Miami Gazette May 19, 1926 - January 26, 1927

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Seventy·~ightb Year


.......................... HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS

i I~t.;;::.n:h~·m.


State. Capital I Prepared by I I Columbus .......... Reporter I ..

A unique entertainmen t was presented to the public at the Gym, Friday night, under the auspices of the Spanish class of the High school. A good-sized crowd wltnes8ed the entertainment, and while tbey were in ~ ignoranco of whether the parta were presented correctly, they scemed to enjoy the show. The Spanish music, which was all COLUMBUS, OHIO- If overy votI Ohio who hos ever received a lI1lappy and full of liCe, was a fea i:tte~ from United States. Senator ture and the performers rendered Frank B. Willis vOtyR for him at th,e thel~ solos, etc., in a very Illeasing election next November , there won t manner. The dancing of MiM Martha Nichbe many "otes left for any op~os it~on t hat he may have. When e!1 a or ols Will! most satisfactory, and she Willis began his term; one 10~thI 8 ;~ was called before th e curtain several time. She WIIS assisted in ' her den was to see that every e e~. IIllRwered within 24 hours ..ExfccP 'r~~ number by Mi88 Ruth Earnhart, who assumed tne role of a Don. f urse rul ed when 111 orma. o co itt which r equired clerIcal The program, as given, Is as fol was so ug . B t thousands of IOW8 work t o ascertain u t, Ohio voters will testify to the. prohm p de E~anol, Escuola de Se- ith which their querIes ave Close gundo Enscnanzo, Waynesville, b::~ :nswered, and the thought nn,d Ohio. attention given each of them T~at 8 VierneB el dia 14 de Maya de one of ~'C reDBons why Willis IS so 1926, Gymnasium opular not only In W&I!hington, but Introduccion ...... Louella Williamson P Ohio where the people Irnow him Canelon'EI Viejo Amor (Trio)1n in 'Washington the Ohio 8ena~::i8 one of the mOlt popular, and Elsie Hawke, LIBta Mary M. Unglesby, in addition to the long hOurs givil!g Geneva Ault. attention to Ohio voters) h~ Is 8ald PiccetaLa Bromu- . .. ........... .. to have the reputation 01 haVing mohe Don Antonio .., ......... Irvin Friend callers than any other member of. t e Lui8 Aguilar.,.............. Bert O'Neall u er house . 'Ilhen there are h.terFaith Tomlinson nfl~ hundreds 01 requests to dehver Carmen Elizabeth HankIe Adelia addressee throughout the . cou n try. Arrulo-A la Puerta del Cieolo .... He will deliver a Memorial address 10 .. ......... ......... ....... :..... Geneva Ault Wuhlngton, and the plan is to broad- EI ..... Arroyo-(The Brook) lrllrte calt thle so that thousands equipped (Tennyaon) EIi~abeth Branstrator wi~h radio Bets can hear him ACq~lr. and Grace Hockett. lng placea of Influence and demond ng Cllneion (Serenade ) - Opos Tapati08 of him great toll and study, Senator ... .. ................ .............. Elsie Hawke Willis has nJnde furthet: advancement Pieceta!......La Fonda Imperial ........ during hit five years 10 the Senate Teresa .. ........... Mary Stansberry than' probably' any other member o~ Anita ........ ........... ... Mlldred Githens that grent body. He Is recognized as Arturo ................. Va8hti Beckett not only a great student of Govern. Cancion-Ay de Mi! De La Opera I mental aftairs, but absolutely 101 ya~ .to El Rey que Rabio ... Ruth Earnhart President Coolidge. 'Who ea I tm Uno de Ellos debe Casarse.... . ... conltantly In for advice nnd sug~e!i Tia Maria .. ...... .. .... .... Anna Thomas tlon s. Only a man of euca. phYll C Sr. Prof. Juan Rui~ ...... Mary pUllt vigor II1Id Ibillty to solve dlftlcult Sr. Prof, Diego Ruiz .. DQrl. al\wkt qu~siloftll of lltate and nation, could Lulaa .................... Cafolyn Swartzel p088ibl! accomplish the rellults tbat CBJlclon~La PrlnoB8alta-l't!ary are dlily obtal.ned In the bURY olllee Margaret Unrlelby. of Senator WIBle, • Dan~a~"La Moza"- l't!artha Nicholl y Ruth Earnhart. Expal~~iones port.. Velma Grisham, Helen Wardlow, J!Omogene Beckett Pianoiata-Esther Henderson Taquillero- Kenneth Reta\lick


Mary E. Rouse As tIte morni ng of April 26, t 8ll0. dawned, Mrs. Mary E. Rouse pU8sed away at t he home of hur daug hte,', Mrs. Frank J. Quinn , 515 Moss nV en ue, Peo ria, 111., an illness of three mon t hs, Which was born e with t hat fortitude an d courage f one her who f elt that she IKld d o life's work well. Hl? r death, while expected for th e past two weeks, will be a shock to her many frien ds. Her pa Ing will bre a chain of friend ship in II large c r cle of ri ends a nd leave a never to be fill ed vnca ncy at her fireside. She was always cheerf u I and happy and devoted t o her fn mily. . Mrs. Rouse has been a member of the Fil'St Congregational church for man y years, and u devout member of its Mother's Sunduy-seh oo l claaR, in which she took a deep interest. She leoves two da ughters, Mrs. Frank J. Quinn and Mis8 Marion H. ROll se, and a grandso n. Jack F . Furst. Funeral servic es were held rrom hcr late residence Thursday aft ernoon at 2 o'clock. The above article was t aken f ro m a P eoria publication, and will be of much interest to old friends of Mrs. Rouse, Who was a dau ghter of the late Peter Eberly. Mrs. Addie E b. erly Smith, of this place lind Mrs. Frank Evans, of Spring Vnlley, are sisters of the de ceased.


_ _ _ _.... , ...aalO

Th e Senior play, "Green Stock. ings," was presented to two full houses on th e nig hts of May 11th a nd 12th, at the Gym. Every o.n e enjoyed it- a good clcan pl~y with plenty of fu n, ye t tt had a dl fTe~en~ Ravor fro m most of t he plays SUi t d to ama teur production; The cast wus sclected from a class of twenty-seven by 0 vote of the class, an unusua l p~oce e ding. The. character.s wer e e~pecially well SUited to the Ir p'.'rts. !lnll th is important feature, with tho splendid coach ing of MISS Kelse y macie the play 8 g r eat suc· Cess . 'An other rem urkable thing wa" l)tat th e cast hud been in possession of th eir lines :[01' only two weeks, and Kuch a t hi ng is seldom expected of High schoo l flt udcnts. Seve ral of t h.) speeches and scene" between C('lia (Doris H enderson and Francus Henkl!e) , Colonel Smith. (Kenneth Retallick), Aunt Ida (Rhea Jan et Ca rtwril,ht ) , Phyllis (Mary Marga ret Unglellby), a nd Robert Tal'. ver (Nelson Wutkins ) contained ve ry clever ncting. Credit must also bc accorded the producin g staff, wlto forlll such a major part of every p erforlllan ' e. F ollowing is t he cast of pro du ci ng staff of "G reen Stoc king~ :" Mrs. Rockingham, Madge . ... . .. . . . ...... .. ... Lucile St J ohn Lady Trenchard:, Evelyn . ... . .......... E sther Henderson Mrs Chis holm Faraday, of Chicago, A'unt Ida Rhea Janet Cartwrig ht Martin, the but:ler ... ....... Irvin Friend Phyll is Faraday ....... ... '" ........ . ......... ..... Mary Margaret Ungles by Nelson Watkins Robert Tarver James Raleigh . .... ...... . . . John Gons William Faraday ... .. Everett Donohoo Admiral Grice .... ... Adelbert McMillan Henry Steele ., ....... .. .... Edwin Ramby

Good Cut Clothing Th" fi r st meu ling of t hr Good ut Clothing club was held at t he home of the l end~r, Mrs. Bird, on Sat urday a fternuon , May ) 5. The meetin l); was culled to onll' I' Ly thl' Icader. Th e f o llow in ~ "flicer~ Wl'rc elected: President, Evely n lln~lc'by; vicerresident. Man!lll'ct C""k; sccretlU';'. Lillian Watkins ; lls"i~ tun t secretary, Virginia lIul'din; "eli'S reporter, l\Iary

Whole Number 5701

MIAMIS PLAY fAST GAME lAST SUNDAY Th e uttracti on tit Fra~i(,I' llO rk ne xt fiululuy ,,·iII he thl? LaB elle M('r. ch,,"t,. " f Dayton . This t"alll pllly"d und " r th e nil "' '' lOf the Dnylon Roc·

ers last ~WU SUII nnd defc nll'd nur b nys L. Zimm er mu n; e n t~ rt nil1 rn nt co m ... in li ne "f I hI' be, t ~!Um(' s played Oil

milt!!", Irellc ('r(, II !!, HIl l> crtu ' ron e the i"rll l fi eld. stu ,:tiJlg n ~reat rnlly and l\1argare~ '/)ok . in the lutter port (I f the !rame. The It was decid ed t huL the nwt'tinl::M M inmis fl"(' go inl;' tOj ~c t r evcnge next he held the first a nd third F,·i.lay of .1I nday. ('uc h mnnth. Th e next mectin g' wi ll Ninth iJlnning o f n f:l ~t game be· be held May 28. tw"~ n Ihc Wllyn e ~ vill a Millm is and BR IN GING CITIES CLOSER All visittrrs nrc welcnme un ci uny the ;l1 idd lc towll I::a"t fend Cycles, /!'irls hetwcrn th e 11 1;'1'8 of ) n un o! 18 loI"yc' d al Fruzicr purle Sun day a(tel'THE OLD RIFF RUNJIIER intorcl;tcrl in th e Work arc cordially Ilndll. Mny 16. LIGH T NIN G AND OIL invited to join. F o,:te l't~· funncd . Schulth " iss was safe !t t first when Gnns railed tu pic k MR. KINGS MORE'S CASE un hi" r;l'O untler, hut Myerg for ced hi", at second, Adam s t o E. Burton. Il it: hlll' sinl;'led l(, right a nd Lon g was I!ruZ l!t1 by u "itched boll. Bishur' Whcn "1u ~so linn r ccenUy told the Th e Y. F. M. will meet with J eun sin "'"11' 11 thc) ba ll tCl dl! 'P left fie ld, worl,l he wou l'! cut r a ilroad time be. /-[uc ke tt, Su ndny. May 2!l, at 7 p. m . wh(·rt· I1 Clp kins made u hunl run "",I tween Naples and Rome fiv e ho urs Devotional Lead e .. C eu. SlItlcr thwui tc Chl81'Cti thRt b'oll to his uusum like a b~' tunn elling five mountains, it was J ea n lI ockett InnJ;:-lust IJrother, and Bob!! Adam ~ SIIf.!l);c" tcd here that rail roud" bctwe<:' Jl L eader Top ic - " Help!; Toward Chri stian clniml'd lh e first shll t· out vIctory he Chicagu a nd California might dl' Li ving. " ho ~ pitcit en for th e Miomis- a fuur- th(! SUnIe to th e unne cessarily long . Election o( Uml' ' ,·S. Every body is hit affail', if YOIl please , fin d th e first runnin g time b ~tw ec n the Pacific a nd welcome . fu ll KJ1mc he hos p,tched t hiS ycal'. th(! Grout Lakes. The J;omc was not neorly so .onl:Nnw 10 an d behuld , the railroad, sided as the scor e wo uld seem to II1dl. hav e done it! The shortl'T running ('ate. Adams and hid cohorts had to tillle begi nR in October a nd ~e8tbou ~ d work hurd for their victory, but when travel r s will 88ve one enUre day III ~h e extra pu nch W!l S lIeeded, OIU boys Californill for busin ess or sunshine. ome of thl' alwnys cume ncross. Santa Fe, Union Pacific and Southvisitin g ployers a re m ~m bers of Ed- ern Pacific, makin g the cut in time di(' Burton's l\Ionroe HIg h school allt- s imultaneously, are managed by able letic teums lind th ey chortled in mu ch rllilrolld men. ,:t Iel' wh en "Cnoch" fu r tively waved ' utti ng time means bringing cities T he Wayne Townshi lJ Farmers' club his b Ul ot the bnll a. it went by, but m ct wit h Mr. G cOI'~C E . Ril ey li nd t heir joy was turned to sorro\,: w ~e n closer, helping bu ~ine88 , making men's lived longer. A recent cut in time d a ugh te,·s on T hur~ day, May l :1th. the ir precepto r slmn n\ cd out hiS hl ~, The Woman's Auxiliary met on Th e response to r ull cull WIl S g ivon or wh en he spoil ed some of th eir between Scattle and all the Pacific coast so uth set a good example. 'Friday after,noon, 1I\:II.y 14th, with by the ladies wi th app ropr iate Mem· drives by good fi elding. . . Mrs. J. W. Edwards and Mrs. Ronald ory Gems. The M inmis broke the Ice III tl~e Soon 'passenger-carrying flying maHawke, at the home oC Mrs. J.:dwards. Our h o~ t introduced n~ essay ist for Rrst inn ing. With one down, EddIe will bring Chicago seven hun· Mrs. Cadwa llader conducted the the duy, Rev. R. R. Wilson, of t~ e single to leCt, Gons doubl ed to center chines devotional exercises, the Scripture Frankli n M. E. ehul·ch. Rev. Wil- an d Adams ·sing led t o t he same field, dred miles nearer to New York and leMon being taken from the 6rst son gave 0 very interesling and in- scoring Eddie with whot pr?ved to be two t hollsand mil es nearer the Pachapter of Acts. . Oelia . F.a r~d~~ .. (.~~~~:;iB nii~~.;i~rson structive address on " Pork and the winning r un . I" the thtrd Satter- cific. Scriptural quotations were given Wednesday nighL Frnnces Henkle Beans." or "The Way of Li ving." His t hwu!te s in ~l e d a nd stole second, us Bernard Shaw ' any\! Great Britain in response 'to roll-call. Colonel Smith ........ Kenneth R e tnUi~k theme was nttacked from th e furm- E ddi e proVlded j oy fol' his students. must tak e the coal fields, nationalize During the business BeUlon the Producing staff·er's standpoint and some of the far- Gons walked Ilnd both runner s adIlnd operate them, thus cutting out amount of thQ United Thank ofrerlng, Coacjl .......... ... ,.............. Edna Kelsey m or 's t r oubles in ma rketi ng hi ~ pro- vanced on an error by Landsdale. A t he industrial cancer that cause8 80 ,32, wllich is given leml-annuaUy, du ce wer e discussed. The farmer is wild pitch scored Peck and sent Jo~n Stage Manag:ers-Dena Ricb and was announ~ed. ' ullable to control the prices of his to third from whencc he scored while much trOUble. "Britain's government Marjorie Hubble. The following program was reno own pr od ucts as producers of other Long ~nd Schultheiss were taking must hove the courage and the finanCostumes .... .. .... Louelia Williamson dered : He t hin ks the secret of care of the Babe's grounder. After cial intelligence" to do thi8, says Make-Up ..... ............... Anna Thomas lines do . Shaw·. 6uch control lies in orga nizat ion . one Miami had perished in the eighth Business .............. .... ... F. ~ Moomaw Hi a suggestion will Bend a shudder Plano Solo-"Spring Showers ...... .. The s)Jl'cial topic, "Why Continue Howard Durton slammed the ball to .... ......... ... .. ... .. \.rlenn Frr.e A88istant through the rich colli mine owners, .... Betty Hartsock Farming if it doesn' t pay? " was dis- t he left fi eld fence, whe re it was Ushers-Emma Cummins, LUCIle for he observes, truthfully: "The Readings from China's Real Revocussed by S F . E lbon and Mr. Wilto uched Lut not caught, the Dutch. qtlne owners themselves will .upply Clark, Mary l;;tansberry, Alice Win olutlo!';" by Mrs. J. E. McClUre, sto n, Hafold Smith, Geo. Bunnell bur Clark. . Mr. Elbon t hinks farm- man getting to second on the pia:):" money to buy their property, since .MiM !'lay Wright, Mrs. Bert Harting ca n be mude profitnbl e provi<jing Little Brother Tom embraced thiS sock and Mias Mame Brown. tbe farm er has eno ugh help w ithin his golden opportunity to. score Big what they get from the go,vernment Piano Solo-"Reverie" .............. .. Remember the 'Commencement on own familv to reduce the CORt of pro- Brother with a double ID iront of wllJ- be taken frpm them by collectors .... of the income tax, ttie supertax on .............................. .. Betty Hartsock Thursday night at the Gym at 8 duction. -Mr. Cla rk ulso think8 farm the left fielder. F rost and Osborne estatee and duties." o'clock. Prof. Edwards. of Earlham ing would pay if tho farm er could provided the hits needed to Bcore At the end of the program a dewill deliver the address. Rog- wit hlltand the extravagances of the lightful social hour was enjoyed. The college Tom. . . How would high finance in America er Turner, om! of -the soloists of present-day society. . Aside from Adams' fine pitching. which sympathizes so sincerely with hosteslea were assisted in serving de- Westminster cboir, will sing several from other members Disaus_ion fi elding features were furniB.hed the licious refreshments by Mrs. J. E. numbers. and exprcss ions 0 appreciation from by Hopkins and Osborne , w~o weIgh- itself in the income tax question, feel McClure, Mary Leah and Marjo.rle I a num ber of gues compl cted the af- ed in with s plendi d catches Just when if it wer~ living in Britain? Edwards. tern oo n's program. The bacealau.reate sermon was dethey were needed most, and the en The following guests '\Vere present: Great is the endurance ,of man. No Adj ourn ed t o meet in June, with tire team played the class of ball that Mrs. R. G .Cross, Mre. ~. T. Wright, livered by Rev'. Washburn at the J\1rs. animal with four legs can do what Rcbeccu Furnas and family. Gym on the eVE!ning of May 16th. A will win nine times out of every ~en Mra. Ralph Miller and the little folks, man docs with two legs. You l'ead The ilxty-thlrd ann1.\&1 convention joint choir of St. Mary's Episcopal games in any compony. Waynesville of the Riff warrior, sixty-Beven years of the. Warren County Council of Betty HartiQ~It. Charles Hartsock, of church and M.. E. church rendered real team this year. hos a Milford, Pa~l Zimmerman and Frank old' Hammounch Ben Hadgje, who 'r an Religious Education, will be held a.t selectlclD8.· The Gym Will! Alumni meetin g at the Gym next The score seventy miles across the hot desert M. E . church here, Tuesday, May 26. aAwh, who had a merry time with several decorated with lilacs. whlle ribbons Friday night. Get )'our tickets at the c~!ldren of the household. between sunrise and sunset, carrying , ,,,~~:..~~e!!I~~:!1 will at 9 o'Olook of red and white, the class colors, the Wa ynesville National bank. EAST END CYCLES a peace message to French headquarImJDI'ClveJlIle:nt 'T devotIons by ...... marked the r eserved seats of the A E ters, , bum. O. C~ight AB RHO class, who filed in during the singing addrelS of welcome, and 6 0 1 0 2 0 Hulsinge r, S5 of the first hymn. Rev. Schaefrer Even more remarkable was the feat the re.ponlle Wlll be given by the 4 0 1 11 2 0 Schu Ith eiss, 1b opened the devotional service by a pretlldent C. ' E. VanNe&!!. Special Myers, 2b ............ 4 0 0 6 1 0 of an Irishman, nearing middle 11&'8. short prayer, after which he reali a mUlllc ~d talks will feature tbe Ilea· Hitshue, ci, c ........ 4 0 1 8 o 0 who, in a six-day raCe in New York weU chosen pa8S8ge of . Scripture. ran mo~e than 600 miles be· mono Long, 3b ............ 3 0 0 0 2 0 City, Rev. Wllishburn chose for his t ext the tween Mo nday and Saturday and wae In the afternoon the music Cast, c ... ........ .... .. 2 0 1 5 2 0 8ubseq th.ought of a 't rifold education, the elected Mayor of Long furnished by the Harveysburg F0,lfarty. cf ... .. ..... 1 0 0 0 o 0 Island ul?ntiy mastering of the spiritual, mental and city. School orchestra. Reports of Bishop, rf ...... .. .... 4 0 0 0 o 0 physical. That tough Irishman In the ailt dU!rer.ant officera and adreMes will The Warren County Norm,a} comIn checking up the enrollment of Thornberry. If ... ... 3 0 0 0 o 1 ,. during the · afternoon. men cement wall hllill at the School t he Smith-Hughes department at the Lansdale, p ........ 3 0 0 0 6 1 days could have run any race-hon,. Final exams . a re in fu ll swing. Such evening IIeMlon at 7 o'clock Auditorium Tuesilay evenl,ng, May a time trying for all and every one close of the schoo l year, som e very - - - - - in the world to death. be furnished by the 18th. Tlte class was composed of ~II either be happy or otherwise on interesti ng and gratifying figures Totals ............ 33 0 4 27 14 2 Lightning at Bakersfteld, Cautor-. grllh"tr~. nine young men and fifteen 3(oung la- Friday, the lal!t day of the term, when are fo und. nia, strikos Ilnd destroys 600,000 bar~'~\Itl'll. !lr, (l~ t.lll! dies. being the largest class to grad- final grades will be announced. Lnst yea r ~h e r e w e r~ 17 high-school MIAMIS rels of oil in a Standard Oil tankstudents enrolled in the department. uate from this school. AB R H 0 A E made of 8teel, presumably. .... The stage was taatefuully decorat. This year the enrollment was 26. Is there no way of stopping luch ed in lilacs and the young ladie- wore This Is 44 per cent of the senior bo s' Satterthwaite, 1 b .. 1i 1 2 7 1 0 pastel colors, which made a :very enroiled. Of the junior boys who E. Burton, 2b ........ 4 . 1 2 4 1 0 wnste? What about a coating of reinforced concrete on the 8ides of the. pleasing picture. . Ji ve on farms 67 per cent rae in thls Gont; 3b .............. 3 1 1 1 2 2 Seated on the atage with the class department. The sophomores have Ada s, p ............. .4 0 1 1 4 0 metal tank, or ' a coating of cheap 55 per cent and the freshmen 60 per H. Burton, c .... .. .... 8 1 0 0 1 0 reclaimed automobile tire rubber covwere Itev. Knight, of Springboro. who ;:l*!~~~lt~~=A ofalld theM. E. In church will gave the invQcationj Carl Rich, of he dlnn~ supper the blll!e' cent of fa rm bOY8 enrolled, Of the T. Burton, ss ....... 11 1 2 1 3 1 ering the whole tank? And espeolal~en~ of the cb,ureb a~ ~OO 1\ pla~~ Department of Public Speaking. of total number of farm boys enrolled Frost l cf .......... ...4 0 2 0 0 0 Iy what about Ughtning rQds1 A,re Cillcinnati university, gave the adin the hi gh school l 61 per cent are in HOEkm s, If .......... .4 0 1 3 0 0 they a delusion? W". Fra~l1n'l , Os orne, d . .. ... .. 4 0 1 1 0 0 idea worth nothing, and did the the agricultural aepartment. dress; Miss Edna How,land, who InMiss. Louise SmIth entertained a - - Frenchman Oatman impose on the These boys at thq pre8ent time are traduced the c1asa, and told of the few friends at the home of Mrs. J . .Totals .... .... . . 34 6 12 24 12 3 public when he peddled lightning rods. work accomplished by the PUpU8; she O. Whitaker (,n Saturday afternoof.1 carryin g 26 h(lme. projects. In ad. before he took charge of the French 1 234 5 6 7 8 0 also said that t111iy were a olalSS ver~ in honor of Miss Anne Bachman. A dition a large uumber of shop prorevolution? mUch alive and that lIbe expecte\i pleasant afternoon was spent and at j ects l'ta\!e been completed . during Cyclcs ... .. . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0- 0 Millmis ...... . 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 x-5 much from them in their life work. its close the guests were taken to the the 8chool year. Americans cat more sardines . per We believe in the department be· The diplomas were l?resented by dining room which was tastefully deceapita than any other race, which is Two-bus t hits -Gons, T. Durto n. County S'uperintendent Han:i~ who orated in yellow and whitE!'. It was cause we know that it embodies a Stolen bllses ntterthwoitc 2, good for snrd(ne men, had for sardine spoke of t\1e worth of Warren l;Oll11ty then that the annou ncement Was : tudy of science as related to . our Frost, O ~ b o rn c . I!aters. If this country depended less Normal to the scl\ools of the couo- made that MiSs Bochman and. Mr. C. everyday life. It is I?ractical and is on a clln oponer nnd more on good Earn ed runs- Minmis, 2. r ecognized by authorIty as being a t¥\..:The mu~l(! wae furnished by the B. Jones. Who ill well known here, success. Left on bllscs- ycl cs 6; Miamis 8. cookin g It would be healthier. Can. werJ! nmrried December 31, l-ll26. Double pilly- Gons to E. Butron to ned f ood, including canned sardines, There are 13 ' boys who live on Although thl' parents und relatives Wllm\ngtlln College orchestra, is a bl e~s ing, a convenience and an Sa tto ~thwai te. The grad1,l.1I.t.e8 1\t'C: 'Clyde Arm- of the young couple had known of farms who are DOW completing their economy. But it should not take the Hit batsman- Adams, 2. 8th grade work. . Of these tltere strong, Lllo)a Blair, George BI/nnell, the wedding, i.t came ns a complete placl! of co mpetent' cooking, and: BIlBe.' on ba lls- By Lnnsdnle 3. should be 0 large per cent to enroll Raymond Brad<loek, &verett Carna. surprise to local iriel1ds. too often it docs. Wild pitch-La n ~dnlc . ill this departmeitt nex t Septem The bride r(!ceived the best wishes hall Wilma COfWin, Cllrrie G1anef; Struck out--By Lllnsdale 8; by A education has come Carl Gray. Ola Haru.ock, Eunice Hol- of aU present. Mf. Kin gsmore, of Maryland, CODAd ams 9. nearly all important as Ii grod be lingaworth, Katltleen Henderson'REv. Mrs. Jones 'will leave Saturday to Passed blllls-Cast 3; H. Burton 1. victed of knocking his wife down and education, since the young school elyn Lewis, Chester Heery, •• uth join her husband at Durant, Okla., Umpires-Prendergllst and Bolin. repeatedly kicking her. is moderately Karr, PlIebe J.u.ndy, Eva ?!fcinlllan, where he' is located as salesman for folks may now get training in lines described by the poor wife as acting Timc- l hour und' 32 minutes. that will better enabl e them t o cope Margatet Marlatt, Edn. Mullin, Dor- the N. C. R.. "downright orncry." The "ornery" - -with the every-day problems of life. othy Rye, Ralph Mull, Kenneth St _ _ _ ....._-,...•_ - - _ gen t1ellUln wis sentenced to ftve blows John, Clement Satterthwaite. Miriam with th e cat-o'-nine-tails on his bare West. Alice H~ery. back. _ .' Whnt do you think of tbat punlab-ment? Is it too much or too little? Mrs. Vergo Mitchel\er and Mrs. Ray I~o r the wife beater, ftve hundred mond Wilson were hOBtesses for May bl ow would be too few. There are meeting of the Happy 'Hour c:lub, May nine tails to a "cat," so the ftve blows .. METHOt)IST CHURCH 11th at the: Ilome of the, former, will amount of forty-fiVe stings., Sabbath School, 9 :16 a. m., preachSpring and with9ut ~~e house air .to tJ.te ~!D- ing at 10:30 a. m. Epworth Leagujl 6:11i p. m. Prcaching at 7 :00 p. m., .Me~orial Wednesday evening Prayer meeting, 7 ;80. Everybody invi~d to these services. Memorial IIervices of the l : Q. F., K. of ,P. 'and Jr. O. U.-A. M"lodres Rev. L. A. Washburn, P8lItOl', will he held Sunday, Jiln.e 18; at a o'clock. There ,Will be special 'mtljlle and . Rev. Sj!indler, of IGniS MlIlIt; ST. MARY"S ~""'ltCH will mok\! the addJ::esa. ., " i" dl CJ.,UB '· . . The Wanen '. ,1"",n"",


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Young Friends Meeting

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B,,,. ,1'0.


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,J~rr~~i1n:;.~ .C~mmlttee. Named For Me~orial Day


- --_.. ..--An E.capade

Happy Hour Club

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ESTATE Tom Mo,rJnos to Ed Hnwthorno, lot 45~ In Fr(mkUn, $.1.

m~i t!'I.c~.r~i~nal~~dJ~!rLn~~r~~

659 in FrankJlD, $1. Victor P. Wilson to Frank E. BUJ!se, Joseph H. Bussee and Bernard Wnhotf smnlt tract in Deerfield town· ship $i . Thomas J ones to Southllrd p. May. er and E1i1.abeth V. Mllyer, smllll tract in Ji'rIInklin, $1. T homas A. Jones to Henry Johnson and Addie J ohnson, a sp ecifi~d part of lol 19 in Franklin , $1 . Rozella Schenck Ilnd Cora M. Step henson lind Frank A. Stephenson to John Gramlich and Annu Gramlieh, a tract in Deerfield Tp., $. T. Cornelius Patterson to Lnura E. Bowyer, n specified se ction of land in E. B. Wright's subdivision of Leb. , anon, .1. Wilbur Mills to Jacob and Philo. mena Weighlin, 3 1 acres In Hamilton Tp., $1 . John T:£. Hankin to Ch arles and Ida Crusholl, lots 27 a nd 28 in Franklin Tp .. $1. .' John Long and Magg ie Long to Ei. fiota M. Ellt on, lot 102 in Frank lin Tp ., $1. J oseph a nd HlI tlie Erte l to Nllte H. Kite, two lots in Foster Park , Deerfield Tp., $1. Restrictions in this transfer were t hat the lund never be so ld to colored people, nor a camp house to be erected on it ut u cosl of less Lhnn $500. R. R. Chadwick to Lloyd and Clara Murphy, Il specified tract in Franklin, $1Earl Frosl to ColeJlllln and Mdri!! Jackson, Il tract in Harveysburg, $1.

. John T. Harbine Jr. vs. Will illm G. Th6'1npson, IlS assignee of Edward S. Shroyer, rouse dismissed. Helen Walsh V lI. Dennis L. Walsh, ' marriage contract dissolved, plaintiff given custody of their minor child , and lhe dcfendant was ordered to " h 'c alimony to the sum of $40 PCI' lllonth. Th e Duro Pump lind Mfg, Co., of Daylon, VB. Rosll lI"lcCutcheon, plain. tiff's time for filing demurrer lo de· • POBLISBDIS • fcmlant's answer extended to June iASll'JOjCA.6TE1l SEJl\'J 12th. 1dG.,PAT.omtB Clcnnn V. Evnn s w. Lawl'ence Evans, summons sorved on defendunt was set Ilside and an alias summons was ordered issued to said defendllnt· In the matter of transcript compen· "1 CAN 'PUT' I-\ER. Ji\W IN AI3I\ND' sation for s horthand reporters comMACA~--rnE" r3ANl'lt><;Epenslltioll fixed a t t en cents PCI' folio 'MrnlOD 1S'N'r So exPENO:;I'v'EoC 100 words. Joseph Miller vs. Anna Miller, ~D 01" coorz. E TrlAr' ,0 . properly concerned was sold by the 'Bt CoN$I DJ;'~ ' J), sheriff for $3300, of which Annu Mil· ler r eceived $230 as dower money. ft.t- SA', If Other settlements were specified. IS .' I t~t.'r In the mlltter of the application ISNT, of C. Donald Dilulush, Pros. Atty. EA'i)'{ T..) f or additional funds for investigating criminal activities, $1000 wus grant· G!:'f 1'\15E' 1'~ _ ed. The Lebllnon National Bank V8 . Gaylord E. Baynes and Florence Baynes, plaintiff \VIlS granted leave to file supplement petition in this cause. Amandll E. Stilwell vs. Stephen A. COMMISSIONERS' ALLOWANCES Stilwell, d elendant was ordered to Reid's Drug Store supplies for Mepay the plnintitf the sum of $200 to rnorinl Hull, $5.26 ; Bell Press, same, handie certain depositions of t his , II $2.50; TI'ustees of P ublic Affa irs, cause. fol' light nnd glls bills for Memorial Goldie A. Bnker vs. Clarence J. Hllll, $25.78; Welch and Dakin, sup· Baker, defendant ordered to pay i plies for road and bridge repairs, plaintiff $7 a week in support of $24.91; Roy Miller, expenses for t heir minor child. March and April, $7.66 ; Charles MadJ oe Tudor VB. Mary Daralon Tu- den, material for truck repaiJ', $2; dor, marriage contract dissolved on Carl BIllckford, Cor rep" iring equ ipgrounds of wilfu l absence on part of ment $6 36' East End Garage Madefcndant. son, for '88n;e, $12.30; Fred S~ider, Arthur G. King VB. Louise King, shortage in wages, $3; The Ohio CorDentiat NOTARY PUBLIC divorce granted. rugatcd Culvert Co. lor 7 corrugated The National Ideal SnleR Co. vs. sewers, $·145.80; The Frank SherD. W. Bishop, court allowed plnin. wood Co.. fo r shovels and spikes, W.".. ..~I. "attoDal B ••k BId' .. Buk tiff's clnim lor $.540 . $ 17.75. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Draw. .......... E.tat •• S.ttled Judge Alfred lI1cCray, of lI10ntgom Clarence Rye for county shnre on ery county presided over the May Call ' OD . . for ~O.I' .lob P:"'ti ••. Waynelville. Ohio building levce, $60 ; The Lingo HardoC the gr' a nd jury by order of session Health and happiness are the prime ware Co., for supplies for road and necessities of life. The poets aing C. T. MarShall, Ohio Chief Juc tice. bridge repair, $31.23; International i In t he dissolution of the Mason of love and its blessinga, but love is Harvester Co., for truck repair, $1.44 the real estate concernMilling Co., hardly possible unless we have at MiJler Hardware, for tapes, $1.50; S. least normal good health. Good ed was apllraised at $1 0,462. W. G. C. Romohr, for hauling bridge mllThompson, ns receiver herein, was health not only assists in making love terial, $3; L. G. Anderson Sons Co., and happiness possible, but tends authorized to sell at public nUlenn,n for posts and spikes, $1.60; P. B. toward efficiency. It makes for certain real cst-lite of this com'pony. Monee, for guard rnil material, '1Julius Vezendi and Bnrbara Vezen- S6; W. P. McCarren, truck repair co·ordination between brain and mwscle, mind and Umb--no mental ex- .di VB. Florence l~ . Rohmor et aI., de- and storage, $6.76; same for furnish· cellence without physical stamina. fendants were ~: ran tcd leave to file ing and hauling gravel, $18.06; SpenIt gives us strength to withstand the amended answer in this cause. cer & Armitage, for same, $511.'50; Report of grand jury: 37 witnesses CO!,k and Sweeney, for gravel, $646.shocks of adversity. It makea us enjoy s.ruggle and fits us to meet It were eXamined, thirteen cases were 26; P. E. Lewis, for gravel, $15; successfully on its own ground. Good handled, seven Ibills were presented G. F. Flowers, for gravel, $26.05; E. health gives us a zest, a genuine joy, and six casea were ignored. The in- R. Henr)', for furnishing and haulspection of the county jail by the ing gravel, $93.7 5; G. F. Flowers for in life that nothing else can give. Do you wiah to be healthy? Then jury resulted 1n a fnvorab le rep ort gravel, $6 .40; French Betsinger, for keep the stomach, liver, kidneys and on conditions there. The jury was gravel, $2. . bowels functioning properly. Every adjourned at 4, o'clock, Thursday, GeQtge E. Blinn, for bridge repair May 6 good doctor will teU you the imporin Clearcreek Tp., $1.75; J. T. Gregg, tance of keeping the organs of eUm. for same, $12; Eugene Harper, tor and the blood inntion fUnctioning, L~mbert same in Washington Tp., $6.60: ehas. NEW SUITS pure. If you will do this, ypu will Morton, same in Hamilton 'fP., $5.96; be well, strong, full of life nn'd am- Frank D. l'tliller vs. Lester and EI· S. E. Cutler, same, $6.95; Walter Anbition. Now is thl! time to take that fl eta KUI'Ilia, for money amo~nt d~ews same, $3.60; W. A. Scott, same great spring tonic, blood purifier and claimed $395.07 with interest: in Union Tp., $1i .40; Ed Maloy same, Agnes E. Sllarp va._ Walter S. $1.40; The OregonJIl Bridge Co., for syste m builder. Sharp, for divOlrce, gross neglect is COOPER'S NEW LIFE TONICI work nnd material, $295.95; ONE BOTTLE WILL CONVINCE charged. Shuff, for dragging roads and . YOU I i · ",.''''''~ gravel, $15.76; Waites Gar, Get it today at PROBATE PROCEEDINGS age for repair work, } 79.81; V. W. Joh. Hawke',! Wal'De",iU., Ohio, ••d supt. of District No. 1 for Sarah E. WriJtht ;as appointed""is Thompson, CharI.. MaddeD'. Drua Stor., Har. pay roll, $326.45; F. M. Collins, same admlniatrntrix of the estate of Mil",.,.bura, Ohio.-Ad~. $190.60; Eden Terry, same, $664.4IJ; dred Eagle, deceased, and proof of A. T. Rettig, same, $157.20; Jos. Dapublication of notice was given, • vis, snme, $327.3 6; R. D. Edwards, Proot of publication was filed of A BAD BREAK $188.80; The Oregonia Bridge the appointment of George B. Fouche SlIme,for payroll of Clearcreek Tp., as executor of the estnto of Mary E. Co., $545 .78 ; Karl Minst, superintendent Woman-''lt you can't get Hal" Redman, deceased. equipment tor pay ro11,$40.46 old to sleep !'Iaybe I better come up In the matter of the estnte of Ly- crusher Whitacre,' supt. ot Harlan Tp., IHard~are, Harneu anc:l Farm Machinery nnd slng' to nim?" manM. Silver, deceased, court valued Harlan for payroll, $207.26; P. B. Monce, Nurse-"Won't do any good-I the estnte at $:8015_ Adjustments Supt. of Salem Tp., for same, $48.Wayndvil1~, Ohio threnttmed him with that several were made and 8uccessi,ons arranged. Herschel James, for truck repair, times." Eva Mae Mc(~uaide as admitted 88; " _ , '"0_ __ to " the Ohio inlstitution for feeble $109:05:,.'____ minded youth. Mary E. Trisl:er qualified and was nppointed administratrix of the eJ!tnte of Felix F. Trisler, deceased, and gave' .$2(}00 bond. Appraisers for said estate were appointed. First and final account ot the estate of William 'Burton, deceased, filed by executor E10yd Rothberger and confirmed by co'urt. . Total indebtedness of state and IDFirst and fina:! account PI. tbEt es- eal governm~nts. at beglu!ling of 1926 tate of R. Van,rress, deceased , filed " , by administrato:r, the Lebanon Na: amoun cd to $I1,680,OOO,OQO, an irtional bank, and approved by court. crease of 34 per cent in the past First and final account of the es- three yellrs. tate of Frank Zi!lI, deceased, flIed by Af ter a llowing tor decrease in the executrix, Laura J . Zell, and approv- purch'a sing power of the dollar and ed by the court. First and final account of the es- increase in potlulation since 1913, tate of Mnrtin Gons, deceased, filed the National Industrial Conference by administrator, J. Q. Gons and ap- board finds that the indebtednells inproved by court. / curred per capita in the last five First and final nccount of the es- years is 40 per cent higher than in tate of Robert Gilmour, deceased, 1913. ' filed by admr. Wnldron C. Gilmour, Interest charges on new bondll isand confirmed by court. sued since 1913, amounted to more First aceount of the guardianship thnn the average annual borrowing of John Edwin Bolmer, deceased, fil- during the deea<\e from 1904 to 1918. experience and equipment help you get the most mileage, ed in connection with his estnte and \'We continue reducing the Nationapproved by court. comfort and safety from tires. al debt," 'says Frederick Palmer, in Second and nnal account of the the American Legion Weekly, .. and estate of Webst:er Schaft'er, deceas- we are again reducing national' taxGUD;l-Dipping- the only known method of insulating e'gery fiber ed, filed by executors Roy and RobBut extravagant borrowing conert Shaffer and approved by court, tinuea to increase state, city and town of every cord with rubber-gives the strongest construction possible. Action ordered suspended. ' debts and taxes. When they are And the special Steam-Welding process makes Firestone tubes both Nicholas and Ella EIslinger of Fos- short of money or need to finance a ter, were granted permission by the new project they float more ' bonds. leak-proof and long-wearing-further court to adopt Howard 'Weis, an or- Each project is worth the cost only phan and that said orphan's nnme-be if it gives back full valul! to the Rubincreasing the life of the tire. calle~ Howard Ehlinger. . lie. Every dollar of interest on any W. E. Moyer, said to be insane, kind of a public bond is another dolThe proof is demonstrated by the was admitted to the State hospital in Inr in taxes; and every dollar in taxDayton. Oldfiel~ biggest taxicab and bus fleets-by es is another (Jollar that comes out of In the matter of the settlement of the people in inoreased cost ot living. Tbeeo tirea IIJ'O built In race champions and in everyday the estnte of ' Lol~isa Neale, deceased, The landlprd who has to pay more tho _leal Pireaton.. factorie. and court Bet value of estate at' $8860. taxes raises the rent on your house cary the '1 UI!dard tJUlU'Dtee. ' service of hundreds of thousands of Succc880rs to Bame were named. on the store.where you buy We offer than at theIe low prlcea. Will . of Fontana Massey Colll, de- food. AIt the 'e conomy motorists. ceased, was admitted to probe.te. ' practiced by the houBe}Vife and the Second aceount filed of the eBtilte national rovernment: Loolc out for Let us see that your tires are of ,K ate M. Woollar!!t deceased,. by the waste between the home unit and administratrix Edith w. Mounts. Ac.- the national unit. Make sure that properly mounted, inflated and cared tion ordereii suspended. . you get value delivered In the new In the matter of the settlemel\t of bri~e., roads and streets, and that for. the estnte of Lyman Silver, deceas- no proJect i8 juat an opportunity to ed, an inheritance tnx entry was or- lieU bonds." '. , W~ repair your -tires, when necesder~~ to l1e certified tq. "the Coun~y .~ ..... Audltor. ~, ' , .' sary, by the and better Firestone , The will -of Emma f. 'Olinger ""as ~ GOOD REASON methoc;!.· admitted to probate. Ed S. Conklin quali/Jed, and was appointed executor liaia estate, no ~ond req~ired. 'Apthese ,f~OU8 . .of , 'Equip your car praisers for' said ' es~~ .",ere' named ' , :' . G:um~ Dipped. ·Cor·~s and f)te~m- : and· appointed. . . .. Will of the lnte Geor,. W. J~k, W .elded "Jr.e talte was admitted to probate. . ()Iuu:les J. Wanoner qu81ifi~a -and wu appointtrClJe;'~ving you liberal ed .. ;xeclJtol' of fl8id CItata WIder UO,OOO bond. Appraleeri for uid ~owaiice for unlise~ mileage. , ,' . ·.state "ere· aPpointed. '. ' .




ConQuered I the one hi9 Jffflculifl oJauto


OSSIBt Y you know some

onewhorcfinishcdhiscar P wit h unsatisfactory results, in spite of the carefulness with which he did the work. Very likely the tro uble was that the finish used was not .6ufficientiy self.leveling. As 500n as you brush on Devoe Motor Car Finish you will notice that illevels itself

FRED M. COLE, Waynesville, ~hio

DEVOE MotorCarFinish ,. 3 J . • ,&?, &~ WELLI WELLll , . . h .. Mistress- 'You may 1\"vl3 U,lI~1 "( ......... lIarie, my husband says It <Ion t 00 MONEY LOANED cood on me. " . " Marie (to t.ho ml slr~s9)-. Thanks, ' but mY boy friend don t hke It on me , LOANS on Chattel.,Stoen, Securi· either." ties and Second Mortgai~" Note. bought. John Harblne Jr., ~.nill, Ohio. -mSO- 26




Tell the Advertiser you r~d laW Ad. in the Miami Gazette






"T:ubes. ' ·old ti,. in

E. H. Orildori'. J~a'rage~ .




·Wayne.vili., Ohio '


. -rat, .'





'1 "





We ,A re "ire Specialists

- --


BAlla1!:NPl!:o,~;~tI!.,rro;r;:r. ance dqe on very ·8U)' ~.nta. • ., full partlcul~ra write ' Po Q. Bo~ " ' , Dayton, Ohio. . j2

Serve You Better'


FOR SALE FOR SALE _ Besutlful Mahogany Phonograph and Records. Good as new. Very . cheap p.yments. ~d­ I dress Phonograph, Box 1123, Oa~", Ohio. J. FOR SALE-Walnut dinlnc table, 8 ft; old-fashloneeJ 5-plece parlor suite; ' old-fashioned gate leg table. "wnlnut;" 4. cane-seated chal~;w.I­ nut b~ nnd dreuetl. 2 heatlnr itoves and kitchen 'ld\!, JIIII'S, lda , ~laeJ.



Service Tire. aDd Tubes Jeu.1mowD

WANTED-All kinds of loft Woodl . for ptllp~ Morris Graham. tl

L ....

FOR REN'i'--,-FIneltblae &Ttl.. lJUo, ture, running water. ; IiIrs. Wm; Loyi 1 ~ mile eut' of Rld,eville. .


We AI,o Sell and

L l

========::::====:=;:::;=. t



' I ' ...... t

earrectlDtenW troublel, atImulate'..... cq&DI. Three Ii-.. All drugbts."ta.wr OQ tho oricInaI &eDuine GoLD Yaw.



Far-mel'll of Wa.rren and adJolnln. ceuntles may ohtnln money on I~n. time loans, lit 5 per cent Inter$lt. COlt of leiurinlr the •• me i. ver~ rea· sonable ,t'brourb The FederaJ Land 'Bank. For further Intormatlon all on or addreae K. C. DRAKE, Trap· urer, phone Ste-X, Lebanon, Ohl~ .

haarlem ' on-hu been~a ' world't wide remedy for kidney, liver anel bladder dilIordeta, rbeumat:ismo lumbqoand 1,1ric acid condi~

. .


Farmers, Attention!



Made from Seleded White Pine, Insulated with Celote.x Clean,and Sanitary, Seamless, White Enamel ·Llned.

down to an equal depth, Ie will not pile up at anyone plOlcc,to make a rid,e orapot. It is thi. elaltic setf.levelinl quality of Dewe M,Ofor Car Finishthatendithedifficultv o(auto i..adually guaranteed to g',:e Iadlfac~action w1ten :,pphed a~~ 109 to directIOns. ~Qch~1I ' tcsts pr~ Dewe QluaUV·


THE MIAMI llAZEc"tTE,. " - ,- ----, , ...ISS1.1J1ln EVERY ~EDNllIRDA-Y ... - -~


a_.rillno. Pri.,.·. f1-5!) -..... Y.a!'

D. 1:. CRANE






-, -------. Publl'he.

19 I!'2B _ ,_\ Y___ ._._ ___ ~


'l'h ' tllX probl C\lI hus been >lh;fted from the nlltionnl to SUite nnd local , fi elds, throu~h the a~tiol\ 0 ( lhe rjn. tio !!al Asshcia tion of state auditors, comptro llers lind treasurers. "Extension of eco nomy in ~ovc rn­ ment to the s ' ates and municipalities', is one of the plun ks fn t h, 1158(,cio. tien's platform. .This is a worthy stroke, olld onr wliic~ requires tho study and ossis tance of every county. town ond village. - . Slate, county. municipal and other local taxes will never be reduced un· til 'extravagance ill checked at its Bource. As Secretary oC the Treas Or" Mellon hns pointed out, the demonds for Fedorlll Aid (rom the home t o~ n s, through lhe county nnd, state, will .servo to bur. further reductio n In fed eral courls. He makes the statement, too, that for evCl'y uollar Washington haH taken from the tax burden, state, municipal, county nnd township, governml'nts hllve added ,2.00. If this ie true, local officials arc permitting t he b\lying, buildinA' li nd erctltlng of things they cannot afford· They make demands for fe deral help and thus mortgage the future. 'J'hey elect congrOAlllllen who vote this federal ald . with Its dOUble burden of taxation. They permit this capital to be spent sometimes rather extrav· agantly. They must at least share the blame for the burdensome levies. STILL SOUND Here is old advice. but it is still good : , "Trust in God and keep the pow . del' dry." "Serve Gild dally." j'Li!ye lin!! another." ·~Pre.erve your victuals." "Bewars of ftre' "Keep rood c()IIIpany" Theile are th fleet orders of Sir John Hawkins. !amoua naval captain In the reign of Queen Y::llsabeth and the day. ot the S"panll b armada, who sbared laurels with Sir Francia Drake in the British eOllqueats ot the lIeas. These ,"ottoes came to light only recently In the publication of aD l aceount of the exploits of Hawkins and Drake. They ' shoulll be read-and re!"embered-bv every one. Maybe t he Meohanlo_vllle (10""/1) man who didn't .peak • word to hla wife for ' lev'en years didn't wllnt to 'hltelTUllt her.


Boston taxi bU81nelll is on the decHne because -the city's neweat up.. 11ft ordinance forbids taxi drivers to take, drudkon men anywhere aave honie. Men are walking to .avoid 8 U" plclon~ ,

A condor has laid an egg worth ,76 0 at tho Wn&hhlgt(ln. Zoo. Here 18 'lnother ti.p for the jloor :furmer. Why not take to rllising condors? ID Texas ag\,lcultural' c!fJlertB are advocating the sluughterlng of ten thousand roost f8 this spring but there is no PolitiC!! in this. Tc~a8 is ~tlll DC{llOcratlc. '" llecent~fi8h diseoveries show that llaylill"ht savings waR ' practiced a Lh()usand yenrs ugo. And 100 t modorn rcform movements are a lot oidel' than that. Some collcJ!'e h ads declare thut coll ege football menaces education Bu t whut's u little education among f riends?



Some of The' ~~'hings We Sell.




Builders' HardwareNails

. In a new House bill on immigraIon. the term "moral turpitude" only covers those who have served a year in prison. In other words it isnt turpitude unles8 you get caught. A street at Versallles. France. has been r e-nam ed Rockefeller street. Doubtless they will keep it well oil ed. We haven't studied t hat new European scheme lo r paying off all the world's debts ut once, but on the face of it. it reminds us somewhat of a lot of those Floridn renl estate circl.\lars.

Hinges Door .Locks Barn Door Track Smooth Wire

----... - ..- ---

Barbed' Wire

LYTLE William Graham spen Saturday in Dayton. , Mrs. Marthn Graham spent Friday In Dayton. Mrs. RQbert Hunt was a Dayton visitor, Thursday. - Several from here attended the class play at Waynesville lost week. Mr. Wilbur Sears, of Waynesville, JACK! " was calling on Lytle friends, Friday. The Mothers c.lub met at the home of Mrs. Frank Kurfls, Friday afternoon. Helen Early and Bernice Graham Fire destroyed t~e larl e · barn and HE GOT IT were victims of tho French measles another smaller bu ilding of War ron last week, Surface on the Hiram Eyer farm. "And your father who was running for .Congl·ess mari- what is he doing Mrll. Hazel ·D.Yke 'and fam ily. of weat of here, Sunday even ing. The +now?" . Dayton, called · 6n Mrs. Kea1er Gra- buildings and contents were II total Mrs. T. Underwood Is very ill with "Nothin g." loas. No insurance. ham. Friday. "Oh, that's fine-I'm glad he was Miss Anna Meredith. of Cincinnati. pleurisy. Mr. and · Mrs. Leonard Gray and Mrs. Charlo:s Coffelt spent the week elected." Mrs. George Gra¥ were Dayton shop was a week-end guest of Mr and ---Mrs. Walter Whitaker. Rnd on ' Sun- end in Dayton. with her son. Foy. and pers Monday: day. accompanied Mr. and Mrs. wife. STILL MAD Mr. and Mrs. l;Iarry Graham spent Whitaker and family to JohnSVille. Little Martha Kennon, who has Sunday with ThomWl, and sepnt the dsy with Mr. and Mrs. been so serio,u sly ill, Is improving Spring Valley. Ebenez e r-" ~, noney, does ' you Samuel Meredith. slowly. done forgib you lioney? I sec you Mrs. Marg~ret Johna was under Mrs. Walter Kenrick entertained smilin· ... Mr. and M:rs. Milo Anderson, of the doctor's care last week, 8uffering the Friendship class of the 1\1 E. Mandy-·"Don't pay no 'tenshion to Xenia, visite d Sunday ~th Mrs. Anwith ne~algia. . Sunday-school, of Waynesville' at na Anderson . dat smile-ah's jes' restin' mah face." A number from here attended the their regular monthly meeting. WedMr. and Mlrs. Willis Marshall had bacca la ureate serviee at Waynesville n~sday. The afternoon was enjoyed hy thirty-five guests. Refreshments as their g uestll Sunday, Mr Carl MarEXTRAI EXTRAII Sunday evening. of ice cream and angel's food cake ahall and family, of Xenia. Mre. BeUe Coon and daughters, of were sCl::..v:..:c:..:d:..:._ _ •_ _- . Mr W. E: Gri ffy is very seriously Doetor- " Anything unusual hapDayton, were c~llng on Lytle frien ds ill at 'the home of his daughter, 1I1rs. pen while I was away?" Mbnday evening. Assistant--"Well. let me seel Oh, Ross Planck, near Waynesvill~. Geneva Mae Routzahn spent yes. two patillnts got weill" Mrs. Helen Stiles returned home days last week .with relatives Sunday, after spending a week with Tippecanoe City. her daughter. Mrs. Tidd, of near YelJ immy says habit is hard to break. Mrs. Mary Carmony spent Sunday low Springs. He knew a man who got a divorce with her son, Mr. E. J. Carmony and lI1iss ~valyn Penny is quite ill. family, at Springfield. Mr. and M1I'8. Martin Bagford en- but it was weeks before he could stop Clint Gray and son, Roger, spent tertained Su:nday. Mr. and Mrs. taking off his shoes when he came Allen Smith. of Dayton, wa. a Sun, Sunday in Cincinnati. Ralph Meivilll! and daughter. of Bel- in 'lute nights. day . dinner gu~!t 8f hill parents, Mr. mont, Mlrs . .Catherine Stull and , nnd MIt. e. s. Sm1th~ A few from here attended the cir- son. ofand Medw,a y. The rellson why some girls wear. CUB in Dayton, Saturday. _. Mr, _1ft! Mrll. J , B. Jonesttended Rev. E. Coo Walley. of Bethany, short dresscs is very apparent. the funerlll or Mrs, Irwin Kearn", at Mr, and Mrs. A. L. Kennedy enter- preached , a Ilplendid baccalaureate Springboro, Wedne sd~. tained relatives on Sunday. sermon to thEI High school gradu ates Mrs. J. B, Jon .. attended the fuMr. and Mrs. W. B. Silver visited at the Methodist church Sunday evneral ot her coullin. Miss Mamie t heir ening. The ' music for the evening daughter in .Mason, Sunday. Dodd, at D.yton~ Monday. was furnished by . the High School Friends of Cecil Hoover will be chorus. 'l'he graduating c.l1lS8 this Mrs. Lucy Fite , ~f. Pleasant Ridge, apent Tuesday of last 'week with her pained to learn of his critical illness. year consists of Viola Cuny, Laura Copsey. 'Florence Hartsock, Cathermother. Mrs. Emma: Foulks. This place was well represented at ine Holland, Mildred Butke, Ruth 'Remllmber the school picnic at Ly- the ball game in Waynesville, Sun- Wood, Lenna Beam, Elizabeth Evans, tle schOOl house JiTlday. Everybody day. Margaret Quear Y Helen Penewit, ~Jjte and enjoy a day.with th hl\lMra. Cbarles Cleaver is very ill Carl Connor" Ra ph Eagle. Comdl~_ . at" the home of Warrlln VanTres8, at mencement e,x ercises wil be hed in the New High 8choo aUditorium . ." , M'II, .lId )be. Bert Bunnell enter- Spr;ingfield. Next Thursd,a y evening, ta1~ed the Hoover reunion. relatives Mr .and Mrs. A. L. King, of WayMusic for th'e pr'og-cam will be f urof ' ~he 'latter, .at. their country home nesville, 'called on friends here, Sun- nished by tine jfraduating closs orSunday. day afternoon. chestra. FolloWlng· is the program : • \ 1fr;: aricr 1'4ra. C arIes Clark visitMusic .... : ............... ............. Orchestra A number from here attended tho the Jatters' brotlier. Mz:.. Dick Mao n ... ... :;......... ...... ,Rev. Bogan l'\'ho is very ill at his home in funeral, T~ursday aftempo n. of Mrs. Invocatl. Salutatory ...... .. ........ Mildred Butke Ida O. Mannon, at Miami chapel. Bell1bl",o~lr:. Mogday. Music ................. _........ _....... Orchestra MIIII Clara Hatton, of Cincinnati, Class Hlstory........Katherine Holland . . and , Mrs. :~I\n~ J!rown' and <kiI!\ 8,tliJlo\t, of Tippecanoe spent last week-end with her parents, Class Prophiey .. .. Florence Hartsock Margaret Queary .,.,die· Sunday g uests of Mr. and Dr. and Mrs. H. E. Hatton, at Pleas- ClIl8S Will .. Music .. .... ................. .... ........ Orchestra Guy Routallbn. . . ant View farm .. V ~ed ictory .: .. ....... y . . . . . . . Viola Curry .nd Mrs. J. L. Sears and fam. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Surface and Music .... ... ........ ................... Orchestra Hawke. of Sabina. son l of Utica. were ' Sunday g uests of Address ........ .......... .. Supt. J . A. Oppy . of IIfr. and IIfrs. tlielr parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Presentation of Diplomas Mr. Drewas 'fam ily Osborne and .fa mily. • _ Class Song are "sorrY to learn of The regular )lleeting of t he M. E. Benediction,...... . ,........ ..... Rev. Curless ilIlij!8Brof Mrs. Frank Rogers, at Aid was postpon ed from this ThursCl,ass Reception hOl]1a "of per ' mtlther, r.lrs. Lot- day afternoon, uhtil next Thursuny. • ,.,c,,'tfly, n~ar Rldge-ntle. May 20. owing to the death of .Mrl;. . Men eat in restaurants for onc of Mr., W. .-0 Corne I celebrated his Manno'n. . two reasons. They a wile who 91st .bi~daf.' Saturday, May ·15. Mr. MISS ETnestlnc Shambaugh, of New 'can cook and won't or they have a Cot n.11 ,. bale and hearty and enjoys Burlington, and Curl Moore were wife who can't cook and does I:lrc,ul!~nll' llmQ~ his friends. --'--_ _ • . marril'd last Saturday. They have Emrick .and IIfr. and gone to housekeeping in the George attended the Edwards property on r.laple street, Read Ou .. ACi •• i_ Th..ia I..ue. at Centerville evening. . , W. C. Bergdoll' street in Lytle, ·" 'I'.QIIY. '·l'lG'l' ," 'Ul'l,/rI,IP. which a number , , ~oing fo put In

Locust Fence Posts Far

All of the above material can be found in our yard every day in the year at moderate prices

W.H.Madden & CO. W ayne8~ille







Live Poultry , DR. E. M~ RUDOLPH WANTED! Th. Ey. Sl,ht Speciall"

---_. -_.---



Al Cary's Jewelry Shop Lebanon, Ohio

Will Pay

26c, per pound .

Every Tuesday A.D.Swank&Son . 8,00 a_ m. to 4 p . m. f


TelePhone 282W

Mlamlsbur,. Ohio w. Pay You .. :r.lep"oDe Calla II w.' BUF Yoar Po.llry.


F. T. Martin Jesse Stanley Auctioneer Auctioneer


Date yout .ales with UI. We paraat-, , aatiefadion or cbar8e notbin•• I

Centerville, O.

New Burli8gton,O.

Phone No., 2


No. 320 .

¥ ... ...... . ..


.. ,

· HIS fine enamT brush will be given free for one eling

week only with o~e quart of Foy~s Dri-Fast Enamel. It's the best brush for th~ purpose and would ordinarily cost you fifty cents.

Dri-Fas!:,ia the "all-pu~" enamel. It drC88C8 up automobile b9dies, intloor aud outdoor furniture, stove pipes. etc. With. this enamel and t he brush allY one will lind it ~ICMant. easy and cconomii:al to do 'the job

hlmaclf. If you are not Interested in Dri-Fut Eoamel, ask about the special offer given >Vitti each of the follow· irtg Foy Products: ,


HOUle P~nt; V!!lvatone Flat'Wall Paint,· ROof and 'Barn Paint, Floor Eoam· . d, Topu Stains for F\oors and In~etl~....~OodwPrlc, · Per\D&dura,n,uteEu&moL "







Even If you are 'not planning to"do any enameling at present', 'i;ome in and buy it anyllo'l'. If you delay you wiU .have tp pay (ull ~ (or the brush later on. . ' .'


w II


In \Varll .vUle ' lhl'


of OII'l'h month. Th ~ Qflt at leae~ 100 }leopt In d a",lInd Wa}"Jlt!ftvlUe whoso g1ns . .. are , "ot ~O\T et, Many hll ve "'ev· ., b It otistlicto,y. Thero Is Oll9ther lOP or milr who lInv€! ,,('n'r 1a ' s \t h9 hQuJd wl'nr th m. ~b ·re Ill' ",l1n)' 'ahUdr n who n tl I. 01 ho should WI!ll~ t1H' IIL Thete ore Olony children who n I'd A'11lll1Ot mor t hnn eighty. year.old people, The euntmer is thl! time to bave them titted. Remembor. WPERFE T h: E ' may conaum moro Ner vous En I'JrY t han an1 other organs of your body. , Know ;your eyea mai be an impor. tant C.\USE of your ent-o n ic Ills. VaTf. illlPortant to YOU who 81'<' un· , cler fi:tty. Rave your C!yt's i'xamined


Frmlk Stunsberry Monuay.

2,. Ludlow Arc.,de,

Dayton, Ohio

O. M. Ridge WIlS n Dayton visi tor, Tu esdl\y, Procure yOUl' tickets for the Alum. ni meeting at the Bank.


on me for your i'Dara n. teed worle, a. follows: TIRE VULCAN IZING RAD IO REPAIRING BATTERY CHARCING RADIO SUPPLIES BATTERY SUPPLIES I. Law.on'. Blacbmitb Sbip

TN. , OltaAT1E1T






anu fight the Cl\so." "l"d rather light it myself- then if I win I'll have something left."

Late Classified Ads, FOR SALE

!IIOftlAo 'OIlUGciiiii. tPIEOlALI.TI,



. . . , . . . . . YOU OUPPIED


" .........

ies' good grllde Union Suits S9c,

W. p, Salisbury, of leveland, vi~ ited relatives here last week.

Men's b(>st $1 ,00 Work Shirts, 89c, When II mlln with -ten u nites with a widow with ·numerous at Hyman's. offspring it is not a marriage-it's a merger. Master J o eph Coates returned home Sunday from Lynn, Ind" for a short visit. '


OO.TU • • ltS. TItA ... " ••• GAL AIID . .VI •••VIC:. , CA" PItOf'I' .. u....a tT8 ADVIERTII1 .. 0 CO,"UMM"


I d

• children



"Why don't ;vou engag£! a lawyer ut 1\1 yer Hyma n '5.




Mr, and Mrs. Carl Bubb Bnd eon spent lust wue k in Dayton.

Ticke ts ror the Alumni banquet A h,lrse bel o ngin~ to J cd Appl ogate arc on sale at the Bank. died IRst night fro m a strange "mel. udy !" Samu el Butterworth and fumi ly A Briti h publicist says that a ll spent Sunday with relatives ut Cen · Europe Wlluts of Ameriea is to be let torville. aloDl', but whnt he probably mea nt Dig reductio ns on Rugs anll Lin· was "le nt a loan. " oleums, at Ryman's. Kitty is clever with the boys-she has at leust a dozen s uitors on her Mr, and Mrs. Ru ssell Den Ron, of string end keeps t hem a ll in the Delaware. visited relatives here lost dark." week.

Frank Biggs Corwin,

in Dayton

Men's $3. 00 Work Shoes, $1.98 , at , • Myer Hymuo 's,

at Crute RaU, THURSDA Y, MA Y 21th

G. H. BROWER, Oph. D.

wa ~


Big r eductions on Rugs a nd Lin· oleums, at Hyman's. During a game of leap frog lost week, "Tom" Stansberry f ell and broke his right ann.

FOR SALE--Fresh cow, second calf, Tickets for the Alumni banquet Jersey and Holstein cross. Also, are on BIlle at the Bank, a few bushels of Leamon seed corn. J. S. Vandervort, R. 2• Mr. a nd Mrs. Raymond Burnet, of Dayton, were calling on WDyn es~i\l e friends Sunday a!temoo·n . Wa tch f or t he Green Soft Wuter Laundry truck overy Tuesday a nd Friday. It is at your tservice.


Mrs. Irma Coates entertained Mr. and Mrs. Harry Drake and children, of P i' lua, Ohio, over the week-end. Mens best $1.00 Work Shirts, 89e, at Bymans. . Born- To Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Archd eacon, nee Mildred Miltenberger, Monday, May 17, 1896, a son.

Can't Beat The'


:That' s


WaYQtsvUle, Overland ·Sales Co. H.."Arc"4eaco~




Ida C.

Mrs. Ada Cour . c'I was u Dayton visitor, 1Il 0nduy.

lda Q.m ptQn MnnnOll. dau ghter 9f Mrs. E.uPh ' mia H ough has retul'fleq Is).'ucl aiid Mn~garet Compton , home trom ilayton. bo'rn nllar Harvo YlbiArg, OhIO; ~ 1860, ond the greatcl' part 01 Darn- To MI'Il. Robert Sheeter. Fri· life was sp nt near her chlldhoQd day, May 14, a dllug hlcr. home: She was married, October 2 6 188 I, Miss Stella Daug herty hna a ct'pted to Robert A. Munllon, and mo\'ed to a positio n in the Rymu n lIto re, Brow n county, where ah lived until after his death in Jllnu u r~, 1 D3 She united with th e Presbyteri an $ 1.05 Blue Denim Ov eralls, heavy church ut Russe ll villl', 'Ohi o: afte r grnd() ~ L 20 nt 1I1yc r Hymun '8, her mun'iage. In 181)5 she, with her "hHdrun , unt ted with the Jonah's Miss Luln Feul y lind her pu pils en· twu joyed 1\ picnic at l)tony Brook l'urm , n,m Buptist church, For a number of years she \Vus n reg ulur uttend· last Friday. ant bUL laler gRve most 'of her ser. vice 'to the ["I ut Fork church as her Miss Mildred Hartsock. of Milford, interest was !,'Touter iII tho home is II If uest a t the home of MI~. Edi~ h ne ighbo rh oou, Hnrrls and fnmily, Mrti. 1Illlnllon und her dunghter, Miss Ethl'l, eume to Tippecunoe City J ohn Cutrer!'y an d family, uf Frank in cptcmber, 190 9, lind have been lin, wer £! Sunday ~ u sts of H, H, faithful and consistent m e mb er ~ Willinll1son an d fnmily. th Baptist church during tho years they ha ve lived umong us; and the Mr, and 1I1rs, J , E. Jun ney lind Mi ss pussing of O il r deur sisler will cause Louellu, returned last ' Ilt urdn y from a deep sud n 'ss amo ng ,her mnny Lheir winter home in Dola nd, Flu. fr ienus fur her pluco will be vacant. ::lhc was Ull tlctivc worker in her Men 's 7Sc Union Suits, a~hl e tic beloved church, fillin!; for severnl yeurs the president's chair in the style, S!lc lit Hyman's, missionary society and the W. C. T . Mrs. LiIIi(> Moody un d childrcn, or U , A lu rge SunduY·Rchool c lass Lyn n, Ind., spent Su nday with Mrs, stand s AS a monum ent t o her untir· in g efforls. In npprcc illtion of her Ir ma Coa tes an d childre n, fu ithful service the cluss haK been goi\'en the naln e of the Mann on L . L . IIlr , und Mrs. Eal'nl'st Ellrnhnrt and L. class, thus holding in loving rc· ch ildren , of Cll rli sle. were cu lling on mernuruncc the nam e of the tcachcl Waynes\,ill e fri encis Sllturduy l'Ven· so delll', ing. She WII S un effici en t worker in the W. R. C. She III ways threw her in. Dr. Charl es Ellis anel dau ghter, fluonce into every movement thut Mrs. FUetterer, of St, Lonis, spent st ood for th e a dvonce men t of ri!{ht· , uturdny and SuncHuy with his broth. eo usneHS and the u plift ing uf ·the er, Dr, J. 1'. Ellis n.nd other relatives. community in which ~h c lived. She hilS beell 0 patient sulTerer fn r Men 's $3 .00 W,ork hoes, $1.9 8, several years but was a lwllYs in h ~ r place of worship when it IVIIS possi· at \lIyer Hyman's. ule to be there. Truly she \Va g lud she could go into the House of Mr. nnd Mrs. Ab'r am Cook a nd Mr whenLord. and Mrs. Stenley Cook, of Spring: the'I'he end of her beautiful life here bora, .spent Sunday with Mr and on eurth came os II peaceful sleep. Mrs. C. H. herwo() d. " "Blessed are the deud who die in the Lord for their works d o follow th em." R ev. ,and Mrs. Washburn , Mrs. J . Often she quoted the Bcriptu.rc, "God' W. WhI Le .and Mrs. C. M. Rob itzcr will kee p him in perfect peace, whose attended the District confor£!llce of mind is sta ed on Thee." She has tbe M . E. church, which was beld at ent er ed illl tha t "pe rfect pc.ace." Mt. Oreb, Tuesday ond Wedneday. · h.· loave8 to mourn her loss a daughter, n son uild wife, two grand. Rugs duste d .lIid re novated, dry da ughters, a ni~ ce and nephew, to d enning. press ing lind dy ing. Soft whom she has been II mother, a nd a Water Laundry, MElhlon Ridge, ugent. multitude of f riends, With Christian lo ve and sympathy Mr. lind Mrs. L V. Branstrator we commend those of her fam ily who Mr. and Mrs. Ver'n Armitage, Mr: suffer her loSs to that greut Comforta~d Mrs. Myer Hym an, lIlrs. L. ' A. er whom she loved and trusted, Zmlm erman , Mrs, J. W. Edwards, IIIr. and 'Mrs. J. Q. Hawke, MI's. J . DEATHS J. Fromm IIfr. and MI'S, LeSt John, Mrs O. R. I1glesby. Mrs. Irene Bird, William Hadley, aged 25 years, a Messrs. G, J. Wlj.terhouse and C. M Robitzer atte nded Eastern Star in: veteran of the Civil War, died s p~ction at Clnrks"ille, Tuesday ev- at the home of his daughter, IIIrs W, H. Maoden, Tuesday mornlDg, after emng. 8 long ill ness. The funera l wili be held at the Madden home Thursday afternoon at 2 o'c lock. Burial in Clarksville cemetery.


MellSl"s. O. R. Unglesby and G. D. A quarter of a century ago the big Mills attended the District meeting of the I. O. O. F. lodge at Batavia, headlines in the newspapers of the United Statell told of the capture of last Ftiday evening. Aguinaldo, the Filipino chief who Ladies' good grade Union Suits, headed an insurrection against Amer6?c at Myer Hyman's. ican occullation of t he Philippin e Is· lands for two yeurs. Mrs. Mary Edwards and daughters What about Aguinaldo today? Misses Trillena and, Margaret, have Well, he is now a well-to·do busi. return e~ from Dayto n to their home ness man of Manlln, a sincere f riend here f or the summer. of 'the United Stat;cs, ond has been Messrs. 'Fran.k Braddock, Emerson characterized by (len .. Wood as beE~hart, Orville Gray and Carl Gray ing the "greatest living Filipino." were in Cincinnati last Thursday, buy Hill 80n ,ill now a ,:adet at the West Point MIlitary academy. ing new band instru!,!ents. Much clln happell in a quarter of a century, indeed in much shorter time We dry-clean suits and overcoats than that, but instead of stM1e and for $1.00 4dies' .plai~ dress, ,1.60. bloodshed in the Philippines now Leave your call WIth Mablon Ridge, there are peace, security, prosperity, Soft Water Laundry. more education, stable business and generel well being, while a former C. M•. Burnett and WaYne Shida. belligerant native chief is now a tamker, of Miami, Florida, arrived in ed, respectable pr06perous business Waynesville Friday, and are visiting man. relatives. All ,of which shl~ws what enlightened, well-organized free government will do.-Clarksburg (W. Va.) Severa1 members of Waynesville' Tclegram, Masonic lodge visited Dayton lodl!'e Saturday night and saw tile work In ancient form put '.n by that lodge.

Righi: ~ Now 'I'







BREAD Count.y J),j! lb. Loaf'10c Rye or White, each ... . ,. 1. lb. Loaf Vienna or Whit..... ,.. 7c

Whole Wheat ............................ Se

Mr. and Mrs, James McClure .and Mr. Walter McClure were in Leba· non, Monday night, to atten d! the monthly meeting of Dictrict No. 10 ... of the Ohio Funeral Directors association. Read Oar Ad•. in llli•. Ia.a..

---.. - ---


Madame Shumann Heink, Famous Opera Star


Club or, $1 • 19 FLOU R Country Clifton, 24 ~ lb. sack. . CAKES 2 lb., 2 Layer, Aasorted 35e Flavors, each \' , .. ,' Pillsbury or Gold Med. l, 24 ~' -lb, .ack

Square Llly .. r, .. ,,,,,.,, ,,, ,, ..... 25c


.... ." ........... "" ......."." .... $1.42

Pound Cake, Dacb .. " .. "" " " ....... 190

4-Sew, High Grade Brooms, each .. , , . . .


5·.ew Choice Str.w Broom . .. " ...... ,." .. " " " ........ ...:"" ............ ........... 640

M'lk Cou!lry Club, 3 c.n . ..... ,




, 35c 34 C

10 hara ...... Kirk. Flalce, 6 bu. . ...... .. .... 23e

--- - - -- - -- -



Country Club, Ib ...... .. " " Eatmor" 01 .. 0 " .. . . . .. '" . .... .. . .. .. 22e

Rolled, 12 lb •. " ................. 90-Ib ••ek .. " ...... " .. .. " ....... ' ".$2,79

~:~~;~~d: . ,I ~ ,.': : : : ::4!.32 ~t~P~~.~U~~~ .".".,.,....25c 25C ~~~~~t~ 25c ~~.~A~a~~


3 Ib •.•...

can. " .. " ... ".

~~'!~IC 2n25C !:~!~!c~~~. .". ,. . ..72c 9c ~~~~~p., ,J 5c Cabbage rull pod. ,

N .. w, 6 lb . .......... :.... "" ... " ..... ... 50~

2 Ib •. . B.ldwin.,5 pound'l.l ........." ,..... ,, 18c

New, 2 Ih. ............ "., .......,...

32c' ~~.~~!!!~. .. . ...,. .,18c


Whole cured, Ib." ... ,..... .. Picnic Callie., pound .., ........... .. 24c

Rin., pollnd .............................. 2Oc

TeD the Advertiser you read his Ad. in the Miami Gazette

The Oldest Woman 1\1.8. Louisa Shelton, 101 years old, of Blanchester, is the oldest wo ma n on the pension ro lla of the Civil war She is olle of five living mothers of Union soldiers. Her 80n on whose s~r vices she dtuw8 the pension of $30, dIed in Andersonville prison in 18114. She is blind and lives with her on ly ~au ghte_ r._ _ _ ...._ _ _ _

. .. .

Only 3 More Days

. Great '.Closing Out' Sale •

Card of Thanks I wish to express my gratitude an d extend thanks to my neighbors and frionds for their untiring eirorts to save my building8 Which were destroyed by fire Isst Sunday evening. Warren Surface.



~ ----

Lytle Lady Entertains M. E. Friendship Clall


for the

of the '

This Has to be a Three-Day.' 'Senul" So Come In and Buy. at Your Own 'Price ' _, 'f ,

,. ~

Frank H. Fan,



WayneaviUe, Ohio

1"0." Door North of MiamI G• • Mrs. Walter Kenrick entertained ,. . tt. the F riendship class of t he M. E. Sunday-school, of Waynesville at their regular monthly meeting, Wed. nesd ay. The afternoon was e njoyed by thirty-five g uests. Refreshments . . . . . . . . .IIIII.. of ice cream and angel's food cake •' were served. . . ' It w.ll tcrdo "oar owe ... rk.tilla Direct to .... Tn S.ate. Fire destroyed the lar~e barn and ( . ", another smaller building of Warren Shollld ,,011, .fte' ,,01., all .... brei w rlr. ......,a, .--.aU••••• Surface on the Hiram Eyer farm, • r , v / ; -, . of ...ry t.D .all". . .f , . . west of here, Sunday evening. The \ ~ .. Po· \ ~ .. buildings and contents were a total " loss. . tI.' . " It}

-- - . ---- --~


Bring your Eggs to Kroger

.- ...----


, Fire Destroys Barn

Men's 76c Union Suits, athletic 60c, at Myer Hyman's.








A great many of the miafortunes of life cun be directly attributed to the willi.ngness of people to take chances. "Nothing risked nothing gained," is ail old 8da~e that may have a limited application but certainly should not be employed where health or life is the stake. ,T~e lIlan who takes a chance on beatmg the train to a croBSinjf risks far too much to compe nsate hIm for the gain acquired: Again, the person who neglects an injury, however slight, is taking a chance which may result in moet serious consequences. The man who looked into the barrel of his shot gun to see if it was loaded took a chance that resulted in immediate and disastrous results. We often hear people say tiley have taken a great many chances and always came through. That's what the fellow said just belore he laid his goggles aside to do work that needed eye' protection. He is learning to reail with his fingers now. Taking ,ch~ncC3 is a gambler'a busi. neBS and he expects little more' than an ' even break. The serious thinking man cannot afford to risk his greatest aSsets, health and life on a chance, even though it is 'a hundre4 to one that he will come thl;ough. , Every person, every day, at work or at home Ii subjected to conditions that decisions which demand ~I':l~"og' b!ailn~d.e~ iPrompt action. a1 in

c.-., _,.

"rHE TR •..sTA!§.' ~RICE .112 TO " "; TRI· 5T:"7£ fiUTTER

CO , 'I\[(\\ .\i',


- : PER

PoUND' ::'

PuriERF~T '"






ODe Dollllr MORE




_"" ,,10:00 I


Free Trial CaDt

aDd pa,.'''-. _to

If 1011



• .Tn St•••• _tut · DOw _ . . .

are not .hlppln, clir.d ."


~rtb of • ...,. ,oJ4, ,





I '


Glia41, PUDI.bed If ta •• ~.,.' N__.... .,'


'4' •






THE TRI-~1?~~, BtJrT~ ';CO~ Ciaciaa,ati



T. "

Increa.~c:f Dairy Herd '.



Cream&CanBGuaranteed ,Ua.ut i I • .... ,

Shipph •• ;. th. . . .I•• t woriJ, 'liD itlt.. (al'lll .



A Shelby County farmer ' _D~' '.toJ.d lila co~nty agent, R.. w: .tlnpr that by lncreaalni hi. feed 'cos:J:;: • weele, he had Ii~ the ·from h1a ~ . h..-d bt " • WM1c. Be m.ct, the _ _ after . . . . fa 011 • dair1 ~ ~ . '~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=iiiiiiii!=C;;;-.~.

••• .


Oklo t




Seventy-Eighth Year

I :




••••• A . . . . .

Whole Number 5702



State Capital I Prepared by i I.......................... Columbus Reporter i a

COLUMBUS, OHIO - Ncwspap!!rs from other ·states havo been makmg the statement that the effects of t~e senatorial l'ontest In .1'ennly\vaDl8. has given renewed interest in the Wet or liberal interest!! to stage a rimary contest in Ohio. Suc.h tn!k P II all "bosh." FTank B. Wllhs Will be the Republican nomInee, and opposition would probably be welcom ~ d by Democrats in order that the effects would be felt at the November ,election. No one who has folie wed event. in Ohio thinks for a second that this is a wet s~te or t h!1t II wet candidate can be either !'omtnatcd or elected. And when It come.s to 8. dry and a Bupporter of PresIde nt Codlidge, certainly nO one .c';ln question the stand of Senator Wllhs. Some of these correspondent6 probably favorably incli!,ed towards t~e wet Interests and m spreading Its propagagnda, s hould come to Ohio.


The . appended scoro tells more about what happened at Frazier park last Sunday afternoon tllan we can . The Miamis simply had an off day and ri d their systems of an entire season's accumulation of base ball rottenness-at lenst, we hope and steadfastly believe that they did. Any and eve ry team will ' have an oft' day occasionally, but that does not mean that the team is no good. It hnsn't been so long ago since the Chicago Cubs gave the Cincinnati Reds an lSto-l beating, but just think what those eafT\j! Red H have done Binee theD Our Miamis are coming back, too. Tl)ey're entirely too' good and game a bunch to let u little thing like this fiasco get their goats. The Miamis will meet their ancient fo emen, Kings Mills, next Sunday afternoon. Better come down and see them stage a real come-back. The score:

LA BELLE MERCHANTS AB R H 0 A E Engle, If .... ...... .. 6 1 1 2 0 0 Bausman, 2b .. ...... 6 2 1 1 1 2 McConnel, c ....... 6 2 1 9 1 0 Swanson, rf ....... S 2 1 0 0 0 Schindler, Ib .. .. .. 6 1 1 7 0 0 Willis, 3b ....... .. 6 0 2 2 0 1 Richardson, cf . .. 6 0 1 0 0 0 Fredlon, 88 . ....... 6 1 2 6 2 1 Opposition against t hird terms f~r McPherson, p .. .. 6 1 2 0 2 0 memberll of the Supreme Court 18 evidejlt from reports coming in ~r0r.n Totala ...... .... .48 10 12 27 6 mab~ parts of the State, and It IS .aid a movement 18 on foot for the MIAMIS Republicans to nominate two for this AB RHO A E high pOliti on 80 that the third term 3b .. 6 0 1 1 1 7 argument cannot be made. This ar- Gons, E. Burton, 2b . . 6 1 1 0 1 2 Itument will be used no doubt against Satte~hwaite, .. 4 1 2 7 0 1 Governor Donahey, and Republicans Adams, p .. ......Ib ..4 1 0 1 4 0 leaden hold it rather Inconsistent to Burton, c .. .. .. 4 1 1 12 1 1 have two members of their own par- TH. Burton, ss...... .... 0 1 <I 1 2 ty ask third tClrms while this sa~e ct ......... .. 4 0 1 2 0 0 cr; is made against the Democratic Frost, If ........ ..4 1 3 0 0 0 nominee for governor. Then, again, HopkiDl, the Governor has only served four Osborne, rf ... ... ... 4 0 0 1 0 0 Jean during his two terms, while ·Hartsock .... .. ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 each term of the members of the SuTotalll ............ 39 5 10 27 8 13 preme Court II for aix yean. Two eBatted for Satterthwaite in 9th. of the members. have now served almolt 12 yean and are asking for lIix 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9yean more, or 18 in all. As yet Merchanta .. 0 0 0 0 8 6 0 0 2- 10 only one other R.epubllcan has an- Miamis .. ...... 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 2 0- 6 nounced his candldac)l for the Suo 2-baae hits-Swanson, E Burto)l. preme Court nomlnatioll. that bel.., Sacrifice hit.-McConneU: ludtre O. G. Washburn, of Elyria. Double play-Fredaon to Schindler. Left on bnses--Merchants 13; Miamia, 6. Bases on bal1a-Oft' Adams 8. Struck out.-By McPherson 8; by Adami 11. Umpin.- --Joe Thompson. Time-l hour and 43 minutes.

Of unu RUa l int('r(o~ t wcre till' e;C{) llt ~ c'lnn~eled \I ' th th e 'un a ua l CIJIllllle nC l' IlII ' nt IlI·ti d t il' ~ of W . I i. S. I':xilms li n MUlld"y, Tuesd ay and Wed nesday di"ci o<c t! the fn et thllt rc ~ ult i nl-!:

ff r;.ull's

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t h .., m id -Yl'lI r g- radl· .' .

On Friday lhr· . I tlnil,r ~ enj"yed >l picnic with lh ' lIrt'ullIpll nyi nl-: f un . On 1.'hursuay th > Se ni ors had n fcu"L of ~ve rythin l-: fr"m ~tuffe d 01AIR MAIL WARNING i ve, b ) ginKer ale. A ft(or the ' usua l TOO MANY CARS? NEVERI ind uei. i",. of th o:' clnsA t,) Rgr ec l(l uny th ing , We finllll y la nc-!t'd b yon d ROOM OUTSIDE tll e njoy Ilur subH tanC'H's urs C .... THE EARTH WILL DIE t ill l I·epu. t. Will nny ur us fo rgel h' w the hoys cut the cakes, or how lh .. ba nan lls an d chocola te burs my.'w l 'inu~ly li sappeu red'! W h~ n t hl' The poslollicc ann oun ces that fifty sun snit! 1: 15 we de cidec l that Ii, hill!! was no g Oll d lint! pnc\:rrl our bal> citicg in the ' nited States increased nll,l baggage an d n few Othel' things. thl:ir postal receipts in Ap ril more a" d wC ' nt til !layton . whe re Keith's hall " per cellt OVl'r the sume month • va uri H ill 1.' I.' nt I'tai nc ti us f OI' a coup- II Y~llr UJ( O . Ull fortunately, figures eoncernmg' I" of ho ur,. Theil , b('c/lu sc th e r; il"!s hud to hn,'" II " ea ll ty Rlcl'1' b ~ fl) r r u ~~ uf "ir mllil wou ld be discourag-


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It is neccssllry to warn ambitious , ,,rvir l' s .. f th e (,h"rlll et, O\"{' rland, dtios nllxi ous 'f or air mail serv ice Ford and Fran klin . th ut t n get it they must s upport it. I f not, th ey will lose it. .An nual Commen ce m e nt The Gov l'rnm e nt cannot run an exThu r~d ny nig ht WIIS the "nig ht of r cnsive Ilir mni l service merely ber\i)!ht , ," f\)I' LhQ t\Vt:nly ~scvcrt Illl' ll1 - ca us," cities desire it. Ill'r< I)f tht! I,("raduuling cl u~s . 'Vhell Postmast er . General New and Pres. ,)'c1 ocK id .. 1I 1. Coolidg ... aro anxious to en cour· t h,· cu r ta in was dra wlI nt od" re u cro wd ~ d uudie nce, lhe !IKe 'profitable cOrQ{l'lercial flying ..I".. 'VI" ,Ii,ciusl' d , euted 0 '1 th e thl"O lIg h de velop me nt of the air mail. S l:nrp , \\ hic h \\';t ~ \'e ry s imply dl'co· Hu t cities und citi7. ens nfUs t do their !"alec! wit h hll l-:(' hO " ll<'l ~ of whit e part. _ r O~ e " lind fern. Th e girls dresse d ill One air route recently established whi te. nllrl th e boy" weuring lig ht in Lhe South. for instance, serving Rllits. made n chum ling picture to tlw four importan t ci t ies, started oft' II rtisti c eye . A v(lcul solo by Mr. magnificently, wilh receipts in the Roge r TurtleI', n form er soloist of firs t brief period excee din g $2,000, WCHt minster choir in Dayton, open d a mple to cover expenses. On the th e pror;ram. Mr. Turncr'" sclec- t ent h duy the receipts had dropped ti o ns th ro ugh out th e e vening we l'e to $70, t o meet aD e xpense of $400. II deligtful featur e of the program. Rev. Washburn gave the in vocatlon. The fin a ncial solution will be found The address was delivered by David eventually in carrying passengers S8 M. Edwll rds, p/csident of Ea rlham . F_ R. Moomaw , Chalrm.n Flower.-Mra. H. E. HathaWAY and Mra. Edith Harri. college. He dwelt on the factor of well as mail, an arrangement to which the Administrlltion would gladly conAmerica-Band and Audi .. n~e comi ng education among the ,white sent. The first problem would be to Tran.portation·o ..... ll . ' Rev. W ... hbu .... Pra,er race as n necessity in the find the passengers. Americans Id'rge. Mu.i~-Band and told of th e resu lta of Speaker'. Stand-Walter C... t. Iy support flyi ng routes in Europe, W. J. Con reI, up to this time.. His talk was Addre .. occupying more than half the seata In Dec:or.tin. C .. nnon-Mra. Walter Ca.t. t imely and of such unu s ual and start flying machines between London and Mu.ic-Band ling interest that it will hold the Ada Shanelr Parkina C'ommilh,e - Wilbur Clark, Milto": "-7e, th oughts of t he people for many Paris In the season. But they seem Recitation Frank Elbon, Wm. Lippincott, Fred Law.on, W. days. Mr. Moomaw then presented less inclined to patronize flying in Decoration at th .. Cannon their own land. W. W.lch. the coveted diplomas ufter a brief Mu.ic-Tap. and Salute b, Warren ' County Leaion discourse in which he likened the This year 100,000 more au'tomobileil Decorati?n-In charae of Mi •• Clara Berr)'bill ~ M".ic b, the Wa'n .... ille Premier B.nd school to an investment made by t he are registered in Calitornia than In peuple. Hc compared the class of 1925. That shows prosperity. and, Th 'tt' har,_ of the Oowera will be .t the . Town.hip Hou.e to receive now .... and fill buketo '25 to the divid end eXllected in re- what is more important, hap pine.... Brinl th.:mM";,'nd':, ':':rnin" and all you c.n .pu". The elterci.e. will belin promp!ly at 1:30 o'clock ., the turn, nnd expres~ e d t he wish that Some time ago, when all the world um.ter,.. Ever,bod, come and epend the afternoon in memory of our or .11 wan. they \vould be as much as could be used fewer automobiles than there desired. The nnnua l sc holnrship of- arc now in California alone, men talk. fered by Wilmingto n college, was cd about automobile "saturation.': presented to Doris Henderson, 88 8 There never will be saturation unr esult of her earnest effo rts in main- til every family hUB at least one autotaining lhe highest average in the mobil~ , ns it should have, and then It The death of MI811 Elizabeth Nichclass throughout the four years. Lu- will be necessary every few years to olaon a~ the ale of 93, formetly of ella WiIlialQson, in a f ew well-cho- manufacture twenty-five or thirty Wl\ynellvflle, removes an interesting sen w()r(ls, voiced the thou ghts of the million new ones to replace the old. 1i1lk with the long ago and with class in regard to their present atti- Get your car now. tuntJ. . 80me once unpopular causes that fiTiffin is to be in gala attlre and tude and their work in W. H. S. All ies must nally cal\1e to prevail because of Lord, for inward grace of remenlThe Sixty-T'hird Annual Conven- give over fOllr duys to entertaining in all, it Willi a memorable occnsion The conference of the Meth.dist enept very qualities p08lle8lled by Indlvid- brance, this day we pray thee: As tion of the Warren County Counci l lhe greatest Sundlly-School conveneverY'one, for the class of '26 has Episcopal church South invites aU .hould be ualll like herself. She was the daugh- we pause in the busy mart o.f hfe on! of Religious Education was h~ld at tion eve r held in Ohio, on June 16, for maJ1Y friends. modernists ' to · get out. That appliea val o~ dat tel' ot Valentine Nicholson and hiB this sacred day of remembrance, ~o. the M. E. church Tuesday, May 25, 16, 17 8nd 18 . to all, especially clergymen who do Forne, Ii a wlf8( Jane Wales. bare our head and bend our knee ID and was veqr well attended. The heart of the great In ternati onFour girls in the W. H. S. were not believe "in a living personal God, problema, 111111 Nicholson was more than a token of grlltitude and love for the The morning session was opened al conv enlion r ec!!ntly held at Birm- neither absent nor tardy ' during the the divinity of Jesus Christ and the Quaker or Friend, ahp WIIS a HiOqite great army of those who sleep. Es- with a SOllg 'service .and devotional ingham , is being brought to the State entire year. CongratUlations to AncbalriDaJl of virgin birth." ~tlI~:T:' Few rp81). Quaker, that ia, sl)e belonged ~o the pe~lally do we remember those .w~o services were conducted by the pus- for this occasio n. During these days na Thomas , Edna Shaner, Geneva That seems fair. There is plenw __ .... waU a~ ' -Intecl , tb.. liberal rather than the prthodpx wing In the cuU-tlde of manhood gave their tor, Rev. L. A Washbhurn. t housands of Ohio's leaders In r elig- Ault and Elizabeth Brnnstrator. of room outside of any church for an, _5 .,., ,... j r of the denomination. for ftag and cOuntry. . The address' of welcome WIlS given ious educ atio n will hear t he great lives belief in these dIlYB. Churches, lib State'a ~elll eedl and flaD reMias Nicholson waa the JDPther ot Today let us remember With te!l- by J. O. Cartwright and the response mast ers comi n,:r from all over the At n Senior Clasg mee ting On Fri- clubs, should have the right to con menta. A'/tdhr thl. knowledge eXtends the tint t;ener.ation of clubs in the der, grateful hearts those . crosses \D by C. E. VanNess, county presiden t. co ntin ent. day, it was decid ed that a part of trol their own membenhip and rute., to praett,al evert- clty and vUJaa.. I iI' I f Literary c: IU,.y 8, '. 0'1. the State"" 1fe II eapeci.Uy quit- n lana n on 0 Flanders Field, where the ftower of A T. Arnold State geQBr!l1 seeretaPrncticnl c o nf~reneeB will be held the class futlds be .used in putting a while carefully abstaining from an, lfiad for ,the oftlCe of state .treuurer fermed In Richmond in 1890. Tbe our young manhood sa()rifl()ed their ry spoke on I'The Program of Chris - every aJtC I'lI oo n cove ring the whole light over the front do or of the H. atte mpt to control otber people and . becaula of hli put expe"lence and initial .teps were taken at her rell\le.t live. upon the Illtar of cruel, ruthless ti~n Education." "Vitalizing the fie ld of reli gio us education, demon- S. building, to light the walk t o the other things. -t\ to the .S tate tic. ket. by the Indianapolis Woman'. oluo of war that we might stHI live under County Work" was the subject of strating children's work, young peo- GYIll "when the moo n is not out." .wm add .tre...,." r which .he Will .ec:retary. SlIe wa. the 'ftag of the f.ree. Let us also re- Rev. E . E. Bal:nhart's address, which pies wurk, leadership trainl!)g! week- The remaining money will be used In British coal mines where men ," duy relig ious Instruction and tne vaca in ' purchasing blldly needed !Stage are oothing, the aristocratic owner CI..' ....,or~'~I~~~b:llt to' mak!! one of the twelve founder. of the lat- member that cro811 on Calvary hill, closed the morning seSJion. state road ter organisation In''lS76 and had IJlO. where the lowly Nuarene gave his Tu esday atternoon Ie slon was tion Bibl e school. Music and wor- fUrniture. never sees the inside ot a mine or the 1rill ken ag'o laat January on the life that we might live UDder tbe opened with two w.eU rendered selee- ship arc to have a large plaae. • fac e of a miner. qcc~'lo(J· -of Its fiftieth anniversary.- banner of Chri.tlanlty. . .. tions by the Harveysburg High The hom es of the citizens of Tlf- Award Mlldal. Only a few yean since, English(Ind.) Star. fin ure to be open to entertain all d t f h women, working " in shafts too low Tlie one cro .. crowned WIth thorns, orcheatrll. today many oro..ell crowned with roThe. busine ••0 BeBSlon revealed the delegate". Friday morninlf foun mas 0 t e even for. mulea or donkeys, draaed ----.~...-9 " H. S. a frenZIed atmosphere, for sel. Yet, un d erneath th e f ragranc e fact that there IIhould be much more Hundreds of dolegates are planning at S.30in in an important asse mbly, out the little coal carts, slowly, painand beauty of the r08.e, the thorn co-ordinated effort among the schools to motor to Timn over Ohio's good t b fully creeping on their handa arlil of forgetfulness. Forgive U8, Lo.rd- of Warren county, if she is to keep certain medals Rnd cups were 0 e knees. A strap or chain around the roads. _ _ _ 4 _ • awarded.' Th e first of th ese was the I f b tt Shrive our BOU so. our. esc l!lg in th e front lin.e of the Sunday-school Scholarship CUll, Which was Won for neck, pussing under the brenst, '/Vas of indift'erence, mgratltude, 10 - work. Abolft 36 persons were pres-. The L!lhelle Merchants, of Dayton, faslened to the car behind them. lli~e.9t;lY:II'w!i!..o ba.eball with the Miamis justice and neglect.. . ent to represlent Wayne tOWTlship. the second yellr by the class of '26. And not long ago a ~egular budLord,' touch our minds With T.hY Tne .te worlkers mu st feel the lack ' The Sportsmanship cup was award- ness Sunday, \vill be the aUracEogland WI\S starving litUe . ed to the Junior Class us a result of boys in fpr !\7.emorilil Day after- divino power, that we. may r enh ze of interest in the prog ram they ure that they might remain the, good ~nfid nob~ Ilctl~nsdfth~ su- trying to carry out, when a commu~1~::'~m!~~ik~C~;~~!. d~l~~;-tihe~OI~u~~ enough to go down narrow chimneys , the most interestin/! of all. Eal'lier and elean them. They were beaten jaJrl~ "i,1 be ~al!e<! abou.t 3 preme sacrl cos an tIe s eu as :n!!8S nity this was so poorly r epreor all soon as tl)e serv,cc~ of our fallen comrade and our hvmg sen ted , while delegates wero h""e in th e y~ar LIlt' fnc ul ty hnd decided if caught sec re tly !!ating. They' died . . from the dift'ere nt sec tions of the to uwa rd l1Ieda lg a t til(! cl o.e of the young, but the mothers provided .ceJrl~~ery lire liver. If you neighbor_ We pray.that thy dlvme ha rl may county. • year to til(' mO~l nll-rn ll nrl girl und more. ~p Jee ~ g!lQcJ n me, c(l1D C to MI'. Arnold, State Sec retary, gnve "How mO llY flll'l1l rs have feur of I touch ollr eyes that they nlay sec pull tor Jlil! .boy.s wiJI p)a ,a on!r, the gOo4, ~he pure, the noble. an add rCM on the s \l bject. "Lend crbinder-head t rou bles "Ilith the comboy in tI,,· Hig-h ehoL1 1. A mont 1 This carth will die !IS men lind an. mucli bet~" Slme ,-.bAn ~tlcl djq .1l!Bt h th t I I 'I .c'bd r I f alrO ell h cl ll ~~ elected three mem. ouP 0!IJ: ears a . We may H!Ilr shi p in Church and S und~y-Scho(). ing !1llrvCKt? " . 'he nc or n 01'- bers to 1I comlllilte,' which in tUrn i mals die, gradually going to pieces • Sunday. only the diVine melodle)! of th~ tf1le He sa id every ol"j!'annmtlpn needs mati on aloll l! tllls lin e has caused <le- c h os!' thr ee fll clIl Ly me mbers. This the frugments b o lpin~ to build other and beautiful\. trllil\cd leaders!Ji)l and in o"der to lay snd wO!ile on many fn\'m~ durin g commi tl('p of fif t cl'll in deciding t he pillnets, as animnls die and feed othTouch our IpS that only words of sccm'e this hll beli eve!1 eVIlI'y Sun- Ilsst years of bindel' ex perienccII. winn rrs. cOll8idc rrcl scholarship, pllr- er nnimnls, as trees live on mould encouragement and dlly-School IIhould have . This season. 1~. R. D. BlIl'd ~Il, farm . f kindness, lovo, of dead treeS. bOlpitala, three doten- mercy may fall fronl th~m, 1st. A \Vorkel's' co nferqnce, to ,machine sllecluhst 0 th Ll OhiO !';taU' ' cipution in 1111 olltRide ncllvitios. 0 - mude Thllt day, fortunately, 'is millions hom ••, and one children's bome, h h b fices held . etc. Alld on Friday morn t Toucb our hllnds t at ey Illny e be composed e·' present and rll'ospec- university, ha s been sec ured, wll(o will illj,:" Il-li "5 : mith in fI short talk, un - nf years away, accol:ding to scientists. not one Jail, not one lock-up or ministering hands!. per!ormlng works tlve lellden who sho\lld work out u conduct :meeti11 Ks lind exp illin the Ill/un co il that Hlwu Janet C'.al'twrlght On ly. t,,'clvc thosuand years from the a :1Workhollse. The COU D- of ...oodncss ana kindness overy- progranl. cllu se and r emedies fn'!, truubles arla. bave . nlent)' _of room for ll nd J ohn Guns hil t! bee n voted th e Slon e \~gc, th e human race hns scorel! .. . 2nd. To b(! compused of at ICIlRt ing on a ll makes of "b inder Iwnds." Iw n"r of b('ing th e most nil-round of millioll s of :tears ahead, years of IIrllllolllel~ which it cares for until where. Mr. Bn'l'den will conduct 11 meetillg ldrl I1nll boy ill th " school. 'rho beRt ccnsc lcMsly incrclllIing knowledge. Give us understandIng hearts that ten gnod workers on child ps ychology . State Is far short of we muy know that which YOll desire teachin .. method. for different ages at the Linn-o HArdware store, LcbuI t· t d I it as b es t We cun. liS wellD a8 some . denominational aod non, on Tuesday " f I:n ll ~ rn t u " luns wpre · ; 1;.~eqQiilte and never In all us to do; and d olOg evening, Jun e 1st . othe winn er" of oil IIwards. ex cn c ( " ot. Ohio has the penlten- make liS worthy of tbe name of citl- non-d enominational magazin es. and anotllet" at H. S. Con(l\"e r hardRaymond Hatfield '24, Albert Wilson reformatory been 110 se- zen, comrade, friend. , Srd. A t raining class. ware store Franklin, Wc rln,'sdny c v- Alumni Reunion ' 22. Mary Earn bart ' 08 and Louella lIa:ndliO!lI~P.!d becau8C of a 14ck Make our backs stronJ!:: to carry With every business requi ri ng more ening, Jun'e~. Both meetin g!! will Mill er '06.,A toast by John Palll Bolpresent time. our cross up Calvary road and hclp and more training of its workers, if ~tart promptiy nt 8 :00 p. Ill., cIlntraI On Fdrlay night, May 3 1 ~t. thc' ton '24 estilllating the value" "of our weaker brother. Make our feet the Sunday-Schoo), which is the standaNi tilllC. , 4:!nl nntlua l rcunion of t he Wllyno:'s- fri encis, followed. A mixed quartet. fleet upon ·the path of duty, no mat- foundation of t he church, is to funcDay-time appointme nts CUll bl' ville liig h school Alumni associution cOn 'jsting of Lucy Emley '97, .Ueliln ter how rugged tho way. . tlon, It is nel:CSBal'y to adopt some made fOl' indi vidunl demonstrnti on wo s hcld lit th e Gym, which was pro- Hawke).. '14 , F. B. Hend 'OO' ancl . May the memory of tbls Deeora- modern methode.. on binder and m ow~r tl' oubles by clllI- fu sciy d ~ ~oruto d with spirea. Mem- D, L. crane sang "Songs. tlon DaY, 11126, weave a garland of After c:ongr'egatlonnl singing Rev. ing th<:> County Agl' ugent nL bers' and th eir ,:ruests found Illat"cs Used to Sing." "The loving remembrance around about J. H .. wmy, of Lebanon, spoke on the' Farm Bureau office, Lebunon. wilh the il' res pective classes in Ilt- H Ullle," wns Eva Janney bearts that shall forever last, and the subject, '.'The ReligIous EducatrDctive g roups. During the ftl'st jcct. the humorious Bort number played by the Alumni ot'- which one never knows hold our pledge sacred to tion Clasl! and. Its Work." Encouraged by the success of a chest ra, the class of '26 filed into when, or in ' co.anC'c:IO!Qrl, day of sad and loving class which met in the down-town The eveni'ng session began with their places. The b.unquet was serv- will be 'M~~~~ ~~,~,~l!~~in~!: of unfinished 80ng, of district of Cindnnati, and ·..",hich: ad- music b.)' the Lebanon Main ' Street ed by eight J\lDtnr girls dressed in respecting • ~. deSire, of uncounted bless- mltted every creed until the teach- Church orcilestrll. The invocation white with orange and black head- house Lefferson ' ask Thy divine benediction. ers .were compelled to refuse admis- by Rev Keller. of Lebanon, was fol - bands. At the end of the meal ver '1 CORA A. THOMPSo,N. . sion to any more p'upila, Rev. Lamy lowed by th e WayneSVille Men's Bi- Olive Allen '16, in a charming man- welch~:~~~~!!;~:; having· aecepted a Past-o.rute In Leb- ble Cla$ chorua. J " n e r , greeted the large gathering. M- Cobb

Elizabeth Nicholson
















thc! work of Bible atu- _ling Rev. E Barnhart spoke. 011 Put- tor 1'01\ call, the minutes of thel.4!ab lallt IInonohetook dy, day up eaclr·week ·wit~ the pupils thelil Adults to :Work" meeting wore re~d. 1\Irs. of Lebanon schools., He met with After congreglltlonal sln$dng an Smith Zepf, '07, welcomed inwork that address by A 'I,' Al'llold elosed the coming cl~ss in. a hearty. another meeting. · . , .. ' ~enneth RetaUlcll '26 rel~p~'l\al{l\l~.




The Young People'~ Division held '1 Interell~ing seesion at 7 o'clo~, . evenin,:, \vh .n thll f6llQ,W\ng, nr'lImlii':n: was g\ven i ' -, . ": . ';,1;. :SeJ,eClilon " I)y Uarveyaburg High · Re~. Ji19~r::":r~'i: invoj:llticm lled Lion; by 8.:1Id.re8S


delightful v.o eal t ol\):Jame 'a nd rendered by .Mrs. aceom-panfea by Mart&ret Ml'\is O'Neall's to~t, claimJbg troll friendsbip to. !:ie' tbe flnelt thhur in life 'wu "X ~e ~~~~~~II' ~'~'j~~l;?l; K playlet, enti,tled ,I

Lebah{)n; mti... Now.· anli' Then/' an· bj Wgi. BeNa", aIid III. .. tlon, oOC}tqI~d the ....,n; p\ano aolo, ECI~ con~wr the ~e:;:I;o~/tILe~!~~ on; addre... 'C!J'be.. ~ et 8ft7 Jean ago. ,. In lIIe Soa.)'- inr ~art ~: ~tilfJA \.iA!IQ'CIII," J,t B.. 'S"lIlIIen~. . '~. CJUa

~~::i~~ _~_ 'I';!""I"lI







- 1



tate ot Anna E . Roabh. deccased" filed by dmr. Phillip Whitnqre, lIod l'~AT FOOL MULE 19 ordered susp()JId d. (IN A.'" ",I-'AGE ~I/IIIn the nwtter of tli settlenl nt of tlE 1,' ~b eo I the esta,te of Louisa Nellie, clecoa cd, , . Il~S LCO!1E·IN1lIE I~ \1188 ordo'lilld that n copy of the on13I1RN . try determining .the inherit"n c tax NOW! to bo paid be certified to th county auditor. • COMMON PL AS PROCEEDINGS WE GET THEM QUICKLY A.ND J . Menill Bone was uppolntl.'c\ g ual'. Th~ 'Stale of Ohio vs . .R. \ . HopFRl:£ OF CHARGE diun of C •.Mubel Morris, 1\11 inc.o mpeCALL \JS ANY TIME AT OUR kins. (fl,f IHIllnt Wll.' r luasl!d o n 200 tent and guve ~260 bond. EXPENSE , Lond, ! n . "1I1,ca r lit t h (' '- "lItcmbo r First and flnut account o f the estllte , h _'t'm HI' cou rt. . of William E. lIferrilt. decensed. filed Th" !:'tlLI I' o f )hio ,,~ . IInr Id Culeby admr. Ivy J . Merritt. hnnk , ddt'l nnnt clltered plen of nOl First and fi nal account of the es[ I; ulll\·. 11,· Wt,S hl·llI to th e next scstate o! I\fllrillh G. Sm ith. deceased, HARVEYSBURG, O. p.o•• e filed by udmr. Alvy. }'. Simonton. , il'lI 'of Cl'urt ullll"r $1000 bond. III the c~late of UI'R B. Merritt, ';;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;::;~ :->ltIk »f Ohi o , ~ l 'aul Ro bison,. I - _ . - - - -.. I d." •. ( ,"'1 ~uillY pntl' r cd by dpfe nd · IHlmr. of Ivy J. IIJ errltt, flled his , Iat m('n t in lie u IJ ! aocoun t. , 1 . " ,d 111' WIIS h"ld un dcr $ 11i 00 L ,I nve nt or y niHI nppruiscmcnt of the 0.0 • I 1, .. , d [, ·r HI",t Ill' r hcnri n~. 1'h. :'; t"lc •. f Ohi .. ,·s. Adam Tl uff. estule of '\ift on, H. Un glesby, deDentiat . : l \" d. 1'1 ' 11 :II l t i ~ hid !ii xl(>('n ycn r~ of ulI!, w,' r f) r Jam es ull uH!o', cClIsed . tiled by (,xccutrix In·ne B. :'~' I . tIll!" l'au:,('t wa s .:crtifit.'d t o the Gl'ur)1'<' G. I'errin(' \'~ , Abe ProbnsN t. ... U_S. v,\"r.oYFlCIr nglesby. cn. ,·t III., t h,' appea l bond in this W. . . .YWe "atloDal Bank Bid,. .1" .... ,,\\1 , •·.. ul'l. Inventory and al>prois(' ment of the '~'h l Stil t t.' \ ". Edpn r'nrkt' [ r't[oore, caus,· \\' IIS fix ed Ilt $5,000. estate of Alice J. Evans, ucceased, Willillll1 .1. EvanR \'s. J onas F . filed by ell ec utor, Firman R Evans. lit· :',·" d,," ! pl"ad I<uilty . Il is :lentenc!II,. " ib rIM' I'\",1 UfUII .Ju ly uth. Sl llllll' et aI., said defendan t was per· Clnronce F. BUl'rgerm eicr qualified I'll<' :->\:11,· , .,. \I e ll r y Ruker. ddcn- mitted to purchase n '1l1 cslllte of this lind was appointed guardian of John lIt ArE:: OLJrA M AANL) .1 • """ L 1'1,'".1 j: lIilt y. wo~ fin eli $25 nnd cau se ut pri vlltc !!Ule. P. Buergermeier et aI., mionrs and Jt:l,' wo\"nm A lITfl.E I C," I" :1I ,,1 \\:1" cO llllllitt d tn the counThl' Co nsum ers Oi l 0 ., a corpora- ~IlVC $600 bond. NOTARY PUBL.IC ty jnil un t il hI' PIlY. t1w fin c. ti on \'s. J nmes D. Wilso n, defendant, '\)~ N' "'1t\"~ !\LL' In the mattcr or Amanda Slarr, In It, di",." IIII j,)I\ o f t Ill! Superior WIl 5 round in d,,{ault for answer and now AmllDlla k:. Buldwin, udmx. or P!l l'l'r ('n . • ('nur t finds t hnt Mid com- th e court found that the defendant the estate of D. A . Starr, deceased. WIlt Drawn .. .. .. .... E.t.te. SeUI. d l'"lly I WI' S lh,· Stu tc $8711 in delin - is il\ll ~ b t ed to slIid plaintiff to the V B. L. A. Starr, et aI., renl estate of I!lh'!1 1 c,' rplll'a tio n tux unll ord er ed a sum of $735.36 and ordered that a suid estate WIIS ordered sold at public Wayueaville, settlement be made. Actions of re - 811 1e lit court hou se. ceivers herein were cancelled. Fifth account ~,f the gUllrdianship of Frank Hicks a t 81., minors, was NEW SUITS filed by gUllrdilln Nannie B. HickR. account of the estate Ernest L. Greene,' an assignee In of Distributivo Eva R. Frazee, deceased, filed by trust for the benefit of creditors of admr. the Lebano n National bank. the Gem City Realty Co., B partnerWill of William R Lefeve r, deship vs. Chartes Steinle et nt, I or can- ceased . produced for probate cellation of a del'd and equi lll ble re- hearing WOs for same set for May 20th, lie f . II . 01 . Cla ra Dalton vs. Willill m Dlllto n, ntI n9 the Illutter I' f the estate of Clyde for divorce, cru elty charged . Date your aales with us. We guarantee dcct!llIsed, the Lebanon The Glohe I'I'Clll Roofing and Corru- Thompson, . • atiafaction or charge nothing. gatin g Co. , 11 corp oriltion, vs. D. \V. Nutio nal bonk quu lified lind wa ~ appointed as admr., no bond r equired. Bishop, for money on ly. Amount .-..:. ApJll'Ilisers fo r s~lid estate were npclaimed $3 15.1 6. po int ed. )o .~) . :"In the matter of the es tLlte of PROBATE PROCEEDINCS ~~r e d e ricn MoLl enkamp, deceased, EmPhoDe No.2 Phone No. 320 First nn d flnal acoount of the es. ma Molle nkamp qualified and was appointed as admx. of said estate and gave 83500 bond. Appraisers for FOR SALE- Fresh cow, second ulf. William H. Carpente r to Juliu Alex said estate were n allle ., .. rsey and Holstein crol.. Also, ander, G2 acres in Ham iltoll Tp., wi th In the mutter ItTf the estute of Eli a few bushels of Leamon aeed corn. right 01' way for the Little Miumi a Dean, deceased, executrix, Annie J . S. Vandervort, R. 2. Maria Dean, changed the writi ng of Railroad r eserved, $ 1. J ose ph and H~ttie E rte l to Ber tha FOR SALE- Four hound pups, two MONEY LOANED her name t o Anna M. Dean, and savmonths old, $6.00 each. E . Bally, ings certificates belonging to sllid es- C. Firth, four lots in Fost er Park, Wnyne~" iIle, Ohio. I' hone 86. tate werc issued to her and ,;hc was Deerfield Tp., $1. ' LOANS 011 Chllttels,Stocks, Sec\lflSurah J. Goodw in to H. Em'l Good. ·jun9 a uthori zed to distrib ute the m to the tics und Second Mortltag~. Note. and severn I others a quit clnim win successors. ten acres in Survey No. bought. John Hurbina Jr., Xenia, deed to In the matter of the estate of MaOhio. ·m30-'26 tilda Hozier, deceased, executor Eth- 25G3, $1. Oscnr Keever to Eva Keeve r, lots el Hozie r Earnhurt WRs authorl~e<l to nu mber ed I, 2, 11 lind n port of lot sell cerlain securities of said estute. Second and flm,l account of the es- number 4. in Joh n Probasco 's addin to Leban on, $1. (i' r "..,brre n an d adJ'olnlnl tate of Hnnnah Foster, dec ea sed, was t ioWarren and Jos phl ne Poppe to .armers 0 For a number or yean the Ohio . filed by admr., D. E. Dunhum. Gus and Muy Slack, of Morrow, onc- counties may obtaIn mone y on Ion. Stoli on hilS held 11 special "WheatIn the motter of the estate of Ben hllit of lot number sixteen of John · time loans, at 6 per cent intere.t. field Dny," th e latter port. 'If June for jamin D. Walton" dec eased, Chns. J. Waggoner qUllliti(!d and was appoint- Thompson's Subdivision of Morrow, i Cost of lIecuring the lIame la very rea· the inspection' of its field experlmenb ed executor of suld estate and gave $ lgl~irord and Effie Smith to C. D. sOllable ,through The Federal Land and the henring of several addresses. Since this day was started the field $16,000 bond. Appraisers for said and Stella Karshner, thr ee tracts in Bank. For further information call wo rk of the Station has expand ed estnte were appoi 'n ted. on or address M. C. DRAKE , Tre. . greatly, making it impolsible to lIe e Invento ry and 'ippraisement of the Franklin Tp., $ 1. estate of Emma F. Olinger, deceased. A. B. lind J aHah Smith to C. D. ure r, phone 3l6-X, Lebanon, Ohio. \ more than a fraction Of it and devote the gr eater parl of the afternoon to wa, filde by executor Ed S. Conkli n, and Stella Karshner, lot number 3J9 in Fran klin. $ 1. addrellSes. Since the visiting farmer and approved by t.he court. WANTED Demaree and Ollie B. Logsdon to is more interellted in ms klna a thorWe have tho tirea an!! tubes that are delivering tbousanda of ema milesThe last will and testament of Samuel J. Bean, decell!!ed, was ad- Walter Fitts , lot number 117 in WANTED- AU kinds of soft WO~l ough study of the actual work of the Franklin, $1. mitted to probate. for pulp. Morria Graham. u Station than in hearlne addrellles\ it Walter R. Fitts to G. A. GUTrison has seemed best to change the p an In the matter of the estate of Joun divided half interest in lot number and instead of holding the one day hanna DelIendahl. deceased. executor FOR SALE Eva:7 fiber of ~ery ~ fa saturated and lnaulated with rubber. 1013 in Franklin Tp., $1. as heretofore, to hold a wheat field Alfred L. Fahnstc)ck, was authorized Lynn L. ~unnell to Anna B. Bun.u.ed by the operatOR of the biggest taxicab, motorbus and truck fleeta. TbelO to receive from t.he Kroger Grocery nell f' OR SALE - Benutl!ul Mahogany week of four ' days, allow ina the vlaquit c1mm deed to a part of lot and Baking Company, the equivalent pumber 2 in Franklin. _ bu.Jera measure miWlge and' demand ~t Miles Per Dollar. Phonograph and Records_ Good as itor to select whlcheve-: day of the .. in clll$h of the 12 shares of the 7 per new. Very cheap payments. 'Ad- four best suited hls. convenience. Albert G. Hunter to Myrtle M. Fox, cent cumulative preferred stock of dress Phonograph, Box 223, DaY:lo.n, This w!Jl naturally divide the IItte nIn Turtlecreek Tp., $1. dance making it poaalble for the Stasaid company which belongs to l18id 2 tracts Ohio. J2 Merritt Brunk to Catherine M. Me" tion to give better service. Practiestate StMm-WeldlnI vuic:an11e8 the epiice In live ateam-a apeda1 proceIe IIvain, two tracts in Clearcreek Tp., F OR SALE-Walnut dining table, cally each entire day will be devoted In he matter of the estate of an alr'-tfpt ~be. 80 important to the life of your tire. ',. 8 ft; old-fashioned 5-plece ' parlor to the inspection of field experime"ts· Clifton W. Unglelsby, deceased , exec- $1.00. Henry Delfendahl and Wilhelmina suite : old-fashioned gate leg -table, Accordmgly It will be Wheatfield utrix Irene B. Un glesby was authorset ~ mileage. econOmy and conlfort now enjoyed by the k thil year, anct' the ' datel, June ized to sel\ at plrivate sale the per- Hoppe to Harry Delfendahl, a small " walnut;" 4 cane-seate,d chail'B:wal tract in Hamilto n Tp., $1. l1li tranIpoctation leaden and by hundreds of thousands of aatll6ed motorlsts, by nut bed and dresser; 2 heating slovell 22 to 25 inclUIlve. · . sonal property of said estate. Ann F. Whiteside to Clara D. W. a nd kitchen safe. Mrs. Ida Kelsey_ equlW1n&):'OW' carwlth thetewonderful Gum-Dipped Tirea and Steam-Welded Tubet. ... Gregg, two tructs in Range 5, $1. .. • WE TAKE YOUR OLD .TIRES IN TRADE and will ctve liberal allowance for MARRIAGE LICENCES The Peoples Building Loun and BARGAIN in beautiful Mahogan), CAN MAKE OTHERS Savi n~s Co., to Lizzie Monfort, GS Player Piano. W ill sell for balaD1IIIed ml1eqe. Come and acc us. Clifford C. Gwinner, a cloth refin- acres 10 Washington Tp., $1. . un ce due on very easy payments. For isher, of Cincinnati, a nd Amy M. Nof ull particulars write P. O. Box 223, lan, a nurse of Cincinnati. Tearful Wifl\ - "You've broken . j2 Kenneth M. Pope, of Waynesville, COMMISSIONERS' ALLOWA"CES Dayton, Ohio. your promise acain, wh.t have' lou to ani! Helen A . •Sbaw, of Waynesville. Let ua Ibow you why Oldfield Tirea an!l Tubee have lllIIde .uch a good name fot FOR SALE-Selected seed corn, inaay!' Inter (lities Oil Co., for 10 gil!! quire of Emerson Earnhart. " Never mind; dear, I'll make u ~ ~ theee tirca a,Dd tubes with aoy othera OIl the market. books, $90; The Standard Oil Co .• for m26 other one,' REAL ESTA 1rE TRANSFERS 4.6 oil books, $689.18; The Oregonia Mad. In tire ",..,t Fi,...tone far:lori.. 6", u"..,t Martba M. Graham to Walter R. Bridge Co., for ateel piling and lumber, $315; The George B. Curd tire 6a1lJer.,lIIfIl carry tM MGtultntl.,.ranree Decker, a plot of land in South Park Equipment Co., for tractor repairs, , ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .. Subdivision' of LI3banon, $1. $106.38: A. B. Kauffman. sllpplies ,. William N. Blllysore to Owe n C. fo r courtho use, OVER-8IZK BALLOONS HIGH ~UllE CORDS $681: same, lIupplies, Gross, a tract In ' F ranklin Tp., $1. ,for jail, $1.60; The Western Star, :l9atM ................................... "'14 lWQuhlr a ........... _...........:15 Edward D. Daley to Edward and l. upplies for s urveyor, $8: same, IIUP8Id){ Irtra llise Cl . .. ... ; ••••••••••• 11 •• :l9at.75.... • ... •• .... ... ...... .... •••• • •• 75 Elizabeth Brenner, 40 acres in Deer- splies ~~ rtra1Hze 8. 8. ................ '.M for eommiaaionersl $2.50 ; same, , field Tp., $1. M.t.75 ............................. 1.51 for auditor, $10.50: same, s uppl,es aa.t E. an' d Ella R. Nell to G. T. G. ~ ~' • • •••••••••••••••••••••••• 19.H supplies for clerk 'of courts, $36: . :l9at_95 .............. ,. .............. .a.55 Flowefs, 106 acre In Union Tp., $1. \ Henry, for rabies treatment 33.70 Stephen B. ·Lowe and Nona M. sGertrude a.x5.:15 .......................... ,'•• ' ••95 , IhtU s. . ... . . . . . .. .. . . . .. . •.. .... :N.78 upplies, $60; Sol Stevens POl t ofJ}. to A. p. Brandenberg, two Lowe .... 8. 8. .................. ........ 31.50 8lz6~ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ AI R., for Memorial Day allowance, tracts in the 21st' section, $1. $26: G. Lederman, lIuppliel for prosJohn W. Partllett and Cora P art- ecuting attorney, $9; the Lebanon lett to Louise J[mlay, 40 acres in For Sale at Wayne.ville, Ohio National ~ank, rent ( or safety deposit · Franklin Tp., $1. . Viola ·M. Ellis, of·. Williamsburg, box, $2. Clermont county to Owen S. Higgins, a tract in Lebanlon, $1. ,. se~ lem

Qt til be made. Ol(.'nna V. Evans vs. lAwrence E. EVilns. it beirtl:, s hown thnt the alias , \Ll}l monl'l whlcll was Issued to aald defendant is dcfe livn tne service on th defendants was 'held for nllught. l.lOd a second summons ordered 18s u 1I. ~ \' Y C. Moorman va. Carl L. Miller, jury returned verdict In favor of de f 'ndant, cuse lit cost of plaintiff. Lake und Export Coal Co., n corpol'llti on V B. The Sup('rior Paper Co .. cn""" disflliMC d. II. L. n~· rs ,·S. Mary F. Hassett Kin~ . ('n ~c cOlnpromiso d. Tho \. ·honol1 Nutional bonk vs. Gnylord and Flore nce Baynes. Alfred r. IJrnn l w,," lI!'point·<I as r eceiver in t hi ... (,UU:ll' , • 'l' r lr u d~ nl1 ~ n ~ '·S. Jum es CalJans II ncl T Il Ill 111n r iilll os , plai ntiff, w". )(r:lnt .. d lell\'e to fi ll' t1 l' IlIUrrer to th e



. Harveysburg Fertilizer CO.

Dr. J

W M 'll er 1:.,. I



F. T. Martin Jesse Stanley Auctioneer Auctioneer

Centerville, O.


New Burlington,O.

- - - ---



--_._-- ,



Otlt ·

F armers, Attentl'On'.


Wheat-Field Week


8erve Yoll Better


S.a ve You Moaey the

nreltoae Cum-Dipped Tires

ftltestoae Ste...-Welded Tubes


Tau, too,.;m



---.. ---- ....


Oidfteld TIres aad Taite.


Some ·of . The Thi~gs We sell .


" -............. ... .. ... .8." . aw" t:.i.'."'" ... .. ... ...... .. ....

E. H. Orndorf's Garage,


,L'umber for Every Purpose


Material for Your goofs

RedCedarShingles Mule.. hideShingles Carey Shingles Asphalt Ron Roofing FloorirH~ Finishing Lumber arick Porch Material Portland Cement .Front Doors Plaster '.' Cottage Windows Lime Window Fiames '/PJaster..Boat~ Window Glass Wall,Hoard Siding

.- or - -

WHY THEY ARE WiSE Oak Flooring ". TO ADVERTISE Edge Grain






HARR Y" BEAUTY 6HOPPE • ...,I.II"lng In M.rcell\ng, HaIr cut . ho. P.clll, Manicuring ,n G E!uu ene PerMan en' W l ylng. . . Motto: Cou~MY .. nG Oood W ork . PrIeM Roalo n l b lo, ....... tor ApPOlntMont Gorft.ld IS&. •

THE SHOW PLACE OF DAYTON Four Days Starting February 28th HARRY SNODGRASS "King of the Ivorics"



The next

anteed line

DIAMONDS-Buy that Diamond Ring of


wtth lAMolltNra lIMP




,, - -

Optical. Dept.




. . . . . . . · JaCoa~ ;:) II W. PiM St. ~ ow.. , c a


6% ' . 5 ·E. ,Second SL ' ~

NObo4L til D&,loD hUt




tter Drup






Our ioa! in Dm 18 mODths $1,000,000.00 . ' The; UDioD BuUcliq &: LoaD ~tiOD



Ollplay . Room



'" I ',D l e I N

DAYTON, OHIO. 12.4 No. MaIn at.


.N. L LeIIoatr. "Gap.

3~d floor



~ ~ · rOl' ·


AUTOMATIC Water Syateml , Water Softenor.,

Mak o our dllpla,y room your D a~ton headqutlrterl-You are alway. WII·

Dayton'. Only Exclusive Diamond Merqluutt • KEITH THEATER BLDG.--8eeODd Floor I will dean and elUlII1io'e your DiamoDd fr~ of ch.,.e.





lMat. T"..tro

. Eva

time you are In D ayton 'naPoet thl! dependabl e, guar-


and Five Other Acta

. or the IIn_t O ...~ wlU be.lttteiS t9 FOUl'





., sllARPLlS O~.AM- ....ARATOR • "ull LI". of ~It.. all' It fl. atllL


o..:lI ...



Newspapers of t he United States carried $720,000,000 worth of advertising during the year 1925, according to William A. Thompson, director of th e bureau of advertisinll of the American Newspaper Publishers' association, who testified recently before the Federal Trade comm!ftlon. Of this amount $600,000,000 was spent in local advertiSing, the remaining $260,000,000 representing the nmount spent in advertisements of notiona l circulation. These figures show someth ing of the faith t hat the American business man has in the vlllue of newspaper advertising. This form of publicity must pay , or the advert isers would not be spe.nding t hree-quarters of a billion dollars ann ually on it. The keen business leaders of America do not put money in losing ventures. It is doubly significant that' twothirds of this great sum, a hiM bi!- . lion dollars, went into the so-called local newspapers, whil~ . only ' l1tJethird of the amount went into tile national pUblications. Evidently it pays not only to adver- ' tlse, but to advertise in your local newspaper. When we think ·of the value of the local newspaper, we usually measure It in terms of its worth as a collector' of news and a moulder Of 'Bentifllcnt In the community. Blit the value of ~ ncwSPap'e r 8S an advert ising 'medium is gre~t, too; not' only tP. t h\! businelll! man , bilt to the general public. I~ iB through 'rldver- ", ~i8in~ In his Iocal 'paper that ihe.,rogresslve merchant (!'eta' his goods ' be-.. fore the 'People. :A..nd It· I, b~ , ing the ' advertisements that the (p\!blie learna where it tan spend Ita mon- , ey economicallly for reuatile gooda' pf the ldrid it wubl. •

, 1",

Hardware Smooth and Barb . i

Nails. Hinges ,




Door' Locks ' '~. Locust Fence Posts Barn Door Track ·:F ann Gatea ., r

3000 ,



Rods 'of Wire Fence . . . ... . ~

. '





All of 'the above ~mateiial can ' ~ found "in ~).r.:y.~rd every da~ 'il! ~e ."y."....~~~ !'. '. ' . -mod~rat~ pnces .' .



UOUsewtVflIl' Leal!Je fa lookiD8 for a auitable baclee. Bow about a mID-

lature can opened










.t Woyn ••• IlI. Itn •••• " . f ,10. P •• 011'., •• I ".~o"d ~'o •• M.ft.,


Mllybe pettlcoatll will ,al\l • bit t heir former !-avor, now that a man wrotc a. half.mIlJion ·doll~~ on ono ' oW}1ed by· bis nu rSe. ~ d a jury uPbeld it. -

----Ch-Ieago ' policemen lind .


"SAVING CAL!' Let "Sil ~ nt Cal" Coolidge now be known as "Saving elLI." And let the following slll k deeply int() the minds of thouMllnds of Am ericlllls who li ve . beyond their means. IIh-. Collidge always has lived with. in his income, no matter how s mnll. AMu young lawyer, he saved 11 little. A s governor of Ml\8sachu ac tts, Il .. tate Whe re the chief executive must maintain 80clill act ivity, he managed to put aside II cons iderable purtion of his annuity\ As o f the United States, he added a bit to his bank account, And now, as President of the United States, Calvin Coolidgo saves more than hllif of hlR yearly incomel Moat presidents have had consld crable difficulty in 1teeping their expenditures within their salarioB. Some would have been bank"upt had it not been for outside incomes. But Calvin Coolidge is Baving half 01 his annual snlary of $75,00,0 . Whon he r etires from office he WIll have saved more of his BIliary tban any other jlresiuellt. He has manage d this by exercising the rigid economy which he has made politi cally famous. HI! hilS th o White House functIon s to n minimum. He wears his hats and Buits to the e xte nt dcmunded by New E ngl and husba ndry. Ho eats plain, good food. Foodstuffs for the Whi te Houae tubles are boug ht with th e utmOlt care and consideration . .What a lesson in thrift. AN UN .DEMOCRATIC RULE One of the fundamental principles of democracy is that a majority should rule. This is a majority government. Yet the Democratic party has per mitted the two-thirds and unit rules to hang about its neck like millstones since 1844, when they Were employed to defeat the popular choice, Martin Van Buren, for president. Politicians always manipulate the ruJes to fetter and gag th e delegates, eholen to represent the will of the people. • Republlcans recogni ~ d the absurdity of the rules long ,!-go. N?w lead· ing Demoeratl, includmg pOSSIble candldatea for the nomiDlrtlon for presIdent In 1928, have come to the con elusion that the Iyatem ahould be /:Bst aside as un-d emocratic and un American. • The only purpose the two-thirds rule serves today is to make it pos· sible for one more than a third th e represent. Uvea of the part prevent the nomination of the majority. It can.not be rejected without re jecUni' one of the cardinal principles of the nation. And 80 far as the Democratic party II concernl1d, until it practices wbaJ; it · p~ache_repre8entative government,.:-.and becomes thoroughly democratic in its conventions It will not win and hold the con.lldence of the people_ EVery delegate should be free to volee and vote die views ot hll eon.tltuency. A majority Ihould be maateta of any convention. '. Jt- is hoped that ' the Democratic National committee ha~ sensed the fact as leaders now mdicate tbat ~here ia no good excuBC to ,clirlg any Jon,.r to an obsolete !!)'Item that has doll. IIOtbin,r more than develop f.e uds anil 'aotlonl,- Tbe qommlttee ahould ,et tOgether ' ¥fell ' In idvan~e of the 1928 convention and ,J'eoo..mrnenn Ulat the prelent rUle. be .mBllheg for all tim e, , .' A Cleveland man died ' Wltbout' kin -without a relative in tlie:world. Hil sixteen-thouaan'd-dollar ' IMtate hllll been turned over to the state. There II a great uaeedy in the absolute di_ppearance of a family from the tue the earth, to ,.urvlve for centprilll lind ,tben to Pall entirely out ot life'. plltP.III,






Falbion note-...4.1""lno ,c;ninchil!a coat DW eq.tII. '1J61,IJOO .b/loa\1l• .foru haa banntd tile kin rig of,the IIlItmaia to pr;even~tlielr extlDotioll> ",

Live P~,-~~ry WAN T··E'!)'·! Will Pay

26c., .,ar pound

A.D.Swank &5011' ,T .tephone 292W Mlaml,burI, -



• W.",P.", vo.~, T.J."ODe ~~ I~-W. , ••, ·'Yoar Pouhr,.,




n. a,. 51_lit SpeC/lallal At Cary'S J~,,~lry Sho.p. ~

. ,·tAWon. Ol:-io . . .

.~ Eve~y



PICK.UPS, Judging f rom the way every body wnnts to do something for him, the Ame rican farmer- must be nearly as popular right no w as Santa Claus. Th ere Is one thing to be sai d for the British strike. Since it s tarted we ha ven't had to read 8 0 mut'h IIbout Tacna-Arico.. H is snid that potatoes g row wild in Ch ile And the price of them makes people wild in the United States. A survey shows that there are only 147 worker s in Paris who are out of a job. And these lire d oubtless all ex-cabinet members. Moscow suys that the ~ritiM h strike was a mere curtain raiser and doubtless the Soviets would like to provide the show with a red tire tableau. The Freshmen at Harvard recently spattered the Seniors with tom atoes an~gg8, 8howing again how the spirit of re volt is growing in our colleges. Sincluir Lewis has r efu se d the $ 1,000 Puli tze r prize offered him for Writing "Arrowsm ith." Maybe he feels that it wasn't worth it. London printers struck because they didn't like the editorials, and we wouldn't blame s ome of the New York stage cll rpente rij if they struck becuuse the s how was 80 rotte n. Fas hion r eports sa y that the new wall papers for this yea r show v~ry brilliant colorings. this wi'.l give Us another cxcuse for stayi ng away from home. Mary and Doug are In Germany and the people over th er e are hearIng "The Star Spanl:rled Banner" played for the first tIme since !he war. And doubtless they are heanng it under more comfortable circumstances than when the dough-boys began playing it {or them.

---_. -.

HARVEYSBURG Cecil Hoover pussed away Friday night and was buried Tuesday morning. Sennl from here attended the funeral of Calvin Reeder, at Springfield church, aunday afternoon. Mr. and Mh. Ev~rett Villars, of Dayton, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mn. Chu. Gordon and family. Richard Davis was seriously Injured about the head and f~ce when he fell from a hay mow, Friday evening· Mr. and Mrs. Ira Syferd and 80n John, entertained Sunday, Mrs. J)yferd's sister and family, of Washington C. H. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Fite and Jane Ellen at WashIngton C. H. Mr. and Mn,. W. M. Mathias and Mlasea Mabel and Margaret Starr, of Dayton, culled on relatives here Wed· nesday evening. ' Mias Harriett Tucker went to Fairmont, W. Va., Thursday, to spend the Bummer with her au,nt, Mrs. Bernard Plowman and Mr. Plowman. The Baptist Missionary Circle met at the church Wednesday afternoon. Mn. George Denny conducted tbe devotions and Mra. N. E. Bennett had charge of the le88ons, the topiQ l)e!llg "A Paper FO\lr Y~rd~ WnK.' Th, Ma~ele Township Sunday. scholll conv.ntlon m.t at the A. M. E. 'c hurch Sunday a!temoon. Mrs. AI!lert' Adami pve the welcome ad· dreA, there was special mUBic and an excellent addre88 by Rev. Tolliver. ' Mn. Mary Shumaker, Mrs. Mary Davis, MrB. Mary Tucker, Mrll. Evalyn Shumaker and Mrs. Ethel Smith were hosteB8ee to .the M. E. Aid on Thursday afternoon Mn. Mary Davii and lrIrII. Evalyn Shumaker Bang a lovely duet with Mrs. Margaret Tuck"'.,~omJianlllt. A <;on~Ht ill whl~h Will tCl 1I.\"sl the 011glnala of bhot~IIn'I.DIUI taKen several yean ago was Mrs. Lizzie Shldaker received the first prize and Mr8. Amari· <la Starr the consolation prize. A delicious lunch of peach ice a la mode and coffee WAI aerved. Miss I Lucille Tucker entertained a number of young people Tuesdny evening at a party honoring_ her Si8ter, J\fiB8 Harriett, who left Thursday to spend the summer in West Virginia. . The houra were indulged in games on the lawll, an IImll~illg 1l0ntest WAI held and ,inging to the a\!companiment . of ,t he ukelle in the handa of Mi1l8 'Gibson. A dainty refrcshmen t course, consisting of orange. sherbet and white cake WIIS served to; MisBCS lCathlqen and Nellie Grohum, Ey~Jyn Tucker': Ruth Hanks, Olethia ana' Thelm'a 'Roberts, of Lebanon, Miss Rowena GibBon, of Bellbrook and Davis Bogan, Wulter Harvey Henry, Jamea Carback, Floyd Lemmolls, Sherman .and Clinton Roberta Ilnli: Alfrell ~.icrs, pt Lebanon.







A fervent prayer ;,( cltiz~ ns hiJ) weJl mig ht be, "God k.· pp the sch oo ls of Americn. Americau'!" As Yilt, notwithst~mding illsidiQu, • effort to promulgat.e pr.IlCQ pr0l'ugllll_ ~ da in th e Jlu blic I; 'hoolB. t hey rClltai n, r1 and distil/Clively. putriutico:lJy A me rlean. Peace C:Ma ys, de bale. u n u pence c ultur e ur!J we ll " nough, pl'ol'ieh'd they do n ll t t ond t o W('alll'lI t h~ spiril of patl'iol is m. Bu t th is spil'it Il('vc r will bl' wcu lll' n 'd if th e ~l.! ntill1 ntH o f un Iowa school 1111,s of scl'c nl~C Il y car~ become e mbodied in the C"II"cious ncBs of A n"'rie a n y uuth. Hl.! r creed is good en ough for a ll of u s. Her e il is : y.. "I bc li ~ve in the il li g' o( Ihl: ni I'd Slutes-th ., li vi l1 l{ 111 1,ll' 1I1 of !l U I' Krent r<'p uhli c. " I t sy ml,o li7.l'g the f reed o"" equnlity, justi ce un ,l hu mallity f O I' whi ch OUl' forcfuth t: I'O Hacl'iHccd th e ir li ves and pe rs ona l prop ert y. I be'lie \'e In its cncirclinK "rotcc-

prosecutitg attorneys cyuld make good uJle SIIIIaorlplJOD Price, '1.150 p.r Year of that buIJet-nroof armor of 'light, flexible steel plates now being worn D. L. CRANE PullU.II•• by Berlin police.

. --=--=-=--===== \\ AY i!(j 1\126


Gooc:l Enough for All

W.ho-W.iU JVin


4 '

lio Jl, it ~ J,:' u i<ian<.'(· a nd it s :-; t r ng t h .

"It" mi/{hty U l'l,l is r " l' e\'l' r rui "ed in OUI' dde nse. " 1 belic\'e thut it Hhi clds u s and wil l contin ue t o do s o u lll il "(uth and ime Rha ll be no mo re." He l'c i, PU I'C pal l'iot ism . inte llige nt national 1IIHl ,·1·8 la ndin g. f!lith in the a ll-inclus ive syn,bolism of lhe nationa l stnndard .

The now seemingly certain

the two-thlrd and unit rules in Democratic national conventions indicates that the stru g-gle tor nomination between Wm. G. McAdoo of Callfo,rn.ia and Go,'. Al Smith of New York will no doubt be reeumcd In 1028 rlght whe n> It lett off in the famous 1924 convention at New YOJrk. Pol\tlca\~pro. phetIJ are already wagering that one of these two will be the Democratic nominee tor the Pre sidency In 1928. Mr. a nd Mrs. J ohn Myers and duughte r, of B'~ lm o nt, and Mr. and MrR. A. E. White al1d 80ns, of Spr ingfi eld, spent Thu rsday eve ning with Mr. und Mrs. Frunk Snyder s pe nt MI'. a ncl Mrs. K '~8 I e r Gra ham. Saturday in Dayton. --Mr. and Mrs. Seth F urnas are enjoying a new Sed an. , Mr. Charles Mullinix' worked in Springfie ld la "t week . The Muther s' club made the school C. V. Robinso n an ti duug hter. Mil picnic quite a s uccess. dred. hu ve moved in to the Coyl Mr. Willium Graham wa s in Day- IH·opl'rly. ton on bus iness , Suturday . Severnl bas eball "fans" from this Mr. and Mrs. Alb ert Stucy we re plnce witnessed the Reds' defeat in Cincinn uti , Sund a y. Leba non vis itors, Monday. The Dorcas society held th eir The oil mun Wil e here Monday to mo nthly medin!t nt th e home of Mrs. sec about oiling th e streets. W. C. ::; mith, on Tuesday. Mrs. Eva Graham and d ll ug htcr, Memorial Day will be observcd Bernice, spent Wedn esdny in Dayhere Sunday afte rn oon , Rev Stanton, ton. of Xe nia, will dleliver the address in Me88rs. J. R. Johns and Guy Rout- the M. E. church. zahn made a business trip to Dayton Miss Miriam Hawkins, of SharonThursday. vill e, Miss Ruth Barlan, of MiamisSeveral from here a ttended the burg, and Wm. Harlan, of Maderia, commencement at Centerville. Sut- were Su nday g uests of Mrs. Harlan urday evening. and da ughter. Mr. Glenn J ohns, of Dayton, vis. IIIr. an d Mrsl. Ed Steddom have ited his pare nts, Mr. and Mrs. C. E . move d in to thei:r new property, and . John s, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Compton have mo vMr. and Mrs. Ben Hawke and fam - ed into Mrs. Icenhauers' property, ily called on relatives and friends vacated by the :Steddoms'. in Lebanon, Sunday afternoon. Spring Vall,ey Township High Miss Cleo Stacy is he lping nurse Bebool commence ment ooccurre d on the sick children of Mr. and Mrs. Thursday night of last week. Carl Conard, Katherine Holland and V iLee Earnhart, near Waynesville. olu Curry, of t hi s placo , were among Mr. and Mrs. Fr0'1k . Kurius were the graduates. Viola Curry was the Monday evening guest s of Mr. Lester honor stude nt. Kurfus and family, at Franklin. The m emb er s of the Dorcas society Mrs. Mary Carmony was a Sunday am d husbands cDLlled on Mrs. Mary F . dinn e r guest at the home of Mr. and McKay Sunday evenin g and presentMn. W. F. Clurk, in Waynesville. ed her with a beautiful bouquet of Mr_ and Mrs. Kesler Graham and American Beauty ros es as a token of daughter, Bernice, s pent Sunday appreciation of' her beautiful Chriswith Mr. and Mrs. Herman Allbright, ~ian life and influence. Mrs. McKay IS m or e than 80 years of age . in Dayton.


It Is 1\ f01 h that sh u 1,1 ~ hllm~ 11'1<1 .rofl fn unrt tAw gnmVf'l'~ at lh,' ["v'Hhlt H 'Jl~ '.I ' d · nn. itution . . It I n dnl'i jl ~ ehll ll en~ll ' 1f1 the Bo l~ 1t .vi i. upd I'a~cist l)l'K .~ . . It L· Lho ,·"Il'u (,f Am el'icn. speakill ~ fl'lIln ih!' IitJ ~ o f Am Hlcn n yo uth . !II I ·I-: ~ ~l~ II ~ um nHlns ll> th e ma nho()d ')1' A Il1cri ,~u to nout and cl {y nil he c"h o rts of inle l·n nllon nli sm . It 1'1'C)\'cti /lut l'iothH " ~lil l r i nK~ In''' 111 th" puhlic M'ho ols " r AIl.... rica .



is n(,t. t ill' Jlhra s,' o f I lflluhus t. o r milltllr i~ 1l1.

hlust ' r n" I' u f lill c .

fl '£>I1 .

hilt the

l' un tidl' Il L cXI,n. · :-:~1i 111 of

c""r,(lell(" in ul1d fidclitl' t ,. "Ii Ihu t Am('dea , hull ld IIlCan l/)' lhl.! mi lli"n ,; will> afl' ~ h " It\·rt · d und,·/, ll,,· "I'ull· g' fulc1 ~


i t~


illC.: nmparalJ lt, k \ !1 l\ c r.

Cil1l' innH! i Enquire r.


Public Sales 1 wil l ,, (Tn lhe.- foll owin g ~,,,,,I. nt a111' 1i"n. I mil., ('lI, t 'If lI ar·\· t·y~hll r g , Oh io. " " SAT URDAY . JU N E 4. 1926 n l'J.! l lllI ll\~

P ,.. lIl lp tl y lit 1 u" ,ltll. k : lT u u -t\,'}Hdd J,!"cJ d..: , )!;t l' ci t' rl tOHI ~ . l ' fU '· p ~n t (' I' t H ul,= . rld'n1 l n1!' ' illlplc'mf'n t " t hnrll l' !-.~ , l' H l' l' i u~.·. kit 'hc' ll ul ulI sil H. :t few alitill ll t·" u nll m a n y "lit(' /' thj l1 ~ ' .

H. E. II ATT Ui'-:, 1\Iul"tin & S tu n lt:y,

u C li lifi l ' t! r !-' .

L. A. Zimmerman J. W. White D; R. Smith F. E. VanOfien Immediate relld rru. PILES getbr.1booD's MQk OIDllDal4.



- - -.......... ~ ..

Quite a number of young folks gathered at the home of Miss Eva Wharton Saturda y evening, aiI'd Burprised her. LittleEverett and Kenneth Savage are spending this week with their grandmother, Mrs. Be lle Dinwiddie. ' in Waynesville. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mullenix entertained over the week-end Mr. and Mrs. Lee Ler!\l1 and daug hter, Marjory, of Springfield. ?llr. Everett Early, Mrs. George Scott and Mrs. Ralph Archdeacon made a business trip to Hamilton on Tuesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs Glenn Brock and daughter, Betty' June, of Indianapolis, Ind., were week-end guests of Dr. and Mrs. L. G. Brock. Mr. William Cox came home from Miami Valley hospital, Wedne8day, evening, and is slowly improving, able to sit up a little each day. A. ~umber from here 'attended the commencement exercises at Waynesville, Thursdal eVen \ng, there being four pf the graduate!! from this community. . . Miss Mary Hunt lett Sunday evening for Klamath Falls, Oregon, wbere she will make hcr future home with her uncle and aunt, Dr. and Mrs. Lorenza Truax. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bishop and daughter, of Dayton, visited, Sunday, the former 's mother, Mrs. Theodore Bishop, who is . vcry ill at her home south of town. . Mra. J osiatl Boitnott returned to her home in Tippeca noe City, Sund.ay, nfter spending several weeks with her dtlughter, Mrs. Ollie Routzahn and family. . . Mr. and ' MI'8. Raymond Gepbnrt and son, Mrs. Chllrlcs Gebhart and duughter, Alice ( of MiamisbUrg, spent Monday cvening with Mr. and Mrs. Henry 'tFoulks. Several from here atte nded 'the Ferry church Sunday morning 'and cnjoyed the mlsslonur.,y tall, given by Rev. Johnston\ who soon goes to Japan al a miSSIonary. ' Mis. Louella Longacre surprised her relativeH ll'l1d frienda Sunday, when she announced her marriage to Mr, Wilbur Swank, of Miamisburg, on event of November 6, 1925. Correcting an erNr in an item of last we\lk's newI, which should have read ftln. Walter Whitake.r entertain. ed the Friendship c\a&s of the M. E. Sun(laV-jlchool, of Wayneeville. . and Mrs. Snyder are reC"lVIDIZ' cOlllgf1lLtullati~I»_ Qn the ,



I •

Cecil Hoover di ed at midnight Friday night at his home neu r Waynesville. Wm. Cooper has sold his Caesars Creek rtlnch to la Mr. Horton, of Wilmington. Cecil Tolle and family have moved from the tenant h ouse tiack to neBr Clarksvme. Tbis pla ce was well re presented at the County R\}llglous Education council at Wayn esville, Tuesday. M. M. Terry and K. E. Tbompson made a businessl trip to Villars Chap. el, Clinton county, las t Saturda~'. K. E. Thomp:son aod ~f. M. Terry were at Rldge1~iIle and Springboro one day last wel!k, looking for hones. Milton Eakir.1 has tbe smallpox Verneda Lewis hae the measles and Ernest GarriS011l has the whooping cougb. Earl Striker, of Wilmington, was here Friday b~lying stock. Earl is one of C\jnto~L county's best busi ness men. Our schOol cl.osed Friday wit h the ' us ual big dinnc'r a nd en tertainmc nt. We are told Mrs. Hufi'man will teach our school the c:omin g year. Several fr om this place attended the fun eral of Mrs. Ida C. Mannon, at Waynesvi\l(l, Inst we ek. llirs. Mannon was born und rai sed nt this place. Quite a numbcr I rom thi s plnce attended the funeral of Calvin Rceder, at the Spr'inglleld chu rch near Sligo ' on Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Ru t h Murray had charge or the funeral. K. E. 'Thompson aDd wife, Lon Brnnnon and wife an d Mrs. Mary Kathl ee n T oomHy attended the County Religious Education Council at Waynesville 'fucHday and Tuesday eveping_ ' K. E. Thompson was in Montgomery, ClarK ·and Miami counties Il\8t week. While h~ ClarJc county be visited the Scarfi' 1480 acre sced farm and saw their . lurge herds of fine Ayrshire and Hereford cattle. Miss Anna SSLyers closed her school at Wellman Friday, with an old-fash. ioned dinner and a ball gamll, in the afternoon. Miss Sayers will not teach the W~lllman Bchool nnothe.r year. She has been offered a better school with mOl'e mOl\ey. .


- --





Owner stol~ my 50 miles preN 'the "


to Ju~lge-fCU the thief Who car wilrtell me hOw he got an h ~lur ouil of Jt, 1 won't chlll'gll.." ~ \:



Buttermilk Starting Feed resist disease-e<;pecially White D iarrh ~a- the costli est of all chick plagues. Conkey-fed chicks thrive better too. Th ey gain faster, rna· ture earli er, weigh more, lay better.




Man y little ch ~_· I\:s arc hntched out with greatest care only to die from fecdin.g neg·lect. Be fair with your hatch es th iS year. Give tlW111 a chance to live and thri ve . It GUsts so little to do it. Con key's has solved the ·problem of canying little chicks safely oye r the c riti cal first 8 weeks. No ()th r Chick Feed has su ch a re ore! of s uccess. Poul try r a Ise rs fi nd th at when Conk ey''S comes in - "good luck" comes too. Chicks fed Conkey's

".- :' ,.-, - - - '

Buttennilk Starting Feed is different from all others. It is so clean, sweet and genuine. It is the only feed made by the Original Conkey Process-no dried ButtermUk is ever used. Only Semi&lld Buttermilk is combined with other ingredients in the original and successful C9nkey Way.

Don't Break the Chain of Conkey's ButtermUk ~eeds


Three' in number- one for Starting-one for Growing-one' for Laying-each the best for its purpose. Sold by

Phone 2S

Waynesville Farmers' Exchange Co.




OU c~n save $ 1.00 if l'oU buy three ~ all on K of Foy's Roof and b arn Paint ",ilhin th e next weck. Every purchaaer of th is amount will receive free a high grade Lrush to usc wilh the paint. Tbis regularly costs $ 1.00. A fresh new coat or Foy's Roof and Darn I'aint 0 11 your bllildings pay. (or itself Imny times over, bec"use it protects the wOod and InN,,1 from Ihe weather. YOLI C:\I\ apply I his pa intvcryeasily if you lISC the brirab whic h we provide_ E veil if yo u arc not plauning tu do the work at once, buy the p.-unt nolV 'and AAVC the COlit or a. brush later on.

l~ ~,::,,~~~o~::.~

uk aOO"llh••pedal of_ fer eivtn with 'eRe" ~ lb. foUowlne Foy producu ; Hou .. PaInt. VeJVftI""• Flu ·Wo.Il Palnl. floor

Enamel, Topu Stains for f1oo ... a..d Int orior Wooa.ork, Perm.dura Whll. En.meJ. Drl-Ful Cot. or Ea\amtI.

(lay ~('r"i~'<!. e~ rmon and Holy mUlllo n nt 10 ::ll). E \' erybody cor· hUl ch ,.II"l1~· hwit,'(1 t UleRe. ervicell. 1,'l1I ror llll Rc\'. ,I.l!tn .1. 'cha II'l!r , Rector. -.

Mr. a nd Mr s Wil bu r Sea rs and f tlm ily werll ill Dayto.n. today.

May 29,1926

Mr. u nd Mrs. J ohn Fromm and fa. mily 8pent unday in Dayton.

In Front of My Store I have a few things left and to dispose of them rapidly

I will sell them a t Pu hli c Au ction. As there a're many t hing. you will want, it will pay you to be here and bid on them, and get them, too.

aelow, we list a fe w of the many articles: Chnd'-·I SI_klnel (I I"" 7 to 9 ) P" nh-3 2.3 1. in ;; 33.32 iD M"n· • • "er7da7 Work Sod .. S Ulpende ra- Men' . and Boy.' Rick Rack Pia no Player Roll. Whil. Bial Braid Shoe Poli.h Color.d Bi.. Bra id Rollin e Pin. D,... Fa.~n.ra Toil" t Pa per Holde," Bultoo.--P... rl Can of Oil ( For oiling Se wing M.. Hook. and Ey. . chi ne. Lawn Mower. e lc. ) S.D Silk Flinch. Rumme. Checke .. O.N.T. Crochet Thre.d Blan k Baa l.. Calldl el Ca ke Pans ; Pie P"nl Glu",y Pas l" c., ·ral. Ti n Bud.., h Glo.... aDd Mitten. ( it will p"y you One 101 of sma ll Aluminum WAre to buy th e. e now) Gla ... P eppe r Il nd Salt Sbakes Brite Li, hl Hand So ~ p (;1" .. Ash Tr ay~ Pape r MaI'Che. AN D MAN Y OTHER THIN GS T OO NU MEROUS TO MENTION

DOLL BED. a e ood a ile, th a t . old for S3.50. · LA UNDRY SET- A T ub. Wringer, CIOlh" s Line, P in., Ironin, Boardand Ba. ke t. DOLLS- Kid Body. Mama Doll •• etc:. BLOCK S, BEADS. C ARP ET SWE EPERS. DUMPING SANDY. KNIFE, FORK. SPOON. BAS E BALLS.ETC .. ETC ., ETC. ,

TERMS:- CASH. Remember The Date

Saturday Af~ernoon at 2 o'clock, . Saturday Evening at 8 o'clock

Frank.H. Far~, Waynesvllle,Oe T. L. Pierce, Clerk

SEARS, Auct.

Mr. li nd Mrs. F . C. Schwa rtz. of olum bus. visited f riends he re. Sun. day. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Gordo n nnd dtlu!:hte r s pent Monday with r elati ves in X e . - m o. Ladi es' pinea pple.slitch hose, spec. iul, 25 c. at Hyman' s. Mrs. Edith Harris and Miss Mildred Harl30c k we re sho pping in Doyton, Mondny. . Mr. a nd lIfrs. Charl es Dodds, ' of Xenill. were caUi ng 0 11 f ri en ds her e, Su nday af ternoon. Sever a l of . this year 's gra duating class t ook the Norm al eXllmi nati on at Lebanon. Saturd llY. Miss Lucille StJ ohn is employed as bookkeeper in t he offi ce of th e Way. nes"iIle Motor Compa ny. Ladies' a pron dresses. $2.98 value. for $1.98. at Hymans. Miss Olive Allen bs bee n cn gaged to tellch in the X enia schools another year with an increase in salary.

For The Children:

. Miss Annie U. Brown. of Coillmbus, spent Su nday with her siste r. Miss Marn e. a t th e Friends H ome. Mr. a nd Mrs. U. M. White and daught er. of LouisviUe, spe nt several days Lhis week \vith fri ends. h er e. Mrs. Kate Coleman a nd Mrs H C. Coleman were s upper g uests of l'tl rs. HUlda h Bur nett and so ns. Tu esday. Wa tch for th e Green Soft Water La un dry truc k every Tuesday and Friday. Mahlon Ridge. IIgent. . Miss Louise . Hend erson is spend. t he week m Bellbrook with her sister. Mrs. H a rry Turner and family. In ~

Messr s. Carl O'l\d Glenn Frye went to Toledo }[onday nig bt. and return ed Tuesda y nig ht with new Overland ears. It ·p ap weU to do your OWD

",.rk etille Direct


tb. Tri State.

Should "ou, ,.fler cloi... all th!\ h.rd work. liYe away ODe I.UOII out of ' .~• .." t.n c.Uona of 70ur Cream?



lAY 25




Cream&Cans:Guaranteed AgainstiLou Shippi., fa tbe e ••I..t work on the f.rm .nd p.". tbe mOIL J

If "ou

a re not ahippillC direo:t to the Tri St.te. start now ...d make Oo~



e""ry $10.00 worth of cream solel

Free Trial Calli GI.dl,. Furlli.hed If C. n • Are Needed.


Bring your Eggs to Kroger

After a pleasant week with relaatives here, Mrs. H. C. Coleman returned Wednesday to her home in Norwood.

Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Henderson. Miss E sther Henderson and Mrs Kate Ooleman Wllre in Lebanon · Wednes. d ay afternoon. Mis8 Elizabeth Thompson. who spent the winter with her nephew. F. R. Moomaw. has returned to her home in Kingston. Ohio. Miss Gladys Harlan, of Dayton. at.tended commenCjol!ment and alumni and was the week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ffoye. .

J • .A. Moomaw and son. F . ·E. Moomaw. of Greenfield. came over to the commencement exercises and spent the night with F . R. Moo~aw.

Ladies' $2.00 silk lIcarfs. assorted colors. special. U.29 at Hyman·s.

, AS80rted35 Fla vors, each. . . . . . . . . . . . . . C

20·02. Sqll .... Layer. ench 25c Angel Food, 14.oz., ... ch .... ...... 25c Pound Cak. for Sirawberry Shortcake, e.c;h ....... ............... .. ........ 19c

172 lb . Doublel0c BREAD CountryClub, or Spht Top Loaf, each ... .

,~oIlDtr,. ~Iub. ........ .. ........ .. 7c Country Club.. lib. Vienn ......... 7c; ountr,. Cub. 1. lb. W~ol e ~heat ::::.:.:.:.:: ........... .... .. ....... .. ................... 8c

SUGAR P~~e 1~~P~cket ..... .. $1.59 Bulk. 10 lb . .... ................ .. ... ..... 64c

Potatoes Northern .White~ Fin- 39c est Quahty, 10 Ibs . ... . 2

ound..... ... .. .. .. ....... .... .. .. ..... ...

