'. :'

l a ter

pI i shrnents of

DAY'rON, 9010

Carload of Scenic and Electrical Effects

rn lJ uwinJr: "hn l·:-: (!~ . 7 cnttle, 2 brood \ SllW S, hens. fnl'llIinf..: ill1p it.·I1IClIls , f t'l.'d • .




We dne sda y, Ma rc h 10, 1926 , ('ollll1lenl' inl! ut 10 /I . n1.. AlIIr r . Ih,.

If these brief accounts of the founding, early st rug gles and



\\' nynt :"w i lll' Hud F f'I T Y rl)ud. o!'

an important Part

in Cedarville's Progress UNE 29 1816 Jesse and WlIllam Newport recorded the III. d fO~ Ced~rvllle. In the I\Ilme year the first church was :rected. John Parla had the flrsl po_tofrlce In his Store Jobu Orr bull, the first housD lu 1 36. The fIrst prlnte school was buill In 1850 by JamE!S Turnbull In 1866 the first free school was opened. t Tho ' tlrst neWllpaJl(lr, "EntClJlrlsc," was brought on b H ,.,. Northup III 1877. The Opera House ow ned jolnlly Y ,..... hi ulns Mayor 0 Ii bY the towa and tbtJ town s P. con , . . ~cFarh'nd'. ottlce, and other offlclul offlces. Cedarville was 1ncorporated III 1 &~8. I Cedarville. Collose was cho.rtered In 1887 nn.1 DOPC ~~~s In 1894. Rev. Wilbert R. M Chesney, Ph .D., D. ..

England th.inks she wou ld like to r .·t··lh t b'o' kee p in!!, out oC 11'CI't Drli . \ : ' \ ~'1 :l f." J "l' I r(li ~ :t I . ~: • • ... s ,£ . t dl(


Public Sales

Miss Holen Randall, of Wilmlng. ton c!'llego, came home T,hursday and remained over the- week.end.

. -



.. Assani." She ~ave a very interest. burnes,s, tools, f!nf\'iJIC, house hold nnd ing' and Instructlvo talk Oll the~ loea kitche n fUI'n'fllJre S e bills. fOT te~ms . ti~n, ~usto mtl, lifo ant! r ollgion oC' OHMER H. FOX, the natives of this country. The MllIiin & mu ley, Aucts . hostesses then scrved II dainty lunch. r will sell Ill) of my househ old of solnt!, cruckers, cocou, icc croam gou ds, located at the Eurl Ot'nrl ol'f ahd whjte cuke. property, on Nol'th stl'eet, Wuyner;. ~ ville, Ohio, on Saturday, March 6, 1926, HE WAITED AWHILE Beg inni ng- ut 12 :30 s hur p. 'l'erms ca"h . Zeb J ones was visiting his old co!. ~ I'cd frie nd, Zekc Turner. ut a hos. ~ IR S. VI'; DA ORND0RP. , tnnley & Mar till , All cts. pitul in his native Bo uthem town, alld I' ll entering tho hos pital he ene""n . I <'I' d one of th(: IIlII'ses to wh or h On nccu unl ,, ( Lh' el"utll of lll V dir'~c t e d this in(juil'Y: " Is illY old wife. I will " ,ll III my farm . 2 l1Iilc'~ ( "i"/I ' 7,cke 'l' umer ill d i~ h "~pi H tn! '!" I~ . of Lyll ,> nll d I " I mil ,. ~ . Cl r Fl' I'ry. .. y 8," I' plicrl t h(, nilI'. (' ;l l1Iil c~ :'>1 . \\'. "r \\'IIYII" " ' illl', (1/1 t h '

Mrs. Emma Oli ne and so ns, Earl and James, a nd Mr. and MI'8 Mott 'l'he S tate Tood men were here this Oline, of Dayton, were Sunday 'guests week, survoying the "S" hill. of. Mrs. lara Merritt and other reI. Judge Ounning hum, o( Lehanon, IItlves. culled on ha s. lI1 adde n, Friuny. Our community was suddened by A numb I' fl'om hl' l'c nltended the news of t he denth of Miss Rhettu Co.unl.y uuske~bnll lou l'llam ent at Wil. Whetsel, at Wuy ncsvill e , Sun duy mlngton . morning. lIfisR Wh etsel 'f orm erly li ved here. Th e' omll/unity clllb stuA'ed' a min Scl'l l . h<l ll' "cdn ri dny ewning which The BIIJltist. l\Iiss ionary ircle met was well ree ·ived . ' at. the ehu l'eh W cdllesrlny a.f tcr noon \l'lth M,·8. A. S. oll ett und MisH N"I. Mrs. MalT .1 . Finch and Hobert lie utrill'ht rr ~ hostcsscH . A ftel' the Gal'ncr Ilntel·tained 1\1 ,.. IlIIU Mrs. d ~vo tj (JlI~ which We re in chul'J!'e of Hl-low i s h(' ,l.dlt: n ' on '! " . l';i lly ~i .. llIln, :; lI nuay. II V",ry nh:l.J.v. Ilc \; cU ll v u l escin~ AIl's .. Wi ll Gi llum. t he usual bu sil1 ~~8 l1U\V. tI routIne wns nttended to. The l e~so n Miss Clara Hatto n, of Oincin na ti " Uh. huh! \' cry wclI. nh won't Spent the week-e nd with her purents; uf lhe urtern~lln wns in charge of di srupt him ;' nh ' lI ju ·t wllit here Un. Mrs. Hnrolrl GIllum, her topic being, til he gets throug-h."



- ---- - -._-r_

Dr. and 1111'8. H. E. Hotton.

V clf{lll,e n hi. t'lil\ -,g9 (lf.D]Jlellt . e ~tem~~n~1 'QOiiYelltloll of .' ,~, ~ ~Yf.te4 the ~, ~fttoa of




Was One of the Earliest

of Miami Valle\' Towns T \Vns Et1\\'IIl'd Walton. who in 1 ~( lIi. boughl 1.000 o~rcs of la ll d [1'0111 tho Rohll crs' """ ,I ~l i l ilal')' Sun.' )' nt $3 a\l ~cro, who Is 10,ltl y 1I ~ Ih.' f' ''lIld~r ' 'Jf RllI'llIl;' V!llley. 'fhe orl glnll l ma p of Rllrlll \< Vall ,·y . Inl,1 oul h.Y Edll'ard anti Moses Wnltr.n IR 11011' III Ilw ha lHIH of .Inhn \\ al l'1II who i<Ull resl.los In the origi nal I\'a lto/l h OIll O, lho oldesl huHd· Ing In Spring V"lIey. In 1 15 thc r:/ncl~' Rei" I. \lIn firSI to ho hull[ was ercct~r\. In IRH . 'l oses "on "lruclcd n wllr ehollse and turn , J the RccnrH\ slo r y int ,) " sdloo!. [,oler. ill 185 4. tlte f irst brick I,uihllll \< wns b1l1l1. [ II J ~G9 . th is WIlS utilized for a ae·hoo!. Tho first g r a d .. c1 sc hno l W!\.~ orgun l7.ed In 1 GO. J OH ua i\' lclcp rsoll nn,l :I1ar y Durrett were leachers. SJlrln ~ V ll lI ~ )' is "0 n "m~d h~ c" u so of th e many sprIngs In th e vnl/ e')' betll' th e I1IOU llll_. C. A .• oll p!," tH th e mayor or Spring Va l loy. which 11I\s 0 POIJUIII II (>1I of 4-13 with 12;; h OIllOS, 65 % o[ wblch arc oWller tenanled. It lJon ~ t~ n to",,,shlp ni ght school and II village , dloo!. Gc.orl'e W . Drelves, Lbe suporlntend· ent reports 200 sludents and r, toncher8. One of th o tln est of small ban ka Is tbe Spring Valley National Dank. Inr.orporated fOr $26.000, of ..... hlch W. , C. Smith Is IITCsldent lind W. I'J. Crites. ca8hler. A Community Club fosters social cptertalnmenta. tbo Parenl Teachers AS8QClalion 11M W. E. Crites a.cting as presldeut. , ' . Arch O.oP8ey nnd C. l\{. Holton ol,lCrat() two . high type groee~les, W. R. Hiatt "lind Son8 SUDP~Y Spring Valley with lte hardWare needs, wblle Hyman and Block Com· puny operata the (Iry goods store. ' Tho Rlke-"-urnler Companr In.. spreodl!1g tbroughout tbll'Mlaml VuHllY some .few details of Spring V!1l1ey'9 ea,rly days an d present advaacemeut, docs BO wIth th~ teellng· tHat ev(!~y town and bamlet or otb lll .valley, u'nl~ed ~8 th~y . nre In spirit, joIns .Wlth titom In presuglng. tbe tufill;e' of thlll cl1lter,prlsln". ~j)mmul1lty. ",


10ll'W II




WAYNESVILLE AUTO &MACIDNERY CO. For ' th,e Best 01·Every thing Eatable in the B,aking Line

" S. L. Cartwright was in Dayton, 1>1\lnduy.

Special T~re Sale Tire prices have advanced. We were fortunate in placing our order at the old prices, and will share with those of our friends and customers who buy Tires from now to March 15th, the benefit of the old price.

Isa60re Bloch, of Spring VaH ey, here, Monday.


Wanted-Girl to do Mrs. Van Often, Corwin .


Call at

New Spring sM\ving of WaH Papers Papers at low prices , at Hyman's:

30x3~ 30x3~ 30x3~ 30x3~ 30x3~

Miss Gladys Harlan of Dayto n, spe nt the week-end with her m olher. Mrs. Harry H o u ~h , of H a rveysburg , was a Waynesv ille vis itor, Tuesday . .

Trade In Your Old Tires on New Goodyear Balloons New riding comfort. Easy steering. New rest for your mind and nerves. New mileage. We'll make you a liberal allowance on the wear left in your old tires. . You'll find the new balloons don't coat much more, and eave a lot in the end. Changeover takes leu than an hour. All yo~ need .to do ~a phone ua when and where.

W.aynesville Motor Co. Waynesville, Ohio

Phone 105

Thompson's Bakery

Mrs. Ernest Butterw ort h r eturn ed home from Miami Vull ey hospital last Thursday. Mr. lind Mrs. Mye r I! y man and so n Bobby, were in Cincinna ti , Sunday a nd Mo nday. See "Yimm ie Yo n son' ~ 'l ob," at th e Gym 011 Thurs day eve nin g , March 4th, at 8 p_ m.

3(jx3~ N~w

Rnrhe l Dav is spe nt Sunday at F. R. Moomaw was in Wilmington Vi en na. Tuesday. '

Mrs. ,J. L. IInl'lso(' k fo r /.1 f ~w day s.


in Dayton


.1!~--2 Ph0 . . . _ _


f''-mpany W '11


. ayneavi e, 10 , ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _....._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _



These are Strictly New and Guaranteed Tires

Bring your Eggs to Kroger '

BANANAS Fancy, Y~lIow Fruit, 25c 4 pounda for . .

LARD Pure, Open Kettle Rendered, Per pound • • • • • •

Call for Kodel Radio demonstratio n. Tire vu lcani z ing shop, casl"gs Queen Esthers of the 1\1. E. church f rom $2 .60 u p. Battery charging. will have a marke t in th e Sides room, Telephone 71. R. F. MILLS. Saturday, March 13.

Miami Theater every Thursday ev_ ening. Merchants Advertising Campaign. Several articles of merehandise will be given away to patrons of the above theater eve ry ThursdllY night Be sure and come. You may take away lome of the valuables. Ever)' Ollll baa aJ) equal chance.

Help Farmers Grange No. 13 by attending thei.r play at the Gym Thursday evening. Admission 26 and 15c •



S .. &.r from headachea. P.ln in tll. E,e., Eye. Sen.iti"" to Li.lIt.. E,e. or Eyelid., SIYe •• Twilch in. of Eyelid.. Seein. Do.. ble, Ar. Croll-eyed. B .. rDin. or litchin. of E,e. Or Li.... BI .. rriDIl Vi.ion •• yo .. Re.d, Poor Vioion eilher F.r or N..... W·. .... Action. Indi, •• tton or Con.tlpalion, thin" of YOUR EYES . . . Pri ... ary C...... L.t me •• how .nd wh, GLASSES will .id In .i ... in. relief.

Clittor: Brand, 24 %-Ibs .. ... .. ... ... . .._ ...... . .

.. '" .... . .... '" ... $1.1&

~!!:~~~.I?~!~~ 15c ~~~~~f lOc ~!~~. e~~~!'~.. 25c 2~~r~ 22c ~!!Spound 15c fl~!I:~. lb. . . . . . . 33c ................

l·lb. L_f ........ .. .. ... .. : ... ........ .. 7c

pound ....... ....... Churn,old Ib .. .. .... .. .. .. .. ........ SZc

Every Thund.ay ~t Gl1InleHall

............. .... . Stewin. Ib ........ .. ..... ~ . .. ...... 12c

G. H. BROWER 294 L .. dlow Arcad.


10c $1.29

Club, FLOUR Country 24 ~ -lb. sack for

D.yton. Ohio

French Brand, lb ............ ......... 47c ..I. po.. nd..... .. . .. .. .............. . 39c



Messrs. Thomas Pierce and J. Milton Thompson attended Jr. O. U. A. lIf. lodge at Mason . Tuesday evenThe .re.idence of the I~t. Letiti" ning. McKay, ait...ted on Tb.ird .tr.. t in W.yne....m._ Mod.rn in e .... r' w.y. Be ~~ the Gym on Thursday, Mareh EI..,tric Iillhh. fanac ••nd Prlc. .nd t.rID. rea-on.hl•• 4 th, at l! p. m., s ee "Yi m11lie YonBon'1I Yob," for ~,, ~ ilenefit of the loonl • In.pection .t anT tilD. b, .pply. Graljg@. . . In. to Jllrs Robert E. Crew wall epe&'ate/t on at M~Cle)la" hospitlll lallt Weiin~!I­ day. A late repol·t of her condition is good.

'47 C


C C f,.,d. ch .. rned. Ib......


P ack. 3 c.n . .. .. Country CI .. b ••ifted. 3 c.n . .. .. 5Oc

Mr. and - Ml'1I. Byron Hartsock. of Lancaster, were he r e ~evernl days last week on account olr the death of Mr~. Matilda Hosler.

with ,..=-w·Chicks

Mrs. Euphemia Hough has returned to home ' here, afte r spending the winter -in Duyt ol) with her daugh_ ter and family ..


Many little chicks are b3tched out with greatest care only to die from feeding neglect. Be fair with your hatches this year. Give them a chance to live and thrive. It costs so little to do it. Conkey's has solved the problem of carrying little chicks safely over the critical first 8 weeks. No other Chick Feed has such . a record of success.

Mrs. Maggie Burnet entertained nt Sunday dinner, Mr. und Mrs Marion Weller and Mlr. and Mrs. Jerr)' Hhncl, of Ce nterville. New Spring showlllK of WAll fapers Papers at low prices, at lIyml\It'I, Mr. Emenon Earnhart and family have moved Into the A. L. Sides property on Fifth street. Mr. Earnhart is employed at the Zimmerman grocery.

Poultry raisers find that when Conkey's comes in -"good luck" comes too. Chicks fed Conkey's Buttennilk Starting Feed resist disease-especially White Diarrhea-the costliest of all chick plagues. Conkey-fed

Misses Lulu Fea,ly and Edith McKibbon visited the Wilmington schools on Tuesday' of last week, and Washington C. H . schools on Wed'ne,dny,

chiCks thrive

better too. They gain faster, mature earlier, weigh more, lay better.



Campbell's Creek Premium Coal

Mill Coal & Ice


Mrs. F.R. Moomaw is at th e Middletown hospital for tr ('ntment.

Mr. and Mr~ . Ha rry Turner and Ro n, o f Bell b roo k, Flll'n t . undn y wilh l{ e lllH'lh Kilbon. o f Da yton, was in See the Wilson's in their funny F. B. n"nci erson nnd fnmily . low n, Mond ny ni~ht. sketches at Miami theater every Th ursday evening: ' St. Mll ry's Guild will meet wilh Mrs _ Chns. Dn \'is is spending the Waynesville Grunge solicits you r Mrs. L. A . Zimm ermlln on Thursday w,'ek a t Cla rk sville, Ohio. patronage to lIle play given by the nfte rn oon, March 4th, at 2 o'clock. Mr •. Berthli Le wis hns return ed to Springboro talent at the Gym on Mr. a nd Mrs. F . B. Hend erson Miss- her home here, after spending sev- Thursday evening, March 4, at 8 p. m. Admission 26 and 16c. es Esth er Hend erson and Elsie Hawke ernl weeks in Spri'ng Valley. and Gle nn Frye we re 'in Dayton. Mon"Jake" in his funny monologs with New Spring showing of Wall Papers dllY. lots o.f good jokes and stories. also Papers at lo\\( prices, at Hyman's. parodIes a nd coon songs, introducing Mr. and 1\·trs. Ross Hnrtsock and waltz clog, soft shoe and buck duncMrs. [re ne Bird SIlW "Abie's Irish Mrs . Frank Long, of Columbus, is ing. !It Miami theater every Thu rsdny Rose' 'uL ·t he Le banon Opera house visiti ng reluti ves and fri ends here. eve11lng. Munday nig ht. Miss Bernice Hyman spent Sun Mr. and Mrs. Ed Pe nc e and 1"rand - day with A. B. S haner and family. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION dnug hter, Lura Lou H o ~ c rs . of Leban on, s pe n t the day with Mrs. Ollie Mr. a nd Mrs. 110: . L. Thomas and . The partnership her etofore exist. Davis, Sunday. tlllll~hter, Ma ry ,were in Dayton Sat- mg betwe(on th e und er limed a s Senrs & Cartwright is hereby d issolved by urday. mutual consellt. BOI'n- To Mr. nnd 1I1rs. Robert S. W. N. SEARS. Walton, nee Ru th H ll r1.~oc k, at MiMr. and 1I1rs. Bert Hartsock and J. O. CARTWl{IGHT ami Valley hORpitul, Da yton, Sunday, Mr. J . L. Hllrtsol:k were In Dayton, F e bruary 28, ) 926, II son. Monday.

Yellow Jacket Coal

lI 1IllJDes"': ,YWe


CENTRAL Re g ular CENTRAL Oversize FINDLA Y Re g ular FINDLA Y Ove .. ize


The regu lar mee ting of t he MothMrs. Veda Orndorf and daughter, ~;=======;;;;;;;===================.jj., er's club will be he ld Friday .after- Dorothy, say "A bi e's Ir ish Rose" in n oon, March 6th , at th e Grade build- Lebanon. Monday nig ht. ing. Mrs. Armitage, president. L. F. Perkins and family, of Pas"La\'erne," Mrs. Wilson. will enter- odena. Ohio, we r e g u s ~s of Mrs. toin you with ballad singing and blue Maud Crane and :ulluily, Sunday . . songs; also novelty numbers, every Mr. Clifford Buzick and Miss Olive Thursday evening, at Miami theater. Miller, of Sidney, Ohio, were· Sunday Lar•• Lumpa-Free Burninr-Does Not ClinkerMrs. A. p. Carstense n and 80n visitors of Mr. and Mrs. A_ L. King. Low in Aah-Juat the Coal You are Looking For. left Sund a y for their in Albany, . Mrs. Martha Derryberry, of DayN. Y., nfter n ple8sIInt visit with Mr. and Mrs. L. A. ZimmermlUl and fam- ton. spent In At W e dn e~ d >ly with her sister, Mrs. Ross Hartsoc k and fllmily. ily. F.,. Bumina-Low Ash-No Clinkers-Extra Fine Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Collins and Preparatlon. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Howard nnd daughter and Mrs. Ella Woolley, of South Lebanon, were here last Thurs- daughter, of Spl'im~fleld , were week·Both of the above Coal.' are Forked •• we day to attend the funeral of Mrs. end g uests of Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Jordan. Elizabeth Frye.

load it in the trucka, aaBuring you of extra fiDe coal. .

$10.25 $12.40 $10.25 $11.75 $11.60 $13.30


Mn~ter Crockett, 01 Springboro Grnnge, assumes the rol e of "Yimmle YOllson" at the loc~.1 Gym on Thursday evcl1ing, Mllrch 4, for the benefit of Waynesville Grange. Gol

Buttermilk Starting,Feed is different from all others. It is so clean, sweet and genuine. It is the only feed made' by-the Original Conkey Process-no dried Buttermilk is ever used. Only Semi-Solid Buttermilk is combined with other ingredients in the origiocll and successful Conkey Way.

. Don't Break the Chaln ·of ' Conkey's B"'UermUk Feeds'

. Three ~ number-one fO,r Starting..." for _G ro.wfug-one ,for Laymg-~ the best for its p~ .. ' - m~


The Laun-Dry-Ettc is the one washing' JDacbj~o that doesallthe work for·l0u. It waShes the clothes·' -lind tWf!rls out ~ SIIIb; It ~ ~em-~a wAir/i . . tf'Y'f01'l,iM/inf. . : , .' . . . : Ut.~· ~~w yoti-~ re~kable machin~:"'thia .t' WIlber that ¢aDDot'bl'eak. buttoD8 or lutenen, tDat ' . Washes and,-cUies'')lC&V] blaDketa ,lind' ~mfol1l . u ' .'

Mr. nnd Mrs. Clarence Rye have r etur ned hom e from the ' South; they spe nt the winter_ They VISited most of the important cities and show pillces of Florida, of which they talk very inteT'estingly. w.h ~ l'e

E. J. Burton, coa,ch of the Monroe High School Bnske~ball teaiM, is very mueh elated that the girls' team '\'Vere second i" the Butler county. tournament.· Four ot the girls un«Jone .boy were selected for the alJ-eollnty




.~. tho dain~ ~~ ~t ~ . it' ~bJo' ,:·for_~u .to dO ~ -eniUe WUbing ~l potfulr

. .",• .'hI.Dda ilttbe ,... ege.D. ODce.



~ ' ers'E~chaDge <;Q'~


the Laun-Dry-Btte wash ·your· dotheS. Th~ raise the inner tub by , meahsofapedal · ~d " -prestql · The ·Laun-Dry-Ette·'Wh;rls the cloth'" wringer. .dry-rwfthput II wringer. .. .

The r8~ l1lnr monthl y meeing of the Frlendshh) class will be held the home of Ml's. C. W. Yo unce, Wednesday aftern oon, Mareh 10. Come out and enjoy somc S1. Patrick's Day fun . .

W,.~e.rille .

Ohio .


- ..

' Let Ua PJOU ~. dcmoDitnatioJi I , PboDo, wdta

• c;.D 1l~-coDWmieDco. •


. ..


'.' ,

.M. Cole" Wana,esviUe, Ohio


Seven ty·Bigh lb Year


Pen ta-C oun ty Tou rnam ent Held at Blan ches ter Las t ltee k

This Week

W u yn l'~vill~ hoy" journey ·d to B1lll1 chcs lor wh re I hey touk part in the! Pen ta- uunty t uurn a llw ll t , la st F rid a y lin d !:iutul'lla y, Th e fi rM\. J,rnll1 C they Illl yc(j was ll~n i n . t LynchIJu ri!. Oh io.They wlln Ih is gn me byu sco rc of' 2 1 t o 14, The 'H' xt i!R me they played they m et th e _ _ .. Rr...._"" ~ .- ."4 Luv ·Innd tea m, and in this gam e they we re ,I" rcuted. 12 t o 9 , W, H , S. d efeated th is team by 1I larg e margin the firs t o f th e yrn r . hut t he Lov,,IT'S. BIG UNIVE RSE la nd bo ys huu improve d U g'outl uit IIn,1 thu s d o f~ ute d U lt r uoys , ADVER TISING PAYS This one d '(Cllt did nOL [lut th e m NO 100 % MEN OR WOMEN ou t of th e tO ll rtl ll"' Cll t , "0 the y pl nycd New ViCl11111 " nt u 1'{luy l1111rnil1 $!. NON STOP OCEAN TO OCEAN Rnd WOI1 by a " CO ' ' ,. o f 2 1 to la. A little Inte r in th o dllY th ey defell ted Lhe Milfo rrl tenm loy " ,1',," 1' o f 2 1; t o Latest .cientifi c stateme nt con- 14, As th o ~ Ilnlll . we re nrru nged , it cllrni ng this uni verse . in which we f ell thut W, Ii , S, played Lovelan d urc less than microbe s, lind the eRrth less lhan a grain of dust, startl es you, Our sun; II million times a s uig as this earth, is o nl~ a speck in whut men have c.~allcd lithe univ erse," which contains endless millions of Margare t Anil Wh et sel. duug hlH suns, 'so me a mil lio n times bigge r. of Finll'Y a nd Emily Wlwt "d, wus lhan our8, It' s hn"d enough to think born Octob('r 2, 1852, on u fur m ncu r of such u un iverse a s that. Hll rve ysburg, Warren coun ty , Oh io, a nd di ed r esid e ncc of her And ' now the wise Or, Hubble, of broth er, U,a tG, lhe etse l, ut '\~ a yn e s ­ Mt , Wilson Obser,'utoI'Y. te lls th e ville, Sunda y 111 Wh ng , F ebruury 28 . Californ ia Institut e of , T echnolo gy 1 !l2G, ag cd 73 ¥erai ur~ . ,I month s a nd tha t a million " un ive rses" s uch as 26 days, ours nre vi~iule at horrib le d islllnces he waS the uldes l o f fl family of from the earth, te n children , th reE' of wh om di ed in curly childhoo d, in lhe family Examin e an atom, and you find h ls tor~'. 1\ , Della, und more r ea central body arou nd which r evolve ce ntly, 1\ urolh e r, Al ue rt , precede d other bodies as the planets r evolve he r t o lhe unseen world, Three sis'arou nd our sun. These eler trons re- ters and two u roth ers survive her: volve a r ou nd the nucl eus billion s of Mrs. LouisR Carr. II1rA. J a ne Cadwa lla der. Mrs , All ie Underw ood, Mr, U. times in a second . Atoms of which you could have G. Wh ets e l a nd MI'. A lfred Wh etsel. millions in one corner of you r eye In udditi on to thcsc u la1'ge circl e o f without n oticing them. are smaH so- neph ews ant.! nil'cl's and othe r rela ti ve. mnurn her ti cpnrtur c and will lar systems , Our sun and it s planets con stitute chcl"ish he r memnr y, Being th e olrlono atom in our un iver se, That un - est r hlld in the fnmii ly she faithful ly Iverse in turn Is on e ot-o m in the ne f orm ed her pdrl in lhe paren tul entire universe . Where in thot over- hom e. She was a loya l, ll'll e sist er whelmin g spRce are the heuve r, to a nd' Il uel o,'ed friend La all who kn ew which we looked forwurd and the oth- her. She Was n fuithful da ught er , f or she maintni n ed with the help o f o!: place that we dread? . Leaving this earth in a straight her younges t sister, Allie, a home f or line, travelin~ at the speed of light, her father and mother f or se vernl 186,000 miles a second, it would take years previ ous t o their passing aw a y you one hundred million yeal', to get from this world. E ar ly in life shc professe d ("Ith beyond th o t elescopi c maze of the universe . No wond e r it says In the in Christ 11, her Suvi or and un it ed Bible. " in m y Fnther' s h1lusc ure ma- wi th the Melhodi st Prote8tn nt church at a poin t neal' Cla rk svi lle. Ohi o, ny mansion s." Later she t!'Rn sf " l'red her church membel's hip to the Meth odis t EpiscoWith comm n seils,? SecI' to 1'y Da- pal church Ilt Ha r veysullr g, wh e rc I ~ vis says t o the Countess uthcllrt, rcmal ne d until her d u th , Alth oug h unoutr ll . ive in dispos i! '~om c ' pn In. '' . t\t r png-Illln ded A tIIe rlc a n wo men tio n, she mllni.fes ted in m ;.\ n~' ways were -Indll!.m nt · beea lISC Lort! m ven her in t er 5t in chu1'ch ant! re ligious was adm itted her e wi l houl q ues tio n. ma , " She hath don e wh a t ~he wherea s th e Co untess athca rt was eQuid,'" Re le nLl ess d isea se, th ough shut out. TheA6 were th e two wh ose bra,·. ly f ought, a nd patien tl y e nd u re lopeme nt shocked (l U I' pure a uthor- ~ d, fmully vllIl quished the weak body. An d now the familia l' voi ce is ities. rhe double -sex s tnndard provTho s kUful , industrl ed too much ' for ou r clusn-llI i :.d ed, hu shed , handH now r est. The mortsl r e m a i ,,~ strong-m inded wom en, arc I1 UW hidd n from Illortul s\gh~ , Observe th e powe r of adve rtising even wh e n it is n't ver y I!:ood .a d" e.r- but th e inl1n o r L~ 1 "pil'it lives 0 11. It is not h" r , I t h UR rilirn 10 b ~ with tis ing. The Count ess la nos frol\l Ellis Island wiL h u contt'tlc t t o appear Gou lind th e holy nnlo:c ls. An d SO , CRi t hfu l sist er. f aIthfu l fri end , fnr eon the stage lit a high Slllar~'. She wouldn 't have got that witho ut th e well. f a rewell tot· a Iittl o while. nnIi I we m<'et in the g olden da wn o f th e assistan ce of Uncl e Sam., ctc rnul morning .

RI(!1in Ilt 4 o'clock, This time th ey we"e tl e f en t ed 14 to 9 , Four out of the first fiv e t eams in th e tourn a me nt we rc Wa rren county tM IllS, Ottc ru cin fi rst, Morrow se cond. Mu"o " thi rd , Love la nd ,{ourth, .. "d Wll yn e~ v i li e fifth, Our second bo ys ' t el1m went to Bcllurook Frida y nig ht a '.d play ed their se cond t enm. but th ey lost , 8 t o 4, Even th ough the y lost they played a Jto od galll e, Thi s comin g Frid ay a nd Saturda y the W, H, S, g irl s will g o t o Franklin lin d ~ nt e r the Tri-Sta te Girl s' tournum ent, They pin y th eir fir st gam e aga.nst Mon" oe lit 8 : I p p, m., Fridny, Eue h 0 f t hese teams ha ve won a Kame fr ont lh" other thi s year, so it sho u III ue a goo d game on a neutral fl oor , K.

Marg aret A. Whe tsel

C a rd of Thanlu

P F01eli~u r Raber tells the A merilean A~ soclRti o n for Advanc emen t of Buience that, "Viewe d f rom the sex angle there arc n 9 one hundred per !lent men or women_ " The sex of toe 'hilman race is "prilllBr ify determlne4 by the chromos ome content of the egg ce1\." , With complet e respect for Professor lUber, after in~p e ;tlp, g tha ParJ~I*n IInl! Ameflea ri divorce - cou·rt ~ el\'p, vou t)ilnk t'h080 egg cells ha vo one wel1 enough, from the days or , • _J'!. Potlplla r ~o th e~e mod~r n days,

Mr. and Mrs, U. G, Whetsel wish here by to exprcss th eil' h a rtfclt thanks to their neig hbors and (riend. fo r the ir sympath y and help dut'ing the illness of t heir sis tllf, the Inte Marga ret Wh etsel. Aml they with all th ~ relll.~ l ves ot lhe d eceased . wish to OXprtl86 especially their upprecin tlon of th e impressiVe remarks by Rev. Washbu rn at the funeral servioe, Also the beautifu l 8010s sung by Mrs, Mills; also the kind and cour\e0118 mnnage ment ot t h e McClur e runcr\ll director s.




An Englistl 'nan has just flown from LI') \don tl! ·Cape Town, ~outh Africa, noarly' 9,\'Q9 !l'i\es, in nin~tlf hO\\T~ ~ tile ~m8 r-,tll, tile !IIew Yllr.\( to lin fra'lel~ c p or j3eahle, trip would ikll a~out thlfty h ours -from New orle' tp Clticit'go', l e's~ tpan tlln hours. That speed wi~~ be douuled and no!iti,p- tfilthts from ocean to ocean will D@ 'l1a~!l' wi~hi'(l ~wenW years l



WlIlI,hinf\\on IIl)t)lprJtlc!!" uy


1l8"!1 t lie Mexican border between

in! Diego and tjle 8Il8,0rtjlll' lIive~ o{ 11\ Nana a\ 1I p. 11\. 'fhq d~Yhght

1\01lrJ. are pot the best for div e!!, and the dive Inh&lllt .ntl! I'tQ Icavlng. Tla J\llInll ownel'$ of gamblin g houaea and similar r eBO"" a majorit y of them United Stntes citizens. by the wily. petition Prealde nt Coollag e to Olin eel i, 6 p. tn. ot'CIer. To that Preside nt Coolidg e will turn a very CQld Yea':m0llt ear. ~

'J!"' qi

..... . . - . -

of poultrym en of )VRl're n C!l~!\ ty t o be held In Lebanon , on the main fioor of the Lingo Hardwn re compan y building , ' ha~ uecn . arrange t;! Ilr AMlotu nt Coun ty Agent HUmlnQII. Stanley Sellers a nd seve"n\ ot t he leading poultrymon of the county. ' Mr. Sellers . is arrnngl ng a very conveni e nt meeting place on th e first fl oo r of the st ore, where plenty of chairs, ligh t , heat .and vlln t ilation will be provided for the comfort and convenienc e of every one. The Hardware compan y will likewise arrange an educatio nal exhibit, consisti ng of brooder s, Incubato rs, eoops, poultly feeds and other minor equipm ent and supplies needed for rail!.!ng baby ohicks. Ever)'bo dy Interest ed In poultry is invited to be attend. Boys and gltls contemp lating entering poultry elu us are earnestl y urged to' ue present. All kinds of question s and p conoern i.n g· baby chi< k rnlslng Will . be welcom e: Mr. Raymon d Ii. Gray, POultry Ellte nsion Speciall st of the tl)hlo . S~.tif if universi ty, will be the principa 1 ~~ er of t he day,. l ! _ .. . .





Thll IInn\t,al" Inepe ~Ion of Waynen~lllil Lodga Nil; l63 ~, '" A. 1\1;., !l1lI tnke


P. B. ~ •.

'.t ~J~ N, , ~; ' •

Whole Numb er 5691

Goes to (ou tt to put Otterbein On the Cou nty 1 ax List s, Th e Ath e nian Lite rary society ci cl1 rcd 'Illite a ncat sum last Wed nesdllY nh!ht whell th ey !)resente d a publi c prog ram at th e Gy m. The money wa fi g' iven to the school 10 add tv the fund t owards purchas ing a new curtain for the stage. The program was a s f ollows: Piun o Du e t- Orene Henry and Mary Stlln s be rry. Reading Mary E tta Guy Son g-"AlohR 0 1''' '. Boys' Chorus P lu y- "Cit.y Versus Country " Pi noo Solo- Beeth oven's "Pnthet ique Sonata " Rhcll Jun et Ca rtwrigh t Debnte- "ReM I\' cd, Th at for Work Qf Same Chltract er a nd Quality Men lind Women Should Receive Equal Pay," Voca l Soll1- "Old Pal" Mary Margare t Unglesb y Ol'ig'ina l Essa y- "rn Mu s ic Land" Ruth Eurn hart SOl1g - "M y Dr ea m" .. Girls' Q ua rtet Duo to a n unu sual amount of commoti on ma de by H. S, pupils during the noo n hour, an Assemb ly is ueing held f rom 12 t o 12 :25. All student s on th e upp er fi oor arc requir ed t o spend t his period in study.

The Western Star o{ In gt we ek printcd th o followin g : We quote i. pllrt: ' Of g eneral interest to the taxpayers of Wurn!ll co unty is t he suit file d Illte las t wec k by th e Boa rd of Coun ty Commis sioners agai ns t th e T a x Commis sion of Ohio and th e Otter bein Hom e , seeking to se t aside lhe decision of the state tux commiss ion exe mpting fr om taxation 3263 acres of IlInd in th e Otterbe in trnct west of Lebanon . This exempti on wou ld i nclud e all but abou t 700 acres of the Otterbe in sec l or, The s uit brought by th e county commi s. ioners waR t a ke n in a n e ffort to put ba ck on th e tax duplicut e th e Otterbe in exempte d lunds which county officials hold is r eve nue producing proper ty und Hub ject to taxation under th e 11IW8. The co unty officials hold that to exempt these Innds is s uuj ecting t he ttlxpay ers t o unjust burdens and in equalit y. The state tax comlllis! ion made its find ings and orde r for exempti on on January 29, 1926 followin g a hea ring on t hat da y a t which officials of the Otterbe in Hom e and the county tes-

.~ H, L , Ferguso n. presiden t of the Ne wport News Shipbui lding Co., cheered the hearts of America n men:h.'ln t manne advocate s ia his :U11 tO " , ~em ent th at 9 ship!! will be In u t 1 a nd 3 k ..'Cls laid withiJt S hOL . • n March 2Q. ..

CAMPFIRE GIRLS MET TUESDAY EVENING The Wakit utina Campfir e Girl s held the ir w~e kly meeting ut th e hOl\l e of lhe vi ce-p r esident, Doris Hawko. Th e me eting was opened uy the r ending of th e minutes an d roll cnll by th e ~ec retnl' y, Mnry Louize Zimmer man. Th e ,Jun e i ~.u e of n Campfir e maga c culled HEv 'r y Girls' Magazin e," will publish the work of differen t Campfir e g r oups , aIHi Wakitnt lna will ente r. A story \ ill be writte n by BeR tircc Robi tze l', Dori s Hawke and Mnry Louise Zimmer mun, A desc rip tion of the Wakitnt ina Campfir e grOllI'. The girls are worki ng on their henlth chnrts , This is a step to the ir future success, bccause one is taught to ut! heulthy when she is a Campfir e girl. The. Ca mpfire Girls will sell sa ndwiches on Saturda y, March 20 . Wait lind watch fo r that day, The next meeting will be held at the homo at Beatrice Robitze r n ext T ue A ny one who is interested in th e Campfir e Girls is welcom e tu attend t he meeting s, After adj ournme nt t he girls took a three miles hike , which adds to their r ecord for their h ealth charts. BERNIC E HYMAN , Scribe.

PASSES AWAY Ettn, wlfo o( L, 111, Henders on, passed awny at her h ome o n North street, Monday aft e rno on, March 8 , about 1 o'dock, Fo r many yeurs a n invalirl, at t imes her sufferi ng WllS ucutc . yet her patie<J1ce and f ortitude were remarkable, alld her fir st thought was for the comfort of her loved oneR. She leaves her husband , one daughter, Doris, one son . Boyd, a sister, Mr s. C. W, Henders on, and one broth er, Walter Kilbon , of Jackson ville, Florida. The fun eral service was held at the home this, Wednesday a f ternoo n, Rev. John J. Schaeffe r, offici ati ng. , Burial was in Miami cemeter~:,

. _.

Mary M. Cask ey Mrs, Mary M, Caskey, widow of tbe lat e John H. Caskey , died at her home here las t Thursda y ni ght, March 4. She had bee n confined to th e house {or several weeks, but her conditio n was not thought to be so seriou s until j ust a few days beforo her death, In t he passing of Mary Caskey Way nesville suffers a keen 1088. She was Illive with interest in ever y activity f or the betterm ent Of the com· munity, F or muny years shc wa s a faithful a nd c'lnsi stent member of St. Mary's Episc:opal church, and a leade r ill a ll its fun ctions. A loyal an d I>romine nt member of the Ord er Enstern Star, she WIlB always ready to f ulfil her obliga.ti on to th at organiz ation, Her un selfish devotion bore witness to her love for those lIearest and dear es t to he r, al\d to serve them was her g reatest p lellsure. Truly she will be missed. She is survived by her a ged mother , a son , Fred A. Caskey, of Washington D. C., a step-dau ghter, lIirs. Verna Kelly, of Spring field. The funeral se rvice , held at St. Mary' s church on Saturda y afternolJn, with Rev. J ohn J. Schaeff er officiatting, was Most beautifu l und impressive, and was attende d by a larg e concour se of sorrowi ng r e latives and friends. Burial was in Miam; cemetery.

---_. _...----

Matt hew J. Sale Matthew J'. Sale, Bon of George S. and Mahala M. Sale, was born April 18, 1848, on a farm near Waynes ville, Ohio, and died at Salt Lake' City, Utah, Februar y 26, 1926, at the age of 77 years, 10 months and 1-1 days. He was married to Ada Florenc e Keys, August 7, 187,3. To this union were bol'Jl four daughte rs, only one of whom is now living. In 1886 the family moved to Chicago, wh ere they. lived until two years ago, when in search of health he, with his wife, went to Salt Lake City, where the only r emainin g daug hter now lives. During his recent ilInesB bis greatest desire wa~1 to be able to return to his native home am ong his old friends and his family_ But God willed it otherwis e! and he su ddenly passed away Friday evening of Februar y 26, at Salt Lake City. With his faithf ul wife h e has today complet ed thc long, sad journey back to his old home to be laid away to rest with the three daughte rs and his parents; who have precede d him. He leaves to mourn his loss a lovin, wife, a daughte r, Mrs. R. G. Abbey, a sister, Mrs. Mary Waterho use and a brother James C. Sale, besides other relative s and f riends. .' . The funeral "(as he~ Wedne~ay, aftel1l~on q.t th\l h(>¢e 'til· hia brot~~ ' er and s¥lter, JaJfies ' Sale 'and Mia. I\tIu;y Wa~~l'hou"~, Rev.: L. A..~ ' wa~­ blU'll, \lffi9a~l!l.g: !J¥t:I~! fn ~~llli ceiilete.r.y. , -





- .". -


TEST SEED CORN FOR SPRING PLANTING Warren County f arm ers ca nno t afford to tnke cha nces with seed corn this spring, owing to the combina tion of high m oist ure content In corn at harvest time, and early killing frosts lnst fall. Accordi ng to informa tion a vailable at the Farm Bureau office, compile d fro m years of practica l experimen tation at the Ohio Agricul tural Experim ent station, we quote the followin g: 1 App earance s are often dec eiving. Fine looking earll do not always germinate. 2. The germina tion test is the only sure way of learning whether or not corn will grow. 3 A large yield of corn can be obtnine d only from a perfect stand. 4 Approx imately only fifteen ears of com are required to plant an acre. , 5 From work conduct ed at the Station it was learned that time devoted to testing seed corn was rewarde d at the rate of $6.50 per hour. The Warren County Farm bureau is equippe d to test samples of seed corn tree of charge, Take five kernals from each ear. Number ears and samples wit h correspo nding number from 1 to 20. Send the twenty separate samples under one cover to the Farm Bureau office not later than Monday noonJ March 15. Write name and address on outside wrappe r. File ears from which samples are taken for future r efe ren ce. As soon as the reading s arc made the office will notify you of the re sults.



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~~~~ ~~6~nn"bo~:te~~ngJ~: ~~t.n~! CHAR LES CHAP MAN W f MS ' ~~~~:h:! i:~br;~:i~l'o~O~f~~~ , · .• 'ILL IN CINCINNATI '~~I~~~~n~~:e t:~~ ::an;~~~~

At l\er ple\\sll!l t 1I0me on la~t Wednead,,), afternoo n, Mrs. Emerso n Ma80D, lL\\lIieted by MC3dames Crone, Raper and Farr, ned the W . F. M. S., of the Mentertni , E, church. . , ~ ' .- --. The meeting was opened with a selectio n on the Victrola . Mrs. J . DEATHS W. White conduct ed the devotion al in an able manner , Mrs. Washbu rn John V. Ql'eene died at hi. home spoke of th e foundinl l' of the organ. near Franklin , Tuesday morning . He ization, this being the anniver sary was a membet · of Waynes ville Lodge of that event. Seleetlo nl were read by ,Mrs. Crabbe and George .No. 168 F. &: A. M. Mills. A vocal selectio n by Mesdam es ' • ' W&!Ihburn, White and Whltak er:wu TO, OUR REAQERS very mueh enjoyed . . During th e social hour dainty refreehme ntB were se rved. The April meeting wiD be held. at the h0ll!~ C!:f Mrs. Washbu rn.' '


interest ing. ~Il. u\, gathe~.e\\ arl/unl' ~\te' tnble at ~e Ftiend ~ Hom\! \'I.n Sun~y when M-esdamea LIlia ije~Itt;- Jane Wr.iiht 'and Julia DOl\ovan w~e ' dinner. c" e~tl! 01 DJ:. Fnr and Mri. ea1'l"1e " Slinbor~ . . The Indies, , &~I ng ilii~n, ape co usIns of Dr. Farr ILntt "Mr. S, L. Oalttwl'igM, and ORch of th'& fivil fll well ps , t 80 years of age, ' ilnd all are In excellen t health, active, Intellige nt and delightf ul co~panlona . ' '----


Sta te . (ao rta l

lified. 1"0 exempt t hi s trn ct o f more th nn 320 0 ucr cs Wunen cuu nty will be dc- ; prived o f 8nme thin g mo re than $5 00U • Prepa red by in la xes a nnu a lly. nr cordin$! to Lho 11l2 Ci vRluati'lIl , An d yel Otterb ein Colum bus Repo rter schools nre supp or,te d by public moneys ; the . rOlld. th ro ughout Lhat sec- ~ tion arc kept up nn d il)1 proved by public mOlley and th e lands a re bene fited a s are all oth cr fu rm property accordin g til co unty offi cia ls wh o d isCOL UM.n US, ORIO - With tho cuss th e Kit uuti on fr eely, coming o f wa rm er weather the thawTh e co unt y c(l mmifolsio n c.r s had ing-o ut process of politi clIl ambitio ns Slopped the rOlld im proveme n t on th e is ma nifest. And as the s un creeps north and so ul h rond t hr ough Otte r- " ig her a nd l he days Icnb>'l:hen one may bein HOIll C, a co nn ectio n belween lIIu - expect furt her r evelatio along this so n and Spring boro, Co un ty Audi lo r lin e. There lire alr eadynseno Moun tJ! hOB r e fu sed to turn ove r lo did utes in lh ~ fi eld 10 mnkeugh can, a very Olterb ein School distr ic t a ny of th e prescn tn ble Ii ~t at th e filII primari es, county schoo l fund s until th e cuse and if th ere be any voleI' wh o don't is se ttled , hear or rend of the plaUdits of Prosecu tor Dilatu sh, wh o is hand- one of t hem th ey will be e ither every deal linJt the caKe fo r .the co unty. st a ted or blind. Ther e will ple nty 01 thnt th e county was pre pared to fi g ht s Jl ea king, public and ll ribe vRte, alld the th e exempti on through to the Su- home papers may be expecte d ' to be preme court if n ecd be. fi lled with word s of prnise about this NothinK new hilS develop ed during or that candida t e, T o predict the' th e past weelc, and th e case is being r es ult of the campaig n to be wlltched vcr y care fully throll l!'hout this ye a r, Rt the prescnt time waged w$l uld th e entire county. uc f olly. It would renlly be funny • • No one know s what a day will bring for t h. Tw o or three months ago it seemed impossible that Senator Frankl B. Willis would have oppositi on. Now' it scems to be certain. Midwin ter Margare t E lizllueth , the second ~ oss ip was a bsolute that on e candlof the f our child ren of James H , and dllte for gove rnor having given his Mary Ann Woolley , was born J uly wQ,rd that he wou ld n ot oppose an1, 1847, on a farm near Utica, Ohio. other, wou ld not enler the co ntest, She s pent her girlhood a t home und but he has. And it's the same way late r joined t he U, B. church at Uti- righl d owlI the line. Just what Harry L. Davi s is goi ng to do is what ca, wh ere she attended until t he last is worryin g a great many Republi , few years of her life. cans, H e Inoved into Robert CrossIn 1873 she was united in marer's dis trict, and was expecte d to be riage to Isaac L, Frye , To t his unII candida te for Congres sman, but ion one son, Charles W. Frye, was now it is said that he really w.$J\ts born Sh c spent the greater part of the Senatorship, His plutform , If he her life loving a nd · serving t hose around her, Her moth er, father and, runs, will be t he World Court. In· two brothers prece ded her many terestin g enough. ODe thing is ceryears ago, but still she held her cour- tain, there is going to be Ii battle age. When her compan ion was called royal in Ohio this year, and Buckeye away in Septem ber, 1918, the burden voters will be watched with interest . was almost more t han she could bear. With election of all Congres smen and But still she str uggled on, pu tting a United Stntes Senator the battle her las t brother away just three tnkes 0 11 a Nationa l aspect. year s ago, and after much loneli ness and su ffering, sh e departe d from this The mid-sea son market and conlife Februar y 23, 11126, aged 78 vention of the Ohio Retnil Dry Gooda years, 7 months and 22 days. associat ion held here this week feaShe leaves to mourn her loss, one tures an innovati on in the display meso n, three grandso ns and a lIumber dium of the market wherein merchan of other relative s and friends. dise of jobbers and wholesa lers are s hown in a unif orm booth system. Sunset and evening stnr There are 80 display booths arrangAnd one clear call f or me. ed in a street plan. And may th ere be no moanin g of the The front half of the Neil house bar, hall room and the entire High Street When I put out to sea. frontng e of the mezzani ne are given over to the series of booths built to But such a tide a s moving seeJ!lll resem ble small shops, each to hold asleep, its individu al window display purpoToo full for so und and foam, ses, The busi ness sessions witl be When that which dr ew from out the few a nd limited to the shortest poui. bo undless deep, ble time SO that visiting mc.rcha nts Turns again home. aDd buyers may be afforded ample time to inspect the booths. T wilight and eveni ng &ell, A nd after thut the dark, As it is practically cerwin narry And may there be no sad ness of S, Day, present State treasure r, will fur ewel\, not be a candida te fo r a third term, When I emba rk. seve ral candida tes have. announc ed For tho' from out our bourne of time t hat they would seek the Republi can, no minatio n for the position of handand plac e , ling the State' s millions ftlr the next: The fiood may bear me ' far, I hope to see my Pilot face to fa ce, two years. One candida cy which has: Rttracte d con sid erable attentio n Is: When I have crossed th e bar. that of S. E. Forney, at present chair-------.~~ man of the Stnte Tax commis sion. Mr, Forney was appointe d a membe r of the State tnx commiss ion in 1921. a nd because of recogni zed ability was elected chairma n from the first.. He Is a residen t of Tuscara was connty. and in seeking the office of State trcasure r is asking for his first time. approva l of the voters, this being the first time that he has ever been a canA group of farm ers in Norther n didate for any offiee.' Chairm an FoJ'lo Ohio who ha ve kept fa rm account s ney "bas definite ly decided to enter during the past eight years, found the contest at the fall primarie s. B~ cause of his experien that their net cash income in 1924 ce in State prob. was $1640, This was $700 more than lems, th ere Is little question but that he comman ds a leading position , and th ey netted in 1921, but $630 loss than they made in 19r9. When these his candida cy Is sure to attract widemen compare d prices In 1919 and spread a ttention . ·1924 they found they could actually buy more with their income of 1024 One of the most enthUsiastic. polie.than with that of 1919, when war- ical clubs of the present year has just; time prices were the rule. been organiz ed by the Republi cans In More and more farmers are com- Lakewo od, Cuyaho ga county, wherc> ing to study .their farm earnings . Ev- more than 200 of the village have enery year more men are findinrz the lis te d in tbe Thad-Br own-for Govern value of good farm r ecord s In in- or club. James C, Reasner , forme!" creasing the effici ency on their farm s. presiden t of the Lakewo od Republi can There is a group of men in this coun. cl u b, is presiden t nnd to make things ty who will meet on Friday, March unanim ous the only Republi can paper 19, at 10 :30 o'clock at th e F"rm publishe d· in the city has come out in Burenu o,tllce, where they will be as- a strong editoria l for the present Secsisted by Mr. Utz, of the Oollege of r otnry of State. There is no question Agricul ture. Ohio Stnte universi ty, nbout the strength of Col. Brown in with the summary llnd anaillsis of the campaig n his friends are making, their account s. f or his nomina tion to head the state> ticket this fa,n, 'and already claims are· ma6e of those who want to.

Eliza beth Frye

The eliminn ti on contest for t he County Oratoric al co ntest w ill be held at the Gym , March 16th, at 7 o'cl ock . Every olle is invit ed . No ndmission,

Gold~n place at a speCIal commUlllca • ;2"'" tion, W d ncs day evenitlg, lfarch '~7. ~---, , Bro. 'ij\lgb L. Bat es, of Hamilto n" in-, Qn last March 7, Mr. and. 8pe! tillg ' officer f the TMrd distrlc1;, 'Mrs., Pe~~undny, Kenricjr celebrat ed the will. be present. " @ Iden annlvel Rry of th eir marriag e The "«o/k ,of tile . venlng ",il1' 'be which took pJace ;ju~t fifty yea~ allo eonferi Jnt the · Fellowe ralt degree. ' :at Lytle, then known as RjlY8VIlle. ' Dinner will be served Plllmptl y- at The gueltll were Mr. and lin. J.QllJ\ 6 :3Q o'clock. . ' , ' . - CUitenbo!:dllir. of 'Q~ri, ~a• . 111:. Sbjollrn \:bs brethren and vialton' and' lIn. Wa1~.. ~iki. f 9 ·(;yde. .' ah oordlalb' invited to betiese nt. ) ' ·W .. '~ a;' , . JESSE



A t the mee ting of th e Alethenai Lite rary soci e ty last Thursda y, " Chin a" was th e topic und er di scussion , Grace Hocl(ett to ld of so me n ew material as to their cu st oms , while Rhea Elli s prese nted se veral topics rela ting to t he political and commer cial Chin a. At th e next meeting Yeats' "Lund of H eart's Desire" will be reviewed ,

- --_. - ..---Of POULTRYMEN MRS.l. M. HENDERSON A meeting


rlent Cpo\ldgltla or.Q\lr , of !lourse,Presihnve


9 Ships in 3 HOnf t· ,


.~--- ~.

In the ·record he has made In pubhc life. And don't for s· moment think Mrs. Elizabeth Baily was called to the voters of Ohio don't Cincinn ati, Monday , on account of the bank roll and into look back of the individu al te. the serious illness, caused by nerve record of the candida • _ • exhaust ion, of her grandso n, Charles Chapma n, who is a student 'at the Lou Printz Is out, .after an Iun- t Univers ity of Cincinn ati. He ia now of Mveral days. ; :, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Barnha rt, where he is having the best of care. Mrs. BailY 'returne d home Tuesday night and reports bim ' IIOme better. Charlell ' mother, Mrs.. J. B. Chapma n, who with her hu,\>and and son, Rob- ' ert, have spent the winter In Florida, arrJv~g lon's be4alde thla morn ~ ,


.. \

• - •

ACcOrded Pt()iDineoce

Wales' Tum ling ,and John's Pummeling'.W ins NEWS GlEA ED 1Worl 's P raise and A dmiration FRO 'GOURTHOU t



Will. D.awn ,. .. .. .... II I 0 S cul.,d

W a 'ncsville, Ohio Fully E q uip ped for Good Service. Large Display 10m . Ambulance Ser vice l),\y OIt N IGHT TllLEl'llONB 7

r ..



O,lHi Mnd I n pJ t'll\ (l H l d lln ~ \\ l ' r . (;C lll")':-C tJ. }) 'l~ ri n l' vs . Abl' P "f')" " ("t ' (I t u1. , hy I' (\ ::t~;tl n (If dN\ th .. 111


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w h o J.!~ t !'" li p . T Ill'1l l1 w l'\"s y oung .Juhn n y Cno ! 111" ,,,1' 1111. r eall y fl\ ,," rlli d l' publicity foJ' th l' il· eoun t r1 (·f:: . j ll ~t 1H' (,'Hll Ht' t hpy idl!'~. s o n "f the pl' ('s id~ n t of l he lilll 11(' !Hl Xt..· S at hi ~ (· n ll cJ.!'f' lH' li l ' \' (' in " J,.!'o ing lhl'tHIJ,!" h " wi t h !'O () I1H' - t('ti "tnH'~. mirnt illn nllll

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Waynesville Farmers' Exchange Co., Waynesville, Obi"


{' y <, . Bllt hc' flni sh l' s t he bo ut, pnli s C's hi::; SlI IH\ t'i o r b oxill~

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ami I!'c t:' II blaek

thin g' thf' Y' \' (' undt: r( flk l ,n. Thl'Y didn ' t ,." urn il through \uh. r


\"Yl' , Hnyw a y'!"

Joma cy , h u ll s o f HnnrH'{' , P I" in pulpit,

A n d t h,· natio n h a il ~ h im- because p r e ~s or pillt f or m. '\'lwy e nl'llcd it . thr o u~h thl'ir 11I·l's i s t~Il(·I· . tl " Il' l'minll - hu is KU lllt ' , Yes, Lll' wi ll to try, eve n in tl~t" t.i on, J.( Hllll' II C ~~ i n pU1" ~ \1inJ.!' :io m('th i l1~ entil'e ly, as id .. fro m thl' s"rio us I'hIlSl' H matt ur pf llI a sterin g u h o bb y, 1:; worth whi le. o f l ifc. GeOrl!'l' Z"II ,·S. t hc Stn te of Ohio.

t ow n vs. Walter Blnck et aI., co urt n 'ceived a nd IIpp rove d r epo rt of R. Jo:. Le Roy. lind prono unce d certain a l' coun ts concer ned flS worthless. Meye r - Kaiser Co r por a tion vs. E. A , Bolmer e t aI., co u rt find s d efen dll nl in defa ul t, li n d indebt e d t o plainti ff fo r 8Ul11 of $ 12 1 lind costs of case. . Al onzo S t ill'S VS. Ha rry J on es; cose com pro mi zed , c osts paid.

Call at the office.

( I

W l f t !:

w ,'1 l' n ~tr f '(t'h('d p ro/lt"l y "' nJ ,h Ilt '~ / I/ 31J:.o r h JI ll r!x l ' lf ,u i on lJ tJ d

o f I Ill' mn h Hnd,


court rl·\·t·r s c:d jtld~ 1lll) n t nn J d is .. rh n q,{l'd plaintiff 111 ('ITOI' ut t· o~ ts o f p ro c~ed in gs. in '.'ITO r , Th o Co mm erc ia l Bank of Middlc- dt.' fpndanL ~tate or Oh i,) \·s. F. C. W c lln e r,



k tl Clt

,. os u l/ri pr .\t.-rr.J l u

..,n!pd f w,.



SO'1J (,

99 ' J ' : PUH' ~i nlo.· r:,l /" Of/liz-W«: th,· ,. '( d u ·


1.<''' '

F. T. Martin Jesse Stanley Auctioneer Auctioneer

New Burlington,O.

!Cupit11tH I t' (l r' Il(, ~ C" J , It t" h /I It 0 '" 0 Pl Od,' ,. , J\ li ce,


is, e t aI., co u rt Hnds e r r o r in deed t ,) C a lIon ua for )'ou r Job Pr;ntin,. Innd {" 'n ccrn ed nll,1 orders corn , W.,...riUe National Ballk Bid" l ions, ' 11"0 III {'ust of "Ini nt iff. Ben fi CI',1 "R. Le bano n-Citize ns 1': ". ti"nal Bunk. ndl1lr. court deci des t h ll t pleu o f pla intiff fo l' I\l'W trin l is n' ,t well tak e n, Gnd (,rd c l'" t hut ,t.·fcndn ll l l'e cov l'1' fl'llm plaintiff c"sts of t r ial. Julius Vezt'ndi "t aI., vs. Florelll',· P.. HOlll ohr l' t a I., court ofTl'r" I' lni l" tilT lime in whic h t o fi le amen d ed 1" 'titi on. Lebano n-Ci t ize ns Na ti ona l Bank "8 G. E . Baynes lin d F loren cI' G. Uay n r _. cou r t orde rH she rifT to s e ll chaU ,· I Date your aalea with UI. We suarantee property cO ll cerned in slI id case ut n " t ..tiafaction or charge nothing. I ,,~s tha n two-t hirds uf its IIllllmist ,I vu lu e . Morrow Bra n t ,Iohn Gil mo ur l't n l. co ur t names pa rties co nce rn ed f or settlemen t o f proceeds f ro m s he ri ff 's Phone No. 320 PhOlle No.2 su le uf prope r ty concerned in said cllse. Peud Ertel VB . J e r e m ill G. Ertel. et nl., co urt or de rs est ot e con cern ed in slIid etlse to be s o ld by s her iff nnd na m es n ecessary steps t o be ta ke n in


Th e Imot WIth whi ch th e .St~ Y 8 arc f "" t en ed t o the li ne . w,rcs pu ts K o knmo P . on ~ e r F: nc c III a class by j l<ci l. Sl a y ~ will 1I0 1--C AN NOT' qJ on till hll e wi re ... f or t he reason tha t Ihe lIARDER THE STRAIN, THETlGHT~HT H l!:LOCK "1 Pre.s~ ur .,ml hard use me rdy tt gbten It.


a t cllltn I ocs t s of both parties. Ed ~ar Stl' il'flhau ' ·s. J ohn lIelln· , SOli Hud C (' lia Ji (l 11l14.l l'son . cuu r t II d,' r~ thll t phdn t itT l'l'co\,er from Ii 'fl'ndllnt~ . $3:1 2.27. A l phon ~ o

Centerville, O.

. ._-.n_--.-

(.'1't' di" \J·~ o f EdwlU"d S . Sh r o\' { ' ~ ," r ( \ l-ia't'=- dl"fl l1dH lI l t u n .. t\ ;.

('11 ' I)f

DENTIST And X-O-GRAP HIST " :AYN E SVILLE , T e lep hone 11 4

Dr. John W. Miller

OM MON P L AS PROCEEDIN . ,I(,h: T. H.l r hh H' ,11'.. I'~ . Willin m I;, 1h'ITlI ,rt 1\:, ".«iI· ne e j'or the lic

no ll e prosequi "ntered in cas ' by


Some t fo ul' fnmilic s a r c fi t ill u nF ~ t :d p

" f I..Ad ~ ,.\ . N utt , d t'\"C"n s(' 11. AIr J"r d.l n hus l a ke n possess iun of :\ Ot. il't' is I I(~ n.' u\" ,l.! i\ l' lI t h a t .\nn ll h is new !';lC Ill h p1'(I, M . :\ut t hH ~ bl,t'n ;Iuly app(, int ('d and

der 'lui:1r:t tlt inl',


If fl' minill' s tyit's keep 1'I'1·~pi n g u p \\,,,'11 S., ,' II c ryi ng. "I1 ,p-lI ip-


li\ llfray!"

cl' u t-i n ).!' uttut'nt' Y, Slal t' of Uh i" ,.". G nrg!.' Zell . cou .. t The 111(" in l!'S lire a ll about ove r qUlllifi l'oi a ~ nd mill is tra t l'ix nf tlH' l' ~ , gi vt.'s ti e ft' n ti Hn t n six 1l1 u I1th j a il sen . ta t,' (I f J,,,; , A . ~lI t t . In t e (,f Wa!'I'l' lI tence n ncl e h n q,: I' s him w it h ("osls: o f with ut ,n.~ pillco. R. J. ~ I " r .... y nnr! wifc s pcnt Slit · (' ou nt r , f Ih i'l , ,It' c{' n ~ (!d, triH ). Jail s{' nl l' rl l'(" i ~ s ll ~ p l! nrl l' d uUJ' urday it, , \ IIYllcsvi ll e . !la 1c'1I 1111 < :;1'(1 t/ a;' o f MIl I·ch. I ~ ':!t" in~ good hehu "i,> r. J\Ii ~s .\ I ·:,lt·cd Ben ne t t is ad d ed t o • W . Z. HOLt.. III the ma tt l' r or \\,i llia m E. ('I t\l'k 6

our s ic k , t h is wt'ck. V. S. J " n lan suld hi. fi ne pnei n l!' ho rse lllh' d a \' ln s.t wee k . We U lt d ud to !'I' po rt ~(rs . 0 . 111 Lewis UP lltl' ul thi s \\r iti n}.{. W. B. \'.' ar ne l· a nd Frnnk ~lc C ar ­

\'s. Roh ",·t J . Sha ll' h" n. ndntr. ' wi th

th e wi ll an nt.· ~ . .,d o f t h p l'~ l at(' o f F: va Os bo r n , d ('l.'t' n"' l'd , C H":C "t mp l'tlm isl'd a nd d i ~ l1Ii :- !) l.' d a t l·II"~ " ul ti l ft.' IH la n t.


Da y t o n, :-': u Iltl ny , S \'{\It! a I~ ut h , h ~' ht' " n t'-.: t f rit· nd . Lo n B I'allll n n and wi fe we re sh o p· A Il H' rt l ~ n l,tt y ,' , lI !(nlld H,.t h, fo r d i· Jli n~ in "li m in g ton. Satu r day . VU n,: l ' , ),!' I' U S:-, II l ,!! h ' l l'h"!1'\.!t d. lien. ' i t I II,C'nl lll l u tic ) n ~ t o ~ I r .. nnJ 1I1in n ic I :," I I' n ~" .. "I.. ' ". :-'a l" ' "' ( ~lr s . Hil i h ,Ilill s. ~ e n l' Hirl)!',·\·ill c . E r vi n , ' I) It( k. ' 1\.11' dl\'ut'(' t,' , h abi t ua l c 1',' t'lH' da L(' ,\i~ i:-. ou l o f

FARM:EQ~J1r-r' ~~~'fJ~I "~ 18 19 20) MARCH l~g~ 16~17:

DR. E. M. RUDOLPH T bo Eye Sill"t Speola !ilt

.IHd A'P o f t h t· l' rnIJatl' ('(JurI.

' Illilty. Ohio .

' Va rl' c ll ~h n w lillll

&. DI'(lwII •

.-\ tty ~

At Cary's Jewelry Shop

"' ~~

Lebanon, Ohio

Public Sales

I'l'n \ \' C1' l' in

Every Tuesday

I will " fl' " r Il t pulolic , a l ~ 111 til(' I 8: 00 a . m. to 4 p. m. r e:-. ici t· l!rt1 I·r lh l' lai l' J qlm Zl' ll. h t '"' " in. :<11 l it ", ch ll tld " "~ l o n l-:i nK to HAVE YOUR EYES EXAMIrIED I ht li t ~t· a f; "d . o n d f' lI l\k(~ Il U l : l'>~ d, 1I'.Il(-« 1. S , hoo} t hi:- w('l' k n n accou n t {If ~it'k · nt urda y, Mf\rch 2 0, 19211. <''' ' O l' ~ I ' :\ J t' l~ih l ll ' ~ \S, I !.::iv 1-: . ~ r ~' 4 nc tiS , Ih .:i ll llilll!' III I:! ::: O (, '- Icl nc\;: """ Ki mlt·,' , f " " 01"""'1 '. \\'m . . H. \l' tl rnl' r Lonk tw" U'uck 1,lIl1St,h",d J.!"u(l tl~ . n f , ' \\ fa rmil1 J,.t im· J. H. 11111'1''' I! " . 11 . 11 1';' \I·d.", ,, l on d ~ o f fool cattl (' t " tilt' L' in d llllllt i p ll'll I nt...; 111m},, )', hay :uu l R hn1!~ . IW HT. I,.. ( ·HI·: \\,. A Llm!'. n O \\ m all nP l)t'.d frfllll I, .ckct Hf \r :1. ' lu tk '" .~rd , ,'l nn dny . II (\( · ~ •• 1. I' . n. ~ l. 1: d;' t" t h l ' i n. 11 t',U It ('\ I IW 11 , ~ i I , , ' t:lllh·y, .\HeIM . Til l' ("{"lll l " (. I' • i~. 1 '0 . .' 1' I t \\ .'1' . o f 'Vun l .' II ", "a~ h n \ n "' l J nl'l'4 rl'n CIIlI::l,,':\ 1 tl,. h . ;\t'd Iii' C' \lIll y 1,IU Y, \,:r il d,' i ll"' Ul ;l llC . ., pO ]H,' it,S , MON EY LOAN£D (' ()11l 11,i~dt'J\("r:- \~, tilt, I :~ \ t' •• ,~:l\l' ~ 0 11 : U' , t .) f ~,d,'hn . .· ... ~ 1'1 11' La d:,':":-- i un IIf ( ,h ih. I lh' t ·tt '''fl~ ill ii, I' a,l d 'I" \ 'ill 1 l PO II l! t hi.' ir Ull' (' t ill 1-! un L41 ,1 .,~ ; ,,, . l'h utt e ls, ::itu ck • . :-lucurl. t' . ~ . ~ 1 " lIn L. .... (''' ' 1.11\ Al"!It." Lil th " ,. I' ,." \I {·ti Lt'>"!I" ill .\ pri l 1 1l'~ Hll d S t' '0 11(.1 l\llt l'l J!n~l.'li , Note. ta~l's, . E d .I f l~ T) J"t.' turn l· d t o hi.; hOI11l' T L !S ? 1,,,"c ht .Inhn lIurldnc J r .. Xenia, E lle n C o Ih 'r ,"S. l'.!il h E t l wnr d ~ lll'rc ' til,! " " Hf l t',r S I,) I' lIdil.I~~ .iI, C.l d l plc w l1\ 1 Ohi o. , ·t :.1 1. , f ,ll' I ~r1It.1 I 01 1'1 ,1\ '~,.I!~' an d o C mOllt l. \' Il }1 1 1I~ ~ I s t r i ll ( ht t.':':~ 'l . 10 11\t \Jl ,. I:l '\\" , [",' I' ," at(o rH It :~ iI. ': IIIl)oll' ):\'l-: · nt ~ II - ·26 r f,\'S l l ' f!l ' '1l1 it abll. J . W. '1 110 111 1' ;; 0 11. wife !llIll ~I I'" 'I f l: /fuu' :' 11 U,· u( n,~. ....1. 1I 1)l.d II ) _._-Han nah .I " .. dan Il t.tended th l' 0 " 1110or h. 'I·S .·. " ,'I .I.' !" (' 'l~ \ tcUtJ " LB Jr' l S t,: l," l~l , ~ • P BAT E P RO CE E DINGS crat spelll" " ~ ill Le ban o n, SaLU rd uy. ·nln • ., r .. o f Ill! ( '11111" III -,\hld l (' II' i " , . I n I ". H. ,J. .. I . ITIl Y WIIS at th CillcinI C' I 1.c )a~ (lI1- It z· 't1 ::. a l(I n:l un \. t..:. nati !-' tl'l k Yal'dg one d ~l Y l a~t. w\.'~ k , :r'Jh,\' Nt t )t,· ( n l !, r'.111 t ~ ! 04 I.':rn(\ r tl';rl' ,lllt1 I' Fa nH ' 1',:0; of \Y, (I' e n ond udj (l ininl ,') ~ I . ~h d .' , :'\ I ":-'l it' \\fl!dl I ' Tl'u ~l l O ItlP~t ll ~, h il mI', lI f h (" l·st ..,.1\! nnd b lHl)' 'I "I. n n r- dl' o \'e ot y OUll g' fl:c d IIll'UI lltH'ro t hrouI1I tt ,. 1~IH~I(l I I. , ' :\1 1: hiP \· .O tl I111,':; 11111)'· n ' lmn m on ey 0 11 \on~ of I..... " TL I· I'",,·t· . 1\, '·"".-I',L "it'd tt> in ~ 011t tt. 1~I, ~r!~ ·s. t hus r~..:"tl.\ n JU"" ).or!ll.:\l ,co na l· , t I Hl l ' it 'H Il ' . at G p r cent i nt er c~f fi n" lt nd I I" :~). i1 .... I'll. t , ' I :-. tl.l I H:ab·" On Hn I I t , o f t h l' Lu\\~~o l1 f.,lI n ily ":dc! I' ), ~ ruAS'I" t~ [01' m'o r ;0 Y nrs. CO" t 0 r sc t'uring tlt e some is \, cry rel\' .\~ :,dl\~l l ~l . . t:~·t"r r I Ih ...( Lt t lo l·t bcin K q u ... " l llHJd [o r s lUa ll pct':, 1 aC .. .... J 'h'lI Y & Co.. Totedo. Ohio. ~"I",hle ,t hrough T'~e Fe de r a l ~qtl~ h 1dey J,nlw' , d ( 't ~~" :nrll ~ , Fu l ~ \' h" fW)\'l.,J in E d .J, I l'cian· ji ~ru w lIl a du l 11 j .. , I': I I I' h~'r\ III uhd h1.:. homl.c t l ' l l (. I'Hri l\", ",!,~_____~~~~~ _~~_ ~.~_~_!",!!! _~llank. For 14rth pr In(o~m otio n Il1III ftt's t a nd fin al ae " 1I11t. . A ,'onlll' ' te l' WLt. appoi nted at th e on or address M. O. DRAK E, Trella, I n t he ma t tN "f tit ,· ," ta tp H )' I II~ church , Sund ny l1I ol' n ill !(. t o nr ran!(e li r eI', Ilha n" 3 16-X, L ebllllo n, Ohl", 'al ~ .. ~t , d N·,' a . ~ d<.C l~ " . ~ " r d,:I: ,\111.,' a prol!'rDIII fo r Entitel'. We al.o .exC~h e lt U 8 ull n I n !. r ., to . , II ( c l- pee t o ur lI e W S " " j.( buok~ liy that t Ime tam pr ore rt r ,,( "<1 101 ,'<t; It e all d reOur Ill'Upll) will loo k ''fo rward with WANTED port I'I'(>ceNltng.' t o c,.'urt. in ter (':;t til t hl! outcom e of the suit Albert Alb ertson IS nllo", d .bond fi led by t he boul'd of th e Cl, unty comand re l oa~ed .and COllrt orders hlln t o m i ssi on~r s aj;ainst the Tux Commis W AN T ED-All kind s o f soft Wood, npp ~r f or t t;1lI1 li t Il e~t t erm of court. s io n of Ohio un d t he Otterbe in hom e. tt f or Jlulp. Morris Grahom. Lon Brunnoll Ilnd WI fe had tor "Will . of ~ arren " . hlulcre IS IIItrodu ~ e(j 111 co urt n nd h ied. . . thei r Su nu ay g uests, El va Kimball, WE GET THEM QUICKLY AND lI1 e n (lo n~ !l Il , adm l ~lstra to .. of wife. a nd sun , Louis, Cla rence FreeFREE OF CHARGE CALL US ANY TIME ' AT OUR t h e /lstate. ~ CJfrp!x.n ,Ei}JlItlt:, d cccns- lond n nt! wife , o f Harveys burg lind /lU.. lil ed )1IW firs~ a~'d fihal accpu l\t r Miss !\fllry Kat hl ee n To o m ~y , of tht~ E~rE"S slltd CBw t e which was ord ered s us- pIa':,,: - . .., . , FUlt ' ::IAL of· S\;'IWt (:Iov~ hay. Inquire Har\'~ y I\y'. .. _ _ _ ~ ~ "P_-=-=:pe nded . A nnie I. Irwl ll, lill Ie e xe cu t ri x o f FOR SA,Lf,:-Paper \l\,-oUe 1'1111 Y(aJC~<l Sl;'ienti st s I)re dict a leg less age is th e estate of H. J . Jrwll), WII ~ g /'I\ nted Phon e 8 H"'RVEY~BURG, O. fl ower s. On \}1I'h1l.>lt a~ Itulh" Clllel Co nsidering th e pt'csent p~rm jssio n by co urt t o se ll bo nd ~ .oi cOJIIlng . l\n~ liym§n' f4ls.s Ethelyn RollS, said v.tRio lind t o r e port proceedlllgs styje!! w!l~ worry {I'-'O\l~ i~, 'flip'? 8\I'Ce\, . ml0 _ ___ a ,_ "_ ,___ _ _ _ _1. __" to c ourt. 110 ... Howllrd W. lvln ~ ~\'Illl IIpp oln~e d nl)d Ilccepte d tij,e tru s tee 118 e ~ eq " tQ r o! the cetllte of Mice Stee le, 4!lceased. t

GlASSlflEO 'ADS, ......



HO W'.

, We want it to be a big week and we want to ahow you some BIG MACHINERY•. We are more than ever convinced that th e big problem of alTiculture ia coat of production and that production coats caa be reduced by the use of improved machinery.






:1- !...




A HARDWARE STOCK that ia complete. In fut ~hat you want when you want it il more than a slogan, it's a real fact and we can only prove it by having you look UII over. 'P'," WE ALMOST FORGOT T<? SAY THAT WE WILL MAKE SPECIAL CAsH PRICES ON THIS WEEK THAT MAKES IT WORTH WHILE.


REAL ESTATE TRANSfERS Herbe rt Roos a Illl e! Lu r a Hoo~1I to Wanea and Co t'n L. Jud s on, about 10 acres in Hnmillo n Tp., $1. Earl Kirk t o Lo uis Ke nnet, lots numbered 3 42 to 3 43 in Franklin, $1. Clarll Cram e r tu Ge orge A. Brown, Ilf!..cJ .9Jem e nt V. Br own, about 75 acrell III Cl.!! aJ.- ~ r ('e k Tp., $ 76 3.8 9. Elizabe th' . WI'4!r/.ljJ, to Frederick Steg em oll \l r, IIbo ut erJi h ~ 'lI~rl;~ in ~ec , tlon 16, ~ l. , ~ May Con ner , Owen Co nn er lind Au st in R. Cu n ne r t o Thomas O. Black mo r e li nd Bva Luc il ,' Bill 1(lIIO I' C, less tha n on e aCl'e in Turtl CC l'c ck 1'p" $ 1.. H. Guy Coyl(· lind ])o ra Cuyle t o ,lameR S. li nd 1~l'n c s ~ .1. Hunne ll , a bout fJ i m'I'I' ,In Il ill1l il toll T p .. ' l. J(,:!c'ph 1-: 1'1l' I t v Mah el Dra d le y I' b nH t h, t <11 I" L" ill J) "" r ll cld Tp ., $ 1. · J ('~< l' h E r l e l to ,\ bry lJ ra d ley, t ell lut s ill Vc,· r/h-Id '1'p., :;: 1. 1-... li" C. alld ~I"!'Y l\I urra y to : H" ll' h 1'. (1 1' !' osc'lIn (;l'nndi n, ao ou t nil :l el l'S ill IJumi l,o n 'J'P .. $ 1. u l l" "j" I';. J'\o r thp l' II l o Wi ll ia m T . ';r=t\ii . ( 't' l l't.~r t (: d deed to :'1 Jut ill






~~in Jf. Hedldlesten, mail carrier, ~t f,oye1nn{1 . ~.nd G eorgia M. Durig, tnSJl~c.tpr Ot F p!t er. ., Wdltum 1homa~on, of ~"r!lnkJin , and Ru th A. Coyle, of FralJklin . Haymond E l zit~ Sparks, u ndertuker of Kings Mills, li nd Th elma May Bays ore, n\l r~ !', of Kings Mille.

Two Per Cent Reduction in Tax Effective Now



... -=-Lot


Then we have a complete HARNESS DEPARTMENT aad a competeat lD~hanic to do any apecial wo,.k you may require.



Harveysburg Fertilizer Co,

Aad ia our .tove department







We are absolutely cenain that, no concern in Central Ohio IIhows as complete 'a line as the Lingo Co.


Attel ' t '

~ Friitdd l ll, ~~ I .

!Iud: :,;", 11,,·,1' I." I" L in 1'r:1II 1<l ill , :) I. t",," ulld a th el·ioe Ne ll. tin e t" IIC~~ £ li n 'I' ll .• $1. \ ill inlll u::d Br.I·" n

:'> lalJ tl Eo l1 itz ,


. Jny t' l' t o G. K la ud in Fra nk - I ,

(,. l' ~n de 'ga , t

10 J: Z.lLl' iU, tl Jt9,:l, ~ l l ..·,r,l d r.' l g·1i:.~ lJ 1I 1l_ 1

di vid l·t! ,)!,('- ha lf (If (lI)ll" t I' V a ct·os in I WII I W 1'1' ., !)i i . . COMMISS IONERS' A L LOWANCES A. 111. Vor hi s, t o.r bttl'ial of :Mar garet R. VOl'his, $ l ()O; fJ ~ nry Rt::id, burial eommitlee, \" o1'k i n btldnl jndig en t 3() l di e r:~' wi dow, :$ 1 ; O. '. Hig g lnE!', Sll !11(', $ l; ~l'h t' W c~le rll Star J.OI l' ttblicn tio h " o r' , <' I). ' ; l 'l1e !'IIi: , aml Uazctl:e, Cur /luk. d og L!tx no tice $2 ; The Columuu8 Bool< CO:L suppli~~ f or Probate co urt, $24 .2li ; M. H . Oswald bu r Ial o f Sophia Garrison , so ldi er's wid ow, ~ 1CI 0 ; O. S . Higgi lis I me mber of burial clommittcc' f or 8am~ $1; H e my &~, ~m~ $ l;AU~d Brant, .stamps for ~orl1f'B o~ce.


We will absorb ~mme.diatelf t;)n all Ford cars the 2 per cent re~ duction in tax which normally does not become effective until Mid~ night, March 28th. This means th~t you can have , immediate delivery of a new Ford car and take ~d~ vanta~e · Qf the 2 per ~ent t~ reducti9nt







--,- -



·Mr. and Mrs. Charles Works and family have moved to Dr. Danda U's fa rm, from t he enter neighbo rhood. 1 ~. and .MI'", A. ~. KC,l nnedy entcd,Ul ned \~It.h a fnmlly d inner, SundllY,. honol'InK t ho lUth birLheJUy or thau' sbn, J ohn. ' M.r, and MI,'l;, G urgo Denny a nd fAm Ily ent erbllned to SUll day dinner. 1111'. lind 1111's. E, B. DMl ol' nnd sons. and Mr. und ]\ 1J'~. A, l:i. 'o llett und g(ln. J, . F . Stu mp wa s rcmoveci to Ih .. JewiKh ho~itll 1 , incillnat i fol' an " ''''!'IIti n. FI'idny, li p i.' l'I'POI.t 'd to be g cllin g " lung ,,~ well flM could b,. I' xpeclcII. Mr. and r.11·ti, Anll'" DeB" ... 1 lind {',V I'US De Burd \\','ut to Su uth Churll'st ')II, r ece ntl y t o SCI' th dl' biHI'I' •.\11'>,


=== =--- ---:-_==-- ,-'-

Cale ndar for Marc h

___ _ ===z::

Passed nwal' whil e they were here. Shure a n' would yl! be a mind to come t' t he Mi Rsionury T ea on March 17. 'Twill be the w arin' 0' the ~reQn. Time, 2 p. m,; p lace, Robin's Hell'cat, homo r IITI's . .fl'llnk Harris . Th· Duptist Mi ssion Study class m!'t. nt th(' church Wedn esday, at 10 o·c lock . Th e bool, und or discussion II'II S " Peu sal~ t P io neers," The chop l<' I's we ro hand l d cffici en tly by Mrs. I f. I" Hatton, lIlrs. Geo rge De nn y. Mrs. harl c~ II . Groy. 1\1rs, C, G. I(an da ll. Mi.s May l1 arlall a nd Mrs. 1-:. B. Dos\.{·r, Suvurlll IIl c lIlbcI'S of tl1l' u her m is ionllrr socie ties of the l'''IIlIllUlli ty weI' prese nt. At t he nil .. " hour deliciou s lun ch was ,.,111'lake n of, ua,'h pl'l'"cm huving brought


MI'. ond MrH. Iytlo Cox W,,)" OilYt on vi8itor~. ' ntut'd IlY, Mr. J':"el' ·tt c;urly Illude II busin{!s8 Sub.crip';on Prier.. $1.50 pu Year tl'ip t{, l1 ur.tOl1. FddIlY.. Mrij. '11 oe • 'id{'H is tit a gu in nr. D. L. CRANE ' P .. bli.hcr te r n .ieg!' of lh' I!r i lpC. Mr, lind '!Jos, Ha rry McGinniH mov. eel to Wuynes v il le. Thurs,IIlY. J\1rR, Annn J oh n. lind daughte r WI'" Dll yton visi torH. Friday. lI1i ~~ l.e" I'1l Wit,;on was a wee k·end "ueNt of hPl' lJI oth er in Pay t on., II till nil'S, Rll iph AI'c hd eucon moved to th ~ lcGill llis pJ'Opcrty. Fri. Compil ed by Mr •. CorA A. Tho mp • . on d1lY. Mess l',;, 1{lI lph IInal lifl'ord Arch · It·s tl'ce . J u 11 ipel', Birt hstone , bloods tone. Its OO IVe r, viol et. Its dburo , SUl\d ~' . the ir fllth "I' ill Spring. ucun vi . itu ed motto. Courage lind strengt h in dnnMiss The lma Gruhllm left. S uturge r. It.s tcxt, "Set a, 0 Lord. day. for a visi t with Mi s~ E: lsie Burso n, in lJay toll , be fore my mouth; kee p th e doo r of my lips, "- J>. , 1 ,I i .~, MiHs Ed ith Sid ... . of Dayton, wus a wee k·en d " ucs t ()f he r parunts . Mr. Ah. IIln rc h ! We kllow thou a,·t nlHl JIll'S. A, L, ' iues, Kind -heurted. spite of ug ly l ouk~ lind MI', an d Mrs. Chns. E. J ohns W ('I'e t hrcot.s ; Fridny di lilier ~ u c~ts of Mr, and I\1rH, And. out o f s ight. UI'(· nursing April's A mos ('" uk. 1I,' ur Wuyn c~" ill e . violets, -H clcn Hunt J ac kson , Mr. lind Mrs. Ca rl Albri g ht. of • • !:\p rilll!'u orll. vi ~it ~d. SlI tu rday. with Up from the sea. the wold north wind Mrs. Kt.'slcr Gra h alll und g'uc~ ts . is blowin g MI'. Emury Hill IIl1d fa mily III1JV. Und er the s ky 's g ruy .arch; . ed Illst weu k fr om nClI l' J,,,hnn on to S miling I wu!ch th e shuki ng e lm MI'R . hlo e Sid es' rarm , cast of town. • boug hs. kn owi ng Mr. alld Mr~. Ji <'rll1l1 n Saylor und i'J It is th e wind of Murc h. SO il, of 1\l iu m i~bu rg' , \\1 ('1 '(, • 'u nlh! )' ,~ - Whinier , "uest. of M,'. und ~lrs. W illiam Lung. r.i • • 1111'. 1\11'8 . J . B. Jo ne" li nd Th erl c Daffodil s that co me be fore t he s wal- J ones IIlId WCl'e S unday dinn ' 1' "u usts of low dares, and take Mr. Ilnd Mrs , Be l'llie Dill. north of :1 The winds of Murch with beauty. Dayton. - Shakesp eare. Mrs. A , E. Whit e nnd SOIl R. Robert ~ Now when th e primros e makes Il ond Puul. of Daylon . SI"' nt last week ~, with her . is te r. l\I ..s. 1(1.'8Ic l· Graham r splendid show, and family. And lilies face the March wind s in lI1 iss Lou ise W onll cy un d 1111-. W i I· tull blow, And humbler growths , us moved with li~m H ope, () f DU ytllll . wen' Sundny ~ dannn cr "uests of ~ I r. Ulld JIlrs, W il- _:':' one desir e. liUln Bruwn. Put on. Lo we lcome spring'. th e ir best Mr. un d Mrs. Wa lter Kc nl' ic;'; nt. attire. - Word sworth. t .. nd ed th e go ld en IIlIn iversary of 1111'. '1 • • d JIll'S, l'cl'l'Y Kl'nrick at Wllynes . ~ Co me fill t.he s uP. und in t.he Fire of an ville , 'u nd a y, 'l pring Mr. nnd Mrs, Clyde Whll)oton a nd \ The W inter g arment of Repe ntanc e dllughte rs, Eva an d Mc rium. were flin g. Omar Kha yya m. week·e nd g uests of Mr. lind Ml'S, Ll!e , Greatho use . ill Dayt on. A TRIBUT E Rev. and Mrs. Haymon d Stillings an d t\\' o daughte rs, of Dayton, God in his wisdom, hUA seen fit to 6-o'cloc k dinn e r g uests. S unday.were of r c move from our midst olle of his no- Mr. and Mrs, Carl L, Duke. ble wOlll en. ]llnry Cuskcy. who &e IIIr. a nu Mrs. Wil liam Co x and Mrs. deeds of benevol ence und k.indnes s Chug, E. J ohns uttend ed Lhe fun erul will li vc on perpetu al record. Her ot' 1111'S. Mllry Caskey, ut Way n esown affairs were nover so pressing ville, SlIturd llY ufte rnoon. that she could !l ot find time to go out Miss S~ rnh Os burll. of I ayton. of her WilY to alleviat e the s ufferin gs un over -n ight !rues t. Thursdn y. of wI(; oC Ilthllrs. No matter how lowly the and Mrs. Kesler Graham a nd alMI'.a tJOme, wh en sorrow enter.. d, she W.l8 called on other Lytle fri e nd s. . rcady to do what she co uld. A lar"e c rowd was i n IItte ndance We cII,nllot reft'ain from &!lyIng at t he 1I1llrch mee ting of the Ladies that Ill\. OCI;{lslt;m & wll I' Death Aid, . wh ich met ut tho home o f Mrs. call1\! \nt\l Q\lr own hQmll, l'Y!nry Cas· Wilhom Bergdu ll, Wednes day lifter. ke)" lil(e j!l Dnttcl oC merey, waa the noon. IIrtlt one t here to r under aid and com. Mr. ond Mr8. Harry Graham . Mr. tort. and Mrs, W illia m Creight on. Mr. and Alwuys of a brig ht] sunshi ny di s- 1\11'8. Edd Longllc rt'. uttended t he fu POSitio ll/goodn ess radiatin g from ev- ncrnl of Th omus :3ay lor. ut ' pring ery slIli c, ah , like her Mastcr, wcnt Valley, Thursda y, about doing good, and her going will Mr. u nd Mrs. William o le mll n en be f elt in our commun ity t or u long terwin cu to din ncl', Sunday. Mr . 11'11\ t ime. Her presenc e wag tru ly like . Irs. Elber t SlI ydl'l' lind chilrtren . Her presenc e \ as truly like the sun- Irclle an d \-I nr old. of Leban on ill shadows and gloom . honor of Mr. Snyde l'~' blrtl\dllY . • lIlay light perpetu al shine upon her. everal ladi II (r olll here attended a fa!'cW QIl tea ,,~ the M. E. church at \).p:~nltb o ro . Tu esday afternoo n, SETTIN G A GOOD EXA~P.LE 8""1'11 In honor of Mrs. T, L, StaticI'. Ther.e's pl enty {If imwirAliu n for Th" ~l! tl cr!; are llI u\'ing to BhU\chc s. ~ u~.g 'men ~!1 ~h~ ~lIr(!~r of Judgc El- tOI·. wh erc M r, S~"tl~1' will preach. ~I r . Ii. M. 'lark I'(·turnc d home {lert l~, Gl\ry, c'!Jair mun of the bourd y • fter he an d Mrs. Clark vf thl! lJ!l!~e~ ~\a tes Steel corpOl·a · Saturdu had ap nt 5('\·I.: ral weeks 'in the W est ti OD. ' ~tbl'rt Oary, a s u bllY, ~pell t time Were at Tuse" n. Arizonu , ond a ls~ ,, ~ might haY", \lIed (01' recreati on In visite d the lUller's so n. Mr. lIi e rrill st.udyinG' the legal aspoots of finan ce. Wha lun lind fam ily lit San lJielt,l\ Mrs. Clark \\'a8 taken s<:.~i "uiil~ H~ IIIIY8 now that h e didn't kn ow Cal. just what he wus preparin g for, but !ll on the wa y hom e and, ~ I\OW bl?IJIg cured for at th bome of he r he telt t hat some day his "big chanco" would come, and that he duu ghter, II1r l/t ~~":f)el ' Dimhan i . !I~ E lgi n. l l~ Reports -{rom then;' "<l would lie reudy for it. And his chance did ~omo, but tliI' ~ ~ \: ~' M"~lJle wlll"t improve d. until he was past middle ~ii. " Th-e' --- --'41!' ~ l\1 organ s, in th ei~ (learI' '' td' find th'li Ill un with til.., 'proper Itildkgrotind. ani! (TrllPllt callber· to: direct th e greate~f Inl1ulrtr1 of ' all tim sJ the s teel bu!U~el!.~; chose' Elbert Gary. .. . !~. t'\le ilaYl! 'uf ~hc o'(ll'a!\\Z{I\ten of GaU Gordon is on t he s ick lis , th o ~~) tP~ra\!o n~ pr0\l.wtel:s 0 f the 011- . The Grungo met Wednesduy eventllrpr\ij~ r~~m Il(te~ \la~h dllY of mg. wrt\!l~\l ng tQ P !If pol\e~, Harry Howe , of Dayton, s pent the . Ollry didn'\, pll\Y poker. Gary did we ek-end here. .• (lot milk\) 1\ (light (It It with the boys. A IlIrge crowd enjoyed Gv-ry u@~ d to 110 to his room to plan at t he Hnll, Thursda y It\'~ th e d""cc n.\~.~ hilI IIttllok for the next DusineSli day. Charles Moot'\' 9,1 Miami UniNor did he "celebr ate" the twenty- versity. wus ~ ~~e ovel' the we ekfifth anniver sary of his connect ion end. 'with the oorpora ti n the other da~ Q.Mw , Ellis, of n, Was in "Just another day for bU8in.e~ '.l ~ 19~; Ffiday, in theLebano interes t of the IIChool&. said, and \V~n~. ~,~~l!.\ \~ WQ~ ' . ~{r. and Mr,!. W. P. McCu1;,~ were . . Friday guests 01 Mr. ~srott, 84~~ our pl0l.'eer women Kenned y 'and tnmil. anA .M'r& A L ' ..,'f\ , . " lIe'Ver' hud \l1cotlne s~lI\ed fl!lgers The Civic L ~i: held their annual or chapped knecs, to which Loulsvll le party ~q~ Iti"i~ers an'd their famili es retorts our modern .women have no '!.~ ~h'\l' HaIr Friday evening . 8nu11' stains on thell' teeth, ':I.I)!! {!~ Mrs. Will La\vson ' nnd dau hter... whalebo nfl ~ors~~: were Friday guests of Mr. IIn1 M.r~ 't'lV ~ \1.\1 tl\ \llephan t I The bther A. L. Kenned y Ilnd family. Mr. u.nd Mrs. E. B. O(!,ter and \III),. III D town in the Dutch Eallt Inaiel, one picked up an automob ile sons, MISS Helen GreMlll and Mr. that ran Into him .and tossed it into and Mrs. A. S. C<llllttt and son saw' "Abie's Irish llollC" at the Murphy the river. Wedne6UU)' evening .





"D ut




haarlem oil has been · a ·world· w ide remedy for kidney, liver and' bladder d isorders , rheuma tism, lumbago and uric acid conditlo na.



"Kill y(.uh uld WOIlICII keep cret'?" " She s hoah can."


(},OWMR~ ..

J.!ood -- · ra\l ~L'

doue tule hl.!r whut I thi nk


Ill' lIl',· /",. ,·d·. old·t il11 (' dan cI' s are th e "' ''':~'' 1i,,'1\ ",ah "" ho" I" Lis

COrT~lntemal troubles,8timula"Y1b!1


5-- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- --------------1


Homefurnishings! Living Room Suites, $179 Two':pj~cC'

It is impos.>rible to convey in words an .&d cljuate idea of t he beauty lind style in thi s A nn iver earypriced gt'oup- come and see them for yourself. The fa shion f eatures are -the cape - strai ght lines with conceale d full ness. - . much embroid ery and fur - on some types - flares - t uxedo front. fur edged. Materia ls are Cbanne en. Lorshce n, Mareheen, T witl Bloom.. P ut's are Jap m:"k. mole. squirr el.

!" uite s in m oha ir

with new style wood frulne.

.9xl2 Velvet Rugs. $24.95 Nc west. patterns . cxcell ent qualit.y. Trimmt'tl with fringe .

Orienta l Rugs, $Z].50 Bclooeh istan ruga . averaging 4.6x2.U .

Voile Curtain a, $Z.50 Blue with g old r u[fl ,,' OJ" gree n with orc hid l'u(Oe. Comlllet e wit.h valance. - nftA> Ji1<JOr

Electri c Cook on, $4.18 An except i<),\".t valu e fireless cooll.'lrs ,


Sti!rling Silver h a ndled 5iea!, knif\! IIDd .fork . troet Floor

Dow nsta ir's Stor e Firs t Day Values! Spring Coats, $11 p "ir,·t 'fw ill no\'el suede and t v.·\wd 01 i~ tlJ.,reS. ali lIew styles, ~pc

- h a i I' bra i dtailored bangkok -Sangh a s traws - noew felt turbans and berel&--1)atmeal straw - silk bengalin e - COlnbination s.

A Brief of Special Savings! Silk OJemis e, $3.95

Finest grade of "Trilliu m" exquis itely tailored and trim· med. -.s-d fi'Ieor

Tailore d Suit., $ZS

Kid Pumps $5.4 5 "Jettin a"--Sna ppy


Ita Name

\V care pr ,ud of the pum ps we arc a ble to offe r you in thi s Spring' s Anni versa ry Sal e. At thi s low price you .will filld a pump of blond kid of- R ik e-Kuml c r quality - spi k e h ee l - bro wn kid inl ay. Th" sa me s t y le m ay be had in - pa t ent Irathrr - with ivo r y kid inlay. Deon c of th,· fir st totryo nthi s pump. n;k ... K......Jsr..- s ,coad

~och .

• ntin. li nt crepe. georg~tte R. re A nni vc.r~a ry values.


100 Men's Spring, Topcoats

DreES Ha.ts at $2.19

Childr en'. Hats, $1 Men's Shirt:;, $1

Black Charmeuse, $1.10

in collar at.tached a lid neckba nd styles, Sizes lSY.. to 17. SI eevc lengths, 33 t4l 35. ....·---'O.......J Co.e at 9 O'clock Satarda y!

Full silk charmeu se ....'ith lustroua fini s h. Very special.

Girls' Coats, $1' Pola ires. twillS, suedes and tW fcds . Smartes t styles, newest colon;,

Wome n's Hose at 79c


pairs for $3.75

Tbe r ef!'Uw 1tle. 6- } oun c u, m e dium 9bc Iv o r y 803. 1). mendou~

of I ! . UOO n.blts:t U H



Stone Ullll'ton: full furred and Moor


cette over .IUt. PM ••, .. .JIJNI_ _AINU In 18 .u.d "2o-tn.cIt .1.... 8pecta1. :..... -:- . .

Satin Baridette, SSe :' .'

Pink ..tin; ftU fitting; ribbon , ~ ..... 32's to ~ , ~".










., ..-.....ud aeIan. .. . - - lim. , ' ~ ' 1 IF .....


.old tlOlm·

m"", In black . Piped ..... utgbted; very 81,)«11\llY priced!

. 1tIUD(;1 t ••U .DIilS . of 'ULllo,rod /I'&Or-




Luncheoo Cloths; I5c

1Io-1AcJ1 i_e."__lach bl.., .... .-n. . olotl;wt wlib ~



Diack elUlmeled. leat her bound. With shirred pockets.

'1>, •

-Size" 1"/001'

Rubbe riud Aprons , 59«:

Waterpr oof house aprons in attractiv e coloring s . Special!

Collarl and Cuff., 5.c

Linen sets ; hemstitc hed or trimmed with bias folds.

Irish Picot Lace, 5c:

Chinese mllke IriM picot lace; exceptio nally low priced I

Linen Handke rchiefs , llc

Women' s fine linens with ""-inch hem stitche d bems. Special!

Leathe r Bag., $3.59

Pouchy shapes in soft leather, high colors, black, or tan.

Cape SIrin Gloves , $1.58 Short cnt!', fancy, yet tail-

ored in effect. ta ll. blnck.

Sand, ,,"l'8y,

Glove Silk Veat., $1.15

Choice of peach, pink. nile, on:hid, Si:tes 34. to 44.

Gloria Umbre lla., $2.19

Choice of 6 colors; ten riM; \WInded ul values.

Pee.ri Choker, $1.1' at SlI'IBlI

. "Charlo t" style

pearls in twisted 9tnnde.

Very new.

Children's Wea r! Boys' 4-Piece Suit, $10.90 '


Coat, vest, 2 pairs 01 knicken . All wool fabrics. SiEC!! 6 to 16.

Crib Blankets, Only 39i:

Soft wbite bbmketa with blae or pink borders. 3Ox40-inch.

GirlS' Combinatioa or Codum e Slipa, 75c Sillcs 8 to 14


Miuea '

Oxforda, $3.45 -s-.wt I'Ioor


"Chicag o" make ball bearing skntes. Heavy atecl axl!lll; attjustable. -"-"&

*---------------------,* 12 bars for



b u r s on · t o mako

u... Seta, ~ at· '

Lj!n,cIo_ _ of ,,.... ....... In traatI.. .. . . . . . . . . _bfOta .n-. . ,

Yard Good Specials! EnwIiIh Prints at 28c

. Brldll'e .. Dd Juu-. lor atBnda.rd8 , PI"ID and

~ $19.95 Satin with puft'a eontrut inc eQlOl'_ All paa~ shades. •


Wome n's Hat Box, $1.95

Roller "Skate s, $1.46

Large and small designs for children 's wear. Very speciall

FROM OUR FOUR TH ART FLOOR! Lamp 8uea! Colored StemwareL '$3.95 Uk

Scarf., $27:sq



A trQ-

m ellow - white. 11001-" ~&-8t... fi'Ieor

B~ s t quality; hemstitc hed tope; hip hems, .

• •"e' dno Quality and color. , -.r~ird


Sale! Ivory Soap!

SILK "II th . way to th e w e ll : but with 11.1" w e lt ro r tlura.hlUl Y. A QUa.lllY )·o u will b e proutl o (~ I ~ lLr, ev en, 8111ootb. l ll llt n d ,d lk tQol-nu diilI .:htwo o d - b lue rox- c m le - dove " rA y Fren c h nude - t .. llo",,-


11M S /oro

Short double brenstcd couts; braid or self bound; mostly in nnvy.

Boyilih . Blucher , 3ceyelet style. Tan or smoked. <ioo4ye ar well.


Pongee Slips, $L98



Women's Chiffon Hose

Ponge e Drea~t $2.95


$S.ZS Tan or black or blonde calf s kin , Smart new lust.,.

The newer spring styles and a yadety . of shades,

Th{ee styles in best quality pongee. Sizes. 36 to ~4. '

Luqtber an.d :Buildlng Mat eria l• .

Mea'. Oxford a

TA. St>uro lor Men

Fashion's in the First Day Sale!

. '

patch pockets. Tbe new patterns in gray, tan, and hoathe r mixtare s.

Me6'. Hau, $4.95

Rayon Slips, $1.47

w. H. Maad'en &c .CO.


Rik.'. /II..... S/oOI>

Full fashione d silk hose. High spliced heel. merce rizeu top, All colol's. Imperfe ct.

D OIunduirtl



,.inc importe d broad cloth, neckband Lnd collar attached styles. S iz<!~ 14 to 17.

*---- ------ ------ -----*





Dre8ges in Sale, $6,95

- Bjke~,



Rik,.·K"". 'er'.-TM rd Ii1Por

:lust the s martJit tl e hats ~nt th e younger wom en are looking for. All in tbe lovely paatel co l o rs of spring.

2-Piece Steak Set, $2.75

A rare offering , One-stra p pumps with spike heels. Sizes :l to 8.



Your Spring budget will bu y more t han you hud pla n lied- because our buyers hu \'e 5earched the best fuohion mo rkets to bring you th ese dresscs- -higher qu a lity ot lower price . • Spring'. best pastel s-. . eyelet embroid ery. lace . dyed to muteh; u very r ece nt fashion development - cap.. styles- braiding - flares pea sa nt and burrel sleeve!>--types and sizes for wom~n ann mi ssc~.

Spri ng Hats $4.9 5


Blond e Kid Pumps , $2.29




RiU.K_cr-TI<ird Pioc>T

Quolity Percale s and Gin ghams . Som e hand embroid er .. d, ric-rae, braid t ri ms.



Dress Coats! .. Afternoon Dresses of $43.50 Georgette!

Rare Savmgs in

Apron Dresses, 79c



Rike-K umler's , in Dayton . the geogra phical bub of the Miatni Valley invites the Entire Valley to Join in Celebra ting 73 Yean this Territo ry. Saving s of Extrao rdinary Impod ance to Every of Service to Dayton and Ho~e are Brough t Within Your Reach! _ 111ia Page of Strikin lit the Remar kable Array the First Great Day Brings ! The g Values Just Hint. M...gnitwie of this Sale and tbe Ease of Access to Rike-K umler's mak e of Rike-l';:umler' s the Hub of Interes t and Saving s these by rail or road will Truly next Two Week. ! To PI' Y Homag e to Those Older lReside nb of Thia Valley Photog raphs, taken by Airplan e, we believe for the First Tune, W a tched this r'Qre Grow, an Old Fashio ned Tea Party will Who Have will be be Held the Exhibi ted in our Windo ws and form a Miami Valley Aisle" Aftern oon of March 16, at Memor ial Hall, Da.yton . Tickeb . throug h the free of charge , Center of' the Store on the St reet Floor. Here photog raphs may be ob tained at the Utility Desk .Ioca ed on tile Street Floor, of for your will be exbibit ed togethe r with its early and pre sent history your town conven ience. . You may obtain a pbotog raph if you wish, free of cbarge.

H ave pleated flo unce a nd Rhadow proof hem. All popular shades . Sizes .36 to 42.

'' "'1


Mi a1 1a i Va lle y.. ,





1 :1

organs, Three si:es. All druggla tl.lnaIa


- - - - - -_ _

• • •






FO RO V, . .. zoo YE AR S'

Huuy !lilY" why rl n't Frull c hin' h11rlcH POII:d ful' M inisln uf l"rance.

Pastor- "An d what dbc~ YOU1' futhe r usulIHy sny. wh cn he says /!:I'IlCU b • fore ea tlll g? " "Oh: nbllllL th,'cc or four t i m e~ B we ek lie gays, " Good Lord! Beulls again !" _ _ __ _ _- _ _


All Wool Jeney , $1.59

54 .inches wide. Choice of ftftaeen sport/! !!hades.

Crepe Satin, Only $1.98 '

A bealltitul quality of _terIe l in 21 new eokriDg•.

A .... ond.rCul A b n I ve r a a. r y value ! Goh l et8, eberbet &, Icec, rU\.rtaJtB .... ooclc-

Printed s.tin, Now 89c um....

SDk aDd cotton priata for 15pa~8. ' "

' tal hi In &'Tl! eD,

amber. CI\Il&r1, aftd Be ..... ndy .lladu.

. III Piece


·Cottoo-Wool Blenh t,.$2049'·

Set, $38

navulaD ohiDe In Deat .....p , Coin lIold ed«_ ........ttIIoral It........ A ' DWtonel ou value



at ,sa.

F - . 71c

BU...... or PI« Iia..... "'-erw . 0 .... _ It",lrba. loc.l...,...

..,.. Plllre,,"" ....... _, ooIaft,

"_r ""


1aJMaIr. . . . . " . .. .






wool · aDd coUae nM '

In Wock ,)IIaicIII. 8IeIIO '


\ I



Mra. Georl!:e Hamilto n spent Wed, neaday in Dayton.

..,... HOIl"'1 ¥lfe--"T h.t fish you ~ath~r-in-law to son-ill-l aw: "I IOld me ., It rdny askt'd YOII h re t<) tell Y(lU I 10 t all n't fresh I" Vendo '.'Well, it'" ),'our faull, nil' money." . mad. I I be.en· trl'ln' til git you to "Or at Scott I Then 1 did marry b~y It lor II W t'k." fOI' 10\'0 1I Her [1111"



Mr. and 101rrs. F. M. Cole were In Cincinn ati, Tuesday . ~.

Ml's. Ada 8ale, Of' Snit Lake City. is visiting relative s here. lIfr. JOhn Fromm 'lI~Id family ~peDt . lI1iss Alibill Graham , of Springb oro. is 'undny in DIl}'ton. • · , visiting relative s here. t

Spring Goods

New Spring showing of Wall PoNew Spring showjnll' of Wall P a- pel'S at low prices, tit Hy man's. nt low prices. lit Hyman' s.


Our Stock of Sprin g Good s is the Most Com plete we ha ve Ever Carr ied. You will Find in Our Store a Com plete Line of GARDE N TOOLS BUCKE YE INCUB ATORS BUCKE YE BROOD ER S HEDGE TRIMM ERS TR EE PRUNE RS LAWN SEEDS KITCHE N UTENS ILS COAL OIL ST<;)VES GASOL IN E STOVE S


With Righ t Price s, Cour teous Trea tmen t and Exce llent Servi ce, you will Enjo y Trad ing Here .

Fred M. Cole

Hardw are, Harne ss and Farm Mach inery Wayn esville , Ohio


Bri ng y~ur Eg gs to Kro ge r

Kenneth KUbon, of Dayton. hilS Wh en r ou want coal oil for your been here se'veral clays this week. IlIlIIPS (Ind incubato rs, sce J. C. Hn\V k~ .

Mr . and Mrs. Carl Dabb Bpent S un Florenc e Huddle , of Madison - dny with relat ives near Bellbroo k. "ille, is visiting Mr. ·and Mrs. W. S. ,)"a ham. Mr. Brown and family have m oved from Third street t o Alpha, Ohio. Qucen Esblcrs of the M. E. chu rch will hnve a market in the Sides room, MrS. Lillie Harris, of Middlet own, SuturdllY, March 13 . is vi siting her s ister. Mrs. Jesse Burton. Mr. nnd lIfrs. W. S. Grahnm and k Mrs. F lo"e nce Huddle spe nt Monday Mr. and lIfrs. Geo rge Hartsoe with friends in Lebanon . spenL Tu esday wit h friends at Lebnnon. ,lu st received {l new shipment of Sprin!!, Linolcu ms nnd Hugs, at low Coal oil espeCially adapted for lamps und incubato rs. prices. at Hymun' •. Sec J. C. Huwke. J OR ph Key. or hi c ago~ wa" here Inst wee k to >1\ tend the fun eral of 1\1 iss Allie Frume is t he !!'uest of hi. b"oth er-in-Iow, Mlltthcw .1. Salc. her sisler , Mrs. Margar et Martin, in Dayton. "Lavern e ," Mrs. Wi lson , will entertain you with ballad s inging and blue Mr. and Mrs. Ed Woollllr d !l'.'d songs; ulso novelt~' numb er s. ever y Miss Lucy Emley were Dnyton VISIt Thursd ny evening , at Miami theater. ors. Suturdll Y· I l'S.

We are now read y to serve you with

.Ae.r ole ne Oils

- An option to .,urehas , 80 per aellt of the Ktock in the V nlley Tel phone compan y is said .to hllve been .a cquired by A. E. HIllhou se, of Columbus. \'Y. G. Thomps on, c.lUnse l fol' the compan y nllli a lur!!'l' stockoh ldur . declured lhnt th e option ha~ not bo n I taken up by ·Mr. Hillh ouse. but t hllt I an otTer WIIS mn<l e to him. I\ll'. Thompson slIid that he controll ed 80 t pe r cent "f th .. stock und ha" fOl· .


Ae ro Gasoline Also agen ts for the celeb rated

Y 'urs, renu w in2' his op tiOl1 onc h ye~r I H e said fu r ther thLlt ea" h yeur at this

timE' per s ll n ~ suekin~ utilities com ll8-_ ny stock l1lukc inrlUII'i cs f!l r lhis telepllOnc compan y stoc k here. I !l is th oultht. how('vH . thllt noth- ' lrig will come of this deal fo r the I sllle of t hl' slock nnd lhllt no changes ! nre ant~~pate~



AT THE CHURCHES ST. MARY' S CHURC H Sun'dny, Murch J 4. Fourth in Ll'n t, Church Scho'" at !l :30 u. 111 . 1\I 0rn· ing Prllye r and Scrmon at 11 :00 o'clock. t,;ve rybody welcome. Rev. J ohn J. Schacff er. Rector.

Waynesville Ove rl3nd Sales CO. H. Arch d eacon r.


FERRY. CHURC H OF C HRIST l\1orni ng ~crvice !l :30; RilJle School.

C0ll1n1uni on nnll SCl"Illon. Evening I Mrs. E. V. Barnha rt , of Cincinn ati . se The Woman 's Auxiliar y wi ll meet .." i,·e. 7 :00. All nre welcome to with Mr~. Anna Cadwul lader and wus the guest of Miss Emmtl Heigh- our meeting .. We invite you. 1\1rs. E. L. Thollllls on Friday after· way, Friday night. Nothllll Johnson, Minister . nelon. lI1n r('h 12, lIt the hOllle of Mrs. l'cl'I'Y TbolllllS, S up!. Ildwalln der. Sec the Wilson' s in their funny sketche s at Miami theater, every M rs. ar Ies Rye. Mrs. Viol" Carey Thu rsday evening . METHO DiST CHURC H Messrs. Frank nnd J esse. Thomas arSabbath Sc hoo l, 9 :15 o. m. , preach· rived horne Friday ni g ht after tourMrs. Nettie Keple r , of New Vieng at 10:30 u. m. Epwort h Leagu e ing Alnbnm a. Florid" and other na, spent Su'!day with Mr~. Ollie 6in:15 p. m. Prellchin!!' at 7 :00 p. m.. Souther n statc·s. Davis anti fOl'lll ly. Wed nesday evening Prllyer meeting , 7 :30. Everybo dy in vited to theso Just r eceived 0 new s hipment of services." Mrs . Frank H . Lon!:'. of Columb us. p .. ing Linolcu ms and Rugs . at low was the !!'uest of hl'l' sister, lIf rs. H. Rev. L. A. Wash burn. J'astor. . R. William so n. last week. On Tues- prices. ut H YrlIwn's . day 8he had as he r dinner guests at the Friends Home, the followin g lalIf r. Ilnd Mr R. Harry McGi nn is, fo~. A baby show was held in Clevedies: Mcsdnm s Wi lliamson , W. H . merly of Lytle, have become res I- land and the winning baby was not Allen, J. n. Cartwri ght. ,1. G. Smith. dents of Wa ynesv ille. announc ed for a week latter. We supMisses Emma He ighwllY lind I\tuy Jl ll ~ e thllt wus to a llow the. judges Wri g ht. After dinn er they r epaired Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Ox ley, of T I'oy, anlple til, :e to take refuge III Canto the home of Mrs. S1l1ith and whiled were he re Sat urday for the funeru ad,. l the after noon I1way playing bridge, of lIfrs. Mary .C askey. sC'ated before an opcn wood fire. NOTICE OF APPOIN TMENT Mrs. Beryl Hamilto n, of Wilming t on. was the l~ u es t last week of her Estate of Mary Caskey, decease d. moth er, Mrs. :Seth Coo k. Notice is hercby give n that Fred A. Caskey has bee n duly appointe d Mi~e5 Mildred Hole and Mary and qualified as adminis trator of the Hunt were week-en d guests of Miss- estate of Mary Caskey, late of WarCII Elsie ond Doris Hawke. r en countYI Ohio. decease d. Dated thI S 9th day of March, 1926. Master Milt-on Graham spe nt the W. Z. ROLL, Jud ge of the Probate Co urt, week-en d ill .D&yton, the g uest of 24 Warren County. Ohio.m his au nt, Mra. Rulph Lewis.