.:.. ......... .

~~~.h~~~~~~~.... :. 25c I ~~~~a~p.!~u~~~.~.~ . . . 1Dc - - - - -- Olives 53C --_._ Strawberries 8~:nn"'-25 C Sm.1I Jar. e.c;h ............

.. .. 13<:

. l:arge SI"e Qu.rt J.r. pl. ·in ,.. ........ ... Q\larl J.r•• tu~ed .... ..... .... ... .... .. 75<: Bulk, do ... n ...... ...... .... .. ............ .. 6<:

F " n. Cuban fru it. 30.size. 2 ..... 25<:

La rge Be rrie • . full quart

~~t!~!.~f'i~~~~~. .44c ~.~~.~?f~~. Lard OpenKettle 33C 2!~r? 'Pnee.


Rendered 2 lb............ ..

·· ' All S.c:ree~ ,Adjutabl<t, m.tal. · low .pnc...... .

54'"C .

3Ib . ....

25c 22c

pouod ............. Churneold. pOllod ............: .......30c

We do your washing by the pound. Our ratel;' from 5c up. Try us 'and be conVinced of our good service. Soft Wllter Laundry. Mahlon Ridge. agent. Men's $1.60 Dress shirts. special $1.19. Ilt Hyman·s. Men's Suits and Overcoats dry cleuned and pressed. Hots cleaned and blocked. Ladies' dress and coats cleaned and pressed. Leave your call with Mahlon Ridge. Soft Wuter Laundry. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Williamson. of Elyria. Mrs. Frank Long. of Columbus, Mrs. L. C. Cooper. of Dayton. and Mrs. Rose Cafferty. of Fra nklin. were commencement weck guests of H. H. WiJliamson and family.

A farewell surprise party wns given Tuesday night at the home of Miss Loui~e Crane. in honor of Miss_, Ida Barnett, who has returned to her home,in Oenterville. after . spending the wlllter with her aunt, Mrs. Ida Kelsey. ' . Kenneth .KllboDJ Rue Dinwiddie, Mrs. Mahel ·Dinwiadie, ·Mr and Mrs. James O'Dell. Miss Alitha 'Dinwiddie, Mr. and 'Mft. Raymond Davis, Mr. Mrs: Howard GuBtin,LMlaeB LouCatolyn Smith• .DIr, and Mn. Winston, of .Dac;n, Mr. and

ir.Ei:}5?ki?§~ who attended the A1ulDDi meetina'.


. .

011 m. for ·~.ur aDar••• \ te..... work. .. follo",I' . TIR~ VULCANIZING RADIO REPAIRING BATTERY CHARGING RADIO SUPPLIES BATTERY SUPPLIES In L.w.oo'. Blaek~mlth Sial,




Balloon Tires

They Don't Just Happen To Be Good You hear a lot about Goodyear Tire••

Quality Meats

Home Dressed

c. D. & W. L SHEEHAN

DEATHS }iI'S. Easter Smith died 8uddenly unday evening nt 6 :30 a t the home of Mrs. Julia Bergan. Dea t h wns due to upoplexy. The funeral WIlS held t his a fternon at the home f her" sister. Mrs. Lisle Everhart, Rev. L. A. Washburn in charge of the services. Burial in Mia mi cemetery.

Cecil Hoove r died at his home on the Hisey farm. near the ONeall school house . early Saturday morning. The f une ral was held Tue.a day morni ng. Rev. Moon. of Clarksville. officiating. Burial i.n Mia mi cemetery.

I will be at

(iranlge Hall,


Thursday, May 27

G. H. BROWER 294 Ludlow Arcade

Daytcln, Ohio


\ J'

The AU. Weather Tread, the Coodyear Bead, the remarkab,e new Cord material-SUPERTWIST-the croup ply construct n-theae and many other thin'..... rea· aons why more people ride on Goodyear ·tlre. than on any ' other 'kind. . And the beauty of it i.-you can buy the.. .uPt!r~, quality tire. for no more, frequently Ie.., than you pay for the reneral run of tire•• __


Waynesville Motor Co.

$650 Value

'Playelr Piano

TeD Ihe Advertiser you read- his Ad. in,tile .Milan ~e 2J

We are agenu for the celebrated



-..- - -

Annual Meeting

for only


Jos.C., Krebs

The annual meoting of the lot own. ers of Miami Cemetery association. will be held in the Cemetery Chapel on Monday. June 71_1926. at 1 :30 p" m. J. O. CARTwRIGHT. Clerk.

a~e distributors of th'''ollcnrihl

Tires and '~u'be8 Mi~helin.

" .


United States; .Fisk

On Saturday. May 15. Kenenth M Pope and Miss Helen A. Shaw were united in nlarriage at the M. E. par. sonage. Lebanon. Hev E. S. Keller officiating. . The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Shaw. of Middleboro. and the groom is the son of 'Mr and Mrs. Sidney Pope of this pltlce ..



W a~e.ville, Ohio

Phpne 105


From Factory to You

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _

Lafayette R, Grnham. aged 75 years died at his residence in Stl1we\] Place. Lebanon ; Friday morning May 14. at 9 o·clock. Funllral services were held at the residence at 1 :30 Monday afternoon and at 2 o'clock at the Main Street Presbyte. rian church. Interment in Lebanon cemetery.




i!I ". _

iII!1'lit7..i~_iIJI · 7!it-AAilICi! " ~ ·

Louis J e nkin H cif Cp.rwin. dropped dead Monday while at work f or Lon Beckett. at the latter's home. R. S. The funera l \vill be held at the Chapel Thursday af t erno on at 2 o·clock. .Burial in Mia mi cemetery.

Mrs. Philip Larrick died IllSt Friday of tu berculosis, at the sanitarium north of Dayton. after an illneils of long duration. She was the the daughter-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. George Larrick. of Lebanon. The funeral service was held Tuesday aft ernoon in , the church at Red Lion. Burial Wtl~ in Miami cemetery.


"They have a fine reputation all over the world. Did you ever stop to seriously figure out why they areao well thought of? You can't tell much about tire. by merely looking at the.",_ They all look pretty much alike But you know, Goodyear tires don't ju.t happen to &e good. They are good for very definite rea.on.. Mo.t of the reasons why Goodyear tires are ood are due to p,t· ented proceaaes-materials and me ode not found in any other tirea

Spot LUte Market


, Viki~ -


WaynesviUe,·Overland 'Sates Co. .. H. Archdeacon ' "'j"

.- .

STATISTICAL NOTE Main Street. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Sherwo'od at.tend ed the All-day Meeting at the Ninety-two per cent of the 1925 Waynesville Ohio Flatfork church lnst Sunday. and bridegrooms have nll'eady forgotten r eport a very interesting time of ~;;======;=======oiJ'J how to drive with one hand. which the lIoon-day meal served on the grounds at tbe side of the church was not a small feature. Men's kahkl pants. $2.00 value. for $1.69, at Hyman·s.


In Applied Arts

Mr s. Viola . Harlan. Mrs. H. B. Earnhart and Ernest Harlan left Sunday for an extended visit .at Galesburg. Ill.

Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Se1lers. of Lebanon. and Mrs. Mary Hopkins. of Dayton. were Sunday dinner guests of Miss Clara ,Keys and Mrs. Surface.


C()rwin, Ohio


Mrs. I. Mendelson an'd daughter. of AvolJadle. were guests of Myer CHICKENS DRIE:SSED ON ORDER Hyman and family several days this week.

Mrs C. B. Jones. nee Anne Bachman. left Saturday to join her hus bond, Who is salesman for the N C. R. Co.• at Durant. Okla. .

5.113. c.rlon .. .. .... .. .... .. ................ 33c

Frank Biggs


Saturday Afternoon and Evening,

w. N.

reo Iyer Ify mnn an ti Jl'lIcst, MTI!, William' Hadley was bOf1l ncar d I . J I.Glnr'ks,ri ll,B. Ohi\) Decl!illbcr 1. 1840, em e SOli. wC'rll 111 am. t own, t o- II nc! died the h Oi'ne oj a daugh.t el' dlly. 1n \'Iayll s"me on May 18. 1026. H bo'r e th e num . of; his g randfather. Mi8s Dor is He nt\eraorL h ll ~ accepted who; with hi ~ fum ny. came to' Clin. a position in the Wayne ville Nillionnl t on county. Ohio. f r om North urba nk. , olina oarly in th e Il\Ilt century. The village of Clarksville was ltlid o ut Miss Grtl ce Schwartz , of Coillm bus. 0 11 II po r tion of the lan d purchas ed was the g uest of MisMLilla Benham by t his grandfather .a nd nam ed by hi m in hono r of his wife l Sarl\h Cltlrk. last \~eek . A so n. J o: hua . with Ius wife. Ruth Will Wit ha m and .famil y. of Ma- Edwards Hadley. sottl ed on a far m son. spent Sun day wit h Dr. lind Mrs. ncar Ciarksvi ll(l. an d o.r their seve l child ren Willi am outli ved nl\ the J . E. Wit htl m. ulhers. Durinl{ lhe Civil Wll r h c fe lt the Prot. Shunk a nd wile. of Xe nill. ca ll to arQl:! tllH.I c nlistqd >in Compa ny we re dinnt'r g uests of Mr. lind Mrs. n, Reg. 8 ~. Ohi o Vo lun le~r In fn nt r y. W. H. All en , SundllY. Octoucr 12. 18G2. an d 8erved until honor a bl y dischtlrgcd. December 5, Miss Hu lh Newla nd. o f lI1 itlllli uni· 18G '1. versit y. spent the weck-end wi th W. On Dl'cember 5. 18G7. he mtlrrie d H. All en and f Amily. Fnrilldu VlInDoren . '1'0 this unio n s Lx childre n were bo rn. two of whic h Have r ou r old r ugs nlade like new died in infa ncy. Ther e r emain t o by our mo de rn prOCtlss of r enovat ing mourn h ls loss two so ns a nd tw o Soft Wat"r Laund r y. Muhlon Ridge; daughte rs: Alvin, of Shelby, Oh io. ngent. Nathan , Clarksvill e. Mrs. Lina Ma dden. of Wtlyn csville. a nd Mrs. Louie Misses Kuth r yn lind Miidrr d lark Urto n, of Dayton; nnd three grand. left t oday for Miam i. F la., where Mis8 c hildren. ·Dunno. Chester tln d Mabel Kllth ryn 's marri age t·o Clu ud c Riggs H ud le y. When a niece, Mrs. Amllnda Mi tchell died in 1001 , letlving on inwill tok e place Saturd uy . funt son. Wilbur .. Wm . Hadley lind Mr. li nd Mrs. H. C. Co lc mtln, of his wife opened th eir home alld hcarts Nor wo od. camc up los t Thur~ d ay fo r to the little orpha n and r eared him comme ncement , and were gue. ts of as one of thei r ow n. W m. Had ley wa s a t iller 0 r th e soil Mrs. Kate Colmnl1l\. Mr. ole mtln return ed home Fri day, but MTI!. a nd spent most of his life on the old Cole ma n r emnin ed f or n more e xt en. Va nDoren hom l!s tend. In 19 14 the furm was sold and hI! lind hi s wi fe Lied visit. mo'ved t o Clul'ksvill" \ 0 mako t heir home. At th e ti me of his wif e's dea th in Jan uary, 1920, his h eal t h was so impaired lhat it WIIS fea r ed he wou no t iong s urv ive her. But throug h f&i thful min istrations of his - -- childre n. am ong wh om he divided his Miss Nellie Watt.~ . home demon- t ime, his da ys we re leilgthencd' fa r strato r tl gent of Wa rren county. will beyo nd th e allotted three sco re years demonstra te some vc ry in teresting and t en. Frie nd. he ' ret ained work in Ap plied Arts at th e Gra nge hisA mbirthright embership in the Clurksv ille hall on F r iday a ftern oon of this Fri e nds Meelinl\' till th ~ last. In teg. week at 2 o·cl ock. All girls of the ri t y, honesty. loyalty. a finll adhe r. Roo m club are Ilsked to bring either ence to the right ga ve ev id,m ce of pla tn candles 1.0 be decoruted. or hig h idellis a nd st er ling worth. With pickle jars or somet hi ng simila r . to u n o btru ~ h'e f ortitude he met his mao "Y traits; his s u nny smile brightbe t ransform ed .i nto vases. lI1iss Watts gives tI cordial invita· ened mallY a moment lind th e bub. tion t o all girl Ei and wome n of the bli ng spring of his kindl ey humor co mmunity who may be interested. smoothed mllny a troubl ed ho ur. With patie nce, unwll verin A', he bore to be prese nt tit this meetin g. his years of invalidis m. grateful fo r every ma rk of IItte lltron. A gentle sp irit has return ed to it s Maker. C.rd of Thank. We des ire to ex press our heartfe lt th a nks to neig hb ors and friends fo r t he kindn ess shown us; a nd appreci. ation of consolin g words. during the sickn ess and dea th of our dear futh. er; a lso to Mr. McClure a nd Son fo r th eir efficient servi ce. BEEF. LAMB AND VEAL THE CHILDREN.


t _ __

hi1dr~'8 sox. f ancy tops, special . 26c, lit H yman·s.


William Hadley

See our line of WaH Pal1" GUn lAve money at H yma n·s.


f, .D. ,Dakin Insurance' AgUey. Waynesville, Ohio

Ice Plant C.loses At ·11:30.a. 'm. Decorat~.~. n Daj May 31, "1926, ~






·'aynesville Mills Coal lice £o~ ,

General '~~surarice '


.. ..

..~~~~~~~~~. .~~. .~.......r~--~~----~~











11111 :


Se.enty-~ighth "ear



i"'==::·;::7··i SMITH-HUGHES BOYS. i


from the

State · Capita ,i Prepared by ! I...... Colum bu8 Repo rter I ......




Whole Numb er 5703




1)ol./"T' WORRY, we'u.. WlKI!; IT , Q.I&-H T - .


Last Tuesday , Paul Tomlins on, Joe Kersey, Chor les Day anel Guy Hockett, boys of the Smith -Highes department, togethe r with their in structor, Announ cement of Governo r Vic J: B. Crabbe, we t to thc Ohio Ex, Donahe y to the effect that he would pcrimen t Station a t Wo osk another t erm as chief executive Jo' ie ld Day for vocntionoste r, where a ogricult ure at the State: is a stnteme nt typical Ntude nts wos to be heldal on Wednc8 Qt the Governo r, and in f act re fiects day. t ho minds of thousan ds. and thouWe wore much Interest ed in the tosonds of Ohio voters. Never in all pograph ical changes the history of Ohio has there been IIcsvlHe lind Wooster between Way. Ma ny nota· so mallY I1ppoint ments to make a~ ble differen of farming there will be during the term of and methodsceswerine types of instruct ive inOhio's next governo r. By uppoint - tcrost. ments made In th e past, or rather atWe landed in r at 8 :30 p. tempted appoint ments Ohio voters m., und proceed edWooste know thO calibe r of me n that will be $35,000 barn wheretowelocate. the new called upon for duty sho uld Donahe y that we could bunk had been told for the night. be re-elect ed. Large u t ility corpo- After Joe Kersey had intervie wed rntions have blocked such appo int- ~cv e ral fine-loo king young ments in the past, a nd they will at- finully located the place, ladie.. we Already t empt It aguin. Of thi R there is no so mo 285 s tudents tOl;ethc r with thei r doubt, but they will not have the inst ru ctors, hnd t urned in for the 88me advanta ge 85 if th ey elected II night. I\Her r ccon noitera governo r of their own selec tion. ing, W~ found asome Fear that 80me o~ t!\e~e Q\ll,\lp"ulell plenty of straw forgood place with beds wh ere we will lpao \ bl'il' II.VN\g\o"holtl on aeveral unrolled our blankets hnd inIlf 01\111 llt.iite (lOlllmlllSlons Indicate s tended to sleep but lig.hts We tliat they will fight to the limit to and of!' all night, auto s napped on clect a ,overno r and the main Issue got stuck, and buy~ wa born buttona of the campaig n as eeen at this ed lind gave th eir H. S.lked and t.a \kyells in their distan~e Is "the Utilities against the sleep . All this and mucn WON People." pened to entertai n durlng U\e When thl! issue has prevaile d in even thou~h t\l.e~~ were the past the people have won every on dut~ 111\ \\f ~he thn~. ~wo. time, and It really isn't taking m\\I\!\ '\'".~ Qay ~'oke fair bllt soon turnpI a e til ttlI" .n~ ~~.~ \hlng ed Oloudy. in the morning all t!@P~~ !\g!ll\ · ~e~ llllvemb er, An~ thoili presentEarly assembl ed for an IIdptJjer great anger III that of the dren by Directo r William !\, of tbe Workme n's com penl8tio n law . being Station, told us that there are wrecked should a represen tative of over 700 who acres owenQ by th e State, the trusts and corpora tions be elect- and over 110Q \Inder their coned. This law is at present a hobby tro!. T\;\e\'O "to'~I!. 235 em ployees, 85 of of Vic Thousan ds .wl\\Qh - (IN .elentifi c Investig ators. thousan d. of 0111' State director of Smlt.h-H ughes 99!llD. n\lf\~!PII work. by Fife, gave a short talk. A \-! np\!r terml iroup picture was then taken. tiRn theso . These. proved very interest i ng and. ebecjca are instruct ive since the results 0(' .. unfortu nate larll'e number of experim~'" were h _. d Tb plain\y vi/lil;lle. SoW~ ~ . ' he more ~~ S~te whl~h 8.trikil,li ~ert t\\U teata \.he use of . . ., tI 1 W> ht;l.lo; w\\e~ \IT of I) nelyInground lime The officers nnd leaders training ~pl!P.\d::ni:p,~nlll>l~g". slO,\e ~lIr IIqre had given 4J meeting for the 4-8 clubs of WnrII" ~:: eleit 1\ mOlit ee.;.nomlcal yi.e ld.s in a . ren cou.nty was held nil an all-day 'Ci\tlre 'lIimp thy rotation of corn, oa\&. wll~t bmeeun g in Harmon pork. on Thurs.o ' It, _. ver. Then there were tile Crop rota.ElY 27, and was well nttende'l l t tio.ll experim ents whe~e . wheat folover a hundred reprcsen tntlves lowing PQtatoes gavo much t he larges \ 24 of the 4-H clubs of the yield , and ~ rn fo llowi,,$' S:IIl t county. had. a';e~nged mucn. "Ii"e" thlln During the mohling excellen t ex fol19Wltli 1I.~)l' iitlt:.e.r ~p. 'fhe nmples of individu al 'demons trations 01\ 1\\{1',!,~epi (ertilf& en were al,so were glven by Nola Boker, of the Interest lng_ As Ipuch Ill! 2 per Busy Bee Clothing club, of CarHale , of nltrogfl l was h\lneficl al whi\e Doris Sn.ook, of tb e Nonabe l Food p~a~e w~ fo und to be neceBBary, Turtle<: reek: townshi p, and and some potnsh, was founl,\ to Qe ' of the Turtlec ree k Calf ben efieia~, espeeial~y ~or e;orn. . Thompson arid Geraldi ne 1,\ \~e afternoo n a speei:al the Sunshin e Food club, a~d , P\lul~ry. ~o~~ wer \l\~61I. townshi p, gave a fin e v.lew!!~ tlu~ i!l~ bQef !\tetrs and tl\e demons tration on the preparhttto _iii ammals, an~ h\cident ally. ation of bran muffins nnd were folIcli.rne that much the hlfli er profit lowed bf \\ discussion on th o me th od will 1lf! r,~!~e~ \In ~h e smaller cattie, of gi..,ing team demons trati ons by We IIlsp 1l0mPI',"c\l resu!~ o~ differen t a discussi on on the method of giving feeding ration!\. We saw the eom- team demons trationll by their club parl~oll Qt f~c der ~att\e l>olUtllt on th(l leader, Mrs. Forest Lutes. 0Jl~n IIllrleet !lnd of beef cattle ralaAfter the picnic lunch, th e officers ed f rom !l breeding herd. We saw and Icaden divided the reaultl of stanchio n and looae or groups, the presiden ts into training and vice-pre sicompeti tive feeding, the latter glv- dents, in charge of Mr. ing better gains. The hogs receiy- presiden t of the Warren Carl Miller, county Farm ing corn, alfalfa, bay, 011 mcal, tlink- Bureau ; the secretar in charge of age and milk made best and cheap- Mra. Harry Roland, ies assistan t secreest galnL Mineral s bave liiven less tary of the Farm Bureau, th.e rcportrealllts this )loar than tormerl) " which ers in charge of Mr. G. H. Towns>h t I d\ Id I d ley of the Western Star i and the Rc:::~:nldl&!~~! .!' n v U\\, an C;N~~hl1l In 9harge of Mrs. . I • Ith i Henry Harris ~f the PY Hour a • it ~~~~~:~;~ . Th e IIeltjler w. PI\r. as .q Clu, o~ "'u belllimen. ~7{ ·rlln k ' t wn~ ip, wh'le a ' lI!'ries 011 ,.. '" ttl , ' It l8elll. to tor be proving that the caders talked over clu problem s :~:~~i~E1~~i:~:; palraalte Infectio n can be prevent ed with the county agent, Mr. Hummo n, no deftnlte data hilS yet been dew. and the Home agent, Miss Watts. tennlne d whereby they may be eliinFolI\lwi ng t\le study the reinate4. . .'. , ... . c;r~~ti\l~ l\Uiders le~ the hour, enti~6 grou p The· IIreed 'and feediqg te8~ in ga\ll\!I!, atter "I~\111:\ ~~e~ a.IIJO\.l.r~ , sheep ate al~o · of eduilai'tionill ·value: e~. ' III ~. We . , th ";fhe 4-a ~ub. of Warren count!! "~~ ~a 811 vaI.lle 0 t \~. 0 me , 11 r ..e wisp' til expreis tbeir ·tbank$ tat oli ee~, feql\l~ ~ t!\r , hpw. w~o ' h\!lpea ~o f!la~Ol thol\, meeting Il tba . ';wh'e e~ ~p*a8!ium ' 111 iM it' :f'!d succeSl\. 'l'he work done will " elp til no . gp.ltei' · Of big-neck OCCUfll, ana , ., w]ler!! It: "a~ nP't 'ed ~ ! m! l! p~r Qent PII~ . effilllell~ pep In all of the dIU prll~H~e lllmps ~o a!feoted , Tho clubs and itr IIIanll. boped that this typ e experlm en ., I!I>WIlVll r, Iw ~l!lIt at«rted of meeting wiU be an annual affair. anll deflRi I} ~QM\qftlono wl\l b. d~' - • In the i)ttp&ratlol1 at pl"nl f~r termil'l~'lf'late~, 'file poultry expe ", hlrbway constrU ction and matnte- Im\lnte RllQW relulw of nance projects a.1l division englnee n chloks ¥ to Italne and .teedlng baby of the State Highwa y departm ent of Improvi ng the Bocks ooate, methods and results of have been notified by Qeorle 80me new Informa tion on coccidio sis. Schleain ger, .directo r, to epare ,#,0 Rain beltan In eamest about 3 :30 forts in an attampt to 'IlHaen e . much to our dlsgu.t, alnce we were tree. locateti alon, ' or lidjacen t to Intorclt ed In the athletic contests be' ~, Improve ment. In a lo~ter di- tween tbe . WJli!1 n .tm.allUleJ'l D1rec~r .$chteatng~ partmen tB, ~OY8 of the differen t EnniS, . 10 yQ~. o~d, In?n ~n til" fJI~IIJ:'· ", U!G '8n.;'~ r.' After a well-spe nt day arrived of WIlham " EnOl", of -«en~tI, w~ lSI" pe...Jmi, ~ PI!JI~ ·'laTl"'l . §I. ~m[~' !I~Il'!!t 'li:~g I!'~"k we drewn~ 1I1llle ~11..· {I\~allk''' Br~\(lclu'lli I)ot 01\1, p",.mt!n~, !llIf Al'1I ~Jle- '1. we,,, J!1~A!i'e'i WIt" tIle t h!1F !\a~ farjll, ",,"dAY Ilnerll\lo l\, ~r(p ariil ftelAl In that ·U\(IV aerve tIt 'd~8e e,ltpr~~ l! ~',sj"\llll Rfl ajt@\n "1\Q~h· . palla d, with an oldtlf brother, bad the mainten ance .OIIJ by -pniJjn idu er year, rIm IIWI1Y trom 1I0me, expectin g to gO the life of the pavement due to fnltlr to South Amerloa. Near the Brad. .:,.....-.......... - ••- - utraetl on of mol.\u. e f~", the do ok place, In an attempt to cross the ground. "Any destrUc tion of tree. river on a log to rellch a boat, which OrID , that could be avoided by ~e ule of was on th~ opposlt!! side, Donald feU • little enrlnee rlng In,lInul\ :J In into the rIver. Ht;' brother went. in of Morton L. Rob- after him, but neIther 111" dUl'lllg ' c.on.~!)tlon, . the ,could. SWlm: this vicinity will ~he elder brother 8ueeeed ilnl!fJlt or other detAn. of the road In the death of bng out and summon ed ed In get. l!!!~ !11 nH ,",Jy a ahinlni example help, but· it fnl,ln,.,I. ", operatio n. was too late to save the other: ... • I~:;,'~",~ :!I b!?~. e~~ o! v~n. Kolber\ll the Tbe l> lldy Wa,' rtlC;uy~r~' {\~(lllt fi I!!e\~ljk IIP\\· \!i\\l'\l tp "th\! "ome ofPllI pllrlm$s @t ~e1\la, wtlllI'C the tun~r81 "nd 1111"'.1 wiU tRkf pll~,

...... ...... ..

w'" ,ll '8






-to ·un




er Citizen Dead

1 .

,_ ......._--

~ I .. nd/ly mOl'O ing neccssi tnt ed th e nbu lIll unme nt of th e lIh,mori ul Day ga me with th e J.u Bellc Me rchonts : of NORTH POLE- LAD IES' KNEES D aYLO n . WOULD TAX CHURC H LANDS As t he yuunl' man suid nbout his d t,g', S u nday's g-u m c wus " so rt of n DANGE ROU S BONOS mi c·tcr ." The Mill lllis sta rted to play THE KANSA S FARME R loose bull: then afl.el' th e gume WII S lus t t hey Lightened up nnd pI ny d airtig ht ball ill the fi eld, bllt th eir hitling- did not create a wo nd erfUl dis. A heavy "pear, with n sharp iron luruancl ! at any stul'O o( t he game. 011 thl! othe l' hU lld: Kin g~ Mills po int at one end: a No rwegian flag s lumm ed th e ball whe n th ey could, at th e oLh er: was thrown on t he North to uk instan t advan tnge or eve ry op- Pule fr om the dirigible Norge, says portun ity, and "nV(' Lone's excell en t th!! courage o us MI'. Amunds en, therepitch ing wc ll ,"igh perf·ct s upport in fore th e Nor th l'olc a nd all the land the fi eld. Planck stBl·ted to pitch th" gome around it belong to the King of Nor· (01' th e Mi amiS: but it WtlS ev ident ly WilY · nut his day : nlld th e loost sai d about - The stateme nt is to some extent hi ~ lIuppurt is the sou n 'st me nded . Thc vi sitors hopped hin1 for four poetic. The oxact location of the r uns in the first inn ing, and lignin for No rth Pole was in nil probabi lity not live more with onl y two duwn in the calcula ted with in twenty miles, un~ fourth. The il: aL th e urj{ent reques t less by acciden t: And there might of th e mnntll('emcnL. Stlttcrtl twaite be s ome clucation dese rtcd 'the stlltion made fa mous by throwin g 0 spear ot as to whether propert y estabth e Inte Jak e Daube rt, nnd essayed lishes ownersh ip. th e ro le which is being so ab ly enacted by Jak cy May this se nson. The only human bei ng that ever Pee " has evidentl y been r 'uding of lho ex ploits of t he r edoubta b le Jak- land ed on North Pole territor y and ey, (or he em uluted his example in came bock to tell nbout it was an the most npprove d styl e. Not on ly. America n, Peary, nnd he left the did be st op the vi sitors' scoring, but Star s and Stripes. he fa sten ed 0 padlock on their hit fact ory an d threw the key away. H owever, there nre more seriouB But it was too Inte- Lane WII8 pitch- things to worry about than owner· ing so me ball himself, and hi s mates shi p of the North Pole. played ball behind him all the way. In Poris, for instance , they worry :Nuff sed. about the knees of beautifu l ladies. Next Sundoy (lfterno on, tbe Yellow Foshion , seeking to cbange drcBBea, Springs Giants a fast colored teom, tha t foo lish wives may buy new onea will be the attractio n at Frazier' s park [requen tly, soys dreases must go Th ese boys have played here before, higher. The kn ee must be shown. and will be rememb ered ns n· bunch That see ms silly, but fashion tends who cun certninl y 810m that old ball. in a useful directio n. The kneecap , "Git r eady, Mousey , sho am gwin e a most ingeniou s contriva nce, is not to ride." particul arly beautifu l. If fashion The score: demand s that lodies show their knees: knockin g togethe r or with a sort ot bulging protube rance on each aide. KING S MILLS like a "bog spovin" on a horsea's hock the ladies will obey fashion_ AB R 8 0 A E They will also try to develop wellKlick, cf ........... .. 5 0 0 1 0 0 H. Himes, 3b .. ..4 2 a 1 1 0 s haped knees, and that is posslble_ There is no Doubt that the races of Tar tt: S8 .. . .5 2 2 0 4 1 Worthm a n , rf .. 4 2 2 1 0 1 long ago in Greece, when no skirt or G. Him es, If .... .... 5 2 1 2 1 0 a nything elese was worn , by men or . women, develop ed extraord inarilll \ Snook, lb .. 5 0 3 13 1 0 Wnlling ford, 2b .5 0 0 5 4 0 beautifu l human bodies tbat Greek DeY o un~ c 3 0 1 3 '0 0 art hns im mortaUz ed. Lan e, p.... .. .. 4 1 0 1 6 0 _ _ _ _ _ The White House denies, UnDecel!~ T otals._ .... ... .40 9 12 27 16 2 sarily, a foolish yarn about 8piritual~ is tic seances held there in the Coolidge adminis tration. You couldn' t MIAM IS have any fir st-closs table rapping in that atmosph ere. One look at Calvin AB R H 0 A E Satterth w'e, 1b, p.4 0 0 6 2 0 Coolidg e's cold blue eye, and "Little E. Bub.'on, 2b ... . ..4 . 0 1 3 G 0 Minneh aha," spirit of th e lovely InGons, 3b ........... 4 2 2 0 2 2 dian girls would say, " Let me get H. Burton, c ... 4 0 1 8 4 0 back to spirit lond where it is warm." T. Burton, If , 85.. 4 0 0 1 2 1 F'ros l, cf ..... :,," 4 0 1 3 0 0 Denver an nounces the draftin , of Osborne , rf ...... _. 3 0 1 1 0 0 an amendm ent t.o the State Conatit uHartsoc k, ss, If,.3 0 0 J ·2 2 tion that would tax church propert y. Planck: p 1 0 0 0 1 0 It reads "Lots and buildJ'ng s thereon Adams, 1b ......... 2 0 2 4 1 0 uscd exclu sively for r elig ious worship shall not be- exempt from taxTotnls ." .......... 33 2 8 27 20 6 ation." Th.c· chan ge in Colorad o's con&ii~ tution Is draft ed by Borney Haugey . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 !lKin gs ..... ... 4 0 0\ 5 0 0; 0 0 0-9 single taxer_ It will probabl y not be Miamis ....... 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1- 2 adopted , nor will a modified propoat . tion, whi ch would compel any church selling its propert y for profit to pay Two-baNe hi t--Adllm s. Stolen boses-L a,ne, T . Burton, back taxes with interest , be adopted . In aU probabi lity cburche s and Frost . Left on bascs- Kings 7; Miamis 4. schools, tax free for so long, will In nings pitched- Lane !J; Plonck probabl y remain tax free. 3 2-3; Snttert hwait e: 5 I-II. Hits -Off Lnne 8; off J' lan ck 12; America n inves tors are warned off Sotterth waite O. onc~ more to invl!st their money in Struck ouL- By Lane 3; by rlanck America , nnd keep awny from foreivn 2; by Snt'te l·thwllite 4. bon!ls. For eig n nations want to pay. T ime- One hou l' a nd 50 minutes. but if they can't pay the~ can't_ And Umpires-Th o mp~ o n anti Wullnce. the privote investor , unhke the United States governm ent, can not bring pres.~ure to bear. On hu nd rcdR of mlllion& of EuroI>ean bonds sold in the United Statel! interest paymen ts will be stopped and the value of the bond will grdually dwindl e away, take warning . Some of the bonds are probabl y g ood, but where Europea n nations borrow at usuriou s rates, interest and princip al A mnn who gavo h b name as O. M· will not be paid in f ull. . Barris, cloiming Dayton us hi s hQllle, who hod been fishin g Mond!\Y, hod The train on which t hJs is In'itten also tak en li n u nu sunl amo unt of is passing just now through . Kansaa snake-b ite cordilll, stlll'tcd home in wheat fields sa big that f:rQm the car the evening , ~nd g-ot ns fnr as Seth window yo u cannot see t~ the end of Cook's hO\llll whe n the thought s of a t hem. You enn underst and bow farfried fish breakfnst a nd othe r plen8- mer s, scatter ed QY~r these wide unt rememb rances got the best of him plnins, feel as they read tbe grain a ncl he stopped his cur nnd went to mnrket repo(t, believin g that men. slcep. who never saw a wheat fteld 01: ralh . Later, persons seeing his conllitio n a horve ting machine fut the prices; notified Constab l e Joy: who put him of \\lheat, and usuwly put it up afwJ:' in duranc~ vile until Tuesday mOl'n - the farmer h'a s sold his wheat. . ing, wh en he WIIS haled before .l\\$.tlcQ Hathaw ay who spo iled his I\5b D{eakfast by giving him % l"\l\her- 6tlff fine of $100 and ,,~t.,., He w(ll!, rC1.\lla.nded to the county jail l'~\\ of {"nd, to pay the costs.

--- -



Sunday aflern oo n: Kings Mill s

cam(' lo Frazier Jla r k und bellt o ur I)(.y " !I to ~ : an d th l! hard r uins uf




1\ ing" ~1i 1J ~ nllli th e went her mlln ha\'e Hdrnilli l'ltC' I'cti tWo tn~lr' th: f ents ~n uur Miam iH ~ in cc uur 1aHt chron-

The member s of the New Century clu b enj oyed a delightf ul meeting: Friday, Moy 23, at tho inter esting home of Mrs. Anna Codwallader. The rooms were lovely with Iris, and the day Ideal. After music on the Victrola , the respons es to ro ll-call were "Southern Plaae "f Note." A short bus iness session brou ght U8 to a f"rogram of the "Sunny South." "Old Louisia na," Mrs. Lauro Mosher.. Mueh to the r egret of the club, Mrs Mosher was not oble to be prosen t, and her paper was well read by Mrs Edith Harris From the old provinc e found ed by France in 1699 we follow ed he r thr ough fl ood, fu mine, fire and war, until she wos purchas ed by th e United States in 1803: Und" r ' the old regime Louisio na was noted a8 n proud and intellec tual stote, with an excl usive socia l and domesti c s ystem al together pic t uresque . The destruc tive in fluences oJ the Civil War did n ot check her progrcss , an d today 'the Pelican State is greater and hap pier thnn ever before. "Muscle Shoals," Mrs. Frunk LeMay. The develo{l ment of the water power at" MUIll!le :;lhoa\s., Ala., is tho most slgnl~i~nilt industri al proj ect or our time. . The war a nd its attenda nt need for nitric acid fo r use in explosives, brought about the construc tion, near MU8cle Shoals, of two Inrge nitrato plnnts, ond the building of a dllll1 olul Pllwer station neccs81lry for the oper\ltl Qn of t hese plants. Here nature hns plnced in close proxjml ty mineral r esource s a nd no v: igation facilitic s th nt shou ld lower t}te cost of so me of the necessit ies of life to the United States. More common selBse a nd less politics would bring greater be nefit to the people: from tbis vast naturnl reso urce. The Sou th nth'ncte d much attention durln g' the winte r months. and these papers made an intcl'()sting a nd instruct ive progrum for Lhe clu b, The announc e ment of the nominHling commit tee presnge u ver y con geniol group of officers f or the ellsu~n g year: Prc~ ident, Mrs. Fra,nk LeMay : vice-pre s ident, Mrs. H. E. Hat hnway; secret ary, ~i r s . ~ . W. White; tr~a "urer, roil'S. ·R. O. OJ·oss. A «er: (I(j j(lurnmc mt ·t he hostess waR 11811 . isted In servi ng 0 most deliciou s and al'peth:ln g lunch, by her niece, Miss Claro Lile, Miss E mnla Heighwuy and Miss May Wright. Special f avors were pOsScd cousing much mer riment .. Guests fo r the nfternoo n were Mrs. Emma, Barnett and Mrs. E. V. Barnha rt, of Cincinn ati; Mrs. L. A. Zimmer man, Mrs. James McClur e:.. Mrs. F. ~t. Mooma~, 14,rs. F r omm, Mv!1l. ft!;J.~icl Br,owa' Ilnd 'Miss ~lIla !Je'g'~W tl.l/l ~ . . E. L S.

. - - -'

. . . 0 . .. Wayne lVi'IIe F0 'oo Clu

The Memori al Duy celebrat ion was held on Mondoy th o 31st. Near noon nfter a downpo u r of r ain which began early in the morning , the skies brighten ed ond the afternoo n wos ideal Cor the services, and it is thought the atten donce wns the Inrgest in years. As hns hcen stated 11 few publicspirited citizens took chorge of the arrange m ents. F. R. Moomaw ,superinten dent of the Wayne Townsh ip schools: was mad e chnirmo n, and J;hrough his untiring efforts the program was s uccessfu ll y carried out. Al 1 :30 II. 01. , the Prem ier band, accompu nlcd by the Wonen County Legion drum corp s and a - few veternn s marched ·to the cemeter y. Af ter a selectio n by the band, and singing of America by the IlSScmbl age Rev. L. A Washbu rn gave the invocation. Another selectio n by the band followed after which the s peaker of th e dny, Li eut. Com. W. J. Confer: o( Homilto n, WllS introduc ed. Lieut. Confer, a graduat e of West Point, nnd who se rved .f ifteen years in the navy, is a very forcefu l and inte resLing speaker. He jtllve his message in n monn er diffetim t from any Memorial Day speaker ever heard here, and was given close atlentio n by th e large compan y. Lin coln's Gettysb urg Address , well rendere d by 1I1iss Ada Shaner, elosed thnt pnrt of t he program and the decomtion service was held at t he cannon _ A bevy of. sweet little girls, undcr the directio n of )\1\s:;. Clara Berryh ill, . ~nng to "Our So ldiers S leeping Here," and then gracefu lly spread the fl oral off erings. A very pleasinl;\' fenture was the presenco nf n firlllg sqund of th e America n Legion, who fir ed a salute lind so unded taps on bugles. The cummitt eo in charge are vcry g ratefu l to t he Legion for this impress ive oddition t o th e prngram . Elich yenr t1w rnll1(s of the ve ter· nn s of the C il:il Will' nrc I!'ro wing KllluJl 'r ond s mall e r. Only fiv o of the vcte1'8ns were presc nt Monda y. T ~e vete rans of the latc Wor1,1 Wu,' we re cOll sl)icuou s by the il' abscn(·.e . ';'ho, it is said, should bu ve ry active Memori al DU ll o b~i!rvancc.. Let u~ hlllle that next yeur th~ "c v('le rnnS wl} take hold o£ affairs and lend their presenc e os well as th eir work.


---_.- ...- ---

Flow er Mission Day

The Woman 's Christia n T empe l'ance Uni on will observc Flower ~tS­ s ion Day, of t his orgal\!z atjon ,,\ the home o( Mr~> Lill iun '" , ~lll\s , Tuesdny Jl,ll1e S, -at 2 p. In. fhi~ ill -a rcli-Ictte l' dllY nnd aU member ll aud fricnds are cordiall y invited to enjoy a good program , nnd if you hove /l owers plense bring them to be sent to the Involid friends a nd shut-ins t o which a message of comL fort and cheer wiJI be tied with white p ribbon.

----- - ..----

Secr etary Ohio S~et . . y

n1ll'\LQ)' BUl'nett, who lIvea - near

()6IIt~l'Yi\le \lnd b~8 been In the hOIltal for IKlvcflll wee~.. did not have

al\Y co;n plimted this ~prlng, lind his nelrhbo re took their horses and trac.ton' and' plantejl his: co'rl\. i They had' thlTty-t hree horses and hree' . trec· ton, and planted t~k9 8Cl'e\1 ot- com in .nine hourS. '


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.Memorial Serv ieea ·









,,:- drnmed i. Willi A ba helor 10.'1, .. ap-HD o yoll ever drink cucco n",ht. Wonder \ Mt thl.'l in<-un.. ?" co'ffc ,.. . "'!'.aloet Ilk I, \'liMn" 'Y011111 b(' nl t unppo- "No; what- does it tast 'ivlth a dlaap,p ointmen t "thun you Irke? " . ~o ulI." Sup- "lt's w uk in tI,e bean."


NEW SUITS 'Floyd C. Anderso n v~, Eleanor U. And ' rson, for divorce, 1ll'0SS of duty charged , C. S. Silarks,neglClct attorney. Petition fi led ,May 21st. .J oseph Zo'z, vs, Julia Zoz. for divo rce, gross neglect charged . C, S. , po rk s attorney . Petit ion fi led May I ~ I . re~I1'n dol' Mny Sl st . In the mutter of the applicat ion Ilf the trans f r of fund s of the Board o f '"unly Cum mi ssioners of Warren cou nty. said applicat ion was mude on May 24 th. C. Donald Dilo.tush, attorney.

1 I

PROBA TE PROCE EDING S In tlw multer of the ussignment of Edwllrd S. Shroyer, assignor, William G. Th ompson, us, ignee, permi98lon to "eli personal propert y and chattels Wn A I{ru nted to sa id llSSignee and sett1elllent of debts oC the est.ate was 01'dll red mude. Permiss ion ulso was I!ivcn tn se ll a $ 100 Farmer s' Exdlllllge bond. SlIid nssignee was aut.horized to settle claims oC cert.ain uc neficiaries. Agn es Crouse IIl1eged to be insnne, of Morrow, was received into the J)ay ton State, and all neces-

guardla nsblP (If Samant ha J. Zentmeyel', ineon~pet()nt, was filed by g Uflr\lian , Mal'lf E. ROl;,ers. " . Invento ry and allpraise mcnt of the Cl,tnte of J ames F . 'fr-i ler, 4 oce~sed, was filed by admx. Mary E. T"lsl 1', Last will and te st.oment of Charlcs H. Wade, deceased.!.. was admitte d to probate . PorTY l!i. Ilnd OSC8.r C. Wade qualifie d and wero appo\lll~d a5 exec utors thorein, no bond reqmred. Apprlliserls for said estute wer<) mimed. . Inventory Ill\d nppraise ml'ni of tho est.ate of Frederic ll M:olll'nkamp, decensed, was filed by IIdmx. E mmll Mollen kamp. Lnst will and testome nt of Samuel J. Bean, deceaR,l'd, was ndmitted to probate . Arthur ond John W. Bean qualified nnd wcre appoinl cd us excc utors of said C~tJltc without bond. Last will and tcstllme nt of Wm. R. LeFever , dCl ceased, wUs admi.tte d to probate . EIi;zabcth Wl\tt qu~h ficd and was appoi'nL ed Os eXl'cutrlx ,,!f said estllte without bon d. A. C. VILlI. Somuel Rook and Rulph B , Pnrks were appoint ed as appraise rs.

WAR-R-E-Ntl! .

1 " -........._-11 -"--- .-

REG. U.S. VA.T. Ol'TlCli

MARRI AGE LICENS ES Alonzo C. D~'vi., of Lebonon. nnd Alice Moy Henderso n, oC Lebanon, Rev. Bridges named . Earl J . Mang . 0 clerk of Fogter. and Myrtle Hol mes, of Morrow. Rl'v. Peters named. . Richard CleJ Stampe r, ~tcrotypli!t, of Middlet own, Ilnd Annll Stelle ' Miler. of Middlet own. Rcv. Krumm I sU l'y nrrange ments wc_re made. , . T . ~~ lIi s on qualified ond was ap- named . pointed adm inistrato r of the estnte of REAL ESTAT E TRANS FERS .Jomes Ellison, deceose d, a nd gave $75 bo nd. Lillie F. Miller and Frank W. Mil[n t he matter of J. A. Brannoc k, ler to An na Marie Hllllrnh an. 93 lIcrCR the J udge illvl!stigllted the sickness in Military of said person and with medical ad- 3793. consideSur,'eys No. 3790 lind rotion, $ 1 and on eltvisors pro nounced him sane, eha ngo of property . Executo r W. H. Allen filed his sale Sarah E Wrig'ht to Waller J ordlln, bill 'uf t he estllte of Ama nda Letitia 760 square feet of land in HarveysMcKay, deceasl1d. $1 . W. G. Thomps on, as assignee of burg, Edwin F Hoover and Rut h W . the assignm ent of Edward S. Shroyer Hoover, or' Columbus, and !\lory E. made his report of proceed ing.s under Hoover, of Warren to David former order ond same were approv- and Anna 1'hockfl ra, county .. .... of \Varren coune~ , ty 86 acres in Cleurcre ck 1'p., $1. Elizabth Clippar d was recaived in'Relen H. Bennett to William Hento the Ohio hospitnl f or epilepti cs. dricks, a troct in Maso n, $1. In the mlltter of the est.ate of ClifFlorenc e Driever to Alvin H. ton Waldo Unglesb y, decease d, exec- Driover twoZ.tracts in Mason , $1 . utrix, Irene Unglesb y was authoriz ed Clam'M . Spence to Lida K. Cowan, to sell certain persona l propert y of abo ut six acres in Ridgevi lle. $1. said est.ate. MONEY LOANED Toda y'. bigge st buy is Lucinda Hunter and Blanche HunThirtee nth account of the estate of ter to Ida L. Banghn m, .15 of .an Alonzo Cassede y, decease d, was filed Rcrc in' Lebanon , on 3Ox33-2 Pathf inder Overs ize Cord .. . $11.25 LOANS on ChutteJa,Stocks, Securiby executo r H. D. McVay, and allow- of Orchard Avenue , the south SIde The bee is noted for its industry . ties and Second Mortgag es. Notel $1. ' ed by the court. Lou Hall to Anna Methling, a tra~t Throug hout tbe sunny days of sum- bought. John lIarbine Jr., Xenia, 30x33-2 Pathf inder Cord . .. . ... .. ... $10.25 Second and final account of the es- ncar Silver and Water strtets, III mer it works unccru;ingly to lay aside Ohio. . tate of William T. Van Derveer , de"m!l0·'2 6 , $1. . (This is a specia l. Ge~ yours now.) ceused, was produce d by executr iix Lebanon Lou Hall to Anna Methling. a tra~t a store of honey for consum ption . Lola M. Vnn Derveer and approve d near Sih'er nnd West West streets, 1Il during the winter months. It is inThe only bette r tires we know are Good year by court. Lebanon, $1.. terestin g to know tbat t he bees of Farmers of W..rren and First account of the estate of John adjolnln . James Pile a nd Tina. and we sell them , too. Franz to Ed t he FUi Islands are M. Bradley , decease d, 'was prodace d Hixon, lot No. 72F.inW. not. confron ted countie s may obtain money on lon, Franklin , with with the problem by executo r, The Lebano n Nationa l certain restrictioJls, of stormg up arty$1. what we mean ? Then come a-run ning. thing future use, for these the t tI me loans, ot 5 per cent interest . bank, and approve d by the court. Frank W. and Pearl Taylor, to flowersforbloom continu ously and in' Cost of securing the same III very reaFirst account of the estate of John Francis L. Morga Hill, decease d, was produce d by trus- tlecreck T p., $1. n, 10 acres in Tur- greot profusion during the whole sonable ,through The Federal Land • tee, Charles H. Bowyer , and same George C. and Carrie Davidso n to year. . Bank. For further Informa tion eall was approve d by the court. A great mnny people seem to th Ink W M. Hopping, number ed 26, their DRAKE Treuconditio n is much tho sume as on or addre88 M.C Third account of the guardia nship 26', 27, 28 and 2£1 lots , , of Ruth and Harriet Hill, minora, was Deerfield Tp., $1. in Miami park, in the Fiji bee. Work can always be urer, pbone 3I6-X. Lebanon , Ohio. had an d so long offered by guardia n, Jerome S. Bar. as that is true there Lydia Pratt to Alma Pratt, a t ract see ms' to no reaso n to lay aside tel, and approve d by the court. of 6 acres Haldan Tp; a tract of anythin g be WANTE D fo r future use. As they First and final accou nt of the es- 3 acres in inClinum county, and a tate of Jobn A. Hitesma n, deceased! third tract in Warren carn , they spund. The rainy dllY to WANT ED-All kinds of soft Wood, wall offered by executo rll' Frank ana acres in Clinton .:oun ty;county; two them is a Dlere bugaboo that has no for pulp. Morrl. Graham . eight acres terriors tt Walter Hltesmn n and approve d in the in Clinton fai l to realize that county and eight acres in regardle. ss They of how much they earn Clinton Rnd Warren counties , and there First and final account of the es- In Marion and Harlan Tp., conside less en n be no finan cial progres s unSALE n part of their , earning s is put _:......._ _ _ FOR r. tate of J 08. F. Buerge rmeier; decease - ation, $1. _ _ _ _ ~_ _ _ _ aside. ed, was offered by adminis trator, A A. and Baily to David A good , and one that is quite FOR SALE - Beautif ul Mahoga ny Earl J. Buerger meier, nnd approve d Morris, a tract Emma of 22 acres in Milit.ary workob le plnn Phonog raph and Records . Good as in the court. is to dellnitel y estllblis h II ' Survey No. 2564, a part of an acre minimu m saving, say ten per cent of new. Very cheap paymen ts. AdProof of publica tion was filed of in Washin gton Tp ., and a third tract earning s. The tbt notice of appoint ment of Irene of 64 acres in the same sav.ed would dress P honogra ph, Box 223, Dayton, township, all then increase asamoun,t j j2 earnings mc.reased, Ohio. B. Uuglesb y, aa executr ix of the es- conside rotion, $1. and thus a constan t ra tio be main, FOR tate of Clifton Unglesb y, decease d. SALEWalnut dining table, ·t.ained. These accumu lated savings Proof of publica tion was filed of 8 ft; old-fashioned 5-piece parlor Date your ..lea with ua. We guaran tee the notice of appoint ment of Firman COMMISSI~NERS' ALLOW ANCES should be used .for no other purpose suite ; old-fashioned gate leg table, than to establis R. Evans, as executo r of the estate h a permane nt es. ..ti.fa.ctio~ or charge nothin g. C. O. Hildebr allt, gas and oil for tate. This t;" 4 cane-ae ated chalrs;w almethod of system atic "walnu of Alice J . Evans, decease d. dog catcher 's Ford, $5.34; C . . ~. savi nut bed ond dresser; 2 beating sto e• ng over a period of yearR will and In the matter of the settlem ent of Hightm an, one dozen brooms kitchen BBfe. Mrs. Ida Kelaey. for Jail, eventua lly assure financial independthe estate of Serepta .Stansell , de- $7.75; W. C. Gilmour , inquest, Geo. ence. ceased, the value of the estate was .tack, $9; Johnson BARGA IN in beautifu l MahoglU17 & Watson CompaSaving is to a certain extent a hobset at $4,000. Suc.sso rs were nam- ny, supplies for rec:orde Player Pinna. Will sell for balPhoae No.2 ' r, $28.50; Dr. Phone No. 320 it, which, once ed in the partitio n of said estate. ncquired , is ea~ily ance due on very easy paymen ts. For Robert Blair, post mortem of George maint.ained. Any plan for saVIng full particul ars write P. O. Box First and final account of the Jack, $25; Johnson 223, Watson Co., sup- should be rigidly adh"red to, f or Dayton, Ohio. plies for sheriff, $12.50; East 'End once broken, j2 it 'is difficult to resume. Coal Yard, coal f'o r Memorial ball. Tao often persons establis h a savings R.ael o.r Au. la TIll. $12.90; C C. Hightm an, !,.I-dozen account and then spend it all for brooms for. court bouse, $4.75; Bell fancied requirem ent. Press, supplies for clerk of courts, some Moat of us have indepen de nts, and $2.60; Mercha nts and ~armerl\'8 Nathem we sbould take into account tional bank of Blanche ster, Ohio, for for the future as well as the present. It error in the tax of L. T. Smith, $13; Is a selfish and short-si ghted person , i Harlan Whitacr e, for atone and gravdeclares his intentio n of leaving el, $4; P B. Monce~ guard rail ma- who nothing for BOrne one else t'o spend. terial, $6:85; J. L. vunn, for grind- It should be a sour,c e of much sating valves, $5; The Frank Sherwo od isfactioi kllow that we have made Co., for wire~ buckets , spikes, $9.05; provisioln to for the ones who now look . The Morrow LumbE!r Co" for cement to u~ for support . lime, lumber and naIs, $96.82; A. D. AU of us expect to reach old age, Grapevi ne, for lumber, $10; same for and provisio 1 first and final estimate on contrac t, every personn for that time is a duty, owes himself. A def· $270; Interna tionai Harvest er Co., inite amount of one's earning s saved for truck repairs, $23.44; L. T. during the working hoUrs will proSpence, for lI'echarg ing truck battery, $1; the GeorgI! B. Curd Co., re- vide against the time when we can no longer, and thus avoid the pairs for tractor, $3,41; L. H. Brown, tragedy of destitut e old age. for spikes, $1.50; J . W. Weeks,. f or common is a sane and proper tbing steam' shovel work near Waynesville, to Saving and the sooner it is made a $187.50 ; H. S. Grover Mill, for ce- partdo, one's life progra m, the greater ment, $30; Manley R. Jameson , for will of be the benefit and security de!farage rent, $8; Frankli n Vulcaniz- rived. mg and Tire Co., supplies for truck, We repres ent one of the world 's ]ar~est and most No.4, $3.25; The Queen City Stone efficie nt tire m akers- Firest one. . and Sand Co., for 60 tons stone and .~ freight on same, $90.90; Cook and We seI1 and servic e the most econo mical tires mad eSweene y, 85 yards of crushed stone, for hauling and for 65 yards of gravFirest one Gum- Dippe d Cords- the only tires on the el, $241; G. T. Flowers , for 27 yards mark et with every fiber of every cord satur ated and of gravel. $4.05; W. p. McCarr en, for furnishi ng and handlin g 111 yda. insula ted with rubbe r. These famou s tires have given $568.70 ; Spencer and Armit.age, for --alld are ~iving-unheard of milea ge on the larges t furnishi ng and' handlin g 604 yards of Employ ees of the Cincinn ati Divisgravel. $403.80 ; V. W. Tompkins, ion of the Pennsyl vania railroad in taxica b, bus and truck fleets in the world . They are Supt of District No .. 1, for payroll, service more than ~wenty years, and also giving unhea rd-of milea ge to hund reds of $347.76 ; F. M. Collins, for payroll, who are member s of the Veteran t housa nds of car owner s. $321.65 ; Eden Terry, same, $433.80 ; Employe~s' associat ion, will hold A. T Rettig, same, $136.60 ; Joseph their annual .picnic nnd election of Davis, same, $329.50 ; R. D. Edward s, officers at the Lancast er, Ohio fall' We offer you our facilit ies and exper ience in aligni ng same, $432.20 ; Hllrtan Whit.acre, grounds , on Saturda y, June 5th. A your wheel s, moun ting your tires, checkin~ them for same, $181.60 ; W. S. Graham , 88me, special train will leave Cincinn ati at $139.50 ; A. D. Gr~lpevine, payroll, 7 :00 a. m., eastern standar d time, air pressu re, inspec ting them and makin g repair s when making the trip to Lancast er by way $103.18 ; P. B. Mance, payroll, $67. neces sary by the latest Firest one metho ds of repair ing, of Columb us and connect ing at Xenia ------~.~.,-----with regular tooins for the accommothus enabl ing you to get full milea ge from your tires. dation of ' tbose from the Dayton and Lebanon branche s. Eqll.iR your car with these wond erful Gum- Dippe d . On arrival at Lancast er, automotifes'; WE WILL TAKE YOUR OLD TIRE S IN TRAD E, biles and street cars will be used to I will offer the followin g goods at take .every one. :to the giving you a libera l allow ance for unuse d milea~e. fair grounds auction, 1 mile east of Harveys burg, free of charge, and in tbe evening Ohio on \vill return them to the station. , , This is an anuual affair of the VetSATUR DAY, JIJINE .., 1928 eran employes and at these .>icnlcs We Also Sell and Servic e OLDF IELD TIRES • • , 1 k' one brings ' a weU-filled ' Iun'ch . B~g1nn !~ promptl y at 1 0 c oc , . ill prepare d to enjoy himAT THESE LOW PRICES I Houeebold goods, lf1!o.rden. tools, car· self to and the fullest extent. . . HIGH PRKSSU RE CORDS penter ' tools, farmll~g Implem ents, OVER·SIZE BALLOONS After tbe businoSl seBslon there M1I3,Ji R~ular CI .. .. , . . $10.25 barnell , carriage ! kitchen utensi!s , a, will' be speeche s 'by some: 4.40/21 (29.4.40 ), .• . , •... '. $1oU5 301I3i" Exn-a .Slze CI ... .... 11.... 0 few antique s, ana man;V other thIngs. men, music by the i band" .ell-know " 3Os3;.{ Extta SIt. S. S . . ... 14.00 , from the 4.75/ 29 (29%4.75) .. ....... . 16.75 ' . ' H. E ; ¥ATTO N, Boys' .. Industri al Scbool of 'L ancaa3b4. S. S .... .. .. .. .. ... I S.00 4.75/11 (lOt4.?! ) ...... ~ .. Martm &: Stanley , Auctioneer!!. 17.50 ter, eD~itainmel1t liy ~ Special ~_ , ,3h4 S. 8 .....: ... .. .. .. . '9.20 4.95120 (29%4.95) ....... ;.. 18.55 • - • tert.ine r and a ' ball game between , 3h4Ji, !I. S, ........ .. - ... 23.70 525/21 (31 5 25) 21 95 '.Ux4H S.S ..... .... : ..... 14.7 5 · ,tbe "eteranl l' of the main' line" of the %. .......... • • LIFE'S 'MIRRO R .. ~ , S. S, " :" ..••.. .: . ; .• 31.50 6.00/10 (32x6.00) ••..•••• CI"einn ati Division and tho,s e ~ tbe •• ' l5,. 15 . Zanelll'i1Je Branch. Wadelil .tIIe.,.. . ,~w.n. ' •• , orl Hat A~D and carrr tb....'!da.d , • _ . t ~, tin .uarant

. Pa thf ind er

Fo rd Owners and Ot he rC lin ch er Us ers

---- _- ---- ---



F t 'Ion., armeA rs, tten


Viaynesville Motor Co:

Pho~e 105

Waynesville, Ohio

FO R SALE- All kinde of garden plllilts; 1 'r!. miles north of Waynesville, on Ferry and Wuynesville pike, R. D. 5. Strouse Bros. ·J16 FOR SALE- Fresh cow, lecond calf, J eraey and Hol.tein croY. Alia, a few bUlhels of Leamon eeed com. J . S. Vanderv ort, R. 2. FOR SALE- Four hound pups, two months old, $5.00 each. E. Bally, Waynes ville, Ohio. Phone 86. "Junll MAYBE SHE IS Slim Sasspoole thinks a "figure of speech" i8 a 'married woman.

FOR .EC••lles' ~E.OVES '''I' ad



Centerville, O.

Jesse Stanley Auctioneer

New Burlington,O.

a.." •.


L A. Zimm erma n J. W. White , D; R. , SmH~ F. L VanOtien


tire.tone T IR E D E A L E R S


Se rv e Yo u B et te r

Some ..of 'Ehe Things ..

W,e sell


.- .



Public Sales


Wayne.vOle. Qhio .




Lumber for Every ,Purpo~e••• Siding

Oa k Flooring Edge Gra in Flooring

Finishing Lumber Por ch Mater~al Fro nt Doors Cottag..e Windows Window 'Fra me s Window Glass



. .,.JS8Utr ~


--------------- - - - - ._-'



~",. ".d iii , tlte Po , 'o ll'ir. at Wa y'" .. "..". ... O"'i~, · •• ~.I: () nJ Cfa.~ Moll Mall.,.

.. --of .-_ ..,......~

.....crlptlo. Price. '1.60 per Year



JUNE 2, 1<126

June Calendar By Corn A. Thompson Fl ower- Honeys uckl e. Birthstone- Pen rl. Text- Hut l'l'd s ti rret r. up strife; but love co v" rcth all sillS. Provo 10. 12. Motto- Lig hte n thy labor by love and song., , [t is the mont h of Jun e, The month 01 lea ves und r oscs. When pleuMant Nights snluto tho eye. And ploasant scents the nosos. - N. P. Willis. A noise like that of a hidden btook In the leafy mon t h of June. That to ~he .sleeping woods ull night Sinretb a quiet tune. - Ancient Muriner. The river hus a Jun e look; dark. smooth. reflectin g surfaces In ahade. The sight of the water is refreshing. Buggesting coolness. The shado;-vs In and under elms und other trees have not been so rich hitherto. It is ,rateful to look f orward half a mile mto somo durk umbrageous elm or aah.- H. D. Thoreuu. "What dawns are thine, 0 dear. delicious June When et the drawing of thy curtain folds The birds awake and sing a marvelous tune To the Joun g dllY thot comes In rose an gold. . What twililSht when "'Cf gray dusk hides ~;r fnce That thou ./J1ayst c~e wl ~h more enchanting gruc.l"

l '

- - --,- ...- -- -

A REAL ESTATE BARGAIN Fifty-nine years ago your Uncle Samuel made a great bu.linees dealthe purchase of Alaska. President Grant's administration boulfht Aluka from Ruasla ty treaty payIng only '7,200.000 to add 631.409 square milea of territory to American poascesslonl. In these 69 years the purchue baa yielded more thon '600.000.000 In eaah return.. A sll1&'le gold pro.pectorI with capital of a rrub .take. a piCK (lnd shovel. has taken 0 ut as Vlllch as the orl~inal purchase price. In 1926, the Yleld for America was ,6.042.862 in gold and silver and .lIver and $66.440.646 In general jnercliandlse. The total for the fiscal lear W 88 $71,042.862, or just 842.862 more in one year than the 1 whole te.r ritory orig inally cost ',', The aeal Yleld from th.. Prlbllof Ialands 'olone nets more than '700.000 a year. There are both placer ''and lode mining for gold and allver. 011 ie beine hunted In variQue aec• tlon., but as yet hu not been develol?ed.1 The anlmon,. halibut and other IIlherlel are of (l'eat vllue. All of which proves the transaction waa one shrewd .trokc by the Unlteli Statel ,overnment.


AN ECHO OF THE NEWBERR'tI AFFAIR : Extravlgant Ule of money In elec-

lYoll ,are '

'. H

',:'n ear/


/.J. .




tiona is ogaln "on the calendar" of the United States Senate. . Once 11101'6 th o pe ople are t o hear the cry of "Ne wberryism .... charges a.n~ coun te r-charges· of rampant po. litical corruption. This tim e t.h e Senate. through a cOlllmittCtl a1rendy nppointed by VicePres ident Dawes, will sift the nomination cf Congressman William S. Vare over Se nator George Wharton Pepver in th e recent Republican primarI es in Ponn sylvnnia. Jt. is ge nerally concedcd that more monoy- from $2.000,000 to $5.000.000 has bee n spent in th e Pe nnsylva nia fight than in nny other primary in this country. Tbat' s a lot of money for a ny p'urpose. nnd entirdy too much. the ~en­ a te believes. t.o win a chance for a gl'at. in the United State3 governm e nt. It's s u much more than Se nator Newberry was s upposed t o hnve spent that t he Newbury case sinks into oblivion. Newberry was accused of having s pent $1 U5.000 to win n primary from Henry F ord in 191 8. That amount cau Ked a furure that stirred the ~enllte to the point of r esolving that the e xpenditure of such a 8um as this wus " contrury to sound public policy." It declared that primaries fou g ht with hUge Bums of money were "dnngerous to the perpetuity of a free government" und "harmfu l to the honor and dignity of the S" nute. " If the r eports of th e Penns ylvunia spree are anything lik" tru e, Ne wberry was a short ska te. And poliicss has not bee n purifi ed. In stead, the pricc of a sent in the Senate of the United States has increas"d fiv e tims- from $1 95,000 t o $2, 000,000.


. ,


Go Aheud ! J ust hit mil on ce nil " ('II hllVO you cl t tlll:ltrd up b ~fo r ~~D t cun't. u ~ le r~ la nti n I,i(.\' 1I tlfI-hclHl cd old fOFsll of n J udge I hu sky mnn like rou bCI\ti nr:- l\ I")'" .. usc di smi s~e d I" fra il li ttle \\ om on IiI;", yOll!' \\11'.: !" --'".,.--~ " Dut ~h" ke~l) ' l .at:lt' i l i ~ an d I "lI l1 t· I f ther e is nn ylhin~ in thiR evol • ing fil l! unt il I I Il ~c my t emper!" inn sl ll fT (\ 11 1' oily rivet's wil l deve lop "W ha t docs ijhl' Afly?" . . f di "She ye lls. mit "i/ l'! 1 tl :II'''' )' IIU! "" mc mi/Cht y fin e RPCCICS 0 sar nCB. Jud~e-"I


rse nfloorvamm

at is tested orbardwear


Photo bu .AI!. r~()

The gtant orenI' In the centre at th e SesQul-Contennlal International Expoalllon Bl to In Ph Uad"lphlu was bUilt 10 approxlm&tely 800 worlt1ng days. It was com· pleted &nd In UBe & month beloro the olX'nln g ot WO bll~ More than $400.000,000 is hoarded oXJ)Oaltion which celebrates the 150tb annlvorsary or Lho away in mnltrcllSCS, stockings, s ugar e~nlD« of the Declaration at Independonce. Th is ph otobowls, eupbourds lind other hiding graph, made tram the air, sbowe lIearly 3.0UO boys a ll places in thi s country, according to experts Hof the United States treas- . the playln~ fteld, mll8llod there for the dedicatory exor·· ury. This n eedless waste. r eally wnnton and criminal. could it be coaxed out of its hiding places and put to work, even at 4 percent interest in savings banks. might be turned to much Therle J o nes nnd Melvin Ba nta ur e good to the public. It r epresents a working in Da yton. loss of $16.000,000 annually. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Wharton were Mia mis burg visitor s, Wednesda y. Miss Cleo Stacy attended a grange meeting in HllrveYBburg . Snturday. Mr. Henry Foulks ond son, Wilbur. and family. Hpc nt Friday in Dayton . Mr. a,nd Mrs. Tom Stewart are the parent." of a little daughter. Mrs. J. B. Jones and Mrs. J . R. Johns spent Friday in the Gem City The Christian League enjoyed a soMr. Enos Rogers. o f Middle Run, cial at the church Wednesday evenwas calling on Lytle fri ends. last ing. week. The W. F. M Society met with Mrs. Elmer Compton Wednesday afMr. and Mrs. Elbert Wallace purternoon. chused a ' new Chevrole t Sednn. Sa turday. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Harvey are living in Dayton. where Mr. Harvey haa Foulks Bros. have begun work on a pOllltion with the Delco Co. the new curb along the lot of W. C. Bergdall. Mra. H . F. ~ompton spent a part of laet week WIth her daughter. Mrs. Mr. Dick Mnson. of Bellbrook, is Evan Bogan. near Waynesville. convalescing at th e home of his sister, Mrs. Charles Clark. Mrs. Daisy Haines and daugbters are bere for the Bummer. They spent Mr. and Mrs. Herman Soylor and the winter in Friendsville, Tenn. 80n, of Belmont. were Sunday guest s Grant Phillips and family. of Cin- of Mr. and Mrs. William Long. cinnati, spent the week-end at the Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burnett and home of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Phillips. 80n. of Dnyton. spent Sunday e vening - The Aid met in the church parlors with Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Burnett. Thursdoy. Mrs. Phillips. Mrs. J. Mrs. Alber t Sta cy s pent sev'e ral Stanley and Mrs. VanDerVort.. were days las t week with he r daug hter, hostesses. Mrs. Es ta Null. nenr Spring boro. H. B. Reeves and family. Misses Mr. nnd George Dav is nnd Jennie and Josephine Reeves. of daugh ter, of Cincillnnti. s pent Wed Waynesville. picniced near the "red ne, dllY with. Mrs. Emma Foulks. bridge" I-' riday. 1>Ii s Mildred Hole, of Socia l Row, Memorial services were held in the is qunra ntined on account of diphth cM. E. church here on Sunday after- ria. She is ge t t ing along nicdy. ncon. Rev. Stanton. pastor of tbe Mr. and Mrs. Ray Boyce and childFirst M. E. church. Xenia • . delivered of Dayton , spent Sunduy Il nd an excollent address. A male quar- unUnlJllY with Mr. and Mrs .1. E: Smith tet rendered appropriate ~e lections, At the ce}netery Llncoln's Gettysburg Mr. nnd Mrs. Upsher e White. of Address wus read by Miss Dorotby Louisville. Ky .• have bee n guest s of Conard and "In Flanders Field" was Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Sides th e PlIs t week. read by MisB Catberi~e Noggle. W. C. Smith received word Friday Melvin un Mnlcolm Woolley. of of tbe death at hie sister. Mrs. W. B. Dayton. spent last week with their Skimming, of Columbus. She had grondpurents. Mr. and Mrs. William been suffering from cancer for sev- Brown . eral rpontha and her death WBS not a Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Haines, Jam es surprIse to ber friends. Besides her Haines and Mr. and Mrs. Wnlter KenhusbMd, who is superintendent of a rick visited Spring boro cemetery, Sun Cohlmbus high school, she leaves a day afternoon. ao.. , Dr. Homer Skimming ; a daugbMiss Dollie Jackson and Mr_ MareElr, Rllth. two sisters and five brothers. Burial was made in Wilming- vin Wells, of Tippecanoe Gity. were Wednesday evenIDg guests of Mr_ and ton cemetery, Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Guy Routzohn. Mesdames Jessie Longncre and Myrtle Cox attended the Council Religious Education at Tuesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs: J. B. Jones and Therle Jones IIttendcd the funerol of Mrs. Jones' n ephew. Mr. Floyd Zimmerman. in Dayto ~, Tuesday. , The ' cODdition of winter wheat in Mrs. Frank Marshall and little Ohio ns shown .by the report of the Frances Thackera. of Bellbrook. callDepartment of Agriculture for May ed on Mr. and Mrs. George Scott and 1, was 81 88 compared with 62 ot the grandchildren, Sundny evening. same .time last year or a ten-year Friends here have received onaverage of 80. For the United States as ' a whole the . condition was 84 as nouncements of the birth of a daughcompared with a ten.year average of ter to Rev. and Mrs. T. L. Stotler. at their home in Blancbester, May 18th 83·. 6. . In Ohio the abandonment of acreMr lnd Mrs Harry McGinnis, of age to May 1 was 4 per cent leaving Waynesville. were dinner guests of 1.800,000 over to be harvested. For Mr. and Mrs. Chos. Johns. Wednestbe United States al a whole the acre- day. and also culled on other friends. age abandoned to May 1 was estiThose persons around here, who mated to be .5.0 per cont a scompared with 13 per cent for tbe ten-year av- own lots at Miami cemetery. rememerage. . her the annual meeting' at the ceme. 'l'hla indicate.. a harvest of about tery, next Monday afternoon. June U9,OOO.000 bUlhelA of winter wheat 7th. as contrasted with 898.000.000 bush. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Coleman enell lut year and the ten-year aver. tertained Rev. Raymond Stillings. of &38.000.000. blllhels. Mrs. James Johns and MiSs MuDepartment reports for the and riel Sykes to six-o'clock dinner. Sun. frovlnces of Canada sbow a day. deere... in acreage compared lut '. year. Reports from ten During the summer months. begincOllntrles of Europe show a decrease ning next Sunday, June 6, the church of 1.14 ·per .cent In thllir acrea,e in services will be held in the morning. winter wheat. Preaching at 9 :30 and Pract.!cally all countries in Europe at 10:30, report that 'faU sown cr9pa are in Misses Gladys Bergdall and AgneR eood condition and prospect. at tbe Mr. Melvin Swank. Mr. and p. rennt time Jloint toward .yields per Longacre, acre about equal 'to tba.e of the Win- Mrs. Wilbur Swank enjoyed an ex. cursion trip over tbe week·end to ter wlleat crop lut barvest. 1>fatural Bridge, Ky. Mrs W. M. Coleman and Thelma Kearnj, motored to Cincinnati, Monon their return 'visited ~r. Elbert Snyder and daughter near Lebanon. rec'oived word, of . his neph~" Brock, hi Da,.. killed bi •



Lytle haH lust a va lu,," and respt'cled citize n in the death of Mr. Willi um Cox. ag ed 71 years. at lI1iam i Va ll ey hosp it.ul. Monday evening. MI'. , Cox hau been home from th e huspitul ubout a wee k bu t steadil y !(rc \V wo rse and was r eturned ther e l::i u lIJay IIft ern oon. Mrs. Lee Grea th ousc, of Doyton, was a wee k- end g uest of Mr. and llil·R. Clyde Whart on and da ug hters a nd accom pani ed th e m to Hillboro. Sun day. They were din llcr g uests of Mrs. Ama nda Ko bl e an d nlso visited the ce metery, th·ere. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Johns c nter t.ain ed to Sunday dinn er. I\1r. nnd Mrs . Williom Smith and family, Mrs. Leroy Mc Kirby alnd children, Messrs. Edward Bell, Ben Sm ith and Frank Smith . of Dayton . nnd Mrs. An gie Hecathorn and f amily. of Miamisburg.

Waltelr .McClure J. E. l\,1cClure FUNERAL DIRECTORS


Fully Equipped for GOQd Service. Large Display Room. Ambulance Service T E LEPHONE







DR. E. M. RUDOLPH The E,. ~hlfht Speclall,t

At Cary's Jewelry Shop Lebanon, Ohio

Every Tuesday 8.00 a. m , to 4 p. m.

HAYE YOUR EYES EXAMINED !..------.---------.

__ive Poultry WANTED! Will Pay

26c pe!r pound

A. D.swclnk'& Son Telepho,ne 292W Miamisburg,

H,-rt) t Cd

CorporntlO4t .


on May 1 which torm a lly upOll t.d t ho Hl ructure. In th e stand... aro sea tod 10.000 pe rHOIlS "'aLchln g til prog ram. A group ot 10,000 pcrs{l n ~ Is " l a r~e crowd uu t lhoy aro only a "drop III the bu ck" t" III th " hlG Ph l l ade ~ phla al.ndlu m. The boys paraded onLo the fi eld to the acco mpaniment or tourteen band. an d Lh ore went lhrou J; h th eir drills !lnd uthleUc exercis es tor th o b ~o elll ot c1t,y a mclals aDd pareat.8. c isOR

Mr. an d Mrs. A. E. White and sons, RO!JOl·t and Pau l, o f Spring fie ld, spent ,' un duy an d MOllda y with Mr. and Mrs. Kes ler Gruh a m a nd daug hter. The ir ~I o nt!ay ~ lI Csts a lso wer e Mr. nn t! Mrs. Curl Albrig ht, ncar SpringbOI-o.

.- .

Service 1 I'. wher... . "~ " ~ II I •



'"rJiE play or children and I 1vami s' \ that b"i-'ings out tfie .1. the daily tramping of I full p(·:mry of your floors.; busy feet put floor varnish to . T ested in advi'l nce for dura,. n sever e t est. Only v a m ihh , bi1ity, it's rcadi ly~pp1ied,an~ thatPosscssese~,:cm~ tou~h. I gives lasting protection. n ess and c1astlclry WIll satisfactory service on yOUJ;' j \ When used 'according to floors. ,directions it's guarantec~ to Devoe-' Marble Floor Finish \ giVC s ati sfaction. Practical. is a (ou1:h, clastic, lustrous tests Pr9VC Devoe Qual~!l

HARVEYSBURG Mrs. R. F. Sh umak er is qui te ill. A. T . 1\101(1 1' hnR o p ~ n l! d a mcat ma r ket in Harr is ' gto r c rOO m. . A num be r frl\ lII hl"'e atlel lli eu t he funo ra l o n TU (,RdIlY u f C~ cil HoO\·cr. John Fellly ,Ir .• of No rwood , wa s /.It, home f or S un duy and Memo riul Doy. J oe I-Ie ise y. o r Da yt on. viRi t ed hi s s is ter , lIirs. M8I'y J . Finch . ove r th e week- end. A num be r f rom her e at tended the Aml' rica n L egi on Mem or ial ~e rv i ces at Le bnnon. 'unday. Pomona Gran ge me t nt the Ha ll Saturda y. Dinnc r was Herved in Jllrs. Monitt's store r oom. Harry H owe. ,John Kennedy, Eli I'I an d Jum es Cline, o f Dayton. s pent S unday her e with r elati ves. Miss Etta Arn old, of Da yt on . is spe nding t he wec k with Mrs. E mm a Ellis nn'd Mrs. Ida Hendricks. Rela ti ves he re have rece ived word of the dellth of J oe Grim es at his home in Califo rnia, las t week. Miss Ma be l E . Starr, or' Doyton spent und ay Ilnd lIlem ori al Day wit h h"r muth er , Mrs. Am undu Starr. !\lrs. Norah F i. hcr an d da ughter. of Co lumbus. wer e wee lt-en d ~ u cs t s of Mr. a nd Mrs. J. E. S hul11 uker. Rc v. Ben nett. of Wilmi ngt on. deli ver ed a ll e xcell ent sC I'mon nt J ona h's Run ch urch, Sunday mor ning. M'·8. Chas. E. GOI'do n an d I\Irs. W P. McCarren ca ll ed on theil' sister; Mrs. Eve re tt Villars. in DlIyto n , Fridny. I\l rs. Chns. Boc rstl e r unci f nmil y. o f Norwood , w ~ r c here o ver Melltoria l Ony, wit h her mothe-I'. Mrs. Louisn J essup. lIIr. and I\Irs. lIug h Burgett lind famil y, of Belmon l, vis ited Mrs. Clara Co nner. Mrs. Ethel Smith a nd sons S Uli day. Mr. a nd Mrs Cole man Jackson !lnd f umil y have move d into the pro perty th ey r ecently purchnsed of Dr. Frost _ Ric ha rd Davis is nbl e to be out a ga in. lif te r s pend ing several dnys with inj u ri es received in a fall from a hay mow. Born- Tuesday May 26. to ,!Mr. and Mrs. Eve rett Villars. at their home ini Dayton. lin eight-pound son, William Denn. Mr. and Mrs, Cecil E . Kirk and Miss Kirmuth, of Fostoria. were wee k-c nd guests of Mr. and Mrs. R . H . Jefferi s and son. KiI·k. Mrrs. H erbert Fite and Jane Ellen. of Washington C. B .• nre spending a f ew days with Mrs. Fite's parent~, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson. Wayne Shildaker. who is spe nding a short vucation here from his duties in Florida. was a W ednesday supper guest of Mr. nnd Mrs. Ga il Gordon nnd family.

FRED M. COLE, Waynesville, Ohio

Conkey's (the ongu.'J) Buttermilk Starti .. g Feed prevents .the big losses due to weakness and disease and gives your ·chic!a3 the quick, snappy getaway ~hat

produces early brollers

and layers. The lactic acid in the buttermilk puts an edge to the appetite; strengthen~ and toDes UP the seJlS1. tive digestive organs, and helps to sweep .away the germs that cause White Diarrhea. Be Sure toGetConkeya -In the original packages-2U', 5, 10, 25 and 100 Ib. ~es.

Don'tac:ceptaauhatitnte-;Ifs odangerm&


Semi-Solid BUttermilk No Dried Buttermilk In Conke~s Buttermilk Starting Feed, we use

Semi-SOlid IButtermilk only, accOrding to the Original and successful

Corikey PI'OalSS.

It is the most swx:essful feed for little chicks from 48 hours to 8 weeks of 8JJe. Start them right

With Conker's and you can have 3.1b. pullets at 12 weeks o( age. Don't Break the CbaiD of Conkeys Original Buttenni1k Feeda

TItree in number-one aft' Starting. one for Growill8llDD8 for Layin&, each tbo bela ear Ita putp08e.

Waynesville Farmers' Exchange Company Phone 25

Waynesville, Ohio

Just Right Now For Advertising

Mr. and Mrs. Hnrry n ough and 80ns. Lawrence and Robert, Mr, and Mrs. Albert Hough and Earl Hough were Sunday guests of Mr. Amos 'Hough and family.

We Pe, Your Telephone C.II. if W. Dr.. W. E. FroRt moved, Thurs day, into the properly he r ece ntly purBu, Your Poultr,. chased of Frank Harris. which he has renovated with frcsh paint. He is also building a bnrn on the lot.



Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gray I\nd family entertained to dinn er, Sunday, Mr. and !I1rs. J. C. Gra y. Lester Starr, of Dayton. and Ray Sta rr, of Waynesville, were afternoon callers., Mrs_ Ernest Oswa ld. of Lllbanon. was a guest. Wednesday. of Mr. and Mrs. W · A. Haines. Mrs. Oswald's Bons RObert nnd Richard Frank en. are 'spending the summer with Mr. and Mrs_. Haines.

Mr. and Mrs: A. ' S. Collett and 80n, Rober~ Mrs . .Mary Graham and Mrs E. B uoster attended the CounHARVEYSBURG. 0," ty • Sunday:-Scbool convention at Waynesvilile on Tuesday. Tbe Harveysburg School orchestra furnisbed the music at the afternoon session..

HmeJs~urg . Fertjlizer.It,., p.o_ 11 '.


.MIss Rosetta McMillan. of Port William, 'bas oeen employed to. teach the Primary room of o)1r 8chool•. MiBl' Merle' Ellis is for the upper grades and Carr In the Higb school. . . medlat4! room superintendent's position are ' .'

For Classified Ads



· ~utomobite·

Mr. and Mra. atb Oook spent S\1nday in ~ynchburg.


Albert Smith, of Oa}'ton, spent Memorial Dny wHh his sister. here.

We have .started a Paint Shop in

The Grange Building at Corwin where ~e are ready to do all kinds

OF. AUTO SPRAY PAINTING We use the celebrated



And use the Newest Type of Spray Apparatus

Give Us A Call and Let Us Show You Our Work

R. H.









Mr. Farr has definitely discontinued his Variety Store, but I will occupy the same room with a complete line of Magazines. I will also sell Candy, Stationery and other articles usually found in a Magazine stand. Bring in your Clothes when they need to be Cleaned, Pressed or Repaired. All work done here in Waynesville at reasonable prices. No transportation delays.

MRS. FRANK H. FARR By The Gazette dffice

f..~D.' Dakin

Memorial servlce~ Su'ndny, Juno 13. Fr~ternal organi zations.



.Bring your Eggs to Kroger


. Severnl f rom here atlendod ltlemoF. ll. Farr and \V. N. Senrs were in rial. sCl"vicea at Lebanon, 'Sunday. Dnyton, Tuesday. Howard horwood and family, of Forrest Hough, of Dayton, was Onyton, wl!re in town Sunday after· hOll1 o Memorial Day. noon. Mrs. Maggie Burn et, of Dnyton, Good splBuking and good music at spent Memorinl Dny here. the Memorial servicl!s, SUllday ntternoon, June 13. liss Ann Kell ey, of Cincinnati, ~P t:; nt Memorial Day here. Masters Bernard and Billy Melloh returned home atter a three·days' The Premier band played for Me· Sunday. June 13. Memorial servl- visit in Springboro. mOI'ial Day servcies lit Lebanon, Sunces ut t he cemetery. at 2 :30. Mrs. Ida Githens. of Dayton, spent day. Mr. and Mrs, Roy Irons, of Clyde, last Wednesday night at the home of Mrs. Hannan Antram. Ohio, were here Memorial Day. J S McClure anel naughter, lIi1:S. Ida' K~lsey moved lnst week to a Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hawke and fam- farm ncar Centerville. O. W. Hamilton. of Dayton is vis· iting his sister. Mrs. Amanda .Maffitt. ily and Mr. Earl Orndorf spent several days D.t the Reservoir. C A Burnett of Miami, Fla., who has' been vI 8itin'~ relatives in WayMr. and Mrs. Edward Le\vis, of Dayt on. visited r elatives here, MonSt. Mary's Guild will meet with nesv ille nnd vlcil1lty, 'left Tuesday for day Mrs D. L. Crane's on Thursday after- his home. His, F. (I.. Hartsock. accompanied him for a VISnoon, June 3rd, at 2 P. m. it. Mrs. Rachel ZelJ, of Springfield. is spend ing a few wee ks with her 90n, Mrs. Harry Turne r an d little son, 01'. and Mrs. L: B. HIIII and f!l~n. George. of Bellbrook. spent the we<'k-end with il y were in West Lafayette. OhIo. F. B. Henderson and fu)nily over the week·end 111\(1 Dr. Hall lIt1. O. O. F., K. of P. and Jr. O. U. A. M. Memorial services. Sunday, Mr. and Ml'~. Frank Lutz, of Wa- tended the re union of his High School Ju ne 13. pakonetn, wer o g uests of Mrs. Han- alumni. nah Antram. last Thursday. Mrs. Lou Thompson Emery, o ~ Son· Harry Humphreys. of Middletown. Kansas. and son, Eugene Hill. of attended Memorial services here, on Mrs. Emma Milten berge r. of Green- eca. were Sunday gu~sts 01 Dr. Monday. ville, is vi!!iting her aunt, Mrs. Han- Zanesville, Carl Henderson and · family . . Mrs. nah Antram. fo r u f ew weeks . Emery was renewing old acquum!-Un. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Leonard and ees in Waynesville, ",hel'e she li ved fum il y of Kings Mills, were here, on Mrs. Irene Bird, Mr. and Mrs. A. before making her home in Kanslls, Monday. F. MeJloh and M. D. Bllird atte nded thirty.seve n years ago. tho races at Indianapo lis, Monday. . Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Dakin, of DayMrs. Annie Sheehan entertained ton, spent Memorial Dny here with J. V. Hartsock, of Akron, was II. on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Seth Thomas, relatives. caller at the home of Mr. and Mrs. nnd son Mr. Myron Thomas. of DayC. H. Sherwood, Saturday evening. ton, Mr'. and JII rs. Cliff Himes. of Centerville. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Thorn· Mrs. Grace McCune, of Lima, was the week-end guest of her mother, Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Henderson and as Mr William Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Eva Miller. dnughtor. l~o uise, and Mrs. Kate Cole- H~rry' Burnett. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin man were Dayton visitors, Tuesday. Ellrnhart a nd children. Kenneth KUbon spent the week-end and 'Decoration Day with Carl HenMr. and Mrs. George English and A pJeasl\nt family galheJ'ing at the derson and family. daughter, Mrs. Helen Bisbee, of Bad home of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Jltlrtsock Axe. Mich., are vlgiting Mrs. Laura Sunday comprised t he fo llowing , C. A. Bur~ett, lIliami,!. Flu., Mr. and Mrs, IItr. and Mrs. Carl McClure and Sides. F. A. Hartsock, ::;. M. Burnett ana children spent the week-end with Mr. Mr. nnd. Mrs. Charles Anderson family, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Harvey and Mrs. Walter McClure. and son ~. 111 rs. Addie Smith and Miss and daughter, Doris. A. Z. Hartsock family. W. A. Lukens and daughMr. and Mrs. Guy Kibler and cliil- Emma Rnphun visited friends in Cin- and ter, Mary Carolyn. dren, of Dayton, spent the week-end cinnati, Sunday. ----,wi t h Mrs. Euphemia Hough. Mr. and Mrs. Raym ond Conner enMr. and Mrs Loren Hadley and tertain ed at their pleasant home Sundaughter. of Berlin Heights are vis- day, serving a delig htful six-o'clock dinner to the fol lowing g usts : Mr. iting J. E. Janney and fami iy. and Mrs. E. M. Sherwood, Miss Edna and Kathryn Sherwood; of Dayton, ST. MARY'S CHURCH Mrs. Belle Coon and three daughters. of Dayton, attended the servi- and Mr. and Mrs. C .H. Sherwood. First Sunday after 'rrinity, Junl! ces at the cemetery, Memorial Day. Church School at {J ::10 n. m., Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jann ey en- 6 . Holy Communion and sermon at tertained to Sunday dinner. Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Jordan and W. Mrs. Charles Parlette, Delight. Jack 10 :3 0 a. m. All are cordially invitedT. Kemp attended Memorial services and Williamson and Ora Gab- to be present. at the O. S. & S. O. home, Monday. bard,Jean Rev. John J. Sebaelrer. RectoJ'. of Dayton. Their Monday guests were Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nill Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Crone and fam- and daughter. Ruth Esther, and Mrs. FERRY CHURCH OF C·H RIST ily spent Sunday and Monday with Graff, of Dllyton. Morning service 0.:30; Bible Lesrelatives nnd f riends at Fayetteville, son· "Jacob and Esau." Sermon·, Ohio. "Cbrlstlnn Privileges and Posalbillties." CbUdrcn's Day exercises at Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tnylor, of In7:30 p. m. ' dianapolis, spent Memorinl Day ' here Nathan Jobnson. Minister. with Mr. Allen Kibler nnd other reI· atives. Perry Thorn ... Supt.


1 Oc CAKES .~~e!::=;, each ......... 2Sc White .or Rye, each .... .' ..

Vienna Bre.d, Loaf ............ 8c

~OouNtar.AvPineapple, Cocoanut or Chocol.te, •• ch ........... .. .... ....25c

. ER-2 pound., All Flavor •• each ...................... .. ..........3SC

BEANS C4°=:~~~).~~.~~~~.~~~~.... 2Sc FEED SCRATCH:-lOO101bs. lb. Bag for ..... -$2.00 ., for ........... 25c Campbell'., wi~h Pork. 3 can_a 25c

Heina, Onn B.k.d, 2 c ......... 2Sc

10 lb • . . 35e

Baby Chick Feed- l00 lb. Bag. .

. .... ..

tR~~~~,t~~~. 25c . r.~!~ ~~~~~ 22c ~!!!!.~~b' Ib . . . . . . 44c £~!':.~~n J.r. . . .. . . 53c E~tmor. 01.... Ib ............... ....... 22c

Dressmg' ·Tl.Iaad houa.nd or Clu~,


Country a... .......... Premi~, battl.. ., .. ...... ........... :.... 39c

Bulk. pint ........................ :.........20c

~!~tal Ice cre.m.:....18c carton, T.ble.... .. .............. 7c

!~P!J!~r. . ~~.~~. .20c ~!!!~!!! . . . . . . . . 30c '~e:p~!~ . . . . . 52.97 ~~?o~~~t, 31bl.25c 13c !:~~~tJ!~Speck 59c ~u~~~~~~~c.D c......................... Size 30 cr.t.. .. ..... .... .... ......... $3.37



MUII.rd, 4·oz.


New 4 lb . .... ..... ........... .... ...... .... 25c . Oil. 4·oz can .... ... ....................... 7c


35c ~~!!~~~~ . . . . . . .20c

Ib ...... Smoked Jowl. Ib .... ....... ........ .....25c .. Iean.

Half .moked. Ib ........ ................ 25c

Do You Know

E. V. Barni!art, of Cincinnati, haa received word that his brother, Ern. est, of Denver, Col.. is in very poor henlth.

Mr. and Mrs. P. Hadley and family, of Bellefontaine, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs, J. E. Janney.


Messrs. Maynard Weltz, George Henderson and Bertie Robinson aaw the Ringling-Barnum circus In Dayton, Friday night. •


I will be at

Mrs. Emma Barnett, Mrs. E. V. Barnhart, of Cincinnati, and Mrs. Edith Harris were dinner guests of Miss · J<?mma Heighway, on Saturday.

Mr. a nd Mrs. Joe Dodson, Mrs. Martha Dodson, Miss Minnie Dodson, of Indianapolis, Ind., and Mrs. ' Frank Allen, of Dayton, called on friends hcre, Sunday afternoon. The Junior Church School lengue of St. Mary's church, will meet with Miss Bernice Hyman on Wednesday evening, June 2, at 7 o'clock. All members are. urged to attend. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Sh~rwood ·had for their guests on Menioriial Day, Mr. and Mrs. Earl M. Sherwood, the Misses Ednn nnd Kathryn Sherwood and Chester Sherwood, 811 of Dayton. '

Grange Hall, Waynesville

Thursday, June 1

G. H. BROWER .294 Ludlow Arcade

Dayton, Ohio

FOR OV.I;R aooTEARS baatlem been "8-world~ wide -:emcdy for kidney; liver and bladder disorders, rheumatism, Il,mbqoaiOCl uric acid conditiODa! \

,. · _D)g~~ ,


ClDl'ftletIli~ IrOIIbIea, ltImulatliYIUII Dr. T. G. Farr ha as bill guCllta ...... T!uee8lRl.AUdrugl.a..lIIIII!I Sunday, his, Mra. • Uae orfPaaJ 'pauine 00I.D MDA&. Margaret Fnrr, also Mr!!. Gaddie Tay. ~!!"'!'!!!"'!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"'!'!!!"'!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"'!'!!!!!!!!!!' lor and MlUlter Billy 'Farr, Of Wheel. :: ing W. Va., and M~ Allee Hoover and., Mr. H. " C. Blake~ of Sprlriirfteld. . :!

. Mr. nnd Mr!. (Jharles M,.rrtR<in. Mrs. .Llnnie Elmore, .P aul -~~'''.D 'A"~ family; . Mesara. Joe Tb()mpAOnl bur and Joseph, Baine., of Cincin. nati, Mr. and ~usaell C~pbell an'd cbililrenz.o! D , were guests Sunday, of JIIU'II. Kl e Thom]llon• •


10'1' pour ....... lHcI _I'll; .. f.11o. .,'


Fire, Lightning, Tornado, Wind, Hail and Auto Also, District Agent for

The Union Central Life Insurance Company Of Cincinnati, Ohio




} j




The' Miami· Gazette Will make many ext~n­ jive changes in the p:1P r during the summer which will be benefiCial not o~ly 'to the ' readers but to tbe advertisers as well. Watch for ' these cha,.ges. and you will ~ee .·8 ~teat::, improvePlent in: . the ''Q~~'



m,ke up.

' :~ I -·,2'


CLOTHING CLUB Tbe Good Cut Clothing club held ita second meeting at , the Grange hall, Friday afternoon, May 28. The prCJIident, Evelyn Ungle_by, ~alled the meetillg to order. Virginia Har~ din, the aaBlstant secretary, read the minutes of the last ~eeting. Six member" reapondl!4 iD tbe . roll c!,lI, Six visitors were pre,e»,t, Includmg MiSll Watts, the county f!gllnt, After tbe busines8 meeting; )frs. Bird, the leader, expluined tbe work. Miss Watts then tI..mnn"tl1'A-t. ed 80me . very intercsting work in Applied Arts. Evelyn ' Cartwright lind Bernice Hyman were taken in as new members. The next meeting will be held at the GJ'JIIIge hall, Frid!lY niternoon, June 4, A'Jl members and prospective membe)'1 .TIl urged to bp tbere and on time. . Mary L. Zlmme,mun, Sec'y. ------~.-

We soliCit ' age for kinds Work.~· Letter · .' Stattments, : Et1v~J~~~ Cards, Booklets and,,: in fac·t, . ev~rttb~g/. in\.~. " ~:thef. ,. ' f . . .. Prio ting line. . '. .',~.






AT ORPHANS' HOME A medical SU"ey of tbe nearly 700 children in thl} Ohio Soldiers' and Sailors' Orphans bome wns meneed at the home In Xenia day, under the direction of Col. Robbins, chief of the division of idemiology of tile . Stste board of helllth. . , Four doctors and several nursett from the department are assisting in. the survey, with the aid of Dr. A. C; Mesl!enger, 01 Xenia, acting resident physician nt the home. It is expected that tbe survey, which will include a complete exam illation of ever»-·pu. pil In the home, will consume a week or ten days. . . With the phyaleal statu, of 'every child irt the hands of. the medical department of toe ·home, ~reatment ;tor, defectS _ by ·the exilmbiaat . . will be . ia the, -of at


' i~~li~~~~l~~t~ril~....._'••

-...-_. .

healtb ·.01 by quest

can ._ ...

..... .

Hev. L. A. Wasbburn. Pastor.

Phone 651~


We are agents for the celebrated

tMichelin 'United States ,Fisk

D. H:. Hockett's

Mr. and Mrs. Warren Espy, of Cen. terville, were Sunday guests of the latter's parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry Satterthwaite, of Route 2.

Mrs. W. P. Salisbllry and son Clark, who spent the winter in ¥ontgomery, Ala., nrrived here last Friday night, nnd are guests at the home of Mr. lind Mrs. Harvey Rye.

METHODIST CHURCH Sabbath School, 9 :16 a. m .• preaehing at 10 :30 a. m. Epworth Learu. 6:16 p. m. Preaching at 7~00 p. m., Wednesday evening Prayer iDeeting, 7 :30. Everybody invited to tbese


Ml'Il, Oharles Gray spent the weekend in Cincinnati with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Baker, who returned home with her for Memorial Day.

Tell the Advertiser you read his Ad. in the Miami Gazette

Tires and .T ubes

Sweet Potato Plants

Mrs. Harry Smart, of Avondale, and Mrs. Elizabeth Hessey, of Glendale, ,·-r·_ ... _t.he week-end with their sister,

Mrs. Eunice Lobnes, Mrs. Opal Netzley and daughter nnd Mr. Dwight Miltenberger, of Greeneville, were recent visitors at the home of Mrs. Hannah Antram.

We are distributors of the following

You Can Get


General .Insurance

---_.-- ...

Whol. Whe.t, Lo.f ............ Sc


dr!~8 .and









S'YeDty-l£ighth Year. "





Millions noticed the ' planet Satura sailing through the sky in compnn y with the moon, a beautif ul, unusual display. In the eastern sky . they saw the beautilu l blue \!tnl' Vega, toward which our sun is su~posed to b. travelin g the star that In course of time wiU'QC our "north star." A few years ago it was believed that Saturn and the moon were . not far apart lind that both hlld been crellted t~ contribu te lig ht tor man. E"ery child knows, ~ow, t hat Suturn ia mililon! of mlle.s frum t~e moon and thllt the moon ~ s o~ly . a .httie cosmic "donkey cngme, lifting the tides of our uce.a ns, ke ~pill!ct them sanit.ary ~rough constan t motion. Elizabe th Benson, twelve ye~r,! old, is ready for college, reac:\B. fJ\Qel'6 . In Latin; studies ml\lW \hil1r~\ InlllllqlOg IIQi@mel tnPller {llangUages,. She t.ltl n lIer m\nd was qevelop ed by ta k ng to' her mother, a highly ed\I~ted woman. . ''rhls young woman admits that she Us "Iny and enrcless and needl to t)" scolded ." She will probabl y' \n lJNIO Mawr before ahe i8 th~,n11'1.! . Where i~ the bll~ (It I\ftel\l\ ' I~[habt\ tall Pl' t\\'l\"~ l/@8rs 1\en r.e , e wl1rthy pl ~hl~ IlItelleQt""I gll'\ p~od-


II)'! "

. ._ __

. Doctors , experim enting at Cornell. say that many diseases} Bclati~a, neuritis, lumbago , n.euralg la, ongma pec.. tori. and othel'll are really all CIIuled by "mecha nicsl h~rve Irr!tatlo n." They "dillcovc r that IOjury to a small bone at the bnae of the ba~k can cause pressure on nerves that ID one man will cause pain in the toot, ill another chronic headach e. Their FPl!l~~r is to aet this bone In .place.

The Girls' Room Club of Wayne townshi p was organiz ed at the home of our leader, Mrs. Crabbe, on Friday .afterno on, May 2 I. "Harmo nious Hints" was decided upon for the club name. The officers of lhe club are a8 follows: PreSide nt, Elizabe th Henkle. Vicc·pre sldent, Ada Shaner. Sec'y-T rellsure r, Amy Hopkins. News Reporte r, Ruth Cook Recreat ion Le'a der, Evelyn Vnglesby. It was decided that light refrcshment. should be served nfter each meeting by one of the members. In this club the girls learn t he correct way their room should be furnished and arrange d. Tho requirem ents for this year's work lire a8 follows: 1. Study arrange ment ofilie roum and draw n floor plan. 2. Reerran ge lhe room and draw a second floor plan. 3. Plan a schedule for the care of the room. Cnrt'y out this schedule during the period of the club work. • 4. Secure and frame at least one picture. 5. Make at least two of the following gro ups: (n) Two dresser scarfs. (b) One spreud. (cl Two towe ll\,. (d) Two sheeta. (c) Two pUlow enses. (f) CurtJlin s for room. Frilltl)' afternoo n, May 28. Mi8s Wlltta ClIme to the Grange hall Bnd demons trated an easy way to decorat e candles. Tho second meeting of the club W8! held Wedncs day afternoo n. June 2. Miss Watts was present, ond showed us how to make and r efinish vases, candlesticlu! and lamps. MI.s s Dena Rich was c:h&lIeD liS our ossistan t leader. 'the program com· mittee appoh,' ed are a follows: R\I~h Cook, Evelyn Unp;lesby Bnd F,rances Henkle. and the Constitu tion and By-Law s committ ee, are: LIIIhm Watldn .,'·Ada Shoner and Amy Hopkin .. After adl urnmen t refreshme nts were served by Evelyn Unglesb y. · '" The meeting s ot the club are held the Ill'lt and third Wednes days of each month at 2 p. m., 'a t thc home of our leader. All viaitors are welcome and all girls Interest ed are urgto to join. •~ •

Char les William Cox

. _ c_ . . . . Just shortly after the c\ \\I\~ Mr, RabbI!, a mechan ic, sixty-tw o !Bllen ?n tl\~ I!a)/. ~hat wI!cAe~OI:a'6 vean old, worked hard for years, the graves our. departed , 80 the .while he a nd his wife took car.e of biB curtain feU of on the earthly life of C. id f W. Cox.. 22-year-old daugh t cr, para yze rom Born of Daniel and Eliza Jane h,er waist down, unable to move. Two Cox, Nm'cmb er 17,B. 1865, depnfte d at nights ago he wrote, "Oh, God, for- Miami Valley hospital give me. I can't ~nd this mental aged 70 years, 6 monthsMay 31, 1926, nnd 14 days. 1l~*~;n~~los~~~r'~is dllughte r . dead He was m!l\*d to Casl\il\ A. Githeas lIfb'f6 ~he ~Iep~, I\lId )l"!lIed hllTJself October 3, 878. He leaves to mourn Mtii tlfd'jaJfie 141100 . Were dp yqq hi. los. h!~ wife and Oly<!e, ~IB fl.9'" ~upp01l He 'l, now1 '0 WhJlt Ie hl tJl!ih: anll it · bfot~er, ~1~e'1 ~V~" P~ El\s~ ••"me.. t7 . , . ,.- .. . . . St. Loul~. . Iq" " d h Death 1I1waYl! veil e ~ in mys'''Until 'h~ wife die a year ago·@ \lterya iHldra ped-comes lnlllldn ess, a nd sO' tool< ~(\ f 1t)e pa'talyti c ' daughf~ r, hi . , h h.'' ~_ olnflb .. irilOg. .W,omen do t.h~.~,. in t 's 8prlngtim~ w en a.11 N11t u,re f! _ _ • seems aglow, ~h\8. husband , ~ther , .- - : - .. . 1 'a nd neighb p*' YIelds the full ~r ultage fp"gf.I 6,..,y, " ead II' \heh Vni~j of tli~ i\l~g imd ~8eful li~-e elldeiliel\ Stlte~ S~f!' F.otPOi'!tIO'n~·~tIhr~!l : ~o '1\ whl~n@w him, Alm'lS~ his e,,pp.tri'al ~ · ~nteip~isll p'll . iftttq, lRlld tire i,d' ali' b"in' .pent' ~loile ·tq ~n~ pijiei .~~l 'm en 'yes~~r'4a ' tJilt !'II\H: place"b f ii Qln~ . . He was in~ustri:. iniiN ' lf 8\lund a1)4 grOW~'1g, an4 lIro ous, e~o lImfcar .and !i.~er!lJ. ," II!!.,lJ'-i! :'pernap~ g!, a~el'. t~a!l '!.'ier:.: ready to put· hiS sho\lldor th!!



LOCAL COUPLE NATIONAL fl.AG DAY NEW ROAD WORK MARRIED IN FLORIDA IS CELEBRATED IS PROGRESSING Main street is tor.n up, and the The morriag e of Miss Kathryn ' contrac turs will begin pouring ceD. Clark, daughte r of Mr. ond fltTa . JUNE fOU RTEEN TH ment 80me lime th is week . An enor_ Wilbur F. Clark to R .Claude Riggs.

son of Mr. and M. S. Riggs, of Dayton, was so lemn'izcd ot the First Christia n church in Miami. F lorida, with Miss Mildred Clark and Paul J . Flory, as attenda nts. The wedding dinn r was served n\ the Hollf','o od Hotel, 11'ImQdtntely followin g the eremo ny. and t he bridol pl\rty, remaine d at Hollywood for 0 short time. '. Mr. and Mrs. Riggs ure now at home to their friends at the Vivian Apartm en ts in Miumi. Both are grad uates of Waynes ville High school, and both attende d Miami Univers ity, \>1 Qxford, Ohi9 . Mrs. Riggs having at~ain\lll phi Beta' KIlPPIl hOllprarr.. ~r"t\!rn.ity. lln~ $ig. ma- Rapps l'fntlOn~1 SotOTl l!Y, and Mr. Ri,ggs is 'f!- ril\!mber ot Delta Tuu Delta fraternr ty. • For tbe past three yea.r s Mrs. Ri-ha sbeen the hlO~uag e teacher \....- . I id in the Wayn~s vil 0 Hlg sc h 00. !in Mr. Riggs now h~ ld s a ~e spons lbl 8 position as account ant in the N. 1:). R. oft1lle ~t M!~~~ li'19~~d!l.. " .


'!"'. .,






",. ·,!cm.


We' extend our heartfel t thanks to our friendl, neighbo rs; minister , WIlItel' McClur e &; Son, alBo for the beau_ tlful flowers from friends and t he Ladles' Aid of the Lytle M. E . church lIIr. and Mrs. Clyde Cox and Mother. .


•. . . ~-.--

observa nce of Flower ·Missian bay. Clusters Qf beoutlfu lflowera were aent In and baskets of loveIy fl owers brought. In by mentber s, which were al'rdbge d Into bouqu ets with Scriptu re message s . tied with white ribbon and sent \.0 lhe sick nnd shut-ins of our town. We or e very 11'1\~cfU \ fo ~Il who contribu ted th\!

4theooel~~~ ;lI~:d~c~~C:o~lbte. ~eg;ar ~Ekey~ ~lo*hiRg GIMl} ~;h~~e pr~sent . enjoyed n.spl 'nd,~ 'actual sound of atoms 4~hlrig _ -_ _ t..- . progr a o~ rt.'admg ~, l'CCltlltl ~t each otber.

It'a uael!l'i! ~e: '.-' '!/im, The eeppn~ meeHng p~ ~he Lytle ffYl'!ll :7'Y tjnn f " a'U' \R1i~ ~ci- Buckeye 4-H Clothing club wa~ l\elft '~J!t ~:n. yciJ'~ ~~Y~4d ~!!fflar. S9~; at th!lJ 1I'p141 9.( tlfe '!e!ld~r, ~~~: Elisi~ 'j:;ef!.!\/1!ip!}, . .. " , . ., U~~111 g~ lFH!l@dp.¥ ~f~rl\llon of ~Ht



The hydNl,e n ntectro!l oh~",e w I~ nl'glltlv ",.... _ .. <=


e electrici ty, revolve

. arO\ln tt:. pOBltively charged nucleus one

thouaADd trlllion times In ...econd, The atom Is small. but evon ,so, that electron travels thirteen miles a lec· ond on itl tiny orbit. . , Some day the Infinitely amall,. seen through a m\er(lsco~, wl11 be ,n famlll"r to every eduente d , man"u the jld\nl~ely great seD ~hrough tne te lO~OClpe, but it I~ bewUdering now.






.' .


, 0, ·E. S, N011&(


btt\~ltn wel'@

eje@te4 /lB fo!low§;

Prelldell~H"rrlett ti'ordyue, Vice-pr elident- --Mllry Herbst, Secreto ry-Cleo Uawk., Reaiteatlon Lea4er. -Oleta Haas, 'Social Comm ltt_Ber nlce Graham , Mary Herb.t and Cleta Hess. . We were taught some of the club 'work and then had a social hour of songs and gamell, The next meetil1ir will be held '1t tlle nOme '[If ~. 1;l,,~i61l' ~rt!ll~ml' ~'iI!~ ifiy. :rI1n!l .~t". • :.... ,: C, , .: Urllce' Helll. Reporte r.

\.' . ".,.. '"

~~.. "

. Bohl lu~~er.~M~Mill!~


...... ...... ...... ...... ..

: •

I" terest ing I tema from the




a . A fed rly gouu-sizeu erowu we nt to pu rk Sunday, to sec "Bn be Ruth" IJnd "I;i uu se y" in lh eir grund. Prepa red by ~t ll n d plays, but they wure so rely dis· uppoint ed. as th e team that came Colum bus Repo rter here Sunduy fr{) 111 Yellow Sp rin gs, Xenia and Cedarvi ll e were surely a disappo inting bU llch . Th ey apparen t· Iy we re nut in the sam cJa ~s aa the l<'um which vi sited hero lw o years ng~ COLU ~mus, OHIO - But two , The ",anle wO S a on e-sided affai r more dnys remuin in which prospec lhrongh uul. A fter th e Ineul t ca m live cundidn tcs f or State, District and had the gllmc packed away, sove rnl Cou nty ofiiccs may file their declara_ of the new Loy~ were pul in to fini sh tio ns o f intentio ns to dubmit the ir il, ami Adam . did not exert himself cau~ e to th e peOI}le. ThC'11 the fight vcry much in lilt' box . will be on and will be waged earnestUnly one redeemi ng fcatur" of th e ly nnd feurles. until the polls close ga me \\'II ~ that lhe ~l iumi s did not next Augu st . Its going to be a warm make "'''"Y wobbles. The Gi ants Caml)aign, nnd "o me I.. ~t hour filings ('ould do nut hing with Adallls' ufTer- lllay cau sc so me surpr ise unless all inl!ti wh e ll Ih e gume starled, and Nil;ns fuil. And th e campaig n is goth"rforc gave Ih(' fielders li ttle to do. ing to be a terribly mixed up Ilffalr. TI,,· (;iun"" did nu t have muc h uf u ltepuuli plns ar c hopeless ly divided vel'llacul ul', nnd lhul added vt'ry li ttle OV('l' th e governo rship and what the Zl'st to the pasttim e. r esult will be is mil:hty difficult to N('xt ' un day lh" Miamis will again say at lhis time: All cundida tes have piny tlw LaBell e Mrrch:1nt ~ , or nne- th ei r .rollowing. This folJowin g in erH. uf Daylon. Thi s is the thal Home CMes will be diminish ed as the gu\'(' lhe ~liamis a dcfeat threc jll'illla ry day druws riear, and the fo lwee kg ag'o, /l1lt1 it is pOMitive that thiM lowing will go l o oLhers. There aro will be Il ~(Hllt g'a m(~ , for our hoys n lot · uf vOlers in Ohio that like to ure g-o in~ llut to win. be th e winner. Don 't make much The sco re: differ"n cc who he may be as long a8 Lhey call pick lhe winner. This el' m" nt m"y de cide the Republi can guGIANTS bernato rial contest. Voters of AB R H 0 A E will get to see and heur much ofOhio the Hightow er, as ..4 0 0 2 2 1 vuriou s candida te8 fur ·office during W. Logan, 2b . .. 4 0 0 2 <1 0 the next six months if they want to. 1I1iJes, Hb, p ... .4- 0 0 0 5 0 Many meeting s will be , the radio JJunter, rf .... .. ... 4 1 1 2 1 0 will be culled into ploy held and every pos_ Denning , c .. .. .... 4 1 1 7 0 0 sible way in which to reach the votVincent. Ib . 4 1 1 9 0 1 ers will be reso rted to. There is goH. LoglL n, p, .. 3b .. 3 0 1 2 0 0 .ing to be u lot of money thrown Scnoolc r, rf ....... 3 0 0 0 0 0 by lhese 'condida tes during the aWIlY Monday , II ...... 3 0 1 0 0 0 two months, probabl y more thannext the salary is for th e two-yea r term. T olnls ....... 33 3 5 2'1 12 2 that is what money Is for-to But put into circulat ion, and if there Is any one that can control the flow of cur. MIAMIS rency bettcr than a politicia n, we An RHO A E Gons, 3b ....... .. ... <1 2 ' 2 0 o 0 have failed to locate them. E. Burton, 2b .. .. . 5 2 2 2 2 0 The final large letting of the State Satterth Waite, 1b .. 6 1 <1 9 o 0 HighWa y Commis sion for new highH. Burton, C ....... 5 2 2 13 1 0 ways will be held on Friday of Adams, p ............ ..4 0 3 0 3 0 this week. when bids wlll be received Frost, cf .............. 5 0 0 0 . 1 0 for the improve ment of 806 miles at T Burton, If ........ 5 1 1 0 o 0 an estimate cost of ,3,821,3 13. FilCrowl, ss ........ ... 1 0 0 1 1 0 ty I of the d88 countIe s of the state Hartsoc k, ss ...... .. .. 2 1 1 2 1 1 will get a part of this vast improve Osborne , rf ........ .. 2 0 t 0 o 0 ment program and work is to be Hopkins , rf .......... 2 1 0 0 o 0 started on all of it just as soon all the bids can be awardec:l and the equip. Tota ls ....... 40 10 16 27 9 1 ment moved to the scene of opera· tion . With the letting of these con1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 0Giants .. ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0- 3 tracts work will be under way in Miamis .. .... . 2 0 0 2 0 6 0 1 x- 10 every olle of the 88 counties of the State. Many of these jobs are Dear· in~ complet ion, while others are jUlt bemg started. There will be another Idtting in July, but this will bo only for the unfinish ed project s which have not been included in the Bovine tubercu losis eradicat ion two larger letters of MIlY and June_ under the direct supervis ion of Dr. Walter Van Ness, is progres sing rapThe forty-fir st annual Ohio Chrilridly in Salem townshi p. Dr. Van tlan Endeav or convent ion will bo Ness reports tbnt the original test in held in Columb us June 22 to 26, with thc townshi p will be complet ed by the inspirat ional and mllss meeting s June 15. In order to fncllitat c th e in Memorial hall. Many 'other meetT .B. eradica tion in Warren county, ings, auxiliar y to the main conven. 11 meeting wus held Monday night, tlon, will be held in other downtow n Jun e 7th, at the Silver Grove SchoQ.1 churche s through out the house in Washin gton township, where The entire state will he four days. " represe nted it was explaine d by C. T. Hummo n, and the interden ominati onal charllcand Dr. Van Ness. Federal veter- ter of the convent ioa will bring toinarian in charge that the signatu re gether church workers of practlCb of 75 per cent of the herd owners every Protesta nt faith . While .lly 1600 in the township would need be se- delegate s are for the convencured and filed with the county Aud_ tion, the totalaasured attendan ce at the Me. itor . before th e eradicat ion work monnl hall sessions promise s to excould be started in Washing ton town- ceed 4600. ship. Dr. Van Ness 0150 went in detail and Through arrange ments which have' answere d the question s asked by tbe just been complet ed the clay' indus~rou p of folk s who came to the me et- t ry in Ohio is certain to be greatly mg. benefited by experim ents which will ----be conduct ed by students of OlUo. State universi ty at the Rosevill e brick plant. This, like many other properties, contains many kinds of shale. All of this is valuable for IIOmethin~. Mr. R. D. Bard en, farm machine ry and muny men co.uld be given prolltspeciali st of Ohiu State uni versity,. able employm ent In the indUstry. The spent two days June 1 and 2 with shale beds of Ohio lire as C. T. Hummo n: acling county' ngent as any State in tbe Uniori, valuable yet the at Lebllno n. holding farm mllchinery developmen~ hlUl been slow and unmeeting s nt five dilferen t points in certam. Now B.I'1'angements hlllle, Warren county. Three day meeting s bec.n .comple wh~roby the enwe, were held on farms where lhe co-op- ex perim ental.ted ceramIc laborato r,y of: orator hod invited neighbo rs to wit- Ohio State univ~rsity will ness the mllch in (' repair demonl!.trl\- ferred to R~sevJlle where be. txans-· the work: tion of the speciulis t. 'rwo D\cl}tings may be: carrIed through Dut the: were held nt night, one ~\ ~b.c LIngo year WIth all t!,e on rll,l. adv~ntage3 Hurdwa re, und an ot\t.o:r ~t the Con- of .s uch !1 locutIOn. natu Var~ous kmdB, 01: over Hardw aro. \yb,e\'c. binder-h ead brick WIll be. mao.lJfu. <:t.u red, includtroub l c ~ wer,: rJ.~ul'Se d with smnll In f;\' both puv~ blpck and huilding but. ellth\l$iu ~lio J,:roups. brIck. Th.'1~ '1'111 be given tb.e rigid g yo u ure interest ed in a well- test~ o{ ahc Uniyorsitl", ' while tile written und iIIusLrntcd hooklet · ex- milkIng I)n<lC)th er nt branches. pln ining cuu es and I'emedies of kno ~ Q.f ,be clay IOdll$trImporta be develop ed ter and binder-heud troubles , cQ.l.\ al\. to 8\!ch an extenty will that the County Agent office IH\~ Secure .mud e by the- Uuivers ity. the r eports; will prov4t o~ one Iree. . . " . . :un~l~ YII\Il~ to the State gcnera.l ty_ • _ ... ·Thls IS. entIre co-oper ation hetween . lhe. tlay indu~tries of the State. the: Q~m .·. Oc.r·A .t~ Univers ity authori ties and Govern or . .... Vic Donahey in this new fl.eld which. pNmlse s t o develop vcrY' rapidly af. . ter ollce under way_ . . An cnthuslu.s\!~ meetmg of· the Ohio D..,mo(lra~ waa held at Colum•• hila Illst \V..e&, with about 1600 present.. th.ose present trom Massie town. hill were Elias Oglesbee, Mrs. Cora A Thompson, Mrs. Rosalie Gordon, A)tred Jordan, Nathan Grs~• Edward Jordan, Charles Har~oc . From Wayne townshi p, I<..~U~ ok~ and John Cummin gs,



m'\ ~'a !1II!ljdOub~.f1d t;\lfPPjeltll PP~!lf, 11\"1'" .... pend!lnt Iii t!lo~gll~ zatjc a .waf\l rellay Wohav e wea Ut,I '\lUG~rt!l 1\"11.... tp give hi~ opjnlPI1~~ Qn "nf I\U~Jcc~ mpj!~ of the ml;>Ro), In the tbll~ \\lim" t(llllm, The W. C. T. U. met Tuesday II,fworl~, and pbppt all ~tt.!! !I\lbst.'lp~fll • •• ternoon at the home of Mrs. L. C. credit, ouaJde I.If I3wl1IOIIIIIP", find Card of Thaalu Mille In the British Empire, ' 'A And we baven't even scratcbe d this country" wealth. '. The biggest 0m evcr suen is duo next , fall. "lith that d'own, ar.d get ready for / ,~If " . • ,. . le»~.er4."'.lf ~J}.II/l~ 5~~~it.§ ~)~

Whole Numb er 5704

F'ruzi e r ' ~

WCTU OBSERVES Htl~~ ~r~ ~~!I;~~at:tl~~r ~~ !Jl:~ ~e~fii~ .'~st~~!\ fLOWER MISS ION DAY J.00lf~1inellS. .·to m~.-itrt~ In !!I; ;ft~~! ~f ~Igll\ ap'~ ,ymp,\,jl NllVlif ~~m:~ ~~~ne\l ~,.••'!irt, i!lvf!l~ng!!19!O~~ I~ a~y eli)\r~lf ~rilti\ e-

I nli "lI t A te1nent abo'pi /IlJI!n"';.




l11 On~ u~ music. ll'wCl n ew membcr~ wer~. I eported. I , Adjourn al! tp meet t.he first Tuesda)' pf ' J':IW IN!tl1 1I1isIj i.e (?p;!e!l~,. P!\ln~¥ !;cfre!h:~;lt ",eve ~'it\veil.


J unior Service L_eague The Junior Service League of St. Mary's church met with Bernice Hyman on Wednes day evening , June 2. After 1\ short business session tho following program was given: . Prophuc r ........ " ... . "\lulie' l1en(len on V.ocaf e8fllo .... .. ............. ...EI~le Hawke plano Solo ........ Kathlee n Henden on. Delightf ul refreshm ents were then served by the hostess. Mary L. Zimmer man, Sec'Y: (~.,

June fourteen th i!l Nationa l Flag Day. The schools over the country will observe the .occasio n with appropria te exercise s and it is to be hoped 'that there will be a more uni versal observa nce of t he event th l1n ever. Certain ly the se lting aside of one day to pny tribute to the America n flag ill appropr iate, A flag in itself, of course, meune nothing . It is only an object of venerati on when it stll ndll (or so mething . The black Ilag and the red flag certainl y do not be~ong to this categor y. But there is every r eason why the thinking and patrioti c America n should pay a little tribute to his country on Jljne 14, by displayi ng the colors of Old Glory. For the America n tlag stands for somethi n g Desi~ned U 9 a standar d to cstablish liber ty on the Americ an continen t, it has always stood for law and order, for freedom and justice. Under Its starry folds we hmve grown trom a s trugglin g handful of colonies on the castern seaboar d Ito the most pow· er(lJI l'\1d tnost prosper ou,! nation on earth. A.nd, atl'ange to say, althoug h we thin~ of our country 115 a compul'lltively new one, yet our flag is the oldest on earth In point of continuo ous service. All other nations have changed tho design and make-up of their standards since our emblem of th e stars a nd stri pes was adopted ; Some natio ns are III great delll older than Qurs, uut their flags are not, and nearly all of them have made radical chllnges in the form of their governm ents sincl! the America n Constitu tion was adopted . Therefo re, when you honor 01 <1. Glory. remcmb er that it i !10\ C ;II,I\Y t\.1o mo~t \l.OIl S\l·llb\~· ~u\ t~e 'yldes£ flag QIl Illlrth \n pOInt of contlllu oul> service. • An'd don't fOl'get t o display tlle . tar s and Stripes Oil }-'Iag Day. -Exch ange, .



CLOTHING CLUB HAS THREE NEW MEM BERS • Th e third meeting of thll g09~~ Cut Clothing cluh Wa" cl\\1el'l' \0. order by the "!te'a\.fu n~ <'the Ql'anc ball, . Fi-illay 'ufteJ;'noon, June 4. Thoe minutes of the \Mt meeting wllre rClld and approve d. bers res onded to' rollEleven call. memL'ola P . sri d K th S ears, Doris a IS ' I!ry an a ryn Boger were taken 10 as new rn~m. bers. . After the b\lsln.v8!) ae81Y<ln was, Oyer, wo ilU~ 9U~ ou~. apron a under. tb\! lI,u pc!rvl.8IOn of MI~ Mendenh,all" the assistan t lende:r_ . The next meetirlJ wi" he \\~lq _\ the '{i~,nge ha.Il, ,,~!~~~ !\~fnoel1l 1-\1 !U9mqc!'§





WOMAN'S AUXILIARY WILL HOLD PICNIC The Doyton Convoc ation ~f the Woman 's Auxiliar y will hold a picnic in th e diningro om of the Friends Red Brick church on Thursda y, June 10. The vice. presiden t of the Dayton Convoca tion, Mrs. Randolp h, o~ Middletown, wrote Mrs. C.adw\lllnc;l.el'. presiden t of the W \l yne~vd'e Ault· iliary, expressi ng 1\ wi~ to hold a joint picni c witp S•. ~aI'Y" ai; WIlYnesville , eVe~.y · par'$l1 in the convoca · ti on ill be rep·r esonted. This wish, of CO\lroo. was gl'llnted , and arrange ml'lit" made to hold the plenlc. The W Ool," will ·meet at St. Mary's church u t 10:30 a, tn., ltandarc t time, fo\' ';:"I'Qrllt o commun ion and from t·h~ ~ p~'oceed to the Red Brick church. It is to bo hoped that e,-ery womun in ~h " eluuch will conside r it not olll)' their duty but a privileg e to be prese nt and help make this a s uc ccss,

The Board of Educati on met Mond . oy evening , w It h a II mem ben present. Bl\ls were ordered paid, after which other matters of imp orU\M\\ were taken up. J B C bb • '- d ' b'" : . ra e Wil li I:o.a"",e . If\. .,e Smlth-H ug1\ei \lepartm ent, and the but!, \\rl'lir~ were given contrac ts the &aine a~. last ~'elU': The sa me jallitors ' we'te' retained . Silvera I vacanci es hll\~ Ol;(>Urred, but thi,s m\\tter W8~ laid over until the lie,," onect>tng-. . . .• ,,, . • _ ...._ __

.\\~ ~~Q

.!.::.~. ~.:. ,._&

-All .Dres"'- .l Up IIc:u

____ . The l'Ifaionic to.age room haa been treated to Il new coat of paint, ~nd varpish . ut cin by ,Graham and his aw!\tan~f. (l,nC\ .a ' fine .new. ~ ~tpet. ~iI''' IS.:eW purclui.llJld. 'llbeae. new e'omtorta ;'wlU b.o m.uch enjpyC;d +-.:.-.--,"'~¥i't~·1 b;y,}~e ~re~r~,:~\.~ ' ~ ..:, J



~?uncil Meeting .~. ,

.. .

Council met in regular session, l\londay cvenlng . The usual were Pllid,. and a great cle\l\ o~ bUls discussion was hod 011 th.1! s~reei question. CO'l.J1~\l decided tQ !:tave th.e two 1II11tn crossings ' paved entirely with concrete while the contraj: tors were. on the job, and sever'al other matters of Jmportan~e wl!~e dlscUl'Aed . .• ~ •

'1>iCI<' ~~.oD Dead

Bovine Tuberculosis


... ... Repa ir Demonstration




..,.,.. ,'''' Pi, and Cal~ Club k

The second annnal meeting ot the Pig and. Cnl:f clu.b WaS held June 2, 1026. The next meettng wUl be held "at Mr. Cr,abbe'B hOme, June 16th. An entertai nment · commit tee Was cbolll!n who atll a8 follows. Ludlow Fraler, Keith Walton, Geo~ E<hYardll and Helen Belta. . . Helen Bel~z, Presiden t. {. ' l)lsIe Miller, Reporte r, . ' .~.


V'. "Li)lelt" M.a\lOlI, fOfmer ly.of thiA' vjqlliItf. b!lt. of lliw ;y~re .. re. 1deJi~ of BeUbrook, ared at st. E~I-' ~~;:r:,~II~;~~"!;:~'fi.~IUII~e..I,!~a!lIl~e. abeth'" ·bOtlp\tal . Dayton. night. t1h• .~ei81 WiU~ be Konday hela at. ~ I~:U~=~= the resldeJICe of Frank Dinwiddie, . In' .. BeUbtoOi!! !l'hunda y ~ooli, at 2 o'eloeJc. allrial "m be in Miami cam..,..

_ .,....",,;...,,:;' ;. ,


mous fill nt the C!ast corpora lion line h a~ somewh al deterr ed the wOI'k, but a8 thllt is ab out fin i.hed, work will proceed rupidly. The steam shovel hilS not yet fin ished its work, but it is onl y a matter of u few days a fter conditi ons are ndjusted , when they will again be on lh e street, and it will probab ly not luke more than a day to complet e that part of the work. The r ond south of low n is open for travel. Th is end is prllctica lly finished, nnd RO me tim e durin!; the Bummer will get the tarvia finish. Work on the Greene county end is going forward day and night, and will probabl y be finished about the first oC August, accordin g to statements give n out by the contrac tors. Wh en this road is complet ed it will milk!' a "horler route to Columb us, from Cincinn ati, and will take qnite IL bit of tratnc from the Three C's and th e Dixie, and will put the towns on this route on the map . .


Obse rve C~;ldren~. Da v I



... " Fom . " . gave _The Bible school 'a very nice Chi1dren~a. Day. ezerclae last !! It WU well attende d anc$ a ;aoel otrerlna ';na .made for ..-oDA Q' work. . .










Will Pay

26c per .p ound

FROM COURT HOUSE ~r~~8n~;r~mmi~! t~h~V~~ :ft~e~lIbZ;

n dog ;"tnicf d with rable!, ."$60. T he Columbus Blnnk Book Com\lllny', sup. pli~8 . for Prosecuting Attorn ey, 4-; State Departmellt of Agriculture, fo r COMMON PLEAS PROC££DLNCS 6!)6 ellr tags, for nuditor. $11.90; Lebanon.Citizons ational bunk , runt Chn;les J. W ebe r \ '11. Petel' W ebe r for safety deposit box for aullitor, $6. et al.. partition \\'IIS (lrd ~: ~ mad c 0 f estate concerned und " llll;lm H!l ck. "'tin, Henry W ise ond Geo l'g. ~111ler wero appointed Ill! com miSSIoners lh(,l'e in. . . William W illl;w l \'s. . CIII· D. Cll in . ot a l.. re pol·t of receive r herein. li en· ICy Fullon nin was upprovcd by th"

T~lephon e


W. P.,. Your T elephone cIOn. if We Buy Your Poultr y. ,

e') lIrt.

~: ltlI e r

:::hllmakc r v ~ . Morri s Vil li n Ort'lI I>t al.. c(l urt u nit- red thnt n II \V lund divisi un he llI!1de by II Hu n-eyor iu In nd desCI'ibed in the pet iti un in the cn~". The purpose of t llb s un'ey is to dete rm ine t which of tw,) tracts o f la nd II ~I'OU p o f buildin gs is 'suPp osl'd to bel o ll~. o ~ wh t'th"r n pn rt o f th um nrc on ellcll trllcL. Timoth y J. An ~b orry vs . The Ll'b. WE GET T ... EMQU ICK LY A D I\non Nlltionnl ba nk us mllllr. of th e FREE OF CHARCE eRlu t.e of Roy Van Tn' "", "ecc,,~ed . CALL US ANY TIM E AT OU R pluilltitt' WII S g ivt'n GO duys to alll e nd E XP ENSE hi s petition hel ill. . T he F cderul Lan I Bank o f LOU ISvi lle vs Oliver A Urock ot al.. ahe l'iff sa le 'actin" nJ1P~ov\'d. lind tht' p l ~i n HARV EYSB URG! O . pbon88 till' was found to have the I)(!st h e n on th e I'cal I'sLute. T he purch u5cr of t he cstale iH to a ss ume tIl<! debt 10 (j) th e pillintiff. \\' 111111"' 11(' Ll' flw lch Dodge. famous mursl srUst, In bIN stuilio Ilt the Andrew F (' ld nulII vs. Ann et ta LisSORQlll'('£ lIlf'lllllal int ernationa l Exposition grQunda In Phlladelpbla, where car. plaintiff g ivl·n ri!{h L to re cove r th 1:,"lh IIl1n lvurdnry Dr sIg ning th o De claration o [ lndepe ndence wtll bo $ 1G2 from defe nda nt. col"h' " H·d r,." II, Juno. to .Dt·c .. mber. or thll! y nr. glvlolt InslrucUons to a ITOUI) Dr Y" :"' ~ IIrl !, . • " 'h o arA creu Unlt th o "Rai nbow Cit y." Mr. Dod,e Is the NEW SUITS C('l}"" " 1''' '' i,' 'h ,' O JP "~ tl on. a nd l>ver¥ b it of color work dQIII. lIIuat ta. Will LeFev ,~ r vs. Elizabeth Wult. nV D ro'~I~ h ) til 11. • ~_ . -:. ---..-.I ct nl. . for partition 0 f r eul estate. F UN E RAL D IRECTO RS Vea n E. StUDley . utl.<)rney . How ard L E! On Jon es vs. Helen WAYNESVILLE, OHIO J Oli OS , f or dhrorce, J.{r os~ n eg lect of duty and extr e me cruelty charged. Robe rt Brown, attorn ey. Fully Eq ui ppod for Good The rH'st ElIl{li shm an of any dis. Andrew Feldmnn \' s. Annette LisService. lincli"" tn t.nkt- up journ a lism as 11 car cognovit. A tlorn eys Ru ssell J . , professioll was Sir Roger I'Estrange, Large Displa-y Room. Hurris and JoTatlk Braudon. \vhtl died 22 I yua rs !IICO .. Amb ul ance Service H e wus un Iinlent pllJ11phletecr on Boulders that lire not removed PROBATE PROCEEDINGS TELEPHONE 7 the epoch of the Res to ra tion. and in from culti vated fi elds becom perpet· Y OR NIGHT HHl2 \,'ns m ade " surveyor of the ua l tenan ts wh o pay no r ent. Inventory and appraisement of the press." th e ce llsor of all books and E ight ge nera tions of farm e rs hnve pn mphl ets and th e editor of a mon o~· pick t!d sto nes uff the fi elds of u g r e~t es.ute of George W. Jack. d ecea sed. olislic IICWsp Uptlr, cll ll ed the Intelll- many farm s in th,s co un try, a nd In was filed by e~: ec Dt o r Charles J . Waggoner. gencer. these sa me lIelds IlII th e boulders too In th e of the settlement of T he r enclio nfil' ies and die -hards of big to bl' moved by tho direct today wou ld certainly welcome Sir stre ng th o f mCn nnd horses still are the estate of Sereptll Stansell. de· Ro ger w ith open arms. for he wrote dodgC'd by present fa rm ers. In cui· ceased, 'th e entry determin ing ~he that thc publ ication of lIny but the tivllted lIulds. Vi rgil Overholt, exten· am oun t of incom e tax to be puid was most carefully ed ited news "makes sio n specialist in agricultural engi. o rde red certilied to the County Aud· n. E,.. Siaht Speclali., the multitude too f umiliar with the neering ut the Ohio State university itor. The exec utors of the estate of uctio ns and counsels or thei r s up eri. says, ench boulder causes wllste and 01'S too pragmalicul lind censorious, loss of about hulf an huur per yeur Martin V. Mtlrshall. deceased: wero and giv s them n ot only a wish. but of the time of a m lln with a team given a uth ority to sel l at private sale certaIn bonds of slIid estat e. Lebanon, Ohio a kind of c:i>lora ble light and license worth live dollars 11 day. Wa,lter McClure filed applicntion to the m e adl ~g with the govern· Rock s three to fo ur fe et in diame. for a writ of citation against lIdmr. ment.n t er can be easily broken into man· He failed miserably in his attempt silled pieces by mudcapplng them. William C_ Llnvis of t he estate of •• 00 a.. m. to .. p. lB. to stamp out thc freedom of the press Mudcnpping a boulder. explains Mr . Susan Lewis, d eceased. for havi ng ~r its early ideul- and when de· Overholt. is accomplished by placing failed to lile 61 settlement in said CI!prived of his monopoly. he bimself a sufficient charge 01 explosive on the tate a s r eq uil·,~ d by law. The court turned to the publication of an un· flat top or a weak place in the boul· ordered said Ildministrator to file a official "catchpenny" sheet, called the der nnd cappi ng it with at least six settlem ent by .June 2nd. or be remov. ed from his t rust. Observcr.- Chicago JourlUll. inches of stiff mud. Mary E. Trisler WIIS appointed us Three to ten sticks of pyrotol will administratrix of the estate of Jas. dispatch most of these s tar board· F. Tri sler. deceased. FOR SALE ers. Pyrotol, Mr. Overholt points Proof of p ublicati on of notiel! of Two young tiger cubs, 8 yenr ol? out, at three cents a stick, costs less the app ointmel\t of Geor ge Jon es and weigh. abo ut 150 pounds each. WIll than it does to replace one broken Geor ge Spurling as executor! of the Deriwt eat anything. Very fond of women plowshare. a nd few are th e boulde.r s estate of Su e Spence, d eceased. wall that do not have half a dozen of them filed and recorded In Probate court. Wa,....YiIl. Natlonl Baak Bid,. and children. Address Box 123, lying around, brok en. M. H. Oswald qualified and was A bould er that is deeply buried appointed o s admmistrator of the should be loose ned by placing 8 small eBtate of the late Daniel P ettis, of charge underneath it befo re attempt· Turtlecreek Tp., and gave $600 bo nd. ing to mud cap it. If the earth is Second aecoUlnt of the guardianllbip left firmly imbedded around the r ock of John H. Cnmpbell. a minor, was the charge laid on top will not shat- filed by his gUllrdilln, Lorraine B. ter It as eus ily. Thoms. --.,.First and final IIceount of the as· signment of Edward Shroyer , a ssign. SIMPLE REASON or. was fil ed by a ssignee W. G. Thompson. Date 70ur _lei with UI. We guarantee "Hi say. old chup, 'an wher e were }o'i.r st and final account of the you born1" g uardinnship of Samuel Bean. incom· ..tiefaetioD or ehu,e Dothing. " I n Dublin," pet ent, was filed by guardian. Arthur "My word, thats' a long di stance Bean. away. And why did you pick out Inve ntory alnd appraisement of th e that s pot ?" estate of Sue Spe nce. deceased. was " Shure. jus t to be near to me dear f\1~d by exec u tor s. George Spurling Phone No. 320 ·PhODe No.2 old mother." Ilnd George J ~mes. An authenticated copy' of the will of Samuel R. F er g us, d eceased, was produce d by 'Raymond A. Kerr and admitted t o probate. A he aring date of June 9th was \ set for the a pppli ~tion . made by Chnrles E. Grubbs for the discharge of A. C. Vail. guardian of Charles E. . Grubbs. insan(!~ . i ;;. Fifth account of the gua rdiarusbip of Howard L. Benn ett e t nl .• minors • was filed by guardian Vona M. Bell-nett. Executors J esse A. Mounts and M. Roy Mounts of th e estate of Mirna E. Reed. dec ea sed. were granted au· thority by the court to sell at private sale certain b,) nds a nd stocks of said estate lit not less than the face value of s aid bonds with accrued interest. Inventory and ap praise me nt of th e ('state of Clyde Thompson. deceased, was IIl ed by administrntor. the Leb· IInon National bank. A fter an appraisement t he estate of Madeline M. Slater, deceased. at $7400; als o that the actual net 1l8sets thereof a re $3412.80. Successors of said estate and the amount to whi ch each are entitled were named.

Sll J111, thill ~

Harveysburg Fertilizer CO.

Walter McClure ' J. E. McClure


.. .

= --- --------- -

Old- Time Press Censor

. __



DR. E. M. RUDOLPH At Cary's Jewelry Shop


F~ T~ ' Martin


Centerville, O.



---... - ..---

Jesse S~nley Auctioneer


offa!'U ~lour'

Finuhed Wtdl


WALL Painted .... ub A Finish- the betCU flat wall paIDC - was deliberately IOUed for cat

o f till' rupld ~To\\'th ,u, d

r tll<' F(!~h-rnl~ulI of . \\' o m e n' ~ in Lhe IIlll'd Stilt" " IS " I't (lu t in un inter('sting II I·tid e in t h ~ Nu· tiona l R"puhlic hy ~lrs. J "h n DU' klllso n Sherl"all. Am onK th e public activities in which the fe.ll· ruti o ll hns lakoll parI lire till' Ilgit.nti oll ( v i' }Jure fond lull'S. and the Cll mplligllH (or the prese rvlI ' tion (I f OUI' !llltio nul for~ s ts a nd other natul'lll Tcsou rel·". III sp('nk in~ of th e ~r owth of th ~ federa tion lind it, purposes. Mrs. Sh~I' III U II R Uy ~: " lIa lf u l'I1l1l ll ry UI{O th e fe w wom· e ll' ~ elub$ in the United Stutes we re ulm ost wholly cultura l. se lf cultu m l. [o r the en r ic h ment of th e life o f th \' individual. Th e r elie f work of th" Civi l Wa r hat.! give n th em ome pract ice in workinlr together fl' r a common end. The kll owll'dge th ut tlll'Y coul d orl'ani:.:," a. socil'ty thllt WI18 not an uuxi llury lo anythin g. dmft 11 constituti on. ciifcl'c nliate it frum by.ltllv" cundu ct a meetin g wi th som e regard to pllrliamentury proc e~ure . plan their work and work lhUlI' plan - ul l this mu st hav e g iv en lh~m n sellse o f achievem e nt a nd power. T he Civ. iI War chllnged cond itiuns in thi" country, ns the Wol'ld WHr chang<,d co ndi tions the world ovel'. The f or mer t hi ngs pussell a way. und WOlllen began plltientiy to lell rn tl", new du ti es t.!Iugl)t by the new occllsion. "Probably no one will ever know exactly where and wh en t he first club f or \\'0 III en was founded, but by g enerul COlUlent that hOllor is given to Sorosis us the tint club t o hnve wri tte n u constitu.tloll li lld by- laws, in New York City. nnd it SPell1l!l WillI fo r the vision of it.• fo unders t;p"i from th e Jirst it had broader IISPIr:J tion s than the purely lit rary Rnd artistic cl ubll. SOl'osi s was founded in 1868 . In New York City, by Mrs. J ennie C. Croly. well·known to ~om e n of her day aB q vivac ious wTlter und er the pseudonym of Jennie June. "Today Ill! never before we nre stru ggling to ral.\le even hig her our bunnel', to inscribe liD our )lea rts these wo rds of our secon.d J'J'*8ide nt, ElIl'n H. Henrotln: "The motive of the f ederntilllj ~ of ne cessity the religious motive, not allied to any church or 8DY creed 01' any nation. but underlying them all. 1t is one form 01 the modem exPl'eIJs ion for the ideal life. And this lif, is in our blood- wemust.perforce,lead it. We "ei'd not spea k Its truths in the tempUa~; tbllt is a form of r eligion to whlch only tbR elect are called , but we must Jive Ill') f)J'pJied Christianity. We must Jive in t ht' marts of trade. in the home, i.n ih.e .1!..'!JhoJ, in ~e world. "Look over the who'le proll~ f!~Jd i consider the multipHcity of w~l1.i '(W it.. dertnken, practical and definite! lIl\d s uited to th e. occasion. and the diver· s ity that functions without ever in. fring ing up on OUT complet.e unit)" and th e unity that nevur a cts as a hindrance or d,a mper upon our diver· sHy. Trul y the club women of the United Stlltes built no t for themselve". bllj for humanity."

purpose., 11 wa. ~med with lOOt, n""tked wlrh • pendl. malaed with finger prinu, and .potted with ........

1" \\\' ('1'


Can be 'UJtUhetl


WA T 0

, Dr. John W. Miller

. Grea~e~ts, HUger Prints Pencil ks,Soot .

---_.- - --fEDERATION Of WOMEN'S

A.D.Swank & Son 292W . Miamisburg,

CQMMISSIONERS' ALLOWANCES Gertrude Henry, in p ny mont lor


- ..

New Burlington,O.




Had Benefit of Climate The homes of the ancient Roma~ were imperishabl e because they were erect ed in a climate wherein there was practlcaUy no freezing a nd thawing. The 811me mortars used in our climate have !lot bee n at all s uc· cessful. Furtherm.ore. the/ same sto nes used by th e Roman" gjve a comparatively shor t life in our Cltun. try. The mortar mostly used by the Romans was a mi~ture of lime and sand. T o this was added some naturnl occurrin g ground volcan\c rock. This corresponds to what Is known as puzzo lana. which, as indicnted. not been- found satis fa ctory here. _ __a _ ....___



A tale is told of a Missouri pris. oner who sawed lfis way out of jail with a fresh ly laundered co1\ar, and eveybody will believe it.

Then with . o.p and lukewarm we&eI' the WIIU wu _hed with a .ponae. In a few mlnutea all 11011 had dJ.a. apreared. When the wall h.d tbot--ou\: hl Ydried. It waa ICtUtlnlsed cl~oI lv-and there wam·C. tnCII left any of the markt. Devoe i. ~ad" In 17 loyd., colore. It I. gu ara nteed to render .. tUfactioG when appUed accorrlin810 d1reerioau. »yael/cal r~$ts f>TWC Dn>IM Quaill)l.

FRED M. COLE, Waynesville, Obio

!>~YOE Ve1o~ finish; People Rti ll run thrlr neig hboJ'l down e~\Icoiully wlw n tllllY IIrO" tho ynuh' laugh- strcet.JI.

LABOR LOST Lnhol'l' I"- "Whnt



in' nt, l-1Ill ?" "Ah 's Inlll!hin ' at dat c l':l zy Rnstu _ hc's done wurkin' li ke de dllb-

bi!. H e doun kil O\\, be b,)ss hOll1el"


CLASSifiED ADS. .....




- -------


LOAN::> gn Chl\nelt,St(lOk.~, R~\lrl' tip~ 111111 !:!0fR!I!t !\Jer\;8'!\illl· I>tlll bougnt. John lfnrblne ,If:, ~nl~I


N.tlonal Bank



Will. Dr.wn ... ......E.t.t .. S.ttled

Farmers of W..rren and adjol~ln, counties may obtain ' money nn lon, time loans, at 5 per cent intereet. Cost of securing the same is very reasonable ,through The Federal Land Bank. For further information ciall on or addre89 M. C. DRAKE, Tre. . uFPr, p~one SIB·X. Lebanon. Ohio.


. Ilffer' ...... tb.C,.,!lir" _~ rea.,. 'Or

FOR SA LE-~ive good milch cows. U; (:; 6~ /9I)n. ·Jel6


AYEft PtAJf~::-=I!l the yl!!!"I~" Wa;yne~vil1@r elln W \)Qllirlir Ii ruponal ble plu'tlea tor th. bal"no due manufacturer. Terms c.n be a .. ranged. For confidential Infonna. tlon. write P. O. Box 862, Cincln. nati, Ohio. Je28 FOR ALE - Yellow Jersey and Nancy Halls sweet potato planta. Ed Standiford, Tbird street. 2t FOR SALE-Walnut dinln&' table; 8 It; old·fashioned Ii-piece parlor aU' ~R I p"l·!a~~!~Jlfd ,ate lell: tallIe,



Battennilk Starting Fe~ Feed It for 8 weeki.

Conkey'. II low In fibre and jua rfght in protein. 8CientldcaJly correct. Does not inJure or overtax the 8eIIIltive

Conket.1 Ie the OrirlnaJ Buttermilk Startfiia Feed. n Ie made by the

Conkey Orlglnll ""oa,w~ In "bleb Seml-Solld Butt,ermllk Ii. triQroulhlr Incorporated with' bther ~

~. POIIItry Bo9k ~

Waynesville Farmerj Exchange PhOIlO 25

C~panJ '

W.ynen·i1Ie, Ohio

"Wlllt'IIUfff p~nl!"'~~~'lIW&h nut bed and• dPeuer. (. tp. and kitchen safe. Mrs. . i . II, FOR SALE-Four hound pUpa, two month. old, '5.00 each. E. Bail,. Waynesville, Ohio. 'Phone 86.


~V8 apparatus.



FOR §Mi~=--,,,e~~eow, klll!pl", ~lt. J~ey a!ltt Ho tein @l:PM' ~180 few }luJnelis ot 8plon ,e@ct 119"" J. S. Vandervort R.· II. . FOR jl,\IIfJ.-AIl kind. ,t·__artl,. pI/IOta; 1'ri1 miles nortb of Wayne.. ville, on Ferry. and WayneaviUe 1ke• ft, D. 6. Strouee Brol. Jlt



We Are Tire Specialists


E..H. Orndorf'8 Garage"

Wayne.viDe, Ohio

M,o\R~IA~E .... (:E~SE~ l:tcrbert W. ffoerner, truck driver, of Mia/llisbur'g, nnd Jd~ Iren!, M~ ~ Graw. ot Fra:n!<lill,

REAL ESTATE 1'RA-~SFER!i Emily K. Aldridge ~o j'lorelUle }3, Brown, lot number lJi7 In LebJloon, excepting a small part of "aid lot, $I Anna Mcthlinar to H enry ~. Dech~ ebach. a tract ID the west end pt Leba non, . consideration $2970. George C. .King tQ Sam\lel O. Jail' Robinson , lots ] 06 and 107 In Maple Park. Deerfield Tp., Clinton and Adab Kelley to Karl V. and Loue,lIa M. Turner, B tract In Roachester', $1. Thomas B. Reese Bnd Hattie B. Reese to Melburne R. Sull\van, a part of lot No. 1 in Lebanon, $1, Mary Belle Sheely to Edgar J or. dan, 67 acres in Franklin Tp., $1. Hiram · Vail to Carter. Reynolds, lot 111, in Franklin. $1. Carter Reynolds to John E. and Margaret M. Gilligu8, lot 111 in Franklin, $1. Tom Marilln08 to Mary 'Belle .Sheely. a tract in Fra'nklln near the Great Miami turnpike. $1. . J. H. Wyl~oft' to Martha E. New. comb, parts Ilf lots NOB 628,629 and 630 in Franklin, $1. . • , . C. C.· Cox to 1Iiartha Luellla Gre. , ger, 12 acre!1 ill E~ Turtlecreek Tp.; $1. ' . . ' .' . ! I • '. EYa . M~lard~O He~ · A. MlIIArd ~n ' /lI:'reaJ -VI . iPaitbn' .~ n~'-

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'011)11) \'Vi\ C~REN \ •.,!I\ 'ii

FER If,C; WflTtR


HI ~ :V\A, W "DON'T ..\ U.. Oy,J l-IlNj IN SW/MMIN '!


Farmers, Attention!

Waynelville, Ohio

Serve You Better

Our experience and equipment help you get the most mileage, comfort and safety from tires. Gum- Dipping- the qnly known method of insulatin~ every ~iber of every cord with rubber-g!ves the strongest co~structlon pOSSible. And the special Steam-Welding process makes Frrestone tubes both . leak-proof and long-wearing-further increasing the life of the tire. We Al.o Sell and Service The proof is demonstrated by the Oldfield Tires and Tubes biggest taxicab and bUB fleets-by Thea" well-known llreB nro built In race champions and in everyday tflc economical Firestone factocica and service of hundreds of thousands of CIIIrtY tho ,tlUldard &UArBJttee. Wo offer them Ilt these low prlcea. motorists. mOB PRESSURE CORDS Let us see that your tires are 8Od~ lleaullll' CI. . _., .•• • .. $tO.lS 3Os3~ Bnra Size Cl. . .. .. ... 11.'0 properly mounted, inflated and cared ao~ Bxtra Siso 8.S .•••••.. 1'.00 for .. , Sist 8.S .................. 18.00 8.5 .................. 19.10 We repair your tires, when necesakf.\i 8.S . . ................ ,13.70 ~8.S ........ , ........ . :.u.711 sary, by the new and better Firestone aad s.s .................. :U.50 method OVBR-S1ZB BALLOONS 29sUl ........ ; ., • .', . ..... .. SIU!l Equi~hour car with these famous . 2tId.7J ................,..... 16.75 Gum.. p","'d Cords and SteamI0Il&.'18 ........ .............. 17.50 l"" ~ .:a,~" ..................... 1$055 Welded Tube~, . W~ wUI tak~ your ~ atdo:U •••••••••••• ., •••••••• 11."91 ''d....:1 i· , Ube aJ ~ ~ .. .. ........... ~ ••••• 25.15 ' 9,1 ti~ . In tralfS, g VHlg fDP . _. , F._.• ~iiii:iiiiiiiiiiii;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii";;;;;,;;;;;;;r'= .. ;;;;;;;;;;';;;;;;!,1 a1~6,:ance. for ' unused mi~ago,




-- =-



J!how that 4,620,066 people became "clly f ulk" between 1900 and 1920, \J • ' EVER¥ WEDNERDA), ... nQt bet'uuso they r e moved to citles, but only Lc!causc the places in which thLY Uved- th iI' hom!) towns- hu d gl'own !!ulllcicritly to Qe_ lifted from ' the rural into the urban .clulIs, ' ----~ 5"blcriplloll Pric .., $1.50 p.r Y• ., , During th esc years the,J ncorpora t _ cd villages in the Un ited States in~--- --- .... oreused 41 per ce /'lt both in numb l r D, L. CRANE Pul;lhb•• and in populatiun. During thc same period, th t:! popUlation of thc United titatcs lIS u wh ole increased JUNE 9. 1i'26 39 per ce n l.

,A "Correct" Likeness of Washington



- - -,---- - -

1111'. and !Il l". l\I a " Ilami lt on an d daug-ht!'r, Anna, II f H ll1l1i1tun . "'CI'C S unduy ~ UC "t s (I f 1\11', " nu M,·". Steph(' n Burn l'll.

- --

'-Know Ohio

Of thirty presidents of the United

RUkt'L AMERICA IS NOT LOSING States, seven were born in Ohio.. They were: Grant, born Q~ PO\II\ GROUND TO THE CITIES Pleasunt, Cle'rmOnt Il(l\ttl~! lfI\J~" Flgure.s com plied by the institute in DelawarA, Qe\@w\!re 1;0\lnty; Gar. IIf ~Q~II\I ang Reli~iQ4~ R'!!~l:\r~b field l Oillnge towlllhlp; Cuyahoga' county; Benjamin Harrison, at North Bend, Hnmi!ton county; McKinley at Niles, Trumbull county; Taft, Cincinnati, and Harding, near Blooming Grove, Morrow county.


We Sell

Rn n. Bobby, of F l"llnkl in. WC I"C ~ un~

da y J!ues ts of J\I r, lln <1 M 1'", Itulph Areh d!!lIcon, The chur ch ~,, " vicc wiii be lit !J o'c1()ck O il SundllY mo rnin gs Hnd SU IIday-Schoo l fit 10, Everyo ne is cordia lly invited . 'j·III. berolc statue ot Ule commander·ln-cblet ot the drat arm Ie. ot tbe Calted Stutes was mado tor the city or Portlaud, OregoD, though DOt yet thero bJ the artist. The western municipality hllJl lon.ned It to the Belqlll-OeoteDnlal International Exposition, opening 110 PhUadelllhla June 1 a.od CODUnuln, unLU December 1. to celebra.te 160 yea ..., ot American IndepeuQ. .Dce. At the toot at tbe sculpture Is shown Pompeo Copplnl, the 8culptor. 1>1'. Heol'J W&ldo Poe, ot Portland, declarea the tace to be the most correC\ llkellellll at Washlogton ever modeled.


L1lt~D 1111 ~I'f 1\1

HARVEYSBURG ~I!a Honks spe nt t he latter last wee k and Memorial Day with Chillicothe relatives. Pedro, tbe lO-yelll'-old dog belonging to V, CrellSwell a nd Storm, b'is compallion (Ire both dead. , ~l!, Susan Dawson who spent the winter with her daug hters in Chi cago, is at home for the summer. Miss Clara Hutton, of Cincinnati, spent th e week-e nd with he r pare nts, Dr. and Mrs. Mrs. H. E. Hlltton. lIlr. and Mrs. W. C. Wllll,\QI' were Memorial Dny IfI.l.O$\.;>, of their pUl'enta, Mr, a"i Mrs. A. L, Kenn edy. M.~, ~lPd ~I n. M. E . Sherwood hal'e re tu~ l}c d from Columbus, wh ere they visited with their 80n, Fred, and fam


P(l~~ o~



BEECH GROVE Little Vernon Lewis has the measles. V. I. Jordlllll WIIS in Springfield, Sunday. R, J. Murray was in Lebanon on Thursday.

Ed und Alf :rordan were in Colum... ' bus, Wednesda y. M. M. T erry and K. E. Thompson w r e in Waynesville, Saturday. George Bunnell will teach th e Wellman school the coming year. Rev. ~d BOgUll, of Spring Valley, was here oDe dllY Ilist week. The Davi& family were Sunday g uests 0 f th e Mannon family, Ileal' Wilmington.

Lumber for Every Purpose--- ' Material For Your Roofs---

Mr. and 1\1 rA (; enl'gc f1l1vis an d duughtcr, ]{('I'n: of Cinc innati, visit ed the l atter' ~ mOl hel', Mrs Emmn Fuulks, Sund ay. . Mrs. W, P_ Str oup a nd little grand. son , o f lngomu r, s pent several days lust wcek at th e ho me of her dau ghte r, l\11's. Clyde Cox . Miss Be rni ce Gra ham entertain ed Mi ~s Reth Ellrly to dinner, Monday eve n in g , celeb rating Miss Ruth's 10th birthdllY Hnn ive~a ry. Mr and lIIrs, Charles E. Johns wer e ·six-o.'c1ock dinner g uests, W ed- , nesday. of Miss Mllry and Purry Cook, in Wa ynesville. Mr and Mrs, S, H. Burnet and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stacy visited Mrs. Zelmll Burnett and little son, at Blair's hospital. Friduy. Mrs. George Scott, Mr. Everett Early and children visited Mr. and Mrs. J ohn Grisham and daughter, so uth of town , Sunday. Mr . and Mrs. Gl e nn J ohns nnd children Paul und Vivilln, of Dayton, were' Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Churles E. Johns. Mr and Mrs. Barney Brewer, of Dayton, and soveral of his f!,iends (rom her e l!pe nt Sliturday evenlllg at th e home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Smith. Thl! friend s of Mrs. Meta· ~ogers, nre sorry to learn that she is not 8.0 well th e pas t week. , lIfrs, Rogers IS still lit th e home of her mother, nellr Ridgcvi lie. MI' nnd Mrs, Clarence Smith are spend'ing- a few dllYs in Dayton at the home of I\1rs. Hardy. while Mr. Smith takes a course of medical treatment for rh culllati sm. Mr, und Mrs, Will Graham, Mr. a nd Mrs. Floyd Savage al)d sons, C h ar l ~s and Orville, were Sunday dinn cr g uests of Mr, and Mrs. Fred Lyll', at ;:"eha non. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Albright, Mr. and Mrs. J ohn Myel'S and daughter, Miss Harriett Lenniso n, of Dayton, werc Sunday afternoon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kesler Gra ham.






" -''''''''_''-''~'-''~



Red Cedar Shingles Mule Hide Shingies Carey Shingles Asphalt Roll Roofing Brick Portland Cement Lime Plalter Plaster Board Wall Board

- ----

',. _'_0

. E. J. Starbu,ek and family, of Wi!Chlll'les Madden ul) d G eorge H. IlIlDgton, were Monday gucsts of th e Beach look the Civil Sevice exuO'Iina· McKa y fumilies . tion for postmast er al L<: b.eno 0", Sat. The Sunday,Scboo l hl! ld th e ir anurday. nun! all-day picnic at Ft. Ancie nt, on Mr. und N~~ Frunk ' Kabler, or Thursday of th is week. • • S o rn ~rv i\l ' W\\I'e Sunday guests of Karl Deatherage, wife and 1\o!rs. Ohio stands first in the. list of state~ thej~. bro ther. William Lukens and Robert Andrews called on th e J ordan in pottery products, haVing I,\n t\llnul Marr Carolyn. fa mily Sunday afternoon. al output of $43,OOO,QQQ, !'drs. GaU Gordon !lnd Nate Gray Mrs. K. E . Tbompson and Miss !lta_ repreS~ l\ted this community at the ~~@{l l mll1l!, !1~d !~lllil\g mill, in OQl\\ol)rlltic Stute meeting at Colum. ry Kathleen T oomey we r c S unday afternoon call'Jrs at the TalTY home. Ohll! t~rn ' ~u1 .~Q'!lAOQ O,O(TQ WQft" ~f bU8, Wed nesday. pro~uC£1\ a year. v.h\o hol<b !i')\lOnd Georgo W . Davis, Mrs. Edith Davis Ina Sbane bas moved hor (ur_ Mrs, piace PI tq\~ rllQ\\S~~·y. niture, which hus been atored in Mrs, und dnug htcrs, Mury MUllnon and duug hters wcre in Lebun on, Sutur's house fQ~' a year, to u day. The Inve~tmell' tn city and inter- Creswell placc ncur X'enift., urban olootrlo railroads in Ohio is Rev. Edgar T_ Hoe l, a mission ary '316,036,886.70. Mrs. l (ttl. Hendricks hlls moved , from I.hlt hom e of her siJ.ter, Mrs. f. III Africa, will speak at the church b.ere on next Sunday morni ng, at • Ohio ,Is fourth in the manufacture ETlI.IJ1~ Ellis, to h"r recent ly purchas • 10 :3 0. of .hoei, a total of $61,000,000 wor\\\ ll~ \I,o ll1 e in Belmont. Mrs. Belle Graham. of Springboro, of shoe. being made in this Iltt.t~ ~ Mrs. Kate Jordlln and so n, Air, and spent last week at the home of Mr. Mrs. Mul'Y J. Finch a nd Rubert dllughter, ~ year. Miss Hannah, spent Sun a nd 1\11'5. Frank Miltenberger and atGarn r spcnt a fe\\' da ys Utis week with the Brow'lI fnmil y, neal' te nd ed the funera l o,t her nephew, at th" counLry .ho me Q( MI'. un d day Fe l·r y. , Operatlrtlf e!y>.\\~ ot t-elcphone Mrs William Cox, on Thursday. . •1.. W, Thompson . companiel1 \l\ Ofti" totaled $32,700,Little Dale Tolle, son of Ceci l and Mrs. Lt> Ul'HI1 Mil'ls, wh o makes he r FloKsie 332, ~.r. Mr: and Mr8. E;J:l Longacre, Mr. T ro ll e, died Tuesduy eve ning, home wilb \\e l' duug hter , Ml'S, Bul'l'Y a nti Mrs Calvin Longacrc, Mr. and • lind wns bUl'jed on Thurs <ln y at Mrs. Wilbur Swank, Miss Agnes OhIo wa. eettled by the white man BUl'befi ll, in Newport, Ky., ill, the Clurksville. hV.\liC -guest of Miss La ura W:,o.rd. in 1788. Longacre were Sunday dinner ~uestg Miss Lota :Lewis hos retu rn ed t o lit the home of Mr. lind Mrs. Albertus ---"--Mr. and Mrs" Dern Cllrr and famb Olll e after attending th e ten- Swank, ut Millmisburg. ily moto red t il l' (1l'iog tll' ld, Snn dllY her day "amp meeti ng of God 's Bible afte rn oon, und 5 1! lit the ni l!'ht an d sc Mr, and Mrs. William BrowlI .athoo l, at Cincinnllti. Mem orilll D (\~ with lilt. and 1\11'•• tend ed th e co mm cnce ment exercIses .T. B. MCAa y and Wife, of Wil- of Roosevelt schoo l, Dayton, at th e 'Natura Ia beautiful.' It la admire Baxter Be\ltty. mington, spen t ,th e week-cnd with N. ,R. school house. Tu e8 d~y evenable fO'r the family to take a day out ~\t, and Mrs. W. 1\1. N.nthins lI nu sons and famil ies, Mayn ard ing , Th eil' granddaughter, MISS Louth eir under the treee arid admire her beall." Miss Murgu rel Starl', u( Dayton. unu McKay a lld sis ter, l\figg Elba, Wflrc ise W oolley, was o f t be graduty. But leaving shoe boxes, tin. ~~ George Roth, or Covi l1 ~ to n, Ky ,. ~1 <! ­ Sund a y afternoon elill e rs, banana peels and other ~ub does tored hel'C M()n<\ay e"cn lll J!, to V ISI t ates. not help the fall' t~~ ~( ~other relatives. f,llss Mabel Stun IlCCOI11 Mr. Marston Hunt. with 18 other earth one bit. ~\ \I a_eurlous-thlng, ponied, ~h~\11 back t o Duyton. students received tho dcgr('e of how inconsllJ.tont 1[101,11'1 "lovers of tl,ae "bllche ldr of nrta" li t Cedllrville colgreat ~\ltd\l~t:(', a~. T~ey raV,! 91 lege, Friday ev ~ ning, June 4. Hi" tile beautles of Nature, then go ~Wl1;' sister, Miss Clura Belle Hunt, grudleaVing a ' Utter of p'ap~ ,,' .~~ Rose bUJ!s may b(' kept from dum- uated from n lwo-yea r Normal course refuee that apoils an ideatpieriic Ilj!ing )'o"es and ot.he r choice plunts at the slime college nnd received a spot for any othel1l w,,~ lJlW~t Qhoolle by u covering of m08quito n etting or diploma. to~ have an (]\\\hC t~re. · And thll by appl ying n stTong s weetened urMra. Diadem Harliin is vigilin~ r eltourists \ fOf ~ahy t~e onlf eotft. R" nflte of lea.d spray, a ccording to 1111', Dick Mllso n, of Be llbrook, who mon (I\1m\lang grQund is the eilill of atives in Dayton. J, . House r, entom ologist at th e hus bee n ill and hos been staying at tlw Md. lit one wea~rll .tate you W . D. Larkin was the guest of hi ~ Oh\o Agricultural Experimcnt stu" th e home of Mr lind Mrs. Charles ~an t~U" the mllin Nild becauae ' of parents near Greenfield, last wee k. lio n. Clark for a couple of weeks, had the rubbish alallllt tM sides of the suaHy uhtlut Decoration Day the been much worse since wedneSdaY'1 MillSes Mae and Ada lIIcKay are rONe hug makeR its appearance und nnd Sunday was r emoved to to St. pike. Plon~bn and touriats should be 1\ mUll more considerate of the home from Cedarville college f or the cO IIIIll~n <:~" its ann ual clean-up. The Elizabeth's hospital, Dayton, where aummer. othol' ,toUowr -Gary Poat Tribune. rllncy of this insect seems almost in- he died Monday night. variabl y to tUI'll to the choicest fruits - - - -•• - + - - Herman L~ar, in compuny with 1\ Gud flowers in the dooryard and since The Ladies' Aid held their June friend, left Monday t9 spend the the utulck continues for n period of m eeting lit the home of Mr!!. Adda ;aummer In Florida. about thirty days, much harm can re- Burnett on Wednesday of last week. suit during this period. A goodly number wcre present and Mr; and Mrs. W. H. Corry havE' 8S If the plants to be pI'otected are enjoyed the afternoon. Several new The present calendar was adopted guesta, th,eir broth~.. ",~cl ~i'.te, Mr. s'mall or if su fficiently choice to war- m embcrs were added. leo cream and in the Sixteenth century, the Jullall and Mrs. Fran'" Qllrry, of Deland, rant the expe nse, covering with mos- cake were served. The July meet. or old Roman calendar having be-, Fla. quito netting when the beetieR appea,r ing will be at the home of Mrs. Ben ,come .....v at1y erroneoul. Luigi Li!as "' ' " d t II' t' th H k Gh'!'ral"d'l freq"ently called Alouau'· ft\e ~".' sbme, 8P.ctetlr was pleaaant· is the SUl'cst an mos e ec Ive me - awe. ,.. J'l , ¥' I tertaIned Sa~u da ft od of avoidinK injury. A less ex, W Iii C 1Ii LDueB ' a ph)'8ician of Ver~%o ' pnI- y - Ii ' ' Do r y a ernoon, pensive, tbough somcwhllt less eft'ecTho 'funeral ~f Mr. i am ox jected: a plan for amendin~ the Ju}i;. ,at t e .o~e ot ', nald and ERtlen tive, control measure is spraying with was held at his late residence at 2 ,an . calend~.. "4i.: '~r: ~ , d!!atb. Halne", , , o'clOCK Thursday, conduc~ed by Re'!. was pre~n~4to'riipe' Uregory ,M ' T C. Ha~Clo.Ck ,and Mrs W. extra strength of sweetened arsenate Raymond Stillings. Interment in MI. To'~I'P)', ,It into e,cc:utlon, ~he Pope C, S~th ·atten'". .a luJi:~boon' of the ofTlehad. f mula recommended ami cemetery. Those from a distance "" e spray the funeral Mr. "'e~ ble'4'" anumb,.er 0 f" ~J.te t e ."" I!;' and , executive co"wa'ittee' of ' the ' Greene by Mr. ~ouser,or,IS nrBellate of •.ead, whod Mattended 'Ed Hanby Mn were. Cora Trisle~ed '1!'~,!. d)'In 'l l~~:l,lti ~ Pl!qt.~ed cou.nty l\ed Craaa, ,'r,ueaday, ,a t 'Bell· 2 Mt '. pounds, cheap syrup, 1 gallon" a~ ,rs. d M Fr' 'k ,-u Is 14 chance" ~aI! : !l o~ t!y . ' t~, ~"",~. broo", The next; " meetiq- .. 'Vm be and water 50 allons. sle,' Mr"!in. r8. Bl:I l ..orr , ,r. olic: prlncel~ anil , &.82 , eroU'~, I.. held in tills vU.-ge , lirli In July, ' ' Apply lis so~n as tbo beetles ar~ and Mrs_ 9laft'. MBorlris, tM;ilandJ MJ'!I' alie brier " abol~. ,ijle ~"aa , ' c_ ' noticed and re eat .nt intervals of a Fred MorrIS, o~ c mon.j m. II! o'!nJe calendar In .. all ~\lio1i~ coWlt ea, MiMes Viola and ~9thanna C~1!1 week or ten ' :fays until tlje attack Reiill..of Eaton; Mr. ano Mrs. Wmli:; , and IntrOdu~\UI In it. ~ the on,.. Marjorie ,and, Myra Hii;vdotk; Cathe~_ sDbsldea , leI', Mr, arid Mrs. Earl BiahoPlJo1 '. D\».' ~ . ., >under ,thi ; iWDe o.f the ine Nonie and ,Dorotby Conard; . ' _. Trotwood; MillS Ida Git~en., MJ:II. Grqorian • of.'- nforme,l calendar, or ~embera of Mra. 'Gaddia' aewj,nc clUb, _ - - :Adra Lewis, Mrs. Jilla LeoNia Mr. , the"lIft 'JtJ1A_" .. the other wall attended , . 'slumber party and eunp ~ Mrs. C. S. Lamb M1'II, Belle Coon DOw' wed lheVoid .,Ie." The, G~ bre~ut at her home TuudaJ' nlibt. Mias Bertha Coon, Mr. and Mrs. Edal 'P m-' c;al8lldu P Dot ~oJ!t9d In • - . ' . BergdaJl and Mr. and Mrs. Forest :BnIJaad'WltIl. Xu.- T ' , ~ a Githens. of Dayton.



Some of The Things

Mr. and Mrs, 1I111 ''I'i s ~lil1l' r fl l'" nnn UllncinJ! the birth oIf II " " " , Wt·dnes · du y, .Ju ne 2 , nt ~ I inmi Vnlley hllRpillll, Dllylon. Mr. an<1 Mm. lO co "!, ,, n ~ard o ff and



>. .,..

~\'cn in J:.



eve nI ng, , Mr. and Mrs. Be llers .lId dnu;\'ot r s, Mrs. Le . SPIl'1\r an~ .M1 ~~ DOToLlry, lind Mr . •\nd Mr•. W. JD. l\'frs. Theodore, Bishoj) r emai ns very Mrs. Ella-nahb is visiting in Wash- Al exand ~'r attend\ld the commenceill at'her homo so uth of tow n, inboton C. Fl. ' mont 'n t tho Grud e A, G\'een Nor!"I\l' ~c ho()l, . in Dayton, _ Monday, .evenmg, Mr, an d Mrs: Illvin Longner!!! Little Mll ry Catherin e OPS"y i. ----.~-. moved back t o Dayton lust wee k. . visiting r e latives in Xenia. Mr, nnd, Mrs. H',Irr y ~utl'~elt sp nt Mr and Mrs. I. O. Petersol nd Caus~ S unday With relat,ves In SIdney. so n vi sitt'd Mr. lind Mrs. uri Stum J) Mr. an d 'M:r~, WilliulI1 Bergdali and of Dayto n, Su nd ay. Field cress and yellow roc'ket, two duug htel', Gladys, s pent . lIlurday in 'Mrs 1\1. Wilkers on entcrtuine « thl' Dayton. r.odic ~' Ah] sl1ci ety (If th e Frie nd~ we ds of the lIIustard "famil y, are at, Miss Rul h hal'i ~ t ll n. or im' inn - church nt he!' home. Thul'::lday aCter- tracting much ntlenti on, j udging from the many inquiries coming to nali, was u w, 'ek-cnd g u c ~t oC 1\1rs, nuo n, . Litll .. CUYCnuh PothufY, !If Oregou- l he Ohio Ex pe rim ent station. Ruy Frie rll"l oou . TIl<! s im (J leAt method of .extermm aMrs Elb~rt Wullurc 1111(1 M I~M Ulft . nia, \'i ~ it~d hi, cn u ~ i ll R , r';sthe r a nd ting th rs,' weeds, accordin g to Dr. dYM Ber~d>1i1 1Il11 I . a bu<incss trip to :>i ullnl1 Wi lk cr~ u n . the la tter rart of 1"I'(,da 1\, 't111erH, " •• istllnt in Botany a t t il " w,·, I;. Lc burl un, FI·iday. lh ' Expt:l'im c nl Stalin n. is to m ow 1111', and Mr:<, Ii arry Gmhl11ll visit · ~ IL and M,'•. Nic h n ln~ .J.1ncH lInri off th" tops before seeds mature. Aa c d Sun da y with MI ·~ . Th"111UM SlI ylor, Mi.s La" Ull Nil'k. cof Tnl Y, w<'ro til<' h,'y an: pro pagated from the seed lit SprinK Vull,'y, j,!uc" t., nf I\ fr, ull d Mrs, Marti n Bug-- " " Iy. I1 n<' or tW ;) years o! thorough \Vorl; will cra dic. te them from tbe Mrs, An n S mith . Mrs, Edd LOllg'- i onl. ~u nd ,,~' , ~r m , , acre and Mi s AJ.:lu.'s LUIl l(" c I'C :-l llt' llt Ch il .Il'l'Il·s lin,' will be "hserve d !It Both weed s nrc e ither annuals or MOII<luy in IJll ytUll , th l' 1',.".",," d;u r ch n ~ x t Sund ,w Ioi c nni!ll ~ . pruducing seeds the first Ul' linl!, a nd tht: ~ I ~t h "u i sl ch ul'dl ~" ar UI' forming a r osette of leaves Born- T o ?OIl' , and i\11' ~, l: u~ " , '11 111 in th(' l'v (·n in g- . lhe fir sl year und seeds th e second Burne tt at Blni r 's h""Jli la l. L el03 1l\' t1 , \V e dncsduy , Jun e ~, u S U I1. 11,,\,_ W, .1, F,, ~ t(\I" I) ~ Cin cillnuli , Yl' UI', • Fit·lll e n 's" i, an cred leaf y light " ,,, h'n di '] alllln·ss ut lh ~ Union, MI'. a nd I\1rs, WUIt I' I' Kellr i('k \\HI' l!l1Ve Ill c(·t ing- 11\' 111 !It IIII' ~l (' lh (' d i "L ehureh I.(rt'l'n pilln • uft.c n produ cing five or S undll Y J!lIl's ts o r Mr. 1111\1 C, Sunda " ix Lll'lIll Chcs 1'1'0111 on e root stalk. It y e n~ nin J!. R. Bint'g llr, in JAll1 l·stow n. ha s II \ , hite thick ene d tllP r oot and is '1'11(' Sunda ySchool class ~ nf til<' t (ll;p l'(l by" loscly se t" small whi.te Mr, lind Mrs, 1'; li HUSSt' 1i alld Mr" Mcthnclist thu l'dl, of which Mr. B p l'( lI owl'r8, Ye llow r ock~ t IS often ml~' a nd Mrs. J ftllW" J ohn" arl' slH' nrl ing Gritry ,,"d I{" v. II . 0 , Coll ill s nr p lh " l ak e n fo r comlll Oil musta rd wh ich It a couplc or ", .. ,' ks a t Indi on Lu kc, tf'rlt h (' I'x. (llljoYf'd a w ·ino r r nil ~t in r" ~l'1l1"1 ~ ;;, 1Iithough it blosso ms much fi "h i ll~ . Ihe Rich land nl ' i~h lo o rh""d, Monday l'orl il' T. 11,11' ,ftnd 1110'S, \viili l1 111 ()vke :1,,<1 Cumily, of 1 )o yl o n. WeI'(' <,,'lIing nn Lyt lt, fl'i~ IHI , !:i ullol a y "fl" I'nu o11 and






W eeds

NEW USE FOR NEWSPAPERS Whe n your CUI' gl'ts stuck in th o mud the r Ollr wh eel. spin around und YOUI' fri cnd8 ad Vise you to call for help, get u bUll 'h of newsp"p"rs, slip lhem nnu er th" rea r wh ce l~ , turn on lh" juice lind soc lhe wh eels co me out of UIIl mire. Ne ws papers nre great uplifters, When your Lu s ine ~s get~ into n rut, the ncwspllper will he lp you oul if yuu use the UdVCl·tis ing columns. G"I'nt is the power of the prcss,- College Co rn uI' News.

CiviJi::lltion will wiJl~ uut the wild liie of AIlU!ri ~1l -' IIIt1Il1I11I1I~, birds, fish - unless IJrhtecli\'\: 1l,,' a s uI' C~ arc tak_ en, uc c()l'dill){ to IJr. Willium '1'. HU1Iludu y, wh o hUb rdb'cd ufter thirty yelln u directo r of the New York Zoololl'ieul purk. As renwllia l meIlSUI'CS, Dr. HornadllY, rcc oml1l~lI d s th e ~s \.abli s hlllent of more gRmc SlI lIctullriCH und furth er limitation or the hunLe r'. bug. He has alrelldy bee n ill"trulIlclltnl in providing more than hlll! a million acres Words from the Lips of Grell t for safe re tr~ ut for bird and IIllimlil. Me/l- '''I'he use of great l1lt'n i8 til Migrutory birds l1I'e ill the Il,,)st serve littl e mell, "- Theodor e PlIrker. immediate dunKer. ' Authorities say that ducks, geese lind wO!l dcock are not on the increase, us reported from t.e to time. SqUIrrels become !ewer' each yeol', Quail hunting, in many places i ~ II thing of J;he past, It is said thllt th e young lady who Trout stren ms llI'e being fished out, Hatchcri es I.\r~ lumlly able to ke ep presided in th e champagn e balhlui.> up the un equul slt'uggle to stock an 1!:1Ir1 Canoll's party up in Nil\\, strellIns lind ponds I.\S rapidly as th ey York didn't feel lIatural beca use it wUKn't Saturday night. are cleaned out. Or. Honruduy's "tntement should Eight thouSlln d German s lire IIwnitbe viewed with int.crest by millions ing trial at Berlin for complicity in of Americans who love the outdoors, a huge alcoh ol plot. It se~ms tha t TrUll, mllll y stlltes III their game laws the iniqUities of th e Volstead law a re IIx hunting limitations and protect international in scope. certllin birds or animals for short A pet cow which star led for a str oll periods. But the averllge person assum es all uWtude of indiffl!rence to- enU Red a family ,'uW in Grenter New ward the 51tuntion. Too many so- York the oL her day . Won 't somcQllllcq appr\.llPlcn will tIIke their body pl ease pnge Sinclair Lewis '! I'CAPon -an~r -ae a80n toll !lnd sompluin Sometimes we doubt whelher the blHfJ rly lit even tho slightest eH'ort farm ers of the coulltry will be ento protect wild ClUne. , tirely ruin ed if Congress udjourns without finding a r e medy for them. OVERWEIGHT? BEWARE I Twenty nations have uccepted invitations lo uttend a world-Wide moAre )/oU taU Are you carrying moro weight than vie film conference in P~ri8 next fall. All right, let her tllc;\(c.r . you shou ld for your height? .If you are five feet in height, you Now thl\t t~,~ li'rimary is over, Gov IIhould weigh 110 pound!!. For every crn'q~ fill~hot is probably 80rry 1111 over five teet, IIdd fin l!\@ a didn \ go to ' England und help sQttle the coal strike. ha pPIIII\tn, , hI!! ~!lmeij froRl ~. fll\ar1ell, Cll;'rk All you huve t(l <10. to i ,t art a riot wee~, o( ~r~ag!l~ wb,o says be!ng in the ~\l"a\(l IIOW is ~o get up in the at is a ino'r e dangerous occupation galler-¥, (l.l)(\ }fell "wet or dry." an ~~liil~ pf 1!ejng a locomo~ive e nNe\Y York City is to. I\1\\'e 1,600 glnee ... "l\lore poople 41" fl'nm \1VeTe at!ng more policement on June lG. That "do)' thlln dIed from \lllOe¥live drmk ought to add l ome ~o ~he traffic conJl the Wllttest dan before the Vol. reltio.n. Itead act." he aayl, The unusually late spring scems He ,pointe out that lI!e jn,l urance to havo held up that proposed early inveltigationl show that weight, In adjournment of Congress. relation to age, III a Very Important factor in Inlluenclng tho life apan. It Is said thut many peo ple over Bright'e diseaso, dlabetell, apoplexy in Germany a re now studying a Get' and heart disease cause 80 per cent man traJ\Blation of n book ~m \~~ of the adult deaths In the United United States Co.nstitlAt\\)t\, A. I,it.fle States annually, and Or. Sweet sa~ con8tit~tlon Sl"%,\~,g \Y~~I.dn.(~ be a obesity helps along these dillea!l~~ ~'Q 'I\\n~ ~ ~~.C~I~, el.thel;'. 1'lpre ~hfln any oth r tl!@~\ll', ~'" N~w J,s the time when the careers ~J1'ew ~~I~? ttl. ~~~, --pro of -moat 'of the young baseball ph~ noms who blossomed in "'~ ~~i,\lg ~-qi. ~~a~r prolle~ l"e~I~1 .~per- are enterin8: into th~ '!~Il o( the siciii all i~!tjvj~,lIl!t ~I\ takl! lellS scre 1I~1l ¥(lUIlW 1~a~. ood than \a r~q.\.ure~ ~o can}' 9n ~ ~- ...~--' , -eQjjib\tll~ion- !l'Qill~ tln !n ~M 1le9¥, itier~ 1M Jt.1l I!Pw'l!f liT! IIMf~1\ tlillt 01\1\ p,ev,nt, Itlll'! {HIm )\I@llIl( welgh\." ,

_ _ SE

- :::::SS



, '.

ad _ _


All of the above material can ' be found in our yard everyday in the year at moderate prices

W.H.Madden & Co. .•






• •

n "',

- ..----

Just Right Now

Vandal, of Shoe Box


F or Ad vertising

----- ..----

Destro,y Rose Bugs


F or Classified Ads

Gregorian Calendar






• -' •

.... III .9 mlnut-, .Ian't It WOIIder-

coli. lad ate bard-boll" ~ f1IlA.what edacatloD. :will60dot • ~------(


- •~ . . . . . 81aIIiadh for'. tile



I~ "u, ._





For Job Work {. ;" .• " ,






. .~ · Iles o~ c a








___.;:. ' ==-'=-=:;:;:'-: ::0:"':-===== 0_


.IClhant . SuttClrt hwaito hae \·ery slqk.

Implel11 ents


A Few Second Hand Tools _h_________ ______ .________ _



Mn Ju11.. DoJIOVlln la l nd "l ' ft·ap"lis. _ . .,


LC.A .. "

Hardware Ovens, Oil Sto.ves, Ga rden Plows, Garden Hose, Hoe., Rakes, Sheep Dip, Fly Spray, Sprayers of allldnd., Washin g Machines, Hay Rope, Fly Screen, Screen Doors a nd Windows, Poultry Netti ng, Pumps

Devoe Paints and Varnish Plymouth Binder Twine Adrain Fence

M. FRED COLE Hardware, Harness, Farm J~plements



You Beat

Mr. and IIfrs. Milton Thompso n and Dayton, Gooll s peaking nnd good music at son Il nd Mrs. o rv ill 0 Gray · lind, Dnnnhi [{cnd eJ'~on, sp nl the w!!ok-cnd with his parents. the Memurin l services, Sunday litte r. dau'g hte r visited . in . Milson, .Monday nbon, June 13. evening. . W. 1I. A lien is in love land, nttend Ing t he meeting of the Bankers' as· Mr. and Mrs. Wa lter E lzey are Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hai nes. of socintion. guests of Mr. lind Mrs. Kcnneth EI· Xenia v isited their parents, Mr. and zey. lit OilY ton . Mrs. j onathan G. Haines, Sunday af. I. O. O. F., K. of p. nnd Jr. O. . t ernoon. A. M. 'Momorial services, Su nc!ny, Mrs. arl Hender son, George and Jun J3: Kathlee n Henderson were Dayt on Mr. and Mrs. Curl McClure Bnd visitors, SlIturd.ay. children , of ' Dnyton, wer e s up pe r lIJ i,s Eml1lu Highway was the din g uests of Mr. a nd Mrs. E nrl Conne r, Watch for the Green oft Wate r Saturd a y. n r gu sL of ir. a nd Mr. W. H. AI· Laundry truc'k evr ry T uesday a nd len , Sunday. l~ridIlY . Mahlon Ridge , age nt. Mr. Il nd Mrs. Chnrlps Andprson Mrs. [•. A. Zill1ml'rrnall nnd clnug h. and child ren a nd Miss Louise Hent r. Mnry LOlli81~ . were OilY ton "isit!IIiss Nell Cusler nnd Miss Ruth derso n we re Lebllnon visitol's, Satur_ ors Illst 'l'llurslluy. Grove, of incinnat i, s pent Sunday day llIoT'ning. with Rcv. lInd Mrs . .L. A. Washb urn. Mrs. I~ ll ll lIleredith, who has bl'ell Mr. and Mrs. ClIrl Li mbel·t lind Mr . visiting r"lalin' s in Dllyton hns r~ Miss Velnlll Corne ll has returned und Mr s. J ohn Brohlll, of Dayt on, turne d to Lht· Friends Horn e: were calling on WaYllesv ille friends afte r a pleaSRnt vi sit with her cousins, l\h-. lind Mrs. Wi llia m Mich· Sunday after n'Oo ll . 1111'S. II. V. Wultor and Mr. nnd Oller, of Pitts burg, Pu. Mrs. Dun .WHiter , of Li!bunon. visit'Mr ami Mrs. Mer le Kern , Mr. a nd eel I' latiyl's he re III!'! Thursda y. · Bert Harts ock, of Ro uto 1. had a Mrs. Kem p. Mr . li nd Mrs. Kib ler, of /{r owth remo ved f rom h is eyeball reo Columbus, wer e recent guests uf Mr. Madi son Enl'llh urt of D"yton, WHB cently. Dr. IR cd Mud de n. cye sp ec- a nd Mrs. J . D. Mo rl att. t he gu $t uf IllS brother, Alvin Enrn- ialist of Xenia, performed the op· hat·t IlIId fllm ily In t Thursday night.. el·ution. Miss Rh ea Janet Cartwr ight was on the progrUnl fOT a piano solo at the Mr . and MIl's. Ru ssell Benti e)' ,:n· meeting of t he Literary soc iety a t n the street, Sutllrdn V FOllndnight, n baby ShOl', patent leuthe r, tertllineli the following at a famI ly Centervi lle, Tuesday n ight. with brown kid top. Cnl( nt GlI zettl! di nner , Sunday : 1I1r. and Mrs. V ic· oflic . tor Burris and fam il y, Mrs. Ella Mrs. J W. Edwards and Mrs. J a mes Braddock, MI'. Ernest Bruddock, Mrs. McClure gave a bridge lu ncheon at Afte r n III 'asant vi sit with I·e la. Emma Grub b, ~lr. Harry Conner, of th e Me lure home, Saturday, compli. ative~ in Wilm ington , Miss J e nnie Dayto n; Mr. and Mrs. Enrl Cenner menting Miss Dorothy Dak in . H'line hns reLurned t o the Frientlll and SO il, 1\11': and IIlrs. Raymon d on· Del' lIod fumi ly, Mr. a nd Mrs. Frank 110mE'. MI':I. R ussel l Benson , of Delll wa re, Hess und famil y. Mr. and Mr s. He r· an d Leon Sulisbury, of Cleve land, man on ner Miss Alice he noweth, Muster Robert Blntt, of Monro e, lI'lt·s. Florenc:e Hopkins, IIl rs. Eliza. we re g uests of t heir sister, Mrs. Hnr. spont sevcral dllYs Inat week with hi s beth Lewis and Mustel' Ethan Lewis. vey Rye and fa mily, lust week. Mr. a nd Mrs. O. H. We do yo ur 'Wo:u!hing 'by the pound. Our rutes :fro m 5.e np. Try us and be convi nc ed of .our good servi ce. ]\frs, Harry Kitchen an d dl\u~ hter , Soft Water La u ndr y, 1I1ubJDn Ridge, of Dllyton, are vis iting Mrs K itchen'l! parents, Mr. a nd Mrs: Fl'/lnl{ ng.e nt. Stansberry. Those Inte chicks right by using Con. Mrs. Anna Sheehan entertain ed at R ev. Bnd Mrs. L. A. WI ,'hburn keys Buttermilk Starting Mash nnd n six·o'cloek dinner, Tu esday evening Mrs. Mar t ha Vale, of Smithfi eld, Mr. were six·o'clock dinner g uests of Miss Marie Weller, of Bellbrook Sa t ""UU PTlmll Growing Mash, with are. und Mrs. C. K. Himes, of Centerville, urday evening. ' - d uction in price from 10 to 12 per Mr. IUId Mrs. A. H. Earnhart, Maeienl Lama r, Earl a nd Alto n Sheehan. Messr s. Roy P igott, Alon zo Car tel: cent. B. Wym er and three and T homas Pierce visited t he J r 0 We a lso !have one of the fin est Mr. lind Mrs . U. A. M . Natio na l Orpha ns home: range coal s you ever uscd- Rnv en sons, Mr. and MrI! !llffJotd Buziek, of . Sidney. and 1\Ir. · 1I1l(! Mrs. Robert near Tiffin , Sun day. R ed Ash Nut. Givo th is conI a trial. Stump, of Harveys burg, }ver e Sun· da y InI csts of Mr. and I\IQ, A. ·L. Mr. an d Mrs. Henr y Sattcrthwaite. King. 1\1!. a nd Mrs. Harry Satterthw ait,~ Mone y back .~ u arantee. ~v lll attenel a large chu rch weddin,r III Dayton, Thursday morn ing. Mr. a nd MI'!!. J. Q . Gons and so n, J ohn , Mr. a nd M rs . Fred Gon s, Mrs. Elias Oglesbee and h er h ouse guest ; Mrs. Charles Gray is in Cin ci nna t5 Risinger , of Eaton , Ohio, and for a few duys with her daug hter Mr. and 1Ifrs. D. R. Smith mOtored lIfrs. .T. W . Baker, who will und erg~ to Oxford Tuesday, - to atte ~ ~he a tonsil .operati on Thursday m orn ing . commcn cement e xercises a t West ern of the ela.e11 of 1926, of which Myel' ITtman and fami ly a ttend. - _ . ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:::;;;;;;;:::=:; college, M,iss Alice Gons was a member. cd t he H igh School commence ment at Xe nia, Tu esday night. Mr HyMr: a nd M11I. C. W. Younee Jr., em. man's niece, Miss Bertha R,ymmi , was tertained at n family di nner , Sunday, one ot the Itra duates . At W.lter Birr.' barD, OD the Mor. in honor of their week-en,d ~ uellts,' ~fr. a nd Mrs. 'Leo Younce and fam· Mr. !ln t! I\h-s. J. O. CartwnA'ht , M r. row pike, three mile. from tly. Df. Columbu8. The Sunday and Mrs. Ronnld Hawke we re in Milg u ~ illcluded Mr. and Mrs. C. W. W.yne ....iUe, OD ford, unday, a nd witnessed t he Iny. Younce, Sr., Mr. a nd Mrs. Herbert IIlg of the cornerstone for th e new Getter, MI.I!I · Ruth Manball, Mr. Masonic temple. Frank Somel'll, .u of Dayton; Mr. ana Mrs . Wilbur Clat1c .and their guest, Mr und Mrs. E d Hugh es, Mr. and Mrs. Margaret Everhlll'.t, of MiamisMrs. Haesslnr, of Columbus, Mr. lind burg; Ml'~ and -Mrs. ~ ¥~)lnce nnd Mr. and Mrs. Har lan Campbell, of family, o:r Columbus. Dayton, 6pent the week·e nel with Mr . HUFFMAN'S ORCHESTRA ------.~ and Mfs. N. P . J or dan.



All of our work i. neatly and promptly done right ~ere in Waynesville-no tranlportation delaYI. Our prlcel are realonable, and we guarantee latilfaetion or no charge. Worlt called for and deUvered. MAOAZINIt8 for the ~~~6~~or the KIDDIE8

Havo your old rugs mode li ke new by our modern procc&s of renov!lting. So ft \Vutor Lil undry, Mohlon Ridgc, agont.



Clothes Cleaned, Pressed, Repaired.

Mrs . Martha Vale, of Smithfield, Ohio is visiting her "islertl, Mrl!. An· na Sheehan alld ·Mrs. E d Thomas.


Conare, Colla r Pa ds, Harness Sets, Bridles, Lines


Bertar---" Art' madame, my too~ Husband - "How about meet jng waren' t alwlltys like tbla." me for dinnor ton ight ?" k Mlaa Berni!:o Hyman "1 know th lltl The last tim. 1011 Y rlend . W lfe-"Good idea. I've W. T. KemP is pendillg the wee wcck. I.ll'I d in J am estown .• in ,ClllumbI18 . . . t hinking We should do ~ sl/me· w ere here you were bUnd an4' the n ,.'· t ime before that·you were to get acq uainte d I". S. A. F Inck, 01: Shannon Miss.• Is 2 DornI.o_ Mr. nn~ Mrs. Clllrence nyc, JUII 4 . 1\ son . . Y\s;tI"g his brother,. J . T. Fiack. ft1 essrII, Harvey Rye lind. Leon Sill· _ MAGAZINE0 Dr. Alld lIiT'8. A. T. Wright were isbul'Y enjoyed a moto r t£IP t hro ugh ~DY D 'lyton visitors, l\londay. • Ken.tucky and T ennessee.

MiSs KlIthleen He nderson is ",isit· G. \Y . Rnwlte of IlIrksvill tl, waR ing Dayton frhmds U,is weo\.<. in V aYIl<:svillc. unda y. Memoria l scrvic s Sunday, J u ne SunelllY, June 13, fellJorilll servl· 13. Frnt~r n nt organizations. ces at the cemetery, at 2 :30. ~1i ss IlIrll :Lil e sr e nt sO\'crnl days L . '1'.- P<'t r~ on. of Xc.n ia, wns n Illst wee k with her Ister nt Washing· Wnynesv ille viRite r, Tuesduy. ington C. II.

Two-Row . Cultivators, Sinlge-Row Cultivators, Mowers, Rakes, Binders

Dr. T G Fa'!'!' Is '\'l~ltlng In Sout Charleston:



Any Time Any .Way


' Overl~nd

H. Archdeacon

Sales ,Co., ·






We have started a Paint Shop .i n

The ' 'G range B~ilding at. CQrwin •

where we are ready to do all kinds


And use the Newest Type of Spray Apparatus

Miss Dor othy Dakin , of Bis marck N. . D., arriv~d. h e~e \ast Thu rsday: :Cor u sho rt VISIt wlth her a nn \; Miss May Wright , and otiler re lativ~s, be. f~rc lellvinA' for Eqgland wn,ere sh e WIll att en d sll mmer school at Oxiol'd.

Sweet Potato ]Plant~

Three Words Goodyear Balloon Tire, Made with SUPERTWIST. Much more ela8tic. Much more durable • Mpc:h easier steering. Much 1Mt~r looking. At low cost.

R. H. SMI TH Ohio

Mr. llnd Mrs. Ezra Bunn ell , Re v. ~;==========;;;================::i " W. P. I\lcKinRcy and Miss F lor ence McNeeley, ' of Lebanon, Ind. , were guests of lI! r . and Mrs. F . H. Fnrr, 'l'uC!itl ny night. T he party is enro nte by motor to t he forme r home of Rev Mc Killl!ey, w ho in his 89th year, is' hale a nti hear ty nHfl carries his yellr s well. He is g rand chaplllin of th e Nnt ionlll G. A. R.


D. H. Hockett's

Waynesville, Ohio

General Insurance Fire". Lightning, T omado, Wind, ' Hail .a nd Auto "

Mr. a nd Mrs. Ben Smith I1 ml chilo dre n, fo rm erly of Waynesvill e, now of Osborn , entertain ed nt t heir' beau . tiful country home on Sunday. June 6, a ,number of relat ives unel fri ends to Ii s u mptuous dinn er prepared by th em and t heir A' uests. >The g uests we re : I\fr; a nd Mrs. Milton Sheehan, Mr. nnd Mrs. Charl es Sheehan and da ug ht er, Mr. and Mrs, -George Law. son a nd dllughte ri Mr. and Mrs. Clar· eJlce ·Lawso n anet son, Mr. and Mrs • Wendell Lawson and chililren , Mr. and 'AIrs. E arl Thomas and 'I\,on, Miss Eva 'l:bomas, I\fr. and Mrs. Eme ry Bradstreet and children, Mr. and MI'/I. Espey and 'so n, Mi'. and M11l. Him es, . of Cllnt erville; Mr_' Howard Sheehan, Mr. and "She llhan, 'Mr8\ Lillie SheeValley; Mr. aud Mrs.


MI'8'. An'n a



You get these ,qualltle. and 4dl'a~tag'es in any Goodyear Balloon Tires you 1J1:.I.1" from us, for either your pro.nt wheeTa or to fit new small diameter wheel.. We nlf,ke you an allowance o~ your old tires, m!~ ~he changeover for you in Ie.. than an ~~'I C JJ u. now ~nd say when you ,!ant il 4Rntl


~otQr ' CO,

Phone 105

W~m~.,"I.". ObjQ


Reg Ular services at lj :/16 • • lib and '7:8 0 p. m. Come! , Nathan Johnson, Minlstel'. Perry Thomas, Supt.

J3'T. MARY'S CHURCH June Second afte r Trinity. Church -SclioQ,J ,at. 9 :80 a. m. Morn· ing Prayer and feJl~f)JJ .at- 10 :80. All are cordially IDV1'W~ tD .a,t~.!!d these services. . _ • Rev_ John J. Schaeffer. Re~.

Phone 6511'2


· Layer,· AIlqI1~ '" '~ 3 ' I!!"'CAKES Roun~ Flavors, 2 lb•• , each .. '; . . . . e. "I; ~




aut., 20 0 . ........~5c V.I".~ Cake., ... lay..... I'JlE$I.l.!.Dt qualltJ, 1 pouDd ...... , ............: " .......... . .. ,... . "

' A..""'R =-.-=p~'·'C......, , $" . )aft' SUG 35-0lb. paoket . ;.,/". , ,- . .a---.~v An,.1

5 pOUJld cartoD .:......... ............. 33c

Pugnacious Crayfish I will be at

Grange Hall, Waynesville

Thursday,. June 10


Cr;ayfish are so pugnacious tha.t if two oJ.,.fhe1h are put in the same crate or .oEen pen one will kill the other, or. JJ4e the fanner's dog, die barking at (b.~ hole. That is why, when the Unive~ ity of Wasbingtop shipped a dozen 'rN'4! II' pecimens from i.bI aquanum ·in Sea~Jl ~ the fish pool in New York, ill' yar<J,' of wet cheesecloth. Th.e conslgl1ment 4I! through Whole and healthy•.,-Yout l1, Co.mpaJJ.1on. ,

----... _.

·294 Il.udlow Arcade


Dayton, OJtio ,.

.F~ank Biggs !

Co.rWin~·. Ohio

OD liDO for ~ar I'DaraDteecl ' :_rlr, .. ,folio I I TIRE VULCANIZ.NG RADIO REPAIRING .- BATTERY CHARGING RADIo SUPPLIES . BATTERY SUPPUES I~" Law..... Blaca.u" S...

Estate of Charles W, Cox, deceased. N9t ice .·{s hereby gi!fen that Clyde ' Cox has been duly ~pPl?joted and qualified as. executor of·tbe ~te of ChartEls W. Cos. late of W M1'en County, Ohio, deceased. . Dated this .8th day of


, Judge ~f the Pr<.ba1t.1> J23 ' Warren t;mln~".





I catch the





down the





the c:une-Me--J-.t 1~".

10 ,o••u,

."I1k'. ~..... "~,,, ;, "iltv. ~:'.'" . ,

LARD Pure, OPen Kettle Rendettd 3~~ ~ Very low price, 2lbs. "for :-.... ~.

---_a _ ••- - --


f. D. Dakin Insurance Agency



METHODIST CHURCH SabJlath School. 9 :16 • • m.. preaching at 10:80 a. m' Epworth I.e.gue 6:16 p. m_ Preaching at '7:00 p, m., Wednesday evening Prayer 'meeting, '7 :30. Everybody invited to these services. . . Rev. L. A. Washburn. Pal tor.


The Whole Balloon Tire Situation' in Just


,You Can Get

Mr. and Mrs. C. M. n obitz er gave a "brid/-:o" parly Monday night, Il t whjch t he Ioll owi nl! wore present: Mr. and Mrs. Ron alel Hawke. Mr. and Mrs. J . W. Edwards, Mr . Iln d Mrs. J . E. McC lure, Mr. an d Mrs. 1 nl ph Mil. IeI', M i s ~l' s Martha O'Neall, E li zllbeth Chandl er, Dor othy Dakin. He nrietta McT<inscy, DI·. J . . W. Miller a nd Mr. J . n. Pe nc~.

Give Us A· Call and Let Us Show You Our Work

. Corwin,

Do 'Vou Know

A fa m ily dinner ' at the ~ l;t om e of Mr. a nd Mrs . Is rael Sat te t thwlli te in Da yto n. W IIS en joyed by t he fol\~w. in g: Mr. and Mrs. He nry Sntterth. wnite lind fllmil y, Mr. and Mrs. Hal'. old Burge a nd fumi!}', Mr. and Mr s. Lllwrcnce Sims and dnug hte r.

We U8e the celebrated


. Men's suits and overcoats dry clean ed and pr cRsed. Ha t s cleaned a nd blocked . .Ladies' dress es a nd coats cleaned a nd pressed. Lcave. your cull wit h Mahlon Rid ge, Soft Water Laundry.



Wednesday Night, June 16th



The Walnesville Farmers' Exchange Company

Any Place

By The Gazette Office

I .



f~~~~~~.'. ~"". . 1 ~!!~CIUb' 3 Club,




.mall c ••••

2 for •.1e




.~.~~~...~•••- ••-.": LA·8ELLE MERCHANTS SOLE SURVIVOR OF I-te;::.n:h~t.m. AGAIN BEAT MIAMIS W. R. HOEL POST Stelle : C'apitai AAER HARD BATTLE R. 1


,t .

i I•................. Colum~u.


Jonas Fremont Stump

16', 1926

Whole Number 5705


Suturday Jun e 12, 19 26, a fter a lingeritlg il incss, n Iiltl e befor e noon lit th e J tlwj,;h hospi tul i n Cincin na ti, F remo nt d 'ath sUlllllloned ,Jona ~,;tump, a nd !lhe spiri t quil thl! earthly The st or y of t h.o co mrades of S. L. house to joi n the mul titude of th ' ThurndllY. Ju ne I ll . I !l:!(l, t lw (I:lte Ca rl wright, of W Ho Post, re deemed wh ic h no ma n ca n n·umb er. of th e om'o(' nl ionu l Ilic nir . Wfl~ n Grand Army of the Republi c, in the H e wus l ho yo ungest son of J onu~ red-let ter day in the h i ~l ""Y of Hl. village of Way nesville, Wa rre n co un- IInti P rudl!t"~c Ann Stump , und lho M.a r y' s. T he dn y t1"wll,·'1' hr ig ht nnd Prepared by ty, was told as Ohio's "thi n line" last ~ u r\'iv in g member of a family of beautiful. id 'al fo l' II " icllir. Ab,,"t (By Tom) Child ,' 'II'S !JIlY w as ~e l ebrllt e d on of Blue nrrived at Pllrtsmo uth fo r two br ~h e rR and fou l' ,.ist erR. Reporter 75 people Wc: I'E' 1'1' '~e nt, ' \lll ,nr: th"llI SUllday ,·\·en ing. J une 13th by l he for t he annual encam pmen t of the Our noble Miamis ugain bowed in li e was born ncar New Burlingt on, a lIumber of the Di (\ce~n n om r H. 0 _a.~.~.~.~ defeat to tho LaBelle Merchants, of Ohio De pa r tm ent of th e Grand Army Ohio, FebrUlu y 21, L86 L, and had lum bus, Dllyton . S"r illll'fklJ, I Gll'lI - M E SUI1Jlly ·Sch l)ol, IIn,ler the elli· Dayton, In a 'gllme played lit Frazie r uf th e Rep ublic. passecl th e th r ee scor e yea rs and Len dnle , Ur bu na. Midd lc t,'WII, XI·nia anti ci~ n t ' trnining or Mesdullles Wash. Comrade Cartwri g ht's case was all otte d to mlln a nd by reuson of Wilmingto n Wl' re all r ep r,,"en ted , ~ e\'­ bu rn, Bi rd ulld \::arn hl\\' t • .a n d Misses purk lut Sunday afternoon - the 1l "I!'1I lI awk e :l ntl Kut hcrine Fromm . - - - s tre ng th had ulmost r eac hed th ci fou l' erul plnces by ' quite n delega liun . . COL~MBUS OHIO- There were .scoro was 6 to 6. While the gam.1l pointed out a s uns u ng epic. The chul'ch wa~ hea ut if uil y dec ral· Ca~-twri g ht is W . ..R. H oe l Post. scor e, be ing 7 (j yeurs, 3 months and '1 S I'n the closin'. was by no means cleallly played, It Th ere was COI'l ora t .. cOl'Tlm uni on at cd with r l l ~"'~ a nd grl'c n ~ry. 'r hl' no reaermltted surpr lor se the - filing of pctl!> Ie,d ON E TON TOM da w!1s a c IOS C, b'Ilter .s t r,!gg nn th e There aru no oth er me mbers. The y 2 1 days of .a go. St. Mary' A chu rch at 10 ::10 II . m., all have died. But Cartwright never He wns ma rri ed t o Eliza Sabin . Re v. .John J . Schaffer , c(> l ~brn nt ; a f· fo l1 l\w ing pr ogT:J m wus ' ~ i v e n : lo~~ Pof thoRe with politiclli aspira- wmnc,:s earned.the!r vIctory. . NO CHURCH Tq SUE An"a Gay 'rr olldw R)' \ b Y th who f elt that there Agllln the MIamIS swrted ofr hke will give up lhe chnrler ur t he W. R. R"plenl be r 14, I R8 1, and s ix childrell t('r whi ch 11 11 P"occl'lled t o t he Red We lco mc THE JAIL COMPL AINS Hoel Post. tons or d o~e for them in public world. beaters and .sec.ured a 1111'1' f!,t wcre born t o co mpietc this happy Br ick church . A fle r n bounti ful din - "A Cuu ll Adv" l'lis,'I''' Hato l<l Str(' ud Ca pta in Wa lte r Webe r, Co lumbus. fo mily d rcll', all of wholll Kurviv e, ne r had b .. "" ~'·I'\' ('(I . t he llI eet in!!; Marbl(' ~ IInu J acks- Frank, Jr., und .wa~ a um~n . all in and for lead III th e enrly innings. and agRln I'LL CUT YOUR HEAD OFF hfe. The entrlcsntllhrse voler~ of th e the ba lloon went up and that nice fa t Assistant Ad j utanl Gcneral of the except Willia m. who di ed ut an enrl y was called t" " rd 'r Iov Mr •. R"" " ,, l ph MIII'y Eva LeMny. the next two mo . I d ltd b t · I . . A tmi t rlgc Sist,·r. State ca n Ktudy th e various c,;,ndldales en as e !l ou a ~ ong IlS an ICC Depa rtm ent of Ohin, has Car t wright 's a):c. Reva, Horllce , Robert, Irma, of Middl etown. " icl'· ill·csidcnt of thp SOnl! story in handwri tin ~ which showed 1,:lU rcncc lin d two gl'Ond children 'vitt. J ohn Ua " for ('ach State olllce. The hat of en- cream cone In the klllgdom of M.e l'hDatyo n Con vucuti on. lind thc r oll Reci tation th e lend pencil wus g r ippcd ligh tl y . .. furnish II Istopheles. Adams h eld th e VI SItors the a~e d wi fe s urv ive with pr ecio u ~ " n :l ~ k , · t of Ilea l't' · Ras c"- ·Rut h E. Anei .. nt I' ulers liked un co uth dwarfs cu ll e d. T hf' f (,II"wi n~ intl' resli ng tries Is Iarge nn d ought "" h' U f th fi t f . I I t o kuep it s tend y. ""'lIl ori cs bu t Ho re bc reav .!ment. Al ' Sa lis bury, Frances 1·; lIi ~ . Mllrgll. and , tran ge ly tI ,·r,lI·mell o:reatures pro~"nm wu ::- UWIl ~iv ( ' n : A lnl k o n , atn • g'ood evenin g's ellterwillment . .. No th' efiss tOh': :. h~s d °l .... r IIIn ,ngllLa Cartwrigh t exp laine d lh .. situ a tio n of lhl' ~ C WCl'l:' pri vil eged t o be with our Fi ft ielh A nni v" rsary und t hc hrd WI\('tZl'I, Evc:lyn F' urn lls. ubout the m. III lIwt reH pect the hu_ mlltter what on e may think polltlcn!. e, 1'8 It ou 18 e Iverr \\ as J anice ~ l credith I11l1n race iH nut I'lIlirr ly ch anged. I the can find U cllnrlidate t<;> SUIt 11m s homer, a lo ~ fly whIch bounced in " 8hol· t Ilot e IlIOcompun ying his per him in the hl,nHl d urin g the gr eatel' Book of R,·IlIC'llIh ,.nn ,· ,·. by Mr~. Me· ]tN·italion y, I ~ste, Fro," now on ulltll t he ov~r the left fi elil fe~ce l the batter capitu ta x of 22 cents to keep him in p31'l or hi s ill lless a nd felt honorc G r('goT, hf f'pJ 'ill).!'fiC'hl. 1 iUC('!"L)n pr(ls· It,,citl1t ion . .. . Ma r y Ju Mill ·1' III LOH Angd"g a n undertaker th~ r . held in August ther e beIng the most surprlsea person on g<lod standin g f or a n o th ~ I' year. a nd hUliPY t o be ub le t o care f or t hi' ident ; " ""k " n the ·U .. itC'd T lllOllk J{ind prgllr lt' n l'>tudy- 1'.:aJ'\ Enrn hur t. huild " nn IInu s lln l cn f1in fOI' Theodore It sim ply \VIIs t hat ~' ~lI rs ago ~ Ilr ­ I ill d nnd I!'cntle futil e I' t hl'Oug h til( Offe r ing IJ ,V Mi:. M,' 'rtll'k en, of Ur. crlm~n 8 lire onslderable traveling the ground. This spilled th e benns, n",I'I,'s Ande l'sun, 1' .. bn Edwllrd,; V"I.. lIzu c lll known t o th e circu" as Evcrythi nf' bunn, U. T . n. In'" sl lI'l'l'; a 1II1k on Reading Belltl'il'(' Rn bi tzel' "On e Ton ' Tom." 11 0 we ighed !J45 gt'h;g ~f:r~8':ud -candidates, and it and .the vi~itors accolI~plishcd ' their viving memb er . uf lhe W. n. H.",I tim e o f hi s s ufferi ng. Dornt hy Or nd ol'f po ullds. probllble that every voter, can, it fiendIsh deSIgn III the 81xth and sev- Post , in f ormlll meetin g. pledged kn ow n t o me d il!lIl Nci cnce was don I th (' Supply W.\rk. I,y ~li ~s L"ui: e Me· , Olll! . the mRelvvs neve r to g ive up t he chur- lo ~ ~IIY t l", ravages of his di ~ells e a n, ' UIl (), of Colu ml>lI ~ , Sl,('!'( ·t n ry of tht' "Dui s ~' RuiJ ders"- A group of Litlle Peop le pllicl to RCC him. If he had the eo wi6h meet them face t o fllc e, enth. . te r of t heir post ns hmp: ns OIlC memwh"n told t he uncel'tn in ly of furth er Supp ly Il upnrtrul·"t. 1I "r1 II tlllk n Gi,·ls. ear th~m tell how they would Two Singles and tvro muffs by M~­ weighed u n Iy for ty·fi ve r ou nds th ey Live d. er . Dai sy Cart..,. would have pa id to sell him, lind if ~~re hthe political lila ot the State. Pherson gav.e our b<?ys a marker III "( am keep ing t hll1; cove nnn t in- ·ffol·ts lhc brave spir it neve r falte r .. t he Philippin es, hy l\1i ~ • .h,hn Rl(Jn. of H.. <"itali,," cd . Dealh had no te r ro rs for him. Cle nd a le, t!cillcuti[J nn l ",· crctllry. Mi HS Rl' cilati,," Each will have his or her own pre- the flrst, w~l.Je ~\vo 8111gles, two more L illi .• \1" Burnord he hlld had two hends. f lit or t hin, vi olate," wr ole Carl wri ght. He Wu s wi lli ng an d ' a nxiuus lo hav. · J ohnston 1,..,,1 s ile nl eighl munt h. in " I L Doesn' t Scem SC\uarc"- E:u'l on they would ha ve pllid more. I U hi h they would have the errors, a Wild Jlltch and a stolen base Capt ain Weber 's r eco rd f or th e l've r ythi ng po ~sibl e do ne fo r his r e .. ~cr ~:; :Ut c but It is up to the vo- yielded two more in the fourth . Two nel', J ohn Bogun. lyd F" omm , Ph il ipl'inl'" and ~"vc II v 'ry inter. year, whi ch will be prese nted at th e lie f nI.d t o Il,uve r C5u l t~ with the all- the Floyd Lynch. t~fe e to uy what kind of a doctor Il!orc counters werf) cashed from five encampme ctitj n ~ uc cuuI1 1 or conditi u ll S th£ll"V. With " One Tun T om" and everynt, shows sev ru l posts of wisc Gon ill wh om he trusted ..... .. Wutki ns Sisters bo dy els t oo f LIt. the troub le is overLhe want. Radio will be called Into SIngles, ano~her error and anoth er She had <1,'1:11.'<'" lWO ~ i rl ~ in ell ·tu mc Son):! only two members, but W. R. Hoel With t he Jlassillg of Fremont .......... R uth Olllle l' ea t ing or defective metabolism. Part useYto It vory conalderablo el<,tent dur- stolen base m. the fifth. Then M~­ LouiHe Hend el'so n as a 11( "1'0. and I ccllatl un In tllll next. few weeks, and if ynu Pherfj()n and hlS mates ,put on the .h~ Post is th e only o.n e in Ohio wh er e Sl um p th e com munity hus lost on e of n or nic!' II , "" nn Il-tlll'otlc !!irl, Recitatinn . hurl es Bu r t on E arnhOl·t of ou r e n er~y CrCnbJR n ow tissu e. one man holds the di g llity of th e its old est and · most hi g hly res pected n ci lation ._ Mary Planc k d ~ It lik to IOllve home It will be and our boys played dead doggIe aiel t iss ue stays, you get f a t. ich add"d IlllJoh lo th e interest. post. This encampment, mor e thnn citize ns. One wh o was known to a ll whIt ... E vel yn Beltz BE:ware of flit nfle r fifty. It short)~~elble ~o tune In on lome of the the rest of t~e way. . WII" vote d to l!iv c t he offe l'i llg i{ccil.ation any before, officillls udmit, hn ~ of us us t he g rea te r l'llrt of his lif E' I HUeal aspirant&. Lote of fun In The Miumls are gOI ng to Lebanon whi ch nmou ll ted tu \Jelween $ l 1.00 "Teddy Bear" Drill- By several chil· en~ life. brought home the inct thllt the Ohio wi t h th e exce\J t ion of two years spe nt. a nd $ 1 ~. O O t o till' Supply work. for ~t~re for the voters of Ohio this year; to p-y their luck on a foregn fie ld G. dren . 'A. R. is 1\ vanishing organization. ill Alabama , was lived on th e old Rccit ati on ..... . Robert Mer edith The good Bishop ' Willia m Mo ntdispensary "up l'l i,,". d If there len't some mud-ellnging next Sunday. nquirer. Cincinna ti E Stump homes te ad nc'ar Ha rv eys burg , 'axllphonc So lo .... Mllynard Rich go mery Brown : put out of the E pisA vote of t hun k ~ \Vus g ive n to t he ~~at wi' _ leave ita mark, the guess of The score : or wit hin a f ew miles of it. SlIlisbury Ree ita tiun . . ........ Mildred co pul Friends for t he USc or lheir chur ch church for doing his own thinkthe best pontleal followers In the MERCHANTS li e wa. n man 'of s te rl ing worth, 'O f f or the lII (>elil1 g. Dialogue ............ A g r oup of Ci rls ing t ri ed to co mpel th e church by State wlll go amillll, All fl 0 A E unusua l forc e of cha ract er. He e nAf te r adjo urnm ent so me time wnS Recitation , .............. Robe rt Gon s leg~l procedure to take him back. joyed good s,ociety, good books, th e s pent in soc ia l converse a nd the hour Recita ti on .. .. Ronald Hurd in His law yers sued "the Protestunt Substantial increnses ~e shown in Bausman, 81\ .. ...... Ii! 1 II 4 1 0 bea uti es of nnt ure, was kind and fo r depa rt ure ca me all too soo n. Rec itation .. . . . ......... Jnn e Furn ns Episcopa l chu rCh of t he United Stutes the number of person. plo\lcd in 110- Wml.~ ab ............. :! 0 0 0 0 /.l g ntle yet firm . us adamant wh e n Drill, Little Men ... .... .. ... Seve r al Boys of Am erica." t. I~ ~f\ ""hIllY Ftedson, 8b ........ 8 1 1 2 0 1 L. H . M. " . ~itione b 'I t"e e." 1~-t. ltli t Schaft', e .............. 5 1 1 8 1 2 need be. His honesty and integ rity Recitation ......... .. Sarah An n Miller But t he court snys there is no Buch piIlH' \!IlTI\I\I\S d~r,ng . Q IlWI\ 0 R' L 11 6 0 1 1 0 0 wer e ncver qu estion ed. He was Goodnight Mrs. Fnrr's Class organizati on, 110 such thing f or Bish. May. rhl~ In"lq\l~o~ tll.o.t '\lmmel' 101l08On, ......... . g reatly interested in th e Boy Scout tlvit\e. h,we '\arted Tn many lInel Heneley, 2b .... .. .. ..4 1 0 0 2 1 A collection was take n for t he stu- op Brown to sue; so his suit falla to move me nt and their beautiful camp 1111plte of the cold and backward Swanson. rf ......... .4 1 2 1 0 Q the ground dent fun_d_._ _ _ • _ ~._ _ __ An enthusiastic meeting of the on Caesa r's .:reek is a monument to spring montha. A total of 27,.636 Schindler, .lb ........ 4 0 1 10 Q Q Home c:ommittee was held in the The aged bishop is puzzled to know were referred to posltiop. Latham, c.f ..... ..... 4 1 1 Q Q Fa.r m 'Bureau office, Tuesday, June his generositl7. how an organization could be real About thirt y years a go he and his the month of · May, which i. McPherson, p .... ..4 q (\ ~ 'f II 8, to moke plans f or the ' 4-H Club enough to throw him ou t and not roal enough to 8tund a lawsuit. rhere largest of any month for . .-: -= - ~ - -'- camp, Farm Women's camp, an other wife became me mbers of the Methodist Protes t.ant church of Spring Of that r eportTQt;A\~....:. .. .,.<tQ 6 10 27 11 6 Sewing Machine clinic to be beld in oro more mysterious things than that Valley, nnd we re members of that t · August lind for the course in Home T o the Editor of thc Miami Gazeete : in relig ion. church -until it was abandoned :' The Wayne Town ship Farmers' I cannot use languag e strong MIAMIS Care of the Sick wbich is to be given But now he is gone into the heavWe are inti uonced by oth r l . StuAD RHO A E in the eight townships t his n ext win- enly home. His beloved win. , his club met in reg ular monthly session e nough in conde mnation of the peron Thursday, Jun e 10th, ~ith Mr ~ . son or per so ns guilty of poisoning our dents have protested again st " unfalrSatterthwaite, Ib .. 6 1 2 7 1 0 ter. n and grandehildre n and other childre and cruelty" that for ced human RebecclI Pur nus nnd family. ThIS dogs in Harveysburg the pllst few eXile.. E. Burt on, 2b .. ...... 6 0 1 4 1 0 They pecolJlmend tbat Mrs. Henry eings to be pres~nt at r eligious ler· With ...armer l' B rt If 3b 6 1 3 1 1 2 Harri!" of Turtlecreek township, nnd relatives with a host of friend s, will spacious old homestead radiated cheer days and this is what I have to say: sadly miss him here but ha ve th e hope eve n t o t he base ment whe r c the vices every day. So univeralty ofopportunltie. fo r .~ u on, ,IIIl, .. . 0 . 1 11 1 0 MJ:' J<'Ilrest Lutes. df Deerfie ld t own_ Burton, c ... ......5 TO THE DOG POISONERS of a reunion in th e Great Unsee n. ous dinn er was s pread. ficial s made chapel attendance, no are expected to present the~- n. Adams, p ........... :.6 1 2 l ' sb and Meryl Gray, of Clea rcrcek H is work Is done. H e n eeds no eulo- s umptu Thero seemin gly is no humlln law longe r compulsory. The day being such a plellsant one, Gons, 88, 30 ........ .. 5 0 ~ i tow~shi p be !lent by the Farm bucreau gy. His life is sufficient. His voice t hat can handle you, for you are Now the prisoners in jail at New \ Fr9ftt. (It 1\ ~ ~ ~ Q to .tlle Swte train ing camp at amp is sile nt. H.e has heard the "well t he members expressed u desire to such a dirty sneak that you cover Haven, Conn., say they alao consider The bass eeallon i. 1. Q ~ a Neillon Dodd to receive t"!' which don e good and faithful se rvant . en- r emain oul of doors . su t he meeting your tracks cumpletely (although you Hopki!\1l ~ b. W !lS called to ord er in the shaUe on it " un fair and cruel" to make tbem !qr' tbe nellt few Osborne'; rl ....... ... 4 Q \ 0 Q 0 wU\ ~~able thelll to a ssIst III .t he in- ter thou into the joy of t hy Lord." cannot hide the m from God) Ilnd go to chapel every day. They wnnt tb e f r ont 111 wn. . .,.....; _ _ _ _ _ struetlon of the Wnrren"Coun tv 4-8 p~ ~t'~J D. W. An e lecti on of offi ce rs be ing held, th e n you smile inw the face of your th. e sam e rl,ghts as Yale sudents. But .In ...Il TI!b4\' ... ........... Ii 16 27 12 5 Clu b camp. This r eco mmcndnlton th e f ollow ing {a llow ing were named vic t im' s owner nnd pose as a good they nre willing to go to church onee . \\las acce pted by the F arm Ru ~eau . . a week whereas t he Yale men defo r the e nsuin g year.: PresideJlt, neighbor. Fi.e fOI' shnme I 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9Program committees were a ppointGod Almill hty hated a hypocrite manded' the right to stay away alto. Mrs. W. R. Lewis ; VIce-preSIdent, M~rchants .. 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 0 0-6 ed for both the cluQ t.nd the women's ore than anything e lse, and your gether. This shows bow careful we Mr. M. A. orn ell, secretury-treasurer dl,i~lbuthin of Miamis ...... 1 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0- 5 camp with the ro lOrnmendations that Mr. Kenn eth Boug h; executive com- aLI of poi80n that you threw into should be to set a good example. have been Home run- Latham. ba s ketr~ ~ o uld be inclu~ed in the your ne ighbQr 's yard will bounce bock mi ttee, Mrs. M. A. Cornell, Mr. C. L. placed a lmost evBtolen bnsCII-BauBman, Satterth. ~o\l.rj\(e tOt both camps and that spec.. into your own head with double force. Duke . The French Minister of Indu8try ery count)' In the State. For weeks waite, E. Burton, T. Burton, Fro"" . ial Instructors be secured for the The Misses Rhea Janet lind Evelyn Wattlh und SCI!, for "As ye mete. it discovers that fashion can alrect a report. Ibow- that "blUll1 are jumpln' " Double play- McPherM\t\ ~\I, SCt\indle,r women's camp ill .Home Beautificashall be measured to you again full Ca r twright fav ored us with a duet nation's prosperity. Frtlnce makes and lome record catches Ilre ce1'tllin L ft n h u'!-icnant 5' loU tlon lubject.s. and overfl owing." So, "Be sure your s ilks, velve ts, feathers, rulea f tJ , \)lh~!t-,""" r -' " , . ' The township chairmen present at Cutworms and sad we b worms, which wa s mu ch uPPfeciated. .J to be reported. Latenellll of· the - s ins will find you out." ge R. J . Shawhan gave us 'Iuite ion. Women have been using little Ion the cold weathert:haa· .. "ela~~ am~~~1~' ·Bnll- SehPtl'. the committee meeting weftl, !\frs. which have caused rather henvy loss- lin Jud Hll rveysburger. in ter esting t alk on "Birds, Bees material in th eir dresses and French rl~:.vJltng lfP.l~ W!!f w~@klI, l1'~ in Willi pt\~h ~ltf~Pherlftn. John Jack, of . Salem el to c9rn truck crops on sod and Fl owers." Both entertaining industries have suffered. That iii to in some parts of and instructive wcre the fllcts about U\1lpll'ca-Thomveon and Prender- president; Mrs. J. 1.. IYlI~n(ler~lI,.J change. Soon American Women will galt. of Woyne, secre~~; when th ese common object~ brought· to find. themselves wearing lo nger sklrte lio oold teuon. and It I, wltbrn t.lle our attention. fashion s calling for many yards of Tlm~-Two O'Neall, Wayn,~; ltM!. rigbt. of eVlry Ohio Rlld,nt, If heI _ _ _hours. ... _ • East TQrijeW'~k; MM!. Chas. He nry ']~~~~:1; 1~!~~~:~:~~~~~ R" '~Olruln ... Mr. W. R. Lowis next gave us a goods. . c.n to .aten baa rum now on untl Mrs. Hannah Antram, for mD:ny of \'urtlecreek; Mrs. ae~s..~~?:, "nLornU ' O- r cvlew of an address he l'ecently had Secretary Hoover, III an able speech, the 'cold weather le1a In. The next ' ° HOIiVoC, of Deerfield; Mrs. Roy F. stution. hcurd give n by a Habbi in a ~ . .E. years a r esident of Waynesville, died cijatribui!on of ft.Ib by Chief Thompu~tQ and Mra. Ethel Starkey, of Harlan, About th.! only ing that can bo churc h in Columbus. F rom thIS ad- at her home on Mnin street, Inst Frl worries about our national morale. "The mornl and spiritual may be sub_ Ion will be late in the Fall, and reand Mrs. Florence Kersey, o.f Waflh- done in field!1 where tho pests appear dress he quoted: "In esselials, WO day night. merged by our · greot material su~­ ponafrom batcherle! are to the etreet Ma~on Wa\~'l:t\ aon ot Rlch- ington Tp. in large numbers after the corn is should have unity; in nen-essentials Several weeks ago .Mrs. Antr:am cess." He did not say whethe.r 8ub. that the I.te distribution will be eYen ard ~rY )ful'ray, was born in ....:..- - -. - ••- - up, is to replant between the rows we shou ld have diversity; in all, we fell and suffered injuries from whIch, mergence wo uld come from the bootbe'ter t.han \l1a~' of ~e I!ar!r §pnnl~ No..:.: ~arnt. Highland county, July leaving the remannt of the first should bave eharity." ow ing partly to her advanced age, leggers, hijacliers and night clubs or 2'"11, ) 8'11. Died lit bis home in Mt: planting on which ' the larvae have We adjourn ed to meet next month she never recovered. aU of Holl)" June ll, 1926, aged 64 years congregated I~ nd will continue to feed at the home of Mrs; Mamie Retul\ick. Quiet and unassuming she was re- from high finance. goln, 10 'montlls and 17 days. He leaves as a protection to the second plantspected and held in high esteem by In all ages good men have worrune sister, Mrs_ Val M~ers, of nea\, all who knew her. She is survived ing. • the 1'111.."·......,, In gardeD$' a nd truck fields the larby her grandson, Fred A. Caskey, of ried about ' the general condition of morals. One fine ' Roman emporor funeral Ile.rvl~.e w~" In obarge vae can be ' destroyed by scattering Washington D. C., a sis ter, Mrs. Brad of Rey, J.. A, Wll.hbu~n. and burial lumpa of· bran over the ground street, of Xenia, and a brother, Jo- had to discipline hiB own daughter. But somehow the human race maDseph Miller of Springboro. wa.-I" Middle ,Jloll cemetery. Tile H·nppy Hour club was enter- An eft'e ctive mash is mnlle of 60 • C..... of Tbaaka The funera l service WU R held in ages to swgger II10ng, gTndually impt>unds of bran, also 2 pnunds of I to extend sl.n cere thanks to talned at the hOllle of M,!-s. Arthur St. Mary 's church, of which she was proving. Every new generation, ev' green, G chopped lemons nnd a and neIghbors and all who so Hartman TueRciay IIfternoon, June. 8'. a communicllnt, Monday morn1ng a t ery new-born haby, is n clean page of chea p molasses, mixed with roadl, IUIIIIsted during the sickness and The Jlreside nt WIIS n o~ vresent, so the 10 o'clock Rev. ,John J. SchnITer, of- on which a ncw story of progress or 3 gallons of water. to do ' the, of my bl'Q~her. mecting wns called to ord er by the ficiating. . Burial was in Spring boro can be written . "Most spe cies · of cutworms nnd started' bu\ldinK . , Mrs. Val Myers. vice'prcli(\ent, Mrs. Frnnce~ Sotterth- webworms are grass insects. The The Gnrrison brothers. of Frank- cemeter::..y.:...___•• _ ••_ _ __ roads. Gravel from the the • walto. 'Tho meeting wns ope ned by eggs a re deposiled in grass fields in lin, wh o wer e arr e~tcd as suspects in Th c 'I~ reusury Department Bureau of Efficiency, Crane and Company, ellm_ reading the Cl't!ed and singing n song in July • . Aug'ust lind Se pte mb er . [f th e inUTIl eI' of J. A. Benge, who was 'Ohlo rivel' liayo beel u&cd, . currency paper manufactuI·ers. and '· hlgb freigh.t. charges!and to., . , _, ~'lil - "LanA', Long Ago." in a'I:Ft infested sod land which is to go into kill ed lRst Mar ch du ring a r obbcry • .. lte III • . At the ro ll clIlI memh ers r espond ed th e Bureau of Stantlllrd s combined, the Th irkield s tore in FI'unklin , flay ' moat the entire rll. ~,'all£n hy I'~nding poellls. The minutes of co m or othe~ s pring crops is plowed at uCler long Tl'search, announce that sig ned confessions of the r obj!!l1hPtji\el1, · 'fit~·"pfk The local W. C. T, ·U. Inatitute will the last meeting an.l a t reasurer 's ea rly in the fall and kept cu ltivnted have hcry a n" killin g. They are co nfin ed . The marriage of Miss Anna Thom- the life of a one-dollar' bill is only • ..,~~t'ni);' Pcmllne)' ~fll~ , ..." ~ 'be . beld tn .tho ¥\l~odlat . e~urch, on report were read nnd llcc~ p ted. Es- to kill al1 ve,getation, th e larvae will in ns and Mr. Madison E"iunhart WIlS ~ ix minutes. th e Warre n county jnil. and lilt w..k be wtll~ .C lvn .tCl. • el\' . e Tbu...~" .Tune 17, bl!glnnmg II} 10 ther Mitchner, Glenna WlIso n and be starv.Cld b(~fore lhe corn or vegeta• 'I'he <lvoragc citizen can testify that The Ilrrests were made at the solemnized at tho M. E. parsonnge, ble crop is up in th o sprin g. " • . progJ'l!lII ' made, It Willi .natural tliat o'clook; . fl d in sligation of Mn y Whitlinger, 16- on Saturday. June 6th, Rev. L. A. in so me cases the life of a one-dollar he . . . !riven an en.thUllaatic recep· Mrs Dr. W. P Fries, of Dayton, Opal Reason were appoi nted' t o n a Jlerforming the ceremony. Washburn bill is less than six min u te8. yeur-old girl of Frllnklin, who snys tion at •• 11 ·1iol~tI, for: It taltes. thou- and president of ' the Mongomery place for the club picnic in August . Tho bride is ' the charming youn g she nursed ih e wound of one of ~ h e sanda of· IjJlendld 01\10 folks out· of coun~ W. C T. U') will be the apeak- France Salterthwalte, Nellie Bun· J ames Brand, f our years old, was Garri son brolhers. and n ftct' telhng daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. E. thmakes It pOlllllble for tb .. ei.i' el'. .' covered dl8h luncn. "';1\ h .. ,nn,e'l~nl ...."n,d ?tInn Satterthwllite wer e apOf ,. . . . .1. d dl trlct b 18 '''\ '!o.. " as a dinner committee for th her mother ih e mother infornw d th e Tliomas nnd a graduate of the Way- disobedient. His fa t her admits that cblldren w a~n I" Ie 00 , "ned. ' . .. "arne picnic. For .a progrnm f.or. f thed officials. Hel' story, a ccording t o nes vill e High SChool, a~d ' has \~on he had thr eat e ned to cut the boy's lind 0"", up the main market art&Prosecutor Dilatush, was am plifi ed, many fri ends and assoellltes durin g head off, hoping the threat. might whI6h had-jJrevio\;!8~y . .~.~n ~e' " : ! t Julv meeting Elsie Hockett, WillI .re m d tn th ,f ' " Starr and Lydia Vandervort were apfrighten him in to obediunce. It had and said it is appar ent the re lire a her scl1001 life. number of details concernin g th e kil1- . Tho g room is the 80n of Mr. and not that e ffect. On Monday James !!!. r!l"1111 ' ..' rate. In luch IltUa"tio.II It is the duty pointed. Mrs. Burton Earnhart, of Dayton, and Brand got lin ax nnd, trying to carry • . The program committee for the ing ' wh ich must b~ uncovered. '. . Troy ' real- of the COUl't, to afford tke taxpayer afternoon then took charge. JeanThe broth ers in their conf essions, is employed in the General Assembly out his f nth Q r'~ ideu, cut oft' the h ead Rev. John K. Howell is very ill at the Ohio , full protection of laws paaaed' for ette Wileon sang, Mary Edna Satte~ of hia littk brother, aged three. He agreed that Charles. the youn ge r und of the Delc o, at Dayton. up the etudy belleilt. .Not only those 'WhO thwaite ' Ruth Hockett each gave his home in Port William, sufferin g For the present the young couple kill ed the brother. Children imitate lent .to the priato the polls but all who bad a . and Jean Hookett favor_ with a stroke of paralysis. which unmarried onc of the pair, had done will reside in Dayton. the ir pal·ents. Be cnreful how you s hooting. operatl9~, and to vote. were' entitled to timely instrumentnl music. A seized him last Th ursday morning. theProsecutor t hreaten, or set a bad example. has announca norae. it was propoled to lower Alina Louise Honk and This is Mr. Howell's second stroke ed that he didDilatush not expect the grand '_"..,1,.,'•• lome "notiee for exceedK h of paralysis, he' having suffered a nune wu printed on e bY ./fIary at rl'll first s troke four years ago. Inasmuch jury to be summoned to hear eviMr Howeil is past 86 years of age, dence against the brothers until the t~! ~ntertained by Mis9 as little iJl. held out for his recov- last of next week, if then. H e de. ~t Ohio , who ery 'hope The Fiftieth Annual commencethat the work of collecting evalthoull'h he rallied Bonlewhat clared ~t!P;~:::~II};: C___• _. . ....... "Myidence and a ssemblinp' it is only half ment of Wilmington college WaS held I ue 80m II of the in- Mo~day morning, and scemed bright: completed and he will not ask for a June 11 1926, when the largest class iii h'er and training which er than he hud since the sccond grand jury unti] all details of ' the In the history of the college received stroke seized him.- Wilmington News case are worked out. diplomas. - -.-.,..,I, • S)le to 'help Among . the number were the folto her Journal. Mr. HoweU is the venerable father lficant lowing ·: William Ogden, Charles of our form er cit izen, B. S. Howell , tmMoore, Burnet' Butterworth, Merlo EIand is well known. h~re , .having Ue, Imojean Gray, Lau~a McKinsey, spent considllrable of hIS tIme In Way . Olara J. Lile and Lula FeaJy. nesville with his son . The address was given by Dr. John Tuesday night, at their . pleasant W. Withers, dean of the sc~ool pf Ed • home on Third &tretlt, 1Ili88 Mart~a uca'tii n of 'New York univerSity, in O'Neall and Mrll. Les~r Go~?n en~ which be tried ,to 'impress u po.n t~e tertained with chll~mmg bospltality, gradu -tea the necellllity of helpll\g to , a email groUP91 1f1onds· · solve.~e pr~~Jl-t-day . problelll8. , years old the' Soon after the ,uests · assemb,led, ll.:~ )0... . . . N. p.. Blatt, tliey were invite'cl to tbe.' dinirig-roo!ri . i \ ( • • ~ :.. ' I ... ' noW of and Il'iv~n "8ea~ ai the .~ble w1!leb .. '. otL ....:.L.· '.'CI"~b.,Ma·:r'~;;d. about WIU! tnIItily ammged for six, .nd M ~lIOir UI . &,.;;" adorned · with a · C!~nte",i.eee . of beau, tiful l'~'!l~. A daipty' and deU~i6~ .T he ? l.ytle, .MoJben' ~ltb will



b Ii . 1






- ---



To The Dog Poisoner


'ii :::::9: \ 44






i:r I~': l~~Il1::O;:il~



Hannah Antram , ---


Wa Iter M »11 ..-)',




WeT u ' I loSt" uille

Earnhart·· Thomas

" W,d.J.n. '..." 1



, 'ri;:t

li J.f~;P.ft'~






_______.. __----4_~.

. Received Diplomas




.- .

Entertained Friend.

( Autom.obl·le . Acc.°cJent ·


lunih~ w~:::e~o't 'tbl" deliKhtfu~lj: :=!j~~Ctt!.~f.'. 1I1i~


Informal affair enhan~oy Vlc.. .-,,--troIs Illume. Tboee IilvitecUo en· joy It wer-e 11. . . Emma Helcbw:.,.. lIAr W.b!L..~ KatII ~ uel

lin. D.

~. ~



• _ •



diallship of S ilt' Spenc(' .nn incom- IIC1'llP!!U; ,61.66 i Bame for tw Bapet(' nt, 11'115 1l1f~re(1 by J,( ulIl'dinn, Geo. ker-Maney ~crapllra, $lH09.50. The Franklin lee and lIal 0" coal Jon(!s lind 01)11r ved by t he co urt. • "'CORd Rnd 1'\11111 nceount of the II· (or treet work, ~52.5~ ; Jno Law nnd tutu . ol. W bster 11llifcr, ucccUlIetl, SOli, r epalritl$t tires on county car, was oft' nil by o"ccutil "S, Roy and $2.10; ,.. p. Morris, for ;19 ~ard8 of Robert 'haffer nnd a\,proveq by thll ~to nll, $5.$6; Co ok & Swe eney, 'for furnlllhinjt ,and hauli ng g ravel, $171.COUI't. , 'u '\llId 11 count of the GSw tu of 2~: V: W. TOln['lkins. samo $20; W. P. Me IIrrne,8um ,. $7 61.80; sumo for OMMON PLEAS PROCEED INCS Knte 1.1. Woodwanl, deceuse(I, was yards g'ravcl , 8.40; me for trllck The Sta <' (,f Ohio \'S. Clarent offered hy adm>:. I':d ith W . Mounts, 6r epuir, !ji9; Hame fo r 10 gas boo ks, I . [(\I(I!~ rty . defe nd' nt ~cn tcnc d to 20 Due nolice by pul1li cation havinlC $!l6 .80; H . 1']. llall, gravel, $6:40; y.,;.r.··u f clllltincmcnl at ~hc Ohio pen- been giv tI, thl! court lIppruvccl said Blllir an d Lt-r oy, j!rave l, f OI' Spl'tngucc.lunt. . . , i . · "dan lit horn labll r. u),6 ; J . J{, 'p en Fir~t an d fina l account ur lhe ('s- boro cOl'porntion , Tlw "t llle or Oh io ,·S. James lI" nof dfa riah' G. Smi th, deceased, eel' furni shing alld londing gravel, 1"\. d c i\ r ti lL li t S\,-l\tCIIC(lU l o 20 years tnt $ uia.oa ; T . ,T. s her, g rnv I. delivlO ( hunl lubor III the Ohio penilen- was ofTt' rc d by aumr. Alm F , Simon- ered. $17 .li O: W ' hh Simpson, bridge ton . and upprol'l!d by court. rtillrv. Fir: t and final accoll ut ur the es- repair, Hlunilton Tp., $6.10 ; W. A. I ,,'nn.u .Innnl'Y Miller LIS u"mini~trll­ snme. ni on 'f p., $6; Th o Or, 1,., x nl' til ... c~tn te Tho mu. bll<-r, tut e (,f ~'luq:(nr ... t D",,,",,n . d~ccas<ld, Scott, .gonlll BI'i<l ge Co . mllte rilll f or the .I~cl'u>lId I' ~. W. H . Slll~f r ied . I1S ud- w,,~ " [,,red by ntlrnr. Frank Il u\vso ll Drckf r bridge repllir, $66.25; lIar· , , mll1 i~ tl'aLur o ( thl: c~t.atc a f Laura in prnbnt.·. and II'U S approve d. fo'r ~t lind fina l nccount of the es· lun Wh itacrC', Slime, ror brirlg(' repa ir Miller . (I ccc a~e d f' t lll. , upLi n t he apill Harlan Tp., $51,11 1; Frllnklill Vulpla'n ti"n I. f th o plnintilT s rvice by late o f Wi lLi nm E. Mer ritt, deceased, cnniziny. 0., truck r epai r, 53.2 7 ; , "\lulit'at iun w as orde l'ctl by court up- wn~ ull'urt'd by admr. Iv y J . Merritt. H ersclwl F . J lltne&. truclt r epa ,r. and app roved by lhe cIJurt. 0 11 Lh c duro n(lunt~. $).17.0 ; W ill lI1 ullott, vulcnni 7. illg La~ t will nnd tcstnm ent of William Th,' ~Ullc of Ohio " 5. Carl Runda ll, tir"~ on county cur, Sil; 1' h.' Morro w Os clIr Keevur, ,jl'ceu sed. was admitIlnswcr to bUl'lrlary lIldictml'nts Lumb pr Co., lu mber and supplies for 1in . "iJ d,·f( !ulant WIIS give n three sen- cd to probate. );ule bill in t e estate of Dr. J. 111. Hurl nn Hnd Salem Tps., $44.83; It.: llcC!S of con liu e na'n t h l thl' hio :<Jlm.. 7 bar rels cellle nt, 21; Tigar & Stnle f('(ot nullury (niUl n nll Lt. nel"en Wri):ht, del'cas",I, WIIS fitc·d in pro- Churit on, fo r spik es, 70 cents ; I nter y ar~ ,--HI l ' lch ~~ n C tlCl' ! l'ia id :S"'nle n ~ bnto cnurt by .. dmr. C. Donald DiI- ,'tatl' Oil Co. , t o gas co upo n books, n lu :-;h . ceo to II ' ~~"\,N.J cu 'n lllaliv t., I~· . Sale bill in the eslat/' of Matildn $()O; G . F. F I WI'r8, ~rnv e l , !lOc; B1uir Th, :' tUlt' of Ohio , .• . ( ' hu rl c" A . and L roy, f or '~ rnv,, 1 all d coal, $ 129._ :;d,V,I1 ·.\'t'r. SH l d ,h' f t'I Hfa ll l was sen 1I 0~ i e ,., deceased, was tiled in Ilrobatu 7.1; McC lus key T IITch Co. , one dozen ,'·ul!(.ld t~) n ut It,:,s (h a n .1I l' V l' Ul' nor by exec utrix, Ethel H()s icr En rnhurt. Report of p ,'ocl'cdinJ,:'s in the ' es- I"rch Ii ~ h ls, $:J7.3:1; C. C. Beall, for ll '. d ' ll t hn n 1\ H('" 11 \" ('al "\ II I ill(' Ohio hIll' 0f Ma t il(la ll os iel', decease d, t lore" CQI·. of n u.I",,1 st one $288; l'Pt"lltl . ', )I'V I\ l :\l ..l n~Ji\.' ld. H. S. Co noVl'r, s upplies fu r F rnn klin ~ hll·.' " I ·w . I'; . (;ra hu' Il , ,.1' Frank - IIwd" by eX ·clIll'ix. Ethel H osiH Eurn COI·p., $ 16; Th e J. \Y . Li ngo Co .. sop lin. \\ u!" n p pUIIHltd IJY till' \'o urt. to hurt, lin de l' fO I'mer order of tho court . . plieN. $H. 82. u .... 6i... III ,'n n vt.'yiu PII"'4f, Ul'rH to tht- w a IIpprtwcd. . DOllald Dilatu sh, liS admr . of the !"lult· fI , jurIllHt CJry . ~ t I.llIsfil1ld, :"\ I' d I'u \\' DI .u lt \\a ~ ;tpl'lIintcd by e,lat<· uf Dr. J. M. Wl'ij!ht, deccased, til .... (, .. lI! L til; t III cnnYl.'yioJ! Clnr. \' ~. Will F. Wrif(ht "t Ill., r epo rt of Mule-Hide r cpre5enu a lor tre&$ of protective strength '''C~ 1I11~~l'rt ) '1' ,.1 ,I"",,·, lI enry to "1,, inUIT conccrn inl(' , a le of ren l est.ale of ~tli d ('s tate show l' d procerdand roof endurance. th~ ( Iill(, P"I1I\, "t. u,)' al C" lu 'll uus. ttl be in' acc ordan ce with form er . 1t •. '.I, i'lL' I ' " ' ". I'au l K£' lIlp" r, i•l!g-~ 1\10 other asphalt roofing offere such attractiven~lI­ Illlli nlilf wa s ~r!ln t(' <1 div(J"cc on rd,'r of th v court, alit! that snill real g rnull d~ o f ~ l' \' ~M Ill'g l.'ct of <lilly a nd c"latc has not yet been "o ld, as no much u ltra-dt:pcnda bility as Mule-Hide- the "Not a Ne w t erms of r ~~tt)"~d 1lI Iwl' OIa id ~n nHm !; ti l' Ruth bids were ,'eceivc rl. 'cit in D M' lion Feet" Roofing. f{, )It'("'~. T h" ruu, t tI ",l crud t hot th e ~u l e were a rranged nnd will be ad Showing that milk production in ,ll·iendallL pay t " l he pla .inLlff the vertised. Crown y our bome with Mule-Hide, it "challenges the Holph B, Parks Quulified a nd ac- a hl'fd began to decline ulm ost "im· s um r ~\.jOO , ",ilh illt~ r (' ~ l lit six pel' elements"_ Ce tlt, pll),ubl(, in in ~ ta llr lll, "ts uf $16 ceptod th e II ppointme nt IlS adm r , of ul taneo,usly with th e deve lopm ent Lh" ostate o f Mary J . Langdon , de- of t uberculosis am on... the cows, n r ep r month_ ceased .. und gave ~40 , 000 Lo nd .. H. port r eceived by the U. S. department S. Conove,', Geor ge Gutes and E. M. of Agriculture discusses a t opic of NEW SUITS l'hil'kicld were appointed as a pprais- unusual interest in practical . dairyin g. T he in sidious nature of tuberRuby I IIm~ey I·S. J,'sse 'Ramsey, ac_ ers o f s aid estale. culosis ma kes the lime of first infecti un rll r <I ivol'" heing char"ed. Artion difficult to cstablish and other - -l hur Bryan l, nttul'licy. MARRIAGE LICENS ES I'llriab\e factors make the s tudy of 111Y WullnclI vs. Edwll rd Wallace, Jr. divorce, gruss ncgl ct charge d. C. John Hayn es Vlln Rip er, of South this qu estio n very complex. But In B. Dechant, nttorlley. Lebanon and Evelyn Camp, of Leha- the case r eported t he ev id ence indicat~s that in two yea rs the sprea d Anna Miller. !IS allmlnistr utrix of nOli .. the estate of Thumas Miltor, deceasAndy D. Bohla nder, st eel worker, of bovine t u bercul osis caused are· d, V:<. W. H. Siog fr ied, ndm in istrator Low Point, ]11., and Ru th Emma Mc- duction in tbe milk of the herd, which ave raged ubo ut 10 cows from un an of th c:!t.ntc of Laura Millor, deceas. Millan, of Wayn eS Ville. cd, uction fur the direction. j url g men t J, Mad ison Earnh art electrician , nunl production of 111.178 pounds to un d ol'dtr of the court respecti ng the of Dayton, a nd Anna Elizabeth 'f h o- 82,1 73 pou nds. The decrellsc In income from th e sa le or milk amountpel'gonal property of suid Laurll MiI- mIlS, of Waynellville. l e~ , the duties of t his a dmx, in the Rober t W. Strickle, of Dayton, and ed to approximately $870. Officials of th e Bureau of Animal payment and distribution thereof, Gladys Sh erman, of Franklin , Re v. • Industry. U . S. departm ent of Ag .. i. und "for a ll ol her relief to which the Cald well named. tulture. point out that the Indemnludmin istratrix may be entitled. How· Robert N. 'Se ttlemyre of Clarks· ville, and Winif red L r.lisel, of Ore- ty paid for tube rculous cattle detecIlrd W. Ive ns, uttorney. go nia. Rev. Beckett, ' of Washington ted by official t esting 18 well kn own to be a means of hasten in g t ubercu· C. n., named. PROBATE PROCEEDINCS John WillialTl O'Donn ell, an engi. losis er adication. However, in tile Inventory and apprllisement of the n eer, of Frank lin, nnd Emily Cat h- light of the foregoing tlgures the reestate of Chnt'les H. Wade, deceased, arine Malone)', stenographer, 01 duee4 income from a tuberculous herd flW'Y equal 0; even . exc.e ed the til ed by executor s Perry E . and Oscar Franklin Rcv. S chne id er named. John Fran.k Hazelwood, of Frnnk- amount of I~rnty ordinarily paid C. Wade. J~ Proof of pub lication of t he notice lin, and Mary L'ouise Schwytzer, clerk This lo ss tbe tJffi~"' 8 , onclude, should of appointment o f Char les J . Wag- of }yunklin, FUNERAL DIRECTORS gon er as ad mr. of t he <",tate of Ben· 'WAYNESVILLE;, OHIO jamin D. Welton. 'deceased, was filed REAL ESTATE FRANSFERS in Pro hate court. Vi, q:T .THEM QUICKLY AND Emma Worn en, of Lebanon, to Wi! . . FREE OF CHARGE Proof ' of 'publication of ,t he notice NOTICE , Fully Equipped for Good of appointment of CW. J. Waggon- In Haggard, u part of lot No. 284, lot CALL US ANY TIME AT OUR No. 286 aud a part of in-lot 287, all er as executor of the estate of George EXPENSE Service. CITY WATER _ USERS three tracts being wi thin t he village W. Jack, deceased , was fil ed. 'Large Display Room. Lebanon, for private considernProof of pUblication. of the notice of On 91 water conditions tion. Amb ulnnce Service o~ appointment of _the Lebanon Namany people a r. Q91P~tl od to use Arthur Ray IJwd to Mnry C Horn city wllter fo r washing ~ f}11I 11)tional bank a s admr. of t he estate of P.... • HARVEYSBURG, O. TELEPHONE 7 ll... Y OR NIGHT Clydb Thompso n, deceased was flIed. a part of out-lot)Co 2 in E lIi~t's ad~ convenl enced beca use of lie - b ardp~"" ditioin to Le bal!lon, awd portion havTo overeolOe till! Ilad one t ea. Silas A. Snook was appointed all appraIser in the estate · of Samoal J. ing 76 feet f t(ll1tage am! is slightly spoonful of Rub-No·More Walhlnll less than one ~lcre' in aU, $1. ' Powder (t he OrlGioal 50 'W ater SottBean, d eceased, to r eplace Albert Irene B. Ungileshy to Frederi~k aod enor) to each gallon of city water. :t:'rYe, 'who is onable to attend to his Ethel Jung, lot No. 67 in the 'M.~k,l1).o IT SAVES SOAP. dut il'S as such. BeSides Its 16 household U MgOB It IIW additiion to the village of Frank. Inventory a nd appraise ent of the lin, ~, th" only clea nse r thllt · w1ll clen n $1. e~tate of Sam ue l J. Bean, decejlsed, ~ubs and dissolve upon slnlu! James W. Coates and· Em ma R. r inSingeM . . N.II Mfll} }pn to clog draln fi led by executors Arthur and John to Lilla M. Sheets, 8 part of COfttes pipes. ,W. Bean. • 1M EFe Sieh t First and final account of the es- lot No. 64 in l.ebanon, $1 IR!!I!!!!!I!!I!!!I_ _~!!!!_!' , Mary Wils on Pryor and Guy M. tute of Everett P. Dechant , decease d. Pryor , of Cincininati, to Annie Ham-=:!!~~=~========~ was nled b~ admr. Chas_ J. Waggon. Will Pay ilton, a small p lot of land on West er. , LehanOJi, Ohio Inve ntory and appraisement of the Warren street i n Lebanon, $1. J ean ette E. Lyle, of Humilton estate of Williiam Lefever, deceased, county, and OrviUe K. Brown. of Leb: was til ed by exec. Elizabeth Watt. A report 01 proceedings under for_ anon, to J . M. Earnhart, sec tions of from lots 291 and 293, in LeblIiOO L m. to 4 p. m. mer order of cou rt by executrix, aland Telephone 292VV Ire ne UlIglcsby ini the cstilte of Clif- non, $1. Linnie Reev,!s to Fielder B HarMiamisburg, Ohio ton Unglcsby. was presented t o and ri~ , real estat(! on Main 8tre~t, of haarlem-oil-bas"beeR ~ a' World~, appro ved hy the Probate court. We Pay yo .... T elephone Calla if We L ebanon $1. F h'st and final account of th e g uarwide remedy for kidney,liver anel Buy Yo .. r Po .. ltry, John b. lind! Emma F. lI1yers to Annette Liscar, tcn IIcres in Turtle- bladder disorders, rheumatism; c~eek Tp., on t he Lebl/"on-Oregonia IpmbeJo and uric acid conditicml! pike, $1 .


Which 1 ~aiDt . " for yo 'urfloors'? hetieRI tests r prope ;Dnnie ~alitg



~ ~ ~-------~~


Cha e



And whereverlluch a test has been 'made, Devoe Floor Paint haa proved its su'

the Ie ents

~ A ' -KICK IN -A MILLION FEET " -------------------------------------------------

w. H.,Madden & CO. . . . .



Walter -McClure E. ,McClure

Baneyshurg Fe_r:Co.

.DR.E.M.RUDOLPH . live Poultry,. Specialia~

WAN TEl) ,.


At Ciry's Jewelry .Shop,

::.'ii-O R OVER

26c per pound

.Eve~y <T uesday A.D.Swank&Son

NO -.the Extra 'Process for Extra Miles! a 1 Tire

eco rds

The SOO M U ~ Speed Cla .. lc ot Indianapolu h .... alway beeo a Bllttle ofTl.res.ln 191., F1reetoocwon with fabric tlrct at 7".59 1l'\ll' per bour. In 1920, Firennne wnn with cord tire. at 88.5 5 mile. per hour In 1925 Fitt.tooe WOllWIri1 Full-Sl:e Oun\-D ipp<!Od Balloon. at the recnrd breaking overage rrpeed of 101.13 milea 'per hour:

In 1926, Fireotone again woo with Full.Slu Gum-Dipped BnlloolU. The 'ten can to fioilb "lD the money" were .all Firesrone.equlpp<!Od. They went the 4htancewitho ut 11 ~inglc blowout and with but two tire failures-one due II

punaure and tbe other to a leaky valve.

The Firestone Record in Batde of Tires at Indianapolis Mila Tfrel

:ii%'.'ll: Fu..rou.

P.lm6r GoocItkh


PeT H"""

74.'9 78.70 76.92 112.47 89.84 8 ).26

'Ibie Pl'riormnnce is even m ore remarkable whell )'ou conaidu the

terrific .pecd. Dt wbJch the car. traveled over thu fifteen.year.old, .rough brick track. Experi en.:cd rDce driver. will not ri .k th eir liv~& or chsnees of victory on onv other tires. And lD the comme rcial 6eld, large .truck , motorbus and taxicab fl eet 0'l'"rl1torll, who keep careful coot records arc umong the big use" 0 Fires tone Gum-Dipped T~re •• The Cit), T ransportation C o. , of T COmo, W ash., writes: "Ooe of our 12 buses on FIrestone Gum.D1flPed TIres has ~onc over 40,600 miles Dnd still 1001<1 good for fI\Ooy miles of extra service For aU orowld ure a.fery IUul mileage, Firestone cannot be beat." From Calumet Motor Coach Co., Hammond, Ind. , the followlns. "We operate 40 b~ all equipped with Gum-Dipped Tire•. The very low COlt per mile on whlcb theae tIrea operate ill colUllderobly leu than that of any othermw." Haya Bua Lines, Columbia. S. C., SIly, "We operate 19 buae. equipped with Firestone Gum.Dipped Tires. A nwnber of these tire. have ruo over 45,000 miles without ever hovlne been removed from the rim." The larKu t taxicab companle. In the world rnmdlU'dhe on Flrestoruo Gum.Dipped Tires. W . R. Rothwell, toxfcab operntor, Detroit, Mich., wliLeI: "Two of my Fiftarone Gum-Dipped Tires WlVC run 76000 m1l.ea." ' Hun<he4a of thowandt of car owners voluntarily testify to the eafelT, comfort and ecollomy of Full-51u Gum.Dipped BalIOOtU. W. H. Peacock, Blnnlnaham, Ala'J tatlfit.. "I have hnd Flr...tone Balloolll for monm. end they have deJivered lD that time 24;469 miles." H. C. Staehle, MInm:apoUs, Minn., Rytli "My Fireatone Balloona baye gone 49,900 mil.,. aod are Hill lD load coodltion." 'Ibeee records o.f enduranal, .peed. .afery and mllcalle could onl, have been becawe o.f Firootone cIewklpment pi the Gum. Dipplna PI'OCftI which huulate. and pery 01 ~ eOrd wfili rubber, reduclni friction and h~a' aod InJUdln.i ICI'CD8tb aod cn4uraucc In che c:orda-~rlni you at III . '!!O



DEVOE Floor Paint COULDN'T FEAST HIS EYES be a s grea t an inducement 118 th e e xpected ind mnity (or havi ng lhe t os t appli ed promptly. so as to ch ck the Mlln entering r es taurD nt -- " YOlt r avages of th e disease, economic los- hllve u mince pic in you r windowses a nd dange r t o mankind. the oll e with tho rnisi ns on top!" W iter- "Ccrtllinly; do YGU want a picco?" " No! Ye gods, no! I'll give YOIl a dollar to t hrow the whole thing out It gives me indigestion every tiTQe t .. A good t ime to cut sweet c lover comc past." . is whe n th e first blOSSOms appear a nd befol' e th(, seeds begi n to form;' says L. E. Thatche r, associate agronomist Read Our Ad •. in Thi. I ..... oJ t he O. A. E. staUon. "If a ll owed to stand too long," he says, "tile second yellr 'jJ P 'owth rapidly beqo mes too coarlle lind woody to mjl~e good hay." Sweet clover In the el\rly blollsom stage contains much water and must be give n plenty of time to cure in MO EY LOANED light windrow, following Borne dryi ng In the swath. "The hay ehould be rake d a nd han- LOANS on Chattels,Stocks, Securi. ties and Seco nd Mortgagel. Note. dIed when slightly to ug h before the -dew is entirely evaporated the bough~ John Harbine Jr., Xenia, forenoon. Othe.r wise many leaves, Ohio. ·mSO-'26 ..,hlch are the most valunble part of tile hay, will be lost by shattering. "Usually the b est qu ality hoy is 'np.~11 in th e fall from t he first 'year's grDWttl, /fhfO &econd year's growth Fanners of Wa.nen and adjolnln. Is often prow~d '~PIll,lf iT) the spring, counties may obtain money on Ion. for iTeC n manure, Illed 'fol/ fl3lltll AI Ume losnl, at 5 per cent int.ef<;nt. ryr PI cut l.ter for 1\ .ecd orop." eost of .1IC:~fill' t1\@'~"18 I~ .V~!" '", sonable ,throug'b The Fedeul ~~.~----Bank. For further information caD on or addrelll M. C. DRAKE, Tre... ure~, phone 3IG·X, Lebanon, Obio.

Sweet CI over F or H ay






Farmers, Attention!



Public Sales

I ;will sell at Publi c &11~ ~~ "''' r esidence on High street; Wayne'" ville, Ohio, on ' Saturday, June 19, 1928, _ Beginning at 12 :30 p. m., all my drat tel property,. con8i8tin~ of household goods, a few old-fashioned pieces a large 88lIortment of fin e h and to~ls, BaW', blo!!" &n tackle and a great many outaOllr A. W. N. Sears, Aoe t: •. .. ~ .






, -" . _...... '"'--MAN with a car to leU complete -= line quality .Auto Tire. and Tubes. Exclusive territory. Experience not ne.cesBa ry. Salary ,aoo.oo per month. Mllcstone Rubber Company, Eut Liverpool, Obio. -Je16

• ..

f9~ 1MB ..r;;:;;c

._ -..,...;~-




FOR SALE-.Beetateak tomato, Maft. go and cabbage plante. W A. Lippincott. - J~O FOR SALE-Jc.'ey Bull. 15' months , Edward Breck. president of the -N a. old. Phone 69-6, Waynesville Ohio. -J2S tional Anti- Stee l ~Trap league, Wash. ington D_ C., Is authority for the FOR SALE-Five good milch coWL eJe16 L. C. St John. statement that annualll100,,,00,OOO skin s must be taken With traPs from PLAYER PIANo.:....ln the . vic1nlty cr( fur-bearing animals. .Manyof these WalDesville. Can be l.!O~Mf an imals arc held ' in the traps from llible. Pl\rtlee· fep $b, ·1 iUl one to two weeks betore being killed ftspon due' manufacturer; Itermi'. Ii or IIlowly starved to death. Mrs ranged. For C!onftdentl'l InformaFiske, the great emotional actreSll, hi 852. Cincinheading I! movement to have .the wo- tion, write P. O. Box 1 felS men of our cou ntry r efuse to buy flrs nati, Ohio. ' taken from animals caught In steel FOR SALE-All kinds of ,ardeD traps. . plants; 1 ~ mllesn. orth' of· Wayne.. ... ville, on Fen:y and Waynesville, pike, Try our Class. Columns fer relults R. D. 5. Strouse Bros. ene .~

ZOO YEARS.:, Cruelty of Fur Industry



periority and economy_ Devoe Floor Paint is made in many beautiful colors. Apply it at night and itdrleabymor-ning, with a tough, ddrable finish thnt protects the floor. When applied according to directions, it is guaranteed to give Ii8tiJacdou.

Flt£D M. COLE, Waynesville, Ohio




RACTICAL painters have tested different floor paints time and again, by spreading equal quantities of each, side by aide on the floor of a room.





COMMISSIONERS' ALLOWANCES W. C. Gilm'! u r, coroner fo r inquest, of Enster Sm ,th, $7.20: same for inquest of Louil! Jenki ns, $7.20; A. Brant, heriff, fo r board and washi.~ g for, pri. onen for month of May, ::;2 I 6.86; Barre Lt J)rp5;l s uppli es fo r clerk, of courts, $3.5(1; 'Z'he J. W Li,,!go Co., SUIPplies [or 6cul&1' W(lIghts and m ClIs ul'CS. $2.65' sam e su pplies fo r jail. $8A8; Harvey Burn s, for re pairing luwn mower $1' Bernard Battery Station, supplie; fo; scale r of W. a nd M., $2,25;· T he 00I U tlll>u~ BJank Book Co. s upplies for au di tor, $25.60; rhe Office Outfitter s same, $5. 25; SU III C, s).l jlplies for Recorder , $ 10; W, H. Stanage Co., s up plies for au ditor, $25 .60: John La", und Son, suppli es for selller of W. & M.. Sl 0.4 3; sam e, s upplies for sheri/!' s c,)u nty cal', $39.21; O. S. Hig):111 5 , secretary of Soldiers' Rellef, for salary. $30; Va ll ey Phon e Qo., tolls for county offices, $2 1.06' samo fo r phonc rent of various ~ffices, $48.50; EugeJl(! Gard, fo r bridge pair, $4-1; The Mason Lum ber GO'. fn r 60 tons of crushed stone an;f fre ig ht, $ 108; The K eystone Gravel Co.,/ur 68. t onll of g ra ve l, $29.3 6; V. w. rompkll1s, s up t. of district No.1, , ~or pay r oll, $326.60; F . 111. Colline, fo r payro ll, $205.46 ; Ed~~ Terry, sume. $426.25 ; A. l' Uettlg eame $142 .26; J oscph DaVis', ~a me h07.S5 R. D. EdwaI'd8, Mme, $ab6. 62; P, B. Monse, sallie, s upt. Salem Tp. for payroll, $121.5 10 ; Phillip Heisel ~upt Hamilton Tp., sR me, $41. 16; Harla~ hitacre, BUPt. Harlan Tp., $180.60; . S. Grahum, supt. Wayne Tp .• pay roll, $157.20; The Burrett Co., for 61 0 gallons tarvia, $107.10: same for 10 barrels of tarvia, $$B8.06; The Intemntion~l Harverster Co., for truck repairS, $6.62; The Lebanon Lu.mber Co., lumber for bridge repair, $67.77; The Oregonia Bridge Co., in full ' for contract No. 842 $084; same foi r epairs on tractor' . ~35 .15 ; §Bme-tor extrn"o'rk on' Deck tll' I?~idgel $4~ ..29i ·Ba~rey HOSII; ' for baubn~ gra'l!'ll U16.20;" Harola lIIartz} sam", IF i)!9,1j'O ; olin !JAIme; ger, lor ()a~e 'of IIlnt601,, " lit Pr··a ge,. 108 days !oor " 1I!~ !l7 ; FJ'lInlt ~rinl~, for rejlairlDg ,equipment, f4.9\>; AI.'. thur J. Hill, expeDse for May ,11 80' Leslie Shultz, t ar attending hgh~ o~ road ~o. 36. $1-; E. S. Donnell per W. G. ';l'bompson, first- and flnai estl. mate .on contract No 840, ,642.75; ~. M. Weldner,. for hauling -ITI'Vel, 184.~O; The Standard au Co,' for gas coupon. boob, .188.86, Th~ W, W, Williame Co., frelcht Oil two

'Waynesville, Ohio

( _ i,\


I • S l •L 1


CIOI'I'eet;Intems1 troubles, stlmulatevltal cqam. Three aile•• All dtuUiltLlDII* OIl abe ori8iDaI a;cnuIDe GoLD Maw.




,0~DMl:b.ta. H~AR~E~ ts • •


- ..- - -

·I r-..


51 .




iI !i



'1' 1


Miss Mary, were Sunday evening enUere on K. E. 'l'hompson and \vjie, Lon Brann n al)d wife, K. E . A m~m bClr of stat\' hllve e nnct d ThomJ,lson and \Vifo nnd Mi~B Mary Mrs. Wm. JiJerg llllll aud daughter KlIthl een T oomey spent Su nday in laws requiring' Lbat II s~nu ll I>Ol't\on spent 'Sa turda)' in Da yton. Wilmingto n. , of t ime be clevo ~e d each week in pu hMr.' and Mi1~. Ja~es Johns ;e ~urn­ AlnlOn Ferris an d wHe. Sherman lie schools to tIl<' tellc~ ing of kin an~ s cd to Indian IELke . Monday. F erris an d dau ghter, Lllcila. an d MisB to a nim ols. These lows lire not genMr . IIntI Mrl!. Wil l> ur Swank s pent Anna Frances Pylt, were Su nday er ally observed . Tn th e hlghcl' i)l~ti­ th e week-e nd in Ci nCin nat i. gu estA of C. T. Wi lkerso n. t utions of lea rning th e s u bject is nuv· er mc ntirlne d, Hnd crue l pra ctices in Mrs E lla Gra ha m and daughter,. Mrs: Anna M. Bran non cn te r!.ni ned sports II nri hnzin g nr<, to krntt·(\ . A~ Thelm a, spent MondllY in Day tOil . a t he r home near the ch ur ch fro m 2 u prelude to llbolishing- war, we need l\Irs. Theudore Bishov ' still r e main s t o G o' c lock on Tuesd uy nfl~rnonll . mure k illdn l!llS Laugh~ by pr ecept Ilnd VCI'y ill and hillS lost her e y e~ ight. in honor of Mary Ka thleen Tuonll'Y's 'l!xu mple. e lovc nt h nnn ivcrsury. M l's. I\l Ill'Y Carmony lind Mrs. Clu~ I'a Thompso ll wll re Dayton s hoppers, Mrs. Mtlr y lannon und twu clau!!11 Th ursda y. ters, Hut.h nnd Glcnnu, ~fi "fi Me . Mrs. Ha n y Gl'ahnm is e ntertaining Me ll eotl a nd !l l i ~" !lInck . all uf Wil . hel' s i ~ te l' MI·s. J a mes Nash and Bon s, mi ng t on, atten ded our f.;ulldl\ y-"~ h,)(d picn ic ' a t Ft. A nc ic nl, last Thu , ~d Jly . of ~lI nli cid, Ohio.

Teach More Kindness


-II ,..." .,

t/le " •• /o/Ru.t Weyn ••• m. 01010. c. S. ond c/... /If.1I /••

, . S~b.crlptl,OQ I

Pric •• '1.50.

- .



p~; ·Y.~I' P~"Ii.h ••

1. -____. . . JUNE 16. 1\126



JOHN D'S HAPPINESS RECIPE Jqhn D. ' Rockefeller, hllPPY and hale at Ilighty:six. ottri bu t~s his whuleHomll love o f HIll alld genllrlll good condition to the fo ot th at he never "Icts anything bother him." '1'his is a Ilrst-claS5 r ecipe for happiness. But. how many persons are there in the world who can adopt this nlcthod of insuring peace and good ' . cheer? Many of us bother about a lot of things thut uren't worth the bot her. Mr. Rockefeller would eliminute these things. and so wou ld the r est of us. If only we COUld. For some reMon. howevcr. we concern ourselvcs about so mllny little Inconsequential affairs- linle matters that really do not help or hinder our daily lives. "Mighty ouks from acorns STOW. " covers our mental gyrations often. &ome. tiny little word, or act, b o ther~ us, It begins to grow. and haunt U8 , and finaUy - bllcllusc we're pe rm itted the acorn to bother UB- it becumc8 u mighty oak. shadowing us in despair. J\ serene wol'ld, truly. if all of us would follow John D.'8 rule not til "let anything bother him." "DAN IS It. BLOWED.UP SUCKER" Po Ii tiI:s; always known for its "deals." has developod a new one. Mrs. Miriam A. Ferguson. governor of 'l'exas, announced last week that ahe would resign from office if she did not get a Illajority of 26.000 at th\! Democratic primary to be held on July 24 provided thut Dlln Moody, onposing her for the nomination. would resign as attorney general if he did not get a .mnjority. Foolishly. many thought, Moody accepted tbe challenges. M.ra. Ferguson and her husband. a tormer governor, have fought with Moody ever since the country's first woman governor took office. They say that the Ku Klux Klan and other interests are trying to put Mrs: Ferguson out of office. Moody says he is against them only because the Ferguson adminllltration has been corrupt and husband-ridden. When the governor's hUBband heard Moody had acc~pted the challenge, he threw up his \ hands and ejaculated: "Dan ia a blowed.up s ucker ,and a gone fawn!lkjp" If a third candidate should prevent either of ·th., ~wo from cetting a rna· jority, n.ither will hivil t~ resign. Otherwise one or the other will have to l'esign after the primary, and It Is justly conceivable that both might ha ve 'to resign under the liberal t"l'ms . of the agreement-if Mrs. f \\t:8;\lIOIl should win w~t~ ~ ml!~Qf'Qr Q{ less ~~a!l g6,IlQQ, .

Milton R. Moskow, twelve·year-olll San FrancIsco schoolboy who alneo the l1li0 of live hM plllterDed his Ufe after that of Abrnhn.m LIncoln, Mplros to occupy the Wh Ite House some day a8 his horo did. Ho has been noml. nated Ill! a candIdate for the American Youth Award established by the dlrec> ton of tho SesQul-Centennlal International ExpOSition. beld In Pblladelphla from Juno 1 to Decemher 1 In celebration of '150 years of American Indepen. dence. Under the plan of the A~l\lrlcaD Youth Award and the American Teacher A.ward, euh state will select a boy and a girl and a woman teacller Who beet rep!'Qent American Ideals, and they will be given trips to Phila.delphia and to Washington, where they wlll recelYe medals from PreSident Coolldle. .


lett, Mrs. Mary Harve y. Mrs. Etta Brooks and IIIrs. Goldie Clark wer e hostesses to the M. E. Aid Thurstl uy afternoon. After the business routine. l11rs. Collett gave an interesting reading and Mrs. Haines anp Mrs. Brooks read articles appropriate for F lag Day. The home demonstration agent, Miss Watts. was present. and gave an inatructive talk. Three new names were added to the roll. A dainty lunch of strawberry shortcak e with whipped cream and iced tea was served.

Miss Berni ce Gra ham spent se veral days lost wt'l!k in Day to n. the guest of Mar garet Sims. Mr. Riley ~ Ily l o r ond friend, MiS1l MarLha Nichoh!, we re ca lling o n LyLie fr ienU5. SUinday . , A numb er of per so ns fr om he re at_ t ended Lh e Lodge Decorlltion at Miam i cemete ry, S unday. I M r . Be n S mith, of Dayton , waS a wee k·end g ucs1t of his sisler, Mrs. Hulph J ohns and fumil y. Mrs. Lydia Cole man and li ttle Thel111 0 Kell l'lls wcr e dinn er g ues ts of Mrs. Mu rLh a Gm hulll . W edncs day. F ri 'lI ds uf Miss Muri el Sykes reKn·t that she has left Lytle ufter " I ,en d i u ~ ~l'vc r u l m onths hero. Mr Will ia nl Grahum attende d the fun cl';" of Wal le r Mur ruy at Middle Uu n ch urc h S unda y uite nlOon. Child r en' s Dony servic e of Lytle SUll du y -~c h uo l will be ut the church nex t Su nday ev c;niug, th e 20th. hh. an ti Mr s Calvin Lon gacre, ~J iss A ~ n cs L.ungacre and Melvyn ~wa uk SjJ Cllt ~ ulld ay at S a ndus ky. Several fr iends from h er e attended ~h e burial o f Dick Mason, at Mium i celll cLc .. y. 1['hursday afternoon. Mcssr s. lyd" Cox , Evere tt Early and WulLer K enri ck we r e in Le banon on bus iness, Tucs day uf last week. MI'. und Mrs" Marcl!llus Thackara, of Spr ing boro wer e Sunday dinn er g uests of Mr. and MT!L Harr)1 Burnet. Mrs Harry Graham and ' guest, Mrs. James Nas h. spent Monday with their aunt, Mm. William Creighton .. Dr. and Rudy' Seigel, of Cincinnati, Were Su nday guests of the forrfler's s ister. Mrs. William Long and fam ily. Mrs. MArtha J. Milte nberger, of Middletown, is vis itinl( at the home of her wn. FrlJmk Miltenbarger. and fllmily. Mr. Lon Simonton, of Lebanon, former owner of the elevator here. was calling- on, Lytle friends, Wed nesday. Mr. IlIld Mrs.. Clifl'ord Archdeacon and son. Robert Franklin. spent Sunday with the former's father, at Springboro. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Leran and daughter, of Spring:field, spent Thursday evening and with Mr. and Ml!S. Cbarles MulJenix. Mrs. William Coleman was called to Cincinnati ISLst week by the illness and death of her sister. She returned Monday evening. About sixty r·e latives of Mrs. Ann Bunneli gather.!d at the home of her son, Bert BUDllel1. Sunday, to celebrate her birthday anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Longacre to Bradfc3rd, Ohio, Sunday af_ t ernoon, and f!J:lent a few hours with Rev. and Mrs. Dwight Wiant and family. Mr. Ben JamLe&received word Monday. of the of his brother-inlaw Mr. Esom ' Earnhart, at M.iami Valley hospital .. ' Mr. Earnhart lived near Bellbrook. Mr. and Mrs,. S. H. Haines, James Haines and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kenrick were si:, o'clock dinner guests Saturday, of !~r. and Mrs. W ,G. Haines. of B~lont •. Mr. and Mrs. Lee. Mason, of Mason, were dinner gucesfa, Thursday, of Mr. and Mrs. Cbarles. Clark and in the afternoon they attended the funeral of their brothers. • Dick Mason, at Bellbrook.. i . We understwnd that thQ Ohio Bell Telepho'n e company have purchased the Valley teic~ phone, much to the gratification of the people of this section. where two, te1ephones have long been a nuisanCE'. Mrs. Emma Lacy lind grandson, Gerald Lacy. Ireturned Monday ev('ning from DII1l'ton to t heir home here. Gerald remains in a serious condition sinc~L bis recent accident all the Troy pike. near Dayton. . Mr. and l11rs.: Charles Mullenix and Mr. and 1\1rs. W'ulter Kenrick called on MI' und - ~Ifrs Harvey Burnett. ncar Centerv'illlc.· Sunday evening, and found Mr.. BUl'Dett g re atly improved. able to walk about the house and yard. Mr. and Mrs. K eslal' Graham and duughter motol:ed to Springfie ld Saturday evening the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. White and $ons, a nd on Sunday accompanied them to Villa Novn, at St. Ma.ry's reservoir, which is the largest body of water in . Ohio, and, in fact, th.! largest artificial body in the world, co,vering 17.000 acres.

Qur college folk are -all home for summer vocation. Mis! Mabel Starr. of Dayton, spent the week-end at home. Miss Nellie Graham is Buffering with a badly cut finger. William Doater spent the week-end with friends in Springfield. A claM of five wu taken in at Thirteen members of the Baptis t Grange, Saturday evening. Missionary Circle journeyed to the 'rhe Civic league met with Mrs. H, beautiful country home of Mrs. Russell Sherod, Tuesday afternoon, 1n E. Hatton, Saturday afternoon. response to an invitation from th e Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gillam and Sharo n Missionary society to meet family spent Sunday in Hamilton. with them at that place and time. A WORKS BEST WHEN A PERSON Mrs. Ethel Smith and Mrs. R. F. very interestin~ missionary prograrn FJELS LIKE IT Shumaker were Dayton visitors, Mon- on Mexico was given, a numb",r of ladies cOTltrlbuting. Mrs. 'McGe", gave day. We. iearn something every day I an excelent reading and I\lrs. Sherod 'Rcv.. N. C. Davis ,of Cherry Fork. sang a solo in her usual pleasing For yean and years and yean we havo It.o dnmmo<l lnw our ~al'B the will preach at Jonah's Run, Sunday manner. During the social hour the ngtion iIt.~ early to bed and early to morning, ;June 20. hostesses served delicious ice cream rise us healthy, wealthy and ange l food cake and cof~ Miss Nellie Cutrigbt and brother, strawberries • wile. . . Paul. BPent the week-el1<i with rela- fee, That theory haa been shattered by tives in: Chillicothe, an. investigation of aleep made recently at the. Mellon Inatltute for Indus- . Clemel\\ Sf,ttOlrthwaite has been trial Research at Pittsburg. The ill' emp\Q~od ·to teacb the IntermedIate V.,stigators nudle? students ~ ~hQ~ room Ut our school. Ilept and as the~ wClr~e.d Vat!Mr. and Mrs. Will 'McGrafl' were (1\18 te,t!, e.1Ri Ig\lnd 'tliat there IS Wednesday gue~ of their motnlllt', nit.. and Mrs. Walter ' Davis, of IlRlllfJiSl1l Idea that one works Mrs. Eliza T_homas . . Springfield. were Sunday guests of 'll'lr Inlhe. earlT morning hou.ra when Carl Anderson h~ rf/turned from Mrs: Julia Coffelt. "lresh from a ,ood aleep." Mr. and Mrll, Ar~ur Wean. of Bel. \TliIL~tre.hnell!l" 'ulually .. hean- a delightfu) visit in Payton with Mr . mont. were Sunday g uests of Mr. and ,nd Mrs. Bil~ ~.han. and dullnell of mind, anel iiciency-Ia not ,ained until after the Mr-. ~d lb'a. Theodore Lawrence; Mrs. Nathan Hnwes. 'bOdy and brains have been In actiOI\ fiJI -hliddle.t.own. were calling. on Mr, M.d Mrs. P. S. Hudson and lor lOme time, ~ . daugljter were Sunday guests of I\lr. frienda here. Wednesday. So, sleep in~it~·.~\\ M'Q it' away T. M. Vance. • Thia community )vas well represeD,. aMTheMrs.chHdrden with it, . . of the Friends Sunted in the claas which graduatecl (N)>l , Wilmington college, Friday, day-School gave a very interesting Words trom the Lips of Great Men program Sunday morning. Mr. alld Mrs. F. M, Qmo~l1e attend. -"The President ill not the king, but A number of friends of Mr. James the Prime Mlnilter. The People: are ed the f un·c nu. of M~' 0s.borne'8 aisF inley ha vo received invitations to attel', it Be~v~,«Q, Monda¥, the king. "-,-Gouverneur MoITlII. tend his \n 'flding to Miss Mary· Davis, .-. . "" $'4-11, t.o teport 'only near Chleinnati. June .23 . ."·"!'.'31 \1\ ollr village under qu.aran.l.U8, Fannie McKee entertained lUIIal'pox ,at this time. £Q1. the week-e nd. Mrs. Ralph McKee. Mr. ' anti Mr/!. Frank Harris of Dayton~ unci at Sunday dinner, Mr. After neIt9\1.• t~-rlitl\t- hle In good daughter, Mrs. HelenPetcrson, woe and Mrs. ::>arnuel K.nee. "\~ flQ~m.,,~er Byrd went back entertainin~ Mr. and Mrs. OwW. . The Kin/!" s Herald's Missionary so• ·J.lOl\\fon" llnd "caught a . had cold. Mig ·lr~a . Ellis and' E.ugcne Kan- ciety enjoyed a s lumber party, Tu ese London Commercial club ought cher, of Dayton, WeN weckend guests day eVClI ing at _the home of their to Cllpltallze this under ' the caption, of Mr. and M'C;!\ ~ank Tietmeyer and leader, Mrs. A. C. Mendenhall. . "¥.ou can g!lt anything in Lond~n." family. Mr. and nl rs. Charles Coffelt enter· Dancing masters· meeting In Pltrls {lnll' Mrs. A. Z. Hartsock, and . at dinn e r, Sunday, Mr. and ~.lIolved • to reform the Charles.t\!,D . of. ClarkSville, spent Sunday Roy Coffelt and Mrs. Myi-t1e The only way this Clln be q~1I \Il to parents, Mr. aud Mrs. W. Gri'ce and MI'. Jock Lewis. of Dayton. feed aspirin to the.r.uto.~.,~ Jordan. The Elam sisters arc in Columbus I RemeJJl.b~ ~. ~\l.~ 9,~_ .yil when . Mrs. lind ?tn. loe Heiaey and two leI! ~-'m've.i!-. ' i}vI(tYtliing~vt!n the grandchi.ltAle~ of Dayton, were l'fl.. this week attending the commencement of the Ohio tnte university, ~ ..~t~:er '~\'re'ta,~ ~ '~he p~tent med- cent ,~~ o~ Mrs. Mary Fincl' ~~rne ~~I\DI.ct' " . " . . Robe~t ~artlet. , . where Miss Edna receives her degree. KU8l0IlnlJ,~,. Jtah~'1i ·/utqr:. . .. on Mr-. ~nd Mr".} W. '!-'eab', MiasClJ "The funeral of Mrs. Anna Jensen, the ~~'·, ,- A'nd a lo~ of ,,~'S. fu· Berda and .~Il\, ' Fe~ . and Glenna widow of the lute Soren Jl!n sen, was tlll'e ~ ~det ~"-l\ FMO!'IYT!!'en\;;. S\ln.d ay witb !Ih;. md ~:~er~~ ;~~a~~~~e ;~r~dup~e~~rnr~~:~ It ;C!t\~~ ~~I\~"r the B!'le .1'8, .....,tI, Q~.of. In D~n. SeymOUr, inti. ell'ffi.! .!t' mWl,lt @ least .~ ~Q1' Qln. alld Bona, '''Earl ,. )~~' ~,tli, ~~V{~.I;' )4. ~ 1I\' and (a~~ 'and Ih. and. I'dt:-. Mott Mr. and Mrs. William Alexander j~ ~~~ . ln'\ltlJP.~.Ij\l\'Q M~ . ClInQ" oi J)aJton, were week-end motorea to \:}ranville to att.>nd th e ~!\' 1!8~\\~\;' '. . • . " ,ueB~ of Mrs, Clat'a Merritt. I co'm ~nenleelneI1t of their Qaughter, Mil· A~ Q~"~\lfIlie' ..ri~~~Q"\Ot. hal Mr. and MI'B. Howard Graham dred, from ' the Dennison college, on b'~ ' ~, ' ~":'\l\ ~~~ia, We 'MlssC8 Helen, 'Kathleen anil ' Monday, Jun. 14. ~. "1,« • .·~u .. "'1~d that a, good Graham attended .a birthctu ...- S ' D 1 d M' M' eal\hr ~rijI~~ ' .GOuld aI,lnouuce Sun4ay for MI'8. GrelJ.all\l8x gran~~ k u;:~r~a~e~SSa:I~lnn!~ S~~= eu.t . ' \' .' ,I.' • .•.. • mother V.n~ervoort, · . ,. .' . MeearB. ' Harry and Robert Cook PiWidaJd~"'~e". t ollO)J.o and ' MacDonald U1l Mr. and AIr!,: . Roy Stoneburner of Poland ltatimr tthat . . ' S~. children, of ...enterville, and Mr. more power.. ~vldenU1 he wants to andlQna MJ:Ir,' ,facob Stoneburner of BeaHarry Cline and wife spent Sunday b~ the Pollah Colonel HOUle. ~e nertown, and Miea Lulu Sollers, of at Sabina. Abd-el~kr,m baa arrlv'!l1 St~ ~n. • . Glenn Davis called on R. J. Murral( bt Monday nftennoon. with . : brou.l . . Cliff Beckett-nnd son were here Mon.C1!ilclr~!l'!I nh .... ''''_1 day afternoon, buying cows. Geo. W. DnLvis attended the funeral of Dick"Mason, Thursday. . W. B. Warnu made a business trip to Lebar)on. M.onday afternoon. M E ',I.'ew~ and K. E Thompson . Weclnesclay and Friday in J?ay-

---... --....:.....--


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· ~ 8EEC:H GROVE .




Fin anc ial hllllclllc:n l nf A ~filldll t jo n.


ro t' May :! 1. I :I:!/j:


Dr. John W. Miller Dentiat Wayneoville Natloaal BaD!. Bid• •

New Burlington,O.

Centerville, O.

Phone No. 320

Phone No.2

'- ---------------_._--


~ aynelville.

D a te your sales with us. We guarantee satillfaction or charge nothing.

----.-- --

l\Ii ami Gaze t.te .

wm. Dr~wQ .. '.? ......Eat.t •• S.t,l~

F. T. Martin Jesse Stanley Auctioneer Auctioneer

Harry A11t- n , wir(, nnd r1 n ll~ hb ' I· . Miss Alp hngc'ne . U!'l'I' \Val'll!' r ;elld f a mil y, J ohn Wal'lI 'r li nd fumi ly anrl Miss Glady. W'"'ller, a ll lo r \\ 'Jl ~lo i n l! ' ton C. H .. Mrs. I 'n\ Ha nly, ,\ f III "nlllingsburg-. W"J'(' . lIud:IY IrIlC~ . elf ""111. B . W ' II'n c r a nd .o n, ~ I ·r\. Subscri be for th

National Bank

~ l i"lll i Cem '

Ii,.,!;} l


f tErt:I.I"f S Operalin g Sale ,){ Lols

$ Hi !J.OO ln l .OO

Burials F o un ria ti nllH VaMes Grave r i~hts R emo \'ol$ Pasl ul'l' n ' ll t Interest


178.75 J 50.00 4(;.00 15. 00 11 \19. 21)

Just Right Now

$5508.5 1

Otber Receiph

Per petua l ca re Fire loss Loans paicl Money borrl)wc:d To ta l r eceip ts


For Ad vertising

$ 100.0 0 500.0 0 ;{4 GO.OO

25 00.0 0 .. .. . $12,0 68.5 1


EXPEN DIT U RES OpernlingSup e rin t.~ d cn t's


sala ry

$1200.00 Suppli es ] :1 77.96 Labor 778.10 T ele phone 46.00 Cler k's sa lary 80.00 Hou se r e nt . 40.00 Lot repurchnsed . 70.00 Buil ding Jlurchased 30.00 Insurance premiums 46.3 0 Du es State association .. 3.00 , Freight and exptl'ss .. . 59.41 Wiring and fixture s 226.67 Sundry small items 66.35

F or Classified Ads

$4012.68 Other E"pendilurelDeposited in B. and L .... .. 1589.31 Loan s made .......... .. :...... ... 4000.00 Paid OD note ..... .. 2000.00


Tatel cxpenditures ........ $11.(j01.99 Receipts exceed expenditures 466.62 Cash linlonce. Jun e 1, '26 .. 612.71 Cash balance. May 31 , '26 .. .


For Job Work

BALANCE SHEETS AoaeuCash .. $979.23 Accounts 318.00 Bu i1dlng and Loan:: 3689.31 Loans ..................... .. ..... 17.400.00 $22,286.64 Liabililie.Bills puyable . .. .. ..... ...... $600.00 Accounts payable .. ...... .. .. 272 .40 Surplus .......... .. . .... ...... 21 .614.14


7he .Mi ami Gazette




with Many little chicks are hatched out with greatest care only to die from feeding neglect. Be fair with your hatches this year. Give them a chance to live and thrive. It costs so Httle to do it. Conkey's has solved the problem of carrying little chicks safely over the clitical first 8 weeks. No other Chick Feed has such a record of success. Poultry raisers find that when Conkey's comes in -"good luck" comes too. Chicks fed Conkey's Buttemlilk Starting Feed resist disease-especially White Diarrhea - the costliest of all chick plagues. Conkey-fed thicksthrive better too. They gain faster, mature earlier, weigh more, lay better.


th e~Uar tella on1, half dI. etor1 If ,"11 by those /lndlne atra1 do,.. The lIame and addreu on the 4I01"r would make the task of l'eturnlna The New YQl'k Women'lI leag ue for Mrs. A. F. -MeUoh a nd lIonll wer o ~rs 188M Jones and son, J oh n, Animals Is making a pleo t o have a dog to biB owner all' eu,. \lne, in Dayton, T~esdIlY. ,a re both ver y iok. your .name -an d addtess engraved· or Some men a ; :s; fond ~f h~me writt en on your dog's collar. . This Mr. and Mrs, W. H. All en and Misa MIBII Ann ie -U. Brown, of Columbus, will help gr eatly i,ri r eturning t he cooking that their wive. al.aye take Ollv~ A llen spe nt Sunday at Oxford. i8 s pending her vacation at the an imal . if lost, to the owner. The them to r estaurants that make I .peeFriends Home. , license number or merely the name, laltJ of it Mrs. Edith n llr ris lind Mr. Harr is Mrs. H. B. Eurnhart retu rn ~d home lIfr:. Kate Ricks is in Dayton for Mosh er were Cincinnllti visitors, f· ri· toduy a fte r u pleusant v isit wit h r el1\ fo w days. day. I. Mrs C hll.rl e~ Anderso n and Mi.s s ativ es in 1Il inoie. Lucy Emley ' ve re in Dllylon. Sal urlIlrs. Lllura SitleR was in Da yton, Mr. H lifl Mrs. Chnr les F. lI' 1 osher , dny . over t h" week-end . incinnati, uro l1'u sl s of 1\Irs. of E dith M. Ba n is an d fIIllI ily. Miss Ber nice H yma n is visiti ng r eI. nli ves in Indianapolis, Ind. MislI Evelyn Go rdon has r et ur ned fr om u visit wit h relativcs nt Cedu l'Mr. and Mrs. J ohn McNo il. of SoAutomobiles fi xed, m otor oil sav- vill e. cial Row. wer o l1'ucs ts of Mr. and Waynesville, Ohio '1 d Mrs. W . B. Squire, T uesday eve ning. ers. save 0 1 an gas. R. F. Mills. l\{.iss Elnor a Perk in s, of Pasndl' na, F A. Cnskey, of W as hington D. C., is visi t ing at the home of Mrs. Miss Eve lyn S urface visit ed hel Ohio. Ma ud Cran e. wu; called her e on IIcco unt of the a un t, Mrs. F . E . Thomas, on Monday. dcu th o f his g ra nd mother. Mrs. Ha n· nuh Ant.rnn1. Henry Wat kins and family call ed Mr. an d M rs. Orville Gray and on F:. E. Thomas und wile, Mond a y da ughter v i~itA! d relatives nt Clarks. The Woma n's Aux ill nr y will me t " v mng. vi lle. Sunduy . with Mrs. Geor ge Ha rt sock a nd Miss Em ma lI eighway on ]i'riday aftern eon Mr. and i\I r s. J . O. Curtw right and Ju no 18, at th ho me of Mrs. Hu rt Mrs . Lee Hawke and da ughter, Miss E lsie, wer e shopping in Dny ton , dllug hte rs we r e week-e nd J; ucsls of sock. T uesduy. Spr ingfi uld I ri " IIIlI'ry Ki tc hen, of Da yt on . Sl)ent Mr. and lIf rs. Myer H yman and so n , Mr. a nd lIfrs. C. M. n obitzer e nter - Sun,lay with Fra nk Rta nslll' rry nne! Ro bert, are spending this wee k at t h t' tained th e "J olly Matrons" an d t heir family . Mrs. Ki tchcn n nd little Also, District Agent for Reser vo ir. hus ba nds, F r id ay night duug hter, who have been vis itin g here rctul'll ed home wilh h im . B. H. Mills, .. e Corwin, Who ha s F. C. Harts(.ck und fami ly. of Milbee n IIU invali!! fo r several monthll, fo rd. sJ){' nt t he week·end with Mr s. On Fr idn y c v e ni n ~ . J ll"ll C 11th. Mrs. is slow ly improvin g. Edith Ha rri~ a nd fa mil y. Kenn eth Hough was d light fully S tlrpr ised by twenty young p(.u ple who Mrs. W. P . Salisbury and Mrs. Hur Mias Mable Smith, of Gr een fi eld, wer e som e of her p upils d urinl1' t he vey Ry e and li ttl e dllughter are visit- Ohio, was u week-e nd guest of her P D~~qch oo l yeur at pri ng boro. 'l'h e yo ung folks were chnperoned by Mrs. father, J. H . Smith a~ d wi fe. ing in Delawa r e, Oh io. Clint Gil pi n, Mrs. Ire ne McCurdy a nd Mis8 Esther He nderso n. is spendi ng Mrs. Earl Co nne r a nd son, Enrl J r., Mr. a nd Mrs. Ralph Weldne.r a fe w days in BelJbrook w ith her sis- ~pent several da ys last wee k in DaySundllY din ner gu sts of Mr. and te r, Mrs. Harry Turner. to n, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ca rl Mc_M"G"ZINE~ C • . N D,Y" Mrs. Frnnk Stunsbcl'r Y wer e, Mr. an d Clure. . Mrs. Ira A ll dre w ~ and fa mil y, of F. L. Weiti brodt a nd family, of Sa rdinia, were ' week. end g uests of Mr. Mr. and MrEI. Madison Ea rn har t . of Westbo ro. .Tohn Andrews li nd son, Dayt on, Wllre Saturday night li nd Chllrles Andrews nnd fll mil y, of a nd ' Mrs. C. M. Robitze r. But we are close to the corner. You won't need Sund ll Y g uest s of F. E . Thomas and Clarksvill e, Mr. a nd Mrs. Ha rry Kitch da ughte r, of Dayton, Mr . an d en a nd to walk very far to get the Latest Magazines. lIfr. and Mrs. Lewis Sears a nd tumily. Mrs. J ohn t llnsbcn'y an d fa mil y. fllm ily, of J effersonville, spe nt Sun Bring the kiddie. along to ret their Candy. Miss Elsie H a wke had t he pleasure da y with Mr. a nd Mrs. Elvin Fires. Mr a nd Mrs. Leonard Ti nney. of of sing ing at a lIfissionary meeting R out~ 3, en t ertai ned a few frie nds lIfrs. J. C. Haw ke and Mrs. John at the home Qf Miss Edna Kelsey, of Tu esday even ing. Strawber ri l's, ice e, last Tuesda y. Centervill Fromm at tend ed East ern Star lodge cream an d cll\se wer e enjoyed by Mr. inspection in Dayton, Saturda y n ight. a nd Mrs Raymond onner nnd fam· By The Gaze tte Offic • The Misses Clara J. Lile and 'Lllu- ily, 1\11'. a nd Mrs . O. n, Unglesby and ItESI~1 Mr . and Mrs. Merle Kel'n, of Co- ra McK in sey llttended a t ea give n in da ug hter, Evely n, Mr. a nd f1J r s Apnt honor 01 t he g:radua tes of Wilmington illil La wson and so n, 1111'. lin d I'>fr •• JO!l lumbus . ure spendi ng their two-weeks. college, th e home of President and Tinney and son, Sherm an. vacation with Mr. a nd Mrs. J D Mar- Mrs. J. atEdwilrl J a y, Thurday altel'latt. . . • noon, June 10, f r om 3 t o 6.

;tl~ Waa in CinCinna ti, on

Mr. arid 1'41'11. W. O. Raper wer e in W. II: Dayton, Monday. tuesday.

Round Layer, all fla vors, 2 pou nd s .• each . . . .. .. .. . .


As · " lrel F ood, 14 o~, C hoice Q u a lit)' . .,a h .... ... .. ... .... ... ....... ..... •••.250 q uare' Lay e r . 20 0", ... 11 f1nv .. .. 25 c Pound 'n c ( 0," . hort c. 1<0 ...... 190

BUTTER c;~n;~~;J~~. ~~~~.~~.r~.' . 44c FLOUR CountryClU-b,fi ~~8t1o-;-$ - 1 19 bread, lb. sack •

~ I~...?ro Br~ nd _~I eom~r llar in e , pound .... .. .. ...... .. .......... .... ...... .. .. .. ...... 22.,

24 ;~

CLIFTON -A hl,hcf,a"o p .... v flo u r per ;oa. 1I ' I'ILLUURY'S Dr ~ ~~OAL~POU "d·i~~ .. :

. - .

: :: :::: : :: :: ::: : : :: :· lU~

BEANS Co~tryClub;-with pork & 30 'c t omato sa uce, 4 for . . .. . . .


I. II' am p e a. 3 can . b K id n


.. .... .. .... .. .. 25c

H e in z. ove n ba ked



Ca D .. , ., .......... .. . .... .. . . : ......

_.. .

Potatoes u. No . s. I,



50 C

31c 'Peaches . . . . . . 1·1c ~~~~~o~ - -24c - - -- ----------t;!R,~~q~!~~. . ... 25c !.i~.~!~~..?7iii~;. . . 23c 13C o. ~!?:f~p~~~. . . . ..59c s.Cleaner ~~~~~I~!~te~~~~~. · ..l ac £::~~iTu~I~... ... .25c £~~::!!!!!~~~.... .20c ~~~!. ~d~~~ 87 C ~~i!!' 20c N ew

La r g e , f u ll pod~. 2 lb.

Red Triumph, 10 lb. ......

Ne w r ipe. lb ... ... ..

..... .. ....... ...

S., Clan ...... ...... ........

Old Dul c h , 2 ean . .. .. ...... .... .... .. 15c

.......... P inta, dnzen ................. ...... ...... .74 .. "Ha lf·lIallon. dozen ................ $1.19

3 bars ....... : ..... VaD Camp'., 10 b a r . .. .. .. ........ .... 3 5e

We are agents for the celebrated


Viking Michelin United States

Waynesville Overland Sales


H. Archdeacon


Fire, Lightning, T omado, Wind, Hail and Auto

The Union Central Life losurailc~ Company Of Cincinnati, Ohio


Yes, Main Street Is All Tom Up


Tell- the .A~ertiser you read his Ad. in the Miami eazdle

SummerSuppiies Implements Two-Row Cultivators, Sinlge-Row Cultivators, Mowers, Rakes, Binders

A Few Second Hand Tools

Harness Collara, Collar Pads, Harness Sets, Bridles, Linea

Hardware Ovens, Oil Stoves, Garden Plows, Garden Hoae~ Hoe., Rakes, Sheep Dip, 'Fly Spray, Sprayers of ,all kinds, Washing Machines, Hay Rope, Fly Screen, Screen Doors an(l Windows, Poultry Netting, Pumps

Mr. a nd Mrs. Frank Tho mas and fu mily, of Middl e nun, were th e Sun· day g uests of Fra nk E. Thomas and f a mil)". ••


Mrs. Ross Hartsock und Bons, Wil. t on and Owen, a re s pending th e wee k with Mrs. Hartsock's siatel'. a t Akron.

Q. U aIity Meats

Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Hall and children, of Mishawaka".. Ind., were the week-end guests of ur. L. B. Hall and family.


CHICKENS Dressed on Order

F eather beds and pillows renovat.ed, rugs dusted and renovated. Watch for the "Green" Soft Water Laun.dr y t ruck every Tuesday and Friday_ Those late chicks right by using ConMuhlon Ridge. agent. ~uttermilk Starting Muh and Buttermilk GI~ owing ¥ash, with a re_ Miss Elizaheth Reeves. teacher of Home Economics in the Junior High duction in price from 10 to 12 per school at Tucoll'!a, Wash., will spenci the summer 'Vacation with ber sis- cent. ters, Missea Jennie and Josephine We also have one of the finest Reeves, range coals · you ever used-Raven Mr. Raymond Flake, mother and Red Ash Nut. Give this coal a trial. grandmother, of Indianapolis, Ind., Money back guarantee. who are touring Ohio al)d Michigan, stopped a couple' of days lut week with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Clark and family, of Route 6. Mrs. Margaret Showaker, of Greenfield, Ind .. Mrs. James Griffith and son, Jamea Thomas, of Greenville, and Mrs. Caroline Rogers, of Lebaanon, have been the guests the week of Mr; and Mrs. George Hartsock. Dry cleaning, Presaing and Dyeing, Have that old Buit or overcoat cleaned and pressed for $1.00. Sponging and presaing, 36c. Leave your call with Mablon Ridge. Soft Water Laundry. Mr. T. G. Somenneier and son, Tommie, of Nampa, ' Idaho, and Mr. Andrew Jergens, of Cincinnati, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. G. CroBB Monday. . lIfrs. Caroline Rogers, of Lebanon, Miss Ida Githens, of Dayton, Mr. and Mrs. E . N. Oxley, of Troy, were among those from out of town who attended the funeral of Mrs. Hannah Antram, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Anderson had as thei~ dtnner guests, Sunday, Mr. and Mn. Ben Smith and family, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hay and family, Mr. and Mrs. noy Bushman and family, of Osborn; Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Mowrer and family, of Dayton; Marvin Hay and children and J. C. Murray.

The Waynesville F arme.~I' Exchange C()mpany .



A Specialty

Nothing but reliable Serum and Virua uaed

Dr. V'V. E. Frost Vetterinarian Harveyabulrg

Do You Know YOlll Can Get


Potato Plants

Laundrey service by the pound. Have your clothes washed and most of the water extracted for 6c pel' peund. We have six difi'erent servi ces. Give us a trial and be vinced of our good service. So Water Laundry, Mahlon nidge, agent. Mr. S. L . Cartwright and granddaughter. Miss Rhea Janet Cart. wright, left. Tuesday night for Princeton, N. J., to be present at the com· meneement exercises at Pl'inceton university. Levering, son of Mr: and Mrs. C. M. Cartwright, of Chicago, is one of the graduates.


Phone 44


D. H . .Hockett's

New Auditor Named Chas. Mounts. county a uditor, who was been ill f()r t.he past two mOl1t hs, hos esig ned hie p~s l tion , lind Will Jl. Lewis, a l ormer court hOIlJe offi· cial, was chosen by the count y Ilo,n· missioners to take his place. Thl, selection comes with ,",flit IlAtisfac· tion to th e peo ple of Warren county, as Mr. Lewis made a conscientious and very 8atisfacto,ry official several years a..=g;..o.;.. ' ____ ..._ _ _

. Plymouth Binder Twine Adrain .Fence


Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sheehan de·

entertained at, . a family dinner (In 'Friday evening, June 4, in of the latter's cousins, Mr. and Merritt Vite, of Niles, Mich.) who , were recently married. After leaving here ' they eontinued on their wedding trip, touring Wuhingtqn D. , C., Philii4elpb,ia • . Elmira N. Y. ; and ~he Niagara FallI. .., '



. Mr. and

tri~f~~i,o~r. guest; Charles ~:::~IlI::~~~IIJ~!t1 Indianapolis, Ind., were at. the WilliaDlllOn home, DaYton, by Mr. anil Mia. ChIll'I'MI lette·...and the WiUiamsoll chilldnln.J J&...alld Mra. WWlalDlO1l are

Par'" were Mr, WlWamIon ..

... iDaaIc.;





q~jlnge · Hall, . ~·ayne.yille " T ',·'JUne 24 ~- .

&. H. BROWER 214

L~dlow .Arcad.·._



,Automobile , ,

We have started a Paint



The Grange Building - ·~t .~orwin where we



tp do fill kind.



We use ,the celebrated

CARE OF THE SICK Dr. Ed Blair, cou nty health comsioner, heartily endorses t he home care of th e sick proj ect , which will be conducted in e ig ht of t he townships in Warren county this next fall anu winter under the sup6rvision oj Miss Wanda Pryzlus]<B of Ohio, State university and Miss Wll t~, tb, home agent. According to Dr. Blair, 90 PC}' cent of the illnesses are nursed by the people in the home arid ony training which will make things easier for the home nurse and safe r or more comfortabl e for the patient would be of immeasurable value to the home. ' Whether one cures for nursing or not. it occasionally hM to be done. Why not take advantage of the opportunity to Ijlal"n some of the impor_ tant thlnga whlcb will help our sick folks to be comfortable ~d get well, informlttion which will mll\~ i~ !las· ier for you to care for them. . An opportunity will be given, befo r e the summer is over for every rural woman in the townships of East 'l'urtlcr eek, Harlan. Hamilton, Deerfield, Washington, Massie] Wayne and Frl1J)klin to en roll , in tnese classes. The othe:r townships will probably take the wor/s jn 1927-28. •



And ule the N.w.l~ T)"pt qf Sprar -Apparatus A



Give Us A Call and Let Us Show You Our Work ----i


R. H. SMITH CorWin,








--'--- c-

FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST ~egular services at 9:30 a. m., and 7:30 p. m. (Jome! Nathan SOMson, Minister. Perry Thorn ... S!1Pt.

METHODIST CHURCH Sabbath School, 9 :16 a. m., preachIng at 10:30 a. m. Epworth League 6 :16 p. m. Preaching at 7 :00 p. m.• Wednesday evening Prayer meeting 7 :80. Everybody invited to the~ services. . Rev. L. A. Wallhbum, Pulor. ST_ MARY'S CHURCH June 1a. 3rd Sunday attn Trinity, Church School at 9 :30 a. m. Morning Prayer arid sermon at 10 :30. .All are ~ordially Invited to attend thele services. Rev. John J. Schaeffer. Rector.

.- .

PhclDe 65 1 ~ .


Devoe Paints and Varnish

Clothes Cleaned, Pres8ed, Repaired MRS. FRANK H. F ARR

- - -e-.__----


Tires and Tubes

Oakin Insurance Agency



We are distributors for the following



r. '0.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Conner and son, George,Messrs. E. Henderson .and I. W. Lincoln, of Dayton, were S alhday guests of Mr. and MnI. J. H. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Smit h. -


Name and Address

Life'. Mirror (Reflections by Panne.) To have felt one happy moment is to .have known pappiness and with proof, it is possibie to buUd wor d of faith. It Ie posto .forget a life 'o f sorrow 'In the real ization of one moment's happ.i~ A moml!!1t separates life and" 1 ''"'An~;'~ therefore nothing .. can .be · than a happy ,noment.





~state 'of Cbarle~ W • .Cox, dlleeued • .N.otice ill' hereby given that tlyde Cox hu been duly appointell and . qualified u executor of the eatate of ,Charlec W. CoX', late· of·. Wanen County, ,Ohio, dec~. ." Dilted tbU 8th 11&1'. of June, JOBS. , . . . W. Z. ROlal, J. . . of the ·Probate Co~







Way -Yoil P.igure



~ . . . ._



•••~e ••••••••••:

I H.;:::n:h~·m. i State Capital 'j I e

Prepared by Columbus Reporter


COLUMBUS, OHIO - Gov. Vi c. Donahey is not going to ~uke. a fi ght for the Democratic nomInation for another t erm. He says: "The voters know me, know th e kind. of administration · expecw d, and .If . they dbn't wllnt to nomin ate .mj! It ~9 all right. Being govern or IS a m!gh~y big job, and I. int·end t o re',':'am m my office lookmg after officml du tieR .. Th~ action of Governor Don ahey is not s urprising . . Two ago he remtl ined on the Job officl8lly and made no camJlaign for re-clection. There arc a m~ltitude .of o!. flcial duti es which ~nlly r eqUlre hI S attention and ever smce he has bt't' n governor: ' ho hos been either in his .. ffic" or within rench ~nd ~ble to r eturn within nn hour ~ tIm". ~hc decision oC Ohio's chIef executI ve means that the voters have the r ecord of Vic Donahey, and on tha~ r ecord lhey nre lo Jla~s. But ~Ith a large field of RepubhCItns anxIous to fill the office, there will be plenty of campnign premises from those who have hod neither the experience or ~roining of Vic Donahey. And that is what mak Oti his nomination ab? ut tho only certain thing of the conJlng stote-wide primaries. There Is plenty of opposition to the nomination of Judges Jones and Mnth1aa for 0 Supreme Court for anotht'; ter They havo ench served about 12 ears and another term mean~ six/eim< longer. One term of a suprem court jurist is ns long as three terms for other State officers, lind with two very live opponents for nomination and with the Republican ()rganizatlon itself oaly lukewa~ tl?_ wards them, these two present Justl· ces a rc going to be kept mlgh~y busy during the next f ew wer ke II they prevent their candidates trom complete collapse. Their opp.o nents tor nomination are C. G. WlI8h~urn, of E1YI·in. nnd Frank W. GeIger, of Spring field. _ _ . II Myers Cooper ·of CiJ)cmnatl, s houid win the . Republican nominat.ion for governor, he will lose Hamilton eounty b~ 20,00~ to 3~,OOO. This i. the opilllon of Olnclnnatl pollticinns both Rejtublican and Demc)CJ'lltic.' A recent visit to the Que.c n City by your cdrrespondent nnd 111~uiry anlong leaders brought out the faet that Mr. Cooper will not be as .stron g in his home county Ill! he may be in other counties of th e Sta~. Rural voters wilJ not \lnl.t e on hIS :iepring his attitude on Florida secul'itktl . • It Is well known that Mr. Cooper has vast holdings in Florida, Jlnd that he would like to Boe the bars down !ID that securitiea from Florida .could be IIOld in Ohio. Cyrus Locher d irector of commerce, has absolutely refused, to pe rmit thesa\~ of this :rtock in the state. and as a reBUIt Ohioans hnve aaved pro.\lsbly · mil· 110M of dollars. It would be greatly to tla advantage of tho~e with. Buc:h large bancia\ holdings In Flol'lda II sccuritlct of the real estate and muahroem com pan illS could be soli! In Ohio, ·b·ut,about the only chance there Ie of thia i• . the election of Cooper. which 8eems about as impolIBible as a irood ;many other tbingsproposed by those who would like to ait in the Governor's office during the next two yean.


Th e wtlman's Auxiliary met on Friday afternoon, June 18, with Mfll. George Hortsock and Miss Emma Helghway, at the bODle of Mrs. Hurtsock. Mm. Cadwallader opened the meeting and conducted the devotional service. Scriptural qllotatlons were giv. en in response to roll call. After a short buslne88 session the following progrnm was render ed: Reading-"T ho Los t Chord" .. ...... . ... . . ...' ... ... ..... Mllry .To Miller Readings from uChina's 'Renl Rev · olution"- Mrs. Edwards, Mrs. Cadwalloder, Mrs. Crane, Miss Lill', Mrs. Gord on and Mrs. Allen . Readiag-UThe Little Boy's Praye r" ..... .... - ~............... .... Mary J o Miter After adj ournm ent a delightful social hour was passed during Which deliciolllt r efreshments were scr\,p d. The following guests were present: Mrs. Devitt, Mrs. A. T. Wrigbt, Miss Annie Brow ne, Miss Trillena Edwardll Mrs. J. L. Hartsock MI'/l. Lindley Mendenhall, Mllry Jo ~Iiller and Mnr_ jorio Edwards.

Good Cut CIot hIng CIU b o

The GOod Cut Clothing club met at the Grange Hall, Fridllr after· noon June 18. The meetmg WIIS cnlled to order by. 'the president. Minutes of the last meeting were read by the secretary. Eight members answered to roll eaU. . The busine88 se88ion being ovor our aprons were criticized by th~ leader. A picnic was planned and all members are urgod to bring their lunch to the Grange hnll and after the worlE I. over prOCeed to the picn ic grounc1.s. Thi8 wl\l be held Fdday afternoon, July 2

Cyr~a Locber Is expected to withdraw WIthin a few. day.s from the. aen. atorlal contea.t oa the Democratic ticket In the Interat of harmony, wblch meane tharthi! nomination will go to Allee Pomerene. l~ ' II well knpW{l that ·'Mr. Locher ,vopld n ~ver have" . entered the conte.t had he known that former Senator Pomerene would be. a condldate. Conditions have c1langed ~onsiderably during the Major William McKinley camp, No. paat few months and · with the en· 91, United Spanish War Veteran!! of trapce of his lifelong friend into the the National Military home. Dayton , contest, Mr_ Locher Is to withdraw are preparing an elAborate progra m an~ help In bringing about Kucce88 to at Memorial haU, Le banon, on Soturthe' entire ticket. While · there are at day night. June 26. tor the entertainpre8~nt eight .can~idate8 for the Re· ment of 16 members of their camp pubhcan nommatlon for U !3. Sen- who reside in and near Lebanon. ator, spme of these may withdraw ' .About 150 members of th e Dayton durinlf, the next few. days. ~t really camp and ladles' auxiliary will be doean t Ihake any difference, howev- there for the occlI8ion, and it is exer, ·a8 they ",,11 be eliminated In Aug- pecUid to have the visitors parade uat. They ":lIght save themselves a with their ladlcs' band from the Opmt,aerable showin~L.ho",,. by wit~. era House to Memorial hall. dra~IIa:: Frank lS. ' WiIll8 IS. certain __ ..._ __ otbaving such a latYe vote that ther' will be no questlon~about his popularIty•. Neither Mn; ' t:valyn Snow, the Republican £llndidate for Governor, p~r .T.udge Florence- ~mlt~, the Dem· One penon _ WII8 killed and three ~!.~~tc; ·~andldl\t.e. fo!, U. S. Senator, others were · injured in an automo. ~. ilxpes.ted to c~t m\!ch of a figure, bile accident two ndleB south of Kings in the pnll\ariea. Mills, ·Sunday. · • Roy Wallace, 19 of , .- , ·Kings Milia, driving a sedl\n, lost ~onHighway i'lhprovement work ~s now trol and the. CItr crushed Into a bridge going' on In eigbty of the 88 abutment., Wallace was klUed. of the State. :Wlthln ·anolher ten days . ~allace s brother and two girl eom improve menta ·:will . be ~ .tarted hi two ·panlona are the Injured_ Ada Braden other eouptl"" a~d, by ·July 1, .t here was hurled through t~e top of ~~!! ·wlll· be. ' only O'l il' , ~un~iea of ~he 88 car.. Her elster, Louhie Br~~el!, ~!!" in "·hlch'. there _1m1) ~ no hlg/rway brUIsed sev~re!r: impre~.enl.tlt .,cont"tact u,ll,eJer w~'J ~J! . ~~• ~e: tiM~· Pot ~NP. . .ffi~~ ~I~ ~ou". " ", Hu,e!lnt "a, tJl ' L. JI I ' #:J£ I

Elaborate Program

Serious Accident

t~i:, is;J:~~re, N\~~~e.' n~~, :~;~

~(li',W1"jl!d p~ ')le1Q ~n~~!louli~'ie~, ~utf11~hlll' ~on.


llii(e' t,jeli~ :


~w~~e4'1~!Jnwq; inv:stliiti~~e iI:Sd~:rJ:'t"';r'1.~ol.'

: an ela~Nte J?uHclttaJ~rram of 11 e"" · hlail1\'ll1l . urrd~·~ at DY itme ~ tbdaV·-a.d' In adcllti~ to' many IPII. . : of" h~lI1ilak~, )l"""a"" hlincfrl!dl . , j)f mU.... 01 craverflOacla· aN tieing. .': . :eoil~4 ,aad a'I~ ..u.nt A.t:d afaetlo¥i,:tq tho.. "ltO iu\ve unW th. . ~~ ttm. ,been- _lied m \I" .mud iWdI t i ten of tIIe ' ''''el.. .1Il,01lthil Q

. of"




De .ath ..·

B··~rp.l..°t 's~Pl~ ~tI la··~ to ..t:art .Olln, I aver n , a OIle It bAb ."'_ d ' I\4IIf Pit I h~Ilt "O~ 9ltlb'lIa. . beeR .uch llre Yd' 't:to;:e ~ 'one. ; mon ld


e'" ,

/-lC1T' 'DOG-! GoT MORE'AI lWo 'DOLLARS J:'O(1. TH I ;"c:M<TI-I

We IIrc in l'l' ce iJlt of a letter fr om . L . Cnrtwril!; hl , wh o is ut Prince'l on, N. J. , \\'h e r~ hl' al l l' nd e" th ~ " raduu ti on t'Xl'l'cises J} j' lhl' class of 1!J26, of P!'ine" Vm un ivarHity , of which his g t"l\nd ~ fl lI h~ U Illt' m uc\", in wh ich wa ;'" encl "s" d a Icth'r of congratu lation




GoNIIJA GiVE foil; FouR BITS Foil.. WASIiI~ , Tlt ' CAn.



0 ;I..llame . "l "'a.... . .. no ~oetO! had tieen In attendan~. ~efore tbe death. Co,roner Haln. ~Id .that !leath was due to. natural ca~.,!l. that the child. had bem IU'l!ri~ fl'om w~~" due to· pre.: .~a~~ il'tb aD~ mf,uttltlOIl.


0 .•





frol11 an uld fri 'n rl. In w!'iling of it Mr. Cllrtw rig ht . ays : "Th is is the hi!:h wale rm ark of my li f!'." Th e letter, which UX I" U. S I!H tho sentinl l' llt of C"U l1tlc'8~ fI-; cnds of Mr. CUl'twr iJ:'ht. fo ll uws: FARMERS ARE TIRED M l'. S. L. Cnrtwright. . "MO NEY ENOUGH"-MELLON Wlly nel<villl', Ohi o. DANCING IN CHURCH My Dcar F ri ~ nd nnd BrothHThi " l1lol'n in)Cs pnp<' l'5 gnvc no lice GERTRUDE TRIES AGAIN of til(' inct that yo u ure kC(' pi ng in.violat c! the C()Ve lllln t made by you a nd your fl'lI ow comrad es yellrs ago , n"v- ,. Ct· (u )Cive up th e charter of the W. Dr ..Joeger. government volcano el'I~. I-I opl Post C. A. R, as long liS one pel·t, lo ring6 fro m Hwnii on interestltV!!". in g ri c ice. Stor ed in basement or Wltilt' I a m inte' nsely pl en.ed to cellnr. thiR house hold seismograph know thut my denr old fri e nd still wi ll \\,A rn the fom ily of ony coming s\lr\' ivl's, Yl·t thl' I'e is u decided I'e- earthqUAke s ufficient ly in advance. gr,'t t" rcali ze l hlll YOlll' cO ll1l'ad c~ . Thal inte rests New Yo rk ers. t old that 11lIl11y of whol11 1 kne w. have pU RMc d 8 bi g cort h'1uake fau lt ru ns from tbe 1l\\' Il~' . You nrc in U lonely situation St~ l tlle of Liberty up t he Hudson riv. so fnr as sun ';" in g com rades a re CO Il _ cr. Bul nl ony little earthq uake rum. eern ed. but how rich you arc in the hies menn nothin g a nd uiter a few memories of th e past. wnrni n!'s famili cs will become as in. T Ulll writi ng this sh'or t note to again different to earthqu ake warnings as express my appr eciation of your workme n do to bars of dynamite. f riendshi p, and olso to congrut ulu te you on the fAct that yo ur boys, J ohn There is an automobile fo r eve ry and Charles. nrc such outstandinl!; s ucc('ssful men in th e busin ess world . six people in the U ni ted States, abou t WiLh kindest I1ersonal r egards and ha lf as many 8 S there ought t o be. befit wis hes to you and the me mbers Before long, in hundreds of thousands of fnmilics there will be a sepof your family, I alh, , nrate cur for euch person past six. . Sincerely you rs. teen years .of age. Ench bird needs John Morshl1l1 Mulford. its own wings.


:.=.._=- =====-"C;==========-:== = == = =

Harlan-Prickett The ma rriage of Miss Helen Frances Prickett, daugh te r of Mr. and Mrs Frederick Prickett, of Lew istow~ , I\Is.. to Mr. Ernest L, Harlan, scill of Mrs. Viola Horlan, of this plac.e, · was solemnized at the home of the bride's parents, Tucsdny. June 16, 1926, by th e bride's uncle, Rev. Fitz Henry, of Washington. A three-course wedding breakfast was 'served immediately after the ceremony, after which the biida and groom deported for a short tour through the most inter estin g points of the Northwest. The out-or-town g uests wh o attend. ed the weddin g were: Mr. Viola Harlan a!1 d Mrs. . ~. B. . Earnhart, of . W~ynesvl\le. 01110, MISS Margaret PrIckett, of Mn~omb, m.. Mr. and Mrs. Charl es Fltz Henry and the Mlssc~ J enn and Marcell Henry, of Washlllgton. . Mrs. Hnrlan IS a g raduate of Macomb, 111. No~ml1:l, and a post-grad. uate of t.he lIImols Wo!"en S college, JacksonVIlle, Ill. She IS also 8n aocomplished ' mu sieinn. hnvlng graduatep from tbe Conservatory of Music at Hedding ~oUege, Abingdon, Ill., nnd she is a lllemQer of Alpha igma Sorority~ ..... Mr. Harlan is a graduate of Hedding Acade my nnd also pre-legal work at Hedding college, Abingdon, Ill., and is a grad uate of Valparaiso Law school, Valparaiso , Ind., and a memo bel' of Alpha Epsilon Nat.ional fra ternity. For the past three years Mrs. Har. Ian hus been the music and English teacher In the Astoria High school, Astoria, III .. and Mr. Harlan is now the 'manager of athletic!! in our local High school. Many showers were given In honor of Mrs. Harlan I,ly her many friends and by the Lewistown Eastern Star sl,sters, Mr. and Mrs. Harlan will r eside in WaynesvILle nnd will be at home to tbclr friends after July 16, 1026.


Harmonious Hints

Whole Number 5706






The June 1st en r ollment fo r b oys and girls in 4-H Club work , has bcen forward ed to th e State Club del>artme nt at the Ohio State li n iversity, with a total of 378 boys and girls en rolled in cnl!, pi g, ppultry, fOOd. sewing and your own room proj ects. A comparison of t his year's June 1st repo rt with thot of June I, 1925. show8 on increllse of 110 boys and girls e ntering club work. Las t year's r eport s hows 243 gi rls and 25 boys e nrolled aR compared with 229 g irls nnd 79 boys this ycar. 4- H Club work is sponsered by th e Ohio State uni versity and carried o ut throug h the Cou nty Exten sion age nts with helpful assistonce of compet e nt 10cIII leaders. Club activities nrc so designed a R to give the boy or girl q specific traini ng in th e project th e y cho08e to carry to compl etion. Projects now unde r way will te rmin ate at the time of the co unty fa ir, when it will be necessary that every boy II d gi rl finishing th e work, muke on exhibit of t heir produ ct. 'l'he county fulr board is offering grent inducement to these boys and girls in the form of liberal premiums an d these, log ether with the County Club camp, to be held the first week in ~ ugust, trip to the itate fall', and Club week at the State university in the fall, offer our buys and girls nn opportunity that is unequal ed. 4 ~ H Club work f urther stands for the develop ment of the head, hand, hea rt a nd health. What greater combinaLion could be the gaol 01 achievement fer America's young man and wom. anhood?



MIAMIS ROLLED ROll AND COUNTERfEITED COIYNE AT LEBANON (By Tom Our lIfiu:mis began their 192 6 invasion of fo reig n fields \vith a victory when they traveled to Harmon Park, Lebanon, last Slmday afternoon and took the Lebanon team in to camp by a score of 16 to 9. The Miamis presented iI r nther patched-up lineUD due to th e fa ilure of a cou ple of their r egulars to put in on appear. anee , but ,once more the manage ment stepped noblr into the brench and the combination snatched off 0 g lorious victory. l~ight bere We would like to suggest that the infield be kept intact, just as they plnyed in this \,tame. Predergast; played third as it should be played and added a world of pe p and confidence to his motes , while Gons certllinly plugged that yawning ga p .at shortstop to a queen's taste. A ~ for the right half- you can't beat Peck and gddie on any amateur team Thlr game was bitterly f ought froni the time Slltterthwuite, firs t man up, whacked Roll for a resoundin g doubl e to left until the' sume Satterthwuite fanned the snme Roll for the lust out In tbe ninth. . A detailed account of the proceedings becomee. all monotonous and wouldwould also conlJum· of our valuo. ble space. Suffice it to aay that our boys were never In any real danger of qefeat--th ey scored as many run s in one" innlnW (the lucky 7th) as Lebanon could in the whole nine . Ther. hopped on the delivery of Arlie Rol , entirely f orgetlul of the many fine games his father, the Hon. Wm . Z" hod p~tch')d for their predecessor s, the o rigil~al Miumis -:- Bnd really tl'eated the young man quite c;rUdly Anyhow, whot yo ur father has d O ll~ cuts .no fig ure in a ~a~eba ll gum e nt present. " ChillY" Coyne tried· to stop t he avol.a nchc. but he proved to be so mewhat of 0 counterfeit on this occa. sion , and Clol'k finished the agony In the box fo r Lebllnon. Satterthwaite led the batte r s on both teams with a doublc, four sing les and II walk in six trips to the plate. Th en, jURt to prove to the Lebullonitces that he could prevent run s as well ns sebr c them, he pitched th e last fr·a me. The Miamis will piny at Xe nia next ~undIlY. May t he good work cantlO ue. Tb e score;

To Prospective Students Warren County Normal All arrangementa bave been mad. to "onduct the Warren County Normal at Wa,n... me for the achoal , year 1926, 1927, aa ulual. Tbere will be .... a .. iataDt director all the tim... Tbio io now one of the State'. requirementa, and DO county normal

will be allowed to run, regard. Ie.. of the number enrolled, unle •• it ba a two te.cbera.

Thil year will in all proba • bility be tbe laat for all count, normAl. , at Ie. It for moat of

them. and we feel Ireall, pleaaed that we have beeD able · to retain tbe one in WarrleD county , when OYer haU are

acheduled to be diocontinued. Tbere i. ever, opportunity for practice teaching. Beca"a. of thia laot, moat achool au per- . intendant. find thai moot sradualea of count)' normal. do bettcr work aa belfinDlnlf tee"hera tban thoa. with 36 weeka In olber normale.

Pleaae pan the word concerning tbe continuance of the Warren County Normal at Wa.,no.vlll. on to othcra who rna, be interoated. Sincerel" F. 8 _ HARR1S, . Supt. Warren Co. Scboola.

----- -..----


An Old-Fashioned House Warming A merry pa rty of Mrs. D. L. Crane's friends 1I1I:'t secretly on Monday ev· e ning wi th their basket of good t hings to eut., and beautiful fl owers t o decorute with, and proceeded in a bod y to her homc nnd s urprised her wilh a )Cond old -fushioned house warming. T o soy she W DS surpr~ed i. putU ng it mild Iy. for a while s he Inl S coml,lcl£oly "ratlled," something whi ch se ldom ' happ ens to thi s good lady. but she soon wos her own g raCi Oll" self an d made th e eve ning a must huppy ond e nj oyaltl e one lo t he f ollow ing- g"uest s : MI·S. Cynthi a Evan s, MrH. A. T. Wright, Mra. Catherine Coleman. Mi ss Em ma Heighway, Mrs. Edith I-I arl'is, Mrs. Fred Hcnde r~o n and th e Mis B e ~ 'l'rillena and Marga r et Edwards. E. M. H.

CAMPfiRE GIRLS ELECT NEW OffiCERS The Wakitatina Campfire Girls hod a called meeting at the home of their guardian, Mrs. Moomaw, Saturday afternoon, June 19. The election of officers was held with the fo llo w' ng results : Pres ident . .. .... ..... Beatrice Robitzer Vi ce-President.. . Evelyn Cartwright Secr etary ... ..... .. .... Louise Henderson Treasurer .. . ,..... ........ . Bernice Hyman Scribe ....... .. .. .. ........... Lena .Earnhart Song Leader .. .. ......... ........ Ruth Cook Pianist .... .Mnry Louise Zimmerman It was decided to hold our meet. in gs every Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Th e next meeting. Jupe 28 with 1\1rs. Moomaw, nnd on July ' ~ wit h Doris Hawke, assistant leader. Havi ng no furllt er business the meeting was adj ourn ed. The Campflre girls met at the home of the guardian. Mrs. Moomaw, The Mond ay afternoon, June 21. regul llr business are dispensed with, and diagrams for head bands were disc usse d. Louise Henderson, Sec'y.

If you wonder why the farmers are t ired look at to-day's Wall Street news; No.1: "Class 1 railroads gain 14.7 per cent in earn ings." Following is a list of th e ca ndiNo.2 : "Corn is worth about fifty- . dates for the primnry election on five cents a bushel on the farm where August 10th. Some new faces a re it grows." in t he field, whiile several candidates will ~et the nomination withollt opBankers wondered how much Sec· position. r etary Mellon must borrow to meet Clerk of Courts--Cliff Meloy, D. the government's spring payments. W. Humphreys and Tom Corwiin, of Optimists thought he might get along Morrow. WIth two hundred millions. ConCOn;Jmlssioner-Carl Mililer, of servati ves said nt least three hundred Franklin, no oppolrition. millions. . Prosecuting Attorn ey-C. Donald Mr. Mellon amazes high finance by Dilatush and Robert Brown, · both of bo,rrowing; no money. Uncle Sam can Lebanon. finan ce lilmself, thnnks to Mr. MelAuditor-C. S. Mounts and Will lon's management. R. Lewis, Lcbnnon. Mr. Mouts has The people pay him $12,600 a year r esig ned, leaving u clear field for and thi8 year he will clear off eilfht . Mr. Lewis, who is acting as ouditor hundred millions more of public debts at t he present time. Treasurer- A. H. Turn er, no opGertrud e Ederle, extraordinary po sition. Recorder-Allen Huffma n, no op- youn g American swimmer, will try the English Chllnnel once more, and position . Sheriff- Alfred C. Bran~. no oppo- snys: "Last year's experience will help me." It should help her not to siti on. CO l'oner- W C. Gilm our, no OJlpO- cut another hearty meal before she enters th e water. A thoroughbred siti on. . Rcpresentativc-AI'thur Hamilton, horse eats no thing on th e morning of the rnee. M.en know how to hanno oJlPosltlon. Th e above are nil oC th e offices of dle horacs, but don 't know how to the county that are to bc filled this hun dIe th·emselves. Millions of young Americans cat heartily and immediyear. ate ly dance the Charleston violently, ud ding a heavy pereentoge to the American dyspepsia record. Tell that DEATHS to yo ur children.

Candidates for Office

Card of

-------..-- ..------H armon FOIeId 0 pens



Change i.n Bus Time

~b~r. ~I'



Farmers ask a fair profit on money, labor and life invested In their farml lind are told, "Oh, that is ruled by the laws of supply and demand. We ClUlnot do anything about thatl" When railroads tell the Republican govemment they want' at le8l1t seVen per cent on fifteen to twenty biUions of securities, largely pure wa. ter, no supply and aemond platitudes are handed out. . The Inters tate Commerce Commission most politely raises freight and passenger rates, and the public pays. The farmers arc tired of thatl


The Girls' Room clu b of Wllyne Town shi p held their third duo-weekly meeti ng at the home of the leader, Mrs. Crabbe, W edn csday u(ter noon , June 16th. Two of the g irls brought floor plans of their ro oms us thcy were arranged at the bl'ginning of the period of th e club work. Suggestions were given by tll O other members as to how th ey might better the nrrllDgement of the ro oms. A discussion followed which concern---Mrs. Theodore Billhop died at her ed the articles to be made for the home on Route 4, Monduy ' mornin g. roolh. The {u llllral was held today, WednesMIAMIS Than~s After adjournme nt r ef reshm ents day, at 1 o'clock P. DI .. and burial were served by Elizabeth Henkle. AB RHO A E wns in HllIgrove cemetery, on the The next meeting will be held July Salter'ate, Ib, p .. 6 3 6 11 l O W e wis h to express our than~s to Dayton and Eaton pike. 7th. A cerdial invitation is extend- E. Burton, 2b .... ..4 1 2 3 0 3 all the neighbors and fri ends wbo so ed to anyone inter ested in the work . T. Burton, If ... ... .. 6 1 3 1 1 0 kindly gave th eir assistance nnd aym_ The funeral of Willinm Warwick, H. Burtol), c ....... .6 3 3 7 3 0 pnthy during the 'IIness and at the form erly of Harveysburg, who died Gons, 88 . ... ... : .... . . .. 6 3 3 1 3 1 time of the death of out husband and Monday at Marshfield , Oregon. will Hopkins, cf ...... ... .6 3 2 l O l l father ang also the Rev. H. O. Col- be hold in th e Chapel Saturday afterAdams, p, 1~ ........ 6 0 2 1 4 0 Iins, Rev. Amos Cook and Mra. J. W. noon at 2 o'clock. Burial in Miami Pre nd ergast, ilb .. q 1 0 2 i I> Ward for their comforting words, ceme tery. The Harveysburg Mosons A new Har.mon field was opened in Schuler. r~ ....... ... q ~ lOll ~ The Boy Scouts of Wilmington for will have charge of tbe services at Jilr.njUln Monday morning. with lIIis8 - - - - - their bel'uttful and Impressive cere- the gl'ave. lIa1')' Banker, of Middletown, as su~4.------Totals ...... .... 46 ~G 21 21 ~a II mony, · and Mr. James McClure for Perv\aOI'. The field will be supervishis very efficient services. ~s. J. F; Stump and Family. LEBANON ad 9 to. 11 a. m., and 6:3Q tq AB RHO A E • • • be game, and training 'for· '.1J air!!a. 'Harmon field is .alsp WlJIlams, 2b ...... .. Ii 1 1 · 4 I! 1 STREETS WERE OILED Between Dayton and Wnynesville. t 1 Q Leaving Dayton at 7;00 a' m., 1:00 the hOlhe 01 ~e prr! S~9U~ fill: ~bo Kinswor~h,y ..ab ...:5 1\ lummer and With Bo)' ~oout.s ae. fisher, ' ~bt ·.. .. ...... ..6 4 Z Q a s p . m. and 5:15 p. m. 9;00 p. m. on Waynelvllle · street. were oiled .l ast 'Sunday qnly_ tivltle_\ ttlil wtll lie' the oenter for Coyne, Qt, p, 1f.... 5 .1 2 2 1 0 the d).l dien tor the ·.ummer I H. Ivins, e ... ....... ..4 0 1 7 1 0 ~eek. . Leaving WaynesviJlc at 5 ;80 a . m., , It Ia the lnten~on qf the ~'lM!cutlve Gray, Sa ., .• 5 0 1 0 4 1 ~" 7:80 a. m. , and 3 :30 p. m. Saturday board to '. arrarige for competitive B. Dakin, rl ........ 4 0 2 0 0 0 2 tao p. 'ip. and 6 :80 p. m. Sllnday, ·PDI. between the , other ,Harmon Clark, p ... .... .. ....... 1 0 1- 0 0 0 Left on base&-Muimis 6; Leba. 6 :80 p. m. ., field. hi the valley Lebanon :MiaiDl. C. Ivins, if, rf.. .... 3 0 0 1 0 0 . Fast time. . • ~lIul'lrlt&hd Welt ffli!'tOUton. ' . Abo a ~oU, p, clf ...... ,.. ... 5 0 0 0 .5 ,· 1 no]\' 7. /. . . . . ' .,' , Ghana:e, effective Jl!ly 1, 1926. tennit toarn'meat fo~ both M)III and - - - - - ~ hit5-01f Ada~ .10; off Sat.. i. ' FRANK MAYO, Prop. rirla. ' " > • . Totals........ ...... 41 9' 13 27 17 \ 6 . t~rthffwicte\ B; 20ff RoU '1~; ott' Co~e . . • _-.!'_---:_' . • • . . ~ 8. 0 ark . ~ , . .. 1 1 l ' 2 .B 4 5 tI 7 8 9 - B a H s on ball&-;By :Adams ,1': IiY .t\ttE ...cURING THE . stATES ¥lalilill ...... ,, 1 2 0 0 4 0 9 0 0-~6 Satterthwaite 1; b, Boll8t by ~ru ' Lebanon ....2 0 1 P 0 0 3 0 3- 9 1. , , ~. ' . . " ' . . . ' SADek out-Bti-- 5: by SatlIlJA ' Laura Buchanan Come the Atd lee crearir Act 1: n , 'I b;, (:o)'l1e 1. Mia Lo'a. .of ' BOda. of Z r.,u,; OlUo••t Lo. . . .•• ' '- JUt lMlbman. otuay (nit C. Clq. OIdL,. ~~o . 8l'e Oil TII.iIIIIIIlW ~tu~eailll:' luue 26 lU8. .. Gel'D8. IvSqa by Ad_ ' , • tln'our" ~e ",a_\ . I2!D~_ 1 weIielllL' • Bur:. Um~!rt:..:cl ~~n. .. nlaht with their IUlCUl,. ¥Ui01l ~ B. BDaItb. SM'J. . toa r 'liJIi~Two . .... 1& mlDtItII!o aIlcl wif..

... - ...----

The Rev. Tertills Van Dyke, .s on of th e extrem ely ab le Dr. Henry Van Dyke, quits his fashiona ble New York chu rch for a small town pulpit. "The people of New York want their relig. Ion with a jazz tempo," he 8ays, and he dllcsn't intend ~o shoot .011' fire. · works or wear n r ed vest, to save men's so uls. Mr. Van Dyke's complaint is just When you have bare·footed young ladies dancin g in th e church aislea to "express religion" you push competition too far. But pulpit sen sationnlism is not new. It was old when in Brooklyn DeWitt Talmage raced up and down his long platform, or Henry Ward Beecher sold a good looking mulatto slave girl at public auction in his pulpit.

Our young ladi es are becoming sophis ticated, almost cold. A young gen tle man in love with Miss Clara Bow, who did not care mUClh for him, slushed his wrists witb a razor. Her comment wns. " Gentlemen usually pr efer g uns, when tbey commit auicide Cor luve. "




Second Anniversary. On Mondny evening, for the pleasure of Mr. and Mra Merle Kern, of Columbus, and in honor of the lecond anniversar;Y of theb; marriage, Mrs. J. D. Marlatt entertaIned with a sumptous s!x.o'clock , dinn~r: ·· The f ollowing wore Invited ' to' . occasion: Mr.

1' . . . . . . . . . .

.. .








....... tlltftd In " trllltl , otl11l\4\," t n window and 'hi" cOllld II low,'rt'c l OMO thl' Wilt r. "' I\ ~· tl lhe gInn r~. w41 0 1\ lh e \Vat r It beealnc <Il\I.,t, I hUM ennbllnl!' liB 10 aoe ~h bQltom A~ eMlI~ ,,8 , " • , IhO b<:>ttoltt of fI, \)""k UIII! o r ,vuler. Of · ~our .." . . Iho bon~ . nluel b ,Um.~ aull to d ~h\8. 'but It co n b "Io\'~d alow Y. Wlten' wlahh,g mOvll th bont 1'a. t r l b , Y l l\l_ed tho Ina. an Int h ,o~ i.w 11 pln ln.a · I lit th glall bottonH1d. boa,ts a,',· \I o t BO sntls80 "'q W~I) ' (lnck on lhe olectrlc ra too ' Co ,, t.I, ,,y <10 nul "'1le l Ih WIII"t 1nl.r,,'Iln4 I. 1M WO" l nfl 'hll)' Iclt,,"0 rul\~ tl,,~t no lud \n n Tnmpn., ' 0. 1·. .A8 H. Wn.a nrl )t -w e w ent out to nnU t.\'I,\ t i~ rClJulr'''' 50 '" " I Itrly. We :,sk,t.'t\ h tlll hl'it1r 10 t'K I:&1!1 m ," Th e n h e 1.ol\.ln:~i'. \lool ,'. PCt r .~ ur g lhn' .w nlng. Wo look- I ~ ft th e M tr,m J dotk In nl.eIlYl1 t· ny nbd t hat t~ fld nrounll 80 mi'" l h Bt ev oning o,nc\ n gnt n \\'CQt Acr nss Uu)' b.\~' l' lg\li mll eR IL nd ~ \11 ' Ir tour I\hh 11 ,'" r "ht'J wt u 1 h~\\ lh~ 1\; \\ n A~ d At.nrh ;' l llk .. ec l\' ~d In the morn in g . Then ,w e wt'n t by e loc ... , n I)u l". o n ' he _Hl nnllc n n.r Soldlur t'i'il' "nt~ t o ,I,1U P rt. ' nl~nd\ n ~ l o go K ey II $ml, 1I Isllln". "rQIIII<1 II t ho. a I h, if t jlll'"tt lIcr ·"" UOCII I ;l\,gn UtlY I P A~. a 0 "111 . .t;Nrt' na nre r \)u,ncl , Tit rt) w e ~, .." ..,

rg Parties Take -Trip Through. the hand of Flowers ,and Sunshine "err

was filed. by IlxelJ'tors, Charlee C. and '16; 'I.'he W08tcrn StarI lega' notice,


- ,4; The Lebonon Plltr ot, f(lr proof Proof 01. ,UI... 1icatlon wu filed 'of of publicntion or notice of trana!er of HOTAIIY pu.a.~ the noti ce 0 llppointnlcnt of Wilbur funds. $~. 26; MeGetcl\in's 1',I\n.rlm.ev. 8uppli 8 (or juil • ..$:1.40; The Mar~h_ull and ' Carl B. Mililer liS xec· N.tional B.A utOl'll ufthe Il'~tate of Martin V. Mar- Bros.. 8uPlliioll fo r clerk U! $2.40 ; Shcl'lIf Brnllt. , postage shull, do 'cas.'ed. Will. Dr."'n .. .. ,_ .... E.tat•••• LII t will :and testl\ment of William flee, $t; GUOI'1l W. Luni el" W a ynelville. ·Ohio OSCllr .K ecvf.r. deceasod, WIIH ndnlltt d for MonlUl'lni l1u l1 jll,l\ito r, $20; to probate_ Milton S. Kellver wns Lebnnvn [o'urm ('r's (; o-ope~lltlve Co. , aPl)oinlcd us exellutor herein, 118 nam- coal for c,)U r L 11f\u s ~, $18.06; J. K. ed in said will, 1\ 0 bona l'cquh·ed. S~encc r th .. etl lourls wood f ol' cour t Frunk Gll lla her, P ,t 'I' Ben hum IIntl house, $9.7&; T he Oh io Lll w Re pol·tor id Th oIlJJ ,~o n we re appoi nted us up· 0., fIll" law hook fQf Prosocuting·At. torney. $6; '.I'h We ·t e r n Stu r. s uppru ise rs of the stato. \\,' rrlHdl h I W ' nt,)'·(1 \"(' m'n\ltc ato p 'r ht, r,~ wne n o h Of\ t .rotn~ ,(o r an h o u r Dentilt ~ l)Un gott: &lIlU t h 80!"'1' kln t\tf Qt 4.!urnl, )1' I'i~ th l ' Ilf ll l'll, ., f ,t' 1 1ln,,"l~ nno l hl' r .. I" l\\ n ,tin We ~ IH,m l t he t ime wa t ch ing Tb CJ'O W 1"0 terns fill tJ.,,,utl ru l JUI t hO ,," Ad t.l ltiollnl uccou nl o f t he est nte of plieR fo r PI'ullale Court. $ 17.5 0; 'the ft"l1 we d,' \th \l) l u tr-.\t('" J\ ~h.-:h 1 rh fiSh In , he IJn)' nnt! pooplo flahlng. Bo uk D •• Slime , Wayne."ilIe N.tloD. 1 B. nk Bid•• ,, ' 1\1111' tt'lr. we. \.Ilk ucl of fr.(H I II~ o n Uw lllJf4 cu m l' fro m J'; Utll i s, ,c ar r yi n g (,ur· Th r,' w or~ -o nly n eedl t1~h t o b " I n . lo\'ely onos (In t h", Vnnd,· r\,.() ort hnt l'. 'Alvn E. Jumes, d ccuosed, was filed by Columhu5 Blunk f\ W :1. fe Huf l . IrtU( f)'. l on~, round . ,utll udministratll ", G. F. Hogers. $7 .60; T he J uhn ~u lt und Wul::;on 0 . , t h\,t" . t.htt t ".· l h()lH;tn 'V I I \'\ lIulel dl:.'" ll ' ~'n L~n.M"'· II~tJr~ , ";0 t h er ('"o nr lJlncd t ho '1'11 011' W l' 8tlW wet IULlU] olor d nnd HOll1 n n d oUt r~ or ~Hl nlO :tll llp " tlut .s ma ll er 1 ,. I01: " t-, , nmk illg' It (ull 11)1\d f ur OUt' nllou t 1'1 If1 c h ~tI l on g- u ntl no In c h thi ck ll lH) som !' gh or t. T her e "' US Jt l s o tieR Distr ibutive ucco unt of th e cstate sltm $(i2; Stukaltu Mfg. 0 .. same, 1m) " by "nih&' "'II! t,.H\', \t n,.;, 'l't ~ <1 1" l\JlI t lind rn o l,lth" thut l ook e d llko b ill s. grnliHI find n lt! r t h' n ga ,w e r e w nv~ of CUl'o IYII Smith, deceased, wa ~ filed $ lO. r, O; IIlni t' IIl1 d Leroy (or 600 Yllrds lh.tot'. Wt! . tarh:..t, ( ,all r, n et " ,ID hi 1'1,:', I 'nt' mnn ~ iught 1\ tl ound~r, Th oy o r o i n g Itt th e- ,vott'r ~nll'lO n .lt tho ), "" .,,'f' cru shed s t.)IIP. ; 760: 'r he W ~8tc r n II \''''W~ C it y 1M n l ,t · tt y 1l1 t\C1' . b ul nn l- o nc 8 'ct ~ 8l\nd ·~o l o r c d no d th r. o thby ndmini ~'tt-lltu r. J . L. Mendenhall. tio1fp, Ind a. t.IJr "~ tl1ntt Vl.' .:,f fll" !tlln i In l11(' w ind n ln nll , ·['ht"·£! w e r e sl l10 J. Q. hupert, ud mr, of lhe cslatt: Ohio Grn" r l n., for /iil ii tOilS crushed n6r 'Real JIlet atll :,' n~k",l hhn t tl ~ ltTl1 th t., bu. n l wn~s ~.",i'\ UI'u\ll\ll th,'" cdJilo er whl l . 'I'he hen d I . on th o upp er ta rtlini e r ~H f a ll slz t,:r, b ut mu,n)' w. ' r~ r4 ltl u, of .Jnm e~ W . 1I1 00n' . (Icc 'ased. wus sto no, $:J7 1i, I ; Thc IWpllt ric k!?rc nch \, to k 6 11 . 11" t or . rr-.. trl l' III th l~i r II . \'r l't:1In, 11 t," I l t l l 'H h ,l (l\',lid ~h' I; ~:- . .'10 we d id n o t t ,"'l8.8 af ra Id uf sen 8lc kn e.s R c rO~ 8 gi ve n Illltho .. ity by t h · caul·t \4, Re ll Mutu .. Ca r (' to . • fo u .. ti .. (>~ f.... county 1'It 1.11... lllt',~ r pltf'ts td th e ('Ill efl, Lak e th e 1,11.\),. but i t ",u.s t\ !In (i ntl'-th'o Itt 'l'n.nt"f. the. nc\:t "n :)t' J\H l\',! "," ', At the BoUom of tb" S". lit priv ate slIlc ect'win assets belong- tr uck. ,;j:!~: J. K. Spenc e .. , :J2 1:l fe et Itolnlf to pn., lhl\t WiUf ~1~1 ,~ "n·'\" tluln \\n~ llk r' , l\ l ~ o I.flHI A lfr('ll. The r l1 mi l", o\'e l', \\'e wt' nt I dowu t he ' hench 'l'll~ lwu t lI WVl!O ! l owl ~' and we S BW brill!!" lu ",I0(' '', $ 1!)7.75; HI'rRc hel F . i:<l ; d ~1I ., l,I\\ II 01 I.nk., "Hr~iJ. wh C rH Hll rl WAt ch ·,1 lh'J iJllth e r :. f o r u whll,' Il n d lh u brain rO l'!l U roo! u n o eO'"ctl nl b C01'I\1. ing to s uid estllto. to Ut. WJltlhod u u r h an cl " tn th e Q ulf ( I t Mex· T he ' ourt d"te rntin ed t he vo ill e of J a mes. trll ck r cpnirs, ,65 7 .34; The Th_)' wero sol nll:' Itl 11' ''' ' ' 1' (' 1,:11' " n t \\ I ' In.H!.' :I fi(l c \:!\-m l nut :H!J 11. Thest! h·o . \V c w nr bnck t o St, P ('Itnrab uq{ 'J'h (> InN t fOlll' l'n \' nU tllw tl ur ll a t h urd Will Pay \ V hU to cr oss ing t ho com ' f ur mntl n n , \\T e HnW n one o f t.ho the sta le of ' arah M. Easto n, de- Para ~o n Rl'fin ing Co., 10 gns books, 11~ \}O a. m " a nd Wl\ "i"', to tH n t lilt' -.; lU1 hl u r i 1H ;l\h' ,, !lv\l t ..' \'ery t\\ 0 hou r s , h~t' t ho afltlle rou t f', t h (' Rul n ln p ol nt cfl O\.l t a n i 811\ml ornUlme n tA l conil as It I~ no t t Oll I'd ceased, ns $687.:10 and g~ ant ('d ('x· $8 1.:30; W l\ i tc~' GIlI'U!!'C: 1'0 1' refining )4cClovll holt I al Ih nt 1I11'/> ,I. JIll H In 't.w,n tBinlng \\~h,h' w e W~I"-.! ut l A\ k o "RY Ilil d ~t\t f l it w na foxclue!l\'c' l \, t o r blnl.s . lh en.' . T he hnnJ ,' o rnl l:i nIl shuues a n d g il l 1,11\'1o-t In t he htl:;! .,.\ h int a:t n('lIuary. , p a8I e n E. r., flfrh ,- 1 t' \ 1 tho .1 .. \l f rt' ll . f ill \\u li t! Hull! fit' au d no m e sl7.f'lt f ru m tw o In c h es 111 1c1tll lll(' t I' t o e mpti on f rom inheritance tax to th o eq uiunt ent, $ 1 3/j.3~ ; Ow~n Wilker -' \\llIla~ U ' g\'" ll lll~ wt.' t, Hy tt H.,' tim e \\1:\ u th(1rt-c WA ' C"I~( 1 :1110 CO II 1lt.,,1, 1 'J\'e r . 00 ~c \' e r:t.l t r·~ t. s o n. f or lub nr on conC I',·tc wuli. $ 10.s uccessors. . .... t II a t lU :40 . 'V I'n..w n fe w fI ~h-nn':;(l l c nv le t. Lu st will nnd testament of Charles 50 ; Willinm Wil"(·r~o n. ~llI\lC , $14; W. t ray.Jed . V {>T t h 1lhtl' Il 'l:\, wn \' :~~~: I~:.l l\III,~ ;~lt~t h:~~~ ~~, \\~I~f~1 j.!l~~\!,~h 1 : ~ ,lI fr e r ~nt lc.l nc i!4 ,.,f ht rfl s I) n th'" t ' 8 1nn~1. g rllY Kllllf'l1h." " (lo ul1\I" r s II ll\} r n. l.1lu m; \Vc ,I lt hl t tol ' " b\1I n f ew H~ It W(\s t o o 'V. Cox, deccllsed. was udmitled to Richurd ll owu rd for c lcll ring trer - . IL t brou Sh Or n ~" ( ~ Il)' ,11111 nil t i l waM ( llt~ It thlllhlrt 'tHu r nl Hnt l 80lJ n O\'I· r ,'lll' l ), r ur t l1.,m t o h e r e t urnlH~ to ro oaH u l sn crnlHI a nd lu b ~ tt' r " , 'Ve ,u k t~t.I th e d"pth or th .· wnter, proLate . Clyde Cox, ns nom ad in fro m Ii irk. hr idl:'e, $2.8 0 ; Elhert W . Telephone 292W . ntn:r4. ,,"' h ere t ht',\' W , ' ft' 1 0 \I!r' k lIlI hul ""j \ \\ .. h ' ltm (\. t l' th ~ II''' ~ I n Its p!t1.b . u n ll ,,,' f' ~'" I' '' 8.-. "1 ' 1' .11 m ll,·s awn.)", hut I to.'O t Hllt l Ilr\rl' ~ Vnr r1t'r I h 't' tt j U 6 l tiff t ho Uh: I,'O WlSh W I' ('nul(, t ln\'~ gO IH' d o:", t o t hem . thlf\l(lrI~ it WIUI nLJout thr' · 1U000e pal.angora, Af t f1r wrt ltiH ,~ Hnmt'l 1'1 I) b ' ,' c ItU I1L;'h. fur Oft t o lie th eir h omH'. the )' tuld Us t o n ftlt.· t. 'r ill' rl\lH n l ll sa id will. wus uppoi nt ed ns exe culor Iro ns. f,,.· ch"nrill g t l'C" f rom Rond Miamisburg, Ohio ~11 No . e5· B. $~.50; IWill iulll Allison, Pia l" ('Il, wn:x •• u r IWX l I ll t'rl! n ..: (::~~!;nt ~~~ ' ,,(Iai~; \'.I·'n\~'I .~r~ b~pl:rl~J!(~,l r0!f~t~ jJUl lltt ' ll o ut 1\ WI\' (' I' i3 ll 01l t t o UH , It in snid will, no bond rcquircd. tlmB Gn d no o n cilm h U:f, Wf' fOlIIr tt-·l..l lit! , l ~a"'~ l llrou~ It , '1'''11''' is lit ,· 1alll.' I' /ila f '~ '~ ", h,' rt' l l", :OOP('lIg ' LndU8 ~ look(H.l Ilk" II crC'lnntt. 1(" Hu id th c,\' Ru ssell. Charles E. J ohns lind Williltm same, $2.01&; Leon E. Iron s, s nnl(~ , We P a y Yo ur T elepho"e C. II. if W. V{ bil o \\ \1 ,\'erQ waJthl ~, :\ \\111\);\.11 lUHl t .+ " 1\ t" ~1' \' U.t. · ", t AU" ,,, Ij'~ I'I ," tW I ' \I" n In 1"101'\\'p sto l' /' OC' 10 .Mcn them K ~ I Jo m d o mu c h dUUlUJ.{tl Ilt HllU, lJnCllUJl O Brown were IIpp uilll!'d 115 ' up J)l'Uise rs same, :j: 2.4.5 ; Win)! und Evnns. Inc., Buy Your Poultry. 'her Hul' l J- )' e n " · 1I1d dRu':hh' r dtU\I',\ h'a a .ui t he F l vr ld " n d all)' lli(' ~ r cU l ,· tl L II'Y I~ l .I'nl t.1d . II~ W I' w"rt' Oll t t(1 soc n I wco co uld an d ,a ~ t ItOY n f.' u r Lh ll \\' Il t ' I' It ' s RuC'ked f eu' cull- i"m chlo .. id ~ . $6!IR .65; War1.11)\\' 31' ..1 fi n d th n1~ 1 ti! rlt5 It s force IUHJ of the estlltc. Ih Chsrl,' .!to n t o H l1 h O ll(l~raph l" n)' l n g: In tit" l'nltt' d Stutes, " I ' ~lIrf' l y SH\\' t' p l) n g(, 8 , \ \ ' c arrh' tHl a t ' t' U1I1J1f\ IIhl," l ti II. III I n the IIIIILtcr of th c 1I 11plical iCl II of r e n Ur t ,m. 17 1 ,·u. y"nb 0 f ston e, " ' " lh (' o \\"'.'l1 t hU,l' k t p 'l"ll mpR. r e - Hl ' a It ('of'S It . "Sho ,,' 1\t(\ Ih e 'Y ay to Cl 1I u ll l ,. S.!l hun W(' I ~ tt l Ilt' G :'J' tlft n M \V O W C lit Thc~' l uul" \It! t \, t h l..' I l l l !'!',) I '. l.Jf\' ('H lHa l ll ' tI~ tht' r" ni l IIIKh t 1'11 " r".' x t dav n r \\" Charles E. Grubh ~ . hl'T(·tofof(' .. 01- $11 U.70. .& nC8n \ . I~" W 11 ro r 1'10 fl mnll 1\ -ch ild , u llrld "u o t11('r wa y 1\11 \1 i_ H \c k clOtS,,,, ~Iu ... l ll lHI t l ll' I'C J:.. W lh' I' I ' \\'1 ' t' li,'n l tl h \\I ~ H,' III III I.nk l l l ,t n t l , j..:"1· tt l ng tbtlro CORR ECT Th t'rl.! \\ pro ma ny prt-' t ty n Ot\ \'I '1f .~ 1 l)11~ IIlattt 'l'h ,.y IHIJ' \ ' , , \l a KOvJ d w ncr iJ[ 1I l'Oll t filio n \Vhlt e I (,...ok I UK nr()und to Ca, lO }o' lor h ln , TI\(Io cC\ I'tuln t o l d UH t o judJ:ed to bc insllnl', Mni d apl' lh mt k a t t.lH' v() l nl w h~rp lhe r" Wtl ro was pronounccd SHIll! ut his lnst hQur. tbo ..... y. bu t 1 Ih uug ht the royu l puln , Sl.Hl II. n) tuH I,. ·.· t, 1)UU, l OR, !J" tt c r' t.e[l n :l, tll,' r f' t u 8N,' Ilh' pl nc,"" Ii, ' tun' ~o ln" lu loo no t !'f'OS but Me V ,' l"!t) VIHI (,llt':\ o r IUl. tr n :s 1 ' 4·"r~ ,.~,) .. " lf cunl IJ< $8 per ton Kn'l:'n h.~ anb, "'!L'rrn rh Us , h illi e r , eucr,·c , "(\I' lIe r s, ~\ Illull n ~ kcJ U /5 til K it t o CorD,1 • 1&n t hn n icest.. \ Ve s nw m a n y l uk"'8 h ,' ,) (' n 'lull nU,1 " /lkt' Fllr Iort'HK tn -!t. l l;uhl.,fI, till ~1I m(l a:.' , 'rh;Lt i!oi It {l~ \' t' l op­ lit.' a nt lcl l ids \VOK th ~ l·' lo r hln J u n", lt.,~ . iug . h'l\\ ",all Y tult ~ wi ll you get fur $80 '/ ,1 we I , t"u r )t o mu ch nbou t, Tha L 114 w tll' r c the mutter o f lhe ~cttl<'me n t of In ao d o( <l it 81 .06. ~om~ll n' •• w cu uld tht' Y ~tir\ ..I n U I'·II.dr hlllll~C , I,),~ t n l4 ~:l l, II l l ' lI l :Itljui ll it lj.! M ln lll i " ' (i t o l d hhn tu cl, IL- "F o ur! " \ C ,,"011 It! ~" :1ncl en lief! \"lu' l1 fl ra II)! a lm u s t a ll the p lc t IIr ~B o f JlI n " l c~ a rt' th e estnte of Madeline [\1. Slul<'1', dc.e t:l lh r,- ~ or f our ul n time , T ht")' nr£' C~I4. '\ I-t,rlll hl ~1 ult . \"lI t, ' r I'U., 'O (fl" , ·' T h nls wl'OOg'! 1I "h UIH.' :ln ll I II, ,\, ca m e tn ( or Us, ~\'o ceased, it was ordl'[cd that the inil !'ra ll named bu t 1 on l y lUUHd thH nom~f; SiBhl,S"ei~1I Around Tampa \'i1'41 1CIl wltll l h~t ' 1I1 ul\t ll 'h.' XI (' v(' nln g, ~~:~~~I' w~~n tl~~t\,~~~j ~~ ~ ~~trh~[I~ ~II~;1 '" ," . "it' . I kllow it. but lhey d u it t hu Ju n lif h~1J ugn l fl , "I'h oru wer e 110 itnncc tax c ntry be ce rtifi cd to t he of four or fiv e. lonk '; Monroe 18 t he AI ~, If, th e IHIM \' US wu iti n L;: t v t hko f, nd n .: tu ruj-, I \ 1) l .uf' ldllfl'l, " '" W lit t o IJnlmll j lI ~t t iw ~ : ull e ." t o be ~wo n . u ll t oo ko l) t o h e o nk s. nudit or . ftnq 1\1'01u,,1 \. 0 1-0 1 Gntlll' S otrla 0 next morntng nbou t larln at and Luc r ue lh mO!lt I t "~IlU l l­ Uri H S IKllt -"'('I,' I HJ.:, til,. r~ o t h ) Ill e nllo n t hnt Cortl l On · '1'111 Ii 11,;1,. hi h H1I nX HCI'O b ~ ,,':llUpn !.Sny t o II' ,.,· l urk, anti \,nl l"O unti l : p , m .. b l 1.1 f o LIIst will an d tes tame nt of E . Stellll I;l· t 8 It s ""llI e rr o m the co r n l n il luI. I)a\'i~ 1l"li'lfhl; Uh II , 11I t II I Uh'" l1 ar r y I tln lhl ' hu~ hnl l \)RSjltHJ w ithou t slopI ADVERTISE ME NT' T h (,fO are em u ll tow 11 (II C \~ llry fa\'\' 11.'\ lh"( ' 1' 1)I' \l ' l u P Illt.'I1 I , l il ,· C'uu lIlr y hlb p i ng , " ',, \ \' ('rC- II ~ t.\IJ\JOi Ul(' d h ut t hry ov e r I llt.! v1 nc{' nnd th e gnlJ Jcl§ o n th t' Matthews was admitted to probot ., . 1Julll there, Emmo T . l\Iol'ch, li S num ed in suit! Ligh ten yo u .. work - use Sunray .. n es, and lome goo cl -8 1 ~ e ll tl1l(," , /\ gSUlll' t: . \V,I I!t:: u ' (1 a ll IlIt l -n 's t t ll ~ Icc- fll'l k fl cl \18 t u \\ul l lUI( JrlO \\" ud fl(l tldny , h QU"C8 It \\Ill !! (tI ~ tl l 'i 1>. rn , Wll M I we do c k l' cI ,, 111 4'1, .w ,. . , .Ied d" ll to ( ) o , IIU', ' :1 He l 1 h':l1 \\ uri ' h" \ v ,-, d Il I Ul1c h or will ,was mau e executor or the c"tlt te. LUlUll" . tew a re not a s l argo UN " ' '-' l1l1\nn , ',", !-l\ 'Thllt 1' \'I' n lnJ.t \\f l' Wtl l'l' I\sk l' d 10 gO hll \' lng lrl\ \, f' l cu 4t, nrll l·t1 nnd ' be ' n ullt, ll il " kl' i'tt, l ·lI l fl.' \1 unci IltQl Ch V I,', Af&leo went tbl'ough omo It h.' tJ, :::il\nforo,.l, II ' r I hU L WI ' \\ , ' I'. ' llt h,. ,u JllI .JY r lh o t v \ Vln t-' r I Ill"'''' th e I\ ~:s t dny. \Yo rt vu hourw. wll l c.:h I'\,' n li y ita 'O lU ed ol\ ly Chllries S. Irwin, Charters 1). Mal,le twu h o urs , II Wil.:i n, vc r y uJ o yn b lo und hurles Young weru appointed orlando. Hnyne.a Ity and 1..n l<~ ln"d g r·,,','lIl!'. Ilnll lUilit ,I In il l\"'~ t. bu t 1 \\cnt 10 hili t l1l1l', \\' Int e ,' Ha ven J6 n, trip. I", u, ull !u l p l l\c(' 11(\11 Itt cllll c,l th C' Devel· .A t (ow mU es' out or }{t8~lmou wo rnn !t.lI.ld I' I"IJ/l Ilv t HUll ru l'} (lntl 1 meB n t OI)rlUln .1\ t tr ort Ph1lrce w a Stl w ou r fir st CO~ as IIppraiser s of the estate. t with I n HL.n ke ~. "r h e re Jlre a c11. It t nlt: o, ), Ul d t il' !lO l UI' " III to ,·on. nul h ','ea n nll n\ \\' f8 t Pa lm ben('h

Perry A. Easton..



Dr. J ohn W. Miller ,




Poultry WANTED '!



2 6c per pound·

A.D.Swank &Son





.As w e w" r

gnillK d v WfI

.rad , we co" .. t d to th next flt ll o" .tallon. KI ....lmee I. on ln tlln n "nrne.

n h,: r"r n ., ,)ll1e Hud t h.d 1:-; a ll l wnnl. ; \u +l1I1

I 1',

HI .. th,~ "IIt' tHa rll' ~

r otUl' 11 tr il l hu t di ll


lU ltily tJfI

I n k ~A

on th £'

~ro und s,

---_0_ ..0- ---

e rn. l mit es tU-' ( o r

l"(Jn c hln g In d ia n Rl v or

t; lt)' th i' l nn41 I s mnrl"h y a n d ('o vered wltl l " "rAt' ).p'n88. I ntllnn r iv e r 18 w i de htUlUt i Cul a nti 8n lt wnt t." f . It 1ft along t ilt,! COU8 t h Olw eo n lhe mainl an d and IJoI I:lIllly JUlI l x li' nd @ a s t n r sou th a.a St. 1.ue i ', Tbe h Oll l ovn,fa Is ' l 08~ to th is

'nIFlY .,aint experts test; You caD w e

C , ed the relative quality

of 8 ,ClUferent makes of .warahh atain. . . 1




'ldahOgaiiv,' ·Dark Maho-PoY! Wab.ut. Light Oak.

Golden Oak. and Dark 'O ak-these 6 tones were 't.atec! (or color accuracy. .~nd what fA conc1f1sive tat It Was! 11te


expertS"choSe Dewe'

ilTOJm; Vami&h SWin as' . the line 'of colors which'

. '$

rep~uced most closely; t h e al' conception of the. . c 'bardwood tones.f

D evoe Mir~ 'ralac with perfect confi..' den.c e on any job.' . For test after test of ·var..} n ish st a ins proves that] Devoe Mirrolac not only: duplicates the de5ired hardwood tones but at the same time adds a toUgh., durable coat of vamiab. A nd most important tot VO\l, Devoe Mirrolae i~"&1 actually guaranteed t render satisfaction when applied according ' to directions. Practical telta Rrove Devoe ~r


.FRED M. COLE, Waynesville, Ohio

DEVOE Mirrolac VamisliSta'A --

------ --- ---- ----

--- -





w n nt H 11 wnt e r fr o nt h om e, and th ~ Itoya.l Palm l'. \V e saW l ht' ..... O'l\gO t h )' au r t' l}' P '\y fO r tl w ln. u8 unlly In ul St. P e t ershurl', n IsI,) l ha p tL\\"pnw nOll bl\n nnn, T,h cr ' w e re ru n n y vurlt·tlo, u r t wu wn }'s- wlth ('fiS h an d mosq ultoll, n ow rs but the o l Nl.ntlo r pr t1om ln Ul lc' (1. "I'h ~ )' w n ' o \' c rywh c ro, Beauti ful Coral C . ble. O n \\' tl tl n cstln y we II tlLrl ell t o Coral Gn1J l ~ 8 ahuu t 11 fl, m. \V e u u\.\,e led the Hn n u,~ rond lUI wh en goi n g d ow n llntil wo ca.n lr to Or luudo. wh r w e t ur n ed cnat nnd w t' nl H<:rO!'jH t o th e c ons t. fo""Onr lIe v-

o n th o un'

i!1I IJur k t h r ough



rlvtr nil Iho wn)' nnd ,ro r rnll ~" It .. ['ordore,l a n ench "hi ,w·lth Inrge ollk COMMON PLlcAS PROCEEDINGS t r t'NJ-U l thlll~8 it l oo k s as I( golns ,bhra UKh ""'nnel. Th er Rr~ olOllnder Amancln E. Sll ' I\VAII vs. tcphen ua hes on bolh altl K ur th o ro"d. aet v helll'."n 'h oa k •. whit "'''" Y bcautl- A. Stilwell, cause was dismissed on till halli e" ure '0 b e sec n Illontr Ih,· way. applicntion of th e pla intiff. I·'rorn Cocoa to 1I0<'klcd gO the bank. John T. Hnrbl' ne J r., vs. I re n"" H. a r t) r-a ck y . At no place w ere th e y m o r e .'" Ull, n four or riv e r ot high. We ala lel Ba rnhart an d Rut h A. B D r ~ hart, deIn Ilo" klcdge OVer night. Along thl. fe n"ftnts wer e ordered to pay to t he road 18 n. plio of s lone. whlch mar k. ~ I" lilt' opo t o f un ola.tlme whlpplng-polt. plaintiff $266.95 w th mterest since We ."W soverlll 1,Ineappie [lcl a .., aome October 27, 1926, an d to pay the costs hlld reb I.onnogllt hered ubout "n" l'hcm. olhersTIl" nolo ' case, n II WI'th'an t en days f rom be"uty re 0 f t h IS 'fho. , Id b b h I It d date of filing. Unless said payments ~rl o; .. ~r F'f~~i;IIl.U8 ea n ong 'e roa • are made, the IIlr o pcrtr, described in All .Tuplter we croBBed n bridge ove r the petition helr ein wll! be sold at Juptt r In let. There Wae iWllt r every. ' If ,wh ere and. a lt l oo~d a like to me. but p~blic auctio n by the sherI . they .alel "" l he lott WM Olympia rlvOn June 8th, twenty na mes were or !Lnd on thci right wae St, Lucie river. dr awn fr om thE' jury wheel, fo r jurTho St. Lucie belpe to dra in t he E v- ors to se.r ve as T,e...:t J' uro- in t hel:a y .." ~ erglndes knd t'll" Ne..... rlvcrr-farlh er !IOuth aleo drllln. It. Tho Jupiter I n· . term of court , begin ning on Tue y, let I. whoro t he Spn.nl8h neet landed J une 16, 1926, a t 8 :30 a. m. Everett E rte'l vs. Hilmer E rtel et .Iurl n&, the Span l.h.Amer lcan war. Weet Palm Beach wae Iho pret ttee t pIneo wo enw dllr lnr ou r tri p. bu t HoI- al., t he estate In t his case It appcarI)" "ood WIl8 almoa 118 pretty. How· ing impossi ble to divide same a mong ver, w e llldn't get togo over to th e h Id t M d B bench wh ich Ie .llid to be tho prettlut t e successors was so 0 au . pori. Ertel fo r $1650. After a ll expe nses Wo nrrlv od e.t Oornl Gables obo ut 5 were pllid the plai ntiff and t he s ix de~i'dlll;'e;;~~}eJ' I ~I~t ;~~ rw o~t t~o.MI~~ da ntu drew $201.65 ench. Defendnex t mo r nIng n 8olc8mnn came a.nd ant Mau d B. E r tel WIUI IIssigned anlook Us In his car oil OVl!r Cornl Ga- nu a l dower of :$ 19.26. b l e~. U I. a benuU.rul pll\eo. b ut t he In r e-dissolu tio n of t he Mason Mill. new 1,l nc08 do no t a'llpan l to mo 0.& I I'n" Company. ,..~ corporotion, the reti~ not c uro tqr th e for e ig n t ype of h-OUO a nor th e color.. We w nt to ceive r herein was a llowed t wenty Mlnln l th at o.(ternoon o. nd rema ined dollnl'll wit h which t o hire a n nuc· there ~I\e re~ t of our Rtay. We we nt to tloneer to cry sail! of real estat e of t':~ ~~gkll~~k~gr "t\,ih·~s:.!' I~':,tau. said com plln y. The s um of $20 was Bont," ·o.nd ti nnil y fOU nd it. but there tallowed to adve rtisie the Bale, in addi wn. no one there. Next morni ng wo ti t th I _. ti .woeht baCK a nd the cnplaln waa on on 0 e eg... . no ceo bonrd. He ... Irl tor u. t o come bllCk Robert Brandenburg et aI., VB. the nt 2 p. m .. 0.. he was ma k ing the trip Mason 'MilIing Compa ny, It w as orthen. B,etore ata rtlng b e took ua do wn dere d b'l t he c()urt that the plainti ffs In t he hold o. nd elC.pInlned how he operated l he g laea. 'T here was a large recover from t h e defendant the sum op8nl ng Ion the oenler of the hoa t !lnd a of $205.99. Mandate from the Court of A(llarge g laaa, aboutGxN t ee l. TIl l. glal.




I'B reaks all Tire Records the Extra Process for Extra Miles! .. . . ,


'nul soo MIle Speed Clas.1.e at lndinn.~I!. h al always been a Battle of Tires. In 1911. Flftatonewon ",lib fabdo

. . . at 7• •59 mUe. per hour. I n 19Z0, Plrcltone won with cord tira at 88.55 mOe. pa bour_ In 1915, F~

with PuU.Skc Gum,D ipped Balloon. auhe rec:ord hrea.klng avenae tpeed of 101.13 mlla pa hour. III 19l6, FIrestone allaln won with Full.Sltt Gum.Dlpped Balloone, The ten care to finIIh "In che money" ell 'PINetone-equJpped. They went the dlltancewlthout a.\nale blowout aDd wllb bue cwo tire £alI_-oae clue CD a . _ .......... - ----L-ble ...b en you COIU_ u_ ....... _. - --- and the other to a leaky valvo. ThiJ performance Ia even more ~ felTlfic . peed. at whleb the can traveW over tbIa ~ rough brick track.. Experienced race drlwn wlll nOC rl,k their 1Iu. or cbaDcN of victory 01\ llny other dra. And In the commcn:la1 field, Iarp trude, motorbus and taxicab fleet operatore, who kll9. cuefulllOlC recordt are nmong the bl, wen of PiratoDe Gum'Dlpped Tlrw. The C ity Transportatloo. Cd., of Tacoma, Wub.. wrltetl "Ou of our 12 bu... OD Plrntone Gum.Dlppea Tiree baa lone 09W M ila ",0,600 milet a nd . tiIl loab llood for many mite. of _ IIGVb p" For all around ti re safety and Dillealle, Firatone canool be beat." Howr T ire. Fron\ Cl1lu met Motor Coach Co., Hammond, Ind., the foftow!.na, Firutone ' •. :19 Mido.Iio ' 8.'0 " Wc operate 4 0 bus.. all equIpped with Gum.Dlpped TIna. TIie FltutOl1a 76.92 very low coot per mile on the.., thea operate Is COIlIldenbl, P.lm~r 82.47 IciS t ban lhat of any o ther make." Hayee BUIlJnea, Columbia, S. a GOC><hIc:b 89,84 8).26 say: "We operate 19 buSCI equipped with Firatone Gum-Dippea Goodrid> Tires. A number of these drea have run ova 45.000 mUct wltbout ever having been removed from ahe rim." The la'1!e2It taxicab compml.. In the world tCaDdanl1ze on Fl~ Gu m.Dipped Tires. W. R. Rothwell, tuicaboperator, Detrolt,M~:l wdten "'Two of Pireatone Gum-Dlpped TIn:a have run 76,uuu mites." , Hundreds of thouaanda of car owner. volulltaril., tadfv 10 aU .nfctV, comfort and ecanom., of FuU.s1Je Gum·D!PDed Balloont. W. H. Peacock, Birmingham, Ala./ 'tetdfi.. , "I have 'had P1n1to~ BaUOOl\8 for t1\irteen montha and they have d.U"end In that ttm. 24,469 miles." H . C. Sta.h1e, b.:{lnnoapolJ., "MInn. ...,., "M., F..... stone 130.1160n. Qove aone -"'9.900 mil.. aDd ant idJl III ioocI condition.." . These recordll of end~ .~, wet,- and Dill. . could 001, h ave be~ made ·becau.e of Fireltona dewtl.opmeot of the Gu_ D ipping proc:a. iruulatee and ........ .,,~ fiber of eveIY cord with rubber} nuludDa fricdoa IIDd beat and buIldUl. . . . . ICnqth and al4Uft11Ce .1D cbe eotdI-~ , you .. aU ...... _

The .Firestone Record in Battle of Tires at Indianapolis




"1 . '~

Wayneaville,IOhlo , , .

peals held bef4~re Robertand z. Buchwalter, F rllncisJudges M. Ha milton Wade Cushing on the 26th day of April, James B. H ot:lDing, plaintiff in error vs. The I •. D. Legear Medicine Company, defelldan t in error, the pro ceedinga of the Common Pleas Court were approved. Costa of cu e at expens e of plaintiff. Common Plells Court was ordered to carry Into es ecutlon the j udgme nt of the Court of Appeal... . Mandate f rom the Court of Ap peals in the clllle of The Columbull Mut ual h if e Ins urance Compan y , plai ntiff In err()r V8. Michael Dennul, defenda nt in elrl'Or l th e Court of Appeal found prEljudlcilil er r or evident a gainst said plndntlff, a nd r efu sed the judg ment of th e Common Pleas Court. The Cili se W88 remanded to the Commoll' P leas Court of Wllrren count y•

MARR IAGE LI CENS ES Robe rt Wnrren Patterson , e xpress write r. Lebanon. and Ethy l Wilso n Wilkerson, ol!cnt of Lebllnoll . lurence Lamb. slock keeper , of Mi umisburg, and Dora Isab ell e hilton, of Franklin. Rev. Shade, of Dllyton, na med. Enrl Ler oy Yeazel, ruilrond ch'rk, Lebanon, and Helen Mny Purdy. MorJ:O W . Rev. -Peters Ilumcd, Archie Sparks, plumbe r , of KinJ:s Mill, nnd Mary Belle Bowma n. Ki.n gs Mills. Rev. Kirker named. • Ollie Burton, of F oste r, and My ra Lynch. of South Lebonon. R ev. T es_ termun named. Eldon McConnaughey, of Fnyette. ville, and Ruth E . Newton. of Morrow. REAL EST ATE TRAN SF E RS George B. Weir, to Charles 1. an d Stella Willis, tract within the village of Franklin $1 Thomlls D. Jumes to Dora C we ll, ten acres in Way ne Tp .• $1. Robert Ga.rriso n to Ja mes Cowgill, \12 acres in F r nnkll n Tp" $ 1. Lida nnd Chnrles Henning to El/leta M. - Easton , II tract with in the villnge of Franklin , $1. J oseph D. 1\11l1er to Harry C. EIdrid c nnd Seymour S .T ibbllls, doing business as the Eldridge E ntertll inmen house of Franklin, a str ip of lund on Bill Avenue in Franklin, $1. Eva F, and Wi lliam C. Spencer to V. E. nnd Mabel Edwards, both parties of South Lebnnon, lot No. 13 In Snook Brothers' nddition in South Lebunon $ 1. Robert Hllrrison to Sarah A. Wnrmoth, 62 acres in Frnnklin 'I'p., $1. J oh n Clark ond Sndie Clark, to P hilip B. Nevins, 45 a cres in Section 19 of Warr en co unty, $1 . William Sunderbruck to Benjamin Flege. a tract in Salem Tp. on t he Little Millmi river, $1. s upplies for surveyor . $20,5 0 : same for a uditor , $ 10; Bame fo r sheriff, Fred J. and J osep hine L. Pierson t o Samu el a nd Gertrude E. CooJX)r, five tl'a cts In Turtlecreek Tp., one of 51 acres, t he second of less tha n onc a cr e, t hird tract, one acre, fo urth tract, five acres, fifth one acre Con. siderntio n nil $1. Otis and Ava Yo unl!' to William M. Stamper, lot No. 20 in Grund View 8ubdlvision of Franklin T p., $1. COMMISSIONERS' ALLOWANCES W. H. Andor~on Co., fo r pages of Ohi o Code for Co mmon P leas court, $45 ; aame. f or commissio ners, $411: The Book Shop, supplies fo r co urt stenographer, $7.60 ; same, supplies for Clerk of Court. $3.20 ; same for r ecorder , $3 .76 ; T he Western Star

Other cars priced the same as Buick are not even close to Buick ill value. Come in and see how much more Buick's volume production ojfers you befqre you let go 9£ your money. __ ", _ _ a.--co. .BUICK MOTOR PUNT. MlCHIGAN

.Keelor Garage' Leban~n, O~to

MONEY LOANE D LOA R 011 hU\lels, ·Locks. Sccurl· li ·s lind l:)ecolHl longngcs. Note. u,)ul,( bl. John Harbine Jr., ~enia, Ohi o. -m30· ' 26

l~'a rmers, Attention! r,'"rlfl ers of W ..rren ld a dj oinin, counties may obtain ney on lonl IiIII " loans. at 5 per cent inter est. Cost of securi ng t he same is very r eason ullio . through The Federal Land Bank. For further in fo rm a ti on call 011, or address M. C. DRAKE, Tre_ urer, phone B16-X . Lebanon, Ohio.



WANTED- To buy a smnll c ttage with about 1 IIcre of ground within five miles of Waynesville or Harveysburg. Give chcapest cnsb price. Address A. B .• care Miam i Gazette o'f fice. °J 2S' STOP! LOOKI REA D! , This ill to nolify the residents of Wllyne8ville lind vicinity that th ey may ellpect d ifferent ds. In this pllper every wet' k, covering either special ite ms or our ge ne.ral line of merchandise. PLEASE, look for them lind SQo nor or later you' re bound to fin d so meth ing tor anle t.h at is j ust what you want. Our price. arc r ea80nable ; our material of the best. We' re her e to SERVE YOU. THE B OCKLE'1:-KING CO., Xenia, Ohio. MAN with a cnr to sell complete . line quality Auto T ires and T ubes. Exclus ive te rritory. Exper ien ce not ' necessary. Sala ry $300.00 per month Milesto ne R ubbe r Compa ny, E ast Liverpool, Ohio. -Je16 FOR SALE .


FOR SALE-Shorthorn Bull. Dan Hockett, ~. D. 2. W ayn e8VU~3 O. F OR SALE-Beefsteak to~ to, Ma ng o aDd cubbage plants. W A. Lippincott. •J80 FOR Sp..LE-Jcrsey Bull. 15 month. old. Phone 59- 6, Waynesville Ohio_



P LAtER PIANO-In t he vicinity of 'Waynesville.. .C an be boug ht by respqnsible pllrties f or the balance d ue manu fac turer. Terms csn be a rranged. For con'fi dential inf ormation, w.rito P. O. Box 852 , Cl nelnnllt.l, Ohio, . I J e 28 • 1""


NEW SUITS Gail Frye V 3. Lester F rye, t or divorce, gr0 81 lleglect and cruelty i8 charged. rototion fil ed June 7, The H ermulII WeIss Company nn Oh io corpo fllt lon VB. James Cllilqns, of F ranklin, for money only, amount claimed ,479.2·5, Interest and costs. Alice Mahan VII. Neta Rogers, Tril. lenn Farqua r ot a1., for p a~~l tl o n ot re al estate andl e quitable relief. Ex-parte, AlCI na. Schlink f or habeas corpus. PRODATE PRPCEEDINGS The court det ermined the net vl\l ue of t he estate of Abijah Collier ~ deceased, as $797 7, and gran t ed In neri_ tance tIIx exemption to t he successors to said estate. Last wi ll IIn,d testament of Thomas H. Blackbur n, deceased, WIIS Ildmitted to probllte. A r thur D. Blackburn qualified Rnd was IIppointed lIS .'e lleclI tor of said C!ltate, no bond r e qUJred W. R. Lewis ,Ed S. Conklin nnd fet\as' S. Irwin were appolnte\t as appnd8~ ers of t he est.nte. Fitst a nd fin a l acoount of tho e8-. tate 'fit .John S. W r ight, deceased!.Wasfiled in' probate court of admr J!i. ,B. Hill. . .. Proof· of publloation ot n otloe of the app!)\ntment of S. T ; EllisOll, 1\8 Ildm ipl~trator of t he ' estate of Jamtlll Eml oll, decpued, Will rued. . Propf of pu}jUeatlon cif notice of the IIPpohitm,!!nt of ~iJ S. Oonklln,' a l wall filed by exeeQ~pn/ (lba •• 0 and Olinger, d~ea8ed,' ."'118 filed ' . 'In the .marter of the will IIf John Glblon, . 3.r., 'decelUled; IBlcJ will W:1I8 tr.llllt~ed fro.m the ' Butler .coun.ty PrObate court r.coMe'."nil adriilttea to Warren County Probate, the e~t8 be~1' 'ID this county. . , " Fiftt account of the e.tate of' A. D' I Euton, deeeaied, WIll ftJed ID PrO: ~~ 'by ueeutolll ·CbarJ~ C. Eaatqn

a,nd P-em A. EutoD. Fint and ilDal account of tile estate of ..... IL Eutoza., · clectUe4,


HARVEYSBURG -" '_''''IIoD "ric., '1,6.0 ,).L.CRANE

I'"bl.i .b •• .

. j


-~ --

- ,- -

"--'-'= -

.,.--- ..---


The lIVOI'lIge Amcriclln college stu_ dl'nt is bei ng ' robb ed of his Individuality Ilnd is nOlhln g ",oru thun "juBt on e of the million illt c rchangellbh~ un it.s of an ant hill.' This clune fl'um Dr. Frnnklin H. Giddings' oration at lhe l30th commencement of Union College, Schen· ectady, N. Y. "Old-reliance hus been yielding to mnss mindedll tSS, cill!\!! consciousness, unionism, Rotarianism, Ku Kluxism - boosting," said Dr, Giddings. "The growth ot population, lhe divergence of interests und the speeding up of Ilctivity has compelled us to develop organizatiop und to clefer to one nnother in public IItTalrs. Educational institutions nnd methods have oon· tributed to this condition not only by negligence lind ineptitude, but also by creation 0111.1 Ilt. present they a re rushing a muss production of Illns.s nlind edness. " To our wny of thinking, 01'. Giddings is only partiully correct. Thl'ro Is u generlll t.endencv to follow the . othor fellow lllellealJ~ and apractic£' of developing mnss etfort in Hearly :my undertaking. But thoro i. virtu~ in mU8s-mindedness in many cuses. Mass-mindcdness has resulted in better towns and dties, better gov· ernment. betler schools, better henlth cond iUons, a b£' world.

Harry Uosier is Bulfetlng wIth a broken arm, Cltu. Mudden we-I! u CO)ymbulr vlst(lr this week. . Geol'gc Denny spont SaIne limO in Kentucky, l'ecently, Born- To Mr nnd Mre. Frank 1\1cOarren, on 'l'uesduy, Juna 16, a son . Miss Marthn McCune i8 the gues t of her sister, Mrs. E. B. DOllter nnd family. ·Mrs. Hunnnh Creswell enlertained u number of r ... lntives Sunduy, in hon_ or of her birlhdny. Mrs has, Lukens und lIfiss Ruth Lukens are visiting William LukellH ' und Mary Curoline, Mr. and Mrs. Sabine MacDonald !lnd fumily entert.ulned, Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Charles 'rucker and family. Mr und Mrs, Robert Collett, oC Dayton, were Sunday guests of IItr n.nd Mrs. A. S. Collett and son, Uobert. Mr and Mrs. J. C. Gray and Mrs. C. Gray nntl children were shopping In Wilmington, . morning. Mrs, Elizabeth Lister has returnod from California where she s pent soveral months with her ~is ter, Mrs. McKoe.

Mr. and Mrs. Waller Konrick sP Monday in Dayton. . Mr. Joshua Chenoweth jg critically III with pn eu monia. Mr. M ·Ivi n Bantu is nttending summar schoo l at Wilm ington . , ' A lur!:e c rowd enjoyed the hil : drcn's Duy PI'Og'I'U .lt Sunday eve ning. Mi RS Mildred Ho i wcnt to the hospital. l\I I,ntlIlY , rur n t onsil operulion. . Mrs. Lillian ~'<l" u n d ~r\\'c nt nn O J)' eruti on a t ~li:Ulli V"II ~' y h')spitnl laM week. Esth er RpNler i ~ n"w muk ing hcl' homE' wllh Mr. an d :\1r <, Wai tc i' Ft·ie. mood.

--- _.-






Ailantic ·· City .' .

Every Tuesday



8 :00 • . m. 10 4 p . m.


Walter McClur e J. E. McClure FUNERAL DIRECTORS

Th e lust Quart .· rly Cnn f rencI' will be held lit f.~'lI {' chur ch , StnHiny ufo t ern oo n, J ul~' 4, Mr. and Mrs, II nr r y Gn.hum werc Sunday ~ u~:!ts o f Mr •. Florence Soy. lor, at Sr l'in)! V" II ['v. !\frs. :} oh n<lo II BurM n and dau g hter, El s .~, of I)nytu n. w c r ~ cn lling on Lyllc fl·il'nel., ThurMduy.


WAYNESVILLE, OHIO Fully ECluipped for Good SCl'vice . Largc Di splay Room. Ambulance Service T EI.EI'JiO NE 7

I ?,u

on NlrHl1'


Harveysburg Fertilizer Co. phon" B

Mr. ~mll" 11"u)!h. " f Irn rv e ysbur~, spellt 1ul'"du), II .th hi.· siMler, Mrs. AII{'n EllIl'it'k :1'1(1 fll III i1 y. l\-I rs.

Miss Mildred Benn('tt of near CuesCreek church, spent the pnst w('e k with her grandparents, Mr. lind Mrs A. T. Molar.

The funernl of J. F. Stump, who died in th e Jewish hospital, Cincinnati, Saturdny morning, took plnce at his Int.e home Tuesduy aft('rnoon, at 2 oclock .

Lebanon, Ohio

and .\lrR. ('ah'ill Lon gacre, of Dayton , W(' n' II ~ e k-l' nd gucst fi of hume [ nih.

UP !I!"!.:!' !-\"\ Itl :111( 1

)!'t"ond C'h il .

Some of The Things We Sell

Mr. aJld l\Ir~. GII \: Rou tza hn and dnu,:rht~r s , C t1rt(' va unci Bf·tty, w e re ~lr. , Herh"rl Hoover, wife or tho Socrelnry of Commerce In President week.clld I:lIl' ~ l s of r alnti"e" nt Tippc. Conll,lgo's ~lIllln c l, 18 shown Inylng the corn er. wne tor the model borne being CUllue Cil y,

erl" '; cr! U)' UCl lO r 1'[OIllCK In Amorlca orllRIII:mtlon Bl l the S~Qul . Cen lennlaJ Messrs. \\'i llian. Brown, J. O. Curt.11I l< 1"1111 I 11I1I1l1 I':x po. 1t lon, III T'hllndolphlo, June 1 lo December 1 to ee1ebrale wril!'ht nlld Wnlle r Kelll'ic k wer up160 l a rij of Aowrlcan Independenco. Opposite Mra. Hoover alands Mre. Vance pmiser" IIf the ,'.late o f th e lute M . . .. , nt , l'k or II!lrrlsburj;. The Girl Scou18 groulJsd arolUld lhe women will W , c. ell".


he house.



CYRUS M'CORMICK HAD LITTLE SCHOOLING "Give UA this OilY Our Daily Bread" is the subject of an interesting article in the Nntional Uepublic from t.he pen of Quaker O'Taylor, giving un account of lhe li fe a nd achievements of Cyrus H. MCCOTmick who t'evolutionized harvesting by the invention of the renper. McCormick was born in 1809, the same year in which Abraham Lincoln first snw the light of day, and he was a native Virginian. He secured his ed_ ucation sitting on a slnb bench hi a little log school house. Writing of t.he invention of the reaper, Mr. 0'Tllylor says: "The first machin e was completed in J831, and on 11 hot July day of thnt year was' given a test in a small patch ot wlieat near the paren tal home No strangers were present.. The lint witnesses of the working of a successfUl reaper consisted of his parents and brothers nna sisters. They were mighty proud of young



the following year ho gnve u public exhibition 1I0nr Lexington, about twenty miles below his home, This time he hnd a big crowd of s pectators -more thon a hundred people. Some clime to praise, others to jeer. After successfully cutting six ucres of wheat at the edge of the town, McCormick triumehantly drove the machine into the Village and put it a n exhibition in front of the court house. The whole populace turned out to view the new.fangled contraption ," Prof. Bradshaw, of the Lexingt.on Female Academy, I)erhaps the best educated man in that section secured thc attention of the audience, and in loud and solemn voice soid: "This machine is worth one hundred thousand dollars." ,

----- --- --

Why Men Fail There is a cau ~e :t;gr everything. Nothing ever "just happens." If a mun' is promoted to a better job, there is a cause. If a man loses his job, there is also a cause. There arc many causes that lead- to failure. Here is u list of the most common causes: Finding fUll It wilh th o other fellow blit never seoi ng' your own. Doing us little liS p('lssillie and trying to get os much us poss ible fol' it. Spending to o Illllch time showhljt up the other 'fell ow's wenk points and too little tim e co n 'l!ctipA' yuur own. Sland ering tho~o we <i o not like. ProcrasEination- pulling' off until tomorrow som thing t.hnt w e ' ~houlu have done th e dllY ba for yesterday, , Dt!ceit- tnlkfnl,\' fri l' ndly to th e olher fellow's faco and stubbing him in the bllek ns soon as he turns al' ound. False beliof that we are smnrt enough t;o ren» a \1arvest of pay bef~re showing u crop of honest SOl'vIce. DisloyaltY Ito those who have trust.ed us. Egotism-the belief that we know it all and no one ean teach UB unything. , Last, put not Iqast, lack of the noctraining anll education to enul)le us to stand at th~ head in (lur Une of work, Look this ljst over and check yourself up by it. It none of these C8USes for faj/ure appl).' to YOUj then you Are to be congratulated, because you ar~ a Bucce ••,



• ,

.-.~, L-1-,...,~.~~",._ _ __

MI'. nnd Mrs, Fred Hadley s pent a pa rt of lust week in Felicity, Ohio. Miss Thelma Thompson spent last wee k with he r grandparents in Pike county. Mr. and Mrs. Walt.llr Lackey neices, Adu and Mnry McKay, are making u tOUt' of the East. Born- To lIfr, and Mrs. W. D. Larkin, nt Espey hospital, Xenia, Friday, June 18, .1926, a son, Joseph W. W. C. Noglg'le, Mrs. Leo Laurens and children, Virginia ond Carl, of Red niver, N~!w Mexico, are visiting relatives here. , The many friends of Mrs. Josephine Billir were very sorry to bear ::>aturqIlY, of her seriouB illness. at the home of he r daughter in Chicago. In honor of their daughter's birthduy ar!niverllary, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Reeves elltQrtuined on Sunday, Mi88es Jennie, EI:fzabeth and Josephine Reeves, of Waynesville, Mr, and Mrs. F. p. Reeves, of Dayton. Our community was shocked by the sudd e n death of one of its most respected citizens on Tuesday of last week, JessI! Noggle, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Noggle, of the Buck Run neighborhood, became suddenly unconscious and , fell into a small stream which runs neill' his home anp WIlS drowned. Funeral services were held at the M. E. church of wbich he wus 0 member, on Thursduy a(ternoon" He was 43' years of age, unmarried and lin upright, Christian Chlll'ucter.


Mrs, Mary Spitler bas bl1cn guit.e

Mrs. David Rutan and daughter have .boen visiting her mother, Mrs. Mary Grifi'y. A sl)lendid Children's Day program WIIS given by the Methodist SundllYSchool, Sundoy evening. 1111'. and Mrs. J. M_ .Moore were week-end guests of .Mrs. Rebecca Furnllil, of nellr Waynesville. Little Miss Dorothy Las her has relllrned home after spend ing several IVl' eks with r elutives in Dayton and Alpha. lYh·. and Ml·!>. Hel'Schcll nrry and Mr. and Mrs Erum Mason und family, of [)nyton, were Sunday guests of !li1·H. 1<'Iora Mason. Master Howard Fox is suffering [rom a severe gash in his foot, alnHlSt severing a toe, lhe result of jumping on an ax thut he did not sec, Mrs. Rilla MlIlsor\ Brown, of Columhus, and Mrs. :Elizaueth Mason Hurtsock, of Sprinl'fiold, left tho first of the week fOl' Cali"fornia and ' other points of illter~!st ill the West.

---.-- ...- - -

Desecrating The Eagle Several months ago a splendid specimen of th'~ goldell eagle, the emblem of Amer:icall f!'eedom and liberty, was caught in . n stocl trnp in one of our W'~stern states und is today caged to attract tourists at a roadside hot-dog counler. . Under a 'sign: that rend~, "Hear the Eagle scream alnd buy Tacoma Brew," on a grcot natiol)al higbway, thousands of citizens behold the insignia of , the w.or!d',s greatest republic used the · sandwich trade and lure from tllte traveling public-Ii. cens~d tor thilll purpose by a State game commissi,on. The great bird of t~eedom, with claws and beak of gold nnd ebony, with wings .sprE!8djng seven fee~ from tip ~o tip, is robbed of his ~reedom· and deprived .. C)t God's sunlight, dldivorced 'from his mate and his home in the high CII8cade8, to bo fed butcher's "oft'aJ ' and stared at hy, indlft'er~nt Americans. ' ' ,.,


Lumber for Every Purpose---

IIfr nnd Mrs la ude Lewi s ent ... rt.ainl'~ t o ,'unCtny dilln cr, Mr. und Mrs, HU ym ond P"ior and tlnughter, of Ileur Leban(l n.




1111'S. Harr y Grahnm and guests, Mrs. JamCH Nas h !llld SO il S, of Canfield, spe nl Wedncsdll y with Mrs, K sler Graham. Mr. and Mrs. KeRler Graham and daughter, Bernice, "penl Sunday in pringficld, at th e hom e of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. White. Mrs. Mary Ca rm ony, in company with Mr, and !\frs. W. F, Clark. Mr. nncl Mrs. E. J. Carmony, spent Sundny at Ohio Cnverns and The Castles. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Smith returned from Dayt.on las t week, where Mr. Smith had been taking medical treatment, He is slowly improving at this time. Mrs. Theodore Bishop died at her home so uth of town, Monday morning, a lingering illness. Funerul service Wed nesday lit 1 p. m., at the late residence. Mrs. Pearl McMakan and son, Billy. and little Lornin Corella, ot Detroit, and Mrs. Viola Carey, at Waynesville spent lust week at the hom e of Mr. und Mrs. James Johns. Mrs. Viola ' Grassi and children, Mrs. Eva Haines and Mrs. Eliza Kirk)Jatriek, of Dayton, were Thursday (\jnller guests at the home of Mr, and lIfrs, Walter Kenrick. Pro!. George Clnrk arrived from New York City, Sunday atternoon, und s pent II few days with his father, H. M. Clark.,He went on to Missouri Monday, but expects to return here for a longer visit. The third meeting of the Lytle. Sewing club WIIS held on csday of last. week at the bome of Bernice Graham. A profitable nfternoon was spent. The next meeting will be with CIota Hess, June 29. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stacy hnd for their dinner guests, Sunday, Mr. and Ed Kesling and Mr. lind Mrs. W. B. Null. of Springboro, Mr, and Mrs, Dearth Sheehlln and daughter,


family. Mr. and Mrs. ... UusseU ..... Burnett and



Builders' HardwareNails Hinges Door Locks Barn Door, Track Smooth Wire Barbed Wire Locust Fence Posts Farm Gates

All of the above material can be found in our yard every day in the year at moderate prices

W.H.Madde,n &Co; Waynesville






F. Martin' Jesse Stanley Auctioneer Auctioneer

F acts About Ohio Ohio bas 81 motor camps of recognized lltanding, Ohio is second in the production of Ilutomobiles, Tho value of automobiles produ·ced in this state ,in 1928 was $866,000,000. Meat packing plants in Ohio have a total production of $105,000,000 a year, Operoting expenses of clect'l'ie light and power companies in Ohio last year increased more thun 13 pet· cent. One year's produe ion of huts nnd caps by Ohio fa ctnries is Vlllued at



dre n, " ,·c""' llllni ,·d MI'. P.V('I·ctt Earll' lo Hamil t"n , W l' d " {' ~<l u " on bu ' in cs~. Mr. a lld ~I J'~. II l')' III II II Suylol' nnd 60n, ot Ur l.II .. I1I, ' l"' lIt .' ulld"v with th e Intl .. r'" p"n'fl ts, 1\Ir. an J 1111'S, Wm . LOll )!,


M : . nncl Mr W . M. Mathias and Missoy Mabel and .Margaret Starr, of [)uyton, spe nt Tharsday evening with their mother, Mrs. Amanda Starr.

At Cary's Jewelry Shop

MI' ,


Mr. and Mrs, R. F. Shumuker and daughter Marjorie, entertained to . AGE MUST BE SERVED, TOO din ner, 'Sunday, Mrs. Shumaker's parents, Mr and Mrs. Hurvey Garber, Americn mllY bo the land of the of Port \Villium. young man, but if the you ng man The M. E. unday.School bcld thinks ho has put t.he elderly mun their nnnual picnic at Rarmon park, 'upon a shelf he has nnother think Wednesday afternoon. A good-sized coming. crowd enjoyed the pleasant hours and In the field of seienc , for instance, the delicious cats. statistics recently gathercd by Pro· Until September 1, the following fessor Raymond Peurl, and published store& will be closed on Wednesduy by t he National Acndemy of Scien- uflernoon and evoning: Clara Conner, C. E. Levic!J J. H. Bogan, G. W. ces, ahow that elderly men are fully Gordon nnd R. 11. Jefferis. Mr and Mrs. B. W. Cline alld 80n, holding their own, . The average age of the melllbers of thot body on Moy Winston, delightfully entertained the 1, 1926, was 60.7 years, H. A 1. class of the M. E. Sun dayIn sixty years, Profe8ll0r Pearl dis- schooi and a numbcr of their friends, covered, the Academy has admitted twenty-three in all at their pleaaailt but one man under SO. ' country home south of town, Tuesday , In political life the richer rewards evening. After the class session the go to men of ripe age, too. Only' ·.. ·"·,· ·· served strawberries, cream about a dozen of the preBent member- and ship of the United States Senate is . The Jolly Workers club met 'with omposed of men ullder 60, the ma- Helim Barlow, Monday, June 14, jority being well alpng in their six- Eleven members answered to roll call tie'~:"e averllge n"e of members of tho with one visitor. Miss Watt~, th e -'.... Home Demonatrlltor Agent, present, Cabinet is 68.9 yuars. Only two men The leader, Mias Helen Randllll, callllre uoder 60-Dwlght F. Davis, Sec- ed the meeting to order. The after1; tary 0\ War, 46, and Wi!liam F. noon's work, the .cuttlng of nine patJardine, Secretary of Agriculture, Lerna, was proceeded with. A delic47. President CdoLidge will be ,64 ious refreshment course ot Icc cream ,on July 4. Vice-President Dawes is and cake WIIS serv\ld. The next meet,going on 61.· ing will be in two week! at the home of Dorothell Davis--Helen Bennett, Words from the Lips of Great. Men reporter. - "The very essence of a free gov... e rnment consists in considering offices as public trusts.'--J'ohn C. CalLIFE'S MIRROR boun.. ' (Reflections by Panne) Says Sam: One way to koep the A little' lamp beside me would-be llublic speakers occupied a light around its space, during a pIcnic is to give them the Casts A little star In blackest night :10)) of keepi ng the ants off the ~ble­ Looks down from its high pillce: cloths. And who om I that I should think My fame should trave11ar: Samantha B8YS: WbJ Dot take your Am' l more useful thal\ the lamp: vacation according to the three R'II Am I greater than a star? .of Rest, Rtlcreation and Regard fOI your pocketbook? we _ . The French franc hae got to the point where It is about due to fight Its Battle of the Marne, A French "clentiat says that h4\ has One 01 NapoJean Bonaparte'. famdiscovered a procel. wbereby autoOUII cocked bat. Bold for 11,376 the other day, B"t)'Dll can get ~hem mobile. may be run by water instead 'gasoline. . Doubtle8ll ~ome of our almost as expensi", u this a,ny old of radical wet .tatesmen will be glad day on Fifth Avenue, to learn that water I. good 'for lIomeqathing. A Pe~'i1BYlvanl~ man kUlecl hJJJUI~lf thing beside. I beeaWle the ~tork broulfht a baby II~ , The Germans arc foing .to vote on to ' his ,bome instead of a boy, He whether they will confiscate all the 8ho'1ld have s1)0t' the stork. ' ' Kaleer'1I property, and doubtless the .dealel'ji wiU be In favo .of Th l' a~e installing electrlc fana In antique It, the Sehate chamber at Washington, and this looks to U.8 like an unnecThe Federal Trade Commil!!lion hos ellllary pl'ocedyr.o_ prohibited the' sale of candy eggs with prizeis , concealed in them on the A 'New Yorker WUB held up in Cen- ground that it III a lottery. But buytral Park 'in br(lild ,daylight tile otb. inp; fresh hen eggs is pretty much .of er day, ' kidnapped and his car jlJUl a .Jotteli}' ,. too, isn't it? $1400 stolen, ,Anci ' still , they make A New 'York woman in divorce movlnJfP,!cturCll aoout the Wild West. 'c ourt B8id her husband slapped her ~ New Yorker who boulibt II Con- face in a bridge game when she tried necticut tann .-snya he WM Burpl'ised to take a trick· that was already his. to Mel '\Vild ' Ijfe 80 no~r *be cities. Of course 'ihis WAI crueltl, but j;hen But judging from reports there Is -a some proteetion ought to be dovisod for a follow In such clrcumstancell, lbtlnore of it right In ~he eltlet.




Date your .ale. with us. We guarantee .atiafaction or charge nothing. ..

Centerville, O. Phone No. 2

New BurlingtoD',O. Phone No. 320



l!achlncl'Y on farms in Ohio is val- ~ $8 000,000, ued ut $14 7 ,000,000. Wages and salaries paid out by Lhe OhiO machine tool indu st~y ill EI yoar totnls $17,000,000. Ten thuusand persons are employed in thi!! industry in Ohio. Ohio is the leading wool producer o[ the eastern and middle we ~t ern states. It Is estimated that Ohio pro_ duced 14,686,000 pounds of wool IUli t yellr, HORSE SENSE A man's horse strayed away from the stable, and, according to custom, the neighbors turned out to help find it, but without Buceess. Finally the owner ofl'ered a small reward to IIny one who should bring back the missing animal. An hour or so luter, the town halfwit arrived nt his door with the horse EVtlry one was astonished, and wanted to know how ho had foqnd .lt. ' ''Well,'' he replied, "I just thought to myself, 'Where would I go if I was a ' horse?' and I went . there and he had," . ....



.TRY AN EARTHQUAKE "What .was that terrlffie oxplosion last" nlrht?" >, • "What time?;' ... About" eight o'clocj(." .... don't ltnow, my wife ond I ~lacuil8inr money matters"about tIlDe 'a nd' I ~I~n't_ t\otfce it;" "



Conkey's (the origird) Buttermilk Starti_,g Feed prevents the big losses .due to weakness and disease and giveS your chicks the quick,. = p y getaway that ures early broilers 8nd layers. The lactic acid bi the buttemlilk ,puts an edge to the appetite;, strengthens and tones up tbe 'aeositive digestive ourcms. . and helpa ' to sweep ' .way the germs that Wbi~ ~bea.

Semi.solid Buttermilk No Dried Buttermilk

In Conkey's Buttermilk

Starting Feed, we use Semi. SOlid IButtermilk only, according to the Oriirinal and suCcessful Corikey process. It is the most successful feed for little chicles from 48 boors to ,8 weeks of

... Start them right

with ConkeY's and you

can l1ave 3-Ib. pullets at ' , 12 weeks of age. .• " .




:s.t.~ of· ChllJ'l~a. W. ~,dQce8s~d .


da{y.ofZ~R(h: l~2G . . ~ltt.c«;:l

Dated this 8th .. . Judge of the Probate Court, J23 WaTTon County, Ohio.

Notice it- lIereby given thllt I (I OQx hll' bQun duly appointod and A new nest hll attack d the potn.. quallJlell alt': ueoutot of the estate 0.£ to vine&. It is \lulled Eucepol x Hy..charles W. !lX, late o( Wlll.Te1J porthena uninnuk.· But n et very often. . County. OhIQ; dec lIsed:




~""""''''--·.h, ~I

Grant Lewis, of Dayton. was in town. TucsdaJI. . Mrs W o. RQiper is visiting rei. atives ' in bindnna \i. Mr and Mrs. M~ 'cr Hyman Bpent Sund~y in Cincinnut.!~


. ..



Automobile repuirlr.lg, Motor oil an d gas save.r. Rny j,lmls, T el. 71.



Anthony Waldron, of Dayton, was Mn E\izab~th Bilily h;ns been conI\ned to h r home with .'1 so r e foot. in Wnynesville, Sunday: E. L . ~ hel'wood rn jny t' d a visit Miss Trillena Edward~ was a Dnyton visitor last Thursday. from his nephew, Mr. Hill, ,Qf Aurora Ind .. Sumiliy . 'Mary and A nna Lee Crane ar~ visMiss Dorothy Collier, of ,VilmlnF' iting" r elatives near Dayton. ton, hus bl'en the guest of H. H . Williamson und \ 11111 I1y. Mr. nnd IIfrs. W. B. Squires e nt ~r­ J . 0 Cnrtwright a nd fnmily n r e attUlned sc \'~ra l guests, Sunday . lending a hri ne picnic Ilt Y 'ellow For Sal CabbaP:le plants. Dlln Springs th is nfLern oon. Hockett, Route 2. Wayn~ s villc, Ohi o. Mr . li nd Mr". Robert Wa lto n nnd so n. of Dayton. spe nt Sunday wjth Preaching at the Christian church Mr. and Mrs. J . L, 1I l1rtsock. next Sunday morning June 27, at 10:30. . Misses Mary Ilnd Annlllee Crane /lr c spending lhi~ wrck in Pasadena, the Mrs. Elmer Sheehan is visiting her guest n f Luther Perkins and fami ly. daughter, Mrs. Ellis McClure. of near Clark Salis bury I(·ft this morning Springboro. ' fo r Clevelancl to allen d the Nationlll Paul Rich and family, of Lebanon, convention o f Hi g h School fra. spe nt Sunday with Lcst er S urface ternity. and family. Mrs. Jo:lizabcth Tuttle and Mrs. Miriam Marsha ll 1IIl(1 children, of For Sal e-A good, fre sh J eraey Springfield, IiIrc visiti ng Mrs. Verua cow, with calf by her side. M. A. Kell ey. Silver, R. D. 4. 1111'. And lIIrs. Will Harvey, of HarMrs. 111. L. Pa rsh'a ll and grandson, vey~l>ur!{, spe nt SundllY afternoon Donald Hawke. are visiting relatives with Mr and l\lrs Abram Cook at near Lumberton . their ple~sn llt home ill Springboro .

Do You Rely on Faith or Facts . Why GUESS at the quality or BUNDL Y the worth of tires 1



When you get around to buy 8 tire, no matter whether price or quality is your first consideration, you can make a aafe, certain selection doing what the largeat ,alnll. Iroup of car owners in the world does.

Buy a Goodyear ,~ore people ride on Goodyear 'T ires than on any other

kind. Goodyears are not high priced-lower in fact than you are frequently aaked to pay for unknown tir.a. NOTE THESE PRICES ON GENUINE GOODYEAR CORD TIRES

3Z"'~ Stra1lht Side , . $35·10

3qx3~ Clinehe,(,... .. ....... $13.25 Good Grade Tube ..$2.25 32,,4 Straight Sid" $26.75 Zft4.40 lood Grad" Tube .. $3.00 33,,2 Straight Side ...... $27.60 31x4 .... Good Grad" Tube .. $3.25 30s3~

WaynesVl-lle Motor Co Phone 105

Waynesville, Ohio

Mrs. J . V. Hartsock and daughter, Mrs. St Clair Fife an d children. of Akron, arc vis iting Mr. und Mrs. of Wilmingtc'n, Dnd MI'. an d Mrs. Charles Sherwood. Lester Gordon were Sund ay guests of lIlr. li nd Mrs. H . H. Wilkerson. Miss Marth II O'Neall wus e ntcrE. Tho mas and family spent tained at the home of Dr. and Mrs. SuF. nd ay with Mr. and Mrs. Burton J. T. Ellis. Sunday. Earnh a rt, of Dayton. Earnest Earnhart a nd fam il y wer e afterno on visMrs. Cllrl Croll, of Frllnklin, spent itors. Tuesday with her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Elmer Shee han . The Lytle Mother's club will hllve a market in Gral1~e Ball Saturday, Harold Williamson, of Elyl'ia, July 3. Bilk ed bea ns. salad, dough Ohio, spe nt th~ week-end with his pa- nuts. cottnge cheese, pies. cakes, eggs rents and sisters. here. etc., etc. Dr. J . T. E ll is lind grnndsons, Roy Miss Emma Heighway was the dinner guest of Mrs. Mary Ed~rd s and Irwin E lli s, Bert lind Charles O'Neall left t odny by auto to visit and daughters, on Sunday. the Sesqui·Centcnnial ex positi on at Miss An na nnd Miss Lula Van- Philadelphia. ' dervoort, of Wilmington were c:allA queer p,~rson has been seen m olng on Waynesville frien'ds, Sunday. toring around the streets of Wl1ynesAttcn tion was attracted t o ville, Mr. and Mrs. Forrest GrR.ha m and him because he deliberate ly drives daughters were in Dayton, Sunday around pedestria ns. the g uests of Sherman Dyke nnd family. Master Herbert Shepher B underwent an opera tion at Dr. H artingMrs. L. E. McMakan and son of er's, of Spring Valley, for adenoids. Detroit, Mich., are the guests. of Mrs tonsils and other minor ailm,i mts. McMakan's mother. Mrs. ~ola Ca: He is ge tting Illong nicely. rey. Mrs. M~r.y Shnr p, so n and two daughters.m-Iaw, of Falmouth, Ky., Messrs. W. A. Smith, of Spring- spent the wllek-end with the family of her daughter. Mrs. T. I. Hardin. Mrs. Sharp l'emained fo r un extendSunday. \ ed visit. wh'i\e the other s returned home, MondllY. Me68rs. Lon ' aCarter andotThomall PIerce attended meeting the Jr. O. U. A. M. at Miamisburg, Satur. day night.

ri~~o~~d w~reH'J~~~~Jfie N~~i~~~

lI:l===========~===============JJ . ~ II





The le~on of the year is now ·here. when you can expect the severe Hail Storms tbat sometimes sweep the country and ruin your Crops, especially your Tobacco. w.e ncAv have rates on this ciass of Insurance, and wall .be g'aq. to have you call and talk it over. Remember what the Hail did to tbe Tobacco in .this vic~nity last yeaT, and the many large losses ptald by thIS Agency for Hail Losse.. It Doea ' Pay to be on the safe side. for it costs very little to Be Safe.

. Miss Gladys KUban, of Jacksonville. Fla., who arrived in Dayton last Wednesday, spent Sunday with Dr. Carl Henderson and family. Mrs. Guy Kibler and children of D!-yton, spent several days last week Wltb Mrs. Euphemia Hough. Mrs. Hough accompanied them home on Thursd.a y. Feather beds and pi1\ows renovated. rugs dusted and renovated. Watch for the "Green" Soft Water Laundry truck every Tuesday and Friday Mablon Ridge. agent. •

Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Lawson, MillS L~Ulan Lawson, of Covington, Ky., and ,Mi8~ Margie Cook ,of Jonesville. Ky., spent the week·end with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Tinney.

Mr. and Mrs. , Abram Cook of Springboro, entertained last Su":day, Mrs. J. V. Hartllock and daughter ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!\!!J Dorothy, of Akron, Mr. and •MI'II. C: _ ---r H. Sherwood, of Waynesville

Waynesville, Ohio

Summer Supplies Implements Two-Row ~ Cultivators, Sinlge-Row Cultivators, Mowers, Rakes, Binders

A Few Second Hand Tools I

Harness Collara,


Pads, Harness Sets, Bridles, Linea

Hardware Oven" Oil Stov,e s, Garden Plows, Garden Hose, Hoes, Rakes. Sheep Dip, Fly Spray, Sprayera of all kinds, Waahing Machines, 'Hay Rope, Fly Screen, Screen Doors and Windows, Poultry Netting, Pum~s .

.Devoe Paints and Vamish flYQlouth Binder Twine Adrain Fence ·c




f. D. Dakin Insurance Agency

$1. 70

Mrs..J. C. Crabbe had as guests IRst Friday, Mrs. Edna Kioua and Mrs. Bessie Argergast and daughter Rose Leone, of Mt. Sterling. '

!'Irs. J. V. Hartsock and Mi88 GeneVleve Rogers motored to Cincinnati Sat~ay afternoon, and also called on Mrs. Caroline Rogers, of Lebanon and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pyle '



C. D. Ridge, of Sioux Falls, S D. attended a meeting of Delco Light managers in Dayton last week, and spent a part of the time with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon Ridge. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald M. Hawke entertained Mr and Mrs. C. F. Mosher, Mrs. Edith M. Harrie. Mrs. Laura B. Mosher and Mr Harris Mosher at 6-o'c1ock dinner, 'on .Thursday evenlfg· .. Dry cleaning, Pressing and Dyeing Have that old suit or ov.ercoat clean~ ed and pressed .f or $1.00. Sponging and pressing, 35e. Leave your _call with Mahlon Ridge. Soft Water Laundry. Master Leo Conner, Misses Ruth Conner and Mary Ellen Edwards were dinner guests, Monday, of their lP'andmother, Mrs. C. H . SherWood, ID honor of Miss Dorothy Hartsock, of Akron. Mrs. India Clevenger Ilnd two daughters Misses Rhoda and Elsie, and Miss tna Dav~sl of Lebanon', were supper guests of JIll' and Mrs. Elmer Sheehan, Saturd'a y evening, and later all attended the meeting of the Wayne~vi11e Gran!!;.e. Laundrey service by the pound. Have your clothes washed and mon of the water extracted fol' 5c per pound. . We have six different .servl· ces. Give us a trial arid be eon· vlnced of our good service. Soft Water Laundry, Mahlon Ridge. agent. Mr. :and Mre. Joe Tinney enter· ,talned ' ~unday, the following guests: Mr' aDd Mrs. Harry Truax and· lIOn. Ralph, of pinelnn!ltf; Mr. and .14111. IrvI!l Lawlon, . .Mr. and Mill. Barry LawlOn, MI!II Lillian LawlOn. MIll. lJob Cla~buc~ Mr Chu Cooper,' of Covitl8tOn. Xl·; !lnd ')In. Tollan LImon an:d IOn, MI'. and lin. Leonard '1'bmey and famOr. of tWa PIllcet.1!C: Laura WI!I'Ilta aDd da.11. ar.. of ~D.


Columbus Sunday, June 27

THE WHIPPET America's First European Type

of Light Car ... WILL .BE SHOWN


Waynesville Overland Sales Company ~COME





ST. MARY'S CHURCH June 27, 4th Sunday after Trinity, Church School at !) :30 II. m. Morning Prayer and sermon a t 10 :30. An are cordially invited t o uttend these services. Rev. Johu J. Schacft'er. Rector.





~ring your

METHODIST CHURCH . Sabbath School, 9:15 a. m., preaching at 10:30 a. m. Epworth League 6 :15 p. m. Preaching at 7 :00 p. m., Wednesday evening Prayer meeting. 7 :30. Everybody invited to these services. Rev. L. A. Washburn, Pastor.


Eggs to Kroger

SUGAR P~~~;:~d' packet ... . . $1.59 earton ... .. .. ....................... 33e , 10-lb.. Bulk .............. ................ 64c


LA~D P:;:~!d: f~:~~~~ .~:~~~r~~;... 35e

Regullll services at 9 :30 a. m., and 7::1 0 p. m. Com!!1 Nathan Johns on, Minister. P erry Thomas, Supt.


5-lb. Pali ........................ , .. ,.. ......... ... ........ .... ... ......... ........ ,....... ..... ..... 1.00

MASON JARS Q~:~~ozen .. 87e Potatoes New Red TriumpH., \ 29c U.S.No.l Gl'ade, Sibs . .


Ed Jordun is in Chicago t his weck. Miss Lucile Ferris has a new pian o. The Tolle family visited r elatives below Hillsboro lQllt week. W. B. Warner has a new daugh. ter-in-Iaw. Robert, here is congratPENNSYLVANIA ulations. Lon Brannon and wife were Sun. . RAILROAD day guests of Elva Kimball and famil y, ncar Harveysburg. K. E. Thompson and M. M. Terry atte nded the George Zell sale in Waynesville. Saturday afternoon. Glenn Davis a~d wife, B~rt Bogan and mother. were Sunday evening guests of Mrs. Nellie Bunnell. W. E. Bogan, of Sp'ring Valley. David Dunham and WIfe. of Lebanon, attended church here, Sunday. Harley Walker and family had as Owinl to iIlne.s I have been unable to meet my appoint- their guests, Sunday, Mr. Walker's menta. I expect to make my futher aDd mother, of Midland City. Ethel Smith. our "hello" girl at next regular appointment, Harveysburg exchange , was shopping in Waynesville, Saturday afternoon. Mrs JeSllle Ellis ond 1Illu!!'hter, at Gaibnge Hall. Miss 'vesta. of near Harvll'y sllurg , were in Waynesville, Saturduy. af· lernoon. Marion Osborne was among those 294 Ludlow Arcade fr om Harveysburg who attended the Geo. Ze\l sale in Waynesville, SaturDayton. Ohio day afternoon. Several of the Friends from the Hal'vcYJlburg church attended church here SundllY, . and heard the missionary from Africa. . E. ·C. Mannon and family. and Miss E:thel J\1.Bnnon came down from Wilmington, Sunday morning. to hear the missio'nary from Africa. Nothinl~ but reliable Serum and Virus used W . H. Terry. Ml8se~ Alice and. M~. be l Terry, Mrs. Patience ThompBQn. nn d Miss Mary Kathleen Toomey spent Sunday afternoon at the Bethel cemetery. Veterinarian The McKay families had for their Harveysburg Ohio dinner gueets, Sunday Davld Dunham and wife, R. J. MUTTay and Phone 44 wife, Miss May Harlan. W. E. Bogan and the MiSllionary from Africa. W. E. Warwick. formerly of'this place, died at his late home In Marsh· field, Oregon. The bod·y will be sent here for interment in , Miami ceme· tery. The funeral win be ' held Saturday afternoon. at. the Chapel.

Pinta .......... ..... .. ............. . ..... .. .. 74..

Tiek.t. goo,d in eoaebe. only on t lrainl .bown Central Standard Time Le."i.Dr Wayne.ville at 8 .24 a. m. ReturDinl L •. Columbu. 6:30 p. m., Eutern Standard Time

Half-Calion.......... ........... .......1.19



!~~m~~a!'DI . . . . . . 25e ~ananaS y•..,. 2'7e~ sm.n, 3 c.D............................. 25c


ripe Fruit. ., I ........

,.2·5e- Cantaloupes+

Asparagosrl)lS!:~' Vap., ' low price, caD....... •


Imperial Valia)"8, ....t....

Ib. 2 5 c

~!!~~~~~b... . . . . 14c !!~~~Pe~B. f~~n~!~ow

Thursday, June 24


Ih ............


price, I b 2 5 c Fre.b Cre.m, Ib ............ ............ 27c ;


Tell the Advermer you read his . ~a, ,in die Miami Gazette




A §peciaJty


Dr. W. E. Frost

Do You Know You Can Get




Sweet. P~tato Plants at


D H- 'H ockett's . _

To the Tupa7er. of the Viii., • • ' W.7 ..... m.. Ohio. At the regUlar session of Council on Monday evening. JUly 6. '1926, at. 7 :30 P. Pl.. a public healing on tbe Budl{et for the year 1927. will ta. be glv@n. ,.T. E. aOGERS,' Uayor• • . • L. A •. ZIMMERMAN. Clerk.


We have 'ltarted a Paint Shopi . '1 hi'

The Grange 'Building ~i. ;,: ,- 'o~n (,

where we.are ready to ,do all ,kind.

' ,


~ D

We \lae the celebrated

t!J C'I0

1 :'

'l~ A' C -Q t:J', E- ~ , ~ .

.~ae the, ~ewest Type ,o£.&p~~y~ppatatu.



f(;;ve Us' A Call ' arid ' Let:"1)i .Sh«)w. Y9U ~r 'Work c;.q:a .. :zc::w ...

. The married Ipan witb nine Chil. dren a lot of time beeaule he ulluliU7 Weal'II- IOcb which ~I!, bf'I\\s;;;;;;;;j;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-=-=;;;;;;a;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:ai i_ _ _ _ _ _ _wII cira'l'll on ~ eitlau eJl~ I'


Seventy-Bighill Year



1 11E Nt-\ TION'S SHRINE 1776 - 1926



d U ? (' l1 kIll ).! P

Ing uln s llla~ bl: ~ I (',11

, l lI ndlll"; up ~ 1I ,1I ;:h t In Ne\\ ) UI k r. o cdug IC. l l

J,! HldL'JI

F lt Rt



C Ulll f'

IrC I ., IIIr\' C fl (0 111 Ih QII 'H leI h"",, I Ih t' Antarcllc, It I ~ dou h t ful l hll t 1I~ (' \ \1 III 8 11 1\' 11 ., t il<' hOl " " 1l1l1l' 1 1 11 \ lh t' 1Il II \lstl lf ),,11 "III. ' rhey ~ llInd l hll'c f,et hll!h, look JrlJ.{ hl\, e :;01Iltt \1 d o r clt t ~ yn ll~ n . ve l') l<ul elTllI And th e Ir br('c'd ln )! hnl.llls Th e hCII pc II ;lIl1kc vuu l hou )! h lf u l ).!ll1n h~ vs nnlv nn e w hite cJ.t~ I f sht \rlld II 011 th e' g lOlInd In he r Iwn w clr mote It w(,uld f , l· PZ., III h,1 11 1\ 111111 ut e She pll L~ IH'r feet t ogoe l hc r , the CO!!!! on lnp 0 1 hel f cL, I LH d n" " o\ er It n roll o f (ellihu c ()w l' ed fill f'OIll h er " t n llln ~ h alit! till' heaL of lhe fill keeps th c egog" an I hel f eet wurln Wh en Hhc can ' L stand It nn y lo nl:' (' r Ih e fn t her pell g"UIl1 s ullc'" up a nd (h~ egg" IS "" Iftl y . \\ Itched t n IllS fle l 11 11,1 he lowl'r . II 1011 (.f (lit. The Rc' ve l end th Sinten expe rt" the humlln IIle' t o ehun~" grenUy 111 . , xty y l'llr. " 0111 I!I u lll l chl ldr~ n w,ll make I1Iltur(' their tNl c her, ruth,,' thnn th eo logy or phiioM phy" H I' al.o "lOY" uur A'I allllc hli dl e n \\ III be lt e\ I! III JIlll!l natlonnlt s m, whIch Wi ll re pine,' the patl'iotls m of today Things don 't happen s o rnpllily Pu triotis m, \\h ich m i!an s holdlllg t o~"UlCr and kcc l' lII!; \\ hal YOUI' an ces t urs h8--'! Il ccompltsh(' d, WI ll bl' n(, C(,8As f o r s ary Cor mnny g e neratIon s mnking naturc yo ur t ench I', Witho ut lh e help of t heol ogy 01 philoso phy, nntUlo call tC11ch hltl ., ull le. s Ih e lt J:ht of rn-plrn ll,. n mllke s It \l'orth II hl l(l. P l'lIl1 1LIV" mc n hnd nature for tench er, M.d sh l' only tau/:,ht th e m t o IOU I d e r eneh bl hcl, and mv!!nt s upcrs titlOn s l o Julrt lf)' 11


d U llIl g' II

ft '

~H tdv




Il' llIll'ft'd b) h i- ('llId lll , ti,t· fllllhiu l s,,,,,p "f t h .. hil s !r.lI lhlt d, 11111 II IIt,,,,tI nil III ~ d tl l'l' I Y . huu ltl h al'c ve~1l fi tl dl'tI , Ollel I,IO /(' (/ 1 th" t Xtl.1 I"" " hll " s hOUld hUll' bl' ~" ht' ld t o

s lII g l l!s

T he JlI ,.lml' 11111 c c ldJllllc th e Cl oI IO U " Fou lth hy pl ,l) Ill"; til 0 lrn nl(" II Il h tlr ' Lytle I 11 111 till' ii i s t a t L y LI e u n S UIIII,, ), a ll CI·,,"nn .. 11111 t h e ,)th1'1 li t F'r.lZ icl Pil I k C,II JlI Ollti .IY II fl c l no un La sl ::; ulll lu y' ~ "Cl,re 1IIIAM I ~




() 0 0

11 I

0 2












1 1 ;l I 1 1 2 1 0 0 1







A E 0 I 1 0 I 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 1

- - ~==========~~=====-========~~~=============

William E. War.wick

T u lul s 3 20 ' 7 2 °Two out wh e n wlnlllll g I un sco r<ti R ESERVES


\\ tllI. lm E W HrlII Ck, thIrd Ro n J I' ~s(, lind E h ztl b ct h Cl ea\ CI W a nl ic k, II .,S toO l'll A p r il 6 18 6 3 , III W a n e n tt, unt.l, nC,1I 0, Cj!OIlIU, Oh IO, a nd I'a s<" d n il n v c'Ull rl .,y Ill orrll ng . J u n e 20 1"2 fi . a t hI S hll me 111 lIl ars hli e ld, o" 'lt OIl , al t he agl' o f ti >l y cnrs. 2 n","1h, a nd 1·1 d " y" Wh pn o n II' L1 f,,\\ Y n l 8 o f age h e W a~ Io c I eft o f f Il h el' , SIX mont hs lu t .,r the mot h" , f" II " 1l cd 111 111 , le av lll!! th n'" so ns. 11.11 Ie,. F lu n k nll d WIIIw m J \ \ h n \\ (;1 1 ( Il Hlo.;l h' IHl crl v 1 c~lr c d In t ill' h ' Jl1 ~ of IIw lI l!:J:ln d plll e nts , .T u n",' an d MOl ", h \\' 11 n il ck. "ho wll hnl!:ly IUl d I Cbg" lO liSly ,n;SIIJ1INI th~ r~ "p"nsl l"hl) 'I h " h IV,l " so l u t h ll'ssIv c. l sl 11 1H 1lJ tllf'm . " ' tlhc bell1!!, 1he \ 'Hlnl!cst a nd I1 CV...... 1 "II \(l ty J lig:.:(d, \ '.d S I U \ I I1)!l~ ,\ .ltr h cd lin d I" I hu p. - hll",,1 ,I g" 1'Cu tI I affeclio n II I th l ol l h ca J· t~ l i n ne co unt o f tillS :alld IllS [1I'ly be r eavement li e IIltcnd l' oI the ru rnl . ch",, 1 tl ncl " ns a h i Ill'h t nlHl elll nc. 1 ~ tudc nt , n ~ v e r g J\ lllg C J 1U ~ C fO I conc('rn (1' \) 111 thO~(J " hO lll had h i. Int(lls t :11 hl'll l l He 'ltlj uil ed nn educat IOn whI ch ti t t ed hlln f OI JlI'HclIC'l l b us lll css It f t' , Il nd to h i. afTm l's It e \Vn s a lll'll\ s ( :.,thful, co nSCie ntIO us ,lIld tru c. W Ill w ns .1 m llll of s t l ong COIl\ le t l o n ~ , \\ ha t evel hl' Ih uu gh t r ig ht h e t ood for \Vltlw u t \\ II VOrl llg. 011 De ce m ber 2 ~ , 188-1, h c WII S uni ted III ma l I lage t u Ill S chi ld ho od s \\ ee th ca rt, Anlln C ll uve r , at he r P:I_ re n t a l hO lll e " eu r Hm ve ysb urg . t o wholll h e has ever !.rl!ell II loyal and d e l'otl'd hu sba nd T o th IS h ap py c ouple came II htt ie d aug ht e r "hom h y nnlll cd MIlb ol, tlnd m os t fOndl y love d, p ~ rh a p s t oo f on dl y , [ O[ th e Mas te l' cull od a t t he u' hl' m e on Au g u st 16, 181l 7, tll k1IIg' t hIS ang elic httl o b e hlg f lO m elllth I t l nn sp ln n t III Ills f.l lr gHld l'lI [\ ove T h ough th e su n sh llJ () o f t hell' I,\ e· ",<me t! Lo ~o from th t' lI1 , l h t'V hu\\ 'd 10 ~tlh l1 11 :\:-. hl ll l be ll e\ l u g , li Z cl o('\ h :\/1 1hll ".~ \\ ell ' S "IIl £' ~ I X m" " lhs 1II , \l nu, l o t h IS I" r e;!\ ('IIII' II t IInn ll" I d,lu ): hl f' l , Ne i-

HO A E 1 0 0 1 (j I o 2 :1 4 2 Th t> thlld II nn u,11 I e LI II ICH I l.f l hl' 1 0 1 o lI C!ss fam Ily \las hl' ld .lu lI' .!Oth ot t S h lld l e~, ss I t he honl(' o f \V u lt e l 1I l' ~!;, 111' :11 Xl' II I,1 2 21 Prn n k. s" 2 I 2 I El g hLY-B(,Vl'1I e ll Jl' l ed l lll' hl, " l1tcMcPh c l SU II , p I) 0 0 5 o plC'n lC di ll n!'1 ull tle l' tl J(' tl (' " ~ 1 h e R UlII sey, I t' .1 0 0 2 I I ){Hthe r lng Wl S CH PCCItl I1 I' enl ll l'll hlc a Ill . 1 1> 1 () l 12 U o till . YNII' du e l!I th p rl'~~ nc c o f Will Full.'r , d 2 tl 0 0 o (I \J (! . , lhr c l' "u nR ,llIcl (I n ' unll A' h l c' l, of Uncle lUll IS ce llllln ly "8 rIch old Gl OSS, < f 2 0 0 1 o o l nd ta nola, 10 \\" ~I I II, "" I ~ 1 g en tl e mnn II I rc e ~ lpts y cs t l' rdllY l'l'g1'R (I f .Wl' 311 ,1 IS ,I "ruthe r .,f T ho-. a m unte d to rn or c thnn five hundred T "tlll, 35 U ] :l 2 7 15 I) I ress, of ' 1'11I 1l~ V" lI r \' N ~"'I1 ( S9 to mllli n d o ll nl'< , jus t a amn II part of "Dy lh pi e \"I ~ lIl u ch I " lI ml "e lllll A' 1:.J 3 ,1 5 G7 8 !lhis Inco m e. In T o m Rced's day, p eob y these t \\'o bl nLh" I ~ , wi ll iI' t h(' Cl 0 0 0 0 II 2 0:1- 5 pl e ca ll ed It d r eadful f o r o n e Con- Mi nll"~ 0000 :10 1 I 1- 0 Yl> u ngcl If" n t I a lt .. " blls lI' ll t h em g l ess to s p end a bil ll oll. Hnlf of . a Resc i VC" 51' '''('8 g e tttn· lICqUll lll lccl • . C o ngT ~8S cou ld SPl' IUI I ha t no w In T h e J Ily C\l I\lIJ(\IW p .lI t ed Inl c III hal f tI YCIU' , und a s l, f o r llI or c 0 T" n-hll"" I lI tS-G " II ~ . A li!' lI , (;0 11- th e :lft e l ll .. "" \1 Ilh C ~ P I'C~ I O lt S of II Pwonder Willi a tl ee l IIncl th e big m on Ie) 2, S ha dley. I>lC ' llItl"n to :II.. a n rl II lI s W nll e l 'I'hr e c-ba sr IlI lJ;.- - yp h el S III c h a ppy. Th e rl'u l m Oll cy u nci real H ess, nlld WI h f1 opc~ All d pr o ml sl's SIIt' f lfi cl' IlyIIIn. vnlu ~s aro h ere . t{l meel 11{!1I11l n e x t yellr \I " u ulc ,, 1 l\v s - RlI llI ~ 'y to CIIIII ; 'I' hose prc"e ll t \\ 1'1''' Will R ess , c nlltor Reed. of MiSSO Uri, e Arn c.t 1''1 li n k t o ('o n ley to r. ul n. \I bcr t J . lind G le nn !l ess n nd nncl e nerg etic, : Hucks the 1)111 to eX - 9 L fl 011 J, o ,, ~ - 1l lia lllls 6 i R l's CI ve s • fl s. ,Lu lu UItIMord, o f I nd i, llI ola t on d F ed e rnl II lutel n lly {\Ill 10 th e I 11'11 nl r a nd 1\11'8 E d wnrd ~~ c l t:: r rn . Hi t b ,l lB I1IIIII - Adl\l11 ~ , I \\ ICC by JlIc- II lrs. J E. Og le, olu mbu s , Oh IO 1\11 lIIr Ree d S tut"s for nn olht'r y 1\1 objects to wh a t he calls "a bu nc h of Ph ' r slI ll Gl'o rgc Kig h t, 1' r o:,! 1111 • •1 W GenStru 'k u llt-- B~ Adam s 12; by 1c- tI S, t ban n, OtIlO, Mr anti Mrs . J o e nnll:trrie d \1omen ~oll1g nbou l t he counll y trying t o te ll r e a l mol hers Phe rso n G 1'Ilxton Rn d Mr nnd 1\1t Pa u l ,1UIll Cll Um" lr KiJ by h ow t.o r al50 their bnb les. I' an d thrN' child" c n, o f Ye ll o\\ ' PI'IIIA'S TUll c - 1 ha ul' and 4 5 nHnutcs. !Il r und lIf r s. S. Mc C oy and t wo gl~l1(lcillld re ll , ,.f n ea l' Xelll[l ]\11 s If Senat ol' R eed went to a \I' II. J os('phlll c HeRS , MI' u nd !ill's. Geo manll gcd lYing-til h osp ltnl he w Ollld H ess tw u d a ll g h t e l s , M, . II ncl Mrs. find man y II nmllll lcd wOlllen trall1 ed Carl l{ "8 li n d da ll g hlCl , JIll nnd MI S. nurses, helplIIg mothe l s to have th eir Hllrr) SChlll! rre l . ~ I I·. a nd M,·s. O. D. bab ies. And h would n't find th e CerrcLt n , Mr. lind Mrs Rl\y H ess n n d mothl r s dYI ng ilke Ill's, as they d o tll O chll cl r en, Mrs Mllndll nn Jl ess, throughout the ountry, ten s of tholl11[,' lind nh s . O ra l H ess, G le nn Hcss snnds of mot he rs dyin g in chlhlLirth lin d B(ln Mr. li nd M IS EIII I JJ ~ss nn d every y ear be ca use lh ey lack knO,wlduughtc; .,11' a nd Mrs. E lwood Th olll edge li nd 'Intl' lli g ql; cllre. Me rely It K r ny , \loultl' v Rpe ci nlt st [10m UR !lJ 1' a nd M I s Gco l g e Smllh lind havltl g Il babl y doesn't m a k o a motho' the OhI O , tnt uni "' r~")I , Co lu mbu s , t ,,'o Clll lchllll , Mrs C.llh e S t e ph e ns kn ow how to tako CIII'C of II b~b ¥ w ill h e ill W nr ren c(l ulILy .Ju ly 8 lind .• nd tl\() cllll rlt "11, ~ I l'. '1'h omos Ih'Rs, T h is go velllln(' nt s pen ds nll lh on s O. A cO lll pllnH'd Ly , T 11 U II) III on , lilt, s M al l,~ 11 ,5 - , J ll u iec Snllt h, 1r t e ll cllln!:, f 01 m r s t o tnke c r I new- cuun lv Hg"an t , Il \, I ~i l 10 t Ill' I'lg hl r 11 'Inc! 1111 ,. Ch.l, I\ l!SS, IIII' a nd . Irs b Ol'n pig'. L cllives an d oth or aUlmnls. p oul u'y d lI)" ns llll t ion (a rm s III t h e Wo ltl' l' He B Ull d ~I X eh lld" vn , lIll It a .ght to s Pl llt1 a httle m~lI e y a lso \I il! he mnd c. 1)11" J Il II .", .llId 1\\0 eill leh c n. Mt' to he lp hUn1l111 mOl he l S WI th th e lt· co' unty IL IS tl cs lI'c d Ihnt fu lks IIll e rc'" l r t! .llI ti llIJ c I'n Il k II .", an d r"u l ell" ('hlilre ll . An,1 I h ~ 1\ Senatol n l' ed in t h(' j1 ulIlU v bU " ill< R. III I et n l 1l 1I\, elre' n , ~IJ Ill el i\1IS ( iI, lrI es rI 'll d , tllln ks It 0\10 1' h i! wi I " greo With thllt. (l r tl, e (1 ~ 1l on Rti li t Inll r,II' !lI~ a t Ihc ~" and ~ir , Ralph \11l"" li nt! tl lI lIllh . ciwtiul('d tilll<' :lIl ti I ('cn l\ t' thc Illfo l- t e l , a ll d A',II ,I l'IIIt' I \" " ,r! ~I I a n d FII Ul r CIlL1 1l 0\\Kpa p<'lS wony obnut 11111(, " " JIll Ct llY Will p rO pll"t? . 11'" L(' c ll (' ~c . j ir-, II l1l ll e lI e8" and I ' , \\;'l~ ~ I \t'll f lam , \\ hn } !o; 11(.1 \\ rl s :11,, "(,11 1 I'I I'C, n[ L o< .\nl!', le8, 'rhe sc1H' d ull' Will Itl ll 011 -(, lI t rll l ~ 1J ~ J~1I 1111 .1 C" II vb 1111)' .. If<o rl to h e lp t h e farm, I R, fl!llrf(ll \ l , II " uft " 1 l hc lI 111 ,1I ( 'n l t nndnltl tllne II pI'I OXII\I, 11 ' I " liS C" l _ _ _ ___ - - ing Il lIIay I)e a "tllX 011 food." I 1;Jj!1' , \\ InR t n III 1lI lIllh. Will " IIfI l ow~ \nn:t Jo u l'll ' Y('d t" t he \\(" t t l n COIl I1 Thul'ldny, J u lv 8, 1926 Th llt is conv in cing, when YOUI SY IIl11\ ·('tUI I1 '· III I\ l'h rus l,[\, \\ hi e th e 8 00 11 III T C C hll slie IlIlthio H hnpl'en to be on t hllt Ride. , llm:ll (' 1:' 1\'1' 1'1I11l1lS(, of r ell ell ed Wh ut nbout heavy duties tuxes thllt 9 00" III. Will !-lllckmun. 11<' /1 11" . Ll' t cl' (I ,, ; H'1lI0 e cl l o Ok ln:00u m i\t l ~ Jo'rJl"k \V~rdlo\\ 10 one hundre d And ftItO llrt m ilholl S of hom.l , I() Clltl lll!' In ("I hi,) I, II h el e h (' S colt WIlllncrc. people pay, to protect- 1I fow doze n 11: If. a III he ld I"" ill"n" 101 I C5 POIl' lblltt) and 1 .00 p m. l'lirs. Roy RIlSs. or hundred of manufllc t urers? Is it tlust, \I' ll" po - t nl " l e l' the l l' •• n d I 1 :-1 5 p. III . Et hel :'<t", kcy·s. all Tig ht to tux a ll the p eople to 1"0lilt nt hc l' 0 1 ("Ish "", i\ l lI ~u IIIC Io (iI!'c , 2:3 0 p. Ill. lIh s J . SYllcn H tll cke l teet the "rIght 901 t 0 f pellph:,' 'hut :\... 17 1 Sunu.1\' Jl1n 2 ilh , wl t nes",'d Ill!' \ ft"1 "l'cn cl ll1!! ,,) nl(' YC:tl s th e rc' , 1111 wrong to tox nny body to ~rotcct ;t .4& p. m. Thoa B. & E II F'osl l'1 4 :1)0 p m. Mrs C. J WOII y n thirty-fiv e milli o n peopll.' wOl'klllg on nnnllll i fnnnl y tcUl1 l ll o f lh l' Llllll ll Ih(' \ d"I'loI .. 1 lllll l Ol <'l( nn II IIS b t'sl Friday, July 8, 1926 of Mrs Hllnnah B Uj!3 n ut 1 ll' 1 hom , "lI t NI tn IllS ,ho, l ln llW he a lth, nntl t tl the CormR1 Nola __ ••_______ - - - - - -__ R 00 u . III H . A. l\1111nl d III W ellm a n. tlll' fnl' :It''w ,'o ll ntt \ h iS d C\I, t c t! l t h ns b een til' cu s to m o f till' f HIll- 1\ rI(' \ t IlI l n ~I\' an d 1111( om III n".11 !I'OO II. m. Eugene J eff('ry Ily fo r "( ve l al yelll ~ t o alllll'lII l!' Wl,lI s llli lic ~. 1 ('\I I \' l h,"!!, III thc b e ~ t Ill10 ' 00 a . m Fred Hichnrd fill d b n ~k c ts lind ~ pend t h e d nv IIlt h 1" 1 " IIf h ( I c~, m l' n nl nn . B V. Snuth. 10 l5n III mothcr a n d g"1'IIIIC lnIU Lh c r II , I",' d to Sl' l' IIHl n l' of hi' SI I O Il ~ I t :1 0 II . III A. C. TOlllltnso ,n The iolly of Father'S Dny was ] 15 p III . Mrs. . 0, Henkle. Antolll!' Ih gue st s t o sha r e tlw a nd l'o ll u Rt n ,;s Ot 1.ltes tnk e th~ Ion !! clearly demoll s trllt e,1 by th e nop 2 :4 6 [!. m. MJ'!;. Pa u l Mitchell pi 'us ul e o f t hI S eve ntful d n~- \\It h lt nt! \l Ill ie hI' bl ,II~ I\' III t t he cn li which marked tho effo rt of the n eck- -I 00 p. III. lItrs. c. C. Easton j\[,·S. Boga n thi S yeo,., w e i (! 11('r nlll lt, o r tlu l;, :mel It\ u l bl ;, ond h iS e x peetie manufacturels to PIOtit hy a n oth Mrs. Jun e W lison, nj!('d 0 2 yc a,.", o f tUlll'"S lo r tiS, I ' 5S celobratlOn. Ji'at.hel' docs i\hdland It y, a nd hCI' IIll clp, Mr. 't' \!,IJ S lI!!n WIll j" llI ed lhe FrI'C' WIll not want any specHII day s t aside Uriah J . H ock ott, aged 82 ),l'a r s, of B np l1 ~t chu r ch il L Bcech Grove , IIncl Cor 111m. Every day 18 Iathcr'~ ~ lIY the Nutionlll Jl;h h tn r y lI um e , Dny- hus It vc d a tllJ e IlIlst in n ltfe. 11 (' alld h o know8 it. lie gets Ins, 36& toh , IIlso n sJst c r. !I'l l s Ma rglll e t ,ILLI! IIc1 cd wors hlJl a" 10llg us h crllth dllYs III the year, and n r ed lIeektl nCl mlttc d H ' lw ei bec n 111 II d ecllll e The wee kly n, eQting of the Cllmp W o lee, of L <l hunol1 mean s nothing in his busy lifc. But Oth('l g ll es ts who we l e pllv ll cg ed _IIIC thc fir st oC lhls YC III', th ough flre Girls wns held nt the h om of I,f thl'SO SP ( ejnl days must be ccle- the g uardlnn, Mrs Moomaw, June to e nj Oy t h e bounteous dll1nel' whIch cOIl(i n ed t o h IS r oo m " nil' two weeks brated in tho Intel'est of t1'nd~ , "hy 28th. _ wns; SC I ved nt th.e nO(l n h our, n nd the In tllC c al ly 1I\0Inlllg bcfore he passnot havc II RadIO Fan 's Duy Ilnd a R cv. 1\ncj cd awny A1If1,1 11811ed hlln, "if it was Tho m eeting WIIS open ed wit h t h socia l good time , w ere : Pern1Rnent 'Wave OIly. W o wou ld MM!. W E B ognn, of S pril)g VIIII~y, lh e L orJs WII Ilt hllL he he taken; \IIIS also s\Jgg~t lin Old .Maid's Dny nnd Hahd S ign, Creao and Law'. After Bcrt Bogun, 1\11 lind l\Irs. Rll lcigh hQ r e lldy?" He I'e p ll ed, "I am!' q' Buche lor Unc le's Day, Ah, thlll'e t he r eg ular busln css session, pro- Boglln lin d dllllghtel , DOlobhy, MI'. A s~el\)bled by his bed side nt t h e I~ tho:: big' chance fo r II r eal holiduy. gralllS fOr future lIl e",tin gs and head- and Mrs. Evon Bogan, l\lurJorl!l (l ncl .~I hOllr wero t h e wife , the doug hThe Bachelor's Day. By 1111 means. bands WCl e dIscu ssed . Robert Bogan, Mr. aud Mrs. W eld on ' till', ~trs. Plel'cc, th e s J1Inll lin d only tf the Jilpe mukel's ulld the can man- . AdJoUl n ed to ,meet July 6, !it t he W ilson nnd son , Gera ld , Mr. Ilnd gra ndson Willia m WarWick Pierce, u f acturel'S get behind lhis day. they home 0 f Miss 001 is Hllwke. MI'S. Ch!1uncey Bunnell, Rhod cs and lI nd ,Mr. ~nd Mrs, WII! Grimes, of L os LENA EARNlIAR'l', Scribe. Goorge B u nne ll. Mr. and Mrs. Gl nn Angeles CuI. Ciln ma!;c it a pollywopp~s Thltlk, . , . how al! the lumBy woul~ Just love to , Dllvis, Rob el't, Roge!t ~ellIe and Mal' th er rellltlvcB arc hiS. nephew, --pI'ov id e g~fts fpr that dear old bncb; 01'10 DaVIS, all of wilyncsvill ~ Mr;s Herbe rt S. Warwick of Erie, Pa. i ellor unelt', Just ~hlri k !- Tho Rounlar a pun rl , Lucille al\'d LOUise \Va:rr II e lba vc l' of ! Detroit James der, in the Frankhn Chronicle. Dunn" IIfr., and Mrs. Cal'lc~on Dunn Clea ..e", a n aged u n cle , of \Vilm~ng­ and 80nS, hester and WillIam, MIl!!! ton, G. W, Davis, nieces, nephews nnd A we in er roast "as given at Lln- ~tta Wolfe, btl', and Mrs. J ohn Bo- ~j e nd9. • •• (ter 'Longer ebmp Thul'Jtlay I'Ilght 111 gpn , of L bono)); Mose s Bogan. of honor Qf Mr" and ~[eTlo V . I\:erns, <>f Harie ysburg ; MI'. alld Mrs. Clarence 17 ' CoHlmb'u, Those wh!) e njoyed 1;h e Osborn luid so n, Eld<>n, Mrs" Emma Robert t., Elliott, age years, .Ion oYenin were' Davis, of MidhiTld Oitr, 1'41'. and Mrs. Fi~.hed of Mrs. SuelIa EllIC)tt, o;! Centerv¥~e, Mr 8'and ~rlling Welch Mr. Frc!d Bree~e, lIfiss Blanche Breeze, _I dled Frfday and Mrs, Kellu }Joke, 1'4"1'. and'Mrs. Mr. and Dennis Patto!lJ Harvey 1uDeral lerv ce w*:vtll T 8IIda at Olcar Stam\eld M1aee8 Corinne and and Rell PattQn, "Mr. and Mrs LawBelen W!!.ch-l Mt:, Wilbur Thona- renee ThompSOD auer dauahter. Beta AB R [, 2 '1 0 :; 1 1 2 .10 2 I

Alle n, If Ba lr, e on lcy, 2 b Cy ph e l ' , :l b


"1'" ,






Fathers' Day

Campfire Girls

----_ ..

Weiner Roast

tfterno!ln~~:rrn2the M~

tr:'urch;~nte cem:'.


in 'Bellb~1c lit1I, 1Ir. 1!i8lI a~d Shon, Of XIIlIa.



",,, ,f, ,

11'11 1 A d .tm ~ Jl ll ch, d II 1:, I1 I1 ( th ut II ,," ,I I ll . lr t~ l )Jlak l l t o l ll"tli I I I ~lr l1 c k Hilt 111 "' ''lll dU ~ C'lI (I f IU !-I n J' I IlJHl' lI t li \ \I t h. out ( I fl (;' 1)1 v i m";-.I '"UlIH:e , (\X('l pl t h.n




1lI1l1 111 y I ' pl, n s lult: f ill thl H oi l




llIt.a n L I l 1I 1~ t' urh f.! 1 !o4 tn )! ~ :-i!l r l li(l ¥, allit

Pll' n,l" l gll ~t, .l b Salll'l t h wlI ll o, I b I, DU Ilon, 2 1> G ons , 88 II Dlll'Lon, c Adam s , p T RUll ull, If lI nrt soek, cC HopklllS, rf


I , 1''' ' 1I 1! "" ,I ,,,,, ,,' ( h, ( ~ n ll Jl Y •••••••••••••••••••• _ . . . . <I"h III 11" h" lII. "" II ll!'h ~ I I (' l ,' I" 1\ 11 101 t .rlio ol IIr< l11 e, 111I1! t .. " , d.r .uld l it(' f" ll u \\II',! l', u,.;r,1111 W .IS C O L~ MIJl S. OHIO - Th e r e \Vlll 1..! 1\ t ' U n l' \ (' 1 be allY s u c h chnr~eR filed In 1\1 11 ' IC \ ',' In .a !\l lll lt u!!'( C IIJI Jle ci lu ll Wit h Ih e 1I0n llnntlOn for J} I! 1 I II Illb II! I IIJ f! p!,.l U S !;pn .ltfl r 111 Oh io, lik e those In , \I I s Men d , n lr ,,1 1 1\ IlJI' l II ,\Ill I Til Llll' first pluce h, oIdll ,g , 1\ d \ llIlIt,I::1 Sf'''I1I ,,, Frull k B Wl lh s who 18 cerI. "II ;" 1I 111""-1 ',,, 1" \I " 11, 11, ,11'" tU ln III IIf' Lh c He publrclIlI n o mlllce , ;-';,XI " ,II , \I , ,1e ,,,' (,n turI ( iliu h.l' " "H I '''' t n knu ll n t o be Inclrn e d \ i J"- \ r,udt Ilh dJ \\01 \\l1 1 IJlJ d JfH d tp ' \l lrtl buv ul g Ci l h e l hiS n omInati o n til J I \ ~ ,I il l ~I I J l lI"{ 1 t I t ht (1 1L' lId " !ir .. \ f c.: llO lI T he ~ "m c m a y be s ai d I II J l ll t'l' l I I I I II tll\ 111111) t\lll ll - of \ l ill' P O nt C l l'n e " ltd others in the 1 111 ... III \\1Ih. 11 lIu lI V, ., I h. \\ 1s d tHiI, l.lU It. \\ (J II Jd n ' t be s lIrp l hllng If ... hl S I II ( f l d I lalll~ til t~ II 111 d ~l ll i \\ d l l ~ \\ , 1 g-\\ cn the n OtnUl utlO n with ... l in 1I 1,l u " pt l I' "Iltd h \ t h ~!'tl' fi lt H n u t lh e l'x p l lJ d ll u r c u f n p e nny ove r ti l , \\ I Hlll n \\!lv /ltl I) P PU"" ~I to \ \<ll t h t It' q u ll c d f cc p a lo Into lhe Stale 11, - \\ 111111 11" 1'''1'' I "" ,I, .. " S t ,.ll · t l l,I , UI\ ~ j' l1 I 'l l II I li t Id lIll ( 10;;1 s t llt l ll t u ,11 ,, ' irl' l l" lUl l'lf, .,' , h. 1" lO U!!irl \ " ' Id ly S IX IICw ll u lloIiJl!rs Will be complet I" j "I " lhl' lIl th, dill h , h fe ,\1111 \\ " I k "o! a n d I'cn d ) f or c,ccu pll n ey whcn the 'I "'h p"pu lar (ilithu l an ll uo l ~ tale l a Ir IS h e ld fl'o m MonI h, p 'a nu .,>1" "li d I t' lIdlll l!- o f tI.1' d.l\, A ug us t '1 0 tu SlIturdllY, Septeml\\(, 111I1l' (' lI lt'II,II11a' , \ clll ,,' " li d hC'1 I Ll\ c lv blddll1[! IR be Ing made \I 111111 11111 A III III.t):' , lI e l e g rlal" fut' lh cu nce s lon s thI S ye ar, und the "",,\ , d p i e lll lUIll li s t, will ch WII! s oon btl IS,'I 1111' el UHl' " I lit e Pl lll!' l ll lII Ih su,'d, 11111 <ho w mOre Bubs tant lal 1l11111ll" P",,' '' CII(, ~II ~ \l a Id. 1" '- " "h prr ZC8 t h a n CVC I hc' f ol e. Many ' 1'lIllll l ire ~I "" l h,'~) mh o l tl f .. Ille - ch., n,,('s hll\'c Ill'e ll mlldc a t the tuto loJ P, I\Il'1 fe ll l h ~ tHllll lI g \ ' C,tI t(1 III 1:\ 1'1111 I!' l lI und ~ " Ilice l he lost cXpos ltlOn L, \lal Il \\ .IS \1 1th 1l'!!1 L we It st - .11111 It WIll b e II Ic ve lntl on to many "II" ,I fnl lI,,' la St 1II11 l' to t h c pI ... "· " h n they VI Sit lhl! b Ig s how ollly Id l' nt UpOIl 11 110111 ,til bCHto Wt d Ju . t ahou t tll U m o nths aWIlY.

lil t s

\\1 1\.' 1\


, : :,~ ,~:; .;:,~~,E,~,~~~.~i, ~ '~h~ r:~~~::~~~t~:al

!-C C· t · t1I ~


Whole N um ber fl707


( II; 1'0111 ) to 1,,1 nil 1I lt t \t 111'p (l .... ~ d H I · Ity f,,,· OUI 1\l l.l l1l1S t .. II III " 1;. 1I11 " l!.j 'lin Il dll Y \\ he ll I h' (1Ilc lllnll l l RI d " L u, L lire 11 1"0 IV II II1 I1l!! thIS yea l' SEE THE KING PEN~UINS _ ~ un<l ny n l tc'rn u,,,,, \l Illi , thc Hc·,). WCrt' Inn lu.l s Llnl! t hl I'lll . u ul " 1' 11. CLERGYMEN' S OPINIONS ute ' 10 til(' tu ne o f It, 10 () 0 111 hUI " \Vel fI UO \\ II IJ.: 111 d l' f t' HL t o t h e X l Hi d YOUR RICH UNCL E I{ C" CI\'CS, I, tu 'i . n It. I II d(' ~I)( 1.0 I I WHAT MOTHER'S DON'T KNOW "" I1)!"lr tHl llH' .'\ (' lI lu 'H id 1I1 li lls of hnst I UII II III): "l lIch - -- - - \I (' r ('c\,~1 dl t Id eel lY o, f t " lUI In (\ Inll lllll 1





tT, .of DaitOD.

Pike Ne,arly

ISAAC WALTON LEAGUE DISTRIBUTES FISH 0 " J UII ' 1 t h IIbou t :!O.OO O b ig m o uth h n"s \Ier e p ut ml o th " LItt le Mlnml I lvc r f l"' 111 th e ' ewtow lI fi sh ho t e he) I" S 011 t h e 251 0,0 00 blls. frll m Lh e Lo ulsllll e , Ky , hatch crt es \\ I'e put In t h e L ,ltl" M In llll . Ca osllI s cr ee k an d CIt'.lr cn e k Th ese bu." WCI c of t hc ;,'l ilow , III!! m ou th \'nrl etv , lin d d ,f1'c l ell l In CI CI\' II UY f, o m th o~e o f th e Oh, ll h nte halC ~ 1 he ca r III w h ich t h,v II' CI'P cI'n w lne u hlld ve r ul t hou"and o t o d lstrlll Utc' III vaTl o nu s Plll' t s of th e ~ tn t<· 0 11 t hIS tri p The ti, h \\ el C PI','clIred thro ll ~ h t he I~U . ll· k W ultt> n IC.lg"ul' . flll d PI sId e n t W IIII UI1I ", Cl f t he "' ''r1 en CO UII l ) l e a l!'u~ p I ~nn :t ll y nt~I' Jld d t o th e d l ~ t ll iJU t Iro n In WOII e n (J unty waLl' r s Th c Lea gll h ,,~ lo( e ll ,leu n,.; n ~ r e at \\ tI!k'" n ll It 1- <al t! lh nt m", c fi s h \\11 1 be p illl'uj III WlIIrc n co unty l/lttr III till' "' .ISHII T ir e UII'" pul III t he IIvel g t illS ~ lJ mnt e l' hll\ I' a ll bee n ~i t h e mll1now t I I' '. ub"ut Iii C ,'r s ix lIl r. ll e~ long". a ll d It IS lh" " J,!h l hot by ne xt bprlllg tl,,\' \\1 11 hi' e noug h LII cntc h f,,, . food

"" ge


New President Named

ha ll fl V tll ll n ll(' l In 1" ('. th e , C, lJ l H25::! G ,\l IS L, ,li ll Y 1lI "s t happi ly n ll d Th e IllIIl' hn _ not arllved f or a tn u dll ll l! ly I l!sp,'n d d II I nt~ " [l tll i g \l'uma ll 11) hI! (' ll' ctl'd to th e United th l! u lhc l ' II I pr C ~ l( l ll1 t St lltC - "C' Il Llt C from OhiO , III t he 0Pln\\ he ll l he cluh ... lj oUI IH' d ror Ih < Inn o f Tlr T(.hn W lI olfma n, pre81, oCI ,d hnu I, MI S S lII ll h IIIV lt('d t h l' d nt o f Oh IO Wcglc yun unll'ers lty, at l\Hnt~ - I \lu c ltlli 1,ld'1'8 :l lld he r I! u e sls Dclnwll r c Ju st b efor c hiS d eparture out u p" " t hl' l' <r f <!l' l ly kCIJt 1,1\1 II, fo r Europ e wh el'e he Wi ll spe nd hIS wh ue It IJIl IIl(u e t lullie 1\ ,IS s pll'lld 1111 _ vacati on, Dr. Holl III an gave ou t on Ind e l lh .. J! I' e ll I" .I n e hc ~ o r f rU It u nd t~ r\' l e \\' 111 which h e pred icted t hat hlll ..lrllC n l.l l t l ~ CH 1 h ~ d ecol'alluns I'rank B WHits would be re-nominllt\\ ,II C Vill es nnd bloo min g- tl o w er s on ed for anothe l' SIX -yell I' term lit tho th e lin e .. de u nd Ch lll blll g ros~ bu s h e No\ a mb er e lecLlOn, und that It would III1ICh \II!IC Indc II \\lth s pr.I)'S of plnll uc Illuny YI'ars be fore Ohio voters ,tl ld fl' d 1,1,, __Olli S o n th e olhe r i IIlth would e lect a WOllllln to the Senate. IjlUe , k~ Hlld !.r tll owy whIte c louds ai, J\C , fUI m lll g " II ntu l lI l 1l.lnqu t hall P r obabl y v e ry few know It but S_ of lJ lISUI pn ," ~ d beauty , \\ he l'e a dl'hE Forney. Republican c.II lldldate for Clti li S lW') ~CtJ U I BC lunch eo n wn s se r ved . De It g hlf u I I ecoll e ctlOn s of Mrs. State treasurer a ile! Ilt present ehall'man of the State Tnx commiSSIOn, ~ nr ll h " hos plta lr ty on lhls a fternoon In JU lie 11'111 lo ng I (! lllall1 111 th e mcm- wa s a former s t ee l mIl! worker. Lat or y o f th os e ,dIU \I ' r c so fortunate e r he becam e a teacher and taught us t o ultcn d the Ills t mce tlng of th e 111 the hI g h s ch OO l nt Dover for al1lI0s t ten years. When he gave up " 1' \1' CClit UI y cluL 1I1r. S lllllh '~ g u e ~ts were 1\118S s cho o I work h e was appOinted corpoJ:; 1\' l1ll11 f , cd N ullIn g , o f Da yton , latlon acco untnnt untl er the State Tax COmmission, and late r served as ~ II s l I t 1I1uu mu w, Mrs V ' I'll Ar-' body until n llt~ge , ]\11 . Leste l G or d on, MI S so cretary of the sam e Cln l ll Lll e , :'1ISS J:;IIII1lU H Olg hway, 1921 when h e WII9 liP pO lilted n s a memb er of this important body_ Ve lma lind \\ II1 n lfr l'cl Arml lll ge P romI ses of support h nve come unMA y WmGHT, Sec'y sohcitcd from a lmost every county In t h e State, lind th e nomination of Mr Forne y by the Rep Ublicans for stDte tre liBurer, see ms IIbo ut th e most ce rtain of anythlflg on the State ticke t III Augus t. P ) U ISl.:

( P I 11("' l

:-I ld l lt J.{

«.l UI Ill).!

------ ..- ---


Plan s f or th e Wa r r e n County 4-H Clu b c!l m p and Hu t'ul Wo nums ' Vu Cli t Io n camp lire n nrly finI sh ed. The I-II CalllP WI ll be held f r om Augu st 2 t o 7 und the RUI'll I Wum en s ' Vacatl OIJ cllln p, Augus t 10 to 1:1, both l o~n tc d tit Fort AnclCnt ThIS is thl.! se co n d a llllual 4- 11 lub cllmp III Worl c n COUllty, t h e lirst h e lng h e ld at F 01t An cle llt la llt y ear. O nly boys a nd g il ls In t hu 4 - H cluLs Ille e hgl!.rIc. I t 18 th e firs t Il tt(! mpt at the Ihll 01 Wome ns' Vnclltlull camp III l hls Cou llty but n ot III the Stllte. Ev 1) 1 y I ul'u l w oma'll III the eounlY IS el1151bl II nol It IS to be hope d tha t s u f hcient. n unlbc r of th em WII! sIgn up by J ll ly 15 to nhlk<' It n oL o llly u pu ~­ SlllIh ty bu l lin uctu allt y I1 M, ket ry WI ll uc n feat ul c III both C:1 l1ll'b l\l rs. 11 I{ I h lll lS u lld 1\1 "s C rn ,1 13 , 0 W II \\ 111 a t tcnd the lu t· II lIll lI "!: CIl Ill P lfl " C"I YC sp ~ c l n l 111s tl UCll u n III 0 1 d (' 1 t n t .lke cIl'" g e or thI S W" I k III t h, 1- 11 e,lIl1 p MI S C c OI!!C ~1I11t1j , "f 11' .1) "e",l lI c , WIll ha l e , hu r!!'l' u l lhe husl, ell) III t he

I r a nk C And er' ulI, Le Uti ll On wus naill I' d p i oSld e nt o f th \! Le!.rtlnon h am b I o f C " m n1o ~ c c Ills t week wh e n th e nle m bers of the n ell bO Ard o f dlrec t""s m et Il nd org a lll7.l d f or Ch:ul c8 J W ngt he ensu Ing yea\' gon er WEUI nnm ed I-lCe-p reSld e nt IlIlU J A SCh lll lllg was .,lt etl'd t rc, I, lI l e r The se ci ctar y IA nn nH'd h ~ t il( p r ~ s­ Id ent nn d Is uSllall ) ,1 stc n op; 1n ph cr to hand Ie t h e COl I spo nd ell cc ,,,"J d etaIl WO I k co n ll ccted WIth th \! "rp;nnl 1.,lt lorl Th e II w ,It r e cto r " uc,,,I ." t hose SCI VIlIJ,! a s I) lI l c~ I's o f t he t h.l l1lb, r of COmm CII' C IlI dll ct " H llIlllI d W" II In s. pre Rld CI11 fOi t h,' p,I"1 Ih l'" ~ l·"' S . \\ Onh..' J1 ~· t.: ,1111 P. a:-;~ I s tl: d IJ Y uth(.'. 10A. B . K a uf ma n , ,r " G lHloI ul d tlJld til l l.rlcnl Hop e " ul l.. fU I il ll! boys G Ii 1'0 \\ M lc \ III Lit" ~ -II ca lliI' lin d ''''1111 e h lud~ [U I ---~---ull WIll b ~ III ch," !(t' v I ~h Mel y l (; r.IY, Co unty Ag ent 1/ ulII,mulI ulld tl th t I lo c.l l a u th u ll tll.' S ~ \\ lIJ1IllJng In Iw th c a mps \\ III be III chnl ge o f hom< ng ' lit , ~ I I" Wa tl> IL IIdl b , of sp l crr ,l llltc l est t o t he IIO n1 ell t l) k now t hut II I " ddl t lu ll to l,k,, 1 t " lc nt, t hn t t hey WIll hnv €! ,IS IlIst ) uclu t .:s li t lhc ll c,ullil , AlI ~::; Wa nAttem pllng to lump on n t,u ck 0 11 d . l J I) Z\ IlI Sk O-l, h O llle en rou uf t he Sic k wh Ich he expe e tecl t o l Id · t o C.II1IP ' l'" thdlst j l(; 1Il OhiO ~ tntc unlvcrs llit th e compll'tl(l n of lh e d'IY' s \\o l k, t \ \\ hv \\ 111 dll ed th a t ~o ui s e III thIS i\l o nday cv II I1I 11 , Dul SI' Y J H CiiS r , COUll t} th " 001111111{ 1\l lIter, ull d Mlsss 110, of Ada, OhI O, dll\ CI' o f a ~ t eam Kod ., lISS ISlUllt s ta t c h Onl e delllonsWe WIll IIls o h u\' c I nll e l e mployed b y t he firm of Bls h trnll on lead e l·. 11 1101 a i el', \l llIch IR c lI gag"('d II I road i\l t. Hillg, ot CO llllll llu, "ho WIll l ,, " Ir.lcLlI1g \\ (lrk on the lI1 CIJl lllltl olI SC U ~ " "PIctures III Lh l lIullle and Lll e ly on pd. " h"lo w ~P I IliP; V"lIey , f e ll be- LUlld ti CllrJl IlI:'," li nd 1\11 I",nth t h l' t l uek, OIl C "he ~ 1 of w illc h , t Oly l' c ll lI1 K lind Rcnd mg III th e FIII'1lI lI o llle" p Ll ... s~ d ove r }II ~ .1bd u m c fI '1 he hll lli dllte of enro llm ent for lIl' dlt:, d a t !I 'to lit the McCl e llan h, " "lla l, X e nlll II Lout five h OUl 8 aE- bo th CUIII ViJ WII! be July ] 5 , as thllt Ll' r t hl' .l~c lol"n t. F ell ow e mpl oyes much tllll e is lIeed('d to muke the fllOr II r ''''1 \\ ho ' ''w Ih ' II celd"lIt dId 11,01 arlllnge mcll ts . Th\! w o men Will not k nOll \I ha t en use d hlill to lose 1"1110 11 by "lllldlllg III to the Fllrm Buh" }",III ann f nll Th p t i llc le, a heavy r ellu o ntce Ilt Lebllll on their f ee of nrllc hl ne u sed III h ,wllnp; g mv l>l and $3.00 which WIll cover their food and Furthor mformac I n. he d tn n e , but whi ch "as rmpty s heltcl expenses l lOIl IS be ln t,( sc nt to each club m e mal t hco tllne, \\ n. s tupp ed at once 1' h e h ody II a s lIIk c n In chorg"e by b~r IIbout eh l ollme n t ulld 11 letter to ,r W Wh ltm C' r , und e rt,lke r, nnd Cor- us - muny WOlllen liS can bll r euched. T h c commIttees In charge ot t ho onC'r R L 1I 11111 ~8 v l ~wed It nt thp Whi t me r m'"gu c Two • brothers of cU lhps are as follows 4-8 Club H cssel' nrllved 1 11 XenI a arly T ues- camp--Z. O. Worley, .T. B. Crabll, Mrs. J, C Jon es, MISS 1I1arle B enhum . dllY mOlll lnl( and r eturn ed nt once t o Adn Th e d ond man IS unmDllled MI'S Jenllle Grnham; HUrll1 Women's He l ea ve~ lil ~ pM c n ts, t hrce broth rs Vllc~tlOn carnp--Mrs. Roy Ross, Ml'II. lind a Sis l er Th e bo ll y w111 be la kcn Etllol Sturkey, Mrs. WIll O'Neall, Mrs. Chus. Cook, 1\1188 Mari e Benham, tu Ada for bll1'lol. _ _ _ __ Mrs. Pllul 1I11tohe ll and MtlI. Geclrge S mi t h, of MOJ;tow. For further information get in tOUJ:h wltb County Agent Hummon or Bome Agent, Miss Watts. County upcJ;intendent F. B. Har- --- - ---l'is ,JIccom panied b y Mrs. Harris, of I.ebllnOJl, I\~(l IIttcnding the !lIInual State association meeting at Cedar Tho Lytle Mother.'~ c\ub Will hold ~olnt on Laka Erie. Altet: tho asiodatto;' c:lo¥s they w ill ddve to Chi- a market In GrlU\ite Hall. Wayneacago to spend s\lDle time with their viDo, on Saturday, JUly 8. .ked _ . botD-of whom teacb In the·JqIa bean.. udad. doq)ul1lu,. CO.... cheeae. plea, cak-. ..... etc. .chool I1f that city.



Attend State Meeting

Rura l reSiden ts of the State do not npprectnte the valu e of the doctors locate d III the ir midst. This is proven by the results of a survey just compl eted 111 one OhiO rurnl county by P G. B eck, of the dep n rtm e ~t of ftural SOCIOlogy , OhiO State ulllverslty. He found that "qu ack remedlCs." constitute d 42 PCI' cent of all lIIoney sp e nt for doctors or drugs, whil e 20 p e r cent was for unpresc ribed dru gs. In one II1sta nce he found Lhllt $ 100 had be en s pont for patell t mcd ICllles for n Vlctim of tu1)I! ICuloSls whil e only $10 had been s pcnt f or a ll attendll1g physiCian for ~he s ame patient. In another area he fou nd that e nough mon ey was spe nt f or patent medicines to have give n e llch fanlliv in the area almost t w ic e t he leg Itimate care as It had rlUlll1g the I>r eceeding year. All of wh leh A'oes to show t hat IIdvertJslng d ues pay. Putent medlcllle m{lnufactun'l s adverti se Whil e mcmbers of the me dICI" p i oress lo n considcr It unethlell l lu use t hOlr own home papers.

W. C. T. U. Institute Th e loca l W C T U institute was held III Ih e l\I E church , June 17. A number of la dl es from Dayton and L. hnnoll \11'1 e III esent, includll1g both cu ullty unci loclI l prc:sl dcn ts Hnrvc ys llu rg was r epr es enled by their l ucal pre' ld e nt , Mrs Eva MllcDonald .1I1r\ Orcgoll la by t h eir evaogeh"tlC till ector. Mrs . Ruth Bart ett Murray. Aver y IIl t e r cstll1g progr n m was I end el ed Two vel y mterestlJlg feat UI cs we l e lhe r ca dmgs g iven by Miss HeatflCC Rob ltzer and M, ss l\Iyra Pe n cc. A cover cd dIs h dmner wa s thorollg"hly elljoyed . TlI CHd!l1 July 6th. 1\1155 Beltle Ogles u ee WII! be h ostess to the W. C U . of tillS pillee May we hav e II good Iltt~ lld ancc .

--- _0 __ •.____

Y. F. M. Visit Caves Twe nty-five of our Young Frie nds lelt the F riends home, S un day, June 27th ut 7 8 0 R. m .. to vi sit HIghland Cavcs. Aftel' catmg 1111 early dinner we sp ent some t im e in the cavos, then motored to Serpent Mound, All expressed an enjoyable day. -- •

Store Being Enlarg.d _ "


Hy.!ol"an and Bloch. dopartment .tore a1 Spring Vulley, have, for the sec.. ond tlmc_ b een QbliJ.ed, owin" to in-creased trade, to enlarge their store. A , remodeling sale, one of ,unusual bargains, III going on now. ' It is II tribute to t~ enterprie1DC manllgement that the itob drawa trade for many mllel out.lde of lte uSllal_one for bualne • • 1

Mothers' Club Market

The ~;~~II -~L ToWllltilp


? tract 840, $83.75, The Lebanon Garage and WeldinJt Co., for rep.lrlna toola, 760; . The BOQk ShOll, IIUllpll,. for s urvcror, $0.46 : J ohn Gunckel. f~r r pairll1g eq uipment, '64.26; Hal Simpso n, Il"nrage r e nt, '$18; John Irons, hauling dirt, $11.40; Fred II umphr cys , shortago on payroll lor Muy, ~R . 30; .Tohn Hawthorne, repair \Vurl< on ltuspension bridge at Franklin, $!l ;L. G. Anderson Sons Co" bridge l1l11t~riul f or Slime, $31.35; G 'orge Hout lluhn, rep.airi ng equiptl ll' nt, $ 18.10; W. P tlfcCarren, BUpplil's lJi ~ lrirt 6, $26.31; Slime, truck l'ullllirH, $11 ; SlIllI e for f urnishin g and IlIaJ ill g g l'l1vol, $608..t8; C .0. WatkillS, g rnvel, $ 1; J os hua Mitchell, for rUl'lIis hing II l1d handling s to ne, $100.70 ; Spcnre l' and Armitage, for grav• eI • • 15; 11. D. Carroll, g ravel, 75c; Il ul'lan W hiwcr e, bridgll Dlaterial, sa tU !·!. Couk a nd Swee ney. lo r hauling g r nv~ I , $ G57 .fi O; sn me, furnishing and lonliill!: gra\'~I, $5; snme, g rave l, $!1 4l:l. Gll; Mrs. A. Luke, for stone , $ 1.20; O. 10'. Spahr, stono, $4; The Orego nia DI'idgu Co., .tructu ra l s teel $H)(;. l (): SlIme, repjliring equipm ent, $7 . 70; V. W . Tompkins, Supt district ' tl . 1, payr()II, $41 1.30; F. M. Collills. SII II1(' for di. t r ict 2, $171.10: Eden Te n y, di strict 3, $486.80; A. 'I'. Rettig, district 4, $34; J 08eph Davis, di strict 6 , $488. 10 ; R. D Edwurds, district Ii, $840.68; Harlan Whitllcrc, snnt c for Harlan Tp., $ 178.:.!5; ·P. 8. Mance, BOlli I', f or SaIr lll Tp .. $87.80; L. S. Walker, force acc ount. $ 1:.!O.25; W. S. Graham, pay. J'u ll for ~\' llYlll' '1'1'., $170.:10; W . E. Gnt hlt tll, sn me · for I"rankli" Tp.,

of the estate of Gl)arlcs W. COli, de. hovtl oven n'.cd onts CtOP nnd celllmd. in the places of Eli Russel l h rop in ptnctknlly 011 tho North· lind hnrleg Johns. who .are unable "Tn stntes i, in A~o ut the Snln & conto (\tt ~nd t o thl'ir duLies os s uch . lliti 11. -E nl mn I. RU P.llcll, ItS executrix of HAY "'rO S P~C I S lit und er oveuge, th e stllt c of er epta StAnsell, d OC~ UR­ I! ~ PI! hilly fo r <: 10\1(.'\'. Uyc ~ol1dl . ed , WIIS ou t lJ o ri ze~ t o take for herself liQn is ave ra ge a nd barley ill ~ i x p To certain bund s wHich rall t o her by e ' nt u nder ll vo rogc. Posture iM th ~ w ill o f snid decedent. Ohio tannen will hn~e tw() milliol\ hnrdly up t o th Il\'crngc f or t he fi rst ' Ucc('ssors to till' c~tt\t (l{ Ann COMMON PLEAS PROCEED INGS Print z' . chara cte ris ti c wa y with this Thu rsday of last w eek (May 24, nI June. more b\l.l~ e l l of wheol (I)an was es· MII I'i" Gmha m, rie l'NI"ed, wcrl' g rlln~­ sentenc e: "Th is is all yo u need A r r p orl fro m three hundred f a rm s e o f Ohi o ex r eI, Dorothy T he stat 1900] , wh ile the workm en were cleart1hlAt d n month agll, IIr c-ord inlt tn l!'iI'~s 111 1 a \·,·ra!:c ~ i zo f (l r 8prinJr pi g ,'u exem plio n by th e cou rt fl' 1111 in· of mc." Srnitti vs. Ra lph Deem, upon failure ing th e d elris from the fl oor of the know tati~ ticJ nn W(lsL of I h ~ ..?' F"r!'·I·. E ' qu ire J : G. K eys IIdd s to th e o f th e d e fcnd unt t o compl y wi th th .. h (ll'i l ll l1 CC la x . liUC I'. o f 0 .4 pig:;. T hiM is npPAren tly nl rop R po rll nl{ ·Sor vke . Th" l il\'l·ntm·y II lId a Jl l'rlli~C lll e n t o f lh~ P ri nt z hllildin g , th ey uneul'thed th e inter est of th e 1'ecMds in a bri f out· co urt o rd ers, t o' ",it : '['0 pay t o soi d uatft (Jull o~ k is ull fn\'()ra1Jl~ ,,,,d hm ab. lut t hr !3 J\ ln~:, i n m nst Y(IIa r s. (I< ]lORit,or y j nr that had been placed line of his uu s i n "s ~ ca recr u p t o tha t 1)lainti iT the s um uf ~70 0 towltrll the eMtll LC' o f ~ I ,Il'Y J. l, nnl:'d(\lI, d ccl' lI ~e d Indll'lIt i on~ li re f<.1r ul Iy u r lir crnl:. un der t he or n l' r tone at the tilD c date . He wos lit t ha t tim e justice support uf th e ir illcl,(itil11 ute min or W[' I'c' ti lr d U)' a \lmr. n ull'h I'li rk • . h io whclIl hus heen g ruwill)! 3 . Thc' ltl'n cfic ill ril'6 of til<' ('stil t of o f th e building of th e f oundation, Ju - of the peac e. n,)tury public, age nt of child, Clifford 'mi l h Deem, Iqlll fo r LIFE'S MIRROR willie ('oultl b eXJI\' ·t .. d in \'icw of I), . 1881. This jar contained some iEtnn Insurnn ce o. He ulso record s failur e to Ill'O \'ielc $1000 bond , suid ('h lld es A Wud e. dcccnsed , w!!ro th tl r y ",,('aUler. Th · ('stimnt ' n , IW thllt day, JulyS, 188 L, def endant WUs ol'd n' d urr c ~ t d I1ml ~ r'l lItl' d cx(, mpti (1lI f !'O In inh r ril.uncc intl' re~ tin g local hist ory. whi ch , to "m ercury cnUt for 8 1,000,000 bu ~ hel ~ us C" III · (H .. Al'c ti u n ~ 11 )' r unnel t ux. the ris ing !:"t' ncra tion. wilt be of in- • tllnding a t 100 · in th e ~ hod e :· pli" ,ed in the coun ty ju il. par.1I with last F ur's t'rop o f 2:l,!H111· I . "n,· .i l,tll /lll"tlll'r·. ~ y t'~ . In th e ma ltl'r of th r S('lll c lllE' nt of Am ong the bu siness souve nirs i ~ a t r est because of it., . t o them, reTh e Leban un Nnti onul bunk \' s. th l' ,'stl\tc "I' [." i. A Nul l. tI,'ceIl Rt' d. 1100 buabtl.. H ll r H~ t will be two :\ .. ,. eha ll ,, " ):t1 wh a l 1 .r·c ; lI1 ott'llellS of da te , white to our older blu!' tick et, ",hi'ch reads : "G ood f or Ga ylurd li nd Fl ul'e nc(' Bayn es, j uug· weeki later thiA YOllr. F lOI' fHt e whn d ~a ls her t'uTln in" hlo ws citizens its fr eshness makes the past G shaves." s ig ll l't! 1\1 . Ridge , prop .. tl Hl co ur t cl ct(l nn in c d llw J(r uss vnl1J c ment W U 8 all otted th e plnint iff. unu Th .ate plank ure o f good color . ~I Il! ht d" t ill' "a lll e I II nlt' . There were IIlso de po"itNI copi es the injunction her et ofor e g runtl!d uf ~ aid ,' Ht nlc . hy I\ Jl pr Hi :-: ll mt'nt ~ . ns "('c m II p res .. nt r eality. and the &taut! 1& gc ~eru ll y thi ck I l!aZl' i"t,. a " "th" r '$ '·Y(O.: $ ~4 ,21i O. lin d tha t the Ill·t " "" c t ~ "uh. Am ong th e r em inders of that pc· of thl' Western Stnr, Leb nnon Ga· was ma de perpctuut. enough but tho jrrowth IS ve ry smll il l' ' (' r:·li",'. II Pr 1,1\"('r my own ; jed to taxI's nlll [ltlllt s to $2~ , 2:'! 8. I'i od \V as found II puckage of the busi- zette, now exti llct, Lebanon Putrio t , In the cau se of Howard Leo n Jon es IIc llfil'illri cs h ' r l'i n. IlIId lh p Ilmuunt .nd only throug h the occ urrelll'c lI f 11'''1' ,,1111' 1" " ,, ). ,,~ ('l1l1 11'<.1 my lif<', ness ca r ds of the then leading firms, Morrow Free Pres and Th e Miuml vs. He len JOI\('S, the motio n by the ,he 111M' lllvera!)le w~Rth er can Oh io I I·,," Il ,. t Ih·,· ,IiU II (' . so mc of which lire still familiar even Gazette, of July 6, 188 1, just t hr ee defendant f or a llowance of attorncy ul" t h t' il' !'lI c ct ssio n:; \\'Crl' named . to the cnlldren of the town, others months before the Gazette W!l S so ld l ees fr om the pltlintifT wus sUHtain cti that belong t o th e past ; of the form- by Sands & Sweet. MARRIAGE LICENSES and lh e sum of $65 WlI S g ranted . In looking ovcr the local column . In th e cuse o f Elmer Shulll nk e r ," S. e r, there are Farr & White. groce rs; .1. A. Funkey, dry ~ oo d s ; H. p . Kers, of this copy W E' saw this item : "H . Morris Van Dorcn et nt.. the succ ess· 'I'~ d\\'ard F rnnk Wi l'd,' rholcl, Jr., li t'a ler in pine lumber . la'th and shin' W. Printz, agent for the C incinnati ors of the eslll te conce rn ell were hu ildill!: lllllnlll!e r, Norwood , lind Mil· ~ I es ; Wnyne.ville Nntionul bank,of· F~ nquirer. sold 35 0 copies containi ng named und the nlll ount of t heir suc· dred Phoc uc Meloy, tenc1\l'r, Leba· ficers, S. S. Haines, president; S. W. the account of the a ssassinati on o f cessions. non. H,·\, . I< l' ll er. Rogers, vice-prcsidont; J oel Evans, Preside nt Gllrfi e ld." 1'1l1l1 V. Whi tc llliln. pninter, 01'In th e matter of t he outh Lebn· [ A,mong the num es given nbo"",, non Packing Co.. a corpotlltion VS. troit, 1I1It! Edith M. Llrllcl', Frll n k ii n. cash ier; W. H. A llen, 8"sistnnt cashier; directors. S. S, Haines, J oel Ev- we notice a few who arc sl ill liv ing Earl Phithour lind C. D. Wutki ns on Rev K,' lIcr. J os ('ph Fre'd Wil Ron, L.·ltunon . nnd a ns. S. W. Roegrs , B. A. Stokes, E. and foll owi ng the same vocations: moti on of defe ndllllls, lea ve of clI ur t A. Brown, A. p . O'Neall. Of th e H. P. Keys , J. W. White, W. H. Al- WIIH g runted to fil e an swer in this Mll rv 1l .·1cn ('rol' kett Le iJa non Rev. Lll'i.i)!(·". . . latter c lass a rc cards beari ng the Ie n, (n ow presi dent of th e Waynes· casc . firm nurnes of J . F. Missildine, dry vill e Nutional ba nk, J. A. Keurn ey. of Albe l·t F. Frederick, draftsmun, The ou lh Lclmnlln Pa cki ng Cll .. goous, ct c. ; Hll ndall , Epright & Co., Clllifornin, Perr y Kenrick. and Wm . vs Neal Hain es. und C. D. Watkin s, P" I'in town , /l nd Ma rj"..i" W. IInr· $a!J o. dry Roods ; J. Sands , druggist, J . Thorpe, Arcanum. Ohio, retirE'd.] · leav e was g rallt('d to flI e uns wer. A hil ug h. lCllc he r, n f Spring bll ro. R.·v. N eal, clerk; Cris pin Bros., jewelry ; Shu It ". ...- - similar k ave w as gruntc,l in the case .J ohll E. Sill pllrrl , ci(' rk, (,inc in llllti. T. T . Dodson, me rcha nt tu llor ; The of th e South Leban on Pa cking 0., FORTUNATELY IIlI rI ~ Ia y \vri~ht, Ll' bHll on. Itev. Way ncsville Lodge No. 163, F. & A. vs. Lo n Burll 8 and . D. Wa t kin s. I"rcdcr ic k 1\ irk (1 r. M., ann ounces the offic ers for the In th e ca se o f Glenna Evan s \' s. Rea d ing pnl'er- "Goodncss ! Two Wlllt er A. Cnh ri l' l. l\ uknl11 o. Indi · ye ar '8 1, a s f ollows : T. T. Dodson, Law ren ce E. I::v uns, a thit'd alias sum · thugs murd l' rl'll a mUll d own the W. M .. J . A. Kearney, S. W., N. B. mons and u copy of lhe pe ti tion hel'c. li nn . li nd Mildrcd Chnm bc l'iaill. Twen · s treet las t n ighl." Anthony, J. W ., J. G. Keys, secr etary in was i 'sued fur se rvice on- slIid d e· ty 1\lil e Sl:lnd . "J 8n·t that t~r ril>l c·! ' · Earl P i, lTie 11 1111, fnrmer . Conn e rs· N McKi nsey, t reu surer, J . N. Fetter, dun lo "llut t he puper . I1Y8 he didn 't have S. D., F. Harlan, J . D., S. J . Way, The court authori 7.Cd the purc hllse ville. I lIeI .. "li d M"" Mu rl{a re t Will· uny 1II0tl(·y 0 11 him ut the time. " tyler. of a Dodge sedan, th e cos t of which tel'. Lovc l'lIl d. " WUSII 't tha t lucl; y?·' Ih l$s cll C. ('./lssu n, nllyt on. nnd Am ong t he written documents is a The Ohi o Dairy Products a ssocia· is t o be not more thl\n $\)95, the mao letter s ig ned J. W . Keys, in which tion, which, in co-operation with the chine t o be used b}' the sheriff lind . yl vill M. Yell "el , Lebll no n. Frllnk Cnlluh er, nllm ed. this now deceased citizen gave a brief dairy divis ion o f Ohio State uni ver· th e county com li1isslOners. A 111' 0 111 i11(' 11 t s urJreol1 a lways t ells Chest" r Sehn l' ll, el!'nrk of PlclIs· outlin e of gen ealogical history as s ity and the s ta t e depurtm c nta of I n th e (lausu o f Elm e r Sh eehan as well 8 S the history of the s ite of. the healLh and agriculture has becn con · adml'. o f the eslutl' of Ruch el P ill e alll Pl nin. /\lid Vi olll Ll'llr , o f Morrow {\ Scotc hmun th e priee be fore he op. ('rn t ~s . It SU\'l'5 th e cust of ot her. buildi ng a s conn ected with the dif. ducting a cream improveme nt com· Ca mpboll , d eceused, the court found I~ e v. K lI(' r. E d wl\I'd 1'. lctll (, Jl s . L.~ b J\ nt)jl. rai l. ferent structures t hat have occupied paign ove r the State, t oday a nn oun· tha t J er emiah Cam pbell died intestute the g round; the first permanent build- ced that certificutes of merit had leaving Hachel Pille Cumpbcll and ron der, 1I11 c1 Pllul in ,· E . TtI), l" r. Lcb· ing being 20x26 , built by Mahlon been awarded to a numb er of crea m oth('rs his on ly heirs at luw; IIl so thut nn On. Rev. Willi ll ms. He nry W. Bra dy, L ~b llll u n. nnd Balemon a nd Emmor Bail y in the station operlltor s in Montgo me ry, said Rach el Pine Campbell died inyear 1844 , th e lower story for anum· Gretne and Wnrren counties, in ap· t esta te during last October. leaving Clnra Edna J ones. clerk, L ' ltllllu n. ber of yenrs used as a meat market preciution of the ir co-ope rati on. In sevcral heirs lit luw. The court or- Rev. Kcll er . an d the upp er story used by Esquire this enmpaign, much ntt~ n t i on has dered that E lmer Shee han, said alJ ohn L. Bng fol·d. cI I·k. C l ll rk ~ · Ba il y a s an oflice. The building was been g iven to sunit.ury conditions, ministrntor he rein, pay a ll claims vill e, and Gracie !I(. Uny, Clar ks l'illc, MONEY LOANED afterwards sold and passed through and pl'oduccrs f creom hn ve bee n against said estn te. The court also RC'v. 1I! oo n. --se veral hands. S. W. Rogers used it urged to make more f r equen t deliv- ord 'red thllt th e $8100 which ca me to Eve ret t H. Minge , pa lk r l1ll1ktor, f or se ve ral years for a dry goods er ies of crcl.lln f oJ' churning purposes. Ruch(·1 Ca mpbell, deccus cd, from he r Frankli n, and Ma rgare t n. lIa rri• . LOANS on Chattels.Stocks, Securl· ti es and Seco nd i\I urLgu.:es. Note. house; t he upstairs was used 10 years Although buttelr produ ct ion this year husl.JUnd. doccused, be distribu ted one Franklin . IIt' v. Stucy . as un office by Esq. Jam es Collett. hllll declined , th e price hilS bee n about half to the broth ers and s isters of the Elmer MOIll'oc Rielml'd. , Jo'run klin, boug ht. John lI urbin o Jr.. Xenia. E. R. Pri ntz became the owner, six cents a pound lower, on the avcr- tormer. and one-hlllf to the br others and Esther Fu y Mulleni x, Frll nklin. Ohio. · m30-'26 patched and repaired and used for a age, du e to the lurge stocks in stor- lind sisters 0 f t he latter decede nt. Rev. Kinney. grocery, and being s uccesslul, pulled age. Thus the s toruge of b utt er hus And that the r emnind er of the estate Ruymond E ll sworth Allums. col· down the old str ucture and erected served to keep down prices. A mong of said Rachel Campbell minus costs lector. Oregoniu, lind Vu let' in Do\\,. the large brick und er wh ir h this jar those t o whom certificates have been of Ild ministration be distribut ed n'c- man, Clarks vilil' . Re\' Frederick Farmers of Wa.rren and adjoinln. . was placed, and, as our readers know granted are: , cording to the provisions of the Gen· Kirker. counties may ohtain money on lona Am os Mendenhall, Waynesville. was destroyed by fire April 7, 1900, er a l Code. C. C. Shane, Minmisb urg. just one . month after the building time loans,. at 6 per cent interest. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS In the motter of Ellen E Conner Mrs Edith St.ivers, Miamisburg. hnd become the property of Nathan vs. Edith Edwards et aI., th e 'property Clarll D. W. Gregg to Charles S. Cost of aecurinlr the same Is very rea· W .'W. W ernock , Bowersville. Jones. herein was found to have been sold a nd Effie I. chnabel, o f Dnyton, 96 eonable ,through The F ederal Land Mrs. Mary Huffman, Cedarvi lle. J. W. Keys added to his historical by the s herif!' to Charles E. nnd acres in Section 2 in Warren county, Bank. For further information call sketch these items : ..Joseph RogEd ith Edwards f or $1626. The sher- $1. ers is the oldest man In town, aged on or addrlltlll M. C. DRAKE, Tre•• iff was ord er ed to mak e settl ement8 lI1icha ei Dennull, by 8heriff, to The 92 years, smart and active." "Sarfrom the money received in said tran> Columbu s Mutual Life Insura nce Co., urer, phone 316·X, Lebanon, Ohio. ah Keys in her 94th year." action and in other sales in the es- 11 4 acres in three tracts in WashShoemnkers- I E . Keys Elwood tate amo unting to $2576. ington Tp., $580 0. Meeks, John Stansberry, James L. FOR SALE Gnil Frye vs. Lester Frye. def enClommi" Bell Ziinmerman et 01., to Marshall. dant was ordered t o pay plaintiff the William C. and Frances E Curl two Carpenter s -Perry Kenrick, J. N. SA LE-T hree wheat thresherll, sum of $ 11.50 per week alimony. tracts in Section 2 1, Warren CO;tnty .: OR Fetter, Ed Lippincott, Reason Davia, as follows : . quit claim deed, $600. ' N. B. Anthony, Wm. Thorpe and One 24x44 Advance-Ruml ey wi th Looking ovel' the field of . candiNEW SUITS Cillyton Foster. blower, we ig her and feeder; hOll Saloons -Michael Liddy and Chas. dates in this state, who have already Rosa E. Dllwson V5. Daniel Daw. COMMISSIONERS' ALLOWANCES threshed six o r se ven th ousa nd bushasked for prefermen t at the hands of Evans. . Pluintiff Bluind pension for one qu arter, els . Pric'l, $760.00. In nn envelope addressed "To the the people in the coming primaries, s on, action for divorce. One 24x42 International, complete F~ nder, " was a letter written by the and at these threatening to run 8lI in- nsks alimony, custody of children, in- $759 .25 ; Pe nn Morton sulary as C. used 3 days. Price $1)00.00. late E. R. Printz, g iving n short his- dependents, for offices ranging from junction and other r elief. Injunction H. janitor, $70; J a mes 'Follen, salary One 24x42 Huber, complete, 19221 tory of his life which corresponds minor political nositions to those of allowed 88 prayed lor in petition. as jani to r of cou rt hou se , secon rice , $450.00. Will deliver ano fl oor, $15; Tho Western Star for with the statem ent made in the obit- United States congressmen and sen- Return day June 28th. Allie Calvert, as administrtrix of proof of publication of sale of notcs, gUllrantce to do good work. uary notice of Mr. Printz and pub. ators, m ost of us find our gorge ris ing One 12-25 Huber tractor, used lished in the Gazette of 2nd Inst. at the preposterous assumption on the estat e of Max Colvert, d eceased, $16 ; same, proof of publication of 80me, looks like new • .will go with eith The brief epistle closed in Mr. the part of som e of this human ma- vs. George K. B esud en, Lonella eB- hear ing clni ms on Road No. 255 , $6.- er se parator. Price, $850.00. suden a.n d C. A. Belluden for mon ey 75; sam e for proof of publication of t erial. We regretfu lly begin to realize only, amount claimed ,346.25 with notice to court, $16.60; same, publi- We hnve new 15-30 International 8 that it is our prese nt system of pri- 8 per cent interest since March 10. cation of notice of assessment I C. tractor,· will go with either separamaries, once heralded as a cure-all 1926, filed June 19th, return day H. 64-Sec. C., $6.76; The Office Out- tor. Price, $1286.00. Clinton phone No. 2082; Bell, No. fitters, s uppli es lor auditor, $17 : for every evil in politics; which makes June 28th. . it pol!!!ible for this spume of ignoGeorge Ellis, for compensation and 4018-R4; Mutual No. o. W. C . SMITH, rance and sublimated mediocrity to damages in th e construction of Road PROBATE PROCEEDINGS N.w Burtis.toa, Olaio. rise up and demand that positions of No. 12 Massie Tp., $184.26; T. H . .Second acc~unt of the guardian- Bryan, same, $65.13: W. L. Harvey, WJiE;AT and Oats threshing will be trust, which require brains, ability and trained administrative capacity, ship of Corwin R. · Cropper, minor, same, $26.60 ; Mary A. and WalSer at hand soon. You will need belts, filed by guardian, Geo. W. Cropper. Ellis, so me, $254.20; Mary R. Shoe- pulleys. babbitt metal, 011 cups, inbe placed in their inept care. Last will and testament of Harry maker, same, $39.65: Mary R. Shoe- jectors, lubrieatorll, steam and water The politicill boss, the ward heeler and the scheming politician are mak- S. Smith, deceas ed, WIIS produced for ma ker et al.L:same, $31.45; Kilpat- guagcs, guajfe glasa, oilen, pacld nl, ing no outcry against the present admittance to probate and some was rick-French .Motor Co., truck tires. boiler flues, auction hose, tank pump~ . primary system. They have no desire set for hearing on June 18. $1099; W . A. Scott. bridge repair in valves and fittings. You can get them Proof of publication of the notice Un ion Tp., $4.80. t , return to the days of open convenat the BOCKLET-KING CO., 416 W. tiOJlB, where, RlI leaders, viewed by of appointment of Perry E. and Oscar M. H. Oswalcl, supplie,. for ~ urvey­ Main St., Xenia, Ohio. Phone 360. the spotlight of pitiless publicity, C, Wade os executors of the estate or, $9; L. S. Walker, 2nd ana tlnal they were forced from necessity to of Charles H Wade, de ceased was cstimate on contract No. 831, $1)1; FOR SALE-A Leather Davenport . ThornNll Kitpl!en ~binet, library . ' ' pick candidatCi who possessed qual- filed in probate. L S. Walker, same on No 837, t70; Proof of publication of notice was A. D. Grapevine, first estimate on con table. kltcil en ~~airll, 1I1ninll' table, ifications wl)ich would attract public bedclothes chest. p xl~ wpven ·· ,ulJ. attention and secure popular appro- fil ed of the appointment of Arthur t ract No. 88, $568; same, extra work Mrs. Glenna Evans. . . nnd John Bean, as executors 'of the on contract No. 839. '56.30; E. S. val. Tbey find the workings of the prl. estate of Samuel J. Bean, deceased. Donnell, per W . G. Thompson, first FOR SALE-Beefsteak tomato, Man. Walter Kenrick and J. 0 Cart- an.d final estimate on contract 841, mary game much simpler. Certain .11'0. and cabbage plante. W A. in their knowledge that only a small wrig ht were appointed as appraisers $224.7 5 ; same, extra work on con- Llppmcott. .380 part of the vote will come out in th e Ii primary, and thflt that vote is repreWe represent one of the world's largest and most sented mainly by tried ' and true henchmen, the 'politica l leaders are etflclent tire makers- Firestone. assured, in advance, of the nomination of their plia n t tools through the We sell and service the most economical tires madeso-called populsr voice of the people With our nati onal, stat e urban and Firestone Gum-Dipped Cords- the only tires on the municipal problems becoming more market with every fiber of every cord saturated and complex and abstruse each year-a situation which demands that these Insulated with rubber. The e famous tires have 111ven problems be handled by men of the -and are glving--unheard of mileage on the largest highest attainmenta--are we willingtaxicab, bus and truck fleets in the world. They are ly to perpetuate a system of select. ing men to, represent our interests, also giving unheard-of mileage to hundreds of most of whom we \mow to be of peathousands of car owners. nut mentality? That the people will not vote for them in either party is evidenced by We offer you our facilities and experience in aligning the steady shrin kage of the vote nt your wheels, moullting your tires, checking them for the fall electiolls.-St Louis PostDispatch, . air pressure, Ins pectin ~ them and making repairs when

Bit of Ancient Historv . NEWS GLEANED . Recal!ec! by Our Old Files FROM COURT HOUSE




Some of The Things

We Sell

Lumber for Every Purpose

Material for Your Roofs

Siding Oak Flooring Edge Grain Flooring Finishing L urn ber Porch Material Front Doors .C ottage Wi ndows Window Frames Window Gldss

RedCeda rShingles 1\1 ule-hideShingles Carey Shingles



Asphalt Roll Roofing Brick

Portland Cement P laster Lime Plaster Board Wall Board



Builders' Hardware Nails Smooth and Barb Hinges Wire Locust Fence Posts Door Locks Barn Door Track Farm Gates


Rods of Wire Fence

Farmers, Attention!

. -.



AU of the above material can be found in our yard every day in the year at moderate prices


W.H;Madden,& CO. Waynelville





llrt$tone TIRE D LERS Serve You Better



necessary by the latest Firestone methods of repairing, thus enablin~ you to get full mileage from your tires. Equip your car with these wonderful Gum-Dipped tires. WE WILL TAKE YOUR OLD TIRES IN TRADE, l1ivinl1 you a liberal allowance for unused mileage. We AIM Sen and Service OLDFIELJ) TIRES AT THESE LOW PRic ••• HIGH PRESSURE CORDS OVER-SIZE BALLOONS SOX3}i' Regular CI. . . . ... . $10.15 4.40/11 (29:t<4.40) .•.•.••.. . '14.05 3013}i' EXTI'Il Size CI ... . . . .' 11.40 ..... 7") '167. 3Os3}i' S Ui'll SI& S. S. . . . . 14.00 4.75/ 10 (.. 7b. " , . . . . . . . . . ." 3114 8. S ........ ..... .. IS.OO 4.75/11 (3014.75) ......... 17.50 all« S . S ..... . ......... I fl .!() 4.95/ 10 (2914.95) .. .... .. .. 18.55 alI4 ,~ S. S ... .. ... . . ..... 23.,() 5.25/11 (3115.15) .......... 21.95 3Jl«}i' S. S ... , . .. .. . . .... 24.75 3315 S. S .... .. .. .. ... .. 31.50 6.00/10 {3116.00) ..... .... . 25.15 Wade 10 ; be treat Plrc!etone , .."tort •• a~ Akr" n and carr, ! h .... "dud d . . .u.res ....

Trip To Exposition Betty Gard, 1 4, Lebanon, and La Verne Heston, 18, King's Mills, won ~rst prizes in their r espective divisIons in the Warren County district in the Ohip School Children's ES8ay con test. Betty Gard, who is In the 8th grade in tho Lebanon 'p_ublic school, wrote on the tlubJect, "What the Declaration of Indtlpendence Meana to Me!' Mr. Heston · a lenior in the King'B MlIIs HJjfh ~o()l wrote ,on the sube\:t, "~ow Hae the Declaration of ndependence Inftuenced the Worldl" The winnera 'w ill be given IL ~'rell trip during Jut>.: or AlIgu~t at the expense 'o f the State, to the Sesg....Centennial expoilition in PhUadelp1ila.




E. H. Omdorf'a Garage,'

·W ayne.vllle, Ohio






During a voyage acrop the ocean a tanker tltruck a n Iceberg and start.. ed lIinklnc. Having no life boats or pretlervera the lIituatlon was hope. lea. The ..lIora . herded into a de- . IIP!>ndent crowd as the ship .10wly .. nk lower and lowez:. . A deathly allen.c e cripped the lCene. Suddenly i~ deep· voice boomed out:' Doocl heah' want to bu~ •



• P17.BLISHERS • 8

UG. u.s. PAT.Ql'FICB






S ...... rlptloD Price, '1.60 p.r V •• r



JUNJ!: ; O. W2G MINORITI ES W u are I'ulod largely by organized minorities. '1'00 otten this teaches us nolhlng except t o fuur th e Ull "'nown and to mistake u ~su l·ti o n Cur trull, ur t..u[\ ~ l s fo r sta·ength. A purticularly sud thinll: about minorities is the manner in which the majority are pu nlshed on uc· count of sins th e majority comm it. We have hundreds of privi lug"8 withbeld from us fur no olher reason than that a few persons hu ve ubused lhusc privileees in the pas t. An organized minority is not neeell8arily in the wrong. Hecausc 1I0t· ed minorities have pru vcd themselves right is the ollly reuson for t1U! myth that they are alwnys rig ht. l.\ut most minority organizations arc not " ven intended to be beneficial to others than th e me mbers and their protectors. A bandits ' or bootleg· gers' ring may . be orguni zcd fur th e purpose of defying Uw law, ,li nd such ringa hav" boen quite successful. This may be an nrgum en t in favor o[ orga nization, but it lellves -no r oom for tho infere nce thut Ilnything is good 80 long us it is firmly orgunized by Jl minority. We hea r much about "blocs" in Coniress. After all, not any too much real good has been accomplishIld by the majority of these "blOCS." A bloc a8 II rul e is u selfish minority uxcusing its selfish ness on the. plea u f 'accomplishing something good-a promise seldom redeemed. Of times lh::spite noble intentions, these organi:mtlons of good people do their caulle Ulore harm than good. "Bloes" often are nothing more t hu n blocu. DEUCEDLY CLEVER, THESE WOMEN If there's one buslneSIJ or profess iun in which women rank equally wi th men, it'. advertising. The recent convention of the AslIoc lnted Advertilling clnbl' of the \V orld brought out the fact that woll\Ln In the advertising world are no lo nger cDnsidered mere wome n. , omen', recognition in the profess ion is virtuallY universal_ . The old days of jealousy are gone, (Iccording to Mn. Bernice Blackwood prl lident of the Federation of Women', Advertising clubs. "The men treat UII Il.II equals in every way," she saYII. "The fact that we are women i ll no longer conalde.ud, Our work is judged eXllctly the IIIIme as that of Illlm , and the differences in 8U are e ll tirely forgott en. It Is a matter of brain.... , - And then she goes on til 8ay that a woman writes the advertilementa of a leading tIre manufacturer, another prepares aU the 'copy' for one of the biggest automobile companies, BeveraI write financial advertising, othen have become research Ilxperta, Imd leveral are advertising managers of newspapen. Which leads UI to thill eonclusion: Since women have proved themaelve. 80 adept in the advertiaing world. why wouldn't it be good businell8 for the amall town merchant to p8118 his advertising detaU to one 01 his bright aaleagir'" More retaUen learn ' evday that -the woman knows bow to aim . at the woman In marketing


, !rOod.,

Worda from the Lips of Great Men -"They that cannot be couhaelled unnot be help<d."- Benjamin Frank-

iflh .





, A SAD GAME SolicitoUII . Old Lady- "WeIl, now, what'l wrong my llttle man? Tell me wh1 YPU lire crYing?" "J been plarln' baJJ with a onl,o n."




Mra. W. T. Jordlln is quite III. Erhest GiI1!\JU hilS ~n tarod <:amp Knox lor six weeks. William III'r is cl'itically ill at his home ill t he country. . Mrs. Clara Merritt haB r etur ned [rum a visit. with Dayton relatives. 8 01'll--To M,·. und Mrs. John Bogun, Snlurdny , J unu 26, u duu ghte r. Mrs. W. H. Ogden's Sundn y-school du~~ picn icked ut Schantz' pn~k, l'ues dll Y. Mrs MIII'y Graham s pellt th'l luLter parl o[ th e wee k with r e latives Jt Sprin~boro . ThLre will be hildrcn 's Dny exer. c i sc~ lit J onah 's Run church, S unda y 1II0rning. ,Iuly 4 . Misses KuLhlc!c lI nnd N~ttie GI'I\hum wcr' ,'(: Cllll g uests oi Miss 'E vlIIyn Ktrsc y, in Ongo niu . Caplain nlld ~Ir s . Churles Garner nnd son, Uil ly, or Columbus, vi ~ ite d thah' mo l he l', Mrs. Mary Finch. thi ~ week. Mr nnd Mrs. Cec il Kirk nnd dough~cr, Kil'mu Lh, IIl1d Miss Georg ia Ann e Cupps, of Fus torin, were week-e nd vis itors he re. Miss Nellie Gruhnm has return ed home f "um u plcasunt vi~it with the Misses He len unu Pa ulin e Evall", ill Gerllluntu\\"lI. Mrs. Everett \ illllrs nnd so n , Billy, li nd Mrs. Lllurn ~hidaker motored dow n from LJuylo n, Wedn csdriy, t o ' is it rcluth'l'" Capt. and Mrs. Churles Garne r nnd son, Bobby. Mr ~. Mary J . ~' incl) nnd Mrs. J. WI Thompso n visiled relalives a nd fri e nds in Duylon, Friday. The Friends Sundlly-School had u very plensnnt socia l l im e Fridny evening at lhe home of Mrs. An iia Stin.'\o n. De licious I'("fres hm e nls were served. Mis. Ada Grnce Undorwood, in comJluny with Misses Faith Tomlin ~ o n, Evn McMillan a nd Amy Hopkin s. of WayneHville, left Thursdlly for Uskuloosa, Iowa, IlS delegates t o a Friends meeti ng. Mrs. Wm . Marlin, of Dnyton, wos n gU(,8t the past week of her sister, Mrs. Ira Syf erd lind family. On Sat. urdny Mrs. Martin a nd Mrs. Syferd \Vent t o De troi L, Mich., and spent the Ivcek-cnd with anothe r sister.

Champion Mermaids To Attempt Channel Swim

Mrs. Olara Thompson spent Monday in Dayton. • Mrs. Wm. Bergdall and daugh ter, spent Saturday .in Dayton. Mr. Joshua Chenoweth remllillH ill tit his home north of town. Miss Gladys Bergdall spent T hul's , dllY with Ulive arnllhan ut Kitchcn et'. .

Summer Supplies ====-- - - - -


Inu und Culvill La ngner were ca ll in r; (I II n:luli l'cs here, Mondu y c v-

Two-Row· Cultivators, Sinlge-Row Cultivators, ~ Mowers, Rakes, Binders

t! lllng.

Mr . nn d Mr~ . .fohn 'r,' ilc nn d da ugh. le I' spent ~ unu uy III l he hOlll U oi ~ I rs. ElIl mll f' oulks.

A Few Second Hand Tools

Mr •. Mal'y Carmon y, ncco mpnni ~d by MI'S. Wilhur Chll'k s pe nt Thurstin y in Daylon. '


Mrs Emma Lllc~ y li nd grandson, GHIII.! LucI!Y . s pont l:iulul'(Ja y evening in lJUY Lu n.

Collars, Collar Pads, Harness Sets, Bridles, Lines

B(' rni~c Gr(l ham ~ Ilent u few dUI'S last wl"'k with liLU" Wilmu Smith, nu rLh uf t OWn.

Hardware Ovens, Oil Stoves, Garden Plows, Garden Hose, Hoes, Rakes , Sheep Dip, Fly Spray, Sprayers of all kinds, Washing Machines, Hay Rope, Fly Screen, Screen Doors and Windows, Poultry Netting, Pumps

Mr8. Frllnk Snyde r was culled Lo her "on'. in Franklin t h i ~ week, u n uccou nt oi s ickness. Mr~ . Rulph A !'<'hd eac on cnlled on MiSM Elhl'i Uishop ut her hOllle so uth of to\\'n, last "'ridll Y MI'. and Mrs. Eli RU 'Hc il and MI'". Mary Marshall arc ' l' c n J in ~ sev erlll days a l""g the Illk e ~ . Th e Molhl:l" s club ui Lylie wi ll ho ld II murk et in Lh e Wllynes\, ill e Grange Hull, Ju ly 3rd. Miss Helt'n ~l cC ruy, of Minl1li shurg, is visiti ng he r c(l ll , i" , ~! r" . Lowe ll ThomaR, Lhis wet.k. . Mr. Georl:e Cla rk, uf New City, IS sl' clld ltll{ Sl'vl' ra l dllYs with hi. fnlher, MI'. 1I uI'nC e Clark. 1111'. flnd lII rs. Kl's lel' Grahlln1 nnd dnug hLel' to ok dinn er wiLh !\Ir nn d Mr.• . Carl Alurig ht, Sunday eve nin g-. MI'. und Mrs. Hobert BUrnctt and son, Hex, were tile week-e nd gUesl s of MI'. lind 1111'S. Oral Surface "" 'st in uf tuwn. •

Devoe Paints and Varnish Plymouth Binder Twine Adrain Fence ./',l '....,-'

~~VTO C"" ~TIO:.'3,I_.-. .






Here 3 1"e tit ree of the l',r('rt WI "" .. 11 "", io nme", who will soon try to ,,'wim th e Ir... nrhl'rc: u, E ",' li. h Chnn nel . II f.. al n" wnn"lll and onl y t W() ,-.... ... n h:'l \' " (l\"(~ r :l c~rflll1 p! 1 tv·d .

I ;.

(I. t o 1 !'ll ' (


nrt..~ Li ll i ~l n ( ~ nn nO IlI

F d . ~ r!1'

o f Nt,w York.

.' . . , ill' j.(ri·aL tes t.

FRED M. COLE Hardware, Harness, Farm Implements


Mr. a nd JI1 r ~. Wi lll ur Swa nk \\' e re \I', !II. Cl r avr l· . n "t rnit . Mi (·h .. L."" M. Duyton, S U'Hloy. S": II'~ n" d ", ifl·. of ,," I'" t J cfl't'rso n, Il nrlR(wk a nrl wife, o f Dayton . MI' an d l\lrs. D " II Haw ke lind fam- l\II'" Miss Agnes Longacre Silent sow r,, 1 ily nilJ Mr~. Elia C u psey mo t" rl. d lr ~ , Ma ud ShradPl', Mrs. Netti,' SI'I"a Y an d ~ o n . Mrs. Funnie Li ncoln duys last WCl!k in Dayton as t ile to Spring Vulic y, Sun day " vI'ni ng, MISTAKE SOME WHERE " nu Will. l\1 "otl l'Y . o f Lebanon, J. ' 'V. g uest of Mr. and Mrs. Calvi n LOIlI{Mrs. Clyd l! Wharto n Wa " , urlln M'd B. ncre. \\, ,, 11' .. " nu wi fe. of Wilmingby II f ew of Iwr fr iC' nd . ",alhe rill )!, ul ton , (; eu l'J~c Wo lf and wife. Ray Wolf JI ! n ll nl;'e ~- "1 th,," ~ h l you SHid you Mr. and 111",. Hermnn Say lor a nd her home 1>l undn.\' " " c nin!!, 1<1 rl'nli ll d an ti d a ll ~ h t< ' r , Clint Wa rd nnd wife, ga ve th· lIlall in ro nm :1 17 hi. bill! " son, of Belmont, spent Sunda y ", i: h he r it wns he r birlhda y. of Clur ks"i ll e. Rich a rd Brown ond h'rk - " I <lid, "ir," th" lutter's pllrcnts. Mr. and 111 n, . uJ!' hl er. ~!UI·Y . li nd Morri s Brown . Muna ~e r- " Th nt' H runn y. he's st ill Mr. and !I!f . Cl y<.l e W ha rLon e n- dn Wm. Long. te rluined th e I\ >ll(lwill g gUl·,t s, SUII - o f F er r ~·. Re v. W. H. O'Neall (who singing," Dr. W Eurl Fro ~ t and Miss F lorMrs. Leon Snlisbury a nd child n 'II , da y : Mr .. a nd Mr~ . Levi G reu th u u "~ ha d ch,,·r j.(! uf th e fune ral) and wife. ence Wood, of New Burlington, were from Cleveland, Ohio. arc mnking nn nnd Fred Lnce y, and Mr. an d MI' •. of Xe nia. Eu BOl!'u n and wife, of morried Wcdllesday morn ing. They extended visit with hoI' moth er Jll r ~. Horace Wha rton nnd so n, u i Da YLo n . ": pr ing' V a ll~y. . E .. C. Mannon a!,d fa mily, of WIlmI ngton, and MISS ' have gone to housekeepi ng in the Allen Emrick. Mr. und 1\1rs. Ha .... y Burnell c n- Ethel C. Mannon , of Tip pecanoe bOUSe Dr I~ros t re cently purchased FOR MECHANICS' llANOS tertained to dinner, S unday, Mr. and it y. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Graham a n,1 of Frank Harris.' They hnve the best th eir guest, Mrs. Jnmes Nnsh, of Call. Mrs S kimmin g , of Wilmington, Mr. wishes of t he community. REMOVES PAINT OIL field , spent Su nday with Mrs. Thom a- a nd' M rs Ed T homas, south of t own, and the Misses Annie nnd Marne Honoring th e birthdny of their Saylor, nt Spring Va lley. Br own , from Wuy nesvill e. s ister, Miss Mnrgnret larr, of DuyMr. and IIfrs. Ru ssell Durn tt nnd to n, Mr. and Mrs. Chllrles H. Gray Mrs. Kesler Grahnm a nd daughThe Lf'ug ue of 'Nution s is going to and family ente rtai ned to dinner, on fnmily and Mr. nnd Mrs. Dearth ter, accompanied .bY 1IIr. and Mrs. A. Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Mathia8 Sh chan called on IIfr nnd Mrs. Al - E. White, motored to Fo rt AnC Ient, sta rt an art salon in Pur is lind we suppose that promine nt in th e exhibMill8es Mabel and 'Margnret Stnrr and bert Stacy, Sunday afternoon. Sundn y aftern oon an d visitl!d the it will be pictu res a r nil the wars It Donald BrolYn, of Dayton, and Mrs. n ..w muse um nnd henrd a very inter- has prevented t o date. Mrs. Kesler Grahnm had as h('I' Amanda Starr. g uests last Wednesday, Mr. and Mr s. esting lecture ,m th e relics found in Maybe the reason Jnck Dempsey Mrs. ·N. E. Bennett and Mrs. T. L. James McConnell and Mr. Oliver the mo und. does n't fig ht any ma rc is thnt he hns Groslllnd, of Los Angeles, Cal., ano! Arrasmith w~re hostesses to the Bnpjoined th e Leug ue of Nations. tist Miasionary Circle at Ule church Mrs. Carl Albrig ht, of near Spri nl: A scientist reports findill g a tree boro. Wedn u day afternoon. Mrs. C G. in the trop ics, thllt. when tapped, proRandal) had charge of the devotions d uces milk . Now if he can on ly find Kenrick we.nt to the 111 iand Miss May Harlan conducted an amiWalter ail e thnt will produce bee r und er the Volley hospital Saturday a nd interesting lellson on " Our Medical underwent n . goite r operntion Mon. We arc glnd to repo rt Mrs. Ella same circumstances, think whnt areWork in the Orient." During the so- day morning. Hi ~ condition is r c- Ferris for stati on , progrom we could put better at th is writing . ci.l hour the hostesses served ice ported fnvo rnble at this writl n ~ . on in New York und other stutes. Some or our fat'mers hud th eir catc.rcam~.light and dark cake and iced Scats for the first performa nce of tea. JUrs. E. B. Doster tben read nn which is pleusing to his mony fri end . t le tub erc ular test ed last week. n new revue ill New York sold reinteresting nrticle IIPoUt "The Church Mr. and Mrs. Allen Emrick hnd '" Th e McKny fnmili es spent Sunday contl y 'nt S55 Il piece, wh ich shows in tho Wildwood," and sang th e song th e ir Sunday dinn er guests, Mr. an,1 Ilftern ooll with r elatives in Clin t on Lhnt c\'Cry year it is getting more exwith the other me mb ers join ing in th e Mrs. Chns. E. J ohns. Mr. an d Mr • . pen sive to be a sucker. refl'llin. Miss Ruth Denney WlIS a c- Glenn J ohns und son, Pnul and daugh county. baarlem ' oil- has - been. B ' world., companist. We arc sorry to r eport Miss HnnAccordi ng lo press reporls H oust el', Vivian, of Dayton, Mr. and Mrs. wide remedy for kidney; liver and nah J orda n s ick. We all hope [or a T cxa~ , r ecent ly imported 85 ,000 t on . Chas. Hough, of near Waynl!svi il c, jlounu s O) f cor k fr oIII Spa in . N.ow bladder disorders, rheumatism; and Mrs. 1.eoll Salisbury nnd chil- speedy and permanent rec overy. questi on i ~ , what ure they domg lumbago and uric acid conditions! Try our Class. Column3 for resulta dren, of Cleveland, Ohio. We arc sorry to report Wm. Cnrl' lhe serio us ly ill at his hallie nCllr Hur- wi th it? Some ent rpl'ising Californian is ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!" veysbuTg. W e nil hope for a speedy o\'C rlookin g a be t by not signing Abdand permnnent r ecovery. el-Krim to n movie contrnct. Mr and Mrs H .J. Murray enter· I t is saicl thnt mnn can now fly tni ned with a p'icnic dinner last Sun- fou,' tim es as (ast us birds but th e duy nt their bea utiful coun t ry home bird. still have it on him when it correct internal troubles, stimulate vital near Oregonill. Thosc wh o we r e Qrl8nL Three sizes. All drugglats. InPlt fortu nate e noul~ h to be prese nt were COniCS to engine l ro ublc. Run ni ng ill a Penn sr lvnnia prima- on the 0JI&lnaI &enulne OoU) MIILDALo Mrs. Mary Barrett, Rev. Frank Ben· r y, according to lhe Senate investiganett and wife, Alvnh McVay, WIf e a nd da ug hter, He len, R. K. Hohll t;s Lion r etur ns is "bout as expe nsive and wife, of Leesburg, R evs. LOUIS liS li ving at ~ fa shionable seaside rePimm and \vife H. A. Link, wife and sort . ' H eart bents cnn now be recorded s ons, Eat'l and' Robert, of WushingAND OTHER ton C. H., Mrs. Mildred Crispin, of on n phonograph record, and if this IOUTHERN NEW JERSEY IEAIHORE Rno"," California, Louis Baxter and wife, gets to be tbe custo m, II lot of these Mrs. Gusta Tral<o r, R. p. Barrett and fell ows who claim t o be in love are JULY 17, 31 AND AUGUST 14 The Eye Speciali.t wife, of Wilmington, K. E. Thomp- going to have a hnrd time proving it. so n und wife, Miss Mary Kathl een Tho summ er climate of our NaRaur,;~.Jrlp Waynesville 'I'oomey, Wm. Wnrner and son, Mer\ tionnl CapiLlIl was the subject of deTHROUGH SLEEPING CARS TO ATLANTIC CITY uf this place were aftern oo n caller!!. bate in t he British pa rlinment t he othMr. Thompso n mude s everal pictures er dny. This is what you might call Lebanon, Ohio Liberal .to.,.. ove r pri.nlBl'e~ returnln. wlil permit of the crowd. hot stuff. OPPORTUNITY TO VISIT THE Uncle Sam is about ns populor in Among 'those from a dislance wh o .ffVJn.'lltJi~~r".oSITION \ Iltt cl1d " d the f un e ral of W. E . War- Europe liS th e vilillge sq uire and the 8:00 a. m. to 4 p. Dl. wick lit th\! Cha pel Ilt Waynesville money le nder was in the I1 orutio AlTlc".t. G•• d R.,ur~I," VI. W.. hln.ton lnst Saturdny afte rnoon at 2 o'clock, ge r books thut we uSl! d t o r end when 11,uatr.ted de,crlp,"h,e folden .hOwl"_ time or traln _, tl top -ovo r prlvIlCl,CI' were H e rbert Warwick, of Erie, I'a., we were boys. HAYE YOUR EYES EXAMINED ~ncl other det.lI. may bo obtalned ,from Ti cke t Alenhi




--_.. -----


In 48 houn after leavlnlf the

shell the ebICk ..



----_ ...

--- -






At Cary's Jewelry Shop


Every Tuesday



Starting Feed

Feed It for 8 week&. Cookey'. Is low In fibre and Just right in protein, BCientiftcaJly correct. Does not injure or overtax die IeIlIitlve digestive apparatus. Cookey's I, the Orliinal Buttermilk Starting Feed. It i8 made by the Conkey Original Prace... in whIch Seml·Solld Buttermilk la thoroughl, Incorporated with other Iopedlentl. Conkey'e Poultry Book free.

Waynesville Farmers' Exchange Company Phone 25

W.yaeni1le, Ohio

Live Poultry WA·N TED! Will Pay

26c per pound

AaD.Swank &Son Telephone 292W Miamisburg,


We P"y Your Telephone C.ll. if W.


Buy Your. Pouhry.



N.tion.1 B.nk

Dr. John W. Miller

Will. Dr.wD .......... Eat.teo Settled


Waynesville, Ohio

W.YD..,.l1Ie Natioa.1 Baak BId••

Walter 'McClure J. E. McClure FUNERAL DIRECTORS





·10 etUU_ljUmitare, woodworlt. wall" EVOE has given to Mir..

D rolae Bnamel a remark. rante of colontwenty-two lovdvtones chat faihi~'. trend and prqvide ilCllluty and variety In houae dpration. .



brilliant liuea for the porch furDi~ w..m. 'tones for t,lie brcakfa.t nOQk -an'

appropriate color Cor every household need. DeV0e Mirrolac Enamells the all-purpoSe enamel, for both indoor and outdoor u~e. It '"cceufullv resiets weather wear, water. heat. and the use and abuse to whkh furniturela iUbjecled. Pracdcal tam prove Devoe Qua.Utv;

, lfRED I. .COLE, Wlynde, Ohio



Fully Equipped for Good Service. Large Display Room. Ambulance Service TELEPHONE 7



Harveysburg Fertilizer CO'. Phoae 8


F~ ' T.

Martin Jesse Stanley Auctioneer Auctioneer Date your aalea with ue. We utiefaction or ch..... no.~u...

Centerville, O. P..... No. 2


New Burli.,toD,O . ...... .Jf. . . .


1111. \ ' 11 _ n"11 111,,1 .Il, .. Ol h' !Ih· n ,\vt·., 11\ )i.1I t,'n, :\t ....

·j",.. '

'. Mllt .. n Graham fin. ' 1\ In ,t weo k.

\:I~ lt

,I ,', In ti '"


'. lIawkl


}.tiM Jh.ll1ricitn M Kinsey Ihuday in D yton.

!tJl"H I

Mr. un,1 Mrs, .T. Sund ). in Dayton.

Walter Clark WM! in &ad YaubJia lNit ,""uk.


Wit· Start Saturday, July 3

01 MJ" . . t:·I·l ly,"/' nml It ,11' " .,1 ,Inr ·, tOWII . I l~l II

r , tu rnt d


'I •.

, ' 11 ·11111

\ 1- 01

11 \

l I1lli· 1

I U~' l·.JC~ l'ra tt . \\ h" h n!> hh.· k fur !'-eve r :d " \\"l! l,k!'o , is l ' II \ \ ' 1"il ~"

bf\C'U very nlo", Jy


23c Hope Muslin , yard wide, Sa t urd a y on ly. .

~I I' •. V ~d :l

n l'lln nl'!' '"111 d!\ultht ~r . 11" I·"l h),. "'err in Cincinnl1l~ n few Earl Clnrlt ndft Paul D\lk ~ dny,; Illst w.· .. 1,. .pent the week-end in Chicugo. ~I i ·s Ruth 1·:l1l'nhnl't. whu h:l ~ ber n MIS. Ruth Dough ert¥ sp"nt t he \' i>itin~ fri end" IH' I nr F l'nnkli n. r ewlek-encl with relnlives In Dn)'ton. turlll'" hon", ~ alllr ( ny ,

en's 15C M

,and Young Men's Suits Men's, Women's and Children's Shoes Dry Goods and floor Coverings Are Greatly Reduced in Prices

Not more than 10 yardo to a custome!

Ladies' Silk Hose,in all colors , upto $1.50 va l . .

Autoroobn. r epniring. Mo tuI' oil l\Ir~. Hall'h Vnllc(' and ,o n. "f III Rny Mills. Tel . 71. I'h'n~l\ llt l'l"i n, .v('n l Ins t Thnrsdny ~ i " aaver. wilh ~[ r. nnd ~trs . .1. . Itawh'.

89 C

Jobn OBrian. of the United Sl n,tc, HcrbC' rl W arwick . o f Eric, p"" \\'". 1\11'''. C. M, h Cl'r ~"Iunl:l y tn nU " nd thl' funeral Robitzel'. of hi ~ un cl,' . \\' ,Ilium \\'i\ rwick,



Men's $3.00 Sco u t Work Shoes . , .....


$1'89 •

--- - --------.:.=== Men's 220 Blue Denim Overalls, $1. 75 value . .. ... . , •

$1 29

Navy, 1a villUnlr Mr. and

Miss L entl Enrnhnrt hns rl'turnod ~l\' . lint! ~\)., . II. H . I-:nl'l\h:l l't ('ll' home after a visit with r elutivos ncnr tl'rla i nl.,r\ lit dllHtl' r, ~lI ll1l a y , )Ir, H n d Spriniboro. :'III'S. I,:. L .l llII lan nlld )[ 1' . an d ~ll's. _K N. Huul('h . 1ttrs. Mary Adams has return e d lrom II delightful visit with 1',' lnth' ~ . It· - 1I"n" L'ltn ~,,~ I, ill" r Il'ft t ,, · in Morrow. day f ' ,r (,,, lullIbi,, unh,' r ~ iIY. \\'h~r e Miss Emma H ci~hwny wus the din . ~h c "ill lak,' ~r""in l , mum,,1' co urs,·s Der guest ot Mrs. Edith Harris and III , 1I1>(·r\'1,,\\1I1 , family, S unduy. lIIr. Ilnd ]I [ I'!;. T . .1. Smi lh And t Mra Lee Hawke nnd nuu ltht 'r. d",,<,l.t,' r. l\I l'. a nd ~Ir:'. \\" C. MUss ElSi e, were shoppin g ill Day- .J,) hn IIll d dau l!h te r ti p,'n! Sunda y with ~ ". and :\lr ~. Irvin!; Pence. in ton, Tuesday afternoon. Lehanon : AI! Bogan, torm rly of the firm F en!h" r beds a nd pillows ren ,lVlll01 Bogan ·nnd Gray . hos purch",,·d ( ,I . 1'UI!" riu ,, ! d lind rt' lIo,·ut l'd. Wllteh a barber sbop in Clarks,·iI! e. for 0 ", "Gree n" Soft Wat"r LUUlldry lruck evcr y TlI ('~day nnd Friday. Mr. and Mrs, \Vllltcr Elzey nrc in 1\I1,blon Hid!!,e . agent. Indianapolis, for fin c"tonded vi.~it with Mr. and Mrs. . A. King. A f a mily dinner a! lh e hOl11e (Ir Mr. nlHI Mr ~, Waitc r Wh\ tllkc l·. 01 Mr. and MI'lI. Hnr ry Cooper, of 0- t oute 6 . was e nj oyed b)' trti. ~nl'nh lumbu8 spent Sunday with Mrs. Whilnk e r, Mr. Ed Wh iluk(, I·. ~ tr, nll (1 r Cooper, mothar, Mrs. B Cllt c r Robin- Mrs. L " l r P oll'. lIliss 10m po rT. of 8QU. Dayton; Mr. nn ,1 i\1 rti. Willis ~Idlil· Ian Ilnd family. 1111'. un, l Mrs . Oscu r Mr. lind Mrs, Page and dnughter, St.1 nfi e ld nnd romily, lI f Now Bur· Christine , and Mrs. Marn e 111 ill '1', of lington : Mr, and Ur~ . J ,hn Whi t.aker Springfi eld, visited friends in W ny- and son , 1111'. und !lt1'S, llnrolrl Whit· aker, !ltr, lInd i\1r~. J "e H O rTIll'lI , u.. viUe, Sunday afternoon.






Ulld Mr" . Wlllt,, \· MrCtul'l' hnv"

r l'turnf' d nfll' l" n

rl ) u r.w<,,~k s ~o ju urn

Ilt th,' 1(l's"r\'(\il', :III'S Allno M. DOlln is with Mr. nnd ~lrs . Eel Ballul'Il. (If nell r X('nin. for lin <'xte nd ,'d dsit. 1I1r~. Edward Fishcr nnd o f In,linnupoli, . I ll d .. werc weck · en,l Ir U C~ lH (If w.. H . Allen a nd fum· ily ..

lit 1' . nn!!

Mr, and Mrs. Ro ss H a rtsock nnd fnrnily und Mrs. F, A. Hartsock attended a fumily picnic at Harmon P U"k " Lobanon, S undny. . MissCM Amy Hopkins nnd Evn MeMillan le ft last T hursdny evening r. I' Oska loosa. Iowa, w here t hey will spe nd I cn clays at t h e Friend s Co n· f er ence.

------------ ()N ------~----

Rev. and JIIrs. Henry Crampton. of LuncLlster, Ohio. Dr. Mary Cook, J\liMs Lucy Eml,'y, Rn~' m o n nnd Wnl , I' Hat ti It! were slI"p cr gu('sts of Mrs. Muym e Hatfield, Satu nlny vclli ng. On Sun day , Mrs. MOYl\1o Hn t fl ehl son. Rnymo n, with th e il' h O Il ~e I!u ests. Re v lin d Mr ~. H l' nr.v C ramptun . of Lnncnsk1', n nd Mi .. Lucy Em lcy. atte nded t h" a nnua l basket di nn er at Bethany church. IIIId

Dry cl eaning. Pressing and Dye ing: H a ve th nt old suit or overcoat cleaned and pr C,'Iscd fo r $ 1.00 . S po ngi ng anrl press ing. 1I5c. Leave your call wi t h Mahlon Ridge. Soft Wate r Laundry.

These New Prices Set a New Low Mark

S. L. Cnrt wrig h t u nd grnnddnugh t" J'. ?li.s Rh eu J anet Cartwrig h t, hnve re t u r ned home nfter n delig Htful trip East. wh icih included Mt, \l olly. N . J ,. P r ince ton N .•r.• P hila de lp hia , Pu .• and other places of interest.

Was $400 - Now $360 Was $420 - Now $380 Was $525 Now $485 Was $545 Now $495 Was $590 - Now $545 Was $364 N(!w $325

All Prices F.


Rev. and

I\(r~ .

J . J,

chae ffcl', i\fr.

Illt-. an d Mrs . Mrs. Edward J. F i ~her, and SO ". of Tnflia napo lis. In cl" wnr'c' pl,'uMl"tly r nt,c' l' ta inerl , S und"y at t h c hom e 0 f\\'. 11 . A li en lind fami ly.

o. B. Detroit.

Tankage or a good Co m· mercial Hog Feed to bala nce your corn. DON'T let t hose ch icks drag along jus t on corn, after you have worried, day and night, to get them started , Feed a good Growi ng R.,· t ion which will insure rna, turi ty berore wi nter. l'hen they won' t have anything to do but lay eggs, DON'T neglect those cows. T his grass is goin g to dry up before long, a nd a cow can not milK and fight flit'S ou dlry grass . Just give he r a little Dairy Feed and she willi like YO ll be tter a nd will put t he dividends in the milk pail.

WE are prep:lTed to sup ply you with a ny of the above Feeds. ' We also have Cement and Binde r Twine.

Waynesvilile Farmers' Exchange Company




e~que .




Mr . n nd Mrs. Lcsl£'r Gordon en(erta in e d un Sunday i n ho nor of Mr~. Gurdon's m·uther. Mrs. H. H. W il kerson . w hose birthda te it was . The fo llowing gu ests e njoyed a sple ndit! dinne r : 1111'. li nd Mrs A lbert Wilk erson, of Dayton: Mr. imd Mrs. St Cluir Fife nn d children nn d Miss Nnncy Carroll . of Wilmin gton ; Mr . an d , Mrs. H. H. W il ker son a nd Miss Ma-rtha , O'Neall.

.'rhc seasoD of tbe- year is now here, when you can expect the severe Hail Storms tha t sometimes sweep the country and ruin your Crops , especially your Tobacc9. We now ' have rates OD this class of Insurance, and will be glad ~ob~ve you call and tal ~ it over. Remember wbat the Hail did to the Tobacco jn this vicinity last year, and the man y large losses paid. by this fo r Hail L08ses. It Does. Pay to be on the wafe side, for i't costs very . l ittle t o ~$afe.

Mr , a nd Mrs C, M Robtizer were Itiven a comp lete suipr ise last Friday eve ni ng at Camp Linger Longer, Tho afl'a ir was plann ed a nd skilfully ,managed by Mr, and Mrs, Merle K ern . of Cohi mbus, who h ave Il eim the Robitzer.·s g Uflstl! at t he_ camp, Cards an d n "weiner roast" w ith the I, !lccom pa ll iment s. wo.r e full y enjoyed by th e following , guests : Mr. and Mrs. Ronnld Hawke, Mr . and Mrs. J. W: E dwards. Mr. and }Ir s. Fred B. H ender.son . l'tfi'•. and Mrs. L. A. ' Zirnme~man. Mr. and Mrs Ra lp h Miller Mr' and Mrs. Fred Cole, D r and Mrs: 1'1. E . Hathaway, Miss He nrietta ' Me~~=~ Kinsey an~ ,Meslft's. J. B. Pence and J ohn O' B r ia n.

, k' 'In Ag ' •. 8 10 surance ' cney . f• 0 0 .


Wa,..uville, Ohio

~'''''''_____II!Iiii&i__= .•



Ill"h ll l l d

!" U II \1\.1 ' Iw i t't, ~; il d t' t1J lditioll" l ' Il·IlI t., h pn h ' ~·

a ny 11 1111 \,.',

Il~ ' II"('l' ~ a t'"

g- r fl\\

i n ~ (bii;" iI' Ln!l

, \t1 g-"Il'~. " "hy I1 l\l P UI ~ ll ll l1utt ' hint 'N p\1t ~ ldl' ti H' "IHlI' ! h o u s!.· ru r L1H.1 ~I' w ho ,"/.lilt I.!'(· t. H\\a y ( ,' o m \\"(l l"k (lft.' Il '!

111 (\1"-

riuKe of Miss Altu Ki l." r t o IIII'. Itubert Nesu ii tt. o f C leveland, ~Ilt­ urdny. Jun e 2G. The ceremon y took pl ace o n t he lawn u f the I",me of lhe bride's pa r e nts. 1111'. nnd Mrs. Grant Ki zer. at Sl. Pm'is, Ohi o. with t heir immediate ftlmili~ s nnd n few fri ends in ntc ndllllce. Miss,'s L ydia !\lId Bell\! Mc Ka y. o f Lebanon. were.' amu ng the


---- -



- - - -- "=

~Ul"\ 8 t:3.

St. Mary's Church July 4th, 5th Sunday after Trinity. Church chool at II :30 a. m. H oly Communion nnd se rmon at 10 :3 0. 1\11 nre cordiall y invited lo atte nd th ese' se rvices.


--'------ -

Kan Rite Club The gecond meetillg o f the Knn Ri le club was held Jun e 2·1. a t the home of t he leader. 1111'S. Armita~ e . T he foo d habits wer e disc ussed . Th e Il'n tler SUlrg<'sted t o bring to t he next l\1('cting pictures o r Co d ~o we will have t hem when we make our postcr~ for th e fail'. Thc Illc('ting wns adjourn ('d until Jul v 8, lREN~: CRO NE. Rep orter.


Good T earn Work On Saturday nig ht. J une Ill, Spring Vnll ey Grange se nt th eir men's deg r ee team down to tho Waynesville Grunge to p ut on work of the third and fourt h degree fo r a class of 8. About t hi rty m e mbers acco m panied th em. T he work of t he teLlnl was excell nt. During t he socia l hour ice c.rea m and cake we rc se r ved.

Ask For a Demonstration I

Waynesville Overland .Sales CO. H. Archdeacon

------ - -----BUDGET HEARING

1' hcre wiil be a public h eari ng on th e Budget os made by th e Trustees of Wayne Township, on Tuesday eveni n!!'. J uly 13th , a t 7:30 o' c lock. J . O. CARTWRI GHT, Olerk.

Bring your Eggs to Kroger


To t he T .. x P ay er. o f the W a yne Townohip School Diot ricl: A public h car in~ on the Budget f or Wayne Township RUI'llI School l1 istl'ict f o r t he fi scal yen l', 1927. will hr Iw ld at a . pecinl m t-e Ling of the My r"!lular vi s its nt W ay n"oviil. li onrd of Educatio n, in lhe Bank a r c o n th e ae ct,nd and four th T h u rsd nyo of eac h month. I wil l b e a l bu ilding, WlIyaesville. Ohio. at 'i :30 p. m .• on T hursday, Ju ly 15, t 92G . Gran ge Ha ll. L. J\f. H ENDERSON, Clerk.

Luu ndl'c y so rv ice by the pound. oatilf.etory. I ea pecia lly invite Y OU H ave yo u I' clothes wllsh ed and most for co nolllta t;o" . You can b e fitted, of th" wa ter ex tructed for 6c per Jl oun d. We h nve six difTel'en t servi c('~, Give u s a t rinl and be con294 LUidlow Arc a de vin ced of our ~ood se rvice. Soft W il l e r La un dry. Mahlo n R irlge. agen t. Daylt on, Ohio !IIr. and Mrs. G. D. 1I1i11s huve returlled f r Com n visit with Mr. Mills' ~Oll. Lind ley r.. Mills an d fum il y, a t lItidlund, Mich" a lso takin g Illll ny side tl'ips which Wei' \! V01'y enjoyab le. T he m a ny beH uti f ul drives and lakes, alBo b eILutiful cities mllk e it very pictur-

h ,l' lI


Cl a.tea are n ot a nd n e Ve r ha ve been

Authorized Sales and Service Phone 105 WaynesviIle, Ohio - -- --- - ---- ---- -

Ht'si de llts of Warren Coullty will tri an:-. lo g-u bl' intl' J'('s t c d t o It!urn of the


Thursday, July 8th

Waynesville Motor Co.

m a n lIa ....

hy tl\(' ~:1 mC :tutu , \ E\' ideJl tl y th{' J' l' :tI' l' II ' t


Mi ~ s Clura Li le and Mi s~ Eli zabeth Chandl er le ft T uesday ni l~h t for t he Sl'~ qui - C. nte nninl, nt Philudc!phia , !iss L il~ will IH' I<on e aho ut ten duy s !. u t Miss Chand ler will 1<0 on to There are m a ny peo ple about Ocelln Gr ove t o atte nd a Frien ds' Wa yn el ville a nd vicinity who oe co nf r enec.


{lll l '


i\lrs Ncsbi t.t Wl\ th e H om e Demonstration A ~ellt in Wnrrc n county, h!lIvinlr Ihe work to u,'c" me nn illstructu l' in th e c\(lthing (h'(lartment in Ohio !:>tutc uni ve rsity. u pos it i"n she hus he ld during tlw past. yell\,. Mr. Nesuitt is lin e mpl oyc e of n n ntlDON'T try 'to make po rk on vertisill~ firm in Cleveland. corn a lone, it takes too long A ftcr un extended tr ip by nuto through the Easl.c rll "t.ntes. the coupand is t oo ex.pensive . USL' le will make lheir home in Cleve lund.

J\irs nachel Crew a n d Mr. Frank CI'~\V 'n tto nd ed the woo ding of Miss Do rothy Crew. daughter of Dr. an d JIll's. Eli Crew, nnd Mr. Melvin Du niel BU l't which took p lace Snturd uy at the Crew hom e in Dayton. " n il MI' ~, J uhn W. Sing le, of· Dayton .



- _..








~Ir'. S:dli,' 11 " \'1(':111,' " f ·incinllnti. ~ Ir, and 1\ 11'" , Jay Wr ilt ht . o f Nl'w I i, ut l ilt' Frie nd s l1 ol1l~ fo r !\ m onth. y I)\'k. afl' Inll s t. of 111 i· s May Wl'i lrh l .1. E, ,fllll ll" \' a lld fum il v ha ve ",':111" . Umal' I.<, \\'i ~ alld JIlt',;, Ed - lUJ"l I (ld h(lflll' U·f'l .. f· a lW O~W"C ll k ~ 1 vi s it i ward W,." lla r d w,' ... · in P uytun. 1\I 0n- \\ ill! ~ II'. ,,",1 !Ill's. LUl'lI n li ndle y. n l dny , fl u'lin lI eiKhts . Ohi o. MI', nn d ~I r~. G. U. II1i 1l5 en ter · ;\11' . ,,,,d ~II" . I I. H. ~llIilh \'i, il cd tuillin lr , \' ,. 1' til<' week.('nd, Mr nnd rLI :. tn"l '''' i n \\, illl1 l1l t!tlln, Tu t!scln~r Hf~ ~ Ir " . I. int!l<·y Mill!, a nd chi!dl'cil. of It"."llrl lln , lIIid! Ull d, ~lic h" !\[rs. GJ'l(ce II , Dl.'e m. of Spl'in):'fiuld. Mr. ulld 1111'S. L. A .. 1111'. Hild Mrs. J . H. IJllke r. of in- BUl'n es ulld ch ildr('n . o f ERto n und cillll a t i, ~ 1l('llt SUlldllY with Mr. and 1.,·,1..1' M. Co mpion. of O. born .. (,hal'lI'!; (; nl )',

SOli .

Roadster T,o uring Coupe Tudor Fordor




IVACCINATION OF SWINE! A Specialty Nothing but reliable Serum Bind Virus used


Change in Bus Time

re Can e, . $1', . 59 SUGAR Pu25-pou nd pil·cket . . . , . ,' ca rton .... .. ...... .............. 33c Between Da yton nnd Wayn esville. Leavin g Dayton at 7 :00 a . m. , 1 :00 . p. m . a nd 5 :15 ,p. m. 9 :00 p. m. on Sunda y only. Lenvin g Way nesville at 5 :3 0 a . m., 8 ::10 a . m. , and 3 :30 p. m. Saturday 2 :30 p. m . un d G:ao p. m. S u nday, 6 :30 p. m . F a st time. Quarto, doze n ... ...... ......... .. .S7" Chnnge effective J uly I , 1926: FRANK MAY O, Prop.

Scratch Feed 100 10 pound.' fom., '," .. :2Sc pound8 for . . . $2~~O Mason Jars Hpa::-~:~~~~~'.. $1.1.9 BUTTER Country Club, . 41'C per pound., .. . , .,.... .


Harveysburg , Phone 44


FOR SALE-Jesse :F r ench upright piano. P ri ce . $75. Phon e No. 28 or cnll at. Fourth a nd Tyle r Streets. F OR S AL7 - Mon tmor ency cherries, Call No. 96. J. L. Me nde nhall.


.. ......... . ..... ..... ..... ... .. .. ...... 74c

.... Pound loa F ........ .... .. ,'.. :...... ..... :r... ''Ie ' Twin Lo a F .. ....... ...... .............. , .;,. ~


l~AGAZ.INES If the 0111e you want isn't here, we'll,et it in, a hurry

Clothes Cleaned" Pressed, Repaired


Right he,re in Waynesville-No Transportation Delays

MRS. FRANK H. F ARR B, Th. Cautte Ollie. '



~emons Lar••,

For Jell)' MaJdDl,

S h Hi 2'5 L~!!' ~ for ~~~~.i.~~~.".. C Ba:n~na8 ' :, ~arle riPe ''''-It, Milk Country 25 Club · ' S ~ ze


Larg e can. 3 for...... .......



Late Classified Ads, f~~ P~~~~.: .~~~~~. l Dc ~~~~~f ~~~.~~~~ 1Ot FOR SALE

Dr. '/fl. E. Frost

IO·lb •. Bulk .. ................. ; .. ...~ ..... 4e


~~!~U!a~~~!~~... . . . .. .22c ,

!~~~ .~~~~. ..:.·,,,". . 25c·· !!!!~:.~~~.~~27c

full of jule'e, del;...

2i! _ ___ ,_ _

Seventy-Eighth Year

----- ..





, , 192

Whole Number 5708




(By Tom)

COLUMBUS, OHIO-Columbus is the mecca of golf bugs from every nook and corner of tho Union this week. The 192 6 National Open Golf tournament ie the big attraction, and thousands of enthusiasts of the great Scotch game has come to Columbus to Bee the exports knock the little white pill over th e dry gl'ass at the Scioto Country club. Weather conditions .o f the past few weeks hall been lIuch that tho entire golf course is parched brown with the exceptlon of t ho "greens." Automobiles bearing lice nse tags from almost every State in the Union can be 8een on th e IItreets of Columbus this week, while the hotels lire filled to their capacity, not only with golf playen, but enthulIiasta of the game, and this latter in· cluded men as old us 80 years, who nre following through the hot sun the pls),ers in t/11. Nntional contest. Many society functione are ~c hedul e d during the week, which will attract visitors of NatIonal reputation. The conteBt will continue throughout the entire week, ~nd any ties that may occur wtll b. played of!' next Sunday, r-.or ahine.

; .........................

COII , id(' I":l l ,II' hu , irH '~~ wns di~ f1 os(l d (,f :ll I hI f f' ,.....ll lar n il ... till~ II( tlu.'

The Miamsi c ~ lebrnte d t he nata l da y of our Nation in grnnd styh'. with two victori s over the Lyt\(' Athletic club. The first was a teninning struggle on the Lytie ground s on Sunda y a! t ernoon, score 16 to 10. The second was won in the r cgulat ion distance at Frazier pnrk on Monda y afternoon, sco re '8 to 2. Pummell, a new man, pitched the Sunday game and did good wurk, bu t; he did eve n better at third busu in t he Monday gllmo. Carl McClure nnd Seth Thomas helped the home tenm in a vIJry acceptable manner. Carl playing one inning at short on Sun · day and tnking care of /i rst on Monday, in his old-time form. Seth qe. voted his energics to center field and the manufacture of hits and runs In both games.

\\' ''YII I' T""," s!JIP n, 'a nl "f Edu catiun ~J n:lday nll!h L T h, · rC!i lgnnU f' fl .) f

~I i " I'ulllill " 1\lIdf. t,'UC!JCI' ,, 1' Lntin lind 1-'1 ~1H.,:h . \\a .. : He ·(·Pl(' 11. and ~ri . s

Kuth r),11 T" mel·. of ~l a ri ctlu ,' l l ct~cI t o t . ", ~ h" r pllln·. .

I I"te;::::.n:h~tem.


State. Capital

I ~

Prepared by Columbus Reporter



1V1l ~

OUR SUN A CANNON 1'h(· r l', i ~lIlIli,," " ,.f M ". Lulu Fl'II 1y


an d rh,,"tt' I' rut it'r. wit .. ha \'(' ncc~ Jlt . l' d pll~jtlf)n l-o lit ;\fidrill'town a nd N ut \\tH,d 1"( ' :-; 1" ' 1 t 1\'(·ly . wel'(~ n l ~ h UCCl' pt P.l. ~I '" ~ 1 "'·J,[ur,·t )Ial'lhtt an u 1\ \ ' Jllll,th ~ L ,1 .,llu Wl ' r C npppintcd tlJ

Ii," \':l":tr)('h' Ol; in thl' s: r a ti(':O-, the ns to lh.' nlade In ler.

~ 1J..:'n l1l\ ' Ilt...'i


~{' h llt "

ha ~

1,"'('n J!'ra nt{" u


I'r" f.':Ror Snrder. nf the Philadel"h ill o h"')'\'atn ry . • "Y' the ~ arth WM

. :. h llt inln !;pac(' hy uU I', su n. 11 so r t of undl'}' lhp rlJndl Li ll1! that tw o !\c hool """J1JS L · f urllished . Th c II'Hue! ha" ('osmie t"nn non . hut ~illy l' Pt)1Il a l i t ~ d if;POSHI, \\,it htlut All "rotJ1lin /:' HUll S. " s ny ~ h~. th us d"IOI')\' III/:, th ,' i\lnthc:rs' cluh of " roo m shoo t out p l:UlC' t~ ,,",I buil(1 up solJ1r in whIch t u !'lI ' I' \'lj JUll ch . Thi H olle ~ YR lrm :-;. 1'1I01l1 h:t ~ I)(!f'n o fr C"rpci r il l' a ll tlay with It ",'('I11S friJ:htf uIl y ~igunlic to us. t he l\ I'll h (l r s ' cluh 1'1,,'11111 fo r UIP aftt.'r11 00 11 a nd Ow pluy r o om i ll t he· LJH St' ~ but J1 hpII laying "" c~v; ",ould se~ m IlH'Ul fO J" Lh ...• mlll' ,li ng'. A K the State j ll s l ltS itnJln'~!o\ h'c tl1 a mi c rohc .

The Sunday Game The game was wa n by one of the lO'entest rallies we have ever Bcen a Waynesville team put on. Pummel1 eleJlurtlllcnt will hll\,c to fl" "S on this pitched good bo ll a ll the way, but a!"l'nngeJ)a' n t, not hin g- d e finite con IH" wretched fielding and useless popping /{"·... II o ut unlil nfte r lha t is d,l lle. up by his support whe n hits meant run s, had allowed Lytle to a8Sume an 8 to 4 lead When th e ninth inning opened. Then th e firew orks started. Gons was safe when Swunson JDe ~s ­ ed up his grounder, "Du.tch" B\lrtoll Emilia LillIl' III II. dllng-hte!' o f Da \' id scored him with u double. Pummell'B nnd B"I'hIl Ta Wirth. WI1" born in Stnrk grounder to tho shortstop forced th e count y Ohio. J Ulie 21i. l ROG. und de. Dutchman at second. Tom Burton i'llrL.·1i lhi " lif l' .J lIn~ :!I. l !t;1(j. "Kud s ingled to right, t>ummell taking third 50 Y('3r" , II m" nlh . J1 11 e1 2(; cl ays. on the hit. Tom stole second and 5 hl" was m!II'l' il'c1 t il 'l'hl'otiJlT<' Fl i~ h "Cy" Thomas wus safe nt first when 0 1' !'vIal'dl I :1, I !I;!, Tid. lIlI il) n Wll ~ the catcher foiled to holcf the ball on hl essed with two dnll)!'htl 'rs all d unt' hie third stl'ike and made no ef!'ort t o It ¥ ulual in the polith:at hi. t ory SIO)1 ; M I'!' , IJ llzl,1 ' 1I )(OnlJl ~ alill Et hel in catch him at first. Then the Han . the 11I" II". I u,". ' ll di eu wh"11 thrce o 01110 lor 110 few endorsements to MurrllY Hopkins ·a rose in his might ~.=====-=;====;:======-.:~====== months "Id ~h,' knv~" le , J11"UrJI her be giv~n a Republican candidate for and produced the hi t that really snvloss her hU< \. Jl III1. two clnug-htcrs 1 ~vemor of the larger county organ- ed the days for tl)c l\lillmi ~ , a lordly ~o n. li v.· J,'1'lln,khildren a nd Co ur s is· lutione. Even In Ol:lcinnati, the triple to left which drove III the thrpe t el'S IIn ci o(h,' r I'clu li n 's 1I 11 d frie nd s. runs needed to tie the score. III earl y ill'c "he \\'U~ converted, home of Myers Cooper, there has Lytle confiscnted the Miami's balli nd jui"ed t he El'ull/:'e liclIl c hurch. been no agreement to support him: loon in the tenth, but forgot to inAfte!' hl')' marri age she llt'cll mc a exc~pt that piven by thc Hyn.i cka or clude th e parachute, so when th e l1Ic mhe r <I f th e t . B. chu rch. Whc n ganiutton which from all reports smoke cleared awny the Miamis had j she lind h~r fa mily nW\'cd to Wllrrcn is totterln; on the brink of oblivion. scored seven more runs. co un ty. "hl' becamc II mem b I' uf the Lucn, Monttromery, Cuayhoga, Ma· The Lebnnon tndepmdents will be The Wayne Poultr y clu b met at the honing and other I4rge counticB have th e a ttraction at Frazier's park next Rc\'. J. C. H o bcrl.~ . of Blanc hl'stcr. M. E. church lit Lytl e. Ohiu. She loved th " diU,..' \), lc,vecl hpJ' hume lind failed to be attracted to the candida- Sunday. home of Mrs. Elizabeth Baily. Tues- Had Picnic III Stony brook Farm • will prl'o ch at the WUYllesvill ,· Met h- Ll'u ly loved h. 'r Sul'iu r. . he loved cieB of either Cooper or Thad Brown, The 8core: day night, Jun e 2 ~J . and com)ll eted the Mr. an d Mrs. Harlcn , We:t . Mr. odist church 011 Suhhnth night..July lo do UctR "f kin d ness. while Harry Day has belln adding to Illlld Mrs. George H. Hess, of ·pri ng. 11, at 7 :30. This \\'ill bc the fll ur th organization of the club. H,,!' sick Ill".',) wus wilh mu ch s ufTerhie strength with remarkable regularMI AMIS The offi cers elected wer{': Pres- fi e ld; Mr, and Mrs, A, H. Sande r, of and last quarterly meeting of the ing, Shl' left :J lJl'ight evidence that Ity reportl from party workers who Middletown, Mr. J . B. Pe ncc an d J . sll\! wus I' 'Il dy to gu tu a LeUe r land. come to Columbul Ind.lcate. Theso AD R H 0 A E ident, Givens Clark; vice-president. Shu will [,C II1I~til· d ill the home nnd three only are in the race, and little Pre nd rgast, 3b",, 6 1 2 3 o ! Cecil Davis ; secretary·treas urer. Joh n O. Cartwright lind family j(\ ined in a yea r. T he pastor wi ll prcnch at 10 :;)0 nnd in th Chlll'ch nntl in her co mmun ity. attention i8 being given to Evalyn Satterthwllitc. 1b .. 7 2 o 12 2 0 Turner: r eporte r. Evelyn Sur face, picnic all "Slt.o nybrook Farm" Mon· Card of Th u nk • . hold th l: r e gulnr comm u n ion s(' r vicl', Snow, the only woman seeking office E. Butron, 2b, sS.. 7 0 2 1 3 0 Members enrolled in the Wayne Poul- day. Mo.t c()nlta l thanks .'.I re ~xto nded on the Republican State ticket. Sbe McClure, ss , .. -1. 0 o 0 2 0 try club ar,,: John TU I'ner . Mary It is hoped that th rc will he n lorge Let frI en ds and l\~ig !Jho r s for Lho g reat will not get near the complimentary Gons, B~ , 2b . (J 8 2 II '2 4 Ellen Satterthwa ite. Ccvi l Davis, Har- Entertained f,o r Old Friend atte ndun t ' aL a ll thuse services, Re- symphthy shJ1W II. "ISH fur th e beauvole that Judge Florence Alle n will H. Bu rto n, c "". 6 1 5 6 4 2 ry Furnas, Lylu T.inn 'y, Mable DaMrs. Ed ith narr is and ?Ill's. LallT u ports \\ ill be )(iv('n of the, "'f, r k of tif ul l1ural "ontriuutions. on the Democratic ticket. Tbere h811 Pumm el, p , "," 6 3 2 2 4 0 .kin, Gle n Dllkin, \Vill iam Lo ng. EveThcodll r e Bishop UJld Fam il y. been 1I0me clever maneuvers and T . Burton, If "" .. 6 2 2 1 o llyn S urface, Givens Clark, EveretL Mos her £'n t l'!'tlliJ1cd de lig htfully ut each o r~anizallvn a t t he c\'~nil1g S cl' ~ dinn e r on Fr-idny in honor of Mrs. vicco quick 'ebanges of front In the com- Thomas, cf "",, 6 2 3 I o 0 Frye. The Ilill ~ u .)!'u j)il-trict pic n ic wil l paigna of Cooper and Brown, but BO Hopkins, rf ....... 6 1, 2 1 o 0 Mr. Hummon wus with us at this S. J . Burgan, of Cincinnnti. who is be he ld at Blam'h 'ste l' Ull July 13, far Harry Day has r emained absomeeting. We havc decided to have sp nding U lIlonth at the Fri ends All are inviLed w ntt end . Garnes a nd Home. The g uests wh o enjoyed th e lutely aloof from tnking part in any TotnlB-. ........ 68 16 20 ao 17 9 our club meet every two wee ks. of 1111 ki" ds will be had a nd u mud-slinging campaign. The next meeting will be held with dny with Mrs, Burgan. wet',,: Mrs. sports Mary Adams. Mr~, Ann" IId wolladcr ~ood ,linnrr will ue sC I'ved, Mrs. Eliubeth Baily, July 12, U)26. LYTLE und the Misses E mma Heig hw ay, AIlEvelyn S. Surface, Reporter. United States Senator Frank B. METHODIST CHURCH nil' and Mamu Brown. Willis came 'to Columbus Monday to D k If AB RHO A E Sub balh SchOOl , !J :15 n. m., preachdeliver an Independence Dayaddreu u e, " ,.. " ... .. .. 6 1 1 7 0 1 ing at ] 0 :3u a . m. Ep worth League before a mighty throng at Franklin Gregg, 3b " .. " ..... 6 1 2 2 8 0 Pieniced at Fort Ancient park. It was the first time in many Barton, cf, 2b .... .. 6 0 0 1 0 1 6 : 16 p. nt. f'ro'aching a t 7 :00 p. m .• Wednesday evening Prnyer meeting, monthll that Senator Willis hll8 found Milburn, 2b, p " ... .4 2 2 2 1 1 Mr. aud Mrs. K. N. H ough. Mr. and it pOllllible to return to Columbua, SwanBon, p, cf.. .". 4 4 a 0 4 2 7 :30. Everybody invited to these Mrs. E. L. Ha rla n and Mr. Ilnd Mrs. se rvices. wbere, 811 governor of tbe state he Surface, Ib " " ..... . 6 1 2 8 0 1 Mrs. Esther Lowry Wnrwick, wife H. B. EaI1J!hurt picnice!l lit Ft. Anlived for two years and attests 01 hie E. O'Banion. 88 .. ,, 6 1 2 1 8 0 of J. Woodie Warwick, died Friday cient the Fourth. Rev. L, A. Was hbum, Pustor. popularity were certnlnly 'evidt!nt by Saylor, rf "" ........ 2 0 0 4 0 0 morning at her home as the result of the enthusiasm of the crowd that ·WilIiamson ........ 1 0 1 0 0 0 a lingerging illness. She was born I n nddress il1 ~ th e han k Wa lton ST. MARY'S CHURCH heard him. Senator Willis is one of B. O'Banion, c .... ..4 0 1 4 0 0 near Cedarv.jlle, but spent most of her Ca ..e Dinner to old Schoolmate. Lenguc, A. L. Osbu rll. of Os hkush, the 8tronre~t men in ~he Republican Kurfiss, c .... ....:: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ life in the viCinity of Xenia. She is Sixth Sunday nter Trinity, July 11. Mr. and Mrs. J . C. Hawke cnter- Wi s .. lifc-Iong l umb~ rlllnn and a di- Church School, U:30; Morning' Pray. survived by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. party today, and no matter who his T tala 42 10 l' 80 opponent II, will poll one of the heava .... " ...... .. 11 6 John A. Lowry, of Xenia, ber hus· tained a group of their form er schoo l r ecto r of t he Nali onal Lum ber lIlnn- er a nd Serm on at 10 :30. Everybody leat vOtel ever cut by a ' Republican *Batt<Jd for Saylor in 10th. i~ welcome at these services. band and four chUrden. The follow- mates at their delightful home on uCaclurers' associntio n. w id : In Franldbi county. It will, in fact, 1 2 8 4 6 6 7 8 9 10ing brothers and sisters also survive: Fifth street, last Thursday. The Rev. John J. Schaeffer. Rector. whal token shou ld lUllIb ermen " By b. a real lurprise to many who fol· Miami 8 .. 1 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 4 7-16 John Lowrey, Waynesville ; Mrs. Jus. Hawke home is well known for its low political matton if Senator Wil·· Lytle .. " .. 0 2 8 0 0 2 0 1 0 2-10 Hollingshead, Lebanon; Mrs. Al va unstin ted hospitality, and the follow- be abused for the re/ll oval 'Of trees FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST III doellll't lead tho Republican State Ludington, Waynesville; Todd Low- ing guests enJ,oyed a rare trent: Mr5. for a useful purpose, and th e newsticket at the November election. 2-base hite-E. Burtoo, H. Burton, ry. Dayton; 1011'8. ClarOllee Glass, of Laura Mos her, Mrs. H. lJ. Willium- papers esco pc cond c mnnti oll fo r th e R gu)ar se rvices nt !J :30 Il. m" and so n, Mrs. Llz:zie Baily, Misses TrilHopldn!. Gons, Gregg, Swanson 2, Marion. lena lind Margnret Edward s, Annie usc of so l l\ r~e an Ilmou nt of fo rest 7 :30 p. m. Come I Surface, B. O'Banlon. , That JoSeph E. Cro ..- will be the Nathan Johnson, Minis ter. U. and MIIOIe Brown. Mrs. Haw ke growth? We Wllllt oUI' )lapcrs. we a·base hits-Hopkins, Swanson. William Satterthwaite, a son of th c wu" Republican nominee for. Secretary of P erry Thomas, Supt. ub ly IIssist cd by Mrs.•Toh n Fromm wan t 'J ur h Q llI"~ ' Those who pro vid e Sacrifice fty-Saylor. 18t6 Abel and Lydia Satt('rthwuite. State Will indlcated .at the conference Elsie Hawke Dnd Maste r Clyde Left on billies-Miamis 12: Lytle 6 died at th c Lima Stutc hospital. ea r ly Miss the raw lllnlCl'inl un it Sel' nl S to me, of party leaders here lut week. It Fromm. Hit,s-...:..Ofr Pummell a: oft' Swanson SundllY morning. The funerlll was wiut ,plainly apparent from- expres. to he co mmended rn th ~r th a n abuse d. held at t he Chapel Tuesdny Ilft"nnuon llions heard that Mr. Crol!l Is a strone 1. ;'Who would think it II s in to enter lIases on balls -Of!' Pummell a: oft' at 2 o'clock, Rev. J essc Hawki ns. 0(- Had Dinner Gunia, Sunday favorite among organlutlon leaden. n ripe fi eld of g rain to harves t it? Swanson 1. ficiatin g. Burial in 111 iami cemetery. for that office. The re8lOn for this, Morning se r vice !l :3 0. B ible School Mr. and lIfrs. · Ralph Lewis, of DayStruck out-By Pummell 6: by Who cnn hold that the cutti ng of Co mmll nion nnr! se rm on on' "Steps one county chabTnan put it. II that ton, and Mr. and 1I1t·s. W. S, Graham . mature tn' cs to u(' put into se rvice Mr. Cro .. ' hili! been a worker In lea- SwansQn S. to H euve n." Mrs. Sarah Foster di d nt her h"n~ f.·m·c diuner gUests of MrR. Verna shou ld ne ve r ha\'e been? Wild pitch-Swanson. ' Ion imd out of 8eason for the Bucccaa Evening. 7 :30, serm on, "Bozcz nnll Kell ey, on Sunday. on Franklin road , Sund ay afternoon PaBled ball-O'Banlon. " oni'enutio n of the forest growlh Seneh," of the Republican party principles, at 2 o'clock, after a IOIlJ,[ illness. Thl! Tlme-2 hours and 37 minutes. mealls not hoa rding. but its wise usc. and eandldatCl, without payor hope All welcome. funeral was held at her late homo this Umpires- Graham and Gibbons. "The sol uti on of th e fire pro bl em of reward at the time he waa rende.r Cave Afternoon Party afternoon at 2 o'clock, Rev. L. A. (Continue(l on page ,a) in« the lemcel. Mr. Cro.. has nev· Mrs. L. A. Zimmerman cntert.'lin ed is tilt' r elll conse l'\'ution issue. Next Washbul'll officiat~llg. Burial was in t o it and qui te impor ta nt is the prober been a candidate for an electjve a f ew friends on Saturday afternoon. ll'm • • Miami cemetery. of taxatio n, In cities, propcrty office. This fact alford. ' hiB friends Those in vited w ere, Mrs. Fred Gons, ttirought the State their I flnt OPPOlMrs. Mye l' Hy ma",. Mrs. Rlly Mills, is tax ed for tire pmtection, Tim· TheI'l' wiil be R cu il ('(1 meeting of bl'r ll"e n ~ra ll y has been taxed to tunlt7 to be, of Bome.. aemce tQ him Louis Creed died Tu ~s duy morning Mrs. Ra lph Smith, Mrs. Adam MeHoh, death. tlllc! th e own er le ft to do hi s the CU lllp fi re Girls on Thul'sdllY nwrn.. nd the, are availlog themselves of Mrs. Irene Bird . 1>lrs, Ha rvey Rye, at tho home of James Wheelan. on the fiKhti ng, to prot ect it against in!;' l\t !J o'clock. nt t he hom of 1I1rs. it. ' HI. connection with State camThe Campfire Girls will bold a Bel1brook pike. Funeral and burial 1I1!·s. Fred Cole. 111,'•. Bert Hartsock, own Moomaw. fir e. .papa d~rln, lhe p,. ... 4fteen market, Saturday, July 10, In the at Hillsboro. lind JlIiss Stella Lom mono A I mom lJcrs al'e urgod to attend, "We bave be~n trellting our timhali i'iV8n hhn a wide' acquaintance. Townlhlp House. from 9 to 12 be l' as n mill<'; n nat ural rusource to ns t his is· 0 ve r y Im po rtun t mc(\ting. WhO. party loyallY' ill 0i:te reason in be destroyed nnel not r eproduced. We hi. favorI hi,! bown elllci~ncy for Had a Family Dinnor must treat it ns a cro p. the poeit on he Beeks is another, 80 Mr. and JIIrs. E. Har tsoc k. of ncar "Congress huste ns to nlJpropriute that his ' friElllde are confident of his No unusual demonstration murkcd Spring Valley. Mr. and Mrs. Hurvey $75 ,000.000 annua lly that a j oy-ridau~eIB. . the observance of the Fourth in Way- Rye lind daughter, JIll'. lind Mrg, Clar- in p: public mllY scm'ch along paved neBville. For about three weeks the cnce Rye lind so n wcr e I('ucsll; of th eir r oads thl'ough fi rr-~cnrr e d and tree· Practical eoneeqlon 18 made that more "patriotic" ones gave vent to parents, Mr. !lnd Mrs. Charles Rye, less barrens, Stutes join ,in th e mad , S. E. FOl'Jley, chairman of the Till! r evelry of spending, but hesitnte their feelings bf' shooting cannon on Sundny. commllBlon, will be nomblated by the about nnlLl'Y appropriations f or fir e crackers and other oxplosives, 80 that Republican. fo.r State 'Treasurer at wardens unci thu protcction of the when the day actually arrived, their the Au,u.t primaries. And with . his Entertained at Camp It'ees that we ha ve lef t. Ner o fiddled enthusiasm was "bout spent. name on tlie ballot in Novemlnlr unIn fhe eVening leveral families enMr. und Mrs. C. M. Robitzer nnd while Rom e burned , Congress and doubted atrenrth WiIJ be Jlven the joyed a beautil\ll display of fire- daughter entertnine(\' the fo llowing ou r legislatures fid dle as our potenticket. Ctupnnan Forney' 11 one of ,works. Othen went to Dayton to at t heir camp on Monday: Mr. nnd tial forests go up in fl ames." ~he molt experienced and sound tax witnCI8 the , more elaborate display, Mrs. Ray Mills and daughter, Mr. and expert. "in : th~ S~te. Tbt'ou,b . hiB "bere. Mrs. Fred Gale and children, Mr. and put up.rtence In both. county and, L. A. Zimmerman and children. state he I. , ..pee1ally' fitted' for the ollloe of Stata. ........urer. ,Be tl not ~e~eaw.. blit one -of those ~ro8ecutor l'Ood, olii-faabioDlld "b'onut min that ' ! • Famii y La.t Sunday baa ever the ,1Il~1iIt4' of the , , . ' • .. . 'M r. ' and Mrs Sidney ' Bloch and ,T he ,uamc of Attorney Robert W. era and people pllerally at beart. , Re~lar communlcatio'l\ oJ W~1Ilea. 'w-ugliter, Mr. J'oe Bloch" of Cincin- Brown will apP cIlr on the Republican Ilndoraementll 'liven him from. 'Ymou', 'ville Lodp NIl. 148 F.' Il. A 11.. on natl.J :Mr. and l!Irs. Max Kohlhagcn, ballot in the pri mary election of TuesCfQunti- ot tile -State· ... ·...ell;, u ·· IIl- ' Iu~a:v evenin., July 18. )~t1ere ~wtlt ot .lIimeBtoWb, were week-end _guests day, August 10. lie is a candidate dlvldual IIIPPGtt f,-o.. th~ c~hO for the office of prosecuting attoxvey .6. w:orlt · III the ~~ , ~( ct.,ee. So- Of Mr. and Mra. Myel' Hyman. , . . . know: hill! '*'~ ·mak". ..1i nomination of Warren county. Brown's only comJoul'nin" brethren and 'Vijltol'l are eo" • '. ~' " . practicaU:r e'~ll. - . " , . . ' petitor is the present prosecutor. who d"U", welcome. J • > ~_ • \ • • • \ CI _ ' a wante a t hird term. Brown, who . has , JESSE PRENDERGAST. 'w. £.t,malaed vt.. ltlD. Relatt .... never 1j,eld public office, il!! a great p. B. B'8NDE'RSON. Sec'y. ~Mn. 'Annie Sheeban entertained on tp'Rndlion of our ItIte highly Nispeetea SUnday ¥T. 'and lin. Earl Parka 'aDa citizen, Joel Evens, and ill a grand· f';' . iIa,*ht~. of SI~ubeIlVDlo, 'Mis"Vil'lni aon of the. late exCot'lIrreasman, Seth-Vale, of C&mllfUe, Mr. and I lin.. W. Brown. Qrown is a veteran of .... cUlr ~~. 01. ceat~Ue, ~ and World War ad was in active ,. • , . • • A1~ Eatrnbart: ·alld cbDdien. the vice O'lrHa8 In three of the JDajor • Ba'rft1lb!..~.1_Graneo will have B •• , . , drive. of ttua1i great conlUet. He III ......... SaWl'UJl)' lItpc.. July 1'1&11. DOW 1fIII'Pd. in the Rtift practice .,.,"" com.. ~. of III,t ~op. .

--------Emma Ladema Bishop


.-. .


l2fJcig!}1 '



----_ ..----



""' I1l ~

I" ""'"nllhl(' that SUIlS. like IJlY ('/:,g~, thus crrating n~w II rl!'UII i.lI1s. Nnture works along llw ~!l II1I ' P!l lhg ill hig and little 11

h ell~ . ~ h n uld

thin~~ .

,J uhn Hays 1l 11l11 l11olld Rays, " T he arc Ilpat hl'tie," indifl'l'rent to puhlir 'lu p.ti" ns-nn,1 tIlP Y nrc. li (' wnnts n civ ic cnmpJ1igll to do I1W"y \\'i t h puhlic apathy. That will n (lt work . If you wnnt th" public 'int eres ted, yo u lI1us t m nk .. pnlitics Hlld puhlic qll('stiQlls illteresti n/:,.

ci li 7.e ll ~

The ot her day in nn A meri cn n community above the average in intelligence, many citizens went to th e polls to vote on a dog ordinance IInr! rcturned withou tnking the trouble to vote. at the sam e primaries, for members of Co nl('ress. Nin ety pCI' cent of Ameri cans. unless 'yo u nrouse them with r eligious or racial Ilntipathy, or with t he high price of coal, f cel that governme nt is so me bodys clse's business. J ohn D. Rockefeller. Jr .. invests in dcent homes for working people at rCIlHo nllble rents. Mr. Roe kefellc r's in te nt ion is to avoid chari ty, demonstrating that dw ellings can be constructed on a big scale, with evHY comfort, including playgrounds for children nnd private pllrks attuchcd to the buildings, bathroo ms , rusident doctor, etc. , within modernte prices, about $9 per r oo m pe r month. The thin g will be do ne on a small scale a t first, sufficient for a few hundred fa milies. Success might lead to t he in ves tm ent of hundreds of milli ons in suc h en terprises nnd enable fa mil ies of small meaDS to live in comfo rta ble, hcalthful upartments at u rent no greate r than has bee n charged by land lords in the slums. The p lan won't please slum landlords. Th e pres ident, in a thoughtfu l speech on the bu dget, sa ys: " Your Uncle Sam is ri ch, that's tru e. W e hllve actually $aOO,ooo.OOO more than we necd f or J026. But that is no We must excu se for squ a nd ering. be more econolllica l, cut down expen se,s every ycar." Another cut of $836,198,888 reduces th e public debt to nineteen billion six hundred and eight millions of dollars. If necessa ry, Uncle Sam could pay all that de bt by using one-third of tho na tiona l inco me fo r one year. We a'rt· rich, but, as the president says, that is no excuse for . waste.

l ,

Ferry Church of Christ



Called Meeting




A Quiet Fourth

.. -----

----- ..-...,..--





--Brown Announces ' F or


Granee Festival,


A magnificent new electric locomo· tive ,the world's Inrgrst and most p weMul. wcighs 283,350 pounds, is ~ ixty-fivc feet lonl('. driven by six molo r. , . with 4.f>OO t otal horse powcr. On e man ca n han dl c this locom o. tive that will pu11 a n express tra in with ~nse !It mor e thll n 100 miles an huur. Will it run between the Atlantic and th e Pacific, cutting the time to two days'! No, unfortunat ely, It will run in Switzerla nd, where I('overnnWllt owns railroads and seems to do wc ll. in spite of our theory thut govcrllm e nt ownership cann ot s ucceed . Pe rha ps the Swiss are able r than we are, perhllps more honest. perhaps both. Dr. Butl er says. "The world outgre w communism 2,liOO year ago, and Socialism in the Sixteenth ce ntury." The world haHncyC!' r eally tri cd Socialism or Communism. and Ileve r will Wh r n socialistic unci cOllllllunistic ideas nrc tried out we give th em othe r names. A great pulllic pa rk, or magnificent public scho ol, puid fo r hy taxes and frce to rich nnd poor, re)lrese nts' both communism anu socialism. But we ca ll s uch socialislll "intellige nt gOY. ernmeJ.ll."

. - ..,-- -O. E. S. NOTICE - ---


Miami Chapter No. 107 E. s., will m oet in regular sessi~m on Monday, July 12th. .'" :There will- be work, an'd a -full attenda nce is ' earnestly desired; Via:,,' iting ' members welcome. LUCILE A~MITAGE, II. SU&AN HAWKE, Sec'y. · ;.,f,:. ~ • • . '




'I .





At· CUy's Jewelry Shop Lebanon, Ohio

Every Tues (\ , 00 • • m. Lo 4

In \1m 111 ttl.'r f tho;) Sl.'tt1e lllllllt ot the I' tutl1 of l.q, is A. N'ULt , d 'CrIINI'd, It \III A OHI~rl' d that u cer tifil'd l' lI lTy, II tcrm lnlll):: th(· IlIh 1'ItnOC till\: to be pR~d. lJ~ !)rIFled 10 t h,' Url l' (I f. fllventorv Imd (IPI'MI Ili'ml'n r uf the .. lJI. Bank BId.. litllte of iv IllIal1\ ~t'ur K.,~ \ er, de- ' ~~M cd W /IS flIl'cI by 'X 'CUtUI·. Milton I ~'. h e",' . A hcur""r ,lilt' 'J! Ju ly 2nd wns Silt MMON P I,!: AS P.ROCE D INGS f ot· "un"I,1 rin{! lh,' IIPlli ·ati, ." , f thl! r h [lu t., I ,.),11' 1'. vs. wi ll of W. 11. Ca n ';. , I"('~I\~ 'd, for e~: I Ill-leI' .ll1d .1(1)(<ln ', I\(' Milrbhlll1. l!1 i11l lldnllLlallC t· Lt, ]'I • .,at l·. ',"I 1,1.I,nLi 1 t lIoJf"n, llIn l<l f I' OUrl gU\ t l auth{ II'I~Y ttl ,lduu'. ', , ::: 1 ·\0 WI' .11,,\\ ,·,1. .1. "f a ,'~II II( ' f' t ll sl ll t't P %·' V "\"~ snit I' Jt,.:o:- l ~tllllr.t· \,.;" .1,\1,. Sl u ,hl t" O1:.\r - h utl hd bt·l"u)(ill"g t o th ,: l'S (lllc f FUNE RAL DIRECTORS 1'1"",' c,,,,lnd ,li",""h' d , plai nti lr re- HClljumill D. We ltull . WAYNESVILLE, OHIO stort!d 10 muiden IIIlllIe. J Hsic ForkFir~t "ntl fi.Hl I ae ount of the s0\11' . lutll o f !\I nde li"'; 1\1. SInter, dt'CC8SCll, Hich a rd Pft~ " L.· r V I<. T I,,' l\linllli W II ... fi h.' d II\' " xel'utt 1t', \\. C hl' ~tl\ r \ 'a ll e y P nckin~ Cll lllpu ny. Ill!' mort- ~\nl'h'" Fully Equipp ed for Good . ",lIlre dllilll of T h,· Brech t. Butch ers F ir<t nCCOIIIIL of ti lL' C81t1Ll' of J userv ice. ~ upl' l~' Compnn ),. fo r $70 .24 "'os nl"e p II. W ild e. tI"Ct'''"''''. w,,~ fil ed hy LArge .piRpln? Room . l" ,·. ,·d. und "nlc ...'d tlu,l thl' plai ntilf Lh L.. bnn ll" :\at innni BUllk . odminisAmb u lance Service he I'! h- ~ n a dee d for t he propprty pur- t rm M de hO llis '11011 wilh the will nn · 'h"~NI h"Tl' in lIpon I"'~' m en t by him next·d . T EI.EPHONE 7 ll ... v on NIr.HT q[ the purchns" prlcp of $70 .24 . Im 'Plltor y IInll appruiselllCn t o f the lurn Dalto ll vs. · Wi ll ia m Dolton , "st ntc " f 1\\nry Cnsk,·y. tlt·c ell s c d. w "s In lllTi ll)t'e co n tract di ssolved on th e fllNI by udn,ini, trlll or, Fr['tf A . CnsI:' rIIll<i, of extreme cru elty. P lain- kev. Call on u. fDr yo ur J ob Prin liDIr. tiff r~ s lo r e d Lo maiden nnme. Cla ra in th .. IlIntler u f Cha r l(" N. DIIIIWarranted pride shines these d/l )' ~ in the eyes of 1111'S. By ... I, :'Iilk [",h . "s tru st"c lInder Ihe will of who but yeste r-y ear w as u young Virgillin mother with hopes for Hen ry W . Mc ck n cr (' t ul. , admrs. 11 " nr ;- nilatu . h. dc ccnscti , .•. Frank her two stalwart boys, Ha r ry nnd Dick. She h l1~ ju st relurned home p C Ih,' estllte «If A. · F. 1IIcl' kpl' . de- A . ili lat" . h l·t n l.. th. court de creed f t'Om the East where she wltnf'ssed the na ti on bestow g reat honorsl'f 'u s cd, "s. FrCl'JllH ll LHml' k in ~ . )wl~ n I hilt app!'nis"m nt o f the estn te be C', Gru s~ was ma fil') n pn rty "C'f('nd ~ dl<p,' n'l' d wit h a nd t hat I.h e plaintiff on Dick-the younger son , who 13 Li eul. -Com mnlllier H. E. Byrd, the ftrat to fl y over the North Pore-carrylng the Sta rs an(1 Stripes ah ead a n t h,·r" in. lIIij! ht sdl "nid .·~ tn lt · I" S. Sc hillill)!' of all natlo nij. Brother Harry helped In Ihe wel!:pme hOllie, lenvi ng Fra nk n. Mil l" .. " ' . 1.1"t(· r II . Kll r - fu r $:JIl OO. fi ss et Ill.. CPllt·t lll'c l'l','!1 l hllt un les. his desk aa Governor of Virginia 101111' enough to join In. Can )' OU I·'n ·d . C", key , ,,,lmi llis tl'Utor of rl('f e ll dnnt PIIY II l<1 rlgllJ{l' uf ' ·100 to lh", l'SlHtl" o f 1\ln r y nskey, d l.!('(lll ~ C (l. imagine this mother's pride as she sa w he r two boys lidin g dow n pluilllifr II fo r,'c h's lIre "hould 111' nmde wns ~tllt h ul'izL'd hy cuurt to l' Xc} U l tlJ.!\" Broadway while thousands ch ~ red the h~ro of the North f '" ' I'\, lda Rot h, hy h ~ r n,'xt f riclIIJ " erla in F Ullrl h Li LJe r ly LUll n bo nd ~ v~ . Hurold Rot h, cn se <ii, mi,sl,d ut fn r enup" " \)un,I ' of like denominacost" of plointiff. l io n. rell Urns .• s u pplic" fur cl erk o f Ih. 1\\ OIll'l. ~,l(I\\ 01, 11 ,.~. Frunk B. Fifth accou nt o f lh e gun rdi an Rh ip urts. $3.00; The Cu lumb us BI" nk SlIo"dell, din're' I[rall ll'd . "e Frallk lli l'k ~ and lifr I'd lIicks. co Bouk 0., sa m" for proba t e jud ge, mino .. s . "'liS fih·d by guardia n Nall - $3. l!f>; P. O. Mon fo rt, expe" e~ fo r Id~ II ic ks. N EW SUITS April, May 11 1111 J u ne. $ 12.3 0 ; sume , $" conti linn fillo l a~ o tll\t o f th e esMaud h ch'y "I<. hilS. C. 1\1111 Em- w l l' of II lInll nh Fos tel', dl·ccII8l·d. WIIS gUI'll!"~(' I"(' nt , $11; \Vult~r Vnrlll' f, first ulld nna l I!hlilllUtc 0 11 cunL rue t 8 .1;1 , ma Il ou5cr , ond th · vi llage of F ra nk - ril~d bv mllnr. D. t:;. Dunh am . oUU .i(,; We\' S imps"". brid)!'c r,,lin , fur mun cy. IIm ou nt cll\imed, io'ir. i IIlId ti nn l ncco un t of the gUIII'Thl' hf'utllL'SS hnr~ L' lllan in Wa ~ h ~ , I U.Ono. P,·tiLioll liI"d J un e 22 , July d inn ~ hi\l uf J a"H'H 1~ 1I 1 un. alkgcd ly pllir. lI nlllilLu" 1'1' .• $~ l.ti O ; lIurlun Wh itacre. 8hll rLl\)!,c a ll pllyro ll , $ 12 ; i ll)(to n Ir ving's Il L ('}!c nd l,f S INl JlY f) tNurn d ll Y. ins:"le. wa ~ e nte red by gua rd ia n S. Churl ,'s T lly llJ r. SUl ne, :$3.50; Mur- lI ull ow," was H hnrmlc!"s S l hH1 k- n Ambe r B. H ,·n der~o n vs. 1"lnyd K. T Ell i ' 0 11 . row Whltac r(', sa me, $3.50; . C. churlll'tcr l' r-rn t ed t il i ll t~rt' :-t t t he l\ l·n ,h-r~o n. r ur di\' I'r cc, "r"s~ n eg. Fi n; t nc,·ounl. of th e guard innsh ip lect cha rg l·d . Act ion II lso fur per- " f ,'nlHnn tho J . Ze nl mcyer. incom- Clark , $3.:;u ; E. R. H enry, [or hl\ ul- rc"de r. nf I he slur y. 1\ l'IHlicn ll y Illu ncnt custody u [ min or chil d and petent. l' ntcr cd by guurd ian. lI1ary E. ing 27 ya rd ~ gran·1. S:l3 . 75; ook & di tTe rent tyrl' of pe1',O I1 is til<' h"Hr! S wee ney. fur furni shing ond loading le"s horRc;nnn of l od" y. for insLI'lId \) tlwr rcli<.: L Roge rs. ti2 8 YU "ds crushNI ~t o n e , $ 1 I I (i.S O; E . of \'el ng hllr mlcss he is n 'e r ious I:> II ;1 ic Bi ~~ V". Iy(\c B I~l;'s , f or S C ~l1nd acc ount of the gua rdia n- p . Kirb y, f01' piling ud a lld ha ulin g e. dh·o rc c. g ross ncglect charged . ' shi p o f J oh n H. nmpbell , minor, en- sl o (' . $[' .); T iifllr and hut'lt n. fo r mennc Tho fait hful old II IlI!; o f fo rmer Mory Heedy vs. Jllc ob Reed y, f or le red by g U"l'din n Lormine B. Thoms tiup plies $ L 1.1 4 ; a m lII uste r~ , su me, yonTS, which wus ",.(d it" t! wit h havdivu rce. .First tlnd fina l a ccount of the esClinton ,~ . HatiitT vs. n c rbcrt Mur tatc o f Edward S. hroyer, nssign or , $ lI. 04; . I~ . u tler , IIIIY1'oll, 252.05; ing hul's(' se nsc. is TII p;' II~' (1i ':l ppeu1'J oh n DiJllne l 11 1111 Evnn Sl! hu~­ ing: .. n,] in ils plllc(' w ,' hllve lIw fas t ray, fur m on ey, omo unt $30 0. wus tiled by W . G. Thompso n, tlS- IeI'. firs t and tinn l es timote 011 con- movi ng au tomob ilc with no ins tin cts Th e Lill go lIordwurt: C(}mp nny, VS. s ignee. tract. No . BH. $ 150: The Titm s Star, uf il s ow n. It depe nd . " lt uget lH' r GII ~ Maynr nnd J essc l\lcntz. f or $400 Firs t a nd final acco u nt of t he g unrwith intorcst {It (i pe r cent since Fcb- dinn sh ip of Sam ue l J. Ben n. incom- pruof of publicuti on of d eficiency upo n its dr ive r f or directi"n nnd in notl's, $\". 60. tcllig,mce in Its uperntion. runry 12, 1025. etcnt, was ente r ed by gU tl rdinn ArTh'l handless 'ior se lllnn we kn ow J ohn Brucc vs. Su ra h Young(!rmlln thur Bean. occ upies th e driver's seut o f II motor Els ie BulTl ngton nnd Art hur Rabkin, Fifih acco unt of th e g ua rdia nship cllr. but unlik e lr v in g'~ cha racte r . hc for equit ab le re lief. of , Howu rd Bennett et nl. . mino rs, i' upPllrentJy a nor ma l hUtnll11 bei ng. wns enter ed by g uardian, Vonn 111. He h8~ Ii kn ob on his shou Iders thot Benn H t. PROBA TE PROC EED IN GS Loose. long s leeves, open lit the looks like a helld but which seems 10 The court uuthorized Dnvid. E . funcl ion about us intellige ntly and First nnd liunl nccount of t he c~­ Dllnh.lln. "executor o f t he esta t e of wrist. are most \) ecoml ng to floshy erraticully as a gus-inflllted toy baa rills. Trimmings nnd coniltrllction Ln te of Gilber t F errIs , deceafie d, was Martha White ~o sell at priva te sule . lines ~hou ld foll ow the length of the loon. the Liberty bonds of sni<l estate. fli ed by ndmins t ralrilC, E lIti Ferris. The helldless horsema n in Irving's II rm . fn the matter of the settlemen t of . The vnllle of t he estate of Sue story frequented u lonely and isolatSpe nce WtlS set lit $2 95 .71, by ap- the estate of Eli Dea n, doceasecl, tht: ed r egion , but not so t he one we Rice and potatoes nre not exactl y urt deterll1in4!d the composition of co praise ment, other findings are : perhllve in mind. He is an ever-present he sa ine In food val ull. even though t said eslule ns fo llows: Gross val\.le so na lity, $1 758.71, real estate $1200, menace, in the congested city. on they are \)oth rich L;\ starch. Pota11 ,743.69; p ersonality $67 43.69 1 $ deb ts $500.7 6 i co ~ts of administramuch-travel ed highways, on country tion $3 00; amoun t of estnte lIupj ect real e!ltute $6 000 ; depts , including 1\ loes co ntuln somo minerals and vita- roods; in fa ct, everywhere. He takes to tax $2167.96. Succe8ll0rs to the yea r's a ll ow8n~e of $1000 ; $1515.68 mins. Milled rlc c Ilicks th eso entiTc- the pleasure out of dJiving for curef r uits estate ",nd the am ount of their , uc- cost of admi nistrotion , $00 0. Nel Iy, so th ere sho u ld be plenty iul motorists, sp oils th e ttnffic cop's taxuble IIlU1eh, $0,0 28.11. Succes- a nd vegetables in the dnily meuls if tl' mper, nnd mnk es the railroad engicessions were named. rice is se rved often. Proof of p Ublica li on was filed of sors t o sa llle we re nam ed. nee r groy-headed Ilefore his time. He • • First account: of t he estate . of Kllte tho notice of appointment of Eliztchuckles with glee when he makes n Do not use· clothespins when hang- corner beth Watt, as xceutrix of the estate L. Ross man, d,~ cease d, was tHed by two whee ls, or when he ing out rayon undC'rwcllr nfter \VII" h- bea t. a on ndminsitrntri.x F' lorn Eberle. of William R Lefe ver. train over n crossing. And The rcs ign ntion of Charl es S. ing it. You mlly Lenr · the mute d a l . h"ca llse he is a hend lcss horseman hI' Lnst will nnd testament of Harry S. S mi t h. o( H am ilton Tp. wus ad- Mo un ts beca use 01 jll henlth from his Hnn g the gurm ent uve r t.he linc wll h- see ms to hav e n o se nse of pcrso nni mitted to prubntc. Edith Smith qual- tru steeship undler the will or Susan out pinning it . da nger or r egllrd for th e snf ety of ified li d waM nppointed /18 exeoutrix Hayncl', was n':cepted by the court. • others. Firs t nnd final account of the esth er eof, no \)oll d required. Herbert Try adding cur rant je lly t o bmh Human bein!,"S , whe ther drivers or Hoppe E . J . Adn ms a nd Stanley tate of S usan C. Hayner. deceased, gravy. pedestrians. are divid ed Into two Fcldcamp were np pointed us upprais- \Vns ti led by tru stee Charles S. c1asscs--thosc who cnn be educated • ers o( soid e ~ tJlte. . Mounts. Expose samples of wash mnteriub nnd thoBe who can't. Fortunntely The Lebanon Citizens National to the su n's rnys before buy ing Buch the re are f ew of th e latter closs' Lnst will an d te>ta ment of Alvn F. Si monton, d eceased , WIIS ncJ mitted to Bnnk was appoi nted on opplication. fabr.ics. Cove r hal f the· slImple wi t h Some I arn through signs nnd bulle: probate. Norr is P . Simonton. the as trust ees of the trllst crented by a plcce of cnrdhon rd, unll ' lifter l\' tins , which Is the c h enpe~t way. Othexecutor namcd in said will, qunli- the will ~ f Susan C. Haynor. No week see how much the uneovl'fe:i ers get th eir educntion in th e hosplfi ed a nd was .appointed ns slIch, nil bond required. part has faded or chango d. tnl or in court. Others huve th ei r bond required. JohI\ W. Wilson, W. fnults buried with th em. The heedW. Cline and C. H. Bowyt!r were IIPMARRIAG E LICENS ES 11'55, headless horaemnn constit utes pointed ns nppraisers of the propthe major port of the Inst g roup. and Ol\vcr Thomas Chilton. former, erty. th a t is as it slw uld be. The soo ner Franklin, und Alice M. Rider, Woy· his kind nre hail ed in tlwir (oolhnrdy nesv iHe. Rev. Ki r ker. . Erven Vc rn" Kohn, of Harbors Man wus not the orig ina to r of ha y- moneuvers or a r c tuught t he lesson Spring, Mich., a nd Julia May Gir- making . The pika 0 1' cony, n !i t'.le of Hu fety. the h" t ter it will be tor ton, Kings Mills. Rev. K eller . rod ent li ving in the l1!o u ntn inous re- mn n kind in ge n eral. giolls of tho West, has probably mllde hay (or his own u sc f or thousands of REAL ES TATE TRANSFE RS A P OOR WI ND years. He cuts fine-ste mmed gr"ss. George P. Glltes to J ohn R, Allen, sedges, shrubs and ot.her plnnts, bunlots 62B and 6:11, in Franklin, $1. dles the m u p und p uts the m away in A lot of people sto od bdo rc n gllr ISllbel Clark to Co rinne C. Blnlr, she lter ed placcs nmong rocks for cur- nge loo king lit 0 balloo n whieh fl ollted parts of lots 4 and 6 in E. B. Ing. B ecuusc he ents it himself he above the floor. Wrig ht's s ubdi vision of Lebanon, $1. is more pnrticulur thun man nnd pro.. Whut's th e mnttCl'?" I nsked. Eupnemia Hough, Ed L. H ough nnd duces n more uniform . fragrant nnr! " Oh, a boyish trick. You s ec thllt Irma Kibler to }o' rank and Bernice green product. rack of Inflllted tires 'l" Hough. th e undivid ed two-thirds of "Yes." -------.~. ~-----lot 4 in Cha pmn n's addition to Wn y" Well. soma boys werc on th e way n esville, $1573.27. "Strivl' for the higher things, " was home frOIn school, and one of them Euphemia and Frank ·L. H ough and th e advice of a lecturer before an Ha id he would rem ove a valve nnd Irma Kible r to Ed L. nnd Nornh alldience of wo men' who hnd n lready blow one of the tit'es up still more." Hough. two trncts , u tota l uf 12!l ' h or tencd th eir s kirts , buil t up their "Oh, I ce. This is the tire he acres between the Miami rivers In he els. raised their voices nnd height- blew up." Section 27, $6163.89. ened th eir complexions. "Not II t all. Thnt is t he boy!" H es ter McCo llum and Charles McCo ll um ·to Jaml~B B. Hnrrison. lot HI in Hig hluwn subd ivi on , Salem Tp., $ 1 Eliznbeth Muchmore to Forrest E. Muchmore, a tract in Homilton Tp., ~

Dr. John W.









Will. Drawn .. .. ...... Eat~teo Settl .. d

Wayueaville. Ohio


A Mother's Viewpoint .


cue ' c I . re


Siding Oak Flooring Edge Grain Flooring Finishing Lumber , Porch Materia l Front Doors Cottage Windows 'Window Frames Window Glass

. Inside Information

• • •


All of the above material can be found in our yard every day in 'the year a t modera t e prices

w.H. Madden & Co. ,



Original Haymakers


.,~~4. :V7





TIRE DEALERS Serve You Better

We Are Tire Specialists Our experience and equipment help you get the most mileage, comfort and safety from tires. Gum-Dipping- the only known method of insulating every fiber of every cord w ith rubber -gives the strongest construction possible. And the special Steam-Welding process makes Firestone tubes both leak-proof and long-wearing-further increasing the life of the tire. We AI.o SeU and Service The proof is demonstrated by the \,Oldfield Tire. and Tube. biggest taxicab and bus fleets - by .. .t... Wel1-knOWD tltu lUG built In race champions and in everyday ...-Icai P~e (actonOi and service of hundreds of thousands of ~ tM ltandard &UQranteo. 'II. . . them at thCICl low prlcea. motorists. mOB PRESSURE CORDS Let us see that your tires are a" ulor£ l .. . ..• . . . .. $10.lS ...., lara srtQ Cl. •• ••• • 11.40 properly mounted, inflated and cared ktra Slae B.S . • , •• •• . 14.00 . . . 8.8 .. ........ .. , . 18.00 for. DII& 1.8 .. ... ... , ....... .. 19.10 ~ 8.8 . .. .. ......... .. .. 23.70 We repair your tires, when necesIIIiIK a.s ........... 24.78 sary, by the new and better Firestone . . 8.8 .............. .. . . 31.eo method. OV&RoSlZB BALLOONS ...... . .. ·.......... ... .. .. ..1•.05 Equip your car with these famous . ~.,. . ....... .. ... ..... .... 16.7~ ...,. ... . . .. ... . .. . .. . . ... . . 7.50 Gum' - Dipped Cords and Steam~9 18.18 Welded Tubes. We will take your .Id... ............. :.. ...... 21.'8 . aa.6r.II •••••• ••• • •••••• • •••• 21.1.8 old lira in trade, giving you liberal allowance for unused ~eage.







•••• •

•• •

• •


•• • "



E. H. Orndort's Garage~

. Wayne.ville, Ohio

.,;' Wa. cWo~ Oldfield T im and Tuba ci.c Rmnadcably Low.Pricu..MGdc cd eM <mot Flratone FiictOnu cimi Carry ehe Standqr4·Gwz,anu...


IT :::A VES SOAP. P.l, ~ltl 8 lis 16 I", useh ohl

u ~ago8 It Is t ho unly cleo nsor til II ! will c1enn otn l," IInol tu 8 Oll el tllauolVo utlon rlnsl nf\'. No 811 ncl lo rt 10 cloll' drnln

1'11'08 .


Released In Streams T ~ 11 t ho llslln d ~Ilring bn .. , secu red from the Slnte hatchery at Newtu n, we re ui stributed in Gr eene co unty strenmR lust weC'k, under the "u pe rds i m or Karl K ell r r, di "Lrict _" p,n·vi. or of fish nnd gnme. Assist illg' in th e work were represe ntutives of t he Green county Fish, a nd Game Protective as.~ocilltio n. en In a n d Ye ll ow Springs chapters of t he hnnk WlI ltoll league , grunge, lrtrm hureuu lind other ur)!'u lli ,... tion s. The bally fish We re placu" in th e Little Miumi rl\'cr , \ll snr'~ ('reck a nti Anderson's F ork .


for Every Purpose---

W aynesville

On account or wllter condition. m a ny IIOO plo Dre oompelled to Uij\J cit vIIl I' tor wnshlng nn,l nro Incon" onlon ced b cn use of Its hllrdns81. 'I'u uvorcolllo Lhts IlIld ono tea~ I oo nrul ot rtub -No -lIlt'ro 'WoAhtos T'<,,,,der (Ihe Orll(lnll' 6c ' ·V ntor Soll~ I1I'1'1 10 M oh gn tlon at city willer.

(,ll~' a,,~·.

Some of The Things We Sell ~umber



ro------------, I· It M CI I f




nmiR OWN RUBBER. , •.~




J osie Wills to Ambrose Decker, 8 sma ll trnct in th e village of Dodds,

SA.VE You G0

11 ALI;. IN ON A ~t:CON O l-\ ,~I-lO 'PILEOl> JUI\l I(,-

$ 1.

Frnllk W. und o Clara Eastin, Cov. ing l on , Ky., to Fred W. nnd Marga. re t Sc hi er lnnd, Cincinnati, lots 2061 a nd 2062 in Deerfidd Tp., $1. W. A. Cooper to P. S. Horton, 20 nc res in W uyne Tp. , $1. En uch R. H enry and Gertrude Henry to Jenn ie E. Vins on . six acres in Hnrn il ~on Tp .• $1. George B. We ir to Charles L. Willis' and Stella M. Willis, a tract io Franklin. $1. Ruy D. B lnck and Earl Kirk to Cynthia Lou and Lewis Smit h, one ncre in Union Tp., $1 . Geo!'ge Drayton Ithodcs to E. Richar d Pugh, lot 2369 in Loveland Par k,






·usa. V.S. VAT. Ol'FJCE

W. H . Siegfri ed to Ido Christop h er pal·t of lot 36 in Springboro, $1 . Marc us T . Eads to E li zabeth Fodor, tw o tracts in section 20, 193 acres ill two t racts of section 19 and a ooth!)r tract of 12 acres in section 20, $1. The Peoples Build i ng Loan an d · Savings Co.. t o Chester Campbell, ten acres in WlIsh ington Tp., $1. Irvi n and Margaret Roberts to Emery W. an d Elsie I. Ross, two ncres in Massie Tp •• $1. . Wylie G. 1'rlsler, et a I. , to Mary E. Trisler. two tract s in Mili tary survey No. 1546, a, small tract in Hamil ton Tp., lind a s4!cond trnct of 120 lIeres in the same town ship, $1. Willinm A. and Lucinda Moore to Jessie Mentz,. lots 10 22 a nd 10 23 i n F'ra nklin , $1. ~ . Richnrd and Ann e Upt on to Rober t S. Fagley, two trllets in Fractional Seetio.n 6, . containing 6 0 acres.. COMMISSIPNERS' ALLOWANCES F. J Lewis, clerk of ' co urt/!, p ostagll, $8; T he Franklin Chronicle, proof of p u blication 4 f notiQe \to court $16; The W . H, Stan~ Co. B)lpplles for au d itor! , 12.60 ; J : O. Mitchell, repailla at Jail, ,27.28; Bar-




------- ---- --


LOA NS on ChllttelS,Stocks, Securities onll SCI·" .HI Murlj!llg e9. Notee houi: ht. J ohn \Iur t. ill c .Jr., Xenia, 'm30-'2 6 Ohio.

Farmers, Attention!' Furmors of Whrrc li lind adjolnln. : co ull ties mny oht llin mOll ey on lonl: time 101lns, lit 5 per ce nt ill t.c rest.. Cost or securing lhe slime is "c ry reason nble ,through The Federal Lanel Bank. For further Information ca .1 on or address M. C. DRAKE4Iireuure r, phone 316-X. Lebanon,17hlo.. W A NT EDFARMER Why not trade where you cnn g et what you WAnt a nd at the right prices? P umps for IIU p Ul'poses. pipe va lves and fi ttings, lIelting, hosl' and pl\ckings. TH.J!! BOCKLET-KING CO" 416 W . Main St •• XENIA, OHIO. J17. LOST LOST- Near Woyne.8ville, on the way from Dayton, Sunday, J un e 27 • watch tab, silk r ibbon.!. go ld mo n ogram, initials to'. C. t;., with elk's toot h ntt&ched to same. Liberal reward. Address this office. Jy7 FOR ·SALE

EMERY WHEEL-All sizes. Spec:inl price on a large lot at th e BOCKLET-KING CO., Xen ill Ohio. JI7 . FOR SALE--Rnnge in good con dition, cheap. J . B. Hess, Cent"rville phone 728, or inquire at this office. ·Jy14 , FOR SALE--Three whell t t hresher&, liS follows: One 24x44 Advance-Rumley wltb blower, weigher and feede r ; h as threshed s ix or seven th ousand bushels. Price, $760.00 One 24x42 In ternational, cllmplete used 3 days. Pr ice '900.00. One 24x42 Huber , co mplete, 1.922, Price, 8460.00. Will dellver a nd guarantee to do good work. One 12-26 H uber t ractor, u aed some. looks ·like new. will go with eith er sepnrator. PrIce, $8 60.00. We have new 16-30 In ternatlon lll trnctor, will go with either Beparator. Price, $1286.00. Clinton ph one N.o . 2032; Bell, No. ·401B-R4; Mutual No. 6. W. C. SMITft•. New!!, Obl,o. FOR SALE-A Leather Davenport. Tho rn hill Kitchen cabinet, library tab le, kitchen chairs, dinin g .table, bedclothes chest. 9x12 woveq rug. ;~ Mrs. Glenna Evans.


and moncy' will \lOver the globe, Othel'8 predict that it nlllY. bring II ...ISSUBD EVERY W~DNlilRDAY ... greater war. Time alolle will teU,


------- ~-'------.--

I' .. b.crlpt'oft Prlu. $1.60 p...



JULY 7, 1lI2(; JULY CALENDAR By CORA A. THOMPSON Flower- RoRc. Births tune- Ruhy. M'lllo- l,i vtl !lnd think . '!'exl- We are 1I1l' dl'8ccndnnlR of the PBst, hil t pal'ellts of th e fulu·re. Wh en, in tht' CO\\l'so o f hum lln event.s it beco nH'R ncccRsnry for one people'to dtuHulv,· the poliliclI l bunds - which ha\'c c(Jum'cl tI t hem with un. ut.her, and to Uf'!llI Il1C nlno ng thu po\\'C£8 o f the cIII'lh th e sc pamtc II l1 d ('qual station ttl which the laws of nature und of lIuture 'M God e ntitl e t hem, 11 decellt n'~pcc t to tho opiniuns of mank ind I'oquires thnt they Rhould declu n' Lhe CBuses which illl1'01 th em tu the S(' pBrntion . e fT,' rHo n. . ' God gIve Ud 111 ' II . T he tlllle tI,'lIllln, Is S trong minds, greut hearts , tru e faith and ",i lli llJ.: hnnds • • • • F or while th e ruh ble- millKl e, miu · gle in He llish SlI'ife; I,,! Frecd" m wron~ecl~~ieR the lanU. and wailing Justice slorpR. - llullum!. - - - -Huil hll!epondcn cc I HC/l\'('!IS nex l hest gift tn thnt of life lind nn immorlul soul.- Thompso n.

J \\'os born Ml American, I live nn A merienn; I shull di e nn A mer ica nWcbMter,


William arr is s lightly impro\l,.d. 'M~, MI's. A, L. I<i~g, o.f \ \1:19GONE TO JOIN BUFFALO AND nesvtl le,n,11'/ wer e Suturduy VI itors h E1'e. MUSTAC HE CUP 11ft. lind l\1r~. H a r ry · Osborn L ', L Tho Am cr icnn h u r v 'Rt hand i& Cami1y l.!Ilterlni ned company, Bun d ,y o Jla K~ ing. Mr. lind rtll·~. W. B. S ilver 81li'1I1 fudel')) r 0 1'l1l Ill llch i\J{lry is driving Sn llll'tluy in J ay lll n wit h Mrs. 'i1 " ~ I 'l hl'l'l h ' r, Ih is l'UIl' llllllC, pi c tul'e s ()lIe pel'R'W nut. . MiRH Mill .. i,· BUrgctt, nf B(' llI wn t . o f cx isl r ll c{', . g'u"s t of h ~ 1' HUlll. ~1I·s . I I:n Kan sIl8, alway ~ lh" cen tcr of till' I ~ O th' llllcnt , LlI()U HIlIlt.l. "r hnrdy udvc nt urcrs , wi ll ~ II'. II I III , 11'_. CP O I' ' t o 11 Beadl li r e Ilw Ll ... r hav" u ballllol' wh.wl CI'() P this yellr. ,·lI t'·I·tuill ing- Mrs. Jj{!ach\ n u t 80 Ilc r cellt nf it wll\ be h nl'v c~ t' JII rs. Wilsun . . ' ~ d , cOfl" 's Po llt!ell la " uy, by ma chin- . Appropriule hil(ll'cn'9 n ay exe r ~ I'y . Uthel' s l ul,'. in t he breat! bus· CI""H W" I'(' he lt! li t J plIuh'. Hun un ,wl of th e nation lire fo llowing Kun- day morni ng. ' ''"' ('xnllll'le nnt! us ing' moto r car . Mi ~s Grnee McCune, o f Cleve land, hands n ' IIew IlI cc hullk ul eOlltl'i\'UlIC (" I th" gll,·.l "f Mr. and Mrs. E. B. , hill du ,," lIIuc h 1II0r c wo r k t han the D" ster a nd family. <,,, ugh-and · l· cady chups who hClld l'd . OW.l'n Hun:i", of Co lumbu s, is s pe nd ;'or t he Middle West 've r y SUmlllCl', 1IIg' hlR vacallo n with h i, pal·ellt. , Mr. III1lJ Mrs. FI'unk l'lnrri •. '''"I'kcd Il fcw days he l'c, we nt on to Mr. a nll Mr~. Frank Ti ct my er nnd .he Il(' xl fa rm, !llltl wuu nd up iiI CanSOll6 cn tertllill utl his broth er aud hi s ,Illn, family O\'er thc wIlCk-e nd. Mrs. Hnrry Shic1nkcr fe ll ' from n BOYISH B08? TOO BADI "l" p-",dd"r I'ccelt ll y, and received n st'I'iuus inju I'y to her kn ee. ~Irs. I r 'ne CIl, tl e ~ll'Lnug'hlin, who ~II'. ',Ild Mrs. A. Mu ell er ,of T ole,nuu /:u l'ale,1 t he bC\J, ul:d huil' fa d It " " ' d v, arc ~ pc lJ(Jin A" th u jr ":lent-io n w ith 0 1' tl n y~n l's 1lR''' , CO lli e, forth It ll'" !'l·lal ivcs hero llnd in Dayton. . . . . .nlh a MLlIt(, lIlClI t l ha t. ti he " l'~ull Y SII I'Mr. onol I\IrH. r. VC I" ' l! Villol's and ry sl\l' set Ih c fas hllln wh Ich shut- SUI1, Billy, uf liayt " n. we n ' ove r t h., Lel'l·tl th e hairp in alld ha il'lIl,t bu _i- F" urth vi s itur~ "f re latives here. ,\('S". Hut sh,· is n't "ric\'in" for til(' 'I ~" n I'. nll(1 Mrs. Ge urge \ ' Il rva ll nnd huil'pin un" hn irll ets. Shr)ll SOI'l'y fallli ly. of Dayton, w('r~ undny oecaUBe ~u mUIlY (I f her s iste rs ha v(' ~Ul's ts "f MI'. nnd Mrs. Ed BrowlI. ;n ne to the extent f" ge t ling Ii "b'lY,I. E . Shumaker is in Dc lruit th is ,sh bob." \\' l'ck in th e int rcst of th e Ferry's " 1 Il l)ve r hao nny id ea that it woulo Seed u. , wit h whi ch he is co nn ected. be cnrri c tl to li li Ch cxtJ'l' mcs," soys Mrs. R. F. Shumnk er is dl'ivin~ a new F ord co upe , a gift fro m her ,\Irs. McLnughlin . " It's too bnd." father, 11'11'. Hur vey Garber, o f P l' l't Yes, il is. William . .

SAM SAYS Justice Is the only worship. Love A little jnzz in yo ur musica l di et the only priest, Ignorance the only slu very. Hnppincss the only good.won'l hurt, but you CUlI't ent soggy I ngersoll, potato chips three timcs a day and grow, cun you? When the stute is most corrupt, then the luws are most multiplicd.T ucltus, SA MANTHA SAYS


.. _..----

Escape In Parachute




JULY 17, 31 AND AUGUST 14 Rou,~~.,'!'rlp




. The Monday Game

Liberal .'"op-o •• r prl.II., •• returnlnl will per mit \ OPPOR'tUNITY TO VISIT THE


Tic..... Good lIt.turnln, VI • • • • hlnlton d •• crlpU •• fold.r •• hewln, time or tr.Jn., ,top-over prhilea •• and oth.r d.t.lI. b. obtained rrom Ticket Awe n.. .


TIClnembel' "olr!- Hhioncd l'eform e, wh o ~houl\'ht \.11t1 f pa sing 1\ I pri/11 t:\ 'Y elecfio)1 I ~ \ " ,lid glvo the poo r m ;IIl, clmnt" ttl l·l4. t'l) r om c? . Con (' 8 I1H'(' ts ntHI adjuurns but'

senntlirJnl invl-if.; iJ1!H:' u ns spo nt l 'l ~t

llahc Adams pilched 11 splerldid gume 0 11 J\1 ondllY after noon, ullowing 'but Hi x hi ls "lIld no free trun sportati(l ll of any k ind. But ho hud to be J.:ood , r 1') nnc l' t hc first II1n ing, M eII l'lhy Illtchc d mll ch fl net' Iwll tha n till! bCu l'e indi"atcs. Punllllell wa o t he fie ld stu 1', wit h I IVU put-out · a .. d eight IIssisls to his cl'e<lit. Il l' a lRo s(!curcd t he most hi . of ull y pla yer ill t ho 1,1'11/11", " "e of th'lll be illg lhe only extru Luse blow . 'I'h~ Miamis s ta l·tcd ou't with a bung - rUlIl' hits alld tw o e r r ors IIccounte d for five run s. They th ey went oul in ord er until thl' se \'c nth , wh e n fi ve h ils ga \'\' Lhem twu mor e lI1arkers. The oll ly pass lind tlVO hits add ed lhe lusl co un l ~ I' in t he' eighth. Mea nwhile Lyti . co uld do nothi ng wi th A "a rn ~ ' pitchinJ):, until the liflh , whclI three hi ts gnve th em t he ir flrsl run. The seco nd cume in th e seventh H s a r esu lt of u hit an d Ull infield errol'. The s core;

nlld ch ca p win c. I)' ,u l,tl, 's" th 'y Rc ll thi s s tun' on thl' th eory l hlll wh. t


TIIf' l'x- klll !" ( ' " ~ ' 1 11 r e t aill " hi . :. J)I' III'4 c )' l,Y i n (; c t'n w fl Y but th e Ij l ll' .... t i ll n I • will hC' (' \, cr g'l'l h!ll' k I I II I HI I t il (III J OIY


GreKg, :lb llun oll, cf



U'Buni o n,

!::iu rfucu, I b


2h 4

U 0

BIII'net, C

lllll'uy. hir(', Ir S'lylu l', 1' 1' O 'B an iun , McCurlhy, I'



buullcKJ.:"C'tr; mnl<1' $:~ O . a . qu::lrt. ~ham ~ pugl1c -i n '!.Irk ~(· Ila l'. tl llt "f dl'uJ;'

4 4






1 U


Collars, Collar Pads, Harness Sets, Bridles, Lines

booll cgg" r lit IIVl' lI t,l' dolla !'" "

'1 l1 al'l,

Th l '.\ a r l' g'nill~ In hu ild a iin l' IlC lul-


who nr,

).('o ln ~ I,ark i lO l11l',


U hi g h l'J'


0 0 0 0 RU llui n }! ("or till !'" n:dl' I '" t!ll ph.-'. !s. 0 ant jUlio Ji YlfU fi t/ rI 't. :-" p l'n d a llY










Th " >':p: l n;~h 1'1 t" :' I ! ' ... 'I'!t ,t d 'Ill tilt · l ' X, h:t ll ~\' 111 : 111'\1 I ku, i n 5(>\' ''.' 1" : .1 ~'(l ;lr '" 11ll! Ilf ( fi li i "'; ' tld ,~ i;{ not til(' l'I-':-ll h or ~p aiJ} ' ~ tlll·I · ; d t ' l. l lI~ to IC'1\'e tI\l' 1.' · "I ~lIl·

I mOIH.'j' 1 h l' hc\Y:-1 ('11 11 ~' I'll :t 11J..:'ld .wad 0 und if Yl'lI ti n ~ pl ' lld al l~' tilL ' i ll \,~.~ti­ gnting' C lr l1l rnitL('t' wi ll g'('l you.



Nti\,' il '" "ll'·~" · d Ihat th (, I'(' is n hug'\' fi s h U'u' ! "hidl l1I :tk," ,100 1ll' 1' Cl' nt

JlJ·tdH. whieh

Stil I .,

2· uasc hi Pu In rn ell. 'llcrilice hit.- Hopkin s Doub le pIny- Adams 'to McClure t() II. Burton. Le ft on buse!s-Lytl e 7; Mi urnis 6. Base on ba ll!l -Ofl' McCarlhy 1. Stru ck out- By McCarthy 4 ; by Adnrns 6. Time 1 hOUI' and 40 minutes. Umpires-Thompson and Graham.

----- - ..----

-----. - ...---LIFE'S MIRROR

(Reflections by Panne. Smoke. • No, I am not the fire, the flam e, the spar:k, [ alll but the smoke WhIch linger!! In the atmosphere And s lowly disappenrs. I um not thnt substnntial part Which is food for fire. And neither a m I T he a sh es' which remain. I am t hat bil of gra~' nothingn ess Which slowly passcs 011. My inheritll nce is n fir e which burned too fierce ly My legucy i ~ but 11erhups II fleetin g thought Which is nt best lIon-consequentill!. My purpoSl'- to teuch t.hnt even Smoke uscends.


thl' ( nlllt u l ln th. , "lli HII i ii I\'asll/llu toli . T hi , "ill m nk e it n 1" 111(' \'1' lu r lil t· ~1.\1' !linll il fl'Q ll1

"tuli II II



_ .__._---- - - -- - - - - --




Two-Row Cultivators, Sin lge-Row Cultivators, Mowers, Rakes, Binders A Few S~cond Hand Tools

at H ri ,'} lar n !-I. hlln· HOW pun' hmws u ll eg-c d )"l1"(o - \ \' H,. liquH r fl' O Ill a ~ Ii ('k





The fl' lI ow \\'h" u ~ c d tu I,u ), ~Lul!k in gold Illin ~s fl'll lll 1\ "li ck H,ilt'.<lIl an




------- --

YO LI Y(JU d on 't know w OI, 'l h u rl ynu.,

2 0

0 10 J 'i 0 1


:15 . 2

T ota ls

0 0

1 0 0

'1 2

J o hn s v lI , If



4 ;.!

fIJI'" I! I' " , A ~l, c hi!rlln "u t h. di' llI ulI~tTntlnr' t he '11,\1'1 ·~t"n ill II 1',,\\'III'ot , CIlP. i? d il alld fI "l' "'O" C dl'o "'nro l . b(lu t Ihe n lll y kill, 1 (If Ih' nt ">1 ( " flO!' d em()lI ~ lJ''' 1 illg l hl Charies l un wnu lt' bi! :.J coil! hal'g~. . I Acco rding til t1w New York "',,!'Id I 0 11

R II PO A E it'!

j .. g' 41itlg' :-, on1l' even



th rcc fifth ..


Oven s, Oil Stoves, Carden Plows, Garden Hose, Hoes , Rakes, S11ce p Dip, Fly Spray, Sprayers of all kind s , Wa shing M ach ines, Hay Rope, Fly Screen, Screen Doors and Windows, Poultry Netting , Pump s

Devoe Paints and Varnish Plymouth Binder Twine Adrain Fence - - - - ---:==

Hardware, Harness, Farm Implements


Ohio - - -------- --

IVACCINATION OF SWINE A Specia lt y Nothin g but relia ble

Id t h l" rn ~Ul he t.

clt'<:ted tl, hr'.th h (Ju .. ('~ j .'~ tl rrin~ t hl'rtln : C bh ali bt.- !J u l.IIt! t1 · J In Ihe ( I ("!" t u l lif thi ll S1 41 t(! in the 0131111(", I r.) \ 1I1cri tly 1.1 W. /,n the:: ,~ol)l l Tuesliay ill :\ 111'11'1. 14 26 a {oro



Serum and Viru s used

Tholt Ih~ 1


x<n l

po .. In nna:lId 'oclit')11 11 uf .Hliele or the consti tutIOn of Ohi n, ~n tu In r~MI ,) .. 101-

Dr. W. E. Frost

t UWI :

Sec. 1 1. An y nHIIH clI' llli l Y n QU iring p rn li ('ny I,y "urcb asf' or a l' IIrOll r::lll un fnt a I' U"'I(" IIn-

", rO~'emcn l n1&y provid e' l l lOfi ty tht:'tef " r, In whole u r III part, hr :1.5UUlllell l , UP,)'I Il r npt r l,:.- IKnr'-

~ letl b, the

t I11IJr O\'C II!l' I, '

Veterinarian Harveysburg


Phon e 44

wll clli(' r .bll tJII1~, ad-




Harveysburg Fertilizer Co. Phone 8


JQCe1U o r (lthrrwI 6(: J,~ ilI! !!Ci. Such aueurtLenta ..ball in n o calc uceed ~ I,eclill bent'h • •:onf crrcd

tberd.)'. D, if ff4 r rlll r r'lOh 'Bci. Tbat a l fi u eh t" lec tion nbo \'c referre d 10 Ib i, ameud mc=n t .\h:tll be f11ucd th f" offi cl nl h·llIot . ill tbe mall ne r pro, vlded by law an d dl'~ I.:tl :l l t'd !u~ (olio,""': "To :J uth orlu :u1tC-S)nlent hy m u l ic ip~ litic. !,f tb r rot t of " (f) uldll~ J1rC1 J)t:rl y ( o r public IInfl! o'Y ('nH:nt UVQI' I land!f hene fit ~., the reby." o r . In othe r lang ullg e , 'J ufli d ~n th' f JUt to deal,.

.. -----

The President's Fourth


( Oon ti nllc'd from pnge 1)



AB n Ii PO A E fu t' n sca l y trnllsflrtion. Prcnd e rgas t, cf 2 I I J U U One of t it .. prilll'ip'11 ind ll 8lri es of Thomu s, cf .. :1 U I 0 U U E. Burton, ss U 2 2 0 1 J Prn l1(' l! !'I(' f' mS t o l Ie cniJi nl' l making'. Gons , 2b 4 U 1 I U 0 Some f1I1P!,I ' I'" ar~ like hl'''''' n suMiss Dorthea Davis with her cousins H. Burton, C . 4 1 2 U U 0 g-u r-~o RWcCl /ln t! 1I1l1'l'fiIlCd. Misses Ruth and Glenna Ma nn on, " r Ada lll s, p ·1 1 I 2 2 2 Wilmingto n, is vis iting relutl\'cs ut 1' . Burto n, if I 2 1 0 0 'I Hume, Ills. McClul'c, I I, J L U 10 1 0 1'u 111 111 ,,11 , !3b 4 1 :1 2 8 1 P IWI' (l 1,1, A M I-:~ J) ~ II , " I' '1'0 rr !l~ Mr. and Mrs. Loren West and JIl l'. HOJ1kins, 1'( I)SSr l 'fU 'f(nx (1 )1 (l it H' :J 0 0 U 0 U and Mrs. Monroe West and childr«'", A WJ'Il' l,I; X\'II I 5EC1'IO:" II of Blanchester, called on Mrs. Am" ,,T otals 3G 8 la 26 " 12 4 da Starr, Sunoay. · One uut bulli ng a lit o f turn . PROPOS INC AN AME NDMENT TO SEC TION II OF AR T ICLE X \11 11 OF THE CONSTIMr. and Mrs. J. C. Gra y, Mis. , s TUTI ON OF T H ' STATE OF OH IO (; 1 2 :J 4 5 7 8 !l- RELATIVE T O ASSESSII1 E N1'S FOR THE Alice and Kathl ee n and Musl , r L y t1 ~ u 0 u 0 J 0 I 0 0-2 COST OF ACQUI RI " C PR OP ERTY. Wayne, were Wilming ton visitors, "/I Mi nrni s .5 U 0 o 0 o 2 1 x- 8 Thursday afternoon . 8. it ,u o/ted tty , ,.~ (;;:~'al nllrm"ly 01 I ll,

" Courage is the greatest quality '01 Not e" ~ r~' hody hU3 t he gifts to bethe mind, save honor., come n Morion Talley, but nny one And, cnn cultivate a . plea sing speaking PI'ccdom is alone the unorlglnated voice. Mi ss Mabel Stnrr, of Duyton, ca l, " birthr_!a_h_t_o_f _~;.,.;...' _ __ home, Sulurday eveni ng, and remSII/ ' cd until M o ~day evening. Words {rMn the Li ps o f Great Men THE RICHEST NATION IN THE - "Mirth is God 's medicine, everyJIll's. Norah Fisher nn d dnugh t,·l'. WORLD body ough t to bath e ill it," - Henry Miss Pansy, of Columbus, s pent t Ill' week-end with Mr. and Mrs, J. ~;. American dollars now encircle the Ward Beeche r. Shumak er and Everett Shumaker . earth, Mrs, Frank Curl, of Wilmingto n, , From a debtor nati.on twenty years Someb ody has invented a square 1I11ss Laura and J ohn Ward we re dillago we have become a creditor na- doughnut. So long as the hole ' ill ncr guests, Thursday, of Mrs. An ita tinn, with a staggering balance on made no larger it's quite a U righl VunDoren, honorillg her birthday. ou r aide of the ledger, The war to us, Twin daughters we re born , Satu l'", a9 responsible. day evening, July 3, UJ26, t o Mr. und Little short of twenty-five billion Mrs. John Schuck. The little lad iehave been nOll1 ed Kathryn Rose and American dollars have gone to help Lucie Mae. finance other governments, private r nilroads, utilities, mining, oil, steamMr. and Mrs. Ed Wright nnd daugh On Sunday, July 4th, Pres ident ships, Bugar and fruit companies, Coolidge parlicipated in the patriotic tel's, Mildred a nd Laura Ellen, e /l g r at factories in foreign eountries. servic e in Christ church, Philadelphia, terluined with a dancing party, S ~ urday eve ning, in hono r of M .. Late figures estimate that $12,- which is annually held therein oh the Wright's birthday. hirthdllY of the nation. He alld Mrs. 1!j 1,000,000 cover the war loans, Coolidge sat in the pew which :$:1,859,000;000 loans lo '"re ign gov- WI15 once Geo·tge Washingtons. The oCrn ments, $6,250,OPO,OOO invested in presidant made an addr:ess via the J llI'cigo busine8ll, and $1,000,000,000 the radio and unveil a tablet on which are tho nam es of seven signers of the .sho rt-t.erm foreign loans, Declar a tion o f In depe nd ence, wh ose Leuping (01' their li ves from thei l' Whn t effect will this dollar dom- bodi es ill its church yard lie-Benburning plun£! , wh en it \VIIS over , Osinance hav on mankind? ~ome pre- jamin Franklin, Robert Morri s. James horn, Ohi", Thursdny afte rn oon, Lt. dict that America will sur Iy control Wilson . Benjamin Ru sh, Francis James T. Hutchinson, tes t pilot of Hopkinson, George Ross and J oseph McCook field, nnd p. R. Stan ll'Y, obworld trado, thnt American methods Hewes. ~erver. escaped uninjured afte r their , ,,';,-- Ji if fOI'ced parachute drop of 4,000 fe et . The plnne hit in a field a mile away from the point wh ere the pilot and obse rver landed after it· had burned itself out. After their leap, the men saw the plane sail ahead for so me distance as ii , with a pilot abonrd before it started its mad dush to earth.


Miamis Celebrated Glorious Fourth

Mr. Bnd Mrs_ Clnl'e nc e milh spont lIiIlle ' uch pu r pOIe, J( adopted • .alrl "TCfHIItIl:n t :thnll ta ke effect Tu sdllY in Day ton . on th e 6rt! dey of ] R"tI .I TV 1'12i Ad pted M . rch 21 IU(' . Louis Lncey is spending the wcekU .flU O Sl.Ar.;.' , ""ICiti ':" end with Mr~ . Chnr les Mullinex. S To\le ,\r (1 111" Lillie- Edith Heede r is visiting, this Office of til'" Sec n.-r ;lI l tl i SI :ue. I. THAD UIIO\\ N. Scc .... ry of Slate, week, wilh hel' siste r , in t he Fri er nf thl! StAle uf Ohlu, dtl hc-rch)' ct:rl li y th l t mooel hom e. th e r l) rt!Kul ll f( II 0. 11, c Kt:ULv l mcll COllY, ca fe' Cully C'fJlnpArcd by me ~'Ilh -!"IC' rJrut lU3.1 n ow on file Mi ss Paulin €! Green, of ncar Leb- In ni l' l .,TKe' !lUd in IH \' foffidll l (' II tody as non, is spending a few days with Sec rota ry tlf Sl~te :UHt !",uII,1 tu IK' t rue and c'Jnett IIf a {l1 mt R i ulu huU "doill.d by the Gladys Be rgd ull. 8 6th Gt"l1 c r al 85(:II1I,ly ,,{ Ih t' Statt. I)f O hi o on March 27. 19 25, and fHl.·d in the office of the evernl from here s pent the even - St.'crcta ry ('If S!a te. ~n • •\p r ll J. 1 ~2S, {)ropCI li n 8 ing of th e F ourth in Dayl on, nnd e n- tn altl~lId Article X \ f J I . Sc= cliofl 11 of t he joyed the firework s. ' ConUuutit,n, rela t in: ttl .l!l!~Smc:nU rar the 0081$ tt«luinn R prOpE rl ) . _ Mr. Frank S mith and SOn, Benj aI N TEST 'MONY WlI I' Rf:OF. I h. re. min, of Dayto n, spent Monday wi th mll O t ul)lC'rlht'd my UiUIlt: " " ll affix ed my orTlci :lI ~\. ; all)~t ,~l"J~",hU.i, OLaio, th i5 13th Itay of JWle. Ralph Johns al!ld fumily. TlIAD llR O W!oI . Mr8. Guy Routzahn enterta in ed f or (Soall Secr .. Qry vf Stale. a few days this week. Mr. and 'Mrs. Marvin Wells, of Tippecanoe City. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Graham are entertain.Jlg Mr, and Mrs. Rudd Saylor nn d so n, Thomas Eugene, of Wren, Ohio.

Tell the Advertiser you read his Ad. in the Miami Gazette

F. T. Martin Jesse Stanley Auctioneer Auctioneer Date your aalea with ua. We guarantee satisfaction or charge nothing.


Il f

- Mrs. Chnrles J ohn s entertained to dinner, Saturday, Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry McGinnis, of Waynesville, and Mrs. Cassie COl(. 11k and Mrs. Charles Johns and Mrs. Blanche Salisbury, of Cleveland, spent Sunday evening with Glenn Johns and family, of Dayton. Bernice Graham spent last Thursday at tho. home of Allel) Emrick, as the guest of li ttle Miriam Salisbury, who is visiting in the Emrick hom e. Mr. und Mrs. George Scott, Mr. Everett Early and children, spent Sundny with Mr. and Mrs. Hubeh Pre~ lc y and fnmily, n car Blue Ball. Mr. J OHhua Chen oweth is reported us bei ng uble to be out, having spant t he Fourth at the home of Mr, Ilnd Mrs. Curl Pickering. near Centervi ,lle. Mr. nnd , Mrs. Kesler Graham had ns their gucsts f or Sunduy, Mr. and Mrs. Glwl'lcs Guitner, of ncar Miamisburg, nnd Mr. and Mrs. Carl Albright, of ncar Springboro. Mrs. Kenrick was home for n few hours, SnturdnYJ bringing back n fav ol'uhle rep ort (rom 1\[r. Kenrick, who expects to be home from the hospital by the last of the \l(cek. Mr. and Mrs .. Henry Foulks had a s their guests ov (~r th ~ Fourth, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Wal'l1(~r al1d family, of Middletown, and Mr. und Mrs. Edwin Linncrlllan and .fnmily, of Dayton. J . K. Lewis, tho you ngest som of Mr. and Mrs. Claud e Lewis, withstood an operation f or nppendicitis Inst Friday nt the BIniI' hospital, in Lebanon. He is g etting along nicely at this writing. The ladies of the Lytle. church will serve ice cream anrl cake on Kesler Graham's lawn, Saturday evening, July 10th, Every onc come Bnd enjoy the evening. You will enjoy the social hour an.d the church wU\ be benefltte~ by your help,

----- ..-.--DANGEROUS

' Speeder in Court-"Your Honor, I :wasn't going 40 miles an ho~r.· Nor was I going 80, nor 20, nor 10, I Wall hardly rilCtving w.lien (he Qffi~r up," . Judg'_"I'.l hav,e to stop this or you'll be' bac:kiJlg over 'Borne 'one Ten

dollara I" ,

.. -'...._---



New Burlington,O.

Centerville, O. Phone No.2

Phone No. 320

Many little chicks are ha tched out with greatest care only to die from feedin g neglect. Be fair with your hatches this year. Give them a cbance to live a nd thrive, It costs so little to do it. Conkey's has solved the problem of carrying little chicks safely over the critical first 8 weeks. No other Chicle Feed has such a I;ecord of success~ Poultry raisers find that when Conkey's comes in - "good luck" comes too. Chicks fed Conkey's Buttermilk Startjng.Feed resist disease-especially White Diarrhea-the costliest of all chick plagues, Conkey-fed chicks thrive better too. They gain faster, mature earlier, weigh more, lay better,



Buttennillt, ' Starting Feed

is different from all others. It is so clean, sweet a,nd genuine. It is the only feed made by the.- Qriginal Conkey Process-nodri~ Buttermilk·i.s ever used. Only Semi-Solid Buttermilk is combined with other ingredients in the original and su~ful Conkey Way."

Don't Brea~ tbe Chall1 of .


. Conkey's ButteritiUk" F,~ '" . Thr~ in ~~be; for Starting-one 'for Crowing-one! for Laying-each the best for its purpose., . Sold",


Bring your Eggs to Kroger

C. B. D cbnnt, of LebnJlon, ' n 18 Waynesville, today. . 1M!. W. P. :ulisb ll ry la nd f or a {I' W' days: .

11. B. ~~rlrnhnrt i~ in Springfield

t!1dllr. on t URi ne




Bor n- To lil T'. unci Mr~. Frank MiIler .July 1. II d ~l ughtl'r .

l\1r~ . I-I. B. Earn ha rt is visit ing r el11-. and ·Mrs. Rob rt Shutt.- 8pent nliv"s in Oil Yt on. tl)du )'. the wCl·k·('lld in Dnyt «" .. F.

Mrs. Lau rn Musher i~ visiting tho . R. E . I'on(' alld family spent th e . Hurtso ck family at Milford. wee k-end in Br owlI cou nt y.

A ut omobil e r epairing. Motor oil Mrs. Ulu rn Zl'1I h1l8 bel'n " isi tin g and gas saver. Ray Mills. Tel. 71. r eluti,·cs at Yellow Springs.

... ......... ....... 87c

Quart.. dosen

Pinto ........ .. .... .. .. ........ ... . .. .... .. .74c

18c Club, Fresh 42c BunER Country Churned, per pound . .


Eatmore, per pound .. . ... .... . .. .... .

SUGAR P~~:~dt packet . . . .. $1.59 10-lb • • Blilk .............................. 64c

5· lb. carton ....

.." ....... .......... .33c

!!~n~!~~~~! 15c ~a~ s£~~o~. ~!~~~b, ~-Ib 1Dc ~~~o~~ar.

1 loaf Wbol. Wheat, l-I b. 10.L .. ...... .. Bc Vi.nlla, 1 -Ib 10llf .. .... .. . __ ..... ... 7 c



Complete , Platea. CDp. aDd Tablecloth , pl<.

Plain ........

PL J a r .. .. ............................ .. _..... 38c

23c £~~~~~ 19C Lard

Ib .. .. ...... .. ....

Brick. Ib .... ......... ....... . ........ .... 25e

Open kettle

100 %

Bananas Nie ... ripe, lIolden fruit , Ib

rendered. pure. Ib ........ ...... ...