Je••I, pouad .... .... .. ~........... ..... .39c:

47 c

Golden S anto., pound .. ... .......... .33c

ONION SETS ~e:~:~'for •.• 23 c

After noon Eveni ng


Pure, Open Kettl e Rend ered, 2 poun~. for . • , • • Coun try Club, 24 ~-lb. sack for


33 c

. $1 .29

01 .



EalfD~ BraDd, Ib ..........22c ~!~~~~all 15c Chul'D. old Ib ......... ... ...... ........ .. Half pound can .. . ... .... ...... ...... ... 12c caa ........





pouad ........ Cured. pound ..... .... ................ ... 33c:


1D48 boan after leavlD a the shell the eldck ..

relldY for

Ce.~Tsnlll Bu tte rln ilk

14c. ~~~~. :~~~. $·1.55 Starting Feed 25c ~~~~~ Cu~ecI. 32c

Crack ers Butter. '· Soda or' ()Y.t.r. Ib.... :......



~~b~pouad...............:............. .......... lOcI,..,.. ....... I4c Oats .'

Bulk Roll.d or 0'......1; 3 lb ............ ..: ,...

1 0'


10 Ib . .... .... ................. ....... 63c

Feed It for 8 weeks.

Ib .... .. Calli........... ........... ................ .. 24c


C ~~~~~?~~b... . . . .. 48c Sweela. 4 pound ............. .. ........ .. 22c

ConkeY's 18 low In fibre and Just right in protein. eelentifical1y c0l'!~t. Does not injure or overtax the 8eDSltiYe cllaestive apparatu a. C..,nkey's Ie the Original Bllttennillr Starting Feed. It il made by the Conkey Original Proce81l, In which Seml-Sou.. Butterm ilk is thoro~gb1y Incorporated with other ingredienl& ConkeJ's Poultry Book free.

Waynesville Farmers' Exchange Company Pbo•• 25

Wayae •."iIle. Ohio

r~ ' ------------------------------~~------------~~----~-------


You KtvOW ~-rHt 'PUR1)Y~:'_rtlty ARE 11lt <sREATO AME~ICAN NEIGHBOR,/ -mEY LNE'ON MAIN ~ffiftr




Perso nally direct ed by

JOHN G. ROB:NSON, The ircos King This is a. Real Circu8 with Elep hants 'Nev eryth ing Admission, 50 cent •

Ticket s may be secured from either 'J. O. Cartw right, Presi dent, or Walte r McCl ure, Secre tary, of the Waynesville Shril e Club.


---_ .


M a so n T ir e s Jll~~e of

Hylastic Co rd

F . A. Caskef' of W8I!b.ington D. C., Is sp~ ndi ng tbm week wiUi ·b.~ g randmother. Mrs. Hannah Antrsm .



FOR' SALE Miss Mildred .C lark, of Centerv ille. visited hel' pare nts, Mr. and Mrs. WilFOR SA'LE~'hree cows: one fresh bur CIJI.rk, Saturda y and Sunday . with calf by her side ; .twp will be George Thomps on , of Lovelan d. fresh soen; good one~. Dan Mprgan ·Jl)~7 Mr. and Ml'II. Ol'yillN G.ray and daugh R. D. 2. Lebanon , Ohio. tel'. Barbara . ",'ere Sun4.""1 .g uests of FOR SALE- Cyp her s incubato r, 240 Mr. and Mrs. J . M. ThOJnpc!9n.. egg, nearly chick, No-Cold new.Brooder 1M I rs·OSstove, h·. lIf. hBur 500Call for Kodel Radio demonl tra· R. 1 Spring Va ey, 10, Jl one . - - - - -tum. Tire vulcaniz ing shop. casing. 517 .Centerv ille, o. · m10 .fro!» ,2.59 \I\>. B~tery chorgin g. Telepb~ 71.. ,F• . M1J.,LS.



~~~~~~~;;_~~~ .. _ ~ ~~~ ___ ---"-'--' ~~~ __ '--~~~ _~~ , ~~~ ~ ==z:; ~~~:::JiC. ~[



A party of yQuna- J'rie.nda IJr\lve t,.o LOST~A kit of tool8. between LYRichmo nd. Ind." Sunday »1o}'lli.!g. to tie attend a meetjng .o f the yg~g office and Wa)tnellville. Leave at this . mlO FriendJ! Group of Indian" YeM'W ' , . Meeting . , " ,. Frankli n Packer attended Q\larter Iy Afeetlng at RichmoJid l loll" ,th!j week-en d) and Included a visit .witli frien ds In Pendlet on, I n(l" f;leto]:!1 l'eturnin g home. . The regular meeting of t.he Friend.s hip cJDSs will be /leld at t he home of Mrs. C. W. Youllice on Tw!J!day after, noon. March 16, iJJlltelid ot the 10, as previou sly onlnoun ced. "Jake" in his t unny monolog s with lots of good j o1,cs and stories. /It.o pal'odies aod coon 80ng8, introduc in g IHl itz clog. soft shoe and buck da ll eing, at Mja mi theater every Thundll Y evening . Mr. ond Mrs. Alvin Simpson and da ug hter enterts&ined Monday evening t he followin g g uests: Mrs. Harold Orsborn Bndl son, Misses Helen GuUday) . Gladys Adams, Mamie Adams, Margar et Shuler, Lena Sbuler, Evelyn Nealy, Raymon d Adams, of Waynes ville and lIfr. Willard M. Astin, of Cynthia na. Ky.

Mj~m' Theater eve~ TIlUrsday ev_ ening . . Mllr" h/ln#<II Adverti sing Cam. paign. Several ILrti~Je8 me,cMn . dise will be given .woy "' Jlatr@~;r p'~ the above theater every 'l'hunihiy night Be Bure and come. You may take oway Bome, of the valuabl u. Every one has all equal chance.



Clea ranc e Sale 5t~U

G9in g On

Special Sale, Saturday ~ oo

8.1>011" , 'IV<n tb will be . old Itt

rra " d

s· 750:,

37e each

With each 50c pllrcha. e.


Sal ted Pea nuts 15c: a pound

L. A. ZjmQ le~~1lI1 P..... If-. -

"Il, _.



. ' New Spring IlJlowing of Wall PaSu••p , " " " • •ad...... . ral,, ' IQ lit. pen at low prices, at Hyman' s. ' E,.... E,... to Lllht" I.· E,.•• or E,.elid•• Stt-i. T.ltch la. of E,..lIdo, S.eia. Doubl.. Ar. . CHEAP ER Cro.. -.,..d. Burnla . or litchin. of ___ -0' Lid •• Blurrla . Vi.loa 81 ' ,.011 . . Poor Vi.ioa either F&i' or, I'J jUlt saw a doctor snd be said, I H . .rt' Ac~lo., la·d l ••• t-Ioa or. IhoulQ 8p Ul E i'irope for my health'I~~:~'~:~:~~ Iblak of What ·"" yiJu .Jing.... ?:,' YOUR EYES , · C · La lal ,. '."1 .7itrte~ fn~~r ,d~':: ., atASSEst

. -.

\Su per tw ist Th e Re al 'Di sco ver y"

We are still payin g the highe st prices for Poultry.- Call us when you Rave any Poult ry to sell

Mrs. J. O. Cartwri ght entertaine~ with A n/>l>lIdoy luncheo n, sat"ur~'~, witn, fIIiSIj A~~ M!liMitP., of .9TJs .:natl, 88 g uest 0' lrqllBl". gtl~er In ed guests weFe MiiB. W alter Whl~lie&-; Mrs. KejJer Jlo~Ii, ~!P.~ MIP.I~­ Mra. J. W, ~a1!l.!lr.!l.i. MI'!. tro~~l Howh. Jlrt, ~, p. ffen~, ! M. RobitzeJ '. )fp. W. Ii . .AlJen, TiJIH OlJve Allen and .MIaa Hay WFllht.



Antioch Temple, Nobles of the Mystic Shrine

T/le p!lr~ner§ hip her.etofo re existMr. ond Mrs. Peter Demas and ing bepw@ell the pncJ!ll1'lgned as Sears children , of New Vienna. spent Sun. & Cartwrig ht i "h4ireby 4issolvep, by mutual consent . . dJay with Ollie Davis and family. . W. N. SEARS. J. O. CARTW RIGHT St. Mary's Guild will . meet with Mrs. Jarn~ McClur e on Thursda y afternoon . MaJ'&P 11, at 2 o'clock.

CUfto. · U~·lb••• ack ....... ....... ...... ...... .......................... .. .... $1.19

3:15 8:15

Unde r the Auspi ces of

---_. ---- --

Miss Annn Meredit h, of Clncinn llti, wos a week-e nd guest of Mr. /lnG Ml'II, J. O. Curtwri ght and daughte n.

Day ton

We ek of Ma rch 22

---_. -_.-- --

Frenc h Brand , Per poun d

Fair grou nds



:Iil·:rtl ,:


Thllll'M lQ

G. H.


' BRO~ 'r

JH ..... .;A,..,I.

. . p~

The most impo rtant adva nce in the tire. in. the 'first cord tire appe _red i.

au~try ,inc~ S(lpettrP.l~f·

:. . . ... - - -.

~004Y~I1r.. , remalrk~~1e 9t?~ co!-'4 f~bri~ Jh~~ fq'¥~~. Jh.e b~lIoop tare hrgfi~ Pfe*!q~ §tr~R,~b ~~~h l().~!"pr~I.~e buorap~e: . ()nlffJoP4,e~f ' Tjrt;8 ~r-~ ·"'~il~ 'Wj~Jl ~'!B!f= fuJ .

I,• , " .


,·Rem embe r that, ' and then consi der the low price l we . are a8ki~g for Good year. Bal• . loons.'ll lee the e~tra .v alue. . .

.Wayn~svi.lle·_·Motor ~O• f~Op; tQ~ '. Wayneavine, Ohio

'*' \l:iiiIi~!iiiWiiiiii;i~~;;p;;o;~~~~jijiiii;~;;;;;;;;;;;~!ll!iillraIJ


Seventy-l<;ighth Year


This r



- -:' ~ 4 ~

Whole N umber 5692






.. ".", . ",",_"",,&t

~ ";., a.__



This is written with scenery. On the left the s un is sinking, un Arizonu sunset. Come out he re, jf yuu want to know it loo ks. On the left the moon is up, gaining color, as tho sun goes down. And from this spot you could walk a few feet, then jump down one mile. This is th e Grand Canyon of the ' Colorado, with its thousands of tow en, mountui ns, f orts eaks of every shae and color rising u form th e cunyon's floor one mlle down. The western horizo n is n rim of gold, the JareweJl effort and defiance of tho sun, rolling down to Chinu. And the canyon below is changing itK (lolors and shadow8, obedient to fading 8unlight and growing moo nlight. It would be worth your while to see that. Shadows . and bands of color a mile bigh, exposed laycn of old earth that took mUJions of :enturles to build, laid bare 'by the rushing waters, each with its color imd churacter, each an open book to the geologist, showing exact age as plainly as you read it in a painted face. A genuine artist with Boul, temperament 'a n'd similar things, would be sick and probably fai nt if he could look up from these typewritten lettera, t arefully padded with rubb'ir, toward the enat and west. Below tne pale moon, almost full, the sky is a dark rose purplo, Below the purple there is a dark broad band of heavy blue. The moon, Q.uee n of h eaven, rides in triumph on a colored throne as wide as the sky. Somebody should warn owners of miJ1s in Passaic that they arc running risks. This nllt ion was interested wh en gas bombs first appear ed in the big war. It wiU not be l1lease.d to henr of employers fljthting a strike, l,:gal in characte r, us nll gus bombs ugal r. st their \Vorkel's, and t urnin g heavy strenms of cold wuter on wO lllen und ehiluren, 'when teal' gos b iied 0 do th e work. Now tho workers have bo ught two thousand gas mnaks to be. ready for the next attack, which is 1I0t pleasunt r eading in this prosperous r ep ublic, We are doing pretty· well here,industrialists are not exactly starving to death. They should warn these Passaic idiots against upsettinjr the apple Gart. Employers bave considerably miJre to lose than employees in the 91 y!..0Jel'lce;



. A W~ington £lispatch says

the Prf!sld~J). 'A~ ' 9ab!ne~ disC;l;Issed the Wall .tr~ IIflml, ~n,4 '!~re§ldellt Coolidge let It b, lmoWl) ~})~t n.e le l~ there waa nothing Wein&' p111~e !~ t)l'l bUllinesa 'rorld lIymptomatic ot " !e~ up in the present prosr,erity." The q-ouble, just 'nervous pro~: P!lrity' 'among tholll! of the gambleril, N~: ' ' ,j~ of their own profits. II, revised income tax rate will b nl h~iuJN$l!l of millions out of th.e jnc:ome-t!l~ Jlrf.'9f n!>n~taxable secuntie., and bUlLillt!JI§ W!!J \Ioo.m more than ever, You read of young Amorleanll gobUf 'to the ' dogs via the Charleston, jag .~d· lIoot)~g whisky, Then Sal!l-

»_1 )Soorp, .s9yen~en-:X!!ar-9Id eaptam

Double Tragedy Is Caused by Jealousy Mrs Lulu Taylor, 39 yeurs old, of 912 EaHt Third street, Dayton, WIIS sho t to death at her hom e early Friday morning by Archie hilcll'l's, 5 ·1, who t he n ~ h<,t unci killec i himself. Mrs. Tuy lor di ed li S she \VIlS be ing card ed to II city umbu la nce. Chi lde rs \V a., dcad whell found by other ro omer s who heard th o shots. Without war ning u "hClt rung out, scrcm ms follow ed und the slumm ing of u door Ilccornpu ni ed by fO llr 1I1 0re shots e" den ill profound sile nc e. Room ers in thil hou se wenl down stu irs and found ul the f oo t of th e s tairs lItrs. Ta ylor in an unconscious condition, bleedin g prof usely frolll wounds, one two inches below t he le ft cal' and th e' other neur her heart. Child ers wus fuund dead on t he floor of th e r esta urllnt kitch ~n with ~ bullet through his hpad. The rC'volve r, lin Clld typ e of as-cali ber. lny by hi ~ side. The chu mbcl' contained only e mp ty sho1ls. According- to Grun t , :t r oomer, Childe rs wus jealous of Mrs. Taylor's nttruction for oth er men . The jenlousy theory und the fact th ut the mUJ'der-suicid e WIlS planned was confirmed by hw not es found in th e dead man's pockets by the cor o-

ncr.. " J3rokpn-hL'ar ted, can't live," Wus the cr~' f1 Lk ex planation on one of the d il1.y unci turn hits of writing paper. The other, th uugh a lmos t illegible, \\'It" deciphel'ed as fo llows : "Tired of li fe, ca ll JllcClu ro, single. companion, dJ'aw (ill egible), so n, nam" J us. Chi lde ,'s on Leu stre et bllck of old MnxwI!ll plant." 'l'hey wore both sig ned "Arch Chi lders." A re lt Chi lrl crs , with his wife, now nivnl'cecl, I1nd who lives in Waynesvi lle tak in g care of her two gra ndchilc.Jren, form erly li ved on Route 3, on a fa rm. He hud been a rolling stone for several ye urs, und had been \,Cl'y fond of drinkin g. MI·s. Taylor with her hu sband, also live d on Route 3, on Ceasa r's creek. : he had been ma rried before s he met Tay lor, but had sec ured a divorce. Here she first m et Childers and the two became uttracted to each other . Ch ilders wes very jealous of her, und is the direct cliuse of the murder-suicide. Mrs. Lulu Taylor was buried in Duyton, and Childers' bodv was bro ught to Wuynesvolle Monday brought to Waynesville Monday mor ning and interment was made in Miami cemetery.


Plea.sant Social Eventl

Th e Women's Auxiliary mot on Friday afternoon, Murch 12, ut th o home of Mrs. Cadwallader , Mrs. E. L. Thom as and Miss Lile ' acting with Mrs, Cadwalladcr us joi nt hogtesscs. Mrs. Cadwallader o pened the meeting and -<:onducted the devotional se rvice. Scriptural quotations were given In response to roll call. After a short busi ness sessio n the r eading of " China's Real Revolu tion" was continued by members ~resen t. At the close of tHe reading, <Wher e the Ri ver Shannon 'Flows," was played on the Victrola. A readin g by Miss Louise Henderso n, "Me und Jim ," was well 'l'endered. Twl,l more musical selections closed th e prog ram, "Holy City" lin d the beauti ful festiva l "Te Deum," by Dudley Buck .. . During the social hour. delicious r efr shments were served by the hostesses, assisted by Mies lIial'y Thomas. 'rhe f ullowjng visitors were present:. Mrs. J. L. lII e ndenhall, lItrs. Sanborn, Mr '. Meridith , Adams, 1is.~ 1\ ary l'hOllllls, Mi ss Laura McKinsey , Miss LouiMe lIe:tderson an d ; lIi tle II1iss Marjorie };dwards. I - -

- -' - .



\Vorl,,'. record. . 1,hat :fouAg gentJeman, it sounds IJnpellevable, made tbre" . t.housand & bu)lse)l:es ~etw~on eigbt ")lllock In the mornmg and five in the ClVen}ng, N!lltlier Charleston nor preJIlJShJre ~oot~Jt has !,uin~g that younll ~',II. nIlTVIl,' , . remen,"

etery, Wedncsday, Maroh 8. Mr, Harnish and hia family were, several yeaJ'tl ago, residents of Waynesville. He was a c~iage painter and w·o rked for the la'te Peter Eberly. Later he operated n grocery store. A musician of ability, he was conductor of the WaY9e8ville band, which organization attained quite a 1'bt world ~ be n mp~h explored of profl.c iency, ~n~er his lead',IIlnee and bll'ore the ifllY~ 01 Marco> ership. J>o(o, and the' expJorllJJ gae/! on. Ten ·Il... pesij~jon. ~~e aboJlt to Jtart for the polar r,egjonll, lIome to ftnd the Pole H~ppy H9Uf Haln, ~J\.ii 4Aers ~o seek new lands, jlnd, Jl!!!rh.apjl, ,0U, go~, e~. Others The Happy Hour club was delight~ IJP In fbe jnte,e!ts 01 ,,~lence . . fully ontllrtained at · their regular In Q~a4a lro se}) 1'P!'d' are paj:ked March meeting by Mrs. Israel Satterwj~ gold se,ekelll defymg t)lo temper thwaite at her home, 2222 Wayne ~.twe 11ft>' degree, ~eLow zero, i~ 'a Avenue Dayton, Seventeen members l nelll gold rll!!.": gold ,,~kers, mUllh~l)g made tne trip to ' be present. Mrs. In 4pg Jltll!la, 'rli,ing to the neW strIke H. Sattertllwajte as president wbere Il,.o ,d ~II ~I)owjnr. · over a Bt~etch hl the. ab8en~e of acted tlle reg.ular officer, Df eOlllitqflve JDjle~ In length, with The proll;ram. c.ommittlle had arIrO.od crQund atlJI un,sta1!;e~." It won't 'ranged ·a n intercstinr ' program of ,"~II :~iI~"e~ J Opig: '~ily readings, an historJcal sketch of Wm. and ~eopl_ .. ~~Yll 8! ' w!t~n .you cry Dean Howel1s 'lind ,' eontesU! ··which were ' remlnilicent · of 810:' Patrick, , ~. were joy{ully·~ n f.ered- ·lIla. ' , . The .. ,refrpshlllell t : Q!>ursc!! "erv,e d dllri n J the . 9 tal' Jio~r ~~~~ e:Xllellent and. the afternoon an altQl{ether .pl~ one, The host.elll" ' slater, Mn. and 'Mrs, Harold , Burge and chiildli'e.n ' ~ere o~her Da.~n ·gU'8st8i. . >-







"111" . . .' '". ____.

- ---...

"Peck vs. Peck"

• During th e lust two weeks the Gl'utlc Buskctbrnll tuurnament gumes haV e held the i nt cl'cst of th e schoad during the n ooll1 hour, with the following results : Boy. First--MI'. Wi lso n's 8th Grud e. Secon d- Mr. Cutl er's 7th Gradc. Third- lI1 iss Fea ly's 6th and 7th Grades. Fourth- Mr. Harlan's 8th Grade. Girl. First--Mr. Harlan's Bth Grade . Scco nd- Mr. Cutler's 7th Grade. Third~Mr . Wilsoll' s Sth Gra de. Fo urth- MisSI F ealy's 6tb und 7th Grades. Elizabeth Brlln str at or gave an unusuu\)y inter review of Yeat's "Lund of Heurt's Desire," Ilt the regular Alethenai Literary meeting last weck. Thc plc,t deals with the i'1 fiu ence of the church on t he home life of an Irish Catholic fumily. As soo n as the cross is r emoved from the scene, sin elnters and unhappin ess r esults. Miss Kelse y, Mary Margaret Unglesby and Fmnces H enkl e attended the last se ri es of three dramatic meetings held at Lebanon, und er State s uperv isiion. "Make-Up and Lig hting Effectn" wer e the top ics discussed. The Normal calS!! ga ve one of their usual fin e pro~r rams last Friday to tbe s ch ool. A com'et solo by Carl Gray was fo llowed by the pre'Bentati on of a c.\ever- farce, the setting of which was la id in a court room . The "Peck vs. P eck" suit proved to be th e cause of the jury asse m~lage , wh ich consisted of J ews, Irish, negroes und various otfter types. Miriam West skilfu),)y played the part of t,he terribly.,injured Mrs. Peck, seeking divorce on g rounds of cruelty, lind non-support. OIu Hartsock and Kathlee n HendE!r son us giddy young flapp ers, Kenne'lh St John. and Ruth Karr as attornelV8 for their respective defe nda nts, Clelm ent Satterthwaite as ·Mr. Peck and E:dna Mullen as builiff were especia lly fine in their portraya ls. The Senior class hus charge of the prog ram next 'Thursday. They are working on a "Mock Commencement," in prepnration for the event that comes once in a lifetime. Every one is invited,


The r egular meeting of Massie Grange . met hn r egular session in Harveysburg ha:H, March 9, with the n 'w master, Wm. · Lukens, in the chu ir. • The Co unty Home Demonstration Agent, Sister Nellie Watts, and Marie Benh um, of Lebanon, g range were with UE' and demonstrated games for amusement and recreation. The officers that had not been Installed wer e pr~!sent and were installed. Twelve old members were reinstated and ther<a is a prospect of sevLyman Silver, who wus budly in- eral new ones. Light refreshments were served and ju red a few wee ks ago when he fell fr om an electric light pole after cpm- all enjoyed a profitable meeting .. ing in co ntact with a high tension ------~-.~.-------wire, is in a very serious condition in t he Espy hospital, Xenia, and his physiciuns have no hope of his re_ _ _ _ _ 4_ _ _ __ covery, . The memb4!l'1~ of the V(~inl!sviUe Shrine cluj! allll\ their famil\es will RECEIVER' S ~A,LE attend thll Wjnt~f CirCUli Ilt *he {lay. tlln ~a ir Gl'oul!\d~ on friday evollA r llceiver 's sa le of t!le property of ing, March 26th, the S]lperior ' Puper . \lo mpaitr. ot The clr~u8 is fllr ~verybodf and Franklin wus held l us~ week. H(Jw- Wa~ne!lvil1e Pilople are invited to Ivins of Lebanon and FDed B. join the club on that evening. 7.Rrt.n,,,n . of Frankli n, were ~h e ieArrangements QD,U be made and tickets sec ured Jrrom Walter MeOlure.



Amos HM'ltlsh who will


A program ~o r the. benefit of the Mothers club WIll be glV 11 at the Gym Th ursday veiling, \I1'lTC'h 18. The orma l clasR will pre ~e l1t n play entitle d, " 1'" 'k V8 . P ck," T he sce ne I is in a COUI·t roo m whc l'e a divorce trial is in J1J'og r c8~. T he Jli J? h 'choo l Glee club an d ol'chcstrll \ ' ill furCllsh the music. Admission, 25 an d 15c.

Lust Thu rsday night, the second boys' temn of W. H. S. we nt t o Harveysb urg wherc they defeated that High School team by a score of 8 to 7. The game was inte r esting despite the fact that they hud 1I 0t playod u game for sevel'al weeks. The girls of W. H. S. lost a hard fought game to Monroe Girls ut the Tri-Oounty tournament at r~rankJin, laat Friday nig ht, by a score. of 12 to 13 . At Monroe the M. H. S. girls defeated the' W. H. S. girls and at Waynesville our gi rls deleatod the Monro \' g irls, so the game was a close conte.l K.

bered by many 6f dux- older Oltizen~, 01 the .hjg)lIP~oQl rille ~am at New- died at Springfield on l'IIonday, March ton, .MUI, .requl',ll§ you with his new 1, and was buried in Ferncllfl' cem ~

A delightful even t of the past week was the noonduy luncheon g ive n Saturday by Mrs. Charles M. R obitzer und her sister, Mrs. Merle Kerns of Col umbus, at the hom e of Mrs .. Robitzer, honoring their mother, Mrs. J . D. Marlutt. St. Patrick's color was chosen for the deco ration which adorned the beuutifu lly appointed tab le, und t he place cards a nd f avors were mounted on shamrockB. The three-course menu, ub ly served by thl" hostesses and Mi ss Beatirce Robitzer, was sumptuous an d excellent. During t he afternoon contests affor ded a g reat deal of amusement, and piuuo solos and a doet, well rendered by !\Irs. Kerns and !\Iiss Beatrice, we.r e very much enjoyed by the guests. Those Invited were Mrs. J . D. Marlatt, Mrs.. L. A. Washburn, Mrs. Walter McClure, Mrs. Amelia Willi ams, Mrs. Laura Zell, Mre. Kate Coleman, Mrs. J. W. Wh ite, Mrs. J. L. Hartsock, Mn. Edith Harris, Mrs. . Laura Mosher, Mrs. Sarah Murray, Mrs. R. G. CrossL J\1 rs. J. O. Cartwright and Mrs. D. L. Cralle.


Spring Chic

No Hope For Recovery

Will Attend Ciroqe


· j

i·...Interesting ···..·••..··•····· .. Items


from the ~

State . (aoltal


Prepared by Columbus Reporter



Fashion, usua\)y so frivolous ill her dictates, takes a new tum by creating thia practical sp ort hat of draped ~ro sln'ain ::bbon in brown , with a narro w red band as it's only trimming. One of the practical fea tures of tJtIs hat is that it can be c~ without damage.

Rev. Dr. S. Parkes Cadni~n has been pastor of the Cent",1 Congre. gational Church in Brooklyn for 25 years. The anniversar y event was celebrated with a great ovation. President Coolidge sent congratulation.s., The con gregation presented Dr. Cadma n with a purse of $25,000, n thousand dolJars for every year of service.

PHYSICIAN'S WIFE SUCCUMBS TO PASSES AWAY HEARl DISEASE Mrs. Josephine Bradford Hartinger wife of Dr. William M. Hartinger, of Spring Valley, di ed at her hom e at 6 o'clock MondRY morning. Mrs. Hartinger had beell ill for about a year, and was confined to her bed for several months. She is survived by her husband and two cbildron, Joan, aged 3and Nancy! aged fourteen months . Funeral servIces were held Wednesda~ at 10 o'clock at the home after whi ch the b!>dy was taken to Pomeroy for buna\.

CO LUJlIB US, OHIO- A new rec(I rd in thc number of Ohio owned a ut omob il es is j:t'oing to be manP. within another GO Jays if th " pn'se nt dema nd for th e LU2 G li ~ ('n 3 e tags continues. acc<lrtiinl{ to Thad H. Brown, Secretary of Sta te. TJ1 P numher of tags ilircad y di s tribu t ~d i ~ ful' above that of this same date a year ago. Distributing agencies ar e sen ding in for more of the tugs which arc being promptly 3hi pped. While deniers every wh ere report increased sa lc ~ of both ne w ancl used cars, th ousands of the ' purc hasers be ing this year for the fll'st tim e car ownerB. As a ll monie. received from th e so Ie 0 f th e tags goes directly into the county trea'sury for the 11U1'pose of maintaining hi g h\\,I1Ys, th ere is e ve ry reason to believe thl1t this, along with that of the gasoline tax money will enable every vill uge und city of the State to put thei r st reets und roadways in the best ThQusands of possibl e condi tIon. men will be put at this work of repairing highways just a~ soon ~ the weather conditions wiLl permit.

Mrs. Belle Squires, wife of Rufus Squires, und a resident of Spring Val-

The first consignment of rabbits fro m Kan sas to Ohio to build up the Ohio ~vild bunny into a larger animal and increase th e m«<at sopply for tbe State, has arrived. . The western cotton tails will be expressed direct to the ten districts into which the Sta te bas been divid ed, and committees composed of farmers and sportsmen will sup ercede their distribution to areas where the supply of the n~ tive animul h as somewhat diminished. The rabbits coming to Ohio have been careful1y examined before shipment. We will not distribute the rabbits In the orchard districts, Dent O. 'f.homp:: son, chief game warden said, unless we receive requests for them. The committees in each county to supervise the distribution consists of one member of n grange or other farmen· "The Girl Next Door" .... Joh·n Turner organization. "When Hulda !Specks Her Beau" .... .... .. .. ...... ... .... ....... ,Edith Reeder The suggested motto of Governor "George Washington's Birthday" Viv Donahay that he hung In the ofin the South" ........ Juliun Crabbe fice of the State prohibition commission, is not ~oing to be limited to that Third Group one office It seems. The governor, . "If for Girls" .... .. .......... Ruth Earnhart not only suggested, but ordered that "Responsibility ' of War" ............. . "respect for the law is in exact pro.......... ... ........... Martha Nichols portion to its honest enforc·e ment," "The American People" . Mary Hunt be printod and ~osted in the office of "An Incident of the Rebellion.. .. .. the State prohIbition eommissioner_ .. .... ..... .............. ... ... Lillian Watkins Not only that, but every employee of "The Swan Song.............. Ada Shan er the office is to act accordingly, and "Blind Mary of the Mountain ... .. . the fellow that don't may expect the ..... ... ... ......... .. ........ Evelyll Unglesby same fate that befel1 one S. A. Propst "Bessie and I Are Out" ............ ..... . who has been forced to sever his con........... ............ Mary Etta Guy nections with the department. When Messrs, Driehaus, Thompson and Governor Dona hey in his statement Larkin, teuchers from Spring Val1ey said thut "the home is the smallest and Bel1brook, judged tbe contest. unit of government, and its inherent The encouraging thing to those right must be guaranteed," he said who did not get first place should be something that . is meeting, not only that those who did, hud bee n contes- the nppr'oval of the masses, but the tants in other years and th eir past classes, and even the dryest of the experiences help ed very materinUr in dry, has. been ~able to find anything getting the coveted pluce this ' time, but prul.8e for the entire document. The county contest wilJ be held in It muy not be amiss to· say that the Lebanon, Friday afternoo n. entire decision was written and preLe banon, Friday afternoon, Marcb pared by the Governor himself, and 26th. there Was very little if any advice sought. Editorial pruise of the doc: ument has not been limited to the confl nes of Ohio, but to other states, li nd the action of Ohio's executive h08 aguin demons truted the fact that t here is s itting all t he lid, a chief who isn 't frig htened at facts, or who seeka any evasion of an issne. And everybody must IIdmit that handling the tcmperance question in Ohio is dyna~ T~e Wayne Township Fanners mite if there ever was on_from a club met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. political standpoint. Respect for the Charles Hough, on Thursday, March enforceme nt of any law, whether it be popular or unpopular, will do 11th. Five famili cs were absent. more to make friends for the law The music, consisting of violin, pi- than the high-banded manner that ~no and drums was fUl'1lished by Mrs. some folks think should be used tD Gaskill, son and dau g hter, of Day- demonstrate their power. And liD one reulizes this fuct better than Govton . ernor Donah ey, who may be e.xpected Our county prosecutor. Donald to keep in mighty close tOUch with Dilatu sh, guvo an inter esting address the enforceme nt work in the future. choosing for his Rubj ect the ever interesting facts about Abraham Lincoln . 'fhrec auditional buildings and three "A Trip 'fhrough the Eust.," was speed barns ,costing a total of $2S6 _ described quite vividly by Mr. Ken- 000, will be ready for use for the neth Hough. Many points of intel'- Stute fair, August ~ O to September 4_ est on the National highway and else- Contracts hay been awarded for the wher e were noted und the return new Agricultural and Horticultural home was made by way of Niagara buildin gs, fol' which $166000' has Falls. been set aside. It is to be' 37 5 feet .A feelin g of deep sympathy was long-.and 100 feet wide. , Plans for exprell8cd by many members of our two buildings for boys 'a nil girls' club concerning the Illness . of Mr. club displays to cost a total of $100 _ Lyman Silver. He was to have giv_ 000, have been aPRl:oved. The Hom~ ' en us a description of I)is trip througb Economics and Gll'ls" club building will measure SO by 150 teet, While. the Northwest. '" Meeting adjourned to Uleet In ApriJ the boys' club Quilding1 for dlspla,.. of calves, pigs, sheep ana poultry. j iU with Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Lewis, at measure 60 by 186 fe~t. Kingman. '

ley for many years, !lied u nexpectedly at her home in that vi llage Tu esday morning of heart troubl e. She died while seated in a chair reading a newspaper. She had bee n . ill about a month of h eart trouble, but she had been attending to her household duties. Besides her hus bllnd, Mrs. Squires leaves a daughter and a son,

Wayne Township Oratorical Elimination The elimination Oratorical con'teat was held at the Gym last Tuesday night. The contestants were divided into three groups, tbe first including Grades 1 to 4; the second, 6 to S: and the third included the High school group. In th~ Primary g rade Esther Reeder ranked first, Ruth Hockett, second and Eileen Ha\1, third, In the second group Winifred Armitage first, John Turner second, and Louise Henderson third. In the H. S group Murtha Nichols first, Mary Etta Guy second, and Mary Hunt third. Fa \lowing are the nhmbers presented: Fir.t Group "Jane Jones ............... Rilth Hockett "Boy's Land" .. ...... ... .. Charlcs LeMay "The Lost Doll .... .. .......... .. Olive Scott "Do11ie'& Lel!son.......... .. EBther Reeder "~y Shadow" ... .., ... ..... Ruth Salisbury "The SqUirrel'!! Arithmetic ... ........ : .... ............ .... .... .......... .... Eileen Hall "A Good Play" .; .......... .... Leo Conne.Second Group "Sllter'l Beat FeHer" .. .. Jewett Blair "If You Can't Go Over or Uunder, Go 'Round" ..... .. .. ... Bessie WoolJard "Where Cross the Crowded Ways'" ...... ..................... .. ...Jean Meredith "Lost 't9mmy'~ ........ Louise Henderson "March 110f 90mplI'lY H .... Bertba Filer "Practis,ing Tilne". Winifred Armitage

" "


,,..:.;:.--.---.:... .., ,.

. -.



. -.

Record ·

a Photograph




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ayne Ave.

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of Our'



Flack, \\'as approved by court pnd petent, m ad her nlnth account of IBld'\ settlements or d red . incom petent, whi ch wlU\ · l\]lproved by In the matte r of the will of Warren court. ~ \ hitaeT , <Iec,r psed, the ori ginal docIn' tho mntter of the guardianship ument wus u pheld by the co urt OVl'r of Cloo alld Clyde Upton , minors: protest of a r,~ l otivu or slI iu uecellont. their f<llllrdian W. E. Knu pp fil ed his Mnry 'El, WOQd, \v)do\y of Edwill R. eig hLh :ICCOUl\t whkh W lI.ij approved Wood, tpok under lho will of lIid by cour~. ~~dw ln R. Wou d. Luuru y"" ~ Hlilllilt.O Il, g unrdlan of 1' he Lebllnon· it i1.l' n. 'ntiol1nl blin k ' C ll\r~II"l' ) NIt" ct £01., mi nor s, fil e.-t \\'u 1I1'I'(l i,1(I'.-) Ildmiri. trHt or d e 111'";" : her Itll'1- 11,,<1 ti lllli 'h'~ount wltien wil e' nllll with th . wil! (\ ~II'''' ,',I of th •. p~. I npl" ·" \·'·.] I,v ('.1\1\'1 'lII d lIe l ion ord er- , I::t(· ,,f .11)!lf·ph I I. \\' tid, ,] ... U$tr!. 1,'<1 :'U, ,1< II rh .~ ,·lt' ~ Emm. .J ,Ir.,.I :t ' ," !If'inll d \\ . n . '. ;\:1 <e ClIl,,,· of, ~)· ,'cu l o .. ,n' th" ("lllle of H,),,, (I. '1·I.e . ··l" t, "t ~,\ ' ' .. ,. l \. ::i lat",·. d,,· ' U:tl'r rnlln. decca s," 1. ' ~:!~': ! . ,:1,,' his ",," llIl ry an d ap· 1 Hllb(' r l E. " {'w, a.:i ndll1i ,d3lr:iu I' Pl 'iOi " lit l f :.:d \t\.'. \\ h ich w:n I

The .T. W. I.ingl) TInrd wu r a Co., vs. W"lte r .'. Sharp :llld AKn c~ Sha r p, ' ·Il',· c1i sl1l i s~cd 0 11 mo tion of pl a in: Ir li t C,)stg of plnintiff. f'htlrlc. SehIN·ht" vs. Hunrd "f F.ri· an ,j g-/lI'c bo nd. TIe mnd e npplientiron cli :-; mis:tpd li t. co:-;l:o of pl ai n tiff.

C. Ed ,\1 Guin n V~ . W . A . Cut t.C'l"'V ,f till' [",'":.. , ... ("If .1 .)1'1 ~.:1. ,"-('\.Ilo;ui I :H'''' I , "1 . Ifl r "I d 'l " l 1 nhlo l"l'ri til I'a d(· l~t d I, ~ l' n.t}'. , ... 1 . . ." . t J I "f ~ n';' ~ l(l til I' l:li " llFr ,,,·i.dlin no (' c1 HY \\ I.," "", ). , , ... " .. th n-( ·r ' ":'," h i ... I ""p. d~ ::.., 1.1 ilt r deht ;It I 'l, II ' I ',4'~ '"t' U ' I I . ' : . II' I I h, I ;ilf· . !" ill', .kt , . . ,- f. : 1 II \\ 1,),0 (' . j " I t, J 'IU " . l it' J)~li 11.1 Hl ~ \'S. (: '1' 1' ''1 II I,' . ,Ii I tid ( I, . '" ill: F h 'rll ~ l'(' Ba\'111'~ r ll lll' t ' . t h·.! t'ltiiw 1 • , f,' P \ I ' !,

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We Are Wall Paper Specialists' The lIPecialist today in business. Bl! weIl as -1ec:auM h.- hi. entire time ' to hi. .peclalized work.

Service to the specialist is his cons tant t hought -that's why w& offer this mail order book 'to you. . Take advantage of it.

We pay the postage on out-of-town orders.




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will he he a rd nil ~ 11\1't' h 22. In th,. "(' tt l<'rnellt of till' ('"tnt l' of E l o i ~e V. Ha,,·I,'s, dcn· ,,"etl . ('n urt or. de r('d th at inlrl'rit:ln t'l' ta x he paid . I n tlr (' mu tt"r nf t he will of ~-Inr· th" E . White. t he docu mont \\'8S fil et! a nd ad mi tt ed t o proba t e fll r hearin \! o n Mn r l'h 13 . Chnrl .·s Em mel .r " lm, a s executo\' of th e ('s tnte of Rns" O. Hagema n. de ccased. tile d his in ve ntory and appraisement of sH id cstnte. La st wi ll of Matilda Hosier, dc. ceased, was fil ed in the court a nd R.I . mitted to proba te , hearin g se t f,>r March ] 2 . . In the matte r of th e estate of War . ren Whitacre, deceased, Lennie Whlt acre was made excuto r of said st~te ucation of H iIIdale Rural school, caSe for appointment of appraisers whiclI the court allowed. In the case of E lla Ferris, as adminlstratrix of the estate of Gilbert Ferris, deceased, ve. Sherman Ferri s et al., court approved snle procecdings of said administrator. and order ed certain settlements to be made. In the matter of the estate of Al va E. James, deceased, court approves sale action 0 :( G. F . Rogers, admlni a. trator, a nd orders deed given to purchaser of estate. Court con firms first and final acNEW SUITS count of Geo. E . Young, administra -Elmer Sheehnn as admr. of the es- tor of the eutate of Mary DeBoard, tate of Rachel Campbell VS. John Al- deceased. bert She chan et at. f or the di~tribu­ Court con l'lrms fourth accou nt of t.i on by court of t he property . of said W. Chester Maple as ndmr. of eah.te estate. of Wilson Harlan, decease d. Glenna V: .Eva ns vs. LawTence E. Court approves first and final ac· Evans, for divorc e and alimony. count of th e esta'te of Edna K . AnThe Duro Pump and Manufactur- derson. decensed, mude by admr. D. ing Co., of Dayton, VB. Rosa Mc- 1tf. Adams. Cutcheon for foreclosure of mechanSecond ac<~ ount of ,the estate of 'ies lein and sale of real estate. Lois Douglass ct' aI. , m inors, made by Mune tta Snowden vs. Frank B. guardian , George D. Douglass. is apSnowden, for divorce, desertion is proved by court. chnrged. . Harris Bennet, admr. de bonis non Elmer Shumaker vs. Morris Van with the will annexed of the es tate of Doren, for partition of real estate. Martin Simp!!on, deceased, <filed his first and final account of sai d estate which was apiproved by court. ' PROBATE PROCEEDINGS In the matter of the g uardian Rhip In the matter of the estate of A. of Earl E. Cline Ilnd James M. Cline, D. Easton, de ceased, court ordered min ors, Fred Harlan as guardian of .that inheritance tax entry of said Aid minors filed his fIrs t and fina l aces ~te be pl\id. cou nt which was IIpproved by court. Notice that. John D. Kirklin, 8S adIn th e matter of t he esta te of Mary ministrator of the estute of Lassie F. Eliza beth ROllS, deceased, Lucy Ross Kirklin, deceased, filed his inventory as admrx .. fil lld hor first and fina l acand appraiseme nt of said estate. count whic h 'Wns np nt'o ved by court. Flora Eberl e was appointed adminF i r~ t an d fi n I :rCC'l unt of estat e of istrntrix of the estate of Kate L: ,lo hn S. Dowl~ r, ue c('(lsed. was made Rossman, d . easc d. Ill' aurn r . of A . I~. J1i'1 ck ley. 'a nd u pW . H . Allen was appointcd as ex- )lrrt,,('(1 )' COll rt. I ecuto r of the estl1te or Amanda LeFirs:,: d 11,'" ., , l' • . , ' c"l, t,. ' t iUa MaKay, deceased. of r:- 1···n Chll . ,1 ' .. d ·· :". d. \\'.'R Ann ie Mari e Dcan was nppointed ,,·au,· hv c. ,· c :;p .:: - ',in r" ,'h , n<ll . ,. e)(ec ut r ix of t he estate of ,"Ii Dean, 11 ,1" .,;1'0\ cd I y ,... rt. . . deccnsc d. Tn t 1i{a l'\l~t t Cl' I . ! ~ It!' o\d Ed C. Woo llard was a ppo int('d ad - I cl ~'. r·-,·. . cl' '. ' -.... llIiniRtra tor of the' estate of Gcorge E. ! I I" II ,' . ' . . , .,' Wharton , d('ceu3cd. ~"i,; ,stat Rober t E . Cl'ew \;'us a ppointed ao- I ,II' I v " ai ministl'l1l ol' lOr th c cstnte of J ohn ' t·., . r l . " '1'. II • Zcil, deceused. V:.I~t' , W "., tilt·(i L . .. 1'1·' l j In the nl(\ltbl' f tho estllle of Mn- , wal d nl:cl ur. rovlli L ,t" i. BUIC K MOTO R C O M PANY D ftUiOf1 01 Q~n.,.a l M ec' !rI CortHWCldoti I'y L . McCray, decenscd, report of \ enilh ,' I A. Ch nlll !.o(' lei ' . us !:;lIn!'sale proceeuings by ad miniat rato r J. dinn of 'urn ucl Chambcl'lain, incomPLi N T . MI C IH OAN Richard Pfie Rtcr vs. The Miami Valley Pock in!!' Co .. the nt ry o f fo re· closur e I",rcto f nr e mad e in thi ~ ('ase boin!!, im'omplct c, said e ntry Wa S sup· pll' lll cnted . George G. Perrine vs. Abe Probnsco et al .• trial postp oned until 20th dll\, of A pril., Ha zel Ha!!'l!'erty VR. Clarenc e B . Hug gerty, d ivorc e was grant ed t o plai ntiff with custody of minor child nnd alimony. J . Q. Sh up ert as admr. with the will ann exed of the estate of James W. Moore, deceased, vs. Marie E. Curby l't a i. , the court approved thc proceedinga of said admr. and ordered him to g ive unencumbered deed to William E. Dechant the purchaser of so id premises. JORcph Miller vs. Anna Miller et al. for the partition of an estate upon whic h both parties are tenants, court orders that said partition be made if such can be done without injuring the value of the property concerned, the sheriff was ordered to Investigate and report to court. William Hosset vs. Dr, H. A. Hamilton, defendant was g rante d leave to file an'swer in said case on or before May 1st, 1926.

520-522 Wayne Avenue

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--~------------ - - - - ------ - - - - - -- - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


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'-.-1_ . u r"'


I \

Gas Ranges ..... Gu llaD&'es now offered .. l!IaJe Prlcee--Bums OIl 'h -oz. 0.. Pte.are.

Rugs :,·,·;for Less , ~9x.12

=~.~~.$12198 .,.r&;'



• • •..• e '• • • • :



_JIt' ", . -

' $'11''.98

~1rIr.f ••••• • • •

~~...... $t7.50

'~!l"JIB '1 .'••...•• .'$29.15

DaJton dbtrlbuton tor FloreDee 011 Ston... New dl'lIlKl\S alld apec:lal prleet! tor thb ..Ie. No" offered .. loW' ..

$1 .3 .50 I



The biggest Bensation of the furniture worJd-a complete .ulte for 1_ tlul.1l the colt of


~=~~r ;:u:,,~f :;.~-.~e::.e.~~ ~~~.~~~ ~~ No Pint


.. :... .- ..........., $69.75 Linoleum· •

if Your Credit IIBIta b~ed to the.Amount of Your ~Qbase.

,and 'Floor . . Cove:ings

cv~ ry



r In



K oko mo

p ,a


f ! Il IJ 0 t,


whu'h " I:h tet!s u n4!4t:strilin . Ifnrl t h fO C()'-'dd

line wires ,h. t pro .. lI id,.

l af

t:o ntriJC f;a a

lind ~xlJ.nsia n lIr" biK Kokomo h,uur~• .

Waynesville Farmers' Excbange CC)., Waynesville, Obio


Buick uses the Torque Tube Drive instead of driving through the rear • spnngs. And so does the most • expensive car built in America. I Buick's moderate price buys quality!


61 I '3

p ou) t ·y ferrco .

st'm; _ hl n ,."

n' ~ n t


E xcl uli vc '.va ll Paper Slores-Wbolenale nnd Relnil

L'U. f' ... 11

p ('rttlr

petitio n to sell part of said esLat' t o pay de bts there in , and th e co urt (' 1'de red t hat th e esta te be sold free fr om dower. The p laintiff hud to give additionul bond lind was priv i!. i!ged t o hire a Teal estnte broke r 1"0 ncgotiute sale of prope rty implicat ed . In the matter of th e estate of Luis A. Nutt, deceased, Annu M. Nu lt was mucie admin istratrix nnd gave b.,.,,1. Suid administratrix then made applicotion for appointment of apprnisl;r s of said estate, and apppointment wa s made by court. Leba non-Cit izens Na tional Bank, as admr. of estate of J ose ph H . Wild, deceased, was given permission 0-( th e court to sell property of "aid esLate. Mary E. Wood, as executrix of the estate of Edwin R. Wood, decease d, fi led her first a nd final account o'r s aid estate a nd. matter was ordered suspended. In the matter of the guardianship of Julia Charlton , Mildred Charlton nnd Ruth Charlton, minors, Emma L. Charlton was made guardian and gave bond. Albert E. UJl um, as g uurdian of EdwBrd S. UJlum et hi., nlin or s, fi led his first account and action was ordered su spended . MARRIAGE LICENSES Marion L. Bur ri ng 1' , ~c · ollntllnt, of Grn nvi ll e, nnd AliCe V. Mn icr, of PiQu3. UCIl\'er C. Well s, !;,ro ec r of 1\1 t. " tcl'ling, Ky., ur.d H,'lcn L. Warbin ltton, c1~l'k , of '·,,\.:. h 1. , :lI1on . 1h~mrs (' !'wi'l, , .•.. Ie r, ,If L I'I)· un. :\l,d )i~HY 1:.. \, o l~d, oJ C;n)' co unty; Ind.


LI ." It



, ,.


. ;1. •. •

, .



.;. .~.

1'1'. , ,' •.

i . \~~ll i ~.,' ~l. ;-t:.1 Le\\is

l..l1 ,



:" ~ ,



4 c.

!Genuine Oql!gol~um'

'. 9x12 Art S l,Ua.tllS. . ' . ,


• INLAID LIN.oLllIUM, yard · : ..... • >. ,... . ,.




IHarveysburg Fertilizer Co. ~

~- -


-- ---





'- -- -

Phil!p U. Wood lo William McCn a·

Arm~~ IcCreur~ ~t

7 8~I~~~~lda~~I~ling~' to Esta A. Minge ry a nd No . lot No. 8 40 in Franklin, considcraMariaret Macy to Mildred Eagle,and of lot No. 43 in Harveysburg, $1.part ' Edytha Yates and Percy W. Yates to Mildred Eagle, as part of lot No. 4S in Harveysburg, $1. Wilbur F. Clark to Walter H, Whitake r and Winnifred M. Whltaker, abo ut one a nd one half acres in Clearcreek Tp., $ 1. Charles C. Boger and Myrtle Boger, Ruth Roush and Effie L. Roush, to Elizabeth B. Nisbet, about 162 acc.s ~ ~~:~~oA. Tt'srJ~s and Otelia Side!, about 26 acres in Section 10. $1. Earl H. Orndorf to W. C. St J ohn and Nina E. 8t J ohn , parts of three lots in Waynesville, $1. Charles Emmet Hj!,!lm to Edmurd H. Keltner and. JeBBle M' Keltner, L\ part of lot No. 32 In Mason, $1. Samuel Margolis to Tillie Donnell, parts of .Sectlons 6 and 12 · in Turtiecreek Tp., $1. W. H. Elbon and Ida M. Elbon to Mary E. Woods inlots No. 28 and 2!i In Lebanon, $l. Elizabeth Todhunter and MaUie E. Hollcroft to Maud J. Quinby, parts of lots No. 11 and 12 in Mason, $1. Melvin D. Cummings to Elisha Sandlin and Ella Sandlin, 30 acres in Franklin Tp., $1. Benjamin H. Blair to William R, Simms, about two acres in Section 29, $1. E lizabeth Hank to Cora Burns, about 48 acres in Union Tp., $1. E lzle H. 'Walker and Bertha E. Walker to Harry L. Myers a part of Section 2 in Turtlecreek Tp., $1. Andrew K. Day and Custer Jonea to M. and Louisa Ingels, about 95 a t'res in Turtlecreek Tp., $1. The Logan-Long Co., to Earl Kirk , part of Lot No. 820 In Franklin, $1. Sally Wright et aI. , to Mildred Eagle, part of lot No. 43 in Harveys burg, $1. . ~ertrude Zecher to Charles H. and Martha E. Fisher, about five acres In S.ectlon 6, $1.

-_._- ----

f~.. J. • h~". Illtl." U ~ l.U\OLPO II ' tit

IO:'"_Stl ~ . L~wis


'1 -

Wa lter !VJee U i e J. E ! le Clure

~i ....


Fully J::q'ui pped fol' Gootl Service. l.11rJee Dis pl ay Room. ." m b u Ian' Sel'vi c e

t o l!,'n C. ' By, L vo tme ts ;,. H a rh;n 'f p" $ 1.


In••. Column ,; for results

Try our

k ,. .d 'o \' ::sh i ..7' c) :


• Odd 'lots for ~tche.n . o.nd Breakfast Room . ! -


on fO Ol o f Kokomo Pioneer cll ei ng. This is as near ly a perfect rrn l\'a nl zing process as science baa eve r devised. Kokom o galvatt iz ing is more than a me re costing. It actually becomes a pa rt of thc wire it self . That acco unts f or the long life advantages of Kokomo P;on ecr Fence. It ill as nearly ru; t-proof as it can possibly be made,



In K ,-J 1(. ~I:ortl J P ,JIIl~l'r J ..-II. t" l~O .n t ,) ", ,·t"Y 11.l: .Ht! v i I'{o·

' 1 ,

~ t: ''';\Hh'n \'~. Fl'all~ H. . ":~ t l1 'l1 I \IIIl"li. I I I ' '1: ht"il.ur. II I, 4 ,I ! !I, l.i l'klin . ad - t ftc n. a~ l h ll wh'''l'(!IIhnn s nf th e ~t '\ ~ eXt'PI ' d lhl'ir ~11t'.' II i, i:- ,'".1 I .1 f." l ;,' t , LtI :-;:-;ic 1-:' 1 u('f ,,: ndutl aI'£, u n known, puLlicatiu n N(\lk l' "'os , ~ ht'Jl t lldt "!-'rule ft'f 1\11'.,,1,1 11, d l' l'l '~l~,' d , ,' !' . . 1.1111,1 I). KiI'klin , \If procc ding~ is ordel'cd fo r his bt'n- ,,, tt ICl1l l' \11 "''' \lId h,' h.. " ,..1 " II Mnrl' h liS .\'.,dn \\' ,',. lOt SII' .! d,·,·c d'·lIt. I't .,1 , !'fi t. 1s t. LIIII'r LlJlpli""li ( ''' ~ for se ttl e- ad,u" s tarted "Jr"11 tI", plll ' nliff mnd" "

I :--: n' '

991~ per cent pun zinc-that's b,ut of g::I l vnni zing tha t goes

j h~



Sighl :Jpl:ci .. U.t

At ~ary's Jewelry Shop


Lebanon, Ohio

Tuesday 8:00 •. m . to 4 p. m.





LOANS on Chattels,Stocb , Securities 811d Second 1I10rtgages. Note. lJought, John Harbine Jr., Xenia, Ohio. e m30_'26

Farmers, Attention! Farmen of W"rren and adjolnln. counties may obtaIn money on lon, time loans, at 6 per cent Interelt, Cost of securing the sam'a ill very rea· son llble ,through The Federal Land Bank. For further Information eatl on or address M. C. DRAKE, Tre..· ·urer. phone aI 6-X, Lebanon, ·Ohlb. WANTED WANTED- AU kinds of soft Wood, for pulp. Morris Graham. tf FOR SAL}: S. C. W. Leghorn Eggs, $8. 00 per 100, English . st rain, for hatching. Mrs. B. V. Smith, phone 37-3, R. D. 4, WaynesvllJe, OhIO. a14 .FOR SALE- Lot of sweet clover hay. Inquire Harvey Rye. FOR SALE- I024 ,Star Sedan, 'o nly ~OOO miles, originaUlnlsh: abo good VIctor Lock Safe. Mrs. Clara Merritt, Harveysburg, Ohio.. ~m 17 FOR SALE-Three cowll; one f~esh with rolf by · her side; ·two ' wiU be fresh soo n.: g,?od orillS. Dan Morgafl R. D. 2, Lebanon, Ohio.' ';'m17 FOR SALE-Two bushell' of Littie , Red . Clover seed, horne grown and reclenned. . A. ' fine · Short-horn bull, four months old, and II few busbels ' of Early Ohio potatoes. Inquire of J . .~. CUl)lminge, R 3, .WaYJ\e.Ville OhIO. . 17 ' ' . •' " In FO'R,. SALE-Some "rough hay. Inqt.l1re of J . C. Hisey, ·m17 FRE~a Cow fQI\ we. Slje R. E >SbD- . klns, ~ D, ?' Orego, nla. -mil

Trustees cif pu blic affairs for water r pnt, $63.J8; same fo r light hill, ~ !)6.2\l; . John Law and ' Son, oil 1.01' , sealer' W. alld' M., uuto . 60c' same . Lor sherifl" s aut o repair" $26.7'0' The F ranklin Chronic le for publie'ntion Ivork, $16.25 ; sherif!', for month's board nlld wash f or prisoners, $139,64; same f or a 9t!' oil, 90c; Griswold Tire li nd Battel'S: Sliop. for 2 tires 101' ShCl'i fl"s Dodgc;-, 7.3.60: W. H, t' !jl:nna~e (y. , upp lius fo~ auditor, FOR SALE......No. ~ Clover hay, 'U6 $18.&0; Gold il1.c,j1l1 Oil Co., -tor three pe~, ton. Pem Thoma, R. D. l~ dr ums I!, ~ J 01,l.&0 ; Wm. Morris, fol' ".. -11124 ~ u~r~ l ' II J)(\sts, ..$5 S; . Grace Whlta- I FANCY Seed BlU'ley ,n.S6 per' bUlla• ,HI . ,·110:('. ,.sp.fiO; Harlan Whitel, del~vered. · Romme F. Sbuma-ACl'C, bl'Jdge rellAII', ,9. ker, Barve)'lbuq.. 'JIll7



._ ----'-- --

-' -


PICK-UPS' 101~'T QUITE (ATCHn\' . N~t1E.'

On e glnnce at the sLylcs of tpdny

£"t.,.11 .t 'b. Po.'olI'ce elf Wa.,'n .....lli. proves that tho fe ma le of tho species is mQ)'e hardy thrll1 he ma lc--Rich. 0"'0, •• ~. ' O"d C,' .:" M.II Mutt.r _

8ublcriptioD p .. ice, $1.50 per Y .....




MARCH .7. 1!126 REWARD OF GOODNESS "Dr. Cndman prese nte d wi th $25,000 on 25th Anni ve l'sIll·Y." A cold cu ptioll in u rece nt is"ue of 1\ ncwBpa pur- yc t what u warm throbbing houl't-story ll:.tck of it. Rev. Or. S. Parkes Cu tima n is pastor of the Ccntrnl Congregational church ill BrooklYII . Ilis fame is world -wide. His wisdom has spread to th e four cu rn er , or the ~lIrth. Alld no doub t he hU 3 made a nd Mved more money th un t he nverng" nlinis. ter of th l! gospel. But on th e UIlI Liv<! I'"'ll"Y u f his aSth in th " ministry lind hi s 25th year us pustor of the Brookly n ch ur, h, his paris hi onee rs t rod him U g reut ovation aOlI a purse of $:!5.000 "nn behnlf of the c hurch a nd evo ry falll;1)' in th e church ." Olle th oujiand Ilull nrs ~fo r <'very yellr~ he ha ~ counsl' lled lind g uid cd tlw men Bnd WOI11 VII. »oys li nd girl s of his cD n g r~gatlon. Wh eth er H,·. "dmun n~uds th e mon ey is of no co nsequenc e. His people, his famili es, Kuve him the purse lind n " (; renl oVlltio n," out of thctr h ~ llrtij , not theh' Jl ocketbopks. rhey 11I1(>Jlted hi ~ p ra utical method to ~ xpre s~ th ei!, tlinnl(s to the man who hU8 devoted thfJ prime )'oa r" of hla life t o tellching them somethin g aside frorn the blunt and llrutish battles of evcry dllY. He hUll tuught his folks th e principle of "good will." The y huv e on ly r epnid

mond Tim e~;nispntC! h . Auto intollication ig wh a t so mo~im ·s develops wh (i n n drive r IIbscn t mindedly drinks the stuff he hlld intended to pu t in t he rnd iut or.- Ph iladEl lphiu Inqu irer. or co urse it is Ilone o f our busi ness, but W · w/lu ld Il k· In know wha t they Iin"lIy did wit h King Tllt.Dallus NpWH . T he \ \'11 1' a nd i.t, aftcrmuth we Clln ulam e o n th e Old Wllr ld. but t he Charle> tull is UI' own idell- Detroit News.


T he A me l"iean peo pl e cons ume muP(' cou l, coffee chewi ng gum and "ropng-undo th"n any "thor.- Was hingtu n Post. "~'1 i ss iJe mocrac y" is ul wuYK cl e,1 lcd liS u Indy wi th corkscr ew ud.. ()ne o f th,·so doys the old




l! il) is J,: oing' to n w u c rlli zc, bob her


ha Ir "'ld fur J!'ct the pa s t - Wa ~ hin g ­ ton StUI'. T he I,..e~e l) t Co ng-tcss has uh·p.ady won Hll exc" pt ion uUy hi g h ra ting [0 1' indu s l l'y and crTicic ncy. It hus show n lIn USllI\! poi se and bll iance and 1\ mnrk NI disposit illll to ICl!is llllc in







u truly r!! Jl J'cs('I nta ti v(lo nlnnll cr .~ ,, \\, \' ork Il emld · Tribun e.

A bond o f Amcr ie"" j ll 7-7- to otc ,'S hus go ne to Ru ss ia. Now t he Bolsheviks wi ll get tlll'ir punis hment. Pi ttsburg h Gazelle-Times. With the preva lence of bobbed hui .. , th e l e l'lll "roughn ec k" may be s/lld to be both fc minne and masculine gc ndcr. -Louisvil le Co uricl'Ju ornlli. Mr. Trotsky doesn't like th e United Sta tes. This is the best boost this g lorious nation has received for a long tim e.- Mi lwaukeo J o urnal. him. ... Tho city that is building a skating rink "to seat 14 .000 people," DON'T WORRY must )1I1ve a \0\ of poO l' skuter3 In It you don't WOITY, you're exoep- its oith'c n ry.-Ta<:o ma Led ge r. tio nal. If yo u worry, ns most folks do, and I f femi nin e styles kee p creeping you're not t ryi nlf to kill this pernic- up wc'lI soon be cl'ying, "Hip-Hipio us hab it, you re mighty fooli sh. Hoo ray pt For. bye and bye, the tiling you oug ht to kill will get a death grip on you. And then, enter the doctor. preacher und undertaker. We might all be infinitely m or e happ¥., h\!ulthy and prosperous if we would only hIke hold of ourselves a nd stop the silly Inane, uBeless, strenlrlh-robblng habit of harnSlling ourselves with Vio.,y. Th" weather won't change and the lan dl ord will .remember you anyhow despite a ll your. worrying. The doctor 's bills will be higher and th e imaginary troubles will be changed into real ones il) proportion as you persist in worrying. Get rid, of it, student. Kill it, busineSll man . . Junk it, madam. Crush i~, everybody. Its' 1111 in )lour hend, anyway, and I f you etlln't olean up Inside you'll literally think YOIll'llclf into 11 hole In the ground before your tim e




F. ,T. Martin Jesse Stanley Auctioneer

New Burlington,O.

The Comm unity club met Wednesday evening. Dr. C. G. Randall is indisposed, owing to an Blutomobile accident. Mr. li nd Mlrs. 'Will Wright, of Dayton, were helee over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. MathlM, of Dayton, called on r e latives here, Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Horace Stump and Mrs. ChM. H. Gray visit-ed the primary room at school, Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. H. Gray and 80 n, Wayne, spent Tuesday with G. Clark Starr and family. Mr. and Mlrs. F. A. Hartsock spent Friday with !~r. and Mrs Stacy Burnett and sons" near Centerville . Mra. Frank: Harris, Mrs. Paul Peterson, Ml'II. C. C. Mullen and son, motored to Cineinnati, Wedneaday. Mr. nnd Mrs. A . L. Kennedy and son, Herbert, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Walker, in Dayton. The Aid Thursday afternoon, with Mrs. &I.ra Clark, Mrs. Bertha Gordon, Mrs.. Alta McFarland and Miss Emma '''hetsel, as hostesses. A program appropriate for St. Patrick's Day was given a1id a delicious lunch served. Mrs. R F. Shumaker, assisted by Mrs. J. E. Shumaker, entertained ' 20 little girls Sat:urday afternoon In hon. or of Marjc)rie's . eighth birthday. The afternoon passed pleasantly with a number of I~nmes and contests. Delicious C'hickelD sandwiches, icc cream cake, lemonJule and candy were served to Helen Osborn, Anna MacDonald, Alice Bogan, Dorothy and Ruth Freeland, Hoeten Smith, Rhea and Evalyn McCaJrren, Alice and Kathlel!n Gray, Mary Elizabeth and Evalyn Carr. Marjorie and Miriam S~ump, Virginia Davis, Virginia and Vivian Tucker, Mar~:aret Anne Gordon and Marjorie Shumaker. The guests remembered M~lrjorie with a number of pretty gifts. . The Womal~'9 Civic league will give the play, "Deacon Dubbs/, by Walter Bon Harc, at the · Town nall, at HBr'o veyshurg, on 'Tu.esday evening, March 28. William Lukens plays the title .r ole of Deacon Dubbs in the three.act comedy drama, ably supported by Chaa. Doster, as Amos Coleman: Harry Tucker, as Rawden Crawley; W .H. Ogden, M Major McNutt; Helen Graham, as E:ose Raleigh; Mrs. Nora Hawke, as Miis8 Philipena; Mrs. Margaret Tuckel.', as Trixie Coleman; 'Ml'II. Evalyn Shumaker, as Yennie Yensen, and Mrs. Eva MacDonald, as Emily Dale. 'Tiokets for the play will be placed on sale at C. E. Levicy'a. store on Wednesday, March 17. Adult admissiion, 85c; children, 20c.





Mr. and ·Mrs. Harry Graham entertained to .SundllY dinner, Mrs. Susan Sa),lor apd 80ns, RileYt Henry and Williartt, of Spring Valtey, and Mr. a,nd Mrs.' William Creighton. Rev. a~d Mrs. L. A. Wl\8hhb~rn; of WayneSVille, .a ,ttended the serVlces at Lytle chure" .S~nday af!crnoon. 'Rev.~ Raymond Stil1~ng'a, th\l JocaJ putpr, preached a very able sllrmon. I Mr. W. G. Haines ' and daughter, Clara\of Belll!t?nt. and .~1'8. ,J<MePh, Grass) and J chI1<h'en, an'll Mrs. "'Eva Haines, of Daytoh, !lpent. ~ast Wed~ ncaday with Mr.. and Mrs. S. H ; aaines. \ . .' • ' . '. I S k . ' d' y , - . . . . ~J8ijeS Murle "t esv· ah uco~ Wilson and . Rue :~VUaon w,ere .. week. I'M g uests o~ .thel~ parenps. tn Day. ton. The WJlson tilildten , a~e ' fJo,!" 'stayinl!' af~the home of Mr:' 'a lld!tri. Pe~r Banta; . .' I The srioW of · 'Mopday' . evenllllr, Mareb 1,6, n,umbered :the 88tJ! tim. tbat mow hu fallen tbiB, winter-,. • c. cordm. te. "Cla~ book," .~ 'b, Hn. Walter KenricK. The tlrit 1II0W of 'the ..UOIl Wall Hep 011 Qot.ober


nen ~ aan4 tIIIte

. . OJ' ~



·ReYival· senlee. begin at tile M. E. church next' Wednesday evenln&' at 7. 0;cl,0.c:Jt. .Fr0ll\ .the · ciard, which J he torrellP~ndent ju.t.~ild UIIO\1l1CInlr the 8ubJed.- ~ b.~ ~ven .\eacb · eyen~g 'the meE:tln£1l." ~,b, ~ell l



N.tloD.1 B.Dk Bldlr.



_ _ ~_ ...._~--:'_


cnmolftr of thai JtoJe.

.. ,




The Second Great Saturday bringlltill further opportunitiea for extraordinary saving.! Hundred. of Miami Valley home. will atteat it!

Fashions Are Sale Priced.! Flat Crepe Drelle8, $11.85 One-piece style Imocked in yoke effect; two-piece style with round ~ollar; choice of 6 colore.

Coat. of Many T ypea, $32.50 Imported plaid woolens with Jap fox collar and. cutTs. Tailored top coats in novelty checks.

Beautiful Hab, Priced $8.50 Copies of modell from Beboux, Marie Guy, Descat and Agnes. Bangkok8, sangha, belting ribbon.

Eleclrie Too8ter, $2.75 Universal turnover toas· ter s with cord.

- '1'lUrd 1'100'

All Silk Chiffon HOle, $1.39 Three pairs, ts.96. Zinc, ¥unmetal, fallow, champagne, nude, bois de rose, banana, circossion, white.

- llGMtm8ttt

Cigarette Boxes, $1.95 Dutch silver with wood lining.

-3IT.. t 1'lDo.

Rare Savings for Men!

Slave Link Necklct, $1.45 Gold plated, very attractive; bracelets to match,

100 Society Brand Suib, $33.50 The newest spring patterna and colorings. Single and double brealted style•.

Men'aCa.,., $1.66

Men'. Oxfords, $5.25

The new Jaquard patterns a& well 'a a plain colors.

ran calf with broad toe, Banf.ter Oxfords, '9.85 . .


Leather BagB, 12.25 8 styles beav~r calf in high shades, tooled tan calf.

2'''' SOO<. for It...

Silk Chemise, $1.79' Glove s ilk, tailored style, wOl)dl)rful value; 4 col· ors; sizes, 84 to 42.

Men'. New Spring Ties, sSe

Cut .ilk and silk and wool ties. The smartest patterns in a rich variety of colorin¥8. •




Novelt)' Kid G\0~1!8, $2.95 P. K. seama, wonderful value; black with white or mode.


In, Rike's Downstairs · Store Women'. Dreesea, Special at $7.50

Silk Umbrellas, $3.59 With plain or fancy borders; also allover-silkstriped gloria; 6 .hlldos.

Tailored of flne Printed Crepe., Flat Crepes and Crepe Satin., In all the ' neweat style. and colors.

Women'. COats in Sale at $24

Perfume Burners, $2.95 Shell; French 1m ports. Jeweled powder jars, $2.95; dresser sets, '2.96.


Kbrturea, S.uedes, Polret Twills, Pol ret' ,heen. and Ncnlty Weave8. New color~, shades.

Spor~ and dress hata for

the matron and mis..

rub Sill~, Taffeta and Crepe de chine. Sizes 7 to 14.

Boy.' Suill, $5,95

French Gingham,28c

4 Piece. Enell.h 8tyle wool suita In Slzes.8 to 17 yean.

92 Inch beautiful 80ft gln&,ham In wanted shades.

Houae Dre..., 79c Assorted check Gingham. Sizes, 86 to 54.


Pumpa, $1.59

1 Strap.

Genuine Patent Siaes 8% to Il.


- Str"" , Floor

Rayon Slips, '1.79 Baronette satin weave; flesh or wbite. Girdle-BrassIere, $3.95 Lovely combinlltion ~ar­ ment; benutiful lit; Sizes, 32 to 42.

Corsettea, Now 79c Of silk striped Couti!. Side front fastenings. Special.


S OOO<1<1

Suib for 29c

Chlldren's Nainsook athleUcs. Sizes 4 to 12.

Rajah Silk Dresses, $4.69 All silk material; smocked style; 6 pastel colors; sizes, 10 to 42.

In Children's Wear:..

Brown FOil. Scarfs, $22.50 Fine, fluffy, full furred; new ~hades Including lighter tones. .

Boy.' Percale Blome., Only 60c Neat stripes and ·checks and novelty weaves. Regular collar .tyl.; lonlr alaeveJI; elzet 6 to 15.




Dreean. '8,85 . Printed .tld ,utel allt,: Iii. 6 to 1" '


From the 4th Art' Floor! ~ onial GI~ ~ahl', $2.75 · ) .' Golored .ata.. II.... ;ttl!. colorful' chIntl ·.hades. 15 Incb.. 'bJIoh overan.. Karlelous ' Valli,. I "

. G~ld;~~ 'QPti~"Stemw~ 3&; . taUl ~ ..blet..


bMp"e.u)!Pti4, 8\6 -mGb ~ l;iIaiJrllOwu. BeU'iehMit • :t

In~t..,."8Ut....... 8k' . 'Searh to match IDo, 46lDoh ·talI1e ~ . 98C." c' ----... _

Gartera, 50e Pair Fancy trimmed ribbon . garters; pastel shade •. Collar and Cuffs, Ilk Three _Ityles; imitation . Vel\lseandChineee. II'lsb t~llrimlnga . Filet Chair Real flletlaceChalr~cike. .. .N1.~ive~.a\I1.' P~ced•.' <, Lillen KfIl'dlhif", lk ' j '. . 'Yom,/l'l pure lltien, with • "",lnell hC!Jl:l8Utcboo hem.

Backa,Ii,Oe .

.., .

ani! matelilna allerbets' With Ji~w -coil; ~1d ~~, Bile each.

" ~I- 'PIOWW'I~'" ,ae

----- ,,-

8&nlW;' ~,ron, StC






Silk rubberijlld~rme..~; , ~ht aila ' dalnty. .


COme .the' Fir8t "OUf.' satruda9 ---. ,

, I

TIM,", Floor


(nfanb' eoa.., '4.115 Lona arid ahort white cashmere., embroidered. -rr.~


Fuun Silk Slips, $1.65 Silk and cotton mixture; aU colors.



... , . . , , ' . ~, " ' _r~ Clar~,nc". BiI&'f~~"aDd BOn, Carl,. vis!te~ MH. B~ord ·. 'brotrutr, ~esBe .~enaeX1 anf,, of .:Da1WJJ! >;Iunilay and .l~oDda)!l,..· ,While .thelr ,hom.aU!ey . liad' the pl_Ure of.aaendlng. :SurlaaY evenin'g aervices af P.~r8on. ,M' churc.b, where tbeY' ·heatd 1l:il:v. ffed!lric ' N. McllllWi; the radio'. lI_ber adan.. • ~

3urtac es. thus r estoring normal condlUonl. Sold by I2ruggists for over .0 Years. F. J . Cheney &. Co.. Toledo. OhIo.

Women"a Hab,$1.49 Girl.' Dressea, $3.95

Ml'II. Jane I~eeder is Bulfer~ with an aflliction olf her feet. Ml'II. Lela Lister visited her mother in Darton OVE!r the week-end. Mrs. Alice Johnson Is improving slowly, after llielng ill for a wlek. The Grammar room of our village, under the direction of their t~acher, Mr. C. P. Thompson gave a pla1 'on Thul'llday nig:ht in the Opera bOUie, that wall enjoyed by all preaent. Spring Valley and communitl'_ are grieved over 1the death of Mrs. Hartinger, which ,~ccurred Monday morn. ing at 5 o'clock• . Every one extend. sympathy to Dr. Hartin~er and hil tw.o l~ttl!3 4.a ughters in their bereave. ment:.


the Internal Med ic ine. a Tonic. whlcb l c ts through tho Blood on the Mu r ou8




Relieves the catarrhal In Rammatlon. a nd

Dr . .John W. Miller


;w~rtb , a~Ddll~,

HALL'S CATARRH MEDI CINE w\l1 10 what wo tlllim tor It-r id l·our SY8tem )t Catarrh or D eIltn •• s cause d by Catarrh. HALL'S CATAIUUJ MElli INIll <:ondsu at an Ointm e nt w hic h Quic k ly

Call oa ufo .. :four Job P ..iDtiDg.


--- ------


Waynelville, Ohio '




Farmers' Exchange Company

Phone 2S

26c per pound

... ·LI,IIQ)ler' ana Building Materials · Ohio .. .• .,



Live Poultry WANTED!


Three in number - one lilt' Starting, one for GrowintJlGle . for Laying. each the beat foI Ita purpose.


Morris Wharton is working in Dayton . Mr. WilIlum Gra ham spent Friday in the Gem City . Mrs. Eva Graha m was a Dayton shop per, Wed nesday. Mr. Ralph Archdea con was a Daylon vi. iLor, Wednesday. Mr. S. H . Hain es is improving, after 11 two wee ks' illness. Mrs. Adda Burne. and son , Harry, we re in Dayton, Monday. Mr. Wess Benham; of Cent erville, is spendin g this week in Lytle. Mr. George Mirllnd and family moved to Albert Stacy's farm, Mondar· Mr. end Mrs. Charl es J ohns spent Wednesday in Dayton with Mrs. Eliznbeth Smith. cornel! ! . Mrs. Lucy Fite, of Pleasant Ridge, • spe ut Monday with her mo ther, Mrs. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT "-mma Foulks. 1111'S. Harolq Borde n and Mrs. Cora Estate of Matilda Hosier. dcccuscd Notice is he reby given that Ethel LeI. IllY , of Springboro, called on Mrs. Hosie r Eamhart has been duly apK~sl er Gru illun, Wed nesday. Wi I Plr pointed and qualifled us executrix of 1\lr. and Mrs. Oral Surface and the estute of Mat ilda Hos ier, late of SO il visited unday with Mr. and Mrs. WAfren oUJ)ty, Ohio, iiI! eused. S. H. Burnet. Dated this 12th day of March , 1026. Mrs. Ida Day received word that " W. Z. ROLL, her dau g hte r. Mrs. Lillian Fox, is Judge of .the Probnte Court, TelephonG 292W quit e ill in Dayton. Warren County, Ohio. Miamisburg, Ohio A numbe r from here helped swell We Pay Your T ele phone Call. if W e the large crowd at Ohmer Fox's sale, NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT ncar Ferl'y, Wednesda y. Buy Your P oultry. Estate of Lois A. Nutt, deceased. )\fl'. lind Mrs. Harry Seigler and Notice is here by give n th a t Ann a ~lrs. J ess En$wiler, of Dayton, were Lytle vis itors, Saturday afternoon. M. Nutt has be):!n duly IIppoi nte d. and qUalified n~ ad min istratrix of t he es• • Mrs. Emma' Lacy and grandson, tate of Lois A. f'!\Itt. ,lnte of Warrell Gera ld Lacy, moved to ' Dayton last NOTARY PUBLIC Countr, Ohio, deceased. week, wh er c' Mrs. Lacy has employDa~ed this Std dllY ot Maroh, 1926 . NatioDal Bank ment. W. Z. ROLL. .The Mothel'll club met at the home Jui:l ge of th e Probute court" Will. Drawn .. .. ..... . E.lale. Settled Warren County, Ohio. of Mrs. Ruth Savage. Friday afterShawhan & Brown ~ Attys n\24 Waynesville, Ohio noon and organized a ehildren's. sewing club. Mr. and Mrs. Kesler Graham and daughter, Bernice, spent Sunday with II1r. amI Mrs. ' Carl Albright, near Springboro. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Linneman and children, of DaytoDt .8pent Saturday and Sunday with .IIlr. and M~s. Henr~ li'll ulkB. . I ' • Members of the Lytle SundaySohool met at the home of Miss Cleo Dat~ your ~e. with u., We luarant•• Stacy Monday evening, to practice Easter music. aatb(actlon or charle nothin.r. Mr. and Mrs. William Pine and daughter, Marie, of Social Row, were Sunday guests of Mrs. Lydia Pine and Mrs. Mary Marshall. ~. " Phone No 2 Phone No. 320 Messrs. William Brown, Edd Campbell and Walter K enrick were the appraisers of the estate of Mrs. Lois A. ~\\~t, last Wednesday. MI~~' e·•••••••••••••• ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Mrs. Clarence Smith, who has been quite ill for some time, ~as taken to Miami Valley hospital,' Monday, to undergo 'an operation .• Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Archdeacon and son, Everett, of Centerville, were' Supday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Reeder and daughters, on R. 4: . I> Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fry and chilo • drell Clnd Mrl\. Eva Hormell, of : .3pringboro, mere Sunday dinner • guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mul• lenix. Mrs. A. E. White and sons, 'Robert and Paul, returned to their hbme in Daytori, Friday, after an extended I visit with her sister, Mrs. Kesler Gra • ham and family.

Centerville', O.

in the original package&-2~,

Don't acx:eptaaubetitute-it'l



Semi.Solid Buttermilk No Dried Buttermilk In Conkey'S Buttermilk Starting Feed, we use Semi·Solid IButtermilk only, according to the Origmal and successful Conkey process. It is the most successful feed for little chicks from 48 hours to 8 weeks of a~e. Start them right WIth Conkey's and you can have 3-lb. pullets at 12 week~ of age. Don;t Break the CbaiD of Conkey'. 0riPW Buttermilk Feeds

5, 10. 25 and 100 Ib. packages.

------ ---


Conkey's (the vrigir I) Buttermilk Sharti g Feed prevents the big losses due to weakness and disease and gives your chi ~tS the quick, snappy getaway that produces early broilers and layers. The lactic acid in the buttennilk puts an edge to the appeti te; strengthens and tones up .t he sensi· tive digestive organs, and helps to sweep away the germs that cause White Diarrhea. Be Sure to Get Conkey'.



C---- .IIMf ' ~ I' .~-~'


_ !1!!!Z22 _ _


Mrs; Sarah Murray la visiting In Dayton.

United State8 Senators demand lelR 'Charley 88)'6 I sce in tho paper hot lIir In senate chamber__ nd ask where a man has an apple 52 yellrS better ventilating system. We con· old I We' ll now . hear from t he cold cu in the denlllDd. storage eggs.


Mra. Kate Ricks Is spending a few days in Dayton.


ST. MARY'S CHURCH Sunday, March 21, Fifth in Lent, FTankHn Packer, of the Frlenda Church SchOOl at 9 :30 a. m. • Morn· Home, is quite sick. ing Prayer and Sermon at 11 :00 Mrs. Bradstreet and Mrs. Ira Rich o'clock. Everybody welcom e. Mrs. Rny M!lIs haa been sick sovRev. John J . Schaeffer. Rector. ernl dnys. . spent Friday In Xenia .. f'ERRY CHURCH Of' CHRIST M.orning service 9 :8 0; Bible School, Communion and sermon. Evening Fred A. Caskey left last Friday servlce, 7 :00. All arc welcome to for his home in Wushington D. C. our meetings. We invite you. 1\athan Johnson, Minister. 1I1iss Marie Shu tts, of Cincinnuti, Perry T homas. Supt. spe nt the we(,k·c nd with her parents here. METHODIST CHURCH lIfrs. W ill Graham hilS been confin· Sabbat h School, 0 :15 II. m., preach· ed to her home on a ccount of sick· ing ut 10 :30 II. m. Epworth League ness. 6 :1 G p . m . Preac hi"..: li t 7 :00 p. Ill., : I \.,."dlll'suay e\'elli ll g I'rllyer meeting, ' Wal ter Elze y, who hilS been ill for 730. E\'erybu uy inv ited t o these I ' I seve ra l JII on th s, is I,;rll uu nlly g etting serdc l's. bl·tter. Rev L A Wllsh burn. Pastor. '

Mr. and Mrs. C. H . Sher wood were Mr. and Mrs. J . C. Rawke spent Xeniu visitors. last Thursday. Sunday in Dayton. L .M . Henderson and Bon, Boyd, were in Dayton , Tuesday.

Mr.. and Mrs. Lyman Day and fam ily spent Sunday in Troy.. Bulk, 10 pound . ............

.. ................ ................ ..

.. .. ........ .. .... 5 6c

LARD Pure, pound Open Ket tl e Rend e red , 16c . . . . . . Split-top or Twin 10c BREAD Fresh 1}'2 lb. Loaf, Each . Per

I-Ib. Loaf .......................... . .. .. .. 7c

Whole Wheat. loaf.. .. .. .......... ... 8c

APPLES Extra .Fancy, Box Romes lSc or Wmesaps, 2 lbs. . . . Fancy Green ing •• 5 pound ..... .......... ..

.. .. ......... ... .. ........ ......... ... ........ 2Sc

~~~:d Ib.25c ~n~Y~~I?w~~Uit, 2lb.15c 2!:~~ 3~b!~..~~.... "..... 1Dc ~?t~~~~~b''' ' ' . . 52c Nnvy., ..

Sweeu, 5 pound . ...................... 24c


C' ~!?!~~~~

Ib. . 15c ~.~~!~~~~ . . . . . . 25c !::!:~~!!~~2 lb. 15C!&. 29c 2~}?~~... . . .... . .. ·15c !r~~~:.lh lb. . .. .. . . .32c . . . . ~?a~p.~~~~~.~.15c . t~~I!~O~h . . . . . 27 c Onion Sets 23c can27

Lellf. pound



Mr. and III rs. F . B. Henderso n and daughters were in J)ayton, Sliturduy.


When you want coal oil for your Coal oil especially adopted for lamps and incublltors, see J. C. lamps and incu bato r ~. See J. C. Hawke. Huwke.

Mr. . and Mrs. Adum Melloh and Mrs. Robert Wulton . oC Dayton, sons visted relati ves lit Erlanger, who hus been very sick, is rap idly ''c· Ky.,. SUl1 dny. covering.


Pae:bre, each ................ ........ 10"

Small Yellew Globe, 2 lb.



Spring Goods Our Stock of Spring Goods is the Most Complete we have Ever Carried. You will Find in Our Store a Complete Line of

Help swell the crowd at the Gym Mr. and Mrs. Lon ' Burton, ot Mid. dletown , spent Sunday with Mr. and Thursday night. March 18. AdmisMrs.. Jesse Burton and family. sion 26 and 15c. Mrs. Lester Gordon and Miss Mar. Mr. and Ahs. Kenneth El zey, of tha O'Neall were guests of relatives Dayton , spent Sunday with Mr. alld in Wilm ington, Monday evening. Mrs. Walt er Elzey. Mr. . and Mrs. C. . M. . ClIJ'twright St. Mary's Guild will meet with of Evanstson, Ill., spent Sunday and Mrs. Fred B. Henderso n on Thurs· Sunduy nIght with relatives, here. day ufternoon, Murch 18. "Peck vs. Peck," for the benefit of Miss May Wright sl>en t several the Mothers' club, next Thursday days last week in Leban on, the guest night at the Gym. Admission. 26 and of Mr. and Mrs. Stan ley Sellers. 15c Mrs. Brads·treet, formerly of Xen. Mea. Edward Bumaa and lion, Ben- ia, hIlS taken up her residence with ny, Thursday of laat Hurley, week with her spent mother. ' Mrs. Ernest of her lIister, Mrs. Hannah Antram. New Burington. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Furnas and children, calh!d on Mr. and Mrs. L0Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ballard, of thair Winfield, of Dayton, Sunday. Jamestown, Mrs. Will Young and Mrs. Ada Sale, who has been spend daughter, Natalie ,of New Hampahire were recent guellta of Mrs. Anna M. Ing several days with Mrs. Laura Zell, is visitin,g relatives in Lebanon. Dean.

With Right Prices, Courteous Trftatment apd Excellent Service, you will Enjoy Trading Here.

Fred M. Cole

Mr. and Mrs. James McClure attended the bi-monthly meeting of the Quintet Funoral Directors' aasocla-.



7:30 to 9 Portraying the latest Spring Fashions in Ladies'. Ready-to-Wear Apparel.

FRIDAY,MARCH ' 19 --ournew--

" T E·N • PAY" P LA N will be put in oper.tion-



FUlt-NITURE AND HOUSE FURNISHINGS of? liberal deferred payiJ;tv!..tau,.,~rto 'examine .our.exten.• iveUne 'and l~am our unulUall, low .,nce. will (rieur no obUga,t1c:»rrto buy. ..' _ .

menta. Our

s. FRED· CO~

P·ublic Sales Locat ed on Frunklin Street. Cen· t erville, Ohio, on Sa turday. March 27, 1926. At 12 :30 p. m., Solo Krell player pia no, with 100 records. Household goods of a ll kinds. These goods aTe all very good, sOllle like new. We are for ced to sell them by both fam· ilics living together, and not having room for all furniture. If you lU'e 'loo king for some rca 1 furniture. be on hand at this sale. R ILLA and ANNA KELSEY. F. T. Martin and J esse Stanley. Au ctio neers, Centerville, phone 2 . • I will ofl'er at public sale at the residence of the late John Zell, in Corwin, all the chattels belonging to the deceased, on Saturday. March 20, 1928. Beginning at 12 :30 o'clclock :AIl household goods, a few farming im· plements, lumber, hay and 8 hogs. ROBT. E. CREW, Admr. Martin &; Stanley. Aucts.

-----_ .._---

'Way Ui j Quality 'Way own Prices If you know a better tire value than thia, we,ll make you a present of a Pathfinder tire. Here's the good news:

PATHFINDER Made by the world's largest manufacturer 30x372 CI incher Fabric . $9.00 (\veraize Cord ...... $11.35 Other sizes and Straight Sides, proportionately lowl Besides, we give you standard Goodyear Service.

Waynesville Motor Co. Phone 105

Waynesville, Ohio

NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of Mary Caakey, deceued. Notice is hereby given that Fred A. Caakey haa been duly appointed and qualified aa administrator of the estate of Mary Caakey, late of Warren county, Ohio, deceased. Dated this 9th day of March. 1926. W. Z. ROLL, Judge of the Probate Court, Warren County, Ohio.m 24



1:' - -

The partnership her etofore existing between the undersigned as Sears & Cartwright is hereby dissolved by mutual conse l1t. W. N. SEARS. . J . O. CARTWRIGHT



... -.

Late'CJassHieo Ads,

===c-=====- ===

• •

Two 'Per Cent Reduction In Tax Effective . Now.


LOST Parks Barred Rock Eglls, 76c per setting, $4.00 per hundred. Mrs. Rachel Crew. Waynesville. ·m31


~:; ~:h:: at Waahington C. H., Mon- THOS~ Mrs. Fred C. Hartsock, of Milford. is in she Christ. hospital,an Cincinnati, where underwent operation Tuesday after·noon. Her friends are hoping for heir speedy recovery.



Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Unglesby and Mrs. Mabel Dinwiddie and family, rry the Mianli Gazette for Job Work daughter, Mary MlU'garel, were Day. of Dayton, culled on friends here, .. ._ ___ . _ to n shoppers. Monday. Saturday.

Mr. G. HO\l~land, of Bellbrook. was Mr. and Mra.. Cecil HOOTer and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hagemeyer the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hopand lon, Myron, spent Thuraday at kins and family aeveral days last . the home of Miss May Harlan, near week. RarveYllburg. POULTRY SUPPLIES CARDEN TOOLS M.r. and Mrs. Myel' Hyman and FARM IMPLEMENTS BUCKEYE INCUBATORS Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hagemeyer children and Mr. and Mn. L. A. Zimmerman and children were in DayOLIVER PLOWS, with • comand family and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil BUCKEYE BROODERS Sunday afternoon. . Hoover attended a birthday dinner pl .. t .. line of Repairs. H~DGE TRIMMERS in honor of Mrs. Veda Sam's , at her BLACK HAWKE SPREADERS TREE PRUNERS home in Lebanon, on Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. A. T. Wright attended a birthday dinner at the home of NEW IDEA SPREADERS LAWN SEEDS Mr. and MJ'II. N. P. Jordan vlalted Dr. and Mra. Dudley Keever, in CenOLIVER DISC HARROWS KITCHEN UTENSILS Mrs. Jordan's listers at Piqua, Satur- terville, last Thu1'8day. day, and spent Sunday at Pleasant COAL OIL STOVES OLIVER CULl'IPACKf;RS Hill. where they visited their aunt, See the entertainment put on at CASOLINE STOVES SPIKE TOOTH HARROWS Mrs. I.;ydia Coate, who returned with the Gym by tIlIe Normals, for the ben· them for an extended visit. efit of the Mothers' club, Thursday night, March 18. 26 and 16c. MrIl. J. B. Chapman and lion, Call for Kodel Radio demonstraCharles, are lpendlng the week with Mrs. Chapman's mother, Mrs. Eliza- tion. Tire vulcanizing shop, caainga beth Bally and tamily, before leaving from· $2.60 up. . Battery charging. R. F. MILLS. for the South, where it is hoped Telephone 71. Charles will regain his health. MeeTS. Lindley, James and Ches· I,leckett, of Lawrenceburg, Ind., Mrs. Merle ~em8. of Columbus, tel' Monday. to attend the visited her plU'ents. Mr. and Mrs. J. were here, ot th.~ ir sister, Edna Beckett. D. Marlatt several daYII last week-. Mr. Kerns, Miss Edith Kerns and Mr. Hardware, Harness and Farm Machinery Mrs. L. T. 'Cooper nnd son, of Day· George Vellers joined her Saturday and were gueats of Mr. .and Mrs. ton, Mr. Guy Williamson, of Muncie, Waynesville, Ohio Marlatt, evening. aU returning to Columbus, Ind., Mr. and Mrs. H. H. William eon • .._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _", Sunday visited relatives in Franklin, re· cently.



Nu rs e- . " Did the doctor tnke your Mrs. Harv ey Rye and Mrs. RUS8e ll tempcl'nl uTl' ?" Mr. and Mrs. Will St J ohn have purchased th e Orndorf property on Salisbury were shopping in Dayton. Patient- "Ycs, and I can't find my North street. Tuesday. watch. e_it_h_c r_!_" __ • __

Pkr ......... ,

E~SI'ES~ ::;~U~

One Lnborer- "Gilllln y Cripes, I'm Mrs. Harold Shu tts spent last week Mr. and llr!!. Will Brad ley and Miss sic k of work." with her mother. Mrs. Doan. near Marthll Cook were Dayton shoppers, " Well, ain't I been tell in' yo u, a ll Morrow. Tuesday. t his t imll to join de ullion?"

.... 8Se:

Green, bun·ch ............................... Sc

70 to 80 .i ..,

hurles Reyno lds, of pring Val· ley, was in Waynesville, Monday.


for ....

n ..... .......

Whir. Fuh. · 6-lb. pail.... '"

M rs. Cyn thia Evans visiled rela. tives in Cincinnati, last week.

Dr. J. T. Ellis lind grandsons, Roy and Irwin, returned Tuesday, from And sowing time ill drawing St. Louis, where they visited the Doc· nearer every day. We are pretor's brother, Charles Ellis and famparing to 't ake care of your ily. They mnde the trip by auto. WantJlon Fulghum Oata, Seed Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Marlatt enter- Potatoea, Seed Barl,y,: and a tained at dinner, Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Merle Kerns, Miss Edith Kerns, full line of Field Seed. and Mr. George Vellers, of Columbus, Fertilizer. Mrs. Saruh Mlurray, Mr. Bnd Mrs. C. M. Robitzer lind Miss Beatrice Rob. itzer. We have Full Lin. of PoulMr. nnd Mr'8. E. B. Brown. Mr. and try Feeds, Starting, Growing Mrs. A. C. De em. of Springfield, and J. D. Argetsinger, of Whitestone, and LayingM.ahea,andSctrtch Minn., wore Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. George D. Mills. Mr. kr- Graina; a Full Line of Dairy getsinger, a student at Antioch col- and Hog Feeds. lege, is a grandson of Rev. R. Deem, a former pastor of tIle M. E. church, here.

We will absorb immediately . on all Overland and Willys-Knight cars the 2 per~ceni reduction in tax which becomes effective March 29. This means that you can have immediate delivery of a new Overland or Willys-Knight car. So, buy your car now and take advantage of the 2 percent tax reduction.



.. ,'

Waynesville Overland ' Sales, CO. H. Archde.a con


This is the most critical time for that Brood Sow.

The State ot New York reports 1926 aa the healthiest year in its history. John J~. Rylan, of the city of New York, however, Is said to bve F . .d her a balanc.d ration filed a diasenting op nlon. with that corn and .h. will pay you back with dividends at ~U'k.t1nl time. Granpap ealled them. Fifty yelU'll 811:0 only W aI 'h . . old people used • ao ave a Full Lin. of Glusel. And it F.ncln" St. .l and Locust . il not tID long, P tn.. T 860 tbey did not have them to wear. osta, &I.-aln U. and SeW!r Glaues are a modem invention.. It Pipe of all siz••• · . ia but a few years' since' Astigmatism could he corrected. . That great genius and inventor, Franklfn, . rave UI . . two vision, bi-tocal len.. Science Giv. u. a call, You will ·6 nll haa but recently discovered that' quality ri,tit and pric.sin lin. gl888ee ' may be indflpeDsabla from ' tbe age. Qf six to the end of life. ...... 1.." ~__ Poor VUlion Impaired ' Health and Ineftl~lency fs the price you " ' ." I negleqt., lJaye your ~,,. uamin8d • an, ,




Thunda, at Gran..

.G. N..





Waynesville Fa' r r_ h mer. !&lAC


.Company .


made of


~ore , ~ileage '


~ .'-~~~~~~~



, J

Seven ty-'ijigh th Year


...... ...... ........... ...

:t i


Intere sting Items from the


[__H_o___ W

Sta te . (ao lta l


24, 1926


This Week

A f,! r Oll p of \ Val l'l'I I rlJ lIll t y f nrnH' l'",

1 ! ...... ...... ...... ...... Prepa red by Colum bus Repo rter,

Whole Numb er 5693

nu·t a l

t h ~ 1,'''I'lIt AliI' ':Ill " rIl l'('. ~' I'i ­ cla ~- , ;\11I1'('h Iii, and Hl ll lm a ri 7. l' d ~h l' Fat' l1 l 13\1I'(I:.1u h tl:-.i nl ·~:O\ fll f lhl' y r Ht'

lIllth.'r the su pl'n' i:, io Jl or C IIY \r. ~ I i l ­ l( ' r, f ( Irnl llla l1 :lg'l· nu · " t dl ' llll lll~ lrattH'


"r Oh i,)


,'tate ulli vl'r"l y,

~c\,t'ra l

ructor ~ a ~ 11!llOll' d

lh l' g'r tl ll)J hy

out til Mr, r-l illl'r , Wen' of

!"t. rikil1~ illlpHrtu ncc. It was s h pw lI COLUM BUS, onIO- As expeFte d, hy takinJ! tht..\ ave r u~(' oi t he l"('cul'd = - -- - ---=:- ----- =--=== == candida te for the various place,! on kl ' ~·p('r s t hut tlll' to-Hlt· of milk pl' r l'UW t he State ticket in the A UP: U6t primaalHulint in~ t d $ 1 :!;") wn !; lowl' r in \\l U1'ONL Y WORK COUNT S ries nrc announc ing the fact tliat th ey n euullty t hUll in tllht'r Ill'h!'hiJo J'i nb: will have the ir nuincB printed Oil the 11' ALL COMES BACK co,mti c", That Ih el'e i. I'I" nly of long ticket. During the pnst week ('hIl Il CC f< II' illlI'I'(' V"II" CONSP 'll l in t he poulIC UOU S GOOD NEWS no le86 than six candida tes hav e been try 1 1 1I!"inl· S~ . Tht· uvcnlJ..w !"H ies pC I' announc ed and more ore just a s sure EAT SOUP. MINER AL SALTS h'-'II umu U lllillI-C UI 8 1. H·1 wa s !'l o Ule t.o fo 1I0w ~s are the primurie s. Fnct what ou t of hnfnHIIlY with ", illl ilu r n:i6 the list of entries has just b e~an CU I'" k \,~, 'pi/\K g'Tulll' ~' ThILL tlw :1\' ('1't~ begin filling up, und whe~ post a}.!I' I,,' turn pC I' $ l ,UU flWd investm en t time is coiled there is every evtdenc e Bi, Il!' J1 !IInnnin/ !, heAd of lhe Prot\\ H !" $ ) ,H ·I Il I1J th e r a n g'\. .' \\' a ~ (,'o m that th e tleld will be a big one, and $1 , :s~ til , 2A I , That Ih l, ~ toc k fur - e ~tnn t Elliscll pul ch urch in New York, each candida te will hu\'e backing that 11 H' I'S w l ' r(: l,l'tll'r olf t halt thu!'tc d e - den "uncing d ivo l'ct! in hi g h so ciety, will make the contest Interest ing. Su 1""" li nl! 0 11 th e SII II' II f )!'I'i\in lind that SIlY~ it mellns "pract ira l polygam y." far most of· the unnounc emenl.s have ho,", furminJ.( shllwpd the gT cu lcs l lu- Ino n e yell r thc r e wer on ly 67 di· co~e from the Rep ubli can side , but vo rces ill Cntludn , aga in st 112,0 36 in ilO1' i nCtUll(' dul"ill)! til(' p'USl year, thnt docsn't m eun that. the Dem().crut ~ lH11l' I" intl· n' ~ till J:.!' f eal ul"l'!:i, :'m h- l h,' UniLc,1 S t ute~. won't be out in du e time . . MIghty Some t'Ju esti ons: !'" t:~l1t i a l ..·u hy rce('I'd \\'ere t hat nUl importa nt confere nce s are belllg, und lI ow does the Bishop ex pect high dli II l' ill \ l'~L JH e llt Vl' r "nIp acre n vwill be held during the coming' weekK, ""oi,·ty to amu.c itse lf if it can't get t' !'; Ig'l'd $10 n ll d I' lln,l! p d fl'l.m $!I t and before April 15, not. far aw~y. $;S:! 11 11 fnrm s 1'('!'I"':<ell l 'd. ,\lId that a n oc,'nsion al divol'ce? it will take a long , st or y to tell the Wlluld the Il ve rllg'<' of hig h social \r a n 'C'n Coun ty fUrtlU'T:-- arc l't1ici(~ fl l qUlllificutions of th06e who f eel t hey i n tiH'ir Ol a jor farm e n l' I' Jlri 8C~ but 1ll(}l'll lil y be !l ny better if mcn and arc called UpOl1 t o fill so me Stute u(t. '..:a~ io nu.lI y thl nut make IIlUXiJl1UIH ,," onll' ''. di sli king each other, were lice. No one will uttem pt t" ma ke n pl'lI lilt-\ fl'o lll t iH' il' minur op ' rn liun s . cfllIlpc ll c ci to r e ma in married ? guess as to the result this eurly in I, IllIt Illil n naturnll y a Ilolygam ous t h e l'~h y !'udu ti llg the ir labu r in cume. the year. Much can and will huppen anima l, l·evel·tin g to polygam y when that will eit.her take the stoc k up or I'l'ullom ic Jll'l'ss ure is r cn1 oved, ns in down of the candidu te. Some mny hi,::h "ooie ly'/ be ex~cted to t ire out. In th e work· outs and won't qualify for th e Illaill HeuL en H offman, aged twentyevent in A ug ust. But thcre be ei"ht, shut hi mself to death, leaving enough in to muke the quahtYl llg word that he t hose t o die because h! race a great c.ontest, and if there ' is WH ~ n fll ilure. not some broken shll'Ul, cracked collar lI e mention ed also th e fact that he ha d "n evcl' worked bonea and r eputatio ns that arc not much, for fenr o f ma king gOillg to heal up entiroly be~ore the Lyman Sil vCl', so n of 1111'. lind Mrs. "f himself. " If h e ha d been a . Iava Novemb er election , we mIss our Throug h th e eo u,'te. y ~r th e Rik e- buildi n):!, juet ab ove t)I C mnin street, R little buil/l in)!' M O on I' ri ~ tilt S il ' l'er, ext reme "I' Hll Ic ut ft. e iR 4, nH)J'e proLdied of a slllve , he might have been nt th e ably on r· of the old('s l hote l build ing'S g uess. And itl! these BOrl! .s po~ that Kumler cOlllpan y. o f Dllyton , we Ilrc Imm ~dial cl y back o( lh e t e mpI" is the E~py ('cnt,' h r o ~ p o it.Jl f I th , Xe <' ni pictu)'~ a, Mondn , whi y mornle less th ' in o( /l failure . make the No ve mber result Just as un - fellturin g in this issue all a erop lane T E' lcphullc ,,);chn l1 g'(' . II'hith i~ Sl!!l" , ullhuu)!h not be in g used pl ninly Vri c nd s 11 0111 " Illill l h,· Grude sch oo l fortill' inl!, 1>Ia rc h 22. Men need to r eali ze that work is certain as the August prelimin aries. picture of a J art of Wn ynesv ille. show n. T he, w,," l side o that purJlo. (' at t his tim e. f Main street a re cu t ufl' e llti l'l' ly . Til l' Hig h schoo l Hi ~ dea th wus th e res ul t the o f burn o nly thing worth wh ile. s Lookin/! at This picture is thc first of it.!! kind ~ h o\\'R almost a ll the b1l 8 in ~", pnrt o pi ctu re shown one f IHlil<iiltg ,\11 Sixth stree t, does not mi/! ht think tht.he ot th <' t own is a ver y rece ived wh en h came in con tile! There were 1,sr.1,79 4 lIutomo biles ever taken or ou r vill age, and , how. t he tow n, but th e Natio nu l bank th e ~ h fJ\\' . K11la ll ~ one . Whil e it iN not n lal'ge with a hi /!h te ns ion wire while atHichard Pudgett , scientis owned in Ohio at the end of 19 2&. only a porti on of lhe tu wn-the c n- Pos lofl1c c all d the business sect ion T he Go ze t te omce can be see n im- tOWI! at th"t, yet it i ~ o ne of t he t.em pting t o repair [J te lephon e ut his a n instr um en t that talks. t, shows These owners paid . lnto the State lor ter ond a pal·t or t he wcste l'll portion, nOl't h is 11 t s h'l\\·n. n' l ed intel It says, y home I)e:;t seve to the l'ul Pencil weeks bu ago. iltiinJ(', Mi nm i V n ll ~y The towns mo st p rominen t pictur e shown . The 1\1. Ii:. church an d 11Ilr unage on t.ho thefr license tag!! $13,663 ,305.47, the three-st ory build ing neal' the eust volu me o f bus iness, th nt do a lurge , A ' graduut c of Wll y lt ~ s v ill e High "Hello, London, are you th ere?" and notwilh sta ndin g ~ chao "Lila. greates t amount every yet paid in, is t he Masonic temple, t he big, whi te Thi rd st r~et a re p romine nt n('llr t h of the pictul"e. I love you." Science lets UB I an d o f th AJ('ricu lt.ural DcThe th rlll·.st ory I here n r c no fa Ltor ies in the plnce. and about twico what it will be this ================ partm en t of th e Ohio St.nte unvel'si- talk ncr oss the contine nt or, lying in ===================== ---========= bed. hear year, becBuae the cost price of thWlc t.)le Preside nt making his ~=============== ty, Mr. Silver wus u pr om inent und speech in Washin tags has been r educed' just one-half . gton. Now appears hig hly r e"pected far mer. a member \ These interest in g figur es lire taken of Way nesville Lodge No. 1.63 F. & a machine that mny save us the from the IlJInual rellort of ' Thud H. A. lit, memb er of t.he M. E. church, trouble of talking. Brown, Secreta ry of State. IInti sllow. the Wayn , T ownship Farmer s club. A hnpp~' hom ~ cil'cle ha s Lee n brol~( i~J Ed n a Earl Beckett , da ug hter of ""d th e GranJ('c, und , hi tile great. volulll t' of bUJIine811 that was ken and brokl'n ut its stro ngest poin t . lI'lan's easiest work is done by pushs death is Will ia m nnd Luc y Beckett . was bol'll keenly f e lt in the commun transact ed by h is oJll IC, M.J·s. Lee H en d ~ t's(l n' 9 \Vn~ n beaut.ifu l Cuyah,o ga ing a button, which button starts the ity. _ ....... "" .......... , lit Waynes ville , Nove mber 2 , 19 0(;, cou1l ty with 216.47-l owned machlll cs The funera l serv ice wus he ld in the steam shovel or steamsh ip. life, thou gh all invalid f ol' ~ o mu n y - ----.= --__ a mI d epa rt·d t.his Iif,' on Murch 12, M. E, church lhis. Wedne6 day led the list while Vinton county with years . he lI'as so cnl m altd hopdu l. Zangwil l wrote long ago. "The NamornSixiy-five Warl'en ou nt y me n nnd ItJ2G , nl('(1 19 y"ar s, 4 months and ing, at II o'clock, only 1677 WU5 the lowest of the 88 Wi th her l ovcl~' fam il y thc world Rev. L. A, Wash- poleon of the future will be an epiAt the rel(u ' l al' Aleth cnn i meet ing 10 dl\j's. counties . ·Vinton county pnld in only women IIttended th,' Ch icik He!ll'inlg conta iltPd much burn. in chal'f~. At leptic the g'ruve chess player. carried about the fur hcr.. It is \\'~11 last. Thl1l" d~y V('l ma Grisha m dist.he $13 ,250 while Cuyaho ga paid ih $2 1- meeli ng- held lust. Thursda ~dna' s illn ess was ver y sudden Ilnd com mi ttal wus In charge of Waynes - field of battle y, 'r-Ia l'ch for hl'!' but the h ... urts u[ her fllnlllv . on an air c.ushion." . '. . , ser Ious. S bc w"s taken to th e Good vill e lodge No. 163 F . & A, M. Bu314,485 . Let's hope that wilJ never come, I S, at t h ' Lingo Hurdw!' re stor e, ut. nntl fl'i ~ n ds tll'C liowed wi t h g net. " li S >'e d t h SO CIal con(hh ons n lld t rn-' S'1nl!! r ilnlt hn< in ineinnat i, nnd rial was in Miami cemeter y. Evcl'yth i ng in h~l' llu~ul'e. ~\' Il S (ofty (litinn . nf .Japa n, e mp but invento rs are doing what they ha6 izinl! th e ir , d.i"d with in a f ew 1'0Ul'!I afte r he r arIf Edward C. Turner, cundida te Lebanon . alld )lurc. WllIlt an II1SPll'llI g lII elll- e!Ted o n the Ii tc ralillte can to bring it about .. I of th at co unI rlv f OT the Republi can nominnt ion for ol lh ere. Mr. Raym ond E. Cra y, puu try (H'y fO I: he r I~lIli l ¥ , Let us rl!ll1eml>cl' try. F oil w in ~: this the presi(kn t . Sht;. ~vas a mem ber o f t he MethoUltomc y ge ne rul of Ohio, were t o ac- speeiuli st of lhe Ohi" hel'<.' I. W(ll'k 10 1' I ,,' 1><'Ylll1(1 th e , St1ltc u nl\'el'- t(lc . d" b)ltscop al church, 11nd was n good One Hundre d Thousan d New York nrly ~ut c~ 111 the Paradise of God. rcad purt f t he pl!'y, ." c pt the ninny invitatio ns he has bee n sity, lecl"red an d answer The Trj'stmg ed qupsti vne H el' 1lJ~"'O J'y is a benedic hJ'i ~tiu n gir l. She wus loved by a ll building trade workers will get what tion and :ln PI llcl'," by iloo t h 1 Ill'ktngt on . r eeeh'ing to deliver addre 511es and nt- on Meth ods of Chick wh o kn e\\' her. Itea r i nl~. they a sk, $1 to $2 a day increase . Mr . i" hl'imti oll not o'n l.v for he ,' bel ved , , tend politica l gatherin gs, h e , a uld Il J Crny said : "Of nil ' This will ndd $75,000 ,000 a year to H er mot her, fllther nnd older sist he probll' lIls c ull- fllllt ily "u t f or " " nil. constan tly on tho go , un even the n L,>t 11_ r"m"l11The -ornUl I n lHY , " r eck "s. P eck ," tel', l\nt hcl'ine, hnve gOlle be fore the $525,00 0,000 alrendy paid those wo uld bf ~ompel) ed to de, li tw Ul ll n y f r onting t he pou IlI' to l'llHl It , thn l o( bpI' be l' I' u,'" sp irit haH 01 I;' been \I:" rcpl' nted Th u'rs day night fo r the we((-ome wage-ea rn r8. h I' into th o Great Beyond. of thQlll. Mr. Turner is kn own 1\5 b ll proper broo din ~ chicl.s tnlll~(cr rul fl onl her hu l' I' v hOnll' on h ~, (fi t. ~f th" Moth ers' club. A <: 01'- Slw I c:w(' 8 to mour n her i ~ und oubt cdConserv ative capital will wee'p for loss, three \' u, Li, tv hl' !' beautifu l hom" in hunv- net solo by o rator, who calls a sp11d" ~ spade, :lIld ly th e most im porta nt a.1' 1 Gmy ol.ened l he brothers , Linley. hester a nd James, pre requis ite lo William. '0 engc, 5& yenrs old, u li ttle while, saying, "The nation is 'who can work up IlI§ mUch enth usia.,·l a profitab le poul try (' n. I'rog'l'nm . A \' ocal solo by Elsie "We cannot say, and we going to the dogs," Later, conserv auu siltess. It hilS to the square inch as any ot h~r Wu ' 01'0 so apt t <1 say \\ hell som<' lI awk n 111'I'ccdN will not say. me l'chnnt poli ce mnn, WU H shot and I selectio n" .. , in public life. But the fllct 19 '11:\n ~ ivon - by 'rlHit ~ h C 'IS (I en d· --5 I10 is just away.' killed earl y Sunduy morning by two t ive capitnl will find nil the money that been d e tlnit<>l y pl' \'I'n thnt ch icks " n, Jla ,~"s 3WUY the Slld lIews has tho winuc coming I's of each g roup of the Wilh a cheery smile a nd a wave of bUl'g lnrs who he at tempted back to its coffers. while Mr. Turner would liko t<. ac- 'i mprope rly brooll d ncv COli"': but \\ hy s!wuld we say sud '/ FOI' Eli minll to nrrest I' produce as ti on OrntDri cu l Mnsons , plastere rs, bricklay ers, carthe ha nd, when he fnuml them III the act of eept many 01 t.hese invitatio ns he i,; lIlany eggs pnd never the 0 e who has cone it is g lorio\l R. I ~elc ct ion hv the Hig'hcontest an d a penters Ilrc us vig'o rolls The spend what they get. Some S('ho~1 Glee She ha" wa nd ered into a n unknow n I oLing .the E. B. Thirki elil general I'ememb rn nc e oJ: ~y mputh izi n g clu b closed' the even ing 's ,a mighty busy lawrer. Recogni zed Ilnd healthy 1IS the day big men will learn that all the entel'tai nMmc t'Juality 0' 11Ind , merchun s on,e ( of the leadmg attorneY ' of dise sto r e. lIIain word s sJ>"ken to us ~"n stl'cet, in money they can til' h"1Irts ever get, is money he capital city, he ' has a buaines s chicks properly brOoded And left li S dl'eumi ng how very fair Franklin . . lay at the M u ~ t r's fect II bru ised flll d m ~nt. ." spent py little men. I d (lk"ll l'oc(l b , p ' rOIIII)t" ....hich comman ds his pel'llonal otten· I I ' S I' at Bengo, lhis tl' who ll1C had bee n in b" t hc e mpl oy H the optim um res ul ts are to be t Il ee 8 < mu st ~,~lI1 ce s 1e 'J'h e Ingers Warre n ounty Oratoric u l ca n· of F'l'OlIklin mer chants for severlll '1ipn. Later on. it is expe cted that obtained du ring th e th er e." brood ing period, to "press OU I' s)'mplllh y f or t he d eal' t~st wil l be he ld I"riday Ilflern,'o n , yenrs , was makin g his rounds during Ca rd of Th ank. Bnd news is conspicu ous, good news fllmily . At s uch l imes ns th ese we March 2Gth at the apeI'll Pllrt 01 this work will be turned over certain pra',ti ees must ITouse b e followed ill , til> n ll l I",,\( at Ute thinsrs \\'.hi ch Ilre r." th e nig ht when he noti ced the rob- not. For instnnce . the navy perfects ,. • to 0110 Cll his assooiat es, and ht' will These prnctice s in Ohio bmlOn. Est h I' Re eder, Wi nif red W e ' nrc lI'is h k~u. l \ \' cxpre n s our heartfe lt be rs at work. sec II I,ll' the thi lligs l hut nrc see n nre Armit oge an d" a torch used under water, despite the find tiro# to accept llpeakin g cngagc- as "Ohio's big t en l'lII 'ich nl. nl1(' thl\ nks lo (JUt m iln)! ,friendlio who 80 IlS f or !'IuSlng tc mpul'u l, bttt the thin ingle-hn nd ed, he uLt empled to intense I'ressure of great depths, gs which lire rneJlU, when he does, there chicks." They nrc l1 S follows : kindly helped us ' in lhe any Wnyn"" way at "ill th c e co overpow er th em, but his revolv not s ell arc otenllll. TIll' It's an inte resting torch, with three won't be • voter who hears him but " will start at nt1 estanls. "F'irst-- Hatch ea riy. not Inte r than :1 5. denth of \lU I' dQ11/' .!Ii ~ 1'; To Brother wresletl .from his IP'USI) und er was sheaves meeting Ll't th e I' sunedi ll n of t he Divine ... l'o~ram ,*bat wilJ !slIP'" 4!¥lIc~y where he May 15, 11nd at a point. From '" hc was WlIshbu rn prefe for Ilis rably comfort ('nrli mg el'. words, ' Lord be ~ h o th t. f oul' tim es, two of th e bullets the t hree sheaves acetylen e gas, hye 'su re 1'1 dge t hat th ey !llso etaJldt on tbe 1Il0re importa n issues Second- P,· pure the brooder house who sIc p in J esus to 1\lis s Lu cy I~ mlcy fo r the beautifu l inflicti will c'od bring with ng fntul wounds . droge n gus and compres sed ,air burst which are bp,u nd ~o be brpught out nnd move it to clean Th e Ju nior class is work ing 011 11 songs , to Mr. \\IcC lu re gl·ou nd. The lIim- that we cllli' look forw flrd with progl'nll nnd Son for WillillUl Baco who lives across forth. An oil' bubble protects the during the campaig n. l to be g iven SOOIl. t he e ffi cienl way in wh ich they con- t he stl'eet fro111 n, brooder house shou ld be t horough ly i yful coulid nee to that better nnd the 8t01'e, heard th e fire under pressure , and the torch, ____ ducting t he fll llel·ttl services . scrubbe d and spl'tlyed wi th a gl)od coa l bl'ight.e r world, co mm otion und run Lo thc st!'eet. He develop ing under water a tempera where t her e sh1lll be Recclptl ! 01 the State f1'orn pr\!!I)n bir disinfec tan t ot· whitewa The cni or pro!!,l'!lIll lust Fridny HER went BRO!fH to sh. Benge's EHS. ovof 5,000 degrees , wlll bum holes a ssistanc e. 110 01(11',\ dCllth: • M. LA A". industri es totalled $1,421,6 !)6 during el' the /l00l' with '!Und consiste d of a "Moc k Commell ce- - -- - - - - s tngger ed in his from 'AI to 1 ste el sides of sunken SUbmRund d - - - - - - - -~he fiscal year ending July , 1926.. inch depth PI' littCl' III nt," memb el'll of th e d aSH h 1l\'in~ before Illny be substian d other 5hips, making it and furni8he d employ ment to 1909 tuted where .untl is not t3 k'e n n~sul1J d nil III "S. The cla ss flicd, "I' ve ovel'don e myself." 1\\·uilabL '. possible t o to pump in air and raise prisone rs who were guarded ed . lowly in so th at the nud ience 62 Third-P rovide ~unlcicn t broo(lel" Bncon believes th e policem an did lhem to tlw s urface. "'lin. This 'is the largest sumbyever might Yo t t he b !! n ~ fit of l heir un it'Jllc house space Ilnti la rge eno ugh stove. not know ha ha d heen Rhot. He "~"Je-d In anyone year through , nc- A 10)(12 house • o. t un,,',. T he gir!!; wore midd ies fought the robbers until his strength a ,.commod atc 500 t.ivitlejl 01 the prisonel '8 of Ohio in chicks, but 400 will Lud y Fische l', havin/! lived on fruit nnd while ~kiJ'ls " with da rk hose nnrl will be better.. wus exha usted, bu t was no mutch 1'0 1' ' the penJtan tjary ., and reforma tory. juic!! a nd vegetab le extraets for forwhite bho<'x. T hey cllrricd It wTenth Fourth- Do not f cd too ~o on, and th eil' gun s. • Eltpansl oll J;l1Nl1}' pf Govern or Donn- gIve proper Clll'e t o yn o f vJll'i-col orcd no wI·n;. T he boy" The l ule~t dC\'cl oplll"nt fl'(1m the ty-two dn ys, brcllk~ her "fast" and ung' ch ickH, an hey if carrIed Ollt. will enable to ' to 48 hours is ta ke s milk. T he diet is not a fast, co~tum ~F includ€'d light ho"!', t urn ed the l'obbery leng'th o has added a few Qlues by hus f tim ' both profitab le emp\oy ment of ,m nny more food and water shuuld The fir st boys ' nnd g irls' teams which d etec done hel' good, improvi ng her com An uccasion oC motl' t h; n IIsual in- \,~Rls wil h Ilo coa ts an d a ~l\y bllube \\'ithhpld. tiv es thi n k th cy will be plcxio 01 these men, who an 'f)luch more n, preservi ng her s trength. Fifth- Feed u whol esome, well-bu l- t erest wns the cclt'brat ioll , SundllY , of l on l1nirc. 'rhc ~It."lge was dcc orntcd went to M;lS'lIl IoTiday night, and met ab le to bring th e Illur" e l' e r~ t il j usI1esJroul of woz:klng than spendIn g nnced colnple tc rationFrom vege tables boiled to I) liquid, tice, th e Ohio rn· the 80th birthday 0 f ,J (>~~ l' Hn\\,j;ins, wi th pUt'ple Il IHJ pink, i nt rapel'sed ih e t Nl Ill H of thnt schoul. -. she got the m ineral salts absolute ly t.b~lr time in idlen~S8. Profitab le tion, pO Kto r o [ tho F riends chu),ch a t N w wilh Ii\'[' OJ' si x t h !'I' lou d colol·s. Af. '[h e W. H. S. g irls were defeate d "1IlpJDm lent of the rapid incrcali ng ,,""entin l to health. tcl' Be" 1',,1 <'5 a.y, inc lu ding "The Give one rat Sixth- Feed largo, am oun ts of 1l11lk. Bllrling ton. ' ill JlopuJa~jpQ (If 'Prisone rs in Ohio is one the first ga me, 14 to 8, but they nolhing b ut water, give another rat Sevcnth - P ro\'ide )!I'Cell fc ed lib A specia l pI' ~r ~ D1 had bee n Ill'e- Alltn-h iol!1':ll' hy of a JIl i<:robl'," "~I u ts \Vll t<' r of tl\e clP'eaie.Ot problem s of the State. and unlimite d quantiti es of par cd II'hich was ably ca rried out by If ni r aull CI the,s ," t ho class proph- put UJl a stilI fight through out the at nil tim s. , Jna'c~iV1~y ,a n4 \dl~.neS8 do , not ,go to erally foo d from whi oh 1\11 mineral salts Eighth~ G e t ebicRs Ollt o f ti OO I'S Hnrllld McKay, neDl' Orego nia. A (,C.I·, gl'al)I, nlld poem werc read . Thl' en tire game. help make lle~er men of the8e prls- as 600n as weather have pI' bue s(!ntat n ex trncted; the rat eating ion o f th e dip lomns ma l'lw tl The !Joys were crip pled by "Briur" deliciou s lu ncheo n was s~f\' c d after permits . DnUII. They,t ~o work and food will die before the rat taking ' Ninth- RenT young Htuc l, nway the . cr\'iee was Ol'el·. 1'hp g uest o f lin amlls inl! incid:en t , foll owed by nn ~l.aillo u s being off t lt e' team with a on ly water. blame the State for not ll.'lving it to from old stock. supel'in tc ndt'nt on sore arlll. Even th en they only lost hOllor Was presentc d with an clabo- aci dress by th them, There are exc"ptfo ns . to this Tenth-S epnrale cocker els [rom I'utely dec(1l'I!I;cd hirthdny coke, two "nollt's ." Th e 11ddt'ess by the pres- by u SCl'oe of 17 to 14. so it shows JJJJe bpt It III said that 96 per cent pullets a8' soon us Poo d, without mineral s alts, is food large bas kets 'of (lOW"l'S lind t.wo 11ot- id ent. proved liS .nmusin,:: n ' the T c,st th ey ph(yed t he gu me. It is considpossible. . Th e Misses Clara Ber ryhill, Kath- without nourishm ent. of';!1 pr¥Pmm I prefer work of almost Jlnd RHe r a f ~ w songs by th ~ 15"ad- ~red n hll rd thing t o dcIcllt Maso n on Other informa tion mll Y be ubtalilcd te d ]llan ts. erin e FroJ11111 any kind -to tilf IdlehQ..u!le. ~IJ sooti· from 'the Allsistal lt Co an d taud unt.eR; y. the Holand cu rtain, enfell t T heil' hut. is why good a nd sma the cla ss ll flebl' unci we f ee l that the ' Besides Mr. lIt cKay th.ere we re a lso that includes unty Agent, at. tertaine d II few f ricn ds a t a St . Put- boiled vegetub les soup .. .weather eondltlq tlJ ,permit outside ' Farm Bu~e~u pffi~e, \Y. If. S, l eu nt s did vcry well. p re ('nt, Mr. and Mrs. A. H . T orn'lI breath ed a sig h of reli e f. is so importu nt. ri ck's Duy pa rty on Th ursda wor!r, several bundrCJ1 more men will y eve nThe The hest same part n !lnd o( ight ----" vegetab les is boiled SOilS, Law!'en ce a114 Ben jumin, a g roup of Leba non - ..- --be Ir~en employm ent, but the lonit Ollt in m!lny househo lds and thrown o f New Vienna, H. n. Heeves , of Hi!Ch Schoo l boys f r om Gen n town ing, March 18. The curly pal·t of the evc lling wns IlWIlY. III soup it is preserve came to Waynesville and played o ur Hi ch111ond , Ind " T. L. 'Wull and f amd, seco nd t eam. It wus only after a t;pe nl in A' l1mc~ n nd co nt cs t ~, r e mini ~­ il y, of , Chester , Mr. Illld Mrs. L. 1>1 , ~--cC'l1t of Old lI'clond . Delic io us r ehlg, are to be erected at the London ha rd fi ght t.ha t th ey won, 19 to 13. Hl\wkins. neElI' Wilming ton. Tho class tourn a ments ill W. H. S fr eshmen ts werc se rved, in which El Beuutif ul tl'lbute$ wer e read from Tho 8{lnunl ins pection of Waynes prison farm, IImd when these a1'f'· Emmn S. Townse nd. Amos and Elmu ville Lodge No. '163 ll'. & A. M., t ook- have bee n go ill~ 0 11 at th e noon hour gree n a nd whi te co lor scheme was complet ed "will J'ielp very materia lly in furnlshm g year round work for ook, Wm. J. aye rs. of Muncie, Ind., plnee la. t Wodne6 day evening . A for the 11U"st week, a nd now the Juni or effective ly used. After t.hi R a taffy pu ll was enjoyed by all. The temalnthe 600 men who arl! n'Ow confined in and Clayto n Terrell. large el'owd was present llnd lodges and Senior boys nrc tied for fir st de r of· the thl' new pe"al tnltltutl on. A. V. Schae ffer, of Dayton, died from Hamilto n, Dayton , Harveys burg plnce. W e expect to p l a ~' the final in g u5 00." evening was spent in plny.. Dr. Lloyd B. Hal] will be absent. at Miami Vull ey hospital early SunNew Burling ton , Mlanlisb urg, Lebn- games some night, so prcjl81'e to COlli!! , Those wh o enjoyeil the occnsion irOIll' his office MOTch 24 to 26, to day morning , after being struck by hOn w.ere l·ep~es:ented . At 6 :30 a and 'sec so mo good gll llles. K were Gra ce Graf, Margar et Marlatt , an attend the c.onfere nce of veterina rautomob ile while on his way to deliciou s dinn er was, served by the Clnrn B e rr~' hill. Katheri n e Fromm, his home Salurda y night. es of the E asLern Stal' lodge. ians ~ bo held at. the. College of ,vetGladys Roland. Roger Tut'ner, WalkThe Februar y numb~r of "The IndiThe The decease d was a brother of Rev. \~()rk of the e vening Will! in erinary Medicin e, OhIO State Ulllver- Ohio Teacher ," a magtlzin <11' Hatfield , Hoy Woods, Melvyn Bane publishe d J o hn J. Schaeff er. rector of St. Mat he F'. C. degree , nnd was present81ty, coluinb us, Ohio., . ' ', ta and Levi Coates. Thi. confere nce, ",hlCh ,In reality ry's Episcop ul ehure,h , and wail well ut Columb us in the inter es t of' public ed in a $tyle ,that was very comia an intensiv e post g~aduale sbort educatio n, con tains known by many of the conrreg atjon, mendab le. The a Wukitat history ina of Campfir the e girls beld course for ' 9 hio '8 practici ng' veteri- 'Holbrooks. and th e Normal haying frequen tly attende d services Aftel: the worl< of' the even ing was their weekly mo e~ing at the home- of schOO L01'narians,' is ,lll'1"unged ~o g ivC' the yrae- 'gan and e~tnbli here. ".' over\ sevora~ . visi.tiilg brC!thers gave Beatrice Robltte r _ lust ']luesdny' ,' ,a1shed nt , L ebllnon, ' S mit~ -Hughes titioner8 an opp6rtul llty, to obtam tho in 1'8 55, by t Alfred Rol- ex ~ e lent tillks rulative to the good tc~noon. The mee~ing ,Vas opcne~ lntellt informa tlion eQncern ing the ,bl'ook; who tauPresidon of Masonry . old danghte r- . by. the roJl call and reading of the ght in that school for ' pi:event ion and treatme nt hf millu tl)s by ]\fury Louise Zimmor ~ haITf~~s scceh"otou.r,Yk· nown' 1IS t he Na:ti~'lal' of animals and natur-al1y 8UC"d.i seascs man, tho secl'eta't'y. '!lhe treasurer'~ I mation will bel'efit thl\Uve -stockinforown Nor al universi ty. censail ,to exist. In report wnll given by Evelyn Carte1'l ' of thIS j:\lmmul llty: The 11 e_ l~ l.~;, when It wns wtlght. , .. m rged with wn; -' stoek interest s demllJld the latost iiI- '!'I in,ton . college. . -.-~ . ' . TbQ g.lrls will hand in their ossays ~ " . fONnation obtaina ble jn this connecnCJ<t weJlk ·JOr We ' the will~ June publica tion 'to eJcpresa oue aRpreci a: .. ti9n anli we are 'Pjeased to state that< ti\ln and e;Ktel\d, Our t1i1lnk~ to our Of "Every ' Girls'. I\[agazln e." sqch a confet,ell,ce will Jle the meafJs Sandwlc l1es be Wa~,esv Bold next Satille ~tien<!l9 !;qr thel);, syrpPBof the veU¢na rlane renderjl 1g a more thy and helD 111 OUiI' late j)ereave ment, 'urda'y 'by the g irls! ' . eftllllen!; IOrvlcte In tile fuwJ'6.L whTch .' . .-.; ' tlie 1088 d ' o\lr baby daughte r; ell, B'ERNIC E HYMAN. Scribe. The IAiics AiJi of th8 M~ E : pecjaiIy to the }{uCiu1 will be mutuall y benefici al. - tfhe en'es, ltev: L. A. tire comJllll llitJ will! therelot4!, rllllP bburoh will h\lld nn ' market Wlllhblml, Hi", Luc)' EmleYI , and . I the _e~ ~f Ida aD18nll8 ' for thne at the TownJJbfp hall, on Snturda) " Mrs. C. W, GordQtIo Gllorge Prt-tt wu ~ Dayton, lion.. AprU 3rC ' Hr. 'and Mrs. HiIJU'1 We.terman. day. ' t /\

--- ---- - -




A Tribu te

~ 1T.- J.~(,


Edna Beck ett










.. - ._----




,Will AlTEN D


Annu al Inspection



- ...---

The Holbrooks

-BURGlAR ':ALARM , . - RO.ulS: BU~G[AR

Cam pfire . Girls

. . . ,. . ----

. Card ' 01 Than ks' · -

E aster Mark et

Iew."'710 '


I ,



-----. _..----



a I


,I Live Poultr.y

0 YE,.-.--

b.arlem oil has been ~ a world· wi4c remedy for kidncoy, liver nnd bladder ' disordeMl, rheumatism. lwnbaao and uric acid condi tiona.