~~~~!.O!!e~i~t.69c ~e~n~~'le or half. lb ..




24c 53c 27 C 19C

Pim e nto. Ib ..... ...... .. .. ................. 35c

jar .... ....·.....

Sweet. doseD ........ .. ...... .. .. .. ...... 15c


doz .... ..

... 3 Ib . ......

Meat Loaf ~!:~~d ';r Minced Ham, Ib ......

28c 2Sc

Harlan, L. L. B.

Wayneaville, Ohio 1Mo1D. Tas Problem.

Life In.llr.nce Tra.,. for .man and Lar,. Ealal•••

F ....ral Eatate and -S tate InberiIa8ce Taae••

Life huurance wlthiD the Reach of Every One.

B••, - Prot.ctioD, Corporation anel Co-Puta.r.lalp.

In.u .... Dce On Automobile. Real E.tate.



Say! The Leading .Automobile of the Year


------..-- ..------


Suits and Overcoats dry cleaned and pressed, $ 1. 00. Sponged and pressed. 35c. We make your old clothes look like new. Soft Water Laundry, Mahlon Ridge. agent.


WaynesvilleH. Overland Sales






The season of the year is now here, when you can expect the severe Hail Storms that sometimes sweep the country and rum your Crops, especially your Tobacco. . We pow have rates on this class of Insurance-, and will be glad to have you call and talk it over. Remember what the Hail did to the Tobacco in thh vicinity last year, and the many large losses paid by this Agency fo~ Hail Loasea, ' It Does Pay to be oD 'the safe side, for it costs very little to Be Safe. i:lt

Mrs. K. N. Hougb an d Mrs. H. B. II. J . H a mm is "i,iting his son. F. Efl r nhart were in Lebanon. on last H. Il ll mm in Colu mbus. this week. Thursday. Guy Da kin . of Dllyto n. sp nt tbe Mr. and Mrs. E. . Rogers and Fourth w ith his mother, lI'1rs. Emma daughter. of Toledo. ar e visiting 1'<,1- Dakin . atives here. 1111'S. Wulter McClure un d Mrs. J us. G. W. Duki n. of Dayl on, has " cen Mc lure were Cincinnuli visitors. visiti ng his pnrenls. Mr. nn d Mrs. G. Tu(·sduy. W. Dllkin. Sr. Mr. and Mr·s. Fred Sroup and Miss Esth !'r Henderso n has r csum- daug ht er visiled fri e ntl ~ in Lima. oved her piuno studies wit h Prof. Henr y l'r Sund ay. Di tze l. in DU)'t on. Edward Bergu n and wife. of DeMr. und Mrs. Mur ris Gr ll hnm (Lnd troit. Mich., nre visit ing his moth er. 80n. Mil to n. ar c spendi ng sl'veral dnys Mrs. Julin Bcrg:n n. at Gree nsb urg . Ind. Mr. a nd Mr s. T . P. Fetter . of lIfrs. Charl es Gray spe nt lru!t Thurs. S pringfie ld . nrc gUl·sts u{ Mr. ilnd duy /l nd Friduy in Cincinnati wi th Mrs. Geo rge Sm ith. Mr. lind Mrs. J . R. Bil ker. al'l McClure a nd Iu mily. o f DnyMr. and Mrs. Burton Earnhart. of t on , s pen t the week-end with Mr.. nnd Dayton. spent Monday with Alvin Mrs. Wolter McClure. Earnhart a nd famil y. Charles Wright and son. of DuThe MiHses Vashti und Emogent' qu eslle. Pa.,. spe nt the week-cnd wi th Beckett spcc t the pust week vis iting Wayncsville r eilltives. r elutives neur Ft. Ancient. Mr. and Mrs. Charl es Gray were in J . B. Chapma n and family arrived Cincinnati f or ·th e Fourth with Mr. here Sun day f rom Florida. and are a nd Mrs. J . R. Buker. gueHlS of l\lrs. Lizzie Buily. Mrs. La ura Shidaker, of HarvcysMiss Marie Childs, of Dayton, burg, was th e IKu est of Mrs. Mam e spent the week-lmd with the Misses Hatfield, Tuesd ~IY night. Vasht i and E mogene B ck ett. Little Miss CIIl'olyn Blatt, of Mon1111'. and 1111'S. J. G. Rogers and Miss roe. is visiting her grllndparents. Mr. lIIurlion Patton attended the Weller and Mrs. O. R. 1lJnglesb'y. reun ion. ncar Centervi11t:. Sunday. Master Wilbur Williams. of. KingMr. and MM!. Madison Earnhart. of man. is visitin g his grandparents, Dnyton. spent the week-end with Mr. Mr. and Mrs. J . E. Junney. li nd Mrs. Frank Tbomas, of Route 4. Misses Et hel Mendenhall and Rut h Mr, and Mrs. Evans Hatfield. of Cook nrc attend iu g the F'ri ands' conLebunon. a nd Murjorie Meredith vis- fer ence at Ocen n City. N. J. ited Mr. lind 1Iirs. John Whitaker. on Sunday. L. A. Zimmerman and f amily ~ere week-end guest!! of C. M. Robltzer Mr. and Mrs. Ralpb Lewis. 01 Day- and family at Camp Linger Longer. ton, wer e week-end guests of Mrs. Miss Barbara J can Furnas. little Lewis' parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Graham. daughter of Mr. und 1\1rs. Robert Furn as, is visiting fill Dayton this week. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff H ull and son. MM!. Karl Babb and son and Mrs. Ro e, oJ Ak ro n, were Thursday and Friday guests of Dr. and Mrs. L. B. H. B. Earnhnrt were visiting relatives in Sp ring Valley. F riday of last Hall and family. week. Mrs. Editib Rarris und Mr. Harris George .A. Glark. of New York Mosher were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ronnld Hawke 'o od 80n, Frnnk, City. and his father. H. M. Clark. of Lytle, spent todllY in Waynesville and were plcasant c[llleM! at the Gazette Monday evening. Mrs. F loyd Daughters, of office. Mr. and Toledo. OhiO, are visiti nil' over the 'fbe Church Sehoo l Sc.r vice Lenguc Fourth with Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Frinwill mect with Mary Louise Zimmerfrock, of Dayton. man, Wednesday evening, July 7th, Mr. and Mrs. Clem Colper, Bell at 7 o'clock. All members are reo Burns an d P lank VallfossC(n, of Ar- quested t o be present. lington Heights. spent Monday with Rugs.Dusted and Renovated; AutoMr. IIInd Mrs. Ca l Burns. tomobile Covers washed ; Blankets Bnd Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Jordon and Wm. Comf orts launde r ed; Dry Clennin g. Kemp are in Xenia this week, attend- Pressing and Dyeing. Soft Water in&' t he annual r eunion of ex-pupils Laundry. Mahlon Ridge. agent. of the O. S. & S. O. borne. Guy Carr, of New York City, and Mr. and MTII. Ray Hawke, of Day- Larue Carr and family, of Osawatoton. Dr. and Mrs- Ralph Vance, of mie. Kans., are visiting at t he h ome Pleasant Plain. spent Sunday with of their parente, Mr. and Mrs. Wiltheir parents, Mr. and Mrs. J . C. liam Carr, of ncar Harveysburg. Hnwke. Have 'ou tried our Laundry SerMr. a nd Mrs. G. B. FrinfTock, n ee vice? I onot, you are missing a real treat. We launder your clotbes by Irma Daughters, of 628 Herbert St., Dllyton. are receiving congratulations t he pound. Six different service!! from on t he birth of a daughter, Betty 6c u pound up. Watch for the Green Laundry truck every Tuesday and Jean, June 26th. Friday. Mahlon Ridge, agent. Mrs. Dorotby Dinwiddie and daughters. Martha an d Glenna, and Miss Mildred Cross. of Xenia, were of Mrs. BeJle Dinwiddie Olive. over the week-end.

Geo. J. Water ho use. who Is spenoing two weeks at Sharbot lake. Onluri o. wri t es that he Is having a wonderful time. F ishing is fin e an d he is getting the limit. e~g ht bass a day. For Goiter Prcve ntion, D. R. Smith W uynesvilIe, w ill not foo l you on Iodine Snit. He will sell you Mulkey's Originul Genuine Iodine Salt. Acccpt no substitute if you wnnt results. ~., Mr. and Mrs. Ell rl Park s and daught er, of Steubenville. Ohio, und Miss Virgil Vale, of Cambridge. Ohio .-have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Ea rnhart and other relatives in Waynesville and vicinity. Mr . an d Mrs. C., B. Jones, of Durant. Okill .• visited Mr. lind Mrs. John Whitaker. Monday. Mr. J ones is one of 200 snlesmen wh o are attending "Sugar Camp" of the N. C. R.. at Dayton. this s um mer . Mr. !lnd Mrs. Lou St John and two da ught ers. Lucile and Thelma, have just returned from a pleasant visit wit h Mr. an d Mrs. Ed Hathaway, of nellr Lima. Ohio. Mr. Hathaway spent his boyhood in and near Waynesville; Charles Edwards Bnd famllybave moved into tbeir lately purcbued home on Fourth' and Tyler streets. Mr: and Mrs. Walter Underwood purchased the property occupied by the Edwards family and took posaesslon this week.


: ~r. Il,!,d MM!. T. C. BurchJ nee Lina . Wngbt,- of Fort Wayne, Ind; have :gone the .Sargent . Hotel. Lake WB. wasee. where they usually spend the Bummer.. Mr. Burch Is an enthuaiutlc golf player and the Wawuee Country Club ' course Is considered one otthe beat. Both Mr. and Mn. Burell will entertain exteDlivel)o wbn •


at the hoteL


Public Salea


As I bnv e decld~d tl) make my home wi lh my daughtor, -I will offer for lillie lit public aucti Qn , nt my rellid encll on It. J. Murray IVll8 i n. W o,yn es T hird street, Wuyncsville, Ohio, on t urd\IY. Saturday, July 17, 1926 Littl e Don ald McKay has My re.ular "i.itt at Wa" •••Ylli. Beg inning lit 1 o'clock. !!harp, the \\ hoop ing \lo ugh. and fO\lrth TIIu ... fo llowing lot uf b ouse holll goo ds con- are on th e .eeood d a)'. of "fh l Inonth. I will .... at We 0 1' Il'l ad t o r eport our sic k nil sistin g 0 f sewin!:, 11luch in Ie, cm'p ts. u ·cI ~ . stnnds. chuirs, olc" lind 0 lot Cran,. Hall. Iwttcr tit thi· Writing. oJ kltdll'n ut (!nsils. '1'01'1\1» <,ush . R. p, Burr tt. of Wil milll-."1:on. <!allMRS. E 'PHEMI A H GU. NI on. R. .I. JIlu l'rl1)' IIml wifo, Il ndll~' w. - 11M!. Auct. Tbere .... many people abo\lt mOI·l lIllg. W a), oe .. and Yicinlty who •• - - -... --K. E. Th mpso n a nd others went Claun are not and ne"" r ha". " .en t o Wilmington , Sntu rilny. evenin g to .. lIoractor),. I .,opeelall, Invlt. YOU JUST SO. H ERE see tho Ilr<,wol·ks. (or conoult. tion. You ea n h. fitt.d.. On e of Ow Western states is now E sq. ·hawhun. of Washington towlIship. gll\'e us u . hort but pleas- using gas (or cupitll l pun ishment. Down in Washington. ga ~ hilS been lint cnll. Tuesday. morning. t he fav orite (orm of capitul punish294 Ludlow Arc.ade Esq. Shawhan li nd wife . of Olive ment f or mllny years. Dayton, Ohio Dm lle h. Hllrl ey Wa lker Il nd f amil y IYorl! shopp ing ill Lebean on. Tuesday.

.T hursday, July 8th

- ....



K. E. Thompson lind wife . Miss Mury Kathleen T oomey nnd Lun Bra nnon nnd wife sp ent the Fourth in Dllyton.

Political Announcements

Mrs. Mary BOI'rett hns r eturned to her home lit Lees burg. lifter spending the w ~ck wi th her daughtllr. Mrs. Ruth Murray.

PROSECUTING ATTORNEY CHARLES DONALD D1LATUSH Rn"ert W. Brown is n candidute for Pr o ~ llc uting Attorn ey of Warren County ill th e Re publican Primary of Aug ust 10. Bro wn's on ly opponent iM the present prosecutor wh o wants II th ird term . B1'uwlI. who hilS never held Iluulic offic e. is a velernn of the World Wnr. and is actively eng'lIged in th e practice of law.

K. E. Thompson and wife , Miss Mary Ka t hlee n T oo mey. LOll Brnnn on . \'V. B. W IlTlwr nncl son. Merl. Misses Peur! lid Dor othy T olle. Hurl ey Walker lin d (Illllily a\. t~IHlcd Child re n's l'nt«'r lninm en t nt Olive Brllnch. S Ulldny cve nlllg.




r11BlJSIf!D W!EII.Y. $4.00

'.UI ••

SAMPLE COpy FREF .......- t1KW 'f0.. OLI ...... II ...,..




Docto r -lO Well. so n. I'll huvc t o give you a tannin g f or that." "How about a little local an esthetic first . dlld-" Angry policeman- " I'm going to give you n ticket for speeding. What is yo ur ntlme? " Guilty On e-" Jo nes." .. How do you spell it?" A Chicago citi7.en hus appli ed to the municipality for a job us night wnlchman. He BU Y S he has to walk ull night witb the baby nny how; so he mi ght us well hnve a r egular route nn d get paid for iL.

Dont's DON'T try to make pork on corn ~lone, i t takes too long and is too expensive. USl" Tankage or a good Commercial Hog Feed _to balance your corn. DON'T let those chicks drag along just on corn, . after ' YOu-have worried, day and night, to get them started. Feed a iood Growing Ration which will insure rna· turity before winter. Then they won't have .anything to do but lay eggs . . DON'T Deglect those cows. This grass is going to dry up before long, and a cow cannot make milk and fight flies on dry grass. Just give her a little Dairy 'Feed and she will like you better and will put the dividends in the milk pail. WE are prep3red to supply you with any of the above Feeds. We also have Cement and Binder Twine.

Waynesville Fanners' Exchange Company

?????? • • • • • •


Pathfinders won't talk back) to a traffic cop, but they'll give the road an awful argument- - and a long one, Miles and miles of trouble-free service are built into this big, sturdy, tough treaded tire by the ' world'a largeat and beat ktlown tire ' man-ufacturer. Volume production and effident methods make high quality poasible at pric:e8 like these: 3Ox3 Pathfinder Fabric . . .... . $ 8.00 30x3J-i Pathfinder Cord _...... $10.25 32x4 p"thfinder .5. S. Cord .. $19.75

Come in and get a price on your Pathfinder.


Waynesville Motor Co. WayneaviU~ Ohio

Phone 105


u ~o

WHEN you want to 'sell any of your surplus articles on the farm or in th~ home, try the






BU8inesa Man (calling employment agency) - " I wanl~ • stenographer With red hair. Muet -have r ed hair!" "We are 80"7, but we have every other color." . . j'Nol Hoat be red hatr-:-juatJik. ~1J:=lC.J: <'II




. -----... - ..------

, 1111 wife'.. "



Summer eggs are more than fresb air and sunshine. Mash containing protein, and pasture, sbade an d water are t he four corners of summer ma nagement of the laying ,fl ock. BCcording to R. E. Cray, Extensio/l Poultry specialist, Ohio State university. A large mash C!ons umpti on is necessary for the maximum number of eggs. It pays to induce the laying ~ hens to eat as much mash as possible. One way t o reduce the amount of grain fed by feeding i only in the evening. This lI'i\I keep the hens hungry and eatinlt mash. Be su re there is space enough at the hopper s at an y time the hens want to eat or they will start to f orage for themselves. One foot of hopper space for every fivo hens is recommend ed for muximum consumption . Keep suggesti ng m~sh to the fl ock by placing the h oppers wbere the chickens congregate during the day. If the poultry house is stuffy during tbe day tbe bens will leave it and the hoppers for tbe orcbard shade. Still another method of getting ~he laying floeks to eat more mash Is to moist en the mash wit h milk until it becomes crumbly. -Thie Is palatable and dltterent. Flock records ·show that flocks average les8 tban 100 eggs" proflted their-owners ' 69 «:ents for the year and ate $1.78 worth of feed •.. Poultrymen who ' receiyed an average of 180 eggs per hen fed ,a.62 worth of feed for an average froflt of per ben. The extn " .79 spent for protein supplements and other mash lilK1'edients, brought . a net return 'ot







"OT.L" D.UccliU. IP.OIALlln.



'" Seven ty-Eig hth Year



i H.~::~::.m: i Sta te · Capital


Prepa red by Colum bus Repo rter


I...... ...... ...... ...... ! ..

The Auditor in every county ~f - the State should huve received by thIs time a voucher on the State 1:reasury for that part of tho gasolin e tax, which is now due. They have been mailed by the State aud!tor, und the money goes for the mamten un co . of public hi~hwIlYs. Prompt collcctll?n of the gusoline tax has bt'en duo \11 a large Jlurt to the work of the for~c in Lhe otncc of the Slnte .'l'ux commlO ' sian which haK eh.argo of th e work . S. E. Forn\lY, ehulrnUln of ~hc commission, und Republi can cund.ldu tc for Stuic treusure r, has bccn .gl v1l1 g much Ilersona l att.enilo n to thIS brunch of the work, nnel to him is due I~u ch of the credit for t he success which. hus marked the work of the division s mce the law went into effect. Mr. Forney llredicts that gus tax collectio ns Will II >ver be less than that of th e first. year while u nuturlll increu.~ seen' s reasona bly certain . Collecti on for the first year tolulled $12,66~,604, or jus t about the nmount predIcte d by Mr. Fornl'Y in advunce of ~he collections. That CO lIections WIll exceed $1.000,0 00 n: month du.r ing lhe coming years seems practica lly cert"ln. Bids for the improve ment or, 201.7 miles of highwuy, at an estlml.lted cost of $3,884,9 60, ~II be r~celved lit the office of the :state Hljthwa y departm ent, Friduy. In additIon to the road improve ment program ; contruct for bridges involvin g $472,06 0 will be awutded , making the total amount involved at this mid-sum mer jetUng at $4,366,1 06, the largest for Jilly in several years. Co~tructs for road improve ment ,"clude Jobs In the fo llowing countie s: Adams, Allen, Ashland , Auglniz e, Carroll, ~olum­ biana Crllwfo rd, Cuyaho ga, FaIrfield , Gelluga , Hlncock , Harriso n, Henry, }locking , Huron, Jackson , ~efferso~, Lnke Lorain, LU~M, Ma~~ lI\g, MarIon, bledina, MeIgs, MiamI, Monroc , Muski/lg um Ottawa, Putnam , Rith· lond, Sandu'sky. Scioto, Senecu, Stark, Trumbu ll, Tuacara was and WoshingtQIl.



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luminuus bl' aut y worlh I!n in g hUII dr eJ s of mi les tu s,·e. !'\olh in g li ke it hilS eVe r uec n alt" lIIl'led bc· for e. l\Ii lli onH wil l nlll n ',,1 nt it. Th o vis it -

___ _._~Pc ~ A CE AT Bollf ENDS AN'}) A -;:'IITHT IN 11-Ie: MI1>1>L G- _



A 1 1


Esth er K. Warw ick


Dizzine•• Caus e. Fall

Ga ve Fami ly Dinner


Mrs. Walt er Boga n



Mexl'can Bean Beetl e



IId J: I ~ l' II L

,..,r k

The Massie Townsh ip Pig and Calf R. E. Crny, poultry speciali st of E met at the ·bank room on Sat- Ohio State univers ity, who, 0 club last week urday night, July 3. . 2 0 All member s were pr esent and n was accomp anied by C. T. Hummo n. 2 :J 1 very interest ing meeting wus held. county age nt ,on u tw o-da y poultry 2 1 1 2 10 2 I The leaders, William Lukens and demons trat ion farm inspecti on trip, 2 J 0 0 Walter Ellis brought muny importu nt ~aid, "Poultr y furm s in Warren coun Attorne ys of Norwalk lind Huron I 3 2 1 matters before the meeting ; one was . ty s how imrirove ment over co unty have. done .a~out ~he most un· previo us 1 0 0 0 about the Boys' nnd Girls' campi n g ' usual thing III pohtlcs thIS year. Re1 0 0 0 lit Ft. Ancient , August 2 to 7, at the years." All of th e fift ee n co-o perupublican friends of Judge C. G, Wash· 0 0 1 0 Warren County 4-H club cump; an- t ors huve bee n pract icing meth ods of burn, eandlda te for .the Supt:c!"e other tha t Willium LukellJl would pou ltry manage ment as sUggest ed by Court, started circulatin~ a petItIon pigs MO'ndny, July 5. Totnl~ the Poultry Exte 4~ Ii 15 27 1 1 4 weigh depurtm ent lit for the jurist IImong membeJ1! of the All reported their pigs doing fin e the Ohio StaL e nsion univ ersity, and the bar. All the altorney s in. Norwalk nnd much intcrl'st among th e boy~ State E xp ~ lrim e nt station. III th e 1 23 ·1567 R !) don't happen t o be Repubh cons, an.d girls over same. fifte en visits Illllde, lOG puultry furmIIome of the oppoe!te , or DemocratIC Lebanon .... 0 0 0 :I 2 0 0 0 2- 7 andWilliam Luke ns invited th e clu b e rs were given th e opportu nity of faith, wanted to sign the cndorae · Miamis ... ...() 0 0 1 1 0 3 0 0- 6 t o an icc crealll feast Tuesday eve. a sking Mr. Cray questi ons ubout ",ent. for Judge Washbu rp. Before their July 13, nt his home. poultry business . 24 boura had paused eveQl attorney 2·base hit-E. Ivin •. Adjou r ned to mee t ut the sallle Mr. Cruy sugges ts thut in ordel' to In the city bad attllchc~ their signa· 3-ba8e hite-G ray, Gons. place the t hird Saturda y night in ge t u hea,'y egg product turea. Then to make 'It more comion, hens Home run- Fischer. July, need more than Hi fr esh air, water and plete, .attome ys In Willard , Bell_evue! Off Smith, 11; off C. IvIns, Charles MacDon ald, Reporte r. grass. Peed plenty of Illush, and pro. Plymou th and New London Signed 4; off , Adams 12. ---. - vide plenty of hopper spoce. At least the endorse ment, which made It pracDouble plays--E . Ivins to one foot per every five birds. At tically 100 per cent from tbo mem- liams; C. Ivins to E. Ivins to Fisch· noon time he ns can be forced to eat bera of the Huron County bllr. er; H. Bu.rton to E. Burton. . more mash by wetting the dry mash WlMlre Jud~e WlUlhbum is known he Left on bases- Le banon 10; !IIlamwith milk_ Only wet enough mash b golnr to get a tremend ous vote, ia 14. F ollowing n 11l1gerln g illness from so the hens will clean the trough ",Mill rllpjlr~ from almo~t t;very oth. Bases on balhl- Orr Smi~h s; off in a complic at ion of diseases , Mrs. Es· 15 to 20 minutes . Hens are like er leetlon of the State mdlcute that C Ivins 2; off Adami S. . he will Ilome mighty clos~to leading • Struck out-By Smith 4; by C. Iv- ther Katheri ne Lowry Warwic k, 39, children , th(~y eat their bread and wife of J. Woodie Warwic k, died at butter when spread with somethi tbe judieial tillkot .t the August pri- ins 2; by Adams 10. ng her home on the Fairlr:o und road, to make it more appetizi ng. Time--2 hours. Ke ep marie•. near Xenia, Friday morning , JulY 2, hens and pullets free fro III lice Umpires -Thomp son nnd IIrons. at 9 O'clock, with interme nt at South mites. Body lice can be killed and by 'RepOrla of Ohio Nationa l and .State ~.-. Lebanon , on July 4, 1926. dusting with sodium \!. Mites banks at the end of business on Mrs. -Warwic k was bQrn near Ce- on the roosts can be florid controll ed by June 80 sbowed the rreateat relour· darville . but spent 1111 of her life in using a good coal tar disinfec tant. Cell ttl In the history of Ohio. Loin the vicinity of Xenia. She was the Brenk up thE' broody he n by catching and discoun ts wore not quite 10 high, daughte r of John A. and Mary Sq.n. her as soon us she deve lops broodiMra Rehecca Prenderga6~, who wall ley Lowry, \loth while the availabl e working surplus whom ure living. ness. Place in a cool slated bottom and the individu al deposits totalled convale scIng from a sevl!r~ attaek Her Illllrriug e to ofMr. '8pvernl million dollars more than ever of rheumat ism, wal.selz ed WIth di zr.l· place April 29, 11107. Warwic k took crute and feed plenty of mas h and I,:old ~vlI~er, He further suggest s that bbfol'e. The totals have not all yot neSR whlll! walking III the yard lit h er Besides hcr husbnnd and parents, culling is essentiu l. Cull out thebeen compile d, but reports 10 far home, Sdnday , and fell. , When her Mrs. Warwic k le[l ves four tileeived by the State banking d~pan:. daughte r, Min Kathc~ine, who had Berthu May, ) 7 ; Chri,;lin a J childr n. ear ly molters and di s/lose of them. If ean. 10; you dll not a.lrendy know how to cu ll ment indicate that Ohio financIa l In- at~onded church serVIce, returnN I, Mary Virginil l\ 12, nd Alicc Lucille visit your nearest demons trntio stitution s ure in excellen t conditio n, accomp anied by Mr. and Mrs. Bryan 3 'AI- Two othel' dali ughterH n died In furm and watch th em do it. The lind that the averufl(o doposit of those Prender gast, they found their moth· infancy . trick is simple and can be effective ly wbo do business with these hO)JBcs Is er lying In the yard unable to h elp The fo\lc,win g brol h t'r~ nnd sisters leurned ill II .short tim e. pot only larger than ev.e r before; but herself. No boncs were broken but survive: J nhn Lowry, Wuynes vil\e; tbat the number of depos itors will Mrs. Prellder gnst hUll suffered great Tod Lowry. Duyton: Mra . Jllmes Holehow a 'lIhstan tial incrCJIso for the discomf ort from the exposur e to the lingshea d, Leunnon : Mrs. Alva Ludpast three mOIl ths .. 'dump g1'ound, ington, Waynes"iIIt!; Mrs. Clarenc e G1uss Marion. Ohill . Two brothers • and a sister.. precul ed Mrs_ Warwic k 'Almost 200 Ohio IIchool children MI'. a nd MrS. H. B. Ear nhart enin . death. wlU go to Philadel phia next Monduy tertllinc d wi th a fumily dinn er SunMrs. Wurwic k wo o a member of day, in honor of Mr. lind Mrs. Mlldto attend the Sesqul. Centenn la'. anli the Pirs t M. E. chu rc h. of Xenia. other inlere. tiq .ighb. TbellC ison Earllhll'l·t. of Dayton. Besides young folks were the prize winnerw the honor gUiests those presont we re : in ellllBY contests conduct ed during !tIr lind Mr". Burto n Jo~ urn hart. Mr. ~he past several months, and wiU rep· and Mrs nes ~ A. Eurnha rt und fCflent each of the 88 countie s of the son, of bllyton; Mr. and Mrs. Kurl Statli There ",ill ·be two pupils from A. Rnbb and son, lind Mr. lind Mrs. e~b 'eOU/l~r, one each from the hill;h Mrs. Walter Bogan died at her Alvin Earnhll rt and fam ily. Owing and the rrade schoob. On the tram home in Wilmin gton, Monday ufter- to the illness of their little daughte r, &ut IIJlrrles Ule,e prize winners will noon at '3 o'clock, from the effects of Mllrjori e, Mr. and Mrs. Emerso n be· Governo r VIII poilahe y and several two years' illness with a complic ution Earnha rt und children could not be other Stille ollllliall "')10 will accpm· present lit the dinner, but enjoyed u of ailment s. pan}' the plU'iY from tbe ~lltIe It {etves Mrs. Bogun hnd been a resident of f e," hours with th e fnmily in the a[until It . retlllNl. Governo r Donahe W·i1mington for the past ten years, t ernoon. deliver an ad4re.. on Ohio Day.y having removed there with her famil y The' CJevellUld Gnya, one of the best from the Springfi eld church neighbo rdrilled ol1fani utlon. In, the Cllntral hood, their former home. She is suratates, will act as the Govemo r's ofvived by ijle widowe r, two 80ns, I.e· ficJal elcort. roy and John A.. Bogan of the Spring fielp church neighbo rhood; two dough The Mexie!an Belin beetl e has done ters, Mrs. Le~lie Connell , a fnear Sn. ~Congrellll adjourn ed Frank D. mllnq.a , and Misa BeB!lle Bogan, ' at conside rable dumage to garden beans WIllit, . United States Senator, t haa home; three broth en;, George Gray, during the lPa&t ten days, accordin g returned " to. Ohio, and ~harlell oIOl}eI, his aeereta rr baa, opened up head- . of Morrow 1.9harle . Gray, of Waynes . to C. T Hummo n, county agent, .ville and walter Gray, of Harveys - Both the . beetle and its larvae work quartar a iii city where the ~m· . th leavI's of gurden varietie s of palen of Senltor wllUs ror I second bul'tfl one . r. e t er, Mrs. T. M. McGuin n, b:an8~and h;jure the foliage , leaving of Harveyabur~. tenn "IlJ' be coiacliacted. Ther.e won:t 1nl1ielj; .ork ··~ CIa until, after.. the . FliIleral airvlcee will be held from a characte risltic Ince work appel.lrunce. the Friends ch"rch In WilmIn gton on AUI'IlR It can be ~ontroll~d by dusting the &II tile noml.rla tion c Thurada of Senawr ! Wm~ , -conced ed, ~d it y afterno on at 2 o'clock, in bean plant WIth cal~lUm ~senate, one charge of ·Rev. -(). Hersche l Folger, part to hydrate d lime nine . will eomee to, hiut without Virtuall) , a p1\.rts by and burial will \Ie made In SpI'tngfield weight. The dusting should be made peIIny be(nl"lP Cllt. At tIM pr_nt C~rch cemeter on y, Adam, townshi p. . . tbe uppm· and under side of the +l ~.ft and 'fC)r· weeb to come 8 .... leaves, immedi ately ' followin g the .~~--, iW:lU"I~ ...... ! ll YUr ~UB pltUl~~ Arat 0" WIOl·m' indicatll on of ita presenc e. Call _ _ , no~ • at the County .Agent's 'office for a peeiallr,j if a w~ ,...f1Ire" b~!, ~ h)Jlletin on 't he Mexican Bllan beetle. . 'earmn e' to 'tile 'fClI!ll a~ 1I~lIIe ~~v:rfIt. Of.hla It:eWar.dahiP tn the Sena_ ...~ ; . ,..--~public o.tft~ ~ tbe'wid. IC~- . tan"e of the' IInltror , anel w,lIeNvv '11 't he - I h," U.e ~neR bY theM ' ~ iOnif -and pOIltle'al ~~~ • \ , " . . Waltjlr M.,OhlN -... d Jam~., . ~. Mc. ular bUrneN was diap.en!'Cd ~t'b and Clure will' tie the hOlta at the meeto~ camping trip, whlCll Is to 1tIJ"t tZW IO! D1ttr.lct 'N~' 10, Ohicr'Fu neraI Jill; 24, discu_ d. It 'la nee.- Dlieatol 'll aAcic1aQ!J1I. _which will be for every member 10 be at the 'held ; iII ~ Muo!Uc banque t room 111. ._ next '~onday afterno on, lu- nat Konday nidlt. 17 19, to arranp our camp ~ .A JarP attan'd&lloe ill apecte d _d . 1.01l1li BaadeJIoza. cood . Sa III ~ H 2

t h a n l h,' 1H" It.:c o f a d /ll i.·

I1 I' H"P

h a:-. :-. p nl l1J,! li P Il l-' i f h y 1II 1Q.d l' 'i n t hl' \ a ~ t lru,,' t In(' l u dlll J! L t·:\ jt u\, h:.lall ci

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i" i li ll III t ill' j.!'l'o u n d:; ',''' Th: tl. q l llll-' til. n I-r a .. k t·" II.\' lII a n y p l ' I' ~t ll l :-\ {' ll ll t t , tl1pla t· 11I),t It \ I!- It t il t hv l :a l n l nlW ( 'I l\' t ha i

L ~

.art \V r ig ht.


" \\"lI at (' a ll yn H li t I h e S l '~ q ll i · ( " ' /l lt.'llll la l fnl(l , wi t il f) lIt ~ P t' I HIi I1 g- :1.


A E 1 2 1 4 1 o 4 o 1 o 1 0


MIAMI S AB R SlIiterth waite, 1b .. 6 1 E. Burton. 2b .. 6 1 Gons, ss 6 1 Adams, p .a 2 H. Burton. c 6 t T Burton. cr, 1f..4 0 Pumme ll, 8b .. " 0 Brown , If . .. 2 0 Thomas , cf . .. . 3 0 Hopkirul; r! ... ... 3 0


Whole Numb er 5709


(By TOM) Our Miamis dedicllte d their new Rcore board ut Frazier pnrk with u defent. last Sundny aftern oon, whcn th e Le bnnon t eum took them in t o camp by .. 7 to Ii scorc . The visitors uroke the ice in the fourth when n single. a field el" s choice lind a home r un gave thl:m three tun s. Three s ingl es got nnc' uf these hack in t he Miamis' lialf of the innin~. A single. a triple nnd 1\ sacrifice (Jut guve Lebunon tw o nllll'C in the fi fth . Our hoys til' d the Heo r e in th e last of tht' sev enth, when three s inglcs , II t ripl e, tw u pas",'. a nd "n infield er 1' 01' \Vl!I'e good for three run s. They took n t.emp ol'ary one-run lead in th e eighth us a res ult of three ~ in g l e s lind a pass. Allanll; lost his gnmr when h ~ passed the first visiting batter to fucl' him in the ninth, lind his bultery matt' con tributed to the CIlUBe of philanth ropy with u mod heave into the greut beyond in an effort t o catch the runner off first. This wus followed by two singles. a stolen base, und unother Jlntumc d throw whi ch iillowcd Lebanon to score the two runs they need· ed to win. The Miamis could not score in their hull of the in ning, in spite of u /l1I8S, u single, un infield error and tw o stolen bases. The 8core:

LEBAN ON AB R n 0 William s, 2b 6 1 2 1 Gruy. ss . 6 1 I t Roll, If 4 2 2 0 Coyne, ·3b ....... .. .6 1 0 3 Fischer, tb .... 5 2 4 8 Wood , c! .. <I 0 1 0 Dukin, ct .,. .... 1 0 1 0 E. Ivens, c . .. 3 0 1 II Simpson , rf 3 0 1 1 Smith, p .. 3 0 0 0 C. Ivins, p ...... .. 0 0 0 0




·C "mpf ire .Girls ,

--... . n·

F.•.uDera. .ree ora Meet



SeC,. .•

The pi on s for th.. 4-H Club and Rural Women 's camps are mee ting with much interest over the co untry . We take plellsure in quoting lin extruct from II leuer fr om Mr.!. Nor nh Dnrrllh . of Macksb urg , wh o uttendI'li n"n-I,0 C au n t Y Rura I e(I th e \V Wom e n's as ca mp la 11l year a nd wh o gives some exc e ll~n t· I'cusons for going to 8 wom nn's camp : 'p' t I nl ll St f 1'Il!'.y kl s l ~ t e th a l , · Irs, I went mor e fol' cU'l'l oslt y lIla n anythill g ebe. I needed a r est but I had no idea it would he as inlerest ing fi nd instru ctive us it WI1 S. My conce pti on c, r it w a ~ th a t group ~ of women wo uld get tug-eth e r and tnlk ov c r their tri a l ~ IInrl tr oubl es. But suclt wns not the cuse ; we did n' t huve such. things th e re. Ev er y mi nute of th e tim e \vus t a k n up in b,·ing ent ert.nin cd li nd InSlruct ed by the best luI nt of Ohi e> St.nte unive rsity. There wlls n't a knock er in th e wh ole group and ' that is a strange thing because one find s knock\!r s eve rywhere. I am going ugui n thi ~ year. "I ~urtily endorse iI..., Rural Wom en's camp f or all co untry wumen us n place whero th,' y can forget their work at home, meet nilll'r wom en o f their county they \\' oulll never see othe r wise , go back home feeling better women and t nking lessons away with them to the folks at home that the fllrm is one of the besl pIact's in which to live afte r nil." Mrs. Lively and Mi ss Przytus ka, who will ossist at our cump th l!, year, were two of the women who hdped to makc the WlIshin gto n Cou nty eamp such a succcss. The fin al enrollm ent is this week. Have YI1 U enrolled ? - -- - - - - - -

Swim ming Instr uctor

urs hnv c s ee n a nd ma r v e l ed e ven


fo r(' payin g- their ti fty c ~ n ts t o "nt" r lhe g r ounds .. In si de WI: a rt! su m 'whut bew ild er ed us n Ul· cyC'S try t o (;U nll'ass t.he sce n e, We loo k down a tree-lined aven ue lend ing so uthw a rd f ro m th e Broad Stred entranc e f ur nea rly a mile, to th e navy ynrd in the ru r distance , wh er e w ca n d i ~c e rn two high wireless lowers. A g Ullrd infol'ms u s tha t this uv e nue is II widH continuation of Broad s tl'~ct and tha t it is culled the Ave nue of the Natio ns. It divill es th e expositi on ground s into th eir cast and west secti ons. Abo ul n half mile below, w e lellrn, is Pattiso n av e nu e, whic h hisects the gruunds into ~th a nd south sect ions,

Up th e Eust secti on t u th e left liS we enter is t he P alace of Liberul AI·ts und Mlln u fa ctur ing ; it is a n immen se stru ctur e with two orname ntal tuwers. The colors, purple. blue , r ed, orange und green. ulcnd ed in th e elnuora le orn a mentation in the entrances, und in I nl! s weep of th e fa cull e , aga ins t t he van-co lured stucco bu ildi ll !-:s, th e' gr ee n (I f formul Illnd -

Sl' UIJi llg' . cVc l' g'r c t.' n lre c ~ and sh rubI,ery ~ I a nd s out in striking relief .

An ut he r Wund er Pulllce. Beyund the su uthern t ower s of th is imm ense st r uctu re th e visito r sees th e t owe r s uf a similar huilding. Str etchi ng down ~h c a vcnue us fu r .us cu n lJe Be 'no in bet ween, is un ornuOl ental towe r surpuss in g in height a ll th e othe rs. A Kiunt scarc hlilt ht is li t th e t o p. [n the di sta nce Idurns II squar e tuwer of grn y stulle. A ~tH1I'd inform s th e visitu r that the second bu ildin g is th e l'ulaCl' of A~l' ic ul t urc , (noll produ cts. civic and f ureign exhibits ; thllt th e t uwer uf light anll th e stone tower in th e distance is at u corner of the vus t stadium in whi ch a r e held athI ~ tic eve nts und pageunt s. As yet we have vi sioned o nly a small portion of the Exposit ion grounds lind buildings, but we are sti ll bewilde red by the imm ensity of it all. We fee l, however, that we hnve caug ht som e idea of th e novel Ilrchitcctur,,1 effects and th e e01l'hllsis that has b('cn p la ~ t' d on color, just irying th ' name "i{uinuuw City." As we' s tllnd in t.h e Ave nu e o r Nati ons d ~b" ting what w e . hnll do. IIllln\' p e l's 'l n ~ pus. in eO"lum ps o f f,' rL' i ~ 1l I tJ n d ~ , A t'au!\, l'e 1':': in in,: , Bu\' nri-

li.. " " f th ou!!ht. T h,' I' r~~ idl ' nt must do hll rd !hi nldng with whent lind ('u tt fl rl

fJl r l1l c ' r~,

'n y'lI, a nd . o ut h,

Ii!!ht ing' " ar h (, lI11' r lin d " dllll e for tI. e fnrm el'."

nn th ing

Th e Prl'side nt will not lish with

fa n cy

" n i e~, "

but wit h g en u in e worln s

ouch a s he used t o dig' up in Ve rmon 0 1' pu ll o ut of t heir grou nd with his fin gers after 1\ ra in YCU I·S ago. Congres smen lire go ing home to rest and learn wh o t th eir cons titu. en ts think. Lik e hu sbands going home late, they ur c thinking up a convinc ing story. They have cut mor e tha n $350,00 0,000 off the na tional tux loud . That's good. Th ey tried their bes t to make this country j oin th e World Cou rt, and become s ubj ect to its deci sions,. That is bud; and more Senator s will know it soo n lind stuy hom e. Congress collecte d some of the money that Europe owes us. That's good. It is a s well we did not try to coll ect all, we mi ght not huve got anythin g. Congres s uppropr i nted ~ 150,000 .000 to be spent in fi ve yellr s on' IIviaitio n. That so und R all right. but th ere is n't any Am e rican aviat ion worth s peak· ing of, und thut's bud. Dancin g, masters " bar th e Churl08ton, " hut won't s ucc eed in dril'ing out that wi ld dllnce. It is probnbly lik e tha t DIll-iei danc ed be for' the Ark. It e n u bl e ~ th e dUllcer t o express fr~ n z i ed e moti ons fo r which word s can't be found. Duncing origin ull y wus 11 11 wild, 115 a mong- AnH .' I·icnll Indiall ~ or Afri· ca n sa vnges. l'rimi tiv e nllln desiring to "expres s hi mself." da nced himself into ex hausti on. Then cnme brief control. stately minue t!.. waltz. j erky polka, q uad. rille. There is flO persona lity 01' ex pression in them. 'l'he Charlest on, nl\owing youth to throw up both legs li nd ar ms at once, will stay until our craving fop " self express ion" s hnll hov" bee n slItisfied. Roy n. Fin ch, New Ynrk's able :'it ate e n)fi ll ce r, s h ,, \V ~ thnt neglect to hnr llc ~ s th e> St. Lawrence costs New y ork ~ I a t c· 10.0UO.00U t ons of coal <,,,p ry y\,lIr. Wa"t c dor s not distu rb

th e A 111 e r k ll II pC ll p1c, 'HI)!I'('"S SilS cl o ~e to the Potom· E nst I nd iHt lS, l' l l.' . ,\ 1ll i1 7. ~ 11 n l -Mi.s Frances J llnney hus bel'n se- th o vast.. c op t' vi' til(' l' XIII,',d l io l1 :1fld fl C' s .. u ~ hi flg r':l p icl s, every ti llY wustin,: po \\'(t r .,·It I' UKh to li g'h t a ll g o v e rl~ ­ 'ured li S swi mmin g in structor f or surpl'i8l·d li t ,, 11 th · th illg'" ' h' J ellll s .. e "H' lIl b ll i \( l ill~H a nd half of WlIshi ngthE' Cli nton County 4- H Club Cllmp fp T th e prict, II I' a dm i:-,. s io ll t o th {' Hil S ,

at Allti nich GI" II . Ycllmv Sl'r ini gs. JJul 26 to :ll . Mi ss Janney is a stud ent in til(' physiclil edu.c ation de partmen t of J ers,'y Stat.e Normal school. ",hl'r!! she wi ll receive her ,lcl!rf'e nt t.h e ci llse of next year. She has spe nt on e summer in her work [It ButU e Cr('e k. Mich . She will give in structio ns in ~ wim­ ming, didng un.1 life s~1V ing duri n ~ the e ntire week. and wtll IIct liS <11ruetor of the newly created ~\Villling pool::.._ _~......._____ _

g-rou n d s , w e llll' n It.· ur ll l h:lt \\ e Ill',,·

Card oJ Than ks

The regular meetin g o f th e Pig and Calf cluu w:" held las t Tu esduy ~v e n ­ ing. Questi ons of r ' ('di ng' a nd managemen t and of clllh cllmp werc the main t opi cs of d isc u"sioll. A tine time is IIn ti cipated at the cnlllp this year and several have already puid th eir fe es.

nen1' th i' (' otra n('p to

L t!:l J,!'lIl'


hila n d

rll l v ~' yard , Un c h' RIIIl1 '!i g r. 'ates l 11 0 va l !i lati un , ~ H\, ,,· ri n).! 1 OU Il lit H '!" , an d t h,lt it is <t pe n t tl \ hd lll n. li nd i:-; v ir-



~ i x t y. m i lL-

rac e

y c!; t{' rdu y ,

apn,p lllnt·s h (,:l ~ cll rril'I' pigeons by Ih r,·c· millut(' H. Oll e hund re d years

U,l!0t s tugt.' cOHch cH I'::lC (! (1 ngnin st tua lly Illll' ~ (If t hl' (' S p <)~ ili,,". ,\11 o r t. hl' SC thi n KS il nd J"n uch Illi" '(, lllult,i:- s l c.'a m l oc l)lH o li v e~ . a n d 1 co m o li\' cs pli e d man y , IlI U lI Y t i l1H ' S , t h L' vj~ i l t . r wo n hy a narl' ow m n rgin . The nlnrtIl ny set' w i t h o ut l'IH," d ing :1 CP Ilt. mnr e go ill i H 1I 0 W wid e r. Th ll sc living will !'W C :If'l'oplu u (>s thu ll l he p ri ce of adm i:.:. l u tl.

1l~li" g


Way nesv ille Root ers

i I l' ~

al'{lunu t hi" in 411 Iwurs.

(,lIr th- 25,OOO

A Chi. ago lady. in n h uny t o I!ct home, comman deered a P!'nns ylvnnia l'ai ll'Olld s pecial t rain, j ust u' Kub in Khlln dec re ed his stat ely pleas u reo It cost somc $ 7 ,o;n .60. Th e lady, pa ying' for 125 tickets nt $5 G. 30 CHch sav ed six hOlll's. How many ure lhe ro in th e world wh os(' time is worth ~ J,O O O an hour. Many. for tu nately, uut most of th em ha ven't go t $1,000 an hour.

We desire t o express our since re a nd heartfel t thankB alld apprecllltion to one und nil . who by words of sympath y and acts of kindnes s were lielpful to us during th e sickne'll and death of our dear mother. W C' are ---_0_ •.---grateful to Rev. Washbu rn for his wor ds of con. olation; the underta ken., Walter McClure nnd ' SOil. for their efficIent service; to those dwhii kindly acted as pall beurers. an a the friends and rell.ltive R for the beuutiful flowers; to MISS LUCj; F!mley for ST. MARY' S CHURC H the sweet 80ngs ~lrscol3doa at°K'iII en Seventh Sunduy after Trinity, July Mrs: Alice Tennis 18 . Church School, 9 :30; Morning J\lshua Foster. Prayer and sermon at 10 :30. \!:\'cryContrac tor Weeks and his con0 _ ••=....:-....:-.;. body is welcom e ut these services. structio n gang finished the paving . ' Rev. John J. Schaeffe r, Rec·tor. on Main strr;:ct Snturda y morning , with the exceptio n of the squares , 'which work was beguti Monday mornFERRY CHURC H OF CHRIST ing. Work o.n the road to Mt: Holly Former County. Agent C1IISS, w~o i! Regular servIces at 9 :30 a. m., and wos Iiegun Tuesday mornlpe . , attendin R school at the State 11l1Iver- 7 :30 p •. m. Come I . The lower end, from the w~hlp sit:y taking an extende d course, Nathan Johnson , Minister . litie to the corporatio n line, fa prac,"Itel that he will be ·on the air from Perry 'Tho mils, Supt. " tlcnJly finished ; ' Tl1e tar\;Ia IIlId Station -WEAO , Stllte universi ty, on _ _ _ . _ gravel l,Iave been put on I\lId the I'Ol!.d the evening s of July 1~, 14 and 16. ill' in · s pl~ndld cor\ditio n. lind: ' W88 .His subject will be "Some Un~own METH.OD1~T CHURC H op, e ned to the public ' Monday . T.he Values of the Radio." Then will. be School, 9 :15 ~ m., preach· cement road was opened to Stqkett' other promine nt speakC1ll f~om t~e In.Sabbath at JO:30 a. m. corner Epworth 'Pueaday , to, thit virtuaJ);V lViU Lelpe univef'll ity who will talk, beSIdes glV- 6:15 p. m. Pr<ouching at 7:00 p. m., open the road to Leba~cm. iDe the crop reports. . Wednes day eyenlng Prayer me.~. .......,--.~~ ' • :..: ••- - 7 :80. . Evefibo d1 invited to t.beIe . tervlce .. Found -Rfu., with inltlala H. L. S. BeY. L. IA. W....b~ Putor. CaD at the queUe 0 ' "

--- --



Will Broa dcas t


Southern S at

Success ful

m -;


f Grea t Food F rui t, the Banana



_. --J ••

h.,1 I It! famili ar sto.I'!! down ' Soulh in lh ~ land of t"lt"". "· .elm u day will >!i\C Wl y I ., ' ·W:.) dO'l\'n II/uth in th l' I~nd ,,\ ["11 11, 1\''' '' it the creams of Dr. J. T . Jlnrn; oem. tnt., Dr lInrr. ,<lise ,,('r~r of to ! " . nanG' l eed, dcclAr s th(' 'Inl' ,d\ come wh en bananas will he th,' chi l' f crop or the 10utli('1'11 tirr (If th," " \lnil ed Stntes . Alrelldy h~ IRls introducl'<1 I h, ' ),,,, nana lecd into Floricla. Th,' I. , h.· .ultlvnt I t he slippery ' ~ldnnt!<1 IrUIt ,m Melbourne forms, thr eXlwr;n,,' nt Itlltion "hlch he' is co ndl1l'linlZ . "\\' lui pin s t o plnnt Ill!' s". ,.js il) (;""r·


£,in, Ahl bsm u, r.l i. , ~i ~ ... i"ll\ :\lul 'II '\:\."'. Lat er h" \\i ll in\' .d,· ~<'l,r h CMI "Il a,

Tenne",,('e nnd " O r. ~



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"f hili alln (].' lIr. \I hkh is as g'\011 liS 'i,ll trary to whllt tru llspire:; in fruit gt'ent "r food 15ul'l'ly thlll1 (11t' nty \\ h"al (I" ur" o r~hllrds in the t~111p "l'nt l' 2I/"l· 8 . acres cf wheat," ~; Ir~ Ill' . Ii cr , , ~ . Tit" 10:111:"' :1 I'lllnl ).!OVI' up produc · "Thl' piSlillllh' ,'I' fen"d ,' flowers uAll 1 nt ed i~ n u ol1ll't'Tuh I. "r.~· ing- S~ 'l'lb n~l!" nt-:v and llHlltiplics it~ n rc' III t he ba s " uf th ,' lJulIl'h, which, in \\' Ich there IS frl ...,ul ln frcllll fr o!O.t ~l'lf "l'lZl'llltiv"ly, ,,('cord in).! to Dr. "'hUll it ns~u"' e" the u ~ ual invHted H ~I r, I". ",IX nh'nths in t.h(1 J .. hf," p u~ i il, n, plal' (':-= t h(l- :,tll llliu u (I or pol. i

"1 "~1 l lt· l l.J rin l_1 l Hl;.C(,Illllt~i.


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\\'ec\, 11 and 0 1h~ r )," . t~. "No. we \\('uld 1'( hll\' t(\O !linn)' bananas," say" Dr IllIrri.. " The bu· nllna crops wl1 uld )i" Inlll t Ilt IlIok ll1 g

PTII.lUl.'l lll n

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he rO ;;T ,d UIHI", th,-' 1) .. all~ uf the ln ssc l ~ but lu gro" tld ... 11 'III Il ld ll· ''1 tnlit." t:lInlmcnl,d, ''I t) !-oulJ,i d lhC' plants t o likl' lPJl"r Hla~ l' s, Th l' ll llJ,{ui n , t he Dr. Harris is "I' llall1 IhMt ~r"'nt cu ndith,n s conduc )\'(1 t o re prot,/ u(' tl (JU mu ll' IllH"(' I'S nrl' Hut upcn un til th e . bana :o n plant!lli( " ,an r( 'plllc(> ,h. II~ o PI" '''''' to th e usunl Lropit-,d cIOn· ft mll h· IJII'\l'r~ pf tht· sa llle bUllch . otton Ihlds " f t l! ~ .. uth. Cott on rlith'ns which. "r cour .... ·. (llvur veg- nrt' U'l.' r IIl1 d dead ~ lin e of Nlllu rl,Jg crops nre bfing ,', len Ill' \ Y ( h, b, II {'t~lliul\, 1ht ' ballHl\a~ IH.' lIlt-! llnr IIf c1C" ' h ..T~ t o hrlnK' ubu llt crvss.po lli nn . life


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t heH' fruitg which d~\' l' l o p , wh,·thpr tit,"). Hill. sincl' (he pull en . groins l)oliina( l' d " I' n ,,1. nn" till' 01"1'1' \' ig- Ht't' Jlol n u l WiIU il n) r IH'. bu t n r c sLicky orou!-Iy t 101' plIlI' l ).:r"w ~ . thr larger 11 11< 1 r" mai n ul tllchl'd to the llll ther s. will 11,· th,' hunch " I' fr ll it. rilis j, 110,·1'" I , I,,, d"ult t thlll in p reh isto ric tim , !'I . !:'o il III '" in":'(,(' l or nectar s ipping 1'11'.1 !,,'rf,'rnll'd tIll' functi on of transf"l rilil" II,,· 1',,11"11 fr(ll11 one bunch

.. r ('rUll I" :1I",t her; tlli, agency eith"xtinct ur

l/' 1Il'('! lflit

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to I' r" du('l' th!..' u tt rH('t j ,,~ nl1ctnr," I'" ILlrri!'o ~IIC(' t ':-;Sf lllly c rossed th(1 rl't! I'Hll lilta \\it h thl' cum mcrciul yc l. I(l \\"

fn l nl

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la r ge sce ds


I h l! flo we r en d of o:xpl'ri11l~ n t ed upon . The

th,· \,lln :lII HS 1l1 11111tl' [,~'lI'k ~ pcck ~ S'"llctim es fo und on I,n fll\ ml F li rc li n ferti lized ovu les IIpon the:' C ntm l placenta ;the f ertile s,·,· d ~ nrc t hrco· c ighths of lin inch In dia rll' t pl',

Conkey"s (the origird) Buttermilk St artL ,g Feed prevents the big losses due to weakness and disease and gives your ·chie.!ts the quick, ~ getaway that earlY broilers and @yers. The lactic acid in the buttermilk puts an e dge to the a ppetite; strengthens and tones up the sensitive digestive organs.. and helps to sweep away t he ge rms that cause White Diarrhea. Be Sure toGetConkeys

Semi-Solid Buttennilk 'No Dried Buttermilk . In Conkey's Buttennilk Starting Feed, we use Semi-Solid IButtermilk onlYt aceordingc~r~ Origmal and au Conkey process. Jt is the most successful feed for little chicks from 48 hou to 8 weeks of a~ _ Start them right Wlth Conkey'S and you can have 301b. pullets at 12 weeks of age.

In the original pack.agee--ZU. 6. 10. 25 and 100 Ib. pac::bg5. Don't aa::epta 5ubet1~1 ~ c.-

Three In number - one tor StartinBr one for Growl~ for La)'Ulf. each the belt ,..

Don't Break

Ill'. B arri K has been hallcd a s t he LUl h /. Ouruan k of Great Britain . For ~ev en ~e n yellrs he was superlntencll' nt of the British Government Agricultural Experiment and T eaching stations of Jomlliea and B ermuda. His creative work won him e lection as a F e llow oC the Royal Society of Arts and Industries of the Briti~h Empi r" .


TO BE CONTINUED So you mad e up with Tom. No,!" you won 't tilfht afl'ain. We onl y mnde up te mporarilywe're gettillg married n('x~ well~. CAN YOU BEAT IT

the C1WD

Buttennilk Feed. •

Waynesville Farmers' Exchange Company Phone 25



J . W. B),Itle r und Ethel Butler, of "Could I see th" crys lol ga~er?/I "No; shc's nol in . She's ' pver al Highland 'tounty to Mark 111. Clark, Dayton, 63 ac:re s in Washington Tp., the 'Plllm ists iI:!'ttillK her ~ ~ nd read." , 1, C. P. Kr oliln, Morr ow, to Ha rry A SURE eURE W. and M. Rebecca Cain, a part of lot No:' It!) In Mocro ~v , $1. , . . "I can't Bleep nilrhts-I've trie/l D.avid J. ima - Llizle '1". P pWij l! ~8 everything," LeVI Powell ItInd 1.. C, Llttle, lol No. "Havo you trlctf t11lkin~ ~o rou,- 414, in FrankIjn, )t a~k in n w' A4ditloni self ?" $1. Mary W. Sahatz tp ltfllF}' B. Hof: ier.r..10~ Np, In ¥ra'!kllT!, 1 1. ' . A man in Michignn Innded a trout W iIllJlJll .B. "ortla!fe an!! }{at e Fl. thot wa s 5 feet ' 6 inches long. In Fortiagll, Oi n4illJlllti, t p 'Fr~d ~ ri p i ts .60~~ f .. e~, ~DO, I suppose. Margaret Sahi urhlll d, wt No· gl1113 in Lo"elllnd Park _ , AU A. B. and nOle Kau!man to Ru ~h [. Dakin, a lot with a fro ntage of 20 feet East Istreet in Park View Sub divls~oll p.t J.,.eb!lJ)(l n, and a depth of 82 y.. feet. DOTa BeJ1llett T a ll llfeJTtI ~g ~hr. guerltc Req ~larth , lot No. 20 ';riil pa r ts of loti . N08. 18 and 19, ncur Carlisle Statton, Franklin Tp., , \, John W. Vo ller to Fred O. l\1eeker, undivided on e-seventh Inter. 'est hit: Ng , 488 , Franklin, $1 . H. J. lind ·Vjv~ Ii1~Wll rt t o Clifforr,l Newcomb and GertnHf6 ' i\l ie~ .~ew~ com a section of lot No. 001'1 in Franklin, $1 . Alfarl!to Anderson to Edmon Stew art, 84 acres jn 'fllnlecreck Tp., U , Mary J. Baker to Willillm and Nllnc[, Slush'~r, 76 Il~rc" !~ Ufl~o~

------- --



~ ~.---

COMMO ' PLE;AS PRO E£D INGS Dj"or e WllS j!1·f\. It d the pillintiff in th rnsc or ;\ 1<11 .. 5 r.. ' harp v~ . \\'nl h 'r ~ . :h:lI·p. I n th ~ cn s~ uf Molli ' F.~ry V9. (j,'rt Elmer Es py, the plaintiff's 1Il0tion for tl mudifica t ion oJ the fOl'nH! r ord~ r o f cu urt was sustuined lI urI thl' CUrt, anti co ntrul· uf their c h ild . RlIue l't Espy \\'11" givl' " to th~ pllli ntitT ('xclusivcly . Thc <Ieft'llllnnt WIIS' l>l'uc r cd tn plly t o th e plni llli ff $2.50 a 1\'l'l'k ns a Ii ulli II Y. nnd tu PIIY a $22 IInh' to Ill' . lJ~ a rth Franklin, before S c pt~ntb" r tsl:. Edmond Stewart vs. Alfarcta And,' rson und [r ene Stewort, it IIppenring thnt the pla intiff I1 l1 d the defendlint Irene Sh,wnrt ar' l11l1rried, und t hat th 'y ow n til(' unllivided thre~­ f ou rth H intt:'rt,. t in the pre l11ises de· sc ribl,d in the I'c: itio n nlld that since the cO ll1m c ncc mcnt o f aClion the plai nt iff has pu rchaser! th e undi vided olw-{"ur(h int.ere.t (.f defcn d 'lI1 t, AI· f"rt, t" AlI til'r:S() n .th l' CIIS(' I\'II S dismissed on mo tioll of the pilli llti lf. I n th e ca s" of J " hn T. lI arbine Jr. vs. Frank M. Cox nnd Grue l' [". Fox. th e pln intilT accepted judgmen t • f S31i0 llnd c st s. J oh n T. I-I a rbinc J r. vs. ?Ieander II. Oren Ilnd 1I1e lvin Or n. pll1 intiff \\'IIS lZivl' n j udR'1lI nl for $3f,O. urulin c Guhriu et nl., v.. Harry 1I "HIt'r et ul. , thl' d l· (~ ndant wa s g iv l n Icave to file a n a ns wer and cross pl'liti un. The casc oi the Vul Dccke r PIlCi< inl{ Cuml'uny. f P iquu, \'~. The E. I\ ahn's Sons Cum pun~' , WHS comp l'O· llIi Sl' cI IIn cl di>:missl'd. Viv orce \\'IIS gl'lll\ t ed lhe pluin tiff, in th l' case of II r lc n J elln Bll ye c I·S. Frank Boy,·". the ddend an t having been ehu !'g 'd with gross n cll'lect of d uty. Th c plaint iff wus r!'s tored to hl' r maiden nam e o f Helen J er.n lIrant, and defe ndllnt was ba rred f ro m ri ght "f dower in th e v ropel'ty of the plai ntiff. 1n !'c-di"olutio n of th e Ma so n Milling ompany, a co rp ol'Ution , the !;lil c of th e compnny's r ea l estale, co nd uded by rl'cei ver, W. G. Thompson , wus app ro ved by the court. T he two tracts of' real estate d escri bed in th c ord er Dof lUlle IllI fi !'8t trnct and second t ract we re Bold LO Clay Rockwe ll f or $0200 $7916.22 of th is amount is claimed by the People 's Building Loan Il nd Savings Compa ny on a mortgage held by th em. Car oline G,abrio et !II.. \'B . I{arry Hesler c t aI., deCend ants Re ubcn De Garmo and Fair De Carmo were given until July 10 to file answers and cross petition. He rman F. Lewis et 01., V8. Laura V. Kooser ct 01., ten dnys were given defendan t, Th e Lo velond Mutual Building and Loan Company, to file a nswer herein. Defendant Jaml's Ca lians, in the case of Gertl'ude Callans V8. Jnmes Calla ne ct al." wo~ g iven te n pay. to amend his n·n:swer. · • Chnrlcs T. Ellis ¥s. E. S. ShroycJ: and Ann a B. Shroyer, court adjudg~ cd thot sa id plain tiff r ecover $2;:j35.20 from the de f e ndan ts.

WayneniIJe, Ohio


---- ..---





, ,

an in


and We have the tires and the tubes that are delivering thousands of extra miles-

Firestone Gum-Dipped Tires Every fibe r of every cord is saturated and Insulated with rubber. Used by t he operators of the blggcst taxicab, motorbus and truck fleetll_ Tbeae bIg b Uye rs mensure mileage and d<.-mand Most Miles Per Dollar. .

F-restone Steam-Welded Tubes StC?m-Wddin~ vulcnnlzes ~e splice in live stenm ~ Q special Firestone proc:eaa - assurmg nn ,dr-tight tube. so Important to th e life of your tire.

Y ou, too, can get tho extra mileage, economy and comfort now enjoyed by the b ig tran~portution leaders and by hundreds of thousanda of sati8fted motorists by e~uipplng your car with these wonderful Gum-D ipped Tires and Steam-Welded Tube.. WE TAKE YOUR OLD TIRES IN TRADE and will give liberal alloWance rOl' unused mileage. Come and see us.

Oldlleld Tires aad Tubes Let us show you why Oldfield Tires and Tubes have made IIUCb a gooc1 name b

fhemaelvC8_ Compare these tires and tubes with any othera on the a.rkct.

Made in the great Fireatone factor/ufo> expert tire 6uilder., and carry the .tanJarJ puJranf. . mOB PRESSURE CORDS

&Od U Regular CI.; ........ , ........ '10.25 1I0sJU Ex tra Size! C1 . .. .. ..... ...... _. lU. 8O&3;u' Extra Size S. B.......... ...... 14." &lx' S. 8 ........ ,., •..... ,., •.•.• , 18." &lx' S . 8 .......... . .......... . .... 19,10 3h4)( S. $........ ... ...... , ... , ... . 23.7' aaI~ $. S . . ...... -.•.••• _........... 24.7~

. . . 8. 8. ....... . ........... . . , • • •• 11M


' le at

. 29x'-.'" ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• '1&.15 291::'-.75..... ••••••••••••••••••• • • •••• • 6.78.. • •• ••••••••• ••••••••••••••• lb'.98 •• • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • •• JlxS.2!J •••••••••••••••• ,. •• • • • • •• ••• 3lx6.00 ••••••• '•• !' •••••• •••••••••••••

E. H. Orndorf'a Garage,


.7.81 111.81 ~L"


Wayne.ville, Ohio


lIowurd M; ·!.Icbruck, mechan iC, f \ May nnd J Ult I , $\1.45; W. H. Maddl'll Dayton , !llld ,11, lry t\ nn. TI·(!,IU, t IIch- & ('n. nlntt'rln l ferr briQge r )>air cr Frunkh~, t'I' Knight ~pri(lRbo- $25.3 1'; H . W. Smith and Co., IIi 1'( namc~l. bnrr~ls c menl, $1i2.25 : W. C. Tu rh(ll\, m4ltn l worker , lun, ·111 hurr Id cument., $10 9.20; Th , lpl) It.lI ~ uf Ftll~khll\ - Illld !ur~":(l t BI'own vf L 'hll non Lumber 00. , lumber for R. Franklin, }lrn!lk Gt1l1Uhl'l' nalllcd. lind TOPUIt·~, ~4 8.411; The Burre tt --,n.. I Ii ••uds tlll'viu, Frunklin corpnra t ion, 102.27; Her ch el Jam es" P ROBATE PROCEEDIN GS tr uck rcpai r , sao 1.52; A: F. M 1In ~hl' mOlter r Ihl' ~~ t \'~ ll1 ent of loh, (ruck r epnir, . 1,40: C h nrlc ~ Gorthe ~~lntl' o f ~; Ii I)l'un. dec n I'd, t he lio n, (01' ha uling . tc~ 1 lind cerne nt ioh!'rit:!I"'(' tux ell lr~' Wll ". ol'dul'cl\ $1~ ; Ennis Don n II, for usc of lu mCI ' t' Ifled to thl' Au ditu r. bl·r. mixcl' nncl l ools. $l ; su me fo r Report of proccedinll'g Illude by ext ra work 011 '0 . 226-2 , $ 14. 1', : nil mr. harlcs W ul:gon c r in the es- HOII'urd Tinda ll, lJl"idl,(e r epul r, $4.80; tllle o f Ben jamin D. Wellon , dcc"a~. Hurold Ricknrd, bridge r epoir In ~ tI was by thc court. Frunkli n '['(J . , $1.00; Ed Grady, sUlli e. I n tho gc ttlemcnt of t he ('~ll1te o f $ 14 ..1U ; I';. S. D" lIl1ell , pUYI'() lI for Bl' njnmin Welton . thl' in herilnl\ce t x half ","nth (' nd ing J UliO :lU , ~ lj 5.o14. en t ry was ol·dcre.l · eCI·tili ed to l he Auditor. I'er r y E. Wad e. a nd Oscar . Wndl' , WHY NOT TRY IT ? executors of the cSlnt e 0 f Chllrl es H. Wade, ,Ieceas ed, \ 'S Ida P Davi s et It i, ~ui' l tha t 1I kin/: fi h(' r lI( thl' ai, said execut ors' w er e ordered' to Zou l· "jO ~' s 8/1x ol'hu nc s(, lus played sell said r eal estute lit prh'ute slI\e , to i~ by 0 keeper. 0 fur the exro r not less than $7 ,1 45. pcri m('nt hu. nl)t been tl'i"d on 11 Robert M- Stump qualifi ed ond was PUrl'ot, .. wing to the presC'nCl' "f so a ppoi nted 118 ad mr. or the eslate of m uuy wo m e n UlIJ chi ldren n Ulling till ' J onas F. Stu mp, deccnsed, under II Yi8ito r~ , $3000 bo n d. Thomas McGuinn Ira Rich nn d F ronk Shutt.. were ap poin ted us appruisers o f tho es ultc. WILL HE ? P roo f of p ublicntiun ur notice o f t he appointme nt of Arthur D. Bluck" I'm ~o r ry. old t o p ," " bl'l'n, ns executor o f th e estnte o f "StJl'l'Y ; wh y'!" Tho mas Blackbu rn , dee"a ged wns fil" M y wi f,' j u ~t hl'u/:ht 1\ new hn( ' ed in probate. Robert J. Shawhnn q Ull li fi eci lind IIn<l ~ h c hllMgonl' tl) "ho w it to youI' was IIppointed as II dmr. llf th e estllt!' wif.:'." of J oh n W. Matthey>;, dccea~ e d. wit h G irls wh o w('ar ('Olton M,'ck ings $2500 bond. nrC' cilhe!' uv cr' '''Jllnilt'n( or ju~ t do n't William Byer s, execu tor 01 the es· g ive n dn rn . tute o ~ Geo rge Byers, d eceased, wus uuthorlzed to se ll 18 share, of cllpiuti st ock o f said cstate nt $200 a ' "hare. The co urt nuthori zed Milton S. Ke ever, e xecutor of the wi ll of W . OscU\' Kceve r. to sell fi t )JI'I\'alc sale the pl'opl! rty of sa id stu tc nt not less t han its apprn ised \·nlue. T he COllJ1: decreed thnt the seven shurrs of a iley T elephone stock owned by th e es tute be sold at $!H.I s hare, and that the s hare of Lebnnon Fllrm ers' Co· O! erotive Co. stock be sold Ilt $25. Second anti fi na l acco un t of t he g uardinnship of Ernestine Wornslnff a min or, was produced by guardi a n Lulu Worns t.aff. First and lina l account of t he csbIte o f Ever t t P. Dec hant dl'ccnsed W09 fi led by executor, Wiliinm Deeh: ant. First ond finlll acco unt o f t he estnt" of Wilhelm chmidt, dl'ccused, was fil ed by adm!'. Prod W . Kroener . ." , t and fina l account of the esta te of J ohn S. Wrig ht, deceIlSI'd , was fil e.1 by adm r. E. B. Hill. The court lip proved t he ndditio nal acc ount of the estate o f Alvn E. FUNERAL DIRECTORS J ames, deceased, produced by Ildmr. G. F. Rogl' rs. WAYNESVILLE, OHIO First alld tina l a ccount of th e estate of Sarah 1\1. ERston, deceased, wns fil ed by executors, Charles O. Fully Equipped for Good und Perry A. Easton. Service. F irst account of t he estate of A. Large Display Room. D. 'Easton, deceused, wos til ed by execu tors Perry A. und harles C. EBsAmbulance Service ton , and llpproved by the co urt. TEJ,ErHoNE 7 1>... Y OR NIGHT First and fi nn I account of t he estate of Louisa Neo le, deceased, was fil ed by eXl'cutor, Alfred Nea le. OliVIa Kl'lIy was appp in ~ed admn. de bonis non of t he estale of T. J . Kelly, late of Bon ne Te rre, Mo., $500 bond, Court ga ve permission to said admx. to sell 100 sha r s of United Railway st ock at $ 100 p(!r sar a. (,:harters D. Mllpl ~ WIlS appoi nted The Ey. 5i,ht Sped.llet a~ ud!Dr. of tp e eglate of llsall C. Lewis, d eceased, to succeed William C. Lewis, under $ 1500 bo nd, In t he matter of the estate of Marion F. TroviJIo, dec ea se d, executor Lebanbn, OhiO Frcd St. J ohn was authorize d to sell certain securities of said e state follow s : Eighty shares Dayton Powe~ a nd ~ight, not less thnn $95; t en 8100 L at. 10 4 p. lB. shareN Cbltatp ;r o in ~ • tocls Land blink 1.nkil Shore l'ower p:-;, pld. "o ' ~AY~ EXAMINED less than $112: 'eleven shares Tese than $95; one Palace theater bon ~, $1000, not lesa than S98 "-, ..., In thQ maHer of the estate of l:iue Spe ne~e , dece~8e1; eXl'cutors, George Jones jind j}eorge Spurling were ord~r~p tp transfer to J'.rr&. Jone Jones ttte rlg/lt Il"cj title to tiV!! s hares of Cincin'J1l1t i Ga~ ' I!nll E lectric com. pany stock,



Walter 'McClur e J. E. McClure

--------------.!'J DR. E. M. RUDOLPH

At Cary's Jewelry Shop


Every Tue8day YOUR EYES



COMMISSIONERS' ALLOWANCES J l:lh n "fl. Jon es, lettering door for Probllte 1l0 uFt, g; The Columbus Blank Book Co., supplies fo r probate court, $90; . ame. lIupplies for p rosecuting IIttorney, ,411: lieU Press supplies for tl'e08Urer, U.~O; J udg~ Wright, postoge for Common Plea~ court, $2; E. S. Worley, ,f or Dodge setill'! for sher iff, $995 ; Ellery ' Aaklnsu n, r "Pllinl on county car for th e eherlfl', 11; Ohio (lor/,ugalcd Culvert Co., for 11 corrugllted lIulverts, $6 51.281; Roy E. Miller, expense f or


In the ~Il a\ th, ria'ht t have shown the proceAs ot maldllC the mot &earn s that oro ulOd to trim m&llY 9t th e more tailored oostumcB_ To muko this kind ot seam you will need a Rtay strip of the material as sholVn at A. TIlla strip Mould bo cut as long III the seam Ie to bo nne! about an Incll ond n half wide. The edges of the seam should br tum,'d back and bnnted to tho stn y strIp so that thl're Is a narrow openlng nr slot between them. The stitr.hlng all shown at Band C Is uautli ly made about throe-olghta of an Inch back trom the edges. It Is a1waya be8t to pross a seam 01 thle Jdnrl both bulore and after it 18 IItltched. RUnBRJh_ JlUTlt.>WYRTR SPBARS" ....phi.' NALTIUUNG PA!'TERNS AND FITTING" .. /roo. . RIo,.. an.wer ree' .,..Ift&Id", ........... Write :," . ' ~ ta ra n. tIiTi ne . ......,. ........

m..... ,ed


Tl fl\Muh"'t.

THE WOMAN OF IT Some girl.l\ say they can't malT}' till they"re thIrty, and others won't be thirty till they're "'!lrrj ~"1 I•



One Harle m husband drums he haa not started 8n argument with hla wife in twen ty yea rs. Ma)'be she a lways bea ts him to itl

....·1 i





ClASSI-fIED ADS...... ',' 4.£


..... _ _

LOANS pn Ghlittels,Stoc\te. SecuJ'4tillS ~nd ~econ~ MortgWe,. 11[0. boug ht, .lo~n H~b.lne JI=., X,n~ Ohio. 'maQ-I~O

Farment. Attention! Fann.n of Warren and adjolalll, countle~ ma)' obt41ln mon.)' 011 Ion,

baarleaf"oU' bu ' been .a· worldj time 10lna, at Ii pe~ cent Intereat. wi4e remedy for kidney; liver and Coat of securing the ..m. fa ver,. ...._ bladder diaorders, rbeumatiam, 'Bonable ,through The Federal LUI



Bank. For furth.r In/ormation on or addre.. M. C. Dn.A~E, ~_

' ~' ~~. HAAR~.~ .

u~r:, "~I"1t ~lA-~r ~~~non l O~~~ •





I •


L' L f

FOR , ~F


FOR SALE--Range in go~d condition, cheap. J. B. lIe88, Cente'rvilr• • phone 728, or inquire at this office;'! '



NEW SUITS Owen S. Higgins VB. Louise Whitacre Stewart. Hazel Whitacre Bunting, Deulah Whitacre and Ethel Whitacre, Hallie Whitacre and Phill!p Whitacre, minors, action to .q uiet tItle. Gordon Stun ley Leroy vs. Lola P. Lero)" for divorce. Return day, July 12th. Mary Crane V8. Charles Crane, for divorce, gross neglect charged.


Menard C_' N:ixon, carpent{!r, Leb • anon and Vera V. Voorhes, stenographer, Lebanon. . Stanley V. Bradenburg, Foster, and Mattie Mae Brandenburg, Fo~­ ter! Rev. F. Miller named. John Henry Bruce, paper maker, Franklin, 'a nd Mamie M. Bowling Franklin. S. D. Stotler, J . P., nam~ ed to· officiate. . Elbert Carpenter . Franklin, and Mrs. Birdie 14ae Johnson, Franklin, Rev. Webb, of Franklin, named Mitchel Gabbard, ' COvington', Ky., and AUce Ma ry Reynolds, FranklIn. Howard Kinner, Morrow and Mary Ellen Reed, Morrow, Frank Gal.

laher, J. P., named.




l;hel!ter J\. ~ampbe ll to ,Robert and .ElizabetlJ GUill», 102 acres in Hllm i1ton Tp., , 1, , Mary B. H offer an d Florenge M, Baker to John W. Smith, lot No. fl4 in Mackinaw Addition of Franklin, $l. Allen D. Holo to the Miami Cemete r y Associntion. a t ract in Waynesville, $ 1, ' J ose ph a nd H ettie Ertel to J. W. R. Bradford, lots 7 fJ9 and 780 in F ostcr's pa rk" $1. James H. And erso n to The Poo1,Ies and Drovers bank, 232 acres in Mossie Tp., $1. . William Fmnz to Frederic Stegemoll er, a bo \il t IJO a <,:r \l~ in Section 15, nnd u , part of lot No. 7 in lJection 1G, consisting of 11 ncres. The Hanuuer Automobile Company to Margaret Hanauer, 8 ' small tract ill Morrow, $1.


Pi'acticallnatructioaa Ia

• '.





ntE MIAMI GAZE'rI'II pouible by Ita Imme~1e profitt, whicb, atier )laying all fixed charges, ...I$SOED EURY WEDNERDAY..• and paying II) 80 per cent dividend, , showed 0 bal qnee of $137, 000. ~ "o.'olPi~• •, " .)'no••"'. This looks ' like good bU8in('~s. TIle Hu ngry l-lolllhl club llicnice ')1, 10, •• Second CI••• Moll Moller b" D, at Dayto n, an day. - ' - - , - - - . Public utUiI:y ,corporations hllve montns' vucntic n. sick Ii t. ' ..~.niptioD Pric.; $1.50 per Y •• ~ ha ng d ta ctlcs cqn~iderllbly in t he . Mr. 'liHI lI1r~. 81'1 Mo re and John MI'. nncl Mrs, hl1 r les E . Emily and Billy Hialt arQ vi. i~ing IIJl nt Friday ill . Day tOil . lU HL d ellde'l No longer do. they to 1- Denny s po nt '"nlln.v ill Dayto n. rcl~l tiv ~~ in Wilming-tO Il . n. L CRAN.E Publl.h.. low th e "pu blic be dum ned" policy. foll:. lin d Mrs. G(!orge B ' ne h hn v Mr . Frank M .• hlu ', of To l ~d b , iF Miss Clllra I ,iI(', o f \V u.' n,'! ill£! , -======c-:--=_'"".~=-=-=-=.=-=-==== Hund reds ot the m have Ho ld 8tn' k purcnaSed lit" Fr allk Ha rri s IJl'operty. vi iting l r. and Mrs. ' . II . Hain 'ri. , j. 1I I'C",'l1t U,"t (If :\I I'~. 1';1111 Buhb. JlJ LY 16. Hl26 1111' . Ogd ' II 'S Sunday-School elllslI to t he h' eustolll ors. Thousands and Mr. W. C. P t:!IICC, f 'p rin gbor o. Lilt\(· M iliK EI<'unur Cupsey S!,Cllt t housa nds o C pers ons who used to hUd a cundy su lo, Saturduy c" c niu!r. \'i~ it d Mr. Dud Ml's. Wa il ' 1' Konri ch till.' \\ t'ek- nd \\ ith h ' 1' bist( r ill UIlYton. Ellis •'hicJuk I' cn tcl'l.ained hiH Thursday. fi r:ht th e utility corporlltionH as "big THE BOY WHO FOUNDED A . un dnY-Schuol Citi ES, Mo nd uy evellbusiness" seeking to "rob t he pub- Ing II'. Frunk Smilh, of Dayto n, i~ vis- . Mus ter tlnt'o ld 1asol1 , ,'f Un\'tol1. . - CREAT FOJtTUNE IN A iti n ~ h i ~ daughLel', .Mrs. An nll J ohll s is visiting' his g'1'UlHl llIothel', JIll's.' ]0'1 0lic," lIrc today their sta ull ch sul'Two-Row Cu ltivators, Sinlge-Row Cultivator., GLASS DISH l'U 1I111"CIl1 . M 1'8. Se lh Prust, 1\1 r~. W. E. I. rust and fnm il y. pOI1.erF. Mowers , Rakes, Binders ahupping ill Wihllillg'lon W ~d weI'" rol l'. Or vi ll e P hillips iM viR it ing Mr. JIll's. Vetters. \\'110 h n, hee l1 ill VcSeventy-nine yom's agQ n boy, then We' ll gumble thot t he Worceste r ncaday. ' and Mr R Will iu lll Wi lle rs, lwa r Wes l L r ~ J iL fnl' ·(·vl.!!'u l ltlo rlth !1, i::s p r e puJ'agt'd eight years, put his pennies in a Electric Light company will benefit in~ to rclurn hOIl1 (· . Massie Gra nge will hnv(' n f" ~ li \,lIl M i ddl c tc;"~l glass dish on the man t Ic. more thon once from its unusunl Saturday eve ni ng, .ful y 17. Ev 'r y1I1rH. Lc(> Greatho use is visiting a t MI'. ancl l\l rs. ' hnr!·s 01-( I('8 bc'" lind He worked throe dny s in a potato move to maintain the good will of the h(,me flf he r df\tl~htcr, Mrs. Iytie II1I ~s J\li(!c OI! I,'~ I 1(' c· "" c' s !, l' ncJi ll~ body cum e. patch• . He wasn't Botinfied with l he its pUblic, sevcrlll ti llY" a t Hu ~g" I I ', P" int. M!ss Nt' llie lin d Pnul Cutrig ht wer e Whurlon an d ra mil y. wages • . . bapll zed nt J onoh 's Run churCh, Sun . Littl e Mil'ja m Dyke, of Dayton, is Mr. lin d Mrs. Evall Jl UI: UII, of I. lt t' One day he !laW n stray turkey hen Collars, Collar Pad s, Harness Sets, Bridles, Lines dny morning. pl' nding t his w('e k al the home of Middle Hun nt·ighlJ(l r h" Io d, haH' he"n SAYS SAM stealthily making fOI' tho wooels. He vis it.i n g r clatin.'s in l,u liufl Hlh)iis, Dr. nnd Mrs. Trip p. of Ulica, hnve II1 rs. Will iam Bergdall. If reform ers would only loug h purchase d the E. Hen ry pl'opel' ly una.! patiently trailed her. For days he Th AJl(j (l r~o ll f U'll i ly 1'lljllV l ' d a II1r. nnd Mrs. Clyd e Wha r to n nthunted ber nest. When he found it, once in awhile' But then', mayhe, moved ill , li'rid uy. t e nd ed th e f un era l uf Mr. ll r adley, reu n ion ~lI I ItIHY at lh ,,· h OIll f' , ~ f .\ Ir . an d III I" . Lc,t! F, ' r~\I " ""' nf 1 hI' (,i nhe took home the baby chicks and they wouldn't be reformers. 111iss 1J ~ l e ll Rnnd a ll lI ccCl mpun icd >lL L"bano n, lust Wedn esduy. cin n uti pikl' , MI ~s Nt, 11t1' and I' aul Cutri g ht lo fed them with scrnps his mother gave ... Oven s, Oil S toves, Garden Plows, Garden Hose, Miss Ber nice Graha m was II gu est Chilli co th e, Tu cH <la y. F r il'nds IU ' f(' 11 :\\'(.' 1'( ' Ct i\ t·.t w!l l'd bim. He aold lh um ill the Fall at th e of he r a unt, Mrs. A. E. Whi le and Hoes, Rakes , Sheep Dip, Fly Spray, Sprayers of SAMANTHA SAYS of th" ch'a t h II I' ~ I I' . ( '1"""11 ,·, · Ifar r;,. Lilllf' Anll u Lou ise 1.1I wso n is in r"nt il y. ut li pri ngfic ld , l a ~ t w('('k. village market. all Idnds, Washin g Machines, Hay Rope, Fly H formt' l' n.',~ id (lilt ~.f lhl;'; p l:1\' I ', Ilut When you consider whot triAing th(' li n It' hOHpilid fll r l h(' l'C'muvlI l "f That was hin first m .. ney-making Prof. Gco rg-e Clurk r(' Lurnl'd ' l o wh" I IH ~ liVt,c! ill ( 'aiirurniu f\l r ~l '\' ­ tuns ilH and ude noicis. Screen, Screen Doors and .Windows, Poultry hi " hOlll c in New York City, SlItul'day, ('1'u l y('ar:-. . things mnke n child · Jmppy, it's a enterprise. IIl r. an d M rs. Cha rl ('~ Mad de n ('a ll . aftcl' spe nd ing severa l \\' t·(!I," hen'. Netting, Pumps And he began to figure ond figure. wo nd er we grown -ups don't lry it (. t! un ~ II'. an d II II'H. Will Whe lsl'l, Mr . Wulter Kellric k re L urned from He fo und that h 'd cnrllod l"s8 from more ' often, -Ilea l ' L(·t.a n nn, Sunuuy. Millmi Va ll ey hlls pita l last Wc·<In l·s, _--three days working in the potato MI'. IIlId Jllrs. 1m Syf .... tI an ti "Ion , da y, lI nti is i Ol proving nict' ly at Lhis patch than the YH,r's . int ' rest on lillU' , Words from the Lips of Great Men ,JIoh ll . (' nl ~rtllil1(' cI Mr,. Syf,·rc l' . ~ is­ "Cllrrut:-, wi l Hll dci' j l 'l! 1" 'U llllf lil" money from his lurkl'Y "bus iness." - "Justice is th e gn'at ligament te l'. c,f ;o; .. loin l1 , this week. J:-\ inuin'l,t l y t fLh ' , IWC:l ll .... (' ('UIT II '\ a n ' j\ l i ~~ LOlli s Lut.y r t urn('d to her ~ 11 (·xc .. II "IIL ""Urn' "r n, in" r:a l n, ut -I .. So..•• he concluded, "it is easier which holds civili zed Le ings a nd ci v. JIll'. "'I< I JIll's. E\'l'relt Vill nrs lI no! hOIll".''' ,n ."Y I(JII ~u n d H Y afte r a tw o h:r whkh is ill 1' ('1;11 1111 1111: 1"".1) to have mon ey work [ or you thun to i1ized natio ns together." - Dan iel "" ", Hill y. " f Ihl yton . "!,"Iil ihe wce k. \\" '~k" ' ·I. lt With Mr s. Chur l c~ Mul - " I'"e,'""'" and Io url tli l1l: liS" IIl·s. T h,), work tor money." " 11e! hel'!' wil h re l" ti'·t's. Webster. l enD\. i, t' C ('~ lwci u IJ y r H't-, II'l \ a ici llJI\ :1 01 <1 it He put his . savings to work. lIe 1111'S. 'r hos. ·Say lor. of Spri ng- \ '11 1· I:o otl SnUl'n ' of I, ' 1(,lIs( :! \'il.ll llli lls. MI'. an e! Mrs. W . G. Wnlke l', o f • • .. even took the penni es from the g lass D II ~, t o n, s (wnt th e Fourt h with Mr. Icy , HIH.· flt. ~u nd ay t'\' C' ni ng and Munday wit h h ~ l- d llllghl,'r , M n •. 1 I:II" r~' II nv(· you C'\, <" u, ·tI h"I" ~ I' r,,"i " h ill li nd I\Il's. A. L. Ke n ne rl y. dish on the · mantJe Bnd put" t hem to Gl'lt ha lll. ·· , UCe: f" r b,·,·b · '.I'I ·~· a lill l,' next. work. MI'. and lilt's. F m llk [I a rri s, Mr•. II'S. Lco n Sulis blll"Y a ll d children 'l Ull! yuu Ht'rVI ' 1 111:-; \ · I' g'p t..nI,I (·, A hit 1I(·lt· n I'cte r~ o n nnd Owe n lIul'I'is 'j'his boy cele brated his eightyl\l il'la m lin d Wenda ll, Wl' rt· Tu,·"tla y I' f ~j. g'{'r al :ih 1', HniJinl' s \"' l' lI w ith s p ~ n t S unda y out of town. seventh birthday a few days ago. His gu ests of ~1,·. a nd JIl l" . Clifl' Lcw i, )'('(,I~S jn vinl' J!al A piece of spruce wood from 0 Mr . ane! 1111'S. D. B. Und er wo oci in Cen l en ·ill". m oney "worked" tor him un ti l he ocbarge or yacht of a ncient Rome It,," One uf lht, 0::1. les t ways tO f prep:II'onferencc cumula~ed one of th e la rgest f OT- recently bee n id entified by the wood ar c utl cndi ng II Frien ds James K . L ·wis rHur'n('d fr()111 ll", ;lI g egg pl:jlll i~ 'J !Jllke it in Icrihrthat Ocean Cit y, New J ('rsey. tunes in the world. techn ologists of th e Uniled St a tf's Bluir hu" piwl, S lI lI dll Y, alld is dui llg \\ i" t· halves wilh o t rip ~ of oae ull laid Miss Hllrri(' tt Tucker hns re tur ne,l nic ely aftc:'1' bpin", upe l'lll('d UII f,,1' ",'el" ih (' · lup. C Ish t he lI es h ~o t hat The boy was John D. Rockefell f' r . Deportment of Agriculture us n 3I1 t·cies of spl·uce .. The specimen WitH re- home f rom a pl casunt vis il with rel- nppe ll diciti s I h l' r ~. ,h e fla\' OI' will b,· we ll disl r ibuted. covered froll1 LII I(e Nehi, ncnr Rome. atives in Fai rm ount, W. Va. + • • Mrs. Churles !llulleni x alld Mis, WONDERS WILL NEVER CEASE This lak e, still fa mous fo r its bellut v, There is no h,lgis for the wideLee Boerstl cr , of Norw ood, has L ou i ~ Lacy. ill C" III JP Il IlY With 1II,·s. was a tllshionahle r eHu rl • Calion u. Cor your Job Prinlioll. The Worcester Electric Li~ht Co., lIobles ot tlte time ot Calig uln, ahout /Jce n spendi ng th e past wee k \('ith Huwu rd Archdeacu n, of Way nl's \'ille, >j'rt'ad notion th r t fi sh is pUI·t ic ularly ' 1I Iu lI " le u s n bl' ulil foo d. his grandmother, Mrs. Louisa J ('ssup. S Plilt Thui":;.!'_y i,-, Duyt on. of Worcester, Mallll., onnounc·os that 40 A, D. It is possible the Yllcht • • • Mr. and Mn. Roy Clark nnd Ma rM i s~ Velma lirnilh , 1I1r. and ~Irs . in October It will Pllll8 back to its fragments h ud been submergcd nea rChipp ed plaet· ; on th e edges of garet E ll en , havc returned fr om a Iydc Whartun II lid MI'. Ii C 1'11111 11 1 umb le rs un (1 oth '.' f g lUBS a rti cles ca n Iy 2000 years. cuatomel'll ellceBS net profits of .....- - .visit wilh Mrs. Clarke's pa rc nts i n ' lIIilh r et urnNI T u, :;day aftel" spe nd- lie Illude s moo t h by rubb ing down fl36,OOO in the form ot 60 per ce nt Adams county. ing se \'era l <iay~ lit It usse ll I'oillt, \\ it h tin e emcry paper, or with tine YOU'RE A I discount on the bUill. Dentist a nd pap cr if th e e me ry is not availMrs. Eli za T homas is ~endin g th is fi , hi llg. Nearly 46,000 bills will bear disMr. and Mr s. S. n. Ha illes r et ur n· ail le. T o ovo id breathin g t he g hLSS · Way ... nill. Nation a l Bank Bid •• City fellow u hibi ting hu ge squash wee k with her !rr>rn d-childre n. Mr. WE GET THEM QUICKLY AND count and practicRJJy very family - "How's that lor a cucumb er?" and Mrs . BrO(lion Hakes and family. ee! home Sa l u rd ay "fl cl' spendi ng u ,I list, you s hou ld ti c " da mpcncd FREE O F CHARGE . will share in what is in eltect a cusco up le of wee·ks at the hona es of Mr. cl oth over th e n'.se and mout h. Farmer (who knew a tew) - "Gosh near Orlll:''' tli q, CALL US ANY TIME AT OUR 111 1'S. J Og . Grassi. in Dayl on, lind a nd tomer's dividend. The city of Wor.' its olmost as big lUI my gropes." Mrs. Harold Gilla lll and c hildren EXPENSE went to Hamilton l Wednesday, t o vis- Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Haines, in Belcester will profit lIbout $1 0,300. mont. it her pa rents ana sisters. They will The company's action Willi made P ROPO SED AM I 'IlI IM "XT TO T ilE all go 0 11 to Kentu cky to visit reiaCONST ITl"fl flN 0 1' o lli e . Mrs. Be lle Coo n and da ughtel'1; tives. we rc culling on Lytle f ri end s Sund ny, Phon. 8 HARVEYSBURC, O. ~RTI C I. EX\· II '-:- Sl;CTHl:-l II . 1 Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Harri s ha ve e'er the ir departure, Tuesday , fOI' 8 OSING AN A.MI· NOMENT TO SECTION exchanged their r esidence property Lhre c weeks' mo to r tr ip ~;nst , wh er PROP II OF ARTICLE X VIII OF THE CONSTI_ Nothing but reliable and store room for r es idence P,QI'- t hey will ait<' nd the Sesqui- 'c nte nTUTION OF TH h STATE OF OHIO ' Serum and Virus used RELATIVE TO AS~ £SSMENTS FOR Tlte erly in Dayton, and will remoy'<: there nilll at P hiladelphia. COST OF ACQUIR INC PROPERTY. in the lIear future. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Wh ite nnd so ns, . Ja/t'rd by t Ar Gf'tH ,,.tJl /ll u mbJy tI/ Mr. and ~'rj\. Chnles H. Gray a nd of Springti eld, Miss Clam Hoftm e lt. B, ,', 'S,au of Oll io, Ih ree-fi h b. of the mem be r. NOTARY PUBLIO family und Mreo J . C. Gruy motor ed of ncar Leba non, and MI'. Ra lph t lect('d Iv both h ,u.ta; co nc urr in, therein ' T haI thue . hAII be ~ u tJmi ttcd 10 the clC"Ct or; to Bla ncheeter, Mond ay, wher e th ey ' t owe, of nea:r Spl'i n ~ b o ro , t oo k supN.tioDal B.nk Veterinarian or " his st a le iD fbe lH ~nne r flf(lvldeti by law called on Mrs. Charles Gray 's gran d. pe r with Ilh. un d IIIt·s. Kesler Gra- IHI tb e srcon rt Tu~.rla )· I n AUIo.'IU I , 192", a pm: ham, Su nday eveni ng. Harveysburg mother, Mrs. Edith Smith. Ohio Will. Dr.wn " .. ...... E.'.te. Settled p, u l In :Jme nd se-..linll 11 u[ .ll1t, lc X\' J Il of Phone 44 Al b(' rl S ta~ y nn d f~,' !... ~on. titut i ofl of Ohio, 50 l'l.!l 10 rend as fo1. Mr an d Mr lifT. and Mrs Ern est Oswald and Waynelville. Ohio Sec, J 1. Au)' m\l IJ I Cl r~3 1i I Y ~(qui ri nJ{ prOI)t'rty fam il y and Mr. illld Mrs. Wil les mort daughter , Miss 'Clt'o, spent Mun day purC'haar o r a Jlprr'iJfl:H{on ( or 01 publ ic im a nd family, of Leba non, und C. 0 , ill Dayto n, where the form er 's moth- hy I' Hl Vent C-ll t , u:ty prr"' III !'" n lflney thr ref o r , ill wbole 1I' l rs. Malvi na Stacy unde l'we nt a er, Smnrl., of Wilmi ngton, were Monday I·r Itt Ii:.rt , by ~.uc IIneJlh! UlUJIl , Iropel'ty benevisitors lit th e home of Mr. and Mrs. se r ious o pe ra t iun at t he Hatc hel' hos- hll' d I.y t he IIn p~U'l l!n:e lJ wilelh t' r ~butting, adI lil eili. u r u lbc rW1It l",, ·;.l ed . SuclJ AdUUm t:IIU pit al. Her ma ny frie nds he re are W. A. Hoin ~s. ~h III 10 no C3se exc«d ~pet.'ia l he n cfit. r. onferred gOl rry t o learn of her illn e~s . , l ltr thy. Mr. Amos Hough, Mrs. Cora Su mit !N,. tli n t'('.Joitlf'd . 1'lJai III li uch elect io n Mrs. Ma r y Carm onY' a nd M 1'5 . Cln- at. Ill' ner, Cliff Hough, lItr. and Mrs. Har.... t" rde! red tu 1101, .JlIll·lIlhUlllt s ha.H be 1'0 Thom pson ncc ompnnied Mr. und ,,!an'd UII th e uffil'l ;t l b'\ Jl ut , In the nlanno r prory Hough and son, Robert, Mr. and ~ -------~!F!!" . "\1!!!!!~ . !__P'!!""1~~~~i.. ~t,.,._ ( by law a nd dC'u l:: lI~ t ed :15 f ol1ow!I : Mrs. Albert Hough, Miss Alice Goog- Mrs. Wilbur Cla rk on a molor trap \'\dcd " T ll :a.ut horlte iU ' (""",clIl liy mun lcip:lliJ.ifJ in and Laurence Rough e n~o yeq a to You ngstown, Friday, ,;sitin g- a re l- o f t he (;(\.1 of :'IC'<l\lhi1 l~ p rn p<'"fly f or PU lJ! lC utive, Miss Edna Ga rrelL T hey r e- 'm pfO ... ~me.n1 UJlon IlInlb be nefi ted t he reby," picnic at Clifton, SUlldllY. , '" olbrr 1llnfJ u are, !; lI fFi cie litl y d('u to dell,. t urned home Monday eve ni ng. Mrs. er Miss Mllrjorio Shumaker, who is Thompson r emain ed for a vis it wi t h nn te l uch j"Iu r polr. tclt tald Mn('orlrnc'lI stud I take cff cc& s ufferi ng with glandular fever , \las her son, Mr. Roy Williams llnd wife. on Iftbeadv" first day of ] anu:ir), . 19 27, been removed to the home of hel' AdoPled March 27. '.25. -grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey U HITIW S TATU 0 ' AWII I C'A. Garber of Port Willialll, as the blas~ STAT I!. Ott OU IO, iog in road construction near bere, Office of the S t'C rel itry ,If S ta le. I, T II AD DRO W N. S«re,.ry of SI.t. offected her ncrVll8, of tbc St ~t e ~ t Ohin, dll hrr chy (citi fy th a t th~ (ore,,'(u nR 18 a" c Jt ellll'ilficd CO P)', ca rciully The J olly Workers' club met ot ~O mll3rl"(t lw me with I Lc nr lgi' \nl QOW Oft file t he home of Evalyn and Virginia Wm. B. Warne r and SOli . Merle , In my offiC'c and In m\' l, frl Cil l ( ustooy u Tucker. June 29. The meeting was spent Sunday in Jamestown . Sec ret or y uf Stal e lind (o und hi be t r ue' and correc t of n 10lnt n cl.olul ilJ lI ndllpled 1J1 1bo called to order by the preSident, Eva86th Gelleral A,uln bl y t.f rh.. Sl3l e III Ohi" otI Dr. W. E . Frost, of Harveyshurg, Iyn Pentiey. Eleven members a nDate your salea with ua. We guarant~e /dareh 27. 1 9~ 1. ond fii,d In 'h~ o/ftc. of tb. swered to roll call. The work of the made a business trip here Monday Se-cretuy of S~3tC', on. A pril J, J9ZS., aalilfaction or charge nothing. morning. to 100cru! A rt tcle X V lll , S ~ lI on J o( d ie afternoon, sewing on aprons and Cont ti tullon, re la th 'e' W QU e.!! IIl CJlU l OT' the nightdresses, wns proceeded with. N. H. Carpe nter and wife, of Day- COMa of acqluriug p rOfcrty. Durin'g the social hour a d'elicious ton, were Sunlln)' gu ests oC the 1;er. I N l't;STIM UN\' WlIER I! OF. I b..·• ber •. unlO lub.scrlllctJ 1111 II n nl~ Mul !lffixed tn y officL" lunch of f ru it and cake was aerv" d. ry 'CamiJIles. len l At Co lu m L.U!I. Ohio, Ihi :l J51h da y o( JW1e. T he meeting adj o \lrpu~ to nieut ' at A. B. Tlllmuge and wife, Lee Tal- A. O. 1926. Phone No.2 Phone No. 320 WiUillm Lltl(e n'as, J lily '13. "-- 'J THA I) URU I\·N.. I ..... muge and wiIe, Mrs. Jessie Kennon Seer el ~rY of "1&10. Miss Laura Ward, Mrs. Lessie Law spent unday in Xenia. son, Mrs. Lulu E llis, Mrs. Helen PeKarl Deatherage' nnd wife wer e terson and Mrs. Mary Syferd wer e ho s te8s ~s to t he M. 1':. Aid T hursdll Y Sunday g uests of Ross Har tsock f1nll afternoon . The room was tns tcfuJly family, in Waynesv ille, O~OEF====~F~F====~FO~O~F====~FO~O~F====~FOE:lO decorated with fl ags. At the close Rev. MU laI'd Jones (the preacher of th e business ses~ i o ll, Il ~hol' l program, consi ~ ting 01 the siiigirig of .ye all like so well) brought us the "The Star-Spangl<id Banner," and m ;s~llge on Sunday morning. readings by !\lrs. Sytr('d and Mrs. G('orge W. Dllvis and Mrs. 0\ nn Ellis and jokes by Mrs. Law~on WD S Dav is attended the felll erlli of Unc le given. A number of !:tu es ts WCI'C Bill y Gou ti pnst l)l', a ~ ugllr Run, !'Iat. prese nt . A dninty lunch of ic c II 1'!1 II ¥, crelln). rns(,Iberri es, cake antI i,?ed t ea th~ Ilbov~ was serveg. . Miss Hannah Jordnn , who underHonoring the eighth birthday of \\' li t II seri ous ope ralion at th e Hale ~t l in Wilming t on last Saturdny, hospita her little daughter, Lavonne, MTS. Harry Osborn ent ertained n numher is gctting a long li S we ll as could be ") of har little fri ends lo a party Wed- expected. nesdllY afternoon. Games on the J ohn Hawk!!, of Wayne ~v ille, nnd W~lnt spaciol¥ 'tawn furnished C'ntertain- M. M. Terl'Y, of this plllce, rnn into ment. A delicious lunch of ice each other at lhe cr oss roads in Wellcream, angel cake and canely Was man Sunday eve nin g. No one wnil served. At its close Lavon nc dis- hurt but th eir machil\cs Wt\.l'{l someplayed the gifts brought by her what p.(lmpl>e~ . . friends. Those prese nt in r ludc(1 Tacy and Louise Sl\irdt'n, ¥ lIdre<t Arrungcll'le nts have been made Tedri~k EVIII.vri; 1tillh EU(!JJ and for 0 Home-coming nt the F lat Fork • Marcella ~oofl , Rose Noscar, Mal'Y church, fornH.rly kn own as Beech . ~ .f Ed(th boater, RlIt h Ohlllver. Allee Grove Freew ill Baptisl church, Siltand Kathleon Gray, Eva!yn, Beatrice urduy, August 14, 1!l 2G . T o every ;. , and AUdrey Penney, and M.. jorie one who has ever bee n associlltcd and Miriam Stump. witb this community. a welcome .~~ await:o, r OIl. 1,Vith b ll ~k(· t R well filled co me early a:nd stay Inte, anll enjoy this day in reminiscence.



.. ,...... ' ,10.

~~. "'~k~~-~~h:' ~nth l :~~I~,~tI,!~~~~!;,..


merSupplies Implements

A Few Second Hand Tools

-----. - ..- - --


----- ----


---_. - ..

Inside Information



-----. - ..----

------- --- -

Devoe Paints and Varnish Plymouth Binder Twine I Adrain Fence


Spruce Wood 2000 Years Old


Hardware, Harness, Farm Implements


-----. -


Dr. John W. Miller


----- ..- ---

/VACCINATION OF SWINE Harveysburg Fertilizer Co. A Specialty


Some of The .Things We- Sell

Material For Your Roofs---

. .----..

Tell the Adveqiser you read his Ad. in tbe Miami wetle


Red Cedar Shingles

---_. -..

Mule Hide.Shin,iel

Ca..ey Shingles Asphalt Roll Roofing Brick Portland Cement



Plaster Boa..d

Centerville, O.





-W"M.Madden & CO. , Ohio •



All of Dlflterilll {:ap be found in our yard every day I" the year moderate . price. ,


New Burlington,O.




F. T. Martin Jesse Stanley Auctioneer Auctioneer



Wall Qoar~ . r_ ..___ ._..... _ . '. '_'..T.


Dr. W. E. Frost


.·W 4lp.leiViIle

o o


A good mall passed IlWIlY In the death of Uncle Billy Goodpaster , at hj~ home In Roachester. Salem township has lost a guod man-o ne of ite very best citizens. We hllve known Uncle Billy for many years. His home was open to all, and many took advantage of t he hearty we lcome he them.. Every one admired the sterlblll: Christianity, the joyful helpIJf our friend. Hie Christian <:..~•• c".. !' grIU;I<)UIS!. was unl~i;~~~I~~!~~e, were his

11al~~.~:~::~et~~n~:J to_.... 'asksmlle_ who

took It ' as a be l the neigbbor was alwaya ready 10 many, many 'h,nckeUa done 10 quilttW tew He Wal the lrlend "For many .1eanr he dfll'apte from th.e Fne-WiU w this pille. when

".. tile pastor.

WHEN you

to sell

any of your surplus articles on the farm or In

the home, try the





D o'


For Results





_~ ::L::: _

The Greatest ·i t for Myer Hyman-'s. Sale.' • • ~.:JIrgalns Ever Offered I .Wa ren County.·



._ _ ..2ZS


W. H. All e n nnd fnmily we re in Gl'o r):,c J . Wnte r hollsl' Dl'r ived h om e Dayton, Monday . Sundny af te r a d Ii g ht fu l t wo w('c ks . in Cana da. 111 r. unci 1\1 rs. Lesl er Gord on we re Mr. nn d Mrs. W. O. Rap('r li r e visiti n g in Cincinnat i. ~I o r row v isit ors, Saturd ay. M r . nnd Mrs. J . E. Drown , of Xc niu. WCl'e \V uyn csvi lle vis itors on Mr nn d 1\lrs. Will Str oud nnd S(l 1I T uesd ay. W. N. Scars and famil y nrc visiti ng were 'in I)a yton, SlI lUrdny. - - -- -: - - - r eill t ives at Greenvill e th is wee k.

Public Sales


As I hove decided 10 mil ke m~ h" "", with my dllughter, 1 will olf~r for Ril l., at public >l uelion, nt my r ('s idcll cc 011 Thir d etrr et, W8 y rl c~\'i ll ('. Oh io, <'n Sat urday, Ju ly 17 . 1926

--=-=-=-==-== -

Beginning nt 1 o'cloc k. shnrp. the -. - -=-=== foll owing lot of h.IUS ho ld A'oo.IR, CnllMr. II nll Mr ~. W. II . All en lire in sistill g oC b('winA' lI1 a chill i('. Cnl'J1t'ts. b\!ds, stands. ch a irs, ('te" nnd u lot C'inl'innlll i. l(' dIlY. of k!tclll·n ut ensils . T ('r mR clI~h . MRS. EUPlIID lIA II Ol GI l. . I ('S" l":'!, Orvill e Grn)", J . M. ThlimpW. N. Sca rs. All ct. son, T homa. Pierce.' GI (' n n ' ~' r yc lin d Curl CLl IIII"r ~ I\ W t he ball game III S ubscribe for the Miami Gazette. in cil1 l1 uli. F r idllY .

---_. -----

Mrs. H.



h os bee n quite

]li i.s Ve ra Price, of Wilm ington .

D. R. S milh. Au tom obile r epui r in g. M"lor oil Mr. un d Mrs . Wuller McClur e spe nt und gas save r. Hay Mills, Tel. 7 1. . Ullt\ uy with Mr McClure ', fa th er ~ I rs . Enrl lI ock£'tt a nd 1\11'5. J oh n und sis t t! rs, n ea r ' Beavertow n. Hich wer e D a ~' t o n "jsitol's , 1'hu rsdIlY . Mr. Alber t Low r y li nd w ife, of Kokomo, In d., and sisle r, \Vinon n, of Dn yt on. visit ed with J . A. Lowry and f um il y lasl wee k. Th ey relurned home. S u nday.

Bring your Eggs t o Kroger

No. 2220

RBPORT O f th e Condition of , t he Waynes v ill e Nati onal Bank, at Waynes· v ille in t he State of Ohio, at the clo:ie of bu siness. Jun 30, 1926 HEtiO UH E S I.\} au~ ;\ 111,1 di scounts. t ne l ud· Ilig rt> dllil c'IIU fl llJ . nC(!(O p l n n CQ8 1,' ( u th l,.· r hunks. u nd (o r e i g n lo i li ri u r ,"I,.' hhIlKO or UrlLrt s

Hold wtlll ll l1:4 hn n k '{\)l lli

I IJJ U 1 ~

Ind ol'fI\-' llI c nt o f :!fl" . 1 i9 .7"

.. •. _ .. _ • •.• • • . • $ 29

Un K{II.~ lJ r tl . 199, &6 1)I' EH'I!'iil('u ttl sce u n' e l r c lIl nli nn t t ' B. hU lh ltl s pnr va l -

() \' /'11rn (LM,

Mason Jars New Square Style, 79c Quarts, per doz . . . Pinta, dozen ................ .. .. ....... .69c

l: -g " IIo"., d ozen ....... ......... S 1.19

OLEO Ea~:o~:~nd . .. . ... . .. . . .. . .. 22c Potatoes New No.1's, Cobblers, 41c 10 pounds for ... .. . . . _ Cane, $1 • 62 SUGAR Pure 2S-pound packet. . . . . Columbu., pound .. ... .. ............. . 3Oe: carton ...... ........ ............ .. .... 34"

C h u r n g old, pound

........ ... ... 32c

100pound carton ............. ... ...... 65"

M.~, ~l;~t.~.~.~ . . . .25c .!:~~~~~!....... ,. . 20c

Count..,. Club, .mall ca nl, 2 .... 9c


!-!~~n keul~ 18~c £?"~~~d, Ib. . . . .. . .47 e !!I~~~!~~~

Firm, yellow fruit ,

Ib .. ..

Jewel, pound ............. ... .. ..... ... 39c Santo., pound .. .... ... ............. .. .. 35c


Ib ... .. ...... ...



. . . . . . . 27c Drinks 10C £1~~c?~~~n. . . . . . ..15c ~~~r~~~~~~~ 7e ~~£~P.I0 45e certo bottl29c ~!!~ ~111.~. . . ~ . . . .12e 360 .ize. dozen

Gingerale, Rootbeer or

Lemon Soda, bottle ..... ...

Sunbrite, 3 can . .... ..... .. ........ .. ... 13"

..... ..

For J ell)' a nd Jam.,

bar. ...•......... P &: G. 6 bar. ..... .. .. ......... .. ... .... ... 25c

Dr. nnd Mrs. A . T . Wrig-ht vis ited pr ingbo ro. S und ay.

~ pe nt last week wi l h her aiAt,'r, Mrs. TI'\nlive" ill

' . 1 i 9. 7 11 199. 5 0

Ii" '. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 50.000.00

'J' nln 1.. . .. .. ~ ..... . . . ... . , r.o . OO O . O ~ ()th t' l' lJon d tl, s t ock s.6ecu r l tl c 8 1 2 1,348.91 Ull nk I,,>: hOll .... .. ' 8.000.00 8,000.00 La willl rl'He r n l w llh If'c dc r n l I(csorn' hu n k .. , " . .. •v .• 21.693.20 -'n!i h I n " fillh nod nmo Ont dllo f r o m nn li o nu.l ba nke . . 1 ,840.7ti "\ln O\l III

tro m


Sta t e

lm.n k H. bnn k r r a a n d tru ll t "oIU Jw I11,'" III tho U . S . ( o tht! r th a n Inc h tdlH.J 1n H om » • ~ . 1 0) .. .... . .. .. . ...... .

'. , 11 0. 13

T olll.1 . ,r It ellls 9. 10, ll. 12

t'nhl~~k ~:I u;,d' ~I 'r;_;r't~ ' o~£j~:~·~!

}'1ede ra l RefC(' r\'C hll nk , loca te d o utl cJe Un c i ll d' l u ~

or cit y or t uwn or r port ·


b a nk) ..... . . ... .

3.83 '

cUJlh !te nUl.. ... %0.00 Cunll with U. S. T r c tltl u re r .. .. . . . , .. . .

M1 8t'.

R c ~ e ml Jtl o n



2.500.00 l5 23.896. 16

Cap ltnl s tock paId in . .• ... ,;'00:00'0:00 60,000.00 UndI vided proCI18 19.6 1.37

::l urpl us tund . .•• •• . .• . . ..


cu rre nt

e xpen.ea

dl~~~I" il,;g· ·not.... 'o~ tetand A'.~l~. d'';'; 'to'Natl;"n'~I' b'a'';k ~ '

Cnah lers check. outs tandIn g

1'~~a lano.l

N. ~~~ ..2.\

2~fh . ~~

Indi vIdual IIcpoolto s ubject to check .. ..... . . . ... . . . . . CertlCl cat ea or deposit due In I. sa thon SO days . .•. .. DIv idend. unpaid . .. . . . .... . 'ro tRI o r tl enm_n d lle po 5lts (o th er th nn banK dep".lt s ) till hJoct t o n 'Hu r \' e . lle m tl 2U . 30,S I. 32. 33 a Old 34 . . . . , . . . .. , ..• 256 ,67 7.56 O th er Um e de pos lt s . . . ' .. ..

TOlnl oC tim" del'Oalte eubJ ct to n o. orv. . Hems 3 5. '36. 37. 38 ..... . .. . .35.8 13\ 13 Llnhltllle. othvr tlmn lho.e a bove sta ted ... .... .. .. .. .

19,581.3 7


Aft('r de ch...ring th ut 'X l" ' ~~ legi "I,,· li on is a basic cnUS(' f(l l' I" ',,'e n [ law · Mi"s ('!ura Li le urrivNI home S tln· less n ess, (; eorl{!! W. [{ (· ill y, p'I'(' " i d ~ ltt dll Y ni j!'hl lift er a delight ful tr ip. of t h(' r ('n ll , ;·ln .n ia Blink ..... 1I,,"cinEast. lion, slI id : "Anothm' dal1g'c rll us lin d ).: ruw in ):: Mr •. Ka l!! Ricks, wh o is Hluyinl{ in t e nd t' n cy o f gll \'~rn n1l' n t i n t h i g (' uu n· A " "Illlll ie for II while . W IIS hOlll e lasl t ry is l he di spositiu ll o f h' l{i ~ llIt ltl'l'o Fri day. to puss la ws . u l Hl o f J,!U V (· l'Il IlH..·nt n l 1\l rs. J . O. Cn rt wrg illl e nt c rla inc(l I.lget'H.' il'S tl) ll1llke n n d (' nf o r e rt> '-!' ul ath e J oll y Ma t rons lusl utu rclay u f- l illns th at a n ' lInn <'l' ('~~ :J r ily h !trn s~­ tC J'f) (lo n. iug /t nd re stri cl ing l o b u ~ i l1 eSs an d Ihe indivi du nl. " We huv!! d ~ v<' l o Pl'd II pII ~"io n ( or Mrs. I. yd ia Craig, of Indin n np~ l i s, wn ~ th e A'u est o f Dr. nllll Mr~ . W lt h- lawl1\ uki l1 l{ nn el ):,< I\'(' I'lI l1l cn tal fo ll JlC r ,· ision . U n l c ~s thi s di : p o ~ iti (ln is a nt , on SU lu rd uy. che cked , ve r y Ilw\,e llWlI l alld nction Mrs. An na Coo k. of !'pr ingh or o. <I f our livl's wiil hI) s tlp l' r visC'd lin d was the j!'u cs t (I f MrR. C. H . Sh cl'\\'o u<1 l'or rcclc'd by some g"" 'rn 111 " 11 t II!!C I1 · ey, bu rea u or cOlllnliYos io ll , Wh UH(' sa lSunday "ft(' m oon . aric u nd ex pc n ~l' S IH lI s t h e p r uv idl' d uy us ill tnx .·s. . Mc"' rs. W. ,J. Bilke r a nd F rp d Os"W .· hOllst l hnt ou \' ~ is a land o f Rorn spc nt til(' w e(, k-end a t Rt . Ma - liberty, an d yet t he ,:ul'io tl 8 rnct is. ry's, visiting reln t iv('s. [hat the A I1l cri cnn p c o l'l ~ H Ct' , by Mr. nnd Mrs. Karl Dcn th8r8~ e, of Orego nia, s pe nt S unday wi l h Mr. nnd Mrs. Ross Hnrtsock and famil y.

Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mills and family arc prepuring t o move into t he north side of the Sheehan property , on Third street. .

---1 5,3. 806.16

Charles Michener left Tuesday, by S t a t e o f Ohi o , Cou nty of Warr en , "I: auto, for Pittsburg, wh er e he will 1. L . M. Henderso n. cas hier of the spend several dl~ YS with his brother. I1b uv o ~ nam ed b n.nk, do tlol c Dlnly swear William and farnily. that tho abpv e statement Ie true to the beet or my 'k nowledg o nnd beltef. Mr. and Mrs. wm Ru ssum, Mr. L . 1.1. HENDEIlSON, Caehler Su bscribed and aWorn to berore me and Mrs. GnU Ru ssum lind children, thl8 Uth dny o f July, 1926. of Dayton, spent Sundny with Mrs. Mnhlon Ridg e, Co rr ec t Altes t : Notary Public. Mary Edwards and fam ily.

Brick, each ...... " .. .... .. .... ... .. ....... 1O'c

Mr. and Mrs, F. M. Co le, Rev. and

(i ~\ ,il 9 :! . Ul

t o ch ec k . ... . . . , . . .. , . , . . , Ce rt i ficates of d on ol! l t d llo

In l efts th a n ;) 0 dn y o ( o l he r

th n n f o r T o t nl u r

nl o n e ~f


bOl'rowml. ,

d c ma nu

lI e l) o~ 1t 8

20 . 30. Jl . H:!. :l3 onel 304 • •• , •• • , •• • • , ' S7 0.:!U2 ,91 Cert (OLh('r t hnHl n c nt (ol!r 6 moro n de ey poslt b o r r ow od)

T o t n l o r ti m e joet

de p o~ lt u


The center of gravity of the Ovcrlrod Whippet is ex· trcmcl y low, with ample road clearance _.. thus giving a~ of security you have never fouod in any light Clfbc:fcxe. That higb-~p-in-the-air feeling is gone ... hac is a new kind of riding comfort. Come in uxby and let us shoW. you 'this wooderful DeW-type car

OVERLAND Whippet A~'s NIJtII~Tns Lil.' CIIr .



Waynesville Overland Sales ·Co•. H. Arc....con

EM E RY WH EELS- a ll sizes. Speciu l price o n II la rge lot at the BOC KLET -KI NG CO., Xenia, Ohill.

Political Announcements I - ---- ----_ . -. - ---

1'1W SECUTING AT TORNEY \\.' IIl'e 1I11 1horiz('cl Lo Hn nOlln ec ClIAH LJo:S I )O NALI ) DIL A1' US II , us a c Hll d itintp f o r

n~-e l e (' t.ill n

for Prng·

OClIlill!! A Llo "ll l'Y, su bj ect to lho H,'p u blican Pdlllllry. AU).:lII;t 10, 1!J 2 G ow;"c to di.appointment in flllinr . Hob('rt W . Brow n is a cltncliclll l c (Cl r my regular visit I• • t Thursday, I will P r o"l:cuti nJ.: AIIl) rn "y (I f Warr en b e in Wnyn"",ille "t Gran ..a Hall, CoulI l v in t he l{cp ll bliclt l1 Prim ll ry o f AlIg"lI ';t 10. TI "ow n' R only opponenl is t lw lH' t' !"'w tlt l)J'O~ ll l' \l t tl r w hu wan t.s a lh ird \ \' 1'11\ . Brown, wh o ha ~ J1L' Vl' r he ld publ it' UIli Cl' . i" a "<'I " l' lIn o f lh e

Thursday, July 15

If your claues are not .ati.faclo" 'o dd Wa r, lind i" aelin·ly e ngag ed ry. co mo in find out why. No charle i n th l' p rn ctict' nf l a\~. I lor c.on li ultatioD. ;\ l1 nITOH ) W e are aU l hori zed to It IlI1 Cl llIt C(' \\r ILL R. LF. WI S li S 11 call cl id llL~ for 294 Ludlow Arcade Aud ilol', suhject t o th e RCPlI hliclIll1 Pr imu r y, Aug ust 10, HJ 2 6. " Dayton, Ohio

G. H. BROWER, Oph. D.



The season of tlie year is now ben;. when you can expect the severe Hail Storms that sometimes /;weep the cOllotry and ruin your Crops, especially your Tobacco. We now have rates on this class of Insurance, and will be glad to have you call aod talk it over. Remember what the Hail did to the Tobacco in this vicinity last year, and the many large losses paid by this Agency for Hail Losses. It Does Pay to be 011 the safe side. for it costs very little to Be Safe.

f. D. Dakin



Waynesville, Ohio

t o . 1tC-8e r ve,

3, li O,OO

Jt t' ln8


36. 37 a n d 3R .. ... . f ~.ijr. o . o o

n ill s

pa y ab le

(IHe t u l i ll g Illl o ltll gntJo n s r e p r C 8 e IHln g mOlloy b o rr o w cLi oth e r th n n r cd l "co \lllt ~

..._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

. . ... . . . . ... . . .




Waynesville, Ohio


Stnte of OhI o. Co unty or Warren, a8: I. H . S . Tuck er. CnH hl el' of tho a bove·

Harlan, L. L. B.


Income Tall Problem.

Lif. ..'••

Federal E.tate and State Inheri. tance Tax•••

Life I ••• r ••c. Witili. of E..r~ 0.•. Protection, Carporatio. a nd Co.Part•• rahip.

I ulurance

Trull. fer . and Lar... E ••••••• .



I.all R ....

.A.tomohi. . . . . . E ......

As One Farme r to Anothe r

. ' Herbert Edwa rrls returned to his home in Kansas City la st week, after a visit with relatives he re. His father. O. J. Edwards accompanie d him a s far as Topeka, arriving hom e Sunday evening,

C-;-'d lIJith oU-! tJJhhhftd, bit,. ~ urs fix W bippet tlppetJ,J ~u, tJnJ ,,,Ncb more grlKe!*1


County Recorder Republican Primary, Au g u.t 10,1926.


n am ed ba nk . ' ,10 Ao l c mnly s.wea r that lh o a bov e s ta te m e nt Is tru o to the bost Mrs, L, A. Washburn, Mr. and Mrs. or illY kn ow ledge n nd boll r.

For Goiter Prevention, D. R. Smith Waynesville, will not fool you on Iodine Salt. He will sell you Mulkey's Original Genuine Iodine Salt. Accept no substitute if you want results .

\:; -:t'f l

Candidate for

(o t h e r t h a n h nn k d e po }oll t fl ) 8 u bj ec t t o I! CAl\ I' VC, J l ema

C. H. Sherwood attended the District Su bscribed nn') s wo r n to be foro mo thl H 8th da)' or ,Ju l y . 1 D26. picnic near Blanchester, Tuesday. CH AR LES MA DDEN, Notnry Pu blic Corr ect At te et C. D. COO K . Mr. and Mrs. Warre n Brown , of T . F . McGU INN W8.llhington- D. C., and Thomas Far· A. S. COLL ET'l': quar, of AlexandriaviIle, were wee k· DIrectors. end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse ""Burton and family. Ii Rugs Dusted a.nd Ren ovated; Auto· tomobile Covers washed; Blankets lind Comforts launde red; Dry Cleaning, Pressing and Dyeing. Soft Water Laundry. Mahlon Ridge, IIgent.


F ARMERS-Why not trade where . you can ge wh at you want and ut th e right prices? Pumps for all pur· JlO SllS, pipe vu lves and flllings, bel t· in g , hose Iln<l paekingB. THE BOCK· LI!:'l'-KING CO., 415 W. Ma!n St, Xe nin, Ohio. jy21


Messrs . F. L. an d E d We isbrodt, of Sard inia, were g uests Inst w eek Of condition of the Harveys burg of Mr. and Mrs. C. 111 . Robi tzer . National Bank at Harv eys burg. in the State of Ohio. at th e c lose of Mrs. E . M. Ke nt nnd son, Geo rge, busine!lS. on June 30. 1926. of Bellevue , Ohio, were we ek-e nd RBsounCES g uests of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Rye. l.Oan 8 & d l8Colln t8 . , 57 ,n S.2 1 ' 5 7. 9 30.2 1 rJ rO jr l~ . ul up~ ' ur o d 11-.1 1),""0 14 U.'IO Mrs . Chnrles Gray was in Ha rveys - vn' All o tho r U nite d S t n t eR (fovburg, MondllY. to vis it her s ister . Mrs. ornm Ilt fl: e ClI rll IC9 .. $ 1.01 17.0fi 1, .01 17 .6 5 O l h e r lJon d s. Ht ock g. s ...·c ur l W. T. Jordan, who is seriously ill. t 1C8 .. et c .. own e d . " ... , .. . :!4 . fi l O.23 Oanklng ho uoe ... . . SG. 99 4. aS Suits and Overcoats dry cleaned 1"Urllllll l"e & Ilx tli res . U.Xon.Oll 13, 7114.;; 8 and pressed, $1.00. Sponged and' ttol\ l es tnle own <I othel' l ha n 300.00 pressed, 35c. W e make your old I~l~~rll\n ~\!~o~~~::, ' ~v'llh " 'I;~ d : clothes look like n ew. Soft W nt er eml n ~"er"e Hlln k ..... . .. . G.HO .3" Laundry, Ma hlon Ridge. agent. cS~~ !~·~m\· ~~lt\ o l~'~lc\~I~~~~I.' ~ 6 ..~(U.~1

Mrs. Laura Mosh er hilS returned T,:'~ ~ 1 "1 30r . ~~~I.'~~ .~'. " Oirn~~I;~ hom e from Milford , wh er e sh e visited MI8<:"1l Il neo us c" oh lt elll,. . 53 .H seve ral days with F . C. Hartsock and Total. . .. . .. . .. .... . . . . .... ' ''' • .7"7.40 family. L1 A ~ I Lt 1'I ES 21.3 ,33 9.5 6 Cap ll nl stOCK pIli') I n . .... . .. 1%.000.00 338.0 0 Mr. nnd ?\trs . Lym nn Day an d SIlI'p lu8 l und •. , . .. . ... . ... -I . :!G O.O U 2.000.00 children were di nn er j:!'u ests S unday , Ulldlc·lclc.l proUt . .. . $ 45·~. '1 9 Hese l'\" " tO I '~ . . . . .. ,. of Mr. and Mr:s. Charles And erson ~~3f\'I~':I'~t n~,l e~~I;r:~8e88u~j~~t a nd famil y .•


Allen Huffman

25 _

1 0. 000.00 2, 759.47

G4. G2


CHARTER NO . 11617


36.8 1'3. 13

Late Classilied Ads,

Inw. f or bidde n to do more things , and order ed 10 do more thin gs thlln was l he ('u sc o f Hu saia un der th t' Czar, or in T ur key, und er the Sultan."

Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Maxwell and granddaughter, Virginin Lack('y. Mrs. Nelle Sowllrd a nd n eice, Frances Watson, of Be llbrook. were Thursday dinn er guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry McGinnis. Mrs. H. E. Hathaway was called to London, Ohio, last we ek on account of the illness of her s ister-inlaw, Mrs. Ernest Rosnagle. Dr. Hath· aWIlY joined her there on S.u nday, both returning home Sunday evening. Mrs. Jesse Burton and son, Howard. in company with Mrs. Burton's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and ldrs . Warren Brown, of Wasington D. C., and Mrs. Lillie Harris, of Mid'dletown, left Tuesday, on a motor trip to Kansas City. Have you tried our Laundry Serv ice? U ,not, you are miMing a real treat. We launder, your clothes by the pounjl. Silt different services from 6e' a pound up. Watch for tlie Gree n . Laundry truck every Tuesday and Friday. Mahlon ' Ri , dge, agent. Mrs. E~ph,mia Hough, her daughter, ¥rs: "Guy Kibler, ' and children, of Dilyton, is here for a few dllys gettin, fj!ady for the 1liiIe ' of her houael,lold goode, which will be next Saturday. Mrs. Houah haa eold her realdenee to .h er BonJ. Vern. and will make in uayton )VIth her,r.

When we tell you that we honestly beli~ve the NEW IDEA is without a peer in the spreader field; we are talking to you as one farmer to another. This, because we are farmers ourselves, and most of Qur factory workers were born and r~ist:d .on farms: inj 'tQe I!,eighborhood .of Coldwater. ,. . . >I '• • , We all feel that we are performing a real $etvlce for the farmer by manufacturing NE·W .IDEA Spreaders, because we are showing hin:t ' the' way to>~ake money, which means .more comforts, nlC;>te ,Iulu:'ies, 'more prestige in his corom·unity. . ' \ 1

Waynesville-M otor GompUi;x , "Phone 105

W aJDeaviUe, Ohio


. 6 PACE S





J~2 6

Whole Num ber 5710' o


. ~... ::::::::::.;:~;:: ••• FUNERAL DIRECTORS


ROYALLY ENTERTAINED i~Jn the ,.,.·. .· . .""""·1 State . Capital




MctlSrs. WnitH and James McClure were hosts to tbe Ohio Funeral DiLus t wC'£'k whc ' u th .... L l'banlln t{'\:lnl po. tp" ,,,·d lh e thi rd ga m,· " I' th ,·ir " ~ . , rectors associat ion of District No. 10, Prepa red by Ilt their July meotlng , which WIlS held r i e~ with lh · ~ l ial11 h" n U Sill ~ HS Ula nIn the Masonic bonquet room last Ilg"r r ... ·n , I l' ,·I-::\ ~ t got hu , y lind book· Colum bul Repo rter Mondny night. pd a }!a1l1(' wilh lh t' ir lonJ.! -t ilU t;.· l' i.' ~ The m embers of th e u8sociat i on v al ~ . B ( · ll ~ l' o"k. fur Su nday lift er· with their wivee, and special guests 11 0nn at FI'H~il ' r pal'k . Th i~ ~ f' ('m c d of the McClure s, met nt the home of t o Lt:" n !'l ia.!'IlFl I f" , r s pv l' rnl (I f th e r ( g" - III STOR I ES HI G H Oblo's crimina l populat ion InsIde ll owu rd Mrs. Walter Mc Clure, and Mr. IIlar:~ t il l llkl' a \:lralilln . large . four the H IS D IA MOND T EE TH of one tbe waUa oC td rccciv y o n a wdl- t ';\l' rll' d 'd tt cordiall l' 'p;l d, wore had n they tn ur B where p enA) lnatltuti ons was.lnc reased from YOUNG PEOP L E WOR TH WHIL E VII(' utl(l n l ·H .- lil' I' I II tlit' \\'(: \!k. fully (-' xby the hosts and their wives. 'l'he 429ir dn June 30, 1926 to 6672 on the y rel':trr would recently jll' l'Lillj.." t h al ilL", mah'K McCluro home, which, aame date this yoar. The Increase === --=- -o n \\hi lt· Ih' .••. :I:i l1way. IJllt tltv cau '"u modeled, brilliant ly lighted nnd his· e th all In largest the 1273 waB .I""p il ... exquislin of r,·nt Il:" vases ali" fu t· I I ... fdh"r ",11 adorned with large Ikl ,·.,i l pia,," il IllI ild in)! of eighty. tory of Ohio. During the some time all d ulIl' ;\.pl:t ill t· d 1H ~ ~ ll· r y . r oses and other fiowers, prese nt11111' ... t" r il ·t'o, Rj" :i f l l: l hihh I\lIot her the populat ion of the hospitals f or ite Jh·llIlJ"tllJk :lrt' jvl,d al. F"II 1. it·I' pur k rt ·('" r d ),r f) kcn I,y De troit.. a c ha rmi ng Bcene. the inBllne Will lncrcBse d from 13,630 ed tile jJeriod social lwrt ~ dl Pd t d f ' 111111' n ud pl; ~ ." \.' d a \\ h.lit· ~ 1\ 11f! After .J. H. g u(,k J r . r'·~ I' .. n 'i hl~ for the is to 18,803, and tha,at the Gallipol banquet e ~h to ed hit l ift /..:' glill tf' , w hd.- ~~ I.n d ly d\ invit a .tI' were i, tu lip t"lIgrnl l ll ated. This guests I.uildin)! 0 1720-3 (rom cs epilepti or f hos pital urae Mi:lmi ... Idared three-co t IIi" " hlllll' excellen an iz(·cI l a r where ul'. room, II)!" sill'" 101 Sh, lW whnL it iclIl nll'('llIllI indwhile the number of f eeble-m 111 1'a~( ' do y llil kil O\\, w ltal \\ ,. 1111';,0 . s in quantity and ' sureally can d o , and /!('l r":ody for t he ed jumped from an even 3,000 a year dinner, generou quality, was admirab ly Bervl nul m;k ll t' to ~ h' l' Lil li d l· t:& l1 ~ of t h l' lIyin/! "ge wh en machin es will la nu ogo to 3306 th is yellr. Reports of perior in women young of ittee lIIa ~"n er c. ullr slip p ly I,f pp nr il g a nd "II bui ldi ngs n III\1C' hi!!" alld llc\':\to rs comm a by cd mauagt nr officers Ihow the populuThe long table papel: (I i:l'il S:; a lld I U t'(' nm ~ ) ra n wi ll go dC'wll fr lllll till' r uof, nut up Star. Ellstern the of and ons Instituti enal p Ohio's tion of CCIllargo a u ut. long lwfort· il \\' : I ~ I)\'t' ''' Th t, fro m the gl'ou n . with d, decorate tastily hospital s for the mentall y or physmade WJl8 peas; corp was: Bellhroo k, I \I; Miarn · ' ically affiicted waJ Increalllld by the lerpi ece of sweet !ig'l ~ 80ft j~t I, the by ctive tra /lt bJ)' dou wards al ~ ception of 1919 addition Th is is nl' w. nlld lhcl'cfnr .' news. shaded lamps. ~aLl e r t h wllite pitchrrl II ganl' that .IIurlng the twelve month period, diffused trpm gl'6l!n IJ(' late Hnhr"l F itz~i nl ll ,oIl 8 , n re a l T but (ute. better r fa a t 1001s11l, richly uegl'r ved JllaJIlnr tho populati on on June 30, The lavors were inno$lell froll1 AlI"lrnli a. hnd la rgc diaflj!"ht"1' hi, suppurt \\'Il~ wrotchc <l h ~y" ntl Com paper, but proved t p ~I! /11111' t i l l 8(!n l t! I)f Id s back t eeth ~,-· ~hla ,Hr, the largest m aft the his- rolls of nds mu pure. Se\'e ral of the h il ~ register ed iature fir ework8, which when explod. hi s It .. aut~·. II " showed tory of Ohio. a"" in""" t" ed m~E'" S1\.IS8'1' WOO'D'i :' I:ain st hi m shou ld have brOil turu cd, produce d glly colored paper capl. LO' th e wr iter years pruudly. helll t illl" put-tluts wit h nny ordina r y cf· CtiY COUSIN TRIEI) TO After the remnan ts of the feast Nnt year's Ohio Ilutomobfie IilIg<> . hold ing his lll oulh up to lhe light for t . , und while the etlnu tap will be gray with ligures had been removed Jlulling his freckled fa ce to one ~AKe 1\ t-\t T WITt+ '" MurrllY Hopkin s' wor k sh ines out and :enjoyin g their cIof black. No change will be made In gentlem en were ~ itl(" to rC\'clIl th ('lII. Ow E ('05~ ouse c;. lighth II t!I\T"'tN ke li (Y gloom ~A"' , 'in anent thr ough th e tJU! IIno OJ' dMlgn. Already work haa gan, Ja)lles McClure Now hi s w irl nw, whu used to be in on t he shor es o f t ime, "H oppy" ·mude after some GANG+{OLE ~' been at.a,te4 1ft turning out the speecb, explain~d ~!Jat circu ~ , asks pcrll1i ~" ion Lo ui g up SW'MM' thc IHG OLD of tho t hree nice catches in the fi eld nllt! __ <?... ,,?,v is lert of Fitzsimmons t hat she 2,000,0 00 or ao tllgs that will be r e- discussion IlIJ to which member whlll lhe at of wu\. started a pre tt y double play "" .. ' .~ Af'1'l:' n.. ove the dia mon ds lind platrem quired; All of the tup are made in firm should give the nddrelll may effected , and plat e with II good th row frolll dee p . She ncrds the money. the a!WI tag !hop of the Ohio pen~ come, a comprom ise was setLings inum ltat, at s im t ce nter field. I n f OUl; I18ked to per"No, every curpse is says ltentlar y bJ • force of around 200 J. O. Cartwri ght Willi icago Ch he hi L II single, a do uble li nd II tl'iplc, program . This priaone rs, while envelop es to carry form that part of the ~ nti tlcd to his te(·th." horne on Burt ie Edd t he latt er s nding Hono red Gues ts them are made in tile prl!on printing announ eement was enthusia stically wit h Lhe Miamis' onl y r un. ight ably departm ent. Their ~Jllbtned output received , ond Mr. CartWJ' In Luli ng, s mall Texas tow n of We understllnd that there lire two ed. resp(lnd y. annllllU O fa yalWld at fl80,OD D. Smith, of ; evive and 1,600 pop ulntion, the inhabita nts sudto t Nathan nfoo Mrs. plllns and Mr. hree t or Mr. Ed Snyder, of Mt. Sterling , near Spring Vaney, en te rtll in ed with . reorgan ize th~ Miam is, but we don't den ly Ii lid them selves poss<!sse d of There will be 110 vialt to New York gav, " .rood r1!port of the annual a dinner Sunda y, in hon or of Mr. know just when, or lIgainst whom $2,000,0 00 cash in bo nus monoy, pa id Columin h(lld ' res:entl) ion this convent City by - Govern or Vie Donahe y and Mrs. Cleme·n t S mi th nnd Mr. old, years 36 burg, Landen e next gam~ will be played . The by Edga r B. Davis, ge nerous oil man. th Enni!t The sixth meeting of the Good Cut week, althoog h he will be mighty b\UJ, mills. and Mrs. Blnke (M iriam Powder Duvis got sometlti ng over $12 ,000,000 Senior the of e scote: employe Rev. by Grnnge followed the that was at is, held Fact Snyder wos Mr. c10lle to the metropolill. of Dl1~,to n. Bes ides the Clot h ing clUb , Smith) Litthe on one tin:e rece ntly and decided to , at Lebanon from mUe eight the of hall, F riday nfter noo n. J uly 16th. Governo r Vic bas never beln Inalda L. A. Wasbbu rn, the speaker were: present ose' th ests gu er hon pieces to which is t he T exas manner. ide, blown div ROOK was , BELLB Miami river ning The meeting W liS ca ll \Jd to order ~he limite of New York City, and has evening . w'ho WIIS highly entettai and Mrs. Lyto n Ra der an d daugh IIfr. exmill t hat got the money hu rried wheel Those a when night E A Monday H R 0 tribute AB ers Il memb with ~Iutely no delire to make hil ftrat and clo.ed hill addrelli of Van- by the presiden t. Ei ght Byron, Mr. nd a te Charlot iter, good automo bil es. And buy to out Zimmer man, 2b ... 6 3 a 2 5 1 veniare. The governo r along with to our local director s, with whom he ploded. Hi znr, 29, an other empl uyee dalia, Mr. .and Mrs. Powelso n an d son, un d two visito rs were present. 0 2 wise. 0 2 wero 7 (l .... they c er, Well Gay the dUl'ine ed busie boys th e of llIJSociat nt has been closely After th e adjo urnme _ num"r of bright Buckey und Mrs. .. 6 2 1 2 0 0 Gi bbons, If If a hoptoad sudden ly got money, of the mill, was burned seriousl y and Jack, oC Colu mb us. Mr. ness 80ssioll , kimono dr ess patt erns Crnm er, 1b .. .nd airJa. IJ in Philade lphia this week put three yeaH. . 0 2 2 7 0 0 nnd W('r wise, he would buy wings, EdCecil Mrs. and Mr. Blake, Forest charge in was burg Landen die. may was lesalon meml year bebusineSl rst fi and e 0 the 2 th oll, 0 a 3 or f Befou wer e drnfted J on es, cf .............. 6 .ttendin &, the bl, expolitl d, inst ead of rewheel mills and one ex- mo ndson, Mrs. Cora Blake an d daugh bers. Sackett , 3b .. ...3 2 3 2 1 1 and become a bir {ore hw retum to' Obio he will visit opened the ladies were given per- of lIeveral and Hurt ence Flor r!;. M Syh'in, d. ter, l hoptoa a 0 electrica ing 0 2 2 un 2 main O .. he threw Sidenst ri cker, rf Atlantic Cit)', but after the visit mlMlon to retire, and passed the re- ploded when LIFE'S 'MiRROR 1 2 2 0 2 Ii.. children , Blossom, Noble, Deli ght Crow l, SS If you hav en't a car, buy one. to start it. there he w111 return to Ohio, Reeent- mainde r of a delightf ul evening at switch 0 2 4 0 2 1 Owners hip of a car makes the bra in Mr. p , Crouse, Bert Herman Mr. ewel, J and load n wago n on Hizar was seated Re fl ect ions by Panne Iy Govel'tlOr AI Sm.ith, called upon the McClur e home. uin work exploded . Tressler Lewis, of Dayton, Mr s. J as. 50 19 2 l 27 8 5 wOI'k faster, und f nster br T" t als .. Those wbo were privileg ed to at- of powder wh'e n the mill between Donahe f and urged him to visit Ne" fight A of .• Jr ,Jamrs son, car. a and (or pay Surrel E. soon and will later moment n ed York City, promisi ng him II fine time tend Hila pleaaan t alrair were Mr. His load explod A thousand doubts MIAMIS over an embank ment Clevelan d , M111. Lizzie Le\\;s and 11 be would, but Vic said he abBO- and Mrs. A. R. McCoy and dJlugh- he was thrown A million fears Mr. and Mrs. E ~han, n, grandso flames. in clothing his AB R H 0 A E 'rhe Van Swe ringen pl an to comoutes, r ny ma ravelled t lutel, had 110 desire to see the b~ ter, of Washin gton C. H. ; Mr. and c'\'e W and Leigh Engle, Mr. Joe Eva ns and so n, widow a leaves burg 0 Landen s0 0 0 0 Blanche ..5 of l. If erger, Philade on, fi ve r ailroads -E; r ic, Nickel Plate to Burt Eichelb bine T. visit R. Mrs. C. cltl, and . after his And wasted many years Both victims lived at Wilbur, of Waynes'oiille. \a nd~ Mr. p, ~s 4 0 0 9 :3 2 Chesa peak e & Ohio, flocking VaHey c, Adams, OII. W battle's e th phia and Atlantic City he would re- ter; Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Morrow, of four children . eforo B Frank Elliott , of Spring Valley. -1 1 1 0 2 3 E. Burton, ss, p Marquc ttc--wi\ l probllbly turn to hill pOst of duty. He Is JeffersollvllIll..i Mr. and Mrs. R. M. the mill. Prend ergast, 3b 'I 0 0 2 0 0 and Pere Nagley, H. J. Mrs. 'Bnd Mr. 0 0 !J 1 0 go t hrough. Neeld, 4 McClu re, 1b .... probabl y the only Ohio govenor who 0 I combina ti ons r epresen t econhM never visited Americ a'. greatel t of Xenlai Mr. and Mrs. Ed Snyder, sioncsk· ,c2fb:·". " . .44 00 32 43 4 2 omy,uch RH~rPtk oper ly mllnllge d, an d s hould u pr if 'city;1) utin this, u In many o~her ca- of Mt. Sterling ; Mr. am! Mra. C. T. ~; SattC'rth walto, p,c .4 0 2 00 20 32 be encoura ged, especia lly if th e peoJIIlS, Govern or Vic is a bit unu8ual Johnson , of Milford ; Mr: and Mrs. 0 .Morrow ; the ..4 0 ple get part of the economy. E. Schuler , rf aDd can find more real pJeasure and Geore e Anderso n, of 8 27 1B 12 .. 33 Totals.. .. tlappine lll In an Ohio village or city, Mews, J. M. Murray , of Greenfie ld. OJ' ev••• Buckey e farm. than he can Morris Oswald, of Lebanon . and McMexico City i. in danger of com8 I - I !) 0 36 1789 ~=========~=========~ Bellbrook .... 4 1 22 03 046 === _D!0ng the diversifi ed and unulual === === === === =~= === iso lat ion by he uvy fl oods, all dMn plete ~~" ~~; ~d~ 1 D"~ runs, Mia mis .... 0 0 (J 0 0 1 0 0 0A. Washbu rn. Mr. and M.r s. J. O. L. aights of New York. This class Illso includes dogs. I him Relf into bow kn ots, leaps, tracks wi~h in te n miles of the way il U.. ra of Part Are FrieDd. Our Sat, L. D. Hopkins Mrs. kett, and 2-bnse hit-Sac ults. Cartwri&'ht and Mr. u nder water and fl\mlno just been over to see a lady who barks, laughs a nd t urlls somersa are l have cllpita hwaite. About the malt inconaistent charge erane. soy 1 am human ns a te rt I when So husHer _ FOI of crop d<!stru ction . calls she Hopkins becauso dog t ed a r hi fen has is 3-baRe I cOllfell8 to being strongly affected - - -... - ...- - - of t.hll prelent campaig n is that made . dog , I f eel to be boasting . plateau. Dou ble play- Hopkins lo Adam s. business Mexican ile the out automob through th,! In is band heart from runs that by this liquor Str uck out--By II rman 6 ; by Sl1t- Muny" deeply religio us, believe t ha t logically, mean s . againat II third term for Govern or .Vlc ethyo pathy, Sym what saying by offend ~IOt will I to heart througb the spiriL veins that 7 . by Adn ms L Donahe " when tWo of the .R epubllis a point of "sufferi ng wi th," nnd we usunlly usc te rthwuite Oootl s IHltl fam ine til' sent t o Jlunish wet the fabric of all souls. 'Wben I Ford looks like. There gl'iC!fs of can membe r. of the Ohio Suprem e munion com e th for term e th which dogs, in ly especial , Mexico's' drastic Ilnti-r elig ious legisugliness Wayit me around like and Several places in meet one who does not court are 'asklng a third term. In the th e reulnl of beau- only. That is goo d of course. It begills n. passed a latio to when am I famous g ion, deprcss becomin of are • kind a nesville me gives callO of the gover nor ' a third term anyo ne to feel sorry people who have I want to ! y. He is a sort of g lorified microbe. helps a lot for young bit, Il of group stomach "!y at office of. nose. tenture a ur yo mCiln bumped only . e would becA use you hav But his main t.-r ai t is affectio n. ves "Les Huit Soe- run. T hllt IIIl1y he true, bu t this is cet"· lUI long l1li 11 aingle term of the Su- dubbed themsel Still, it is II denl easier to share gri ef plant. e sensitiv ble ita ver a is Ford. make to They desire es. ll. Heligiuu s warfn re, its hutreds emi lui en Budden a enjoy Some people dersta nd prome Court member s, while a third ura. With en his lllistress speaks cr ossly to than j oy. People who un Wh inthe Dislike at and bittern ess, :Ire fa)' IIIOI'e dangerattack. lind l round, go spiritua wheels the ' the enjoy Math~ term for Judge Jonel and a withere d lcul. OUr moods of huppine ss are rarer than like , shrinks he him thing II.rft an a ny floo d. up. J1;he th , ou them "Ceil," tones of rather d our wO~ . If meana.e ightcen years In offie.e, with a vitation nlr mc, His light of life hnR gone out. He th ey t hat co mprehen slumber parOUI' "uBine s to cl'i tici~e our cludi a in im't was [t those, are program thore the on Bu't the of that to equal r lly ll lIulary practica ·be my r eal and longed-f Recent Irrl1tiuution of Willi nm II. lIe iJ.!'hh m·s ill Mexico. Th ey may do After a delight- who have Buch weak hends t he least is killed . . He is th e picture of utter , you would eoverno r, and with far 108s rellpon- ty in the hay mow. I pray you cultivnt e n capac· M ills, of Ntll'th T,)flawn n da , fr tl lll I\~ t hey please, in thoir cou ntry . Conend, fri misery. abject were or y tions sympath intoxica ting draught of moments. West P oint, is of pH .. ticu lur il1t.c-r·l'sl siililitiell. . When one cOllslders that ful picnic Bupper, prepara And when sho spenks kindl y he ti es ity for sharing my lighter dit ions then ' elllJlhllSlze the wisdom of night, but the nntipath y sol.!; them humnlin g. both thelle candida tes had previou sly made for n polar Th en I kn ow th nt you are ge nuinely for t wo r(la~o n s; he i ~ t he (jl'~ l J' (lK i M se lhose t hllt establis hed this country otherwi was served: in other judicial capaciti ee, the weather mll"'g decision RYnl pnthetic , t hnt between 118 run the dent of th e Tonawund ns to recc ive l\" ahsolutc fr eedom to ull r elighitting givin was tion imagina one'. ~very t they tha ul so whether qulllltion mllrht be asked cords of u nity of heart anti to lhe Un ited StilUS ion~, without in te reieren cc or conftsnt me int po np und bats the and r, mcall somethi ng. want life tenture In olllce. There Iii on all six, howeve Military ncml cmy lind h(' arhi,'v('d ,." (.i 'H' an ,l witho ut ·Governm ent recgreat annoyYou can't cscllpe. S o metim e~ you , organiz ed oppoaltio'!.. apinst the third IItrancc prowier s were e vtl ry er e<l it.u ble r ecor d of mail1- oglli li'ln or ~ u l.ttii d y fo r ' any r eligion. th thi nk" whon you hll ve been parti cterm, for It mean. eighteen years oon. ancell. g a scholarship stondin g t hrough ainin L lon 'l'hat same week a waterme ularly oppressed by the woes of oth tiilUoualy In olllce, the lonp.~ po18l· ur Y\Jors thnt loft hi m fiixLh in f" t ou arrangers, that .you wo uld be happier if ollIe term. t~t any c.ndlda te could be paM.y at Cottage Corner was Mil k to be shipp ed fr om fn~ to du utin g class. Of 300 ont(' rs-ra e th was shut It shell, that . Y"U could crawl into your elected for In Ohio on third term. ed. The club decided onl y 150 cities in railroad lnnks holding 0; lio ills, M Catlet h t wi plcbes in~ n guests out the lesL of humani ty and get Tho Judicial ticket wiil cUI')' namell b'ocaulle of t heir gentlme stood the t(·st · lind gl'lIdu atcd with gllllons, th ", tunks insulate d, R1nl;ing sucIIlong with your own persona l j oys of other candidA tu who are uking tbat the alralr W88 lIucb a buge icc unneces sary wi th three·eight-inch th cir class. ' and glooms. for their first te11O. and unlelll reports ceu. Some lively JUII and dancin& of st eel, t wo glnss linin gs, t wo inches 'of others six with ills 111 Lieut. wall But it will not work. To r etreat wblch creep into Columb us are far on a well-pol lsbed floor which engi- cork, and an outs ide coverin g. first tho Do ? bit made a your kind is as if the land ran ranking schola rship chose the drag U&'hted. from life e)y candlDoes elrectJv term first two the, from 111 the city the milk wiil be fo rced serarmy lure fu or C s corp All away froin the rain or the flowers hid neerin g you wonder what- it is atl detes are cc}ne to poll a ~ulllclent part of the even'ln&, drag alon&,. compres sed niT into Klass-lin ed by postyenrs not from sunshine. It means dryness, vice. He will toke two Then you n'led a about! vllte to have ·thelr namn printed on for th..e 'Iatter 'part--w ell-we' ll gallon tanks, taken t o pasteurelse2,000 ring enginee in study e graduat hardness and dea~h. vouch for ~hat. mental tonic and Dr. Frank the ballot 3n Novemb er. ts, then bottled. plan izing neve and There are certain goods you get where than in West Point Our hop8 Btill BOaring. last FrlCrane never "preach es"-but after Bought much a receive tually in"dogie" from life as you go along. For 11 day nii'ht. we enjoyed a hie short shrewd, kindldy comring destance, there is food and drink f or appoin t ment in the enginee rout In St John's wood!'. For once Lct us hope two things: mon 8en8e, vigorou s optimism n da Tonawa Sam.Uncle of ment ted part bllCk, unmoles your were for we (or II It twIce) your belly and clothes First, that tbe f armer who milks and cheerfu l humor will 8e~ you News. Evening (Pa.) for money and head Dr. your for by p8llllnr .moto~. . After eatlne world. shelter cow and wen ns tho calf will get the e th with rlgh~ ~r. Mllls is the 80n of Mrs. Bessie so mething out of it : lote of' picklel and Blnelne many a your pocket. ; t her e is tbe Impact of Crane fl&'hte. &'Ioom wherev er n of the) Tliat "Ie . the .",*y py acin&" we olrered a prayer lor ' Second, t hat super- heated stoam or fllmiliar things at home, the cat and Hoel Mill s and a grandso he finds it and milllQns of R. Hocl, . Wm Mrs. ' and memCaptoin our of late one" tea of china iaeka ' blue Ihorn old the and he t help and parte scome other ag.cllt will keep tanks and the dog ~el"!l are fin~ing by our old- connect ing pipes' absolutely cleqn. With ' a lovely half n}oon for .prescti there is a cigar f'Or a man and a who will be r emembe red Inllpiratlon in his genial phll. . eaders r er a is oaophl': . there i cuktafte r,; we tried tbe ntnr., ~ad woman a for dress a new ." h".e" -a'!,Cl lo!!nd ' it all' too .mort. deal of enjoyme nt one way and an- . Miss R yan and M.a ry K. Browne , of other, but not the least consider able Californ ia, beat all tbo . foreign wom, of vale this In tions of all satisfac an of Wimble don and will bnn'. ~ ' opposed to tears is that. warmth which comes' to '~~~~::~Iliioi'l h e~pre~d"1 :thoae t ennIs cbanipioJ)shlp tp -~e 'l!ni~d the Beginni ng Frldl\Y of this week, evident co~trol of cO~Qrationa of' .; tba cockles of your heart when you • II . . . . ' tutes. erbigS are nanotb Farniera 'ilIputo 1ob.: p~iit collUDlae ~eet the mail who tukesto you and MyerH yman" ~ Geo~ y~u,,8' o!o~e~, bby BO soon,. be open believes in you and the womall wlio aale. Main stree·t will .and 'IIGnQ1fs and thl! town will be lively as Il .Hr- r eprese,n ts th.e . en ~rgy underst cnds and likes you. . a~~l~, Stato hil of t:n~on: ~oncent s hundred This world wo.u~d be a poo~ slave- man sale alway, attrncts g Gnat .1I.ritafu I 0 _ brangm Is-home Rllad ville. Waynes ~ 8 shoppe~ 'of d banishe pen if all.!!ID'reql ion were .' al\d )'ou· go~champlonllhip., .n~ werl! no n ee.t inga of frl"nd the two;pag~ bill carefull y l~'" 1a~e ~oot. ]lavo "e . ~~ 'be will It; that ed coavinc be will FQr •. lp ahiR and_fat bau.n of feUowsh jan and lonore Iisarda. But we alIO ' _ lDJ' frienda are a part of while to do fOur shoppin g -In W..,pod or .. )'ouq peopt.. WIi el>1UIt, have .' 1iesvWe. __........ ~ aDd 10 are lDJ'

i................. ........

I j






Dr. .Fra nk Cr ane Say s-


"Lei Huit Soeu rl"

--- - --- ---


We Have With Us

Dr. Fr ank Cr an e

w. her..

---_0 - --. S I

Bi B g

arga ln a e






, READ REALIZE - ACT . These S~n:>-~tion I 'Closing Out Sacrificel go on sale Friday. pro pt y at 9 ,m., and while they lalt


1 Lot ot Reg. 2tl c 18- n. Cmtlh T i o&, will go 011 sa le tIIfOmp." at 9 1\ . m.. Friday, and while It Lash, at. , . , ....


Clark's O. N. T . Thread

I8-iD. Cralh Toweling

/joo CIIu-k


O. N. T . Thread, black ann wh ite, all number s. go on sa le promptly at 9 • . m., Fridny--Six to a custome r; none sold to ,. chi ldren, at. . . . ... . ... .

W~ 1-



Ladies' Knit Vesb O ne Special lot Ladides' Knit VeRts, a

regu la r 25c va lue, go on sa le promptly at !) n. m .. Friday, while they la ilt


Men's Handkerchiefs

BOYI' Underwear 75e Boys' Athletic Union Suits will go on sale Friday. and while they last, at ... .. .. . , . .... .

14e Se 10 11

JOe Men's Red and Blu e

Handke rc hi efs,






Tell Your Neighborl and , Phone Your Friends




o o o


Unbleached Muslin

lIe 9






' ·Oc::lO,'




Bleached MusliD

Curtain Scrim All regular l5c urtain Scrim, good a sortmcnt. will IrO on sale promptly at 9 a. m., Friday, and whil. they last, at ...... .






500 yards 15c Unblenc hed Muslin, 36 inches wide, while it lasts, go at ... . .... .



at ... ....... . . . ..... .

One lot of 20c l8-in. Apron Ginghams will positively go 011 sale Friday, 9 a. m., anti while they last, at .. .

Like All Other .Myer Hyman ,' Sales the Crowds- Are


8iz c, whi le t hey last, go



500 yds. good grade Bleached 17c value, 36-in. .not more than 10 yd : 10 a customer , while it lasts, goes at . ... ,.,.,.,


l\{ uslir'!


Hundred. of people are sure to come on Friday-Buying will b e best for many homes are in need of just such merchandise as this is a sale of intensive valu.e giving. The merchandise is all of the better grades, styl es the most modern and approved. There ity' of the entire store force is behind this tremendou s effort. The gigantic preparations would warrant many pages with prices fidence of the public which we serve. We believe when we lIay our entire stock involved at the mo,t substantial price reduct ~ - NOTICE-The prices preceding each item in this advertisement are based on our original br former selling price and are

p ••

8 IS


. Store Open Every Evening During This Sale

1 89 S2 45 .

Men'l Work Shoe's ,8.00 Men's Work Shoes, while they last, will go in this 8ale at .......... 6.!.. .

,3.50 BQYs' Shoes black and brown, • . while they last, go , ~


Ladies' Shoes and Oxfords

g%?;~~~~~to$82ndOXf0rds, 17


at ... ".. ....




$2 9S

Ladies' Oxfords and'Straps One lot of Ladies' reg. $5 Pat. Brown and Black Oxfords, and Straps, go at .


9x12 Wool and Fiber Rugs


$16.60 9x12 Wool a nd Fib r Rugs, while they

~i~' ~~:ici~~l: actio n},

~~~~~ ~~~s ~ $



... . ..



9x12 Crex Rugl 9x12 Crex Rugs, regular $7 .50 value, pa'tterna, while they last, ::

~: .'~~ ~~I~ •.


$ •

a s~ urtc<l


1 S 98 ' S

Children's Shoes and Oxfords One lot of Children's Shoes a nd Oxf ords values up to $3.50, . will go in this great dale, while

!~~~ ~~~, . -. ...~.. • Room Size Bru8lel, Rug.

~~~~a~ts'5°19x128BrusseI91s RigS In thiS grea.t

side, at.. .......


Children', Gin.ham Drea'flI

Bunl'alQw Aproo

All Regular 10c Package Pins, for qui c k action, while they last, will go at

Our .(mUre, 8t~ck If Chl!ldren s GlIlg ham Dresses, up to $2.50 value, closing out at

$1.00 Ladies' Bun galow Aprons all .' I' Sizes, and co OI'S, get at

Miaaes' Union Sulu

Chlldrens' Ked,


One lot of Misses' 59c Un ion Suits an astounding 'bargain in thw sale, at

One lot of Chlldren 's Keds, in all sizes, mostly in white, will go in this sale at

Cambric K~rchl.ft

C~ildren'B Cot~n 10c Ladies' White RIb Hose, f orme.r- Cambric Handker ly s~~d at 20c, w~1\ chiefs must go posltlvely go In at ' this great sale at


Boys' Shoes a~d Oxfords

.. . . . ...........







lOe: Safety Pin.

icOTTON SILK AND .YARD GOODS 'SPECIALS All Regular 10c Assorted Size Safety Pins, Reg. 20c 27-in. Outing Flannel. 141= while they last, go at Reg. 22 c 86-in. Comfort Challies .. 15.e Reg. 25c 86-in. Percales, at ... .. . 16,~ Reg. 25c 86-1n. Hope Muslin, at.12~c: Reg. 85c 36-in. Lonsdal e Cambric. 2&c 10c Hair Nets Reg. l5c 86-in. Curtain Scrim. . . . 9c Our entire stock of all : Reg.20c 36-in . Curtain Scrim ... . 14c: Regular 15c Single and , Reg. 25c 36-in. Curtain MarquiDouble Mesh Hair Nets . settes, at . ... . ... .. ...... ... 19,c will go at 9-4 Pep perall Unbleache d Sheeting, at .... .... .... .. .... .. . 44,c Reg. 75c 9-4 Bleached Sheeting .. 49,c Reg. 25c 86-in. Silkolene, at . .. .. 16c: Dren Ginghams 35c S2-inch gr ade of Reg. 39c 36-in. Creton nes, at . .. . . 24<: Dress Ginghams will Reg. 59c 36-in. Dotted Voil es, at. . 39c: positively go in this Reg. 35c 32-in Zeph yr Ginghams . 19c: great sale, while .t hey Reg. 75c 40-in Organdies, last, at a l\ colors, at. ... .. . . . . .. . .... 39,e Reg. $1.25 36-in. White Skhting .. 491e Reg. 50c 36-in. Merc. Satin, at .... 371c Reg. 25c 36-in Everitt Shirtin\ ... 16.e Boyl ' Athletic Shoes Reg. 75c Mer. Table Damask, at. . 59c Boys' Reg. $l.98 Lace Ath letic Sho cil will pm;- Reg. 98c Mer. Tabl e Damask, at .. 7ge itively go in this sale, at ' Reg. 20c I8-in. Crash Toweling .. 12c 75c Sati ney, at. . . ...... ..... . . 49c ~5c Un derwear Crepe, at .. . .. . .. 24e $1.25 Tub Silks, at ..... . .... .. . 79.e 3 5e Cretonnes, at. . ..... ... ... . . 24.e 36-in. Percale 25c Cretonnes, at .... . .. .... . .. 19.e Our e ntire stock of alI reg ul ar 25c, 36-in . Per- 25c Crash Toweling, at .. . ... . .. 19'e cales, while t hey last, at $1.50 Ruffled Curtains, at ..... . . 9540 65e Shantung Linen , at . .... . .. . 48c 45c Pillo w Tubing, 42-in., at. . .. . 34<: 25c Curtain Rod s, at ... . ..... .. 14c 59c Over Drapery, at .. ... . .... . 39c Reg. 30c 18-in. Stevens Crash ... . 23c Bleached Muslin Reg. 30c 36-in. Outin g Flannel .. ,22.e One lot of 25c 86-in. Reg. $2.50 86-in. Silk Taffeta .. $1.5!J Bleach ed Muslin will posit ively go on sale, Reg. $2.60 C6-in. Messalille, at . . $1.SU wh ile it lasts, at Reg. $2 .50 36-in. Canton Crepe. $1.5!J Regular 75c Imported Broadcloth .44.:



Ladies' Reg. Lad ies' Reg. Straps, at Ladies' Reg. Straps, at Ladies' Reg. Straps, a~ Ladies' Reg. Straps, at Ladies' Reg. Stra~s, at

Ladies' Ladies' Ladies' Ladicfl' Ladies' Ladies' Ladies'

$1.75 $2.50 $3.00 $3.50

$1.39 Felt Slippers. 69c

$3 .50 Oxfords and ..... .. . ..... ... $1.95 $4.00 Oxfords and • ....... .. ...... . $2.~5 $5.00 Oxfords and . ...... ,.. , .... . . $3.45 $6.00 Oxfords a nd ............ . ... $3.95 $7 .50 Oxfords and ................ $4.45

LADIES' HOSIERY Reg. 20c Cotton Hose .... 14C1 Reg. 8~c Lisle Hose ....•. 24<: Reg. 50c Lisle Ho e .. ..... 37c Reg. 75c Fibre Silk Hose,.49c Reg. $1.50 Silk Hose .. . .. 89c Reg . $2.50 Silk Hose _ . . . $1.59 Reg. $3 .50 Silk Hose ... $1.98

MEN'S STRAW HATS Men's Dress Straw Hats . . $1.15 Men's Dress Straw Hats . . $1.49 Men's Dress Straw Hats .. $1.95 Men's Dress Straw Hats .. $2.45

BATHING SUITS $1.00 Men's a nd Boys' Suits, a t .. 59c $2.00 Men's and Boys' Suits, at .. $1.19 $4.00 Men's and Ladies' Suits, .. $2.95 $6 to $6 .50 Mens and Ladies Suits$3.98 LADIES' HANDKERCHIEFS All Reg. 10c Handkerchiefs ...... Se All Reg. 15c Handkerchiefs ... . .. 8c All Reg. 25c Handkerchiefs ...... 19c LADIES' DR~SES Ladies' Gingh~m and Percale Dresses, up to $2.00, at . ...... \.95e ENGLISH PRINTS

a6-in. Engliith Prints, fast colors, 85c value, at ... ' .' ... , .. ... .. 23c

Men'a Ties $1.00 Men's Ties, silk or crochet, w ill go in this sale, while t hey last, at

6ge Bathing Suitt $2.00 Men's and Ladies' Bathing Suits, in colol's, while they last, go at

Tissue Ginghams All Regular 50c 36-i nch Tiss ue Gingham, will go while they last, at

39c Bed Ticking All Reg. 39c Bed Ticking, fo r qutck action, will go,

'Ladiea' Coneb

One Lot of Ladles' Corsets, formerly sold by us up to *2.00, will positively go In this sale, ~t

One lot of Ladies' Reg. 75c Union Suits, will pos Itively 'be closed out in this sale at .



Men's Pants

Men's high-grade Pants, $3,00 val ue, will go in this 81\le at

Ladies' Gowna One lot of Ladies' Crepe and Nainsook Gowns, all regular 89c valu es, will go at

Pillow C,aea AJI Reg. 'IOc Pillow Ca- ' ses, will go in this sale, while'they last, at

Boys' Ie.hld Puar. I .

One lot of Boys" Kahki Pants, up to $1.50 value, will go in this great sale , at .


Ladies' Brassieres Ladies' Reg. up to SSc value Brassieres, for a quick close-out, at


Ladiea' 7&c Uoion Suits

W24~ I.""




Many items on sale ,..,. . to mention. TOWELS

All Reg. 15 Huck Towels, at ... . All Reg. 35c Turkish Towels, at .. All Reg. 45c Turkish Towels, at . . ~11 Reg. 75c Turkish Towels, at .. ROOM SIZE RUGS

All Reg. $7.50 9x12 Crex Rugs. All Reg. $16.50 9x12 Wool and Fiber Rugs, at .. . : .... ... . $1 All Reg. $27 .5 0 9x12 Brussels Rugs ... . ..... .. . ... . . ... $ Al1 Reg. $30.00 and $35.00 Brussels Rugs in 9x12, at .. ... . . $42.00 Smith Axminster, 9x12, in new shades, at ........... . All Reg. $18.00 9x12 Gongole um Rugs, go at ..... . . ...... . . $ . MEN'S SOCKS

Men's Reg. 15c Dress Socks ..... . Men's Reg. 20c Dress Socks . ..... . Men's Reg. 25c Dress Socks ..... . Men's Reg. 35c DJess Socks ..... . Men's Reg. 50c-Dres8 Socks .. .. . . Men's R!!g. 75 Silk Socks . . ... . ... . Men's Reg. $1.00 Pure Silk ....••. L1NOLEUMS

All Reg. GOc Linoleums, at .. .. ... 29c All Reg. 75c Linole ums, at . .. ... 49C Armstrong's Linoleum, $1.25 value, burlap back, at .. . : ... .... eSc

Will Close Out Our .--'

AU 1'926 Patterns. 33 1 BedBlankeb

O'ur entire stock of Reg. t2.98 })ouble Bed Size Blankets, while they last, 'g~ at .

. ... lII! foods In hot ~cather, but so they are


SZ!L! _ _ _i




in cold w(!ljther, too, li nd It l ~ wise

_ ISSUED EVERY WEDNERDA,Y', .. t o r enl ' rn b ~r t hllt atnrvation i8 not go.od· pre pll rnt ion fM' tn~eting nny oine r l\'o n(] .




-- --_.. -.--- -:--- -n. L

~ ---



The mov i.. thente ,' hilS beco me t h e co mmuni ty mectin' house. ====== - "~.-~-~=-=-===== Stud e nts of co mm unity co nditi o ns J U I. Y 2 1. 1!l2G poi nt o ut tlI li t the locu l p ic ture t heulc r prov id e. /I co mm o n meeti ng pI ne!' a t whi ch till' r".iel l' lIts of t he s mll ll DON'T WRITE ANONYMOUS tuwn S l 'U e a c h nt Iw l' and nxch n ngc LETTERS ~ r(· ('ti n g-" in n bro th erho od of IightWh o do )leuple write nn o ny mo us heal't"d lll "~. '1'0 1",: s ure . III1~ r e h nvc a lways lJ eell Idth' l'!I to nc,\\, spuJ)I' rs '! th c t' hur cit cs, but th e \l eop le g et the re Acco mpli shin g no thing , und l e ~s olily OnC l' , and pftss il"l y twic c a wee k, than nothing, in th e wily o f sp rea da nd t ho.<, of on e d e nomi nat io n would ing th eir own ifl eas und thlluri cs, nevn ot so fr equ ently encounte r th ose of ertheles8 the y continue doing it, and Iln" liwl' <i co no mil1 at io n. nut the movie tne owners that did nn t gel naif a houA('s - u n rl th c 1\1I)\'i .~ th e mselvesdoz e n s uch Idt e r s eve r y we t' k W(·I\ htlVe no d en umin a ti on un d hav e an might -feur thnt itg impo rtllnc (' in th e IIpp ell l for (' ,'c ry one. public estimation was wuning , Th,' r <' II r c 20, l!~ 3 movi e thc nt!.'rB in As a ru le-the tl n m'IY"' u" . It'U"r is t Ill' llll it " d f{tllles. 1'hes(' theat ers thrown iato th,' WIl. t o has kct hnl f r ead. Once in n long w hil e (One .,f hl1 " " II lotnl " t' lIlin ~ capa city of 18 .f,[, ·I,K f,!', II nd . uceo rding t o recc llt them co n tlli ll ~ so",,, n· ull y n.eful ins Ut·vPy' . lilt' avc rllg-e wee kly attend formation . Some tim es Lh!.'y II r o so une c i. 1:10 m illion s. amusing that th e ir ubu Miven c"H is ig-Th" mov ie s ur ely has beco me t hl! nored Ilnd uth e r relld .. r s o f tl ll' pRlll·r ure Illlowecl to join in t h,' ,'el it" r i,, 1 ~a ll/(' l' i l1~ "Iact· lOf th e s mull t own. NClI l'l y 11 11 o f lh est' th puters, wht' th. laugh at the ign urnn cp of t ho n b"urd· er in \' i llfl~"" , ~ m all t owns or gr eu t ily o f the nalll e l.!ss critic. l'e rha)J8 th e ull o ny nlt,u M 1,'1 tl' r -wl'i - Pit ie8 . wi ll C"i r hru te in Augu sl,. t e r is cnnte nt to "ge t it " fr hi s ch,·s f. " G rcn t f' f MtI\' il' Sl'nso n , whi c h m a r kN t l", t hirti, t h anniv e rsury of the film Ve l'Y weill Rut don' t se nti a ny una:s a '}u.:' alt, ,.·s h uw n means o f ente r ~ signed COIllIllUltic nt,ilm \. 0 thi ~ ne w ~ ­ tainlll ~ nt. puper. , They will not I,,· Jlublis hed . CRAN E

Pub U.ber


HOT WEATHER ADVICE L est you s ufl'er t oo mu ch during the hot wav!'s o f t his " umm er , mny we r emind you thllt th ese arp g oo d rules for e verybody: Dress lightly, keep out of till' s un 118 much as poss ible. eut e noug h but not too mu ch, nnd don't 8will i c~ WIIter or othe r cold drinks all dllY long , Hot tea. wjthou t s ugar or milk. i better tha n any o f th e m, and the - warm or hot bath is mQre cooli ng in it. efl'ects thllll th e cold one, fur all except the most rugged . Do n't ge t fIOared a9 long ns p(O rspiratioll is free. When it s tops !I nd the s kin g .. ts dr~' and f e veris h, ' th e n look out for yo ureelf, and do it instantly. Fruits a nd sllluds lire ('stimllble

Mr. and Ml'S. W . U. Ogde n nre ellt ert:ain in g r e latives this week. The Gl'nnge f estival Saturduy eve nin g WUH II ve ry s uccess f ul 'l ITuir. Mr s, J . W. Cas t, of Clark sv ille, wus u S un d uy g uest of Mrs, A man d u S to rr.


S " ndny , - Mr, II lId lI'lrs, HnlTY Os h(Ortl ulld ~ hildrt' n , J M(Op h An d Lnvonn c . SI)(' l1 t S u nday with Mrs. Osbo r n's . istcr lind fll mi ly, III Morris ville,


JULY 17, 31 AND AUGUST 14 $25.02 Rouf~~..!'·lp Waynesville THROUGH SLEEPING CARS TO ATLANTIC CITV


Ticket. O.tttI lI.tu,nl... VI. W.....



ampl ment s Two-Row Culti vators, Si n lge-Row Cultivators, Mowe t·s , R a k es, Binders

A Few Second Hand Tools


A num ber fro m her e atte nd ed th ~ fun erul, Thursd uy a fte rn oon, of Mrs. Walter Bogan , o f Wilm ington. MiAS Ne lli e und Paul Cutri ght wer e call "d to Chilli cnth e the la st of t he w"('k hy t~e d pnth o f a cousin. Prof. Co le . of Cincinnati, ga ve an ill h 'l'cstin g nddrD"s before the CU Ill llIunit y <'iub, ' V,' d n('s duy even ing. Mrs, Ern es t ORwnld and da ug ht e r , R o"~ m"r y , o f Leban on. nrc hnuRC ~u , ·" ts o f MI'. und Mrs. W. A , Hain eR , I\Ir. , Eli 7.R Ca r t" r n nd Mr. an d Mr". A. L . K" n nc d), ('ntt'rt ui ned 1\1 " . Ca r n ipec und f a mil y from lJ ayt un ,


Collars, Co ll a r P ads , Harn ess Set s , Bridles, Lines

------ - ------------------Hardware

Oven s , Oil Sto ves , Ga rden Pl ows, Gard en Hose , Hoes, Rakes, S h ee p D ip, Fly Spray, S p ra ye rs of all kind s, Washin g Machines , Hay R ope , Fly Scree n , Sc ree n DOOI"S and Windows , Poultry Nell in g , Pumps


Amlr Ilu x . 1\ J ~ fl ttltlP EMt (n et 1;"1 cLO nJ tlror. Il ru(l tt c e~ " 1.ll> ,·r ly 11 .. 11 rrol lll repurte r's hat. .lI e Is oll e ur th e nrl l ~ t , In th o ltt dla !lull oll,," at Ih ~ S,'squ l.

COll lClJ ll ia l I nle r na t luna l }1; 1ll0 Altton, w hil' h Ot)(" II("1\


I' ldlaflel llh ia

.I11 !:C 1

lu D.· cu, " bur 1 lto ...·I" bru le Lho o nu h ,, "t1 r ·tl uno ft rUo!h anniv e r sary lO r we 9tg tl lllg or lhe INellI,'oUlOn 01 lllcle llou li IICO.

A l prl'scnt :-; hc is !'o ldfc'I·iu).! wit h ~ hin. CI " R, an cl is 1I0t ,, 101,' tn ~ it ttp. T lt t'


(riP h 0 1lle wn ~ 11 1:1'1 .. Ily 11lul o }', :--:'Ul\~

' Ll y.

W I1l . H. Wnrncr W'"

in Hl uominl{s Se,'ern l f r om Ite r c utt(' nde d til(' lourg-. ' l' hur~ oI ,, )' 0 f 1" " 1 we ek . ft llw rHI of ~ I r s. 1'lI rri e Bu rrell. in \ Vm. 1:1 . Wa rn er h us u IH'W t r uck Iin yto n. TU (l Rdll)'. lIIrs. BUTI'e lt was a n d i ~ c1l l ing hi ~ own h:l llli ll g'. th" wido w of tIll' lute Swuyne n a r M. M. TC rI'y a nd \\'if,' anri K. I':, I'd t, an d n r es ident of this village Th omps un w e n -' in L I' uunol1 , S lItll r . roor mn n y Y!.'llrS. ~ h e is s ur vl\'e !l by tiny. n son , Fred , Barn '! t . of Dayto n, a nd M. J\I . T l' rry lt nd K . E . Th ompso n It d ll ug h te r. Mr ~. Corinne Th omas, "" ellt T hurdll Y and Sa tu r cillY in (, f Ouklund. Cu I. Lebano n, Our com m itt ees are vl' ry h u.y TIT FOR TAT m il king- n rnrn gclll e nt s fo r \J1c Home Coming, A ug uRt 14 . Spite fu l- " Wc a re go ing to m ove T he mlln y fr iends o f Mi R~ Han na h R(,n n, an d w ill be in a r espec tab le J o rd dn will be glud t o kn uw that n eighb orho od I" . he is getting a lo ng ni cely. "So will we ." Mi ss E the l Man non , o r Ti ppecanoe City , Was a Su nday e veni ng What will bec om e of the secre t ca ll r r on th e Wa lk e r f a mil y. trc nties whe n wome n ente r th e di pThe r e nrc 520 stud e n ts t a king th e ltlll1nti c ser vice? summ e r co urse at the Wilmin g t on • Mr. and Mrs. H. I. Wright, of Phil- co ll ege, which will close soon. ade lphia, is her e for an e xtended visE. C. Man n on and f amily , of Wilit with her mother, Mrs. Rebecca min l:rt on , Wel'!! S u nda y eve ni ng gu est s le n Da vis and f umMerritt, her s is te r, Mrs. J. E. Shu - of G. W, an d il y. maker and other rela ti ves. P ROSECUTIN G ATTORNEY Will . M, Thom pso n nnd dau ghte r, We ar e autho r ize d to a nn ounco Mrs. John Gilroy o f Dayt o n, was a Thurday and Friday gu est of her Miss A nd r umeda, of OilY t on, w er e C HARLES DONALD DILATUSH, a s 1\ ca ndidate f or r e-elect ion for P rosparents, IIfr. and Mrs. W . J. F ea ly, Satrdoy a nd Su nd ny gucs w< of K . ec uting Attor ney, s ub jec t t o the ReE. Thompso n and f a mil y. Miss Lula and Glenn P ealy. Mrs. pub lican Prima ry , August 10, 1926 K. E . Thompson and fam il y h ud Fea ly accompanied h e r hom e for a Robert W. Brown is a candidate for for their g ues t s on S un d ny, Will. Proseeu ling A t torn e y o f Wa rr en visit. M. Th omp so n an d duu ghte r , Miss County in the R epublica n Primary of Mr. and Mrs. Karl Shiduker a nd Andrdomedu, of Duyt on , M. M Au g ust 10. Brow n's on ly opponent 80ns, E llfs and R obert, a n d daughte r, Terry und wif ~ , Lon Bmn llo n und is .t he prese nt Ilrosecutor who wants Laura Ellen, were over-n ig ht gues ts, wife, of this pl ace, an d Hayes Kee- a third t e r m, Bro wn. who hns never held public oltice, is a ve t e ran of t h e Wednes day, of Mrs. Shidakc r's parve r, wi f e an d da ughter , Mi ss Mil- World War, nnd is acti vely engaged ents, Mr. and Mrs. Em e rson Frazier dred, and so n, W alter, of Le ba non, in th e pr actic e of law. and family, in Dayto n. Ellis remainand the Misses R uth and Gl c nna Mun AU DITOR ed over for an extend ed visit. non, of Wilm in g l o n, were aft e rn oon We ur e Authorized t o a nn ounce Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Collett a nd son, calle rs. WILL R. LEW IS as a ca ndidat e for Audito r , s ubjec t .to the Re publican Robert, had as week-end guests at Primary , August 10, 192G. their home, "Hole - in - the - Woods," Mrs. Sue Wright Hiatt and daughter, C LERK OF COU nT of Winchester, Ind. On S unday their T o t.he Vo lc l's o f W an en Co unty guests included Mr. and Mrs. F loyd Cli ff C. Me loy, ap pr ec iating the Anderson, Mr. ond Mrs. Carle ton An ~ Mrs. Mary Crites spe nt the we ek- vote r eceived tw o yenr s ngo , I1nnounces hi mself aga in us candidate derson , Mrs. Dora Legg and Miss Lu- end with fri e nds in Dayton . for C lerk of Cour t s, IInel Holi cits cill e, a ll of Xenia: Mr. and M~8. Ira Mr. and Mrs. Fred Moore, of Duy- your s upport. R p ubli clllt P rimary, Hartsock and Miss Etta Arnold, of ton, w ere Sunday g uests of MI'. a nd August 10 , 1 \)2 0. Dayton. Mrs. J . H. Mo or e. REPRE S ENT AT1V E Postmastel' F . M. lIi a tt spe nt a W e IIrc n uth ori ze d to nn no un cc Mrs. Ira Schell, ,o f Toledo, Mrs_ Charles Ellis' and Mrs. Anna Ho over, part o f la st w ee k jn C incinnati, ut- Arthur H a milt on !IS n candida t e f or epresentati vc o f lIlt' LI' l{ isluture, of Lebanon, were dinner guest s of tending the P ostmus l e rs con vention. s ubject t o t he Republi ca n Primary Mrs. Louisa Jessep, ·Tuesday. In th o Mr. and Charles Bag f ord and Au g ust 10, 1!J2 6. IIHornoon they called 0 11 Mr. and Mrs. d uug hter, Thelma ,. of Yellow Spril;gs, J .C. Gray and Mrs. Mildre d Murtin. we r e recent gu est s o C Mr. and Mrs. lItrs . W. D. Harlan passed uwa y on Martin Bagfurd . Tuesduy afternoon at the home of Jane t Copsey, Junicc Cr it es find her daughtrr, Mrg. Cliff Hnwk e, af- Dor othy Alf'xand E' r l\I'l' enjoying n t~r a painful illness. ~'uneral ser- cnmping trip with t.he S ewing Club vices were h eld Friday afternoon at girls of the co unty. Springfield churc~. Mrs. Mnry Vetter, wh o s ufT"red n The J oll y Work e rs' clu h met nt broken hip whil e spendin~ the winter t he home uf Marj orie Stump, Tues- with her gfllDddnughler, in Detrllit, dllY afternolln. Th e meeting wus hus bee n 81., \, (' <1 to hoI' hom e hen!. cnlled to order by the pres ident, Evnlyn Penne y. Thirteen m e mbers an- '!!'!~~~~!!'!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!~!!!!~ s wered the r oll call. Three vi sitors , I'IlUPIlSF,ID AMEN DMI·::-n Tn THE were present. Tho work' of t he nfCONsnT UTIlIN UI' OHI O. '# ternoon consisted of cutting dress und ---- " - : ~ bloomer patterns. Delicious waterAR·1'ICl.I' XV III, Si\cnos II . ~ , mt-I on was ser ved durin" the social PROPOSING AN AMF.NDMENTTO SECTION ... II OF ARTICLE XVIlJ OF THE CONSTIhour. The meeti ng adjourned to TUTION OIP THE STATE OF OH'IO RELATIVE TO A!I';ES!lMENTS "OR THi! meet with the leader, Miss Helen COST OF ACQUIRING PROPERTY, Randall, Tuesday, July 20. B, if rfla ll,tld ,b.J GucrQI A.IIf' ",lJi/)l ., ,"Helen Bennett, Repo rter. S t4'. of m;o \Iore. ·/lr,h. 01 ,h. me.. ber.

Devoe Paints and V arn' sh Plymouth Binder T wine . Adr ain Fence

FRED M. COLE Hardw are, Harness, F arm Implements





Illualrat.d d •• crlpUn '.Id.,. .howln. time of train., alop--.o .... prh.U •••• and oth.r cletan. ma,. b. obta'n.d from Ticket AI.nh







Harveysburg Fertilizer Co.

. ···'I tch"

Phon. 8

In The Gazette


IVACCINATION OF SWINE A Specialty Nothing but reliable Serum. and Virus used

Dr. John W. Miller Dr. W. E. Frost Veterinarian


w.,. ......iII.

l:Iarveysburg .

F. T ..Martin Jesse Stanley Auctioneer Auctioneer Dale your sales with UII. We guarantee .atiafaction or ch,arge nothing.

Centerville, O. Pbone


New Burlington,O. Phone No. 320


-- -- --- - ------


Oc:lOI'===::I' I'



I ,...


Have you ever luIf~'fc1 fr(J~ \tan! w~~ .,~"~ your handa become dfy ~d blfd-four Uba ..,ped-froin uling hard water? Then you can a~preciate banda tbat are DIftI' roupened nOr ·reddened-babY's ,tendef akin tbat .. Dever left ~ecJ .nd "itchy"-a shave that is quibk and clemI. I.

Every home NQW can have 10ft ~ ~ cistern an.d double plu'mbin,.


i .



Water $of-teaer



,_:hw minatel u ~ wlth ,~ . . . . ~tJp: . .

.~ 141""""'-""" ~ J,. '91. ·BurtOD


..,........ . . . J.:; ·4"

QII ~, . . . .



olea, to ..... .

. ;h4m'''t ,hall tab ell... of anua.,.. 1927.

Moptld MIIitb 11 , 1925.




If it4I!;tld


U•• ;IO Si ... ,u ~, A.. ell"", . ,

WHEN you want to sell any ot your surplus ·artides on the farm or in the hOlne, try the


bT purchase or Iopprcl priation (or n puhli c 1m. pro\,cment mil, provitte llIoney tht refor, in whole " , in part, bl ,S&el5 ll1cutt upon property bent.ttd by the ,",provemcl lt whether abutdnw-. &4J. Jactnt or oth erwist k lCMed, Such U.lHlment. Ihaft in no CA,I, exceed 1lo lJeci-.l beacfttc eooferred

or, t .. olltW . \I.~ Plitt><>


-e=-cf~~·nd~i! ' .'rqat B~. '



There's a ~. i s.n\l l'l· .... Iel... naIls hl's f .... \" V' ,.,~. n ..gIrl RI\~h), begause she's a lways giv- Ihe conltitution of Ohio, .0 . s to ",. d •• 101· ~: I.1\' him th!' aIr. . St<. 11 . Any muni i,,.l1ty ncqlllrihil propert,.

.- ..----

R.,u R~U~ PIIfw lilt- ~t. Of the warI6

. 'TIle D9ro Bgffener . . ..., .... -

••- - - -

elt'CfeQ \0 botb hom es concurrin g th erel,, : Thai there .hall be: . ubrnittcd to the eJec.ton O-f thl• • tate in the marmer Pf'tl\'tdrd by law l on the lecond Tue.d~ In Aug"It, 1926,.' pota l to a1nt' nd ICCt\()fl 11 of article J( VJ 1 ~f

" 1 suppose you want a Bu ltllble Inscription on the stOI\\I?" Inq~I~" t~e thereby. '. . tom~~one ule~!D~n (If the widow. (_"h" ,UDJ•• d , That . t ouch electIon .:,'Will, nO-:-just something con~en- ~,ve .,,cfQ,red to Ihi, amendment .hall lie lonal." . . 'p IIC<d on the oftict.1 billlot. in tbe manner P.... y de4 . b)' law Ind desi.:nJ I~d . a.I folio•• ! • .\ "1'0 atlllteri.. u, ... ment by mlllllc\falllliil « the _t of .cqulrin. propen,. fo, pullllo tmp_m'- \Il>OO lanlll 'boneflted the,~b'l'


II dte . ~ manufacturer 01 rdIdtDce ... "' 1~ It ij ~P1 ~~. pI1JctiCaL "!lay IDitallld t ~ . . 'OId« Ilewliom.;;r..w·p" • life tIaIt of . . . . at .,.,. IIDII1 ~ .



- - - -•• -

6 Q

For Results


~M"~O'~~-.I State, .•, ' WI'. Sec'etl.,.. of SII~ o. borell, cr;rtll, i

'" -t ;'" af , lII6 .

't il.,.·bf. IW -'oO



I.... OlIernpli~ed~ . " . oa,.f tit •• willi tlte hr, n ~. 011 , oaee.-4 II' 'tV 0 • eitItodT .. , ~~ ,p.U01in to lie.. tt\je . .d ~~rJ ~~utiap ~ ••,. tile

'r a2'"=:1,'1Jd'.~t~·~·oLo:r &: .




M.AtrU " I,a •• ' ~

xvm. 1OctI... II Of ~ ~to ' _.. for ....



':I~ .5!~_~ ~~! =1J ,a.u _ ... rli=i4Iijl:=~==I~ill:=u»J==;;:=;=IC'I=::I~I~~=;=:i._=l.jD~=~




Phon. 44 '

N.tion.1 Ba nk Bl a,.





Read Our Ad • • in Tbi. I.. g o.

Political Announcements


Liberal .top-o•• r


MrR, Myr tle Clurk all ti flllt1i ly, o f Gcnn t uwl1 , Spcll t !:)und uy with MI'. a nd Mrs . Ed MHc Fllrlund . Dr. a nd Mrs. W. E. Og lesbee and G \y, 'o rdo n nlOt o r eti to Clcvcla ntl th e la tter )la rt of t he wrek .

Mi M He len Bt' ll nc tl iK s p " lI dill ~ NOT SO HIGH s t'vp rul du ys nt th e hOIl\ (' n f h('r pur ('lIt M, Mr. IIlld MrM. G. W. /J enn ett, Mot her- "H,·lIoo, d(Oc lo r; will you neur Cap8E1r's Cr eek church. come up t o 4:1 IIl1 xt t'r Stree t; my litMi ss Ma bel !'ltarr, .I nhn Kenn edy, tle Willi e a s R t(' l1llw ratur e !" Enrl und Jllln cs Klin e a ncl Mr. a nd Doct or- " Huw hi!;h ?" Mrs. Mot t Clin e. all o f Durt on . s pe nt "011, only u n the second fl oor. " Ihe week-e nd with th ei r re lati ves, he re. , Clint Gray, f orm e r r es id ent of this A GOOD PLAN village , di ed at his hom e in l\Iiami sFathe r t o ,' lI ito r- "My daughter burg, Saturday. Fun erul servi ces does n't want t o b(' tietl t o fin idiot all were held at Mia mis burg, Monday afh!.'r life." ternoon . "Just so; why not l.. t me take her The Misses Hele n, Kathl een and off your hands. Nelli e Gra ham have as the ir ho use -------.~-~ guests , Misses Edith McKibben, J\tur y Louise Zimme rman, E t hel ·Hll rl'is a nd NOT A CHANC E Miss Earnhart. "Don't le t me miss m y train." The me mbers of th e Pig nnd Calf Chauffeur-ro No dnn~ c r , sir, the clu b entertain ed the memb ers o f the bona BBid I'd lose my j ob if I ·did." Sewing club with a party. a t th e home of their lend er, William Luk ens, on Tusday evening.



Mr. nnd MrS. A. R.' P e nn ey en tertained relative , S undn )"




......crlptlon Pric"" $1.50 per Y •• r




------------------------------..------------Scene in New Jerseyt Where N





--- ...


- --

G. F. F'ltnvrl"s. f r 2~ YII'rd~ trAvel, $3.110. Th" tnmlard Oil 0., 411 g lUj coupon uOtlk s, $641.82: W. P. life arr n , I () IC/l~ c\lu pon h ok. $95.80; ~nmv f(lI' rt'pnl rill!; equipment nud gnmgo r"III, $l a . 7fi: ~a lll () f1lr' l!ru v ) dcHy-, ~ I'NI t(. IH' idgc Jnhs, $!i!).] 0 ; same , fur n i~hin lind hm;li,,!! 52 ya rds of gruy. l' l. $ ;W.·lO : Arlhtll' J. Hill. I)xpc nst' f"r [( ~s i .t ll n t (I n st.I'l'et Hnd rand \\". r!l . $ 16 ./10: ~lIn1C for snme 011 r C. II. No . {i. N, $:14.·10: .John Lllw :;1101 Sun, ga. lind nil fOI' ~elller of

N .. Lion,,1 Bank

e () cl er

war.· Drnwn


.. ' . . . . . .

Eatate. Settled

Waynelville, Ohio

L. Harlan,


L. L. B.

\\'cight ~

Waynesville, Ohio ....,.... Tas Problem.

Life Inlurftnc e Tru lh (or Imft.t1 n ncJ Lnrs:'t" E. tate •.


Life In ' \1rnnc ~ within th e R~H,ch

E.lale "nd S lAt e Inh e ri.

tanc. Tax ••.


8 .. 1".,., Protec.tion, Corpor n tio n aDd Co-Parlnerahip .


Au tomobiles



Rcnl E. tntr.



()H!li mUes wreck and ruin

and' h undrcOS Injured.


Challenges the Elements Uld roof

of protective atrengtb


No other a.phalt roofing offer. auch altractiveneataucb ultra-depenclability .a Mule-Hide-the "Not a Kick in a Million Feet" Roofing. Crown .your home with Mule-Hide, jt "challenge. the elemeata". '


w. H. Madden &. Co. Waynelville



"'&I at every turn ILt

Cuard ia n Frank L. Mill er fil ed hi s sec und und fina l accoulII o f the ){uur. tlian~hip of Wnrrcn ,J. Mi llel' et 01., minors.

Filial account of the es tal(' of Jns. I\1c\)crmutt , dec cl1tied. was fil ed uy executri x, ,,(he rillo O·Arcy. An IIPl'l k alillll f"r the nolmitt.ance () f th e Illst will "f Eumu nd ~te yclI s to pl'ulJllLc will t.." Ill'ul'li U II July :lOth . Mnry V. Wil"oll resiglleu her "", ~ i g ll ml'lIt 118 gtl!u'dilill of the ('state uf Eme F nllnlln . imbecile, and thereupon filed h(' r sc,' ulul IInti thud ucco unl o f

,. II " :O ll oi li ll :li ",""'ulIl I\f the ~ s· 1.,', .' II' :'. :-: , l ll.. mi .. l' . oI,' c~lIse d , \ \\:., 1 1,. 01 h.1 "" ,' '' ''' '' . Ltln' SI,tUr· " " ,. I."" \' III :II · .! " ', l"",,," t " f W. H. c,,·,·, d , n "'" d . \\ :" " IIl1l illl'c! to pro· ~ um e. I,.,t ,· · I 'harl "l ll' ,\I'P >, Ilu lllified an d Firs t 01101 final accoun t of the es. \, a ~ a pP \l lll ll'cl d n:-. execut.r ix, nil tnte of SlI'r<,ptn St.nn sc ll. ,·l cceslIsl.d , hp lp l 1l' ~ I\l in · d wus fil ed by ex~cutrix, Emmll I. Ru s. { 1,,"11 npl" "'l1tion Wilbur Hutt wns se ll. H l' lIdll l l t'd as ndmini:;l r ala)r of the cs Helen S. Robinso n WIIS nppointed tau' () f 11"IlI'Y Cln y loyd . who died upon Itpplicntion as aumi nistrntrix of i!lte, l" tf' . ~ !i.OOO bond \Vas re(lUireLi. th e estntc of J ohn E Siegfried, olleg. Will 1::. lI ul l. ll'la ri on Boger lind Em · cd intcstnte, $12 .000 bond was reo <'I'. ' ,n S urfl1ce w('re IIPpointed as ap· quired of the appointee George 1'. pru i!'l.·I·... qr su it! (·state. GUles, Ralph B. Parks and W. G. An. Filial 1H'~uu n t of lhe estate at AI· derson were appointed as appraise rs freol W. Cook, deceased , and of the herein . tru sl l" 'ship of Hob"rt Cook, a minor Carr W. Hendrick so n, ndmi nistrn. wno Ii led in prohaLc by the executo r, tor of the esta tr of A. C. Hendrickson :111(1 lrustl!l', C. C Emmons. decensed, fi led ill the probate court ProoI uf I'"hliclllioll was filed of t.he final account of Adda C. Henlhe no lic e of appo intment of Halph drickso n D'H administratrix of the es. B. Porks, a s administrator of the "s· tnte of William P. Hendri ckson, de· lnle o f Mll ry J. Lungd on, decease d. ceased. Th e same wus file by the appoi nt· First und final account of the cstate menl of Emma T. Ma rch as execu trix of Willinm P. Hendrickso n, deceased, of the estate of . E. Stella Matthews, admr. de bonis non herein. The court deceased. granted authority to soid administra· Proof of publication of notice of tor to 8Ssi'g n a note nnd mortgage of th e appointment of Milton S. Keever B. K. Augspurger nnd Margaret Augs as exec utor of the estate o f W. Oscar purger, to the parties entitled to the Keeve r, deceased, was fi led. assets of ,said estate. F rank J Bolon was appointed up· on application as administrator of the REAL ESTATE 'FRANSFERS estate of Emma Bolon, who di ed inW. T. E stes, Franklin, to Owen C. t estate. $:!,OOO bond was required. [Ilvenl ory and appraisement of the GroSll, iI!sl! tl\on ont' acre in F rankestato of Chorl os W. Cox, deceased, lin Tp., $1 . J ohn W. Voller and John W. Vol· wns filed by executo r Clyde Cox. Authority WIIS ){ronted said executo r to ler, Jr., to S. C. and Su sie M. Alex. s ell nt privutc Bole one· half shu re of ander, lot No. 443 in Frllnklln, $1. s. S. White, Mason, to Frank B. Valley T elephone preferred, at $49. in Ma. III the muller of the estate of A bl- Combs, lots Nos. 109 and jah Co lli e ~, dl!ceascd, permission WaS son, $1. Dorothy Bagford t o Frank L. Mil· given administrator C. W. Collier, to sell at private sale two shores of 7 ler, tl part of the s outhwest part of per cent stock of the R obbins and the public squllre of Waynesville, a lso parts of lots Nos. 3 and" ill Ohio Myers compan y, at $10. First and final account of the es· squart' in Wayn es ville, $1. Adam Weitzel and Mary Weitzlc to tatc of Eli Denn , deceased, wns filed Montgome ry Howard and Lucy L. uy executrix, Annie Mllrio· Denn . Guardian J . E. Janney fi led hi s tonth Howard, a part of inlot No. 67 in acc oun t of th e guardian ship of Chas. Frunklin l !Llso paJ·t lJf in lot No. 66 in snid vill age, $1. D. Janney, imbt'eilc. Sus)J('ndt'd. Dora Bennett Taliaferro to John K. Morri s, 20 acr es in Franklin town· ship, $1. D. A. Harriso n to Susan Curtis, a pa\'t of lOll No. 26 in Franklin, $1. Walter and Ora Todhu nter, Wil. m ington, 'to Carl Stllter, Wilmington, n small t ract in Turtlecreek Tp., $1.


TeD the Advertiser you read his Ad. in the Miami GazeHe I





Car owners have never been able to buy tire mileage at 80 Iowa cost per mUe as they can buy Firestone Gum.Dipped Tires today. And never before have they been able to buy tires so comfortable, safe and trouble free. We Also Sell Thls is possible because of the highly skilled research engineers who have developed special machinery and processes for ' manufacturln~ Gum.Dlpped Tires, combined with economical national distribution through efficient Service Dealers,' Dlany equipped with the latcst Firestone m ethods of repairlngJIigh Pr'C!IIure, Full.slze Balloon, Bus and Truck Tlree. Flrestone's long fight against the Britilh

Bubber Rc:.tricdon Act hu !laved car owners aniUJon. of dollars. can Ia'Ye you better with these wonderful drea and save fOG money. CQme in today.



E. H.

In a -laean


An no D. Stevenson vs. Oscar A. and Duisy aston, for money and fore · clos ure of m ortgage and costs expended herein. Amount $600, with 8 per cen t interest since January 16, 1926. Fftled July 8th: ullswor due Augus t 71th. Vi rgil :Fulle n V B. William S . Roof, for mone y, $2000 and interest since May 1[;, 1 no. Filed July 8th. An. swer due August 7. Swift nnd Compa ny, a co rpoI'lltion vs. J . T. Gray and Broll. , a part nersliip firm consisting of John Gray and Clyde Gray ns partners tor money, Amount clai med $828.32, at 6 per cent interest since May 7, 1921, and other r e lief. Filed July 9. Return duy July 10, unswer due August 7. La ura Hen se lman vs. H eber Harcum, Loraine Harcum , Ralph Hen sel. man a nd Bessie H enselman, a minor, lIction foll' immediate relief. Petition fil ed July 9th. Return day July HI, unswer due August 7. Lora D Evans VB. David A, EVan9, actiOIl [o~ divorce, cruelty charged. F'il~d July 10th.

At These Reduced Prices 10ai Pall. 01. .... 16.90 IOd\t .. " . " •. 7.80


aOal CI,ConI .. 1.?D •• 1'41 " " " ....98 30&3'41 b.. . C•• a......." ala4 a ••• .,.,. . . .. 1&711 Ib4 .. " ..... '1.28 8214'41 .. '" • , •• lid .. .... . ...... Made In n. 0rcGc and ean,. N

291 4.40 a.II..... ,11.10 ttI4." • .. .14.90 80 I 4.111 .. .. .111.111 II • 4..8 .. , • ,11.48 lOa 4.811 ., ... 17.111 8Oall,1S ., ... 11.111 It III.n " ... 1t.01 ·

8al e.. .. ., .u.. at. a..

~ s~

O~~orf's Garage,

" ... 14.'1

PWafoM p~

no-. 0.--.._

Waynelville, Qhio


Lee Osenr Simpson, lineman, of Lovela nd, Itnd Hazel Rabenstein, of Lo veland. Rev. Elmood, Lovelllnd, .named tu officiate, COMMON PLEAS PROCEEDINGS The J. W . Lingo Hardwaro CO. VB, E. S. Shroyer, th e court willed that the plaintiff r eco ve J' from the defe n-. dant the Bum of $270.22 with varying interests on complimentary parta of said amount since January 30, 192<1. The total amount at th" time of trial was $31S1.07, and the court ruled that· this amount plus interest lit 6 per cent from the' dute of trial be rer ecovered by the plaintiff, The ctl8e of Laura H. HarUey, VI. W, F. MOBIl was settle d out of court an d di smls8ed without record. -~ In re·dil8Olution ot the Malon Milling Company, a corporation, W, G. ThompsoD, receiver herein wu pan"' :





Starting Feed

Waynesville Farmers' Exchange Company




.. .,0••



Walter ·McClu·r e Farmers, Attentipn! J. E. McClure


At .Cary'S


Every Tues'day

ney for grovel and crushe d stone, $6 13.06; Spencer a nd Armitnge, for gravel. $123.20 : H. D. Carroll, for furnishing and hauling g~avel , $32.76



after I.-vlg the shell tbe Q1ek .. ready for

:\1 . ~(' Iltl ~ u ~ Ihe ~l o l'Y t..dd, · willi Ilskcd 11<'r husband . I .. copy off n rndin r '<'i l'l' ~ h e wnnLed. 11 (' din hi" h(' ~ t. blll gilt lW o ~tll tinn s at (,lic e. OIl<' of which wno brnn dcnst~d authority to sell lit privall' su II' t h., ing till' Il1 nl'nil1g exercise. nn(1 the . pcrsonnl propt'rty ,' f Ih e co mpany. othn thl' T<'l·ipl'. Thi ~ ig whnt h !' , uid I'rOpl'rty e'"1 Risti ng (I f "mce fix· tnok down : "lI l1 nd , ,Ill hip s pl :I<' I' 0 11 (' Ctlp of , tur,'s app raised nt $1 nU. f1 "tlr nil t h .. ~ h()uldt'rs. rlli "c kllI' C" an d I d,,-'p rfl!'os tCl"~ II rul ndx thorn ugh ly in ! Feed It for 8 week.. COMMISSIONERS' ALLOWANCE Conkey's Is low In fibre and JWIt oll e· hulf Ctll' or .milk. HCI' <'n l s ix I l illie". IlI ha l,· qUI ck ly. I' nl'· hlllf tell" right In protein, eclentlfica\ly correct. Wnrr<'n Counly lIoll1 ~ fr o III G(' orj:!c Does not Injure or overtax the eenaldve 'ilnunfu l of Ilnkill~ po wd e r . 11) \\'c r t hl. !" I digestive apparatus. Weir eSlate for t ar (' nnd "'p "li,., fur· . 1"15' ",," n 'lI~h IW(O har \l · b oil~ d cj!'g C-onkeY'1I Is the Original Buttermilk nis h,," G('orl:c We ir. $:107.711 : ~ta· · ill II si(·,·!'. I-:xh :II 1'. bn'al l", nlllurnlly Starting Feed. It is made by the knlta Mfg. Co .. snppli l'" for probntc Conkey Original Process. In whIch and si ft in I,) 11 howl. c0 urt,$ 2!i; The Western SIar, M m e. SeDll-Solid Buttermilk I, thoroughl, " Att t' nti oll ! Lie flat 0 11 thl' floo r Incorporated with other InsredleD~ for Ju\'('nil c court. $11; Sllme . guppli es an d ... 01 1 I II!' whil,· o f 1111 "g)!, IJllckwll rd Conkey's Poultry Book free. for pro""t!' court. $1 1; SHlll l', ~up· lind forward unt il it comes to II b"il. plil' for cl"rk of courl s, $ {: I: H. C. In l(' n minutc" Tl'mo\'c f rilm the fir e Reif, supplies for jail, $!l.!l:J ; The a lld rub smnrt ly with u rough 10\\,(,1. Book Shop. su pplip. fur Huditor. $2; nrel1lh e nll turn ll y. ti r!'ss in wurm Slime, , upplil's for county tl' e a ~ ur e r . f1ann!' l. nnll "ene with fish ~O\lp." W ayn . ..m., Ohio Phon. 25 $55; J "hn Law nnd Sun, gns and oil for s he riff's Dodge, 3~ 1.4:J ; E. S. Worley. la bor 811d repnirs on s heriff's LlF E'S MIRROR Dodgl'. $1 1. 15; Geo rge W. Larrick, gn lary liS janitor at Memorial hall. Rpfl cdion s hy Pnnnp $20: l'rus lcl's o f Public Affairs. light A fight bptween hill for tou rl hOlls r nlld juil, $59.50; Dean K Stllnl ey, rent fur prosecuting A- million fellrs THE OltlATl1T oLtorn<'y's oOlce, $25; L. D. Will8, sup W ("\,(' t r/wr II 1'(1 many routc~. pl ies f(i r joil, $3.75; The Office Out. And wIIsted nll'n~' y .. nr~ IN THI WOIII.I) fitters , supplies for probate court, Be ftlr c Ih l' UllttlC'R W(ln. '1JBWI(E]) WElILT. $4.011 m ~ 50 .. ; Dr. Robert Bluir, medical se rvice at county jllil for s ix months, $[12 .26. IIOTI.." I)RUCCIST., OOITUM.RI. TRA ......... Olio Va ll ey P hone Compnny, offic e tolls •• 0 'lUI .IRYIO. OAN PlIO • and phone rent, $93 .60: S heriff Brant • " u.... a IT. ADYI.TI .... O OOI.U board and wnshillg f or prisoners, nlso SAMPLE COpy FREF itemized expense account for quart(' r, ~ OU~~IR $309.79; V. W . Tompkins, supt, di s. .~ trict No.1, payroll for month, $474 .• 30; F. M. Co lli ns, same , $3 12.20 ; Eden Terry, same, $427; A. T . Rettig same, $873.98; R. D. EdWards, same, $1 89.75 ; Joseph Davis, $641.75; A. T. Rettig, sam e f or Sale m Tp., $97; W. S. Gra him, so me for Wayne Tp., MONEY LOANED $136 .85; Phillip H .. isel, some {or Hamilton Tp .. $49.66: Harla n Whi taLOANS on Chattels,Stock8, Seeun. cre, same for Harlan Tp., $ 147.25; tiol and Second MongageL Not.. John Donnell an d Ivan Schuyler, in bought. John Harblne Jr., Xenia, Ohio. -m30-'211 fu ll ' for contract N o. 844, and extra work on roodwny, $531.60; Eugene Harper, bridge r epai r In Washington Tp., $4.20; Harlan Whitner, mate. Farmerl of Warren and adjolnln. ria l fOI' rood an d bri dge repair, $47.counties may ohtain money on Ion. o ; Wnltc r Varner, extra work on time 100n 8, lit Ii per cent inte~st. FUNE~AL DIRECTORS contract No 843, 387 .40; F ronk Cost of 8~curing the • .tne ill very reaBursk, r epairing tools, $ 1.75 ; Carl WAYNESVILLE, OHIO son'n'blo ,through The Federal LaD' Blackford , repa iring equip ment, Bank. For f urther Information eall $15.60; Rloir Ilnd Leroy, grnvel and Fully Equipped for-e-ood on or nddress 111. C. DRAKE, Trea. cement, S89 .90. Service. urer, phone S IO-X, Lebanon, Ohio. Waites Gurage, supplies f or county Large Display Room, cars, $28.70; H. S. Conover, supplies Ambulance Service FOR SALE for Franklin Tp., $6.90; The Lingo T 7 1).'Y on NIGHT ELEPHONE" I FOR SALE--Pl'operty of G. W. Da. Hdwe Co .. repairs fo r truck, $6.10; Will Malott, battery service nnd 1'1" ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . : kin, on Third street. See the own pa irs on coun ty car, $1.65; The Ore- ~~~~~!!!!!!!!'!!'!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!~ er, for price, etc. gonia Bridge Co., repair for truck. $6.10; same blue prints, $6.37 : Miller 100 HENS, one year old. And 100 curly F redOhio. Richards, -21 phone Hdwe, tacks for s urveyor, 251'; P. B. •. • . . 37 y~ , pUllets. Waynesville, Monce, four g uar d rail posts, $1.80: . The Cosparis·Ohio Quarries Co., 60 THRESHER SUPPLIES--Belta, pulTh. Ewe Sioeclailit Ieys, ba bbltt :t c ups , Inj e c • tons crushed stone, "102', The W est# m e'~ .....' 0 .. .. tors lubricators, llteam , and water ern Ohio Gravel Co., 260 tons of tor·' ~ewelry guages, gaage glalS! oilers, pac:1dnc. pedo gravel, $125; Benjamin D. Sorpumps, valves ana ftttlllg1l. . For ter, for delivering gravel, $6; J ohn Lebanon, Ohio boiler fiues, !luction hO~J tank snle nt THE BOCKLET-KING CO., Chenoweth, furnishing, londln g and 415 W. lIfoin street, Xenia, OhIo, huuling grovel, $10: <;:ook and Sweepho ne 860. 21

foll owing the terrific two day bqmb urdn,ent Lake Denmark, N. J . More than 80 lives are known lost The camera· man risked his life for this photG-while big shell s were still burst- ..

em 1'e<l by fI roe at the nll'1' 600 acre arsenal Jog:..

a Forb-eM

7.R6: \Vnitcs



Mu.Hide represents

IlI l.." n :.& Urt·~ ...

~ :\lnc· . ~ I .

E Yer }, One .

I n "ur" nce

an ti

(inl'uge. ~.:lI11(, . S::!.20: .ChnrItos F'1'USl' l',

~ \




11 \




' t'L'L c.AlGll'Y





8:00 •• m. tc! 4 p. m.


FOR SALE=-Range In good 'condltion, cheap. J. B. HeBII. Centemlle phone 728, or inquire at this office. -Jy14



Get a Good Early Start on F





All day Thursduy, Ju ly 22nd, to mark down prices and arrange store HncI stock for this great sa le. Phone your f ri ends an d make eve l'y pJ'eparatioll to 'be here waiti ng with the crowds when the door:; open. ,


READ--RtALIZE ACT T~ese Sensational Closing Out Sacrifice go on sa e Friday, promptly at 9 a. m., and h' e the ;Zast

0 ~

Men's Suspenders · 50c valu s will go on sale pl'omptly at () a. Ill., F rid ay, and whil e they la st ... .


o o U



One lot of Ml' n's RI'g'u lar 19c Drcs>I Socks, "'hill' th ey last, wi! 1 ~o Oil sa l , Friday, at 9 a. m ., til .. ..


does not permit t and come early. . .


50c Sunfast MattingR ...... 3Se $5.00 Traveling Bags .. ... $3.25 , Reg. $1.25 Tennis Shoes .. . 63c es' Reg, $1.25 Sateen Blooma nd Step-ins, at .... . ...... 89<: Reg. $l.00 Silk Gloves ... 7Sc Reg. $1.50 Sweaters ... . 9Se Reg. $2 .50 Sweaters, at . $1.45 '& Reg. 75c Sateen Bloomat ...... ... -. . ... . ...... 4Sc ildren'~ Reg, $1.25 Rompers, at, S5e i1dren's Reg. 35c Socks, at .. . ,19<: Reg. 50c' Suspenders, at. .. 22c Reg. $1.00 First-Step e$, 1\ t .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 59<: Reg. 7lic Balbriggan Shirt.'! and Druwers, at ., ........ , .49<: Reg. $l.25 Knit Un ion Suit.'!, u t ... , ... , ... ~ . ... : , .. 8ge , $1.25 Munsing Union Suits8Se Suit Cascs, at. .. " . .. ... $1.15 Suit Cases, at. .. , . , . , ... $1.79 Men's Muslin Night Shirts. 89c I) Men's Pajamns, at ....... $1.29 Rubb er Aprpns, up to 40c ,value, closi ng out jilt. . . . . . . . . . 29c MEN'S CAPS

Reg. $1.50 Caps, at ....... 95e Reg. $2,00 Caps, at. , . .. ,$1.39 en's Reg. $2.5 0 ap>l, lit . . . : . . $1.59 BOYS' CAPS AND HATS

to $1.00 Caps, odds and ends .. 3ge 1{,t~:Eloys' Reg. $1.25 Cap!!, at. . . . . ... Sge

i.·"'P aper Dept. ,Stock of Wall Paper at


Men's Dresa Sock,....

Men'l Leather Palm Gloves

Huck Towels

Barefoot Sandals

,1.25 Boy s' Waists, in all colors an d sizes, go at in this great sale, .

$3.50 Mens' English Broad Cloth Shirts, all styles and colors, go at

Boys' Reg. $1.25 Overalls,. will positive ly go in this great sale, at

,All Men's Regular 20e Dress ·Socks will positively 1~0 in this sale, while they last, at

One lot of Men's Leather P a I m Gloves all regular 50c values, while they _last, go at

15c Huck Towe ls, good size, will go while they last, at

$1.75 Barefoot Sandals, in all sizes u p to 2, composition sole, while th ey last, at






Boys' Reg. $2.00 Wash Suits, while they last, will go in this sale, at


Men's Men's Men's Men 's

Reg. $3.00 Work Shoes .. $1.95 Reg. ~3 , 50 Work Shoes .. $2.45 Reg. $4 .00 Work Shoes . . $2.95 Reg. $5,00 Work Shoes .. $3.4S.


Table Oil Cloth

All regular 40c 48-iiicn BOYl3" Reg. $3,00 Dress Shoes . . $1.9S Oil Clot h in this great Boys' Reg. '3.50 Dress Shoes .. $2.45 sale, while it lasts, at Boys' Reg. $4.00 Dress Shoes .. $2.9S




35c Underwear Crepe Children's Regular $2.50 DJ'css All reg ul ar 35c UnShoes, at , ........... . , . .. $1.45 derwear Crape, in all Children's Regular $3.00 DI'ess colors, will go at Shoes, at ... ... ! • • . • . . • .• , • • $1.95 Children'l3 Regular $4.00 Dress Shoe~, at . , ..' . ...... ... , . . . $2.49 Shirtl .and Drawen



Men's Men's Men's M.en's

Reg. Reg. Reg. Reg.

$1.50 $1.75 $2,50 $3.50

Dress Shirts ... 79c Dress Shir~ . . $1.19 Dress Shirts .. $1.49 Dress Shirts .. $1.89

Men's $1.25 Munsing MEN'S UNION SUITS . Union Suits, go' in this sale, at , All 75 Nainsook Union Suits .... 4ge Men's Reg. $1.25 Nainsook Ul).ion . Suits, at.. . .. , . . "., . . ... ; .. 89<: • Men's 'Reg. $1.25 Balbriggan Unf ion Suits, at ....... , . , . ...... 8ge 'BoYI' C ' erall. Men'lI R~g. $2.00 Balbriggan UnBoys! $1.26 Cover~Jls, will go gin this sale, ion Suits, at .. " ........ $1.39 at .


.~,_ 89~

,. J



Men's Men's Men's Men's Men's

Reg. $3.25 Reg. $4.50 Reg. $5.00 Reg. $6.00 Reg: $8.00

Dress Dress Dress Dress Dress


Pants . . $2.45 Pants .. $2.95 Union Suit. Pants. '. $3.45 All Men's Reg. 75c AthPants .. $3.95 letic Union Suits, while Pants .. $4.95 they last, will go at


Dreu Pants Men's Iteg. $2 .00 Khak i Pant!! .. $1.49 Men's Reg. $6.00 Wool 1\1 en 's Heg. 2.50· Work Panls .. $1.79 Dress Pants, will positive ly go, while they last, in this great sale, at BOYS' SUITS Boys' Reg. $7.50 School Sui ts~ .. $4.95


Boys' Reg. $9.00 School Suits, . . $5.95 $5.00 Dress Shoes Boys' Reg. $10.00 2-pnnts Suits, at ... .. .... . .. . .. . . . .. . . $6.95 On e lot of Men's Wa lkOver, Peters, Eno icottBoys' Reg . $12 .50 2-Pants Suit, Johnson Shoes anti Oxat . . .... .. . . .. . ....... . . . $8.S5 fords, will positivcly go in this great sale, at MEN'S FELT HATS

M,e n's Reg. $3.50 F~lt HatR .. . $2.25 Men's Reg. $4 .00 lind $5 .00 Felt HI~ts, at .. ... , .. .. .. .. .... $2.95 MEN'S RUBBER BOOTS

~3.45 Brasieres

75c Br asiCl'es, in a ll s izes, w hile they last, will go at



Men' s Rubber Boots, Ball Brand, Hipress or Converse, all guaranteed to Drells Shirtl give satisfactio n, the $8,50 Hip Boots go on sale, at .... . , , .. .. .... . $6.95 One lot of Men's Dress All our $5.75 Boots, at ... • . ,' .. $4.95 Shirts, vat. up to $1.50, All our $5.00 Boots, at . .. .. .. . . $4.25 while the~ last, will pos itively go at

. .tI~a!.. T,U~ Suitl ,( Men~8'er. '~7 .60 fine tailored Suits, 'in all modeis, an astounding bargain in'. this sale, at v' .'

BOYI' Suits--2-pantl

Boys' re gular $12.50 2Pants Suits, for a quick close-out, will go, while they la§t, at

Broken size , up to $20.00 vn l, . $9.95 Men's Reg. $20 .00 Worsted Suits at " .. ".. . .. .... . .... . $13.75 Men's Reg. $25.00 Worsted Suits, at .. ... . .. .. . .. . : ... . . . $16.75 Men's Reg. $30.00 Tailored Suits, Kabki Pants at .. , .. . . . . .. . .... . . . . .. $19.75 $2.00 G l' a d e Kahki Pants, in a ll sizes; while they last, will go at


75c Men's' Ba lbriggan Shirts and Drawers, while they last, go at


Boya' Shoel

All Regular Jap Mating. will go in this gI:'eat sale, while it lasts, at




Men's $1 Work Shirts (l ill' I

Lot Clf :\1" 1I ' ~ Ht'

:-: hirl ,.' . . I\i t: l : ilYt'


Y :l II


' Iilal'

1) 11

' Vork


I "'l l ll .I ' . , •. \


s:Ii " \rh il,' 11,,·y I :t ~- I, a l . .. ... . .

Tennis Slippers l JI




\ :tli l , ' ,

I~ II~ ~ '

l\[l'n ':-;,


Gi rl,,' T" lIl1 i" ,'Ii lpel's, "'h ill' I h,'.I' ! ":

Men's Canvas Gloves Mun's Canvas Cltll"~ . nil 1'L'g'lIlnr' ] 5c \ ' aItH''' ' )!O fill sa le, Fr idny , il l !) :1. m.,


This Sale Will Continue For 15 Days Only Men'. Suits All Men's Regular $20 .00 Worsted Suits, all good mod els, fOJ' qui ck action, w ill


Men's Reg. $4.00 Dress Shoes . . $2.95 Men's Reg. $6,00 Dress Shoes .. $3.95 Men's Reg. $7,50 Dress Shoes .. $4.45


--- -----_.



BOYI' $1.25 Overall.

One lot of Ladies' Crepe Bloomers and Step-ins, all reg. 75c values, will positively go at

a t .. .. . . .. . .. . .

at . .... ... .. ... . . . .. .

ftfen'a BroadCloth Shirt.

Ladiel' Crepe Bloomers


aln or

Men'. Union Suitl '

.' All Reg. 75'c ' 3x6~ ~an R.nd Green, first qualityWindow, Shades; go at whil e they last, at '

Up to $1 .50 va lues, Men·' ;j Dress Shirts, collar atlllch ed, and Ii tachetl, go at ... ..


all siZe". whilt: Ih. ·y

97 c 4c 79

Boya' W.iata


1.00 Worth and Save


$ 1.00 1\1 t'II' ~ nt·lb.

Men's Dress Shirts

offer. You know from experience that tl HYMAN sale is a particularly good time to select your Summer and Fall needs, for this a ~onderful aa.ortment to select from and everything can be had for much lelll than ordinarily. The enthusiasm and also abilbelieve our past 13 years of Itraight-forward merehandiajng and honesty of .tating facta have won for us ,the unbounded conbelieve UI, will be eager to come a nd take advantage of this great money-aav·i ng opportunity. '111..., ...."'.y honelt basil.


Men's Belts

Men's Supporters



Bleac-llf'cJ Mu sl in, 8 yrJ". to a clistom er. HI ...••

MCII 'H Shoes and Oxfords. \ ';\ 1\] (' li P to $8 .00, black and IJ l'o \\· II. \ Valkon: r, E. and .J. . an d Pl't l' r s' ma ke, for Qui('k a ction, go at ...

25(' Men 'R Supporte r ~, in all c()l()r ~ , whil c th ey last, will go at ...... . . ... . 1.

~ .jL·

yard s til'

/'rOO )fOjl l'

Men's Shoes


I I I. m.


- - - - - - - _._- --





Men'sDress& WorkS ox





Bleached Muslin

One lot of Boys' Shoes, . Jdd and ends, will go in this· sale, at


Walkover Shoes

One lot of Me~'s Reg. high-grade $~.60 Walk- ' 'Over Shoes and OXfords all sizes, while. they last


75 $9 95

~~Sit;~~y S~~l~, ~"$13 wh il e the y last, at. .... . 'i

Men's and YoungMen's Suits One lot up to $20.00 Mens' and Youn g Men's Su it.'!, broken sizes, ~vi ll . positively go In th iS sale, at . . .... . .

Boys' Suits

$4 95

One lot of Boys' School Suits, all rc gular up to

~~~~OI:s~~U;~il';~~~ "t tively go in this sale, at ,...... . . .

Men's W 'o rk Pants Men's Reg ular $2.5 0 Work P a ntR, in all siz es, good aSRortment of pattern!!, will pOi-litive ly go in t his Ral!! whi le th ey la, i, at.



Men's Overalls Men's Reg-ul "r ~~.O O-22 0 RllI c Df' ll im OverallR will positively go in ihi H>la ll', while th ey last, at .... ... . ..... .



5 7

QUI" entire :;tock of Mcn's Regu lar $2 .00 War-

;1~:~~1:~:~:, S5Ui~Sl '" fOl' 6<lU iCk whil e the y last, go at . . .

ac tion. •

Men'. Dress Pants Men's re g ular $8.25 Worsted Dress Pants, U' large assortment for a good ,

~~~~!iOt~eyW!~st, gi~ this great sale, at .•..•. •.•.. •.•..


52 •




The seasoll f the yea r is no \\' h re, when you xpC'ct th s n r ' 11 a i l St otm s th at someti11les • ",,('cp t I1(' COU II t ry •'1 11"" rlll' 11 ' otlr Crops, espccia lIy your Tob ~ O . '.\ ·c now ha \e 1[lt.V" OIl t hi dass of insurance , :lud will b gLIU to 1 1 !lV ~ .you cull nnd t a lk it over.






M.... Laura hn! bee n villi Ling Irle nd a at Bollblrook.

Ferry Church of Christ

A 11 nwm h.~1'1' al1 el Tl Pc' ple of th ~ community. IIfC ~ 8p llCillll y rl'ql1est d l bo pr <,sc nt nt (Iur services 11 'xt Mr. nnd Mrs. J . O. Cartwright Sunday, ut .1 :30 n. lit., unci 7 :30 p. were In Springfield over the wQek- m. elld.

. M~8. Emma Dakin s pent in Xenin and Dayton.


Tnke on ly necel'Sary things to the .=============== com p. Leove jewe ls a t home . . Tnk(' only the nrc Bsary and SUlta· Mrs. F rnnk Fa rr "'os o n jur)' duly The Chu rch of ' hrisl in Gre ene Mntt M c Kin~e y, o f .Los Angilles. hI<. thinj!s on ~'<l ur vn alion cnmp. M o n du~" CuI., is vis it ing ro la tives in Wa yn es· coun ty w ill hold t.he ir 1I 11 nllui unitell Usunlly ull the n OC!lS~IU'y ga rm en ts se rvico at t he Fe rry church Oil Lortl's Mr. and Mrs. Fre d StllllP w(~ re Day. vi lle a nd vici nit y. Oay, All g u ~ t. 1st. li re IIl rc ndy in till' w nrdrobc . Comp lOg ~ ~h o u ld be comf ortoble, clean t on visil'o rs, Mond a y. Mr. a nd !lin;. H ownrd Cnse alld Tli e r~ will be two sessions -!l :30 R emen1ber w \1;lt t he H a il d id to the Tobacco (."si1~·, be nec essar y, a nd be present fnmil y. of Loban on , v i~ite d Miss E m. a . Ill . • anti 2 :00 p. Ill. C" l1l c. and Cln rk Sturr Jr., of the U . S . Na vy Illa H cighwoy lost week. in t his vi ioily las t Y('af. :l lI d t h e man y l a r ~e 10 !es ill slIfll cient qu ant ity, observes Miss bring YOU I' IUll c II b ItS k C t • p"id by th is Age n cy 111 1 Hail Losses . It Do.e s Pay Anne Dieb ri ch(' r . exte nsion spec in l. is home on 1\ furl ouigh. Dr. lind Mrs. J . E. Wilhllm visitt o be on t he sa fe s ide, fo r it cost s very lIttle to i"t in clothillg nt the Ohi o Stllte un i· Mr. and Mrs. Lesle r Gordon spe nt S f vl' r~ i ty. the week.end with f ri e nds in cnmp. cd Norm a n Riehmand nnd family. lit Be a e. " Kni cke rs nnci blouses orc super ior Lovelnnd. Sunday ufte rnoon . to dresses us OilIer Il'llrml'nu. , os they Mrs. W . S. Grohom . pe nt MondllY Rugs Dusted a nd Re novnt(.d ; Autoprov i,le mor e com fo rl nn d less r l'- wi t h Mrs . n. A. Com ell. of Roule I. tomobile Cove rs washed; Blnnketa nnd slr icti on in camp uctivi t ies. Seve rol ST. MARY'S CHURCH wnsh ub le blouses . th e n umb er de· A uto mobile r epairin g. 1I10t or oil Comforts launde r ed; Dry Cleaning, E ig hth SundllY af Le r Trinity, July pl' nd ing on . t he length of the co mI'. olld gos save r. n a y Mills, T el. 71. Pressing and Dye ing. Soft Wa ter 25. hruch Sch ool lit !J :30 a. m .• Lnundry, Mahlon Ridge, ngellt. Morning Pray e r ulld Serm on lit 10 :an. should go camp ing wit h yo u to 1' 1" W a ynesville, Ohio I';veryb ody welcome. The re wil Ibe Ross Hartsock att ended th e Post· Mr. nnd ·Mrs. Fred Sontag a nd 11 0 st' rvic rs during August. Ii:;=======;;;..~===-_==-~==============~ " fresh t hl' cos"r tu me. \; " J e welry ali ki nd, is un neceR- masters convention in Cin cinnati, Inst Rev. John J . Schaeffer. Rector. Mr. ElnlE' r Sontng, of Hyde Pork, ~n ry Ilnd e ll sily lost . and should be week. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Se bold . of Av., n· le ft ot horn e. Even the' walch is nul FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST J ohn Smith spent l he fir~ t three dole. Miss Leliti a SchutzllIan. o r in· II cc~ Bsary in (·U lll p. n eg ulur ~ervi ces III 0 :3 0 a. m .• and .. " h'c t co mf or tuul.. "ho('s with "uy~ of th e ,,"e ('k with his so n, in Ak· cinnuti, we r e Sunduy gu ests of Mr. 7 ::\0 p . m. Com c I .. r on lind Mrs. W. O. Rnper . br oud h('cl8 und heavy " ,,\('s. 0 .• . Nathun Johnso n, Minister. W nshlngWn, Uttle Perry Thomu s. Supt. fords nrc s lIpnin r to "uml" nr ot hu Mrs. H. n. \V illia m_o n hn" r eturn. Little Miss Alice J a ne n uss um. baby Albert Mllek .wallowed aD f unev footwear. Lislc hose sta nd cd (rom II vi. it with r elntivcs ill In· who hilS been the guest of Mrs. MII0r,en snrety pin hla mother ruahed we,,; 1111<1 ur e in harm on y with t he (I'ta na. METHODIST CHURCH h III to a hoapita.1, where Dr. IArlrry Edwards lind daughter s. retllr l1cd in saved the child', UI. by throatot hl'r J.,:'ill'llll'nts wo rn . A warm to her home in Dnl(,ton, Sunday. Miss Snbbnth School, 0 :15 a. m .• preach· Ing his ftn~r down Ita throat, and ""'('nter Jl(·rmits you to enj oy ll ll' cou l Mrs. F lorl'nc c Hu ddle. of Mllcli· Mary Lenh Edwards accompanied hel' ing at 10 :3U B. m. . Epworlh Leugue jabbing the pin point deep Into' hit 6:16 p. m. Pr ~n cl\ln e' at 7 :00 p. m .• nll\ r n i ll g~ and late eve n in gs. so n vi1 I('. is th e gu es t of Mrs. W. S. and will s pend th e wcek there. flesh. with other hand, he withdrew We dnesda y evening Praycr meeting • .. 'lgoht " a r e .. ft. e n cold in lh u,e pIn from the windpipe. 7 .30. Everybody invited to these Mr. ond Mrs. Cltnrles h ~e han . ('an iI" A flY "" " who has ntt cmp l llt! services . . Mr. and Mrs. El vin Fires were lo , I.·.·p whl' ll r,. ld call rea lize th e 1Irr:- and Mrs. Clift' Himes . of Cen· Rev. L . A. Washburn. Pastor. di "c('lll ful'l. Il IHI kllows t he va lue (,f un dny g u ('~ts of Mr. a nd Mrs. AI· te rville, Mrs. Annie Sheehan, Mr. Honored nnd Mrs. Al vin Earnhart nnd chilo plt·nl y u f \l a r m ni"h tclolhes. evcn if bert Shutts. A GOOD PLAN dren , wcre Su nday guest s of Mr. and it i, ill 'UIII llll'r . Do not forget the Leo Clenver. of Minnell Polis, Minn ., M rs. Earl Thomas. of Social Row. warm kimfl l1 o, • _ _- - In c hl!i<- "I<'nt,' of lln d ~ rgarmentR. is visit inj:!' his bro ther. A. B. Cleo vc r Country Clu b Evaporated, Flllhe r to S uitor- " My ll uughter a ~ ca mp IHlll1 d"ri ng fac iliti es are scnll an d family. 3 large can s . . . doesn 't "'>ln t t o he l ied tl1 nn idiot 1111 ly. TIll' ~ n1l' rgol' n cy ki t will contai n WiI.on' ., 3 ca n . .... .. .......... : .. . 2 8 c _Ealllc Bra nd _Cond c n . e ~c a n .... 19c R H . Hnrtsoc k ond f amil y spent hl~ r li fco," pim. n . · ~ dl c ,. t hr ~" d a nd da rnin g Su n~l ay with C. E. E nrnhurt unci fnm· cllUon. SUll p. ,·om b. t oo th brush, "~ll"l ~ ,,; wh y li nt let me take her Country Club in Tomato ily, II I Cnrlisle. tow('h lind n lollo n for sunburn com· Rev. J ohn K. H owell, 8 6, died at ofT yuill' hllnds. Sauce, 4 cans for . ... . .. .. . . . Jll e t~ the ralllp t o ilet ' prcpnrations. Heinz., ov e n htkd , med. 2 canl 2Sc C.mpbell·., 3 ".n . ............... ..... 25c Vern H ough nnci fnmily have m ov· his home in Port Willia m at 2 'H; Rouj:!'l' an d ot he r make-up are not f or ed into th eir lately purchased home o'clock Friday morning, from th (' fspo rt life. fecu. of a second stroke of paralysiS Countrr Club. fresh on Third street. and criSp, pkg. _ .. . . " The bathing suit lind rubber cap s uffered June 10, which r e ndered bim K.lloa.·••• mall pica ....... .. ...... .. ......... ........... 10" . a re indis pensa ble if th e cnmp I'ecre· Mrs. Ohmnr Barnett and Mrs. Ida bedfast from that time until his Aycr~ n . .h .' lI l1ing!l, l -=!:<.c('u t or o r I;:.tlll,' ur 1';:1 ... ~ h: ll ill 'htrll'w n (;o ,· h rnn. alion includ es bathing." K elsey, of ncar Dayton . vis ited r el- deatJ( ' During the anlLual Daurh.ten ot l)C(" clll'lt' f\, l ' lal llll r r. Country Club, atives here, Tuesdoy. He is s urvived by four 80ns and American Revoluti ,," congHU at \'tI. 1 ~ lb. Rye loaf .. . ... . • . . . . . . A )"L' r e D . • " · lInl n gs, c L {II.. W8IIhlngton. M I'M. J "L IIl Campb~U five daughters. They ar c Ben. F .. Couatry Club, I *.Ib 10.f.. .. .. l0" While or VieDn .. ...... ... .. 7e W.H Allen and family left. Mon. Howell, formerly of WayneBville. D~ren l l 11 11 t Jol of ~n\- e r. '~ u ' '' ru.l .:J war "Ir ctcil C ll rf o n t \~1I 1l H or n nntl V' l orn \ ':\n Whol. Wheat, loef.. .... . .... .. _.... ... .. ..... .. . 8e Honorary Vice· Pr"'1Ild~n\ [or iii.'. day for' a three weeks' outing lit Frank H owell ond Everett HQwell. "H o r n, hls w i f e; ,,' n1lllm Vn n 1I U1'n Il nd UetUl l t' V ;\.I\ 1I 11 1' n , h ... w lto : H nz t' l I1Hu t s Chauatnuqua, N. Y. all of Port William, nnd Charles How null 'I'n y lo l' 1100 18 her buabun tt. 1111 o t - - - - - ~·;ii;'i;iiii"'__ M;rs. Fred Gons was the very grawh om r ~9Ith~ a t Li ntn e r. Il1t no l8. nllli ;~l ~:~:.,. £,jU'lll.~";;." ell. whose address is not known; and Carl'l cious hostess to the Happy Hour club l' L'rip\.' fL lld Itoy ri p e. 11 "" h us Mr and Mrs. W est, of CincinnnU. Ib ..... .. wh o f,'s ld o n l l'n l tc r son. l'n ll · . Should an executive earry hJ, IIten a t her rec ently remod eled home, at attended the funeral of Horace Pratt Mrs. Flora Conklin, of Port WiUiom, band (ul'lIl'n \\' 111 tllk,· l \ tHI('o t!ln. t A)' (' r H 11. ographer on busineM trIps. ..ka a 5 pound. for .. .. .... .... .. ............ 2Ic Mrs. Emma White. 01 Los Angeles. J c nn lliJ;t5. (\X:C('ll l o r o( l il,· t '8Ln l ~ of 1" 7.~ their .Tuly meeting. Tuesday afternoon•. H iH ch ln80 1l C (l(')l r 3 n. dt'CN1_1H"J. o n t h e bu8in"ss mah'8 mogazlne: Not IIl1\e Cal.. Mrs. LutieThompson, of Spring :tlo The large attendonce of the mem" l x l d a)' o f J uh'. 1:1:!(J. fll t'd hi .l1 ,)(\ t ltlo n weighll more than 120 pounds. tn th o P rohul c' C(' Ur l 'Or \\' a r r e n Co un~ Valley; Mrs. Zula B. Sanders , of Port bership and her guests bore testiMrs. Kenneth Ri dge nnd daughter, t y . Ohio. ,"ll cKLn~ that t ho p c r 80 nu l r8mony. to the hostess' popularity. The of Grand Rapids. Mich .• vis ited reln- William, nnd Mrs. Addie Mason, of La l o of sn tll doccd ont Is In 8u trl c l ~ nl t o p1\~' h I' d~ ht lil fin d tt\e t)x p en lleB of adI I d--..... Wilmington. obse nce of thc president wns regret- tives here last weck . mI'nI 8terln/f her uijUU U : t hn t s he d l e~ Onion is a new co or or . Funeral services were conducted solze.1 In t 0 slmpl o or t he foll(,w lng " ollds. It is said t() be a IltrnnjJ labted , but the vice-pres ident ably fill ed tl c8l' rib l.!~ ren l l!8U'U', t o ... wll : ~ ..,. .,.cb .. .... ........ Mr. and lItrs. J . R. Baker, of Cin- Sunday afternoon nt 2 o'clock 'at the ··SllurLt .... In tho ·l'o wn Shlp o f Tu r tl e - ric. . ... ....... .......... ... the office. The program under the 20 Layer, ell n avor . .......... .. 25e c r eek. C u unt )· or \V,\tre n , Il nd S Ult e o r direction of a committee. of which cinnati, were week-end gue st~ of Mr. Methodist Protestnnt church in Port 01111), h e lng lh u 8o uth ealst Ol"n part . o f William, in charge of Rev. Seth Os- !:lt1c U on NO, "i. Town 3. J'nn ge 4. be l\\' c~ n Mrs. E. Hockett, wns chairman. was nnd Mrs. Chnrles Gray. Ih e Miami Hl vQrs. ROl!' lnn lng at a Ginge rale, born, of Port William , who was as· !'I t OIlC! III t hl(' ao uth Cllf' l cor n e r o f 8tl,' d Root b e er or in koe ping with the proximity of the sN'tlo n : th eo ce running N I ... E , ~ 9, n 9 Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Tinney nnd sisted by others. Burial was made in L"moD Soda. b o ttle .. ...... 1.l b. MAlon Jllr .. .. .. .................. 22c: club date with July 4th nnd con· c h lti n 8 to 1\ s t o n e 8ltual Ot\ tn th e 11\\f1 ~ family were week·end guests of Mr. lil t.' o f n t o wlUshhl I' o~d 1'\ll1nln ,:: from the cemetery at Port William. s isted of the popular Prisoners song th e t.obn non UIHI l·' rnn kltn P'ik c to th t.' ua y l On n. nd Lebano n Pike : the nce which Thelma Satterthwaite sang. ac· and Mrs. Robert Werntz, nt Dayton . In th e mI ddl e o'r M Id lownshlp companied by Jean Hockett, A read. FOR SALE Icc Cream Powde~, plc:,. r and N.. K7 \{,. \\. , 20.r. :! cha.ln" 0 10 bars .. .... Miss Hannah Jordan, of Route 3. " oton stlul".1 In Ihe ml<ldl e of tho ing by Adra Braddock, a series of Kirk'. Hardwa ter Cal lilc.4 for .30e L elliln o n n n d "'"rnnklln I"ke: thenc..:JU .=--- - - -- -------::-:who underwent al1 operation at Hale Current Events in which all shared. t l!. · W . 49 .S ~ chlllnR 10 lh e alnl< e; FOR SALE--J eBSe French -uprlght Francohospital, Wilmington, recently. is imt h "nee S 89\4· E. 20. 44 cha lliS to Lhe $76 Ph N 28 and ns a crowning touch a humor· J, \tll 'C or' " eg lnnlng. uo ntnlnlng I0 2.3 i plano. Price. . one o. , proving ropidly. After an illness of several weeks. IlC l·~. 0 1 ' 102 M r .s . I rood and I V or coUat Fourth and Tyler lItreets. ous recitation by Mrs. Vnndervort. Bulk, Ion II. Ib ....... ... ......... ... .... .. 1Oc h'eS," Creame ry.44C Horace Pratt died at his home on WB- per(' That J . MCLrl on COChrllJl . wIdower. The guest list included beside!, the Mas ters George Edwllrlls and E.tmore Oleo. Ib .. ...... ............ 22" hne conve ye d h ili do w e r Intc rClt to WANTED club members nnd their daughters. Dick Miller are spending the week ter street, Saturday evening at 6 Ay ers B , J e nnings : lh ~ I)rnye r or th e o·clock. He is survived by three sis- petiti on I. l o r cODrt rmlHlon Dr tho Mrs. Mary Silver. Misses Blanche and Cincinnati. the, guests of Mr. and in pound ..... .. tmnofer of the dow er Inlore", Ilnd thllt ters, Mrs, Arthur Anson, of Mt. IIllld Pearl Riley. lIfrs. Raiph Smith, the Mrs. E. V. Bnrnhart. pro pert )· he 801t1 to pal' the dobtl AGENT WANTED- In Waynesvine Calli.,.. poundd ....... ....... .. .... .. 27c anrl chl\ rgca a(or08 .. I<I. territory. Sworn prool of $76 ner Healthy. Misses Lizzie and Lillie CottAge, pound .... ... .. ...... ..... .. .. 47c Misses Betty. Lida and Nettie Ogles.ClIf(nrd Vl\n Horn nnd Flora Va.n ._ $1.60 an hour for spare time. Wlllh, m Vl\n Horn nnd BouJe wee... d H I bee and Miss Sara Drake. of LebnMr. and Mrs. Walter Elzey re- Pratt. and one brother. George Pratt Horn Vl\n ·Horll. Hnzel Hoo t. "nd Taylor Jntroduelng fine8t guarantee o~ or, of Waynesville, non, Q school friend of Miss Alice turned home, Saturdoy, after a Boot •. CArrIe Cripe nnd 110)' Cripe are 126 8tlle8 and colora. Low pnee.. The funeral was held at the home lI . reby notIfI ed Ihal tl rey as noxl of Auto urniBhed No eatltal or ellttwo-weeks' visit with Mr. and Mrs. Gons. IOn, hnv o b een mnde )) o8 d e• T HO Tuesday morning, Rev. L. A. Wash- r"ndant 10 -snld petltton and that Ihey perience necessary. WI KNl N. A. King. or Indianapolis. burn, officiating. Burial was in Mi- nro requ!r<'d 10 ans wer same on or be- SIERY CO •• Dept M-48. Greenfield. 10re the Hh dll )' of Sel.lcmlJf[.) .~.Z:5 Ohio. NOT SO HIGH MrIJ. Charles Gray and Mr. and ami cemetery. Mrs. J. R. Baker. visited Mrs. Gray's Mother-UHello, doctor; will you sister. Mrs. Walter Jordan, at Harcome up to 43 Baxter Street; my lit- veysburg, Sunday afternoon. tle Willie as a temperature I" Mr. Bnd Mrs. Harry Hamilton and Doctor-" How high?" ' , son Bnd Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland Ritz. "Oh, only on the second floor." . ' 1 "'of Doyton, 8PC~Lt Sunday with Mr. , " t' / and Mrs. Georg(~ Hamilton. COli

--- ------


f'. O. Dakin Insurance Agency

Bring your Eggs to Kroger

----_ ..




25c 25c







Rev. John K. Howell

- --------

Happy Hour Club

!:?~!~.~~5 50c ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~$1.99 !!~~~~~~~~h . . . . ... .47c !:..~~~e~ .: . . . . . . . 34c Sb~~~~ 35c ~1~~~~ 29c 0" 10C ~~~~~!u~:~.~~. . . . . . 19c Drinks ~?~P"


- - - -- ---------




1Dc 25 1!~t~IO ·s~::,r~c~!.. C

Jello ~IILora S h tti


Late ClassiUed Ads.

-- -_._....-

Horace Pratt


---_.- ....- - -


You're Reading The Ads. T ell The Advertiser

As One F arrne r to Anothe r




Imagine What This i l( t Saving Will Mean to. You \

Miss Dorothy Rye is spending a few days at New Conc~rd, the guest of Miss Edna Howland. one of the instructors at Muskingham college.


_t~~~; ,. Exhaustive tests so fat indicate that the average ycu". :.-.~ ~· ~ opcadng cost of the Overland Whippet

.I "2';! l ~:'; ;

Mrs. G. D. Mills and Mrs. Irene Bird entertained their Sunday-School clnssCA at 0 pi(:nic in Buny Hollow park. Middletown, Sunday evening.

,. 1


Nearly 300 men, women nnd chilo dren attC1lded the annual picnic of the Montgomery county, Kentucky. nssociation . Sunday, at MeAbes park.

should save youfrom$n tO$Isoingas~oil,tir~andmec~cal upkeep. It cuts present OperatlDg costs Just about 10 half ••• doubles the value of every dollar you now spend. CcxD: in and sec this wonderful new-type car.

Waynesville Motor Company. . Phol)e 105

Wayne.viJle, Ohio


'1'! ::_ .~


"z-: -i



. .. :: ",,. :





'. I

.1 I,


'. '




~b·. ' ,"



Mr. and Mr·s . Walter Clark entertained to dinner last Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. 'Charles Waggoner. Alice and Mary Waggoner and Mrs. Waggoner Sr., ()f l-elianon, Mr. and Mrs •. E. P. Landis and 80n, Robert, of Brookvl11e.

# ~i:~'~



.,. :;:i ~ ' ~


'\:i;" :'· ~

'r "

... •. '

t ·, : ' ..

~ .•.:-,,;::

.: i

, j



Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hawke enter· tained Sunday in honor of their Bon, Lee. whose biJ'1thday anniversary was on that date. Those present were Mr. nnd Mrs. Lee Hawke and family and Mr. and l\rIrs. Jo~n Fromm and family.

JU....... .,eDt.




Misses Martha Nichols. Doris Hawke and Esther Hendenon were on the program which was presented by Warren County students at Wifmington college. Tuesday night.

FrIday. lIaldbn





- nave you bled our LaundrY. Sei-· vleet If mot, YQ1UlJ'e missing a real - treat. We lalllnder four· clothes 'by Qle pound. Six dUferent services from lie a pound up. WateJa tor the Green Laundry truelr every Tuesday .and



Suits and Overcoats dry cleaned ond pressed. ~;1.00. Sponged and pressed, 36c. We make your old clothes look like new. Soft· Water Lnundry. Mahlo·n Ridge, agent.

When we tell you that we honestly oelieve the NEW IDEA is without a peer in the spreader field, we are talking to you as one farmer to another. This, because we are farnlers ourselves, and most 'of our factory workers were born and raist::d on farms' in the neighborhood of Coldwater. We all feel that we arc performing areal service for the farmer by man~facturing NEW IDEA Spreaders, because we are sh6wing--him the way to make money" which means more comforts, nlQre ·Iuxuries, m'o re prestige in his community. \


'. 1

"~ . .


WhlJJpet 'f ~c ~n..rlCtl·s. ·/vIflJ-t:,iw.LII.".CiIt ~' '\.. ' . • waynesvill, Overland $.1•• '~.' ~~:,?f J e.. · . ." i;







H. Ai'chII ••



Seventy-Bighth Year


...........~............. 4·H CLUB WILL HOLD ELIMINATION CONTEST

iStateH·;:::~h~em. i . Capital I Prepared by t I.......................... Columbus Reporter I

COLUMBUS , OHIO- U. S: ~e n­ ator Frank B. Wi1liR hus hud httle dest 8ince th e adj ournmer! t ?' Co ngress. H e iH ""t cu mp algUln~ for HI S opt hat isnt' r eally n('CCgRury. posItio n for the nomin ati o n iMnil, but he is muking a lot o~ Hp ~c~ hes alit! m~ e ting hi ~ mllJlY frl e ll" ~ In (!ve ry nllok lind cur li e r j)f t he Slu~<, : It hn s been sui,1 t hut Se nalur Wtlhs knuw ~ ' n", re Ohio voters by th eir first nalll e lhlln any other mllll in puIJ lic li fe today , . And this~ acquaintanceship is n'tlim itet! by IIny moun s to th e mille voters but to the wonwn a nd chtltIr"n, ;Ind if lh t' n , is R mulher of u "Irge flllllily in a ll Ohil) lhut SI'nn t.o r Willis don 't know persunully, it has never come ttl ligh t. "'mnk Willi. is just a s great in the lo\"e unt! estimatiun of thousunds of Ohiu (nlllili,·H. b oth rural alld city res ide nt.s. as he Is a politicul lead Olr in Wushi ngton . Bnd his re Lurn to th e Se nnle (or anolher s ix y<,urs is one uf the very f" w certaIn things of th e co min g primaTies find election , S. E. FOTn t! y, chairm a n of the Slale TUJ[ commission, is on e of th l' ve ry feW State officers wh o is not trave lIng over the Slale in hi s candiuacy for the Ropubli ca n nominnti un for Stllte treasure r. A s cha irman of th e State Tllx CommiSllion he is one of the busiest State offic ialR in Columbus, flnd ruther than neglect his duty, he is probably 81lcrificing "o rne of his chBnces for the nomination, but he entered the contest for State trellsuror at th e sltggestiun of h i. many friends, and he ill leaving th e eampaip u!' to lhl'lll. That th ey arc doing BOrne exce ll ~ nt wnrk 8eems .. vident, . for all reports r eaching Columbus are to thc effect that 1I1r. Forney will be the Republican nomNe Jor State treasure r.

WMIC15 Judges Stone and Mathias , the two rNlmbers of the Suprome court lire s,.nding considerBble time traveling over th. Stute asking for a third term. which would give. them eighteen years in office, It 18 said thllt they are finding strong opposition to lite te n ure in office. Thosunds o f vote,. lire of the opinion that there lire oth.r jurists in the State who IIould be given a chance at this juicy plum. Only onc<, before in the hislory 01 the greut Ohio tribunal has a JudII'II been elected for a third term and many of the m have tried to break the general establt.hed rule. This YEar the Republicans hllv ~ two elCcepti,o nall y 8tronll.' candidates In Judgea Junes and Mathias, and it will be one of the surprises of Ule primary if Judge C. ·G. Wash.bUrtl / of Elyria, and Judge Geiger, of Sprjng1jcld, are not nominated by the Republleano for places on t he Supreme Coun be ncb,. Premiums in the Ohio State fair, August 30 to September 4 , total $125,721 . This is an increase of .7:lo0 over last yea r's tota\. More thuJl one half of the award8 have ):leen BIIahrned to the livestock departmenta. TbJ. fa classified as folloWI: Horses, $16,020; cattle, $31,465; IIwine, $11,951; sheep, $11,942; poultry, 14,187. Other owtlrds are: 'fh,e speed program, $19,400; young men s stock judging contest, $200; dairy producta, $860; graillll, $1635; vege&.aWOl, $2540; county exhibits, $3825; fruit, $3248; bee. lind honty, $1010; -JIlaple producta, $158; planta and /lowers, $1870; boys' and girls' club work, ,11,500; grange, $650; baby coutest, $Z60; casting tournament, $360 j voeational agriculture, ,1410, and -city school garden competition, ,1250.



Whole N um ber 5711

r-T-lI-E-A-N-N-U-A-LSIGH T-S-E-'-:E:-:-IN-C=--=T= R-:-= 'P:---------:::-:--:-:---::-::-I_~- J



enrolled in calf. Boys alld pig lind poultry c lubs in Warre n coun~y. will g l't a cha nce to prove th ei r wort h in livestock j udging next Saturdny, July 3 1, at th e F r ench Bros dniry, in Leba no n. The contest will start promptly at 0::)0 n. m., Enstern Slan dllrd t im .. , und club me mbers w ill co mp et e for nne o ( two ju rlging teams to r~pre­ Ne nt Warren cu unty al the Ohio I:;tnte fait' thi H filII. Tho Dlliry Ca lf club mcmlwrH an d three m,'mbt' rs of th e Pig and Poul -' tl'y clu b. cu mbin ed will constilute respectively th e Dairy Cu l( club juciJ!:ing tell m 'lInd t hl' Livestock ju dg ing t~II \Il . -Tho,(' cnn t l,~till)( (or th e t eu ms will ",uke placi ngs 1I11t! write reuso ns on p lacing.. ~ Boys nnd girl. trying (or the Livestock tell",s will be required to plllc!! ond wr ~t l' rensuns on l wo r in gs of hog8 at th e Eve rett Runynn fnrm ,im Illedintl"ly fl,!lowing the placi ng of t he uairy clI Ul e. L . __ _

\ Itd ll' h fll' j tlt'd rai l! hegun fa ll illJ.! Tul .... .!;!\" 1I1(. rn llllo! alll'lil!" .1 o'(· lock and ~1l' IH JI ": 111\ t'l'U:- 1 cl unti l ahllut ~ ,,','I "t k' "ht I II 11'1!lI fl ('ominf;!' d n wll in tH " !'1 n l ~ and ~. p t It up fl l r ali out

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1'I1I'r.· i_ n .. loif! fi nd no li ltle i n <,':,11"". I >t' •. ,\ >pt'nt 30 yea r s .-\ 1I ~\'·'1 -;,.t. ,-'i, ,,' .: • f "I l t l "" ~ t'l ll I "II' ' 1" ~ 4t r ' 1Ild~'iI\K IIII' "lin. whi<-h i" a milli!!" llt\t ''i a .. lJil! a: -; nu r (l'urth. Durw ln flil" ,.,,,, .... "1 d"j' , lnllll'''I ~, Tilt, \\ :1' ' fj ' t! (' Hun t\, IIn nunl ('on- , 1'('lI t ;IU yeti!" ,tll. i y in ~ the ea rthWCorIll half lh,' ~i'l.• ' "I' Y' JUr littl e "" IItlllll \\ til 1" , IlI' ld at ;\l uslln, AIIKu ~t 1:.!1 h , 11t 's.:;II "IP1~ ;11 ~I ::to II " 111 . Locnl I\II ~,-' r·. hilt Illf'~t,r. 1.!"tlillJ,.'; il1rorn~a­ ~\lJlt 'nll'l II d l fi t ..; IIr d"P:ll 'lllll 'nts will t i" 11 :\-.: til the c r ru lwn uf o ur fcrtll e p lt'lI"" "\ IHI f'lIm pll ,tt, rl'purt s I) f t ill' ~ oll" h(1I 11,' PI' ,'o Il

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J!'(' . Tl1l '~ d ay.

\-( 'aJ"~ Wp}"h. to th .· l ' lIlI nty s upt·ri nIt'ndt>fll . fu ll ,,\\ illJ,! t hl'ir lu, 'a l lI1l' l.!titl~

~all i"r allci ;(' 0 citizens (\cvelfJp ~ci .. 1" d' \ ' I ' lition , "lIlllie IJltilallthr<'I'Y. A meetlllg ,\1 ...-, B"I" I'; . Stel'hl'lIs, uf FiJldla y. "l\lil',l bv ~I "",r s, M ~ rr i ll . F lesc hOh io, "I II t Iw t-' JH'cd\ll'. She iM a hackH, Shout', Croch,!' all d Miller Slit" 1,,(, 111' .. 1' fi nd o l'l!'lIll iz(, I·. allfl di~l'u!' Sl' d p luns f o r making- m o ney hI" 1,. ... 11 iI , t he field fllr ni net een ,,"e flli In the Cnll' l1lUll ity, These llIen

I,,' f l1 1"1 ' t tH' c-n 1l1l1 v

Yl"lIr >,

Se'Ying Machine Clinic \


No County Normal

CaptalOn Moses Walton

Boosts Harry Day


----- - . ---




Lived A Century


~ '*

sl1<' i·

=, ul ,j, L'l alld ifl~ I II nil.


Wllyn ll township is very fo rlunute in being IIb le to ~e cure the se r v ic e~ at R. D. Barden fo r tI s ~:\Vi nlC machinIJ clinic, August 23. Mr. Burd en i8 th e sewing machine und fllrm machinIJry expert of Ohio St ate university, who has been in th e coun t y tw ice durin g the last Yl'a r, nss isting Miss Watts, the llome Age nt , and 1I1r. Hummon , the cuu nty agent, in machine problems. The clinic will be co mposed of 12 ladies , who will bring th eir sewi ng machines to so me centl'lll I>lace where they will leurn to clean and adj ust theIr machines by aelua lly doing it. Mrs. L. V. Bra nstruto r is the locul chairman (or tilt' cli ni c. Any lady inte rested s llllul(1 cI' llllllu n icute lit once with her as oll ly t hI' first l welve call be considere d. This wor k is obtllin ed through th e Ohio E xt ension department, und,.thcre ure no churges_ No mach ille will be consiuered withOn account of not being abl e to o ut its owner:. secure a good dlrcctor, and othe r r ensonH, th ere will be no Warre n Co unty Normlll school the comi ng yenr. pubA fullcr_explanation _ k. ___ . -will L -be lished Il('_ xt wee


-=-===== =

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, ~ * ::::


" ,,,I Y"lIr t" yl"ar.

_ ..._ - - -

Codlin g moth worm ca uses t.h(' " sti ng on th p s ide of upp les. S ummer spray f o .. th e pcst, I'n t fll11o ll>g ists rep ort, sho uld h I' applied a iw ut t cn day" lul.'r than usuul. Th e "s t illl~~" a rc lurgcly caused by lhe SUlll n"' I' hr uod o f th e worm . It cuts <>f the poiso n s ll ray II~ it works in to th eh skin of th e tippie, tlnd is kill ed, Th l' blemish Idt. T, H . Park. exte ns ion l'nlomologist Ilt t he Oh io Stnle universilY p oints OUl, is the ··s ting." " 1\1id ~ u m m e r Rpru yinrc will check th e dOllluge. The numb e l' depends in u Itu'ge parL on the number of worms thut escuped th o ellrly ~pra y. If the first s pray was th oro ugh ly applied there will be very few w orm. left to do dnmllge." Bolh the worlll nnd t h e ndult moth shu n th e lig ht ; to uvoid it t hey f eed on the underside of th e lenf. Thorough s p rll ~' ing is not pus. ible from the till' of t hu lank. Th e operntor s houl rl I'ncin'le ~h e trc(' and s pray f ro m th bottolll li P II ~ well us fro m th(' top dowlI. The Ohio Agri cultul"lll Experiment s tation is mnki ng. sPN'in l obse rvation of th e tl l ve l o Jlm ~ nt o f the summer brood of th e codling moth in the northern commercial or chard r egion, and will llIuke s p ~c ial relell~ e s suppleme nting th" lI orthcrrf' spl'll Y dlltos.



Home Invaded

.w. prbDarJ.


± ---

Funeral se rvices for Cuplain Mose's - Walton, Spanish-American Wllr veter\' an, and a former resident of Greene county who died lust Thursda y ufternoon ';t the Niltional Mililury home, Roy Irons, of Clydc , Ohio, who ev- Dayton, were h eld Saturduy lifterid~ ntly is u great booster for Harry noon at the Friends church in S pring S. DIlY, for governor, writes us as Valley. Burial was mad e in Spring follows: Valley cemetery. 1 see in the news items by your Captain Walton leaves six childre n, Columbus reporter, that he mentions Edward Walton, living ncar Alpha; the fact that Harry Day is gaining Mrs_ E. C. Vall Winkle, of Cin cin rapidly for governor. This is true, nati; Todd Walto n, of Spring Valley; and I Ilerso nally believe he will be Mrs. Walter Whitacre, of Duyton; our nominee. Joseph Walton, o f Denver, and Mrs, Between you and me, Harry DIlY IS Ralph Haines, o f Pa inte rsvill e. Four dry and the othcr candidates have not half broth ers s urvi ve : J ohn a nd Hogiven a satisfactory answer to the mer Wa lton, of Spring Valley, lind Anti-Saloon league liS to just how Ethan and Luploh , of Dayton . they stand. So, .if the good people of Waynesville want to vote for a r ca 1 man, '1'he contest of the Rcpublicans for they should not hesitate a moment ~o the gubernatorial nonlinlltion is said cast their ballots for Harry S. Day. to be be twe en Hnrry Day and Myers Coop~r, of Cincinnati. The latter is Mi ss Em mu Hc iJ!hway'g pNtel' w as "pending ellher personally or throu' disturbed Illst Sat.ul"(ln y ni l!'ht "'l1<"n friends a tremendous amount of mona pllr~y uf six . nrmed with wnte rl~tel­ ey, While Day ill going out and meetons, invaded her honH', 1\1ISS Het)(hIng the folks face to face and talking wny wus ulmltst ov e rcom e with s urBack in Battle to the rural and city voters in their pri,e (?) but soo n rnlli cd . lind putown language. Coollor is not strong ting up a stiff fircht. had. III n vc.ry In hi. own city and county, and withshort time, the uppe r hund o f the in out tho lIupport of the Hynicka ortrud er s, and Inter annihiluted II goodJ'anlzatlon would cut little figure, ly portion of the mel on. ,..hlle Day lind. mOllt of his strength The leaders of the ' attack und th eir among the people "fit Northe,r n Ohio accomplices were. .lIIrs, Leste r Go rwhere he is known bellt. don and Miss Martita O'Neall ; Mrs. ~ The seventh annual conferel'\ce of Edith Harris , Mrs. Kate Coleman, county. district and city health comMias May Wright IIlId Mrs. D. L. missioners with the State' health deCrane. par~m ent will be held in Columbus the week of November 8, Bccordlrig to announcement Just made by Dr. John E . MongeL State Health director. The confeftnee prOgTam fa to be one ot unusual I'n wrest and health officers and commlssionen from every city, villaae Ind county of the State is expected ., attend. ExpeJllles of the trip to ColumbuB for these health comm\llllionera to attend the conferYellow Springs will vote a~ the Noence are all paid by the district in vemer election on th e qu estIOn of a which they are employed. The meet$60 000 bond issu e by the village to Inll' will be held in Memorial hall and eov~r the cost of a municipal water prescnt plans arc for a alsplar durplant, according . to a resolution passIng 'the week In additIon lo the Iplened by the counct!. did apeaklng progralJl. A proposal to s~1l the Anti,o ch c~l­ lege sanitary district to the VIllage tn , With a light vote ' certail. at the the event the bond issue carries will primariES two weeks hence, the ' valbe presented to the council by Dean ue of endorsements of several StaW', _ Phillip C. Nash at the next meeting orpnizatlonl, which claim areat August 16. The col\egc has its own power and Inftuence wi\1 be demon~ water and sewerage system known as nrated. The Antl.Saloon league" the lImitary district, which is now Lab6r Federations and eVfn the Klan serving 80me residents of the village. , wtu _ve their elates. Some of thue ----/~ have ' ~ady been 'made known and . others will In plenty of time, Sev. ·.ral of the.~ , orpn'zat~(Ift. hayt, &1\, bounced ttle nIt of c:andldat~ they oppOle, and .. a matwr of ~oune M.... Elizabeth Gross, negrcss, lOB, they wtll make a aupreine 'effort to born hI Ilavery -at ~ew Liberty, Ky., prove the atJoenath .of their orpnillaIn October, 1817, died at her hom.e . -tion.. [f tbey 101le in the ~hn~e.. In Urbana. The woman had lived in r.ttle attention ~U be given to fu1'Cb: Piqua ,nd Urbana for the last 86 - er " ondol1lementao bue If t}ley wll! yean. UntiL her most recent illness, they will command ~ect durilll tlie UlAOWl_ IIbe bali almost dailY, in 5eoso'n, walk't;ryln&, daya before t'be electloll; So crown GUt eel two mllea to a fishing pond where the, are coin&' to do" their belt to In National play at Forest t she paued much ot her time. nominate their favorl. ad reN. Y.-.,.d Sa lIere. shown u .. - ••- -wit will be OliO, of tile .oR IDt4rfo eaUq ilventa of ~ COIIIbqr Ratetn.& la_ ... Ole JI1amI QUlUe.




A revaJllpl"d h,, 11 t(, fl m, IIn"('r t he mlln ageme nt of t he Jl un_ E, L. Jl ll rlo n, has 1:0010 t o t ll ke t he plae' u f th e l\\iullli s, wh o bl e w up in th e re· cen t Bellbroo k fiasc o. A few of t he old familinr fncl's ure t 1.oc f" und in the Iin l~ -up. hut it is mostly a di f: ferent set of players. so me of whom were recruited fr om t he railr oau c, nstruction camp ut Corwi n. Th e new teum lost t hei r fir~t gllllle. an extreme ly rUI;J.:ecl affair, to the Miamisburg P upe)' Ci t y team al Frn ziH park last Sunday nf t er lll,on . by l he sco re of 12 10 It T hl' "'I\ rk of th e men in the fit' ll! plo in ly , howed t hat t hey had nevo l' played IIlJ.:Nher before. an " nlso disc l o~ ,'d "ant ,· weal, spots wh ic h l\lunagcr Ha r lan is rlldeuvo ring to s trcn~:t h en befvre tlt e next g am t:'!:.

Horace Edward Pratt Hornce Edwllrd, son of Will iam and Lucy .1. I'rnll. \"" b<,rll 1\I"y 10, IR711, and pas.,'d IIWUy 01 hi s home in '\' II~'ne8\' lll l: , Ohill, Ju ly 17, IH20. After Be \'cl'nl wreks u f illn ess he \\'a ~ r<'lIIo\',d to lhl' hO:5 pilU I lit Xeni n. 0. , in hope of r r cl'\,(' r y. Fi ll ding th 're \Hl s nu I'(' licf fur his su ffe r ing, he was I'duru etl t .. his hUllIe, wh" I" ho Wfl S ten d,' rly cure d for uy hi. brother Dnd

sis l (:r~ .

Il is d 11th lell\'L"~ anu th er vacancy in th e hom " th" muthc r ha vi ng- passed away jllst six months ago, He leaves to mou rn his 1 08~ three si, te rs and Oll c lJrot hCl". be ' ides a hust of friclnl . anu r(, lnt iv l·s. Th e YN!l's Illay wipe lIlIt man y things Bul thi s lIll'Y II wipe O U~ n(; \'cr; The ml' lIlo r y uf tl lt's~ hapllY d"ys, Wh en \1' " were a ll l .. ~elhcr. Card of Thank. \\'(' wish t .. thank out ne ighbors unu fril'lI d" fur lheir ki ndn ess and he ll' du ri ng' t h ' skk nc s~ and death o f 0111' brollwr ; ulso R ' \'. Was hb urn f" r hi, consoli nl{ words, and Walte l' McClure , 1101 Sun fto\' th eir serv ices. TilE FAm LY ,

Eld er 'll' lI S forcNI t" pitch e\'er y st rik l' th a t was call e" fol' him o) ,'e l' lhe cent(,1I" o f the lla t£', wh ilt: hi, 01" pone nts \\"('re ullow,'d the cur nl'rs, u ntil Ed Ml.lIndifo rd comtn('nc ed calling them. th e n both pil<'h rs we r r t rc nted alike. Coup led with so me potlr su pport, t.hi ~ d is heal'tened the big buy. lind r evetrsed itself with two duwn in th e sixt.h . "1-1 g/{y " stOPPI'" th e v isito r '~ fu n until th l' ninth. when Satter thwaite .. took UI> th e whil e Th four th me e tin g of the Kan man' s bUi rd e n with cQuui S llt'Ct'!-lS , while E ld,c l' showed himself to be on e Rite Foud c1u h was Ill·ld J u ly 22 , of the fin est eatd ",r , we hu ve evel' 11I ~G . a t t hl' lea de r 's hume, lIIrs. AI'mitngc. It was dl·cjtl,·u l(uth Cuuk see n on the 10c,,1 gr ouilds. anu Ire ne C I' O Il ~ should try f or th e trip to Culumbus. Hertha Fi le r is t o P APER !TI ES give t he individnal demonstrati on. After t he business me eting" 0 ver y AB R H 0 A E Wcidnl' r. 2b 0 2 2 5 4 1 nice lunch W~I ~ se r ved. The meetF. He nry, 3b .. 5 2 1 0 3 2 in - wus adj ourn ed until J uly 27,th. IRENJ~ It :-:E, Sc ri be. had e, c f .. , . 5 2 0 2 1 1 Libby, p, ss .. .., 5 2 2 0 3 2 .. .. 4 1 0 3 0 ) Ca rr, I b Benne tl. Ib .. 2 0 0 5 0 i 5 2 2 1 0 0 Gift. If Cros by, rf 2 0 2 0 () () J IIstice . d , ,3 0 1 0 0 0 Sufli cie n t nanh.'::i h;l\"(' n ow la'('o n Amlin . c 5 () :I 10 2 1 se nt in for t lw HUI'll l \,' "mell '" Va el1n. He nry 58, (l Ii 1 2 1 1 - - -_


_ _ __


Kan Rite Klub


Vacation Camp



is fu ll uf hl' r ure included in l1 gr nup of fourte n

11l!lIlIIl 'ri sll1!:5 arc plcus- ",orth Illure than $ 1UO,OUII,OOO , an d

dete rmin ed tu u ~c t heir mon ey wisely for public l)urtlOSes, churity, sc ience an d educa t ion. They ar c now studying th > Rocke~c " e ~ and other foundalion ~ , eac h WIll g l\'C wh at he can gi,·c t o n central fun t! and they Thi ~ h il{h -"u llndi ng ph ra se is used intend that the mon ey be used efby i',yc h .. lt'J.:i ~ t , UI app ly to t he ma n fici entl y. wit" i~ ~ h\ll'l o n ~ c1f -es t eem. A mun w!t" adll lit " lhat hI: is hllndicapped That is nn improve men t on the ani n \' II lHpal'i:-4 t ll \\"i th uthe rs ha s an inmethod, whc n eac h of the fo urfl'ri"ri ly t" IJI41h,x. I t is the oppo- cient t een would hnve led n selfish, self~itc uf 1'J(utl!' 1I 1. indulgent life, and the n, s eparat;ely, Wh ell I W,, ' " co un t ry boy, I uHe d the Illst minute, would h~ve glV\;n tl) I{O t .. d'Ul eh an d Sunday-s chool lit motley as a bribe to Providence . III in ttlwn ull Su ndays. I reme mber th e hope of escaping hell lind gnmmg vivid ly Illy fe<'linJ.: u f inferiority a s Paradise. 1' he best way to achlove J saw tile . waJ.:g' r lind hette r dress- ~hat res ult is to g ive t o olher men. ed town boy", Th ey talk e d more The Lord does not nced money .. than I diu . ". , 1 th ollg h~ they knew ll1 ore; t h ei r bel t el' clot hes suggcsted thai t hey wcre ~ utleri o r . John J. Han lon, of Chicago, t ells I did nu l \'('ell\'l'r fl'o ll1 this feeling the national Government he intends u ni il h('\"rral Yl';t r s Int er whe ll I en- to get married and wants "any litlel'CII th, ' t o\\,1I hi),;h sc hool a s lin ir- eruture 011 the Government' s ide!'ls 1"l'l{ltllI l' s lud"I\! , a nd fuund that my ubout marriage, particularl y tbe sIze f( JI ' IlI l'I ' oI ~ UP l' ri O I":; to W e r e f r es hm e n, of t he family the Governm ent wants :-,(j I ' h~'ll1lJn's nnl! jUll i1 l f S , whi le a flc r one to hav e,," . a fl'\\' tIays' t rial I was admitted t u The ide al family is as many chIlth,· .e niu!' da". I recall "' I'lIllly dren us the mother wan ts, an d can \'i "idl~' the thrill uf elutioll LtS my take cur e o f and every mother iTtfl l'i o r ity clJ lllpil' X ga\' ~ w ay to u should be allo ~ved to dcc ide f or herfl'l' ] IIIg- ilt' gUJll'nority_ se lf how many. 1 hl',) u~hollt lifp, thi s infe ri or ity So me small famili es havo done cun lplex, lhi ~ dwclling' Oil our own wonde rs. Ale xlln d('r the ' Greut had shol'll'uminl(' , Ihi,; lack. of <'{ 'If-es- no brother or s iste r. Ca ru so, on .the teem. kl'e l s nlllllY of us fr olll g e llill~ olhe r hand, wus the nin etee nt h chIld; th l' hcst out of I)U I'Selv CS, Nupoleon WlIg one of man y. If Yllll eX l)ecl lIl istreatm ent, you'll The size of t h e fnm ily is the mot~­ I 'e~ il. cr' s business, not t he Government s If you counl on bad luck , it'lI come. bus in ess, I f you f.'I1 I· lhal yu u ar c fai ling , yo u n r c, ,John D. Rockefe ller, Jr. , wise I f ~' ''" fQar t hut you 'I'<' sli pp ing, you mun. \"ilI n ol nll ow hi ~ child ren to lil"(' , have their pictu re s in .'.Iews~apers. Ir yuu <·X I,,·,·t to be ~c:ltcn , you wi ll. He does n' t wu nt them to f eel ImporI I' YOll thin k ~'o u orl' sick, you a re. to nt befo re thl!Y hove d one anything If vo u fell l' Yu U cun't cu t it, yo u wo rth while." He doesn 't even want can't. ~ his childrell to kn ow thut they are If you thillk Yllu' l' e "dealed, yo u \'cry rich- whi ch U190 is very wise. hllYe lost, One of Mr, Rockefeller's children. If you feel lhat you ' re dy illl;", you're asked t o con tri bute $5 0 to s ome d~ad, worlhy purpuse, ~ aid, quite s incere--- ~-. --ly: "They must think we are VanT Ill" work on t he low,'r el1.1 o f thl' dcrbilts ... Thnt innoce nt child doesn 't know I'IIa" f l'OIl1 t OW II tCl t!1I' Il}wl1s hill line i" l'l\ lll l' l"tl'll , IIlI d MI'. St,,",, . t.lw con- th llt he l' fnther and grnndfllt her could truet., I', i ~ i<hippi lt g' hi ~ t ,,() I ~. It is 1\ IJuy t hl' whole Vand e rbilt fumily ~v­ I1 l1 l' pi, '" o f work and \'NY ~ Hti s fIl C ­ I' ry Ii tt l,' whil e, and nol kn ow the dlff ('re ll c t'" wry tu t hc I r:.t\'t' li ll~ !, ub lic. ~ ------

Inferiority Complex

lion. ca mll to in s ul'\' thf' l'onlin uanr c

o f th l' plil ns f())· t ltl' calliI', It i ~ th l' 12 I Ii 27 17 10 opinion tlf l hp honlt· fig- cnt. Mi s" WattH. lhllt n 1II 01'l' clln )';cnia l J.:roup MIAMIS of \\'lIllll' lI l'tlu ld ~('lH(', ' l y he g:t th e r ccl An RHO A E luge\1wr in \\' nrl'f.! 11 CU U Il t.y. S(I\'e rnl Combs. 2b 3 1 0 I :! 2 ladip, IU\I'e xpn'ssl,t\ th,,;r i" t " n Lion Sa t te r t h w'c,l b,p ,I 2 0- 10 1 0 of coming in <pil!' of t he fact t hat G()ns, sa . 1 b 5 1 0 ) 2 :3 lh ev k n ew Il l) othpJ"s who wp r c CO I11 H. Burton, Cot) ."" Ii 2 11 2 4 0 ing:' A:; thC' final l'fl n dlllll' ll t f o r T. Burton. If, a ll fi 1 2 :1 2 2 th e Wonwn'" Cnmp hn, I"'(' n I"xt<' nd Elder, p, c {) 1 2 :; - 2 0 eel until J\lI ~ u ~t ft. H fI,undll'" nf Inciil'~ Stonford. 3b 2 0 0 0 0 2 ' mllY find i~ (l o~,i hle to mnke pla ns to Plnnck, If 11 0 1 0 0 I a tte nd who co uld not lit fir"l co n" Hough, r f {) o ) 1 0 (I siel e r it. Hopkins, c f o 1 :I 0 J To ~al s



T olal!.


B 10 20 14 1 I

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0Paper Cities 0 1 2 0 4 5 0 0 0- 12 .. 3 0 0 0 1 I 2 0 1- 8 Miamis

Coolidge Rock '.



.. ,\

y )


ST. MARY'S CHURCH 2-base h it- Amlin. The re will he no ,,'n -ive" dur ing Double plays-Shade to Amlin ; the month of A U" lIst a t thi, church . Libby to W eidn er to Bcnll l·tt. Left all bases- Po C., 10 ; DutchRev. J ohn J. Schaeffer. Rector. mcn, B. Base hits -Off Libby 8; off R. HenFERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST ry 2; off Elder 13; off H. Burton 2. Regultlr serl' ices at 0 :30 n. m., and Bases o n balls- Off Libby 3 ; otT 7 :30 p. m. Come I Elder 1; off H. Burton l. Hit batsman- Shade (by Elder) , Nathan Johnson, Minister. Struck out - By Libby 7; by EIPerry ~hom8s, Supt. der 2; by H. Burton 1; by Satterthwaite 2. METHODIST CHURCH Umpires- Cleveland and Standiford Time--2 hours ,and 30 minutes. Sabbath School, 9 :15 a. m., preaching at 10:30 a . m. Epworth League ~...-- - .6 :15 p. 01. Prc achin~ at 7 :00 p. m., Wednesday evening Prayer meeting, 7 :30. Everybody invited to these lervices. Being a candidate ' for the RepubRev. L. A. Washburn, Pastor. IIcnn nomination for A \:Iditor of War...--~Ton county! it Is my desire to lIee as many peop e as pOSllible. However, on account of my appointment to fill the unexpired term of C. S. Mo,unts, 1 feel it my duty Bus line between Waynesville and to familiarize myself a8 soon as possible with the ' ~Dtles of tho office. Lebanon will make four Tound trips Consequently it will be impossible tor daily, making connect ions tor Cincinme to make II' camprngn. and I take nati, Spring Vailey, Bellbrook and this means of soliciting your support. Dayton. ' DAnON, WAYNESVILLE AND ~ respectfu14', LEBANON BUS LINE WILL R. LEWIS.

S" melillH"5 Unei e Slim makes monTh (' big s ligar lIIen uf the Unit"" States f orfill'd a " s ugar e qualizatiun board" t o co ntrol prices in the \~' nr. The Govel'llmen t put in $5,nOO.ono, lind yesterdny r ece ived from thl1t bronrd. which cea ses o. uxist, a I'h('ck f(lr $ 1 j ,000 ,000, muklng a tolui (I r ~4 1,OOO.UOO profit for the Govrrnnw nt a ll its invcslmpnt uf $5,OUO,OOO . ~y.

Let there be light and puwer, is the m(ltto of New York City. That one ;\ merlcan c()mmunity uses five billi on kill owntt hou rs o f electricity e very Yl'nr, mor e thfl n the t otal IImuunt deve loJled by all tbe ge nera t ing plants in Greece, DenlTlurk, Llltnviu, Jujto slnviu, Puland, Hungnry, N orwll Y, Rumnnia Turkey, Switzerland, Sweden and 'The Netherllll1ds. Those 12 co untries have 109,000.000 popula lion , ncarly twe nty tim es t he popuIll tion of New York CitY- lIlm ost the popull1tion of th e United Stntes, The peoples' use of electric power lind telephone is the mensure of its prosperity and e nterprise. if not actuany a measure of civilizLttion.

---_. - ..----

Les Hiut Soeura





Nature turn M scuI JI~".... Id Wilt· wd uf \.he el",ui!ntll (I.;;III UI", ,,


thl ~

I"l!u .... rk.u bl~ Iik.!"eSti "t

dell t CClu ll d ~t! uti lI<:a l




r 'YC~ 1 IJl u unwu «.:lltl

Lo~t.u>ir., Oleg.HL, I'" "t:i<rly lUI) ·(.,.,l ultic.!a1~ dl"""v"red

The hug" hl!;h. '"",

bi II,,,,,

ben. uf U. 8 Gw,~ 1:i\&rV"..l

A f enst of watermelon brought ' to a close a meeting of the illustrious "Huit Soeurs" last Tuesday night. As it WIIS so good, it seemed imperative that we soon have more. So on Friduy night, after a delightful swim in the clear waten . of the Little MiIImi, we enjoyed ' a picnic lupper top. ped' by thirty-five- poundS of :watermclon. After we had e~li.ted the setvlces of Ford , for a ' ,FOll"~ of houra, 'e njoyed tbe pUll on the 1011&', .11 Wonder Where My Baby nIght," and had not quite 1114; in 'everything we attem~ted, wo reached ~ome ready for more m.I()D_





YInan's Great

Now ' Going On

~'.~~.:... --

\.:la" h \ O. N. T Thread 500 d Ol.t'n (" lar k,"" O. :'\. T . Thread, I:lck allrl wIllII'. all 1111111b 111 • .---' i x t 0 1\ C'lIs to ml'r: n(\II,' so ld to r \iildr n, at .. ... ...... .



Men's Blue Overalls $1. 75 :'II

I1' S

:!20-\\' f> ight HI\! ' Denim

O,erl1 1ls will go in t his salll, , hill' th y la!lt, at .




" ~

Table Oil Cloth All pgular 40 .J8-in h Oil Clot h in t hi s gre at sale, while it lasts, at

Ladies' 75e Union Suits

ne lot of Ladi es' R eg. 75e Unio n Suits, will pos it iv ely be dosed out in lhis I:!a le a t


Ladies' K nit


One S l .. ·t illl lot I :\didcs' I· PII \ ',·,-1". :1 r egular " ;1 , , :,lIll'. while t1ll'~ ln~ t ....

--_.------------U bleached M uslin

500 y :Jr( I~ l ;; l' l'nbleach (! 1\ l u~llJI. a6 inc h es \ ;,1 . whill.! it lasts, go :,1 . . . . . . . ..

j .Ie ~


Pillow Cases' All Rt'I!. ·10(' P il low Cases, w i'l l ~o in t11is r;a Ie.

whi le they last, at

29 C.


r-a 9

Dress Shirts

Men's Belts $1.00 M t'n's Belt,.. in a ll size~. whilt' they ~ last,

Lad ies' Gowna 011 (' lot o f Ladies' and ~a i m:ook C re ]) Gow ns, all r egular 89(' va lu es, will go at





O ne lot of l\! cn 's Dre;!R Shirts, n il . up to :;; 1. 50, while tli e y l a ~t, wil l pos iti " c ly go at

go nt ... . . . . .. . .. .

Pu 'I·e


SPECIALS FROM ALL DEPART' S Men',' Reg. 50c Suspe nd ers, at. .. 22e Men's R eg. 75t: Balbriggan hi rts and Druwers, at . .. .. . .. . . . . 49c La di es" $1.25 M ulls ing nion Suits89c $ 1. 25 Men's M uslin Night Shil·ts . 8ge $1.75 Men's P a jll.rrHIS, at. .. ... . $1.29 36-in. Eng lish Prints, fa st co lors, 35c va lu e, at. . .... . .... . ... . 23e Ladi es' Rubbe r Aprons, u p to 40c v;d u L', (' I"::I i Il l,{ out at. ........ . 29c R eg. 25\: :Hi-in. Perca les, at. ..... 16c R t'g. 22c ::!i-in . Comfort Challi es . . 15c R g. 15 e 36-in . Curtain Scrim . . . . 9c Ttl'g . :.?Oc :lG-in . Curtai n Scrim .. . . :1 4e !.I-tI Pc' P PL' ra II Un bleached Sheeti n ~, at ..... ........ . .. . .... 44e I~c g . 75\: 9--1 B leac hed Sheetin g . . 4ge Il l' ''. '35e 32-in Ze phyr Ginghams. 19c l{ ej!. ::! :,c ;~6- in Everitt Shirt ing . .. 16c H e!;,. ,::'c :'I1l:!r. Ta ule Damas k, at. . Sge I' e~. ::! (l,. 18-in . Crash Tow e lin g . . 12e :;; 1.:. 5 T ut! ~ilks . nt . . .... .. .-.... 7ge ROOM SIZE RUGS All Rl:!g'. $7. ;)0 9x12 Crex Rugs . $4.95 All Reg. ·16 .50 9x 12 Wool and Fib er Ru gs, at. . .. ........ $11.95 Al l H eg. :;;:!7. 5U !l:-: 12 Brussels Rugs .. .. . . .. .. . .. .. ..... $18.95 A~I H eg. :;;30. 00 <I ud $35.0(J Brusse ls Ru gs in 9x12, at. ... . . . $22.95 $42.00 mith Ax minste r, 9x12, in new s ha des, at. .. .. .. .... . $29.95

LlNOLEUMS A II Reg . 50(' Lino loums, at. .... .. 2ge A ll R g. 75c Linoi e ums, · at . . . . . 4ge ArrnAtr'o ng 'i\ Lino le um , $1. 25 va lue. burla p back, at. ... .... ... 95e Ladies' Ladies' Ladie . Ladi es '

LADIES' HOSIERY Heg. 20c Cotton Hose .... 140 Reg. 35c Lis le Hose . . . ... 24c Reg. 75c Fibre Silk Hose . 4ge Reg. $1.50 Silk Hose .. .. . 8ge

SHOES Me n's R eg. $4 .00 Dress Sh oes . . $2.95 M en'l:! Reg . $6.00 Dress Shoe:; . . $3.95 M en's R eg. $~.O O Work ho e~ . . $1.95 M en's R eg. $3 .50 Wot'k Sho e:; . . $2.45 Me n's R eg. $4 .00 Wor k hoes . . $2.95 Lad ies' Reg . $3.50 Oxfor ds IIml Straps, at . .. . .. .... . . ... . $1.95 La dies' Reg. $4. 00 Oxfo rds and traps, at . . ... .. . . . . . .... $2.45 Ladies' Reg. $5.00 Oxfords a nd Straps, at ... .... ,.. . . .. .. . $3.45 MEN;S AND YOUNG MEN'S. SUITS Broken s iz es, up t o $20. 00 va l, . $9.95 Men 's Reg. $20.00 War ted Suits at .. . . .. .. . .. .. . ... .. . . $13.75 M en's Reg. $25.0 0 \VOl·, ted S uits, at . .. .... ... . . ... . .. ... $16.75 Boys' Reg. $7.50 School Sui ts ... $4.95 Boys' Reg. $10.00 2-pa ots Suits, at .. .. .. .... . ... ..... . . . $6.95 Boys' R eg. $ 12 .50 2-Punts S uits, at .. ....... . ....... : . . . . . $8.95

nefit Sale 81-90 Bed Sheets On lot of R eg . . $150 8]-!l0 '011111 sa B d Shcets, .will .go nt

$119 Ladies' Sateen Slip!! Laui ('~ ' l1 e~. $ 1.G O SlI t-

Cl' n PI'iIll:CSS S lip:;. will pos itively go in th is sa 10 whi le t hey In"t. a t

Win dow Shades Al l Reg'. 75(' 3x G Tl1n and (; r el' II , li r"t qu a lit y Window S had es, go at whi le tlll'Y last , at

Men'sDress& WorkSox On e lot of Me n's Regular ]!)c Dl'CI:!S Soc ks, while th y lasl,. will go on sale

at . . ..... .... . .....• . ..


Men's Shoes Kahki Pants $~ . O O

l\ l en 's S hoes a nd Oxfords, vnlue UlJ to .,8.00. hlack and brown, Walko\'c r, E. and J .. a nd Peters' make,

Kahk i Pants. in a ll I'i zes, whil e tlll'Y 1:lst, will go nt , r ad e


lJ II i c1, for

act io n, go al. ..

Dre ss G ingh ams

97c 69c

MeH's $1 Work Shirt.

Rfc ;~ :?- in('h g-rild · .. I' Orcs,; (; inj.{ ha llis w ill posith' ply go ill (his g-reat ."nll', whil'(' th ~y 1<1 ·t , at

O lll' \., t of Men's Regu lar $1.00 Work

~h irts, ,Big

Yank largoe and roomy, on sa le w hile th ey las t', at .. ........ .

MEN'S DRESS PANTS BA1rHING SUITS MEN'S SOCKS Men's R eg. $4.50 Dress Pa nts .. $2.95 $1.00 Men 's alrld Boys" S uits, nt . . 59c Men's R eg. 15e Dl~e8s 0 kf; . ., ... . 9c Men's Reg. $5.00 Dress P a nts . . $3.45 $2.00 Men 's and Boys' Suits, at . . $1.19 Men's R eg. $6.00 Dress Pants . . $3.95 $4 ,00 Men's and Ladies' Suits, .. $2.95 Men's Reg. 20c Dress So\.:ks .. . . . . 14e OXf0 I'dS, i n black s Men's R eg. 75 Silk Soc ks . .. . '. ... 4ge MEN'S WORK PANTS Our New Wull Paper Department TOWELS Men's Reg. $2.00 Kh ak i Pants . . $1.49 Will Close Out Ita Entire Stock _ 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ • All Reg. 15 Huc l< To wels, at .. ._. _ 10e l en's Reg. 2.50 Work Pants .. $1.79 ONE-THIRD OFF

g;1~~~:~~{"$"2 nd Jy got at . . . . . . . .

Ladies' Silk Hose


----------~----------~---.--Children's Bungalow Children'a

Hose • Apron Gingham Drellies Chl· ldrell' Cotton $1.00 Ladies' Bun Our entire stock Rib Ho e, formel'- ga low Ap rons, all )f hildren's Ging ly sold at 20c, will izes, nnd co lors, ham Dresses, up positively go ill '0 at to $2.50 value, this g r eat sa le a closing out at




Wai.t. 10c Ladies' White $1.25 Boy s' Cambric Handker Waists, in all colchiefs, must go ·ors a nd sizes, go at in this great · at sale, Kerchiefs

Boyi' $1.25 Overalls

Men'IDres. Socks t All Men's R egular $3.50 Mens' Eng- Boys' Reg. $1.25 20c Dress Socks lis h Broad Cloth Overalls, will poswill positively go Shirts, all styles itively g o in this in thi s sa le, whjle aIlld colors, go at great sa le, at t h ey last, at

Men's BroadCloth Shirt.

C C C 5 19 $1~89 --~~~~~:---~~~--~~~--~~~--~~

l3 C


EWS GLEANED FROM COURT HOUSE COMMON P LEAS PROCEEDINGS The State of Ohio vs. Richard' Tresh'r, defe ndant plead guilty to burglary indictm en t and was g h'en a senll!nce Qf from on e to flfl.cen ycnrs at hard labor in the Ohio Slate reform:!tory ut Mansfield, Ohio. T he State of Oh io vs. Hurol d Coleufi nk, defendant \\; thdrew his plea of

not guilty r ntpred May 16, und was of the Prudential Insurance company giv"n n s~ nlrncc of from one to fif- of $10,8 16 which indebtedn ess lIIlid tt·e n ' en rs in th e Ohio r e formatory. pu rchaser agrees to ass ume. Upon i n t he ca lise nf The Duro Pump pet.ition of the plalutiff, an d answers nnd Mfg. Cu., Dayton. vs. Rosa Mc- of the Citize ns Nationa l bank an d t he Cutchf' on, ense settled an d dismissed. Prud entia I Insuran ce company, th e with prej ud ice to a new suit against court found that th e insurance compuny has the best lien on said sold defe nd ant. Annn ,chlink, exparte , ca use dis- premises; that th e bank hns the secmi s~ ed un app lication a nd upon costs and lien ; and that the plaintiff Is of th e a pplicant. the holder of the judgement shown . Ed McGu inn vs. W. A. Guttery, in his pet ition, which is the third et Ill., sale of real estate in this action best lien. Said defendant is a lleged was R"prov~ d . The sheriff was or- to have evaded his obligatio n and indered t o give a peed of said real es- debtedn ess to suid defendant bank. lill .. tu th ~ purc haser. The Citizens Out of t he proceeds of the sale of Nnti onnl bank of Wilmington, and to said estate ($16,000) the co urt orillsert thcre in u stntement that said der ed that nil taxes be paid to the deed is s ubj ect to a mortgnge claim! auditor, amounting t o $101.79; and


PRICES 20% Less Than Year AIO! Never b efore in o ur history as tire dealers have we been able to offer our customers such wonderful tire "buys" as right now. Due to the great volume of rire business coming d irect from car owners throughout the country- the great Firestone factories h ave been, and are now, working at t op speed building Gum-Dipped Tires in tremendous quantities. M anufacturing costs have been lowered-crude rubber prices h ave been re duced-and the savings p assed on to C:1r owners. Fff'e,tonc Gum.i>lPPed Ba ll<ItJ n Tires aTe rn>W per cent las t han they were (I year ago

OLDFIELD TIRES At-Tbese Reduced PI'Icn

thit clmc. 80 ..~. P.b. CI • . • • • 17.90 2aa 4.40 ••lIootl .,11.I0 Take advantage of thls exceptional oppor- aOx3'~ A... CI. Coni . . 8.98 80 14.18 " ' ••• 18.80 tunity to equq, your car-right at the h eikht 80a3~ b .8IzeOI.Co". 9.9B . of the IUmmer season-with th ese lon g.mUeage 3114 .. a. ConI ' .... 16.15 2914.9B .. • •• 18.48 80.6.28 .. • •• 1L111 Gu m -Dipped Tires at our new low price8. 92a4\1, .. " ., ... 11.38 81 I 6.28 " ••• 18.0B Buy your tires from u 8and you'll be sure of COm83116 .. " ••••• 29.IiQ 1a..8.GII ... .... %4.1Q plete satisfaction-with the comfort, safety and lona milealI_c that only Gum-Dipping ca n give. McuL! '" 11M OrtGc EcOftOmlcal FftoucoM Factoria Co~e in today. Don't take chances with 1!;;;;;;;;;;;;;cmd;;;;;;;;;CGrryC::;;:rhe=:;S;;;;CG;;;;ndard=:;::;;: . ; ; "f; ; 'FC;;';;;;Ouar=;;;;pAta-===:J ; .rour old tlrea. ' •

for Sale at


500 yards of 25c Hope Bleach d i\1us lin, 8 yd s. to a ('us lom er. at .....

Ladiea' Shoes &ond Oxfords



Hope MtJs1in

E. I·t 'Orndorf's Garage,

Waynesv.ilIe, Ohio


tha t the $10,816 claim of the insuran ce compallY be assumed by the defCllda nt bank. Aftcr dcducting from the pllrchllsc price of $16,000 th e insurtlllcc c'Jmpany's clai m, plus other claims, t()tnling $11,1 30, a r esidue of $3,408 is r ightfu ll y claimed by the bank.


Men's Leather Palm Gloves One lot of Men's Leath er P a I m G loves all r egu lar 50c va lu es, while t h ey last, g (' at


Barefoot Sandala $1.75 Barefoot Sandals, in a ll sizes up to 2, compos ition sole, while they last, at

15c Huck Towe18, good size, will . go while they last, at



37 C



fil ed by executrix, Catherine D' Arcy. in lj tiro. Wnrren county. :s 1. • T he IURt will and t estament of l-"rllnk lind Lydia E. Grocndykc, In Jo hn A. J a meson, deceased, has been t1innllpolis, Incl.. to Frank Rnd Vio la produced for I)robate. Steele, 2 acres in Clcu rcreek Tp. , In the matter of tne settlement of $1. t he estate of Willia m P . Hendrickson J. K. 1\I orris to Amnn cla GllJ.II.lli'.olf decensed, a copy of t he entry de- about four ncres in Cll!n rcrcek tOWIIt ermining the inheritance tax to be s hip, $1. pnid was ordered ce rtified to the Frank L. Harri.• to C. A. YUnkes, auditor. a part of lot No. 4 1 in Ha rveysburg. Exemption from inheritance tax $1. was grnnted in th e settlement of the Jumes Harvey J ohnson to Miles estate of Henry Clay Cloyd, de- Bellc hler, II tract in Fran klin Tp., $1. ceased. William and E lsa Lin k to the DayInventory and appraisemen t of the ton P ower and Light Co., two tracts estate of Harry S. Smith, deceased of 12 and 101 acres in Frank lin Tp., was filed by executrix, Edith Si mth. to be used as a right of way, $1. F irst and finnl ac~o unt of the estate of Rebecca DUI, ,d,eceased, was COMMISSIONERS' ALLOWANCES filed by admr. B. A. Dtll. Inventory and appraisement of t he Geo rge Cook, Sr., for pa yment of estnte of Alvy F _ Simonton, deceas- doctor's treatment oC George Cook, ed, was filed by exec utor , Norris P. Jr., who was bitten by a dog afSimonton. . Inventory and appraisement of feeted with rabies, $54 ; A. L. King, t he estate Of Jonas F . Stump, de- dr, to Dr. C. D. Slagle for rabies' ceased, was filed by administrator, treatment and serum lor Lois Kina, Rob~rt ?tf. Stump. $48.5 0; SlllIIe for James -King $oQ. F mal account of .the elltate of . B d Fl'll· S· · ' , Charles E. Grubbs , insane, \\ a8 filed .roa way IIlg ~ot1on, gas nnd by guardian A . C. Vail. all for sealer of weights and mc.asures, $6.68 ; The Lebun o n PatrIot, on e year's subscription, $1.60; The REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Office Outfitters, supplies fo r proseH. T. Day and .re mimll Day to cuti ng ~tt(j~n ey, $3.37; Dakin and J ohn C. a nd Mary E. Wolf, less t han Dakin, insurance for sheriff's Dod~e one ucre on the Lebanon-Wllynesville $9.10; Judge W. J . Wright, postage for Common Pl eas Cou rt, $3 ; Arlhur road,. T urtIecreek .Tp., $1. F . Silsby 'l'rlpp and J essie B. Tripp Hill, expense during June and July, to Malinda Coons. Dayton, One acre $11.

PROBA.TE PROCEEDINGS • Th e I ast will a nd tes tament of Charles Coburn was produced for admittance t o probate and date f or h earing of same wa.~ set for July 20. As a dmin:istrator of the estat e of W.alter S. Wilkerson, deceased. Horace L. Settle myre r eported that he sold the Chevrolet touring car of said estate :fo r $7 (;. The bank stock of the Farmer's ba nk, of Sp ringboro, owned by the estate, has n ot yet been sold. Charters D" Maple was appoi nte d upon application as g uardian of Effi e Fannan, who is confined in the Ohio Institu tio n fo r fee blc-mi ndr d. In t hc clll u~e of Anulllda J~ . Stnr , now Amanda E . Baldwin. administra trix of the estate of D, A. Starr, deceased, vs. L. A. Starr et aI., th~ r eport of the pu blic sale of the property herein for $326 was approved und certain settlemen ts were ordered made. Inventory and ap praisement of the estate of He nry Clay Cloyd, dec · ase d was filed by administrator, Wilbu r Hutt. Second and final acco unt of t he estatc of D. A. Starr was fil e l by Aman da E. Baldwin, ndministratux herein. Second nnd final ac~ou nt of the <r"'... . --------------------------estate of Mary 1\1. :;turr. d c cf>a~"d , wa:. filed by admx. Amunda .8. Baldwin. Proof of publicatill'1 of not ice cf the app ointme nt of Edith Smith a~ executrix of the estate of Harry S Smith, deceased, was fil ed in Pl"obat.!. Proof of publication was IIled of t he notice of appointment !Jf JlfI'.l'Y McKinnney :as 'executrix of the \.lstate of Clara M. Becket, deceased . Proof of publication Wa9 fJI l'd of t he notice of appoint men t of 1':01"1'i9 P. Simonton, as executor of the esla t e of Al vy F. S imol1ton, rl ace·ased. The estate of Adda C. H ... ndrick, . on dec eased , val ued at $16,:; 71.30, was granted exemption from inherConkey's (the origitd) tance tax, up on ap plicatio n of admr. Buttermilk Starti.. g Carr W. Hen dri ckson. The valu e of the es tn te of William Prevents the big. P. H e lJdrick~on, d ece a~e d, was d edue tQ Weaknee8 t ermined uy co urt liS $26,2(1 0.87, ond disease JIld composed als follows: personality, yOUI' chicks the qui,*, $6670 .47; r enl ' es tate, $ 19,(;20.41. = p y getaway Debts were found to be $2182.84. Those e ntitled to succession& w"re uces ear!I..broiJera named. and layers. The lactic In .the matter of the estate of Ra acid iii the buttennilk chel Pine Campbell, deceased . perput. an· edge ·to the mission was given Elmer Sheehan, ad appetite; ~ . ministrator of the estate to Bell thr. following bonds: a $600 Second and tones up the·&eQ8l. Liberty Loan Bon d at $G OO ; a $1000 tive digestive ~ Second Liuerty Loan 'Bond at $1000; and help&. to sweep t wo Third Li berty Lonn bondI, at away the germs that $1000 each; two Fourth Liberty Loan bonds $1000 each; two Fourth ca~se White .~ GI CcmIi:-'a ~ Liberty Loan bond!! at $600 each; 10 ~F""" BeS!aretoGetCoake;'s shares of Ralston. Steel Car Co ., preferred ca pitnl, $20 a s hare; 8 shares In be " . ' ~ . num r~ooe", Western Union, $180 per .share; 18 5.10,' . ~i~c: ~ shares Cincinnati Street Car Railway ~.=. Don't lICCepta",hat a. Company, capital, par value, $60•. $30 Iw~ . ,~ per ahare. . Edward Knochenhauer was ·ap.. . w pointed aa app'raiser 'of 'the estate ' of ' ''1 (I "a, \; ......J HarrY Sf" SmIth, in substitution for Stanley lreld:camp. . _ Phon. 25 Ohio D~tributive accDunt Df the eltate of Jamel McDermott, deceued, wu .~


give;, tW



Huck Towel.

C;C't:': '.

aynesville l'arm"ps' Ex"hange Com";"v . W.,....vlll.,

Political Annoucements PROSECUTING ATTORNEY We arc a~thorized to announce HARLElt,DONALD-DILATUSH, all \ a candidate for re-election for Prosec uling Attorney, subject to the Republican Primary, August 10, 1926 Robert W_ Brown is a candidate for Prosecuting Attorney of Warren County in the Republican Primary of August 10. Brown's only oppon ent is the present prosecutor who wanta a third term. Brown, who baa never held pu blic office, III a veteran of the World War, and is actively enpged in t he practice of law. AUDITOR We are authorized to a,nounce WILL R. LEWIS as a candidate for Auditor, SUbJect to tho Republican Primary, August 10, 1928. I CLERK OF COURTS To t he Voters of Warren County Cliff C. Meloy, appreclatina the vote received two years 1180, announces himself again as candidate for Clerk of Courts, and lolieitl your support. Republican Primllry, August 10, 1926. REPRESENT A TIVE We are authorized to announce Arthur Hamilton as a candidate for Repre8entative of the Legislature, s ubj ect to. the Republican Primary · August 10, 1926.

CLASSifiED ... . ADS. ".",


MONEY LOANED LOANS on Chattels,Stock.. Securi. tiel! and Seco nd Mortgage.. Note. bought. John Hllfblnc Jr., X'efl la, Ohio. .m80.'26

Farmers" Attention! Farmel'l of Wlirren and adJoin In. counties may ohtain money on lon, timo loana, at 6 per cent interest. Cost of securing tho same is ver)' rea. lIonable ,through The Federal Land Bank. For -'urtlter infol'maUon call on or addre81 M •. C. D~AKE, Tft'urer; phone Sle-X, Lebanon. Oltip.

r::OR SALE FOR ~AL~qood' Washing 'Machlne and one combination' double wa~h stand and wrincer, all in good condition. ,.Earl Conn~r. - jfl8 WANTED-To Iiuy Sbeep, Frank w~ Crew, Wayne'~viUe,. Ohio; php"e . 83- 2 "A1 . . . . . . . '~11 PLUMBING .F!XTURES-Oomplele' . bathrooms or any part. , K'itohe" ai1!ke, laundry ~ya,' electric and belt dnven well and cl8tem pumps, of aU kinds. Repairs for pum.... THlII

BOCK~-K}NG CO., 360 St.. Xenia, Ohio, phone 8eO.W. · Main .

FO!~~~Pro=: o~ : . ~ 01',


price, etc.





rh.~d with the enforcemcmt of II

luwa, hll1iO been IIrruted ana expo.. ed for gr ul~illtr or laxity In offiell, Cotrufl :Ion In public office BtioUld not b e t I/Icrl\ted. Dan Mellett. Q born fight·e r. IItood alone f-o r w.eekR ill his boWIe to rid the city .o f Canton of thr.evin g office-holden, rumrunn ers, (lMl~ peddlnrs. 'gamblers and gunm n. A brllve ond cQ urogeo uij --- ~----Publiaber edito r. sho t down , the victim of cowD. L CRANE ards whl) we!'e ufra ld to fight him fuirly. . JU LY ~8 1 ~26 Now- too Inte to suve Don MelI tt A lif(\-- untoll dses in illdignut'i on. Cun ton r ealizes more forcibly now whnt M ·nett Wll 9 fil!'htin g for A MARTYR FOR THE CAUSE nnd why he wus tighLin!:. • OF RICHT The' Mellett murd er iij str ong proot l hat go od citizo ns, in a ll cities, The enUre nuti on hus bee n shoek- should rally t o the IIctivc support o f Cld by t he wUI)ton killing of Don }(. news puper e dit o r~ und offi cials wh o Mellett, you thful .cl·usudp- of The have the co urage t Q d efy t he po\\'Conton , Ohio, nuily Ne w!.. Officillil en j f pv il. C"uslld in g .. ditors u ~ u ­ and uitizens tlK"e,' thut the murder alh ' h ave the mere nppro va l of the was u thru st tit th e ve ry vita ls of better cleme nt of th eir co mmunities, III II' nnd order. but not much uc live, virile, eflicicnt Like u cnptllin lending his forc es cnco urn gement lind assistance. InIn bnttl , IIfr. Me ll et t IUI~ fullen a differ ence on the part of the citizenrnnrtyr to n systelll wh ich in luo muny ry only se rv es to help th e vice r ings. plnces in t hi ~ country is ge tting u strllngl e hold UpOII gove rnmen t. Vico Words fr om th e LiPb of Greu t run s rnlllpllnt in hundreds of ~ities M \! n -"CnreleKsn~ss does more harm ond town s in Am c ri cu. Ncn rl y ev- lhan n want of knowl cdg c."- Benery dny we rellcl thut public nfli cinl s jumin Franklin.





Miss Helen Rundall entertained the "Jolly Work ers'" club, Tu es doy a ftern oo n: "


Dr. LInd Mrs. M. A. Shoellla ker. of Be ll brook. were ca ll ing on fi-iend s here, Su nday. Mr. anel Mrs. Ro y Harvey, of Dayt on, wer e Sun day gu~ s ts of Dr and Mrs. W. K PI·ost . . Mr. a n d Mrs. Cu rl Moor e are entertaining Mrs. 'M oo re' s siate r. Miss Doro thy S hll mbltllg h, t11i s weck. IIfrs. 'A. S. Collett wit~ 1\ 11 ovc rniKht guest. Sun day of Mr. an d Mrs. F loyd Andernon, nt th eir honle' in Xenia. Mr. a nd Mrs E U. Doster und 80ll S cnt(·rwin eci Rev. A rthu r Cou per, of Lebun on, t o dinner, Su nd"y. Mrs. Jo: nllli a Clin e, Earl II ncl Jam es Clin e, Mrs . 1,10 Howe nnc l lIa l'ry Howe , nil c, f ·Duytoll. WC re here. S undny. MI'N. I It· 1'1> ' rt Cart· lind so n. Oill y, a r L' c nj oy i llJ,{ u vi s it with r l·):t ti vCt\ in

Dr.Frank Crane Says (.OP· " RhtIQ , .....

Dllt ill th!' CClllfllry 'h ~ oth er day etuocl on Ih o hill tup llIlel RUW t.h e rnilwny track. likl· :J ~ il v ' •. ril,Io \) II, runni nJl' owuy in Ih e clista nce. The 8\111 was . h iiling hl'ii:htly. I could pcr("ievc a train mallY mil es II WilY. At night I s tand u)lun l he "nnlC hill and cou lel sec the lrnck on ly for 1\ little e1i ~ tllnc(· ; beyon d that it \\'us swa llowed up In th e shlldows. There nrc high momellts in life when we eun Kee th e fnr ronch uf rlgh·toousncS8. And th er(' i. mnny u .dark hour when dnubt nnd ullfu ith .settle dow n nil uroUllll U ~. • Indeed our moments o f vision arc .comparative ly few . n o y after da y Jill we can dQ is to keep the revelllt iona of those mom ent", in our memDry and' plod on through t he fog and Dbacurity. trus ting mor e to f a ith thlln to sight. We cannot abide 011 th e peaks. Most pf our journey is through the valley. . The merchant nt his desk must keep iii mind his larger pillns even whun dutails would d ny th em. The Bailor must go 0 11 dead r eckon!n, when thl re are no stars by whicll he can sct his course. But he knowa t he s tars ure still t here. Even in love" we come all too rare. ly to the mountu in!! of trnnsfiguratiQn and most of the t ime we rnu st trudge grimly forwurd with hope,

WEW BURLINGTON 1\1i88 Mary ' huckel ford, of Leesburg, was the g UCl!t of r e latives here, Ias~ we e k. • Miss Mildred Ro bl nloll spent last week with' Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wade. near Jamestown. W. D. Larkin and family were li'uest. last week in the home of Mr, Larldllll' parents, ncar Greenfield. Wm. ~, Compton passed ' 8uccess-

'Can.d idate for

CountJ Recercler R.p".,Ucan P.rlmary. 10, 1.26.

fully througb an operation at Grant h ospital, Columbus, on Monday. S. W_ Stephens and family moved Illst week to their new home in SQuth Charleston, where he will teach the coming yellr. F. M. Hudley, who has accepte<l.a pos ition with th e tele phone company at Caldwell, Ohio, spent the week· end with his family beret Mrs. A. W . Turner, Misses Myra Haydock, Ruth Curry, Catharine Noggle, Dorothy Conard, Opal Turner and Helen Fletcher attend ed Green County Club camp, at Antioch Glen, last week.

ARTICl.iXViil.SiCTtoN II. ~


6y ,A,


AIM!ffI>I:, ., ... Stol, .f h._fifth. of the _ben e\ecltcl to boob hou ... co"n"I., them.: That there .ban . . ."b.liltec! to .b. e1 ....... of cbl. .ta.e i" tbe n..nnor provldad b,. I••, on Ihe _ d Tuel<lay' 11l AU8U.I, 1926,_, P"" po..1 to amend _tion II of art.cle X v nr III lbe conltltu.IOIl .f Ohio. 10 U .. read a. follow.: r



o.w. •

Sec. II. An,. munlclpalit, _Irln, property by purcbue or appropriation for a public i .. pronmmt ma,. pro.ide .none, tberefor, ill wbole Dt in part, by UHltnle'ull upoa ptopen, bene-6ted b, lhe Impron",c"t whether abut tin.., ad· 1...,,1 or othenri>e I.... cd. Sa<h .. :t~~o. ~ GUe _ d .p<ci~ ben..........rred

f.,.,1tIr aho.. Lreferred B,

NHI ..d, 10




~baio~ wicacid condi~

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Walter McClure J. E. McClure

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IlIltl .]I,

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T hai



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1' 111'(111' /1 " :\ 11 11 " 1' :1 :L l nl F l or n \ ' Ull lI o rn. \\,llI ln rn Va n 1I 0l'n all" 1I "HN h., "aIL II rll' u, lIa zr l 1I 0 0 tH fi nd T lty lo r Jlltl o1 !"o, . 'arr ll ' ('l l p l ' li nd Itll ) ·rl p. , u ru "" I' t'by

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WA YNESVILL.E., 01110 Full y Equ ipp e d f or (; ood Se r v ic e . L a q :('c D isp !:1 Y Ilo om .

Ambul ance SCl'I'it't! T F:J.r. rIl ONI·: 7



DR. E. M. RUDOLPH T he Eye Sig ht Speciali.t

At Cary's Jewelry Shop Lebanon. Ohio

Every Tuesday

f\: Inli T


8 : 00 a. m . 10 4 p_ m.


L.M.HENDERSON ,---- ---iVACCINAnON OF SWINE Dr. John W. Miller A .Specialty

Mrs_ Susun Saylor nnd Bons . o f Spring Vull,c y. Mr. ancl MrR. William Creighton, Mr. and Mrs. Ha rry Gl'ahom had a picnic dinner and fnmil y reunion nt t he old hOlll cstcnd <Ie Mr. and Mrs. Willia m Rudel, Sundny.




n I ', h , ~,l ld '

Nothing but reliable Serum and Virus u sed


Veterinarian Ohio

Harveysburg Phone 44

The attack upen me by tho Antl-Salooll Le"gue In the July 16th editiun American IflBue ba Red upon an utter ance made nfn"teen ago In behalf law enr"ree mt'nt contalM


a dlMtortlon of racta and Is all .tt"m i,t to retain control of thtl Altorney General'. office without regard to truth or lustice. My rCt:ord 61 four 1earll as PrOHcutin. Attorney and two fean · .. Altorney General, tb" (requent en4 acnerous ed itorial pralllfl (l1ven thoH admlnltJtratlona ud the endorsement "e my prese nt clllldldac,. bYllllch men •• Pre.ldent George W. Righl mire, JudIe DS\'id Purch. General Chauncey B. Baker, Pl'rc y Tetlow .nd lud ges and lawyers gen('rally t"roughout the .Is le 18 gUBrantee tbat all dutlell of Attorney Gonenl will be dt"charg ed faIthfully, honeatly, efficiently and wltbout fanaticism. Nelth p. r the AndSaloon Laarue nor any otber bloc, I,orson or inte, OR t un make ma do their blddlni.





Republican Candida te for Attorney Genernl.

Harveysburg Fertilizer Co. PhoD .. 8


-Polilieal Adverli.emenl

crhe .1

Miss Gladys BergdalJ met with an IIccident in Dayton last week on Tuesday of last week, when the Ford Sedon she was driving cras hed into a motorcycle at Crown Point. She escnped injury, but th e cnr WDR blldl y damngcd and one occllpnnt o f th c motorcycle IBuffered a broken lim b.

Cou.tltutloo. leIad.e to - .. for 11M 'COIt, .f .c'lulrinlfpr..... IN TF.Sl'IMONY .WHIIR&Ol', r b... h... "nlo auh•• Jilted my nan,. an4 alli.ed my ofI'lCiaJ 11.1 al CoiumblU. Oblo. thi. n.h cia, of, J~ A. O. lea6. 8_-'J THAD _ -. s.c...DROWN.I.. lar,. 0( _ _


Mll ll hl, ' d


_t l , , ~




, ./ \ \'


9T4,. ow 011.0.


1,1'/ ••1 '


Ollice 01 I'" Secret. r, 01 St.t• • I, TfiAD BROW"'. Sccrcl~'" 01 lit•• of the Stat. .r Ohio. -do hcrclJ¥ .. rt;fr .bal tl!e lorrplnl i. lID enmplilied coP,. oarclu!I, compared b, witb tbe otiSil\&l now Oft fir, ill my oft\ee and I" m,. tu.toc!J .. a.cnt.". 0( !taw ~d found to ... 1010 ... 4 co,,,,,,. or • •loinl R.ooIution a4optod b,. tile Ut .. Gener.1 ._bl, of the SIal. of Olilo (1ft "arch 27, 19~5, "'d, lilfd In tbt olllce 0( the, 0( S~•• "'" April J. 19as. 10 amend Article XV III. Seetl... I Of.hi

..____ az


ml d d lf' S7' ...:"


New Burlington,O.


1.1 ' \';l lI u ll 11 /1 11 " ":1 111( 111 1 I',h. l it, I h ' ~ ",., C \\ ', I !',h.! 1' l llIltl ~ I,. t h, ~ t.d\,




t h .;

; 1 )01 1 ,, 11"

Mrs. Lillian F ox is improvi llg nicely a t th e home of her mnthcr, 1I'I ra. Ida Day, ofter a ve ry se ri ou8 operation recently at St. Elizabeth hospital. Mr_ and Mrs_ Edward Linn eman and children, of Dayto n, sp ent Monday afternoon and even ing with the latter's paren ts, Mr. an d IIlrs. Henr y Foulks. Reports f,rom 1111'S. Mulvinll Stacy a r e that she is im proving al the home of her dnull:h ter, Mrs. Aida Willillms in Dayton, eince a recent ser io us operation. Mr. and 1I1rs Kesler Gra ham and daughter, ucc ompa ni ed Mr. a mj Mr 8. A. E- White, of S pringfield , t o Cin cinnati, Sunda y, and spen t t he day at the Zoo. M.r . and 1I1rs. Cha rles E. J ohns elltertained to unday dinn er, Mrs. .:liznbet h mith. Mr. a nd Mrs. Glenn J ohns and children, Pnul 'rurn er and Vivian, of Dayton. . Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Meredith , of J ohnsville. s pent a couple of dltYH lust week lit the home of Mr. lind Mr . Wolter Whitaker. 1I1r_ Meredith also called on Lytie friend s. CUTTING Mrs. Leon Salisbury and chil dren, Waiter - '',was your knife dull, Miriam and Wendall, have return ed sir?" "A little. but ii's all righ~ now- to their h om e in Clevela nd, aft(' r spending se veral weeks ot the home I stropped it on the steal( I" of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Emrick. Messrs. W:i1l1am and J ames Hai ne" and Mildred Haines, of Belm ont, were wee k-cud guests lit th e home of Mr. and Mr'8. Walter Kenrick . Mildred r emained this week for a v i~il. Mr. und Mrs_ Rlliph Arc hdclt con spent Sunda.y at the home of Mr. n nd Mrs. George Dea rdoff, so uth of Prank lin. Little Harold Robert Deardotr accompanied them home to spend this weck_

.tIC" dedioa amtndmcnl IhaJI ...

_01..... rtr,

l·c Lurncd h OlH e Thursdil r ('\".

l) a\ l lJ lI

rna "


Centerville, O.

IIlr. all d 1Ilrs. Cu lvin Longuc!'e alld ttin, ha\' l' 1I ,'( n m ad,' l ll1 r tll -/oC <leMr. F.d LOllg ncre ~ )J 'II t th ~ week -c lld t. ntlan 1 t it tHtl,J P f' l i ti f l tl n l hl tl lfi l t h y he r!' lifter t he me n wor king ill Cin - a r t, I ,qu"' t> ,1 I II :t n H\\ , , !' t'lh l tl ~ lin 0 1' lJ c ~ (U I'I ' t h l ' H I! tl:l.\' lI e ~(' lI lj ' ITl "C I', 1 !'):!iL cinll ati the pas t week. ~ 1.1 - ...\ -15 M rs . Durll' McKlrby anti daughte n,. of Dayton, wt!re e nlertained III ~ t week at th e home o f he r s i st ~ I' , Mrs. NOTAIP( PUBLIC Rlliph Johns lind fumil .v . National Bank Mr. and Mrs. Chal'l es lark arriv cd home Monda.y e" eninl('. n fte r enjoyDentiat Will a Drawn .... .. .... E.I .. t e. Sell led ing a moLor trip t o Leban on, Ind .• Vis iting 1I1r. a nd Mrs_ SlImuel Steph- Wa, .. e..,m. National Ba ok 810._ Waynesyille. Ohio

TIJ.~ . t

A fish haa been discovered that blushe8. During the bathing season 'it probably goes to mid-ocean and stays there.


\ I

l lll' i ll

~p rin gfie ld.

Date • pu~. If adopted I&Id jtndmen. .hall taQ elf... on dI. . . .t cIar.1 anun,. 1927. A'!"Pttd M.~~



ening. nft (l t spe nd ill g ~ ('\' t! l' u l ct a y s in

"To au.borl.. _ . m ... t b,. m""lcIPalili..

bladder ' c:IiIorden,



the COlI' of a.qulr;", pro.,.rt,. .or public impro,cmfllt upon land. benefited thef'tb, ..• or, In otb... IUIIIlIIP•• ulnclend, clear to . . . .

~ on.baa been -. world., wide ~ for Iddney, liver and

F. 1'. Martin Jesse Stanley Auctioneer Auctioneer



aooTEABS .,



pla.ed on tho otllclal b. llot. in. tbe _IIlOU ....... .Jt!ed b, Ia. and do.ien,ted a. CoIlowl:

PO'B ov.E a

Harlan, ·L. L. B.


Berni ce ,~

G. Clark Sta n , Mi" M W in nifr ed, ' Hny, VPl'n o n and Elm ".. . or Wayn eR\'ill e, • nnd Clurk • •11' .• o f the U. S. N .• call ed on IIII'. l1 ncl Mrs. Charl cs Gray, Frida y evenin g . Part of th e i"ter ior of th e kitch en in the home of Cha rl es Foley WIIS burned Thursda y night. An ove rheated oil stove was the cause_ The loss was covered by insuranc e_ Our t eaching 10rce 'has been completed by the employ ment of iiiI'. a nd Mrs. Barton, of Brown county. Mr. Barton will be superintend ant a nd Mrs. Barton will teach the I ntermedinte room', made vacan t by th e resignation of Clement Satte rthwuite. Mrs Essie Gray, the Western Ohio Cream Station operator, here, hits received from the Ohio Association of Creamery Owners and Managers, a certificnte of merit. which includes points on correctn ess in testi ng for butterfat, ' efforts rn securing improve ment of cream, -sanitation in station, and care in hondling cream. This certificate hus bee n apprQved by the Ohio Stote Depurtment of Healtll ond the Ohio Department ot Agriculture. Te Baptist Missionary Circle met at the church Tuesday afternoon, with Mrs. George Denny and Mrs. E. J. InwQod, dispens ing hospitality Rev. N. E . Bennett conducted the devQtions nnd Mrs. W. A. Haines had chorge of the lesson, her topic being. "}o'oreigners in California." She was assisted by !I1.rs_ N. E. Bennett. During the social hour the hostesses served brick ice cream, little cakes and iced teu. We were pleased to have Mrs. Wallace Edwa!ds, nee Lila Inwood, with us, ot tbja meeting.


B, it


Cll·v,·la n.1 IIIIlI Su uth ))a ytllll. New Vorle. . jill'S. S nyd er , of Co lor ud o Sp l'I ll)!S. Col. , cu ll .·u O il Mr ~. J. K Shu llI ll ker ~ , SP t!lIt t:!u flu ay at till' Zuo in C inlind 1'; \'C' r(, tt ~ hull lUk e r, 1'11I1 .... <l lIy a f- cin na ti. t e r noon , Th ere will li e no PI' achi ll K Ilt Lyt ic JIl" . li nd M r ~. ilal'o ld , ill:l lI l alld church for t hree S und ay" dlll'illK child""11 II rc ~ lI t el'tnil1 i ll )! ~Il" . C il- Chaul.auqu u. S Ullda y- Sl'IlOu l wil l ue lam '. ~ i s t(' r . ill iSM AlulII L IIIlIt.. of UL \I ::10 . AO lllilt " n. The S u ndn Y' pa "scll gl'l' tl'ain" (, [ I he Rev. At't hu l' COC'l)CI' , nf I.l\hnnn n, r a il r oad thl'oug h here Wel'c lllll c n n lf Th e we ek-day truills d e li \-~I' c d t he a ddress III the ;\I n"_ ie lust :S ulld IlY. Town ~ hip Sunduy-S('hool cIt"v l' nti,m run u ~ U"UIII. whi ch III cl lit th e l'ri£' ncl H 'c hurch, 1\11'5 . Kesle r C rah HIIl nn d dllught" ", 'ulICloy II [te m onn . M,'


R.n.clion s by P.,,!, r have ttllV ' I~d IlIHny mil B GU)! Routzahn mlul" a bU.8ines8 trip And searched the IJi ghcHL poinl ~ For Happincss, to Dayton, l"rlclay. Waynesville, Ohio And nOW I have £o\l nd it Mr_ and Mrs. Wilbu r Swank wcr e Close besidc me- IL h ~ hel' n here n Dayton, J)aturd ay. I n como Tal< Prob l m . All th t ime. Lir.. In.u,ane" Trual a for . ·mall and Large Ea lale •• Mrll. Morri!J Miller nnd son, J a lllc!!. spent MondllY in Day tQn. Fe do rn l E . t nl" a nd Siale InheriLire 'naurancc within l h .. R each Su bscribe for tho Miami Gazette. tance Taxe l. Mis!! Evu Wharton Is visiting h er of E very On e T grandllurents in Dl\ yl ol1. • B u si ncu Pro t ec tion, Co rpo ra tio n I n. ur. nca on Automobile. and ]\fr. an d Mrs . C. F;- Joh ns W;' l'e 1'.;'I'I1' IU,' ' I ' " "' E LI. It 1': .\ I . 1£""' .\ '(' ,': nnd Co -P n rtncro h ip_ R u al EoIal,,_ ' I'U " .\ \ 1)1 ·: n ' I ' ~ . Dtlyton vis ito rs, W cdn esdllY. T he Ludies A id serve icc crculII .. ,,- AYIJI'!'! I I .I ,· l\ lIinr;,. )< " ' 1 '1 l \1 1' n r cry Sutul'duy ev e ning on Kes le r (; 1'11- I ~ Hlntl o r '1.(1 /.1. 1. I I 11 11'11 II I !-I ' HI , ' I. , 'lI lillI, 1I""' .·u,,,.·d. I ' I. d r tif f ha m's lawn . \ " A r ~ It .I . n" \ II M,I", I I .• 1 . Mr. Char les Kelsr y ha s return ed I "y" ' (l.'Il,I. I Il I .. fro m Fort Worth, 'fcxnH, f or lin e xC'JI(( , l !' .j \ '. 111 I' !l rll ,Ill tl II"ra \ ';, 1\ Lended vi 'it, h ' re. I I t)! II . Ill:-o \\ II ,' \\ 1111 .1 111 \ .11, 11 ,, /1 1 •• ",1 I i t-St,!,· \ ' 1111 I t I' lL . 1111'" \\, I · I I:!· 1 I I ".\ ~ Mr. lind MrS; Harry McGinni ~ . o [ !l li d T .I .\ 1,,/' 1l ,,,'IN h" 1 II ,,1, 11 1'1, al l , 1 Wuyn es ville, called on Lyt le fl·l ends. \\ )j, l l ll r"H ltl. , II 1.1 111 n. I I! ( (" , ... ". : Su nday IIfte r·noo n. ( 'HI'I' I ~ ' (,'11\" ;1 11.1 l: .. ' II' ' " r 'I h a,n ll, \\' h " .r~ "HI .· ill I II!. I n \ ";,' 1'1 Mrs_ A_ C. Thompso n r eturn d (Uf ll iu, \\111 I ;\ k, 11 , 01 ,,' , t..11 , , 1 ~ rll llll J.:.~ • "" l iI' l/ I,r, ,.\, 1. " I h. hOllle lasl we ek a fte r vis it ing r ela- :1.10 Ii Ill . I iT1."'IIII' ', ,, '!J r ,1 "11 I Date your sa les with us . We guarantee lives in Young s town . :: I ti l rill \ "r ~I (il 1"_'" It' oJ I" III I n 1111 ' )', 0 1'111, · , • , I ,\ . , , I & ali s fa ction or char g e nothin g. Mrs. Mary 'Carmo n y was a Sunday t .\, l)hlH , alll ';.: I '·~ \l 1, 1 ! • • ,,01 II. ,r I I. , dinn e l' guest of MI'. aud Mrg. Wilb u r ta t l' or ~Hlo! .1, I,d. nl p By h l ' l" d .· III1'4 u nd I h · • \ 1" n ,,1 I I lurk. in Wn y ncsvi lle. m f u iJi t..,ri ll l-: h "1 , · ... LI ' ,· 1 ,I' , d ,.." I Z "fl In f "I ' Mlllljl l l ' ,d· t l, ·· ,. 11'\1"1 Mr. and Mrs. Geon!:e 'Scott unci Mr. d~(·~'lu' rlh f ' ( 1 n .-a l I "' I HI " , I " \\ 11 Evcr c Lt Early and children mutore d " !'\I l uu t,· III lh" '1' .. " ,,01 1 l' .. r T ' ' 1\' Ph on e No . 2 Ph o ne No _ 320 I' r l " l k ( ' u unt \' o ( \\ HI / . II a l,: ,~(. t ,.\ lo Mid d let owlI. ~un clIlY. (;l dn, '''l'it l J.:· th. , !'fl.ul ' , • "" ' 1 ",1 1 ,,'1 ' __ _ ___ ___ _ _ _ _ _____________ _________MI'. Ev('r ett CIII I'k, o f Da yto n. wa g ~I, I ' l i lJ n Nu 7, T (l W I1 ·1. I:'" . ' I I, 1,\ " I I I ; I\"' I ~ I :. ",,1 11. , , Ii ;'1 II ~ ulldu y dilllle l' g uest nt the h ume u f lh u MIJt tl ti tt l V ll t; 111 lI. " e tl Ulll 'H I ,., . ". ' I' :';1: I M,'. unci Mrs. Walter Cl ark . !'f 1'I ' lloll : 1Ilt' lu;.e ru n rd, .' , ' I I' " t' hll i n s III n l'l (OH I' I" I 1: 11111 - - _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _...., Ca l l 0 11 U. for yo ur Job Priolio • . Mrs. Gcurge Ite ·de r and ullu!;ht c r~ , "I .· u f a I O \ ~ II ~ h i p ,,, ,111 '1111111 1, ,,,'oj Mi ~s e s Itll th . io:va ami Eth(·I. o f Huu te 111 0 L ·I'all v ll I llId I' '.ll ll din \ .. l

b .. lieving whot we ha ve on ce see n unci hopi ng (or whllt we shull sec again. Underneath the crowding evid en ces o f th e power of evil e very man lIIust Lwlieve ill th ese eter nn l and fur lI\(fro )lote nt cosm ic IlIws of good. Uid you onc<' g lim )l~e H grellt IInli beautiful love hurnin g like a shck inah ? Howcver gross mlly be the presen t clnrkn ess you mll Rt believe that the tire still burns_ The track rUll s on. The so ul that will not go fo rward until h(' can Ree every st ep of th .. way to the end will advance but little. Most Qf thll time wc must b" stepping out into the dork. The man who is honest simply beenuse he knows that honesty is th e best policy, and is honest only eo long IlS it 8ee ms t ho best policy, has a poo r quality of honesty; for only tlla t honesty is tne best policy which is -honest in the dark a s well as in t he light; only that llIan deserves to be called honest, who is willing t o foll ow th e path of honesty even wheo it seems tQ lead into the abyss. one of U8 can se" more than a litt le way most of the time. Fortunately we are if, rto w and then, we reac h some h eight where th~ g reat view unfolds. And if. ofterwards, the darkness -scorns to c10ae in, we can say to ou rse lvcs: "The track runa on ."

Allen Huffman



Ketrow Bros. circus waa .a great attraction her e. Friday evening. Rollart Collett is spending a few days with ;friends in Wlnchcstor, Ind. Mr_ an d Mrs. GCQrgc Denney" and :Mi ss Ruth were Doyt on vis itQr s, r ecently. •

'r-----------------------------------~ I'


Clnrence .J. Drllwn of man ch os~er, who aspIres to the office 01 Secretary ot Swte bas heen clItlor8cd ~.Y every political und Boclal org~lzlI­ tlon In bib' B@CtlOn Qf \l\~ $tate, 118 ~~11 a~ I»' mallY Qthers throughout Oblo. AlthOUgh a Democratic governor c~rled \he' 8tn~e 10 1918, Mr. {lrow~ ~I\. 'elepted Lientenant Govel'~or lJy \!lor" than 30,000 vote8_ t b, . "rl~ary 1920 lie ~aM ~-noml • ,,~ted fOf *e lame olftee \ly Ohio "'epu!>lIcan~, carrying 86 co.antles. 1n '\1le genera! election at 1920 lie «ameli the IItB te by 300,000, , . . presidhig OmcQr of tht !leda~1I 8r, ·JiroWQ !Dllde aQ enviable reowet, ngt a IIllIgI.8 deCision or · rullnl( ~&YJn, ~8n questlonea dUring bill ",,0' term.. . "l)e8Plte' tbe demanda lOade upoQ ,tal. time ... publisher of wee.kly .l'l\lllp.~r. : 1':\ ~ towns. Blanc"!). Leb.n9D. Milford;' Mlaml8burg 'and LyDobbur,. .. and 88 tbl? preal- · dent of an ' Important prlntln, e. • tabU.hPtent at alincbester. · 'Mr_ ' BrowlI bal kept io olose coo taCIt with dati'll of It&te. HII t)utlne. ad' 1.ia1 traJnlna .. ~d hla preViaiii' uperleDee In omce, ban made blm . putloutal'1y weD Itted for the ~ . CJI ~ o! 8&ate. , ,.....---,....


\er. . .


Mr. and r.£rs. Wi\li nm Brown entertained to Sunday' dinn er the IlIlter 's nelcc a nd fa mily, Mr. unci M,·R . Young lind so n, Edwnrll, of S pringfield, lind MI'. and Mrs. Edwllrd Brown, of Franklin. Evelyn John s was ho s te "~ to a party at her home Wednesday, in honor of her 5th birthday_ [ce cream and cake were served t o the f ollowing Iittic gu ests: Ella Mac Lewis, RUllo Graham. Wildndinc KUl'f\ls. Mllr~' Mc Kirby, Genevo Routzal\Il, Marjori" Cro ne, Clam B, Ltl\Vi~, ~tozol McKlrby 1~1.!d Fr.nncell John ~ . Evelyn's moth el', ~r8. An na Johns, wae a ssisted by Mesdames Cora Johns, DorlL lI1cKirby ond Adda Kenrick.





A pinch of curry powder is sometimes liked with lima bilans,

• •

Turn cakes ups.lcle down when they are taken from the oven and allow them te cool partially. : Remove tram the pan before the cake reaches room temperatuTe or haa a chance to sweat..

• • •

Tomatoes fresh, raw or canned. are a good SQurce of vitamins A. B .. and C. This 18 the reason· tfJ\lt child speolallsbl often recommend tha t young rhildren' and sometimes babies be Ii'Iven tomato ·juiee.. ;·It is a gp'nd plan alsQ to. il\clqde tollIatoes often in the family menu. . .



lamb dishes piping hot•. because many people of the lat that as cooled, Tart tastY HUCIII ....Iso· "eat" tone. down the pronounc-

the ' meat.






~ I f",! tl

" WM y(lur kllif(' d 1111 , •

.. \ liU I". hltt ·t'. nil ri~hl J .'< t I'p~ d It (\ 11 th" ~ll ll k 1"



o Kroger

Elberta Free- $2 40 aches' Georgia full bl'sket . . • e Cobblers, U. S. SOC toes Whit No.1 Grade. per peck . s ton~s ,

Mason Jars P ,nt •. d oun

... .. ............. 69<

5 U g ar

10 "" <l n d.

Sq uare Style. Quart s, per doz .. . H"lf gnllo n •• do:r;e n....

Pure Cane, per 25-lb. packet

bulk .. .......... ... .. ... .. ....... ..


.. ..... ..

79c .

... . $1.19

...... $1.62 .. ....... 6Se

~;!~~Cb~g~~.~~. . . $2.40 ~~~~ Ketlle~19~~ '\Cel~ry - -- -15- C .lk

- --




creamery.44C ----


oun ry

~I(~r.... ........


10" u nd o .......... .. .................. .. .25c


25 C

Lnree t ender I l a l\... 2 fot

T.II can., Small Can •• 2 for .. .... ...... .. ....... . 9 c


Struck By Auto

Mrs. J . "'. Hawke and Mrs. J ohn Fromm ore in Dayton, t ~t1 ay.

Little Bobblt' Britaill, .on of MI'. a nd Mrs. \\'. Ll. Grl1nin, \ 1 II. w u~ injured when S\L'urk lJy all n\ltr>lIl ob il' Mr: mid MTs. KUTI Babb and so n ill imprllvinl!. Th ~ a~dd{'nl happl'1\' spent undll)' with relatives nonr ed last Thu rri\ln ~ vuning, IH'aT his home at GO Elnlll I I Htr cI' I. 1lll yton, Xe nia. .. Ohio. Mrs. . G. Harn '\' and Mary Belle . .\ Ir • . 11 . R. Enrnharl WRS in Day- H.u-ncr ,\re ~pe n ding " few ' days lit Ketrow ' Bros. ci rCUM was 1\ j!'rl'at ( " 11 lus t W l! d nc~dIlY· Bufful.. an,1 in~l\ra Falls. altl'ucti on lit lI :1rl'(·y~b ll rll'. 1··riJ uy I'VC Mr~. Sidney ChandleT has been visMessrs Carl unt! Glenn Frye and ilillg re l utivc~ in Dayton. hurl es Ellis were ill Tole do, Mon· day, bringi ng back thrce ' new cars. For Good Govern men t 1\lr. nnd !\Irs. K. N. Hough wer e l '"y l un "i. it or" lust \\' l' c k. Mr. lind r.Jrs . ~: . .\ '. Bnrnhnrt en· Wise Legislation terlninl'(l t'hl' "Jolly M"trons" nnd Walter Eke y ha~ r(·turnrd to his Ih eir hu"bn nd s. lagl Friday lIight. Modified Prima ry wo rk in Zimmt! rmun's grocery. 1111'S. Ros u Sc hdl. of Toll!.lo. und Economic Expenditure The Cllmpnr<' Girls 111'(' s}w ndin g lIIrs. Lnul'a Shidnkt'r, of HIlf\'cys burg, the wet·k III ('amp Linlter Longe r. wcn' gu ('sls of 1111'S. Mum c Hatfield. Better S~ateHighway P~licy Mondll),. Automobile repairing. Motor . oil anti gas sliver. Rill' Mill. , Tel. 71. Mr. li nd Mrs Lo ren Hndll'Y and dllughtl'r. of Berlin H eighL~. Ilrc vis· VOTE FOR M iss Emma HeighwRY wns the din· iting Mr. Rild !IIrs. J . E. J anney lind nN guc"l of Mrs. V£' rllu KI·III'Y, Sun· daughters. tillY ·

Mi sH"S VaHhti ancl F.mogenl' Beck.:'Ir. nnd Mr •. .l . C. TII\\'ke spen t ,'It IIrp sp(· ndinv; the Wl'ek in LIl\\,' ~ t1\ldIlY with rl'llIliv". in Plt'a"nnt f(' ncl'b urg, '1nrl. , the g uest. of MI'. and I'l ni ll. Mrs. J UII ll'S B,·,·kctt. J oseph Shallo lt. of Imiianapolis. Gra ce McCune, of Limll, spe nt Walter Kohl hngc· n. of lIw wl' ck-('nd with h('r mother . Mrs. Ind .. ulI.1 Jomesto\\'ll , a r t.! the J{U ('st!-l of Mye r ~: vn Miller. Hymnn anti fam il y. Mr. and Mrs It E. Cronl' Ilnd fam· ilv nttcndNI II 'fnmily r ('u nion at Ma· Miss Mildred Graham. of Route O• •,;n. SUllda y. · is spending a cou ple (If w~ek" in Day· ton. with her grundparenls. Mr. und Mrs. Luella 1\ ing, of Ll'bnnon, w a~ Mrs. Sherman Dyke. til<' g uest of Mr. unci Mrs. Wilbur 1I (\( 1I.1W8Y, I". t w('ck . Mr. Ilncl Mrs. Rlliph Dyke li nd Mr. lind Mrs. Mlldison En rnharl. of Day. Mrs McKibbe n. who had a sever e t on, we re \V~ck·end guests uf Mr. and hearl i,tlIlCk, Tuesday. is r esti ng some Mrs . Fr ank Thomas, whot ensi(' r at this tin\e. Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Mills were Mr. Alvin IJyke and Miss Eequil ene ver y pleasantly entertuined, SUlld,,)', Slllley, of Duyton, spen t Sunday wit h nt Xellia, lit the home of Mrs. Mill.' :'>ll's. Huldllh Burnett a nd so ns. brother. 1I1r. and 1111'S. Frank Hurn cr. ~Irs.

We Sell Lumber for Every Purpose~-~

Builders' Hardware(r


Hinges Door Locks Barn Door Track

H. C. MINNICH Of Oxford, Ohio Candidate for Ohio Senate

Smooth Wire

Second Fourth Senatorial Dist ,


Barbed Wire

August Primaries on the Republican Ticket

Locust Fence Posts Farm Gates

Late Classilied Ads, FOR SALE

FOR SALE--Je~s(' French ·up t·lgh t piano. P rice, $75. Pholll' No. 28, or cnll at Fourl h nnd Tyl er strl'ets.

WANTED Mr. and Mrs. Lindley Mendenhall Wedne.duy, by th e se rious are taki ng f>I motor lrip. During their iIIn ~ss of her uunt, Mr •. Marth" Irons ubsencl', MI'. und Mrs. Wulter Under. AGENT WANTED-In Waynesville territory. Sworn proo f "f $75 p CI' wo od nre in charge Ilt the F'riend~ ?III'S. Lnurn W hit e l<-ft this morn- Home. week . $1.60 an hour. fo r .spure time. illl:' for her hume in J effe rso n COUll t y, Introducing finest guanlll l.ced H o~ i e ry after 0 pleusunt vis it with O. R. Un. 126 styles und colors. Low prices. 'Mrs J esse Burton lind son. Ho\\,· Auto I:'lcsby Illld fnm ily. furn is hed. No or ex· ard, r eturnE!d home last Saturda y, af· perience nccessa ry. WILKN IT 110tel' a delightful two weeks' trip, in Suits lind Overcoats dry cleaned compa ny with r elatives, through the S IERY CO., Dept 101 .48, Greonfield , Ohio. · -It ond pressed. $1.00. Sponged and Wl'st. pressed, 36c. We make your old clothes look like new. Soft Water L"undTY, Mahlon Ridge, agent. Mm. S. J. Burgan, of Cincinnat i, Mrs. Lllura Mosher, Mrs. Edith Harris ·and Mr. Harris Mosher werc SunCharles Leff erson and cpildren, Ma· dol' g uests of Mr. and M rs, Ronuld ry Vir~i nia and Charles Irwin, and Hawke. their nurse, Mrs. ' Priee, of Ludlow, Ky., spent the week-end with Mrs. Messrs. F. B. Rendreso n, L. M. Mary Waterhouse and family. Henderson and son , Boyd, and D. L. Crano saw the Ludlow-Gard ner-Hal'· Have you tried our Laundry Ser- vey baH gllme, at Middletown , Sun· vice? If 'not, you are missing a r eal day aft ernoon. treat. We launder your clothes by the pound. Six different services' from Rugs DU I~tc d an d Renovatt'd; Auto5c a pound up. Watch for the Green Laundry truck every Tuesday and tomobile Covers washed; Blankets and Comforts laundered; Dry Cleaning, Friday. Mahlon RldKe, qent. Pressing a.nd Dyeing. Soft Water Laundry. Mahlon Ridge, agent.

Mrs. Edith Harris was called to

A lhen.

Some of The Things

Rayrnond' I!:yre, of Dayton •. is vis.

itip~ his molher, Ml·S. Lnurll Sules.

All of the above material can be found in our yard every day in the year at moderate prlce~

0 11

w. H. Madden. &.. Co. Waynesville









The season of the year is now here, ' when you can expect the severe Hail Storms that sometimes sweep the country and ruin your Crops, especially your Tobacco. We now ha\'e rates on this class of Insurance, and will be glad to have you call. and talk it over. Remember what t he Hail did to the Tobacco in this vicinity last year , and the many large losses paid by this Agency for Hail Losses. It Does Pay to be 011 the safe side, for it costs very little to Be Safe.

Since July hal fi ... Thuradayo I will three to W.yD.... tbi. month. Remember that .chool I. but • .hort time .w.y. Dont' wait uDtil • chool beain. before bayiDIf your child' • . e ye. e",amlDed aDd proper RI....... uppli ed. DO IT NOW. Tim. i. r e quired tD adjult th .. child'. ,yea and n e nou •• y.tem to GI....... Don't be re,pDn.ible for your cbild'. f.iI. ure in .cbool by aelflectiDIf the im. portant m.tter of hayiDr Ibi. eye defect. correct ..iI. Hay.. it dOD.


whethe r you come to me or DoL

Thursday, July 29

f. D. Dakin Insurance Agency Waynesville, Ohio

At Grange Hall

G. H. BROWER, Oph. D.

~;===========================';)~ 294 Ludlow Arcade,

lOx3 72 CI. Fabric ........ $10.00 30x372 CI. Cord ... ... ... $12.00 29x4.40 Balloon . .. .. ... . $1'.3f

Mr. and Mrs. Coulous Younce left Wednesday o n a motor trip to Florida , where they will visit Mr. and Mrs. Claude Riggs. lIliss Mildred Cla rk witl laccompony them home .


Waynesville Motoreo. Wayne.vill., Ohio

Phone 105

_____ - ____. _ _ _ W~~r C~~ ellh~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

tui ned and SundMrL ay, Mrs. Etta Ferguson, of J oliet, Ws., Mr. Everett Clark. of , Dayton , Mr. and Mrs. Rona Bolton ond son. J Ihn Poul, Miss Viso Bolton a nd H. M. Clark.


Mr. and' Mrs, Wilbur Hathaway entertain ed the Franklin E uchre club Saturday eve ning. The invited guests were : Dr. an d Mrs. Ellis Hathaway, Mr. and Mrs. W. F . Graham, Mr. a nd Mr>!. Forest Graham and daughter, Kathryn. " MT. and Mrs. Stephen Burnett had as their week·end guests. Mr. and

Dayton, Ohio Mrs. Max Hamilton and daughter,

Anna Fran ces, of Hamilton, Oh io, and t hey a l\ visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lamar ond family, of New Vielina, ov,er Sunday,


Cotmty Meeting The Churches of Christ in Gree ne county will hbld their annual feHowship meeti ng Sunday, August 1st, at the Ferry .:hurch. Morning session, !l :3 0; afternoon, 2.00 p. m.

·--_e-·--BEECH GROVE

All roads lead to the Flat Fork Home.Coming, Saturday, August 14. K. E. Thompson and W . B. Warner made a business trip to Sligo, Friday .. Har ley Walker and family were Sunday guests of relatives near Westboro. The many friends IIf Miss Hannah Jordan will be glad til know that she has r eturned home from the hospital.

To m{"ns 'Of American women the Overland Whippet will bring an entirely new pride of ownership . . . a new delight in its comfort and refinements. It is a quality car through and through ... with all of the .appointments that women like. Come in and see this wonderful new-type car.


Your tire money goes a lot fllTther now. You can buy the world', finest Goodyear Tirf's- at a pd~ as low or lower than you will pay for ordinary brands. Come iy and let us quote you on your size.

. Whippet r

America·~ New·T)'pe Light Ctlf' ;

K:[7 H;~-:' ' .... 1 I-

Waynesville Overland .Sales Co. H. Arcbdeacon

M. M. Terry, K. E . Thompson, Geo. W. Davis, A. B. Talmage, wife and aister, Mrs. Jessie Kennon, attended the T. B. meeting at Harveysburg, Thursday e vening.


'lhousands of oiven away0---- CIuIJ


Want a ton of coal-free? You can get it by joining our Heatrola Free Coal Club-a part of the national Free Coal Club that you will read about t~is week ' in The Saturday Evemng Post. This is the fifth consecu· tive year that thousands of tons of coal will be iiven away,,free.

delivered long before cold weather sets in, and to 'be paid for ob easy, conveDien~ term.. The enrollment fee of $2 is applied to the purchase price oftheHelltrola

•t •

Remember, the Heatrola-the original first-floor heat~ng plant -will give you furnace comfort, at a saving of 46% in fuel. A~ the Heatrola is so beautiful"""':lt looks like a fine mahogaB-Y cabi. net. Everyone admires it!



• our Free Coal Club now, Join Rnd you will get a ton of coal, free, with an Estate Heatrola-




, f*

" ...~ . - .,.

. The Mis!les Ethel Mannon, Ruth Monnon, Glenna Mannon, Harriett McMillan and Helen Black , of near Wilmington,. atte nded the social here, Saturday evening. K. E. Thompson, W. B. .Warner and R. J. Murray visited the Otterbein home on Monday. where they found the doctors very busy at the hospital r em oving the tonsils of quite a few of the children. We were told that there were about 200 boys and 99 girls at the home. The home has IIUt about 1200 acres corn, besides acres of othe r grain . of They a lso have a lot of gllod horses and cattle on their4006 acre farms.








.. .

.... .'




Come 'i n-have us show you the Heatr01a and ex p I a in our F~ Coal offer, '1' b is offer ex;pires

August 211t--s 0 don~t delay~

~ .






.. . M CO ' E F RED ' . ' '.' 'L' , ,

Uniontown. Pa., pollee have ·been· or- . dered by Mayor R. D. Warman to arrest, after 10 Q'cloek at night, all girls ol1"the meet who cannot give & good excua.e for being ' there. . 'I'he curfew hour for males. ia 1 &. m. Po. , ljce recotdll reveal that a dozen girls have been :art'ested for. loitering on the streets about midnlghf. Girls of uncertain. character, who are seen rid· inr up and down the streets With men






Ha.r dware••• Harne••··.Farm Machinery

Wayne.wlle, Ohio



I 31 to A. U·f a' ' · f "1 'u,v ..,





In automobiles, '~'IiII~. . the zero hour. will be . arrested ": , . after ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=;;;;;;~iii .

Seventy-Bighth Year




I ".


------ -_._ Whnt is color'! Why ure rn'~II Y nlOll, with ~ ignt p'rfl'ct utlle l'W IS':; ullllble 10 di ~t ingui . n n ,.1 fr om blue. Why is a color-I.olilld ,,"omun unknown? How du yuu x plum the extraordin ary fn et tha l mll.ny wom l!n, ubslllut.,ly blind , Can cllstlngulsh culorll by feeling; fnr In~tanre. colur" lIf ynrns that th ey handl e? Why do blind wom (' n Rort ing Yllr ~; in London like bl" .. lind .Ii. ilke r ecl, More import.llnt becn us!' it is prncticlII. why do Hies dislike blue '! Pnin l )Tour kitchcn bright blue alld you Will ,hnvc fewer flies .

On the othe r hund. if you paint beehivt!ll hlu l'. the bees will be happier, Perlmp. it. is beclluse the b,'es enjoy themselvea ullder the blue sky, while flies like to be out of the s unJight und aWIlY from the blu£, 8~y. ln a blue kitchen they mny thlllk they arc ouldonrs und er th e sky , They Ilro not very bright, Prc1 'cd stoc k of Standllrd Oil of Nil' ' e.-sey pnys 7 per cent, Money is. 'ap. 7 per cent Interest Isn 't buaint' like. and the New J eney Standt. , d on Compnny plans to buy back all its preferred stock. paYI ng owners $116 for a $100 certiflcllte, Thla $230,000.000 operation iSI1't considered big in our day, One million dollan used to make men ehiver, Now $200,000.000 i.e the ullit that One Billion is the mark tlwt really big mcn shoot at. The Trillionaire in coming,



Sir Alfred Mond tells BritaIn's Society of Chemical IndultTy that BcI~nce will control genius, morals and sex, and alBo prolong youth, Sex has been put beyond our control. Men'e anity would call for too many boys, What we call "morals" Is a reflection of the times in which we live, Man, always trying to seem II little better than he really is, Improves gradually.

•• _Mis. Kelley Resign. -----+.~


Mlaa Edna Kelsey b .. reaigned her position as principal ot Wayne 'Town. ship Hlgb Bchool MI .. ; Kelsey, who h.. been te~cblng , at Ohio State university thill summer. has accepted a poeltlon at Ardmore, a suburb of PMladelphla. •Thla ' PositIon ca\'riel with It • very lubita-gt'al ,adv~nc4! In salary. , :. ' , ,

, ,.


'0, E S~' NOTICr'

,Miami Chapter N'o_ lQ'7 0_ , E. S., win meet in rqulu HIIIoD Jlonday avenm.l Aarut II. Vlaitln, lIIelll-

Wn 'WelCOme.





in hnving it t: tl uti rllll'd f v r uta'



L-'f T D""O' ~CtlUTe


H~.SL""­ SIIAl> IT uP I


charter may Dot be revoked, I have takeD il upon my,elf to pay the per capita lax,"

Owen Higgin s wns elected president.. succeedi ng Judge J , Wright; Miss Eunice Mull wns chosan sccrvtllry in the place of Jmn es Burke, It was decided to hold the meeting next year in Memorinl hall. L. ebl\nulI, becnuse of itl! ccntrnl locntion.

Fractured Ankle Clarence J. Brown, form er Lie u· tcn,ant-G overnor and candidllte for the I~ep\lb lican nomination for Secretary of State. is convalescing nt his home in Blnnchester. frolJl a !raeturcd ankle, incurred by s lipping from the curb whil e campaigning at Younglltown. II few days ago. Medical nssistance wns quickly nvailable after the accident. and th'i' injury was X-royed, set and enclosed in a plaster cast, Mr. Brown will reo main at his home for a few days be{ore stllrting on his final tour before the primary, Tuesday, August 10.

il1~ ,If

Th" ' "11111 ,11 liean ( '"un l . .

dlall'lIlt ' ll

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t" '.,\\ .1. i ll dll Cli lll,!


r H ll llt y

"<OU~E' r~ '

1 liVER SAW!


. Hu t ~ I iss lI .. wland, wil li hn~ )' ("' 11 lh e 1l01"nut! d irl'ctnr, for ~ o m ~ y c ur~, 'I<-~i d('d it \\"" hest lU g il illto oth c' r work, owin~ lu th e Il ' ne rul disconti nuanc e of th e cou nty nnrm nl.. As it was excel'dingly ditli cult to obtllin II COIII I ct~lIt di .. ectur th e Stale D", )llll·tul e nt th en ill Hi"tcd that' th e norIlllli lJc discontill u ed, es peciall y ns it WII S IH.'nrl' I' Sia l' all d coli '$Ie trnining sc huols Limn s(J llIe large r county normn ls thllt hud ulrca<iy bl'c n dropped, Heeausc o f thiM. Il lld the impossibil ity of securing a .uitllh le dit'ec tor, it wns deemed bes t not to attempt to con· duct the Tlormlll furt lwr. Co unty normnl s are being disco nti n ue d because the Slllte Department is plllnnillg n lwo-yenr training cou r~ e nnd thi s the c·ounty n orma ls cunnot give, Si nce it s bf'glnning in 1914 th" normol Iter' has se nt out 200 teac hers Rnd th ('~e hltve ulmost invnrillbly " ma de A' ood." The nOI' IlI ~1I in~tituti on IH_s bC'c li 1111 importnl1 t factor in s up ply in g th e s cho(lIR with teachers. Wheth" ,. th e two-yeur training cuurse pln nncd will do better remllin s to be tiCP Ii . The nb ove i~ lin exce rp t of a letter 8ent () lIl by Se llllt . Hnrris to the press o f th e coun t y, n nd who acted tor thl' Stnte Oepnrtnl ent in the closing o f th e normal in Waynesville. B owel'e r, there is bei ng brought to benr a stronlr preH/lurc \0 have th e normnl con tinued, The citizens jn this vicin ity ore making d es perate efforts nlld have appenled to the Stnte Depnrtme nt. as arrungem cnts had al ready bee n mod o to continue the school nnother year.


f .





MEET AT LEBANON State · Capital



We spend our lives watching men and women pll88ing through a door labelled "Death," and we all hnve th~orle8, but nobody apart from faith, hqttl nny knowledre of wbat is on the other side of the door. By nnd by our time comes, and we go, then' we know- perhaps.

By A. B. CH!\I'IN


Whole Number 5712

U !leer .

The wise Japal1€!80 ostablish ,an annual "Tim e Day" in all cities and !.owns of the Empire, "Watch Your Tlmc" is to be the nationol slogan. Every day ought to be "Time 'Pta," wilh everyone.· No spendt hrilJ. ever let money slip through T o commem orat e the bnttlo of J-tis fjQgrrrs a8 the ayerage man lete Penc h 'j'n' • Creek. thirteen Civil War ):lis Hfe .ellp away. vetl'rallS nn d their fom ilics 1II1' t at the bemlliful cHuntl'Y hom e of Henry Florence Ziegfelil. who continues MUll, n(>8I' l.e bnn on. JUl y 20, "glorifying the Anll'ri clln gi ...... but l 'tnch Tree battll' "'liS foui('ht nellr insist... that sbe be "modestly dres8ed." Atla nta. Cu ., during tfu, A tlunta cnmlIays "the plumper girl Is coming in ." paign conduct ed by Gen eral herHe predicts dlsnppearance of the pre- 1I1l1n, Six of t he vetern ns r eviewed vailing t ypc that lnoks hlllf stllr\'ed in dramutic nnd enrnest talks their /Is a rl'8ul t of dieting, remembrnnce of th e position nnd acThat's good n W8 for the tired bU R- tivities of the battle, These were, JnCS4 man who sits in !ront. SUJI Hellry Mull. Jnmes Meloy. 0 , S. Highetter flews tor the other mnn w~o gins, D. J , Morris . Jam es Meloy. pf wnnl.\l t))& Ollxt generntion t o be wortb Lebanon. Frank Hnrn er and William while aed Ir. urs trouble when the Dakin. of Wilmington, nnd Captain halt ~tal'vc,J bnhies of half starved Josiah Custis. of oblna. nil comrades mol hers grow -lip lInd tnke hold of of the 79 th rebimcnt, the nation. The other six vetcruns. no two of which were from the sa me regiment. '11I111e"n burned to dcath in moull- were. Jchn M. Snook. Prof, Lukens, tain inn nt Haincs FailS. N , y" can- Zllff Enfield, n, H , Dunham. S, L, not be' Idontln·d I\nd will go to the Cartwright lind John McKinney. Mr. Cartwright in a tnlk on the joy grave with rellgjOilR rites of two kinds. First. Roman Cntholic rites, of comradeship. congrntulnted the ,..ere c<'lebrated. Ne)tt; Protestllnt veterans of the 7!lth upon hnving s ix rite.e will he ndded, If tl)ere happ ens present, He snid: "In the WaYDenille Poet there t.o bl! n Buddhist, Mohnmmedlln or i. but , one remainin.. mem~l!:r, Con{usdQn nmong tbe t h il,tl'en. h e and I am he, In order that the will hllvc to take his chllllce, Mr_ Sam Wing, ~ceolllpli8hcd gunmnn or the On Leon T ong, w!)nt to tho electric chai r, but first gave prders for burinl services, both Chlt)-e&e Ilnd Christinn. He wns nevor u Christinn, but told hi s friends thnt the electric. chair bcinA' unknown to Chinese gode. they might huv e no pro visio n for n corpse from that source, Cbristians hnve invented the electric chair. doubtlf'sS hnve a God that would know whllt to do with the re mains, 80 the thoughtful Chinose decided on both religions for funeral nrvlce,

---- ----_.

laillly t he Slllle Dl' l'll rtllll' nt (,f I':du 'ation ha. tilln ll y decifl"d lo cluHe lhe Cvu llty Nu mllti Hch .. ol hl'n '. • ulhni(' with n larg" p,'re "lItage ,0( the normll l ~ l'h "u l " in t h(' St utl' o f Ohio. '.fhe State dt' l' llrtlllc nt of j~ Ju caliu n se nt nO li ce t lo t hi ~ " 'fllc[ in April, bUl U R th ere' Were NO man y youlIg pcu pl .. wh o had planned til nltt-llti n"x t yt'ur , t hos(' in chnrg(' SlIcc,,('dcti



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i Prepa red by !.......................... Columbus Reporter (' 0 1.1 :\1 lIT'S, fll ll O- NpXl 1'ueBday

l h( ~usnl1 d men and f t ht, Slal.e nrc going t it U ! I III/H utt' IltHc ial:-l wht) will rule P" , t I h" Tlld lj, lt l:o< fur th e next two V · ·I H ·~ . Tlldnv n1 rq·,· ""l L' rs seem nb-

1I fl' w \ \ II IlH'n

h lili till d \'o t L' r~ "

1'~llI d l d al" ~ "J lItl ' ''' tJfll'4~ I1l'j ' rr1"d a lHlut the reIII I " ll ll, ... ,,1 Ih,' li ghtc "t ,'"te in y ea rs p r" .. , 'IJ'. III' \,th ljr 11 ~"II1iII'n . L'; \, , ' b l' :qHIC" I ...·d . F" ,' 111 11 th ~ vario us H talk t 'L d1 l r 'llI J! hllll. JilII W"': ( I. ~ l ilj:-:, I iltldlt! : tl t ... ha\',· III 'l' n thuring th e can tlld idl' f l, r l.h IIfl",ar l (; 't\ lI' U,, ' "1 :11 " 1I ,,,k ing thei r ph,,, direc t , an d \\ l'n '

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"h.l rl t.d h..; I,y II lail, 10 lit :-:\' 1', a" lI ih' and " f l' tar y of , ' lOltl',' \\ ;l,:. u nald\· t .. h" " I ~ d " ' l l · t uJ l '" t lll'''c , iJut \\' a ~ !'t' Pl" l' :; t ' lIll 'd by Jud,1.!'p .ht ll ha :; ht·, II Wil ..,



C' !ar \.' n '(' I h'l l\\lI, c ..1I1dIU =.d ,· f ' 41'


WI'ig hl; Il nl JI. Gl'i,,, " Id . ("I' .-\ u .... n ~y Ge nera l. mud e " fi '1l ' t,, 11, nn.'1 impl'eS5l'(1 all pr ~s en t ; SIH' ronal , S. Il ea("", for ;\-Jc' mb I' of Ccn t rn l Stall' committee. f rom t he 7th Db trict. nne o f t he o ld H tll ncl - by ~ of th e RcpubliCll n »I\rt y. s puke in a hUIlHl I'IIJlK vein , a nd mad e quite an il11)lr c~s i f) n; II . C, JIlinnich , f or S tute Sellator, maill' 1\ favor able impre ssio n on hi " h e ar e r~ , nn d gave n goo d, soun d talk; Dean Sta nl ey guve n fin e talk in fa vor of Robt. Z. Bou kw a l ter, candid"te for Judge of th e Court o f App en ls. who wos unn lJ le t o to be IH'e"<;nt ; th e lust s peaker for t he eve n ing was th e Hon . Chnrles Brnnd , our prese nt Congressman fro m the Seventh Di strict. nnd Who is on th e ti cket for re-nominntion. Tlw r~ is n o n eed for us to sny anything in 1'('11'111'(1 to h im. as he is so well kno wll thl' oug hou t this ter. rit ory. Han . II . J'\. Fuil'un nk s und Mr. S nyder, o f Spri ng Held , nccompanied by th <'lr wivl's, who hnd bl1cn to uring the Soulh, und \\' (O re on their way hom e to Springfi eld , were invited to attelld the m eeting, 1'h , s.leial hULIr lr'l\'e th e various candid at 'Mun Oppo rLunity to visit nnd get Ilcljunint ,d. und the time pllssed a ll t oo Ijuick ly.

----- ..----


The seventh meeting of th e Good Cut Clothing club wns held in th e Gran ge hnll. eig hl members responding to roll tall, The president being abse!) t, the vice-preside nt pres ided, Three team a wer e ch osen by our leader to demonstrate at th e next me eting. which is F r idn y, August 13. The winning telll11 will go to Lebanon. nnd the winner in th e count>, w ill go to Columbus. Th ose chosen f or th e tenms nrc My ra P enc~ Bn,l Evoly n Cn rtwright; Catherin Boge r lind Berthn F'il er ; I\ln rga rct Cook and Robertn Cron€!. J udge a huve been appointell, A Burpri se to be give n by OUt· leudcr. Mrs, Irene Bird, the latter par t of Augu st, is to be di scussed ut t.he naxt meating. Remembe r the meeting is the second Fridny in A ug ust. in , t ea d of t.he firs t . bn necount of t he club cnm\>. Let every member come and boost the club work, Visitors weI ors welcome,


- ...


Broke Camp

On Wednesday afternoon, Jul y 21. the Girls ' Ro om club of Wayn e t ownship met at th e hom e o f the IIssistant lend er. Miss Denn Rich, Elizabeth and Frances Henkl e were chosen to r epresent our clu b in the county de monstration contl!st which is to bc held in Lebanon lit the Farm Burenu office. Tu esdny, AUj!'ust 17th, It wns dec ided t.hat th e secretary should se nd nn invitati on to tl\e "LiVE Wire Girls Ro om" club, of Mnso n, "'-1 a ttend OU I' mee tinK which will be he ld on tho aft ern oon o f Augus t 11. nt the hOllIl e of our leader. Mrs. Crabbe. Aft(, I' IIdj our nm ent r efr es hments w~r e se rv ed by our hostess, W e the n nd journcd to II nen r-by woods whe re we enjoyed n picnic supper. Our next me eting was he ld on 1'h u rRdu y u ftern oo n. July 29th. at the home o f Uilin n Watkins. A letter was r end from the " Live Wire Cirls' Roo m" club, suying that they would IIttend our ~ ext meeting, Miss Wntts W88 present a nd gave the demonstration, "makin,g n bed." Slje then asked th e mernberA to g ive the demonstration . F o ll owing those she gave another very interesting demonstrntion , The meeting conc luded Ilnd we then grently enjoyed th e wut ermel on which wns se r ved by ollr hostess, The ne xt meeti n g will be held on nex t Wedn esdllY after noo n. August 11 th, All membe rs nrc urged to be present ns thot is Wh e n the Mason J; irl s ure co ming.

After 'n most delightful week of cump life at Cnmp Lin ge~ Longe r. the Campfire girls broke cnmp Sotu rdll Y aftern oon. July 31, r eturning to Wny ncsville, They !'l<uress the full,' st appreciation to Mr, nnd Mrs, Robitzer for their hospitulity. as they spnn' d neither time nor energy to mnk e th e girl hupp'y Rnd co mfortable, en te ring heartIly into every ncth·ity. Th ~ y --a lso are indebted to Mrs. Zimmermnn. II member o E the Cnmpfire Council o f t he Mot hers' club, for he r ' pnrt in th eir wel.'k 's cnj(lym cn t lind her careful ~up c rvi s ion of th eir A " hi king hon eymoo n" <'lId ud nhhealth . The fil's t· cllmp \ \'(\s s uch n hug~ I'liptly, t1~c o r di ng t.:J n ~to ry to ld th e sueccs:! th e girlH hn,'c bl'i('UII I'i an ~ Xe nia {lo li,'" a nd Mllrshlll William (''' Jl ~ e y , (of ::>p l'in g Vull"y, by Peny i or next yen r'8 calllp . On Thllr~c1a)' Mr IIlI d Mrs. C. ~L ), itr ick, of !\ ew York City. last SntRllbitze r nnd the C:lmp lir" Girls en- urday, wh en hi s bride of fi Ve days detertlli llcd. til<' COlln.-iI , ~lrs . ~h' nk l (' . ..' rted h im ncar ROl<lln na, north of Mrs. Zimmcrman , :\I rs. HHrtMcl( lln d Wuynl' s\"ill e, Friday night. Mr. Kitr ick "'" " le ft "wnitin' at n MrR. Branstrat"".

------. - ...

Hiking Honeymoon

---_0_ ...____

Les Huit Soeurs Lnst Thursday night "Les lI uit SOeut'R" and their gu est R, Il g"OUJl of gny YOllnl!' Jleople , gathe red I\t th e hom e o f "Ceil." The bOY8 woro put to w(lrk fre ezing icE' llr l'Um. while the girls j!'ossiped nnd r ender ed n tune now and then. And oh. how good was the frozen custnrd nnd how much th e re was! (after we found it), Followinlf 1\ Charle»ton exhibition. tbe "spring' wus the mnln Ilttructio n, And If nny of us ever forget what a gorgeou!! evening it was. it certainly will not be our fnults,

- ...-----'1927 Auto Tags --~-+.

Automobile' license tags of 1927 will be gray with figures of black. it has been announced, No change will be mad e in the size or design, Already work haa been started In turning out the 2,000,000 or so tag. ~hat will be required, All 9f the ta,. are made In the nuto tIIg ebop of Ohio penitentiary by a force of 200 prisoners, while envelopes to carry them are made In the priRon printing depnrtmcnt, Their combined output Is valued , at. $180,000 annually, ______


~ !.

Ka~ Rite Klub The fifth meeting of tbe Kan Rite

Fooct club was beld July 27, 1911.a, at the leader'1 home, Mrs. Armfi8ge, At the meeting it was decided the

dub picnic should be' held August 8,',1928. The Demonrnati,ons w.ere diacuued. The meeting was adjourn-' ttl IUltn~~.t !o..l'928. IBJmIiE vBONE. Beportft.

bl'i dgc " IIvc' r Bloat" c r e(\k. w h~11 his

The following letter may be of Interest to Miss Ednn Howland's friends in Waynesville and vic inity : Dear Mr, CrllneI hn ve just completed a very plellsant term of work at ]\fuskin gum college. We hnd 1068 pupils. I noti '(' d in las t week 's Gazette thot Wllrre n CO llnty would n ot have a Norm al. I a m very so rr y to hear this . alth ough I wou ld not ha ve be en with you n!:llin this year. I will hnve chnrge of th e ' nl'mlll work at Cedarvi lle cHilege Ilt 11 much be tt er sa lnr y thnn Wnrre n county co uld pay. n ow ~ v e r, wh e n r notified Mr, Harr is that I would not nccept IIgain. it was with n li ttle feeling of r egret, f or my six yeurs of work in Wuynesville ha ve lIeen very plellsant and I have friends in Wuyn esville t hat I r egret very llIuch t o lellve. but we .mu st ever mnrch onwnrd if we keep in ste p with progress. But wherever I nm. m ybest wishes will always be with Waynesv ill e and vicinity. - - - _ _ 40_ _ __

YOUTH DECLARES STRAIGHT LIfE BEST A truil o f fute f ul circumstances. whi ch, n yenr ago. led Evere t t Adams fro m hi s home in Wilmin gton, Ohi o. nnd ended behind t.h e col,l, g rny wnlls of t he Misso uri State pen ite ntinr y. has elicited from the yo uth u r eitera tion thnt crime is not wurth th" price of expiution , Adum ·. wh .) is o nl y 17 yenl's old, no1 \1' i~ se r ving a IiLe Sl'n tenel' for the 111l1rde r (,f Ad~n R. Il1 wso n , Lodi, N. Y ., "dill! I tl,,,,' hpt· nl'n l' La !\Ionte, Mo., 1",[ A ugust. Adallls sh .. t lind killl'C1 (,"I\\'~ I "1 fur hi ~ lIulomob il e, aft e r tl1l' in Rt ruetur hll d give n the yo ut h n "lift. " rJllwso n's boJy waH f ou nd i ll


nJ\' iti c lI ear- nn unfr<:quent-

e<l I'lJUd I:! ti llY' " ftel' th e slaying. Adam ~ wa s Il l'rl'"t('d lit Gurd e n City. Kan" lWo dll YK Ill' f ,ll'c and hud COnfc ss~ rl ti1(' crim p. He left his home in Wil nllllgtvn 11I)d was hcudinl; west ufoot.

18-year-old bri de is ),e lieved t o have entere d nn automobil e with two me n who touk hel' 10 Xe nia und bo ught he l' II ticket to CI,',-elllllrl . A girl nnswel'ing t.h e description of the mi ~s ing brid e, wns p I8 c~ c1 on II truin fol' Clevela nd Int e FI'idllY night by two men, acco r ding to Ray Englc. ti cket ngent ut the Pen nsyl\'ania stllII 1I\(,111h ('1'8 Ilnd fri<'lld s nre retion. Th e bride is s upposcd to have 'Iu A est,' d t.l to,e prese nt next Lord's become homesick and stul't cd buck-to Day at U :;to , The s loglln is "100 her hom e in New Yo rk City, 1'1'1 sen t Ilnd $100." Th erc is special need uf th i ~ sum lit once, No ev-

Ferry Church of Christ

----- ..- --

Wayne Poultry Club

~ l1ipg ~e t' v ic e.

Last S und ny wns a high day, The county meeting was well a tten ded lind thc progrum was of a bigh order, W c ex pect Bro. Laverne Taylor, minister of the great church at Springf1e:~!Il., to deliver the sermon n ~ l<.un(!ay, Come!

The third meeti ng of the Wnyne Poultry club wns h eld July 26th, at the home of our lender. Mrs, Bnily, After the busine,s s meeting Mrs Chapman showed us very interest: ing picture8 of the, South. Refreshments were served' and we adjourned to meet again att;he home of Cecil Onvis, August 9th" We would like to have all' members present at our Paul Moore, a former Wayne townnext meoting. ship resident, esc~ed serloull internal JOHN 'I~URNER, Sec'y, injuries when he .1\1 caught between the tongue of a farm wagon heavily loaded with corn' .and another belne backed out of th,.,bam on Me farm near here; several days alO. ,At .the McClellan hOlpltal it waa Being a candidate for the Repub- found that he had suffered only bruislican nomination for Auditor of War- es and cuta on his back nnd abdomen. ren county! it Is mlY desire to lee .. Hill inany friends here are .hoplna for many peoP.e 1\1 pc;I:aalble, ' , , a speedy recov~ry. H01Vever, on account of my appointment to fill the unexpired term of C, S, Moupta, ;[ feel it my duty to familiarize mYlmlf as soon .. 1'0.alble with the dut ies' of the offtce. Consequently it be Impouible for me to make. a campaign and [ talce BeeUI~r 'communication of Waythis means of soliciting your liupport. nelVille Lodge No, 168 F, II: -A_ 1(" . Yours rel~_ctfully, will be beld Tuesday eveninlr, Jl\,uaruat . WILL R. LEWIS. 10. All members are requeated to .• • be pteae.n t. . ScilounUnr brethren are cordiall, welcome., . MilIa Esther Hendeftoa spent the .JJ!lSSE PUNDBBGAft. W. II. week-ead ba ~Ubrqo~ 1'. B. IIBNDDSON, s.c'f.


Severely Bruised



LIVESTOCK JUDGING CONTEST IS NAMED At th e Liv CHtuck Judgi ng co nt.,st held Satlltlluy , July a I, nt th " Fre nch Bros, Dlli r y an d th e r.v er ett Runyan fnrm, th e f oll ow ing buys were selected t Q re presen t Wa rren Co u nty 4-H c1uU 1I1el11h crs Ilt th e Ohio ' tate fair , Au~u " t :HJ to S(Opte lllbel' .1. ClI lI Cluu JudA'ing tea m. Heber E llis , Hnrv"ysb urg; Myro n Nixon, Lebnn on, Iln'd Arthur Sibey, Leban on ; Li vcKtoc k lI'um , Art hur Rot hma n, Lebano n, Eldon Butier, Milso n nnd Robe rt l elampy, Maso n; Rolland McClure , of Frankl in , will ass is t in conching th e Dniry Clil f J u<lging team while G, r. Gerard, of II1 l1son, will assist in conching t he Livestoc k tenm. The Ohi\) Stute fail' hus IIrrnngcd to pay trlln spOl'lution fur th e boys at the rot c of fare and on e-holf fr ol11 th e co unty Hl'at to the Stute cnpital nnd r ctul'1l . Mi sceli lln eo us c)(pen~es of th e b oy, will he stood by them. selv es indi vidually . A fr et' PIISS to two da ys of the fnir is IIlso given the boys, il il th t eams will Ut' ·us ked to report fo r duty at ' :00 II . m.• Ea"te rn time , Tuesdny, Aug ust a t. Th e Winning Dai r )' Gn lf Club J udging t 'Bm ut Lhe '- tllte fnir will I'cceivl! n "'ip to th e Nntio ll lli i)ui ry " h,,'9 lit Det roit. Mich ., Octo ber () to I f), While th' Liv e~t oc k Judg' in !: team. s tan d ing high I\ t the St aLe fuit· will be sent tu th e Ililerna l ionu l I. iv ',t ,lck ~ h' W lit Chicll,..", ill Dec,' mucr.

"',h ' rs lis tl' nerl for " Ik ('d awn V with thnt

(·'(pn.!"\t' iur; .· EnthusiJa chillg". hlld in ler('st in ('nl"'I' i ~~ u . o r i.'il ' ll licJu ft, cllu ldn 't be

dlS"IO \'I'",d willi th,' s tl'nngc , t mag ni-

fyillg' gill,"

' >\'CI'

l'x is. l :

l1Iad o.

It ju st dun't

T hat i. nIH' r ~n "', n wh y it iH hard t .. [ ', I'('li' li th o result on next TuesdllY' , " "ling. It is certain that Gov \ 'k () onah ey will be nDnlinat"d f or " n"lh~r tl'rn\. It i~ jus t as ce rtnin lhaL I ' nited St nt.,. Sell n to r, Frnn k B. Willi. will Iw re-norni llHte,l fo r nll oliwr t('rm , A nd that's about a ll th ut i. s ur"~, Looks li k" Allee Pome!'l' ll e woul.1 lend the tight agnins t Wi!l i ~ , I..lIt who will o)lpotie Illl ll ahey is anothe r lni-ttlt· ...

Fact is thnt of the mnny condidate"; th re ian't mony th ot app eal to the vo ters of t he R ~ publican party . Trave l the 'La te nnd you will find sentim ent fo r on e or the other cltndidllte , but you cnn ' t find the "nme sentiment in two d iffer ent spots. Mye rs Cooper will be strong in so me pnrts of Ohio, but his diversified views on prohibiti on nnd his interest in F lorida r en l est nte. nnd Ohio rnce tracks . makes n big. mighty hard load to cnrry. H a rry S, Dny. State treasurer. has be en mnking a strenuous fi g ht. and will come nbout as near getting the big feUows together ns anybody else, Thad Brown will have nn encouragaing votc in so me sections. He hilS been II candidllte the longest nnd has spent much time in travel. Had Thad Brown an overseas r ecord 88 a world hero, and had he been regular at alltimes 118 a Republican. his position today in the gube rnntorial contest would be eommnnding, But h e has n eithe r. Seiber. the Klan candidnte. is spending wnds of money and will be among the runners up. The others don't co u nt. and one throws his or her vote away in marking the cross opposite their names, Outsid e of the governorship there i. a sharp contest on in the Republica n ranks f or mem~rship of the , upremc court, Two o f the candidnt es. ,}udg(,MJon eN nnd Matthias. are out for n third term. whi ch. if they win. would give them 18 yean in oflice, C, G. Wllshbu rn)., of Elyria, and Prank W, Geiger. of ::;pringfield, are cnndillotcs fur th o SlI lII e offic(I ..Qn t.h e Itep ublicnn ticket for the Hrst tinie: ···-· l.Ioth of th ,~ c will hov e 11 heavy vote. and th e nominlltlon of Washburn especiu lly soe ms cQncl'ried. liS he haa the Hel'u bllcun Kuction of the State pretty well orga niz ed and most rural voters fnvor di llnges in the Supreme Court. or arc op»u Hcd to life tenturo in ufficc,

1"ur ' S tllt e 'i'r"usurer on t he RepUblicnn tick et. . E. F orney, chnirman of the !:itnte tl\ X comm ission, has the leud all ti see m ~ sure of nomi natiun , Alice PUlIler ene , who con se nted t o be th e DOll1ocl'Utic cnndidatc fur U. ' . Senator. mud e hi s nnI1 UU I1C l.' IlIl!lIt. tile d his papers and then ret urll ('d t el the prnctice of Inw, He - - - --+-- --htl; dOli" vcry little. if anything. to IlL't t1 w lIu rninuti n. but will be nomIna t "d a t thal. No henvy vot e is expeete" f' Jr either Evu lyn Snow, ~t he H,'pu blican cilndi datcfo r governor. or Lus t ThtlJ' ~ dH Y ItI Q r lli llg' , H!i Ot l ' ,Iud!!(' Fl ore nce Allen. th" DcmocrntE :I\' ('y & Cu., truck. tlr Xenia, lHH1V llr IC Clllldid llte fur th e sc naLUrship. The lou de d, Cllllle dow li t he N.... th S,,'N't d. ,r,'a t (I f "Ma" Ferguso n ill Texos hill , Ih " dr i v~ r lo,t " ontl',,1 .. f t h" mH. "ill Cy st both o f these cl<c e,Jle nt woch ill <: Whi c h ran into th e n ll ey thence 1l1l' 1i t housan ds of vot es, throllgh l he f ence buck of. ~h' lI oh's garoge. t nking a whole panel of the felic e IInti knucking d own thn' c teleIf voters of Ohio took th ' interest phone poles , in primaries tha t they shOUld. there Tho ~ruu nd wus very so flfr ol11 th t! would be a differe nt sto ry to tell. ruin o f the morn'ing, and t he whl' Is But us it is no une is tryi ng to guess sank to th e hubs. Con s id ~ r ubl c dif- t he res ult. The re is renlly s uch little ficulty Wu s el<pericncl'd berure the illtel'Cti t in th e contest that half the truck co uld be pull ed Oill. No dUI11 - vote rs don 't know who is ru nning for age other t hun th e fe lice und tcle- oflic e . and they won't 0 11 primary da y, phone poles WIIS done. l!ither. To o busy making hay while the sun shines. plo wing corn. when it needs it. a nd otherw ise profitnbly en gaged in the pastimes of life. If RI!pUblican lenders of tbe State were taking an active part. or rather n uniWith His Father ted part in the primary enmpaign. it wouldn't be 80 difficult to pick the winners, Focts are that these leaders want to go back to the old convention plan of making n ominoti ons, They say "to h- with the primor~ system,' nnd if the contest next Tuesday is a dismal fnilure. and thero is n surprisingly 'smnll vote, ' it will mean more to th em thnn being able · to name the entire Stnte ticket. These lenders WUl1t a r eturn of the old convention dnys a heap more thlln they favor nny cnndidate on · the State Stllte ticket this year, 'And they will come goldarn Ileal' getting· it, too, if anybody should make inquiries of you regarding the outcome.

Truck Ran Wild

-----_I - ••


------+. _._----


I Ill'

Campfire Girl."


The ~ of Rohrt Todd &.InlOOllll · I~ I""t Paftldent Abraham' eoln'~


immediate famBy.

wm _

.,. plaeed 'iu the Lincoln tomb; JIeU' that of hin U1uatrioun father. at ~. IH. lie paued .~.

wldl_ - uleep Iu .... ,1WIlDMI' boIDe .!..11~. Vt.. I~'-~"


The Campfire Girls held tbeli' ~ ular' meeting at the home of the guardian, Mrs_ Moomaw, Auraat I. The meeting WIS called to o~" by tbe- president. 'The ' Hand .... was the roD ciII .nd . It ..,. ct.-


~ 1,




Fronk Morte)\1 \'5. Mary HnS!< ,t .Kln/{ or_ J1l0~}' only. mount ch\lm~d , ~374,5\1. wi ~h inl~r(,l!t Hlnc,' a"tober. 1,,91. An " e r dn II g u .. t 1~t1h • Al ice IlRfff It r . v·s. . 'r~ [ n(\lt~ lri n'l omllli ' ill n r. h ID , jlf tto ll f or comIWn"uli on IInder Iltl' W rkm (o n 's .\11\1" lIs nti on . ft. A u W(' r d u~ A tl g l1~1


J.nm e,' fo


PLEAS P ROC EEDINGS COMMO In th e case of T he tate of hio \'~ . 1. 011 :'t e\l'ard. N, lie pro. lU '~' n s !' n t (' r~ d Ht requ sl of the prosl'cutmg "ltorney. Murl!lIret 'choll \'~ . .Iames ulIlln . "t a I., plnintic \l'tlS ord ered tv d·!,,,,it ~ 1(j II ' ~ "cu r ity t\ r costs. ~I "rJrr ~ t SclH, lI "S. A I\'3 cho1l, an I1l'pli nti on \\'II ~ I'nte n ,d by thc de. fen,la ut t o chnn~" t hl' court's decree nnt! lI , kin ~ thllt lhe cu.Ludy (If Jnll e Scholl be l ran. fl'rr 'el Lo till' ,Ietu nci· li nt . th I' ·hy n'lievin!; tIl<' defcndunl of PII~' lI\l'lIt o f ulilllony to the plnt." ' t iff. It was " rtlered that th e npphc cu t ion be sc rvetl un t he plainl.iff. Cl'rlrutl,. Cu llan. \'s . Jnm es Ca ll nn~ ti ' ( I'IIt!l1nt WI " 11110\\'1: <1 t " fil e anS\I'rf

M t erial for Your Roofs

e: '


RedCedarShingles I\1ule-hideShi ngles Oak Flooring CClrey Shingles .Edge Grain Asphalt Roll Roofing Flooring Finishing Lumber Brick Port : ~ nd Cenlent Porch M ~l terial PLlster Front Door:. Cottage \ VinJows L im "\ W in dow Frames Plm;ter BO;lrd \Val l Board V\T i'1do\\' GI. I.. S Sidin~

Il nd e r Os.... p l'liti t) n h er('in .

{)n tll p Hppi ll" Ll iLl n of Lautn Hen r y

o n flll'uL

TIH' ra, ,· IIr Ellen w olr \.,. Fred Itt'if"'f. t ot tt1.,

Wrl s tl' qui r f t lr ('fI!-. t.S

our yard every day in the year a t moderate prices

w. H. Madden & Co.



PETITION TO ELl. TlF. I. ESTATE 010 lI utr hlllao n Cochrlln. <l eceno tl , on the ~I. I ,In y of Ju ly. 1 926. m od h i. pr lltlon TO I'AY D ED,)'S

In th l' P r ohll l e Cou rt of ,,' n rr t' n C(I \l D· l ~· . Uh lo . n.ll (lRt n g th n t t h\' perso nu l c Hinl e of 8n ld ,t c ('edent 18 In su rn t I t- fll t o Est.t. of KIZllc HUtchlllso n Coch ran, pa y h r deht! a nd th e e xpL' n S03 or adminht l e rln,or h e r oAtntc ; t ha l s h o diod D.ceased. Plo.lntltr. v•• se lzod In r ce 8lm J, l o of th e f o ll uw lng Aren B. Jenntn gs. el nl.. dCB C' rlbtH I r '!it ('SLnl C, to -, \\'l t : "Sh unt.' I n th fl T ow n s hJp o r T u rl!(\· Def.nd_ta. lrt:" ok. 'Oun l Y r.,f \Vnr rc n, n cd Stu 11,; o t' CIIl!tord V An Horn nnd FI ",,, Vn n llhlo, til\.' sou t heas t ern l'n r t o f Horn. ht" wife: W IlH nm Ynn H u rn und St1c (J onbeln" No. i, T o wn 3, Blln).:'e 4, h [\\' et' O Bo•• le Va.n H o r n, hll wHo ; Hn l'..., j H oot s t h o :Mlaml I : " ' , r :t g innt n,.r nl n and TAylor Hoot e her h ll~ hnn l l , n il or s t o ne In t h,· . vll lllf':l lS t}jt'.'orl1(1 11:\14..1 w hom r e .tdo at Llntn fr , ll 1ho l9, nnd ~N.. tl on, 1h :11''' ' 1~ I1I , h lJ~ :o.: , ) 1 ; r- Eot. ",ra nD Carrie Cripe an d i!.J 'Y i 1 lil t· h '"r hus- chal Hs t o U :-.t u n t! 8ltuat ed in the mld· band who r ealdo ot l 'U Lll r:. u n, Cnll- ' U .' t l f H tll \\ nshtn T OR rI runn i ng from fo rnl'o.. will takl ' JIIllt rl' t tnt .\ \"r'r~ R . I h e l. e l ln UlI 1l nn ll l·'rl1 nlc lln Pille t o J~nlnl •• execut o r o f th o l.! :lI l:d lJ ! h.I~ · t C ['11)1 ( "' 11 l-I'fl l."ehnn \lll P i k e : th ence

Aye", B. Jrnnlngs E xeculor or



'I'llit t .1 M al"io n Coc hrn.n . Wid o w er , h l\8 C' Hl v e)'od hi M uowe r interest. t o H. J n o ln gs . th e l,rn)'or or th e P /'Li lll ," 1M r olf " "u flfmntlon 0( the t ril n tl ("r oJ f Lhb d ow e r Iht e: r cs l {Lll'd t hu.t

.\ Y,-' fs

H.,-veysburg Fertilizer CO. HARVEYSBURG, O.


\\'of .



Phone 8

t o w1\:i h tp ~ OtH\I<l . D2 cha.ln:l to In th e m idd l e o f the J. 1..1 'i l ril\ n lUll1 Fl'n flk lln Plk r , t h l! n ~ c S. \V 4ti, S:! c hul n s t o t h e 8 1.uke; 1 1:, th"' /H't' H. 89'U.· El 20.44 hn,h18 t o the pI JH' t' (I t' IJ c ~l ll n i li g , l"u ntalnlng lO ~ ,97 , ,,' rl's " ,. lO:! nc l'C.Ii, J ro o d and 19

Iroud n l li lJ~~ flt lth! ~7 L: .lt.. 1\ ~ I H II C p ll lln t e d

c(l mpronli ~c d a ntI

In t hp e·:t~ e· II f ~h,u ,1 ~ h e l e y vs. ('hurl, " 11 :,I1 ",' r. pt a1.. th ,' plaintiff

8/det l'rOpl!r t )' be 8.,1 6 t o rm)' t h o d oh to


t j.

PO!oLt $ 1(\ a ~ sec ur it y

t M'rt'I' L

.'o ll ie C:ti \' ,'r!, Il~ "dill): . " f l he cstnlC t, f M", Cull'e·rl. clC't'cused, vs. Ge onn' Bl', utien. Lucllu. t,"d C. A. B,'" ut!l'n. th,· ruurt ord e·r r d that th e pl:linttfT I'ec.,,·cr rr nm lhe defe ndants $3 fl {). l fi

-- - ;;;;;;;;;;;::;:::===::::::=:::~

\ \U :-

di :.:o mi ::."h .t .

All of the above material can be found m


th l' p.1 Y"ll' ltt o f a lim o ny

f or a '\ "It (\ f hnl!l'u ", r() t'pll ~~ . ~.aid 3 1)I'li C" unt f o r d l~ l· h a r g't· d frlll11 impri s-


Rods of Wire Fence


t n Mnq:a l'et Sd,,·IJ.

Builders' Hardware Smooth and Barb Nails Wire Hinges Locust Fence Posts Door Locks Barn Door Track Farm Gates



rlU (~

l1 n a n o te .

I n t he ('a~ c of Ru b)" Ramsey \'s. ,h',gc Rnl\l. (' y. the mal'riage co ntra ct he l'l in ~xi 8 tinl! w us d lR ' " I"ed and plHilltitT wa s r c~ t(J re d t e' her maid e n lHlln ~ II f Ruhy Gr een, nnd certai n rea l cs tnt(·. in Frlln kli n. in tht' seco nd township Hna in Wa "hin gton town" hip \VII S r,·s t(· r ~d to th e plaintiff. In tlw CIIS( ' uf th e G l nh~ I ron Roofill l! ull ci ('or r u ~lI l ecl C,I " V~. D. \V . B i ~ h iJ l' , It WU 6 ad j \ldgod t hat ·the plnintiff 1"'cO\'e r from SImI de fendun l . $327. 10. The j ury I ~ n der('d n ver dict in fa vor of Hoy Brllnt. in the case of Hester McColl um v9. Roy Brant. [ II n Illllndatc f rom t h e court of App(' nls l'o ncern ing the case of Edith K. Link \'8. AlVII }Jill and Annie K. Sp('nc e, t he j udgment of t he common cou r t was re ve rsed a nd the calle r eturned. Fr",1 A. Caskey was made a party ddendant in the case of Anna Janney Miller, as a dmx. of the estate of Thoma. Mill er , deceased, vs. W. H. Siegfri ed , as admr. of the cstate of Laura Miller, dcccased, et al. A decision in favor of the plaintiffs was r eturned in the case of Herman F. Lewis and Vauleie Lewis VB. LUlII'a V. Kooscr , et aI., an d defendlint. Laura Kooser, was order ed to pay to the plai ntiffs the full amount of their judgment. The plaint iff was rend ered judgm en t aga inst the defendant for $493.62 in the case of The Herman We iss Co. \' 8 . Jam es Callnns. Th e sum of $101.7!l r emained and was turn ed to the Citizens Na tional Bank o f Wilmington in t he clISe of C. Ed McGuinn vs. W. A. Cuttery, et n1.

I\n (1 ct m t" ,:.t"£'H n f of t1Hn ld ,

C" IU r u rll Van Hor n Qn tl F l orn Va.n ]lorn. 'Vl lli am , ran H OTn a n d BrS81e \ 1\11 H u ,·n. tl Il •• 1 Hoo, o a nd Tny lor

NEW SUITS Aotion f Or writ of hnheas corpu s h hl'r~h ~' nut lfl ~ d lhc,t they 1\8 noxt or by Laura Henry, return ed July 17t . kin . hn\·. lJec n muds Ilarlt es d eEdith Robineon vs. Rolan d Robinr ~ ndl\ n t t o .!ltd 1I ~ lIt fo o nnd thnt th ey so n for di~rc e. "ross ' neglect is .H e. r N IIl'rc () t o Uh~ wer 8n.m tl- on o r b ~ · 1 I r"r~ th u Hh uay or Scp tomb or t026. chlll'ged. JJ UOHt.

' n r rlo

rl rr

a nd Ho :r


nTO '



21J ·A- 25


s .

MatlH' \V s, dl' Cl'lI ~ tl d,

Prou f o f pulJ licllt io ll \\'n, fli ed of notic'" cd' th,· <lI'I'"illllll('nl ,,[ \t nbcrt Stump. us lulrn ini strutor uf the l'blute of J OIIUS Slump. dccen~ed. The debts uf th" "stale of IZllnc Hun ks uccca!lcrl. hnv ing IH'c n scltllid the co ~rt ord ",' d thut cerlain b o nd~ bl' loII!:i ng to Mid CStll t \' lJl' distribul,·d to cxe·c utri x. l ua H. Ha llks. 'hnrl es Wuggo nl' r .lIuntr . o f lhe L' ~ l l\te o f f1 cnja mill W,' lton. c1 ccclI ~ ed . wa ~ g iv('n un onl -r hy o u rt to di s ~ trilrutl' certain stuck" 1\ \1,1 hUlllls tu Irene \\' (,Iton, who hll ti sule title to t h(, lll. Th£! lust will an d l C"talllellt of the lut£' Thomas H . Wh illlcH' wn~ adlllilted t o prnbalc. )) u rv,·y C. Whit:ll're 'ltllliificu IIl1d W R S appoi nl ed as. ud -


F.' T. Martin J~sse Stanley \ Auctioneer s .

tmet. . '" .Jo5~ph nd H ttlll Erlel ~o Jo hn N~ S~. I ' l ~ 2:1 8 a r d 2 39 In 1"0 ter I'llrk , ·v· I R II I t "I F 10 11 , t'l\ ~ I'Y I' t ,!I :. C) " ~ II 'o~ , l[' r, lot 11. " III "rl h:lIl1 Wh tt.acre 5 Ad dit io n to lit · 1, ·\\ 11 " f Eust. M,n· l'OW.

PR08ATE PROCeEDINGS Erlwal'rl JO$lin wn ~ a pPoln teel Ulle)1l ol'plication Ill! uUlIliniHt l'ut or of th e estute of the Inte Eli I' ll .Ioslin ail e! nlll'g"cd illlestllte . 1 uOt! bond re.· eluired . Proof (If puhlklltion WII S fil"d tof notice I)f th e Ill'pl1intntent of Huh (· rt J. huw hulI , a'~ lIt! mi n i~ trnlor WIth th,' will ann ):,'d of Uw <,stllte uf J t, hn

WIll iu m Hnss,·t v •. N . A. Hnnlt lton . I~eti t i o n b )' de·f n!lllnl t n hl"' ~' ~ h ! " CRII S P cll~mi ~ ~ cI becllu se of pllllnllff . filil ul'e 10 pr nll(' ri y I'Pb)l'lIId WIIS overrul,',l I y ('o urt.. In th t' matt"r (,i Al\,II S h, .I I·, IlJl"li~lIti,," t" hn\·!.' Ii ,· r u ~ tod ~' II r J n.n~ l'icholl lI·"n ~ f " l'rc· J fn' m tlip pluIntlff . ~ uitl cu Pt ot!v wa:. ).! 1\ l' lI tu .Jllhn Coll?mnn Frnnkli ll and '\ I, u Sdl\lll w,,. I"e lic~'t· d fr



L\l\\,l1,~h ll" 'ht' first rltuilll lll(' 12 nQT~~ nhd t he Rllcond b InL!' Il . mnll

:s \.

. W. Gt'illi th tl' f1nr ry H. Millcr, 1" 1_ ;\lOg. illil . j I . it);! nnd ill :!, ".f 1' I ' ~ t ~ r PHt'k . $ 1 .l os(·ph tllld H\!lli ~ Ert el t o '. W . Koehle r , luts Nos . GS8. U !l und {)\IO ,.f Fos ter Jlurk. $ 1. W. C . ThompsulI, t ru sl~t! , til Thc 1\I ll th ~ rs Mill dub . 'l uit clllint d ~ cd tto a "mull tnl ct in Wu"lting toll tl) \\,n ship, $ 1. J::st hl'r lind St"ph"11 J . Pe,x t u W . ll nYIlHl nd lIerk l' r . \I Hntllil tmet nur th o f L('ua no ll. \011 t Il<' IJny t uII pIke, $ 1. A lice Curr ist> n O'CI't1t1y t o Jl ownrd A. Will . a wllrrollt\' c!t·e el tu one- hn lf interest in 53 ncr"es in Washingt on T p" $ 1. COMMISSIONERS' ALLOWANCES illllry Il oppilll! , " Oie l! rent for Cum I.y S upt o f Scll" " I" 3tl; [" ' " 11 Morlo n ~:llilry as ('u urt h,HISP jnn i lul', 70; .J I\ II I\'5 F,llI l·n. jan it <1\' Recollcl noor of COlli' \' ItOll S'· . $ 15: Th(' Bar rell ' 0., "ll'l' li" H fU I' cl I'k \If <·ourt •. :Fa.r,o; Th e Ohi(l La w Hr' port(' r: Oh in ~wlle n : pu r t:-4


flll '

" ' ush ing-tu ll


bri ck ,·

Centerville, O.


Harlan, L. L. B.

Waynellville, Ohio Income Tax Problem.

Lire In.uranc. for amall And Lar,e E.tate• .

Federal E. tAt" nnd S tat e Inheri-

LH" In.urllnce WIthin the R.ach of Every One.

t a n co T ax". , DU l inc,.

Protection. Corporation

and Co.Partnerahip.


is different from aU others. It is 80 clean. sweet and genuine. It is the only feed the Original ConkeyProcess-nodried Bu kli ever~~

. OnlySemi-SolidButtermllkiscombinedwithoth~ ingredients in ~e original and successful Conkey-Way!

Don't Break the ChaiR of ConkeY's 8uttermllk Feeds Three in number-orie for Starting-one for Growing-one for Laying-each the best for its purpose. .

W!_ . .... . ",.'-=Exchange Co. Waynesville Fanner.

County Recorder



Wayne.ville Ohio


IVACCINATION OF SWINE Farmers, Attention! A Specialty


----" ..- --Initiative

Dr. W. E. Frost

Dr. .John W. Miller

J asper Lamb to Tine Roberts , parts of lots Nos. 26 and 27 in the Mackinaw Addition to Franklin, $1. Florence M. Baker and Mary B. Hoffer to Frank A. and Anna Hildebrand/ lot No. 426 . in the Mackinaw AdditIOn to Franklin, $ \ . Stanley Willpughby to Charles P. and Rosa Muupin, lot No. 18 in Stanley Willoughby's Addition to South Le ban on, $1. Virgil R. and Marie Groves to Jas. Pil£! nnd FrI!d W. Franz, lot No. 138 in Park Place Addition to Franklin, $1. . Otto C. Methlrn g, Jr., to Anna A . Scudder, III acres in Turtlecreek township, this tract being the same pre miBes conveyed to Methllng recent Iy by Blasie N. and Mary -Ballllrd. Anna T. Ford to Charles H. and Frances G. Steger, lot No. 5 In Cavolt's Additio,n to Deerfield', in Union Tp., $1. Winona and Harry Godwin to E. C. Morrison, lot No. F, in Mason, $1. E . R. Wo lcott to John W_ and Eva Dunham, a lot on Main street in Lebanon also interest of right of way In an a lley, adjoining, $1. Grace. Robert and Ertle Spohr, of Franklin, to George C. Sphor, 1\ part lof Np. 'Un In FrllnkJin, p. Za llk RI)()ka . to ' MJ'rtle A~dcraon Doane, IQt No. 12 ilnd' 's' paq of 'lp't Lot No. 11, In Maineville). Il , '. Elizabeth Cal'llon to u . F. Ro~'y and Ncally Roby, n tract in . ~he vjJlage ,of New ColumbIa, $1. . Frank ·Yc\.ung. to O. S. Riggin., partS of Iota Nos. 260 and ll52 and an alley on Mu~berry street in Lebanon,





Allen Huffman

$ 1.