In the matter of the settl ment of tthe estate of 1:>. Leroy 'Eornhnrt, de(leas d T. E llis us odmt'. MARINE BAND IS


~ h nl'l e8

'OUSE Itance ~Ied plea for. exemption from inherta wInch


WP I! grQnt~d.




Will Pay


Neurly "vcry OIl C ill Am ' r ica hilS WiIIi llll1 D c" ni~ mu c knHlr~ of Middletown UIl,1 i\lildl'~,1 hlllCl ,' chuyler of a rlldio no\Viillnys, und n('nrly every one wh o h:l ~ n radio has tun ed in minis l rut or of th e esta te of Beatrice Leban oll . J ose ph Ring, port'r. of Frnnklin, ~ull1 e t ime 0 1' othe,' to hen I' the Uni I'. Ki ng. de ceu.oed. In the p ctlll'nI~nt of th e estate of Ilnd n e ,,~ i,' Kirby, of j·'r'lIlklin. l~d Stu tes .la dn " blind , t he mu ~ic of Telephone 292W Nimrod P. OaW5,)I1 . the I'o urt nd vised which i~ "cyu lll l'ly bl'oadcnst fr om Ohio , I> 10 the lii s p ,,~i li\\n of thr property Miamisburg, WUfi hinJ; t nn. T his ban d, ac,:(ll'(lin ~ REAL ESTATE TRANSFER:> d o rd r~d certain settlemen ts made to I',·L,· ,· H. ,n.. " , St ·l'iinl:. wit .. II'l'itc~ We PAY Ynur T lep honr CAli. if We Tlh'", I1 ~ A . • 10 111' . to J am". ' V . . \ \Ill II 1. \JIII'I' n ~ admi nistrntnx of ,·u t c l't l\ ini, .~ ly ,'n til<' ""bjnct ill th e Buy Your Poultry. till' ,·~ tlltc 0 1' Willilll1l 1\1. Dare. filed Quil!l ey 11 11 01 .1 '1<~ i ,· .1. Quigley, two CUl'1'c nt if·. ii I of t h~ Nntion al HeFrn n klin. $ 1. lot s in IWI' 111'st and final account which was CGIftCt 1ntema1 troubtes. s!imul ot. v itnl N . •1. Tho.I·,·r I\lId Ik l'Li c Thny .. r to publ i<-. i~ Ih,' bl" t kll, ' Wll all d nld cst j " tI" "\' d s ll~p~nclcu. " l'I rn lli zali u ll ill the republic. oqaIlL Thr"" s1.C1I. All mu,,!: •• U. l".J.t W. H. \ 'n ill ncli fl!lhalll' lind Litli .. E. InUt'il'ul II i lll:1I11 ~I rllj nllld, "' a timr, of the T h(· bl1ll d WB S ~tU l·tl' d t)1I ils (' Ur(.l cr OIl the otiltillnt "cunine Go, () MLUAL. Vtl lnlldin~ hlllll. n bolll I S ncr e~ i ll .Har ... 1111., " I' t~,'url" W. Brnllt , fil ed his by till' Col Iti'll'II1a t 'on l\' r('~" in the Il,·, t lInti tina l llccount wh ic h is or- Ian Tp., :\ 1. excitin g" d .• r. of Ill<' H('\'o lutiollury NOTARY PUBLIC J oh" Blu(' lind Sarah It. Blu e to d"n'" "lI~pe ndcd. \Yur. nn d BC'ujll: mi n It't'nnklin w a~ C. E. Will illm~ 1\1\.1 1':ml11l1 Will ia ms III the mait c" ,) f the settlemen t of National Baok lIlueh i ' ''I''','~"(' d by th~ mUl'tia l nil'S th~ ('stut" of Mary L. McCray, de- 1\ lot in Prnnklin. ~ I. get ImmedIate relief from ployed loy th e bUild wh ich was ass istW. G. ,,",ph.' l\ucI Lou 1' : .• ample cetlsl·d. the entry dete rmining inherDr. ShOOD's MafUc OintmtD~ Will. Dra wn " " " .... E.tat ,," Settled itance tux to be paid is ordered t o to Ev('rdt,· Moretidd, ubout .14 ac res ing in thc ),ecruitin g of Ule First Uni t ed Stllt(·S '1IIlI·inc H. Waynelville, Ohio be certificil t o the a uditor of War- in Sectio n 19. $1. In 17fJ8 a law Wll ~ llossed by ConDullas Phillips to Gcol'!{c M. Sel- g ress ren county. putting the U. S. marin es on In th e matte r of the estate of Ma- lers. of Spri ngbo ro, fou r in lots and II u permllne nt busis, nnd in conjuncry Caskey , deceased. Prcd A. Caskey purt of o ne out-Int in Springboro, $ 1. tion w ith th e marin e corps there was Malissa Archer to I·Jebe r Shumak- crentcd a "drum, maj or , a fire ma jor was appointed admr. and gave bond. Apprai sers for the propcrty were ap- er and Pearl Shumaker. a t ract in and thir ty-two drulll s nnd fifes." Military Survey No. 1626, U. po in ted and accepted. Since t hat tilll e th c ba nd has be en Mrs. Elsie Buffington t o Chnrles A. t he 1'I'public's fin est. With the gradIn the estate of Max Calvert, deGe nse n, tw o lots in Franklin. $1. ceased, permiuion was given to Alual dcyclopment of Illusicnl instru Lore ne Stevens to Erma Charlton, m e nt ~ the fift's an d d rums were sulie Calvert, admrx., to r ent a part of abnut two aeres in Franklin Tp. , $1. a {arm formerly owned by Baid deperced ed by horn s a nd reed instruS. K. Murphy to Clnra Murphy ments. ceased. and Ralph Murphy, four lots in MainO. H. Chenow eth as admr. of tb e Am ong the fi rst prl'sidents; J efferDate your sales with us. We guarantee estate of Myrtle I. Chenoweth, filed ville, $1. so n took u great inte r est in th e MI\uti.faction or charge nothing. his first and final account of said rine bund and at the inauguration estate. COMMISSIONERS ' ALLOWANCES of Preside nt Madiso n when the new ' In the matter of the estate of W. C. Gilmore, for coroner's in- chief exec utiv e enter ed the inauguro.Grace J. Reed, deceased . court grant$3.7 0; Valle y Phone co mpany. ral ball with th e beautif ul Dolly on ed permission to the Lebanon-Nation- quest, rent. $23,76; same for rent dur- his arm th e bund played a bran.) new Phone No. 320 Phone No.2 al Bank as admr. to sell property of toll ing MarchI $61; J .. O. Mich ell, repairs romposition kn own a. "Madison's said estate. on Court nouse, 1;4. 10 ; same for reo March." The mu sic for th e White House pairs on jail, $12.94; W . C. Turton coal for Court house, $16.32; Lewis weddings has always been furnished & Drake. drayage for auditor, $1.60 ; by this bund. This was the case same for drayage fo r supplies for the whe n Nellie Grant. dau ghter of janitor, $1.73; Dllkin and Dakin in. Presiden t Grant. became a bride. and lurance. $7.06; MeGetchin's Phar- when Alice became the macy. supplies for jail, $6.25; Colum. wife of Nicholas Longworth. Abrah am Lincoln was very partial bus Blank Book Co.. supplies for auditor, $2; same, suppli es for pro- to the Marine band and durin~ the bate court. $1.25 i t he local Amer. days of th e Civil war in sisted that ican Legion Post, Memorial Day al- its concerts be contin ued os usual. lowance, $26; Office Outfltter's sup- The historic band was present when plies for auditor, $3.76 ; same for Lincol n made his immortal Gettystypewriter for sheriff. $86. 15; The burg IIdd r('ss. Western Star, suppli es for auditor $10.75; same for supplies for audi: SLEEPING SICKNESS tor, $84 .6 0 ; same for s uppli es for prosecuting attomey, $9; G. Led er "How is the new maid getting man, for same, $lI.60; Indiana T r uck . corporation for repairs on the county ~~ "Oh, she's all right. but she can't truck, $41.00. Many little chicks are hatched out with make up ,the beds without lying down on the j ob !" . greatest care only to die from feeding



26c per pound

R. EU jfl'ne Ki ng WlIS appointed ad-

unu pu", the

.D.Swank& Son

16HTBR iteets.1


H E SAME s train th at loos ens the wrap on a,:erage farm fe nc ~ has no effe ct on K.okom~ PIoneer T F ence other than to nlske t he knot tighter. .


It's all in the way the knot is made .. Note the .'lIuatration above. which will give yo~ an Idea of thIS cxc!us ive feature. Thi s is B semi· hlnge knot. Better sult. exami ne ·Kokomo Pioneer F ence stretched i~ yo.. n eighbor's fie ld. Pull on it-put your foo t on It-try to loosen the kno t I . F Then you'll unde rstand why Kokomo PIoneer cncCl will not ge t out of shape. why the stay w,res can not s lip on the line wires-why you arc ass ur ed of flOOD fence for a lon~ period of years. The wire used In the manufacture of Pioneer Fence II 99 Yo % pure zinc coated. Why not try it and be convinced.


F. T. Martin Jesse Stanley Auctioneer Auctioneer

Centerville, O.



Poultry raisers find that when Conkey's comes in -"good luck" comes too. Chicks fed Conkey's Buttermilk Starting Feed . resist disea~pecially -.:.......-~.

White Diarrhea-the costliest of all chick plagues . . Conkey· fed

fasfer, mahlTe earlier

·uttermilk Starting Feed is different from all others. It is so clean, sweet and genuine. It is the only feed made by the Original Conkey Process-no dried Buttermilk is ever used. OnlySemi·Solid Buttermilk is combined with other ingredients in the original and successful Conkey Way.

Don't Break the Chain of Conkey's ButtermUk Feeds ,Three in number-one for.Starting-one for Growing-one . for Laying-each the best for its purpose. . Soltl by

Waynesville Farmers' Exchange Co. c

FENCE -For Farm Slid



W e don't see how a conscienti ou, alienist can e nj oy a winter vacation in Florida. knowing that some poo r murderer back in C hica~o or New York or even nearer home tha n t hat is in dan ger of losing his life for lock of expert test im o ny. - K an~lls CIty Star. Henry Ford is said t o deplore the passing of the barn dallce. And wh o, pray. planted garages wh~re barns formerly stood ?- Des Momes Reg-

, ursery Hhy mcH by Mothllr Goos" - V••ry chil,li ~h . ong ressional Reco rd by A. Senator- Plot sl ow but bloodcurdling. Recomme nd ed for childre n. Te lephone Directory by Bell e Syste m- T oo nlany chu racters in plot . Auth or has tille head for mathematics. Uictionary by Webster- Per fect En,::lish. Author jumps from one subjcct to another t oo oHen. N,) plot. Ce nsus Report (Anonymous) Too mU l h detai l. Author very nosey. Sex eiement domina nt . Income Tax Repo rt of U. Ann Meo - The best piece of fiction of th e year. Her o, a happy FO lucky liar wh o gives most of hiS income to churches. Finally. on March 15th. he swindl es hi s Uncle Sam out of a s um of money. Plot ·very real.

A good many Congressmen must iati!r. think that tax re lief means relieving Rockefeller and Ford may support the people of their money by taxa, a polar flig ht but it's understood that tion. neither of them Is anxious to go along. -Indianapolis News. Often and often have we thought of Presiden.t Coolidge's r emark about hill Vermont farmer ne ighbors. 'My people are happy an'd contented. They belo ng to the mselves, live within their incomes, and fear no man."~ressi\'e Farmer.

Tbe smut diseuse of oats can be controlled und a Hmut free crop witb corresponding inc:rea8e in yield ' assured by treating the seed with a solution of forma ldehyd e. The formaldehyde t reatm.ent a s given by R. C. Thomas. Assodate Pathologist of the . Ohio . EXJ!erimel)t Sta.t ion engaged III gram disease Investlgation consists of one pint :formaldehyde to 40 gallons of water. The g rain is ·spr.ead on a clean floor Ol' canvas and sprink. led wi th the solution at t he rute of -gallons per bushel. After treatment th e grain is left in a pile and covered with blankets or SLIcks for two or three hours. t he n spread to dry: It ie alway.s safest to so w the grain !18 soo ~ ~ ,Poss,b l(' aftl'r troatment to aVOid lnJury to germination.

Waynelvill. Ohio

The trouble with th e av erage man is that he never tries t o me nd his ways till he fi nds himself broke. Los Angeles Tim es..

Buick uses the Torque Tube Drive instead of driving through the rear • spnngs.

Jo~n ~ys that g irls must t hi nk



a s hort cut to beauty.

Public Sales . I will.ofl'er at public sale at my resIdence In Waynesville. Ohio, all the household goods of F. D. Hawke. on ~.t~rda)', Much 27. 1926. • ~egmnmJr .at 11 p. m., sharp. con. 818tll~g of ~llI1ng-l:oom suite, beds and beddmg, kItchen furniture ete. Most of these goodll .. re practically new See large bills for information. • MRS. JAS. E. McCLURE C. T. Hawke, Auct. • L?cated ~n ~i;;- Street, Ceutervtlle. OhIO. on Saturda,.. March 27. 1926. . At 12 :80 p. m .• Solo Krell player pJano, with 100 I:ecords. Household goods of all kindll. These goods are all very good, some like new. We a~ ~orced to sell them by both fam. illes Jiving togetber, and not ha'v ing room for all fU!'lnlture. U you are looklna- for IIOme· real furniture b on hand at this sule. • e RILLA and ANNA KELSEY. F ..T. Martin a:nd Jesse Stanley, AuctIoneers. Qenterville, phone 2.


Every Tuesday

Florida's invitation seems to be pretty well summ ed up in Numbers, 10th chapter. 20 th verse : "Come thou with us and we will do thee good."-Norfolk Pilot.



... ;tIt ....




. . . . . . . . .


MONEY LOANED LOANS on · Chattel••8WIIU, Socuri. tleB and Second Mortfllge.. HotH bought. John Harbine Jr., XenIa, . Ohio. ·m30.'26

Farmers, Attention!


Farmers of Wa..rren and adjolnln, ------~~-countles may obtain money on lon, time loan! , at II Jler cent intereat. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Cost of securing the ••me i. very rea· sonable ,through The Federal Lalld E.tate of Lois A. Nutt, deceased. Notlco ' is hereby given that Anna Bank. For further Information caU M. Nutt haa been duly appointed and on or address M. C. DRAKE. Tre_ qualified as administratrix· of the es- urer. phone BI6-X. Lebanon, Ohio. tate of Loil! A. Nutt. late of Warren County. Ohio, deceased. Dated thia 8rd day of March, 1926. WANTED W. Z. ROLL. Judge tlf the Probate Court, Warren County, Ohio. WANTED-All kind. of IIPft Woo~~ for pulp. Morris Graham. ~ Shawhan "'. Brown, Atty. m24




FOR SA·LE- Mandt w~gon, good as new, ha, been used very little. See ' J. ~. Shutta, R. R. 3. Wayne,ville, OhIO. a14 POR SALE-Refrigerator, III good condition, 150-1b. ice capac4ty. Phone 96. . .m2' FOR SALE-Pure tlmothy hay and pure Alsike clover hay. Both kinde extra nice. D. B. Underwood. Dhone ----34.3. Harveysburg. Ohio .a7 FOR SAL~Tburing body for Ford NOTICE OF D.ISSOLUTION ear, including radiator.!. shell. hood and tank. 'Frank W. ljrew, Dhona ' -The' partnerllhlp heretofore exist- 89.2 'At. . . *&7 . ing between the undersigned as .Sears FO.R SAL~Large galvan' l zed water '" Cartwright is hereby dissolved by . mg tanli, and one ~ No. 78. Oliver mutual cOnsent. . two-bottom tractor plow. MorTIs W. N. SEARS. Brown , Spring V.al1ey, Ohio • .R. D. 1. J. O. CARTWRIGHT

Estate of Mary Caskey. deceased. Notice is hereby given that Fred A. Caskey . has been duly appointed and qualified as administrator of tbe estate of Mary Caakey, late of Warren county Obio. deceased. Dated this 9th day of March, 1926. W. Z. ROLL. Judge of the Probate Court, 24 Warren County, Obio.m


1HoGrIea.,...... "'- Coo... 'LIN'!'. WICRIOAN


Keelor Garage Lebanon. Ohio

- - --..

lW'AllED: Harveysburg Fertilizer Co.

8:00 • . m. to " p. m.

Estate of Matilda Hosier, deceased Notice is bereby given that Ethel H(leier Earnbart haa been duly appointed and qualified as executrix of the ,estate of ,Matilda HOllier, late of Warren County, Ohio. deceased . Dated this 12th day.of Mareh, 1926. W. Z. ROLL, Judge of the Probate .Court. m 31 Warren County, Ohio.

modef'ate price buys


Lebanon, Ohio

Some states nl'e worrying over a surplus of crops, while this s tate is tr oubl ed ' by a shortage of voters.Milwuuk ee ,Journa l.


in America. Buick's

WEGET-THEMQUICKLY AND . FREE OF CHARGE" . . . CALu US ANY TIME 'itT OUR . Last ,... Ruth waa han.............. , ,E XP""SE b7 too much weicht;' but ~ .• ..... Ia IOmg «0 ae cWferent he' sa L . • Bee'. tile In & rubber:hl'rt ~~ into conditio ~i. ' PIIcua_ • HARVEYSBURG, >0.

At Cary's Jewelry Shop




The Eye Si,bl Special!.'


most • expensive car built

The Babe


- Germany s- fi rs r oi'\UCst irrter shl' J!:ets into tho L agu!' o{ Nations. if she does, prob!luly will be that the lea g uc tak e a mnndate over one GI'ovcr Clcveland Bcrgdol1.-Cinct·o nati Enqui rer.

does the




Musso.lini would seem to be in ne,l!d Protcs ·or'. Wife- " Say. Ichabod i of remind er t hat the sun of. Aust er- .vho i. this Violet Ray 1 hea r you litz WIlS followed by the g loo m of St. t alking abuu t so much in your slee p ?" Helena.- Boston TraTlllll'ipt.


Chicks,thrive better too. They ga·iil

Phone 25

.- ---....

neglect. Be fair with your hatches this year. Give them a chance to live and thrive. It costs so little to do it. Conkey's bas solved the problem of carrying little chicks safely over the critical first 8 weeks. No other Cruck Feed has such a record of success.

weigh more: lay better.


New BurIington,O.


Waynesville Farmers' Exchange Co., Waynesville, Ohio






Parks Barred Rock Ens, 711c per aelting, $4.00 per ' hundred. Mr•• ~XCl!SE ME-MY MISTAK.E· Rschel Crew. . Wayneaville. .m81 "Who ' Is that stupid looking man S: C. W. ,LegJ1orn Eggs, '800, per 100, Englisli. B~il\:, for. hatchii!i. in the blue s uit'I" Ml'8. B. V. ~mlth, phon«/, 87-.8, R b.D • • "You moan my husb~nd!" 4, WayneSville,. Ohlo. .f' a1~ "Oh. no; t he other man--the one in the dark gray Buit." '. FOR SALE-Lot of Iweet ' cl09'" hay.. Inquire lIarvey Rye. FOR SALE--Some rough hat,. III. THEN SHE FAINTED,qulr!! {If J. O. Hiley. .m17



Old lady to lio)'!! whom she caught FRESH Cow fM aale. See R. B. SIIIikins. R D 2. OrerP.nia "Jill 1 gambllng - "You naughty! Don't 1')'0\1 kl\01v ~herC! Uttle boys 10 that FOR SALE-No.1 Clov... plQf crape? per to1. _ Perry Tbomaa. .",..' .... "'-.-

l'oqb lad--"Sure, III









Cecil Villars has a new Cr osley r ndio. • The Ferris families were sho pping in Lebanon, Saturday. We are glad to r eport Mrs. Ida C. Ma nno n better nt this writing. Glen Davis , wife and George W. Davis were in Lebanon. Thursday. Lon Brannon and K. E. Thompso n spent Friday a fternoon in Way nesville. B. F . Traylor, who has been o n tho sick list the past two weeks, is some better. K. E. Thompso n spent a couple of days lust week with Edith Shoup, uf Belmont. R. J. Murray, and wife spent Saturday in Wayn esville with Mr. Murray's sister. The Priscilla club will meet the third Wednesday in Ap r il, with Mrs. Ethel Walker. Mrs. Kate Jordan, dau g hter, Han nah, Ed and George Jordan, spont Friday in Lebanon. Evan Bogan and family were Sun. day nfte rnoon g uests of Mrs. Hannah Bogan and son, Bert. . Mrs. Robert Andrews and dau~h ­ ter, Mi ss Maryannette, clllJed on Mrs. Ethel Walker, Sunday afternoon. Miss Mattie Ranker spe n t Saturday night a nd Sunday with bel' sister in Harveysburg, Mrs. Tom Rob erta. Our new singing books have arrived. Better come to Sunday-school and chu reh and help us sing out of them . Mrs. Nellie Bunnell. of Waynesville, came over and s pent Wednesday with ber mother, Mrs. Hannah Bogan. The little Tolle child wa s taken to the Ha le hospital at Wilmington, on Monday morning, where it unde rwent an operation.

... 'X: 5 - , 1..1 ':: 4,...,.,

Bub.eMptioa Price, '1,60 per Year

o. L


MARCH :.!4. 1l1<!6



O Q'TfI ... ,VIN _ , \ ... 'S~· • W\J ~ ':lEAn i ~ SOME THIN • _ . . IA/ ••; ... · T , WU2 G OI.l! E:t> uP SO's' WOODENT I I ~, :: "'A ""WI) '110. PAw E R. IV.AW , ' . ", 'T'{) "iT ~n: " 11'( T~' OL ' &:ARV EN HAS T' . . ) T'DA'"f 4 t.J I(I-IOw - - . ," ,'1- S t: ~ I.UI-IV'i'AW CA tJ T Po HIS OWN 'SPAJ)IN!!Jr), I; 0' T~ ' OTH ER '<I ll S HAFT..<\ BREAIo: TWElIl.. BACKS WIT~ 'N OLe; 5 P4'DIN' I='ORI< _ , AL~ THEV "AI=TA Do IS T ' f'LAV BALL ER,sdM£ThIN' A/J HAVE A SWELL TI ME ON SATLlA.DAVS-

Several weeks ugo Mrs. Fran ces Drak!! Nes bitt, u young college grlld. St-\VCKS -!!! uate was murdered in her home in Troy, Ohio. Onllf the other day her husban d. also a young colll!ge gruduate, co n.fessed he kill ed her. "Oh, I know I sho uldn·t have killed hel'," he cried to dc·tectives who had grilled him for fiv e hours. "But I juet SIIW rea when she shipped me. Everything W~nl rlld before my eyes." Hle attorneys ljre "~ing the statemont that young Nesbi~t "~a w red" In an efl'ort to keep him out or the electric chair. "Temporary insanity- superinduced by blindlnll' rage," will be the defense." "Seeing red" always. geu people Into trouble. "Seeing rcd" kills and ",.JlTIS humans, shatters the home, tvr.e!!~ reputations, breaks love ties, Cln4s In fl)(I penitentiary or the hosplUII {or in§llnll 11' in the grave. Anger run, wilg 11 vllr hnlJl8 I'll)' one pr anything. . Young Nesbitt WIIS known 811 II plClllant fellow, always calm In de. meanor, never quarrel,ome or vicious But he "saw red" once-only onceand adm ltll he is ready to pay for it the chair. Why should anyone ever "see red?" Why should men amI. women permit them~ulve8 to become victims of tit. pf "bllndln&' rll,e7" Serenlt)' 01 tempor II DomClthlng not evety one can enjoy. No one Mrs. C. G. Randall is on the sick can remain Imflloblle, unperturbed, lilt. evory moment. But we think every R. H. J efferis spent the week-end - one can go through lite and lite's ups at hla home, here. and down. without "Ioelng nd"Mr •. George Denny was a Lebaovon once-Ie only they'll remember non visitor, MondllY. that nine out of every ten whll "see Mr. and Mrs. Ed MacFarland IIp.e nt red" reiret It too late. Sunday out of town. Little William Campbell is sufl'erHOME SWEET HOME in~ with a sprained f c.u t. Rev. Moon is conducting a serie.s of "Home Sweet Home" as a melody, is still known to every man and wo- meetings at the M. E . church. man in the country. but it represents Born- To Mr. and Mrs, Wilbur today merely Bome lovely music set Hawke, on Tuesday, March 16. 191\6, a 80n , around 80me eJllpty Wor!l ~, Mr. lind Mrs. Ira Syfer~ and son, Even the Ion. our moihers and spent Sunday with Jamestown fathel'8 almost looked on as a hymn John, relatives. is "jazzed" to ma c rhythm for {rh.J. Lest er Starr, ' of Dayton. called 010u8 feet, is d'e secrated at thoul!:llnds on Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Gray and of dances that make "Home Sweet family, Sunday. Home" a mockery. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Harvey returnThere Is distrossinily little re- ed Wednesday from Florida, wheN they spent the )vin~er, . npeGt for thll '"~hl}r or t~9 mgther where there II dlotrehlngJy IIt\Je reo MI'. and Mrl. Everett Villars, of aliution on their part of the sweet Dayton, were Sunday 'fuests of their mother, Mrs .. Laura Shldaker. responsibilities of parenthood. It is a C1lnditlon that is dangerouB, Miss BeM Shidaker, of. Xenia, spent a condition that must be remedied, the early part of the week with Mr. even though it should mean a total and Mrs. Gail Gordon and family. Mr. and MI's.. Charles Ellis. Mrs. r evolution of lIur existing religiou8 Veda Sams and daughter, V,r\m llu of !!I~ ~~~gol teaching. Lebanon, ~~!~ vis i~or!i hefl;l, l"riday. The hpm~ mllst -b\l ~avlld, I?I!~ tit!! Mr. And lt1r@. Geqr~e Vllrval! ~nd ~oun~r1 IllPot 1I111~ be 1I1'OYd P d WillI fllmil~'. o( PAY toll, were Sunda,y appreciation of the filet that home guests at lIlr. and Mrs. Ed Brown. life is not only seriously menaced Mrs. R. Il. Jeffe ris and so n and .Mr. and in a very unhealthy state, but ie, A. R. Penny and daughters were actually, in an a lmost moribund co n- Xenia visitors Wednesday afternoon. dition. not of itself, but through the All the radios tuned in to hear Aninroads ot 'all these ultra-modern en- dy Hidee and Walter Harlan broadcroachmel'Jts that have had such de- cast ~rom WLW, Cinciitnati, SlItur~lI~ evenmg.


li~r!l~~iye i!1~!1!!!1!=c~:


~ 1'6 JOQ PI\VID, Clylle J,evicy lind . JPf! WhettlellllToC 011 the lIi~k list. Mre. Ira liarl8oe'\(, of Dayton, Is assistin A SURE SIGN with th~ir CllfC. "This restaufant must be II safe Mr. and Mrs. Howard Surface and place to dine." son, of Utica, were Sunday guests of "Why!" their parents,' M.r. and Mrs. F . M. Os"There's the proprietor eating at 1\ borne and family. table over there. " Wales Smart, of Lebanon, hn., been visiting his uncle nnd tiun~, Mr. ~Qd 1tltli- W· A\.. Htlinell' 'J.'hey D10Wl'Cd ASK DAD, HE KNOWS to Dayton, '.l'uesday. Woman would make good in ConMr. and Mrs. W. C. Walker and lTe... jud!p'ng from the way thtly in- John Kennedy of Dayton, visited troduce bdl, into the house. their parenu, l\~r. and Mrs. A. L. Ken..:.....;,;,:;....-... -,--nedy and lion, Herb ert, Sunday.

.- ..

able affa i r. The meeting was opened by devotioll~1 in charge of Mrs. Mary Syfred. 'l:h ls was followed by roll call and mlllU tes of the last llIeeting. Mrs. Margaret Tucker sang a 80 10 a lJea utiful lrish song, Mrs. Syfred t~ld a story about packing a missionary barre l. Mrs. 'Tucker and Mrs. EvaIyn Shumllker sang a duet, "That Old Irish Mother of Mine," in a pleasing manlier. . Mrs. Helen Peterson was accompanist. An amusing contest ~as held, each one writing an orig. lIlal verse on sollie Irish topic. Mrs. Eva MacDonald won rust prize and Mrs. M.aric Gray was awarded sec. ond prize. Mrs. Peterson rendered several apropriate selections on the p!ano. The. dainty utllh ' lunch con~ l8ted 'If chl<;k n sandwiches, green Jello w\th whipped cream, cake with green ioing and coffee.

. -.

NEW BURLINGTON Wm. Harlan, of Madlera. was home liver SUlldRY. Mi~~ Myra Haydock lI!!en t the weekend at the hom e of her friend, Louise Fixx, of near Xenia. The Merry Wives club was pleasantly entertained by Mrs. Walter Stanley on Friday afternoon, Mr, and Mrs. Le Laurena and family nre mak,illil arrangements to 010": ip1l1ledi4ltely to Red River, New ~! ~KIQ\l .

The Senior olass of the Spring Valley Towns hip Higb school very pleasa ntly entertained the other classes Qnd faculty with a St. Patrick's Day party.

The St. Patrick's Day Tea, given People don't get really hysterical over a diamond robbery until the by the Methodist Missionary society umpires get to working in a few Wednesday afternoon .at the home of Frank Harris, WIIS a very enjoywe<lkl.

--- - ..- - -



"Climate is. the chief variable responsible for adaptive changes in the corn plant," is the opinion of G. H. StrinJ!'field, assistant agronomist at the Oh,io Experimc!lt station. "This usuaHy IcaUIl to disappointment when II. far.mer buys seed from a region dlffermg measurably from his own in temperature, length of growing seaseason, rainfall, sunshine and wind velocity. No arbitrary area within which seed corn can be transferred with sufety can .be set. Climatic change, however, is more important than distan ce. Since m.uch . seed corn ~ showing poor germmatlon ~O{lle gl'OWers may be tempte\l to ilnport sced of known g'1rmlnatlng quality from distance localities. The first rpquiremen't is that it will grow, but it is also well to remember that corn must be adapt ed to its environment if a maximum crop of so und grain is to be produced.








W~·H.Madden&Co. Lu~ber .~e.~lIe


and ' ~uilding Materials


; .:


LYTLE . Mrs. Edd Longllcr e spent Monday Dayton.


Clyde Wharton has a new International truck. Mrs. Geo rge Scott visited Mrs. A. L. Sides, Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rogers were Dayton vis itors, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. William Bergdall made a business trip to Dayton, Saturday.