They gain laster, rna· ture earlier, weigh more, lay better.


W alte~ McClure J. E. McClure

Harry C. Stowe to Scth R. and Florence Snowde n, 121 acres in Turtlecree k Tp., $1. Diasie Nand Elizubeth Ba IIlIrd to Otto C. Mct hling Jr., o f Hamilton county, 111 acres in Turt1ecreek ... p.

Chicks thrive better too.


$1 ~ ' . 7 l); Aal' un P u w'n


Buttennilk Starting Feed ~ist disease-especially White Diarrhea-the costliest of all chick plagues. Conkey-fed


Rcal E.tale.

h u ur. ilridg'l' r l'puir, No. ~ 1[)~ ~t 1 $1.8(11 THE WE E K'S WOR ST CAG lIIinistrutur h l' r~in. no bund r eqtl1Tc- d . l;r lls~ Hll d Bn:o:. url\, J,t lwrd rail IHat.l' J uhn Schnl:lI. E. D. J Olle s and II cnry ria l, ;~!l.l1 5: H. fI. St .! "It II , bric1j{c l; role w"re appoinled liS app rai sers 1' ( ' pili I' ill SU ll' lI\ '1' 1' .• $I::! .50; H. lI. "D Clct or. \\'hlll. cll n ro tl i:!'i\lC me fo r Carn dl. :-oH III I', $2 . ~IO ; II. \\"hitner!!, nf th(' ", late. tit" ~1'iJ.lJle'·?" St'concl accoun t o f tlte KtlllrtliulI- SlIlIIl· . ill lI arlall '1'1' .• 1(; . .15 ; I·:,,,t End ,,' dcon't kn o\\' - brinl! it in and ) ' 11 sh ip o f Co rw in R. (ruPJ1('r. II mi ll OI'. t.:llraJ.:e. ~ 1 1I "u rt . ~ upplie s for lli , trict SeC whl\t it 's wnrlh!" ' 0 . I. $1 U . ~O: E. 13. ~ i"''' " O Il, 1'0 1' rewad produced by ~uuruiall G,'orge FUNERAL DIRECTORS IIII irinl: Ford 1\: ... <!. sur\'cy ur. $ 1!l. Gu: Crop per . unci ~ U Tll c WIIS UPPI'OVl·,1. WAYNESVIlI,.E, OHIO ' ,. 1' unJ A 1'111 Itllg' t·. f,JI' g ruvcl, Spell Fo urt h IIC('OUIII uf the ('stlltl' lI f 1 ~lta c J ones .was elllen·d by lrust ee $!J.O!!; G F. FI CJ \\ e rs. g l· ~'· (· 1. $-1. 0&: Z. O. Worl ey. w!ri ch WIIS a ppro\"'(\ J\ Ilrul cl ~I al'l?. lUlU lillf: g ru vu l, $387 .Fully Equipped for Good 40; l{" lph \\' l·idl1,· I'. "'HIe. $4 0 2 . ~:.!; by cou rt. Service . T hird a~ C(\Ullt of the estnte of· th .. Cook 1111.1 Swe<· ney. for furni shi ng C a ndidate for late r.!nry Pe rry. \\' U 5 prod ucl'cl by und h " u lin~ gl'!\\'L' 1. $ 129.20 : Lewi, Large Displuy Room. . lruslce O. S. Higgins, Il nd wus up- and Drake . celll<·n\. 146 1. 80. Ambulance Service Th e' Morrow Luniber C" " .nail s proved. First and nltal acco unt of th e es- and ceme nt, $53.46; In te r nation;t1 Republi can P rimllry, 'l'E LEPIIONF. 7 liAY OR NIOHT lIlte of Gilbert F erris, deceased, waM Harl'U, \i'r' Co., l'ep Llirs fo r equipm ent. A u gu .t 10, 1926 . applied by aum x., E lla Ferris, and $3 . 60 ; J . D. Acluma & Co., Mame, $'1 a 1.51; Fred lJ olwcgc r. for llIainupp l'ovcd by cou rt. First account of the £!still e of Jo- laiui llg lig hts , S 16.60; WnY/1['svi llo s£! ph H. Wil d, dec euscu, WM e nterod Furmc r'S Exchango, for 58 Yo: bb ls. Cefor uppro\'a l by the ad mr., The Leb- m ent, $1Ga.80; J . W. ulld L. l. FrnNOTICE anon Nationnl bank, and sa me was :der, f or onc box dy natlli tl' $ 12.50: Franklin Vulc ll ni zin/: uu el 'i'; r (O ' 0., lI\l uwe,l. NOTARY PUBLIC CITY WATER USERS ~'ir st lind 11nal nccount of t he eB- spark plugs ful' t r uc k. $:1 ; Le wis & National Bank Drak e, for sew\' l's. $22 .. 11 ; Ra lph lnte o f the Illit e Made line Slate r was On accoun t of wnte r, cnndltlons nPPl'Uved by court, upon applicati on Stouder . for · n 20 - 1'1. log cllOin. $5; m n ny l' ~(l ll e lire co m[l~ t1ed 10 u sa ,.f W . Chestelr Maple, executor, here- The Ohi o Corruga ted C uh'ert Cu., 10 Ci l Y wnt(lr t or wushlns n nd are In- Willa Drawn " .. ......Eot•••• Settl.A corruguted sew .. r". 1533.30; Th e con venien ced beonuse ot Its hnr<lncBlI. in. Wayne.ville, Ohio To over('um o t his add ono ~ ea­ First account of the estate of Kate Quee n City Cr ushed StOIlC und GraRossman, decoased , was produced for ve l Co., f or 53 ~ un s oru . hed sto ne, de- HJ>o,mful of Hu b-No-More 'Washlng upproval by admx., Flora Eberle. and live red, $U6.94; The Cnsparis-Ohio Powd er (~he Orlirlnnl fie Wa ter SoftQuarries Co .• fo r 60 LonM. Slime, $102 ; ener) to eac h I:n llon ot ci ty Wllter. sa me was allowed. SAVES SOAP. First and fi nal ac count of the es- The Oreg onia Bridge Co., re-enforc- ITDe.ldcH Its 15 household U811.gC8 It tate 0: Susan Hayn er, deceased, was ing steel, $ JO. 40; Bame, r epairs on ts the only clcnnscr t hnt will clean produced by Charles Mounts, tru stee equ ip men t, 18.35; Wing and Evans . si nk s anti lub. aml (\Issol\'o upon herein, and Bllme was approved by 500 bags calcium chloride, $687 .5 0; rInsing. No sand loCt to clog druiD V. W. Tompkin ~ , fO f paYTolI, $549.9 0 Jl1p mL MONEY LOANED the court, Third account of the estl\ te of M;nr F. M. Collins, Mum e, U 98 .20; Ede n ' --p T erry). snme, $96.1 .3 3; A. T . Rettig , ry H. Ellison , deceased, was ftled by LOANS on Chattele,Stockll, Securi$2 37 .i.S0; R. D. Edwards, same, 1247,admr., J . Lee· Thompson. ties and Second Mortgage.. Notu In the cau:se of O. L. Connor and 16 ; Jos e ~ h Davis, sarno, $63:1.76; bought. John Harbine Jr., Xenia. W. B. Warn er, as admrs. of the el- Harlan Whitacre, $80; S. E . Cu tler, Ohio. "m80-'26 tate of Medin Warner, deceased, V8. sume, $28; P. B. Monee, $ 16.00; W. Merle L. War ne r et ul., the court S. Gra hnm, Sllme, $81.1)0. Spencer & Armitllge, furni shing npproved th e appraise ment of the estate ut $8500. It was fo und thnt the a nd hauling grave l, $ 1,0 ·15. 13; Coo k Fannlrtl of Warren and adjillnin. defenda nt, The Kent ucky J I'int Stock & Sweeney, same, $ 177.6a : W. B. Land bank hos the first and best lien Loy , f or furni shing and piling 20Q Nothing but reliable co unties may ohtaln money on Ion. yards stone, $150 ; Sheriff Brant, supin t he f or m of n mortgage on said Serum and Virus used tilll!' loans, at 6 p er cent interelt. pli es purchased, 11.92; same, p oslestate. The administrators herein Cost of securing the eame Ie ver, reawere order ed t o adve l·tise l he prop- age, $2. sOllable ,through The Federal Lan' er ty for snle at public lIuction. The cou rt found t.hllt W. B. Warne r i. enBank. For further information eall tlUed to dower h erein, lind l llut he on or addreBs M. C. DRAKE. Tre... Veterinarian desires payment of same in mo ney. Ohio urer, phone 316-X, Lebanon, Ohlo.. Harveyaburg The la st will a nd testament of EdPhone 44 mond Stevens. d eceased, was ndm itThe world best ows its big prizes, ted to probate. E di t h L. Bishop both in moncy u nd honors, for but l~==============;) WANTED qualifi ed and was appointed as exe.,- one thing -.nnd th at is init iative • utri " hurein, no bond requir ed. C. What is initint ive ? I'll tell you , It J . Wagg'on er, Charl es S. Irwin a nd is do ing the rig ht thin g wilhout beAGENT WANTED-In Waynesville Lawrence S. Shawha n were nppointed ing to ld . But n ex t t o doing t he thing territory. Sworn proof of $76 per as appraisers of snid cstat e. without being to ld i~ t o do it wh en week. $1.60 8n hour for spare time_ Such get high The lust will and testament of the you are told once. Introducing finest guaranteed Hoaie17 latc C hal'l ~s Coburn was ad mitted t o honor s and their pay is in proportion. Dentiat 126 styles and coloi'll. Low prices.. probate. Frank Coburn was nppoint- Next, thcre are those who never do .a.uto furnished. No capital 01' exed as executor herein, under 14000 11 thing un t il t hey nre t old twice; such Wa, ••••i\l. Natlon.1 Ba..k BIll •• pe rience necessary. WILKNIT HObond. James Gons, Charles Irwin get no hon ors an d small pay. Next, ..'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ S IERY CO., Dept M-48, Greenfteld. there are those \vho do the right an d Jam es Follen were appointed as thing 'U only wh en n ecessity kicks _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _... Oh~ appraisers h(,rein. -. Applicatiol~ wus mude f or the ud- th em from behind, und thc,se get inFOR SALE mission of ~~ary Casperson, nlleged difference instead of honors, and II pittance for pay. This kind spe nds to be Insn ne, to t he Dayton Stnte hosFOR SALE--Jcsse French -uprlecht pitul, lind sam o was allowed on July most of its time polis hi ng a bench piano. Price, $76. Phone No. 28, with a hard luck s tory. 2 1st. Th. E,e Si,ht Specialia' or call at Fourth and Tyler Btreeta. " Then, still luwcr down in the scalp The court grant .. d authority to a d. WANTED- To buy Sheep, Frank W. ministrators Albel E Dawson and than this, we have the f ellow who will Crew, Waynesville, Ohio, phone W . Chester Maple, oI'lhe estate of not do the. r ig ht thing even when 88 -2~ . "aU Nimrod P . Dawson, deceased, to dis-· so me on e goes along to show him how Lebanon, Ohio tribute certa in s tocks a nd b onds of and stays t o see that he does it; he BELTING - Second hand. We th e estat e of the pllrty entitled to il always out of a job, and r eceives have a lot oLr!ifferent kinds and the contempt h e deserves, unless he same. sizes that we arc seiling very cheap. happen s to have II rich PII , in which We repa ir belts of aU kindll. BelS 8 :00 a. m. to 4 p. m. estiny patiently aWlllts 'round case, d MARR.IAGE LICENSES hooks li nd Cn"te ner s. Electric pump, the co rner with 1\ sturfe d c lu b. a nd washing-machine b elta. THE Wi11inm Schaefer. Covington, Ky., To which class do you b"long. BOCKLET -KING CO., 415 W. Main an d Mildred B. Kuechler, Harveys- Elbert Hubbard . St., Xenia, Ohio, phone 360. all burg, Ohio.

Every Tuesday ·

comes too. Chicks fed Conkey's

In l ura nce


At Cary's Jewelry Shop

Poultry raisers find that when Conkey's comes in -"good luck"

j i

Phone No. 3JO

r" lltti I' ill



Harotlo ~~ Grover,! of Morrow. tel W. E. and YY. B. Litt ejohn, of Lovelan~l Iota Nos. 0, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 hi Morrow. Also an electric power plant with all equipment. Eleanor Van Tresa Smith to Rarry L. Van two tract. In Wape

• 'PUBLISIlE1l5 " 1Alm:ICASTEJl S . RIG-V.$. JlI\T.Ql1FJCli



New Burlington,O.

Phone No.2


Many little chicks are hatched out with greatest care only to die from feeding neglect. Be fair with your hatches this year. Give them a chance to live and thrive_It costs so little to do it. Conkey's has solved the problem of carrying little chicks safely over ,the critical first 8 weeks. No other Chick Feed has such a record of success.






See Us Early fo r Your Sale Date.. We Guarantee Satisfaction or Charge Nothing.

t: il llllll v ll p h 'u::, c uurt. $2 ;

11 11 r pel·.




Po" ,oRi ~.

~. fJl'lio, •• Se:eo,:u l CIa ..

ot Wa7n •• .,IlI. Moil Mo"e,.

',,"nri.tloD \ Price. $1.50 per Year



AUGUST 4, Ifl2fi

= AUGUST I'- Puppy. R irthsl olle- Su rdvny x. Molto- Silence is a tr~ e ' fri end who never be trllvs.- COllfus ius. T ext- While tho ellrt.h remll inot h, s 'ledtim e and harvext, und cold flnd h eat, lind SUntlllPr nnd winter, and day lind night shall not cClllle- Gcn. 8:22. J~ lo w l

• • •

The go lde n poppy is Gorl's /:,0111 , T he gold thlll lifts, n ur we ighs U l'> d own, The go ld lhat kn ows rio miller's h old, Tho gold lhut ballie s 1I0t in thc ~own, But Rin g ing, Inughillg, fr eely Rp,llH ItK hoard fnr up th' hap py hill H; Fur up, fur clown, at eV H Y turnWh ut br'ggllr hu ~ nu L I!'lIld l u b urn, lonlluin MiI"!r.

Leave thi B chllll t in g 11 fll I s ing in g and telli llg of bl'lld ~ ! Whom du~t th"u worHhip in this ICHlely dlll'k "orn er o f 1.1 templ e with d oo r~ nl\ s hu t? Ope n t:hine eyes tlnll sec thy God ' s nut b(·. furc ti1l!el Hp i. thero whne the Wi er i ~ tillinl? tht' hard gmund lind wht,I''' lh e pnlhlllllk er is urt'nking st one. li e i ~ with th(, 111 in KII n lllld in show('r. li nd his garment is covered with d ust. Pu t otl' thy holy mantle lind even lik e him co mo down vn the du sLY so il! Co mc out of thy mr clitations llnd leave aRid e thy fl owers nnd incenRe! What harm is there if t hy clothes be. come tattered and "tnined I M('('t him Ilnd stand by him in toil and in swoat of thy brow. My ey~s straYl·d (or nnd wid e hr· fore I shut them and so iel, "Her e nrt thou." The questi on and the cry, "Oh, where? " melt into tears of a thou sand streams und delu ge the wurld wit~, the flood of th e uS8 urunc e, "I am. - Tllgr<".

• •

Summer is born when Spl'illl: is dyin g Beautiful aR buds nrc lenves. ;Summer is h ere .. The Summer is crepping-=:Scarl et . loin s in her emerald be d, Autumn IIwak cs when S umm er is sleeping, Bellutlful as gree n is red. - t)n ru Bard Field .

• •

1 fell 1I ~ l ee ll on th e grass, and flwoke wi t h II choru s of birds singing Jlrouilll me. ~ 'luirre I8 running up the trclJII, und SO Ill I:' woodpeekers laugh· Ing; and It wa~ 1\8 pleasant and ru s· tic 8 scene us eve r I saw, and J did not care onc penll Y how any of the beasts or birds hlld been formod.Charles Dnrwin.

• •

Away with c lock~ nnd sun dials I Time and I H\lve made a cO/llpact--this to be my boonT o hear the evc ning thru sh, nnd know the hour, Yet feel it no oll. , - J ea n Dwight 1-~ rnnklin .

than the nation's popuhltloil u a whQle. Tn three out oJ el!!'hve~~~ vil lages have grown faster even an the cities. Slncl!' villllge mothers have fewer children thnn those on t l.·e forlh th 8e facts vll,ise t he qllestion ,,','teth:r the trek f rom the open coun~ry illS' tri ct does n t lead to the village /lij mllch ' as to the city. _ Mr. Fry's finllin f&s di.acl08c the America n villal!e a3 th e cltAd ·1 of con Rc r· vutiRm nr;o i Mt the insul'gency of fllr· mers on on e s ide and the radicalism of t he big city wage work ers ' 0!l the uther. Over J 2.000,000 AmerIca ns. un e or every e ight, live in v~lIages , These p eople arc not ptedumlOatcly farme rs. In the Midd le Western villages fur instance, on ly a little more t hnn one· tenth of the po ulati on muk es its li ving on t h e farm. Th o villuge, of frum 250 to 2,UOO pop ululi on, is primal'il y n smu ll. Rca,le manufacturing city, according to Mr. su rvey. li e shows thnt th e Inr· s ing le ecollomiclIl grOIlJlR in villn· nrt' un 5killed labo rers, wO I'king ill manufncturing plants, a nti "prop rie· t or s, own c r H und m:tn ngllr~ :' t.h(' lalt er havi ng Il prop urt iu n tu th,' village 70 p ~ r c(' nt grt>lIt('r than ill the lurge urbun centers. The a tm osp here of sma ll pr" prie. tllrRhip, lI R'lIllly (li ~ lin c·til', · ly eo n",' r vutiv<', d omintes t hI! \' ill nl!'(' an it is in litt le <flin ge r o f disturba nce. It is furthUl ' int\' n ~ ili e tl -, ,,"t1 11 ,·n:'H n tIla· jor point in fnvor IIf th" vi llage- hy th t> Inrl!'t' proIJu rti on of home own er· s hip and nal ive wh ite st uck (""l1pur ~ d with the city. So thl" village is safc a nd 50U lld. II goorl plnce to liv(' in, a good plact' for b u si n(' ~s, a pillar of hon est A mer' icanis m. W(j arc stTon!,:' fOI' th e vii · lage and th(' vil lager. EUWROPE' S ATTITUDE TOWARD UNITED STATES Tn connection with rough treut· m cnt of A me ricnn t ourists by French crowds, bear .in mind tha t some Am· ~ricun tourists arc foo lish. Mony, BS a j oke ]1llst('d French pape r fra nc 'on th e outside of t h(' ir lu ggage, with ho· tel lahe ls, or threw French money on th e fl oor , to s how how little th ey th oug ht of It. The shrinking of lhe franc being, financIally, a matter of life or dealh with the French, they nuturnlly rese nt the conduct of such American idiots. On th" oth ' ,' ha Y' ·I. f~" ,'or r e erfort, if you feel that thl8 ~untrr ought t o be mor e gellel'ou , WIt .. Frallce, bear 'in mi nd the statement of Mr. Me llon nnd the Preeldent that we are not trying to collect one dol· lar of the money len t to France be· fore the Armistice, while the .war was on. All of that debt is wiped out, in the settlement proposed. But that is not told to the French people. Some European countries threaten to boycott American investors and borrow their money elsewhere. That would be a blell8lng to many Amer· icans still enough to Invest in f or · eign bonds that mayor may not be paid. But it won't happen. Borrowing from good old "Uncle Shy. lock," as Europe calls him, will continue ae long as Uncle will lend. The wi!!" American will invest in Amerlc.::.,_ __ .........._ __ SAYS SAMFamilinrty breeds ~ontempt mediocr~ __ ...._ _ _


SAMANTHA SAYSBrig ht colored house aresses mak e the work heavier on washday, but they IIlso ndd imm ea surably t(l the chee r· iness of the breakfast table.

THE VILLAGE THE CORNERSTONE OF NATION'S FO\.lNDATION Let's h ear no more about the decay of the American village. C. Luther Fry, writing a roport of tl)e 1n"titute. of Social and Religious ResCll.r ch, says thnt, contrary to the general Imprell8ion, the village of America is growing in numerical and IIOcial importance, In the past twenty years vlijnges have inc.reued from five to nine times a6 fallt as the open country population, and considerably more

- - - ...



I · NOT IN V _ •

WHAT NA 1'IONAL ITY? Old YOl1 hen r th" one IIhout tho At LlfltV \ f',i"' \(,, I . d on'l "~1l1 ","'. Din r-", o\\', il!I, II I1,\ .Ilt' . . I hliU a ~r th l! 1,.1). , , ' '. "" f. r-tl,c S 'a t "lcotchlllilll, who ' lenuw llll!' th e. une1'!" J Ig j tl;l 'l'll' t t I,hle nn " u li S ho l C~ tend r.l vit· .. to·nlt ~'l'at l" .II\~ !' ,lvwn l' a!t·~ " 1: l H II ., I"~ gaVl' 01) to n fl'i e nd f elr II prcftont1 W ill ,'1' ,. Vc·... .~i'r. 'tid \ ill, ybu Chal'iea E. G.9rdon h ad a sel'ioua Mrs. Htll~rY' Graham wuu a Day11Il\' It 2 "11" tl J,,\'. r'/" uttack 0 1 intligestion, 'I'ue9dll~. ton viRltor, Suturuny. "'lI, I ,I, 'l 1 ' " ig ht UK --------~a long iIlne~s. Mi s8 Coll ett WU/! II Mr. anti IIIrs. Wilbur Swank aro welJ 1.1\'I' 1 'I-" Ill" \ lItH'11 t1f U:>l l1j; it" for mer resident of t his co mmu nity. moving ill purl o f the Th olllpson Miss Hannah Collett, of ' Wilming- h ouse . ~on , di ed Sunday morning, following Miss MildrC'd Graham spent sev er. in J U l '. rrno ny H c rhlJl·t Ken n elly is spend ing this 01 days Jas L Wl'ck wi t h relativ es in I I ' Ii ...· \' t ~ . , r p lhq '\ :I" week with lIi s brother, J ohn, in Day- Dayton. 1··· nl illt.\n t ha t h 11._. ton. . Mr . Ben >;mith, oC Dnytll n, ~"(' n t Mrs . A. L. Kennedy sutTercd U Sll. t he wcek·en d Willi Mr. und JllI's vcn· HUliCk of indi&t s tion, ' 'Sutu r- Ralph J Qh IU!, day evenillg. IIlrs. Ra lph J oh ns, M ~sd am(' s Cura Mis" Ruth Denn y lias gone to An. John s an d N etti \! Emrick spent Fri . FOR derson, Ind ., for an extentled visit <lny in Dllyton . Mr. Walt c' r KI':rmel' and so ns, o f wi' h relat ives. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Brown lire visit· Springhoro, visited M,·s. K esle r GI'Hi n~ Mr. lind Mrs. George Varvllll and ham, on Pl'iiday. fa mily, in UaY 'on. • Severn l flro m here nttC'ndc d Chau. Series 115 Mr. anti Mrs . Charles Gray and tauqun at r·'rnnklin , Salurda y arte r. s PA <tn~ 1.-<loor S.dnn fumi ly ('allcd on G. Clark Starr and n oo n and e\len ing . fl195 (Modd 20~ 4 Pn.""njecr Sport RU"'-I.t~r (Model 24 1195 fa ll,il y, 'Vl'tI 'l('sday. JIIr. nnd 1I1rs. Frnnl, S hum ard a nd 5 I'a58Cn/lC1' Sport T ourinll (Mock.1 25 1225 2 P_l:cr Coupe Mr. UIHI Mrs . W ill,ul' Hawke a nti son, Robl'rl., of !Jay tu n. We r e' ~un. (Modd 2 6) $UIlS 4 Punuller Cou n try Club Coupe fumily a ,'e e nt l' rtllinin g M,·s. Hawlte 's day <Iin nl' " I{Ul"t~ of Mr. unu iII I'". (Modd 26s) $1275 5 I'a ...en~er +door Sedan falhe,', MI'. J"II I«, o C Dayton . ' I.\'d~ Wllllrlon . (Modd 27~ '12'1S 4 PILI8MI: Cf Coupe (Model 28 $1275 JIIr. Il nd Mrs. Frnnk Ha rri s Ilnl! Mr. lind 1\,11'• .J. H. ~1I1l·k ~ I\\'uin. nf Mrs. Helen l'ete rsc,1I mo\'ell lo lhe il' S"r ill glic ld . ure HJ1('," linl!' s('ve ral Series 120 "I'W hll rn !' in Day ton. Thur ~ ciay. 'H'l'ks lit thlC' hOIlI(, o f 1111'. and Mrs. 5 PM",nr:er 2-rlnor Seth" $1395 (Model 4-0~ C hu rles iIIullenix. 5 P ••••:n/ler 4-d,"'r &dan (MOOd 47 Willard Kersey. o f Orego nia , is $1",95 4 l';uocnl(\:r Coupe (ModeL 48) $I~ the I(Ul'st of his COU~jI1 H , th !' Mu c Uoll' Mr. un" illl·s. (;" " rgl' ""ay a nd ~on . J. .. st .. r , und Mrs. B,' n I1 a\\'k~ IIttend . a id und Tu~k er child"' n, tll is week. Series 128 ,·d th e fUlle"'a l 'If illl·s. Fink')' Gru y. -, P a sat'nJ:er 5<-"~n G~org(' Holll. I,f Covi nl!'t on, Ky .. at Uayl on , Thu rsda y. (Mood 5 0) $1995 S Pa.a&\· n~: cr Arnugh .3m WA S a gucs t till' ~u rl y pun (d l hl' (Model 51) $1925 .. P2U~ller Sport R oaJ..tcr Mr. "lid J\I .. ~. 11 ,, 1'\'\' <; rlJ hU IlI had wC(· k uf Mr •. Amallda Slllrt' a nd IIliK" (Mode l 54) f1495 .. P. ' ''''''ger Co untry Club Coupe for th~i ,- : lIn <l:t~· guc ;l ~ . th,' Inlle r 's Mu rgll r .. t. (Modd Stk) 1765 ~ T';'I 'A.(" n J,!("( S r .)f( T"' unn~ o,us ins, iiiI'. ,",t! Mrs . " 'i ll Coll in "\' (Modd 5';') $1 S2 5 DClI'n- T o Mr and Mrs. G. W. und tl a ug h tl" ', Jl'UIl, of Ol» ' ton . 5 i>I\4~~ nget C"' Uf'<! (Modrl SH) $1850 I:lunnell , of itl~ CU"~ar'~ en't'k MbuU F,n«'" -..I (~ T"" .. 0..ddc4 Mr. alld ':I,·~. S. II . DurllN( vis il,' ct ,"h lltf' h o l'ighhorho(ld J o n \\'( ' d n('~d;tr. ~I r~. >;u(' :-lu ll aut! t! a Ughll''"" in I.l·ll. ltt.k11 M· -.a-r c. ,. . .,. n ow d.r.. ..II Al t d h, tb rlr wh.~ Ic:Dctk. Sain Jul y 28, It d<1ug ht e r. O ne l'i hr<n b a .. Il .. l) In, " "(.( whc-;dh...e . So-ie.OnrTwUIIY" 110 iacba UnUIl , ~I urll l,,, .\. Miss Cath" rilll' :-11111 fntw. axle w ....k a.nJ s.. l'1 e . f )n c T_~.'Y-l!.i.4ltu ~ 118 inches.. Mrx. orn S Ullln er ~t~rt('d Friday HCCtJln p alli" d till' IIl h tll II l' f ll r t\ vi f:. it. morning to Ba rrr csbclro, Pa .. f or an Mr~. W. G. llail1 ('o nnd t h ildn'll, ex tend ed \'isit wit h her daughter, 1'111'8. o f Be lmon t , were ~lJe f' l H of Mr. lind Isaac Brown a nd family. Mrs . Wull" ... Kl'lIril'k nnd Mr. a ll d Mr. Ilnd !\Irs. Fred JI'l nthius , of Mi. lI1 r~ . S. H. II luinc, " coup ll' "f days Court(' uus , l'opulnr. Ellici<'llt. am isburg, und Mr. and Mrs. W. M. last week. Qualified by F:xp\' r;"n l'U Mathias, of Day to n, wcre S u nda y ev· !\II'. and Jl lrs. Frank '<nytl(·r. ~I r . for P ,'s iticoll. ening cnllers of Mrs. Amanda S tarr. lind Jlirs. F,"ank HOl{l' I" nlld Mr5. ill n. Formtr flC hual lC'AC h C' f. newppnpt' r Mr. an ti Mrs. Joe Dads, Misses ry Marshall Iltll'lldl'll lhl' Fl' II "\\' ~ hiJl lln l,lI,h,.r " ntl nllw (" Ie r k o( Oh Jo Dorthea and Virgin ia und Ma st" r nre(·ting und hn ~ kl, t d il,""r at I '''~ rry !:it-na te . Richard, spen t 'h e lV('ek·('n d in Day· chu r('\ l, S Ullday . ' U.. heen IlaAO('i .. t ~d with Jttlpuf). ton, th e g ucsts of Mrs. Davis' sisle r, llea n I'arl), lu de", for 23 )'c.,. tn 'ox and Mr. und Mr.. Arthur fiahtlna brattl" ur parly , Mrs. [ra Harts ock anti Mr. II nr tswck. SOIl~. uf IJUlo'tull, allu Mr . Illl I Mrs. Mr. C r oll. to l&dt a ,our I UPIHt rt .t Mis" Margaret Starr, uf Dn yton , Hoy !Jay. o f Cincilllll\ ti. wer" week. Republlran p uty primarl u Au .. u! t IOlh. is spending th e we ek wi!}, her moth. end gUesU u f ~ I rs. l ua Ouy IIlId Mr. CROSS FOR er , Mrs. Amand a Sturr. Miss . tllrr and Mrs. Will Fox. !!I;CItETAJlY OP STATB CLU b sp ent the first we ek of he r vllcation D. W. {.u" tJn, .sen-81D1r Mr. and Mrri. \l nruld BIn ega r, of at Ft. Loramie, with Miss ESlher pri ngli e ld. an d !\Ir. lind Mrs C. R. Wise . Ii.illegar, of JIllm estow n, wc re Sunday Mrs. Jllnn el te Brown Hain es • • of dtnner guest,8 at the home of !\II'. - Politic lI l Alh·e rtiselll..rlL. LEBANON, OHIO WilmingtlJII, d!o(! lit i )l e ho me of rei: und Mrs. Wallter Kenrick. Iltives in Urbana, MOlld ny. IIfrs. Mr. Wlllte r tCfhen n an d da ug hHaines was n sister of Mrs. TIffin Freeland, and a ni ece of Mr. and ter , Miss Ali ce, 0 Cincinnati, were For Good Government Thursday dimner gucsts of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Brown, Mrs. Charlels Mulleni x. Miss Alice Wise Legislation Dinner go'e sts Sundny, of Mr. and remained for' a short visit. Mrs. Howard Graham and dnug-htHs ; Mr. and Mrs. George Scott, Mr. Modified Primary included Mrs. Mary Grllbam, Mrs. Everett Enrly and childre n, motor ed Laura Shidllker, Mr. nnd Mrs A. S. lo Springfiel(I, Sunday, lind spent the Collett and son, Robert, Mr. and Mre.s day with Mr'. and Mrs. Byron Ru sh Economic Expenditure w. P. Mc . Cllrren and da ughters, and family. Miss He len Ellrly re Rhea ond Evalyn. Better StateHighwayPolicy mained there f or a week's visit. Mrs. A. S. Collett, Miss Nelli e Cut. Mr. and Mrs. Kesler Graha m enright and Mrs . Geo rge Denny delight. tertained to Sunday dinner, the rol. fully entertai ed their Sunday- lowing g uests : II1r. an d Mrs. John school classes with a picnic, Friday Myers and da ughter. Charlotte, of He has capably repreafternoon lit "Hole. in ·the-Woods," Belmont, Mr. a nd Mrs. A. E . White home of Mrs. Coll ett. Th e young' and sons, 1I1r" J ame8 Cntl'Y ,of Spring sented Ohio in· the nasters enj oye d games or variou s so rts fi e ld, Mr. H erman Albright, of Day. tion's · greatest legislaand th e hostesses, assisted by Mrs. H. ton , Mi ss Almu H orlll elr, of nc ar tive body-is ChairE. Hatto n, sel'vetl a picn ic lunch of Lebanon, Mr. nnd Mrs. C W. AI. 'sa ndwi ches, !Utlad, ice cream, cake bright and so n, of n eat· Springboro. man of one of the most and lemonade. Their evenin g guests were Mr. IInr! important Committees ....~--Mrs. Chnrlc8 Horm e ll, of n eur Leb. non . - TlIrrltories and Insu-

-- ----

Secretary of State




These are the Keynotes of the Record of

FRANK B. WILLIS in the United States Senate.

---_. -


Only Fortunate

- - -

The man who hilS succedcd and nevo:>r advertised is only forLunate in what he h ns accomplished without ef· fort. 'T he man who wants business todny must be looking about for those who want to buy. He must tell Why he wants to sell certain goods and We're not much for prize·flghting, why it might pay the ,individual to hut we certAinly get a front seat· for come there for whnt he needs. Buy. the Ilslie encounter between Rudy ing and seiling ls of benefit to two classes-the one which has the goods Valetino a nti the Chicago ed itor. and the one which-wants goods. Where there is no product offered for sale it Is natural the one who wants shall advertise to reach the attention of the one who might have that t o sell. When the one who wants to sell has that which it will be of advan. tage for some ·one to buy it is advis. ab le to say what it is that is offe red, why it is offered and suy what it is worth. This is the whole nd v('rtis ing proposition in a nutll hcll.-The Counary Publisher. . In fnct love is one· of the most en· durinl'l' things in the world. It out· lives hale. . It Is tough, and the more LIFE'S MIRROR storms that blow upon it the strong· er it grows. This is noticeable in mother love Reneetion. by Panne which can endure and outliv(' the It mu st hu\'e been after midni/:'ht greatest .disappointm ents. Long af- And I must have fall en IIsl"ep , ter a child has proved himself unwor- F or my book had failed lo the flo or thy, mother love will continue UII- A nd the cand le WII S 110 longer burn. abated. ing. Love does not depend altogether I cou ld on ly hea r th e rllin outllid e upon the actions of the othre party, Which fell lightly to thc ground but it is inherent in the charllcter of Likc' tC'lIrR or sympathy the person itself. Many a wife or From lhe eyes we love. husband keeps on loving in spite of all that is done to destroy that love. If love were what many people understood It to be, 11 mere gust of pos· rROPOSF.n AMI~ N1UIIUn' TQ 'lin., ilIon or 11 wayward sentim ent, there CONSTIl'1JTIO!'I OF OHIO . . would be no sense in promising to cherish one another forever. Most s i mON II. of the objections to marrillge arc bas- ,ROPOJING A1<I AMENDMENT TO SECTION ed upon the wrong conception of II OF ARTICLE XVII! OF TH& CONSTI_ TUTtON OF THE STATE OF OHIO what makes marriage beautiful. It It&LATIVE TO ASSESSMENTS 1'..Q/t Tffi( is not .passion, but it is love. f OST OF ACQU~ PROPERTY, ' Love often endures long after the fires of passion have expired. {?' II .".1".4 b..l' "" fi.M.a/ -1,,_61, ., 1M ,fl'" pI £1M. Ihroe·filth. of U,e IBembeThose who think that love is mere- . ;I\Cted 10 11011. concurrln, 'h"e1~~ ly infatuati01l, 8l'e apt to flit from Th,t Ibero .ball be submltled to 'be 0I1'C1"'. flower to flower, whlll! those who con- @ t this .tiltc In lb. rnann•• pro'l~ed b, llW, ceive of love 'as a ' ehlld of loyalty All th ••econd T... dlY In ~URu'l, U26J .f: fro~I IQ '<n~4 ...,11", II 01 . rtlele Xv I Itf wi!1 lle ~tl.\l!.e !lP~ d~!l~n!\a!lle, . 1~!.~IIII'''IIitiOn of Oblo, . . . . 10 read u fol. Words from the Lips of Great Men- ".I usliee is th e insurance which we have on o ur lives alld property." - William Penn.


---_.. ...----


Whoever put the words "Till death do U8 part" Into the marriage ceremony understood life. , Whoever it was understood the ditl'erence between love and. passion. PORlliOIl may be (or a day, ' and usu· ally ie, and is often succeeded by indifference or -contempt. Love is a different sort of thing. Love is based upon other things than mere physical attraction. It ie something composed of esteem, reo gard, and many other things that de· pe nd uron something else than prox· mlity alone. ' Human nature 18 110 constituted that a man who swears to love a woman till denth do them part is r easonably sure that if he behaves him selt and controls himself love will be coterminous with hie life. . It is upon this law that the promise rests. re~ . 'l!"!!en passion has disappeared attet 'f.' few w~ek8 or month love reo . ' It is more than the residuum IIf' p~ip\l. - It is !lomethlng 'built up . "pon ~b"r.c~er, aM wi~h rensonable Oul~\!re 1\ (lan be depenl1~d upon to \!lIa ure t •


16-DAY . .


~A1'L4NTIC Cll'Y. •

. . . ... ONh' - . .OUTHIE...· lit• . ~IE"lI.yi lulHO.. ,

i ; -



.0..,.. I .,

- AUGUST ·14 ..-


$2S,f)~ ~~;:~"io WapeiVille .• THIlOU~." SLI;UOII!"O CAU :,"0 ~TLAN1.C CITY.' LI_.I ..... . -...r PriftlH•• lIIWlln,wm _ ...It , ·OrruRTUIIITY· TO . T HIE .• ·auquhcENTII.NNIAJ. XPOSITlON '


11. Any munkipalll, .~qul.lnR propeity b, pu",b... or appropria,lon lor I puhlic I...· pro .. mcnt maJ provide mO lle, tberdor. ill ",bol. or in paH. b, ulUlnljUl. upon J)r'OjIfrU bene· 11..t by lb. IlIIPro.en:~1I "bether .b.U(tli, .d. I - I Of O\II,••t.. loc.led. Such ...... mmta ~ . In 110 .... u_d 'p«ial benea", e9l'ferred !,..Iop 'lSo/v.d, T~&I .1 .uclo election a\ro... m . '.,~ _IQ thl' llIl.ndJuonl oball be P!~~ .. . tile o/IIdol ballot, in tho ",anner , .... • 1 "~"'4 doIl",arcd I. follow", . , 0 • • r:tsrneDt by IIlUllJcipaUlia of COllI acq rh~propert' fer nW1o: IlDp__ upoa n belie61ed lhe'~b,," In .... IaaPqw, .ou tnlb clear 10 WI.. •or,..... p.,.. ,41' . . .iedlil4 ,endrnonl .ball tu. . ', ,,. ~ dar of ..,UItT, JUT , MopItd Mud ~ I t9~~, " .' .-







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~ '. i, "' .~... A~"t~C 1"1 '1I-*,. !Pi0.~,o. of ~ ·at~.









10, do .

a.,y ..ofrtlb"'nt atate.

,{~~'!a.t ~1'=PIlm\n~~"l!

!P . I!Il

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- If; ql ' II...


' d iIeoI ",

.~. .

- Foreign Relations, Immigration, and Com-

Mi ss Hannah J ord a n is still illl' Ilrovin g. M. M. Terry and K. E. Thompson were in Dayt,on Thu rsday. VOTE FOR Only two more weeks until our Home ·Cominlg', August 14. F. S. Harts ock anti wife we re S un. day guests olf Karl Deatherage. R. J . Munrny Blld wiFe werc Sun. Of Oxford, Ohio clay gu ests oJ fri ends at Ferry. Pal Kirby 's house and part o r the contents burn ed down, Fridny , Candidate for Ohio Senate afternoon. Glcn n Ollvlls and family sp ent SUn- Second Fourth Senatorial Dist , clay in Le bal1on, the guests of Mrs . Clara Dunn El nd family. Au gust Primar ies on th e P ostmaste r' H a rtBoc k alld famil y, of Wayn csvillle were S unday guesls Republican Ticket of Karl Deatherage a nd wifo. - Polil il'ul Ad n·rth c ,ltt·nt. lI1rli. Nella Ilunn ell and so n , Rhodc8 IIr Wayn esvilile , w ere S unday g ue sts of Mr. lind Mrs . Bert Bogan. Miss Kathlee n Kelllple , of Wilntin /:' ttln , was tI 'Vecln escla y ('veiling guest o f Miss Bcrnice !lyman, uf ,VIlY" e;;. ville" K. E . Thunlpson wa~ ut SIIbirll1 anel New Vipn na. i n Clint on ('Ollllty, 111 0\1 . da y, in the inter esl of the I·Ogi~t.CI'(!(1 hog Ilssociati.:lll . Mrs. MlIlJd T erry, Claude Gray. Miss luwge nl! Gray. K. E. Th ompso n and \Vif~ , Mary Kllthl ec l1 TOllnl\'\' Lon Brallnolll and wife, Sum Hrll\\;,,: lind wife attended lhe funeral of Mrs . Jnnet Brown Haynes, at Wilmington, Wednesday. .

merce-all major Committees_ He has had much to do with the shaping of important I egis la tion and has made Ohio's importance felt in National questions.


A vote for the renomination of Frank B. Willi. for United States Senator at the Republican Primary, August 10th, is a vote to continue moat capable representation for Ohio in the United States Senate. In tlertod by 6 frlond of 8enBt-or WUII. -

Pol i ti ca l Advcl"ti t'c m e nt

As One Farmer to Another


-_ -



_ _ _ PROSECUTING A'rTORNEY We are a.uthorized to " nnounce CHARLES DONALD DILATUSH, as a candl'dfttc l',0 r reo el ec ti on t or p ros· ecutlnr Attol:nE'Y, subject to the Republican Primary. August 10, 1926 M

Robert W. Brown is a candidate fo," Prosecuting Attorn ey of Warren County in thu ni!PuI11i~al\ Primary of Augu~t lQ. Brown's only opponent Is the h d Pfesent flrosecutor who wants a t ir term. rown, Who has never held public o:ffice, Is a veteran of the World War, and is aetively engaged in the practic:e of law. AUDITOR We are a,uthorized to announce WILL R. LEWJS as a eandldate for A di b• U tor, sUJect to ~he Republiean Primary, AUlruat 10, 1926. QLE:lli~ Q,OUR'l'S We are 81uthorized to announce D. W. 'Bumplbreys as a candidate fot Clerk of Courts, subject to the Republican Primary, Augu~t 10, 1926. . To the Voter'S of Warren County Clift' C Meloy, appreciating the vote received two years ago, an-


i:t . 1F-Y..wa.liOt'~'~'GIld"~~~t~i tQ:': .: · ~ ~=~l'tr~':Us'.'.J~'1 ~ugueUO, 1'926. !fi '.~.aal; "ft_~ ... Of

lar Possessions-and a Member of three others

I Political,Announcements


.is ¥




makes sible values

nounces ·hlmlself again as for Clerk . ·o,f . Courts andcandidate .ollcits yoW' . s'!'pport;. Repub j lean Primary,

... .


10 " _ I I




REPJREStNTAT~VE,' th"Pi .....t

to · announce

r'D.:'~~~41~tIr 1.,"~,. a;.;;:~:~~"~it:'n~o;r~eC{l=~~ ~ ~O?.... BepubUc:aJl Prbaaarj-

When we tell you that we honestly believe the NEW IDEA is without a peer in the spreader field, we are talking to you as one farmer to another. This, because we are farmers ourselves, and most of our factory workers were born and raised on farms In the neighborhood of Coldwater. We all feel that we are performing a real service for the farnit:r by manufacturing NEW IDEA Spread· ers, hec.ause we are showing him the way to mak~ money, . which means more 'comforts, more lut~ies, more prestige i~ his community.

Way'nesVilleMotor Company "EiE======;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1!5!!i!!!!i~ii!iI!iiii!iiiE!iiiiI!!!!i!ii!==i5iii!!!!ii!iIii!i!!iii!iiiiilliiiiiiiii !illii_iIiI_" Phone 105

Wayneaville; Ohio __

=====-,. ---- ----

t iE

----------_. .._--.


· 1~1


7 -------- - - '





Fom' 25% to 50% on Your Purchases


Mrs . 1luldah Bllrn~tt Mick lus~ we:- ' k. ,

Mr. An d !lh:~. . H. hlll'wood • p ent t hc We 'k-cu,1 nt. lI'1 iI1111 ; V ul1ey

ST. MARY'S CHURCH . T h,'rr wi ll I, n .. 5C r \';vos d\lring t h month o f AUI-: ust lit this church. , l\ ! ~ . I1 I1 ~ l Mrs. Wll ller J ann e y wer Rc\·. J ohn J . Schl\o l1'er. Rector. ~\,"d:lY (IInne' r ' lh·. I ~ uf l r and l\1r~. \\ IIl t ~ r Clnrk. FERRY CHURCH OF CH RIST 1 r. Farr s jlonl l\].lIl<\ny ut Selmll. ~Ir nnel . M r~. 'u rl 11llwlw • .. I DayH,'g ulllr sc r\'i cc~ ut 9 :30 tI. m., and r.I,'L outer n"rll ul'cl "m clloll h as I}(:en lun, ~pc n l Inst wee k wi t h Mr. und 7 :30 p. m . Co mo I , 1\1"",.1. C. Ha wke. \' is it ;ul: in ."p rin.: lwroi. Na thll n J oh nson, lIJin ister. Perr y Th orn ll •. S upt.

, IS



l'hnulll llqun.



METHODIST CHURCH . Sa bbat h Schu ol at \!: I f> u. 1ll. Mrs. A nnn ClldwRll u dcr hilS been Litt l" Doro t hy B1'\1l, of i\t (l nr o~, Th e r(' will be no pl'Cllchinl: ~(' r\'i c l's in dispo_ed f or sC\' I' rnl (\nY5. i. \· i .i ti n ~ h,'r grn ncll4Jren ts. Mr. und fu r th,' ne xt t hree wl' ,·ks. Mrs. O. H. UnKleso),. Rev. L . A. Washbunl, Pastor. Autom ubile r Cl's iring . Mot ur 011 ... ~ Rnl! glls silver. Ray Mill" T el. 71. M ~ s~ l·s H. \ . Wa lte r an d Mll r k F' r~d, o f ' L('banun , w~ r ,' in Wnyncs. Mrs. II . [I . Ellr nhnrt li nd 1\I rs. Karl viII" on bu sincHs tocillY. Rullh uno SU it w«:re in L,·bull on. Mult· duy. . Ea rl :O<. Chcrk left Th uJ'" lay morn · AJd iso n Suu thllrd. form" riy (, f Iltl! fu r a vi, it to N iag'lIra F u ll s 11 11 01 Lt.h a rll dl, h ut w ell kIl U \\ ' 1l tH ' r o, l,·ft n orn · 1' .. ~I r . :111, 1 ~ I r '. Li nltl'l nl he r poin l" of in l.' 1'<·'!. la st Fr iday f" r h i" hOllll' in W u,hi ll~ ' \lull, of Houtl! 5, T hllrsda y . .Iul y to n .. P . C. li e U IIO h,s (' Illll ily will 2U , n su n. S ,,\"t'r a l W H I" IH\ n :'l, iHfl ('1·~ in t hi ~ sa il t(\d .., y fur S in .:ap o l·c. whe r .. he l.:o llllllun it y hu\' (\ r c('ci v(.. c.I t h e ~r) P<' f lHls I""' n :cpp o int !'(\ tln ited Stall'S Mr!<. K. N. 11 (' 11 ); 11 ,Illl d Mrs. II. n. l' l! rl t ill c r l'ase , fur whi c h tlH.' Y an' v{' r y Cn n::i lli. En r fllha rt w,' r, · 1.,·lIa n ol\ \'i :; i lor~ . last gmtt·ful. Thursda y. TOO BAD M i1;' Kathr yn II lI d ~ I r. Le .. lll1 rd ~I rs. V ~ d :t Orn, lur fT nn,l dUII.:h t"r. K ~mple, o f Wil llI inl!tu n. \\'~ r ,· g-u",t, " D u(' l Of , 1 Hill p n 'l' an ct for any · Dor" t hy. lII <1 tor.,,1 to WII, h ing' toll C. " f Mi s~ Bern ie(' lI ymlll l I " ~ t W e " IC I'" th ' rlg, 1 hll\'l ' ~ l t'l·ll'd 11I y:·w lf - td l II ., :l und ay. d ay eve ning. 111(' till' tr ut h a h l.l u t 111.' 1' t 'o n d i till ll - -

- - - ...- - Appointed Consul

'A~ Free ton of




-=----- --~============================

S1.75 Overalls ,

Sale Price.. .. .... ... ..

$1 19 79c 1212C 69 C •

Dress Shirts, up to $ 1.50 vallie, Sale Prke .. ... . . . ... ... .. . 20c Bleached MUllins, Sale Price . .. .. . . . . . . . . . .

98c Men's Work Shirts , Sale Price. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

~:H)( Work Shoes

Sale Price . . .. .' . . .. . . . .

$13 75 12~~r~~ ....... .. . .$16.75 $19 75

120.00 Suits, Sale Price . .. .... . . . .

$30.00 Suits, Sale Price . . . . . . . . . . .

$1 89 89c 49c 22 C 95 •

Silk Hose , lip to $ 1.50 valu e, Sale Price .. ... . . ... . ... . .

Ladies' 35c I-lose, Sale Price . . .... .. . . . . . . . . $3.50 Ladies' Low ClIt

Sale Price ... , . .


and Straps. Sale Price . . .

Men's $5 Low-cut Shoes, Sale P rice ..... , .. . .. .

Dr. II ncl Mrs. J. T . El1i~. Mr. un d H uve you t ri ed our Laundl'y SerMrs. C hllr l e~ E lli s und sons spl' nt vice? If not , you are missing a r C1l 1 ' u ndllY in Dll yt on. tr ent. W e laund!'r y our clothes b y . t he pound. Six different se rvi ces from Re v. and Mrs. L. A. Wnshhurn left 5c a pound lip. Wlltch f or th e Gree n Mondny for Lakeside. wh ere 'they La!!ndr y trllck ev~ry Tu esday and will spend their vlaclltion. Friday. Mahlon RIdge, age nt.

45 53.45

$4 Ladies ' Low-cut OxfOrdS$2


Misses Louella Jann !' y n nd Laurn McK inse y ur c "pending th e we e k 11 t Mi a mi Vnll ey cha ut uuqua.


Genuine En,lilh Broadcloth Shirts, $3.00 value, $1 Sale Price.... .. . .. . ... •


tilt-' had

II L' \\



The 5th Annual Heatroia Free Coal Club opens on Saturday. Read the details of this wonderful opportunity in The SaturdayElJeningPost of July 31st.

make three \' i, ils t o Way n esville thil month. R ente: mb el: tha t ach ool i. b u t a. ahort t i m e n wn y. Don t ' wait unli1 sc h oo l be g ins b e fo r e hav in,1 your child', eye. ex a mined and p roper

g lallel l u pplied. D O I T NOW. Time i. re qu ired 10 .. dju.t th e child '. "ye.

Don't be reaponoib lc for your chi ld'. fail. ure in .chool by neg lec tin g th" i mportant matter of h avi n g hi. e ye def ech corrected . Hnve it done wlietb e r you come to me or not .

and nervoul " )lI t e m to G1. l le •.

FRED M. COLE Hard war_Harn •••-Farm Machlnary

Wayneaville, Ohio Mr. and Mrs. Geo rg e Hnller, of Cincinnati, were S unuay gue sts of Miss Reva Spahr WIIS th e Sun,fay guest of Mrs. E lla Bllbb. Mr. and Mrs. W, O. Raper. Mrs. Vett ~ rs e njoyed a visit last Mr. and Mrs. H . B. Earnhart were week from her granddaughters. Men's 20c Work Sox, guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. E. L. Harlan Mrs, Carl MeUage, of Xenia, visitSale Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . at u fish dinner. Wednesd ay evening. ed Monduy, wi th Miss Rebeecu Sanders. With Mrs. Burl~en, o f Cincinnati, Dayton, Ohio Miss Lela List er a n d friend, of 294-Ludlow Arcade, the ho nor gu est, Mrs. Laura ZeU elltertained a few friends at d inn er lust Dayton , we re Sunday gu ests of Mr. nnd Mrs. J . N. Moore. Friday. Mrs. Hille Stiles has r eturned home ,;;;============================~~:" Mr . and IIIrs. Ma tt McKin se y. of ufter spending th ree we eks with he r T idd, of Yellow Los Angeles. Cn\. " are spe nding two eluughter, Mrs . weeks visiting -relatives in Wuynes Spri ngs. ville and vicinity. III rs. Mar ietta Oxley was call ed t o Xenia the first of th e we ek by t ill' Mr. anu Mrs . Wulter Cha nd ler, of illn!'ss of her daughter. JIIrs. Fields . The Sf'ason of the year is now here, when you nenr Dayton, cull ed at the home of of Jamestown, who is ill ut the Mccan expect the severe Hail Storms that sometimes Miss Nao mi and Miss Orphn Hoc kett, Clellan hos pitnl. S undny llftcrnoon. sweep the country and ruin your Crops, especially Five g irls (If the Junior cia'" of th e Friends Subbath sch ool, wer e preTobacco, your Mr. a nd Mrs. K. N. Ho ugh ami Mr. sented Bibles for memoc:izing passlI!lnd Mrs. E L. !larlan we re dinn er !!,CS o f Sc ripture recommended by th e We now ha ve rates on this .class of Insurance, Ku ests o f lIIr. and Mrs. H. n. Earn- Yearly Meeting. at a specia l prog ram hurt, Friduy evening. and will be glad to have you call and ta lk it over. held Subbath morning. Th e girls nre . Jan et Copsey. Rose Maria n MarRemember what the Hail did to the Tobacco Mi.s Doris Snook, of L!'banon, lutte, Fa ith Walton, Venita Reeves, and Miss Limll 1I 0rm ell, of Spr illJr- nnd Marga ret Bootes. in this vicinity last year, and the many large losses horo, we re t he week- end guests of paid by this Agency for Hail Loues. It Does Pay Mrs. Ke nn eth Hough. to be on the safe side, for it costs very little to JUST HAD TO FIGHT Mrs. Stanley Sellers, of Lebuno n. Be Safe. and Mrs. Mary Hopkins, of Dayton. Mother-"I thought I told you not we re guests of Miss Claro Keys a nd to fig ht-and this boy a total stra nMrs. Surface, Monday. ger!U Lad- " Well, mom. all me friends Mrs. Effie Smit:h. Mrs. Flossie Ca- are awayl" The sellson of r eal apple-sauce is now beginning, but the seaso n of po- r ey a nd so n, Chest er. and Miss Luc y litical app le-sullce lasts from one Em ley spent S und ay with Harry EmEurope seems to e nj oy harm ony ley and family, near Dodds. yenr's end to th e other: Waynesville, Ohio in one r !'speet, if we ar c to b!'lieve reports t hat the entire continent I f the prodigal fiO 'l hud been r eally Mrs. Anna Cudwallilder, Miss Claon to hi s job he would have come hom e ra Lile and Miss Anni e Brown were hates us. nnd t old t h e old folks he was a vic- g ucsts of Rev. lind Mrs. J. J. Schaeftim aphasill. er , at Dllyton. last Wednesday. All of th e g raduati on e ~ sn "s on whut is the mutte r with t he ;vorld Mr. and Mrss. Charles Ande rso n hnve now been de li\'e red, but Up to and children, Mr. nnd Mrs . Orville does not seem to be as great as un - Gruy un d dnughter spent Sunday this tillle th e l·fTee t un the world touring the southern purt o f the ticiputcd. Stntc. The Kin g of Belg iu m has b e ~ n Sund ny dinn er gU('gt g of Mr. and ma d e rlictatol' of h i ~ own ' COUllt I"V ., whic h is chenpcl' than ha ving tu ~;·t Mrs . 1<' N. Hou,:h wer u Miss Dol'i ~ S nook, uf Leon n" n. Miss Lima II orso meb ody e ls ~ t o do it. mell, o f Sprin g boro, lind M r and Mrs . . There is one I:,)od thing abuu t be- .... R. Enrn h"rt. . -

Thursday, Aug. 12


At Grange Hall

G. H.

Hundreds of items of Bargains which we can not mention for lack of space.




Men 's 75c Athletic Union Su its Sale Price .... . .... .. ... . .


Men's and Young Men's Suits


Mis" fll ice Og'It'silcc . o f Sp rin g' Mrs. J. C. Hll wk .. a nd ~ I. r Iln d Mr,. "SIll' wi ll fCt.:UV l ' r. :;i r ." Vn ll ey . \'i ~ i te d I'e luti ves in Wny nes- Ca1'1 II uwk c lH uto red tn I'l l ' a ~ all t vill!', S u ndny. f' lllin, S undllY, Il nd "llI' nt I he cl ay with Dr. unci lIlrs. Rul ph VUI ' ,'. NO ALT ER NATIVE Muste r Billy Co rn wc ll. (I f Dnyt oll ; is vis il inK ut th e hu ml' o f Char l" s I cun sllve y ou mOlley wi t h Illy Il\'W A~ (' n t fo r "' llw l1 (':\ I"- " \V (,11, n o w Ellis IIIHI fll mil y. ~ t< 'c k o f Giunt Tire" und Tllb l' ~ ju~t 1h at y tt U '\'c t'id dl'H in i t - a n ' yo u j! trpill cha sed ut g r 'a tl y rPrI""eel I'l'Ie", . ill ,&:: to b uy, " Mr. lind Mrs. F . [I ll ~ nd c r.o n lind ~cc 'e lll, a t J C. Huwk e ' ~. Fnt llnl ~ p l' cl - 1 J! \l I '~~ I'll nav e Mrs. Kut e Coleman ' were Bellbroo k tll-- I 11111 "fraid I (' lIn't "t·t out o f v i ~i tol'~ . T hursduy. MI'. lind M l's. Cu rl lIIc Clure a nri it II O W . " . e hil d l·~n . of Day t on, n nd Mr . und Mrs. L. C. St J ohn a nd Mrs. 1" n. ~1 rs . E nrl Pa rk s , of Troy, IIr c occuH c'n rle r so n were Lc bnno n v isit t)f S, pying t he cottage fi t Cn m p Li nger Longe r. t his wee k. Mondny u ft ern oo n. Sinc e July ha. Thurod" YI I will


Oph. D.








Tell the Advertiser you saw his Ad. in the Miami Gazette

. -.

Bring your Eggs to Kroger

f. D. Dakin Insurance Agency

L '-

In g- a m (' r c co n jl J"f'ss rnall . \,Vh f' 1I ," ti ll leave f or you r vac nli <11I Lht ' nl'w~p a ­

S ui t..~ and Overc oats dry cleaned nnd prcssed, $1.00. Sponged and W c make YOllr old . T he Pt:incc of W,d, ·, is now pb y- pressed, 35c. inK In n JIIZZ u rcllt' ~ t l'il a ncl dou btl e' s clothes look like new. Soft Water he find s a s axllp h o n ~ .ll lilt easit'r t.o Lnundry. Mahlon Ridge, agent. I11n nage t ha n a horse . . Mrs. Henry SlItle r lhwuite. Messrs. Now they nrc atla cki ni: tht' m nl'- J . C. Hawke, P" slllllls te r Harlsock ringes which nrc mad e nt sea . h il t .J. O. CUI·twr ig ht nnd D. L. Cran e at~ t he re is n o evidence a ~ yet to sf",w tcnr\!'r\ th e Hepllblicun meeting and that they don 't lust us long /I S t.he banquet at Le banon, Monday eve nother kind. ing.

pe r phot ograp hers \\'on' t follo w you.

Mason Jars Square Style, 87c Quarts, per doz . .. . P iata, do.eD ..... .......

.. .. .......... 74c

H alf gallon. , dozen .... .... ... ... $ 1.19

Potatoes White Cobblers, U, S. SOC No. 1 Grade, per peck. , . .Sugar P;:: 2~~ib~' packet . . . . .. .. $1.62 10 po.adl, bulk .... .. .... ;... ..... ...... ...... .

Summer Drinks

.... ...... ....... .. ... ................ 65c

Lemon Sodo. Root Beer or Extra Dry Gl n ge ral e . Per Bottle .. ........... ...... ..


Now th at t he fnrnw l's don't hav e Mr. li nd Mrs. Harvey Rye and to r end t hose long s!,e!'ch!'s 011 [ a l'llI relief any mor e , ma y be they wil l da ughte r, Mrs. W .. p. Salisbury !\lld son, Clark, motored to Delilware, pitch in a nd make so me munr y. Saturday. where t hey were g uests of We don't kn ow j ust whnt Cui and 111 r. alld Mrs. Russe ll Benson, reo Al talked about, bu t we ar c willing turning home S un duy eveni ng. tu be t that Cal. did n't co nsul t A I ub out any. improvemen ts or r!'pairs Mr. R. F. Mosher and Miss Marat th e Wh ite H ouse. tha Crisenb erry , of Cardington, Ohi o. Mrs. Edith M. Harris, Mrs. R onald Hawke and Mr Harris Mosher attended the f unerai of their aunt Mrs. Martha B. Iron s, at Lebanon, on Tuesday afternoon. I n lhe United Stutes there are 16,500.000 tlep honcs; 17,000,000 Rugs Dusted and Renovated; Autohuve pleas ure cars; 16,000.000 h ave tomobile Covers washed; Blankets and p~ o nograp h s and 6,000 000 have ra- Comforts laundered; Dry Cleaning, diOS. Radio business tfiis year is ex- Pressing and Dyeing. Soft Water pected to r each $600.000.000. a gain Laundry. Mahlon Ridge. agent. of $1 00,000.000 over 1925. Until as many homes have radios Miss Naomi and Miss Orpha Hock as. no\~ have phonographs or phones, ett entertained at d in ner, Sunoay, ther e 19 bound to be an unexploited, M. and Mrs. Ed Young, of Cincinnati, unfilled new 'field in whicli to sell ra- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Young, of Leb~io supplies .a nd service. Every farm anon Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hockett and In lhe nation is a prospect for radio, family. ' Mrs. Ida Hockett, Mr. and for nothing puts the farmer in touch 'M rs. Earl Hockett and daughters, Mr. with the markets more quickly. and Mrs. John Rich and 80n.

Land of Minerals.

ork&Beans ~I~btry 15 C

Wills To.ato Saulc,2 can

~r~e?!?~~t. 7~c ~~}!~e. ~.~~~. ... . . . .. . 27 c Ih .. : .. .. ..

~:d~. .~~I~~~ ...........20c

!~~h~~~ . . . 38c


.------- - --_._--

- ---...


- ..- - - TO


Diner-"Gosh, 't hls i8 highl I do not think I'll have e,nough for la



Wai~er-"Li!t nie see the b lll agai n, ai r . Maybe I made a mistake,"



~ ~.~-----

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Elbon, Mrs, Esther Stout, Misaes Elizabeth and Ruth Chandler, Mr. and Mrs . .J. L. Mendenhall, Miss Orpha Hockett, Dr. Fal'!t S. L. Qartwrlght, Mr. Bnd Mrs. J . M. Mrs. Ella Cook and Mrs. Annie Sheehan! Janney, Mr. ana J. i~~d~'~~:Il,::~ ,daulhi'p Meet-




ilk.Js oJ A.-ic....

performance and European engmeeri1;g p,actice are now cumbi,teJ in this new-typ, Car

1 I .



In 13 secondJ

Stop-watch tests show that dx: Qvc:rl.od

Wh_•. ,

ac.ccIctatcs up to 40 miles IUl hoar, 18% than 0Ihcr light 4-cylinder em. 10 all ~'( ~ rpi~ DCVtt dri...en any automobile like tWi bd'cu. ~ m today. and let usgjve yon a ckmc ..... ~·".' .

OVERLAND Whippet .








Waynesville Overland Sales H. Arc.......n



Seventy-Bightll Year


Whole Number 1)718

S~ho~l B~ildini'iJas MIAMIS WON BY . Unoflicial Vote of County ~UPEnlOn PLAYING . d Tt h· P · A Ve ry Narrow·:;.~~!r:~~~lthe ~~: an owns lp rlmar" --.- ~-



A Great Amount of Dam"Rc W I.. 'Done by W"tel"-Cnulo (,f Fir" II Unknown Fire W Il" ,lisr "ve r~d at ubo ut " u'c lock t his morni ng lit th o Hi!{h :;choo l bui luing. The a lnl'm WIIS giv,'n by Boy(1 Jl elHle rson nnd GQo rge Hc" kl e. who h nd r ise n e~rly to rlln tht'ir trot Iinc·s in the riv er. lind in 0 very short til!le the fir" fighte rs wl're at th o scene. the origin of t he fire i ~ unknown, but it IS thought that it might hn vc' bl!e" co uscd by th r ex plos itJlI of· che m iculs as the Ore waMin the lllhorntory and had eate n t hr wood work en tirely awny. The t1 amllKe done to the ro om nnd contents. nnd thnt occusioned by wat· er. will mnke t he 10M II mount to sev· erlll hundred dollars.


The Fr-icllcJs l'lome h ll~ uecom e con s picuolI ~ in [11'o \'i ll inl-:" for th,' n1<' l11b Cr!< "f th inHt it ll tion t u c ntl!rtaill th eir fri e nds. Too mu ch praise cunl1u t be given to th e rnntrlll\ nnd forcc for t.his spccial favor. It is IHu vl! rhi ai lo Kpcnk of tit.. Bruw n girls liS linc cnte rt ldner~ . Aguin. 011 Wedncsduy. lhe 4th tht'y rcpcut{'d their skill in this line urt. by extl' ntl ing invitlltion s to eight "f their lif ,_ long fri e nds lin d form er school mates t o a 12-o'clock dinner. The invited g uests who were present to enjoy the gen er olls hospita lity IIf the hOl<tcsscs, were: Mr~ S. !If. Sellars, of Lebanon ; Mr:<. Mnry Hopkins of Be lm ont ; Mrs, J . C. Hllwkc. lIfrs. H . H. William so n. Mrs. E li znbot h Haily. Mrs. Lallra Moaher. Misses Trillana n nd Mllrgllret Edwards. As I sat faci ng t his intellig-ent grouP. Ii.tenin g to their sp irited salutati ons. I wns thrilled with mingled pride. admirntion and c motion. - I had known lind was intimately connected with tht'ir parent.. of ot her dnys . lind enc h guest Mince Infancy. In reviewing t heir past, embracillg half n century. with t he valunLle IIc hi eve ment of cach Oll ll, wurranta me in saying If thie co ll['ction of 110ble womanhood ever had IIny peers t hey never' hud nlly aup erlors, with 8uch s l>le ndid chllrtlcters. we need not .reor that soci ety will not be impro ved, nnd our eivil and religious institutions will II" mnln tulncd . Wh on the parting cn mc t hey scpnrllted pronoulleing their best bcnedlctionll u po n the two : Istere. wlth every bcst wish t hat would ndd to their prosperity. happiness and u ~ef uln es.. S. L. C.

count i,. so mewhat a bbreviated. It is well to say that th e boys put up n goud ga me nil the war through. Tom Bm·ton wns th e parllcu lar s tar, tak. ing a h igh Ay that looked good Cor a home run , right off the left field fence throwi ng to second for" doub le ploy Eddie BurloO n was bacl, uga in at secoll d. and his work was oC t he sn me good quality. Elder, the new catche oved tv be a IVondl'r be hind t he hat, nntl P"rks. another ncw nne, pJllycd shurt tn I!O, d a dvantllge. The I"l'"t (, r th e tea m pe r fo l'mud the ir ",ul'k ,"cry cr"ditaLly . 'fhe score: MER HANTS AB R H

Brown, ~b Hoppe l. c Fisclwr. 2b Williams, ss Burlow. Ib CUY. I ( HotTeler. cf Furst, rf L. SWllnso n. p ·C. Swanson


4 4 4


0 I 0 0 I


0 I




.J 0

A E 2 0 0 0 4 0 4 0 0 0



; ........................:•• :

I"teresting Items

Of EX-NORMALITES i AlJout 150 ex-students on ll in st ruct,ns "f thl! " Id Nutiunnl Nonllu l uni· ve rsity, non . nwt al. th e Chup" 1 hllli for the open ing- lJf t h.. annua l r e uni on IH·o.rrUn1 lus t Wednesduy m o rnin g .

One of th e features of t.h e I·.' uni on the rill"ing of the old orm l1 l be ll, which Willi placed outside th,' building. lind which clllled the form e r s tudents tog-ether. 1'h .. r eunion was s ponsered hy the class of 1886. lind gevenleen of ita members were on the pilltform. in chllrge of General E x. W. Chester Muple, presiding, introd ucing the other me mb ers of the cla8s wh o gave s hort addresses Normal so ngK were Rung by the "~8t'mb ly wi th Prof. H"rtsuch. husblind of Margaret Holbrook. at t he piano. In t he eveni ng the ex.p uplls attended a hanq uet held in Memorinl hall, arranged by the American Auxilin ry Unit. Jo hn 1I1111'8hall Mulford, of Cincinnat i. was toustmllsler of the occ naion. Next yenr tho r e un ion will last two days. The first will be spent in Lebanon and the second in Wilmington, wh ere the old school is merged with Wilmington co ll ege.

from the


State . Capital


On ly n Few Co unt y Officea H ad any

i Prepared by 1 !-........................ Columbus Reporter : .

Conl,,"to On-Sta te Haa Seven l for Different Offu:e.

• A Jig,ht volc' wnll cast nll over the ~ta l". 1 uC Mluy. I n Rl'vcrnl cities co nt"filll fnl" "met' wa~ at hond, but as a

rll k· th., vole was small ~I nrn !ng ~ay t hat Co l. Thnd nr"wn .I S r un lnng Rtrong for govern(J r, WhI le [In,wn and Cross nre run~Inl! u d o"" ra ce fo r Secretory of ~lu lc ; l\Ill!~ , fnr Jio'ute nnnt Govern~ 'r, !ooks v~ry pro01i"in g for a nom""Itlon; Bert Rllrkll'Y for treasure r \ lIrn cr ll11d Gri Mwu ld ro r Attorney {'(' ~1l'1"I\1 ~ rc ru nni ng neck and neck. whI le. Willis for Senator hilS n big plurn hty.


CO LI l\IUIJ~. 01111 ' - W ilh th,· pr,· marie. oul of ·l hc wa y. the next \'i~ Jloliticul even t wi ll I.e tlw platform 4 1 1:1 co nv entions o f hoth th" Ilpmonfll ic 4 I 1 !l I Iln d Republican s whi ch will he hrl d 4 I 0 2 0 II in Colum bus on the sum l' day. or on :I 0 0 0 0 0 ========.======== Tuesday. August 2f,. U,;moc rals 4 1 I 0 5 0 will mel't In t he Neil house , nnd Re 1 0 0 0 0 0 Th!' wor ld will w'a tch with interpu blicans the hom bel' of 0 111 · l'st this bllUle between th e Mexicilfl rnerce. Democrnt ic dc legntes will Totals au ,I !l 24 15 government and the Cathulic chur ch. TOWNSHIP VOTE numb er 31l 0. whi le Republicans will I1r"t of its kind In mnny yenrs. 'Fnlln ed f .ir Brow n in Ot h. number only 368, the ditTerenee nf T he cessation of all religio u8 ser22 being the members of the Oem· Brow n (; MI AM IS vice. in ~h'xico will undoubtedly 4 6 16 8 ocratic stnte executi ve com mittet'o t:nuper tr. 4 ell USI! turmoil nllt! di8tre88 a mong 1111 ·27 31 Election laws provide for th e e It'c· R AB H 0 A E \)uy G classes. Mexicall Indian8 especiall y 2 1 7 Pren dergnst, c[ l ion of a stut e centrnl comm ittee of :1 I 0 0 0 0 will resent being deprived of Berviccs Lieut en. nt Co._mor E:. Bur ton. 2b 22 memhers. which ellc h party has, 4 1 1 :l 3 1 which t hey believe essent ial to their Gons. :lb alld for t he appuintme nt by t he stute Farnsworlh .. .4 1 2 :1 a 1 .6 0 :l 7 8 spiritual wt'lfare. The hrlstian J"e· HUjlkins. rf centra l committee of a state execu- Mills 4 I 3 1 0 0 0 4 7 19 10 ligion Will! for e d upon th em orig inn l· ~ ~ E luer . c tive or campaign committee. No lIurke .. 4 0 0 10 a 0 0 1 r; 4 Iy by Spanish co nquerors, nnd milch Pnrks. I'S . . state exeo ut ive committee has been .4 1 2 2 1 1 hloodshed In mllny cnse" IIccompnloit'l.l Secretary of State appointed to the Republican ce ntrul T. Burton. If .. 4 0 1 1 1 0 tho proccss. McClure, Ib 25 committee. Those lIuth ori zed t o par- Brown 7 11 38 29 . -1 0 1 6 1 0 Dut the [n'dllln ! arc n ow Ilevout . . " 0 0 Ors horn. p ticipate in the state platform con- Cross 4' 0 2 1 2 0 4 6 6 Christians. olte n more c;1rnest in Hummel ventions arc 35 nominees' f or State 6 0 2 2 their fa Ith than peD"ple of Europeun Totals Senntor. 130 nominees for Stota Rep35 5 12 27 14 Tre.l urer or State extraction. 3 resentative. five tor State offices. 22 I 2 11 1 234 6 678 0 elected to the State Central commit- Buckley .., ..... .. 6 8 Fo rn ey " Merchll nts .0 0 0 I 0 0 3 0 0-4 2 2 Tho price of cotton goes up-good 2 8 tee. and chnirman of the 88 county Davis 8 .. ..... 6 Miamis 1 A rare trent is waiting for Way- executive and central committees. -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 r --5 :I In'''P1te .,1 tile rpln, \he seco nd an- news Cor cotton galllblers, n ot such 6 G,n dfrey ... 4 0 0 a 28 nesville and vicinity whe\1 Donald nual 4-H Club camp firiished up suc- good news for cotton growers. Tho 2·base hi t--:L. Swanson . Bain, well-known whistler. imitator cessfully. TbAt it did 110 is d~e not price goes up because much rain Attorney CeDer.1 The large mileage of highways, beSacrifice hits-Brown , L Swanson and mimicker will present his act. only to the cheerful co-operlltron of means harm to the growers' crop. Pren dergast . Hopkin s. . .... 10 I) 20 22 6 "A Trip to the Farm" at the Miami ing brought under state maintenance Griswold everyone of the 70 4-H members, but The cotton gambler makel his m.o ney Sacrifice Ay--Orsborn. 0 theaterl Waynesville. Thursday. Aug- during the past two years. hlUl nec- Boyd , .... : ....... 5 2 to the faithfuinellll and efficiency_ of whether It rains or Ico rchel. 7 8 essarily increased the amount of Double plays--L. Swanson to FischTurner ............ 9 ust 12t n. 2 Why men I[J'OW cotton. whe.n they 6 12 the counsellors In ehllrge. Mrs. Henbridge work to be done by the Deer; Fischer to Barlow ; T. Burton to This past year he has appeared at ry Harris. of Leban on. and Mi88 Er- might ga mble In cotton would be Uniled Stale. Senator E . Burton . r; 1 schools, 19 theaters, 10 ehurche8. partment of Highways atnd Public na Brown. of Carlisle had charge of hard to understand. but lor the fact Struck out--By L. Swanson 1: by .... .... 24 8 12 89 81 o clubs an and around CincinnatI. Works. according to G. F . Schlessin- Wli\is the basketry and about 46 baskets that men enj oy prod ucing something, Orsborn 10. 0 He comes highly recommended as be- ger. director. Since January 1. 107 Hildebr~~d ...... 7 apart. from profit. Agus8iz was "too 2 were completed. /I 4 of the larger structures have beeR Hit batsmanBy Orsborn 1. ing one of the best in the field. His Meryl Gray and Prof. Hawke help- bUllY to make monoy." Jucl •• of Supreme placed under contract, the total cost Wild pitches-L. Swanson 2. Court act is quite 'unique and is very enter~ County Agent Hummon. with the Umpire -Thompson. 1 6 23 16 taining. Those who come are p,.m- of which will approximate $1,600.- Geiger .., . . ., .. ... 18 ;Na1lue stud),. swimming and in the The Rev. Laura B. Gaylor. of TIlt. Scorer-Standiford. 2 4 iBed "a live entertainment that ap- 000.00. Eight additional strut;turell Jones .......... .... 6 Menem car e of the cllmp. About 20 PIOJUIant. Inwa, tella the Unlver.llallst 7 6 are included In the August letting Matthias Time-l hour an d 10 minutes. 9 r; .... 2 peals to all ages: that lovers of Na28 16 youngtUTs lenrn e~ to ' l\w i~ and t~e Sunday-School association that 80mo now being advertised. the total cost Washburn .... .. 13 4 t ure delight in, that those who like jjfe..;:Sl\v~1' class dId 8plendldly. MISS Bible toles nrc ou of dare alld hor2 20 8 One hund re d bnby chicks nrc bcOf which ia slightly In excess of so mething different will enjoy." .rll! BenJ:uam helped eve rywhe re rible. That story about Elijah clIll- lieved to have been killt' d nnd a 108s St.te CeDtrai Committee A regular picture program will be $200,000. The ' smlll1er stru ctures !:Ielp Willi needed. MTI!. Stanley ing the b e8 r~ to eRt the children that of $7,000 partiully cover ed by inincluded in this year's r oad projects Cfeswell ..... ...... 6 1 giv~n besides t his. so that you lire 4 Watkinll WU t.1Je camp nurse and had made fun of his baldness she s urnnce s uffered when a burn 011 th o 9 7 to date invo lve un expe nditure of ap- Deaton .... 0 4 bound to get your money's worth. 6 21 though there WIUI not much actual could not benr. 7 farm of Mrs. Hebecca ander~ , s ix proximately $800.000.00. Add to Patterson 1 1 14 nursing to do, was blvaJusble . In as· . Many th in~ in th e Bible shock yo u miles 80uth of Xcn ia nn th" inci n9 Herbe rt Edwards, who drives a this the cost of improvements and I15Jsting Dr. Arnold In tho me4iij!a1 ex- but thnt is the fa ul t 01 people whom nati pike, burned at l Op. m. Satur. truck for the Huber Auto Company. betterme nts to smnll structures carState Senator :awln.tiona. Flfty-,Ix bop anti ,ITI the Bible descr ibes trnt-hfully. day. ' \ of Dayton. sulfer ed n pa in ful in jury ried on directly by t he departmen t 's Miller .... .... .... ..17 6 8 19 19 .eo.nwDted to lIeo who were the bealt1lThc fire is thought to hnve been in a n auto acC'ident TuesdllY of last maintenance forces in the various di- Minnich ... .. ..... 10 ' 1 7 27 III jest. A lice Lawson, Springboro. and caused either by spo ntllncous C O Ill- week. His kn eecllp Wll8 dislocated. total cost of t hese small vis ions. the Chal\lQ8 J:lulfman won these honors Thnt sUl r.Y n!>out. the angels that bustion in new · hay or... to have been but aftor r cce iving medical attent ion The Kan Rite F ood club held their stru ctur es will u ndoubted ly reach CI.rk of Court. :jInd will ~pete at t he Ohio State cnme down ~vith hnl1.o rtlll1 t news. and of inccndiury urigin nnd started by he was ab le l o go to work again. and picnic August 2. at the Friends Meloy ·....... ...... .. 12 2 8 22 19 tor the ~o.ner of being the health t he manner In which 80me of the nll- chicken t lrievcs. it is thought that nothing se ri ous will church yard. Each me mb er took a $1.000,000.00. Humphries ,. ... . 16 4 7 81 20 iQlt bo)' and g'\rt jn Ohio. The ser- tives would I hay ~ rru:.eiYIlIi tJlCJII, Mu ch va lu ub lo tnrm machin ery. result. guest. Although the weather was Corwin ... .. ...... 2 2 3 ~ee.rr rCftdered by Dr. Arnold lI1'e shocks lillY ~ tlrma~ mind. 2 Midsummer employment conditions 6 But the three loads of new hay, feed and fer- - --+ - --unfavorable, everyone had a good )highly appreciated by , II concerned. duty of the BIble, hke t hat of a new... tilizcr were lost. Mrs. Snnders, own are better In Ohio this year than Pro.ecutinc Attorne,. time. 'l'.bose giv~n bonoorallie lJII!J)tio n In paper. is to tell what happens. . er of the farm. li ves in Spring ValThe sixth moeting of the Kan Rite th ey have been in .. long t ime. 1'he Brown ." 2 2 6 11 7 ;the Health examination te,s! w.cre: ley. Lee Ferguson. tenant, was away ". Food club WIlS held A ugust 6th. at monthly report of the State-City free Dilatush .. ..27 10 12 46 38 ~Isl c Thompson. Mason ; Dorotb}' CPr· H G. FOkker. brilliant nying mun from home lit the tim e. and when th e home of Mrs. Armitage. A menu employment bureaus s how a decrease ",i n. Lebanon I Ru\h Settlemyre, · Or- 1ron\ Holl~nd. manufacturing planes !lIrs. Ferguson noticed tbe fir e a nd Tho layi ng erf tho corner stone of wall planned {or the Bupper which will in the number of both male nnd fe- The unoffi cia l Republican vote In oIllQtol1 ia : Helen Harris. Lebanon I Rose hor e. h llll insllre/J his life for $2.- summoned aid the flam es could not the Mllsonie T emple Annex, will be be served. by the club II'lrls to their male applicants for work. and II cor- Wa"!en county with Ilight out-lyinlt£'9]1ette. M.son; Helen Ferris. Or- 000.000 a nll p,al'S a high premium be subdued. . responding Increuse in the demand precmcts to be hell1'd from: held at Xenill, AUl!ust 25. Grand mothers. August 18. for help of nil kinds. With buildEarl Hall. Lebanon and ehas. b t tLA j L "' '''s f The ffrIm es lit the countryside , and Master Earle Stewal·t. of Ironton. The next meeting will be Thursday Governor , n_':.'lA. IndlvidulIl r eports will be eCIlUsc 0 .." r s.. , •• ,~ \¥II' I~ing constru atio n and highway im....... ulai- mer Is . worth mllny times were visible from this ):llace. Severnl and man y ot.hC1r notobles Will QC pres. August 12. ··..... ... .... 282 provement ut its peak. thousands of Drown the next tw o weeks. $2,000.000. H e built ~e maehlnp partijl~ from here we llt to th e ~~e. . .mailed !lnt on this occas ion. . IRENE CRONE. Re porter . .· ............ 1296 workmen will btl a ble to find profit- Cooper MTI!. D. '11. ~UUp8 of Mt. Washing- In which Commllnder Byrd. the ftn ll ·t OTl, helped with ."(lnrthing. but had young Ame rican naval officer. flew ~. ~ Lieutneent GOyern_ .-~================~==========================:;~~~:===~============ a ble employm ent as long as good weu th er con tinues. Mills and fac- Mills over t he North Pole. with the finnn_ .speclal charge Qf tbe folk dancing. .. .. .. .......... .. ... .660 tories thruughout the State ure work- Far nswo rth . On visitor's day ab out 76 were-pres- cial he lp of Vi,ncent Astor, Edsel ... .. .. .. .......... ..... 286 ing practical ly on n fu ll-time sched. , The tribes had un athLeti.c £on- Ford and John D. Rocke foller , Jr. Secretary of State ule with no let-u p in sight. Prostest h the afternoon . which Will WO I). !\fl'. Fokker ought to be working pects fo r a busy fu ll Ilnd winter were Brown . :Pi thI Jroquois tribe. The gh1. for t he . United States government, ... . ., ... ..... .............. 1287 never better. prominent ma nufac- Cross .. :then gay, lJ)e ribbon dance. · In the and it ought to iMure his life for .. ., .... .... ... ...... ... .... 27' turers say. und orders ur c coming everting ~aela ~ib c put Od a stunt at $20.000,OOO-if money made any Tre.aurer of Stat. in at a most encouraging rate. the campfire IJJ, ' ~he Il\ltertainment d ' ff ·~f thel' r gues"-, I · cronce. • (The following accoun t of t he be Sweet Mary' s for fri endliness, pon human and Divine powers; equlllity. Buckley .... ...... .... .. ...... ..... .. .... .828 _ . 'l'he Presiden t's Iltatement on pros Young F'rlen ' d S Con f crence. Itu,l i t . I e t s f or I oy~ f e II ow!>h'Ip. IOy8 It Y an d th e many "or .... " "_appy and 1\ sy ror t h oug htf'II I ness. VIO Onvis " .... .............. .. ....... 244 No.It·. T he re wi ll fo llow Ii week or tw o v ,...,~ " n perity was confirm ed by great corP C II 0 k I I f It . 1 f . . t ' tr . -~.. "bl'ldren 8hould belJflve to Mrll. en n 0 ('ge. s n oosu. own. rom a y, l110 rmng go ry or Imagllla Ion. overSles. Atorney C . ...... let-uJ> in t hc' strenuous political IIC~... .. .. porations. T he bi ... steel company J 27 '1 J 'I 4 'tt I II C th b f Ch . t Q k k f t h ' I ' "nd her sister, IllS Flnileigh. .. une untl u Y • WIIS WrJ ·. e ll 10 y or e r emem rnncc 0 rls ua ers ore nown or ell' p a lll.Ruc•'- ., I d e i- un d hi s su ff' .ro( .f"O.:n . . . . nll ... , who 'had chargo of ..... e in the last six months 'arncd more by Mi88 Amy Hop k'illS, Oll e 0 f tIt' crrngs f or U B, re d rose f or ness 0 f d rcss, speec h un d ntee t lngs. tivities of both parties, whjlc llH' g ri swold .". .. ,. ... ......... ... ..... ... 619 ............ · .. ~.departm ." thun $02,000.000, Gen Jove on d t h e w h. 'Ite rose f or b eauty . Th ey wan l C d t 0 b e d'ff . onto "Nokomi." 0 0 rol n'hMotors . agates to t h e con f ere) nce . 1 eren t . TI Ie nominees lind lend e r. wi ll get rcndy T~~~er .. :: ...:.......... ... ::::::::::;::: ~~: -... " WillPl\lf" --, L us 1n 'fh'IS mn!I ' . tl lIug . ' h b oun d th em t oge th er wns fClr the s trenUO II ~ cmnpaign . Jlltd I,.h e goo.d .coo~s. W,ere more ·....."on $!l:l.OOO , O . c n veryt grea ImpreSSIOn w IlIC Thcl'c is ever y indicntion that lh e .cheered cv~r)' d.v whct~er anyone net p rofits one single au tomobile We arrived nt our destinntio u F'ri- on me to t hink how mally of these their peculiarity. A very good defUDited State Senetor ..eIRe wall or not. concorn oo li pses t he great steel com- doy night after u wonderful trip. We some of us don't hnve in our hearts inition of r eligio n was g iven us ns campaign will be a bus y one. a nd Willis ... ....... ............. .... 115() The · Rural WOMI!D'S Yaca~ion Plln biggest .i.~dustr.inl unit in the awoke next morning with a real cO'n- alld wh nt few we do have we keep all follows: "Rcl\gion is n· way of li fe." every vote r of th e State will get to H ildebrnnd . .. .. ........ ..... .. 114 c:afiJI o,pens 'l'uesday eyeniJIg. Flf~y wor . fere nce spirit and imm t'diately fol- to ourselves. We ~eard ma,ny wanderful talks, see and hear most of the cand idates. Govern or V ic Donahey does not women have s igned up to go. T/lere lowing breakllUlt attenlled our ~rst We then discussed the different so me of them were: Ilr. Grant on expect Judc" SUpreme Court to mnk e any exte nd ed tours, will be Jln addition about eight jnLord Bcavcrbrook doubb the gold class. This was a devotio nal gr oup amuse ments in which hig h-scho~l "Personality;" Beil Cherrington. on Matthins .... .. ... ., .. ......... ......786 •,strllWrs lind counsellors. The ~amp , stnndnrd'! value. calls it a financilll which was led by Mr. Ermin Perisho. pupils indulge. Also. ; we had a "What It l\1enns to be II Cl\rist.ian." rather confining him self to probahly Geige r .... ... ....... ...... ., .. ... .466 one or tw o radio talks. and perhaps is ill splendid shape and" line week medlcine often fatal to the patient. In this clllss we studied the "Ten questionaire whi ch hnd .three · parts . The answer was to ellt er upon II IiteJ oncs ...... .. . . .......... ............. .. .... 608 :A!\elIl1 Jlr.o.mie1~ Europe turns ~gllinst the gold stand- Studies" of the Sermon on the Mount physical. Ilocial and spiritu·nl. It was long adventure whicll ia conltt~~Uy 8 S many main addresses. Everybody WMhburn . . ..... ...... .... .. ...... 40Z al'd. for the reaso)'l t~at this ~oun- We took up t he personal and Boci!}1 very Interes tin g to find that in one changing. lie discu8l<ed the differ. kn ows Governor Vic. and a ea mpnign ... State Central Committ•• try has t he gold. phllses oC it. We found ill this thnt rou would rank very high nnd then ent illlpres~lons God makes on dU'l'er- of such tenllity (18 others lire compelThey forget ,that we also haye ttlc our spirit is nil f!>r Christ and thlls III another very low. so we Frien!ls e nt p\,ople. Everey one hRII a little ed to mako, 18 really unnecessnry. It goods for which gold is spent. our personal spirit was awakened The are trying to :balance our question- difference In their Lollef of Chriet. is expected that radio will pIny lin All the gold In creation wouldn't wrong. howeve r. is wIth tIJe !ndiv~d. lIires. Miss Eva Rile Marshall taugllt H e also talked on, "How lind Whr, important part In the campaign, and Patterson .. ... ..... .. ... ....... ..... 40Z help lJll .o r koep us whore we arc ual. Everyone )ooks out for \jim- t his ~lasH. Sh(l is also a teacher II~ Chri!ltinnlty: Menl1' 80 lIuoh to Us.' one will probably be able to sit in and hear the "burnhis own home Sila t .. Senalor if we. dJ!lp'~ l1~ve .-mills, factories. self. We should seo th e gooc! in bv- Penn ~oll!lgc. 1 am '8\1ro that non e "Race Prilblomft." "Self and SelfCHRISTIAN C HURCH flit' me; min oa, od wells lind cspec- ery one. We should not only 110 better could hl1lve been secured. Centered Pe ople." and "How Lovo ing Iss ues" cussed and discussed. Miller ' .. .... ... ... . .... 603 .. .. ... ........ .. .. ..738 The next cllll88 which t attimde<1 and friend ship Can Conquer \he Thank! be to radio that when one Minnich Sunday-Sdto.ol D;ao ., 111.~~ ' preach- iallf Inventive l!1'iJ Inl!!Js~ia) gc:njus. what t hey expect bl1t should go tqe like the speaker the y can 'une Ing services at , 10 :80 R.· m. and 7 :30 second mile 1111 Christ did. at all t imes. WIlS " on Friends History, Df. ,#m. WOf-Id." , lie say. to leave peace and don't Clerk of Courta out without in terrupt ing otl\l!l9. And p. nlo' Pra)"er meeting, W.ednesday M Clt'mmin~J1 Carson. of New A &,ood d ellJ1i~ion of prayer wo had, Berry also a tellch!!r lit Pertn ~ol1egel t1\o large problema until the IImall there will be about as much tuning Humphreys .... .. .... .. ...... ........ " .... 98& .IJ:8D p. 111. AlIl're £ordially invit"d. York.' swam from Dover to Ramll- given in this cJI\SS wa/! : "OommulI- taught this clalls. lIo gllve UII n lis~ onee. 8\100 lUI 1'ellgton. are t.ken carc out ns there is tuninlll In. A lot of tit" h Ch I ion witl) Goit... We paraphrased IJI, of bQo1!8' along tllis li'1e. I will givll of lind when YO\l have them . done, people hllve curioaity enough to hear :e;a e, n 'Ie r,o ug . anne water. of- the [lcrmpn and triea W pick Oll~ you !I "j:{!W w\1id-i 'I know to be gOlld peace would have taken care of itthe speakers. vulee. bu t not eno ugh to ~,enty-~P mil~8 in I) hp ul'!! and 20 what Chrl'st relllly meant when ., u e or hear" gOq.l r"ports glv"" on selt. liT~ MARr. CHulicH Proaeclltu.c AUorney mmute,a. It wlfJI .a line performance I' 'i " \ ... I R d ' h' I stay witb Ulem long. And the ·happy but a nr;.o~ J!ul.J!IJ~ boat would do gave it. It was flivided, into ~en theJTi': IITtrll lItille of Q\la~er .m." Wm. ergan answere III 18 ta k 'l1Iere wlJl be I14l lervives during part ef it is that the s peaker does ' parts. as folloW": by Eldwin liarveYI "HiBtor), of th e thrj!e powerful question.: "How not know whoth er he hns a1\Y' auditlle 'inonth I)f -AUJr!l8t lit this churehl beher. Nancy Hat)~" /& Pllw_rf,,1 wpman. "The Sermpn NI a whole; tl)9 por. Friends In Arnerlca," b), Thomllll; can I be T How can IleamT and Ho~ ence ~• .,,*, I . ........... 8HtRr, or , not. 'Alnt radi\\ ~n~'? -------..~ ... might have "ea~m Mrs. Caraon's trait pt a cltlllen of the Kingdom: "Studies of Mystical Religion." by can I do? The linllwer to all was, ---~ swimming rl!j!Drd.," In8~aa. Ihe Clon- the tun\ltlonl of a citizen of the Rufus Jones, and the "Beginnings of "Fellowship with Christ." Two olePER.y ' CHURCH OF CIlRIST trlbuted Abrabam ,Lincoln to write Klngrlom; (lId rulos and new spirit; QUllkerlsm,' by Wm. Braithwaite. We montll In being a Christian to ReguJ.r IierViee~ af ·0 :80 .. ~:. and the ,Proclamatlon; ,and *bat WIlli more form. and reality In religion: recon- then discull8ed t he antecedents of know Chrillt and to learn to pray. A ont~at 7:80 'p. m" Comel , : useful than ' I~ would' h~"'e been for clliatlon human a~d divine; the dls- Quakerism. It.s natural growths ot Chrilltian Is a pel'8O'll w\lo will lloat~ Nathan Johnson, Mlnlater. her to swim from ·Puis down 'the clple's prayer: the dominance of all times. ' , How it was influenced by and be sympathetic. D&monatroUon teams from the Speeinl communicntion of Wa7...: PerrrTbomas. Sup\, Seine:. Pl\8t Gibraltor into ' the Med- things; the key to all relatlonllhlpa the Reformation. Fall of Constant!Mr. Greene. a very ~tell\gen' oot. Gil'l,' 4-ft clubs in Wllrren county nesvillc {..odge No. 163 F. & A. If.• .' . iterranean. throu"h . the .SUez Ca.nal and other teachings, and the acid tellt. nople and · the Humanistic Movement. and man, !r.8V~JI.~ o~~\I~" ~ ~\l~ III t t h .... , d t Chi" , The n t class I attended was, Wo found th.t Christ must be taught race pr\lbtem. ~e. IUlVIl \tIo \Yllor~ w eompe e or t e non or of being Monday eve ning. August 10. 1928. ¥£'tHODI5T CHUIlC" an on 0 .na. called th~· "Older Girls' Class." It to .11. Do away with doctrinel and people 'd o 'n 9\ n~t 1;' 'tI\~ ",WI 'tb" Warren county's winning team. Aug- Work in the !II. M . degree. All members are r eq uested to be jlreaent, . . , 8.b".t·... . "'-hool at " 0'.1" .. '-. ., • - .- -.- - . was tor Higb Ichool alrls onl v • The emphasil;e religion, We a110 lind the white pe,~Je ~~ \l\e, 4q W.Jlt equal- uat 17. at the F¢'m Bureau o.ffioe. there will be a SUrprise for the' even!"I'n I:Hl "... ... 'dl fl Ity . t a t . b II w d In Lebanon. The Food clubB will There will be no preaching lIerlic.. lint thing we took was a frlen . y flnt mystics. or Greeb. In ue"c\! . I~ , . \l!'totl 81\ . a e a 0 e .lao compete in Indl'VI'dual demon- ing. Sojourning brethren and vlllit.. tbr ke rOlld which we all travel and which religion very much . . They. "'eU'Yf< tq wilr.-.ip Chrllt. He aald, "We are presfor the next ee wee . .. ' c. . turn. we should take. Some of the th.t G04 dwells withIn .~ 'R'd tbat never . considered as people but ill- stratlons. The winning team and ors are cordially invited to be .I Rev. 4 A Washburn • .-..tor. ,-. roads were those toward pleasu~, all people are e~uaI: It iii said that ways 48 a problem." A' necro has individual demonstrator will compete ent at this time. ' JESSE PRE!NDERCAST W K. - ~helpfulness, wealth, self-indulgence, In 1617 ' Martin Luther dilidovered no cb.nce'to advance In the buslneu with other cQunUee at the Ohio State F . B. HENDERS.ON. Sec'y: • " - I' , . popol.rltyt a ca.. reer and IIOcial helper. Faith, and his dellnition Ia: • "A per- world: No matter how bard he wo,1(a f.II', . ' _I. I , ,:.'" • I , ., . ' I we, founa , as . many references to 'lIona1 experience with r God." You he ' c~n' never expect to b~m, ~... ju~. will lIe '. MII8 Eunice ... "f: !. I Cblnt', life as pOll8ib.le and !lome of bave to see God's true , lelf 'to bow manager. · · , ',.,'" " Teal, !lome demon~atJon , l . t ,' . .~ 1 :A~),i~ . I~~ The ,PClnri,yi'v .riia ~rallroad COMpany them we~whel'l he cholli! brs dls- blm and you lI"ve' to ' iove hlni \0 H,~s Gr81!'a'I,' Gtm.n, iPot. QJl K,!ntromel'J , Mrs. D• • ' . ' . ' . '. , 'Iaa belln KJanted ~laalon I to dl... clpluj Climax of ·Goa'l life, lind tile tro>~ splrituAlI,.• . WI! 't\nll ~~~ ...~,.: "f;u\'O!?e's 'V(eXf, ot" Peace," -4 Mfil' ~:~ JI~ JI . Mrs. " The ft~b an~DBI all-di,. plmle out-' c'o ntlnue the ' two mornlnll' train. on 'Chrilt d~alt wi~ .tl qlaqea of ry YU p~t Blbletl Ct~!~ ~o~ Ihe '"wanta. It j\l~~ I'll, b~d .. A.m . ,-t .. - Lebanon,' rII. In" o( '~he Qreene , Coun~ twh apd the Llttl!' Miami dlv\ajon oll 811,l1- peopl~ wblch he met. " . " . , wrote . ervteea ~ ....,..ia4 oJ I!AI!I, • _ ...._ __ .. Pfo~"e MaoeIitton w1I1 be to take e,reet on tile , lint IbInThe next,tlling we took In tlill c~ I:.atln, whl,.., relllrloa Ttle vespers w~leb were ~e1cl 1ft J'evi~w II tile evenlnar were very lnaplriq. ASKING TOO MUCH at Kelter'. II'Oft, neal' Wblte da,. ' In ~eptember.. The . evenlnl WIllI to p~nt our ."e~rtsas !l ganfen We theq ~d., Cha 1 choreh AU~18th ' train. pp~te l1li of 80w..... Around the edge we George Fox. Int\"tD Oftentlmea 'older ~ple trom ~be =ltGtton 'of olBa"" fot dli .TIle automobile and, the bUll Imes woald ha~e. trellill of pink ~n~ white QJ1akeri~m d clW . would join h In th... 1h" an .. 'foU,"",: Pialdt laP, made- ~eat Inroad. In .tie train ~ ~the "pInk ,for pralae and ,the IOclal of the bfO:lht !lew lei... which were· veo It's Grace's blrthd:r, tomorrow; LbI P.netdeDt; Geo... Lm1e~ '.....l1li; .nd \ . 1181 ~m. 10 tlte ~h te onel for pr:t~r. ~e ~ken~ '~~ ;~ ~~ tt .... a moat wo:~,w.:: ~f.~ld va ~er'" ~:I~~&;~ that 41 ra COIDJIUl In:!:.on evappIIIm; derlal trip, ever to be HmIlll)ler8Ct "Great pnT;1 can't dord that." h.













"A Trip To The Farm"

-- ..----

, .'


$7,000 LOSS

-----. -........---

In Auto Accident


----.. .•----


Kan Rite Klub


, ~





. I· t, ,.


Laving of COTner Stone

Z ""..:wi,."

Delegate to Young Friend's C,onference in Iowa, Reports Proceedings to Her Church and Paper.



--- _



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....,; J::'; t lia:-::='~ ~table






~ui~ u~tionD;










In 4 8 ha'3l'S after leAving the llaell the 4:blck Is


• I .'

V;; '


Cgnkegs Butterot- k Starting COO for. 0111



weeku. ~ I, low In film! and ju ~ ID protein, eclentlfically correct. DoeeIlOt lD,Iure or overtax the senGi dvo



. . . . . . apparatus.

CoabJ" Is the OriginDI Buttermilk



- -----------

~ .f



t ilt' 'dt·ff' n dn n t




nn ld Ik " W ill yo u marry me?" :-ohy :';h,' " Yes : bu t at Ul i~ t ime I t llt "k I ~h oul d t e ll you l hat 1 am a ·VIl IlHlhulihl. .. .. R" ld lI e- "O h, thllt '~ all rig ht-~:(ll l can J:h to nnv c'h ureh you wan t t o-.lnJ I' ll gu to min e." CONS ISTENT Gushing S h('- "I und er stond he is ve r y fond o f ~h i l d r e n 1" Cyn ical H l' -" YI'S ; quite righ t-und Iik' Edison . t u nderstand. he is all uch'ocute of " f our hou rs sleep per n ight "noug h. "

, ..



Mere IIlan- "1 want to get a present to r m y wif .. ." Nice lork- "Would you like to see something nice in lIilk things?" Mt' rc Man-"Why-e r-r, yes. But let 's tend to the present first."

.. - ..----


Not)1lng but reliable ,Serum and Virus used


Ayers D. J enning .. ExeqUtor of Eatat" o f Klzzl .. Hutchi nson Coch ran, Doceased. P lnlnUtt. va. Ayers D. J onn Inga. et aI., Veterinarian Dofendants. H . . .pburg Ohio OI1rtord VAn Horn a.nd Flora Va n Ph~n••• Born, bill wife; William Van Horn and [leasl .. Va.n Ho rn, his wife ; &z,,1 Hoot. and Tnylor Hootl her hUlband, all Of whom r el lde ' at Lintner. lllJnolB, nnd Carrlo Cripe and Roy Cripe. ber , roalde at Palleraon. California, ... 111 tnk e nOtice that Ayers D. Jenni ngs, execu tor of tbe estnte of KIIzlc Hutchinson Oochra.n. deceaied, on the 21st day of July. 1926. fli ed <hIs petition It> tbo Probato Court of Warren Coun. ftOTARY PUBLIC t y. Ohio. all egLng that the personal e•• tllto at Balr] decedent 18 Inau ff lclent to NatioDat BaDk pal' h er debt. Ilnd tbe expenees· or administering ber utat.; that ah. dl.d seized In- fee almple at the following Will. Dra_ .... .. ""Eatat ... Settl" dcso rfbed reILI eatato. to.".-lt : "Sltulll. In tho TowlIsblp of T urtleWayaeaville. Ohio creek. Count y or . Wnrren, and Btate of Ohi o. baing tho aouthea"er n part of S 0 1.100 No.7. Town S, ·Rang e 4, between th o Mi a mi Hive... Beglnntng at a , otone In lh ItOUth NI.8t oorner or said gtt Immedille re1ld freIt $cetl un; thence running N. 1%" E . 49.09 ohni lls to II. s tone situated In the midDr.ShooD's OID~ dle of II. town.blp rand runnlnll' from lhe Lebanon and l\'.ra nklln Pike to tbe Dllyton n.nd Lebanon Pike: tbence In the middl e ot said townsbtp ro n d N , 87 1h· W . 2 chains to II. ston e s ltullted In the middl e at t ho I.chan on nnd I'Tanklln Plk O' thenea B. 1 %" W . 49 . H2 chllins to l he .. tako; I h nco S. 89'A · E . 20.H e ho ln . to Ilhe plnco of b"glnnlng. contnln lng 10 2. 31

Dr. W. E. Frost


" '1, ,




JlCr P-8,


Il c r ch QH." '.rh u t J .

) 02 a.cro)J.



MnrJ o n Coc hro.n,





wido wer,

bns conv oyed his dower In lereat to , Ay er. B. .Tennlngs : lho pra)'cr of the pelltlon I• .tor conf irmation ",r tho tranater of t he dower Interest and that WE GET THEM QUICKLY AND 84ld property bo Bold to plly tbe debt. FREE OF CHARGE IIn~II~~g:le~:!or~!~~d. and Flora Van CALL US ANY TIME AT OUR Horn, WillIam Va.n Horn nnd Besale EXPENSE Vlln Horn, Hazel Hoot8 an(\. Ta.l'lor Hoots, Carrlc Cripe and Roy Cripe a re Ilcreb y notlrl ed that they n .. next at k.1n. hav o boen made pnrti e8 de· f"n~ n n t to saW petition and that they n r e r ftqnlrecl t o anSWOr s am e on or boPhoa. a HARVEYSBURG, O. taro th o Hh day of Sol)te m brf:r _~~~f5

Harveysburg Fertilizer Co. ....

l '\1 IH't' r rl lllg

. Some of. The Things We Sell Lumber for Every Purpose--Siding Oak Flooring Edge Grain Flooring Finishing Lumber Porch Material Front Doors Cottage Windows ' Window Frames Window Glass AU of the above material can



dd8n& QO. o





C U!'ic


Harlan, L. L. B.

Waynesv ill e , Ohio

li C

ha\'in~ lH't'> n chll r ~e d

L ire I .. a ura n ee Tru.t. aad largo El l al" • .

Fodo ral E.t .. tc I\n <1 5 1"t .. In h or i· la n ce Tft xo,.

lif" Inlurance w ithin tb .. Reach of

T Ill' e, '"rt oecreed t hHt t hc plnlntlff r,·,·ov"r 1111' ' um " r $ .I :J ~ .U :l. with 6 l,,' r cc·nt IIltc'r~ s t fr ll m dale o f t r inl, in th e elis e of T hc' Lin jt" II dw". Cu., ,.". liu s Ma yn r ulld .rcs~c MC' n tz. :\ mnn ' ~ O llllll c tc dcsc ri)J~ io n ~'i I,(,td l 'stUl, ' l' nn l'l' rnl'd

\\'a ~

g .ve n



E~e ry

On ...

Inlurance . on

Ou ain e ,. Protec t ion. Corporntlon and Co - Pnrtne .. hip .


for Imall

Jn c ome Ta x. P robl e m ..



R.... I E. t"t ...



If \

hc' Cll~C' ,.f Mic hael Ilcnllull vs. Alina I.l ') r k.'n hllgcn " t a I. , the ex tru custs l h"rl,I,,' ineur rcd to be pHid by the 11IIrl"l1l;, pr , T he 'o lum bus Mu t ua l L nfl' I n s urance CompulIY· TIlt' ~UU5 e of An nn S hriv ",' vs, A lle n S eh l iver, w ns di :; m isse d. Thi r ty duys in whi ch t o fi le lin

a nll'nde !l pctitio n wns g rnnted th e pla intiff. upo n appl ication , in t he ca se ll f Ti mo thy A nsber r y vs. th e Lebanon Citi ze ns Nationa l bunk. Divor ce on th e ~rou n d s of gross n l.d e ~t o n th e part of th e de f enda nt wa s g ra n te l in t h .. case o f Floyd Anderso n vs. Elelln or And erson. The plaintiff wal' gra nted leave to fil e a nswe r and cruss petiti on in the case of Notio na l Idan l Sa les Co., VB. Enoch Chamber lain . The jury found the ir dec isioll herein in favo r of the plointiff. alld named the a moun t due soid plaintiff from the d efendont ns $ 106. T he co urt dismissed the case of t ho Po ul try Success VB. Enoch Chamberloin, the plointiff having foiled to file 0 petition. NEW SUITS. Ethel W R8hinglon V8. Irn Wn.qhing. ton action for divorce, gross n eg lect of duty charged. Petition filed July 29. Helen Wright, 0 minor, by Homer SmnlJ, her next frien d, VB. Estel Wright, for divorce. cruelty charged Pemion fil ed July 30. August 9th return day.

Cllke" llI u d ~ wi th hnn,'y kl'c'l' "u ft SI'('c ill li zc d poul l r y ra r lll ~ . un which f l J1' m u nt hs, u~ tlll \ ~ h OIll'Y I(' illl!. l h ,,-' prudu cti u n o f Il1Jlrk l' l \"J.!'l{S i ~ t he Il u ney mH"V h\, =, ubs t ilu t t·d f il l' ~ \IJ.!'U I' l' hie r attiv ity, ure much I c~s nuntcr in allY ftwlJri", n 'dl'c . lI> in~ tu ., fo r ou~ t haI] fnnn s with tI gCllu rul '{nrm cup . fl oc k. Spec ialized (' \:g farlll s arc lo-

Here le tb e Keys tono Swlo's buildin g at the gr" at Sfls\lUI·Celitennlal Internationa.l Expo81t1on a t Pblhulolllh h•. eulebmtl nl! 150 yuurs of Am erica n Indopllnde nco. In IDle hu go Btru ctur ~ P('nnsyl van lu Is d 1 . (l1 1l)1lt~ he r progress (rom tb e Drlrlvlll of Pouu to th o prll"ont day. T llo buU dl nl< I ~ 0 [10 of .the ' TlIl' 'I(lte r stll ll,s vr c·mllifl"lI'u r . if hllndBomest on U,O bi g x\lOB ltlun ,;rou nd s ulIII b:lO Il ruvo(\ u re ndezvous tor nOl tJ i t hy , m lly 11(1 {'u t intel ~ h o rt huudred. ot th ousands ot pooplo w h .. hove cnll ic t ro nl 111)llr ulld tllr tu seo tho 1('I]Kth s IIlI d hllil .. d . T IH' Y shuuld coo k mll~lnccnt ,e xhlblls eywbllshod b y ro rty· lh r ~t' or lh u I<)II<ltllll natluns of the hHI g- t ' r thun t he Ho wer )llI rllulI lln d world. Tbe Exposltioo coulluUC8 u ntil Deculllucr t. · lnti>, he S C IT\ d us u ~C!rarnlc vcge lu · ble.

MARR IAC E LICENSES Claren ce William Kra ns. cn r pente'r, Ge rmantown, ond Virg in ia May L ong, Franklin. Re v. Kell er numed. bsu cd Ju ly 3 l'st. Glenn 0 Countr yman, factory work er, Frontklin, nnd Doris Mlrol\du Si mpson, Waynesvill e. Iss ued Aug us t 2nd. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Jo sep h F. Gerwe, to Prank W . und Serenn Wait .. , te n acre. in Turtlecr eek Tp. , $ il. PCllrl Pegs to George Fra ncis, t he east hulf of Lot 347 in the Mackinow Addition to Franklin. ' 1. Lauro lI1einburg to Chest er A. Compbell, 0 small t'ract in Harlan Tp., $1. Chester Campbell to Fred and Josephine Bechert, one ncre in Hnrlan Tp., $1 : Frank Penc:e to Hnrry Ruesterren, Lots 75 0, 75 1 on d 752 in Foster pork $1. C. D. and Stello Korshner to P. A. Harrison, tral~ts 11 ond 12 in Grund View Subdivision, Frnnklin Tp., $ t. D. A. Horrison to C. D and Stelln Karshner, Lot: 159 in Pnrk Place Subdivsion of Frllnklin, $1. Ow on C rosiS to C . C. and Margaret McCreary, troct No. ·1 in Grand View S ubdivis ion o r Fronklin, $ \. Poul J . and F lorence Mitchell to Lee and Om B Love ly, 5 2 ucres in Clearcl'eek Tp.; n car the Fra hklin Woyn esville \pike, $1 . Lymon D. JBla ck to John one! Magg ie Long, lot No. 100 in Park P lnce Subdivision o f Frank lin . $1. W. Cheste r Muple (trustee) t o Frnnk M.. Beal, 78 ncr es in learcrc'e k Tp., on t h e Rid gevi!le-Wnynesvil le road, $l. Brice Iln t! Ethc·1 Sm il h to R. 111 . Robinso n, pa rls of Lots Nos. :17 ond 38 in t he Ballen ti ne Addition t o Frunk lin. ' I. F_. J Scofi eld t o Ge rt rud e Leona j\1innr, . a trn(~ t withi n ' Sect ion 30, in Mnson, $1. J . J. Roach, Waynesvill e, to Ro sa Belle Ronc h, 11 r Iot II f ~ro und in Wtt y. nesville, $ \. . K 1". Henry tu Frllllk '. und .J '55i!! B. 'fripp, t he wes t half uf h.t NIl. 10 and port of l ot No . J 8, in IJ n rvc~'S' burg, $ l. Jo sep h an d Hettie Erte l to FI'a nk A. Spc nl'e, t Wl' n t y Ie ll s in Dee rfie ld Tp., $ 1. Horr y Mil ler to i\irs . E ll ll Martin, Cinciulluti , fn ur lots III F og tel' Pa r k,

• PROBATE PROCEEDINGS Upon opplication of Birdie Jack, widow of Geo'r ge W. Jack, for an increalle in the amount of allowance made to her from t he estate, the court found the a llowance to be fair and just, whereupon soid Birdie J ock signified intention of appealing the some. Appeal bond WILS fixed at $200 Hearing of t he app lication for admittance to probate of th e will of Word Lee. dcceased, wos set for Aug ust 6th. In order to make finol settlem en t of the es tate of Mar ion Trovillo, deceased, it was decided that 10 shares of Chicogo Joint Stock Land Bank be sold ot not less than 110 p er cent of its par value. . First account wos filled by admr. Everette Ertel of t he estote of Geo. Ertel. . In t he otluse of Ayers B. J en nin gs, executor of the estate of KiT.zic Hut· execu tor of the estate of Kizzie H utchiso n Cochran. d eceosed, VB. Ayr es B. Jennings et 01., proof was shown by F rank Anderson, attorney of the defendont, of proper publicotion of notice to non-resident defendonts. Proof of p ublicaLion of notice of the appointment of Wilbur Hutt, os admin istrator of the estate of Hen ry Clay Cloyd, deceased, wa!l. fi led . ProoI of publicotion was filed of the notice of apl)ointment of Churters D. Maple IlS lie mr. de bonis non of $l. the cstote of Susa n Lewis. W. I a ne! Mabe' l .. tewor t to Tho Proof uf p u blicotion was filed of Little hf.inmi Ra ilroad 0. , a tra ct of t he uPflointm e nt of Charlotte Carey, laud and right of W ilY privil eges ot us ndlllr' of the estute of W. H . Ca- Fort Anc ien t , $ l. rey, deceased. E . Normn n lO t ul.. Lo Frunk P roof of publicatiun of notice were andMary Alvetu ClevcngOl', j 0 I ncres in filed of the foll owi ng: Ethel Hosier Clermont and WalTc n counties, $ \. Earnhart, as exccutrix of t hc estate George W. Williu ms tu Mi a mi river of Matilda Hosier; B. C. Prendergost, Mil ls, Inc., three ac res in F 1"I1l1klin, as a dmr of t he estatc of Thomlls $ Prendergust, deceased; An na M. Nutt 1. as a dmr. of the es t ate of the lote Lois A . Nutt ; Fred A. Caskey, lUI COMMISSIONERS ' ALLOWANCES admr. o f the cstate of Mllry Caskey, llell Press, supplies fo r the county deccased ; lI1ary S. S ilver, as admr. Clerk, $4; The Westem S t ar, proof of the eslnte of Lyman Silver, de- of publicati on of noticc of hearing c<:8sed ; Clyde Cox, as executor of the for county tllX budget for 1!127. 12.6 0 estut e of Cha rles Cux, dccen~e d . G. Lederman, Ruppli es for prosecutFinol acco un t of the estate of Sar- ing uttorney, $7; Dr, E d Blair, me,hah Jomes on, deccased, was fi led by clII exam ination in Juvenile co urt, $2; admr. Churles Be ned ict. Dr. Robt. Bla ir, same, $2; The Queen The last will and testament of Jno. City S upply Co. , f or 76 ft, stee l coA. J a meson, deceos ed, wus admitted ble and clamps, $10. 30; Walter Alto p robate. The Lebanon Citizens len, one stone spreader, $4 0 ; J. D. Natlonul bank was appointed as ex- Adams and Co., repa irs on eq uipment ecutor, with out bund. A. B. Morris $4.8 ·.; Samu a l Whitacre, compensaJohn Rl'tallick Ilnd I. .T. Irons were tion nnd damnges f rom road No. 213, appointe d as appraisers herein. $66; J . H. Kipp, bridge repair, $17; Eugen e Hizar wa~ appojnted, u pon W. A. Scott, same, $7.76 ; W, P. Mcappli catiun, 118 adm illlstrat or of the Ca rre n, f urnishing and loadmg 273 cstllte of Gay llizar, who died intes- yurds gravel, $191.10; George Stubbs t.llte. $1,000 bond required. nssisting surveyor, $6.70; Herschel Inventor y und uppraisement of the Stiles, some, :~2 7.GO. ____ -. _ _ _ estate of Chur!es Coburn, deceased. was filed by executor, Frank Coburn. In the matter of the estate of Spe Spence, dl'ccosed, executors Geario Jones and George, Spurling were au. thorized to sell at private lIale the If you arc poor-work, following stock of the estate.. at not If you are rich-continue to work. les8 than the appraised vaulej Ave If you aTe burdened with see ming· shores of Cincinnati Gas and Electric ly urusi!' rellponslbilitles-work. Company stock, $100 par, and ap· If you are bappy-keep right on prai!led at $90 per abare. working. . Idleness givell room for Second and final account of tbe douots and "fear• . " guardianllblp of . Elizalletb Clippard, . If disappointments come-work. Incompetent, was entered by guardi. If eorrow overwhelms you\cand lov. an, O. C. Moore. ed oneil 8eem not true-V(or . Seve nth account of tl1e estate of When faith f alters and reason fails Hen~y Dilatush, decease~ waa filed -just work. ., by trustee, Charles !If. DUatullh. When dreame are shattered ond Tho report of . asle proCeedings, I\ope aeems deod- work, Work os made by trustee Charles Dllatullh, of if your life were in peril. It r eolly the ' estate of Henry, Data:lush, W88 lB. ' , app'r oved. Said tniatee Willi ordered· : No matter. what oilis you-work. to make 'a deed for the premises here. Work faithfully- work with faith, ~n sold to S, ·S. · Schilling. Certain . Work is the lP:eat'est remedy avail, . settlements wCJ'e , ordered made from able, the proceeds of BOld BOle. ' Work will 'eure both mentol. ond Inventory ' and appr,alsement of tbe PbYl!,icol a~ictl9ns.-::-Baltimore. Sun. e ltate of John Sl~frled.. dlllbased, ••• were filed by admr, Helen Ro6ison. Owen S. 'HiUiu wu appointed upan applicatio~, u admr. of the eatate of Philip Baker, decellSed: $/100 bond required. Ed Adame Albert BllI'roUCha and . Gilbert TrImble were appointed 81 apprallen hel'eIII.


It is sa id t hot M ex i co'~ mMt f ,,muus uull fi !:hte l' i. gettinl: n ' ady t v ""lunu le culn'> , t ou weak [I t hirth ente r p olitics. Wh e n he g cts ~tn.rt· ci t hL·r til , uck t h" cuw o r tll dl'ink ed hE' wil l r eali z(> tho t he has n ot from 0 pHil , CUll S(l l11etim l.'S be Mllve cl seen IInything y et . by fce ding from " bottl e e ith"r wilh "Show mc the WilY to g o home. " or with oul II ni p ple. was a pop ular so ng 11 f ew months • ago. This fall the congress men ond Prun es li re es pecia ll y rieh in iro n senato r will be singi ng it. "Show me Ilnd nlso n gCl ud so urce of cnlciulll th e wny t o com e back." lind phosph uru s. It used to be thot the nox t thing Mil k , veget.lIbl es and fr ui ts are most after the primary wos the November election. But nowodoys tho next help ful for incrousing whot t he phything aft er the primory is th e "Senate sicians call one's . a lkali ne reservc , investigatioa. Most of th , so. nrc acid when coten, but this acid is in n (orm whieh is Co ngress ha s adjourned and the burned in the body Rnd releases IllkllPresident ha. left Washing to n. but of course th er e is nothing to worry line subslances held in combinatioJ1. about os the Senate invest igalJ:ing committees will stoy right on the job. WiTH GOOD WllSHES The ex-kaise r's officiol cook has Come to Americn but r e fu ses to take First Scotchman - "Did ya give a job here. Mnybe h e is still sore SlIndy 11 birthday present ?" becuuse he did n 't get prepare thot Second Scotchman-; 0 pair hristmns turk ey in Paris. of homing pig eo ns." The poet laureate of Peru was se nten ced to three yea rs in priso n f or homicide. If t hey hlld trie d him for his poe lry he mig ht hav e r eceive d more thlln Ihat. A bill io n sar ty pins II r (' mlln u (ucturee! each yen r und t he New York


T im es wants t o kn ow w h nt hccum f's

of t helll. Well, just thi nk of th e milli on s I>f ne w ba bies t ha t arc born evcry Y\!lIr . S tllti. l ics sa y t ha t on c in eve ry s ix perso ns in A me r ica owns lin Ilu to mouil". A lid th e ot he r fi \'c a re busy 'Ionl!"in g 'em. Three morc plols to murd er Mussolin i h ave bee n d iseovc red. Acti ng as diclll tor of Hilly must be as dan gp ro\l !< li S IIlHkill J! a I fL- hnnd Lurn durin g th e tmRlc r ush. A .Bc liga n Womo n f ast ed fo r sev~ entee n days t o s how lha l wom en have as IIl1 lCh cl ctc' r ll1i l1l1t ion 115 men . W e w(lu le! Ii k., to s c' on" tr v 1\ vocal fast fnr l hu t long. . U. S. c1elegntes tu lh u rl isa r ma ment nr l"' fjl1~lillC' t hat i t is » farc" !l ec'on l;n !: 10 th e Ne w V" rk

CO 11 f\',"L'l1 C('

World. P('rhaps we (l ught lo he g lad Il i!< n't anything \\l ore "l·ri nu. than t hat.

. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!

_CLASSifiED ADS. MONEY LOANED LOANS on (:huttela.Stocks. Securities and Second Mortgoges. Note. bought. John Hnrbine Jr., Xenia. 0 Ohio. 0130-'26

Farmers, Attention! Farmers of Wa..rren and adjolnln. co unUes nllly obtaIn money on Ion. time loans, at 5 per cen t interesL Cost of sec uring the same Ie verl' r.aso nable ,through The F e deral Land Bank. For furth er Information caU on or addrells M. C. DRAKE, Trea. urer, phone SI6-X, Lebanon, Ohio. WANTED J\ GENT W A NTED':"'ln Waynesville

te rritory. Swo rn proof of $76 per wee k. $1.60 nn hour for spare time. In tl'otlucing finest guoranteed Hosiery l21l styles and colors. Low prices. Auto .furnis hed. No (;Spital or experience n ece~sory. WILKNIT HO. S IERY CO., Dept M-48, Greenfield. Ohio. ·4t FOR SALE



IN A fEW MIMVTES Fbrht fUel with CENOL FLY DESTROYER. Wipe out. whole army of them in a few


minute.. apra" the room ..... th" fll •• fall ""d. CENOL FLY DESTROYER i. quick, 1..,0, aafo to _ PI ... odor. For Sale at


L. B. HALL DRUG CO. Cenol Agency

ACROSS WITH A BANG Her e lins wh nt is Icft Of Oood 01' Bill. He slept lao nca r A Rtenmin g sti ll.

cated in gn' lltcst numb er R ulong t ho At lan t ic COllst. in close pl'oxim ity to th e g rcat co ns umi ll g ceIlL,·I·S. Ilnd along t he Pa"itic coast, wh er ' climstic co nditions lIrc especially fa vo l·ull le.

QUICK SERVICE ,"'nrm c rs arc li llli ing ouL thllt a TtlExc iled Tu orist (nfte r s mnsh up) diu i ~ al l i n\, ,,· ~ trncnl that Tl' u r l1!' in - _ " RUII , do nn y, run. Run like eve rye l· ~t1sl'd pri...·s (li r t lH' ir pn llJucl., t hillg li nd bring the nea rc. l doctur." t lH" lIg h lH: tt "r kn owl" uJ(c o f Il1l.1rk .. t Fllrmer Boy-"That's him therecOll ti it ;'ms. und er the cnr."

Dr . .John W. Miller Denti.t wa""".. me Natlo"al Bank Bla.,

FOR SAL E-Fresh J ersey cow. Call 65-4. A. C. Tomlinso n. -a26 FOR SALE- Fresh J ersey cow. In. quire of Walter Janney, Route Ii, Waynesville, Ohio. -all FOR SA LE OR RENT-Farm of 83 ncres. Inquire of R. E. Simkins, R. It. 2, Orego ni!" Ohio. °a26 . FOR SALE- Tomatoes for canning, at t he lowest market price. Wm. Cr a ig, Harveysburg, Ohio. 0 jl8 WANTED--To buy. Sheep, Frank W. Crew, Waynesville, Ohio, phone 83-2.m. -all BELTING - Seco nd hand. We have a lot of different kintls and sizcs that we are selling very cheap • We r epair beIts of all kinds. Belt hooks and fasteners. Electric pumJ>1 ond wushing-mochine belts. THE BOCKLET.- KING CO., 416 W. Main St., Xenia. Ohio, phone S60. all


1'\-A'< WlT~ You '1


IA:l:I1'OCM:rrJ!:R S RIO. us. PAT.OP'FI4'!E


found ·in our yard .every day in the year at . '. moderate prices '~


Phone No. 320

- -----------------------------



New BurlingtoD,O.

Phone No. 2

th e l'u s t,)(ly

With ~ro ~~ n{'glt'ct u f d uty.



Centerville, O.

)\arv Wal laee v•. Edward Wulloc,' .

WaYDe.ville. Ohio


n f co nrt

Diyu rec was t!ranh'c.i

IIGIUIIl with other Ingredlenta.

Waynesville Farmers' Exchange COlDpany



It is m ade by the

~ 1WU7 Book


Ji v(' and die.


SalI.$oUd lMtennilk is thoroughly

ee Us Eurly for You S ale Date.. We . Guar.ntee Snti r';o ct io ll or Charge Nothin g.

ulld ("" ntr ul "f t hL' ch ild re n of t h e partie, ord t' r <: d. jtivC'n l o Mll r y Sou th in th e c a ~ . · .. f V. A. South vs. lary South. The llI:1 r rinj! C' con t met h,·tw,·en J" . ~ t: ll h I'.tlZ und .Julin Zo z wn~ di s:-:(.}\," d up" n the I'l'l itiu n I. f till' fi r>l IIaml'Il. (;""lIn lls , gro"" \t cJ!,,·.. t ,.f dUly.

~tl ' n ~t r u ':!K I t.· :-> u -

0aakI9 OrigInal Process, In which b

, ) rd (, l~

n f t h" r , f ulness ll f lif,, : nnd w"nd,'r illl{ why



n1urt o n A UKusl 7t h tll nll:;,w ,'}" lO a


- --

F. T. Martin Jesse Stanley Auctionee'r s

"hnl"g(' of di sobedi e nrp of a fo rlll er

1 r,:lV(' hl' in Jl'in lo l1 g Ttw ~ U mll H.' 1' :-, ull s hh".. And g ll l. ln..: nt the UC C l\ fI

\\ h l'lI III til 11 ::0\ 1 "'l'

Penns _' __yl_v_anta _'

COMMON P LE AS PROCE E DINGS Th" l1l(\ti" n hy thl' dcf" ne! nnts. LCI " C'qu, r r II!' pin in tifT 1 n rna",· h i~ Ill' iti nn Ilt' tilnitl' was s trit'ken (rllll\ th e fil '" in t ho ' ras o f Puu l Kue hn w . !\ lht' l·t L. I it T.. ct Il l. Thr c'ourt liverrult' cl motio n lIf t he plail1 l lfT t il "t r ike ,'x h ibit. " A " an d exhi hit "R" frlln th ' nn "wc' r of t hl' d,,{endo nt in the ca"c .. f W ill iam If tl~ ­ lett V". llr. N. A Il a milt un. V. A , ~c;\lth wli. ("itNI I n uprear in


An d

_'s- -:C--: on=-:=tn:": b=-=u=ti=oru:=-:to-:-:-:th=e::-:S-=es-:-q~w:-l·,



~())!RO~ .

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• THE MIAM.I GAZETTE ... ISSUEO EV E RY W E D NERDA Y .. _ 6n'. r. d . 4' th ... Po. u dliC'c


'llt l41 , 4U S.u:Qnd C l o. .. Mail

W ay n Ciulill e ~'f{fit4, r

...b.criptioD Pric e, $1.50 per ·Y •• r






pendene ,U -says th l!' r ecan t W oodForb s rl!port. Oll l)J'iueipu l lioint of C IItencio n is th .. J're~unt govurnlrl<'lIt machine ry in lhe Ph U ipl)\ " ~' E !'t a bli. hed le ll yeurs ago, it giv lls the l' 'Bipinos u par Iiument w hich has "gllllerul 'cgislutive po we r ," though it. ClIn n ot pass la ws cOllt rllv eni ll1! the ll ill of Rij!hts fir crclllinf! a "')IHlecl d l'lIt hl'yonrl u cC I'luill lim it. t I ,6v~'" th e Unitcd fitalcI; a Governor Gene r nl, appoi nted hv the 1' 1' ~s id"Ilt" will> 11I 1 ~ con tril l fl f a il dl' IOIII·tIlH!tltH lin d bU)·I'.nUS und 'II n VI·to any h'J;iKlnLiv ' uct. As U r08ul t Ule Icgis hrturc h'l5 pu l ici\etl w hich it cun n o t'cul'ry out because 'the Governor Genu ra l r efuses to sign t he bills ; t he Governor General has po li clcs which hI! can not carry ou t beca use l he Legislntu l'e will n ot wo r k w ith him. T hi Msy~ tem wi ll hav o to make way f or on e w hic h p rm itM t he exec u tive 1I;,d Legi Alatllr e t o work togethe r .

Obse rvan ce II f '0 1. CUJ'ln i Thom p8u n's 't r ip t o th~ P hilip pines i n dicl\te~ t ha t the Uni t ed St atl'S suun m ust t a ke a dufi nite s t ep , o ne wuy or th e othe r, liS f ill' a" ind up ~n dencl' for t he jo"ilipino is co ncer ned. Much liS Col. T ho mpso n is t r y in g to evade it, t he politiclll di scu Hsio ns, th e pleas Co r ind epe nde nt'e have pillg uod hi K ~VC I'y turn. Col T hon lpSon WIlS h op inl{ tll confin~ h-is II tt~' '' ­ Until l he n n ulllll)oU!i !:JyMl utll iM c h unJ('l io ns t o bus iness IIn(1 investments. cd l he ru clln he 110 r CII I progrcKs wit h B ut the F ili pi no d e tll lllllis t o kn()w lhe F ili pi no 'l uesti on. whe th e r th e Un ite d StlltllS is going ( or wIl l'l.l in the gmnt of a utunul1IY CANNOT HAVE E VERYTHING and independen ce, or is gu ing t o c u rt nil th e . r ig ht.. alrendy ~rnntcd'! E\" n Musso li n i can not have every. Th is ,jlll'sti UIl IUl ~ tu be Ilnswe l'ed, thing. T hl' day bl'fnre Spnl la , Italunci the nll MWcr callOu t Ul' po t; tpt' n ed inn h cu vyw ci ~hl boxf'r, flH.! t a ~pan~ lUu c h lo nge r. ish fOt! in Bal'celoll1l, MUHso lini se nt Bo th s id ~8 ur e ti ndi nl:' t h ' pre~c llt thi s telegr ll lll to t he Ita lian co nsul in sltun t ion more a nd Ill or e d iffic ult , the Spanish po rt : "Tell Co ml'Ude Ma nu el Cuuzon, in u n intel'vil'w n,· Spalla thnt I de ll1llnd " fin e, clear vicco ntly. 8111d : "Th in gs have come to It"ry ," Spnll a was dec isive ly beate n. a st an dstill. A delllll oc k exis t s be- -- _ - - - -twee n Gen e r a l W ood lin d t he LegiAla· SAYS SAM ture." Am e ri ca n bus iness interests in Ma· " I' ll tolerate u per son who ho lds nila insist thut IIrol:'I'e88 i ~ i ll1p n~s iu l l! wro ng idl'IIS. b u t not t h e IVro ng ideas. until nati o na list ng itn t ion is sQudch- I~o r o xump le , I m ig ht n ot. con demn II e d. hen fo r laying II bu d egg, but l eerWha t ha s bro ug h t. out th .. Ilr e~~ ing t:lilily wnul(1 c011l1 mn t he egg." qUllstion of inde pende nce ! r tho Fil · ipino ? F irst, ' the world-wi.l ., t.ell· S AMANTHA SAYS de ncy in the lost six years h0 3 bl' c n to increase the f r eedolll und res ponChildren allowetl to r omp unre · sibility of ,s ubj ect peo ples: I r ela nd , ~ trllin ... 1 I h iMs umme r will ta ke to th t E g y pt, Indi a , Irok , T un is, I'a lestine, l'II Ult II~ lit' schoo l more kindl y t hin have all r eceived ~u mc tll'W dcgrc,· full. Df .elf-gove rnm e nt. Seco nd. the Un i- t ed Stat es pledged u ltim ate inu ep enWord s from th e Li ns o f Grellt dence t.o t he Phili ppines. Roosevelt Me n : ;o l f he te lls yo u yo ur virtues, jn 1!I08 spoke of independe nce with- him ; if he t ells yo u> uur fa ults in a g c n ora t io n ; \loot, !:ichu r ma n an d heod him."- Will iam F eather . Taft all promised it . T hird , t he F ilipino is ex plic it in his de mund. "We Kee p coo l with Coolidge, the y Boid find e ve rywhere a mong t he Ch ris- n year ago. But t oday vot er s are tian Filipinos the desire f or ind e- f r ozen a lmost to d eath.




Dr.Frank Crane Says ......... 111_

Mr. J ohn E. Andru8. Y onkers millionaire, r ece ntly IInid that 'lln ety per ce nt of th e gl'flllu ut oa of Colu mbi a . whl h was g rndu llti ng nn enorm o lls ,,)OS8, would n o~ lie Hucc('ssful in th e 'Varlou pro CessIon s. He S.!l\d that t hese peo pl e ou~ht to :be educa ted mth er for some hard work. )I ost of t h e people who e n'~age m th e vari ous pro fessions ~re -(eil ures " 'ld t hey ha d b etter be s Ign painte r s or t anne8r. This is an old criticis m whi ch has " f ten b een leve'ed lit the colleges. There If! lIo me truth in it. Unt.o rtun.ot ely 1l1moat all ins ti t ut.wns of lcornlng aro cnl,"Plnld in t.b e bliSisll'8lI of turnin g out pr()t lltl~ i on a l ·m en., that is, m en fo r white collar


de nt J e ws to tea ch all th eir childre n Mmc han di craft 80 tha t 1111 would be equipped t o s up por t th emselves in an e me r jtoncy. Among n vast num ber 01 pI'o plp. onl y L\ certain propo rtion a r e equ ip· ped to ma ke t heir li vin g . by t hei r b1'llin work. J ust ho w t hIS propo l" t ion is t o be dete rmi ned no on e kn ows. It is ultimately do ne by n ature, jus t as nature de t ermin es t he r cln t ive numb e r of t he tw o sexes. Dou btl esB ma ny people a r e fo ll owing a p rof essional life and g ai ning a l1I eage r live lihood who woul d be better off working wi th their hnnds. A nd perhaps som e m an ual Inbor er s co uld mllke a s uccess IlS profession als. As n rule, howeve r, t hese things take care of themselves. Every man finds his own le vel. Some are equipped by nature for manual work and som e nrc prope rly endowed for intellectua l w ork. The college should be. abl e to train both classes. It should no t nim t o m a ke ever y man a t eacher or profes. SOl', or e ve n a doctor or Illwyer. It should a im to give him that educatio n whi c h would bo t he m ost satis· fac tpry g r oundwork tor ny kind of life, whe ther that of R farm er, a storekeeper PI' 11 doctor.


Too m#lny mo thers r egard t h o .ehOD! .. Melul lor their children in enabling them t o escape from t he neeealty of manull! labor. . There I, notltlag inconsist ent in enrning on e's own llv1"g liy one's o wn labor lind nt the .omo j;1~ ,being an edueated man. To have Iln pducatlon or II broad outlook upon lite /io es ,.ot ne ce88arily m ean that we are t o JIla'ke • Jiving by it. t. P Rul me nd ",I Nlile 4fld Jes ull wns a carpenter . It \lI ae . 'ho cus tom among the an-




1!:. Fr08t Ie ill.

Mrs. A. L. K nn ed y is r ecovering f r om hOI' reel'lIt illn~ss. Mr. an,1 Mfs. JI'llllt ' Cli ne, of Dnyton, we r e . hel'e . u nday. Dr. li nd Mr~, C. G. Rnn d nll ntt 11(1cd hnu Lll ll Clu lI, !:iu n<lllY. WH iter lIn rlnn is he r e for n vi sit wit h ,. .. Iat iv('" and frio'nd .. 1\1 i~~ N~lIie lind Pau l Cult'ight wer e . hupping in Wilrllirt~lon , Fri.lay. A few f ro m he r " attended the dnnce lit nodd. , W edneRday eveni ng . Miss Ne ll ie an d PUll l Cut r ight en · tor tuine d a n umbe r of r elatives lAst Sunday.



B orll~T () MI'. and j.[l's. Walte r Kruel·. un\!IIY . Augu st 1, II son. MI'. and Mr~. Cln ude Lewi~ s pent :' unday wi th r c lntivt's in Hamilton. J. K . Lew is is spendin~ n coupl(' of wel'k~ wi th rc la t) l.'cs nenr Leba ll o n. Littl r Mnry Y ou ng , o f \)uyton, is vi~i tin K her gl'llndmother, Mrs. Emma Lacy. . MI'. un d JIIr ~ . Ih ll'h Archd cllC Ol1 le ft Tu esduy Il lUrning for II mot o r trip tu C hicu/{o.

III r ~. Mnry Carmony is en tertaining her ni 'rl', Mrs. Crci l H ead , of Chica~(), thiR werk. Mrs. Mnry Ca r mony nnd Mrs CIIIra Th o mpso n w er o in Dayton 'shopT he W. C. T. U. met lit th e ho rne pinl,f. Thursduy. of Mrs. Eva MllcDonn ld', Thursday IIfr. nnd Mrs . I:;m o ry II ill, of lhe afternoon. Sides fu rnt. lire ann ounci ng th e birth Mr. anti MrR. Ri ll y Mnh"n. of J)IlY' of a H(, n. Jul y 2~1. tott, w l' r ~ !:iul ul',l ay g'U cs tH of Mrs. Mr. Williu m Gruhalll is v i ~ iting hi s Mury Fin c h. 8 VIl. Mr. Berl Grahu m alld family, Mrs. Lo tti e South, of Ll'hallOn , is ut Ka lka" ka, Mich. " gu est of he l' danght.' r, ~ I r s . Char les Mr. un d Mrs. fi . II. Hllines and Mr. Tuck e r nnd famil y. and ~I I" . W nltC!' Kenri c k we r e Frunk A nllmb e r o f o ur uoys and girls lin vi s ito rR, I\l~l nday. arc cnmpitll{ lit th e 4· H club ellntJ> nt ~ l r . lind r,lrs . .J use ph Chumpi o n lin d FI. Anci,'ut thi s week . lIll' . ' ''''.\ ~ Irs. Lester I\ ('nl'ick mutored Mrs. Clara C., II II l'r. 1111'". F.tlw l l .. 1'1 , "sallt II ill , Sunday. fimilh II n.1 s,' ns ( ' n t~rtllil1 l' d 1\ llUIll · MI'. and lVln;, I': d wa l'd L"nl:'racre altd ue l' of rc1ult-'I'S, Sunday. "au!:'!. t!:r , III is" i\J.,'Ilc- s. att"n dcd ChauMiss Etta McCarren. o f fl ay tOil . tau q ull, ' ~u l\lnJny t:\' l:'nillJ.,{. wn~

n wt: t: k · (·lId gucHl o e h p J' futhl.' r.

W. P . McCurrr-1l 11",1 fllll1ily. Mi""!'" lIlnb,,1 unci Mnrgllrt't Sta rt'. of nllyt,, " , SI"'l1 t till! wl' l'k ' I'n,1 Wilh t hl' ir Ill"ll,..r, 1\I1·S. Amnlldll Starr. A l1umh ('ll" rntlH he re ht' ard I'nlll' n~ o f th., lIl"lIl1taln , " a l l it,: Fr iL' lI ds


L;lCY ~ (r ~

( 'Iu r'u I\un t und

l\ 11'~

1 ~ lnmu

\\' l''-C :--' Ht llrci:ly d in lll ' r g"Ut'l'i l :-' Earl Y (, ling', ifl Jhlyton .


~It·,. Hub' ·l·t Bnl·ltf'tl :,,,d ,o n. Ih.x , Hf I )a." l (/l l. \\' l 'r l' \\' cd, ·p utl j.{ues tl'i u f ~Il'. nlt d 1111·... .. II. HUI'I"' "

~11 ""'s E l ' ll "nd l' lh .. 1 Reede r an d F:dnu'Mul'l':\.; are ca ll ipi ng nt Miam i \'ull l'Y Chllt,wuqu a t i, ""l·k. MI" . H e le n Pl'tl' I'~"I , II f Da)'t" n . ~Il·. and :\11',. W . II. ( '" len,Cl" (' IIwa s un o \' c r' ni~hl Io:u(' ~t. " . ' dnt ... day, o f JIll'. lind lIlr". Kn rl Shid~k"r li nd t"rt ui lll'd MI'. a"d ~Ir" Illlru ld "elas , c.f J1a Y,l II, u \"~ r Thllr~d t l _\' nig-h t a nd family . Frid,,:.' . Cnlltni n "I><I ,\Ir ~ . Cbarl > Gll rn 0r ~ Irs. 13 'rt \\,,,ir nnd c hildr.'n . Noand S OH . Dobby, uf CUiUlll l'llS, w(Ore we"k ·{'nd p;ue t ~ flf ;\IrK. M:1r,' Fi nch bk and ~I i,<s Zacl". hf . ' c nia. a re ' !>l'nd ing ih is we e k \\'ith nIl' . a n d Mrs. und I{obert Gar n .. r . ,1. U. J unl!s. Miss Laurll Ward, lIlr. :11,d ~ I rs. \)1'. und Mr s . 11 o II' U I'IJ Mill "r, of Cha rl es Madde n ,u,d Frnnk n l·llllc-Yl·r a ttended th .· l{epubliclIn IIlN' Ural! lIml I' hiladc- Iphia. I'a . , ' 1" ' lIt " few ho urs Satu I'IJ"y ,,;itlt Mr. and ~ l l's. Wi lli a m ba n qu et in Leuano n . ~urlday l'\'l'll·

l'hurch in \V ilmil1J..!'tnn. ing.

LOItg' and

Mr. and Ch it.:ll gl), i1 n "



~' i~ i ti n ll'


Il''''' ~ r, (If Cl('a \"(! r' ~

~U II.

Miss Bc s~ ic I\irl;·. o f . ·,'attll·. \\'a, h., wu:,


Satlit'dll Y J{tJ(! ~l of Itt ·,. c· ul.1~if1s ,

fathel·. r. B. J I ~nver , lind bl'll t her , ~1r. lII1 d Mm. S, 'lh Funlll ~ a lld ch ilClint Cleavl' r nlld fam ily, oIl'{' n. o f Houte 6. . T he Baptiti t JIIissionary Circle will l\1t.. William m it h und dnughter , have c ha rge of th t' service a\ .Tunah·s (Jf Uaytun , S",' lI l lust w eek w ith 1\[1'. Run church :-lunday mUl·ning. i\1I~­ .md Mrs. Ra l,,1t !:imi th and 1\11'. an d ust 22 . Evcry on ' iH co rdiall y in\' i- Mrs. ::,;U III ue l ::;m ith . . t ed to atwnd. Mr. a lld 1IIr,. Elbert Wallace an d Hamn Cnrler. of D"truit. vis it ~d son, in' c()lII[laIlY with 1111'. nllli Mrs. his m othrl', M I'R. t,;li7.ll enrter, and ' hnrl es A 1l~ '1l . o f Leba non, mutu re d sist er, Mrs. A . L. Ke nn ed y nn d fum- t o u n e ~' Islan d, :-lun day. ily, over the week-end. Mrs. arter :u"l · ~11·" . Layton Geultlu·t. of accompanied him home. i\Ii nnll s uurg. W" I'C Sundu y din ne r g uests (J f Mr. 1'l lIh lon Geuhart and Mr. lind !\Irs. Chn rles Gon ion llnd SO l1 , Robe r t, cnte rtuincd to din ner, !\II'. :Jllrl 1\1r~. Irvin Ha rdman . S un day . !lIr". Mary Gmhalll. Mrs. MI'. lind Mrs. C ha rles Mulleni x, a nd Lau ro Shidllker, a nd 1.l r , lind MrR. g u est.~, ~ Ir. and Mt's. fi. M. McI:; lwui n, Ever II Vil1al'~ Hnd son . Billy, of Day· spent Su nday w itli 1\11'. and Mrs. How t on. ard Archdea con , in Wayn esvi ll e. 1111'. und Mrs. Ed wal'd Ohle r a nd Mr Lllrkin . 0 [ Wilmington , hus been' e mployed to fill the s upc r in- Mrs. Sm ith, or Miomisllu r g, we re te nd ent's 1l4) ~ition in our ~ c h oo l and Su nday a ne r nooll gu ests a t t he home Miss Const a n ce, of Po r t Willlal1l , for uf Mr. and !';i l.... EtlwlIl'd Longacre. the in t e rm edi ate r oo m . 1.-rr. lin d M..,.. JIll', and ;\1:1'9. S. H. Hu in es a nd Mr. Ba rt on, wh o wc· r e employed, had re- and Mrs. Wulter K"nr ick wer e W ed. ig ned. nesday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. -------.~~ ------Pe rry' KI' nric.k and daughter , in WilYn ,·svll ie.


Temporary Pastdre

Mr. li nd Mrs. Ch url es E. J oh ns were 6-o'c l oc ~ dinn e r g uests, S undllY , o! Sh ee p enn be s u ccessfully a nd ec- th e la tter 's s is ler, Mrs. E li zabetb onom icall y r a ised with temporary p as- Smith at N urse 's Cottage, at the Soltu res, num e r ous fora ge cr ops bei ng d ier s' Ho me. used ' fo r su ch pastures, says the UniMr. a nd Mrs lera nk Kur f us a nd te d S tates Dep llrt m ent of Agr ic ul- (umily, Mr. a nd ·Mr s. Be n Hawke a nd t ure. Soil and c limatic co ndi t io ns f am il y, Mrs. Ellen Copse y an d Miss should determin e largely the ki nds t o E d ith Cr a m s pent S unday a t the Sol· be grown. Mor e s heen Clln be r ai sed die r s' Home, Rt Da yto n . . per a cr e on t em porary pasture s thll n MI'. a nd M rs. William Brown on p erman e nt pastures with so ils of equa l f ertility. Past uring' shee p on S unday morn ing f or a two weeks' annual crops mak es it possibl e t o r o- t or tri Jl t o Washingto n D. C., in co mtate pa stures m orl' fr eque nt.l y an d pa ny with Mr. a nd Mrs. F rank W oo lthus lessen th e da ng er of in fect ion ley a nd fnmily, of Dl\yt on. uy s t omach wo rm ~ and other. interMr. Ever e tt Smith, of Los A ngeles, na l pa rasites. Wheat, wh e r l! it ('a n Ca l., vis ited his g randm other , . Mrs. be s uccessf ull y grown, pr ovid es bet- Ann Sm it h a nd o t.he r r elatives her e ter winter and early sp ri ng pas tu)'e the fi r s t of th e w eek, en r oute t o for s heep t ha h r ye. Ouf.:S li nd fi eld Wa shing t on lin d P hilade lphia. peas t ogether ma ke li n cx('elhmt Mr. an d Mrs. Noah Leisz, of Cin"pring plIst ure for sheep. W here th e . oil is thin soybeans m a ke op e of t he ci nnati, Mr. an d Mr s. Roy Leisz, of best tempor a r y pasture cr op_ fur Ham il t on , nnrl 1111'. and Mrs. E d gnr s hee p. This cr op Clln be pastured Li esz, of Chicago, we r e g uests Inst wee k n t the' home ol MI'. a nd Mrs. fr om J Il ly u n til t he first fl·ost. In ' in Hardm a n. 1\1r s. Mary Br andenb u rg, Mr. a nd Subscribe for tbe Miami Gazette. MI·s. Ray Brande n burg, 1111'S. E lm er

-----. - .. - - -


SHOW AT STATE fAIR ·Olum lJUs. Ohln.- Morc tbnn 1;.UIlQ head 0 / the fln eR I "llPc-lmuas 0' horH fls, R wl~e. ('attll) a nd s h"t' p to be ruund In Ohio ,,'nd scallo rHd Nt'(' . tl tlns or Ih o Unll,,<1 SlUlOS will be Oil .1I" play llt th o vh lo ~tat e I-'<llrAU /{UR t :hl to ~ulllt:lnbcr 4. II prus. <Jill 1ll,llcalh.l ll" ,10 I1ul ;:0 onllroly aWl y Ih .. re will be II (;OllNlcJ,.rably


J ar ~l! r TlUllIU er

th PHC a nlmalb on

exhlbillon h Oi'll thon tit ,ln at <lo y oth.' r .'ta lC Putr. Th e hl c r ""s! n~ tnl oros t III live. s t oC' k (l fl IHlrllJl l ' nl8 a t th ('l h lg px. po. IIIMI I" Illrgl'ly rtllf' t o n hnnS I Ptl pn?mlUfIl Il l slrlhutiOll w i th th e


Buick Motor Company invites every lover of fil e motorcars to drive the


laltHtl a n d nUl\~ L uf c"h lbtt


eq ul[l lll~ rl t .

\\' b on tb e Inll ll" nB/> C8t1.l" " xhlili . tlon bull ~!ng WHO co mp l" t,," t WI) yo ar. ugu, It WWI ullilovod thu t l h~ 8U'UClll re would huuse H"""U .. tl'}Y th o "nIlllnll), lCI'ow}nK I'1l1ry II bl for some tlfllf! lu co rn (',

'1lu.l, In l O:!G,

_." -



IlV ll tl ablilly to o,blul t ors HI I he I'ory unci

,. :... _.


j~ LT

t bo caparlty n t lh .. s t ructur. · WaR l<IX UII whon nOllrly I , ll" ,1I111l11\1. \\ ,' r u uc 1I 111 1!luUKll " t. lh l' lIu'/,I'i1 t' p d m t)rJ y


r .. ; !t;f) ll of C' t!'o r llu;,:, In

0", .'ulli e dOJ,JIlI'U;It'llt ror 1'1"", It

I. ouuU du nlly prf'dlnLwl thlll th ~ " m rl e" "'111 mount lIu IIi U lI UW murk I. l!8tulJlIsh6d . I"ur so ve ral yoars tho s hoep show hAA h"en ackllo ... I".I!!cd tb u l a r~ eS l anti lIlos t rel,reb\lIllnllve of ony 10 t ho worlrl . lu 1023. ov,' r 2000 !llll· llI als W ru e xhlbltn, 1 In thl. ,Iapart· IIlUll t ; 192 '1, CIORO to 2«lO and lus t yea r ullllos t 100 more en trios we re rcco rd .,d In th e slng lo c\1l88 (lS ,,1o no. Th e s hoep show at the /Illr Is t he Inr gest In th o world In spite of tho ract that the mnna gemont li mite th e entri es to two a nima ls la eacb c la~'s by eac h exhi bitor. Two Immense structuros are Ilsed t o accotnl1lodn te the Bwlne e ntries . Ar l'a nllem e nts Ilr e helng made this year to provid e space tor an In· c reased num ber ot nnlm ala. Where close to 1000 sw lae we re s hown lart yoa r . It Is be ll e v~ th a t the 1926 exhibit will be well abov e thlB mark . As lna t 282 Percberon.- and Belgians shown In tbe horso departmoat 18.6t yea r . earl, reports Indicate tha t tbe 300 mark will be eacoeded tor 1926. The premium oJrOI'lD3s In the department art! well above' a year ago. Anothe r teat~ that horee breeden and admirer. fiad em phaslr;ed at the Oblo State Fair Ia the night borae abow, 0 _ 8ubstantlal money otrenD3' are made by the management. Thill IIr ono of the reall y great ellposltlon. of Ita kInd b eld In this countn.

A.2· IS

and k n ow the thrill of the Cen.tury's greatest contribution to motor car progress-a n engine,

VIBRATIONLESS beyond belief. an..

CITe -"in, . , "", . howroonu-)IOIO lnau no



DR. E. M. RUDOLPH ' ~.

. Tho E,e Speclal"t

, .

At Cary'S Jewelry Shop Lebanon, Ohio


Every Tuesday ' 8:00 .. m. to .. p. m.


Br und en burg and two litt le daught er s, of Midland Ci t y, w ere Sunday g u ests o f the former's s ister, Mrs. Emma F ou lks and family


Friends of Gerald Lacy are p leased to lea r n tha t h e is much im proved since h is r ece nt a ccident. H e is now at t h e h ome of his f ath e r, Mr. Howa rd Lacy, in D ay t on , a nd hilS ara cce pted a positio n lit th e De lco.

ZOO YEARS ' Walter McClure J. E. McClure wide remedy for kidney; liver and

Mr s. K esler Gra ham entertaine d on lust T uesday e voni ng, Mrs. lona W il son a nd 80 n, Roscoe , Mrs . Ullery, of Cen t e rvill e, Mrs Be n Hawke and c hildren , Mrs. Elle n Copsey, Mrs . Geo rge Scott an d grnndchildre n .

011 ...

for :Four Job PrmtlD ••


bladder dilOrders, rbeumatiamo lumbago and uric add conditi9nL


cP!AAA~.~ C

Miss es Velm a Smith and Eva Wh a rto n . Mr, Herman Smith, Mr. Mrs. Ral ph J ohllj! and family, Frank S m ith utte nded th e S mith reunion at the home of Ben Smith's residence, nea r Osbo rn, Sunday.


,",\ I



, J I



~lntental trouble.: atlmulabivlta! orpna. Three aIza. All dru&cIata.l .... OD the CJdcInal ,enulne 00U) Ilm.u..


WAYNESVILLE, OHIO Fully Equipped for Good Service. Large Display Room. Ambulance Service , TELEPHONE



Mrs. W a lter Lo ng WaS tend ered a Burpr i." F r iday even ing, honoring her birthd a y. A wa term elon fea st w a s e nj oyed. Th ose present were: Messrs I1l1d Me.sdames Hardman , Corne ll, E llis, Pin e , Ho le, St a nley , Kindle an d th eir f a m ilies.


Mrs. Mar y Ca rm ony hud fo r h~r S und uy g uests, Mrs. Cecil Heud, of Chi cago ; Mrs. I~ r a nk Garr ette and three g r a n dchild r en , and Mr. E arl Ga r re tte . of St. P a ris; Mr. a nd Mrs. W ilbur Clnrk, of Waynesv ille a nd M ... Everett. Cla r k, of Da yt on. T hos., fro m her e wh o a t tt'nd ed th o X en ia flli r , T hursday were: Mr. lIll d Mrs. Russell Burnett, Mr and Mr s. Robe rt Frie nd a nd c hil dr,,·n. 1\1 1' li nd Mr s. S. H . BlI rn l'tt , Mr. fi nd ' Mrs . Clu ude Lew is a n d fnmily, Mis3 Cleo Stacy nnd ~ Ir, Ilnd Mrs . D 'arth Sheehu n. IIfr. nnd IIfrs. W . 111. Co lem lln hod f ol' t hei r Sun da y d inlle r gllest~ . lotr. Il nd Mr •. J ames Ric ha rd . IJ! D~y t on; Mr. Richa rd nnd MI'. Co lt·ma n mot or ed tu Sou th L eba T1 <\n in the ntte ... n oo n. Evcni np; g\l"sts lit t he Cole. ma n ho me w~re , MI'. anrl Mrs. Owen Higgins, M iss Lillie Starks and Mre. T r ovilJo, of Lebanon. ------~~~.~-----

NEW BURLINGTON Miss Mnrl( Collett, In company with a (riend., 18 enjoyin g an Eastern trip. band furnis hed music at the Green County fa ir, Wednesday. Miss Dorothy Bogan very pleasantly entertaned the Sunshine 80ciety, on Saturday. 01,11'

'I O~ PMQI'.BSS World'. Grea~ Uve:.tocJc Competition . ) )I t




A 'Twent)' Th~iIcI DoIIar.s.. Propua

Stu~Nifht .~~~Ie 1'300 .,ece .. ... of JSO V~ ,'r)


8~ "~-.e~SIlow

Auto. ..Itat. ,# .~ .sIOt~.oo' F":"~--fI " ./


~ ~~





o RIO'(S·'t.l\~B ' (P:t\.I~ COLUMlUS ~

OHIO ' AUG. 5Q·.·S'n.~ a.•.v.,",- DIa_ ~~

Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Pietai" and son, of D41yton, were w eek-end guests of the Harlan's.

' w.

Mr. and Mrs. D, Larkin and son are spending this week )Vith 'relative s at Greenffeld. • .

B. W. Kelch, who has been spending hill vacation here, has return'ed to his home In Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. James 1. Connard tended the State Postal convention a t. St. Mary's lut week. '

Fri~d8 ' of Mrs.

Raymond . Willlon, nee Helen Blair, received carda Iut week "·announiim. the ,birth of • daoghter, Veda, In Miami, Fia.

Nothing Lazy About It There is more to our service 'than merely the word. We really-do take care of yO\L ' Here you will find expert workmanship! promptness, courtesy, and abo v e a II, willingness. We'll go out of our way anytime t.o take care of ·y:ou.

If .you want to find out what Real Tii'e Service isee.-cali next time.

·WayilesVille Pb~105

Mifls GIlIdy8 Kilbon is tho gu 1i Knthleen Hcnt\l.'l'llon.

Slllt July h... Ii..., Thursda 0 I •• ill make Ih' ., ... i.iI. t l'n~f\'iI1e thi , aememh< r II , .' ' 0 ,I " but '" .b"~ 1 e 1\ va" D.nn' . it ""til

T"adle ..

Rood in co .. cb"

-_ train •• bo,", C-tral Stan.d ard Time

on ly

.. ho I b 111)10 ""1,,, . ),o llr child', "". ,."mi" ..d and prQ'''''' I I I ' luppli"d. 0 I N W. im .. r~ ir.,d 0 l\{tJ u.l t h .., ,·Iuld '. eye. "nd nC'rv/l,,' oyolen\ 10 C IA ..O'. Do,,' , e re.po" ,i bl" or your child', failure In .chool hy n"sl ee tiu,. th e im portllot ,n IIc. 0 1 )"",inc hj. e~ tiel cl. cor ~e c l"d . Ha"" it dono

Auto mobll and glU! IIIIv"r.

rcpal rin~.

Motor 011

H,.y Mills, T I. . 71.

}.{ast r Morr' H~' lUlIlI , of Xen lll, is spen ding a w eek with BObby HyMI, " Ed.l1l no,,:t: 1101 wns th e guest lTl un. 0 1 friends hel'e III t we ek. .r. Kevs, who su(fet'cd 11 oevore Hn rry Haines, of Dayton, spent h eart uttI\ ~k last nturdn y. i. im1I 11duy here with r cllltives. prnving.


whe ther yo u come to me o r no t .

...... W.,....,."'II~ 8 :24 L..


th erlll ' lull • .,r Lllhuu (l n, ri nds 11 r (' lust wcek.

.i". .

S Aug., IS


" . m., "t.,alar tl! 30 p. tn., Eaotern Staadard Tim"

c.r.m.... •


Let! Hawke (nd family visited the Miss Ida Githens, of DAyton. visHighland aves lust undny. itecl Mrs. Verna Kelly Bcvt!rnl days Insl week. Mi ~ El sifl Hawke is spending the Mr. unll Mrs. Mutt McKln scy wcre wl'ck wit h relativ;cs in Duyton. At Grange Hall guests ,'f 1\1"", Alice McKillsl'Y, last lIIiss Lulu F enly, of Harveys burg, Wl,dn usdny. WII S " Wnynesv ill e visitor, Tuesdar· 1\I rs II. 0 Putnnm. of A kron. is Dayton, Ohio 294 Ludlow Arcade, Miss Emma H ighwuy spent the visit ing her hushand , at lhe home of \\Il·c k-end with relat ives at ur- Mrs. lIIaud Cra ne.

Thursday, Aug. 12

G. H. BROWER, Oph. D.

Ii . lc.

SPR NG VAllEY Irs. J III n."wl), or ,olum ua, is visl ling 1-. , I'd Ml·,\. l',. A. If< rt ock. iT. and 1111 W. E. ri tes an,1 itlmil y urc ~p "IHug senrru duys lit til Chu tlllJ<;JUII li t Frlll.lklill' . . Mr, lind :\ /'S . Arch J'l~ey und chi ldren attended th(: fll'tll fllmil. r uni on nt Springfie ld , Thur,;J. . Mr. und lIlrs. l\IHrlill Rigfuni lind Mr. ulld Mrs. l/ll'cu~~ BUl(l'nl'l1 alit! 80 n, a ttended the lI,,~tord ;'c ullioll at Springfield, :lu nday. Ir. an d Mrs. H. 111' \' nnd fan il y, of Osborll , a nd 1\11'. IIn rl Mrs. Hussell H ollnuu und f.lll1ill \I .. re 'untiny guests of Mr. and ;lir, . :li tT()rd Compto n. 1I'l rs. Fannie life Kt·(, (' ull·r ut in,·" last week MI'. und Mr". n. 1\. Steph. ells und duughtl!r, .111 iHM L"I" . " I' PMl 1'umpa. F la .• ulld Mr. lind ,III',. Ralph McKee, of Day ton. An nll-w. y ITlP('tillll or t hi ~ circui t (I f th e Methodist ('hu rt'll will be hdd Ilt Ullio n chu rch IIl'x t SUlldlly.Thc morning spenkt!1' will lie I~ {'\" . Jessc l-)wll uk D. n. th e l1istrict S up erill t ,.,, ·

Tea - RQo.m'



• Home Cooked Dinners S.erv~d Daily Lunches, Ice Cream, Cold Drinks, etc. Orders T a ken for Special Dinners


F. C. Hartsoel, and fomily, o f lIIil1111-. nlld Mrs. Ed Rllndllll, of Day- ford, ti re spendin,g th 'ir vucllti on with lun . v igited Wnynesville fri ends In t WU Yllcsvi li c I'cla livl·';. I 11·I·ck. T h" GOth annlla l nll elt· Md\ny l'icW. J. Baker left this mor ning nk wi ll IJ .. held lit the " sual vince. de nt, foll owed by l'om muni o l1 st.' ("\' iCf '. In t he uftel'nO () 1I III' [0' . t:. Bern ett. for flenl'cr ond n trip throu g h till' Sat. urcl uy, AlIj);ust 14th. adi o StR r i n Noted Ilf Belle fonta ine , \\,;'11 ~ive the ad . W (·~ t . Mr. a nd Mrs. C. II. Sherwood vis- dress. Guy Dnkin, of Dayton, Kpent Su n - ited ,Iohn ltet>\ lI ick nnd fund ly, al dny with his muther. MI·s·. Emma LelJanon. Sundu)I aftt' l'Il oun. JUST P ER SeV E RA NCE f):;k in. Whistlin g Mr. and MI'~ . Hobe rt r~ . Cront' lind Friend to (' ntc nuriun - "A II<I to Imi ta ting 1\l rs. II . 1'. Vice, of Dayt"n , spent fumily s lH' nt Su nday with th ' Juc- what do you credi t your Ion!! lire !" Mim icking St,v.'nll tln ys lust wcek with !\Ir. nnd Itul'min family, in l' iqul1, Ohiu. hPcrscvo ru nCl' -Utl ' lI uthin' t. I ~(' Mrs. Ol ho n e nd e r~o n . jll t pcrseve r unc(·. I k"l'P liI' in' in ?l rH. Susan Duuglass . uf pl'lng sp ite of cv,·rythinj);." - -- _ _ 4._ _ _ Mr . nnd Mrs. Philip Zepf. of Cin- Vnlley, "pent severnl duys Insl wu,'k WD yn eoville. Ohio ill ll(\ \.'. \I' ~ r e guests of Mr. and Mrs. wit h Chn rl es Anderso n nnd futllily Gcun.:(· ' mith. Sunday. CLOSING ENTRY DATES Miss Martha Criscnberr y, of arti\lr. anli Mrs. J . W. White und son, inglon. Ohio, slwnt Inst week yuh Pr icea-15c and 2Sc Fred, were among the Sunday visitors her aunt, Mrs. Edith Hllrri s Ilnd fu mCloshl/( ontry ,l llte6 for th e I ~26 AI8o, Regular Pictures Will i1y. at Miami Vall ey cha utauqua. Ohio Shlte Fulr. AUl:u ~ t ao to Be Gi ven SeJltombe r 4, lire 11.8 follows : The herw ood-J elfery reunion will MrS. N. F. In·lllnd Ilnd Mi ss Vnd n Hnr-oi!- August 14. be held nt t he Orthodox Friends McPherson , of Wilmin ~t()n , ., werc ("t t tl AUI<UBt 14. rhurch, on Wednesday, August 19. cnllin g on Waynesvill e frienn s toDa iry Prod ucts-Augusl 21. dny. SpeNt IllvontB - AlIgus t 2;1. Miss Florpnce Crone h as r eturned Rwi o AUllust H . Misses Sarah Missildin e an d Mllry home aIter spe nding fi ve weeks with S llee p. Wool. Ooals- AII I\' 14. re l atl~es in Fayet tsville and Piqua. Margur t Ungle by were we 'k-end Poullr y, Pot Stock- Aug . 14 . guests of Miss Gladys Kilbon. of Ohio. }o'a rm Products- Aug. ~ l. Duyton. Horticultu ral PrOdl1 (' t ~-,"u !l' MiHS Alice Gons attended a "Bridge" party in Lebanon last week, Mr. und Mrs. Hllrry Kit chen "nd ust 21. at which the weddi ng of a fri end was dau ghter. of Dayton, spcnt und ny announced. with Mr. nnd M I~s . Frank Stllnsbe rry nnd fumily. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph D. Tolle, of Warren Count:y Fnir wiII be held Washington D. C., are visiting Mrs. Tolle's par('nts, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Septem ber 14- 11'. Don't forget this date, and all moet at Lebanon du rSatterthwai t.! . lng t he fai r_ Mrs. Irene Bird, MisseA Mary Mar: Mr. a nd Mrs. P rank Elbon nnd Mrs. garet and Evelyn Unglesby vIsited Visit the relatives in Rushville, Ind., the first Esther Stout nttended the Chandlcr reunion at Triangle park, Dnyton, of the week. lust Sunday . . Mrs. Ralph Smith attended a t ca Mr. and Mrs. S. M. McElwain, Mr. party in Wilmington last Saturday aft'lll'noon, and was one of four la- and Mrs. CharleH Mullenix, of Lytle, .f• spent Sunday wit.h Mr. and Mrs. Howdies who presided at the tea table. LocatJld Dt my home, 2 ~ mile. ard Archdeacon . welt of Wayneaville. on Stat" W. P. SalisIiury, of Cleveland, visRoute 73 . Mr. and Mrs. Hichard D. Price, lIec ited relatives here last week. He returned to Cleveland, Sunday, ac- Helen Sherwood, of Columbus, are MARCELLING ................. ...... . SOc eompanied by Mrs. Salisbury and announ cing the birth of a so n, RichSHAMPOO .. .... .. ... .:............... SOC ard Lee, AUgUU8,t 6th. their son, Clark. . SCALP TREATMENT .. ... .. ..... 50c Forest Crane and daughter, Ma r- 'H AIR BOB Mrs. Over ton Heston and dnugh.. .. .... .. .. .. ....... ... 2Sc ter. Eloise, of Kings Mills, and Mrs. j ori e, and Will Sontag, of Cincin- ANY TWO FOR. ................... 75c were guests of Mrs. Maud nati, Boyd Buchanan and two sons, of DeThe season of the year i::; now here, when you ANY THRE E FOR ................ $ 1.00 troit, Mich., s pent Friduy with Dr. Crane and family, Sunday. and Mrs. Witham. expect the severe Hail Storms that sometimes Rev. Philip Trout, a fo rmer pastor sweep the country and ruin your Crops, especially Rugs Dusted and Renovated; Auto· of the local 1If. E. church, was one your Tobacc~ • . tom obile Covers washed j Blankets and of thrt! e Co"lndldntes for county comPro pri~ tre88 laundered; Dry CleanIng, mi 8~i on er in Clmrk co unty. t We now have ra.tes on this class of Insurance, . Comforts Pressing and Dyeing. Soft Water Mr. an d Mrs. Archer Hartsock and Laundry, Mahlon Ridge, agent. . and will be glad ,to have you call and t~lk it over_ Mr.. and Mrs. Robert Willto n and so n, of Dayton, we r,~ Sunday guests of Remember what the Hail did to the Tobacco Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Miller, of Rush- their pnren b , Mr. ' and Mrs. J . 1.. vUle, Ind., were week-end g uests of Hartsock. in this vicinity last year, and the many large losses Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Ungleeby. On pIM,d by this Agency for Hail Loues. It Doe~ Pay Sundny, Mr. and Mrs. Unglesby and Miss Henrietta McKinsey will ar. daughter, Evelyn, and their guestl! rive home from Columbia university to t>e OJ! the safe side. for it costs very little Jo atte nded a family reunion at Spring- next Saturday fo r a ' short ·visit beDe Safe. _ , boro. fore r eturning to her school work at Ashtabula: Mrs. Laura Zell entertained at dInner, Sunday, in honor of Mr. and Suits and Overcoats dry cleaned Mrs. Matt McKln s~, of Los Angeles, and pressed, $1.00. Sponged and Cal. , Mr. and Mrs. Jamee Zell, of pressed, 36c. We make your old Yellow Spring~ Mr. and Mrs. Horace clothes look like new. Soft Water Zell and 80n, uharles, Mrs. Keys nnd ...,·aUllory, Mahlon, Ridge, agent. Waynesville, Ohio Mrs. Adams, of Xenia, and Mr: and " Mrs. Frank Farr. Mr. and Mrs.. Myer Hyman and Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Hyman l of Xenia, spent Sunday at the Citi zens Military camp at Ft. 11tomas, Ky., visitin ~ Lieut. Arth ur Hyman.


MRS. H. E. HATHAWAY h880pened a Tea Room at he~ home on ' Main atreet, i~ Wayne.ville . .



IBring ~our Eggs to Kroger


"A Tlip to the arm"

·Miami Theater THURSDAY, AUG. 12th

Once More Set Up , We are now prepared to do your grinding. .We have just installed some new machinery and hope to be able to take care of you at any time. ,


Country·s ide Beauty Shoppe






Lillian Watkins

Mason Jars Square QUARTS, PER DOZ. .. ·87c S~~~_ , _PJNTS, PER DOZ .. . . 74c Bread Country Club, l Y2-pound 10C · Double or Split Loaf. . . . . . . . .


Cou ntry Club, I -lb . 10aL ..... ... 7c

Mrs. A. M. McKay, with Alice Harriett and Mmc McKay, und Mrs. Steve ns, of Dayton, were g uests of Misses Annie und Mame Brown, at the Friends Home, Friday.


Mrs. Lindley Mendenhall, Mrs. W. E. O'Neall, lIfrs. I~rn nk Hartsock, Mrs George Smith and Mrs. L V. Bran: strator a re at th E! Rural Women's Vacntion cnmp lit Fj~. An cient, this week .

. '



{ Sf!4b



~. :"\1

of tJ. O1Jerltmtl W bippet are plaaJ 8MIJtt'ally

Cou ntry Club. l-Ib lo .. f w.wheat.Se

Coffee Frenc~ Brand, fineat 47c quahty, per pound. _. . . '. . _. J ewel Brand, pound ........

~~~~~t ~;:.;


.. .. 39.,


Colda n S a nto., pound ...... .... .. 35c

Bananas .

Fan",. Ya llow F,,,it, 2 Ib


.. ... ...... .. ... 65c

10 pound . ....... .......

"stj_t posilUm

". IM.e ~ ~




riJe. 1


110 me Qv. rlM.1 Whippet you 112ft the feeling of , li:Iiog d06Cr to the gmund . . . with the resultmt a:ose of soImty and Qbsencr ~ that sldcsway IiO DOCie ed.u: in the ooovenclorW t,-pe of~. Tb:lt high-ap-~ fcd.iog is gooc ... Ix:rc: is a oew

Mr. nnd Mrs. Arthur Bulkl ey nn n daughter, Barbara, of Chicllgo, who huvo beon touring the East, were guest s of Dr and Mrs. A. T. Wri~ht Tuesday night. 1I1r. lind Mrs. Bulkley are the paren ts of Mrs Elliott Wright. . Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tinney and son, Sherman, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Tinney and' family, nnd ·their guest, Mrs. Lawson, of Covington, Ky., wcre dinner guests of Mr and Mrs Will Stroud and son, Sund·ay. . Misses Rhea Janet and Evelyn Cartwright were guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Poole, 'in Cincinnati. last Friday and Saturday. While there they witnesse d a p erformance of "Falstaff" in English, by- the Zoo Opera company.



.. .. 32"



. .. Waynesville Overla,d 5.1•• Co. .


ql ... ... ....




pound ... ...

.. .. ...





~~~l!r ~~~~~~~~~ 11 C ..



01 tODS

• gaven away~ CIu/J Want a. ton of coal-free? You can get it by joining our Heatrola Free Coal Club- a part of the national Free Coal Club that you will read about t~~s week in The Saturday EvenJ~g Post. This is the ·fifth consecutive year 'that thousands of tons of coal will be given aw.ay, free _

•t •

Join our Free Coal Club now, and you wilJ get a ton of coal, free, with an Estate Heatrola-

delivered long before cold weather sets in, and to be paid for on easy, convenient terms_ The enrollment fee of $2 is applied to the purchase price of theHeatrola \

Remember, the -Heatrola-the original first-floor heating plant -will give you furnace comfort. at a saving of 45% in fuel. And the Heatroia is so beautiful-it looks like a fine mahogany cabinet. Everyo~e admire. it I Come in-have us show you the Heatrola ~d expi.inour Free Co~1 offer. l' his offer expires . l Au~st . 21It-, .~ ·o don't delay.

Happy Hour Club . ,

Tile !.Iappy Hour club enjoyed their annual picnic at Harman park, Saturday, August ' 7, with busbands and clilldren and a few gullsb in atte nd- ' ance, about sixty being present. . The dinner was excellent. · ' The swimming pool fine, the ,ground8 wen kept, ' were re8tful. ·The atmosphere refr'lshing. The qqolt 1teld{ the ClO quet court, the ' swings, II ides and teeters were nil busy placeo for the 1»en, the boys and the cblldrlln, whOe ahe ladies rested on the benches, content to sit and watch the o'theJ'l. The club is indebted to Mn Barman for ' the pleasure ' of the dar, and to the man ....ement for theU' care and 'attentiqn. .

27c 36c

r.~c~.~~~ar, ~~~ I~~~~~ ~~ lac ~!!!~~~!!~ can.25C, ~r~~ !~~~eer ~.~~~..15c


·. OVERLAND H. Archde8eon

22c 23c ~~~n~~aa,


tried our Laundry SerHave vice? I . ,n ot, you are miMing a real treat. We launder your clothes by the pound. Six dUferent services from 5c a pound up. , Watch for the Green Laundry truck . overy Tuesday and FrIday, Mablon Ridlre. qent.

1iod of riding aafatt.

~· A..mca.'s New~T:'1pe · ui"t


360 oito:e. low price, do ••

Nut, lb ...... ...... Churnaold, pound ......... .. .



$1 .0 ft9

Fa n cy E lbert" •. 10 pound . ..... ............. ......... ............. .... ........... ......... 39c


N ".",



WaYnesville Farmers' Exchange Compa~y


For Canning, Full basket .

--/"'~» »~







M..' COt 'E

Hardware~ ••Hal1les.;.".F.riD Machinery '

. Wa,.eayille, 9hio' .' .


CO~uly '3 i ' to' :AUf~.f .21


Seventy -~ighth





Paris announces that th c wnist-Iin!! of faShionable Indies n ow dcfinitl'ly starts just above the hi p. boll c, FrulIl thllt point up the buck is to be entirely uncovCTed in the eVl'lling. AI.HO brillinnt colors will be worn , A woman thus dressed will look as :!lilly as II bird of pnrtulise with nil the fealhers plucked olT th l' bnck. hut :l'h... won't know it. 'Theatrical peop le each pny $1,000,(or u dinner- forly-four cent.s for the ,t ood, one lhnusnnd dullars for the Actor's Fund. Forty-fullr cents for one din nc r scems chenp to a prosperous actor. It see ms a good d eal to the mother cif five children whose hu.bnnd earll8 a day. 44


At forty-four cenls n me!lIl, that family would need ench day $9 ,24 for tood alone, leaving a deficit of $6.24 a day, to say nothing of 'rent and clothing. Tho8e that ~\1 $6 a day high wages should try liying and keepiag a fllDlily on that ft um. Engineers sugr;Cl!t filling In nine 'square mllea of upper New York bay. half to belong to New Jersey, half to New York. Tht.' work would cost '400,000,000, and the land would be worth five thousand million .lara.




Whole Number fj714



Wayn('svilll' WU H visiled by a v ~ r. ilnble! clc'udhul'Rt TlI l'sdny n i ~ht , The rnin uc~un tl' fall nl)(lut 11 u'cloek, u "letldy downpour thut conti nued lhroughout th' night. Co nsiue rah lCi uamugc was (t nne to "ttl(! new rond H und IlIIH', and t ill' Ilown hill s tn'elH were blldly washed . The fill r ece nl· Iy mad c at the cu~t enl l uf Mui n street wus wa~ hed out, und in "lime Ill ncl's th e fnundati on of the nl!\\' con· cl'etc w!lrk WU R washed out. 1'h(' water rnn intI) severnl bUHinc ~" hou"c" on Main s treet, and eelInrs all ovor t nwn we re flu uded, Th e till un Sou th Mllin was \Vashc'u bnd · Iy, leuv ing th e ercclc Ill'nrly us und ns it was ue(nre the work hega n on it. About three inches of wnter (ell, with sO !)le lil:htnlng nnu no wind. The water mn over the Avenuo ugnin. lind the sweet corn in the bottoms Is ulmust a total 108s. A fr eight truin on the . Peney ut Corwin WII" 0 11' th e track, on account of n wnohout nOllr the stlltion. The trllill8 did not resum e their Nchcdu les unlil Inte TuosdllY uftcrnoon. Sc·vernl ton s of coal at the Waynesville Coni and Icc co mpllnles plant xue wa8hed away, and the coal yard was fillou with dirt anu gravel.

Foll owing iR t il l' IiHt lI f winne ros on hoth the Repu"i iclln lind Dcmo('I'll1ir t,'ck(,t til he \ 'lI l e d f,) r lit th e ~ t o l H' r Stute l'lcl lC, n : F or Gov l' r nul"-. ~J.y(\r:i y . c'oll p t' r, (,i rl ~· in Tlali. )( " Ie

Earl llhlU III , i3()w Jing- Un·l..' n, i l

::;tatl! TI·e""Ur,'J'B('I·t Ru ck lcy. na ytll n. H. J\amill •• n Ill,w " ' ~" , (' lI l unlhll ~, il. A ttorney-C.·nentl E dward Tur ner " C"lum"u ~ R Charlcs Zimnw l'llIun . Sp l'ill J.:'th,liJ. ]) Chief Justice Supr ' m e Cnur C. T. Marshall, Zane ~ vill e . R, William Ford, Columhu s. n, United State Se nllto rFrllnk B, Willis. Dclllwllrc. H. Atlee Pomerene. Clevelalld. D. Judge Supreme Co urt (two) Edward MIIUhias. Van Wert, H. Thomas J on es. J ackson, R. H. Craig McBride, Hillsboro. 0 , Harry L, Conn, Von Wert, D.

Uncle Tom's Cabin

Union Picnic

ANNUAL CONVENTION The Woman's Civic Leagu e and the Men's Community cl ub, of Harveysburg) ,held u joint picnic on Wed· Of COmUY W.C.lU. rhe spot chpsen nes u/.ly, August wns the Boy Scouts <J"nmp Stump, on t he bllnJ<g of CaeSAr's creek, HELD AT MASON t largo prpwd enjoyed n bounteous dinner, spread 011 tables under

Foulks Reunion


.. -----

Good Cut Clothing

Lea Huit Soeura

Committeemen Meet


.- ..

Accepts New POlitio"

- - ---0 _ •.____

Held Special

ownsh·Ip Erec te J


Her First "' hite 'Cross, SundCJ)'



There has never been so luvish and udcqunte a production of "Uncle Tom's Cabin" as lhat which Jno F. Stowe will offer amusement loverS at Waynesville, at Frnzier's park, on Friday, August 20, for one night only The scenes which are large enough to fill the most spacious stage co uld nut be ensily improved. Those represe nting the Ohio river In winter, the rocky pass in which George Harris protects ' his family, the St' Claire plantation, the levee at New QrleauJi. lhe cotton fields in full bloom, and the "Celestial City" are all most notable effects. Each 1)lcturcs the reality as cloliely as pllint and canvas will permit and the stage prospecting is 90 big that the etfect is exceptionally pleasing. The company Is also worthy of the environment.

th e 1. ln cnnv ~ nti o n, II lId do nwny with lh,' 1'T('~c nt sy. Lpm of numin a ting ca ndlflat ' H ( •• r ::;tute offi c£'. 'I' he ~ rn 8 11 V" lt' IIf In 't week will be one of th e . t .... n!: cst "rguml'nt ~ in favo r of n '·!",ng.·, There i~ uu ~o lu te i y no qu est il'" but wha t R"vp ml candi da t es were .",minuled wh u wuu ld lI ot have had " l! hosl of n show in u ~tn te eOllven\.i"n, a nd th ... ir no mination will not h('lp th' ti cket upo n which their nam es tiro printecl. No nnmes noed he mentiunl·d, but there nr" nne or two "ucc(J s~ ful can didat 's who havennt th e lea,·t flllnlificnti on for the 0 ( Ree which th ey haVe uccn TI OmiIlUte,l. 1I1ayl>" the voteN! will realize Lhi!l in lim!'. nnd t hey won't get much further than th,· nomin ati on. and maylJ(', ( with th oir "u rplu R cll. h. they may enrl' Y a cnlll paign that wi ll lund t hem the pri7.e. Ther!' i" c (\n ~ itl u r­ IIbl e differ ence of upinion rl'gllruing the preMe nt primary system, and that 80mo ver y r1rustic chanJ.:eB arc needed it iN nut ul to!!,ether n ceessnry that the law be repealed to muke it u success. But a vole un this issue will be in tcresting at least.

---_e _ •.____

ONE PAIL Of WATER MAY SAVE BUILDING All fires nre the sa me size when they stllrt. and there is some One near over hulf the time when thcy do SUlrt, A pail of water near at hand may save a building, A pail of water is the oldest. simplest and cheapest fire extinguisher . Fire buckets to be used for no other purpose thaa fire can easily be placed in all buildings, They are so effective in extinguishing small fires that in8urance companie~ grant lower rates to manufacturers and merchants who use them. Yet there GTe few farm buildings where huekets of water are placed to be used Cor 8re only, Buckets s hould be refilled at regular intervals anu plnced upon s helves or hung on brackets where they will not be covered uP. spilled or filled with trash, In cold weather, Virgil Overholt, extension specialist in II~­ ricultural en~ineering nt the OhIO State univers .ty says, th e water can be kept frolll freezilliC. except ni un usually low temper:.tureM, by adil ing salt, A bout two puunds to a' bu cketful. • The wate r needs t o be applied to the ba ~c of the firc, not Up in 'th e flames nnd smoke, A wel broom is often more effective than throwing th e wate r at the fir(' from a di~ tancc . Chemiclll extinguishers ha ve man y advantllges UVI," wllter, but th ey co ~t more, They cannot be used for IInything else. lind ure "I ways fuund in plnce w!len needed. One cxtiTU\'ulah· or holds approximutoly 2'h gallons, lind;" as effecti ve as many times thllt IImount of "Intel' it applied correctly, o

First Rural Woman's (amp In ",arren County Was a Success ville and Nellie Watt~, homo rl.p.,u6nstrution agcnt, The women voted unanimously for another camp next year and predict that when their Jleighbors have hearu what a good time they have had th e cump will not be able to 8ccommodate all who wnI want to come. Harlan and Turtlecre'e k townahipll led in the number of women ...nt. The following women a.ttended the eamp: Lebanon- Mrs, Ebon Leaf • Mrs. Fred Hayne.., Mrs. Earl' Dill, ]\frs. C. R. Crook, Mrs. George Benham, Mrs. Walter WI118, MI'8. S L. Monwomery, Mrs. Jessie Mounu.. Mrs Harry Ralston, Mrs. J. C. Wilson, ~rll T. C. Christie, .Mrs. Hester Cal'l'. Pleuaant 'Plain-Mra. Ben Stad:ey, Mrs. Harold Sharp, ~ Roy Ross. Mrs. J. P. SQaJe. . . Blaneh~-Jlra.. , Wm. Reynolds. -'TiCkHe,ra.q~:!I', .1118. liI:ra. J C, S)'dena. ~. Wm. StaJ;ke),. Mrs. WlII. , • Jacob Leffler, ~ . £.


, I

the S t llt~ Primnry Sy<t e rn li re to start t heir ad ive cllml'lIi~n forthwith for a ll a rn (, llIlm e nt wbich wil l hring bllck

C ln r(lnr(' Brnw1l. Hhu1l" hc:-;h ' r , IL J . II , NewlllR n, FI,'c h l~ r , I).


:!~~~~ e-Q:~l!idn~. l" ..----

CO L Mnus . Oll!()- Opponents of

SCCl'l' l nry of Stntc--

Th e sixth IInnual reunion of the FO\llks fam ily wus \leld Sunday, Aug ust 16th, at the home of Mt.. lind Mrs 1'.he idea would be to plan a ~ew 11. Ilenry Foulks in Lytle. . ' .-netcW,!'n city, aidewalb on the 81dCl .Qf .bWldlngs, plllygrounds and roada A sumptuous dinner and a plellBant _bove ,/Juildings, landing places for time wos enjoyed by the following: Mr8. ~lizabeth Foulks. Mr. and Mra. Ml'Pluu~ etc. the tnll tree~ . Quite a few members Wi.1 bur Foulks and family. Mr. and w('re abs/lnt on accou nt of threshing The Warren County W' C. T, U, Mrs, Ernest Brown and so n Mill There are thoU!IUnds of chances to in progress at different farm s. annual cu nve ntion was hcld in .the Seigler, Mr, and MI'8. Martin Method ,spend public mone), for Improvements In the afternoon th e older peonle Prcsb yteriun chu rch at Maso n. on and family. Mr. nnd Mrs. David Pope, that would pay for themselves ten sat on the bank and enjoyed th e mel'- ThursdllY, August 12. 190q. A ball- Mr. and IIfre. Edd Longacre and timee over. but It is hard for us to ry gombols of the children in the ner disployed ncross the stre et an- da!lghter, Miss Agnes, Mr, and Mrs. appropriate large 8uma, unlcl!!! other creek, Indeed not 11 fuw of th eir cld- nouneed th e tilll' (, ' and place. Th e WIlbur Swank, Mr, and Mrs. Hansnutions start cutting eacb other'. crft \ong(!d t o l oin them in th e cool clInventi on was opened by singing f ord Tewdl, Mr. nnd Mrs. Lester Dei. ~roats. Then we become generon•• wntcr. The bllY ~ and l,:l rls Ar u nut AnH! l'icli' ond devotionals conducted t es, Mr. and II1rs, George Dllvis, Mr. .. •...Sl' marks," pour out our billiona yet randy t.o tl'Y the E nJ.;'li 'h Clmnnl'l by Mrs, Ruth K. SLephens. state lec. and Mrs. Raymond Davis and fam,Anti h)lY foreign hutred with them. but they lire doing finelr ,, ~ amateur Y ' rer Ilnd orgnnizer of Findlay. Ohio. lIy. Mr. !lnd II1I·s. Charles Davis and mermen nml merma ills. Then followed I lppointmcnts of com- son. Mr. Ilnd Mrs, Gus Sheets, Mrs, Later In the nfternoon /1 bnll gllme mitte ~s, Roll c~ all of officers lind di- Mary South and ch ildren, Mr, and ~IBnd 1O'1I.fting may not help foolwns called hut proved too strc nuCrus rectors o{ uepur tmen t , Each locnl Mrs, Tom Turner and son , Mr, and 1sh old mon to becume as youn!!' and The 'fayne8vllle Pocking company on a hot duy, A very harmoniou s orgnnizn lion WII S reprcsented. Relld- IIfrs, Jo~n Fite Dnd family, IIfrs. GrofiJUy lis tbey ,tVICu to b.;. but such hau Illnnn ud to begin pocking the a nd friendly fee ling prevlliled lind nil inII' of minules Dnd report of county ver White a nd chll.dren, Mrs. John ,gralting mal be Illlcful to fa~,"ers. 1926 crop of swcet enrn this week, look forwnrd to future occasions trensu re r. Election of officers fol- Tewell and 80n. MISSl;8 Bertha and I)ro, Yoronotl'. o;,c~tjst. experl,ment- but owninlr to the ('xtreme rains the equally pleasllnt. lowed, Presiden.t. Mrs. N, L. Bunnell, I Vera Petel'l!, Messrs. Everett DonoIng <In a ftock of sheep In AI- work will be delayed for several days Lebnnon; vice-pr esident, Mr8. L, C. hoo • . Horace and Ernest Foulks, -' Jl(.jen, · pr~vQd .to F~enel, scientists It is Mid that the company expected Mills, Waynesville: corresponding sec- Melvlll Swank and Walter Peters lind ' that grafting tin additional /dand on to cnn more com this year than ever retnry, Mrs, Harry Stokes, Lebanon; Mr, and Mrs. Henry Foulks. tlJI&h young ram increJlJled the pver- in their existence. but owing to the r ecoruing secretary. Mrs, Lena Clark • - e age weight of the animal by 19 damage done in the bottoms. the crop Ore~onia; treasurer, Mrs. Snook. of and added holf a pound to will not come up to their expectaThe Good Cut Clothing club held Le banon. -tbe w~t of the fleec e. tioJ\ll, ' e _ ••_ __ "Benutiful Hour of Noontide" WIIS their regular meoti ng Friday, August 18, eight members responding t o roll the n sung and lIuontide prayer was ~No ma'll 4l Pilro to his valet," di.d "Les Huit Soeurs" and their call. At this meeting We! hud with voiced by Mrs. Stephens. :not apply to 'TOu,O!-lore Roosevelt. HIS A delicious tureen dinner was heart gu ests ' enjeyed a 'picnic at Antioch us OUI' leaders, Mrs, Irene Bird and 'valet writes (or ~ lIi er'8 Weekly our assistant. Miss Ethel Mende nh .. l\. i1y enjoyed, At the noo n hour was Glen, Y" llow Springs, lust Sunday. .about the lost fou r .day,s of his master The recently elected tovmship We hnd our business meeting nfter held an executb'e a t which tim e the A delightful spot near the Falls was u convinced hero wortWiper, Alone committemen met at Lebanon, Tues- which Margllr(' Cook and Robe rto directors of thE! various departments ~Oo n found as "camping ground," 'With Roosevelt at the momen~ tI! his day evening, and et1'ccted an organ- Crone gnve a ~eam demonstration on we re <:> Iected. On purlinmentary IIIW, After exploring all th.e nooks and (leath, the valet says Roose!velt'll la,* ill/ltion. as follows : J , C. Hawke. " how to draft II dn'sB patt ern." Five Mrs. Harshbllrger, preside nt uf Le u- crevices lI ear by, s upper, co nSisting wor ds were: "Plcuu put ou~ U,le Way~, chairman; L. Earl' Thompson, memhers wpre ehosen to giv(' an in - nno n W . C. T. U. : on fl ower mission of everything Imaginatlle. nnd some Deerlleld, lIecretnry; ChaR. J. dividual demunst fl ti on at tlH' II('Xt lind r elid wo r k, IITrs. Eva McDonnld. things unimaginllble, was indulged !l1lt\1t," goner, Turtleu".-ck. C. C. Collins, meeting. Th ey lire Il8 Io lJnw~: My- presid ent of Harve ysbu rg W. C. T . in . Of co ur~ no socllli blunders T.heodtu'e Roosevel~ wnl! tired. his Deerfield nnd HowOl'd Cheney, Frllnk· ra Pence, Irene CI'Olle, MIl!'y L o ul~ 1! . ; 011 suienti fi r. te mperance instruc- were DoticeaLTe. purtieulal'ly. in reZi mm erman, Virginia Hardin g nnd tio ll . Mr~ . Wol te r Rock hill. Le bon.on ; gard to the Icmonllde, l1enrt was broken by tho death of hill lin, execut;ive committee, At th e invitlltion of half of the Robertn Crone, Virgini a Harclin~ (I n teml'el'un r c In th e Sundny- choo\' Goethe's last worda fwn, Q.uenfin. and Margllret Cook wcr c chosen to ~Irs. Stot te r, Frallklin: on pence, MI's. party, the re maind er of t he evening were : "Mora light." They were apg h'e the ~ 11111 dem onstrution lit Lebu- Foster, lII a inevi lie ; e n institutl!s, Mrs, was s pent nt Keith 's, Dayton. proprillte. for few men huve contrlb-'----'nOll at the Farm Bureau offi cl', Aug. Lillian 111 ills, Waynesvill e ; child wellUted ntore Iigbt to tbe human race !>Il' K Lena Clark. Orego nia; (arc. ust 17. ttltnn (rl)ethe .co.,tljbutecl . Try our Class, Column~ for resulta The II('Xt 1TI<' will be Friday, QVll ngelistic and Sabbllth obser vance, The question for all of ,\llI j,s thl8: Frank Robinson ,who for se\'enteen August 27. A II co nlt·. V isitor. cor- Rc\·. Ruth Barrett ~'lllrrIlY. Ongonin, J)Des deat h moon only "puttiag out The aftern oo n session WII K opened 4llc l!6:ht," or does it ·meon for , us oJj years hus heen n clerk in J . W. dially invited. Wbite's grocery. haM resigned to ac· by singing " M y Faith Looks U p to an cl On'In>niu will enterta in the next ROUERTA CRONE , Rejlort er, ",Morll Li~ht'" cept /I po~ition in the 10cIlI store of Thee," and n dl'nll>M tration by a annual c on ve ntion. the Kroger ,orocery lind Bakinl!' comWe were very Jrrnl cful to Mnson g l'ou p of th e L IlYu \ Temperance LeFr!'nch bIrths are diminishing. and pany, When Mr, Robinson began of Leban o n, und H th e BUIlI' r - fo r their hospitality and the meet in~ Fren.cb ,~n is ,incJ:,e aeing. working for Mr. White he could not Meeti~g gion closed with a ben ediction., vi sion lIf 1I1rs, Walter Rockhill , Lebwhich 18 the right jdea, InRtead of see over thc counter, anon hus 11n o'rguniznti on oC n(la rly ,bavlng many new babies. half or .two150. Waynesville Lodge No. Hl3 F. & thiJ:ds of ithcJIl d,ing the French The r e ports ()( thc various depnrtA, M.• held a specinl aOIllOluniclltion ments w1w understand health, "1It~P alive NO DOUBT TRUE of work manifest ed much enMonday night, Work WIIS exe mpli· t'bo.. h t .re ',born. deavor and the uccomplishmcnt of ' ''Do you know of II mlln who fied In tho M. M. degree. The work Car grenter achi evement thlln the prQwhiBt1e1i ,at hia work and is not wn8 enhnnc~d b~' the additlnn of sev· vious yUI\I'. ' Thore WIIS n mnrkel1 inWagllll A", up, taxes eral Craftsmen from Clurk Lod~e , happy and wnt.enteu," g~erDment J',eettpts life crease In mcm b!' rship. 8 new memSprin~fleln, Ohio. "\':es-our lettI'F-i4rrier." .of living is down. Prc8ilOent ber~ were reported. An institute had Wge .do!eQ',t e1n-'Im been h('ld with tho county und aile ' with each loca.! institute lind 400 The first Rurnl Womens Vacation .ajl8: ~·No 10vemmjlni names hnu been pleuged to the pa- cnlllp in Warren county and the third prolflerity!' al • T triotic roll: G24 essays hnd bee n writ. in the Stllte. Is over. Fltty Warren nile t2J1~ la s:er;tt.~~.~IVnCl'DI:;:'P.tIIU"'n.·I,.~aSSle ~ ten in the ~ch ools in tile essay cqll- Cou nt y women attended and eight Coolldl* has n.ot u . . t('st work, nnd t.tti~ty do lars had \l.clln leaderd and Instructor s. It 'Was given !>y thl! Friends church, in prizes, uniquc In one re!sl)ect in that it was 200 origin"1 posters had been ma(\1l run entirely by women. Mrs Ell II ---~.~~ in Wnynesvjlle school.!! I'\nl\ prizes Eieholzer, 73 years of age, of Morawarde4. ' . row, was the oldest woman in camp but WIlS lUI rcady. for work and play The first fatal automobile accident chines to II grent oKto nt. .r4 ~t ex, A very fine mld-yenr meeting WIIS as the youngest. Mra. Z-ildle Venaon ttJe roads of Massie township, oc- ae~ly ho,y the mnchinea got together held at Oregonia, where the prize es· ble wns chnmpton .wlmmer and could curred "bopt 6 :80 IlllIt Sunday even· will probnbly never be kn own. were read and ' awards present- h dl I d I I h ' It is supposed thnt the force of the suys ed, Harveysbulrg orchestra furnished or y ,. 0 PCI'H UIl e( to eave t e rw;.. .. THO·DlaT CHURCH Augu~ 16~)l, when Robert L. impact tore loosc a steel brnce from the mURIc. 'Hnrveysburg and Lo"- cr, D, E. Dunham visited ue one af.... '!' .In''n.onn a~d 28. ft. truc)t driver who 'I Lemoon when he brought H. S. Lewis Sabbath' ' 8c:Mol 9 :1j; m.' ...·,·lfil ...1 ~'Byettevllle. Ohlp. met In. the rear fender of the large machine. received mnny members to tho of the Ohio Farm Bureau federation In a smllsh.up on the Wtl· throwing the missile through the r ear anon Serylcetl at the M. E. church will Young P.eoplc's Branch. t lk t U I 0 scat. plerolng his skull, forcinJr out be ' resumed next ' Sunday. After a just eaat of HarveyaRev. Fb.ier, formerly. pll6tor of II 'o ut 0 ta 0 us. nc eave lIIIytI portion of hie bruin nnd causing that wns as fin e n bunch of moth~ two weeks' vacation' the pastor .wUl chlll'Ch· in Day~n, aDd DOW repreaenhaving a good time togethel' .. he stant death. preach 'both morning and evening. A After the collisIon the big cur con- tatlve of the Antl·Saloon League, hud ever Been In Warren oounty. ThIs cordial I,n vltation ill elttended to aU. pre8ent, alld .presented many In· .. d t ,,- ha d b tinued dawn the road .for about a was tere8ting, facts concerning the Wet oplJllon sceme 0 "" a re y Rev., L. ~. W..bbul'D. putor: woman in eamp in regard to.huiulred yards, 8wervlng to the left reat. Mrs. SydeDstricker, of Into the DakIn field where It demol- ond Dry iMile of tbe day. Our President, MH. N L .BunneD. townsl)ip. said abe bact never !ahed aeveral rods of Bnd pOsts, h ,- t ..... in h au was . !I{aiil gave , a summary, ot tbe' year'1 work !Fhe with inllpir.t<onal for the a app",r wo, echoed I'DY' er' ...... q,' ,. au-eations .... was also 0",8J'I. coming year. She was 'e lected honOl'ary ' ~preseritatlve" to the , State " ':hr:~ convention ' to ' be held' in Stl~\J t.envtlle.I~:~l:~~;. iri Octo per. . " II

----_ ..----

Co.: 11. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~ . . . ..

Jam ' ~ ~lill ". l''' llI n'' . u~ , H.



T U!'lCa r UWH !{

I Interesting Items .' i I from the I State. Capital : Prepared by I i Columbus Reporter !

Li l'u lt.' n ll ll l c.; UYl' r fl ll r _


Heroism of a 12-year·o ld boy In sav ing the li vcs of two girlll whoije bout had capsized in the Little Minmi river, n mile obvo Morrow, W08 r ecent· Iy told by Mrs, Grace S. Whitacre. of that village in the Wilmington News· 10llrnal. . During the nfte!rneon of August 11. tw~ 1 ,year-old girls, MiRs Esth<:>r Duoham and IIIiSH Dorothy Dllre, the latter a niece of Hugh Baugh, of Clarksville, we,re thrown into deep wuter, when their boa,t overturned. the tlruest IftSt week of ber aunt. . There were no men pre8ent. and their soJe hope ot rescue rested upon Charle!! Malott," who W/lo8 rowjng nearby. Without (\ nlomen\'s be6itatinn the boy plunged Inte the wqter Itnll quickly swam to the girls, 'hem tw the hair, ·h e was ab le, ofte. great effort, to pull them Into shallow water, from which they wore . hel ped to ahore, Credit for the rescu(' Is given en. tirely to you ng Mtllott. ancl nn effort is beinJr Illade by clt,\zenu of Morrow. Lebanon nnd other nehrhborinlt towns to get a Carnegie medal tor him,

Delll ah (l)" .



Therc nrc just two men in public life in Ohio thllt are idolized by the voters of the Stnte, and the fa llncy of anyone thinking dil1'erent has again been demonstrated. One of these is Governor Vic Donahey, and the other Senator Frank B. Willis. It is only neceBilary to look lit the vote polled last week for these two officials to impress one with thIs fnct Both Donnhey and Willis secured larger vote than all theIr opponents combined. No otber candidate can Bay as much. There were strong and strenuous campaigns made by those opposed to each of these officials, and wads of money' was spent by those who would defeat tbem. On tbe other hand the expense reports 'Of both Donahey and ( WilIis will show that hardly a penny was expended for the remarkable success which they won at the poll8 When one establishes the reputation of either Donahey or WiIli8, by their loyalty to the voterll of, the State, their absolute honesty. ~n~ their fearless fightin g nLiliHes, It Isn't necessary to broadcast their candidacy. The voters of Ohiu know the exact value of any candidate, and the success is mCII8ured by th e confidence with which the people hold them, and all the money In t he world won't change this condition , Clip this out nnd look at it aK'ain after the. November election. ..



There is going to be argument for Borne time about the strength of t his or that organization, and its ability to control votes, but the eviuence aecumulnted at the primaries lust Tuesday to the el1'ect that absolutely n~ organiZation, religloua or ntherwise. had much to do with t he r esu lt of the primaries, True, the support of one or two helped the candidates t<~ winl but when a candida te madl' t he subJ ect ef an attack by one of these strong organizations whose political power has previou sly belln foared hl'uds the list of <:a ndidotes for th; offic e he seeks, then it i ~ tim(\ to start an argument nbout " powe r." As re!e/lClis semi-r Iigio us nrgnniT.ations, endorse mellt of various candiducieB was broudcnst. but olle ' can't find many win ners on the t.icket. The same may be said to be true of labor organiZations. 1'hc Anti-Saloon league made J . O. Mills the target of a ferocious nttack, yet ho won. Lllbor ,f ought Atlee Pomeren e. yet he \VOII. , The Klnn fought for Seiber, ye t he ' lost.. It is rellsC?nably . certain that large. clI!;h donations Will not be. secured 800 .. uslly in the future from political aspirants by S('mc of these alleged highpowered organizations 'Which in the pnst have been able to enrich their tren81Jries by their offers of support.. If this proves the case, who can say that somo good has not come of the preBent primary system? Th.e~ were more than twice as JIluuy vot~s ea8t againat M. Cooper, of Cincinnati, the succeS!lful RepUblican cllndidate for the gubernatorllli nomination, than be received. yet he won. In other words more than 360,000 Ropubliclln voters _'vere opposold to bim last Tuesday. nnd only 165,000 favored his nomination, yet he! b the chosen standard bearer of the paJ;Iry. Practically the Slime ill' true of every candidate n"nlinted lust week witl the exception of Sen.ator Frank B. Willis . who had more than ' twice as mnny votes liS lIis oplJonents tcombined. Let ew-rybodll' rise whUe We sing, "Whllt Shull the Harvest Be?"

----_ ..--- .; Entertained,


The Kan Rite Food club ·served a 6-o'cloek dinner to their mothers, on August 10, 1926, at the home of the leader, Urs. Armitage. After dinner a demonstration was given' by Rutb Cook and Irene Crone. .,' " Those that enjoyed the, "dinner ' were, Mrs. Shaner Mrs. Cook, Ml'L FiJ,e rl.Mis8 Nome Watts, Mni. CrODe! and 1Ilrs. Armitage. ' URENE -C,RONE; Repo~r. ,

---_e _ ••_ . . . .__

. I


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I Wfl!it I tel




!\l l1 {ll' l~ . nc t ill n


Dr. W. E. Frost Veterinarian Ohio

Phone 44



NatioDaI Ball" . . . . Dr._ .. ........ £ai.t... Settlell


. Waynesville, Ohio

Tf7 ... Mi&ID~ Gas.U. i

for Job Wor"



lIll II <' I


DtFrank·Craite Says

V ~,

:'Il nr n

f lH t!

NatiolUlI B .... Bla••

PILES Or.1II00.D'S get 1m_late I'tlld froID Matlc OIIlbDQ&.


,tre e, ho th t.h e

In th,' e/l~(' of Rllsa :'Il c ' u cheon vs. Rosn ~Ic C\ltc h('o n , : IS (! x('cutrix II( th e !'o t ut(' ui R. A. Ml' utcheo n. deCl'IIS, d , .. t 111. , Rarph ar~ y was ap· pointed g lll>rdill n at li h' lll fo r dcfendant", Doroth y n nd Hobert Wagner. T h \ ·ill .. e said Roben McCutcheon d ~ ccnsc d , which hus h(' en admitted t o probate. wns p rot esterl and put in i8sue b('( we(' n thp par li ~ . r hurtur>l D. Maple wns ap pointed guard in n url litem of minor d efend· IUlt. Mildred Skinner. Lumnn Wardlow, Mary an d De nz,l Wardl ow in the elise .,f E IIl\!'r ~h ll m llk er vs. lI10rris Von nor en at a l. Venirl' wa. Issul' d to t ho sh eriff for the following tl' serve ns jurors in the cnae of Rosa Mc Cutcheon va. Rosa McCutcheon et nl.: Robert Dechant, A. I .. Snook nnd L. F. Coryell. In this said cuse concerning the validity of the will of the late Robert Me. Cutcheon said will WAS held as vnlid. The plaintiff consented to ita being summed in probate. In the cause of Owen S . Higgins VB, Louise Whitncre Stewart et al .• the plaintiff's title to r epl estate describ· cd in th • motion wa s s ustained. Hownrd W. IviDs was appointed g Ulirdian at llt.em of defendant, Bes. sie Henselman in the cause of Laura Henselman vs. Heber Harcum, et ai, NEW SUITS Snmuel Corback V8. Edwnrd Luke ns , Dction for ac counting. Filed Au&,\!st 3, return day August 16, an · swer due September 4. Lucinda Moore vs. William A. Moore and The Miami Val~e;v Buil~­ Ing lind Loon Co,. for partlllon. Fl' led August 4, pnswer due September 4th. Harold Henry vs. William C. Os!!!.om, for equitable relief and ,1)00. 'It'iled August 6. answer due September 4. Frank Dunham vs. Warren County Commissioners" for damages, amount claimed, $160.


Proof of publicntion of notice of appointment of Olivi~ Kelly a s administrtrix of the estate of T . J. Kc By, d eceased, was filed . Marie Evelyn Cnrleton, Frances

;, 1 '

d u l, $ 57, l r); II n r v,'Y

Burlt~ ,

I ' l'p ~ tl r­

" ju ~ t

iIII-!" t r u c k wh e e l,

Fllw l II l'C.'UI, t of II", {" tat,· ot' \\'11 -

=----=-":- - ' ---- -

lia, n 1' , f1 ('udrh:kt·i(l I\. d (,(,l'~ ~H,! dl \\'H ~\·",1 by ('uurl up on uprlicn t inn

pOultry raisers find that when . Conkey's comes in - "good luck" I comes too. Chicks fed Conk ey's Buttermilk Starting Feed resist disease-especially White Diarrhea-the cQ'Stllest of all chick . .plagues. Conkey- fed chicks thrive

bettu too. They gRin faster. ma-

ture earlier. weillh more,

IQ 6etter,

is different from all others, It is so clean. sweet and genuine. It Is the only feed made by the Original Conkey Process-no dried Buttennifk ia ever uSed. OnlySemi·Sotld Buttennilk is combined with other ingredients in the original and 8U~ Conkey We,y.

Don't .Break the Chain of Conkey's Butte'rmllk Fee4S Three in number-one for Starting-:-one for Growing-one for Laying-each the best for its purpose. a. Sold ""

e ville Farmers' Exchange Co.

WaynuvUl. Ohio

li t-nth. 1\ Jlr iva t~ 8f1 ldil' r sLllnding near ' h ~ door M id i'n pi t .. "GoJ bl rs" you, ~i ,. ," .\11 of1\"cr knocked him down. I hu\'e oHen wonde rcr! whnt his IlIm(' was. M ~n o f the kindly heort have in: lud l'd so me of the ' grent c~t nllmes ,r histo r y. Lro nal'do ti l\. Vinci. the un iversal :(l'1I1u~ or Illlly, WnN In the hooit of uur lng caged hirlis to have the pI e us' IIr,' uf gi ving the m tbcir Crcetlun1. Pythu l!'nl'lls, t he no!Jlc - minded Grerk tenc her. is soid to have one Ilay f\ ll l'c llll~crl fr om fis he rmen lhe fi s h in thei r nets in urd r to hnv e th c juy of fl'ocll\1!' them. (' nmpn nl onshi'l for the unrn rtullute, I"' WI' '"<' I' hUlll blc, iB the lllllrk of u s uperio r soul. f{ ill t! IIl'S~ is till' core uf chufRcler. It is th e power of the Gl' ld cn Rule IIpp li ~ rI to the oV<'l'y dllY . Wh en Lin coln's lIlothl' r Wll ~ dying in h ~ r fr ro nti!!r cubin she put hor han rl on little Abe's henri lind to ld hitll always tll "be kind to hi ~ Cather and sifi tcr." ' ''rh~rc is lIlore thun 1111 IIcciden\u l re lntiu nship lllltw cl'n th e character


:::;== _-=c=.=-========

hy C"rr W. He ndr ic kso n frlr ndmx. Addu IIl'ndrick.oll, d ec,'uscd , First lind Inal lIcco un t of thl' ,"Twill ntr..r al pllblle snlr Ilt my lull' oj' Addu C. Hen dril'k MII , d"l' .'a,· r (,~lci l· t1 c.: l ' i n Co r win , Oh il), on ·d. \\'8 ' pruducoed by ll d", i ni ~l rat"", The Eye Siaht Sp cci&liat Sa tu rday, AUR u. 1 28, 1926 ('urr I1 .·ndrick son and 1I\lI'N\" ~ d . R'·K in •. ing lit I o'c lu k, my huu~," !'l'cu rHI unci lfin"l ucc tl unt fir Ih,' h<,111 lind kit ch!·n J!" tlds, slI'V "', cign r g uard ian sh ip of Effie Fannan, incomC.I " l ' n o d q thl\ r H rlil' l c~. pe ten t. wns ap pli r ol by gunnlin n, ~ln ­ M HS. C HAS . W~~ R NTZ. Lebanon. Ohio ry Wil son . nnd appro"cd. \Y , N Scar>, A u< t. Ed ~. Co nklin w a ~ appointed li S nppraise r in th,! place of J ohn Re· tu ll kk, in the estnte of J ohn A. J am 8.00 a. m. I . 4 p. III. ~ s o n, decellscd, Fred Cole wal~ appointed, upo n application. a s exec utor of the es tate of HAYE YOUR EYES EXAMINED t' fl ntana MaSSeE! Cole. deccM£'d, n n bond required. Pri vute sale proceedings mad e by administrator Robert J. hawhon. of tho estale of Eva Osborne, dec eased. wllrc approved. Specified settlements LOOKED AT IT are ordered made from the $1800 pro cceding from suid 68le. "Even after thnt rain Illst night Final account of the estate of MaMONEY LOANED rian Trovillo. deceased. was filed by the weather is almost os hot IIJl it is in Cuuo ." executor, Fred St John. "Have you ever bee n in Cubn?" Inventory and appraisement of the 1UDSENiIRE LOANS on Chptlelll.Stocks, Securl· "No; but I' vo s ecn po~t-card s of estate of John A. Jameson, deceascd , Of tics and Second Mortg.ges. Notet were filed by the executor, The Leb- it I" Uf.A RW MDCU'l'ES bought. John Hllrblno Jr., Xenia. anon National bank. Ohio. ·m80·'28 }' irst account of the estate of HenSubscribe for tbe Miami Gazette. with CENOL FLY ry Dilatus h, deceased, was filed by DESTROYER.. Wipe out a trustee, Charles N. Dilatush.



DR. E. M. RUDOLPH At Cary's Jewelry Shop

Every Tuesday






whole arm, of them in a few

REAL ESTA,TE TRANSFERS Joseph Ertel and Hettie Ertel to Lester and Lulu Otto, lots 628. 629 and 630 in P'oster pprk. $1. A. P . Osborn and Frances Osborn to Mary and Marga re t Ri ehl, lot No. 18 in Cold Springs camp. $1. Walter Fitts to Jacob a nJ Ru th Scholl. lot I t7 in Park Place Addit ion. Franklin, $1. Ada J. Clark lo John W. Parle tt. lot 889 on the revised plpt of Franklin, $1,Joco b and Ruth Scholl to Mose nnd Lnuru Landers, lot 1021 in Van Cump's Addition to ' Franklin. $1. Ernst Hoppe and Minnie Hoppe to H. Hoppe snd Compuny, u trad in Clines Run, in Deerfield Tp., $l. Jean Brown S lagle , Dayton, heir of the late Adda B. Brown, to John and Elizabeth Snider, a section of lot No. 76 on Sycamore street, L ebanon, $1. F rank Jordan to Bernard L. Jordan 100 acres in Survey 23 13. orginally in the name o£ PeterMuhlenburg,$1. Richllrd F Starke and Lottie Stllrke to Murtha A. Sae hr. 103 a cres on the l}ayton pike. $ 1. Rant a nd Ella Ballnrd to J ose ph Barn es, fOUl' acres in Clellrcreek Tp.

l'ETIT10N '1'0 8&1.1. n~AL TO VA\, DEBTS


~~~!fe ~'r J~~t~S~il1~~1~~~~r CO:chrb.n. Deceaseu. Pial ntl tr. DofendnntJs.

Clifford Vn.n

H orn

anll Flqra Vnn Va.n Horn n.~d

eenol Alencr

Horn. hI. wlta: William

Farmers, Attention! of Warren and adJolnln. counties nlay ohtaln money on Ion. time loane, at 5 per cent interest. Cost of securing the aame I. very ru· sonable· ,through The Federal Lane! Bank. For further information e.1I on or addre88 M. C. DRAKE, Tre. . urer, phone SIS.X. Lebanon. Ohio.

~n~8!rn~ro"r 1-fi'~~i8hl~e~l haJ":;:;d',1 ~yo~,

whom res ldc nt Lintner. IIl1n ol •. and Ca rri e Crlpo lInu !loy CrIpe. her hu.· ltn.nd. who resldo at rn llerson, Callrornill., will ,t nk e nqtlco tllnt Ayer. B. Jennln ga. exocu tor ot the es tate ot Klz· 2 10 'Hutc hinso n Cochran, d ccen Re u, on the 2181 dAY of Jul y. 1 D ~G , til ed hi. pelltton In Ihe Probnto Cour t or Warren Cou n· (Y. Ohio, n ll ~F: l n g that th o perso llal es· tnto ot suld d couon t 18 Insufflclont to pny hor dob ts nnd the expen80S of admInIst erin g her estato: Ihat s ho dIed • Ized In feo simple ot tho fOllowing desc ribed r enl es tate, to, wlt : "SItuate In th e Town8hlp ot Turtle· r e ck, Couut y ot " ·arron, and State ot· OhIo. bein g th o so uth oastorn part of Section No.7. "own J, Range between Ih o Mlnml Rlv ·r., tiog-Inn ng at e. Slone In th o eou honot e\lr"or ot .ald



c tl on; th e nc e r u nni ng N, l ~J · m, "9,09 ohulu 8 to n ston e slululed 191 tllo mld-


~A~ °Lo~n~~i;n ~~l~~ rp~~n~~I~nt~7tt !rOt~ lh In

DaYton "od Lohuno n f'lk e ; th ence Lh.. mlddl o of RA Id town. hlp N~ 7 Y.:' \ V, 2 0.S:! chu lns ~.p otOIlO slluu ted In lh mIdd le Of the ' bILlI on Ilnd I'rool(1I 11 Pl ku; tho ne" S.

nm d


COMMISSIONERS' ALLOWANCES Vall l!Y 'Ph une Co., o/lice tolls and Tl'nt, $8 UI6 ; Trustees of Public Affairs, water TC,nt, ,10; Sheriff Brnnt, board >lnd wU8,hin g for Ilrison or" duro in g Jul y, $274.36; Ell ery Atkin son, labor H!IlI supp li c~ on Kherilf' s Dodge, $2 .21i; H. C, Heif, labur and s uppli es Ilt jail, $1. 35; Lingo Hardwllre Co .• suppli es f or sheriff, $89.90; same, s up p l i~s for court house, $2. 10; Suo emel . mg and Sicker Stor e, snme S6e; Brolldway Filling Station. supplies for Scal er of Weights and Meusur cs, $3,14 ; The John ~o n and Watson Co. , suppli es for r.ecorder, $4.70; John Law nnd Son . 8upplies for sheriff's county cars, $37.96; Griswold Tire lind Buttery shop, BUme, $63,70; The Johnson and Watson Co., same, $6; M. H. Oswal<!t burial of indigent Boldier, $100; u. S, Higgins, member burial eommitt;ee ' of indigent Boldier, $1; Henry R'Iid, 8ame, $1; V. W. Tompkins, pay' roll for one·half mo., $393.90; F M. CoDina, same, $239.36 Eden TerrY, same. ,943;,;<\. T. Rettie. same, $309,86; P. B, MODce, .ame. $167.60; Fred Snider. Bame. $399.26. W S. Graham. 88me, $194.90; Harlan Whitacre, same, ,U6.jl6,; R. D. E.d. wards, same. ~549.08.; JOleph UavlB,. same, $384.3E,; J . T, Gren, lIame, $14. , . .• d •• The Barrett Co •• for tarvla an I.. , JicatioD, . $1988.8,8; KllpatrJekMotor Co,. repairing truck. Co" $1.80; A. 1lrat utimate on con· 6. ,300; 'The Frank supplies for Dllt. 8, 12:! IlDd .Dakin, same for 6~r $64.48; Plttlejobn BroB. Mill cemell&' .121.10; W. P. McCarren. for npalrbur ttuck and for garage . ,4. '16; furrllahinr and 88 poave1, $669.60, 11l11'1lllihliBIr ad deliv.ring ...avand SweeD8J, fun-

loadbur cruah.d aton.., ..... "6 ';rarda ~.,.., ""8.8:Q; 18 , . . IftI!v~ $11.-


mIa_te .. SImply .pny tbe _ .... the fU.. fall dead. CENOL FLY DE:STROYER Ie quIcIr. ........ 10 .... PJ...1q odor. For S.I • • t



Ayers B . J e nnin gs, e t (11,.

$1.J ose ph ·lIn,I I-lett,c • E• r lc.I C·ln Clnnu. t i, to Hl'rue rt Hoppe. F05t" r, 27 lots in Foster Parl(, $1 au, Knther ine West to E , R. und Mary E:. Wolcott, 1\ specified tract para lle l wi l h Eust stree t ill Leban on. $1. Dora nnd Christian Swi t l-e r' til Albert R. und AIliIlP R. Sw it~ cr. &0 acres ill Gosh!lI1 l'p .• Clerm on t co unly, 3 ae ro! of whic h tract is 111 Hamilton 1'1'., \V nrrcn co unty. , I .

Many little chicks are hatched,out with greatest care only to die frorru feeding neglect. Be fair with your hatcbes this year. Give them a chance to live and thrive. It costs so little to do it. Conkey's has solved the problem of carrying little chicks safely over the critical first 8 weeks. No other Chick Feed has such a record of success.

-- -

Public Sales

Owen S. Higgins tu Frank and L . 4 9 ,~ :! dmJn s t o th n al tLke : Clarll Young. inlot No.4 in Chnrles 1t h%(' 'nce~\'S. 8!}1,.i· E . :!0.4 4 ch n tn s t o th e Elliott's addition to Lebanon. frontin g p)n c:u or b. ,•.dnnfnJ,.:', c f1nla.ln l n g IO::,:r; 40 f ee t on 'Mulucrry stre et. Also , acres. or lO:! 0. 't f:s, l rO QtI a lld 1U h os," a te n-fo ot strip (rom inlot No. 3, lid- perc 1'hal J , l\f nrlon 'o ohrn.n , wlclot\' rof, joi ning No. 4, S 1. hns c unvllyod litH dl)\\'l' l' Int ro. t Lo Lydia Wri g ht et nl., to Edward ;'\ )'C f a B. .J e n nings , t h u pTI\}"t! r o f th e MurrllY, 27 acres on the Springull rn p l Ull n I ~ .tOT on r l r'tn u tl ()n o t th e lro nuC ,r or the <low e r In t t r >I t nod thu t R II Lion road in Clullfcrcek Tp., with sa id 'Pr OP erly h e ROlt.] to 1m)' lhe delJls lhre e tracts rese rv ed ther efrom , $ 1. u ud Oh (LrgC~ ntvrc !!o leL ' f'"ltf r orrl '~n. n fi n , " nnd Flo "" Vnn Minna Hoppe ct Ill., to Vi ctor p, Rorn, WIlli a m Vn n fCo rn an d BNls l Wilso n, three aCI'es in Deerfield '1'p., VUII 1I01'rl, UR ? '} } H oo t :J nlld ".ra )l lnr


\ h" 1!

dl':n l l'nIi H" ',. t l~ I \ \\ lid, '. 1 I Ul1 U~(' Ill! nt. I ; ; " I d ... udd l'fj lit , ! " , rOo li 11ll l ' " 1 1\ \' t'1 :11 it , ... ~. I I " t' r y




r.t., •.ve

P IH ' h n q ';: lI l'('\.'I,d ,' d i n ":: P . E . S l1idt.' r utld !-i u n. d y n nJllite a nd (·up .... $ 1:\' 1;(; L . \\'. l'\l':.;b i t. nlld ( 't' .. ("1H " lIt, :!.t. 0; ()'li n \ ' n r r uJ!n (·ff f'ujV(' 1'1 Cu" ,·ul · f 1'L 11ll I' I'r :. II' 111' 1'1 11-;. , l ry 'f': ('h guarrl nln, .f. I'~, ,I n nn e y , \'t' rt s,. $7 L 2 0; , 1.i!'J.:'lI lI n ruwar \.' 0., !" ha k(·:-- I, ) ll" r l)l !\ill~ l }W \ L' ll \, S"""lill lin d li nnl ner rl ll ni Ih, ' "",,!,lIt's f>l r IIt, trh'1 I un ci :! . ., I;Hj,- S urr UIJll d 1fl >!' .. !lltin' .. It 1"\ thl' l 'J'\' r o r '.' IIll'athy : 11 -,,1 >!11" r.l i lln ~ h i (l lI f Wllr r,' n .1. ~I i ll,'r, ('t (; ·1, lll·,' g"niu Brid !!,' COl • hit t> pr irnfi ' n1 , In i Jwf"ti. w n s fil e d hy ~\lanli a n . und , ~ l l' (>l. $ 1K. (i:, ; ~ all1 C, r ~ patr · ln f.! k IJl dl \ l' ~ " , .. ,:01.(' \h', :1 1' , .I1!~ t h. i .. Jl y ~ 1 1l \'~ I" t':lf l k 1. . ~t tl l c r , l ' qUlp ll h'ul. $ .1. 1,:,; ,l lIh n 1111d Still FUl a l Ut'l'uU llt u f t h e e~ tllt (' ~ d JIlS. l'l'II1.\U'!' 11 11 ~ lI !" \l' Ylq ' . "Ilr. ;; ' :! . ~(U; t h" I) J I;u. 11 1 t il t' \\ " r ld , T h l "tth r t · \ ·,' nl " ~ I WH", t l 'a dj n~ ) I t' P ''' flnott , d(·l 'l·il!\t 'd . WH!o' app r fl\' t, d Ih .' rn .lrcl Battl'r) ~bd i tlll, rN' l1lt l'~ iIlK l ly Ih€' ('ll l l l't II p o n lH .' j llt.;" pruduc ,' d b y hattl·ry ... 1; II. S ('111)1) ' l ' r , ";Upp li l'!4 a,C' tl l!l (h ,· ... t.II.' u r I! 11' " : url luh'n l \':\ \.L' ut ri x, ('n th l'rin,,· 1l',\r r\'. fur d l'.. tri l' l :\ 11. ·1. $a : ~. C . .t\l(~ ~ a l1" ti m!' ::, u r' ( ' h ,'\r l l' ~ I. I n t'.. n~luf1d Utlt Ht' ti lt' I1 HI:-t ){ u f pit-l U f(' .... qUt" !'Irsl Hnd tiu nl HCCtlu n t II f Ull' l':-'- tlt- r . ~aml· . S:L7a: \\" I Il J.: anti t-: \' 1lH b. :-l Oll ~ H ~k~ I.'HltHIUI " ,d il l HIe , ~l'll s l'"k..a r'': ,: 111 lll l ~ n ll WII pJ' l\lItl' !H' l- n t' the J,!I'(loK t\' t' t mun o f o ur age n nd t all' of' Sl' rt 'pt ll :--;tan:if ll , Ol'l..T /ls l'd . f (l r Lhl' fa d thnt "h<'ing kin d" \\'llM the li lt.' r .; l tl lll h- (, u l 111 IHy 1liC'U; lI r~ , • " t"n 'II hy ~xccutr i x. Emtllll I .. I(u"· $t; 7J. ,I, A ~ th l' I\ UIJ( wa ~ k d u ut to hi s o ni~' r·c'1 11 (,st. of his dyin g llloUler, ~" II unll appr"vcd hy " "1 11' 1.

I'l'titilln nnd l'l'tl.8 p(' titiq n Ht lion I«'n ' refusru b)' the co urt.

Nothing but reliable Serum and Virus used


CUU ""

.H "lnvn

Ma v .1,,, rill n \\' dli ll ill A.



u roif'r,·d

W a~ dt~llli Q:;(l d for \\' f n l o f 111'tlitl ' CUt 1(}11 . Hvhc' rt Bro\vn wa, u JlPo ; ntl·d J!u a r · uian ' "f ~I H I'I( ~l'l' t () pul m ill F rHn ~ ~

( ;t'O fCl'

A Specialty

llirveysbu'rg Fertilizer Co.

\ ' I' I'1' u h '" Huti :-:lHl l..' W ,t !\

quin',j o f th e pia l ,. Hr In th.·




fl lnintl :1 I' ,. H 11 \.\\" tri ll l

"f \'ir!ri l [- lI lh'n b , \I ll iiam I{"o f. ' l ilt, ,'U \l S O o f Fanr 1(' H rllw n

All of the above material can be found in our yard every day in the year at moderate prices



p n y t h" C(IS\~ In 1'!l' e;ls, \If I h ':-;If' r Ie '. l! }U IH \'S , H"r rhHU l. S (>l' ur it y f o r r n" t:-o ,,~ ' rilll wa ~ r,'·




n I_ ill t he c a~ ~ .. r Ih.· " 'I:r h I. ~ hll ­ Pack ing en.. v~ . E .. ·I l ·h,lh .. l:r I1l1d • \'. I), W ut ki,," .

________ • - __________ .,




1Hu h " I'lhm lIml r.. hn J" lwnrd CIlI'I- 1\' rv slll'd

1 ,'n


rick Portland Cement Plaster Lime Plaster Board Wan Board



I-l nd $ l Ht.i \\' :lr Jl i tl~ \\ ; l ~ i~s ll, · tI that )q \\t., d hv ('O lll· t U l'l' " h(qltJX p rl1ri u (,t1cl , n fH r (lc lo su r (' w o u lrl hl n\adc un l e ::~ II\' 1 , ~,\t' U t' l , " nlli{l ~lar ia nt'H n , , h.1 in dl, bh., dn es'" i ~ Ctl It ("\, l1 \ d , . ' ('t'nt 1 nc t't;llll t or t ht., ~ uHrd i :a f1!<-hip , 'rtll' Jury ~I:!,, ~":-:"' I ' ,t t~(· ~tl m o f S it,:! .,i Ch!lr lt's It J a nne y, llHll(l ri h .·: W H '" "- 0111(' t hl' phdn ',lf frll ll. th ~ dr fv nd - ltl' l lrd \' l ,tI UJlnn it s n p p il (' utl ul\ h y l h t'



Pi -



- -:

Red Cedar Shing les . Aule Hide Shi . ~ ~!';

QAZ~ '

\fllle , 2 .26; ~ ll ~n (' f pnd ph<·tld UI,I " " " thl'l Iluun!int,. !· }' mlt!)!!:c, lllndi ng .~3!\ yu rd ~ of grnv· KJUp '! 1", I\i,' < n . " W" , II 10,. 1lI'·'1 :b:l a. 6; l!um for 838 yitl'fl bi rnv,' 'fj fl · . (\: C_, P Flow .'r~. ,7 YIlt('',00 ho" d Htlruld C l{ illicit! w , :IPI, ui nt ,I iJT!\\ el, ~ W,O':; ; E. R. nO llr y, r,u:nitl hur 11/1 hi ; tlJ'l'li(·"t\III 'l~ "dn, II \ ~ I rn· illl! lind p i i!)g 18' ),,11' 13 RtlJ n ' , tm 'Ow ~\> li t . <,f IInr,·y J\1. ll [, lrlold , 1 ~3 . 5 I . d,·~ · ,s(od. $ J ,0110 bll url \\'II ~ gi on. n. . B,·am, !!~O to ns ~ r u~hcd _t 0 1H' , (.QP'I'" A llll'rl 1!" l lI l c~. lilldli lI o1nll'. I nd 3 '·1; l""IlI ~ y l "a ll j rl R. It. ' 0 . , d 'PR OCEE DING S ' url Til l'lII p. un Wl're nu m.. d IIpprll!. - mUrrIll''' ~h u ,. ~(>s, ~:! : 1 \, 111 :;ch u yl t'l' . PL£ l: MMO the p )It1[1 "'rty I J'cllH,vi n Jt trt:'l! (]'tun bd d ~l\. $~. !i 0 ; THE FUNOAM NTAL NEE D IS IIl1n. \. .: "IIIl' I \ , . E,h n . 1. l' r~F' ot KINDNt:SS il ,t ·,:,d 11n:l l ar c('u nt ,·f he l', . I.Jnhn onJlt'l i, ~ 11Il~. $~,;. II · Jnco b .. ",1:1:, ,t :11 .11I, ,·"II··t SU>',Rlll ul thl' t.atl' llf :.uUI.'., ~~;d~" . ,kC"h:-tt. J. WI'\ ; l3ItJdlc('\lll\ , snln~·. "' .5 : C )lurnbu ~ ' c unlt n l ~ (\1 t hl' p'-'lU lun h t.' r t.' 11l :HH1 The " Idp ,· 1 gril l'· lhl' 1lI,' rl' I bl" n (11"'I)\'cd by COUl't IIJl " " b, ·ing Jlro -I Ulllnk Huok (' .• ~uP\llil'~ · 8urv 'Yd '·l'r" I.d th a I II", pln int iff rC l'U V{' r du ('l'" hy ~ X , ' rlll \1 r , W illilll\l KI 'nk 0 1'. $:'? If. ; n. W. Tnyl or . lung\lc fo r f' nn u ' ( ' 1111 int' ..,d pr t ht:' vati(tily u r flI H' , f ru ln l h ' dl,f.'n nn rll , th,' 'l,m .. f , 41 'J F II','t " ....1 filla l nr~I'u n l "f th e c ~· \\ hl'l,1 " cnll"'I', ,:1 ; SprinKuo ro ( ;:11'- ., r Il ly t~tl r l i l' l' ht.:' li l' f", . lI li d H pe r (,l' r'll i nt ..' n~~ t :'1n,' o -"l ardl i\1l1l1" I\.. til a t Ii,.. [1I11,llIllH'nt ul "cl,t! lH t< ~ ,I e ,,', ~ ~I ' tl l'n l ~·r\! . dN"('UNl1 rl , ! u g(' , t r u tk fl' flftil' , $:!. :(fi ; lil' r~{' h (\ 1 1 ! .~t1. \\ h idt Ul11 11 u n t r ,· pt"l'HCH t.:; n \\ II~ pr< ,duc l',l b y .x,·c ut ,·i •. Lucy .' ct - J am es. sa lli e, $ 1{J 1. ~f: ; l ilt 'r nat iun lll o f th i:; ":,, l'Il i, I.illdnl'<", pn)" lI", n t d Ul' un n ", .. rllll('· ,)f $ ~q()O t l l ' r:lynl auel ;\p p r'(l\ l-d by t'l llH l J':\'l' n' \1 lit.' i,: thlr ~ ti n ~ « dO und~ !'­ I I I Hl"," l! :4 l i t ' t ) . ~ 1\T1 H!. $:?:~.:t ~; lr ~ rI ~n h ~ ~ tl llIl· d b y . aM dl'l'l' rHtnnH 1r1 d ct·d · l 11IJ 1 n .. ('II\Ul nf t1h.' (l~t itt ' 'I f J\ , ~ I \\ tllllH't' (", h rlli),!e 1I1utk tw l. $..t • . I, ; ~: nHd lll it , (, tI' :--yrnpHt h y , f" I' tll l' f( ' II. ): II ... nr" t',·,'ly II! Ih .. 1.I ",nti IT. 11 !'rt'd \\' ("hu h . ,1r'ccn'-o,·tf Wu s fl l1 t t)t't:! d I C . u. T}Hll n lJ ~o n . muwi nK ''In' d3. ~~I : r'rt..· .. h IU ..... t llll d l ,.t H ~ lJ l ll l ~' h, n r't. 1\." :l lso ,i<-" rc f' d tha l rl ct'~rll l l lll\ ' 1. \ l~ XI ·l'u t OJ. t ', C . ....:UlllIH I1 S. an ti ap- ~tnn ct arrt Oil ( \ L, l 'u U l h1r\ " I Hlk~ , 'n", ~ " Ul uin t{ m ll y 1". \,,, \',' I'(' d u n Ll'nni(' n ll {) lllltt ie 11 :111. pu y \( l Ill ' r '~""' 1' I,y t h~ e'lLl rt. I ~ 1~ :~ .a ti . J uhr ' .. Ihn ~ , ""pl\ I I ll\ ~ II :1. h tl " ,~f d . \, , ' t Ii. ~" )l,. p h i~ tr y r h'rk o f ('()Il rt ~ the nw r!g-"!,: " sum 'Jf Fir:-o t UII O nnal n C(,fl unt ( I r lh ,' t'~, tl 'lUlpllll! n t . .. 3. 5 0; n dl1nw n s S t) Il S or C \ 'IIU' I ::I11, b u t ~O\l IH ' r ti l' IlIt l' r, n:-; ~;l ·IOO, nl ~o LWO illt!!l'C"t ' UIlIS of $~04· t at,· ., ( Eli ll t-H n, I I (lCt.·H ~ ll d . "US :\1- Cn. , tW.'d:;I: ,dn .h· ... , r ila" it . Franhlin . ~\l H rd I':~l mu l . .,· .\l11 i: 1


Material For Your o f5"-· ..... - - -.--


W. To~ dellYerlq


Walter McClure J. E. McClure FUNERAL DIRECTORS



Fully Equipped for Good Service . Large Display Room. Ambulance Service HAY OR NioHT TSLEPHONE 1

"816 '

SEED RYE-A No. 1 White. 1 ~ mils south of Lytic on the Town· ship road. J. F. Grisham. "a26 SP.E;CIAL - A limitruJ number of show crs with curtain and 7-in. shower head. tomplete. ready to Ins till! over nny bathtub at $8.76_ THE BOCKLET-KING CO., 415 W. Mllin St .• Xenia, Ohio. a18

" n rrl c\ C r IJl II uti 1:0," CrI ,l(' arc nn t trl ''\Il th a t I h(' ), a s n e x t ot. kill . h"'I \·t'! he" n m a.lIe pnl'lIf"H ll c. r «" u ll.1lll t o s n t,J ()¥'tlll n n /lll l i thut thoY Il.r p rt 'IIIlIrl' ti t o Htl f't\\' l ' t ~tll ) ' / ' 11ft o r b l)( n r c ttl O ;J tit d:ll' 0 r 'c Ol e llil) r, J t.I:!fi. :! l J -J\-2 ;j I-t oo t s,

FOR SALE OR RENT-Farm of 83 ncres. 'I nquire of R. E. Simkins. R. R. 2, Oregonia, Obio. .026

,IOW no. 'JIQs,"i"IJR.D'I' ..,.l\\I~ LITf\..t" sn CoY' BOOKS \ ~ \~ o lt.n-\- 'l\'+1:CR.. w C::.~G~ \~


I\\~ C&l:t\IN\-'( M"U!.. . ,..(»lOE;\<.ruL - M'( ~ tl.l.. \''is' 'STQ.O\\lC E."R..


. ..


PIPE- When you want pipe, valvea and fittings for water steam or gas, call on THE BOCKLET.KING ~--------------..; CO., Xenla. Ohio, phone 360. a18 ..~~~~~~~~!!'!!~!'!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ,- - -_ . - - - FOR SAL.E -600 bu. Seed Wheat . Fulhio and Trumbull. inspected 99 8-10 purity two yeras ago, H. A. Corn e ll, R. D. 1., WaynesviUe, Ohio.

II'Jr e hy

• I.I1U.BLI9HERS • 1A171'O(:AS']rElt S,n!'RV.I.CEt

AGENT WAN1'EI In Waynesville territory. Sworn proof of U6 per week. ,1.60 nn hour for spore tlmo. troducing finest guaranteed HOliery 126 styles and colora. Low prices. Auto furnished. No capital or experience neceSllllry. WfLKNIT HOSIERY CO .• Dept M-48, Greenfield. "4t Ohio.


.i• •





... becriptiOD Price, $1.50 per Year








U. S.


The I('L .... r thut Clemence uu sen l to l'reNicl"n t oolidKI!.· I!xpr '~sed nu high upinion o f th e Unit l!d SLaLes' altitude 011 Will' dehis. Thc old French tiger is lighting CU.f· his country and U8CR lhe wcnpons at hllnd , Four yeurs ago, whr n he wroLt· an intro' duction for h i~ hook called "Indu, trial Amoricn in Lhe World Will'," Clem· eoceau thou ght well of the United Stutes and whul it had done for France. Rund this extrnct from Mr. Clumunccnu'H OWll wriling "Ml'lInw hil(' he re arc some eloquen t ligure N. In eightl!l'n munths th,' Uni. ted Rll .te "('n t us 5,00 0,000 tons of food 8uPlllie8 li nd 6,000 ,00 0 t onfl of war mllt('rilli . The steel t hoy se nt us reprc·N .. n!. .. ,1 II ... TIIW II1 l1t('rilll for lIlO.OOll,QOO '7[, ' "he IlR. The fu"d stull's tlwy Benl up fcd 12.000,00 0 Frenchm en f or u year and a ha l f. If this help hud not been forthcoming. our urmy could not have heltl." When Clemonc('uu wrote thnt, Eu · rope had not yet chnllJred Uncle Sam's na me to "Uncle Shy lock ."


Senator Willi " is nn I \(lnf!8t ru8n. B· was I\n honeet Bchool t'\laehor, an hon s~ Cong~l!l;S"Il1an, an bonest ll'(IV; ernor nnd ,haS", bl) n . nn h( Ille t Sena.tor. Ilis jll<lgrueni.s hove not nlNnys been beyond cl"iticlsm, bu 1 his ten,lonoi08 arc cnr r,·cL. Thnt:is a ll thf\ t li n be e xpected. 'rho policios of the natio l lal administruLion, TeRulting in p nc c, unll ec'dented prosperity 111111 unl.ll7ececicnted tux r~ "l1cti onll, hnVe hot!, and will continu ~o ha ve t he support of SenIltor Willis. H e Mhou ld he re-clccled. -Ohio Stute J nurnuJ. SAMANTHA SAYS M(l ~L

city pl'ople " "pend UPOIl "CInVIIS to hring thplll the hN,uties of th ,' open country; I ha ve nn eYer changin/( .ky lin' frill" my kit che n w: ,"low. SAYS SAM When l>uyi ll Jr a ho"k I lik" til think .,( l h" fO ld G,.~ ck ,'xpre"si('n . thllt II nUlI l's li bnlry i, the hl'u ling'-plne c of the "o ul. Wllrds frolll the Lips o f Gr('nt M~n - "n(, cou rteous to nil, bu t intimate with fl·w."- George Wnshington.

-----. - ..----

"Inside" Information

In mnking q uick l>rcnds 111111 cakes allow In ge ncrn l 1 til 1 YJ teas l'(lon' or hllkinl{ pnwd('r for cach cup of flour. nutter cakes thaL ho ve n A QUIET 'PIC PEN gr ellt de lll of t:gJ! white may, however, need less. Pop-overs 1111r! sponge W'h el1 till' trough is full of pig rootl cnke" nrc the exceptio n nnd r CQuit-e ,ou b ear little sq uCn lillg' in Lhe (l~n ­ no lHlking powrler nt nl\. tbe pigs nrc busy Bnd contented. ~ When wlIgeg are high and jOhA plentiSnuerkra ut mnde In amall quantitul you hCIlr Ii ttl 4iscontcnted, rod- ties in the home lIlay be prC)served in e follow ill g wny; As soon as fully . ieal talk that orgunj7..c/J capital cIIlIs Lh rermentprl, pock in Mason jars I1nu "Bol.hcvism." Motormen and .witch- cover either with th e kraut brin p. or men on a New York subway Wllnt.ed if this iM not possihle. with n ff'csl: more mon ey and Ahould have hM It. hrine mude by Ilddintr on e ouncc to 11 Quart of wnter. Hent in a watcr ~ were rorced to work Boven days bllt11 lI11t,,1 the center of the jar shows Po ,W~\,; to corn $38, not enough to a tL'fllptlraWre of nbout 160 ' F., then »>ay l'tlnt. lIlId Ceed a family nt New eeal tightly. It etoTcd in a cool plnce It will keep {or II yellr or more. Yor. J1~QOl. • • 1bc)' WIl.elr, wore thoroughly and idea that it ill harmful to cat 'promlltly be:lUn II, the corporation, fishThe ond milk tQgether ill entirely erand a few wero bellt.llll by ~he police. roneOU 8. Fish and milk ore fre.Now they· malch humbly bliCk tQ ~heir quently cooked together and eate a in the form of chowders or milk gra~ba, glad Lo get back. They .trQk vies. Creamed flah on toaet or Ke rv,. ftc wroug time. Men can't wtn ed ..,itJt potatoes ia n favorite dish 1& ~ unleJ18 other nlon .ympa- and It glwn given to children. Cer¥I1nI them. Wagos are high, tainly 11 tttclle two nrticles of diet the .crowd '" In Ii hurry to get home are not harmlut whIm cooked together, they ~tlI not be when eaten at the too I!ItIIrt Lhe ra.dto, T.his is not a good same meal. ,!;Ime for a strike. • • Many fruit juices are well suited to vinegar making, as they con ta in " J'~ ..ALL PEOPLE CROOKS 7 sugar in the proper proportion nnd nece888ry or desirable substanc, ',~jl1ger, representing 1\ othttl' ces. The Unjted Stat·s Department eompany 'Uw!t fllf')1jshes bonds for the of Agriculture hail published a bullehonesty of eIJlPJoy~, /lays: "Ninety tin on moking vinegar at home. • per cent oC the people '" ~}lis counLettuce production h88 become nn t'rf IIY O potontial Crook8." E),q)/lriunco tells him thut necea»l- importnnt industry in r ecent ycors. Shillm!!nts in 1924 filled more than ity, p1lJ11 "ppo.rtunity, will show- nine s ill till1es as many cnrs as in 1916. .out of tell tD bo thieves. The per~ 4:Cntage is bId!, but not much too Carcnses of IijselUled fowls should blgh. Our early bat1lllfiJ&n ancestors never be thrown where chickens or our more recent seml-barbariall grand hogs cun get thorn, lUI there is much !,'1'eater danger of severe infection lAtber.I were maraude.a:s and !flllors, from eating tuberculosis or otherwise IIUUl t.c.k pride In that work. We are diselilled organs ot a dead fowl than .only 12 ,!)eO ,.eari from the late Ston!! from litter so urces • - - - ~ ..... Age DOW and ~ will takc a mlllioa 'years oLl!!1lve~ poo~erjty to make THE PROMISE ua JIll one hundred per elot bones,t. ------~ ~~.~--~"My how careful you are of your t.oy~ou've picked up evert one. I P 11'l,ulCI ALL Y RELICIOUS SUIlP01Ie your mother promised you Tblti '" • reJigious country, Q.nap. something for dol~g It?" "No; she sajd d get something If daUy, at I~ P.r. LovejOY, of the "Collnell of the C)aW'~hC8 ot Christ I didn't.'1 .... 01 the United States and anada," IN THE MOUNTAINS 81lY. religious Americans gave to rl)l.igl~ t..t year $(148,00,0.000. rha~ k ~Q !i .a girl last"night and now aUnl, nj)put $6 a I;lead tor everyl;)(l,dy all ,o v 'r f;ile plo..ce. . . in tbe United States, ought to snve it's"They c1U1m It's ~he most remark111811, sO.IIIs. u: l.!artt1,l1&r Jlpen.~. able echo in tl)e world I"





- ---

.. ..







Come Berryin'


At the age at seventy my grandMr_ uI1l1 M r !;. Mott Cline, of Duy- moth er was a s spry /l 80ul ns YOIl could hope to ~e~ und she had to n, wcr 0 er Lbe week-elld. a IDOl nution, a n btion to which, by Mrs. Ann L. Smith w~ a we .k-end A number Crom h e re Werc ill atten- the way, T l11ys..,lf subscr ibe to tbis lnlllst of r IlI tivc s ill Dayton. darrce nt the Flat F ork Hom e-CO m- day-that it WIIS just about the best spo rt ill th e wo l'ld to ",to herryin'." W. C. Pe nce, of Springborn, ,' isited ing, Satllrday. Sometlmos. when I would start t o Mr. lind l\1rs. Walt r Kenrick, ThursRobe' r t Smith spe nt t he past week <lay. the back lot Lo Jret th e COWR, just a. with hi~ unc! o, Hugh Burgeli lind the Bu n WUH winking through the onk III iss Giliclys IJcrgdull lYas 11 week- family, in Belmont. l,'1'o\'e and th e d ~ w was b 'ginning to end gU~Rt fir Miss Znclu Wcir, ill Tho Civic Lealfue and Curnmunity seem less cold to bal'e to s, J:irnnrlXeni3. club enjoyed II Joint picnic lit Bub mothef;, clad in overulls and stra,v StUIllP's, Wednes day. hnt und swinging her ba"ket, with n Muster Charles Morga ll. of South lunch in the hutt,,,n , woul d corne with Bl'ncl, HIWnt IIIRt w(Jck with Billiard The M. E . Altl was pOflLpon('d unLit Wallace. . IIlC a~ far U ~ th . sl 'cu nd I!ate. Ther ~ this Th ursday, August HI, on account shu wlJ ul d h~ad fur th,- "" I n shln~ .'· Mi ss Helen nuke is home from of llH! Wi lm inirton fair. wher e the hltlukbelTi('~ gre w rank. so See UB Early fo r Your Sale Dates. We Guarantee J\linmi Vn lley hospital s pending' her Mr. Sam Ki rhey hilS heen 11 guest tull thnt I fancied th em f ull of bp l1 r~ vacatio n. S dtisfaC' l io n or Ch r ee Nothing. at t he home of Mr. and Mrs. Charl es nnd tigers a nd Hnllk~s and llIayb (' dragons! Ever< tt Enrly and rhildrcn and E. Gor(\"O n and family this week. And fit s upp~r timp, j ust IIR th .. Mrs. G" ol'gC Scott molul"('d to JamesMiss lIIildred B e nnett is s p e ndin~ rnen folks were br in/dng the f Ollmin)! tll\\" n, Sun dny. th is week wi th her p-ralldpnl' illS , pa ils u f llIilk . fn,n. tlll' hurn to the Phone No.2 Mr. and MI'H. Clar ence S mith 811d Mr. and Mrs. A T . Molar UIlU 'siate-r, "·parat",.. )!runulIlother would COIl1P Phone No_ 320 Mrs. Mary Mnl's hnll wert' Dayton vis- MisR Helen Bennett. lJHck up th e Illne wi l h thnl bnsk et f ull itllrs, Mundny. , of the lJig)!est. ju cicHt. sWc£'tcst, mnst • Don't forge t. th/lt the I is. iUllary lI lr. a nd Mrs. Charl es Mullenix ut- Circle will havo chnr~e of t he " (,"vi c('~ IU Rdo u" wild lJluckberries that c\'",. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--:_ _ _ _.:.:.~~~,~ t en ded the funera l nf \:{ulph Levan at a t J ona h's Run chur ch, Sun duy IlIuI' n· W ' Ill into u ju m-pot. .'\ way Wilh your p('aches, pear. .. ing, Augu ~t 2:2. And dun 't filii Iv Spr ingfie ld, Wcdnesd ny. , nlld I'l tlnI~! P olish your Oregon ""co me. M,,~srH. I~v(' r !'tt Early. Clyd e Cox pl·s II' you wi ll! Bl'a!; of your lIueTh e Bnpti ~ t Missionary ('i rcl.:! Wi ll cll le'nl California me lons- Isay that IIn,1 W('slcy BCllh1J1Il allcndNI t he ('ur th a~c fuir, Thursday. me,·t lit th e clhurch I·'rid ny ...' ug ust th., wild IJ lllckebrr-y is 11 nohle fruit. 20 , in stt'ud of W c d.II·Rd/lY . J\ uv",t I H. I\1r. nnd Mr •. Louis Brown. of Day. 0 11 account (If the UI1ptis t i\~ ,odnl i.. n ", ,, .·th ,, of :l ll Lhe haltl~ -Hcar8 incurred in I h, : winning- of it. It captur es in ton , arc ViHilillg' lhe former" H parents, at Wilmingtoll. ,ts f1 :1Vo r thc s un <hinc an d the full Mr. lind Mr.. Ernest Brown . Tw o r f' C' r nt dt.·c i )i~nll 0 1 I f,c I\P I' ,·lb tc COutl wall c ..\ua c alt 'motori fl ta 01'. C. G. I{/lnrlal! n<:" " l11pnnied nl '~~ o f mid-s um rn L' r, lh .. tung of nn to at op. t h in " n nd Il o nd (·. ( u r .. "",", ; lh:\1 i &t you who neglect to pur... l\Ir •. Alhert Stacy nnd Mrs. Clnudo Miss ur \\''')'1 1( s\'ill,·. ("nminl!' Ilutumn. till' d",rm of th r Dena Hi l'll. C' h~,e li ~hility l" I'I Ur "110' on th. · t",. o ry it i . too expf'n.ivc, or that Lt'wis visite d th e IIItt"r's s istl' r Ilt Mi- all d Miss 11 ,· ,' n !{IIndlill. t" I' ill - I,,.ush ro nd IIrlln,bl " 0 1111 . willi wllste "I long a, yuu ar e judglltonl pl·oof, yo u arc not li "hle . tlmi Valley hos pitul, Wednctiday. cinnati W('d' Ol'Rdllv. \\'h .~ r , · ~Ii,~ ,,1J\ces, the· l... is tlf:" ly slIt is fllctions or Th e Appell ldf!' CC"u rt i ~ the (" :\(" ur r _ __ vs . tlte ~ . :!:l9 Ill. Ahout s ixty rclaLives nttended th e Miss Rand ol! r 'c e i\'~d lIa,a l trc a- lIntramm"I('d lIatur..,. Tllste the blnckAppl. p agu ::!S O. l o utld de r r n da.nt l: u i tly an d jud g m~nt "vaa aa:loctJlcd l> rry. and you ta" t .. the woods. Foulks reun ion Sunday, held at the ment. again s t him by " jury in the " um of $3. 000 And pr iso ner wal_ t!,.o.t .en t-i. 1 lellrned how to g., berryi n', and home of Mr. lind Mrs. Henry Foulks. tl f'd to b,. n·len'I'd ""der Serti on 2 o f the I n~o l v (' n1 Deblor,' Act. Mr. nnd 1111''' Will Il ich. II I' An- I still go Ilt'rryin', and I shall go berLf' t m~ fi x you up wilh L iab ility Autom o b ilt.- 1 ns u r3.tlCf;> ,. whic h ~ w~l Mr. lind MrH. E lbert Wallace and ser SOIl, Ind ., and G. CI""k SI"l'r alld ryin' us IOIlJr 11 8 I ani nble to crash protp.ct your int erests 1£. n d;lInat:!e s uit is broo gh t nRain d yo u; r.l. Y S Oli. Ballnl'll . were S unda y gU(!8t8 of l\tisses Winif r,'oJ a nd IId,·n. lOf WIIY- all elk-skin shoe th rough a ten-foo t the court and d e f ense COlta . if the calc goci to c o urt and prott!ct your Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Ahlqui. t, at Day- nesville. were call ers ut th e horne uf brillr pntch. I love the scraLches, propert y b y p a y ing th n ju dn mf."'rlt if one is rendered agaln .. you . ton. Mr. and Mrs. Cha rles H . Gray and lind the glints, and the itchy heat, and See (nc al once h e fore i t ia t oo tal •.. family, Monday evcning. the indignant bees. and the stray lIlr. William Grnham reLurn ed MonMrs. Re becca Merri tt lind her gooseberry bushes that tempt one to day evening lifter all extended visit Waynesvi lI.e, with his Bon and family, at Kalkaska, daughter, Mrs. H . I. Wright, of Phil- crush thorns on the bare tongue to Mich. ad elphin. Pa.. who is visiting her catch that most untamed ot all fruit Ohi~ have g(mc to Xe nia for a vis it at th e flavors. J love the purple thi8tles and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur White and two hom e of Mrs. Me rritt's brother, Jo- t he stroy Bcarlet of the topmost pepso ns, o( Springfield, were Sunday din- seph Downing.nnd family . peridge branches, arid the nodding ner guests of Mr. lIud Mrs. Kesler hr own-eyed Susans, and the refreshGraham. Mrs. Ho\Vard Graham and Miss ing bit" t ha t Lhe Rtill green berry of Helen, Mrs. K ,I. Collil' r and Miss Mrs. Mary Carmony was 8 guest Dorthea, Silent this \Veek at Ch a utnu- the oeensio nol snice-bush leaves upon lit a dinnel', Sunday, at the hom e of Qua. Mr. Graham, Misses Kathle en the palate. And then, bnsket lull, Mr. ancl Mrs. W. F. Clark, oL WIlY- an d Nellie and Miss Dorthea Davis back to the spring, to kneel gratefluly upon the rocks and splash that icenesville. spen t Sunday there Dnd hr oug ht them cold purity upon purple-stained ' arms !\fessrs. H. M. Clnrk and Clyde Cox hOlne. and mosQ uito-b itt.en forehea~/ and attended the funeral of Mrs. J ennie A jolly family picnic occurred at drink deep-Ke mper. at Miami cemetery, Tucsday the hom e ofe Clark Starr and CamThat's an ollllltation you will not afternoon. i1y, Sunday . 'Those present includ- find in the office, or on the dance haU, ONE NICHT ONLY Notice hns bee n received her e of d Miss Mabel Sturr of Dayton; Mrs. or the golf course. There's an exhllthe discontinuance of tin agent at Ly- Amanda Stnrl', Mr... nd Mrs. Charles IIration thnt is earned by good, bard lie station . A hearing is to be on Gray and Robe rt, Alice, Kathleen and work in the land of the warblers and THE THIRTY.EICHTH ANNUAL TOUR .QF Wayne, and Lost e r Starr, of Dayton. the tebsles nnd the stick-tights and October 20. the wild grllpe. Robert Johnson, 22 of F~yettvil\e, Mr. Allen Smith, of Dayton •. visitod Purposeless ? Of course_ Any his parents hore, Sunday. His fa th- was instantly killed at 7 o'clock Sun- coward can buy blackberries. It's dny evening, whe n the Studebaker er, Mr. Clarence Smith, still remoins not the berries that couht--it's goln' quite poorly. touring car, in which he was riding, berryin' !-Imperial Magazine. with 'three companions, was sideMrs. George Grahnm visited her swiped by a Ford coupe one-half father. Mr. Cllarles Thompso n, wh o is mile cost of Balrveysburg, on the WilTWENTY YEARS seriously ill at this time, in Spr ing- mington pike. boro, Sunday. . Tile coupe is Illiid to have been drivCounsel-"Now, IIlr; tell me how Mrs. Carl Duke, Miss Helen, Paul en by a I1ll1n named Haincs, from long you have known the prisoner?" and Robert Duke returned Sunday Ogden. The others in the Studebak"About twenty years." evening after spending several days er were , Cha'r les Shlrden, Barry "Have you ever known him to be Schwartz and Joe Baker. No one at Chnutauqua. a disreputable chllracter'" was injured ex(:ept JOhnson. If No, sir." Mrs. Marvell WhIte and daughters, "Have you ever known him to be of Cincinnati, nro visiting her granda disturber of the peace 1" mother, Mrs Emmn Foulks, lind oth"Well, if I can remember correcter relatives her e. ly he us ed to belong to a brass hand." Mr. and Mr~. Rahih Johns , Miss Genemtion s IllaYl:oers have enVelma Smith and Mr. J . R. Johnl\ anl\ Mr. aud Mrs. Leste r Kenrick spent joyed "Uncle Tom's Cabin," the plllY LIFE'S MIRROR that moved the world und made hisSunday at t he Ohio Caverns. tory. While I:he text of Harriet Rev. Rllymond Stillings will be back Be cher Stowe's masterpieoe Is pr\!Reftcctlons by Panne next Sunday niter a three week8' va- served in its f'ntirety in the Stowe When you no longer hl\ve cation . Serviccs are as follows; prod\lction ~hal will exhibit here In The keenne88 to perceive Prellching at !) and Sunday-School lit their big waterproof tent. Friday, 10 a. m. . . Each bitter thrust, August 20, for on ll ' night ollly, at Each cherished thought; Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Wallace en- Frazier's park, t\lere ure other feaWhen you have lost the aoul tertain ed the forlner's cousins, Mr. turell intrpduced that makes tIle enTo weep, or yet and Mrs. Giles Morgan and filmlly, tertai nm l!n~ a Inovelty even to those The joy to sm ile; of Soutb Bend, Mich., several day@ who 'IlUv\l laughed wit" Topsy and You have lost all wep~ wit\! Eva years ago. last week. That life has brought. .....--.... Mr. and Mrs Clyde Wl!ar1on IInq ---.~. family, Mrs. Emma loacy a~ende4 Call QD •• for ,.o.r lob Pri_lID •• Try our Class. ColumDII for ·result. the Lncy rellni p'l Sund~y. !\~ ~4e home of Mr. nnll ~lrs. 1'111014\1\ ~ar, , I ton, ut Sugar creuk. There w\lr~ lQij present. Mrs. Alice Robinson, Mias MJ!lry 'LLllconcy and Mr. anl Mrs. 'Carl Albright, of Springboro, and Mrs. Elizabelh Blackford, of Harveysburg, were Wednesday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kesl r Gruhum. The · Lytic Mothers' club have . acaN IMMINSE STACE CORCEOUS SCENERY cepted the dining room at the LebnCREAT MECHANICAL EFFECTS non Fair grounds this season, lind expect Lo serve mea ls there. everal memhprs from here went down lIIol1day to look over the pluge, Mi s.~ Gilldys Silvers, of ExcolsioF ' pring'S, lifo., lind Miss Ella Ke nl'ick, of Duytun, were Thur. dlll dinn~r guests of jlLr. and Mrs. WlIllef' Kenrick. Jlliss Silvers i~ on n ' mol.,r lrip -JtLLEGORICALEllst and stopped for a ehort vis it -" TRANSFORMATION with relatives here. Jllr. and Mrs Milton Sheehan nnd Margaret Rogers, of Centerville, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rogers, of Wllyncsville lind Mr. und Mrs. Churlos Clnrk surprised Mr. 11. M. Cll1rk, Sunday, by bringing well-filled baskets and .. , spending the day with him. Mr. nnd ·Mrs. All en Emrick and daughLer, Mr. al\(I Mrs . . Charles E. Johns Ilnd Mr. nnd Mrs. Walter KellI'ick in compllny ' with Mr .and Mrs. Kell~cth Hough were delighLfully entertained on SundllY nt the ,country home of Mr. Rlld Mrs. Chnrles Hough: near Waynesville. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Whitaker entertained the .following guests at their country home, Sunday : Mr. and Mrs. Snmuel M\lredith, Mr. Dnd Mr8. Ward Snyder, Mr. Dnd Mrs. Jake Meredith and little dllughter, Mr. and Mrs Charles Schellenberger and litt~e lrran~l>n, Mr. and Mr!l.. ' J . Winkler,Mr: and MrS. Ohas. W9rney and Mr. ilo\1 Mrs. Henshaw; !,I! of J9hnsville; ' LitUj! Robert Lackey, of Bellbrook; · Mr. and Mrs. lferbert Meredith and family, Mr. and. ¥rs. Samuel Me~dith Jr., an!i fnm1~y, 9f lIcor , W.Yn!lav1l1e~ I

, Miss Katht'rin e .Grnbum is visiting .rolutlvI18 in ])aYloll.

F. T. Martin Jess Stanl y Auctioneers

Centerville, O.



New Burlingtori,Ol

r.Aut Ow er

Loo~! Warning to"Judgement.Proof"MotorisJ$







Uncle Tom's Cabin




ShowIng Under a Monsler .Water· Proof .Tent "ib Seatlns CapacilYfor Two Thousand Peopfe




The Barnum of Them' AU. More Crand

Novelties _Than Ever Presented With One Show






Crand Operatic Orchestra at Each Perfonnan~



. .



Pathfinder Cord

Pathfinder BallOon







Both 11r.s .".a_e.and ~uaran~e.~ b~


'. GOODYEAR n -~

,. ,


,\ '


.. '






, 'Alt Sl_a:~r TI .... a9d ,Tu~ at .N~,. Law ' .



.' Prices




___ :.



e '~ r \\ .l ..*


•• II. I

I.' '\.l lt.

r n"a t"


wFall.Milline ry Saturday

:.-,lIU. w. ~ :-;

lh·;·~lh~' .

Automobile repo irin Jt. lIfotor oil nll d gus slIvc·r. lI llY Mill., 'I'el. 71. 1\l 1 :;~

Ib I II " ily.

·M aso

Jar Caps _.y


. . . . .n • •


~ e. lin ~ WaJl,

Cane, Sugar Pu25-repound cotto

..... e....

b.II~. 10 lb. ........


of DUYlUn. were Way nl's dlle \'i sitors ,

Tu, .doy.

Mrs. Grncl' L. Smith is in Ci nrin . nati f l,r I. few duy~, aU!'uding lh!' ' tyl e F o\\' .

" 'lrAliono, cloren .......... . .... . $1.19


Pedozen . . .. . . .. . .

duty , d os. ..


l\l l .'~ E:sIIH' r Wolcott, o f Ll,hJln on, ' Pl'u t I I ", w""k -"n d with her lIunt. 1\lr.. Lau ra Sides.

Z uloinn, .t ick .... ... 5c

b ng.. ..


M, . •11,,1 II lr". Ma tt Ml' Kiu RI 'Y Wl'T<' g l1 r "l, ul' M I . Ch ri s ti., i\1 c Kins"y nnd 111I 1I j!htl'r . la. 1 Friday.

!'owdcre cl. lb . p k g .. .... .. . l(1 c

,\1 r . " uti III r> A bram Coo k, of !' I" " ' 1"1 ...... . ",,11 , t! lIJI Mr. un d /l lrR. C. fl. Sher" ,. " t! :) undny nfte rn oo n.

:\ I n~. J.ydm P r('snull , ( I f Fuirtnount. IIIcl.. i , 1 hl' ' U('st of 1\1 r . Rnd Mrs . Hu l"'rt l'r 'W ,11,,1 olher fri ends in thi.

2 lb •. Layer .. ...... .. ..... .. . 2001: . ...... ......... .. .......... .. .... ...... .. 25c

\, ~in 'l y.

1Dc !!~~!~~I... . . . . . . ..23c ~~.130 10c ~~t!!~~b. I o. . . . . . . 45c Milk . c...arr 25c ~~~~~ .51.1 0 ~~b. ...... .. ...

t .................... ...... .. 8e

..... lilt .... ............................


Sweet. 14-0". Jar ......... ....... ...... 25c


Ol eo, E. tmore. 110 ........... .. .. ..... 22c

....... ..

CI• .." 3 ca . ..... .. Club, .mall, 2 can..... 9c

l' Ib o

Country Club ...... ..... .. ........ .. $1.19

40C ~.rp~1

·Soa Kirk'. ~tJtFl.k.o... 10' ba..:.....



,·,· n

lIu dl,· \'. of Berlin lI cight8. j .. on,·t! h i, fn "i il y her e o"d is Ihl' gill" 1 ,·f .llr. nnll ~lrs. J . E. Jan nC'y. I ..

Ib .......


All Styles nnJ Colors. Make your selection early 1\ h ile we have n Inr ~ r assortl'hellt.

wel.' k "'l h fril' ,,,I , in Chicago.

~~~~ta. I o. .... . . 36c ~~~~~~~. ~ . . . . . ~3!l~ ~~!!!-:!lred. 25c .~~~~.~.~. . . . . . . . .2 Cakes 35 ~!~PIDt 20c Jv. .................... ........ . ................


~Ir. an d ~Ir~. Lestl'r Gor cl!'n and . I,~, II la rlh .. () ':>;I'" II or!' ' 11l""IiIJ!o( th l'




;\I r. IIlld lIIrs. 1S I'lI(' 1 !:iatIHth wail',

ars With R\.\bbers , 79c Quarts, per d oz .. .

Plata. 40 . . . ........ .... ... ...... ........ 6ge

Imported aDd Domestic Velours and Felts in Authoritative A d vanced St y I ell. New sh'ades inc1udeChanneIRed. ValenciaBlue ,J ungle Green, Blush Sand, Grey and nIack .

I·: lla Tl·lcfllrd. pi' Deland. Fla. uf .1. E. Jannl'v nud [11111'



2 pound. ......... . .. .. ....... ......... ... . 37c

Mr. and M rs. Milto n Thompson nnd so n. a nd M r all o Mrs. Orvill e Gray 1111,1 dauj.:hter, were unday visitors ill Dn}-tu n. Li tt le Jlfis~1l'S Murjorie and Jun e Camp be ll, of Daytnn, visited Mr. and Mrs. 111 ilton Thompson anrl olher r eiutiv( s here lost week.

L yons Velvet and Moire . .\] :;0, ,'. t in ComlJ inations. in all the Leading Fall ' halies lin d SlrA pes. Here ILre Arn eTicane , vlsltora to tbo SeaQu.·CeoteootaJ loternatloo tl l 8~J)" BlUon In Pbllatl e, lphlll wblch celebratos the I GOtb annlvQl'sary ot th o st nIh\,! 01 the Declaratioo or lndo IlCudonce, rIding about t ho lagoons In an t W lua ~r:,rt. B gondola, tram which they vlaw tho hnlld tl1b. and dis plays !'rom IIllIny Ia.nd ... In th o dlstanco can be soo n tho mammoth Soequl 13tndlum; to tho rl.p,t Is th o ylgu ul towor ot the UnJt.od Stn~s Coast Guard buJ ldlng and oXhlblt., una to tho lott Is on o oC the Japaneso pngoolU! wllich dot the expos illon grou nds.. The OreClaD pavilion Is ono of Ule p .. rmallent structur06 on the aile be!ore the city gO\' orn me nt d ocldtld to build tho 80911Ul at the front door or the great 'Phlladelphla Na.vy Yard. T be Exposition conti nues until Decewber 1.

fashic ned

Your Patronage 'Is SoliciteeJ -:.. ones, b oth males and gilts. Call nnd see them on the Silver farm , west of Waynesville , Ohio .a26 _ _. _ _ _ . ' "I k issed a girl hu .t nigl.t and now FOR SALE it's a ll over the place." "They claim it's the most re marKPOll SALE-pUre Duroc hogs. 'good able ocho in the world I"

Late OIassilied Ads:


Osterly 37 Green Street,

Xenia, Ohio

Mr. and )\frs. W. H. Allen a nd Miss Olivo All en arrived hom e las~ Friday Adam Melloh nm,1 fa mily s pent SunBurn - T o Mr. and Mrs. Ha lph Bllr · eveni ng. after s pending three weeks day at Russe ll 's Point. nelt, Friday, Aug ust 13, 1!J26 , a ~o n . nt ChauUluq ua. N. Y. Mr . anti Mrs. Em er so n Mason s pen t Afte r to uri ng the south castl' rn part Mrs. Ethan Cole man and three Suntiay with frilmds in Pllinter!lvil k o f the 'lute, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Bak · daugh ters, of Toledo , Mrs. Kale er, of Cinc innati. spent last wee k with Co leman, Mrs. Huldall Burnl'tt, the Jacob Miller, .lr., o f Dayton, is vis- their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Charles 1\l e88ns. Walter and Charl es Burn ett iting his uncle, Charles Anderso n I\nd Gray. On Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. spent Sunday with Mr. lind Mrs. D. L. family. Gray Bnd Mr. and r.'irs. Bilk er vi sitl'd Ohio Caverns at West Liberty, and Crane. Mrs . Mary Adams has bee n visit- CAlled on friends at Bellefontaine. Dry cleaning. pressing Bnd dyeing. iting friends at Wilmington and CoRuj!'8 and feather beds renovated, lumbus. curtains washed and stretched. Sort Water La un dry. Mahlon Ridge, -Little Miss Louise Hough spent agent. last Wednosday with r elatives at Ce nterville. Mr. and Mra. C. H .Sherwood had as their guests at dinner last SunMis/< He len Baker. of Hnmilton, WIl S Mrs. Mary Casperson, wife of WiIday, Mrs. 'Lydia Presnall. 0 fFair- . the guest last w ~lek of he r aunt, Mrs. Iiam Caspers on, di ed at the county moun' I.nd. , Mr. and Mrs. Robert AdamMelloh home last Friday morning. The fu\(> • nera l was held at he r Inte home in M E l Waynesvi lle Monday afternoon . Bur- ,r-:;============~=~=~=~~~~~~~~=!!!~ Crew and lIfr. Phineas Cook. lIr..and rs. nrnest . Ear!l~art. in l was in Miami cemet ery. Mr. anti Mrs. Harry Stokes, Mrs. or Carhsle. were Wayn eSVille vIsitors Amos Mendenhall, Mr. and Mrs. C, Monduy morning. H. Sherwood nnd se veral others from Mrs. Jennie Kemp er died nt her Waynesville atten ded the Home-ColOOharles Anderson and family nt- home in Lebanon last Saturday. The. ing at FlnL Fork church Iallt Satur- tended the Wrl,ght family re union, f uneral W;:u! he ld at ti er Int ho me uny. A large crowd was in attend- near Bellbrook, S unday. Tuesda y "fterMon. and burlnl Wa in The seBson of the year is now here, when you ance' and e njoyed a delightful dilY. Miami cemeter y. lI1r~ . I empl'r waR can expect the severe Hail Storms tbat sometimes It was d ecided to make it un an nua l Mrs. Rob ert Barclay, of lndianap- a dauRh ter of the la te Mr. und Mrs. affair. olis, Ind .. is spl'nding the week with Jon athan Grnham, ••"d s ist e r oC W. sweep the country and ruin your Crops, especially Mrs. Sarah Zimmerman. . S. Graham, of this place. your Tobacco. • . OD Saturday afternoon. AUj!'ust 17, St Clailr Fife and ohildren , Miss Ruth Conner, assisted uy her of Mrs. We now have rates on this class of Insurance, Wilming ton, are visiting Mr. an d brother. Leo, entertained her cousand will be glad to bave you call and talk it over. ins, Mary Ellen Edwards, Reba Ed- Mrs. Harl ey Wilker son . ward s and Earl Conner, the occasio n Remember what the Hail did to tbe Tobacco be ing Miss Ruth's sixth birthday an. Mr . . and Mrs. C. W .Youncc and Rain spo iled la ~t' S unday's ball game niversary. The afternoon was. epent Mildred Clark a :-rlvcc! hom e from with the Miam i Chap els. in this vicinity last year. and the many large losses in playing games, after which a dai n- MlEIml, Fla., last FrIday. The Miamis will go to Leban on Sunpaid by this Agency for Hail Loues. It Doe. 'P ay day afternoon. n oth team~ have eac h .ty lunch was served. The birthday Mr. and ' Mrs. Kenneth El zey, of won one game, and this, th e odd one, cake was made and baked by the lit- Dayton, to be on the safe side. for it cos~ very little to toda y with their par- will be played !o~t~e winning game tie hostess and was thoroughly en- ents, Mr. spent and Mrs. Wolter Elzey . Be Safe. joyed by the guests.

In The Miami GazeHe

- ..---



Home Cooked Dinners Served 'Daily Lunches, Ice Cream, Cold Dri~.8t etc. Orders Taken for Special Dinners


Large and Small Headsizes Pr iced to Make Buying Decidedly Easy


MRS. H. E. HATHA WA Y haa opened a Tea Room at her home on Main street, in Waynesville.

~,b: rons


- - -..

Tea Room

H-I a1


Ball Game Rained Out

For good clea n seed wheat, threshed before the rllin, call the Way nesville Farm ers' Exchange co mpany.

Church School Picnic


St. Mory's Church and SundayDr, and Mrs. Lloyd Jlall anti tw'o School picnic \l'HI he held at Lakeside childre n are attendin ~ a National Vct_ park, Dayton. on Priday, A u g u ~t 27: erinnry convention at Le)( ington, Ky. A.ll m mber s and frie nds nrc urged to atte.nd . Mrs. Ethll n S. Coleman a nd dll ugh-' ters. Viviu n. E leunor and Helen, o f Tole do. tire gu es ts of Mrs. Kate Coleman . Misses Kath er ine Ke mplo. 'of Wilnl ington, lind IIliJdr nd Hyman, of Xenia, arc gu sts of Miss Bernice Hyman.

• f .-

D.,' Dakin I~suranct Agency .

..:.;.'( .... ~



Waynesville, Ohio


; ...

.... ~



~1~.. ..I·l f.·tf I ~

Mi s.~(ls Lou clla William so n lIn d Dori s Hawk(· SPC ll t th" we ek-en ,1 at Vorsllille", Ohin, lh(· 'u cst of Miss Louise Srnil·h.

to get that

)\fl'. a nd !llrs. Fred B. Hen dcrso n and J\lrs Sa ru h Zimlllermnn w er o din ne r g uc8tS, Sun\luy, of 1\11'. tlnd Mrs . L. A. Zimmerman .


Mr. a nd J\l rs. W. S. Graham Ilnd

1111'. and Mrs. Morris Gru ha", attended t he

fun ~ra l 01

1\1" •. •Jennie Ke mper,

lit Lebanon, Tu esday.


. YOU'D be surprised at the number of members already enrolled in our Heatrola Free Coal Club. Bach one of them will get a ton <?f coal free with bis Heatrola. And the $2 me.mbenhip fee will be applied on the purchase price of the Heatrola. InstaUed in a downstairs room, Estate Heatrola heats the whole house to the same cozy temperature and save•• on an average, 45% on fuel biJIs. It looks just like a fine ma.hogany cabinet-bow your friends wi.1l admire it ~ , So come in or telephone and let us tell yo.u , all about the Heatrola and the e"traordinary Free Coal Offer; But-this is the last week-then nO 'more . free coal

till 1927.


L et the Soft Watr r Laundry wash your clothes durin .... call1ling season. The la undry gives you fil'"t-class ser vice. Lea\'c yo ur ca ll with Muhlon Ridge . Le th e Soft W ater Lllundry wa~h yOUr clothes d uring canni ng season . The la undry gives you first-class ser· vice. Lellve your clIlI with Mahton ' Rirl \1c. . Mr. und Mrs. Sid Cox, nce Bessie Burnett, of Miami, Fla., arc visiting Mr. and Mrs. R oss Hartsock and other r elatives in Waynosville and ' vi, cinity. Rev. Walter :E. Dakin who a year ago accepted a cull to Christ church, Bay St. Louis. l\fiss., has been called back to his old charge at Clarksdale. Miss., and will return there Septem' be.r 1. ' Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Robitzer and daughter and Mr.. and Mrs. J . D. Marlatt ' attend~!d the Alexander re..unlon at Nell Park; Yellow Springs, ~hi,o, Sunday.

Mrs. C. M. Harner.' nee Hattie Luke ns, lind ohildren, John and' Mary, Margaret, 'a re ' I~eing .entertained for the week . in tile home of Mr_ fUld M.r:s. G. M~. '


' Hanlware:!"'i1am~•••Farm Machi~ery

WaynemDe · . •



- .. ,

,Special Showing of Models

-=:;.._--= . 1,



::z::= ___ ,_

___ SEC..



i~"i~~~"9~-· ~Jul~ 31st to August' 21st

Mfer Hyman and { family. their gU08te• . MI1808 ,Katherine Kemple and ' Ml1clred Hymap, and Mia Stena Daugherty attended tope Fashion .bow at the Zoo. 'l'uuday.

;·is· ,'. ' ,-



un 4-wheJ



of t'he Overla.d Whippet ,n~bl, it If} In J! feet from a. sp.eed 'oJ -#0' mue.s . an htIMr. 4-"!heel Iwalus a" IJ lux.ry light crI' OIPtIeI'S htJ" _ heret~ft1l, IIIjoyuJ. ClIme ill MIll see ~ 1IJIJIIdw1tJ,~typI. c..






Seventy-J<;igbth Year


............~............. LIST OF STUDIES Inte;::.n:h~em. fOR HIGH SCHOOL State . Capital



Th e Wuy n('tivi ll " "c h o() l ~ wi ll opl'n Mondn y. S('ptcm lll'l' 6, with lin nil ·

i Prepared by 1 !-........................ Columbus Reporter i .


:;(,~M i () n .




Pup ili"' w lu . l.'un ntlt J.!U


C.OLUMBlJS, OnIO - VI ~illlr~ til 'Columbu ~ and lho Re whl) c llj.-. y " IWn d inlf u purt of th ei r tim 111 t hu s pa· .cious nnd Khnd y

JllW Il !-\

' UrrtIU flllan g'

H uUM~ will be surp r isl'Il nt th e mn~njfic (' lIl ne.w LreeR whidl hJ\\'l~ h(le' n "Ia('ell in th.· ~ 'luar c durinlf t lw lln ~ t few nWllths. The work W I1~ all d Olle by slud cntR (Of th ,' f l) r ~ s try d "

the SUIte

vision nf Ohio SUltl! . uni n> rsily, lin d it i ~ Mid thllt IHI larlfcr tre('R hll v.· e ver been tfltn "Jllnnted. Guvel'lwr Vi c Oonnh ey. during his term o f ollice hU K Lllke n perso llnl "ride in the Stat(· B OURC grounds. It hn ~ b~en illlprll ved hy the r emovn l of old, d ·nd IIml cI~ · eayed tree •. and th" plun of n l'w hcnlthy , vlgorllus tr(!l's, mlllly of which nre more than 26 years o ld . This work hu s nil been don e with tl \'e ry little expense. th" wnrk be ing done by students from Ohio SUIte university of Forestry. Thus the at u· den ts get the practical expel'ienc", and at the Harne lillle sll ve the Stote lIlony hundreds of t1ollnTS. Then. af· ler planting Ihem, and through their L"rm of colcgo trnininf/:. I hey k eep c1 0He ,"ateh on Ihe dl'velollJll ent oC th e trnll ~p lnn t.e tl IreI'. thu . Koinin ),( knowledge LlllIt cou ld not possibly be secured in ony other woy. Ohio i8 going to hllv e (\ !Jumper whent erop this Yf'lIr according t o hnrvcst rr·ports. It will be At least 40,500 ,000 bu.hels nnd mny!Je more. The yiuld as re ported nverng('s about 23 bushels per ncre, And the qUlllity is said to be good os IIny ever pro.duced in the State. Th~ ClOp will flOt reach the r cord flgure mll(le in -1923, du e to the fact thot 2,3&0.000 :61ln!8 were plant('d dllrlng that yenr. W!leat yields and prospect_ have im · I'mved throughout th e entire Uni ted States dur in)! t h., past mnnth, but n ot to the exlent r ench ed in Ohio . Corn pros l't:'cts in Ohio h ave im· provl'd ~ onH'whJlt ill ' th e past month and indicnt i o n ~ nnw .Jloillt to a "roJl three-fourth s us Inrg(' o~ the bumper :yield of J!1 :lu, st'ltis tics indi~nt c . Go.rn is looking \\'<,11 nlld Il'l'nwing 1I'aJloitlly, but the ponr !<tRnds in many ·fired.l cut dnwn lIw l'n•• pecb. The proa\loets ore 1II so lowered been ll~(, .of the IIQ,~ibility of dllmoge from e orJy fro stil 'U6 mnlly field s are so lnte ihst. II -fro t durillg th .. flr~ t half (If September w,o uld ('.8 use material darn.~ The .oatM Croll which was :helped by the I'nil'\ll during t he past :month , .has odvuneed considl'rnble .since the fi .... t of ~ uh, but until :lkTeshlng reports arc reetllve,d from l1~/al fields , there will contilltle t o .be _ce rtainty ns to t.ho size uf !.tIC :yield. 1'he heavy and . continuous -roins ;Ill .south~rn Ohio has delnycd -thre.tlhing, ~n<! much of tile ootil crop 'Will not '/le of much force.

Th ('~c

'Bll. . l..C;

l:u ur~e l.ll'ar in mi mi thu t

Til I CA Il..


Our courses tak e ca re of Gollege requjremenJ,s and offer a nice lot ~f other praeticol courses for th ose who wish to j:nrry til em. Asid e from the work lisl;ed a ove, th er(J /Ire tw o English courself open to Smith- Hughes boy~ lind to othcr boys by speclnl p,rmiss ion. As ide fr om the ob., ,,e a ll Ilupils are ,'x pccted to do the work of the music cl a~ (' $ ond the li1.crary 8 0 icti,·s. Grade teachers I w ill nwet at the Gmde Schoo l build ing , Frida y, Sept mb('r 3r" , ot 2 o' clock.

Shrine Outing

JI, II \, II1~


11" '~I' dll\'s

Itt ' l ' tI H I ':l l l d htu tl' 1l1.\' !<t t lf

jll' l.'Sl.' IH

p rittlU t\,


Ill' lii. \t'

p~ r ,-' d III :'\p f' nh l' dt a ' t 'l ' tllllL:: o f th l' J}r(: 5c'l\l priLH ed ' \"



I alB prt •• the fault s

i ~ lilt'! " an ' 1'1 ;" Il la ll \' t.:: uttll T hillk Il f it ! ~I \\ {' h' ,. '1'01' J!" I\Profe'!;sur Juli nn Hu x ir·y, who in{' rH u!' und 1) fur li,· utt'llHnl - g nV ' rll - herIts hIS love of sci -nee. sllys court(Ir on t h" H 'publica" ticl<l·t ut Ih l' ~ hl p a nd " ee l' ulTedi .. n exist e ven r ecl'nt Il rll":I" Y. Th ere 11rl' !lot 100 nllllln g I"w .. r unim uls. The mal e crub " 0111'


fiFTIETH ANNIVERSARY Of MARRIAGE The golde n wedding of Mr. nnd Mrs. John A. Kelsey, fo rmerl y of Ly. tic, Oh~o, was celebra~od at their re8 iden ~e o~ 644 North Occident Blvd.. Los Ange les. Cal., }1onday, Augll ~t 16th, s urround ed by their children lind g randchildren. Thus they celebrated th eir go lden yenrs in the golden State o f Co li fo rni n, where they hllve lived for Ihil' ty Yl' llrs. Mr. ~els cy l eft Ohi o wilh hi. family , owIn g" t o III heullh. Mr. Kel sey WI\3 " cry \\,(-11 known in Way nesv ille und Lytl e , havi ng run thE' genera l stor l' an d wa s postmaster for severa l yenrs nt Lytle. Mrs . Kelsey was, before h er marriage Miss Mary M. SellrfS, daughter or Isaac Sellers, formerly of t he firm of Sellers & Sellers, drllggists, at Way-

l,.e. Huit Soeurl

Church S,h()ol Picnic

--- - -


rl1tr (~ I' {, lll t11l11 '· r,I(' \lh l 1I " lll i ltlltHH ' L. , Ii s t :~ h ' nflil'v , '·I\(' t · lInill r th l' ol d t'ul\ w VI ' lIl l 0tl pial! :I nd l ~\ i n' 1I 11dl ' " t he

Ashe--Dennis Ann ppn ,=c me'n t has ~een made of the marri"gl~ of Miss Marcia Edith Dennis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dempse y E . Dennis, form erly of Richmond, tl) Lewis Bond e Ashe, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ashe, of this city, whjeh Dcc urred Jun e 30 In late afternpon at. t/le l>eoutlI ul now ~lIb­ urbon home of the bride's parents, 16-18 Del Valle, Verdug(l Woodlands, Glendal e. The romance hod Its beginning in Richmond when the Dennis family reo ~ id c ,1 on South Thirteenth streot. The Rever en d Louie T. Jon es, formerly pusto r of the So uth Eighth Streot Friends lind head of the depar~rnont o f rc ligilJu " ~t1u cati n n , now or Whit· tie r. Cal. , wu" th e ()fficiating minist er. The c ercllI ny was performed before a n niter u C roscs nnd sweet p ~a~ . The li vin,: r oo m of th e DenOls home was 8 bowe r of fl orlll loveliness arranged with many clusters of ro~es in the color design of pink, white a nd green. Miss Dennis wore whit" guorgettc with pearl and rhinestone trimming. Her bridal veil was · of rose point lelce nnd was faste ned ' to her 'huir by a cor on et of orange blossoms . Sh e (:arried u bride's shower bouquet of orchids and white ro ses. Miss Myro Dennis, sister of the brid e wus maid of honor, IlIlII was gowned in ha nd· paintecl orchid I:'corgelte and cu rried pink r oses. As bridesmaids, the l\Iisses Burvel Smith, Marlon Lorcher, of GJ e ndul ~. lind 'Miss Ruth Crichd, of thi ~ ci ty. wer e each dresscd in gco J'ge(tlCl frocks, pulterned with li ghl hodice5 and full skirts. :lliS3 nllth wore poach, Miss Ler ch 'r , npp le j,!'recn . nnd Miss Crichet orchid . 1'1I(!y Cat ri ed lIowl'fs ha rmonizin g with th~h' fl·ock.. Rudolph Weidner, of Hic hm')ncl. wus the best mon. J\li ~ ~ ,Jul in Kellar, harpist, gnv e u 1"'O lfTUIII of hll l'J) so los m o tlula~inli inlu th c" Loh cngrin" charuM (Wagnpr ) , 1' 1)1' hel' rl aughter' s wcddiong, ~ I I'~. 01 IIn l. "'O I'C nn imp orted model

Th e un nu nl sumll1H outing o f t he cllIL was hl' ld at the ·Sch .. nl Gym Inst Wedn esday after no on. Thl) pl nn was t o hU\'e gone to Ston y Brook fnrm, but inclement weather inter ve ning. The afte rnoon WD S Sile nt in gay frolic by the members ond their fn 111 iii ('s. .A b.~.1) game was played between "Zinl,)lOTmu.o 's Sluggers" ond Robit- nesvil e . zar'a Kill ers," the former winning Mr. Kelse y's nge is 81 and Mrs. by a close ~gp~e oi\.llr ")lOlling" the Kelscy's age is 74, both being still . in good health. J>toy-Demo(:rats Df the Stste may umpire delicious lunch was Ii.erv.ed by :f.o!'lll their own ~rgtIIQiUltion to op· theA ladies Mory's church. Dr. .PQlle :the eleetioD of Ai~ Pomerene Harkrader,ofof St. Middletown, and Frank ojJf ~e U~ted States"'31!t1 8te. and Anderson, of Lebanon, extended the ~J>110!\t ~rlk B. Willis. Th.. be· official groetings of their respectiv e lCa~ known with the open attaek 0)1 ~j\lb,s. _ ___ • _ __ Once 1Il0re the old crowd heeded<!Tene made by J. ·W. JohnllOl), t he invitotion of one of it. lJl e ," ~c r s .editor tV'! the Circleville Wotchmnn, and indulg .. d in n ueauty s l c~ p on .aAd one Df tho pion eN Democrats Cnrty's pOl'ch. Uncle Tom's Cabin tOt tbe Stu1e. Editor Johnson in a was th e attrn ·ti on nf lhe lil'st plIrt 'mlt'Ded artlt.1 e s\eclores t hllt "Pomet.h e evening. Aft er cots and l1I a t · st. -Mary's Church Schooi picn ic of 'l'C1't! 15 a Bo\lr~n Democrnt who clinll'll -blindly ,nnd ,ubstinlltoly to that will be helel at tho Gymnasium tresses wcrp firml y s nhli" hcd 011 the fl oo r lIHI ·a ll had I'arlllkc n 'o r 1I period of history of. 'his l)Qrtv when FridflY afh' rnoun Ilt 1 o'cloc k , or ti S mi sc el i ll n oou~ sprl!u.l, U J1Iidnigh ~ the bunghole of ,0 b eer kog was em- soon nite r os possible in order to hJl ve rambl pro\,ed fru i ful. jlJ!pycd WI the binocular of party pre- a filII afternoon of on joy men t. For A sluJlJ bL'\'I~ss slumbe r )lart)' s tn rl· ~ctttjo.n nnd vision. T he prllises of a n~mber of r easons it wa ~ th nuj!ht :his ,etl{lerior statesmnnshill nre sung Ild visnllie to chunj!e th e pln ce of hold- cd ti l(! llIornilJlr. Four o'c lork , how· .111108£ .\lxcillsively by his wet nd· inR' the picnic fr om LJlkcs iC\(! ns WIIS ever, fOIl'lc\ a ll sil en l ilu lit ~ i x wlll'll mirers:" No one cnn accuse Editor fir st decided, to the ab"vc na mcd the rlltlll nhlrlll chw k tI "n ll iI, dl'ltcll v blow, sJeep wu!' :..It HII undo E l t' Vfl~ .JobJl80n 0;1 being anything but a reJf- place. . .ular Democl'lllJ. his life, nnd hIS All melllhern lind frIend, of t he starv ed s uuls an ~wt! r f!d Uw ~lI HlI n(\ n S o f cr cu01 Inc,... " A fl er a tWO-CO lII'SO lunc heon wus to breakfo.• I. uft er wil ic h vuri u ~ d,, · :stand IIgainllt Pmnerene is such that congre ' ution arc cotdillll~' in vitcd. <l' I've d, Mr. I~nd Mrs. Ashe le ft. f or - - --:. tics led cV"ry one ,I n thr ir wa y. •Ii is certnin to have i,ts effect among th l' ir hUIlI (' ill t hi s city. Mrs. Ashe --~t part of th e DeJWlpratic party wu _ g mduatcd by che Glendal e high wh.o .oppose the present dry laws, and <r hool at lh.> I't'cent comm encement. ",DUl<l return to the days of the open ~Ir . Ashe was /!l'udu uled by Morton ~atnOJ'. .It is interesting In thle conMr. nnd Mrs. Ru ssell Younce nn d high schoo l and al te nded Earlham )Icc:t;ion w note the fact that Senator fnmily, of Newurk. wcre wN,k·en d Mrs. NUlhan J uhnso ll , of Fen v. c,, 11 g e.- Glend nle ( Col.) Evon ing WUlis is tAt! Dn ly man In th e history g ueBts of Mr. and Mrs. Cv ul vus C WS. .pf. the State primary law to cllrry Younce. 011 Sunday a relllllon \VIIS who hns bl'c n ill ill h ~alth for Be\'· A m o n g th e g ues ts Wl) ~ ~1 i." Myro I!NIlrY county in tbe State with so held nt the Younce hom e, hll of the eml mont-hs , Wfl B tnk un to Miami IIl\MY opponents, which- is a pretty family being present but one 8isl.e l' Valley hos pital last Friday fe)1' an Bail'd, fo rm ~ f'i y lOr Waync avill~ . X-RIlY eXllminntion. Sc vernl discus· good Indication of the elltjmation in wh Is living in California. • ed teeth were disclosed. and a s noth· 'Wht6J lie is beld l>y't;he voters of the BELIEVE IN SAYING ing else \\'I1S found, it is t hought this fl.ta'tcl!, might haye bee n the cause of h er illPri ze fi g ht~, rs shou ld be s trong be· ness. Th e teeth were e xtrllcted and, Adoptlofl of t;he ne\" system of l,lartment hae been visited by her friend s ur hopi ng for 0 speedy li evers in the snying. " "1'i. bcltor to st.4, lduf'd United eltates Highway Wllrn · neers from several other g ive than tu r eceive 1 " recov ery. . ing; .4.l r,ectionot !"Id. intormati.on th e purpose of studying the signs lias reBuked In 111- The succcss hf Ohio's ~yAtem .r ; teJ'eAt Oft the part of tbe State Hlgh- been due largely t.o cenb'a llzcd ~ay oflfeW" jn Ohio's system of blgh- control under thc traffic engineer of "'II)" TUarlOnr; /lnd sign froducli~ all highway marking activities nnd methods Ohio " .. one 0 the first sign production. AU warning signs states to reaU.ze ~e jmportancc of are made ' in tho highway departproperly servi ng traffic by j!ompletely ment's own ,Ign shop where the latest marking the higilway .y~tenT:: wlill and moat efficlen~ methods are in \Ise. worning signa and route markers. This shop is a modeJ .o f lUI kind and The _y1!tem (If bighway mal'king In severn\ other highway departmllnts Ohio 1a a.eknowledged ~o be .o ne of have Bont engineers to Columbus to the beat and mo.t rOJJlplete In the visit thl' "hop apd st!ldy the prpdueAt the Beech Grov e church, SaturUnited States and .Jlte ltIihway de- tion metJ)Qd4, . ". _ - ~-. . day, August 14. 1926, was nssem bled a throng of people at our first HomeComing. This reunion oftm inisters, teachers, 8ch"lnr8, neighbors and tJalcbllU fricftd8 had been conceived some tim,ll ago. "The Wellman lind Liber\y "hall 8chool8 . with tho Friends church, all wOlked In harmony to bring tOl\'ether our ·friends -who had 's cllttered III va· rloW! places. Indeed our efforts woro not in ·v ain. The began arriving hour we and Each face gladnel8 W n \'n~~v ill e ~ hl'in ~

)" '11 ' >(

a ll l )1 11 dUll lg ;& \ \:IY With thc' ~l :..atc 1'11_ rnaJ'~' ht' I 'H II :-' ~', p . ' rllUp~, IJI' il :- IIl1 w i" l d illl ~.. . T h ' J'\.' w ill I ll' lHudl IIhj"t'liIHI (! 'I d, t:' PHil ~ ,r t h. , 111'01'1 " iI~lI l l1 ;-. t Il". li t)!' ,1,lIl',," t il lit .· Idd I: J)ll' t ' I!\\"' l1tl dn .




"~"",h IS

9L"'Mel> ,ll,w6=S A,IJ ' ITS ", II/UIS-'lWCE" To tjAVe "Tb CLEA. '" ' e M OUT-- ~ I

(.'urn :-;

En~li ~ h


. r nd~ r' lhp ra r ' ~ 10', I,r P r im a r y Jh.• to rln. III tilt.· n i le . S t HI~' .I"UfflU I, !-\. A. ~tih"(' II , r"nlll·r!y 011' th i.. pl ru-'r, \\"ri I (':-\:

I NEvER ~E"AD-~ '

, holl l<l he sij:(ned by IHU·"lI ts. 'I'll. ' ca rd i!' tlt ·~jJ.;'w d wit h tllt' id l'H ot' 11:1\'ill l( pUJ'('nl. gll idl' pupils ill Ihl' ~ I'h'c , I ion uf II C(lU I'l\,· lhal wi ll suit t he fUllIr ' pilln s th ey may huv.· in min d fo r th ~it· childre n. In He\ectin", a n' C]lIirl'cI u( nil for fll ur Y'·llr~. exc\' l' t Ih (l ~ p lu ldng 1I full ltIilh · ll ulf lll · ~ CUUI' S" which docs nnt rt:q uirl ' Enl!" lis h Ill o"e thnn thr ec yeal'l!. BC'ur in mind a lso, th"t there mU Rt be tw" c'lur~ e" of l hree unitM u nd t ht ~c "f two units [It Icast in order t u Ifraduute. and better etill to have two cou \'ses of four uni Ll! and tw o o f thre . un ils than to starl t oo many lhi nlf" and nut fcollnw th em up well. Se lection muy b e mode Crom th e followi ng list. The stnrred Bubjecl~ should be tnk l' n t o full y meet th e requirements of standard colleges: Freshmun yellr. Hcquircd- "ET,g. lish I. ° Gen e ral cicnc e. · Aht'ebrn: 1';lec t.i vc-o Lnlin I, Comm unity Clvi,,", Bm ith-II ug hes co urse " Domestic Science. Sophomore. ~ui r ed -o English II, "World History. Elective- ' Lat. II. "Geometry . Smith . HuI-1. NI Ollrsc , \)omestic Scienc c, • \3iolo~y . Junio r. Heq u ire" - "Engli _h III ° Uni~cd Stnt!!" Hi . tory nnd Ci\'· ic.. Ele,rlivt: - • Advan ced 1\1ath., " Latin IIi, fy e.nch I. Spnnish II. " I' hysics, Smlth-JijJgh cs, Bookkeepinl!, Latin . Senior. Required - oEngtiNh IV (except S. H.), °lJnited States Historyan" (ivics. Elec tive-o Advanced Math ., "Latin 2, :I or 4, Spanish II, Smith-Hughe,B, "Physics, Bookkeep.



1AR.IVAl"ION eL"'%ES WISI+' '~Ey'D qUIT 1ilROWIIY' ALL i\-\esE' 1'IWK 'DO! I!rEIl.S Aw '

lunl'11 u l t.hl' ht..'l..d ll ulU J,: of ti l(' ).It'at'. All Hi ~ h sc h!)u l pupil" s h"uld ,·n· 1'011 Mnn<iny. AU~ ll s t :10 . Rri nlf (\ 1 in (·nrnll nwnt n lrrl:,\.

c~~ ~!iJ

Whole Nllmber 5715


home for Ilin ch . hullld )'l'inj:( IUll ch. m~ t hcro wi lJ tw IlU I-I llClll pt to Jo;t.1r\°l

~(' nd

By A. B.



- - .,-_. Younce Family Reunion Home F rom Hospital


THIRD ANNUAL YUST REUNION The third annual Yost reunion was held on SundllY, August 22, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pope, who res ide on the Lebanon pike. Those atte ndlllg were Mr, and Mrs. Charles Pope, Mr. and Mrs. James S. Yost and son, Robert, of Dayton: Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Yost and son , Paul, of Alcxandersville: Mr. and Mrs. Nick Pitnkos, of Dayton: Mr. and Mrs. John Fair and daughters, E.dna and Adn. of Tippecanoe City ; Mr. and !\frs. Al Tracv, of Columbus: Mr. and Mrs. William .Berger, of Alexandersville ; Mr, and Mrs~ Slioemakcr, of Bellbrook; Mr. and Mrs. James Hayes, of Waynesville; Mrs. Garnet Steffers and son, of Dayton ; Mr. and lIIrs Charles Widner and children, of Centerville; Frank Widner, of Whil'Ps Comers, and Howard Kingler, of Dayton. Features of the day were a strit;.tly informal chicken dinner, which was Kupplemented b games anll music, which were enjo d ,~eatly by. al~ •



To...'1 Cabi~

St9we 's Uncle' To.IIl's Cabin showed in Waynesville F~\day night to a very g ood !-ou.s e. 1'~e ' p'c rlionnel of the show .. .Iti beyond the average, tb,e severlll parts being taken by actor~ who have seen years Qf service in the chnrl;lcters t\lcy a ssu91 c\l .. The brass ban~ WII •. f llr beyond the lIveragc \talld car·r ied by sim ilar or· !(an i~j1tion ~. Eve ry member of the hand proved to be on artist ill his line nnd the maj ority of the bnndmen have s cn ~erv ice in the th eatrical world f or ·ycare. The blind played two con· ce rts on Mllin street, wh ich were t horo ug hly enj oyed by every body.


hu leh hi < liig, brightly co lored claw ill t h,' ni r to at trnct the lady crab's favorahle a ttentio n. The mU le s pill er will clltch a fly nn d olTer It t o th e fe ma le spid er, as ytl U ha ve "ecn n roo ster find a worm alld let Il hen eal it. Sometimes. at t he last nllllllcnt, he cats it himself. The P l i OI' male spider is most to be pitied of 011 husband s, f or his wife us ual1y devours him at th e end of ~h eir hon ey moon. The female pmy ... lilt,! mnn tlS hilS the same disagreenble hubit.

. -.

J W. White Surprised

Lu st words "f great ml'n arc piously collected, Fred erick the Great'8 " Tete d' Armee," Pill's "My country, how I love thee" or "How I leave thee," Goe the's "More Light," a nd Theodore Hoosevclt's "Please turn out the light." A young policeman, Frank Murphy I killed by bandits in the course of outy, said to his captain, who condoled with 'him as he lay dying: "That's all right, Cap, it's all in the job." Those lost words arc as aood as any. A feature of the war between church and State in Mexico that causes worry is the agitation and in· dlgnation in other Latin countries of South America, all overwhelmingly Catholic. The first protest is sent to Mexicc by the President of Peru, who requests "re-establishment of harmony between the Mexican government and the Catholic church." Calles. Mexican President, warna foreign nations not to interfere with Mexico's private, internal aft'aira, and informs Peru that he will proceed to enforce Mexican laws concerning religion "without fearing foreign interferencl!l or supernat ural punisbments."


J . Will White wus given a plenslint surprise lu st Wedn esdllY evening, wh en, on en te ring his home, he found a number of fri e nd s who ha d been invited to ussist in oelebrllting his birth· dllY IIl1niversary. After greetings the guests werc taken to Mrs. H . E. Hathaway's beautiful ten room where a delici ous two-cours e dinner was servo ed. Later a delightful social hour was s pent Ilt th ~ White hom e. Those present were Mr. alld Mrs. "~. R. Moomaw. Mr. and ~rs. J. E. Janney, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Crabbe, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Allen, Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Le.MII~' . Mr. and Mn. Wil bur Clurk, Mr. lind M rs. Frank H . ~'lI rr.


Entertained Relatives

Mr. and 1111'S. J . E . Frazier entertn lne d to dinner . Sunduy , ill honor of Mrs. Frazier's aunt. Mrs. Lester ourtwright and her hu sbund . of 'taCOlli 0, Wnshinlfton. T hose pre~en t Wct'e Miss E va . herw ood. W este ~vill e, Ohio ; MI'. HIli! 1\.\ , . AIUl'l't Wil. k CI·.o1l and MI". (:IIfIl .· I' . (if Dayton: MI'. nntl 1111'''' 'h n d c~ Shol'w"od . of L eblllllw' MI'. lind Mrs. MOI'ri s S hu1Jl 'l nl. .. r HUI'vCyshul'l!'; MI'. Ed. Slw r. w<lod, o f Middlet own ; Mr. and MI'" Oll1er Hollin gswol·th . Mr. I1nd Mrs. .J ohn Sh erwood, Mr. and 1\11'''. Cha rles Bradbury nnd fAmil\', of Or<:Ku nin: ' Mr. and Mrs. Will Grah am, Mr. IIIHI Mr~. Carl Skerwood. W ..1. Sherwo Controctor Weeks went over Mnin stree t last week and grnded it. The lind _ li. Conn er. street i. in a much better condit~\ll\ now than it Wn.. . . , Several property. olVnlli'l! along the main square arc lluttll\l:' In cement' to the gutters, which will be a great imAt " meeting of the Board ot Edpr\lvVelllellt. Now if coch property holcler would go and do likewise, t\>,Q ucation last Monday night, Mrs. Kenneth Hough wa.s etecte~ nri·n";, main street will be a credi ~ tu tti~ town . . .. ~he aigh sc hool to. tile Edna Kel C).... ~esigl;lCd..

---_0 _ .0----

Street Is Improved

Home .. Com.inq of the Beech Grove Church---Ministers, Teachers, Scholars

VeteraDJ In' PiltIburg

peo pl e III th.· sta l e 11,\", lhut could num e n il of the ln . "On ce o n tlll' trui n I IH C' t u t rave lin" sal es ma n fr om Colorn rl " nnd h ~ gave me the pilln lIr his s tal~ . I was wus so tuken with it thllt I sen t ami got u eopy of the lo\\' I(ov"rning th o primllry in that s tnt .. _ I gllve It to our represe ntative and nRked thut he present 0 bill embodying the ill(·u. This he never did be cause hc thought the legislature pussed too lIIany lows. This plun called ror a s lute eo n\'en· tion of the various parties preceding , not after, th e primnry. At thi s conven tion candidat e~ were elimi not ed a ll excoptlng two and referred to a primary to be held simifur to our prese nt onc. This gave th e O. K. of the party tu tho so who make the rnce. It a lso gave 'on ol>portunity for the leading me n of the pa rty to ilddress t he convention and t o work up enthu sinsm such as we used t o have in the old day. It also s hort.ellcd very much the ballot and mnd e 1,he work much cnsier for electi on officers. The cost of th e primary would be mu ch reduced in printing nnd lim e consum ed in counting the bal. luts. "It Is true that the primary of today is unwi eldy nnd [ think should be modified, but it would not right this Then we hnd 0 convention of bosses. Now we have nominution by organization, the sum totul over the state. It is not vc ry pleas ing to 0 candidate in conv entio n assemb led to have the boss ann ounce 96 votes for the other candidate when there were on the delE'gntion 20 or more of his' own per . . sonal fri ends . No, let's not go back to the old convention but let liS have a modified form of the present primary similar to thnt in fOI'ce in Colorado ."

Elected P"'ncipal

A new flying machine promi es to revolutionize flying. A counter-propeller for airships, similar to one s uecessfuly UlIed on steamships, is to be tried by our navy. It is certain that with time, flying will change completely present methods. To-day'S airplane is merely lin imitation of 0. flying bird. Man does not limit bimself to ImitatinS' n!lture. he goes far beyond what nllture can


The locomotive is not on imitation of a running Ilnte lope, tho bursting bullet is no imitation of a tiger'a; tooth. Sir. Doniel Hall, fo od expert, tells the Oxford scientific gathe r in g that the cnrth is in dan ' e r of famine. Each year wl.lite races alo ne need millions of oc res more for {tlod p roducti on. Popu\ntibll grows fust. But nature's lllws will take carc of nil problems . Henry George pointed out the "pee d lit which a puppy's tail grows. If it kept on growing a s fn~t, each dog wo'Uld drag a ta il IllUIlY yards long. 'Nature stops the g r:owth of the dO .... '1l tail when it is long enougb. .. Tb.e buman race will not grow faster t h1ln the earth can feed it. . At present Innd is inadeq ulltely cuItivutcd. The State of '1'~xas could fee d tho entire population of the globo, under intensive cultivation. and have plenty to spore. Sir Doni(\l Hall says also thnt lack of food will make probibition a reality some day. And a1l men will beL'O me vegetsrians. because the eartb can produce more vegetable than animal food, Mr. Haley Fiske says the Metro-. politnn Life Insurance company, oC which he is president, is prepare d t() s pend 'm illions to wipe out city slumI!' nnd provide decent apartments at low rent. Mr. Stabler, associated with Mr. FiSKe, in the Metropolitah Life In ... ~urnnce company, has shown that high-grade rooms can be ~n,ted at $9 n month profitably. seven million five hudred thousand dollani thus spent by the Metropolitan Life Insurance company earns 8.8 per cent on the investment. If bill' money lind big' busineaa would more often int.e rest themselves ' in little men and their business. it would be a good thll1g for ulI.

. -.

Campfite Girls



E . EO






OUAl HOllSE: t.~




vr llll -ul- ~If gt tl~ ': n l'p' .'lld l' X n'l1l,' ,'t BI Ii \ \\ n ,r ~ 1'lll\t"d lh" pllLlIl tl ff In the cn'" " "I' nt,

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Wp wo.nt to show you how boncf;ily it

h"t t hl? pla int llf. ('a rl d " n IJtJlln . I"

th,' untii vidl' d I ln(",·;j'(th r1l\ r t " I' :-. ai d t\!"tatl' , Th \ do \\' (\ r pfl r-

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l.s tnd l·- .. h ow <il'lI'h i i~ sold. Then yo "i \1 r l"!I::, "1:.:' "'" 'w ing ill pri ,' ~ i, ·\ 1 ;\ml ~":l ' • ;r r I rice s 8J '~ dll e . ,'I'f.

11 \\ Iwr of

of ( 'IB r a Il lIllll wu!'> t1 n l, 'rl'd u!'C' "l~ np d , hilt I t' l ilt' l' :-.ta h -- i~ f n und t u tl\.' I'll t in', n.nd lint ~lIhj,,(' t I II divi !'o hlfl \\ It houl rH illtifp ... t in j ury, th('n n il dd\\'· I' r i ~ t(~ tw n:-: ~ h: n l' d li nd tilt' pr rm i,

1 11111


pa.lnts. An ·) It ~ . ,. :1 n order W' ' d ' l ;i T'11 r, of Gn.~" LIlL (D . ... : ,; ,_, r r. every gil Ilr 1\ 01 - d.··t " , ~ I . ,.

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Hr pr n \~l' cI

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es, lacee , ti o li, hats,

furnitu re, aut omo-


lCD I ,



National Bank


Sa l.. at


lHu l'fiaj!t-l c '\t1t rn C't Hil t! Lt ,~ tl!r Fr\'l' P('ti tlll ll

Cenol A gerrcy

who ("ha rK!'d !I t'J.!' h ' d


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g- h ·(·n inhl till' c n r t.' o f Gai l Fry £, u nd 1 hI'


d .. ft ·"da"t ,_ 1" h.L V\, pri \'ilrg~ nf vi-i t in" hi" dall.,:ht,· r .,t 11 11 1111IeS. TIl<'


dt ' f r ndullt Ih ' \'l,in

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., 1 l ,r, 1) WL' tlhly LO\\"Hrd th tl ~ tl p p(\ r t of lhl' t.' hil d, ( i f ~(' V I ' n wt., , ' k ~ uftl' r wh i"" h h" i, tn pity $K {l e I' WCt·k Ll il ti l f llrth l' r I lr d e- r nf l' ollrt . l\· rsnn RI p r ll pl'r -


WIL' g- i,, !'n t he plaintiff. III Uu.' cn ~ t-' n f F.lm p r S hum n kc' r \' ~ , ~ I " ,.ri s Van Il .. ru ..t 1\1 .. the c's tnte de.~ rib (' d in lh t' p,'l ilio n wns Bold to Fra nk nn d lI utt ie fl ull inger f or $ 157[. by ~ h ('r iff' , ~n l e. ,everal succ esso rs 10 the procl'l·ds were nam ed. und seltl (,lnc n t o rd (l r l,d m a d e. Divnrcl' wus grullt"tl in th e cas(> o f

Waterproof Floor Vanmh . .. Dxtm) . . . . . . i

HPl'OgHI Z('d us t h,' I1I tl .. t l llt.'rt a IlH nJ..! uf :d l un i m nl n r t.s . P"Wl' r's Elt"p ha llt !-i hnv(1 l)(lcn !" t' l"uf(l d by l> i r pl'tor li t' ...\ g'1'lc ultllr(' Truax ( o r dai ly npp pn rnnc .. '~ ut ~l llt(· FlIlr, Au),{ u:: t :40 tv .' ,."r.. JIl~'r 4. Th iEl h'THIi P o f 1)f\l'h y d ~ J' m :" ha~ T~p{l r l l,j rl' tha t 1:'\ " ut u I 11 •• u rdinury ,' u n \\ f (' Il' p hllnl


- - - -- --

LU A NS un Chuttels.S tock.. Securi-


~1 1i .

n{'t hn:l i lll.J 1(' 1IJ.( \I ippoell'U llll' Theutl,(, In !'> 'W

nl' t fl .

ll lHt al l h e ).(T\'at " 'I[u i ll ri ), for II (.er iorl

\ 'I\llflt',, 1l1 (' l' O t,.: ' I Jr(t'l1lf· lI ll'l

Yurk h.Is uPVl'un,Ll

of Y(.'Il " ~.

DO IT. QU ICK l'Xt' \' ut t' T o f th r' c!'lnl., o f tollurn . ,I ~ c~nqe cl . If Ihe r " i. a n yt hing in t hi ' th eo r y Au th oril Y t.u d i~tr i"lILtl Ilsse ts in kind WD . gi v~ n ILdmini_trntors A. E . rha t pl·op l,· tak e un t hc nature of Dawson ancl W . Chester Map"', o f t he fou d II", ,, eat WI' sUl!gest clallls t he estat., o f Nimrod ))nwoo n, dc· bl' Ilul OIL ti lC lIL!Jnu u f 601llE' Co nCert.ain sloc ks of said es· G l ~nnR F , EVAns V f-;. Ll\wrence E. Ev. ceased . Ample P Mking Space u ns. t he def,·ndu nt huvin//: Iw e n found l a te W eTe o rd e red assign ed to Albert at 1310 Eut Fint Street g uilty of grO "~ n eglecl of duty nnd Dnwso n. PETI" .ON TO SE I . I. nEAL lilSTATIll '1'U PA \' nl ~ IIT S l' stl'enw crue lty. As nlim ony th e 372 Dayton, 0, LICENSES MARRIIAGE plai nti ff is to get all of the ()pen Saturday till tl P. M. house hold goods with the exception Carl Joshu!L Fishl' r, Lebanon. li nd A)' er'.;5 B. J~ n nln J.::~ l!: x ucu t or of of certain personal articles of h ouse- Alma Lenora Ball. L ebll non. Rl'v. 1';attH o o r Kl 1,z fo ,fut c h lnrton Coch rnn l>accnftf'(I, P lnlulltr. ' hold goods which are Ildjudged to lh e Wilburn namE!d. \'s. defendant, being articles prized by Howard Ea!'1 Allen, Clarksville , and Ay er s D. J e nnin gs . ct nl.. him as gifts. Cests of trial were Edith Hllrper, teacher , Morrow. De fend a nt • . carried jointly by both parti es. Thomas J u!!on Moon. Wilmington. Clifford Van Horn I\nd Fl ora Vall The demurrer of defen dnnts to the and J essie Ma ri e LIlForge. Oregonia. Horn, h i. wlfo: Wlllinm Van Horn nnd Uct; 8l e Van H o rn, h la wlfo ; Ku ze l H oo ts plaintiff's petition was sustained in Ben L. Rogers . Le banon. and Mil TAylo r H oo ts h or hUR un. n d all ~ t tho csse of Pnul Ku ehn VB. Albert L. dred A. Wigg in, Lebanon . Frank Gal- l\nd w h o m r f\s h..l o n t L in tne r. II It IIO'UI, Bu d Utz, et al. Plulntiff was given until laher named. Il rrt c ripe nntl Hoy ·rt p . II r hU8August 21 to file lin IImended petibn.l1 , Who r csl d e Bt Patt er so n, Co.lI Lawr on ce Pettis. Lebanon, Illld f o rndl3.. ~' l ll l n k l! " o lico that J\ ytc' f S D, t io n. Ruth Naomi Gilbert, Lebanon . Rev. J onnlugs, o x e cutor o f t he OSl n t e o r Klz The case of William Phillips va. Lewis mimed. zlo Hut c h inson ' ochfnfl, d c 'a s tJ un t he Orville Phillips a minor. and his J ose ph Ga r rison Croom. Memphis. UI.I tiny of Jul y. I U~ 6 . fli e d hl H petltt on T_ ' ~t deci.ion. of the Appellate Court will uu." all motoriah counsell or. WIlS dis missed for wllnt of Ten n .• ami Mrs. Morgarel Pell rl Mul. In th o Prohntc Cou r t o f \\' a rr o n Cuu n. . .to. . . .lak _41 pODder for a wbile; tbat i. , you who neglect to pur. ty, Ohio, u ll ",l ng' that th o vors olln l tH! . p rosec ution . larkey. Frll nklin . Art hur Bryan t is tal c of Sll l tl t.l l't.'(' d {l n t Is Insu ttl ei nl to ..... UaWllty iD.urauee aD the tbeory it i. too expen.iv", or that In the case of V. A. South vs. Ma- nam ed. pRy h e r d ClJt H u n\! t h o ex pe n s os of a d. . loa. . . 70\& ar e judg men t p roof , YOU"I' nbt Iia bl". ml n i al crlng hf~ r i'£l tnte ; t h :u ~h d l od ry Sout h. t he plaintiff waS orde red to TM Appellate Co urt in the ellS .. of F- - - VI . t h" P eopl", 2 39 Ill. a c lz(' t.l lit f a tshnlt lo o f th o f o llow in g pay $ 15 per week to wn rd th e s upport d c8\' r lb eu r en l "st ato ( o .. ",l t ' • f\ppl ..... 250, (ound o;Idoud" t guilty .. Dd j ud lmcn t wp. " .. eucd REAL ESTATE J'RANSFERS of th(' ir minor children . ..~il\ll\ t (t In th p 'rO ~"nshl p ~ t T ur tl e • ......t .illI br. a jury in th.. lum of 3,0'00 And pri.on er W•• Dot entic f" Ok , Cou nty o f Wo. rron , a.nd S l a l e o r th e case of Laurll Hanse lman vs. In ~Tank L. Ha rr is to I r ma W. Reach. lied to . .. re .... ed und"r Section 2 of tbe Inl o",,,nl D"btort' Act. v ltl o, hclu g till' southeas t rn pa.r t o t Jleb~r Hnrcum. et aI. , the cou rt d e- lot No: 12, 1 G an d parts of l o t ~ UI ulld Spc fl on NO , 7, ' ['Qw n 3. Han g o 4, bc t w et.' u Lat _ Ss you up with l:.iability Automobile ID.uranc", wbicb will creed tllo t t he d eed described In t he 15, in Harveys bu l1l'. S 1. thu Mi ami Hlv f> rB. B t." g l l1 nt nJ; a t n t .~ year if a damag~ auit il brou gbt · .. gainat you; pay S l u liO In dh ~ . oulhens l l 'h r U ~ r ot tltlhl petiti on herein be corrected and reCyru ~ .r. eh cn ck t o Cathu ri ne N. 6 . . . .rt *'-ad dafeuI" COila, if tbe ca." goe. to court a nd protect your Sl' t' Li oll : the nc e r u n n ing J %- E , " ~ ." 9 fo rllL ed so as to invest the plaintiff St or I' . " II und ivided one-fifth inter- c hnlu 8 t o a Rt o n ,- sl t un t N, . . .pert)r payiag the judglllent if one i . rendered agala.t you . od In t ho mldw it h the fee simple ostate ILntl title to est in 1:1 0 acres in Franklin Tp., $1. ule ot n. t ow n sh i p r onc1 r un n lnfl troUl at ODce before it ia too late. the premises here in . Sam and Dll ve F inkl em un to Elb (' rt the L eba n on and l'~rn nltlln Pt ko t o t-h ~ l..mY lon a n d L e tt ll Plk ' t han e Caudill. a small t rllct in Red Lion, $ 1. III t ho ml <tdl o . of Bn ld fotown. Waynesville, hill F. C. Wuodrov to Geo rge S. Mit ch· rond Np 87 ,V . ~O ,5!! ch nln :oc tn NEW SUITS Ohio Il t' l o lt o a lhHtlCft lit tit mlll d Ju o f t h o ell, lot ·u. 1 0~ fn Maso n. $ 1. Otto Russell VB. ,Louise RUSlICIl, Geo rge Ligh t , Foster. t o Edward [.e l~trw_~ n nll f"ru n kllu Pik e; th e n ce ~, t ~ " . ,' ~.~~ chain. to t h e " tnke: , ......----------------.;..-----------~~ action for divorce. ,vilful absence Mei nch. lo ts 51 a nd 1i2 in I"oste r (h "nce S, I) !) '4 . B :'!O. H chai n s t o tho chl1rged . Filed August 10. pla Ce o r b"~l lI nl n g, c on t nl lllll ~ 10 " 37 Park, $1. Amy Pierso n "s. Frnnk Pierson. for Harry Lund y et nl.. to 1\1 ieha!!1 :~~~~heH ,!,r 102 nCI"eS, 1 ro od a n41 -' 19 divorc e, g ross neglect chllrglJd. Filed Lotz. undividtl!d thre c- foul't h ~ inte rThn l J . M a rl o n och r an , wi dow er . Au gust 12. est in two acres in Salem Tp ., $1. hat! co nv c Yud hi H ' dow er Int er est to or " B. J -n n ln[:6 : th e I)rny e r of tho D. Clark Van Cllmp va. Gertrude Howard J . and Osa Leaming to Ay p 4th Io n Is to r conCi rntalt o n 01 the U. Van Camp, et a\., for partition and Ralph P . and Sarllh Leaming, two tr a nsfe r o f the Ll o w er Int (\ r c s t nnd t ha t equitnble r elief. Answer due Sep- tracts in Wayne Towns hip. $l. ""I d pro p e rt y he sold lo !lay Iho debt. t ember 11. Snsan W. Pa in~, of Dalllls. Tex .• a n cl c h n rgc fI nto r fl snfd . r tirCord Vnn H o . n n ntl FiorI!. Van Martha E. Trovlllo vs. Frank . to Edwllrd an d Effie Cook. part of W illiam Van HorD and a . .. 1e Mackey, for injullction, $200 dam- lot No. 1 in W a yocBvillc, II quit claim qorn. \ a n H o rn. Haze l HootM and Taylor Honts.. Cnrrl e L!rtl)e I,nd ROl' ripe are ages a nd cancellation of a leuBe . d eed . n" tl tl e d thllt t hny n8 n ex t ot First National lJiInk of Morrow, vs. Jose p!t and Hettie Ertel to Chas. h,· n, hav b en m n de parti es doSee Ua Early for Your Sale DateB. We Guarantee Ru ssell Wells, et M., action cognovit. Pounds, 18 lots in Fostel' Park. $45 . fkoJndan t t o 8u l,l pl:'.t ltton a nd that they nrc r f' q UlrN I I n n. n ~ wer " nm e on o r b eJose ph and Hettie Erte l to B. H. Satillfaction or Charge Nothing. (o ro I h Hh tiny o r S pt e mb o r 1926. Korte. 26 11)1.11 in Fost e r PIlTk, $1. 2 Ij-A- ~6 PRonATE PROCEEDINGS Clay Roc kwl' ll to th e Milson MillSale proccedin'1.'s in the estate of ing and Supp,lv Corn pall),. lot Nos. Abijah Collier. d eccllsed, were ap· 170, l7 7, 17R, 17 9 and 180 in Houseproved by the court upon pres enta- worlh 's Addit ion to Milso n, ulso an Phone No. 320 PhODe No.2 tion o f the report by udmr. C. W. ulley adjo inin j< a id lots. A lIot her Collier. Said adm r. also fil ed his true t o f s pecillied b" u Il dari!!s in sa id Southworth 's S u bdi vi sion was tl'1L nsfirst and finul account of sa id trust. First and finlLl account of th e es· ferred , cons id rati on $!l2 00. J ames Pil e lind F. W . I"ra nz t o the tute o f Ever ett Funk. deceas d , was fi\ud in pl'oblLle by adl11r x. Ida L . L. G. And crs on's So ns Co mpany. lot No . 105 in Pluin Vi ew Mallo r ' ub diPunk. Second acc ount of the gUlIrJian - vi ion o f Fra nkli n. $ 1. WE GET THEM QUICKLY AND ship of Thomas A. Willinmsoll, in FREE OF CHARCE comp tent, was fil ed by his gu a rdia n, COMMISSION E RS' ALLOWANCES CALL US ANY TIME AT OUR Luella Young. M . H . ORWllld . buri a l of Ind iJ! l?nt EXPENSE I,' h'st nnd final account of t he est:>te hf t.h e latl' Mart hll Dynl's. was sold ier. $ t OO; J ames Dumf .... d·. III1'II Lbel' burial co mmittee fur g 1l1111.' . $ 1 ; h y exec utor. Chal'les Dync·s. Proof of pu blica l ion or noti ces of Duvid "'ickPring. sa mt' o $ 1 ; Th t' WesPhone 8 ><1'1'" i"I.II1(·lIt were fil ed for Helen S. lcrn Slu... suppli es for r ecI, !'d'!I·. HARVEYSBURG, D. , Itn h in:;o.un, a ~ udmx. of th ~ c~ laie o f $ 1:1 .2;'; sanlt'. _uppli cs ror ILtlt tito r . .I" h" R. Sil·g fri ed. decctls d. li nd (o r $12; su me. ~ up plies for t'<J mmi ssionFmnk Balon. n_ ndm r. of th e esta t e crs. $2.!iO : !'.'1mc . s UPJlli c~ for l'le rk ---~ o f COU l'ts. $6; L. M . • 'cufield, sup plies of I::m!l\1l Ba lo n. deceased . S. certifi cat e Il nrl bonds f or jail, $11.85; Co lu mbus Blank Boo k t \ 'rtain We n ' trans £(,rrc d fr om the name of Cu .• s uppli es f o r audito r, $2; Stllte o f C. \\' . ('o x t tl Cas"h' A. Cox . in t he Oh io. IJt' pt of Agriculturc. somc . $34 . .·,[nll' rl f C . W . C'Jx. dec eased. The John Lu,,: and SOli . s u pplies for scal[rll ll. f, 'r WII " made upun Ilpplication e r of weigh ts Ilncl m eas ur e. $4.70 ; Larrick. janitor lit Memorial " r ClyJ" Co x. (' Xl'c utor o£ said estate. George (".l :-.~ it! A . C o x was u iv£"n full v a lu e of Hall. $20; Standard Oi l Co., gas and t h<· !:t'r l ifk a t,,>. as th e y wer e not oi l in Vist No. 3. ~26. 70 ; same in nCl'Ih·d in settli ng uffa irs of the es- Dis trict No . I, $624.1 8; J . H. Kipp, bridge lumb er . $:lIf>.06; Morrow Lum lull'. 0 TI", c~ ta t (· und 8 11c ce~s l o n s o f the be r Co., ceme nt and nail ~. $59. 7& ; W . .·, tuLe \I f (llartha Dynes, doceased. A. Scutt, "ridge r epair in UniolL Tp., we!'e !(ranteLl exemption fr om inhel'i- $4.7&; Ge urge Curci Equipment Co., truck repllirs" $:10 .28; E. B. SimptUJ'll' C tu x, I' e r m i s~ i o n was g iven J . Lee Th()mp s on. repai rs Oil F ord No. 1, $1; .20; 5" n . It_ ndIllT .· u f th e es tate of Mary Internationlll Harvest er Co., truck 11 . 1': lI is olL , t.l ccca ~e " . to withdraw his repuirs, $22.81. - - -third a CCll u nl hen ·in on !Lccount of r r r" r. An a lll l! ndcd third account \Va " Ii)eu. Th(, will of Alexander lI1cKinnney, dC"ea, uti, was prorlucel for probate. A CuBfornia church has inaUl~ura­ • PVBLlSIIElZS • The g r o~s value of the estate of C hurl~ " W. Cux. deceased, WILS sct at ted a smoking room for the men of TEll S'F.D'1"""'~ $:10.084. 14; cornposc:d a s follows. the congregation, doubtlc88 on the RIG.. US,PAT.OFPICB Personalty. $27,084.14; rcal estate, theory that it is better to smoke here $~10 00; debls, $4. 119.81 ; cost of ad- than bercnftelr. lluWfide represents a lortre. of protective .tnDgtb ministration. $1200; Mt value of asStill, as 10~lg as you cun trade a .... rod endW'lUlce. sets. $24,7M.:l3; no dower forthcom- bushel of corn. for two gallons of gas, ing, Successor Cassie A. Cox, widow why worry? oIher uphalt roofing offer. auch attractiveneuo f the deceased, 8uccelds to the $24,764.33, $6000 of which Is exempted Another thing about the primary .... altraod~nclability aa MuiOoHide-the "Not a from tax. . that doesn't look right is. the more lack in • Million Feet" Roofing. Perm ission to sell the property of money you spend the less results you the estate of Charles H. Wade, de- are liable to get. ~ ~ your home with Mule-Hid.. it "c:halleD8_ tho ceased, was given the executors, PerIt is announced thot n famou s ry Wad e ul1d O. C. Wilde. sprinter is going to marry a movie Inventory and appraisement of the I\ctre8S and doubtless he will have es t ote 01 P . E . Baker, deceased. was to use his bl>st paces to keep up by .lldmr. Owen S. Higgins. with h er. . --- - ----_. - fil edScptem ber 20 is the date Bct for \ . th e hearing of the claim for allowThere's only one thing to' be said nc e, made by executrix, Urene :Un. for the aeroplane. It seldom gets ------------- ----------- alesby, of the estate of C. W . Unglea- caught at grade crossings • . by, decE'ased. . It Is an old saying that the whole SlIlea proceedings in the estate of world loves a lover but Uncle Sam Sue Spence, deceased, were auproved Is find ing out that the 811me doesn't upon presentatiQn of the report by a IC,'!der. · . executors, George Jone!! and George One O/tio candidate has announted Simrlirig. . . Proofs of pUblication of notices oC hUlUlell III invor 01 seven per cent appointment filed Edward Joslin. 88 ·beer, lind while the promising is still admr. of the estate of Ellen Joslln, go d he might as well make it BCVdccca~d; Harv4lY Whitacre, as exec~ e uty. o utor of the estate of Thomas WhitSpoaking eliminating flght• o •• •• aCJ'O. deceased: Edith L. Bishop, U Ing In the. wouldn't it lie executrix of tho estate of Edmon a good idea ~rlapJllOi~tt Jack DemP'07 3~ deceued; ad IFraIIk 00- ~deJlt of gJ. N.~Ul . hUI't!


t ies und Second 1\1 0 rtgug,'s. Notea hutl g ht. John 1Il1r"ino Jr., Xenia. Ohio. ·1ll~(I - ·2(l



Farmers, Attention!

C hal'l e~

----- --- ---

. P.boae Eut


, 'took! Mr. Auto Owner Look!

Farmers of W .. rren and adj olnln. counlies mny ohtaln money on Ion. tim e lonns, nt 5 per cent interesL Cost of sccuring the same ;s vory reaso nable .through The Foderal Lanl Bank. For further inform~t\on call On or address M. C. DRAKE, Tre... urer, phone 816-X, Lebanon, OhIo.

Walter McClure J. E. McClure FUNERAL DIRECTORS



Fully Equipped for Good Service. Large Display Room. Ambulance Service Tl,LEPHONE


AGENT WANTED-In Waynesvine territory. Sworn proof of $75 per week. ~1.50 an hour for spare time. IntrodUCIng finest guaranteed Hosiery 120 styles and colors. Low pricell.. Aut,o furnis hed. No Cllpital or experlellce necessa ry. WILKNP' HOSIERY CO., Dept M-4 8, Groe'lIfield Ohio. .Ct •


\,r.tnlng toUJudgement.Proof"Motorists

.:r s.. ••


F. T. Martin Jesse Stanley Auctioneer $

Centerville, O.

New Burlington,O.



Harveysburg Fertilizer Co.

----_ ..


C"allenges' the Elements





Wayne.ville. Ohio

ImmtdJatc relief rro. PI LES Or.get thooo's Mdk OlnlllKlI4.

l'l' tw(' ('n wu;o; el i:-:- Fryl' ,

" f ' Guil 1) ( duty .

.. ..... . E.tate. Settl."

Nill. Drawn





bile uphol stery. Tho q uick . oaf.., e conom .


to 4 p.


l; lovee , dra p e r ioa,




fn'l' from said dUwt: r

Cai l Fr\' c

1"0 h'" d , ' UP Il II


LIDIeeCl on (oon 10c

8 :00 •.

\,.' S n l e


Qo"t. S tand. Liq11lct P ~. 110. 06 HOUS8 Paint. ... Bright Red Burn Pn.i.nt . Pompetan Red Barn Pl d 1l 1u\o Bna.mel-BlI\.Ck . .. &001 ..

Every Tuesday

A '1 3pot- any abric_ Ju.t u.o CENOL CLEANER . Spotadl.. uppear Uko magic without injury to lCtlt .. fobriu. You need Cllnol Cleaner in your home every , dny- for Muit., dra . ..


I h t, undl\' ,dll .! ,I !l i " d H" \,[ l hl' l' l' lIli ~ t dt ';o('r lh,,'d I II thl' p .. ' ltU ll n, nn n t ha t fi l. I f"f 1dnnl:- l.. u~l1lt, a n d I. nHI~('I :\1"\,.' ntl-1 ' Ic' d t i l th r till dn ich 'd o n t',:-nxth part lit SH lci :o:. nid Jlrt.' lI1i ~t'~ Ru h j t' c,t t o lh t' d ,\ Wt'r t'~tHtl' tlf (,Iurn D u n n, t\1 ~(,

gro1lnd toarth r ill BlIhr ...·~on r Mills un der tons 01 rTl·~~\tr \· .


Lebanon, Ohio


I.IlC'tlh- · n nd LHUi th ' U U lI lI II lt n o r l h 'f"ll dn L t :-, 111 th .. ('a .~ 1 ., f t U d t'l H II P UIIII "!"o . ('I., ra n. nu n ll, l 't I ;d It wu:-< fllund ' h n l ,h' t\' l1 d ao, t bra Ihl} ' n , i~ t' lI lll!ul tr \ d ll\\'(I 1" L II

gq:l rdi n n

V \lr



'(' Iimb Sj" .rk ,"'. Hic hal'd E~rl Spnrk I n (':\1\ ': . Stan' , v Wu ~ ltJl Jl l dll U'fl l

ty- WI 0111) l(, ,>n 11 en YII lI -' we wilt pRy yolU' .. 1.11 c ' to Dayt{)n. W t: W ;l;n y~l1 '.rJ ,. To,;\cr r :'.in t I ~'~., ,,,,"lcir"-P,,,' :.h ' :l 1. '3' ,r n:' rl l' 'h1



I H'1 • ., ,)Illy

10\ 80

Com e e:t~

At Cary's Jewelry Shop



Montgon1,>ry I) ll1lty r·, • . we ,,'u l giv you free one , Ion 01 Gasoline wi h u\ cry g . 11 I. 0 r Tower Pahlt or Vn.rnHI ".1""1 b uY.

We ha.ven ' t 1m !J.!t1?1l t

Tbe Ey. SpeelaUat



SEED RYE- $ I p r .bu ., No. 1 white. 1 Y.. ~lIih'" south of Lytle on the Town shIp rell d. J . F'. Grishfl",. · u25 MYERS ELECTRIC HOUSE PUMPS arc qu ieter, more eco nomi clll durabl e a nd r ffi c ient thlln any 'other !.l ump" . . Sec them at our store . 416 W. Mum St ., Xenia Ohi" THE BOCKLE'r-KING CO., ' Phone ' 360. ROOM FOR RENT - In gond location. Inquire of n oss Hartsock, at the posto fllce. .s l

haarlem" oU- has·beenc..arworld-, wide remedy for kidney; liver and bladder disorders, rheumatism; lumbago and uric acid conditiona:


com:ct lDtemal trouble.. stimulate vltJtt orpna. Three 11-. All druulata. rna.. 011 the ori&inaI KCIluinc GOLD M&D4I.o .

FOR SALE-Pure Duroc hop cood onel, both males and gilts.' Call and see them on the Sliver flinn, west of Waynesville, Ohio. .1125


PIPE-When ' you want pipe, valve. and flttitfa's for wat~r, steam or gos, call on THE BOCKLET-KING CO., Xenia, Ohio, phone 3GO. n 18

A Specialty Nothing but reliable Serum and Virus ulled

FOR SALE-GOO bu. Seed Wheat, Fulhlo and Trumbull inspected 99 8-10 purity two yerns ~go. H. A. Cornell, R. D. 1., Wuynesville, Ohio. ·slfi .SEED RYE-A No. 1 White, 1 % .miles south of Lytle on the Township rond. J. F . Grisham. .a25

Dr. W. E. Frost Veterinarian H'arveysburg Phon" 44


" _

_ __

Dr. John

w. M.oller

Dentiat '¥ay ....... ill .. National B~ak Bla ••

FOR SALE - Had ioln III-A. Good IlS ncw. Sec o r write W n. Ogden Har veYllb urg, Ohio. spon. . °a25 , OR SALE- I cor ne r lot, with eight. rooll! lIou s~. good garlLge. electric lights, both kinds of water in kitchen located on Fou.rth street, W 8yne8vill~ Ohio. [nquire at this office. "1126

S PECIAL ~ A limited number of showers with curtain IUId 7-ln. shower head, complete, rcndy to Instoll over any bathtub at $8.75 THE aOCKL~T-KING CO., 415 Main St.• XCllIO, Ohio. a18


FOR SALE OR RENT- Farm of 83 ncres. Inquire of R. E. Simkins. It. R. 2, Orcg~nia, Ohio. .a25

~tY' LL"PROl:3ABLY GET 10 T/l.U<'IN' 5q fMT t CAN'T Thl\.E" tiOOWN-I N~E\')

"PRAc.n:..E' 10

"O\:'Vel-oP SPa=('I

'--r~--'_- '''_H>.

> - - - - -=± -

p --

ing u ninc ft,o n ths ' 'JIeriod mo n° . than \.!Ieven thou IIno hI) ~s wore KIt')ipo;d from this county "'JlO--' 31allght(orcd ... ISSU ~O EVERY WEDNE:~DAY••. with nn nVl'TU - (1 'com, ';rnir II,s" cllo"ed nly .4 .7 ·c ntl<' (·H ch. hv luh "cIJI" Hi~ a,,'.,et:l (II tI,. Podol/ic . ,, ' W .. y n .."UI. Thi, Il"ure ;6 l 'SK thlln D fifth of the ... I)hlo, •• Su'o nJ C /uu Moll Moll . .. g 'Ilernl Ilverug~ whicr. in t urn is nhout Il third ~ f tho 1000H in 19) !l. ' .. b.criplton Prlc•• $1.50 p., Y.a, wh,;, n MystUf'lUt ic tuh ~ ~. ~ ulo sia erudi·catlon wu~ Ju st IJ l·gun. D. L CRANE P ubli.bor



- - - --







----- --- -. (



Bt'lt ('r nat iona l hrlllth nnd b£'u(',' n nl ionnl wenlt h a rc sCl'n i" the /111 ""U'1(" aWllt of th l! Unitl'" Stllle ~ VI: ' IIl1rtllH' 1I1 o f !\..: rkullure thuL "Ihl' outJlJok for th \.~ CUlllp ll·lt · ~lIpprC~S inll of tuLH~ulo s i s limon)! all kind s o f live ~luck itJ Pllcu lIl'ug ing."

'rhe head of the cOllcern Wus t.a lkinK nbout )ll'op lc Who W,'ro wurkilll: with him . "W heneve r I wnnt flny, th ing hnrd ,lOll ,' I illvnrin hl y clIll on thnt youn" mlln ~" , I' Ih(' rc, " he sui d " I know he wi ll lIo . it. 11 [. i" ulways ~ ('lIdy. "li e i ~ gl'ur,' J In th ' organ. ,wi.ron . C('ured to t h ,· o r~nniznti o ll! lI ow much was said in bu t a few words.

CARRYINC WATER ,ON BOTH SHOULDERS ' It do csn't (lily to bl! a co IVunl in pulit ics, the Wi chita Beacon, dis," uss,'I'g- tl, ", r~<:('nt Kan slIs State pd· mury: SHYS th e Bl'l\('" n : "'I' hI' pili.. 1'". II·i ll l. whll \\'lIllt" .. Irnllt th" Kl lIll S lip· I' II rt III,d tl1<' IIflti -Kl lIll s·uPl'orl. wh" 1,lay" d a IlI.'ull'lll 1::1111". who Wl'nt K(JlH I ~ natul'l'(Hy

wug-J.{i n K'

alull g'

, ,, ..' h ave !-'l'(.' n thl.' m a n that i:ol al\\'ay ~

out u f 1( ·lI r. It tit h· , a 1",,(( tilll!' to g et hint in ", ,,g h ,,,,, I Ih"11 hl' i" Iiuhl(' to s lip nllt alrllllst nny mornP Il t. ~o Illa n y pt'op lp an' lIC It ~ t 'a l't'd tq th (' ir o r·g:lnb'. a ti nn~ nn \\'a dny ~ that it


Th e guvc-rnrn e nl , with Hll' co . upt·- Ih ' tail of a shpl'he ... 1 " n~, diol,,'t gl' t ration o f vnri ou" slul('H, Ret IIUt. .t·v- IIl1yhere. Th" Illl'n who had th e Il e rve

"ral y"nt·s al(O to undertake the tu Htnllll for ttlt' K lun or to "tJHIII e rndit'lllion IIf luLe rrulllKiR ill clIlll". IIl(uins l ii, ha d I!.HHI fi"htill~ fi ll ilion)! Th ... K Inll .... n Sel"AJ lld, it i. CounLit! ~ , town~hiIH' , f u rm urgH ni zn- till' li n ~ . tiOIlS, community group" 1111 h,·lp l·'1. tt'ue lout the ~ o od - J. "nl , /Cootl ·d ev il 1'ubm'culal' cattlc w,' r" sluug h ,'- cha p run third ev,' rywhrre. without e d promptly. Fllr SO 111(' time th er e U !t i l lJ.,dl! l'xcl'ption, fW rur {I.'i tho s.:n u d Wfi S Mt n~ nU Ollli, obj(.lctiufl o n th ..• purl ~ tl1tl ' n f1l ces urc e nll CC I' n .d:' Thi" i ~ true of oth.' r "nmmunili0s a lld "I he r statl'R ti S well a s ·K" n"ns. Cnndidull!N tryil lJ.:' to "curry wu t (' r un

of Home (nrnlt" ·x. Th en CIIIII Il cll m\Jl etc JU Htilic'atio n o f thl! g ll"erllllwnt'R policy. Entire distri ct". we r" foulld to be ('ntirely frel' of th" .Ii H"n~e . 1I,·"ls inl~"'uv"d In value. Stock ltll'11 wer,· Jlh·u ~e .1. COn8Um l'TS tuu were p lc·ol'l'd . Il('CIIU.,' lh e fell r of infectioll fr om tuherrlllllr live "lock grnduolly di"npl'C'llrl,d . Now thl' depllI'ln ll' IIt nf Aj!ricullure sa ys that "with t he cUI're nt pr()j!r('s.~ in elim inllting tulwrculo, is iIi cattle a noticea ble dcclill" of t hu snme disease tlmun" sIVine is (j,k ing pillce." Thes" dctnilH nrl! cited hy th" departm ent: . "!\ "trik inl( 0xanrrle " f 1I11' r fT N ' 1

bolh "huu l<l" r>l," usually fuil to I(I·t uway with it. III tid . d llY uf (·h·ar· " ut iSHu,·", ufl il-l!-sl'ckl' rH lind it f .. olish to ns" um e n " ncutrlll" attilllth'hdor(' [·I .. clion IIay. SAMANTHA SAYS Th .. family pit'nic hrings a thre~­ fnld ble.sin)!- il tn lws nluther out o ( the hot kitchl''' lind awa y fr om the (IiShPUll; it I:iv~ " the chiltl r ell a chance to romp; wh ile for fllthcr it's u gnod .. ... UH. · t. .. jus t. plnill Innf.

of th(' work r,r t' radknl iun tla ", Ill'l ' n

rec iv,'d hy th e d"P:trlll l(, lIt 1"',,,,, all lown puckin" ('., "'1'1111 Y. \\'h, ~ h hn" 'kept IIIIOk H' fl n s uch lI>ss,'s rur till' las t sev('n yen rs, "I n Iflill th r " vertl" , loss pl' r hug caus 'u hy tub ('r 'ulllsis in r"ct i"'l \\'n ~ 75 ccn t5. ThiA fiKu re is th eco llumic lOIS for h ol!'~ KIJlul(ht('rcd ill th~ plallt. In t !J:!U th" I lJ s~ dcclilll'd to Uti cenls in 1!Jl! 1 tu 4!J cellts nn d ill 1!122 to 32 cent;!. • illce I n:!:1 t he loss ha" d eclim'd fllrth er I.n 2r. ce nt8. h\V C


acl u a1

kn ow }pcigl',


Th.., s' "1 c: rr ,' l b,· 1>111 :,",,, :. ,,' nil tl ... hot ail, in 11,(, wi,rld . \VUld . frn", till' LIps uf G I'(: al Me n - " Wllnt .. f ol'cupati ,," i. t h ' ~u l\e of men nnd W Onll'll, Ja") rhnp!; mo r e CR pCC·

iully of tl...

l utlt'r. " -- lI u r ll"~


Even royally in cri rne i. havin g a t oug h tim l', Th e "Crown Prill,·.. .. of nnto n's unll 1''''''1'111 hllh )',' (,11 ar restl'd in conncc tiun with IIIe M!'lIett murder.

adds, 'tl1l1l t h .. lulw;'culin lest 1I1'1' 1i ed to cultl" hilS rNlu ct'd bovine tu· berculosis IIlI",n..: l'1.lllIc and hogs f nl10wiJ U~ lhcm and hus d ell ned up the hOIlS from th .. di sca"c.' l'Purthcr (·"I,lt·lIce is I!i\'cn by the W'Ilat ne xt. Illen'? n elluty doctors packe l"s n 'p"rt for lI " rd in counl y, Iowa \Vhl 'h iN un arca arc redite,1 a ~ lit Chiengo ~ o nvenlil) n d('c lnrc ha lf a Irell 'from I"'\' in e tub " r(,lIl"si~. Dur· million of us usc cosmetics s~c retly .

YJtttIn~'~ I ~

A WORD. ABOUT PLAY The dUferenc e between work nnd play is Ihat work is IIctivity for fu. ture reword and pluy iM nctivit.y (ur Its own sake. We lay bricks for the money we obtain; ' we play te nnis for the fun we get out of it. . Professionalism is decried in the realm of athletics, not becau se indivlduals . capitalize their skill, but becall.l8 as 800n ' 1Ul money is paid for playln&' gRmes the money becomes the l'C1I!IIrd Instead of the joy of phi.ying. Playln!! is no longer pIny; it hall become woTt. An Interesting book on "Gamcs lind Reqcntionnl Methods for Clubs, Ca,!!ps and Scouts," by Ciulrles F. Smith, ill n valuable contribution to the Ilubjeet of piny bec'ause it shows how to organize inherent des ire for play in children and gives practical in tOrJTlAtlon. . The best educatIon and developopment has a lways come {rom play. When we are at work at What intereat. UI our faculties grow best. Food eaten with relish nourishes more than the Ilnme food tnken under compulsion, The same principle hold. true for tasks and responsibilities. If tnken with dlstnste they never benefit liS they do when taken A COOD REASON

was q ui t f" f"('f l't' :-: hill~ to h( ' ar til( ' il4'Hd


lnt.ernation.lly fllll"'"". Brown'" Saxup hone Si. co m" ~ to Oh io Stale Fall',. Augu8t :10 tu ~l' l'tl' mhe r 4 for dllily "PI'"nrn n('l'S. 1'h{'f\C '~ n1\u·ddBnfi have Loen tUJ~ IJ.{n~ · d It pron )i n C' nt port in nnp opis odc of ~"rhe ~

Wnnd(,I'l' r," the 'nu ~ lcl\l ,· xlrllvIlglln7.11 to bo Ilf(lAonl<'d encb """"Jng dllrhlK F''' lr "'''''k. \ \'1" ", Ih. · flll..\tlJ.hnIW AJx nn lZ:lJ{"tn"lIt Wcu> mod e . t he ' m o.mbf'fA w~'r ( 1 IIP1H'\ hr uu!' itt ' hi ! 11I'i , 'rtp ,'Ul Vtlurl pvl lJ.' thl'o.ll·p In Chlrn l;l),


ill stitution

t..a lk

all1l ul

In the i C)2 7 fluick y() U will find a host of improvements. Hen: a r c some of the luxurlmu details! .

lh n

HARVEYSBURG n orn- To Mr. nlld ~1r5. rlol"' rl Shi ua kcr, !\UI:U Ht 1:1 , n t1 nu"ht.('r. Mr linn MrlI. A . S. Cnll('lt nn d M Il. Robert, were DAYtOil vi,itorB. Friday. A joll y crowd of young folk . fr"m thi s vicinity pic" i ~('(1 lit ::;('rl'('nt Mound, S undny. Mr. nnd Mrs. hllrJe~ H. Gmy nnd £nmil y we re ~hoppi nj! in Wi hnil\ ~tun. Tu esdoy afternoon. Mr. and JlIrs. EllrJ Hockett. and daught"r. Ruth , we re Sunduy gU <::,13 of Mrs. Sadie R .. uson. Mrs. Everett She"t" und baby son, of Xenill, m e gu,,"t" of Mr. a nd Mr.. R. H. Je fTc ri~ und SO li . The Mission ary Circle gave an in. teresting pr"gram a t .Iun uh's Run church, Sunday morning. Mrs. Morris Riske, of Texas, is tlli guest thiH week b C her 8ister. Mr •. v. B. Underwood, und family. Mrs. J ennie Corbin, of Cincinnati, was an ove rnight guest, Monday. O f Mr. and Mrs. Cha rl es Madden . Mrs. Lucinda Stutes. of Wilmin~. ton. is a lIuest at th e home of her nephew, Clint Cleaver nnd family . Mr. and Mrs . E. B. Doster and family nre entertaining Mr. Doster's . isll' r, Mrs. Alice Erwin, of GreenOeld.

Mr. a nd M..,. . M. W Mnthias and Misses Mabe l II nu Margar et tnrr, lIf Dayton. clIlI~d on relati\'es her,·, on Frida y eve ni ng. CnptJlin nnd Mrs. Charles Gniller and so n, Bobhy, .. f C"lum bus, came down for th e Hisey ...·lI " illn . II IIeI vi s. ited their molher. lilT' Mnry Finch and Ro bert Garner. Aftern oon cullers lit the home Mrs. Amanda Starr, Sunday. WeL'e: Mrs. RebecCIL Puckett, of W lld ~ wf)r th, Mrs. Cyrus Grny. of Way nl'i'vill .. Illld Mr. and Mrs. Charles CrllY und fll mily. Miss He len Ra ndall , I "dl' " ll f the Sewing cluiJ, accumplI "il·,1 MissllM Dorth !!11 Davi. li n d EIi 7.ll h,· 1h Hlnckford t o L..,L81l1l1l, T ue.t1 : y. wh. r,' tl1l'v took purt in the d e m ltl' ~tr:tt 'Ull con· tcst . Mr, L11111 Mrs. Ccorl:l' I )l'no y and Miss Huth. Mr. n n.1 Mrs. I':. Ii. I)v"{'! r and su ns. Willi"Ol nnd (,h".-tP" . . 11'. nnd M..·s. A. S. Cn ll " U a nd ~o n. R" iJert, l\Ir ~. C. G. Randall IIl, d .\( b, Hel· en, Mrs. hllrles II. Gra y, ,\1 " ~ May Harla n lind JIIiss " Il ic Cutrll-rlll we ru in lltl~ndnn ce at linl (,n H"l'l ist Baptis t Msoriutio n in \l' il,"ing llJ n, Wednesday. Mrs. Amos Cook. who has bee n in foiling helllth f or 'o me t im e , j!"llt U\J in the curly murning hours. Wl'dll '5day, IIlld in so me mann e r l o~ t hI'" ba l· ance untl fell down the stair". suffe r · ing injuries from whi ch she lIied u few hou .. ~ luter, with out n 'gaining tern while hi s wife chopped wood . cOll ~ne ss. Funeral se n ' il' S Wt'f(' H e r eformed after tha t--but they helds ciou f'rida v n£terrll>"11 nt 2 o'clock, hnven't r.cadmltted him in to thl' c1uh. from the Chllrl eMCool; home. Illtcrmcnt u ~ Mi l) mi .;'~<::~

LYTLE Mr. lin d Mrs Ernt'st Hr""," ilnd fll l11ily 11,.1\'(' " illll:k (0 Oayto" h,sl IVcc-k . • JII ...ssr~. Orvilll' Ph illips and Wull"r Kl'nrlt'k \\'t.'r c L('hnn nn visil{)TI:i, 'V N I.


. JIll'. He nry SlIyl"r. IIf Day to", visIted Mr. anld lilt's. lIarry Gra ham, S unday. Scv" ral ("rum h"r~ saw "Unci .. Tom'" IIhin" p l"y.~ d in Wu yncsvill~ Friday eVen i fig' .

I' tld e r way."

As compnred with the felluw wh o int o all the "ilR ulld lind." th e . whys Ilnd wherefures," t.h e "A 1:1. ",, "

n nd the Xu Y Z'g," o f (lvcry -


Ilr' ng bc forl! he Rtnrts, nnd th en find s i' lteCl'ssary t o fini Mh half II do zl' n ,. ', er thin"s be f ore he renlly bcgins, , Ii t he n lOBUS th e g e neral ideu beI re a nything is n c comJlIi ~h e d, we J • 'II tl y apprec ia te th e immensu vol' ''. 10 nn executive , of the opposite I pe. t ha t is. the man who is contin" ,usly geared to hiMorgnnization. T her l! is u frantic search now goII ' ,! on in th e bus in eflll world for th e ""'1\ who do lite ra lly lind truly gear t , .. mselves to their organlzations.I " per Cuts. -------. .~






i "Inside" Information

----. ..----.,. ~

Public Sale.

Mr. and Mrs. " es ler Gra ham and J will oft'er at public sale at my rl n ughtl· I·. Iknlin', Wcn' Sund"y din. residence in Corwin, Ohio, on ""1' I{lIl"'S r·f ~ Ir . "lid 1I1r". Cnrl AI. Saturda" AUlru.t 28, 1926 I,ri,.,dlt. fll '4U' SJl r i ng- Iw r o . Beginning at 1 o'clock, my house.),ll"s. Gu y Jr. out""hn lind d oul:hters, hold and kitchen goods, stoves, cigar G ne.a IIIHI Belty . nrc sp ' ndim: this case and other articles. . MRS, CHAS. WERNTZ. ""'ok wilh he .. pnr(' nt ~ , JIIr. nnd Mrs. w. N. Sears, Auct. J USla h Il oilllott, at Tip)lecnnoe City.


Recelaed Wlndo ...... Comnatl()n Coin.. In Ouco.

,. ' (,8

MrB. Lillill n Fox is mnki ng un ex. Gu lli es cnu se 10llR of vn luable soi l. lender! visi t with Mr. und Mrs. J , 1 I, ey mny be r('c lh imed and filled in Hoof. ut Cur lis l... I, huilding soil-Mving dllms ncross Mr. IIl1d I\I rl1. r.harl ps E. J ohn s and t ;,,· m. Mr. alld JIoi r H. \\' a lt 'lr J(cn rick ~pe llt Friday in Dayton. Waxing or varn ," hing i. said , to l\1('s dam cs Ncttie Emrick, Elizabet,) ill .prove th .. appcarance of linol"um J ones and Mary Mar.hull wer e Day- u ll d make it lost lunge r . to n s hoppers, Mon day. • Cheese is one of the rich est of nll Warre n S urface is slowly recover- c .. mmon s in calcjum. n .. eded for ing from injurit!s r ecei ved in u recunt r' [lair ing food and huilding teeth and acc id e nt when u teum ran away. I" nea. • Mr. and Mr6. Williuln Brown r eA breakfast alcove in a farm kitch. turn e d hom e , Suturday, aiter a two week 's motor t rip in th e East. 11 is a great convenience. Use a tilted stationary table and built-in Miss Miriam Mc Cray , o f Miamis. P' nches or senta to match. Such an burl!. spe nt hl Kt week with her co us. ab,' ,·ove is cheerful and attractive, ins, Mr. und ,Mrs. Lowell Thomas. <l nd as it is so clos e to the so urce of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Savage and • I, [l plies and so easily kept clean, it children we r'e ' unday dinn er guests ~ •• y es the housewife conSiderable lab ll r. of Mr. anu Mrs. William Graham. • • • Mrs. Rober t Friend was clI'led t" Watermelons seem to be especially German town, S unday morninl:, I,y p:" ntifu l this year. The rinds make the death of her moth"r, Mrs. Heitz. d , licious preserves and good_pickles. Mrs. Ma ry Carmony. Mrs. ChIo,) • • 'ines an d Mr. H. M, Clark were dunWhen fTying potatoes, use but litrillY I!ut.'sts 0;( Mr. and Mrs. Charles tl e fat and a heavy s killet. Let all Cla rk. tho; pieces brown on one side before lIlr. and Mrs Oral S urfac e and son t u rn ing them und cook only enough Dutlald. wer e \veck ' l!n d gllesls of Mr. al " time to cover th e hottom of the IIlId Mrs. Calvi n Lonl:acre, nt Nor. sk d Iet in 'a thin layer. wood. • Ever yone gcts tired of ea t,ing th e Mess rs. C ha.rl 5 Thirkic ld a nd Harry same kind o f hr ead day hy dny. In · Greath ouse . of F rankli n. called on trodu ce varietv by havin g wh ole Mr. and MI·s. S. H. 1·l tfi nc., Wl!dnes. wheut, graham or ry(' bread day after noon, once in awhile; sweet breads, such as Mr. tlnd Mt:s. Will Pin e and daugh. raisin, date, nut or coffee ring; te l'. Marie, were Sunduy dinner Quick breads like muffins and biscuits; g uests o( Mrs. Lydi n Pine and Mrs. crisp breads. including toast, crack. ers or breod sticks. Mary Mars hall. lIIr. /llld l\lrs, C hur lcs Horm ell and fllmily. of ne ar Hed Lion, were Wed. II c"duy di nn er guesls o f Mr. an d Mrs. Char h·s Mullenix.

Ihhn ccJ \ Vlt e"h. Hed Operared Heater Conrn>L Thenno.",ric Ci.rculadon Conrn>L Giant T ooth, Qu iet Tnuumltalon. Jrt.RlacI. Tire. with Jet.Black Rima. Su~rlo n Tip on Wlndahleld Wiper. ExdlUllve Uph oh rcrina. and Intftio.......... Arm n...t. o n R ear-Oe.:I. ~ata.

" Honest ly." he ~aid, "it is " pll'''",r to as k him t o do n thiltj!. It I.• vcr t.ukes !lny en prgy In ind u,'" him , Rta rt. Htl grnsp" whut I wanl .pl ic kly a nd believeR in its vulu .... He h, 'cllmes en thu s in"tic nhullt. tI,,, t",k ;,' oncl' nnd co mplet cs it ulrnost 1..,I " rc I hnd expected him t o "et wulI


with joy. A gume entered into with delight ulwllY" iR hett .. r for th e h('nlth t han n hi ~to ry of li~rat"lIre read tinder cOln puls ion or n certnin numher of presc ribed hours of reading the dictionary. Education in the past has large ly ignored the play element. Childrcn hav .. been made to study history and geography with the promise of rewords in grade8 when they have fini shed. not by the inducement of the fun of learning them. If they know how to play at history and geography there would be no need for rewards. In childhood organized play does three very important things. It teaches leaders hip, co.operation and th e need of obeyi n~ rules. If you don't keep up the rules you are out. You can't "mnke up the rules as you go." here arc c('rtain r egulations that have to he obeyed or there is no game. In life t h ere a~e always rulea that can't be ignored. If a person fails to get an appreciatioa of the importance of rules in youth the way of life will be hard for him. All in all, play holds an important place in life. • As Willi as "Lord, teach us to pray," th ore is need for the tlupplication, "Lord, teach us to play."

"Some one said you don't sing jll the choir any more Iff - + -..... - ......- - "No. . I thoulI'h't It belt to stop." LIFE'S MIRROR "Why- what's wrong!" • "Well, 1 mlBlled one' Sunda,. and Refiections by Panne. all the congreglltion wanted to ~n ow No silver frnme stands on my drc~ser when the organ was fixed." • .' No smiling counterpart upon my desk ----.- . ~ .. Nothing material to gaze nt, WAS FIRED OUT Or hold, or kiss. Ah, but deep planted In my memory Zeb Spin\. hne I)ever been the,.same Whore nlways close you 8cem since lie wall fired out of the Lazy And framed within my heart Mah:s club bC(lnl1sc- he held tho Ian. I hnve your picture.

t he


YIi Ullg nlan.

Mr. and Mrs. Gail Gordon and family arc entc rtaining Mrs. Gord on's n(' icc, Miss Louisl' HIlII!Y, of Wil. mingto n. Mr. lind Mrs. Clifford Ha hn, of Cincinnllli, Leen visiting Mr. Hahn 's sister. Mrs D, B, Unde rwood li nd f llm il y. .

Dr.Frank Crane Says

to in . ..::',; motor car satisfaction

\V p kn(~ \V eX1H'tly what h L' IlU'un t.




CookeY'a (the


Buttennilk Startiltg Feed preveobI the big bses due to wealrneiS and cfiRraqe and gives }Wr dD:!m tile quidl, 8na~ getaway that . early broilers ~b: s.. The lactic acid ~ buttermilk puts an edge to. the appetite; streogthens and tones ~ the sensitive digestive organs, and belps to. sweep away the germs that cause White Diarrhea. •

1i!J. L=-.


IDthe origIDal~!O r. Jo, Z5 aud Doa'taca:pta



SemJ.SoIid Buttermilk No Dried Buttermilk In ConkeY's Buttermilk ~"Feed. we use

Semi~i1k qnJy, . to the Original and 8tlC.C"eS5fn1 ~1Jl1XrSS.

It is the most suo:essful

feed forlittlechickJ5 from 48 hours to 8 w ks o.f ~. Start them r ',;ht with Qmkey's and you

can have 3-lb. pullets at 12 weeks of age. Don't &eak the Cbaia of <:oakeY. Original

ButIenDiIk Feeda

'lbree ill Dumber - one


StartIn& ODefill' ~ foe I.QiD& eKb ilaplXlae.



Waynesville Fanners' Exchange Company Phone 25

Waynesville, Ohio

M~ Geo~(l D,~ ~1iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

incinllati, and 11'. an d Mrs. harles Jllyers, and of Delmont, were unday' l!Ul's ts o f Ilhs. Emma Foulks and !1(· n •

lIIr. and Mrs. GeoTge Graham and Mr. [lnd Mrs , Frank Kurlh attende d the funera l o f Mrs. Graha m's fathur, Mr. Charl es Th o mp~ o n, at Springbo r o, Thursd uy. Mr. lind Mrs. Willtcr Kenrick en. tCI·ta in ('(1 un S und ay, Mrs. Eli zabeth Het zl('r, Misses Millicent Het?ler and Irene Slnd e, of Piqua, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Reuinb o, of •'idney.

Miss Lorrai ne Brannock, o f near Or('gonia, and Mi s~ Hel .. n Duke were G-o'clock dinn er guests bf Mr. and Mrs, WIlbert Swnnk. Miss Brannock r emain ed un til Sunday eve ning. The Ladies Aid entertainNI their n ert Dngnn and mot.hcr attended families lit t.he church Wednesday meeting in Wilmington, SundllY. evening. Quite a number were presThe ORvis family nttel\dcd th e ont and enjoy ed the program and so. Home-Com ink nt Roches ter on S un· cinl hour. Icc crcnm and cake were day. serveu. Lon Brnnn on, M. M. Terry u~HI. The Lytle S und ll y-School are plan . K E. Thompson spl'n t Saturduy af· ning u picnic nt Schanb' park n!'x t ternoon in Lytle. Saturday, th e 28th, to which th ey inSevorlll from this place attend ed vite the comlllunity nnd insist that the funeral of Mrs. AllI os Coo.k, of ('very on(' go who can. A truck will ncar Harveysburg. Friday afternoon. he provided ,and wiU leave here Ilt 0 Misses Ruth lind Glennll Mannun, o'clock. . I ... of Wilmington, spellt the week-end with Glenn Davis and family. E. C. Mannon and wife were 'Sunday cvening ea!ler~. . M. M. Terry, K. E. Thompson, A. B. Talmage and W. B. Warner atMiss Dorothy Conard was the gu·e st tended the sale of the Meda Warner farm at the court house in Lebanon, of relatives in Wilmington. last wee~, Saturday morning. Mr. and lI1rs. W. D. Lark!l\ and o n are guesti of friendil. \11 ~~cl\Several from this place attended s. bUrg. , the funeTal of Mr. John Wilson, at Villars Chapel, TbuTSday. Mr. WIIMr. and Mrll. W. S. Smith, son and , aon waa the father of Mrs. Nettie daughter- ~re making a tour of thQ Gray, at Wellman. . Eaatby aut!!. .' M. M. Terry, wlfe aTIlt MIllS Alice Miss Mary J(cKay had as Terry, Lon BtjllIDOn "nd wife, K. E. last week, Mig Annetta Thomps9n anll MillS Mary 'Kathleen near Wllmingt~D. Toomey wer,:e Sunday guests of Hugh Miss Effie BQ1'I\et I.a..enjoytn~ a visBura't!ft;e . and' family" at Belmont. it . wit~ relatltvea '~n Pittsburg alid R. J. Murray and wifo, Jaaon Bid· Waahb\gtOD' D, C. . dlecullk K. E. Thompson and wife, Mary _thleen Toomey and the l(c;and , _[ra ChenoWetb, Mr. Kay famtli_ attended the Frtend. j Raymond a.hd Allee 'CaIT, are enjo;r~....Jy WII",lngton. laat ing a trip near tbe Lake. . we,-. - ' -. W88 visited b;r "hl«b a distance . ~onlf tboN "eek. Sevliral lIOuea atteDded


--- - ---


A. E. '

r o~· raIDedw~ ead ~~::~~~~~I~m~d~~~were ware drcnrned. dam... dQIUI to much




...NOW I" .t , TJ; L


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'" r '\lHI , tr~. H I Y , ll l l~ 1..'I)lII, ,, n , Su l\lI·ol n y.

W,' T!'


All t omnhil e r ~plll l'l ng. :l10 t (l r i1 ,lnll (!fl S Dl \,,' 1'. I llY :\1 I 11ft, T el. 7 t.

Aj!~l\ b f" r Gr ll !'n W a t c hl" . Cn ry'" lIIi ~~ Ik rl hlJl !l yma n, ll t X rn iu, i ~ ,ll' ''' ' ' lr~' , ' hop , I.e ban nn , Ohi o. t il ,· I!U C'l "f 1I1Yl'l' HYlI'lll1l lind f llll1 -

~ l i ~ ~l' ~ El .si l' ll nw h (O n lld M u r jo r il' lI u b ble w e r c i ll , ~ d n l' \'i ll e , S nturd uy .

ily .

M r ~.

M r . alld

d l1 ldl'l'll we rt' In

" ,) a m M(' l\l1 h a nd I' y .. ;\1 ,," -

l.n ui:'l' l1 ou}.! h !'I'l'nt T hur:-;d u;' db Y· ll:\y ln l\ , th t, J.:'\Il :ot Hf ) lrN, Mall·

~ ks s r ".

I!i, lI urll l't .

.I Il d ..


1'1'1' <1 nnd Hnv m,lnc! Bm d · (,:1LI>

d r : ';:Il S:


( ·he ' ·

IIC' '''

~ II'~ .

E mm n E g be rt, of 1\ UI" " " Cily I'" h-t. ~1 (' . , is lh ... I(lw >ll o f h ,' 1' . ist e r , Mr:. Mi s .... Leli t io . \ lie,' ~l c K in sey. lIu t i, l !'o

l r~ .

~ (· h n t z lnan.

fl f Ci n ri n . i\1 r :'\" \\'

\ bi t la!: tWT s i", t l' r.

G ruy lind u UU l( hl !' r n . 1< np ,·1'. ;, nd nl r >. C h "rk ~ A nti c l''' ''' \\ ,·n· !lay. F o r rf':, t Il nu ,.dl. in t. 1I1 \'i :.-: itn rs . Fl'idny , Orvi n"

Jlny t utl

rlllll p all\'

~ P l' llt

fri t'I1 ,I:\.

~ und .I Y

wi t h


W hl l ,' . " I' I. " \l i " ,· i l l ~ , K) .. 1I 111 ,Io" r ... \\'a~ th L' i!Ul·" t llf 1'. n. 11"lId ,' I'"" " w. .-:. S"lI r" an t! fn mily ' IH'nt 1111' a nd fn mily , :; unti uy. l ·. ,\1.

The Best Rosenthal Ever Built

\\'l' l,k- t' nd wit h n: lutl\"I':-o. 111 H t ,s s h \l r J!' ,

(,h'II'1\1I 11 1( an d \I :;c l'ul j!ifl :; yo u find nl Ca r y'., ,) I' \\' ,' lry Sh,, !'. " Th.· II "l\1 l' ti l' Gift s ," L(l lw n, ·n ,

Simple in construction , enclosed gears, running in oil, laroe capacity, ~afe to feed, easy to nlove about. Rosenthal Bros. built the first Husker in 1889. Their 1926 Husker represents the experience of 37 years, and leads the field as did their first one in 1889.


Mr . li nd

(~ iTIl' lI ln H l1. ~ I r ' . Ed il h

1\11'" .

I larh t..' l"lI u n ty ,

Ur ing y""r Wal d " ',, . (, I"" k" HII .I

,Jl·\\'t ,lry ror rt ' Jlllir s to Cllry' :-;

.J( ' \\' l' l ~

q Ul rlo·g F. ~ I o " h ~ r . " f r y . ' hnl' , L,'lolln o n.

\\'l' rt'

Snl ll l'd tty l!' \I P~ t ~ o f

Il ur r .. an d fa ll li ly .

F o r I(' oo tl clr an "" t'ti \\' h r llL Ih rt'"hc u I",fo l'(' th e rai n . l'all th!' W a Y llr~­ vill '1 Fa nn e r, ' l': " c ~a n !! I ' c,l mpa ny.

) l l s!oI ,It.' nnw l) lII w ifidi l' , o f lnd hn -

ap lills , I n d . , ~ Iu ;'

W:\ :;

WrI )! hl la, l

.L! ll \.'~ l


P i'

~ ti ~s

~I r' . J . 1'. ll a milt on , " I' " " la ma z" " , l\l i, 11 .• \l'a " thl' g ues l o f ~ l r . a ll d ~Ir s. _irs . J . 13 Cha p man c nterllli ll ('(1 ,\ . C ' Spa rk, In Rt we e k . t h,. ",1 " lIy ~ I ;, tr,'ns " ~alul't l n ~· . at I h.· :lI r. a nd ~ I n;. I': al'!l!' <t i::nrn '" .r , 11 1', (\ homo " f 1ll'1' III" t h" r . ~Ir :; . Ul zu lJl' lh ,·hildr'·II . l,f Car lis i,·. ~ 1' ~ l\ t S undn y Daily. 1\ it h \\' ay n,'"' ·' ! I., fr i" lltl •. 1\1 1'. and ~ I l'> . e uy Kihl l' r a nd chil " rs. ,\d arn ~1 ,' lI " h lind , ,, ,, . nldr ~ n ulld l\ lr ~ . F. lI phl·mi a Ho ug h. " f Dll yt o n, vi:.:i l cd )1 1'. and ~ I r~. v,·, n t l " lIf t' d t ilt' n'U fllOtl Ol t ll\' I' v illt.~ f a mily. It t I l um l i l o ll , TUf':; tl HY , Il n us:h . S u nd a y.

H '\"e r a l

dny :--

l a ~t

\\' \"I! k

Miss L illi /! Ncdry, wh o hus IWl'lI wi t h Ill' !" gTa n dJlJllt h e r, M r~ . Ki z7.ic with r elati vcs a t T r"y fo r several T h ullll l!'Oll n. mont h" , h A. r et u r ned t tl thL' h O I11~ of Mr •. J . L. :'''' lId pnh a ll , 1I1 i ss , '~ A nher sb t e r , l\lr~ . . \ Iicc Mr Ki ns(·y . • •• •• ni e n nd Ma lllt' Rr uwn u nd Mi,.s 1':1\\11 '" J-1 ~il! h \\'" y \I' Hf' g Ul·st" u f Mrs. Ru che l F or t h!!o fplea sure unl. of 1\1rs. ia _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.J ' F\ lirmo Ind ., Lyd 111 1'S. Crt' \\' , tn tiu y. Ro he rt Cr('w I! nt ertain~u Mrs. Georgc l.eo L" wso n, o f WlI s hingto n n. C. , Harl sock nt dinll e r Ills t Thursday. is s pe ndin g t wo w (' c k ~ tll'r l' \\ it h his Mr. nnd Mrs. G. F Brown, of Le b- s i ~ t(' r. Mr '. LI?(llla rd Ti nney, 'a nd hi s anon, and ni ece, Miss Gladys 13ro\\'n, urI thcl', Mr. T r LI1\\'so " . of Duyton, we rc Su nday ~v e ni n g If YO II WOnt S ih· cr wn re tha t is degu cst~ o f O. R. U ng lc, by and family. f\,' ndub lc f ul' y cn r~ ,)f "~ r v i cc. ge t Dry cleaning, pressing a nd dyeins:. "Y " urcx" ·il" e rscn l. u t ell l'y 's Jl'WRIl InI n nd feathe r beds ren o vuted, ,' Ir y ' hop, Lc han on, Oh io. curtain s wl1s hcd a nd stretchee!. Soft ~lr s . .'\ milo Bla k bur n, of F i s h~ r­ WatN Laul\dry, Mahlon Ridge, t o\\'n . 1':.1. , wa s t he g u est o f ~l iss~8 agcnt. An n ie and Mam e Brow n, a t the IIl r an d Mrs. Matt McKinsey leU Frie nd s H om~. Monday of last wee k. lost W ednesday for Springfield, whe re Mr. a nd Mrs. E lli ott W right, of Lhey will Rpend several weekH bofore Ico \'ins: f or th()ir home in Los Ang~l ­ Kan sas Cit y, who hav~ been visiting their paren ts , Dt. and Mr s. A. T. ell, Col. Wrig ht, wi ll lellve f ur their home . Messr s. C. W . Gordon , Carl a nd Thurse!ay. GIl'n n Frye went to 1'olcd o Thursday , Mrs. W. P. Salisbury an d so n, return ing Friday with three Whippet Sedans, For t he Overl a nd Sales Cla rk, w ho h'lVe been in Clevelllnd for U co uple of wee ks, r eturn ed h er o company. ' ntu rdny. They were accompanied A ftor a t hree w~eks' visit with r e l- by Miss Ha zc!1 Sulisbu ry, who will atives at Cincinn ati, Dayton nnd spen d the «-eek with Mr. and Mrs. Way nesville, Mrs. E tha n Cole man and Ha.rvey Ry e nnd other r elatives. t hree children r eturned last Thursday Mr. and M:rs. Roy Ma inous have to t heir home in Toledo. returned from a motor trip to Battle J , N. McKinsey and family, of Mor- Cree k, Mich .. whe r e they visited th "ir row, Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Ha rris and daughters. T hey were accompa ni~d family and Mrs . W, G. Grether, of by Miss Sara Missildine and visi t ed Dayto!'l were Sunday guests of Mrs. Lake Michigall and oth er poi n ts of interest. Ali ce McKinsey a nd daughter.


We can give you famous Goodyear quality at a bargain price -a bigger bargain than you will ever get by shopping around. Before you buy next time, In· vestigate our prices on gen uine Goodyear tires.











Don't Shop Around

Lo t h e Soft Wate r Lallndry wash you r clothes durin g canni ng s ~a8o n. T he lall ndry gives you first-class s ~r­ vice. L eave your call with Mahl on Ridl'o. Mr. lind Mrs. J . B. Lile, Mr. a nd Mrs. La wr ~ nce Lile and son, I\IT. ane! 1111'S. A . G. Spahr an d childre n, of Xenia, \'iC r e Sll nday g uests of Mrs. Anna Cadwa llad~r ane! Mis8 Clara Lile.

A Pair of Glasses

W . H Ogden, (o rmer s uperintendent of i-l nrveysbu rg scho ols, is l ~nv­ conaidered. It i . eaay to buy a pair ing thi s weck for Dal'rtown, Butler of glane.; not eaoy 'to get properly cou n ty, where h e ha s ucce pted the su- fitted one • . perintend!!ney o C th e Milford Township H igh sc hool.

We now have rates

Ul'tllriCl' Ruhil'l. e r ' I.... Jl t Ili sl

CH l tl lIlbu ~ . Ilu..· g' Lu ':.l IIf )tl' !" ~It· ". ~I (' ,· h· K,'I·II .

1u nl .

Ll' n h F.c1wa rd :o: HUfl ~I ury .I " 1Il ilh ' r nre " PC'lllblll! !h,' \H, (·k in l ' i ll l' ill l1a ti. t h ~ J,!"u l1sl :.:. I ~ !' )lr. :11111 ~I 1" . L \ '. II" rn h" 1'1. , J u nlt·~ n ..·L olI,L: lin d f UlIlity . )11' , nlhl ~I I' ~ . II al'i ll 11 Ca mp lw ll . (I f I)" yt,, " , ~v"r . · R lIl1 t: n,Y J ~ l H"' :-: U; of ,\1 1", au t! Mr ~.

:-.: . 1'. ,) ,' rda ll n li ll \\'11\ . "l'll lfl. lI " rt ~. l ck

F. C. '<I

tt l

tt11 ' 1!' h ll fl l , '

a lld fll illil y l'l' l u r nill .' t tl l' ll l'd la s t I' ri l

d ll ~~, Hft t, t' "i ' \I ' lI d ll t ~~ l\\ I ' w\, ,,k,, wI lh :' (~ I n ti \'f' ~ i ll \\' Ur l\ f '~ \ ilk ; I I H I \,il' tnit y "

Let th ,' 'u ft \\'alt-r Laundr y ",", h Y\) U I' l' )o ll u.'s till ri 1lJ..!' C' a IIIl i I\ S!' ~H· a ~ O I\. :n H ' l a un dry C" I Yl'S \, (1 \1 n r:-; t ·c IH !-' ~ sc r ·,' ie ,·. L,'''':'' )' .>111' '('1111 wi th ~ll1 hl oD

(~ ardln J! l o n

Thll l' ~ d H Y

u ll

in mi ssio n nry

; Waynesville Overland Sales Co. H. Ar.chd eacon


til I ndi a , h~r

Bring your Eggs to Kroger


CANNING SEASON HAS OPENED Th e Wnyn es vil l(, l' lIc king co mpany s lurte d Tllcsd'lY IIlll' l'noOn ca nning their I :12 6 puck. A t first it WIiS lh"ught lhut thc' ~ w c et co rn in thl' buttoms \YlI S e ntirely lost, but the puckers SIlY lhut lh~ most of il will be save d. The company has made many fine improve me nts ul the fllctory t hi s se uson . which will grellt Iy fuc ilitllte the work a nd n ot be ~o un s ightly to the visitor. Muny places hllve bee n covered up anu ou t of sight, which necessa ril)' mud .. all un sig htl y a pp~a r­ alice, but n o\"\' . ctlnnot b e seen.

']'hc factor y, unu e r the eRici ent mun ag emcnl of Fru nk S noo k, is iJn .. pro ving ycn r n ft er y.:ur,

AT THE CHURCHES METHODIST CHURCH Sabbat h Scho o l at 0: 1 Ii a . m , preaehillg nt to :30 IL. m. Epwo rth L(!a g ue 6: 1Ii p. m . Preac hin g at' 7 :30 P. m. Everybody inv ited to the se se rvic ~ s

Rev. L. A. Was hburn. Pastor,

CHRISTIAN CHURCH Sllnday-Schoo l 9 :30 a. m. ; preaching scrvices at 10 :3 0 0 . m. s nd 7 :30 p. m . Praye r ' meeting, Wednesday 7 :3 0 p. m. All ure cordially invited.

FI our Clifton, 24}1-pound sack .. ... .. .. . .. 98c Sugar' Pure Cane, $1 • 62 . 25-pound p·a cket .. .. .. . . Jars M~8on, wi~h Caps and Rubbers, 69c Pin ta, per dozen. , .. _. ......... , Coun ~ ry

Club, 24 ~'. Ib . ••"k $1.19

Country Club,

12 ~


ST. MARY'S CHURCH There will be no se rvives during the mon th of Au g ust at this church. Rev. J oh n J . Schaeffer, Rector.


T e n p c' und bulk .... .... .... .. .. . .. ..... ,.. ................. .... . .., .... ,................ .. ... ..... 68c

Qua r .. , do zen

...... .. .. .. .. .... .... .. 79c

~ -.allon ••

dozen .................. $1.1.

Cakes cL:y:~:2 ~~~.~'e~chu.~~ . .. .. , .. 3Sc

c. c, I.,,,r, 20

~~~~d~!!~~ £?c!f:;~d'

OZ, . . . ....


C, C., An ...1 Food, . ....... .. .. .... 25c

37 C

2 lb . .. .. .

47 C 18C

Ib ...... .. ...... J " wel, pound .. .... ............... ....... 39.c Santo •• pound ............... .. ..... ,. . 35e


Moon Chop,

Orange Peko, For iCinl. ~-Ib pk. .. ..... . For ioinl, ~ -Ib. pk.: ........ ......... 35c

y!!!~!~.~ . ~~~~:. 30c

•• lt.H.ng5 Plums Lar Prune, Ide.1 for e •• nh.... 16-lb b

Pint bOlll e ............... , .. .. ...... .. .... IOc:

~e}! c~~~~ 49c .. Fancy ~~,~~s.~ . . . .. . . . . ..25c . 8 aeon


.. .. .

Fre. h Cr ea m, Ib .. ..

.. .......... .... 27.,


Bre.ld ••t 3 to 5-lb. cut., per lb......



Nul, Ib .. .. .... .. .... Churnlold. Ib .. ,.... .. .. ..... ....

.. .. 32c

Public Sales

H avin~ sold my property, I will sell at my r esidence o n Third slreet, in Wa yn csville, Ohio, ( In Saturday, September 4, 1926 Beg inn ing at 1 o'c lock p. m., n lot of house ho ld goods, di s hes, kitc h!!n utensils, and n f e w pieces o f a ntiqll e furJ Dayton, Ohio ni ture . GEO DAKIN. W . N. Sears, Auct . .

Crimson Clover Time

Ne w Fall Milline ry Special Showing of Models 'Imported a 0 d Domestic Velours and Felts in Au-



vanced Styles, New shades Inc1l1deChanneIRed, Valcn<;iaBllle.] ungle Green, Blush Sand. Grey and Black,


CHILDREN'S HATS All Styles. and Colors. Make your selection ea.tly while we have 0. large o.!isortment.

Exhlbltln. 0' beef oattle and feede r Illmba and the de part·

LARGE BLACK HATS' '. Matrons fashloned ~ in ' Lyons veivet ,apd '· Moi~.

Oblo. -

s ~eep ,

mellt of animal hU8bl\ft ~ry of Ohio Stllte Unlyoult, haa 8ecured the cooporatlon at tile Chlcaso Livestock Exehn nRO III presentlllS for state Fair pat I'OD8 a tlelllollAtr.Uoa u· usual nlue. Here 11'111 .,. .dll()uaeed I'IltiollS alld .other raclor. t .... t In.,,: e nee the ,rollt of roedln. o..Ule ••" aheop. Dall, lIIarkel quotations III dli .,..doul Il'ldee will be poetet,


The- ramou 014 ftaa eblpb cO;; at ber la-PIllladelphla N"TT Yard. die bacQTouDd foUbe 8NQu1-eeu~IaIIDt.era&t20a8l ~Itloil wbleb Ihow In CollHum eelebrat81 lfiO ,ean of AmarlcaD IDdepeD4enC8. DoclJ:ed Jut ID front of die O&I.lIIl1uI, ObIO,--I.."8Itooll ft. '0i7mPta II tbe U S. S. Cooatollattoa, oillst kbtllll Ihlp In commlutoD. Thq trlel will lie &1111 l ....d Is cJa1JJ attne& lJaoa_D.J. GIl .tatton CO title IIIP*Uon CODUDuea auW. . . 00111'0. are.. at IiJtaJe l'alrl ~ ____~ ___ L ____....__________________~............~---- ~ .~t.~~~~rt





O&lllo .. ,t'ltlo". ·-




l1l o l'nill ~ .

whr r e th ,'y will nt h 'nd " fa mi ly 1'1 'Ull inn in hon or llf a nie cc , Mi ~~ Eclit h "n ;o; .... n tH:rI"Y, wh o h a:-1 ~ pcn t tW civ("

market. gradee


I '

~I I''' . Ed ilh 11111' 1' ' ' . IIc ~,' m pll l ti ~ d hy I,,·,· "mlhe r. Cha ri ,'" F. ~l ll~ h c r Illl d ", if". tl f Cill clllnali. w ill ICllv e fo r

atock EMChaftge to l;ielp

class of Insurance, and wUl be glad to have you call and talk it o.ver_ Remember what the Hail did to the Tobacco In this vicinity last year , and the lUany large losses , .,.ad by this Agency for' Hail Losses. It Doe. Pay to be on ,the safe side, for it costs very little to




on this

Caldwell & Taylor's

i\t I S S l'~ Ma ry





---_.- ...- - -

The season of the year is now here, when you can expect the severe Hail Storms that sometimes aweepthe country and ruin your Crops, especially

your Tobacco. .

~I i ss

The bellt m ont h ~ for sowin g crimlio n clover lire A Ilg ust nnd Septembe r, th e e xact uate de pending up on the co nditio n of th e so il. tlnhulled seed g h 'c so m ewhat g r eater certainty of u s t a nd than hulled Heud. Th!! best protec tion against killing of th e young plont~ hy dro ug ht is th e pre paration of a fin~, moi st a nd llrml y compacteu seed bed . Co m binllti6ns of crimso n clover with oa t s, hairy vetc h 01' (lt h~ r fall - ~o\\'n fOrHl(c cr ops give somewhnt higher ~' icld" n nt! a s ure r s tand than crimson clover a lone . N o insects trOll hie cr imson clover serio usly, a'nd the (ln ly severe disease is the stem-r ot, o r wilt.



~ i s tt· J~.

Thursday, Aug. 26 G. H. BROWER, Oph. D.

Messrs. J oe lind Ril ey Sha rp , of Falm outh, Ky. , "pe nt th e w ee k-~nd wi l h t he fllmily o f the ir . isle r. Mrs. T . S. Ha rd in , a nd w er e !l cco mponi ~ d home by th eir mother n nd Virginia, 294 Ludlow Ar'cade, Ronald une! Roma Hurdin.

Waynesville, Ohio


United States

At the Grange Hall

Waynesville Motor Co.



are valuable only to the degree that they are accurately fitted FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST to your eyes. The examination Come at !l :ao L oru's Day, AlIgll ~ t determines this. The examin- 2!Jth. S e rm on (In " Ill creas ing in t1w ation can be no better than the Kn ow ledge DC Gou ." No eve ning se r vice. ski and k;nowledge of the Nathan Joh nson, Minister. doctor. Therefore . the service Perry Tbomas, Supt. rendl!red by the doctor is the IMPORTANT matter to be


Phone 105

ill nf.' :'js flf hl' r


:-- Pl II I


l\'Tr ~. Kill e HIcks wu ~ cull~d t o MI. lI elllthy lud u)" (~ n Il cco unt 01' Ih"

.\Ir,;. It . L· . 1'",,1.'. II f ('lII c innl1f! , n n d whn is no w n t h u m c o n IIlr a nd ~ Ir •. 1.,':.:t l' r Gnrllvn n n,l Miss ' :Vl n l'th n ( )' :\ (, Il ll arrin ,d hom e . \'I ~ it , ' d }h' I' m IH ht ' !', .'1 r s. I] 11I'J,."'(' 1'. a t ,'nu fli rit' lI l! h. S und ny , " fl,' \' a p l.·llsnnt vi. ,t wilh t ltv Ffll'Ild ~ II P I1I(', la :-o l \\'N'I: fricnd s in hi ' ag(l . ~I r ,. Knt ,· HI Ck" 1\ h I! L hlCll t,' d In Mack M ()'r~ 1l 1l Hnd fnmil )' . II f l. ;' 1I . i,' r:ll1 kllll f i l l' .. ~\\lll i l', I";' t :l k ll1 J.! It f\ · \\' don, Ohio, , pc nll!;ll nd uy wit h ~II' ..nnd tla j'~ ' \;\l'lIti!l 1l tit h l' r h l H tH' hl' r t' , Mrs. I' . R. :\l no maw . TIlt' W , l !ttl le :\I r .... C hall l' 8 Mor r i!'ol IlTl . (I f ' in l' ltl .. s: irls re mnin ' t! f il l' th e "'('ck . Il u ti ,


wu~ k .

Hardware···Harness---F a rm Machinery




IIU li d icn l' ll f l>h'l<l t,'r8.

W I ' l' k




Jl"~~ P T h lHl'u\ !~ I S H t \' :tnd n lin t hi fl WL'L' k alt"-li t hTI~ t h l' l ; rnn d A ,llc: l'lc;t n

r: 1'I 1I 1l ~ '· I' .

.\ l i ..:~ 111


11Il ~ 1 11I ~ ,;l lllri e d- lit l,r "~' Cl' t y vII Third -

H"s>; Il nr ("tlC

n('v r~' " rt'C :

New Stee 4 Husker


I"II'~ ""




fl ' of hn\l.HlJ hllulc<,- ; n;. , 1'~ til ., ~lI t'. t "f . 1 .. ,\1I<u·1 ('rlln e.

hurl il 1!' n ilt h I nIL


1I" nll lnl kl ' hi n


,and Also, Satlo Combinati os, in all the Leading Fall ahades and Shapes. /. .' ".: \ ~



Large and Small He.dalzea · . PrJ~;d t~ Make ~ld~11 ,.."



Whole Number 5716

.............~............. A REUNION Of I-te;::::.n:h~em. OLD SCHOOLMATES ·

i i ., State . Capit((li i....~~~~::;::~~~:!:-. Prepa<ed I by


( !

thlJ ~ ' wh o 11 1" ' ~unc, WH ~ lI1usl ,' n jll yn ull' t o fl> lh.o \\·"'I-:: MI'. und ~I \'s . W.

r egrl·t [ or

occa SI o n

held Ilt t hp I,r a utif ul count ry . Harvc y Cu nk'. hnm<' of Mr. nnd ~ I '·R !I t'll I' Lt'lllln un. Oh i·\ "" Sund llY . Au-

J:t ll ~ 2~l th. )\ t nUlln a Vl! l' y dl' l iciol lS flin n t· ., w a ~ :-\ II]'('a. 1 tJlu il' r th u !-; ha Iy

t n·.'~ .

'-rhlJ ~ ~ . p n '~w llt \;

}1 , ';", 1'!


to r


"Mr an .. Mre. Morrie CorneJI, 'Mr, 'EJ-nellt B~terworth are apeJuilnc"thJ'e8 Jla~ I¢. the State fajr_

....a Vra


( .;...


y, f. M. WilL PUT ON PLAY EJ~A

{>oster Cook

Mrs. Elmll Doster Cpo~. 76. wi!e of th e Rev; Am~s Cook. former pastor of Xem.8 P1'lends church. dle(j a~ /l er hO)l1e aIle mile west of H arve Y8~ burA'. Wel!nesd/JY mprning, Aj1gu st 18, lit II p'l!lo ck. Death was ca use4 by a fractur ed skull . receh'ed ill a faU downstairs four hours before. Mrll. Cook left ber bed early in tho momlng. and missed her foo ting at the head of the stairs. . he never re~ain e d consclous nes. before df;lath. lIfrs. Cook \yas born In Fayette county. May 29. 1850. The Rev. and Mrs. Cook r esided in Xcnln nin e years. at the ti me th e Rev. Mr. Cook was pas tor of th e locn l clrur~ h . They have r esided in the Harv ey . burg vicin ity sin ce tj,cir mtlrl'i l.l~ e. except n few yenrs In Xenia and W illllingto n. Their mlnrillg!' t ooll place Octo ber 7. 1877. Oesides her l1Uubllnti Mrs. Cook leaves one son. Charles Doster. near Ha rveysburg und three gro ndchildre n. Sh o \Vus the Illst me mber of her imm ediate family. She was a me mber of th e Harveysburg Fril'lIds chu'reh .f orty-five years. She joined the Walrus Frien ds church. Fa yette 'I!OIPlty, when a youn g girl. Sh'e attil nd ed Ea rlham coll ege tw o years and gradu te d fro m Wilmington college, in 1875. She taught for severul years ill Fayette coun lr. Mrs. Co uk wns con Il ectcd wIt h ' a ll the octivitics of Wilmington Yearly Meeting. FUIIl!rlll sen-ices were heir! · Fridny . Aug ust 20th. at 2 o'clock ~ ta ndard time at th home of Charl es Coo k. with intern nt in 1\Iillllli cemetery. Fl'iellds from incinl1nti, W,\shington C. H .• Wilmington. Martinsvill e. Cleve l ap~. Xenip. . Springfi Id and ather plo9c "'~re III ntt,endllnce a t t!:!.e funel'lIl,

Jurors Drawn

SPECIAL EXHIBITS Names of jurors for the September session of the grand jury. have Al COUNTY FAIR the been drawn from the jury wheel for term of Common Pleas coul't. Two specia l exhibit s will be qrranged at t hE! Warre n Oounty fail" . " hID ' 111 COl\nectloll. WIt ~ Ie. epartme'lt. of ~ural SOCIology. OhIO State un!verslty. and Ule StnlJ! and Feqeral Departments lif Agriculture, according to 'annO\1ncement f rom Charles F. C l as~. wh o a/ao ex,?e';!ts to get bae k to a rrange th e exhIbIts in Lobanon. f th will s how th e plans O ne 0 ese E " lind ad vantage~ Of. T. B. rndlcatlon of cattl e. Tb t~ WIll Include a num"~r of I~:ge ~hnrts. maps Dnd poe. tH ShOl\lllg I.xl cilt lind progress of the , \ ork ov.'!r the State. Actu.a1 speclIlIcn!i of II1fected orga ns a.nd tlssues f~nrn tubercular cllttle WIll also be eX.hlbl led- .ns 5ul'pl.led by ~h e fede ra l Inspector!! at CII1Clllnatl Stock ' " Yards. Th e other exhIbIt one of the IIlOst elaborate an d artIstIC ever 8:1"ran/ted .at the. Warre.n . County faIr. It consists of: 24 mllllllture fat!" s, Ilrrll n g,,~ .t o s how two contraijtlDg communthes. 0!l<! s hows a .harmonl ous. well o r~n nlzcd. cOl11mulllty. ~nd the other a cllsorga!llzed and , tifl'htlDlJ nel g~b"r~ood . "It I~ e ntitleu Oommllnrty Fencen. . s It 8ho~v~ . that commu n.l~y fonce h('lp or hmder progl·CSB. .1 ~ e fe!1 ces mllde be mad,Q fr onl SUSPICIOn. J,:n lousy. Igno rlll ~ c e. non -.COOPl!rJltIOn greed into ic r um' '. s e l fi s hnc s~. elc. res ulting' ill on ullp lensa nt. unsocia l com mu nity. . [n the good COllllllu nrt y.. th e fences ar made [I'om tol rance. un selfl s ~­ n ss. educat ion. co-operation. etc .• rna king a "CI'Y plaaaa n t and wholeson, e nvi ronme pt. Th e exhibitlol1 sho \\'s the ditl',e rence ve ry strikingly. The two COllllllunitill8 embrace the compl ete fonn outlin es and IIrrangements on 2 4 farms. 24 houses. 24 bal'n ~ . 15 8 il o~ an d 100 other fllrm buildings 1111 ill r enl but miniature 1'0 1' 111. eurefull y painted. arc arranged on the 24 [urms. The fields are also ou\/inccl, us wdl as the roads. 8chools church es. com munity buildings . ete . The displny was arranged undo prepurol! by the Rural Sociololl'Y division of The Ohi o State unlv lll"lity. Pro!. C. E. Liv ely nnd R. B. Tom prepared the exhibit a n d will show it at the Ohio State fai'r this week.

A11-DilY Meeti"g Th .. Iloclcty of );yiends held un 011day ' Meeting last Sunday. The morning was @:iven' over to First-Day school and Meeting for worship. In tbo aftemoon at 2 ;30 Walter AIreII. 01 Anltocb college. I,tave an address on "What Membership in th~ Society of Friends Means ' to Me. The 8peaker was followed by several members of t be congregation. who gave short but Interesting tlilks. . Quite a large number of Ollt-oftown people w9!,e' in atten~anc\l. . ....____


Win'f.IS T. be Cnp


which opens ~his Illornlng at lOa. m. The grand jury is as follpw8: f,[1'8. Ruth Mcelure. Clcarcreek Tp.; Adam Duq,o . Deprefleld Tp. ; Herbert AIbaugh Franklin Tp . Mrs Florence M't h'll CI k·'" Fr ' d G . Ice. . enroree p.. e. On8: Wayne '{'p .• Olem ~owyer. UDlon Tp .• Gus Bal on. Franklin Tp.; Mn. Maud Monger Franklin Tp.' N. L. Dearth F"" kl' T . J h p' R I T ' ·,an In p. . osep . !lw CS. urt1ecreek Tp.; Walter KerrIck Wayne Tp.; Addn Thirkield. Franklin Tp.; John Hart. Turtlecreek rfp .; Charles Sherod. Washington Tp.• and MiBS Alice Thompson. Turtlevreek Tp. The petit jury. is a8 follows : Clint D. Corwin . Turtlecreek Tp.; Harlan Whitak Cl'. Harlan Tp.; Anthony Sweeney, Frllnklin Tp.; J . C. Hawke. Wayne Tp.; Elias Robinson. Deerfield Tp.; Mrs A nna Eldridge. Franklin Tp. ; Dougla s Hollingsworth . Turtlecreek Tp.; ~eo rge Shields. Hamilton Tp.; Mrs. Corn elia Bradfllrd. Turtlecreek Tp.; Mrs. Anna Murray. Frank lin Tp.; George D. Davis. Maasle Tu. ; Horacc R oosll. Hamilton Tp.; J Frank Gallaher, Turtleereek Tp.; Mrs. El1a Davis. Hamilton Tp.; Heber D. Williams. Turtlecreek Tp.; Wilbur Clark. Wayne Tp.; Miss Nina WiIIiams. Franklin Tp.; Mrs. Carrie Law. Turtlccr eek T. ; Aaron Brafman. Turtl ecree k Tp. _ _ _ _• _ ••_ __ _

WAS HOSTESS TO RELATIVES .Mrs, Emmn Egbert. of Knn sas City Mo .• celebrated the approachin g close of hllr three months' visit with Ohio I'e lat h-os hy ncting os hostess to 1\ gro up of hH nea r o nes on Friday. Augu st 27. at the Frlentfs Hurne. In lhe pllrty were her sislers. Mrs. Alice McKinsey lind Miss Lillie Nedry. with Mip" Henr ietta McKin sey; also. Mr. an d Mrs. W. W. Welch. of Harveysburg lind Miss Mary Wilgus, of Xenia. The occlIsion WQ S one of unulual happiness to a ll and an add ed pleasure was the opportunity of liatening to Miss Wilgus describ e a part of he r trip around the world. especially in Egypt and lndia. where she spent more than a year.



e ronowinC 'flltIlt;1I11 WCTe takell 7.8t 11I4:11ea; Apguat 8.11 ,Inctfetl_ To. fr our weather o:f:.; to ,ee t ratn!atr. ',been as f . There were 10 elelr d .... In & u-} 2T .,.. ,...... .. .. "........ ••.•• , 26', ·""c:hAs • I III " uat· 16 partly clouCl)o andI 6 cloudy ;JUly' July '81 ...... :.~, .... .......... :; 121 : incbell 14 daY. 'with rain, . . , . ;( 1 .;.,........ ., ...........1.'1 Thl. with the averllge of A g;uet. 2,...., ................ .: ..:81 16 11 010\14, 1 A " .... '.................. ,.. . 26 'nloud.y· 81tt,th rabi; , . ., A II'UIf 8 .... .. ........... :.. ,.. ;99 melie. • The 'total ram tan to 4ate (0., 19.8' '1 .... .... .. 1. , .. .. ... .. ... j)4. Inches II 88.86 Incb.. '. ' . Auguat ~j .. .. .. .... . . , ,, ... .. " ~1. hi~~~ 'l'be averqe lor tbele • Dlontha A~ 101 ............ ,.......... ..10 In~. ,I. 28.1" Inch... The avePll! . fall AlijUat . 16""" ....., ...........:-.. . . .0& Ifln". for luly 112.8f; III AuPat 1r.98. The, c AQUI!t 1'1 .......... ..>:...........1.80 beaYiest; preYioua Jul:r rabafaU of A~ 18 ..,. ......... ............, .81lS . which 'IJ8 have reeo~ .... 6.67 ",ell. 1-9 ...., .............., .... . 11 " ' . 1916. In AUI'QIt 1916 we Iliad AIl..- 80 ... ,............ 4.82 lJ!ch.... In Auaud ~8.8& till tim Aq1at 111 ....................... .It 1_ _ ~ of wbicb 'IJ8 haVe recont. t.heN



~I~l. ~2~6:0in~:. ~ult ~6

A~"'St" ~t A.~guSt

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,....... ·.'at cle~r; "~I,

A.u~~.t, ;;:~::I .I~t:~!c a!~r 8!e~t1ie'::t., th~ III to be held at Edgewater 'Park. Ce~ IIna. Ohio. on Septem ber 26 -26.

Ed~watel' Park was chosen as the place Inlwhlch to hold the picnic. beIt. 18 for the e}C-lIervice men of ·botb · states, and becau8e It I.· -II ldeal In wh.h,:h to hold n lon, . •. ,uj1h AmoDI{ tbe {Irbmlnent speakers will be Jobn ~. McQuigg. Cleveland; Hug~ -MartlliJ,;·Qolumbua; Ralph D. Col, P'lndla:v: \JOI, Myetll Y .Coope~ ~In1:lnnati; C, A., Jackson. New UlStle, IJId;i.t: 'l'. Welty, Lima. and F, • GreeavlU., Oblo.

~~" ~" caUIe


a I~

•1, bt.tIa..

Ex-Sorvice men of Ohio and Indiana. are I00 klng f Ol'Ward with much happy anticipation tc thll Sl'iCn.{l


~ ""l1

~nvenlent :~pot



otI _

Btilleuribe for the IIl8ml



~~~ A'tt. lia.I R ;I. • .LO:~ " eq.c ~ eUwon.. ..



5t:n. EI!Du Racen aM f!BDdnddautrhter~_~larga~ret ... ~!8"'" ...r, a Hm. "'lUll'.. &....-. H. Mr.. an\!

M. Clark, Mr. and lin. altv A. Clark. and ,Walteri Jr., of .Lytle. JIU'. and 11m. IIJJton ISheeban. of ~tervllll .. attetldld the Clark-BaDeatlae reualoD at Wlncll..

E~jL~ Wallda

tIr, Ind., Satufq.

The best of it is thnt all th is. and much more. is tru e. The r eal wealth of the human race is not in oceans, In fertile soi l or eVen in sunlight. It is principally in t he brain of man. On S unday. 60 .00 0 visiting the SeS'-qUI-Centcnnllll exposition in Ph iladcl\lhia. studied exhibits from many States and for eign countries. lateBt machinery. inventions. devicI!8 to increase happiness and diminish misery amoung human beings. An d many sincer e men and women believe that t he 60,000 ou~ht to go to hell or close to it. for .' violatinr: th e Sabbath." What do they think ha ppens In Heaven on Sundays? Arc the harps silenced. the strange and interesdng beasts. described In Revelations. caged up for the day. the dignified and industrious elders ordered to stop their bowing down. until Monday morning? How can a Christian, Mohammedan, Shintoist; or Buddhist. spend Sunday better than studying a com~ bination of man's works and Creator's beneficence? Various English newspapers crit.icize Gertrude Ederle's manner of swimming the Chanael. They complain that she availed herself of the accompanying tug's protection and swam in th e lee of the boat, which. broke the force of the current. Being an American swimmer. she probuhly Rhould have towed that 'tug boat with her teeth. Yesterdny Miss Ederle challenged anybody in Europe, man or woman. to a Channel swim for a purse of $20.000. and sbe is ready to swim now. That should clear up the ntmosphere for those Who think Gertrude cannot swim. .


In many public schools radios will be ins talled. nnd "freo lectures," many tiresome and boring, will be eurtailed. That's a setp in the direction of common 8ense. With th e radio. tbe most intores ting lecturer with something to say. kno wing how to interest young minds can be engaged to talk to a million school children. One great service of the radio will be the elimination of second-class: ability, and the sub8titution for it ot::

-----. - ..----




They sny ch emistry will e nd a ll our worri es. incl uding food proble ms_ Puwer locked up in. t he r evolving eleclrons will run all our machin ery no nced of coal. oil Or water power: Artificial rubber, bettor th an tho genUl1 illO. will ue madl! fl'om petroleum . IIrtlfi ciul stone for buildings will take the place of brick shells 011 buildings.

For the pleas ur e of her daughter, Miss Mllrie . who II leaving 800n to take \IP he r school work in Cincin nati. Mra. Albe rt Shutts gave n dinner. Tuesday. to t he following guests : Mrs. Ira RIch. Mrs. Fred Braddock. "Hove you tbought nbou t yout: aolM~s. Lewis Fires an d children . Mrs. lar?" Elvin Fil·(, ~. Mi8RC. Flossie Fires. Tha t qu estion is osked by one of Dena a nd Irm a Rich a nd Irma hutts. the ablest modern financie rs , a yo.Ung man wh o has made t ho old-f ashioned monoy gentl emcn sit up. He says: "We pity Fl'lInce because the f ronc has fallen. but what about our own dollur. of which we are so pro ud?'~ It is n't a dollu r compared: WIth what it was fifte en years aRo; i t Is thirty cents.· ... . . . When peo ple ~y the cost uf living' has gOllc up t erriffical1y they reully mea n t hat thl! value of the dollar bas, gone down. lIle n that tie up r eal estate on long le88es are giving away thoir eq uIty_ • What looks like a big rent to day will be sma II ten years hence. the dollar will be worth less. the land will be worlh 1'I'\01'e_ Money has been going down steadily from the days of Queen Elizabeth. aDd before. until now.




Entertained At Dinner

At their beautiful coun\r ~\lm~ . on Waverly Farm. Mr_ and Mrs. ' 'Rol_ '~-~ la Bolton and Slln. John Paut, enter_ ...... tained as di~ne~ guestll, Mr. and P#'T8. Ahtt bepe ~ a1-~ ftnIabed. A. H Siebert. of Columbus, Ohio; anet III baa been IIt1'\lclt;~· Campbell. .Mr_ earl J. Ochs. of Lan~a8ler. Ohio. Nebraab. II", ~ moWD the ftrat Mr. Ochs Is a student of Ohio State paYinir ~, In the .&aile. The . .university. John Palll ~olton I!I aho -Ida ftMd was located by the a student 9f the same The ro:"- '-vAfttiOll A. J. P. Bertsch v b.\lYS arll goo d. ~,. £o.·ends. and had ~ III , I~er' _'-A.A) ii 0mW. The Msplendid IIay together. Tbe ""Nits ~;;'-)h':~proftft a IdentifJo departed for their. city 1\omlll tl\ tb.e ~ late afternoo\l. IIeQlflnnlr they had fully enjoyed dill- ;:.,._. _ y w61I ' trom ner and a wltb their . • on t .

tended High 8~~ool . ~~ "on~\lltIef)' lallt rear. ·recf!lvlid ber ot points arid; tile wa. ..,ateei awarded numdrat pdze: ' The tTOphy. a .•lIver CUP. gold lined ·and beautifully engravcd. 'was by the Y_ M. C. A. Clark .. t. a .aon ' of . Mr. and loin. W. p, ~alillbury. Jonneri- of tltl, place, bul: now of' C;levelan , : ' . • -' .

The members of the Y F. M. will put on D play entitled • . "The Path Across the Hill." a comedy-<irama in three acts. on Friday evening. September 3rd at th Gym. The Young Friends are giving this play at several different towns, and their object in raising money is a most worthy one. that ot sending a poor mountain girl to Friendvllle academy. FollOwing Is the cast : Samuel Crawford. Roscoe Furnas Robert Post ... _ ... ,.. ... .. Bert O'Neall Walter Conrad .. Raymond Braddock Dr. Jimmie Reed ... Lawre nce Furna8 Salamander Alexander John Henry Jones George Bunnell Mrs. Davis .. Mabel McMillan Ruth Conrad . Fnith Tomlinson Flo Gay Thelmn SattcTthwaite Luti e .. J ean Hockett Zu zu Ada Grnce Underwood

Entertai~e d Friend I

~ r tite Ir~o.n t" - - - . . ~.-,- - -. ~" Weatner R.e"ort ,o' At the tracl' meet at M\lntg~mery. ~ -_. , r . Pi~pic And Reunion. Alabama in "blch contestan~ j 01 Augu.·a t 1If1ll' .LlJt~er, Do:y,. 0..' Ju.l~ ~il~i~~~~~g~I~,~oo~l~bt~.S~i:'IlP:r; fr;~mtl · .L·

Scienti sts gather ed a t Williams\Vil nll ogn f 1>e. town possess th e blessed g ift of hope.





Mr. und AII·s. Fn ,n l, 'I' ll U'. " I' 11 1,,1\c hl!st er; 111 1'. 111 .<1 ~! I" . SOI l \\, ,,11'. of Cla r ks vilil' ; ~Ir . ""d ~ I,·s. HU',e ll Wolf and dall~h l('J'. uf Fm nklin ; Mr. a nd Mr~ . W. C. Phill ip:!; ~ Ir . and M..,.. Al onz o Tit U N . " f Wn YIl \', vill c ; Rosemary Titus, Mr. a nd M\'~ . Jo hn Wolf a nd son s. Mr . nnd ~lrs . II nrvey Cook and childrl'n . Ethel und Hi cha rd P enquite, 1111' E:d Wnw l. 1111'S . Anna w olr. of Lebano n; Mr. Th umas Gordy . of Dayton. At a late hour' all dep nrted hoping to meet nex t yeLlr at th e home of Mr. and Mrs. J ohn Wolf. at Lebanon.


.. " AtleDdiag State· ·

"/' 1;"1.


fL. I h ...... ~1tc k .

trui l; .. I r . HlId ,\1 , I: a~ qln nd Tit u s S. , Ih 1.,1.0;111" ,,: Mr. l1nd 1\ 1r~. ~l l'\' I ' I : :l l.II IOI '1J ' I:i(' , (If Detroit: 1\Iis. 1i ,1 1.1' T ,lu, ... f Ill-t roit ;

Mr nnd Mrs J ohn Lowry ce lebrated their fiftieth wed,\ing. anniversa ry at th eir home one mile west of Waynesville. They were married Aug: ust 24 1876. by th e Rev. Turnbull. at the' parsonage at Xenia! Ohio. Their children. grandchildren and friend s gathered to commemorate their golden wedding anniversary. Sun(Jay August 29th.. They received II nQnib llr pC bcal!tiful presents. The dny Willi l,mjp;ve\l by the following : Mr. lind Mrs. John A. Lowry nnd Mr. John Lowry. Jr .• · of Ohio; Mr. and Mr8. Jas. Hollingshead and family, of Lebanon; Mrs. Claronce Glass. of ·Marlon. Ohio; Mr. Woodle Warwl!!k and famlIy. of Xenia ; ~r. and Mrl. Tod4 Lowry and famIly. of Dayton; Mr. and Mra. Alva Ludington nrid tafl1ily. ot' Waynesv ille; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lowry. of Kokokmo. Ind.; Mrs. Anna JorJiun. of Bethany ; ~r. 1Ir"~ M~I' Ralph .Kenn el anJi f.allllly. 0 amI to.ll ·• Ilk and MM. • U Franll d MRI.d.~e~nl(, I Blanchester'; ~r'llan . 1'8. e~ RJ4,e. of Wa;vnosvl e.


Hit d

!\Ii ... ~ :\ J:lrl!'

nnd r lo ildr"/I, .. I'


large su,m lI'M plnced with , the department of welfAre during the' week' ~ the S't atll' I1lgbw.ay director. The ~k are to be ,l,Ileli ;" paving one iltref4:h in Cuyahoga an4 ano.ther In PiekawJlY county. Wit,h ~41y inreretWc.d ~utomobile traffic, property .()wnez:a ~ both hrghwaY8 demande4 ;that ,brl4 tip uled in making tbe improvlUl\ent. T.he COB~ will be very little JnQJ'll :iJh~ tbJ! Imoo~h highway lIIlIrface and will sta1l4 uJl .better un"'Cf'tbe heavy ~affic. ·L aMmll' .ohuch a lqe contract by .t he p.l'laon brtek plnnt: fIlDanB that th\! entire ,Jlutput tor t1Ie ,~ has beim pralltically Bold and cont1DUe11 employment (o.r ,the ;P1'i80nen at 'WDrk which '\lot only P10vell profitable til the State. 'but as,..1111 more than 200 Ig-Ong .and a\lle~1I men continuo. emp)oyment. , . . . . w.Jnter comeJ. lIih.,e wen "'.1.11 be .employE¥l makin" replUrs . .t the " .I\t .and ge;t,tinc it 1ft . jlondition 1.a, .n:. IDtherta .vearls )).usinQ~~.

(" 1/ 1I 11'1 1I /.

t UIl ;



'W'UJ tarn out $100.000 worth of paving ",Ick during the next - fe!, months. An order reaching thll

~I r.

.11... IV ,I~ I r. I.l· W '~. OIl .IL , rotw ; Mr. nl HI Ioar" ·s 1' 11 , . •. f Ki"g's ~l l1 b ;

Mr . J imm i\. Tf h l .1 I ·' 1 an d SH I1 . I . f ~J ;.'SU Il : ;\(n . It , i'.· Hpli tt" ~I r , ~ t an Il',ft., l 'l' lI\ ~ lI ! ~ \ , Ind . I r ~ Hil be rt I'; I Y and " I "~ \ 1 1, .. nd .\ J r ~. Hu lph .hi t\\\ I\,d unt! d. 1\·1 ' . r 7\ l r. I..:;11lh' r Old,·u . " 1' 1,, ..' 1, '. , :,!,. " ' , 1 ~I,'" \ ' ic-

tcrthw~j ~e


.M r. anti Mr s.

le ,.\ m un .! I ll' IV ~' .' .·1 ll" tr" it; II " l'I t'Y C" n l)', !' 1.;",rl<"tl'I· : Will T itu ;. Mr. '10 ' '; .'1 ,". B. F. lill ll 'R all d dnu~l" '. ' ·.'I ller i'I".


Lei Hiut Soeun


1'11 (· fnurth lI 11n uH I Titus I"' tlni " n


B. Muth<:l' un d oiu ul{hl cl'. M i," Kuth erinc. of Bllrli ngton. KHn.; Mrs . Mary lI upk ", s HI 'oj " 0 Il . KCl1l1dh. of Dayt un; Mr. allli MI' •. Stulll "y Sell e l'~ . of Leban un ; ~ II'~ I' runk Lllnl-:. of Cnlllmbu ~ ; ill iss' Dorotlwa Collie r. of nea r W ilnr in l~ tu lI; Mr. nlld Mrs. .J. C. Hawke . 1I1r, . II. H. Wi ll inm s,JII. Mrs. Eliza beth Ba il y, Mrs. J . ll . Chap mul1 1 Mrs. Laum , lustll' l'. MiSSt" Annie a lia Marne 1I1'0w n , Trill f llll li n d Mor~urt>t Edwllrds fi lr /Inri Mr •. IJ L . Crnne. Miues 1', Oll cila WilliullI"o'n , Kat herine Fromm. F:lsie lind DOl'i s Hll wke.

"" ..



By A. B. CHAP.

the the

On Su nd ay. August 29. Henry Satwas completely surprised. when on r~ turning from church. he found his chllclrRn and a few of his frle nd~ lind rclattvC6 }Vith well-filled baskets. A 8umptuou. din/)er was BOon on th e table and every body #I n.... e first triple execution to ta.k e joyed the day very much. Mr. Sotplacr s ince the UBC of the electric terthwltw received several nice and .chalr. is 8cheduled for some time us eful prCl8eI'l.... 1'huradny night of thlH week at the ThoBO wllp were there: Mr. and ,Oblo penitentiary. The three mell Mrs H, E. Harbach. JJr NI.d Mrs. C. who will be lead togethe r to the +. d.l A C k R Dunnell, Mr. an /fl.",. • 00. .death chamber are f rom Me igs coun- Mr and Mr.. Frank Rlcske, Mr. and ty. and have been friends and asso- Mr~. Harry \ A. SlJttert,lwait'!J .llna .elates for many years. rfhey are M R I H b tt .,'ohn B1aant. Richard IRh.odes. and sons. Mr. and rs. Ulllle . . a er C , d thwaite Mr. Alonzo MDrrll. Mn, .John He rick. nnd 1111 were convlcte Lloyd Morris and so n. Mr. and Ml'II. (It the murder of John McComber. Max Compton. Mr. and Mrs. Dave 11sually in murder cases only one per- Peacock. M.r. and Mr.. Fred Staup 80n is sentenced to death. the othen d M J b ein" ". Iv<:n long nrlson terms. But and daughter. Mr. an r 8. ames .. .. I" d h Morrill and 80n. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley the Meigs County juro1'8 foun eac Cook, u r , .a nd Mrs. Warren Espy. of tIIeIIC three men equally g u i l t y . . . I F I and the death sentence foll owed. Mi.s ses MoniJnja Bunn el. ann e Tbr:re hna been a fto~d of aI1P.l icati.ons Sowder. Thelma S~l!;rthwaite, Ruth from curious to wltndss thll trIple and Mury Sntterthwll}t.e • .E.sth er and .. Marguerite Peacock. Guraldlroe Gompexecution. but War d en Th omas ,,118 ton; Ml!ss rs.. Hhond s Bunn~lI. (ieo: ruled that only thOle legally entitled Bunnell'. Lesli e SatterthWaite. Clem. to the doath chamber during the hOUT' .. ent George. Robert. Ri chllrd and . d of execution will b e permltte . Charle~ S.ntterthwaite. J . P. Thomas. ,Close to a half million visitor. are Marvin D,<JI)Q.J4 and W,eiJRter Comp""'''P!'cted In Columbus this week. Tbe ton. - - - , ~--:Juln~1 State fair is being held. and 1roll1 " very nook and corner guests .eome .w look over the banner prodootll CJf Ohio farms , dairies and :ho.. 'Tile great ~uildings at the An old-fAshioned hay ride eaueerl lair gr'Oun,d. Dre again inadequate much merriment to "Les nuit Speu,"," tlo care for u1l t he Jlne stock that has and guests last Friday night. Dyer ,been .entered. The sbeep. swine and hills nnd more hills we went.--and .poultry pens aTl)' also IlJJed to over- what did it mlltter I f the hones went How!!!K, and those wbo eome here astray at times! Ed's singing proved tbis week arc sure to see the gr~atest to be th e star performance of the .el!bibltlon every given. There ~p oveni ng. while the great ball of fire tplerty of amuseme nts . and in eyer, in tjle cast caused many an cxclama~ay #Ie annual show. is bigger and tion nlld shy ghmco: And if eve~ a ,bett4l, LAllln ever before. Auto park- cold shoul der was gIven. the mochll1e Ulg ,Bpa~e has been extended, and all followll)jf u~ mu,t s,urcly have rroz en. that jl tlte flaW no.w may is good :so that ro)Vds Come weather and en; oy tbeinselvcw• .feDJIting upon cx~ib­ '.ltll t.!Jat show the boat of every hne JPlO.duced the borders. of ~h e ;State.

----ftom the


T he ell ~to m or s~ \'~rul Y"lIrA' till rI\ 'tion WIIS ft, ll oll'e d \\' hcn. nn Mo nda y eve ning. the sc h oo lm lll. · ~ an d rr j.· lId ~ o r W . B. Mllth er. o r Burl ingto n. Kan sa s, who. with M.rH. . hlthe r a nd t h"i l' dllllght ,'. Mi !i~ Kathe rin e. i ~ rnak inl-: hi s IIn nu ul visit to t h ~ Mai her hOlllc~tcnd . """th o r t"wn. J.(uUwrt:d III the pl~II RU"l hUIIll' uf MI'. lind ~ Ir ~. J . C. 1I I1wk, · ill happ y rUII " i,,,,. An arrny Ilf rI (\li c io ll:; f\lOd WH ~ at'. ron g(·11 en r~t e riil s t~' l c u n th,· tllhl<' in the dining 1'0 01 111 . IIn,1 Hflt' r li lhn~ tlwi r plllh!R 1111 sCllh' d l h c rn s c l vc ~ lit "mail Inlo h·s in lhe IItll':l cti vc li \'ing ruo m. \\ hCI'I' llwy "II"nt u delig htf u l sudal h" " r. In ~ I'i t f' co r n ling~ ri ng feelin g of


COLUMBUS. OHIO- 'rh o best po~ ­ .. f('cling wn ~ "huwn by Republl~lJns and Dl' moc rats alike whe n th ey gather ed on the slime days he rc . lust woek f or th'c ir State C':lIlV(·ntlOn.s. They mingled togcth,·r.• dl ~ CU S' N~ III friendly ways t he comJll g cnmpolgn. enc h confident thnt his part¥ \w,u ld win and th eir ntire State tick et be .. Iec led. It was a fine body of mcn •llI d women that gat he red to .hcar t he ope ning guns of th,· carnplIlgn fire.d iby the res pective lender s. and ca~ldl ­ dll tes. Because the prima ry Jusl ,clused 1111 canclidlltes wo r e pretty well known'. nnd no illlro~u cLions were n CCtlSHary. It was I l1tur c~tJng at .that to hear the rural d e l "l:'lIte~ lell 'the successful nomin ees what they .had done to make th em winners. Rather unu s ual wore th e t wo conventions, ha~mony r oigning suprerne with the dove of peace pe rched hIgh and dry. But bewurc of these op~n mnnlfeatnlions of love und affection by political workers. and if there isn't daggel'8 up their s leeves ready for the thrust that Will kill all chances of the opponent at the ·Novemb,:l- . " Iection, the guess of the b ~8 t pohllcmn.8 is (or naught. There 18 every eVIdence thnt will be plenty of i8sucs, . and with the hlghwaYJI filled with bu s~es. the home wi t h radlol , jjnd the frequent t@ction and steam-lInll l!prviee, to say nothing of the automobile nctivity, every man. woman ..nd child in all Ohio will be able to follow the issues in a eomlortable ;Seat.


r eal power everywhere. "If a holdup man faces YO\l wi\h his automatic." says a wise detective • .. 'stick them up' promptly. when he tells you to. Don't 8eem inervous or he will get nerVous lind perhaps shoot. banclita being usually nervous. Be polite, hand over your valuablp&-that Is better than being killed. ::ltu'" dy the man's face carefully. thllt you may know him again if he should' be caught." . Alm9st anybody, at alm08t any t'lme, mat look down the barrel of • gun in hese holdup dnyll--ilO~• advico is valuable. .

.~===:..========~============ M h· , ';n;c at Schoo'~

t ~ ~:'~~lI.,boll,,~iful .n~


Struck By Tra.·n


lne "'''' BUI.~( · .1"a8 I1'-ell 'At~I..en.J-.J ,.,.,.,. ueu

Ralph Montgomery. ot South Front •, Frankllin. Oblo. received faMr. D. Barden, Ohio Ex.." injuries eal'ly Saturday nJght. t · . , IiI t In f arm mAchl'nery tal enslon specUl .. wbef! hie . automobllf! ~as atruck. by .and sewing m.chines. spent hill seca lIoutll:-bound Baltimore and Ohio olid week In Warren county• .tIl ,auenger train at South aoulnl'. Ing mac:h1ne work in conneC!tiolL With betwc!)n .nd Franklin. ' the Emnalon ' program by He lull'ered • broken neel(, a brot- Mill Watta the homc 'agent. ,{" en collar .bone. three broken ribl, Ollnlca ':'ere held In W.ayneriUte Elaes and cuts. He was taken to b H Uto ~ hi - d e. oft! of P!:. ' s. S. Stahl, at eY.l' UfL am n '0Wll!l p ~. he diecf 15 'JiUnlitei thei:n:wns::. later • , . d 70' I ed He was Ute- 1011 of the IAtIi FranJ£ an adramen {e~e v lIont2omery. a fermer ' l'eIIdenti in If th WQIlI townahip. ad It ma1 b4i nOlllble . __ • D_-"_ for I"tlaer ;,;,,~_.L ._,_.... ' o W.n4...... IIIII...



S~te, ,ew."




chln~~1i:-el'e ~~~-:1t;.


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-1~:;~~J\n.1-I:;::t~lln-t-:~I~\=:rTHE-I 4.HG-LlIB-S.'. - - -, .




tiOUS' E~~ \Ifmeth~ ~;~~'~)rll~~;e~~l:~~~"II~~I ~I~:T'~'Ilf 'I r '!·nln ~tlu rl }n the · ~ta I


I 'ir~t ~Illi()nlll fllln k lIl nrr ow . \- ~. J !';'~l' ll C. Wt' Il .-. ~t Ill. ~('niec on

)I Ull Y 'It'" 11u1Jiacnnt\l u C ndt.I ·,' "\11' th e nflPui ll ~'lI\; nt "I' Th,' 1.\ · loUIIUII· \\"hl1t Ih~ .t-Il '.tl7. r , ~ • "nt Hlnal Hunk n ~ tldl1lr. o f tlw)" ,tllll 'l.

d fel\dunts h r ein is waivl'd by the co urt find plaintiff is orde red ttl 1'.01l,'rt .. j udg tll cnt of $:1 7G. LO fr om tho d~r'· I1Ual\t8 .

(; "1'.1,, " ~t nn l ey L ~roy \' . Loin Le... ,)'. olivnrc(! g runh·d to plui ntiff "" ;: r" ullol. of I! ro~s n('J1'I" ct o r tIut. y and custc " I~' of the ir minur chilt!. VitO or Ha dd,x L,' \'0Y i8 J):i\'l'll t o plaintiff . ,\ ction \\'us wni veo in th e' en. {' of Edgnr StriC'fthlll1 \' ~. J ohn und Cl!lia 1Il'"dcl'~on , up"n Illl ynw nt hy .Tohn lI enderson of n j l1 .lgl11 pnt of $:142. ,1() a nel th e costs of l h(\8~ (lrnC{, llciing- s .


j ~t

tho "tllte llf Gay ll, · I!>'CCO sed. \Vus liled. l?irHt IICC{'Ullt of the v;uardiunshlp of E .lw a rd E~ h'", iflcornpett·lIt. \\'U~ fil ed hy v;u>orriiall. WilH ~m EHc~. ~ 1 'cu ,,,1 ulld nlla l IIc cuun t of Il w eSlllll' " f. Hl·i>a Slun w,,, nl "c1 I,y ~11l ' r i . ~k ud r1,· \'. I!llar lllan IWI'{ ·II\. III U,,· III IItt!' I· IIf li .. · ,·stllt,· (,r lll'r trv :\

\Y" rrl l' r,

wn s

uf Ihl! Mason Millin ~ Co .. t o ~ ,' 11 ~cr t.llin d ~Jl C nlt c clnim s of sa,d c.) ", pu ny lit public uuc tinn "ftt' r d u, publicity. Harry 1<: . Sc hne ll was np point. , receive ,' 111 n capllt' ity lo pr ·.crv(' lh, r onts nnd profit s fr" m th(' undi vit!. , hnle intere st in t en ncrcs "ats. :! "

Door Locks


,. Na lion by Na lioll u I. . State Hlltl luca l !;O\'ertl 1l1 I!nt.~ in prflctil'n ll y t'vI'ry . 't llte o f ,ti .. n. Thcy Ut' I' ClIlllp,,",' d o r till' huy',; "Illd g ll'l s f""1ll till' l'I,rnl com1I11IIli t h·!-! \\, h., art,,' Illl i l l.,d unlil'!' n IUa Ill'



Sl'(:'lltld {'>tA\t ... f

h" nu'

~::U o ,

an d fi nal accuu nt


1hi '

I\r~ t plat!' h ~ I- II du I l ll ~tit ut ... n ~ JlllllS0n' ( 1

furl1hi hllll.:'~ .

f anl1 c r llp:-:-

all d =-'0

5(0(" m t! bt one t! bo(ure it u


\"Ill 1'. PH! puu ltl'Y .

too . late,

Smeoth Wire

(In ,

Th· ·1-11 '.> <Wild f'l r lI e" t!. lIl'll rl. I!. A Starr . ' '' 'C('Il~CO, wa ~ pn'S(' nt c<i by Il .imx . Amanu!I Un lo",in 1I ",,,I Il II <l 1I,·u lth. TIll' r'''·I' ''"t' "f th... WU 8

npp r ~) \'t.' d in t

M. Sturr.


T~ 1(· l·~tu t t' (I f

~a lllt ' d ub!'! l·XPI'l!!'O ·L·d HI th r~ l' t~ rlH ~ is: T il l\tH r y tn.tlll thl' h eud t ll lI l lll k. plan a nd n'a ~ Oll : TIll ' ll t'u rt t u la ,' h.il1tl. tl'll(.' ,

"I nSl'd e I n f ' ormation I'


Barbed Wire

Fence Posts

Farm Gates

All of the above material can be

our yard every clay in the year at .. moderate prices






Walter McClure Jo E. 'McClure

Baneyllmg Fertilizer Co.


F. T. Martin Jesse Stanley Auctioneers'

cee4!P~ BaUennUk


Starting Feed

New BurliDgton,O.

Waynesville Farmers' Exchange Company


Waynesville, Ohio


First a nd tillal ac count lOr the e~' s Y 'lIpll th ~ t lC; t h.· lIu ll d l,' be A" a lfa lfa lell\'C'R t lll,lmil IIhnut t'll'O lRIP " f Rrb(,~(,11 Itill , dc,·ca ,,·d. wa R rill . helpf ul 1I1lt! " ki llt' ul IIl1d Ih ~ pr" rilll'"d by u,lm('. n. A. Uill. all d hl1 t1y t Il c nJ (\ }' lifp. to r es i ~ t diA~n f. fI thll'd ~ uf thl ' fpt.\c!: tij! valu ll iii' tlll' ulld t o attai n tJ\(· g' 1'l'Ht C"l-t l \! tfici pnc y , plunt . '"I ",r" r t "h,lI lt! I", mad e to It 11 0 w .-,( hv t h,,· CD U rt. Hoy. und I!:i r b fr. "ll rU1'Il 1 ,Ii. lrkt" ~I· t Ill\' ha y ill t" the _tlll'k <II' n1Ol"· l\ P Jlr ll\"~d l lf ~O\l rt Wu s gi\'(" u lhe ti nn l lIuuu nt of the I!u urdinnship II f hetwl'(' ll I Ill' II;: " " j' III all d U\ urI' \\ ith H!'( lnq!l' ,. pro port ion of l lIU" C'S eliv;il>lc tu lh e,,' tluhs (f t he y prum - n~ pO :itii bl c . acres corn nnd sev e n acres so y b(!H l j., Cha rl l'" Gru ub ~. iIlC Olllp,·t(' nl. !'I'C' - iSl' to (;ulllpleh ' t h,~ wtlrk a:-.s igl1l' u t h e bv KUIlI'uilln A. C. Vail. concerned in th t' procee d in!;" lIf .\ I "c"ted Lu" d hrt III " "'1111 '" for mll nv Fir"t ;;CC " Ull t Il f lh,' t.'statt· of Geo. clu b. TIH'Y usually orl!: ll llizu III Ap · bcrt. Grnuccy v•. Augus t .Jentz et al Erte l. ...-11> "r ~s~ll le d l>y a d!)H . Ev,·r· ri l nr ;\lll Y. lltl ell d lit kn ot H IIW I't · y ~ll r g is lihly to b l' c o m~ (,.u I with Georgc unu Gertrud e Orr we re orcll·,. elt (11).."l! uurillK thl' summa alld mU ,, 1 IlX of vuri ll us killd ~. Th" intl'o " .,'ed, ~: rtl· 1 a nd apJ) J''' \'' ',1 hy the (·uurl. ed to tur n said profits u\'\! r t o alii. I In apprui sinl{ t he cstu l,' \I f ll CIII'y hibit th (·ir wurk nt II pu hlie exhibit. duc t ill" uf II c ult iva t(; d cro!, ull d 11 rece iver . In Wa rr ell county th~ cxhibit i. J:,rl'uin c rop .soun di sp tlMCH o f 1ll0:3t o ~ Uct:kl!I·. dl'ceu'l' tI, th e court Iktcr· Th e plain t.iff was Kivell 11 ju~gnll' n ; M. o unt y fuil'. tlu.! " I ' pd~ . mint· .. t he KI'MS \' llluc' of slIid ,·~t tl tc helo 111 the' Wa rn", of $0 04.6U on a /l ute and costs " I LoCUlt Stl .:17:1.25. composed as foII II \\' " : whe rt· pri . ,'. frum $1 to $10 will be t ria l in th l' cnsc of Ihe Cit.izcns-N,,· ,,, .1uic c~ in wh ic h vegctnblcs nr!' cnuJl<'r~ tl n u liLY , $65-3.~1); rca I ('o;talc , g iven an d W h £' T C C'nch ex hibito r will tio nal nnnk. of Wilmington vs. W. A $;!80U; ti (,bIS, $12U5 .'2; Ctlst of ad- a l ~ lI ft-'(, l 'h ' C' 1l ri lTIulI anl 0 unt of nlon · lied Rhould nut be thrown nwuy. Sinc~ Gutte ry a nd Hose Campbell . Anllllw , min is tration , $820. Tulnl s ubj ~c t ttl l'Y IIl1d u clul> pin in r ecogn iti un o f min ''''nl mutte r and other snlubl c j udgmt' nt of $377 .fi 6 \Vus given sll 'oI tuxation . $I;!J37.36. t o whic h a muunt their cIIlll pl"lcci wurk. A t otul 'If mnt c"io lN "r ~ dissolved in tlti " liquor pla intiff ugn in st the defendants I " Su t'llh Alln Decker, wid ow of the .Ie- $600 will uc u.c d fo r th .. clu b wo rk it hns foo d vu l"" , and shou ld bl' utilan ot her case . iz,·(1. ut th e Cuir t l li ~ yell I'. succeeds. Steven Kibbey IIno Charles Kibb ey (endant In f" rI ne r Yl'U l'!o' it wn~ cust o 111ury The court nuth ori ;:ed th e sule of furni shed bond for the former's a r · .. 20 0 worth of Lillcrty hu nds fr om for Ull' I1 rsl pri ze winners to r cc4! iv c A good way t n ('ook cnrrot. in t he pCRrunce ill Common Pleas Court t" the cstnte lIf ,Juhn A. •Jam eson, de- II fre e t rip III lIll' a nnunl club week s hort est p,,:;s ihl e time t o ,'o nserve fnc e a charg(j of cutting with t a t C"l h," bus. Thi. hus Illnde it pllS- Ihei r vitamins i ~ to cut th em on II ccll~(! d, to kill. First and fina l account of the gu ur- "ibl,' ru r u club lllC'rn ber ~\' ho has been s licer and cook them in just enough Motions by both part.ies for a nc " dinflship of OrvillE! Phillips, a minor. c ar e l ,~s in Ilttc ndnncc a t cl uh me,·t- lightly su it ed boiling WUler II) cove r. trial were overruled and a judgmen t found 10 of ings \l r who has failed in e very other In t~n minutes or less they will be $106 was give n the plaintiff in the \Vns filcd by guardian. Walte r Ken- r cspect as a club me mbe r to carry r endy to cot. When drained. ~ eo­ case of National Ideal Sa.1es Co., Inl'. rick. Permission of court was given t o off the co unty - hon ors. T o co rr ect SOiled with butte r or cr ell",. sRlt lind vs. Enoch Chaplberlain. this puss ibility. this year, each club pt; pper, lIliO S et'v ~ d pipi ng hot, th ey Divo rce was granted in the CM C' sell certa in bondis of the estate of will recommell d (l candidate fr om w,lI uppeal to many wlw prot es t urdiJ ohannu Delfendalh. deceased . . of Rose Dawson vs. Daniel DaWSOll The Lebanon - Citizens National their club fo r con sider-atioll as War- narily that they ""ever cat cn rrots." on the grounds of gross neglect 0 r appoin t ed as g uard ian of ren County's representative at Stllte bank duty. Custody of their three minor ShirleywasLamb, A garnish of whipped cream on a minor. and pro- club week. Th eil their work ot the ch ildren is gi ven to the plaintiff un· to settle n claim of said mi- fair has been judged by impartial milk soups improevs t heir appearceeded til further order of the court. Said udges and the si" delegates a llowed j uncI' and adds to their food vu lue. plaintiff was :divcsted of dower nor agains t the G. C. C. and St. L. Warren 'CountY will be selected from R. R. Co., for $2076, as damages for • rights in def ndan t's property. this list, selecting to the bcst of the The hard central core of a cabbuge Gracie Lampkins waa made party the loss of an arm and foot. William judeg's ability the six best all around hBs u sweet, peppery flavor which is de fe ndant in the case of Henry Meek Suemening repres,e nted the claimant club . members. especially good when chopped an d er et aI., V8.. Freedman Lampkins in the suit for dumagea against the A first-class club must have at •• : C. C. C. and St. L. Co . us ed in salad. et al. • lellSt five members and an adult leadOn motion the defendant, The Vii· er in charge, an organization with MARRIAGE LICENSES I\li'e of Franklin was allowed to fil e Constitution nnd officers. eight meetits demurrer to the petition in the Wilbur G. Barnhart, stone cutter. ings or activities reported in the secclll!e of Maude Sheley VB. Charle8 C. Lebanon, and L. Grace Spindler, retory's book , at least five memJlouller et n.1. teacher. Lebanon. Rev. E. S. Keller. bers giving individual de mon straHeber M. Ross, e ngineer, Middle- tions, at least one public de monstraNEW SUITS town, and EvelYlll L. Miller. book- tion team. 80 per cent of members Lebanon. Rev. Ira B. Stock- completing work. !JO per cent of memo keever, Albert Gooc:ey ·VB. August C. Jentz, bers participating in county or comet al., for $6800, at 6 per cent inter- ton, of Middletowln. ~nity club activities. est si nce January 1, 1926. Also for Their meetings arc divided into REAL ESTAT9 TRANSFERS foreclosure of mortgage and other three parts; Businelll. work and FUNERAL DIRECTORS relief. Flied August 17. Thom as Parker to John W. Parlett Citizens National Bank. of WiI· the south one-half of lot 298 in the play. Business and play arc directly WAYNESVILLE, OHIO under the supervillion of the boys mlngton, va. W. A. Guttery and Ros' Mackinaw Additi on to Franklin. WE GET THEil QUICKLY AND and girl s. work undllr the supervision Campbel1. cognovit. Flll!d August FREE 'OF CHARGE S. R. Robinson to A. J . and Bertha of the loca l leader. CALL US ANY TIllE AT OUR Fully Equipped for Good 17th. Mae Back. three tracts in Harlan A word of a pp robflti on is due here Citizens Nationa.1 Bank, of Wil · township. totalin g 71 % acres. EXPENSE . Service. to the 40 club leaders in the 34 clubs mington. va. W. A. Guttery Bnd Rosc Karl M. Brown. Goldie C. Elbon Large Display Room. Campbell. cognovit. Judgment for and Miles Brown to Melzllr F. Burd- in Warren county for their cheerfu l co-operation and untiring efforts to plaintijJ for $377.66 and coats. Ambulance Service ~al. lot No.4 with a 69 Y.. -foot frontWilliam Routt VB Mattie ?iRe Routt age on Chillicothe Ave .• in the Mor- make t he 4-H clubs 1\ s uccess. These P HARVEYSBURG., o. leaders have not only given the time DAY OR NIGHT TELEPHONE 7 tor divorce. extreme crueltS' eharg- ris Subdivision of Leba non'. for the I;egular meetings of the clubs cd. Filed August 19. Margaret M. Werner to Hurry E. Lebanon Farmers' Co-operative lJo. Werner. Winchester, Ky .. a nd WaI- but have given eKtra time und effo rt to attend t he co unty tra ining In 48 houn !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' \·s. J. B. J . A. and Sadie Ruft'ner for ter Wern er. Norwood. undivided one- meetings. to help boys a nd girls not $4 16.'12. with interest from August ha lf of 66 acres in Harlan Tp. after leavlnl[ the only with the required work but with 19. 1926. Filed August 19. George L. Crolll to Frank Croll. a ...ell tile ddek .. Frank Brandon vs. Amanda E. Stil- small tract on the Franklin- German- extra 'work they have wanted to do. Their compensation is th e joy of I"eadT fol' well and S. A. Stilwell. f~ $606 and town pike In Fral~k\in Tp. watching the developmen t of the interest at 6 per cent from June 7. Charles Broadwell. as trustee to young people in their clubs. and ill 1926. Filed August 21. Wanda Taylor. 4 acres In UlJion Tp. the knowledge that they are helping Henry Dellendahl. Wilhelmina Hop- them to grow into men and women of PROBATE PROCEEDINGS pe and Harry Delfen dahl to Nathan- whom their communities may well be An Inheritance tax entry was or- Iel K. Bromley, two acres in Hamil- proud. Co-operation of parents and other. people in the community will dered certified to t he auditor in the ton Tp. B1i!18 Baldwin of Hamilton county contribute unm casurably to the sucSee Early for Your Sale Dates. We Guarantee settlement of the estote of Charles to Bertha B. Calle, lot No. 281 in CCM of the clubs and the purposl' for Cox, decolll!ed. Satisfaction or Charge . Nothing. which thllY are organized . No leader Inventory and appraisement of the Sarnh Wikoff's Addition to Muson. Wl\1iam Newkirk and Dora New. s hould be e"pected to bea r nil of the estat e of Harry M. Hatfield. deceased. was filed by admr: Harold C. Hatfie ld . kirk to Estella A.. Fueston. 147 acrcs responsibility. Feed It for 8 weelta. They are giving un stintingly of Report of sales proceedings in the below Lebanon on the South Lebanon Conkey's II low In fibre and tUlt time and elYort. Let us do the next estate of Lois A. Nutt. d ecllased. was rood. right In protein. scientifically c:orrect. Nannie B . Garrison to Ernest Gar- best thin g and boost for il ub work. Phone No. 320 made by admx. Anna Nutt lind apDoesnotlnjureorovertalt the IeIlIitive rison . 83 Y.. ncres in Survey 1552. 62 Don't fail to sec the club ex hi bits proved by the co urt. digestive apparatua. ucres in Survey 1562 and a third at the Fair. NELLIE WATTS. Conkey's II the OrigInal ButmmIIII trnct of3 acres in Washington Tp. Home pemon ~tl'al ion Age nt. Startllll Feed. It Is made Iw the Joseph and Kath erin e Berning to Conkey Or\glnal Procea. 10 oihlcb William ·Fortloge. lots 1070 and 1971 Seml-Sotld Buttermllk Is th01'Oll8blJ in Loveland Park. , Incorporated with otbet' I~ Florence E Gallahe.r to J. Frank di stricts 1 and 3. $710.66; W. P . McCookeT. PoaIb'p Book free. Gallaher. four , tracts in township of Curren, sa me in Dist. No.6 $431.20 for bridge gravel , $10.80; sdme. sup68. 84. 92 and :~ acres. Joseph and Hettie Ertel to Clem plies for Dist. No.6. $25.94 ; Western Ohi o Gravel Co., gr ave l, $52.45; ToemJis. ~ hree . l ots in Foster Par ll. Jo~eIln /lnQ He,ttie Ertel to J . Rup- Penn Morten. janitor cou rt house. $70 ; .James Follen, jimitor second ert, six loti! ill F'oster Park. $15. W.,.a .... iJI•• Obio The jury USl!e~.seQ the sum of $ 1.02 floor. $ 15 ; Spencer and Armitnge. Phoao 25 us due the plllinUff from tl)e def en- gravel Rnd transfer: $64G .20. dents in the cas~~ of ftJe South Leba· non Packing Company, V;l . ~arl Philhour and C. D. Watkin s.

Barn Door Track


• ., '" .,,,1 ,'<o i.i"n ; ~ i Ito J\pp~l1ate Court will caul. all motorllto .. • or , tll en'-. tn d poneto .. f or a YfL i. le; th at i •• you who aealect to purch 1t. ~ IHlhi ii y in . uN\n 0 on the til(ory it i. too ca penaive, or that III Ion .. , I VOl! ft re. j u clg nH~ n t proof . you a r e not liable . Th,' Ap l' (' CUll in t h e Cal o r F - - - vo. the People, 239 111. Ap!,!. I''' IC C 2;;0. IO lin d d e f oda nl 11: ' illy llnd judlfmeDt ... al ....... d a go i ... t b iOI by 11 jury in the Ium of 053,000 and prj.oner W•• lIot •• tit lec! to he r e lualed under SectiCln ~ of the In.olvent Deblon' Act. L r t me Ii. l ' Il" I' with Li a b ility .\utomnhile In.urance, which will Pl 0 \ cc.l your intt3rllt lh if " da m. go l ui. i. brought 8sa inet 1 0 -, pa,. ll lf~ C'" ourl n ud d e fense (,Ol ts. if the Cl,6 loel to court a nd prDtect ,our Itr uth" t r tty PIl " i n n th e jud ameo t if o n e i. rendered a,aina' you .

" r,· ".k".1 ,,~ I rr :lrt' Incl for \\'h "l

l ur , " ',,l iN \\',:rlll' r "'as II lll horl 7.eoi "n th e fnrlll. ·I-ll clulJ W" l k 1Ilt fl di ~'w h"r~l\ t,htl d"ht 1hl' r<'tll of ril'r- dud," s ul'l, " tltdi(' ~ a ~ rI"thi " l!. rt)('1 t1 ~ .

g ive n \V . G . a nd apprn\'( 'd hy ' ~ U tJ l·t. Th rqup~ n n , f cc .·i ver in Ta.: di ",",o l uti i l r Cfll1i !i!'Olon

li o n ~

'uto Owner


(' HI It,· ad e'r i ll lh L' ir t,:l lIlIlI ltl n i t \" t'"lr th(, purT~ ~:-'l' ot' h ·lIrn ln.: til U"'l' ' th t..' h t!s l th'!..:l'! :'io l' d . l· :< l." ~ U · way:, ,,1 ti \I tlt g th inM'~ in lhl.' h HIH C li Thl

a id Cu:-.l UPOIl n 'cl'ir t 1)[




. \ . Oscar I I't''' r. d ~ .. scd, waH mlld t. by Q X ~cu tOI'. Millon '. Kl'l'V~ r



. -~--------------------------~----------~

u!tl,,·lll·il. Wil tl1~d hY . !'., ueu t!l"~ ' (}('nrj!f1 .1on(l~ lind l.,:u'·gc ~ IJ urh llg,



Builders' Hardware.- -


COMMISSIONERS' ALLOWANCES Johson and Watson ,Co. supplies for clerk of courts, $25.95; The Office Outfitters, supplies for treas urer. $ 1 ; McGe~hin'$ Pharmacy •. supplies for jail .. $8.05; The Franklin Board nnli Pllper .Co., ~4X rcJund on lot 974 at Franklin, $3.24; V. W· Tompkins, Supt. of Dist. 'j~o. 1. for PAYTOll. $271.80; F. M: Collins, pl\yroll for Ditlt. No. 2, $,:<!24.1i0; Eden Terry, same for No.3, $812.46; A. T. Rettig, came for No.4, $326; R. D. Edwards, for Diat. No.6, $668.76; Joseph . Davis. Dist. No.6. $286.76; Frank Maag. }Jayron for Deerfield Tp., $220.60; P. B. Monce. Salem Tp. $83.80; Ed .Grady, Franklin Tp., $17; Harlan Whitacre, Harlan Tp •• $184.60; Waner Varner. Massie Tp, $36.20 W. S. Grahaml. Wayne Tp., $173.06. S E. Cutler, l1:amllton Tp., $634.01; Fred Snyder, Dist. No.1, $288.40 The Ohio Culvert Co., 16 corrugate culverts, $419.110: P. E. Snider III Son, for blastiing supplies. $25.46: Brld~re Co., bridge repair name, deformed 8teel for $92.36; Ed Stouten, In ·Dlst. No.4, Sc,hu,''Ialr, estimate on Lebanon wlnd,lh.ield gll188, : gill! and ,9.91; E. H. Orndorff repairing truck No. 6, $5.60: W. H. Hause. supplies for DiefJ'ict 2. $2.70; ' Wsyne8ville Battcr,;7 Station,' 8upplies for truck, $1,60: }'I. Hoppe and Co., cement, $12.80; 'W. N .Cox, 8upplies lor Dlst. I, $3.23; L. I. l'enee, for weldIn, castlngB, ~;l.26i J. X. Spencer, bndge lumbelr, $120.60i Harlan Whitacre, brijlge material, $24.79; Mason Lumber Go., name, $112.95. Moon Repair< Sliop,. repairing tr8~tor, ; COlumbus Bhink Book Co,! for surveyor, $36.60; Eo . furnllhing ' and piling -100 $100; Spencer aDd AI'· vel, '26.78; G. F. Flower, gratVe $1.86; LeBlie Hatfield, haul IDe grave '67 :.Lovel mckman, eame $68.80: R. IrL Weidner, urne. '868.18 .. Harold JIarh, ..mel Cook aDCI 8••~e" pvel 8114 I f for



M'f ~LA"I PN~ Age JO$t ~'5 C;OOO /liS l(oo~S ~-G ~RN a(1! )'bu ~",'t 1WN ~M 1>OviIN ~ GErr Awl« wl'rl+ 11'


pouc hed in crcamed cn .. rots .tni nt)' nnd deliciilus lunchl'on

1':f:KS ...


,ii5h. (Joil hce t ~ in t heir skinR, leavi ng (I n inrh or M of Rtalk to wpvunt hlcol'ding. Oil' in coltl wnter to uid pct' ling. _ __ :S::J

CLASSifiED ADS. MONEY LOANED LOA NR on ChLltte ls,Stocks, Securltics ono Secon d Mortgages. Note. bou~ht. J ohn \:Iarbine Jr.. Xenia. Oh io. -m30-'28

Farmers, Attention! Farmers (If W.. rren lind .djolnln. counties may obta in money on Ion. time loans, at 6 per cent Interelt. Co Nt nf securing the same is vel')' rea~OllRbl .through The Federal Land Balik. FOl' further information rail 09 or addrcss M. C. DRA.KE, Tre.... urer, phone 316-X. Lebanon. Ohio. WANTED WANTED-Man and wife to run a fa rm on the sharell. Farm Btocked and equipped. house furnished; modern. Address P .0 Box 136 Waynesville. Ohlo. . os8' AGENT WANTED-In Waynesville territory. Sworn proof of ,76 per week, $1.60 an hour for apare time. Introducing flnest guaranteed Hoslel'l' 126 styles and colora. Low price.. Au~o furnished. lio capital or experience nece88Bry. WILKNIT HOSI~RY CO., Dept M-48. Greenfield. OhIO. .4t FOR RENT ROOM FOR RENT-Furnished In' good location. Inquire of ·Ro.. lIa rt.Ro ck . at postofllce. -st FOR SALE PLUMIHNG PECIALS FOR SEP. TEMBER. Oak or Jl\l\hogllny flnish closet seata, Dnd lids . . .. ..... ............. .. .'2.95 Beautiful all white seats and \ida,

~~re:!~~~~o~~ · ciii·~~· 'Ciii8ei~4.4& outfits.

A real ·buy ............ U2.00

~11 othe! fixtures in proportion. Now IS the time to buy your plumbinc

needs at the B1t Store. Give U8 a THE BOCKLET-KING CO. call. 415 W. Maip St., Xenia. Ohio, phon; 360. as FOR SALE- White 0 I C male pip Ben Jamcs, R. D. 4., Wayne.. ville, Ohio. 0,8 F OR SALE-Surry. cheap; or will trade for buggy. A. T. Clark R D 3. Wayne8ville, Ohio. '·.-1 • FOR SALE-A lot of flne Bartlett pears at re880nabley pricea. Cliff Burnett, R. D. 6, Wayn68viUe. Ohio.


FOR SALE-Fresh cow. third calf. AlBO Hoosier Wheat Drill, fertUlzer attachment and Gmaa Seeder. Katie Roberson, Oregonia. Ohio.


FOR 1'!ALE-600 bu. Seed Wheat Fulhlo and Trumbull. inspected 99 8-10 purity two yer88 ago. H. A. Cornell. R. D. 1., Waynesville, Ohio. -1116





Q..ON 'T FAN 1


President Coulidge ' few days ago ...ISSUED EVERY WEDNERDAY... call ed ..'!pon Amm, iean I ' ''w~p hJlers to --.--------.-- -" --~:~---~----at 'lt e P".'o Hic . o t Wcy n m 'DIII~ re fra in f "om Pll bUclltion (If unfound... . nJt 40, o. S ."on d C l u .. ~lal' ell rumn'r" clln('('rning th 'O .country', ••a..criptioD Prict!, $1 .50 pu Year re lations wjth fo r eig n po\'. '!"r 8 which, __ __ _ ____ he Haid, wer e most cordial. Dissemina ti on of r Ollorts \ lot based Publhher ". L CRANE on actual fact is uangcro us, \ '.bo prcsSl!;PTEMBER 1. 11126 itl ent poin ted nut, pnr'ticul arl 'y whon e:::s::=':="'.,.---,,...--- - -- - - - - . cve ~'y agency shoul(\ str ive co nstantIy to ce ment f r icndHhil' with !\ 1reign DAUGHERTY AGAIN countries. , Mr. Coolidgo d oes n't include the Harry M. Da ugherty. forme r At- country pr08~ when he adv ises e ditorn ey-Ge neI'll I of t he United • toLeH. tor~ to t reat mu ch of t he fore ig n . "on agai n \\'111 be th e ce ntH of [l uh- \ " ncws" wilh eu utio n. His Htll \Clie. intcI'e6 t in 1\ fllll1ili uT I'ule. men ls wI're rlircdcd lit the metrn po iOn S"ptcm bcr 7 he is "chedlll '<I to itnn editor whl) delights in spreud 'go on trill I in F('deru l CO ll l' t <o n II illg be for' h i ~ readel's unc omplimc nch nrge of ('() IlApi r iIl K with C 1. Thu !l1- lllry an u unf r iendly YCIII'S which uau 118 W. MIl It'r to dl·fraud th" KOVl'rn - allv hav e nn fC) undaliun . ment of "t he ir !:,)\Ie1 IITHI hU"(,Ht ~~ r~I r. ooli ul(c 's " 'KKc, ' ion thnt the vlccK" - whell th<'y "wilfu ll y lind Go ld n Ru le h' foll u\\' cd in pliulicakn owi ng ly" a uth or ized till' trnn Kf .. r l ion of I",\\' M le ndi nl{ to r ('l' i(' IV o ur o r $7 ,OCl II,OIl0 . in ca ~ h nn d ~(' urilit·~ foreig n r"ln li "n ". I, n ~· , ,,, d on e.

•• t.,."


f r om l h l' Cl)stnd y of th .. g-nV( ' I J1 IllCnt (o'o n ' i g- ru' )'!; nrc jll ~ t It ~ !"' Id'.; l1i vo

, ,

, , I


; ,


.John Ken ne dy. of Dayt on, h Ohne over t he week-entl, . Rob ~t ' Gordon is spend ing wee k W1th Dayton r elntivc8. . . Miss Haley, of Wilm inJ.:ton, is Itl lll1 Mr. an d Mrs. G. W. Gordon fam il y.

was thiH visn nd

A numhe! of wo m~n w('re p r esent at the sew ln!:" muclllnc repair demon tl'l~ilJlI, T uesday. .We ur c glad to welcu me t he Wllm ln gto~ Boy Scu u t ~ to Cam p Stu mp for th eir Ilnnllal ull ting. Mr. and IIII·H. Tum RohcrtR nnd fUnlily cn ter ta in l'd r e latives frum Kt' lI lucky oVcl' l hc wee k-e nd Nin e mul ur ca rs londp tJ with mr mbNs of MaSHie Grange. went to Ohio Cavern s fo r til(' uay, Thu nlda y. Mrs. Amanda Sturr ullcndcd on '::;unua y. u re uni on "f h~r f"," 1Iy III C le n 1I1 i11l' 1' purk, Hi ~ hlllnlld . I nti: ~'!r. a nrl Mrs. Haxt('r neatly. o [ Sprmgfi e ld, were ,""cit-end guests IIr Mr. a nd M r~. [lern Cu rr and f'l lllns ily.

to thl' Soci ete S U i~Hl' pour Va lelH" AmericanR. de M ~tuux without cll rd ull y wc ig h- - -- - - - - ing und ~"n r c hin g th e merits of the SA YS SAM S w i ~~ (,lI rp orution'f cloim. F Ul'lh l'T. it is alloged. t hul DuughWe pr ed i<'t a willt el'l ,.. winter, ('rt y ull d Mill er we re lIetu llt eol by t he j ust II~ wc've had u " ' "11 "" ,I, 'S S UIll hOI'" of ]I('1'80nlll gni n. The Reve n mcr . mill ion d" lIa rR 1'{!J1r CS(m tR the snle " f the Rt (ltk "r the AIll Cr iClln MetU l : SAMANT H,\ SA \ S o Com pallY, U' eo r pnrllt ion formerly eontndir-tl hy Gcrm un y nnu tuken Ha ve you p ut up YUill q\lo ta of over iJ y tlH' t:uvc r nmcnt uft r our en- gu rucn st ulT? Tht·n 11("' ! .\ pril you tran ce ill th ' wa r. caTl laugh nt ta lk of Sprlil" (o " ics. Dl\u ~ h l'rt~· · s regime in puhllc offic e \ VM ni r( 'd when the T onpot Dome HI know my own li l1lil llll .. r",, " says sCllndll 1 hro ke. Amllzi nK stori cs oC Gove rno r Donahey, of t 1hllJ. I II ussertFederul ~ra rt were g iven t o th e peo- ing t hnt he will not I... n ' ,lI1<Hdate ple. TIll' CH untry wos shnke n to its for president. At lust. " 11I (·d est offou nd ations. fice-h oider . :-.- - And m,W we arc to' hea r mo re of W a rd a f rom th e Lips of Gr"at Men a ppa lli nlr butray,,1 of pu blic trust. Acc nrrli ng to th e Feder nl chnrges. - "Newspapers nr e the '~lI t i n e ls of The Lri .. 1 I\Iny prove to be one of thc th e Iiber lic. of our coullt ry." - Benjam in Brush. most flllll ll llS in Americnn histury .

Mis" Helen Benn et t i~ s \Jend ing t his week with her pa r e nts, Mr. lin d Mrs. G. W. Bennett nnd fa mil y, nen!' Ca('so r 's Cl'eek (·h urell.

- -- ...

= = ===============-.. _--:. . , =



p r og re ~ .





«., .,

Mr. . s. ~mith spent Mond o y in t h · Gem ity. Mes dnm('s .r. R. .johns nnd Lester Kenrick were Dayton "hoppers, Mo ndny . Mr. -l1ml Mrs. 1<e~1 r Grnhnm wer e Sund"y dinn el' gue s t~ of Mr. nnu Mrs. II llrry Graham. Mrs. Mnry Carmony an d Mrs. lara Tho lll p ~O Il wc r ' in Duyt"l1 sbupping, Sat urday . Qui te a nlll11b"r frllm here arc emplnyed a t t h ~ cann ing f llctor y Ilt (lI' win and Dlldd s. M,·ssl's. Kcsler' Grahn m a nd II. M. Clnrk :l r c bea utifyin g the ir homes with n coat of paint. Mr and Mrs. Wi lh ur S wank Bpent ~un u ;,y wit h th e f n l'llI ~ r' 3 grandpllr-




10,\~ ~4t~'-~~~

._.111" •



Ge neral Andrews is bock but so f ar has fa il d t o sta te whether th st ufT th ey ae ll ovor in Engla nd is IIny' bett ar t llan what, they ship over her e.

It i ~ s ai d tha t women's ~ k irts nre goi ng to bl' eve n ~ h o rter than eve r this fnl l. If th Y get mu ch shor te r we wi ll !alive t o quit calling 'e rn skirts a nd refer to th em as rUm l'B. It iH sai d thut :~/lO g un me n have bee n killed ill Chicn!:1l Ilu ring the I'IIHt f uur ~'(' ar ', hu t this due" nul ~c(! mpd to huv(' 1("" PTed th e \'i , ihl " supp ly t o any mor ked rl eg r~e .

(:n t !<;. nl {.;e r mnllloW Ii .


Waynesville Motor Co. 'VACCINATION OF SWINE L.M.!!~~~~SON A Specialty

Mr. and Mrs. S. H Haines and Mr. nnd Mrs. Walter Clark nttend ed th e r eunion of the 85tb O. V. I., of which Mr Hnlnes is a member, at t he home of 'Cllpt- J . W. Mye rs, nt Hnmilton, Thursda y. The:re are 73 living member s of the 35 th Reg., of whom 11 were prescnt. T wo hundre d and t went y perso ns en joyed t he sum ptuous d inn er, t he occnsion also celebrn t ing Mr Myel'S' 83rd birthday . Judge K cn~ sa w W. Landis, of Chicllgo. will cntcrtili n the 35th at Hal11ilton next yeaI'.


Nothing but reliable Serum and Virus used

WlIl. Ora.. .. _ .. ....


E.'.'OII Settle"

Wayneawill" Ohio

Veterinarian Ohio

Phone 44

Dr. John W. Miller


E,.. SI,Ia, Specialilt

At CIry's Jewelry Shop Lehanon, Ohio

~ver)' Tuesday

Denti.t N.,tlon.1 B.Dk





Dr. W. E. Frost Harveyaburg

"-Jy ta"-CQII', .piUMotc&Uito.., rue.. DtMr IDaecta CUI" e'.ncl Can 01 Mo.qalto



IIOS41UITO CHASER A pNparation be

Waynesville, Ohio .

Phone 105


Mrs. Emma F oul ks r eceive d word. Saturday, of the death of her sister, Mrs. Amanda Mliddleton, In Dnytbn. Mr. and Mrs Edd Longacre, Miss Ag nes Longllcre , Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Swank, Mess rs. Horace, Ernest nnd H enry Foulks nUend ed the . funcrill nt tho Onk Streets U. B. church, Da yton, 1'uesdny afternoon.


VVe ha\ e been In the tire business a long time. We have read many "A mazing" offers, but the one sure·fire, dependable, high· quality, low-cost tire bar· gain on the market today is a Goodyear tire.

. -.


8100 •• m. to 4 p. m.

HAVE YOUR EYES EXAMINED Call OD •• f_ ,.oar .lob Prlnti_,.

NEW BURLINGTON The W. F. M. S. met at the home of Mrs Amos Compton on Wednesday. . Mr. and Mr~. Adams Dickinson have be(m employed to opernte the Mutual telephone here. Mr. and Mrs .. H. F . Compton attended I ndiann Yearly meeting at Muncie, Ind., last week. Mr. and Mrs. Howard McCltlre and family spellt Sunday with r elntivei\ in West Manchester, Ohio. Mr. nnd Mrs. Z. F. lIainc8, ~ anlt Mrs. Luther G, Haines. ar ~ all II l1'0tor trip t o Nor th Caro\ipl\, The Ladies' A ill so~i~ty was plcasnntly enterin\nc\t ,in the home of M1'1I. Kelly r.~ elJllcu4~ ~ Thur~day afternoon, M G. Phillips" of Cincinna ti, Ohio, accompanied by his wlfu a nd S Oli, ill Bpendi'lg hia vaoation with his parents, heN. Mr. and Mn. T. C. Haydock, KelMendenhnll and family nttcnded t e annual reunion of the Farquhar family at Richmond,' Ind., Sunday. Our community regrets the removal to Caldwell, Ohio, of Mr. and Mra. F M. Hadley and 80n8. Mr. and Mrs. Hadley bave had eharge at the Mutual Telephone exchonse '\leN for the pallt njne y~t8 anil have made a w0'/im p,w.-Qe ' for themlelv•• in the ~e,,~," Of \he people. . A. a toke~ 'Ilf appreetlltlon they were prelent,d beautiful and useful gifts by .ubBcrlben of the telephone. Th~ P. T. A., of which both were mem. bera, held a receptiol\ in th.eli lI.oD,ot ~a)' evening.






". ~er w~ked into ~~e generai atore and said to the re"ently_bereaved Widow : "I'U If,l[e thlit_.tub . of eomarearlne and aU the ftour .and ba·

con:" " i "laIy goodneaal whJ do JQU want all thQae ttltnpT I • .

"WeU. I'm executor of .four hu.. band'i will aud LaWler stu.. told me to cur'J' out· all the p~viaion.. "




For S.le . t

L B. H~~~A~.~~G CO. TeU the Advertiser you saw his Ad. in the Miami Gazette

.-...- - -


GalOline Free


'rweille New J ersey High s chool g il'1s f co eXPlIlsion for uelongi ng to a Secl'et society. It t he girls can rea ll y k 'ep n secret th y ou ght tl) be reward 'd, n ot c.xpclle<L

An Ill inois wp"th ~ r I'xrprl i" p T'>(lieting a n cllrly a nd con i fnl l. W (. t ,'ust thi R is n'! t hl' S IIIll <' fdh ,w \\'h" Mr \0'. M. Slad e, tlf Tnl edu, wns n prcdict0u t he ~ ummprl ' H~ "UIII Ille r. I{ UI·" t · " f hi. si, tc r . Mrs. S . I I. Hai nes So me of t he hig cor pol'ulionM arc anti fumi ly , W ed.nesdn y. now cult illg lIIelullS And it iH hnp,·" Mr. Il nu Mrs. S II . Durn et t spe nt I hi" won't ~Ivf' llnybody nll y Hnllll SlI llt lay wit h Ih(.i': ~" " , Hube r t Bu r- (' ia l coli c. Ill·tl. and fum il y, in ]Jayton .. We arc told that t he e gg~ of t he Mr . nnd MrH. F loyd Sn\,llgu a nd cnlHlor nrc worth $2,OO() IIpipee. T his children uttt'ndcd th(' " J u n ior " picn ic nlll kea them 80 ex pensive t hey cuu ld a t Ston y ilroo k Kr nve, Sunday. ,,,, t be used any plnce excu pt in priMr. and Mrs. George Sco tt, Everett Illn ries. J,;n l'ly and child re n tltle·n el ed the Isn' t it nbout time fo r ou r old 'lnle fair at C(l iumb us , Monday. friend A bd-el-Kri m t o he 8howing Mr anu M1'8 . Lee Gr eathnuse , of 111' in Holl ywoo d ; or on t h the Kelt hUuy t(;n. we re w('ck-enu gues ts oC Mr . A Ibee circuit ? a nd Mrs. Clyde Wharto n nnd fami ly. Misso uri is called the " S how- Me" Mr. and Mrs. !Ie n na n Saylor li nd ~tate, a nd it mu st hll ve b('e n na med 80n , of Belmunt . spent S unda y with nfter Senntor Reed. Mr. nnd Mrs. Wi lliam Long nnd so n. tI is said t hnt in German y they Miss B(' r ll ice Graham ~pen t lnst wc" k wit h her u ncle lind all nt, Mr. IIrc pa tt u rn i n ~ nft cr America ns m oru und M r~ . Herlllan A ll bri~h t. I'n Day- lind mor e all the tim e, a nd we noti ce wher(' n cr owd in Berlin ben t u p a ton. cou ple of policeme n the other day. A n umber f rom her e (' nj oyed t h ~ Sp nking of econ omy, one of th e pi cnic of th o Lytle lind SprinKboro Sunday-Sc hools Ilt For est Re st park , bl'st wnys to extend it wo uld be to a bo lish the pri mnr y. Saturday. Mrs. Susan Snylor nnd so n, William, of Sp r i n ~ Vulley, were S un day gUC8tS of Mr. an d Mrs. William Creighto n. Mr nnd Mrs. gdwin Linn ema n nnd children, of Dayton, s pent Sunrl ay with the I l1tt~r '" parents, 1\'11'. nnd Mrs. H e nry Fo ulks. Miss Dor othy GolI, of Spring fi eld, spent th e past week with her uncle nnd aunt, Mr. a nd Mrs. J ose ph Cha mpion, of Social Ro w. Mrs. E va Hormell, of Springboro , and Mr. and Mrs. Chnrles Hor mell. of Red Lion, w(!re Thursday uinn er guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mullenix. Mr. aM Mrs. Charles Clark, Mr. and Mrs Walte:r Clark and family, Messrs. H. M. Clark and Earl Cla rk attended the Clllrk r eunion nt Winchester, Ind., Saturday_ Mrs. Guy RO l~tzahn and childre n return ed home fll'o m Ti ppecanoe Saturday evenin g, accompnnl ed by Mr. nnd Mrs. Ma rvin W e lls, who r e o mained until Sunday evening. Friends here we r e grieved to learn of th e death of Mr. Ralph Montgomer y, of F ra nkli n , Saturday evening. His uuto was hi t by a B. and O. t rain, near th er l!. He was a s on of t he lat e Frank Montgo mery, who formerly lived in ·this neighborhood.

"d Wil ke rM n, of Morrow wa~ g r ccli nj{ olrl f r ie nds he re S~nduv Mr . Wilke rson has been li ving i~ Kllnsns Cor u nu mber o f years. Mrs. H. I. W rig ht, who hns been visit ing her mot her, IIIrs. Rebecca Merri tt, nnd other r elatives. has r et urned to her home in Phil ude lphin. The Krnn er show wna n greut atnttrac t ion li t the H ull eRch evenin g Inst wee k. Mrs. Berth a Wrig ht wo n th e sil ve rwar e ns t he most po pulnr Ind y nn d li ttle La ura J ose phine Osborn was the pop ula r baby. Her be rt J . Cn rr left f or Columbus Wedn l'sdn y eveni nsr with a cur load of stoc kk f or exhib it at t he State Cair. Ju mell Cline, at Dayton, is vacntinn ing wi th his Ifrandmotber, Mrs. Olar a Merritt, a nd other relatives. The J o ll y Workers' Sewing c lub held t he ir last meeting nt th e home of EVlllyn nnd Virginia Tucke r. Tu esday a ftorn oon. All the ga rm en ts were turned in and inspected by th eir leader , Miss H elen Ran dnll. Tbey then ad journ ed t o th e banks or J onah's Run where they e ntertained the Pig and Calf club with a weiner roast . All report a jolly tim e. A play, "The Path Acro88 the Hill," is to be given at the Town Hall Thursday evening, Septembe r 2, at 8 o'clock; admi88ion 15 and 25 ~n ts. WE · MUST LOVE ONE ANOTHER Wherever hate nnd fea r nn d con- The Young Friends of Wayne.vH1e, tention rule there is uph elwnl and are putting on this play to help raise The only pTactlcnl plan under disas ter. These t hings C<llIl1 ot be money to send a little girl, Vina Biwhich human b eings ca n expect t o permane ntly cure d by a n in crease in vene, of Tennessee to Friendsvi11e Jive together in peace Is the Golden force on any side, but onl y hy nn in- academy. Your co-operation is 80 crefl8e of charity and th e spirit of licited. The play will be given in Rule. We must love one nnother nnd do compromise. Waynelville on Friday eeVlling, SepAll ~'(' wo uld be d one by. It takes a long while f or humnn tember 3. This is not an idenl S unday-School beings to learn how to ge t on with prec rp t , but it is n rul e thnt hus each other. rt Is much easier to ret eeth nnd claws in it . Unless we vol t and Rtand for our rights t hu n paabey il we .hall sufTer . And not O Il C t ien tl y t o seck a. s tatus quo. T ile mai n' t hing for n people to party. but all pa r ti es suO'er. Will' hIlS bee n dCllIo nKtrn tcu lo be learn is that th er e can be no a hiding abo ut os disastrous tn th o victor as " ca ce th at is not fo undecl upon jusMrs . . El ean or Stump is ve r y se rito • the vnn qnlahed. The s uccessfu l tice. T he prop hecy suid in IIncient ous ly ill. Her dnug hters a rc a ll with lillie!! i.n the r ecent g rent Wurld War. weh III! Grent Britain, ,rt al y tlnd tim es t hut r ighteousness a nd peace ber. Frnnce, nrc now almost as bnd of!' 08 shall ki ss caeh other. Until this is Miss Hannuh Hllr per is vis iting her the un8lu:eealllul gro up, con sisti ng of done the re is no IIbiding harmony or nunt, Mrs. La ura Paullin, at Milwau_ _ _._ _ _ G er llln ny. Austria a nd so fo rt h. kee. Wllr is not only cru el nlld ineffecMr. and Mrs. Willis MarshaU a re tual. but it d ocs not pa y. LIFE'S MIRROR spe nding a few days a t the Resern )Joys human b e ln~8 III the ' lonsr voir. run to co-o p-erate nnd not t o conReflectiorls from Pipne Mi88 SlIrah 'H arne r, of Dayton, tend. ,Ar. Gen eral GraJ'lt said. It is Last night I slept ao I WJlletly s pent last week vis iting r elatives, doabtful If all), wnr was ever fought I thInk I drenmed of II, here. about nn IMlue that could not hllve And when I woke at wning b~n bettor ao~tt~d In 80me other My thought/! were wi ob, too. Misses Jane and Thomas ine Tilson , of ncar l~ranklin, Ind., are the great war milkers are egotism And now- I wonder, e, guests of Mrs. Clarence Bagf ord. alubbomtul¥, hato and fear. JIlSU/l If in the light of d • told U8 long ago that the only metbThe s un which 8h1nea~ brightly, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. 1I1 00r e sapnt od ot gotting along to~cther wnll by Will st eal )'our Ipve @~y. the we Ilk-end 1\5 the guests of Mr. ve and trust. We hnvc not yet • _ . ? and Mrs. Fred Moore, of Day'!on. lo .. t, ~ learned that Hia prect'pt was bnse.. HIS ARGU,...,.T Mrs. Alice Johnson and daughte r upon common aense and was not an ~~, _ were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. ImpfllCtical comm!,lId. . LnbOTer-~"That's " ' toine ditch Mendenhnll, at Ne w Burling t on, SunGermany at thl. writing UI rovert. d It"l b t ' l t d II , to a reactiona:r:y " overnment Balf, an ' lOCOS m ..,e en 0 ara day. d ng war , . " fer me time!" ~. Mr. E nrl Cnpsy is in the St. Frnnas is Italy. .Eng!a nd 19 In ~h~ throes Plaintive Soul _ "Couldn't you of IlIbo! un!,elit . Th«; mlllls,try in mnke It a little 10881 ' rYon sce I've cis hospital, Colum bus. wh ere he lInde'r went an opcrati on for a ppe ndicitis France IS mamtalning Itself With dll- ~en lrelhing you aU day lang." &ulty. Belgium Is up.e~, '" . ,. Saturday. The fun ernl of James Wi c r ~s h a m, who d ied a t 11 hospita l in Cinc in noti, wna he ld at th e F rionds chur ch. Monday aftern oo n. Mr. nnd Mrs. I. O. Pet e rson e nter tained at dinn er, l?unday, Mr. a nd Mrs. Albert Lumpkin a nd fam ily, and Mr. Edward Lumpkin . The fun e1'al of J esse Cli ne, who died from nn nccident in th e cement plant a t Osborne, was held ill the Friends church, here, Thurs day after noon . Mr and Mrs. Harnsch hnve moved to their nom e r ecently purchnsed of Mrs. Fnnnie Allen. lIo\rs. Allen has moved to Dayton, where she will live with her son and family. Rev. nnd Mrs. J . F. Young entertained for dinn er, Sunday. J. P. Young nnd fa mily, Jack H",Jland f~m ily, Alvin Tnylor Jlnd Iannly, of qrncinnati, a nd Clint Nels on and family, of Newport, Ky . .. . Mrs. J . W. Jon es, M~. Jennie Watson ond duughter, Lnura Mildred, Mrs Earl Wntson Iln<l 8011. Willllrd, of Hnmersville Ohio, Ilnd fdr, Robert Young, of Oincinnall, spe nt B few uays I IIS~ weel\ with Rev. a!ld Ml's. J . F. Young, Sp<: lI.Iiing the day with Rev. and Mrs W. E. Bogan In st Sunday, were: Rev: and Mra. W. H. O'Neall. ?f Xenia; Mr. nnd Mrs_ Chauncey Til· man and daught<:,r) Faye Louise, of Piqua; Mr. and mrs. S. L. Surface and daughterl.. Edna, of Marion; Mr. and Mrs. C. t.i. Warwick and daugh· ters Mr: and MI'!!. H. E. Warwick, of Oolumbus: Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Bogan and daughter, Dorothy! Mr. and Mrs. Evan Bogan and . chi .d,r~ , )lr. and Mrs. W~~d~l\ W'~~~\\II lII"a




Warren County Fair LEBANON, OHIO SEPTEMBER 14, 15, 16, 17 4 Big Days of Fun, Entertainment and Instruction Warren County's Annual Exposition Speed Program-Splendid Racing Each Day FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER .16 2: 15 Trot ................ Pur..' $350.00 2 : 11 Pace .... .. .. ...... .. Pu ...e $350.00 2:24 Trot .............. .. Pune $300.00 2.18 P.ce .. .......... .. .. Purae $350.00 2112 Trot .. . .... .... .. .. Puree $350.00


2.20 P.ce ................ Pur•• $350_00 2,25 Pac................. PurMlSOO.OO 2:19 Trot .. ..............Pur•• $350.00 Mule R.c.,*, 2 in 3 .. P.aarle $75,00

' $500 Special Prizes for Farm Bureau . Boyi and . Girls Club Work $150 Special Prizes for Grang~8 Wednesclay wil"'be Old Soldi~rl' Day, when Free will b.e Fumi.ed ·the;Veterans of all Wa.... , . \,' . ..~, , .'

GoOd Mosie Each Daf- 'Ample AuoDllDodatioas for Autos ~ '~~'· V~fes AQMISSION: SiagIe Adnriuioa, SOc; VeWdes..25c; I~ Tael, $1~50 I

Election of Dlnc~ Sept. 17, from t to




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H. G. I M " IVa. n L. l," l\ I' II . !,,(Iny

Th,' n ue\\

Grnn ~c , ' (lIlt

0'.= .__ -"::- =- -.=-:-nih',' A II ~I, i "iSl til ,,:,r rcln-

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husl nl' ~a


vis it or

ill IlI 1Iwi'-

\\I :. J . E. J n l las! w ·tk.

, rue n A~ (' ney fllr thl! II ry .Il·welry ·hup. Lebano n.

E\'cry ti ny is )!if t dny lit

The Rosenthal New Steel 4 Husker

Cnry ' ~

The W. C. T . U. wil l meet at the home of Mrs. F. R. Moomaw, Tuesday afternoon, Septcmber 7.


It Y\l ur wateh needs adjusting, clenni ng or repairing,. take it t o Cary's J ewelry Shop. Leban on.

, Rosenthal' Bros. buiit the first Husker -in 1889. Their 1926 Husker represents the experience of 37 years, and leads' the field as did their fi rst one in 1889.

Miss Lulu Vandervoort. · of WiI· mington, WII8 the week·end guest of of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Butterworth. Mrs. Sarah Lippincott and Mrs. Walter Elzey uttended the funeral of Mr s. Charles Middleto n at Duyton , Tuesday. . Mrs. W. E. Cornell returned hom e Sunday, from Pitlsburg; after a pleas. ant visit with her daughter, Mrs. Wil· Iiam Michener.

'FRED M. COLE Hardware---Harness--·Farm 'Machinery

Waynesville ' ...





. . . . . .________________________________________





516 50 . From ....... ... 9Sc to $2.50 $1.98 S3.50 $1 50 98c 9Sc $1.95

$1.25 25c 50c Gig~:e~!e~~:~'.. .... ... ..... 59c 98c' 79c 52 98 $1.98 S1 50 9Se



Girls' and Boys" Hose, From . . .... . ..... .

Boys' Knee Pants,

Boys' Long Pants, . From . .. .....


BoYS'5 Shirts, From . . ... . .. . .

to .

Girls' Dresses, Prom . . ... . . . ..



Boys' Blouses, At . ... ... . ..... . .


Girls and Boy,' School Sh?ts, from .. . to

Boyti' School Caps, From . ...... .. .



Girl,' School Handkerchiefs, aU colors, Wc value, for

50 cent







.! •

hi Y M A IN .


W -yn-.-vI-lie,'. qbio .'





. l ·<he,

B (;1'au l!lIY.

U J l'uil," HI II 111 1.0 1" \,Iutl! \l 1. -t: -..~ tHtc 1AIl\ ~ fun .


Li ttl ~ 1l.I1'hllrll .my v i~ itl' d h" r I'J·llnt!nlllthcr. Mt.g. A. C. Do\\'nlUn. in Hlunch" 'l "r, Illst \\'~I'k .

Flou r G~ld _M ~dn l .

wu~h RCm; Ul\ .

I.e t he i'nft Wlllc l' Lnund ry

Th" luu ndry );i\'''8 yuu fi rst·c1n"s se rvice. LCllve your cull wilh Ma hl on RiJ C'c.

~~. Ib . lack .. $1 .09 2 4 ~ _. I~ _,,\c~.; $.1 . 29

98C .

Count.y C lu b. 12 ~· lb .•• clc .... 57c Gdd Med_a L I 2, ~. ~._".~k:: .::. 67c

Tin Cans Co;:~l~~z:~t~ ~~~~~ .. . 49c . Jars Mason, Compl ete with Caps and 79c Rubbers, Qu arts, per dozen ... . .

Mrs. Frank Lun~. whu htl" h('[' ll t he o f her ;' 1~ t r 1' . ~lr~ . II . II . WiI· Ji IlIllS Il U; rcl urllI'<! tu h,'1' hom ' ill u· 1!llIl btlS to da y. I( U I'~ t

your c lnthcg during cnnn ing

Clifton, 2(l,.2-pound sack .. .. .. .. ....

Co u ntry C lub. 24



Il'lr. and Mrs. Lon 'n ll ad ll'Y nnd lilt Ie dllughtcr. wh u hnve 1J " ~ n lh e g u cs t~ of J . E . Junn ey a nd fumily. lef t Monday for t he il' hume in Il,' rlin Il e igh ts. MI·s. E. S. Odell. of Pric c Hill. Cin. cin nat i. and her nicce. Miss Kuthl ee u Il otn cr. o f Vin ce nt, Ky .• are !Cuests at th(· home o f Mrs. Hny Mninuus, th is week. 1111'. a nd 1\lr$. J . C. Hnwke. Mrs. Jo hn Fromm. MI·s. Kennet h Huugh a nd Mrs. Hurold Eu rnh urt were in Ly nch burg Illst Wedn esd llY . IIttllnding li n Eash ' rn Star c,'nfO'rence. Ea rl Wesley Co nner vi. itcd Inst wee k in Da yt on with his a unl. Mrs. Victo r Burris, who. with her fo mily. acco mpani ed him home and spe nt undu), with Mr . a nd Mrs. EIII'I Con· ncr.

do z ~ n

~ ·II" l lo n .,

... .. ............. ..... .. ... 69<:


do ze n ................ $1.19

Large l .!1-pound Loaf ... . .. .. .. . . .... .... . .

10c .

Whol e Wh ea t. I -Ib Loaf .. ... .. 8e Vienna Hea .th B.lced. Ib·loaf.. 7c Ry e. lar ll'" 1 ~ . I b . LO ll!.. ........ .. ... .. ...... ...... ........ .. .. ....... ....... .. .... .. .. 10c:


29c ~~~~~ ~~!~~~~. ..15c 46c ~~~nde."d. Ib~ ·37C ~~t~~~~b. Plums'B~:~~~~n ..95 C ~~~~~~~t. 30e 17C Melons ~!~~p~~~ar. 30C ~!?~CM~!~' 32c £~~:;!d. 47 C Tea 18C I

fruit juicr ..



Ib .. ....... .... EA tmo." 01,,0. II>. ........ ........ .. .. 22c


C anning. lG· lb crate .... ....

4 Ib • .

Fancy TipTop.

Ext •• a nd deliciou.

ral .. ..

Ib .. .. .. .... .. ..

lIIr. lind Mrs. N. P. Clybur n. of . Washin gton C. II .. spent tw o d ays lust wO'ck with Mrs Anna Cndwallu· Ib .. .. .......... d ~ r al1(l Mi ss Clnn; Lilo. Miss Lile Jewel. pound .. ......... ...... ......... .. 39c IIcco mpan ied them hom e for a short Sa nto •• pound .... ... .. ........ .... : .. 35e Miss Louella Jln nn ey lind Miss EVil· v isit. Ivn T elaford, of DelanJ. F la., wh o Mrs. Alice McKinsey , Mrl'. Emma has been her guest. leCl Mondny for Eg bert. lIIiss Lillie Nedry. Miss Hen· Delund . r ie tta Me Kin sey lind J. B. Ponce per lb ..... Mrs. Mary L. Ada ms has return ed sp ent Sunday in Dllyton, th e guests o f Mr and Mrs. I N. Harris und to the Friends Home. after u plens. . lint visit with f riends in Columbus (umily: nnd Wilmington .. J. B. Wadsworth and Camily. Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence ' Ensley, nnd Mrs. B. T. Vice. Mr and Mrs ~ Mrs. Mack and Mrs. J . Bell. of Seven Durward Vice, Mr. and ~fr5. George Mile, were Sunday gues ts o f Rev. nnd tro ud und son, of Dayton, spent the Mrs. L. A. Washburn . weck·end with Mr. lind Mrs. Will Stroud. Misses Ju anitu Barnes. of Eaton. and Dorothy Mills. of Midland, Mich .• Mr. and Mrs. U. G. Whetsel ente rare visiting their grandparen t s, Mr. ta ined at 6·o 'clock dinn er, F'ridllY eva nd Mrs. G. D. Mills. eaing. Mr. Ilnd Mrs. Ala n Fernea u . of Colu mbUS. Mrs. Geor ge Ellis a nd Mr. a nd IIIrs. J . R. Baker spent the Miss Vesta. of Harveysburg. ano Mrs. week-end with their parenls, Mr. and Irene Bird. Mrs. Charles Gray, und attended the Rich· arr· Cleaver re uni on. Miss Rusetta Giffurd. Miss Pauline Mr. a nd Mrs. W. B. Mathe r and Feight, Miss~s Mary lind Emma daughter, of Burlington. K,anslIs, are Pfieff er . of Da~' to n, weTI' g uests of visiting t heir sist er and brother at IIlisses Trill cna and Margaret Ed· wa rd s, Tuesday after noon. the Mather h o m'~ south of town .


G.ound. per p.ckare .. .. ....... .. . 9c

Chop, oMoon Peko.

.lb. paclc.lI'e. .. .. .... ...... . Moon Chop 0 P elco. l' ·Ib. plor • .35c

37 c ~~I~~ ~~~~~..............42c

F. D. Dakin Insurance J\gency

General Insurance Phone 61··2

Misses Katherine a nd Plluline BowMr. and Mrs Charles Mirando. of man Bn d Elizabeth Cunningham, of Seven ~[jJe. werc Sundny g uests of Blanchester, nr(e thq guests of Mr. Rev an d Mrs. L. A. Washhurn , and a nd Mrs. OrvillE) Gray. this we ek. on Monday'Rev . a nd M1'8. Washburn entertained Mrs. Washb urn 's nep hews .. Let the Soft Water Laundry wash \11 essrs. Frun klin and Martin Devore. yo ur clothes du ring conning se ~s on . of Georgetown. The la undry giv'c s you first.cluSB service. L eave your call with MahloD Dinner g uests .of Miss Emma HeighRidge. way on Tuesday were Mrs. Frank Mr. and Mrs. Russell 'K errlck and LLong. of Columbus, Mrs. Georgo daughter. Marilyn Ann nnd Mrs. Dora Smith. Mrs. Laura Mosher. Mrs. Kute Airsman, of Miamisburg, spe nt Sun- Coleman, Misses Annie and· Marne day with Mrs. Flossie Carcy and Brown, Misses Trillcna and Margare t Edwards. fam ily.

Girls' Bloomers, From .... ... .. . 35c to

Boys' Suits, 1 pair Long and 1 pair Short Pants, From ... . $12.50 to •


Waynesville, Ohio

lel the Advertiser you 'saw his Ad. in lheMiami 'Gaieue


School Specials! 59,95

:lfi ~s Hnl i(' I I'wlll, 0 [ ' B ~ llli r olOk . pv nl Ins 1'huT, dHY wit Mrs. Lnur ;1,.11. ' ;

Commencing Saturday. September Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hawke enterDry clt'aning, pressing and dyeing. tained Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. S. D. 4, Dr. E. M. Ru,dolph. Eye Specialist , Rugs and feather beds renovated, Chnncellor and Mrs. Lena Toops, of will be at ou r st ore from !l a. m., to curtains wllShcd and stretched. Soft Xenia. and Mrs. M. L. Parsha ll. 8 p. m. E very Tuesday fr om 9 :30 Water Laundry, Mahlon Ridge, U. m., to 3 :30 p. m. Cary's Jewelry agent. Mr. and Mrs. Ru ssell Bonson , nee Shop. Lebanon. Ohio. Mabel Salisbury, of Dolawaro, Bre Mr nnd Mrs Sid Cox. who have announ cing the birth of a son. Rus· Miss Dorothy Dakin nrrived her e bee n Vis iting a nd !\'Irs. ROBS Hart- sell Richard. Jr .• Aug ust 16, 1926. Satu rday night, aftcr spe nding the sock and othor r eilltives in the comsummer in England, for a short visit munilY. for their home Mr. and Mrs Steve Galanopulose, with her aunt, Miss MIlY Wright, and in Miami.leIFt la.Sunday . Miss Loretta Tit us. of Detroit, Mich. left Monday ni ght fo r Bismarck. N . a re spendin g a few days with their D•• where she has bee n teaching for parents, Mr. andi Mrs. Alonzo Titus. several years.

._ . -_ .......,.", . c-. •

Boya' Suits, Special, From .. .. . . . . $5.95 to

• ·nlll. i~ the

~L l.'- P:lr~ h ll \l .

".. essl's. F'.u r I 0 rnlor I f an( I Lec A. Zi mm e rman a nd chilo 1)1I .\·L(1 n shol'I'~ rs, TllI1r•. !! lI wk c fin o Mnstel' !Jelln !! uw h Hr,· at the State Fnir loclllY.

(' rvic", will he rcsumed ut Sl. l\lu · I' ound- G('nuill l' r~ I''' 1lI1 hnq<! bng. r y'_ l'ilUrc h next . u nduy. Septe muer FCl r info r ma ti un cn ll Ul thi. "nice . tl,,· 5t h. Mrs Hurr v mll rt. ,.e A" OIHlnlc, i ~ visiling her ·sist PI' . Mr ' Knl,· I!ic k ~ . Mrs J ospph Githcn ~ s pent h l rit week 'with rclu'li vt·s in \)nyLOn a nLi Automnbil e repairing. 1\Iotor oil (,lark ro unt y. nnd glls ~ nv l'r. Rny MiIlft, Tel. 71. Th~ F1'icndshin Closs will mect ~" v c rn l fr om a distnnce attended with MrR. Will Strouo, WeJn('sdn),. lhe F'ri('nds M e etin~ hero lasl Sun · September 8. doy. Mr nnd 1\1 1'5 . Willium Michene r lind .Mr. and Mrs. W a\l,!' r Cha ndl cr . uf sun, . of Pitlgbu r!!. Pa .• arc v i~ itin g Dayton, v i ~ ilcd r l'la ti vcs here. Sun· rc illtiv es here. day. O. R. Unglesby lind fa mily spe nl Miss('s Eli za beth lind Ruth Chan· Mon day c vening with N. P. Dlutt nnLl dl er visit d re luli\' c~ in Da yton l a~ t fa mil y. at Monroe. week. Messrs. J . F.. Janney and Loren l\1iss('A A IIni c And IIfn mc Orown Wert· Ha dley Nn w lh" Cincinnnt i· N('w York dinn er gu esls of Mrs. Dakin . !!,nme last Thu rsday. last TuesdllY· Mrs. Jane Wright. of Sprin gboro. J . 0 Curtwright and fumi ly arc i ~ vi siling her s iste r. Mrs. Juli n Don · guests of Mr. a nd Mrs. Les ler (vins, ov nn and other Irc latives. at Ke nl. Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Will Beed le. of Dny.J ohn F . fln vid. o f Cynthiana . Ky .• ton. were we ek· end g uesls o f Mrs. spent last wee k with his nunt. Mrs. Mury Waterh Ilnd fn'1'ily . Ame lia WiJliums. Miss HenrieU a McKinse y wiil Mr. a nd Mrs. C. . F rank. of Kin gs le uve Thursdny f or Ashtabul a. l o re· Mills, were !!,uests of Dr. nn d Mrs. sum e her school work for the winte r. Witham. Sunday. Mrs. Adda Smilh an d gra ndson. Mr. and Mrs. ta nley Sell ers. of Charles Anderso n. spent a I)art of Lehnnon , were gu esls of Miss May Inst week with r elatives in Spr ing Vnlley. Wright Monday nig ht .

t. Mary's Guild will m eel with Mrs. Jnntes McClure on Thursday. S ptcmber 2nd, nt 2 o'clock.

Simple' ip ~onstruttion, enclosed gears, running in oil, large capacity, safe feed, ' easy to move about.

'IoOl's. 0

'I'l\(" rir"t /Ill'd ' lIg U I~ th,· I f)t l ll' r ~ dub will be held Lhe Jir"l Prioay in Wutch . Uctnbl·r.

t Oil.


lIfr. untl Mrs. L. Huddle, of Mndi· sanvi lle. wer e guest s of Mr. nnd Mr~. W. S. Graham . Tuesdoy.

The Best Rosenthal Ever Built


ru l

"'I" \', rn a Kelly . IJ ~ ll t S(! \·.' rn I dA P Ill8t w~~k wilh f l, lul l\' cs in Dny ·

1 ' \1 (1 1' !nll'\'('I~'(, \Vns I w hI ~ I r~. C. 11. Sherw nl'(. I , lnst we·· k. i" I·e co v c ri n ~. . dny ..


S (' V


is rcccivi n J!

J c\\'(' l r ~.· Shop. Lebano n.



J.~n l\

II •

of pllil t .

Mr . 1I 11 d l'tlr •. J . B. Chap man 'lf ~ in l' u lcl11 nnti , t ouay .

Sabbnth Schoo l lit 0: 11\ n. m. lIreaching ot 10 :30 /I . Ill.' rth CORR ECT--S IT DOWN League 6 :16 p. m. T' rr ~~hin~ nt' , . "'%1 l " \\ hut ' ::i n p "d C H. t rian 7" 7:30 P. m. Everybody in vit ~ d t o th , "l' services ' A IIlIln who OW1l 8 II' wo rn -v ut on(l ·h,m J cnr." Rev. L. A. Washburn. Pastor.


Ih.)' -,


" .

Mr. and Mrs. Ray Chrystie and sma ll son . of Washinigton D. C., were gucsts of Mrs. Chrystie's aunt, Mrs. Mary Lemmon, last week. . The Chrystie's 'are traveling fiom Wush. ton to t heir new home in Los Angel. Mr. a nd Mrs Emmett Gauche and es. Cal. . Enroute they will visit at son . Ralph. and Mr. and Mrs. John various points in Kentucky and Ok· McConn and family, were Sunday lahoma. ~:----guests of Mr. ' and Mrs. R. E. Crone nnd family. Mrs. Kate R.icks return ed home from Mt. Healthy, Monday morning. Her siste r , Mrs. Elizabeth Hesse y. of Avondale, accompanied 'her for 0 short visit.


United States

TIRES arid Caldwell & Taylor's


Public Sales

Mrs. Emma E:gb ert. who has been visiting her siste rs. Mrs. Alice McHaving Bold my property, I will sell Kinsey and Miss Lillie Nedry, left Sunduy evening for her home in Kan- at my residence on Third street, in Waynesville, Ohio, on sas City, Mo. S.turd.y, September ••, 1926 Mr and Mrs R. E Cro ne and daugh, Beginning at 1 o'clock p. m., a lot of tel'S, Robert. Irene and Mabel, at- household goods, dishes, kitchen utentended the 3 1st Stroup r eunion last sils and a few pieces of antique furThursday,. held at the Stroup Grove, 'niture. GEO. DAKIN. at Lynchburg. W . N. Sears, Auct. Mrs HaTvey Rye. Mrs. W. P. Sl!:Iisbury •. Mrs. RU'~sell Salisb ury and Miss Hazel Sahsbury attended the Cuneral of a relative at Spring Valley Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Robitzer were g uest s of Mr. lind Mrs. Morle 'Cern, at Columbus, over t he week·end. Miss Beotrice, who has been visiting her aunt. r eturned home with them .. Mrs. H. H. Williamson, Mrs. Frank Long, Messrs. Grace and Louel)a Williamson, Miss Dorothy Collier, aud Mr Henry Saylor, of Dayton, attended.'the Hale reunion near 'Wilmington, Sunday.


Mr Bnd Mrs. P. Jordan and Mr .. Hiram Cottrell were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. James ' DeLong and family, at Dayton, Sunday. In the afterno'on . t he entire party motored to 'Xenia, where :¥aster Cottrell will r esume his school work at the O. S. & S. O. · Home. · .


Mr. and Mrs. W.~ Allen entertained a s mall group of friends .T uesday e vening at six-o'clock <tinner, served by 'Mrs. Hathaway. at hel attractive tea room. The guests were Mrs. Frank. Long, of Columbus, MiaEll Anllie and Kame Brown and Mias

. . . .~. . . ....~. .~. . . .~~. . . . . . . .~BE-e.=-EB===-BB-==-. . . .============~E5&&i Emma




Waynesville Overland Sult$· Co. H.


Archdea~on ' j

NOT I C ,E !


TO WAYNESVILLE. ELECTRIC CONSUM~Ms:: ~:,:" Change of Payment. Day

. ,":".' .. Electric bill.s ~ill be pay~b)~ appr~xi~~t~IY ffdm tile

:l1th to the 16th of each mo.t)th at th~ ·W~y.ne8y,lUe Na- " tiona I Bank. Thi~ date m·ay vary a.dalf,,' ot.two.eacb ·n.op~. This is effectiv~' :w~th ,SepteJ)lber,~:' hiJUng agf!' the~ ~: new bills will ·cat:ry. the,' new d~,e·'. ot .~Yme~t. : ·.~.ttdIY;· notice Last DiscoUnt 'Day stamped ~n .your.~lU. 'XENIA DISTRICT " ,'.




\. '--~--~----~~~----S~~.w~------~~~ l '--------"'

.......................... I."teresting Items from the

State • •• :




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Columb\.:s Repo r t (~ r -~


Another School Year Started Out Very Successfully, Monday




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Seventy-Bighth Year



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,laug l ll'r

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":. Pi nl'i lot. n il'CC o f the It is ."i d l hnl th .. cilY '· ... 111' il \\ i I I;", " ,' li d' o f 1\ II". y I VH I\l :l. r eti res pmbal>ly tllk, ' some nelll ,n al tllt·i .. 11" 111 Ill(' ,W j,;t', I ltr f"lh "'-' who has next l'uund l Ol er t inJ,! tn\l~ urd ~(,t linC' l'OIH lHtill !,\(, tl ~ l' . all o wed h\! I' to uc:t, an d , it" it:,,1 ~ re at ~ lICC eSM in " The Mirt hc t ram c lij!hls. "el ... " Nil l on~e r "int~ .. c~tcLl in actin~.'· t h t, carnf'Hl yn uu g wo mnn is

LlII,se in ftwur IIf ub() l i , hin~ tlH' pr i·


ma rieR ng \Ve l1 n ~ l il uHC U l' rn~:H'\ 1 ( f) Much II chllngc 111'C to mer t dlhl'r In Cll h:tmbus or Cleve la nd du rir,!! til<' Il ~xt lwo wee ks to ou llino pla n!> l I t utLack IIIllI tI ~ r ell se. Churl('s L. Knight. Akron editor untl fl g il tcr. nnd Il urry l. IJllvi ~, for mc r J;OVl' rll "r. will lead t he for el'" oppo"ed to till' pI'esellt system, wh ile J . F. IJ l1 r hl! , Elyria ,\ will hellli the forces fu\'or ill/(' .... tlmtion of tite prll,, 'nl ~ys tcm. II iR J;oing to be u merry c('Intest, nlld on(' that m ~t fl f' t h l'und i,l"t". f,,.. Slotl' office will hllve to keep Ollt lie. nringinA' lhis i s~ u e 0 lhe I'n ll ~ in Nov.. mber is going to helu ~ .. t nllt n lorge Yote, however.

m H('h itH' ~ c'nn w

tl)J!'t' ttl" '-

Swimming Party

The State Highway d(' llU rtnlP nl has begun a s urvey nf t he rllilroad I{.rud e croSJ!ings in Ohio, a nd rapid ellrn in allon of the worst flf these i~ to be started at once. During th e past three years many grade crossings have been eliminated. But there are many le f t, and th e survey jU8t ordered will r esult in the Highway del!8rt.:nent getting In formation 8ft to the wor~t of these. 80 that they may be eliminated a s quickly as avoil able fund s will permit. The elimination of a'lI dangerous crossings would m(nn an e normou s expenditure of mOlley. This is impos8ible, end the objcct of the prose nt survey is to a scertain th e most dangerous, and the sclection of us many us (lotlBible, in .n fni r di strib ution to divide the cost (l ve llly among the rnilroads IInll not I mpo ~e an unfair burden on an y of them.

On r " w'lIin l!: (I f I /I, l w" ek /I "arly of about twe nty-Ii"., youn/!: Fri r nd s started for th r Xl'ni" . willimi n l!: pool to try th e wnl r r. Th ('y n'lll'hrd th spot lllH\ withou t d r lay spl:Js h· erl into Ihe invitinj:! wa t "r , From the shr ill cri ,·" nnd Irllwhl. 'r. ·aus,·" portly h y "dl1Cki ll g's. " thnt' is nn doubt I hilt ,'v('ry nn.· "lI j"Yl' rl the swim. Th "y snw the npp roaching ' stnrm ad ( .. un(1 a R"il.a l.l r "p .. t. wh e n ' t hey ha d n picnie Supp(!r. Don' t nHk nbnl1t th .. "pOUIIS us ed for lh e frui t Mlnrl. Th e clo udbuT8t luter on Iy ad ded to th eil' e)(citement nn thrlr hom e wa rd journ ey.

A Few Notes from the Organization of High School Classes

Pleasant Surprise

, \ (Hit


" Iold<ing Cor f; cri ou9 work."

\\' hat wou ld n "rtha, of "'fhe SllOWS of ), rstr r yenr," am nl1nt to if ~ h c bad nnl cl'cntrd Ch nr l em:t ~nr'! Who would know l':nncy Han ks if she were nol I he nHlther of Abrah fllll Uncoln, <I I' puor i\ hroton,m . if hur 'l'hrllcian blund. r.eltic un r\uubt.. ,Il)" h Ull not rr,,<IuN'd Th"nl iSIoele. ? y olJng- l : lCi i~ s . act. dun ce, einf,!'. run [or OmCl·. ny, . hoot lions in Africa, if yon must. But !ret marri ed and have childre n.

Am eri cn n lourists tr avelin g "for to adm iro anti for to see ," also to visit dressmak ers, milline1'!l and get away from prohibition Bpellt in Frunce lust year $226,160,000--a great d eal of m oney, and r eal inon· ey. It would be a pity If misunderstandings about debts tbat may never be paid should make Americana in France so uncomfortable as to cut 011' that yearly tribute to the French dressmaking Minataur_ We want France to prosper, nnd If. is plea~ant to have Americans leaving hundre ds of millions in France, bri nging back informatio n.

On Monday, September 6, Wayn cs- minutes long, instead of th e usua l .roe Kcrsey , SE! ~reta ry -trons urer . ty- tive boys. This is the largest The Sophom or e class, closs of '29, number o f stud ents thut ever uttendville Hig h school started with a zip. \ forty -live I~inutes. Everything ran comparative ly s mootb . The Seni or class , the c1a~~ o f '27, turt ed 'ith twenty members. The cd the High schoo l, nn d there a rc still Twe nty-fi ve young fri ends gathas most of the upp~ r class s tuticnts started with &we nly-four memb ers, nfficers arc: 1EI0yd H nd erson, prcs- a (ew more . tutl en ts who w ill ente r. " . I Severa l memhers of the class have ident; Charl o!! O'Nea ll , vice·p,'cs i- The libraria ns for thc school yenr CTcd at th e home of M~. nnd Mrs. A. had r egIstered Monday, August 30, . not ente r ed yet on acco unt o f work , dent; N'llie Gl'llhum, secre tary; Ma- nre Doris H a wkt', Seni or librarian in B. 'Sha ner Thursday evenin g. nt 8 an d had all of their work f or this Thc Seni ors e lectcd ofH ce rs in the b('l McMi ll Hn, t r eHs urer. cha rge, a nd her a Sllociat 5 , Gonevn o'clock. to ntt end a birt hday surprise The Freshm a n dass, t ho largest Ault, .J unior, nnd Mary Etta Guy, party on Ad a nnd Horacl' Shan er . year outlined, and th e faculty could morn ing. Th ey are li S foll ows:: g ive mor c of th eir attenlion t o th e Eli znbe th Henkle , better kn own as dass t hat has eVer en tered Wuyn es- So phomo re, The same rule of sil- The vcning wag cnjoyel'l by dancing nnd playinll' ca rds. " Biddy," presi ,I('nt ; sh., has h"'d this vill e H igh schonl, numbers ftftY ' fivc. enC e pl'cv11ils a~ dId lo st year. Freshm en . office ever y ycur; Rut h E. Enrnhll r t, llecause of II rush by tho FI' sh ies f or The tlama~c ' do no by the fire has . Th ose present wer e: Misses LiIThe new books were distrib,utcd in trcn~ urer an d sec r~tnry , LUliu I, the re !",d t o br two cla ~seti, been r~J.lUired, and the new labor a- linn Watkins. Amv Hopkin s. EmoTwo new ideas in prohibition engen e and V ashti D~ ckett, Elizabeth The on ly I'on m th a l can ~c at Ih em ull to ry equipm ~L is ord er ed. thlt'morning. 1n th e a fter noo n cla ss- J oe Kersey, ~ec rNar ~.- t r~af,u rn, forcement. "Shoot to kill" orders lI (lpe~ arc r nnn ing hl~h lhat this and Catherin l' Dransl rnter, Vir~ inia es f or a ll subjects wcre ca lled nnd cd with tw n t y-~ ix ll1l'l1Ih pTS. Th i ~ Ihe Dsg(, lIlbly I' um . Louis(' Crnne , B,'rnice a nd sent to prohibition officers, pnrTh e totnl I1 lIlI1b(' 1' of "tudl'nts in is j.(oing tl' bu the best year th e High Hartlin g. lessons for Tuesd a y wure assign- OffiCN'S a rc Wad e Turner, I ' r csid~ nt; Hyman, Irmn Rich, Florence , Rober- ticularly 'to a squad of forty Customs Bes idents in mnny scctions of Ohio ed. The C)IISS p ri otis w ere twenty Eliza bet h IJrnn, vi c·presid ent , W. II. S. is I ~5 ; cighty ~ir l s un d fo r- Sch()ol has cvcr kn own. ta and Iren .. Crone and Ed nn Sha- men recently appointed for special may Ret li n opportunity of see ing n ==============~========-.~==~====:========~============ nor; Messrs, Roy EIH~, Everett Scnrs, bootleg work. Tenl livo. suro-enough Queen. When If the bootleggers 'rUI) nway, the Rulph Mainou s, John Crone, MayQUol'n Marie, of Roum a nia, comes to ore to be shot-dend, ~ possible. nard Rich, Mr. nnd Mrs. Myer Hythe United States during the n ext man and Bon, Bobhy. month Or so sho has indicated that Also the Government will divide Afte r 11 plell8unt evening light it 1$ her desiro to visit every State in ST. MARY'S CHURCH the rec eipts from fln es imposed on r efr eshme nts we re served. tlIll Union, and alrendy vllrious agen____ a ••- - - Se ptemb er 12, F ifteenth Sunday bootlegge1'!l. The infoT'IlH'r w ill g et • .cies jn Obio arc trying t o' srrange II ftl'r Trin ity. Church School at one -quarter of wha t the Government :n to,a r which will take her s peei!ll Fresh air is essentiul for good 0 :3 0 a. Ill. ;; Morning Prayer and scrgets . C()ngressma n a lld Mrs. hnr l l'~ mon nt 10 :30, All ar e welcome, t1lrougt! Dhio both enroute to tht! The September meeting of the hea lth of ('OW S , horses. hoj.(s a nd othThis sh o w~ energy, but will it dis- W est lind ber ret\lrn to Now York. Wayne Townshill Furmers' club was Brun d, 'O f Urban a. will en tertain the e r st ock II~ for the physical we ll be · Rev. J ohn J. SllhaetJer. Rector. co urage men that clIn chango ono Farmers' club of Madison 'cclun ty, 'The Que_en )ul s announced that du.r- held nt t he hom !' of Mr. W . R. Lewis, inl-: of human brin~~. Ve ntllutl on FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST Mi ss Add a Grahnm ,dau ghter of dollar's worth oJ: corn into fifty dol~ ng bel' stay" she will not acc!~pt pri- nellr Kingman, Ch~ster ~own ship, on September 16th Ilt t he Urbunll COU II- ill han1" an d othe r bu ilJin,:;'s In wh ic h club t hr ee mi les ellst ·o f .U rball !l. t ry Bib l" ~ c \10fl l at !l ::10, " Go·to-Col- Mr, und Mrs. Lufay vttc Graham, for- lars' worth of bootl eg ~biskeY1 vate l'o ~ ltntions, but will be the gu~ s l Friday, September 3rd. The F armer ' c1uh will h:w e a din - Hlc)(:k are krpt is just "" tlec('s ~ nry leg('.D" ~( · So me of our young peo- merly of t ru s vicinity, died at her of tAe notional and Staws which she Following the usual sumptuous dinII. in h" l11(,~. s chool. und fllcl,)ri cs, ple go mg awa y to school will Young Krishnamurti from fndia has hOll1 e in Dayton. Sundny, aftH a long B ~C8u.~e she wjl1 travel !Is a ner, a number of guests t ogether ner ut 12 noon ond a t 2 there will TIl<' ,tlli>ling (,f ulIilllnb in durk, poo r- speak. visits. All invited. at which H Ofl. Nirh olll"; be a prol('ram arrived and comes to free us f r om ser vice wns h eld illn ess , 'I'he fun e ral Queen and 1110t incognito. li'rench with the greater number of club ly nntlio tc rJ, dU111P ba l'ns, aff ects Nnthan Johnso n, Minister. Tuesday nftc rn oo n at the reside nce our "materialism." H e will be as Jluthorities say that It would be momb er/l, IIsse mbled , for the after - Lon ~\\' o rth, pCIlKer nf the lI oll S" of th"ir hellith :md h e lp ~ to ~ IJrcad tu- , R ep re se lltnti"~ s, and Myel'S y , Coop· of R. Hars hbarge r, in Leban on. Bu- welcome as Hercules in the Augean . ~wpro per to become tho g uest of In- noon's progra m. METHODIST CHURCH 1H'l'cul o,i}; wh cn thl' j.(crm s nrc prese r , ca nd id uL' for J,tov crnOT 1 will be slab les. ri nl was in L ebnnon cemet e ry. .div.l.4Ujlls, but rather that of the nR: obbath School I at 9 :16 a. m. frlrs. Roy Conklin a nd ?r1i~B Mury (,ilL Cll'lIn, \\'holrsome milk ca n be ijOI) ,I}n.oi Statos, Cleveland, Cincin- Lewis entertnined wlt,h sove ral piullo the prinei pu \ spea k, r". A f,l " ,Il'itc had on lr fr om hralt hy cows. ,Poor I1Teaohing at 10:80 a , m. Epworth Leagu e 6: 15 p . m. Preaching at) r buna quartet will ft1rni ~ h t il(> l11 U· This earnest, sin cere youth is~ Dr. Theo dor e 1,{eelor di ed a t his ,notl, -CpIUIUPUS, Youngstown and oth- ducts. R eadin gs by Miss Elizllbcth ventllallon u):o cutises damp ur wet 7 :30 P. m. Ever ybod y invited to thesc home In Lebanon, Saturday, The alllong other thin gs, an excellent. ,er points 6T p nxiou8 to entertain Hawkins were enjoyed by all. Miss ~ k , it:,l'll" Ln tIl<' ('v ld .' r s ections of the servic es Olher members of (l n~ rc."s fn,m f unernl se rvi ce wu ~ he ltl at th e r c~· hurse man, a good sportsmnn, nnd was. ,the dletlngui1lle4 yisitor whim she Mary L ewis, nccomnnnicd by M i~s Rev. L. A. Washburn, Pastor. U Illk(! :-;tatl' ~ unv cntilllle I burns a re Ohio ' II' in \'ited to atl<·nd u n I ~):. id ence , Mond ny aflern oon and burinl a ll infltnt prodigy. He wns carried ~om~tI to Ohio. F rances Jann e ~', favo red us with a SpeukPl'.J Wnl'l'.'n I{cl fer i~ t·x· frulIU(' ntly i"lInd i n whi ch th e roofs CHRISTIAN CHURCH each nig ht to n t ent in his s leep. As was in Le banon cem et ery. 111,,1 I'~ilin ~, ar(' dripping wet with vocal number. pccten. he dreamt, 80 his f riell ds sa y, " t he Sun day-Schoo l !l :;1 0 II . m, ; prench1"~er Secretary of War 'Ne&l1o n -~----Judge Clovenger , of Wilmi nglon, Fur the 2 o'd ,1; prn r,m m I hi' 11UIl· CO il.! 'n "",1 1ll0iRt U1'f!, Thi ~ condiliol1 Ing s~r v i cos at 10::10 n. nL and 7 :30 Masler" a pppco r ed and gave him illD. Ba1s.I!J'J certainly Injected a !'c n d l, in Illulll , 'I(' of r" er! an d hay p, m. Pray er m ('c', We dnesday addressed the club along 1\ histol'i ru l >rt.ruetion s, At the age of twelve, he lemo)!" t,he ranks of Democratic line. ' )oJ e stated th at the genesis 0 r lie are invilC'd . P Cfl pl l.' of u11 pa l' · fitu red in " ,eh huildiqg:5. Poo r "en - 7 ::10 p. III , All arc co rdiull y Invited. WI' ot(' h i ~ book , A t t he Feet of the politiclI the PAst week when he ad- many great move mcll l.i! origi nntt!rl ti,'S the cord Iall y !,,'tl Ul'stc tl to bc tilal ion aids 1I\ Ih,' pr c\'t' ntion of The many friends o f J ohn A. Ha l· Master," vocated ean~etlli$;jll by the United with Caesar Augustus, He COllceiv· pre ~ ~ nl ,, ~ t h,s i, nut a I",litical s pont nll (\ ou~ ('o mLl1 ~ti oll in h ay m ows Thllt lI OCH nul necessarily mea sey, 11 former r esident of Wuynes. Statell of the debts Dwed u~ by for- ed the id ea that no nation can exist meeting. [In,1 tn·[lnnr i, ,< . A fter the pl'tlJ!l':llll a "ceepliull will ville, but now of Franklin, who hus Divine il1 'pirat.ion . Con. ider Iittle ~ ~gn nntlons ns result of the war. without the prosperity of it s 1IJ!l'ic ul · b.. he"!. P('r,,,I,' from oval' th (' di s· The closo affiliation ot this idea ' Wny ne T owll ship BOllrd ' of Edu- been critically ill the past ' f ew duys. Christian Heinrich Heill ec kcn, who tural people. Hence, he encourogeo that .o f t~c League of Nations was at agriculture, making it a s hon01'llble tr icl h" ",, iIHIil'nLcd th eir intlllui on Clit ion mc.t in reg ulnr se~Rion Monday will be pl ensed to leu rn ~hat he is died in 17 25, "be f or e he was five (lnce 1Ip-p"re t to .the voters of the an occupation ns wllr. H e "laced " uf bcinrr at \hi~ mrcting lin d oth~r eve ning'. l3 ('s id~~ Ih e r outine busl- very mu ch imPt oved , and all nrc yea rs of age." He was able to con• verse pillinly at ten months. When State , esp~ially so when former tariff 011 imports. He origina t ed 11 secti ons of th e ~' tJ.l t e will be r epreMi ~. 001'1., Ilc nrl.' rRun ell tl' rtailled n"'s H nWll l'd Bu rt" " Wit H elec ted a wis hing for bim D speedy recovery, Govc;nol"Co~ '1\').10 ran for the p'res- system of furm lonns and encou raged sented. _ _ _ _ _ ...._ _ __ a fe w fr iend!s 1\1nndu y c\'t"l u in ", whell dri\'('r in p lne(' of C, W, Gordon, r\l- so that he may return Boon to his one yellr old, he knew by h eart the most Importnnt parts of the Pentaidoncy upon A l,c.ngue of Nntioos paRtornl poetry, )n a ll, Judge Clevbusiness dutle"5, s he g-a\'e a ' lfa J'cwt' !l " t o h<' I' cln ss~ Sigll('d . teuch. At two years of age he hajJ platform, seconded tf\e motion. n lnt(~ s w ho ll1' (1 ll'l~\V in g th is w(t~k and !lnger's , rem arks wer e qui te inte rest· mustered sacred history, at thre e he In 'Qhio J¥ll\tieal ~ir~le.a the state- ing and instruct ive. fo r coll ege, The youllg 1,,'01'1!! wns thoroughly ncquainted w it h hi.. ment ,,!, fdr. Baker wal inspellt a d e li ~:htr u l ('vl'ning and thol'The meeting a djourned to mect in Mr an d Mrs. G, A. Kibler, of Da ytory lind geography, ancient nnd 'terprcJ,ated as an effort t oap.,;a.r ~o October witih Mr. ond M,·s. S. S. Elough ly enjoyed the dointy lun ch SC I'L-C_a_U_s_D_l'Y_Co __ 'In Dempsev's Cabinet' ) modern, sllcred and profane, and ' ton , ~er y pl cnsnlltly entertain d the 1;110 Germnn voters of the State ved by the ho~te s. II., foll ow inl-: at Sunday · dinn er : Mr, spoke French nnd Lntin. He devot. lIalf .of Senator Pomerene on . the '-:'--." and Mr~. Charles Kibler, Mr. and ed himself to religiouB study in h.., theol')' ~hat" . canceUation of the· alfourth year, and to church history. lied .d' would reault . ln the can- ' M~"'ried Mrs, Ed Hough, Mr. and Mrs, Clnr (l nce Edward s and daug hter, (lnd Mr. And this is "no yarn" but historieal ce)lation DJ some of the reparation Allen Kible r, of this place; Mr. on<l facts. Crowds flocked to Lub eck to elajmll, Df .fo1eign nations; If Th c Yo un g Friends presented th eir was ~tent.U>n. ,ho-wever, H.e C. T . Hummon, former acting coun Mrs. Ralph Houston and son, of sec him, and a year before he died play, " The Path Across t he Hill," to lIpons o ,m"at be an),J;.bln,l(' .bot ty agont of Warren county, Ilnd Misl Spring Vall ey; Mrs. EuphemIa Hough he was taken to see the King of Denn fair aud iimce lust Friday night. flllltQJ'Y to Ute backeJl o~ Mr. Kathryn Ki scI, ,ot Col!lmbuB Grove, and Miss Li zzie Kibl er. The occlI~ion mark at Copenhagen. The parts w ere well cas t and ench for ~.t,he ut,JversaJ. oPIPoslthmj Ohio, were marric)'d Tucsday evening being in hunor of their son, !\farion's, His death before the age of five, character wins weU portrayed. Altoin both pal' iell hat ~ppellred 31, in the Presbyterian church bjrthtlay and also Mr, Ed Hough's. should warn parents not to drive talgether the ,e nterta inme nt was vcr~ IIllch ptDJrEAm. Grove, at 7 :46. ented children. creditable and deserved a much betThe wedding WII,S followed by ~ r!!.Seatnor ,wIlli• .immediately reafter patronage. ftl'1Jlcd bill iOn. ti,tne posl~I'o" that the ceptjon at the home of the bride. ----~-4~__ ~-..__- - - - Whatever our defects may be- flj ..)0 debtll 'cpul~no be canceled' and his Mter a two weeka' auto trip the United States, we cannot lie • . prele1ltatSop o,,;he motter to through ' the EllI't, ~r. and Mrs. CUlled of dividing things up, ,When alldiences I'roQght II)lC~ a 1Iummon will make t)lell' home ' ln There will be an ali-day meeting an American gets a big, piece of-any... to leave no un~ertalnty l1li, to Lima, OMo, ~here he Is now loeat- at ,the Harvoysburg Friends Ilh"rch thing he keeps it and a~ds tp it. <J¥liiiJ.QU oJ' . , .ut ,majority of cd .. COUl;)ty ~en~ of _~U!:n county, n~xt Sunday, September 12. Will En r oUme'n t ' at th e Orade Building· Daughters, of Columbus, Earl ~v- is ve~y lnrg,a, all the rooms being 'l\'ell pe4>ple ,01 Ohl., o.n ' t.b18 . questio~. fill ed: The .exact number ~n ,not BUIY eX8:1 , !wa. ' tll~ ' .that . ey and Otis Cramer, of X eni~, w;iII be .given at: ·the present time, but a Thu~ bo tho',principal apeakl'r s. 'n'!lftom'at.lLC ~jOO1~~lm4Ul J!ellU~IC:~I\~lder'llbll;i, from the ' nv;itation is extended to, every- more def\llit:e rllport wll\ bl! published <.. Thad, 2t 'Pharr, Tcx:o. ' element' 01 the 'Democratlc body. .' 1 ' ~ next week. \~ites 88 ' follows: • - - . . ........- - - - ' l; party the "State. w"lah thlat ' • .••'Y. ' . ' The Valley Ia' 100kinJr ~or a bo01.,. chiulg'e In thue rulM abeOlutely and everyboQ bUiY. ~dlnp ' o( ~ttelllded neeeIIIIIUT If the farc~ at the conven, -,,; " :"'--lnek Dempeeta new ",eeeretarJ- aU klncla are ping -at; the Il10.tion in q~ In ~ 924 is not, to be 01. the interior, Paqllne 'LaBUdde, brouP,t $25.000.* . . ~ re,.ted. More than one J~diq The Sugar Oreek Ch:ristlan church Mr. and Mrs. Burton Earnhart ' 8~d Gen. Lincoln C. AndreW!, U. B. ill now In dIarge of tile a ~ . crop this rear. ~ Democrat of the Sta" has exp~ will hold thel~ annual Home-Coming Mr. and'Mra. Emellt A. Ellmhart and "atlonal dry, chief. hns called ~ .who .Jdtchea at the champion'. tral~ 8186 aatoa ha'llq I 1I1111W · 1&1 . . fee'l that the attitude ...... A8I .... d batlk.. t dinner Suliilav 80n Robert, · of Darton, spent IOV&Went) -two dlMrict chiafs to Wash- "~O ~ fof'merb'eook.1C I" _ 0,... .... . ,'" , n era i days lut week wltlb .)fl'. and III 11...... ftie ,1' II Wa... . _ L ___ ' PomenD. In t i matter II September 19, 1920. Special pro-, Mrs. H. B. Eu.nIiart. and while there ~ fol' a 8 day CODf~ :-!' '"-t alirtlnc·Sept. 10. .1It0:l.;·I~"ll.t~ the forenoon !,ncl ~ooD. attended tho Iiar~ HUDion.






RecoveringFrom IIlnes,8


New Hack Driver

Entertained Classmates

Birthday Dinner


.. - ..- - --



n_fe_r_e_n_c_e'. ., 1 I

Young Friends' Play

County ,Agent



All-Day Meeting

L.rge Enrollment











--_ ---' ...



'ra, I".. 101 I I "p. 1111 •• Il>. I'•. r , Wllldnolo n t v rt n 1\'11". e lJ('ht i,, ' In Dee r -


'., I'Qhl~ , Ili II n tract in ~\l u th I . .·.• \Jlh'''' l "d"rlolf \1 n lh' t"tUl' i\fj_ -HI"

\111 I' •


I • r




I '" ~ T

l 'I\,J.I'i.



II lI'nli


A n1 b~os .

(·I~.Itrc rcck

: ltl\rh'~ \\',1 \,111'

Ma t ri.:ll for You Roofs

Lumber for E 'cry Purpose

un l

I, ~ t 1 11~

Oak Flooring Edge Grain Flooring Finishing Lumber Porch Material Front Doors Cottage Windows Window Frames Window Glass

1'1 I




• 1


P..... •

model, no mat.. ter what its wheelbase or price, has all of the many vital improvementS that mark the 1927 Buick, including an engine, cl.bra .. tionlessbeyond belief.


at ,



Ph_ No.2




Keelor Garage

New Burlington,O. Phone No. 320

Lebanon, Ohio


Have You Anything To Sell?

The Miami Gazette

It Pays! ,.

~l1li'h t .. 1"1 •. ,,·, ,' ,' M. " " d I. I,· t I; t Iii tl,,· ~l lI r l it }' rnul\llfl and . \11 11 ;\ IIdd.' hmnd


1"Hr fl ll ' l' ~



~ U CCt.'KK (U liy


u rg ed til n ·li e\'c tlu'ir

d~ st r{'ss


V~) ­


till' Park l'lll'" Addu",n t u Frnl1kli " . H tl~ ~'

2 1:.!

; U,"

1': . i '!'>

I':I\\" ~ IIII


l"«llI plt'


I lanil'! l) awso n.


('anton, O hi o, Hud



cdtlcuted pork-


l'r~ .

111 \\" .. ~ l lI ngtn ll Tp .

Ch " r1,·, I: . I .,· ,,"i ~. I':'" ("'wi s l\llel Hert I), · to) 1" ." I ' li nd D.. ok". In (·.

""II' lI l isl



~ . • J . • ~ l'l' m t il h~k \l l'I"il wd !.' '' .. ;ut d H in i.l.hUllllll, cxct1 llti llJ,! H('l'd and his 1 ·. ,\ · ~tiJ!'a tot' ~ f rlHI t h \, I·:-.t ex t r (' lt1iti e~ til' fr~ l nt Il a~c. cur k " ly d ropped pop :-m i d LIt Tilt' l;t'rmnn h h,\\' c o fT l' r {·d to huy C. 1-: . 1.,,\\ I ~ lind lh·rt Drnkll t o L ew. h / .. k ''''n .lIla il tow", frllm n " lgium i~ lin d I lru k,·. I Il l' , 11I 1"t, I I " ud I :! lOll' ~ 1".OIIlI.(lOt l. At thi. raLl' AI· I tl l ~

ill L ehtl llOl1, '.'X(.·I' lllill~ ~ix f~et utf t h" l1tlrt h ~ IJt\ of lilT 1 1, ~uhjcl' t t o t h e

rij:!lil "f udj"ini nl.: pr operty 0wners fo r UI1 II l1 ey. Cha ri !'" G And"rson l o R"uben nnd Fan'n i\~ Ill' (iarll1t1, l l'''''~ Lltan {\tll' ncr",' In

NE WSUITS Veri" BI' T'iin \"5. Willi m n,·r1in. r" r d ivorc(' o n groun c\s of n eJ.:icct. Fil· l'') A Ut! " "t ~.1. (,h nrll'r~ O. Maple as "tlmr. o f the t'~ ltlt e o f ;.... u ~ntl . L('\\.'] s, d(l(.-"':\5,-. d. I· ~. Fr ,IL-ral !';1Ir<·ty ompallY I lIc .. f,H fl05 .J .I, whh in t ('ces t fro:,~ ,fn'Hlltry 2 • IV2 4 Fil C' d AUJ.:u,l 2.1\ 11. . The . tatc of Ohio, Oil the rt·llltion of the II r pnris.Ohio Qunrr),. Co .• ,·S. The Warro n CUlInty (' O llllltlS " I O n ~ I's ~ t al. . ror manc\nmll ~ . F ll l' a ,\ltg'u st 2. t h. L d The Vi r~illia J oint : tock n il. Dllnk. o f Charles to n. ~' " Vn ." ",s. Cho rle s R. Stllyt oll a nd S hlrky Slu~· . [nil for ·lftliO. ·1 ' a lld f,we, l","\"(' uf mO;lgag:. Filet! .\ugll st Augu st ~

H "tJ kiu~ ': ill ". A Il,~ .. t .J. ~c h (' u r e r.

..... IU· l ' J fl lTt li l h .'

ll flH' ~ ( \' l ' I " bud\',

:-'1" '1 I





d on't

Appli catIOn "' ilS mud" fur .1 Iwurillp: tu 1I,100it Mary I::li zaitt'th 1I 0'·,· y. nn alleg',d inec,mpct(:1lt t" till' Da yt on . ' btl' hu"pi wl. \ I' ,," F. Brown Wll ~ u JlP oi nt d as udlltin ,, ' rato r o f the estate of WIl· met ta • (, 3.1, d cc'cu~e tl . Ulull'l: $5 t10 hon do Apprai tic ment actlOlI ITI ~llId estate IVUS omitt ed, the val ue there· of being estimat d at less th~n $50 0. Alto ll [0'. Grown Wll ~ ap " o t ll t~ d as adm i n i~lrllt.or of the estat" of Enu ly N. Sherwood , dec cnf<cd , und er $300 hondo Appraise ment omitted. An inh eritanc,' tax e ntry was 0 1'· derod ccrtifit·r1 tn the aud itor in the sett.i cm (·n l of the c~tu t e of Henry i\1. Deck '1', de!:eascd. . The will of Wurd Le . decca cd. was adm itted to probate. Alfred G. W at kin s WIlS Ilr)Jo i n t~d a s rxecu l ur he rein . Itnth" $u'OIl b"nd. . Proof of JlublicntilO" "f no tIce o r Ih ~g i n.8 t he appo intm ent. o f Owell as ({d mr (If the pstllte o f I hllll" K Baker. d' clt'lI.ed. WilS fil ed. Application was m ,~d c for the ad · mi s~ ion of Clara IrWin Hufford .• adjudged insan e , tn t he Daytun State hosl'itul. The will of Willium C. Burs k, de· ceuSf!d wa s admitted t o probate. A l vi~ H Driever accepted th e up· pOintment ilS udOlr. of sa id e s tut ~ un der $ lO.OOO bonel. D. B. Hllml lt!>n, F . D. Stjtt and ~e e Masu.n were up· pointed as apprUlsers herelll. First a ncl finn l ucco un t of t he estate of Eva. Os born. deceased. was filed by udmr. Robert L . S hawh an. First and fina l account of t he estate of Anma Marie Gr ah am. ,lcccased wu~ tiled by adm x. Lydia Graham. Sul e. proceeding. co ndu ctC'd by executor Walter Werner in the estlltt! of Henry Wern er. d eceuscd, were approved by -the COUl't. Mrs. Evil C. Keever, widow of W. Oscar Kee ver, has elected not to take u nde r .th e will of said ' decede nt., In t he matter of lhe estate of Em· ily N. Sherwood, deceased, .the court gave permission to admr. Alto n F. Brown to sell at private Bille . four shan's of Cincinnati Strect Rmlway capital sloc k of par value, at $30 per


0'<£TiWYCh1CJUWm:TehTWYWen.1JetM I

llse.afloorvarnish thatis tested 10 hardwear



On Chatte ls,Stocks, Sec uri· nnd Seco nd Mortga~es . Note. bought. John Harblno J r .• :Xenia, Ohio. °maO-'26 S

ti ~8

Farmers, Attention! Farmore of Wtirron and adJolnln, coullties may ohtaln money on Ion. time loans, at 6 per cent interest. Cost of securing the 's ame Is very rea· sonuble ,through The Federal Land 138nk~ For further Informlltion call on or address M. C. DRAKE, Trey. urer, phone S lG-X, Lebanon, Ohio. WANTED \\. i\ N'l'I~n - l\1n n and wife to run a

furm on th e snares. Funn stocked an d '· <1uil' ped. h ouse furnis hed; mc'\dern. A cld re'S P.O. [l ox 135. Wll yn("wi lle, Ohio . ·s8

---- ----_---. .. FOR RENT ---- -- - - -

ROOM FlIH RE NT- Furnished, in ,:rood IIlI·ali" n. Inqu iro of Ross I!nrlsock. <I t "o"tottic e. °sl

= ---=-.-=-=====FOR SALE

rrm play of clilldi-'eri.and 1 (Van\~h that


out the

J.. the daily tramping of ,full beauty of ,our floors.

:b usv feet PlJ. t floor varnish to 3 severe tcst. Only varnish.. 1th'l tPosses~esc:....~m~tou~h'j ,ness and elastic~cy will give ;slltisfactorv service. on,Y..?~ ,floors. ·nevoe~Marb1e· Floot 'FulIsh to~. dastk, _lustrO'us


t Tested in advance for'srcadilvapplied,ancf tgives lasting protection. . __ ~ \When' used according- CO .directions. it's guaranteed CO (give satisfaction. PractiadJ l tests pr~ Dewe pUQI"~

FRED M. COLE, Waynesville, Ohio

PLUMDING PECIALS FOR SEPTEM.BEHOuk or tnuhogllny fini sh closet Reats, and lids .... ......... $2.95 Beautiful nil white scats and lids, very special . . ...... $4.46 Complete vitreous Chi na Closet, outfits. A r eal buy.... . .$22.00 All other fixture s in proportio n. Now is th o time to buy you r plumbing needs fit the Bit SLore. Give UII a call. ' THE BOCKLET· KI NG CO.• 415 W. Muin St., Xenia, Ohio, phone 360. s8 FOR S ALE- White 0 10{; male pigs B" n Jam es, R. D. 4., ll e, Ohio. *s8 F'OR SAL E..,..A lot of fine Bartlett peurs Ilt r ellsonlluley prices. Clift' Burnelt, R. D. 5, Wayne.ville, Ohio.


FOR SALE-Fresh cow, third colt. . Also Hoosier Wbeat Drill, fertUizer attachment and Gr!lS8 Seeder. Katie Roberson...J)regonin, Ohio. *88 FO R SA l.E-600 bu. Seed Wheat, Fulhi o nnd Trumblill, inspected (HI 8- 10 purity t wo yerns a go. H. A. Corn e ll, R. D. l., Wayne~ vI1le , Ohio •


,. " ,,,\ "

A co mmission was issued to Att.y. depo sition of Mrs. Fred Durham. W!tness to the will of Alexander MC~In­ ney, d cceaBed. Mrs. Durham r('8lde8 at Lancaster. Fan"ie B. Hill acce pted . t~e appointm ent ue g ua rdian of Wilham ~. Skidmo r e, -\vl)o i~ .confin~d to the State hospital lit LIma, $6000 .bond waa given . In the ITlatter of the eettlement of the estate of J ohn A. Jam~80n, deceased, the court determined the g ross valu(! of the us $18,822, composed us follows: Personality, $5322; rea l estate. $lS.6.o~ ; de?t8. $1651.78; cost of a(!mllllstrallon, $3?5 .,Tota l assets subject to tax, $ 16,8 4fi.22. S -I Successio ns were as follow s: ~ . van D. Jllmeson /l son, $4198 .80; Notti e . J. Hlltlielrl, n da ug hter . $4108.80; Mun ley ' R. J IImeson. so n, $4248.80; Gilbert F . Jam e~on, a 6011, $41 U8 .80. In vento r y an d npprllisen~c n t of the es tate of Thomn s H. Wh ltacro, de~('asc d, wns ' fil ed by CX('c llt.or, Harv y Whitnet·e. 'I'll" ",111 of Alexand er ,T hn son, de. ceused ' \'0 $ produced for pl'obate, Wnllade JI', Vernon, Ash viJIr, N: C ., WO!! appointed to tuke the depOSItion of ·.Tohn W • .Kellom. Flore nc~ Drummond and B1llnch.~ W(llton, witnesses. who r eside at Ashyillo. Sales procecdi tlgs loy udmrs. W. 8. Wllrner and O. L, Co nnur of the OK' tate of Media Wurner, deceased, wer~ UPPtl>vc(1 by the ourt.t Applical~oo by adlltf:;, W. B. War· ner and· L. Connor, of the estate ot 1I1cdill for exemption from.

bllttl ,,~ .


(',·Ionel Il oll",· " ay~ that the Sen· Morrow·. t<l ntl ' ,.Ul!"hl ""1 htl\'e anything to do Wil1i lilll : . lIa yner. :-;"uth Ld)U lllI n, wit h l1I:1kin.: , ... ·lIties .. ultd (fouloticss IntH !Jr.. !II un d l.t! in Murro ·. AI· h,· "",, u it! bo \l illi ng to tak e over the So COl'li can nm" tlHu: lllnf'ry lm saiJ who l" ju b him",·If. luts . 'I'he w"uther pru let who suid we lIc Gl·kiah B . .Ie.t ic.· tn Fmu t, D. wou ldlt 't hll v(' Hny "",,rm weather Ihis Miller I (If, nrre. in FnI"kli" 1'1'. M lmml'r i!oO th)W ",.·tting r c ndy tu prcEuri Kil'k til lI'·7.f·kia h R. J,·,t ic,'. dkl a mild. o pen wi nle r. lot :l20 111 Franklin . ,>xt <'l'lin ).! th ~ Th,· slllull boy wh" used to r un Wl'sl Plld of u n ~ IIl L, '\I,' lIl' fll r th e W ('st t o becullle a ~' r ank !l lind i\ "na Mille r to II p?,- CO" bol' us been ~ucceede d by tho e kiuh D. .J~st i c· . IOl !1.\ \1 ill Frtl nklin . .l'oun g'~l\l r who goes I~nst to becume a lsl) n thn""t'"o ",rip fr Ol m the wcst n J:u nm nn. en li o f , airi 1m The sO"iet g nve r nml' nt hilS subsiS u ~nn E . Rnd Thomas A. H Ullli l· ,liZI' d lin I'Xp erlllil>tl to Africa which t on 1 0 Chnrlcs nnu .Je nn ie l.(·uf, th r et· will a ttempt l o ~II (" '~ful1y c r uss·


fu ture



wh at tht' Frl'nch owe

'1" 1"11 ' b~·~t dl' tini t iul1 (I f n m odern prilll:'l:i ,-l ed h 1n Il'i it p l uc~ ",h ef t· the \'u tl r ~


\\ur ~ lh ~ Il\ iullH' will drop p (Ji~\O n gas S"' llul o r ho mb s 011 thl' (I f>op le. A "iutors ~ r e o tT tlw tdn.'lItJ y (h .in~ some (I nnUl ~c wllh

~ (I W It rlln ~\\' l c k ,

r, u fl'd


Advertise It Through the Medium of

r\" \\Lilll,



s.. ·U. Early for Your Sale Dates. We Guarantee Satiafaction or Charge Nothing.


( ',

'f'ur11t,.·l'n' \.'., '1'1"

. ( 'k rtHP ll l t. ' \llIll t y ( · 1l11111 11 ~r' i u l1t:I' :'\. for ovc .. s uch I illy things as bathtn): slits J ohn ;\l o l'f1::. tl ' I. t.... t .' r Hnd 1'.<1l1u fir .. ! {,..:tir"w t t' (I n ('olltrad for (rUun · P" I)hu ltl y b'! fore th e wint .. ,: is uver :-; 11I , llI'r. 1·ll.:ht ""n" ill Vrankli n 'I' ll. IOIi bri dl.:e . $:! C, OU. yvu \\'tll see the N ~ ~v J,' pi).! wum· Lt'· r an d Edlin !-' lu :- lwr It) !\lury U II O il tlic vlluuc\,l lI e ~tngc With a E ll ig Fitt ~ . IllI s l'I ~ . ' ~., ~tl' und ~I l in


F. T. ,M artin Jesse Sta'n ley Auctioneers ,'


hn'l·d IIru ng Ol1tHfl gs lilltl humnn s. .\ 1" ... "" I'. II "d 11,·ll·" E. W,,1f t " Thi ~ m ny he n mOVe to fi ll fo; t)1t H.' "(If 1'-. (;, I II til'. III :.!(I 111 HI ,.hlllnt! I'a r k t hl' fr"IJUl·nt \'acull ci l' ~ in the co m~ .. u l d " " i l ' ,'I, P I' ~\lllt h I (,hIl1l0tl . IlHJlli !"t h iJ.! h l"o ttlmund . In

T p.

F ully Equipped for Good Service. Large Display Room. Ambu lance Service TELEPHONE 7


t in g' llJ;Hin ~t 11 prHtuc t lve h l1:1fr 111 l' C ~1 : 1I· 1, · tt .• (·1 11I1i und tn'at",,, nt l':lI 11 J:u rl l' y, lilt I:!H In !.h. , :\l lwli 1'l r Th', n lU:-. ~h ' J'hl v. \\' hv \\' :1 '-1 I'itlt.lfl (fH):! . d<> not r emll muer thut fiftee n nnt cor ll It 11" 'cl mu ch ltiunl!" in 18114. 111H \ 1 ., d dll\1dl. . 11\' a Ih.lg nl11it'l t,·d I . llli I :\IIII.'~ , $.~IO; lI (1 ~ ... . tI :l lI tl 1<It, Jilt 1111\\ .l! d to \\ iI - '1 " h ' ( Itli(' l' ()1)t ii i i .'r:-:.. .... u pp i u,·... Th,' puliel' II I I\li llln, Jtsd y. hllv(l for IiUll i F H od \ i r~ i! 'I. , Ilt' l l lllL'h I'. a 1I1: dltnr .. I .:!tl. (;t'''r~1 .\ . ~. ull b :-.. CUI stllr ted II "ru "" ric on i mn1 n dl·~t bath· l nw t ilt (, dd :--' Iqq. ~~ . lit Jtl nl",\"!'''-' ''' '\' H ~. 1:-. 1 "'K n lu ul.v !""un~ l'.\ II I" . .~2 d [, 0 : i ll): " \li b . Why tlo the rwli('~ wor,ry



on the oriILlnnl IIenulne OOLD MIID4Lo

I , :.:. t; ,: ' j:,.'p j .: m it h

,\ 11.

.. \, ldllll lrl

Frnnh ,I:


Haneyshar, Fertilizer Coo

1\ " I, ll .. 1." .

( ·harl,·, I.. Bolt. ,

J. E. McClure


corTeCt Internal trouble!!. stimulate vital OrgWlS. Thr~e si."•. AU druggllts.


Walter McClure



dJl:lI l lr;\\'





B .lr ~.t· l.

All of the above material can be found

W~H.Madden &

~1!~ .





\ •

: "' , " I !


" ,I .

Portland Cement Plaster Lime Plaster Board Wall Board

our yard every day in the \ moderate prices


haarlem' oil ' has · beenc8' world-. wide remedy for Jddney ,liver and' bladder d isorders, rhewnatlsrn, lwnbago and uric acid conditiooL

.I ,-E IS F. .

Asphalt Roll Roofing Brick

Rods of Wire Fence


1'. ,', I t : Ii

Builders' Hardware Smooth and Barb Nails Wire Hinges Locust Fence Posts Door Locks Barn Door Track Farm Ga tes 3000

. h"~l''''''1 I.

RedCc iarShingies Mulc·h ideShi IH~lc s Car y Shingl e~




H,,)udd ... III ',I <l ho



R£G. u.s. PAT. Ol'I'!CII

~"U~I-a. II'h~:

h~r~ I

'I OCroc ' =:1'1'==.10

tit N nll.uun 1m tWQ mUvM llway, i t~ ". Uf.n<loo -I'w-ohg! ratYf' l 1,lgo say. "You've got t.n M.ISSUED EVERY WEDNERDAY ... convi nce thf' hl1l"~ you ''1(' ~'ot 5001 The i "r iml ,h SUll 1luYr chfJo l had u ~n '.,' d or ' he P".to/fic.• • t WetJ'n •• ute thing rn r tl. n\," ~Ir', W" It.~ r K"III it k j ~ ~t' r ~lll~ 011 d (' l i~h ful pic ni c 't 11111'111 011 l1arlr, t I)hi" , o_ -;e,on ,u l C'q,.. !'l-1" i t ftfo " "" 1h,' I-f '" II<I , UI'Y, nt 1.<:1)'11101" • 1/\ , JII ~ t. hllw llu ~huy \ ttl J l in thil> ·l' hur~ dIlY. ' ~1 (·"g r~ . \Iv ill imn Gr,. lwll1 und Cla rI MrF . Chnl"l 1< ll. Gra y an.1 , lllll l~ h .. _ _ -f 1I" b,crip'Ion Pri .... $1 .50 pe r COll ll trr? 17' AI' r e . \\"(,r c Wayn "Hvi lll' vis H'lTs. "11 <1' S mtih >1' 'lit SaW I'''''y ill Oayl"" Ii ~~ 1\ " S t:l cy KIII 'II t. ~ e\· fl. L. CRANE: \\ " dll c' ""y. aft rl" ')11. THE CASE OF MIPSHII 'MAN , ~j j ss ,l\d" (;rarl' t nd e \"\\: od wn~ d a)'~ LI :-. f. Wl'\'h, \\ i l h l'C'I : lt.iv(l s in fla y Z IR KLE l ll ll.







\'11(' :-; 1' 0

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J'f r alld I r "' , 1f" 1I II l1 wk(l un tJ Af ll i . r;u rl B. 7. il'k l~.· w h n to n c'~ lIlity a t: t il,' S intt: Fui l' us the .\ II"" t. "I' " nl MUll'! :.) at tl ... lJaytvlI W :tS ..,dut'atl'd hy I,,' gn\, C l'nll1l~ ut ut III 'a lt hl h l ~i,· 1. ' ( i ur. An ll u!,,,li < NII\'u l AC/lcj.·my, an.1 the" "I:fu ~l' u til 1I"C ~ "t th ' " II ~ i l:'lI ('. '1"'-

Mid Hhillmall



,'. I

Co r'n A . Th(tmp~n n

I lIi ~ R illll. I lfll':tll S C


WU HlI ' t "rai~f'd



t il

Hirt h Rtil fH' - :;al'ph i"l'.

;:\ot lll'l I I1H~ f;l q ry ,

' ·111\\"(' 1' -

\1 .. tn. " J) uu llt whnril )' 1l 11 w il l. hut 11('\" ' 1' Yl1u,·",'lf ."' 'f' ''. 1 "''''1'1' Y"Ul" nr ind, ' " fil k d wilh 'l' l ulh ,,,,,I 1."\',, t "al <ill . .t i,;(lU}\C' l ll H I

d f'n lh

C tll ll lO L


(' lIl, ' r thr' Il I."'

- - Mar y Bahl'l" r:dd y,



a m un of ~ lId\ irlt:II IIH'


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fu r t llH t-o tubh' l aw~ ~ llIltll ~('JI ~ I ' u f o l,IIJ.!:I' S p,. in~ ~ h H II - - - -


Ca p t aill uno !\1 noi . Charll'H

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h:.I 'l! t l .... . t ~ \ ' J. d Ii: , ) .

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garner to Ou- ,' nd

SAYS , "'"


I\li ~s




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THUR SI,A Y, SE P TE Morl< ' i


I· RJr> ,\ )', SF. PTI: :-" :. -I.I 17

P u r 'l ' $ J jt un 2 : 11 P ." ('

. Pu rlot !S:l :; f't. no " P""c .~ ~ 50 'I() 2 ,12 J r"\ .Pu ,·, " :;. ; ~ (J ,ltl 2 , 20 p , C " ... . .. " $ :l ;n. oo P I,r , .. $]'i{) 00 Mul, R .... l' . ! '. ::! in 3 P 't r I ' ;-15. 00

2 : 15 Tr o t P u rse $300.00 2, 15 Pa ce ..

2 : 25 Pac t'


. Pura e $300.00 2 : 19 T ro t ,

~ -B~;~

$500 Special Prizes for -Farm Bur.. Girls Club Work $150 Special Prizes for Granges


o o n II


Ample Accommodations for Autos al d Otller Vehicles ADMISSION: Single Admission, SOc; . Vehicles, 25c; Membership Ticke~ $1.50 ..

From now till the laet day of the Montgomery Ooun'y Pair we wUl rive you free one gallon of Qe.Io. fine with 8V81')' gallon of Tower Pe.lnt or Vandab you buy.

an agent In your oounty-DO ODe .to oall on you.10 we will pay yoUr "fare" to We haVen"

Day\oD. We wan' )"OIl to see rower PaInt in the ma.ldng---8ee the Lead, Zlilo and LID&ee4 on

groUnd together In Buhr Stone MUla under 'tons of preBlure, We want show you how hones t9- It II made-how elmply It is Bold. TIpitn JOU wW r~ tb&t the saving In prtoe .. real 'add that ov_1CJfm prIoea are. due entirety to Belling cUreo\. Oomll ae6 us. l.ea.rn the ,truth "bout paint& And If you buy~ 'p~ 1I8. U ' order we will ,tlve you free a gaDou




of·OB8ollne tn. 'avy AtA.""::ll'~ ' ;lorB. Pain, ':'l'~V~ or




' ~.' " .~


.. ~

. "

"Nnw. ch il dre n," ~ai <l t he tt'achc r. "tell ml! th e opposite of th e word mise ry .. ,

" H appi ness !" "Alld o f sad ness !.• " Glaun ess t" And of wou!" "G iddllp!" jj


lIFE'S MIRROR l{crh'c tion ~ hv Panne Struggling "VCI" unu ever Tu n c c"II1" li ~h. tu attllin "O lll ~ go al. We rus h t h ... llWh life . Ii', lll't:l ecting, mi5si fl g"

Tht! litt le

lhin t:~.

===========================~==~ /


"I cnnn ot plllY up on uny s,q-inged in strument; but 1 c.a n tell you h ow

of a little village to mllke B ~reat and /l:101'io u8 city." said the old Gree k Th e m i~toc l es. . One of th e most 1111 portant eleme nts in IIlllking II .small town a great and g lorious city. iR t he assuring of un ample s upply of pure water, As cities haye g r own lurge.r the proble m has beco me more difficult. Th e extt'nt to which municipill governments have gone to i n ~ u .e -SU fflcient un colitaminlltcu ' water for t heir c itizen~ ·Is "hown in the case ot Los An" ies, Ca l. . II fe w fllcts o bout whose water system should b e of value, to all interestell in city plunning. Th~ Municipa l Wuter bureau, wi th its supply and distribution 3ystem, r e prcaenti "a n iJlve~tm ent of mo~e than . $76,O OO.~00 . The main 80 urcc of Rupply is a giant aquoduct. ,nearlv 250 mile. in length. It Is known (IS the Owen. River aqueduct and is laid across the -Mojave Desen 'and up the eRRt side or the Sierr as to tap -the melting 8n9_ n ear their 8ummits. . It took five years 'to COmplete and II l:apable at meotlng the water neede of tiro milUoD people. This aquedad to be the largeet ill the 'f0rld brlqing water OJ • cit),. ruteea ftlerVotrt are ue4 for the .


"to r~g,! of the water, Thoy hnve u lotal ca pacity of 120.000 acre fee t or about 39.00 0.000,000 ga llons. Thi ~ is en ough to meet t he city's domestic wnte r rcqu i:rc ments for an cntire year withou t bl!iug r efilled. . Th e nc two'j-k of water mains carrying the wat,er to consumers totn\fl. almost the n umbflr of miles IIGNS; the continent. Su rveying a\lll othe r prelimin'a ry wo rk hu'!, \> 1l~1I done tor a second aq\le"u ut ab() ut 260 miles long which will bo built: in tbe future. It win increase the capacity until seven mll,li on inhabitants clln be taken CUrQ of, The .water brought; f ro", the m el ~­ in g snOW8 is pure at t h .. source and com08 through th s aqueduct uncontaminnte(i , The, problem of k eeping it pu r e in th ~ r eservoir is m et by an elabor ate system of tests und sterilizutlon'. Instead of the old metbod of throw Ing in powder, :cblorlne gas ill mixod with water in a ' wuy alin Uar to the cha r gi ng• .of cl\rbonl\~ed w~ter, and thiR unun in to tl)o tanke. ' ft Is II. 8'ignifl.cunt t uet thnt. tbe hcultlr d,eP!lrtment reporte that aince 19.02, nut a, single cue 'of waterborne disease has been reported in the city. ' , one 1!lrllmDI ..



Good Music Each Day.

Election of Directors, Sept. 17, from 1 to 4, Treasurer's Office.





1'hl'se law s ui ts lire most alwlIYs The switchb oa rd ul Po licl' Hend- "I' Uled to lhe slItisfllctio n o f both quarters fllI"hed lind a ~\Vl'et youn g lawyt'rs. VU iC l' Illurmurcd : " lI ave you lost a puliccJnan '! "

··Nv. why'!" "Well . a bluccont waR Re en saun teri ng along th e ~ tre ()t lind this IICVe' r hnpp l' ncd bero l'c in vur lI e ig hbol'hood. goo-lIyl'.':'" _ .. _ __

Dr. John W. Miller Denti.t


N.tioD.1 B.Dk BIll •.



Nothing but reliable Serum and Virus used

Dr. W. E. Frost Veterinarian Harveysburg

III t111lbers of lht... firm w er e hu lu i ng a

'llt'l'ting. Seni ur "artner - " How abou t you I!ll ing ou t. nnd getting sli me orders'!" J uni or purtner- "How would it be \~' cJll'!~'

_ _ _



DR. E. M. RUDOLPH The Ey.. Sped.lilt

At Cary's Jewelry Shop

ONE ON THE D EACON "B r othe r Brown, I'se a coll ectin' fl)' de bent' fi t 0 ' ollr wor thy Ila"tah," ex plained n nc o f th e deaco ns as he clI lI",1 on one of the breth r e n . " Vou a ll kn o w nur reeter am lellbin ' dis (' hunh and w (" -all "01 ago in' to git t o~c thH nnd gib him n -little mom en-


Phone 44

The n e w stcnogruph cr was v ery, \ ' ('I"Y bcautiful. Tht: lWO pllrt.n el"-

if yo u

Lebanon, Ohio

Every Tuesday 8 , 0 0 •. m. to 4 p. m.


tutn. ' ·


Will. Dr.wD .... ......E.t.te. Settled

Wayne.ville, Ohio

Immediate relief from PILES getOrr 1II00D's Maile 0I11tmevt.


with Many little chicks are hatched out with greatest care only to die from feeding neglect. . Be fair with your hatches thi!J, ,. year, GIve them a chance to live nnd thrive. It costs so little to do it. Conkey's has solved the problem of carrying little chicks &1fely over the critical first 8 weeks. No other Chick Feed has such a record of success. Poultry raisers find that when Conkey's comes in - "good luck" eomes too. Chicks ted Conkey'S ~uttermilk Starting Feed resist disease--especially White Diarrhea-the

costliest of all chick plagues. Conkey· fed chicks thrive

better too.

They gain faster, m&ture earlier" weigh more,,,.,



is different from all others. It is so clean. 'sweet and genuine. It is the only.feed made by the ORginal Conkey Process-nodried Buttermilk is eVerused. OnlySemi&lid ButteniUlk is combined with other ingredients in the original arid successful Conkey~ay:

Don't ..reak the Chal.·.• •

Conkey's Buttermilk Feedli



Three in number-one for Starting-one for Growin.l~. for Laying~ the best for its purpose. .' _ ,







Gasoline Free



W ednesday will be Old Soldiers' Day, when Free Admission will be Furnished the Vetera ns of all Wars.




n~ ' t a

Instruction Warren Coun y's Annual Exposit·on

2 : 24 Trot ,

"Inside" Inform ation

t un,


h lld '1 1':-- . ( k ..I1 l t ·~ ,"l ull t' flI X.


--- ..

avs of J

uf i\ 11

.\.Ji:" ... C la l' tl B, ·li l' lI u l1 t , lIt' (' (' d B,. I)r. "lid Mrs. C. (; . Hun dall und 1I ~ 1. ' n Cl1lurt:II11~d t v dinll~ " , \' 1ill' \". ,11\').;1 ', :- PL'll t t h,' \\ l'c k -lO r!!! Hod - Bro\\, lli n~, ,"ulldny, Mr;. I'; uu Ar nold. of lJa y- LH UO I' iJ ilY \\ l1h h " lt ll' h , lk~' IS rrom Odd what a s hor' !. y d \.· .:.(.'b cI'J I I '!I ' ·IH.·" .\ l ' H td u~ IH tl l'lI I I III 1:-' , and ton. JIIr. nnd Mrs. Fl uy d Anuers ", ... su blim l: to lilt" th!.' If '"'' i " mllll, tht' mills 'I f '''':1\'' "nll JIlr. n nd Mrs. Cll rltlln And e r;u n, \\1I 1t ~I ... ~1\ " 11l H' \I ,l a " li d i\I, ," en :,' II l';,n It c rind him LII pt ' I ' r~ ' (~ lio n : what II lun g' (Jn~ f rill " ,I, c ulllus uf X"llin. )lurJ.Cu l'l' t i\1ulli1tl In \..'hil l l-~ t' . if 1I t1 l. I" d t':-1 tructi nn. t" the "Id im e, Mi s ~ Cill ru Hlltton is vaclltioning 1:'1" I (' ntury Hurldh ist I· ri(· st. i\Ir. alld ~Ir ' . 1I111"1" Y ~Id;ill" i ~s . of frum hcr duticij us nursl' with th e Wuyn e!'i\' il1 ," W( ' J' V T h\lr ~dilY dllult! r !'ructur & 'Gumble company, in 'illSAMA NTH A S .\ 'J S ~(' 1l !' t.~ IJ f 1\11':0;. l ·ha l'l v."'I J ph ,, :,:" . W I' . not jud~c unl e"" WI' ar" cinnoLi , ut t he home vf h er pu r cntS. will II I\!" , ,, he ju <l ~~<1 in tlll'n by th"",, Mr. Hull Mrs I {u :-'~I I! J:' l ff l( ' lt. unci Or. lind Mrs. H. E. Hntto n . ut Pleasw e j ll ti )..r, d. Clive un (ly e rnr nil e yc' . rint· f l'nthc rs nUl)' jll 11 ,\ k e fin~ M iss Cleo St"~· y ' 1"'11 ' \\ .'d, ,,'s un y ant Vi e w farm, 11 tl ll t h fo r Jl tCl olh in c r-imes or binlg, hUL even II mu dh ,"I!' lppcnr · Ul lht· :-lt ntl' F il II , l ', .)td I1 11 ' 1... , omi ~)\ 11I1l o f co nl1l1i :ot~ i on. W42 1Il1l ~ 1 Mr. W . H. O~rl c n , who ha s had uncc iN improved b y illl tl L' cas ionn l ~ Ir . a ud ) Ir:, Hula·r1. Ih ll"1lt 't t and pay I " t· sl·lf- . arn e price, WI! aek . ch urge of our scnvol for th e puS l pr(> ~ ni"g . - Dam·l.on . th r ~e yea r s. a nd Mrs. Ogden moved :iu n, of Unytu n. ·w ' r t' WCt , k ·cll d guC!'i ~ • Thul'sduy to Darrtow n, )jutler coun- of 111,·. IlIIU Mrs . !). II , Burnett. T ill' \lJi l1d~ ' wh ich men fear most . (' , t M ty. where Mr. Ogden will huv e chu rg e • t h L' Scv ~ru j f ru rn he re uttcnd cd th e \V I f or<" ro m e ' pR .. , ,', n I'n of the Mil ford Town ij hill High sc ho ol 1.)\/I".ul o r 1\11'. HilII'll MOlll.g0 IllHY at Rr(' t ll "~t' which di scllvcr' t he m. - " It is Ow peo" le th a ' e lY, powel' ·the coming year. Ari ~ l lI n . ~I ia mi c"IlI(it,'ry. Friduy uflcl'll uon. nn d cn n take it buck." .1.. 1 II Mllr Mr. und Mrs. W . O. Larkin !lnu Miss l\1uJ'id Sy kes. o f Dayton, hus I prny I lit' prayer th e Eas t<.>rn ers ti n. sha ll. babr have mov ed inlo Mr . unu Mrs. r ei un, ,11 lo Lyll!.' f ul' the Bchoo l Mil.\' 1111' 11 'nce I)f Allah abi de with Geo rge BCllch's r!.'sidellc(l for the Yl'ur, a ll u i,. lJuurdi llJ{ with Mr ij. Jas. ytHI: \Vh" !'{'\"(' I' you !\t.ny , whr r('Vc r you ~o! Thu Fren ch governm e nt hu s c Ul schoo l term, Mr. Larkin hnvi ng J u hll s. Mu y II". lWll uli f ul pnlm. o f A ll,, :, d"wlI the ralion ~ of fish a nd meat, c)lllrgc of our sc hool. T wo of th ~ M .... Ma lvin a SlUCY. of Duy t o n, t:T"I I \\" ; but we won't believe tl. l!~· :11'" r call y ludy t euchers. 1I1isses Mnbcl Consta nt s pe n t. :o.t:'\·l·,..d d u ys )u ~ t week at thl' 1'hrllu l! h days of labor und nighb of sc ri ou~ about it untilllh'y Cl,du ce the lind Rosetta McMi lllln, will live in hu me of Iwr ~o n. Alb e rt Stacy, u nd Mrs. Flor e nce Carr's house, n :-, I, daily II ll ow unee of grape Ju .ce fum ily. T h e I,'\'e of good All a h mUKe you Thuse who fniled t o scc "T he Puth Mr. Lincn l n Sidt·s \\'115 op rrnt e d hl..:{t ; Across t he Hill" put 011 by th e YoUnll nn 1I101lduy , ut McClellan Iw s pitul. So I tlluc h my heRr "" t he F~IIl!tF riends of Wuynesv ille, mi ssed" run, XCIII". und friend > hert: hope fur his (,,'''''r" .10. t r eat. Th" chuructcr~ were exc~p­ <pt'edy rcc ov('ry. May Ibe PI'llCC of A IIl1h nbidc' with tionllllly we ll cast and each oue deWinter squllsh or cymli n ~ cnn be you. , e lecte d, M,'". Cha rl cs Go ll rclUTIll'd t o h t' r se r ves pruise for lll!.' manllt'!" in whicn sliced und fried lik!' egg pln n t. hc portrayed hi s pnn; and the coach hUII' t: ill S l ' r in~lield, We,ln eriday. uf• THE F IN E ART OF HOC CALLINC Miss Esthcr nd erw ood, is to b' con- l" r spendi ng a week with II1 r. Ilnd To remo"c a li ght sco r ch s t a in from grllwlated on the SUC·l·" SS of the "Ill), 1\11'$. J oseph Chllmpiu n . " cotton fnbric moi st e n t he s t a in with Thu Hurveysburg vrc lws trl1 furni" hcd 1\1r, nnd Mrs. G le nn Brock and \\' ~' n' lea rn ing mnrc allfl m or c c\'wuter .an " "Incf' in th e su n . cxc c ll uill nlll ~ ic. dauglltcl'. Betty Jun e . uf I nuianupery ihy. npu li M, " , ( I n over !)u nday ~uesls of \\" , 111'1" fillllillf,( nut thn l "hog -cnllL cf t -o \'('r homi ny I!rits may he cut Ur. alld M 1',. L. U. Brock. ing " i~ a real ur t . A JlUW!ol llopur :a d· .. 11.1 ItrnW III d in bun,' r or othl' r fal t o Ch nr l e~ I! oy ~ c has relnrlleu t o his ' mill " d that it J;'ln't know anythi nf,( makl' a rn 08t nJlI I ~ti z inl(" dish I!ond t o hunle in J)uylu n . u(te r havin l:' s pent abo ll t it, lind imlllC'.liat('ly tlH' r e f nl- sc r \'C' al any menl. The slic,>s lhou ld II,,· (, Il tll' ,,,, ",""m, I' with hi s ~ ralldp al"_ ue nt lell8t a half inch thic k. dipped l iIlS. ~l l'. " lid J\l n ,. ,l oe :Vlli th. Inw. '" " nood of "nut.h"rn " t h' c" ill - in !lour, lind fd"d a delicate browll Hev. r. " 'I('ss is atte nd ing lit . E . f ormatinn Cro'm We~terner~, Eas t er n- ,'n hoth . hIt's. \I a v!.' t h fat hot cOllfcrc n 'e ul TII I" do. Mr, ;)1\(1 1.1,·s A. K White ,,,,,I SlIn R c n oug l.1 to forlll a brow n crus t qu ickers . ,"tl utherllers. Norllll'rne rs. (I f :'-ill "illg r",'d: M I' . lind Mrs. C. W. Mi ss' Mym lI ayt l.,ck is thl' f,(ues t of lyon tlll' *l"il.ll uefo re t he insid e soaks . IhrJJ{h t . of ,'p rlll ~ I ,,'ru. <punt Lubul' Oh. yes, we know that horrs ure UP lh (, fli t. A I ~o. tim e the cooking M r . li nd Mrs. W. IJ . Larkm. in Har· Duy with l it-. alii! illrs . KeHler LOra "call(' d_" Wi! called t hem ou r selves so that th e Jri l'd ~ rit s cnn be ~e rv ed veysburg. ham, lIoml' Yl'llr~ "go, hilt far he It from a. sOli n liS they urc b r ow ne d. 111 1'8. B W . Kel ch alltl children TC' ~ II' . nnd Mrs. Willin,,, Brow n mu 118 t o venturc t h ~ "corr ect" approach. turn eel to th eir hum ' in li ica j('o. l n t'l, d lo Hh'h mcJlHI. l fl d iana , SUllduy, The weuring qunliti es of p il e fnb- Sunday night. W u finll, Loo, thut there isn't an y 1I11t1 ~ !,Cllt n "t,uple or days with the cUte particular exercise of t he voca l d cs depend very large ly up on whethVi r ginia und DlR nche tcphe ns, of latt e r '. brol,hel', Mr. Fenl Shuw . unu cords to bring piggie a 'running. or or not s uffi cient extr~ y~rn has South Charlcs ton, "pl: nt a part or fllmily . • , . I been u sed to hold t.h .. pIl e Into the la ~ t w,'ek with friends he r e. Co rr "~linl! nn e rror ill last 'cek'; Sugg('~LlOns have cnme from varl' , body of t he fabric. It is alwllY s ~Ir . oml illn;. Wa lter Ke n Mr. a nd Mrs . E. Hill a nd I"' \\' ~ : .olUl parts of t he country. ench BUP-I well to eXllmine ' s uch fab rics very posed to be t he original and authe n- car efully nnd n ot c how r eadily the ch llliren arc s pl'ndillg the week with ric k. acc o mpan ie d 111 I'. lind I\IrR. S. lI , Jln'n ~ ' t u. th r cu " io n <If 1\11". tic cull. Her e they are: ril e can be pulled nWay from its fou n- fric n d~ ne"r Fnirnll) unt. I nu . llni lll's' reJ{inH:n t lit lIamiiton. Mr. all d 1\l rs . W . D. Larkin lind Indiuna and We~tern Ken t uckydation. ••• , 1l"R ~"" t' r . InntglllllNY lind P-ii-u.o-o-g -i-e! p-o-o.o-o-g.i-I Po. Chi cken mites may be eradi cated S O'II have In."·,,d to HDrv e y ~ bu r g, d:1l1J.dllcr. J.\li ~~ CllIU, ll f lJa)l tHn. ,1'u · where Mr. Larkin is ~I1 P l' rillt':JlU ­ o-o-o·g -i-e I" by a f ew thorough appliclltions of ell t of schoo I•. l u rn eu hIJ J)l l' ,'u ndn y l· \,I'Idn~. afl'J' l\1 id"dl c W l'st:- "Whoo-co ! Who-ec k('rosl'n c or somc of the pro;-' \.' \·t' l'u l du y:-.' vl ~ it 1}1 lh ' home of Mr. C. W. Taylor allel family h ave It"d ~ I, ,, . \\ lI lIa l\l·n ... ~ k. du cts sold [ or this purpose. or crude Whoo-ce," pc trolt·um. tv th e inH' rior of the ntll V~ cI inlu th e ~('II,' r : p w" .... y and Enst Te xus- "O Pig! Pig 01 P ig pou lt r y house. in chl.lli ng th t' fl ?or. t;ttrl \ "!l llun lUhu r li l " tht' lll' \'p t' rt y ~.- Elk" l" " (l~ 'y, in c" llI pl.l ny \\ ltll ~I. · "nd ~ Il' " . .\I art ""x, IIf Da ytakillg care lO get the mllicTlsl IIl to vucllted by I he T,,~ I v r'~ . 01 Pig 01" t ll i t. mot t'/ 't,d lu lJt ,tru ll, t\!Jidl .. Fl'i· th t' crucl(s . . fl e lllwurc- -" Wh o·e-c-e-c-e·e-e-e !" T he 1I11111\' frlc'lI tls of Mr~ . Curl Ju ~. f".· " ,:IIO,·t VI ~ 11 wi th lhl·ir sisJ on cs a ...• j!'lnd t u 1~ 1I1"1) (hat ~ h c is Gl l.Isgo\v, Ky .-Soo-e-e-e ! Soo-e-o·o I A soft c usturd 5hou lil bt· roo ked mllLh i'''j.u·U \\·'' uy tr CII\lIIcnt s he is t. ',· .• I I"' r ~. T hey "c t u l"lI l'd Mon day c \"(~ t1illg , Sboc·c-'c·j) !" slowly In a d()ub lc boile r ll ncl stirred tllkinJ{ ut I\linll1 i \' lIl1ey hos p ita l. FJ'ed Putzel, chllm pion hog caller ulmost con stantl)'. 1111'. and l\1I' ~. nm u pl McElwllill A e ry Quic t ma rriol(\! wu s so lel11 l1 - I' ~tur n cd lo tht'ir home in Sp ringfield ized in Ih" h"me Il( He\!. a nd Mr~. :iun.l~y . aft e r II six wec ks ' stay at .lc ~"c HIIWkifl s. w he'n Miss 1I1'1cm Hill the h unt !' 0 r \\li' and i\11'~ . C harlc ~ hecll1l1 " t hl' wife u f MI". Hay ""ylo r. whn ac ,:o rnpanled t hem an u "r neal' W illll ing l on. .1' I",y we t<' uc- i\~pl u, ' llnt"nlX. th e d:.y . compani.'d hy the h 1"id c ' ~ !.will siSl e r, ~ll'. u nd Mr". R(' ~ lo' l" Gmham nnd Mi. s l-lHzd lI il1, lllld Mr. l' I'a nk Lun dy. A rcc"ptiu" was held fo r th em d uug ltt l! r. 13(' rnl ('. ac co mpll ll i"d Mr. 3n d .1rs, A. E. Whit" 0 11 1\ motor trip in t he hom e of th l' h,·idc. Sund",' to Wili",i"i ~tt)n ud Hililsboro a nd ca ll ~t1 ,," ~1I ' . n"d Mrs. \Y . Cr ll\vCORRECT. SIT DOWN I f unl iii 1.... 1: bl ~s. 111 11


Speed Program. .--Splendid f{acing Each

'J f :-'l lddl l' HUll, lil ::t

Ili llicer and :;lJll cu nu, lh,wtl {' r o lll ·o lunllJu.':i ,\II ..ltld .\ 11 .... }-,,.:inh. H"I.!(·r ... , I)' s utb : "turday e\'e nillg tu,d vII ~ul1dllv , ~ Jr . \\ .., tt l' l UI IIP In . "f Cl l1 C1UJJut l. with M r ~. Mllry ('r"n el. uli d H" IJ e;·t

,111.1 U t ility

An rl \ .;, ti n C'

11, 15, 16, 7

WaynelvUle Farmers' EXchange Co.



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)II ~ . \\ . i' , IH'r dllu~hlcr. ut nl·lawnrc.

S~\ L~ 1. lIr ~ i!i ~Il'" . 1'1Iss,,1I

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h ll, u t ~ l " in JwILl, 'k. dill w llh illl. Ill1d MH .



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'I he' lali lidry ~1\'C:i

AlIt!lIlJClbilc :rl'pall'inl:. :\It,Lu t oil ,ie\'. H ldg t,. nnt! g lls .U \, l' r . I ay ;\liIl5 , . I. 7l. H " ~ " I\


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\\" :t ~ 11l·~ \ 1I 1 \.'

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''' n ll) ro l1li ~e d 1'\Ujt '.

and bO\l ght a bnby cur-


Pfol!H't.l L , blt (·d rcl!\

Illl. dlapuh..



l u rgnn \ \ 'U\" r

r\.·l\j"'I1 ~.J

1..-. 11", . '<, ft 1\'. \ "I' LUllI1d l'v lVash ." ,,1 .111.<. 1·. _ 1.. I h" I1\"~ "1111'1' - your l'l .. (lw:o- during ,'U JlI1111l-!' ~l'asu li . \,d d l td !tll1) tillltl t')' . • llfl d ll Y. .l

,,(.\,ltl h u\"(' tl on' bo tl!r tv

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T lh' L " tlt. ;\\ I,tlu' r '::" (,: luh Wi l l ~ t ' I· \· t· nH ' : d ~ H ' Oil' \V an'(' J\ C o unt y f.dr.

Il n


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)lr!", .lu lII" :-1 b:l' l'rWh', wh hU !4 bel,n rH.I ~\"IlI ~ . 311. S t\nn 1t..' Hl'u\\ n d l 1 I~ ~dd~ ' In b l' abn l1 t th l' hIJU ~('. ( ,. \ \ .Iu m:.u;o' , ~tttJ1dn ' ,

;III'. and :\1 ..... K. ~. ll \J u~h "" ' I'~ In

' II

~1 1l r\ !( " u ~h . o f ~I" i nl' \·ill" .. ~1"' 1Il to" II , Ill d .. I", t w"l·k. nt l'rrain- 1 3~ t \\ \.1\ . 1;, ,'ah rt l ln l )\'"s. li l'fl' , A ft('r ~ pl' n lhJ\ ~ tlh' ~\lm llh' r in

!Ill'. and Mr$. JM ,Ii n nllm})!'r ,.f I'l l,l\i " e, fli el inn r ,



i·, l ft~lt.

"lId:,11 \' ..,\ I '" 1 '.1~\ \.UII. 1... 11 , 't J1 ~ Jr . Hnl~ , 1 ~. ,J , t . E;II

tb ; arl' tot,

. 1','111



A l'oung marri d couplo argued


tOr. tll hU1\bnnrl I'ctllt'nl ng f or ni onths wl\nl kind of 11 v£lhiclo (q .m hl){l t !ll" t1.. - 'Did ou kill th, ' l' w(\ uM buy wIth t h \1' s nv lngs, \Vifuy wnnt d a scdnn . ' . ,. I). " D 'uric wnntod u rUIHIstc r . So th ey

ro. , \ 'u

hbllrn' lIrp JIl Tt,h" " Lllunfhll~ Ih' ?II. ~; .' ( \ )1 .





} U LJI'






:Hlt! ~ It·:-. . Cha l l ll l" y ~ I Hrd l s IIl l d


A yone caugi It on Mill prem ises at ni g ht, exce p (J n business, will be

jl l l'- t · (' lu ~::: :11,) 1'-

,'11 ~ )l.ulli I h·al'l lt·, of 1.t.·l llIt11"I, i\ntl ,' rl.';~ \ Idil, (';nlh tllCl , o f ·pnu).!, l luro . \""I'l' ~lI nd ll ~' t ' ,' , lI i t l )"~ ~t u\':- t ... lit' }Ir .1. ,eI :\1". it:, ), ~ I I II,

~Ir .- . \ " 'rll:' h:..Il y W", Ih l' di ll n,' r C . Sl ,), ,1111 li n.! lr ll "" "r ~I,. anli .\1 1" W . S . t: ,·a h· i\1r. and :\ lr ... It CO ("lIlt ' 1I 1:l11 111 1' duuJ,:"ht l' l". nltl' n dt'ti th,· " ~u(.'k ~4 r " I I" Hm . 11 11 S undn y. f, l\ , d li p f r.IIl i ·~ p n' jl tI,1. . ' ulHl.ay ar· Il illn, Ht T'"oy, ~ulldJ : (( ' I'I1P I) I1. fl'IUrnltl.L!' hnllll' " Jllnd u\' ~lyl ' I ' ll Yllm n :l1 l d fall\ il~' , III ' In Ill l l l'rlllll". .\1J s . I\/tt" (,,011'111:\1 1 a ~. 1\),":-0. (;ra ('r \It.' CUlh' :In d ~l, ... :-- 1: 111 11 (' II H..'IJ1J1: ll i !l tl\' n d in~ thl' :-O l · rvit' ... ·.; o f t'l' ll 1J HlHIt ' rl th eUi f or' a two Wi ' L'k ~ ' Milll''', o f 1.1IHI1 _ : \1 "1 '1~ lti ll ': t h t'l r Ih, ' .11 \)" I .. h .'.'{ ' W Y l':II·. \ i~l t.

arre5 ~ ed.



:\Ir. an ti :ll r~ . \\

We'll DeDlonstrate

mot hl' r,

j\Ir~ .

~ I i ll rr.


lIlr II II d

tiiHnu'p,'Ii~ ,

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1-:,' :1

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1I11 ~.

Ki,.v ... ,

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V lIl' st""

11 f

\\·.lill·" E I7_l' ) _

Want to see Goodyear Balloon Tires In action? Feel how they steer--ho\v gloriously smooth th y ride? Ccme in--we have a stoc.k car already equipped and cranked up for a ride. No obligation at all!

l' bi llld(' i phill , urt ' n :-:.i


" n ls . Ill'. "".I !\Ir •. A.


wilh Mr. ",, 01 to

F: l'uIH.mie:-;


~IJ ~I nd l;' dl.

g-u" sl s so ck. 1\1r

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W;J:-; d ill

n n . of

l ;h'lI'l i'n " , t '( t lH ';IIZ(' tt" fprL"' , t , D a .... t"u . 'l' Ut'l" d ay . I.u "na' r


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We are agents for the ce lebrated


. -=-:. ::-- - - - --


l" ' ctl il1g.

, 'pp t cmbl'l'

V isit illg'

I :L

nH' JIllJl'r s Wl' !CUJ1}t' ,

I.e IL E "IO Il T·AGE . W. M. !;U".\:-..' HAW K E, Sec' )'.

Young Friends Meeting Tl1l' Y. lin ~ (l n

r . ~ l.

h OI11("

will meel S(' plCllllwl'


t hl' T u m · 1 ~t.h.



'xl",di ng ,,'ilg (1Il n " nn. el f fn cli :\ 1, .', (d dJI I (H: I I"" I,_ I l t l. lH I.' d, D!' C ('XI' 'clil'J:!' W il R"n Du" " . II f Intl i· relat i''' " 1"· Il'. \ ( lIlld ,, \' :0 ." Ii; \III I · .la l'u l, '~, " f"'" .., 1' Lr,so n ." Tho S pirit of Go d." iIIr. an " ~ Ir~. 11 ;, 1'\" \ I:,,· .,n t! ~'I' ( f1 c1 I,'/tr t Wt, \"l't·~ . "· "iJl' a 1.,' \ "j th E VIL :l-JcMi ll ull. da lt,S:! h t (' r mH t tlr(\tI 1\ j)~ 1.l\\ ~l ' L"t. r," III , I,·n, D" v"t inns--. Velmll [l ~nnel l. W ~ llt\( " lI ny . a nd "l'l' l. Th". I." a t ~ I r. a ll,1 Mr,. . ', ' Ih ThUll "' ,, a nd th e Stat l" flllr. ,j,. T , ·101, . 1lI,,1 ~Ir . :lI,rn n '1 h"li1a~ , Mr . :t nc! ~I r " GI'r' ri:" lI :I I'I ." c k. \ 11' Ilf J)a y \ul\, :-p,'n l l htl \, 'l' t.. unci hu lid : \ ~'!" \\ It II n LIII!1. fd lk ~ an d ·,M rt-i, EJ'n ·:. t Ilarl::.u C'l, '''hi , till drcn :,ll f? ndl·d " LUII .I \, ll' lroio" "I ~1t .~l •• lIll.' F a t 11.'I ll y, ·t,.u rlH:d ho me L cnD. Ohio, , u ndtlY . ~\lnda)'. Hftl'r ~pl I,din ).."" It pll.·"~\I1 nt R !:,u lur 011l 11lUniCII li oll of wa y-I Fn-.l .\lailler nnll "" mil y . " f \>: " U11 <. w. ~ d{ l,,· it h J"td uti\-"" Hll d t'r il' nd s at "'·5"ill .. Lo'dg<? No . 163 F . & A. M., vi ll e. 1,,(1.. n ~un of \' . I:. \ 1 'Ih,". t hd ltcoj he nel r,, " ' ~ll st ' 1'. Tu sd ny c\'cninl;!', S('pte mbc r 14. Sospen t ll" 1V(>~ k-e nd :II \Il .>'lalh" " ~ lJ " !-.m .- !'llliLh. ?II .. , . I· I".-~ i r Cn- jour ni ng brelh l' ~ 11 a rc w k0 11l l!. hOIlU', ~ llInh o f l(l\\ n , 'I'r .tflll ! 'I U , Ci1c~t('r, Hl1d :\1 i:<!=1- Lucy .IESSE P flENDE RGA ST . W. :II. 1" nt S un da y with ~I r . an d I\1 r' Atln C"m·t, ll·Y, .1. O. r .lrl· /-:111 1 .1 F. B. HENDF; RSO N, .c·y . wriJ!hl und fHHllly '" (' n ' l1 nHj~t,-,"" I:u·l.: t' . In. J ,.h ll I)a"i ~ , " I' 0 'ar I lo rlcl ~ . f r om here wht, .llt n dcd lhe .:i t ,. k .~ ~l r. un d 1\Ir·,. O. R. Un~ h's by w ill f UlIlil) rcu ltion u ... lunday. 1"11\'" Thurs "Y 10 vis it r .. ltl lives al Dry cle a ning, p r sbi ng an d dye ing . H" , h \' ille . In ti .. unu w ill "Lt cntl th e R Ul!s und fenlh er beds re n o\,lIt~ d. III ,h""o Stllt e fnlr ut Indlannp olis. c urlains washed und stret ch u. Soft C. C. Car~y and family. of SillWate r L au ndry, Muh lo" Ridge, nl'y, were weck· en d g ue sts of L. A. a ge nt. ZillHlI cl'man and fnmilY. T hl' 'lw v Mr. u\)d ;\tr5. Ch" rl es Rye and Mrs. fnt\li lil' Hpcnt 'undllY li t ('o ney 1 Thing'S "down on he fa r Ill" orc D. E . Sl a ndif io rd we r e week-e nel lanll. quite dilTeron~ now thun in the old gu ~ ts of Mrs. Rebecca Wolcott, a t La Lhe Soft Wate r Lu u ndry wl'sh elays accordi n~ Lo COIl !( rc smun J ohn LCJ\u, Ohio, lind attende d t he Sarvis yo ur d uLhes d uring cun ning se nSon. Willilll1l -ullllll e rs, " uf Wns hi ngLon. r eunion. Th(' laundry giives you ftrst·c\n s8 8~ r­ The \ Vum lln' s Auxiliary wi ll meel vice. Leav e y our call w ith Mahl cn who ,vri lc's inte rcsti llg ly o f his boyish expe ri ell cls ill th e co untry . co m paring with Mrs . Lee Ha wke and Miss Kath- Rid"". erin e Pre nde rg ast on Fri dny u ft e r. cundit io ns t he n nnd n uw , in th e :-.Ia tiIlr~. Vi ola Ha rlan reLurn od home, noon, Septe mbe r 9, a t the hom e or at urday fr om Gale burg. II\., wh ere iV llal Republic . Mrs. Hawke. "W hl' ll I wa s II bo y down on t he shp has been s pending t hl! past three Mr. and Mrs. Churl es F. Mosher, mo n Lhs witih h,' r s is te r, ~Irs. O . L. farm we planted !\ few ucr es t o cu r n. o f Cincinnati, Mr. a nd Mrs. R ona ld Swnrtz. wo sowed a fl'w nc ros to whea l a n~ Hllwke and SOil. Frank. were dinn er onts all d g m ss ," Mr . 'ullllll cr s writes Ituests of lIIrs. Edith Hurri s and fam _ Mr and Mrs. J C. Ha wke, Mr. Il nd "W e milked ' a f ew cows, we sold I\~ ily, on Monday. MrA. ·W. B. Mnth er , Mr. nnd Mrs. St'\lI lcy Sl' lIer s spe nt S,u,dn y a fter- occAsionnl calf ; w,· fa t te nd ed " p!!n o f Mr. u nd Mrs. J o~e ph T . Banghnm, nV\l11 witih MrH. Mary Hopkins li t her h o~s; a hctl'ogcneolls fl ock o f pou ltry o f Long Bench. CuI.. Mr. lind Mr8. home in Belm vnt. "" n ev" rywhcrc . A s mull ba nd of Ge orge Gllsk ill nnd Mrs. C. Z. Mes hee p ~ ull\ll ied blun kets a nd soc ks. BI'Yli nt. o f Dayton, Mrs. Vii DI u HarMis, ~l i ld rf' d j\l ool'e. of Fra nklun wl.'re g uests 01 M I'. lind Mrs. K. fort , Ind ., called on Miss F l'I1ncf's mi t l ens , 'pu lse wnl'me rs ,' nnd r e n. N. Hough. Sunday. J nnnC' y, u nda y. MiRS Moo r e \Vns a white an d blu' 'co m fo rte rs ,' u nd " college frien d of Miss Jann ey, III hUllds , r t h e girls. Mr. and ' Mrs. W. B. Ma th e r I ~ ft Battle r eek, Mich. "Th e ' Umm el'S boys' wor kcd enl'l y Tuesday for the ir home at Burlinig. and law six days a week a nd cared ton , ' K~Ln 8" after n pl ea sn nt visit with Mess , s. Herbert Au lt. J ohn un d r clnti\lcs und fri ends. Mrs. Mury J oe Ke rsey, Howard Coo k. and WiI · fo r t he sto ck"' nil dllY Su ndny. A ny Hopkin s, o r Da yt on, IICcoml'uni ed lio m 'l ·h .l ll1 n~ rcturn ('n Sn t u rd RY f rom add itional labor wos produced at 'ftft h em home f or u visit. a w ee k'~ tou r o f Ni ago ru. Fnll ~ a nd ty ce nts II day li nd hon rd' or seventy· ~ url'o ulld in !! co un try. fiv e cen ts a dny if the lab or er boardMisses Esth er H end er son, Lu cile ed h imself. St J ohn , E lsi· Hawke oild Mnrjorie Mr. a nd Mrs. n "nrlh Shee han und """" t oo k a f ew sa c ks of wheut to H ubble It' ft Tues day 'fo r C~ d ul'v ill c. da ug lo ter. Mr _ a nd 111 1'S. Imi g MeC'lur.. w hert> thoy will C'nter I-he Gree n nnd da ugh l pr, of nl'lIl' S prin ~b "ro, mill lw icll n yea r- t hat furnished Cou nty Norm nl lit Ceda rville coll l· ge . ~ Ir . IIn el iVINS. Carl Cr ull, of Prank· flour an ,1 bread for lhe fam ily fo r the Miss H e nders(ln will sp ec ia lize in pi. li n. Mr. a nd Mrs Wa lt " r Sh eehan entire Yl!ur. We shell ed a bushel of 3110 li nd Miss Hawke in vlIcn l mus ic, s pen t S unday with ' t he ir pare n t" Mr. corn occnsio nally and Lo ok it to II at the c olleg e. a nd Mrs . Elme r Shee han . ncnr-by mill, waited f or iL to be ground, lind r et urn ed with 'th e mllkings' of our corn brefl~ a lld mush for winter eV(!nings. " W e swapped bacon for jeans and copper-toed boots. W e swa pped butter. at eight to eighteen ce nts a pound , and eggs, at Heven t o ftftecn ce nts a doze n, for sugar and coffee and r icl! and calico. "Whe n we went courtin ' we l'ode n mule or a stray co lt. Those were 't he g ood old da ys our castern frie'nds still havc ill mind. No freight problem. No a uto. No 'gaso line. No hllrd roads. No l clephJne. No radio . No phon ograph, N o piano. No 01'gan--ollly n Jew's harp lind I could not play thll.t . No electric lights nor gas nor electric rang-c. No COlli bills . Wo cut our own fuel from our own or our neghbors' 'woods' without restraint. No 'store clothes' for Johnnie. No ·r eaper. No m ower . No 'header.' No 'combine .' Th ose wer e th e days of the 'scythe and cradle.' , {!t. u t


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l-l r ad

"e Advertiser you saw his Ad. in the Miami Gazette

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Mr .. ,r "

Waynesville, Ohio

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H OIl tl'

W'aynesville Motor Co. Tell

:-=lt11rll( 'n~ . •

Mr IIn,1 ~In•. F ",OII " 11.. "f lIIr~ . I all'h c·hi. \\ .. " I ,,,,d d ,. u ~h· ~Il \ ·'·In ,, ". \ i.ittd .\1 ,· lind 1II1'~ . lcr , o f lh\~· t H I ·. :' 1"- Ilt thl ' Wl,(·l, · lm d J lt l'll l ':-O Kl l' l' kk , la :-. l ;:., undny .

fJ uytfl rt .

Phone 105

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~lr. nnd ,Mr!" . A1tn d \\' ril!lt t. n f


'.,hn ::; t l w n, 'II'. and .\11' (;, ",,~ , li :lrt .,. , k ha d ( l hll) . "H :-\ fh l ' .:t1l':;' P I' :"lr. . lI ltl .\ir'. u . . th ..,II· dill!!'..' !' 1: 1:' ·.. 1. 1111 \\ 'I, tl l1 ( ·~· \r . C . :-' t .l l' hl1 . :--;Hturtill Y I ta,\' . ~11 t-.~l' :-' .·\ u rl1~' ~ ll1d ~ l al1l l' Uro w" . \\'

.'" d H~

_ _ ......... _ _ --c-_ __




TIRE S I Un ited States Tires Best Wearing R Best Service


Best Price See Us' Before Buying,



Waynesville Overl,Bnd Sales to. H~






your Eggs to Kroger

The Best Rosenthal Ever Built Simple in construction, enclosed gears, running in oil, large capa~ity, safe to feed, easy to move about. Rosenthal Bros. built the first Husker in 1889. Their 1926 Husker repretents the experience of 37 years, and leads the field as did their first one in 1889.


Hardware-~-HameI8- .•F arm Machinery








FI our

New Low Price'-:" Clifton, 24!A.!-pound sack . . ..

Cou n try Club. 24~' -Ib, .ack .. $1.09


Country Club, 12 ~ .Ib . •ac ...... 57c

Peas N~::~~~2~ ~::'. ~~~~,~~~~ ...,.,.2Sc

C uu n try C lub. tiny, excellcnt quali t y. can .... .. .. .......... .... ......... ....... 2Oc Avo n da le Sw""t P ca., 2 can. .. 25c Country Club, .ifted. c.o .... .. 17c

Cane-25-lb. packet-... • . $ ..62 Sugar Pure Bulk-lQ pounds for .. " .. ...... 6Se Jars Square' Mason -Quar, Pin\s, per doz ... . .. ·69c h , per doz .... : . . 79c Jar Rubbera , d, .zen .. .......... .... 5c

Parowax ... .. ..... .. _._.. .. .. ..... :.. .. __ .. 9c

Fly Swatters . 5c

Low price, each, .... ... ..•, ........ .


fa 11C ~!.~~!~~... . . . . . . 30e ~~}~~r ~~!~aM~~ bo25e ~!~!.~~!it, Ibt25C .tal .... :I

Country Club, pint bottle .. ...... IOc


large Coleman'. Mu •.• mall box ........ 8e





l '5e ~!':~~t!?~!~~. " . .. .:15c

~2\C?r.~., . ' . . 20c ~~~~nJ:~:j._2_lb_._ .3~5 .: -=--e=Tobacto '2' 5'c' Country Club. 8





P.y C.r,

Smoked Sug.r Cured.

I.r••, Z P.Ir... . Ba. Pipe, 3 p.cka............ :.•,... 21c

, -"

No movies. No soda fountuins . No rr====================~==='~'=====~~ nolhin' fo r a hoy d own o n the ' farm r. bul work. ·flshin', hunlin', trappin', the old swi m min' hole and sch'oo l and 'spellin' bees' and gnm es and 'exhibiti ons ' a nd church nnd SundarSchool and .'singin g~.' . "That was the sim ple life I !' Th plie w\lr o 'the good old days' . ~~ • 1' " ' .. t \' down 0)1 t'he , iarm r ~ ' There ,\,,8 S 11 0 farm problem then."

.Insurance'-Agency, "..

Theile QIlt.ertatners haTe been brou ght to the SeJsqut·Centonnlnl .ln terna' Uonnl EXJlositioD In PbflndelpbJa wb~re 150 10ara of Am eri an llldopeudonce ft. , VACATION ROMANCE" 111 beI ng celebrated, by tho Loa Angoles Cou nty, Cn.lJtorola, ell,amb er ot Com~erce. The westernors b.avo bunt a tiDe old S\laJ;lisb mL~6 l on tn tho palaCe of J'oralgn. Olvlo, Fa.shlon and Agriculture Display. ILnd there show tbe reo "Now that we're engaged let'l jump 8OW'CeI!I and advAntagCII of (belr naUTe beath. Tho musicians and ducon in my roadllter and dash over to the . . eAtertaIn aU mltors who eDter the patio 1.0 relit a bit attor ."dolng the upoelo preacher's.'f "DOD" ~u think we better be inUon." The In%poattlon t10ntlnuea unW December L

-- .- - --

Introduoecl 1rR!"


_. _ "

Phone 61··2


~ .

Seventy·r;;ighlh Year


.............~............. CORN FIELD CAGHE



State . Capital

· ' i


Prepared by Columbus Reporter



========== === ==,=.







During the Suite convention, n couple of weeks ago, Willis WIIS seen to leave the stage at the Chamber of Commerce, where it WIIS being held to greet an aged lady. , She was growing tirM anlt had attended only to see the Senator of whom she is a great admirer. The SOllator wilh· out attracting attontion, r eached the lady JUBt ns she (lmerged from the hall and tears trickled down her cheeks as she pressed her hand. "And how's th~ boy?" asked the Senator. Her boy-her only child-had been secured a position through the influence of the Senator. and had mnde good in every way. He has received two promotions in his work and a8 'she told the Senator "he sends me a check every two weekS.", They had an awfully pleasant chat together before the Senator put her in a taxi and Bent her home, the happiest of women. Instances like this happen every hour with the Senator. for he is be· loved, for his interest in · mankind gerierally,. and no man in public life would p-o 'further to grant a worthy appeal than Ohio's representative in th e greate.t legislatiVe body in the world. That 18 just O1)e of the mao ny reasons wby he will lead the Re· pUblican ticket in Ohio !next Novem· ber, and voters of the State are just going to. keep on voting for blm, for anything )te wants. for they have that unshaken con8dl!nce ;n Willis that is not now, or never has been manifest_ ed in anv 'Other man in public life ",Ince McKinley and ,Harding.

S lllnl llY. Cli ntoll county fllfllwr. mlld" the rliscovery Fridny " rterll oon lhllL II co rnfi eld on his farm. which adjoini" the Warren Co unty li ne. hns bee n lI sed ns !I Cliche for boo tleg li quor. :-i llUiI(·y. wh" hll,1 1)0 11(' t" th e fie ld Frlduy aft 'rn " ,, " WI th hi ~ . nn to nlpnd a f 'net', cn mt' upun u nwn



The Y. F. M held their regulnr meeting lit t he Tomlinson home with a good nu mb , r present. Eva McMillan led the lc s.~o n on "The Spirit of God," and V"lma Bennett had charge o{ the devotionals. It was decided lo continue send. ing the moulltaineer girl to school in Tenn cs.~ee. Pions orc being made for thl ~ Y. F. M. to visit Pendleton and conduct th eir morning meeting, October 3. A committee was ap pointed t.o meet a like committee of the Ep. worth Leug ue to arrange n program for our uni on me ti II I!'. Although clisRppointed in no t hav. ing W ilsun Doan wi th LI S we were pleased to huve M es~ rs Wood and Allen . After th e Lusine8s meeting we ad· journ!'d to meet at th e Meeting house with th e Epwo rth League, September 26, 11126.