t . h a d any relU'ec L t If ""ot.. ,., "er 'N"Ul'e at all for the law of supply and demand, she'd recognize that It's hia'b time we had Spring. • _ • • A GOOD KNOT

~~~:.~n~!~l «!1~~:~ ~~dS~~~i~y,Mi~

Mr. and Mrs. Halph Archdeacon ·spent Sunday with the latter's ~8ter, Mrs. George Deardoff and family. at Franklin. Rev. and Mrs. Raymond Stillings, of nCBr Dayton. wete 6 o'clock din ned guesVl, Sunday, of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Emrick. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Brock and daugh ter, Betty Jane, of Indianap~ lis. were week-end g uests of Dr. and Mrs. L. G. Brock. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Patton and family, of Middletown, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Scott and grandchildren: The roads in this' section are very bad in a lIumber of places.. Crushed stone wa!! hauled Monday to repair them for the school tru'cks. Mr. William Creighton was injured about the shouldc,r Saturday, when thrown from a hot!le hll 1w", riding, which was frightened b)' a dog, .. Mr. and Mrs. J . B. Jones visited the latter's nephew; Mr. Floyd Zimmerman, In Daytall, Friday, who haa been quite ill for Some time. Reports from Mrll. H. M. Clark at the home of her dllughter in Elgin, '111., say that she III slowly reeoveJ'o ing trom. a recent ~lerloUB . Hlne'" Mr. and Mrs. Wllliam· Creighton, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Kenrick. Mellllrs. William Long, HOlrace and Ernest Foulks spent Wedne,sday In Lebanon.

Ml'8. Clarence Smith remaina about the same at Hlaml VaUey hospital, preparatory to ,an, operation this A godd knot, for IIle on the fann; y(eek... Mr. Smith is .taying 'with is the one that can be tied rapidly/ relatives in Dayton du~ Mrs. wUI hold fast when pulled tight, and Smith·s stay at ~e,' hOlpitaL ' , .. can be undone easily. ,!tk. and 'Mra. Hennan Saylor ' and ... ·lOn. of" HlamiabUl'l'; , Spellt Sunda;,: With re~tlvel here a'nd on their way MAY SEEM CRUEL home their ear upset, &lid waii badly • dam qed, ",ben .. it c,OWded with anIt '!IIaye ,Beem cruel. ~ut actually other ,car weat of cent~ 11aey ldndnellll .to refrain.' from feedll;lt elleaped injury .esc,t ilt a ,few cuti fOf the first fony-eilht bo~, ~d, ICratCh~ , .~ ' afl:"r .. hatclilng. . _r . • .-....- - -


--- ..-----

.. ~

a r o und h ('t'c, which wa s g iven bv you r

correspond ent fin d Richard ( Il ick) Browl1, now of ncar Fenrry. did th e cnll ing. Andy Hid e,,', r;Jt lw,. now li ves at Oregonia- LOll lI idc ~.

Dr. H.E. Hathaway DENTIST And X-O.GRAPHIST \'.' A YNESVILLE. Tel ephone 114




~rEOr C rNl'l


10 what we cll.l lm tor It - ri d )"our oys t 611l


Catarrh :::atarrh .




. 18ts




nn OIn tm ent Which Qu ick ly

R eltevc 8 t he catarrhal InOammat lOll , a nd

tho Intern,,1 Medicine, a Tonic. whlcb oc t. throu gh the Blood on the Mucou. 3urtacea. thus restoring normal conditi ons. . Sold by drurai.ta tor over 40 Yea\'ll, F. J . Cheney 4: Co.. Toledo. Ohio.

Walter McClur e J. E. McClure FUNERAL DIRECTORS


Dr. John W. Miller

Fully Equipped for Good Service. Large Display Room. Ambulance Service



WaYD, .villo NatioDal B..k Blq.


Cal) OD u. for your Job PriDtiDC.


'.~~~r:t:'~=_ 6,,,... ,,.. M'aaai ,VaUo~ '



tlae.e Bat Hint at the Tremendous Savings Possible, Saturday--- The Last Great Sale Dayl Come!

Mr. and 1IIn!. J . B. Jones and Mrs. Allen Emrick were Lebanon visitors, Thursday. Miss Gladys Bel'll:dall W8S a Sunday guest of Miss Olive Carnahan, at Kitchener. Mrs. Lowell Thomas and Mrs. Lawrence Sims spent Thursday In the Gem City. Mrs. Ruth Sava.g e and two children were Wednesday guests of Mrs. Kesler Graham . Mrs. William Long spent Wednesday with her brother, Dr. Seigel and family, in Cincinnati. Mrs. Wilbur Clark, of Waynesville, spent Friday with her mother, Mrs. Mary Carmony. Mr. Walter Friermood is improved, after a recent illness. Ml'8. Frlermood is sick at this time. James Haines went to Belmont, Saturday, for a vi!lit with his brother, W. G. Haines and family. . Miss Elsie Burson, of Dayton, spent last week with Miss Thelma Graham and Mrs. I~dna Sims. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Johns and children were Sunday dinner guestll of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Kenrick, at Ferry.

~peC'ia l program has bo n nrranged for the ooclision. B eLt come . Howa rd McKIlY Gnd wife and M r~. Ila McKay and MI·s. Mabel ·T rry were Sunday aflernoon guests of K . E. Thumpson lind wife; and Mi ss Mary Kulhlccn 'roomey. Quit Ii number or nUl' citizens heard Andy Hidee Iltldl· "Ver t h., radi o SaturdllY rvening. Andy wa ' born and roi~ed 0 11 a fllr m I)~ar Oregonia and this Il locp, Th e lI idv"·H including Andy , who \\'1\8 tlwn ju.t a sllIall buy, used to furni s h nil th" music for the dlln ces, hnll ~ and (.ielli cs

Everybody is invited to atte nd our Easter services at the church. A

Forest Graham and George Gilliland made a businc~ss trip to Dayton, Saturday.

. The ~.-T.-A. held a very interest111,8' sessIon on Tuesday evening of last wee k. The occasiQn was a sort of reception in honOf of those who 80. succe~fu llY put On the play, "YimIllIQ JOlliQ n'a'Yob," a few weeks ago. Wm. Ewing and ' son Clyde, and daughter, Mrs. Ray Reeves, were called to Troy Saturday, by the death of Ml'8. Oscar Taylor, eldest daughMr. and Mra. George Graham and ter of ·Mr. Ewing. Funeral services family have moved in part of the were held at the M. E. church bere bouse of Hr. and Mrs. .J. C. ChenoFriday. ' , wetb. .... Mr. and Mrs. Cbar~~ Mullenix


- ..



Men'. Spftna Two-Trouser Suit. An ADDivVAl'J' Super-Value. ~. ,martelt II8W 1abrica-the VVJ lateat Nt modela. Don't mlaa thi. I&vt~.

Linen Veat.,., 8Dc """

With cuff•. In 1\ COlo~'l

525• 85

Linen Lace Eels.. Sa 7!a to 1 Inch width •.

Men'. Caps Priced for Anniveraary ElI:Clptional value. in the new aprlnt capt. One-piece and qht-quarter style..

.....s-t Fr-

51 •25

Bl'OIIdL IOtt-toe style that )'o~ men ~ke. Leether beel. Banl.ter Oxford. Prlc.d In CelebraUon. $9.811. -TM



-81Ju1e M...•• BIw>p

In Nike's Downstairs Store Dres..,. Are Featured!



WOmen'. Coab Rare Saving.! Pol1'6t T1fW, poiretiheen and novelty Buede. S'mart atylu, wanted sbade•.

iW'omen'. Rayon Ho~in

$34 34e 27 e

Hoover Aprona Are Feabu'ed! Annivllrl&r7 maku poaalble thele Hoover apron I and Imock. of line .qualilf Chambra7, In white and blue.

Boy.' Tan Calf Oxford. Now! A rare Anniversary barpln. Made with ..nulne leather sales and' quality calf upperll. Sizes up to l)I,i .



Sale of Beautiful Gray Kid Pumps

$7.45 1'loor

Sale qfTailored Tweed Coab ·

$18 •50





n.. ........ 1JrIq

6Se to sSe

In many bright colors.

Console Mirror, $7.75 - FOIl rCA " -

Breakfaat Tabl~, Unfinished table witli drop leaves. Attractive style.

lO-lnch plain or hammered styles. - Slrc.-! Floor

Rayon Slips, $1.69 Excellent In sports Choice of ors; sizes, tailored•

rayon labrlc satin weave. 10 good col84 to 44; well -Thil'Cl


$5 •50 $5 96 I

Wonderful Anniversary value. 1-clasp style with colored inllOJ'U In short flare cuff. Mode, graf. tan.

$1.19 ,


Rayon satin '·


W""ve SUp.. $••:79 .' .


....... ~~Ii.~ ...... Of IIlIlkaDu.. ~ to . . . . . . . tOp. HI

In attractive dealgnt.

StIver plated ImUan braceletll. engraved, plain or hllDlmered.


w., .... 1!1 to 48. 0: ,1. ' ..;. "::::-LWe we. s.m. SlUr H. .

Cretonne Pillo,", 59c

Indian Braceletl,

Matrons" Hat. of Hairbnrld

with handdrawn WVI'It. 0reeIi; ~ tan. )'eIIo",. 0NhId0

-ar..l " -

Kid Gloves, $2.75

Buaineaa and Brldae Frocka Both typ,e. pf dralles Included in tl\1a ,roup, Ityle ,nd quality Ia mo.t de- $18 75 li,htful for t~e price. 81 ... t, to iO. •



Candlesticks, $5.25

$5 --ROt.-. DOIIIMfairo suire

Bette.: Bea~qualltF

Womens' white linen.

-v""..... Sterling Silver

Tailored IIf fine quail ty material I in youthful IItylea that will appeal to every arirl. Sizes 7 to 14.

' OuaIity,;'Linen Dreaea

Special In Sale.

Linen Kerchief.,

Black bags. Children can carry books, toys, lunch, .etc.

Girla' Coab Are Low Priced!

"'lOn·. .

-0/.1'. SIwp-TItInf l'/oot.

Sewon Supporte~ 3 Pairs, 25c

Toy Boston Bag., 32c

Anniversary araln brings a remarkable shirt value. Shirt8 of Broadcloth, Madra., and other novelty. materials, In nockband, collar attached ' and separate collar styles.

-Hata for; womlD' of dlnlfted r.ear.. . Beautltalltphrllcht ha1rbraid n u.. but putal.. FloWWI' trims.



Men'. Sbirta--Rare' Bargains!

All the-popular IPOrts colorinCI. Some with f.alla s , ~llar, and cuff. of bsha. Very well tailored.


17l1:BB-lnch size.


Lizard .trap and tancy trimming; .plke heels. A very beautiful, high grade pump at an Anniversary price.

Sise. 0 to 10 with blooni~ ers; 10 to without. ~ Cotton Frocka. $1.95.

Scrap Buketl,

Women'. Bloomer. Sale Priced! Quality tmboaeed crepe In flesh, orehld. peach. Have nlnforeecl crotch. Sincle elastic Ime.. 81... 27 and 29.

• Tub Silk Froc:ks, $5.95



8llarht lIDperfectlolUl of a blarher qualJ ty hOM. An auortment of wanted sbad.a.


$1.35 ( Sizes 2 to O. Plain chambray. '\

flW JI_

Men'. Fancy Rayon and Lisle Hose

A supe.r AnnlvtrlU'7 "IIIlue. Dresses o~ Faille crepe, prlnt4ld crepe, poniees ayons. Sevval styles &: colors.

-8......... " ' -

t Bloomer Froc:ks,


Only Annlveraary could bring values IUch as these. Handsome hoae In all wanted colora. Bbu 10 to 11 "'.


Collar attached. Madras: 11 to U .izell. ) '.

Men'. Tan Scotch Grain OxfOrda


Boy.' Sbirta, 79c:

. " •

S.l l1 ...... ,...

B.~utiful R-foll -ba in apone aatin ......'ft.;. Choice of t1elh 01'. wId"l • all at.s; ta1IONcI'lII!e'atlid hi, p .fuJlUQ. • ... ~


&aUlD ·MutIii

Scuf,,, . Na,

11 • • 1 ocaIatr.


b hu Le. Sl Bthuy :All' • Mycr lI y!',an spent the weekE88ter t· willh aoon G C. W. Fl'ye was In bnyt oll. Monend In ~ incinnatl , yo ur E as er at 0 f . race • mi . d ny.

MJ·. 1\llio Joy spent Wednesday Mrs. S. D. Henkle was hoste!!9 to Mrs. Harl ey Wil kerson h ils been iiild Ti1Ul1lday in Dayton. th Jolly Matron8, Saturda y a!te'r- ill for 80me time. lIoon . A 11 Whi tR k liP nt ~h e week-end 0 J Ed d 'D t in DU)·tO)I, with his mother. 1I1J'1!. Charlea Anderson a nd Miss l'd . fv~r . 1I as 111 a y on sevLucy E mley w re Dayton viai.t ors, era . aye as wee . , J . L. Mend qnhn11 WIIS in LebM on , P r C' so uveni rs, Sa tu rday, April 3, Salurday. . . Mrs. Mary Wad e, of Dayton, is vis· W. . lil ith, Now Bur.lingto n. l' O Bur ll ct To a.d".. y. Somethin g do ing ull t he tim e at ·Itl· n'" .. Mr ~. M~"'g .. .. . W. C. Smith 's, New Burlington , on A priJ Srd. A fu ll line of hats, rl.'asonably pr iced, ut Grace L . Smith's. M r . and M,!'s, Howard Archdeacon Mr. a nd lII rs. WHite r Willinms, of sp nt unday with r clnlivcs in Kingmall, visit d relatives here, t oSpring bo ro. day. Mr. nnd Mrs. G. S. Pcnse and son . Mrs. St I"i .. Fife ulld child re n, of of West arrollton. wcr c in Wa ynes\V ih ni ~l J.{ t u ll t visi t l' u re lntiv('s h e r o viJl l', Tu c~ d ay . Illst wN·k . 1\[rs. Rube rt Furnus, M\'S, Thomas • Mllrl'llY H opkins. of Dayto n, spent Hurd in and Mrs. J ose ph Tinn cy we re In Dll yl oli t oday. Sunday with his parellts, JIll', und 1\1rs. Ed H opkins. ' Mrs. E , Murre ll, o f Spring H ill . was the g uest of Mrs. Lester Gordo n, Mr. an d 1\[rs. fT. C. Colema n, of Wed n SUll Y ~v c ni ng. Nor wood , w(' re wcek·l.' nd g uest s of M r ~ , Kate Colema n. St . Mar y's Gu ild wi ll m('ct wi th Mrs. Geor!!,1.' Ji ll rtsoc k on Thursday • 1I1r. and !\I r s. Wllitc r Me lul'l.' we re aftern oon. March 25. in Dllyton, Sun d ay. th e g uests of Mr. li nd Mrs. Carl !1\cClurc. Jesse Burton is out a f t er being conflnl.' d to t he housC' fi ve weeks. He Spri ng Opcn:illg' a nd I mp lement is still using cru tches. Demon st rati on, Sa tu rdny, April :l. W. C. Smith, N ew Bu rlillg ton. Mrs. Harry Turn e r and Jittle son , a! Bcllb rook , were !!,uests of F. B. Mr. an d Mrs. J. G. H eisey a nd lit · Hend el1lon and fllmi ly, t oday . tl e grandson. of Duyto n, were wee k· Easter is only a li ttle more than e nd g u ~sts of F. D. Dllki n nn~ fa mily. on(! woek a way. Be ready by buy. ing you r ha t of Grac e L. Sm it h. Mrs. Veda Om d orf und da ught er , Dorothy. s p<' nt t he week· end with Mr. a nd Mrs. Glen n Finnifrock, Mrs. Orndorf's mot her, nenr Leban on. Miss Knt.her ine Da ughtcrs a nd Ira Full Line of Stansberry visited in T roy, Sun da y. Good speak in!,! a nd m usic. vocal and inst ru me null , at t he Sp ring GpMr. and Mrs. H a rry 'W atson a nd (l nlng, April 3, at W. C. Smith's, New fa mily, of Bellbroo k, spent Sunday Burlingto n. afternoon with Dr. and Mrs. L. B. Mr. and Mrs . H. B. Reeves and so n, Ma urice . o f Rich mond, Ind ., Mrs, Chnrlcs Gray return ed ho me spent u nday wit h Misses J e nnie and IlISt Wed nesday, uCter spe nding a J osephin e Reev(!s. week in Cincin nati with Mr . and Mrs. ,J. R. Baker.





MAKE LIfE WORTH WHILE Health and hap'pl ness a re th e prime nc ccl!8iticfs of hre, T he poe ts s ing o f love n nd its blcssings, but 10" 0 is

htl rd ly pORsible un less wo hll \'l' lit Good ll'lIst nor mal good health. heilith n ot oll ly lIssisls ill IIlllk in g 10 \ " lind hll pp in ess r ossi!.I " h ilt t,, " ds townrd e ffi llie ncy. It m ll k c~ fo r co-ordin at io n bt'lween bruin "nd m us· Joh n Hawko'. , W ny n e. vill e , Oh io, . a nd cle. tp infi an d Iilll b-no ment,,1 cx- Ch erico M. dd e n ', Dru g Sior e , Har· celle ll cc wi th uuL phys ica l slumi nu. vcy. bu rg . Ol. io .•~ .£~ It gives u's strengt h t o w i t h ~tn ll d t hll , hock~ f aun t·s ity. It mll k (>~ 1I ~ 0 11ioy "Irll J!v: lt' nne! fi t s us t n IIll'c t it. P I'o (' (, ~s(J r ' ~ W i ('O-" S II~' , Ich nbod ; - uer ' ~s full y \1I1 its (l W II !;,r uulld. (;",,<11 wlw is !iI i" " i,II" L !t HY I hCHI' you hcullh !,!i \'l's us U Zl'St. , n g(' nui ll c j uy, tlli kin l! II!>" " ! "" III U h ill yo ur slce p '!"


Bread - .-


Late Classilied Ads,

in life t hllt I1lIthlnlf· e lKe ca n giVe!. DI,I you \yjgh tl,l be healthy ! Then ·keop th o stllmach, liv r, kidneys and b ow e l ~ ful1ctionlng . proporly. Ever~ g Olld tloc \(lI' will tell you t he im porWANTED tan co of keepi ng the orgal's of e li111inll tion funct ioni ng, a nd tne blood pure. 1£ you will · do t his· you will WA N . T ElD-A Jan'g breaking plow, be IV II, st rong , fu ll of lite u nd am-· CaU L. C. S ohn, pnone 44-3 ~. . -a7 bil ion. Now Is l he Ume to take t hllt greut spring touio, blood purifier li nd system buil utlr . COOPE R'S NEW LIF E TONICI ONE BOT TLE WILL CONVINCE YOU I Gl.'t it today At


'T ractor ~nd Implement Demonstration

SATURDAY, APRil 3, '26 5%

On a ll purcha .e. tbal day amouDI·

Bring your Eggs to'Kroger

inl 10 $10 or over, . . a few realricted articlu.


Always Somethin' Doln' OLD TIME FIDDLERS Musir.-- Vocal and in s~rumental

You've tried' the rest, now try the

Farm Implements WlIgo ns a nd Cultipucke rs, Met · II Co rn Cribs, F ord and Fordson Dis plny. Crell m i::icpa rlltor s--DeLaval IlIld P rimrose, Oils a nd Re· plli rs, Perfection, Quic k Meal and Flol:e nce Oil Sto ves, The Wom'U n's Friend Power Washing Mo· chi ne ,


Sweet Goods ,




Mr. a nd Mrs, 'N. L. B unne ll a nd son, Herschel, Mr. IIlId Mr s. Ca rroll Eulass, of Lebanon, attend ed the fu ner a l of Lymnn Sil ver, to da y.



With Right Prices, Courteous Treatment .and Excellent Service, you will Enjoy Trading Here. I

ST. MARY'S CHURCH Call for Kodel Rad io d emonstr aPalm S un dllY, Mjlrch 28. Church tion. Tire vulcani zing shop , casings S chool at 9 :30 a, m.; Mo rning Praye r f rom $2.50 up. Ba~e ry charging. and serm on lit 11 o'clock. You are Telephone 7 1. ~ . F , MILLS. cordially invited to these ser vices. Rev. J ohn J, Schae ffer, Rector. Mrs. Ca rl Sherwood was pa in fully scalded, the result of a fa ~ ~ hil e car FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST rying a kettle of boiling wut er. H er left shoul der a nd arm are badly Morning service 9 :30; Bible School, burned. Communion and sermon. Evening s ervice, 7 :00. All nre welcome to Mrs. J. B. Cb pman and Bon, our meetings, We invite you . . Charles, . lef t Cincinnati Tuesday Nathan Johnson, Minis ter. night f or Naples, Fla., whe re it is P erry Thomas, Supt . hoped Charles will be restored to his f ormer health. METHODIST CHURCH Mr. and Mrs, G. D. Mills, Mrs. Sabbath Scho~II, 9 :16 a . m., preachJOhn Smith, Mrs, Mnyme Hatfie ld ing at 10:30 a. m. Epworth Lea~e and Miss · Olive Dinwiddie attended 6 :16 p. m. Preaching at 7 :00 p. m., Daughters of Rebekah lodge in Leb- Wednesday evening Prayer meeting, anon, last Friday night. 7 :30. Everybody Invited to these services. Rev. L. A. Washburn, Pastor. F orest Hoblitt, of Route I, who was so badly injured by a shredder faU, was released from the hospital at Dayton, Sunday, and made his fi.rst trip to Waynesville, Monday.

. . ~


Fred M.. Cole

Mrs. J, B. Crabbe has as a guest , her mother, MJ'I!. G, W, Coverston, of Fallon, Nevada, /Mrs. Crabbe's fath er llassed througb Ohio on his Hardware, Harness and Farm Machinery way to Washington D. C., where he has been appointed by the Governor Oh' of Nevada as a delegate to the Bet· W avne.ville .J.. , 10 tel' Highways conference, which is ..._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~" being held in the capital this week. Mr. Coverston will stop off at Way!!!22!2 nesville on his r eturn trip.



SUGAR Bulk, 10 pound ... ...... .. ..

2.4 Ludlow,

. $1.46

. ..... ......... .. ... ........... ........ .... ........ ....... ....... . " ... 56c

--- -- _._------ --- - - ----------Club, FLOUR Country per 24 ,!--2-lb, sack,

Country Club.

12 ~ .lb

.ack .. ... 67c



$1 • 29 ,

24~' .lb.••ck

LARD Pure, Kettle Rendered, Per pound , . , ,

---- .--- - --- _. -

- -- -- - - - -


REPRESENTATIVES Will b. pre.ent to demon.trat. -..,bal every device will d .... COllie and lei acquainled.

... .. .. $1.19


PEAS or TOMATOES Standard No.2 Cans, 3 for, , 2Sc ~~~~~I~b,

!?t~~?~~h'"'' . . 52c

(rub cbur45C

S weela. 5 lb .


Oleo Ealmore. Ih

' ~!:~~re'b'

.. ... ... .. ................ 29c


.. ...... . ....... C Cburngold, Ib .. .. ............. .... .... ... 31 c

37 C

Ib . .. ... _ .. ..... F ancy Winie u p•• 2 Ib . ........ .... 15c

Farming Utensil. Huller , Fordso n, McCormiokDeering Tt'acto r s, Plow8 for the Tracto r or the Ho rse, Superior an d M, Cormick Grain Drills, Bind cr". a nd Mower s, Ra kes al;1d TeddeTS , Black Ha wk and Internationa l Manure Spreader s, KeJlyDuple x or Intel'national Feed Gri nder s, and a full line of fin e . Hurn ess, Collars, Bridles, Lin es. ~n d mlln y ther thin gs.

Prominent Speaker. The fo llow ing spcllkllTS will be pr ese nt : J. R. KIMBER Greerle Co unty Agricultura l. Agt. , will s peak o n .. Seed Corn and T es ti ng." F. G. HALL Clint on Co unty Agricultural Agt" on " Spraying and its Advail tages. " ROSS SNIDER Smith. Hug hes T ea cher of Kin g· lIla n High, on "Tu be rcular

26c ~~~~~!~~~~. . . 23c 15c 2!:~~N~ .i~e~~~~.~r 45 C £~eC~~~, 32c ~~!?~or~.e~.~ .......23c Bread * . 10C ~1~rC2~, 32c W. C. SMITH £~~::~o. , ih... ..... .:..33c Ha n. . .......... ................ rog"lllr. 28c doaen .. ......




Country Club, 2 pkg . .... ..

288 .iae , dozen .......... .. ..... .. ....... 2Sc

Cured Ib....

Ib ....... .. .. ... ............. ....... ..... .. 33c

Countr,. Club, I -Ih. loaf ev .... y W e d., loa f.. .. 9c

Cntt l ~."

Ib ..... .... .. .. ...

Will bc the subject of a talk give n by Miss J eannett e Butler, in Gra nge h a l1 on the af te rn oo n of Tuesday, March 30, beginning promptly nt 1:00 p. m. Miss Butler is o ne of the clothing specialists who has cha rge of th e Clothing Extension work in the State of Ohio, and gives a ve ry capable and interesting talk on the s ubj ect of color, which is well worth hearing , and whieh is especially interesting to women at this season of t he year. In order to give the wom en from all sections of Warren c,ounty a chance to g et IIIcquain ted with other und with Miss Butler, it has been decided to have a cover ed dish lunch at 11 :80 preceding t he color discussion, ~ach. woman bri nging her own sandwtches, table cloth and one covered dish. The Ohio Exten sion department extend.s t o every womnn in Warren county, both town and country, to attend both the l uncheon and the lecture.



lb .. ,, : .. .



" en-



Ten Weekly Payments


Is taking well with the public. Many have already taken advantage of our liberal arrangement. , .Y ou can . buy NOW, your Spring Suit, Top Coat, Hat and Shoes and pay for them in 10 weekly payments. , You can select NOW, your Spring D.-e• ., Coat, Hat and Shoes and pay for them in 10 weekly payments. .



If 'Mother Nat ure had any respect at all for the la w of s upply and demand, she'd r ecogn ize that it's high Dayton, Ohio time we had Spring.

Oph. D.


1 _-

.. _ . _ _ _, _ _ _ _ . ."._ . _ _ _ .. __ p _ _ _ _._ . ------------__ ..... __





We state again, that our "TE~-PAY" PLAN buyer. let

We are agents for the celebrated

We Don't Mean


Maybe When we say the new Goodyear 'Heavy Duty . Cord is a genuine brute .for strength. It'll master any road you know, and keep smiling for thousands.·of miles'. ' Goodyear . Supertw~st carc~ss, reinforced crosswise ribs, . ar:td All· Weather tread. '.W ant it? '..Phone us. '

••·M ichelin Tires•• . Specia'l




30x3~ Regular ' Coni

$13.50 29x4.40 . Comfort Balloon $16.00 30x3~ Miche~ ~ Shaped Tubes $3.20 ,29x4~4o. ~c:h~~ Ball~on .... ~ So', Tabes $4~S .. .


Waynesville ·Ovecllod- Sales ·eo. ,

... Archdeacon




as our cash cu.tomers ~_ a _~~~_._ u




~_ II _

j ~.



IIIr, - 110

Should any purchase fail t~ please, ' we, theerful~y .ex~a:nlt.~\ . or refund the ' amount, paid... ',. - .\ '- . ,-' .., ' : .~ /'P .. '.




Sped ..1 for

mS~ Ea ater.

Jewel. ..39c Frencb, Ih ... ....... .. .. .... "" .... .. .. .. 47c Gran,8 Hall ~ROWER,

25-lbs. Pure cane, per sack


Granpap called them. Fifty years ago only old people used Glasses. And it is not 110 long ago t hey did not have them to wenr, GlaMes are a modern invention. It' ill but a few yeats since Astigmatis m could be correcttd. That great genius and inventor, Franklin, gave us two vision, bl-focal lenses. Science has but recerltly discovered that glasaes may be indispensable from the age of six to the end of life. Poor Vision Impaired Health and Inefficiency is the price you pay by " negfect.. Have your eyes examined any

G. H.



.... \


We sell Furniture, .Rugs and House(u'rni.hih'p 00. a li",I;''' ,deferred payment plan. . Our·invi.t alion to ~xami·ne \our . ex" tensive line and learn qur price. will.iocur no obli~atioil f~ 'bllT We ajve 'C edar •

St~mp. on the .~ollnt ,0,' the '~, .,



1 \.


1> ' •



!11111 ZCS '

11 ' "5

t ' %-ra~

Seventy-J£ighth Year _ _ Z!!


-_.- - ---

. . , . . . . - - - _........-.e~· ~_ _ I ___

Whole Numb er 5694

_ _ _ _ _ _.,._ _-

- .1 ,-- -'- '-

. - . r _ _' .

. \-,,-.

Sta te .• Capital '

Prepa red by Colum bu8 Repo rter



J...... ...... ...... ...... ..


COLUM BUS, OHIO- Physicia ns of the State who are not milking "egular reports of contagio us diseases are laying- t hemslllvcs linble to a heavy fin e nnd indicati ons are tbat the State Departm ent of Health Play cause arrests to be mude of violaton who refu8e to make official ;reports. Repor ts of the State departmen t show that there are more cales of m asles In Ohio today than in many yean, and it i8 said t~ at there are just as many not bemg reported ILlI there are made of r ecord. The State Health de purt ment ,hill! besltate d for a long time to Invoke the law, but conditio ns are such ~n unless better reports come In, Ilrrolltll .re 'almost certain to follow . J,.jlirJPp~ ·k another discase which is J>e'ng reported fro m various parts of the State 8m) djotrict health officers arc being warned of the dunIlflr and urged to take proper pre, .."Upns. :lJBtItln , pf nU main imprQye d tboroug /l'llret 01 the State is favored by many rural "eei~en t.~, who also want a law plLllAed ~erel>)' the State would take over all l)lghwllS'a from t.O'IW'NIblpB and villages . Th~.e an/i ~Jl)' PIOI'il Intereat lng facts ar~ ..eaned l ',om Llugg e§tiona made to IN State Bldm. , dep/pim ent. purID' the Jut !?tate talr tllil /tepartp 1ent . ."e DU~ ,arde wJlie/J wer, !;le re tumed wltb ",uRest iona for h"pr.ov. Ing Phio I)lpnn /' .,.d tl!1l1 eDDIe ill by thou"nd s. Man,..o f the aM'r.... l uneat _ Stat, la..,. WIlle" would 'cmJ~J all drivers to come to a full AOII .t every railroad eroSBin&'- S&I4!h. "'• • in !orce in. other atIIto., and It.. ~"" prl?,4ujltIVe ot good retlul... . Urav.a ,PW .re fayorecl wbere moner It ~~ availabl e fGr the better tyll'! or "Igbw.y§ And huDdred J 01 tbe the ue of priJonel '1 iii ",aldn. lavOl' Ilrlc~ thus red\ Ole COHt of brick high· waya to the taxpayel'll. S41me w.ant Ole glllloUne ~ made high nou~h to cover all road ('on s~l'\Igtl o n costa !Ol' the next 10 01' lo y~ar., thU8 e hminatin, aD)' tax !or bhth.IIY ImpTPVCmcnt upon thol ll wbo do I)ot TelllJ), ber,ellt. It I.e cemi" 'tbat the lIuggClltiohe will prove valuable pn ~ helll n14t.erially in highway legislat)D!I In t.he fu tUJ'o.




Fish ing time is just arou nd Ole cor ncr and with a ' f ew warm days, the lIb-eams getting back into the~r banks-,w lth clear water! 10vel'1l of thl6 spon nlay be expecte d to be Ollt in goodly number s. But before they go it would be wl ~e to secure the 1926 fishing license, if th ey i n~end iR ).I, e ·a rod a l1d reel. Few of t hese .,";"e8 have lieel) purchas ed so far, ,"OfllJ,:/" to reports, probabl y beA~ die. eO IA weather and the

Ser vic es at the Churches M. E . CHURC H

RECEIVED INTO BURTON STARS MEDALS AWARDED Hymn COUNTY METHODIST Congreg ation Prayer . .... .... ... ... Pastor FULL MEMBERSHIP IN BASKET BAll Anthem -.. Calvury" .... .. Paul Rodney fOR COUNTY CONTEST QUARTERLY CONfERENCE Script ure Lust Sabbat h was a great day in In tho third annual . Morninc Servic:e --IO, 30 a. m.

14 4 ...........

the Methodi st c.hurch in Wuynes ville. Two hund r ed und nine att~n d e d t he Sabbath .School and following the Sabbath Scl100l th e Pa.-tor preache d a short se rmon from the text, "I WRS g lad whon th ey said unto me. lot us go unto the house of the Lord." F olJow ill g' the serm on the Pastor baptizod thirty peopl e and rec eived ' forty -fiv e into full mem bership in t he church, th ree of them comin g by letter. In Rp iring music was r en dered by the choir and a spec ial solo, "The Palms." wps beautifu lly sung by Earnest Earnha rt. Pl'Cviou 8 to last nbbuth th e Pastor had received twen ty-o ne into the church , mak ing si.xty persons re l'e ived within th e past se ven months. Another c\nss will be received ill the neal' t uture. The ladics of the church will entor tain the mon a nd boys of the congregalion tonight at 7 o'clock, with 'I good supper. • • _ _ _~~ _ _


city basketb all tourn a me nt, at 1I1iddiet cown r ecently, "The CrystnIR," of which t eam E. J . Burton, coac h of th e Monroe High school bllsketb all tea m, is a mem ber, won th e first game from the "Church of Chl'ist." The fo llowing , taken frolll th e Middleto n .J ournal's Recount of th e ltlurnallle nt, \~i\1 be of interest to Mr. Du rton's frI end s here: "Bl!rton sh.owed the best f orm .for th ~ ~ ·t ors. III no,? t' work, passing, rlnbb lmg und shootmg . He made 13 pom ts. In th u seco nd game of t he eveninA' f or " C"ystll ,l" Burton aguin s howed his ability ~ s a basketb all player . He was caslly the outstand ing pluyer of ull nv e gumes. His dri bbling. and shooting were above th e players .m allY or the games.. He t hrew hI S ank le out of pl ace In the fi.rst (IU ar t~ r and retired f or th at peno d. Can. lilA' buck In the next frame he accou uted the re maind e~ of t he game , 16 points. In the thlrd quarter he sho t one from past the center of the fioor, th e ball droppi ng In wi thout t ouchin g t he rim ." He was chosen a forward for t he fdidcll etown All-City basketb a U team of t he fU25-26 sea~o n.


Two g!ll'ltle men from Wnynes ville who wore anxlo\ls to a~te nd Wayne Smlth'ij dellloJ1st, ation of hardwar e at New B\lrl!l\gt{ln, Wllnt th ere last. Saturdny. They were ~udly djsa p· Laat f ri day nig ht the first and secpointed because the demolls tratlon on d boy~' telllllS, of Bellbroo k H. S., Wjl !l ot b ~ ing held on that date, nnt! came to the \V. H. S. Gym a nd played t he W. S. boys. Th o games were upo n ex a", ~ nuti,<ln \Cound that the somewhH. at rough bu t' outsi(le of that doW WII ~ ~pr i l 3rd inst ad of Mat'cll the boys plar~d jl"ood ball. 27th. The ~eeu ti t('a m won th ei r gRm e. Th e~e tW<l g.lI1 tl c!"Cn 11'il'd every 13 La 2. lind lh" first W(l n th eir ga me. way in 'i heil' power to 1<".11) tho mat· ~. to G. As Ihill WM the Illst ga me t or fI \liet , but the ~ttl .·y 1 ~ .<I(c t! \ o\lt ,)1 the rc~ ular schedule , we a r e glad t'h i,. \, (·c k. Th~y wai ted unti l nearly thRt ih(·v w on. nightfal l beror" they .ven t ur ed to W" dr, Ilo t 1<Il() w {Qr sure whether return to Waynes ville, a nt! t he u . .It 1here \"ill be a " y more nig ht games, Is inti muted , that they d.·oyc "round but if th er e 111'(', the" will be the final the a lloys und bywl\!S to get into gumes of th e inler-class t ournam ent. town wltfiollt being seen. K. ,::.:.:.==_=== = = == == ==== = = == = ==== ==.;:.. .=-


Century Club Discuss . Two f~b,IJ.i~Y. 'ci!~~ ~l~" .~ fe}_ffiut:Ver}' Delightfu~ Papers I¥~ ROlf 1?~ .~;~Th~ ~J-BF m..;.n.J M j.t].fve9 t~ . OU¥f ~ • F~!1 tiff ~ ~eaJII' been rl!: ,.qkiD . ~. ,p.en~i4 pave 6erbtJIJ' !)8~


dllJt. dI, PM~ t.e» ,n,ontl\!i. tm,d ~~eJ'e

• ~.., ),e


eJf&IIJJ!!JI~ ~hj"l.


,1 po'" ~nr t,.· JI1B~~1 9n. 'an vet~

~~_~.¥IDJ!.~ .~.. n .1lfJge::"- § . I~ 1 ,....- ~ ~ ........... WJ .. ~.l .. '" 1Ii1 f .... Is

,xpeoto4 til ..~ ,. now rC!,oJ'd.

h • t t"Garden s," Mrs. Al!en. . Clo~~d t l:e 111 eres , in a vision offovel lncss, "found !la~ hdar of ' ~Re ~4!\r Oentur¥ man's· 'first happiest ~ari d she' nea1tltie st

f! ,,~~pl!! 1I~~Il!!pn i. n

clul}, 'Y"lI!l the rp4!!l~ing pn Frld~y, Marcil 2~~tt, at ~l)e p.Jell!l!!'l~ !IOOle of M!1J. "Ilnif .J.:IlIpn, l'VhPl'I, .R !lollte.s.s, " f I ~hp f!nt@,,~lp~d }Vlt}) gel1lf,·t u. In.10l'fllllllty, . The opening nl,1I11pe r Clf tlJe PJ'I,lgram waa a solo by !\frl. F rank Le, May, In her usual clever etyle , and "'ood voice Twenty-one memben ... answere d to roll call, with Curren t Everfts. After the reading e1 the minutes of. the last meeting , the club . . to th ra~t attentio n e followlnll' papers: . ., "Outdo or Art m. Washmg ten, Mrs. . I f Devitt. ·In a graphic d escrlpt on 0 the ere4itee~ulfl~ Irt of bot~ buildings and monl\me n t:!'t ~rs. P\lv.! tt ~0!:lvln7 ced the club that til!! Umted Sta~~~ has one of the most gorgeoll s and 1111-

emPloy-ment was th~ "$weet gardening totl," ",hich Go!! gave I ~im in the Garden of Eden. We ' were admoqisnet! tp " dig," to ma~e. !l garden; f or the so 1l 1 urnisljes fr.ut~ anl\ !\pW!!f8, lood fpr body RIlII soul. The ' r pad of life would be fl\r gloomIe r than It IS·, It there were QP !lowery meads along .tl1e \V8)". And the l e papers furnlsl1e d much food for thought dur ing th e coming month. A lively discussion on gardeni ng fo llowed, to the intense delight of ev· cry one. The tabl'ee in the dini ng room and ' hall, whe re a dainty and most .s atlsfyin g luncheo n was served, ",ere given a spring-like t ouch with Easter favors pnd potted plan ts. Among th e. enjoyin the pleasure of the guests niterl'oo ll, we~eg Mrs. Esther Stout, Mrs. Fred Elbon, Mrs. R. E. Crone, ~s. Howard Archdea con, Mrs. Alfred Wright, Mrs. L. A. Zimmer /nan , Mrs. John Fromm an d

. , Improve ment: iii th' d.e mand for labor, 'b9th ,kUI8«\. anI! unskillo d, amj a deere... In. the availabl e SUPp11 I. noted by the ~lte city rtfr~e .!mP10dYPlent agencie s n a "PO JUD. rna e. 'J'buo r:eporU indicate that there ro )II plenty of work for all ·who re-la '::lilU ~ It just a. Boon a, weather ;<frO' Ilermi~ outalde work. VuI141ng cp~•. n all citie,s of the State' are oni~ m'l)i~\!de tha~ thou"nc ;\s of "orlna .. " ~~ '~~~~ ... , ..;; • .1 .w,.dy empIoymln t I ~n , .. ; /lttWUbD8 ~~~~t\:" a~~~~ ~iR ~B O.fitable employm ent. fOf )f~nufactnring . eonlIIe ,.~I~., . reducing their forW ~r wOJ'klilr ~OUI'JI, .nn? with the Pro~S;,ln,;;g~c=:a;, PI=·to=l:-:s=i=n::::::th=:erW=;:0=rT:;;d7·:;;:;::;:r.~Fld::;i7SS~M:::;a;:::tm;;;l;l;;l= ~tioJl of ijle mlD'1\aJ .nil~y ,tJt e -:: l r,?=\=vn.~.'~==:: iE=.=L:;;.=S:;;.:;. . 'Dtwhic,i) J!.9w,.. 4OvW.tpl, OblD It 6n a Y!ll'l' fortuna te. ~on~1tJo n, • .1l4 jl1'l is h tl. e taxes and the brain!! to mainO~ ~~ ",re } u. t . .. . tlip1 gov~rn'r~ent illlc}f.. 'fbe ~II:• • tiona] :E~.ltO~I!l! . a~soe!a~lon is. <!0lng



. m':r" ::nJ




CAMPAIGN AGAINST ENVE.LOPE PRINIING ~i;nU~~i~~~~:~,....-".d~e:n~r1_~nglll~ . g thi~ '!UIlS-



. ' ,


" .

Thero . are ne~~ l ;Oto,OO'~ radio seta on ~al'mB In the: Un t,t!iJ ~tatea, Departm eht of Allricid~ur estimate s, iii II repQ~t on· J1:owtl!, ' farm durin, l h e · past ftVl!~ yeafB.' '.' , . ; ,In' aome' states, Departm ent '")'II, are radio se~ ,on all· tbllt ~D!e'; lS~iU,'Jv.,, · .e~


58,000 ~eta.

. .......

Offering The f ourth an nual county omtor Tht· WnrJ"en oun ty Methodi st Hymn 682 ........ .. ...... .... .. Congrcg ntion iica l contest wa ~ held ' nt the Lcba- Qu ul'l ' dy COllfcl'enee wi ll be held Baptism of Children non Opera hOll se. last I· riday. with \' in th~ L"ba noi, 111.• E. church Easter Sennon ............ ............ Pas tor on Frithe fo llowinig r('s ul t: day, Apri l 2ncl . be,r inning nt 10:00 Hymn 162 .... .. ...... ....... .Congreg ation Fi rst and ~eco nd prizes in lowe r ,,'dock. R" porls of all t he suven g rad es bronze .medal- First, f'crsha pastor,; of t h . county will be given Eveninc Serv;ce -7:30 p. m. Guard, Lebanon ; second , Juck Bry- in t he fore noo n. Beginn in!,: at 1 o'c1 (, ck the seven Hymn 159 ... .... .......... .. Congreg ation ant, Silver Grove. Honorab le menti on, Irene Worl ey Mile pust!)r. will give len minute udd l' e~8 es Scriptu re a nd P:rayer ... ..... Pastor Stand; Esther h erw oodTwenty , Oregon ia. on 1 he suven sayinl:s of .Tes us on the Anth em- HAwalee Thou that Upper grad es . fi" Rt and second pri- CrnES. Sleepes t ...... .. ........C. Austin MHes zes - Willard CleVe nger, Plea ant " Fulher ive them. fo l' th ey Plain; Winifre d Armitag'e, Wa yne know what forg Salo- '!That Firat Enster Morn," th ey do."- Hev . O. W. township sch oo ls. Honorab l e me nRobe rts. ...... E . L. Ashford tion, Elizabe th Stafford . Mason; Har"TodllY shalt thou be with me in Mrs. Ire ne Bird r iet William s , Lebanon . pa ra di sc"-Re\,. F. M. Miller. "W elcom e Happy Morning ," .. .... .. .. .. High school- First prize, Ruth Ba"Behold thy so n; behold thy mothMen 's Chorus .. ..... ........ E. K. Heyser ker. Lebano n; second prize Wayne er"- Rev. W. H. Nunges ter . Mit chell Springb oro Honorab le men "My God , my Anthem- HI Know tbat My Redeem er why hast ti on, Martha Nichols Wayne town- thou forsaken mc"- God, Rev. H. F. StafLives" ... ... ..... .......... ... Irn B. Wilson ship schools ; Marj orie, Bangha m. Leb ford. • • Solo-" l Shall Not Pa55 Again anon. .. ( thirst." - Rev. L. A. Washbh llrn . The judges were Carl W . Rich, This Way" ........ Stllnley S. Effinger " It is IInished "- Rev. E . S. Keller . Ullsistan t dir ector of public speak"Futher . thy ha nd I commen d Mr. C. 11::. Earnha rt ing, Univers ity of Cin cinnati, Miss my Sp irit." Rcv. J. C. Roberts . "Light of th e Wc.rld," .. .. .. Finlay Lyon Dorothy Gebaue r, dean of wome n, The address es will be f allowed by Wilming ton cpllege, A. L. Wilson, the Holy Commu Ladie!.' Quartet n'on . a ssistant sup erintend ent, Hamilto n Solo-"C onsider the Lilies ........... .. . A large atte ndance is expecte d. county sc hools. . • _ • .. ........ .. .. ..... .... . ... ........... .R. Topliff Mrs. Sllbil LeMay Anthem -"Christ Hnth Won the Victory " .............. .. ...... J. R. Herbert Solo-H Open the, Gates of the Temple " ............ Mrs. Joseph Knapp Mr. C. W. Younce Anthem -"Lift Up Your Heads," F ire of und eterm ined or.g m com.. ............. ....... .. ... .... Ira JJ. Wilson The honor li st for the Seni or class pletely destroye d the home of John S hort Talk .............. ...... .. ...... Pastor of Princeto n universi ty, was made H. Meier, Orchard av.e nu e, Lebanon , Hymn 156 .... ... ... ..... .. .... Cong regation public last week. It includes the at an early , h our Saturdn y morning . men of the highest scholastic attainThe structur e, one of Lebanon 's pretmen ts. Among the member s i s S. ST. MARY'S tiest r esidences , burn g Cartwri ght, Jr., grandso n of with all its conte.nts.ed to the ground Friday, Aprif 2, from 12 to 3, the Leverin S. L . Cartwri ght, of Waynes ville. Mr. a nd Mrs. ' Meier and t heir two Three Hour Service nt the Cross, Leverin g has spent many summ er small so ns left home dhys ago , onducte d by the r ector, Rev. John J. vacations in this commun ity. It is on a trip to Indiana ,several but left no adSchaeffe r, wil! include the " Seven interest ing to r ecall that on th e hon or dress. Th ey moved to this city from Words," inters persed with hymns. list in the graduat ing class in 1894, Illinoi s several weeks ago. at Princeto n, was Leverin g'·s f ather , 1'he fire was d iscovere d by a neigh1 h(· ol'der of service follows : C. M. Cartwri ght. bor, a nd before help could arrive the whole of the fr a me structur e was en, Introdu ctory Address veloped in flames. The red glow cast The First W.,)rd- "l,JJtercc 8sion." Thomas Prond ergast i.s ill at the by the the was visible for many miles home of hia n ephew, Bryan. Tile Second W·ord- "Pardon ." around the surrou nding country . Th e Third Word- "Comfo l't." The Fourth Word- "Fa ith." :rhe Fift h WOll'd- "Desire ." The Sixth Word- "Satisf action." The Seventh Wll1d- "Jo)"." Conclud ing thought....-What rewar~ shnll I give unto the Lord ~o~ !\I\ the benefits t~at he ~ath don~ "''l ~1! me. Witll the coming of the ftrs t warm Armitag e won seco nd place' in the All )Vi!1 lJe )V!llcpm{l ~t t\li & ~erviQe. clays ot Spring, Interest Is being second group, · whi le ' Marthll Nich!JIs I~ yO\! canno ~ Qe p~eslln~ the three shown in baseball. Two 'o r thre e r eceived honorab le mention ill the !tour!!, i~ will \Ie Ilerfeot! 1 p.roper and game! will be played before the close Hig h School gr oup . fitting· to en~r or retir-e QUting the of lohool. The llne-up will probabl y sinK" lg ~f ~ hymn, ' conalat of the followin g : Gons, DonThe last H. S. purty of the ycar was ohoo, McMillan, Turn er , Everhar t, held lust Friday night, l"hen the class Tomlins on, Ramby, HartSOCk, Berry- of '29 f ooted th o bills. Deco rations ~MT£R DAY hill and Sherwoo d . . of r ed ond wh ite predom inated, a nd Church school at 9 :30; Holy Comwer e al so cunied out in the ref"cshmunion with fest;lvnl music and serMiss Kelsey is e njoying a case of ments. Da ncin g was c nj oyed through mon at 11 o'clock. The offertor y meaales at her home in Centerv ille. out th e evcni ng . solo wlll be sung by Mr. Roger Turn-, er, a recent member of the Westmi nWatch f or t hc f ourth issue of the st er choir. Waynesville did not maintai n her Ol'onge and Black. I t will contai n Following i8 the musical program : reco r d in oratory t his year at th e t he r csults Olf th e r ecent electio n hdd Processi onal .... ..... . ... "... Sullivan connty contest : Howev,e r, Willi,fre d in ll . S. "Come Ye Faithfu l" Anth em .. ...... .. .... .. ...... .. .. ...... Chapple "Christ Our Passove r" lind bl'oad thn t lY e call stand bdol'e .. th ' w .. rld as nft cxample for other Kyrie ....... .... ... ....... ..... .':.......· " utlO I1 ~ . und help th e world esta bGlori~ ~i"~ ..... .. . ....................~'?IJ.c~§ lish b{'iter ideal. fot' all huma nity Te Dell~ ......... ,.......... :: ............ ~!~~r· whe nt:ve l' the r e is un opportu nit y. H~mn ............ .. .... .. .... ~Yr~ :pavl~IQI\ • .. "~!!!lU!l el\l!'i~t , !~ ~il!'Il" G1!lI:!1l flltFi ..... ,.",.. \,... ."",..... Alum "There was nothing ubout him of O!,er.tor¥ Sqll) .... ,.. ·.. .......... .... ~Me<:ted the IImal! America n ," said Presi.den t Rogel' Turner Cooilcige, of George Washin gton, thus Mrs. n. 1:1 Wood, dicd at hc r hom e , of ' Alma coining a new phrase which pr o- in J ackson, Mi ch., Wednesday, Ma r ch .,.... , .~ •. ,...... ,..... ,. Gower vides. a standar d ,by which we may 2'1, aftcr a short illness of pneumo Hymn ..... ~.......... .. Brown. mellllure public men and politics. nia . a t the age of 28 ycnrs. The fuElCoellll, .:.....,........ Gower Coolidg e paid this tribute to the ne ral was held f rom her late home In J ackson , Saturda y afternoon. March Amen ...... . ,..... ......... ::.J.... l:leuk'omm breadth of Washing ton 's mind : 27. Interme nt in J ackso n cem eter y. Nunc Dlnilttl . ...... .............. .. .. Gower . "No man clung more tenaciou sly Mrs. Wood was tormerl y Mi ss LeaBe Receulo nal .. .. .. .. .. ..... .... ....~ RlmbBu lt to -;vbllt he believed was right, or was Eml ey, o{ t~18 place. '~ Cbri.t the . Lord " Rlael,l TQIiaY" prepare d to make greater sacrifice s In· ita IUPPOrt. But he viewe~ ' the riglit lUI" a universa l pri!lc;,ipl e to be appli~d not only ~ h\P.ltll~ b.ut to . others, not. tO n~ '.\ci hiB. own ~II, but the _ \tt 11,\1 own

---_0 _ •.- ---


Bas eba ll Season is App roa chin gOth er Interesting Item·s


------- --

Leafi e Emle y Woo d


.. -






Funeral of Mrs. Brow n


and Ji'arrow' lltan. ..~o feel In-

.1I,j!~tllIlrt:~f, ....::...,....."'·.1~~~~~~i~~7~~S~~~' abd ' lnter-

Five th ousand cannries , forty pet monk eys. .1.50 parrots, two boa constl'ictor s WCl'U burned alive in a n animal stor e last week. Tho animals 1111 died in their cages, lamen t ing with strange voices. All of th em, from bou constric tors to baboons, had this great udvantn ge over man, they did nut know that th ey were going to die. La Rochefo ucanld says, "Neith er 1he sun nor de a th can be looked at with u steady eye." Thnt applies to men, not unima ls. The eagle a nd oU~e l'~ look at the sun steadily , and ull loole calmly at Denth , not knowing he is th ero. Men fin d cOll1fort in t he belief that there is something for them beyond dealh. Animals do n ot need that comfo rt. He re is old·f ashioned news. A brilliant Spanis h airman flew f rom S pllin t o Buenos Aires. Nationa l exciteme nt was intense in Spain, and tho King has d ecreed an amnesty , f r eeing more than one, thousan d male and fema lo convicts. It wDu ld have seemed strange in this country , if, alter the America n flig ht aronnd the world, the Uri ited States Preside nt had ordered Federal prisoner s set free. Once thnt WIL8 the custom everywhero. Good news? Open the pr isons.

F. F. Lueas, at. the Ben TelepbGne IaboJ'ato ry, exhibits an . ultra-vi olet light microsc ope magnify ing ' 9,000 times. It makes the end of a needle look like a log of wood and the edge of a ruMr blade like a huge eroll&oCDt saw. The microsc ope ' is UllCd to study the physica l structur e of iron, steel and other metals. . Anythin g that men can imagine they -can do. Some day we may look into the atom and see the electron s moving around the nucleus . It must be a very I'slow movie," f or the electron planets r evolve around their nuclea8 S UlI seve.ral billion times in a second. Tho usc of the whippin g post in Deluwar e works we U for the insura nce compan ies. They have reduced by one-thir d their charges f or insura nce ag ainst burglary and ot her criminal acts. Burglar s do not like a State .where bei ng arrested means being Inshed. , If some of the older instituti ons of torture --thc boot, rack and thumb screw- were added to the whippin g post, insuranc o might fall even lower. The professional crimina l is usually ti mid and dreads pain. It is tear of a beating, often, t hat leads. hi m Lo kill .

Ensor e's comet was expecte d within easy r ange of the Yerkes Observa tory at the Univers ity of Chicago on Monday , but astronom er s thut sat up a ll night waited for it in vain. As.lronome rs ar e puzzled by it.~ disappell rance. Discove red in So uth Af"iea last Decemb er. it wus thirty million miles from th e sun, sixty millions mil es from t he earth, when la~t secn in Janullry . 'fhe comet wanderi ng t oo nellr the s un ll1uy hpve boen absorbe d by that light of our system. Our sun , traveling thro ugh space, may take in I'r esh sources of light, heat nnd rndiution . go bb ling up comets, meteor-ites, etc., as a whalo rushing through the ocea n s wa llows smaller IIsh. Astrono mers will know more ·about it In 202 6, when thnt comet is due. 011 a returll trip. Whut people want they can get, if t hey pa)'. The nntiona l Govel'llment suspects a n in ternatio nal ring orgllllized to give Amc rl\:nns quick. di vorces. In Mexico a divorce while you wait costs $800, and tHere is a cheap divorce factory in. Yucatan . It woul d pay some promot er to rent somo little island ill a nice climate beyond the .proh:ibition bounda ry, set up a governm ent and confine ' the island business to a ·first class bar a divorce court. ... . ' .•'


Wander ing deer in' great herds actually sto ps 1\ raUroad train In Co~­ oJ'ado, us bison did In early /.dayll. Thnt exci.t es men · 'of, killing t hings. -,----- ..II!L4 .....,"""':

THE iWIAMl QAZE'IT! David Bishop WIllI al>l1olnted and alifted aa admlnlstnator of the es· tate Qf Daniel Lyons, decealed, and gave b~nd• .\ppralsenl were appoint. ed for estate I\lld inventory of . some ordered made . . The last will and testament of Martha E. White deceased( Wall ad. Will. Pay PLEAS PROCEEDINGS mitted to probate nnd eavio F.. Dun· ham was appointed anij qualified 1\9 ourt gmntcd permission to the exellutor of Bame. Appraisers for l l'\lstoo~ of the Methodist church of said estate wer appointed and an f rriU, tnwn t o sell certain real es- inventory ordered filed. tate bi>longing to sald estate at pub. The following estates have been lic uu ction.. . Tefephone 282W named for settl m nt and their hear. Julius Vezendi et a!. vs. Florence ing will be on' April 5th: Laura Yeat.l Mlamlsburl, - ' Ohio R,'mohr et at., ('ourt mlmos John H. Hamilton, . et aI., first and final IICYour Telephone CaU. if We ·ult !'ll . of Dayton, liS receiver for count; Mary E. Wood, executrix of Bu" Your Poult.r y. pJ·opt:J·ty· of tate concerned loca· estate of Edwin R. Wood, deacescd , ten in Dayton. first and final aocount; Albert R. m· Laura A. Gros~ vs. Jesse S. Gross, lum, guardian of minors, first nccO llrt m o tlifl~ ~ injunclilln lately is- count William McDonald, admr. of slled t9 dc fen ,llInt , Iluthorizing him to estate of George W. Brant, decenR sell tohacco cr OJl~ concel'ned in this ed, first and final account; Alma J. t!fif::e. Darc. admx. of estute of William 111 DENTIST 111. J. Kl· lll1er \'s. th!! Tom orwin Dnre, deceased, first and final IIC· ('<'mpUII)!, cnse compromised ('nnnin)! count. nnd Oliver H. Cbenoweth, (:X· And X.O·GRAPHIST Rnd dismi sen. c ulor of ('state of MyrUe Cher. o· OHIO Gert rude Cal ill/ls vs. James Cal- weth. deceased, SlIme. WAYNESVILLE, • bn . ,ct n l. , '''I motion d('fendants 114 James M. Janney, guardian of Lu w('re grantt'd 30 days within which to crt'tia Janney, incompetent, ' filed ac· OFFICE; HATHAWAY BLDO. I'lcnd . count of SlIme and nction was ordered suspended. ON MAIN STREET George W. McMullen, as admr. of NEW SUITS estute of Stephen McMullen, deceas. Melville D. Cummin!\,s vs. Elisha ed, filed his Inventory which was reDandlill and Ella Dllndlin for fore- corded. closure of mortgage and equitable Inventory of estate of Warren relief. Whitacre, deceased. was filed by ex· Henry W·. Bowman vs. John B. tlcutor Lennie Whitaker, and wa Hopping. appeal from the Justice of accepted . . n. E". 51tht Speclali.t Peace court. Notice of publication of the appointment of William F. Schenck as PROBATE PROCEEDINGS executor of estate of Cornelia B. Evans Schenck, was llIed. Edna L. Kelsey, as administrattU • Lebanon. Ohio Application was made by friends of the estate of Elmer Kelsey, de. ceosed, was given all right and title for the admission of Elizabeth Clip. pllJ'd into the Ohio hospital for epito the stock of said estate. The last will and testament of leptics. Case continued. 8.00 •• Ill. to 4 p. Ill. Fint account of estate of Martin "Matilda Hosier wos adm itted to pro· Frazee, deceased, was filed by ad· bate with I;cgtimony of witnesses. L. mini&trator Jerry Wood and action Ethel Hosier Earnhart wos IIppointcd was ordered suspended. alld qualified as executor of said csIn the matter of the estate of Dr. tate. No bond required. AppraisWright ,deceased, court order· ers for said estate were appointed J. M, sale of property of said estate and and a report of proceedings ordered ed report to be mode. Call oa .. for 701lr Jolt Prlntln •• made. In the matter of the eatate of Nim· rod P. Dawson, deceased, court au· thorizes sale of bonds of said estate by administrators. Sale action, qanducted .,y admr. Don Dilatush of the estate of J. M. Wright, deceased, Is approved. In the matter of the estate of D. L4Iroy Eamhart, deceased, Oharles ~T. Ellis, admr., herein filed hi, Bale Dill which was recorded. Sale action in the matter of th e estate of Mirna E. Reed, deceased, Date your with us. We paraotee by executor, Jesse A. Mount, ' was approved and recorded. • ..tiafaction or e~ar.e nothio•• Sa]o action in the matter ' of the 1 . estate of Orace J. Reed, deceased, by the Lebanon·Citizens National bank, all amr. herein, was approved. In the matter of the estate of D. Pia... No. 2 Phone No. 320 · LeRoy Earnhart, deceased, 'sale ac· •___________~------""":'...;.....;~~-------_:_------.:.tion of admr. Charles T. Ellis was



Worked and Smiled -' 1-(~------~----,----~~~------~--~--------.-------~----., ~ Heads Big Corporation

26c per pound

A"Q.Swank&Son w. ,,,y



lJ • t (J :lre re:lscn$ ' lor Pio neer Sup~ rl· o rity : tbe f1Jtcl lJ~VI! K 0 k 0 at 0 Plon~~r Rnot, that is • semihlolfIJ

By ROBERT FULLER Twenty.three years ngo a little slip of a girl nam ed Mary Dillon, walked into the offices of the Brooklyn N. Y. Gas Co.. and applied for 0 job as office girl. She was put to work. Last week this 5I1me l\I8I'Y Dillon was elected president of that com· puny, one of thl! f w women at the head of a public utility in this Clountry. Her election WIUI unanimous by a vote of the board of directors. This climb to the top of a Irrcat company brought to light a traIt of character which explains Why M.ary Dillon succeeded. Years ago one of the executives Willi looking about for on office, manager. Mary DiUon was the logical r h o ic~!-b u t the executive feared t~ nome her, expressing the opinion that no sooner would me achieve efficiency than she would mar· ry. So Mory Di,uon, to get the job, promised she would not marry.

At 'f;ary's Jewelry Shop





Jesse Stanley Auctioneer. '

approved and re~~orded. In the matter of the settlement of the estate of Nimrod P. Dawson, de· ceased, cOllrt ordlered certification to county auditor of the inheritance tax Court granted permission to exec· utrix:, Beulah Donnelly of the estate of Joseph H. Applegate, deceased, to sell a bond owned by lIIlid estate. In the matter' of the estate of An· nle B. Dilatush, deceased, the report of administrator;B herein showed a surplus of propel'ty after debts were pa.ld and tho cow't authorized certain distribution to be made.

New BurIington,O.

1:::==::ZF:IF:::;~:lec)J::IC)le::::::=-e'c)J::Ic) .



Homer R. Janl1l1 pattern maker, of Dayton, and Virg1nia E. Cooper, tel· ephone operator of Lebanon.

g o


. LuclouB Mounta and Helen Mounts to John Leslie Karns, of Dayton, about 50 a~es in TurtlecroQk Tp., $1 Bertha I. Middleton and Wesley S. Middleton to LE,nnie Smith, small tract in Mason, $I . Raymond .H. Wikoff to T. C. La Mar and Marie loaMar, a lot in Ma. BOn, $1. Frank W. Miller to Lillie F. Miller, about 140 acreil in Clearcreek Tp., $1 Ol\vCl\,L. Row] J~nd to Will E. Hutt and Cora E. Hutt, about 4 acres in C1aercreek Tp., ,,1. Louis J. Burton and ' Josephine Bur· ton to Howard Drummond and Isabelle Drummond, tract in Wayne Tp.,

o C)



which ,ets tichl.~r. ihr h arder rh " .-:tr~in . .nd th e coUtd Hoe wires become J i v tI \ItIJr.s when "ropC!rly st rotch,d. t . kill I 01 ~II expall.SJoa .. ad contrlctioa.



When the demon Rust enters, it's ·'good bye fence'" Qual. ity of steel and manufacturer'. claims hllve no ellect on this active enemy. Hence the care chat il devoted to the galvanizing of KokoJ;llo PIoneer Fence-to keep rust ott. The most modem, the most approved methods are used and the he~vy coating is 99\1, per eent pure zInc. That means protection. T hat means Rust, which eats the life out of steel, can not enter to "do ita dirt." You are assured o~ • GOOD fence for a longer penod of time than you ever thousht pOllible. ,

Sh e kept thnt promise Il!ltii lhre,' yenrs II g o when atlvnl1ccments fr eNI her fr om her pledge. She then mlll'ried Hen r)! Ferber, a wholcsale COlli dea ler- but she kept ri ght 011 at her work. Snys Mary Dillon regarding women in busi ll c"s : "I do nut helieve in sex warfare or that wom (' n will "ventually oust IlI OII fro m control in big business. " I WII S only ten when I made up my mind lhut I wanted to do whllt men did in business. The asscts w~ich. helpud llle "most were a ~etl! r­ .nll~atlOn to succeed and a frwnd ly sm.~le fo~' ever.yo!le. I th!nk wlthm the next ~5 ye~rs the I' \~,II b.e man~ .changes III SOCIal and eCOnOJllIl' condltJori for women. I do not atlempt ~o assume th.e role of prophet but I. Sl\1ccrcly bellcve that the chnn,!l'cs WIll be for a .better UIIde~ta n d lllg between men and '1'001en.

Why We Pro.s per Representathles of British lobor have been sent to America to investi. gate conditions and to flnd out, if pOBBible, just why wages and Jiving conditions in the United States for the working people, arc so much higher aad better than i.n Europe. In Ameri<:a the working men for the most part have comfortable homes, plenty of. nourishing food, and in many insta nces automobiles to go to and from their daily work. Conditions such as these are unheard of ' in E uro~:. is said that t he British ,vorke": llJ'e finding out that our workmen prosper ' because of their efficiency, the greater output of efforts, through the practice of Dlass prod uction. This is doubtless true, but might it not lie worth while, ulso to iDquire a8 to why conditions have come about which mak e~ possib le the pre~ent s'i tun tion with regard to our labor. Of course the American w()rker is intelligent and eftlcie!nt, but so m\) of this intelligence and efficiency is the result of his .Improved. conditions rather than the cause. It is the fact that he hIlS n . good home, plenty of food, and' a ~vings account which makes him efficient arid intelligent. And the mass production whIch im· proves his output is due to a steady market_ This steady market is ful" nished principally by the 'people of

Waynesville Farmers' Exchange Co., Waynesville, Ohio


JUST HABIT, MAYBE the Un ited States. It is a home mar· ket, lind thc home market is preserv· ed , und a grea t steady production "Jea' all my 'ole woman gets done mode possible by the protective tur· is jaw." iff. ' "Jes' jllw, huh 1" If we were on a free trade basis "Yas' ~he jaws from early in de we would be co mpeting with Euro· morn tUI late in de night. Don't do pean nations in our great home mllr· nuthin' else but Jaw." k et as well liS in t he world markets. "What does she jaw nbout?" Our mallufacturers would be up '4Darned if ah knows. She don't ngainst European dumping, and our never sn~ _ _ _ _ _ . working men would be cempeting with a European wage scale which docs not take into account comfortA GOOD REASON able homes, good food and bank IIC' counts. Mass' production would not "YellSllr, dat hailS ob mine am de be possible under such conditio ns and fastest hoss in de world I He can run we would soon ' be' on on economic a mile a minute if it warn't fo' one 'evel with Europe( , thing.'.' Any investigation of our prosperity "What am dat one flng?" and the illlpl'Oved . c()ndition of our " De time am too short fo de long· workers eventually brings the invtisti. ness ·ob de distance." . gator to the fact that it is our !ql' --- ..;. ~mense home market which' makeR the HARD TO PLEAS" present enviable situation possible, Hard to please, ladf', in shoe store lind that thilf home market is fostered prineipolly by the protective tarifl'.- _"Have I tried ever)lthing on 1" Th N t' IR "'I' Disgusted Clerk-"YIllI, m:ldam, e a lonu epuu IC. all except the boxes." , ...._--.,,. .



NOTICE QF APPOINTMENT Estate of Matilda Rosier, deceased Notice is hereby given that Ethel Hosier Enrnhart hos been duly ap~ pointed aJld qualified as executrix of the estate of Matilda Hosler, Jate of Warren 'ou nty ; Ohio, deceased. Dnted t his 12th dllLo! March, 1926. _ W. Z. ROLL, ' Judge of the Probate Court, m 81 . , Warren Oounty, Ohio.



-- .--.

CLAS~lfIEO ..,. ... . ADS. . • ,.,





Alfred Swigert: of Morrow, to Es·tella Rose and John T. Rose, .about 30 acres in Salem Tp., .$1. . James Harding to Franc('sea Hard· ing, about 107 acres in Hamilton Tp.,


LOANS on Chattels,Stocks, Securities and Second Mortgagee. Note. bought. John Harblne Jr., Xenia, Ohio. " -mSO ~'28


Mae Hartsock to Robert Gephart and Florence Oephart, about one acre in Clearcreek Tp., "$-1. T. A. Jones to James Pile and F. W. Franz, about 22 acres in Frank-lin. $1. '

- - ----


The Miami ·t ;azette

C. W. Unrlesby burial indigent soldier, $100; W. Ii. Robinson, memo ber burial committee, $1; J. B. Wood-· ward, name, $1; Barrett BroB., sup· plies for clerk of courts, $8,60; ' Granville Thurst()n Post of O. A. R., Memorial Day aJ]owance, $26; L. D. Wills, supplies for jail, $7.60; Ore· gonia Brllige. Co., repairs on equip. ment, $2; The lW. H . Stanage Co., Bupplies for auditor, $9; Remington Typewriter Co., lIupplies for prosecu. ting attorney, $7 ; Penn Morten, court house janitor's salary for month, $70; James Follen, Bame $15; W, N. COX for tools, $1.75; The Western Star, for sign printing" $16; Frank Burak, for repairing tools, $8.60; The Mor· row Lumber Co., for sewer pipe, $1.15; The Galion Iron Works and Manfg. Co., for crusher repairs and grader blades, $803; same for freight on repairs, $11.68; Walter Varner, for bridge repllir in Massie Tp., $4.89; Lewis and Drake, bridge reo pair material, $72.40; V. W. Tomp. kins, supt. of Dlst. No.1, for {layroll, $101; S. E. Cutler1 ··osme, ,87.70; Eden Terry, samEI, $112.85; same ,28 .• ' 85; A. T. Rettig, same, $101.50,; Jo· seph Davis, Bame, ·2 1; Blind Pension for quarter, ,695.75; F. M. . Collins, for District , Np. 02. payroll, $12.60; Dr. Robert Bla,- for antl·rabic treatment, $25; TIle. Columbus Blank Book Co., Bupplil!s' for auditor, $S.

6 C)

Farmers of W..rren and adjoin Inc counties may obtain money ,on Ion, ' time loansl at 6' per cent Interest, Cost of .e~uri'ng the I, very I'M' 80nabJe ,throbrh The Federal Land Bank. For 'further Information caD on or addrees M. C. ORAD,' Tre_ . urer, phone U8·X, Lebanon, Ohio.




Call on

Farmers, Att~ntiqn! '

''7hiS lIigIMnt test .~"'S .' ,wnu:h howe p",nttou,se' ';~ illustration shows the T results of applying to a . black panel each of these six HE

pigmen.t s-used in house paints-mixed with linseed oil Only lead and zfnc form opaque white films that completely cover and hide the surface to be painted. All the omer'pigmentl JPrm

translucent films. , White lead and white zinc are the only pigments used . in Devoe Lead and Zinc White House Paint. They . give 'it the maximum i~ hi. ' ding capacity, spreading property, protective quality, and purity of color. Practical tests prove Devoc, Quality. . .

ElED M. COLE, Waynesville, Ohio , r

DEVOE .~ead $t·%_~e . paiDt -'


, WANTED WANTED-Plalh sewing, 'MIII8 Lou. Ise Pence, R. D. 1. . .a7 WANTED-All ' kinds of Boft WoOd, for pulp. Morris ' Grabam. tf LOST .~

LOST - Popketbook. ·F inder 'retnrn to this effice and receive a liberal ' ,reward. ' ,.m81 . FOR


FOR SALE-Oood c~tern pump. ~ In. Quire at ,the Oalle~te Ollice. • . -1Il81 ' FOR SALE-iOOO Lell'horn pullets, hatched February and March. Hatcb Ing eggs, price, sa.OO per 100. Fred Richard, phone '87·1 ~, Waynesville Obi!'. ,. .a7 ' FOR RENT-Garajf_e on. Maln :ltreet. . Inquire of Mrs. Maegie Buriiet-' , ' • ,. . ~1Il8'1 . BEAUTIFUL Phonograph ,. iii' b~1It malee. Almost new, with,: 12 roOd re.cords. Will sell for unpaid b~ance. Easy terms. 'Write -fOil Inf,ormatlon. •..' ai' P. I O. Box No. 2:18;. , FOR .R ENT' OR S~LE--:-:A f6ttr~oo~ house, lia~ electric Jll!'hts. ~ large gar-- '. den: InqWre of Wa~ttir. KenrJck Ly- ' , tIc, .Ohio. ..,. . ~7 FOR SAL.&:---:Bronze goblllll". 1', will ,. sell or. t:rode for. Bronze htlD> E. F. ' ~ . Relfsmder" R. D. C' '. -all ' SABE-:ila~~t ~D goocl ~ been 'tiled ~ver,. little. ,ali' A. . ' ~. ,R. , 8, WI!1neIVlUit. OhI o. , . ." 111 FOR SAL~P~te ·timothY .1 iQ' aP4 pura AIBlke cJover.fiiY; ' lIoth-lcbUtI' extra nice. , D. B. Uiulerwood, Dhcm. 34.8, Harveyaburg, Ohio -a'l . F.OR SA~Toarbla . body tor 'P eri ear, mdudJllI radJAt.or~1 . . .

.:r2::'k. S.


W. . •e:at .. .






_---,It. -

..... _n ter_"

;:J::::m:. .

I '

II t Po":;:':-~ Oltlo, •• Second Ct ••• M.iI Ma,i'er

Oonstantly faTnl erS nre to ld h(> w to run a dairy b'erd, Iiut ~e ld o m nTe they openly given advice on how t o run it down. A West Virginia farmer. long a dairyman, an honor pupil in the graduate school of expericf\ce lind hard knocks, offers !"Ix rul c,s for dairYlno'l who want to flirt with bankruptcy. It's this way: "Feed timothy to cows-it's good for race horses. "Keep wll ter ice co ld-shi verin g gives the cows exercise. "Cow-testin g associa tions arc needless- they show how to sa ve a nd know. "Don't have any win dows in thu . barn-the hired man mig ht look out . "Avoid hellv y milkers- they tuk t! up too much tim c. "Don't we igh the milk.,--it might cause extra figurin g."

!ubaCl'lptloD Price, l 'l.50 pClr Year

_\.--:--- -



==== =- ---=--._-.......=..:c. MARCH .'1. 1!l26 APRIL CALENDAR

Compiled by Mrs. Cora A. Thompson Bir~h sto n e--Diamond .

Flower- Daisy. Motto- Point thy tongue on the an · vil of t ru th. ' . Text--Lo! the winter is pas t .. . the flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of the birds is &omo.- S. of S. 2-11-12. April April. lAllgh thy girlish Illughter: Then, tho moment after Weef thy girlish tellrs I Apri , that mine ears LIke 11 lover greetest, If I tell thee, sweetest, All my hope lind, April, Aprll. Laugh thy golden laugbter, :aut the moment after, Weep thy golden :tearal . - William Watson.

0 ,

Monday, April 0, 1926 Head Registered Jerseys

CO Il " i "lin ~ o f 20 cow s,


Every Buick





1 should know what God and man .lB. -Tennyson.


o f wh ir h fll' r (' 0 11" suitabl e for fnunda_ A Il u lllb ~ r of Ib" 111 hal' '' Hegistcr of




••• voiceless ' 'Ups, '0


ti ulI . or iJ n '(' dill /r JH II' )l M (" , ~.I c!flt lc st~ . li nd U I'(' ,.xrl' t' din l! ly w,·11 hred . b"ing- "ifl'd by l mJlol.ted ]0 er!,'s <!x f,,!l'~ N"bk . ){ "bl'l't Yo u ' lI Il o . F illllll (,1U 1 Kin g- 'H E mi nent, ' Emlll e n t .s I' al ry /J uill.' 3 11 ~ C" I'''', H II J l' ; ~h ' , .J .. ll y , ' 11 1.' 1' 1.' I. lin 0PJlortu nit y fnr ' '' " le ol1 e d,'siro ll s of ente ring th e J ers ~y br .. ,' oI ;ng- busin r s<, There arc , fl.v " Y' JUIlI{ ulI lI " ab out ready fo r ~ ~ I'vice , T hey Ilre spl ' ndlu md, vlc! uIl IR. \\'ell A' r () \\' n . fr om R<>,,;:; te l' or Merit dams. a ncl bea ullf llJl y bred " I .. rt g Rll lcig- h lines. The ba la nce is mad e UJl of bred heifl' l·s. '




Head of High Grades




part IS sealed


----- ...

inside a dirt-tight, water-tight, oil-tight u-onorsteel housing. This is the

.... ----


Chassis"an exciusi'JIe Buick fef!ture!

--- ..- - -




H. E. STOKES, Owner

" :.




- -- ..


This iI~el ude8 e"cry ~ r:ld e " n illla l (In th e far m, .Jerseys and Hol, lc lns. C O It ~ I R tln g of 2 0 ('''w s, IIH ,st uf which arc fr esh or !!pringl' r ~. henvy J)l'odut c l's ; I,!tinllcc art· brc d hcifl'l·s. Every cow a p roven Jl.·od ueel' . C Oni C to thIS sal" fo r n 'll l cows.

Your tl.owers! are living prellchers; Each cup , pulpit, and each leat a TERMS WILL BE CIVEN LUNCH WILL BE SERVED book; . ' Supplying to my fancy numerous stop loose lang ua'l'e by legis)atioll but teachers, ~ve~ett BunMII, who has been we can do it by education." In loveliest nook. q!llte III the past week with pneumoAbolishing of profanity by statn!a and appendicitis, is improvinig ute would be utterly impossible, to COL. GLEN WEIKERT, Auctione er . •' lJringfi cld Ohio. Were I, 0 Ood, In churchless lands our way of thinking. No one will meely under th e rare of Dr. L. G. CHESTER FOLCK, Sale. M.anager. Spri ng field , Ohio. remaining, deny tbat there io too much dirty list.Mrs. Hulda Burnett is on the sick Brock. Drs. Keever a nd Bordon were Far from the voice of teachers and langullge, but the language )'cforl)\called for counsel, Thursday, divines, en will never legislate It off the Edna Sims spent Wednesday Mt:. and Mrs. Churles E. Johns enlily 80ul would find In nowera of. thy tongues. However, a movement t o in Mrs. Dayton. tertain ed to a s ump t uous dinner, Sun ordalnlnc tell the people about the vicio ullll as Priest, sermons, shrines I Walter Kenrick was a Lebanon day, Mr. and Mm. J. B. Thomas of of it, more than ·lIkely would have a visitor. SAVED SOME MONEY Centerville, Mr. and Mrs. GI'enn Monday. - Horace Smith good effect. Johns and children, Paul and Vivian Several more' houses are being wirWife-uOh. dal'ling, I saved t ell --of ~ayton, and )\fr. and Mrs. Alle~ NOTARY PUBLIC Aprill month 01 r.lllbowed springed for electric lights. dollars todas>!" Emrick and daughter, Gladys. time, month of pr9h!i~" month of How Nebr8l\ka' must have thrilled National B.nk Hubby (old in the gamel UFine! ~ .... Mr. Guy Routzahn made a business resurrection. Come, wOl'llhip Him when her representative, Mr. HowWhat did you buy'!" trip to .Dayton, Thursday. who III as a ltar, you cannot tqll~h ard, discuasing agriculture, and.•Col. Will. Drawn .... ...... E.t.te. SeUled him, but you can aee him in the flO'w- House--"with permission to print," Miss Murie l Sykes spent the weekera and gr.aSSeJI, you meet him on the soaripg on the· wings of oratory told end with relatives in Dayton. , Waynelvillc, Ohio atreet unrecognlu d, you hear him In his fellow representatives that, "ha<\ FOR OVER 40 YEARS Miss Pauline Green was a week. the long of the bird and the laughter House been til ere til Iruard Nanl, l)ef IIALL'S OATARna UEUI C I N l:: hilS bee n of a chUe! In tbe helpful word of a ~heek never would have beeA pop~ . end guest of Miss Gladys Bergdnll. Mr. and Mrs A. S. Collett motored u.04 SUCc.!sMCulIy In tho t ro (llm ~n~ oC lated by the kiss of Tajara," As one frIend. , ' . Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Savage spent to Dayton, Friday. , ::atarrh. These Ol'e' the things' He .I('ivel you e~udite reprj!senta~ive confidentially Sunday with relatives in WaynesIIALl/8 CATARRa ftlEDICllli'E conA new switchbolard was installed in to rellgbt 10ur torchet ot 1I0pe IIna ~JlarkeQ , ," it was . hot IItllff." ville. . 18ts ot an Ointment w hic il Q u l ~ k ly Faith And ,l.A)VIl. These are tbe ~liingll our telephone eJ«:hange last week. Rolleves by local a ll Pltcn lion . an d t ho Mrs. Mary E. Cnrmony and Mrs. (ntemal Medicine .... Tonic. whic h nets ,vhieh Uft us to hlgller aapl"lItions, .Are yOlj I' "pi~llacker-" That's a Mabel a,nd Margaret Starr, through the Btood on tho Muco u s Sur greater dreams . and villi on's Of divine new one chosen in !\ newspaper con- C. A. Thomp/lon were Dayton !!hop- of Misses racea. thus r educing th e InOummation . Dayton, were' week-end g uests of pel's, Thursday. Roo dn ClflS Bnd beauty, which are the tel.t to I!~~pribe a person cruel to Bold by all dru ggist•• their mother, Mrs.. Amanda Starr. 'very bread and wino of life for the aDlmal~. Rev. J. C. Stitzel and SOIl, of ConF. 3 . Chenev &. Co .. Toledo, Ohln. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Fite and commUNon of ,uppllcant humanity, t.inental, w~rc c:aUing on Lytle friends WE GET THEM QUICKLY AND daughter were laelt Sunday guests of A comml~e at' 22 at Washington lI10nday ove!1ing. FREE OF CHARGE -~seems to be ottering no less than 222 their parents, Mlr. and Mrs. Frank CALL US ANY 'TIME AT OUR Mr. ane) lIfrs. Ben Hawke and fam- Wilson. • sp\utjons to the f arm relief problem. TWO BI LLIONS PO~ THAT EXPENSE ily lIpent Friday evening with Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. lrrank Wilson spent ".RAJNY D~'y" f;x.trl\ r The Bible is still the "best .Mrs. George Gray .. th.e week-end In Washington C. H. seller." oVll.r 9,OO{l,OOO volumes havMrs. A, L. Sides Mise Voelma WIth Mr. and Mr!l. Herbert Fite and Who tlays we're "extrl\vagant Ing been Ao~1\ in 1925. Sl11itb and Mrs. Ralph Johns spent Jane Ellen. Phone 8 HARVEYSBURG, O. Americana." Monday in Dayton. .. That Idca-that myth-'-:was exploThere was a v'~ry instructive talk Messrs. a. lIf. Clark and C. W. Cox and demonstration on the Diseases of FUNERAL DIRECTORS dcd tHe other day when the United nttencjed Henry Decker's funeral at Poultry and Hog!1 at the Hall, MonStlltes t reasury revealed that de~plte WAYNESVILLE, OHIO Springboro, Sunday. . this age of automobiles.. radio!, flapday afternoon. . pers and eake·eaters, l'fr. ana Mrs. Mra. C. E. Johns visited Mr. and Twenty million bread-baking wives Dr. and Mrs. ,C. G. Randall and Average Citizen saved tWj) blllions could ~f, allY bread tru st to rout anti Mrs. Harry McGinnis in Waynesville, FuiJy Equipped for Good Millll Helen called on Dr. and Mrs. of dollars more In 1925 th.n th41Y did set it to yelling tor succor at every Wedncsday afternoon. Service. J. E. Witham andl Mr. Adam Stoops; In 1994. jump.- Toledo Blade. BUICK MOTOR CO. Miss Louise Woolley, of Dayton, in Waynesville, S.unday. Large Display Room. avlllgs blink accl)Untll increased DWIo..... ., o_1 Mooon c_ Wellton 0, Bm'kwell, of Marion, is spending ~he Easter vacation with tbat much I ~ Ambulance Service Invitations are being' received by' This tremendous jump in aaving- Iowa, Is the proud possesser of a her grandJJare/lts, here. FLINT, MICHIGAN friends here to thle marriage on Apnl TELEPHONE 7 knlle anI! fork once owned by George DAY OR NIGHT money in the bank-desplte the wave A number of friends f rom here at- 8, of Miss Loretta Beaton and Mr. of ,fake promotion, the ,follies Washingto n. And now we suppose tended the funeral of Lyman Silver Carlton Anderson, both of Xenia. and foibles of fenllnlnit),, ·. the come- that Ropert Hughes will te U us thut at Waynesville, Wednesday. ' Albert Hough al~d Miss Alice Good... on method of I8lesmansbjp and sup- Washington lite with the klnife.Everyone .if; cordialiy Invited to win, of Blanchelrter, were married posed tendency, of living beyond .In- Bridgeport Pollt. • recently. They will reside ,in the come. One redeeming feature about Ti- the Easter service of LY.tle Sunday-. tenant house on the Clint Cleaver It proves two points : That Amer- ~uann Is that there's' no lllw compel- School next Sunda-y afternoon. farm. ica is in rather prosperous co~dfMoil Ing Amerteanl to go there.-BaltiAll the mail boxes are being moved Dentist and that the teaching of thrift, In- .more Sun. The piaYI "Deacon Dubbs," put on to the right side of the street; by or. augul:ated years ago _nd ' Il.1tenlified by the CiVIC Lealgue, Tuesday evender of the postolllce' department. WaJDe."iJJe NatioD.1 B.nlk Bid •• Wben a .woman says she wouldn't ,spring and sl,nce the 'l'(ar, ' Is be'r inLebanon, Ohio ing, was a decidlld success, and our lIlrs. Clarence Smith, who was opfling io get real results. marry the best man in the world she of WII.., ~he I8vlngs accounts of doesn!t ,oJtpeot t9 get a chance.- erated on at MlalJ)i Valley hospital' community mucb local shoukl talen't, be eachproud one having -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=====~==============~~~~~~~~~== w~ek, is recovering ' nicely. . A1IIe,;galll jn!=re8.le two billions'. In Toledo Blade:' acquitted hims~1f. in excellent 'Style. Russia's Soviet government seems one 'teni, w~ e,n'~ believe there l • Miss Flora Cbarieton, of CincinAt the Oratorical contest held at DlJlOJ/. gro!1~ fo, ,aI!.!nlf ~8 "extrav- to haife evolv..ed an international pol- nati, .spent So:turday ·with her sister, the hall .Monday evening, •little E~. ~~~ . " " , ." . ley which consists of telling the Mrs. Roy Friermoop and: family. ther Sherwood, d,aughter of Mr. and , - • w,o rld nothing and asking the world Mr. and Mrs. W. ·F ox and Mrs. Ida Mrs. John Sherwood, of Oregonia; UI ~elieve every word of it.-Chicago Day returned home Sunday, after was chosen to represent the lower ~!!W!.' . , , grades and Carl ':Shirden, 801\ 01' Mr. . ., spending soveral days in Dayton. If the threatened' e,xtlnction of the and Mrs. Robert 8hlrden, Wall chosen T. B. ~~.II. bead 'ot the Olean Mrs. Charles Clark visited her siswDgu."e l.ialfl:t" of Amerilla, fJ ~uo­ P.y;'tej' Jle~ome~ n,tp~' /lladning jt mllY ter, Mrs. S. 'Thilckarey ' and husband to r;epresent .the i,pp~r !l'rlld~, 'IIt the county ~ontest. I ted ,.. ~.lIng, In e1!'ect, that "if we "'e neceleary tp ta'k(l ' ~)ie " r ' ! out of In Springboro. 'Sunday afternoon, can't stop· looee language ,by I!oura- another month.~C hlgagp NeWi!. The lJ~ptl.t lttlllalonary Circle met .tion we'll do It by legl.latllln.". ; TJHl Inveetlgatlng ·craze will stop Mi~s Al)na ijormel 41o!1d ~1'. IJays at tlie ohuroh WE!dnesday afternoon, to every purchaser of one gallon or more It Is to be hoped that Mr. Ruuell when they begin to Inve~tlgate tho~e Leach,. 01 Sptnll;boro, \IJ1eni Satur- with Mrs. E. B. Doster ahd Mrs, Ed ,;;;,,;;, of Foy's VeJvatone Flat Wall Paint. The offer is good for one week only. , misquoted. It wC!u!d be ~lJch wtio wapt · Investigations ma< WIth Mr. lind Mrs. Charles Mul- Bennett, as hosltesses. The devolinix, _ ~tter If he had ,wd, "We can't Florid.ll Times-Union. tion~ were in ch.arge of Mu. A. S. Foy's Velvatone Flat Wall Paint is thl! modern wall covering - gives a rich apMr. and Mrs. Herbert Presley and Collett and Mrs. C. G. Randall gave a very interesting and instructive les• pea rallce that cvcr),hody admires, yet is fall111y, of Red Lion, spent Sunday The hoste's ses pasy to keep clean. ami sanita ry. It can be with Mr. and Mrs. George Scott and son on "Japan." served a dainty lunch of fruit salad applicd Over ncw plas.ter. old pafamily. ) with whipped ' cream, light and dark per. or old paint. And the brush Rev. and · Mrs. Raymond Stillings cake and cocoa. ' I S just the kind you need for doand two daughters were Sunday ev--ing a good quick job. ening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. • J. ,B. Jones. " Remember that at any other time you would Mr. arid Mrs. Allfln Smith are rehave to pay full pricejoicinll over the arrival of a nine$1.00 - for the brush, Poun 9 ,daughter at their home in Dayso don't fail tD " Mrs. Alice JohElson is still ~mpr\wton, March 24th. ta ke advanyou lire 1I0t ta ge of this Mesdames Nettie Emrick, MargB( Ing' nicely. . ' CS\eI;I ill Velvatonc oller at once. ret Johns and LetUia Kenrick visited Mr. Elgin. ~ol\sln!l Is ~ill in ~ VQ1'f ~kaboutthc8pccla 1 Mrs. Leila Smith, at Miami Valley I R"T""" con"ltlO~ • • Qf{ergiven with each hospital,' Tuesday. ' of ~he following Fay , 1he tlel'Vices at the Me~l1. products: Mrs. Morris Miller ~nd ,childrel\ odlBt 'ehu!'c!l clo~e:d ~ul1~af n_lIt., Jantei! lIit~ rranc;is; r!!turne~ sU'n!l~~ -: ldr., ~ng MJ'tI. )f!\X n,,"trd and I House Paint Roof &fiet seve""l fa",lly '" nn"". U' _, ""oren'~ 0a-ard and Barn Paint, I\i:Jveg spenRmg 'fn 'p:a~!!':il, , .~'" day!! "'. . ...nfh n ... ill" . ",h. ..'. ...., . . ' " Floor Enamel, Tof c' N'e IIIl the rQad l1~C!toring nome from puSta.ins for Floors T!J1'~. pora MaKjl'by ~nd IIhlhlren florl~~. .' I,llld I nterior Wood1I11d Mr. Ben Smith, of P{lyton, spent '{e:thl)dist.,'c hllrch work, Permadura Suntl~)'w~* Mr. lind 141'11. RalIjh .. WJlite Enamel, Dr!. Johnl\ alld cbildrell. ,. \ ' . :~ ' . Fast C~lor Enamel.


The un d ~n.i/rll(·d will ,<ell II I !' uh lic' ,,,1 nt his f Ul'lll , luca ted 1 14 nll ic'" \V ,·~t (,f W nY ll c s \,j i l ~. Oh",. I , ·lIl i l,· Wl'st of th e XC' n; a un ci Lc' I>;,I1 ,, " pi ke . un


F lower In tho crannied wall, I pluck you alit pf the crannies/ J hold you here, rpot and all, 111 my hand, J..IttJe flower-but if I could ' What you are, root a nd al\, and all


65 ·D airy Cattle 65

B eg innin g at noon,




Walter McClure J. E, McClure


Harveysburg Fenn6zerCo.




Dr. John ·W. Miller



$100 Paint Brush


+~~I r ~l~


.... ..---





' liZ :;;l I--------------w . /



Late Classified Ads, =============""'"-1

• · Beer .'QPJJt!. . • "

_ lE!!!2_ -,--

John Beach IIpen t Monday in Day-

ton. FOU' ~ALF:-A flM Shorthorn bull. D. E. St.tlncliIord haR been \vO I'king rour m')I\lh . uld , Some :Earl~' in Dayton for goveral days. Ohl p tl,ItUl'S lind IIbou t Lwo ons of WANTEW> thllOthv hay. J . P. CUIlI1\rings, It. ·m91 WANTE a l III 1'1 to l' r snnt a, Waynesville, Ohio. our nn ri s .in you,' CO llillHtnit y. FOR ~A L~- R. ] i{ ' cls- 30 hens and ..~1ullt be thrifty lI.nd well rcCOntlllCI1~ ock e n' I ~ . Phone 89-8 'AI. oJ d. .A pply in wri t.i.nlr. llc'\'t>u P. m+S1 J . H.' Smith was a Dayton visitor. {ul1'o.rd Co. , Lebanol1 . Ohio. Thursday. miH W.ANTED--, gafl'l' br(,ll ki n ~ 1'1 0\", r.Yt' r)"u,c is corri inlly invitt'd t o D. R. al isb ur:; has been qu ite ill 1.lohn, ph on t' H ·:ll.!! . ,h,' E,,~ I " r sen'le" of L~· tl e Su ndll Y- wi t h g r i}lpe. CIIU L. It's seed you need,we have it "117 :'~ h" "l n .."L unday IIrtern oon. W. J. Baker transact ed business in Ci ncinnati, Saturday.





Irs. Ada Courtney was a Dayton shop per, Saturda y morning.




Rohert Vnndervort. of O. W. V ., is ror the Spring vacation.

pecial s

Mr. and Mrs. John F r omm and : family were in Dayton. SaturdllY. Mrs. Ross Ha rtsock, w1'! o has been quite sick , is able to be out aga in.

a2.A1 71!!!! 'A-. U

All The $30.00 Men 's and Young Men's Suits at . .. . . . . 'P

Men's Interwoven Silk Sox, Special . . .. . . .... .. .. . .. . . . SOc and

75c Men's Blue Overalls, heavy weight a1 1!!!!9 No. 220 DeniITl, Special for Sat . . 'P .u Men's Work Shirts, "Big Yank," $1.00 89c value, Special for Saturday .. . .. ... . Ladies' Pure Silk Hose, $1.50 value, Special for Saturday . . . .. . ... . ... .

98c 27-inch Amoskeag Apron Gingham, II!!!! C Special for Saturday, per yard , . . . . . U Silk Crepe, assorted colors, 0 98c Special, per yard .. .. . .... . . .. . . . . . . Curtain Goods and Draperies, 59c Per yard . . . .. . ... .. . ..... 10c up to ,..



. 9x12v~r::

}!,~~~: ~~~~i.~l. ~~'.~~ .. .. . . . $6.95

9x12 Axmin.ter Seamless Rugs, $45.00 value, Special for Sat. .

$3.A1 71!!t. ~.-,.

We carry a Full Line of Wall Paper. Per roll. from ....... .. . ..... . Bc to


Tobacco Canvas at Lowest Prices YOU BUY, '




Waynesville, Ohio


L M. Honderson and dau g hte r ~ Miss Doris, were Dnyton visitors, Friday. ~lr. and Mrs. Ray Mills and family spent Sunday with r elatives at Spring boro.

Mr. a nd Mrs. A. F. Melloh and son, Billie, were Dayton shoppers , Frida y morning. St. Mary's Guild will meet with meet with Mrs. .Anna Cadwa llader, Thursciny, April 1st. Mrs. Lida Bradstreet spent Sunday with her daughter and fa mily, near Spring Valley.

Easter Joys Should Spread Through Tomorrow The time of yenr b~s come wben every one wants to plan t something. This "Spring Spirit" means beauti f ul homes, lovely fl ower s an d delicio us fruits through summer and fall. But in ot:der that no disappointment may shatter th is " Spirit," only •. plants of quality should be planted. Our stock embodies a ll these oharacteristics in giving !.'"1·a~fying results. We have a complete assortment of

Fruits, Trees, Shrubs, Evergreens, Perennials and Greenhouse Plants In th e newer varieties, and those old standards that will always

last. We invite you t o "isit our nurseries and see our stock, and our methods in handling plants. We are open ali the time during tho months of April and Mny, that all may have a chance to take advantage of our high quality plants at low cost. If you are noll able t o visit us we will mnil on r equest our price-list. For t hose in terested in home heautification, we have a booklet on lllndscape suggestions that we will mail free. Do not allow another Spring to go by without pla nting some shrubs fr uits or flowers. '

Hewett P. Mulford "& Co. Nurseries




'Spring Goods Our Stock of Spring Goods is the Most Complete we ha ve Ever Carried. You will Find in Our Store a Complete Line of CARDEN TOOLS BUCKEYE INCUBATORS BUCKEYE BROODERS HEDGE TRIMMERS TREE PRUNERS LAWN SEEDS' KITCHEN UTENS ILS COAL OIL STOVES GASOLINE "STOVES

Seed Oats

Mr. 11",1 M r>. Frunk Hartso ck ure sta yinlt \\" ith their SO il. Ross lJ artso ck and fa mil y.

Seed Barley

W. .!' t J ohn nnd fUlllily have movcd int o t he ir lut ~ ly pUl'chused IWllle Ol,l NO I·th s tn'ct .

Certified Seed Potatoes



With Right Prices, Cou,rteoua Treatme~t and Excellent Service, yoU ' will Erooy Trading Here. , ' .

A Full line of

Field Seeds We als o h ave

Mi .. Henriett!l McKinsey. of Ash'· s pending the Sprin g va· eatin ll with her mothe), Mrs Al ice ~ld\in s ~y . ,.

Ha.r d Coal

t nl.JlIJ~. 'i ~

for your Brooder 'Stove

i' lr. und Mrs. J ohn Co ll ett. Mr . and Mrs. W'·I·kll1 ci. t(· r !I nd )\i ss Ma r y ol\ctt, o f Du yto n, vi" iw d rela t ive ~ hc,·c. Sundny

And th e Right Kind of

Feed for Little Chicks

1'l'i 1l(' n:l nnd Miss :'I\ u rl!'n ret rl' t Ul'n l' I lust week f rom FI lIridll . wh l' re th .. y ~ pc nt s("'erul lll un th, thi ~ will tcr. ~ Ii s~

Waynesville F armers' Exchange C()mpany Waynesville, -:- Ohio


30·acre farm with 8 r oom bo".e. ,ood Barn, Poult ry HOUle., well Fenced, Soil "ery good, witbin fi"" milel of W aynelV iIle. Tbil i•• won· derrul Poultry Farm and can "10 bougbt for Ie.. than the improve. menla would coat. Good term. can be arran led on f arm .

Abo. two l ood propertie. in Way • nelVille, wen worth the money.

Miss Abbie Graham returned to Springboro, Sundar. after an extended visit with relatIves here.

If you are interel ted io buyin, a bome. either write or call.

, Mr. an d Mrs. Walter McClure and Messrs Jesse and Howard Burton were Dayton visitors, Monday. ' .

Mrs. Mary L. Adams. MJ;!I. Anna Cadwallader. Miss Laura McKinsey and Miss Clara Lile were in Wilmington. Saturday. Myer Hyman and family, and L. A. Zimmerman and family attended the Shrine circus at Dayton, las~ Wed nesday evening. Charles Anderson, Roy Pigott , Alonzo Cart~r and Tom Pierce visited t he Spring Valley Jun ior lodge, Thursday evening. ' O. J . Edwards. J : W. Edwardsl Misses Mary Leah and Marjorie ana Master George Edwards spent Sunday with relatives in Dayton.

~fr. and Mrs. Stanley Sellers, of Lebanon, and Mrs. Ada Sale, of Chicago, were recent guests of Miss May Wright, at the Friends Home.



Conkey's lEI low in fibre and

Miss E. Winnifred Nutting. of Dayton, who has been th(' guest of Dr. Mary Cook, will spend a few days this week with Mr. and Mrs. G. J . Smith. Mrs. J ennie Conner. of Lebanon. and Mrs. L. Nicholson went to Columbus. Thursday, where the former w ill enter t he hospital for a surgical operation. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hughes of ColumbUS, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith and f amily. Mr., and Mrs. Harlan Campbell. of Dayton, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Jordan . Mrs. J. B. Chapman and son. Chnrles, were compelled to give up their tr ip South on account of Charles' weakened condition. Mr. Chapman and Robert returned to Cincinnati last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Rye entertnined at a 6-o'clock dinner. Thursday evening in honor of their daughter's birthday, Mr. Will Wolcott of Miami county. Mr. and MTS. ularellel! Rye and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rye. Mr. and 'Mrs;' Alfred Wade~ ~r. and Mrs. George Smith. Mr. and .Mrs. Bud Gobby. of Dayton, were guests of IIfra. ' Maggie Burnet. · Sunday_ Mrs. Mary Wade, who baa been visiting Mrs. . Burnet, retumed home With them; .



.Jtn-. and Mrs. Charles Rye enter

talned at Sunday dinner, Mr. wru Wolcott, oJ' Miami county! Mr. and Mrs. Ed HilrtIIock, of Spring VeJle)', -John Rye and dauahter, Mr. and Mn. D. Eo ~r~=~~~ and lin. Harve, B,.. • ad Mr. and Mn: CJu'..

Waynelville, O.h io .

Phone 105

Granpnp called I (',-=~~~~=~====-"""""'=====-:'--'--~~~~=--:-:':=' )l the ·m. Fifty . years ago only old people used I Glasses. And it is not 80 long ago they did not have t hem to wear. Glasses m'e a modern inventio n. I t is but a few yellrs since Astigmatism could be corrected. That great genius and inventor. Franklin , gave us two vision , bi-focal lenses. S.c ience has but recently discover ed that glasses may be indispen sable fro m the age of six to the end of life. Poor V is ion, Impaired Health and In efficiency is the price you pay by neglect.. Have your eyes exumined uny


Starting Feed Feed It for I~ weeks.




Buttermilk tust

r1sbt In protein, ecientiftca1ly correct.

Does not Injure or overtax the sensitive clIieative 8PPl1lratus; C.onkey's w the OrielDal Buttermilk Startina Feed. It is made by the Conkey Original Process, in which Seml-Solld Buttermilk is thorollghly Incorporated with other logredlcnta. Coukey'a Poultry Book free.


The richest wheat. The cream of milk. A loaf of .As smooth' as silk.

Waynesville Farmers' Exchange Company

A 'Crust so brown. A crumb so white. A grain so close. A tooth,ome bite.

Thursday at Granle Hall

G. H. BROWER, Oph. D.

Wayne ... iIIe, Ohio

PboDe 25

Phone No.2

Center"ille. Obio



.If you want absolute assurance ot satisfaction betore you buy-if you want fair, square and courteous treatment-if you want the finest tires built at a price to suit any pocketbook-we can give you all this. WE WILL SELL YOU GOODYEA.RS.

F. T·AUI!O~~TIN I W aynesvil~e Motor

In 48 hours

after leaving the shell the eblek Is

294;.w Arcade.

Da)'ton. Ohio

The loaf that WINS. It always led. 'T he .T able'. Beat. Our HMUk Made" /!read.

Bring your Egg$ to Kroger

Mr. Will Wolcott, of Lena, Miami county. was the guest of his cousin. Mrs. D. E. Standiford and other relatives. several days last week. Call for Kodel Radio demonstTation. Tire vulcanizing' shop, casings from $2.60 up. Battery charging. Telephone 71. R. F. MILLS.

Play Safe!


Mr. and Mrs. Earl Conner entertained Mr. Will Wolcott, of Mianli county, at dinner. Friday.

Mrs. Milton Thompson and son , and 'Mrs. Orville Gray were the guests of frie nds in Bellbrook. Thursday.

1111, 1 ~ Il'~.

;\1. P. Lewis. who haM b"cn living in Uclll, nnt du ri ng t he P!l ~t winter, ' I'l'nt last week- in Waynes,·ille.

F r anklin Packe r has returned to Philadelphia. nfte r spending the winter at the Friends Home.

Preston Vaughn. of Dayton, is spending the week with his grandparents. Mr. and M~. L. D. Chiles.

Dnn \\·a IL,·,.

I\lid ~t ,·~ .

II . \' . Walt,· I" o f Lebar",n, vi 'itcll r eI· Hli\' (-'H hen', \rl, u n e:<tiay.

Born-To Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Shepherd, Saturday, March 27, 192 6, a daughter, l ona May.

Earnest Martin. of Da~n. was a guest of h is aunt, Mrs. LIndley Mendenhall, at the Friends Home, Tnesday.


lI ~u in .

Fred Staup and fami ly hav moved into the Susan Wright Payne property, on Third stTeet.

Mr. an d Mrs. Ralph Vance and son, of Pleasant Plain, spent Sunday with Mr. and ,Mrs. J . C. Hawke.

the eatate of Lyman M. Silver. late 01 Warren Coun't)', OhIo deceased. Dated this 80th day of March 1920. W. Z. ROLL. -.Tudlte of the Probate Court , Warren county. Ohio. Carl Lehman n, Atty. aU

C. W. Yo 1Il1l:c, who has been conrlLl cd tu h i. hume with grippe , is out

h 011lt!

Orl'iIl .. Gray nnd Hllr old Orsborn Dayton visitors. ::;unday.


Estate of Lyman M. Silver. deMr. lind Mrs. F. B. Henderson were ceased Notice is be..eby gIven that Mary Duyton vis.itol's, T uesday. S. Sliver baa been duly appointed und qu alified a s administratrix of Mrs. Lindley Mendenhall vIs ited her sister in Dayton last w ek. Will Fulkerso n. of Sprin g Vulley, wa~ a vis iLor in Waynesville, Saturday..

W Crt·

Eas er

Mrs. Kate Coleman epent Tuesday afternoon .in Bellbrook,

Sugar Cured 25 East er Hams Smoked, t.:.~~i~ per l b . . . C ------------------------------------Layer, Aasorted '35c CAKES Round Flavors, Each • • • • 12 to





Square Layer....orted Dayan, each........................... ...... .. ........... 25c Pound,. ...................... 19c Velyet~ Cake• • • ach ........ .. .......... ) OC

W. are ·agent. for the celebrated

Club, 1 29 FLO 'UR Country 'per 24Y2 lb •.aack SUGAR 25!s~!ck-:e.cane, · · $1.46 $ .

Country Ch,b.

12 ~ -1"


.ack ..... 67c


ChEIen, 24 ~-l" . •ack .... ...... ~1.19

Bulk, 10 pound ..... ....... ..... ........... ........ , .............................. ......................56c

23c ~:~~k~~~~~. S5.75 ~!!~~;d............ . . 33c .S~~~~~!S07,.ter. . .. ,14c


,b . ...... .. ..

.ack ...... , ... .... , ..... ;.'5 .•5


Fre.h. pouo." : ...........................32c




' I

Aerolene ·Oils and

2~~~? .11,I.,·\ .,:::..........:........ :......... 22 c :.,........;...


We are now ready to aerve you with



MACARONI or ' SPAGHET:I;I Couotl7 Club, 2

15c l6c

.. '


Lard ' Nod...... , · '"


!:!!~~! ,b·...., ~....... 13c !!~~~?... 33c •


··lb.....:...... Cal"•• , -poaild .......................... 24c


Wayaesville .Overland· SiIes







-_._ ---- - -

-~- .


--- - --_._ .




Basketb.1I Se •• on i. About OverB•• eb.1I i. Now Bell'innin8Alumna> Vi.ito ..


The :Q.ureau· of Industri al Technol Ogy sayl it costs the United States . Fourtee n Billions a Year to buy autoJIlobUel! and keep them running , That" JIlore than the amount lent to Europe during the war and it. is alBa a better Investm ent than the war loan. From Europe for our tell billions we get criticism , the IICIIUI!8tion pI meanne88. Ji'rom the automob ile for our fourtetm billion. we get notiona l health, saving of tillie, much pleasure , mil lions of families united, At fourteen billions a year the automob ile Is " bare_In . I! you hav(l n'~ got yours yet, get it now, ",Itb tbe opening ot Spring. To UIC public }IloneYIl for the !l0mfort of the prOllperoul class Is "sound conserv atbsm." To use It {pr the unprosper ous cia., th llir wives al)d childre.n, I, Socialism. We apend thoullln ds on B tine bridle path in a gnat park, supplyin g 80ft footing for the honel of the well-to- do, that's Well. But when the ggverno r of New York luggestl l using public moneys to solve the houl lng problem for the poor, providin g decent living qUar~rs at relU!Ollable rentalI!', that Is d8lloll1li!!CI lIy indigna nt landlords, III


"rank 8ocJaJi.IIf1l,"

The Rev. Dr, Thomall, rfrll~hlept of Rutgera universi ty, lIBya all our prolP'ep Is due to religlon -"thl.s nation torgCII a~ead through its faith In God. ~ct\!nl!e and educatio n have bec~ neglI¢ble tactom In thE: progres s of Amerlc a."

The founder of Ohrlstla nlty said: "Rende r th erefore unto Cresm' thll things which Ilr CII!~ar's." , He would have r endered u nto sci ence and· educatio n all credit due to , science lind cducatjo n. The radio, carrying sermons, In luding the marvelous Serlllon 011 \ he Mount, to millions unseen by the sll"nkcl' would have interest ed him 'and tbe nloderll methods of . protecti ng mothers 'a nd proll,mging the lives of children \V.ould have dellghted ~the heart of the great jletende r of chjldren and women. . . ~~!Igion is the greatest thing ill the wo,llJ, tJe!!llulle · ii deals with the infinIte, Science and ed\l~iI~n fl1'l! im= portant allO.

--- -

Eugene 0, May, IIlghly educate d, " has left this ea~h in disgust. Yeara IIIrO be learned the location of a •schoone r sunk in a few fathoma of w;ater pn it. way from the. Australian gold Relda wltb $10,000 ,00 &,old oli board. . • ' Trying to get that gdld he fitted out two upedlti ons, spent all he had, more than $100,00 01 failed. He opened the nina In hIS wrists, died, ;NtJ!ow h.\B asliea will be scattere d on ·the' .UJ'(,ije · of the Pacific Ocean above the '10;000 ,000 ' In lohl that he dlcJ not ret. A rOlld text for lOr· mona.

The lIe!' cent of attendan ce for March is ns follow o: I"reshm en Girl. 93. :1 % Sophomore Girls 90.14 % Senior Girls 00. % Senior Coys ........ 90. o/e Junior noys . .. .... 90. % Freshme n BOY8 88. 6% Junior Girls 87. % Those not abse nt nor tllrdy during March, are: Rhea Janet Cartwri ght Adll Shan er F loren r-e Crone Mary Hunt Lill ian Wlltkins ..Gladys Berg dall Ruth Cook ~Grace Hocket t Ida Burnett .• GenevlI Denling er Hownl'd Missildi ne Thomas Brannoc k Merlyn Banta Warren Hunt Walter Purks Thomas Brnnnoc k Horman Surfuee . E.dl)a 8.haner Geneva Ault Elizubet h Henkle Ann!! TtJoma~

----. ..

The baijketball chllmpionshlp In the) High school will be decided on Fri. day nig ht, when the Sen'lor boys will meet the Junior boys on the GYm floor. This wl1l be a good game Bnd one of unu l ual Interest. At th e regUlar Alethen al meeting , Elizabet h Henkle chose for her suhject, "Alasku- It's Present Condi · tion." She discussed its wenlth and how it has and will benefit the United S\:Iltes. :several /lI!lmnlC, includin g Eli:r. abeth Burnet, Rpbert Vanderv ort, Alice Gons, Ituth Tomlins on and ma Sl1utts, visited \V. H. S. last week.


_ _ __ _ I -

... - - -


WINNERS Of THE POSTER CONTEST ' ARE ANNOUNCED UNDER AUSPIC ES W. C. T. U· Some Very Pretty De.i,no Were Obtaine d by tb e Pupil. of Public Scbool.

The two hundred posters made by the pupils of five grades in our schools, were exhibite d and judged at the Gym Tuesday afternoo n, with th e followin g winners : Ei,hth I - Horace Shanet·. 2- Louisc Frazier. S-Loui se Crone. Seventh l - Harlan Shockey. 2- Mny Louise Zimmer man. S-Bcut rice Robitze r. Sixth I--John Turner. 2- Paul Savage. 3- Eugene Ryder. Fiftb Grade I--Jul illn Crabbe. 2- Burdett e Garrison . 3-Kath erine Simpson , Fourth I - Ca therine Cook. 2-Ge orge Edward s. 3-Raym ond Price. Essays were also written but these and the work of the Lytle sellool "ave not ye~ been graded, ~nd will bl! reported next week. . The F ri ends ' chun',lI Is giving $30 to be given the pupils as a r ecognl. tion of their creditab le offorts. The best posters and essys will be sent to Lebanon to be entered ·In the Mrs. Seth Thomas , of Dayton, and county that is being conduct Miss Marye Thomas were hostesses ed under the S. T. 1. departm ent of to a group of friends from three to the W. C. T . U., by Mrs. Carolyn Rockhill, superin tendent. five on Saturda y, Easter Even, at the Thomas home her e. By means of a novel balloon contest the secret of the pal'ty was revealed in the announcement of the coming marriag e of Miss Marye Thomas and Mr. Harry M. Burnet, on April 20, 1926. Thl! guests were delightf ully e1'\te~inecl ~y musical seJection~ by ~he The JerallY cattle lIII\e held Mon. MIsses ElSie Hawke and Eth er Henderson, Miss Haw~ ~i n g ing '!TlJe day at the S~!lkes tal'm, was largely Sweete: t Sj;ory Ever Told," "I ~ve attem\e d by J ersey o.dmlrers fro m far You Truly," !lnp "J Promise you Umd and nenr. M'any oommen ts were tWII in stTuJll ental ~o l os l>y Mis pelld,erson , 'fA Dream," and "Hearts and heard about the splendid conditio n o! the (Iattle, and the place In gen~"'low ers. " A dainty lunch wus served with eral. corSSlge bouquet s of sweet pens as Sixty-on e head were sold to thirty favors .. differen t buyel's from Dayton, Xenia, Those present were Misses Kathryn Springfi eld, Wilming tori, Blanche ster, Clark, Dena Rich, Clnra Berryhi ll, Morrow, Le'b anon, Franklin MiamisAlice Gons, Esther Henders on, El- ton, Middl etown, Franklin ,, Miamissie H llwke and Mesdames Robl!tt burg, nOlle lroing outside the s\:llte. Burnet, Oral Surface , Fred Braddoc k There were sensatio nal prices, Calvin Longacr e Russell Burnet, yet the sale as no II whole was very 881;Lloyd Hall, Cliff Himes, Alvin Earn- isfactor y, which to indioate hart, Carl Croll and Hatold Earnhar t. that th e dairy andseems Jersey cattle ind.ustry is i'1 1\ very ftol!rish ing oonditlon \n Warr.en anp adjoinin g Qoun. ~i es: . .






- - -..


Thoma8 Prender gast, an old and respecte d citizen of WaynesvilJe, and one of the 014 guard of the Civil war, died at the home of his nephew . Bryan .Prende rgast, Sunday mornh\g . The funeral was held at the residenc e afternoo n, ReV. John J. SehallffElr In chorge. Intbrme n't in cemeter y:

---.... - ..----

O. E. S. Inspection


Syru p Prod uctio n Vermon t isn't the only place maple syrup iIS produce d. The Bangham farm in Clinton county, Ohio, thia spring rounded out 120 years of maple BYrUp' product ion. Its first crop was pl:oductld in 1800. Man .. camps which were very productive several years ago, are ROW almost extin.ct, the tfee~ ~yhig, II n l! the camp~ npt having enough trees to worry about opening for the lea80ns.

----.. - .

Be Open ed

Whole Numb er 5695




: ............." •••••••••••




The wedding of Miss Oli ve MilicI' , daug ht('r of Mr. and :llrs. G. C. Mil· ler, of Sidney, Ohio, to Clifford Buzick, son of Mrs. A. L. Kin g, of thi s place, was so lemnizerl at the Meth· odist parso nage in Sidney , Saturda y afterno on. The Rev. Nathani el Butler, pastor of the churdl , offociate d. Prepa red by The couple wus attended by Miss CHURC HES WERE WELL F ILLED ColuIYlbu8 Repo rter Esther Stickle and Mcrle 111 ill er, both of wh om ure students at Ohio State university and were guests at the Sermon . Approp riate to th e D a y Mill er home over Easter. The groo m ha ~ a po"ition with the and Beauti£ ul Mu.ic Added Buick sales compan y in id ney. COLU~IBUS . OIl IO- It is the very Much to Service . Mr. a nd Mrs. Buzick spent Sutur!;e nenal "p inion of th ose who have day night and Su nday wit h th eir parft1il ow~ d ~ tntc (",lilies thnt the Reents, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Kin g. The pu blican numine,' for governo r next many friends of Mr. Buzick congrut M. E. Church ulate him on hi s good fo rtun e, At th e M. E. church, se rvices be- rail hns not ~·('t b('P II announc ed. It gu n wit h n sunri se prnyer me e ti ng , is we ll k"c>wn thn~ impo rtan t conferwhich was utlendcd uy 1lI0re than l' nce ~ have he en and arc being held. thirty lind was foll owed by II dcliduu , It i ~ no secret thnt none of those now in the fie ld meet the requireA t a: L5 the Sunda y Safety courses will be s\:llrted in bl'eakfu st. ments of th o"e who arc more inter. School was in session n nd 227 an· the schools at Lebanon , and in the ested in th e futur e of the R('publi can Mrs. Willium son party surr ounding ruml disLric ts, it was swered ro ll·call. thau they arc in th e perso nal gave ~om" bctlu tiful stiectio ll s. Bap· ambitio ns of announc ed followin g the distribu ti on anyone ' man. So me At the pr 'aching service thc eh uir of the courses by the incinnaU Auof the pl' c~ ('nt cnndidu tes may be exga\'e ~o mc beaUlifu l selection . I:\a p. pected to withdr tomobil e club, which also distribu ted aw, nnd in other C6sa fet y (1:uard buttons which will be tislll was admini stered to the lillie .es the force has Leen spent. Several awarded f or meritori ous se rvice in dl\ught~ I'S of MI'. lind M,·8. Er nest nalll es nrc now being juggled around sa fety work. The Cinci nnati Auto- Ea.·nhar!. and Mr. oml Mr mobil e clu b opened a branch of th e BarLnoc k. After lin im(lr ~"s•. Al vi n h)' th e leaders. So far the present iv c ser· t ouring departm ent in Lebanon , :Sat- ilion \,y th e pa,to r, ten persons were Ibt Q-f candida tes con\:llins only the urday. r cc~i vc f into full IlIlllllb e r~hip , eight n;llllcs of th ose who are inter ested in of whom nrc f une family, II Illother persona l advance ment, and really IIIHI seven children. . In tn e e venin g' th ~ ch o ir Tcndct"cd Lhi nk mor e of that t han they do the 11 sue red con ce rt, ~ivin~ II titling closc futul'e of the party from which they afik th.., nominat ion. There is just Regular meeting of Massie grange to a beautifu l Oily . The uudilori m was full at each one bil{ igs ue that all ure abrJ' ced upSaturda y, April 10th. The Third son 'ico and theu pulpit was taste fully on, allli lhut is th a~ if Vic Donahe y and Fo urth degrees will be conferre d dec oratud with potted plants. on four cand idates. AII member s are i~ a candida te fo r another term, he urg ed to be present. is goin!; t o be mig hty hsrd to deSt. Mary'. Church Visitors always welcome. feat. Most of this "iiwesti gation" Easter services at the churches were well attended . The day was talk i. dep lored by deep-thi nking Rebeautifu l and bright with sunshin e, publican s, nnd it is all being made a lthough the air was shurp with cold . by two men who arc not candida tes At the 11 o'clock service at St. for office this yeaI', who are muddyMary's Episcop al church, the rector, Rev. J . J. Schaeff er, preach ed a ing up the waters to such an extent fine Hermon on th e "Resurr ection," thot clarifica tion is going' to be and adminis tered the Holy Commu n- mighty difficult. C. C. Crabbe and ion. Festival music was well s ung J . T. Tracy are not asking --~-further Beginning in July there will be by the choir which was augmen ted by afforded to four thousan d youn g men Miss Glatiys Harlan, of Dayton, and f ovors irom the Republi can party, from Ohio, Indiana , Kentuck y and Mr .Roger Turner, of Bellbl'ook, and and just why they are so interest ed West Virginia , thirty duys of train- with Miss Kathyrn Henders on Turn- in starting things thnt they don't er at the organ. finish is a politica l puzzle beyond ing in Fort Benjam in Harriso n, Ind. The benuty of the service was greatFort 1'homas and Cump Knox, Ky. ly enhance d by Mr. Turner' s splendid most of those who have fo llowed the Transpo rtation is furni shed to those renditio n of the offertor y so lo. His game. The big issue will be to defeat a meeting th e req uiremen ts and in vo ice, a beautifu l baritone , shows careful training and study. man for governo r who has been absooa}llp tltere is good food, uniform s, lutely honest. No person can ques. eto., free, Firat year candida tes 17 to \!4, tion the honesty of Vic Donahe y, and Full particul ars may be that seems to count more than the fuby WTiUng to the Citizens ' ture of any politica l party at the Trainin g Camp Officer, headqua rters hands of the voters. Fact is that Fifth Corps Area, Fort Hayes, Colthere are more Democr atic-Rep ubliumbus, Ohio. Congressman Charles Brand is incans in Ohio tod ay than ever before terested in the success of these camps -<)r, to make it plainer, there are and hopes t hat Ohio's quota of lOllS Onions and other crops on most more voters .who look at the honesty trainees may be full. muck lands respond to nitrogen , es- of public officials than they do at the pecially in the spring when the soil Ilorty emblem . is cold and wet. Althoug h the content of total nitrogen is high, averagNow that the S\:Ilte is assured of another plant where brlc.k can Miami Chapter No. 107 will meet inig about 22,000 pounds to an acre be munufu rtured bypaving prisoner s, it is in regulur se8Sion on April 12th, at of muck seven inch es d.'ep, the ex- expecte d thnt there will be at least 7 :30 p. m. All member s of the O. tent to which it can function as an 200 trunsfer red from the peniten tiary E. S. tire weloome. A full attend- availabl e su pply for the cro'p s de- to Rosevill e, Musking um county. The ance is u\'Ked. fi ght fo r possession 0 f this plant has pends large ly on t he nnture of the been LUCILE ARMIT AGE, W. M. a long and hard one, and Govmuck and the weuther conditio ns. ellor Donahe y has won a splendid SUSAN HAWKE , Sec'y. From determi nuti ons of dvailubl e victory in the final outcome . It is .....- - nitrate nitrogen in a number of muck well known that interest s opposed or peat soils made nt the Ohio Exper- to the State making paving brick iment Station. J . W. An1es, associat e have been fighting to the last ditch In agronom y, finds that the quantity to prevent the llrofitab le employm ent The Young Friends ' Moveme nt will produce d per acre during worm sum- of prisoner s. As soon as this plant meet with Floramo nd Reed, Sunday, mer months is sometim es as much as is put in shape, and paving block can is supplied by 400 pounds of nitrate be manufa ctured, there will not only April 11, at 7 p. m. of 80da. while in March and April be work for many pl'isoners but taxDevotional Leader ............ EIi Furnl18 there is practica lly no nitrute nitro- payers of th e State will benefit in beLesson Leader........ ............ John Gons ing ablo to have highway s paved with Topic ... ............ ,.... ........ Christia nity genIt present. is evident il'o m these findillgs brick ut milch lower cost than whl!' Everybo dy welc;om~. that for early 'spring-planted crops, Bold by the illdepen dent manufa csuch as onion s, the addition of a turers. small amount of availabl e nitrogen in Walter Elzey was taken to MCClei- the fertilize r is esse ntial to enuble Was the investig ation of J. T. Traland hospital today, where he will the young plants to get a good start. cy, Stote auditor, and C. C. Crabbe, have h is tonsils removed . A 2-S-16 fertiliz er appli ed on muck Attorne y-Gener al, getting too close soil at the rute of 1000 pounds per to home7 This is a question that is acre is recomm ended. If ~he fertil- being asked in poli tical circles in and izer for the onion crop s upplies too around Colum bu s. A great spread much nitrogen and not enough phos- was g iv en to the stateme nt that phoric /lcid and potash which is the somethi ng terrible and awful had By A. B. CHAPIN chief deficiency of muck so ils, the happene d in the State Highwa y deproduct ion of s~8 \lions, or thicl,- partmen t nnd that a grand jury inves-AI3 "'LL PLAVED OUT YiH CiN necked onions may result. tigation might be necessa ry. EveryN,MM wl9HES A LITTLE' 14ELP thi ng has been done in this Depal'tment, accordin g to this intervie w, ex· ""'TH .,.+1", SWli~'''''1i'- - cept commit ting murder. And ·more thon that they were going to the bottom of th e alTair. They were reo ally getting r eady to go a little deeper when former Governo r Harry L. Duvia came down from Clevelan d, and for almost 2 hours was closeted with Auctit ol' 1'racy. The latter said upleaving Mr. Davis that politics The Miamisb urg Ne\V~, a weekly 011 werc not dis(\usse d, but he didn't denewspap el', nt ' Mia misburg , wos add- ny that matters concern ing the hi~h­ ed to th e properti es owned by the way probe were discusse d. The pomt is that one hasn't read anythin g much· Brown Publishi ng compan y last week, when n egotiations wer e closed with about the l,1ighwuy division probe since. Two und two make four the Charles E. Kinder, publishe r of the same now as in ·years gone by. Add News for 46 years. Control of tho the facts up and the result is the ' newspap er was assumed last Thurs- same.

OBSERVED SUNDAY :S tate · Cap ital i l



Club Bran ch Open ed


Massie Gran ge

----_ ..----






Orde r East ern .star



Young Frien ds to Meet


-- ..,...-- -


\( r , .; '9 U&v41.1.Y 1i:~ru8LY 'TiRf-O \. ., ;·II~'" ~"' Ii 1b 6& WAS\lEO -



;I,\,ve ,. . Il~ ...

r-" .,.

-ANI> :ALL IN· WilEN NImMER. WA6l1lt 10 lie ... LITTle HM.,'''Ir


-----.- ..----



M!Ilmi No. 107, . O. E. S:1 will meet In special session on April 14th'for inspecti on, at 7 :30 Po' m. . AU Eastern Stars wei ome, LUCILE ARMIT AGE, W. M, ~ SUSAN HAWKE •. Sec'y. '

'Bi~~ tp




Tuc.ker (If Dartmo uth colleje, owned just one dime and a watch. Now his life 18 Iniured for a million. That Interesta many who think money meana bappine lS, Later fdr. Tucker won't havlil eVen the dime, and the worma will' have him. . But ihe crowd for,eta that. , .

Lym an Mulford Silver was burn May fI , 192(;. He \\,llA th e YO lllll{est of thre(' childrcn burn to Mauri ce W. and Mary Stokes Silve r. His ll nlil' u life WII H s pent upon the form where he passed llway, March 22, J fl26. A most th orough and comp lete educatio n was I;ive n him by his pnr· ents, gradunt in g fr om the Waynesville High school in U110, und re o ce iving the deg ree of B. of A. from the Ohio Stnte univ ersity; after four yea rs of carefu l and diligent study. With th is prepura tion h'e returned to the iarm und took up actively farminig, for which he was so well equipped und fitted. Hi s interest in his commun ity socially, econom icully and religiou sly, is well evidenced by hi s member ship in the local Grange, Farmer s club, Masons, nnd in 1913 united with the Methodi st Episcop al church in Waynesville. H 18 whole aim being to fit himself for the greatest good to the gl'eates t number of people . He had the utmost devotion and consider ation for the comfort and care of hlB father and mother, refusing to abandon them for more fovorable opportu nities that come to young lllen ot his prepara tion. He had to a marked degree what is termed characte r, and his friends loved him because he loved them. The IOS8 til his parents and only brother, Stokes Silver and family, is irrepara ble, and to the commun ity, great. He leaves a record untarni~hell but has gone to be with his God, and well could he say, "Yea, though I walk through the valley Ilf the shadow of death, I wiII fear no evil ; fol' tho u art with m e; thy ro d and ~hy staff they comfort me."

W . C. Smith's Spring Opening , ut, rday, was a 1;' ccess in every partic ular. Wh il he weather conditior. ~ wcre somewh at disagree able, the village \Va f ull of autos and people. Hardwa re salesme n seemed eve;y where, each talking his particular Line. Mr. Smith's sales amoun~ cd to more than $2000 be~idell the trllctpr salel\, S The ,50 kitohen cabinet, whieh was ee th. a t )'OUI' I U Ita lire presHed and your gla(l rllg~ {or a big aucUone d 0 ff by IleaIed bid B, went · show (ion i8 coming td town. The Norto Joo Beall, of Port W\1Iiam, mol cl089 will "Just of Col. for $85.00. Tho P.-T.-A., whIch lerv- lege," featurinpresent g the "Bingo" glrla ed the dinner, realized ,"moat ,50 in one of the big acta. clear money. Come and see the "Pur,e Food" A pleasing feature of the day was show. You enjoy the ·'pickles." tbe, program during the afternoo n Do not miss will this clever. comedy I . and evening , consisti ng of spoeches Watch for the datel and mGlicl\1 number s of various sorts -whistl ing BoloB, .quartet , cornet and ~-trombon e duet, old fiddlers' orchestra, jig dancing , jazz music and even Found- A truck license, No. 169,the "Charle ston." 263. Owner can have the IIIIme by Taking it oIL in all, the little town . calling at this office. ' '. feels that Wayne Smith put over a real event.

•. A British Iclentla t make8 this most Importa nt annouhc eme'nt concern ing caMero .He can detect, by IInlllysis of a few .dJ:Qp8 of the patlent'Q blood the preaenc e ··of c\ln~. 'in ita early a~ Cancer ' 10ra~!I a!,d treated Judson 1Ies8, ' who formerl y lived promptl y in the beginnll lg ca", be per. north of Waynes ville died at Dayton manentl 1 eradicat ed, Cancers that· . ' kUl are those ignored too long, ' Re- March 23, aged 71 " yeara, 7 months port any strange growth to your doe- and, 16 doys. Burial was In Memo~r. rilll Pork cemeter y.

---- . Seven yean ago, young J. R.

Lym an Mulf ord Silver



Mr. Kinder founded the News lit Miamisb urg and has been the only publishe r thel'e during the post half century . Mr. Kinder steps out of the printing business on the fi!tieth anniver sary of his entering the field. PaulO . Satterfie ld, who for the past several years has been news editor of \he Delawar e Daily Gazette , has become editor and manage r of th!! pap,_e_r_.___ ._ .........._ __

Draw n F.or Servi ce

Every possible effort to eradicat e! or at least minimiz e . the damage ot: the E uropean corn borer, ie to be . made 'by the State of Ohio this year. Researc h work will be conduct ed ' the Wooste r experim ental station, the emergen cy bO!1rd having . granted .... $13.000 for this ' .work which will be started at orice. While . the' destroy er is more prevale qt ', in tlie norther n section ot the State, feara are eJ;lte~ined tha~ it may' epread 'to other sections thus Increul ljg tlie flnancial los8 ~o .. Ohio farmen . ·. .The· same precaut ions 'o f the ~ past . ' two yean will agAin ,be taken this and the shipmen t or ' carryln \:areeD from the acme in 'll'lIlch l=O~ . k~own 'ttl ~ will JIl'O- ' _ ' _ __


" ,. . .. '. The Umtlld States DIstrict c,ourt at ~In,cinnati, convene d Tuesday for th~ April terin. · The ~oUowing WaJ,'l'en ' countian ll were. drawn 'for ·sendee : Grand Jurors- Frank' Preeale , 8I\d James W. Coatee, Lebanon . ; Petit Jurors'T "' Ray lAw, A. B. Kaufl'man, G, Forest BrowD l . ClareDCtI .tamesoD, II. C. Da1dn. LeDaIlOD; J'I •., :~~=,=~ B. Pence.




THE MIAMl CAZE"l'ft 71

l nvent ory Rnd nppl'ni$cmentoCthc


('silltc of Lois . utt. Ii ceB>! ' d NEWS GLEANED th adm, of said "atBte. CnUu.u·tll qlla\ifiod npjll\inLI,tl gU\ll'ditm AI" Irt ruck .. r fROM COURT HOUSE Leroy bo nd. i





At Cary's Jewelry Shop l.eLano n , Ohio




8 ;00


T uesday n, . lo 4


._----- ---toh


1'1 i l ,Ill

rl n ' ""I"


' '''Ul t !o!:-; f'C .


Harveysburg Fertilizer Co. Ph oD .. 8



Earl OVER oIl) '.1 r.~ \l S I J . i!uL'r!!,c l'm i'r e t Ill. shl'rifT"d lill ie 1'1'0""d oml lhe co un '"nmeo ce rtui n I. \.h ';· ' ·~Sl": ). II I l ll " .. r, . . . " ... nt ur "ettl(,llIcnts t o be mndc b' sheriff, ~ II t I I ., J ohn F. lIurbin l' J r., vi Frunk 111. II \ I I. · ~ C ~T\"HII ~IElJ l nXF. oonFox lind Grnce F . ~'ox. c" urt desides ,:. .{ '11 dlU li lh;. nt \\ !lll'l, i.,J u k hly lhut Frank Fox slill OWeS lhe pillinIi I, "'li lu, 'ul n l ' t l:lcullo n, Bnd tho tilT $6] l. il6 an d order ed payment 11114 ,'I ,a l ~l.·j l "'I! (', II. To n i . \\hl c h acta to be mod e. l hl'uu~J \ I he D l ood o n the- l\lucouR Sur· tON'S, t hue r l"duci nl: tho infla mmalton. Willia m Winsl el va. Oscar B. Cain 1 sola bl' nil drul!llls(8. ct nl., th e busin ess of the private sale F. J ell.nov &. 0 .. 1'o l~do. Ohln. of a rcstnurnnt in Morrow was approved by court ' J ohn T. Harbine Jr. vs. Wilbur J ordan and J essie Mentz cllse settlee! and dismissed without record. The State of Ohi6 vs. Dan H. 01ivcr th e court authorized the clerk of ~ourt to accept $1000 bond from Dentiat defendant in case he is arrested Waynoaville Natlon.1 Bank Bid•• which occ urrence appears imminenL

Dr. John W. Miller

Date your sales with us. We (JUarantee . aatisfaction or charge nothing.

Phone No.2

New Burlington,O.

NEW SUITS Ruth R. Kemper vs. Paul Kemper for divorce. GroBS neglect is c:harged. PROBATE PROCEEDINGS First and final account made by th.e admr, of the estate ' of D. Leroy Earnhart, deceased. Second and final account filed of the ('state of Roy E. Harper, deceased. In t he motter of the estate of Herman Hendricks, deceased, it was ordered that the inheritance tax entry be cc rtlfied to the county auditor.

Phone No. 320


haarlem ' oil ' bas beelua 'worldwide remedy for kidney • liver and bladder dilOron s, rheumatism; Jumbaao and uric acid conditlooa:



Semi-Solid Buttermilk Conkey's <the origir J) No Dried Buttermilk Buttermilk Starti..g Feed prevents the big In Conkey's Buttermilk losses due to weakness Starting Feed, we use and disease and gives , Semi-Solid IButtermilk your chicks the quick, only, according to the snappy getaway that Origmal and successful produces early broilers Conkey process. and layers. The lactic It is the most successful acid in the buttermilk feed for little chicks from puts an edge to the hours to 8 weeks of a'ppetite; strengthens a~e. Start them right and tones' up the sensi- r:llf~~!a'lell With Conkey's and you tive digestive organs, can have 3·1b. pullets at and helps to sweep 12 week~ of age. ' away the germs that ~,.'<;'~·l Don't BreaJ, the Chain cause White DialThea. of Conkey' a Original

Be Sw:etoGetConkey's

Buttermilk Feeds

in the original packages-2M, 5, 10. 25 and 100 lb. packages.

Three in number - one fer Starling. one for Growln~ for Laying. each the beaI Cor its purpose.

Don't acceptaaubstitute-;it's dangerous. ' u.

Wayneaville, Ohio


I) S l J L



eorreetlotemal trouble., atimutate vital oraana. Tllrtt sizes. All drue&bta. I ..... on the ori&J,na1 Kenuine Oou> MIIDAloo --- ~--------------:

Waiter McClure J. E. McClure FUNERAL DIRECTORS


i'lIlly Equipp ed for Good Service. L:JI'g'o Dis1 lay Room. A mb u la nc e Service





lI t.t~, n





Tl'll ylor hill!

nt OV

cl nellr Ly-

tl e. !-;unoll y-!'kh 01 Il\s~ No. ;;j me t \\ i!h t h ~ hj ~ Kl1Y rlllnilic~ . ~ un d l y evIIlili!', 1'1\1 Ki t.QY IlUt! fUlIIily :; IWlIl E; sL' wilh ~ It,,,. Ki ,[,,, )"5 fa he!'. nellr IJn n· l· ~· :- bl · '$~ .



1111~· l! 1'11

"!l'un.' JH'l t'll l

and ut'dn y

I h(I:~ nng of 1 )':.:~ld : 1\P1I l'~tt lll ll \\ U~ ~H\ t C", Mll r, h -, Ii . . . , . I" th" mn ll"I' " I lll ,· 11'1 1, 1 Ill'! IIII! In Ille slllt~' of H, y ~l. Ilarl'el' dec,," ,t!d. (" urt "rd"r"d It' u"lt'~'. " f dBld ('slult' lo 111 ,·.1. 1\1 ",I,ey nl',"I~J: fr"m th prllll' II' ,,1 "I ,'<la l e In bO llds. In the nHIU " r of. Ilw ~,U k""'nl " f the estat e p( In a !'.. ( la\\ ~(J n 1It"'el\~­ cd the COlll't 1111111('(1 tl1l' am li nt du e e.llch S UC~C~~O l' and ,1l"!(,I·,'d lhut notlC~ be g lve'n II> S llc~ e~8, "' . First accllulll of the I·~'utc of AI ~ bert Grahl uec!!",<"d was .fl Ied hy the adlllx of ~nt(1 ... tale which WIIS uppro,:ed nml c:, nftl'm erl by ClIU I·t. J.'irst and hnal account (,f t he estate of AM I.l. Wo lf by the udm x. was app~"ved nnd co n firm ed by th e .collrt. Fifth a('count of the. g ua rd ,an of Rnymond M. Ben net mtn or was approved an d confi rmed by th e co urt. First and final acc ount of thl:' state of Mal'Y J. Parkhill dCI'cuscd fli ed by admr. and approved and COI1flrmed by court. First and final account of the e8tate ot Eva R. F'razee deceased WBS flIed by the adm lr. and confirmed by the court. First and final I\ccount of the estate of Charley Brown dec ea sed was filed by the admtr. and confirmed by the court. First and final account of th e estate of Carolyn Smith deceased was filed by J . L. Mendenhall odmr. with the will annexed which was confinned by the court. Twelfth accoul!lt of the estate of Josep h B French deceased filed by admr, Bnd confin~ed by co~rt. First and final account of the estate of Martha A. Mahan, deceased, filed by exer,utor' th ereof and court ordered suspension of further action. Inventory and ;appraise ment of the est·ate of BeatriCE! P. King. deceased, filed by admr. thE!reof, which was ordered recore ed. Report of proceedings in the estate of Nimrod P. Dawson, deceased, ,made by admrs. and confirmed by court. Second and final account of the estate of Susan C. H.aynor, flied by exect1,tor and acti on orde red SUspl'nded. First and fin a l account or the estate of EI izabeth Scott deceased, fil d by admr. mnd action was ordere d susJl end ed. In the matter of the estate of Lois A. Nutt, Anna M. utt as ndmx was nuthori7.ed 1.0 sell prllperty of sa id est ute at not. less than nppraised va lue. I l\v~ntory and " lll' rnisc nwnt of lhe estllle of Martha E. \\ hile, dec >l .~ d , filed by e xecutor, David E, Dunham, and same was r ecorded. Fil':!t and Il nru acco unl of the <'stat e of Samu el '1.'. Brown, decease d, fi led by th e adm x . of said estut e and confirmNI by cour t . I n the mutter o{ lilt! (' tllle of I na E. Cluwson, dc, eon!; d. it \\'n~ ol'dercd t hat th e entlry determi ning the




n fl( 1"l p\Hl.

:\! .." 1·1l1 . OI'II,l vl'r. lit lIe nr Way · lles,·il1<-. , ll " ('all illg' "II f l' il'n d ~ here a il e day It.' t \1 ~,· k. 1' . r., 'l'\lI"np ~lI n an d Gl'urg-c ])u"i s anen,h·') tl... !l al'ry St"I,<," dail'Y calll~

W. or


Th. Kokomo Ploa.., /coo r ;• • nm;.bln,1

~1,," " "y,

n, 1\·I1II1I'r

cnUl l' lI11d

knor 'and )'OU CODDOt pur enoulh str~a OD the stl,. wit.. to W2-

, ,'/ I II" " tl'u ck loads t (' II" , . tn'. k yards

h ll~s

at Cincin nati , . lon d uy.

M. rot. T r l'r v nn t! Lon Bran non took the Cincina tru ck Iuad ''If s l(,rk nati stu ck YllrdH, MOlldn y. Hany Clille ha ~ u n w tOIl l'inig car. SevelltY-Meven ultl'lIded SundaySchool hCI'c unouy lIl urning.


lIIiss Anna Suy" r". the W,·lIman school leuchc r , A'H " e hl'r sclwol a ll East er trcat, Friday ('vl'nillg. Mrs. Patience Th ompso n und MitiS Mary Kath!ee n Toomey call "d on the Terry family, uau ay aftern oo n, Several stran gers from different places attended our Euster entertainment at the church, Sunday morning. E. C. Mannon and family, Chau cey Bunnell and family, Berl Bogan and mother were Sundny guests of Glenn Davis Bnd fam ily. The little Tolle child, who underwent such a critical ope rati on at the Hale hospital in Wilmington , several days ago, is getting a long a s well as ClUJ be exiJected. Wm. B. Wa rn er is !n Springfield, ~hio, this w~ek, lokktng ufter the mterest o f hiS foul' new hacks he 'has in operation in the corporation of Springfi eld with no competition.

wrap tb'lII, You must .ctu~t,. b, " ' /c tb

Out in the field-there's where fence meets the test. How doe• • it stand up under rain and wind,. heat and cold, snow and IleetP Even the hlgh-Jrade copper bearln, s teel from whIch Kokomo Pioneer Fence has always been made would not resist the ravages of the elemenU, witbout plotection and lCientific construction. But Kokomo Pioneer Fence IS protected. Applied by the beat known methods, the heavy ,alvaniJlin, t. , 99~ ~I cent pure ~iDc, and the coil in the line wires takes care of tho clIpanlion and contrution occuloned b,. weat,h er extremes. There .,ou have the reuona for Kokomo laatlni qualltie..

.st.,. dam· ..,I Waynesville Farmers' Exchange Co., Waynesville, Ohio rbe




Waltllr E. Kline and Pearl Kline to Harvey Bowen, two lots in Deerfleld Tp .. $1. . Philip Petre to Amanda CatherIne Petro. about 27 acres in Harlan Tp., $1. James M. Hart to Joseph D. Kelly, thre small tracts in Salem Tp., $1. Edward Clingan to Abner W. Dill. lIlrlall tract in village of Mount Hoily, ~50.

N.tlon.1 B.nk Will. Dr.wn " " .. ,.... E.t.t •• S.ttl••

amount of inheritance tax to be paid Samuel Conaway to Abner M. Dill When a .man isn't boIlS in bis 'ow~ be certified to the county auditor. small tract in Mount Holly, $33. John R. Siegfried to C. H. Pearl home there's generally one big re.Throckmorton, two tracts in Clear- son. MARRIAGE LICENSES Albert S. H.ough. farmer, of Har- creek Tp., $1. John W. O'Malley to John A. Bieu, veysburg, and Emma Irene Goodwin, four tructs , in Military Survey No. of Lebanon. 3795, $1. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS COMMISSIONERS' ALLOWANCES Helen C. Mounts to Ambrose M. The Columbus Blk Book Co., s upBower and Jeannette C. Bower. a pUes for prosecuting attorn ey. $6; tract in Lebanon, $1000. Dora B. Lind to Arthur Ray Lind, Dept: of Agriculture for 1925. car tugs, $37.30; The W. H. SUlllllf!P Co. about one acre in Leba non, $1. WUI L"o;,)' Oliver L. Rowland to Will E. Hutt, s upplies for auditor'. $ 15 ; The .Johnand Cora E. Hutt, about four acres so n and Watson Co., .aml!, $42. 40; ,Jackson Dill ey, tux refund, $7; The in Clearc reck '1'1'., $1. End M. Cla rk to Walte r A. Clark, Western Star, proo f of publi ..ation "bUilt () (j IICI'CS ill, Cienrcrcek Tp., $1. 'I f delinqu c nt t n=< S. $61. 3 1 : Brown The Fra nklin Conted Pape r Com- a nd Bt11ln ' l1 , c" 1l1 fol' c(O 'I 'l h uu"'·. Telephon . 282W pllllY, U cOl'J)orulioll. to A. '. Shere , ~2 90.GO; Bnl,· ~·Tho"'!l ,; GOl'O~". r eabout live acrcs ill Fr nklm, f or i'l'li 1'l! for c un ! y lI·lIck. $25; George Miamllburl, Ohio W. Lm rick, !olemoriul 11 011 janitor, $aO, ooo. W.. Pay Your Telephoae Can. If An na ,"ella Pnlmer and Harry L. $2 0. Bu, Your Poultr, Palmer t o layto n Penny about nig ht ac r s in ~cc tion 27, $ 1. , "oy B. hocnmkc l' to H . C. Hamill n, t\'lO ~ mall tra·. ts in Hamilton Til., $1. D. T. Shoema k~r to H. C. HamilVc 1)1111 cC:my is a home sllffcrt Oll, about 20 acres in Hamilton Tp., DENTIST i n ~ from b! ('II \llJiso n in ..ffi5.-Ieft $1. huml. And X-O-GRA~HIST J\1r~ . r.ycli~1 IIi.1l i . ~cr i()u~ly ill a t \" AYNESVILLE _ OHIO ' ' T hor hOll! ' here.:sh IS snffcttn r: from I t l III Illlc mi u. I Telephoa. 114 T h W, F. !II . '. met at lh~ home OFFICE: HATHAWAY BLDG. of lItrs. A. W. ' he nowc lh, on TuesON MAIN STREET da y arternoon. - Evelyn, littl e daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard McClure, is quite ill of intestinal grippe. Mrs. L ... m Lambe ane! sons. of ·neur Martinsville, spent a part of last ••• week at the home of Mrs. L's parMONEY LOANED ents, ,Mr. and Mm. D. J. Noggle.

Live Poultry , WANTED! 26c per pound

A.D.Swank 'Son



Nelghbol'1l of MillS Ellen Jenkins helped her to celebrate her 86th birthday anniversaray, Monday. A "pot-luck" dinner was enjoyed by all, especially the guest of honor,herself. The pupils of the Grammar gradl's and the teachers enjoyed a party at the M. E. church annex, Thursday everling. Noggle Laurens, !Who is soon to leave for his new home In New Mexico, was the guest of honor. He was presented with a steel fishing rod, which he hopes to usc to good advantage.

Wayneayille. Ohio C


FREE, E are giving one of these fine brushes W away free to every purchaser of one quart of Foy's T<>paz Stain. This brush ordinarily costs fifty cents.

o H you are not inter- , ested in Topaz Stain, ask about the spcci.:\1 offer eiven with cach or the {olio wing Fay products:

1Iouse Paint, Velvatone Flal Wall 'P aint, Floor Ena mel. ' .per· ,nwdura Whit Enamel. Dri-Fast Color · E IlBmel t Roo{ aud




Foy's Topaz Stain provides a wonderfully durable and good looking high gloss finish for floors, furniture and wood work. It's a great boon to the housekeeper, too, because it never shows the mal'ks of heels, scratches, or bumps. You'll find it very easy to apply if you use the brush which we provide. This otTer holds good for only one week. , Save money by getting Foy's Topaz Stain at once.

MacFadden says that I Scotchman' who lives on his street swallowed a collar button and had three' operations but didn't recover it. He went in to sec how he was getting along; "O h, all right," he said, "but I'm going to try one more operation, a nd if they don't find th.t collar button lhere's nothing else to do but buy a new one."


Soring, long heralded with fascinating glimpseB of the new mode, l1li evidenced by advllnced displays, Willi officially ushered in on t:aster morn. ing, when thousands of promenaders at)d spectators tUlmed out as of {Jn~ accord, for the tra,ditional Easter display of feml'nl'nE'. 'flnery on Firth Avenue, New York City. My dear, YOll should have seen it. • Smartly c.ostume,d women, arresting, individual and' di4tinctive, fur.n18~ed sufficient color to the gay scene to make it one of riotous beauty. Costly, bizarre creations, were worn by many, but w~i1o .these cos. tum cs added to the thrill of. the daY, thD vogue for the conservative tnilhml' wns dominant. . . · .' Nnvy blue . 'w as ' promin'e nt, often .combined with white, 'IIn4 I\lso with I.h·ig ht 'red. Black alld wh;ite coml)illa~i0i18 'a!}!! gray, are favQro~ too · whlle loft tones ' of beige, bi~cult anIL ....:1> "'1 colo t'ln,· ,'ere interproted i? 1S,,1 ' j t'UO,,~ tllut -could mere··l ly , he gl mpsed un del'nhth coats. Cape coots art! very smart;. Oth· ' ers are straight I)f 11Ile, 8ubtly defining the figure, ".hile others ahow 3 decided prefer ncc for the fuller and Widened eili:il)u to, with tlat• terlnw bands of mole, leop. af!l Ud wolfe,




711te Peacock Promenade ,- -'--_ _--,--_ _ .--JI


___I_i_ A_Y_O _I_t_N __

Waynesmle Farmers' Exchange Company Phone 2S


L'ind "S. nom n L' nd 1,1 . _ nnpl'ms crl< wh" \" r,' !l PP,lIl1tl'u . . lI:1 rr ' (·Iilll·. wi/,' nn d ~ " n "P(>lI t . • I ' . tllll E~t!ltes r II' ~l t { Nll '11\ \\'1'1'(' flh 't! II' \I'.; " l! 1':tI lll"tl dl\, ,,rct' wlth,)u t .111 prO)l 11 t ( , '(Illrt. ' 1 'I I ,' ,' I l ~ \II,da~: :1(1\1' 110"11 al \ ' il:l\ l's Chu)lul. (i :\t " ll'I< .' :\l'l'l __ lU :-1..' Clitlt\llt lu lHI y, '. 'jI\ L~: 111 II 1 l~" , H>rl ~, , , f ?' th(. h pUl iu , , .1 ",'1'" .1,110 1 \,. A n till 1\1111(,1' c t Itni,it' j .. ,. ~_ ',I". , .[' I ', 'I " C' , , .• , \'. I}.\. :,; ~ .,,! 1\11",. I~ ditj l .iI. ,., ' ,",. c , 'n{' ~ l' l\ccl WH~ apflrlli~t'u I, • " ,. " ' I II I ;\ '!:.!Ou anci orc.,h .' I'c,1 t o bo o ld, at ~~(.I apPoJn t,·1l ).! 1l ,!H,ltlll .d r\jll"l.' ,' , lI H \i ~ \\c,"t,' ~ h 'nf1i n~ III Ll'U ,,"~llon SHt· Jlu ldll' nUl' U n lt u \. CHurt housc~ C'htrf!nl'C P. Buel'ge rmi er v s,

F. T. Martin Jess~ Stanley Auctioneer 'A uctioneer Centerville, O.


"\. l{





nn ti

The Ia~ t wHl " uti It;stut menl 0 [ John Grcel\l', dN·(·ll~I"1. \\'a~ (ih' d uI1i1 ",I"litted t.o ],H, b:ll.,. Arlh r Gr"(:llu lind Ruby (. \',:,·n .. Duell'!' q Ul d ' It,:,1 llnd WIl I'C 1\1'1)0 11\ ('. 1 ~:.Cl·"tor: t SllI,1 I' rvr e~tatc untl 113 ml ( 4:l't'l1 In nil n

COMMON PLEAS PROCEEDINGS , I/rnrv A ~l nl'ks t r usleu VB. Chos. 1 C " "lJ·. ~'· ' l ai' ) t f ' _ . : 1 ' . ., rei r 0 rece'v .. j ' 1"""l n I ~ /fIV .", uud uPl'l'oved alll! 'I I" I



Gloves are quite elaborate. with the dalntieat of cuffs, embroidered and stitched in paltel colon. Bags sre exceptionally gay, and are adorncd with birds and butterfiiC!!, and other desIgns wor,k ed in high colors. Delicae,y marks th'e present mode . In footwear. Slim, dainty models, with tiny, high-spiked Spanish heels, cut out in fantastic desi~s, were favored mostly for wear WIth afternoon costumes, While even the sport shoes, for , tailored wear were decidedly t feminine in every line. .

Ohio can weI! afford to support 5,000,000 acres in forest to supply her own needs in timber without encroaching on lands needed for ag~i­ cultural crOlla. During the past twenty years according to the U. S. Censul reports 700,000 acres of improved lands i~ farms reverted to the unimproved cla~, or tbat pI idle lands. Many agricultural authorities agree that much low grade land now tilled sh'o uld be in forest. The forest planting problem is one of considerable importance In the forestry program for Ohio. Low grade and idle land planted to trees will enhance farm values, and will pay the owner even though he hever harvest the timber crop. Every acre of such .,Jand planted to forest increases annually in potential value with the growth of tho e trees. This i8 being ,recognl'zed th f In e Clllle 0 the young forest as in of the y~un~ orchard. panting under preaent methods is not ' expensive. Seedling trees o~ the species 8uited for high grade timber arc now available at very sman cost. Furthermore ownen of planted or nativc forest lands may now have such lands classified for taxatiori purposes nnd the tax rate l'e~u!=ed 60 per cent under the new OhiO forest ~x Illw: Under'thili law pnly 18 8ubJect to assell8elf is exejnpt m~nt, the ~Imber f;rom ~he annual p~oper,t:v tax. ' • _.. '. CAN'T TELL NOW

CLASSIFIED ...............ADS.

LOANS on Cb.ttelB,Stocb, Seeuri. tiel and Second MortppL No~ bought. John Harbine Jr., X~ Ohio. .mao.'.1

Farmers,-Attenti'onf Farmara of Wuren and .djol"lq( counties tna, ohtaln mone,. on Ion8I time loans, at Ii pel' cent InteNIt. Cost of Becurinr the Mme I, Yli'J r'M'ir sonable ,throu,h The Federal LaI!( Bank. For further Information esP' on or .ddreD II. C. DR"AItE, ~ urer, phone 8l8-X. Lebanon, Ohio. !~; WANTED


WANTED-A gan, bRaldI\l Call L. C. StJohn. phone, , •



,- ~ ·t ..


..a § ;



WANTED-Plain .winl', II.. ise Pence, R. D. 1. ,. " .a7 .

WANTED-All Jdnda of · BOft ·W~.t for pulp. .~rria" Graham. ' .' u


SALE-Potatoea, a few bulbe" of Irish Cobbler, -G....n lIoUlltam and Banner Seed PotatoU, ,~OO r r bushel. Strouse Broil. ' ' ... FOR SALE-IOOO Le,!!o", Jl.uUet., . hatched February and '1Iarch. Ba~ tng eggs, price, '3.00 per 100; Pred Richard, phone 87-1~, WapeaVUle, Ohio. , ' . , .a7 BEA . . , UTlFUL PhonoJl'llph ' of bed make. Almolt new" ~ 11 .o.oci . ~cords. Will lell t~ u.pAld Wlanee, ,' . 1liiy terma. Write tor lnfonutliil& ' P 0 BOll N 228 ' t · " , 0. • '. l': fl .' , hFOR RENT OR SAL&-A ,four-room OUIIC, haa electric liirllta. ,. ~ prden. Inquire of Wldter'J[eDrIik. 1>7·tlc, Ohio. ' .. ." '" FOR SALE" ' Bron.. ·',.,bbl..... WJU sell or trade for Bron.. ben. ' & 'J' Relfsnider, R. D. 1. . ' . :', ••'7:, • FOR SALE-Mandt :.....,;".. ~\'. . new hos b d "-'V it ..::._ J A 'Sh een uae -,eD'. .. . .riMo: utta, R4 R. 8. ')VaJll ,.!:, FOR SALE--p.. - "'m'~ -'" ..... .. .' . •

Scarfs furnished the real high spot 'Of the day-in color. at least. In gorgeOU ij, harmonious colorinl1:s, no costume .~ils cOlllplete ",ithciut its own parheulnr sc!\tf-tho most 'i mpol;'tnn~ ,accessory: , . . .' M}'lliad . ~!lted h08Iery:, to match · . ea~h frock, added a great deli! , of -.. •• -. chIC to the a~rnoon costume. pure AIslke clo... And while. the outsb'n~ing note of 3~ ~ D. B. UnderwOod, ...... the Veritltble fashion show was the . -, e)'lblll'lr, , Obl~ Idcolor-subtle, flamboyant an'd aeducFOR bQdt tlve as the Sprln~nle-the most "Say, don't atand ~ere and tell channing part of the wbole ' &cene mi· that a man c:hoked hla wife to was the I!alIY, nonchalent manner in d.tb in a crowded club and no one whic:h the wamen · wo~ their ftnt17- bew he was dolDc itl" so unmiatakabl,. allnt"t it would "It'. tratbl EYBI7!Jody}lns.ta1ld iDlpeqtioa-wtijcJa it; ~ the, . nre ~ • zan








, --





GA2£T'1'1 ,


Mr. Frank Smith visited Mr. Geo, NO DOUBT OF IT who · left thiR PII(\kllgC lin 'W 'me? ellU. when I to ld her J had b 'on Slllith arid tamilYl north of town, a can't pluce nny one by that name." "'Q ~killg fo r you fh'e months he ex~ \ few days last weelL , ,Mnid- HShe must -know you. \le- cl!li01 ed, 'b'01' Goorln ~8 Sake.I' " . Mistress-" Arc you 8!1re the lady ·_ISSUBO EVERY "NEDNESDJ\. Y .•. ; Mrs. Jessie. LonJracre attended ' the District Meeting of M. E. churches, in Lebanon, Friday. . --:0--' ~- . Mary Carmony was I'n EasMrs. criP.tle• . Price. $ .. 50 per Year ter guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur lark, at Waynesville. D. L CRANE Mr. Marion GOlrdon, of Harveysburg, spent last week with his cousin APRIL L II':.:fl te phen Burn et and family. Mrs. Clyde Cox returned home, uturduy. aftcr sel'erul doys' visit SPRING HATS-SIZE 405 with her parents at Ingo mar. MILLIMETERS Mr. Phineas Russell, of Franklinl. is making an extended visit wi t h his How wou ld Yl'U like to wear a 400hro ther, Eli RU88e .ll and wife. milli mu t er 1.l11ar ? Or a 187 -milli· meter hat·! Miss Clarabelle Hunt and Morris_ . That's th e way ynu' li buy 'cm, if ton Hunt, of Cedarville college, Wer e ( .'. IAIfTOC..... Tor;!!,i l week-end guests of homc f olks. the IIrlHen lIil1, which would req uin '.~ " . '( "' .., , / '. 1 . . ~'~ ;: ~.,~ the U80 of metric units in place of MI'. and Mrs. Harry McGinnis, of English uni ts in r etail - merchandis- Are you letting your hair grow out? Here's a way to make it Waynesv iU e, were clIlling on Lytl e ing and tranHportntion, becomes n look well-groomed. The hair should be slightly waved. It is arran "e, frie nds on Tuesday of last week. Jaw. The measure is now iii cnm· high on the left side and caught into a French r ole at t he back. A , ,nltue in the House of Representa. Mr. Banta an d Miss McKibben, Interesting feature about thi ~ style is that girl s with lonl! I , ~ i : c. , pVet. teachers of Lytle schoo l, t ook the exeffecl It anc\ give th~ impress ion of a new type bob. a mination at Leba non, Saturd ay. But ~hance. for the bill are slim, AI well they should be. Powerful Mr. and Mrs. Er nest Brown lind industrlel are opposing it. The Amer. fa milf. of Dayton" moved Monday to tcan -&aUWII)' 1UlS0ciation, for in lhe SImeon Brown property, here, ltance, declare. tile (hange would not a matter of how much money a Mrs. Anna Long WIIS a week-e nd "o.t the railroado tho small sum of man makes, but how much he can save, and it is much cheaper to liv e guest of her daughter, Mrs. Ethel f825,1I36,OOO. in the countr y than in the cities." alld family, in Miamisburg . Saylor . Chao. would follow the change, ProgrcilS of this new ru~al chair opponentl .. y. Grocers would have George Edwnru B . of Lebanon, was Orville Phillips is spending a few to get naw Jeale" new measures t o will be interesting. And stud ents of here ove r the week-end. (iays with his dou sini. Mrs. Daisy Wittake the place 01 peek, qUllJ't, bush- sociology, who know th e trend from Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Silvers, enter- ters and husband, near W cst Middleel; houlewlves would have to measure farm to dty, are hoping it will serve to wn. out metric units of staJ'ch OJ' tlour or in some way to send the college-train. tained r elatives one doy this week. Mr. and Mrs. F'rank Woolley and water: for ·their recipes; gal meteTs, ed country boys and girls back to Rev. Moon closed his series of ".ter meters, tape measures, yard- their own home communities. meetings at the M. E. church, Sunday fa mily, of Dayton, were Easter dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. William jltl,,,,., all would have to be altered; evening. Brown. Ule Il.i!Hd Jl1easure in building would Anna VanDoren is very III Mrs. tie c.haoeM ~o aquare decimeters, Mrs. Clarence S mith was brought at the home of her daughter , Mrs. J . •• ntara or &T.M. to her home here , Monday a fter a E. Collier. Wouldn't tha~ J>~ pJell8ant? lhree weeks' stay in Miami Vnlley The cold weather in Vermont has lI1r. 1. N . Miller and Miss Lula en- hospital. , Jhlt dOD't worr)' ~oll fIIl1ll~h' Ten to one you'll b. all" W lIuy • 16·inch slowed up the maple syr up crop for tertained a number of relatives to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clark visited millimeters) eollar JlCilt lJPring three weeks. A Senate committee dinner, Easter Day. Monday, th e latter's brother. Mr. Dick ought to look into this. ~pd II 7", (187 millimeters) hatl Mrs. George Bea ch, who teaches in 1IIason, who is very ill III his home in This is the sea80n of th e year Cleveland, i ~ spending Spring vaca- Bellbrook. when the public find s out again what tion at her home, here. -Mr. nnd Mrs. Roy McRirby a nd TH! RURAL CHAIR a good thing a primary election is. Mr. and lIfrs. A. R. P enny motor ed children , of Daytl!) n, were Thursda y We might forgive Brazil for break to Ironham , Wednesday, to attend eve ning g ucsts I!)f MI'. and Mrs. One of tbe moet sensible remedies Ra lph J ohns. proposed to cheek the graduall., grow Ing up the League meeting if she the fun eral of their aunt. would only put the price of coffee Inc drilt of popuJ.~lon t,pm j,lountr)' back wl1ere it belongs. Mi ss Nellie Cutright and brother, Rev. and Mrs. Raymond Stillings to clt.1 hat been advllon,:ed by Dr. Paul, attended the funeral of a relo- an d daughters, Marlyn ant Shirley, Paul E, TltaworUl, pJ'!tsllle,-.t of W..hIt III said that all of the le mons tive at Chil li coth", Saturday. called on Mr. and Mrs. S. a. Halne", obtainable in Florida I\p not grow 'ncton IlOUege1 Cbet~non, ;Md. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Reason, of Day- Sun day aftjlTnoon. Dr. TIUwonb pI.... to ~~bllsb a on trell". ton, wer e Easter Day guests of their Mr. W. H. Carey ,of near Ri!\gerural chair at }lla cpIJega ",tb Ii dean Abd-el. Krlm must think that his ville, fath er o.f Mrs. Frank Rogers. Is "who hu lived In thll qlf)' but who artive days 'as a soldier and . tates· mother, }frs. Sajlie Reason, knowl an4 love. tbe country." Mr. and Mrs. J . O. Gray en~e rtain­ " ery low at thi& time. ldr. and 1If1'l5. Inan are about over. He qas begun The new .ou .... would In.dude, be- writing for ~hll nllWspapeJ1l. ed ~o Eaftte r dinn er, III r. and Mrs. Rog el'll are help ing care for him. eld" rerular culwral .ubJeeta, work Gray lind family. Mr. and Mrs. William Creighton Before we make up our minds just Charles in ehemlatry, particularly of .oil and how efficient MusJollnl Ie as a ctlelIfr, alia 1>trs. ~verett Villars, of had tor their (linner guest8, Easter, lertilh:en, Studenta would nll~ be tator we would like to see him tried Da~ton, were well-end !!,UC"ts of M ra. SlIsan Sftylor and aODa, of Spring e~pected te turn farm~I't, Rather, Valley, ldr. and Mrs. Harry Graham. thell' mother, Mr6. LaurA Shidaker. the purpOIe of Us. agricultural lub- out on prphlbition enforoement. Teakwpot! I. 10 durAble t hat bel'1lI8 A large crowd E!nJoyed the Easter jecta would be to give them a batter Mr. and ldrij, Bert Bal'low and undentandln, of the farmer'. life. made of it 20QO )lea.., Agp are 8ai(\ to faJlllly moved to E. M. Lukl\Jls' farm servlcee of Lytle Sunday-School, th-e StudenU would maJor In "rural !lOci- be atlll etronlf, Doubtleoas that I. last week Irom the Will O'Neall farm, music of the choir, and \11110 the eplen . . .. . . why they never build political platdid sermon by Rev. Stillings ' which 0100" &lid "rural economics." Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Ward have re- followed. SI)'lI Dr. Titsworth: "The country forma out of teakwood. $12.00 Wool and Fiber $36.00 Axminster Rugs, Americ:an football II now being turned to their home in the country, "udi young medical students flU' Ben Hawke, Will GrnhRug, 9x12 size . . . . . . . . . . • 9x12 size. . . . . . . . . . . . . . • ""'" IMII t}te c:ity, and a ('()untr)' introduc:ed into Russia, and It ought after spending the winter in Day- am,Mesdames Frank Kurfiss and Forest Grahdonor, ~ • '(>lJntry lawyer, can to go good with all the long hair ton. am attended the lecture givjln by .uk!! " ,,~»\'188, Aner aU, it is over there. $44 .00 Axminster Rugs, Mrs. Sadie Reason has returned Miss Lulu Sollers, Dayton Police wo.. . a home, after spe ndin~ the winter in man, in Waynesville, Friday after9xl2 size, . . . . . . . . . ... . a Dayton with her children, Mr. ,and nopn. a U2 Mrs. Paul Reason. 9x12 Feltoleum and 2 lSx36 Malo, $65.00 Wilton Velvet in Tile end Carpet Pattern., Mr. and Mrs. Marcellus Thackera - --------Neighbors and friends of Mr. and THE 3 FOR .... .. _...................... .. ..... a Rugs, 9x12 size. . . . . . . . , ---------of Springboro, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mn. Albert Hough gathered at their Burnet and son, Mlr. and Mrs. Calvin home, Monday evening, and tendered Same as Cash if Paid in 60 Days, on Amounts Over $10.00 liP p!H8!hio-iii!!i !rge l!i~g,l' . .. Longacre, 'of Dayton, were week-enll visitors pf Mr. al!\d Mr~. Stepl\en New yor~ Burnett. of paf. Mr. •nd Mrs. Clyde Wharton en. thel" ~nli Gol. tertalned on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. 20·24 N. Detroit St. Xenia, Ohio Lee Greathouee, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Greathouae and two Children, Miss Edith McKIbben, ot Wayne .. and rotorrls Wharton, of Dayton, Mr. ville, who was the week-end guelt of and Mrs. P. N. Cornell and daughter, Miss Helen Graham, Hang a beautiful Miss Thelma, of Springboro, and Miss Bolo at the Jonah's Run ~hurch, Eas- Grace Bllnnell, ter morning. Jiggs ls deadl Jiggs was the English bull dog owned by Mr. and Mn. Charles Gray and family and needless to say they lire all disconsolate over his loss. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Mathias, MillST}ANELS covered with Devoe are es ' Mabel and Margaret Starr, of 1.- .,Iaced upon the slowly tum· Dayton, and Mr. George Roth, of Covington, were Easter guests of jng wheel of the "weather mao Mrs. Amanda fitarr. c:hiQ~" in our factories, and subCOME MrS: M. E. Sherwood is spending a JectN t9 weatJler conditions. SHARE few days at the home of her children, Devoe ,,"4 and Zine Paint musr Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sherwood, at WayIN nesville. Mrs. Sherwood Jr., is auflind doe. ,e.nd up "nder thb fering with painful bums. gruelling te. before It leaves th.. Mrs. H. E. Hatton haa accepted factory. 'Ibis Cnlurfl-tn advanC4J the agency for the "Betty B" hat in -that Devoe Paint will protect this community. ThiS is Ii~ht, felt and beautify your home tlqoQugh hat, and t en styles can be made of one ~ hat. It comes in all colon and the maximum' number of yean of color combinations. C)utdoor exposure. Our college folk, Misses Esther It is guaranteed to give satisfaction) and Sara Underwood, MillS Helen when appli~ ~ording to dir~ Randall. Miss 'Margaret (:ook, Howard Cook, Oharles Moore and Erndon-. . est Gillam, are enjoying Spring vacation at their respective homes In this ~ommunlty. . i 1>lessrs. )(aurice and Robert 001Ladles' and Children's Sprln, $3.00 to $4.00 Children's lett clilled on J. C. Gray and wife Fine Gingham DRESSES Sundsy, and purchased the grandCOATS, DRESSES, HATS fathers's c:lock which Mr. Gray ma<\e. The clock is to ' be shipped to the - -= - - - ---- -home of Maurice Collett, in Manhat4-------------~--~~

In Coiffures




l~11",,· ~::.:\. , .


.':~ . ' . !' . ,



a e

Ends April 10th

Ends April 10th




A Rug Event Worthy of Every Housewife's Attention


Dve r 300 Room-Size Rugs Delivers Any Rug

The Balance can be arranged on convenient weekly or monthly installments


Reap The Full Benefit From This Harvest of Values

$69~~2G:~:~ ~~~' ..... ..... $5.75 $3~~~~ ~~I:~~. ~.~gS,

$2:~~ !~:~~~~y ~~~.s~

--- -- ---

$9 95 $19 75 $8 75

$26a 75 $29 75

$36 00 $59 00

StorlD aDd


in.the 'c·I"~''·11

the 7Jalue tifthil paint on -gour home ..

Waynesville and Vicinity, Attention!



You are Invited to Dayton, Ohio




.FRED,Me ,COLE, ,Wa~flIIe, Ohio ' ~




DEVOE --I.ea.~&.%inc .ainJ


F'a ctory· Close-Out


Mer. Bern Carr and Miss Amelia , entertained a nu.mber of little glris Saturday afternoon, in honoT' of Evalyn's seventh birthday. A .number of games were Indulged in and • delicious lunch of ice cream, cake, candy and popcorn was served. Evalyn received a number of prett;y gifts from her little frienda. •




LYTLE Frank Kurfis8 is driving a new Chevrolet Sedan. .M:~ J. B. Jones has baeh quite sick the past week. ,. Mr. and Mrs .. -Kesler Qraham daughter spent F,riday in Dayton. Alex Burson, of , DaytQn, .pent EAster vacation · with William LoDe. , • • + ( Mr. H. M. Ciat'k and Mr. and Mn. Charles ClaTk spent MOl1~ay ill Dayton. ,'. .


'D on't .Delay! Sale Opens Tomorrow Get Ready Now! Lasts Out The Mouth! at 9 a~ m.

400 Ladies' New Silk Crepe Values to $15 SSt~~;


$20.00 New Spring



$8.77 II

$25 New Spring



500 Ladies,' New Spring Sample · Values to $15


.• ftJ:.



O. f . Ridge wa's ill Dayt'o ll, Tue8day. on bu!<inCs.'1. I'lI nc arriv d homo from E. C. oulh 111 t Monday.


Miss 8 11110 Bachm an and Louise Smith sp nt t h week·end in Dayton. Mr.

)Il ic Dnvis Sile nt

unda y

Ollyt (l ll.

ill!'. an d Mrs. Frank in Leuan on, t oda y. MI' . and Mrs. Wnll"r r.1 ~C lurlO \\'lO re n "y l un vi s ito r~. Monday .

Club Double or . 10c BREAD Country Sp lit Top l b . Loa f . . . . I I :.!

I . p o .. nd L oaf


Ra i. in every \V"d .. 1. lb. 10"r ... .9c

-- -


COFF E Fr::~~~~~dd, .. ... .. 47c POTATOES Certi fi ed Seed, 60c Cobblers, 10 lbs . . . J ewell. p o un d ...... .. ..........

'" 39

Early Oh io •. 10 po .. nd . .. .. .. ...... 5 8c Ea rl Ohio •• 100 !'n und.


Go ld~ "

5 " nl o •. pound . .' .. .. ... ..... 33c

Cobble r•. 100 pound. ....

.. .. $5.95

. ....

.. .... $5.75

Yellow, 2 lbs . for .... . .

\Vhile. po und .. ...... ... ............ .. .. ....... .. .


. ..... ... ...... . ... .. . 15c


15c ... . ... . 15c -~le~~?~~b --Ba ldwin •. 5 lb .

~~]?I~u~~,~tj~~.25c Peanut ·Butter

~~l~ ~i~!n~

•• 2 u ..... .... ...... .. ... .. 19c

25c 22c ~?n~~r . . . . . . ,. . . . 25c can. ..... ...

Small . ize. 3 ca n . .. .. .. ...... .. ...... 25e

Country Club. pi!>t jar..

f rs. Ad a ale. who s pent several he ro', ret urn ed lust week to h icRgu .

lIIrs. F ra nk Sta nsbe rr y. Miss Mary 8nd M n ~ t c r Ru ~\ c ll s prn t Sun<lllY with IlIrksvili e I'c lat ivil". M r , nnd Mrs. •J. H. Bnhr. of Cin-

cinn at.i, Wef t'

w i' r'k ~c l\rl ~ lIC ~ts

of r-lr.

He\·. nnd Mrs. L. A. Wa shuurn an d Mr ~ . Chnr "-s Grny. hl1 \'l' ueen on the s ick list. ;\1,'. tl nd ~I rs. lI own r d Archdeacon W. F. Gor such. of neal' Dayton. nn d Mrs. Maggie Bu r n.. t we re in wa H in Waypes villc, Monday. Leb an on . Monda y "ft l'l'nou n. 1\I1'S. GrAce L. Smi t h and Miss StelMari on Gord un. (I f "",·\,eysb url!' . la Illl ugh erty were in Dayton. t oday. hn. bl't' l1 \'i~ i t in l!' his 8011 nnd wife. Mr. li nd :\I I' ~ . l. ('s l er Go rdon . ~Ii ss He nrietta McKinsey entertni n d a few friend s at dinner. last Mr. and Mrs. Seth Thomas , of Day~'riday. ton . gpe nt Satu rutly nnd Sunda y with E. L. Th ()ma s li nd family . Mrs. Julia Don ovan a nd Mrs . Jllne Wri ght s pent Friday with Mrs. .F:lla Mr~. Oll ie nn v i ~ nnd Rn clllH'1 DaviH Miche nel'. v i s it~d MI'. a, " 1 ~ I r!< . l' rtl'" I)" mas. of

Ne w Vi l


l1 l1 n ,

SUll u ay nft e rn oon.

M,.,.. Mary Carmony. of Lytle. spen t Easier Day wit h Wilbur Clark Mr. nnd· lIIr~ . J os. P('nn c wit and Bnd fBmi ly. son. oT 1\1 i<ldl e Run. we re g ue st s of Mr. Bnd lII rs. Emerson 1\Illson. Sun · Miss Martha O'Neall wa~ the din- day. ncr ~ue st. Sunday. of Mrs. Lindle y Mendenhall. Mr. Rnd Mrs, C. D. Ridge. of Sioux Fall s. S. D.• is her e atte nding a con· Mrs. Fred M, Cole and daughter vention of the Delco Company. at arc spending a few days with George- Dayton t and spe nd ing part of his time w,th his par ent.s . Mr. and Mrs, t own relatives. lI1ahlon Ridge. Mr. nnd Mrs, Harry Ha milton. of Mrs. Marne Hatfield was given u Dayton. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Hamilton. delig htful sur prise I>n Sunday, when on her return from church she found Mrs. Maggie Burnet spo nt the a large compa,ny a ssembled and a week·e nd with her n ephew, Charles sum ptuous dinn e r prepared . Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Ray !;Ioff Kindl" nnd family, of Route 6. a nd famiJy. Mrs. Lillie Hoff. of MaMrs. H. H. Williamson has return- son; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dill an d fam ed home after a pleasant visit in ily. Mr. nnd II1rs, Fred Hayner. of Lebanon; Mr. an d Mrs. Clyde WatElyria. Cleveland and Columbus. kins and Miss Louise Laughlin. of Chillicothe; Miss Evnlois Jon es . of Mrs. Anna Cadwallade r, Miss Cla- South Lebanon; Miss Margaret Marra Lile and Miss Emma He ig hway latt. Messrs. lRaymon and Walker were in Xenia Sunday afternoon. Hatfield.

P oa. or Tomatou. Stand.rd

.Lard Pure. fre.h rend e red.



... ... Buller. Soda or O"ater.


Refrigerators Made from. Selected White Pine, Insulated with Celotex Lumber;Clean and .Sanitary, Seamless, Porcelain Lined. Only




Hardware, Harness and Farm Machinery Waynesville, Ohio

Dr . Farr. of the Friends Home. Is in the McClelland h ospital at Xenia .. with an acute attack of bronchitis. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hartsock Bnd daughte r. Betty. were SundBY dinner g uests of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Hartsock. Ml's. Ollie Davis and daughter. Rach e l. Mrs. Charles Davis and little daughter were shopping in Wilmington. Tuesday.

. Mrs. Linnie Elmore. Joe Thompson. Wilbur and Joseph , Haines. of Cincinnati. spent Sunday with Mrs. Kizzic Thompson.

Mr. a nd Mrs. W. C. Phillips, Mrs. Lula Cook and sons were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Titus and family, of Rou te s. Rev. and Mrs. J. J. Schaetfer. Mrs, Ella Meredith, Miss Marne Brown and S. L. Cartwright visited Dr. Farr at McClella n's hospital. Xen ia. Sunday afternoon.

Those who attended the Mothers' club meeting last Friday afternoon . were well repaid tor the elrort. Miss Lula Sollers. policewoman. of Dayton. made an interesting and instructive addre88. Miss Elsie Hawke entertained a few friends a t a radio party last Tucsda,y evening. The evening was spent in "listening in" and playing different card games. The guests were the Misses Sara Missildine. Ruth Earn hart. Lillian Watkins. Mary Margaret and Evelyn UngJesby. The Mes81's. Vernon Mainous1 Chester Cutler, Carmen Crane. Eawin Ramby. Nolson Watkins and William Thomas. A fine time was enjoyed by all.

The Whole World Knows It

Wa)'Deavi1le, Ohio





will be found complete in every particular.

We Solicit Your Patronage

A. K. Day, Waynesville, 01:10'


1t'lIl1eed you need, we have it



Seed Barley

Certified Seed Potatoes A Full Line of

Field Seeds Wo aillo have

Halrd Coal for your' Brooder Stove ---------~------------

And the,:Right Kind of

Feed for Little Chicks W aynesville Farmers' Exchange C()lmpany' Waynellvillle,





~!::::::::::::::=:~~===-=~~~~~~ _ __ __


' We are agents for the celebrated

.' .



WORTH WHILE Health an d happiness are the prime. of life. The poe ts si ng of love and its blessings . but love is hard ly poss ibl e unless we have lit Good IOllst normal good heal th. hea lth not only ass ists in muking love a nd happiness possibl e, but. tends toward efficiency. It makes for co-o rdin ation between brain and musell! mind and limb- no mental el<celience without physical. st mina . It gives us strength to withstand the ~ h o cks of adversity. It illakcs us e~­ joy struggle and fits us to meet It ucccssfu lly on its own groun~1. .G?od health gives us a zest. a genulDe JOy. in life that nothin g c l~ e can give. Do ·you wish to bo healthy" Then l(eep t he sto mach. li ver. kidneys and bowels funct ioning properly. Every go od doc tor will tell you the hnportan ce of keeping th e organs of elimination functioning. and the ' blood pure. If you will do this. you will be well, s trong. full of life and ambition. Now is the timo to take that great spring tonic. blood purifier and system builder. , . COOPER'S NEW LIFE TONICI ONE BOTTLE WILL CONVINCE YOUI Get it today at . John H.w ...••• W."ne ...llle. Ohio, and Ch.rl.. M.dd.D·. Dru, Store, Har. 'wc e~itie s

We have the followi~g U8~d


Priced to Sell 90 Overland Touring 1920 Ford Roadster 1923 Chevrolet Touring "-

Waynesville Overland Sales


H. Archdeacon

----_. - ....---

VlPj<.bur" Ohio.-Adv.

Ad vertiaing The newspapen of Abraham Lincoln's day were small. usually four pages. They had very little advertising. Ask grandpa. He will r ecall that old-time advertising was limited to classified ads. And most of these were the publicity of patent medicine firms or companies that had unusual services or devices for sale. It took real courage by A. T . Stewart when he began running 10-line ads about barltains in his New York store, for advertising was a new device. John Wanamaker bought Stewart out and "plunged" by inventing modern department store adver:tiaing. This Was a page in history. For. after all. the history of business is the hist ory of America. -Muncie. (Ind .) Evening Press.

Man in Russian restaurant not wishing' to show his ignorance of their tongue. beckoned a waiter and pointlng ·to tho menu. said: " I believe I'd like that." .




fta'ht In NlwYorIr."

Use Our Classified Ads. They Bring Results



10' from a run


Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Day. formerly of Lebanon, have moved into Mrs, Ameli a Williams' house. Mr. Day will ope n a dry goods st ore in the Phillips room. formel'ly occupied by F. II. Farr.

Do You Know



o. 6 'oc:r

Miss Ste lla Daugherty has rI~ s i g n cd her pORition at th e Waynesville National uank .


. The authorlU.. of Albul')' Parir, N. J., have aJTeIted " year 0111.Dr. E. P. T. R. Obaldl8ton, for ateal' tn. It hol'M and bllft)' 45 yean . . Il'be Doctor claima .poIIee want III. halt brot.her, Who II.. tlte lADle name. "He bu a fllver pl •• ,In -hie head. lik, I have, which he



Miss Edith McKibbon Wll S the gu est of Harveysbu rg fri ends over the week-end.

ST. MARY'S CHURCH First Sunday after Enster. April 11. Church School lit 9 :30; Morning Prayer and sermon at 11 o·clock. Rev. John J . Schaeller. Rector. Whether you need GLASSES FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST or whether your glasses should be Morning service 9 :30; Bible School. CHANGE D? If Communion and sermon . Evening 7 :00. A ll are welcome to glasses . sho uld be service. our meetings. We invite you. chan ged, or are needed t he necessity Nathan Johnson. Minis ter. of it will nevel' be less but increasingPerry Thomas . S upt . ly greater. Better know NOW. Eyes. Vision . Health, Co mfort. EfficMETHODIST CHURCH iency. all demand you KNOW. Have your eyes examined t hen you will know. the only way you ca n know. I Sabbath School. 9 :16 a . m., preach.

The Woman's Au xiliary will meet ,..._ _--:_ _• _ _ _ _ _ _ _...., with MTS. W. H. Allen and Miss May Wrig ht on Friday afternoon. April 9 , at the home of Mrs. Allen.


We are opening a store in the Phillips Building, with an entirely new and fresh stock direct from the wholesale house. Our stock of

ing a. m .hing Epworth G:16atp. 10 m.:30 Preac at 7 :00Leaguo p. m •• Wednesday evening Prayer meotlntr. 7 :30. E verybody Invited to Thursdays at Grange Hall services. ' ~htj Mrs. F ran k Braddock. Mr. and Mrs. Rev. L. A. Waabbum, ." •_ • am. Warren BrAddock tlnd dau ghter, and G. H. BROWER, OPh. D. . Dayton. Ohio • ~~ , Roym ond Braddock visited friends in 2•• Ludlow Arcad.. ClarkSville. lost week.

Mrs. Mary Adams had as her dinner guests at the Friends Home. laat Wednesday. Mrs. Alice McKinisey. Miss Henrietta McKinsey and Mrs. Laura Zell

...&~aVille Motor Co.




Mrs. Jane Wright. who spent the t he ndid people of Wayneswinter with her sister , Mrs. Julia wish ville to forthank the sple response they Donovan. returned to her home in have made. Springboro, Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Davis entertained Easter Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Myers and family. of Clarksville. Miss Hazel Myors and Mr. Howard Sams .of .Xenia.

With Goodyear tires on your caryOll know you have. the best-your friends kno\v it-the whole world knows it. Everyone knows Goodyear is the 'standard of comparison. ~ and you , can now get these famous quality ,:'tires at ' the lowest prices · , ever 'quoted.


\\'ee k~

Estate of Lymall M. · Silver, deceased. ' . Notice is hereby given that Mary S. Silver ,bu been duly appointed and qualified as administratrix 9f , th~ estate of L7D\an M. Silver,. late of Warren County, Ohio deceued. Dated thla 30th da:Y'of itarch 1928. W. Z. ROLL, ~ Jud,., of the Probate C Qurt. Warren eountr. Ohio. Carl Lehmann, Au,. at,


Our Loaf The richest wheat. The cream 'oF milk. A loaF of bread. As smooth as silk. A A A A

crust 80 brown. crumb So white. grain 80 close. ' toothsome bite.


The' loaF tha,t WINS~ It always leJ. . . The Table's Besf~ .'

Our HMil~ :!Wade" _ Br~tI:

.1'.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:=~IIIIIi;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=;;;;;;;;;;IIiiii-~~~;;;;;;&;;;;~~IIii~~ .

Seventy-Bighlh Year



Whole Number 5696



'l lIl

s l'llt.l1l~



hel d

The Wom nn'" Auxilillry met on I"I'IU"Y ,,1' «' /'IH)(lII, Apdl !I, with Mrs. \\'. II . '-\1I ~ n nnli ~Ii ss ~ I ny Wri g ht, :. lit th ,· h"nl . \If ;\1r,. Allt'll. Th, ' nll','llng wu s "I" ''' ''d by l\-Irs. • l'lIdw alla d"I' wh" COllduc t dJ the dc- :

1li~" ' U

.!It ·d ~r !'. ~ l il' h cr luid I'HI'~il" J laJ' soyh ~ '\ 11 hu\' 1.1 : II ff'p d fOl' duiry t" t,\', S {J I\ th ~ oldl·r \V,arrcll

Co u n t y

vt/tlonul ~ I · t'\' i t.'l· . th l' :-:t'r iplun: l cs"1o n ..

(I '

bl' lll~

tak"n fr tJ I1l L uln· ~ L Sl'r ipt lind qUhtathll\lo: "' l'r' giv('n in rt' S )Jtl ll :. (" III rldl ta l l. At. l he· eOIl l'ill sitl ll (I f tl u' IJU ~ I IH ' ~:; H('s:-: i on th e ftJllu\\' inJ..!" prllgTll1ll was ~ i Vl'lI:

s () d ~.

G"" ~l'lIph i (,lIl l y

Wn!'Ten c,)u nty is ill to 1"," c1i "li lH'1 g la t iat "d d i~ lI·i (' t ". th l' \\, i s (' ''Il ~i n lind Illi nnis glnc iul.' el I\r('lI . Th ' Wis n" "in dll · da tcd ",'ctinn ~ ubdi\'i cl ('(J inlo (''' I'I\, a ncl la te Wi.cOnRi ll "o iI H, Ii.,s in 'th;' n(lIt hCl'Il pa rt <If thl' cn un ty 1111(1


Vil'lr,,1 1I ~ I u ~ k Av(' Mur ia I'I'I·sicJ".Il·" Hl'p" rt , 'I''';lout" til Mrs. We lls ~ I r". Cadwallad e r H"lId '"g" f rom "China' Heal It vo-

xt(J I HI~ in a

Kt a rL iuJr nl l lal'\'(' y " hurg ~ "uth

l utiull"

IIncl w, 's lt'riy dirC'c ti un clnRPly

followill g lh £l

p , • .-th


\\' ( '~ L


i.,,, Kut he r i Ill' Prc n d"rg a ~ t Mrs. Lee lI awke


lirll' of the Lllt l,· Millmi rive r, BIO ulh In old age, us thei r hold on lir" bccom ... fe eble mOil tur n t o llnother world lind fu t ure life. Sir Oli v"r Lodge. n scientist a nd an old mun, is criticized by fe llow members of th e Hoyul Sodety beca use of .hl". bclief in spiriLuulis m. In It ,{It ~n'fil' d rep ly Sir Oli ver ofTe l'S tu r <'sig n frll'." the suclety, if his p"ese n c ~ Ih Ne I" not wanted , In st end of criti cizing him. his fdlow scien tists should r C~l' l'Cl his L.,· lief t hn t s uppli es con solati un. Perhn ps. when "I I the l\cie " l is t ~ (, f 'the Ruya l Society die, an d Illl'l'l lht,y will knuw l hlll his ideas were It" neul' the tru th us the ir oll' n. Princes~

MUrtlL is s('lIing fin ' d~ e8 fur a li v' ng. !-WI' fr iends ~vce p -Cor her but n d not weep . lIer fute would be desc ri bed by Mr. Abruham Linco ln Erlanger ON " flftyfifty." Huving s pe nt t he fir st pa l·t of hH life buying nn d w en rin ~ "xpe nsive dreBsetI, s he will spl'nd l he second part selling th em to lodies that still have thei r mon ey. Th ~ P rineess will find more real inler est lis ,IUIlesmanship thnn in merely weur;in,; Jlne f eather •. The fox that catches a peacock has ~ more interc$ting life thun the peae.ock »preading Its tail fouth ers in th e sun,bin e. 'The


Statistics ehow t hat H arvard graduates when they marry have few chilidron many of thl' m no children. The n'u mber ot chilrlren Hnrvard nUlrriages increases ~tl!a d ily and th e J lum~r of homes where th ere arc children r1im inishcs stcnuily. This doesn't mean that educotion "ed uc es JertiJ i ~y. It menn t hat the prosperous class arc )'rov ded with b irth control in formation, fOI'bidden to the poo r . A chll rmi nr: ladY-ra n Americano m from F.uro pe ~arr ~' in g a sweet little Cou r-pllutl d black and tnn d o~ - a refineu , e leglln t Iiltle dog. It ,vore u silk }tood on its heud . a lit tle fla n nel jack e t buttoned tightly HI'o und Its sto mach nlld ches t. a cloak (. f w:rrm wool. a nice little hondker ~hi c r. u ~ c d I,,· Lhe ma id to wipe ils lI ose nnd L' '(.8. It had gl ove~ . or ' hoe~, of Ih fin est kid f or its fo ur little (eet. Oncc ill n wlii le It must l'un IIruunc! (1 11 the g rou nd Dnd mi g ht hu rt it~ toeR. Tho kid p revc nt that. T hi8 we ll· cared-for dog costs . the lady says, ubout 4,00 0 a year f or upkeep.

tlw'o ug h thl'

('Olil i ty.

l' iU IUI

Sui ls in g'cn·

fol' n gTt:at(.!)' l l:tI~t h uf tim e

Ilw li llll·, ltllll' l\1al,'I'ia l a t 11I·(·. ent Ii"" ut a r!l'ptll ur ap prux il11:ltt'ly !Iinl' f e N 11l'low 1111' su rfnc C' of th L' ~o il. In n .:;oi l \\: hl'l"l.' uV ll iJubl n

l im e~ to ne


- -- -


rial Ii,," a!, pruxi";,,tc ly nine feet below th ", "fl rth "urfncc, til" CO ln mon !eg-u IlH'51 , HR s we e t. clover, r ed clover alld nlflllfn tLlll not bc p:rowl1 withou t lir>t nlilking a lilll 's lo ll~ a pplication on t.he soil. " Soyb nns Il1nk~ II compurable s ub~ lilu t (' lJ ulh ill yi eld pel' ncre II nr! ill f" NI vn lll • "" (" 'lll Pnred willi olh.' r legume hay. " BUY" !II I', S liph n , "und cnn be grown IHlc'ce'ss fu ll y on lh e ol de l' soi ls, ('spuciu lI y when beans arc inoc ulnted IInc! properly cu ILivuled." Based 011 th e expl'rlence of ta rm ers in So ut hweste rn linton county, lIfr. Sli phor re com me nds Wilson, Virginia and Peking, uS t he best varieties for hay on old so ils. Muncllu hilS a place in beun formin !!, for the lIIan desiring a general IlU I'pose benn , sunlly t he 'Manchu doe8 not yie ld us well ill! Virp:inin or Wil so n, but ll1atur e~ fo r hay slight ly nh end of t he ot h ~ I' vine ty pe belllls at from 85 t o 90 days. IIl r . SJipher furthe l' recom mends t hat the di fl' (' r ~nt var ie ti es be ~ ~c d e d wilh a I'egulnl' ~ rl1in drill as udju stcd for ~tlwin~ outs, us {oll ows : Vir g inin mill Wilso n 6 to 7 peck s per :tCr" : Pekin){ r, pecks ; Ma nch u, B pecks. -~.----

Heart Attack Fatal


CO LUMB US. Ollll) - TwL' nty-six lhou"lln!l Illt'li \\' ill 111' furni shed work (I II th" high w;lw u f Ohi o jll ~t as Aoo n nA wealhel' will pel'mit Nllltractors to l'c"UIHe: th pi!' huil ding aCliviti es. Th ere w e r ~ R'12 miles of uncomp leted highway wh ,'n the winter seaso n ca l11e on, and s inc e January 1 co nt!'ucts for i lllprvvin ~ 108 mi les ha ve

bl·e n nwa J'tic.1 ah'f"ntiy .

T his make s



Campfire Girls

House on Wheels

Th e Waldtntilill Campfirc gil'ls h eld th II' meetin g !I t th e homo (If thei r r\ ss i ~tnnt Guardia n, Mrg. . W. You nce, Inst T uesday. The meet ing II' !I ~ opened uy th e roll ·eall li nd the reodinS! of th e minu tes. Th e law IInc l cr edo wel'c giv n by the me mber s. Th e girls are going to bu y a r m bands, sll<nifylng s ymbols of t ill' IIld of the Camptir(' work. The health cha r ts h ave been finished. Each girl will ma ke her own chart to use fo r lhe rest "f ~his month. Next Salurday th e Campfire g irls will 5(' 11 do ug hnuts a nd fllncy cook· ics. They wi ll go to th e houses in th e "fte rlt oolt. Thf' g irls arc doin g this for a strong fou ndati on. A ClIIn pfi r c I!irl i ~ seek ing beauty, pur· .u inll: know ledl:e . being tru stworthy, hold in,. Oil ttl hl'nlth. ~ l o r ifyil1g work, Hnd b('ing ha ppy. If you wi ~h to ob· ~ ' 1'\' (' Ih e wl) rh nf u mnpfire girl YOIl arc' c"rdin)ly in" ited to the meeting. Wa tc h fnr ntul'llny , April 17th. nou~h n lli s nnd cu o ki("~ . B,' m ice II ymun. ~cr ib (' .

In an $IB ,OOO " house on wh eels." in which he is tOlll'ing th e count ry, Ralph Connuble. r eti red vicc-pr esi. den t and ge neral manllge r of th e F. W. W oolworth Co., of Clllludn. with his. wife, passed through WU Yl1csville lust week, en route to Xen ia. The car crellted a gr eat deal of atten tion. The Connnbies hllve just CO I1\(> from Florida in the house on wheel. , whi ch is equipped like a lIl odern horne. The cur weighs six and one-half tons, hus a I06-inch whee l base, six wh eels, s leepi ng quarters for fi ve pe rsons. bath roo m, forty-five gall on wnter tank, ai r-infla t ed ma ttresses li nd otbe r conveniences.

The Alethenai socioty enjoyed a mus ical prog ram last Thursduy. The fo llowing numbel's were render ed: Vocal Solo-"Wlhen" . Geneva Ault Pia no Solo-"Revery" . .. .. ' .. .. .. ..... Elizabeth Branstrato r Vocal olo-"Dre amin g of Love and y ou" ..... .. Ruth Earnhart Miss Kelsey, teac her of mathematiCB. is with us aga in, after an abse nce of two weeks.

A . th e resul t of Ull nttack of heart d iscn. c. Churles White Squ ires. 60 The Soph omo r,e class i. arranging year s old, tl i d lit I :45 o'clock Salurl\ progl'nm f or Friday. Everyone duy mo min ~ Ilt his reside nce. 11 2!l in vited. Ph illips IlV nu e, Dnyto n. [t'. ~qu; r c~ wns bo I'n ill ~p rinl< As a r esult of the game. Friday Vall ey , Uh in. ,JUlie :!9. J GG. He is night, between tbe Juni or an d Senior sUI'vived by his wlo tlw Annn, a nd <I boys, the .Juniors are rejOiCing, which childr n. M is~ Mari e lind a rl, of mcnns, of COUrSE! . that the C aSB of Duyton . ;\1 1''; . Frnnc 'R Mlld e rbllch, of '2G was defeated. Ci ncin nnti , an r! WnIt PI' , (I f ,(' tlte ,·· vill~; thre e brothers, .J oh n, F rallk a nd The !Jan iah cluss 18 working on W"llinglo n, III thi2 pillce. lind two u prog ram which lhey will present gr" nd('hildl'lm. . so m ~ tim e beCor e the clofte of Bchool. hort sp r\'lc,' " wer' 'helr! <ll the A play. r eadings:, 80ngs. etc.. nl1 in r esidence Mo nday uft('I'noo n and tlw Lust Fl'idny night end ed the bns- the , pan ish lung uage, should prove Fut hers bring ing up l\ family o n uudy "'liS br oltg ht lo !IIia ml cemelery where ndd itionn l seryjee" ketllnII ~ ('I,"\) n . 'rhe gllme playod ex tremely Inter'estlng. $~,500 a yenr or less nre in vited by chopel. 11'0 ' hetw ecn the ,J uni or and Senior earnest rudiNlls to think and ro nl" were held. boys. It WII S a fa st game from th l' a bout this. Ther is no need o f ~ tllrt. 1'11<' Seni ors wer e l eadln~ 6 roaring. to 2 nt the e nd of t he first quart~r, Some that are too rich must be but cv ~n thoul<h .... Lou.. Hat·tsock. foolish with their mon ey, liS many Among the chemical e ngineering onc of the ,Iuni ors best men did go that are too poor nrc extreme ly fooll\H ~s MIII'i e Dllnham entertain ed out in the second qua rter , they t ied 'studen ts at P urdue un iversity, Horish with their timo. a few of her fri ends at her home ace C. White \VIIS one of eight F r esh. The owner of the little dog would nenr Oregonia last Thursduy nigh t . t he scort'. 6 to G. In lh t, last half they held the Sen- men t o r eceive honors for scholnstic probably waBte tho money on herself, taffy nnd playing games. Everyone if she didn't spend it on the dQg. tafl'y and playlnlg ga mes. Eve ryon e io rs to 1 puint, wh il e they made 6. work done during th e fi rst semest er. The fin:11 sco re wn5, Junio rs 12, Sen- Of th e 3200 stud e nt.~ , 114 mad e the Wba~ difference does it make. whoth- enjoying themselves. We left at req u~ e d g rad es e ntitling th em to ~, ~e money is wasted on the blnck an curly hour, wishin g to mee t again ior s 7. Ne xt ;'<'al' W . H. S. is plnn ning on honors. t hat is. '.r5 ')'r A's and no C's ~N' WI.. AIr the Indy? in t he nC'ar future for 'lllother joy hnvinl! ,,' good t ell m a nd wo wish to or D's. Horace is ulso one of th e making time. ' solo clurinetists an the Purdue band. K. have g-ood sup port. Jt is 9 0J!.6lb}e W \.Ie .too convincing. TI\(' guests wl1re the lII isses Ma ry Mocarlo Ti~n. b epAf of "Satanic Ettn Guy. Martha Hay. Rh ea Ellis, l\fystle O,der /If ·l..uclif£r." said he Mnb el McM illan , Genevll Denlinger , pouetl8ed "the mllgt4 ~ II~JI with Thelma Hnrtsock, Audrey Dunha m whi ch he worked wondl'''. There and Flore nce Pierce. The Messrs. were no wonders, of course, and nQ, Morris Sherwood. Clurk Starr magic atone. But hla foolish f ollow- George He/lkl e , Cllarlc~ Hay. B'I>yd ers didn't know thnt. They tortured HenderlW l! , Herman Snrfllc e Ull d the aged impostor to death t o make WiIliUJl1 PI ~~ e:. _ _ ____. I'· [The- foll ow lnl< them e In Com mer' \\'o rth th eir welp:ht In gold . Arabia him tell where the mllgic . tone was. cl al Geogra phy, Wl'Itt(,11 by Miss Dorlf, was the first j!.'rea.t di ~tributo r of these Moral: Don't fool your fellow und t hrough her Ve nice r ose I1 e nder on, rel'civer! n grlld of A, und urticles man concerning this world . or the t(. wo rld power by her contro l of the is so goud we consider it worthy of next. I\1cdil<' t'l'anean. Ev n on the islands in wh ic h these nrtielcs wer e gr own [)ublicaUun.- F. H. Moomaw, ] The Cinci nnati pike betwcen New York's "Whitte more Gallg" Xenin a nd Spring Vall ey wus closed ThE' \\' ord condi rn nts in clud e "uch t hey W re co nsidered very valuable. On th e island of Ceylon, the greut plunning" robberlc!, with murd er a s to t l'Ufiic last Wedn esday. Cor lin in· a l·tic l c~ "" sa il. pe pper a n,l V81·iou: ci nnam on ccnter" deut h was th e penpart of the program, if necossary •. dellnitc' peri od, whil ll work of co nspices. Th ei l' pUl'pt' ~ e is to flavor nlty f or t he illegal sale of even a eold their loot in ndvancc. Certuin vel·t ing the hi gh-way into a hard s ur,in namon is the individuals, pretended jewele rs and f :lce rond is in progr ess. Cinci n- food and t ,. hdp preserve it. In t.h e s tick of cinnamon . others, callcd "fences," hud bargain- natI' bound treffic will be routed thro' Middle A ~ es bcCnrc cold sto ru ~~ pro- dri ed inn l!r burk of seve ral species of trees. Peppe r, pe rhaps, wa R and still ed in advance to buy 'the stolen jew- Bellbrook 01' New Bu rlingto n, while cesses we re d "c nllled of. f ood could not b(' I,t'pt Innl<. conseq uentl y till' is, the most important of t he spices. elry. . the road is closed. Why not disco urage su r h enterpeop le u ed spices e xces, iviely t o f1 u- It is a native of the Ellst Indies, hut ,'01' th eir taRtell'Rs, h uH-spoi led food. is nOw g rown in many tropica l counprise by indicting th e "fences" f or Pe rhaps 110 nl·tlt- le hus held so high t,·ies. T he fruit of this t r ee known pturder? They are as guilty as the twits that kill, being "nccessories UII illl p "lallce comm ercially t han as pipcr ni g rum, is plucked before it have th ese urti cles. Most of them is r ipe, dri cd Illld gro und. In olden »etore ~e 8ft." . -4 ~a.cli· ball,4it murdl'rer hml his The Junior Service League of St. on Iy be g r nwII in cc r tain places, times this spice was used only by the If!!,.ce" as nis papner in the elcctrlc Mary's church met with Miss Lile on this filet makin g it necessary for them rich unll r oya l families. One pound 'hlllr' pi #pr:mance. ~hat would help. April 6. After the business meet- to be lrn nsporled ofte n a very long was considered a royal present. Many ing th e membcrs enjoyed a taffy pull. way. 1I1 0st of these spices a rc iound taxes and tributes werll .paid ·on i~ . .... ~. Mury Louise Zimmerman , Sec' . in t he East In di os n nd in earl y times At t he siege of F~ome AlariC, tpe \lin!; it was !Juite n probl cm t o obtain them of the Go ths d emnnd ed 115 ransom Mra. 'Kalp\) Chitwood and 'baby, of - .-.Dayton spent today with. her bro~Mr. und Mrs. Adam Melloh and a nd brlllg th em so 10ng ' lI distance. gold, silver an d three thousan4 cr. Orvtlle Gray Bnd J arn,ly. )l0!!, Billy, ~C!~ il) Dayton, TueSday. It was £0 1' a shorte r route to these is- ound of P!!pper. This gives one un lands thllt Colu mbus set sail, hopin g dea of thc value of , thal!,e s.piees in ' to open to commerce a new, 8hor~ olde n times. -'-'--' route to t.he land \vhere the,l!e rar.e V",rioiu! sllices ~an bll n8"1e(\, many of whic~ ' appear among the kitchand valuable art icles grew abundantly. While the countey he dlqcovered en , llavor\nga, al,d atlll others which provep . of a f Ur. g~c!l.tef, in~portance are not 8~ otten used. From the than a ny route cou1d pOSSibly have Malay ·Arliipclago we get mace, done. still OUI: dependence on the far .Jy lJftinese' use of cloves Is 'said to " I , I. ' East for so many of these articles has cloves, .nutmeg and , gipger. .A n eal!1y Chinese use of cloves is said to remained unclranged. h~ve be the Jorm that an officer whlle ad. :. , , ; '. .... ~ ]n' earliest historV caruvans (fressing thll 8Overei,n sba.lf hold t he Far East came laden with ar~ n"""i.", ...f reigh t across the' desert an!! cloves in his , 'mouth. Nutmeg anc) it n PQint on the Med- mace 'c ome from different ,partll fiJ: iter1'81n ean, which, ' place tliey 'the same tree. Allspice eon~t8' III d iSltribulled to ~he various trade little unripe frUits similar in BhlUle The tradc of these spices to cloves and obtain'; Ua " 'from .~~ed f·or a long ' time iinde:r t he COb- its resemblance 'in ~.rtllJi)e ·anll ·taate 61, the but('oh and British traders to a mixtur, 'o f cinaamQn, olov8!llUld East tndian Company was nutmea. -PUl, tl epl". \11,11 In ~4! for the pu~o8e of breaking pickling of eum~r I:uo~mben, ill of the Dutch's monopoly on gw:own as , 'weect i~ Soutb~ Europe. A' .f,... {Dore articles ~h.cb ~F, be conaldere4 ~pl<J . . . .". ory, aace,· and can.aU of minor, are WblcJa


Juniors Defeat Seniors




On H(mor Roll

Entertained Friend

Pike Is Closed

Junior Service League

- --


-* K~ik-Lite· Flashlights ~

We a few left ,and 'selling,' th'em' 'a,t '. ~ very,' .ow, pritie. If you a flash· "light, get one . t~ey lillt. '


Th e W uma n's Foreign Missio nary society met in ",gu lar ses"io n on W c dn ,, ~d!lY afl(' rnllo n, Apr il 7, at I he hOI11'" of Rev. anti 1111's. L. A. Washburn. Th e mee ting \Vas ca lled to order by the p resident. Mrs. WashbUrn, und the society j oined in si nging "J esus Shall Reig n." Prayer a nd devo t ionals conducted by Mrs. Anna Willa mso n. Th e date for th e public meeting was changed from Ap ril Oth to April 15th, at 7 :30 p. m., in th e church parlors. tIIr". White r cported $65 from the Thank Offeri ng. Owing t o sickness and inclement weather a part 0 f the program cou Id not be g iven. Rcud ings wer e gholen by Mrs. Whitak er a nd Mrs. Margaret Youn ce, after whit'h we adjour ned, to meet with IItr". Go ldie Borden, th e .fi rst Wed nesday in May. IItRS. J. WIUTAKER , Sec·y.


Additional Locals Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Rape r ure in Dayton today.


W. E. O'NcII ll and famil y arrived home i rom Floridu last " eck.

There will be a special communi· cation of Waynesvllle Lodge No. 163 F. & A. M. "uesday eve ning, April 20, at which tim e work ' will be conferr ed on two candidates in the M. M. degree. Sojourning brethre n Dnd visitors ar e cordia lly welcome, D.nd the pr ese nce of the Cruft is earnestly solicited. J . PRENDERGAST. W I III. F. B. HENDERSON, See' Y.

New Store Is Open

J . C. Huwke hns been uppointed assessor for Way ne to wn ship. lIfrs. N. A. King, of Indianapoli s, Ind., was the week-en d guest of L. A . Zimmerman a nd fa mily. Your wllsh day worries are over. Send il tu t ho lUll ndry. Muhlon Ridge Agent Soft WUler Lllundry. Th e So rt Wate r L" undry truck is in Waynesvi ll e evury Tuesday and Friday. Muhlon Rid ge, ugent.

Th e pust week hilS been an active o ne in political circles her e and her eubo ut, and as a r es ult th e large hote l operutors are happy, With th e coming t o Columbus of several pros pccti ve candidates fo r th e Republican nominlltion for ~overnor. there have COlue from t he r ural precincts faithful fo llowers who want to get in on th e g round floo r, or a scat in the mnin reviewing stand as the parad e pnsses. Matter s a re begi nning to clarify. the slow but sure process of eliminati on began, and within anot her week or two it will be possible to pick the nominees. One, thing see ms ce rtain at this time and that is thut tw o Or three candidacies which managed to live through the cold winter months have contracted the hee bie-jeebies. and w11l soon result in eliminutio n. Of course the. runners themselves don't r ealize this, but whoever heard of a baby that recog nize d its mother until time came for its first spanking? Revenues from the gasoline tax will exceed $ 13~00,000 for the first year of its opertition. Receipts are coming in at a 1;ate in excess of one mi llion dollurs a month, and with many more automobile thts year than . ever before in creased rather than decreased receipts are virtually assured. T he estimate of revenues for the year WIlS made by S. E. Forney. chairman of the State Tax commiss ion. Ilnd cllndidute Cor th.e Republican nomiaation Cor State Treasurer, who said that on ly in one state where they have a gaso line tax the r eceipts for th e entire year 1925 ahead of the recei pts for th e first eight months in Ohio. That State is California. where r eceip ts last year were in excess of $ 14,000 ,000 while for the first eight months the Ohio r eceipts blINe been in excess of $9, 000,000.

Ru gs du sted and r enovated. Qual111 rs. Harry "urner and son, of Bellbrook, spen t Tuesduy with her ity, Servic e, Reaso nable Price. Soft Wnter Laundry. Leave your call A. K. Day has opened his new parents, Mr. and Mrs. F . B. Hend er- with Mahlon Ridge. store in the Phillips buildin g, a nd is so n. no'lV ready to serve the' public. He Sam Davis. who has been very sick rof. Frank, su perintendent of the hilS a f ull lin e of dry goods. ladies' Ki P ngs Mi lls sc ~ oo l s , cu ll ed on Dr. and \Vas taken Snturda y to the home of an.d gents' f urnishings, hats, s hoes Mrs. his brother. Jack Davis, at Utica. J. E . Witham, Saturday afterand notions. were he will r eceive good care. no on. G.ive him a call. You will receive Mr. und Mrs. J. O. Cartwright and a hearty welcome Ilnd eo urteou8 F. W. Blum , of Dayton, r ep resenttreatment. ' ing the Lewis Roberts Printing Ink dau ghters and Miss Ma9 Wright were Co .• was a pleasan t visitor at this dinn er g uests of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Su nd er, Ilt Middletown, on Sunday. officc today.

Condiments and Their Commercial Value


So lu_ IIUIi thl! Rei ll e"

Columbus Reporter


Mary Lenh Edwards n tnla l of 950 miles of highway that ~I rs. Sl,hu[f"r gavl' a shurt talk on wi ll Iw un cl er cou r. c of improvc ment I",r " Xl' ·ri ences in Chinu, whi ch clos- withrn llle neX l few weeks. Of th e lar){c fu rc of me n requi red for th is ed t he pro~ r alll. !Juri ng t he social huu l' de lic ious wnrk, 20,000 will he re(ju ired by co nrdl'eshment s W " T<' se r ve d loy the hos- ll'uclor ', and 1i.IIOO by the hig hway lhe maintell's~e s , uM, iHtet! hy the little mis",'3, cll'IJlI I·tmc·lIt'; i l~,' l f in nance uf llI nre than (J,OOO miles of ~ I ary Lell h 1I11t] Murj(lI'ic Edwll rd. ')'h(' fullowi ll \: gUl's t,~ wer" pr esent: I· o udwll~'. The t utH I cost r epresented ~II"' . . IUI'y ArJlIlllS, Irs. lI ul'ry WiI- by t h ()~e unfi nis hed lind new CO IlWith the li umRII II . Mrs. J . L. Hartsock, Mrs. trnctH is $23,67 1,499. ,I. IV. Whi tl'. Mrs. Linn Devitt, Mrs. new contracts to be awarded the j,:li z:tbl'th Buil y, lIIary Leah and highway work will represent approximatciy $25,000.000 t o be spent in l\Iurjori e Edll'urd s. Ohio durin g the next eight or nine -~.--month,. It wi ll be the most act ive yeur in t he entirc h i~ to ry of the Sta te H idlway depa rtm cnt, and is expected to Ilusorb all unemp loyed men who r eully wunt wo rk.

('1·,, 1 lying "ou l h nf thi ~ li ne nrc .. f the· uld Iliin uiHn ,:r luc inted "ri~ill. It is clainw cl h;' notl'cI g<'ulog ists that soils !If thu Ill inuia n f:! lal'iation arC' lit ICUHt tw ~ n tr l inll':! old"r than tilt' soi ls of th ., Wi HCII ll s ill J,! lnc·ial io n. and II r(' cOIllIl, ,, nl), Hi1ok "1l lI( as ,oIel ami 1\t·W SIIil K "'·' llI·ct i\,(·ly. In th l' CII.e o f "Id Hu il K wh")'e they hI1 V,' h.'.'n s uhJ,'(·l,·" to I" uchi nl-: PI'O' Cl'K~(·S


from the

State. Capital Prepared by I

In5t We' k . at ~1 .. r r')w a nd Il nl·vey~. hUI·I!. .J uhn A. Sli phel', SO lis Ulld (' I np S lC'(:inJist ., ( Oh io State uni ve r~ ity . !!:I ':" n il illu stratcd le(' ture at th e 1ll(" 'lin gH. Amo ng nth"I' thin)!. e m ph n i!',



mercia l welfare of th e world. Had it not been fo r the peo ples desire a nd dependence in t hese art icles it is sa fe to say that the contine nts in the West ern Hemisphere would ha ve remained undiscove red {or 11 mu ch longer t im e. for the vulue of any orticle must be vcry hig h t o i nducc men to risk th eir lives un d for t unes in th e search f or it . The' most importunt c(l nd iment of ull. however , is not ~rown. n.>r is it found onl the East, but Is ~­ a lly obtainable now almost nnywherl'. It is the comm on article , tnbl e salt. chemically kn own liS chlorid e of sodium . It is obta ined either by evaporatio n o·f seu wate r or from th e many beds of r ock sa lt whi ch arc fou nd in .a lm ost a ll parts of the worlll, an d whose origin is unkn own. Today, P etite An se in Louisiunn. has the furge st output of this artl cile in the world. Its usc (llI a pre B eJ'\'aliv~ o~ . food is not 110' nE'W one for it wa s IIsed for this purpose long before r ecorded history. It was often brought great dl. tanc es by r and. One of the oldest r oads in !tuly is th e Via Salaria (salt r oad) beca use it \:I a roub by which salt was transported. The caravan trad e in . the Sa ha.ra is still largely a trade in salt. Our presant word, salary, is a dcrivativo! of the Latin word salarullJ, meaning salt money. so it might seem that the article had an important value at that time. Among ancients and soine Oriental people today a mea.l ,f/olJL!.ining ria\~ hI\! a saere(j, e~t'!lc. tel' a,n", to eat salt with a tnal\ ii!~t,) CNa~ ,a aacr'1d' bO!,d 'Of .. tJ>lendlltiip. In tlIe ldlddle Aa'ea one'a rank was "'OVID ~y "Ie ' position above or beJow ~1t at the table,. .. AU oj thelle artlolee, whl!l1l1 have cau.. o~ our developed couunerce Iyst1!m, ~ve served their importanee hl8tory and to mall by being 'a luxUry Jor which man strived and hetplnr in4fftetlJ to advance civiliOtlon, prOrreu. diacoftl')' and dependent cOllUllercial relations between coun. trIea to the utent in which we ...

. . . alS




Mrs. F. B. Henders on entertained Misses Gludys Harlan and We lthn Leuse, of Duyto n, s pen t Sunday in the J olly Matrons on Saturday liII'terWayn esv ille, and wer c g uests of Mrs. noo n. Special g uests of the bcstess wero Mrs. W. E . Cornell. Mrs. Bert MUYllle Hatfield . Hu rtsock and Mrs. Fred M. Cole. Mrs. S usa n Arno ld, of Day ton, will utten d Easte)'n Star in spec ti on h ~re toni~h t, and will be the g ues t A SURE SIGN of Mrs, F. H. Farr, Neigh bo r- "A dog bowled around , 11k Ab bi o Hud ~o n and famil y , of my house all last night. " Dayton , were Sunduy afte rn oon "Tbufs u s ig n of dcath - they guests of Mr . unci Mrs. N. P. JOl'dan so metimes howl that way for sevnlHJ MI'. W. 1'. Kem p. e rnl nig htR!" " There' ll be a deuth ull rig ht if he Mr. J . A. Moomuw ancl da ughter lind IIJr. nnd Mrs. Se igel Mossbarger, tries it again tonight." of NC'w Greenf1 eld. spe nt Monday at ---.~--the hOlll e of Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Moo mllw. Try our Class. Columns for result.


Refrig erators Made from Selected · White Pine, Iniulated with Celotex Lumber, Clean and Sanitary, Sea~leu,. White. Enamel Lined. O~y



THE tllAMl CAZE'ITe '-


J. C. 'HAWKE. ,

Waynesville, Qhlo

will give you for One week

This Brush FREEl other time you'd have to pay ATonea nydollNow a r for this big , handy brush . you get it free by ca n '

e P a int.


wa ' ti l ',I I' roo f o f p\lI, lk:lt i" n (I f th e Ill" Ilointnwnt of G(' '' r~' W McJ\lull en, as a dmr . o f th e estat" o f St ephe n McMullen , decease.l . W IIS fil ed and I'ecnrdNI. Proo f WII ~ fli ed. o f th e publication of notice of th ., ap poi ntment o f Len)lie Whitn c l'l· . us eX t: l"ut u r of thl' CS·

I:l. CII l'd I~ q ll l flm c n t (' " .,


C at ~ r" i llar

Trarto r , $n,I;OO ; J . B.

Adnm s & C o . , for

Harveysburg Fertilizer CO.

J. . Hawk" . for nll ih an d ~ pikc· ~ , $5.:! 5 ; Th e Columbu s Oil ClI . , f(l r 10 gas b o ok ~ , $ ~ 1. 30; Hurry llill . sun,,·. $!Jl .30 ; The Stllndard Oil Co., Ku me , $9 1. :10 ; E. R, S imp<on. rol " repll ir" un. co unty Clll'. $ 1!j i Ll's lcr Sur-rae ' , f or drll l!~ i" l! r on" Nn. <!2 . $8 : WlIl ll'l' Vllr n~ r. bl' i d g~ repa ir ill nlu ss ic Tp .. $4.8 0; T . A. C: ilillm , "'1""', $~ . HO; W . A . . coil, slim ' ill Unio" '1'»., $ 16. (;0 ; I!:d 1I11110 y. SUIII S , $7.:1 0 ; W. S. Grnha", 1'0 1' 8nllH' in Wo yne Tp .. $10. 5 0: ~:d (,11 Terry, PIlY· I·oll {or half mont h. $170 .50: A. T . Hl'ttiig , sam e , $2 1; J . T. Grt'l!!!, ~ allle, $·10.50.






MARRIAGE LICENSES Kelly Charles Houston of Franklin, truck driver, and Abobobbie Cornelius Bailey, of Franklin.





l"~' laml

Gazette o


In tbr 1ill~ W' ;re .~. wh ich . wlltt ll prop,.,1'1 !ltrttc hed. m lt k u

rh. m LIVE WIRES. t. k , n C c. r t! 01 c%p~ n s;on

t n ~ ~· t;v t fy

ud COlur.C1 ;oD .


Saturday, April 17, 1926,



Beginning at 1 o' cln ck, t he f ol· lowing house ho ld and kitchen goods, co nsisti ng in pllrt o f 1 coul range. I refrillerntol', water-puw" r wu.hi ng mllchllle, 1 buffe t, a nd oth er articles usually f ound in Il hou se hold . Also, a few mi scellan eolls art icies. T erms cash. MRS. III AGG IE BURNET. McNei l & Worrell, A u cls. '


W A NTED- A g nng brconkin g ploW, Cull L. C. SWoh n, phone H·:) 1,\,. -117 W A TED- Pla in sewing, lIIi ss Lou. PRO J 'a~ Ise cnee, . . ", • WANTrm -- AIl kinds of soft Wood. M~r pUlp. Morris Graham. tf

r will s ell aL the lat e r eside nce of Letitia IIIcKoy, dec ea s ed, o n Third stre et, WnynesviJl e, Oh io, on


S a turday, April 24, 1926

Beginni ng lit 12 :30 p. m., the f ollowing housc ho lu goods, co ns ist ing of tobles and chairs, coud" d esk sewing mach ine, carpet nnd ru gs, iot of kltchl'n ute ns ils, stoves, 0 few IIntiques, an d other go ods usually {OU IlU ill a househo ld . Terms cll sh. W. H. ALLEN. Executor of t.he estate of L etitia McKay, deceased. Martin & Stanley, Auets. ____ e _

.. e-



STATEMENT 8t.""mon ~ 01 tbo own.....htp .. nd man .. o· "'en' of tho MI.,OI Gaze~to, pubUahed • t

WaynOlvUlo. 01110 . .. AIllrUIt 2' au.

Edl"" •.


requtred by


.\ ct 0


L. Crane. Wayneevlll • . OhIo;

.. anager "nd Pu bUaher. D. L .Orane. W..,.nOl· yllle, Ohio. O"ner. D. L. Oraoe. Bondhotdon D)on.g ...... IUld o ~h.r _Ul'Uy helders. Alel'l!entbaler r.lnotype Co . Sworn "" and l ub!lClibed belor. mo ,hi. I"" dayer April. 182. ~ L. Ill. HendonoD, Notary Publlo

~IOWhl-!f;"(ir-'\~ ( fM GOING -m 1)0 \-1.J\N 1:t4'/ ~ -ro <;;i-'ADE UP BE JUST 'RIGHT


S,bD 1.eIIa7•• "act III OorwlD, fL .

~itJ c

th e sf'mJ'·

k nOf'-fh..

SA'<~11-1E MOON

'Stanley C. Willoughby and Stella , Wlllougbby to Ed1Va~ S. Bretney, lot number 45 In South Lebanon, $1. Howard DeBoill'd aDd Addle DeBoard to Mlnnla MilY Beeker, of Day. ton, about one aere in Maineville. $1. . William T. FralDe to Frank aDd

'0 o

Ju n, .

-1\-\e: ALMANAC

REAL ESTATl-: TRANSFERS Ernstine Buergell'meieir, by eheric, to Clarence F. Butl rgermeier, a tract in Washington Tp., for $2374.31. John A. Bien to Charles H. Buettner, four tracts in Military Survey, No. 8796, $1. George C. and Carrie Davidson to Fred Haniler, lots Nos. 45 and 46 in Miami Park, Deerfield Tp., the nctual consideration being less than $100. Dnvid J. Morrie et aI., to Josie Miller, about 11 acresl In Semons 9 and 16, $1. Cynthia Lou S,mlth and Lewia Smith to Earl Kirk, about one acre Smith to Earl Klr'k, about one acre in Deerfield Tp" $1, Jacob Reeder til) Walter Kenrick, lot No. 22, in Lytle, $1: John W. Frost Jr., to Joseph Hines and Lester Hopktns, lots numbered 47 and 48 in Union Tp., $1. W. C. Cox and Nettie A. Cox nnd L. Earl ThompsoDl and Bernice C, Thompson to Lola B. Bundy, lot No. 46 In Mason, $1. C, P. Krohn to G. W. Reedy and M;ary E . Reedy, a tract in Morrow, $1. J. O. Cartwright; to L. M. Henderson,lota numbered 88 and 34 in Waynesville, $1. . Lola B. Bundy and .Robert L·. Bundy, to Wilmer Littell Slid Viola ,Littell, a part of' SeJ:tion 30 in Mason, $1. ' . ' . Ed H,a wthorn tb Robert Adams and I MoUie :Adams, ' loti number 130 in.,

Franklin, $1.

v Jlm 'r i ng -



o o

Call on

99'-1 % [lu r e

.. Public Sales

nlNI', M1CH1a.u1



( OT

.You to Unrtmbtl :

Farmers, Attenti on!

BUICK MOTOR COMPANY. _ 0 1 - ' " "'-"~

NEW SVITS Williom J. Evans VB. Jonas F. Stump et aI., petition for partition. Charles J, Webber vs, Peter Webber et aI., for partition of real estate. Herman F. Lewis and Vaulcie Lewis V B. Laura U. Kooser et al., to enforce judgment/ marshall liens sole of real estate anC! other relief.


I~ ..

k" m


Di ck • S IlY~ thnt it iSII't necessa ry lO (l!'illk lo drown you r troubles now he r ead wher e n Dayton woman F ewer g yp~ i cR are tu he rO'II1<1 in dl'owncd her s by pushi ng her hu sband into th o river. ~: uro pe nnd th e Uni ted Stutes in re· cent years tha n evel' be fore . The rea son is thut. ther e "1'0 so ma ny op· port uniti es for lig ht wo r k .. t g ood pay that they hove deserted the h ig h· wnys and gone into fu e101'i<,s "nd MONEY LOANED homes. Gyps ies ar e t.o be found in almost. every countr y of t he g lobe, LOANR on Chattels,Slocks, Securibut their origi n never has beon ex· ties und Secolld M ort~ages. Note. plni ned sutisfnctor il y. Ro um un ia has bought . J ohn Ilnr bi ne Jr., Xenin, nbout 200,000 and Turkey u like Ohio. e m30-'26 number. . Hungory and Mucedonia each claiming 100,000. Russia 60,· 000, Spain 40,000, England, 12,000, Frunce 2,000 and the United Stutes Farmers of Wa.rren and adjoinln, counties mny obtain money on Ion. relatively fcw. - Den ve r News. time loans, nt 5 per cent inter est. --Cost of securing t he same is very rea, s onAble .through The Federal l.and Bank. ' For furt.her i'nformutlon call on or address M. C. DRAKE, "re a~ I will s e ll at my r esidence on Moin urer. phone S I G-X, Lebanon. Ohio. str eet, in Wuyncsvi ll e, Ohio, on

Buick Controlla-hIe Beam Headlights .make night driving a pleasure. Bright light all the time, with steerini wheel control. Come in some evening and take a ride.

John W. Miller

New Burlington,O.





F. T. Martin Je,s se Stanley L.M.HENDERSON Auctioneer Auctioneer


Pif) n ~~1

Gypsies ForsakeCalling



'(ure$ oj

Waynesville Farmers' Exchange to., Waynesville, Ohio

~ g' I'lu i(· r s . $ ~ . U -l l. ­

US; sa m e for r{'pll irs 0" !! ra d ~ I· . $ 7. :!H




Kokomo Pioneer Fence is not 8omething new or untried . On farms all over the country, it has been known fo r years 8 S t be same un iformly high g rade produc t t hat has won for it such a fin e reputation. Not that age alone would Jend merit to any kind of fence. The QUALITY is there- it's in every foot of Kokomo Pioneer Fence, and you have the pledge of a 10llg.e stablished organization that it w ill be kept herel Backed by long years of proven worth a nd honest va lue, Kokomo Pioneer Fence is offered 'OU as a f arm or poultry fenc e that can't be excelled.

r,,,· " Stll ntl·




tln' ~m ll\ Hc t in n o f t ill' t.'Xl'CU -

t.ate o f Wllrr~1I Whi tlll' r" , d ec cn "~ '1. The foll owing ('~ lut es rll .. s pUle. ment were set rill' A pril I 11th : ,Jam e~ ~1. JnnOl'Y, g- uurdinn or .Lucretia ,/allney, fir st a nd filial n C~ II l1nt ; Jerry Wood , adm ... o f th e .,.tate of Mnrtin L. F'rnzec, deceased, th·st ncco unt.; J. Lc(' Thom)Json, udmr, ,)f the ('s tilLe of Roy 1·1. Harper, second nnd finnl !lC· cou nt ; Churles T . I!: IIis , IIdmr. of t he t he estat.e of Leroy Earnhurt, fi" st a nd fin al account: J . A. Rebold, executor of lhe es tate of Marthn A. Mahnn, deceasell, "ame : Cha rles Mudden Ild mr. of th e cst."te of E lizabeth Scott, same ; Charles S. Mounts, exocutor of the estate of Susan C. Haynor. s eco nd and fin a l account; Alvy F. Simonton, adml" with the will annexed of the estute of J oh n Freeze, deceased, first and finnl account: AIvy F. Simont on , Iruardian of Thelma Clark, minor, same; Alvy F. S imonFoy Products also include t.on, guardian of John Rohmer, un inpalnts forevc:ry other purpoee. competent, first IIInd final account. Ask about them and the lPOIn th e motter of the guardianship c:iaI offer KivCJl with cadi. of Alice M. Sutton, a n alleged incompetent, case dis missed without record. Hearing of the application to be admitted to pro bote of the will of Henry A. We rner, deceased, was held March 27th and same was admitte d. IlA.LL" OATAJlRR MllDICINm baJI b een Walter A. Werner was appointed and qualified as executor of said estate. ~ IIiCceNfUlI:t In \lie t ...... unont of CAtarrh. Appraisers were appointed and inRALlIS OATARRH KEDICIIIfJD con- ventory of sa id estate ordered made. slatl of an Olntmont wblcb Quickly First and fina l account of the esRoUeve. ~b,. local appllcatlon. and the ID._I ..edlcl.... .. Tonic, wblcb a ctl tate of William !Burton, filed by ex lhrolilli the Blood on the Muoolil SlIr- ecutor, Boyd S. Rathg eber. ra.,... thu recSuclDi the InllammatJon. In t he matter of the estat e of CeWE GET THEM QUICKLY AND teLanon, Ohio 8014 II), all dru.II.ta. Hnida Throckmort;on, deceased, G. E. FREE OF CHARGE 11'. ~. Ch..,." • Co.. '1'olecSo. ObkL Throekmorten fil ed complaint against CALL US ANY TIME AT OUR Emma Throckm~lrton. Hearing of EXPENSE same April 14th. '100 L III. to 4 p. ID. First account elf the estate of R. VanTress, deceased, filed by admr. First and tinal account of estate Phona 8 HARVEYSBU~G, O. of MnPtin Gons, deceased, file d by admr. aDd ordere'd suspend ed. Dentbl First · and final account of estate Wa:rB".tUa M.tlosal Buak Blel•• of Frank Zell, dec ea sed, filed by executrix, Lau ra Zell, and order ed s uspended. In the matter of the estato of Matilda Hosier, deceased, exec utrix, Ethel Hosie r Earnhart fil ed her inventory and appra isement. NOTARY PUBLIO In the matter of the estate of Lyman Silver, deccllscd, Mary S. SilNatioDal BaDk ver qua lified lind , was appointed adDate your aales with us. We guarantee Will. Drawa .. .. ...... Eitet" S.ttl.d ministratrix of t h(l estate of said decedent, and gave bond. Appraisers aatiafaction or charge nothing. f or said estate wtlre named. WaYDeaviJIe, Ohio In the matter of the estate of Henry M. Decker, de.:eased , Sarah Ann Decker qualified Elnd was appointed administrlltrix of th e estute of said Phone ·No. 320 Phone No.2 ~ ImmalJatc relief decedent ond go\'e bond. Appraisers Dr. 1booD'S MMIc Oillbllalt for said est ate were appo in te d. In the matter of th e e state of s J oseph H. Wilid, deceased, T he Leba. non·Cit ize ns itN(wnal bank, a s ad~C~C.I:==:lC'C~O]C:==~C==~O~OC:==~'O~O min is tr ato r, r epol't ed its proceedings co nce rning said estate, which wer e approve d by th e co urt. In the motter of t he .a ssignment o f George W. Speaight to J . Q. Jordan, the assigne e r eported to the eou,! on his dispo!>B l of the real estate by sale. Certain obligations were paid. .

,At Cary'S jewelry Shop

a "ivinne,.r

7 5l' ; 1.i l1J.!tI Il:u'd w Hl' t· ( ' 0 . , "' :U11I', $ 1 : t ~ t ..:.. Th e' ll 1H('(' Otlu ttit tf' r :..; , !'( ' p ai r ~ 0 11 fl rt ' • J 11", ~ It ,~ ... lt\ t I '\ :l ~ Hp\1 (!l nLl' d ;ut - I.alt' ('lI url l YJt", w l'lt l· r. ~~: l tl t(ll'ltH - 1 mini!' r:it r ix llf H1I' ,'st al,,' t) f Ha rr y t iona l Il ar-v('st"l' Co, . 1\. 1" :~ l n l 4.: I' IIB C. M o~~ leJh\r. d( (' l ' u -; " ( l . and n tl t kc nnt iPllfl l tr\lcl.;~ . $ 1:! ..l ~'7 . j ;): Th ll t; ~II . f'l,(\ , 'p d

This frcc brusb offer is gOO<1 onl y for a " ..cck . As the ti me is SI) limited we ","ould urge you 10 act quickly. '




Tf your house n~s a new dressing up, ju st lay on a good fresh (,o\'erin~ of Foy's I louse Pai nt with t his brush , and you'll be pleased with the re"ults. Foy's makes a th ick coat tlt ,1l not o nly Ivo~!' rich , but acts as a protection agamst theweat herfora long time. In fact, yo u can't b uy better paint for the money, a nd the free brush makes it a real bargain.





cha in l-( a gallon or more of Foy's HOll


E &tel1a ~. ROKe and J ohn T. Rose to George ' Preston Rose, about 30 aeres in Solem Tp., $ 1. Chnrlcs . imp. on ond Love ]\fay Sim pson ·to Rulph D. ond N llie Enid P. VllnM"te:r, nbout 130 n r cs in Union Tp.,$J. J ohn F oley to Jnmes E. Fo ley. ab out 120 acres in Turd creek Tp., PROBATE PROCEEDINGS ror $1 a nd cel'luin othl'r Ilcrsonn l Alvy ].' . Simonton guardian of modification s. The lma lurk, min or, HI d h is firs t COMMIS SION E RS' ALLOWANCES '1 nnd fin nl ·a cconnl. Alvy F. S im onto n. !!uartlian of Jn o. o. LedermulI, ~Ul>pli c " r ) 1' Pr os. Rohm er, lin i nco mpd nt, li led his Attorn l! Y, S7 ,5 0: ·tnkllila lIIfg. 0 . • firs t :lnd fln ul IIcr(l u nt. s u pp l i ,,~ r ..... Cumm oll Plell8 COUI:t , Th e will of Lhc ' (' ~t nte o f J uh n $\J: <alli e, , uppli <: s fot' Pro hate Cll U .. t. ~'t('e7.l' , ue('clIs"d, I1h'd in probllte $0 .70 ; Ed n. Th u mp"un , " 'pu irs on cou rt l.J y IItl mr . A "' ~' F. Simon ton . jllil, $ IU'. RO: Ih'un St un!t·y , n' lI~ f" ,. Will o f WiIlil"" Ki pI'. d eceasc'd, offi cl' of l'rus t'cu ti IHI: At t,) ... " ,y fur " I fi lr t! in proh ate ~ (l u r t li nd dille [or mO ll th, S:lf> : I':nst E nol e llal Y"rd . COll i ]",ar ing Sl't f<l r '\l' l'i l i\th . for l\1 e Ill Oll'" '' ha ll, 1' 57 .or,: Ll' wi. 1111 01 S lll ~ nc ti o n o f t hl' " xt'cu t o I'S in th e IJrak '. sail " ' , $ :l. ·10; Mrs. Al b... .. t S II I' slut of ~ara h 1\1 . Ew. . to ll. d e l' e n~c d, fa cI·. I'l' puirs " " !\I'n",ri,, 1 Hull pia n" , Wl\ ~ :.lPllI' O \ ' l·d l JY t h(' l ' IJUrt. $4 ; 11 . C. Ih 'ir, 1111 ur ",,01 lI\:\tl'rlal '" ) In th (' IIIl1 t t.,1' o f thl' t'~ t a t c of A . M"",,'ri,,1 ha ll . $ I . 10 , II. J-:. W" rw il-h , U. E A:il nll,. dt ·('~a';' t 'd . t he «(Iur t u p- , upl' li." f" .. ~ l l' '' ''Hi ,, 1 I lull. jHnitor.



., 'NO PUTOUT - il-\0ISi: WATER SE'EO'i,

FOR SALE- An e ight-r oom house '11\ Corwin, the Stil es home. Inq II ire' oC Dura Stiles. '1121 FOR SALE- I Dig Type Polandhlnn mille hog, 8 months old, wt., abo ut 300 pou nds, immuned. See Hllrry Lac y, R. D. 6, Waynesville, Ohio. " aU FOR SALE- Pototoes, 0 few bu shels o f Iris h Cobbler, Green Mbuntain a nd Bonner Seed Potstoes, $8.00 fer bushel. Strouse Bros. ·a2 BEAUTIFUL Phonograph of beat make. Almost new, with 12 good records. Will sell for unpaid balance. Easy terms. Write for Information. P. O. Box No. 228. 014 FOR SALE- Mandt wago'n , good as new, has been used very IitUe. See J. A. Shutts, R. R. 3, Waynesville, Ohio. aU S. C. W. Leghorn Eggs, $3.00 per l00...r. English strain, for hatching. Mrs. · li. V. Smith, phone 37-8, R. D. 4, WayneSVille, Ohio.


._---.-THE I MIAMI GAZETTE - - - -_ ._-

-- -- ~ ~








, I Mr~



Wolter Thompson and fumily IIfr. lind Mrs. E d Brow n e ntortu\ll· lire 8ick with grippe. ( d r ulu tivcs UII ::;unuay. Tile Sunday trai ns throug h Lytle MI'. ali t! MI's. W. T. Jordan w I'C w ill be \.Ukcll off Roo n. ' Sublcriptioa Pric... $1.50 p er Yenr L~uullun vi ~ i ton;, Wednesda y. Morris Whorton, of Dayton, s pent Mr. and . Ir s. W. H, OJ[d(,1l cnLer· t he wcrk. end with hom~ fo lks. D,L. CRANE Publi.het './lin et! til ' lIi J.!' h Hch('lI l with a 1>1I1·t y \'I< 'tltl" , uny t · vc"il\ ~. JIll'S. All t' n Em r kk has bee n q uitc 1.1:":1\ qick th e I'llst \\'l' cl, with grippe. II'. 1\11.1 l\! r ~ . Hun'y Houg h ent 1' tailwd a II II III lor I' uf r~lllt i \'l' S last Mr. Frank ,' l1Iith has l!Olle to Day,", unday ill h onu r uf t he ir :-; 0 11, A luert, I,. o n f or n vi s it with I 't' l ut ivc ~ lhe·re. IS Y O UR DO Y A PO O R WRIT ER'/ :'l IId hriel ,·. ~]I's. J Ohll,ttJlI !:Iul'Ron, of Dn~·ton, Am ung th' (,.«·:<t vi tim" "r thre .. - <pcnt WI'dll('Sri IlY with fr iends h e re. Do n't. cOll1pluin t on IHI'l' it , m o th r, if t;O t1 g-\" t ~ II g' l' w te 11 .ah ' I' 70 in PCll - I.l' 1111':t . I", un: IIlu rg-arct A 1111" G,"" 1.I'\lra alit! Hue Wil sun "I,e nt th e l\l un~h i l ' in . . ch o(,1. It'll mt ' Hn , 1)t"(lb tI'tf " Alk,· an d Kn thlct 'll Gray lint! Wt'Ck-l'lI t! with th" h parents in DIlYabl y. t hnt SO'I is II l,r i~r h t ~'o un S;B t (' I' dl'l' lJI'J't Ke nll edy. to il. Ente,ed at til. PQ.'u ll Ohio. 0,

n: ul ~(I .l n c .." S.~()nlf C I Q•• MalL Molle I'



th at it\'

h ~l~

nimbl e r' \\ it!'>. lltuu


'UI' ~ i (' k Ii"l i11l'l ud ('s 1\11'8. R. F. you . mo th. I' , (II' 'ytiU I' lIl o th l' r . :; hul1lu!:<'I', ~II' ~. F l'Il nk W il ~" II, M I'S. 1)1'. Willi a ll1 T . Hotlt, " I' l hl' n i· 'I. r~. !::i hu mak" r. H. S. Tucker, J oe " cn~ ity · "r P i ll~h ll rJ.:' SCI-h),, ) t tl' Edul.:UdU" is ulill W. 1'. l\lcCul'rcn . tinn, say. that quic k lhi nking a, d bll d h andwritin~ J.!'o t"J.!'"thur. , II " MI'. ull d Mrs. !l arry Wilson , of 8!lY~, t oo, that the :o'o cil'nl' l ' nf hi e ro- Ilavl(Oll , ~h. "II(I MI'". 1I ~l'bl'l't Fite ",<i <llttlg-ht"I'. or WlIshill J.!' t ll n C. II., ~r l yp hi cs i ~ so mewhat "-HI t )H~ d ec lin e. af l d J1td n ls out. thltt (Iur g:nllldpu.r{·lIt ~ 't"'lIl SUlld:ty wil h ~II' . "lid MI' R. 1·'l'II lIk Wils" ,\. W(, l'e lJy fttl' th e hctt ~ ,,-p uJl ,"cn. Su th e en d of till' t hrul' H' K- rcudUur hiJrh fi h u, q ('nl1lll1 ' llc enlPnl ill' 'r iUn ' a nd 'rilhmc ti. - is in sight, ", ill he Thur , dll Y l'\'r nin ~. A p(' il 22 . su far as being th e r,,"1 bnK i. of all .t lld th l' ci,,"s " Iuy, "Atl v('nturc. (If t! ducu tion is co n "{~ rnl·(1. SUIl ca n be ; runol jJll ," will hI.' Thur"duy cvc nin ~ , u marvel at rcudin" run t'inJ,ts 'ruund .\p ril loth. Hoth will ut.: held in th e you, molher in 'rithmeli r, !Jut mllk e Tow n hull. terrillie murk. with pe n and ink, und T he a nnu nl inspcl·tion o f the locn l sti ll have s ymptums o f in te ll igence. hupll'r of EII.tern ::;tar WIIS he ld It is tru e. too , that penmanship is A nu mbe r frolll going quite out of fn Hhi on. F ~ w !)Illurd uy cVl'n in K. Wlkc th e troulli c tndllY "V~ 11 to wrIte "th er cilnptt' rs we )'(' present t o ell" I l' ~ iblc signllturc. F olks see m loo joy t he I)ccusion. A dc liciou8 b"n busy t o tnke time t o shnpe pretty lut- qU l' l was served. tel's, eroas 1"fi ano dot I's. But Dr. Vr. u ntl III rs. C. G. Handa ll and Root encou rages u ~ wh en he suys leg- Miss He len "ttentle!! th e weddi ng-, ibil it y is by no mCllllS lin indi clltiun Thursda y, o f Miss L('unu li enton ulI{l of outstunding intcllille nce. urlton An de rso n , in Xe nia . They I'cmuin cd for th(' rec ep tion a t th e Word comes from J eru slI lcm that hOllI e l,r th e llr itJe's pll r en ts. 11 Dervi sh hus been t ried by 11 rei igA numbe r 1'1'0111 here attend ed th e io us court for praying Northwllrd, facing the Holy City , insteud o f Ellst- clas. pl'llY at King mun, whi ch Wus wllrd, facing Me cca, the chllrge being J.!'ive n Friday a nd Saturd a y eve n ings. heretic practices. A nd her e we hu ve Miss Ad" Grllc(' Ulld crwo od, Otis Poore, Horace ulwa>,s believed th at n er vi. hes did Lellll1luns, Hirum Sin1pso ll and l'lnt'o ld Curte r a l'e memn othing but whir l around. bel'l\ of th e class from thi. vici nit y. Now one of the large expres. comHOllori ng th c Lirt hday of h er punies wonts hig hu rates because ouug hte r, Ml's. Earl Hockett, M rs. women's fa shions have mud" it un - SlIlli e Reaso n e nte rtained to dinner ncssary fo r femininity t o carry Sunduy, Mr. lind Mrs. Earl Hockett trunk s. . We always thought "there a nd dnug htel'R, Jean and Ruth, Mr. was no money in th e shi pment of a nd M1'8. Percy Henso n Iln d so n, LOI'trunks." en , o( Wayne"vi lle , and Mr. li nd Mrs. PUlIl Reuson. of Duyton, Red Grange has been thrown f or a The M . E. Aid l1I ot at the Aid par10M. The motion pictu!'e company which gave Red u $300,000 contract lo r Thur ~ duy aft e rn oo n. OWing t o to play u leading pllrt in n football the illness o f th e secl'etary, Mrs. R. F. Shumake r. the busi ness sessio n movie, has tailed. wus short. The progl'llm con sisted Submitted to th e Editor of J oe uf two beantiful solos by Miss MadMiller's Joke Book : " The price of e line F oley, who is vis it ing he r uunt, Mrs. G. W. GOt·den . Two new memo coal will now be lowered." bel'S were add ed to t he r oll. A dain ---'-.,._ - ty lunch of fruit salad with whipp ed crealn, IIngel nnd fruit cuke and coff ee was se rved.

M,·~. Elin ol'" Mull eni x spent Thursday a nd Fl'iuu y with f riend s ill Lebullo n. Mr. lind I\ll's. Cllh'in Longllct'e, of Dayton, UI'l' . pc lldi ltg thi H week in Lytl e.

Th" M(l t hl'r ~ club met Fridny afat til<' home u f Mr •. Claude

t l!r IlUU II

Lew is.

Big Balloon Tire Question: "Are T~ey Made With 'Supertwist'?"

Th ~ Llldi"s Aid met at the home "r M "5. Will iam Cre ighton, Wedn esCo mmander Byn! on his Will' to up near the Arc tic till Y a fternoon . ' 11'c1(' from where he will hop off by ae rol>lane for t he North Pole. Mi ss Pa ulin e Green, of Wa yn esAmong the fnmou s person age. wh~ bid the explorer "G ~o. 1 Luck" wn~ "i llt', was n wce k-e nd g uest uf Miss John D. Rcooeke fell er , ,lr Cladys Berg doll. M,'. lind II1rs. Ch a rl es Mullenix c nBy A. A . Hoopingarner. urc un a ble to n{'ltotis te th e impas.a. We talk with a lot of motorists who have balloon tl'rtllin ed th e la tLer's cousi n from ____ blc r oud s lind da ngero us st ream s. tires- Goodyears and other kinds . Cincinn ati , :sun day. . C d Ri I ard Captain Wilkins nnd his pilot reached omman er c" Point Borrow by ui rpl anl' last week. u tena nt , I\Il's. Ell en Copsey has r e lurn ed t o E. LIe Byrd and forty- seven voluntee rs On Thul'sday the Al1Iundse n-EllsWe know the joy some of them are getting out of her home here , afte r an extended who hop e to hft the mystery. fro m wo rth -Nobi le expediti on, in the dil'sLay nt Spring Valley. their balloons,and the grief that others are getting much ? f t he u lllexplored ArctIC, nre ig ib le airship Norge. started from M rs . Adu Chenoweth s pent last on t,1!e lr way. " Pulham . England . on th e first stage And it all comes down to th is: to get the real \\ Ith the ming led whl sth,s und the it ilJl journ ey to t he ice· hound North. week with Mr. lin d I\1rs. Carl Pickshouts farcw e ll and Godspeed ech"Wilkin s, A n1ulld , ('n and I arc cr ing, near Cen terv ille. balloon .tire, you must get one made with olng , In her .wuke , the steamshIp friend s and we wish (,Heh other l\I esdu mes El len Copse y, E lsie q hantl e r, bea ring the polar expedl. well," ; uid Li eut. Com . Byrd on the SUPERTWIST. lI awke nnd Clam Thompso n w et'{! tlOn, pulled a way . from ~rookl)'Tl day o f hiR dcpnrtul'e. "W e huv ~ a lVayt on visitors, Tuesday. Not just because Goodyear makes SUPERTWIST Nn vy yard last w!lek lind pOinted her ready g iven mutua l assist a n ce here Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. J ohns vis. prow toward s Spltzenbergen lind the an d th ere in small mutte rs and will and ONLY GOODYEAR TIRES are made with ited with th e ir so n, Gle nll J ohn s and No rth Pole. . . do so in big ones should the occa sion SUPERTWIST family in Day ton, Friday. . In th~ hold of th e Cha ntler wus a arise . We m'e t rying t o keep our trl-mot ore d F<?kkcr !1'onoplane expecliti on on a spo rting and high Mr. lind Mrs. Lea nSI'd Gray, of glllnt and a small e r CurtI ss OrIole plane. pla ne" But because SUPERTWIST is the ONLY cord Cilltinnllti , spent th e wee k·e nd with They will be used by Byrd in hi s . M r . lind Mrs. George Gray. fabric developed specially for the elasticity and truns-po lar fli ght-the little on e to - - -Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Burn et and be used as on me rgency plane. mileage-giving strength 'you want in your balloons The Chan tier started jus t one day Mr. and MI'" . Walt!'r Kenrick were before the si xteen th anniversary of Duyton visitors , Wed nesda y. Also- Goodyear Balloon Tires made with SUPERthe discove ry 0 '( th e Pole by AdmiMr. and Mrs. Frank Snyder attend· rnl Peary. Confidence- that this feat TWIST coat no more than ordinary balloons. cd the funera l o f Char les Squires at would be repeated from the air by 1I1iami C hnpel, Monday afternoo n. the Byrd ex pedition was shared by Take no chances. Come to us today for Goodyears Hev_ lind Mrs. Raymond S tillings a ll members in it. " I have eve r y hope that we will and tw o little da ug hters we r e S unday guests of Mr. lind Mrs. Robert Hunt. meet with succ ess," said Commander Byrd. "The un certainties of ArcMrs. Kesler Gruham WII S called to tic. exploratio n--especially air exploSpr ingb oro unday, on accou nt of ration of the Arctic- are well kn ow n the illness of her mother, Mrs. Carl but we have t he greatest possible Albright. confidence in our men, in our mateMr. lind Mrs. Selh Furnas and chil. rial and in our instruments, "The clean sport and adventurous dre n, of Social Row, were Sunday Ilfternoon gu ests at the home of Mr. s ide of t his e xpedition app eal to every man go ing on it. That is the and Mr •. Walter Kenrick. kind of men we a r e taking. But, fl'. lind Mrs. Ben Hawke, Mr. also, ever yon e has high hopes that Now that the ~ mok e hns clear ed GRANDPA SPANK Sam uel Smith and daughter, Miss the great efforts we have put into the from the Genevn bottle gro und, t he WHAT TO DO-WHAT TO DO Velma, attcnded a n Eastern Star xped ition will accomplish something e xp erL~ on inter natio nal finances will "Give Marie a kiss, Harry ." Mother- "Children! What is all meeting at Harveysburg, Suturday useful to progre!lS. . hogin to figure out how Soon Eu rope evening. . "Nothing do ing . I don't like h er I" "We are leaving equipped with t h e wil l need morc IOlllls.- Irulinllpolis this noiso abuut?" "Well, do something, quick- any· Li t tl e J e l'ry- " W e've got gan'pa knowledge gain e d by years of sacri· Ne ws. Mr. lind Mrs. Stepbe n Burnet are t hing t o stop her s in gin g l" lind Uncl e Hen r y locked up in th e lea ving the farm and are this week fice and struggle of intrepid Arctic If we we re a politicilln in France, erOBet f ol' a n hour, an' wh e n they get moving to their property in Lytle, explorers of the past, and we are 10 (' wo uld traill for offico in a revolv- ma,ldcr I' m guing to pluy going into where they have been making exten- especially indebted to Admiral Peary Will Pay ihg door.- Scutlle Daily News. FUNERAL DIRECTORS t he lion 's coge." the greatest of them all." si ve repuirs. Lieut, Com. Byrd and his me n are WAYNESVILLE, OHIO In a village th ere are no bandits lIIr. and Mrs. Harry Graham spe nt only one of the three expeditions to hold YO ll uP. bu t th ere oro bazaars. A BETTER WAY 'l' uesday evening oC last week at the which will raCE~ against time this - Washi ng ton Post . DENTIST home of Mrs. Susan Saylor, near spring in efforts to reach the N orth Fully Equipped for Good The seed catlliog shows nice pi cJll oth er- " Yl1l1 must cat all ~'o ul' 'pring Vnll ey. Mrs. aylor, ucco m- Pole before the Arctic, mists and fogs Service. And X-O-GRAPHIST , Telephone 292W t uroR of everything except th e Ullcl(- potato s, <1 0 11 1' . " ralli ed t hem home for a few days' make fly ing in this r egion imposs iLarge Display Room. che. -Bllltim ore S un . . mall lad- " 1 d on't like ·taters. " visit. WAYNESVILLE, OHIO Miamisburg, Ohio ble. " \\' ('11 . just IcL on you likE' th em." Ambulance Service Cnptain Geo rge Hubert Wilkins Th ero' s no certain medium o f hn p:r"lephone 114 We Pay Your Telephone Call. if W e and Mrs. Erncst Brown enter. Mr . "Can't I jU gt let on I' m eatin' rl n e~s in th is tou g h world. The minBuy Your 'Poultry. tained to Sunday dinner, JIll's. Ida and one member of the Detroit ArcTELEPHONE 7 l~y OR NIGHT OFFICE : HATHAWAY BLDG . ute yo u c(Illgrntu lato you rself on Il th em '! " Drown, Mr. ood Mrs. J esse Emswiler, tic expediti on are at Point Barrow, AlaSka, one more l eg on thei r efredu cocl in('ome tux so me Incal bill MI'. and Mrs. Harry Seigler nnd son, ON MAIN STREET Call OD U. for your Job PrilltiDIl. collector shouts: " Come across."uf !Jayton. Mrs.: Brow n r emained fort to r each the wastes of the farthSYMPATHY est north po in t on the g lobe. But Atlnnta Constitution, fo r a f ew days' visi t. their s u pply sleds, or snow motors, Hubby- "The pa pcr Slly~ Il womW e've oHe n wondered why thos(' Mr. W ill ia m H. Curey , father of are h eld at Fairbanks because they wb o are against things in ge neral C:t ll lin was crushed t o death in a jam :\-lr8. Fran k Rog e rs, of this place, mnk!) so much morc liaise thun th ose at u sulc yesterday." died Friday nt his bome nea r Ridg e. Wifey- "J)oes i t say ",hilt th e bar· \' iIle, after a linge ring illn ess. Sevwho IIrll not. De ~ MoI n es Register. gui ns wer e? " eral fricnds from here attended the Rllre /ll'IIt editions of books mil)' fun eral TUllsdav morning-. be worth thouannd s of dolllll'll, but cheap vest.-poe ket versions have don e Harry says that the S. P. C. A . Mr. a nd Mrs. E. J. Curmony and much more ,f or hUUlAn advancement. shou ld get Ilttl'r the /lapp ers for ox- children, of Sprin gfield. Mr. Everett Glenn Davis and wife were in Wil-Chicago News, posing t bei r calves to all kinds of Clark, of Dayton, Miss Mildred Clark, weather. of Cent ervill e, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur mington, Thursday. Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Caul us Youllce E. C. Mannon and Lon Br,a nnon und lInss Kathryn Cla rk, of Waynes- were in Tippecanoe , S unday. ville, were Sund ay dinner guests of .:--'~.:., Mrs. Ruth Mu.rray called on Mrs. Mrs. Mary E. Carmony. I Hannah Bogan , Friday evening. ... We Ilre g lad to report the little AD ""ample of Adair'. . ----=: . -~ ..'., _ '. '. Tolle child better at this writing. Money.Sa vinl Pricel M. M. Terry sllld K . E . Thompson called on John Lnmb, Saturday morning. Mrs. Ira Scroggy is confined to h er Rafe Foley a n d family were Sunbed with dropsy. day guests of the Jordon family, Philip Herma n and family have here. moved to t heir new home in Pike R. J. Murray and wife were Suncounty. day guests of Miss Mary Harlan, near 1111'S. Lydill' Hill"'c ontinues very low Hicikoryville. at the home of he r son, Jesse, north H. F. E stelle a nd Mr. Newsalt, of of town. Dayton, were Sunday guests of K. Miss Della W isecup, of Cedarville, E. Thompson . ,is the guest of her brother, Earele W. M. T erry trucked a load of lind family . hogs to the stock yards at CincinThe Laurens fnmily left Thurs- nati, Tuesday. day afternoon for their new home in W m, B. WamEtr has returned hom e New Mexico. after spending several . days at Evelyn McClure and Russel Wise- Springfi eld, Ohio . cup, who were i11l with pleurisy last W. B. Terry, Lon Brannon and K. wee k, are better. E. Thompso n WI!re in Harveysburg, M. G. P hill ips nnd family. of 'C in- Saturd ay evening. cinnati, spent t he wee k.end witih Mr. The Sunday-School Class No.3 will an d Mnl. G. A':-Phillipis. meet at the Le wis home on the evRev. Elmer' Pemberton , of WiI- ening of the 23rd. minigton, delivered a lecture entitled, Our Ladies Aid will meet Wednes"The Fool," in thc Friends church, day afternoon with Mra, Vada LewTuesday evening. is, east of Wellman. Mr. and Mrs. James A. Conner B. F : Traylor and wife, of Lytle, were successful in their s uit against the P ennsylvania railroad for dam- were Saturday guests of James TrayThis suite consists of a 60-inch BufYet; 6-foot Extension ages tor the d eath of their son, Rus- lor and family, nf!Br Waynesville. sel, who was struck by a train at RoxMrs. Clara Dumn, of Lebanon, was Table (exactly like cut); 5 Chairs and One Arm Chair, anna, Fe bruary 13, 1925, a Wednesday night and Thursday guest of Glenn Davis and family. -------.~ ~.~----upholstered in either leather, tapestry or velour; the Walter Ellis a,nd famlly, of Harveysburg, came down and spent Sunbacks of the chairs are slightly different from those day with Cecil Villars and family. illustrated. The finish of the suite is Walnut. No farmer should object to pheasGlenn Gray and family, of Dayton ants on his farm_ The birda feed came down and spent Saturday and mostly on insects and we~d lIeedll. A Sunday w ith -thEl Gray f amllies, at careful analysis of the ' crop of a Wellman. pheasant shot in an Oregon wheat M ' Kat J d d d hte If you have not Tecentlyvi8ited Adflir'., field showed insects, a f at slug, weed Miasrsilannah ~!II:d !~ M:a~g Ga~i you will ,be llirpri8ed at the aize and variety of soeds a nd not a single grain of whe'a t Gordon, at 'Harveysburg, Saturday 'Your ' The real gain of · >having thelle afternoon. Itook, which ia more co,nplete than moat city. birds by ,the tens or hundreds of . ,Old Fumiture thousands; and letting them ierVe ¥ The ' ~assie Tow n shi p , ~. ~, cOl\~ atore~. 14i:ated in Xe.n ia and owDine· o~ '~~ I·· , unsalaried weed and insect killen, vention Will be !teld at JQnah 8 RIIl\ bulldinI8,. o~r ~perating expenM ia v,ery .much would ' more than ov.erbalance · allY. 9hurcb . at 2 o'~lock Sun<,lay afiel'oi Taken In,Exchange damnge to crops due to th~ him~h. nQon,. April 25. . le.~ than tlie city atore8. : .1> And the hunte~ pay t~e b~d I!0~' K. E. Thompson went to ....lAve .... For N,w . " .. ' . out' of their ann ual licenses to1l'!\ and .BeJlm~,n~ Monday,/, to - - -... - • lpeet a cOuple,' of~ dro"ea o~ ;:s. P. . L, hon. for .. couple of ..Ie .. , , ' HE GOT IT . A ' joint' meetulg of the SI1lllh1D", troublesome feUoW' told club· aDiithe Children's Hour club. to 10 The man It wu held at the. helme of Mr, aDd lin. prise' fllrbter aDa 'en-- Robert Lewf., Ltiilt Than4at after. a pmac1l on.the nOle. D9OD. ••




Waynesville Motor Co.

.. -

Phone 105

Waynesville, Ohio


Live Poultry WANTED!

Walter McClure J. ·E. McClure

Dr. H.E. Hathaway

26c per pound

A.D.Swank aSon

---_.- ..- - -


Some of The 'Things We Sell

Lumber for Every Purpose



Oak Flooring Edge.Grain Flooring Finishing Lumber Porch Material Front Doors Cottage Windows Window Frames Window Glass

You Can Save Money By Buying Your Home Furnishings at Adr;zir's



A Big City Stock at Small Town Prices .. .

--.- --


':.:)t~-:, :'


Material for Your Roofs

RedCedarShingles Mule-hideShingles Carey Shingles

Asphalt Roll Roofing

Brick Portland Cement Plaster Lime Plaster Board Wall Board

Builders' Hardware Nails Smooth and Barb Hinges Wire , Door 'Locks Lo'cost Fence Posts Barn.Door track FBJ'm Gates

This 8· Piece Dining Room Suite


Bug Killers

Liberal Terms

RQds' of,"Wire' Fence '3000

All :, ~f the'. ab,o ve . material' can ' be' ,found' in our 'yard every day ',in the year at . pric1's ' . ,

S••~ al C;""" ,if Paid in.60DCLyS on ~~unfl 'Over $10,00•

20-24 It Detreit St.

,l1li*11111£ ~



. "DId 70U . . IdII UO


-to _"",p:I.

2LC2 _

C.D. andW. L. 'Sheehan "



are announcing the opening of a

Come,. Let Us Show You The Latest Spring Styles in Merchandise

fxtra Special

Mrs. Kate Coleman was In Bell· brook t his a£ternoon .

Dry Cleaning\,.. Pressing a nd D yc· lng . Mablon It idgc, Soft Wal" .. La unJry. Miss Clara Lil e was t he guest or her sislct· at Wnshi llgt on . H., 0"<'1' t he week·cll d.


Mrs. L. A. Zimm C'r man and 1\1 rg. N. A. Ki ng v i ~ i te d Wnlte r Elzey at t he M. Clcl la ll u hnsp ita l, Sunday. ' Men's S uib CI "ned nnd Preast'd , $ 1. 00 ; Spo ng",1 IIInd Pressed, 3 5c. Mnhlon ' Ri dge, Soft Wuter Laund ry. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Caplinger. of Yellow Springs, cnllcd on Mr. I\nd Mrs. F . R. ?rloonu nv, Sunday aftcrnoon. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Gray and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Thompson nnd son were in· Lebanon, Monday afternoon.



Myer Hyt"an





, Mr. and l\l rs. Elv in F ires \v cre in ,. Lebun on, Tuesdav. Mrs.. ' Maggie Burnet visit ed Day. t on re lnti\-cs over Sun day .

Everi family wanta a small orchard.

Every home ia more attrac:tiive in a letting of shrubbery.

An arbor of

vie are in a PQsition to make spec:ial offers on these plants. The quality ill the ,f inest and the price was never equaled. Take advantage now. Do not hesitate. The time i. ri,h.t for planting• . Write, wire. or call us.

A SMALL FAMILY ORCHARD Ten fruit trees, all northern grown, two years old, free from di.ease, true to name, backed by our c4!rti6cate. 2 APtL~Wealtby, Dutchess. )\ These are the finest and c:hoicest trees in the c:ountry. They usually sell for 75 cents and $1.00. Why hesitate? The value iatherC!\ and can not be compared. . 2 CH.E RRIES-Montmorenc:y, .B lack Tar.





PL~M-LOmbard. '/


2 PEARS-Bartlett, Kieffer. 3 PEACHES-Elberta, Champion.

10 'fOTAL.

Do not


OR ANY 5 TREES $3 We c:an alao quote in tens and hundreds of other varietiea. If order i. plac:ed early we can offer otlber varieties in c:oUec:tion. They are all strong,S 6-ft. plants. Not the one·year-old· bargain ;'Id whips.



F~:. $_1~J)O

2 CONCO~D, 2 Niagara, 3 Catawba.



GR'APE VINES Choic:e two-year-old stock.. Do not be mistaken, these are true to name ~d are the best plants to be found.

} $1.00

Ten shrubs, plenty for home beautification. 1 Spirea Van Haute, Bridal Wreath, 1 Lonicera, pink Bush lioney Suckle. 1 BaY!'berry, red berries in winter. 1 Deubia, P. R. large while flowers. 1 Dopood, red or yellow tinged. / 1 Fo~yth~,. Golden Bell, 1 Snowberry. 11 Coral ·B erry. 1 Weigel." . 1 Phiiadeiphull.

You cannot afford to let this opportunity go by.

1 $1.85 (


Just a few plants will add materi. ally to your home. This is a wonderful time to plant and our ' plants ....ow.

Pac:king and expre.. free.

dane... Are you going to' take advantalre of them? . P~EN~JAl.s . J

·0 '. $1 O ~


'. • .'

'A few. flo~en .11..umme,r lonlf may

bia had. frOm thi. list. They are inex-

.\ . .peali". and will gi"e hOUrI, of ..tia. t~ction and ptea.,are. . . . . off........ tile ~t buy. of the aeatlOn. Tell . ypur nei.libor... Ofti.r · immediately. Write for ' pric:e . Ii.t an,d _ 1.Ddl:cap~ '. u.;_tio.... ,'.'., ~ , " ' ., .


:';Cl'l'(· (.nry "Thes", V011111h1(' pa· P<' I'S "huuld IH! put in a sa f e place. , WhC!l'l' cu n Wt' hide lIll'm~" nU~g- " 'i\, (' them to lh (' fi ling

SPECIALS For Friday and Saturday

IC'l'k- sll\!'ll lay the m down where no one evCI' will find them I"


$1 .45 a Sack YELLOW AND RED ONION SETS . Only

10c a Quart BEST NAVY BEANS 4 pou ods for ..... ....... .......... .. .



BULK MACARONI pound. for ............ .. ......... 25c GARDEN SEEDS . Only


Packag .. All kind., othe .. let 10. BUTTER MILK STARTING AND DEVELOPING FEED 10 pounda ................................ 50c 25 pound. ........ .. ...... .. .... $1.20 The b ... t made !lDd our pllice the

In 48 boun . after leaving the shell the cblek ..





Buttermilk Starting F

L. A. Zimmerman Phone 66-2






Waynesville Farmers' Exchange Company


r---------.;---.. .


Bring your. Eggs to Kroger


FLOUR C02~~rlb.C!::k

---.. -_.---

Estate of Lyman M. Silver, deceased. Notice is hereby given that Mary S. Silver' has been duly appointed and qualified as administratrix of the estate of Lyman M. Silver, late of Warren County, Olli~l deceased. Dated this 30th day of March·1926. . W. Z. ROLl-, Judge of the Probate Court, . Warren county, Ohio. Carl Lehmann, Atty. aU


The.~ Qffen are all the laat ·word in th~ir respectiVe

- -- --- --

Feed it for 8 weeks. Conkey'S Is low in fibre and just right in proteiD, scientifically cor:~t. '-Itf-lJoDesnotinjure orovertuthe &en51Uve , digestive apparatus. has been the guest of Mrs. Carri e c,o:mkey'B is the Oricinal Buttermilk Sanborn, at the Friends Home. Corwin, Ohio Starling Feed. It is made by the Conkey Original PrOCe6s, In which Seml·Solid Buttermilk is thoroughl, Ca ll on m.. for YOUr guaran· Incorporated with other lDIVI',1.enta. t eed work, followa : Conkey'B Poultry Book free. TIRE VULCANIZING RADIO REPAIRING BATTERY CHARGING RADIO SUPPLIES BATTERY SUPPLIES W.yn ....,iII., 01010 Phone 25 In Law.on'. Black.mith Ship Health and happiness are th e prime necessities of life. The poets sing of love and its bl es~ings, but love is I ~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~!'!'!!!'!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!~!!!!!!~~!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!'!!~~~~!' hardly possible unless w e have at I" least normal good health. 'Good ------------~ health not on ly assists in making love and happiness possible, but tends toward efficiency. It makes for co·ordination between brain and mU 8~ cle, mind and Iim b--no mental ex· cellence without physical stamina. It gives us strength to withstand the shocks of adversity. It makes us enjoy struggle and fits us to meet ·it !lUccessfully on its own ground. Good health gives us a zest, a genuine j oy, in life that not hing else can g ive. Do you wish to be healthy'l Then ke ep the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels functioning _properly. EVery good doctor will teft you the importance of keeping ·the organs' of elim, Ination functioning, and the blood pure. If you will do this, you Will be well, strong, full of life a nd ambition. Now is t he tinle to take that "reat spring toniC) blood purifier and system builder. COOPER'S NEW LIFE TONICI ONE BOTTLE WILL CONVINCE YOUI Get it today at .... . ... John H.wk.'., W.Jn ••"me, Ohio, .• nd c. C .. 12 1-4 ............. 63c Clifton, 24 1-2 lb••• ck .........l , l • .Ch.rl.. M.dden'. Drul Store, ' Har. ! wc_ ".J.burl, Obio.-Adv. NOTICE OF APParATMENT




Mr. and Mrs. E . W. H ughes and

i:;'TIT TREES, S·HRUBBERY · ., oU ~~::s ~~J:::~~w::~'~::~~:d~ek~::~ FR·l\lJ: GRAPE ·VINES, PERENNIALS D ---I0MAKE lifEWORTH WHILE ~~~ adds to the enjoyment 'o f summer fruita. Perennial flowers are permanent decorative features of every

--_._-_. -

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - --


Waynesville, Ohio


Mr. Chas. Edward s w ill be in ch arge of the store


Howard Trout, of Springfield, son Mr. and lIlrs. Mac Bull, of Xenia, of Rev. P hilip Trout, a form er pastor were guests or Mrs. Anno M. Dean, o! tbe local M. E. church, died r eo on Sunday. cently, following an appendicitis op· Mrs. Ina Shone, of Cedarville, was eration. the supper guest of M.r s. Mayme Hat· Miss Emma Heighwar entertained field, Monday. at dinner, Monday evening. Miss An. . h f th nie Brown, of Columbu., Miss Mamc, Walter Elzey 18 orn e rom e Brown~ Mrs. Anna Cadwallader, Miss McClelland hospital, somewhat 1m· Clara Lile, Mr. a nd Mrs. W. H. AI. proved in health. After wintering in aliiomia, lIIr. len. and irs. Charles Mosher have reAmong th ose who attended Ens· tur nl'd to ' Cincinnati. tern Star inspection at Harveyaburg Saturday night were Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Jordon spent Frank Hartsock, Mr. and Mrs. Ross the week-end visiti ng friends in PiqHartsock, Mr. and Mrs. C. Hawke, ua a nd Plea"ant Hill. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Roibtze r, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Hartsock', Mrs. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Gustin and Edwards, Mrs. J ohn Fromm, Mrs.l'!'lUll:mclr, Miss Elsjf, of Dayt on, visIrene Bird, Mrs. A.da Coutney, Mrs. r elatives here, Sunday. Ray Mills and Mrs. Myer Hyman. ·Mr. and Mrs. Fred B. Henderson and daughter, Miss E sther, were shopping in Day to n, toda y.


wmgive a souvemr

To each cust omer on this da y we

J . B. Chnpman and fnmil y lefl In t Thursclay fo r Naples. Fi n. Mrs. Etta Surfac:e and Miss Clara Keys entertained at dinner last week, Mrs . Chauncey Mardis, 01 Lebo. Mrs. Ada Sale, Mrs. Ella Meredilh non, was ill Waynesville, Sn tu rda y. li nd Miss May Wrilrht. 'l'ry our ThrifL·T·Servi ce f or 7c J. O. Cartwright. is in Dayton at· a po und. Soft Water Laundry. tending a Scottish Rite meeting. Leave your call with Mahlon Rid ge. Mrs. Alice Carer Welch is assisting in the bank durlllg his absence. Mrs. Mnl'Y Hageman, of Dnyton, is the gue. t of Mr. and Mrs. George Frank Biggs has purchased the Mills. radio and battery service of Ray Mills, and is roady to serve the pu b. Mrs. Jerry Rogers is visiting her lie in g uaranteed work along th is sister, Miss Marilou Patton, in Bridge line. port. Ill.

.T obacco Canvas, good grade, yard wide, per yd .. ' We carry a Large Stock of Wall Paper at Reasonable Prices. Special Prices in Lin61eums, per square ya'r d, from 39c to New Stock of Rugs, all the New designs in Axminster, Brus.sels, Velvets and Crex at Lowest Prices. Come' and See Us Bt::fore Buying Elsewhere.

Let's ' Get Acquainted!'

Come In!


Waynesville f riends loday.


, 'Oc:::lO'

Quality Meat at Reasonabk~ Prrices

Rev. D. P . Holt nnd son, Arth ur.

ot Maco mb, Ohio, were calling

Extra . Special

Department Store .

We w.ill b e read y to furnish you with

Stacy Bu ~n c t t , w ho unrlerw ellt ;111 operation recen tl y at Miami Va ll .·y hospilal, is r ecovering.


9Se 9Sc


Miss Annie Brown , of Colum bus, is spending t he week in Waynesville.



on Main Street, Waynesville, Ohio, on

Mrs. W. H. Allon and Miss Oliv' Allen wer e in Dayto n, Saturday.



Meat Market

Mrs. Frapk n. Fa1'1' was a Dayton visito r , Tuesdny.

Men's and Young Men's Suits, $25.00 value, at . FOR SATURDAY ONLY Men's and Young Men's Ho p e Bleach d Muslin Suits, $27.50 value, at . per yard at $3 Children's Low Cut Shoes, odds & ends at $1.39 and $3.50 Men's Elk Work Shoes at New Curtain Materials, per yard, from 10c to FOR SATURDAY ONLY New Drapery Material, Me 0 's Heavy Weight per y~rd, from 25c. to Blue Denim Overalls 'See Our New Line of Silk Crepes at and Broadcloths, per yard, from 59c te. Window Shades, -in tan or green, special, 69c and ...




Do You Know Whether you need GL SSES or whether .. your , gla88es should be CHANGED? If , glasses should be changed are ' needed the necessity. of It will nevel' be less'but .i ncreasing· ly greater. · .Better . know . NOW.. EyeJ •. Vision, Rl1alth, eointort, Efflc, all -demand you KNOW • . Have eye.s examined theli you will , thinmty way 'you 'can kt)ow• . I to 't hank the people of Wayne. fol' the ,splendid response they


maite. .

Thu"""" at Gran,......


-""--kers Butter, Soda or OY8ter, 1.4c Kroger made, lb . . . . . . . . --------------------------COFFEE Golden Sant08, Fresh 35c Roa8ted, per pound ... . .

Jewell, pound ............ ............. :39c


44'c" 22c

Coun. Club he.h cre.mery, Ib.... ...... ,



Nut, 110 .............. Churnlold. Ib ............................31c


..«.. BarS orroonMacaTau, Sn.p.· F~ah .m.d., Ib,...

Candy 'Cho~~I~te Dr.op., KrOler, 110


A ..or~.d Cho~olate~ .. Ib .... :" .. .2o" i

Bacon:1................:......~ ".;1 ')'2c".

·Nlc., .I•• n,

.~~g~ .. ~...... ~.....



Fr.. nch ....... ............ .. .............. :....47c






Seventy-Bighth Year

····..···················:· IState. Capital

Whole Number 5697


I"'teresting Items frOln the


•• j

Prepared by Columbus Reporter

_ ................... ". <.•• -

--- --- -

, COLUMBUS. OH 1O- l nRte ad of the withd rnwal of Curmi A. Th(ll1lp, SOli from the Ilepublicnn ~ u bCl' n " · tori al contest elnrifyinl( th" s ituuti on it hns caused a g reat chan ge of f ront of many who were both willilll(' und rendy to throw .thc ir hnt in the ring ~ong sid e of t he Clevela nd Colone l. , li e was one oC the rea l tri ed and true R ~p ublienll ~ thu~ hn,:e b~cn CII Il · >lidc rin g entranc e to th e rmg In wluch no do ubt Vic Donuhey will bc one of 1he contestanls. Of th ose who have dther entered ur urc ubout til <'ntel' lhrel' were Bull Moose 1 ~II!I " r s on ly Jl ft.w yea r. ag(). Myers Coop,,!, wus oW! or the Iln nnciul backc l's lIC the M'oosc rs; Thud H . Brown wa~ 'I d," f C2lted candidate on the Bull Moose ticket a nd Charl elf L. Knighl wus running one .,f the et rongl'sl Bull Moose org an ~ \1\ nil Ohio, It is 1(11in~ t o he jU llt ~ dlll.ldy COllt " L to wfttch from the SId e h nes, "lid there is goi ng ttl be II lot of !ruod energy wasted, But evull with this l o ~ s the e n ergy Bnd ft ghtin l( qualities of the defeated DIY be expcctad to be dc. "eloped before t he November eilletio n Ilrri ves. Some how or othel'. the loscr s in politkal fr ays, like th ose In love affairs, aren't soon forgotten. they are not a bit di8llppoin ted wh ~n the elution returns begin to cOlli e In alld thl! I ·Ilow wh o dcfcu ted t he oth er one for the nomination is running llehind the h ead oC t.i)e ticket. Revenge is juot tbe samc in politics 08 III b llJli ness or JOVIl, and just as 5weet. Lieut. Gov. Ch ll$, H. Lew Ul, and State TreMurer HarrY S. Day, are the only two nll-t he i r-Iives-Republicans who have entere" the co nt est, but n either seem to be taking advantage of the opportllojt)' which prese nts iuelf at the- prellent; time.