10 , tht' !"t'1! II 1.1I' IlI t'C Li fl R of the \ \'Onl Il n'~ .\ 11' iI',,, ). lias h ~ l d w ith Mrs.


ll ,l\\ kl' "lid ~I i, Kl\th erinl' Pr..,n· ill' l ::1I :, ., 1 '11, ""nll ,. 1' ~Irs . ll nwkc

I." t'

Tht, nH " l ll1J,: \ \il !" (II II' ned bv l\fr~: ( "II ",al l ·Hl p,., w l ,I' ('nndll t"lC" d t'h l' i-i eo

re nde red ' J ur


The friend. of Mr. ~nd Mrs. W. B. Math\lr and Mrs. Mary Hopkl'l'!l. who teft early Iaat week for the .ather home in BuJ!linston, ' KalUlU,' 'have expnienced .ome anxiety in "regard to tlieir .fety. Aasoeiated preu dispatches include Burlington in tbe list of town. that wer.e liard hit by , the atarmi' and 800dl that deyastated , IIoutheastern, Kansas. ' Five liVes were report8ti-lolt 1n the flood dlatriCt, and the property ' dam· aeci I.s estimated Ai blah .. ,,,,000,. ,000) " . .,.


j .. Ught l


b ll :, i :1e~ ,.., p l' u J:r I'H n : W :'l ~

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IF GOET H E RE AD THE M . 1,-, MIlY WriK ht T HE OCTOPU S' ClillDREN H .... IUI!Il L! .I b I ii . :\ll1 u n t ai li \V o r k \\ (l n ll Whil.. ' ~I. , G,''' . Hart.''' 'k IN SP ITE OF WEALTH

llc u ullq('---"

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Rr nd ll li.,t - "\\' Ih'!l' : 11\' Ed g'('" :\t l' f' t CAP ITA L PUNISHMENT ? · BAH! und O, pr1:q ;' ~ II <. J . W. I-:d\\'III .I" i:ccitation " 0 "; ' fi t h.. Ol' p r e~,<" r "

Mn rjv ri c I:;Ij\' unb G" clh · . a id the hesl ""Y !.<, Co rDu rin g the tll' lil!htfu l SlI l'IIl I hu'''' illa Jli zt' t er ri tory Lu ken fn un Pulunu which folll" 'cd. " c li c iu u ~ r cfr c"h· " a> t il ~ end Germnn pl;'l"; nn d piny. m c nt..'i w ure f'\ (·r vcd ll Y t. )w h t)~te !-o~ t ·g . ",', t .. ill ~ Jlirc res pect fur tit" Gprmo n assist ed by Misses Dor is Ha wke a ll d i d\.: a ~ HII U language. Ruth Enrnhart. Wha t, w(.u l" Goeth e th ill l; oC thes , The following guests wcrt' present dl .. s, II from title,; of piny,; nilW aclMrs. F. R. Moo mnw. Mrs. J. l . \4,.' l l'd iI\ Ne",' Yurk ; fl LiarsJ " Hawke, Mrs. J ohn Fromm. Mrs. '. ·· L.... sc Ank les," " One Man's WomM. Robi tze r , MiR8cs Louise Sn,ith. "u." · (' I'ud l" Snatchers" "Lan' 'fhnt Katherine Fromm, Ruth Earn hurt. ()Ir," " If I W"6 Rich:' "Sux." " ::;ho Mary Louise Zimmerman. Be ntric,· 'unl',I,Il't ~ ay No," "The Adorable Rubitl'.l:' r, Marj orie Edwanls and Ll ilr. Paul Zimmerman. say Ell rip ide's "llacchus" was ii, AI h c n ~ for {lv ' hundred years. It w" uld n' t pluy t,l'icc in N"w Y" rk un lpKS (;corg" Cohnn rewr" I" ll , ILlld Shubert or Ziegfield or I!Allizr ,1 Ru ch II cho r ll8 of Bacchae as The marringe of Miss Viola Ro css· Ui o ny gu ~ Il t' vc r d rellmed uc. lor, of Dayton, and Mr. Forrest Consider th e ~tlln d ard Oil of Cal. Hough, son of Mr. and Mrs. LeVern e Hough, of Waynesville, was solemn- iforllin. If yuu hud uvujtht u thou. , ized last Thursday evening. Septem - aund shares of that stuck In 1!1l2 und ber !l. at (J :45 o'clock, at the parson· hud oxe rci Ked YU UI' ,,"ri ou~ rights since then. your tutlll in vestm0nt age of Rev. Taske, in DaytDn. Miss Helen Lynch atte nded the would now ue $H 7,OQO. and you bride, and Carl Squires acted as best would own now, in pillct! of your mun. The bride wore a gown of or· 1,000 shares, 35.640 slum 's, worth at chid Georgette and carried white yesterday's price about $2.225 ,000, rosebuds and asters. Her ottend~ bringing you in $71,280 atmunlly, ant wore a pale green Georgette more thnn twenty per ~ent on your fr ock and her Oowers were pink ro- originnl inve«ment. And you should have received thuB , ses and asters. . After the ceremony a ' reception far in di\'idends $620,445, and would wos held at the home of the bride'8 own 35.640 shares of Standard Oil sister, Mrs. William Hom, 623 Carl of ' California that would have j:ost Avenue. at which twenty·elght. guests you ,J ust $278,446 less than nothing. were present. The say Standard Oil i s slow in Among the out.-ot·town guests Hyman's store cl08ed Saturday. Hyman's store closed Saturday. were the groom's father, Mr. La- paying dividends, but, ull things conSeptember 18. Open at 4 p. m. September 18. Open at 4 p. m. Verne Hough, of Waynesville, and sidered, it· illn't ao very slow. Only a little while ago the Govern; IIfr. nnd Mrs. Charles Hunt, of Bufl'a· ment was slIvagely chipping up Stand John Gons left Monday for Ox· la, N. Y., and Miss Frances Henkle has entered ard Oil because it was getting "too ford, where he will enter Minmi unl. of the bride. Wittenberg college at Springfield. , Immediately after the reception b' " versity. t he bride and groom left for Ii wed· ~ ch little piece is worth more"to: Fred Gons i!l in Miami Valley hos· Felt. Velour and Velvet Hats, ding trip through. Eastern Indiana. day than the lP.amma octopus wlls pital, where he is undergoing treat.worth when the. Governmen t chopped large and small head sizes, at Grnce They will make their home in ment. it up. nesville with the groom's parents. L. Smith's. Mrs. Hough is an attractiVe young lIIiss Rhea J anet Cartwrigh~ has It is annou.nced, in type of suitable ,' Mrs. G ~orge Smith was the guest woman Ilnd has already made friends entered the We!ltern College ut Oxof Mr. and Mrs. Philip Zap!. at Col· in Waynesville. Mr. Hough is a most size, that Miss Pinchot who played ford, Ohio . estimable an d industrious young man in "The Miracle," is now worklllg on · lege Hill, lust ~eek. a nd is orhployed at the Doy.Fan, in a fruit ranch, under an a:isumed Mr. and Mrs, Clifford Duzick. of nume. She wishes to maic e good. Sidn ey spent Sunday with Mr. und Kenn eth Kilbon, of Doyton , is Dayton. ---~Hoving parerrts rich and well· spending u two weeks' vacation with Mrs. A. L. King. known is a bad thing for children. Dr. C. W. Henderson and family . It makes them concentrate t oo muc h Mr. and Mrs. Harry Burnett were on th~mselve9 and their own imporSunday guests of Rob ert Burnett and Mr. and Mrs. George Hartsock, tance. They arc so anxious to be family, of DaytDn. The Happy Hour club was invited something Mr. and Mrs. Perry Hartsock ond that they orten fail tu co o· son. Carl. were Sunday dinner guests to the home of Mra. Fred Braddock, centrate on doing something. shi ft Mr. and Mrs. Harry Turner and of W. E. Stroud and family. September 14. where a very pleasant , from one thing to another un do in son:.. of Bellbrook, spent Sunday with afternoon was spent. Although the end, do nothing. It is to hr hop· F . H . Henderson and family. ma ny members were absent, only Mr. and Mrs. John Scars and Mr. ed that Miss Pinchot, H 11 earnest Mrs. Alvah Sea1'll and familY, twelv(' being present, with two guests young woman, will succeed in ~ p ite R. E Crone and family. Thomas and Both th e president and vice·presDarke county, were gul!sts of W. wealth. Almost anybody cun s ucHardin 'ond family, Fred M. Cole and of illcn! were obsent; Ml'l!. Davis assist- or N. Seors and family last week. ceed in spite of poverly. family spent Sunday at th o Zoo. ing t he Lytle Ladies Aid nt the fair, un d Mrs. Sntterthwllite. who, with Rev. and Mrs. L. L. Washbur n Mr , ~ "t tcrthwaitc and so n. Leslie, A submarine from I1 ollnnd · cornell Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Elzey, of have • univcd home fr om Toledo Dayton. spent Sunday with their paar" "I ~ I iug Mrs. Ral(lh Tolle, in Alex· from Helder to Son Fra llci~c o . with. wh <: re th ,· y \ ''' I'e In Il ttenrlnnce at t he unclrin , \ 11 ., Mrs. James Vandervort out escort. travelling about te n thou· r~nts, Mr. anel Mrs. Wolter Elzey . M. E. Ilnn ua l cunfer ence. Rev. wu ~ c h o~ (' n to act as presiding of. Slmd miles in nil. The whole world. including our orMr. a nd Mrs. Bert Hurtso ck and Washburn will retuin the past orate flcer. ganizution for nutionol cie fen se. if doughter. Betty, were week·end of the loen l church un other year, T h,' !' r" g,rum of music, a contest g\lt!st ~ of Fred Hnrtsock and family, which will be his fuu rth. nnd readings. wus enjoyable, and a we huve one. will thiak utJout that. Two modurn wellpOllS on Iy will llt Mil fo rd. fr ie ndly in ti mnt ~ . n eighborly spirit (Continucu on page <1) count in the lll!xt war-Hying rna· wa s mani fest. M (!ss r ~ . Alfre.1 Watkins lind Geo. Tht hostess Wfl S ". sigted in servin!t chines und suhmurines. One below Hend ' rso n JW,l!r C in 'incinnati, on delicious refreshm ents by Mrs. Cast the . Wille r cannot be seen ,<ine can go up out of sight, and it doesn't Thursday, and visited the Conservaand Mrs. Smith. matt~r wh"ther it is seen or not, tory of Music . speed ond swift strik ing make it sufe. Th e first. t hin e- yo u know Chicago Mr. and Mr8. Eck Tulbot and Mrs. Bible School U :ao a. m. , lesson on is going to .:-ut real j ealous of Clln· Those who believe that capital punHllnkin~ , of Green Cove Springs, Fla. to Lllw." ~ c rmon on ton, Ohio . ishme nt diminishes th o number of were guests (If Mr . un d Mrs. W. C. "Obedience Faith unci Sigh t." E " e n i n ~ service " III u rd ers know little ab out human or St John, Sundny . ' at 7 :00; "Story of a Wioe KIng. AU criminal nature. welcome. Two bandits, ·age nilll·teen, we nt Mr. and Mrs. Harrl' Spohn, Mr. into the other world through the and Mrs. Clurence Wolf and children No service last Sund ny evening./ ~I e ctric chuir in New Yor k. The elec· of Dayton . spent Sunday with Mr. The minister was in Wilmington. tric chair bothered them little. On o lind Mrs. Fred Sta up. suid: "It doesn't orry me, 1 mig ht The young people who are to at- , Our .tor., will be do."d Saturas well die sitting up in a chair, ns Mrs. Effie Smith, Mrs. Flossi" Ca· tend college gllve us some splendid lying in a bed." The other buy said: day, Saptember 18, _ account rey. Miss Lucy Emley and Chester talks last Sunday. "What I object to is hnving my moth· Cllrey spent Sunday with Le&nder of Jewi.h holiday. ---er sec me dead with my head shave d Carey and Camily, near Dodds. Miss Morgaret Thomas attended like this." Open at 4 : 0'0 P. m. the summer confer ence at Wilming. Mrs. W. E. Henderson, of Seattle, ton and mnde report lost Lord's Day. Before a man goes to the electric Wosh., Mr. NE~ d Evans and Mrs. chair. they shave the Iiair nt the top Kathryn Evans. of Cincinnati, were of his head, that the deadly current guests of Mrs. Ida Stokes, Sunday. muy pass through the wet sponge Ilnd into the brain. easily. Also they slit Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Miltenber~er men's trousers and women's skirts and son, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. SmIth t1uit the other electrode may be IlPspent Sunday in Dayton, the guests pliod to the calf of the leg. of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Archdea· One of the nineteen-year-old boy, ~on. killod a cousi n for refusing to PI\Y blackmail ; the other killed a mer- · Dinner gueats of Miss Emma Heigb· The pallents and deneral public eneI', with n class of cleven pupils ; chwlt held up in his store. Killing' .... way today were Mrs Edith Harris, Mrs. Anna Cadwallader, Mrs. J. W. should be better informed upon what the English II. class of tweny pupils ; by the Stute does not stop killing by Edwards, Mrs. Ronald Hawke and the High Schoo) faculty are doing the Citizenship class of sixteen and the individual. the, bookkeepin~ class of sixtenn puand the courses that they teach. Mrs. James McClure. ---' Mr. Moomaw teaches commercial pils. Mr. Crabbe's work consists or three arithmetic, world history. United Miss Emma Heigbway had as din· ncr guests Saturday evening, Mrs. State history and Spanlsb D. There gener~ classes-one in farm shop, open W Freshmen and Sophomorl!~; Lester 'Gordon! lMi88 Martha O'Neall, are fifteen pupils in the commercial one open to Juniors and Seniors in It was necellSary Miss Claro L Ie', Mias May Wrigbt arithmetic clallS. to give this coune because several crops and horticulture, and one in and Mrs. Eloise Tliompson. ST. MARrS CHURCH pupils who graduate this year will soils, accounting and farm manageSeptember 19, Sixtllenth Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Kelley and ,need It to ' meet entrance require. ment. nfter Trinity: Church Sfjhool at 9:30 daughter, of the Wilbur Wright fteld, ~or .Normal. Ther,:, are twen· Enrollment in the Waynesville a. m: ; Morning. Prayer and sermon and Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Longacre ty pupIls In the world ~18t~ry. and at 10:80 a. spent the week-end' with Mr. and fifty.two in th,e U. S. ~18tQry class. Graded schools, September 13th: All are Invited tg these sqrvices. lin. Oral Surface, of Route. 6. There are now nine pUPils In the leC· Miss Berryhill, .1st.. .. .... .. ... ..... ... .. 24 Mi88 Fromm, tat and 2nd ...... .... . 24 ond year Spanlsb. . Rev. John J. Schaetrer. Rector• • MI88.McKibban, 2nd .. .. ..... .. ..... .. . :: 81 Mrs. Hough Is tbe teacher in mathKent B~oW:nina, Clf Wilmington, ematics. . Becaule of. the size of the Miss Turner, nrd ...... . .........: .. :L. 88 METHODIST CHURCH ~ wu a pleasant vi.ltor at the G.. Freshman claas" which numben flf· Miss Henderson, 3rd and 4th .. .. :: 26 je~ oftlce Friday. .' Kent. ill an old ty.four, there are two se~tio'ns ill Miss Qraham, 4th, .. ... : ... .... ... 11 I.. .. 32 Sabbath School at 9 :15 IL m. ~tte boy, havinjt .orlied · on the algebra J.. Ii collrse required of all Mr. St John. 6th........ .... .. .. ...... . I .. .. 46 preaching at 10 :30 .. m. Epworth paper ,away back in the 80'•. FI:Uhmen. In advanced- algebra there Miss Lite,. 6th ........ .... .... " .. ..... ).. \.. ~ 84 League 6 :16 p. m; PreaChing at' Sa1tte1rthwa!itel are ten pupUs; In reometry, ~enty. Mr. Hatfield. 6tb , and 7th ..... :. ....' 29 1 :'8 0 P. in.. ~el'Jbody inYited to tbeie Miaa McKinsey, 7th .... , .... .. ........... 32 ser:viee. " ' Satt;ert)llialte. ' Golll, who teachCII .cl.~ce, Mr. Wilson, 8th.............. ......... ;,.:.! ~2 , ne.... :L. ~ W~Il•• Putoz• . ' clue 'm Pblric:a-4hlrlj Mr. H~lanj 8th ........ ...... ........ .. .... 25 $enlon. . Two' aecti.ons, . - -' CHlt.STlAN C"URCH hphma,nreJ:irer.':a~flf:!~n: TotaJ...LyTLE·.SCHooi .... ,.... 868 Sunda,-·Sehool all 9 :80; no preacb- . Ing serv,fce tIIia WedDe~y evenin«, Dl~IIOl!rY" 'm uch .m;iler class ' thaD lilt., Banta,. 4, 6, 6.. ........ .. H ~~N~ber 15, PraJV lrleetl1lr ., ,. . . ' 1I1ii1 Marlatt, : 1,. 2, 8 .... .... 25 the ' T tal _..... ..................... 39 '.'




Real Estate Deals

.. - ..- ---

Happy Hour Club

Ferry Church of Christ

_._ ----


"'hat the faculty of Waynesville High School Are Doing--Other Notes

----- _...

[Ch~et Flyia.g AmOD.t Cha~et swtmme:n:J CorlOD (Gade) '


l h\., \,1,,:·, III 'I . ( ' ''','' ! WIl, t h ...• fl 'l /t \l,: i! u' j\ t

.. - ..




Mr. J. A. Sliph r. soils und crop's specialist, Ohio State univel'5ity, wllI be with County Agent Clnss next week t.o look at th e corn variety teats that were started by Mr. Hummon last s pring. Corn improvelllent work through. out a number of co un ties in South\\' stern Ohio is being carried out by th e co unty ngents in co·operation with th e university specialists by se· curing the coop eration of a f ew farmers in the county wh o will plant side by side three or four of the leading varieties of corn so as t o compnre their manner of growth. type of fod. der, heigh t of ears. date of matur· ity and yi eld per acre. Similor corn varicty tests have been carried out - - - --through the co·operation of County Agent Class and farmers of Wor· ren county for the past sevel'al years. For convenience of farmers in the various sections of the county, who would like to Bee these fields of com, Clau announces the following ten. tstive schedule for their field visits. All meetings slow time: Tuesday. September 21, 10:30 a. Those who joined Mr. and Mrs. m.-Farm of Ronald Hawke. about Vern Hough all Sunday, September 2 miles north of Waynesville. 12. in welcoming Mr. und Mrs. ForTuesday. ) :30 p. 1l1.- At the furm rest Hough. 'whoso wedding recently of A. B. Talmage, Mllssie Tp. took plsc/), were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Tuesday, 3 :30 p. m.- Farm of E. Cornell and family, Mrs. Verna La. B. Murrell, in Wash ington Tp. mar and son, Mr and Mrs. Frank Wedn csduy, S,' ptember 22, U :00 Logan, all of Kin'gs Mills; Mr. and a. m. -Farm of Eben Leaf. abou t 3 Mrs. Charles Cornell and son. of Ma· miles west of Leban on. Ilor; Mr. and Mrs, Ed Hough. Mr. Wedn e5dny. 1:30 p. m. -Parm of and Mrs. W. B. Squires and son, ·Wi!· Ralph Wh itacre, n ear Twenty Mile ~ord, oC Wayn e. ville. Stand. Every Oll ll carne prepared for a big Wedn e~ duy . 3 :30 p. Ill.-Furm o f feast, bringing well·filled baskets. A Wm. DiIVi R, ncar Murdock, Hamilton delightful fentnre was the delicious Tp. home·made ice cream. Thul' ~dllY, cptt'm bt' T 23, 10 :00 a . m.- Fltl'm of Whitncl'C Brothers. near Butlerv ille In cnSe 'o f ruin or other incl ement weoth r shDuld prevent the corry· ing out of this schedule. Class sugThe following real estate sales gests that farmerti in th e various com hnve been made in the Pllst. few days munities arrange to visit one or more by W. N. Senrs, local agent: of these fi elds at their convenience A 49.acre farm. four miles east before all the carll is cut, so os t o of Dayton, belonging to Mr. Koogler observe th e Lype and height of fod· to H. Rotbenberg, of Dayton. Ohio. der, average maturity an d other charForty acres west of W nynesville, acteristics of each of the varietiesl belonging to John Grisham, to Geo. "The general tendency in corn im· Woollard. of Belmont;; Mr GriRham provement seems to be t owards the takIng as 'part payment n' flve·room selection of II rather early mattlring, house in Belmont, also selling with high-yieldintt variety. having as many the farm all stock, crops and imple- characteristics ns pos.qible suitable ments. to the locnl conditions." says Class. A 6-acre place at Ferry belonging Messrs. S\ipher IloJId Closs also pIaI' to Wm. Wnrdlow, to John Grisham. to stop at a number of furms in the Property of L. Nicholson on High county where soybeuns have \ieen street, Waynesville, to Lawrence Shep grown this summer, for hay or seed. herd. Mr. Nicholson takIng in ex· A number of elCcellent fields of soy· change the Shepherd property on Ty- beans hav,e been report~d recently ler street, Wayneaville, Ohio. to the county agent's office.

In Flood DiltriCt ..,-,

I· !'Id a y " ftem oon , Sepll.' mtJer

( Ill



Young Friends Meeting


. r-.


'n:) TAKE



"Hello, Frank." . "How'de Bill? How's everything?" When U. S. Senator Frank B. Willis is in the city you can heal' that salutation a hun· dred times a dny. Senator Willis is buck bome now, for Columbus calls him as mucb its own os docs Delaware. During hi~ entire pu bllc life Willis hUB been one of the , most popular mon of Ohio. He knows prob. ably as many' voters by their first nhme lUI any other two men in the State, and he never forgets either U fDce or a name. They don't call him Senator here-that is not all of them -but more aft'eelionately as "Frnnk or F. D," and he comes right bnek in every case with the first name oc his friend.


'Cwos (iOltJ(i-

t he lIet of clllll hing the fe ll c' tf) th" OLtJMBUS, 0 1110 - Indtaliu Jls roadwa y, wh" huu just lin ed up 8ix h"v e tJU OIl Sl' n L u ut tu t e n t hou su url une·gllllu ll glllSH juv: ~ fill ed with II Ohi o KiwanianR nnd nll'miJl'rR ur cl" a l' liquirl in sid!! th o f('llc e Tht-' mun, wh u Wa~ un kn"own t o th eir fllmili es ttl atl 11<1 t he Il nnunl St.ate conve ntion' to be hel<l in nl· :-; tllnl,' y. 10101 th e Illtter he har! just lImhU R n"xt wec k. Two pr "l! r nm ~ filk" th e jugs with sprinv: wllter o f c nll' rtn inm.'nt hn ve brl'n al... un ~· frolll II s pring buck in th e fi eld. l',I. one f or Illen and one for \V()m l'll. ~ tan l e y th ell helped lhe mon get the th e Intter t o in'lude n golf lnur n· Jug. OV('r th e fen e.: Ml'a nwhil (' Sf.a nl cys· Han. who huol !It the Arlington C,)unlry duh. r ece pt ion unci dan ce Ilt the N.·il gone funhH down th e road. cliimbcd h,,,, ~e; r ecept io~ at th e Gover nor's til" fence nnd s tart~d acro~s the corn ma ns ion. with Mrs. DOllahey us ho,,· field t owurd th l! s pring. wh ich fe eds l ess. a ulo tOllr of Columbus. omlual a small strculll. came UpOIl II secon tl Gnve rnor's boll and a jo int luncheon mlln, lZns c<.'n by th!! elder Stan l ~y . fOI' men and women. Ent ertainment This ili on. on bei ng approached by for visiting men d ' legates includ es t he youth. fl ed pn·cipitat<.'ly. The elder Stanley 's compunion, np· the cluh president's brcukfllst. gold tournament, dance ball und oth er ell· parently obse rving his mate's ac· tcrtninm ll nt. Delcl!utes on opening ti ons. jumped in his car at the rOlld· will side, Into which he hlld nlrelldy load· Iiny. following regi~trntiol1 tak e port in a golf to urn amf nt lit cd the six jugs. nnd sped uncerl'mo· niously up th e road WilY, both men di. the Arlington Country club. oppearinig from view of the Stlln· leys in record time. The fall co nvention of the Ohio Rb. Mystifi"d by th eir action. the Stan· tail Dry Goods .. ssociution will be leys compared notes ond after 11 held in this city Sl'ptembl'r 28 to 30, search. discovered nn empty fiv e.gnl· and arrangements ure such as t o in· Ion can, four empty ' one.galloo glass dicate t,hllt it will be one of the big- cans lind a gull on jug and a qUllrt gest fashion even ts of the year. hottle fill ed with bootleg liqu"r. hid· Many merchandise and garment man· den In the fi eld. Wilmington police werc clIlled to ufacturers have signifi ed their inten· tlon oC participating in the exposi· the scene. ond after all inspection tion that will bt' given in ,connection of the situution. brought the I!vi· with the convention when the la t dence to town . The only clue to the styles for women and ~il1 e identity of th e unknown men is the shown for the fir~t time . . Attend. license number of their car. which ance of between 800 and 1000 Ohio was taken by the elder Stanley. retail dry goods dealers is expected Wilmington Dally News·Journal. during the three-day show. B e ~lah . Park Jockey club racing, the kllld that uses horses which run. atal'ts Saturday IIfternoon on the three·quarter mile (track' at Grove City, and thoro's reUBon to think "that most of the programs, HI at leut, will be fought out in the dry. During a year. there's just nbout so much rain. Recent downpours have been ao (requent that clear skies simply must be the rule for th e next few weeks. Thus it is figured tbat muddy tracks durinlr this autumn meet will he rather limited. Horses from four or five tracks will come together at Beulnh Park as usual. Thift fact means fresher compl'tition thnn has been seen around Ohio for weeks. John T. Ireland, Puris, Ky., will be p,esiding steward.

'By A. B.

Whole NumLer A7'l


m. ·






r~III'n Lutitln


('''~~\lto r .

'hllrles F.


l" i1'~'t

tat" of fll"d liy

lind Rnu l llI:colint of the c • !lIl~r. decca~ed, wllS


"",,,r. . W.

o l\i,,1'. lind -up en u 1'lo Cllnrl nppl'ov('d odmi nistrlltrix, Ida l. FUllk': lirRI line! IIn1l1 ll' ount o·f .tll(· e~t" tl.! of F:\' ~rc tL Funk , <lcCCIJR ·d. A Ituunlill llsllil' 1I.'cu unt of T hOR . .\ . \\" illillll\ ~ . inllllllllctc n t . Wll~ flleel ill' Lu,'lIn ~ 1. YOllnl{, ~ulIl"llintl h~rl!ln. 1'11., will "I' Alrx!tlldc/' McjGnnt!)'. 1'1'''.1''' hy I h


Il·(' t-' UM.1c),


wn s IHln liUr,d to

l·h · ht'('('H , A . Me:Kinlll'Y \\'n~ mll d(1 ( IX_ t utr ix hl'l't, . wi t hnnl hond o E. " I1l1l1h"l11 . ('. E. lI at'I1H IIlId G"org-I' II . .\wlersoll Wl!f' l' appuintcd 8 M Hpprai~. " 1' (; of 1 hl' , -s tith" . -Thl' , ' , HI r! I,uthllri z"d ndlllilli~trl\'

l rix AIIIIII M. Nu ll. IIf Ih l' ('glJltl' of I.", ~ r\ . Nu tl. r1"(· ("IlHc d. Ill ' .Ii ~ ll"ibute


,'t'l' t u in Il ~~l· t !i IIIlIOIlJ,{ th e S ll C\,t:'~~O "8 til ' aid ,·,tut,·. TIlt' 1\\/ lk II f th!' UK-:(· t::. at'" in 1 II" (!ll' m of IlfIlHI~. I hl l"H 11t'('kl' t' \\' n ~ HPP"llltl'd a dmin _ '<trani x of thl' l' ~!n tl' "f .111111' 1I""kl'r


1,'n',,.,,,1, II l1d .. r $~ tllJlI IIIIIHI.

111'1 1l"l't· iI Ill).! .

All llood val ues. Of 1188-nom or or lI'r~ ~ h wool j erllOY, wool fl annel or wool c.hallle. One and two-pleco modell!. SIEes 8 to U years.



The Better Dress Section ~ 1deD be proud of such Festival


features as t hese' 75 dn18S68 ' for miases and women t 71) chances for savingl In the lot are-

G irls' C oats, $15 Of d oerona, donwy wool, Buede Md wool pla Ids with mando. bea\,or or real pIeced b6aYor edge colla rs. alsea e to 14 year8.

-trbt:a8 _

-c:ropeUu / Uta and woolens In tho

.lunJOI' deb COAlAJ . ,.7.lW) GIrl. ' achool ar-e. ..... 75 Oir. · IIIDAI"& l..wo. eaM

., modJla!. Jungle, Cbanei.. Oluet, I!oeoa. Navy and Blaok. Detter Bectlon.-Th1r4 II'Ioor.

Dreaa Silk Ungerie . $2.95 and $5.95

"",,,n AI _ a nd Junl'" Deb lIhop_


Society Brand Men's Suits


New tweeds In fal low-browu8 wIth grey. and tAll" . Oxfords witb g rey chalk IItrlpes. Herrin gbone weavell tn new shadel of tan and blue a nd grey. Novel mixtu res D OW thl8 year.

The Models Include: The two-bnt ton lllngJlBh jacket. The Daytonlan, tor college men. The Regent. And other model8 good this taU. All slzOB and type6--8to uta, longs . r egulara and BhOl't s. The tlrR\ day IS t he beet c1ay-G!ways,

Jhtrtl heavy single 80le wtth tiber Inlier' to koep

out l1amp. ROpeofltltch ttp and vamp, and balloon to08. The _



EnugU8b Bronrl clo t b • and fancy Madra H Shirts . Foil co unt whi te broadcloth wIth high lustro. In colla r-nUached 8 t y l OB with pocke t. Also n eck band fltyloo. S .II 0 8 111 % to Sloovos 88 to 8 6.

Men's Hats



F ew 01



A Silver Mug will be given to every baby born during the Festival period. Call at the Baby'. Shop. Thi,.d Floor.



(~ XC('utors,


ev*,ry ou e a wJuIlur!

Eojuy firs! sclertloD. nt 9 o'clock.

As u r ul u Ua e hU:llJand's f ace slnkll \Vh" n he ge t:! the b!11 fo r ha\"inl\" his wife's fnce lifted.

H"'l w t Cuut St.·etio n - Third )o'100r

01 Remarkable


Stemware in FestivaL 190 Optic Irt.d ssceut goblets. tfherteU, wineR, cocktAIls. "Illtoar ohampagnOllI

Sale. $3.45

W')oougbt metal' base with IIM!t&l led tiOl!, 1'8r-climoot III lIMp motu. .


H"u s olid magoban,. 0'V&l top-o tl\e bala.noe In Bllltable cabinet woo4. Large tronlb tor boot-.

10 to ~ ...tnc.h SlZ6S 1 boauttflll pmo. 1I In every ..anted oator and wapi!.

Be~,8S0 • JdeOeI

Iltamp8(\ GIl scarf. . . 1lileoo vanity Bot and pIn cushlqn cover.

Mirrors, $6.75 OoMOle Ill' ~t with 4ItClbed mlr- . 1'01' ..,t4 ~

...uoaa, .uv. rlaWlea. £.c. 1'1 . . _~




. SIzes 14 to 48' All ne w cnl or8 ! tn u~n. IYC

Harveysburg Fertilizer Co. HARVEYSBURC. O.


Walter McClure J. E. McClure

All now slyl061

Of'eU Sf'lCtion--T"'rd Floor



Fur Couts, $135 CUrt:l.Cul , pony , oposs um, beavore! lo uod BCIll!ne (shuu n!d dyed r ll bblt)-lrIIllDl ed In fi n tu rs.

Corsettes In Sale, $3.95 M o l M n y n onolcss brass lore and g I r d I () com blllntlon rIldlcally un· I\erp rlcpd ! RIrie fnshl onedl n n boneo ; tor 89 l o 40 sizes . • l\lodart OorHot" ~l.f)5 Front 1&a.e; fino ·",ut.erl nl, sIzes 24 to na.



Mrata. $1.50


FI... , FIoom.

FIrst qull1lq..

Mad~ Pillow C~es,-$5.98

Han4..~lj!ered: on Ilnftl1~ 42x88 tucb.

. '. .:- . . . .

·M-l,nch Flannel, $2.39

. . eO'ftl eoaftDtloDal JIiIItt....


'.11 colors an ~ black.

Sheets, 980

FootW'ear At •



• ;;J

$7.88 .u


·tIae Ii"- fill It.1~ee

u41 ue 1)1'1* . , t!lt. ftIlUJuall, 10. DJtoe. lachi4ed· III Cbe lot AN aile 1Ii''''P .ad • ~ pamJII , . (a nee 1IetIe ... IIJ~ ':'Un 'and palla,


... DIll


81 It 00 bleac:hOd "eaml_ ahoat& .~ . I

Satinette, 290; 3.(100


pm Jr, P.J.l a II h

w\l&el ,SOOoIl4• •

LOANS 'on Chattols.Stocks. Securities and Second Mortgages, Notel bought. . John Barbine Jr.. Xenia. Ohio. . .m30-'20

Farmers, Attention!


All Silk Pongee, 550 t·



Now IfUlO'r nNlkw ....... 61k, * 2.6 11. 011)\'" s ilk w'stfl, 111 • •00. Slll\'o ·Unk brnco!ota. , •• IJO. I'OIU'I DI\ck IlIceII. 4\2.00 l....-gel IlOu<'ll Y bRWI. ta.03. 10'1'Ic..·" peltrl vault)' 8Ots, '16.M.



HI. 'nl, ""' t ~ . Ijl:l.21-;. " 'ollum '" ~h "· Ctl . $1 .."il). ' Vo"",,,',, 0 l o r I,. 11m· h rellus, $:.3.8:;. Chlffo" ...141 "OM ' ((0(' _ lItht hO~l·. $ t .all. "'0'"""''' I<cr n.t

Crepe·de-Chine, $1.77

Natural shada onl,.


Flor~'t tll«> 1'00nh..,·. 7Uc·. IUb bon l1on'hlt'8, an ~_ 0 111 1,00," 1'011. 111 1'1l(W'2',

40-lnch: 811 colora.. black nnd white..


Fully Equipped for Good Service, . Large Display Room. Ambulance Servic"e

Accessories In Festival Sale!

Savings From The Fabric Sections

Stu... pedelltail type with two match holder, ud handle. • JarS_ round b_ that lD8nrea itea4tn-.

Sear" of

Volnt &Dd t.IpeIU7 In Ii ~e n1eetJOI1 of OOION.

trimm ed

&rnnd _ Comrt I>eo.nment.-

0Zl1 rl1118 thai DOUIIaII ...... 411MbUIt)' .... 4 charm, P . . . . .



-fatlN In c hllrmlPlO sIllies -cantons ellccitl'cly .I!ll cd.

The n ew bone le88 girdle for YOuth. to to 82 stEes.



-cr ~c8





You 'll be Ilmuzed ut th ~ Ilr ieo wh en you soo tho ciln r rnln p; modos I hie F esti va l Ru le has IJrollghL In the I neltUCD sl. o Dress !';,.r tlnn --nt !hls sur pri singly low Ilrlce--ther e lire-- Crepe,. trim 1» 1',/ ill II POrl/I' II('

Smoking Stands,95c


Se ~ tl on-St~nl t

A Festival Find 75 Silk Dresses $12.85

Home makers here bave sood c _ to rejolcel Lh'lnll room IInltoll Ahowln g Mucb wealth of rtcb detail tor eo ordInary • price. lI'tne OhalK! Mohair upholstarbl, wlUl tlIe ezoeptlOD at the outBlde of back a nd area which are co.,..ecs ID blondin, ,"lour. Ouehlonll Bre rD\'Vrllrble. Ellaborately' e&n94 bue IItrip.

Booktrough and Tables $5.95

n t('~

Day, Inw

~n J oUo, $2.9/i Brasslore - girdle gnr· ment. I'lzes 84 to 4&. A wry remllrkable value I

Mohair Davenport and Chair, $159~50

Heavy Wool Wilton Rugs

Taffeta Pillows. S2.5S

Two-p lcce fraclls In henna, copen , lun . brown. nllv y. greon. Wonderru l " :lIU CR !


IUW. litO" '0 ShOP

Bridge Lamp In

and 1'1aJlL~ - In s tyles that toll nt once of their Qunllty. Rich tura- wolt , curl1c ul, r acroo lJ woU and French beaver ad d furthor IJOfl lll)'. Eve ry cual Is .. II Bil k IInod . Sizes 14 t-o H - and


Contest open to girls of 6 Boys and Gids of 8 to 14 to 14 years. Prizes $25, years. Pr izes, $15, $10, $15, and two $5 prizes. Registration at Pattern $5, and twenty $1 prizes. Department.

vlU'loty of now patterns tor selection . Sizes run 84 to 46..


On nulnc· Cam ol's Hnb


F ur Depnrnne nt- Thtrd ,""unl'

All-Wool V-Neck PullOver Sweators. A large

Art Floor Specials Jwl


A Treasure Hunt for


8taH . . Ilea

Tal)<"'tl')' Tw.'<'ds

J ers'ey Dresses

. Preparations in merchandise-in values, in service, in personnel-permit us to announce that this Fall Festival will be greater and more complete than ever before in Rike-Kumler's 73 years of service t Particularly is this true of our readiness to serve in those districts which make up this Great Miami Valley.

Men's Sweaters

III pearl wfth hJack bauc!_tone with grIST band-buck with brown ban4_n4 bea~ wltb tllU bazld. Bouud eclIee and a n.n: LlNtNG TO MAT()H.


Mount and M. Ruy Mou nt. In 11\l' mllltel" of t he sl'ltiement of che eslllle uf Uuth Tr,)\·illo. d~celUlcd , co urt determin ed gross vl!.lue of sllid estate UB $6874 .24, cumposed us fo llows; Perso nulity $1 14 .24. r cul ca_ llltc. $~ 000. De bts of the estate tolulle,! $400.62. Cost of adm inistrlllion will be $2 19.76. Tota l IImo un t subjt!ct to tllX is $5259.97. Those en titled to su ccession we r e nllmed. 'I'h" court dete rmin ed th e gross .nllle of t he estate uf Mirn n E. Reed. tf,-ceu8cd, a8 $24, 140.63, in persuna lty. Debts $2826.6 0. Costs of the ll rl rn in istru tio n will be $ 1, 067.76. '1'0 I nl,DO ullt 8u bjcct to ta x $ HI, 7 6 &J :\8, SucccAurs here in were nemeo. (Co ntinued u n puge S •

our Annual Full Festival!

B O".· Sto--.Elecon4 lI'loor

Dedicated to Youth

RIJu.'. Men' " ShoD



You'll be surprised at whllt $48 will do on the first day of

Ded Ica ted to Youth thl6 year. endeavor Ing to s h ow 't he reeponslbllIty a community owes to Its :routh--Us futnro plo.nner&-o.nd tho res ponBlblllty the yo utb owes Its communJty.


Calf In new ,hadee of

I", urilll( Oil $cp emhe r ~tlth . F ir~t. lin d disl rilJulive "cco unt of the ,'statl! of Milllll E:_ Heed, dec('",,-


Bop' WVS'I''- na..nol ~. 791il Bo7II' tn'nlMl_ IlIUUle l 8b1rtII. 0'1'0

Here Are the Highlights of Fe5i/ival

Men's Shirts

tan and al80 In black.

h~'I ' illv(' u ·

r"r the pll rp""c "r purrhll ~ in lt l' 1101110 rl) " h cr st! lf IIl1d wllrd. Wu H Be l (ur

knlcltcn. ' 1.77.

It Starts Saturday Morning at 9 O'clock!

The Store t or M...


Edith Bi!4hllp tilnJ

Ti", pd ,t ion uf N~II" Mceul", Trnce I(unnlinl\ o f Frnn c(,6 Spnd ..' r, fl~r p(' r mi "" i,," to ho rrow th e s lim "f $3{;0()

807a' cowh.1do wither belt.. 600.

THIS is the tremendous even of j~all, 1926!

The Materials Include:

For Men


dl'l' I I U ~w d,


Ld 1'Jocrr

Smart Oxfords


ti C th e C~­

to ry Hntl apprHisL· llll·ttl of ~Uli d c~lult!.

Longie Suits, $15.90


!he Cllllrt. WIt " "ppoint c,d

01 ' I I", pia,·" "f (, harlc', S. Il"\vill . E:xl' \ ' U1.I ' ix

All wool tabJ'\cll. In dark and Ilgbt novol ty e tfocts. YOII may choos& from two pnlra of long pants or ono paIr loog pants nnd one pnlr golt Ilnldlora. 81se8 11 to 10 ye ara. .

T h IN II'lUIh Ion P'lo or

TrUlum nllk 0« wonderful qualIt)'----laun dors beaut ifully. a.emtII8 t2.93 00_ _8tcp 93 lnA ~ ' Uq811.

Of long wearI ng fnbrlCII. All now fall modele. In brown, tlU! and groY. 81&08 8' to 10 year&.


C. C. I'; ul,, ""

Festival "Special"! Fine Sports Coats

Girls' Frocks At Boys' Alii Wool Savings, $5.75 Suits, $~11.95

Apph'i!atc . dl\ l.'I · H ~wd, wue

p nl1Sl 'r in lh ~ :'W tlil' llIlQlt lI d.l ' IIf i':tlnUliHI Sttl\· t.·I1~.



~ nlt \ ~ Jlro(' (\(' tlillJ.!~ In t}ll' t' ~ latc of

)II:-"'I' h II.

L ESTI D edi cated t:o DaqtoB I}outh Savings! Street and Afternoon Dresses

E~"t"lIl"r 1I (' "lah I IIIII/w lly 's


" JlIOI·,,\'~d


I·:d. S .

\l l\k li rl , .J alth' S FIl I I I " I al ll i .f. I':, H ur .t ' J' "t' r v nnlllL·d app1"11 1SI' r :-\ in IhiH

Farmera of Warren and adjoinln. counties may ohtaln moner on Jon. time loan8. at 6 per cent intereat. Cost of securing the Bame is very reasonable ,through The Federal Lan' Bank. For further Information call on or addrelll M. C. DRAKE, Treg. urer. phone aio-x. Labanon. Ohio.

FOR SALE POWER EQUIPMENT - Pulley., aha £tin,. hangera. Bet collars. beltinR'. bsbbltt metal. engine and baUer trimmings, pipe, valves and ftttlnge f or every purpose. THE BOCKLETKING CO .• -416 W. Main St., Zenia, Ohio. phone 360, . s22 FOR. SALE-WQod ~gie. G, W. Robertson, Waynesville, Ohio. -1122 FOR SALE-Shetland .pony. Round; Also ' tent, 1'4x16. W. N. Sears, Waynesville,· <?"!o. . ... 816 FOR SAL)i:~Nic~l Malden Blusb Ap-' -,,15' pie. . J. L. Me!ld ~nhall. ' FOR. SALE - Several busbel8 of Trumbull Seed> Wheat.· . Letter S lIrface, R. D. 4. Wa~elVUle, Ohio. " . -B22 'FOR SALE--Fltll-blood Dllroc Jer, 8ey ~le ' .hog. immune; Lester SurIace{ ~•. D. 4, WB)lne8ville. Ohio. .

. .'

- B22

FeR SALE- A iot ·of. ftne Bartlett 'pears at ' r eaaona oJey prices" CIIA' Burnett, R. D. ~- Wayoesville, 01110.


815 .

DRILLS1 Ream ers; ~ap , ·die..'. bAckI18W blade" 61ea... tools, eme" wheell! and packln8'. THE BaCKLET KING ca .. Xenia, OHio. . . 22 . FOR SAIE-Good flve-rooln riice lot, planty o~ lbade, II!.w price. . . Farm of 100 nere~ . fal~ bulldl~ near Wa flle&viUe, 'u6 aere. w: N. Sears., ' . 1& FOR





---.10_ _ _






\Vh e n fllmi1y l'e ilitions beco me Rt;rutn llll I nnd thut, instClid o( nug• ,,'.r.d . t ,,,~ Pq.'tt ffl". o t '4'u,)In •• ,,(II. going, 11 (IllY qr l wo of uhse nt trent()h/o • •• S"C CJn~ C lu .. "'all Ilf.".r m O'ft works wo nd ers. ......crlpIIOh Pric". ,1.50 per Yea.


- ------- -

-----L CRAm:




-' -

===:::--:-==~~ ---

, t otla r [I e tty lIisconlc,nt n"Vcr g ut a ' hlln ce t o s pro llt in the cu lt i" aled mind .

NET PROFIT ? Word fl'on l t he Lip" IIf

.r ~ll t


Mary K, lil·.l Wl1 t ":OC d pei:<l i o!1 _ HOur in C"n nw ~ 1l1'C HI{e I}ur ~h ocs: tu IJI'Ct1llle u 11I',)ft':-:~ itl lllI l t. ·n n is (lluy - if tllO " Illull , U,,'Y )Jin c h; ir t OCt lo r gl' 1'1' lI'ith Sllw lln c 1.~ IIKI"n, s h"uldn't We ,stu.uhl C'. " - r.ulton, Mi ~s

c au ~"

/l ny IIIII·li e ul",· s hoc k tu

li nd fnll ow l' r H o f


i'llly o'r~

l ito t IrH IllC.

Mi ss Bl'OWIH ·. I\~ , ' y t'ur:i u t".i tllkin g nmntc ur ten ni s pl uyt" '. sij!' II (' ti II " nn-

ll'act wilh " Cu lll ('1I~ h" I'yl,' for"


of pru(p sSi tlnnJ



~ "ndIlY

Ill lJlur i, I - Le nn '

,\' ''" 1' ((,JI<J er K III h l} l1l ~. ____ ___ ____

Dr. Fra nk Crane Says

l.' rl g'lIJ.:'f' n lC' nts

Which will ne t her in t hI' lI ~ i g l "" ,, '­ TI-IE 5 1-lOW GOES ON . h""d of $iiO,OtlO. , ·h,· d l· t1" r~· U fl'lInk ly thlll it was II ",ul l,'r o f ", ,,n ~nmt ' t 1111, · a'''o a trap eZi' n ct f'C}l ~ ey with her a nd th"t " hI' prufc r l'l. d II , Ih,' l'i"'II " f"' l n di "lnnt'c of lh i,' to commercialize h e l' s kill n Jl ' nl y lind 1)' (('c t f J'/HIl IHor t rHIH.'ZC t o th e fl ullr . tu) "I ' \VJt ~ JI~I net or nlhl~ " d ev ice Ic. honeally rath e r Ih,," f .. llnw lilly of T Io""llk !.,.,. 1',,11 und slw "us t.lli"",1 a the d e viou s m e Ullg Lhal ~ he rnig-hl U!" t-, fn U'l UT u of tltl' an)) n lld posR ih lC' in t l' I'lial ill iu, il'~, lind gtill be c ln~"~ d as amah·lll'. Th ~ " ,:cid""l I"'ppell ed in th e IllidHer courugcou8 s t.l'P d ese rv e s l' (JIll<I I,· "f II", t ""I"'1.e net in which s he me ndution. S he' has "cnehe" th e :lnd ,L1",r 1l1~1l1 J, " I 'S "f her rillni lv pinnacle of fam e in t h~ IImnl<'l ,r 1V 0' n' p(·rforlllinl!'. S he lost lH'T foutworld, hut in doin g ' " h ilS e nrned (III' iltlr Itnu fell . Co nfu s ion n'ign ed fo r a fe w mi nherse lf nothing mo re th"n vu";e d hnn orl!. Now s he f"c l ~ thn t - he is Ut'·d. W() lllo'n II/ld c hildre n scr ea m,'d II lId own r UKh,'d uhll ul for uid. Soo n entitl ed to bring hel'se lf ." Ill e s ub- lin n nin"l l IIC I w,,, TU Rhed into the s tantia l r "lllunH nLion for her uh ility. arena 1111«1 tht-' s how Went o n. Th c' . huw mu st II Iways go on. Miss Browne's dCl'i" iun will lI o t A ny on e .. f UK may disappenr; u servil ns II se ri o u ~ blow t" IImo l eur brick Illlly fn ll on him or lin automos port. Th e r e will be nmnteurs 111_ bol e truck "un uve r him, unci it is if WIIY II, but al. o there will be mur e and one threw a pebble intu tho poo l. more professionals in every s port in There is little confusion, a f~'w wave years to come. Nor is the amateur circle about the place, and soon all is quiet us before. esse ntially of lin e r clay than the proSo me o ld men rememb er when Linfe •• ionlli. The profe ssional doesn't coln was IIssassinuted. Those not 80 hurm IIny s port, It's the 'luugi-um- old r e memb er the assussinatlon of atcur, the sp ul'lous amutlJur, Who ug- Garfield and McKinley. These thio~s were 90 t e rrible thnt they thought itates sport lovers. the world would s t op. They wer< - - -__ a ••_ _ __ amazed to see that everything w~nt an ns us ual. LONG LIVE THE IRISH POTATO None 0)' li S would be mi sRcd . One may drop " ut I.f hi ~ place in sodety, Statistic8 from t he federul bureau a few fri e nd s will mourn him, a few M agrlculturlll t:cunomicK indi ca t e will notice his absence, und it will t e mporury sadness. But jn n thnt the tllsle of th e Amol'ican IlOU- enuse little while he is forgotten. to eater see ms to be veering frolll the Where ure the snow~ of yesteryear ? Iris h vuri ety to the sweet. Lnst Wh e r e ure the beautiful women like senson, 811Y. the r eport, one hush el Helen of Troy that once disturbed of sweet potatoes was grown for the pnst? Where are the heroes. the mighty men of old, that once beevery fiv e und two-tenths bushels of s trode the world? Jri8h. This year the ratio is given The great as well liS the small 88 ·one bushel of ~w ee ts to every four mus t go d oWTI . nnd life flows on. The and COllr-seve nths bushels of the life of the community is like u resistless tid e. Nothing can impede Irish. its progress. However, cataclysmic These fil:ur us might .cause one to the ca lami ti es t hat disturb it, they arc soon swullowed up in the progbelieve th/lt it won't be lIIany years ress of events. until th o swee t potnto became absoOne of the poems which wa s a faIUle mast er o f the table. vorite with Abraham Lincoln must Sweet potatocli nrc mighty pnlnt- com e to mi nd "0 :why should the s pirit of moruble, bu t Americuns will never give up the lrish hltahed brown, French tal be proud?" fri ed, au gmtin , German fri ed, or the good old mashed.


----_ ...- ---

SAVE THE PICTURES The federal public buildings commission s hould waste no time in accopting the offer of the moving picture industry to place films of h18toric vnlue in the new national archivE'S building to be ere cted in Washington. Negatives to be preserved would includc those of 8uoh events 'as lh e signing of lhe Versailles treaty, rresld ential inaugurutlons nnd the first air plane flight.

DR. E. M. RUDOLPH Tlae E,.e Sil'la~ Speciall.t

At Cary'S Jewelry Shop





7he Pathfinder $ee ' What ,



Vo~ Bu'Y!'

show ' Our Tires

Qon't buy tir.ea ,sight ':l".een. \'ou~1I be disappointed. Cbj1\e to u. and 'w e'll '~how you .t he ti~e~ou want : - 'mow you the v~lue"-and save you money. . P.thfi~der' Tires 'a~ made 'by ·the ~r~d'.~ largest ,manufacturer. Th~y , .tand· up ' along.ide, high... · priced .tire•• . AblOlut~ly th~ most.fpr the ",.on~y.•.. • Fabl"';', 3Ox3~; "$8.~S; Ov~r.ize Co~s, , 3Ox3~, $9.95;' o~r liM. equally low• . ,






for FO D



T costs you far o'-e in re p ai r bill to be withoutfit tha n to buy it now_ Come in and let us show y ou how Complete eet of gun and t a ' it is t · in~ppJ cs fur J. 7 ch.lssis


stall and usc. Way nes\' i~l e

bc:arUl'~S • • • • • • • • • •

Mot or Company,



Tll" l

~o n,

Jl e rllert, wcre g Ul\s l R,

Tu c tsdny I'll'S, (;( 'o r-g-(' J ~cl· . vf It o 1I I. •• •1.

c 1Ir l ;

Duyton ,'

l1 ~ xt

·MI·. Howard Graham and Miss B"Il' 1l ' wer'c guust s lust Thursday and F rilillY uf Mrs. Gra ham's s isl e r, Mrs. ,J ess We bh und Mr. We bb ut their hom e in Dayto n. IIIr. und Mrs. Frunk Wilson enter tain ed on Lnbor OilY, Mr. and Mrs . Hal'rY Wilson, of Vayto n, und Mr. and Mrs. He rbe rt j"it e and J un o Ellon, of Was hington C. H.

latt"r ut :l u·c111ck. Mr. Charl es Pc li ce, of Cillcinnati. ma de II uu si l1c~~ trip t fl LYII l' , Sa lurday, in t he in t e r est u( th e l nJus ll'iul Cumm id~iu n uf Uhiu. Mr. lind Mrd. Charl l's Mul1~llix att end e d th e II" YI1 ''I' .... ul1 i,," III l it, h01l1 1' .. I' .111'. Haro ld Bllnt,, ", II car Mia mi, "u,-:.:. Sunday .

Mr. and Mrs. Billy Mahan, of Dayton. were Lab or Day guests of Mrs . Mury French and Robert Garner. They accompani ed them ho me and remained the res t of the w"ek. l\1isses Harrie tt nnd Lucille Tucker who graduated here last s pring, are taking their SenIOr year ut Wayntlsville. The boys of the class, James Car back and Gerald Adams, are enrolled at Kingman. School opened Mondny morning. with W D. Larkin and MI'!. Herbert Carr a~ high school teachers; Miss Merle E lli., upper g rad es ; Miss Gruce Constant, inte rmediate grades, lind Mi 88 Rosetta McMillun, primary grad es. Last W ednesday Mr. nnd Mrs, Howllrd Graham and daughters encerluined Mrs. Graham's aunt, MNl. Orlando Bevan, of Adams township. MI'!. Geneva Fenlayaon and son , of Chicago, and 1\1i8s l)fary Bevlln, of Clarks ville.

• ·UIlc.lU Y, ttl('

f o nn l'l' al

:! a nd

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ro ge rs vi "l l~ d Saturday, th e f o rm e r 's futh er. , I r. Enos Rug e rs, wh o is q ll ite ill ut th e home of Mr a nd !III'S. S herman RnJ.;en, nea r Middle RUIl. Mr. and :\lrs, J o httnlH~ Y unf! s un, and Mr. a nd Mrs A. l::. W hill' ulld ~ons of ~pringfleld, we re l'i lll,d " y even'inlr g uestti of Mr. and ~lr". h e,· ler Grahulll. M,·s. While Hlld " ' li S r ellin in eJ for th e wee k. Mr. und Mrs. All e ll "mrick h" d fnr th eir Sunday dinn e r g uests, ~Ir . ,,"d Mrs J . 11. Jones , Therl e ,11)" ". , Mr. Ilnd' Airs. Chur.ies John s, M ... unu Mrs. S. II Huines, Jam es }'Lzin cs , and Mr. a.nil Mrs . Walt er lrenr ick .


Notes from lIIe Court House

1'1 .. '

Aid met with Mrs" Ruth VVedhesday afternoon. meeting_ will be held .t the

· U,u:;>J.... clle.

MrS. Mary MannQn, near. .W1liiliqtOll.

Slal', tUl\l' l'tl " " JJ-:'. $ 1;; T h e:' O !ltJittt·r·... ~IJPp l i l ." f p l' HlldiLCl I', F rank .I , Rr fl\\'n, pnqnium . o n

h.. ",1 for t'ou nty tr<'ltslIl'<'I·. $ 185 : II . f-~ . W3r \\'irk. ~ 1l"Jlli .. , f,'I' jail. :;;1i. ~IU; Trtl J': l,4(' :; (d' J' lIh l h' l\'f:I;1':-II' Jig-il L g-n !i

InAculal use it ands abuse




fl OC";

1' \

__. _______

Virgil Mill'nick and fami y have moved from Mt, Orab. Brown eo!,),tbe , Shank place hore. lI&r, ~is teaChing the Oregoni~

\\' (' :-; l"l'f1 ()t1i('"


Miss lIIurjori,~ a'nd Th omas Huy dock we re guests oC Mr. anu Mrs. W. D. Lurkin, of Harveysburg, lust week. Mr, Ilnd Mrs W. N. McKay, Allin . The McKay families we r e in WiI- Mendenhall and Ruy Noggle attendmington, Monday. ed M. E. Conference at Toledo, last Pal Kirby has the foundation done week. for his new house. Not much news thi s week: Eveverybody is at the fuir. ILL Gilbert 'l'o1\e and wife werc Sunclay guests of Ogde n friend s. (C(lntinu~' d from page 2 ) Miss Susunnn Andrews hns r et urn_ ed t o her schoo l in ;Westo wn , Pa. MARRIAGE LICENSES Our school beglln Monday morn Paul pervey Kin g , buLche r , Franking, with Mrs, MIIl'Y H uffn\on, a s lin, uRlf H elen Hilu cbrllnt, Franklin. L(,ucher. Rev Stacy. Rob ert Lew is Itnd wife utte nded Clift'ord Spuhler, Illnchini st, Mason t he ball g3lu e at Wilmington, Sunday and F~ d na B. Robin son , Ma son. Hev. II ft~I' noon. Al'llllJn C heek . Carl Wes t Riqh, Attorn e y. CinOro Selma nn'd family huve movcinlluti, und F rances Low Ivins, Le bod into t he ALE .lordnn hOllse, near unon. n e\'. Kirker. the school hou~e. Murel E. 'Goodpaster, South L e buFrank Gord and two children, of non, lind Cat h'~ rin e Louise Puck e tt, near I.obun o n, attended church he re South L ebll nun. Rov, NUl1gestc r. ::)unduy tn urnin@; . REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Sevtcral fro m thi~ pfnce attended An sley S t ewart Canun a nd Rose t he Friends' nil-day meeting 'a t Harl\1al'jori e Cano n to Charles Co le, luts veysburg, Sunday-. 10 anu 17 in It M. Cox's Addition tIJ Alf Jordnn, M. M. Terry and K. Muson. E. Thompson were in Harveysbarg John F . Grishum and Nettie Gris hSaturday evening, Eugene Gard and wife. of L e banon, were Sunday afternoon guests of K. E. Thompson and wife. Jason Biddlecom, R. J. _Murrny and wife were Sunday evemng calera 011 Charles Kibler und family. K. E, Thompson und wife and !diss Mury Kathleen Toomey cntertalncd company from Belmont, Sunday evenin _



and \Vat" I' r l, ,,t for .i:d l. $62. 1·'; Ram" fil l' cu tin huu "<, . $; Vall e y pho lte (' fl. . phon i' r"n f·r ~'nll ll 0' O fli CC R, $·I ~ 50; >1 1111\. Illd .. , :~.;W; '1'11, ' n un I. lI nll ll~ l · '0 .. n' p a;1 :It jail, ,~ I. [••-\; 'fh t, Lin g-II Il tll d. ,H' Co .• Mr. 11l1d ~Ir". : . H Ilainl' '', .1;l 11"" Hai n,:s Ull d MI'. ' 111.1 ,II I'S Wu ltl r K"n ·,111'1 .1 ',..; fl. r i.lil. :: '1 ; ,l phll l.a w' and ric k nlt"nu, d a l'hickl' n sU~J1er .11' till' . . . 1.1". :- u n lv f II " .';. 1"1' fi r \11. i1!' hts . I:!; Man l,- . fur bh,· I·, 1I - .01,,'1" Cars M. I·;. chU'-l' h II I Sprineuo r u. S utu ,'$-,:-:, (I;? ; :--;t,u lltI" "d n ,l \ dl ~ l rict ex_ day uve n ing.

Honoring the birthday of her daughter. Mrs. Charl es Gray Mrs. Amanda Starr entertainied t o dinner, Our schoo ls opened Monuay 01 II l'IIMonday, Mr. and Mrs. Charlea Gray, ing, Robertl _ Alice, Kathleen and Wayne Gray, Mr. and Mrs. W . M. Mathins Mrs. Rachel Miller is the gu est of and· Mi8ses Mabel and Margaret Starr rellllives in Springfield. of Dayton lind Mr. George Rauf, of Mr. and MrM. Ray Taylor have r ~ ­ Covington. turned from their Easte rn tri p . l\1iss Lulu Fealy has gone to MidR ev, Frunk Moormllll, of J a m . .. dletown. where she has an e xcellent town. fillcd the I~ ulpit uf the F r ' ~lId, position in th e school -system. Miss church, Sunday. Esthe r Underwood has as sumed her Miss Fanny Chan cy ha s return ed duties as teuche r of Englis h in the school at Highland. Miss Helen Gra- from a plellsn nl; vi sit wi lh II 8ist ~r ham is teaching in the Waynesville in Wyandott e, Mich . . school, und Mi88 Imogene Gray hus Mr. Bishop Dickinso n, of Columr eturoer to Fosters for Lhe school bus was the week-end guest of his year. son: Adams and family ,

K. E Thompson, Pnl KirbY and othen \vent to Belmont Monday, to see the new SeaTS and Roebuck houaes.. On account of wet weather our farmers didn't get to finish the!r threshing until lust week. Their Itl'ain wns badly dnmaged. Mcsdardes Claude und Stanl,:y Gray and dnughters, Misses 91audlo ond Josephine spent Friday With Jaa, Gray and daughter .. in Lebanon. R. J Murray aDd wife had . for their S{.mday guesta, Mrs. Mary ' Barre,*, Mr. and Mrs .. Alvah McVay, N. J. McVay and wlfe1 of Leeaburg,

Clll ll' !' : 11 ( '''1 11'1 I J. tl l ~(. ~h . li l r HI':IIl J. 1.. ,:.111 a ll.! p .. i KO n t~ I· K . $::::,-,. , I ; T ilt


night "lid W e dll~s dllY uf lh (' ir c hil,l Sun day . Sch,,,oi ,,".1 p" 'ae hill;':' al $ 17;!, 7. :; re n, M,.. and Mrs . W. C. Wulk cl', ill Lytk e hu" "h w ill u~ ' " th e af t e rll"ul1 wa . h fo 1'


Every Tuesday 18.

,. .

.HI !

a m to George and Adu WOOllll'J, a c r r~ In Il'ltrcl"o k 'T'p MO ' h'iu D. 'u n mihgg' to 1~"" 1 Kl rka 10L in Fran klin Tp., fronting fifty leot all th l1i oll rouo. Uirum D. CHcl wHll"dl' I' 10 ·Wull!.'r . Cndwulladlll', luL to ill ,J hn Thol mP -1 ~on'M Addilinn to Murl'ow. A. C. IJ us 'lIlln lind ,J . I . Mill"r tu Nctli~ S<'llm i,lt . n "JIJO x~2G" tr!lt'L ill Ilt'N ti,·1 I "1'". N t.,· :dllllidl to J . H illill,·r. II t m et ho rdc,:" ,!! 0" liz, r.i(n l.. ~l l a ll d ill n." "Ik lol '1'". r(·tti<.! S('lul,hh t (l , nou Ilu:- IIIUII . : lhe tal' t ill I Jh~ 11jl'ld T" .. d"I ' ri l'd I" I tlll' J.;'rHI~\II " ~ 11 · t·t' ili I.I.\' .\ . ( ;. lIu '> man 'l " lid .1. I: . 1111",·.

' hnrl es M1Idd e n spen t Monduy in Miss 'Aglles Lo ng llC[ ' und Mrs. o lumbus. Mull ie·Davi.· spon Monda y in Du ytpn. M. E. hcrwood iK Quito ill with 1I1rH. Mll ry CUmlOllY visi ted Mr. infill mmulory rheumnlis ll1. nnd Arl'!!. Wilbur Clnrk , in Wlly ne,," , ::)u nd uy. viII I. N. Mill c!' und duuJ.;hte l·, M i s~ Lulu , cllt(:r·t u ined rt·la Li 'es, S und ay. Mr. and Mrs. r':rn st !:Irown and Me and Mrs. M. E. ShcI'wo od en- c hildren , of UuyLo n , s pcm th e weeklertai"n·/I relati ves from 10wn, thi~ c nll ut Lytle. week. Mrs. iIlullie Davi R, of Cin ' inn nLi, Mr. lind Mr . rhnrleE II. Grny nnd is vi &iling lI e r 1lI 0 lh ,I', M r •. 1::m Ol .. i'n nlil y W ( ' I'(' L c bullfHt vis itors. Mo n- Fo ulks. thi s week. <l nv afte rn oon. I 'POI'ts fNm Lin co lll Sid". at Me . '1 11 ."",1 · ~ HI 'I I to 1" 'l"r " ' in"lt'\'I,iI' l!. ~h. an d ~h~. Cha rl es B . Gray nnu Cle llan ho" pita l, Xell ill. arc lhat hl' I'-M al'rtf.~ "' C, "' '''rnk 1'1'. rnlllily \\'1'\ ,' ,.. S Ullduy g- llC ~ t s o f 1\'11'. I b 111IprU 1I; II g' nkf".Y. H L . Ir w ill t" f."(I :llId Ik" 11:1 dl tll ' a lld Ml·~. ,I. C. t;l'u y. MI'. I:; II"'I'L Wall ac e ('lI tertu in pd (·'ul·fl :-: , 1H! ' n (,' r~'~ ill I 11"' rfi /!,J T p. OJi \' l' It ....... 1~11t-1· t .. !'-i, C' "j.'1I 1S 1l1 1\1,.. and Mr,; t!1Ii1 (;o l'(l on a lte nt! - ht-/' e"usi" lind daughle r "f ]lay tun . ~ hlll'l1 li n d .\ I.Hil-!'l' ~, ,"\;trJl . 1"1 .... ';'1: ,.;1 I he fun e l'lll '" r till' lIal 'y l.lIluy III lit" li r, l o f l hl! w(,e k. . ~\,ill1liIlKt"n , Th ul':;ciny, M e!'i~ rs, I: ilol'rl Juiu J a nl (lS N c l ~o ll . ill 1"1':\111.1111 . C c·on .. •· \\ : llId Id· ! '" 1" ",1 ' Ii ~ Ir. ulld ~Ir~. MdC night. o f Cin - "f ("d ia na , t idi ed L1" MI'. lint! ~lrs. I.vwi !oo. A .\ll1 lr:I\' . a t":\ I " 111 \\' :1'.11 ' cill lla li. l·all,·,1 nn M r. and J\Ira. J. C. All ell 1' llIl' ick. i'I1"nday . T 11\\' 11 ,: hi j, . ' . eray, 1'1I " s dllY mnrnin/!:. Mr. a,,,1 i'll'S. ~ 11"!I't Wall ac,' h" y,. PhdJu H J 'I II .,:{ jf) \\' ilh:ll rl ;-.\l l' i'q' 1111'. nnd Mrs. I~ve re ll Vill"I's a nd J!u rc ha.<,· " l h(· Ly 1.1 l' IH·U p .... t y "f .\II' . h alli . "'II I ~ J' I' - Jrl Fra rd, lill T / , Thollla ,~ {I, ::Idllll l' r ' t ' l aI., lit :\t ·\\' " HI, of ])u ytun. w" re Wc"n,·,dIl Y tl ll d ,\1,'". Ha rr y J~k(;' nn i s. g-ul 's b~ o f r('luliv c:i h ~rl·. j\1r nlld ,\ I r s, t: eo I' f.:'\-" S,~,"l :'! ) H i ll t In n J·:~ I , ·~trJlI. it t l'lte'l I l r 1,I' m ' lll Hllth.. " ('0 . , :tlld l\\.u i n Fnu ll,I"1 'I'll . Miss Mild,·"" Chambers. of Cu lum - i\l u ,"(ay ill I'I:u' bvi Jl " a t lb" h .. nl<' \\':\1.,.. ' 11 ""lIl1ly , hIl s, 11'11 ' II w,' cl; -c nd sr u e~ t of M iss"R 111' MI'. und .1 rs. Adam fla y. 1'llIl'r ic tt a nd Lu cill(· Tuc ke r. The ](c,.d e r ",' uni'] 11 w as h•. ld S un - COM,MI SS IONEns' ALI.OWANCES Mr. /l nd Mrs. A . L. Ke n nedy and day al lit e {'uulltry h .. m,· "I' M .-. alld V il la!! ... o f I .t~ haflttll . ~OH I 1ft , HI'


Lebanon, Ohio 8:00 •• m. to • p.





:iUr\lYU )" ,:,

it does in test.

JU&t iU

fOld!', $ :J4V.48.

Oh, o Culv ert Co., rOllr co rruguted

"''''0''', $127.110; T he Ga rrett Co., 17

lJ"b . tn rv iu, $lli~ .80; Tl1I' (; l' org e B. Cu rd 1':quipm ~n L Cu., t r ll ck repairs,

APPLY v.rnIah /ItIlln to a metal .l'1t. panel. Allow the pand to dry. Bend or Q'C:31C ir over • Itnillbr edge. Then walghten u our and eumine ita auzfu.ce.

$2 .0 I ; W . A. Sco tt , bridge rep airs, $4:1.:10: I·: IV Htl J{v, hr iuge lumber, $Z :l1 .R I ; A. 0. Grap ev ille, filial esl im,II,· U II eUlllmel No. 845. $7 12: 11.,1111> I &. Sc huyl e r , s l't'li nd .. ,":mute "" ,· .. I,t l·ocl 1\.,. ~fiO. $~ IJO: \.'. O. l'h '\ tll nSOIl , I'e m llv in l!


f ,'o m

jVACCINATION OF SWINE A Specialty Nothing but reliable Serum and Virus used

Dr. W. E. Frost Veterinarian Harveysburg Ohio Phone 44

An inefficienr 9IlnlIah otaln will crack badly where ir wu ....e..-f, ~ • broken film that will


I" i""·.· . $:1; J ohll T Gr ~ KJ{, bl'idg~ reI'"i ... $ \1; Hurry Hilt, 'g ll~ h00k s, $!J 1.,tl ; .~ 111118 Coo k, .Jr .. hrlul itl l! J.:rn\'el, \' ~ I. 'il' ; li erma n 5 urfal'(" ""me, $ IO .nfl: Frank Cnlcn!l1n, "lime, $t.i. l 0 A"I','" Frai zic l', la lw J' n nd • ~ pplies , $:.!;; , W . P. Mc Ca rrl' l1. f UI'n is hing nnd hn ll ill l! g r ave l. $2 ~ :{ . I\l : COIl k & SWl" ",' y, KOllle , $ 13.60 ; H. G. Ville ·11 , U lf(, o f li g hts , $1.75 . S p"I1('e r & Armitage, g r ave l, $ 10.20, Jan,,', In sr le, furni shing anll pi ling st on , $Ii :l; G. F . F lower s. grH ve l, ~I. :l:' ; S il os Dra ke, sarn e, $:' ..Ill; Stun le'y S hilling. so me; $7. 05; Er ne:,l Bu lll'l'\\'o rlh , s t one, $7 .96; Orego lllU Brid J{l' Cu. , maL e ri al, $ 13.8 0; Fran k Ilur<k, r e pairing eq uipme nt, $:J.40 ; Wailt' ''' Guruge, sam. 22.70: H . C. He ir. ~ upp li "s f(JI' jail, $3.36; Monroe "" .1" hl1 son, boo k case for C. P. Co urt ~ JI,I. ', 7; E. ' Worley, s uppli es fo r I,,· , IIr, $2:.1.7{) '; Drs. Ed and Robert Hla ,,', medi cu l sU l'yice at j n il, $4 0; V. W. Tholllpso n, payroll, $5 17.1 6; Eden THry. su me $408 . 15; A. T . ReI ti g, SAm e, $2 12.80; P. B. Monce, sa me , $89. Harlan Whitaer', sa lli e, $47 .7 5 ; R. D. E dwurd s, sume, $38,1.0 1; Jus. Davis ·su me, $260.75 ; W. S. Grah um , same' $~02 .7 5; Fred Snide r , 8ume, $:.156:50; F . M. Collins. sa m e, $ 191 .05 Spe nce r & Arrnitage. g ravel, $909.4 8, Harl un Whitacr e, bridge material, $241.80; Wulter Harvey nnd Merritt Brunk, labur, $4·2.50; V . W: Thompkins , payr oll, $5 17 .15; hauhng grave l, $277 .r.O: R. M . W e idner, sume, $2&2.70; Euge ne Harp er. bridge mal e ri nl nnol r e pair, $2 7.50; Arthur -J . Hill, 1I .~ t · Rurveyor, $ 10; Vi ct or Van RirJe l', ~ lIppli es, $3. 24; Wnllnce BowYO·I·. s tone, 76c; Oregonia Briuge, $ 1fia.46; .lohn L nw & Son, county cn r expen se . $52.:iO; Jjttleforcl Bro ~., ta r heaLer , , 1 !JO; H. S. Con"vcr, s uppli es. $4.20; Quee n ity Crushed S to ne Co., s tone , ~90A5.

chip off and


the baro


Devoe MInolac wDi rrtalo an ao. broken 6Jm thereby'fuIly roo~ mg the swface. nm prowa the dutidty and dorabUlty of the product. Pracdc:al_ pralle Devoe qnaQt,.

FRED M. COLE, WayneSville, Ohio

DEVOE MirroIac VaroislaSiaip ................ _ .................._,.,.,_..._"':.-= .. ..........u ......_ . ·



Dr. John W. Miller L.M.HENDERSON




N.tloo.. B.olr

Natlooal Baok Bla ••

Will. Dr.wD .. ........ E.t.t". Seuled 'lOb

Wayne.ville, Ohio

u. fo. ,.oar Job Printinl'.

Some 'of The Things We Sell Lumber for Every Purpose---.

Siding Oak Flooring Edge Grain Flooring Finishing Lumber Porch Material Front Doors Cottage Windows Window Frames Window Glass All of the above material can be found .In

Semi-Solid Battermilk No Dried Buttermilk In Conkeri Buttermilk §tartblg 'Peed. we use Semi-501id IBttttenniIk

~gtothe BOd .sutU.S§ful


ttfatbe~~ ·.

our yard every day in the year at moderate prices = =,-=-_..__.===========

w. H. Madden &: Co. . . Waynesville

feed fOrIittlechicks froth 48 boars to 8 weeks of ~ Start them right with Qmkey's and you


weeki of• age. ,I , ,

DoD~ Break


tI.e a.m


~ . ID.,! ID 111l1li_-:-_ iIIr

r;~~,=,,'::~ lalJlllllllla

CenterviUe, O~ ·..... N...




. Ohio




- .- - - - - - -- . I , . -.0 1-::::A-::=--____-#-...." \

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"IIT1' n cuun .



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in Cin ci nn nti



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ring your Eggs to Kroger

" u ll~Un l or llhol' liug h, , ~ ihl:( 11e1 t }', ' \ .l '~ tn u"" li ~ U ' ;I i ' < ha v(, bl'l'n ~"lc !. It. I. ~lIid th I t hI' Mfluirr· " .r·' "" 11' pit· t lf II ,.1,,1 (I. Ln~ l l' I. 1:0\,,1 c rill) ill IlJtk ,,·


~I:"h ' 11 d~ lt ­


n rk ~ d ll(l,


1')* nllt~ ~ lh'llt I

,\,, 11 I I p '''1 I' :..~ j nl:\ h t\ ) h: IJ,-' f II , Ttl\' ." 'HIHI fI r .. h Id ~lin:-o i ... h"a r d, ~lJ lrll'rl' ;~ r C' h un t (\r :


,,/u l

tail1l,d C(l ul ou~


nn d


)r ond .

K. N. I1 ollj:(h ,'" II'r · f l'tl lI1 Ind aarHl u \' t' r


-------~,---- .--------------------------------~



Chinese Quince

t Iw wc,' k cIHI. . 4

YOlltlr c wus i n Dny

tun t Lu cl u )" . . harl~" An,i<:rso n \'i:-:l hll', tod:,y:

M 1"

WII S n DII" .

.Jllhn. Huwkc \\'U :-4 "'xhilJ;li ll ~: H "t' r y

~ I b, V",hti Ue,·h·tl n".! ~ l r . an <l uniqu e fr uit Lhis rHllf'u i ll;.t, Hl' I \H~ a .11 .. ,. H. H. Ea rn ha rt w,· ...· i" Dayt" n. hU' h Ht hi . ho",,' wh id he, a ils 11h' 1",1 !':Iturd,,~ . ChI/woe q u ill"'" The !lu,h i~ nn <l Id 01"('. but thi s i~ it~ lirs t " ('II ,· f ll !' h~llrlll l(. The fruit i ~ U~ hilrd ;\, II • tlllle, uUl loo ked good ,' " oug-h t .. "at.

IIIr. li nd \\Irs. 1;; lvin Fir('~ W('I'< Mr . Il lld 111m . .J nm!', Taylor a nd Dny ton visit urs . Mon day . ~,Ir EIIJ • . uf lJaytun , ln ll ed un W ay . Ne\\' lII illi nt'ry ill c,>iors und biRCh . 'I<,,,\,i ll,, fri,·nil _. S Ullua)' . I\lr. nn d at G"IlC" Linco ln S mith· ~ .. )Iis> Grllcl! Shn l1l huu)!,h and n Oll a!.l pur ' h ll ~" d Ill'rll..i l' r!i Cln Wl' r(\ ){llt' $ l~ \11' Uf, H l'n~ \Of Fourth "d l\ln ~l ~ lln h and famil y " !,<'n ' d\'1 ~ ufl and f a mily, :\t on cl ny l' \·cninJ! . lI lId MrB. ~lInclllY at H U~:-\I' I1 'c::; Po i nt.

a d- Country Cl llb , White or Rye, 1 ~ - pou n d .oaf .. . . ... .. . .. .


Simple in constructi0t:1, enclosed gears, running in oil, large capacity, safe to feed, easy to move about. Rosenthal Bros. built the first Husker in 1889. Their 1926 Husker represents the experience of 37 years, and leads the field as did their first one

in 1889.

FRED M. COLE Hardware--·Hamess··-Farrn Machinery




Tell 'e Advertiser you saw his Ad. in the Miami Gazette

Lilli 1,111 ,

Isanc ~ p l'ndl l1g


Day tlln .

th .. \\cek wi th rdH Li \ll'~.

I.e t he Soft Wnt l'r Lll und ry wn gh I'

~l r , . Rona ld Hawk r was hMt r" I" Ih, " J "lIy ~ l a lr olli\ " :: nturd"y fit'

you r

c lulhe~

d uri n)!

t.·nnnin ~

lI1iss Omnll Purter and friend. fi t' n" yt tl ll , s pe nt S und ay .. ft ern oon with 1IIrR. Ma ud Cran e.

Corwin Grocery .Is The Home of The Following


9Sc Cane , gar Pure 25 pounds for ... ... . .. $1.62

t he ir fn lllily,


n l ,)\'(l d

Co untry C lu b. 2 4', . 11" oac.k .. ~ 1

to Da y t Oll

s enson.



:i Wt! )' th e o ld qU('s tion, "why d oc \!' H

c hi('kcn


c r(Js ~

11 0


till' Tl H,d? "


wh e n

IU 't1

~' td l

O leo, En.m ore Nut .. .

Vinega r

" Lt:t's T" lk Abu ut. t h~

~Iy SWI!

t itl e o r a pOJlu lnr

\\' {'I

1 1l


.... ...---



Silverflake A. C. Elk Lick . The Celebrated

Streitman Quality Cakes and Crackers Ideal Crackers, Cheese Snacks and , Malto Milk Biscuit


!\frs. Fannie McKee is s pending a few weeks with rE!lutives in Bowers· ville. Postmaster Hiatt attended<the ' opening exercises of Cedarville college Wednesday morning. Miss Lois Moser of Miami" F in., was the guest las t wee k of her aunt. Miss Minerv,. Linscott. !\frs. Emma Proctor and son. Ever· ett, of Mt. PulaElka , 111.. are the guests of Rev. and Mrs. Bogan. Mrs. Alice John so n and daughter, Miss Rosa. attlJllded th e nll·day meeting at the Friends church in Har· veysburg, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Fulkerson mu· tored to Muncie f or th e week·end. and attend ed th e Fu lkerson reuni on, III New Albllny . Sunda y. Mr. and Mrs. John Soward. Mr. lind Mrs. Lawrence Sowlll'd and daughter. of n cu l' :x Cilia, and Mr. J esse Sanders, o f Cuba, were Su ndny guest>; of Mrs. Ella Bnbb.

"Inside" Information Sa uce nnturclle lis mude by thick. ening the wat er in which a vegeta· ble was cooked . II: may be made in connection' with mllny kinds of veg· eto bles, .and will also provide the basis f or a goo d vegetab le 80UP, cr ea med or otberwise.

Use Yeast fbr Health


• • •

Don't boil string " beans a long time with ham or pork merely to flavor them. The vitamins ·.w ill be destroy·ed und most of the other valuable ingredien ts extract(!d. Instead, add bucon fat or cris~' diced bacon at serving time. .

Supreme Quality Goods

• • •

Always Obtainable at .O ur Store

Add a tablespoon of horseradish to sweet·sour sauce for beets.

• • •

Watch This Space Next Week F()r The Big Surpris'e on Sept~mber . 25th

Try potatoes cooked in tomato juice instead of water. Slice or dice them for quick frying: .

• • •

Finely chopped ra'w celery improves many dishes, such as creamed . beef, haBh, crabmeat, Jl~,tatoes, cabbage, or bard·cooked eggs. Try it In cre~m sauce for serving 0111 croquettes; wltb creamed canned .peas and lima. beans, stewed tomatoes anll other vegetablCl!. Add just a few minutes' before servin". time. . _ ••_ . _ _


Proprietor •


Reftectloins by Panno To know the wont Yot believe the' best To espect· the hut ~nd

rive the moat.


30 ISlRn~~_rrl ~ ----~


4.1.3£ ~~!~~.~~.a.~~~s..:. . . . :..33c

lb::.: . :.......... ..

~~~~ndered' 35c ~:!~~~~~d ~~~~.~~. ~.~. 14c 2 ,b . .....

nre sUl..'h

·,i"." "

~ ong.

But in

rca l lif ~ it i"n't n pc 'S3ry. The nt h· girls will uU.. ml t o that. The leadin g crop o f the ~ ta l e o f Ca liforn ia is ora 11 !CCS. bllt it must ti P "a id in n il fai r ness I hat lI oll ywoo ct still conti nues to tu rn Il ut its fulll quotu of ICl1lOns. It is s(lid th a t wonw n don 't wea r us muc h j ewe lry as th ey used t o hut then tb e sa me lhing npp li<' s to 'vc ry· t hing else. Th e QU ~(' n !I f Ro uma ni a i ~ coming to Americ.n In Septemb er , which mea ns that we will have to t ake the moth balls out of the pocket. of our dress s uits IIbout 11 month eurlie r than usual. The farmer who raises plenty o f pigs und chickecns doesn 't seem to be worrying a g reat deal about t he price of corn . ,' r



32 C 9s~i~~~~~ dOllen....... .. .. .".....738c . . . . 48e

b •• keto . T okay . , 2 lb ... .... . ........... .... ..... 25c

176 .iz...

F. D. Dakin Insurance Agency

General Insurance Phone 61--2




Cider , Ra l

Pur ~

~' t\ u n ~


tt l


.. .... ... ............ ..... Ib 22c

----.-,- ------------C~~~/\:oEtsS and

hU Vl' t il p ut dllu:, IL' 1(' n r ,

Rn o th e r r~ll.'inn why keep ou r K'o\' (,J'n m e nt a pplC' -p ic (lrdl'r, whi ch

....... ...... ... .... ..:.:... ._::...:.: 65~

.. ...... ..... ..

into your S !, etael e fram, ". The Uni t ed Sllilc. was t.he wo rld 's " r ellt",t aprl l ~ prodm'(' r in 1!l25. abltt

10_ pound .

\4 .lb ...... ck .... 57!

Coun t r y C lub Creamery, per p ound ... .

trying- t,) kill 1"" Jr ,·If

into thin l-..llIg' YUU

T o The Stnt'- A moder n molhe r, in th e \JI p-to·dnle yo uth o f tndu)" nnd rnre ly sbock l!d by it, a moth ' r who has K ~eing eyes a nd u n· dcrs tanding enrs. is curious a bout the principal character in the s tory , "Every Worcl an Acrobnt." who so quickly ~du c ll ted th e visitor a s he stood in tbe corridor of a KnnslIs City hig h school. Here was on imaginntive young ge nius who appnr· ently had been indulging in reading t he "Plastic Age" and felt the urge to apply it to Kansas City. As a mother who has seen much of the youth of Kansas City in a\l its glory and enthusiasm. I truthfully can say I never huve h eard the fairer se x refe rred to in terms of disrespec t . Very rarely have I been un· able to understand the slang of the modern high school student. ,. Times have ch anged, it is true, and Our store will be closed for th e best, but boys and young men still des ire t o protect the you ng woo Saturday, September 18, man from the sOl'did things in life. Knighthood s lill flam ~s in Kansas on account of a Jewish City. As n loth'er inter ested deep. Iy in the welf(lre of young people, Holiday. Open at 4 p. I believe I speak for a large group of pllrents wh en I g ive this message to MYER HYMAN the young people of Kansas City. We trust you. We think you are the finest young people in the world. We know you have high ideals alld we intend to help you keep those ideuls. We want · you to see agio. riou s side of life. We are proud of your fine spirit i:n school. ut homo and in the community. We want to work with' you. The parents and youth of Kansas .City are building together today for a better torno.r· row. se h o ()l ~ d

Co u~l_ry _ C I ~~t ~

. 09

.$6. 40

Th,' Inu nd ry give. yo u Iirst·c1l1ss "cr· vin·. Lellv!' your call \\ ith Mnhl on Ridl'''.

Mrs. Vi ola H arilln find Mr. an l" A mothel' protests UKuil1 5t u ~e n f iII r s. H. B. Earnhart spent Sun da ~ , lang by yo uth . The follow ing wn ~ "ith Mr. li nd Mrs. E . L. lIarian . written by Wan da Egbe rt Grnhurn. R A . Crnss left Monday f or a tri p to t he Kansas City ~ta r, Ka n. It lh ru ugh the East, n orth t n Main<' is nil a ccount o{ th ' sl8l'I( ter ms und in t I> Ca nada on hi ~ r eturn h om ~ uscd by 8 hi!(h school ~ t ud en t. wh o was th e principa l churnctN in th e story. "Every Word nn ~cro bllt . " Dry cl alling, pressing and dyeing. Mrs. Grnh a m is th e dau g ht.e r o f !\lrs. Ru l!!' and fea ther beds r enovated . Em ma E!(bert, fo rm erly of Wayn es. curt(lins washed and stretchod. Soft vill e, 1111 ,1 u niec e o f Mrs . Alice Me· W atl'r La undry, Mah10n Ridge . Kin s~ y a nd Miss lilli e Ncdry, of thi s nge nt. plnce. Mr. and lIIrs. H. D. Kellison, of Vand a lia, Ohio, Mr. lind Mrs. Carl H nwk e, o f Da yton , Mr. and Mr~ . Fran k LcMny and children. MI'. Charles Hawke and Miss Helen Hllwk e were SundllY g\J1lsts of Mr. nntl Mrs. J. C. Hawke.

Clifton, 24 ; :!- pound sack . ... ........

Mr ~.

\l'h at has U("'lI nll' II f l h,' ,,!lI· fa s h· l l' r nou n . Mess.'". E. J . Il l' rhei' . arl Nl, lole , ," n,,<1 po liticia n wh ll urj!"<1 Ih e IIdopl\ (' nnHh Kil u"n lind I) ona ld ll en.!c.·, l i,'n .. f t he pr imary 'Y.I,·m " ~ I t he Mrs E l fl i ~l' Thomp!'.( Hl has b{l-l' l ~ Cl I1 wcr d i ll n!,'" KUl':.- l ti of [)t', p(lo r cnd icl ntl' wo u ld hu\', a (: !Jan l'l"! vi s it ill ~ h t' " pnrent s. l\,t r. IInri Mr, Cn rl H endc r~o n nnil fhrnil y. ~ undll Y. (; ('ll rg-l' ::' mit h , Chicago and Mil\\' uukN' a rc build· In)!, /I high wuy :! OO reet wiell' to " "11' ~l!' . a nd Mrs. Alfred Wrildll w ~n' ne ct II hi ghwny 2 00 fcel wid e to COli din " .. r j!U ('Hts ' ,f Mr. and ~lr s. Kell ll l' Il(' et th ~ tw o .:iti ..s. Wh, ch ' 1Il1~' \\'i ll 1I 0kl' . Friday " ,cning . ma k e it eve n Ino r e di fficu l t It) an



!l urr y I\lct;inll i ~ hO\'t, th e PI'Ill't' l·ty III the cO"Ill' r a nd Tvl,' !' , lre(' I,. (If MI' . hnr l(', ·Edwllrd_. whn. with


Laked I p ~" "d lo " f.. ... .. .............. .. ......... 7c I - lb. l.on' ...... B.c _ ~~~~ b loa f ~=::: . : .....:: .. .. 7c

Purchased Property

The Best Rosenthal Ever Built


Squi re i Season Opens ' ,purr.').

td t l'J n nfl n ,


Tll e ~ rtny



Autn mobll,· r«!pal1'in~. Moto r oil gll ~ •.w er. Hn y \\hlls, -r ei. 71.

W. 11 . Allc n ~ 1 1' ~ .

l ~l.It1


" dhl o.;


11 1'0lHI. fair thi,

n "1i


- -~


lis'. Lillll ll't>nhnm wn. shOI; ".ing in n"ll"n I nd y . Iy








WaynelvilIe, Ohio

'- -


OVERLAND Whippet Am-el'ica's Ne-w-Type Light C.

Prices Reduced •• Sensational Cut-of $40 to $120 Effective Immediately on the Two Moat Popular Cars in Their Price and Size Cia..

Overland Six

The Whippet WAS




Coupe $800 ~750

$880 DeLuxe $10'2 5. Sedan$1145

Delivered with Spare Tire

Delioered with Spar:e Tire


Sedan. $800 $760 . Sedan - $990 Delivered with Spare Tire

,Touring $700 .$ 680

Delivered with Spare Tire


DelilJered wr1h Spare Tire

Delivered with Spare Tire

Immediate Deliveries·

Waynes'VilleOverlandSalesCo. " H. Archdeacon . { " Wayneaville,



Seventy-Eighth Year


A fARM HAND TAKES fRENCH LEAVE Whl' n Snnl M ~ " erlith, .Jr-. nnd rllTll' ily wh n s pent Thursrlny li t thl' Wnrl'r n Co unty fllir, retu rn ed hnme in LIll' I'vpnil1f( t hey foun ll the h O ll _ ~ d i ~. mantl"d and the hir~cI hnnd, whn cnl led hi!\l ~ ~ l f .1. D. T'utl~r " o l1 , nd , s· ing.

Pu ttersoll


~ A.



Till' r(,~ l1ll (O f It1C' t (' rr ibl., >I"flll in F'lnri dn hns .. ~nr lH'd .,jlm·II11lu, prnp"r . ti ol1'. Th e rlC'ul h t nil \\,11 < re ported

'BRING- Or\! YouR


furmerlv worked wilh

lire Pc nnsy this s umm er, un d heu r . inl!. that Me r edith wunt~d a man, w~nl to sec him. lind wos cnnsNIlJellt . Iy hired. Hn wu~ 0 p;ooll enn ll l! h workmon, but turnrd out t tl b" 1\ het· t I' stealer. About 10 o'clock Thursday !\lorn. ing Putt(' r"o n !;1r " Wl'r! up ut ,j. C. lI uw k(, '!i fi llinR "taUon, unci .nid lhllt M<:redith had rUn (lut of gl<:' 0 11 his wily tu Lehllnorr, lind had se nl worc! tn him to gilt live gallons and !lrin;:out. HlJwkc, un ~ \I R P ce ting, dug up n caD lind filI ed it with gasoline. and that is the last that has b~en n of th e so·call ed Patterso n. t oo k with him all th e silvcr· ware he cou ld find , portieres. pillow cases, comforts, shirts, shoe~, keep!inke. , un un opened sack of sugar, 6 !Cullons of oil, lind many other nrti· Cll'S, in fact there was not much of value left in the hou se, except large nrticles of furniture , etc. A theft of two tires and n stole n li· cense tag hilS been charged up to the mlln, a nd Beve ral other smali thefts in the township is alleged to have been perpetrated by him . Whe n the man left he hnd a South Cnrolina licen8e, although he claimed Pennsylvania for his home. Police In the dill'erent cities hllve been no· titled, but so tar no clue hns belln obtained of his whereabouts, Meredith hns oft'ered a reward of S60 for his arrelt.



MI'n t hnt own l'Ililrond ~tock R, nnd n l'ver do, never did, never will do nny hlll'd work, think it Hnd thaL th e me" working on the ruilrollds should get one hundred million dollars II year. Thllt wou ld be n grea I deal 11>.8 thlln thirty Cl,nts II dll¥. nve ruge for eac h mun, while th e rli liroads ge t the hun. dred~ of millions mor ~ und have thl' Government and its interstate COm· IlIl'rCC Commission always ready t o f orce the public to pay highl'f rotes if railroads need them, The Govern ment, compelling thl' Tlubllc to pay more for railroad Ber· vice, without giving the public an y· thing to lillY about it. Hhould also compel railroads to pny more to the working people without giving rail· roads anything to My about it. But Government and Its wor)dnga arc or· rangod by those that own tho rail· roada, not by thoso that work on the railroada.

lhi ~


'--- \:

Indicted For Murder

Fire-proof Addition

ypu 'read thpt an automp!l!le en"inl' had tJe\ln made to run WIth the IIxplll"lvlI power of dl\s* from !tval n ~levator in.tead of gasoline. 14eeBrs. Noel and Hellilaeh, DepIlrtment of Acrlculture enir\neen, showed that ordinary duat might bll u8edto ere.te an explollve fOl'Cle greater than The department In Smlth·Hughea ·thllt of gaaolino. has opened with a larger enrollment than ever before. We have Afteen Frelhmen and Sop_homorel In the cl... of CroPII and Horticultul'Cl: nine In the Junlor·Senlor clau of Solll, Accounta and Manaaement, and Irix , DaJton, the Sophomore Farm Shop cl..... To The Klaml GazetteMON than 60% of lbe total number I ftiTet vel'J' much that I of bo.,. In High ' achool are enrolled diilcontinue ·my vlalts WaJ:l~ea.!!.Ue: in 'Vocational ameultul'fl IIIId 72 % of The Treuler 'Drusr the totaIAarm boy&' \ Third Streat. Day.ton, Parel\ts u well .. the lie.,. ·thom, new Optfpal }\epartment.llcJul:rinll selves art reaUslng more and more '" e.n chure of the the real value of tbe vocational full time . • Miami .,' -;ilviUit8Cialcourse. eordl~lly Invited of , tJio' great In ~~:!~~~~~~:ath~e~~~t:1 department. 101'V8 a large number of peoP.1e at a lIIIaU Inqleeter and IIPProved bl'_the State DlreeWf of 'Education. The coune proAt pei patient. '. " .' • I thank the ,*,ple of . .. outlined la.. . f01l0'\11'l Pnlhman· ,7ear-.Cropa and hortlfor tlilirlr' Idndn_ and ~1~.I~.; culture, EDiU.h and two. unlta. from will be clad to He YOll ':'I~l~~ the .foJJowina Gn.....' ael!!lice, Of. G. H. mathemau.:., or farm ahop. '. , '8, W. Third Sueet. . I B.c!pllomore year - Animal hUI_I handry J:~U.h anel "two unita troql tile foliow(n.: Farm ·...oP 01' btoloancient and tarI7 ' EUl'Opean UaliltcirY 01' plane 'J80~t17.




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7f}l) , lIlld

ma n y lI V t' r

The Rt urlll . which ('lIllle ,'ul of Ih" Bahama ,; . t"ok eve rything within it "



State . Capital t Prepared by I Columbus Reporter ! I..........................

~ lntt' . s wc(lping nero!'s tfl l' E \,t 11(1 \\"t \~t (' rll l'O H ·~ t , th {, OC l' H.' r ll '-l!" l hl' ,:!u lf Hnd int n Al:d lD nlU

of th ,'

"rg lad f '!ol t o

TI l\' ~ l O I ' nl (' (' nh'r ed

in tilt'

n~\' n!'o

IIf ~Ii"nti, H II IIY\lou d. Ft. Laud, ',·<lI1I ,.

H"lila nol " M,," rl' lI avC I! ancl ("I,·wi,. ton nTld !'\f'\' c.' rlll ~ mulll'r l O Wl lS o n thl' Ea ~ t (' II H ~ t.

whe r fl the

m O!ol t

d :lnlng' ('

wa s uone.

I'r('siti e nt (,()oliti~l' hns Rent uul an aPP l III to th r Am erica n poopl,' 10 come to th e nid of the stricken dis· tri cts. In hi ~ proclamation he as ks thnt the mon ey be sent to 1I11J Red Cro~s.



About this time 'of year the Senior e1aes of '26 are taking their tlrst steps into the wide, wide world, and the High School pupils extend to them the hope that each and every one of them may succeed in their chosen work. . Some of the gradu· ates are working, others ore contino uing in edueation. They nre engag· ed as follows : Rhea J s npt Ca rtwrigh t W _tern Lucile Clark Micifll ctll WIl 1I " ~ \Jitu l Emma Cummins Working in Dayton Everett Don ohou Home Irvin Friend Minmll-Jucobs Gle nn Frye Minmi·.Jncobs Mildred Githens . Miamll·Jacobs John Gons Minmi University Velma Grishllm Working in Dayton Cedarville Normal Elsie ' Hawke .. Ballk Doris Henderson . Esther Henderson .. Cedarville Normal Frances Henkle Wittenberg college Adelbert McMillan , .. Wilmington Dena Rich ..... Cedarville Normal Edwin Ramby Working In Dayton Kenneth Retllllick Cedarville Normal Harold Smith .Home Mary Stansberry .. Grace Green e Normal School Lucife St J ohn Ccdllrvill c Normal Married Annll Thomas Mary M. Unp;l esLy Miami .Jucobs Nelso n Wlltkins Home Lu ('lIa Willi ll msn n Ohio Wesle yan Alice Wi n"l on Home Teaching George Bunn ell

The approach ing marriagc of Miss Dorothea Colliel:, of Wilmington to Mr, Harold Williamson , a succes~ful young business man . of Elyria, and son of Mr. and Mrs. -H. H. William. so n, of Wayncsville, which will take place on Thursday, October 7, was announc ed to f orty of the bride. elect's fti ends at a party given Snt. urday afternoon at th e hom e of the bride's n'tother, 1\1rs. Ernest Collier. Mr~. Collier had arranged a very prelty and e ntl' l'taining program for Lhe afterrlo'!I;), which r~luded games, stunt.s, mUSH]"" by th e . rllham sisters nnd readi ngs' by Mrs. . J. Bailey . .' The word s CroOl ~ne of Mrs. Bai· ley's r endi ngs revelijed th e happy news of the approaching marriage to the guests an d t:heir applnuse at Ita conclusion was us much in congrat· ulation of the affianced ~couple as in appreciation of the rcader's beautiful reading. At the close of tbe pro. gram the date was announced when Miss Ruth Denny and 'Miss Lavanne Sherman pUlSed to each guest n beautiful fall rose with a card at· taehed bearing "WiIIi"kmson-Collier, October 7." .Mrs, Collier" assisted by Mrs li nt Sherman, . Misses Edith McKilJ· han, 018 Hartsock, of Wayn esvill~ , Hel en Graham.' Louise Bailey. of .Wilmington, and Miss Ru th Jll oo l'c, of Da~ton, se rved a deligh tful lund , t o th e guests tllt e in the IIfternOl)II. Miss COIli UT, a grnduate of t h.! Miumi·Jocobs .. Bu siness colleg,), of Dayton, has been a successf ul sten. ogrllpher in u Delco Light office in that city for the post year, nnrl as The l':xtcnsion Departmen t of Wil· such hus endeared herself to IIIfl8;,o mi ngto n coll CKC hil S arranged to holn wh o will he inter ested to learn of h e~ II Tea chcr~ class in Waynesv ille. comi ng marriage. ' This class will mel· t ilL the Grlldc .. School buiilli ng T uesday ut -I ::10, Stnndnrd tinl('. This course i< opl'n to tench crs and pro~pectiv e I each.'rs. The course this year, 0 1' at I l' n ~ l the first se· mester, will be Rtllntlflrd tl'sts and Miss Ph oe be Miranda r eceived the measuremcnt.q. sad news lust wee k of the deuth of h~r brother, Char les, which occu rred Septellibcr J 2, lit his home in Whee. les, Oklahomll, lifter a short illness, The fl!nern l a nd burial took plnce at Wheeles. Owing to the change from fast Chnrlie hlld bee n a r esident of Ok· time to Standord time lit Dayton and IRhomo thirty. five yeur., having left Leba non, which goe~ into ctl'ect next WnyneRville in the Call of 1891. SundllY morning, service at St. Ma· He is survived by wife, eight chil· ry's church will begin lit 11 o'clock. ' dren lind seven ~nndchildre n; two sisters, Miss Phoebe Miranda and Mrs, Chllrlcs Shutte, of WayneSVille,

----- - _._ --

CollegeExtension Work



----- - ..----Service Hour Chl;lnged

clal arithmetic one hol~, and Industtrial geography, one-half. The election of the Freshman and Sophomore years must include one unit of farm ahop and either general sciGnce or biology. All vocatlomsl agriculture students are expected to Iec:ure three units of science, n"mely; generel eclence or biology, chemistry and physlCII. Tbil clvel a coune at the completlon' of which any young man 11'111 have a cood foundation for any vocatiou that he may allooee &0_ follow. He will also have a hlgh-schoot course that 11'111 admit him to any of the

:~~o:,c~~~I!,,:! ~~~e:~;~ll~~~"t~!

Repreaented Cia..


_to. .

' .,

Massie Calf lind Pig club made a very creditable showing for ita tlrst year. Heber Elli8 was awarded first In the 4·H dairy calves and tlrst in the open class on his Jersey heifer, pur. chased of Harry Stokes. Heber won firs t place among all th e 4. H clllf members of 'Varren county. Raym ond Harvey's Amd Howard MacDonald's pigs were placed second a nd t hird fl>spcctiv('ly in the 4-H bree din g clnss and' Charles olld How. ard MacDonllld won tlr ~t and secu nd in the ope n cluss for Poland·Chi nll.

,----- -

- - -----

Anxiety for the aafety of Way· nesv ill e nnd Warr~ n County peo ple in the slol'm stricken district of Flor. Ina, was exp reRsed Mondny, but on TUI'sdIlY m o rllin~ Ho.s Hnrtsock had II wirl' fr om Min mi I'eporting hi. un . clp. , Clem Burn ett I\nd family nnll Wayne Shidak<.'r al1 riKht. Wilbur Clllrk also r ec('ived a wire to the effect that Mr. and MrH. Claude Riggs, who reside in Miami arc nil righ t. . ' A dispatch from Lee L emmon to home folks says that he Is all rhrht. Fred Barnard, who, with his fom · i1y, live near Miami, have not been heard from . A card to Ross Hnrtsock fro'tn WlIyne Shidaker, who Is in Miami , Instead of district conferences 8ays that they are all 8ate, but ther e which have been held each year prewill be some property 1088 to C. A. liminary to the beginning of the anBurnett. nual Christmas Seal sale, it is pro(losed 'for this year that; Christmas Seal chairmen and others who have charge of the aetunl work of seiling Christmas SCllls in their respective localiti es be invited to attend a s tate· wide conference in Columbul Coverillg two· day period, Dates ten. tatively .set for the conference IP' October 20 and 21. Loca lorgau : The United .S tates Civil Serviee zations will be asked to delegate one commi88ion hns announced nn exam· persoll to attend this state-wide c;onination to b,e held at Lebanon, Ohlo r forence. aa n result of which it is expeetea Nothing but universal patriotic to make certification to fill a contem· plnted vocancy in the position of purchase of Ohio coal by Ohio conCourth-class postmaster at Harveys. sumers will prevent untold hunger burg, Ohio, and other vacllncies as and suffering in the ilomqe ' o~ thouthey may occur at that office. unless sands of Buckeye State miner. it shall be decided in the interest of Governor Vic Donahey, Who has ~ the sel"vice to till any vacancy by r e- ways kept in close touch with tlut instatement. The compen sation of situatiWl in the coal mining dlatrlcta the postmaster ot this office WRS $785 of the St.e, has issued an appeal fOf everybody that hurns coal to bum for th e lost fiscal yeor. Application blnnk.. Form 175~. Ohio coal. In this appeal Governor and full inforllllltioll concerning t he Donahey says that "thero are 80mll rc!] uirements of the f'xllminati on con 55,000 min ers in this State bu't fewbe secu r ed fr om the p08tllla~t l' r at er liIan onc·third of them are emthe place of ~'lIcancy or fl'om the ployed at their trade and .many of United States Civil Ser vice commls· those ·only for part time. This faUure to create wealth aft'ecte the taxsion, Was hington. D. C. payer. In addition to the el:onomlc ----.-~--loss resulting from Idlene .. , $160,000 000 is reliably estimated to have left Ohio in 1926 through buying coal from other states. Every ton of The newly organiZed Junior choir Ohio coal burned means work for our of the M. E. church made ' their first miners and Increased Pl'CIspvrity to nppearanee last Sunday at the even· our Stote." ing service. The choir is composed of twelve girl. and bOYH, 'a nd under Organized eft'ort to put a higher the efficient leadership of Miss Helen rade of apples on the market will Hawke, give promise of excellent be made by Ohio irowers thiil falL wnrk . Miss Beatrice Robitzer pre· Representatives of growers met residt-d ol the pia no in u most able cently here to discuss plans. Smalle r packagee put up more attractivemllnner. - - -•• _ +--- ly and of higher quality are to be rec:ommended. Thousands of dolHAS RETURNED HOME lars ore paid out every year for applrs grown in other states, and maMrs. W. l'. Salisbury has retu rned ny of th~se are of no better quality to Cle vela,"1. Lhan the Ohio.grown fruit. But t hey (Ire pack d· in neat packages, advertised nnd put on display. It is probvided space in her kitchen for his nb le thot u plan fur state·wlde adworks hop. A few year ' later he vertising of Ohio products will be lIlad c a worksh op in n spring house, fUI'lI1uluted by the committee which whe re he worked for tlve yenrs. All is invcs tigating the question. . his work has bee n on a furm within a· half mil ~ of his birt hpluc in A total of $2DO,693.97 more Willi Gree ne county, just beyond the 1\1 0nl pllici out from the ~tate insurance go me ry co unty lin e. funr! in August thlln was r eceived. )-Jis prese nt shop has bee n in use 1'he report . hows that in August r efor more than a quarler of a cen· ceipts of th e state insurance fund tury. t otaled $094,515.89, while disburseIn the manufacture of guns he uses ments were $985,109.86. This is automobile axles and pllrts becllusc not usual at this time of the year, he claims thnt it is the best st eel he said 08 semi·annual premiums are obtainable ( or gun work . His sup· due oniy in a few cases. The balance ply usulllly is gathered from the scrap to the credit of the fund, however, heRp, he says. is nearing the S60,OOO,OOO point. All work is done by hand and with The balance in the state treasury, hand· made tool),. September I, was $42,266,056,156, of which more than $460,000,000 ia invee,ted in government, city and munlelpol bonds drawing a good rate 01 interest.

Moved' to New Home


WORK SHOP LOOKS Junior Choir Organized LIKE SMALL ARMORY Within a few miles of DlI)lton there lives a man noted throughout t he country for hi. work as a gun· smith und u gun maker, He is Sam Tobias. . His work1!ho!" situated nenr the Kellip highwllY, six miles eust of here is u wonder t o the amateur bccalJse of th~ large co ll ection uf firearms it co ntuins, MallY 0 f t.h e gun~ are in thl' making ",hil others ure in the shop for r epa irs. . . Tobias started h is Ii fe wo·r k nt the agc of 4, when he begnn making wood en pistols with his penknife, t hen a prized possession. Many scars on the index fingers of the left hllnd are llIute witnesses of his work while a boy, Aft 'r th e wo otl en pi tols came IIge builciinK of crossbows. Later he beg Ull nlllking bows und II Tr OWS, for his u wn

UIlIU HC111 c lll.

This hohh;- wn ~ f"lIowed for severn/ years becllu se of the fnct thllt his plln'llt" refu Red to 1111 0 11' him t he use of lirearms, fea rin g for his safety. T h., sma ll workshop draws many of the. best sportsmen in the country when thl'y d~sire gun repairs or the building of a special targf.'t or a big gnme gun. He first sta rted working on real g un s in 1882 wh('n his mother pro·

Clearing House for Information Regarding Seed "'heat Situation

Mrs. Alina M. Clark. aged 86, died at her home in Corwin, Saturday mornin!l, September 18, The funeral s!)rvice was held in St. AugusA general clearine house for Intine'8 church, Tuesday morning, formation as to Improved seed wheat Father McGinty in chal'1re. Burial will be arranged b, County Agent In Miami cemeter!. Cia.. in the Farm Bureau office for tho convenience of Warren County Joseph Keney" aged 71, of Ore- fannen who are dellroDII of aecurgonia died Satulrday evening, Sep- Ing the higher yields varletlea of tember 18. The funeral service was wheat tor seeding this fall. Owing held at hia late residence Monday af- to the small acreage. of wheat har· ternoon, Jtev. CrolS, of Springbol'Cl, velted In Warren County thll lumofficIating, Burial In Miami cemewl'J', mer, only a reilltive few farmers ----have aeed wheat of the Improved va· Paul1 3-year-old Bon of Mr. ' and rietles for sale, 10 Clan u!'lres the MI'I. albert Gray, of Dodd., died farmers who have the hlghor yielding Kondar ' evening September 20. The straina for sale to report to the Farm funere serviees 11'111 be held Thursda, Bureau office tltelt name, location at t.he home and linterment will be In and amount of seed wheat for ule. Lebanon cemetery. Trumbull and Fulhio aeed wheat •._ • have been mOlt popular and ut1afaclory in . Warren county. Both are

eoune ~ill be farmera. Some will --- ' enter oCJfer linel of bualne811 and It . -The Smlth-Hug"ea department ot ia pl'Clbable that aeveral will pursue Wavne Townahl 'I High echo"l was further Itudy In ·the unlvenlty. . ' Ip ... The one who eompletel a ' blah- J'Opreaented , in State eOllteat duriq Khool course luch as outllDed, will tbe Sta~e Fair weel!~ ,b'y . Paul Tomcertainly make a better ~t.ben ·and Un80n, Oha,!ea Guy Hockett, At. into hill pJaee in the world mucb Frallk Oltllet!' anc~ erbe~ McMIUan. ~ than if he "ad lecured no ~rch",' •- • ~~l eduoa~ron. will malte. a r, . better buAtn_ min and It he chciolO8 he "m be a better farmor and stoekman. If, on the other hand he declelee to follow tip hill lin~ of stud:v Mr. and lIart10ck are with a collece coUfle, there will be occapYinc b,. Kr. maD7 openinp, . . there alwa.,. Ie, aad IIrL bava for tile UN Of hill ~cational equfp. !IlOy'eci pUl'ClhalO4 bolD On


COLU1I1 13 S, OHIO-- Within n few ,,·cd\." l'lIch of the cleve n field divi"oilS of Ih(' Stut lIi~hwny depnrt. 1l1l' ll t will ue "q uil'Pl'd with garnge f llciliti c~ f"r til<' proper sto rage und ove rhauling of road mllchinery, nco l'o rdinf( to G. F . Schl('singer, direc· !(Ir. Th m i lcn~e of the s ystem. Untlpr State ma intennnce, hns been in· ('reased ulltil it includes mor e than !I,500 miles, or double the amount ca r d for fou)- years ago. Of this mil eage. about 2.000 miles are of t he stone and Ifravc1 truffic bound lype. Wilh thiS increllsed mileage and the ever increasing deman d" of tmffic, proper maintennnce hus r equired more trucks and m-achinery. In order that this equipment be given proper care and storage wh en not in use during the winter months, the department la building one larR'e garage In -each division which will be . equipped to huncUe r epairs of allY kind. In addition to the large central garage In each di vision there lire at present and will c;pntinue to be a smal\er garage in ert:h county f or the purpose of minor repairs nnd storage.


The CUneu/um of the Smith. Hughes School for Ensuing Year




r an g-p, d t'\'u s tlltillg' thll !-I.o utlwrtl pa r



O1orf1i ~ ~

woun d ... d: \\,Ith n IHl'J1('rty loss o f ~ I f" O(JO.()OO .

---_e _ •.----

Fifty yean ngo . . lewer than two million women worked for pay In the United States. Half of them were In domestic aervice. Now 0,000,000 women arc engaged in "gainful occupations." That pleaslls th e practical mind. Far· nwra like to seo the horse and marc working. German farmers ' harness the cow. Our boa8ted "gainful occupations The Warren County Normal may for women" take women out ot their only occupation reall)' gainful to civ_ be a thing of the past, but there atill ilizntioll, the production of good chilo re msins 80 me of the old spirit in the Class of '24. Saturday marked the dre n. fourth reunion of the members of that c1nss since their graduation in . A young man arreated for -robbIng May, 1024. . the house of Cardinal Dougherty of The class was served to a delight. eatlh and bonds told the police, "I ful three·course dinner at the Home didn't dare take the Cardinal's dia· Tea r oom, after which they visited mond studded flold cro8.', worth $26,· the old haunt., in th e High School 000. 1 was afraid it might jinx me. huilding und gymnasium. Stol'1es of I nlao left n !lold cup. Somethin~ old dnys, etc .. were afterwords talk· told nle they used it in church. I ed oVl'r nt the horne of Raymon F. wasn't look ing for any trouhle like Hatfiel d. that." Tho.e pre~cn t, wh ich included 011 , Tho mocict"nist will call t hnt "su- mem bcr~ except Miss Beryl J ohn son, perstition," others will sec in it proof wer.. Mi. es Lotti e Leaf, Hilda Setthat rl'ligion has power even in the tle mire. ~:lizabet h Clllr k, RII,\;!1 To m· "nBe of a young criminal who t.el1s linso n nnd Elizabeth Sheets. Mm. the police, "I have no relig ion." Hnro ld Whitaker allli Mrs, Alfred Ayers; Messrs. J. W. Riley Saylor, To trent prisoners cruel is vile. Burnt' lt Butterworth Bnd Raymon F, To make a j oke of their crimCJI is Hll ttlcld. ------~.~~.~----stupid, . The governor of New York should tell officinls ot Sing Sing what he thinks of their Labor Day pie·eating cnntcst, twelve convicts with their Ernest nnd Charles Garriilon, of hands ticd behind th ei r backs, eat· Franklin , were indicted by the War· ing Ilies, like swine, for a $6 prize. ren county grnnd jury, which reportHow docs that impr('ss men and wom,' n, out of prison, working to buy I'd at 10 o'clock Monday morning, for the killing of Officer James A. food for thei r chi l dre n~ Benge in that ci ty on thco night of March 2 L . 1I0wevr r , at upicl 0 . it is, n prison Three co unts ", .. r e r ~ tllrned agni nst with pie .euti n~ cont psls is not n8 bad ench of thl' Gnrrisun brothers: Mur. as the prison o r thut good bishop, ill der of a n officer while committinp; u which pri.IlIl Cr8 wore iron co llars, burglary, murder of an officer while with 8hllrs spik,·s turned inward so in the perCormunce of his duty, nnci they cau l not lie .dow n to sleep, or murder with premeditation ond mal· the Spnnish priso n in which Lhe no· ice. They were arraigned the slime ble -henrtcd I!:ngli~h prison rdormer afternoon. found n mnn Cns t(>lrlld to lotle wall, The murder of Officer Benlte last his feet nbovo Itround, stnrving, " his ~p ring creatcod stllt\)·wide interest. fnce 'clottt! d with blood nnd tears," und the arrest of the Garrison broth· or the prison mine, in which Peter ers did not follow for scvernl weeks. t~e Great ehained each prisoner t o - - - -__ I .... - - his Wheelbarrow, to stay chained night nnd day until death releascd him ; better than the ancient galley, where the man chnincd to the oar was released when he fainted or died, A proposlIl to build a tlreproof 'ad· ' his hand cut 011' to snve time, body dition to the Worren County cOllrt· thrown overboard and another slave house will be SUbmitted for public chained in his place, ¥pproval · by vote at the November We are sentimental fools in our election. It is thought ample funds pri~o,!s, but we ~ave improved. will be provided bv a two-mill tax levy for a period of one yellr. When men talk of harnessing the A tlreproof building in which to !llepiro" it should be remembewd keep valuable papers and records \s that Providt'ncr doea not allow trees badly needed. Should a fire start to grow Into the he~vena, or in the building as it now stands, VIII· conquering man to move up too rap- uable property that could not be reo idly. Air, watcr, the earth, nature plaeJ)d, ' would, no doubt, be degiVes to us free, !lnd the Bun's Jlght stroyed. "fiji hent. We must work for everythin!\, els~.




th e muint ' nun tll gnng, r~luyinJ:' t'u ib



~ .~----~------~



Whole Number 5719

farmers of Warren county It (avor by listing this 8urplu8 seed with the county agent. ClasB Is abo endeav. orlng to get names of a few tarmers In nearby counties who have registered and certified aeed for sale. ClaBB also etates that, due to his absence lrom the county this Bum· mer, he has no flnt hand information, aB to Hessian fly, but eubmits the following announcement also is8ued by the Experiment Statlo·n ·lut wllek: "The 1026 wheat crop suWered comparat,"ly little- injury from Hes· 8ian fly, except for some fields ' in aboul a dozen counties In the we8tcentral part o{ the State. The wheat field survey may by entomologista of the State university, EXferiment lltatlon and Department 0 , Agriculture

1:t':::dir!::rt~:II~I~ti~~~wb:v1~i ~r~~efn :;~~t:iiyt~~lt s~~tio~~:~!

white chaW and red grain. Many farmen of Warren county have 80cured from three to ten bU8hels per acre from thele selectlone. A neWl! bulletin from the Ohio Ex.. penment atation laaLw.ek states that thll year, 1926, Hventeen improved HloetIOIll averaPll ov~. ~ buahels pel' acre more tha-n ~e onldnal atralnl. Trumbull wll!A,t ~I U plota at Wooster averatrild ~ .l .,l.. .,ualiel. per acre, It has Yloldeftl; ,0.\'81' 150 ,bueheJa ler acre thfl year on many farDIII 0 Ohlo, ...d Ii II alIo i&Id to occupy about 60 per cent of the wheat acreaco of' Ohio. Fannon who have ... y Trumbull 01' FuJlllo wbeat for aale. wD1 rander the other

With the return students to Ohio State university for another year's work, Columbus, and In fact, Central Ohio, is again football mad, Predictions on the outcome 0 !the season arc not being made this early but the first practice call has resulted in tJOlhe mighty promising material beine>' developed and Coach Wilce and hil ae8iatants are wearing a broad smile. It really wouldn't be surprW:.. ing to ace the Ohio State unlvenlt:v eleven again win the Westem championU\lp, but outside of that etatement followers of the team. absolutely refuse to go on record 118 regardl the resulta of the acason which opens within another two weeD,

. Ticklish Heel.

A borae that kicks when IOmetJaiq tollche8 hia heell is d1lDpl'Oua · to drive. To overcome the habit put OD thefttarneu and the trip ,l'Opea. Take a aflck about' four teet lonl'. ~ • gunnj/ eaclt around one end and tie It. After aUo.wbur the .laOI'M to uamine the etick with, hIa DON,. ru~ It over his bod, and ~ep, After Ih. bec:omea submlsalvo to · the pole tM BaCks· of .hay to the .t ;racee lind' til. breechlnc. lind continue the ~D until he pa1B a"-ntion to them. ,

sllghtlr greate.r than It 11'1\8 in 1921>. "Thll condition ia interpret4d as indicating th,t at thlo time tlfe inaect is graduaUr 'forging a~ of ita natural en em lea which have J'llther effectively held it In check during the lut few 'years. Put experience with the fty leads entomologists to believe under thia c:onditilll. it would be unwise to dlgreu very far from the ·fty-free seeding dlltfJI, , PLA "In wCltlt-eenfral Ohio, a dOlln or mllre countiM inc1udinC Darke, Prcbl., Mllaml, . Kontgoomery, Chl4mpalp, • .!'.IIplIBr-~":NO'.. Olark, etc., the lunwted datOll !t!I'I~I-"" sbould be aclb,red to without fall. 1117 Warren county Is ..nerally ~icl--=.....':::-=and .. Oetobv 1." .



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Ilu'h tH

"C'ut r'lr Ju -




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IIdh\g II. aboenc ot III hc' ''',:y




haarlem~ oU· bas ' ~ ~a' wortd. wide remedy for kidney, liver and' bladdcr disorders, rheumatism, lumbago and uric acid ()()nditl~



to th " ll\luii "r II till

CI' .. tific,1

M I N I'LJ:AS P ROCEEDIN GS ~I't\ kl'l" llt "f \ .l' ,.~,., , ,r 1:lIlh T( ,. \', n , I I , " ,.,~ r'lrl"f ( : lb r i 1 "n ~ , \ "l Uo, d(· l· ."al-4.~ d . Thf ' ~ :.HIt "d~ ~I r I drh' l L C'Ll.ii cK \' ~. lllrr ' II t's lnr ('t dt' l l"n HI tho (' a t I l ' .\ n \ i" I"li'd . :,1 .. purt , k ~ r(' ~ cl thot S:lic1 plllinWr OI'c l.'o.cli . -



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Cl\ P S U L E S

coned Internal troubt.,., stimulate vl~ ortlona. Three sizes. All dn!gglatl. In.u. o n the ori&inal tll:lluinc OOLD MwA&.


A r i'l'o rt f,f .. a lt:-: pl . ,'C',

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r r nc ('edin",". . I hr c~ tnt (' n t'. Fm ll y:-' ~l1c · :· \1' "" d. dl'' p"n f ailure of the plaintiff to "I ' : '·I'H"C <i. h~' HilmI'. \1t •.". I· fI I',· \\, Il . ,\;" Iwa r l uI' trinl th e CII . of '1I 111U , 'I :~ ""r o " I' d l,y el'U l'! . I' ll .. """,. W :I , FI'el'r \' ~ . Dr . N A. Jl nmi lt nn WII ' Itlc' cl I" , >hlml'. 1\\.\" 11 llrr.w n 10 th ,' ,1i~ lni~ ~l\ (t. · t ·~. tu tt' I l f \\' !lnlt"lt:l :\ ~'a l (1, a nd :11' Tim t' in \\'hich to nnN\\'t' r was t' " I,.....l \" .. d h~' t ht, l · tlllft. Ih "


It' nd pd t o Scptclll bt'r 17 in tht' cn H (I f Frank BrHndnn \ ' S . An1nnrlu E

11 11 .1 S t ~ pll\'n


Ilil ..

I n \'l'fl l il ry al1d Itppn\ b l' l lll' nt !If tlll' t':-i tntt· 1' £ .1 p h u Il, 'ekl' r , dt'l' t ' H!,(C Ct, w a :-d hy ,,<lmx. 11M" ll,·c k,·I'. "n rl Il l"

A. St il w<'ll. . .-\ "I rll fcH' divorce tln d p ~rm lln c ,,' pr o nrl. . "lllll llll )' was r ef used in th l' elise " t FIrst lind II nn l a ccoun t of th e l' ~ ' L.lura A Gross vs. J esse S. Gros" la[.,· Ilf 1\ illl rMj 1'. n n\\, ~ ll n . ,ll· C(·as l,d. ('al'll't on Punn \'8 C lara I:l. ()U l'" \l'Us .. nt r·' ... ,) I,y ndministl'Rtlll's. AI .. t a l : Clara nun n elcctl'd to t llk ,' th o he rt )Il1w"." IInr! \V . ('lH·stL'r ~ I nl'h" I's l a t r h cr l' in lit its app r ai sed vu lu, . First ."IIlI finlll account .WIIS fill'd ,, ~. :r.~(, ,, O, and gn\'c in pnyme nt f ill' th . .. XI· CutrlX . lrl" !Ianks ... t the es tatr sli me hL' r (lis trih uti\'(' shnre, $ 1 ~!).I.t ; ! of lsane ~ . tl Hll b. "l'l',·lIse,) . IIlso 11!' I' dowl'r interest, $:170 .:18 lin d _____ 'I I Rf>.20 in (·osh . Th!' cou rt urelpl'(o d MARRIAGE LIC ENS E S th l' ffJlly wing ,li st r ibution cor th e cn, ). . !,,,id lo \' (' lura Dunn : t o the dl·rk " f Chllrl e_ H . HI~I(" . . clln slru ctl{l na l cuu rt. $ 1(; I . J 7 ; t o Cllrlelon Dunn II' wo rk er, L(· xlnll'lon. K y .. und I I' S. hi s .listrihul ivc ~ hnrc . $341.:34. on, ; ('c lindo Sp,\rk. Lcbullon. He \,. J " lIn What do you pay for a "mail-order" tire? lik e am uunt " to Lucil e and L oui ~, H. l.omy . l1un n m in ors liS their dlltributi \'( ' GL'orI!C E . S hl·ppurd. tool mak " r, ' hnrc ~ I Cin cinnati, und Alin C. ~ chmillt. M .. r Uat prlce-plua money order cost-plus postage-plU8 In th e cose o f Vernon A. Soutl·l r uw. Futher G,ruf nnm eel . . elEpre•• or parcel P08t cha rgesw . Mary South tht, proceeding wo· ('a l'l l l. J a r gr.-l. tool mak e r. C ln C.II· (' I' n1Ill Uel! u n til !urther o rd er of th l natl. nnd lIelen Kath el' tn l' Schm Idt . And the delayC ~lI rl , with tho foll owing facts uf lh" 1M o ~ruw. Falh e r Grnf. CII S(' ngrl't'd t o hy both parties; thol r.dth e B. Wa ll u(' e .Le bnnoll. II lI d And the work of mountin g it yo ureel f. fu llowi ng lhe g rantin g o f div o r~ l nora M. At.kln s,tn, Lebo ll on. Rl· \,. he r e in Ihe plaintiff fail ed t o pay th ' l .lo hn Wll il enb urg. Then what have you got? A TIRE YOU DON'T KNOW. $1 n per w('(· k toward th e Bupp ort I' r _. ____ No poulble service behind it_ the ir mino r children. in the wce.k nt REAL EST ATE TRANSFERS Scp t c' mb c r 4 . 1!l25; thot th e plnlntl ff We beat that. We offer you a better tire, made by the II . II. Wilkerso n t o Su sa n C. Wi l. " o l1trn r~' 10 ~ rd (' r of court and Itr Orglllll " nt , t Oll k snid \ children fr ~ ll ' kerson, luts 35, :lG, 37 . :18. ~!l , J O, ·11 world's best and largest manufacturer ,right here for you, 42 nnd 43 in Hillcrest Park. an acld i· th ~ r ustody or the def(lndant. no delay, no mounting charge, our responsi ble serviceSt e phen Kibbey plelld<>d guilty t o tion t o Wu y nes ville. The . am e pll r nn indiclmc' nt ch arging assa ult ond tieR in t r ansfer 142 acres In WoshThe Pathfinder Tire-Fabric. and Cords IoIHt"ry und ...-IIS .. entenced t o serve ingto n Tp. The Bom e, lots three and Clincher and ~traight Sides o n" month in the Warren county jail four in the Thomas IIdditio n t o WIlY All Popular Si,ze8 ncsville. SamEl. lot seven in Eva ns' lind to pay a fine of 526 and coets. A jU lt&m ent of $366 WII8 given th e additioll t o W I~y ne svi\l e. Samc 150 AT A PRICE THA CAN'T BE BEAT! pinintttf In t h e ease of J ohn H. Gro· acre s in Salem Tp. Ernest Brown and Grace Brown to dy vS. -Ca tlTerln e- Wnger os admx . of Will ,oU let U8 quote you the ngu'res? Id a Brown, one-half ocrI.' In WlI y ne th e estate of the Illte Elln Tansy. Tp. Byron C. Witt to Geo r ge nnd New SUITS Chris tinll Wi t t, lot 89 in Ma ple Pa rk , Andrew and RoUo Jackson vS. Sub -d ivision in Dee rfi eld Tp. Ralph H. Johnson and M. Kohlhage n Willian; S heedy to H. R. Fronklin, f or $500 with 7 per cent interest a trnct in Frllnklin. ~i ncc Jonuary 9, 1924. Filed SepB. K. Ko rtc t o Mario F ucito, 26 te mber 10. loIs in Fost er Pork. Thelma CIIt'roll v~ . J ohn Carrol\. Josep h lIod ' Hettie Ertel t o Frcd \\i=-=----=-=====================.d.I' action fo r divorce on grounds of Vleso n. et al.. th r ee lots in F ost er gros>; n eglect. Filed September 10. Park, V iolo !11. Wochtel. et nl. , to Mari on Boger. lot eight in Ridgev ill e, CI('o rPROBATE PROCEEDINGS !"irst a nd final account of the es- creek Tp. _ _ __ t ate of J oseph H . A pplegute. deceased, wag filed by exec utrix, Beuulah COMMISSIONERS' ALLOWANCES Donnelly. . Th,e Office Outfitters. supplies for • Geor ge F . Smith was madc ndmln- recorder, $ 1.90 I The Weste rn Star. b roto r of the estat e of Doroth y E . sup pl ies (o r cle rk of cour ts, $4fi; Smith. all eged intestllte. und er $1000 5allle . s upp lies for treosu r er, $24.50; bl'nd. Said admr. then settl ed th p sanll' s upplies for common plens s..~u. Early for Your Sale Dates_ We Guarantee deat h rlaim of the deceased again st court" $ 11. 50; The Slokn ltilMfg . o. th e C. '. C. & Sl. L. R. R. Co. for sup plies fo r r eco rd er. $ 12. 1(); BOlli I', Satisfaction or Charge Nothing. $600. - . . for probate cou rt. $ 18.3 6 ; som ~ , fo r Permi ssion to 8e ll personal proper- co mm o n pIens court. $18.35;. The Cot v d the cst a Ll' of J ohn A. JO.m!!Bo n . lum b us Blank Book Co., s upplies fo r d·eceased. was given the ndml nls tl'a- . clurk of courts, $27 .50; The Luw t or Said ~ale t o b e priVlltc I Abstract Co .• s ubscription t o LlIw . . . . No.2 Phone No. 320 Thomas S. Brandon was comm is- Abstract for . (!omm on plells court, sioncd to take the deposition 01 Jas. $24; Sani ta ry Supply Co., supplies ~r ~ . ,j ' ~ (or jail. $19 .75; J . O. Hartshorn for ~~~~~~c~~~~~~_~~_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~= photogr o phlng 0 ~risone~ $1.76; George \V. Larrick, ~f e morinl hall janitor, $20; Ed Grady. bridge repa ir in Franklin T p.. $29; Howard TinIdall, slime. US; E. W. Barkalow , sam e, $8 ; Web Simpson. some. in Ham ilto n Tp., $37; W. R. Elhott , ~ ll m e , 53 ; S. E. Cutler, same, $5 .70; W . A . ~cott, sa me in Un ion T p., $!I; Ed Maloy, so m"" $r. .2r.. The O hio Corru !!ntt·" Cu lve rt Co .• four corrugate" sew ers, $1 :16.30: .r. K. Spence r, for br idge mater ia l, $ 156 .. 12; The IMorrow F I!('d & Supply Co .• su pplie s. $27.88; The Mo rr ow l.umber Co" ce men t , lum be r. etc .• $28.7G ; J. D. Adoms & Co., grader r epairs, $ 15. 19: Warr(l n Urton, grove l. 30c; W eb Simpson, gruv" l, $2.80; Frank Mount, haulin g, , (j: Herbert R oosa, <ltogging road, $3. 76; George Cutler.same, $5 .25; Herschel C. Stiles, for u s~ i stin g surv eyor . $:37 .80; T il-(nr a nd Churllon, spikc~. $1.25; International Hllrvester Co ., truck r epoir, $21.05; S. C. Romohr. houling lumber " $6 ; Leslic Hatfie ld, gravel. $5.50.


1 he Pathfinder


Why Send Away for Tir es? Best Bargains Right Here

Rare t8 show n .., Hoellu"




- 1Itgb Street,-

, '~ T. Martin Jesse Stanley Auctioneers

. CI"'~ille,








30x3~ ·

Com. CI. Cord

$8.95 Our Greatest Tire Offer Gum-Dipped Tires All Sizes Reduced Never befoJ;;. have we offered you such tire values I Look again at the saving you can make on a genuine 30x3,l1 Firestone Commercial Cord Casing! Where can you buy a qual~ty tire at this low figure? And remember that substantial reductions have been made in the price of every size an~ type Firestone in our store. Now is the time .to buy Firestones. Act at once! Drive in!


E. Phone H. 67Orndorf's Garage . .

.. -----

- - - -

PICK-UPS A French ikienti st-says that the us e of Bolt l o \\'~rs the intel\igence. This doubtl ess accounts for the low stIlte of intelligence of the u\'e mge hnm . In oruer to prevent fo r est fires , thcy nrc goin g to plant fire-proof tre~s in S o uthern Franco. How would yo u like to get lost in a concrete forest? TIley IIrc going to have 0 hog-ca ll , ing contest in Omaha nnd we BUgg('s t as the umpire, New J ersey's fa· mous pig woman. Newton Boker says that his debt cllnccllotion proposlIl was his own ideo. Well, th,!re is nothing like being origin al. . Our idea of a real treat would be to Bee Senator Jim Reed trying to investigate Mussolini's expense accounts. After we get through with the referendum on prohibition why not have one to try and find out who won the warT It Is anld .that the successful swimmers crossed' the channel by uslDg the Amerlcsn crawl · IItroke. . No doubt they will ' be using this movcmen~ in the ball . r~oms next ~inter. A man in Atlantic City was taxed the other day for a fino set of false teeth. They don 't overlook any way of rl!ising revenue in that town. They are building a n eighty-five story building in Detroit but we doubt whetber you could reacb heaven from Detro~t if you went higher thnn that. .. • It is said that the .Kalser used 't o spend . two . hours . e.v ery day in the barbershop. No wonder he 'imagined he knew e·v erythiiig. In spite of nis nativity Ehe ' French held a big reception for the German . 8wl!llmer Who negotiated ' tbe clian~ nel. But· then you lIee ,the German •


vv ..a~Y.n.e.S.Y~II.le..'.()... hi0........... . ~ow~n:o-bnC:ey~e_tcO~!~~~!~:.~en~:Cah_._

• . ...................................... •



Harveysburg Fertilizer Co. Phone 8

--- -- -



Walter McClure J, E. McClure


-f£..~ ' . 9'~~ . ,," .~

.f ll d Kl' \'~ II I ,t,\ n •

I' fIo+'

CA'PACtl''( loR. "TAkIN G PAIN'\1 t '3 GE - M'( D E1,it tb'T 1'3 1'H I E'3T ~ "Iw,'t eVER. UVE. ~

" H tI\\'


til1l(, !'


in co urt ',' " "I} TlI ~' II lI t 'l'. ycr }\()n or !" "it " w I'"lg hus t hlll been ?"



" ,\h oll l t lYC 'llty YNlrs nl:o." .. It III . Th nl 's nIH n hud rrcord . An d y,," hO\'c<1' t tI one IIny \\'ro ll ~ sinr c· ?"

F ully Equipped for Good

Se rvice.

" No, sir, "

" Wh e ro "In



Large Disp lay Room.

yo u been?"

_ _ __ __

Amb ul ance SeJ'vice TEL EPHONE 7


NOT TO BE CAl)G HT A littl e b y wo_ lo lfl t hat hc must go to 0 Ililspitol tn hov e hi s tons ils an d "oIen .. i,l< r emo\'ed . The you ngste r WII S IHit ,i ~ ibl y d iMurbed by th e pros pl'c l. ncc"I'di ng 10 1\ visitor wh o cnll"d with hi" mot her. Th .. d sitor f oun d the li tt le l,uy deep ill thought , and 't UB! i n ll~ d "ilot o find ('ut if he' Th e r ply wns a el we r e a fr aid ,I ressed I,ar r to h is moth e r. "Ma mma, I ain't 'f rnid of going to the hospital. I' ll be bra\'(' a n d do just as th~y t ell lIle. But 1'm no t going to let Ihl' lI1 palm off a buuy on me. like t1wy diel to you when you wns there.' .

New Burlington,O.

, S PE C I A L •


dh'llluy B, O tJ " ('Irt.:III" :. h ll ') today nr u wo rth Ib',uRnnd8 o f dollu", bocaua8 lIi " ll bl ~ l'lf lc VII Ill '. n'l I!:xj)Osltlol1 c",,!tUU08 unU) l)ocOUlber L

Waynesville Motor Co. Waynesville, Ohio




Phooe 105


trun01l 8 M'Hko! Htr'. ,! til tI "1 ~"Y 8 or 1776. It I" 0 111' of OIU (lUwtlllll!lUl! r""lur'" at th e :>e'*l ul ·(·,· ,,, . nU1l1 1 IllltJ rllHl ton,\1 Ir.XllMUI"'1 'hlW OOIO!! bl'lll to I'bll. O(l\l)l1tn to romuw llI urnLu th o toOth unolv"n;Hry of lhe dtjlnhlK 0 1 too Docl""", Uo n ,,( I nd"p" II J un~o. ~y hulldlni hill! btl.ln bull! to ..('{ulIl slzo and III aelu.II nrch tl" "l llmi d ~ l lltl. 'I' he f urnIshIn gs of C'ur..b bulldlrtg arL' oxnct rcllR> dU CII" "o lOr 1110"0 ,, " '~J III III Ile volu tlon .. r), daY'! . Muo ), of U\o ploccs on

LIFE ' S MIRROR Refl ect ions by Ponnee I NS PIRA TlON Th e Godd l'ss T o which a ll ort mus t bow pon which th e wo rld dcpen ds . Th ough born of lo ve or hllte, or pain or ecs t a cy , Th ough clolhed in poverty, or injury . or dellth, She rl'iglls sup rem e Thi s Uudd l.'ss. IN,' PIHATIO , ' . PROBAIlLY TRUE J nd l'(, - ··SHY ,. nIl'. Ul'uwn . u p u rt' I).·

d(a nu~:-; th:

t h i~


uf1'ui r a nd 11 is a ~l· t d ivor cl: "" >lue h pe tt y Why don't )'il U anti llh • .

An inquisitive lind cllri()u~ neighbor womnn hlld tril'd a ll melln" to find out how mu ch re·"t th e WOllllln next do or paid . On~ oIay Khe' m et the WOIllBn's smo ll so n ; seizing thE' op portuni ty b y th e horn ~ s he sa id : " That certllinly is n ni ce tlat you folks live in, Thom. osll" "Yes, mo·om." " l1 ow much docs thl' landlord nsk you r I\lll th er for " 'nl ?" "lI e asks quit" n lot." "Hovl: n't you nny iden how much he os ks? " "Well. he a ~ k e d threo ttme~ Inst month!" - -- - - - - - SCOTTY GETS GEN E ROUS A Scot was ploying golf with his wife whe n the tholl!{ ht s lru ck him : " Is t h i" yer' birthrl o~' ? W ell. th en: I thi nk I'll give/~':he hole."

"Inside" Information


CLASSIFIED ADS. MONEY LOANED LOANS On Chnttels,Stocb, Securities and Second Mortgages. Note. bought. J ohn Harblne Jr., Xenia. Ohi o. -m30-'28

Farmers, . Attention! Formers of Wa.rron and adjolnln. cou nt ios may ohtain money on Jon, tinl l' lo ans, at 6 pcr eent Interest. Cost or sec uring tho 8ame Is very reasonll ble ,through The F ederal Land Bank. F or further Informlltlon call on or oddre88 M. C. DRAKE, Treuurer, phone S16-X, Lebanon, Ohio.


Try cnrrots boked with con nl'd FOR SALE pineappl e. . ••• FOR SALE-Deering corn binder, Coo k SWISS chnrd stolks and leaves good IlS ne w. F. A. Hartsock, s ep~lrllte l y and ae r~e on different days Wnyn esville Ohio. • 29 os If they were differ ent vegetllbles. . ' 8 FOR SALE- Lisk cold pack canner. Cuc umb ers nrc good stenmeel or 1II rs: W. II. Allen. 829 boilcd lind served with white sllu ce POWER EQUIPMENT - PuUeys. or ~ avory butter. 8ho fting, hangel'll. set conara, belting. babbitt metal, engine and boiler The das hecn is the so uth ern cQuivalent f or the Irish potato. It mnk ~s trimmings, pipe. valves and fittings (or eve ry purpose. THE BOCKLETl's pecialt y ' goo d crisps or chips. KING CO., 416 W. ' Main St., Zenia!' .22 Ohio, phone 360. Curly endive. wr ongly coiled chi cory. I1lUY he I,o il cel :18 g rce ll ~ . 118 I1l lly FOR SALE- Wood r"n~_ G, W. I,·tt lJ ~. F r cnch " ,"I1V (' nt lW he fin e· Robe rtso n, Wnynesvi\le, Ohio. *822 Iy cut 1111.1 II d<lL,<I til "ll ch hot dish 8 »..; l" r N IIlH' t! P g'g': nr p u talo (l~ U n10- FOJ( SALE-Shetla nd ponT, lIound; A lso t e nt, l4x16. W. N. Sear.. UH' nt b~fo n " ~c n' irlJ,,{ . nuk ing or W uy nesville. Ohio. s16 hnili n!l' it uev,· lol' ~ bill cl'lll·'''.

shante 10 charl!" s. • FOR SALE - Severnl bushels ot Brown ~e t ll~ it out l'\ l'ou r t." T clean wllxed fl oo r'. r elllo \'C the Trumbull Seed Wheat. Lester "Yes, su h, Judg"-ah 'go r S~ w it fi lm o f dirt a nd wax with 11 cloth yo u all - bu t every t illle we stan . wrun g Oll t of warm, so op~' water. or ~ urCIl Cc, R. D. 4, WllynesvUlo, Ohlo_ -822 s e ttl ~1I\ nt de p o li ~l! a Hus stOPM us I" ntlllsten.j),1 with turp entine or gaso line. Wh e n the tI('" r is l'lc rlll nnd FOH SAL E-Full-blood Duroc JorA' --'--'.,. -.It).' npl' Iy more wax, we ll T\,hbcd in . scy malc hog, immun e. Lcstor IN THE HOSPITAL Surfoce, R. D. 4. Wnynesvi1le, Ohio. !'invo ry fut . elln b ~ lII ade by coo k· -822 Nun.e --·' Yo u r l>ub~" " . ki n i, irri- in l! I;"d; )lo r k on r! oth er meat fats t nted - do y o u use baby t u k!" with he rbs ur strong vl:~cln" l c j uic - DRILLS, Reamer s, Tops, dies, hacksaw blades, fil es, tools, emory Mnlldy- "No, mnfanl; Wt..' do ne a in' t C", pnl'lku lnrl y on ion , an,t st.raining us nn ~aby talk - we usc nufRn but fu r Usc in '''U" OI1 ing gravies and whee l8 ond packing. THE BOCKLET KING CO., Xenia, Ohio. s22 de best I~ nglis h spcakobll'." m eot rli ~ h es .

- --


- - -



~- -






. .. .

b , jng u weupo n with which ,to - (tll'liL till ' IIlU IWY power, it 8Cl:m8' to ..,ISSUED EVERY -WEDNE RDAY,,, h . on in . I'!lInent which only Il)oncy powor ell n Operllt . 6 .. , ...., ., ,10. P",'"ffi~. a/ Wn "''lo ,.i//. '1'h o ~c nl IJd llllll'icM showeo t hat Mrs. Sophiu Moor e nter ained nltlo, ., 5cct)nJ C luu MQiJ ftfull . r •. __ _ _ in so me instullceH it cosl mtmy do l. r elatives, II nday. ...... criptlon Price; $1.50 p.r Y .. ar IlIrs for t ho few votes that we ro gu rMrR. . G. Randa1l haB be(>n quite ----l1 ercd. In ""VI'""I e('ml1l unili cs l1 0t III, but ill improved. n. L CRANE Publi.bew liS muny Vo t r, wt:r~ ":., ( ~ th ere Mr. a ncl Mrll. ,Will Wright, 'of Day. -=~===- -= '-=-.:.-==.-. = lI'er(' "Oi ciub "rnpl uy{,t! III the p luce lun , wtl re hurc , S und ay. of vo ti ng. Mi~s Millt ci Slar r, " f . Da y tOil, WII ~ TM. ,10. ll,lIl, t n a ll ".h u pnp., In tI'I ' hfl' t (\)""n In$t"u" or' "lilidn ati" J., 1:11 10 fr om h"llI c over the lI'ee k.en d. NE WS, F t.o .~ 1 ' l' n~.c, ,put A1)VJ-:k . Jlulitic8 thc I'rilllury Sys telll in Viles Th~ Ha r veysb urg ball ' t 'um W OII TI Ft ISC nf'''' '' J C"~II Ih t' '·UU. ( L I 9 1l" 1\~ A UT(Jt:"ST ~: 1I !!"tt. J' l'lI UU untl at ti lll c~ alllwst has U,e OVel' Ivu ryuulc ,' unuay, 4 t o 2, on till! "("1:: of NC!w 't'ork City, IlIl'u l fi L. I.d . ul'jI" "rallCc of ma lli llg fra ud a II cces. ~ i ty , Thi ~ iM dOll e wh ~ II voter. 3rt:! , '\ nU!nut'r fr om hcre were ill al· ' . . telld,,"cck lit the WUl'r'n unt Y 1"II lr u,'gl" I t .. \'ot · fur a ce rtain ca nuluutc I I t L U as \\' C (I wit l,,,u t .b,,,,,ill!! nn y r 'uson fur th e ~' , acti" n. ,\ (r~ . L1 a rfl ~l" rrl tt hn. been en. tl 'I'lll inillg MI'. a" tI Mr ~. J ake Heecc . THE BIG FIGHT Hut th l' wll r~t r('fllUrt· Ilbout lhe ""d Mrs. ::; lIlilh. of Illlyl"n. p r illm ry ti y ~ t P I1l is lhl' in('I< o f inlc·r J , C. Gray , Mrs, Chnrles Gruy un" •T:w k 11"IfII''''Y. n W""H'rn e r, wh ll ,·, t ll\k~1I in it. This " ysl ~ 1Il prub- SO li, Wnync , I\' rc Wa ynesv ill e \'I sil· is till id lo hllv,' th,· ill stln!'! lOr II kil l· ah ly dill'" IIIIH·,· tll " i ~ en rrnn chi sc il l'S, Wedn eselay uft er ll oun. ur, und (: l.n c TlIl\nt 'y , a "u l i\',· N(I\\, I' cII JlI~ by ruiliJi n).! llwflI uf u ll in tcrMi ss lI e l,," HUfillull was umon/.: Yorkur, who i:~ sa id lo h l1v (~ thl' milld / \: ~t. 111 lh t.~ p r utcctlinJ!R than ti ll (} th c r thusc )Ires ~nt u' Llu r() lh" u Colll'er's • , u f n cu llege Jlr (lfp~~ o r. u n' III mCl't iufhlf'nc es cl1mhi n cd. A willin~n l's8 ann uun Ce fll e nt purly, Friday.




wilhin u



,, 1 ," . ~ J

H .

{ .( !W

da y ~ in a rinu at th l' t o Yo l L" is CI n e of th e chief H ~SCts uC

I'hiladl'l(lhin S!!R'l ui ,cI'nlc nni lll tv .to battlc for th e h N\vyw~ il!lt l bvx il1g' chulIlpiollMhip o f th e world. Donu-Iey iH champiun : Tunn ey hopes to b(' lifter Th" r~ ""y II ight. ['rumotct'll My nu less t hnn ! 10,OOu p,' rfio ns will (lilY fr oll1 $ :J tll $r.o cac h t o "('e lhoRO two l' I\wI, ,.(\l1 y" un/.: me ll fllllUI I'n"h uthe r nn ywh l'r !! from three to thirty miuutes, I~or this L>"IIlPROY, who fought for a 011'111 ten yeurs ago, will rec(·ive in the neighborhood of three 't uarter:s ot n million uollnrs. Whenover a chnmpilln Rhi p Iwxi l1g bout is arrungeo lhere 'H') clns h"s o r opinion. In this CRse, th ere lIrc various church orll'lInizlllious whi ch condemn the mutch, 1\5 IIncivilized. brutal, horrible, d,'gnf'tling. The re may be KU Ill U I",'ril to l he·sc cOlluc mnntions, but Ull (lv\ltwh (l iminlt majority of Ameri ca n" will he cnrry. ing the evellt forem ....' in t hd r minds for weeks. For t Ill're i. ~o mcthing about boxing. parl kulal' l~' II bout bctween two phygicnl J;i:lnts, whic h stlra one's blood lind hcnrt . Boxing itself i>l J;o od physical training. Thousan tls of Am erican boys will sho'w an ~ nli ve n c d interest In the sport. Hundreds of young Dempscys and y'lung Tunn ey. will be motchcd in school gymnas iums, Y. M. C. A. quartcr~ ano rcc r(!(ltional centers. ' Frankly, this Dem psey. Tunncy match will result in world>! .of !:'ootl for lke bodies of young nnel (lcLi \' e American boys.








The primury sysLe m was 8ul'P l}sccl to put 'a ll K!>vernm(!nt intu th e hanrb of th e decent nn d dC))t' ntlnhle prlmll' . ry and correct every di sc!lst.' wi t h which the pl'Jlulllr g'uvenlllle nt is 11[f1iet ed. Instead of killing the l'oliLiCJ.11 monsters, it has fcrl th em, In 8tl'Ild


!",,, ple,


in RLitution

whic h

h"II'~ n,h ttll'fll of this willillgness is

pushi u!! the wh ole co untry buck ward. • -

- ---~

ARE NOT VANISHING " Th e Vl\lIi Hhing Am eri c(l n" vuni s la inf..!'

i~n ' l


quickly us m ust IHlOop le III fa('t, Chllrles II Burke,


~ I 'f/lmiHHiollcr of I" dinn Affllirs, re· ports that lher t· urc about 350,000 In oialls ill th e Uni t.e d ·S t.tlte~, a gain of 1G,58f., ,'r 4 ':, I'er cent in the lust nccHd e. Nor i ~ "Poor Lo" in 11 bad way. "I know of no dependant peopl e ," say !'l COin mi ss ioJlcr Burke , "who

hn\" ," Illaue mure rupid progl'c88 duri ng th., last fi rty yeors than the Amcricn n Jn dinns."

It " til arli . t in a mon t hat mokes him tak e pri"~ in plowing a strtlight furr o v.

FiliI' prom b .. ~ unfullllled arc like hitin/.: lltroul;h lin nlluring merin gue lnt u II pi t· she ll filled with 6uwdust.


Word s fr om the Lipa of Great Men - "The SCCT('t of all enterprise nllu cner~y ex ists in the principal of ind ividua lity. - James Fen I m 0 r e oope r.



She- " I don 't think yeu should enC" UrHl!e t hot. pi tcher, J ohn. he's dishonesll" "Why ho t ?" ' "1 just hen rd the man here say he p itch~ ~ und erhand."

----- ...- - -

WE BELIEVE IT Fnther --" Her e. here !" Don't use I hilt I nn~II/ll!e! DtJII'l you kn ow what "(·com('. of little boys who use bad language when pln ying marbles? " YI H. sir I They grllw up lind play golf,"

'\1' t

]hFrank Crane Says



Judge John W. Summerfield I~ authority for the statement that nag· gillg t<om eti m l'~ does 0 husband goo d. It is probnbly upon the principle that wc nil need petty onnoyance~ in order to ltevelop patience and poise. The philosopher seeR some use til our friend the devil. Ther e could be no couroge witbout danger, there is no virtue without temptution , th ere ill no commendable t.emperance that dOC8 not resist a desire for excess. Evil is a s}lIIdow, and where there is nQ shadow there cnn hardly possibly be any light. In t he slime wny flcns and insects of all Borts are needed in order to keep us alert. Reosoning in this line it may be a good thing for ,a man to be nagged a bit to prevent him going stnle, It would not do for him to have thingll 't oo easy. Character does not develop in II uniformly favorable environment.


Of course 110 man would choese nogging nor beg for it. but his philo. sophic height is largely determined by how he responds to it whe n it co mes hill way. • He can either be irritated and annoyed by it, or he clln deliberately hold his course llnd ignore it. It can mllkc him a lesse r man of a greater mon, according as he uses it. Anyhow he cllnnot help himself, a ncl he ought to study how to turn this dislIgrecllble element of his surroundinlt's to his advantage. In II play some time ago clIlled, " Lonesome Like," a mlln who had been us'e d nil his life to bei ng nagged wos suddenly called upon to undergo the deoth of the noggllr. He enjoyed his lib('rty for a while, but finally got so 10ne!Ome thot he took up with his grandmother simply because she Bcolcled him. H e round out thllt he was very lonesome witheut this continual female supervision A man can get used to anything, and probably he can turn nagging to his atlvontnge and comfort.


Mrs. Ida Day is in the sIck list. Mr. Lincoln Sidl's i9 sti ll improving at lhe Xe nia hospital. .Mr. Guy Rout7.lIhn made 0 bualness trIp to DnytlJ n, F riday. Mrs, Ralph Archdeocon has ncc e " t ~d a pusiti on in Dayton. Frank Kurf\lS nnd Lest.e r Gra y Wl' I'C Du yt on vis ilo rs, MOll uuy . Mrs. Clyde Cox lind Mrs, Floyd Savage ~ 1' ''tJl T ues day in Duyton . Quite II lIumber' fr om here att end . ed lhe Warren Co unty rui r last wee k. ~ l r, nnd M 1' _ , J\ II e ll Emrick ond Mrs. J B, J oncs "".ent Munduy ill Uayton',




---_.- ..----

- ..----

Millions of fans throughout the length and breadth of .o ur land are eagerly awaiting September 23rd, the day that will bring these two modern giadiators together•••Jack D,e mpsey and Gene Tunney. Who will be the winner?


DR. E. M. RUDOLPH The E ye Si ht S" ..el" lI.t

At Cary's Jewelry Shop

The High Sch ool l1 upils enj oye d II Pirate Party and Treas ure II unt, Frid ay eve ning. M i~s Kathe rin .. IIn llnnd hi!. !lC' cl'!',,,,1 n p c,~iti(ln '.1 ill , lhe Xenia lidl 'f'l'lcph ufl e ' 0, Th e ))orc>I" S" t iety held a vcry IJl e :;~ anl all-day mc.·ti nl; lit th" hlJ mc of 1I1 ,·s. C h urIL'~ MClld/'nhall. FridllY . Th., "Merr y Wi\·p. " club h 'lo " v cry p l cl\!i{.lllt tl H..' t! tin$,! H t UH,l homo of Mr", n. 13. CUl1lmill f-(s. 11 /1 W.. dn cs. da y.

Mi s ~ 1I~ 1l " ~ o;ha ml "' ll J.!' h, of SU llt" Mr. II . D. Keliison. of Vundalia , II I M na , Cal. , is li t the' itu ", , ' o f her pur . cn "t li n . ' r. and Mrs. S, II. Huilles, ~Aflt s, Mr. li nd ~ ) r8. J . 11. Sha mbuug h, \\' .. dl1(', III1 Y aft m~ noon . east of t own . Mr. IInu Mrs, Herm a n SlIy Tor a nd Thc ma ny fri "lIds IIf Mr". ("al'l Burn- To Mr, and Mrs. Edwill " Oil, u f Dl'lm unt. SpCllt Su ndllY with Hanel nll, o f She lby vi lle, Tenn " "" Mr. nnd 1\11'>1, Wi ll iam Long. Juu ,,~ urc 1'1 .. " "·,, to kn ll w "he hu ~ Septe lliber fJ, 192 G, a duughter . f('lurn c el (1'1>01 Miami Vall ey husl'iHarley Poure, of St. LOillis, is vis. , ~r~, CI~ss i e Cux sJl~n t la st week tul. greatly improved in health. 1)llr" nts, l\1r , und ..'ir". lll'ruol eWIl, iti " ..." hI'.0 , " ns alller (I faurothe ' I r, Mr. th Jf os<' t ph Gi~h · Our co mm unil y is ",Iud to w~lc o m " I' uu re llrl tl 1,I·u. • 011", Il ubert •'11,,1 111', 1/11 y, nor 0 ow n. ,,0 0 back Rev. II , G. Curl ess ns pastor of raw . M esd a~es EVIIl Gruham ano daugh· th e 111, E. church ,for a nother y"ur, Mr9. IIInry Finch Ilnd Robert Gur· te l'. lI en"ce, a nd Dora \Vhitc all d He und his goou wifc ucc upy a Wllrlll ner r eturn ed, ThurHd ay, frolTl Il pi ellS· SlIns, wer e Dnyton visito rs, Thursday. ·place in th e hellrt. uf our people. lllit visit in Dayton wilh Mr, ulld 1111", I'IJr. George Gray Jr" lind daugh· Mrs. Ruy Carr lind daughte r, Miss Billy Ml\han . WI', .' Vnc , .o f Belmont, Rpent the Alicc Louise, lind Mf>l. V.·rgo Mitch. I\'(·c,k-e nu WIth Mr. and Mrs. George ncr wer e hll s t.~8seH, Frid"y flft ern ou n, 1111'S. Amos VanD o/'(' n i, spending t o u la rge numb er of fri~ nd ", hon. IIcvernl dill'S with her duuKhtcI", Mrs. Gmy, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Friermood were oring, Mr~. H elc n Hil e Tnylur with u Frllnk Curl, who Wlls illjur ~d ill nil Su nday guesls of th e 10Uer's parenl!t I'are el show er. autumohilc uecide nt r l'('en t ll'. Mr. and Mrs, )\ ndy Charlton, nen; M . E. Sherwoud r!!mains v ~ ry ill Leblln on. ot hi. horne on Eu"t Mllin st rc'('t . ' His so n, Fred ulld fnmily , of COlum bus, 1111'. nnd Mrs. Coh'ln Lo ngacre and were with him Fri da ~' and SlltunlllY, M~s. S, H, Burnett were Friday ev. cnmg gues ts of Mrs. Sue Mull, in W. A. Starr, of lIeor Morrow, und Lebllnon . Mrs. Anna Anderson who has been ~i K Bon, ElIrl, of Charlesto n, Mo " 1I1rs, Mo lli e Dllvis returned to her 80 ill, is improving. called on Mrs. Amondo Storr and Mrs. Charles Gray Ilno fnmi ly, Fri- h " m~ i n Cincinnati, Sunday, after Mrs. Mary Spitler, who fell uncons llPndin g n wee k with her m ot her, scious on th e floo r, Saturday it still day. ~1 rR. l';nllllH Fou lks. vc ry Ill. 1111'S. Clarll Connl'T. Jll,'" Eth~1 l r. a r.rl ~1rs . Elbert Wollace have Sm il h and sons, R o b~rt IIn u EdW in. IU"~Vcd Mr. and Mrs. Silva Stowe, of Newfr"flt the Burnett property to were Sundoy gue"t s of ~lr . a nd ~Irs , comeTlltown , were the guests last H ugh Burgett olld f um il y. in !lei· 1I " , t " I' t h" ht'!Ile which th ey r('cent. week of Mr, and Mrs. George Smith. Iy purdl""'oi ,tl f Harry McGinnis. mont. Mrs. Mattie S~h, Mr. and Mrs. iIIrs, A. 1-: , Whi te and sons returnMr. an d Mrs. Ii. S, Tu ck(·r alld "d tIl th"ir h" "1(" in Springfield . Sun. Carl Smith and little son. Mr. and daughters lind Mr, an.1 Mrs, A. ' day cV<'llin)::, afte r a week's visit with Mrs. George Smith and little son and Collett were om ong Uwse fr llrn he re her d i ~l(' r , M"". Kesler Graham and Mr. and Mrs. SilvaSmit.h were Sunwh o saw Coburn's Mill's tre ls II I the family. dllY guests of MrH. Anna Oglesbee, Murphy theater, !-' rilloy eveni ng, neor New Burlington. Mr. alld ~ I (' s. Charles J ohns enter· Lew Wash's Ford was badl y dlllll ' tained lu Su nday dinner, Mr, and After detouring all summer both aged Sunday morning , whe n he !It· ~Ir" . Gl e nn .I ohn s ond children, Paul north and south of town, Spring Valtempted to make the upl'er he no of li nu Vivian. "nd Mrs. Elizabeth Smith, Icy is now suffering from having the th e "S" hill on the left. ~ i d" uf t h" IIr IJllyton, IItreet through town paved. The pike road, and a cllr comi ng dnwn, stru ck street will. no doubt be II great Rev. Ha ymo n d Stillings Was re- ~nd it with great force. Improvement In some ways when l urned to th e Springboro and Lytle completed, - - -__ a _ ...._ _ __ Friends here have r ecc h'ed word charges, olld with his fnmily will of the death ef Mrs. CarriM Myers. lIlu VC t o the p;lf~lo noge at Springboro at her home in Peoria, Ill .• TU e~ dllY , next w('ck. Mrs. Myers was a cousin of Frank Mr. und Mrs. Hnrry Graham enterL. Horris and won many f l'iellds tuined t(l Sunda y dinner, Mrs. Florhere on her visits to t he Hllrri s llllll · .. nee Suylor, Mr,!. Hen ry Saylor and ily, Funeral se rvices were cundu ct· Mr, Wlilia lll Sl1~' l o r and Itldy frien d, ed in Columbus, her fonner hUllle, II f Da yt"", and Mr, nn d Mrs, William Thursday. 'r cighton .. Honorin g Mr, und Mrs. Cluyt on Mrs. Ma r)' C. Ri ser returned to Babb , of Okluho lll!l, Mr. and Mr", hl'!' hlln1(· in Dllyton Saturdll!" ufter Harry Os born and fafllily enlertaill ' -pe nd ing n wc(' k with 1I'1r. an d Mrs. ed t o 0 6·0'dock dinn cr, Sunday, William Brown , ~l rs , Mary Cormo • Mr. and Mrs. "Varr.:" Osburn . of II } \\ll~ ;t dinl l..... r g'UC'8t at th e Brown Wilnllnglun, Mr. Il nd MI'; . Frunk Rud ho me, Tuesday. duck nnd Hurace Hudduck. of C lark ~ · and Mrs. Frank Rogers were ville, Mr. and Mrs, Howllrd Graham, callMr. to th" hom e of Sberman Rog. Mrs, Clint Clenv!!r and Ruth Cleav· el'S, ed lIeor Middle Run. MondllY, on ac· er ond the honor guests. count of the illness of their fllther, who is very low at this time, Mr. ADDITIONAL NOTES Rogers is in his 93rd year. Mrs. Roy Clurk and little daughMr. and ~rs. Walter Kenrick, in ter, of Harveysburg, are the guests compllny With Mr. lind Mn. Perry of r elutives at West Union this week. Kenrick and Miss Bcrt~a Kenrick, of Earl Cline and James Cline, of Waynesville, WI!re Sunday dinner Dayton, wcre week·end guests of guests of Mr. an.d Mn. Elmer Mont. their grandmother, Mrs. Merritt, of gomery and daughter, in Dayton. Mr. and ' Mrs. S. II. Haines, James Hurveysburg. In. and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ken. MI:. and Mrs, Alvin Kennedy, of Hoines rick attended a dinner Pllrty at the Captain Hllrveysburg, entertllined their chilo home of Mr. and Mrs. C. R, Binegar. Roosevelt directed dren, Mr. und 1I1rs. Walker and John in Jamestown, ,on Tuesday of last crew from .the (JI81.blfld Kennedy, of Dayton, Saturday night week. The event being in honor of ffelghter Antlnoe, nlCentJ,. ~ and Sunday, ' Mrs. Haines' 85th birthday. three days ConunMder ~riect Dr. IIltd Mrs, W. E. Frost, of Harfought mountainous seatl to take • veysburg, entertained over the weeklho .,\\aIlors off the doomed shJp. RIGHTOI end Mr. and Mrs. Roy Harvey, of I'wo' of hla own men wero wllShed Dayton. ~untlay Ilfternoon llnd ev· . (trb()lu... l ond drowned. Stingy housewife to butcher- "lt ening callers were Mr, and Mrs. Wil · -------.~~ sure is tougllwhen you have to pay lia m Reeves and children, Ruth lind 80 cents a pound for beef," Budd. of +,"cw Burlington. "Yes; but it is; a whole lot tougher when you pay tweny. five ." CLEVER KID REDUCED RATES Teacher-"Sciellce tells us that heat contracts and cold expunds things. "How much is a ticket to St. Lou· Call any pupil give me an examp le is ?" of thi~?" Forty.five thollS8nd forest tre e "Six dollars and six cents." Boy-"cl', ma'am . The daYK lire "G osh! I can go over to the next seedlings were planted thia YCKr un longer in t he summer than they nrc town lIno get one for les8 than that I" Ohio farms ond in municipal parks in the winter." . by twenty-six chapters of the Isaac ---~,. ~--Walton league. This work Was done Ma Ferguson has now got herself About the only thing that will do in accord with a plan outlined by Edinto the frame of mind wh .. re s he France any good now is to hllve M. mund Secrest. state forester. "Each chapter is asked to co-operthinks she hilS only begun to fight. Poincare hit a home run with the bas. ate with farmers by plontlng at least es full. onc acre n yeor. Th e state furnishes the trees, the leaguc members do the planting, the farmer agreeing to protect his yoong trecM, "This league will thus not only aid tn the conservotion of game by estab· Iishing coverts, but it will also aid the farmer in the reclamation of his waste land. The farmer has lometime8 suffered from the depredations of careles8 sportsmen, and It' Is hoped that this plan will lead to a better understanding lind co·operation. "The league is a national organization largely of profe8llional and busineas men who are sportsmen and outdoor enthusiasts 118 well. This year 26 of the 126 Ohio ehapteTII planted forest trees. The New Philadelphia chapter plllnted .3 ~ acrcs at Schoenbrunn park, the site of the ftrat Bettlement in Ohio. The Springfield chapter planted 14 acrea of the new municipal forest which Is .ponsored by that chapter,"


'1 OD UI for 7 ur Job PrlDtl n,

Lebanon, Ohio

Every Tuesday 8,00 •. m. to 4 p. m.



Mr~. T. r.. II Hy d .... k " Lt e nd"d th o Mess rs. A Iltert Stllcy and Everett ROl,:i oflll1 ('n llf.' rL'nel' ,, [, thl' It(',l EU I'!)' l11ad" f1 hus ill('ss trip to 110m . C r o~s lit lh · Milit:II'\' 1I 11/1l" Da y tun un l\1 o ncJ a~' , . , , i1t"n, 1\l,,1l(lay.

---_. -- ..


Mrs. A. W. 'l 'lI l'nl'l' 11'118 the t;'uest of (riend s it: S'Jul L ~ I" deaton, n part uf last week. .


5 __ _ _

- .. _








In 48 hour'S after le"ving the

Shell the

ready tor



Ce.,f!!!,sUIU Buttermilk Starting Feed

Peed it f~ 8 weeka. Conkey', Is low 10 fibre and Juat r1ght In proteIn, !ldentlllcally correct. Does not Injure or overtax the ICIlIlitive dIaeative epparlltUll. Conkey's Is the Orilllnal Buttennilk Starting Feed. It Ie made by the nkCY Orbrlnll Proceea. In w hie b OlI-50lld 13uttermllk III thoroughly ncorporated with other I~edleata. ConbTe Poultry Book free.


Waynesville Farmers' Exchange Company Phone 25

W.YDe.ville, Ohio

N.tional Bank Will. DrawD "

.... " Elt.I •• Settled

Waynesville, Ohio

Dr. John W. Mille.. Dentiat w.y ...... iIIe N.tlooal Bank 81••.

IVACCINATION OF SWINE A Specialty Nothing but reliable ' Serum and Virus uaed

Dr. W. E. Frost Veterinarian Harveysburg


Phon" 44,

Some of The Things We Sell Material For Your Roofs--Red Cedar Shingles Mule Hide Shingies Carey Shingles Asphalt Roll Roofing \ Brick Portland Cement Plaster Lime Plaster Board Wall Board .;.t









___ ..... _... _ . _ •

All of the above material · can be found in our yard every day in the year at moderate prices

w. H. Madden & Co.






~ that is cheap ~ the g~o...

ls~ot~cheap by the joli ~ ~ , ~

- - -_•_ _ 4 _ _ _ __

Purposeful Reading


The baseball fan knowa just where to look for the baseball news. and

he geta from hie reading the exact Information he ...ant8, Moreever. he Ibaorb, and retains that information. .He C8n give offhand the rank and the standings of the dilferent 'clubs, and the batting averages of bis fllvorlte players. And, an Intereat, ing fact about this reading 18 that it take. only about IIfteen minutes a da, ' '" ~fteen minutes a doy . given to carefully select,ed reading- will give the lame result in any other field. Tile main trouble with most of our reading Is. that it is not' planned; it la .not purposeful. [f we· would r~ld alone our lines of 'Work u · peralatentIy and 118 lntently' as the fan, wo would surprise ounelvea at our JP'Q'Wth and development.






fRID M. COLE, Waynenille, 0.

• THE M~MI GAZE1TE --------------~~~~~------~--~~----~u~--~~~~es~<~~~~~-~~~-~~~~~~~~212~~~~-~-~-~~~~~----~~~~~~~~.~~~~~~~~~~X£!2~ ~~~~~~~~

---,." t ,ng 01.


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F; nll l\~h .

• 111 .Hl,



~, 'I. . ' ,j' I~ l'r;lrl 1


he s New Steel 4




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~lIt'~l .... \..I\IU.: ' .


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S c hll~ ff ('f .


L. A. W ashburn. l',..lor .

School li t !) :::O; n o rrear h 1111' ", , ' n-i(' l ' t his ''' t·dlll :--(iny (,\~I ' nin v', 1 ~( ' 1'1"1I ' 11,' 1" 1ft, J'rny cT .MC"C'ting n '


.Ju nH·~;:

)I f )oo.

r\ jet 5 It ~ .

~unll.l )'


I '

Rosenthal Bros. built the first Husker in 1889. Their 1926 Husker represents the experience of 37 years, and leads· the field as did their first one in 1889. /

=-- -- -


_ _ _ _ !!Z2

Have You Anything To Sell?

rn \' nd~

~1l'C ll1rl'


vi ;:. i tillv

1)r. \.~ . V.l rl' 1::- '-'ontinl Ii tIl h i:-at t he' F' ri(lnd~04 lI onH'. ~ 1I


r l l t)J1I





I ),

r llnl l \ 't' f't ill

Advertise It Through the Medium of The Miami Gazette


It Pays!


Groc~ry I


Septel1lber 25th

From 1 p. m. to 7 p. m .., of the following food pro· ducts. which we carry, fresh at all times. You do not have to buy. Just come and taste the quality of our goods, and get your free souvenirs. Bring the children. Everybody W elcome!

The Steele &

eredith Co.

Will- Demonstrate and Sarnple their delicious and enticing' Elk Lick Pure Food Prod uct£.

Fleischmann's Yeast For Health Makes You Fit-Keeps You Fit. Eat 2 or 3 cakes every day. Ask tor Heal th Booklet.

Free Motor Oil One Quart of Opalene Motor Oil given Fr-ee with every 5 gallons of Pqwer Plus Gasoline purchased of us on that day.

COPPEE If you are a lover of Good Coffee, and you have thus far failed to satisfy your t,aste, come to ,our store, Saturday. andle't an expert demonstrator s.e rve you a cup of our Five Minute Brand, Free, and explain to you that it is possible for you to 'obtain a satisfactory .coffee-a full 'v alue-at the right price.


' . .Phone· 113

nl\ oI

'C . 1L

E. VAN OFLEN, ' Proprietor ,Wa)'nesville, Ohio


gents for the c lebrated



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'\ j I' I: I: '1 1 .. \' I r • :1 1 \ \ . , Ii , '




~t lib, ntll'n dl'(J I , O. \J. F.





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1" .1,.:,' at F rnnklin. 'I ull d ll)' en'ninl:.

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\\ Ii liu m f1)' k ~ a n ll fnmlly. o f !l u)'· '1' 1' t {'l n, \'i!-i1t(' d I"t,lati\'(' s h en.'. :-;u ndny. 1\ ,. Automobile rcpairing. Mot or oil u nd A'IIS SlIv cr . Huy Mill •• Tel. ',1.




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~tu nsb (" .. ry and f Ulll ily s l' ('nl , · ,· Ifl t i \' ~ s I II nlnnrlw s·




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E . :-! t a nd lfonl i:-. n:--j t l!l~~

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WiH Have a Demonstration'





~l'( ' llt Ih(' ....... 1<·(·11<1


~~~====~The~~~~==~ 1


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~r. (,,, I,· und fa lllily ' I" 'n t n day in ~lUd dl(\ t'\\\ · n .








da l:),! ht{ T' , dd' "1"1

t 'v I U III h us.


SundllY with

. Hardware.·.Harness···Farm Machinery



:II I' ', ':d \Ir', .\ l ln;.- 1\:'I'I·t. of



I II . ('I1.",Hlhl ",I,

' h r twl l~fl~ '"

I" h ·-d",


Simple in construction, enclosed gea rs, running in oil, large capaci ty, safe to feed, easy to move ·about.


.11 1'. nit!

~. L.



The Best Rosenthal Ever Built


'11'. I,I!)' "ullin. 't' I, '~ l' ," II ,. ~(,:\ J .\1 ... and .,11 .. \',. :::. t;n,h,'n



~:,dR I (,



t"l . :· ,,': .t ...· \U,d_l~ \\!th ~11' ."HI.II:-I. Mr. lI'n o ~I l's. lill Y Mi lls wl!re in W . U. 11 II I'(·r. M ET HODIST CHURCH 1'11)'1011. T hur s.da y. ~I r . alld ~I r ... Will V"il. "f L (· ha · ~lIbba lh SI'), ool at (1 :15 a . m . . n (l ll , \\c ' n ' \'1 ~ ll fl r s at tht· h o mt' o f ;\lr . I"" ch i ,,{ llt l O:~O u . 1\1 F.p \\'o r th . F . B. 1I " lId" I ~U II Hlld rHllIil), \,',' ,',' a :.cI ~Ir Fr:1I1k Th il l"" ' , ~ u ,,,IIIY. LlJn,.,ruc ti: 1.1 p . Ill. PrNu: h ing n" In 1) Hyt~)fl . ~';llut·da y . ;\1 r : lIlIi :'.1 r".. 1-:1 \'l n J 'I l l ' :lfltl 7 ':10 p. nl. E\" ' r yb ndy indl !' d t" tht' "

R \' . J hn J.


11.' 2 1'" 'J

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i' ... d .: a,lll (.,It I'WI


111\1:1) •

\ Ia '~

.Always Use The Best!



\.. 'i l ,1 . 11 . \t ll I :-:~II ~

Waynesville Overland Sales

) 11' \ \ til 1 ',., '1 l '!- ,0 > ,t ( 1 I !I " ':~t i. :\1 1'. ;I! ! )' r t; '" II \,;.dl .'~ Il. d :'11 :' , . I It.' ~:I :l ItI'I 'I r , ' ;1

O. M. HidA''' hus r el urne d fr om a vi,<it to hi. "un, H lIg h lind fUlllily. at Pills. louq(.

~ , lIf :\J r..U't - ...., I, ~ ·, d!d. , .\ , .

lla rl.l'( \\\. , ' ," ,,' II . B.

R,»), II nl hall'll Y i ~ in Cl'lI t" r ";lIe, wh er e he si cl) lI nl'c l cd wllh ilI.:Cruy·" !!,I'uccry. •


r il!H I .\1:'"

H. Archdeacon K. of P. Bldg., Waynesville,!Ohio

~:I . :lIl d .'11' ..... J .. hn ('UI { hlll. 1 ~!'1':ll l d Sv ll, ', '; ,.i l. 1' , )1 1':00 . l, l :.'lIl..' K;lllfl' I!l Htl . ~ I r. \ \' dI IHrlI H a r lJt·Y. dt I)ayt 'l n . ~ I r , nn d ~ I r" . \\,i lli:ll11 S hamhll lll:1l. ,.f IH: ar l. u mbL' l'lu n . W,' rl' (i1nnc' r ).!ll(":::5 t s , ~lIll d a ~' , (If ;\l i~:-; Li1.z i c J uy .

Em mn Heig- hw ay . pen l . c\'· e rn I dny s last week \\'it h relal lves in Le bunon. Mi s~

Isaa c Lin co ln r et ur n,'c! t o Dayt(\n , S unday . lift er' s p" IHJing u week ' lwr l' with r c la t i\'es.

Growin g Fence


Bring your Eggs to Kroger

Bread Country Club, Double or Split 1 ~-pound loaf . . .



5 . lb. Ba g .... ...... ....... .. .

ComRakes Country Club,


Millions in Pearls

- - -


each .. .

3 Ib • .



45 C !! . . . . :12c

~~r~~~~b ?~~~~.7: . . . . . 29c !!~ !~~~ 2~b~~~·~~

25c ~~!~~e~. .~~~~~.~I.~.~ 24c .......






5 bar. Cr,atal whit.......

1 bel' Creme Oli".e. S_p, FREE.

Safety . 12 bOlle . ........ ....... .. ....... Sc

fa mi ly, o f Lu\\'r ence burJl;, Ind .. s pent lhe wc.' k· cnd wilh Mr. a nd M rs. Lon Bec kett. lin d family .


F. D. Dakin

Miss St l!lla. Daugherty spent S un · day in Dayton. Her · m othe r. who was t ho lSuest o f r c latives t her e last we ek. r et urm'd home with her.

Ha.rtsock received word. of t he serious Ill· Taylor Fritter, .of He Will hd'e at and his many BOrry to learn of his .. .. ............... .. ........ lSe

Le af, pound ... ........................ ... 1&

Mr. nnd :111: 1'5. Jallles Beckett unci



---- - - - - -- -

Country Club. 2 o n e. ha lf-Ib. Prinh, Ib.. .

Mr. an d II1rs. EMn'est Earnhart and children. of Cai'lisle, were Sun day dinn er !!,ucst s of ·R c\,. and Mrs. L. A Washburn .

Mrs. Mer.e Kern. of Columbus who spent s everal days ·llIIt week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, J . D. Marlatt, !,eturned to her hOllle Sunday morn· mg. She ~~~l! accompanied by her father; who will visit there a few clays .

Jer ... "

plrc· . . . ·. . . · C ~~~~.~


Mrs. Li zz ie 11 0\\,(' . of Obe r li n , i ~ spe nding t he wcek with Mr. an d Mrs. Elvin Fires. . Mrs. Howe is a sist er of Mrs. Fires.


10C ~~~~~ . ?;~.~!~~~.'. .. . .25c

MacaronI,· Spaghetti or Noodle. , Country Club,

1\1 rs. G. 0.. Mills l('ft Frid ay for Lo. Ange les, Ca l. , where . 11<' " oes as . a dell·gate to th e Nat ion a l W . C. T . V. meeting.

Mr. and M[rs Frank Thomiis and lion, Robert, Mr. and ' M1'8. Lowell Thomas and Mr. and M1'8. Madison Earnhart welre dinn er guests, Sun· day. of .Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Dyke, of

. ........... .. ..... ..... . .. .. : ... ...... ...... ... ............... .... ...... 27c

Large, 13 oz. p .. c...........

Miss Lo uisle Henderson sp ent Fri" Do yo u love me a s much a s you day nig ht anel Saturday with her sis· used to?" ter . Mrs. Harlry .Turner, of Bellbroo k. "Do I? Say. why it's only from ha ving t.1ll put up with yo u aU ' th ese Mrs. S. Bergen. wh o spent th e years t h . provl!s h ow I d o love summer ut the Friends Home, is se- you!" riously ill ut her horn e in Cincinnat i.

After spending several weeks with Dr. and Mrs. A. T . W'ri'gbt, Mr and Mrs. Alfred Wrilfht left last Saturdal to take. up t .h elr work at the Ulp. vel'llitY 'of Pennsylvania.

ea . .......... 2Oc

-- - -


Mr. und 1\1[rs. Charles F . Mosher. of Cincinnutii, sa iled last week on the "Empress of Asia" from Vancouvcr, B C., f or a year's travel and study in 1ndil~.

Country Club, TiD"

Cr' . ." - e r~., Butter, Soda or Oyster 14c per pound .... , . ...... . P !leake FI our Country Club, Freah 10 Stock, 20-oz. pkg . . , . C


Mrs. Laum Mosher an r1 Mr. Harris Mosher motored t o Milford, Sunday. where ~~frs. Mos her. wiiI spend the wc el> witl~ Fred C. Hartsock and family.


Peas N;wc:~:k,o~~~~.~~~~ .~~~~~'.. .. 25c Avondal e . t w ee t peas . 2 cana .. 25c.

Mr. und Mr s. Jumes Bie tJl l! , of Cin · After lho co If iR t\\'o wce ks 0 10 gi\' l' cinn a ti, w ~ rll wc;e k· end g" uests of It uccess to p le nty of fr es h, clean waChllrh.!s Anderson und fa mil y. tn at~a ll ti mes. an d wh en old enou gh Mr. and Ml·A. J . C. H aw ke. Mr. Ilnd t l) cat r ouKh agc see that sa lt is nlways Many feed er s see m ~o Mr~. Lee HSlw ke li nd fBllIily spent IIccessiblc. S und!ly wit h relativl!s at Sabin a . t Hin k lhlll beca use th·" nllf drinks m ilk it does not nel!d watt'r. Mr. and Mrs. E. V . Burnhart. of ...- - incinnati , w'e re dinn er guests, Sun· THAT'S SETTL7D day , of Mr. alnd Mrs. Jam es McClure .

Mr. nnd Mrs. Hnrvey Burn ett. of Cen t erville, mnd Mrs. Frances Rapp , of Mac omb. Ill., we re gu('sts Tues· day. of Dr. nnd Mrs . H. E. Hath· away.


Rye Bread, IlS·lb. Loa' .......... IOc Whole Wh ... t Br... d. 10.L ...... lie

1. lb. Lonf. ench ...... ............. 7c Vienn ", 1.lh. Lo.f. ... .. ..... ......... 7c

Calves Need Water

Mrs. Ella Babb a nd Mrs. Mary Thom as Crit es. o f Spring Vlllley, s pl!nl Satu rd ay with Mrs. Anna Cad· walllld cr a~,d Miss Clara Lil ....



General Insurance

This pagoda. 0. part of the J apaoess exhibit at the Sel(lul·CentellUlal International Expo.IUon In Pblladelphla, celebrating the 150th annlvurasry of the IISnills of tho Declaration 01 lnd~ . .ndence. I, mado enttrely 01 pearls &lid III! value exC()oos '1.000.000. The eltpotllUolI COIlttuuell Wittl Deeember 1.

. Wayne.ville, Ohio .

Phone 61··2

Make You Money

Save Time

. •




Mia. mi·Ga,zette.. Classi.fie'd-Ads Br


. S~ve

Trouble •

.. t..

Harold William so n. o f Elyr ill . is Fa rlll,' rs li .. in g in 1 h,' hill lind mo un· vi.ill ng his pa r en t H, Mr. alld 1111'S. laIn , (l· ti o n~ fr olll so u thern ~c\\' YOI'k H. H. Willill mso n . l(O IlIlr th" rn Gcu r gill. clln s uccc,," fu l· Iy ~r o \\' blad ; locusl trec~ f or f('!l ce Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Cr on e and fan1 ' pos ts. The wood is excepl iona ll y du o il y spen t SUillday wi t h r elati ves at rab lc in t hl! grou nd. An insect. the Fayettsvill e. Ohio. locust. borer. wi ll und out..tedly do , o ml' damllg e. but in t he region spec!. Frank Lep r ee and fa mily. of Day· ri!' <1 t hi s \·,tluubl e t ree cun , a s a rul e. t on, wer e w E'l!k·e no g uests of J ohn io e profita bly g rown . At . lower alti· F romm a nd famil y . udes, par ticu larly t he Oh io Riv er t..u. ~ tn. lhe bor er usually seri o usly inMr. and Mrs . J . M. Taylor and J ures o r kills t he tree. Miss Lucy Emle y spent S unday with Las t will tel' un 18.y ... ar .old plan te d r elati ves nell I' Dodds. . stun d of black locust. ill Penn sy lvunino was cut. It y ieldl!d an "ve rag e M rs. Mary Edwards Stur huck , of ,.e r url'e o f 65 7 r ound post s over [) Bil'min ghllm, Ala., is th e gUt'sl of Mr. tn rhes in diam ett'r III the small end a nd Mrs. Hober t Crew. a nd ·107 posts 3 to 5 Inch l!H in <li um oler. At 2..5 Ct'IHS a po. t t he ac rl! Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Robitzer an d l'ro ug- ht $2 ~ . All ow ing $30 for indaught er wer e S un day d inne r guest s \'I!s tm ent o f lano and the cost of orig_ o f Mrs. J. D. Marlatt. inal plan t ing, the an nu al profit was a bout $ 13 a n acrl!. Carl l\I cC lutr ~ und fa mily, of Duy. L n , spent t lhe week·end with Mr. and Mrs. Wa!.tH McC lure.

Scvl! ral fan s nttcnded baSI! ball !!,ames at XNl ia. Harveys burg, Leba · no n and ot he r pl aces , S und a y after · n oon.


;; "




SeventY - '~ i gh lh



••••••••••••.•••••••••••••• REPORT OF SCHOOL ACllVITlfS







First Photos From F1lorida Tornado Districts

State . Capital ,


Prepared by Columb us Reporter

n Tues day, ,'e pI ' "11)('r 2 1, ,\lr Mu umllw cnll.-d all lIo,,' l11 lJ ly III' L1h • lI il(h schuo l p" l' il", The' ollicel'" of ~!"'. At hl,.:ic ".~,,,.illii oll ~I· , ' re cl",'ll'" )hey IIr,· . ' "'''')11 MlI lllUUS, r rl' ~ i . dOIl.I; 1I,' rt D' NI,tlll, t ll'U",II " I'. It \\' ,, ~ ""t)(I"" to chanl(l ' till' fonn IIf dU I'"

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hard tu~ k of tllll l·t lin!: Lite dUe" I'II,·h CDLIlMHlJ S. 0 11 1.0 Ohi" lI1in e~ ilion til , The' r, U ~ en t" will he t' hnl'S!' in I!J2f, p ... "I11< ,,'d 27,I;(iI. 71i1l l(l ll~ "r ~, " a~nln sL 111<' \' oc, l; hill, ull l.'s. paid ~ .. n\. T it" fal'"l'ity ."1' Ohi l) '" !, ; [, III Oil' III'X L nH,II1h II r tW(l. This will mine. ~ h (l u l e l iJe' r,r. ,(HICI,IJ(lU tllll S lin """~II a n !rIC'rl liMe o r Ilver $.J 1I f"r tlw

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l1 ua ll y.

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th,' 13" lmont CClUllty I,d it Lut ll l t.olnlll1f;:e repo ,," we re macle sn nc e \\'a~ srt a. id e with !1, 2G:J, 17U ton s. pracllcally ull for , th e shuwers. Th e uoy ~ Ilaid for n",d, ille. minc'd , lIarrl"l.n cn unt v ' th l'lr shower ' by 8ubsc l'ipti on, Mr, prudu~ c(1 thl' grc 'nteRt tClnnaV:,' loy M~ ~maw hOMh' ft Lh" 'l ll c~ ti u n " f lh "tri p-min ill" with I ,!I :W, fl:!1) tnll ' . rll18111/,[ uf IIca rl y ~ :!fi tl) th ~ f"lIvw. l'('rry Wll $ thc' h,'uvi,,>t produ('er IJ y i ~1( c('lJ1l11i!lt'~ of gir ls: Fail h T ompick- milled with :J 17,/iOtl tO ilS. 1'U$. II nsoll . "en wr, VIIMhLi Bl'cke tt. j Ulliu r. CIII'II\\,118 had till' nll'>t IlIinl'" wit h III. Mllb .. 1 Jll c Mlllufl, suphnm orl', Ullt l IJ<!illlflnt "'li S ,,,"cuI,,1 with !I:I, I'l' IT:1 Mo~c l 1'1anc'k, frC' Hhll1 l1n . was t hird with 7/;, Monrne rt' I>ort~d , 1 he JunIOr c1IlH~ hnM Io('cn M,' lI ing on .. min .. with" total nruduction by cllndy fur ~um,' tlm(' and g rent ng of 7:1U tOIl ~, T wen t y. nin e rt!KM hUM h~e n mnd e under th (' sa il'S of O hi,,' ~ ElB co un tiC'" prll!!uccd con i mnnngc' r,s hl[l of C('nl'va Ault, AI· fur t he mll rket Illst yellr, All " f the n'ady thir ty boxes of candy have bee n . . cuunticR producing ,'oal fM th e mnr. "o l~ . kct nrc in the "n ~trrn hllif or thl' 1 he High sc hoo l 18 VPry prou!! uf State. . t he Smith-H ugh,,!, Ilepurtmc nt. Tho exhibit of th e fnrm shop clnss nt t.h e Wurtell County fnir ca used mu ch fa 1'lie Statl' itself is the IlIrgC'st and vo rable comment. The e xhiloit waa mnst prosperous farme r in Ohi o, co mposed of fnrm imple ments lhat 1'hi" fact is brollght out in the annual the bOY8 hlld mad c in tne s hop and r eport of th o d pa rtm ent of puhlic lellth,'r work; ulso a Shllwver barn, wdrare which shows thllt 17 ,238 made by t he engin ee ring clusH last IIcrcs of lund were e ither olvnod or year. The work now in the hll nds leased by the State during the fisca l of the farm Hhup uoys is care of too lH year ending Jun e 30 la8t, Anti that lind S IIW work, Laboratory for the the State has bcen prosperous with soils cllISH will start this week. Puits farms ia rellected in thc value of pil" in lhis department ' have home farm production which, durin g the projeclB, These arc helpful in eevlost year amounteel to $1,110,207, eral ways. Onc important feature a substentilll increase over any I)r e· is th e amount of money th e pupil can vious year. a nd lIIore thnn one-third mnke out of his project and next the incr ase over 1924 when Governor experic'nce he ~ainH , Donahey anllounc(!d thllt durin g hi ~ The closs we rn er roasts will be givterm of offi ce he wou ld do hiR ut- en next Friday nig ht. October 1. mO B ~ t o develop tho Insli tulional Each CIIl88 will select t he place at farms and fi nd nroductive nnd h('alth- which t hey wish tp hold th e "hot dog" ful employment for hundreds of nris- roast . and 'th en th e president of each onerR. Dniry products nl one during clnss will tell Mr, Moomaw the place the last fiscal year amounted to solected. ,367,R74. or an in crense of $4/; ,51 6 Ther e is a s urprise being prepanod over 11l25. Milk Is being nroduccd for Friday afternoon at the High lit State institutions for only 15,9 School building. The general public cents per gallon , which includes the arc invited; time 2 :00. _______ ••_______ {:ost of raising more than 700 heif·ers. Further expnnsion of the dai ry Industry' is urged for all State insti. tutions.

a I \ Jl tl l ~t' 1

tl u l Lt

tJl o nt h t<1 50 " ('lit: ;, d lln, · III cau;w or th t.

Jndi<.'aLiuI1 H"'O fu r ill l~ l:!t~ l' qulpl1ll'nl. art' tha t It'"" th,," t ill' nn"IlI IiL mill ed Mr. MII"mnw th.,n di"miHHNI III "t y<ar will I". I'rotiu e',,01 It y n "I' I'In' I ,oy~. II " th, 'n I'hll'" '' be rem , IJ(' )' :J 1. or th l' tlltu l minl'" IU !-i l ,Y , ' llr g'1J' 1 ~ th,· qlH'Mtilirt of ~llOwl'r~ . t2 :l,'1:!4,6:.!t1 tOll 9 Wt ' )'e HUH ' hint' min r o r e lh" fin ' it wou ld h a\'(i Ue(ln ~ II j 2,60 1, !l7!1 tun s wl ' r e st rip . mi nt .d IlI U~ t im l ll\~. · ihl{· l u hltv., th(·,,,. II IHI 1,r, all,7li5 to n ~ WI're pil-k ·minN\. CU U H~ el f la ' k of s part'; !Jilt whe n

Whole Number 5720


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toduv . '1"1'11\' . I!Lt .-.': t, I .IIU I "i Brllwn :, . undl'r t t;l' I tI :, I III L!Y lI h : ld o r l 'h nrll's C"mi .. l\ , , \', \\ 1' 1\ d l> lI )1 " I \l ll ~ l l1 p 41 j" l h~' ,dd Am :r 1(':1 11 a:.; ... d l' IH l iH rl , : ... y(ltlr ~ Iq.{(I, i lllt! '1 1l'!' " ... I t

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la l,'r ""f,'al d Ih c' l' hallll'illns " f th l' ~ al hil l :d

I, HJ..!lh .' In H l' u ~ t · ~ \'·;I ~ \ J n Il ut tl,,· Allit ' /'ll'n n :U;SIWill l i IJlI I la ,"'> f l t'\t ' r IIl'I.-' 1l nlll ~id ! · r .. d til lH' in .... 1 · l'Il·~ ,

'1Ul t t· ttl!' cla:,,>!'t of the· Il h lt!"rn lI1ajfJ r

A A),mpllthcti c C'ditori nl wTiter be-

w ,dl ~ LlII' fad, Lhat Jll ck gl' ( I I ~ OOO lillie'S ~I'!lnt


\\' 1 It l 1l2 "P ll l':H II ~ t..

Dempsey will MilLon Ill'l t

],0 :4 1."

(lie lh' ulh.' I' ha ll<i, Mil (I n 1' 1'0103HLIl 111 ,' IIl Il: t Il 11 i"., I' f "a l 'l r e ~ of hly "ould rlilh~ .. WI'itr- " Parnd ise tl h ' I lrt' ~t.'J11 :H' r if· .~ :-:. tU T il l11H I th,' mn n - I.II!-. l " f fl r ~ 't I, r h, ~I ' b" fJ t T UlIn('y r;j r II 'hg- lIl ' ~

~ "'

; q,:; \..' l' ~ "f

Two hClu", 'after the tornado bad abatlld 0111 !JIe EaRt CO aRt ot Florida these photoe we'r e northwa rd ~~ by airplape, the Ant from th. at.orm and wa"" tom dlatrlctll. No. I, MIami Beach front. No. 2, • ~'" Stl'Mt aDd Wuhinaton A".. No. a, Typlj~ of greet dMtruettOft which swept from eut to northwellt acrote tile penlnauI~ U - of ace4 c~ to earth. No. 4, The foree ot th6 .term Ihown in that l~·ton ~ ear'. poddOll at:~ th. buildlnc· La.. of ute not known.


Mrs. J amel Clark



tlH' lW I) 1('J\m ~ . ;\l i l l,lt ,) Ilu g')'.ri Il ";, " r (l~ I'n t nw n :h.' l'r o f l l lC' Yn nk,'!IS, :l nd 'H I t.' (, r' l il t, II ::t :- ' " d 11:: .

J,!lIn l'riiH n!'= th l' l! ~tJ lI l' h lt!" " .l' I. \\: l' fltll'd hig H l' l l \l' p l : I ).' ! IIg' d:l yS u r d h gH Il Ill !' 1I1 111J ..t J,.'" t.r :... 1 (:: /('("'1 wah hr Sl.

L lIlll "


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( ' ard l: :d s,

It \I " " \\' hilt' Ii II:y' i 1:' 11' 1\ < mn n g . in /r thi s tellm tha t he h~nrd of b ruullg shvl'tstll " whll WaS ,'e ritably s<J Ltilig U SII I:I'II III in II !' league nfire with hi ~ fin,' hitting and pl ayi ng, and eve ntually pe rs uIlc lctl the ow ne rs of Lh<l club tu pu r chu. e t he player's r elease ut un outlay of $G50. Thllt yu un g r layer Wn~ Hoger I\urns hy, th ~ p r e s ~ nt "' Illlager of th ~ Cardinals, a ll d Willl lL' r o f till' St. Loui ~' first 1lI 0 t! ~rn pe nna ll t. . WI" ·,, 1/ " 1'11 " 1,), rl' \tll rle d t il th e Car· d inals h" waH ,'xI' l'cdingly I(I'eell II I1U lucku u the poli8h of II mnjo r le uguer, IJut thl' u~1 ule lIugg' inM _ 11\1' th<l sy mptums II f the wund erfu l play er whu was to evul ve from th,> IIwkwunl young· Hter , a nt! dicl " II in hi. power , hoth hy SUK),:"sti"" and perso nul help, to cl"" e lop th~ la tcnt l(eniu8. He found un ud" llt pupil in \i orn sIJy, one wh o WII ~ II lw nys willing to accept udvice lind to I'ro'tlt th er 'fr olll , and one who WIIS ulwuys stri vi nf;: for pt!r Cection in his ehMe n profession, Now Lhe prl'cc!ptor and his star pu pil ure Lo m ~ct ill II fri end ly battle of wits un!! genernlship for the highesl honurs Io Il S C bull hilS to hesLow. May till' U0:t ",un wl n !

'J' h., II ut siul' "" rlt! r ~ ellt . Un ited rioll linht Jllfi oC m ovi ng pic .. : ure.. 'fhLl"e plclure~ are 'IlIn rv" l-

~ lll te s

ous snlt-Erne l;, !sellin !,: In nn lanels ,\me r ic un clo thll'~, auto mob iles, f urllI~uro, .Iam ps and especially the AmerlCI III ILien uf comCorta ble living,

MrH, JOllies Clll r k W IIS born in Iro· IlIn d in 11S4 U, and came t o this co unSix of th Ind in n pri ncps thnt try when eight yca rM old. II l'r pur· ~ ha r,· with th., Brit i~ h taxa ti on of ents settled a t. New Le xi ngton , Ohio. Lh eir RI.' I!jecl, olf I' $0, 000,000 to She was m,~ rri ed Lo J am.,s Clark h,'11' Bl'ltls h filn'" dis place Am er ican AttN tw o mnnths' vacatio n, n j oy ful of Corwin. Se ptember 2 1, IRG I an.! Therl' wi ll bl' a m('cling of 111<' fi lms. hnppy group o f lad ie ~ we nd ed th eir tliC'd Scplcmu(,r 18, I Y2G, at th ~ age of 86. By a strange coincidence of Warren COll nty 'I' ~aC hH"' a ~"ociati"n As Mr. Mellon suld when so meway to Diamond Hill. the pleasant dates, he r fun eral last TueRday, SI'[I' in Leba noll, Snturduy. Odll IJl' r IG . 1, ,,,l y off or ed him $70.000. uOO cash hnllle of Mrs, Frank Le May, who gave t e mbor 2 1, wus the 65th anlli ve r~ary Final arrangement. a re 1I0t co mplete for his oil company. " T hat isn't us n very cordial welcome. After the . lit thi " time, hut till' foll uwinl( te ntllenough ." You can't moke movi~ uRual sulutations, we we re called to uf hn murria(tc. She lived pl'act icall y ull her life in tiv .. program mu y be IIl1noun cNI, pictures with do llars e n ly , any more order by the pres idetlt, Mrs. LeMay The forenoon sess ion will IJe give:! tha n you can sing high C with dolfor the bu.iness and program of th~ Corw in and rais"d a family of seven childrt n. Three of her children. two ve ry Inrgely to Rounel T nh le meet· Inrs. You mu st kn', w how, n (ternoo n. Twe nty-four IIctive mem bers an el so ns and a daughtj.'r, und her husbun d ingR. Supt. C. L. ~r n tl. )\f., rrow , will one honor ary memb er answered to have preceded h,'r in deaLh. Sh.; wus havc' ch nr~e of t he Superint~ ndant s It is sa id U ' .omobiles keep bal! roll call with quotations fro m "Mark very fu it1,rul to h.;r r eligjous duties s('et ion . Mrs. Min ervn Houf;:h. WIlYth e voters awe 'f from the polls and Twain," nnd pay ment of nnnuni du es and se t an adm irable (, xample to ul1 nesville. wi ll have clulrf;:e of th" lIilr h "abse ntee ba!' oling" is suggested. Mrs. ,J. C. Hnwke gave the Biography of us. T he intense Buffering · whi ch S~hou l s~ ct i nn ., MiHH. E lv ul,1is ,lon(,8, A Iso, "Gr : f keeps men away from . of Mark Twain, In a very interesting ~he endured mo:-;t pa t ie nt ly for twelve !<mgH Mills. WIll preSIde at th e meet, t he c hurc~ J8 , .. mnnn er, "Scotty Briggs and the long wee ks, whi le bedfast, bro ught mg c.' ( Gr~mmllr Grad e teac hers . M~s. The re:nedy is to mnke politics 88 Minister," takcn from t he travels of out those bellutiful eharneleristics N .. lh e WIse, of South ~eb!l non . WIll !ntcr esting us motoring, religion 88 chee rful,ncss , ' patie nce: ; ho\'e thlll'lre of th e Prlma r ~' Grn,d e Mark TWllin. a hum oro us selection namely; interest Ing 08 gol f, With Henry She I",:oup. J ohn M, Lone, of Frn nkhn, was read by Mra, Devitt, which was kindn ess and long-sufl'e ring. Ward Beec her in 8 big church or prayed almost continually Bnd t he WI ll have th e .RlIr ;~1 TIlD che r gr oup, enjoyed br a ll present. Billy Sunduy in u r evival tent,' the nr an d contentm e nt o ( mind de. Th e c/lchers m pnt lo n ~ '1 !I re prc'p solace A deliCIOUS two·course lunch was cllIldies.. nut the cl ergymen, would served on the lawn, Thus th e fil'l!t rjve d therefroill , bloUC!d out to 'smn e 111 1)' f nr SP('(' lul "' ~rtJ "~ I () Il ", U~IH'c lll ll y comp lain , SUIted t o th ' II' ~r ll llP meeting of the New Century elub exte nt her_ bodily suffering. Fathe r E A McGinty , nf JlIllIe . . At t~e nynn hOllr u gcl..~ ".,:e thrr came to a close unitl October 22 nd. f'hil osonhe rs from many countries ,The Ifuests who en joYe'd th l' after- lowlI. hc ' r ;present pasLor. celebrated dllln PI' IS h " ln K n rl'u l!I!'I· d b y ~UI'L , Clll. gnthw ed in Cambridge, Massachunoo n With us were, Mesdames J ohn th e RCQ uicril Higb Ma Bs, He WtlMvery I,,", of L.. han Cl ll . ~up . C .... . t.uI~ k ­ Deaths in Ohio averllge one ever y setts, te ll the wo rld. "MateriaUltic Fromm, L. A, Wush burn , Frtld Cole IIb ly a "~ i slkd ill the s inging o f the so n, I, f Ll rhll ll ll . hn" hel' lI "I,,'un'd h~ r six minutes during the day, a total ories can not explain the marvels and little duughte r, Walte' r CUMt, J, Requi em by Fll ther Vur"'y, of Wes t nn /l,ldr0~" " ! t h ' Bflel'n ••"" .. ~l lI S I C of 224 dail)' during t he first six of the living world ." ,1 ~ lTcrHll n. will) is a noted ~'p <lc illlist in f or th e (,c'Ca5111" '\\'i1 1 ht' fu r '\I~ I I" !! hy H, Sackett nnd Roxi e Ca r olyn, .James months of thiS year . Fntaliti( s from MaterinliRm can n ot explain anyI' .. ull .. y illlprl} VC IIIl'nt ill Warren McClure, ' Cha rl es Robitzcr, La ura church mus ic, Fathe r J . J, Mnlone, the Ma"u )\ "chIl i,\' measle", showed the bif;:l!est gain with CUUl,l Y is llI u ~ing I'up id st rid es. nc· thing for the reason, among others alBd Fothcr Will. Co nroy. --- ~ o( Glendale Zell and Miss Helen Hawke. 750 for t he firsthalf of the yeur as Mrs, Nora Weeks, oC Dayton, suf_ _ ~A , W. cu rdi nl( LI) repu .. t~ of the leading t hat there is ho such thing as ma~ of Chillicothe, two f ormer na.tors, ngnillst 33 deaths durin g 11 like po- fered fnto l injuries, Sunday, when puullr)'IlICn. wh o lIt'e co·oper ati ng ter . Reduce solid steel or floating we re prese nt'llnd assist ed at t he Mass, riod of 1926, An Increase in in flint the roadstcr in which she WQS returnwith Cou nty Agent Clnss and feather to the eo-called ultimate Father Malone deliycr ed the sermon mortalities from 4806 In t he first s ix ing t o Dnyton from Cincinnati, left th e I'" u ltr y spccialists of t he State atom , Examine the atom and you anti spoke very fee lingly o( the demonths of 19 26 to 4/:164 in 1926 is the read and crashed into a t elephone Frnnk Smith was tendered quite u !\grk ulturul college. Eig hteen poul- find a small solar system like our IlS he ex presse d it, was ceased, who, ohown. TIt'er e Iwere 60.200 births pole in Maso n, Ohio. surpr ise, Sundny at the home of Mr, try de monstration Cllrms of Warren own, the nucleu s fer aun, little elec• reporte d this year , 2252 ahort of tho The annual Keyes r euni on was held o "mothe r" t o all of us. MT8. Weeks is believed to have been and Mrs, Ralph J ohns, in Lytl e, re- co u IIty nnd 3 1 other formers or farm trons flyin g IIround it for planets• . ix mnnths period last year. hurled through the windshield of thl' .lit the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Milton minding him of his 73rd birthday an - wom en carrying out the poultry cal- Ma tter Is only particles of electrio KeYB, Sunday, September 26th, At lIutomobile and to have auffered a niversary. He rece ived a numher of end ur project, ' a re se nding in month- energy, And n o cine k'nows 'What noon aU partook of a delicious lunch, useful prese nts, in part s evern l d l- ly records to the county agent. that is, Busincss men of the Stute, who have frnctured skull. She was taken to _ ' _" ~. • Iars , A sum ptuous din ne r was scrv- These project R wer e likewise carried bee n makin~ a carefuIinvestigation of Blair's hospital at Lebanon, where after which letters were read from three of our r elatives who were un. I . "he died within five minutes aCter ared Ilt the 110 0 11 huur tc> th e f o ll o win~ out in other counties, so that last A scientist said, " 1 have swept the AUee Pomerene's r cco rd in the SenThe Young- Friends are to gO to gu est. : able to be present. Th ey included YI' ur uIJout 50 0 comp lete yea rly r ec- heavens with' my telescope, and find ate, hnve been awakonin!: with a thud rivnl. Helen Hawkins Harris, Rugby, E ng- Pendleto n, Ind,,1 Sunday, Ooctober Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Smit h an d Gen Ill'<ls The young woman was the wife of W~ I'C obtuill ed ill t he slate. The no trace of God." A dissector of to the fnet that t he former sonator land; Minl.'rva Mills, F t Wort h, Tex., ard , for the morning services. If was one of the mo s~ intense oppo- Neil Weeks and daughter-in-law of and Eva J ones. Chicalro. III. A tl'UC thcre nrc enough going we will go in cveive. Mr. a nd Mrs. Henry Smith unci 1' ("'lI lt5 from th'~8e farms have rece nt_ the human .bod y snid. "I have gone Fred Weeks, who haa the contract for so n, Rohert , Mr, IInci Mr~, I e a rt h nne! ly been summa rized by the poultry all thr ough th e hllmnn brnin, a nd find nents of the proteeth'o tariff in t hnt riend ly spirit preva iled throug hout Albe rt Cleave!" s hal'k ; if nol , we will daugh t~ r , Mr. nn<l :1\,." ," ,." y Mc Kir · ' pecia li>ts at the Ohio Agricultural no trncl' of tho ug ht, so ul or mind." body. In view of the fnct thllt the n ew rOl1cl fmm Wnynesvillo to the ftlte dny ami a ll hnd a good time llnd Luke a few nUlchine.. Ways will pro- by . a nd famil y, ~ I I' , a ll d Mrs. J . coll egL', li nd t he bu ll etin is now aVllilCreene count y line. Nuvcrth elesM , thoug ht, so ul and Southcrn lender s who aontrol the dl'parted honing to mee t oguill ncxi vided fo r all and nil trnveling expen- McFurlin, M I'~ ~ I" ; , BI' II ,'"lith " d Be n ,, 1.1<'. free or charge. at the local f.arm mind do exist in t hat little uniIlemocrntic policy nnd' wh ose londer .... year. Scs nr c Pllid , Chumpion, 1111 Ilf \) ,,~· tll " ; :\1 ". Angie Bureau {) t\lce, ve rse we call t he brain. A greater s hip cnator Pom eren e would nec· Thosl' who c nj oy~ci til<' IIcca"iun The ' gi rl" will please t ll ke n bnsket Hec athol'Il lind f ll " ,j l ~' ~Ir . Ed · etin " Poultry Profits in mind ex i sL ~ somewhere in that grente ~sl\ rily have to fo llow, if rc-clect ed were : ~Ir. I\n cl Ml'R. ,Jo,:c' ph A, Ke vs, IU l1c h. Every one going kt Bert vR rd \3,,\1, I, f :\1 i"l1Ii"IoIll'':: Mr, nnd OhiThcin bull 11)20" shows thnt the ovcr· er brain. th e universe , have openly a nn ounccd t hat one of hi cn /ro; MI'. nnd h'~, Alber t 'f rr'ell O'NclIlI know a. 5 0 11 as possible. so ~l r". Wi lli" " , ,' Illit h un" i-l llli ly; of uge of 1,tO c/,[gs \l er he n and retur n their big policies in case they win and son, Wnrr ' n. LaUl'cn re und Bp)) · th ot we will know how many tn eoun" W", t C,lr l'u \l t tl" ; M ... 'lII cl Jl l't, E lmer $5 .85 per bird, or n cash return uf this year is restoroti on of the Free Senator Carawny. of ArknnsIl9, jamin ; M,': li nd Mrs. h"rlc~ Bvnd o n, "" nnbod y will he left b hind. Hot"p und f nm i l ~' . c,l' I'h,," t [.111 ; Mr. $3, 20 per bird ahovo c o~t. uf fel'd, Taylor Fritter, of Morristown, 0" Trade policy. Durinp: th e former wn nLs t he United States to dig up lind SOIl, K~n neL h , New Vi l'tlll II , Ohio ; \\", will mret fit the meeting. house Senator 's carerr three tariff billa were died Sunday after a short illness. Mr. 1IIrs, MOll tgome ry Howul'd nn d SOil pr nlllp t ly ut Ii o'c lock Su nday morn· !-lailluel ~Illillo IIlId fumil y, ;\1 1'". Bcr· much vu lullb le informl,ltion and tim e- und bring t o Ameriell t ho bodies of tha H l' S~ anti ~ hit t! I" ')I , ~II' n l! d l\'r~ . ly ~ lIl!'l{c>li l' " ~ fo r increusing th e in · und er cons ideration. The Under- Fritter was an un cle of Frank A. Hnlph J ohn ~ Ullll 11 "I)~lll L'l -. ""ely" cu ml' uf l h,' PIiUIt ry flock . of Ohi o 30,000 Am erica n soldiers buried on wood-Simmons bill of 1912, whose Hartsock, of this place, and had 1\ Robert, Cu rlislci Mr. nud Mr~. Stnn: ing, French soil. ley M. S"lIers, Le louno n ; Miss<Js ~Iu y -ulld Fl'a nc .. , . is giycm--m-ttri. bulletill, "hich will enactment threw mnny tens of thou- number of. other r elatives and friendp H e says Europeans hate UB 80 InWill 1 ~ 1'1l 11 1e of Pnsndena CIiI. is Af l,' rn uon 1'!lI\",. \ \\' I~' " ~Ir. and IIl l g-i\'e n ur nluiJl\d fr ee t o a ll w ho Rands of workmen out of employment here, whom he had frequently visited. Wrigh t , Addie Keys lind ' Iura \( 1'YS: Lensely that he sa w insulting lines AIlI OS Cuok , Hllth. Mnr. . . I ' ' d C ' d " W' Mr lind Mrs. rvl r!'\, .J:. I)1;t R TI!tl' l' \, Jl I,d lu tl1 i l v . Mr. The funeral was held TuesdllY at .. a ll ,,1' writ e til Cu unt y Ag,,' t Cla ~~ scribbl ed on the white c.r osses above ill Ohio and millions over the na tion ; garet. Er n, gt un,1 WUl' l',' n C ok lind IV"'!,I,Il !! r~ UlI, vC~ ,~ n rl cn S In Il Y!! "d M .. , . (,h ll rl,', h. his late hOllle in Morristown, fvr sa ml'. ' the Emergency bill of 1021, and the Mr. and Mrs. J, Mil ton Keys, ' ncsv I\l c Ull l! \'IC lIlIty. the gravcs of our soldiers, 11I ~s /l iso wi s h e~ t o ll nll oun ce thllt Fordn ey-McCumber bill of 1922, p (H1Jt ryITINI , fu r"W fl l'S find f:l rm WO Ol · Examination of the r ecords show~ Thomas James, aged 73, a wollThe deD cI sold iers would say, "It, I' ll of W un" 11 county who wish to cothat in each Case the formor Sena· known r esident of Wayne township, upemt" in c/lrry illg .. ut plnns fur II'D' thc biggest kind of joke when l or votcd fo r the lowest possible du- died at hia home on the Lebanon pike th e ir nock impr" vc lll e n ~ li nd rd llrn- we werl' tuk en fr om our homcs. tie9 on American products. He even Saturdny afteroon, after an illness ing r epvrt s, should writ" or cM II Ilt ~ h il'n ed a cross t.he sea to die in a voted against duties desired by peo- of long duration. The f un eral was Ihi" otllce f or fu ll d c t l1 i1 ~ . Til/lely wnr not our own, nnd to lie here dead nl e of his homo city of Cnnton. In held at his Into home Tuesday afterIInu_ lwlpfu l inform llti nll ami su~gc~­ kille!! in the qunrre ls of European the Fordney-McCumber bill he votcc\ noon. Burial wns in Miami cemeliuns ar c give n to till' clI ·ol'urutors hig h fi nance and r oyalty. 171 time!! for the lowest duties sug- tery. t hr<) u ~ h o ut thv yeur. This he lp in "One 1lI0re joke, t hat of hatred. gested, Much interest has !\Jao ueell ~---add ition {co thl! I'c cord bin nks nnd ca n't make IIny d iffer ence. Let UI nroused by the fnct that t.he Cincinca lendars is free to 1111 who will co- li e in pence." nati Enquirer, w},ich has beer. supoperate,. All inter es ted should co mporting Pomerene, ckoclaroa editQrmuni cllte with Cou nty Age nt Class What mon wants to do, he can do ially that the nation muat retain Its The annual inspection of MII ~s ie at once, A little while ago the noble bison ",'a~ protective policy. Business men who dying not, everybody had said farehave looked into the records say It Grange was held September 26, 1026 Deputy Master, Henry, Harria and we ll to him. Now the government Is absolutely impoBBible t~ expect ~fT8, C.laude Rig~. nee Katherine most horribl,e return of the hurri- ily with a baby. Bread lind milk arc from Pomerene Rny help alone this Juvenile Deputy, Mrs. Henry Harris, Clark, in a letter written ' on Sunday, cane. YOIl can never know how glad luxuries. with herds of bison on Ita hands ofClaude nnd the other men wear we were to have them with us, fers you a vigorous, live bison' for line whatever. Much astoniahment wero present. The following program September 19th. to homo folks, teUs Tbe terror of that second storm was bathing suits, as the water some pia· • that you couldn't have bought has also been created among bUAlneu waB rendered : Mr, n. K Cray, P'Jult ry F.xtt' nsion $86. dreadful. Our group moved like ces is up t o perAo n's shoulders. I men and others by their finding that Talk- "The Wost" ........ .... Wm. Do.ter of the Florida diRaster, She says: (or $6,000 a little while ago. sr ec illli,t uf )hio Agriculturnl colcannot describe the ruin on MiIj ust Senator Pomerene voted against the Reading ...... ., .... .... Mra. A. B. Talmage "The first part of the hurriCllne driven bousts from place to place Iionairl."s Row; 'tis a pertect waste leg". wi ll nssist Co un t y Agent CIU!ls first tax reduction bl1l, enacted un· DiBcuulon--"Present Educational clime Friday night beginning at mld- trying to avoid lIymg glass and land ; some homes in a pile of debri s, Thu rsdllY, Fri!!ay nnd SlIturduy. of Advantagcs .... .. .. .. .... .. " Ellis iler the leadership of Pr<lsldent night, and lasted until about 7 o'clock objects that hurled throulrh the win~pening The muaic was furnillhed by_ Mr. dow openings. One woman got sOll'le some still standing without wi ndowM, t his wee k. in ce rtifying the 1I0clia of Harding in 1021. Thia was the .on: whole sides blu wn in li nd lhe beau- Mr •. Pa ul Mitch ell. of ncar SpringIy tax reduction bill on which <;en and MTS. Weldon Relier, and MiBBes Saturday morning. Then every one pretty 'bad cuts from llying glass. boro. lind oC Mrs, Ethel Starkey. Mr ~, Graham, went: out to 8.e e the damage done, Details nr c completed for the fo rator Pomerene had a chance to vute. !lclen, Kathleen. and Nellie We consider ourselves very fortu- tiful roval palms laid low. Over nil J , C. Sydenstrick er lind Mr. Scott I is a mass of slimy sea-weed und mal o\,!ening of the Republican Rtate and in about an hour the storm swung nllte as We nrc unhurt. and none of this ------.~. ; d our belongings arc lost, while so dead fish. Bost.~ are carried inl.o Whitacre, of Harlan township, campaIgn lit Ne~ark , birthplace of baelt, fro'l) a different direction, an many people, some of them friends Roynl Palm PRl'k lind on Bayshorc ~1yers Y. Coope r. gubernatorinl nOlO' Mi~ellaneou. continued until 12 o'clock, of ours, are homeless and injured, I Drive. as the hllY came e\('ar over ," ee, next Wed nesday. ' Senntor Frank B. Willie, candidate I cannot begin to describe these lJelieve apurtments were about the in town . At Fort Lnuderdale the water lllra. Forrellt Hough•• recent for re-~ Iectio n, and ' Cooper will be terrible storms. I feel teil years old- safe8t placels, as houRea are in a came in waist de ep all over the t OWIl . was given a mleeellaDeoUII Congressman er, and could eaRily have white hairs frla:htful condition. The Federal testi ng of cattle start- the chIef - spe akers. Mr. ROBe, the salesman with branch • Dumber of her Dayton William Morgan will act as chairman. from aheer fright and terror. At 2 The N C. R. office Is In ruins. Hr. Wedneeday even ill&'. She was the o'clock Saturday mOrniDg It became Hoiter, the manqer. who is president office there, reports water "Up to th e ed in th is neighlJorhood yest ~ rftay. ;r\!cipie~t of a great many beautiful so terrible that our COnler apartJ}lent of the N. C. R. 100-polnt club. estl- ceiling in his office. and his home (Tuesdny) . 1f the fll rmer s hnving cutUe to t ~st will have them tied in away . and ' useful Ififta. on the second 1I00r reeked and Bway- matee their lou at $60,000. Hofl'e"s awept Miami WIIS unde r martial law fo r their stalls w.hc n expected to have ed the awninlr rods banging. fiDe Dew home in Coral Gables IB bael t hem tested, it will sa ve a lot of time We sought reCuge 011 the IIrst fioor . ly damaged, Beautiful Miami is ai- several days, but we managed to take to t he ope rators, who are limited as Dine rolls of pict ures on Sunday, H, W. Putnam, bridge contractor where all the occupaftt& of the build~ most ,ln ruina, alld the death list grows to time, has c;ompleted the bridge work on th~ were collected. dreued In any. hourly. They are finding more dead they could ,et, and huddled \lnder the debris all the time; we hear [n a later letter, written on Thuranew road, and has gone to Piqua together, In ' tlie inky darknatl, the ambulance alrena often. All ho- day following the storm, Mrs. Riggs where he Is doing the concrete work the terrible notlC. of a 189-m~ tela are turned.irito lio8pitaia and ref- writes : of the State FiIIh hatcllerlee .for the we waited Id agonl( for dilft ugeell for the' homel... ;, lallt night we Every uninjured person here works Weeks Constru,c tion compaD),. ' " Soon after we left oUr ~ .tliyed with ' friendB~_ and gave oar like a horse aU · day ,a nd half of the Th e Dan Dawson ' farm apartment' all of the win- aJ)artment over for refugees. •. night ~'tis moon1ight now) , at relia- acres, known as the Mary' . The dama"e Is esUmated ' at be- billtedon work, and caring for the 11\fTTl, locate d 2 miles .,,,,,H....,A. > 'eruhed In 'and rain came 'In In tOrNlllta: alao .~e ,akyllght ' over the tween sbt and seven mlUlop dollaT8 alek' and injured. The windows are Clal'ksville on t he cee higlilwa'Yi ,. ay . Ita,in,.i craehed In. on Flagler ,street, alone . . P!,ople on' replaced, ~nd ' we are ,back in our old be sold at public auction Uled Ironlng-boarda to the streets all say they are leaving' apartment" You would be 'surprl!led tlnon co urthouso at 1 p, m" 'I" 1 ft~,j .. ,, ' 1 Next Sunday • RtiU,. ~ at t.. shut, and did everything the city 81 Roon 8I_pou lble. I have to Beo how much h81 been accompliBh~ Octobllr 12. T erms to suit. M. E. Sunday-Scliool. A. I......... Nve the bulldlnjf. Ff. heard that l tatement many" times ed In 50 short i1 t imc. diute posaesaion. dance ia aDticipated• , , We had no wllrm We now have food, water ancl goe, .1uU came, and wo lince' ~~olidl~ . . . CiOUlld we mov- food night until Mon- but we Weill' our clothes unl~oned a s ~~~o:'~~~,a:t;~o ' dryer drink what little the eloctri.o cl/l'lont 11' not on yet, and 'l'wo men were recent ly' I ld u ezt1.:=~:J '~=~~:Z~~= II iD the are JIU1IIitted to we.til1 use clndlll8 tor lbrht. .$11,000 by h9 - P men at iI dme (Tlll!11da" we W. cannot say yet all to our leav- Island. Evidently t he ~ arui lOt ...... worth of ice, iq\,... "e want to do rlJrht and .tend been at CODeY IOlIPr \hey 11 O~~




Birthday Surprise

Keys Reunion '

.. .

Notice Y F M

------_ ---

"'I "




------... - ...

Maisie Grange

Harrowing Experience of Wavne.sville ' Tornado in the Citizens 'in Terrible , City of Miami, Southern' Florida

Certify Poultry



- - --... Federal Testing


------_0 _ ••



Bridgei Are Completed




, Farm For Sale' "


Rail D'"






..... .... w)daJl


I'!faIH .

' b, 1I0ff!!, Ifll§ 1IC1!41 P.

h!V! 10 lPaqh I!0llq.


N£S ~




l\l" t hcr t o 'U lm 'lit III'" , oJ nt YC' U ll,/,rlhR" I, ('11 Jt you r~ll<l rhl" ., If t " wtJI YIIU n·nd wfu!I1 lIr. , ~.I' .1"', ~1II'pri"

Th ree New




• p,ons

.. .0

Have You Anything To Sell?

fRO _~~~T HOUSt

T wo men WCT(' r,'( ,'n,l) ),,,1",, I , $ 11,000 by holei.ur '1.,'" I' .,,t.lnnd. Evldl'n \ly 11", " " I It1l. lin .. " con at OH l' Y l Ull J.C l' J" th ,·y ~\ tI' J 11 It have so mu ~ h money. I ~~~~~~~




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( ;U \ r;: I~ I II Ir \\u :-. a PP ,\in l cd lCuar. .ttan nd 1it. ' ltl rd m i n d r d (' ff' l\da"t ~ . I tt ( I l h i v ;\1. \'H I I (':'111)) iJ l ,d Lil lian C. ! \' ,", ( li n,]" ill Ih,' '''t1~ ' ' p , ("lark I


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- t, ' r II Kllr · i th e li utic wo rld. wh o won 1110 titl e fr o m J ack f) " mpI"Y ·

,'. I

1ll ' rrll .ll1 \Vl.'i :-:!'l ' ' ad i ll r , "I ! tht' t..'~ t H t IIf S arHh Ann \, F. ':-ot l' f , dl.(' t'lI~cd . ul1d l ' r $ 1 ~ Ot) hOlld, ':1 I1tllr III :1 fn rn w r .:'.I ury A . Munlf{u l11 ('ry Wl\ ~ u'pp l..Iin t ./II IlH" ('Il ll a n ~ . r"d jU il llt lh .' lI t o f

I ,

E XL' 1Il1Jti on


"0 other at'phalt roofing offen such attractivcne.. K'kt ,uJtra-c!!Wendabilitl at Mulo-Hide-the "Not a m a Million Feet" Roofing. Crown your bome with Mule-Hide, it "cbaUennea the elemeab". -----




"NOT A KICK IN A MIlLION FEET:': ------- ~

·w. H.l\"adden & CO. . Waynelville


F. T. Martin Jesse Stanley Auctioneer s \ I


See ValEarly for Your Sale Dates. We Guarantee Satl.faction or Charge Nothing.

Centerville, o.

New Burlington,O_ Phone No. 320

PbOlUt No.2


inheri bHH' ('

\\'n ~ ull uwed in th e ~ l' tl1 11 m e l\l ,· ' t ll t~ o f Luur/< Mill e r , d ,'c~nsc d . Fir .• t a nd tinn l " 'c uu nt o r th ~


," I lil;a! ;U t'(Plllt u f the (' ~ 'I 111 :!! 'l 11 (\ .. il' r , ri CCCllSCt tl, w ns

OCMMISSIONIER S' ALLOW ANCES P e nn M o r ttitl , ('('t ur t

Many tittle chIcks

are hatched out with

greatest care only to die from feeding neglect, Be fair with your hatches this


Gl~ them a chance to live [md thrive. It costs so nttle to do it Conkey's has solved the problem of carrying little chicks safely over the critical first 8 weeks. No other Olick Feed has such 8 record of success.

Poultry raleel'8 Ood that when

Conkey's romes in - "good luck" ~ too. Chicks ted Conkey's Buttennllk Starting Feed resist disease-especially White Dia~hea-the

costliest 0 all chick plagues. key.fed Chicks thrive ett&r too .


gaiJ;l ~ture aster, earlier, bey






Starting Feed is differ-ent from all others. It is so clean, sweet and genuine. It ,is the only teed made by'the Original Conkey Process-no dried Buttermifk is ever used. OnlySemi-80lid Buttermilk is combined with other ingredients in the original and successful Conkey -Way.

Don't Break the Chain of ConkeY's Buttermilk' Feeds

Three ~ number-one for Starting- one for for ~ymg-each the pest for .l~.p~ , (u.


W ynesville Farmers' Exchange Co.

Waynesville Ohio

h Cl ll !-. l!

janit u r,

$6 U; J Dme R 1",, 1\ 1'11 , "a!,} c, $ 1,,; M. II . O.,\taial, bur in ) or so hli"r'" widow, $ 100; J uhn Hll cke tt, m"l1lbcr of bur· ial co mmittee fo r Sli me. $ 1 ; J . 1\1 . S noo k sa me, $ 1 ; Jo'. 1\1 .C ull ll inglHlll1, rl e f nd inK indige nt pri so ner . $50; Judg W . J. Wright, postage for Co mm on Plells co urt, $3; The OfficI' Outlitter~, supp li es fo r allllitIJI'! $3 ,3 7 The Co lumbus Oil Co., SU Pl'ilc>I for sheriff $2.20; Th e W, 11. Stunllge Co. , 6~pplies fo r lI t1dit or , $4!Ui O; Ed U. Th o mpso n, s upplies lind Inbor nt co urt hou se $;23,27; same fo r JUI1. $ a~,&5; Th e ' Ohio Corrugllted e u Ivert Co " four Hewers, $ 109 .60 ; Th e Quee n City S\A'n c and Grav(,1 Co. , fo r 70 t o ns c r\l~h c d 's tone. $ 127 .08; J. C. Hllwke. s pikes ulld nnil ~ . $7 .115; Ja Ron Uid dlecum , bo lt s und R, R, ti CS. *8:J.R2; W. A. ::lcoH, bridge r epai r in Unio n Tp., $!J . 50' Lewis & Droke . In c,., 160 sacks cem e nt, ItH20; same. for sewer pipe. $64.4 I; E , C. Noble, first e~tim8te on ~on trnct No, 853, $ 100. Donn ell and Schuyler, firs t and fin. al est.imate on contrac t No , 861, $277; Ha v A , Mille'r, IIssistant surveyor, $:12 .&0 ; W , L, H ee d, for fixing detour un u for damugcs, $7.60; OrcgCV'in Bridge Co., saMe, r e pairs on brid~8, $ 120. 68; su me, r e pairs on bridges, $ (Hi. 06 ; So ut h Le bunon Garage, for hauling gravel ,$135 ,82; Manley H. Jameson. for garage rent, $8; J, T , Gregg, bridge r epair in Clearcreek Tp., $ IR ; 1I1rs , E, L . Penku na, furnishing and piling, 2 10 cu. yds stone, $210; J ohn O' Donnell, Bame, $110; Walter Shuff, Bame, $180; John Holweger, compensations and damages, for chnnge in road lines, $200; Mrs, M, Calvin Rout.zabn, same, $200; Ben B. Sorter. first estimate on contract of bridge, 162·7, ,180.


- - --_ ---Woodlot Improvement

Tho farm woodland will be improved by the removal of trees which have becn 'bvertopped by others and hove had their growth stunted; diseased troes, or thoBe seriously injured or extremely linble to injury by insect nttncks; liS chest nut in the r egion subj ect t o bli ght or birch in the gipsymoth arell ;badly tire-scarred trees; trees of tho less , valuabl e specios; crooked, laige-crowned, or shoTt-liodied trees, which will no,~ mako good lumber and ' which ' are crowding or overtopping others;' slow-growing tre es which are crowding fast-growIng kinds of oqual value; sound dead trees, both standing and down .

THEY KNOW BETTER Secret t1Crvlce make poor de't;.i!c:th.CL

~. . . . . . . . . . . . . .~. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~______~~moWbM~r;

8DYS women Married men

I h~

You 11("',' " r ea li z,''\ it perha ps . but wh ,' llc,·.. r YOllr h"n d i ~ lhrea t r n· ('(1 y,' " in<t inct il' ' Il' lui'll uny pllrt o f it to I h" dall l!:,' r I'Uther Ihan yo ur th umh ,

Yo u

a re

pre se rv ing

)' 1I t!, t' \'l' t

lI t,

I ' n't '

ItH ',

The Miami Gazette

th e

pr " Uei C-'t l>ir t hr i~ h t or you r kind , Now thll l \I, ' ht" 'e h 'll rn ed th 'lt

m n t\ ' is ~n m tl Lh ill d C' hlt'd to thurnb~

hu n cii('n p fo r hi ~ " 11'1'1' ''''' \')' , 1,'1 u ~ I h ink twic.· h,\rnr C' , .,' ~ , II;\ Y the n ex t a wkwnrtl 1.0 \' ':lh' h tnl' rI nr(' rnJ' £! Ih l' hi g h """' l' li",cl1t Ihn l " hi . lin~ ­ fo r \\ 1,,1 , 11', mi)!hl rX I'(,,' t th e- rnti~ t'r s Hr (l nIl I h rullh !-'." o f lu!'!" " " II IP lrt·t! tv t he fing{' !'~ t o be nO(tut r\\ ... t tl PIJ.d1t I.L·c icJcn L Htn t i.·;ti l·S t II II , it nil, . " 1,,, ,, ( twu to thi r ty Th .. Ii 't il' fin)! H has I he I!n 'a te,t mnr~ tfllit ,- li nd t h,' index tin~H 11(''( t . So. If you don't f, n.1 li llia n who i, Gc r man ), :" II " W n futl nccl~('d min u::- c\'r' n n, , in~ lt\ ~hlln' h . YOli m n y l1I e ll~ IH'T /If h~ IlI lernllt ll nint 1l·IIJ.!'UI' bUI It tlIll y 1", "V IIl(' lilli e till1~ y d b, ,l'xIH'rlc ncl' hI< hnmllc:,,, hy put ti n~ your c.' ollar (1 '1 RO II H' J~Hl r ning wit ho ut furl' tlll r, : t "r Ihc m p(' rllI it hc!' t o usinK yo u r iICht t hu mb , The n fin b h win th l I'pn na l1 t. Ilr,'gsill g wi th o ut u ~in g " il h ~ r t h umh. Of cour",' lhl'y throw n nt Nellt, if you 11ft' ,wt ulI I' rl y (·xhllust- Musso lini once in 1\ while bomb but jl1 ~t ed, go through hrl'ukfll ~t with ,''' 1 lI ~­ SUppOSIJ he hnd t o liv e in AII1(,I' icn ing th,-n1. rl is II th ri llit. ~ e xp crj,-nc e Try ,t ' m,d t hen r(,g Um (' th is Ilrt iele. and t1 odg" nl th., traffic. or co ur~ c, yo u wi ll sny. it is II wk· Firs t II G,' rmnn bn k.. r br~ lI k s th e worei' ut t1r~ t. but if Y O Il r ~ll l! y lo, t eh fl ll1h'l ~wimmi n J{ recor,1 anti tll ,'n a thumb y our finge r s would "cquire n Fre nc h bilke r hr('ak, the Ill'W r cc· II facllitv which wo uld greatly mnk e ord , II nw comc th('sc bilke rs nrc up f o r the defici e ncy, On th c oth e r so s uccl!~ s flll in Rwlmming th c chnnhand, monk eys wh o llick thumhs Clln nel ? Mayb !' itH hecausc' th ey know do with their hands things which 'm!'n how 10 handlc th e ocea n's roll. Cllnn ot do; y<'t men can d o thin J;'s, nppa r e ntly much ~i",p l c r, which 110 nl>>llA Philadelphia minis t e r snys that key clI.n '-" "' r elu. Fot instunc,' tT\, unci pnt n om ' was m(}l"e mndes t than ~ p ening yn llr hnnd . thlUl rai " i l1 ~ h~ Atlantic ity. Hut evrn thi s ("ould Ind ex finger lin d thumh 11 m il thdr I",t sa\'e her . tips mcet. Simp le, is n't It? .Both pulitl C,, 1 parties are na)'" Is· In t hi s tritl in!! mllV(' lIWl',1 r n,; h:l\'L' RU ing 8tH" n ll' '' l ~ " bo ut who is I!'oin~ performed th e feat which pr",llI cl' d to cOlltrul the IIl'xt ::icnllte !Jut o ur th e hllmnn race, Yo u 1" ,11 1"':" '\',1 opinion ib th ~ l lll' [,ody ever controls it no doub t , that till' f o un da I, II " 11111<: W I I kind's Rupn -m:lcy is hi, br ,I' 1I h, ; - . c u~e , t o. t 11111. of the S ultan of puw e r t o thi nl; Quitc tru l" 1. 11' ' h .·t : ulu a s U COIllI C o pcm prlllce, but evh 'st s On II s ub fo undation - wh k hi: Id.' ntl.y I:c mean s m or e than thnt to thumb. it is the olle nil ",h, r ,; ( t he r lil p lnos. npp~ ndng ~ w hich di stin.-: uid" , hi m \\ " 'n as ke tl Wh a t s ho thinks o f the from "n othe r species. fl uPIl"/', LmJ y As tu)' repli ed "I don't Anthr pologists t ('1i u. I"" t mal d"1l 1\ 'i 11t•t · kllo w whllt th e flapper is." o f yen r .ag o ",h('n th c \\,.,r: d ""h In NL' llh e r ti ll the rest of us, lady.. Ih e Ill ukmg. t heTt· cam e t " I" up"n ::; , the h untlR of the similln ~. Itlll ,: ext;" c ~ .- n ~lsts suy th n~ rubb er can be tinj.'(I ' r~ , ouL (of li ne with :11" "lhn" , ),~~adcl n~I, ~ mA tthe Gua~ ule hP.luknt. hAndb d ' I ' F ' • e \". ~ ~u e n some c 'c ~ n:ls un q uite usc ,'5". r U1l1 Iltll" t" thut ~.-em e d to be full I 't t tlln e, howev e r, th ~ re appea r ed, among 0 I, 00. t lw hig her ord er s, IIndoubted ly, cerIt i, sai d that Que('n Marie of Rutain "8po rt~" in wh om th ese extra mania will tmve l very sim pl'y when di g its we re m ore highl y develop ed. she com es to the United States, Does und who f o und uses fo r th e m- uses thiS mean thut s he will go from the which gave the " s po rts" n Iin'nt url- st elllllCr t o the h utel in a yellow cab? "antllge ove r their kind, Pres ~ ll11y SI' vernl t ons nf eg~ nrrivcd in New thr ough tht· instinct of natural selec: Yurk from the Orie nt th e other dRY ti on (or perhllps with on earl y glim· a ccu rding to thl! metropolitnn news: mering of snobhishn ess), th e " sports" paperH. . We s upp ~se it won 't be 10~l g began to breed together, lind nt last now unlll they Will be f eaturing in d('ve loped a r ace of thumbed beings the Nl:w Yurk press th e nrriva l of the - of beings superi or to any others nn big butter und egg me n fr om China, earth , and cOll sc ious of the ir s up e riority. . If th e prcsl'lIt ll ve ra\:c keeps u!' Thumbs e na bl.. ,j t l1l.'sc c r ('atures to It WOlI't h ~ 10111' until chunnel swim-' perform t he c rud" activitic. which bc- Ul e r a will bl' a, cullln, on U~ aviators, g un to " et pr(, hi"o rtc mnn abo ve th e II 1 I I I I . bI'U l ('S. nlOd as t hl'\' fl'"nd th l'm s!' I\' ,,; 1l\ lnli !I ,,,m ) ,Ur." ut him It, dnll,g th ~ se t hi ng ;' . thei r minds III ~ '\ H .. " " , "., ,,, " I,· Iw wo r l h li S nHlch us touk 0 11 ~rc a lt' t' l\l'liv(ti (ls un til iu - 11 1111111 0 11 \oh'~ lv !\ lu ~!'1o l ltl l , ~ ll " c t gm duII Uy impro\'t'ci t o th ough t - - - - -and Fi nally rcu"" n begu n. Ins tin ct, LI FE'S MIRROR hOWl" " '" i~ s tili ci",ely atta~ hcd t o th .. thumbs. (l(,· n ·c tl n~ hy PUlln e ) How ti nes it hllPI'en t.hnt chopping To he " e c t'.'l ~u rr. thl'm o fT IS so mu ch ru:~r th all chop- T find u place in Ii fe. I",wcvcr smail, Pin g II;tlC fing er s. The thumb T o 110 ,u nl ' litt le thing quite weU, IS m ore 11\\ kward lind larg,c r and IS T o s h:lrc 1l1l0 lhe l" 8 t cars--lInother's equally cxposc:u lit th e (ou t""lc o f th,' ti l11ik s. hand . Can on e du more" Th e Rn ~w cr is two-fo ld; lir~ t, t he _ _ _ _ ~ _ _ __ t hum b is mo ,'e ellsi ly prolt'ct<,d fr om injury thnn uny Hn ge r ; und second. From ll1(' "" a rinl! the static puts yo u will pr otect it eVen lit the sac- up in th e ra llio r ecl!ivin g sets it mu st rifice of othe r dig its. be mau l' uy c ros~ currents. Did

tIlx undl' r \\ H' l n o f the lost n t h un lh·

tal(' (, f Hulh Tru\' IIl" . J eccil cd. \\ li B lil,·d by nli 111 x, lI! ury L. l<nrr. tu t f B"nd o f Indcm n ity of C'1I"s i ~ A . Ii: ' I ,," 'x", I t ' ~ , E 11<'1 II l'sie r C" x I\'n~ e Xll m ine d a nd "pprll" cd by tl" \. t'l I Th' ''l1 ':-< E, Shcnvood c,' u rt in th c cuRe II f C' h"rl" . W , C' nx. , .. ,' , ' l It. I " ! l .jJ · H, l tt ·:tl nnc c t o pr(J~ Co urt KIl"" lI ut ho r ity t o I1dm< . II , ' / , Hn lph Q. Pllrks of th e ('state " f" ,d .. pr' "" t , tilll ~~ I" t hl" l~ ~ tut e o f ry L. Lang,lon, dee,' u. ed. to "e li ce r {hll r!.:-; II \\' Iui t.·, dt·cl-'n~ l' d . w e r e t c· tain bo nds uf sll id " s t nt" ot pri vnte I' ,,'~ d 1Iy (· ';I' t.' ut tlr~ , r t' r ry Jo: , nnd .u le. ( , ... ';" ( ', ,-u tll . HU ti up}Jr o\'p tt. , \ n (,n t t'r c ~ ,I IP'I ri tHlt illn wos isMARRIJ,GE LICENSES .. ued in Ih ,' >,' ll l"I11 "" t of thc e~ tat e Id (11 11 r:. ( ' UW !(O Il , dc.'cflflSec.1. E xec· Rob('rt W. Fe ns tcrmnk er, ac t or, ut"l'" II' . t'. Sllt' pe rtl li nd J , M. Wii- Ch a Tllrnck, PIl .. untl Clura Lort I, II C' l i IlIU.... "11 Hlt. .' d t,it fi nal Ilc(' Qunt o f tr e.s, Franklin . Frnnk Ga llnh l.'r t h' :i t ~ll ltl" numed . . George D. Vollllc r, goragemfln. , t , Ada Willilli llso n wa s appointed 1 r lt ' k.' " f th , ' r us t c rl'nted by the Bernard, un d In ez L. Woodruff. clerk w ltl "I 1.,' \\ 15 - 18\\'!:So n . tl l'Cl-'ssed, un· Le banun . Rev. Lamy. d , I' $1 o,noo bon d, Willi a m Ambrost: Decker, carp ~n­ III",<tl or y \\' II S filed by tru stee ter, Lebuno n, tlntl Lu e lla Pence, LebAda \\' illiullI so n o r the estate of Jes- unon, Hev, Arm on hee k. ~ i~ Will ia mso n , decewed , SlImuel Dtlvi s, Leban on, and Lido Proo t s at publicati on of notices ot Pe url Wo lfe, L ebano n . Re\' K('ll ~ r " r p,'i lltlllCl1 l ~ we r e fil ,·d fu r Alt on F. nnm ed. Brow" ("Imr.. (, f th,· estute of EmGea rld Alv in Rl'I' d, Mi am is burg. ily r-> , S he rwoo rl , decells ed , or th e Hnd AAmcLa Blnnche 'fh o mpso n. apPlo intm e nt o f Alfred C, Watkins "'mnklin . He v. Mnche y n ll med , tI~ ,'xc ~ul,\r Il f t he e~ t ate of Ward Kenn e t h Clai r e Humphrey , . snl osI.(' c, d l'ceased . a nd A lton F, Brown, mlln, Frunklin and Ro bin Lun(' Vuil, as ad ln r , of the estate of Wilmetta libraria n, Fmnldin. !tev. Mc Kinn ey. H erb ert D. S immons, mechnnic. of Nl"l lc. t1 eccascd, In th o case of P. S. Harbaugh , a s Cincinnati, and Lola Hazel Woodson , admr, o f t he estate of Catherine Hllr- Franklin . bll ugh . decca1!'ed \ ' S, Paul E. HarSamu el C, Dearth, stud ent, Middl ebllugh c t a I., the court order ed that town, n nd LL uella Irene Snid e r , a re 'ap praisement of the estate be Lebunon . Rev , Lamy nam ed , nUl d.., , clear of th e dowe r intercst 1'. S. Harbaugh, Porker Chllmber REAL ESTATE TRA-NSFERS Inin, W illiam Fli nch pllut;h lind J csseOliv('r p, Shl!pard t o O. p . Fess!er, M -nz w cr" made appraisers. Fir:lt account of th e estat e of Wil · of Wyo ming. G6 acr es in Section 16, C. Wilbur Ivins nnd Mary R, liam A. F ish er, deceased, was tiled by 'lllmx. Ftorn Fi sher , Upon rcs i~nu­ Ivins tu Do nuld Clvde Dwire a nd Estion o r Flora Fisher as said adnllni s · ther Dwire, a part of lot No, 8 in . tratri x, Naomi Baldwin was a p· Maso n . Ada and J , :M Williamson t o Mnpo inte u as s uch under $4&00 bond. ric 1\1 Block and Caroline Elizabe th First lind tlnal Ilc~ount of the cs· tnte o f J onns F , S tump , deceased, I:llock: lot 44 in Masu n. Matti e ulld H e nry Lun" ford t o J o. WllS filed by ad mr. Robert M. Stump. Hearing of the claim of Emma se ph Hin e~ an.d Les t er H Ollkil1B , a Throckmor to n agllinst the estute of tract in Union T p. J oseph Hin eH , L(>st(>r Hopkins and Celindn Griest, dcceasca , wus he ld in the Lebnnon Citizens National Vordenu I1 oflkinti, to Mattie Lun sford, lots 47 and 48 in Union Tp. ba nk o n Se pte mber 20, Clara B, Dunn til Frank a nd BesWalter Kenrick was appoint'ed s ie Eve ritt, 37 lIC!'CS in Wil s hin gton t own ship. , 1




Mule-Hide represent. a fortreu of protective Itrengtb

The Cnr-

, lit wn!'l nlt n r - di nals' Ch U IHI) i o ruhip i .e th e flf &t t o b e won by n St. L o ui" major ICll lC u e tennl fo l' I hir t y . ..·,!( ht )' carA _ . ' •• 11 j. tfl w n !i' i~~ l H..' d

,," UIl ' X "f till' ,·, tut,· of Hnli'h ~I .. nlI!:u " ,,'ry dec eu,l' d, und e r $2 00 0 bUil d , NFW:,U I T Elizull('lh l' c llqui t Wll . "I'Pointcd 1,' II - \ '"uti .' Evn ns, Dr· n ~ Kua r dilln u f 1':t hl' l M, Hi c h"rd IrI\'in, ETlwMin,· .n nd Ne llie Rob in I'c n,If I ~ I" ,lrl d~ o f a dul ',.1 • I \"1' 11 I r I· Rl' turn lI ite, I,ll mil,,' r •. wilh bo"d or $ 1UUIl. I,


aDd roof endurance.





Challenges the Elements


Miller 1I11 g'gin. , , Iuft, Monn~ er of th e Ne w York Yanko" A. ;\ Itl t h.! m l' nt chn. nlPion e of the Am c ric l, n L eft~ u f'. Rogera Horn ~ by . t c e nt c r J ' " tht· snIt' u f Mun a )o!cr of th e St. Loui. C Qrdint'll~ , cha mpion . of th ~ N n ti n nnl 11,.11 t h e' l'o s e League , Gene' Tunney, ( fight l new Heavy W e ight Champion o f



II l l nur l

',- II,".,,,!.


" ;'11

.1\ I I d , r I ' .' " I



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tn, I ~


1 11, 11" \\r !a.!!.t .

Advertise It Through the Medium of

I''' ' \ "i i' :- t" ' \)l'It" 1



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11., '1'lIr

Wt ll "~ Wh l ' hH ~



It Pays! CLASSifiED ADS. MONEY LOANED LOANS on ChnU"'.,Stockll, Sec:uritieN ond Socond Mortgagell. Note. houg ht. John II nrbi ne Jr., Xenl .. Ohio. -mSO-'26

Farmers ~ttention! t

Fannul'1'I . of W ..rron and adJolntn. c.oun£ics may ohtaln lIIoney on Ion. time loan s, at 6 per cent Interest. Cost oC securing the samo III v, ery rea· Bon uble ,through The Federal Lanel B ank. For further Information aD on or address M. C. DRAKE, Tr. . . h urer, pone SI6-X,-Lebanon, Ohio.




=-==-===::::'!~====--=== FOR SALE

COOL WEATHER AHEADt ~ Pre. Pl!l'e {or It by looking over your hentlng stoves, grntes, hot water and stl' a m-heatin~ systems. We have all the latc~t heat control and fuel IIIlV. 109 ~evlce8 and Insulatina: material; as mineraI wool, IIIIbestos plaster, asbc;8t08 eheet, plp,e covering and rope Wick. These Will cut down your coal and gaB bilJe and make less work for you. TH.~ BOCKLETT-KING CO,. 416 W. Main Street, Xenia, Ohio, phone 360. 06 FOR RENT- 2GO-acrc fann 2 mile. south of New Burlingto~. Good corn and hay ~o rm, well watered. M. G.. Hl!rtman and ·Mrs. C. E . Hartman, Wlhntngton, Ohio. 827 FOR SALE-Poland-China males and gclts Sam Wilson , New Burlington, Ohio, .06 FOR. SALE-Fresh Jersey cow. InqUire of J , B. Hess, R. D 1 Sprinlf Valley, Ohio. ' , s30 FOR SALE-Deering corn binder, good 08 new. F. A. Hartsock, Woynesvillo, Ohio. -1129 ,

FOR SALE~Lisk cold pack canner. Mrs. W. H. Allen. 829






_ sa


fllte," h\! suid. "LeL's bl! up imd do· ing·" t . H,ISSUED EVEnY WEDN~SDA.Y... An d ""ry F1ul'iuiull Is up lInU do'~ ing. As relicf pours In from evet:y " 6"tor.d .t tho Pn .. . lliu ot iI'oJ' '' •• 111. "oinL. the F lo riuu f ulk plun"o . into . '!", n_ ' ih'el' hk S l,cCIl' V<:I'Y ill, LuI. 1)"/0, oa Socond Iflu ~'(I;I IA ... " . " t' b IS Im ~rovcd, - - - - - - the tnMk oC ·remodeling the stllte Lura Ashl ey i~ sUfl'ering with a bro.....criptloD ·Priu. $1.50 per Y"ar Evon wumon and children are he lp. k ' n arm, 6us ta ined in a f all while a t - - -- - --- - In ~ . play. . D. L CRANE P uLli .her Mr. Dad en, of Kan Bn". WaMa rec en l WALKINC gu ('~l uf his u"c1~. HuIJu rt l-linki n ~ Ulltl famil y. Thl. p.~.r h .. III. F.Xl'1'U~IVF1 . ,1." I, In d \ '. 1'\I"'", lI nlh 10 nil Edward PaYRo n W" Hton. at thc III( ' NtWH, F~ .-l· l' H E~ a nd ADV E" . MI'. a nd Mrs. Charl es Gray anti TISI~C FoF."' ...·IC.:-oI Ih. I'UU. of 86, has pruved tliu doctrine tha t fnm ily were Lebanon visito rs. Sutur( LlSH£k8 AUTO (; ASTRR SER. walking is the uniuvrsul health-build - day fternoo n. VICB No. Vor. Cit, . , Th e C(, nn er rt-llIl fon was Ill,ld nt InK ux crcis(· . He has tllk e n II job ill u N,' w YOI' k ~ llIte hotel. He is t" lh e hOlll e u r Clara Co nn e r nnd Mr •. ht, till' "handy ma n. " which m ea n ~ 1 ~ lh (' 1 Smit h, Ru nday. Mi s" Roll ,. U'N,'n ll. of Wll vn csv illt', tha t he will ue culled up on t o do 111",,,, I uny lhin g. And h · is milk ill /!: i:-i s pen d in g- S H Ull ' tim e wi th · M I". n nd ECCS AND MORE ECCS Mr", M . E. Sherwo"d .


--- ------


,-!UU( I.

Remebe r th e good o ld days when Iht're Were nnly tw o k nHI H or eg~8--­ good !lnd hart ·! There we re no Shades. 110 variations. no purtieu IlIr desire on the pllrt u f Rlly "ne t u esllll>l ish .t

grn dc8."

Thats all chu nj:( ccl nolV. A chllin grocory sto r., in New York hil a added this Hign lo it.s coli" diun relating to cgb'8 : "~~ Kb"S - frt' s h loid, by young ch icks I" The exclllmation puint see ma to irltiicuto Lhllt th e IMt word has been sn id. Othur di still ctions familiar to New Y!,1'iI~ rs a re "N ewlaid up-State cgg~ . " "!·'rt'sh barnynrd el:gs." "Strictly fre sh Westprn t'gKti," "Wh ile cl:'gs f or il ...·lllids ... and" doz. ('n uthers. Old-timerMand folk s who a~ e n't SCI finicky will wond er JUSt wh y it is lic e. esSllry to ndvrrt.'lse th e Ilge or th" egg producers. A good old hen Who hag led 11 r espectable life should bo uble to produce as delicutuly fla vored breakfas~ egg li S IIny tlllilpe r puUet. It·s all a matter of Ii fe w pennies, lured from our pocketbooks into the coffers of the grocor_ Thcse fancy vhrases cun't hllve any other purpose. uecllusc it is the tendency these days to bo willing to puy a little more under the impression thllt the purchasI' r is getting the beat the mllrket afford s. • Ono sig hs for the good old days IVhen a Il'ood egg was to bo eaten and n bad' one to bo taken out ond buril·d.

---_. - ...-----

., .j

If" Know Ihy ~e lf " is a good preUn<i.' r the chnperoll ngc of Misses C(!pt for un indi vidual . why not for n McMillan and Co nsta nt . th e chiidr(·n of th e primllry roo m t'njoycd a weiner com lliun it y? r oust in Hurve y's woods, W cdnesdny evening, Sl'\MANTHA SAYS Mrs. A. S. Coliett entertain ed to dinner, Thursday, MisH Louisa Col· A hoy t oo ~(lo ll to ~et into ml"~hl e f lett, MI':!. Rehe cca Nickerson, Mrs. is likt-Iy to Krow up into a man good Alice Erwin, Mrs. E. B. Doster. Miss Nall Collett a nd Mrs. George Denny. for Il"thin~. Mrs. Emma Ellis has " one to Wash· . .~ .§ii\(~.I ; Vi, ili !f. ton D. .• f or al\ extended visit with -Word s fr om the Lips of Great Ml'n her bruther , Grant Davis and Mrs. "This iM the de vil'" play thnt we cnll Davis. While Mrs Ellis is with them Mr. and Mr". DaVIS pilln to take her war."- Horucl' Bushnell. to vigit Aliantic City, Ne w York City. alld olht!r voints ' of interest. Mr. and Mrs. W. M . IItllthias. MisMes Mlib el and Margllret Starr. of Dayton, anrl Mis8 Grllce Pottinger. of The noti on that silnge-fed cattle Uoston. Ind.. were Sunday dinn .. r shrillk \'cry heavily in . hipping to gu ests of Mrs. Amanda Starr. Arter· mnrk.·t is crroneOUM_ While the act· noon callers were Mias Belle O'Nt'pll ulIl shl'inkage during trllnsit is somc- and Mrs. Charles Gray and children . times grellter, the fill taken tit marMisses Helcn Randall. Sara and ket is usually g ood. and if prOI)erly Grace Underwood hllve entered Wilprepared [or shipm ent the net shrink minl,oton college for tac year. Ernage is no greater than Cor cattle est Gillam, has returned to Dennisor; which huve been fed on dry feeds. Howard Cook is unable to resume his For thirty·six hours previous to studies at Earlham. owing to an in~hipping Bound. well-cured timothy. jury to his hip. which confines him Johnson grass or prairie hay 01' sto· to the hospital. Robert Collett is atvcr should be substituted for the sil· tending military Bchool near German_ age in the ration _ town.

----- ..---.:,,:


Silage Shrink

MUST BE BEAUTIFUL Efficiency expe rt 811YS men do better work wh l·n su r rounded by beautifully d e " i ~lI" d offic e furniture. This explains \h e dellland for pretty stenographe rs.

------ ..- - -

WANTED TO BE CORRECT Child «(' nding prayer) - "And please mak e In ' land independent." Mother- " " ' hy do you Mk thllt?" "Because thal 's th e wa y I htld it on my exa mill fl ti un paper."

Misse'8 May Harlan, Vlna and Fran cis Hinkins and Mrs. Charles Gray welcomed members of the Baptist Missionary 'Circle at the church Wed· nesdall afternoon. Mrs. E. B. Doster led the devotions and Mrs. George Denny conducted an inte resting les· son on "Indians." Quite a bit of business was attended to. The annU1l1 all-day sewing of the soci ety will be held at the church Wedn e~ d ay . Octobe r 6. to which ali are invited . During the social hour the hostess e. served chicken sandwiches. pickle. , iced t~a, waterm~lon and punch_


ADDITIONAL HARVEYSBURC Ford is putt ing whi sk~rs on the Hnrry Shidaker, of Xenia. spent ne\\' flivvers 50 they will look like A. Sunday at his home. here. LinCOln . Miss Gladys Harlan, of Dayton. was a week·end gu est .of her mother, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Harvey. of Day. toon, sp"nt the week·end with Dr. and Mrs. W . E. Frost. Frank Harris and family. o.f Dayton. were calling on Harveysburg friends. Sunday evening. Mrs. Roy Clark and little daughter rt'turned home Sunday. after a ten-days visit at West Union. Mrs. Emma Cline and Bons. James and Earl. of DaYton. spent Sunday with Mrs. Cline's mother, Mrs. Mer-

3Qx3~ Clincher Cord





Mr. and Mrs. Willard Larkin and little so n were Sunday afternoon and even ing guests of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Haydock. at New Burlington.

----- ..---Alphabets


,. I I•

-L, l ,

! ~

Greatest Tire Sale • This City Held In

Vilt¢ston¢ ,.. I

Gum-Dipped Tires All Sizes Reduced to Give You 'This Opportunity to Buy Now

Orndorf's Garage, PhoneS7

T'HE FALL IS INEVITABLE Eil nor GlY n spenk es in a rcct'nt IIr· tid, or th ose whu arc rid ing for II fall. She says t hnt the term is well un · ..h!rs~oo d. by all. hunti ng me n, and ah' nppltt's It to many Co ses of domes t ic' lif e.

Waynesville, Ohio

As 1 understand it. the Chinese Illphabot contains several thousnnd characters. making it extreme ly difficult for IIny one to write or r elld. Those who speak with lIuthority suy the complicated Chinl'se system is the chief explanation of th e buckwardness of the co untry . F ew ca n Mpore the time to learn to r <:ad nnu write. so the vllBt maj ority ltvc lind dit' in ignorllnce of the world's storehou ae of knowledge. If this is so. then conversely it must be true that the ingenuity which led to the invention of the simple alpha. bet we use, consisting of only twenty·six characters, was one of the greatest accomplishments of all time. The more you think about it the more wonderful does our alphnbct app'ear to be. With our alphabet any child of nine or ten can learn to read and write in II fc'\\' . months. With this much learning the printed record' of ml'n's thoughts of all ages is open to him. The alphabet we use was invented hy the Phoenicians, a nation of business men. about three thousand yean ago.


- ..


tI is said that before long it will

b.e possible to see whom you are' tal~­ ing to, when using the phone_ ThiS will (five the teleDhone operator more diSCrimination in the handing out of wrong numbertl. .


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h" I), hill!. ' TIlt' ~i d whp .flt'l'sist, ill imprllfi " lI l cOlldu(,t I" l'Ulll,n l( hH nwn .. hIlIl C" ~ o f hUl' pi llt·,qR . I"ul' the "uk,·. 11.,\\" ., (!r, o f su m' cll n trury idea ah ,) ul 1I"r own i nd ~ pcn d ~Il<''' , shL' ~" , , " iI" lId , t r Olllt ftJ 1'\1' 11 I·d.

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Mrs. Ne lli,· lIea l and da ughters. Vera an d Ruth. have muv ed fr olll BEST WAY TO SEE COUNTRY (layton into th e 11"11 Evans pr Opl'rty, n ti l1~ ,Ih e ~dr{\ctinr,l s o f Iw r hl1 !-= hund R"l'1l - T " Mr. llnd l\lrs. I SlU1C Drown n:n d In tim e will d ('~t roy. th e m . Ml' xicu pr()p() se~ Ull uir mail and lit th (·ir hu me in Uurn cs \)oTo , Pu. t o n . tr a ll l!c t h ~t s he ';OI' S (I n (Te nting h oI' , . passc n"c r ser vice. A non -stop flight W,'dne sduy, :;c pt(' mb.r ~2 . a ten· oW,n ,,·l\lnmlt y. . pound Hull. rh .. boy who . 13 drInk Ing kn ows. th ut i5 tlh' lJl'st wa y to sce that country. n ,·v W. D. Ki ,,". of Wilmington. b, IS ut:lderml11l11 g hl R health . r ~ltl1ng I'rf'llch't!d at .J ollah 's RUlI, S und"y 11I~ bUR lIll' ~S prOHp(~(·t~ .and hrl':lJ!'l!, g' III hI " pllrC'nts. 1 h.: fnll IS In SAYS SAM m .. rn ing . H .. wu ~ cnlf'rlnincd in th" j!"rLC·f eVll n l,I.. _ a nd he ndl!s gaI ly t owards hom e I) f Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Cu il <'tL.

FLORIDA WILL REBUILD "Miami will rise again. greater And nl ore Camoua than ever uefore," snys lIIayor RUIllPf, chic! executive of the grent Plorlda ci ty str uck down by the recent hurricane. . Norther'ners muy well belie" e this. 1\1 i.ami. and all other stricken cities. wont to work imm ediately to rebuild th eir homcs and pluces of business. The spirit of 1111 Florida WIlS ex· pressed by Mayor Rumpf. who snid thut whllt has hllppencd ill " so much WilLer over the mill.' " Do not let us s it and bemoan our


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Save Time

Make You Money

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Walter McClure J. E. McClure

At Cary's Jewelry Shop

Every Tuesday



"Inside" Information



Harveysburg Fertilizer Co.


A Specialt y



• •

Dr. John W. Miller

Dr. W. E. Frost


Mrs. Mllry ClIrmuny. ill company with other re latives. spent Sunday at the hom e of hi~ r slln. Mr. E. J. Cnr· mony and family. in Springfield . The Historians complain that AmerIoccasion celcbr.ated her birthday. cans today read little hi story- mu ch Mr. and Mlrs. Harold Kelws. of less than did Americans forly years Dayton. spent iseveral days last week a~n. Recently John Masefield, Brit· with Mr. and Mrs W. M, Coleman, ish poet and novelist. bemoaned th \) Mrs. Kellis. Mrs. -Wilbur Hathaway lac k of interest in po ("try . People. and Mrs. Colemall motored to Prank· he complained, s it in dark chamber~ lind walch flllshy a nd vulgnr motion lin, Thursday_ pictures rather than listen to poetry Girl friends of Miss Llicile Clark beuutifully declaimed. Whe n did many persons gatht'r to tendered her a surprise. Sunday. e'er her departure, 'Tuesday, when she wiil listen to declamatipns of poetry? take up her new work a8 nurse In the Nllver. save perhaps In Hom er's day. Middletown hospital. Covers were What reason is there to believe that the motion picturc hilS alienntcd DC· laid for tWt'nty at the noon hour. fections from poctry7 None at all. While Mr. a:nd !\frs. Walter Frler- The motion picture has created its mood were trad\ng in Lebanon. Sat- own public instead of depriving either urday evening, their Ford touring car poetry or high-class drama of its was stolen. It. W88 found by Sheriff natural public. As to history, it will Brant Monday mornIng about 6ve be recal1~d that Wells' "Outline" WIIS miles out of Il..ebanon by the road· a best seller for many months. Let sille. Nothing in the car had bel,ln anyone write an original, stimulatdisturbed_ ing, readable volume on history and ~-~ the public will read It with avidity. Great histories are exceptional, a s are great plays. or great novels. or great biographies. The present generation III not less eager or leas curious or less thirsty for knowledge and cult.ure than was any of Its predecessors. Librarians will testify to that fact. So will the conductors of night lichoola and summer' cm_a, and other competent judges of the Intellectual of the day,-Chioago News, ----.~.

NOT HER Police Captain-"I think we ' have located your lost wife, sir," ''What did she say?" "Nothing." . . "That', not my wife." ____ I -

Save TrOuble

Velour Finish hn.s t.,


.• ..------



Mr ond M~s. Charles Clnrk were Iy meelll 'he particul ar tll·",o" .l , 'c .. ts rr\ ''' .. " "', Wm . Harla n, of Mude ria . W:JS h " m ~ Dayton vis itom. Wednt'aday . ove r Sun da)·. Mr. and Mrs. Wiiliam Dyke, of ~ l c~ ! ~', ' V..jlf·IOCV Dayton. clllllJd on Ly t ic friend s, Sun - . Mr. IJ rod Mr". A . \\' . n" n .. " . til " :)_ ... .> / ... Jo.\'<, d a tr il l t ., ';', d(l·h, 1 ~I~ l \'." h. day. wh(\ r c 1hty \/ :- , t,·d "J Ill ,· t .J. . : l\·t ~ Mr. and Mrsi. Eli Russell and Mr•. T h(· yO\lr ll~ P( f.p!. 'I f ' h·· ( ' qt'~ lll Guy RoutzlIhn were Franklin vi sitors e n jo yed fl v l' 1';; '''to Rat f " \ ' , ' lI i g t , Tues day . gClh cr ot t he ~ l. I:. Ann(' x, c,n FJ id,, ),. . -; • • . ;'1.: .. ~ ...- • Miss Bernice Graham !;pent the J . S. Co mpto n ha ~ return e d fr om eek.end with h er grlludpurent.s. n ear Petosky. Mich., wher e he "PCllt g ,.\, • • Sprinll:boro. ... cral wl' eh, Oil 1J ,'co unt oC h oy feve r. . -~.....--~~ Fri end . here arc glad to 1(,8m the I , 10\.11" :r: b P .. in t i n;. Mr. and II lr". Geo rJ;c II , Phillips. 1'rJ tbe Miami Ga u t l" I n r J n b W ",k sa fety of JIIr. and Mrs. Claud u Riggs . spent th e week-ell cl in Cin cinnllti . th,. ut Miami, Flo. ..... .............. lI:ue s t~ tIC their so n, Grnnt und famil y. Lincoln Sid(," returned from the Th e p. T . A. held its firs t me eting --~~ Xenia hURp ital" Sunday. and is imof the year on Friday. Th er e wa s fI proving nice ly. large atte lldan ce Ilnd bus iness of im. Mrs. Ida Brown and fam ily, of Day portlln cc was tak e n cure of. I ton. "pent Sunday at their former and Mrs. Kell~' Mend enhall enMr. r esidence. here . t ertain ed Thursday . Mr. nnd Mrs. 1. Messrs. George Gray and Curtis J. Farquhar, of Modoc. Ind " a nd ArThompson mud e a busin ess trip to thur Oren and falllily. u C lI eor Wil Doyton. Monday. mington. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Lebanon, Ohio Mr. and Mrs .. Tllylor nnd Miss SarWAYNESVILLE, OHIO Mr. and Mrs. Trevor C. Hnydoek ah Osbu rn. 0 /' Duyton. we re Lytle entertained on Sunday, Mr. nnd Mrs. visitors. Sund llY. E. O. Shidllker and so ns , neur Ches. Fully Equipped for Good Dr. H. H Ht~ rman and Mr. Robert ter; Mr and MrR . .C. E Hayd ock nnd 8 : 00 ft . m . t o 4 p. m . Service _ Patterson calle·d on WllltH' Kenrick 80.n. J . H. Haydock a nd dauJ(hter. of Sunday afternoon . . Klllgman. Mr. lind Mrs. W. D. Lurkin Large Display Room . HAVE YOUR ' EYES EXAMINED and so n, of Harveys burg. Mrs. Wilbur Clark, of Waynesville. Ambulan ce Ser vice spent Thursday with her mother. Mrs. Rllymond WilSall . Ile(' He len j) A Y on NU1l1 T l'EL.EPHON E 7 Mrs. Mary Carmony. Blair, and dllughter s a rri ve d fro m Mi. IImi , Fla.. Suturday. The house in Mr. and Mrs. Harry Burnett spent Sunday with Mr. n ntl Mrs. Will which thl!Y were living withstood th e rec ent storms. while those all around Stro ud .of neal~ Wa ynesvill e. them were dam ag ed. They all esNOTARY PUBLIO Mr. and Mrs. J. D. J ones and son. caped injury but al most all th e ir Tlterle, att e ndt~ d t.he ll nnual Home- clothes were ruinE' d_ Mr. Wilson will Nati onal BanI< Cuming at Mt. H olly . Sunduy. j oin th em 800n. Th ey ar e at tho home of Mrs. Wilson's gra ndm other. Mr. a nd Mrs. Harry McGinnis w ere Will. Drawn .... " .... E.t.le. Sallied dinner guests ()f ~ r. an d Mr •. .Tallles Mrs. Jo ~e phin e Dlair. Waynesville, Ohio Johns on Tuesday uf lust week. Mr. and Mrs . Wilbur Swank spent the we ek-end illl Cincinnati. with th eir W E GET THEM QUICKLY AND aunt. Mrs. Mollie Davis and family_ FREE OF CHARC E . Hot Indian pudding with vanill a Mr. Wilbur :Foulks and family, of ice cream e n the side is a pop ula r New CALL U S ANY TIME AT OUR neur Wayncsville. took SuncllY din· Englllnd combination. EX['ENSE ner with Mr, and Mrs. Henry Foulks. • Mr and Mrs. Allen Emrick Ilnd om pickles are made by pu ttin~ daughter. Gladlys. and Mrs. Charles them in a mild slIlt soluli on with dill E. Johns spenlt Wednesday in Day- herb to give distinctive flilv or . The Not hing but reliable Phone 8 HARVEYSBURG. O. ton. Seru m and Viru8 used United States Department of AgriMr. and Ml'ls. Kerr Routzahn and culture will tell you how t o d o it. family, of near Centerville. were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Guy RoutGrated raw carrots may be serv ed zahn. in saillda with other raw vegetables. Veterinarian Mrs. Clyde Cox spent Tuesday with Com binations such as raw carrot, Ohio Harveys burg her sister and son in Dayton, e'er cabbage, celery. turnip. green pepper Denti.t Phone 44 their departure, for their home in De· and onion. in alm ost any preferred proportions, BIle recorn~nd e d Ple- W.Ju .... iIle N.tlonal B.nt. Bltlll . troit. cause of t heir high vitamin cuntent. Mr. and Mrs' Frank Rogers visited • the formers ' father. near Middle Run. H ousewives a rc often di ~app o in t ~ 1l Sunday. Mr. Rogers still remains wh en cream fail s t o whip or wh en very low. the whip d o.. s not "stOlid up" s tifMr. and Mrs:. Kesler Graham wero fly. Sum etim es this ra ult is 'du p t o SundllY evening gou ests of the latter's th t' dairyman's fur nishing cream ;1/1 mother. Mrs. Carl Albright, n ellr t oo littl e fat. Cream shou ld contain Springboro. lit leas t 30 ver cent fat ill ord er t o Miss Cleo StllCY return ed horne g ive 11 slItisfactory whip. In some Sunday. after ,~ couple of weeks' vi.s. cllses the houseke eper probably has it at th e hom e of Mr. and Mrs. WIll not kept or Whipp ed the cream at a low enough tetnpl! raturc. Crealll fo r Null. of ncar Spring boro. whiPVing sho uld Le thor oug hly chillMesdames Miargaret Joh i1s, Netti e ed . In hot weath er th e bowl of CHnm Emrick. Mary Curmony lind Martha mll Y be se t itl a pan ,)f ice water Hough visited ttho canning factory lit during _wh ip pill: . __ _ _ Wuyn esv ille, Tu,, "day of Illst week. Mr. and Mrs Will Nuli , nce Esta Stac y. neu l' Sllirin~boro. arc rejoicing over the Ilrrival ,) ! a little daugh. ter. Malvinu. TlIesduy. September 28.


~ c'


BW-"S:ow'. your hrother gotting alonlr at the hospital?" . • "Ob, I dont' think he'O be out

lOonr' "Wh1'"


reputabl e dea le r fo r foo d , clothing or furniture, patronIze the worst kind of

"dumps" when it comes time to buy a tire. They do this thinking it is necessary In order to get a tire bargain .. We'll sell you the best tire made-a · a ,. price as lovv as yqu can g~t anywhere . .

••- - - -


SeU'at a Profit-

, ~ ~ : .t. t LI .;"Pc<) p 1e \...' .h() \ dl of going to ~'l iy b ut _I. g(lod


... ..,.. bill Dane tocIQ."

WaynesvilJe Motor Co~ Phone 105

W ayneaviUe, O~io







GAZETTE Irl'. Mary Mc Kibban Is nt Minmi hOdJ'/itul for t l·eatnll'nt.

Mrs. H. E. Jlnt hnway wns n Leb·

Mr . and M r~. Mllx Kohlhagen Dnd Wult.or of JDlll cstown, Knd Mrs. J""llllcLLu Bloch: of incinnati, were _ !Jr. IIl1 d ltlrs. A . T. W l'lg-ht " i ~ iI ~u I" 111It! h·b. Lymuli Uuy IItcr- "Uu"t8 or 1Yllr BynulIl und fllulily, r tlu h ~.' ill !'I' rin "bo ro , • ununy. tnillild al .' lI ml.l), tli ... er, II'. und M-ro. 0 11 ·undu y. lIl" .·j ,lIlh a llJ fUlIl il )·. fl'. and lIIrs. Mi ~~ Kalho r;ne Fromm ~ JI('nt lfrl!d li ll Y '11 1,1, 'f,.•"i ly . vI' OaiJ() I'll. Mrs. l'hlll'hiH Gray vhlted h er \l' c,'k-~nu wi Lh Dnyton r · hlin' ~ . 1)1 ill 1\1,•. ond 1\1 ,". 11 I'I' Y Shnw nne! <1ll u~hter III ' inc innnli laKt we ek. and 'andl y. uf Or cglmia. (,harl ('~ Andc ,'- nLt ... ntlee! the Hlllllomllkcrs Coo king ;\liss Mllr,. P, a t 'r \\'IIS \' i ~ iLiIl I! n , (oil IlI mil),. Jllll l'\' i" 11 " ,' li nd (·hi!· . ch",,1 gi ven hy t h ~ Tim es-Star, at ~ lr . ,"'rl ~h~. W. 11. , lIl.'r. \\'er t h(- (ltll' rb'l' n 1I 0me f or tl few dny" «I'c n . 1111 01 M i"~ ~t ll rl li n 11 11 )' . J:o.: lne ry nurlilor iu m. ill llIC,n lla ll. tuclny. III ~ L wr el;. " .,~. :. lIl rs. Crn ',. L. Slllll h \\a ~ 11 Dny Mrs. Edith IInni. und 1\11' . Jl a rri 8 t un vi ~ it(lr, 1\1 on d H,V. Lcngue 0:16 p. m . Preaching at Mo"her we' re Cincinnati vis itorN III "l 7 ::1 0 p. m. Ev('rybody invited to these E. T . Strou d i, s lwnd inJ\' th e we('k \\' ('d 1II · ~ d IlY . ~e n'ic es wi th r c iot ivt's i ll L1nyt<lJl. Rev. L. A. Wa8hburn, PAltor. MY" r HYlIlun is conf1n( d to th · F . n. M nn muw \\' n ~ 11 hll ~ in l'~~ \' is - hnu:-: t.· ~ utf(l r i n~ wit.h un IIb(' e:;:; un hi ~ ST. MARY'S CHURCH fOIlt. Itor in (·h,llieot h(·. ~1I1 \l I'< III Y (\ctnl\l'r :I- E i)l'hl" "lIth SOIlIrlny Chnrrh :-'1'1100 1 lit H :\ . Cr Ub' ul'I'i n· d h. \nl" Snlllr· .. ftc I· Trin it v. I\li8s erad)," lIa rl,Il'. II f Dayl un . dny " a ft( ' r nn t'xtt· IHI .. d t lI P t hr n lls,!h ! I :~H) n. m . 'Sl'rnlOn :ulfl 1l ,t\ \' ('O 1ll ~ " pt' nt ~lIl1dll )' with frl",ltl " hl·fl'. Willi ullI 1'. Kcmp, of the firm of 1I 1u n iiHl :It t 1 :00 ,, 'clod ,. ~ till' Eas t II lld Nl,nh. 1\"n'I ' .II JIIl'llun . who has lJee n in All u re in vited t o t hl,"o"t· ~I 'l \ ict:-!!'o . Mr!-\. A l o1l 1.0 T lt u ..; a n d !\Ir. ....J. \\', I hI' ~tc(, lc llan hU8pital. Xenia, for ~Ir and )Ir<. had Ha\\'kC' .•. r (l ilY' Rev. J ohn J . Schll,·If,' r . H,·dor. Cn ~ t a n ' v i "- I i n ).! tl wi r ~ t1n s III l ili n l. i ~. l rt'a llll e nt, wu ~ brnught to his homc'


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Home From Hospital

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.hdlrl F . Mu omaw, of Omaha , N h .. S u ntl ny-Schoo l at t1 :;10; 1\ 11 IlrI·tI I'h· ~ I 'l'n l ~l\ lu r dIlY a t thl' h nl1H! of h i~ i ll l{ sf' I'vicc th is " \'(hh· ~ d HY t 'vl ' nin~ , :I\·ph l' \\ . I~' . R. 1\l old1l nw, Sept (' mlll' l' 15. Pl':l ycr ~ I (' l'ti n~ lit Mrs. Mn ' " ~ Il nt ti l III IInti )I i"s 01 · ivf..· Dinwi dd ll' :I!'l ' \'l~ lti ll g' I n ;\ fn :wn . 7 ::l 0. Th " ('hnngc (rom EU Htern Lo StanH. A. Cnn n nr is in C in c inl1a t i f~.r t uday. dllr d time .. 0 the Wuync"vill" · Dnyton a ft..\\' do )'!'. ~1 r. (' lllJl1 t'f i~ r l' Jlrl· ~('lIt · METHODIST CHURCH h ,, ~. is II (1 W ill (' treet. A new schetlMr . I1lld \I, .•. \\'alt,·,. ~l 1 ' l lIr ~ n nd i ll)! Cruw n Lodg-c K. o f r . Sah bllth !'ch ool ot !J:l S n. m. " Ie will go into effect Monrluy. Oct,,lIIrs. V, ,,la ('!l rc\' Ill'" nt th l' 1{C'sl'r Miss Belito O'N eall b "11l'nd;ng 1\ proaching at 10 ::l0 a . Ill. Epwort h I'CI' .1.

dll), .

vu ir th is

\ \' l ' ( ' k .

r~ w \\'~e k s Wilh Mr. "nJ ~I,.;; . M." E . Ed JJurt oll tl nd t;,·"r,::'(· \\'"l(,l'hI1 I1H' Shl'l' \\'l,od, at Harvey,"urg. sow th e (,inc l nnutl - .~t. I. ')lIi ~ gnme. III r . !lnti II! rs . C. It. Sherwu.)d IIntl at Cin cin nut' , Sunday . .\ fr. nnd Mrs. Robert Crew w (, I'<' Mrs. Ma ry Starbu ck >J1l' llt Thurs· gUl',1< or Mrs. Ruchel C rew Montlny rlay wit h 1\Ir. aile! Mr ~ . Ila dd Dun· "ftl·rnoon. ham. of neur L(·l I! IIl O fl. .... C. Ha rtsock Ilnd fo mily. o (l\1il· Mr. lind M r~. C. H. Il\' r\\'oo d vis· ford. and Ronald Hawkl' and fa m· ited the il' da ug hte r . Mrs. Charl es Ed - ill' spe nt S und llY with Mrs. Edith Hur· ri" a nd f a mil y. wards, in Dayt on. lust wl·ck.

• ===============- ~===============-""-"":n=l=u=;;I'-,j;"7lan~<'tlltlt Ih" w.; ~ ld is . n \'"rl I,,' Ih., 1 " ;,l h r th t' sch!,( o! l' hil (lrt'n, Il ~ tf '" Ih(~ " ,'r lnrntl oll i ~ hl'u r !1 tht'

Have You Anything

To Sell?

Try The Miami Gazette For Service


On c of the most precious heri tag· es whi ch can be bequenthed t o the future gene rati ons is th e heritage of A ," erican patriotism, according to J ames J. Davis, S .. cretary of Labor, who has written a stirring arliel e for the current number of the National Republic on th e subject . Secretary Davis emphasizes t he importance of the proper traini ng of our childre n along patriotic lines and d eclares that the futur e of civili zation Tests wit h' America . The Sec retary sa ys· "1 believe that every child s houl d receive a h ig h school education, that he should be tnu ght a trad e by which he can cnrn II living and t hat he should be inst ru cted in th e e le rnal truth s of r eligion. My gr~at work in lite has be n t o see that our youth rec eivo a proper training t o fit t hem f or t h~ p~ rfo rm nnce of the necessary tasks o f existence, a nd to muk" of t h em 10YIII and patriotic Am r i ·uns . " We can nev r do ' .00 much fo r t h ~ children of our nation. T h e 1'ul-

Five Minute · Brand Coffee I. a .peelal grade of coffee, packed under our own label. There ill a refrellhing,' deliclou. tute and aroma found in our Five Minute Brand grade that will ·please tl'te mOlt particular. coffee drinkers.


\ 'q i(,"I' fl f \\' d l1 m . Tn (I Vt ' ry g (l nC'rnt io I 11l"re /ll'e j!'l"en t Mat cs n1l' Il, thi ll]",r'. nrli. ts, invl· lllor~. warriors, pe r. ons •. f ("' cry high nnd n(' e<l,' d t'Xc"U,' ncfo . Hut none of th l' lll rentlli ns In tI,,· \\ oJ'11 Inng . Th o Y"/l I'S or n

mon nr .. on ly thrC'C' And

Hnd tCIl . gn'nl mnn

S C OT( '

~(l nh'l illlCs w h en 0 won d~ r wh eth t' r

di es, w" it will be possi hl,. t tl r t' place him. Who will dn nur thi nki nl! for us, wh o will make the gren' sc ie nt ifi c dlscova ics . who will in ven new machilles or improve t he "ld ont's. wh o will insp ire mnnki nt! t., nl' W hci!; hts nf end eavor. who Cllll be t rmtc rl 10 conserv e t he gain! tha t lllwe been wrest ed from nllture by t hl' 11I'"t~ We sha ll bc h ere only ror II lit t Ie while before we gO to i oin t h e "si1(, llt majority," and who will t uk up t he burd en when we ha"e laid it dow n 1 It Is these children to wh om we (/ft~n pay such Rli ght hee d thn t will .u cc~e.d us. They nre- the olles who will do t he t hin king a nd i venting and a ll lhe other necessary work o f liCe in n n ot r emote future. It is t h" children of today who will save th e wo rld if it is destined to be saved. " There is fea Ro n f or thinking tha t the future of civiliz ation is now in the hands of the American people, The W orld War left the Old W orld "trieken with an a ll but fatal wound. I ts p eo pl e ure burdened unde r the weight of a mountain of de bt. In so me places pessimism tends to be the crced of the hour. Never before has the responsibility of Amcrica becn s o great. Are we big enough to meet the iss ues of our day? Have wo the capacity of mind that our age demands? Are our hands sufficientl) strong and steady to carry on the torch of civ ilization that has been passed on to us ? These are solemn qu estion s and th('y arc questions to which history can furnish no an-


The Besf Rosenthal Ever Built

Simple in construction, enclosed gears, running in oil, large capacity, safe to feed, easy to move about.

Rosenthal Bros. built the first Husker in 1889. Their 1926 Husker represents the experience ' of 37 years, and leads the field as did their first one in 1889.


Hardware-·-Hamen···Fann Machinery


Mr. nnd Mrs. J. M. Keys, Mrs. Ella Cook and son, Wnrren. nttended n me ting of the Lebanon Farmers club he ld at the home of Charles Baker, la st W edne sdny.

Silage Shrink


Bring your Eggs to Kroger

Peace, Goodwill


5-pound Pail . Each ... .. . . p ...n, each

.......... .. .. .. :.$1.70

...... ... 85c

Ketti .. rendered. 2 lb . .. ........ .. 35c

Bread 1Rye, Y:l-lb. Loaf, White or each . . .... . .. .. . I_f....hite or YieIlDa ........ 7c

1 Oc

Who I" Wh ea t or, each .... Be

------------------.- --------------- -


C~~~~rb~l~a~'k .. . ... ..... $1.09

Coaatr,. Club, 1Z~-lb . ....c .... 57c


Clifton Pa.try Flour. 24 }~ .lb . .. 98c

Potatoes U.PerS. peck No.1 Grade, 48c ... . .. .. .. ... . Milk 25 c...... .................... C ~~II~~};;~~~.~~ .25c Country Club.


HEN anyo~e

says another car is "as good as Buick," he must be think.. ing only of price.> Come in and see the manyvitalf.rn.. provements In the 1927 Buick, the Greatest Buick Ever



Tall. 3

Avolldale, 2 can. .. .. .. .... .. .......... 25c


25c ~~tt~~ . ~~~~~~~. 47 c

pack. 3 caao .... A .....oIaI.. 2 caa................ . .. .. .25c:



PfM!:r.~. ~~....... :.



E.tmore Oleo, pOUlld ... .......... ... 22c

14c lVERBUILT ·Oohrmbla, Ptlace aDd the' SpIrit 01 '

E!!!.i=.d . . . ."."., 24.: c.u... ..t........ d .... . ." ..... ,,400

ure. ID a pageant ltalled .t ual SMQul: CeDtennlll1 IDtem~..1 IlIJrpoeltloll In Phllaclelphla. celebrallDl 110 'lUI CIC AmerlC&l1 1114epe.ada... ..,.. ...... doD GODlID. . .

..w .,....,."



Garage ....I»aIl'OD.· Ohio





We are agents for- the celebrated

Mr. Ilnd 1\1rs . C. H. Sherwood visited theil' cous ins. Mr. and Mrs. 111E. herw(>ud, in Harveysburg. Sunday afternoon. Morris Sherwood is in vcry poor health . . The Misses Myrtle Scheering, Elizabl't h Brll n6trator. Louise Smith. Knt!u'yn Turner, Elsie Hawke, Doris Hnw ke lind Mrs Lee Unwke were Dayton visitors, Saturdny. MI' lind Mrs . Cha rles A Fishel' and

chi l d~eJl. Elizabeth ~nrl' Alfred; of

Cincinnuti, Ilnd Mrs. Elizabrth Allen, of DaHus, tcx., were guests of Mr. a nd IIfTR. W : H. Allen on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charlcs Meeks and two so ns, of Seven Mile l Ohio, Rev. nnd Mrs Zi erer nnd daughter, of Centervilie, were Sunday afternoon guests of Rev. and Mrs: L. A. Washburn.

United States


On Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Chnrles Sherwood entertained lit dinner Mrs. Mary Edwards, of Birmingham, Ala., Wm. Frame, of California. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Crew and Mrs. Rachel Crew. Guests of Rev. and Mrs. L, A. Washburn over the week-end were, Mrs. G. S. Holland, of Echmanville, Miss Lydia Washburn, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Shuster and daughter. of West Union. . Mr. and Mra. W. E. Stroud entertained at dinner; Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Barry Burnett. Mrs. Anna CadwallalIer, ' Mi~ Clara Lile. and William Thom88. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Jeffery, of Oregonia, were caUers at the home of -Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Sherwood. Saturday morning. They were enroute to Covington, Ohio, ' where they spent the week-end witli friends. Mr nnd Mrs. Jos. Keys, of Chlcngo, aitended the Keys reunion, which was held at the ' home of Mr. and Mrs. J M. 'Keys, Sunilay, and will spend a few days visiting re~atives In Way. nesvll'e and vicinity. -

~erl, IOT8 baTe been Jotned to 0II4t persOll, a beautUal . woman. This ,.oun, lad, was ODe of th. central II..

The Rosenthal New 'Steel 4 Husker

1\11'. lind I\Irs . H enry Sntterthwaite. Mrs. La ura 1I'l os her has returned hom e after a pleasa nt vi. it wi th F . C. Leslie Satt erthwaite lind Mrs. Wnr· ren Espy. hnvl' r eturned fr om th e ir Hart soc k and f a l1lily ut .Millord. Eastern trip. . Mr. and Mrs. Den Cham pi on. o f Mrs. Kate Rick s w ent to 1\1t. Au · Dllyton. wen' s up pe r guesLs of Chas. b"rll, Ci ncinnati, today. wherc "he And erso n lind famil~'. Sawrd"y . will ha ve charge of n wa rd in the Mr. und I\1r~. L('o Brown . and son . C hil~ r.p n's hospital. of Dayton. wer e j!u es t s of Mr. ancl Miss Ruth Newland. of Chicago, Il Mr~. J . C. Hllwk c. SUll uny afternoon. se nior this ~ear at Miami university . at Oxford, was thc g uest o f W. H. Messrs. Cnrl ani Glenn Frye went to Toledo, Saturday, and brought Allen and family. Sunday. baek two cal'li f or the Overland Sales Mr. and l\irs. Arthur Ans oh, of Mt. company. Helllthy, spont Sunday with the ir Mr. and Mr!. Howell Peirce, of To· sisters and brother, Misses Lizzie and ledo, Mr. and Mrs. Thomlls BallArrl, Lillie Prutt and Mr. George PraU. Of Selma, were gu est! Ilt the Friends Mr. anti Mrs. Chas. And erson. with Home, Tuesday. Lhe ir guests. IIIr. and Mrs . Bon ChamMiss Myrtle cheering and Miss pi on, atte ndcd tho Ku Klux Klan Eliubcth Badstu ber. both of Cedar- mee ting at Dayton, Sllturday night. ville c oll ege>. WNe the week-t'nd Mr. nnd Mrs. Josep h ~. Keys ot guest8 of Miss Els ie Hu wke. Chicago. Mrs. Statiley Sellers, or Lebanon, were dinner gucsts, Monday, We In und er your fllm il y ..... nshing by the pound. Ilave ou r salesman of Miss Clarn Kcys allli Mrs. Surface. call and explain in detail. Soft WIIMr. and Mrs. Abram Cook, Mr. and ter Laund ry. Muhl on Ri,lgc, agent. Mrs. Chprles Fitts and dllughter, Mary , o f Springboro,- were visitors on Mr!. Effi e Smith, Mrs. Flossie Ca- Sunday oC Mr. Ilnd ntrs. C. H. Sher· rey und Slln , Chester, Mrs. J. M. Tay- wood. lor und Miss Luc y E ml ey spent Sunduy with l\1r~ . Ra chel Kirby, of near I\1r. and Mrs. Jos eph A. Keys, of Dodds. Chicago, and Mr. and Mrs. ' Stanley M. Sellers, DC Lebnnon , were guests Have your winter coats cleaned of Mr. and Mrs. J . M. K ys, Monday now. Suits dry denned lind pressed, evening. $ 1.00; sponged nnd pressed, 35 cents. Soft WOlter Laundry, MahW. H. Allcn attended a conference Ion Ridge , agent . of laymen of the Southern Ohio Dioccse of the ' Episconl church, nt the Mr. and Mrs. Walter Clork enter- Old Bnrn club, Da~'ton, Friday night and SaturdllY. tain ed Sun ,lay in hon o r 01 t heir daughter, Mi~s lLucile, who hus enMr. and IIfrs. Frnnk Har tsock. with terE'd the Middletown hospital to tuke nurses' trnining. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Ira Hartsock, of DayMrs. Clara Lew'!s, Mr. Terry Baily, ton, attended the funeral of their Mis8 Ella Baily, Mr. and Mrs. Charles uncl e, Tnylor Fritter, in Morristown, Tarlctte, Mr. and Mrs. Ellery Lewis , Ohio, Tuesday. of Dayton; Mr. Dnd Mrs. Cliff Lewis, of Centerville, Mr. and Mrs. Wllltcr Mrs. Mary Edwards StarluJck, Mrs. Janney and Miss Alice Winston. Rachel Crew and Mrs. Robcrt Crew were dinn er guests, Wednesday, of -r0Mrs. Chrysti" McKinsey and daugh- '!!: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; : ' t ter, Miss Laura.


The notion that silage-fed cattle shr in k ver y heavily in shipping t o llIarket is erroncou s. While the uctual shl'inkuge during transit is sometim es g r eater. the, liII taken at markot is uauully goo d" and if prop erly prepared f or ship me nt th e net shrinkAA'e is no' grcater thlln for cattle \\' h kh h:lv" bc~ n f ed on rlry feeds. Fu,' t)lit· t y·"ix h ours pre vious to "hipp ing so und , well-curl'd lilllothy. J ohn so n J\'l' a~" or prairie hay o r stoV(J I' . h uld he s ubstituted 1 0 1' the sil· ag(' in th e rat~o~ . _ : _ __



Always Use The Best!


Overland Sales Co.

H. Archdeacon K. of P. Bldg., Waynelville,:Ohio I .

.- F. D..'Dakin InsUrance Agency


Seventy-F.ighlh Year


··+·····..·············..i WAYNESVILLE ' HIGH Interesting t tems + t from the SGHO L NOTES •






Prepared by Columbus Reporter



·. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . ~ ••• o

F !'ic! ny II I ',~ ,'t' le.( h, ~IJ , ~ l (';l:l t' tI a n nt-.:-: t," tI ,ly " f Iht rl!J." h


Whole Number 5721

Baseball's ' "Blue R'ibbon" Conte;t;;~ts ---. WARREN COUNTY

,u n ,,'l\\.'