HISTORICAL SOCIETY LATE SEASON THREATENS CROP SEEKS fAMOUS •Reporls from ull q uarters shuw INDIAN MOUNDS tha t the scoson is nlread y from one to three weeks Int e and it i ~ certain that co rn wil l not be i n the I( round II" elll'lv li S it ~ h o llld be to allow a good sofe m,u'rrill of till1' to ill "III'C full lII uturity heful'!' fl'c('zil1l!' 1I' ('uthl'l' thi s fnll. With ' n loss of 10 til 2() doys on t. he f orc part of th e Kc aso.', the danl:er of another soft CI'fII y ar is looming 11I1'I(e in the opin ions of l'orn

gl" o w e r~

thru u ul \Vurl'C'u roun'I'h e . clI"on of I!J:! ·l ha s nol been

ty. forg-otLc n and funnel's are afildng whut Clln be lI olle lo furtify the ir .orn field s nl(a in"t the cl'I·tainty of a lill'J rt sea: "n Il nd tbc' l' "ssiililily of s ft. illlll1atul' ~ (' 0 1'11 of low Il1llrkd nut! fuedi nl!' lluu lity. The im jlur lull ce " I' te ~tillg t he R(·l.'ll ha s ull'ead y rI! C('j\'t,d

U g' 1't!fl t


hli ~ hl' l'n prl'lty we l! thi ~ cuunty. Th orulIl!'h ~lTe p " "lItiun uf th e seed bed is ul\\'u~' s I" Ill' ole"ir(><I. bul , wit h la te

of uttc·ntioll and taken Cill'C of in

stnrtinl1' uf fi "III wo rk. llluch C01"l1 Illnll wi ll not be put in ,bl'Rt ~ hllpe for pllln ti nt::. On factor in thc ~ uccess­ ful j(I'uwiny, nf corn t hnt clln still b ' tak(,11 cllre of is that uf prnpe r lind n<i equul<' {<. I·t iI ,zer lrent III '·ni. The CIII' II g n,w !' I' I an 10 II vthi a g thut will 1':0 farth(' r to in"ul'" a high yie ld of e:l rly-maturinlt co rn than to provide plenty of nvu i\uble plant food for thc crop LlII'oughout th e I(rllwinA' sca~ on, It is of Utlllost inqwrLU nc e to have this plant food IIndlable to the young COl'll pla nt in t hl' "ady dll.)' s of its growth wh en the production of avail. ble plant f o()d ~ goes on sl wly in the ~ o i l. An cnrly . Vi!!UI'OUS s ta l·t in the first ll10n th will oflen Ildvunce t he ripelliul( f COl'll by as muc h us two weeks. E\'ell un week lllU Y make t he differe nce b.' twecn so und col'n and soft corll, a. it (lid Oil mllny {c rLi li ~ed fie lds in 1924. Due to th varilltion of soli typl'~ in the co un ty it is imllra cti wble to gi ve nny set fertilizer treatmcnt that wou ld be a pplicable to al l fie lds going into co m this season. . H owever. ilJ,' formation bueed 011 f ertility experiments ca rriE:d ou t on sllllilar soil types iii the county and s tnte a re avoi /llble to t hose commullicating direct with the county Agricu ltural Agent lit th e Farm Bureau Omc.e. Leballon, Ohio.

Nel:otinlillns fo.. the pUI'!:huse of th c SCI'IWllt l\Iuund in WUITcn cuun ty {VI' the Ohio 11i"llll'icu l und Archrelug-icu l uH s ociuliu n , were announced

III"l wcek by Montgomery county offi· eel'S uft!'r n meeting Ilt Fl. Ancient. Th e mel,t inl{ W 08 the I1ll nulIl gll th.. ring of the Final1 ('e committee o f th e a~ socill ti u ll, of whi ch body J ohn G, mith, Needmore roud, is a member . Qunty Auditor Joseph A. Lutz, " IRO nU e nded the mee tin g. An ill ves tigtttiun (jf the ow nershi p of the nH'lIml was mud e by me mber!< of the board foll owing' lheir session at Ft. Alldcllt, und it \l'U S "u id plans would be imm ediately nlude to a sk th e State Icgislntu re t u pUl'ch u'e the hislorical I'll t of ground for th e sOl·iety. I'rofcssllI' Moorhead. ·hurta noorra. Telln. , auth or ity on histOl"lca l sub· jecls, is now muking a se nrch of t he mr, u nd ((n' c"idel1l!c to nsslI l'iute t he muund buil,1 rs of Oh io wit h those wh o constrllcted lIIounds in Georgia li nd II nUlllber of SoUthCI'1I stnles. Seve ra l pic,- l" of pottery takc n from ::;outher n mounds fire to be lIh"d us II med iul1l of c() mJ,lal'iso n, beca use il i ~ knowlI that tIl(' mound-l ,uilrl"I' trihes each hud n sc parutc mnnn ,,1' in whi ch implemenls (If \VlIr uml hOl1le were bui lt.



- - ,. . .,



Next Sunday night at the M. E. church the l(lc~l elimin ation. medinl( In tho stu te·wlde de clamatIOn contest will be he ld. This <;ontest i, for the I)Urp ose of promo ti ng peace interes ts in th e Hig h schools. Th e winner of th e local co ntest. in addition to rece ive II bronze medu l, will compete in t'h a co un ty co ntest later· T he pe rso n lI'ece iving fir st hono.r III the coun t y will be awarded a SIlver medn l ; th e wi nn er of th e CO[lgressionn l di strict wi ll reccive a golil meda l. whil e lh e Sta t e winner will be th e r cipient of $500 and a four-year sdlOlal'ship. Various other st ate pri zes wi ll be awarded to those of high Atandinl{, Those en tcrlng the local contest a r e; Kellneth Re tu\li ck Ada Shan er Martha Nich()ls Anna R ola nd Everett Doan .

"" .. f GET ORGANIZEnU millA: dcl(Ollllti , which

t \\'!J

t e n·ton wh r d

: tI 'l' u,<· 01 in the grin d in g "f III,wd"I' al lh" 1\ ing I'o\\'(/ " r t ul11·

pan y . a t I,ing, Mill. , wu s fe lt rul' llI il .·, ~ I ' I,u nd ~h " I'U y after midnight, Will W l1 )' n" ' \'ilk, ha v(' II lltl~ eball Tm':;da)', !'>:one \\" 're kill ·d 01' injur. tellm thi H SUllIn,, ',.·! Wd l. why nul'! (.J Se ve rnl \\'UYIII.'H villc citizens ar c Th er e i,< plent y of mal 'rial in lhi : saiol 1(1 hun' fdt th e s hu ·k. Th ,· \'Ife ' L .. I' Lll(' e~J1 lus i o n, \l'hi "h

com mun ity

organize n

tt l

need nllt tuk.,



du st ,

Wa s



ha ve occ urred between

Lust 1~ "nol I ~ ::l V, "as fe lL within a rayeu r 's team \\' un tw e lve uut of the lliu ' !Jf thirty mill'S aruund. I n Lebseven teen ~:tI1l (,~ p l uy~d f o r a PC' J'('l;Il .. an on pc upl.· were IIwakcncd lind mil· ny dr ess",1 hUI'riedly and r ushed intu tage of .'Oll. al1d a majurity uf lh e the s ll'ecl. to> " , . what it was all p l "y~rs are 1I\'"i lable to f!Jl'm th· nu- a Ullut. It is rcp ul'tNI thut th e llIa n who cleu s for anoth e r win n in g nggTc~a ­ hud charge of the gr inolinig w hed, t iu n. '(' he )) , t " " . we undel'slllnd that was Iln the juh hut WII 8 inju r eol uut there ill quite a hit of likely looking- , lighlly, It is said that lhe PO\\ del' ta len t in the II igh schoo l, which fill' till' grin ding wh eel iij prepa red lly shou ld he ol,uut ready to : t"p out in hilll Wilh the Utlllust ca re nnd he thl' n a bil fa stl'r t omlJany. Ju st a yeti I' I,'a vl's th (' machitlf's sclling them in nwtitJlt by m ea ns o f u s wit s h locH lc u ur So ago, G0f1 ~ 1 ultc l'thw u it c an d SUllie ,listllnc!' frum lhe whcl'ls , T om Bun o)) Wel'l' schl)(1\ Hta rs. and Oldl·r rc: ill e llts Ilf the puwd c l' t own the Mia llli fnn s lUl\' !' II I.t fll l'go tten ~lI Y th a L n ut in the lasl furty yeurs th e ir fint· \I'(,rk last s umn", I', su ch lin explusion occurred . No Boys. rl on't you thi nk th a t it is ann ounce ment has becn made of the about time tu uugin Kelling bu sy'? lo"s suff ered uy th!! cOlllpany. All the Ruh'ounding teallls IlI'e organ izing and. ir a 1:00<.1 schedu le is to be urranged. it will huve tu be stllrlcd nnyb(ldy' ~

At last! 'rhe stage of the Gym is thc proud possessor of a new curta'ln! Those who had bee n watch· ing the streum of water drippilll;l fr nm a erc\'ice" on t he old curtain for so many '~enrs , hnd a lmost deci ded that some' dny Waynesvilile would be fl ooded. P erhaps no w we will have "ome spring weath er. At :ony rate th e new curt.ain will make its premier ol'pcnrnncc Friday night when pretty S(.Ion. Stirnnn'r is cprnir)J{ , evl h~ Nurmul class Pl'CMcllts "Just Out an if · it. docs sec n ~ I o w . nnd it won't ll e long until th e faI lS will IJe hungry " f \ollrge."




The marin es ab Quantico. Va., will fight mo squitos this summ er with flying machi n e-so Comman der McLean will scatter fr olll plunes sa wdust soaked in water co ntninin g II littl e arse nio. It isn't "tJ'llng enough to hurt humans. birds fi sheR- in f act, it's a good tonic fo r them. But it will destroy mosquitos in "wunl ps. creeks or stagnant water in. sta ntly. j u ~ t as a slap t hat does not h \I rt you I' cheek kills the mosquito.

The Goverriment ought to b e doand anx i ou ~ fo r' n J:{lnd g am e. in!! thnt work everyw her e. \\' uyncs vi ll e Can have n guod t eam; The foUowin!! Sen iors are hOIJing To rid the entire country of mos. su wh~{ not ~ut husy? Cum e on , boys , t o grudu ute 011 May 20th ; 'Juitos wou ld be wor th fi fty tim es let's go. l he Nationa l debt. Geo rge Bu nn ell, Rh ea Jan et CartIt is sa id that th e Rockefeller wright. Lucile Clark, Em ma Cummins A co ntlnulltion of Amer ica n pros· foun dation, whi ch seeks to prevent Evorett Donoihoo. Irwin Frien d,G1enn perily haMLeen pretty gene rally pre- di, ease, r llther thun to cure in divid. I'r)'e. Mild red .Githens. J ohn Gons, d icted by the heads of various indus· ua ls, muy try t he fl yi ng machine mos\,,,lma Grisha m, E ls ie H awk e, Esther tdcs in th e country for so me ti me. quito nttock. If successful, it woulll lI cnde rNo n. Doris Henderson, F ra ncee • Henlde . Marj orie Hubble, Ad elbert Prospe rity statemc nt~ have now bee n end yellow fever and malaria foreve r. McMilla n. Edwin Ramby, Den a Rich. given s upport by James 1Il. Lynch, Kenneth Reta llic.k, Harold Smith, Mapresiden t of the Internationa l Typory Stansberry, Annn Thomas, Mary While others talk the practical gl"llphical Union and one of the lead- .Tapanese go straight ahead. RceentMargaret Ung-lesby, Ne lson Watkins, A good JllIstlire mlly be ruin ed f or ing labor leade rs in the United Iy th ey completed a gigantic, longlItesdame!; Hurry Smith nnd Kell er Lucile St John, Luella Williamso n, distance born bing airplane, 80 big it Alice Win!lt(lrl, the Test of t he season ir the cattle States. !:lake proved them"elvcs charming took Beven ratlroad cars to carry It. lire turned out to gra.Q before the In a r ecent statement Mr. Lynch hostesses' when they pleasantly enterYesterday, Japan added to her The girls of the class of '27 enter- grass has ha d a chan ce to get a go od declared that the printing trade is powerf ul fleet a huge submarine of tained on last Thursd ay at lhe home ta ined at the hom e of E lizabeth a lways se nsitive to business fluctua- 2,000 tons, with all the latest devices. of th e forlller, In honor of the ir moth- Renkle last Thursday night, the start , Early g razing destr oys t he facto ry tio ns, and has in the past yea r es- including heavy guns, a war submaer, Mrs. Rebet'Ca Furnas. to whonl it bo ys of t he class, who recently won rin e able to cr088 any ocean, able to> wa l; somew hat of a surprise, when the basketball banner in H. S. Elab- that grows t he gruss, f a rm crops caped th e slump which might naturnl- carry and release flying maohin ell. orate "ea ts,'" games and dancing speciallsts at th e Ohio State univer- Iy have been expected following a While the United States 80lemnnenrinig t he noon-day hou r some filled the evening. The qu elltioll r eA recent s urvey of improved strcets Iy di sCU9SC1I beer and the right of cit;. in the clltH ()f Ohio show that out of h.l'r life-long fri ends began to ar- mail1s--will the boys expect 8Ullh a ity point out. If cattle are put on period of general prosperity. "The old cycle of bus iness boom , izens to select their own beverages. of a total of 1960 mil es in aix of the grass too early in t he spring, it will rh'e, and she discovered that her treut n ext yeur? large,r citlel. 1236 a rc imfroved with stunt the growth of the pastu re and s lump and r ecovery seems to be n Japan attends to things Dlore impor-bir thda y was t o be c e l~brnte d. - -- ....... -- - brick paving, the other 7' 4 miles besc ri ously reduco the carrying capac- thing of the past," 8Bid L ynch. Pros- tant. At 12 ;3 0 all WE'l'e In\'lted to the Those who made an avernge of 90 ity l hr ough th e su mmer. pcrity is making a long visit with ing improYed with at lenet a half din ing-room, wh ere a delicious three- or nbove du r ing the last ter m, arc: The fir st growth in t he sp ring is Amorica, a nd barri ng so me unforeChinese doctors are paid when ' dozen differen t kind s of material. COllI'S dinne r wus sen'ed. After din- Doris Hender son ........... .. This survey shows among other 92 14 mad e frolll food mate ri a ls s tored up seen developm ent we ar e going to e n. their patients are well. No pay when nC I' s eeches by Ii t~l e Anna Louise Vashti Beckett .. "" .. "" ....... .. 91 % in the roots over th e winte r , an d it joy flouris hin g busin ess fo r many they are sick. If Uncle Sam could things -t hat of 863 miles of paved and Benton Hoke. followed by a hap· Mildred Githens .... " ....... . , str eets in Cleveland. 592 are brick. 91 ~ is f rolll t his stor ed Cood that the m onths. Many conditions contribute ananre that for hiB children he would py convel·sntional. mode the time pass Mary Hu nt Toledo has 164 mile8 of its 802 91 plant must get its start in t he spring. to this situntion, not the least of save mon ey. Every day there are ... . all to soo n. miles paved with brick, while Akron 91 Jo' ood is mnn ufllct ured in lhe leaves which has been the continuance of a 2,30 0,000 sick people in the United G~ n evu Denlinger .. " ' . .Those wh o enjoyed this pleasllnt a f- Everett Doan hal! 131 miles of brick out of 201 as tho su pply in t he r oots is ex ha ust- hig h wllge level. Well paid wo rking States. 91 , fair were; Mrs. Rebecca Furnas, ' a rolyn Swartzel .. improv~. Dayton has 11 4 miles of Allow $6 for each lost workiD~ ... 90 '!!o ed. In stea d of guini ng feed by graz- people have provided an unfailing Mrs. Elizabeth Bai ly, Mrs. Christy E lizabeth Branstrator paving of which 66 are brick; Can90 % ing off the first blades of g rass that market f or all goods prod uced. If day hi t hese high wage times, and During t he past week Dr. More"mploy ment in aU lines co uld be McK insey. lIlrs. Rachel Crew, Mrs. Anna Thomas ...... .. with 82 of brick; the total would appreciably redUce tori 101 miles, 90 ',4 give vigor and growth to the plant Zanesviile 36 out of 38 mil es are IlI nd und three a ssistant>; have bee n Lina De\·itt. Mrs. lI1nry Waterhouse. F ran ces Henkle .. ... .., .. . .90 ';4. for th e season, by turning out th e more fu ll¥ e tabliahe d we would be the Natl()nal debt. . insured again st business fluc tuaWorse than the loss of wages i. brick ; Ashland 20 out of 28 miles busy on the Brannock fllr m; south of Mrs. Edw in Furnas. Mrs. E lia s Ogstock early th e g rass r eceives a setti o ns," Il'sby. Mrs . J ames Vand er\·ort. Mrs. are brick; Ironton 1G of 22 miles arc shortening of life. Colds, that ~ back that it cannot overco me. lown, (,XI uvaling in an old mound on The Sophomore class entertain ed There iM no apparent r easo n why hauncey Bunnell, Miss Monimia pIe neglect or despise, weaken the brick;Warren 36 of 47 are brick. S pecia l nttention should be g iven . Mansfield 33 of 48 miles are brick; lhat fa rm. This salli e locality wu~ Bu n nell. Mrs. Harr y Smith Mrs. Ke l- t he High schoo l a nd Faculty last Fri- t() the pastu re this spring, the ul\ive~­ the year 1926 should not be a banner system permanently, and cut BO maday with th e f ollow ing program; ~ffl. 18 of t he 3 7 improvcd streets excavated in 18P2, an d much pottery ler Hoke and children. s ity crops specia li sts believe. beca use Olle fo r American bus iness, despite ny mon t hs from your life at the far itr\! J,rl, kl ;w~ i1e Lima has 32 miles and India n bOlles and relics were Vocal Duet--Cllrolyn Swartzel a nd spring is late und it does not pay t o t he fact that for a month or two end. pf pric)s filghW9Ys, Aman r o' 30, Wo ostake a chance with a good past\l r~ for t his faU we will be in th e midst of Geneva AuU. . a heated poHtical campaign. 30 'and ·PorleJJIP. uth 46 of th e 4 fou lid. Class Prophecy .. .... ........ . Allan Shrye a week's ' grazi'1g. S ciencQ proves that canned ~ jJllPfcWM ' miles of' ~treets lire' with The purpose of the work at t he Piano Duet-Geneva Ault and J ean tables retain their full quota of Ylt,.. l>rlllk. ~1)i,npu8, ~I)~' ,Crip i~o city, present time is t o dete rllline the naH ockett. amiD!. This haa been known for a . blll 8'19 miles pf !mprpveg. stree~, .o f tur e of the relics found, and whether long time to doctors that gave cannell Class Graph .. ... .......... " ...... Ruth Oook The Young Friends w ill meet a t Saxophone Solo ........ He rman Sllrfaee whillh 212 are llrU:K and tl)e r~ inain­ t he same Indians hnd r esided he re as tomatoes to infants in public fnlti.. the Benn et home. Su ndllY. Apr ilj 26, Play " ......... ... , ... "'fhc Out;:koo-~ NeB~" jog J67 mil et lIivlded among six oth- at Ft. Ancjel't. tu tions, unable to afford fresh 01'0Mr, Moreland CO\lnd several pi eces at 7 :00 1'. Ill. 'Follow ing is th e pro- Charat;:tef'lV-Thl!lll1[l Satterthwaite, All the ban ks of W urren county er malerial •• ange juice. The juice of the toma .. of po~tel'YI 1Inp several hopes sup- grulll; to is rich in vitamins, which makes Margal'et Ed wat'II$, EvelYll Swart- have unanimously ag reed to c lose it important to incfude a well-made While almost continuoull cold anti posed to Jill tha~ of I n~ia n ~. He a lso Devotion al Leador ..... Jean Hockett zel, Roy Ellis, Allen Shrye, Wade ellch Wednesday afternoon, begin tomato soup or canned tomatoe.. rainy weather has delayed farming det ermined that the me Tnd inns had Leader ning May I, and contin uing until NoIF loratnond Roed' Tumer. stewed in the regular family diet. activities throughout t he State. no resided here us (It F t . Ancient, aM the Topic, "Meeting Troublo and T emp- ·Readlng ........ ..... ..... ........ Vera Conner vember I, 1926. dau;n.age has been <lone as yet to the clallS of pottery was identically the taUon." Warren County Banker s Assn., Spirited bidding featur ed th e State buit· crop and 'winter wheat looks same. Visitors a lwa ys welt'Cme. Rev. C. E. Wagner, of the MethIn tho E Slla~~ contest recently sponSevllrlll things were brought to W. W. Whitaker, Ch.a~~,an. Highway Department's opening of odis to be in excellent ~ondition. Le ~ s t Episcopal cl\lIrch, says belief in sored by the W. C. T. U., the subject E. C, Dunh.a'.l'" ~\\ N t"ry. plowing ' hllll been done at l this time light whIch nlod e t he work ver y interbids for ncw cons tru ction wOl.'k toimmortality is grc1wing feeble. He being the eft'ec ts of alcohol, the folthan in many years so late ,In the esting. There is no dou bt t hn t f urthday. at Columbu s. of the knows, IIndoubtedly, but the ate. lowing, person s received honers: .ea.on, 'a nd farmers arc far behind e r work will be aeco mplishod along projects had 10 to L2 competitors ment i8 amazing. ,their work according to reports, this line later on. Fourth Grade-Ruth Hockett, Mil~ What ill worth wbile if hope of me rman, Charles Whitaker, Mere- a nd for one jOQ a6 bids were s ubmit- immortality ton Graham, Merle Planck. . but wltb UJe coming ' of warm ana be taken away,! "The . Mrs. L!1 ui s Keller died at her home dith Whitaker. ted. Cout1'llcts wiil be awarded Fifth Grade -BellSie Woollard, Vir' '(,'.~/lJ' f'",~el there will be plenty of satisf"ction of providing for your near Uticu. Monday morning. The ginia Foulkll, llfifiam )!:lIIs. Eighth Grade - Catherine Bran- within 10 da ys. f':\:~ k al1fJ de~nd iOf fl\r/ll }Ielp i8 children, which is a kind of immorfuneral wus held at the home thi ~, strator, Roberta Cro ne, Louise Hen!n~re~led _ ' y e ' en~ lit s()me the farmFollowing were ;the low bidders tality ," YOIl mol' say. What satis-. Sixth Grad('~Mar y Jo Mlller, Le- derso n. We~ne~ tl oy . lIlornipg, Rev. L, /I.. lng nte ' of ~e $'tate. !\. survey the short stretch o t road from on Is that, if children in their· . lit na Earnhart, Ronald Hardin. Lytle-Marie Hubble, MafY Sav- the south corporatioD, line of Way- faction of both the pell'cb and othllr e ~l)' The stook ef the' Dllyton Power and Wushllurn officiating. Burlnl turn are born only to die and forSeventh' Grado-Mary Louise Zim· age, Bernice Graham. Hopkln ~ v lll e , Ohio. fruits indicate that little or no dltm. light compllny, ' merged with the Conesville to the Greene county line: ever r emain dead? age haa been done W the buds und lum bia Gas and Electric company, Section N. Columbus-Cinci nnati II bumper crop 6eeins assured unless which is held by sevetai thousand road, 4.167 IIli les, T. W , Weeks, of _'f.n-- -. r-- -- -.----- -_., -, . ----._- --.., ---~--.---- - Bpt immortality is real. Matter there is a freeze or late heavy frost . residents of Dayton and the Miami Dayton; water-hound macadam su\'fac e t~eated, $ 107.579.85; some rOlld an d fo rce are indestructible. Would B), A. B. CHAPIN valley, wilh share in th e incr eased Co.. OH. SAY CL\N \,:'GU i:!EAR - ~ .. .6311 mile, section Waynesville , '1'. the wisdom that controls this universe There i. Jpst olle Republican in lumbia dividend aDllo unced today W . Wee ks, Dayton, concrete, ~ 17,- doom consciousness. the light of the a1\ Ohio that Is qertain to "be re,nom- from 'New York. The common stock 4010.05. tur macada m, $16,961.31, soul, to eternal death, while giving ~te~ at the t'\-llgU8t pr)m~rie8. That was placed on unnual div idend basis perpetual Ilxlstence 1;Q force and oil macada m, $17,096.35. . JJ. '13. ~nMo~ Frlln, Willis. of $6 a shore, with a ' quarterly dis matter? bursem~ nt of $ 1.25 n shal'c, it wus, t fj undetstoo~ tha~ th e~c wIU no ~w.t ert , ___ _ oPPollitlon to bis can<jidacy f or 1\ S uza nne LegleD fs to be married ---.""'~. lII!Cond ten». Hi/! tdend.ll a.r e, I!ow. a nd every s tiFplculturist, cunvtnccd ever, anxioua that he roll up a large that the raee can be improved by sciprimary V(lte liven in . plte ot this ent ifie selection of parents, will be fact, .. an evidenl.le of PArt)' Olln})interested in the French champion's denee. It ill well ~nown t hat ojfe.s The mem b e r~ of th& Eustern Stnr of liberal Allanelal, t Upport trom husband-to-be Is Jacques those inclined to modify or repeal gllve 8 mjs'lell[lll 9\1~ shower after Brinide,i olteS Offenbach. grandson of the Voltltead law haa been offered tIIelr last' chapter meeting as a surOffenbach. who composed the music: one or two leading Rep\lbli~lIn l If prise, comp limen t ing Miss Ma rye Th e Warren Co unty Qrand Jury f or t he "Tales of Hoft'mann," includ-, , they would oppose Senator WillIs tor Thomas. a prospective bride. She wus fo r the January te rm, o ~ court. was re- illg the "0 Belle Nuit, 0_ Nutl;; the nomination. One at lellllt has pres\!nted with llIany useful nn(\ cH lled in sessio\\ at Lebanon, Tues- d'Amour" s ong. considered the propolli~ion, but after. beauti(1l1 ,arlftIJ a ~ a.1i a]lpreciatibn day to exal\~nu the evide nc e Iink~ a ca nvllll8 0'1 the situation dec;lded it for t he various services she has renCla rcnQ e . Hagg",rty, J all1es Henry, to be an imporplble conte.t ... nd thnt dered the "hapte r during the years Chn rl~s Sohoonover and Carl RanMadame Lenglen's young man- rn... defeat 'of Willis was more euily dis- she 'has been mwnber of the Order. doll, all of Miamisburg, with recent heriting his grandfather's taleJIt, is cussed than lIrought about. 'Absence A delicious lunch WM lIer'ved and a theifs and robb eries in Warren a poet of ability. Suzanne Lenglen, ,. of any opposition ,to' Senator Willis, d elightf~l time ~a5 eJi.joyed by all. ' County. with her 'JlIarvelou8 coordination of it i8 pid,' will not, however, prevent .,. F I mind, nerves and muscles, and ber Sherl.ft' Bt"n.dt , Depu t Y Shetb. ----~.---~,~ -u - ardent tem~el'ament IIhould have' him 'from taking just; ne activl\ part 118 kerth Imd Matahal W. E. Graham ~e ,can ill the"4-ugu~t primaries. were tile only witnesses ealled by wonderful c ildren, with the right , C., \ T~ . ~. Prollecutor Donald Dilatush. It Is father. · d! t >- ' U b • On the other hand, the clIcheD may . expeet e d th a t In , C men ... WI e vo.- not even be able to play ' teJlnis.. ' The W~~n Cllunby mid-year meeted agaifl st 't he. four 6uspectll, wbo are You can't breed humans by' uy , ' In~ the W ol'\ian.'tj Christian Ternknown rule. . '.', beld. at ,Lebanon. El\'orta to link the men with the " peranc~ Union ,will ,b e held 1It Orego. Agai!) the ·A~'gel.'IJntl· come nta ThlrkteJd robbery and slaying of > " . ," M. E. churCh, ·Saturday; April 2,*. In our niid8V~",d ta~e.n our. brpth,et, begfilDfng at l,P , ~. m. ' \ 1,' Night Watchman James A. Benge, In.p~tiQD ,' ,LY.JlIan Silver. ,;May weI 1Ul ·,Pu~ons , AU 'ladies o( ,t he , ci>unty interested !farch, ~l, hav.e fl!iled, ~f!I~ers said. ' ' . . , ' ~" I>t HU~bandl')', ·be bet ter 'Patrons. I~ , tliecl!tus~ ' of,. ~~mperaile~ are , ~cir­ . W~n county authorltles are mak Annuill inspection of Order ~ lalt.lliu ly ~~nlt oll the I wqrlt }t~ ,holly ~v.ited·,to , lle1,"pfesont: , _ .,I' • ITIg no effort to apprehend Floyd ern star Willi held IllIIt .W.edtuilldAy enjoye ' 8() ",uoh , "" ,do, , , : , Tbllt~ will be a. splendid, program Sc.hoo~over. and William Bak!lr, of night. Mrs, Ed Mun-eU, 01 C1a:r~ , .. Brother SilyClJ' ~1~ ~(a work.'1ifelJ and ~p'vered dis~.·~~cr. ;,' • MlI~ml~burg. understood to. be IJI De- ville, DepntY .Grand"Matron, m ' the the OrchitJ\ ,anel WU I\ver ready . troltL but Bake r. mllY be ~uabt , b.f i.n~e'ctmg ofllcer. ' ",~' I; I' , , ',e ' •• ,IIUPPOrt tJ:IJ!1 thinp·thatpertained ~ M6mgomery countY ofJ\'<t.,J"i. " I SUpP~l! ' was I4!hteJ to apogt ~Il. , better' eommnnit,. hunqred aDd I18ventJ-~~ , , • 'Vlh.~, W,e, ; ,the membena . of Fumerl ,~. Gran••, ~'nd Ul\to his '. 'amily oUl"ltncere :Iympathy and 'may > HII' In, .'whj)jn they trua; give the~ comfOrt. . ... Wh~ We .-.quat that a tb.,. ,remlaUon. be Mnt th~ , ..4 ,0• • ~e4 DpoJl ,the minute. tbe .. Ord.., ' . ~








----_ ..- - - -


Young Friends

. --











Miscellaneous Shower

p'\:I:L- L- A Y














U., Meeting


E . 5 •- • altern tar.





""14"m1 QAZETI'E

21. C.

MInnich. Q1 Ox (ol'd. thl$ ", ..r k II h cnncl h,lllcy f or • t nle Mbato" to t lJr .•"lIt j h (n ~trlc t ,,,'1\). ~ 01 Wan on. Butler, Dl Iv il und IUIJlOU II




~O\lnti l'8.

\. ~.

Oliver ,A. Brock et al.. de-

In re·diuolution of the


COMMON P J,.E AS PROCE EDINGS Meh SU ~I 'C'M!:iOT. ~crvc 3 ~ Npeci.\1 pcti . j ll ro ,'_' for the The ":rIP of hie \'~. Paul Rr< hlll T Il(' IStnl(' of hi \'S.· Dlln H. 01- remainder of lh" .Jullunry I('t'm ' 1111, t1ti ",, <I,llll L"l,nd I,\'~ r til ~Iu\ jVl· r. dl' f'>llIlunt fou lld ~u ilty Illld sen· co urt, nnd the IUIIll ' (If fift en I'l'r· Hubby _ l'l=tu lh kll ckNI n homt' (;1'11.,,1 ,)It"Y uII ,k,' :foiIO [, lin II , wit i. I('IIC" (I 1.1 from (1tH' lo t hrill' Vell rs in Mn. \\,I' rc d rawn 1'1'1' I h!> M!l v tH IlI run th 1)th r dny .,nd t h,' pa Jw rs stly \\'. C. I \d . :r " ' lI·pl\,. 1."1..,,. th(' Iht' Ohi .\ Sl.l\ t~ l'r'lIi t rllt ill ry 'ltt hllrd or t h,' I(l'II lI d jury. ' the bl<' nch(\l'!\ wo nl wil d!" IIdl'lIt1;lI,1 1'1<';111.. 11 l~irilty In Ihe 11l\', l' 3,"1 wns o ", kce ') to pay costs - - -Wi£ey- ' ''l'unl' K nn i l18u1t - hru· c.ilal'lrt' I.r ,.:a n~lflJr ,.:nJh t.' al, ·d Wt' !\I1- •• 1' p , u!'\ ·eut ion. N E W SUITS n t tcs yeU at )!'IIIllt"., I. u:" 01"" ·\,)"],,h Yorn" '"HI Tl I'ron E . Ely, fl . 1\. Cr oss nn,1 R, G . Crlls~ ,loinJ{ ?

.. -

..... - . - -



ll'J'Qnk SUVS t hut ,t".!.· ! ,I",,·, ill dKl West tiRed ho, ~,' ., ""' Iollt nowadays lh ·y u~" Ii ] li :. "I Ii III · oueinos.


The sny thnt drink;' ), 1.",'1",," a mll11 's lifld But )II,,"t "f 11ll'''' ",.,.1 twice 0 8 much. aJlyway.

I illi. ilh.,n.,', d:d llllll.



n, l ' " l·lIl,\r.... \ ~f th ,' 1'.~.lntl\ r .Joh n '.ll~n~ . d\l' I' a ~t.· tI . \ ~, I he L l' bullon· ,'1 r no, 1111\ I :11tH' , LilHl' 1': ltt.' I 1I 1~ l' 11:-: t..ij tk . a~ a d')lf , of t.h(~ (,8lnt e 1'''\I),d ,\'d ~lH il'f,:J t .ull lit 1. , \ " : T l'l.'~~ , d t'l'\' HS,' d, d l.' f(~lI d f.\n t \ ~. ("h :l rlt'~ I ,. 'Ra k(' r . IIInt\"l' "I'll!' pp tit it\n t.f

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:IHHI t, ~'. \11 tI le \:~:-l'.

,t '''"I l. .• ~ d I t ... nk Ilf


ttl'\' d I )· Il1t.I J' onil-r u f coul'l u nd \\';1~ lll'dl') t' d ttl l PPClll' :lnd C'i\'l' un

1 1,C'l L (l\ll"'.

Mlna Murphy, of South Lebanon to

r,, "ilUlll Gruce . Whitacre. allowed Paper CompanY.l, roof of publioatl on hurlcR C. Simpson, n tract in South, I liln oC $1708.82. wbl eh the cour( of ~ I\le procccdlnil's wns proiiucLld an d L('bunoll" 1. ' . \ll'd~r ' d 1'1 iel wil.\tiu fi\'c-dny!. 8 g II ral account: given. . 11. H. Hcmlllo to H:arry Fordyoe J . Q. Slwp-crt, as lIe1mr. with the Jud..on A. Moffett \·s. lW znbt't h und Nuomi o For dyce. "bout .l2 I1h~s will 11111 'xed of t)1<' cst.llt e of J!lIIlCII Moff ett. action oli pluin ti ff f llr n 1l1l'(' in ' I co rcr ~(' k T p .. $1, W . Mou,·(). d e c~ntlc d , 1'5• • Mar ia E . de fi ll ile cross-)Jet ition \\tI S ovurrul ed .J 'cph 1 . !iller t o n. . mdri ch::o Curhy. ct aI., the co urt mterpreted by court. lind S. S . ' ·ibbnls. II IHII·tn er ship con· ""i d will li nd J\umo d th l' nm ou nt5 for Nn llllls wer o dr ll wl\ fo r P ~I'Nj\ll t; t n I' r n 1m \\'n ns th e f:l dr idl\'c F.ntul·

I'''r d n llllt 111 11.

r;t'-- ------------ - _______________

e f rig era to r s

tnin m nl \[{ ,UflC . " t ,'acl in F r 3nklill . ~ I, J a Ules 11. Mill r 11110 Bnrbntll A.


:rl ilh'r h' FI'!IIIII P . 1I1i1l c r , :1 ill r l'.lIlkli n T p. , :;; l. . 1 1II'~·tl r"t Humt'! . (I f WH)-lIe:",1! , I" Pa rry lind ~lu,'Y E . ouk. II l "HC'l in \\' :Iy ., r _\ill ... , I. '\ " \1. i IH "';S n~ ·,~· uss On u.;, . \ ' S. C. " ' , C:r fl 1hia I JI li l f; mit h t\ 1(J Lc'w i ,; 1" l' Y~·. cUl-jllovil. SIl11ln III Ea ll Ki r k, ,dJ\)llt. UI, ...\ nL"h~ h ----I ~\:j I'll . 1.1 Tp ., .; t. PROBAT E I' ROCE EDI NC S I tJ UH clailll d, ,." lch' <.'n b~' ,\ 100n .. 1 I 'an', III , (I" ", d.'I'alll," (,f ::; ] III \ \ ,I· Fint nnci fitln l :~~{'n unt u f the t '~· 1 !i am E . Vnr',· 1\11' tlH\..'\' tr:h'ts nl la nd


(I f H ttl.JI'l" t (J d n wu l', dt.' C'l'i\s l'd. ill \ rurt' t rt " '/ UHlY , till'.! IIy lid 1111' . WIII<lI'I>" C, ,il mnur. I:a lp h I I. I' ha dll kk III l ,izzh' F"',l u"d I\nHI 1I1'<O\l"l or lhl' ('''' j I )ra ],,· , Iwo l l' :l rl~ in JI"i"n 1' )1 .. :S l.

\ lnlfl


tutt, "I' flnnh' l L YIlHS- . d (' C(' H:-'l, d , fih'd ~t innic :\18" B . . . ckl' r t o P n \' \' tIY und I,y :\<11111'. ]):\\ iu HH1I1]l. . (: ,,:<0<' 11,11 ,,'uuL ,, <" I't, jll ~I:t j",. 1( .. wlI re! \\', I ",,," . uJ'III . i n t l'<I ' · X· dll,·, $ l. '


e,'ulo r of th.· ('stille lC'cl'nsc d .


:\ Ik('


1 h,' ("illl'in nut i, Lebanon IIl1d NO"l h t' t' 11

Hnil\\'a \'

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l'u .. t o

Yt.\ u z\'!,

Jl'lIn Bro wlI ~ 1"J{ l e , up)l l1 ill \I'd ,," ab oul ,,,,,· H,: re in T lI l'tlec r " ,:k Tp .. $ ] . lI<lntin is lrntr i:< of the ( ·" tll t~ o f Add a Un" " Yellz,·1 to I'enrl S mith. a hout S. BrowlI . dl'ccllsed. " ' ''' " ~rl' in T u ,.tl'· ~ I'l· ek 1'1' .. $ l. Dllvid ~:. Dunhnnt II pp., jnted (' XCI'II lOI' of Ih e estlltc of Marthll 1':. Whi ll' , e!e cOlls ed . COMMISSIONERS' ~LLOWANCES Oil .. proo f of publicati on wns fil e,l Th t' W e ~ t e rn Slar. ~ up ].l li es for pro· conccrninJ{ the n,~ tic c o f ('slates for bate court. $9; VIIII,'y Phone Co., sl'ltl"nwnt on April ,5th . phon(' re nt for court hall:!l' offices , Will of Samuel Wur dell. deccased, $.17, :l6 ; sam e fo r tolls fo r ' li mo, l! .1•• IIdmitted to prob,atc ; Be uluh Louise GO ; S horifT BrIIllt. l'XPCIl "C ac co unt Hanley qualified and WIIS !lppoint 'd fur quarter. $~2 . ( 5; The S uemoning exec utrix of said E!stllte without bond. and Sieker Dry Goods Co.. suppli es Mule-Hide represents a lortre.. of protedive .trength App raise rs were .. ppointed and n reo for co urt house, $ '1; The Oregonio port of proceedings orde red mude. and roof endurance. Bridge Co.. re pa irs on r nnd drag, Last wili an d testament of Ma ry $3.05; san'e fo r piling. $180; S. No other asphalt roofing offers .uch attractivene..E. Redman. dece ase d. wus admi t tt' d E. Cutl er. supt. Dist. No. 1 for pay to probate; Geo r,re B. Fouche qual- roll, $ 12.96; V. W . Tompkins, ,ame. luch ultra-dt:pendability all Mule-Hide- the "Not a ified and was oppointed executor of $ 199,30 ; F. 1\1. Co llins. snme. $95. G5; Kick in a Million Feet" Roofing. said cBtate and h,) gave bond in the A. T. Rettig, same. $3 1~.G & ; J oseph sum of $1600. Appraisers for said DaviH, s~lm e. $108.10; Hllrry Collins. Crown your home with Mule-Hide, it "challenge. ,the estate were appointed and a r eport same. $279; Philip Heisel, same for elements". of jlroceedings ordered nllide. Hnmilton Til .• $25.25; Walter VurnIn the matter of the guardil1nship er. payroll. $7.60; V. W. Tompkins, of S. Mabel Morris. an incompetent for gravel. $22.6 0; Harlan Whi re. at present in the Ohio Institution for some. $1.20; slime for bridge repair. incompetcrtts. Menil Bone asked for $18; W. P. McCarre n, for 10 glls the appointment of a guardian for books. $95,70; sume for storage a ll d said incompetent and the date for repairs on truck No.5, $9; Robert Hardware, Harness and Farm Machinery hel1ring of same WIl8 set for Fridny. Ross for repairing chains. $4 .50; A. April 16. C. Datso n for re pairing truck No.4, Waynesville, Ohio F irst account olr J ohn Edwin Bal· $3.60; Knrl Minst, r epairing s tone _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _", mere... minor. filed iby his guardian P . crusher. $ 12; Cook and Sweeney, for W. Holmer. g rav el delivered, $81; Slandard Oil Snle bill of the estate of Newton ,Co .• for 15 gas books. $136.95; The S. Duffield. deceased. filed in pro- Caspllris Stone Co .• f or crushed stone bate. $34.85; The Ohio Corrugated CulWill of Martin V. Marshall. de. vert Co.. for 7 corrugated sewe rs. ceased produced f()r probate. hearing $414.70; L. G. Henderson Sons Co .• for same set for April 9th. fo r 20 road s ig ns. $7; J ohn Law & Inventory and appraisement of the Son. f or repairs and supp lies for estate of Henry A. Werner. deceased. county cars. '4.25; Hersheel F. James filed in court by executor. Walter S. repoirs on trucks. $54.57; Waites' Werner and same W8.8 recorded. Garage. repairs on county car, $it.In the matter of the estatq of Mil. 30; The J. W. Lingo Co., supplies for dred Eagle. deceased. SllJ'ah E. District 3 and 4. $18 .95 ; Williom Mil· 'Wrl,ht qualified and was appointed lotto fire repair on county car. $1; admmisrtatrix of suid ests te and gave Gross and Basore. guard rail lumber. $600 bond. $5 .60; Walter Varner. same. $3.50; First and final account of the Carl Blackford. for repairing road guardianship of Clarence Yeats. et a!. grauer. $7.15; P . O. Monfort. surveyminors, filed by guardian L a ura Yeats or, expenses. $1. 9.; same for garage Hamilton and approved and continuo rent, $9; The Oregonia Bridge Co .• ed by court. blue pl'ints. $4 .38; SlIme for gus ond First and fin a l I~ccount of the es· oil, $6.55 ; Arthur Weiglein. bridgc tate of Edwin R. Wood. deceased. fil - repoir. $3; George Stock. same, $1.40 ed by executrix. Mary E. Wood, and P. Co ughlin. sam e. $10,20; T, C. s ame wus approved and confirmed by Co ug hli n •.same. 2.50. court. First and fina l account of the guardianship of }},dward S. Ullu m. Frances L.· Ullum !lnd Robert L. UIlum. minors. fli ed by gua rd ian Albert to stand severe usage - on N A ROOf exposed to the R. Uliu m and snlll,e was allo wed a lld m e rcies of the weather boats, inside and outside the contirmed h)' the court. home. wherever wood surfor a yeal', D evoe Aquaspaf FiJ'<l ol nl fin :. 1 :'CClll' nt of the· •.•• . . tl! " of lJ or!!l' \ , t t !lIlt. J .. ce.t~'" u , V a rni sh proved its resi:sta nce faces are impe rilled by water, 1 ,~! '1 , 1'\(1 • ,,;' ... t ,. 'I" !~ r"l'l'l '.: lC. of produced by "ulI1i,ni3. rator. \" ,Ilium to the effects of water, cold h cat, o r cold. Qu ick d rying lclJo llu ld , ulld S:.U;! C \\' US acceJll~ d ;"\1 111 l d l'n. ~'d h;1'" ;11 di.l.; ..; y ft t t It · .i.:,. and ea 'ily applied. I and heat. by tht! court. pu Llicn n u omin u ti oll f 'J l' ," Jl l' t' s e, .1-. I Aquaspar is guaranteed to F ir t li nd filia l :II coun t of the es- tive i' I'Oi I~ 'V nr~' (' 1 Clld n ty in the O'(\ i Scorch ed. frosted, d'renched g ive satisfact ion when u sed late of Willi a m ilL DIl~c . decl'lIs('d. I u ll'cr .. d hy 1ldmin l15l : ~;lr i x , ,. In~ n L, . : 1,,1. I .!.: ;s!:\ U c. ,I wi r! ra i n. it d id not l ur ll acc ording t o di r ect io ns. ~:r. .1 ,:.l.UI I~.I! Ii '\/ ..l ,'~ lhl~'l1, ~!f (I !-3' 'l W;". S ... . Jj}rovc d U ) the white. bli ler.check. or crLlck. Practical T est.S Prove Devoe t. v ~ .. ,'.J i.J ~',' I tl': 1. bl. lIlt ,"":' h _ , ll~ I I, "., - . court , Aquaspar Varni h is made Quality. First ami ti,.1l1 :lCC O U :1 t of th e cs- I::J It i .. Il!~ .. 1 ,HJ " r L';"'. J'j'· d ,. T ile :\:,.\ 9rfn.'~ t, t tc ni fiI)lrtle r. Cher,owel h, dccc:lJ- li ll i :".JI~l iJl :; ClI l! 'l':.l1 1 , a l'·l.:.t.'etol" "f : the L('uUr""-Cl.i,,lIl , a Llon,,1 l,a: II cd . otr~r(HI fo r Cal Jl l'1nation Ly execu. to r Oliver H . hCIl 6weLh, and sam e ,It Trl."t l o .• til' . i~., .". ' " \\ 'tb \ .J J ~ t!~p(,l'il!n ~. ~ qu i p pjl1 /; !tim ior l lC f· g iven ,b y tJU! court. In the mutter of the settlement of riet! he see k s. He is preside nt of th e the estate of Willi alll Burton deceas- \Ves tel'll Cl1 nnel'll' association. which ed. the court set the value of the es- includ es 2 2 states in the centrnl wes t. Mr. Humilton, although he hus late a s follows: Perso na lity $7 077.48; real 'estate. $:l500 ; liabilities 'of been an a ctive Uepublitan all his life. said estate were $1537.70; the court n evcr has before sought public office. then named certailll successors to Mid property and announc ed the amount A fire broke out in a cigar store to which each wus entitled. The estate of James C. Norris. de· the other night but the quick-witted clerk extinguished the blaze by throw ceased. executrix Rose Norris, filed her distributive Ilccount of same. ing a box of cigars on it. which was recorded. In the matter of the will of Wil· Iiam Klpp, deceased l case was con. tinued untl April 13th. G. F. Rogers ' all admr. of the es.We have them in both the interchangeable type, tate of Alva E. James. deceased. VB. • _ ••• Alice Mahan et a1.. this cause waa ....~........"...,...."'.".-,..,........,...,.. • ........... ~ ... ~,.,.~"........- ......". to fit your present Wheels, and in the aizes to fit heard against defendant Alice Mah· MONEY LOANED new .mall diameter wheels. an desired to pay plaintiff Alva James _ _ _ _ __ $2000 for BRld estate as per agree· LOANS on ChaUeJs,Stocks. Sec uri·' ment; the c'o urt otdered James as ad· We have them at the present low price,' that give ties and Second l\tortgages. Note. ministrator to a(leapt the offer. It bought. John Harbine Jr.. Xenia. every motorist an opportunity to enjoy the .great was alsQ disclosed that · defendant "m30·'26 ('o.,..,fort of Good··ea r B ~ 1"("1 '"1 8. Kate S. Brown holds a mortgage Ohio. claim of $2605 against said estate. And you get the last word in balloons when you Decision of court herein, that said , admr. lind plaintiff pay one half of buy Goodyears, because Goodyeara are the ONLY the taxes against said estate to the FarmerR oC Wl.o1'ren and a dj oinill[l county ' treas urer; that he 'pay the <;ountles may ohtain money on lonll balloon tirea made with "1'tra-elaatic, extra.;.durprobate court for expenses mcurred time loans. at 5 PCI' cent interest. able SUPERTWIST" " . in the proceeding,s that he pay to Kate S. Brown thf! Slim of $1793.56 Cost of securing the same is very rea· Make a date with us now for Goodyear Balloonsl for her $2606 mortgage and consider 80nable .through The Federal Land same cancelled; and that no balance Bank. For further Information call of the estate remains with which to on or .ddress M. C. DRAKE, Treas· pay Alice Mahan all. or any part' of her allowance In Ul!U of a homestead. urer, phone SI6-X. Lebanon . Ohio. The last mentioned decision is such because Alice Mahan and Alva E. WANTED James • deceased. jointly owed the sum of the mortgage to Kate S. .Jf you are not Brown . WANTED TO BUY - Ol\e general In Floor Enamel. alk: purpose horse. Rolla Bolton. R. D. Ilbout the special ofter MARRIAGE LICENSES I, Waynesville. Ohio, phone Center,h.'en with each of tbe 'oUowlna Foy produc.. : Dan H. Oliver, of Blanchester. a V1lle 842~. Hotal! p"U;t . Vel.atone machinist, and Mary A. Oliver, of W ANTED-Plain sewing, Miss LouAGAIN THEY AGREE Fl. , W..U Palot. Roof Morrow. ise Pence; R. D. ' I. ·a7 ..nd Born Palot. Topu Harry Marion Roland. of Lebanon, WANTED-All 1ci~d8 of 80ft Wood, "Darling.' I've been woadering what Stalna for Flooruod I .... a railroader and Harriet Alice Stewfor pulp. Morris Graham. tf 'Would happen if you and I would lerlor Wood"or". p.,.. ard. a stenographer, of Lebanon. agree on anything?" madura Whit. Enamel. "I'd probably be wrong if we did I" DrI·F..., Color Euamd. LOST . REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS • Magdalene Moore to Mary V. Will ".Y gold. filled case; had In Europe farmers pay their tax. O'Donnell and Gladys La Yielle. lot LOST-Watch. leather string attached ; will reo ~ with produce. Must be fun to C numbered 658 in the village of Frank ward, Leave at Miami Gazette of- throw tomatoes at the collector s. lin. $1. Joseph D. Kelly to Clinton Kelly fico. and Ada Kelly. about four acrel in · FOR SALE ,Salem Tp., $1. . . . TelePhone 21t2W ' '" Robert Ross and Emma E. Ross, Mlamlsbur" . ' ' •. to John McIntosh and ' Mary Ellen LOST- Ladies' gold wrist wntch, w. Pay Your·, Te,ephoa. 'CaI" If \vith black :ltra,p. gold face. someMcIn tosh, about 1 nello ' in Red Lion. NOTARY PUBLIC Clarence H. Taylor of, )[adison. where between 'Corwit\ and TIJomp\ Buy Von Poul.tP)'., " •, , , National .:Bank sort's Bakery., P lease r eturn to Cath. ". ¥. vi lle, to James A. Dnug herty of Cler. erine D~u gh lers. at Bokery. , · il21 mont 'county, nbout 100 acres ill Hal'. Will, Drawn .... ...... E.l.. le. ~ettlecl Ian Tp., ~ l. WAN'l'ED ccond hand . tobacco ' John lo'linpl)lIm and Matti~ 'Flinch. se tter" CaU pbone 22-3, Way'n esWaynesvil1~ OlJ,io Urn to Hownrd C. S:hullert and Hattie viUe. Oh,io. · 11\0 , I V. hupe)'t,. '!lbout 6 acres in' Frank. • 'lin Tp., $1. FOR SALi...-An eight-room' house James R. Allison ana Cora B. AIU. in Corwin. the Stiles home. InFOR SALE BY Bon to Anna E. Leight, a tract of quire oE ' DQra Stiles. ·a~l abou t one·half acre in Red Lion and about one aCTe in Section 15 U. FOR SALE-Potatoes, a few bushel" or IriJsh Ctlbblcr, ' Green Mountai CCllrs:c Gi !illlnu to Ivy Gilliland, Denti.t about (J 7acres in Warren ond Green IUld Banner Seed Potatollll, ,3.00 pel' WA YNESVILLE, OHIO countiea, fL buahe1. Strouae Bro.. ·821 ' ;Wq....UI. N.lI....

Made from Selected White Pine, Insulated with Celotex Lumber, Clean and Sanitary, Seamless, White Enamel Lined.

Buick Controlla. . ble Beam Headlights make night driving a pleasure. Bright light all the ~me, '. with

steering wheel


Challenges the Elements



w. H. Madden & Co.





7li1s varnish

is testetlfor wealherwear

cOntroL U,mein some everung 'and . take a ride.



-- _..----

Lebanon Man Out =or Representative \ .,




n:- .


FRED M. COLE, Waynesville, Ohio

,K eelor Garage

DEVOE AfJuaspar Varnish

Lebanon, Ohio


• I




Yes, You Can Have Goodyear Balloon Tires


F A · , armers, ttentlon.

Paint your floors with this


GOOD brosh like A ordinarily cost, 75 cents, But you can get one

free now by purchasilll a tuill gallon or two qu arts of Foy'8 Floor Enamel.

Applying Fay" Floor Enamel with this brush ;8 ao l!alIy. plea.sallt Job. And what a beautiful tone it gives tothef)oor.ltlaaJabor Il.lver fortl!.e houaewife. t oo, because Boors coated with Fay's are easy to keep clean. The offer ia good onl y , for Olle wee k. Don'tlail to take ad~t4geol this !Ufe'barpin.

Waynesville Motor' Co. Phone 105

Waynesville, Ohio

Live PoOltfy ; WANTED! 26 per pound

~==:=~ -.: :-_:=-===::::: A.D.Swank&Son ·L.M.HENDERSON ohio w.



Dr. John·'W. ~iller

_______ I








Mr. and MlrB. Charles Johns were Miss Ih·len Gra ham s pen t t he week Dayton visitOI'S, Monday, . Cll d wi th Way nesville frien ds. Mr. and M:rs. Ralph Archdoacon S"blcriptiOD Price, '1.50 por Year A t;pcc lUI j.(f""d jUt·y draw n lu . The lI'nllu a l in spection of Pythian' spont Monday in Dayton. , ' ~ l"l"~ wu s held here Tuesday evenco ml" (!t, th ' ,WI) " I( o f the ,Innll nry D: L. CRANE Alle n Smith, of Day t on , s pent Sun Ill p' i'"bli.b.r te rm of the 'ommon Plcll~ olll'l, day wilh his parents hero. '1 'tH! Grun ge gave t he ir prore r orted nt th e c(Jurt h" " ,,, in 1..' 10" . Dr. Brock ,r ecoived fi ve hundred APRI L ~I . n o n, lust wee k. 'I'h u j lll'()'·. dra wn ~ l"lIrn III .Wayn esville Gran ge. Saturchicks f r om M:ls90uri, Saturday. ,,, .. Joer hav ing eOlllpll:ll'd Ih" rcqu;,'- day uve rllng . Mr. and Mr ll. J. R. Johns nnd Miss cd nUllllwr o f d ay~, "'c .'" diH charg ~d . I,·s. Emmu Cl in e and so ns, Earl by t he cllurl IIn ([ tllI' II~'" ju ry drawn li nd .Ia ll' cs. llf Duyton. werc he re over Muri el Sykes s:pen t Saturday in DayIT'S A HARD LIFE WAIl.S ,. 'ct:nti y w, ll ' (J lll pl et,· II", ll't·ll1. ton. I he week·e nd. CONGRESS lilt·". F: lh d Il um illoll Tll rll 'creck Mr. a nd 1\11'8. Hb.rry Graham spent K Creswell i buildMrs. Il a nn a h What's th" U ~I! of IJvinl!' II r ,lI ,- :1: 11 .• C: J . Wulld nH. SIlI~'1ll 'I'fl .. I~d, .1, ay with r elatives at Spr illg Valgresstn llll , llnyway'l The (h,\' IIr pt'i '. I emp!,n, 11 :11'1,," '1'1' ,. I'. I". Seh"" ' II. io,g two roollls 011 the r ear of her Sund ley. hOllse on 1\lup l" s treeL HeKes i. Just ab nllt end cll. . 11'1'. , .. fl,nll ,1'1". Geo rg(· C. .J nn .·~ . IInr. N t MO long ago "vJII~ Oll e lIt od .' iI,IO' I 1'" \~ ,II .. Allul'/'".n. l"rltllk lin Born - Tu 1\1,'. nnu Mrs. R. H. Mrs. Haro ld Bu/'ge, at Belm on t . Mr. cong l' SSll1 ell qllit UShl{j their . tl.\ liu n- I po. lI l ~". III :,,')' en nl, lJa."iJl"" Ttl,. Brooks. UII TU llsda ~·. Apr il 13 , n !l ',(, Sims will drive back to his work here ery all owances to fJ\ll'cloa ~(! t hlflV'H loh n Itlt z, l'I'It1,klill Tp., J ohn Wood- jJuulld ~un. Willinm Alva. at Lytle stlltion. t hat didn 't ,h ave u nythins.: lO do ,,"IIh l'~y . J) '~ r n clJ Tp .• C:d \d:.l "'" Hamil . M iss Cl eo Stacy was a week-end fr om here uttended inA n umber legislatiun . 'o n Til., Mrs. Mary Syf ord ' Massie guest of her 8i,st er, 1111'S. W, H. N ull A nd now a long comcs Sp c!lke r :':1'" U, 11 , 'hc no,,"c ch . 'I'u;Uecreck spc" ti on of East" rn Slar lit Wayn es- near Springboro. Longworth und puts un ell d to t h ~ I p o" ~ Or!'u Cux. Har lu n 1'p., Mrs. v ill e, \V c dn · -d lt), QV£' lIin g. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Cox, Mr. and " extclls ion 01 1'(' nltlrks" in th e ,,,,. Lllu,,' .!'idt.\ emyre, Washington '1'"., Mr. Bnd Mrs. W Ill. Ke rse y a nd fUIllgreselonnl Reco rd. :\!" ~. I· 1'lIncp~, Snlt"rl h",uit!!. Wayn e ily w" re S u,"luy g uest s vf Mr. and MI·s. C. W. Cox were Dayton vis itors. W edn csday. A me mber prose, t' ,n ill<'d \V'I1'I I ~ I p.. Hr·n 1I1,1l~. Way n!' Tp .• J llhll Mrs. '. S. Tucker and family. f or II minute Or tw o, an d th" n IJCg· L,':H' , Ilel'r fil' lol Tp.. Thon'as l\I eMr. und Mrs:. H erman Saylor and All till! E il{ ht h Grade ~tud e n ts of ged to " extend hi ~ re lllarks. " This Gu,"n. Muss ie 'J' p .. a nd i\!,'~. !{obcr (n son. of Belm ont were S unday g uests was alwa ys g rllnted . The me mh" " Puuly. Tu,'ll", r[',·k '1"1'., Cha rles Mon- t he Tu wnshi p touk lhe cXllll1i nution uf Mr. alld Mrl!. Wm. L ong . fur H igh sc hoo l ~nll'll n ce he re . Frithen proceeded to "ex te nd" Ihem f"I" g c\', l~ rBnklin 1'1'. Messrs. Kesle r and Harry Graham severnl pages, ur U (Io?e n flltl{ l', III The grand ju r y fo,' tIl<' Ma y t e r m dll Y· Williflm Lc Mar r eceived tI box of loo k u phys ical exu minution f or th e the cost. to th e govl' rnm cnt, " f ~:l .1 , tll l' l, ng ,II' 1\lu)' :\nl, will be COI11lI l'IL nKe~ f"olll I-'Iori du . FddllY . u gift rni lr ond in Day ton . Tuesday. a co lun~n. PUSl'" o f the following pe rsons: The Idea W86 to muk(' the fll l k~ ut J ohn K., Sp e nc.ct'. Turtl ec re ek Tp .• f"om his brother. Luurence. LeMur Mi ss Saruh Osburn. of Duyto n. home believe ~ h c congTessmll ll huu !'v.l rs ~u ra K,l pHtnck, Turtlecrcck T p.. u lal w ifc. spent Sunduy night at the home of r ew.,hed lhe pinnacle of oralol'ieul ~. C. Murr, su n ))('e rfield '1'p .• Mrs, A numbe l' of r eluli ves and fri en ds lIh. and Mrs. Mrs. F rank Snyder. fam e. 1',l11l11n lIurian Tp" R, C. Milch ell here Il ltc nd('d th e fu neral uf Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Sim s llnd That's the end! No cOllgres" ' lUn Franklin '1'1'., Willi a m Huffo rd. Un ion frvlll 'has. Sl.uir cs a t Wuyn esville. Mon- daughter. Mnrg nret, went to Dnytoll from now on will I{et an y rcn,lIt'k. in ~P .. J ose l,h McFarla nd . Snlt'lll Tp" duy aft ernoon. Tu esduy t o stay uwhile wit h Mr. and th e r ecord uxce pt lhus<' tha ~ Iw t; co rge V, edt . II a rl nn T p .• Howard makes on the 1I00r. H e Illay I' 'V ide 1\1 ,. lure. Fra n kli n 1'1' ., I~cd McDon . I1\r. and 1\1rs. W ilm ur C. Walker and Mrs. Howard Archdea con. thoJll a nd polish them. bUl he cu n'l ald . Salcm Tp., Mrti. Anna HnrUey and J ohn Kennedy. of Dayton . s pent of Mr. Waynesville. were Friday evening j.!xtcnd the m. Fm nkl in Tp .• \Vnltor ie ker . Clear: th e week-elld with th eir pa re nts . Mr. g uests of Mr. and Mrs. Ghas. MulCOlIgresU Isn't Congress uny m" re. creek Tp .• , Curl ' 8 D. Coo k. Massie and 1\1 rs. A. L. Kenn edy an d son, lenix . 1 p., lin d EhIL. Ogl el<by, Massie Tp. Herbe rt. Mr. an d Mrs. K esle r Graha'll and :Mrs. Luul'a V. Reed. Mis!! Fl ora- g uests were Sund ay vis itors of Mr. LUTHER BURBANK m Ull d Reed a nd Wa lte r Vam er Ilre and Mrs. Carl A lbr ight, near Springe ntertain ing th e ir nephew and co us- boro. Lu ther Burbank. whose wi zardry in. Byron Varner and his friend. of with plants won him an ove rlnsting 11'. F ranl< R oger s has bee n quite Florida . name in this wor ld. di ed th e ot h ~ r ill ut the home of 1111'S. W . H, CUI·ey. day. one writer says, "as one of the We will se ll a~ public auction in the John Jr., and Laure nce Pealy, of neur Rid geville. th e past week. a nd plants he nurtured might huv(' di ed vacllnt rnOnt of th e Oddfell ows bu ild- Det roit'. came home Tu estl llY fo r a his conditi on r e mains about the lind It been su bjected 'too harshly by ing, on few days' vis it Wilh the ir parents. same. the elements." . 1\1, .. llnd Mrs. J . W. Fcaly lind other Saturday. May 1. 1926 Burbank. whosc gen ius had made Mrs, A. E. Wh ite and so~s. Robrelatives. the world more beautiful , die d in the Begin ni ng at 1 :00 p. m .• the fo llowert lind Pa ul, of Duyton. are spend1I1rs. C. D. Cook and da ug hter, midst of a battle wit h the world. so ing h o us~h o ld goods of th e late I\la · ing a few weeks at the home of her to speak. a battle which reall y tllda 1J 0~ i e ,· . co ns isting In purt of have returncd home ufter spending sister. Mrs. ~ es ler Graham. th e wint",r in Cinci nnati. wh er e I\lrs. haate ned hla death. 5 -J1 i~ce purlor set. bed 3. washstands. Mr. a nd Mrs:. William Lewis. of He called himself un " Infide L" bookcase. stov es cab in et, range a nd Coo k has been conv alescing f rom un Dodds . und Mr . a4n d 1\11'5. Wilbur op eration. The: Idea that a good God wo uld send ot her th i ngs used in a household . Lacy. of Dayton. were Sunday visit. people to II burni ng hell is utt.,r ly ETHE L H, EA RNHART. Th e Mussie Grange meets ea ch sec- ors of Mr. and 1111'S. Charles Mullenix. damnable." he 8Uld. "My relig ion i8 Exec utrix. ond and fou rth Sa turday evening of Mr. and Mrs. Geo rge Davis. of II relill'io n of love. I love everybody. th e mon th . On April 24th th e Leb, I IYllnt everybody to be happy." n Grange will come he re and put Blue Ash. who ha ve b ee n sJlending I will sell nt t he late r eside nce of ouno the HIs pronouncement that he wa! LetitI winter in Florida. visited th e' latMcKo y, deceas ed. on Third n t he lect ure. ter's Illother. Mrs. Emma Foulks. an "infidel" ~rought II storm at pro- s t l·cet.a Waynesv ill e, Ohio. on The annun l picnic dinner a nd field Su nday. teats upon hIm. He Bought vainly. meet will be held ou th e sc hool Saturday, April 24. 1926 at his age, to a nswer each cr itic- a nd A"1 ·o unds. Friday. IAprii 23. Every 1111'. H. M. Clark r eceived word t here were thouMndll of th em. He Beginning at 12 :3 0 p. m .• the fq lclung to his ,o()ntelltion that th er e is lowing household goods. consistinlt of one is cordially invi ted to bring t heir Saturday. that l~rs . Clark is quite ill ullske ts alld en joy the day. uga in at the hom e of her daug hter. no life beyond th,e grave. tables an d chairs. cou ch . ",-riting desk The controvenr. unnerved him- sewing machin e, cnrpet and rugs, lot . !lIrs. Gilbert W elch und three in- Mrs. Mabe l Dunham, at Elgin. m.. and his trength tailed in the crises. ' of kitchen uten sils. stoves. a few an- te resti ng children r eturn ed t o their where she has b een for some time. And now the e ntire world luuds tiqu es', and other A"oo ds us ually found home in Detroit. Thursday. after Rev. and Mrs,. Raymond Stillings. him. de.plte his religious eonvbtion. in a household. s pe nding the winter wit h Mr. Welch's a nd daughters. Mrs. Francis Null n~ a g r eat 14:ientlst and a grea~ and parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Welch. and Miss Alice Hare. of Springhoro. T erms cash. lovllble DUln. W. H . ALLEN. The Massie T ow nship Sunday- were Sunday eve nin g guests at t he E xecutor of lhe eiltate of School conve ntion will meet at the home of M.r. and M,l's. Walter KenLetitia MelKII),. deceased . . J OlUlh's Run church. Sunday. April rick. THE AMERICAN FARME~ LEAD~ Martin & Stanley. Auctll. 25. at 2 o·clock. Rev. Sweat. of American farmers are the most ' efWilmington. will ' gi ve the address of ficient in the world. t he afte rno on. . Th e United Stutes leads . the world NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Those wh o failed to attend the 'in the development of agricultural H igh school play. "Adventures of machinery. Estate of Thomas Prend ergast. deG1'I.Ind pa." ut t he HlIlI Thursday and From 19 10 to 19,20 AmerIcan farm Friduy eve nin gs. missed' a rare treat. lobor incrells ed in efficie ncy 22.5 per ceased. Notice is hereby given that B. C. T he character s were exception ally c nt. The volume ' of cro p producPl'e nderga~t has bee n duly appointed we ll ca!\t and a ll did remurkably well. t ion increased 11 l,or celO t . Men of this c:omm unity who have These figures are from the survey and qu a lifi ed a s Ildministrator of t he Mrs. He rbe rt arr was couch . Muof t he Nationnl Industrlul Co nfer- estate of T hom!\.!! Prendergast. late of Hie WlI M furnished , by the sc hOOl or- aromised to donate labor in the buildWarren Coun ty, deceased. cheslra under t he lea dership of their ing at a new Township house and vii. le nce BOllrd. They d on't offe r the Dated th is l4th day o r April, 1026. ingtructol!, Mr. Lewis. of Le banon. loge co uncil building. will be called A.merican farmer any r e lief, bu t.-. W Z. ROLL. Gera ld Adams sa n ~ a beautiful 6010 upon at an early date. The work They do offer every A mericanJudge of the Probate Co urt, in his usu\1 fine style. between ' the has star te d and at a recent meeting tarm man and city mall -a good dl'm5 Warren County . OhiO, seco nd and t hird acts. Rev. Moon of the village council it was voted !>ree of sntisfaction. de li ve rcd the baccalaureate se rm on that the neces8lI.ry material be purat t he 1'11 . E. church Sunday evening. chased at once and that the building Tho comm ence ment exercises will be erected a8 800n as the weather ~------------ADA JR~--------------, be beld at the Hall Thursday even- will permit. The l)ew building will ing. P rof. Fichte r. superintendent be erected on 1the site of the old 01 Butler county sc hools, wi ll deliver building which burnea to the ground the lIddress. The class roll includes a few yean ago . Misses Harriett und Lucille Tucker, James Carback and Gerald Adams. IN THE, BOWERY

Highest in Quality Lowest in Price


Ford cars are builtthrough out of the finest materials th at can be pro. duced.The very best stecls availahle are u sed in Ford man ufacture . The plate glass for windsh ield s and windows i~ as perfect as can bemade. Uphol ster y material co nt ain~ a l arger percentage of woo l th an is ordinarily specificd-evenformuch h,igher priced cars. The basic features of Ford d esign h ave never been im p roved upon by any manufacturer. No other car offers greater de. pe nd ab ility . The Ford ca r h as won the favor of millions o f u se rs under every conceivable motoring condition. Its convenie nce is known and appreciated the world over; its performance is taken fo r granted. Such quality is possibl e at Ford prices bec ause every operation,


----... -.


A Gasoline Range That Excels A~y Coal Range Oil or Gas Stove

More economical to buy and operate than electric stoves or oil stoves; cleaner and quicker than oil or coal, hotter tban gas - that is tbe Quick Meal Gasoline Pressure Cook Stove. So economical, so quick • .clea n and efficient that all who have tried il prder it 10 8.'11 othr rs.

QUICK MEAL Gasoline Pressure Sto've Burns Gasoline Made Into IGas Under Pressure

---_.- ..---

.- .

I nstructor-"You should not misquote Shakespeare. If he were here he would dislike it, I 'm Bure." Tough Guy- "I! Shakcspeare 8ays Miss Lela Lister spcnt the week- anything I'll' bus t him in the eye." e nd in Dayton with her mother. Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Menden,h all visited relatives in Centerville. Sunday. No. 2220 Dr. and Mrs. Bowers and family visited relntives in Bellefontaine •. on Sund ay.


Mr. and Mrs. Jesse J ensOn and daug hte r visited Sunday with Mrs. Anna Jensen.

Of the Condlticm of the Waynes·

ville Natiomu ~, at Waynesville in the State of Ohio, at the close of business. Apr. 12. 1926.

1\1r. and Mrs. W. E. Alexander are RESOURCIjlS plunning to start West in a few weeks Loans and discount! . lnclud· to make th eir fu ture home. InK rvul8cou n UJ, E\.oce ptancca ot olh ol" bnnl'8. IlLnd '[orclgo Re\'. and Mrs. E. C. Walley and h ili a of exchungo or draft. with Inilol'8cmcut Or ·hild,·e n. of Bethany, were calling on sold Ihl8 b«nk .. .. . ' ~8~ , 00 7 . H U8 1,n07.44 so me of their ["ie nds here F riday and Uve rdrMt. , unsec urOd . $89.16 89.9 6 U.S.G overnnl ont Bct"u loil lee '().w.n ed : I.ltul'da y. j),~ vop.ll e d to aec ur ~ c (rcu Jo. ~ POl' \'al.. Dr. W. Ill . Hnrtinge r has been de- tl on (U.S. bondK • , • $&0,000.00 tai ned in Pomer oy. wh~re he, was visS cnte gOY e... $1 0", 00 60.102.0 0 iting his childrel" by the illness of y'LlI ~ r, 1>,)n~I ••s t O(' Ks.aB elll·llIes 116,1 U .27 little J onn, ' . • . • S8.000.00 8,000.00 wi th Fode rD.l A very interesting a ll-dny Mission21,1i61.41 ary meeting was held by the ladica 37.790.17 A u xi liul'Y of Union 111. E. Circuit. at the church hen'. Sunday. One of the pleasant features of the day was enjoying the association of Rev. and 7,444 .04 Mrs. Hershey. forme rly ' of this place. 'i li: ii ... . , .. . . , U5.2U.21 now of Cincinnati. A s plendid protlem.s •.. 'I QD. t6 109.18 gralll wns g iven in the afternoon, tund with U. ror. . . . . ....•. . •_....,..2_.6_0_0_.0_0



gas no matter wbere you live. It's always easy to obtain gasoline-:-no fuel i!l more 'convenient to pur;-

U25,615 :44



Quick Meal G,!-soline Pressure Stoves 8 ft' simple and safe--children CFn use ~ ~h('m .. satis~f1 c',)rihl No .' . "~ soot and s"'!C'I ~e. no (,dor. ', .i9! r Quick heRt W,1 1,h f'cotlnmv of fuel. . Th~ clean, steady flame ~an .be turned ' as high 'ot as low a~ : youwa'ri~ it. ' · ' '\ '-,' , ' l'hr smooth , japan finish is t'asy to"keep clean. , .-Sturdy, rigjd Z','W~stru~tion insures long ~ear. . Sizes to ' meet, yout n~ed; 'with o,:" rwit:bout high :shelf. &veral models with b"nt~in bV~J1~ like a ga:o J ran&e .. '" I







Cloud car prlcu inclsuk ~UZrrer and demounuible








.,.i"". OF

AU prjcu F.O, B. Delnlie


F. T. Martin Jesse Stanley Auctioneer Auctioneer


Harveysburg Fertilizer Co.




Date your aalel with UI. We guarantee aatiafaction or charge nothing.

Centerville, O. Phone No.2


New BuriiRgton,O. Phone No. 320

Walter McClure J. E. McClure

DR. E. M. RUDOLPH Th. Ey. Speclalilt


At Cary's Jewelry Shop


Lebanon, Ohio

Fully Equipped for Good Service. Large Display Room. Ambulance Ser.vice

Every Tuesday 8 :00 • . m. to 4 p. m.






'Items' 9:

Enjof~e cODvf'nieuce of

In this way every possible economy is effected. Under no other circu m. stances could Ford quality be had at Ford prices.

All·Steel Bodies ThermfJ.Syphon Cooling Planetary Transmission Simple, Dependable Lubrication TOTque Tube Dri~e Three·Point MotoT Suspension Dual Ignition System Multiple·Oil Clutch FORD MOT.OR COMPANY, 'DETROIT, MIOHIGAN

Public Sales

__-C'_. __.___

Iron is taken from Ford mines in Michigan; coal from t heCo mpany's mioes in Ken tucky a nd West Virgi nia. G lass comes from Ford glass plants; wood from th e Ford timber tracts in the North, Raw materials a nd finished products a re carried over the Comp~ny's own tra nspor. tation routes; coke oven s, blast fur. naces, a steel mill, foundries and saw mills-all a re part of this complete organization. There are even salvage pla n ts. paper mill, cement p lan t, etc. , to tran sform w aste matl!r,ials into u seful by.products.

Features That Maintain Ford Leadership

- - - ___0- --

--- ------

from mlDlng of ore to final as· se mbly, is under direct control of the Ford Motor C ompany.

The highest drive in the hlatory of golf will be made Friday from the 1'''''11"''0111.110 43rd floo r of tho new American Ins urance Union building at Columbus. 'to' i.-iatlo~Q" b·"';k~ · . Lloyd GUIl'ickson\ the ,world's 10,n g,. I Cell'ltnc,a ' checks outslandlng cbecks oUlatal1dlns est driver. who wi! cQmpete in the llema :!2 2B at National golf t ournament to he held . . ... : .. $10,7110.96 In July. will tee off from a deposIta .i ubjeot • 450 feet about the 8treet ·::ot·,· .... 'It' ·ci~.i Ireland, the jovial ' earCOlumbu8 , Di8pa~1 wlll i ,J1livlilftn-il. caddy. They, ~ti I be prominent bu~ine.. AOtlrtJ.m.m .'

, 50,000.00 19,t6~. 61

with Many little chicks are hatched out with greatest care only to die from feeding neglect. Be fair with your hatches this year. Give them a chance to live and thrive, It costs so little to do it. Conkey's has solved the problemof carrying little chi ks safely over the critical first 8 weeks. No other Chicle Feed has such a record of success. Poultry raisers find t hat wh en Conkey's comes in - "good luck" comes too. Ch icks fed Conkey's Butte rmilk Starting Feed resist disease-especiall y White Diarrhea-the costliest of all chic k p1a gues. Conkey- fed chicks thrive better too . Th ey gain fast er, rna· ture ea rlier, weigh more. lay better.


lO.-OOO.OO 27&.00


Butternlilk Starting Feed I

263.~28. 10




is qifferent from all others. It is' so clean, sweet and . genuine. 1t is the on1Y,feed . niad~ ~y~eO~ "

COnkey Process-no dried autterinilk IS everused. ' QI;lly 5emi·Solid Buttermilk is combined with other lDgredients''in the origmai and sucCessful, CoDk~ Way~ , • J Don't Brea~ ,the'Chaln"of-' r



~nJ(e,.'s BlItteQll1k '~'"



, Three in number-':'one for Starting-one for Gro!nua-orie for La~~~ the best for,. its ~U1'p9Se. . , , f' CUI!

TH£ MIAMI GAZE1T1 IIJr. lind Mra. ' Morris RaPa.'J of Dayton. visited Mr. and Mrs. \'v. O. Raper. ~aturday, , .



. .Month-End Specials•.

Mrs. Carl Babb and son spent a part of last week w i~h her paren ts ill Dayton. Mrs. Elizab eth W erntz is visiti ng her son. Robert and fa mily, in Dayt on.


Waynesville Overland Sales Co wishes to announce that they are distributors for

The Wonder Gas

J as, Roach is on th e siek list . M rs, J. C. Hawke was in DaytOn, Monday. J ohn Brown, of :X enin, was in town Monday. Misse s J e nnie a nd J osephine Reeves we re in Xenia, Fridll Y. S£'e Ke mp & .Jordan for your Roof ing und Spouti ng, • Go t o K emp & J ordn n for P orcelain Si nks ano Pitche r Pumps. Miss Helen Gr uham, of Horvcysbu rl!, spent the week-end wit h f riends

We are making a special for the remainder of the month of April

"Deacon . Dubbs"


Coming t o 'Lytle Hall, Thursday, April 29, "D~aro n Du bbs, o f W est Virg ini u." T he play is g ivllll l or lhe ben eHt of the Ly tl e M. 1·;1 c hurch lind is sp o lI ~c rc d by the Lndi eR AiO! . AdInissiol) , 21\ cent s. t:hi l(lrclI, u nder \ 14 Y~ IlI'S, I i) c .,:t~ _ ____ I

Steel, locust and Cedar POlltll

ROOFING Galva nized Roofing, six, eight and ten feet long




I Phili p Hlll'kin s Sr. di ed lit hi s h U I1l<~ See Kem p & .Jordan f or yo ur Roof - in Da yto n, Tu csduy. T h., f u nl'ra l We will deliver Cobs anywher e within one mile of our ing a nd Spouting. will be helLi Fl'iou" Ill or nin !!, " nd bu rplan t for One Dollnr per truc!( lvud. eNo charge made Born- T o Mr. a nd Mrs. Henry in l will be in M i a~ n i ( ' P IH c lp l'Y . to a nyone hauling cobs for thernselves. Westerman, Sund ay, April 18, a ----.-~ --daug hter. Mrs. ' Fred Cnskey, of Washin gto n D. C., s pe nt lust week with Mrs. Hanna h Antra m. See Kemp & ;Jordan f or yo ur Roof, ing nnd Spouting. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Elbon att!'ndcd Friends Quarterly me etin g ut HarHealth a nd hap pin c", nre t he pri me veys burg " today. It ec("s~ i t i ('!'i n f Ii fe. T he poet s s in ~ Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Hend erso n and o f love un d it , o h's s i n ~s . out 1o ,,£' i ~ daughter, Louise, spent Sunday aUcr - hll rdly po"sible u II less w {' hll\' C' a \ noon in Bellbro,ok. leust no 1'111 III I:ood hClllt h. Co nd health no t on Iy ussists ill mukinl-" love O. W. Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Geo, an d h n p pi lL ~ss possiblc, hut t ends Hamilton, of DillY t on, we re guests of t oward It makes for ,·flje ic nt'y. Mrs. Amanda ]lfaffitt, on Sunday. co-ordina tion betwee n brain ancl m usMr. a'n d Mrs. Maynard Conklin, of cle, mind lind limb- no men ta l exWilmington ma de a brief stop in celle nce \\ ithout physic,,1 st uminll. Waynesville; Mo nduy, It givC's us "trong tll t o wit hsta lid t he of adver sity. It makes us enMrs. Fred M. Calc, Mrs. L. A. Zim- shocks stru~l! l e und fits us to m cH it merman and Mrs. C. M. Robitzer were sj oy uccessfu ll y on its own g r onnd. Good ijhopping in Duyton. Saturduy. hClIlth g-ivl' s us a zes t, a gen u ine joy, Mr. and Mrll. Russell Benson, of in li fe thnt nothing else can g i"e. Delnwnre. w(' re week-end g ues ts of Do vo u wish to be henlt hy ? T hen Mr, and Mrs. Harv ey Rye. keep th e titomur h, liver , kidn eys und Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hawke, of Du y- bowels fun cti oning properly. E very doct or '~ill t ell )' 0\1 th e im p.o rton, spen t Sundav with their parents, good lance uf )' '!cpmg th e orguns of elimMr. and Mrs. J. C. Hawke. ination f Uflction ing, lind th e blood M rs. Ida Ho we, of Harveysburg, purc. If you will do this, you will WII S the g uest of Mr. and Mrs. Elvin be well , strong. full of life und 1I1llc. c. 12 )·4 n" , e1, ,,,, . .. ... " n:c (l i/ hr. , : 4 1-211: .•• It ••....• $ . •• bition. Now is the time to tak e that Fires, the first of the week. g rent spring tonic, bloud purifi er a nd Go to Kemp & Jordan for Porce- system builder. lain Sinks and IPitcher Pumps. sack . . , . . COOPER'S NEW LIFE TONIC! Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Edwards und ONE BOTTLE WILL CONVINCE Bulk, 10 pound . ......... ......... ....... ... ..... , ... ... .... ... ...... . ........ .... ,... S9c chilidren and O. J. Edwards spent YOUI Get it today at ~ Sunday with relatives in Dayton. W.,.nuville, Ohio, and Fresh Cream, Mrs. ,AI Cast and son, of ClarksD" Dru, Stor., H.r. , per pound , . ... ville, were Sunday dinner guests of Cured, pound .... .... , ...... ... ..... .. 33c Pimento, pound .... . ..... ......... .35c Mr. and Mrs. A. Titus and family. Go to Kemp & Jordan for Porcelain Sinks and Pitcher Pumps. Fre~h Made, very)ow price, 2 Iba. for . . , ' . MR. Sarah Illurray Ginller Sn.p., pound ...... ......... ....... ...... ..... ............ ... ...... ..... .. ...... .. .. .. .... 10c home after an relatives at Dayton Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hershey CouDtr,. Club. 1 5 c granddaughter, of Dayton, Pork .nd S,.uce, 2 c.n • .. .. lb ........ . 1 6 c Ing on Waynesville friends afternoon .. BEEF, LAMB AND VEAL Country Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Fires, Mr. Club, Mrs. Lewis Fires and CUI"U<.:U. In .,rup, c.n...... .. Nut, Ib ... .......... Sunday with relatives at Jelffel'soll1Churn,old. Ib ................ ............3Ic ville, Ohio. CHICKEN DRESSED ON ORDERS Ml'II. 'Charles Gray spent the end in Cincinnati with her pack, 3 can . ... ... law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Count r y Club, Tiny, caD .. ....... .. . 2Ic R. Baker. • , Avond.le, can .... .. ........... .. ...... . 14c Frank Biggs baS purchased , the radio and batt,!Ty service of Ray Mills, and is reaLdy to serve the pub- ~~_------------" lie in guaranteed work along this line. Mrs. Effie Smith, Mrs. Flossie Carey and son. Ches ter, and Miss Lucy Corwin, Ohio eech .......... 3 0 c E.rl,. Ohio. or Northern Emley spent Sunday with relatives J 6-0%, Cotton, ........ .. ...... , 44c Whit ... , 10 Ib................... near Dodds. ' C.ll on me for ,.our ,u.r.nHave you triold our "Wet Wash" teed work, •• follow", at 5c? Leave a call with Mahlon Ridge t.o have our driver explain in TIRE VULCANIZING ew, ••c h 6 4 c ..... .. ......... detail. Sof't Water' Laundry. RADIO REPAIRING ' Fancy Parlor. .... ... .. ....... ....94c BATTERY CHARGING Fred M. Cole was called to Beloit. RADIO SUPPLIES Wis., Saturday evening, on account BATTERY SUPPLIES of the serious illness of his father, whose death oc:curred on Monday In L.w.on'. Ship night. The fun.~ ral service was held today_ Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Deatherage. of near Oregonia, Mr. and Mrs. Harl Harvey and daughter, Doris, of neal' Lebanon, were Sunday guests of Mr. . 8jld Mrs. Ro.s s Hartsock. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Reeves. of My Next Visit to WaynesDayton, and Miss Ruth Reeves, of ville will be Thursday, New Burlington" spent Sunday with April 29,at Grange Hall the Misses Jennie and Josephine Reeves. IM~ERFECTLY , Mr. and Mrs. Russell Kerrick and FORMED EYES daughter, of Miamisburg, Mr, Heri. the rea. on schel Kerrick, Miss Kisslinger and GLASSES .re Miss Ellen Kerrick. of Dayto'!z, were required. Are guests ,at Mr. and Mrs. J. M. 'l 'aylor, Sunday. your per. feet or perMessl'll. R. A. Cross, Myer Hyman l fect? thaD Ten In. undred Will St John, L. A. Zimmerman ana perfect e,.e.. A .cientlSc e,,Dr. J. T. Ellis were in Lebanon, Fri- .mination i. required to r.y••1 tbe •• day evening to attend inspection and imperfeetion.. ,.our .,." e,,supper of the Chapter R. A. M. We launder oomforts and quilts, OPh. stretch curtains, dU8t and renovate ;;'In:. rugs and carpet!, renovaie feather 294 Ll,ldlotlJ,.Arca~,~ Dayton. Oblo beds and pilloWlI. Leave your call with Mahlon Ridge. Soft Water Laundry. ~~~~~~fi~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=====~~~~========~ Mr8. Eva Miller, who has spent more than two months with her daughters in liDia. returned to her home last Friday. She was accompanied by her daughterl Ml'II. Grace McCune. who remainea over until Monday. Mrs. ,M aggie Burnet has sold her, house on Main street to Miss Mary and Mr. Parry Cook. and left Tuesday for Dayton wherE~ she will make her future home. , MI'II. Burnet has many friends in Wayn,esville Who ,r egret her leaving. She will be at home to her frie~dll at 26 Chambers street. Ml'II. Edith M. Harris, who has been stayinig with F. E. Hartsock and family. at Milford spent Friday at her home here. Mrs. Hartsock who bas been in Christ hospltal~ Clnelnnatl, several weeks, is recovering and 18 thought to be able to be removed to her home within a short' time. ' Do you know moths very seldom. if ever, ruin your garments, atter they' bave been Dry Cleaned and Pressed ana stowed away immediately? Men'a ' aults and overcoata cleaned land prells-' ,1.00; ' ladlell' c'oats. ,1.60 up; laaies' plair) cb'easea, ,1.50. , Soft t • Water Lau,ndry. he re.


Waynesville Fanners' Exchange Company




Lite Market

:~ IQuality Meats



SUGAR P~~~;oaun:d CHEESE





Home Dressed



2 ~ -lb.



$1.49 27c



I :J


!:!r~Lered. 25C 2!~~




Auto and Tractor



• "Aero Gas" IS an "Anti Knock" • and IS bound to please the JJ;lost skeptical buyer.

Frank Biggs





Special Notice! -* K~ik-Lite Flashlights ...

We have a few left and are selling them ,at a very low price. If you need a Rashlight, get one while they,


HI Trial Will Bring ,I Smile" l:lie €aldwell & Taylor Co. . ,

'3 14 Kirkham, Street,

- -




DOC 6C 27 c.




An Appreciation


We desire to thank the people of Waynesville and vicinity for the generous support they have accorded us since we started into business. We are grateful for the many courtesies extended to us 'during our short ti me here. Our ,aim is to sell 'first-class goods, and we ,guarantee, the ,public that they are exactly what we say' \ they are. A .lair tria1 will convince you: , We invite you,. to come i,n, look arotin~, , a ,i).cl>~¢e . what' we :h~ve 9,n otir shelvcs"whetner 'y ou'buy o'r n.ot. I


Don't .F:orget-Our GOOd8" A~e ,Cuar~t.d

A. 'K. ;~~\Y, Wa;ynesville,0.,



" S ftS? " .



Seventy-"€ighth Year

Memorial Day Plans A call i. beine ilOued to W. , . nenRI. peopl. interelted iD r.t.morial Day e"orcileo to a .. omble at tbo GraD eo ball, Fricky OYeDiDe, at 7:30. Th.r. il DO oreaDizatioD to tak. cbule of thi. •• fo . . . rl,., and it i. now up to

State. Capital



Prepared by Columbua Reporter


Burnet-Thomas On 1~uesday evening, April 20, 1026, at the home of the officiating clergyman, Rev. John J . SchaelTer, Miss Marye Thomas and Mr. Hurry Burnet werc q u ietly married. Mr. anu Mrs. Seth Thomas, brother and ~ i s ter of the briue, and Mr . und Mrs. Oral Surface, brother-in-law und sister of th e groom , were the attendants. Mrs. Burnett is the on ly daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Thomas, of Route 4. She is a graduate of Waynesville High sc hool and u prominent me mber of t he Eastern Stur louge und the Waynes'Yille Grange. Mr. Burnet, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Burnet, of LytIc, is II prospc rou s young far mer. Th., yuung couple are happily setUeu on the Burnet furm, wher e they are r eceiving t ho congratulation s of lheir many friends.


Whole Number 5698


Clean-Up Day Sa t"rday , MAy 1 , wi ll be len-

e ral clean-up day in Wilyncoville, ... " re .. 1t af action taken by lbo village council at


recen t meet-

ing. The city dad. in deciding to rid W.yneIYille·1 Ilre. l. of dirt rubbi • ., collected during the winler monlh., a l.o deci ded that it

At the Gymnas ium lasL Friela\" Friday April 23, marked th e close ni g ht th· W:lrrC!n Counly No r mu·1 of sc hoof at Harve),sburg, anrl was class presentcd thei r a nnual pl:ty Lo would be n n opportune time for ~elebrnte d by the annual picnic nn d in band. an uppruci u tiv~ au d ie nce. Reid meet. PriZ(,s to bu uwuru ed fo r "Ju st Out of College," by Geo rge the e nt ire town to join in • generFor tbe put t .. n y_ro th .. the different eve nts of the lield meet COLUMBUS, OHIO:=::I1 there were Ad c, is fl comedy in thrce n Cl S, lht' a l d e-an-up day, ftnd a ll ci tizen . M"n'. cluh had charlie of tb .. afwel'e donated by the businiess and more state officials who liked to Ree Bccnes of which ar ' ill th e· ot1icc of are asked to co-operate witb the pro fessional people of the communif •• r , and after ita d e mi.e the their names in print, there might be Mr. Pi e ~ k c r i ng, n pros perou s pickle TO LECALIZE PRIZE FIGHTS ty. The bountiful and delicious dillan "investigatIon" of the departments Commercial club took chUII", mcrchunt, nt the Pure Food SllllW a nd offici. I •. ncr was ' scl'ved on the lawn ut the of the State Auditor and Attorney Tbe Com.n .. rcial club ba. quit, Mayor Roger •• tat ed hat thi. ut tht! Union stalion. 5 INSTALMENT BILLIONS nO l'" hour, t o which all did alllp le General. When these Bo-called "inThe parL~ were lIc.lmirnbly cII . l, und I order .hou ld be obcy e<i 10 Ihe I"t. justicu. The following arc the events vestigations" were started by J. '1'. and the citizenl. lenerally, will liS usual th' eflicient cOllching uf lIli ss LAND 3C RER ACRE DDd lb,,! all yard., n le Yl and together with the prizes and the Tracy and C. C. Crabbe, they he ld ha ... to take charle of afrain, if Howland WI1 8 in evidence. F oli uwI!reeta .hou ld be c\ uanLd a nd in winners: first-pllge position in the city papers. thore are Memorial Day exerci.o. 5,000,000 RADIO SETS ing is th e cu~L: 50-yu r!l !lash, girl s und e r 7- 18t Great se nsations and dovelopments Evelyn Lewis good order on or b e f Or l' next Rufus Alice BOlj"an, book; 2nd, Kathloo~ were promised. T ri ps have been thil y"ar. Bradford Carl Gray Salurday. Let everybody turn out to thi. Gray , cllndy. made to vllrious parts of the Stale Septimu s Pie kuring 50-yard dash, boys 7 lo 9-lst with the taxpay ers footi ng the bill by meetiDlI, and th ere will b" no Cle ment Sutierthwuilc hicago votes on the proposition Birch Foster, ice cream; 2nd, Harboth Trucy lind Crabbe, and ~onsi d­ dQubt ... to th" outcome of the Bernice Mc ormick Leola BIGir to make pri~e fighting legal. That old Tucker, basehal!. erable time has been spe nt III th e "Sliver~ " Mason E ve rett urnahun is the pillin English of it. The intel• ucc .... of the day. 50-yurd dash, girls 7 to !J-l st Virwork but so for not one thing of Solicitor WilnlCl Corwin lige nce and character of Chicago will Jrinill Davis, ic' crcum; 2nd, ElizaImpo ~tance has been developed. Io'llst Dorot hy Rye Geneviev e ' hi zzle he r e neetee! in lhe vote. beth Cllrr, candy. is that the so-called "investiglltions" Caro li ne Pi t kl'ring f:dnu Mulle n Pri ze fi ghtin g is hrutality, gathers 75-yurd dash, g irl ~ 10 to 14-lst is one of the biggest furc cs which Edward WorthiJl l:"ton S willg r . together cr imina ls and spreads the Helen Bennett, tu lt um; 2nd, Evalyn e ver was attempted by State officials, Ken neth 't ,[ohll wnrRt di scuses. I'l'nny, 50c box cllndy. and if they were started for political Agent , Eunice H oilingsworth Pri ze fighting makPs heroes of 75YIll'd dash, H. S. boys -1st , GerpUTposes--which no doubt they were Mrs. N. W. J ones .. thugs and lawbrellkers, setting n ald Aelamus; $1 1 ; 2nd . Jam cs Cllr-a complete failure must be record . ... Kathle e n Hende rso n fal sc example before grow ing boys. Dam\" ruiny weathc r the past few buck, 50c. ed. The fact that the two offi cials 1I1 emhers oC friends of the county Pr01. H . Dolrympl e Bliss It has been said thot prize fightin g weeks IUS not ollly delayed general Running broad jump, boys 7 lo 9 back -of the work are not eandidlltes ........ RlI ymond Bmeldock W. C. T. U. frum MllincvillCJ, Mason lrnin s nwn "to be courogeous a nd fa rm operations, but has been a fac1s t, Birch Fu~t" r, knifc' 2nd , for anr office t his year has been Rulh I,. ' ne KaIT Fmnklin, Harveysburg. On,gonia and defen d their country." Well-known luI' in s preading the swine diseases !\Irs. Pickering Robllrt ShiJa ker, cundy. ' mentlomed, and it must be said in lJelegat<l from ni"n ChC!"ter lI ee r y Wuynesville were prese nt IIi the mid- Americnn prize fi ghters, appar entl y, CO 111 monly spoken of as " ho g flu." Hun ni ng hroud jump, boy" 10 to 13 1111 fairness to other State officials Girls -Mi ss La rk sum . Diu y"lIr m~eting of the organization wer e a ll hidin g under t he bed when The New cn tury club met \vti h - 1st , Donald Wurtz, bell; 2nd . Chas. Several ca ~c s have been reported to Bingo that the nction 18 not meeting with Hurtsock; 1I1iss Blyth e, 'nnie Glu- hdd ' !::iaLurday at Oregonia. Mrs. the war broke out, or they gave lesth e Assistant County Agricultu rnl either aupport o~ approval of pllrty Mr •. F. H. Farr at th e home of Bogan, baseball . ney; 111 iss Byrd, ),;va McM illan; N. L. Bunnell, county presi dent, of son8 to soldiers in camp, far from the aJeent, who, in turn, started commURunning hig h jump. boys 0 to I Sleadera~ More State money is being lIlrs. J . W. White, who shared with Miss Gay , Marguret Mnrlatt; Miss Lebanon, presided at the meeting. s h o otin~. You cannQt mention a spent e"'Cry year-considering the her busy si$t er-in -Iaw the ente rta in- 1st Cllrl Anderson, baseball; 2nd,. nication with d ifferent Stat e Agrlcul. The mceting opened ' with devo- prizl'-iight champion that volunteer ed Butterfly, Mirinm W est. ~u ra l 'nlleges and ElCPcriment staamount of work done- hy the Stut.e 'ment of the Apdl club meeting, in W ill . Bogan, hair cut. tionals by t he )lusto r of the Orego- to fight. for his country. of Souve nirs .. Stan ding broa d JUIIlP, H. S. boys - Lion, t o ascertail1 the cause of its Collector auditor and attorney general, thul) her hospituble home. ............... ..... George Bunn e ll niu church, afte r whch reports of the Prize fighting means violating the The opening numb er, a solo by 1st Gerald AdulTls, necktie; 2nd. Jas. witl 'spread treatment and preventa- Collegiu by any other office, and the machin ns . ack Lindsey, Ha lph Mull prolj" ress of the work from the Un- law agn inRt as.~o u1t and battery for tive meas ures. The answers returnof the bureau of ac ~ u nU ng , in th e Mrs. Frank LeMay . "Jerusalem Curback, pocketbook. Mrs. Stotler, of the sake of proflt. A city voting for Hllmey Hug hes, Clyde Armstrong; ion s w"re Ij"iven. Slick race, girls II to 12- 1st, Eliz- ed to the Cou nty Agents offiee are olllce of tho Stste Auditor hOll ulwys Awaken," with Miss Helen Hawke as Franklin, rend n very interesting it wo uld disgrace itself. Tom allin, Geor!!c Bunnell. indicative of a co-o rdinate d study of been one of the most powerful and p ianist, was rend ered in her usuul abcth arr, bottle shampoo. paper, "Why Temperance in the Aunt Julill Swinger Phebe Lundy Potuto I"uce, boys ~ to 12-1st the "trouble, a s all authorities are Lllnesollle smo oth running Instruments of its good voice and pleas ing style. Sunday Schools." Mrs. Foster, of This is written after seeing New Lady Tra ve ler. Aiice Hee ry practically of the SUme opinion in reEighteen members responded to Robt. Gut'don, baseball; 2nd, Ellis kind, maintained at the coet of tax News St.and Girl .. Miriam West Mason, had n most ex~e ll ent paper Orleans, with Colonel Ewing, boss of gard to cause and treatment. ro ll call with "Birds 01 the Bible." Shildaker, Ilshinlj" line. payers. The ro is one thing certain, th e subj ect of "Peace." . the New Orleons States, as lecturer The , reatment prescribed by ull T il-ket Seller ...... Clyde Armstrong on At and that I. that these two State of- An afternoon with the birds. e ngog- Potato race, g irls 9 to 12- lst, Virthe noon hour a number of and guide. Train Cali er . .. . . Chester Heery lIuthorities vary somewhat. but in cd the attention of . Iembers and gin ill Davis, candy; 2nd, Elizabeth /leillls while In their play'ful mood During tbe interm issions the fo l- earnest pruyers were voiced, after the nlain they em pbasize cutting the BlaCkford, pencil box. nro not hurting any candidates foT' guests. lowing mus ical numbers were well which a covered dish dinner was The old French cathedral is beau- · rat ion, and giving the hogs a good "Common Birds Usef ul to FarmHorseshoe piitching, men-1st J. ottlee this year. iiful and the Cabildo, in which was Vocal quarte t, \\lessrs. s rved. dry bed in their sleeping quarters. executed: ers." Mrs. Baily by observation H.,Boga n, 10-lb of sugar. A t t he 'opening of the afternoon ig ned the Louisiana Pu'rebnse, is a Baseball throw, H. S. g irls -1st, The quarters s hQuld be free from John Kersey, Williorn '.,homus, Her- session, Mrs. Conover, of Maso n, smuseum Oppositiion, as yet organized, but and dissection, it hilS been found of American treasures and bert Ault, Curl Gray, Miss Kathleen drafts and dust. :&1r. R. A. Craig, from 100 to 200 insectll a day, Evelyn Tucker, L27 fet 3 in., book; that which promisee to develop to a high Henderson, IIccompauist; voclIl solo, Look charge. An invitation was ex- memories, not equaled anywhere. chief veterinarian of Purdue Univeris a conservath\e estimate of t he 2nd, Violet Bogan, 112 feet 8 in ., SUld~gre e has been evide nt from reports We 'bought Louisiana, by the way, sity, in r egards to feedings says: "In Miss Elsie Hawke, Miss Esther Hen- tended io all to attend an aH-day coming into State political h eadquar- quantity consumed by each Insectiv- tionery box. n, accompllnis t; piuno solo, Miss nstilute at Mason, April 30th, at n territory that reached north, from Baseball it. girl s over 13-lst, most cases only enough feed is fed derso ters against a thttd term for two orous bird. · Mrs. Baily convinced Rhea Janet Cartwright; vocal solo, which time Maso n and Maineville the Gulf to the Great Lakes, for mem bers of the Supreme eourt un that t he native bifds are our Na- Luclhle Tucker, 118 feet, 3 in., pearl to keep the well ones in the bunch John Kersey. organizations will ae'!; as hosts. three centll aD acre, the world'B recCrom becoming too restless. U there term. A number have tried it, how- tion's most valuable assets. Destroy necklace. The Scientific Temperance In" ord in real estate b~ains. . "The Baseball throw, women-1st, Mrs. is any feed left over in the troughs ever. . The length of the Supreme them and ;n a compartively few struction work in tbe schools was First Consul of France,' as Napolecourt i8 ahc years aDd aller a mem- years the insect8 will have multiplied Jnmes Jacobs, I-lb. coffee; 2nd, Mrs. or on the flOor Sifter the hogs have then take n up. The prize essays were on was then called, must often woneaten it should be removed. When hal .erved two terms he has had 12 to Buch nn extent that trees will be Sam Carback, 5-lb. beans. rend, origi nal posters e.x.hibited, and der, in heaven, why he did not hold Shot put, ·H. S. boys -1st Gerald the hogs recover we begin fe eding ~el1rs !lit a mllmber of the bench. denuded of their foliage, plants pl'izcs were awardetl. WayneSVille on to that parcel. . abo ut one-third to one-half the usual Three of the memben of the . court ",ill cease to thrive and crops can- Adllms, $ 1 ; 2nd, Jus. Carback, 60c. having the most, some valuable • Basketball throw at basket, WOol- ration and do not increase too rapwill be up for re-nomination at the not be raised. thoughts were expr essed in a short The 'people bought five bUllon dol"Human Traits of Birds," Mrs. en-1st, Mrs. Hnrbert Carr, rubber idly." August primaries, but Chief Justice paper prepared by Mrll. N. L. Bun- Jars' worth of goods on the instalment Dean C. H. Stanage, Division of Marshall Is OlI1Qng only his sC'cond Evans. Mllny incide nts were given apron. plan in 1925, and 80me 8ay, "We are nell. Bas ketblill i hrow in basket, girls- Veterinary Medicine, Iowa State colwhiile Judges Jones and Mathia$ arc whvrein the characteristic traits of The parts for t he annual Senior The orc hestra from the Harveys- rushing into bankrurtcy." B\\t don't says "proper sanitation and care lege, play were assigned Tuesday. Praceach asking a third term. It is go- buman beings fo~nd their co unter- 1st, Nellis Graham, 50c bottle perin all that we are advising except tice will begin 800n on "Green berlj" school was present lind r endered worry. Money weI spent by thOle ing to be interesting to watch the part in bird type. Mrs. Evans found fume. several beautiful eelectio'ns, which that can pay helps spender and 8elwhere the ' animals are constipated the Pe nquin to be the most human Baseball throw in can, men1st crpposition ,to third terms for SuStockings," an English ' comedy. were very much appreciated. ler and hurts nobody. an d laxatives are indicated." and also g~ve "Old Abe," with Burnett Butterworth, road repair like, preme Court judges which comes not Watch for' further announcements. A vote of than Jc s WIIS expressed to If you want a piano, radio set, auB. H. Edgington, Animal Patholhis enthusiasm in battle, li nd wild kit. only from Influential members of the the or chestra, also to th e hostesses tomobile ahd know you can pay for ogist, Ohio Agriclultural Experiment cries in vil:tory, I\S an example. Baseball t hrow in can, womenbar generally, but from city as well The r esult of the Prince of Peace we adjourned feeling it ha d been it, get it now and enjoy it while iYou station; says in regard to cause of declomation contest held at the M. und The8e papers contained valuable lilt, F loramond Reed, I-lb. coffee. as rural votera. II day well spent, lind believ ing that information concerning ou r feathRelay race, H_ S. boys~ohn Reb- hog flu, "Tho exact cause of t he E. church, S unday night, were as fol- the iMpressions being made upon pa~he rich buy real estate and stocks condition has never been definitely lows: First, Kenneth Retallick; secfriends, and should be the erson and Davis Bogan, $2. W.Il~her ~ondltion, h~vII brought cred these youn g lives will be fo r lasting on instalments. A good automobile established. The condition is comof creating an in terest in "0 d h H S . I v _ obo\l~ a condition tbis year that aport- means good. Let us continue to agitate, is worth mor e than a house. their habits a nd mod es of IHe. AC... ya.r op. . . g lr s-lst nuth- monly seen in fe'eder hogs, particu. ond , Ada Sba ner. leen Graham, $ 1ing men of the State have desired e.n educate and legislate that ope.n temp Peg set, boys 10 to 14- 15t. Wm. larly when they have been subjected The following clusses and organ- tation may ever be kept from the acted into a S1!ate law. 'Within a few ter years of careful observation, the The important thing is that instaldays the seaso n for catehing bus will State ornothologist of Massa rnusetts Bogan, belt; 2nd, Clive DeBord, hair to the expos ure of long shipments izations donated toward the ;fund children und young peo ple of our me nt business s hould be on a sound and retention in public stockyards. for purchasing th e new curtain for be here and there basn't be lin a week has e9ti~te d that the average num- cut. basis, not encournging extravl\gance, bea utif ul America. Running broad jump, H. S. boys - Since the con tributary causes may the Gym: IIlnca the ice broke that the baas fish - ber of bIrds killed per cat populacharging excessive rates for time .... .. $16.00 inig has be~ poasible in Ollio tion is about 60. Still, they are aI- 1st, Gerald Adams, box Babe Ruth s ; vary witb differEmt instances, it is Junior Class ......... . payments, or encouraging a man with impossible to outline a procedure that H. S. Orches rn 10.00 atreaml. Sporting men haye claimed lowed to roam about without restric- 2nd , J ohn Roberson, 25c. u car, good f or two or three years Th I d would be suitable in all cases." tion, leuving death an d destrue~ticm , 1 ." .. 11.28 for ye&l'l that if no bus were caught ill Operetta Surplus . more, to get rid of it prematurely and their wake. All homeless Icats ree- egge Irace, girls 12 and Since hog flu lmay have contribu- Tom Corwin Lit. Society 6.70 over-Dorothy Davis and Kathleen In ~e spring lICuon they would mulglut tho used car market. Alma M. Lefferson , only dau ghtary causes differing greatly in dif8. 30 tiply much faster, and bave , lIgught a should be dispatched immediately. Graham, trip to Zoo. Athenian Lit. Socie ty What hurbs is waste , not spending, of James C. and Mary E. WaterMusicnl co ntest--1st, Kathleen ferent herds, it i.s important that a Class of 19 26 38.94 ter l,w closing the .ealon untlJ about and all pets sbould be housed at house, was born on the eighth day of local veterinarian be called to study least from May until August, wh en Grahalll. $1. 45.00 Februury 1891, at Wuynesville , Ohio, June 16 of each year. Weather conPageant Fund Chicago will build streets hollow Running high jump, upper grade the herd at an early stage of the disdition. this year will prove' the. value the ~oung birds arc able to fly. and departed this life at eight at the center, hi gher at the curb, conease. Otherwise the trouble may beThus it is the duty and should be b i t W'lb M C 60 Following is th e April attendllnce: o'clock on the evening of April 22, ('ave, instead of convex. Moisture 9! ,u~l). a law. Streams have been the pleasure of every cl.· tlzen to do oys- S , I ur 40c.c arren, c ; come widespread and serious troub2nd , J ohn Syferd, Senior Girls ........ .... ...... .... 94.66 % 1926, at St. Elizal,eth hospital, will run to the center of the street, " ~"~c11, true wa~r .,old and bal! fishles with. losses follow. or her power to protect Potnto raco, girls 13 and over-lat, alt in his Sophomore Girls ...... .............. 93.9 % Covi ngton, Ky. hili efn .. lmClllt nil. Even the a more so litary, leBs eXpilnsive plan. Freshmen Girls .... ..... ........... 92.6 % tllell 'oj t II State "ave failed ~o pro- these valuable creatures and encour- Dorothy, 50 cent s ; 2nd, Evalyn PcnMen learn, slowly. Needles were Alma was reared and educated age the.m to r emahi about our homes. ny, comb. ' . . Junior Boys ............ .. .......... .. .. 9 1. 47 % in the community in which she was used for 100,000 yean before anylIue. QUfI in 'he UIUal number, and Th. many appreCiations of pleasthis il attributed to t,pe cold weathJunior Girls .... ... ..... ... ....... .. .. .. 9 1.4 '/0 bOI·n. She was g rlld ullted from body thought of putting the eye in Senior Boys .. .... ...... .... ........ 91.26% Wnyn csville High 6chool in the clas8 the point of the needle, thuB making er. The season for catching basa ur~ expre~ed\ by · the departing g uests provlld tHo success of the Sohpomore Boys ....... , .. ........ 9 1 % og 1910, and then attended the Leb- the sewing machine possible. closea at midnight, $'rld'f, of thi. hosteBSes iii tile anernoon 'entertainW\lek, _ncl no more maye lIe caught ment. Frellhmnn Boys .. ..... ......... ..88.6 a non Normal sebool ,to lit her self · until June 51 when the apaWJllng seaMrs. Drake, vice-president of the Hopkins, son of Isaiah B. for the teaching profession. In this :rhe invitee;! guest., \Vere: Mrs. Not absent nor tardy, to date: It0n III over. L. H opkins, was born in she proved very successful, teaching Child Study association, says parenA. Wns~burn nnd !leI,' mother, Mrs. Ault, Geneva tal instinct is disappearing. There Co un ty, Maryland, May (or seve rul years in the schools of The bid of W. T . Weewlts on the Eranstrator, E lizabeth 'fh!! Stat{! fair ~ear Is 1I.e DeVoe, Mrs. \Vil1!ur Q\ark, Mrs. 28 , 1833, and died at the home of construction work from Waynesville are TlO more "natural born parents." Waynesville nnd vicinity. _ullt what the n" JlIe imp\ie!l, and not Laura Zell, !lfrtl. CJ:Qne, )Irs. O. R. his daughter, in Duyton, April 20, to th e Grecn county line, was acceptShaner, Edna On Jun e 22. 1922 • • he was uni- There are stHl fortunately plenty of Thomas, Anna. ~ q!rcull. . Thil dealalgn PIIlI !;!een made Unglesby, Mrs.. Emma Dllkln, MiBS L926, aged 92 years, 10 months and ed by the State Highway commission ted in marriage with Charles H. Lef- natural born mothers, millions of b1 (1QvernQr Viq »Ilnlll!ey, who. has Helen llawke and little Miss p,.nry 23 days, the last rema ining member and work will probn bly be started ferson, of Middlt'towll, Ohio, to them. Eva LeMay. E. L. S. Not absent nor tardy durin!!" April: which union came twu beautiful OOllle to t)J~ oonolullol\ that viSitors It is not affection, but knowledge, of a fom ily of five children, a brother next we k fro m thCl north end of the to thte great ex1ilbltlol1 Ilome to CoIda Barnett, 1mogene Beckett, children, Mary Virg iniu, aged 22 that mothers lack. and th ree sister s having preceded line. 1\Ir. Weeks is m oviu g his par~--lumbus , ~o lIee the products of Ohio Five million rauio sets in the Unihim to the Great Bey ond. erphllnaliu from t h e eastern part of Vashti Bec kott, E lsie Bradbury, Ruth months, und J ames Erwin, who ''I US homo. and farma, a~d not worn out In 1856 this fnmily, together with the Stale, and it is stated that they Cook, Florence Crone, Emilia Cum- but thr!'e hours old when his m oth- ted States have 27,000,000 human bevaudevUle aota an4 . circul Btunts. ings list ening in. Sad that so little t hree aunts, callie to Ohio and settled will be on the gr(lUlld some time this mins, Geneva Denlinger, Rh ea Ellis, ter !Jussed to ihe Grent Beyond. Not only that, but the ' governor has Velma Grisham, Thelmn Hllrtsock, Alma was u gi rl who WIIS well broudcasting is wort h attention. Sciat Waynesville. week. ordered tbat poUticlanl ahd hangersHe wa~ united in murrioge to MarBeing enco pe rfects th e machinery, but in James Wirtz, wlio bas the contract l!lIsie Hawke, Martha Hay, Jenn lik ed wlierever she went. 0'0 will not aee this great exhibit with garet Seller s, Morch 27 , 1873, who for the bridge al1d culverts, was in Hoc)tett, Ma ry Runt, Denll Ri ch. Adu one who was not on ly n pleasant te lligence has n't yet supplied worthy oQt depoaitlnr tbelr Uttle Bilver ofpreceded him in death October 16, tow n last week, IMking for belp. By Shaner, Mary Stansberry! Luclfa companion. bu t was eve r sympa- material. But thut will ~me. I n tering tbe tame .. othere with leBS 1915. To this union were born s ix actual count there are 84 culvertll Williamson, Harold Berryhill, 'itlos. thetic il\ time of sorrow and trouble; future ages, the individual worth polltloa' Il'IlIuencc, but gr~ater \ children, four of whom died in in- and. bridges on ' t.his route, some of Braddock, Charles Day, Clyde Ever- s he maclo friends easi ly an d many whil e will have illS personal following hart, Therle J ones, E lmer Plnnck, of them. She was very public spir- a n lIudience of 100,000,000 all 500,elatlve power, Elimination of . Mrs. Josiah Davis and Mrs. Lloyd fanlY, J'hUip and Mary being left Which, however, will be eliminated. acta meane a .aving o·f IICveral thou- Davia were the pleasant hostesses to mourn his loss; also two grandChilKenneth Retallick, Geneva Ault, ited and took a lively interest in all 000,000. The written word will no Mr. Weeks hOB the contract for ' sand dollars annually; and reduction to th.e Happy Hour club) Tuesday, of dren and one great grondchild. building the road through Waynes- Elizabeth Bran strulor. Edlla Shaner, ntfairs pcrtllining to the welfare of longer compete of free tickets. meane' In increase of last week, April 20, and were aSsist. the cOlllmuntfity. During the World The most of his busy life was spent ville. It has not been decided as t o Anne Thomas. aeveral thonsand clollan in .I'evenue. ed in hospitality by Mrs. Henry Sat- in farilling, milling and . carpentry. the grade of construction to be used, Ten million dollars' worth of 011 About 300/0 of High school not War she took an active part ill the Maybe ttle action of the gove~or terth~alte. A goodly number of club FOl' the past e ig ht years, almost a but the council has asked for tbe con- absent nor tardy during April. \york of the local Red Cross chap- burned in California, two me n killed wont _ljIake on1 vOtel with the owners members and several guests enjoyed helpless invalid, he bore his affiictions crete form of road through the vilte r. he was a member of the M . Lightning caused two storage la kes and tlooking &genta of elreue and an April program which consisted oC in a 'c heerful, Christian spirit, and lage. Complete list of winners in the E. church" but Dfter her marringe to explode. 'I'hose that spend mbnev vaudevUle stunta, .and maybe lOme' of readinJj:s by Mrs. Mitchener and Mrs. often ,e xpres8~d his full trust in God Work on the lower end of the town contests sponsered by the local W. C. sh e withdrew her letter from thllt on lig ntnin g rods will wonder how the poU"clanl w\U. be disappointed, Reba Braddoc~t r ecitations by Rachel and submission to his plans. church Ilnd placed it ill the Latonia valuable they relllly are. Cannot ill progressing fine, an~ if, the stone T. U., in the Waynesville schools: but w:bo caree leu. about their opin- and Charlotte Hartnlan; a tribute r ecPresbyterian church at Latonia, Ky. scientists find a way, with high tonA true, loving father, always ready can be procured I'eadly, the rond will ion than Vic Donahey? And it doe.n't itation by . Mrs. James Vandervort, to help those he could, has Pllssed to be conlpleted within a short time. Eighth Grade- Horaee M. Sl!aner. She was 11lso a loyal member of the sian wires or otherwise, to protect oil Seventh C;;rade~ Harlan Shockey. local chapler of the Ordcr of East- we lls and oil storage? How long ' bemake a bit of dUret:ence to him that and two songa In which all joined. his reward. fore . great conductors escort the Sixth Grade-Mary Jo Miller. the S~te falr is held onlY.r. few . Contests were enjoyed and the ern Star. Lawso~-L~w:~op weelca before 'the election. El min .... serving of an ' ex~llent lunch and Fifth Grade~ulinn Crabbe. Alma's going is a sore bereave- Ug,htoil1g safely down from the --:--:---:--:' ( Fourth Grade- Catharinn Cook. clouds and use it as It comea down t tlon of c!reua acta doe• .pot ,m ean that friendly visiting, brought a very pleas mellt to her hu sband, children, Degr~e there will be rio tUverilty of enter- ant afternoon 't o a closll. . LytIc School- Eurl Rubble. An event of Thurs~ay evening, e r, brother George, ber uncle, Mr. Edison should work at that. tainment for rural, Vialtros. There E •• at· Gue!~i aside from c.lub members April 22rid, ' ~.\le , m!u.Tiage 'of Jumes Sale, and other relatives, At the Eighth Gradc-Catharine Bran- and she will be sadly mis!ed 'by a will be plenty. 'of, unusual featurel were. MrII. Eleanor Babbl M.f s Miss "Cleo Lawson to Mr. IrWin Lawevery day of tb~ ·meetint. sop__ The bride is daughter of strator. araon Earnhart, Mrs. Fred C91e; Mrs. hoat of friends. 'Seventh Grade- Mnry Louise Zim- . L. A • .Zimmerman, Mrs. Llna Dsvitt, M.,~Ida J. L!\ws,o{l, . Ma~ street, Card of TbaD'" -~-Ootlnjitop, ![y., . Is merman . MJ'lI. Emmor ~ BallYl MrIIl ' Robert We wish to elCPreu our lIincere Sixtb Grnde~ ohn Turner. , Oroas altd .Kiu Bowland ~ tlie. ion· of tlr. A. gratitude to Mr/!. James tlcClure, .. ~ . .J:lfth Grade-Bessie Woollard. LaW1Jon, of Welt r.nui"iat,~ri. Mrs. Annie Sheehan, Mrs. A. T. -;.it,.--• • "i t '" Fourth Grade---.Ruth Hockett: • A remarkable Wright, Mrs. Lester Got:don, Mrs. Lytle SchoolMary Hubble. that n'o~ ' 0 .', R. Unglesby, ~nd many more of . , There wore in all 212 postera a.nd our nelghbers and friends who so .W. and equal number 'Qf esa,a ys. The kindly came to use .with sympathy hi' 'three in each group were BUb- and help ' at the time of our great In a Warren . county contest. bereavement; 1\1so to Revs. ' S. A. The from Waype8ville took Cal~well apd .L. A. WaBhburn, ,for lInt I ., theIr aervice8 and cou80ling worda,' to those who sent the beautifQ fto:wers and to the lIIlllGlpres for their very efficient IIC~Ces, ,



the citizen. to t.k. thi. maUer

., . I

._-- - -




_____ ..._0----

Alma M. Lefferson



..---Philip Hopkins






.. --.---


----Te_am' - - ..----Here .


.. ",'all:' .Found ~ad

Well Known Morrow




------------Mothers' Club Picnic Tci Be Held l\t,. y 7th



E.' Cornell.


Mr•. C. H. Letf~nl Mrs. Ma:r;r WaterJiolde ana Famil,. .


drnw hllo petition nnd to file a new


nwtilln in this en e.


\ -lllilUl1. II \er v~ . The Leba non ·lI~lonll.l Blink n ll admr. of tho estat e of RI'> Von Tres~, deceosed. court onl" r d th!\t p l oill~ifl' r cover $8-iO


Estate 01 T holll(ls Prendergast, decellllllll, N\)li~e is hllr eby !liven ·that B. C. Preud 1'~lI s t hill< b~ n d uly IlppoinLed nnil ejulllit\cd u ~ lld ministrutor of th o pstllte of 1'hom\18 Prcmt!crgost lute of Warren Clunty, decea scd. . Dated this Hili clay of April , 1926. \V Z. ROLL, 'Juli ~(' of the P robate Court, Warrell ounty, Ohio. rn5


H nry


1I1ar},s, tl'llstl'O, \"6 ChaTle. O. HIlU~e r, ct III. , r,~ c ~el· tied, judgmon ' po id in f ()Ii , roa1s tax d at , 152. 4 paid by Ile{cnuanu.. ad dltlonnl c()~lS Ul)(ed a ,6.42 , plIlIl by intervening pctitiolll·r. Snmlh'l Spfcc.r. Vb'gil Fulion y~. Willillm K G ..,,ham ond Willi lll '. no.. r. saIl' uctinn of Butkr coulIly . h('l'ilY in lhl' C'~ t , oI , ' of Wlllium S. Roof. "'>In ar !')' ,,"-d loy ('ourt :lnll Silid ~h"rifl' wn~ oT'llcn'd 10 lIIllk a ~ullld(nt <.l ,t',l t e, the purchaser, 1)n\' " Fiuklcnlllll . Th :tatt> n f Ohio '·R. 11 USl>c II Smith, "''lid dcfe:l rl:I\I1.'~ bond I>ct IL" 800 with Frunk - ('celie lid ~u rd ) for h i~ 8jlpenrnn c(' heror,' 1h May tarnl of tllO I<"l'snc1 jury to "n ~ w ~r III a elmr!!,e of conducting an illegal hOllse. Tho Stule of Ohi" ,·S. Chilt on A. Lcedom. Il(lll c prn ~c CJui cnt~rNf b~' prosElClltink utlorlll'Y on Ihe indi ·t· nUlllt. William J . Evans \'~ . JU llns F. Stump, Alice Steele l' ( a I., i~. ue waived by dcfec1a)ltg, llud th e COllrt specifieci partitions of 1h (' C'~tute CI1l1cer n d t o b e made among lhe claimants. Sheriff wns issued a \nit of pllrtition auth orizing him to s ub-di vide lIIIid estn teo In. redissqlution of tho Mason MillIng Co., a corporation, leave was give.n the People's Building Loan and Savings Company of Mnson, to intervene in s:nid action and to fi le their petition of interven tio n. Carrie M. Gibbs vS. O"car Gibbs, d ivorce granted to plaintHft...,h er mniden name of Carrie M. liardy restor d. Costs paid by plaintiff. J ohn T. H ar bine J r. vs. William G. Thompson as assignee f or t he of creditors of Edward S. Shroyer. plaintiff, was authori,zed t o with-





ti9l1, water ' d £air. ,an


Eve n·He Ert I "I ..


\'8. Bum r Ertle ct ,-"nlt' n'd pill-lilion of the

l·,~n l e l' ol1':I'rnl'(1 <llld i~8ue d a lO r Jlllrt ltiull 10 the ~h('l· iff. Elkll I~ . ('ollner ,. ~ . Edilh

wr it


:-;hl'l'\\ (,1,,1 I't 111. , cou rt ord(· red par tilinn oi l'~ l,ntl' COil, rn ('d und .issued w!'il .. f I'urdlinn !II . hl'riff. 'I'll<' :-;('IlIl h Ll'loLinon Pflckin{t Co., " 1" "1'1 Ht ion \·s. ~:1l 1'1 Philho llr And C. n. \\.III kin., ))"tilion moti on by d, f, I dant ~ u' pr rulf'd hy court, said ff , f, ·,\(lun ls wert' )!rn nled I!O d a~' :i " il hi n \\ hich t •• \llt·ull. . The :';"lIlh LI'l'}\Iwn r nckinA' Co., " .• ' l,, 1 lIailH's 'UIIJ C. D. Wntkins, P"(ilio n I"'('rl'ulC'd, :W days withi n II h"' h t('l re- pll·lId. 1'h(' ,uulh L"l>nnon Packing CJ ., 1-". Lun Burns und . D. \Vutkins, nh,t i" " \'l'r ruled nnd :!O duys to fil e ll l\ \ \ '


lIL1l'll' ~' 1'('11030 0('1 Growers' ati"~ }-\ :o::wctation V~ • •l onas

Co-operH . F lorn, ('hc"tl ' r :\ . Cumpbell nnd C. H . Clark.

L'use di~misscd.

Bur\('y Touncc('l Growers Associalion \':'. Othl! Rlllli ff . ChesLer A. Campbell and . H. lurk, case dismi!'Scd ut eost or plaintiff. Howard Fiedler, doing business as Fl'Unklin PlumbinA' om pa ny, va. The 'upe ri or Paper Company, case dismissed at costs of plaintiff. Ca rrie B. Will iams \'5. D. W. William s. case dismissed, cost s of pla intiff. James A. Purd um a nd Ida B. Pur dum V S. tell a P it ser et a I. , sher iff's 's ale nction of r eal estate concerned npporved by cou rt : good and sufficient deed order cd made by sheriff t o plaint iffs fo r r enl estate purchased through s uid su le. a n'd settlem ent of debts of estate ord er ed made. Roy D. Bla ck and Earl y Kirk, pa rtners, \'5. Bessie C. Blackford , demurer fi led by defe ndant sustained by court bu t petition file d was fou nd insufficient and was dismissed. Adolph Yorns and Byron F . Ely, ns executor of the estat e of J ohn Yorns, deceased , vs. Lebanon Nationa l Bank 88 ad mr. of the estate of R. Va n Tress, deceased, defendant fo und not g uilty to charges, case at costs of plaintiff. Jalnes Osca r Coffee VB. The Industrial Commissio n of Ohio, j ury in vice for case was dismissed. Virgil Fu llen VB, W illiam E. Grabam et aL , $4 00 made in exec ution herein and settlements were made ther efrom. William S. Roof vs. Virg il Fullen, petition of pla int iff dismissed; upon application of plai ntiff fo r bond of app ea l, am ou nt set Ilt $800. . Melvin D. · Cummings vs. Elisha Sandlin and E lla Sa ndlin, defendants g iven 10 days in whioh to plead. The Duro Pump and Manufacturing Company, .of Dayton VB. RoIlS McCutcheon, t ime for filing motion de murring or r eplying to defendant's answer extend ed to April 24th.

NEW SUITS Heber Dill and Frank A. Dilatush doiog business und er the name and style of the Dill-Dilatush Clinic vS. Albe.rt UlIu m, for mon ey only, the am ount cla imed $105.60 witb interest. Ralph Care>" attorney. • Paulin e COUZZlnS vs. Cecil Couz-

_ ent treatm . , all

t' h e

are Better '. k .B we needs to 'deliver its

zins, f or. divo rce. a bsence charged_. Ralph Ca rey, attorney. T he Va l D icker Packing Co., of Piqua VB. the E. Kahas SOtul Comnty, of Cincinn a ti , for damage to personal property, amount claimed, $1217.67. E dwi n Stewart vs . Alfarettn A ndcrso n an d Eva Irene St ewart, for PlIrtitio n of r eal estat e and equitable relief. Timoth y F. Ashberry vs. The Leba no n National Bank, fo r money only. amount cluim ed $48, 006.78 and interest from February I, 1924.




tIl illt I' 8~ from der ndo nt . F..'lT1 rlisl " . l':ylv(lstor Hisle, mnr ri:IJlO vows we r e elissolv d, · plai ntiff r~l\tored lo h r ~naid(!n nam", EUl'1

PROBATE PROCEEDIN'GS First a nd final al'co unt of the estate of Elm er K elsey, deceased, filed by admin istr atrilC, Edna L. Kelsey, a nd was ordered suspended. I nventory nnd apI)rnisement of the cstate of H eary M. Deck er , deceased, file d by adm-x. Sa rah Ann Decker and· same was r ecord ed. Last will and testa me nt, of Martin V. Marshall, late of Franklin town ship, was ad mitted t o p robate and WilbUi' S. Mar sha lJ and Carl J . Miller w(' re qua lified [lnd were appointed executo rs of said will and gave $25,000 ba nd, wit h H. S. Con over and Howa rd Cheney as sureti es. A{lpralsers fur sa id estate we re appointed. Tbe co urt ord e l'Cd that reports of proceed ings be made. In th e matter of the settlement of l he estate of Matil da Hosier, no move to appraise th e property having been made, t he co ur t set th greoss value of the estat e a t $8079 .61; certain suc cesso rs entitied to partition were named. In t he matte r of th e estate of William Burton, dec-easlld, the court 01'!lllred that t he inh eritan ce tax entry be cer ti fi ed to the county auditor. Estates named f or settle ment on May 3rd, stltr ting a t !l a. m., Boyd S. Rathgcber, exec utor of th e estate of Will ia m Burto n . deceased, first and fi na l ucco unt: Lebnllon Na tional bank admr. of estate of R. V a n Tress , deceased, fi rst acco unt, La ura J , Zell,



astonlishinglv low cost. at


MOTOR COMPANY ...... I# ...... ,....~ .UNT. MICHIGAN

Keelor Garage Lebanon, Ohio

Ref rig era to r s Made from Selected White Pine, Insulated with Celotex Lumber, Clean and Sanitary, Seamless, White Enamel Lined. Only




Live Poultry I WANTED!


In 48 hoon after leaving the shell the chick .. rea d y for

Will Pay

26c per pound

A.D.Swank &Son

II' SNtFfB) uP \1+E"

T e le phone 292W

~E IT GlEf'R'> Ttl!: HEAD AND PRCV~~



Ohio '

W e Pa y Your T elephone Call. if W e Bu y Your Poult ry.



e.?!!!!rgt (u~


Starting Feed Feed it for 8 weeks.. Copkey's is low in fibre and Just right in prole in, scienlifica lly cor:rct. Does not mjureor overtax the acnBltlve di gestive apparatus. ' C'lnkey's is thc Original Buttermilk Starting Feed. rt is made by the Conkey Origi nal Process, In whlcb Semi-Solid Butt erm ilk i8 thoroughly Incorporated wi th other Ingredienta. Cunkey's Poultry Book tree.




National B.nk Will. Drawn .... .. .... E.tate. Sctlled

WaynellVille, Ohio

Waynesville Farmers' Exchange Company

Dr. John W. Miller Dentist

Phone 25

Wayncavm" National Bank BId,.

e xecutrix of the estate of Fra nk Zell, de ceased , fi rst and final account; J. Q . Gons, ndmr. of the estate of Martin Gons, deceased, first and final accou nt; Wa ldron C. Gilmour, a d mr. of estate of Robert Gilmore, deceased firs t nnd fi nal account ; P. W. Bolmee, g uar d1a n of J ohn E. Bolmer, minor, firs t acco unt ; Edna L. Kelse y, admx. of estate of Elmer K e l ~ cy, deceased, first and final account. Robert J. Shawhan, as admr, with the will annexed of the estate of Eva Osborn, deceased vs. Daniel E. Osblom et aI., court ordered real estate to be 80ld for not less than twothirds of its appraised value. . Appraisers were appointed for the estate of Adda S. Brown, decea8ed. Inventory and appraisement of the estate of Samuel Wardell, deceased, filed by executrix, Beulah Louise Hanley. In the settlement of the elltate of Matilda Hosier, deceased, court ordered that Inheritance tax entry be certified to the Auditor of Warren county. Thirteenth account of estate of Alonzo Casseday. deceased, lIled by executor, H. D. McKay, ordered SUBpended. Last will and t estament of William Kipp, de ceased, probated. Second and final account of estate of William T. VanDerveer, deceased, filed by executrix, Lola M. VanDer'Veer, 8uspended. First account of estate of Charles Kelly flied by executor E. C. Dunham, s uspended. ' Sale bill of estate of John Zell. deceased, filed by aminis trator, Robert E. Crew. Inve ntory nnd appralJlement of estate of Danie l Lyons, deceased, filed by admr. David W. Bishop. In the matter of t he settlement of the estate of Beatrice P . King, deceased, admr. R. Eugene King filed application for exemption from inheritance tax whi ch the court admittfld. B. C. Prendergast qualified and was appoln ted admr. of the estate of Tho mas Prendergast, deceased, and gave $600 bond, with W. S. Gra\lam and T. J eff Smith as s ureties. In the matter of the estate of Henry A. Werner, deceased, executor Walter S. Werner W88 authorized to ass ign two Liberty bondll to himself in order that he might have new bonds issued, he having proved clear his title to IIIIme. In the matter of the estate of Celinda Griest, deceased, complaint of executors was dismissed. First · account of estate of John M. Hadley, deceased, filed by executor Lebanon National bank, ord ered s uspended. In the matter of the estate of Beatrice P. King, deceased, administrato!;:, R. Eugene King was authorized to distribute certain assets of lIIIid estate among the successors. MARRIAGE LICENSES Marvin F. Stevens of Branch HUU, Ohio, and Geneva Mae Miller, of Main eville.

iff's county car, $8 9.90: Judge J . W. Wright, for postage $3 ; The W. H . Stanage Co. , s upplies of auditor , $6.86 ; The Columbus Blank Book Co., suppliies for auditor. $28; s:nme, suppli es for probate court, $30.75; Stakalta Mfg. Co., supplies for recorder, $6; Mary E . Hopping, rent of office for county lI uperintendent of Schools, $30; Dean. Stanley, r e nt of office for prosecuting attorney, $26 ; J ennie E. Irons, ag:ent for ins urance on trucks, No.1. 2 and 3, $90; O. K. Brown, insurance of court house and contents, sheriff's residence and jall and orphan's home, $191.60.

BUT IF HE DOES "I sec you hawm't had /four hair bobbed yet! " " No, my husband hasn 't fo~bid Ill(' to do it," S pr ing is here eri ell the pedest rian, as he ~ pnlllg out of thl! speed ing auto's puth, These " last word" contes ts a r e all won by wo men. T hat's sll·u nge.



.- .

People may kidt about riding in crowded street cars, but they stand for it.-Wabash Plain Dealer. The Supreme Court of Arkansas holds that a locom.otive must sound its whistle when It approaches a dog. Of cours e if the dog responds the locomotive must wa,g its t ender.-De-' troit News. . The Houston, Te:xas, Post-Dispatch calls darJight saving "a Republican scbeme.' Here may be something in tbis, for Benjamin F ranklin, who invented the plan , was a notorious Republican. -Boston Transcript. After the farmers have been made rich by the government th ey may all go to towri to Iive.· -Tolodo IBee. Only a few haye the courage to search for the North pole. The rest of us cheer when they starL- Tol edo Blade. "Bow legs are a sign of courage," 1Iays a scientist. Th ey. sure ly are if the ir owne rs wear'S a s hort skit.Alexandria Times-'fribune. The snow, which loses its beautif ul whiteness soo n a fter r eaching the earth, can be used t o s ymb olize human life in gene ral.- Sioux City Tribune. Frau Einstein s:n ys that her husband never elCplaine d his the ory of relativity to her . Does he think that a woman ca nnot ke ep a secret '/ - Boston Globe. It looks to us as' if banditry in New York and Chicago will have to be dismissed from t he ros ter of crimes and recognized as an industry and regulated. - Boston Post-Dispatch '

, , . - - - - - - - - ADAJR'S ) - - - - - - - - ·


Room Suites

CLASSIFIED ADS. - .. LOANS on Chattels ,l:ltocks, Securities and Second Mor tgnges. Notea bought. John Harbi ne Jr., Xenin, <:lhio. · m30-'26

Farmers, Attention!


~~~k~ev~~~a~~s.~i~~~ . i~. ~~~~ . . .. .. $119. 00

Fanners of Wlorren and adj oining countie~ may ohtaln money on lo nl time loans. at 6 pe r cont interest. Cost of securing tbe same is very rea· sonable .through The Fcde ra l Land Bank . For further in formlltion cnll on or address M. C. DRAKE, T r ens. urer. phon e 3 16-X, Leba non, Ohio_

Sale Involves Ou'r Entire Stock of

Overstuffed Suites At Astounding Price Reductio'ns Liberal Credit Terms

WANTED WANT ED 1'0 B UY - One ",en e ral purpose horse. f{o lla Bo lton . R. D. 1, Wa yneSVille, Ohio, phone Ce nterviUe 8042 % . WANTED- All ki nds of s of t Wood, for pulp. Morr is Graha m. . H WA NTED - Second hnnd tobac ro setter.. Call phone 22-3, Wu ynesm5 ville, Ohio.

There is Only One Kind of Furniture Included in This Great Sale- The KlnO We Can Guarantee

Sale Starts Saturday, 'May 1st LASTS ONE WEEK Same as Cash if Paid in 60 Days on Amounts Over $10


20-24 N.

FOR SALE-Potatoes, a fe w bushels of Groen Mountai n and Banner Seed Potat oes, $3 .00 por bushel. Strous c Bros. · m12

Detroil St_


REPORT Of condltioD of the Harve,lbura National Dink a·t Harvey.bura. in the State of Ohllo. at the cloae of bUIln... on Aplril 12, 1926,


RESOURCEB Loan! '" DI.counte . ,62,818. 97 t52,818. 117 Ov erdraft. una ecur"d.U93.75 19 3. 76 All other United Statu Government .ecurlt,le • .. , I. 209.15 1.2011.16 Olher bo.dl, 1'Dek1. ..., rill... .sc .......... .. .. _.. .. .. .. . U,HD,U Banking houae . .... 16.11".68 Furniture &: flxture'B. 6,SOO.OO 1'3.711 • •08 Real eat ate 'own ed other than banking hou.e . ..... . ... _. 300.00 Lawful relerve with F edernl Reeerve Bank . .. . .. .. . 5.801 •• 8 Cash In vault and amount due tram National bank. ... 2.492. 03 Totale of Iteme 9, 10 11 12 and 18 ..... .. .. .. . ,2.492.03' Mlecellaneous cuh Iteme . . ....... .. . .. . .. . 231.71 231. 71 Total. .. . ..... . .... _" ..... $100,696.90 LIABD.ITIEB

' ALLO-WATheae folks who start out to tell COMMISSIONERS '"~1rHI your fortune with card. UBUally end E. S. Worley. for overbauJinc .h.... ap by countiutt it.

Xenia, Ohio



REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Green Reynolds to Albert ,Roberts and Lizzie Roberts, one lot in Franklin, T~., $1. Albert Roberts and Liizzie Roberts to Miki e Arkle, lot in .F'ranklin Tp., $1. 125,000,00 Louii sa Hiles to Charles T. Mott, ~~~Jl~~ eftg~~ ~~.I? ~~:::::: :: '4,000.00 about one IIcre in Morrow, $1. UndivIded pronto_ . . , 2,'s6 8. Ie Elisha A. Phillips and John H. R ........ ed for . ........ ... (none) Phillips to Oliver P. Shepard, Barry L:a'1'cJ ~~~~~?~, .e.x.p~~~,tO·3·1·. 02 1,317.14 D. Sh epard and Elsie Marie Shep- Individual dopoelto BubJ ect a r d. about 66 acres in Section 66, to cheek . ... .. .... . . - ... . . 69,124. 7& Certlrlco.teo of lIue $ 1. In le. e than 30 days( oth er H arry J . J acobs to George Sprln- tllan for money.borrowed . . GI0. 00 j'(er Crawford and Louise Crawford, Total at demand depo olt. ab out 23 acres I'n Clearcreek Tp., $1. (other than bank deposito) Frank Cle vinger and Alveta Clev- subject 2 7, 28, to29,Re.erve. ao. 31Item. and ' inlrer t o George W. Youngman and 82, .• ••••• • • • ••• 1J69,784,.76 Winifred Youngman, about 200 acres 0."1808_ of dellOl)" (olher nUl .h.... for man., borrowed) . . . , . W CI In arren and ermont counties, $1 Total at time depos ito BubMarion T. Kcever to A. M. Buck, ject to Res erve. Heme sa, abo ut 41 acres in Warren and Cler- 84, 86, 8e ... . ...... ... '626.00_ _ __ m ont counties, $1. Total. ... . ..... . ....... . . . . '100,~te , 90 Charles A. Gensen to H R. Webb, Btate of Ohio, COUllt" of Wa~Ten••• : two lots in Franklin, $1. • I. H. 8. Tucker. calhler Of the abovil H. R Webb and Florence Webb to named bank. do lolemnly .wea~ thMt the above Italement 'I. true to the belt Sarah Youngerman, lots No 888 and of my kno .. ledlre a nd belief. 389 in Franklin, $1 Sublterlbell o.nll .worn to betore me A, B, .Kaufman to Robert J. Shaw- thla 211t do.y of A~ r ll, 192e. CHARLES MADDEN, han, a tract in Lebanon, $1. Notary Public George Longenbrunner and DellCorrect Attelt C. D. COOK, . A. S. COLLETT. lab Longenbrunner to Enoch R. HenC. E. LEVlCY .. ry and Gertrude Henry, quit claim Dlrectora. deed for six acres in Hamilton Tp~ ,1 ... John Senry, Fred Henry and .t!;m· HEARD IN THI~ BLEACHERS mll Henry tp Enoch R.: _Henry al!d ', Fan-lilt was a 'tOM-UP this mllrnGe.rt~ude Henry,. a~out. su: acre~ In i\'lig whether I'd come 'to the game, Hamilton Tp., $1. , or flO to church.'" , D. T . Sho,!maker to Frank Haa'TWelJ I gue8s you came to the kamp et al, 29 Bare8 In Hnml1ton game.' ,,' ," . . Tp., $1. . "Yes, but I bad. B ha rd tlme. '1 Alb,e rt J. Hardy to Carrie M. Har- ·toased up ~n timies before it , came dy. a part of Jot No; 176 in Leba- up the way I wanted it." non, ,1.

W."nenillc, Obio

save $1 .00 If you buy three YOUthecannext of Foy's Roof and Bam Paint week. EverY purchaser of ~allons

withIn this amount will receive free a high grade brush to use witb the paint_ This regularlY costs $1.00. .

A fresh '!cw coat of Foy's Roof and Barn Paint on your buildings pa~ for itself many times over, because it protecta the wood and metal, from the weather. You canapply ~his paint veryeaaily If you Ulle the bruah whiclt we provide. Even if you are not planning to do the work at, o~, buy the paint now and Ave the cost 01 a briab later oJ!. rl ~ou are n~ IDtefe.ted

In RooloDd 11&", Paint, uk about the'apOda) offtf 1I".n with eUh 01. the rollow.... For'prod. udt:

Ho~.faIat. Flat wall PalDt, _

v"JM -

~.~T:=-f=' ·

Woodwork. ~~ WbIte .






Dri-FUt . _ qr ......... .

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YQU and hll e mure dlt!l cully ingNC)xt t he t11111l keyhole, diffi cftrld uUyolaII''''''UY , IJ 111m l\ j~ 011 ... IS8UI!l~ EVER~ WEONESDAY .. , your t · tho O(!ntiMt t.e~tlly lng ill · .~ . hulf of . I. l1li011l8, lIClcuaed bv 1 . • Brig. Gell. '"edl y D, Dutl er, of Im-:• . Mr. Ifn? Mrs. ,T. F. St~mp (Ire very iug been dl'unk, IW Y" th(: cololl ul's \ tis- lit al. thc lr country home. :~(~IU:~I.<l b Ct,)) ililpa ired by infected Rev. Bell, of Newmarket, will ~+__ preach at the J Ollah's Run church, D. L CRANE Publi.b.t All ot us have b.c II Wilding through Sunday morning, MIlY 2. = = = == = =;:'j-:::: - . pages of new8potl(!r stuff f or a weel<, Mr. und Mrs. A. S. Co ll ett, Mrs. following closely the congr essional W. E . Og lesbee, MI·s. Chas H Gray '\ PR I L :'H IIl<!fi h ~ar l n g on th o VolHteud law, alld n nd 1'11;-'<. H. E. H utto n attended the h 1'(' ,'/lin S this lH'urliine: "No DI'y ::;p ring nWelinl' of t.he Cli nton Buptis t Law han ge Like ly his essiun ." "~,,ociutio ll nt Hillgboru. Thur ·day. WOMEN DRIVERS Lc" L , Hll·a--+-'·c.i ur "tu len- One 1926 . Mrs. r(I n Howe h us I'etu rn e d t 0 IIeI' SprinK. ' . hOlTle, I",r(', II fl~ r spending severnl w.,e ks with Mr. nn d ],(rs. F runk Howe Clark S. Woodwurd, "ico-president at Oberlin. III rs. J'lo we I! Xpcct.s to of th e Liberty Mutual I nsurance I'CllIO V(' t o Duytun in thl' lI ellr fUlure. compa ny, says: Ml,!;. Annu VnnDoren is ot the "The cOIllJllon concelltiol1 ho s long IoolTle or her s iSLer alll! brothel', Miss bee n that wume n IIl'e nbuminablc uu . Luul'lI Il nd J ohn Ward , ufter sp endtom obilie urive rs. The time was inK th" wint er with out·o f·town rel wh on mere ilion l' uuld sny that a tieutive M. Mrs. VanDoren ig s low ly rcup in th e .sunday B tI'~UIll of tramc WIlS caused by U WOlll nn d river or ' Miss Adele Koch u8sistant State cove rin g. from he r recent illness. that UJe chan es arc un in J UO HOlll e Ocmons lrutio'n lead er yisited Mr. and 1111'S. H. S. Tucke r and that if o nes 'wife too k the !Ill' o uL th e locnl r urm Bu reu m thi s lust week fli mili y (·nlerta incd at 6·o'c1ock dinfor a tea purty, it wou ld com e back l o pllln with Home Age nt Miss Watts ne r, Tu e"day ev~ nill g, lIlr. a li(I Mrs. minu8 a fent.!er. But fig ureK do n't (01' the Adult ourse ro~ next f a ll . ' W. JI. Ogden , Mr . and Mr". Ira Sysh~,w that to lie th e tru th.. . Three towfl8hips, SIl I'm, West Tur- f(!rd and S U II, J ohn, Mr. a nd IIIrs. Women are not t err!bl e dri ve rs tll'creek and Cleurc reek, will continue lI oward Grnham an d daugh ters, Hc lund tho beauty whose hI g h-p owered , in d ress d!'sig n ; the second di visoin CII, K at hlee n a nd Nelli e, aport mod el breuks all speed .lllw!! and of th e . work storted thiM lost yeur. Th e H ig h se hool commencement octhe bones of u",~urq pedes tl'lnn.s, nnu Miss Ednll Callnhlln. the clothing whose d cvastatm g' charm dlsul'ms specin list, who assisted Wurrell coun- c UI'r ~d at th e M. E. church, Thursday eV(!11 ing, Th" g irls looked ver y lovethe motor cop is rnrely met wit h ex- ty in the tirst clo thing work done, e cpt on the screen. will have r eturned from he r year of ly In gu wlls of white, while tho boys "The I·csul t.s of 1\ Nutionol s urvey. s tuely by full, and will g ive so me wo re hanso me g ruy s uits. The probosed on the law of av rages and s lJ!'cia l help in the dress des ig n pro- Il'ra m cunsist ed of music by the ort hcstrn, invotnti ol1, piuno 80 1<\ by proper proporti ons, we have found je"t. thre~ female policyhold ra in nutoTh~ majori ty of th o other town- Miss Helen Gruhum, a ddress by J omO~ ll e accidents, fOI' .ever y te.n male , hips have 'xpressecl a desire for the seph Fie ht ·r. Rupe l'inle nd cnt of Butpolicyholders. Starthnll'. liB It IllUY home care of the sick pro ject. Th is ler County sc houls, vi olin solo by Ben be, we foun~ the rut! O w!ls 1 to work will be given with t he aid of L(!wis, vul di ctory, "The High Schoo l ]0. From MOine to CullforDlB came Miss Wandu Pr zylu sku, the state as a Ben cfit to th e Community," by reports which confirmed th o Li berty s peciulist. un d will probably s turt in Lucill e T lICk!'I·. mu sic by orchestro, presentntion of dipl omns nnd beneMutual figures. For example, Com- November. missioner B. R. MIlTRhnll, of PittsThis project has been very populur dictio n. burg, said that in his nin tJ yeurs' ex- in countic'M whpl'e it hIlS been give n. Th e Friends Monthly meeting was perience as heud of th e truffle de- It takes up su ch topics as care of the held at the locnl church, Wednesday, partment, they had n ut a fa tality patient, s ick·room appliances, first Th e Bnpti st Mi ssiunary Cirde met where a woman was dri vinig the uu- aid and so on , giving information val. ut the ch urch, Wlldnes day ufterneon, tomobile. uuble in every hom e. wilh Mrs. Will Gillum , Mrs. Harold "Why wom en should be Sli fe r dl'iOrKunizlltion for this project "'ill Gillam und Mrs. Hurry Os born I\ S ven than men, a ll thin~s conRidcrecl. start a little later in the Bumme r. hostesS 2" In the absence of th e pres J cannot guess. We nrc in\' est igo t _ _ _ ____ __ idpllt, Mrs. George Ven ny, the II lceing further, un d if we li nd the lin. president, Mrs. has. Ora )' , presided. 8 W er, think we ought to go tlown In T he <Je vo ti uns w er e led by Mrs. H . history with Colum bus, Balboll , W ill ~ . Halton . The le.son O n "B urma," Rogers and nil other discoverers." WUIi in cha rge of Mrs. ChllS. Gruy. A t th e close or th e meeting th e hostesses sC l'v~d 0 dllinty lunc h of icc crCOlll, ull g c.J and dark cuke and THE PASSING OF A GREAT cocoa. CHARACTER 4-H club prospects in 'Vanen counMr. and M1'8. Lee Stratton enterty for this Rummer arc bette r than Jim Thorpe, the greuteftt and most eve r. One or mor e pig. ca lf or poul - tain ed ut di nner on S unday, honorpicuresque ot our athletes, Is one try, foo~ . clothing and g irls' room ing the birthday of t hei r son, Kenstep closer to oblivion. club being organi zed in eve ry t own- neth. T hose prese nt t o enjo y the For years the reigning ruler in the ship, par ticular emphosis being plnc· occusion were: Mr. and Mreo Trua thleti iWorld, Thope Is now tryin g ed on the breeding and marketin g llI un ,tmUon , of Ogd en, Mrs. Clnra Brooks, of Greenfield, Mr. and lItrs. to hold job IlII outfielder on a semi- proje ct~ In Pig Club work. pro bRlleball team In Shelby. IIfont. Nih,' new cloth ing clubs lind a t Pau l J enk in s, of Kingman, und 1I1r. Thorpe In 1912 became the world's lea6t 'lIIe new girl'lI room club have un d 1I1rs. Ken neth Stratto n und daugh g reatHt athle~ wh en he scored more b"t,1 r equested. The interest among ter, of Ogden. The Mru;sie T ow nship Sundaypointa at the OlymJlic glUl'le's than a ny th e g irls. bOY8, leaders and parents single atlcte hRll scored before or .8 hl ~ h and It looks as thougb oyer school conve nti on met at Jonah's Run unday afte rn oon . Rev. since. Hc we nt liS a 'representatlve our ai m. 400 g irls lind hoys e nro ll ed ch urch Sweat, of the M. E. church at Wilot Carlislc, th e Indian Bchool. is no t only possible but probable, gave u sp lcn<l ld uddress, his min g ton, Hia Olympic fame brought him ofIn formation was r ecently rccClved fel'S 'from nearly every nl ojor league at th Farm J3ure/lU office to Ithe ef- topic being, "The Id eul Sunduy-school basebalJ tcum . He fi lially was sign- fect t hat Laura Lee Thompson, e f th e Teacher." Music wus furni shed by ed up by the New York Giant, but Live Wire Interior Decorllting club the Graham sisters und an orchestra he wasn't able to make good as a reg- in Deerfield township, holds seco nd from the Harveysburg M. E . and Joular, arld when his drawing power plac., In tho slate In the girls' r oom nah 's Run ch urches. b~glln to wane McGraw turned him club work, with a ecore ot 97 per Warren and Clinton counties held out to the minora. eent. Mrs. Kate Furbee Is the lead- their annual picnic Sunday, April 18. A year or two in the minors, then er of th e club . Both the leader a nd nt South Park, Los Angeles, Cal. down to semi-pro clubs. And. only Lauro are to be congrat ula ted on The following-named persons, at one last year he was on three different their ll'ooci work. lime citizens of Warren or Clinton Individuals or g roup s desiring in- co unt ies, wer e present Ross S. Las hteams in a little Ohio league. This formntlon or help In the club work, ley, 1I1rs. Ross Lashley, Eva Harlan year no team in Ohio wanted him . Baseball, however, wasn't really can seCllre It by applying to the As- Mulli n, W. A. Birdsall, Emma BlrdThorpe's ga me. He earned his first sistant County Agent, Mr. Humm on. all,Adria n Anson, Mrs. W. R. Hale, fame at football, and today he is or the Home Agen t, Miss Watts. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gl'imes Mr. and Club work has proved a fine thing Mrs. Elton Hadl ey, Mrs. Russell D. called by many the grentest . (ootball player of all time. For se ve.n or for th c boys and girls when tried. Iiadley, 1111'S. Susie Anson, Ida Aneight years he has played profession- Let th e whole county co-operate t o tram, Mrs Mar'y Mullin Baxter, Osee a l football, bu~ not long at anyone fulfill the club motto, "Make the Best Anson, Mrs. Chas. An so n, Mrs. Marplace. Better." gar e t Fuber, Mary E. H enson, Clinton Why? An son, Ruth Taylor, Harriet Taylor, • Chiefly because Jom Thorpe would Rebe rca F. Taylor, Mrs. Marie BalSOUNDS THE SAME not listen. He playe d the gllme of lard Mullins, Mrs. Rutb A. Carey, foo tball or bWle ball a s he pleased, he Sympathetic neig hb or, inquiring Mrs. Estell e V. Carey, H . M . Carey, ,>J..a ycd the game of life as he pleased about sick fri en d- "How is your Georgianna Brown, Mrs. G. C McKuy, ' oliJlj,ly hard, fast and killing even to mothe r, toduy, Thomas? " Mrs Emma L. Blair, Louise Grantham '" ,"II!) pi /lis physical powers. .. he hai n't IIny better." Dorothy A. K e t~hum, Willa E. Bal.A nd t.od.ll-y Ile is old Jim Thorpe, "G oo.d ncss- yo ur brrammcr is ver y larc!, Ella S. McPherson, Carey McJ;j~ the "ge <>f ~8 __ n Indian a long poar, Thomas." Phe rson, O. J. Thatcher , Mr. and Mrs. '(ovey down t1Ie trail of the Setting "Naw. she nin't sick; shc's takin' Horold Hankins, Billy and Bobby, C. Sllll ~A. A.... n.o,tp!ii.gll.~.~~.. care of maw!" B. Dwiggin, Claudiu Dwiggin Hollopeter, Verne Dwiggin, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Kin g, E. M. Hadley, Clark Underwood, S. S. Henson, Chas. Hadley, Ebba Hadley, Earl Squires, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Hadle y, A. S. Crawford Vera Hadley Crawford, R. D. 'Hadley, Wiithom Grimes, .lIIrs. Otis Hadley, Mrs. Bessie Sqlllres, W. H. Antram Jda M. Antram, H. MIIIlin, 0 M IIudley, 1\I.I'lJ Mary Arnold Rockhill, Milry Davia MoKee, Mr. McKeo. n ll~otlatillg -til








Some of Th.e Things We ' Sell

Lumber for Every Purpose··· Sidi' . ng . Oak Flooring Edge Grain Flooring Finishing L\Jmber Porch Material F,r ont Doors Cottilge Windows Window Frani~8

WihdowGlass . ..

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':trthd ay 0 f Miss Mu. rielh S~'ke:'f .th e"


Mrs. James Johns e ntertained a numb er ot. young friends Saturday" ' Mr. and Mrs: F'<,>reilt Grah am and dau g htel'l\ entertamed the latter's nephcw, li.t~le Russell Dyke, of DaytOil, last week, .The Pennsylvania railroad he re has cha nge d its sChedul e one hour ear lier to compete with t he daylig ht-savings time of tho cjties. Mrs. Josiah Boitnott, of T ippccano c City, is s pen d ing a few we eks at the home of her daug I hter, Mrs. Guy Hnutzuhn and fami y. Mrs. V iola Grassl, son und daug htel', und Mrs. ~va Hain es, of Dayton, WCJ'e Fridoy dinnE!r guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kenrick. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Coleman ent ertai ne d to Sunday dinner. Mr. and 1I1rs. J ohn Klotz and children, Ettu and Jack, of Cincinnnti. 1111'S. W. M. Coleman and Mrs. Icorest Grahulll atte nded th e fun e rol of Mrs. Minnie Pisher, at Lebanon, on Monduy of las t week. IIh. and Mrs. Alvin Scott and so n, Hugh, of Dayton, visited Sunday w ith Mr.' an d Mrs. S. H. Haines and Mr. a nd Mrs. Walter 'Kenrick. MI'. and Mrs. Charles J ohns, in COlli pu ny with Mrs. Elizabeth S mith, spent Thursduy at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn J o hn s, in Dayton. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph J ohns entertuined thc latwr'u brother, Mr. WilIium Smith, wife and children, of West Carrolton, t o Su nday dinn er . 1I1rs. A. E. White and sons returned to th eir home in Doyton, We dnesday even ing , after a week's visit with Mr. lind M:rs. Ke sler Graham und duughter. Misses Do lli e and Mary Margllret Jack son a nd Mr. Marvin Wells, of Tippecanoe City, 'Were Sund ay afternoon guests at the home of Mr. and .1 rs. Guy Routzahn. Those who won prizes in the ess ay a nd post er contest in the Lytle school wer e: Charles a nd Mary Savuge , End and Marie Hubble, Grace Hess nnt! Bern ice . Mr. and Mrs. Lee Greathouse, of Doyton, we re oyer-night guests o( MI'. and Mrs. C lyde Wh a rton an d family, und on S unduy ull spent t he cia ,' with :11 1'. and Mrs. Earl Corne ll, near S pr ing boro. Miss Marye Th omus and Mr. Harry Burn et wc re ma r'ri ed by Rev. J. J . Schaeff er , in Dayto n, on Tuesday of Inst week, and are now "at hom c" to their many friends on the Burn et farm, n orth of town. Mr. and Mrs. Kesler Graham and daughter, Bernice, s pent Saturday night an d Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. E, White and children, in Dayton. Mr. an d Ml~8 . . White moved to Springfield this w eek. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Whitaker enterloined on Sunday the :former's mother and sistelr and family, Mrs. Sat;oh Whitaker and Mr. and Mrs. Leste r Polr, ot Dayton. Whitaker remained for a longer visit.

BEECH GROVE A. B. Talmudgo has a new touring car. Whooping cou~:h is getting in its work at 'Kingman,,' . M. M. Terry al~d 'K. E. Thompson were in Lebanon, FTidoy_ K. E. Thompson spent Tuesday in Wilmington and Burtonsville. Mothers Day will be observed at our church her e, on May 9th We are sorry to ref0rt the little Tolle child not so weI at this writing.

COllLP'N"f MI SS oek-'Ey tl ' Ti:'nery- " WeJ1, I killed onl! () f th e burgla l's." " Wherl' il' he?" "'rhe. othel' lIe cllrril',J hiJtl Ilway: " "Which, uthe l' ( ntl ," " The on e J shot a t."

inA' on Salurd"l', May I, 1928 Bt" i , "ing lI t 1100 p. m. , tlie foltow~ inl!' h(lUs bol l goods of tit late Mati lda HOi\iel' cons isting In part pf f)-picce PUl'lor sH, h' ci s, washstands, ill ,okaoa J \I t'Jve~ cabinet , rang and olhe r Ihi ngH used in a ho"~c h ol d . LIKED HER TOO MUCH ET IIEL (H . EARNHA RT, Wi fe- "llo,\\, do 011 li ke the new Executrix. " Fi ne ! I Lhi ng . hu\ ,..'I'Ollt." " Fi nie ! 1 think she's Ilr at" "TIm 's whal I w o s ufru id IJ (-~() r let her Il'o." lI avi li /! Hu ltl my farm I will sell at Oll e o f o1lr t~ :l c h ~~ ' HyS th:H o ne Jlu bl ic uuclio rl , I If., mile!' east of Cenlrrl'i ll . on lh e Bellbrook an d Cenlad in h t' 1' rln~" hat, ·,) """'hin!! his fn ce ill lh~ nlO r ni l1 J! ,." hadly hI' wo uld I(·rvi ll e pik ' . li n the fo rm known as the J"h ll Cue I urm, on Fit up ull ni g- ht. Thursday, M"y 6, 1926, A l I o'do" k cl'rlll'lll stu ndard time, t he fulh ,w in l'( prop erty: Oll e h o r ~(' . t J e r~ ey cow, 60 R. I. hellS. fll rm illlple ments harn ess, corn , hay. lin d house hold g oods. W e wi ll 8(>11 Ilt puhl ic " uclil'n in 'he ,I . n. EDGINGTON. vacalll 1'00 111 (I f th l' Odd fl'II ,)wK bu ilJ.J uhn II. Wl'ight , Auct.

P ... blic Sales

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Mr. f) Rvid Enl( lc is ill. Mr. 1':ll( in lI oll nnd cflnl inll!'s in a serious cunditi on. Mr. a ncl 1I'lr •. Wellund La r kin are moving this wee k. Seve ral ,· or whoo ping' cough hllvc d(' velopcd lH're r ecentl y. lIfrs. !';urll h AnalH'c i" ill ut the home of h(' r da ug ht('·r. ~I I·H. Ray Kr ull'. IIlr . Gnd nll·~ . '"" (' mon t Mia r • . Mrs. C. ~1. Flll h l'sfl n lin d da ul!ht('r , IIlis" Ruth a nd I\[ rs. 1. 0, Pl't"r"On ntlended the fu npml 0 f ~I I·" . 1I 11l1' Y 1I1illrs, nt N (' IV Eud ing- t on, Mon day "fte rnon.

Can the plow Ileip to control th e ccirn borer in Ohi o? It isn't possible to I( iv e n deftnite "yes" or "no" in nnSWC1' t.o that qucstion without knowing cond itions on the farm of the man who n5ks it . A n answer to it depends up on the length of the corn stubbl e left to plo\v under, the crop t o foll ow in that field , and the cost of the plowing. So s peciaUsts in e nto molog y, farm ,crops and agricultural engine ering at the Ohio State universi ty write in a new fou r-page leafle t entitled, "Plowing Down Stubble to Control the Borer ," Number 5 in the Eureopea n corn borer se ries published by the agricult u ral college ext ension service at the uniyersity in co-operation with the State and Federal de partments of agriculturc. Copies of the leaflet may be obtained free on requ est to th e ag rictlltural publiclltions office at the univm ity, or at your county extensio n a gent's office. "Experim ents in plowing under infested stalks in North ern Ohio show that on ly from GO to 70 per cent of the borers were killed indirectly by turning the stulks to the bo t tom of the furrow," the specialists write ; "The remaind er were r ecoverd in debris on the su rfac e. For this reason pl owi ng of stal ks or high-cut stubble is not con sidered satisfactory or recommended as a control. " Plowing down of stubbl e too short to rake a nd burn can be done well and rnrely results in much of the crop debris remui ning above the ground. It is hellrtily recommended and' may be essential If the bore r is to be kept under oontrol." DUMBsi'LL SAYS The first mat ch a lwoys goes out anyway, so I always throw one away lind light the seco nd.



- ..- - -



Harveysburg Fertilizer Co.








~, At~ ~' Jewelry 'Shop '


1lJI., ,


........ bI. eMIt. 00IIlIIUliltr.


We are making a special for the remainder of the month of April

FENCING Steel, Locust and Cedar Posta

ROOFING Galvanized Roofing, six, eight and ten feet long

COBS We will deliver Cobs anywhere within one mile lof our plant for One Dollar per truck load. DNo charge made to anyone hauling cobs for themselves.

Waynesville Farmers' Exchange Company






J. P. Cumming's , of near Waynesvill e, . was callin~: on friends here, Sunday. Ed Bogan, of S:pring Valley, called on his mother illl . Wellman, Sunday afternoon . . The Tolle famiUies attended the funeral of Ml'II. Hattie Tolle, at L'ocust Grove, Friday, The FTlends Quarterly . meeting will be held In Waynesville on the second Saturday in May. In church last Sunday the pastor J. B. McKay and family and Mrs. said that marriage is a fifty-fifty ... Jennie Hayworth, of Wilmington, proposition, and one old timer said, were Sunday eve·nmg callers at the "Sure; fifty for this and fifty for that 1" Howard and Herold McKay home. The Embroider~~ club met last week at the home of .Mrs. Ethel Walker. The next meeting' will be held at the Mr. Frank Rogers is reported some home of 1111'S. Mabel Terry, the third better. Wednesday in MOlY, Mrs. Mary Carmony spent Sunday Mrs. Kate Jordan, daughter, Miss with relatives in Wayne!!ville. Hannah, and son, George, lI~ended Helen Early wus absent from commencement a1; Sligo friday evening. 'Kenneth Foley, a n~phew of se vera! !loys \vith tile jp'IPpe, Mrs. Jordan, walll one ot the WaduClarC!nee mith Ilnq motjrer, ?til'S. otes, Ann Smltb, were In I)lIyt!>n, Friday. K. E. 'l' hompson and wlte, Lon Born- To Mr. und Guy Rout- Brannon Ilnd wife, Miss lI1ury Kathznhn, Friday, Aprll 23, 1926, a daugh lee n Toomey and! othere, attend ed a ter. surprise birthday dinner In honor of Mrs. Mae Archdeacon spent sever- Wm. M. Thomps(Jn, in Dayton, Sunnl dllYs lust week with relatives in day. Quite a nllmber were present to enj oy the goodl time and dinner. Dayton. The County W. C. T. U mid-year Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bergdnll and daughter, Gludys, spent Monday in all-day meeting WIIS held at the U. B church in Oregonia last Saturday: Dayton. The pupils that bad the prize essays Mrs. Jessie Longacre WRS !\ Sun- of the county read them and re ceived day dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. their prizes. The essays 'were all just Horry Grahllm. fine. The music was furnished by Remember the play, "Deacon the Harveysburg School orchestra. Dubbs," at Lytle Hall, Thursday evening, April 29. Mrs. Wolter Whitaker is entertaining a fl'iend, Miss Irene Good, WE GET THEM QUICKLY AlIID of Lima, this week. . FREE OF CHARGE CALL US ANY TIME AT OUR Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Longacre EXPENSt: spent the week-end with Mr. and Joseph ~aming continues very ill Mrs. Kelly, at Fairfield. of diseases incident to old age. Mrs. J. R. JojrllS attenqed the fl4 Misses Ruth and Margaret Vickers, cral of Mrs. Almll ~lfe~sql1' I't Way of Dayton, were week-en4 gues~ "hIlD. • HARVEYSBURG, O. nesvili\l, Nonlia)' IIfternpoJl, relat'vell lIer!!. ,. . . . )In. j¢.lIrY Mill8 ~pent a part of . Mr. and · MJ'II. Robe!'i Hunt ,!!pre Sunday "llllelt. ot 141 !lnll Un. WJII. lallt . wf!elf with hel" daughter, MJ'II, Hunt and faml\y. ,at ~I"e B~, Rosa O.omp.ton, 01 ~e~la, . • ~ev. and Mn, Raymond Stl1lInr" E, R. Steddo~ ha'p,Ii~Ii'aaed .. the .and daughters were Sunday evenln, . property 'o~ Ira . S~gn aerolll the 'guests of'. Mr. ' and' Ml'8, Wm, .Crelrli •. street f ,r o," the M. E" . church. . '. , '., .J .' n•. ~llht Sp•• iallet ~.n. ~ "l1he , MI!-'on!o 10dJe .,~nd:m'tlng. f'b;endil hllre' are 1I0rry t9 leam. of, .liretliren enjoYed! a lian~uei and VJ,,(t tile 'serious illnellB' of Mr• . lUrvey tro~ the D1atrlet jLeetQ~rt Wednee. S' 'Bumett at ' his home ·~iU Center-' day e.~nil1J', :N ne~"e j persoaa vUlt. ' . r' ' w,re prelent. ,. ...~, :.Lebanon, Ohio ' Mr. Wm. Pence, of SPr.incoot'O. There ibaye heen. three d.aiha III ~t · leveral day. lut>w!lek' a~ the 'our ·communlty withfn II week. Th• . home of Mr. and lin. Walter Ken. perlOlJI. ~ llved In IfIrltt of ' neb riCk. other. Mil; Ira ~ay ~ hura,oo ..... to" p , " t S da at. led on_~_.Jr > C!f JUt ~.It; lin. I)Ien L7dla DUI OIl FricIa7. and lin. IIarr I W'Ilftl.n al the bOllle of & H, B~ IQara Oft lIon~. AU WeN 'women : ' -_ _ _ _ _ _~--_ _.... of 'hJI 1IIIter, lin. IIanj ~ real ~ . .it oaea,... ,lMeI 01 .-



I ll"


(!xtr uvag-n n('l' u nd dl'h., !~:.!t :\ , r ens of 1-rU \ ' C l'I l n W!lt to




I •

r- _

Tuesday ,

A Rare Tire Combination Sometimes you get a real quality article but you pay a high price for it. Again you pay a low price, but what you get ia almost entirely lacking in quality. Neither of these is a good value. WHEN YOU BUY A GOODYEAR YOU GET THE



The Goodyear line is complete-many typea-:-every size-regular tires-Balloona-world-famoua Goodyear quality- and the p,rice, at a figure you can't beat anywhere. So when it comes to tires-don't take anything but the best-buy Goodyears.

Waynesville Motor Co. Phone 105

Waynesville, Ohio 'I

F. T. Martin ' Jesse S~nley Auctioneer


Date your lales with us. . We euarantee satisfaction or charge nothing.

Centerville, O. Phone No.2

New Burlington,O.· ,

Phone No. 320







1Dc 24c 35c

Cu~~~iny~~~i~~, ..l~.. '~~l.l~~, .. . .. . .......... . . J

32 inch Kalburnie Dress Ginghams, new patterns, 35c value . Saturday, per yard. . . . Ladies' Pineapple ~t i t c h llose, a ll colors We value, per paIr ... .. ..... .. . . . .... ... . Tbree pairs for 1.00 Ladies' Pure Silk Hose, all colors, $1.25 value, special, per pair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Men'6 Big Yank Work Shirts. Best $1 value, Special for aturdayonly, each .......... . Men's Work Sho s, Paragon or leather soles, rubber heels, $2.9(' valve. . . . . . . .

89c 79c


98 C

$1 34 •

Windo~ S hades,regular size, in tan or green,

SpecIal, each ... _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Big .Reductions in Rugs, Linoleum and Wall Paper. Come and see us before buying elsewhere.




MYER HYMAN The Store That Saves You Money



II~=======================:;;==:;;==:;;=ID ..

Otto Unglesby, of Stroud, Oklahoma, hllll been the guest of O. R. Unglesby and fam ily for several days.


Buy Your

NOW We have an Excellent Quality Coal, and the . price is very low. We can furnish fOU

Egg or Lump Pocahontas

Fred Cole arrived home last Friday evening, after attending tbe funeral of his father, who died at his home in Beloit, Wis., last week.

Waynesville Mill Coal & Ice Campany

Mrs. Harvey Sackett was in Dayton las t Friday. . Sunday dinner guest of Mr_ and Mrs. Wilbur Clark and family were. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. George Weller. Miss Mary Agnes Harper. MiBB Ruth Rosell and Miss lIfi1dred Clark, aU of Centerville; Mrs Mary Carmony, of Lytle, and Everett Clark, of Dayton.

.Bring your Eggs to Kroger ,.

Wm. Thomas attended tbe Alumni meeting of Kingman High scbool, Saturday night.

Mrs. Theodore Bishop, of Route 5, is ve ry ill. See Kemp & Jordan for your Roofing and Spouting. Dry cleaning, pressing and dyeing. Have those winter clothes cleaned and preBBed before storhlg away. Soft Water Laundry, Mahlon Ridge, ag4)nt.

Club, . 10C BREAD Country 1 ~ lb. loaf, each.... . . .. . Brand, 4 7C COFFEE French per pound... ..... ... .

Vj..l>h., l-Ib loaf... ....................... ...... ... ............. .. .. .... .... . ... ......... ... .. 7 c

Sa nto. Ib...................... .. ...... .. . asc

CHEESE Fr;:~ ;~~~r;:: ... ........ 2Sc Brick, Ib .... .................... .... ........... .... .,.. ....


.. ... ..... . .. 29c

C02~%rlb.C~~~ .... .... $1~19

42c ~n~!~~~~~~~~~~~~~: 19c Milk 27 C ~~~e~~v~~ 60c . Potatoes 30C .:Joau '....r.:..:....:... ,..50c Ba~anas 15c Ib ............

F'g Bar., 2 for ...................... .... 25c

Co. try Club, . 3 c.. n .....


doz ........ 216 ·.iz.. , Navala, do ............... .. 50c

U . S. No.1 Whit .... 5 lb.

..:i....." '·....·• .. •• .. ·· f .. ~· .. ~··· · ,4 . 19c

Yellow Fruit, 2 11... .... ...... .

' Mat'Che5An.dal., Gool quality,

" . '"n . ~: ~ ~ NI ' - J~ '


t '



'23'".C .


...,.........:.... . , .



6 bar. .. .. :...

. .

" :""-d

Horseshoeing Blacksmith and Repair Work Of All Kinds


At The R"e Stand, Waynesville, Ohio

--- -----~


All the bnnk s of Warren county have unanimously agreed to close e,!-ch Wednesday af~ernoo n, begi nnlllg May 1, and continuing until Novembe r I, 1926. Warren County Bankers Assn. W. W. Whitaker, Ch~irman. E. C. Dunham, Secretary.



Coming to Lytle Hall, Thursday. April ?9, "Deacon Dubbs. of West Vlrll'inia." The play is given for the benefit of the Lytle M. E J church and is aponser ed by the Ladies Aid. Admission , 25 cents. Children, under 14 yoars. 15 c!,n!!- ••_____

Sunday, May 2 Tick.. t. aood il> COil. be. onl)' on traia. .I'owa E •• tera Stal>dard Tim. l.ea"lnl' ,W aJa.... ilIe 10,03 a.m. Returnial' L•. Ciacinnati 5,00 p.m.,C.. ntral Staadard Time.


James Monroe is j ustly known to PENNSYLVANIA (ame IIlI the author of the Monroe 1'hose wh'o attended the funeral doctrine but this is not the sum of of Mrs. Charles H. Leffel-son, MonRAILROAD his accomplishments as an American day afternoon, were: Freeman Esstatesman and patriot, according to sex, Mrs. Cary Shera, Mrs, John Sei~rank P. Litschert, who writes in the bold. 1I1rs. Jas. Kelly, Mrs. 'Margaret National Republican under the cap. Lcft'erson, Mr. and Mrs. Guss Santion, "James Monroe--His Doctrine ders, of Middletown; Mr. Ed Sale, of Not All." Terre 'Haute, Ind., Nellie Smith. of Th(' Moriroe doctri ne has ber.ome Wilmington; Rev. and Mrs. S. A. the keystone ~f American foreign Caldwell, of Blue Ash; Mr. and Mrs. policy and has been employed numJ . F . Megerle, Mrs. Orville ' Pope, Corwin, Ohio erous times. Mr. Litachert says : Mrs. 9. L. Kncupfer, Mrs Japp, of "It was employed in ' 1896 when Lntoma, Ky.; Mr. and Mrs. Clilt Secretary of State Olney. demanded Himes, of Centerville; Mr. Elwin C.II on me for ),our au.ranthat Great Britain arbitrate ber bounI:-efferson and family, of Indianapot.ed work••• lollow., dary displlte with Venezuela. RooseI1s, Ind.; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Blair, TIRE VULCANIZING velt stood upon it . in 1905 when he DeBoise Blair and wife, WUford RADIO REP ,~IRING declared that the United States is Kemfer, Mr. and Mrs. Will Beedle, BATTER,Y C:HARGING the policeman of the WesterlT HemMrs. Elsie Kempfer. Mr. and Mrs. RADIO SUPP'LJES ispher~ . A few year lat er the UniRobert Durst, Mr. and Mt'!!. Harry BATTERY SUPPLIES ted States Senate extended it to Asi· Black and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. atic inter/!sts when' the Japanese B. Waterhouse, Mr. W. T. Hancock, In Law.on'. BI.c,k,mlth Sblp attempted to secure Magdillena bay. Jr., Miss Glee Ring, Mr. W. E. Click, all of Dayton. "-------------,' "So firmly has It 6ecomc fixed as an American prinoiple tbat whe'n the United States Senate of recent date .Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gray enterratifled the World Court l'esolu tion, tamed over the week-end, their the aetlon vi.. taken only witJ1 the a . . daughter ·and husband, Mr. and Mrs. ' distinct undel'!!tandlng ; hat It would J. R. Baker, of Cincinnati. ' ~ in no way Interefere with tile, po. Go ' to Kemp & for Porce- My Next Visit to Waynes. tency of .the Monroe doctrine. ' yet Monroe ough t to be relain ·Sinks and Pi~her Pumps. ville will be Thursday, ' m.e"And mtiered 'for some other t~jngs too, Important as the M.onroe d.9ctri ne April 29,at Gr~nge !iall Thoall who attended may be; He. waf!:, · . Revolutionary Mrs. R. A. Cron Tulladay afternoon, IMPERFECTLY soldie.r. U,!it~d .Stilte'ssenator , gov-,. were the following: fdr. and · M~. FORMED EY"'S ern~r o~ Vl,rglnja, Sbcretary. of 'State, G. L, Klncatd, 'Mr DicJc Kincaid, ·Mra. • ':' a nd S~re tarY' of War unpet Mlldlson W.m. . Kincaia abd daughtet, ' MiBS ~. the r •••oa per'fomiing· a major part in 'atiifenlitg Sau.nde'rs. Mr: Marion . Campbell alill GLASSES ' are tFte resiStance around Washington .at Mr. Carl Bennington. of Sardinia, ·requl~d.. . Are , ' the time bf the' i3ritish attacK. and "our , .".. ...,- t,wlc:e ' P~e8ident oJ the United siat~ Ohio; ' Mrs. E. O. Ha'yelJ 'of Ripley, Ohio; .Mr. B,ryce . Kincaia, Hr. E. I.. , . rec~ or Impu- being e~08en ,'for his socbnil term ~; Kincaid and' Mlu Jenneette ' Kincaidl Il>Cfl Le.. than Tea ,'~ !'. Haadred a well .n lgh. unanimot,ls vote in the of DaYt9.n; Mn. Charlet Thomas, at ,!o .."e p.erfe.ct .)'e~. _.' A . aCI.atlfic ele,ctoral . ciollege. Monroe Berved as Franklhi'; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Snook ami_bon I. ~u.Nd .,to ..~ th~.. a diplomat, too, at Parill an d Loridol;l .,,~ and while bla llervicea in this reg;;;f and Mrs. Lottie Shllltlv ' of ' Sooth hnp.r(Ktioa. H... , .par Leban~n; Mrs. ·MoQdJ IUId i:fchter, ami_d. . W81'e JJO~ partlcula.-lJ fortunate, yet ... playe\l. lUI importa:!ee:! In the of negotiation. for the p ., the

Spee·· IN· otlce.,


t~e fu~eral

tl·~~::::::: . ........o ~~;i,;r:·B:8r.-:x:,. 0r!~

~..--~~--..----------------------.. IUImL

Waynesville Overland Sales



H. Archdeacon

Windstorms, Tornadoes and Cyclones Thi. i•. th e '''''01> for s uch di. a.tera to .. you. C, a JOU a«or.! to be w,lhout INSURANCE that will pay all damale. .bould • STORM . tri k .. your bulldiol' ? •

An Interesting Example of Such Protection


On tb. 9th of JUl>e, 1295, AMANDA a nd JOHN GUSTIN wlao II".. about ha! f way from Wayneovill:. to LebanOI>. boul'bt • TORNADO POLl.CY '0 THE HOME OF NEW YORK, at thi. A,encJ. for $8.50 premIum for THREE YEARS. '''''' ~ They had Il WINDSTORM LOSS o n February 25 1926 whicb thi. Alency has ju.t paid of SEVENTY. NINE DOLLARS <$79,>.

Does It Pay to Carry This Kind of Insurance and Sleep Easy? We Solicit Your Business.

F. D. Dakin Insurance Agency Waynesville, Ohio

RESPECT YOUR DEALER when 'he hands you

ORANGE-CRUSH l'he dealer pavs more money for Orange-Crush than he woul d for an inferior substilute--because he appreciates the value of a satisfied customer, In th~ end he makes more money--because a drink ' of the genuine Orange· Crush brings you back for more. If you believe in g~tting what you ask for-call for Orange-Crush by name-and--ALWAYS insist on the Krillkly Bottle. For Sale b,


"Deacon Dubbs"

Frank Biggs

Countr, Club. 12 ~ .Ib .ack .. ....... .. .. .................. ... . ........ .. ........... .. ..... 63.


$13.50 Regular Cord $16.00 29x4.40 Comfort Balloon 30x3~ Michelin Ring Shaped Tubes $3.20 29x4.40 Michelin Balloon R. S. Tubes $4.25 30x3~

Interurban to Quit



Jewell Ib ............................ .. .. .. 39<:

Late Glassified Ads,

Judge Hickenlooppcr. in th e United Mrs. Charles Anderson and 80n. FOR SALE- Bed and springs; fine States District court . Cincinnati, rulCharles, were in Dayton, Thursday. l'lll1dition; rensol1able price. Mrs. ed thot the Dayton, Springfiel d un ci Xellia Rni lway cumpany Illay disconJ. O. Cartwright. · m5 tinue service 011 a branch lin lead ir g . Mrs. Frank LeMay waa shopping to the Ohio Soldiers and Sa ilors Orm Dayton, Thursday. • phan's home, near Xenia. The co ur t suggested. however. thai II cnmpro. Mr. an d Mrs. W. S. Graham, Mon: mise mi~ht Le ·!felted betwe,," the day, attended the f uneral of Mrs. city !'fficinls and the car compnny, rc. Mary Miars, at New Burlington. gar.dll1g lhe necessary repairs nnd mam lenance of the s treet al ong the Otho Arnald, of Dayton, was in brunch line and thu s continue with town, today. . the service.

Pocahontas Coal


New Aviation Field'


Good Grade Tobacco Canvas, . . For Saturday Only, per yard. . .... . . . . . . . . . .

•• Michelin Tires •• Special


Fer Saturday Only

Men's Good Grade Heavy BIue Overalls, Por Saturday Only.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

oe Kemp &: Jordan for your RoofST. MARY'S CHURCH ing and pouting. Fourth 1I11dllY nfte r Euste r, May Mr. E. 1'. troud nnd family, of R(1l1tc 6, entertained Sunday, th e Col. 2. Chun'h Scho ol at 9 ::10; Mornluwing guest~: Mr. and Ml'!!. Law- ing Prayci' nnd se rmol1 at 1 L ,,'c lock. rence Brown and son , Bobby, 3fr. Everybod~' cordiallY invited. Rev. John J . Schaelter. Rector. nnd Mrs. Jnmes Hnrt and so n, Homer, of Richmon,d, Ind.J}.fr. P reston Vnlll!'han, of Dayton, Mr. and Mrs. ~e ro r Ch iles, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST Str o ud and so n, EIarold , Mrs. Maude Morning servic e 9 :30 ; Bible chool. ranc and MiBBes Mary and Annalee Communion lind se rm on. Eveni ng rane. servi ce, 7 :00. All nrc we lcome t o our meetings. We invite you. Lee Henderson spent Sunday with Nllthlln J ohnson. Minister. Mr. and 1I1rs. Otho Hendorson. Porry 'I' homas. SuPt. Havo .you tried our Rou gh-Dry Lnundry Service at 10c per pound? Soft Water Laundry, Mahlon Ridge, METHODIST CHURCH agent. ' I?membcr whe" Spring mennt Sabbath School. 9 :16 a. m., preach· rn Is' of !!lu,I full or hub·deep Ing at 10 ::10 a. m.. Epworth League Rugs and carpets dusted and ren- 6 :16 p. m. Preaching at 7 :0 0 p. m .• r .. k holes? ThomuR H. MeDon· ovated. Leave your orders with Wedncsd .. y evening Prnyer meeting. .'. of the U. S. Dep t. of Ag ncul· Mah lon Ridge, Soft Water Laundry. 7 :30. Everybody Invited to these t h l J Is builciitl g olt! rOllti R into ne w. :11 ,:,e rate or 10,000 mil es yearly. lor vices. Go t o Kemp & Jordan for Porce. by c ""',, ...,....: - .. "., .h.\ ~, l:Jt , · Id~: 1 Rev. L. A. Washburn , Paator. lain Sinks and Pitcher Pumps . . way !\''' .' ----------Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Tinney entertained at Sunday di nner, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Lawson. Mrs. Ida J. Law· son, of Covington, Ky., Mr. and Mrs. Charles Augur and son, Billy The firRt dirt was turn ed U fe w and Mr. Charles Cooper, of West days ago at W";gt aviation field, Covington , Ky ., a nd Mr. and Mrs. whe re th e governm ent is prepnring to Toban Lawson and son , Donald, of erect th e' l arg'l'~t a'/ialion Htation in this place. th world . The tract comprises sevHealth and hap p,in ess nre the prime ~lrs. Frank Dakin and daughters, necessities of Ii fe . The poets sing en squnrc miles ncll t' Fllit'fleld a nd Mary and Vi rginia, arc visiting reI· of love and its blessings. but love is Osborn. and IIIYs in Grllene and Montomery c"until's. atives in Dayton. hardly possible unless we have lit The government dudng the wur least normal good health. Good acq uir ed II large truct a nd Dayton See Kemp &I Jordan for your Roof- health not only ass.iats in making love citizens· mised $450,000 by public . ing and Spouting. and happiness pllBBible. but tends s ubscription fo r the addition. The toward efficiency. It makes for gove rnment has $600,000 availa ble Miss Mollie Howland , of Middle- co·ordination between brain and mus- now for new buildings Ilnd moving town, was the week-end guest of cle, mind and limb-no mental ex- the McCook field plant to Wright cellence without physical stamina. fie ld. oC Miss Ednll Howland. It gives u s strength to withstand the shocks of adversity. It makes us enI~dfanapolis Miss Edna Howland and Miss MolHe Howland were dinner guests on joy s truggle and fits us to meet it successfu lly on its own ground. Good Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Mull Friend. here huve r eceived notice health gives us a zest, n genuine joy, of the death of Miss Eliza beth Nichof near Lebanon. in life that nothin @~ else can give. olson, at Indianapolis, lnd.. ntl Do you wish to Iile healthy? Then Mrs. Martha Compton Seibold, was keep the stomac.h, liver, kidneys and' Monday morning. OIcJ!r r csicie nts among t hose from Middletown, who bowels functioninl!: properly. Every will r emember her us living neal' attended the f uneral of Mrs. Charles good doctor will t'ell you the impor- Harveysburg many years ago. The Lefferson, Monday. tance of keeping the organs of elim- f uneral will be at Miami cemetery ination functionin,g, and the blood on Thursday at 2 p. Ill. Misses Kathryn Clark, Lulu Faaly, pure. If you will do this, you will Co~;t- -Transfer Clara Berryhill and Mrs. Walter be well, strong, full of life and amSheehan were Dayton visitors, Sa~ bition. Now ill the time to take that urday. Te Pennsylvania ra ilroad has as ked great spring tonic, blood purifier and the Court of Common Pleas, of Green syatem builder . county for permission to tran~fer the COOPER'S NEW LIFE TONICI Go to Kemp & J ordan for PorceONE BOTTLE WILL CONVINCE $50,000 damage s uit of Ml'!\c Hele n lain Sinks and Pitcher Pumps. Thorne as administ rator of F loyd YOIUI Torne, to tho United State District Get it today at Mrs. Emel'llon Million and Mrs. at Dayton . . Mr. Thorne was Laura ZeU were in Dayton, Monday. Joba H.wk.·.. W.,·•• nille, Obio, .I>d court Cb.rle. Madd.n'. Drul Stor.. Har- killed at the Selma crossing last January, the 23rd, whe n hls tru ck ".".bur., Olaio.-Adv. Mrs. Myer Hyman and Mrs. L. A. was hit by a train. It is said the crossing is a bad one and several peoZimmerman spent lut Friday in Cindnnati. ple have lost their li ves there .

.. ..

$1 95

Children's nionalls or Overalls, all sizes, :;i1.25 valu es at .. .. . .. . .. . . . .. .. .. . .... .

a,ents for t.he celebrated

r.¥ ..... .

For Saturday Only 250 yards ood Grade To\\clillg, J7 indIes wide, 19 value, per ),8 1d. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



LoiaJIfaDa ~ fzoa FraDce."


Staple an~ Fancy Groceries

-»- Kwik-Lite Flashlights ....... , We have a few left and- are lelling them at a very low p...rice. If 'you need a. flashlight, get one while they lalt.



Seventy-Eighth Year

...... ...... ........... i' i ~




I .. tereating Items from the

Announcement Party


State . Capita

I..................... Col:::;:-:.~:rl.r . ........I COLUMBUS, OHIO- Whi.l e it isn't nt ,all probable that there WIll be any " political aub.divsion of the State that will have a surplus of the gU80· line tax funds this year, such a can· dltion may be anticipated, lind athol' uses than maintenance of rands m."Y be !lsked of the ncit LegislntUl'e w,th the OIoney. Under the Inw nt pres. ent the mo ney clln only be used for the maintenance ' of highways, a.nd not for constru l tloll purposes. . With th e gast tax receipts Ilmountlllg to a roximately $1,000,000 a "'!on th, a~~ordlng to S. E. Forney, chall'null1 of the State Tax commission! and the robable Republican nonuncc f or ~tate treasurer, practically a ll tow.ns and villages will have m o~e for mlllll· tenance .than they ha ve eve r hud b,,· fore. Improvements are IIlready u II · del' way. and by the end of Lh ~ s~o · Bon there will be little complo.,nt from motorlsl.ll about the co,!d'lIon at village roads. Bul the lime Is coming when maintenance. will be pra( ticnlly complete. It Will n ever be complete, Iknd there Will alwn y~ be some repairs t~ mal(~ , hut th sc repairs will not be s uffiCiently great to U&c up the entire gos tax.. T!lis is soid to cspecinUy true where brick !laved roods exist, the need or r pair to these being not nearly tlO greut;. as those of other materiuls. But even other Improved roads are such that the repair bills ~iIl not bo ,!S great aa the gaa tax IIIcomo, and It lee",. reasonably certain tha.t a change In the bill granting the. rlg~t, not only to improve and mamtaln, but to build new Itreets, may be sought when the Legi.latur~ me~ts next year. The subject Is bemg glv· en much attention by rood roads ~n. thulialts aa well as ... mage nnd cIty officials throughout the State. A man may be down bult he III never out . This Is the opinion of Govern· or Vic Donahey who is sllowing his personal interest in the welfare of every prisoner who ia releasod f~oql either of Ohio's great penal instlt~. tlon.. Each prisoner . when he IS ir8ll~d a parole, re elves a l?e1'8on. ally ,lgned letter from the OJ1IO gov· ernot and that letter which covers two iuQ pages il fliled with good fatherly advice. No man or woman who foUows that advice need wor~y about till! laW) or bls return to. prlJl· on Governor Donahey tells every Pr1eolleJ' that upon hil relelll!e from prlaon be caD l'gtve Imlln, kindness, encouragement, friendship, love, for· .Ivene.. and allch Bervices as they are capable of gtvlng," adding that "the world alb . no more.". It . is rather unulual for. a cbllli &Jcecutlye to send a pel'lon41 le~er to the prls. onere upon thefr relcaae. but prob· ably no man in ail Oh!o , takes. a greater real ptraonat Interest In those who fan by the wayside, than Ohio'a own ~vernor. With tJle coming of weather suitable f&r tarmlng activltl~8 ,a shortage of male help II predIcted. The State free emp~oYmllnt jlgencies for leveralmeeka hare indicated .that the deMand for good farm h.elp in IIX' cel!l 'of the supply, whIle In ot~er linea. of work Ulere ~ere alm9st ·twlce • a JIlan1 appU~nts aa~ete were reo queeta - f<lr help. ~evet81 cltill8 laat _eelt reportid thIA Ibortaae of male help for farm work. Weather haa beel!l ,such that Ohio farmers are weeia behind, and jUlt as soon as ay ean wprk they ~111 need eon· 6rabl1l addUional help in o.rder for . m to jl,Itch liP with their usual ri ' plulting. Good Wilges are bu&·.even this fails to r.i~ere8l;"many 'inoh ' w~o are out. of j·oba. They leem to, pl'~fer. loafing Iti a large city to wOllking In. rural hamel , even though t~e latter 19 far more benefiCial anel profitable to them. ,: F' k B United State. Sellator flln. . Willi, ,,11o j" e:ltp~ell to flIe! wlth. In a tew daY' hliJ anno.uncement of tBndidacy for a 1Ieeond term, is not accepting any splluking engagemen~ at 'the present time, and wlU remllln at his Iioa~ in W!'8hlntton as long 49 Congress is in &eeeion. . This became known this week whe.n . It waa ~n· nounced that he had declmed a &core or more invitation. to 4i!l.iver ·eo'!!. mencement anel other . addressea . In varlou. parla of' the- S.tate. It dal!X becomes more evidl!Jlt that he WI I not be opposed in hia own party for a aecond term, I\lthough desperate eft'orla i)ave been by wet torces . to bring about. which they could not to .wl!!, but wlthan the




Whole Number .5699

Made Manager

Mrs. C. W. Yuunce ,u s8 i st ~ d by her sist er. Mias fildfe (~ ClarK , on· tertuined a g t·ou o of frI ends Satu l" dny nftel'n oon , Muy lRt, in honor of th 11' sister, Ka thryn. An ,Interest. In\!, purt of the aftern oon s cnte\'· tamment was a May Day P uz7.le. which when solved dl~ cl0 8e d th o up· proaching Rigg8. Uiurk nuptuu l~ at Miami, Florida, May 29, 192 6. A miscellan eo us shower f eatured th e affair . The invited g uests were, Mes. dam es F. R. MOOIllUW, J . C. Cruhbe, J . O. Whituker Hurold Whitaker, l-Iarry Burnet, Dearth Sheehun, Wal. te r Sheehan, Irene Bird, Mury Car . mony, Wilbur lark and the MisseH Kathryn Clurk, Clam Lile, Edna Howland, Laura McKinsey, Kathryn Turn er, Cla ra Be rryhill, Ka thryn Promm, Glndy" ~()Iund, Lula Feuly. Helen Hawk e, 'Eon a Kelsey, Anne Duehmun IIno Louise Smith .


A olumhu>1 pn(lcr has til foll olV. ing: J . lIfuu" icll Hidll'~, who has bel'n """ Iotalioll Illlln a~~ r (I f th 'OlllmUU d ""chiln):,c of the fam ous Plnycrs. l,asllY cUl'pomLion, has b 11 11t!,'o nc· .. 01 to the p lnct· of munager of th~ !,l·UIICh. s ucceedi ng . H. Weeks, re~ i g ncd.

IIII'. RidR'c, 0 g raduat e of the Inw c o l\('~ e o[ Ohio Stll tc un ivcl'.ity, wu s f urmcrly a nt' W. papc' r lIlan ill Ci ncll,. "nti. Ifl' will m ove his fami ly from CincinCiati in J unc. li e is the so n (I f the' lul e Jncub Ri d~c , whu liv d Iwar Pt. A Clcic nt, and i ~ we ll kn own in thi s IIOcali ty,

----- ..

--Massie Grange

Rel(ulnl' nl(!I' Lin~ or !lIassic Gru nge at. unln y, May 8th, ut B o·clock. ilegi nn illl: ut X :ao the re will be the fol lowi nl: llI oti on pi r (ur e~ , ,. Birt! lind An ima l Lif" of YdlO\\ stune Park," " The ']'exus '1'ra il Lo i' our TlIble," "TIll' Colden Fleece," alld also a cum i,· . t U which th e pu blic ll1"e cor . dially invited.



The 'l'lIio r cln8Y of t he Wllync

T ow n ~ hil' II igh "c hoo l will prese nt t he thl'e~ .l1 cl l"ol1ledy, "Green S to c ~.

ings," Why such u nam e:? Th er!! IS nn old En g li ~h cuslol11 whi ch reqlJ\res un e lo l' l" sisLor to Weill' gree n stock. ings al th e wedding o~ u y,0unll'el' sistel', if th e y oun ge r Sis ter '8 mar· ried ti ,·st. cli n Fa rrnday hasworn g ree n stocki ngs twi ce, ano when her t hird younger sister annOUlh-es hel' engagement, Celia realizes thnt musf ror 11 third time wear hose of a very significant color. She imp,ul. slvely determines upo n a very danng course of IIction. the resul ts of which you will wunt to see, eith er Tu es· day Muy lith, or Wednesday, May 12th. ' , Reserved seats fol' either n ig ht WIll be on sale at Hall's Drug store, Mon· dllY. May 10, at noon. Following is the cast: Mrs. Rockingham ... Lucile St J oh1l Lady Trenchard ... Esther He,:,de.rson MrB. Chisholm Farady, of Chicago .. ..... :........... Rhea Janet Cartwright Martin, the Butler ........... lrvin Friend Phyllis .................. .... ......... .... ...... .. . ... ..... .... Mary Margaret Unglesby J{obeJ't Tarner ........ .. Nelson Watkills James Raleigh .......... .. ... J ohn Gons William Faraday .... Evel'ett DOlloho o Admiral Grice , .. Adelbert McMillan Henry Steele . .. Edwin Rumby Celia Farady Doris Hend~rson a~ld Frances Henkle. Colonel Sm it h ... Kenneth Retililick During th e intermission between acts the following program will be rendered. Orchestra, reading, Bca· trice Ro bltzer; voc\ll solo, Misses EI. sic' Hnwke and Annie Thomas.


May G. Crols May G.• Moore was born at Sardinia Brown county, Ohio l December 8, 1850. She was the aaughter or JosiA h and Phoebe Roudabush Moore, ,being th '1. younge8t child of ~ fa~i1y of Beven children born to thIS UOlon, two of whom died in 'I nfancy, and aU of whom, save on«:, ha ve preceded her to the furth er hfe. Two sisters, Theresa A., wife of James R Cluxton and Sabina P., wife of Dr. ' Geo rge Henderso n, and th e only brother, Orcn D. 1\100re. aro de· ceased. The rem aining Sister, Han· nah Mirtlndu Crane, alone of this family survives. Born futherl ess, tor that par· ent at the eurly uge of forty·three, passed away in A IIgust, 1850, preced· ing her birth in December of the same jlear, the deceased was denied the rrlvilege of a father's me mory, but 10 il.ll stead was ble68ed with a heritage of cha'racter that ennobled and enriched her whole life, and sptead its halo wherever she was known. At the age of 14 yea rs she united with the Presbyterian church at Sardinia, Ohio . . This me mbershill wps later in life transf'l'red to that of the ~eth o dlst church at W.ayneJlville, wlulre she then resid ed. In her curly womanhood , ntter nt.. tending pu blic an~, private SChool. and having taken university work, she taug ht a fe\y t,ern1s' Qi s rhoo!, and after 't he 'death ofner mpth e r made her I\Om8 :tor ~ev'~rul )'C1\t8 ' with the families ot her sister!! and brother. On July 28,l 1885, she was married by the Re v. vr. Starr to Rlchill'd A. Cross lit Epworth Heights, nea r Love. land, during one, of the atlnunl en· campmentJI then held lit thllt place, thi" beinlr, according to the r eport at that time, the first morrillge cel'cmo. there performed. In a fe w years tbei~ marl'iugll Mr. and Mr. cnme to Waynesville, where tho sinee lived; and where, on 1926, ' at t hat fitting sea· en every bursting bud pro· in nattire's way the resurrect. her tired BOul took il.ll eternal

. Governor Donahey Issues Mother's Day P roc lama fron Prom time immemorial a nd among all peoples, the children of man huve been tau ght to pay rever ence and honor to her wh o gavo them birth. fn the cycle of years we have como again to th e month of May when nOWer! in the wildwood, shrubs and trees blosso m mosl profusely I\S if symbolic of a mother's love which is ever like s pring a nd ever bios. w ming. It is indeed fitting thut in this month, each year, we set apart u Sunday t or o bBervun c~ as MOTHER'S DAY It is not necessary to be great to be happy; one need not be rlcb to be just and g nerous. No matter whether yo u are rich or poor, treat you r mother und the mo~her of your childre n eac h !IS if she were the flower of flo wers, and they wilt fill your liCe with joy and enlarge your manhood. Go wh ere yo u will, achieve what g r eut ness yo u mayor commJt what crimo you will ; rise to heights of dis_ t in ction or fall to de pUIS of misfor. tune-her arms and her hl'art will

ever be open to receive you. ,As long a8 s he li ve!! you will have one sinl'i\re fri e nd"':"'yo ur mothel·. There is benea th the' stars a fig. ure of complete and perfect purity, it is tltllt of a mother bolding to her boso m her child. ' No word of t.he g reat Master is of more_ importa,nce to this genera. tion tl)un his m.andate, "Suffer litt le children to ,c ome unto Me and for bid them not. .. Children are our most priceles" possession and lit country that does not recognize this simple truth is doomed to -decadence and Ultimate Ble'BBed Is the mother oxtinction. who g ives childlren to her country and thrice blessed is the country that receives them. Wome n who lire not privileged to have children of their own can render ~, splenilid service by helping t he littlE' mothers who , have many and who need support. Our nation wiHI not perish as long I1S it keeps alive the fire of its devo. tion to mother, home and countrythe sweetest trinity locked ill the hearts of men.

I Seal I

VIC DONAHEY, Governor.

Machine Clean-up JUNIOR·SENIOR 8AN~UET Slot On th e heels of a general clean.up ~UART~RlYME~T1NG Of slot machines in Montgomery coun. comes the announ cement that IS VERY 8RILLIANT AFFAIR tyWarren Countia,ns operating mach. fRIENDS H~RE SUNDAY ines other than those allowed by a

. Tho annual Junior· Senior fa'!'c. well , first social event of th e com • menceme nt activities, gave pleasure to ubout sixty perso ns last Friday night. The C: s of '2~ proved themselves royal entCl'tainers in the nuture of their choice- a dinn er dance. At the close of the banquet,which was he ld at tbe Masonic hull, a toa~t to th e Senior class was given ~y Howard Misseldine. Kenneth Re. tallick r esp onded .• voicing the thots of th e Class of '26. Mr. Moomaw respl)nded to Ule toast to the Fac. u.ItYI which was given by Elizabeth Hen/de. Then u hush came over the crowd a s 1\1 i~ s Bachman rose, (or she, in on \Inusun ll y ~lt' v er poem, tO ijtcd both Ju niurs un d Se lliors. Nine o'c loc k found the guy revel. ers ut th~ Gym, most h ea rtily wei. coming the orch estrn. The Gym was tastef ull y decorat d with red and white. t h ' class colors, the ceil iug being a vcritllble hanging garden ·of bloom, while hllge bo nqu ets of r ed roses nnd chcrl'y blossoms were a1'. tistlcal ly arrunged. Evo I'y OIl C t hrilled ot the music of th e (\UII C "for a fin er orchestl'a has not bee n hell t'd in WayneSVille fOI' mlln y u du y. Th ose who watched tbe Il'uy daM e rs must surely have thought liS did Tennyson, of the ' dof. fodils, . "Ten thousand saw r at u gin nee in brief, is the outline oC the Tossin!! their heads in sprightly dnn ce.' Q. CrosB, the 8k~ l t\ton up. the . of' h er mouth , thlou·m~ht.l· c l1em ,and by hill' splendid,

r ecent State SUpreme Court ruling, would be Hable to prosecution at the hun ds of the county grund jury. Notic(' to thi\, ,e ffect s ent out fronl Preseeuting Attorney Dilatus h's office WCl"e r esponsible for the disappear. ance of slot Dlachines througbout the coun ty dut ing the past two weeks. • Und er the d\lcisio~ of the S1,lpJ;em e court slot machines other than a cer. tain type, tIle M o~ris machin C)s, may not be legally op1arateq.

The Young Friends Movement will meet at the Friends Meeting house, Sunday. May 9th, at 1 :30 p. m, . Devotional Leader" ... An\y Hopkms Leader .... ............ Ethel Mendenhall To pic- Love. The supreme motive of Ll1;e, . Sub Topic!1-- (l) The need of love. (2) The g reatest power in the world. (3) Love reveuled in J eSUI Christ. (4) l;argest factor in social betterment. Being Quarterly nlecting we ex· pect to have the following Friends of a distance wit h us: Be rnard Wal. tOil, of Philad~lphi a; Emma Stradling Indianapolis, Ind . ; Elwood Al· len: Pendleton, Ind.; and possibly three Earlham students. We .extend 0 cordial in vitalio Q to In Ilurs uunce to a call fr om putri- 1111 those interest ed. otic ci tizens, a v '~ "y few gllthered ut th e Cl'Onge building last Fridny even. ing a nd maoe arr llngements Cor !\f e. morial Day ~e rvi cc8 ~lIpt. of Schools F . R. Moomaw was ap pointed chairman of tho day. A s the cOThe!> on Sunday' it was deci ded to hold the services Monday ·uHerno.o n. 011 Sunday, Apri l 25, in celebra. The different committees have been chose n ror the occasion, and the pro. tion of the. birthday of t"eir dnugh· g ram is being ma de up as 1'Ilpidl), as ter, Bernite, .lIIr. and MI ·~. !IIyor Hy. man il\vlted thrlle of I~c r fri e ll~s to possible. . l 'h" flower committee reqll est those dinn ~ r. ~n tl;1e a{ternooll p. VISIt to Who have nowers to send 't he m to QIe Ke.itli'!\ tn Dafton, add ed to the picas. usual plnce on ,.he mi>~n.\ng of the ur/i of ' the day. Thoso invited were, Misses l'r{11f¥ Louiso Zimmermun, Lou. 8Q t h· .ise fraj"ler and Louise Hend erson.

--- . . ......--..,. . -







Now, theref ore, by virt ue of au· thority in me vested, r, Vic Don uhey, Govel'nor of thl! Stute oC Ohio, do hereby proclaim S u nday, May 9, 11120, as . MOTHERS' DAY and urge that th e day be appropri. ately observed in th e churches, homes and everywhere in our com· monwealth. On this day let us wear flowers for the living and flowers Jor the mothers who have passed to the oth· er s.ide. In addi tion to noral man· ifestations, howcvQr, let us give mate rial gifl.ll alfio to moth ers whose mean s arc sparse , and, so for as possible visit mother on Mother'S Day as 'a to ke n of our devotion and enduring affection. In Testimony l'hereoI, I huve here unto subscribed my name and caused the great seal of the State of Ohio to be uffixed this first day of May, in the year of our Lord , one ~hou. Bund nine hundred ond

The court of appeals o~ this district was .in session at the Warr~1\ county court house last ' week, Judges F. M. Hamilton, Robert Bookwaltjlr an!\ Wade CUshing, .presiding. '. The eo1J!t considered casea brought before It, appeal fro~ the cOlJrt· of comm~n


' ,nl .....


P"nn",.s oC Ohio will soon be uble to hu y clover and nUuUu seed and fee l they 01'1' getti ng seed that will g r ow. This is bn,"ght about by t he passag of t he Gootling.Ketchum sec.d bill which was signed by the Presi' de nt lugt wee k. Por muny yea rH Ohio farm leaders s uy, cluver lind ulfulfu seed has been broulI'ht intu thia co un try from Eu. rope which is un adapted and wi ll nto grow under cJimutic conditions he re. Large quantities oC this seed have b~e n mixed with home·grown stocks so lilllt the yield of apparently adoptcd seed haH been cut muterially. Tbe bil l as finH lly passed, provid es thut nil import"d alfulfa and red do. vel' se ed must be dyed a distinctive l,olor to show point of origin in sueh a manner and to Buch an extent as the Secretury of Agriculture mllY prescribe. The bill, which was back· ed by Farm Bureuus. Granges and crop experts, becomes law In 30 days. Few fa rmers realize whot a large umount of seed is uffected by the new law. Figures secured by the Ohio Farm Bureau Fede ration show that during the first 15 days of this year only 3,144,000 pounds of red clover seed, most of it unadapted to Ohio usc, was imported. Staining of the seed backers of t he bill believe. will prevent mixing of home grown and adapted seed with cheaper i1l1port-ed stocks whicb 'do not give satisfactory results in the northern part of this country. T. B. ERADICATION The (lumpaign being wllged IIgainst Bovi.n e Tuberculosis in Warren coun. ty is meeting With support In every section, reports Dr. W. H. VanMeter, Federal veterinarian in charge. Until May I, 5146 cattle in 794 herds in Deerfield, Harlan and Ham. i1ton townships. Of this number 234 reactors have been found on 103 in. fected premises. The per cent of reuctors slightly oxceods 4 per cent. Considering tuberculosis e~adica. tion alone from the standpOInt of health to children, no work can be more conscientiously ~ upported than that carri ed out by t he State and Federal departments in connection witb Wurren County folks. BOYS' CLUB WORK. " We hope this year to enroll a larger membership .in Cull, Pig and Poultry Clu b work, than has hereto. for e been record ed in Wurren coun. ty." says C. T. Hammon, assistant Paultry Agricultul'al agent. ~More than that we hope to kecm t hem in. t erested in their proj ect until it is brought to a close ut county fair time. Tho season is growing late fo r Poultry clu bs, and starting now we wish to lay emphasis un the two projec ts in P ig club work, namely, market and breedi ng cla8ses, and the Calb Clu b proj ect. These proj ects ar e open t o both and g irls between the ages of 10 and 10, un til June I, at which Lim e e nro lltu e tlt ~ close nnd t he projects lJ~g~.__ _ _ _

BISHOP REESE 'AT ST. MARY'S At St. Mury's church next Friday even ing, !IIny 7, at 7 :30, the Rt . Rev. Th eodore Irving neese, of Co lumbus. will preHch an d administer the rilc of


A cord inl in vitation is extended to th e pu blic.

--- -------

Sues Penn. Railroad




Si nclair Lewis, a novelist , thinks he doesn't believe in God, and that his unL elie[ is important. Last Mon. day , in the r ole uf u clergyman. up. s idt' down, just to prove that " there is no G d," Mr . Lewi s publicly defi ed Di vine power t.o strike him dead. He ~ I\id . with lack or good tas te, "I defy Ilim to "lr.ike 111~, down within the Ilext Len minutes. Nothi ng happened, so M.r. Lewis a nel tho so r t lhat list ' 1\ to such child. ishness doubtless believe that Borne· thing impOl'lant has been demonstra. ted . Mr. Stor ,·\', of th e Stanb Fe, man. ugcs ra ilrou'ds 'from Chicago to t he

Pa ci fic, w ith hundreds of tho usands o f railroad ti es, and unts everywhere busy betwee n the ties. One ant BllYS : "They say that a mysterious W. B. Stor ey runs this ra ilroad, but I know there is no such pe rson. And just to prove it I defy him to come and strike me dead." At the e nd of ten minutes that ant wo uld feel liS proud as Mr. Sinclair Lewis. It would not m ean that Mr. Storey COUldn't s trike down the ant, or tbat the Ruler of this universe couldn't strike Sineloir Lewis dead, if it were worth while. The point is that it isn't worth while. Just what the power Is that man. uges this and other unive~es, with their billions of suns, man cannot know, except for the teachings of faith. 'Phe ancient philosopher said: "If the camel had a god his god would have four legs and a bump." Man,. like that imaginary camel inclined to. create God in hia ow~ image, has invented many kinds ot gods, attributing to them t he baser human p.... sions- revenge, jealousy, etc. What.ever supreme power may be, it is surely be)'ond man's comprebenslon~ as W. B. Storey is beyond the ant's comprehension. Maulla Loa, great Hiwalian volca. no, is showing us how those Paclftc islands were bum up, from below the soa. 'From the top of Mauna Loa melted rock once more cornea rushing down, burying 'under lava fifty feet deep the native vi1la,e at Hoopuloa, hurryinl!' the inhabItants to the Hawaiian heaven, causing the ocean to boil seVeral feet out from shore and destroying, of course, millions of ftah, as well as the one small native village. 1'hu8, for hundreds of millions of years, old earth has been shaping itself from the inside, with volcanoes and upheavals indescribable. All of Englund 'wus once at tbe bottom of' the Bea. Tiny marine cireatures built; Britain's Chalk cliffs when .those elUfs were at the ocean's bottom. For mil_ lions of years more the work will goo on. It is evicicnt to &cienee anll com. man sense that, while the earth malr have been created, roughlY IIpeakill&'. in six days, it was not qUlte finished . in tha~ time. A large "C!.allll" of automoblle of. fenders including tbe young lady who just · eQuldn't keep her foot off the agile dancer, Lillian B. Accelerator , we~e to inspect the white.sheeted figures in the morgue, Judge' L. P. Russell, of Los Ang'c lea; leadll the "closs" and Inventep it. He Wnka reckless drivers will pause and reflect when they Bee what a body loeb like, after the automobile hits it. .,.' in Paris had a aimilBr ideu. They took entire classes of boys to see those that had been kill ed by the most dreadful diseases, or eve n to the insane asylum "in. spect" victims of absinthe and other vices. It '!lust be a painful cure.


The Department of Justice will In. vestigate what is called "The Tw() Hundred , and Fifty Million Dollal" F'eritHizcr Trust." The department might find out what particular influcnce, and whose money, kept ~ promine nt automobile manufactlD'er from getting 1I1u8cle Shoals, When he announ ced his 1'lan to give the farmers cheap fertihzcrs. That Plan, of course, would have ruined any ferliL izer trust. There ~~re indications. at the time, thllt some one WII8 'a good spender.


The Pe un gylvanin Railroud com. pany was madc defenda nt In a suit for $60,000 damages brought Mon. .......... day, by Attorll ey Charles L. Darling. ton for Clyde hing, of New Bur. There is somc controversy about Iingto n, wl;o was the companion of changing the cotlntl'Y towns to day. Russell Conner when the latter was Heber D. Williams, represQting ' Iight-savings time. In Lebanoll they killed in an llutomobile accident a.t are huving a straw votl! on the sub· the railroad crossing in R,\I;1;llnna, the Mutual Benefit Life' Inl!Qranee oompany, ball assOciated htm8eIf' with' ject. The local counc,l has n ev~r, ~··"brlllln la, 1926. brought the mattc!· up, and there IS Ewing says that h~ w,s permanen. the Dakin aryd Uakin .hi·SUraDCo! qenat Lebanon, o~d will· handle the no reason for doing this at the pres· tly crippled by illill~lea he received tnElur.fmc~e husineu iJlile Karl D"' ent time. Standard time seems to fit in the :u,c;iqel\t, Qnll IlIg being renwell into the custems of the .smaller dered one,;jJlIl( looh shorter than the handle ' the • towns, everybody being early ~ise~ other and N& knee stift'ened. His and' ellrly·to·beds, and there. 18 ~o le:(t ltg wae broken close to the hip reason. for eh'anlting tl\e eWcka to ~ and he sustained a sever nCJ;vous earner hour. If C\Jr pe~pl~ w.Qn~ \0 shoek which at!ected his_ eyealg~tl he if 0 W Ii plaeQ ' ~borl! fall~ time pre· , He wus confineCl to the nos• 'vails, t~ey lIa,¥ ~tI hour earli.e r, and nine' and one:half .weeks, and ~lillh '~Il, . ' difficulty in performing his • • , . ,. - ' . as a ca'l>e~t~, .~e dec~IlB;

May Change Time



pf Way. 163 F. &. A. M., 11. :All memo are oordlally

'l· h .Ok a oma




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' ~.


U~~ .'·.Get"Life Certifi~~tea; I




> r~C~I, Grand ·J .uJ:Y.: .


. It £ I.,RUDOLPH NEWS GLEANED , ~. FROM COURT HOUSE At c.,'s Jewelfy Shop - ".• •

- ---" - Jt pay. well

Ed ith K Link, formerly 'Edith K. Rnnsom vs. Alva Bill, admr. of the e> late of Annie K. Spence. d cease~, -1.00 •. m. to 4 p. tn. t.hIl demu rr r to the amended peeltion su~tai n cd; defen dant nllowed to recoY!'r C(1sts f rom plaintiff. HAVE" YOUR EYE~ EXAMINED Bertha Elizabeth Bradshaw VB. tney Bl'I\dshaw; marriage contract dislmlved, extreme cruelty us grounds di 'so h'cd xtromc cruelty as grounds elt It lIiarclHlnt; marriage contract dis.o h'ed, ~ross neglect of duty was "'hnrge ajt'run sl defendant. NOTARY PUBLIC Raiph E. Deem ,·S. The State of N.tional Bank Ohio on th e r elntionship of Dorothy mith· ~imc set for hearing ha\;ng . . . Dra_ .......... Eat.t". Settled come 'and plaintiIT having failed to appear the me was disn:issed. Waynelrille, Ohio Ge org G. Perrine vs. Abe Probasco et 01 .. Ralph Carey aPl.'ointed and ncc ep~(! d charge as guardian of min0 1' dofendan ts, Caroline Jameson and


w. Pa~ Your Telephone CaUl if BUJ Your, Poult..,..


P' A





,iJl.C.lllN llI'.c.1'\ III 'nlll: WOItLD tIIJII.mI!D W!ElLT. 14,00 fER 'lEAJt

I'ICrin.. DRUOCIiii. .... I'ILI8TIl. CO.TUM • • a, TltAN.PEIt. 0 4 l AW . " _ ••ItVle. CA. PItO"'1' . . U''''O ITS ADV."TI8INC COLUMN ,



. . . , "Olt. oLIPPER "'-'''''



• ~




II'IG> "1"HATS ALL 1 A~'( - JUST SO stI~

Jordan, _ <7r'l...·'1)ooT' defendant Oric Jordan eltld to apWAlle pear before ~o urt on April 26th, to oP.' explain his contempt for court in his failure to pay alimony under former order of court. Minnie Evelyn Snook vs. Samuel Erwin Snook; marriage contract dis. solved, groBS neglect of duty on part of defendant. Plaintiff gets custody of 7-year-old child, .Mlnnie EveIyn Snook, and defendant was ordered to pay $8.60 each week toward said child's support. Trial at costs of defendant. . Julius Vcnzondi and Barbara Vazendi vs. Florence E. Romohr et aI .• A. M. Burhman mllde II party defendant in this case, also E. L. Greene as assignee f r thQ benefit of the credit9rs of the Gem City Realty Co. William J , Evans vs. Jonas F. Stump et al:, Elias Oglesbee, Frank Elbon and W. S. Graham were made commissioners herein. Georg MoKin.ney vs. Bessie ~. McKinney, marrIage contract dIS- et aI., court declares valid the right solved. plaintiff orderlld to pay de- of first lien of John T. Gano and Os'fendant $8 per m onth toward the car B. Cain against proceeds. of 8ale of the New Ideal Restaurant III Morsupport of their minor child. Laura A. Gross VB. Jesse S. Gross, row. Other orders were issued by defendant to pay plaintiff $10 per court for the distribution of proceeds week alimony for two months, and from Bl!id sule. The State of Ohio vs. Charles A. $12.60 the.r eafter until further or Schoonover, defendant, pleaded guilder: of court. ' William Winstree VB. Oscar B: Cain ty to burglary indictment. Sentence et al. defendants granted leave to withheld until July 9th. The State of Ohio VB. Clarence file ~swer and cross petition herein. EUen Conner VB. Edith M. Edwards Haggerty, defendant pleaded guilty et a1.. estate herein appraised at to seven indictments. not g uilty to Sentence withheld unti} July $2200, and will be sold at public sale one. 9th. .terms cash. The State of Ohio vB. James HenWilliam Winstreo VB. Oscar B. Cain ry. defendant, pleaded guUty in seven indictments, not guilty In one. Sentence withheld until July 9th. The State of Ohio va. Carl Randall, defendant pleaded guilty. sent~nce withheld until July 9th.

era.t ors

Made from · Selected White ,Pine, Insulated with Celotex Lumber, Clean and Sanitary, Seamlell, While E!lamel, Lined.

FRED M. COLE .,; ,Hardware, Harne.. and Farm Machinery

. Wayn~ville,

I ~~



'SAY! Our Classified Ad Service



NEW SUITS The Burro~ghs Adding Machine Company VS, The Waynesville Farmer's Exchange Company. for money only, amount claimed $966.12 ' with interest. . Laura H. Hartley, 811 executrix of the will of M. J. Bnrtley. deceased. VS. W. J. Moss, for .money, amount claimed $460 with fnterest from Apr. 10 1926. Helen J ean Boyce VB. Frank Boyce for divorce, gross neglect charged, C. Donald Dilatush, attorney. Goldie A. Baker VB. Clarence J. Baker. action for divorce. Plalntift, asks alimony and custody of their child. Henry W. Meeker and Suzanne Meeker VB. Freeman Lampkins, for foreclosure of mortgage.



H6 <XlM6~ NOW, rLL "re,E1&40 1M AS~ 1 DON'T WANr1·O""f1!.U<. -



1-\6'u.. !<:66'P Ml~ AwAKe; ALL. NlGl4r Vlllr~ AN





... ... '" ow ......


WANTED-All kinds of Boft Wood. for pulp. Morris Graham. tf WANTED - Second hand tobacco setter.. Call phone 22-3, Wayne.. vlJle, Ohio. m5

LOANg 011 Chuttels,Stockll, SecuriFOR SALE ties and Second Mortgages, Notel bought. John Hllrbine Jr., Xenia, FOR SALE- Potatoes, a few bushelS ·m30-'26 of Groen Mountuin and Banner Ohio. Seed Potutoes, $3.00 per .bushel. Strouse Bros. m] 2 FOR ALE - Cabbage and tomato Farmerl of W .. rren and .djoininllr plants now ready. Ed Hopkins. -11\5 counties may ohtaln money on lone K DAKERS-SPECIAL TRIAL OFL-_ _ _ _ __ time loans, at 6 per cent interest. FER. For 20c we will develop OJle Cost of securing the same is very rea- roU of Kodak filmB ' any size Uid make six prints and pay postage. sonable .through The Federal Land Quickest Kodak Service in Ame".ca. settlement of said estate of Isaac N. corrugated sewers. $3G2.80; The Ga_ Bank. For f urther information call Kodashop, Box 904, Cincinnati, O. Hanks, deceased. . lion Iron Works and Mfg. 0.. for on or address 111. C. DRAKE, Treas- FOR SALE-Fresh cow, with ealf May 4. th is date set for hearlllg freig ht on stone crusher repairs, urer, phone 31 (l-X, Lebanon, Ohio. by side. W. H. Orndorf, R. on the petition of Nicholas and Ella $8.61l; Herbert C. Roosa, tor dragEslinger for leav!l to adopt Howard ging road, $13.50; V, W. Tompkins. Weiss, and for the changing of the Cor district payroll. $210.85; F. M. name of the lutter. Collins, same, $81,45; Eden · Teny, In the matter oj~ tlie estate of Hen- same, $266. LO; A. T. Rettig, same, ry A. Werner. de~eased, ex.ecutor $166; Joseph Davis. same . $147.45; WaIter S. Werner was authorIZed to Harlan Whitacre, same, $99.25; W. sell property of !oaid estute for not S. Graham, sam,e, $40.60. 4.______ lel!S than thc appraised value of the same. Socond and final account of the esNOTICE OF APPOINTMENT tate of Susan C. Hayner, deceased, WBB offered for approval by e.xe(\utor Estate of Thomas Prendergast, deChatles S. Mounts. and same was alceased. lowed and confirmed by court. Notice is heroby given that B. C. First and final account of the guardianship of Thelma Clark, a Prendergast has been duly appointed minor; was offered for approval by and qualifled as administrator of the her guardian, Alvy F. Simonton and estate of Thomas Prcnd('rgast, late of Warren County. deceasecJ, same was contirm~!d by the cou.r t. Dated this 14th day of April, 1926. First al1d 1\nall account 10f, the W Z. ROLL, guardianship of Jc,hn Rohmer, an inJudge of the ProLate Court, competent was filed by his guardian Wurren County, Ohio. m5 Alvy F. Srmonton, and same wus ullowed and conflrmed by the court. The will ' of 'the late Clifton Waldo ' Unglesby was adrnitted to probate, and Irene B. UngEesby qualified a!'ld was appointed executrix 'of the estate without bond'. Appraisers for the estate were appointed. I am going to sell at the old First and final lacc,ount of the es- Grange buihling, In orwin, Ohio. on tate of John A. Hitesm~n was filed Saturd.y. May 8, 1926, by executo!,'! Frank Hltesman and B ginni ng at 1 o'clor k. p. m., a HEN the spreading test buy no other that cOlts a. Willis Hitcsman, which was ordered lot of household goods, Cooking uten8uspellded. has been made by prac- little per jot;. ~use it c0sl1e, clll:penter tools, lumbe,1" and a Last will and tentament of Alice J. lot of gurden tools. tical paintersandbyacientific ven better. Ipreadi farther. ~vans deceasect was admitted 'to WM REEDER. laboratories, over and OiVer and laa" lonler, it ia the probate, and Firman R. Evans qualHaving sold my farm I will sell at again Devoe Lead and Zinc most economical paint you ified and was appointed executor of W. N. Sears, Auct. the estate without bond. AppraisHouse Paint has 'Proved its can use. , ers were appointed. superior spreading and . co- It is guarantee(t to rive aatta. vering capacity. faction when applied acc0rdMARRIACE ,J..ICENSES public auction, 1 Y.,' miles east of CenYou can buy paint. th"at"cost ing to directio(l" PnetiClt. JBBper W. Cox, of, Franklin, and terville, on the Bellbrook and Cen..tess per gallon, but youtcan tests prove Devoe Quality. terville pike. on the farm known BB Fannie Lee, of Fr;l"nkhn. ,, Harry . Marcellu:! Burnet of Way- the John , Cue farm. on Tbunda~, M.~ 6, 1926, ' nesville, and Mary Elizabeth Thomas At 1 o'clock central standard time, of Waynesvllle. Charles S. Davis, of , Middletown, the following property: One horse, 1 Jersey cow, 60 R. I. and Maud Helen Ftoth,of Franklin . H. Earl McMann, of Middletown. hens; farm implementa harness, com, and D. Pauline Rogers, of Franklin. hay, and household goods. J. B. EDGINGTON. -----J.ohn H. Wright, Auct. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS John W. EBBtop: anp Grace Eastop to Chester A. Campbell, about 102 acre inHamiltonTI).,$1, Ambrose Hersmey to Elizabeth Libecap, 128 acres in ' Turtlecreek T~~ $1. . Ambrose Hersh.!y to Myrtle Llbecap. 128 aeles in 1~u'rtlecreek Tp., $1. George E. Hall to John S. ' Richardson and Sarah Richardson, lots ' 16 and 16 in Franklin, $1. l. John S. Richardson to Louis ~ D. Brace and Mary Ann Brace, lot 147 in Franklin. $1. Mary J Langdon to Kate L. Greene •• ' . • DON'T truss thiS unusual opportuntty to get a high grade Ihree lots in Franklin, $1. ' Mary Scalesl of Norwood, to ' ~ . enameling brush ftee. For o~e week only it will be given to phael Scales, ne.r son, two lots!li'.•~ . ,', every purchaser of a quart-of Foy 8 Permadura Enamel. Loveland Park, m Deerfield Tp.,}"m ' " , • With,Permadura and thiS f~ J?rush It s a Simple matter ' consideration of :Jl 'and loyalty to grantor. to apply a clean white coat to your woodwork. And if you Mary Scales to Mar~aret Scalesl want to brighten up the appearance of your bathroom, her daughter, two lots In Loveland, . .. h h' p ' ad Ieee Park in Deerfield Tp., same considrermadu~a IS Justt e t mg. eon ura ps , We make thit! free oller only becaUIlI eration. Its beautiful appearance for years. You will welJl'antYOQtolmo" Isom G. and Jrulia H. Lain to thus feel amply rewarded for the small amount wha~ a *utiful enamCatharine' Seeger, 70 acrea on one of money and effort you have spent. el Pertnadura iI. At any t'ranklin Waynesv.i1le pike. $1. . othertimeyotiwiUhave Walter H. and Winifred M. Whitto paytbe~price acre to John O. and J08ie Whitacre. for the brulh. SO be 89 acr-es in Weat' Wayne Tp •• $1. BIInI to act at once. G'. W. Reedy to H. Wallace Toren. a tract in Morrow, $1. If you are not interated ill The Home Loan Building aaaoclaPermadura, uk about the tlon ' of Hamilton to Charlee Troch8P«ial offer ~ ldth ~ . ' elmann, two tracts 'in Hamilton 'Tp., 01 tbefollowiDi Fby ~uctI:

\~ (I

Farmers, Attention!





Cream&Cans.Guaranleed Against Lo8~

Free Tri.,1 Gladl,. F"rQi.b"d If Canl Are Needed.


A.D.5wank &50n TelePhone 2e2W


One DoU.r MORE Oil .""rJ $tO.OO worth of er.. m aolcl.


per pound

MAY 3rd '

.re nol .hipplnll direet to the Trl - St.te, .tarl nOW ,and meka



Will Pay


Shippin, i. tbe e •• i•• 1 work on th. f.rm alld pa,. •• he malt.


' N~T ED'• WA I

C-I~Cl~ ~,' 11, . 0,.


L Poultry



Wap...,tUe N.tional Bank B Id • .







Dr.. John W. Miller .To~I:lrY ~~Ijor~~nv vs.O~il!

live aW.,-olle ••11.oll out


Every Tuesday


the hard work,

of eve..,. ten ••1100. of your 1


Lebanon, Ohio


'0 do JO'''' own ma.ktllinr Direct to the Trl Stata,

Should you, .fter do.ill' all Specl.II..





Whim'h ousepdnt is most Economieal?

Pllblic Sales

"1bis test ahows paint:'Valuu


, PROBATE PR,Q CEEDINGS In the matter of the guardianship of S. Mabel Morris, an Incompetent, tinle was set for hearing of the matter. , In the' matter of the will of Fontana Massee Cole, deceased, Nelee Fletcher was commissioned to take depOSition of J. Kenneth Williamson witness to said will. In the matter of the estste of Walter S. Wilkersou, deceased, '8dminisistrator Horace L. Settlemyre was granted permission to sell )Certain chattel property of the estate. In the matter of the estate of Alice B. Nills. deceased. administntor Charles M Fitts was authorized to sell certain stocks and a 'bond belonging to said estate. Wolter S. Werner WBB appointed as executor of the estate 'of Henry A. Werner, deceased. Estates for settlement were heard on April 19th. Inventory and appraisement of the estate of Martin V. MarshaU, deceased, were filed by administrators Carl J. Miller and Wilbur S. Marshall. Proceedings of administrutor Milton Juck in the estute of Christian S. Jack, deceased, were approved by the court. Third account of the guardianship of Ruth and Harriet Hill, minors. was flied by their guardian, Jerome E. Bartell. First account of the estate of John Hill, deceased, was flIed by the trustee there in! Charles H. Bowyer. First and final account of the guardianship of Lucretia Janney, incompetent/ was filed by hei' guardian, James M. Janney and approved' by the court. First account of the estate of Martin Frazee. deceased, filed by admln_ trator Jerry Wood and approved and confirmed by c.ourt. Second and final account of the estute of D. LeRoy Earnhart, deceased, was offered by admr. CharlelJ T. COMMISSIONERS' ALLOWANCES Ellis and was approved and eonfirmPenn Morion, fo,r court house janed by court. ' itor. $70; James Follen. sal~ ... 88 First and final account of the es.- janitor of 8econ~1 floor of ,court tate of, Martha , A. ' Mahan, deceased, QOurt house, $15; The Book, Shop,' was offered for approval by executor, supplies for treas. 85e"; Sheriff Bran!; J. A .Rebold. and ~J:1Ie wal approVed for postage', $1; 1!"ranklin Tp. Uuaand confirmed by court. ' tee, for cat;e of soldiers' and Pirst .and Ana aCCIOlInt of the ei- one flag" , $60 . Office tate of Eliza~eth Sco~ dceased, waa repairs ' tyDe''II'I~~.r. offered for ,appro\CBl ,by admr:~. ChU. $1.80.' Madden,' and same W811 allowed and Mfg. cont\Mned' by court. " Sillel tiroceedings in the estate Louisa Neale, deceased. were rC', )orl:f!d by executor. Alfred Willia,m and sam~ 'were alloYle'd by the . C. Donalp ,D ilatusb, as adntr estate of Dr. J. 'M. ,Wright, d.e,cel~~, VI. ~pl . F. Wrigqt, ' et tiff w1l8 authonzed to seU P,l'C!Pit;t)1:-' of the esia'te to pay ,certaln the eatate. . . A repo~ 0,f"pr4)ce,edllnll:ll "._ .=__"',-te~ of the


FRED M. COLE, Wayneslille, Ohio



·" Er

'R ' E




ON. · · • WEEK ON ~V

HoulN! Paint, Velvatone Flat Wall Paint, Rool aDd Dana Paint" Floor E'nameI, Stailll fa( FIoorI ahd Interior Woodwork. Dd-Fut· 'Color EiIameI. '



ence, knowing thllt tlul panc:l'ei!3 a ter BOyere injury can Tcstore itself by (fl'owing ne,," billsuM, as certain ...ISSUED EVERY WEDNE~DAY ... lizards grow-a new tlliJ, bopes to fight; " Sl1eaking of- ~xtreme cr uelty, a diabetes in a new WilY • .,,'.r'If' ., P."olfir. at W~,, " •• ,,'II. nobel't Garner is ill with rheuma- Los Angeles jury hud to attend " AI) this will s hock and disturb G e~rge Dilvis - and FJd ith Davis .0A'o. !' I J.eo"~ ·CI•• , Mali ,lib'''' showing of -"Demo Undor the Elms" thoRe who believe that there is no tism. ,.. _--_.and they didn't even giye tho jurors were i'n Lebtlnon, Suturduy. thing 118 disea~e,' and that all s uch lub'crlptloD Pric., ,1.50 · p.r Y..r you need do is to deny ita reulity. . lItrs. Ida Howe moved to Dayton) a chan ce to cscal10 at the end of All r oads lead io the 'llll-dIlY meetthe first act: ing at th e church ' hero, Mu y 23 1'd. - - But it mny cure uillbeteR, that kills Saturday. D~ L CRANE millions nnd cun't b'c he lpod by am· Hafl'Y 1'ucker has been suffering Li fe is just one thing afte r anothMrs_ Ella Ph elan BIlI'low, of Dayer . We won't ally. mOro than get rid ton, \\'8 ~ the week-end g uest or the iable theorizing And that is the with IIIl ulcer on his eye. important thing. ., '~\Y 5, 19 Ii Walt er Henry is th e proud posses- of the primary elections this S\lm- Jordan fam ily. me r until it will be time for the --+-sor of a new Ford roads ter. K. E. Thompson und Lon Oran non League of NatiOl~R to meet ogui n. SOLVING THE RUBBER and wife ~Jlc nt S unday at WilmingMt·. a nd Mrs. J. C. Gmy were '. British scientists ha \'e sturted an to n, Martin svill e alld Antioch . • SITUATIOII MAY CALENDAR sho pplllg in \V ilminb>to n, Friday. cx pctlitioll to find out whether or not Howard McKny nnd family Wer e E. J. Evans, of San Francisco, Mrs. {o;mll1u Cline and so n ~, "f Day- whlllcs Ilre polygamo us Supposing Sund ay afternoon g'U Hts .. f th e Ma n_ says th e United Stutes shou ld end its ton, were here over th e wec k-e nd. By Cora A. T.homp.on they are, what a r e we goi ng to do li on fumi ly, rl"11I' Wilmi ngto n. wonies ubont crude ru bber by pluntabout it? Flowel'~Hawthorn~ . MiKs BesM Shi dn kt'r, of Xenia, s pent ing rubber trees along both s ideH oC SC I'eral fr om this pl ll"c ntLe nded Birth8tone- -Emerald . the Panuma Canul (on t wo strips the wee k-end with hel' moth ere, here. The government of Tibet has pro. th e funel'l\l of !\II's. J e"si~ ~l lIol1ey, at Motto-UFor j ustil!e olJ place a 50 miles long, 10 miles wide, us a hibited lIny further attempts to climb Wuy nesvi llc, Monda y Ilftel' nuo n. of WayMr. un d Mrs. A. L. Kin g, ·temple, aud ul1 season , Bummer. government enteJ·p l'ise. nes ville, we re ~ullday visitors, here. to tho t op of Mt. Everest. Well, it J _ J. Fi sh uuugh, wife a nd da ughText--"Go not abrolld; retire into The government wen't do it, bedoes n't spile us any. thyself, for t ruth dwells in the inner cause the administTation does not ' Mr. and Mrs. Wi ll Wright, of ter. Mi ~s E ll en It o lll'l't 1" i R huau ~ h . -of Its' a ' good bet that when one of man,"-Salnt Augustlno. believe in having governme nt do any- Dilyton, were her over th o week-end . these Scaltdanavians fina ll y discover- Middll·tow n, Wc re ~ u"d ll \' guests (lr the J ordun family. Ch,irl e;- Owens I think Hamlin Garland must have thing thllt privute enterprise call do. Mrs. Sadie R 'ason hus been clllled e rs the North Pole, he' ll find all and wife wcre Ilfttl'llOull cllliers. been visioning 8uch an ushering in of European nutions haV'e been co m· to the hOllle of her so n, Percy, who is already there runnin g a Americun Ma}' when he 8aid: ll(llled to ,0utgJ'ow that primitive no- vcry ill. hot-dog sland . Dates to rem ' Jll oe r-Thl' FrielHl;; tio n, dl\tlJJl~ from the tl me of RomDo you fear the force of the wind, rly mecting ut Way nesvi lle . Aaron Groo ms was Il week-end vis. a is suid that th e , people are com- Quarte ulus a nd Remus , lind that · is why The slash of the ruin? Ma y t ho Ou,· nil-d a y IlIcctinj! li t lhe th eir governmcn t enterprises ure ilol' Ilt th e home of his s ister, Mrs. ing out of P loridu so fa st now that church Go face them and fight them, ' . 111 ny 2a rd. La nic8 A iii Hoy Clurk. the Stute highway commission hlld lIt Mrs.hen worrying our Industries. Be savage again . Ed ward s' May J :1th. The ]lut r ed lights at all exits. to The wr iter lacks information as Go hungry and cold like the wolf, The Harveysburg Hig h school Priscill u. cl nb at i\!rH. Ma hel Tcrry's to soil qualities along tho Panama ulu mni was held at the Hall SaturGo wade like the crane, The old trave ller who s aid he r ode Ma'), ]~th . The palms of your hands w1l1 thicken, Canal. Hut there ure in Mexico un- day even ing_ in Il train so fasl thut the t e legruph limited apportunities for rubb er grow The skin of your cheek w111111n, Mothers' Iluy at t he church hen', poles seemed all run together, now Mrs. W. P. McClirren nnd daugh- hilS You'll grow ragged and weary and ing, ideal soil, plenty of labo r . Mu y nh . l\ l l) th e r~' Ouv heealll !' /l a so n who trave ls so fas t he cun't ters, Ilhea and Eva lyn, wel'e Wil_swarthy, fix ed ('ve nL in ('on~re~~ in I \J 1:1. sec the till ing etutions. ming tun visitors, I<J·ida y. But you'll walk lik e a man I Th ollg'h it i~ (If c hmpfirativC'ly I'QCl'Ill IN THE COURSE OF TIME Senator Brooklilurt suys that Iowa origin, the ou, el'\'/l ll cc of 1.he sPc(ln d A number fr om he re atte nded lhe That was the last of April, when 10, now has no Uni ted ~tutes se nato r, In motion pictures we see the flr~t overnight the miracle, May, soft und pic Lures of Mauna Loa's latest great funerul, Mond ay, of Mrs. Jessie buL he doubU6&l1 knows where he Sunday ill Muy a ~ Muth rs' Doy, has becomc fi"ml y ('stHIJ Ii ~ hed in this balmy and sUllshiny. Spring! with eruption. ~mo k c and fl ame rise s low- Mooney. ut Miami Chapel. thinks they can get one. coun try. T hl' ~c ttinl!' Ilside of th i. the fragranCIl of Balm 0' Gilead, and ly from flowing field s of lava thut Mrs. J . W. Clnrk spent the weekA po~ular r ef' I'endum now on the duy is t o hono /' lhe IIw lno"ie5 of acres of redoleJlt loveliness. W e think soon barden into smooth and appur- end in Wilminglun with hel' sIstoI', prohibition umtndmcnt would seem mothe l':; wh o h"\·,, go ne lo ur i ~hle n of Robert BroW1llng and his poem of cntly hopeless rock. • Mrs. McCreight, lind daughters. II good deul lik e voting to fi nd out the lh'es or tI,e,sc wh o r emain lind ttl pm," when we find the first violet : Men now living will never see anyMI'. Il nd Mrs. Ev e r e~t Villar", of who was queen of the MIlY back in f oster nmnng I1H_III , W (lJn pn und chil Such a .tarved bank of ilion thing grow there. and the ancients, Dllyton, dren th e lovl' of tll t' ir hOIll(,s Ilml wcr ~ wee k-end gUC 8 t~ of Cleveland's administration. of coursc, tho ught that land thus their muther, Mrs. Laum Till, that May morn, the ir panmts. The rillY is o bBcn 'cd formed wa s cursed foreve r . But Re member the old-fashioned groBlue ran tbe fl lllIh across : uy sh owillg sO lll e Idndn e~s 1" Illo th er Mr. an d Mrs. Clint Clellve r an d cer wh o used t o put an Idah o potato time and lhe weuther break up th e Violets were born, by .erviccs ill ,·hu/,ehcs o f el'{'/'y Tbe mDrnlng Is 80 g lori ous, we sing ro ck, earth fDrrn~ slowly through th e RULh en t ertll i'1<'d DI·. lind Mrs. A. A. on thc spo ut when you boug ht a gal- cr eed Ilnd hy cI·lc bruti ons !.If oth e r in<;;nnuli , lon of coa l oil'! centuri es. Thll enrth ",orrn~ dll their S hadd~' and family, ur llraln with Edna Proctor HAyes: o l·gllni za~ lo n 8. M .. t he rs' Day first _ __ _ a - _ ••- - - List CO that bird I His aong- what murvelous work, g rinding up the soil Su,"lay. wid" sIH'end r ecognition rec e iv ed in to tiny particles. producing fertilpoet PIlIIS It! about 1!J1 0 wltl'n it wlls ouse rv ed by Mrs. R. H . Jefferis was taken to Brigand ot birds, he's stolen every ity. Plunts and gra8s grow. Cat- Hale hospitul. 'ru e.da y evell ing, II numb er of c itil'S in the United tle eat the g rass, man eats the ox in_ threatened with pneumonia. She is Dote· States. On MIlY 10, 1 !II :1, n l'cso luPrInce th~ugh of thieves- hark! how stead of wasting time digesting improved an d returned Lo her home, lio n passed both IJ Oll scS of Congress plunla. Be writes a good book and Saturduy. the J'IIsral spellds It I comme ndin/( t he ubs 'rvunce of the POll.l'II the "'hole fore st from one tiny hUlllanity moves a little farther upl.itUe Marthll Kennon is very seri- duy by Cungn,"< and th executive ward- thunks to the old volcano, A numb er from Cowan' H Creek at. ously ill. throat I depal·tmcn ts 'of the guvcl'Ilm nt in th e The wonderful growttJ oV/lr,,'gM, throwing up fertilhdng treasure from tend ed chu rd. at J onah 'K RUIl ~h\.\rc h same year NcbI'll kl1 Illud e it a stute Dr. and Mrs. Bowers are e nj oying jn ~ ide the earth. ~ u ndllY morn ing Re\'_ Bell, wh o deFlag Duy in ho nor of pntl'otism of the beaut)" of the leavos nnd sweUlng a visit fr om OJ'. Elowers' mother. IIvel'ed un excell ent ge rmon, prcllch.- - - + - - . Nebraska 's homes. In 1U14 ongr ess bud. of the trell!~ we ... Iait IIpln with "Indepl!nd ence D/ly" t oday has a ed at Cowan 's Creek Sunday evenMr. lind Mrs. Roy Irons, of Clyde, a uthorized th e prc!'< id enl of the Unithe poet, Joye Jl.i1mer, who Mya so wider mean ing than In ThomAS Jef- ing. Ohio, were Sund ny g uests of rela- ted States to designate by Ilnnual beauttfully: . lenon'. tlme. proclumatlon th e second Sunday in MI'. alld Mrs. A. S. Co llett and Ioives bere. I think I shall never see May li S Mot.h ers· Day anti to request + son, Robert, en te rtained over-night Mrs. W. E. Boglln is ill at the A poem lovely aa a tree, Lhe di splay of the American F lag on Industrial Independenco of 'other Saturduy, Rev. Bell, of Newmarket, A nee whose hungry mouth Is prest nations ill almost as importnnt as po- Mr. Ilnd Mrs. E. B. Doster and sons, home of her son, Evan Bogan, in tbe governme nt bllildin g~ Rnd private Middle Run neigbborhood. A,atmt the earth's sweet flowing litical Indepondence. ho.mes. The flrRt Nlltional proclama_ entertaining th e m to dinner, Sunbr...t: The Spanish class of the High tion setting as ide this dllY WRS issued day. A tnil tba~ looks to God aU day school enjoyed a party at the home bf President Wilson on May 9, 1914 . Mrs. Amandu Sturr e ntertain ed of Ralph Eagle, Wednesday. And II,.. 1I,r .e1l11 arms to pray; Smce its in ccption t he celebration to dinner on Sunday. Miss Mabel and A tree tba~y 111 /jummer wear of this day has spread beyond the Rev. and Mrs. J. T. Young were fon dest expectntionll of its founde r . Marga ret Starr, Do nald Brown, Mr. A nest of robill', In ber bair ; nd Mrs. W. M. Mathias, nlJ of Day. visiting relatives 1ll8t week in Ham- People in search of WIlYS und means Upon whose bosom snow h~ lain, In 1913, there were in the United alon, und Mr. und Mrs. Chas. H. Gray ersville, Cincinnati, and Hamilton. Who intimately lives with rain. of expr ess ing their love for their Stntes, 11 ,295.93 1 savings deposi- and Cumily . PotIJruI are made by foo Is like me, Mrs. Minnie Wooley, of Jackson- mothers have mude use of various ex· t ers t with $8,820,192,000 deposits; in But poly God can make a tree. ville, Fla., is the g uest of her 80n, isting services. At firs t the observ192b, 43,850,127 depositors, with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Haines and fam- unee consisted very largely of the In 1913, wages One Df my createat pleasures Is a $23,lIl4,052,900. wearing of a whiter carnation as being ily. walk IJI tJw ~eat and silent woods. and salDrle~ were $19,450,000,000; symbolic. of the purity, beu uty, fidelity Silent, only {or the son of the birds. las~ year they were .$40,000,000,00Q. .Mr. and JIIrs. IDe Witt Holland, of und peace of moth r love. Some s ecand the IIlng1J)g of ~hc leaves. Truly Stock owners have IlIcrensed 2,500,Washin gto n D. C., are visiting their t ions of lhe country have taken to 000 and bond hold ers $3,509.1100. In I Walt Whitman spoke when he said: pllrents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hol- the wearing of red cRrnlltions, and th e past ten years. Sevell million Th e W. F. M. S. met' at the home I find letters dropped hi the Itreet, families own their own homel, Dnd of Mrs. Esther Mitchener, on Wed- land. in others t he wearing of almost any and every one is signed by God's 4,000,000 otherll have - their homes nesday. Mr. Ed Hartsoc,k, wife a nd dllugh- ki nd of flower is considered a fitting _ . name, tel', and Mrs. Flora Mason visited, observance of the occusion. - As time PJlrtIy paid for. That is a so und Mrs. D. J. Noggle, who wus seri- Sunday, with JIb'S. Elizabeth Hart- went on the obser vance of th e day And I leave them where they are, for foundatlOll for enduring prosperity. ously ill last week, is somew hat imI know that w~ere8o'er I ro, ' sock, in Springfield. took different f orms. The sending of ~ pro ved. Others w\II punctually come for ever flowers to mother came into vogue. number of 1rriends of Mr. and A and ever• . Mrs. A nna Stevens, of Mudison- fibs. Wm. :Alexander gave them a Still later tbe sending of candy to NO SO MUCH Ville, is the guest of her daughter, pleuSllnt farewell :party at their home mother developed to a considerable May we all fall asleep every night extent. Then came gt:'ceting cards Mrs. Curless. n this glorious month with a beautiful Wednesday evenirlg. . Mngistrnte- "[ give you 30 days and now she is remembered by the thought in our mind, t hat we may for imperso nating a policeman." Mr. and r.lrs. El mer Curry had us awaken with the May-bloom shining Mass Day exerdses of the Town- sending of teleg rllms; one telegraph Mun to office ~"Guc ss he don't guests on Sunday, Orville Curry and compuny hus even printed a leallet in our faces, and the fires of et mal think much of you." fami1y Ilnd Mrs. J ohn Oglesbee. of ship Grade schools will be held next of s uggested messages appropriate to F riday ufternoon; also the Eightb ,spring singing nn our hearts. McKay's Station. the occasion, and hns I)rovided specGrade cOlllmencement. ial blankB for the conveying of A Pcace Declamation Contest was TAKING THE OATH The Juniol' and Senior classes of Mothers' Day messages. In one midheld in the Friends church. Sunday WONPERFUL SCIENCE the High schoo} uttEinded the county dle W est city friendle ss mothers in evening. Miss Hazel Griffis was the JunIor- Senior banquet at Xenia, hospitals und other institutions are A good many new golf courses succ essful contestant. Diabetes, t1saf; killa men, begin. by Tuesday eve ning, May 4. open this sp ring and a good many udopted f or the day. dl!ltrnying the HIJU~q. The Merry Wives club and f~milie. Profeallor Bensley, of Chicago uni- golfel'8 are busy swcaring themselves The girls of the Sewing club, unwere pleasantly entertained with a YCrelty, baa' aucceeded In de.tro.y ing in. "fish fry" at the home of Mr and der the leadership of Mrs . •J. G. GadCalI on UI for ~our Job Printin •• and the.n re8toriJ)~ tbe PlIIClf'e1!1 pf Mrs. O. G. Stansell, Wednesday even- dis, enjoyed a party. at the High • J'IIbblt School building, Tuesday evening. . ~ needed invention now is a pedes- ing. J>IiI"'~ has been 1Iict'8ihfllll)' fought, recent'y, by the use ot inau.' trian \v\th 'o n 'I),e ill the ba\!k of his The Eighth Grade of the Spring J oseph S. Le~ ming. well known lin, a pancreatic extract Now ~I­ IIeall. Valley school entertuined the other farmer, died at his home here, Sat- grlldes I of their room at a party at urday -afternoon. Funeral services the Gl'8de building, Tuesday evenwere held in the M. E. church, Mon.' dllY at 2 :l!0. Besides the widow he ing. leaves two sons, Ralph and Howard, The funeral of Charles Craig, who one sister and four brothers, He died near Yellow Springs, was held WDS 76 yeurs of age. ilt the Friendll church here, conduct" .... ed by Rev. T. M. Scartf"assisted by Rev, H. O. COllinll. " tHEY ALWAYS COME BACK Representatives from the local Plum'berls wife to Hubby Leaving for Work-"When you come back fol' Monthly Meeting of theFriends what you forgot, bring me a can of church have been appointed to attend the Quarterly m,eeting at Waynessardines." ville, next Saturday.






- - - - -- _. -


--+-,- -.




-------.. ..------






Material For Your 0- -

-_.- ..




Red Cedar Shingles I


correct Internal troubles. ;timulate vital organs. Three size• . All druCgista. I nsist on the original Gcnuine GOLD MEDAl..

lVIule Hide Shingiel Carey Shin,lel



.'~Wan 'BQard


----- .. ---

----_ ..- ---


Alpbalt Roll. ·Roofing Brick Portland Ce.melit Plut~r '.- Lime Plaifer Board


-------, -

-_ .

- ..

~----- ---

----- ~-- .

Praises Small Town Movie Fans

Walter McClure J. E. McClure





Harveysburg Fertilizer Co. Phon .. 8 ~ ...

Fully Equipp ed for Good Servic e. Large Display Room. Ambulance Service T EI.EPHONF. 7



---- - - -.-

Tell the Advertiser you read his Ad. in the Miami Gazette r(.======="....=---..,-"...".--:-~~=-=-"'-"'-"'-=-=-:===,...=======~~

.. Month-End Specials..


We are making a special for the remainder of the month of April

FENCING Steel, Locuat and Cedar Posta • 4

ROOFING Galvanized Roofing, aix, eight and ten feet long

COBS We will deliver Cobs anywhere within one mile lof our plant for One Dollar per ,truck load. INo charge made to' anyone hauling coba for them.elve•.

Waynesville Farmers' Exchange Company -, F. T. Martin Jesse Stanley Auctioneer Auctioneer Date -your aale. with ua.

We guarantee

.atisfaction or charge nothing.

Centerville, O. Phone No.2

with~ ---.--

The champion absent-minded man Advertisem~nt Hays: "This appli- of t he world was an aviator who an ce will reduce your hips, or bust." j umped out of hill airplane and forgot his parachute until he was half way ~~.------down. A domestic science expert informs ..,.. , the world that the way to tuke the Some- doctors 8IIY measles are wrinklcs out of prunes is to rub ~hem several nights with cold <:ream. highly contagious an dare spread euny by ki.ssing. :Renters are asked not to embrace the ' landlord when be Try our Class. Columns for results calls for the rent.



._ _---

SOme of T'lle . Things We Sell


haarlem 'oU - has - beema' worldwide remedy for kiciney,liver and bladder disorders, rheumatism, lwnbago and uric acid conditions.

lnduatrial Review



Many little chicks are h~tched out with greatest care only to die from feeding neglect. Be fair with your hatches this year. Give them a chance to live and thrive. It costs so little to do it. Conkey's has solved the problem of carryjng little chicks safely over the critical first 8 weeks. No other Chick Feed has such a record of success. Poultry rpisers find that when . Conkey'S comes in - "good luck" comes too. Chicks fed Conkey'S Buttermilk Starting Feed resist disease--especially White Diarrhea-the costliest of all chick p1agues. Conkey-fed chicks thrive . better too. They gain faster, rna· ture earlier, weigh more, lay better .

New Burlington,O. Phone No. 320


. ~N' Kemp & ,)o"rlon for ~oln' RoofWe eto faml lv washings by the o,'orooats dry Mon's lIults ill' IIml S1'>(luting. . p lind. Rave are driver cII11 and ex- cleuned and prc61~ed. $1.00. Soft

pl!!ln in detail. Soft Water Laundry, Ml'!l. Edith Harris returned home L('(\ve your caij with Mahlon Ridge. I !I~ I.- we k :lfter un extended stay witb I~, C. Hnr ts(lck an d fAmily !\t Milford. P. L. Reason hos been Quite serio flhl! reports M r~ . .HIIJ'I:.tIock'. (londi- ously ill at his hom 011 the .Harveystlon v(,l')/ much improved. burg pike -but is somewhat Improved tit this time. , . r. und !IIr~ . A. 1'. W ri\tht visited r"lnLi t·~ in Ill' ingbor o. S unday. Mrs. Maude Orlln e is quite ill.

'S pot Lite Market Quality Meats

Mr. and Mrg. Ed Hartsoc k, of n oar ,'pri ng- Yull('y, 1111'. and Mr~ . Harvey Rl'" :l ud dl1uj!hte r. nn d lr. and lIIrs. ciul'('nc(' R~· l· we re Sunday g uests of .\ 11-. nnd ~Irs. Chllrles It ya. -'Ir. :tnd M rs. F . n. Hender son . M rs. Kat!! L "i<' Il1111l und Mrs. D . L . Crnll e

Lt,uulI,)n ,,!.s ilor, lust \V"d lles·

Wu l'('



For Thursday, May 6th Fine, Juicy Beef Roasts,


MI'. an d Mr .. J . L . Hartsock . Mr.

and tN. ~I,. ,.

~Ir~ .

Bert Hartsock tlnd duug h· Mr. lind 1: .,I, t' ,·1 \\'"ltu1I. tiL Uaylo n.

n,·tty. s pe1lt ~undny with

16c a lb. •.'l. Guild will meet with .\\ ,-,;. Harris nnd Mrs. Mosher on D. & W. L SHEEHAN IJ·~:~~tIY "fternou n, May 6t h. at 2 ~luI'Y's

Water Laundry.


o long !III 96 lIer cent of tbe thinking ie done by 5 per c:ent of the

Mfcr Hymnn and fomil y W l\T C in Cillclllnati. Sunday and Mondoy.

• S1'. MARY'S CHURCH Friday evening , May 7. at' 7 :30. Bish p T . I. Reese w ill prea ch and Mrs. CynthiA Evan8 is spending a confir m a clasa of thTf!e. . f w daYl! in Franklin, tIle g uest of Fih h undA}' Il1'le r F.nst er. Mn~' her brother and famil y. 9. hurch School ut !l :110 a. m. , .Mo rning Praye r li nd sermon otll. Mr. and Mrs. Cllli rl1!8 POll en·Re v. John J . Sch ne ITer. Roctor. . O. J. Gray and family "!sited rela- tertained the f ollowing on Mny 1st : t iv es tit la rksville. Sunday. Mr. und Mr8. J ames Yost. Mr~ . ClilT Stobe r und fum i'l y. Mr. lind Mrs. FERRY CHURCH OF CHR IST 'ic k poulko •• of l)nyLon: r.rr. lind Born- To 1If r. alld Mr~. Herber t L Edwllrds. Monday. April 2 6, 1 92 6. 8 Mrs. Kell y YUgt. Mr . 'nnd II' . Wm·. 13ibl(' Se h"ul Ilt ~ ) : ;10 a. m. \\lothso n. Berge r. of A l"x8ndol'\'il\,,; Mr.nlld cr'. Day wi ll be o hsC l'\' ed by ' special Mrs. J o hn Fair and fU lll i l~·. of Ti p. IJro~l'nrn . J'!v(' n i ng ~Qrvi c at 7 :3 0. . ~Ie~8rs W. O. Rop er ond M. B. Huy pecanoe City. alld ot her fr iends and wit h serm on lin "M (lthcr of Me n." VISIte d Lh e Rese rvoir. Sunday and relat ives. A ve ry fin e sUJlper was A ll i'l\' it d to nlte nd. 1\[onda y. They r eport that th e big- sorved a nd an en j oyahle eve ning wus ' nlhu n J ohnson. Minister. spent. ges t onlls go t a way. Perry 'I' homas. SupL. Alfred> H IIY olld flllllil y urrived Mr. a nd Mrs. C. E. Mend nhall a nd son. Earl , wer e Dllylon vi sitor s, Sat. here from fl o rid.a Ill ~ t Frida y lin d METHODIST CHURCH u l'dn ~· . alld saw th e Hage llbnch-Wul. spe nt the week·end with his l a ther. Will H ill' ll nd fa mil y. lace circ us. ab bllth bchoo l, 9 : 15 II. m .• preach· ing a t J 0 :30 n . Ill . E pworth League .Go .to Kemp & Jordan f or Porce- . See J):emp & Jo:rda n for your Roof - 6 :16 p. Ill . Pr l: achinl~ at 7:00 p.m .• lain Sinks and P ilch er Pumps. ing and Spoutinll:. Wednesday evening Prayer meeting. 7 .aO. Everybody inviled to theso Mr. and M rs. Cha rl es Trick. of services. . Carl McClure. of Dayton, visited hIS patents. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mc- Dayton, wer e Sunday g uests of Mr. Rev. L. A. Washburn. Pastor. Clure. SUnduy. nnd Mrs. Fred Sta up.

Charles Ames. the blacksmith. Is Mr. lind 1111'S . Steve Galanopulos. 01 Detroit, Mich .• are spending a few moving his fnmily f rom Leban on in· days with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. to the Charles Hartso ck property. on Fifth strect. A. Titus. .


Mr. and Mrs. A. Titus. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Galanopulos and Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Ratiff a ttended the fu. e r al of Mrs. Titus' sister, Mrs. Della Villars. Sunday afternoon.


Mrs. Oarl Croll. of Franklin. was . spe nding a f ew da)'1l with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sheehan. the post week. See Kemp & Jordan for your Roofing and Spouting. Mr. and Mrs. Myer Hyman, Mrs. Ray M;ills!.Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Zimmerman lW'. and Mrs. Ctibrles Hartsock and daughter, Miss Ola, attended Eastern Star inspection at Wilmington, Friday evening. Born-To Mr. and ·Mrs. Walter Roberts. noo Isadora Lewis. of Dayton, Monday May 3, 192~, a daugh t~r. Virginia fday. .


Miss Mabel Sa118bury a1'l'ived here Mouday evening. from Montgomery, Ala., anl1 ill the guellt of her sister, M~ .HarveY ,l be. .

Mrs. Emma Dakin W811 a Dayton visitor, Tuesday.


Healtb and hnPI)iness are the prime necessities of life. The poets sing of love and its blessings. but love is hardly possible un less we have at least normal good healtb. Good health not only assists in making love and ba ppiness possible. but tends toward efllciency. It mnkcB for co-ordination between brain and muscle mind Bnd Iimb--no mental ex-~ ceilence. without physical stamina.' It gives us streng:th to withstand the shocks of adversity. It mn,kea UII enjoy struggle and fits us to meet it lluceell8fully on Its, own ground. Good health givcs U8 a ltest. Il genuine joY" life that nothin:g else can give. . Do you wish to be healthy? Then keep the stomach., liver, kidneys and bowe" functioning properly. Every good doctor will Itell you the impor tance of keeping Itb e organs of elimination ·function ing. and the blood pure. If you will do this. you will ho well. strl?Jlg, fu ll of life and ambition. Now, i. the time to take that gre'at Spring tonic" blood purifier and syst em "1>u.llder. .

YQurEggs-to Kroger

BUTTER co;~t~~u~d~~ .. .. . . .. . ..42c CAKES Choco,late Marshmallow., 2Sc per pound . . . . . . . . .. .

Ea tmore 01"o. pound .................. .... .. ............. ..... .. ......



·Iittle more



Late Classified Ads.

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hawke, of Dayton. visited relatives here Sunday.



Waynesville MQtor CO. Phone 105

Waynesville, Ohio

·A·BONAfiDE CLOSING-OUT SALE Haring decided to quit thi. buo.i ne • • entirel,. We are off.rlng tla. ENTIRE STOCK a nd F IXTURES AT PRrCES THAT WILL ItfAK.E THEM GO OUT QUICKLY.

This Must Be Closed Out In Two Weeks Below W. Giy... Few Price. to Show

You W. Me.n BUline ...



Sall.Uk ...... ......... ...... .. ..... .. .. . 05c

Cash Rel i.l"r. jU l t been onr. hauled .... . .. .... .. ............. .. $25.00 Condy Sca le •• computinl. COl t $65.00. at.. ......... ... .. .. $25.00 Candy cale. 6·ft· . double deck. er. a good on •• at ............ .. $25.00 Show Ca.e. a Ooor cale ... .. .. $5.00 Saf e. a g ood one. 3 numb"r. 10 open it. at ... .. .. .. .. ......... $25.00 Todd P rotec lo grapb. hal not been used mu ch. at.. ........ $25.00 Set of Shel ving . 5 ft. 2 in .• b ... 6 .hclvet .. .... .. .. .. ........... .$5.00 D". k .. .... ... ............. .. .. .. .. ..... $5.00

O . N . T. Croche t Thread ..... . 6 ~ c P a nt.. only a f ow . ize. .. ... ... $ 1. 25 Jeweb." the good kind. jUlt come in. put a bid on a ny. tbing in th o cale, very like I, ,oU will get it. Stocking •• Me n. WOm en'. a nd Cbildren· . ..... .... .... .... ..... 15 c. 23c Pant, Wai.h. th e 25c kind .. .... l0c 7a c 800kl. g o at ... ...... .. .. ... .... 50c 59c Book•• go n t.. ...... ...... .. ........ 35c '1.00 Kid Body DolI . .. ......... .. ... 50c


FRANK H. FARR (011. Door Nort" of Miami Gazette.)

Waynesville, Ohio

Buy Your

.Pocahontas Coal ·N O ·W We have. an Excellent Quality Coal, and the price i. very low. We can furnish yoU'

Egg- ~r . Lump Pocahontas . ,



Roy Weeks, of Dayton, FOR SALE-Bed and springs; fine Waynesville. Monday. condition; reasonable price. Mrs. J. O. Cartwright. ·m6 Messrs. Clifford Buzick and Allen Mower and son, Homer. of Sidney, spent the week-end in Waynesville. "

Mr. and ·Mrs. Will Lewis. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Dakin. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Henry. Mrs. Emma -Couden, Mrs. White and Berne Dakin, of Lebanon, were Sunday afternoon gueslp of Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Day. Walter Cast has been on the 8iek Jist. Rugs \lusted and renovated. curtains was hed. Your spring and winter garments cleaned and Ilre88ed. Leave your call with Mahlon Ridge. Soft Water Loundry. Mr. and Mr s. Jnmes McClure entertained the Jolly Matron s and their husbands. lI10nday night. Mr. and Mrs. Burton Earnhart and Mr. Madison Earnhart, of Dayton. were g uests of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Earn hart. Sunda y.

$1 ~ ~~d ' Trip


Columbus , Sunda,', May 9 Ticket. 100cl ill, coa"he. only OD train • • hown Central Sta ndard Time LeaYinl Wayn ... "m.. 8:24 ~. m. Retllrllinl L.,., Columbu. 6:30 p . m Ea ... rD Standard Time


Mr. Rnd Mrs. Ray Miller a nd son. of Centerville. were Sunday guests of of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Rogers.

£~eC~e~~. 25c I~~!T~~t~ . ~~. ......25c r.:lb~::~.~0.~:c~.~ $1.·19 ~~tf!~~~~:.S2.40

The locnl ne wsp np e r in th e United States is (,lIch year ~c llin g on a firm_ er Coundn tion a mi beco min g more nnd more use ful tu its home commu· nity. It is the home n e wspa per which boosts th e Lown. yea r in an d year out. which t.a k e~ the lend in ever y e nterp.rise whieh hns for it~ purpose th e up buildi ng of th e co mmunit y. We frequ ently hellr it said that the old-time inde pe ndent spirit of t he n eWRpnp er is gonc. that its edi· t or ial po licy is now subservien t to the business office. Yet this is not tl'u e. There is more unselfish ideal. ism in the av erllge locill ne' spnpel t han in any other business ell tc.rpl·ise. It fr equ ently s pellk s ouL in . the wa y whieh it bl'iieves will be f or the good of the notion and of the communit y. regardless of what the con sequenc es ma;t be from n busincss standpoint. 'I he local newspaper is th o principal booster for the eorrimunity , and It does its boosting olten without hope of material r eward. Un!ortunate is t he comm unity which neitber oppreciatOl! not supports its loeaf news papers,- Wisconsin State Journal. /'

Ib .... . ..... .

.. Country Club. 12 ~ .Ib . • ack .... 63c

Mr. a nd Mrs. Karl Bnbb and Bon of eaoh montb; spent Wednesday of last week with There are at lea st 100 peopl e in Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Earnhart. a nd a round Wayn.esville whose gl8118es nre not corre ct. Many have nevGo' to Kemp & Jordan for Porce- er bee n satisfactory. There is nnlai n Sinks and Pitcher Pumps. otber 100 or mOire who 'have never wbrn glasses who should wear them. Mr. an d Mrs.' Burton Earnhart • There are many children who need of Dayton, were guests of Mr. and glasses who should wear th em . Mrs. E. f '. Earnhart and family at There are many children, wbo need di nner. Saturday night. glasses rpore than eighty-year-old people. The summer ill the t ime to Mrs. Karl Bnbb and son. Dean. and have them tltted. Re member. IMPERFEOT EYES Mrs. H. B. Earnhart were Lebanon may consume more Nervous Energy visiLors, )'uesday. than any other organs of your body. Sunday dinner g uests of Mr. and Know your eyes may be an imporMrs. Elmer Sheehan were Mr. and tant CAUSE of your chronic ills. Mrs. Dearth Sheehan. Mr. and Mrs Very important to YOU who are unE llis McClure. of Springboro; Mr: der fifty. Have your eyes examined a nd Mrs. Carl Crone. of Franklin. at Grange Hall, Percy Easton and family. of SpringtHU~SDAY, MAY 12th boro. wero afternoon callers.


Miss Grace Bee. 9f Dayton. spent 294 the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Moomaw. Mrs. James Stoops, .o f Van Wert. WBs called to Wilmington last Saturday on account of the serious illness of an uncle. Messrs. Frank Holme. and .Ilolmes Stoop's, of Van Wert. w~re in Waynesvliel a ahort time. Saturday. ' Mr: ·and 'Mrs. J~' M. 'h~mP8oti ' ~~d son Bpe'b.t _ Sunday with . relative, in Lo~elan4..

~. ~. Blatt 'a nd family, of .Monroe,

S:~. 0 •. B. Unrleaby 'and famiI,y,


Areacl.. .'

DaJ'ton, Ohl~


Frank Biggs ,Corwin,

Ohi~ '


m. ' f~. ;"11~ "'ral\t.ed wo~k" ~ / ollow':

.can .....


. --trL.wao....~B11U~ ..IJII~ip



10 pound. for .... ...... .., ... .. .. ........ 2I1e Baby Chick F •• d. la Ib . ...... .. 3I1e


50c ~!~~~~n ~~~.~~.~.~ . . . . . . 1·7c ~~!!~!~ 30c. ~~!!~~~ 25c ~~~!~llb... . . ... . 25c ~~t~t~!.Sl.g?i~i.:~~ . . . .55 C ~!~o~nd 28.c Weiner~., 28c ~~!!~0~~!. . .,. . 25e .

Vienna. loaf .. .. .. .......... . .. Country Club. I ~. Ib . loaf ........ l0c

b.ra .. .......... ... . Cry.tal White. II ban .... .... ........ tile

4 Ib.... ...

Country Club, 2 }S . lb.C& n ....... .. 25c

- ..

- - " --

2 for ...... Led Lettuce . pound........ ........ 20e

B"ldwill'. 4 Ib, ................. .. ... .. 18c

New Pot.toel. 6 Ib . .. ................. .50c:

.. ......... ....... Cottal. Ham •• lb ............ ,.....,' .... '"

Fill. for' pic:,...... ·lb ......... . Fr'tllb. fOua~ :; ... .. ~: ....... ;... .....25c

Mia..... Ham. po.ouI....... ;..........2211

rUCAL fANS ATTENDED GAME ,,, Good 2 H. P. Inteme-tional G.aoline Engine~ -cheap for cash. Inquire 'at




Offie.e ·

HAD fiNE LUCK Messrs. Lester Surface. Everett T homa s and Earl ' Orndorf enjoyed a particularly success.fu l fishing expedition at the Robitzer dam . Sunday afternoon. The party caught 27 nice fish. inclu(1ing a four· pound catfish. Ed 'Cook took a nice four.po und bass froll" these fisbing grounds re· cently. and piscatorial fans say t hat several fine messes of fish have been taken at tl115 particu lar point 110 ' far tIDs yel).r. . ' W. O. Raper and MarvlII Hay went to the Reservoir Saturday night; pnd arrived home Monday night. They reported poor fi!h~g:..;_ __

Ernest Earnhart· -bas accepted a position with Owen Gross, proprietor of a mill and lu m'ber yard at Carlisle. Ohio. and will move there next Thur sday. Mr. and Mrs. Earnhart. will be missed. both being prominent in church and social activities. but the best wishes of their friends go with them.


- - -... ...- - -



The twenties are the molding y ears of the life. when the young man forms those habits that shqJl direct his career. Then he finishes his scbool. stands before the aItar. es tablishes a home and looks the world ih the eye. The thirtics are years of discouragement. It is a bard and trying time for all. It. is a time o! battle witbout the poetry and dream of youth. The forties are the years of vision. when a man finds hUn.elf. finishes his castles in the all' and knows the value of his dreams. Life comes to its ripening In the tlfties. These should be the yeol'll of jubilee and he ~hould do his best work then. At aixt¥. a . man has com\llitted enough bUStakes to make him wise far above his juniors. He should live better and do better worle than in any deeade of his life. ~o man haa a right to retire in the. .sixties ; the .wor1d b811 need of his wisdom. Some of the best 'Work 19 the world .is done In the seventies. No man has a .right to retire at any age·. unless he wisbci$ ·to die. A 'word pt eongratulatl(ln to, those who have reached seventy . and beyond : · You havo' almost fi.n1sbed your course I we truit that :you have fought .a· g ood fight and that there is laid ' up fur you a .(!Town of rig hteol,lsness. . , , .~.



Weary ·BwiJ,and-"I too,k ~t lampIt!. of iibbo~ Y<JII a:ave me into 'eveTJ Bhop, and ouldn't matllh it,'" ~ . Ob,.: ftnel NowA kl!.ow 'no one


ww.lI&ve lOme lib ~»

We are arent. for the celebrated



•• Michelinlires~~,·

Earnhart's To Leave

I 'wi\) be in Waynesville the


Golden Sa nto. , Ib .... .. ...... .......... 311 ..

Campbell'. 3 can. for ... .. .. .. ..... .......... .. ............ ..... .. .. ..... ..... , .. .. .......... .. 25e·

----_ ...----

Mr. and Ml'II. J. O. Cartwright and Miss Rhea Janet, were sbopping in Cincinnati, Tuesday.

.... 39c

PORK & BEANS Country <flub, in to- 30c mato sauce, 4 can •...

Several of ou, baseball fADS took advantage of tbll"exeursion last Sun: day. ·,to .!pve" tb 1~2j3 edition of the ' Cinciminti 'Reds t II once over. They all report thnt tile R ds would be a COOPER'S NEW LIFE TONICI good te m If they h ad a Teal s bortMrs. Kate Eberly Evans is quite ONE BOTTLE WILL CONVINCE stOll. At that. they 58W th e Reds ad_ . YOUI . sick at h er home, near Spring Val: minister a " to 3 · def eat to the Pitt~. ley. Get it 't oday a~ burg P ir;ates, champions 'o f the baseJohn Hawke'., Wayne... ilIe, Ohio, alld ball wor ld. Charlea M.dden' . DrUI Store. HarGo to Kemp &; Jordan for Porceyey.bur•• Obio.-Adv. lain Slob and Pitcher Pumps. Mr. and Mrs. Al Smith, of Drummond. Montana. are visiting relatives in Wayne8ville and vicinity.


French Brand, per pound .. ..

J e we ll Ib.... .... .... ................


- - -...

.. .......... .. ........ 22"

Cocoanut Mar.hmallow. pound ........... ...... ....... .. .............. .. ......... .. .. ...... . tte


_.- - -

lI1iami Chapter N o. 107 O. E. S .• will Jl1eet in r egula r session May 10. Samu el ButterworUI IOnd family All me mbers urged ttl be present. All sp.ent S unday WiLh relatives in WH· I<:nslern Stars welcome. LUCILE . ARMITAGE. W. M. mmgton . SUSAN H~~~;:. Sec·y. We r enovate f eather beds. wash b lankets and comforts. Soft Water Laundry, Mahlon Ridge. agent.


who wJlI ,et ahead and. whole who will remain behind.

Speciai ..

7 ,·


Regolar Cord $13.50 $l~too 29x4.40 Comfort Balloon 30x3~ Michelin Ring Shaped Tubes $3.20 29·x 4.40·Michelin Balloon R. :S. Tobes $4.25 (

.. tIl'

Waynesville Ove.rland·, :. Sale~ CO. H. Archaeae~ ..

Windstorms, T:ol;pad and Cy·clone·. . Tbi. i. th. . ."..,n for ,.eb di.a.ter. to "lait~ :" ••. to be witboat IN8URA~~E tlaat will ••,.' aq.. c~~I8ti., STORM . • trlke your b ..1J4tr.~1 · .

An InlerestiDg J.II.:

On IIi. 9tb of about half wa,·. .':IJ'.~.,.II_.~.,.~!e ;'t~;IA..b.,.arittJ.~,.I"I~if,,~ POLICY in THE . ~.__.._ • __ , . premium {or n..y bad a-wiunac-i-;"-:;" tbi. AleD~y "a. j.u.t



Lt ·

'F 5 "7



, . Seventy-ltlghth Ye~if ,


Whole Number 5700

Opening of the Baseball Season, SundaySPANISH 'CLASS DAYTON Will OBSERVE f···::::=·;::~·l 7 he Miamis 7 ake First Game · by Superior Work ~ ENTERTAINMENT SES~UI.CENTENNIAl f from the !


• It was dodd ed to put Ii "Sports Bay" a beautiful window of colored Illa~ In the $25,000.000 Protestanl Episcopal cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York. As ~rhrinllllY planned, the Window'" for the cathedral U""u,.cu II picture of Ih'e birds r eleased .f rom 11 trap and shot dead f or the amusement of "sport." Jf, however, a modern Christi!"n oothedral really needs a s ports wandow why not have a nice stained II'la~ picture of Jack Dempsey. knock ing out Mr. Will., the colored mlln . That, at least, I, legal in New York Btate.

A Thibetan lady named Rin-Chnn Lha-Mo ..y. "Weltern women ar e not ,ood.looking." Meaning Amerieanl, English, French, etc. • Tho lady lays our women II and ean are too big; noseB like spout., ' ean like pip' ears, eyes a auty blue like children's marbles, eye Boc.k eta toci ~eep.eybrow8 too much . like th08~ 41f a monkey. This crit ici8m of our lovely females wl11 ama~ ' you. elpecially If y~u have eyer leell a Thlbetan lady With I)PIIU flat, eye. on the outAldc of hor fAlllll OWl ' ,


The Spr.nlsh class of th e High Bchool will give an enter tainment at the Gym Friday night at 8 o'clock. The prog ram will consist of r eadings. short ptliys. songs and dan ces. Some of the' characters will app ear in the lYTic costumes so famous in So uth. ern Spain. l\1arthu Nichols and Ruth Earnhart will give their inter pretation of Lu Moza and a cTenade. E lsie Hawke will use "OJos Tapitos" a s a ser enade. Ruth Earn ha rt will sing . " Ay de mi." ,f rom th e comic opera "EI Rey que Rabio.'· Elizabeth Brllnstrntor and Grace Hockett will Rive Tennyson's "'rh e Brook. " according t o [rriarle'!! t runslati on, Anna 1·homas. Dori.s Hawke. Mary Hunt un d Cao olyn Swatzel will gh'e "Un o de E llos debe CaAarse.' (on e of them must marry) . "Lu Fond u Real" will be g ive n by Vashti Beckett. Mildred Githens and Mary Slunsbcr ry. 111 " La Bromo" Faith To mli nson a nd E lizabet h H e n ~ k1 e will t ake parts in an int ricute change. Bert 0 ' call and Irvi n Frie nds will bc addit ional characters. Other member!!. of th e claSH. Lu. ella Willia mBon. Helen Wardlow. Emogene Beckett. Velma Gr isham. Mary M. Unglcsby. Kenn eth Retallick and Esther Hendel'son will all a ppear in va rious ways. The music used · is all strictly Spani6h of a very catchy typc. Admiss ion. 10 and 20 cents.

Streams Restocked Thirty-nine cans of ·fish arrived last week from th o State fisheries to be ulled in resto cking strellms in Warren county. nnd were placed in the Little Mill11l1 river and Todd'8 Fork. by dlre!!tion of the lznnk W ul ton league. of which Jud ge W. Z, Roll is chairman. There waJ! a meeting of th book Walton clUb at Memorial haJJ last week. ' An outdoor r ee.J was 8hown the members at the Grand theat er after 'the meeting. Wilford Squlrea and George Hen. dereon went; to the flsherlea a t Plain. ville. recently. and brought back ten cans of fine catfish, no bass bei ng available at the tl'!1c. .

It 11;11'01" mllltlpll.\lll co,mblnationa in rubbe .., . "el, e~c. , .lluttlng out poor little America. and makll)g u~ pay hi.1t prices, lomebody Will have to W~lte a ' national lob anthem for til. United State. , Se~t:etary Hoov.r ftqt to shriek with alarm whelJ Brl~ilb mild.. u. pay more 'for ru}1bor, ..}t he' d08ln't believe the United Ste. . will be included In the ~O.~ Eurqpe", eteel ~~ust. ~T".y wiJl"blll from each other and .1nl~ 11' Oll~ That I, sad. out we baY. '. ~nd Call <10'11 I("le .hutti~ oli~, on our OWT\ ~aeo\lnt: Tbll principa.l American ,teel .tocka Chairman Moomaw, of the Memowent up , Yelt'ercl.y, ~ spite of the ria] Day committee, is r oundin g the trust. Europe may have the trust, program into sha p '. and soon but we baye the money. everything will be in !lood shape. The epeaker for the occa sion has not New , Prlean. II "bout to Inaugu- b een IIcle(t ed lIS yet, but Mr. Moo. rate an "air field' with ample accom- maw is in correspondence witb sev. mo·d.tion for post office, army !,nd eral and one will be forthcoming pas. ei:vllian flYers. Every ' city should sibly during the next week. pOlllesa liuch a field and InVite Uncle An Invitation was extended to the Sam ~ I~nd his post ofllce ainhips , Legion at Lebnnon and its alm08t cor. ' there. POlltm88ter New and the taln tho Legion drum corps and Preslden't will be found eager to coa large detachmen t of t he pperate in every way. ' squad will be on hand to 08. The New Orleans flying field is esthe ceremonies. It is urgently requ ested that as I!fSiaUl' important, baeaule of New PrJia it' !tra~ege~ical pp'~lon. An ~d. many ot the Wayne. township veter. '!l•.'t;! J.!yil!r !l.,e~d ~llere, with'~e pos- ans ' and 0 8 can. will be presen1; on ~I iIIty .. 'of • eata'bllshmg a mllitary this day.




~ . ti~ti!Ji~~e~!~~~b;~~~; ~; AI:. .T..,-H--E-·C~H,.URCHES S'Qre~l')' WDJ!~ tal~tlt:l plainl)' tnli

III 11011 Angele" tellln¥ ,the po,.." ",en wbo'thlllk ,tbQ), eJ\ould conuol the co-\o~do watel' ~nd po~­ e1',

that IIbme Jobt ' aN too



them. Jllb.·Work ilnot hOitUe to bll li"lln~ lif the rilht kin!!. ~e mll.wI It b88 built thlil. wuntry, our ment conlJlalnlt itlle}t ~ely , tiel and to rlinmng tor odlce. ' . But the Secretary of the Intj!rior makll it plaiD that lOme of ~}IIer­ iea'a' undertakings are tOo big any- olle bu' Uncle Sam. The Boulder Dam project Is one of The Panama unal waa another. en the F'reiijlh, muten of e,ngineer. -inr. ~uld nbt manage that. I .


FERRY CHURCH OP CHRIST Bible school 9 :8Q a. m. Commun· ion aervice and preachIng by the PB8tor on "The Lord's Day," or "Shnll AlIolllh Sunday?'" Evening sera~d Berman on "Jonah Pays the . " Yo.u are cordially welcome at" Ferry church. Nathan Johnson. Minister. Perry Thomas, Supt. METHODIST CHURCH Sabbath School, 9:16 a. m., preach· Inll D~ 10:30 a. m. Epworth League 6 :15 p. m. _ Prcachinp: at 7 :00 p. m.. Wednesday evening Prayer meeting. 7 :80. Everybody Invited to these ,ei'Vicea. · Re ' TAW bb I> t v. 44· • as um. 8S or.

M.r Work lIuggelted that those int!l!re.ted ·ln ,C oloraao watera. for Ir· tlon or p.ower; should make th'e lr . '81 a d"fllIite .,rlce. The idea 11I1V0 'acts ill P!lt ~etor, Con·' greu. proyln. that 'th. 'Boheme ".111 \~' pay. Such filC~ta , mal be necepary to convince lome ullwilling or dull, b'u~ they ollght not to ST: MARY'S CHURCH bo nec-l' In the 'cue of a rreat after AHcen6ion, May 16. gold- mine, Conare. would uk only . at. 9 :80 a. m.; Morn for proof that the gold WOe there, " .- "-"'=and sermon at 10:3. O the n ,: the dlgrijlg would begl_n. 'change of time.]" The Colorado,· wlter offers a lure .." mine of -p0l'er. "fertility and viealth" John J • .Schaeffer. Rector. greater in ' value than all the gold mlnel.ever. found 'in ,Oallfornia. Ev- '-=========== ==.= '"" ery Oo~man of intelligence not J Interested · in anybody~1 priy,ate exI!loltatloll "tebeme.· :..".I!) : be for the ~ ~ouid8f' dalA· 1 ' ~~• ". , ' .' • .




TEACHERS EMPLOYED fOR COMING YEAR At th e Illst regula l' meeting 'of the Wayne To wnship School bo urd the follOWing te achers were chosen for the coming school year: F. R. Moomaw. supe rin te ndent. Edna Kelsey. Principal. Alice Gons, P t'l)line Knepp and Louise Smith. In t he Grades: Clara Lile, Principal. Albert Wilson, Ernest Harlan, Llllu Fealy. Chester W. Cutler, Clara Berryhill. Laura McKinsey, Katherine Fromm. Raymond Hatfield. J{athryn Turner. Edith McKibbon . Lytle Schools : Melvyn Banta. Two new t eachers chosen are Kathleen He n\ferson and Helen Graham . but as yet they are unassigned. Alfred Watkins, music.

The Seni or s have been working stren uously on their play. "Green The Wa rren Coun t y Norm al com. tockiQgs." which was ,Presented ~o . a fu ll h o u s l~ last evening and Will menccment will be hd d 'J'ucsday ev• oning . Mny 18th at th e W "Y l1 es v ill~ hald th e att:e nti on o f a nother lorge School gym nasium. a!ldienc l!' a gain to ni ght. An inter esting progm m has been arrllnged. an d Prof, Carl Ri ch. of the Several from the Hig h school and Uni versity of Cincinna ti. will give Faculty attended "Dummy," the play the address. presented by the Centerville Senior Following is th e class roll: Clyde class. They r eport a talented cast. Arm strong, Leo la Blair. Geo rge Du nin~e rest ing d etails and well memor- nell . Ruym ond Braddock. Everett ized Jines, the only ~ri ti cism being Carnah an. W il ma Corw in, Carrie tha t , it lacked pep. Glancy, Carl Gray. Din Hartsock. Eunice HollingSWorth. Kathleen HenderVario us sp()Jlsore d noon-time games so n. Alice Heery, Chcster Heery. and st unts aJre now t he recreation ~f Ruth Irene Karr. Evelyn Lewis, PheJ 2 o'clock 'Until f2 :30. Each fair be Lundy. Margaret Ma rlatt. Eva Mcdny a committee. consisting of two Millan , Edna Mulli n. Ralph Mull, High School pupils and two Dorothy Rye, Kenneth St John, Clem pupils plaps a new field of entertain- ent Sntt erth wuite an d Marian West. ment. ' The !lcheme is being fully apatE!d.


Charles Wood Dead

The baccailoureate addreflS will be delivered by Rev. Washburn of the local M. E. church next Sunday evening a t the Gymnas ium. Let us hope thnt each Senior may receive enough inspiration that he will ']l1lSB the final exams, whic"h follow on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, with a creditable grade.

Charles Wood. 46, died Saturday at the home of his sister, Mrs. Roy Harvey, in New Burlington, the r eo suIt of a long illness. Funeral ser. vices wer e held Monday afternoon at the home in New BllrJington. Mr Wood. f amiliarly called "JerCommencement night is Thursday, .ry," was well known in Waynesville, May 20th. Prof Edwards, president where he was employed by the late C. B. Bentley. for a number of years. of Earlham I: ollege. will deli vcr the address.

--------.-- ..-------

The following night the twentyseven Seniors will be made members of the Alumni association at their an· nual banquet. FrIday evening. May N. ,.. Hamilton. Republican, and 2ht, at the (~ym • C 'II. Hartsock. DelllOl:rat, have b(len ---~ rC(lppoini ed rnembere of the Warren county bOllfd of eleetions. Mr. Hamton is from Franklin and Mr. Harlsock from Waynesville. --------.~ ------Jessie Williams Mooney, only descendant of David and Susan Williams, was bom December 17. 1878, and departed this life April 30, 1926. at her home n.ear Lebanon, Ohio. She Was united lin marriage to William Moon ey, June 10. 1903. She leaves to mourn their loss her husband and mnny fri ends, The early part of her life was spent George Martin, 70 yenrs old. of ncar Waynes,rille. Ohio. When very Centerville. was released on 1!is o~n yo un g her mother died/ leaving her r ecognizance Saturday mornmg', m to shll r e the responsibihties of keep· Dayton. by Judge William W. White her :Cather"s home and to care for on reeo'omcndation of Assistant Pros· illg him. un til his death at an advanced ccutor Rolla Gnllowny .. age. . T his she most copably and deMnrtin .was arrested on a chargl' . of argon and held to the grand jury votcdly did. Mrs. Mooney was a kind. goo~ wife by Squire C. W. Haines. Mr. Gallowny beenme interested in the case and neighbor. She was !I!w~y§ ready and willing t<!. assist tllO~e Ilbout her while visiting the jail wi~h tl1e shared slike their joyS and sor· grand jur y. and took steps at .once and to avoId the necessity of th e aged rows. She t<lok great pride in her man' lI spending the SUDlmer in the home where she will bo sadly missed. Just II week ago illness CRme upon count y jail. _ ______ _ _ her which she patiently bore. having boen cared f or. by her devoted hus· ' blind and othE,r kind fri ends. Card of TbaDk. , I desire til) extend my sincere Work on Main street began last thanks to my neighb ors. Dr. Robert week when digging was started by Blair. Mr James McClure. ~tisB Luthe ~itycouncil for the purpos!l of cy Emley; Rev. Washburn, the ddnors putting In new lateral water pipes. of the beautiful floral offerings, and The machinerv for the road build- all others whl) assisted in allY way ing is on hand. and will 'be started dul'ing my recent bereavement. immediately. 1\lT. William r.~oon ~ ¥. Roy Weeks, a former Wayne town- - -,~~-ship resident, who has Bupervision ~f. the work informs us that the &~rjlet will be fi'nished in six' providing wea~~er ~ond!tl~n!! {\J'@ good.

On Eleotiop Board


Jessie' W. Mooney'



By TOM but six hi ts and thrce walks. His l\IJ AM IS control WUl; extra good f or U beginAB R H 0 A F. Well. th e lid hus been li fte d and i ncr und hCl had th e nerve t o .stick our Miamis a rc on their way to un- th e ball aCI'OSS th e pl at e at all times. Sutlcr t hwiute. I b 6 ·1 :1 r, 0 0 (1 4 :1 1\ 1 0 other vic to ri o u ~ senson. Frnn kli n We un~erstan .d tha t Wayne hns been E. Burton. 2b Ii 2 2 :1 :1 1., pructicmg faithfully all wmter t o Go ns. :J b (j furf\i shed t he on')05it ion (such as it perfect his control. nnd such perse. H . Durton, c :3 2 1 1 2 J G :i (I \J 0 was ) fo r the cu r la in raiser . pla yed ver a nce a ugers well for the suc- Hopkins. d T . Burto n, ss 5 2 :J :J l! ;j at Frazier park last Sund a y a fter - cessf ul f uture we bes peak for him . .5 L 0 0 3 0 noon, and a massed a grand t ota l of The Millmis will craSH bats with Pla nk. p r; 1 1 1 0 1 the East E:nd Cycles. a good t eam Prendcr!:u. t. If two runs. while our boys multiplied from Middletown. at Fraz ier park. Brown. If J 0 J 0 0 0 lj ~ 1 0 () 0 that number by ten. 1t was the next Sunday afternoon.' "Babe' ·chul er. r f fi rst game of t he season f or each Adams will be her e, a nd he and "Ed . Totn ls 48 20 18 27 J 1 (; team . a nd we arc sure thut bot h will die Plank. J r .... can surely toke goo d car e of a ny' pitching emergency th at i"rnnk lin 0 (I 0 1 0 1 0 0 u- 2 show dec ided im provement when mlly arise. Come down and help give Mia mis 0 8 4 U 1 ·1 2 1 x - 2U they ge t sett led in to th eir seos ~n' s Bllbe t he welcome reception tha t he st r ide- li t leust. we 11I 0S t certa inly deser ves. Game call ed ot 2 :3 0 cen'fwo- base hit ~- S ul li l' a n . Satlc r lh. wn1t ~ tf II. RUf,ton. T. Hurt on, hope so trul stan dal'd t ime. The Miamis went into t he ga me The sco r e: Br ow n. rath er short-han ded. but t he ma nage· Thl'ee-tlll s\! hi t>- Su ll il' un. E, Du rment fi lled t he vacancies v('r y act on. F RA NKLIN" ceptably und er th · ci rcumsta nces !:in<:ri l1c(l hils- - Gons. '1'. Bur tun. a nd pr" "ed to th e fa ns that they lire !:i tu l ~ n UU S~g Sntl el'lhwait c, H . alwHYs tryi ng to put n fi l'st.-(']ass team AD It H o A E Burto n, Hopkins , T. Burton, Plnnk . on th e fi eld. Of cuul·se . th e work of Bailey. J b ...... . .4 5 0 0 Doub le pl nys- Cros. t o Uniley ; GUliS th e teu m wus t he least bit ragge d. Tny lor. 21> .... . .4 1 0 0 to T, !l ur l"n Lo 1::. Burt vrI. but time a nd practise wi ll soon r cm- Long . 3b .. 4 o 0 I Lefl 11 11 buses- Fra nklin. 7; ~1f1l 1ll edy t hat fa il ing . a nd th cn- t h" y did Gross. l'f ..... 3 8 l O is, 10. not ha ve to LJ e so very goo d Inst Minge. rf .... . 3 o 0 1 Bnses On ba lls- By I'lank. 3. Sunday. Su llivan . 5S ..... 4 2 2 1 ' lr uck out - By Wl'lJl' r 7 ' by The pleasan t:est fentu r e of t he PCI'· Th ompson, If .. .4 2 0 0 P lallk, !l. . , . for mance Wll8 th e discove r y of u nne Weber. p ...... . .4 3 6 0 Hit batsmen- Schul er (twice ) . H. young pitcher- Wny nc Pla nk. Piteh- Duk('. C .. .. .... . 4 ~ 0 5 BU Tlon, Plank. ing his fi rst ga me. t he yo un gste r - - III pi r ~ 0" Tho nll180n. turn ed in a splendid eff ort. yield ing Totals .. .... .34 2 6 24 11 8 'l'ill1 l:- 1 huur und 50 min utes.




Work Begun on treet





,WiJI Teach in Greenfield School

. I

Min l'Ruth Chandler. num1!er, of years basi . ;~;I~~~"'''~;n~ at Selmn. has been a



Has Splendid Record Among th e graduates of Berea college thi s year is Miss M!,ude F. Penning ton. daughter of Mr. H. C. Pennington, a nd a graduate of Wayne To wnship scbools. During her stay on Berea campus, Miss Pennington has made a large place fOT herself in the estimate of botb students, and faculty. Miss Pennington has for four years been a n assistant in the college library and has always received award6 for excellent labor. In addition to her studies and ber labor program she has found time to be aotive in here literary society which she has se rved as president and in the college dramatic club. - - - - - - _••-.4e_______

MOTHERS',GlUB PICNIC;, ELECTION Of OffiCERS The annual Wayne Township Mothers' club .picnic was held at the Grade school building, May 7, The day being ideal. a I\'0odly crowd gathered for the a!fBlr With well-filled baskets. and at noon a bountiful dinncr WIIS served to all. At the usual hour the meeting was called t o order the business truns. lacted and the affairs of the club were brought. to a close until another school year. New offi cers were elocted, as follows : Pre~ident, Mrs. Leona Hall; vice· president, Mrs. Mary E umhart; secretary, Mrs. Winifred Rllrtsock; lrea~urer, Mrs. Edltb Hawke.

----_.G .. C ~

Band to


ive oncerts

There will be band .conc .. r l~ th is summe", A subscriptio n paper hus started Monday and a goodly amount was raised for that purpORe. Ju st whore tbe concerts will be given has not been determined. but will be .g i\" en on Wedn esday even i ng~. in stl'lld of on Thursday ev@ning~. as th e hIt· ter was n\lt e!ltir ejy satisfactory . Any on~ wi lll:\.ing \0 dOllllte for these con QeJis P1I1Y lCilve the money at the (Jray Barber shop or Ridge's studio.

DaYl (1Il has lll'rll nge d a hi!; patri. ol k cvlcbratinn for th e Min mi va lley to be held O il Ju ly 4th a nd oth . in Cl>lllllH'm tlruLh'lI uf th e J !i Ot h annivVl'sary II f thL' <ig ni n!! uf t he Occ larat ion o f I n. I ~JlcnLience. S und ay mo r ning, J a ly .1. will hc' dc votc Li to "perla l chul'c h Mc rvices with a :10 0 ""let' dlU l' US un d bun d concHt in thl' af tern non. Monday , Ju ly 5. n divcr. if;ctl en. ll'r"ta i lling

I'rtl~ rJ ""

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out. inciuci iUI! " umu '. alhlctic un d aqu ati c mcet). , J"ciicmitll1 of the !Il cmu riu l Ul'l dl.!'t" nalinna l Spl' Hkc rs, GO. piece ba n d p lay of

l'onl' ( ' r

fi n'wl..l r k ~ .

a la ! n g rand d is.

Pri1-"s wi ll be' '''\'a rd ed for the VII.

r io u~ (' Vl'nt.s i nc ludin t.::' a sp 'c ial l'm;h

prize fll r t hl' lI 'st d('tor aled 1I0at 0 1' pl'i\'utc l.l' " wllt'li auto lllobi le part ici. ru tin!! in th e pll rade. I'clll'c:" nli ng a c i t.~' ur coml11 1111ily in "the Miumi VIllI ";\, "ut,oi"" of Uny lon. . . T h , ~ 4t h of Jul v celcbmllO ll I ~ not plElllned (or a ny fina nc ial be nctlt but solely f rom II polr iotic stnn dpoint in co nju nction wi th th o Philadelphia ' csqui- ent enniul celebration.

---_. - ...- - - -

W. F. M. Society Has Good Program Th e May meet ing of th e Woman's For eign 111 iSK ional'Y sllciety was held at th e home of Mrs. Gl enn Borden, on Wedn esday the 5th. The subject of lo p 'acc " wns str essed and a pretty dem onstra ti on put on by a number of th e "chool j!'irl •. Mrs. Geo rge Mill s sang a missionury sclcction,- " Is it Nothing to You?" Mrs. Fires. occompaTlist. As a Moth ers' Day g ift Mrs. Wil. liamson's daughter. Mrs. Coo per, of Da yto n. made he rn life me mber. During the social hour dllint y refreshments were served.

Wants Nomination


State • Cap ital ; : Prepared by ; Columbus Reporter ,. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..

OLUl\lB US. OHI O- Strong oppo"ili on wa~ offered when the Board ot 'l' nlste<'s of Ohio State un iversity met to cn llsiill' I' Lhe IolUggestion that stuile nt f ees be increased by H. S. Atkin~lJ n. It membe r of t he bOllrd. and the prllbublu Democratic nominee. for li('ut ununt g"'·e rn or. Mr. Atkms on nut on Iy opposed such n pla n. but sug !!",tl'd lha t if IIny change be made it hI! for higher cluss-ro llm tests of the "tud l'nt botl y. an rl not u higher chargc for t helll to get the benefi ts of O hi o'~ ,::r e" t inst itution of learn:,nA". li e puin leu out that ma ny pa r(' nts were 'lH uk ing s8criRceB to send th!' il' childl'en t l) Ohio St ate universit y. Ull d it would be a hardship for lhem wc r '· the fees increased. pointing Oll t t he fact thot this college was supporled by the State. and the youn g me n li nd women of Ohio who li re t ryi ng to equip t hemselves for lu ter life should not sufFer any hancJieap. because of excessive entrance (ees. Contr acts f or the improvement of 265 miles of S tate highway at an cst illlllted cost of $4,098.996 will be a warded next Friday by the State Hig hway depart ment. This 18 the largest lettin g of tho year, and when the work is started, which will be just as !lO on as the contractors can move th eir equipment, work will be provided for several hu ndred workmen . Bids are being called in most cases [or Improvement with either concret e or brick. and in every case the wo k must be stnrted at once and the j obs completed before the end of the year. Wherever possible one half of the roads are to 'be left open for traffic. and when detours are absolutely necessary they are to be maintained in good condition by the contractors.

While the contest in the Republi. can ranks for gubernatorial nomination seems to be one that is going to be about the most bitter in recent years there seems to be an agreement on other places on the Republican State ticketl so that the fight will not extend Delow that of the candidates for governor. It is aaid to lie Teasonably certain S. E. For. ney. chairman of the State Tu commission, will be given tbe nom. Ination for .state treasurer. Throug'h his experience ill the department of the State Tax commiflSlon, and always being interested in various capacities of the State govemment, Chairman Forney is peculiarly fitted to fill the office of treasurer of the The Rt. Rev. T. I .Reese, bishop State. and becB use of this fact, vir. co-adjutor of the Southern Ohio DI- tual agreemcnt to give him the Dom. ocese • .made his annual visit to st. ination Is said to have been reat;hed. Maris parish last Friday night and Twelve counties in Northeastern adnunistered th e r ite of confirmation to three candidates, Mary Leah Ohio are often referred to u the Edwards. Boyd Henderson and Don- "Ruhr of Ohio." because they :furnish 41.28 of the total tllX va1uatio~ ald Hawke. , The sermon and address to the of the State. These countt.ea . are class were full of inspiration. and. os CUYllhoga, Ashtabula, Lake, GeaU(fa. u sual. the service was simple and 1·rumbull. Pomge Summit, Loram, Medina, Stark. Co umbiana and Maimpressive. These annual visits of the Bishop honing. In view of the fact that Judge Florence Allen will retire from are pleasant events ill th e life of the parish that are anticipated with the Supreme Court . bench in the event that 6he is .nominated for Unipleasure from year to year. ted Stste senator, there hu been . a -~----demand practically unarumou., that this distTb:t be Teprellented on the DEATHS supreme court, and that ie one of the reasons they jare b&cWng the Magdaline. the year·old daughter candidacy of Judge ·C. G. Wuhburn. Lorain county, for a place on the of MT. and Mrs. Arch Ballinger. died of lit their hOln e on th o Van Tress farm Supreme Court bench. last Saturday even ing. The funeral There really wun·t u much 1IIll'• was held Tu esday mornin g at the home. and burial was in Miami cem- prise caused by the refusal .of Chu. L. Knight. Akron publisher, to beet er y. come . a gubernatorial candidate on the Republican ticket 8S some would Edna wi fe of Irwin Carns . died at have the public believe. Fact II that her hon;e 4 miles north of Waynes- Mr. Knight is a sbrewd politician. vill e Mond ay morninj!'. The furl eral He has been traveling from one end wall'h eld Lh i~ a ft el· nl"lIl. Burial WIIS to the other in the State of Ohio, in Il pringboro cemet ery. conferring with party leaders. He has met with much encouragment lind WI\S ass ured by these leaders Mrs. ldll lII an M il . fnr merly of the that he could hllve the nomination. Beech (;1'0\' (, neiA" hborho od. di ed at But after he had completed his little hel' hom(' in Ti pp eca noe City, Tues- conferences he IIsked himself. "What day Mal' J 1. Tho funeral will be wiU ·r do with the nomination 1" It hel,i ill th e Chap!'1 Thursday after. is said that Mr. Knight found Repub_ no on ot 2 o·clock. Burial in Miami liclln s, Democrats and Donahey In cemetcl·Y· his travels. Il nd that the latter P1't!---.~-.--dominate d by n very considerablemaj ority . There are many politietil Try our Class, Columns for results leaders in Columbus who think that. tIle Republican nom inee for governor has not yet been IInnounced, and! that none of th se now in the cont est will app e.U' at the top of the Art Prize Winner eligible list uf ter the votes are count.. ed in August. '

A. H. Turner. deput y treasurer. who has been in the treasurer's offlce for the past three years or more. is out for Treasurer of Warren coun. ty. M. Turner has been an efficient deputy in th is office. lind wo uld like for the voters of the count y to sup. port him in t he coming primaries.

. -.



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---- -.-1


/ .



. -,.





,e-ra tor s


, ' Made from Selected 'W hite Pin~, Insulated with Cel otex Lumber, Clean and ,Sanitary, Sea~less, White Enamel Lined. Only


H'a rdware, Harness and Farm Machinery Waynesville, Ohio


SAY! Our Classified

Ad Service

" IS

Miami Gazette

C;:OMMON PLEAS PROCEEDINGS J . Q. h uport, as admr: of tho estute of Jam es W. Moore, deceased, w. Marie E. urby e t aI., couse conlinll l!d on doc kol. '1'he Fra nkli n National Dank, of Jerllnklin, vs. William Hurley and K lIl e Hu r ley, court ordered thnt plain t iff T cover 52 03.50 and costs of tr ial f l'om defen dants. J,lhl1 T .Harbine Jr., vs. Henry H. Burl1 hart and Ruth A. Barnhart, dofenoants g l'anted 30 days to plead. i\!ar t hll ooke vs. Roge r Cooke, div or ce grant cd on grounds of extremc crllelty of def cndant to plaintiff , la tte r r e. to r d t o ma ide n nam e oCMnrt ha GrllY. '1' h(> State of Ohio VI!. Richard Tressle r, de fe nd a nt pl eaded g uilty to hl1rl'[llI r y chll r ges a nd gav e 1000 bond f or a ppea r a nce on J uly 17t h_ Wiill iall1 J. Evans Vll Jon ll9 F . . tu mp et aI., r eal estute concern ed apllraised at $22.50 . Same ordered Ro ld ut she riff's slIle. Geo rge G. Pe rrinc vs. Abo, Probasco et III., motion s for new trial overruled, I1lotion f or app ointment of a receive r overruled. George G .P erri ne vs. Abe Probas('0 et aI., case he ld II ~ hearing of the pl eadings including the petition, tho amen dmont and supple ment to the petition ns amended, and the answers a nd pleadin gs of ma ny other defen dan ts. Oo urt finds plai ntiff, George G. P err ine as li n heir to nn undivided 625-G11 52 0 f the estat e of Thomas Perrine, deceased, and to an undivided 70- 10190 of the estate of Elizn Perrin e, dec ellsed. Many other s uccessor s to pa rtition s of estates con cern ed a ro named. Sheriff was ordered to di vide snid r eul estate among Ruccessors. R e rm an F . Lewis nnd Vaulcie Lewis vs. Laora V. KeeseI' et nl. , service o'f summo ns to be se.r ved def enda nts by publiclltion. J ohn T. Harbine Jr., vs. W. G. Thompson a s assign ee for the be nefit DC creditor s of Edward S. Shroyer, th e amended nnd supplemental answer of the de fe ndant was approved and motio n of plaintiff t o strike out cer ta in clauses of s nme was overruled . Andi Lucas vs . Alice Lucas, defendant was granted per miss ion to withdraw answer and cross-petition filed by hcr. Molly E . Jordan vs. Orie Jordan complaint and motion filed herein on April 20, ordered dismissed. The State of Ohio vs. Roy ShaUllor of Buffalo, N. Y., for good cause show n the def endant was ordered released f rom confinement to go to the government hospital at Fort Tho mas J{y. Shauser is awaiting eente nce f or an attempted automobile tH ef t in Frankli.n. Rosa McCutcheon vs. Rosa McCutcheo n a s exec utrix of the estate of Robert McCutcheon, deceased, et u1., a new part y en tered as 'party. deren dont in this case. In r e-disso lu tion of the Mason Milling Company, II corporation, a reappraisement 01 the property of this corporation was f ound necessary. Tbe certain properties to be re-appraised were e numerated . And! Lucas vs. Alice Lucas, marr iage contract dissolved; custody of their child given to plaintiff. W. C. Short et -aI., V8. O. B. Cain, et al., case dismissed on motion of plaintiffs. Ray C. Moorman VB. Carl L. Miller, jury r eturned verdict In favor of defendant in this case. Robert Brandenburg and Stanley Brandenburg VB. The Mason Canning Co., a corperation, jury retamed verdict in favor of the plaint iffs a nd names $205.99 as the amount due them from the defendant. Judson A. MoWett I V8. Elizabeth MoWett, cause dismillSed. Gertrude Callans V8. James CalIans ct &1, defendants given le~ve to file answer and CrollS petitione herei.n . Richard Pfister V8. The Miami Valley P acking Co., the Breeht Butchers Supply Co., was made, on application, a party defendant in tbi~ cause.

$10~ Paint Brush ' ' . ~'£I-toeveryPurchIUlel'OfonegnIl0normore ~R

of Foy's Velvatone Flat Wall Paint. The , offer is goocI for one week only.





Foy's Velvatonc FI."t Wal! Paint. is the modem wal1 COVeTing - gIVes 'n rich appcarancc that everybody admires, yet i! easy to keep clean, and sanitary. It can be applied over new plaster, old paper, or old p,aint. And the brush 19 just t he kmd you aeed for doing a good quick job. Remember that at allY other time r.0u would havcto pay ull price$1.00 - lor the brush, so don't fail to take advantage of thi. oller at once.


NEw' SUITS The I,ebanon- iUizens Na tional Bank ve. Ga~'h)rd. E:. • Buyn!! und Florence BI\YlIl.!s for IIIJunctlon lIud eq\lit\1ble relil!!. Inju nction allowed - Poultry SUCC!!S Yli. Enoch Churnberlllin; appo:: ul. from J . P . J eB ie Studer vs. J ohn Slude r f r di vor<,o gr oss nl'g lect cha rge d. Attorn ey 'Rober t W. Brown . . C. Donald Dilatus h, prosccubng att orney, made app li cati0f! for . 4!ldit ional fun ds fo r con du tlllg crlnunal resc nrch.


PROBA TE PROCEEDINGS In Lh o matter of th e {'stat e of Louisa Neol e, deceusEld, the r epor t of proceedings u nd r f ormer ordor of court mude by e:ce,: utor Alfred Neule \V C!' I! appro ved by cou rt. Uona ld Dillll ush. os odmr, of th e 'es tate o f Dr. J . 111. Wr ight, decens('u, ,·S. Will 1' . Wrig ht, ct 111.\ said umr wns a uthor ized t o se ll r Cll est a te to' plly debts of th e deceased. First and tinal ccount of t he estate of J oseph F . Bue rgerm ciPr, 9ffer ed by lld mr. Enrl J . Bu e rg~ rmCle r and npp roved by court. Action or dered s us pend ed . In the ma tte r of the settlement of th e estllte of Isaac N. Hanks, deccnsco, 'bcn eficill ries of s nid es tate wer e gr unten exemp tion from mcome tax_ ]n the matter of the ad opti on o f Howard We iss, npplicants Nicholns lind Ella Esli nge r wer e ordcd ,to mak e I'eport specifying th eir qualifications. In the matter o C the estllte of Henry A. Wern er , d eceased, e~e cuto r Wolt er S. Wern er '~IIS authoTlzed t.o se ll property of saId estut e at private Bul(' . . Proof of publi c:ation of nOllcc .of th e appointment of Beulah LOUIse Ha nley as e xecutrix of the estate of Samuel Wardell was ti led. Proof oC publication of notice was flied of the appointment of Arthur Greene and Ruby Gree ne Ducke tt as executors of thE! ('s tate of John Greene, deceased. I nventory and appraisement oC Ihe os tllte of Lymun M. Silver, dec eased, WIIS flied by admx., Mary S. Silve r. Inventory nnd appraisement of the estate of Adda S. Brown, dec ea sed, was filed by admx. Jean Brown Slagle. First and fina l ~lccount filed by executor George Fouche of the estate of Mary Redman, deceased. Sixth account of the guardianship of Helen SheWer and Vivian Orel Shefl'e.r filed by guardian Mrs. O. E. Sheffer, action suspended. In the matter of the estate of Lulitia C. Bird, de,:elllled, the benficiaries were grantEld exemption from inheritance tax. Will of Geo. W. J ack, deceased, was produced for probate. R earing May 6. _ Dr. B H. Blair a nd Mrs. CarrIe Law were appointed members of the Board of County Visitors for t hree years. ' Succc88ions of the estate of Jos. H. Applegate, decllssed, were granted exemption from iI~heritance tax. In the mlltter of the estate of Mirna E. Reed, de!ceased, executors, J esse A Mount n,nd M. Roy Mount were auihorize to se ll certain stock of SIlid estate at 'privnte sal e. Last will and testament of Sue Spence, deceased; was ad mitted to probate. George Jones and Geo!,ge Spurling qualified and were appomted executoJ:S there in, no bond required. Appraisers were appointed for said estate. First and final account of the guardianship of .;ue Spence, an in competent, wus filed by guardian George J ones on April 29. George A. Moyer filed an affidavit for the admission of W. E. Moyer to the Dayton State hospital. Hearing set lor May 4th. ' In the matter of the will of Fontana Massee Cole, deceased, W. Cbestel' Maple, made appli cation to issue commission to some one to take deposition of Ruth I •. J obe, witness to said will. Said application was granted. Last will and U!stament of Samuel J. Bean, deceased, was produced for probate.

l'iIf;'W :NOTICE A t. mll\J boy . ha~ been arrested for steal ing II hal f dollar. He says he did it to go to the mQvles and see " Tbe Ton Commai1dments ." Why be blue'/ Jonah was down in the mouth, but he came out all ri ght.

CLASSifiED ADS. MONEY LOANED LOA NS on Chattels,Stocks, Securi· ti cs and Second Mortgages. Note. bought. John Barbine Jr" ~Imlll, Ohio. °m30- 26

Farmers, Attenti o n! Famlers of W.. rren and a dj olnln. Walter S. Wa ord (lef t), president of \.ho American Telepbono IWd Telocounties may olttaln mon ey on Ion. crapb Compnny. and Leonard H. KJnnard (right) , pres ident of the Bel~:: ti me 1()IIns, lit 5 per cent interellt. phone Company of PonllBylvanla and Associated ComJ)8nlos, are standing on tho exact spot where Alexander Graham Bell first tAlked ove~ Cost of securing the sume Ie ve ry reu· hla In''enllon at tho Centennial Exposition 50 years ago. In the backgr;~ Bonllble ,through The Federal L.nd can b e s en Memorial Hall. rell.c of the Cenw nulal, and which Is now r Bank. For f urther Informatioll call Daed as a museum. It WWI on this spot that Qon .. Podro. then Emp!!lor 0 on or cddress M. C. DHAKE, Treas· Brasll ' met the 2~year-old inve nt or and eJlclalmed. My God. it talksl 'W~ urer, phone 316·X, Lob.non. Ohio. he be~rd Bell, voIce como over the wlrll- The exhlhlta to be staged by ion these mon represent wtll be one or the great teaturea or \.he WA~TED SesQ ul-Ce n tennlal Interna.t!onal Ex poslUon, whIch opens tn. Phlladolphla f.J~e 1 and oon Uuues to December 1 to celebrate the 160th a nnlversar,. 0 e W ANTE'D- All kinds of soft Wood, eignlug or the Declarntion of Independence. for pulp. 1II0rris Graham. tf


'- ----

MARRIAGE LICENSES H. Earl McCann, steel worker, of Middletown, and D. Pauline Rogers, stenographer, of lrranklin. Owen Adair Kennedy, t ruck driver of Lebanon, and Rachel Mell\1(ood Stubbs, of Le bllnon. Rev. Lamy named. John' S. Hamilton, plumber , of Derea, Ky., and Katherine Loyall, of Franklin. George Harper" of Franklin, and Nora Thomas, of Franklin.

t'f. - r ¥"W:.1P :""



~ ~






FOR SALE- 9xI2 r ug, used vcrf little ' take-down cupboard, suitable for clothes closet. George Zen. "m12 FOR ALE--Carmin e seed potatoes und eating potatoes, at , '3.00 by the bushel measure, n O~ \lfelghed nor de livered. JOlhua Harve)" Or,e go• "m~ nin, R. D. 2. A Chicago woman was adjudg ed insane be' ause she wouldn't ~ear FOR SALE- Potatoes, a few bushel. of Green Mountai n and Banner cloths, Shucks I If thllt be the case Seed Potatoes, $3.00 per bushel. they' re all crazy. Strouse Bros. °m12 "Have you a late paper? " "Yes, ma'nm, j ust out this mornin g ." " Ha\' n't you a later ono-I want to scc th e newest styles;"

Another country. in Europe which is having its troubl es , nnd one. of which the people of the United States h ear comparatively little, Is Roumania . Some of these troubles have grown out of the treaty ,!C Versailles which awa.r ded the provmce of \ Transylvunia ' to ROllmania, taking it .. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ _ _ _ ~.... ~~::::::~:::===:_---,~ fro m Hungary. , According to a eorrespend ent of the New York Times, th e Roumanians who live in the mixed population of Transylvania hni led the annexa· tion 0 their &tate by t he mothe1 country with joy. Dut t his j oy hal been followed by disappointmel!t. They hav~ found that th e ~oumanla of their dream s never eXIs ted and that it is n back ward co untry with an a r( hi nc governm ent, ~h ot t hrol:'gh with cor r upt io n. Now facti onahsm is devel oping bern' en th ese ncw Roumllnia ns and the older citizens of the country. YOl1' may say thllt thi ~ concerns the United Stutes but little. T hat is dOUbtl ess true and we ou ght to be Conkey's (the o~ .l) tha nkful for it. Dut had the Se nat/l ratified tJle Treaty or VCrMIl!l1es and Buttermilk Si:arti .. g tllken th e United SUites IIItO the Feed prevents the big League o f Nlltio ns, t hese troubles of losses due to weakness far I1wa y Roum ania mig ht have inand disease and gives t e rested U8 quit a li tt le. We would yoUr chk!ts the qUick, have been duty bou nd t o uphold 'the Treaty of Vel'sailles and the ~e ci­ snappy getaway that sion s of the leag ue on s uch questIons produces early broil~ as they arise. and layers. The ~ Ever y t ime we ge t any inside news acid in the butterm' on th e state of a ffairs within the VIlrious European goverl)me nts, Amerputs an edge to t e icans find, additional cause for thank appetite; stren~ fulness that.-we esca ped the lengue and tones up the sensaa nd its Europea n commitm ents.


COULDN'T FINISH IT Warden to convict, who is 4eaving in middl e of prison mov ie-" What's the l)'Iatter, don ' t you like the new picture?" No 15503- U What's de idea startin' a 'serial wh illl you know I'm to be bumped off next weeJ<." •


- -- - -' -A SHORT CUT

Taxi driver to passenger-"U Yl\ REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS ain't in a hurry I'll drive arou nd dat John L. Young to Maggie M. Young crowd 0 ' people.' a tract in Turtleeteek Tp., $1. :r.:-: ...... ~ Maggie M. YOU~lg to John L. Young 36 acres in Turtlocreek Tp., $1. , Burton Earnhart to Lawrence E. Anspach, 50 acrell in Se ction 18, $l. Durton Earnhart to Lawrence E. Anspach, 116 ~cres in Wayne tow~­ ship, 20 acres III Clearcreek towns~lp and 86 acres in Glearcreek townsblP. considerations, $1. L. M. Moler and Blanche Moler to Elmer S. Durrell, 12 acres In Deerfield Tp. $1. Earl Kirk and Nona Kirk, to Elvira Apgar, about on,e acre in Deerfield Tp., $1. ' , Alfonso M. ,Lewis, Myrta 'Lewis and Elvis Whitacre to Roy V. Swartzel, 27 aores in Harlan Tp., $1. Milton M Bird to Frances G. Roll, lot number' 9 in the Park View Bub. division of Lebanon, $1. R. E. Bevis and C. C. Martlett to W. M. and Minnie Kelly, three aerell in Franklin Tp., $1. 'Ira C. Wellbaum to T. Jones and Mary A. Terhune, 64 acres in Wayne :rOCA5T£U 6 'ERViCI:t Tp., $1. REG.11.S. YA'r.OFFlCII COMMISSIONE~~S' ALLOWANCES W. R. Hoel Post of G. A. R, at Waynesville, for Memorial Dar allowance, $25; J(,hn Kell Post G. A. R. of 'Franklin, !l8me, $25; R. McElfresh Post of American Legio.n at Franklin, same, $25; Charles Fraser, repairs on county car, 60 eente; The Gallon Iron Works and Mfg. Co., for ' repairs on crusber, $282.44;- E. W. Quimby, supt. Deerfl!)ld Tp. for payroll, $121.70 ; Charles Spencer, BUpt. of .Clearel·eek Tp., for saine, $289.90. ~

1~le~rS1 .~


• Pi:1Jax.rSIrnnS •


A GOO:D REASON Judge-i'Have" you ' ever Ie'en the prisoner at the bar?" "No, sli-: :!>l"olb' si.nce pro~ibition.':



tive digestive organa. and helps to sweep, away the germs that cause White. Diarrhea.

BeSuretoGetCoDbT. ' In the oriabW ~ 2Ho ~· lo. 25 andl

Ib. ~

Don't lICCtPtalUlMtla



Waynesville'a .Exc:ha~e COmpany :,

Phone 25

Wayn••vill., Ohio ;






1"'Al<t. A HA;~O FU,LL!






-- ' -


.t tI•• Po"olrle • • , Wa,ne.,IJUI. OAlo, •• .s.eo,,,' C(... Mill' M."." . '- ~



SIIl1kriPtiQD Pric., '1,50 p.r Year



====-_=-=_-==___ .c= = , MAY 12 Il:l26

WE CAN SYMPATHIZE "Keep s teady I" . Facing the gr Iltest crisis in their history, millions oJ p o r.~ns il1 Grunt Brituin Ill'\) ~lInRing to thos.. two words in the hope .thllt the general strike will lIUt plunge their natiun Into revolutivn, 01' bacial \\'lIr, Tae advi c is thllt of Prime Min· Ister Stanley Bllldwin. u man who, as employer and public ollicial, has ulways sought the middle path of Ull· del'lltunding and cUllcililltion, Baldwin is II ma ll uf peuc e, Whe n the general strike wus cnlled he sa id: "Well, I'm Borry. .It's ruther like building a house of cards, going up ator)rl by Btory; putting a card here artd a card there; then Boml!thing comes to bring the whole thing down In a flop, The only thing is that I must collect the cllrds- pick them up, and build IIgain," "In this emergent I hope every one will keep steady, ' , . The wh,ole country is tense \\'ith excitemCltt, Prcp[\rlltions J.:O on for e mbittered battlc. Yl'urs uf work t o bring about· imlu str illl pel1l:C ill Britain' have bee n und olle. Yet the Britis h lI\usses lIrc ll'yill !{ to keep steady. If lh ey keep stcarly, they will-save their counlry fro III disIlster. , Keep steady! Thut, by th E' \\'ny. 18 good udvlce fllr (III pI'u pl ll at all times.


------- -

r.faybe tilE! modern youth is going the puce thut kills, but anyhow th l\ movIng phturo show is a bik improvement On th nfusle hall o'f thir· ty y e ur~ ugo, . One 'thing that puzzles 'U~ is where all of these hl~cgc Ilrmics gate the I11Qney to PIlY for th ' ie amm unition. Somebod y wllntR to kno\v whut u Scotch verdict is, A Scotch verdict is one where oVCI'y fellow pay~ his ow n coslJl. \youldn't Capb in Kidd hav e [un with a ll tlle"e rum fl eets sailing the Spanish Muin'! J)own ill Washin[l'ton they say thllL Vnlt~J' Juhnso n is wurth his woight ill lduho p.,tutol'S, . The wuy th!! UVC nlJ.:C Plorida I'cnl astute mun WOJ'ks Ivould i!l(licllt(! .hul he Is us lu ll of sund us h15 reul estnte.

BEECH GROVE W e llre glnd to r eport little Dale Tolle better at this wdting. F. S, Hal'tsock und wife were Sunday gucsts of Glonn Davi s Ilnd rnmily, W. B. Warner, 1\1. 111. Terry and

K, J!;. 'l'hompso n we rt! in Cincinnati,

MOIHluy. 1\ ilbl' Tuelle r IInll fnmily, of Sligo, WCI·C SundllY I!'UcSIMof the1'olle fam· ily , here!. I't:' t(' Mc('" n and fa mily , of DUl'lun, Wl'rl' SII IIdllY gUl'.,ts ni Dan LewIS lind fUlll ily. I{ Il b" l't Lr\\ i ~ II n ti f"n,i ly were ~ llndllY I!'u(:sts I)f Ilaymund Conner and fa llli ly, lit .H 1""111 inl<!'lo II , CllIIfIIll IInel H. •1. ~lurnty so ld r~g i stc r ed Ceo"J(l' \V, l'l\ vi s a


dra ft.. 1Il :Il' ll Orll' d ,l V l H ~ l \\.'tl l'l II Conn l',··and wi 1'<' , n'r

em"", \VIIY· n('s \' ill u, H.•1. MutT" y an d wife, of t his ,,!:lcc. ~ pcnl Mulhl'''' Uuy lit Lt'l'sbul'l<!' with J\ l r~. JlIIIl'm)"" moth ,'r, M r8, Bcnnl'tt. H. ,J. rvl lll'my, ",ifl' Hod M(,Rdames Edith and lin Mc Kay. Patience Tlton'llSOn an d MisK 1I1 ury KllthlcClI TlIonH'Y "lI t'll tl('d the Fr iends Quar. terly 1l1 Cl' tillJ.: Il~ \ ayn~svi ll , Silt· urday, Lon Brnnnon nnd wife, K. E. Th ompson and wife and Miss Mary Kalhleen Toomoy, of this place, Wm, Smilh and Miss Do/,u Squires, of Hal'· veysburg, spent unduy »,He rnoon in Lebanon, th e I; uests of Mrs, Mary Alien nnd ADJ''!!' ~'!ith und family.

HE DID HIS BIT, AND MORE Six daya a week, month ill and month out when the building trad e i. brisk l Andrew Eon . ·o louds up his hod of pricks !rom tbe pile in fl'ont (It the buildings under COll ~ tt'uct iOll and carries tbem to the brickillyers lit work (In the walls. But Andrew j~ a bit different from mOlt other workmen. Andrew does not WAtch the ~I p!:lc;. Be never "split. the whijjtle" when tho sh'en sounds for work to I:CIlSIl for the day, He never grumbles whcn cull. cd upon. to work JUlt n bit longer. He always docs his best. He's faithful 10 his job And his b068, Th e othe.r day. Andrew WIU! caJled up bofore several hundred men - "big baBies" to Andrew-llnd given a "Certificate of Craftsmanship," an award from tho New York Building OongresB. To Andrew tho award IQeans just the some as a medal Henlth lind happiness are the prime mean, ~ a loldier, It Is recognition of , duty weU done. nece8llities of life, 'l'he . poets sing of love and Ita blessings, but love i~ bardly pOl!i/lle unless we hllve nt least normal good henlth. Good health not only assists in making love and happiness posslbl«y but tend. townrd effiCiency. It makes tor Abopt the only result, of the Sen- co-ordination between brain and mus· lite VoJ.telid investigntio n 'Was to cle mind and lim b-no mental exleave . the drill' drier and the wets cellence without pbysical stamina, w'~ than 'the)' 'IV~re belo'r e, It ' give!! us strength to withstund the , . The reason they etUi call It pre- shocks of adversity. It makes us en· war liquor ill that after yOU drink it joy struggle nnd fits us to meet it succeSsfully on its own ground. Good the battle stans Immediately. healtti gives us n zest, a genuine joy, seeing ' what happoned in in life thllt nothing e lse can give. t' TlMina..Arit'a, we don't bllileve we Do you wish to be healthy? Then _ _w~ld ~~t t4! ~e an umpire In ~he keep' the stomarh. liver, kidneys and , -.Sa.,. ,AQm:~n ,l~ague. .' • bowels functioning p~perly, Every doctor will tell you tho impor· I ,, 't'bd.;.}'''~ P1! ' be thankful for good .'.. o:dt -illft, ,..,." peRM II d.eciarell. tance of keeping the Oll,'1Ins of elim· ..,,"!til,~t' bye ,tit ,en/l a 1l0mmilllliOft ination functioning, and the blood pure.. If you will po this, you will . toi ~~ - n1tect S~t~ W IlJPlf !!'IY be well, strong, Cull of life nnd amdeuta; >' bitipn, Now is the time to tuke that ·Ov •'in litdla"lt III against tbe l~w great IIpring tonic, blood purifier and for . ' wlaow' lo remarry, Thls prob- system builder. ably -induces the Ia4le. W ~kjl COOPER'S NEW LIFE TONICI • m,...t, good eare at their". ONE BOTTLE WILL CONVINCE . YOUI The il~e,f bualne8f mlln who used Get it today lit to go, tq, a m",~nl comelly III the eV~! ,t o get rellte!! up "OW docs Jobn Hawke'., W.ynenille, Obio, and .It by knockin, off at one o'cloek fop Charle. M.dden', DrllB' Store, Hal" ny.bur" O~lo.-Adv. the golt ,lin,O r





HARVEYSBURG H ous('clenrling and garden making nrc the order of t ho day. W 'T :r d h h d . , • or ~ n aq purl' RSC of Wm, Illld ~lirli WrIght tho J, G. Macy denta l office. . EIl!'1 Hough took dinner Fri day, with h,i!\ gm ndlulhor, Amos H ough a nd I llmily, A nU\l1ber from here entered Wi!l)li ngtOI1 "0 II ep,e , !\londuy, fO l' the spring terlll. Mr. unci 1111'S, Floyd Anderson und JIll'. un d 111 I'S. '111· 11011 Andersoll wcre he,.e &unduy. 1111'. and 1\1rs..J, C. Gray ca ll ed on 1I1\', a nd 1\11'8. George Smith at Olive Bmlll'h, ' uncluy, Joe Heis!'y, of Dayton, was a Thursday cjillnol' j:Cuest of his sis ter Mrs. Mary ,J. Fin ch. ' 111 iss Muy H R rlan cnterlai ned to six·u·clock di nn cI'. Sutu rd uy, Miss Nelli e und PaUl Cutright. 1\11', und Mrs. Herbert Mart, of Ogden, Wel'C Su ndny g uests of their parents, 1111'. a nd Mrs. George J, Smith. 1I1i ses Alma nnd Avis Lamb, of ovi nglon, Ky., wCI'e week-end gucstR of th eir , ist 1'. Mrs, Harold Gillam :1I1d 1\1r. Gillulll. Owen lIurris, oC Columbus. spe nt the week-l' llIl with hi s parents, Mr, nllt! 1I1r·s. Frullk L, 1·lurris a nd sistcr, Mrs. Holcl! Peterso n. ~ [r, alld I\Irs, A. L. Ke nnedy had U8 Sunuay dinller ~uc s ts Mr. and Mrs R. H. llr.,oh an d family \lnd J ohn Kenlledy, of Dayton. !'.!r'. und MI·8. Ed MlleF'urlllnd e nlertained tu dinrlt'r , Sunday, MI'. alld Mrs. J . W. CI"rk and Mr. :lnd M l's, Huy Clark li nd duu!{hter·. . 9ail Gordon hu~ resigned hi " poSItIO n as JlOMt lllu ~ tel' and Chad!!s Mad. rlell has Ue(' n lI[lpointl!d lcmporul'ily until un (lxn minlltion is held . 1\1 rol , Amanda ' Stan ' ('ntertain('d 0 \1 Mother's DIlY, 1II iss Mab I nnd i\f"rS'llret "Im·r. of Doyton, and 111,'. Geul'l;'(! n otl! of ovi ngton, Ky. The re wil l bc 1\0 preachin g se rviCe! at Jona.h·s Hun church! Sundoy, May 1G, oWing La the anlllversury servi. ces nt Shurlln Ch UI·ch, There will be SunduY'Hchool at th e usual time, Mrs. Louisll J essup hos returned to her home here, after spen ding the winter with her childr·en , Mr. Ilnd Mrs, Chllrl es Boerstl r, ill Norwood, She wa IIccompanied hOllle by Mrs. Boerstlcl', lIIisti Nellie II.nd Lec. Massie Grnng!! held a vcry intcr(Js ting open meeting at the hull Saturday even ing, '1'wo of the county oxtension workers we re prese nt and gave interesting talks. They pl~n to organize boys' and ,girls' clubs In this community. There were I1lso some instructi ve motion pictures given.


, fl_.





NEW ' BURLINGTON Miss Ruth Reeves is the guest of her aunts in WayneSVille, Mrs, Lizzie Bsiley and daughter have returned to their home in Dayton. EliI'I Scnml11ahorn and Lea Whit. son havc opened a restaurant in tbe old Shoe shop, Re\'. Curless delivered a "Mother's OilY address in tbe M. E church ' Sunduy evening, Rev. Pemberto n conducted services at the Friends church Sunday both morn i ng lind e vening. ' Misses Ruth and Florence Moore are guests of Mr. lind Mrs. Charlel' Frazier ,near Germantown, Mr. and Mrs, W, 0, Larkin spent sevel'lll days last week at the home of Mr. Larkins' father, neal' Greenfit'ld. The sr-hOOI and t he P.,T-A. observI!d the closing .of the term with a basket dinner nnd program, Wednesday, This school furnisheel seven graduates from the Grades this year. Of the five highest grades in the township, our pupils held four: Robert Smith, highest; Thomas Haydock, third; Ruby Smith, fourth. Chllrles, "Jerry" W od, aged 46, died of tubercu,Josis la st Saturday nft~rnoonHe was a lifelong r esident of this village and widely known through his skill in' t he care of horses, hllving worked with many horse trainers in this section , He wall nev. er murried but leaves 'one brother un d four siStcl's,


.Harveysburg Fertilizer Co. Phon. 8


Walter McClure J. E. McClure FUNERAL DIRECTORS


Fully Equipped for Good


.. &,ervice.

Large'Display Room.

Ambulance Service ' nAY



lYTLE M~. Peter Banta has accepted a posititm' in Dl\yton ' . ' Mr. WllllaU\ Graham .was a Day• ton visitor Saturday. ' Mr. nnd Mrs, Carroli King are the proud parents of a bnby boy." Leora and Ru e Wilson have gone to Dayton to make their future home Mrs, William Cox is ill at her homc ill Lytle, being confilted to her bcd, Mis" Mildred Githens spent Thursduy ni g ht with :h er aunt, Mrs. Wil. Ii Ulll Cox. Dick Mason, of Bellbrook, spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Chllrles Clark . Mrs. Anna LOllg spent a couple of dnys lust week with her brothers ,in Cincinnllti. Mr, and lIfrs. 'F loyd Savllge and family spent Saturday evening in Waynesville, F r iends of Mr. Frank Rogers aro pleased to lea rn that h e is Ilble to bc out ugllin, Messrs. Frank Snyder and Joe Smith are now working at lhe Delco ut Moraine City. The local troop played "Dellcon Dubbs" at Springboro K. of p. hal1, Thursdny evenin.g . Mr'. Alonzo Thaycr, of Springboro, apt' nt the \veck-end with Mr, nnd Mrs. Charles J\ful1enix. Mrs. J essie Longacre and duugh. tel's, Loucll a and Agnes, were Day. ton shoppers, Saturday. JIf iss Loue lla Longacre hilS bee n c n lJl l oy~d as teacher in the Springbllro sc hoo l the comi ng year. Tlwrc will be a community picnic nt Lytl e school the last duy, May 2 1. Everybody cordial1y invited, JIlt·". Elle n Copsey return ed home Illst week, after spending sevcl'II l duys wit h her au nt, at Spring Valley. Our Ad •• I. Tbl •• uue.

More than a million people like you are

driving Buick automobiles ••

The Only Balloon Tires Made With Supertwist Are Goodyear Balloon Tires, Therefore, the only balloon tires you can count on for the extra comfort and extra strength of that remarkable new cord fabric are Goodyear Balloons.

making possible Buick value.

Mr. Ilnd Mrs. Kc sler Graham nnd cla ughter spe nt unday with JI1r, and We have th~m in the new small diameter sizes and also Mr~. " W, Albright, near Springin the interchangeable type to fit your present wheels. boro. MI's. Mollie DIlVis, of Pleasant Real low-pressurea at low-preasure prices. Ri dJ.:e, is spcnding t h is week Ilt the hOI1lt! of her mother, Mrs. Emma Call us today and arrange a date for your changeover. Foulks, DI'. and Mrs. L. G, Bro ~ k received six hundred and twenty.five more While Leghorn chicks from Missou ri , lust Saturdny . 111 rs. Elizabeth Smith, of Dayton, sp nt Sunday evening with Mr. and 1\1t's, Charles J ohn s, returning homo .UICK MOTOR COMPANY ___ ofa...m.l JIIonday morning. . .I.INT, MICHIGAN Mr, an d Mrs. C. B. Jones visited the latter's neph ew, Floyd Zimmermnn, who is vel:Y low at the home of his parents in Dayton. Friends from here attended the fuNOTARY pu.uo nernl of Mr, Cha.rles Wade, a former Denti.t NatloDai BaDk r esident of this community, at Way ••• Yil1. National B.nk Blda. Springboro, Friday afternoon. Will. ,DrawD .. " ...... E.tet.. SettlN The supervisal' of this district has had a number of men employed im. Call OD U. for your Job PriAtina. W aYlleaville~ Ohio Lebanon, Ohio proving the road between Lytle and Ferry by grndi ng and ditching. ReV. and Mrs. Raymond Stillings and daughters were entertained Sun. day eveninig at the h ome of Mr. and Mrs, George Reeder, of Route 4. Mr. and Mrs. :Frsnk' Woollt;¥J Miss Louise Woolley and Mr, william Hope, of Dllyton, were Sunday g uests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brown, Will Pay Miss Cleo SblCY entertained the Date your ..lea with us. We guarantee 2~c Springboro Gr!llllge at Lytle hall, sati,faction or charlf8 nothinlf. Saturday even ing. A large crowd was present an4 enjoyed the evening. Telephone 292W Stukes .are placed for the widenMlamisbur" - . Ohio ing of the Clark road from Lytle to Phone No.2 Phone No. 320 the Dayton pike. Farmel'!l along the We Pay Your Telephone Call. if We Buy Your POUitT),. route are now busy moving their fences back. Mr. William Cox hM been at Miami Valley hosl~itul the PlU!t week and will underg'o an operation this week for the r,emoval of one limb above the knee. Rev, Stillings gave a Mothers' Day address at Lytlel church, Sunday af• . tornoon, and Mrs, Stillings very ably sang, "I'll wear a white ftower for you, mother, dear." Mrs, Gernld Kelly, of the Wright Field, spent several days last week with her friend, Mrs. Calvin Long. acre, at the home of Mr. and Mrs, S, H, Burnet. '. Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Wallace entertained over the week-end, Mr and Mrs, Frank Le,onhadt and grandchildren, Margaret·and William Muel IeI', of Cincinnnti, relatives of Mrs, Wallace. , Misses Louellll and Agnes Longj ~ altre entertained to Sunday dinner Messrs. Wilbur and Melvin Swank, of Miamisburg, anel Miss Helen DaWe represent one of the world's largest and most vis and friend, of Cincinnati. efficient tire makers- Firestone. Th elma Kearlns, the little cripple gi rl, lit the home of Mr, an'd lIfrs, We sell and service the most economical tires madeWillinm Coleman, receivel! word, Firestone Gum-Dipped Cords- the only tires on the Monday, of the death of her mother, nellr Mt. Holly. She has the sympamarket with every fiber of every cord saturated and thy of the community, insulated wi th rubber. These famous tires have giveq, Mr. and Mrs, S, H, Burnet, Mr. -and are giving - unheard of mileage on the largest und Mrs, Oral Surface and son, Mr. and Mrs. Caly»n Longacre, acoomtaxicab, bus and truck flects in the world. They are panied Mrs, Ge ~ald Kelly to Wilbur also giving unheard-of mileage to hundreds of Wt:lght field, SundllY, and very muoh enJoyed the day and a picnic dinner. thousands of car owners. Mr. and 1I{rs . Ralph Archdeacon We offer you our facilities and experience in aligning hnd for their Sunday dinner guests Mr. and Mrs, Emest .(\rC;hdeaeon anal your wheels, mounting your tires, checking them for son, of Centerville, Mr. and Mrs. air pressure, inspecting them and making repairs when Eugene Trimble, of Dayton, Mr. Frank Archdeacon, ot Springboro', necessary by the latest Firestone methods of repairing. and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Archdeathus enabling you to get full mileage from your tires. con.

Waynesville Motor Co. Phone 105


Keelor Garage

Wayneaville, Ohio

Dr. John W .. Miller L.M.HENDERSON

Live Poultry WANTED!

F. T. Martin Jesse Stanley Auctioneer Auctioneer

per pound


Centerville, O.

New Burlington,O.




Mr. and Mrs. Harry Graham had for their SundlllY afternoon guelltl, Mr. and Mrs. Rudd S,ylo'r and , son, of Rehn, Ohio, ~. William Saylor and lady friend, of Dayton, Mr RIley Say-lor, . of Spring .Vall.y,· and M~ Martha Nichols, of near Wayo nesVille. , ' , MIBB· ' Cleo ' Stacy entertained the' Ladles Aid at their rqular meeting on Wednesday afternoon. The invited gu,sta were: ~. Malvina Stacy and , Mn,. AJcf& WiJlJama, . of J,>ayton;' Mrs. I~sta Mull~ ' of Sprin,li1lro Ml'IIi' Rhe,j Sheeh.m arid da~h­ tel', Fi~e P<.intJ ari'el Mrs. ~liu and I..J\Udren. The .J~ne, of .the ,. Aid , Will b. at the Ml'II. Adela BUrnet.


erve You Better

Equip "your car with these wonderful Gum-Dipped tires. WE WILL TAKE YOUR OLD TIRES IN TRADE, giving you a liberal allowance for unused mileage.

w. Also •• 0 and Servlc. OLDFIELD TIRES

AT THUll: LOW PRICE.. ' HIGH PRESSURE CORDS . 'OVER~Srii 3013 ~· ReA.uhtr Ci,. " ... _.10,25 4.40/21 (19z4.4O) •••• ·••••• . $14.05 30x3'~ Extra.Size 01", , . , . 11.40 4 75/20 Ll9 US)' 16 75 30L1~ Elltl'll Siz S. S •.. : , 14.00 • \' . S ' . ........... • .3b4 S.. S .... "., . ... ,., 18,00. 4.7S/R(3011US) . ..... , .... 17M 3114 ' S.· S 19.10 .. 95/lO'("9:'':' '" ' If."-I' S...... ·" ..... ,'" 2310' l' ...'to 95)' Oi.· . . . . . . . t' ~ 3214.~ S ....... ". ~ . ".. . I S,15t:U'(3115.15) • .'• • : .... ~9.5 33J4·~' S. S,.. 24,7,5 • " . . . • .' 3315 S.S., .. :" ..... . ... 31.SO · 1 6.00/~(3h(, ......... "21.11 , . ... ."ad. In t"'....... t FtreotOJl,e hct~". . t Aloroa a~1I ... ..,. ...., ......... "'" . . . . ._


or. "

• "

• ",

'; :I


reat. O.Li le Will Agai n

'C barles Stansbe rry,' (If Dayton, waal.m;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;:3!!3;;;;;;;25i; ee&;;;;;;;e;;;;;;;iii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;3!i;;;;;;;eeBeilli!ill_• • • • In town, Tuesday . -


Broa dcas t ·500 Mile Race

Mrs H B . Wilken on i8 quito III at ber home'on Third street.

$. {e\lQh 6IIys the' hroad cnglinl!' 'Wil ·IiOO·mfle rm'o last y n,' \\'I\ ~ 110 ltllc eOJl~ rl11 l l1nt w will ng" in S~ I1t1 th rhce ut 011 tho :til' t hi. r eUl'. Thn>ugh n' mu t u <o<1nl1'ol '111 tIl<' . trnck. QUill flYnn. nllti nn:lll y kn WI> lInll(\ \I11COr oC sporti l1!)' ~ \·I· n' .. \\ III fI' l/dl e thll Prel<t . O. 1.iI,· ["·",,, IO:l " I II1!!, IlI ogrlltn wJth thl' 111'1,. "r a (,."." , .or 1111 lfttuntll and e nl ,·\niner•. Til P .... " L-()· l.i tc Rtory of thp 1 ~t1 6t'.mil .. l nlt'm uT.ioll11i ' '''(' ' ' I ''L, k,'~ wil l b~ lJroaaca >t [III'" u " h \\, , ; " CWaajt_ T ribune . Chl"uli '" !llId ,oJ '" WFDlI I ndia nRllllll., j'; ,, \\, ~, ' n oi iu lI · uP.l.i.I. F or tiC" 1"Hl Il i~ht~ p t illr t·, tb r llet' , th e t ime trilli, "I' t Ill' :' t ,' 11 · bie Inch cars wil l h,' , III "', th,' "ir.

Mr Ilnd Jl{l's . R. G. CroSS attend ed 'th e f im ral of a rclntive at Sanli nia, Ohio. Tu esday .

j ~h '





1':1("1 .


Fumily wRahin gs fr om 50 pound . Co mf orts, bed lind blllnket.s· washed. Soft La un dry. Wutch for th e Truck eve ry Tues day and Muhl on HOdge, Agent.



A t\n~ "rnup of m",;'-"I l ill,·" , ~o ming to Indi nnnpuJi ,; fr " 1lI ' ·hit':!· $: >1. i elud ing " fnm :t'"! I Il'ltr:." t h,

fum o us r-Hd io ('n m ic !'-'! rijl :llhl \ 1('art i~t .; , t he l'ull ll1l1l1 l \"" I'n II )


'lunrt~ t

a nd ot hers.

the ' rn co nno a li dllY nn

~I un ":l )·.

Phone 47


A Full Line of

Phonographs ~ro~ f actory

to You

Jos. C. Krebs Main Street

Wayn.e sville

Presi dent ofAsso ciatio n

Mrs. Euphllm ia Hough is i.J1 Dayton for a few wllcks; Dr. K R. Crew, euperin tend ent of t h Miami nlley hORp ital. in Day. See Kemp & jordan for your Roofton, was chosen as pr esid nl e lect of , ing and Spoutin g. th e Ohio llospita l a.sodati on l or th e coming . year at the a nnu al meeting E . N. Oxle y. of Troy. spent Mon· of the nssoc ialion he ld r ecentl y in day in Waynes ville. Co I u III bus. Dr. Cre w is the so n of lI1rs. Rac hel % off on 1111 hots sold t his week Crew. of Route 3.. and hilS many Mr. and Mrs. W. 1-1: Allen ar c in at 20 Grllce Linc:oln Smith's. Iriends in and around Wayn esville. Do y\,o n today.

----0.- •.---



Waynesville Overland Sales



St ar r Pi an os

1.0 10c spreads Willer Gree n FridllY.

- - -------

Mel loh' s Gar age Waynesville

Mechlin Ti res WilliaDls Ti re s Un ite d St ate s Ti re s

Mrs. Huldoh Burnett nnd sons en· tC'rtui ncd nt din ner, Sunday . Mrs. ' Shermn n Dyke, Mr. un d Mr~ . RlIlph Dyke. Miss Rh ell Dyke, littl e Mirium nnel Robe rt Dyk e, ull of Dnyton; Mr. lind Mrs. Forest Gruhnm lind duug h· tel's. a nd Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Crllne.

\ 1'l' 1i 81< I.' \ i 'r .\' olle t il " lt1TH ' in " 0 11 t hu tbn' f.ri als t. n.llHJ ("i t~1 inA" 11( '1\)}'(1

!lI llY 31.

We also sell the cele brat ed

Miss n enrictta McKin sey hilS bee n uppoint cd f or the lhird year li S Pri· mur)' SUllervi so r of the Ashtabu la Publi c sc hools. with a s ullstu ntial in· cr""se in Slilnry.

rtl c", will s tnt·t !I a. 111.. ""1111,,1 .tilttdard t i m~ Ilnd (' Ing,· l\ltlL II ,j, ,\tl . p ech by t he winn e r of t b,·


Ml'n's ~ uit s lind ovc rcollts clenned all rl prcssrd. $J .00; Indi es' rlresaea ( plnin). clea ned and prcssed. $1.50; Soft Wutor Laundry . Muh lon Ridge. ngent'




A. W . Ricks. of Canton, qhio, vis· ited bls mother, Mr . Kat.;) RICk s, last Fridny.


']'lt e L r"nul'nsL i n J"


- We Ilr~ Il,!.ntl for the celebr ated


DI' scolt nt week Grace L. Smith.


M'II ' I mery



Miss Ida Githens of ;Dayton. spent Sunduy with r e,latives here.

Edna Howlan d will tench in Boss-" l'l1 pay you six dollars to See Kem p & Jordan for your Roof. MuMiss ingultl co llege at N~.w Concord , start-in five mo nths I'll raise you ing Ilnd Spoutin g. this 8ummer . to ten." "Good; I'll be back In five months ." Mr. and Mrs. j. H. Smith were Mrs. Verna Kelly , of Spr ingfield, DlI yton visitors . 1I10nda),. is he re ussistin g in th e care of Mrs. ~~~~~~~I Miss Edna Howlan d 1\ nd d a Hnnnah Antrum . luncheo n in Cincinn ati, SlIturda y. lIfr. and Mrs. Carles Gray entertilined on lIfothen ' Day, 1I1r. and Mrs. Go to Kemp & Jordan lor Porce· J. R. BlIkCl', of Cincinn nti. lain Sinks and Pitcher Pumps. Mr. and Mrs. Charles F , Mosher. WANTE D Mrs. W. H. Allen nnd Miss Olive of Cincinn spent Saturda y with Allen were Dayton visiton, Satur- !\frs. Edith llti, Hnrris and fnm ily. WANT ED-A ' bookkeo per. Inquire dllY. . at t he Wllynes ville Motor Co., phone 106. 1I1r. and Mrs. Ross Hartsoc k and m12 Mrs. W. T. Jordon nnd Mrs. A. Z. fll mily spent Su nday with Mr. and Hartsoc k cnlled on ]drs. Charles Gray Mrs. C. H. Deather age, ncar Orego. recently . nia.

Late Classified Ads,

First aiel to 40 or the lume, the halt und t h< blind se win g machin e~ \VII S r e nd ered this last wee k by .R. D. Bur· den. machine ry specinlist fr om Ohio Stnte. These se wing machine cli ni cs were held in Wllshin gton, Turtle· creek , Harlan, Solem und Deerfiel d townshi ps, and wer e a pllrt of the progrllm off er ed in the H ome Exten · 'lion work under the home ngcnt, Miss Watts. It se emed thllt nenrly every known ailment in machin es came up lit one plaee or another . Mrs. S h" whnn, of Was hington town· ship, found that she might have sllved t he mone y she spent on a new shut. tle if s he had only known IIbo ut the proper adjustm e nt of th e shuttl e screw. Mrs. George Oren learned that her 65. year·old machine which she had discarde d, could do better work than her mor e modern machin e. Mrs. Grover Green, oC Mason. decid· ed th a t she would not have to get a new mllchine since ahe had leurned that th e old one will do perfect work when proper ly adjusted . These lind other expel'i ences were duplica te d in the forty machin es In additio n ev· cry woman know s how to clean and adj ust her · own machine so that it will do better work t ha n since she original ly bought it. Miss Watls hopes to get Mr. Barden later in t he s ummer for c li nic ill the town ships not reach ed this spring. Mr. Barden do os work on fllrm machine ry nnd will be in Warren county IIgain June 1 nhd 2. to Ilssisl Mr. Humm on, IlM~is tilnt county ugent, in correcti ng mower and binder troll., bles. In addition to work IImo ng in· divldual fa rm or". two night meeting s will be held, the fi r st on Tuesday nig ht at Lingo's hardwar e store. Le b· an on. The place for the second . will be ann ounced later.


H. Arch deac on



Wi nds tor ms , To rna doe s and Cy clo nes Thi. i. th e .ealon fo r .ucb di.a.ter a to " you. Can you a«or. to be without INSURA NCE tbat will pay all damal. ', .bould a STORM Itrike your buildin l' ? '.1 ..t . .,.wi ·';~aJA '"

An Interesting Example of Such Protection

On th e 9th of June. 1925, AMAND A and JOHN GUSTIN , wbo lI"e abo'ul half way from Wa,.ou "iIIe 10 lAbanoo . bou,lat a TORNA DO POLICY in THE HOME OF NEW YORK. at· thi. A,eDel' . for fS.IIO premium for THREE YEARS . They bad a WINDS TORM LOSS on Fehruar y II. 1.26, wlaicla thi. A,eney ba. ju.t paid of SEVE~TY.NINE DOLLA RS U711.00 ).

Does It Pay to Carry This Kind of Insurance and Sleep Easy? We Solicit Your Business.

F. D. Dak in Insurance Agency Wayn esvill e, Ohio Bri ng you r.Eg gs to Kro ger

Kendall Taylor, of Dayton. Is here Fred Caskey. of Washill gton D. today, circulat ing with relative s and C., was A. call ed here fo r a few days old acquain tances. on account of his grandm other's accident. Jnmes Lundy. expects to teach in Fayette county in a centrilli zed Mrs Enrl Dodso n nnd two child schoo l the year. ren, of Toledo are spendin g a few THIS SALE IS GOING GOOD AND IF YOU WANT ANYTH ING weeks with her parents , Mr. and Mrs IN Mrs. Florenc e Huddle. of Madison · C J .Marqua THI~ LINE IT WILL PAY YOU TO CALL SOON r·dt. . AND GET IT. ville. was the g uest last wee k of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Gr\lham . Mrs. G. D. Mills IS m Canton this A Few Prices That Will Talk Occasio nally the is made Master Charles Hllrtsoc k . of lI1i1- week BS represe ntative of District CREPE ' PAPER-Eitbe r DenDi.OD'. or Reed •• full 15c: yalue. ford , is spendin g this week with Mrs. No. 59. to the Rebeka h a nnua l assem- thut Uncle Sam is neglecti ng the at.. ......... _ ........... ........... ....... .... .... ........... ........ .. .. . .'......... .. soldiers of the World War. The recbly in session in that city. Edith Hllrris and fam ily. tOe: ords show, however , that the United ~REPE PAPER -Tbe u .... 1 kind th.t lold for lOe....... ............. .... 5e: States has appropr iated more than BIAS SEAM TAPE- Either White or Bleck- ............. ....... ............. Misses J e nnie and J ose phine Reeves .... : See Kemp & Jordan for youI' Roof- four billions for allowan ces Bud ben.. 7e were in Spring Valley, Friday. to at- ing and Spoutin g. ODe pouod V .......... ..... .. .. ............. 7c BIAS TR·IM- Colore d• • 0 • • at, p. yard .. .. . ............ ............ One pouDd VI_DDa ...., ........ , •.1. efits on accou nt of soldiers ..,...... Ie . sailon t end' Mass Day exercise s. 7U SET OF DISHES - Ju.t the tbina for your airl'. playhou ••• and marines who particip ated in the l o ..t .... ....... ........... .. .... . ........ ..... Mr. and Mrs. J . H . Smith enter- war with German y. Fi~ureil recent... ..... ........ . 49e: . Miss Scott, of th e O. S. & S. O. tuined at dinner. Sunday Mr. and ly gathere d by the Washin gton Poat BOo SET OF DJSHE S-A .mall di.h but more of tbem: ............. .... 25e: hom e. Xenia, wus the week·en d Mrs. F. H. Miltenb erger, . of Lytle. on the s ubject s how the followin g inBLOCKs-:.Tba t were 10e:. 25<:, 5O'c ...... ..... ... ... ...........10 at 5c. guest of Mr. li nd Mrs. G. D. Mills. .. I3c 25e: ter esting items ot appropr iation: and Mr. I. W . Lincoln . of Dayton. BOOK5 -;-Tb. "~ry thin~ for II rad uating pr.I.Db , 75e e:opyrig hted Mili tary nnd naval family allowall IDt_Hl tln. .torlea.. ... ....... ..... ...... ......... ... ... ... ....... ........ .. ...... Fresh Cream , per lb . ...... . . • ure $298,00 0,000. Miss Ednn Howlan d and Mr. VirSOc Mr. and Mrs. Ed C. Jeffery enter- ances gil Retallic k were dinner guests Sun. tained Military and naval compen aatl'on Aged Cream , per lb . ...... . a de lig htful way at their amount s to $1,037,0 day, of Miss Opal Davids. at B~wer8. pleasan in IT WILL ~OST YOU NOTHIN G TO LOOK OVER MY STOCK 00,000. PI me_to, pound .....:.,." ............. 315.: • BricIr. po.... l .. , .. . :. ~............. t oc untry home ' last Sunday ... , ~ Insuran ville. ce and l!ccelpts from insurin honor of their guests, Rev. Kenare $1.068.0 00.000. neth Harkne ss and family. of Por· ance i Admini stration amounts to more Rugs dus ted and r enovate d. Dry tugese, East Africa. Mrs. Harkne ss than $293,00 0,000. , c\enning and pressi ng. family wash. is a ni ece of Mrs. Jeffery and daugh· Hos pitaliza tion amount s to more pound ............. So ft Watl' r Laundry , Mahl on Ridge. ter of Dr. and Mrs. H. W. Sherwoo One Door North of Miami Gazette NI.. 'ralt. Z d Cburnlo td, pound .................... , . . $385,00 0.000. agent. . of Dolllnd, S. D. Those enjoyin g the than Hospita l constru ction amount s to occas ion were th'e followin g: Mr. more t han $62.000 .000. MI'". Edith Hllrris. Mrs. Lllurn Mosh· and Mrs. E uge ne J effe ry and family. Vocatio nal training and sale of arr r. and Mr. Harris Mosher were Sun. Mr. and MIS. C. H. Sherwoo d, of r. Vocatio nal training nnd sales of day g uests of lIIr. Bnd IIIrs. Frqd Wllyn esville. Misses Ruth and Alice articles CliftoD. pOuDd ............................ 17e: made amount to more than Ha rtsock, of Milford. J efl'ery. oI Dayton ; The Misses Dor0.000. Buy Your othy alld Mild r ed Jeffery and gen- $719,00 Bonus allownn ces amount to more Mr. lind Mrs. Lee Hawk e lind fam. t lme n fricnds of Dayton. I than $237,00 0.000. i1y Hnd lIIrs. J. C. Hawke s pent Sun· Paymen ts of claims amount to day at Pleasan t Plain , th e guests of Avonda lo No.2. pouDd .... :.... 19c mQre than $38,000 ,000. 01'. an t! Mrs. Ralph Van ce. Adjuste d service puy a mountJl to J wi\) be in Waynes ville the more than $38,000 .000. Deducti ng $606.00 0,000 f or l.e. Mr. un ci Mrs. R. A. Connor nnd Red Rinr•• to I.....,...... c.eipts leaves a net IImount spent by three children nnd III rs. Sarah Mur. of each month. N.w Potato••• 3· 1....................1 .. 1 () 901lad. .. ...... ............. .............34e l'8y w p,'C "fill e rs at the Jeffery home the gove rnment of more than $3,. Thcre arc at least 100 people in 'H'ar OrcJ(onin. Sunday a fternoon . a nd around Waynes ville whose glass. 80.0.000 for the veteran s. We have Excel lent Quali ty Coal , a nd the es are not correct. Many have nev. T he \V (,"t[I I' ~ A uxiliary will meet er been satisfac tory. There Is anSAYS SAM price is very low. We can furnis h you on Frid"y Ilftern oo n, May 14th, with other 100 or more who have never 1.............. ~.III. H ...... ........................ 1,. Mrs. J . W. E dwards and I\!r~. Ronald worn glasses who should wear them. tonFisherm en, like poets, lzaalr Walused to say, are born, not made. Huw ke, at t he h ome of Mrs. Edward s. Ther e HrC! muny children who need g lasses who sho uld wear them. There are ma~ny children who need Go to Ke mp & J ordan for Porce· I{lasses mor e t han eighty·y ear-old lai n Sin ks lind Pitcher Pumps. Dan Beard ' peop le. The summer is the tillle to ha ve t hem fitted. Remem ber, nM P1i:RFECT EYES P ,. G, 6 ban ...... ......... ". may co nsume mor e Nervous Energy Creme Oil ... ba ............ . ,.......... , l_'__====== =~= - - - - - -=;... ;;;;.- --..;=.. ·t - - han a ny -.. "....;;==-===========dJ" aMrs. other organs fte r Kaern's vis it paofrents, ' several M~. days and with Mrs. Know your eye!! may of your body. be an Impor~!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!~~!!'!!!!'!"!""!'!!'~~~~!!'!!!~~~~~~~~!'!! J tant CAUSE of your chronic ills. D. Marlatt. Very importa nt to YOU who are un· Mr. Chester Sherwoo d, accomp a· der fifty. Have ni ed by fr iends. all of Dayton, spent at Grange Hall, your eyes examine d t he afternoo n, Sunday. the guests of THUR SDA Y, MAY 12th Mr. Shenvo od's uncle and aunt, Mr. lind Mrs. Ed C. J effery,

Onl y 10 Day s Mor e for the .


----_ ..---

:C lo sin g Ou t Sa le


. .0

LARD BREAD l~:~af~b~:ch·.~~~i.t~


lO c

!:~~~I~.I~~li!.t:!~~;t~~: 2.~:tb.: ~ck~ ~.~! CHEESE

Frank H. Farr,


Way nesv ille, Ohio

2Sc 33«:


Ban anaS ..I......'1.9·C ,.uo"


I i ..

~~~!~~~u~:~~.~~~ . . .27 c

Po ca ho nt as Coal





Egg or Lum p Poc ahon tas

Waynesville Mill Coal & Ice Company

lu!~US;~l~V~I~~t~~~:I~ t~e;~~iro~o~;


~j ... ~i!i~ii!.II!I!liiii!l.~~!IIIIIii~IIIiiIl!l~.IIII~.... ....1 •

Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Mills enteron Sunday. Mother~s Day. Mr. lind Mrs. L . A. Bnrnes and litt le daughte r, Juanita , of Eaton, Mr. and Mrs. J F . Kyne and son , Paul, of Xenill. J ' ~ained

MI88 Helen Duke was ' one ~f a p,arty of seventy nurses who ·saw 'Irene," Il m usical comedy at the Cox the!,ter ·In· Cincinn ati, last Wedn eaday . evenin g. TlIe ' .fI'air was glve.n in honor of t he gradua tln, class. Mis, Duke was one . of the hpstesae s at the' banque t precedi ng the ; also' alJrhttJle~ter l)lreadparty followi q. at . tbt, .m1d.

Potatoes .~Ohl::'~r

~~~~;·~~~.::: :·.$.?~49. !~~!~P!~a~!~~~.~ ...20c


Soa p

Go to Kern & Jordan for ' Pore:" 294 Ludlow Area d.. lain Sinks and Pitcher Pumps.

Use .Our Classified . Ads . The y ,Brin g Re~ults

·~Q~!!~~d ~~!~ . . . . $2.79

' Dayton •.Ohlo

Fra nk Biggs: Corw in, Ohio .



Call Oil me for 70llr t ..d wor.. •• follow. '.,1 TIRE VU1.CA N.ZING RADIO REPAIR ING BATTE RY CHARG ING RADIO SUPPU E5 .

. BAnE RY 5UPPJ:.lES .' 1.&_ '. BI ......llIa SWp


, Daniel Carter Beard. National : Scout COi!1mlslloner and. hO.IIOf1rY Vlee Preilide nt · of Boy ' 8cCl,\ItI of America IMi·liee n · IlrnaJIy 1i0ia0rft by being awarded two mad. tor dlstinp.l.shed . er\'ice In' tM 5hip of youtli. The medal. are the "Bronle Buft'alo t'· aDd ... "ItootOo


nit K.daL"




28c ~I'!.~~!' 24~,. .; 54c

£!!~~~."". ."J4c



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