:-; ; 'llI r d~y, I) rt ob I' ::!nll, tht'r<' held In Ihe \V arnl'Hi lll' M l' ~h " · rll ~ t church, th l' Wa rrt'n County,E p· \l', rlll L "Il~ Ul InsLitul!!, /I nn,·-d.· re· IJI'" dul' U"" of t1 ... l\l ill Illi Villi" Ep . "'''I'lh 1.,';1 ' U ~ In s tltul ~, heltl II I lh~

l )n

~(: h{ t(l l

\\'11 >

III (I qn t ." t.i ll :Iot-h" p \.. h tltidul)!. }·' I' , · ~ hlllt · 1I alld S\ , p !t( ' IH n f \' h"y:-oi

Th e hn d u l ll b" " f -\\u r . u Jl d I}\!' 10'1 ' ... hll ll' rI \\ ' · r .... v icto r iulI "4 , \""xt lit . FfI ,. dl ll1 l' ll an d •~() phUII I\l rt · giri :-, h Hd .u 1I1~-l'f-wnr. In whi ch lhL' l"I'c':il li ' :; \ \ ' f ' fl ' vi c t OJ -

Ch llutauqu lI l·ot.:h Y 'Ht". ~====='==-==--="'-',,---,,-=;:c-== "us. bU l li wt t illle l h" S!l J) hor1l " re - ~ irl ~ \\'CI'" tC I'rihl y 'l utlllllld )(' I·(,(.l. TIIi ~ Thl'n.~ \\ l 'r e tHI y o r ~ ixt y Y UlI lI J.! COLUnu " 011 10 _ Ul\it" t! States tug-Of-W ill' i ~ ('Xl '~ "LI'l I to c· ntl nil t he 1H.,!' . qd" Hl u ll l' nri llllt'l' , c o m in g fr ot H in itiati on tr ould " 1, "tw " '11 Sl'p ll". Senutor Frank B. Willis is /!., ing 10 Jll th,· ""fl· I·,·nt · ;ll el h,,"i,t (' hul'c1w. " I' T H E IIU RRICANE O J'(lS a nd F' n·~·dlll1 l' n . . till ' co unty . find th e days and weeks un lir('ly t oo AR E YOU A RESILI E N I Il l'. Frnnk EnJtli"h. from Ci ncit· s hort t o acc c pt ull the in vitntion. Th~ t'l n f;~ \\'l' i lll'r r j)H!:; l~ \\~ (I rt' (l ~,~ t ~ nat i, \\'118 prp s t' nl a nd acted 3 S d enn WANTED- A CANAL which hnve been ex tend ed him to ad· ponct! lind mlly nut he given at all of th e in, titlllr'. The cve nin/! hun · JAZZ OR RELIGION dress public meetings. ralli l's nnd cel· hecll uRc r,f till' nl,jl'cl ion o f Rt' \'l'r al Cl UI·t . se rved I,y th e Llltlies A irl . \VIIS in lcrspt'r sed uy the y~ lt s und so n!:,s e brati ons through out the Stute duro par('nt!4. of the Len/:u,·rs. ing th e next four weeks. I n c0nn~cti u ll with this meeting A new YIH'k has l>C' ~1I mad e nnd put Mell become nceu stom ed l . Thore isn't u county nmon!: th" 118 in th e u~s "l1lhly r"u ", r OY the dicli llnwa H b,' leI 1\ h" u~ h fe st ivll i for th e b~n · thi ng. especially when it hn!' · , in Ohio but what has sent ill Yequl'sts ury and ('/1('ych'pcdiIlH. The old lu Lle ellt of th ~ (, hrist hospital. of Cinc in· nat i. Each league hud abo, Lh. Il distance i n space and t in ".'. for the Senator, recognized as on~ of was movnh lo·. nlld tllnk up t oo lIIuch whic h th"y decorated in th e league tlllk now calml y of 20 ,000 ,0 1 " the most able orators in e ithe r pnr- ' , wh ile tl", new rn ck luk es III' roum nlld h ilS U hund y r eudin)!, culor. of reel IInel white , nnd in which dest royed by the grea t wnr , "\ .. , ty, Then his famlllnrity wilh tuble for th e dicti onary . O·Fnl'l'(' I1. AI~~"n tll ' r. th ey nrra ngNI their dOllu t ions, con· number is no exaggerll t ion. ' :,' .. National as well Uti State affuirs is IlInd eR, .' hn<i vll , 11"uthit. £teal' rull' : ~ i 'l inl! of \,ouc h"ra o f mOll ey, can · of hundrC'ds kill ed in Fl or l.1-! ·'1 , ',T ~ lIet! frui t.. q , jclli pis. pickles. fresh hun. ('I""l: h, IOwlll . Bueh that the vote rs want to hear di · The Inbomt ory cnbillets ur o finis hfr ui l ~ . potat o, H. pumpkins. flour. us Ill o r~ dee!'l y th o .. did ne'" t ha t ' ~£!l I ~'1I9=. ._ _. .______. I. . .iIII. . . . . . . . . .Iiia'im=UJilUmililli'l\1• • rect (rom Washington. nnd no mall ed. Each dnl\V e,. is numbl'I'l'd HO C!:'l!S. cte, . wh~h thing~ had be en ob· e ns of l h () \I.' ''rld ~ h,,1 Iwon wi l" ' " ou t in public life is better qu ulifled to thot the drnw"rH. "f (iohich ther e uro taine d thr uugh " cnnvuss of the In tI ~ in rln bnttll' , discuss the importnnt iss ues which eig hteen, will not !:,et mixed. Th o church members und fricnds. The cabinets below the drnwers have face ~ tho administration. At the locks, The la bt>rlltt> ry e Ql lil'tnent local leagu e hud perhaps th" Inrgest Mcn drcads cs r ecinll y the ot r oke and mos t valuable coll ection. bE:int,l Newark opening last w~k tho Sena- is expl'cLecl UIlY Lim e this w ·ek. an d valued at nne hundred dollars. for of nature's power, realizi ng his help· tor was given a wonderful receptioll. Inboratory cln~s('.I! will probubly start which they tru ly thank th Ole who lessness before it. At nny m oment Hill addre811 elicited more favorable nex t week or the wee k after, donated so fr ee ly, our. grent sea CO Bst cities mi g ht he praise and comment than any othl'r swe pt out of existl'nce hy B tida l .one, and his acq uaintance with the wuve, And man con no more pre"oters oC Licking and n earhy co un· IlOre himself against it thall the nnt Ues who had gnthcred for the openjng, was nothing short of rClllurk· can prepare his tiny city against the l1ble. gardener'S wntering pot. When the votes are tabulnted next month, Frnnk B. Willis will be found Men hnve Icarned to tnkc disoster IC4ding the Republican ticket. Of thiB therll sel'ms absolutely no quesphilosophically, and to find r elief ill One th ousn n<l pounds o f Pyroto l. A very delightful soeilil event last eff ort. tion. The straw votes show his su rplu s wlIr ex plosi ve. waR rece ived Friduy niJtht wt\s enj oyed by a comstrength. and a8 he goes about the It was not so in other days. When pnny of relutivcs Ilnd c\os" friends "great earthquake f Lisbon" wipcd Stste during the next four weeks he last week by Co unty AJtcnt ClnsR. of Mr. and Mrs. W . E. Cornell. at out thousnnds of lives a nd destroyed is sure to grow in popular favor. An for UBe by .farllll'l"S ·o f Warren counth eir pleasant country home on the a city. many lost their faith In God ardent und loyal administration mem- ty, in cl earing t.h eir In nd of Slon('s Waynesvi lle und Xenia pike . in eel· and in Eternal J u~lic e . u's ot.jlers lost ber of the upper House. a close pe r- and s tumps. Pyrotu l is nbout equivebration of Mr Corn ell's birthday their lives und prop"rty. oonal friend of President Coolidg<" anniv ersary. "Five Hundkd" ,!Was "ud a true reprCllenLutive of every nlent to dynamite. and is put up .in The earthqunke and dreadful fire th e diversion nnd WDS followed by came on n holy day. when the church'Oblo interest. it is but naturnl that parafine cnrtons. p8cked fif ty pounds a most excellent lunch. Mrs. Cor· J;he confidence 01 the voters, Ilnd their per box. It is exploded by No.5 cups es were .cked with worshippers, Gr ollp pidlll'l' uf thr.' :-:cw York Yllnkees: First r ow. left to ri(1:h ~ Bnr " (' s. Adnm R, (" hnc ker, Pn,· nell was Bssistad in servi ng by Mrs. fuith in his ubi1t:y to cnrry 011. will cither electric C' r by f use ; will not Roofs ""'IIf churches and cathedr~1a Rolph Miller,Mrs. Bert Hartsock and dUll. Hrtlx " " , O' L( ar)" ,Ilzze)n. !'lhawkcy, Middle row-Koenig. Colli ns. B (, II~ou gh, l) ug/!in s. Bellll • .be dem.onstrated In a most practical en usc headac he or di zzil1cHs, About fell in. crushin~ great numbers. even Mrs. Russell Salisbury. oL'k li nd ~!t' USl ' 1.. Back r owWoods (trai ner). Fred Merkle. Jon es, COl" nbs. Word. Skill'. Hoyt. Pc nn IIll1nller at the first 0IlPortunity which 8000 of this su rplu K war explosive 8S they knelt, Imploring Divine mer· Those invited were : Mr. and Ml'Il. cy. Lnzzur i. 1:1I1h, (; ('h ri/:, Thomas, McQuade and Dugan. . will bo November 2nd. hns becn disLri buu'd by County M. A Corn ell. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest The day has passed when a natural Agent InBs t o the funnel'S of WnrButte·rworth . Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry Saving of $750,000 in elections cx- rell county. isnater could be made a con vincing World .eric i o f 1926 W . I ope ned baae.. Alellender pilched a wonder. ally w<'n h i. own game by hitting a Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Miller, pll.n ses every four years clln be effectThis is not mell nt to compete wilh a l th e Ynn~ e(' • •• dium in New York fulgame-, holdin, the Yankee. 10 four home run wilh one of hi. team matel Mr. and Mrs. F. B, H enderson. Mr. rgument for shalluw ntheism. Men ed by combining the presidential pri- comm have lost much of th eir superstition ercial dynllmi t(' but is ofTered nnd Mrs F. A. Hartsock. Mr. and without losing their fnilh in eternal mary and th e rcgular State lind coun· m" rely us a n uppo rlunity for fll rn ,· IJl l t Saturd.v " t lern oon. Octo ber 2. hita (non.. arter the fourlh) and on ba.el, Th" fourlh 8Jlme i. being play .. d Mrs Rusiell Salisbury. IIIr. H, A, Cor- wisdom and JU8tice. ty primnry elections. n specia l (.) c· ers ~u seCUre xpl osive f or c1car ina when Ih e L ." I·ce, d e fe a led Ih e Cn r . • Iriking oul ten of them. Babe Ruth nell. Mr ancl 1111'S Be rt Hartsock. Mr. tiona committee nppointcd by the I n~t lond Ilt vcry ~rtln ll l' l'st , Whe n '.h:J dinnl. 2 t t' 1 , iu b pil che r. haltle included. We know that nature's laws work 0.1 St, Lo u i. thi. afternoon <Wedne •. a nd Mrs, Honuld Hawke, Mr. und General Assem bly h us reported. The £In' e llt suppl y n f. wnr "x pl o~ " 1! i /Ill Le tween P c nnu ck /lnd S herd,, !. Pen· The team •• pent Sunday night Ilnd day, A. W e go ' to pre .. e ighl and l\1 rs, James Mc Clure. Mr. Hnd Mrs. eternally nad evenly, nn d it is for l!ommittee voted to recomm end to tbe /:o ne 11 0 mOl'e w ill he nvui lal ,I" to mon t'0' rely on his intelligcnce and nook h Id 11> ,· C. r oli~8 t, '0 .hree hill. n il day Monday on Irainl enrou t e 10 one.half inninc . hav " be., ~ play ed J . W Edwards. Mr. a nd Mrs. E. L, sc ience, not on protecting miracles. (loneral A88cmhly thut the pres iden. fo rn 'rs III an y COSt , Thon; ns Mrs Kllte Culeman. Miss The aeco Jiti gRme w ;" pl ayed on St. Loui., where the Cardinal. re- and the .core .hi nd .: New York 10, ,wI preCercntiul prilllury. now Bched· C" I"~ It lh' i ~"R th lll :WO p JllIld,' u f Emma 11 eigh'\·HY. M b s May Wright, Ille4 lor April. nnd th e Stste and the th e In.' t : hil' l11"," t ~ lill rem nllls uncall- t ho ,a rn e fi eld . Sund nv af te rnoo n . and cei>·ed a reception, Wonderful is resiliency in man or St, Loui . 4 . Babe Ruth hat hit three !If 1' . nllt! Mr". E. V. DUl'Ilhurt, Mr, mnterial. If you boance up after County pflmuries now held in Au g· ed f o r, S t l un y tH1C w i:.- hinK tt' Sl 'C ure relulted io " 6 t tl Z viotor y for Ihe The third game wao played at St. home run, aD far in thi. game . Rhem Hnd Mrs. U. L. Cran e. ust. be hel.d nt the same lime in Mey. some s hou ld cull Ilt his "mec (>,. sl' nd you are squeezed down, nothing can ---... anus Baving tbe cost of one election. a check uS puym ont nt 1 0~ , c~ nt8 Ca r dinn h . Southwortb won Ihe gan,e Loui •• aHernoon. the Car- .tarted to pitch (or the Cardinal •• keep you down. If you stay flat when (or hi. leam with .. home run 'into tha dinal. winning 4 to 0 , Jell Haine. but ha. gone away from there long as well as representatives. The' COID· per pountl . you arc sqeezed Hat. you don't go mittee ill composed (If two State se n· far. left fietd blencher. with two men on not only pitched five·bit ball. but reo a,o. atora. two State reprcsentatives of Scientists are eearcbing vainly for the Cuyahoga ond Hamilton county synthetic rUbber. Ita discovery would ' election boards and secrelury 01 State be worth billiona to the world. SynThad H. Brown. thetic electricity for the human mind and courage would be even more val. E, H, Orndorf's gorl1~e was burObiD automobile owners numb ered uable. Tuesday night. The bur· 1.2811.J.1S on September 1. or 13 The first meeting of the Mothera 744 greater than for the e ntire year glars broke. the glass in tho side way, If any young man call club for th e year. was held last Fri- findBya the of l1l25. Wbile the automobile Ii· dOOr/lritltumed · th, bolt. - way to "reverse the vulcanl.. d llyl "fternoon at the Grade building. cense fee was cut more than in hnU, An inve nt ory this morning. dis· There was u large Ilttendancc Bnd sev· inS proce8S of rubber." making old totftl receipts for 1020 . tags will be closed nu out ferty inner tubes. a ra· rubber us good as new rubber, as old . Jerusnlem h n~ di ~c ard e d its wells The Ohio Wesleyan University Qrnl new members were enrolled. The iron is made I!'ood 88 now. that YOlmlr ' IIPproximatel:y $10,000t~.OO against prl<side nt, Mrs. L. B. Hall. gave an tel ep hone WIlS miissi nig. for a modcrn \\'ater s upply system, dio a nd t he $13.563,305 tn 11125. with onc ex· blind accom pa ni ed th e football team a ll :1 LSS o f w elcome which was f ol- mDn will r enlt ze th e ambi tions of Dill. coption All kinds of motor vehicles Th" ~nrll"" is H par "tll li ull fllHI th r ~ n dispat ch t.o thC' C()lll m ~ r CC Depurt · t o Mi a mi unlvH"ity I Il~t Snt urday. I. , d" ~ II r :a no solo by Mary Lou- lion s. und " .. t en lJ ul{ h c'" h I" make Ill ent fr om the Amer iclln Co ns ul of increasl'd dur in~ n ine month s of the wns quitt· u Ilit of m"n!'y in th!' lek· Puris lind l'al mU cach wh,' ' " icc. :Inti furn is lwd th e music for lh e gam e i,e ZlI n ll \el'l lIlIli . Mirs. Mury Leah J eru su h 'm r l!VtIRlcd. prl!81'I1t yellr, fhllt OIlU except ion j phone box. d am~ "l" ,k,' on "The Character of ,. nritish cn Kin per . ha\'e con.lrllctetl 1'h(' ~ hl'\"ifT wu ~ nottri r:ci all d th e ,h,· in which O. W.' 0. wn~ victo;ious. motor cycles which s hows II tll'CY ' OSP. I · c,' "•." ; li d K/lve t he invocation, A Cong resslll ull Holt, of IIli ll "'" " 'a nts over Ins't yeor llf more tbun l20\) tl'ctive Il ~(' ncy in Doyt on. which Mr , u h U g't! ~ra\"it y resc:,' nir on ~h e outl he Robe rt \ . ndl'r\' iwr t. who is Il mem- "'1' r on ,·~ tu ~c h' Shouls, " by Mr8. a cun,, 1 fn"" Lak e l\Iic h , ~' ts of l hp II I>ly CIty I,) w1'\\cll wat· skir OI'IHlorf I.lllonfl'. t il. Thl' I wu IIf· Only 8.4 04 motor cyel owners in th e ' .he he r of th ~ bnnd , sl oppod off for a ·' I'""k L,,1\:,, )", rea din g . Ily Mi ss Myr a Gulf t,f :\Il·, io " , und th L' pI State this , yeur us compnr!!d with ficial s went over the g rot! nd v<'ry l'r is I U ll1), "" f rom the Ain J'arnh nit " ti .»tat.·, oug ht t o ha \ , viHit with h is pllYcnts. Mr. und Mrs. PC' lIce . " tulk O il "·Co.peration of ftr ( 's ~ rt l\ ' l1 f ,'() m T c xu ~ . 0,1)80 in . 11l25. Trucks for the firs t carefully. and it i~ th out:{ht they 11:0y spr inl;'!. :! -n Ilw ler , I;{-Iow S ('(I lcvc \. " lln' nts a nd Teac he r;, " nnd unother ,JOllies Valid t'voo t't. nine months this yeor number 170,- hove a clue by which the stolen The PUll's l ll 'I' I'!ov('rnnll'nt puid f or Mi d:l, t'\',' ry Stute ill I I. pia no splectil'" try Mary Louise Zim· sFIhulli t hl' \\Int('I·works. d "" ,rk ( lO r it. a04. DS compared with 171.032 for goods mny be ll/lpr<'hcnd ed. Inerlllllll, furni . h,'d a program of A c:,/lul cI,nn eclill1-: L al< ' n tho entife Yllar of 1925. Estimates J{r eut i ntt'n ". t . mnde by the aato regilltraiion depart,h nlld . hL' ~ l i s8i ssip pi woul d During ' , 11 , "ociul hour lu nch wus ment are for approximately 1,5 00,000 ' . '1 <;'; l.' t"\'cd bv th .. committ('c, l\1rs. Vct'll' tr:III " ~ .' r tul i u n uy inlnnd \\ , • pa88l'nG'er nutomobiles before the end ·.-\r "' it u~i , M r~. Ru ssell Suli sbllry llll t! belWeL' 1l Houston. St. LUll i-, ,'.. ' ,n! Cit y, rh icago. Omaha, ull II . ,•• " " L of the pre.ent yeAr, 11('j)uty ~11l ·, t~ r II l'n r y II 1rri ,;, in- ~1 r;, . ){a lph "':'lI zic r , The Epworth LNli! U(' of the 'M, lok e cities. spect ed u U I' It' cnl G run l:~ Saturduy ReJ{'u tar ""ll llt1t1l1icHt i(l1l of W ny· Each ot the 88 counties of the E. church and the youn/: people of t,\ \ ' (l ll illj!'. ... Alld th e thing could be d. I "~ "(t h State huvc more money in their trens- Y. F. ' M, held a very plel1sant joint nesvill c L" d{:;,' Nv, 1I;~ F. oS- A. i\\., nu r next meetin g \l'ili he October me eting Ilt the Whi tc Brick on !'lunTu!'sdll' (' ~l ' llill" . 0 ' lobe r 12. ."0· a f<:w of the SCOl'e8 of ' III i 11 i, ~ ury today thnn they had a week ago. )oj h instead of Octolie r IGlh. th e date ' GET READY FOR IT! dAY evening. Scpte mb er 2G. QUitl' a j oul'n ill';.r bn·th n' TI nnd yi Rit o r s a r c we are 90 cheerfully sendin ~ I 8S a re8ult of the distribution of /i'IlSfn r p U I spe c ial l 'o n lOl1u nlccting at rope now. in private loans. .. \Vclco nw. oline tax money by the Statl! au!htor. numBer wort! Jlr ~R enL L I ~( l ll l IO ! l . . After th e lesso n, led by Doris m ~ SE I' I ~E1\[)E l{l; A "}" ' V . . 1. up their industries, canals UI". ,,'. ,,· r The total distribution mllde during Enos E nrogl'l's, aged U3 futher 1;lawke, nnd so me y, F. M. bUR iness. F, D. li E ' 1I EIUiON , S C'y. enterpriscs. the PU8t ten days was close to one of MUY ll r ''1' . b:. R U/rol'!t. di ed at the the rClllllinde r uf the evening Everybody will like thi" It" me. Some day this nation will rr·n!'.'" millio n dollars, and while it is not the 11I'IIl e of his SU II . She rman. ncar Mid- that it pays to develop Ylll!): 11 \' " speht In 11m using games, A vllry last remittance to be mude this year. 1.1' orn about it. You may plllY it dle H Ull " S lIllrlOY morning. The fu· country. It reprelents probllbly the largest generous offering of candy wus llIl S~­ Mexico's Church Strife r eral was he ld at the Ferry church :d onl' or you may joi n with your !lIngle payment to be made from the ed around and enjoyed Tuesday 11ft rn""n. Hev . Nathan Let us hop e tho young people will Pittsburg sermons arc "put on ( , ... fund during 'the year. Each of the neighbors ~ nd· have more (un. It is Juhnson, otliciutill!:" Burinl wns in air." which means sent out by rad IO 89 counties were Milt a voucher for meet together thus happily verY fre. [!J "Iiami c"m (· t~ry. . for everybody ill this communitytwice each Sunday. A numb er IIf '10000 which came from the accu- quently, ----.~. churohes have protested because rumu~ted gasoline tax receipts. Mufothers, mothers Ilnd the young folks. nicipalities of the State get $1. for Edna Kllthl'yn. G·months-old daugh- dio empties the churchea. Th" first of the series of games that The Rev. J . A Orr remarks that ellch and every ·automobile registered ter of Mr und Mrs. H. D. Edginton. during the year. Moneys received of near Lc bunon. died, Saturday even- the air of the Sabbath Ihould not bo will co ntinu e for months will be startfrom the 'tIIx can only be expended Membership Day next Sundny at nill)!,. ]o'lIlI erul ~ "rvices wero held monopolized· by jazz. even though ed Saturdny morning, October 16. at for improvement of' IItreets. alleys, 9 :30. Every member requested to Monday al the hom e. I\ncl burial Wall broadcast aermons may keep the lazy from church. ond highways located within t~e ~x­ be present. Evening service at 7 :00. in Spl'i ng Va ll ey cemetery, 8 o· clock. Be here promptly at that ----~.----lng district where the amount 11 paid. N. Johnston, Minister. time, After nn illness of several weeks. Radio is to play an i~por~rit part TJ 'os Grat'e J ohnso n. wlio hns been $1i,00 in gold will be given to one H, H. Wi!kcr~on di ed at his home on In t.he present campaign In car· spending the summer with her pnr· of th ose who g(!t8 into thi~ first game Third strcet. this, Wednesday mornryanl!' messages from the various can- ehts at the Ferry parsonage, left In·;t On Wednesday evening of last ing. ubout 11: 10. He is survived by week about two hundred membel'll of didates and ·their frien ds to those Friday to tn~e tl p htr work as h'luc! but I'very one will get something. Iiis widow and on e SO il. Albert, of the M, E. congregation assembled in back home who won't be able to ut.- of Ute F cnch dcpnrlm l'nt in the Be present. There will be bushl'ls Dayton. two daughters. Mrs. St CIA the bnscment of the church to wei· t.'nd Bome of, the big meetings und Beaver sch n18. Beaver. PII. Fife. of Wilmington, and Mrs. Lester come the pastor and his wile. Rev. consideration. The larger brolldof ' tun for yourllelf an dalso £Ull In Gordon. of W:lyo,'sville , Th(! funer_ und Mrs. L. A. Washburn. who have casting stations have announced that watching the others have fun. al services will be held nt t he home. begun their fourth yeor here. most of the ·desirable evenings just Saturday nftemoon at 2 o'clock. Rev. previous to the November contest After a feast of good things they ~ore information about this big , L . A. Wllshburn. officiating, Burial adjourned to. the auditorium where have been reserved for candidates. game will be given next week. in Miami cemetery. whlcb means that the final messaFred ';B. Henderson has the disa pleasing program, consisting of cd which meanB that the messa- tinction of being the pioneer of the selections by the junior choir. men'e .e~ of the is Waynesville postoffice de)lartmcnt. chorus, a saxaphone solo by Maynard cred before On September 80, 1901 , twenty-five Rich ·and speeches. was given. mighty handy to t~ne yeal'll ago. ho entered the employ of ---.....,..,... WATCH n)R THE BUTTpN. GET addreu. If you don't the government. and was Ilssigl)cd to ONE. WEAR IT. GET IN have to d.o Is to ·turn Rural Route 1. which he h~ served I will Bell at my late residence on a wee' bihnd lilten ,to fo~:-.1~r01n continuously to the present time . . North strce~. Waynesville. Ohio. on TH]~ GAME music or something else lively. Mr. Henderson Is tho only one of SATURDAY. OCTOBER 18, 192' ... The Ell Dean farm, consisting of n the..dd..... appeals to you then its the oti ~illal five who entered the ScI'· Beginning at 1 p. m'l 8harp. a lot of 106 acres, was Bold . last week by W. • compfortable seat,. with pipe 'or n vice at the beginning of rural fr o!' household goods garaen tools, ete. MOVE~ TUESDAY N. Sears loeal real e8ta~e broker. to in m.o uth, llnCl yeiu get the ap- deli~ery, . J. C. , Hisey. of Rou~ S. Is , Terms cash. . peal under the alluring · environments the rlext oldest in the service, MRS. DORA CHILDERS . . Harvey • Rye. Adam M~lIo~~i1Y liave mov-------•• ~~.~ . T----ot home and tamily. If ,.SeCl'itary W. N. SEARS, Auct. ed into the Phillips prope~J, o~ . Go • - ---;:---Hoover coinea , to Ohio It "ill certain MaiD awelt\' that bie will be 'broadcut, --------.--~ whlle It II known that both Senato!: WlUli ud Gov. Vie Donohe, are FOUR. BITS .f'. WENT Teara ago when the big fort at· Salplanning to uae the radio in broadwont to McClelland --~:]ivan's IalaDd, South 'CaroHna, . . . -eastlng sevel'al adl:lrll8les during the ,ho,spltal.~" u,,"tJl~y. whVl'e she had on Th Dan, Dawson tarm of 212 belng"butlt, the foreman of a ran&' of 'Alab~rer__bo~ been dOing a ~vemor Mrs Long's ne~ tew weeks. . acres .. known a~ the MIlI'Y E. Lacey workll\!l told a to haulingJob: wu informed that before pay Mlate a .£elon, whlet. farm. lot!8ted 2 miles soutbwest of get a ok 10 ~ he coul get hie money he must su))., haps that it Wall Clarksville on the CCC highway, will See tile mit an itemised statcmeDt. After lng. ~:al~::~';:rl JIOPERN AD, to _ampUlAte the be aold at public auction at the Leb· inc wi a mach meditation. he evolved the tol- ~~ ~ Dnman!!,.. ADon Courthoulle at 1 p. m •• Tueada)" "Bo" lo~ II lowiJll blU: ... October 12. TeI'DIa to aait. lauDe~t4dl. . . . ... com. &Del 8 10. at " btta • tnI If dot'eal:ed. " d(ate pOllUlion. .. 4 -781; atIft weJ;lta-fa~" arpr yoM.





Garage Burglarized




- ....-._--




- --- --- -_.

Joint Meeting

Grange Insp'ection



---... -.

Ferry Church News




Reception to Paltor

--- ._----

- -_. Twenty-FI've Years


---_. _...

Public Sales

Dean F arm S~ld





.- .




Farm For Sale




T E MIAMI CAZETTE . ._ _-_....,._ _ _ _ __ _


- ..-.-

.. .'- -......- --


•• t-.-

" IE u



. ... J" ,,, .r ,'!



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arage t , : (' (~II [ n lll nt oe~ cnn hl' ~ tll w\! d, 1.. ,/ ri , I'id,d d " I" mndu in t o m I IlC e -

Dr. W. E. Frost Veterinaria n


,\ .

. .

I. nlC)"l im pll rlll n t \ 0 th e pli late rh;!' . " lt l' ch(,t's lind 1111 lamb di R h ~s ,1>(' cd pip.n;: hIll un hut p latl·".



O h io

Phone 4.

a thr r"!lllnll {' h ' r w h en making 1' '''1(. to lest t h l: t~ntperalur" "f the tH I I~ h :l n d l hn t pf hl." Il l navs phc rc ( ' 1 " ' II' ri~in~, lLS v, (1 )1 h!4 t la ' h (' a t u f


.1 (

/l u"l Ih'e r un bnco n f or dinn I' 1''' ',, " thllil hrc a k fn , t. F OI' one \' 111'': pco ple llr~ .w t d e m nndi ng the I,,· ,\.:. IYI' h i h r r akfn ~ f"rm~ rl y , · ,11 1'11 LiYl:r :- nn{l fir t he m ost im1 m e OI , ;11 r(>/! nrd to th e pro· d calor ;.·" it f U I'ni she ~ t he body .NOTARY PUBLIC ,. r,1 nhu , " o n llt in s all lhree vitaN.tJOD.l Buk i ~" Cl'Jl t l' xp£' r imcn ls hn\"e sho\vo i La t"e one uf t h e m ost va lu able WUI. Dr.w . .. " ...... E.t. te. Settled so Irel o f iron in cuses o f nne min. )/ 0 dl" l i.,cliull in food "ul ue is llIa d e Waynesville, Ohio bel ween t h' variou s kinds of Ii,'c r,

-======--=======-:=:--:: LM.HENDERS


•• 'G

; DR. [M. RUDOLPH ..... Ere S"lat S ..... lali.t

AI Cary'S Jewelry Shop Lebanon, Ohio

Eve..,. Tuesday 8,00 .. a. to 4 p. m.


To wash II pi ll ow, transfe l' the feat hers t o a mus lin bnf: two or thr c timcs the si ze o f the t iCkin g , This mo y be d one eas ily by . sl'wi ng t he edges o f the opening o f the tick in g and bag t ogeth e r a n d sh akinj! t h e f eath ers fr om one t o t h e oth 1', The f enthe r s an d t icking arl' wash I'd sc p o ara t ,' ly. Scru b th e feather s ill 0 W(!u k so lu tion of wa shin g soda, using a good s u ds. Rinse in tw o o r t h ree luke wal'm ri nses an d t h cn dry. Ben t fr om ti me to tim e. After washing the tick in g. sturch it on th(' ins id e w ith a ve r y stiff sta r ch m ixture, np· plie d with a spo nge, This c loses tw pores o f the m ute ria l nnd preven lS the feath ers from wor king lhei r w ny th r o ugh , The ticking is th e n d rr ed and refilled .

F. T. Martin Jesse Stanley Auctioneers See UII~ Earl, for Your Sale Dates. We Guarantee Sati.faction or Charge Nothin g.

CeDterville, O. Phoae No. 2

\ ,



New Burlington,O. Phone. No. 320

H.... ..


tilt h

~~~ the due \lUe3Jrnes8 aDd


preveuls to



and gives

JOUr c:brb Che qUIck. gEtaway that

earl broilers

. am ~ ~ Iacdc

add hi, the butteunilk puta an edge to the appetite; 8frengtheos and tones up the sensitive 4igestive organs, and helps to sweep

away the- genns that cause White. ~

• • s..IDGetCaabj'. ".~~h'lII 2U,


Start them right

WIth Conkey's and you can have 3·lb. pullets at 12 weeks of age. Don't Break the 0udD of CoDkey'1 0rigiDaI Buttemillk Feeda' Three in' number - one 1m' StartIng. ODe for ~ for Layina. eKb ~ tIeII . .

apaville Fanners' Exchange Company

lel5~·J~c~ .


Corikey process. It is the most successful feed for little thicks from 48 hours to 8 weeks of



Waynelville, Ohio


U ~ h,' "n \'~ \r u b,h

I 'I' .;

' 1-,1- '\ '






t '. n .


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enera .f su ance


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Phone 61--2

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\V Rynesvill e, Ohio

~~~~~!"""_ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _"'~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~.....~~~~

'1':I ~ t' l\l ' l' ( d h.\" . ~ UHl'dlafi \I :lri" :-; Ull' . Hlld th\' lh·r,,·IHlllllt \\'11 :-- :11 ... " IIrd\ ' I'\ .; 1 I, 1f· ... 1 n nd tl ll ,tl :l\· t', ) lI nt Id' tlw I (II pay ntt i q'n,' ~ fl'1 '" .I ~ .Il'f i lldut.l I!U ll t d.illt '''' h 'I' Il f lIr n ll\" .r. lih il ll p s . \ :\ 11I" Ul l tl l l l!' t •• ~ l~ ;l . Jlr.,tl ll { d t I,y J.:.I.\! d l1\~ : . 1· l ; t n n,1 1f 1 \\ a:-. allu\\"I' d : 1t1 P l' I'

h l tllH .II IU

An "f1 1ry o f


I' r l ' ~t'lilli

\\:1 ." i


al lt ' l"

~::' /' :I' ~"I, ,~"';L,:~~::;''\-~~:~:'' /, ~:':,~:\ :~:::" : ' Tale frorn Shakespeare

.ill lt!

j' lI l1f"' 1111'1I


,If nll' ~l :\\l' 11 1' 1 tI ll · \' t ~ \l r t ., 1111' f~r ...~ t ;'h' (" ll\ l.' t lOr ~ ilt! (1hl( l \'~ . II nr mll ll H ill. I l.! tl ill' d l an~hi P hy '·.dwu r d Trtplt.' ll fo: ~ , TIl£' r cp,) rt (, f th(, g-rund' ju r y 1' 111 . tC'~. n il .l d lt '~ ' ~d . lf ll· ll n,' JJll h' fl t. -. \\'3,:-; ,·n · h lldiL' " th ~ hHnd linJ,r n f jnurt<' <' l1 "'- .'1-:.. 1 t" I~:~J }) ~ . )!lIo1 l,dlllll . \~ t11 1 :\~1 1· . ~ lt · :I . l ':O; IIf whIc h Tl ln \\ 1I! r\' it.! Il P r{,! , II H I J Ir . t .l nd tina l nCt."ul1t:-; u f l lh' C!4 ti n. hill, IIfl"l' lI t'~( 1. T Ilt' jll l'Y" I II . 1' 1:IIl" " I \11 11 ,1 ~llIr" ', Cruhlllt •. £\'11 Slh ' ('t WII tlf \' o ntl ill ,ll1 fO 1f1 llw \ Vttrt, .u I {bGll r n ('\lId :\I ,' <Ha \\ H l' 11 01' . all d \, c" Ollll t ,· jail fuulld t hat i fl:.llluli,)T) i l\ 1 1 .~.aS\.'d . "I ' n ' I' J ' lciu ('l'd iJ) ndlllx . Ly · f.!llO d · r d C' r . The ).! rund j u r y \\'n ~ .111\ Craha ,l1 l . ,Hd mr . ,H"I1l't't Sha\\'han

"red in I hp


WV L" l.. ll ." ' 1I 111 1I , n \' 1

jl\~l .l n"l, "h". \'.f1~' ~d\,

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l,djuUrtil' d c pt ~ mt"'r 20 1h . The dcf cncl un t Wa ~ ):'1\" ' 11 11111 il (l e. t n hl.' r jj III pll'1 ld 1n t hl' l'IlU~f' o f Ch:\ !' . H ' I" O. ~ l lIp l e ud",r "f t ill' l',llI t " " I' :u:' Hn t ' , L ewl:-; \ ':0, Tht, F,'dL' r nl :-;\ .. (' ur ity t.~ lilt\p l1 l1 y . A m u tio n lJy tht.· cc,Iun :H'1 f ll r the cu urt tu g iv C' u lt in !-'trul" ll' d n'rd ll.: l fur th e d efclldanl, wh,,' h \\' n~ " "'d wit h II verdk t in fav or o f I h ~ dt'f cll d un t in th e ca s c " I' Edilh K , Link \' ". Al va !I ill . :lIlm l'. . 1' 1' lh <' l' " ta l c u f Anni e K. i;P<'II(,C. cI " caged , III the matta of ,I. Q. Shupe rt, " " .. dmr . " f t h e es tale of James. \II , Moor e. deceas ed vs. Mllri a ~~ . C urhy, ct Ill., th e c u urt int e l'p reled ! Ill' w d l

nll I.C,'"n 11. \\ :lI'ltl'r lind , r, r l' >p<'cII\'(' ly .

:--: ( '.,,,

I .'1 ' '' 11.'1' I ., Bll l f,, !' ' ·" I IIl L at" 1. \ I I "I ~' III \\ a ~ r ll ;, 11 " ( 1I ·, I!'t'l", , ·.

:--h: ~ l'~ r l! ' ;l rl·'"


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:I t lilt· pa lact. thi ~l IS n l) Mid . "ll lIt' l !'\ i;.."lll' s Ih" 'JlIl I , lo u t it ('U ll bo

:,\! ill lt, L Il nrd lll l!' t il I< d~~:tr E \" h l -, p l " l ' ('~ II' bll d I II l·llI.n T p. . ,1\1 11 , .~ ~ ' 1\11 f.ikf' It. l . hU tT ( h\ l 'fI~· :11 : t1 \ .1:\ l1:ildn III \ ... I,ill ," .Jllhn Hn d l\itlJ! I ,\' lI t" d"nvc 1', ." H un:"ll!.. H tr 'lt' t ill \\' a~' tol ' Tp . , I'P 1.1 tlH' pn lacu in tlu·if" Ih'nry t V. . ~l "ddl" .I . 1'\l lld t, , <l lHlth t il ( ' h a l l . l ~ t l li'~' \'.I r(' tw ill,.! It,\" i\I :\c ht' th, who \\ . I , II n L!r . 1(lj) ;1I'n ' ~ I n I ' It'Hr l'l'l \' I~ TI"III'ld. a ri mill' " ri~h t t Il h:d l t hl' llI as I n l\\' q trn c l s . · tll \. h'ld t il J'{'i~ Il. , J lllitl ~ ('lh · ~ at· h nd

. le l \c ' ~ , ·al


a rl i " I ~.

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U lld~ r .



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M.'r .. dllh


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h il, . H,'nll· ·" ,, 1. 'I'h l< COlli. W lI Ot! 1I ' !ri ' I' d .It' ., {I ~~' r \" '" , , 11 tl h' \\' a)'I1I ' ~\ ilh·- II,·II - ' II ~ "r I';' rllr ~ )001 1 1' 1l1':1 j!'IQI lh t! Two tJ n ~p (\ r G n mur l ' l. !.'( ' Lt ' I·. u nd M UI- lll'pn k p II' I~, ,J ' ~ (t 1l tl ad ," t il, · .'~I[ l t· ("' lIth I' I VII f nll ll \ \Q',llI l1 Itt , t th ey ~ nrt ' l l\""J ,pi(' I', I I ' .... l l T. I" I/H(1. \I f I I :u'I', ... It·ft If Th e Tt'I1 II'\:t. :III :! ~. [n fo th n' t Ca rl 1:: '11' 1 11." , t h" l'l1 , CIII'Pl'll ll ' , Burt on E:l m h 'II': l ., LlI \\'n ' ''~' ' L i p " .'" 1.:11 ,.>1' 1 ,, ~ 1. 1.1\ 1 It · . \ !I '~ W l'I l F runk l! '. 1'1" 1",11 ~I a r i l' Hitld,·11 '\II ' plieh . Ih r,' " ' r..d" "n .' "I' l i n I h:ll 1':lld ~ \\,. ·Ii. l h,' 1', :, I \\ :1" " ll l c,1 F ra nhli l l I L. Bn ullh' lIburf,:, I~ :H~I'\'S i11 \V;: I ~' n t' T p .. :l lHI t WII (Il t d · "·P. 1 l i l! ~ UC~l\:-' S - S impk x.

h r.



Tp ..

Worthless T rees nUl r oc·. 'n t ly f( IJ·(" t"r ~ u ser! t,~ r('co l1lm entl I'he c ullin g' nul nf " wort h l e~~" tr ees to make r llum fo r tt." mo r e vu luabl e on es. But vll lu e~ o f tim· b r h nve changed r upid ly Ilnd n ow th ey rde r t o t h e ~a mc t r~e~ a s t hos e


" I e~s

valu e."

, 'np s ~v ee l- gl1 m trees w('re forml' l'ir \\'(,ells in th e f or est. T llI' Y urI' IIIOW bringin!; good pric,'s f" r c russth " to b" trellte d b e f or e b ei ng' u scd. A fa rm er in Mississ ippi so ld th e sweet. !I UIIl S o n " cC'rtnin b uu ll clllry f or th e price (}IJ t he stUI1lP lO f 10 cen ts eac h for the larl'e r ~i:~ .. ct',, :iH il' ~ . n nd D Cl' lIt S uph'ee for t.h e ~ lI\all('r - s ized lI C' :~. T h" 'LV ' l'U g'C tr{'t.~ IJl 'l) l1 ~ ht hinl Gil tu (i t! c(.' nt R. und tlU' nc rt' l' llough ll' n,"' r llg'e him $·1 un It a " yea rly ~ \I .~e th l' old flel d wn. turn"d nut.

No IlInllC'1' how much of


failu r e


w" nUJ rI ' I\n k ('~ of h e r m H rri HJ:'l~ . she

01 ,\ .' Y' " "illS h er dnuj! hter t" try it •




.,.. :


Fr nn k II l1hbn nl .\1111 1I .. lt \\'I,,"h I" '\ hll ~ h I' ,',' r I hi". .J . 1' . Lamh . l ilrl'l' tT al'l ~ III \ \'a ~ tll ll "'~' Thp ;\It ' h ' hall t of \ . 1..'11 it' \., a rranKc d tllll.... P I' :!:.! . :.! I :i lld IH a C1"l !'; , (h i ' f, ·H :-. t a lld J~aV l' al l ~ 1 \' a :-, ul' \.' f or t h tTp r d II l1d Hn ~ " !:> l1l ith , I' ll II t 11\ 1' , ~ 1 ! , l ! IJr, .\ f ll ' l' (HItI.·UfI, 11h' w ait er, MA RRIAG E LICEN SES ~II(.' h .. tt) ,JU:--i.HI H II .fp tH·...:: . Il I"t "ith dad ,ol·I· T",,{· d '\ 1 ! Ji o l1 \' . 11 d (, I"npatro, C lnr"fll'" H . ' E(.'k ha r t. n Hl l' h;'l1 ~ l , u fr on tn g- \.' II I :~ ~ I ft,,·t ,II CIH' rry St. . i ll' l q !l\l~' } d Hl lnll'u n llt! .I Id i t·t il II Am. ;\Jicid h tll \ O I, lind ;\ nllu i1 (' 1 i\l i\ lnlt 1.. L{' ~n n() lI , $:!OV~ I . . . 1.,t f il l 11 11 1,\' tlli l ' . Hlld 'lt ~ !-':d tl thnt 11<1111 1',. . "


a. ,....,


t\\·" .



f:tn ll l y 11 11 lit .· TWl. l fl h

r"u ni,;n

I l il t·h :l nl III.

~) f, li lT ' :. I II r h'a r r n ' l·l. 1'1' . t on 'V . Y U UI1J,!, Rn l (,~ IJ\ a ll. 11 01" 1 ' '' . I1 lld Marga 'e t p , CO Il1MIS SION F.:1 S· ALLOWANCES Fr a nkli I o f sa id ue('c d{l fl t Us m (~ n J! I I I Gf' i!" h · II c r, ~t"' n \l ~ nlp h ~ l" . I· ran k Gu lla h e r to "flk ia! " . Blin d pC n ~lil l1 f n r Il flC' q ll nrter, giv<.' s aid d l'l'o nd ant $ II UO t o pay 110 " $i GIJ. !lI . Th e C tllllll1hlJ ~ 131 Ilk BO Ll k ,Ieb ts of the est a t e, and aft erwa rds (\). , ~ uppl il' ~ fu l' prnunt(' \'Ilu rl, $JS!l •• tu IlI l1 h ' . ettlc nr ont,. w il h _UCCCSSllrs R EAL E STATE TRANSFE RS 7:,; -'l\ll1 f", s uppl; t.·::, fur c l,' rk uf l'ourls , he r e in. Fr~ lI_ W. "Nc'n"r to H c nry 111,,1 2;,c, TIll' \\' H . ~ Ianag c Cu " " Up. T he pctiti on of lh ~ pl uin tiff 8l1kin~ divo rce was o " e rrulc d in the cas,' ,. f Ed ith K ro~l1c' r. a ~ 1Il ,, 1I t mct in lI nl"· ph s for audll "r, $ 1. :.15 ; Gr iswo ld T ire a nd Hall ,·. )· S'IOp. tin' fur SClll. Ho ward Leo n J o n es vs. Hele n 30 n e. , iltull '1'". He nry nnd Ed It h Kt llt:'llt" r t o Frul l 'f o f \.\'I".' i ~ IH ~ .lll d M'c'usurc's (,:.Ir, whil e the cross p c li till n o f th l' de f e n· dant chllrgin g ;: r oss n c~ l ec t o f \V . K n,t' l rr, thrt'f' nc r ll 8 111 II lt n~ ilt u n .~~ . ~.fl : Hlm,·, r\ p;, iling ('u u ll t y c ur s , $!'l,:!j; li t., F1 ,, 11)"l1n ChTt /nic1 c, proo f wa s allo wed li nd div o rc e WIl S granted. to ww: hip , Hur ry M M ~t; i ll ilis und H a lti,> Me of publicati ,,,, " "d ice to contract· Th e defendant Wlli, giv ('n certain property a s a lim o ny lind was rest ol'e d Ginn h t n 'El be r t M. and G"ru·u.l e o r~ fu r hdli h ' c.' ', - I::. $ I O.:!5; Th e to her maid e n nam e o f H c l ~ 1l R(·lwe· Wnllacl'. fI trn ct 0 1\ th e \ Vorn c svillc · W e,; t(l'11 Stil I', "anll' , $J 6.85: SUlli· tnry S upply Cn .. ~ uppli ,' s f,)t cu urt Ly tl (' ro ad . ea Burger. La\\ I<' ''t:(' and EI>ie Be ll .s hep hl"'') h U~C· . $!' .;Ia: y , W . T " llIl'k in ;· , >IlPt. Court 1I110wed t e n days for the to L u r , ) l' th~ ~ ic:ho l ::O! lfn. lo t :-t I! a n ·J di:" t . ~ t • . 1. payro ll. .,: I ~,' ~ ' ', II . Fre d J'luintiff lo fil e Ill. 11 m ende d p<'t iti o ll J ~ ill i'~llT i""IJ I I ' :;, ~ qun r ' . \\ 'tty:a'svlJ!t . ~nit i t.' r. :-;H n h ' . ~-1 t HL'7 5; F :\1. ' ·,d lt n s . III th e ca"e o f Ma rth o T r ovill h vs. L Il f ~l:, c tt, · ~·ll'h .. I."'fH1 til I.awr ' ni'(' S Ulllt· . $ :! :1.l.:.!:1: E clt' ll "1" 1: 11'\ . ....:.1I 11 {" . F rank L . Mack ey. S twplt • • d H:lei F ' •• " Bc·11 ,~h .· \>h c,,· ,i. ::i 1 1 ;: ~ . 7U : A. T . Hett' f( . ' :1m .... ~ ~ ili . 2 5 lot n ll " I"'r Ihl' ~" ill Wll ynd\ilk H, I) E,h' :11'< 1" . $::!!Hl .r,O; J """I'h II' . no Dlatt .... what t til).' NEW SUITS A . . \ ' ... ·1 ·'· lu The ~I illllli Va ll , \. 11;1\ ". "'"111. $2GU.75: A. n. G r a l" " May be aDOof U10rt lit " ' " .... who la.Jd . · WIlIIJ 1'OtH IW ..,..bUt Val McCabe ,·S. The Mllxwl' lI Pa · loU t l' l 1',.1 I' ( " .. IlIc, (,. ur acre.' " \ i , ~ , .;1I 1t fo r llel'rlil' ld T p., S51 '.() : 1'. fl ..' .U lI l'(·, :O;ul" l11 '1'1' .. !!, 15o; \\' . ~. w~' 10 lult m o:' PCI' 0 . • th e C. C, C, a nd St. L. R ai l· Fr an)., I., . 11, 11 011. n. !. ", J ne !:'nIlY('llJ" I n I', ,\ (; .,,, 1 h ' . \\· "Y II C. S;l1A,O,'i; Ha r la n r oush t to Ila,.. mr ba~e ' . - r Olld Co .• The \ 'illt'l!c o f Frn nklt n liolll I. " Ol ga E , lJ"pI" r . Int __ .~ II l.iI ·' "I', II nrl a n T p.• $1:J3.7 &: F .. ollk lind the ~l/lt" "f Ohi " fnr $6,0 0 0 tor W1l1b Lnaload 0( .1Il....,1 WT~. lh ( 'I .. I "n \\' "d li t i, .. . " I- I' u n ' " Ma: q,. l1 l·(' rfh·I ,1. $ ~02,Oii: J oh n II. r ought to MItI II.. .t<Gf . . nlldTheCM t Grn\'e s Ch e mic' ul Co . " ~. • 11 t., I' ",' I l u I .,' l .. . 1 I. '\(·Ii . Ea t 'I I t le c rl'l'k . S I, . polJlon.I,.,.. W!J"Il J IW ~ . 'e ll tt 1· I' x. '. 1'.l n I: i .hr l Co lh i o l' c k w o r k , $'; : Ch a r l e~ R. Slayloll fu r $ 19 6.!Ji wilh TOltlllatlon. QIlkaco auotI. 1-', ,, " 1 1 , ', Ij" bU IlI C. • ~.45 ; W. Il. inh' fI..' s t ~ iI1 C l' Fl'brun ry !t. 1~_I :.! rt. Gl" II ' t Hurl ./(" I t I I.· H I' . " , I, 1 ... \ I t ' r Un O ' lla l\i o n brhl"r .•, rl' e r rull bAG\rIru4 ~ out'f e Milt"n M. ,Jac k vg. 1::11 .. IIlld II n r el · IIlHn , . I ' H,t HI : l \ ,,,, . ;· 1; t\ I ! .... r .. "t. ITIl' ut, $ l ~ . liU ae ..·. . e dowD \be Dra~ Glulal III· illg ,·t .. I p et ition f or partiti oll . CII': I I C 1)" ' 1 t, It \ ',\ . .-\ J. :,, ;, - t Vf ' l1 ) /lll"d s SO UI' , 7t \l : ftoud of letUq Il pg1)u l.e lb. I~ \, ,,1 McCabe v ~ The MRxwell Pn· ,' t/ nlb 1 .. ' Hid •. , l ~ . I '1' ) , ( L : li i. Blank Quok Cn ., SlI l" 4rthlrlu8 wat e r and lx)om !!II! per Co .. pt ul. , r('r injun clion IIl1 d und l :n . o llt ~" h )'1.' lt d' n II ~ I r , I . llr , S5.BO; $5.80 ; (' nd ,tooe trade U It __ 4olo!fl 1'," quitahl,' r{'li (' f. L: .,' k ;, I' d, repair . $ 11. 05: E . S. Fra nk Little " S The ~Ilt~ o f Ohio la F r; " 111.4 W 10011 ID tlIo paper bd on roe .J O~ d I :\ i Hl!c a ' J , ' ..... t .H k l l ) H' .1. , 'I r \\'. G. Th o mps on, fll ~ t e rrhr t o the Mav ,jf"" court ut l"rnn k toile a I1 rltl~ 1I'1Iiu-Lo (,h(.'gtr , ·. I:tf. · " I,· , 'l ~ t n llt. I, t ~ 10 l'~ I 111 at ,,· \)11 " Tl trac t., Hi , S',OO ; E . li n. . lee bo.... fit the . . . . ...... ~ ; 11 P lI': • ; ', ,I ! I C . .'obl(.·. , ,·\. u lld and HUtl ! l '~t llW.ll\' dy_ A bJll'r ,,~. Hoy A b ner , fo r Gla ~t 111141 al14 Off . . . . IIZIoIIt \\' ,\I , r ,I.,~ \ 'I , i 1\ 1 /11 .. n il ('o nt r ;' I M5 a. $7 2. (, " . !\"Y fl olsel, div tlrc c 011 't h e ~ ru llfl d ~ o f gro ss n ej!cllverljon gf tie ~6-' 'P. . l"I<J(:, '"P.I ". lIan •• I. .. " 1" ., $ IU ,20; I" . !'I I le ct. H. \ \ ; t JldC" .: Turt'n l il t ' . ~. T r i,lII Llto , lIul·l .. n \h iltlCrl', uri dJ.;'C' r e puir, ma10"'01'10, 1lMI lAke leY. ~r. I"ts ~ IJ. :! l a n d f rat:ti o,"d lots 2 2 u nd t r in!. SII.20; J . 1\ . ,' pcnc c r. bridge &I.oD.. Oana4a made \11. II'"' PROBATE PROCEEDINGS :! ;J ' 11 ~ Itlrl'o \\'. lum b(' I', $ 126 ,R 4; ~ pcn c el' n nel Armi . we1kln riDI. Ohio JolC" III .. First und finnl nc co u nt of th e (' s· A. ·;\ ~l ay" i ll e" to O\\' ~ n " ili A" ,La!!,c. furllis hi n/! rind loadin/l :1;35 yd s. Inl, r beuousht Wiru- 10 ~ ~ !!,r:l\,,' I. S:! tiI! A O; W. P . M Carre n , t ut e of BClljunlin D, We lto n , (kceas· ;:iIlS, t wo " 1111111 t racts in a le m T p. CbIO&,l!'oa ns lIeep 011. ~ . .Ier Ow,' n S. Jligg ill s \ 0 Frllnk O. lind ;:68 Y'lI'ds g rnvel . $;1 12.8IJ : V. W. e d, wa s filed by admr. Chas. J . WRg· out of tbe lake, He Ib~ iN hUHI J.:u n cr. Etta ~'Iay ( ' u. h urst . tw u t raels in Tn",,,'i n•. for hauli ng , t .. "e, $7.() O; aad laId me he lOVed II:Ie. alld &&Iell Proo f o f publi cation of th e nutice s ail' m Tp , A. D. Gmp evine, s Olli e . $2.50 ; Les lie proceeded 10 jolll tlIe _III aa4 On of a pp ointm e nt o f A lvin 1-1. Drii!\' cr. EU A'c 'nc Koe nig til Ttl1'<i c"s l1 1\ 01" H atfie ld, rOlld IlIl1tcrinl. $ 1. 75, ,bd Willie Me , "Oloe tJla. \lab rial us admr. of th e estate uf Willinm ' . ni j!. n SJllll l1 trac t in S le nr Tp , Silas Droke, grovel . $6; A . L, Lbe .hol~ welilln hlmaelf. W. lMl Bursk wns fil ed h e rein . Proo f nf Fred O. lII ee ke r t o Earl Kirk. lot no oll , SU III C , 4lic; S, S. Se h illinl!', nuL salltC', $4.20; Qu ee n City Sto ne lind p ublicat ion of n otic e of c stat cs fo r 5t;7i n r ran k lin. But I'm tor WlIUa. ' A li cc C. Maloney to rlift o ll W ilbur Sllnci Co. , 47 ton s o f cr us hed st a ll('. "ettlem e nt WIl S a ls " fi ll'd. Bea m. liv e c:lr cru s he d T he will o f Th omas E. S hcT\\'(. od a nti Mnrt ha Vi" ian U ll gl~ s l, y . pnrt of $ 7 1. 1R; C, &.p.1D.t me locall7, but r ~. lilt clecca sed wa s udmitt ed t o pro lll,tl· . I" lt 88 in lh e l\Iuc kinaw Addit iolt t " st o ne . $5 1 II ;' The Ohio rruga t c d lupportc d whllt 19 heat for the John S h ~wllnl wus uppoinkd ," {·x· r ra n k li n. S"\\'(' r lO. , t hree cu lVl'rts $ 1-13 .70; ooootrJ Alld for OIU' r olalionl will! "('utor of t h e e., tate li S prov id ed in W ill iam C. and Ndli,' Phill ips t u Leslie Hllttie lrl, f or hllulin!! ~rllve l, 08nad.a. Obl<lafo Ie ",0101 1.0 t he will. $ 1200. Th e c ou rt Ilp puint- (;l''' r~~ a nd lI ull ic Ne\\'b~ rr y , twelll)' $I!I.BO ; Min cy Muh nfTey, f or ten din1\ build lI e r own 1IQ . . .It 41apoul . , . "ll Clinl Kld ly . ))1111 ' urt e r and A. II . •, ell' , in C lear~n."k T il . , . lon l e l'll s, ~rl. tem &ad lW1ddle her tIlwnb at ... Tll rn I' " " IIpl'nri ser ~, Albl':t L " ~\" ". l lJ ,I. I!. Bortl e n, n whol. buuob at wel\!u-rIDa-!'1l. F irs l a nd lil la l acc oun t of the {' R· ' pun Of 101 ;)4 ', \,n E, ".0 stree l , . 11 HE ' LL DO H e dale4 to '1\0!1bDe a Ufe·lOIII t ute of lI en ry Wc r ne r , d ec l'osc(l, wa s I " r,udd!" . . . ' b1 00deh lp La 40 w'ha1 1M ~,,,, U 411 fil ed by (, xecut or Wa ll er S. \\'N n r . \\ II lam ~" . S.n ll lh t o Alhcl'l . a n d Dr. ()"k;:P ll d waa til<! n c w pa st o r c1u.ty 10 ~e ",bMo. W'dIrN ttl,", W'8 Inve nt or y and appmise m c n1. of thl' I' ~:'lh(' rrn ~ ~ ",!l'I ll1g, ol.c· h II f ut lot· ut ;:ran.lmn 's chu r ch. Aft r h is third hac! more auoli Blon! lJs t.lI t e o f William e. Bursk, tkc case d , 8 1 . ", l' r,a n kh'L . was tiled b y admr. A lvin II . Dril·vc r . ! 1\ . A. Ha"llIc and F:tlie .r. Has n\ c t l) , ernlUlI s hc h nllble d f o rward t o shake • • An IIpp lica t ion f or th e "pp uint_I· \l,,' n lin d Bcll~ M ~g ulrc. n o rl h part h is hl1l1d. A IlUUl reprelo nttDlJ Q&Iio', III " I >11'" nm g In o to have you as m y I" e nt of a ~uurdiun f or E ldrid g, ' o f lot 50 .n ~l~lII e vl lle. IIlUllo!lo ts 001111(\ til . , "Illo d a P o!,e, 0 '11 nll eged inco mpetent, was I . Dora R 11lIifcrr~, t o J no IT . Mo unt pa stor, Doctor," ~ h e beam ed . mnl tltuve overy ttm. h& OU\k... s "1'flall k y ou. ma'nm." r ep lied D r. n ppro" c d h y th e " '011 1' (. I I h ,acrc ~ 11\ Frntlklrn T p, dab",abl e ~e c 1 8'\OD, Th o ~ly _1 "I wus af raid I would Court auth o rized Elme r 'he c'h a n , . .E~ B'Cn sun nml ~.Ilur:l Ben son ~o O ' l c~(Jo ll . Slot to ~1 .pleIl8e aDybody II to 40 Ildm r , o f th e estate o f Rache l Pin c i \~ r1h'~1lJ lind ~carl I ot t.orf, /I t l' uct : 0 hll"" t r out" lc li lling t h e p lace o f m y !lllpula r J1 1·l l1C.·C (;~sor .' · nothlns, Kfi)' nothLnI. be ~iblrw. Cu mpue lJ , dc· cea sed, t o r ece ive pr o. I \\ Ils lJl lIgto n 11J. And I b~ n h e wou ld dlspleQINl Ill. ceeds from th e sline of tw e nty s hnres Lloyd li nd Cln r y Mu rph y to Ma r y . " Th " t' " ju st it. Dod"r. It us"d to Ud t be way to wre ck th4 IOT~ of Cin cinnati Railway capital ~tock ~. H u l~(' I', n . purt uf lo t GO and lut be I ha d t o co m e a n h our ea rl y t o get a scal. No \\' I CUll h e th irty minute s lRen I I. 1.0 IlIAD It Wltb rubtler includc d in s nid estate, III III I· r nnk lin. Th e co ur t orde r ed that Chartl'r s D. Gilbert a nd G ertru de G oppert own la t c an d st ill s it un.vwh cre I wis h. " ltamp. tor partisan blcca. Wo'"e Map le he appo int ed II ~ I!; uurdian ud got to .leut biG D1611 a.,d leU \bill» lite m o f J ohn A . Cnvolt . u mInor d e· to n:IlI tblD g. BOC<wdlus"to tbelr bYt f e ndallt in t1w cas c uf Robl' rt S haw· TleJOD . hun . a s admr. o r the ('stllLC of J ohn WflU" t. • bit 111&11. 8:e ooaMutthe ws , dec euse d. vs. Ju mes H. mllode a,wntlon .nd IOIIpeC,t .Ul'&Matthews ct III. Up., n prese ntation ever h e 1100.. He oome. ~ 19 a petitio n pleading for the sul e u f Cb Icago , rlghl whore he stootS _ r enl ' ('s tate h cr e in WII S oll owe <l and k lcked our pet hOtlD' <law, all tYfflr J nlll cs Follc n. J ohn G. Vail li nd Dav· tho \) Iac e. aad we banquet him ... id W . Bi sh op wer e appoi nte d liS liP' ha ll him 68 a nallonol loadot tn praise l's h er e in . In t he matt ~r of Ayer s B. J ennings, righteo us ness. Now wilen J . 9p. exe cu t "r o f tho cstate o f Kizzi e Hut· ler c oro's llrofll·nhartng mOIl"". chin "o n Coc hran. d cc ea sed. vs. Ayers a re trylog W t" ke hlB ct.llnll), ,. B alld Ste ll a J e nning s et Ill. . t h l' roo ina out of the CIUIket AIItS oIIdIn c(;urt urdered t hat Sllid e x ecutor s ell bo IUll't de ad. Willie <100ID't ·tetter. lit pri vate s ill e t h e real es tllte h erc in , Pr'uhlhltlon 18 e'conomlnallJ rlllbt. appraise d a t $ 7070. lit n ot less t hlll! m ora ll), TtJht, aDd II! larplJ r& the upprai sed valu e. opoos lble · for tho rlelng U4e 04 woeIn the m u ll er u f t Ill' claim o f Ire n e pa rity lD the Ulll tnd SLatse thM Is B. Ung les uy "gnin st th e· estut e of the aru.uorn e nt of the relit 01 the Clif to n W . U ngll,.by f ur $4900 with inter('st thereon up"n three promis. world . Tbo United SLaws 18 ~ sory notes t h e Cll urt a llow l'd said m orn l loader of th e ....orld tocI"1, &lid c laim, (\nl o u n t in~: to $fi,72 7.9 4, and Se nalor Frnnk WtlJla I.e 1\ mo,.1 auth ori zed sa id c laintllllt t o rese rve leader of the Untted 91.cos . I ~ f r om thc estll t e a sum s ufficie nt to lIe oe that Ohio wUl be wt.e enoush cover that amount. t o r('·elect him to tho lenate, . . . Court gra nted pcrmission to Nella true r cpraaeutaUY(l 01 th e n U('koye Mc Cabe Spader, guardian of Froncis I Ulte uud one 1lf!81 ubi/! to ..QlCfI b., Spad er, til mortgage to the exte", of h lgh pst Idelll., regnrc!leae at p«tr $:3500. ce rtain real estate belonglhg I lIerdo uol coo.W eratlool. to hN client, The mortgage was taBURGLARS! LOOt< ID rleet!. If by Ilt) y moaDS S.D~ ken by said guardian . THe ....RE TAKING Upon a pplication -Mary E , BinegaT Wlll j,a .hould aot be r e·eloote4. I b& "rl4lNC09 OUT THe. ll e ve II wUI be IDtCI'P(Ol04 III a ao.. wus made udmillistrutrix of the e stllte of J e nnie M. Shawhan, deceased, NEIGHOOA'S WINDOW! v1ng at Oh lo's m01'll1 II~. givin g $2000 bond . The court ap- - - - ...:.;..: pointe d H. S. Conover, H . L. Cheney FO U R BITS A WENT and T . E. Barnhart to apprais e said est a t e, . • Jo'l or ence M. B ean, widow o f t h e : . \: dl fn ' }' w h o h url Il e(11t doing n h,lU lin g' ,i oh, "'li S inf" "1lled t !>p fore late Sam uel J. B eall, elected n ot to i he co uld . ~~t his. mnn cy lll' mu ~l "ub- take under the will of said ' d oc Q.d ent. J. H. Borden' was named a s an apf mi t a n itc>mi zQd ~tn t c m e nt. Afte r I mu ch m e.litRtion , h e l'vlll vc·d the fol- p ra iser of th e es tute of Catherine M. l owing bill : . Harbaugh, d e ceased , ill su bs titutiol) "3 com es and 3 gOes at 4 bits a for J esse Mintz , who , is unab1e to, sC'rve ns such. went s-$3 ." A jildtment of $97&.92 wa s given t b e claim o f I~mnta Throckm orto n again st the estate of Ce linda Griest, deceased . First uccount of t.he. estate o£ Laqy to guid e in Yc llowsto ne park Christian S, Jaclk, deceased. was Clled -"0 0 thesc ' hot s pl'ing1l ever freeze by admr. Jack. 1 ove!'1". lS t h e j Guidc- '·Oh. yes. Once last w:ln- Sop ter a lady brokE' through the iee and the hearing DPJlI~~1Il burned her foot'" mittance to



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.. ·'t 'n a(

t o w ard th .. .. UpPl l rl dd ld , (I\.' ruld \ ' Ill:--h


Semi-Solid Buttermilk No Dried Buttermilk In Conkey's Buttermilk Starting "Feed, we use Semi-SOlid IButtermilk only, according to the 0xWnal and 8U~


/o:'I ;I"'l' d 1,\ l'l l l;rl , ,'r , t.I : ~ ,· d hy " ,'.7.1\ '11: \ '1' _ f,h ' t'l l " . nr", ' \ ' I1g- d (' \l Il"n \ 0,; \\" 11 - ., " t ll'u r ct' !'-I p U1" l Ot : . ~ fl l l " " Ida" .. ,! J ~ II " l' I I ... .: nL l il u n , 11. dll' ~' . b \ ' , .{ \ ·tll. r l,';'o ( ' ~ l rnp...;\' n ~, " '" d l In t , ttl,,1 1 ~\.\ 'H II I ~ ,,: t th I .';" 1. 1I \ 1 ~ ' :\I ny ~ 'm p "" \111 L l' dl' t' '' l1 dcllll lcan l d :,. ;: hill o t l : t · h\ ~ :--- l ,\rr. II nllfl"r

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irf( f Ht Hlf';- Ul ' (~ } " .."f. r' for .• i. ", "'cd.

~ UbJN't. 1(.) l~,X !:,· I) f i ~ . t I ' \, :--ll(' n ,lli tlr (' 1' ' r: ~ tll stlld I's tUll: \' ,·n · 1111 1111 · 'f. l It I l l lll'J' l ' r ." lit' t h.· d,· . ntlH f1t \ \I'r t.' I " t. a~1I1 " II,d " "". ·11 ,, 1 " f 111\ " ., IfuJ ,d :ln d i l' ll\l' h . ii i ., 1\1l !- \\ \.'r h,,- Ld . , t .~·lI P :"'l h· U,'{'. d · t ·' ·, l. ;.\· 'a '

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t" bf'com n rxp, ·I1. Oil I hI af>e(l ~ of the nH' lUll Il nd I<l do tlle belt he ko ul<p he>" , not wbo t AOMr i '<><l 1 ", anUl h I m to do Willi e 18 " I"slrl ollv! PKpnn lie lA e 81 11 01' 0 \'o nr8 uf ern" I,. 1 Imto lT13 bo ok 01 h i. decl.l ons h Is II prl". U~ Q to h a ve !hs t man r{,!>J'OIJ,'1I1 ue. He hR. da De the b ~. t b e It.D S\f h0 19 , and bls know letl g,' Is IU:purt. 'the "'R1 La hld[{Q of h ili 9U OCOOl' I s no, wbot he r be voted to p l _ nn til· Il!vld uo l. btl t wbothe r h{' 'nlod trl serve tho boal II1Idll of h6 lIallOfo, Stud, hili bllltlllir a"lIt'tJ8ICI_ atu4J IUs .tAnillu,a aD)$llR ec&aeamea. 8001 0 yeM" &co J w<mt Inlo ~ IOfernon( otl\C() 10 Co!U1III/wl, ohio. Prun k B . WIllie WAS ~ &rnor tlleD.. B o puJl od aut .. ~ OUO ~ showed \I La mo, "LooII, Ra lpb . uli We.,p tor an ..," 11" said, 11.'"-4 {ho joke '11'0 1 r-U out of hI e yoloo. an 100 ap p llco ~ lo r.s klr QIIO oGk6, ~(\17 ODa at th om twttll a,ood ... .wI!Clleat r OlLIOOI why lie It tllo beIIt .. All tor the placa. Wh At'U r CID' r "1M I oollld I\}}polns ,11,111 a ll, 1IQ . . . U Q OT Are 61 . taut r 0aII aarpolnt Ml1 OD6. au d rm aobll C4 . .114 Ii. tWrft on me. no rnatt. ~ a.t. Lh. olD us. rIll II. o~ fo r VoU~M



t'h . I.t. ,• . ,' " \,r,

l·\ .u l" u ! ~

1IIlt1 1

th. best nmnl<lll "rd rr " ' br n ... e ht rp f\ ma.n &.g " ~p l (l~ btt ! \1 8 In FrO"· ertiLOttnt . l ble r pn " tl C' P J:P01'ts h i m

" nside" Information

Nothing but reliable Serum and Virus u sed


( ,I •. ~

I L l: m',Hl c' :') •. , n.

1p 1:1I1101l\t. Il ele n

beoumtut(. t n t t nt " ~l 1I, \lH l h e D e~d8 ot [b e lI uliou a nn \'or tu,,: { b\..' way tb ol r b0.9 t J Il ~snl"' h ' I" IIA !he m th (' nAUOQ wtll be mnrt l tj,\O~tt tt · u Wh"", •• ~ <) I<l lh l' "x ~" rl 1 ntlst .... ~<m ' \ tell hi m .. !lal to ,1e> hil t we b 'ro him to rio "'bal I. I,... t (or H o kn o .... billt.eT UII' n .. ~ do Of'" et\ 1I"ft h w h u 8t udlM who. to ~n [0 our hum.l.Il grist·mlll !n k ,' p II In

Waynesville, Ohio

A Specialty

' I"

.. .

J u h •• \ .


: ~H'r\"p t<" 1l dH ~ :J jn th, ~ " p u n l '


Phone 67


. 1.

" )',


, Orndor



'\\\' ~ rtl1K 1 h rqn t \

"A Sale of Sa(es ." Tha t's wha t our customers are calling the Bpecial low prices that we h av E' put on· F ireatones. When you c an b u y a gen u in e 30x3 1· 2 Fi restone Gum . Dlp p ed t.n for ' .95 you kn ow , bA t 'o u are getting a bat a in a t t he se pric c~ . Ve Jr·P"., BUY NOW .



r '1 r htlo - t ':"lI t nl\l:\ au (J ur r"'p -( '~f1nif" I\·l· ... :".,1 I h "11 ~1I1'

Vittes Gum-Dipped


,, ·! P !!

f uTi ct ed l i t t r C\ :t. u ll 'll



, ~,



fl Illn" t.o lilt ' t !i, \ l) l lt ·r dK Y 1"tt hUl' l1 C1lI .nn ... Ih ,t he .,.'ou1d vu te a ~ "fn t" t tJ; "Ullt tl r " tl1l::1 ~ hn n lh ~ t lll1 ~ "tilt' I II pkk Ihe l1 ~ X l aaUH lnr (rom hhl ' Our Jlt ·.~ ~ (I!\f H "V," \.) \"' 1 nm ot. t .hHt 11 "'\J I'~t " lug I , · t h,.. l\n 1. ,' " I" ) t o f th e 1\'4,.l rl (1 ... h k I I , _t. · It In''''

30x3~ COM. CL. CO


""W ; \ "0'


" h, " t i l . ' I. k, . I f I I,; \J! I', \ f t "," .1 1 I . , \ l t t i l, • I r " . I t j. ~ ... l t t ' H' II t f I J ., \ .. Il [ ! C 111M N PI ':; 1\ 3 OC E £ D I GS \ "r' t . ' - I ,,·k d " ." 'I "I. I), "111\' l • I}I ~ I: , " .\ " I. \ • ~lIlhl l V IU ' V ' roll. d 't1l ~ t ' "l'w

.tI ' t. Ulh," lIuld



• ).,,, " .•


MONEY LOANED LOANS on hn ll c ls,S l Ock s, Sectln. I ic" u " J Secun d ~ (oJ' tJ.:o~e9. Note. IWLI!: ht. J ohn Ha rbill " J r. , Xenia. Ohio, ·111:10-'26

Farmers, Attention! Fnrmcrs of W"rron nnd ndjoinln, co unties may o htaln money on lon, ti m e Illa ns, at 5 per c ent interest. Cus t of securi nll' t he snmo is very roaso noblo ,throug h Tho Fedoral LIIncl Bank. For further Information call or address Ill, C. DR~KE, Trell&uror . phone BI6-X. Le banon, Ohio.

i. , ~






FOR SA LE- A /tood Cler mon t range. F', A , Snid e r . Lytl e, Ohio.

·06 COO L WEATHER AIIEAD!-P rcPare fDr it by look ing ove r your heati ng stoves , !: rates. hot water and ~h' llm· h eati n g syst t' m s. We have all th(' lut('st h ea L control a nd fue l savIng devices a nd insul ntillg material; us mllle r n i w ool, as b estos pl aster asbes tos Mhcc t, pip e cov er ing and ~opo wi ck. T hese will cut down y our coal und gus bill s an d make les8 work for you . THE BOCK LETT-KING CO,. 41 5 W, Main Str eet, Xenin, Ohio, phone 36a 06 FOR SA LE- Pol a nd -CHinn mal es an d g eltR Sam Wils on , New Burlingto n, Ohio. ·06

~~~~___~~~~________ ~~--~~====~ . ~~.~J , ~~~~~~~~~~T~H~E~M;I~AM ;;I~GAZ ~=E~TT~E~~~~~~L~_~~~~E~~~~~~--~~~--~~~----~~~~~~~ ___


n udueity. ,. " Of cou -, " h' d cn r o ld puulic plL'id I ,.. ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY.,. - lIrolltHI , 2,0 In ~"CI<U I't1 , wll\l l Oll rll cd "~ol t.l ,lig' (.iand .t ,h. Po. t o tri c. o r W Oj''' •• &III1" Iting!! hllc k in tlw A Iniilwn dOYIl. did I ()h lo , «u S.contl eta •• ~' o (l Ara lt .. , n ot m isR 1\ ~i n!tlc w ing ilL the pu b-



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allbecripllon P rice , ' \'(1 0

---per Yo





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Thi. pal.. t h. , Ih. F.XClIJAIVJ1'

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..... ~A r U It l-:iI lII!\d ' A O\,f.: H. TI "l:O: O h t't> ','I n :- .. r .lt t I'liU LISH l-:kS AIJTlIC \S1'Im !<J; 1( -



-VI CI! . 1 Now Y. , k

C I I ~.




- ---------- -PEN NSY LVA N I A AND ILLl NO l3 P RO VE NO THI NG

chun or IIJ!"H i n f-; l t ht' pri n u l ry t· I"l·lIOIi RYKtc m, c1in'ct n On1 lO a t il'n 111" fluldll' o ftlci ll ls w ill '·o llli n 'h·. T h ~ 1' ,·" "l l' will not lel roU en I' o lil ienl IIl "st" h:ll' l t hi" co u n try hu ck in to th e aby ss " I tJi r t y po litics. no nw lt",- ho w ' mun\, lIIilli o n ~ w ~ re "Jl l' nt in t wo ·, f 'IB s t nll'"_ Appr!'he ns ion olle r Ihe no mi nat iun of Vu r e ill l'('n nsy lva ll iu II lId l'i mi t h in Illi no i. is un n"cessnry . It is d oulr lfu l if th ey will ever be s{'n Lcd ill t1, e Un ited StII l Cli Sen u t c, s hou ld tll"Y II(' e lecled. If it eve l' ('o n"," t o It vu t e in the Sl! nnt!', most l'i e na t o rs wil l ren\('m ber wha t hnpp e n ed t o th o~e Sl' not<J rs w ho vote d to Hea t Ne w be rrv No r s ho uld t he corr upti ufl c O I~i n~ f r u m t hese s tates in fl ue nce th e av e l' age d e c e nt vot e r's ut ti t ud e t u warn t he prim ury sys t em . C oo d citi ze n., w ho vole wi th out cha r~c, now d ominnt e po li tics. orn e mny cln im t ha t t he I'rimu ri c8 hllve not e li minut.ed hood Ie. P e rhaps n ot. but t he prima ri l's c(' rt ll inly hn ve m nde it ha r de r t o b u y the ma j ority of vol er s th un t o b u y o ne crook ed " boss:' Th e pr ima ri ,·s h uve c r ip pl ed th e :llr roga n t boss wh o use d t o do minllte " o n ve nti ons, wh ip olliee holders into Hne, un d j uggle governm e nlll affa irs to his own s a tis factio n. That, t oo, i ~ worth- wh ile.

A BOAR1'\V ~


' l 'u ukl" r i rlll" I

(' ac h

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1 !j 1I 1d ll'~

r tl ll' I\lItl

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Hiekal'd ~~"L

th elll.

Thi !" i ~ Il.u of I JO XIII~ . [loxi nJ! IHay hl'C lH1U.' H h ro tlcr ;Jtflrt with u y ll lln~ J,{l· nt lt.·mnn likf' T U n f1 l 'Y \\'( ' IIr-ing t li l' 'rown 4 HUL

L i ll di d


bladcfr disordcf9, rheumatiSOlf lumbago and uric acid conditionL

~. OltD )flJiJhAl ~

~ HAAR~E~ corrttt lnteraot tT c ubl ~, stimulate'vltaI organ •. Th ree sizes. All d ruglillt. , Insl .. on t.h~ 0 " iHol genuine OOLD M IUMLo

il t U" h,'), In " k ',, 111 radl" " 1,a .. C

1I : 1' l k ~i l\' ( 'rtJ"('t' I U " I J-"l'IIt,., ,.nl ~ tl ' rt ' utl( l p:1 111 d

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l lll rr ~


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('X PI' CI r dil·f fnll"

'lv r r -pr nlllot in n u f h() lIt~ Hn lonl? as

'rex I1icl«\I'rI c'o n tin lieS to "'1lll' f·1.C I he 1,0x ing w o rld . N(. \\' ~pn l' c rs -ll nu hox ing uu ll"'rit iCS \l'i ll w in th e p r1l1 Se o f ",,!Tl'ri llg ri ng (ans \\'heu t hey g-c t t llgcUw r li nd knock Tcx Ricka rd in t u b nx in J,; l,l> li\'io n- nnd do it corl y in t he fir t ro und .




W alter McClure J. E. McCl ure

Harveysburg Fertilizer Co. P h on




WA YNESVI LL E, 011 0 F u ll y E q u ipped inr Good Se r vic e. L a rg e Dis play Roo m . Amb ul an ce S e rvice ,

DON'T TALK EX TRAVAGA NCE L(' t' g heur 11 0 more ab out F ed c ml ex tra vagan ce. Th e II rmy linn o u nc es it hilS "a ved $ 10, 000 by c hopp i ng ofT lh e ta il ~ o f 6 ,U1I0 wh ite butcher 's co ntR left ove r fr (,> 1Il th e wnr t o m nke jackets f or nrmy coo ks a nd bnke r s. Elle n t h e ampututcd tu ils we r e used t o make patch po ckl, ts o n th e j a ck e t~ o r tur ne,l i nt o c hef's cnps.

---_. - ...----

TEL Er JiON~ 7

Dr . .lohn W . Miller Dentist

w.ay ....avill o

Na tio".1 B a DIr Bla ••

IIAY 0 11 N imH

T ry tb e Miami Gue t\o. for Job Work



8 y Cora A . Th omps on Flowe r- Hops. ni rthRto n L~ OP Il I. Mot to- Mu k" lh YRclf an hOIl(·.t Now the yen r g r o ws lIl e ll ow wIt h mn n . a nti t he n yo u IIl Il Y be s lIr<:> th nt age_ In m nn l. il1 d , on ly thtl ph iloso- t he r e iR o nc rnsca l iL>SH in the w()rltl , - Carly l!'. p her ca n g r ow o ld a s gracef ully . T ex \r- Wo m ust n ot j u uJ.;"c- ror wh en w e do w c cas t ou r lot wi t h t hose we judge.- D n ne lso n. SAM A NTHA SAYS




Mrs _ Trum n l1 (;lIla111 i ~ list.

--- ------


-- -


Albert Stncy is on t he . ick Ii. t. Mieg Mur iel Sy k e~ is rr p o r t~ d s ick ~ l ~"n n d Mr , _ n. /I .J d r · ri - a rc en- at t h is t im c _ t ert aini ng l'l' lu ti,' ·s. Mr. Gu y Ro'lI lzll h n nind e n hus inrds IIII'. 111t <l ~Ir~ G"''''I!'' Sm it h w r r~ t r ip tc Da yto n , F r iday. ~.u nday call , 1-" of _11'_ tl11d Mr ~ . J C. Mr . nnd Mr. W a ll ,' ,- h C'I1 r ick W"rr (, r:J.~· . ... Fra nklin vis ito l·s. Werin , :;dav. "11

th e s ic k

. -----

Dr.Frank Crane Says S E,LECTIV E AFFECTION IS B ES T Th e oM di sl)u t e Between tru e IClve a nd any ot h« l· kind of love d ates back as fa r ns W l\~n cr' s overas , and fu r:l.he r . Lord Ly t ton s aid someth ing so m ewhe r e to th e e ffect t hu t if a man t r u_ ly lov es n wo ma n 1111 otll(' r wo m en nrc slightl y Li istnst cf ul to h im . Th er e arc t W (1 kin ds o f love in t h e wor ld -s e l e ~ t i ve a ff tlcti oll a nd t he other kind_ They can be disti nguished as mu ch as n ny thing e lse , by t he ir a ssociates, Selective nffe ct ion is the co mpa nion of n il th e virt ues. It goes with h onesty, honor, loyalty a nd every c omme ndable c h nr ac te ri s tie. That a ffection thnt is f elt for just unybody is a low b r eo ke r. It mak es not hing but tro u ble. Of course the b'l"eater inc ludes the less, a nd s elective a ffect ion m ay incl ud e ull manne r of desire. But ther e is s om ething eharncteris t ic of true love that is esse ntia lly tl it!' r e n t from nny old sort of love. It is tru e love t ha t in Hpires an d nc tu a t es th c g r catest ach ieve me nts, n ot mi sce llan eo lls attractio ns. The hum a n mce hns e xporime nted n ~ o d m nn y hu ndred yenrs wi t h v:1rio us kinds o f a ffini t ies, and it is s ele ctive allinity t h At has ood th o t est. It is tha t wllich every youn g mnn or woma n fe e ls wit h the ndven t o f the ri g ht matc. T here is so me thi ng a bout it thot excludes a ll ot he r aff cctions, It is not e nou g h t o nsk yourJ eli whethe r, you nrc a ffectionate or not. I t is nlso n e cessRry t o inquire 1'1 yourself wh eth e r this affe ction is conOned- to one pe r so n . It is not nny . s ort of love that is the baB i~ of th e right marriage, but it is loya l love, and the m or e loyal one is, the gre'lte r his love b e co mes, There i8 the SlIme diffe r ence between true rove and other kinds of love' t.hat t hpre b between II fl ower and weeus. One is a cu lt ivated pi n nt, :Inn it is t ha t for which the garden wes made. Th e o the r is nn interloper and d O~8 nothing but drain our r esources. On o is an inspiration c o nstantly, but the othe r does nothin g but leave us bankrupt of d esire. E


Mrs: Mary Ca r m!>,,), SP"I; 1 Thl1 r Q -

day w tt h rf hit I\· \.' g


\\' .lyrll , \·i l1 l' .




Mr, Lucy Fil l' . o f Ci':\' I>\"" ' i - pcn . T hu rsday wil h Iwr "J: 1", 1', :,r. E mma Fuu lks . MI-. n n,1 Mr •. Lpc' ~ l l 1 ''' ' ... f .1[u ""Ii. werc SlIturda y ~ue ~ t ~ uf ~Jr " ,,·1 1\ '" C har le s Clnrk. -. 111 1'S. Clydl' Wh orl ti n And dlluJ.( hte r a nd Mrs. Cla r e ll el! S m it h s pl' nL Mon d ay in IJaylull.

, ,

]'EAR r esisting,

heat rc-

VV slstiog,and water fC5ist.


ing, Devoe Mirro Lac Enamel, applied to eit h e r w ood or m etal, gives a lov~ly, glossy, durablefinish .Towood work; walls and furniture it adds bc.'lu ty and gives long-lasting

Mis". Ma rg an t 1I1l1r ll1t t . tc·a rh· l' vf the rro ma r y 1'0 0 111 , is b"llrdin l\' with M". Jam es .J o h n ~ . I Mr. a nd Mrs. Wa ll e r T hnmpso n lind f u mily htl"" m "ve t! t u I\I rs. Inll Brown ' s p r opert y.

Mr . an d Mrs. Gu y Ro ut 7.!lhn nn d du ug hlt'r we r e Sund ny )!,Il"s t s "f r ~ l ­ nOyes I1 t Ti pl'l'cl1 n('e Cit ;· .

_Mr: and Mr" A lucrt u8 !:' wa nk, o f lI'l m mls b urg , e r o S u nda y d inll (!r g u ~ " ts Mr . n n d Mrs. Wi lhur S wan k. A num ber frum her e IIt tend ed t he fu ne r a l o f Mr_ En os R 1!g e rs a t Fe r r y churc h, T li C's duy nf te r no on . 1II r. lind Mrs. Carl A lbr ight, of S pri ngbor n, were Saturd a y gll rst s o f Mr. a n d Mrs . KeslN G rn hnm , Mrs. St"pilen Burn e tt spent Frid ay a nd Sntu r,llIY with h er ~un. Hob,·,:t Bu r ne tt un d fami ly, in Durt"n . Mr. n ne! Mrs l;eo l'~" IJ untmo n d. l\I i s~ Wi nnifrr d lu rl' . .of W I1Y IH' ~­ u f D~yt"n, w ere Sundl1Y d inner g u es t, Th e l·e in t h,' wind ill lhl' n",rn in g". \ illc wO s u T hur'sduy I!:u " s t oj!' ~I r. ,,[ MI' . Il nd I1 [ r s. CI:'II'" ncn .'-; mith. Th e kind . 1·.. r1 Inn' ,.j (;"d an d l'l r :-t. ClH.rl l'=- ( , rav fill d f ' t lnil v 1 ~ ln l, king ,,\'l' l' 1 h,· Il ill ~lr nnJ ;\11', . Ilf' y u" 'nrl I II1 "is nn d ~ Irs. CYI"U" Gray a nti -Cnrl Gra y. :,f f .. III , r! ~· . " I t We ar!' ,' Ii III 10111 \! . Kll lir . ·"I' j!. (Oifl 1.,· i. Ih 'l! t ~ u n d ay "-u yn" s \" i ll ~ I lid ~ Ir s Amand a :':1 11 11' w il h ~Jr. lIn ll ~ !I ' 1- II.' lo v.lI·r c_ ",,' re uf! H n IJO n cllllc i's . ~I r _ .I"hn ~ '-''' '1'. o f lII e rcedes, Af kNi wh\' \' " linl!l'r ar ound hcau 1 T he 111. E . Mis,io nllry soci ·l), "'us Tl'). :! '- , \, a::. it :\l"lld i'Y \' i !"! l t ur at th<:! l if ul Lh1:1r.'B: ,\ "I,W t!l' unFw(,1't'd: " T hill is n hli n,j mall '" <jllt"ltl ' n." InV it e d t o :-;nbinn !I1t>nd,1Y, t f) 1l1 " l' t h,, 11'w "r ~I r. an I ~Ir' Wnl tt'r Kenwi Lh t ha I :;(l ei ' ty tht·r e. M r ~ . 11 all- r ick. nll h Cr eswell .. Ir~. M u rl!:lI r ~t Tu c\; ' r; MI'. lin d ~ Ir $. Prap, . Irs. iury , 'y fred , 111 r" Evnl yn . ' hll make r und ~[ rs. Ethel Smith at- f a mil y . nf n nytf'll . \\ e re I< u e ~ l " ,·f ~ll'. ",,,1 ~ I rs . Wi lli a n l t e lld e d_ 8 r(}wlI . W ill a rd Hog-fin had 0 nDrrow e"C llp ' ~ I r . lin d ~lr~ E"" r<" L I-Illin's and I f;n nl uro wni n~ T h ut"sd.oy , a w (!~k a~n, I-'on , rt ou crt. l) ( \\' l· ~ t ,~ r ,. o lt ill1 , w e r e j 1 hen' was u h en vy r U lll ut n oon Hlld we ~ k - '_' l1 t1 I!lil'sb o r ~ l r _ a nd Mr s. Ed \ Coe~n \"" crt'e k, nireu dy h ig h fo;' Lhr 1.11 nJ.!l.tI~ r ... '-.. : Rc af ul,. ro se hi f.!hr r _ Wi ll urd Sl al'l ,·d to t h t; h(l mo o f h is u ncl e, Ira Hieh,. In Mr s. \\-. C". r."ng S un day U \\,/lg-' ''I, r"r s~c d w heat. T hi nl ing- "V" l1 il1l! li nd Mund ay with h ~r ,Iau gh- I I 10 sli ve ti llll' h e went by t he fOI'd at Ler. Mrs. I-Ie' rm AII Sal' I,, !" (l lt d fam : Will a rr ·,. li e see m: . not t o have , Iy, in Uclnll'nt . th uught o f Lhe s wollen cond it ion of Mr s Idll Bru wn move d her h ouse- . !'I the s treo m, fo r Ill' drove r ig h t into hold goo ds t o Dnyto n ,·a lUrd"y. SIIll I I it. Th e l>cd t1 oatl'd otT l he wngoll, ' s mu k illg h" r hClmc w ith h l' r ll a ug h- ' I' ln kin!!, Will a r d alo ll [;. li e, realizi ng t e r, Mrs. G I 'n nll Em ~ w j l,! r . ; l.1Ie pcr il o f h is lel1 rn, plu lIged in t o Mrs . A_ E. Whit e a nd so lt :;, n nd I' t h!' \\' 1\ te l' t o gu t o t heir r cscli e. One su cce ede d in t euring itself loose and Mrs_ 0 J . .JOh!l ll ll ill g, o f Sp r ing fi e ld. I swa m t o sa fety, lI e h ll d a lo t of we J'c W ed nesd ay eve n ing g uests of tr ou b le J.( clt in g t he othe r untu lllo:lcd, Mr . a nd Mr ~. Kesler Grah am. but fln ll ll y $ucc e l~ d e d in r e lcllsing it . Mrs. E lizabe Lh A br am s r eturn ed t o Wi ll Cll rr a n d r.. c u t Cmig ca me t o her ho me in Lebanon , Sun dny, afth e cr ee l< edg e nlad t r ied t o he ll' but t e r spe nding 8lH' cr nl days with h e r us n e ith er cuu ld s w im , t hey wer e not ni e ce , Mrs. Clyde Wharton an d famY cars ago whe n thc big fo rt nt Su l- oble to eI ... mu ch un ci if Willa rd had ily_ li vnn's Is la nd , S outh Ca r olinll, WIIS not be e n an exc e ll e nt SWim m er it is Mrs. Flo ra S id es, o f Spr ingfield, being built. t ho f ore man o f n g a ng of pr obnble that h e a nd one h or se would a nd Mr. and Mrs F, A, Ulm e r workm e n t old a n e~ro carpe nter t o hnv e pe rished. a nd children , of A kr'on . s pent Thurs: ~.--~,-----get a plank 10 ~ inches by 16 f " t . -day with Mr. a nd Mrs. Sa mu el Smith u~ ur· See ing t he n Egro inte nt ' : and family, ing wi t h a rul e he ca 1] ·-d , lo udl y: " H ow lunp: ;8 ,_ ~~ t p hH'l \( ,~1:. ..s h 1" The Ladies' Aid will meet at the Imme d i"t e ly calli e t he t1 n ~ w c r : " I church nelCt Saturday nftern oon at 1 dunno, 8a h-tli~ a in't m y I·uk." o'clock, All ladies are cordially invited. Each one is reques ted to $ bring a small portion of cakes or fruit for the lunch, Miss ClnraB elle Hunt · and three girl fri end s from Ce da rville coll eg E, Rpent the week-end with Mr. nnd Mrs R . C. Hunt. They als o entertained to Sunday din ner rilr , a nd Mrs . Myers and . d o ughte r, of Mid d let own, Make You Money _ Mr. an d Mrs. Charles E, J oh R!l nnd Mr. nn d Mr s . W a lter Kenr ic k in CO ID pony w it h Mr. a n d Mr s. H nro lll Whita ke r, of Wn ynesv illc, were e n tertain ed t o Sun d oy d.inn er at the c o un t r y ' h ome of Mr. an d Mrs. Harvey B u rn ett n ea r Center v ille.

n ew rangeofcnIClrs- twen tytwo lovely tunes that fe llow fashiun' s treml, nfl pro Me b l!auty and variety in house d eco ration. !-levcr bcfor.; wa~ t he re suc~"'a color ran ge to

choose from. Mirrolac(s guaranteed to give

pro tection.

satisfaction when appUed ~

In Mirrolac Enamel, Devoe

cording to directions. Prac.. ticahC!ts protIeDewequali".

has -provided a remarkable

·FRED M. COLE, Waynesville, Ohio

~ ,.,~ .




DEVOE MirrOlac £name1


~"fl}'I't C>""






~p(' n l






Th o ~!1arterI Y Con fe re nce . will b e held at th e Spring boro church . Sund ay, at a : 16 p. m. Doctor Roberts , district s u per inte nd en t In charg l.'. Ther e will be no ' preach ng aervlcil at Lytle church SundaY- School at the us ual ho ur, 2 o'clock. .


Save Trouble

j.!\Hl:-. )"(,11 '\, 11 111,l' " I #~ ""! 11 ,\\

haarlen' oU -has· been ~a lworl", wide remedy for kidney, liver an4

- - ------- -

s ~a l S


Ort obt'r, in nil i~ r~ (!nl P a gnn I . 1\1 r~ :. D . n. I !n ' l~ rw ll "d . unck ~\\,I' nt F iliI" pr omises un fu lfi lled a r c li ke TIME FOR MR. PUBLIC TO " K-O" h!'n ut y. i ~ co me. lI r. w I love it n1\' 1 " n or' IlIl ~('" nl Il :d p h ' · ~ Pll:\l. S:tt u "thr" ul:h an lI li uri ng me ri ngu e hiLingTEX RICKARD h"a rt i ~ h l1lls:-r y f " I' Ih(' me ll ow: lui. rlay mu rn lnJ!. into a p ie ~ 11l'1I Ii li ed w ith snwdu st_ l. y ~ l1 n ~hin e o f it. Th e wet e mCI'· Sal,in .l\fn "' )" llalti 1" s uff e ring with a id o f its j{1·us"es. t h" gn r gl'o lls tap - a Lu(lI y In Jl1r('(1 hnnrl. h.1\·in g r u n thl' Cc ne T un n ey ~ \' ict or y ove r ,J llck est r y of its ho r i1." n. . th e f1 n min j! s huTi' "nr! of :t fi l,· into I h(' fie. lly pnrl /)ellJ PSl' y for th l' h rn vy weigh t box in g Wo rd s f r olll th e' !.i P" o f C rea t Ml' n 1}(,lIu ty o f it s "UIl Ml·tS. t /' " mig ht y lI f Ill(' rn lm. ('h u III D ii\n ~ hip is ha il ed liS II grellt - Un i\'crslI l in d" pe l1 t1 e ncc is an al- furees o f it s ·wintl ". a ll. n Il " p"lIk t o Mr"_ ·Ch nrl"" (;''1'r1',n "pt'nt lIll' 1,,1 hl r~s in g t o t he cli u liO owe r -cur ind usmi g ht y idcll . fa r . too l'x t(' n. iw' fo r ''' e nn infi ui tc la llgu a/rC'. V(·r ily. t h,' h oso 111 lI f Gud i" ill thc"e Oduhc r tC' r pa l"t o f till ' \\ I· ek in 1l :1 )· t"n . t h·! t r y~ nm e li ra ins t u co mpr e h ~ nd . - Ila v id woo ds. I f C'cl hi " fu rrc ~ . "[1J,::It' , V"~ 1 !tu",t o f ~ Ir. :t ll d Mr ' . EVl'n 'l t Vii" II i!' vict ory w ill do mU l'h til c lt' nn C rocke t t . . :l nd infl nih -. I rl'l\('h u p IlI V h o n d ~ ' IIl I'F anti M Il. , Ill t he spo r t •." . f1Y" T ex Hi.. kll r d , in su p pli ca ti on f " 1" the thing, 1 0" M i~" l\1,, 1,,· I · )" ,\\,i :; a" tI W" s k" d e~ il' e uu t ca n n ot fi nd . Box i ng wi ll I1 ~ V(' r ue c it'lIn l' d UJl M SllIi th \\'(' 1"(' lll llr r icd rec e ntl y. un:i LI FE'S MIR ROR l ong liS T ex Hic knrd co ntinu e. t u tlll'Y \\'(' 1' . t r C':1tcd n nn o lrl - ru ~ hi ') n (' d U ( h lllk a ria \' t n f; I';. r ch f o r (i ud . s trun g- I.. boxi ng uulh " ri!.irs, pu ll poIrl' llinl! Sat urday n ich t . rt~ fl l" ·lilln. li y r"n nl·t'. i\ n tl f') UTIII l, il1l nn\. Hut ur; I t r "d Ii t icol s tril1 g~ fo r hi s 0 11' 11 p rll lil , il lld I hl1 l1e uu ih IlIV ho me M. E. Sh"l'lI' nod r (' mai n" in " en: By r ucky 1t'(iJ:e, thr"uch wurd s un bllmbooz le t he public_ So h i~ h I ('ann ~,t s" e pu ur health. Th ~i r ncicC!, w ho ha s tnm e n. Th e s t r ug!!l , il~ " od d u u t. id r Ric ku r fl s ta rte d in life os n saloo n bccu wi t h the m ~l" 1,' e r u l wee k.,. h ns !t.'Ju st where nne ""lIl'1 et lil y OUllI ed. An n yet 1 ll1i ~ ~ t he l)(~ a ut.y , l oo, tU I'nNI t o her home i.l [ OW,,_ kl' cJleT nn d J.;"n m b li ng-ho-usc owner. I SIIW h is f""tpr int in Ih,' sod. " 1 hll\'e h u ill my SUCl' ('SS li e h UM mnnllged LO become t he ki ng By .tlll n l,j i n ~ "'·e r t ha t of lIlh r r s Mr_ un ci Mrs. Chn rl e~ l\lt- Mil la n o f of pro mlA'l'k hy ben t in~ (It he \" mun- Alld n,,1\' I 11m 1'" .< . ~~,~ " hy Ihe f "u r A u tu mn i ~ h C I· ~ 11w ~ lImln(.' r I .;; 1' ~' l't W iIli a ui. ",,!! Il L T h u f'llny I;~ r(' wllh the ll' d a u ~h t(' r, Miss Rose ttu, ng e rs nnd . pro mot'r.I to t he pu n ch Le~t I, t Oil , ~ h l\ lI fu ll. c l' ceJl ill ~who t el1e1l1's ou r P ri mar y g r a des. Birds fl y (lVl! r . 1. ~lIve s mu st J:u wi t h g Ollc rn ors, po lice me n , bo x in J.;" Win t r ap pea rs wh e n Au t umll hns co mmi ss ioners n nd wire pulle rs _ CAN YOU B E AT IT? Mrs . E vn IYT. S hum ak ~ r and hC'r vll n is h e d moth e r , MrR. Gnr ue l", of P o r t W ilT wo wee ks IIgo he pro mot ed t he /3 ~lI l1t.i fu l a s 1\!II\' es. t h e s now. lin m, s pen t last S u n d ay in Cin ci n nnti Offi ce r- Hl' m sn r r y; "lil y. b llt y<>u D(' mJl ~ (' y -T u n n e y Ih: h t, Dempsey got - . '/lrtl Rard 1·' I(·ld with tht' lutt er 's so n, P nu l Gllrbe r nnd ' 700, 0 0 0 for hi s d e Ct' at, Tun ne y cn n' t t urn IIro u nd in t h ~ mi ,ldl e of Mrs. Garbe r . . the hlock. " $200 ,000 for h is lI il'tory, li nd Te x " W ell, I'll t ry. I Ih ink I ca n makc Do II'h at thy mllll hou d ' bidg t hee d o, Mr. and Mrs. H er be rt F it e n ,ln R ickl1rd 1\ co o l h nlf-m ill io n fu r h is it n il r ighl !., Fro m no ne hut s d f (' XP ct app lause li e nuhlcst live s a nd n oblt'st d ie s who Jan e Ell e n , o f Wa sh ingt o n C. H., lin d 1I1r. a nd Mrs. F r a n k W ilson we rt· S u n l\1n k~ s nn d k,',' p> h is s!' l f-mllcl e laws. day g uests of Mr. u ud Mr s. H urt v - Hunon . W il ~on , in Day tOIl _

S~:ve~ Time

III) ('f'" ''


Z 0

la~ tli g: ht. 11 (· ); n o\\, ... rr." f v ah" u l ' Ihnn I ,I ... :\t irlC' kn ow~ m OT P Ilh (\llt qll l' ! !It' ma n whll ma dp II , /.'

r ea ll y


'·11" ".. t

"C, al

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h l lard . !'orHl t' IIHl:ltitlll

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hapl Iii .. ,:" h" " ,, - ··~\' . II . 1,'1'01 ,, ', 11\ , ••1111 I dn it. I -.\i,.' Ju:.1 ' .l·,· :d. I1 t1lll , \1 It



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By A. 1:1. l t IArt .


r ighLo ".J II", Il ,: h to one (· ' "np n ny. Il (' will I.'ln IH' ",a n y hfl ut;!lnd 1.1 t1 r (· wi:h tlh' T.1l u \"inl{ p jc tur(' ~. 11 (· " ",I:l";:.. I' ~ " til( ' Ii.. ,·, "f hundr"d:l hy 8t· llin go Il ll ,)i1 l'o ml'un y IW 1"tIli '''i iu Ji til Cly un u il'pl nn(" Inw I )\' t' r l w trll\\ r! . \,t! ~ tndillnl. ·A l d hi ' Inl1 l1' 1" d I n ,"'rn l, "o mc mol'l' h y , 1I 1l1J! 1 Ii . I.:t c·k ~ Jlac~

"hout !)(I rll\\" ~ h :ll"k:,

I les pil e till' .. t1i'·Ul·Y o f mnn p;'l d mo ch in (' I'y in I'l" \ll " YI-\l"" ~ au d II huo is pulitics, whil: h r,·" u li eo.l III U IIli10.l


l ic '~ I'UI'H,·. H ,' II1Hc1c mllny t housli nd <I\lllllrs liy Hl' lIiol< exclu ~l lIc rUlli.,




P OOR FA :fH E R I I d --;::. - up, . 0 om, w I-IU.H' u n C U Lun~ 111_ nlf,Ulllr \I. ell riled \'.'~u l~ ly: " "\V h l' can t Y')lI ,b ... a Ito ll d b"y7 " "\\'H l, m otll e l', I'll be 1" "l d f 'lI· n nick e l. '" 1'01' hhullIC, you "1IJ!h l to Ill' lik e you r fnth 1', J!u ud f(l l' Ill,f h ing. " ·



Sell at a Profit

fte ,...-


= JlMB..1_.:, == I

~ ....:'':;i.~..:

lawwl!l ••

_~ trOm tile -~fDatoD.~ ' Chi 01

~ ....



II ' . ...lIm.. ...

.. I '

Mr. Enos Roge rs , father 'of Frank , R Otgh"rs, ' o f thelsM' placo, Mdi ed unday at e h OID8- 0 r. a na rH. S herm ltn Rogets, ·n ear Middle run, after s evei-al weeks' U1nelll, at the <ilidvanced age of 92 Je8", 7 montbL Mr. Rogen bad manr friends h ere where 'he made


vial&a. '-


The Pathfinder Get What ' You Want \Vhen You 'Want It! What ' n t h e idea of sending away for tires? R yi ng money orders, paying postage a nd exP I' C-S S charges , waiting day. to get your ti re and t 1 on mo u nting it youfself. ' Save m oney? Oh .' n o, not when. we c~n give you a G oodyear~ b u lIt Pathfinder flght: ou t of fresh atock J)ut it on for you, a'n d send you 'away happy. ' Look30x3 ~ Pathfinder Cord" $8.95;_ O. S. Cord; .$9.95.

-W~yiiesville· Motor ,Co. Phone 105

Wayneayill" 0JaM

~ \ 'l' O




'F E E


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:I • l~H fl l' .






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\"I h u r 1' 10. '.'


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.' Ir a 1'1 I ~I", . , \" un , • l! lntiay .

.. ~

Coffee has e. rncd n 11 important place by reason of an ama~ingly pleasing appeal IIII to the taste- ... ty th force of its genuine goodness. It tastes good. It smells good. AJ.ld by the verdict of the masses, expressed Ii'I in daily life, IT IS GOOD. i


II lI lo. \ a,




~ p l' n t


\\ ' III




.h : \t \ ...... ;, Id I!:, \


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:-' I.. \ II r :d I

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: t·

8 1" nl,0 1.,

1\ ,

) / 1'

Blank ts

Children'. Ho.", be't, all col . OTl, to 35c ¥alu~,

Boya ' . nd Gi rl , ' U n.on S u itt.




Night Gowns Ladic,' Nigh t Gow n., heavy weigh t ,



Sweaters Children', Swe t erl,

Outing Flannel

$1.50 and $1.98

Outinll FlanDe!. lood ,rade, SPECIAL per

Men's Sweaters


MeD', Shaker W_l S.e&t era. from

$2.48 to $6.95 Lumber Jacks Lumber J ..cks,


Men's Union Suits Men ' . Union Sui t.. good hea"y w eiah t ,

$1.25 and $1.69

$3.95 and $4.95

Table Oil Cloth

Men's Overalls

Be. t g r ade Table Oil Clot h, in nil n e w sh a des,

MeD·. O.e,all, . blue denim ,


$1.29 Suits & Overcoats


nnd Young Men '. Suiu .. nd O.ercoalo,

Flanne! Shirts Men'. FIIlnncl Shirts, In gray, kh a ki o r b lu e, SPE CIAL


$19.75 and $24.75

Shoes for The Entire Family From $1.98 to $5.95



F ' rl '~' ':' d til:,.:h t~ I .

. 1r

Union Suits


~Ii '<

· h " j'I'II ,g In \\'dI111 11~ -

E!!,, ·· .

I.,'" ''

~ Ir lind ~lt'$ ~I I'h \tnh . r :! 5, I ~~:.?l\. Ern .1I AII",t' I\ .





ti ll(

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t \) ti n n n , l'>t

~ l q \\ vl .d. a '" l ' Il'U\.l $ts \l ' ( \l ll l113, n ~" H I H f l " da y~ .

Children's Hose

72x90. Quilted,

1•. ", fu-

(!tH' !'l llall.

•n a ''- I :- ~llfHlny I, f ~Ir" ;1111.1 11'lll t "

WI r •

B" rn


Cotton Batts



\ \ "'11 l· r ;,nll', o f P '\ .. n dl' na" C,d , W I1~ lL. d fl llt I ,: U t · ... t, .:"II IH i H Y " "f :'tl r . fliltl

N ,... hu B P l\ ,l \\' 0., 1 B h.nkcl l!o G,; ,«O, S P ECIA L . .. t

$1.98 and $2.48


)I r ,,1. 01 )1,,, " .. bcrt ·Infl . II f Pny·

1\11 ' .J. II

do ubI.. 64x 7 6,

It tt'

H\ll'L.'t' ~ ,

\,. " (' "h' all,,, I" r allol

l I. H \ I II ., t', 1,11 1. :--' :1 t , .III II\



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11 :1\ tlill.

\\" ; I ~ ,; . .. \ dl~· . ~l n n·


I';· '



Waynesville, Ohio



Bring your Eggs to roger

~J r'5

K nh~

For C a"nin g,

Ne ..... York Elberta 8, very lo w p r ice ,



Full Basket . . price, 10 i>0und....... .. ... ... ..... .... ..


• ~ ... ............ 39c

.. .

Witt. lid, and rubbe ... quarts, dozen .... ..

5 ugar

.. .. ...... 84c

Pure Cane, 25-1b, pacKet . . . .. .. .

$1.67 Coffee French Brand, best qualit '47c per pound . . ... . . . . 10 pOund. bulk .......... .. .... ... ... 67 e

5 pound carl o n

.. ...... ... ... .... ..35.


Jewel, Ib ... .......... ..


Butter. Soda or

........ .... 39c


O,der, pOUDd ... ...... ......

Golden Sonto., Ib

14C ~?tN'!.t~~I~ 27 C

Sweet., 5 pound.

"_I,es Chocolate PeWIl cans or Chocolate M.rehm.llow.... ......

.... ... ..... .. .... 35"

Ib . ......


.. ...... ...... .. .... 17c

~cb~~~~~.~~~ 25c

!~~, ;~!:nd.: 35c .......


Fancy Sugar

Cured. 3-l b.

pieoe o r ",ore, Ib . ..........


c.:=.~~~~~:,. "49 C ~~!~en~~!, fJ~~.~~~: 40c Soap ~. 25c


t~ [U loi d

tJl'lng co l~ tJrD I C!d . 1'lw "R hot" WIl8 ancu!,' rtoOl ou tsh.lo I h., ~I\I M I\ne1 show. Iho long """\" 11 or hl slurlc Ilru!!.d alrDo!. ti lt· mll in urter), o r Ih " "Xlh)"I UUrL '1'0 U", l ott n hot, ttt' ("n o n u or tlh' caJll l o l tl o r th.' Pnlnct) ar Llb \.~ra l Art :o nod J\lnnu rut-'lu i" 8 wh i ch t''('\"I'r s D t 'lUl y vtjl"bt t "1I of gTou n ,'ts nnrt whh' b huused t5JII IIU 01 th e t\U OIIt tlxhlblL~ ~.u r . ..... n. Tbe 1';' 1>0.1110 0 " ' ilI ,,-'n!ln u, " nttl DI}l'ea.,.

= = =-=-=-= -=-=--==


Mr III1lI ~It· • . \\' . II. AII "n 1I'(' r(' Prnnkhn \ l~itlll:-. thi :-o uf t l'l'lllH1 n "

& G.

Cleanse your system, purify your blood and prevent colds. influenz.a and other winter ailments,

-=-=-- -- - --.\ Ir . a ll d .\ 11":: \\ Po rtt' l", ;'\ )r


l, ..: t\.'r


}I p r t l ' f' ,

\\ "'jl v\' r , u f

,.nd 1\1 r:-o, MHud ( r nll l'

!\I i:--...


llh\"lllll ,


S u'fl dn y

W t'n"

Mrs. rho ri es (lrd . ,.>! Detroi t. lIIi ch., ~\lI'S(' of Mr . lllld ~ II'< (Jlh " II (' III "-'r ")11. " th.' I/'U,'S t " r Dr. l\[nry C<luk.

:\fr. 'nn,l ~l rs . E N . Oxlcy . o f Tn,y .

Wert\ b\l~t nl',~s Vi Stt ll 1r$ h t-' r l' lust Fri-

dsy .

T ,J. Snulh


The Creat Blood Purifier and System Cleanser Prevenh Si{'k n css. Get it today at

flllllily hnol :" lh ,' "

~;lrH by 1.!U(·~t~ . ;\Ir ~. 11' \ I n ~ P C'IICl' . fIl' i.l·I'lIn " n, Mr. alln ~Irs. \\' 111 I.l (' t'!:nll .

John Haw ke's Store, Waynesville, Ohio Madden's Drug Store, Harveysburg, Ohio



--,=_ ;;,,,;;;=================-,,

Some of The Things


Waynesville Niti;.Farmers' Exchange

Mrs, L. A. Zimmermlln and F . M. Cole motor('d to College on Fridny, and spent th e <lo y wi th Mrs. Phil Zcpf.

Ml' lburn Hathnway, of St . I..oL uis , I\! o. , is visiting his Jlurcnt s, Mr. !Inri M r~ . Roy Hnthowny, a nd otlwr r(>III ' tivW eri e inlauthl' ty.r f a mily wa shing ll derco un you by th\! po und. Huve ou r sa lcsmnn l'ull I\nt! exp lain ill deta il. Soft W nl er L!luntlry, Mnhlon Ridge , ngcnt. Aft er " penn in g 0 mo nth very pl(>nsuntly ,,, . the Kucst of 1111'. o n d .Mrs. H . C. CO IOIlWIl , ot Nor wood, JIIr~. l\Htl' Col emon- has r eturn ed h o rne. ~ 11·s . Cyn t h ia F:von s ond Mrs .. Am elli n WilliulIl:; hnve OI'rived home lifter " pl\! u~ H nt vi . it with relative.. and fr il'lI ds ill K,' ntucky nnd Cmcmnotl.

lII r and I\Irs. 11 . C. Co lem.lln, 'of Nv rw'nod Hlld Mrs . Kllt e 'C olcmon W P I'P gU ~sts uf Mr. a nd Mrs. F. D. H('n de'r so n, III s upper, Mo nday eve n ing.

We are now prepa red to gri nd your onlts fin d separate th e hulls hom t h e meal, withou t any extra cost , which improves the quali ty of your feed by getting those dark bitter hulls out, You owe it to yourself to give it a trial.

Nail. Hinges Door Lock.

Have yo ur winter cOllts cleaned now. S ui ts dry cleaned and pressed, $ 1.0(1; sponged nnd pressed, 36 CClllS. Soft Water Laundry, MnhIon Ridge' , age nt. Mr. ond MI'll. Henry Satterthwaite .e ntertained at dinner, Sunday, their gu(,"!..q being their children from Franklin, Dayto n, Centerville ~a­ binu und Wayn esville. The October meeting of the Womun's A uxiliory has been post poned until Friday of next week. A mere definite notice will be given at the service ne xt Sunday and in next week's Glizette.

Kllrlh Dull, editor and publisher of t he C dllrviIle Herold', ·enroute to his hOIlH', uccom panic d by his wifo, who hlld been in a s'a nita:rium in Indianll, f9r the rust wee k, was a welcome visitor ot the Gazette office last week.

Mr. and Mrs, Louis Cahn and


The Miami Gaz«~tte



Advertise It Throul~h the

·Midiulm of

.\!, ..

,\ .

:'11 111:.\ J,.:"1I1

~ ,

J: I







h lll" l' \. W( t,l :'Il" .1 11ft ;111. I ;".\ dl , dlll d,il, i!"l' n llic ht t , )1 1 t..:d l h ,'II [!l1t a n , I


:'.1r.... \Vi lnud T (Jtn

- .. ----

HlIl Jo hn

I ' I, n, 'd y, of na) t()n

- - - ....

PICK-UPS I'n" ,t!"n\ Lowdf

, 1\' i ll ~( fa s tt.' r tllHll W t'



lha l

\\' t ' CVl' l"


W.H.l\ladden &. CO.

WI! al'C )}~· r o r C'l .


hU\'0 to in ur de r l() I<cc p o ut of th e autcomuLilcs.




lI n:l!lO an d Dr. ::;1 1' cs Cnl (lll n lIin -

c·d the "lh,' r day un s"u "ng~" nud whhe Wille IInti Idl cu ch ol hel' in a ':lI od hum o r.


EUl' O IlI' lln ~


hu\'c great digestion s.

Th e new Ger man a rmy hns been hnvi ng s hl\lIl wa rfar e IInc! doubtlc:s fc'" nci it l' heap ~ r a nd more protituhlc lhun the rea l thing.

We are agents for the celebrated

Ang e lo. \Va s pro hnbly if would mllk c ot th e ,·.egmak ing 1m·

Aft e r s lud r ing till' r e. ult s of the vori ous prima rie s "r nrc cOl1lpclled to cu me t o th ,' con clusioll that th c~e re. ulls indiea le nt least one thing, so me o f th" ca n diclutl's go t m or e votes than uthers. . Ex-G o vernor Jimm y CII' says thot ollr f or eign debts Brc "u ourious an d immoral, " He must hove dug up those words from his 1 020 campaign speeches,





When Queen Marie gets here shb won't need to feel lonesome. She wt11 fino a lot of queens in America, 011 the woy from Moin strcet to Broad way. Four priso ners sawed their WI\Y Ollt of an , Indiano jail the olh er dllY and eighteen foil ed to 'oscape because they were t oo fat to cfllwl through th e opening. This s hows th at fat m.e n ought· to k eep out of jail Whenever possible, This is the season of the yellr whon all candidates in 1\1\ political parties look like suro winners,

Late Glassified Adsr FOR SALE

It' Pays!

All of the above material can be found in our yard every day in the year at moder~te prices

I,,'ol }'I-r in-id \\'

It is sn id that Mi chncl An d he were aliv c no w I", more m one y plas tering ular sc nlc lh an he co uld lIge s.


Mr. and lIfrs. J, Schwnibe Rnd daught er, of 'Cincinnatil Mr. Rnd Mrs, L.' S, Hyman a nd dau~nter, of Xenia, Mrs. Anna Simon. of Xenia, were entert.lried at the home of Mr." and Mrs. Myer Hymaa and famil7, QUDday,

: h~'


a guo d plasl e rer.

Mrs. Edith HlI rris sp ent the weekend with Milford r elativcs. ond att end ed th e fun er ol of Mrs. S. J, Burgnn, o f Ci ncin lIati on Snturday IIftern ou n.


IIHn l'~ fllld \\"i fl~, 1) ( Dnyto n, w, "l,k- I'i llf v. i h .Mr~ , IIn rand ~·j" tt' r. Dr .

P , (. 1 \ Id

l itH

Ariything To Sell?

Barn Door Track Smooth Wire Barbed Wire Locust Fence Poat. Farm Gatea

:'IJis3c" Ha rr iett and Luci lle Tuck er ,'n t l' rtui ne d ~II Elizabet h Clar k n nd 'I l:;~ KI' I'"I' Y, S und o y afte rn ooll.

," lhe

Have You


.Builders' Hardware-



Wlaite Napt" ... 5 Kl..... bar .. ......... .... ................... 4c


tie, 1.

ST. MARY'S CHU RCH Mr. unt! Mrs. E . L. Tlwmns lind (1~to " er I O-:\,i!le t e~ r,th Su ndny ~l r •. ;\I ll rrl" S il",' r, wh" wos injur · sun, Myru n, were guests or Wilminl:aft ' r Trillit". Church S h,)n!. \J ::.10 (·d In .u, nul " uccident s~\'e r 8 1 w l'~k s lun fr itmd. , Sundu)·. UIW, iF \'~ ry lIlurh impro' ·NI. ~I orn inl! l' rnY" r und H' I'mOIl at II Born- To Mr. und Mrs. J . C. Hisl'Y u ' l'I (ll'k , Mr. o nd ;\Irg. Frank Taft, of So uth on Sunduy, October 3 , 1926 , II Bo n. Rev. J ohn J . Schlleffer : Rector, Chur ll,"tl' n, uro spenlli ng th e week Benj umin Ellswllrth . with ~Ir. lind Mr •. J . \\'. Whit(,. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Mrn. Clyd e WUlkins, of Chill icothe , ~I r nnd Mrs . H . C. Colemnn and wus th e gu est o f he r mOlher, Mrs. Suncluy-Sch ool at n:30; no preaching ser vice thi~ Wedn esday ('v enin g ;\lr<. K a e C olemnn visited Clift on, Marne H alfie ld, today. L(dnr"lIl" Dnd Bdlbr oo k. ~onday . Se pt emb ('r I n , Prn yer M,'Hing ot Mome Drown i~ s pending " 7 :;1 0. .1"", Eft,,.. Smith. Mrs. J. M. Taylor fewMiss weeks in olumbus with h er sisM I'!'. FI(,s;s1 Carey and son, Cheste r. METHODIST CHURCH ter , Mi • Annie Brown . Fren :Sunday with reI th'e in DaySobbath School a t 9:15 o. m lon. Mr. and frs. Charles Zimm nnan preachi ng at 10:30 a. m . Epworth and ~bildren pent undRY u'ith Mr. League 6 : 15 p, m. Preaching nt . Ir. 'lOd {n<. Walt.c r M~Cl u Te an d and .irs. B. T . ' ·iel'. at Daytl n. 7 :30 P. m, Even'body invited t o thcse Mn;. \' w la Car" y h8\'~ rt'tnrned home ,ervices afte r 'pt'nd in!! tw o \'(ot'~ at th e R sJ ohn Leon aru anu family, of Kings Rev. L. A. WB r.hburn , Pastor, en·o ir. M iUs, we re callod h ~ r , Monua)', 0:1 ~cc uunt " f the iIInc " of th ~i r "sl er, . lr. a nd lIl rs. W. E . t ro ud and Mrs. Mary Burns. Sl,n wert· I!Ut'~ts , UndBY, of Luthe r bnd family. at Pasadeno, I' erkm R. A. Cr oss IS \'isiti ng relatives in Ohio. or dinia Bnu G eo r~ c lown , and will Btt nd the Georlll't own foir, which i ~ " "'lit er Sd \ I'r:- 1 ~ d r i'i ng u new t . Mory'~ Guild will meel with bein g ht:ld this wee '. St nr r" up ~. iIIr ~ . Hurri s lind Mrs . lII osher o n Thursrlu y nflern oo n, Ocl.oLer 7th , llt (lu r 1,,11 1 te;;. hnd ne> j!:lnl C , ns t he Messrs. Carl Frye, Gl en n Frye nnd ~ o'cloc k Albort Cleover will return from To- n!l~"ton ~eam ta iled tv st o w up, 'un ledo tonight with thre e IWW OVl:rlnnd d n),. Mes llarn es J oe Tinney, Ro bert cor_, for the Ovcrlu nu Sa l c ~ (' o nlpu ny . 1:::1 1'1 (' Iill l nnd II fr ien d fr om Da)'Werntz, Pre nti ss Tinney and Ro bert tu n. "p" nt th" w('I'k-end wi t h !-Inr Fur no~ were s hoppin g i n Dayton, Watch for the Gr een So ft Wliler \' l' ~ :..lllll'g n .. la ti \"Qs" Mondoy. Loundr y Truck eve ry Tuesda y lind Fridoy . 13l0nkets, comfll rls and AIi "s DCAS,ic Shiduk l' r, of Xenin, is Mr nnd Mrs, J. W Edw ard s ond quilts woshed. Feather bl!ds ond prl- ,' pl' nei ing th e week wi th her m Ol her, children and O. J . 'Ed wa rds w('r e lows woshed . RUgfl du sted o nd n 'n - .\-1"". fl urry Shidak er . Sunday dinner gucsts of Mr. on rl Mr~. ovate d. Soft Wnt er Laun dry , MuhMr nnt! Mr.!. Will ntd Lo rkin nnel Juml's McClure. Ion Ridge, ogen.t. litt lt, 'son spent the w r('k-end with rolutives o ut of tow n. Mr. and Mrs. Lou Vinson ond Mis s ,lean Fcrguson, of Doyton, were ~ Irs . Under woo d, who was opc rnted gucs ts of Mr. and Mrs. J, W . White, li n nt the Kc lly-Hnlc h O~l' i tol. SolurSaturday evening:rl ny. iR getti ng olong nicely.

SlIt.1I relay.

~~~,~!, . ,. . . 15c

of m .I"" Kli Ch ~ro rw'l ,' na.(' t Pf\ rt ~ tll )' nt t h n rnnln ga t o, u r I tll ' SU~l q UI Cl'ut"lIU I£\l l 'IlvrlmT IL,I\l\1 l "~X t ln " ltlt) ll 1n !'h,l Irh ' !1,)hll l Where UH' l ~O th Q.nnl\" ,.' r~ al"} Of th o s l ~ l!lnl-; t I t I tlu J)ul'i 1ll"1t.ltu ll li t J J I\.1'~ l.h.' nch.s U{" ll hi lltc i. \ r n


Mrs. Edith Harris attended the funeral o'f Mrs. Burgen iri Cincinnati, B-crgen, who spent t.hp past summer at the Friends Home was we ll kn own and hud mony friends in Way nesville and vicinity.


Larw- .1.. Pl'ckage ... . ........... ... .. 1ge

) 1'~d"

" f l)\, cr pl'l· k. Hnd \I' II I ~ t .I "h ll aII' I \ ~l rs Clal't'nce A 1\(>n of Dnyton. ~."",;;~_ _"";;_":.;,;,__ [,t lh' I ,,",' mary B.'ntley. whu WI\, ' pen t i odny With hr r muther , Mrs. L. f alll1lr. _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ • I' rnt.,d , a l Dhur', h" "p ltal , L"h. D. Ch iles. n!l t'o u. i..;. rt·...·l\ \ (' nulZ nu:ely.

lII r" . Ad a Co urlney has bee n off du y HI th .. L,hm:y f or se v~rol doys to ll ur ~ e 'U!lt (of I lIn c~s. MI SS May \l'1'iV' ht "n s h"c n serving in her pillce.

$1 69 Peache'5 J ars Square Mason, with lids a nd 74c rubbers. _Pints, per doz .. . .. .. .. .

Our Coffee is roasted to a degree of exactII· ness producing FLAVOR that immediII I alely appeals to the discriminating person.


\' I ~ lt ('d'




\' ,'r •







Always. Use The Best!· \


Overlall(f Sales· Co.

H. ,Archdeacon Bldg., Wa)'Duville, Ohio

FOR SA L~Big Type Poland-Chinas oC either sex, extra .fine ones: prip~ ces 'reasonable; Immnned. W. 0_ and I, D, Welch, Harve;vaburr. Ohio. ·~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;i;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;;;;;;IIIiIII_i&iiliilla;i;ii!Iliiliiiilillll_. .

K. of


Seventy-Bighth Year


Whole Number 6722

13, 1926


I Interestin g I tems i SUMMARY Of REPORTS The Red Arrow Hunt Is to Be J from th e I fROM POULTRY fARMS Staged Saturday, October 16th State. Capital • Prepared by • c,,,," I\' ... Col b R i ~I\ ",,01 i urn us epor er A

Hlllllnl : ll-Y


i uul lt·y

" f t h"

l i l'~ 1

t ,'1t r('pn "l s

T h (l f o llowinJ.! n nl It' , ' '~ r '-'d T he 1(" <1 Arrow hun t , whi ch nI- nnd win t he· pr izr, It will hp n.'c·!,~­ 1,idd in g' , \\ h u: h iF. si l pn l, mHy h e' !! " tl P t ho 1oII IIl'till h,,"rd . , I ',. I •. f"r d. mil l'll fll n fln o) am use mellt, will " " y to hu\, ' the 1\ l't1 Arr ow d.,lIar any l ill1t , bet\\C'cn n u w Hlld th l' .l atl! ,ot' \l' lIr r" II ·l"r nl'd to C"lIn t\' It tcnri .. <1 to -I '1, ·."1 · 1"'1'11111 Iw nfli clll ll y up" lI ed Sntu r<lay, Octo- nn,1 ask t he ' Iuc.l i"n correclly lJeforl! of t hc uu cl ion, Thl' h i~hl," t hi dd .'r ·lth tjrln n~ to whprf\ th, ! \ I ;~. t ,\ \!, nl e' 1,,," If'l!; h,' rt·,·"ipI" "X l' l'n ~" S fu r IllI' Ih'R t I I """Ilh" " j 1,,' 1' 16. hy a Irr uul> of pr" A' re"sive lhe Curri .'r wil l sun,'n,It'r lit · A rr uw will pay I'Hr 111' artie-It· ill Il ,·d Arr ll'" would mC' ct (or tlll ,il llli' rchlln t" of Wa ynesvi lle . who ha ve Th e pri ze is wel l wM th t he li m,· vi'l; Mo n cy, l1 n d lIlu !'t be pn'spn t i n "t·r · _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l l hl' )I'U", ,h uw a n a"""!!,,, I" tlll rl'pll rty p" pu la rl y kll" '" furn ",d whut i" knuwn as l he Red wi ll Epene! in tryi,n~ to d i:;co·.. ~ r ' the ~O I1 o r .. IJ)' pr llxy t o pay the hid . l'\" lpl s lIf .: I ji ~ •.a."' 7 T he r \.'l' I ! l p IH Arri,w Club, Carr in nnd th,'re \\ III I)c u lut vI' fun Yuu will "nj"y th l' ~ C IIl' Cti " ll" "lid 11'0 01 indl vidltu l t n rrll S V U11 1· 1! !!'IIUI "'f Ill' W l' lIH.' r r flil~t ... EIII'ly Sn t lJ rrlny mo rni ng' Ihc rl' will in t hl' hu nl. I !Jl'cu mc ll ne or llw lllu ny Imld cl'" 1'01' a t th,' (i y m F ri d ay ' .' COLI Mn US , OllI O·- A t otal lO l $:I!',1.2 ,1 f~,r ti l<' R,,,,, II "RI 11''''1, wl""h , 'I W " P-I Hpp "nr un yu ur treetH a lld in var io us Th i~ hUll t wi ll Hlnrk th l' ,, [w lIi nJ.C of th e att ract ivc nrtic les put up by the 22 , 2~7 clui lllM " 'N e li l"d wilh th .· int'lu lh d ('1 hl' JI ~ 11 11 S I' ptrmhl"" I . tl) d( \H i~n('rI in t hi s wn~' ~ it l' ~ tHr(' s, o r r l' m n in nt h (IOl e, t he m y s - th,· Hed A IT n w c',," paif! n whie h will n ed Arr nw ,' Iuh. lit lhl' ntllll\' aucti " n" 'NO WS COOLlI) (:r.: I'Hlwdriu) Comml!o\s inn of Oh i" du r - $ :IH r, ~ , f!r, fill' th.. III"I!:('"l 11",,11. whieh t '" t (' riulle "Hn'i er of lIw n r d A rrn w, h l' r UIl h y tht, 1Il ""lIh l ' r~ o f thl' Rp d eh!'y will I,.· huiding', If '""u dnn't Jo: ", p('n ~ t l' on I, ... l ' f ~ .':.. ,. I' illg' th e mont h oj Se pt(' lll h"I', Th is il ,c.' lu d l,d [}flu hird ~ I r r;1.:o' ha ~ ,'k l ' n d l l (1 if: f T h" identity of l hi ~ Iw r ~O Il . Who ma y A rr o w tluh f o r u Yfl:lr IIr In nJ.!"I 'r, flt r \\ ill t h f' nrt idf> yC)u I,id VB thp fir!;t is nil inc reuse of '1, 7:1 ,1 OVl'r till' J hc!o' ~"""'a rm s lik( ' wi ~ (' vllfic"d f r o m a Thl' fo lllj \\ inl.! \'111'11 11.1'1 ' l H' 11 hlJ!"j nl '~" (, I' pr (Jf(.'~s i on al p (' r so n, t he pllr p ()S I ~ II f r p\\'urdi ns: l llP ~ t , whl) :lu rtil)n , ~il\'(' yout" J{(' d Arro w Illnn ~. 1110nth prp \' iou s. Th l! 11Umhl' f of min imum "f $ l f,8,:I:1 tu $ laR7 .0 1. of' a pri vuh' (' it iZ(,Il. i!'i kll(lW Il o nl v ~ t('adily I.-a d,· ;l ~ tlH'i r st l, rl '~ :l lld to t fl f 1 h tl 11 I' Xl ! I :I. dellth claims fil ed dur ing Rep lembcr T he ne t g'lI ins th ll ~ vo ri ('l] f rom $23 :1. Hl..'fr\':·dlll ' ': :1 1:'l \\' alch Ill' Hcd Arr')w plal'!' < f .,l' Ilawh. ~ I ar ;", ~,' , ' II ' . T he ex penses ill: t" th" Illl'r('ha nt wh" ma k"s th e s(' lcd- d e rnoll st r utl' thnt helt,I!' men.: h o!1 ui ~ c was 107, or 6 mo re th nn du r ing th e 117 tu $:WtJf,.7 .1. l1 tio n . ~ 1 i ry. a9 f ol' hc tt ~ r prices "un lw obtai ncd hull c t il lS a ll el pn~tl.'rs u flnllutH.: ing: ~ he mo nth of A ug ust. Rec eipts fr um 1111 elud e fi ll clI.• h (,utluy r,)r fce ds. !Jrl'l'd· 1'... .r:" I I! i Tl':H~ h $fi. O() wi li 10" IIwlIrd l'd by th e Red r i ~h t hen' ill "u r tuwn t hAn in ' tiny \'u r i() u ~ s pcc iu l o fft' r~ u nd fca t u rl' Carl ('r H il ler. 1: \: '1 111\ 1, sources during t he month of Septe m- in~ stuc k. I>() llltl'~' s uppl ies 'an d eq uipt.!lyn l ' n g l l.'shy, .Jl~ Hn I l , Ij ")\ ;' , ! I I ' II ' .. .:.l ~t \l"' L ~ t.o A,'ruw nlt' r c h nnt~ t o t he fi,.s t persoll large r dty ur fnlll) filly l'at.:.d ugue CV l!l1 t l'i, Su\'p Yllur Rl1 d A J'r(} w Ml)n _ ber totall ed $2, 108 .039 ,8 1. This is ment all d n l ~o th e c urr e nt far lll vulu u l i s . .I\ l a r y E ft :1 t;u)" , i\1 :,htl \1~'ll' '.' .''' , ". ' I'! 'Jf llllll J1Fe y . wh o irl en t i fie~ t he Re d Arrow C>tr- Mu il Ord l'r huu se, cy su Y(IU will he n hll' t o joi n in on U ,464.123 .92 mo re thurt durin g the uf th e (;urn, uuts. w h cn l a nd ot h]..'r Cilhl' rt F r Yl' . C co r J!(' 1! 1'1I~.t·, I I h 'I1I d ' !~ " I"""~ 'nl' ", !a.III l.'1i him a nd I'l l' r und,·,. t.hl' fulll)w illJ.C con di ti() ns: I'/lc h nil rchllll l in th" Red Arr ow th .. vllriolls f,-ulu r cos th at will bp pil I. month of Augu st. Disburselll cnLq fe" cls ~ r"wn un th e' fllrnt , St J uhn, I':vt'rI ,tL Sl':tr=- , 1\.. ' 11 ;" til ' 1 III Jl1 '" \\ tlY I UllI H' y enulrl n o~ win. The ub ove r!'port "hows th l! rt na n- Thc fi nd,·,. Ill ll "t 1111\'" $ 1. 00 in Red clu b will ~iv e wbn t iri t,· rtlled Red on by th e I{(·r) Arrow c1uh, Get ' " F n n nm, E n na Hi e- h. !-Ia ,\ ... Iili'k tLI,1 ,Il l ' [' ye d (,sed , a n d eluring Sel'tl' m bor totalled $1,1 38,Arro w OI(tnt' Y in hif4 flf' h ~ r p ossess iun Arr o\\.' m u lley o n l've r y cus h purch ase, u n th e f u n u l t h e ve r y HUi r t u n d ut21 U-4!l, or $ 163,1 UO.6:l more thun for cinl poss ibiliti es of puultry wo rk whc n U!'c(l ra tions - Fnith T"nolin ' ." , ", ,,' IT) lI ll!: WI~h 'J t "tiler. as he lost li nd m u!<t "I>rre('Uy l'ep('at t n t 11<' Cllr· dollnr flO r do llar ; on n 25c purchase. te nd th e Ar ro w hun t. th e month prl!ceding, At thl! close I)rop crly o rg ani ze d n nd co ndu c t ~ dl UcVa , hti Becket!. n hpu J::lI ls. I" , ": " Il d l'hnlllpI'oll~h", .. ril'r thi" ""nl -llce "II ,,,'" y"U t he ~f, c in Hed Arrow MlO ney i" give n, Thl' me mbe rs of the Red Arrow club PlIrk ing -- Huy ,1 1l" ll uc·r ',OJ . \I'",;, o f business Septembe r :IOth, the re clOrding to ' th e most cO lll plptc ontl u pHe" Arruw whid , I Cllfl t ra de fo r th e l'tc, This money i. lOf the s nm" ore tu be cUIIg' ratula te d on puttin", Tu rne r. Lu t l,,'r lIar t ~ uek to-tlote pri nci lll ~" ll~ work ed out bv "11M II ballll\ce In t he State In ~ uranc Th\' , I' I' a Il'sson, of course. Aim It ,,1 Arn' w Ilri ze?" a mount as th ~ purchase but elln be in operatiun t his well· worked out pilln J::lIter tllin mcnl- Mis, · lldll,. Mis. at S" IIIl rt,~ u l t t ha t call not be taken fUlld of $60,285.486 .88, of whieh! t he Stoll' A ~ri l' ul turn l C'l ll ,,~C E ~ . 1l 11 ll l t ifl ~ J.C i\'illg n desc r ipt ion of spent only lit th l! time and way ~ p !' c- which oth er cities li re re porting nK Cons, Miss T o r l1 ~ r .. A IIlln !-'hrye. Amy fr', 111 Y" U. u cha mpions hip In the approxi mate ly $48,000,000 ,00 was tension ser vice. These peo ple ha v' the m y s te ,.i ou~ a rri" r will be pillced ifl 0 by th e n ed Arrow s tore~ th e best pl nn f or a lot of fun for th eir Hopkins. Bert O'Neall ', SlIr " Missil reserved for claims II110wed but not ke pt acc urll t e Ilnd CfJllI»l l· t(' recurcls I h,n"", "''' rth while, No one will tako At thc fir sb sa lo~ a number of val- cu stomers that has e ver bee n devised dine, on blnnks fur nis heof thrl1u,{/1 the ~ (l­ in the wind, )",!! uno S l o r e ~ uf nli Red paid, and oth er enc um brances. aIYn.' E,h"c>Il 's cha mpionship. operotion /If th e County A ~e nt /llI d Arru w "Iu cc~, G"t y"ur fr ~ " dul- ull hlc and s Umctive art icles will be and SO our mer chan ts are to be comInr ill Red A rl' OW muney n!)w ; m e lll- off er ed but on ly Red Arrow money ml!nd ed fu r luking it o n in such a At th e apP ointt' d hour 1I la rge num One hUll ·lred Il nd fifty years ngo, G. 10'. SchieRinger, director of hi ~ h ­ Poultry t~x t e n s i n n S p re i n li ~ ts Ilt Co- ol'ize th" l!l'lItc nce, fi nd th e Cllrrie r will be used in th eir purchase. The big and pr u gr~"s iv e WilY. ber of th e High schu ol sludents und Nnt han Ha le was slUn ding befo re a lum bus. Du plicat e lIl on th ly rep ll rt 8 ways asks co-olleration lOf the puhlic t eachers galhered in th e Gym , and I:lrltish fi ri nlo( ~qllu d un d ma king his In preserv ing the mark ers and wllrn- huve been " 'nt t o oUllt y Age nt Clllss th e fr c~ hman c1 us" were give n green fa mou . Illst r l!mll rk. President Cool· and one co py which we re s ummnrizr d jng signs along state highways. bow". Th en a wild rush fur lhe idge iWyS eve ry child should know by Warning signs lIn.d sign Ills ar~ car e- retained in th e county olliee anti th e Frcs hme n f" lI owed . in which l\1i .s heart ' oth er scnt to Columbu R, ('asona l fully erected at points of danger for T orn er Ilnd l\1 iss Go ns were illitillt" I rCA' rct thllt r have but one the protection of human life, Not. sugg('sti ons nnd t imely in furmati on I\n e \'!'n t of mu ch inter est t o th e JI'Iary .Jan e Up p, daughter of He n- ed, much t o thei r dislik e, Af te r thut lif e to A' ive for illY country." \ withs tandin g th is , vandnls have de- is furni shed to ali poultry coo perators ry unci Marth.. lfpp, WII S born ncar wns ov e r eve r yo ne uu nccd uw hil e , 'loun j.( !,;'cntlenwn will aote t hat Nafaced a nd marred many of these safe c o nc er~in g th e cn re of th eir fl oe kR, lI ullluer of fri e nd s nnd aC'lua int.'lnc es Wayn esville, Ohl.). Murch 22 186 3 th e music ha ving becn furllis hed hy thun lIllie's championship is one that guards t o such an extent in many ca- Pluns for l he new poultry ye llr which of Miss Dor oth ea Co llier, daug hter Rncl <Ii. cI Ilt th l! hlO rn e 0 r hl!r' dllu gh: Kathlee n He nd erson a nd Wiii1a m no Tunney could take from him. Novcmbl! r I , ar e now be·ing of Mr. and Mrs, Enrn est Collier, of begins ..ell t hat their va lue is entirely lost. Kingman. ond Mr. Horold Williamson The Happy Hour club ' met with ter In San Bernardino, Ca!., October Thomas. The n nil lined up t o get Many young men, unfortunately, are In BOrne casC8 the wording on the COlnllle ted by County. A~ e ll t Clnss. weiners and buns , and we nt outsid e not interested in fa me that pay. no Any poultrYlllan or farm e rs' wife son of Mr, li nd Mrs. H. H, Wiliiom- Miss Wi nnifred Starr, October 12 A 1926. eigna has been altered so as to chllnge the fires, which were between th e divid ends, to es peeilllly interested in poultry, is B on, of this pi nee, is their marriage, large numbe r of the members ·and The greatcr port of her life was their meaning in response to a particularly low and degenerate fo rm of invited by the county agent to kl!ep which t oo k plnce at the r esidence of two guests, Mrs. Amanda Starr and spent in thnt vicinity u nt il nineteen school building lind the Gym. There Bruce Barton, student of characwit. SchlJ)singer ' stated the High- records, scnd in reports and co-o p- Rev. and Mrs. N. E. Bennett, in Wil- Mrs. Charles Gray, of B~rveY8burg, years ago, when she moved to Cali- we re three ti res, one for r oas tin g were present. fornia . She wa R marri ed to George weinel'S, one over wh ich a kettle hung ter, adds one to his "men that nob04l' way department was mak ing every ef- crllLI! in carrying Dut a poultry dem- min gton, Thursda y mor ning. Th e Baptist single rin g ceremony The business 0:( t he day was the Whittiker and had on e child, which in which to boil th e weiners , a nd one knows." He spent an hour talklnc fort to r ed uce t he number of acci- onstration fa rm, or to at least kee p a poultr,Y calendar. The poultry dl!mwas performed by Rev. N. E. Bennett election of officers and for th e en- died in infancy. Se,'e ral year after to r onst th e marshmali o w~, with Presid ent Coolidge, who ealcI dents and make the roods sofe for Af te r loads of fun ellting every- this: "As I now r ecall it , I had al. travel, an d that Ohio was recogn ized onstration farm includes a " I!ry com- at 9 o'cl ock in the presence of the suing year the following were cho. t he death of Mr. Whittaker, she was everywhe re. as one of the best mark- pl et e dll ily r ecord giving th e number imm ediate families of the bride Rnd lien: President, Mrs. Frank Brad· marri ed to Pete r Earnha rt, and thei r body ..... ent inside to da nce agnin . wnys ruther hoped that I might keep ed State In the Union. Many signs uf eggs gathered, th o r eceipts from brideg room: The couple was attend-I dock; vice-president, Mrs. James Van- hom e was in Middletown . Ohio, where The Freshm en we re locked ill one store when I g r ew up ." are destroyed by accident, no doubt, Ihe sa le of eggs, baby chicks, broil ers cd by the brid e's brother, Charles dervort: secretary - trcRsurer, Mrs. Mr. Earnhart di ed, Two childr en of t he dressing rou ms, but t hey sucLittle Calvin on the Vermont !a!WI but these' eascs should be rl!ported nt or breedi ng st ock, as we ll all the exact Collier, and Miss Edith McKibbon, of Mitchener; assistant secretarytreaaur_ were born of thi s union , a daughte r, ceeded in gelti ng ou t. All FreshAnn n. now Mrs, Corl Hnag, and a me n were compell ed t o danc e wheth - oI il1n't yearn- to be a policeman, raU. once in ordcr t hat replacement can Rmoun t of expenses or outlay f or WII)'lles\' ill e. Witness ing t he pretty cr. Mrs. Warren Braddock. foed or oth!'r supplies, This record service were Mr. and Mrs. H, H. WiIThe treasurer made her a r$lual so n, Henry, who died when two years er th ey cou ld ')1' not, Art er the road engin eer, pirate, or preeldellt. be made. danc e th e Fres hmell "'ur e lold t o go Nobody even predicted that he woaid is inte nded f or th e folks wh o ure cs- lamson, Miss Grace Willia mson, Miss report and the club was entertained old. She is s urvi ved by her d au~ht e r, pas t II w ind ow in wh ic h wer e Higns be President. He wanted to "keep Rainy. wet weather is playing hav- peclally in ter l!st ed in poultry, and Bclith McKibban, of Wa ynesville, Mr. by Mrs. Satterthwa ite, witb an oc· oc witl\ the potato crop in Ohio, nnd who w iil not hsitate to take the nee- and Mrs. L. T . Cooper, of Dayton, Mr. co unt of her recent visit with her Mrs. Earl Haag, and adopted so n, s uch liS, "'Frcshmen 's Bl!d Time is store." and Mrs, Ernl!st Collier and Charles daughter in Washington D. C. She George Earnhart, two gra ndchildren 9 O'clock ," "Get for Home, Bruno." And, "attractionll belDr proportioD. unless some dry weather comes be- cssnry time to fill in the records, Poultry calendar is II much simpler Collier, Ki ngman. described her visit to Congress, the and a brother, John Upp, all of Sa n 1'0 finish the initia ti on of the Fresh· ate to destines," all Fourier 118)'1, Pree fore 1\ f reeze there is going to be a men sever a l were gat hered into upper ident Coolidge 18 actuali, keeplnc the The bride nl!ver appeared more Notional Zoologic!l1 Gardl!ns, The Bl!rnardino. tre mendous loss to farmers of t he easier and more conve nient project classme n mach ines and taken for a biggest store In tbe world. He" intended cS)ll!ciall y for the average lovely t ha n on her wedding day and Natio nal Museum , Mt. Vernon, the State, and subsequent ,h igh p ri cc~ for JOY ride. The question is now uk· general manaeer for Unci. Sam. potatoes. There arc hundred. of fa rme r or farm woman wh o hns n lot wns pttired in n becoming blue travel- Capitol and the White Housc, and ed, "Why did so many Freehles walk champion wholeaaler and retaU ..., .. thou88nds of bushels yet in the tleld of other work to do, yet who is intcr- ing suit, preparatory to their itnml'- illustrated her review with cards and home?" The weiner roast was closed every line except ftylng macblDe.. ested in receiving timely s uggestions dis te departure for an extended trip kodak views, after which the hostess and most of them should be out of at abo ut 10 o'clock. served a two-course luncheon. the ground lit this time, but digging nnd nlRo in keeping the daily record East by motor. Everyone present seemed to have Mrs, Williamson. II graduate of thl! The club is unanimous in regretPresident Green, of the Amerlcaa them is impossible in the muddy fields of number of eggs ga Vlered and the a good time a nd many are hopi ng for Federation of Labor, aays that "ar. It will require a week or mor e of number of bir ds sold or lost euch Miam i-Jllcubs Business college in ting th e 1088 of the Starrs by thl!ir reanother one sou n. labor," or labor organizations bunt good weather before farmers can re- month. The p oultry ca lendar includes Doyton, has been a successfu l sten- moval to the Spring VallllY neighborSince September 1. from 100 t o up within great employing corporamove their crop from th u grouncis. thirteen s heets of cllrd boar cl, each 10 o!n'apher in a Delco-Light office ill h ood, after several years r es idence Summary of all teachers reports 125 pcople we re employeo lit thu tiOll ~ a nd controll ed by the corpo .... and unless this cOllies within another inelHs wid t' lind 16 in ches long. The t hat city, for th e past year. Her hus- ill this communit)" in the Waync"vi il e Distri ct for th e StoOpR Packi llg com pa ny, and over - - '- - - - tion s. arc a menace t o harmony ~ two weeks more of tho crop wiil be fl l'st jJll !!,C expluill " t hc !,;'e ncrul ol.j~ c t !Jund has bee n a successf ul business 1,800,000 Clln s of corn and t omatoes first school month: twccn C Ipl oycl's and em plo y('l's, The, ruined. Those being du g now s hows or purpose of the record or plnn. f ur mnn in Elyria up until his marriage BO Y5~ I , 33 : 2, 24; :1 . 2!:, '1.28 ; were put up. The Stoops Packin~ lire t,et'tll inl.' II th rellt against the signs of rot an d decay because of th e carrying it out , On each of the oth· hut 011 ucco unt of change in pins for company hilS been in busine ss there 6,31: 0, 21; 7, 26; 8. 2 1; !I . 18 ; 10 , whole· I:thr·r '1'01,, 11 1l1 0ve me nt , But, t' r 12 pages is print!'d blank tnbl e ~ the futur ~ no a nn o unc ~ ment as t o wet grounds. li nd 'j>ost ' C!lI'l!s III whic h to keep t he l hei r resid('nce f ollowing their return At St. Mary's church last Sunday since 1906 and has built up s ver y 14 ; II , 9; 12. 9. Tulu l. 2GV , Cirls -t , 26 ; 2. 28; '!. 2=,; ,I. ~~ ; i ( " lIll" ,. ;\ Ill! "lli ~"nt ('",l ugh to rocords a nd scn d in t he reports ,,~ from th eir honey moon has been made morning a beautiful lind impressive successfUl business after three prevI jJ, "" t : \~ I~ 5 pu .~~ ,. 'ot..i div.. _ Realization that t he announced pol_ _ _ _ __ • service took place, wh,!n Rev. J . J , ious ca nners had failed io Van Wert. 6,1 9 ; 6. 36; 7. 2-1; 8, ~ "; I', :\ ,1 111' iI;I' t ' ~ Ilg"uni zf' d IH I" JI' do? icy of the Democratic lead e rs Is t o well a s a, number of valuab le poi nt, Jumes Stuops is presid ent and genera l 8; ;11, 16; 12,17, T "t"I:''' i. destroy the protective tariff nnd the or t imely inform ation whic h wi ll bctll nnd LI'III' e Pratt Schaeffer administered - th rite of 1'M. I es E'II"~ T ot.a l- I , 68; 2, 52: ::, ;,1: I, r.'" menn dollars nnd ('nts to th e aver ~ .. <t "W( r~ I,•.,! ~~, ()O O ,accompanying rem embrllnce of lho nn ri GClO r'M Pratt Sil ent the ,yeek- nnll baptism to two infants, Harry Mllt- mannger and his son . HolmeR Stoo ps. 6, 50 ; 6. 5 6;7 , 49 ; 8 , r. ,· t H, is secr!'tary I and assistant managl! r of ' h pou t ry k ec )J ~ r . The for " 'H ~ 11 !Wld ll. 1,:!\IO,Ol )O b ox es terrible industrial conditions in' Ohio nge 1926 lind 1!l 27 give disCllssio lls co n- lit l\It. Hea lthy , the geusts of Mr and t ew, son of Mr. [end Mrs. Harry Tur- the concer n- The Vun Wert Times, 22; 11, 26; 12, 26, '1'" , .• ' ,I '1"',11, ~.II O,l)UO b u\:"~ f,1 ( o r'I A h A . _n('r, of Ilellbrook, Fred B, Henderand t be nation, as a resul t of the last ' ce rning the following points : .. 1'6, I't ur nson , , , son, D, L. Cran e nnd Mrs. Harvey 'I Democratic tariff, has awakened the Novcl11b rFeedin g lile Inyers, SaCkett, sponsers; lind Todd Edwin, business men of Ohio within the last son of Mr. and Mrs, Seth Thomas, of ' I ' : ! a re f ew dllYs to the importance of Sena- whic h includes tw o stan dard formuills ,, '~ II . I lllt Ul ::,I (!"ll iti' "HU l in a tr Dayto n, Mr. and Mrs. E. L, Thomns for Frunk B. Willis' continuaace in for th e mush, g rain mix ture, milk, clu " es the av ' agn of t h d Robert Z Buchwnl er wh o is a can green fe ed, shell. grit, IIncl bone, 0 8 u er , e emons a'0 fir A ck r Oh 10 ' { 1926 ond Seth Thomas, spensers. "', " " ," 10 hund red ur milthe Senate ns never before, we ll as water Ilnd rllnge. The usc t I n I In 0 S (l or . The fuct that the wuter used in the di dute for r e-election rCJr Judg'e of I, t he Court of Appea ls, Ilccnmpllnied of artificial ligh ts is also discussed d Both the poultry calendar and th e ceremony was dillpcd from the river ( ' 1.1 n ~ ll l \Jp GOV(-lrnm 0 ut (I~ ta h .. , 'ff The last Dl!mocratlc tarl was enfo r Novembe r lind December. And clIlonstrntiun fllrm record blanks J ordan by Rev. Schaeffe r while on a by Olle of his co-workers, Judge Wade . , J .. l ~ h'l if1 ~ I1 I"1I I1i'''C fun d t o m eet ~ u ch ucted in October, 1913. By ' ChrlstAg- visit to the Holy Land, is wort hy of Cushi ng nnd A tto rn l!Y Dean Stan\Vith cl!r emollies to h.. I" Io! :It 1 M,' "11 I'l'l!,'nci ,' < IIlI d mllk (. 't.hat fund rch the lotter month also gives sugges- lire . Ifurnish I ed11fre e by the State I' Icy, were in town last Thursday college auditorium ill II d llli', I." '" n "III'" S, I.I<', und(' r care f lll mn nagement, mas 7,000 men were wa Ikmg t e tions on care of t he houses during rl eu turn eo ego and nro sUPP led nole. , looking afrer the intl!l'E'sts of Judge n ext SnturdllY night, Oct ol",r I G. the for s uch l1li scn lled "ncts of God?" streets in Columbus alone, and fac- the wintl!r concerning colds, roup, through the co ull ty llgents to th e far_ ---~,. ..... Buchwalter. We predict for him a I. O. 0, F, lodge will r,, " fH the tories are shutting down or run - chicken pox and canker. mel's lind poultrymen wh o promise to good, big majority ot t he Novl!mber Grand Decoratiun of Chivalry tl pon ning on greatly curtailed ca pacity, 1111 January , page discusses Easter co-operate to the best of their ability, Whe n Judg'c Gary took charge of election. over the State. By the following broilers. breeding flocks, and how to No charges, fees or costs lire attuchGeorge M. Ncft'ner. of New Vi"nllu , United States s teel, he established July 61,000 men were out of em- ma nage and fee il the breeders to pro- ed to either activity, but the county Past Grand Master of the lodge, II fund to do his own insuring, instead ployment in Cleve,land and most 'd uce hatc hable eggs, Februnry s ug- office insists thllt everyone who starts Ther e will be /In aftern oo n pr ol! ra m of puyillK out the money to insurance large Ohio cities had issued bonds gestions include carc of hatching II project agrees to carry it through at the sante place, starting at 2 :3U. , comlJu nies. He put into that fund to re.establish soup houses. The war eggs, operation of incu bators, prob- fur the year which ends October 31 , SUPPl' r will be served in 1. O. 0 , what insurance would have coat and - - - te LI!St er S f sUuere " d a very pain F . Hall f rom 6 to G, at 50 cents 1\ soon had ,30,OUO,OOO 88ved up for ifl'tcrrupted these conditio ns, but D8 able time to set for fall and winter 1927: Of co urse, deuth, sickness in Centerville -about lie th ' ur 'ace soon all the war was over, they again layers, buyin'" , on n m s nor the Dayton and f u I In j ury Iast F rl'd ay. Th e. acc.I'd cnt plnte, sfter which a parade, headed st ockholders after meeting ftre IOIIIN. " baby chicks and prepa- the family, or othl!r emergoncies may of Way'nesville, became the ' rule in 1019 and 1920. r lltion for the brooding season, eaus!, discontinuunces, but '1only such Lebanonr pike, expl!rl' onced a robbe"" oceurre d w h en .he was c I1m b mg. a by the I. 0, O. F, band ot Cincinnati, ' f March 5uggesti ons include the Ohio un WI I be con- Sunday night for the first tl'me l'n al." f ence .aa d tel'l h II e he wss carrYln.g will take place. The Girls' band from Onl,v the pueage of the present tariff 'd orseen d I circumstances . . The govl!rnment might ask Judge acts started tbe , country towards an big ten rul es for r enrlnlt chicks and 51 er e cgltlmatc .excuses. d th e b a II enter Inil' h 18 the home at Springfield will bl! pres- Gary to establish a "calamity Inllurd d The , re- 1II0s t half a cent"lry. ' was d ISC harge, Industrial level neve:\,, reached' at any gives t he detailed summary for mix- portd ca dd r d Bar e prmte an are al· f t Th I t rt I h h h b The B W Hilnes garage was en- 00. e otes repo stat e ent, also. ance , fund" to talte care of great time beretofore In tile history of the ing ma~h und scratch feed a nd other rca y II ressed lit .t cottom of the tered and. a Nnoh ' . ge tt'mg a Iong v,ery weII a p d' automobile and ap- IS . It I8 disasters, floods, tornadoes, earthcoun..... The Democratic senat,o r_ suggliStions for feeding the chicks. calendars 80 the co-operator need on- proximatel v "460 ~ in automobile tires th °It.ught t h at notb tng ser Ious WI 11 reo •• ~ . ' quakes. from Qhio 'votod agalD,llt IIvory tariff Five points for control a nd climina- Iy tlll in t hl! report at the 'close of and accessorl'es " ,. w ere stolen. No clues au t tta h h th duty inclQded In these bills. This r e- tion of broody hens are also Included. e mont, a c a wo-cent stamp • - ••- - California voters will pass upon a the minds 91 business men Topics for April include Easter and mail. Besides the information were left by the thieves. and labor les.ders of the State, who broilers and rations for fllttenin g 'nlld suggestions by mail the county Some of the older residents of Cen· !'tIr, Moomaw an d !'tIr, .crabbl! at · pla n to cxempt from taxation durlll&' do not wal\t' present prol!perity con- them, baby chiok trouble and how to agent a nd State poultry specialist terville say that t his is the first robtended the sectional conference of lhc' growing period all lande newly 'ditlon, interlered ' with !t all, has handle them nrc discussed during both plan to hold two meetings per year bery that hilS o(:cul'Nd in that vilRev. and Mrs. John J. Schaelt'er ar" Smith-Hughes teachers last ThursdllY planted with trees In a campaign of broujrht' a .surae ot luppdrt to Sen- April' ~nd May. This includes white (or the special benetlt of the poultry lage In their "time." enjoying a two-weeks motor trip at Greenfield. !'tIr. Crabbe attended refo r e6tation. The plan sbould be ator WlUis .hat Is interpreted by po- diarrhea, ch illing all'll 'overheating, people. One of these meetings. eon• - • through the East. Their itinerary will the second session on Friday at Hills- approved in California and copied ID other states. Iitica1 ob~era to .make absolutely, crowding, toe, tail nnd wing' picking, siders the subject of baby chick ralaindude Washington and Dahlgren, boro. , Vigilance should be neceaal'J to ce~n ' 'hili' eert.;!lfrt BUCCel8 No- leg weakness, Roccidiosis, lice and Ing and thl! other is to be held In Va., where they will visit their 80n Many points of vital interest were vember 2nd. mites. During June the calendar rc- the fall to assist in keeping tbe recand family. On their return trip they dlscul8ed in detail. Teachers of Ilrevent fraud and prevent ~ ___-+~ __ - - , ports rose bugs, ventilation" shade ords and summarizing the' yearly retbey wiD visit the Finger Lake re- schools maintaining 'vocational dc~ prospective oil and mlnerallallda tIM and Intestional worms: Gontrol of ports. Poultry eo-operators in . the Tbe funeral service. of lira. Jacob gion of New York, Watkins Glen and p.a rtmenta were especially benefitted: of taxes, but honest admlnlltnltloa would take, care of ·that. round worms ' ls continued during Ju- pa~t have pronounced the,e meetinga Scott, Jr., who died last Thursday, Niagara. They will take the boat' to .. - - ,-",',- •


I lc' /l\ (1 n ct t J"ntill n

VHr ll1~

- - ._------- --





Mary Jane Earnhart





aptilm Administered

Official Visit

------. ---



CLINTON CO. 1, 0,[.f,

Will CtL,BhiUt'


---_a - ••- -- Shot In Foot




Attended Conference

Pleasant Motor Trip



' I Wed Leb anon C Oup e

'Iy, when culling ill, also preferred. The August. page emphnSlses '. five !Joints 101'- keeping up egg production ,and dllcus8e. th'e care oj egp duting the hot weather. T.uberculosls II .alsGi tncluded. , SepteQlbell, suggestion. feature the cleaning and Ipraying of houses, and duUIDr treating the pulleta for 1#c, and WOrml before boa.m,.~ The tIul pap for OlltDber.,iy_ aft p-

.... nAn . , will

Daal prodllllloa gbJe aDd •


1'"-.' Norwood



as' extremely beneficial in that it them in , contact , with otber pe'ople of the county who are inter· eated In t he same , work•. so' all matually p oRb by each other" expert· ences. Anyone Intere"ted I~ taking up either or both of the poultry project. ahoul", Inquire of Couniy Arent CIaIe or call at the Farm B~u. ollee wllen· the atenoIHPher wID upIaID ... tbbIp equall, u ••

,, ." . , ,' , Miss JtlJqam, B. Lewis, only .,daughter !)f COunty , A.uditor 'and Mrs. W. R. Be"... : united III, Ina ntag e , Sat1p'da)" Oc~ober 9, to Carl C, Ranker, IOn of Mrs. K~erine Bal'!' ker. The ceremoD), took place In the Eaat BapUat cIIurch. TbfJ, Rev. J. p. Thornbury otllclated.. .. Hr. pd Ib'L Buker lett alter tlte ~ f . aD eut.m trip. OD



were held' at the 'home of her father- Detroit, then motor home. Jacob A. Scott, near IIlddle • - • Run, Monday afternoon. Buri8J rk ' Middle-Rlm .~-. ._ rt Ladies of the Lytle M. E. church '1 ."UJ hold a market in the Atlantic and PacUlc room on Saturday, OctoThe Propertl of E. F. Benry, on bel' 23, at 9 a. m. Cakes. l1 ies , ClOtNorth atree~ wu IOld Jas& wHIt '" tap cheMe ...lada. dreIIed chickens. lin. AlalIA ShH..... The d_ WI ba fact ntrJtbInlr sOod to eat. Your, UIroap N. Sun. patzoDap ill101iChecL

W8l ,~ri









Ab'l ent


-All voters who will not bo at their homes 80 they can ca!lt t heir ballot on election day, Novembe.r, 2, are urged to ' secure absent voters' ballota and vote before going awuy, or il you are away now write tor absent voters' 8upplles. Appll to Will Ranker, clerk of the Bom of ElectioDl. Cv1art

Houae. LebaD!)1!..



\ SGlE [9

ded when Buick presented the new Buick with an ensine ,!'bf'ationless ~belief.

It you have driven tbb fVeat new car, with thlsremarkable engine, you know

why. Ita auld lmoothness mekce other motor ear. seem ' rough,

banh. noisy.

People who have driven Buicks for veal'S and peoplcr who have owned much more expeIl-' live can, are cap~ vated .by the luxury

oEtbis one.


. '


Keelor Garage Lebanon, Ohio



r.E il I

I.I ~).

"1" ',n ,\ 0 .. · ,., I'i n ,Iv 28 on Rntl' 1' llIn'nce I.. UI'1 "'01', U n iv .~ 0 Lhe j 1'1',1.1 R~r et in 1v r Alb ' 1\ ~trj p d '·ral'c,1. 811 cved~ tu th · !!ntm; r'j- '''.; ht i oe t in wiOI.ll f r0m lot 27, w,Lh III lnl n~ , .~ 01'·. · . n fr Iltngu of e ight f e t on nail r olld I .\n ntJidJw it wn~ tiled hy I lIa l-;ni_ . t . li nd I'xl ndi ll !; buck t o I\n 11 ~'. rRo n, TE PROCEE DINGS cI"r f r th,' ,"1m I. ~i o n "f All olph ' niEelwn,..1 ~,n('11 tll A lI wrt Fre tsch'1 ' 1)1 ' (" 'U ( ,) nlcrc''; thllt n ~unrdi " til r. nlll'!l'"d Il l ~nn,'. t o thu Dnytlln I ,nr ,hlh n I\nel Elm c'I' W ic hm. n ,>1\11 h' .Il , ""lil d t l> CI\To' I' M tlw ~Sllltl' Stnt(' hl'spitnl. Aftc r IIIl inves ti gn- Thlllllu~ DodKl', 20~0 0 MI. fl. or 1,lIlel "f I ,Inrig,· r"l'c. lin .,lIeg(·d incolll- I,on th " afurl'sn id wo ~ prono u nce d in Solem Tp. P I t n' . inslIlH' lind n cccssu ry step, tl r bcinl,!' Sumue l M. and ~ta ry R lI udson, HI.:., rt .1 Sh~l\\ h:l l\ , :1" ndlnr .• with tOkel' f"r his " ,lm i.,i" n t o the hos- luts 'I!J und r,o in H ig-hlond Park subth.. I 11 ~ "-, " I I f -I", (' t u t c ti t I' lta1. <I'vi ~ i o n lI f ~out h Lebllnun. ,J,d l' \r ..\ ' Ull hl'\'''' (t , \. :\ftpd t wus or A . ,,10 btll o r th,' ('stll t e uf lI :lrry Lawn' net' W. An s pu ch til 'u ri M. rl.4"!t ": ~ \" \. "II r ~ ' 0 ;u h I r t isc sai d r \..' l ~1. Jl lI l fi,· ltl w,'" ti le,1 in probat e by Furt' II""'. II Ii IIc r(', in Wayn l' Tp., l '..; !f\ ~ t tl :' ... all a' n,·' Il '5 than two ;,,11111'.. Hnl'old C. II l1tf,t'ld . flO 1I<"r~o In C I"'lrcr cc' k nnd 50 ncre' t hi rd ;. "~ It ~\ p : };\ 1 ~ {,. ! \-ulur' whi ch i; A ll pn t r y dl'termining thc inh('ri . In ~ n o th ' r trad ill \\' 0)' Ill'. ~ 1 -: ~ll l . lllnn' tax In hl, .pui d was () rd (, rt,r\ cprJ ohn H Crady t il Cllthari n c Wug· rhnrl(.' r ~ I l , ;\i:l( ,l" WnS nppu in tl·d tlfi ed III ' 11lt' a udit " r fr ll lll th l' p~tl\ t e "r et 1\1., hJs t 117 l '\ " 1..~ x-1lI 0 f" .. t ) in !!,uarrl ia n at! Ii t ~m ·O' ·I' r ~\ i1dred L. or hri stian .J nc k. dr ccnse ei ~l o l'T O w . J on,,> . lI " nlcr ~ . J Ulie, Rllll U nyd 1': 'I'll<' l", t will of th~ lute E. H. tll ou ri c,' Kirk to Williom a nd Ca r. ·


HE motor car T bldustry was star-


1.1, th'b,s "Ill LI' $ :!2 Ii nell rIIulJC ' olllpany, S'l. ft. in • " .1 "f ud"lIni~ttt, tiun will . he \IHlJ. fHlllklilt lV. I 1\ Jlmount uhj I't to lliX h.; ~9:1.-1 1l ('1 ~ 1l fIY'O rRl)t to H ' nr y ,1 !l.

I .


!I" .


J (\nf'~.

min n r oC' ( c ndn n t !'\ in t he


(,U Se



of I1nll'h Gn'pn Rdm r . of the pstntl' ry E . \\' ,,]r,ltt wa ~ mn rle executri x of ~ 7 . in Frnnklin Tp.

o f Fran k J Oll e• . r\eceosed, vs. n oxi, S.. .l one, ,' I nl. Court orcit'T ed th ot ~ lIid cstat c he s~ lei ot pri vnt e solc f o r n ot le"s t hun $2G2~. ond thnt the d ow e r portIOn !I f Ihe "Rid Hoxi e J onc" be r ai d in l' o ~ I \.· In th e mntt",· of tht' e~ tot c of Hllr· rl et E. O'~l'a ll, c1ccell ~t' c1, execut or W . H. ,\ llen aprl il,d t,. the court t ... det ermi ne I,,· amo unt o f coll at t' rn l inh cr ituncr tllX " wcd by snid " statl'. ~2(10 pxcmrti(ln WI\." all owed th e ;;30UU 1' ~ Ult (' . th e omo unt o f t ox due bei ng 5 pcr cent of th (' f{·mninder . P roo f. of npphcot ions of no t ices of app ointm cnts were fil l'll r or Rebecca ~! c Kinll "r , upp"inter\ exec utri x of the l >tllt e of Alex and er Mc Ki nney, d e'cllsed, for , ('org e F. S mith, as Rdmr. of th .. ('s tRle of Dorothy Smith, deceRsed, lln ei fo r Dora D"cker, a ppoin ted atlm x. of th e ('. talC' o f J ohn Decke r, dcct·ascd.

Gcorge Gatc!', Fronklin t ownsh ip , wu>, upp ... inlC''; ." gUllrdinn o f F. I· rlrlrlge I'o p,., olh' gcd in co l1lp<' t ent. und er ~ 5 U OO bond. Th e will of tht' lute Willium Franz wos up plieti (o r ntimitlllnce t o pr obate. I' Upo n app li cat ion E . D. Grnh um WR$ "ppointed "" ndministrn t or of the ~s tot (· " f ('n h r rin (' E. Gill esp ie, deeI'll ·l'd. Bond in Ihl' _urn of $20 00 WII . furni,h l d. Willinm Pe nce , Geo. Selle rs lInei Gnrn' tt I.. venger were ap pointed upprni5efs. , :11 ti !l l' vcet,dit j!H ill tlw cstu t c o f K izzie Hut c h i ll ~" n nchrnn were lIPpr oved hy th e co urt . The execu tor hert' in , Aye rs B. J l'nn in >s, was o rdered to givl' o,'c r a d eed lo r soid estute to th c purchn ser, Stello J ennings. Cou r t Clppraised the estate of William C. Bursk. deceased , nt $9-776.49, Perso nality, comp use d us f oll ows .

1:- "


"lir\ will in {lccordance wi th i L~ pro\'i!" lnn~. n(l htl nri }) J! rC <l uired . A. n. I'ouf lll llll . Karl Dnkin nnd M. II . Oswn lLi w,'r, · nllm ed t n upp r aise ~n i cl l·s tnte . The will n f .It'nni e G. Kempcr, cit- · ,· .. n<l· d, Wl\" Illim itt eci to pro hllte lind :l-I url!u (' r itc Murtii s wos apllo inteci as executrix Iht'rI'io. no bond r equir ed. F'rl' r\ O. J nllws. ChRr les S. Irwin lind ,J ail" '!' E . Burk " we r e nam ed t o upprui~\.~

s aid

l\~ tutll.

Firs t an rl fin al ucco unt of the estate of An ni" B. l lil atu sh was filed by ex"Cll t nr, 11 ..1.>('r M. Dill nnd Frnnk DilnLu s h. In ve ni nr y o nd oppra ise me nt of th e .. , t o t e "f Thomo s E. Shewa rd. deC(' II .e1 . WII " fil ee! hy execu t o r. Th omns ~h e w a r d . An ,' ntry r\,' t crmining th e a moun t o f inhH itRllcC lux t o be paid waM urdered cl' rtiti ed t n t he a udi to r fr om es ta t e (I f Will ill m C. Burs k. decea sed. The instr ume nt of writing purp urted t o be t he Inst w ill of th c Ill te Mnr y Morilla Munfort; wns d enicd admittu nct' t o probate o n g ro unds tha t the su id doc um ent is n o t th e last will of till' snid deceden t. The lust will of Al exandt! r J ohnson, decl'nsed, wus admittcd t o p robllte. NEW SUITS Val McCa be vs. Th e Maxw ell Paper cOlllpany et a l. . fo r $6000. Th ", Groves Chem ical Cn., v• . Ch a rle~ R. S tayto n, nctl o n for judg · lI1.cnt o f $ 1!)6.!) 7 with 6 pe r cent intc rest s inc e Fe hru nry 9 , 1 25. Milton M. J ack vs. Ella M. imd Harry L. !larding, pettio n for pllrtition. Va l McCabe vs. the Maxwell Pape r Co. et a l.,. (or injunction and equitable relief. Frnnk Littl e, plai ntiff in error v •. The State of Ohio , defendnn t in er r or , uction f or err or. Gl a dy s. Abner vs . Ro y Abn er , au it fo r divorc e on grounds of grOBS neg Val McCabe vs. The Maxwell Pa·per Co . et aI., to se ttle claim of $1000 and costs. Ida Hopkins va. Rolla V. Hopkins, for divorc e, alimony and for the issue of an injunction. Albert C. Baker vs. Ella B. Elming and several others, for equitable relief. H e nry Koettel V8 . Oliver Koettel, for divorce, gross neglect charg(ld.

William M. nllc! Cllrd,' Potterso ll to. l\f ('ye r Cramer, f our t ract ~ in

cc tittU

27 . ~ "1ll1l('1 M. nn ,l Mnry Hutis on to Ed Ma loy, lo t " :1 " nil" :17 in thc lI i!!'h Innd Pork "ubtlh' i"ion to South Lebl\-


J UO and Hl l lJth e r


of 80

:!O, n true t l ill n l ~J arw th\,l' t r nd of 1:) Ju.: r(ls in ~\'l' tl0fl

IIt' n 's I II

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a n d 1.;

:'tll ld,'y C.

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Ilnd l. 'lu i 'l' \\',t IHlJ11, i ut .. , 17 :Iud ,U~ in \r lllollL!hhy' :-- .\drlil l\ d' I) !'"ut h L l' htl rt H l l.

Fra " k I'ull,·) .·t "I.. t il .I " hn \\' . SlI litil . lot :CI III til", ~ I " l' kinll\l' AddiU HI



AI\, II' 1'" llvy to I·' .... nk I'tdky . div i( it·d t.nt' -half illtl.' r "~ t if! h,t ~ alld 1;)


1111 ·

:~ O

thl' ,\ l alk" ,:t w .\ dd IL w n



wh o t t hc o t her f('l1 C1 w h us to wh at th,' comllluni>t hns n't, and th cn diLitt le did o ur grnnclm othcr s drell m viding it nil u p. hat th e time w ould come wh en womTh e nver agc mnn won't begin t o en pedes trian s coul d he id entified by worry ab out ou r no t getting into th e t heir kn ces. \\'o rld cllnrt un til the r(. ' ba ll scnson It is n ow rep ol1 cI that Fro ncl' will is ove r, lit le ast. re j ect the debt sl'l tlc llI cnt pln n lind ome of thl'sO ony, thcre is going ffe r 10 rcf~ r t he whole ma tt er t il t hc 0 League o f " at ions . If ll,ey Iliit tl,ot to uri se >In vppos iti on cand idate wh o ove r, ho w much mo nr} do you t hink ei ncsn' t th ink tha t t he eo untry is g oing til the dogs-then wlltch out f o r Uncle Slim will g ~ t ? the m ill enium. N o malL l' r ho\\' pr"'pcr ous w Ret Nnw th nt France and Ge rmany arc th e a" " r IlKe "iti z II Will lIt.t he entirc - gl·ttinj:! togethe r Greot Dritnin and Iy satisfied until h(' hns a car t hat \\'i ll Il a ly a r(' sai rl to be conferring obout ak!! .,\, er ything un high . II po g; ibll' ull ionce. Didn 't some bod y lL is suill t hat t her r nTC' nL w fi ve " ' y that th e LClIgue o f Nati ons wo uld millio n r ad i u~ i l~ us c ev pr y day. And l·nd all that 80 rt of thing 7 cve n at t haI. there see lns tu be plenty oC s tat Ic t o go a ro und. LIFE'S MIRROR Ever y t ime the Fre nch and Gc:;rmans see m ab out reudy t o sign nrt i Rc llectil, DS by P unn c c1es f or n fri endly alliallce so me body If it , the pi on of hin gs spoils it by opening an arg ument Whnt is meant will happen to m e Th en I mu st not sigh, but only try about who started the war. T o find what my purposc be. Reports from Madrid are to the effect that the Spanish army is gctting restless. If they need exciteWl\y Wo~. w~ ment they might turn Abd -el-Krim BCCOUBe Ot.r IntentloD8 etlDnot be loose again. mndo out It we be allent. wol'd8 baft been In,'ented, not fD be • turb but to The contrariest m a n we know of polDt thew out. is the ardent wet who pret end s to be indignant because he thinks the dry law doesn't work. ga soli ne.

in~ )ot 1!1 t lil ~ CUU !'> I' ,

t' l' rt H lIl d \., 'elltlan t "! Wl't"I.\ g'h' l'll 1 duy ' to I'h:ad i ll the ca . l" of Emnia Thr ockmurt u n \' ~ . j" dwH r d \\" ('i r Hnd Gr i ~st

Thrt'C Knlun r, n. T h ,' n 'a l I.' ... t nt (' C" ont'(.' rtH: d In t he cos ,' " I' Wi ll Ll,F \'e r \' 5. Eli7.lIbc Lh Wo tt .' 1 Ill.. \\'U. or. I,'rpd pu t u p f UI sale fu,. ctl~h by th,' cI) urt . th e CnU '" " f Fra nk Milk- r, pl a iuti ff in Th p plointiff \l'JL; ~i"c ll !-H' I'lII i" iu" to fil e peli t lo n ill e rrur by court in ~r ro r \os. Tol' St nH' vi Ohin, defend ant. in error. In the cau se of Gladys Alme r vs. Ro y A lmcr, o n motion uf Illllint ifT f or uli mony pe nde nte lit e. same wn s sct for h earing Octobe·r !l lit 10 o'clock . Th " ju ry l·et urn(·rI II verdkt in fn vo r of t he defcndullt in the case of Dr. W . E . HaITH vs . Dr. Ed Dlllir . COMMISSIONERS' ALLOWANCES The Frnnk1in Chronicl e, proof of publication of n otice to contractors for bridge No. 16-·47, $15; The Western Star, .same, ~~ 17 .6 0; Ray Humphreys, repairs o n truck, $83.6bL Ge orge C. Bauer, first cstimate on contract No. 8.67, ~$ 200 ;The Standard Oil Co., for gas and oil used during roa d and bridge repair, $735.39. • • A preacher said t o his congregation: "There is B certain man among us who is Igoing with another man s wife. Unless he puts five dollarg in the collecltion box hi s name will be rea d fr om th e pUlpit." When th e box came in . thcre were nineteen five-dollar-bills in it and a two-dollar bill with R note attached, soying , "This is all the caah I have, but will se nd tlie other three d ollars W ednesday."

R. Eckhart, machinist, and Annabel M. Mart?, stenogrnper, Carlisle. Rev. Underwood . Jns pcr Gambrel, farmer, Foster and Margaret N e ppier, Fost er . Carl Earl Hawthorn, carpenter, Franklin and Thclma Mario Ridd el, Franklin. D . .L Brenden burg was n amed . Newton W. Young, salesman, of One way for t he government to H ouston, T ex., and Margaret D. Geis- increase its roven ue is to tax prizebau er , Frankiln. Frank Gallaher is fighters for their movi e sill aries. nllm ed . Alb ert Glenn Frasee, farmer, Franklin, and Monetta Tn ylor teacher Wa vnesvill e. . Robert Moore. Middletown, and Pearl Wage rs, ·Fra nkJin. J a m es B. Kincaid , W est Milton, anei Mnry Alfrieda He isey, Lebanon. Rev. Flory nnmed. Stacy Bradshaw, truck driver, of Franklin, un d Lllurll William s, Franklin. Frank Gallaher nam ed . Edwin C. K eelor, bookkeeper, MHf ord nnd H elen J ean Brant, teacher, Morrow. R ev . Brown. Xenia. Wesley Edwllrd Smith, N ew Burlinton , ond Mnbel Mari e Lewi s, Harveysburg, Peter Joseph Smith , Brookville, Ind ., and Marie C. Wilgenbuseh, ste no{,'l'upher ,Kings Mills.


----- .- ..----

------- ..---'_nted,

Russian leaders arc snid to bl) seek ing a way to slop rowdy ism nmong Russian y outh. One. good woy wou ld be to put 'em to wurk. Now the experts say tho t the way to become beautiful is t o exe rcise your face , Still we have noticed thllt thc most talkntiv e wome n arc not always the most beautiful' ones. Poincaire over In Fronce ha s just turned 4,000 job hold er s out of their political offices. Evide ntly h e is not expecting to be a candidatc f or reelection.


Phone 05

:F•. T.

Waynesville, Ohio


Jesse Stanley

Auctionee'r s 8M Ual£ar.l, for

Your Sale Datea. We Guarantee Satiafac:tlon or ' Charge NothIng.

New Burliagton,O. Pltoae No. 320


IVACCINATION OF SWINE A Specialty Nothing but reliable Serum and Virus used

Dr. W. E. Frost Veterinarian HarveYllburg



Phono 44


............. w wi'"

MONEY LOANED LOANS 0 11 Chatte ls .Stocks, SecurIties and Second Mortgngcs. Note. ho ur:ht. John Harbine JlI., Xenia. Ohio. ·m30 -' 26

Farmers, Attention! Farmers ot W .. rren and adjolnln. counties may obtuln money on Ion. time loans, at 6 per cent Interest. Cost of aecurlng the 8ame 18 very reasonable ,through The Federal Lan' Bank. For further Information eal on or addrell8 ·M. C. DRAK~, Tre... orer, phone Sl6-X, Lebanon, Ohio.

FOR SALE FOR SALE-Big Type Poland-Chinas of either sex, cxtrn fine oneil; prices reasonable; immuned. W . 0 and I. D. Welch, Harveysburg, Ollio. YOU NEED THEM NOW-Uas fl!" cis , stove pipe, elbows, furnace IIn4 ~ue brushcs. Iron cement for p,,~cll­ lUg h oles, s oot de stroyer for clean in. stoves and pipes wit h out tnking them down. We havc a ll stove and furnlice appliances. THE BOOKLETKING CO., 415 W . Mnin .treet, Xenia, Ohi" , phone 360, 020' FOR S ALE-Four burnor Petrolt VII' por stove, burns oil or gasoline I oak China closet, cnenp, Mra. W. N


·o1S .

FOR SALE-Keifer p eafll. Samuel Butterworth, Waynesville, Ohio,


"A Thing (.f Beauty Is a Joy Forever"



Waynesville Motor Co.

Muyb,' t h"s(' Icuroreu n d ebtor no -

tioll. k I thn l I\'l' II u!:'ht t o he stun !!, I II .l h t' rallS" . Id A n c\' E\'a ll ~ \' ~ . fn r bt'itlJ! (t )tdl~h (' n o ll{!h tn le n d t he m Mau d, ' I',\n n" Ut'll "11 f l r nJlrll ll ltY tlill It dnc" n' l pay tn li\'e in t he h o u ~e that mu c h llltll ll'Y. pl u ilJllll \.\', l~ o rd l·r .... d til 1';I } ,~"", OO l' l' f hy th,' s ide of t hI' r oa d. nnY lll lJ r c. un wl ·l·k III the (it·fl'udn nt \llIlil fllrlht: r TIl<' cl.ll1munist hc li e,'(" in add ing less yo u ca n ~ tan d th e IId .. r o ( bur"t o nh' !" .. f j'\)u rt. al ~o l'u.: t :-. I,i pnu.; I·(.,d·


Come in and let us tell you why.


Elizaheth I· " d." t il ('o r lr7. i\I . Smith a tract


This tire plus our service will save you money.




When you buy a Goodyear Tire from us you make an investment in long mileage.



PHtt cr~un, four tr act:i in S,,'ctitl Tl

\\' \.)('ott wUs. ndlllittt' <i t o pr(,bnt Cl, l\1u - r il'


Herbert Murray to Simeon A. Goss 57 ncr es in Section 23. Jnm es W . and J essie I. Quigley to Mary Eldridge Tibbals, lots 75 and 76 in the Mackinaw Addition to Frank lin, Wilfiam Odell Hamblen, of Fostorin, to Kath erine M. Long, lou 2124 o nd 21'25 in Loveland Park, Deerfie.l d t ow nship. Fred and Lenora Roberson to Ch ri st oph er C. and Anna Janc Cox, thrce acres in Wnshingto.n Tp. Hllrry M. and Ethel Linder to Jas. and Mattie Marcum, fourtcen acres • in lea r creek Tp, C. C. Trimble to Alice F . Trimble, lots 20 and 21 and frnctional lots 22 and 23 In Morrow. Tine .Roberts to . Egga';' Jord on, 25 feet' oir the west side of lot 26 and 25 fl!et of!' the east side of lot .27 In the Mackinaw Addition to Franklin. . Jane S . Fox to the Franklin Hydraulic Co., a tract of 1600 Sq. ft, in Frimklin Tp.

Ralph W. Foz to the Franklin Hy.

1'h1a. \8 one 01 th. beauty lpota 01 the S08CJoJ.(lanloonnlal IJlternatlonBl: EIpoaltJon In Ptllla4e1phla.. . Tho expo. . sltlon celebratee the 150th annlversary of the IdIrDliD8 of the Declaration of 1D4l1J)8llduce. 'rhll flew ,bows the .tower at on8 of the main uhlblt buildlop rearI.D8 ltll· b8114 up from .amons tho COI'gIlOWl laDdacape wlddl artist. baTe built around tile stant Itracturel whIcII boulle emlblta froID ro~ DatIonI 01 the W'OrId. TIle IIQaIlUDa OD'INg". uatII Dlclmber ..







--------------------,It. -


Othl'rs, ill tilllV R !lust, have' also il'a rllcd this lessu n.



- -~---

Whut h,,~ lJccorn the old: tim e \ religi ous in at ,' ucli,lII in th h01l1e? 'l. L CRANE Publi.her Family pray t'rs lind th e oRking nf hl essi ng ha\'e given w~, y to cha t a buu l hUl)ti<!ggc rs. bridge, ~ ·I\,"I: tI. Th e Thl. PI." rh:ht. tn I.fIo I ..(''''h, n1Illuult ) to I II tlld (nmily Bibl e, whic h on Cl' ot!l'upieti N ... WS, F ... A TU'U-: ~ _ntl AUVfo' n . II pl'I lllIillellt pu'siti'; 'l nn thl: celllt<l' TISIl\C ht:i' nn~_ ' 'he Pl i ... [ LISIU:IiS AI TOCASTKR 81H(. tuhle ill lh l! !'o; itlinJ.{ .'1) 0 111 t1r U\(I pur·


wcre Uaytlln visitors, Suturday. II'. Clyde Wharton mnd e " I,u si. trip to F,runkli n. Wl'dll cs uay.

ll e~s

~ Ir" . Mel vina i' t n('y. of Dayt!) n, "pe' nt Ins t we,' k with f(·lnt i\'I·' h,'re ,

'·II~.\' tu lind II Bible ill th e mudc l'll hurtl e. The BiLJi<, hllR 1)!!I'1l hiddc n awa y ANOTHER FORD FA LLACY ill the buok · tll se 01' closet. Dr, Edward \\'. Stitt, RH. " cinte s uO I~1 Mall N"ce~sity: mlh,,1' tho n u pe r in ten dent of NL'''' York City coy nnd demure id~Il I , hns co tls('d ~ c h oo l 5 , to ld n g "cut trnth when he Henry Ford tu inllU~lIl'lIl ' the nvC'. su id recently thut children uf Am e rica day week in ,his factories. Hr C' gro w ing lip ignorant of rlla l Tt'· At ICIIBt that iH the i mpres~ion une ligion. TOI) I11llny pun'nt , co n ~ ilkr goills from illRide informatio n filt er. thut they hove do ne tlll,i r fu ll duty tIt ing out of Detroit for several doys. ward th eir child re n whell th ey have 'I'wo weeks ngo the industrial wor ld prov id ed u good hom(! lind" satis facread thut Henry Ford, promoter of tory schon i. tho m,inimum woge, hnd gone one st ep - - : - -..... . rnrther a nd es tablislwd a GO WEST, MR. PR ES IDENT ? wCl·k wit h six days' puy. Once more Mr. Ford was hail ed by in dustrial There is l'olls idcrub le nwrit to til' jdealist" as the savior or the work. pla n of an 1 0Wl! Co ngressman to in· Ingman. troduce a bill proposing t hat the gov· A. u mutter of fact, He nry Ford's ernment estnbli. h n sum mer Whit!! pl unta have been opernting a five ·day HOuse west of th e Mi ssissip pi rive r, t o ~v ee k for alx months-i n fact, prac· permit the pl'esi rlc nt tn "breathe tho tically since t ho earl y wel'k ~ of the nir of the West nnd come into closer year. III recent weeks there havo contact wit h Wester n sentim ent." A been alight pay increase. given to II few months in th e West, li ving close amall percentage ot the Ford e mploy_ to th e f olk who take their poli tics se· ees. This ralle haB in no sense beon riously, would be of be nefit to any ad· goneral, but follow. tho line of the min istra ti on. It 's out West whe r e nil official ~ta t e m e nt thllt th080 co nsid- the po li tica l trouhles lJegin. ered worthy would r eceive IIdditlonal compen8ation~ Those favor ed wit h SAYS SAM Increases announce t hat the increase ~h ey received for the week 'is not Cities may hnve thrills, but none "'lunl to a full day's pay. The prime reason behind th e fiv e- enn com pare with It boy'~ thrill at dllY week, it seems, is the drop in first day o. a pluwm nn. Ford sale8. The prese nt retll il sale SAMANTHA SAYS of Ford automobiles does not wnrrant II full week's production. Stntistics T li ke Pl'oJ1l e. but it ta kes II most prove that Ford prod uction'. In the first lIix months In 1926 ha ve not kep t puce un derstanding perNU l! to ma k" a b~t· wrth ,aiel! in other years. Ch('v rolt't , ter fir c:;id .. compa ni on Ih nn a gOtH\ Dodge, E8SIIlI, other lead ing low-pric· boo k. ed can, show treme nd ouH gains ill I'ri,,\u ctiun and IIJ] l e~. Words (rIO'" the Lips (I f Great Forll vi rtunll y quit ndvertlsinj!' in M,·n- "My t"fl ~t wuuld Itl'; mfl y our country weekly " e wRp~pc rs so me time cClu ntl'Y LJ(' IIlwtlYR succesR bul. but Ilgo. That had Ttl ueh to do with the wh (,t her sllccesHfu l or ot.h prwise, nl· unpr ecedented Fo rd slum p--In pro· wlly~ rig ht. "- John Quin cy Ado rns.

Mr. Rud d Say lor, 'J f Wren, Oh io, vi.ile" hi~ , i'lcr, Mrg. Harry Grn. hnm . Saturday . Dr. Halph S, M,ch.-· I, of Chi cng!" cnll cd on Mr, and Mrs, Sllmu r l Hain es. ~I o"day. The 'S und ay.S d \llol otllters W,'re rC · l·lected at a meeting at t he churcn Tn ursday eve nin g. Paulin e Crum (' nt t, rtaine !1 Grace Hess un d J uanitn Hu b· ble. Monday evening, Miss

- ----

Mi ~"es

Miss Julin Charleton

nil tho Re publican H 8loto oroca nlUdnll.'ll this year. ERr;:

My or u Y. Coo per, th o gu~rnat o rll\l Is a BltCCMs ful Clncill ' nutt bURlne8s man, Frnnk n , wn· Its. nom llieo Inr r l"elucrton UB UnUml StateR 9l)nalor. 1I \'8S a l DolaWRrt•. u'lIl has a ttain ed ht gb "IAre In the !!Ill nlltp. ~ouacIIA . J . 0 , MIlia. CAndidate tor Lieu tl' n'ln t Goye rn or. 1ft u pr nmln ent rl'eta ur. not man. with business In Col um· bus. Clevolnnd .. ud Cinc inna tI. Claronco J. nrown. ror Sl"Cretliry ot Btato. lIy08 at R1 nneh oo lor. 19 Ii 8uoce18tul nOWSPB\JOr man , /Edwa rd C. Turner. ot CoJum bul. W&8 oae.! r~ n rlldll to.

A ttornoy

Genoral olf the state. nnt! Is now n candidatE. tor a second torm, nert B, /Jur.lkloy. tor Traa.. ure r. IIvos at l)Qywn. ami la a fo rm er State Fire Mars hal and A.. "lstaD t Attoraey General. The cand idate rOT ro-olectton al Chlet JURtlce ot tbe Supreme Court. Carrln810n T. Mn .... hllil. 18 11 roal. dODt ot Zancs,·lIle. Tho two can· dld&t os tor re·electlon as J udge. of tb e Su premo Cour't, ThoDlnl AJOD 08 a nd Edward S. Mattblna, come trom JaCKson and Viln Wert, res pnc ttvely. Tbelr names all ap· pear on tb e IlBparnte Judi cial bal. lot, without party doslgnalloD.

HARVEYSBURG A co mf ort . pi eceli hy our !lO·year. old ml'm bel' . Mar y Grnhn m, was kn ot· te d. . Mr. and Mrs, Aaron Freeland hnve moved intn the west side of Wm. Luk e,,~' houijc, Misscs Gruce onstnnt and Rosetta McMillan spcn t the wCl'k-end ot their homes ncar Port Wi lliam . A number f rom he re attended the fun eral Saturday aft ernoon, of H. H. Wilk erso n, at Waynes ville. Mr. and Mrs, Chorles H. Gray ond childre n were Sun dny g uests o[ Mr. and Mrs. Ua\'e Smit h a nd famil y, in Hamilton . Thuf'day ~\'~"i " j:! the Int~r111cdinte grades e nj l)y ~u a ' weine r roa~ t III n o. mine Shum"l, e r· ~. with lIIi" s~. CO " . stant and McMilloll. as chujlcron~ ", Hev. N, ~: . B" nnrtt, of Wilm ingt oll. ollicinted 11t. th,' 111:tnillge, T hursrl ::y, ot 0 a. Ttl , . of M, -s norotheu COllr cr a~d Harold Wlilralllson, of w nyn 05' v~.lIe. The ha ppy coup le left immc· rI ately for u mnlor trip through the East. Mrs. W. D, Lllrkin nnd Mrs. Mary T uck er and !<Iiss lI al'l'ic tt Tucker mo· tored t o DnytlJn Tu esday afte rn oon. On W e d rtl'~dny morning Miss Har riett went on to UL· troit loy train, wh er e Rhe wi ll "1"'11(1 SOlli e t ime Ilt t he hUlllo of her unc\t!, ClitT South a nd Mrs. South. A number of pretty and useful garmen ts w(Ore ma de Wetlnesday nt tho Baptist Mi ss iona r y Ci rcle's oll-doy sewing. A nu mber of Indies from the Sharon Aid find t he M. K ond Fri ends Missionary societies from here. were prese nt. The president of Shl11'o n !\id weilt us on in vitation to ~heir allda y ' sewing the first Wed nesd ny in Novolllb(;r, A bountiful and delici ous dinner was serv ed ot the noon hour.


BEECH GROVE Gilbert Tolle has a n ew runabout. Elc Shuwhan and family spent Sunday with fri ends flear Xenia.


Daki~ .. -

, Insur~~Ce~gency

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Robinson Dnd dnuB'hters have gone to FIQri4a for the . wl ~tef. ' " {I.S

Insurance· Phone 61··2

Wa)'liesville, Ohio

Siding O ak F looring Edge Grain Flooring Finishing Lumber Porch Material Front Doors Cottage Windows Windo\v Frames Window Glass

RedCeda rShin~ l es Mule-hideShin glcs Carey Shingles

Asphalt Roll Roofing ' Brick' Portland Cement Plaster Lime Plaster Board Wall Board

MI'. and Mrs. C. 'A. Dickinson' had g\lcsts over the week-end, Mr D'.

---.. - ...--.......

'parents, o! Columbus,

One follow who doesn't get melan· chilly when the melancholy days arrive III the coal dealer. ,


Mr. lind Mrs. J. B. J ones a nd T herle .I o n(·s we re Sunliny din nc r guest s of Mr. Hn<i Mr~ , ('a rl Pic ke ring, neu r ( ,'nlcl'vi ll e.


The lad ics o( Lytle church will Nothing r Ull make n girl mOl" un· serve a light lunch at the sale of Mr~. populur than winn"'~ a popul arity Lottie Carey. near Rid gev ill e, n ext contest. Tu('sduy, th" I 9th. Mr. and Mrs. J , M, Fair and fnm i1 y moved fr om near Tip pecanoe City last w"e k to t he Baird property here, which they recently purehased.

At Cary's Jewelrj Shop


Walter McClure J. E. McClure

Mr~ . Mary MaD'llOn and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Emrick and Hnth lind Gle nna , of Wilmington, doughter, Mrs. George Reeder , Miss\\'ere hert', Sundlly a ft ernoon. es Eva a nd Ethel Reeder and Mr. T he McKay fa milies hnd for their and Mrs. Edd Lon goc re attended the dinn er guests Su nduy. E, Ever ett Ter- Quarterly Conference at the Sprignboro M. E. church, Sunday afternoon. "ell and famil y, of Wilmin gton.

Dr. and Mrs. M. W. Ycncer and The Rich fam ily and Miss Alida GrIlY, Cole Jackson fa mily, attended son, John, of Richmond, spent Suna lJirthday dinn er lit Lebanon, Sundar day with Mr. and Mrs. Seth Furnas. Little Sarah Corrinno Furnas returnDo n't lorget thl3 ~assie 'l'townahip ed home after spending a week with Sunday·School co nve ntion at the them and other relnives at Richmond. chllr~h here nel(t Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. George Scott enterGeorge W. Dav'is and J. W. Creswell attend ed thc' fun er al of H H. tained several days last week the IntWilkerson in WIly nesville Satu~day ter's si ster and hus band, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Watson, of Pri nceton. Ind . afternoon . Their Sunday g uests w er e Mr. and Hugh Bnrgett e and family and Hal' Mrs. Edward Patton and family, of ry Ste in family, of Belmont, were Middletown. Sunday afte rn oon callers on K. E, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Clark enter· Thompson and family. talned to a bountiful dinner, Sunday, S~errnlln ferris, wife and daugh- at their country hom e, the following ter IIl1d !4rl\. Ella Ferris attended guests : Mr. and Mrs. 'w. F. Clark, the funeral of H. H . Wilkerson at Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Younce, of WayWayneSville, Saturday afternoon. ne8ville, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Riggs, The Murray flLmily had for their of Miami, Fla., Miss Mildred Clark, Sunday afternoon calleTs, Mrs. Louise of Centerville, Messrs. Everett and Baldwin, Mr. and Mrs. Alvah Bar- Earl Clark, of Dayton, and Mrs. Marette, of Leesbul'll', Mr. and Mrs Ro· ry Carmony, Mr. and Mrs. Charles E . Johns, Mr. and Mrs, William Bergmer Lundy, ef Chester. • dnl1. ------~.~~

A New York InDn went to a lawyor the other day and ' said that hiB wUe had called him names, beat him with a pokeI', aold the parlor furnltu'r e and eloped with a vaudeviUe actor. "I wanted to ask , yOU;" aald the hUIband, I'Ilf you can't think up .ome grounda for divorce."


G~rlnnny n i::rl'~' to pay Franco u,~h ('J evul'un t ion of th e Hil l !'Innd, nnd I Il l' re turn o( th .. . nn r a!id B co upl<· 0 1 ci t i£',. That is, pl'o viding th ~ IIll. l1ey , " 11 be raised in th e United ' ~:'t \<H. We knew t here was a cutch in .t som cw herl'.

;S5vU ,I' OU .OOtl


Misses Helen Duk e and Norma Gray, of Miomi Vulley hospital, took Sundny dinn er with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Duke. in company with a number of oth er guests.



w. H.l\1adden & CO.

Mrs. Clyde Cox, who has been ill for some tim e, went to a sunitorium north of Dayton for several weeks treatment.


HIS OWN RULE Old Rnstus--"You ain't Iivin' th e Christian life, Sammyl 'Member dat maximum we done learned at Bchool 'bout Btealln'?" . "Yes, sub; ah 'Members. 'A bird. in lie hand am wulf two ~n de ooop I"




Fully Equipped for Good Service. Large Display Room. Ambulance Service



LebanoD, Ohio

Every Tuesday s.OO


m. to • p. m.



Harveysburg Fertilizer Co. Pbon.8


Dr. John W. Miller Denti.t Wa,•••"II. B.. k BI... Try tb. Miami Gautt. for Job War.



The Wee.."", Machl_ Te.tPaoeIa cOvered with Devoe paint aN piaced upe;. the IIowly &umo ha, wheel of the ""'eathel' machino" ID oar fadDrtee,.ad IUbo Jedted to the beu. caId and _ thatJ.IDt mUit withataoCl In ac:tu UMI before It I. put Into the can. •

1M Pi8lftel'l Taa-Sllt


wed ID bouae palnt-wIWe ..... ",bh. dQCo _ _ _ _ _ enlAce. buyta, china clay, and, ....~ wkh u.-I 011 .....

applied to a blade paIIeL White Lnd and White Zlru:-cbe pigmenu. wed ID Devoe Lnd an4 ZInc HOlUe PaInt are the onl., pigmenta that completely _ and bide the blac.k IUIfacc.

The S".,eadlng Tut-Tested bop

lXactlcaI palnten and labonotorles. and ova again Devoe paint hu proved ... IlUpeftOI' epre8d.\Da and coveriDII capacity.


Itt. auarancreed 10 . . . . .dafacdoQ ft_ appllecIlIClIlOIdlDa CO dInGo do_ '

FRED M. COLE, Wayneslille,'Ohio


There are two thlnp tra1ftc .cops Shojlper-,-"I want to lee Bomethlng never do.'''' One III to reprimand II drl· cheap in minol'll_" \'er who hu n'o l violated. va8lc rule. Pretty 'Joon there will be enoulda Olerk-"Take a look at tIWI one, The other Is to admit. that the drivilr to .tart a Loyal Order of madam 1" _ _ • _. • baa not. vio1a&ed a tnIlc rule. 1 Swimmen.

--------..'- ...--e=:

Rods of Wire Fence

Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Wallace are Harold McK ay m.ade a busi ness trip moving to their new property which wos recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. to Richmond, Ind., Wednesday. Ralph Archdeacon . K. E. Thompson" who wos sick for Mr. and Mrs. David Pope, Mrs. a couple of weeks, is out again. E{lizabeth Foulks, Miss Sylvia DonoMrs. Hannah Bogan spent Thurshoo and Orvill e Phillips were Sunday doy with r elatives in Lebanon . guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. ,B. Worner lind K. E. Thomp. Beal, near Red Lion. son we re in' Cincill nati, MondllY. NOTARY PUaUOMr, and Mn. William Lackey and. M. M. Terry and K. E, Thomp80n children, Ralph and Mabel ,of West B. .k wl'rc in Wilmingto n ond Ogden, Sat- Middletown, were Sunday gu ests of urday. Will. Draw . .. " ...... E.t.t.. htdH. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stacy, J oseph Pheeilln ond family were WaYDeaville, Ohio Mr. and Mrs. William Coleman enund ay dinner guests of the Jord~n tertained to Sunday dinn er, Mr. and fll11l ily. . Mrs. Earl Proud and fsmily . and th e 111 . M, Te rry lind Lon Brannon took latter 's mother and Hister, Mrs. EIII truck loud of h o )( ~ t o t he city on fens and Miss Elnora Alfeas, of ReadThursday, ing. M. 1\1, Te rr y and K. E. Thompso n Mrs. Ruth Ynk e and Mr. Charl es called on 'th e Blair family at Green Gibbs, of Findlay, and Mrs. Mary Brinr. SUllday. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Hawes and Mrs. Anna Rolland, of Mrs. Ka te J orda n , V. T. and Ed near Wa ynesville, were Friday guests WAYNESVILLE, OHIO J ordll n and Miss Hannah J ordon vis. at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Walter Kenrick , ited in Middletow n. Friday.

The funeral of Mrs. George Belt Mrs. Mary Spitler is growing wenk was held at the home Friday IIfterer. nob n, conducted by Rev. W. F.. BoThe community revival meeting in gan. Mrs. Belt Icnves, besjde her the Town Hall closed Sunday even husband, two sons of a fQrmer mal'riage, Earl and ROlf G\!iborson t ing. " The Elom Sisters entertained at Mrs;-' Louie Badgley, whp has ilelln 80 seriously ill for several weeks, IS dinner, Sundny, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Sims, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Sims, Jr., 11 little stronger at this wrtill g. Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Sims, Mr. and The Community club held a supper Mrs. Ernest Brookbank, of Cincinand food sille in the Community nati, ond Mr. and Mrs. W. M: Smith, roo~ Saturday evening, the proceeds Mr. R .B: Wi\ ~O !I, o~ Miami, Fla" of Xenia. to bpy coal for some widows of the has ~ .. ined ~is fnmity IWf.e. --~.-~vlll. .e . 'l'ho p, T. A, t endered a recep· HOW COMET Rally Day at the Friends church tion to the t cnehl' rs on Frldny evenwill be observed October 24. W~y is it that freight whicll goes ing, • held at the Mc1h04ist church Sun4 0 f by 811ip is callel\ car~o, p.nd that which lIfr. Ilnd Mn. Ru ssell LumpkIn are goes by car is \lalled a Shipment, th.,. pnrents of 0 little lion, born Octo_ ber 7th, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lundy. have returned f rom their honeymoon trip to Niagara.


Material for Your Roofs

All of the above m'a terial can be found an our yard every day in the year at moderate prices

Mr , an d Mrs. A. E. White and so ns, of Springfield, \l' er e Sundoy gu('sts of Mr. and Mrs. Kesler Gra. ham.

afternoon . Rev. Cnr~ Whi te, oj' Yellow Springe gave the address of the aftll.!'noo n.

E. D.

Lumber for Every Purpose


Mrs. William Long a nd so n, Wil. to Springfie ld, Sun· day. t o spend th e day with r elatives.



of The- -Thin We Sell

Builders' Hardware Nails Smooth and Barb Wire Hinges Door Locks Locust Fenee Posts Barn Door Track Farm Gates

Iiam, motoreu

w..,.""" I8'"


~l1e ~ t

Mrs. S. H. Bu rn ett spen t a few days last wcek with Mr. nnd Mrs. Max Hami lton, ot Hamilton. Mr, und Mrs. Rnymond Gebhnrt ond daughter. of Miomisburg, were call ing nn Lytle fri cn ds, Monday,

Dr.Frank Crane Says



Mr. a nd Mrs. Harry Graham spent Sunday wit h t he latte r's mothe r, Mrs. Su san Suylor, nea r Spring Valle y,




and fomily, t his week.




of her si ster, Mrs. Roy Fri er mood


A Hebrew psalmist, who knew wollthe quiet beau t y o( the cou ntryside at twilight, sang the words: "Be still lind kn ow that I Rm Gorl ," One of the fin est t hings nbout a vaca ti on in the ~ lImmer time is th p op. portunity it gives to get out unde r nn open sky in the ,wace of the twili ""'ht . In those mome nts between t he burning reality of rln .Y and the black ac. , tuality of night comes whot some ono hns called "the hou r of th e rose." The world Is warm an d tired and pacific;' the day is calm with the calm . of old age. Heavy with earth odors thc air drowses as t wilig ht on li ttle grey feet creeps with the le ngt hening shadows. T/le ' hour of the rose is an hour "f mcd itlltion, un hou r of VtSIOn, an hour when the spirit burns' like a candle fl ume, straight a nn ca lm, unwo rri ed by the winds of toil. It is a time of contemplati on. Unller on opon sky, spr ead like II hand in benediction, it is good t o sit and inwardly let th e days fil e by. T he trouble, worries, injustices, troop past soften ed by th . qu iet porspec~ive, Tile tl!ngled skein of active life seems I S9 n hope less snarl JIumapity, slly a nd kindly, draws close; the jangle a nd t he disco'rd sink away. and we feel more in tune w\~h life, Wlfld9m lays its hand upon our should er; the ideal becko ns from t.he Bunaet lighted hill-top ~; and we are strong nnd wise agnln. A re~ent writer \l'uly 8IlYS : "Menshould spend mor e lime with stllrs and IIunsetll." Ttle soul bathes and Is refreshed iu the open and qui ~ t of II Bummer twilight In the country, Gettin, out in the open at the hour of th e r 08e holp9 to smooth out the orelilea of life. And it helpB make you stronge r f or th e fi~ht In the days that follow.

Miss Etlrcl Bishop was a week·en,1 · ~ t of Miss Cleo Stacy. till'S, f.<ld Longncr e ond daughters

OCTUl:lI!:H 13, 1~2(j


Mrs. K esler Graham was a Dayton visitor, Tucsdny.


lo r, } m~ ht Cit n : p lal'('" wit h t h e I"ndio, l,r victrula, "J!' ciglll'et.t ll~ . Jt isn 't

- - - ...



Mr. nnd Mrs, William Brown apent unday in Day ton .

F:)(f,. I'U~I\' ''l

\ l eI-: .1 Now Y. r ~ CII,.




' .. ~criptlon Price, $1.50 per Ye.r


_ _L

The Republican Candidates

.-. ~--

~n'.r.J al P fI, .t offlr:. ot Wff ,,"_/l(lIa nltlo, .,. S.rnntl c /o • • Mull IU utt~,.



• duction, profits a nd prestige.



I.e*" ItZin.





h""l Lill' wn

~llIstr'r Jo: arl PIt<' ~i 'k.

!\ J; Hic],... III hUI\! ' fl'lo • ~1is~ lh;' i (ll1" dr." \ \' dur~ . f l'"m (


---,-- ---ill r tn,l .\1 ,,:- CI 1<11' Ii I ' I!"~ nrriv1.'11 h"I'lI' fr " m [\ HIOl i. F I'I" III. wt'l:k , ,\nd rc " lh, h ..nn~· of ,II ,. HII<It,.' Bmwl) llns r ""lrn ,'d pllrl'll i·. ~If· . tlnr!, Ml' \ 'i lb,"' lurk.

W. Co nnor htls l.It'C!n

I wi ll B II nt ' h,), Int rcsid pllce (HI S",,,II ee.y, doing nk" b.u iDeli. Nv rth "I r ~~ t, \ lIytl<'h' il k, Ohi '. on L" .jlc lI" n" r I . to r"e, one o f the be.t 1[1\\' ,' y,-, r winter coal~ clcllnN! S ATURIJ , Y. OCTO UCR 16, i 926 propo. lli n. an Gree n coun ty • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - . - - . - \ , ;\Ir lind ~,l' 1,IIthtr IIIH"lit·. J . C. II I wk (' nnct . .J Uh:1 ! Hoy l\Jilt: visitl "" now ."uit. r1rv unll pressed, fit I p.' m., . hnrp. 1\ h.t o f Farm of 237 . ·c ra., ... 11 improyed, . >"1 1"/\ •." '"t' /I. cJ:.)·j ·n . T UI·,'d:l )". n fl nry Y$hurl!". 1.1)(1; 8 IJ'Jnj{Ni IInll pr('Ilo~('e! . . f, h,usehnl rl p;ood~ g nrd II t Ollls, ~tc. go<>d loca tion , $85 per acre. J"'t' SatHh. tur~ny I'. I ( j I .1 t o l l ' l ' l ... .dl ~ (, il, '. ,"n :--'lll.d l) ' 8. So ft Water Lllu nd ry, Mah IOO. nereI farm, the ba...t buy ID tha \I I''']' In Dllyton. .111'" Ahe l' (.; (1n ~ Silent the ,,'p, ' \lr< Alv", F.nrnhart \\"8" . h nppi rlp' Ic.'n ,n RI',! T erm s (·!l"h. $65 17 n, ."nnt ,,' ,,~" MRS. nUllA C IIILD EH, ·. cou nty. on y per • T dl i edacr boule. in Wa., . , nd \\'ith col PI{ fnl'lIds nt Oxf nl" t I1l noytllll, Thur.e! ny. \ " 11" · ', , f" r Ih . l;rer' n S ' f' \\ ntl' I' Jr, and Ml'II. Ji omr e ~c l1 , o f AI ' I f h k W . N. S I:.:AHS, Au cL. wo me um·pr c . • p caMIll t . Clld house e vent 0pnrty l U givell wee ___ _ _ _ ___ [ nalvi ll .. , a l.o ODe bu.ine.. property. Xl'n lu. wer e guest s of htn;, L au l''' L nu!"h' '1 rud, """'y T , ,I ...,11\· "iln d . Ir' I <la S I' l k~, lin d Mrs. A " lIr. lind Mrs. A. T . \\ right )" ere I\" n" th e w"I.h Zull , on Friday. Fr d.I' Blnnk "I '. c"lllf. ,,\~ o nll ('''lIl"\lH' Y ' I't' lll SUI1'!IIY wi th n ·lnt h·. Ld ,nnun vis it "rs . TtH' sdny. Ity ~I r. Il lld ~II"~. W . n. All en . The " h "d 1" ' :11 11<'1" h,' oI, h nd pi! . II I \\' i lndn~t,) n. )!ll", ls \\,': 1', . M r . nnll Mrs. Frl\nk U Try tbe Miami Gazette for Job Work __ Mr and Mrs. W . S. Gr ll hnll1 " I· , ... ! I I WAYNESVILLE, OHIO W F. ,fl l·s uch. o'r Ilrll r [l UI.·tll ll. LOll ",. of C,oIumbus, II,' lind Mrs T . I d HIl",<' '''I ~ . ,,", n ' '' ' t rll rlcd II golden wedding c<! I(' brnl it)1l 0 \ • ..! \\ "tl'l L " l!l .1) , Il nll · ill". lin d Mr~ . J . ~~ . Withl\lll III \\ US III \\',,') II l,",· tl},~, lIl nnd ny . \\·u )". " lid ~I ... and Mr~. C:. \ '. Dllr n il L Clarksville Tuesday of Inst \\"~r k . ton .1' l . lI,: t\ IlL )lr'" r.. A Ztmml'rnw n \\'\.\rf..' ill Ll hnr t. \)1" ( 'i nt.'lU na ti . nll on. TII I· , rln y. B. ~ . I I,ll, " 11. of I'" rt WlIli nll1. 1\"11.' a \\' ll) Ill'.,·tll l· \· I~!l n l' . ~1 ()lld. I Y. .\ lr. "lid ~Ir~. H er ul'rt 'nttcrl h ~Ir". ~l ilt"" TI\Clm p~on an'd "I ' ~ pt.· r \( 1 a ll l'V , llj llJ~ with ~tou r f rll'nci!' WHILe and dau j.! htl of nu y tnn , und :11 ,01 Mr ~. 'I n ·il l.· Gril l' vi ~ ilrd ill Il l' , C h : ldl' ~ " "UNth\\,nitr w(Ore dinnrr :I t 'he l'o<,tlilicl' nnol B u ~ <IIIIi nn. h r t'11K. l!ll"~t'. ~Ul1dIlY. uf ?vIr, lind ~Ir s . I \tr. und :ll r •. Uabb , Sr .• o f n l' , Emma I"" gU Ill' K ' Iand ifortl . The !Jay t un g uests . .1' '' ''' ,10\\"11 . ,prnl Sunday wilh ~ I I" (' ill inll nli t o 8J"1l'lll l t h,' wi ll ler. 'Ill~t th e r cmll llllier o f tlH' tillY III the ~I r <. ("a rl Rubb. hume .. f Mr. amI "Ir". (' h a rl eM Sa t. ~Ir" . J . C. Hnwkl' spen t Th u r~ tlay tr rthwaite . \\"l l h ~ l r ;; . ~llIr y Hn pklllS, a t 1I 011ll0n1.. i ("a.1''' '1'1 l ,,' '' ngt <:< n . o f Lo" An ge l, l.. - /' -.1 \ Io ll<lny with Mr. n, .! Mr. und ~l rs. F. ll . Mi l Lr llh c r~ e l" " ," Gr uel' nl'e. l'f Pn yl on. " POIlI ellterta ined fo r tllllllcr, S unday. t hp \ 1.. - It. r l 'l"f1 n ~ lind famil y. tI,,· wr,·k· en d wi th !\Jr, . F. H. MU D' Waynesville, Ohio foll owing g u ,·"t~ : Mr. nnd Mr •. C lin . F J !l u,' ' '' . tl r tho Mo nro,' , ch ,•. I. 1lI 1l\\' , t o n Denrth and Marthn Milt nb er ger, Agent for " "lf l -" , 01 dnys Inst w~ck wll h ], ,, I ' IM LAW , hi ' t of Midd leto wn. und Mrs. Harry • :Irt I1t ... ' :r un d l'flr s J . V\'. Burt o ' {t·\ . IllIl r s. . . ',I k lurn ~pen ~ I ondny a He rn un nn d nl }!ht at Se"cn Gro"s, uf Franklin, !IIr. o nn Mr •. C. C. Arc hd eocon and Mr. ISlIac Linen ln Mr nil,: "! r". F. D. Hend erson. Ill .. ;lI d,·. of Du yton . Mrs. Marthn Mi lte n uer , K:l1l ' ( ',,1 • " 11 und Mrs. O. L. Cra nl' Th e m Olly fr it' nds lO f Mr s. Lin n gl!r r"lllainl'd f ur II visit. Cocoanut Macaroon Snaps, i w,'re Va) lOll visi t o rs. Thursdny aft" I' 111'v ilt re)(,rd l o lell rn o f ht' r se ri uus per pound . ....... ill nes •. nOun. Choc. Marabmallow Pecanl, Ib 27c ~o~~~~e~._,_l b__ .:. ,.:.::' ~ ..:.: .. 14c , ~Ir afl d M.. ~. R E. Crone s pe ' " Mr. nll(l Mrs . C. 111 . Robitzer nnn ;";1l1 .dll Y \li t h Mr. lind Mrs. J oh n M. · Country Club l ! ': llb. Loaf, COlin li nd fumily, nen r F8ycttsvill ,. lIlr • . J. D, Murlntt wer e Ilny ton vis· twin or single . ..... . .. ... .. . Ohi o. ilurs. Tuesday. ST. MARY'S CHURCH C o"",.,.Club.WhoIIWh •• t, I- Ib . lo . ' . 8c Co~~ t' )' c~~Vl~"~- l h_,~o_,,~ .....:...:..:...~c . S undny, Oci ohe!" 17 - TWt'nticth Mr. nn d Mrs. Pl'ter Demas a d G. W. Hawke, o f Cla rksville. was after Trinit y. Churc h chou l nt \J :H O fam ily . of New Vi enna. visited IIH' t he gu est, Sun day, of Mr. and Mrs. n. nl .; ~fo .. ni n~ P laye r nno se rm on Clean se your s ystem, purify you~ blood. and prevent ho me o f MI'. nn e! Mrs. Oliver Davi•. Jnm es McClure. at 11 o'clock. colds, influenza and other winter ailments. un dny. lIIr. li nd Mrs. Clarencr Rye and Rev. J ohn J . Schne ller . Rector. COOPER'S Mi ss I da Gith l' ns, - of Dayto n . Il nJ so n were Su nday di:nn e r g uests of Mr. lIud Mrs . Hurvey Rye. CHRISTIAN C HUR CH little Mnry Murshnll, o f Springfi e ld. The Great Blood Purifier and System Cleanler Prevenb SundnY·Srhou l ab 0 :30; no prench. wcr,' g uests of Mrs. Verna Ke (] I'~ ' Mrs. Linnie Elmo re. of Cincin nnti. ing se n ' ice this Wed nesday cVl' nin g. Sicknells. Get it today at Saturda y nnd Sundny'. spent th e week·end with her mother, Seple mber 15, Prayer Me('tin g ut Country Club. Mr. lin d Mrs. Frank Tnft. o f Sou lh Mrs. Kizzie Thompson. 7 :3 0. New .tock. l-Ib. pk. ....... Churl cst o n. and Mr. nnd Mrs. F . II. Mr. lind Mrs J. W Bnk er , of Cin· ME T HODIST CHURCH Fll r~ wcre dinn er gues ts of Mrs. E I11 ' cinnn ti , spcnt the '¥(!@..I!.:end with Mr. Sn bunth School at 9 : 15 a . m. ma Dakin Inst Friduy even ing. Allondale, No.3 can und Mrs. hurles Grny. preaching nt 10 :30 II. m. Epworth Len gue G: 15 p. m. Prl'!le hing at Me<s'"S. W . S Gruhnm, Harry Mr. a nd Mrs. .I. 0 Cartwright 7 :3 0 1>. Ill . EVer y body invi ted to t ho se Praler, Em erso n Milson an d CM I ~pc nt Tu esdny with th eir daughter ser\ ices We are agents for the celebrated h ~ r wo" d spent sl've ral days Inst at West l' rn co ll ege. Oxford. ...... .. Re v. ·L. A. Washburn, Pnstor. \I ,," k nt th e Rese rvoir, r eturning







l, hllht.u~.







I!:=iiiiiii~~~§~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'~-1":lBr.-ng your Egg



19c 10c




~I ,,,

Tell the Advertiser you saw his Ad. in the Miami Gazette

} ' ,





' I

Ca kes



Kro ,.;. , er

n(>~i n"inK





Public Sale .





All Forms of Insurance Life, Fire, Automobile, Health, Accident, etc.




15C ~~!!~,~A~~.~~. ~.~.25c Kraut 12c f.!!!!~~i3?can 12c Soap 4c ~!?~~~ . ~.~~~~.~~. 1Dc !!!!~!~:speCL" . 45c t:!?b~n~~~lb;~~.~~~ 25c ~~Et~.~,, ~~.~~.~~~. 29c Sweet Potatoes . . . 17c ~b~!l~~d ~;~:':..... ..23c Dates

Klr.. Flab, bar ................. P 4 C, 6 bar. ........................... 25..

12 pair .......... ..... .. .......... ... ...... $ 1.15 Jerley, pair .... .... .......... ........... 15c

... Grime. Golden,S Ibl .... ............ 22c

California Toka.,., Ib .............. .. t Oc

Ch oieo Jer."y •. G lb.

Cottalle Butll, lb .... ........ ... ..... 40c

John Hawke's Store, Waynesville, Ohio Madden's Drug Store, Harveysburg, Ohio

h o m~

S unday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Harr y Turner /lnd son, of Bellbrook, 'spent Sunday with Robe rtll Cro n e delig htfully enter. Fred B. H enderso n lan d fnmily. t a ined her Su nday·Sc hool class Sa t. Mr. nn d Mrs. A. T . Gilpin, of urd a y, October 9, ubo ut .on e-hal! mi le no rth of her h ome. at a we iner roa.t. Spri ngboro, were week·end g uests J\ Cl er playing muny games the cia ,. of Mr. and Mrs . GIJorge Hartsock. roast ed th eir we in ers. Those wI,., Be sure to make arrangements to en joyed th e occasion were, Fran c" Watkins , Annn LeI' Crane, Barbol" meet your friends at th e P ostoffic e Gruy. Louise Hough, Ruth Salisbu r, . and Bus Station in t he near future. ~l nrg ar c t Hilg er s. Roma Hardin, Ma· Mr an d Mrs Ralph Miller ond ba· bel Crolle . Merle Planck, Doroth y by, of Dllyton, were week-end guests Orndorf, .Mnry Ellen Carter, Evel r ', of Mr. lind Mrs. Howard Archdeacon. Neely. Ada Planck. Ruth Frazi('/'. Virginia Hardin ana Mrs. Crone, w hll Mr and Mrs. W . H. Allon spent we nt us chup or one. Tuesday with their niece, Miss Ruth

Cutler--Earnhart I\l r . nnd !llrs. Rar ~Iills nr ... nn· the mania",,· " f lhl' lI" <l au g h. ter, Rut h. to Mr . Ch" stlr Cu tt cr. n fro me r tenc her in thl' Wll yn,·_"i lle schvu l. {rom which h ~ r esll: oed to tuk" u PO"i l io n in t hL' l\o rwood sch uo !'

no u ncin~

- - - _. - - -

Market Notice


. Lawson--Omdorf

Charles LefTerson and children, and Mrs. Price, of COVingto n , Ky., s pent Sunday with Mrs. Mary Waterhouse and fomily.

The marriage of Miss Merle Orn· dorf, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Will Orndorf, and Mr. Otis Lawson , took place Tuesday evening at the M. E. pars onnge, Rev. L. A. Wllshburn performing the ceremo ny.

hand-the hand quicker than the eye.

1 here are no tricks to 'Classified. Ads. For they bring out epery little detail in such a w~v that.the eye can .plainly see through them at a glance (


Try Them Through .T he Medium of

The Mianzi · Gaze t-te , Phone 112

Dr. Roberts, superintendent of the Hillsbor o district of the M. E . church, preached an excellen t sermon at the M, E. church Sunday nig ht. Thkl Junior choir lind the Men's choir furnished two musical numbers.


Rich· Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sla~le, mond, Ind ., were week·end guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hawke. Sun. dny di nner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hawke were Mr. and Mrs. Slagle, of Richmon!!, Mr imd Mrs: SOJ.DlIel Hllines, of Bellbrook, and Mr. ' an d Mrs. Wlllter Jannev. The following out-of-town people' · were entertai ned ·at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Vern H'qugh and Mr. lind Mrs, Forrest Hough. Sunday : Mr. and Mrs. Horn and two children, Mr, and Mrs. Phaul &n'd of Day ton, and AIn.

A 1923 Ford Touring, S. & D.


Waynesville Overland Sales


H. Archdeacon, K • 0 f P • BId g., W aynesville, Ohio

- ...----

---_.- ..

The regular r el\ ular meeting of the Woman's Auxiliary, which was post· pon ed from last week, will be held on Friday nfternoon , October 16, with Mrs. Harris lind Mrs,. Mosher .

A 1922 Ford Touring, S. & D.



Mr. and Mrs. Jn mes W. Davis and two .daughters, Anna Dolores .md J ennette Louise, of New Lond on, Conn., 'are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Davis.

An Overland "90"

----- ..- - -

A New York man went to II law· yer the other day and said that his wife had ca lled him names, beat him with a poker , sold the parlo r furniture and eloped with a vlludeville IIctor. "I wa nt ed to ask you," said the hu s. Mr. ond Mrs. Scth Thomas and bqnd. "if you can't t hink up so me son, of Dayton, and Mr. an d Mrs. grounds for divorce ." Harl'Y Burnett we r e Su nday guests ... of Mr. a nd Mrs. E. ,L. Thomas. HIS OWN RULE Mr. a nd Mrs. C. H. Deatherage, of Old Rastus--"You ain't livin ' the m'ur Orogonia, nnd Mr. a nd Mrs. Ross Hartsock and fami ly spent Sunday Christian lite, Summy I 'Member dat ma ximum we done learn ed at school with Mr. nnd Mrs. H arl Harvey. 'buut stealin '?" "Yes, suh ; ah 'Members. A bird We laun der your f a mily washing uy the pound. Have o ur sales ma n in he hand !I)ll wuIT two in de coop I" call and explain in detail. Soft Wa· --ter Laundry, Mahloll Ridge, agent. Mr. lind Mrs. Ed Woollard enter. tain ed. S und ay. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cooper and family, of Columbus, and Mrs. E sther Robinson and son, Fra'nk.

Used Cars

---.- ...

Mrs. Lou Vinson, Mrs. Ella Towns. ley and Miss Jean Ferguson wore guests of Mrs. J . W. White last WednesdllY.

Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Mayo have mov. ed frum Daylo n into the Pe nc e f1 nt. Mr. Mayo is manag.!r of the Dayto n: Wnynesville bus line .

May fool many people, because his tricks are all accomplished by a slight of


The Sophomore and Junior girls are hn v in~ a market on Main street lit 10 o'clock, Saturd ay, October 1 G. Newland. at Miami University, Ox- Everyone come and buy so methi'ng ford. for S unday di nn er.

Miss Doris Hend ~rs o n was the g uest of Miss Rhea Janet Cartwright, Mon· day night und Tu csday nt \V este rn college, Oxfo r d.


U. S. Tires

- --

Greatest Tire Values Ever Offered


NeweSt Pro

Gum-Dipped Tires

Who said local motorists didn't know tire values? 8i, cars-little cars-all are being equipped with the worldfamous Firestones at our greatest of all .ale prices. Just note our special price on a 30x3 1-2 Commercial Cord casing and remember that we have .made substantial reductions on every other size and·type. It'ivlll pay )'ou to meet your tire requiremenb for six to nine months to come with these exclusive Gum-Dipped tires. Drive In.


30x3~ -



$8. 95.

Extra~ 'Allowance for Oid Tite.s

.Orndorf's 'Garage ·Phone 67



WaJMIYIIIe, 0 ....

I--~--------~~~'~' ~--------------~I '

. . Seventy-=-Bigbtu Year


r~::;:·;:e·::···!i STATE ROADS IN I from the WARREN COUNTY " State • Capital [{{'ccnt lnl,ullllii ,n i,r

Prepared by . Columbus Reporter



hi ~h \\"J\ Y illl th l~ p u:-.l



('If Ohio . wb 0n it .I',' uk ~ at th ~ polb

twn we e ks helll'(' \\'ill 11(' 1J!'III',1 oround t he world. AlrC'lld y tIll' i' '' ~ ­ H ibiliti " ~ of whut mi ghl (1 ccur in Ohio hAM bec n noted Ly W"II . lrcl' t. which r ccord9 tho pulsuti(lns ulld th,· fe e ling of every ifi rulllciul in terl'Mt In the Un ited ~tat es, li nd finl1nci a l in terests rop resent today every Arncricull citizen . Durin g the p asl six years or more the Nution hus by its progress become thl! grealesl hiv e of industry in all lhe world . Prosperity has r eigned s uprem e. And its supr"mllcy has becn possible on ly because or the admin istration of Calvin Coolidge. A Repu bllea n Senate and House. which hus supported him IOYlllly a lld cOllsistonlir. A cha nge in th e Housc a nd Scnnte, opposit ion to the administration and the reault will be felt by every working man in Amreico. It w ill be fe lt by every banking house, or investor in stocks ur bo nd~ by thc fact il r ies and by , employment condit ionllDuring t he past two weeks rum ors that Ohio rn ight possibly se nd a Democrat to lhe Senate has caused the greatest (oiling ef prices of high clllM atocks ond bonds in a quarter of a century. Million s of dollars have been lost. Prices hrwe declined from $10 to $40 per share on t he very high est class of investments. And the action i& only preliminary to what might happ en in case Ohio voters neglect to show their appreciation by their voles o f the conservative, safe and sllntJ administration of Calvin Coolidge. Frank B. Willis, the RllPublican nominee for U. S . Senator, has been one of the loyal support ers of the PreSident, and at no time in the history of the Buckeye State has il been moro necessary 'to return a mem ber to the Senate than it is today. Return of Willia means continued prosperity, mea ns that the people believe in and ' have unshaken confid ence in Coolidge. His r o-e lectio n will be felt in every corner of America. His r eturn means continued support of the P resident, and incid entally no revision of tho tnrill' bill which will help to destroy Americall Industries. With authorization to the State Highway department to purehuse 700 . acres of land at Apple Creek, Wayne county, the State Board of Control hM made it certain thot t he site will b e chosen for a new hospita l f or f ee ble minded. AJ,'Tcemen t has been made for th e purchasc of thi s num, ber of acres at a n average Ilrice of $108 per acre. Some difficully is being experienced in convincinl:' oth· er property owners tha t their pri ce is too high, and condcmnation pro· ceedings may be necesslU'y before the d eals are finally closed . It is said thai the owners of Inrge trncts have cUIllC to satisfactory agrcmcllnL wi t h th~ State fOI" the purchase of t heir property, the delay now being caused by the owners of two or thr<:e small tracts which orc so situated t hat they must be included in the prol)Osed institution property. ' The State of Ohio on Jun e 20 had an investment of $16,.7 83,816.99 in the Ohio State university. This figure is an increue of $1,720,906.46 over that of last year. Value of the university's assets · has. practicallly tripled In the IaRt 16 years. In 1912 the investment, Including e ndowm ent, lands buildings and equipment, was worth approximately $6,440,000.00. Five year& later It was only $7,318,000. Pr "sent vslue of the educational plant . itaelf Ie given as $14,110,433,89. Of this amount $2,163,661.61 Is credited to lands, $8,236,,142.63 to buildings' and approXImately $1,600,000 more to roads, tunnels, walks, a bridlle and the like, Educational equipment of the unlvenity Is , liIited at $2,682,466 .. 02. Gain In the assets of the university resulted in. part from the completion of seven important buildings which had been under construction durlng the previous lear, Incre8.llel In the land ,holdhigs 0 the inltitution W8.11 valued at $169,030. '. ~--:--





Sunday after Trinity, October 24. . Church ~chool at 9 :30'; Morning Prayer and sermon . at 11 o'clock. He•• John 1. 8cha•••r. Recior.



SUIld&y~Sehool ail 9:80; no preach.


Inc thia Wednelday evenlJlg, Sep~mber III, Prayer Meeting at



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l1Jilcllg ~


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c., Itut i lltllirll' d h lU h w[ly~ i n \\r nr r ~ n ~ cou nly hnll inncn., ct· ao mi lcs. Tl.i ,

I.................... .....i COLUMBI S. OIlIO- TllI'




pro \( JIlL-lib" s 1l j,\\ thnl d uri ng'


. . . ""C¥7'Y '

r r <!urd shows thut s ix ti meR lt ~ nl all ), mil , s of fi lnl c roul es hu vp bee n iltl II I'l' V 'll d !l rin ~ Ih e 1"" [ fuur ye a r" p l'evin u "I l :i y ...·ar s. Hud \ \'l ln"l ' U cO ll ll Lv llld ll Y !'; I Jlk !-> II '" Ollt ' p f l lll' I' u r t" n) t} !'o l in tilt· S t :l lt' 11 :-. 1"1"

Th" rl'i!lIl:1r


vI,J t ipnal III


-----_ ... . On Honor' Roll - --

John P. Bolton, of t his place, a Junior in th e college of a r ts, Ohio Sta~e university, Is included In the list of ninety students selected by the unlvenity facuity for high honors in'- scholastic standing. The list i8 ma de up of 53 men .and 37 wom en_ Their names will be placed In the annual Honor list of the co1102'e. To make this distinction a student must have been In the Coll\!ge of Arts three quarters and must have obtained the grude of "A" the h.ighe~.t .grade given' by the. , unlverSlty, III half of the work talfen and an avernge of "B" In th.e 1'emalnlng half, . " .. . • - 0 . . ' "

S!. ate Grange

. IlETHODIS"r CHURCH Sabbath ~ool at 9ti& a. III. Severnl membc11I of the .Waynes. rT,ln, at 10:80 '" m. Er. wonh ville Grbnge at~nde.d tho State meet· • III p. m. Preach ng ·.at ing at Lebanon last Saturday 'night. ":8 p. m. Bftr,hocI, IaYlted to th_ A good program... of which the local gran,e farnlahea a number, wu IlvMnl"' ~ Jt.y.L."W~"" · en.


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;\11', Cl' (,CI' , :-. h Ie , C'(,n<H'l"v o ti v(! end I' espec t,·" he ad of the Allw "icl1n P" rI crlltilln of I.ahor, \V U" in ' iled t o SIll'nk Le fu re lh ~ Y O UIl ).( :'1 (' II' s Ch ri stia n u ssoci a tio ll s in J )f't r 11 it , th e n La ir! thnt h i ~ sr eec h could not Ioe deliv e r~d in Ilta t i n ~ li tul in n . La llo r er s w ,·re ,,~ ked L" ~p" n k fro m valend ma n . nc co mpalli ~ t . rious Drtroil pul pits , t lt ell l() ld tho During th e delightfu l social hour refreshments were served by lhe ch urch ~ s did not Wtln t them. hotcsses. nssist ed uy Mrs. J . W . Edwards, Mr~ . .1. E. McCl ure and Mrs. There may bc go od r ea~o n s for Ronald Hawke. . lh~ s c su dd en chanl:ee. But Chr ist, The fo llow ing guests We r e pres- wh o drov e th e money changers from ent : Mrs. George Smith. Mrs . A. 1'. Wright. Misses Trillena and Mur- th e t emple, migbt be surprised to see guret Edwards, Miss Lucy Emley, his modern representatives Jlrivin g Miss Mary Louis" Zimml!rmal1, laboring men from the pulpits. and the little folk s , Betty Hartsock, It l uok s. according to th e union Marjorie Edwards. George Edwards, Pa ul Zimmerman and Frunk Tay lor. me ll, U8 thoug h moncy chun gers were "all top" once m ore. ~l ('l1l o r in l I n ~ Ir s. n " nllid

\ \ IItllI."

Hnw ke. Hellding- "Th<" l1"y So loist." 1IIrs C" OI' ~ (' Smit h. He" dili ~- "Six ty Years for Chri~t." Mrs. n L. Crall", Vuca l dlu;t - " 'end the Light." Miss Lucy Em ley lind Mrs. D. L. Cran e, Miss lIlary Louise Zimmer-

---_0_ ••----




WEEKLY REPORT Mrs SUMn Hain es, a life-long resident of Waynesville, s uffered a WAYNE TP fARMERS stroke fROM HIGH SCHOOL of apoplexy last Sunday m orn-

The Wayne Township Farmers' cl ub was very pleasantly ente rtained on Thursdny. October 14. at the h ome of Mr. ancl Mrs. S. S Ellis. The club was particularly favored by hal'ing prescnt Han . Charles Brand. Uepresental ive of the 7th District in Conl\'Tess. ~fr. Brand has distinguished hims elf by ' ehompiolling the cause of I he fllrmer in our leg isln ti ve hn lis, an d gave a sple"did ta lk l!) the cl ub on ."The Farm Probl em." His ext lanation of the Haugen Bill, whic h was de feated in the lost Ass emb ly of Congress, was quite enIi{,"hteninl! and rrofitab le. th e last Ass(·mbly of Congress. was quite enlightening and profitable. The entire cl ub and n number of !:,uests voiced t heir appreciation to t he host for the opportunity of listening lo such a timely and interesting subject. By special inl'itation the club will meet next month at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter McClure.

ing, death following on Monday Mrs. Haines was th e widow of the late J osep h Hain,es a nd daughter of the late Oscar Wright. She is survived by one sis't er" Mrs. Mary Edwards, of this p:l ace, and a number of ni eces and nep hews. The funeral service will be held at her late home am Fo urth street, Friday morning at 10 o'clock. In terment will be in Miami ccmeter y.

Farewell Party

The Mothers. club will givc B Hallowe'cn carnival on Main street, Saturday. October aD. In case of bad weather the fe stivit ies will be held at t hc Gym. Music, danc ing, candy, popcorn and r e fre shment boo th s, mnrkl?t and fish pOlld . Further pn l'ticulars next wee k. Every body come masked nnd enjtly the even ing ..

As t he Gym is not ready t he first bacsketball practice wi ll not be held un t il Mond ay, October 26. The regular s uits will not be distributed before November. By that time it can be determined who of the e ligible ~ are making the best sbowing as regu lar team material. Gym shoes will be on sale Monday. October 25.

B. Y. Co ll ett died at his hom e near Harve ysburg Monday. IOctober 18. First shipm ent of laborat ory eq uipThe fun cral s e r~' ic e wad held nt the ment has arrived. late home this aftern oon and burial was in Miami cemetery. One Junior a nd one Ffl' ~hman mad e the Honor roll. They were: Funeral servic es for Uobert DonCaroline Swartze l. ald Pottorff .. so:n of Mr. and Mrs. Catharine Brnnslrator. Wm. Pottorff, of Oregonia, were he ld Both of these st udents are carrynt t he home Tueflday morning. Mrs. ing fiv e subjects. Uuth Murray in charge. Burial in Mia mi cemetery..

---_0. __.____ ~

. -.



Honored By Board The Board of Commissioners of Warren county has Tc-a ppointed George J . Waterhouse a s /I member of the Board of Trustees of the Memorial structure in Lebanon . The opp uintment is for a t erm of fi ve years. ,lut ing from Novcmber 1. lU2G \.0 Nl.l vc m!,,' r I . 111 3 1.

Special in Men's and Young Men's

Mr, Donald Henderso n' and MiSE Grace Shambaugh we re married September 25, 1926, ut Richmond, Ind. by Rev. Jape, pastor of t he Christ ian church. Miss Shamhaugh is t he claughter Mr. and Mrs. J . H. Sha mbaugh , of ncar New Burliogton. n graduat.e of Kingman Hillh school, also a graduate nurs e of Miami Valley hospital. Mr. Honderson is the son of Dr. and Mrs. 0 W. He nd erson. He is a graduate' of Waynesville High school and holds an excellent position with t he ·S . W. S. Chcvrolet Co., of Dayton .. . They will be nt home to th eir friends at 620 St. J osep h Street, Dayton, Ohio, after October 25th.

wu r e

.\ Irs Jo:diih ~l !la rrt H. /( l'ad iJl g' - -"Th,' :'1 a n l ~ y 1\I11 11h ewR

---_. - ..----


II f l ht'

llH' r n iHIl. :H't' l /:lI p a nl :-: l - "I :i ~ h " p n l'PIII rl l\' p r :-:n l' \'i' t'r. : I l' ''', I . "

Lillian Grace Hoyle, dausrhtt>r of Charles and Sullie Hoyle, was born at TTPlwi ns, Oh io. Jal1uury 31 . l 80S, Lust Frir1a ~' e vpn ing al thcir home anel died UcL(. bcr 7. 102 G. at Ha le on Nort h s l rt'e l . Mr. and Mrs. J . E. hos pi ta l. at WilJ11illgton , Ohi l.l. ::;hc 'va ~ unit ed in rnarl"iug e wi t h Junney W C rt· honnr )!'uesls Ilt II genJ ncob S. Scott, Ma l'ch 7. I!H S. uine s U I' Jlt"i~e parly wilh th e ir neighTh,· oy ~tcr supper. a Th ree chi ldrl'n wen, born t u this un- !tor s us hosts. BOTHERED MOTHER MORE i,," . 11HZ I ~lac. J U ~lJl> ~larli n and " ery di"li ght ful part of th e program. ' \' 11 8 f " II J)w cd I,y lin el'en illg of r are Hl' li n Lilliau. A Ii tIc shin e on duu l!hter' s nose ·· lI .io~· 111~n l. She is surv ived by her Itltsbnn d. Mr. IIlld MI·s .• Jnn l1 cy ar c plann ing Mrs. Mary P erki ns and dau gh l er, now·J\ -dlIY' b o th~rs hcr as much as t hree cl)i1dr'e n, fath er a nd nl oth(' ) . f our brolhcr3. E lmcr li nd Fred, of o Icnve next wi.'rk fur the ir winter of Springfield, spe nt Sunday with d1l st a ll th e furniture bothered her mother. Mrs. H. D. Yilliland . WAynes ville • .Tohn nf' BulTnlo. N. Y.• homi) in, Deland, Fla. Will, of Dnyton. and aile s isl 'r', Anna. at home, b Rid,'s u h,lSI uf rul. a ti C's and fri eJ1d~ . Card of Thank • . We wish t o thnnk th e friends and neigh bors fol' th<'il' kindn{'s< .dul'iug t h e ~ sicktlo ss an d denth of 0\1 1' be loved one. We uls o wish to thank th o8~ fo r their flora l ojT,' rinJ.,"S lI1H.I the un · dertaker for h is kind ncss. THE FAMILY.

---_0 _ •.----

( , \ ,,!- t '

1(,·,, 0/ 11 1)..'

by th e State nnd nil JI1UiIlL"nlll1ce is mud e fI' OIIl StuLl' fumb . I',,,,viu,," t" being tnkell ovc' r by th e :-;tll t · tltis cost cum ' from coull ty ulld tuwnKhip fund s By 'thl' Lukilll{ uvc r o f such I1'rellt mileagc by th e StaLc con sid eruble slIving hrut rl:s ultc·d to 1111 cUllllli(!s. and through the ilJ cr .. Il sed fll c ililti •.s of th e Stllte Uh'i"inn of lIil{hwuys. evcry Stut,· 'fiJtltA' is being pconomically maintllined. Improv(!me nls in clude 67 miles of gra ve l roads built lit low cos t alld hus ul',, "cd IIrleries of truffic whkh pn 'v i " u ~ to recent yellrs were absulutely cl ose d to t housa nds of rurul resi de nts nf Warrell c.uunty.

Lillian Grace Scott

, Il l '

q t h Jt ht 1t " 15 t tl I'ull c' a ll.

" /· , :11 d Ullt - "~ \' n P i" :'I1 y Sou l" .\1,., L" ey E" I1 .,y a nd MrH. n. I. , Cral ..·. Mi " ~Inrry LOll ise Zi JJ1 ·

incl ude d i u t ill' dULII Th us , > IlI 'to Il Wilitni ll1 d

---_0._ .0____


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"" "Ii t Ip, [,·1111\\ i rl ~ I,r ug-ru m wa ~ r e nfl' l'l·d .

ill th is i·"tllIt .\' iIlC lu,I"H " II rond·; "i l" 'r I",d l lo y th., SLut c l' r ,,,k clt "v cr' hy til(! Slut., d urill ,: t l,c I ~ Y":I " h ·· t\\'C<"1I IUO!I Hnll IO l?!l. Mr. Schh:H" IIl!,'r ulijo p n i ll l~ "" l lhut not 1111 illl)1I'''''C'' rOll,l _ in Ih i' cuu nlY Ul'C Stale r "'til ~. ( n ly lit O",' outsid e citi~ ~ lIlI" vi llllg,, ~ \I hich a n murk 'u wiLh Lhe y.·lIow " 1111 " rou t.,

The Wllrren County teachers held thcir firs L nssuciution mee ting at the auditorium in Lhe Lebanon High schoo l last Saturday. Despite the unfavorabl e weather the attendance was \'Cry good. Many dist r icts reported 100 per cent attendance. The fore no on w us given over to Ro und Tuble me etings for the various gro ups. In th ese meetings questions of interest to t he particular I\'ro up ~ of t,'uchers were discussed. The general opi nion of thc teachers seems t o indicale t.hat this is a valuable portion of the association meetings. The la d ie ~ of the First Presbyterian church se rved din ner, thus giving th e t ellc her. of the county a gooo chancc· to spe nd a ~ocia l hour logelher. ·u pt. C. W. Cookson, of Urb nnll . g a l''' lhe acldress of t he day at th e af ternoon sesRion. His address was thol'oughly enjoyed by all not on ly for the inspiration but for the workuble s uggestion t o 'teacherR of nil grade •. The lI1ason High School orchestra furni shed the Illusic for the day. They mod a very creditnble showing, both in numbers and quality of III usic,

n '.~ pl . lI :-' l·


THEY'!.. I. ~ET " , \'JU l/oJf.:>- . • ,

cnt l Ulul mil l' a.! ,· Il f ilt1ln' II \'f' ( ) I") lld :t



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lIulrk ~ rs nrc au ove ~i\lt!n .

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lIarri. ""d ~Ir s . MURlwr. Tht, me eting was o r~n" ,l hy Mrs. C"dwllllnel l·I'. wh(l cond ucted th e de-

1l'e RE'S NO 'On.LJt.I'

t.;a r,)8 its Sial e hi,!!", "y' . Gt'orj.(c F . S,·hl (', ill )!'l'r. St:! (. Hi ,::" ·

OCTOBER MEETING . WOMAN'S AUXILIARY m ntl · ... . \l':i l. :! r ~· \ \ :t ... }w ld n il r r id :1Y HI (l ' rn OI II1 , (), ' l o IH ' r I r" with MI' !o, .

."'~~-"""' I 'T-I OF' 90VS -

IlS in llu.'

Whole Number 5723






That were bought to sell from $25.00 to $30_00-they go on sale now at the beginning of the Seaaon at


Enos Ellis Rogers


-'---_. ...----

Shrine Club


The fabrics are all wool Ca.simeres, Worsteds, Chev. iot•• The pattems are plain .triped and Mixture•• The colors gray., brown., tan. and heather mix· ture•• Regardleaa of the fact of whether you need a .uit now or not, you will profit by inspecting this wonde.... ' ful line at $19.75. In fact the savin,. are 10 remarkable that to overlook .uch an opportunity to aec:ure one of theie ulua .mart .uila for fan and winter will lead to recret when they are lone.

Red ~"OW Money Given on All Sala, Dollar for f}ollar

• Card of Tha~~ , ",


Wayneaville, . Ohio


~~ .

We 'Irish to extend our deelf ..appreciatlon and heartfelt thanka to all our friencla and neighbors ·for tlaeir .ympath,. and kindneu,.hown UI durIng our recent sorrow and bereavement. . Kra. SUlan C. WIUteraon and Children.



-rr;- a little while Queen Marie ot Roumnnia, with her prettY' daughter> will be dining at thll White Hotlse _ The Queen will hj! abl e t o tell her husband Lhat she met one Amcricnn t hat did not insist on lalking about A Republican mass meetinll will himself. H. G. Wells BUys that iu be he ld in the Opera house in Leb- our trouble, you know . anon on Thursday night, October 28, at 7 :30 o'clock.. The speakers are U the QUeen will take Ii. shee t of Col. Ralph ·0. Cole one of Ohio's g reatest orators, and Miss Uose Mo- paper BS big lUI a playing cnrd she riarity, member of the Ohio Indus- will be able to wri te on it all that the tria\. commission. and good mus ic Pres ident will have to say, beyond will be a feature. Warren county voters should make politely answeri ng direct questions. But when the interview is over the it a point to attend this meeting. President will know n good deal about Roumanla. He believes in list.ening, and that's one reason why he Ie PrClident. Enos Ellis Rogers, son of Ellis, Jr. and Julia Rogers, was born In Professor Jerome Davis, of Yale, Bedford county, Pa., near Pleaaantreports an Interesting talk with Staville, on FebrullTY 26. 18:14. He spe nt th e early part of his life lin, the r eal ruler in Russia. Stalin nea r tus birth place in Pennsylva- says Ru ssia is willing to pay the monnia. corning to Oh io in 18 76, and lo- ey that foolish Americans lent to cated near Ferry in Greene county, and spent lhe remainedr of his life Kerellsky. StBlin r eally should do nothing of the kind. Those childish ill this vicinity. lie was married to Nancy Ober bankers grabbing at usuriou s intt>rin 1802. Four children were born est rates and di scoun ts ought, to dlto them, Mary, E., who died in young womanhood; three sons, Elmer, geat that lesson. They are now lending billlionll of Frank an d Sherman, who, with one grandson and two great grandchil- the American people's money to vadren survive him. He was one of rious concerns in E urope. Many ot a family of clel'en children, and he wns the last one of this la rge home those billions will neve r come bock. However. that's anolher story. circle lo depart this life, th e end co ming Lord's Day, October 3, The impo rtant point mad e by Stalin 1926. ut II o'clock in the morning. having r cuclwd Ihe rip" old age of is that it might PaY th e Un ited States t o h e fri end ly with Russia. !.I~ yell rS. 7 rn unlhs and 7 days. H e l i v~ d u peacefu l, contented Sta lin sn id. "RII ~s ill now needs the Possib ly the dBY li fe lil'ing Ilt pCllc e with his fellow- Uni ted States.. mell, c,"tented with life 118 it came . might eO tll l! wlll' n the Uni ted Statol lie unitcd with the Brethr en ch urch might need Ru ssi n's f r iendship." unci wa ~ Lapli:l.ed by Levi Rogers, a nep hew uf hi s, in Pennsy lvan ia; he Thl' l' all ~ AlJlt' rican hClI lth conferheld mCJllucrship with th e Brethren encc' d. d ares \\" nr "ll th e bubo nio churc h at DuS'lon , Ohio. at lhe tim e plni5u ' {l eu . fr"I H th" r\ r ctic to the o f hi ' rlcuth. lIis lung life here has AI/ tar ie. I,Cc ll u Ll c~s it, g in Illan y ways lo This mellns killing rllts, groun d n"my pl:opl c. lis th e high ideals th at R4u i l·T\· I ~ . fl ea bearing creatures of Ill' h" ld uf life wer e imparted to a ll so rl s. ."nJlll'lc< ,f {I "IIS captured th lH,,, he ca me ill contuct with ulong will be 5~ nt in fo r illentiflcation. Iif ~ ' s pathwuy. lie wu s e>pccially 10YIII tv th e NulhillJ,\" permlll1ent, however, will memLers of hi, imll1etiillte fUJ1, ily an d rd"t it·es. and h e nev er f orgo t a be d one until man comp letes his canqu cst of t he globe by removing from fri cnu , always wil li ng to le nd a helping hund tiS long as his physica l il. tlI crcif ully, a ll onimul life other thlill hi ~ own. strC' ngth all owed . The gllping aocodile from whose He will live 0 11 here in the li ves of t he me n u nd wumen whom he in- gum s alld tongue the tse-tlle fly ex· fluenced hy his clean life while here trncLS the germs of sleepi ng sickness, upon eart h, nnd we have the assur- must go , also dear litlle pussy. that a nc e his so ul will live on and on cll rril's diphth erin germ s in its fur to through nil eternity with Christ, the littl e girl' s face. whom he scrve d. and who has gone on before to prcplIre II place for The latest beauty cui t, must come them that love Hilll. . here . It says: "Work all the musclcs of the face. keep younl\'. reta in your alert appearance. Pout your lips, to make them handsome and full. Roll your eyes 'f requently and sni1\', Sniff vigorously\ forming The Waynesville Shrine club en- wrinkled ridges on the brIdge of the tertained their members and ladies nose. Move your eyebrows up and at the Masonic temple on Friday ev- down. Only a dead face, with no ening Inst. muscnlar action In it, become. an After partaking of a bounteous old face." ' dinner served at 7 o'clock by the ladies of the Eastern Star, the compaThat adviee is taken literailly by ny was entertained for an hour in a delightful manner by Noble Chaa. Inhabitants of the monkey cage• L. G. Breene, of Dayton, who gave They do all that the beauty cult su¥,a talk on the life of James Whitcomb gest.. Our ancesto"" IIpe-like, dId interspersing his remarka with the until language was inventre(~it.lllti<J,ns of Riley's poems. Mr. ed. As men become civil~ed they a rare personality and used words Instead of gestures sand ing to the interest of his addre88 twitching fscea. A man sneerin~ still uncovers his was the fact that he and Mr. Riley were intimate friends. ,Mr. Breene canine tooth, gettIng it ready to bite was accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. without cuttmg his lip, as do the baboon and wolf. But the calm face Charles Breillford. is the higher type. Compare the Venus of Milo and atop . .





AlI·Day Meeting An all-day meeting and buket dInner will be held at Canar'. Creek . church Sunday, October 24 SundaY·School at 10 a. m., abd preachIng at 11 .. m., and 2 p iii. Ever,. body cordialb' mvlted. . ' . ~



Morrow'. New.paper ,

"lohnnY, who took the eoold.. from the pantryT" TIt. Bom~ Town N..... "PubHahed "Yother, I ga\'e them to a poor b, the Bernard ~ PtlDtlng CQ., little boy who was hungry_" at Moft'Ow, tbacl. It. IIlItial a~ "You have a heart of gold, dear. nee Tbunda" Oetoller 14. It coDWho wu the little boy1" talna local ad ~.::"I, mother." aDd qaIte • 01 . . .





~ ~E S- GlEAN£O


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URGB corpornrion hn.1 thl. ent made. 9 I"adln\! hl'\on.1s of flat wall paint wer . rcalL.J bv n akUled paiDter.


'IDeo " j udge e.~mi n(!J ""d need each pt.lnt. ~ a ",.-ult, I he Company Ifondnrdlted on l)"voc Velour Pinlab I For in V elour

F l tli~h


E 'L>t'

CJ/ "pplic<u/.m. -

rnl i ~ - f: ••n ll my.



111 ~'Ila III

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E h~ li l' and l~lI n Sund hn til R,l \'d , 'B~\l... I~·,:ltI n('t l'~ lO Fr'IIlltH, T p ' , Th ' t,rm flI mc,' of JUUI!I' Rob· ~Inry E . Th,l1t1p-tllI l 'l ury ,1. B II - I ~'rt Z RlIchwnltrl', :11 pl'\~ rllt Im'~ id­ k~r. n lo t ,,{ , IWI'l lk ll brunt!. ti n ~I II I - IIIK .I I'''~'' ,) f. Ill' Flrt>t ' Irclll t O' Ift hr r ~v .• trr('l, I. I·hul1, ' II . I {APP ' nl~, b."I~A' nholl t to ('~pirc, 1.. \" . ,:\I ~' r -iot tr - Fnlf1l' . . L I uri 1.ill h~ ! \11(1 UHr I . " ~I~fl t'll\ t l lln o f \VlI rr"u C HUt l'r t on, :14 Ui..~l'(" ~ in ll nnll\t o n II'. t~ l , lI U . l.l'$ UI.;: t u \;~pn•.' ~M au nppn'· J uhn W .'mith t Q Gl'I' r l{C' P. Smith '·lnt lUlI. 1,.11 3:.1 ,ill 't h" Mn c-kiMw f\.lditi,," to . JU"I{~ Budl\\ II II I'r . on tilt' !"'"o:h


Some of The Things We Sell Lumber for Every Purpose.-Siding' Oak Flooring ·Edge Grain Flooring Finishirtg Lumber Porch Material Front Doors Cottage Windows Window Frames Window Glass

thp J!r(l ~s \' 1\ 1\1 ('

IIH $27 .7;f,:~ t , t'onlptl~l.' d I\~ f\lll,)w~ , p C' r :-l() U dl Y },I I!l!' ·I.\11, rl'n l ,'~ t ll t c, $2 1,7u2,~p Ih · ht..~ r, r t l lt., (.'~tntt' HIllll U rl tl1d ~ 1I ~:~ l H :LI'-~I, and th ,' ( 'O :-:. t (I f . . ndmin i:: l r athlll \\ill hl' $i, a zo' , "j (j, Su{'(~ cs tln~

F lirt An .:tl' n t. .1. 1\ and \Jarth a ~I .. rl'l " I .. Th ~ I n ion (; a~ und I-:l ( I('1 r1 r ( '(l lH lluny , t(11l H: r l'~ ill FrHnkli n Tp, ~llIt ll ll aJld ( ' harl,', II . 1'" " "01,, t f) Il4' R!"- Il' ;\l l' \'t' r' , 1\\ 0 tl'lId ~ in :--;l,t: ti un I ;, fo r $~ "llO(). H II. I\ fl rt,· I" ~Iari " tl ud Lilian


I'dh' l' 1111 L:' J!l'{,llt lTl'di t tl~ t(l th l' l l~n rn ­

IliK ill law and IIIl' lnbo!' li nd ~a r ~ I'Xt I't.'iz('d hy thll nH' llIh e r s (J,f t.hl ' CO l! r~ , ,Jud g'l'




'n" 0, ",I t') O,fI '} ~~Jl',~' ("ml I

,"hU, t ill

o\~ln(lll"e!lh J O IHI' t:"'dlllrnl:I JOl ~l\la8()" 11I.t' l..lf't. II I

\V nynw \'Ulfl • ,,)ilIIJ, n~ roq ,l1n.lll lIy \.11" .\ rt u t


JiKuraa WIse 80und Emdent PubDa 8en'loe fa 0Il10

Phone 105



Ii'w THe.. , ... ., DERT B. BUCKLEY DutDn A pubU. 011101.1 0'( \aD. upe,l.n .. ",110 d<>.~..

00 ~"'o, I

1ol\'t;RS Y. OOOPER, ClnolnnaU A wooudw bu.ln. . ma n.. hI' Urutrqant Go'f'trnor : J Il II O. .,.lLW! , Co lumb.. Auo\"a '\1 ~~.rul ' bUIlntv roan, V." a (fut" " of Brat.. 1 .. CLJ\.nItN I!! J DROWN . Ill.n<h.. ~ ~\"OCU. . .I . D~"",J)AD'r ownw J



PhI At torn.,. Oenera' J E DWARD C , ·f URNER. \4o lum bul An able I Mrved on. term




AI attorn.,. Foor U.Hed 8\81" \JtII.I~' ' FR." NK B. WILLlB , Dol.,.. .... (i . ._ d InOo..,.. and aohl""""tnD.




(Oa _rale no,,;puu..,a t.l1Dt) For IMP Ba,.... Ca.., ('wo to bo 01..' 00) I THO.olS A. lONES , J •• . IIOWAtlO • . • "TTlIIAS, Va .. Wlrt ,



Harveysburg FertillZ' er Co. Phone 8

Lebanon, Ohio

Every Tuesday 8 tOO • . m. to 4 p . m.


lID" _,d.. b~

•I ' J


McClure J, E_ McClure






Fu ll y Bl!uippod for Good Serv ice. Large Dis play Room. Ambulance Service TJ.: I. ~~ I'H ONt,:


l i .~Y

on NlflHT



Dr. John W. Miller Dentillt W"YMlvill e


N.tional B."k Willi Drawn .. .. ...... E.I.I •• S.ul••

N.tion.1 BaDk Bill • .

Waynesville, Ohio

IVACCINATlON OF SWINE A Specialty Nothing but reliable Serum and Virus used

Dr. W. E. Frost Veterinarian




.bl, Jurtl t.l.


Entitled '" .....1..'10"

Maa eapable - E• ...,. 11_ . .p ....u,. QaaUlle4

. -.




Glady.s -"I'm awfully sorrY"b'ut papa says we must not see each other any more." , J ack-"Oh, that's all right, if he wants to cut do wn the bills, I'm , wUling to help_ Darknesa with you, dearest, is good enough for me."

.- ---....

They can improve the auto-paint

It Up and lokk nlce-get more mllel

per gallon, but they can't give it

hone HDIe. -

LOANS on ChllttcI8 , ~to ck 8 , Securities and Socolld M ort!:III! C8, Note\! bou Jtht. John Hnrbino Jr., Xenia. Ohio. ·m30-'26

Farmers, Attention! Fllrmers of W..rren and adjolnln. counties may obtain money on Ion. time loan s, at 5 por cent Intern\. Cost of sccuri ng the same I. very rea80nllblo ,through The Federal I4ncJ Bank. For fllrther information -eall on or address M. C. DRAKE. Trey. rer, phone 81B-X, LebanoD, Ohio. POR SALE

·FOR SALE-50 ' White Rock putI cts1_~atched in March. Davis Furnas, waynesville, Ohio. 020 FOR . SALE-In Waynesville, Oft ThIrd street, double lot with 7room h ouse and barn. Mrs. Elaia Scott. ·020 FOR RENT-Have 4 or 6 rooms for . r ent. Call at Lizzie Werntz, C9 r Win, Ohio. 027 FOR SALE-Fresh Jersey cow. Inquire of J . B. Hcss, R. D. I, Spring Va llcy, Ohio. J ·020 FOR St\LE-Big Type POIMd-Chinall of eith er sex, extra fine onel; prices· reaspnable; Immlln!!d. W. 0 , IIn4 I. p. W~lch , lIarve Y8bul'g, Qhip,

YOU NEED .THEMlIfOW= (iaa fl!'

Waynesville, Ohio

cIs, stove pIpe, elbows, furnace aQd

~ue brushes, iron cement for patch-

Jng holes, soot destroyer for cleaning stovcs and pipes wit,hout taking them down. We have all stove and furnace appliances. THE BOCKLET)<,[NG CO" 415 W. Main street, XenIa, OhiO, phone 360, oliO

I\~ A. LII.' !>ORPfMt: I,... AN""!;! - ~\O Of't' THI: I.A'i r '0 T HI: MoRrc;.A~E I WE've G.C1T OJR NO>-:E"b


:-mE GRI~O STONe AI LA'ST' No..I W6' CA"'I 1)C) SO"'\? SA\lING

More Exercise If ~a mbs are to be' born strong and Vigorous, a moderate amount of ex~ erclee is necessary for the ewe. dpring the winter. Thill can be obtained by scattering their roughage over a field and allowing them to work back and forth over it while eating, l or by feeding Borne of the roughage some distarice away from their shelter. If winter pasturcs are- used, no other arrangement for exercise is necessary.


H a rvey sb urg Phone 44


men of exJ;ltlrlencc and understanding, To ovory voter who bellen'S that the governmcni of state and nation deserves the best of nbillty and experien ce this ticket appeals..



Waynesville Motor Co.

ABILITY-CHARACTER-UNDERSTANDJMG UNn'lm party is giving full support to cleet the Republican ticket because Ohio A wants in governmental offices men of unfailing abillty-men of sterling character and


pnr t lc l-


flve Yean







- _.-

-means long tire wear. The only way tei get it IS to check your tires regularly. ' Checking-'em regularly is part of our service to the .Waynesville car owners who buy Goodyear tires from us. It' pa~t of our job as a Goodyear Service Station. It' one of the reasons why our customers stay on Goodyears. Try us out!

w. H. l\ adden & CO.


At Cary's .Jewelry Shop




mode rate prices . - - ,- ..==.--=======


- -- - -

Correct Inflation

All of the above materbl can b e found our yard every day in t he year at


l3.l,'t:h\~' l .1lt' l' . hll V III ~

)llltl'd on thIS high tribun a l fo r H sillg il' tt'n ll (In t y, it i ~ the ~e n ~ t ' of th lR ASSOCIfIUlIll thRt h ~ bl' n'tailtl' d up on th e DI·nc h. Wl' heart ily TIlco mm cnd J u<iA' P Hu." hwalt.,·r. tln d .i nc" rl'l y hope lhe ~ Itlzl~ nry .w llI " u ppo rt h llll at th e ClI ni !!II\' elect ion. . Re"!,!,c l~u ll y Sl1bn~' tle (!, I ((~. BA H I\ SS U( I f\T ! 0!'l OF WARRF: N CU UN n , W. Chest" r Mop le., I'I·"S. Frank Brll ndon, ('('retary. - P ullt'ia l Ad'·"l'lise nt ent.

I':. I'\"'it ll, ~ 6 lo t, in F ,,~ tl'l' l''' l·k. Jum ps S . lI utc he r to Molli e Il lIt~h · r r. II tract in Il orlnn TI' . \ ~I .' "i,· Uut ch!'r ct a I., t o Willia m S. Ur nd cr, I ~7 nl'r~s in II l1rlan TI'. \\',' n n :ulIN! ~I y rth' Coppl'Clgl' I't II\. , t v Maric Thl' " l dll( ' n{ thl' ",t atl' of Tht'lll ll" E , S h ( \\ ~.lId \\H'" :o't., t at $ 1:.160 , cum - B"lIg". Int 7!J1 in Frank lin. J ns,' ph u lIlI Hetti., Ertc·1 to Kennelh po",' d us rllll n \\'~ ' pt.· rnun nllty. $ l aaO. A. A, hbv ~ lots in I··.. ster I'a rk. Ih ,b t~ am o u nt to ~brlll, cust o f UU ~ Fllll ll i~ McC r or y Murray ct u\., h ' nll nlsl r:!l illlt 11'111 bl' ~ I J'O .7fi. Tota l --- . - --,, ~ s ('ts ~ lIh.i l·c t t o tux ar e $I17\1.2n"fn o. Rull' h I' . allu H ,)~ .. lIn Grun d in. 7x L1C ~ hl' wnrd nt'phcw o f t he dCllces!o1> cd , rl' " in HUllli lt on '1'1', Wilh two s ma ll Wh o.. " j!irl ,.Iopt,s front hl'r I,!'dt' Xl' Cpt ion ". s u re t'c d (/ t hI' (lst n t e, roo m t h e~c dllY~ th e 0 1,1 MII II I[(' n · ('01 rl d" ternllnL'd Ih ,· Vll l u" of t h ~ eralh' gu~s o ut ond hold s th e lnd,h-r ,· ,UI e of H" i.Jl' rt A. 1\1l'CutclH'o lt. dc- COMMISSIONERS ALLOWAN'CES for hl' l·. l 'U ISf cI ttl IH' ... j){.~ti~ l'0 1l1P Os(l d u s Vnll ey Ph u n ~ Comp ll uy , ph one re nt, fr ol \p\\s : ~ \ I'1'r.. nl1 jd r .. 3H 112. r('nl gta t l' , ·Ill.I ;. II. nch t., arc $2 1, ORa . l. for co unty ., Dicc·s. $ 4!l.5 0 ; gome, t olls, Tllt:!1 U<~I·t ' ~ u).j "Cl 10 taxati on, IIr c fu r vnri o us oflkes, $22.\1[, ; Sheriff ~r.:! . lI54. :Slll'l'~ 'so rs her !' in wer c Brun t , wfi shing lind i.J"urdillg' fo r prisliner s, S2R5. ;0 4 G,'or!: e Larrick, Mc · 1l1lIlll·'1. mcorin l Hall jnn ilo r, $20; S ta kllitn j':x "lI1 ptill" fr nm inheritance tax .\If!!. Co., supplie s' for. audit or, $·10: W9:-1 gl"H l l l l' d III th~ estate of Sll TOh Lingo Hardwarc Co.. s upplies f or 1I!llck, "loI ued af , I ii 10 . Cou rt nppr oycd solcs a ctio n by ad- jnil. $3; McGetchins 'Pharmacy, sa me l1lini.lmt(,r Hull'h Gre!:' n in the es t ate $ 1.85; E . S. Wo rley, sup plies lind "I Frnnk D. J o nes. deceased and o r- labor on co unty cars, $ I 0.45 ; John .lured u d cd mad " tu the p urchaser, Law and Son, g ElS und oil fo r same, Huxie " ,Joncs. Cl'rtain s('ttleme nts $3B . 18; Ellery At kinson , suppli es and la bo r for Slim e, ~116. 1 0; J o hn Law & wcre o rd cl'(,d. Ju hn C. Vai l II'U S appu in t ed to ap- Son, gas und ail fo r Scaler of We ights prtllse the gtate of E. R . W olco tt, de- a nd Measures, $2 . 32; V. W . Tompkins s upt, of Dist. No. I , payroll, $292.0 5 ; t"eased , T h .. Hrst and di slr.'ili l ive occ ount Fred Snidcr, sam e, $328.40 ; F. M, oi th e estatc of Mima E. Reed . uece~s Collins. same, $147.15; E dcn T erry, e d, WIIS produced by cxerlltor5 J esse samc, $349; A. T. Ret t ig , same, $157· A. IIltd M. Roy Mo unt a nrl appro ve!I 85 ; R. D. Edwurds, sam e, $340.30; J oseph Davis, sume, $l9 9. 10 ; Frank by co urt. Co urt approve d the firs t and fi nal Moag, Supt. Deerfield Tp ., payroll, account of the estate 01 Jo seph H . Ap $93 .45; P . B Monee, Salcm Tp., p legate, deceased, entered by execu· payroll, $121; \Y. S. Graham, Wayne Tp., $238.05 . t r ix , BouJah Donnelly, . J. Wand L I. Frazier, f or dynllFirst lin d fina l account of ' th e estllte of J. M. Co nrey was approved mite and cnps, $2 7 ; p, 0, Monfort fo r lIpon presentation of the Lcbanon garage rc nt, $9; Arthur Hill, Asst, Citi zc ns· Natinnal bank, the adminis· surveyor's expenlse account for two izens-Nlltio nal Bonk, the administra- mOllths, $35.4 7 ; lBird Powell, 28 yds. First and final account of the es- ston e, $4.20; Charles Monroe, 35 tate Clf Nimrod P. Dllwson, deceased, ydds stone , $5.!~5 ; J ohfJ La mb, 40 WIIS approved whe n prese nted by a d· yd •. $6; Harlan Whitnk er, bridge reministr ators Alb ert E. Dawson and pair , $24; Ed Maloy, sam e, $3.15; W. A. Scott, sa me , $8.35; Ed Simpson, W . Chester Maple. Executrix . [d .. R. Honks s ecur ed sa me , $22.20; S. E . Cutlcr, so me, approval o f court fo r he r first a nd $ 1. 75; Eu ge ne Ha rper, some, $15,85; fina l acc ount of the estate of I saac N. Halan Whitacre, ga vel. $ 1.65; Eugen e Ha r per, same,30c; A. J . Sni· Han It~, dec ellsed. first a nd final acc ount by executr ix de r, ~a m e , 4 5c; Spencer Il nd ArmiEthel Hosier Earn hart of t he esta te tage, furnish ing and looding 319 ~d s. of Mati ld a Hosier , dece used, was ap- g r avel, $2 68.65 ; V, W . . TompkinS, sa me, $3.50 ; Coolk a nd Swceney, same pr ove d. F inul IIccount of the estate of Ina $ 17 .8 5; Spencer Ilnd Armi tage, slim e. E. Clawson, decellsed, was approved $17 .8&; Ha r old V'. Mnrtz, hlluling g raupon prese ntati on by executors, \V . C. ve l, $U 1.40; W. P. Mc Car en, furni shing Iln d loudin g 491 Yllrds grnvcl, h enherd lind J . M. Williamso n . Inve n tory and appraisement of the $4 17 .35; some , 27 yards , $22.95; estaLe of ~ . R. Wolcott was filed by sa me, truck re pnir and garage r ent, $10; O. E. W e lch,' hauling stone, oxecptrix, Mary E. W olcott. $2.50 . Herschel J ones , truck re pair, $65.MARftlAGE LICENSES 86; The Ohio Corrugated Cui vet Co. , Carl C. Runker, clerk, Le banon a nd two .corrugated s ewers, $73 .20; MonMiriam B. Lewis, clerk , Le banon. roe and J ohnson, suppli es for surveyHcl'. J . p . Thornbury. ' ur, $171..78; Th e Barret Co ., 15 barMariu ll Mcintyre, fo rm er , Lebanon rel s tarvia, $146.46; The Lc bano n and Mllry Clay Niblick, Lebanon .• Lumber Co. , brid ge mate ria l, $2 17 .37 8 Rev Fre d ~ ric k Kirker Lingo Hardware Co., suppli es for th e Wnlter C. Dannody, accou ntant, surveyor, MO.O!!; F . M. Robinson, Franklin and Te resa J Maloney, a bridgc Il1mb.c r, $90; W. and L. E . nurse , Franh lin. Rev. Schneider. Gurley , for repa iiring transit ror sur___ veyor, $2; Th e Ge o rge B . Curd Engi· nec ring Co., t ra,:to r r epairs, $6 1.52; 8 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Th e Glliio n [ron W orks, repairs on An nfl A. Sl'lluder to J ohn F . Mar- crusher. $5.82; 111 . A .Burke, inst llllIn ing water p ipes in county ' garage, cum, 111 ncr< s in Turtlecr eck Tp. Anna H . II ll d Will is H O' Neal t o $ 15.8 0 ; H. S. Co nover , supplies for Ay ers Il J e nn ings, two trilct~ in Tur- r oad nnd bridge r e pairs, $35.80; The ' Kilpatrick· French Motor Ca r Co., r eo t lecr ee k Tp . Lallra E. \"\,hite to Mary J , Boker pairs on co unty ca r, $ 14.57 ; The pa l'ts o f lot s 107 and 1'08,' Lebonon . Wilson Pai nt Co. , 40 gallo ns paint, Mary ,I. Bo ker to Lafayette and $68. 75; Cha rl es H . Collins , haulin g ('JUrll J . Grnhu m, purts of lots 107 grave l, $121.70; The L. G_ Anderson Sons Co., bridge mat eia l, $ij4.90; nnl! l OS in Lc bllno n . Thumus A ,ftln ~s to D A . Harrison Donnell and Schu yler , final e~ti mate 111 1. 2 ~~ in tt;c' Ma ckin lllv Addition to O il contrnct No. 860, $ 197. Major Bagley, comp e nsation and Frallklin. . Jl a rry Roh in so n to Jesse R. Jame- damnges, $26 ; Monroe and J ohnson, uard ruil Illater:ial. $69.89; L. B, Wil ""11, lilt 2 1 in E lli ott 's Addition to gIiams). repairing tool s, $3; John Low Ll'h an on . ~ K ay, Robert and Paul and Janet and ::,o n, repairs on s urveyor's Ford, $1. 10 ; Willialll Malott, tir e repairing, $3.50; Fred H olweger, lantern tending, $30.53; E. S. Donn ell, per W . G. Thompso n, Hll al estImate on contract No. 83G, $23; Granvill e Pottorf, lab or on briuge, $ I 7.50; John Kuhn, same, $ 14; $.. C. No ble, salll e , $32 .. WUDlIa 50 ; sam e , lum l>e r and na ils, $2,27 ; J oh n K. S pencer . bridge lumber, $ I 02.02; Sheriff Brant, exp ense IICcou nt for qua rter, $37.30; The OreBaa Become gon ia Briuge Co., for uefo rm ed bars, $34 A5; so mc o n steel oontract No . ODe of the 862, $42.70; same, r cpu ir ~ on tractor Seaate a nd grader, $3.45; sa m e, bluc prints , $3, same for p i lin g, $880; sallle for Leaden straighten ing bridge roils , $36; same, for drills and a spoon , $22',95; LittleC._lItently j ohn Bros., cemcnt, $89.80; A. A. Gose , furnishing and piling 100 yards of st on e, $ 100.EIO; TbePral"eat Ed Fugate for piling 245 yards stone, $196; \V. A. Clark, 155 yards stone, $31; Major Bagley , 90 yards stone, ,_1,.::.8_ . __.. _ ...._ __ _

Tell the Advertiser you saw his A .m the M'lam.l GazeUe ..

d"t prtl1inC'd

,I II" , I·"l ll l l' of H. ,f. Irwin


to rcnJrr ~ cll isfl\ ...~ion when up. rli c u ;u: cnrdinJ! to directions.



mn,T- 'Vw h,,"'jli ly-Dura-

O.:VOC ""l ou r Flni6h 18 guarnol ce,,1


Th\., , 1I~t l 1 h1Jti\'\.· uc'co unt " f the ('s. dt ' llr Eva ( hd '(l rnl dt'('('u:l-t, d, WH ~ til · ,01 hy I\ n lH rt :-:' hawhnn, admlnist ra -


thC'I"" art-' Cnlnhlnc·rl

<Iu3Ii'i,.. :


FRED M. COLE, Waynesville, Ohio


• '1 1rw'lo d, "P \"(' t) Iltr~.



,.--. and Devoe was selected







,lI in Frunklill 1'0\ II hi nnd Ilrrc~ ill iallli T ow Hhlp , lont m - I r,' ('hunL,· _ , nllh 'M l?tJlIi l" til l."llrilllll\ .' huch

Th e .\l" !lti It of t h" ocil·ty ' ''1' .lIe I't·( ll'Hlh;lI of I'ru ult y to AlIim,d IS 'alled t., l lt c f d th:tL II rulliu ~ , l hl\ij lJ l'''1I itwwlle(( ill thll 'l'ol'Unt li ;r.UI1 f"1 till' tlt.·tLni nm lIt nf th e I'Cu jJ/HllS o f tl e II111nk 'y CII!;" .

AU(!u.t '. , Igll. hl'l'" t rill' ~ II f Illn,l : III. l'qlli Ibl ' :II .~,~~"" ~·.,::i p,~~tI!i~~;~oD .\I~r!;:~I,II~y.~~:':: : I eli .. f 11 1lt l ~'H:-, t ' l, I'ranklm . I Ions h ""11 Illllf., r mly klt Hl, ntt C' ntI V(' III I'lI1u. ohio . ( ·hllrl,'. :0; . nl!l\ tll ~ h "" r U ~ I(' (' 11 11 ' I h l,j nla~ I·: nnd ~I \' rt l l ' H. Barnhal'l , till! pJ'l' 'lnlnlilitl pf euu s l'~ , ~'n n ~id OWIl~ r . 11. 1... fnuc ' . II 'J " l · ( , It ·t . d tt l L . B Ohuh u lllor 1'I10nKuNU1 · 1,1\ 11 ,)1.hur stlC ur l\o)' ,I, I' t he II III ., f (( ,'nry I)t lalll, h, .I " , III I,HI~ I •. :lnd :\ llll'lh n lI d ~lln. lot ' : ' l t' l Ull ,!'Io~ d n , ne un l u~ U holdOnll, Ml\rJton thal ur L lmH. rvo ('0, f "\H ~t ,' d \':, !"noi (' B. and .f 1''''Sl' . \ , !" I ~ 1n Frill lkI III . L l ~h n,,'j..!':lrt t p I' ht ' I l1h'\ l' ~ l!" I'l l' il L· ~\\'()rn ~ o nmt , ub 8r. rl b~ 1 t)n ro ru 11I0,hl. l\ l! lrrl~ ' 1' t·t al. ,',1 1' 11111 Illl \ ' ulld f Il 1'l " I hllll l;\ '" 1':, an d 'Iv"tlt' 1\ Il H rn h ~lrt r~\nt :-. ;llld th. ' pI't Jf"\l ' l' d. It ' rminatlu n 19t1l ~IRY o f 0 t nl,)l1f, IU ~ li I • h ... · I n ,. "I f l 11 il rtu~ .." . '( I t\o\, l. , a o ' ;\ 111 1'111 11 tl ll d ~P ll , ll,\t «( \11 i:-':-: \h '!"-, \\ it huu t rc),! nr ti to t ill' L , M , Jt uud,lraOD, ~'Jo .. "r, VUbUC I • Thl' L" ~1I1n' 1 11 l :U ll l hl'r ~·,.ml'HI1~' \!'o , !:"\I; PI Fr:lI ddtn, I n rnnun t H~ \· l1h· l' tl. " t'll' f~1 \\ , nn ll ~tl :-, at\ \\ tl..:on UIl' urd Cllli\ll 1.,' H.. v C"lohnrt 1I1 ill'n iamin 1'h ' Cuur t "f thi~ Ui,tr;"L IIl'H rs , " 01 T h .. 1 \ "' 1'1 " iluildlll!! Llllln and L. "'lll'qllhar, lot li:1 In till' I\hu.:ki llllW p rububl y mI l l"(' thn n Hny ~ imi l H r c o urt .... a\'ill)! ~ \ ' ,1111 II:'U1)' , o f f. 4 .. ha n o ll , (,Ir 1 \ dditlHIl, III t he ~t tl.Ll· I.f (HUH , hll d it i"\ A r a l· t 'th1l 11') Hud " q't ' rl"~ llrl' n f mOl 19n1!l', .\n rll!l a nd 1." 21111111 Ilnwnh.,ur, t il ftlr (" om Olenduti on thu\ o u t o f Ull ~ Chtl'lInl HlJ d ~l at)(' 1 ,\ 'lIk!, .. "rt. lil t ;, \UIUIlH' ~o f('\", {'n s"~ Urt, I'(.\Vil' Wl' ci . I







." " -.

1.- -



THF _.0 ___MIAMJ ---..



.... :;A1JFo O EVE Il Y WEDNEAD Y."






:. . - ------.

Republican Nominees


~~OOIl:-:f 5ilvor

hentl ull th" r llloific lltiuml (I f the luw. - --- - - --Th· Htllr.v 111·, C"V~ I· ... d in the tr iul $1.50 pur Year SAM SAYS "'UK dist .. ·~.· i n K . The cvi dC'llcl! for "'. I... CRANE .' ubliaher lhe mosl (lurl WIIS d,'nelly, lin olltrnMuybc it will lI ev r be posRible to tlk:..,d. I l ull i rt A (to t'll"y Buck ll er coin the pro\' rb. "t ime lind tide wait p r ('$cHtC!d hi !-= ca :;l,' \\ dll d ,un uin fj ror no woman . " TM. plp. I~X 'I .WHvr' rI,h'l h, Irhi hl ••C(HII... IRIU 'ti l ) 10 a lll· fad., rrU W(,I'I' I', till' ,1"" 'IIII:l lIt s es· S t<,WR. F Lo" rt 1nF:", I& nll AU Vf: U. cu ped a vt' l'l[id "I' guilty dlidly T1 ~ I ~C h'· ~ ·;tCe-.., ,h. " U\J. SAMANTHA SAYS LISHl:R8 AVT U<':'~ Sl'lm 6P.R. through t he [ve t t hai ti l 'y ~ " 1I1 r.l not ,,"le I!: .f Na. Yo,. CII,. . I", tri(·d ti il''', ll), fur urihl' I'y hut had Som' of th ese wome ll 's ga therings !o b l' l l' lL'f1 u nd (·,· n cOI1 ~ J)i rl1l: .v Rlalu l c Ivoultl be Ics" ex hllus t ing affairs if -=-==---;'0whi ch l':Ii ~I ' s IIIlI ch grcnter difTi clI l- th e I'e weN nl\JI'e liSle ners and' f ewer OGTUl:lI!;H <10. I\Il6 ti(!M. cU lIslunl tulkl'rs. T, 'c hn icllil),. J)all~ lH'rl)' 11<1/1 Mi liCI' 1I 1'~ not guil t y, BUL th ey s tnn([ ('011Wo rds fl'(lm th l' Li r~ nf Greot \-id c.,d ill' f rlrL' th l' 1111 1" u f )'ul, l il' opin ~i<'II: T h(lu)."h tl", will ,,r th e IlIUir )l l. 1111 Illutt C.' 1" what a ft'w j UI'YUIt ' 1l . "or Coy c rnot'.i ,,,·it)' IS ill all C I1S" ~' tv 1)I'(' vllil . t hut IIIl1y hllve eI(·ciel(·eI. No r wi ll th,· Il UUwill t (J lit: ri g-Itt fu l, mu s t h l' r CHMHI . _MYE IlS \'. C' (lOr[~ R , j (' (;'\' (' 1" furg-t :t t hi:-; h lltu il int ing c ha pahlL',- Th" "la" Jl'lT l' r ~u ll , For Lacutenan t G ove rnor- _ L" I' ill till' hi"t ., ,.y of F,',kl'al a'Vlli lli RJA III/o:S 0 , MIL LS l ralio ll, nur !-> ho uhl it I () ~c lilly tillle ') n ti cmn ndill g' a nl'\\' und ul't:'i :; iv(' t ri a l Secr" tnry or S tat~ ­ Write tu ) ' 111 11 ' COIIg' r'· 8smn n. Rv CLAHJ:; NCE .J. IW OW N '1U ~M t him tu P" " "" lh., cu . " fu rth er, Trea.urer of S t a. t eUIIU s uppo rt District A ttorn,'y Il l" flJo:RT O. UUC K LEY !. N, MilicI' r C[l'h ra t"d his birthday Sunda y "'lth a fam ily dinner. for Attorney Generalf:IlWAR D C. TUR NER EVl'I'l'tt Shumak ' I' \VII S n b u , i n e~s SILVER SPOONS VS . TIN vis itor III Cinc inllllti. Thu rsda y. Uni. ed St"tea SenatorIl arry Shidukcr. of Xenia, spent F ltA NK IJ. WIl.Ll S T he Illomin g pop"r" th e .1thp r day Lit " "'l'c k-e nd wit h h"m c folk s. (·lI rric ·d di Apu te heti te lling huw !.Jusy Chi"r Ju . tice Supreme CourtThe M. 1::. Aid oilciC' ty mel at the Q Ul't'fl MnriJ.', of it oliUlunia., \\' a~, over CA HltlNGTON 1'. MARS lI ALL Aiel parl urs Thusuuy afternoon .. in PariK ~.· tli n g her fi ' f ly trunl<s "lickJud I'''' of SlIpr"me CourtMr . nnd Mrs. (; . W, Gordon lind ed lind buyin j! a few ext ra ~cW~lIw e J:; [)W A It)) S. MATTHIA S ru mil y rn utor ed t tl CulutniJus lust S un · tt> bring' ll l nn~ UII her visit tu A,lH.'I·- day. THOMAS A. J ON~~S


I ,i


II illds lho I r OIlq- rloing l it h -thc ill- I t in lIpoonR ill Ktou d :f

,trh'}'~i~A \.f hi.· illdiclnl"" . l ill th t, ir Jl1outh~, Ull~ lIy II proco~s fnr . Illll'rx 1\[. TlaU!·h~(.Ly 1\1101 T!\ol1lull RubtiOI' thu n UIlY ulchmn ists of old W. Mll!<'r lII U)I ,<'O!1HHlcr thl' !1IN IV~ R IW{Hv, thir t in ~!l"n n ~ tllrn to gQ[d 11I \·k.v th al til\' j UII"';3 didll " "umpro- II h, II he duy'~ trials a r c done.




Jude" or COllrt of AppealaHOB E RT Z. BUCHWALTER

Now wc havcn't I\ny thin g ngain Bt lhe Qu t'P n. In Cuct, we don't kn ow ReprearDtatiYe to Con_relither at nIl. And it is ne ws, we g rant , CHARLES BRAND whe n II Queen is busy. for State SeaatorBut thnt Slim" mor n ins , pe rhaps, J . LOWRY MILLER if t he immigration quotn ish't full, RepreaeDtal;"e to GenerAl A.. "mhly ~o me other Roulllanilln women wer e ARTHUR HAMil. TON uus y gettinS rcady to co me to America t o stay. For Clerk of CourlaThey pl'oiJnbly clirln't have nny D. WILLIS HUMPHR EYS l ru nks tu pac k, Th l'Y cou [d,, 't buy for Sherllfa ny trink e ts, even th c cheapest ones, ALFRED BRANT b( cause ull their money WII S to be for Coullty Record"rspe nt on th ei r tickets. And they ALLEN HUn' IIfAN ure n't queens, except possibly of t hei r men'R honies . So no news pafor Count, Treaaurerper s pace is wasted on th em. A. H. 1'UHNER Her e in America, some millions of for County Auditorwomen were iJusy seeing that Dad's WILL R. LEWIS eggs were fried just right, thnt MaFor ·County ~rolecutorry's t ellrs didn ' t drop on the dishes C. DONALD DILATUSH she was wiping, and that Johnny For CoUDt, Coroner'WBshed behind hIS ears before he , WALDRON C. GILMOUH stnrted t o schoo!. MayiJe so me of these wo men stopGUILTY IN THE PUBLIC'S EYE p ~ u working long eno ugh to read lhe pllpcr s, nnd t o lament because they Wily the jury in the Dnugherty- were wenring ca lico uprons instead of Miller ClISe disngl'<'t'd may never be erm i ne ro bes. But UIIICS5 we know less about our r e vealed to th e public. But t he public will never be satis- community thun we do about Roumania, 99 out of every lUO women fled with the outcome. Tho jury sensed Ihllt n criml' hnd he r e wouldn 't trade th ei l' t r illls. inber n comm itted. This seeme,[ pretty ~ [ uding 'J ohnny's troubles. Mary'. clear. However, the lengthy wrnng- lears, an d Dad's complaints, for all lings iIi the j ury r oom und the re- Rouma n ill- iC it meant being sepapeated nppea[s to the co urt for cxplu- raled from .J ohnn y Ilnd Mary lind nlltione, s howed thJIt n minority of Dad, They muy have been born witb the Jurors could not ti e up In th eir

.. -----


I ~I





DtFrank Crane ....'.,.... Says


THE DUNES ARE INDOMITABI,.E Some time ago the writeI' visited the wild so nd dune co untr~' of northern Indiana. This sandy wasto str etched along th e so uthC'rn shore of Lake Michi,::nn betwefln Gary und Michigan City. The hill'h sand hills are ages old. Some nrc " wandering dun es." Moving slowl y through the years they have worked castward . In t h,·ir track new dunes are born. Others are veKed a nd on th eir sides an d chelTies . and stunted pines strug;:lc lor existence. . Indians huve come and gon e ; pion eer scouts hn ve givell p[nce t o udv ntureaome settlers. Bnd they in turn have made way for the teeming city bred; but the dunes have remained. Over them the great invention of th e age hnd a eruril e on d D cuhn ination Here Octave Chanute made I!xperlments with glide rs, giving hili inJurmlltio n to the Wright Brothers later on. AIHI here day nnd night grellt roaring planes fl y overhead carrying the mails from Clevollllld to ChiclI~o. Tho dunes have outlived the wilderness ; th ey continue llll tnmed in the heart of civilizlltion. , • In their enduring rUl{gedness there is a mes ~a ge of inspirati on that helps one who fe els it to "ho[d on" in the trials of life. The face of the dunes is like the facc of the common people. It is grim, determined, enduring. It p0S5eS8C8 neIther the kIngly gra ndeur of the totte ri ng mountains nor the abject serfdom of impotent deserts. Through the passing chiliad8 it hilS remain ed, r emuin ed in s pite of wind nnd wave. remained one of the enigmllS of geo [ogiclIl endurtlllcP. Buft'eted, driven about, torn uunder, the particl es yet remain, lind remaining, combine in lines that alter day by day, that mOVl!, thut retreat, that Ildvanj:c; but lines that lie In tho shadows of evening, gray, gou nt, bellten and deformed- but aublimely everlasting. In the face of the dunes there Is seen this exampl e of e ndless endurance In'-tts barren beauty there 8peaks a message' of grim courage nnd indomitable luting power.


F. ·T. Martin Jesse,Stanley Auctioneer s ,CC:

loa Early for Your Sale Date.. We Guarantee . ". Satl.f~ction or Charae Noth~n,.

Centerville, O.

PhoDe No. 320

Phone No. 2 /

New Burlington,O. ,


· :F.



'. Insurance Agen'cy

. lIar ry Smith. of Dayton. <:a lled on Mrs. Amanda Stll l'l' Wcull csuay nfterI1 (JCln .

Mrs. Ida 1I 0ckett WII S an ove rnight gues t, Thurstiay of 1111'S. Sallie Reaso n. The loca [ Chapter l)f Easterll Star cclcbrat('d their nJlIliversary, Thursday eve ning.

Mr. an d Mrs. Frank Tietmcyer and ente rtain ed Mr, Tietme ycr' s siste r nnd husband, Sunday. , Mr. nnd Mrs, Ever ett Villars and so n of Dayt on, wer e we ek-end guests of th eir mothe r. Mrs. Laura Shidaker. Mr. a nd Mrs. Neut Craig 'have moved fr om Brooks far m into th e Williams property on East Main 'Street, Mr. nnd Mrs. Torn Robets and fa mily hav e moved into the property recentl y vacated by Mr.. Sophia Moore, Mr. lind Mrs. Frank Wilson were Sund ay guests oC Mr, and Mrs Herbert F it and daughte r, in Washington C. H. Mr. and Mrs. W, M. Mathias, Miss es Mabel and Margaret Starr, of Dayto n, called on r elutivcs here Sunday afll,r noon. Mr. a nd Mrs. T, F. McGuinn and so n. Howard. had as g uests Sunday, IIlrs. Mllttie Gray and Mose and Willard Bogall , . Mrs. Ida Howe . nnd so n, Harry, Ellrt and James Chn e and J ohn Kennedy. a ll of Dayton. were week-end visi tors here. lItrs. Sadi e Rea 'on is spe nding t his week with her children, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hockett a'lld daughters. of nellr Wnynesville, A number from her e attended the Sundny-Schoo [ convention at. Flat Fork Sunday uflcrnoon. Rev. Tucker mude the add r ess. The M, E .. Missionnry society of Harveysburg will hold a Thanksgiving ma rket at the Township house. Wednesday. November 24. MiS5 Rowe n Gibson has been very ill with pneumonia at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rudduck. She is so mewhat improved at this time. Mrs. Amanda Starr and Mrs Chas. Gray were g uests at the meeting of lhe Hnppy Hour club at the home of Miss Winnifrcd Sturr Tuesday afternoo n. Mrs. , Chnrles Boerstler, of Norwood. spe nt th is week her e with her mother, Mrs. Louisa J essup . On Sunday Ml's. J essup accompanied her hOllle t o ~p ~ nd t he wint~r. Th o Primary and Intermediate grades nre very bllsy pr eparing a Ha llowe'en program , whIch will be presented at the hn II, Wedn esday eveni ng, October 27. A s mall admissl..o n charge will iJe made. SO il S

LYTLE Mr. hnrlcs Pope, who hilS h n ill for Reveral days, is n IiUle imJlrOVe(1 at t his time. Mr. nn d Mrs "Chorl s J ohn s vis. it'li the ir so n, Gl ' nn and fll mily, in Dllyt<ln , FridllY .. Mrs. Mllltie Duke is making 11 11 ex tended vis it with her ~o n, Carl Dllke and Cu mily . Mr, an d Mrs, Harry Gra hllm lire visiting the latter's s is ter anu fam ily lit Canfi eld, Ohio, th i. week. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hawke nnd Mr. a nd Mrs. Kurfu s atte nd ed the P T. A ,meeting at Belm ont ThursLillY' evelli ng. Miss C[('o tllcy nnd Mrs. M,,[vin n ~lnr y spent. lllR( w~"k wit h Mr. ~n d ~II'", ~u ll ,\ 1101 ,Iali l!h t-I. nt-lIr S pnll g" IH'I"{ I,

,\ 11'.


~u t lll'clay (!v " nill~ ,

. Ih' melll ucr the marl",t " I' th, ' La., dIes uf Lytl l' chlll'ch lit lh.· Atllllltie ' n~ d Pac ific store- ron m in WaYlle"VIll e lIext Sntllrd a,y. ~fr,. and Mr •. K('sle r Graham and da ughte r. OCl'11icc. wer e G-o'clock dinner gue sts, Sunrl ny, uf Mr. und Mrs. (,hurles Gui tner, at Mia misuu rg. Mr. nnd Mrs. William ,' heets nnd daughter lin d Mr. Willi a m Sheets. 5,'" of Springb oro. wer e Sund ny aft e rn oon gu ests of Mr a nd Mrs, S. H. I! aine.. ' Mr. an d Mrs. Forest Grahnm and duu);hte l's. Mr. lind Mrs, G" o r~e Graha m and dllu ghter. we re Sunday din ne r j!ues l" of Mr. un d Mrs, Ralp h Le w i ~ , in Dayto n. Lytic Sund ay-Schoo l is p l nnn in~ II !.Ji g so d .. 1 eve nt ut l.y1l(' lI uli fo r Hallowl"en on Sn t urday, Octob er 3U under the directio n of the pustor: Rev Raym ond St illi ng~. . Mr. and Mrs. J acob Gabe[ma n, of Cl11cl11nnlt, Mrs. W. G. Haines and tlnu ghtel'. Cil~ro , of Belm ont. wer e Wl'rinC'Rduy drnner gu"sts at the hom e o ff Mr. and Mrs.. Wnlter Kenri ck. Mr. nnd 1111'8. Charles John s and Mr. a nti lItrs. Guy Houtzahn visited Mrs. Clyde Cox at Stillwater Sanitorium, north of Dayton, Sunday aft erno on. They report her a s someWhat improve d. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Duke entertained to Sunday dinner the following gu ests: Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Jon es. Mr. nnd Mrs Allen Emrick and daughter, Gladys, Mr. Thcrle J ones and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kenrick. Mr. and Mrs. Charles McDarr, Mrs. John Sullivan. Mrs. Ella !llcDarr of UruanaJ • were Thursday dinner g uests of Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Harriman and IIfrs. Mahl on Gebhart and in the afternoon called on Mr. and Mrs, S. H. Haine:s. Mr. James Paul~h, who lived in the tenont hou se on the Dr. Hermlln farm, an(1 wo rk ed f or l\Iorri s Mill er was severely in ju r ed Iyhen a trllcto; a nd disc ran over him .. He suffered a broken lim b anti mllny cuts and bruises. .He WIIIg immediately r em oved to the Mia mi Valley hospital by Mr. 1I1i1ler and IIJr. Carl Duke.


---.- ..----

Public: Sales Hllving sold our farm, t he und ersigned will 8e[[ nt public auction at the farm locllted 2 'h miles west of Clarks vill e, on Ft. Ancient pike, on Tburaday, October 28. 1926, Comm encing at 10 o'cl ock :37 head r egistered and . Grade Jersey Catt[e~ This herd co nsists of 18 milch cows, " 2-year-old heif'ers; 5 year heifers; G llpring heifers; 1 heifer calf; 1 bull ea[ f; 2 registered bulls, 18 months old, sired by Rhoda of M.. F.'s Sans Aloi. Nothing but pure bred sires have been used on thIS herd . Also, 6 head horses, farm ing implements, f eed and household goods. Leona B. .It Lela A. Baile,.


NEW BURLINGTON Mr. N. T. Whitaker is a guest in t he home of A. W. Turner nnd fam. i1y. The Dorcas society held nn all-day Rewing at Mte home of Mrs. George Phillips Thllrsdny. J . L. Conurd und family had as guests over Sundny, Frank Conard and fnmily. of Duyton . Mr. Henry He rrman, of Martin's Ferry, u "wnr-time buddy" of Clyde Ewing, paid him a visit Inst week. Re[atives of E[mer Smith. of Knightstown, Ind .. received the sad nows of his deuth, IIJ ondllY nfternoon. There will be morning and afternoon services at the Caosar's Creek church on Sunday. A cordial invitat ion is extended to all. The Ladles Aid wiI! put on an Indoor Chautauqua in the church on Friday evening. A very interesting program is being arranged. Mrs. Josephine Blair was hosteu to members of her fan lily, Sunday, in honor of the birthday of her grand. 80n. Herman B[llir, of Spring Val. ley. Mrs. Ray, Carr and daughter, Allee, and Mrs. Verga Mitchener, entertaIned a large number of friends, Wednesd ay, in honor of Mrs. Frank Lun'dy. a ' recent bride.

... .

Year 'Book Senator 'Frank B. Wil\ls wiU be glad' to send . anyone' who III Interested a copy. of the recently tl!8ued. Agricultural Year Book of 1926, 10 long as the supply lasts. Thl. book has a r' eat denl of valuable Information 0 Intel'Qst to farmers. Please adores6 the Senator at ROQm 132. Neil ~ousi!, Columbu8, ·Ohlo.


'Ill d ~I rs , .1. B .. Ioll c'. \1 is" ", alit! E t h('l H( ·,·rI .,,. IItl,' n,!t·d II 1l1,... (>t illJ.; In L{ !.;,n l! !! ,

!-;tat.c- J.:'run~ ('

---_0 _ ••- - __

"Inside" Information Sliced ham , bak ed in milk with sliced potatocs on top, is an excell ent din net' di sh. j~



One of th e eaniest ways of prepnring egg-plant is to cut it In half lengthwise nnd bake it with bacon [a id in strips ove r the toP . o

FIRST AUCTION SALE The merchants of Wayneaville, Uated below, have' formed a Red Arrow Club and will donate several hundred dollars' worth of their merchandise to be sold for

RED ARROW MONEY to the people of thi8 community during the next twelve months. Thia merchandise will be aold to the highest bidder.. Paid for with Red Arrow Money. Red Arrow Money ia given absolutely free with every cash purchaae at the Red Ar . ow Place8. . All the articles which will be 80ld at the First Auction, Saturday, November 6, are now on display at the different RED ARROW PLACES. Other Auctions will be held each month.

ONE DOLLAR FOR YOU Let's Get Acquainted We shall continue to pay a Red Arrow Dollar'to each person wh o comea in for the first time thll week to learn about Red Arrow. Also, we shall pay you $1.00 in Red Arrow MOll ey f or ellc h person you bri ng in and $1.00 to tho one to whom you explain Red Arrow. This is an opport uni ty for you t o get a lot of Red Arrow Money by bringing in your friends and explaining Iled Arrow, No purchases nee d be mode.

Here's Where You Get Another Dollar For Nothing A brand neW Red Arrow 'D ollar Bill will b" given to eftch per.on who puts a bid in the Red Ar1"OW AuetioD Block at any Red Arrow Place. (Limited to $1.00 to each penon, rellard[e.. of number 01 bida made in ' all Auction Blocka.)

This Offer Closes Saturday, October 30th The names of all bidderrs who a r e entitled 10 Red Arrow P[lIees on

-- .===-==-===~.


• •

• •

Serve roast lamb 0 rlamb chops pip in g hot, on a hot platter, and then on hot plates. The fat of lamb haa the peculillrity of atlcking to the plate when coo[; also to the palate and roof of the mouth. To most people this [s unplensa nt and It can be easily avoIded by lIerving the lamb on very hot dishes.

• • •

Why not use some of the windfall and specked apples to make pectin, which will be useful with fruits not ordinarily used for jelly. The U. S. Department of Agriculture will tell you how to make apple pectin.


The Auction Blocks for the first Red Arrow Auction will close for the final bids on Saturday, November 6, at 12 o'clock, noon. The names of the High Biddera will be publicly announced at Hyman's Store on Satu rday, November 6, at 8 o'clock, p. m., or a8 800n thereafter as possible, · YOU MUST BE PREPARED TO PAY YOUR BID WilEN THE HIGH BIDS ARE PUBLICLY ANNOUNCED ON THE ABOVE SATURDAY . BRING THE STUBS OF YOUR BIDDING TICKETS SO COMMITTEE MAY EXPLAIN WHY YOU DO OR DO NOT WIN. IF YQU CANNOT BE PRESENT AT THE PUBLfC ANNOUNCEMENT. LEAVE YOUR RED AHROW MONEY AND THE STUBS OF YOUR BIDDING WITH A FRIEND, AS BIDS MAYBE I)AID BY A FRIEND BUT NOT BY CLERK OR MEHCHANT Get your friends to help you in this Auction and you can help them in future Auctions. or organlzG • Club and take turns in getting the Auction articles. If you do not fully understand the Red Arrow Plan, It will pay you to call for II full explanation at one of the


• •

The last green tomatoes have many usea. They make good plckle8 and chow chow, and al.o marmaJllde ; they can be u.aed for pie filling, for mock mince meat and serve fried.

:POROVER a•• TEARS burlelli~bin_· wide remedy blddoey:Uver..... 1Udder . ~.~ ........ andarlc:addoaad~

LOU ill RNI Arrow mon ey will be posted ut al1


Twice-bnk ed bread. that has bee n cut or torn into pieces Ilnd heate d in II very s low oven until t horoull'hly dried nn·t! deliclit ely brow ned , is a good fo od f or children. Do yo u know kohlrabi, sometimes called turnip -rooted cabbage? Pare the globe or bulbous stem, discarding nny stringy or tough portions. Slice it and cook for about half an hour in sliJ1:htly salted water . Season with butter, snIt and pepers, or serve with a white sauce.

lh ~





W a~eaville Ov~rland Sales Co. , , HaU Drug Co. Mia~i Theater Myer Hyman L..A. Zimmerman Fred.M. Cole Miami Gazette WayneSviUe, Ohio ~








NJ:\soqa rfal)Kets of

hll, tl ~ ' m ti n in ' 'ow ' ''Ilrk n1"'H h i i · I 1\1\ t· r("d f n '", n Hnh tlit \ ;n' (, f' ns.~lIL Thl' ~' t nh rnr.·~t· 1'\l r I ' .. .. 1') ! h l ~ll r il'l(" o f IH !:t' l'd 1t


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liarry E~tc1, of Dnyton, Fri 'IHl s ITo 1m' . pu )":'".....


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t"l>, r ;\0.





.",.'. ' ,Jtll UI


f,) r

A nicl' lintl of ( ; rat.'t' L. ~ tllith· !i.

~1r . nnd i'll" , Cln rl:nc nltn ('e! tu 1)n y ton .

II Ih" f(' pur

.. t h.It·, '" hnt I thoul!h :



HIIW your winter coata cl~u n ed now. ulta dry c le"nod anti pressed, LOU; sl,ongod nnd pr 'ss 'eI, 35 \·(·nl.ll. oIt Wnter Lnundry. MllhIon ' Ridge, 'ogent: Mr. and Mrs. Walter M.:Clurc cntert ain d nt unday dinner. Mr. nnd Mr.. Saw MrClure and 80n~, M 18 1>11 nno Thllmas. of Cent en'illl', Mr. nnd Mrs, . S. IIlcClurl' and children . of Dnyton, and Mr. lind Mrs. Jnmcs le Clure. ,


nt tho

MessrS. Edward Martin nnd Vnl Venable entertained Sun day evening nt their bachelor qUllrters, Mr. alld Mrs. Carl F'isher lind so n. LIlmar. of Hamilton , a nd Mr. lind MI'><. Art hur Atkinso n nnd· " a u l!'ht~r, A IIdrey. o f Orcgo nin, Aft rr a delightful supper l ht' eve ning WIIR 51)!' llt in playing j{am c~.



M 'llllc nhnll


I I 11 1'1'

l. { ' I :\n~\ wn ... a hU ~ l1\(.·~~ in f) ay t on, Thllr~, ln y .

\I !-J '


For Chiilly Nights Whet h e r your n eed. for winter

,.', ill\ k lI llY illl d

b",I,linlf b .. bl"nket. o f all wool, p ar t woo l o r colt" n, yO u wi!! find flinti ly , "f

I · ,e' . ' " Ill' 11 t ~Ir".

F l ldny A. K . I'llY

wit h

K('II -


o u r a tock comp le t e in colorin ll'l, .izel a nd qu a lity to meet your re .. q ui reme n ta. You arc l ure to fiad


jU l t the Blanket yOu WAnt an our ~I I'. J:1I 1H ....

~I c . ': n r ~ and Mr• . ~l c~t("(\1lt· WL' ft · :-. h \ lPpi ll~ ill

large an d we I! .e lected . tock.

\\' a II " r

Ku"hun part woo l Blanket., size 72x8 0 in j{ray und fUllcy plaids. Pricl·d a p/l ir.

1'")'l on. M ..r,d ny .

ua nut T a, fy Burs , Cakes Coc per poun d Pancake Flour Country Club, 20-oz. pkg , . ... ·9c Co untry Clu b, 5-1b. pkg . . ... 27c 'Coffee quali Fren Lh Brpn d, lIel t 4 7c t y, per und . Coco. nu t M"ro hm.U ow. 1\

;' 2.

II . :'"

(· ",ekor<.

lb . .


.. 14e

ex t:t



Jewe l BraDd., good qualit y. Ih .39 c


I<\e n

~"nl o. ,

Ib ..... ........... 35c


Pure Kett le R elJdered, per po.u nd ..

No. 10 p.iI •• eh ........... ... ....... $1 .70

No 5 pai l. e ... h ....... .. ... .... ... ...... 85c

Butter ~::.~~try 46 C!I Cabbage, t:~~:' f~~lid 74 M8kin~ C "

Cre ame.y, Ib ..... .... ........

v, :- it lll'!oi.

IIl r s. Sli t· Wrij{ht Hiatt was caUl''' hl're (I n acc,'u ut o f tIl<' uenth of her llllllt, Mn. SUSlln II nines.

L.rge ,i....... .... .......... ...... ...... ... 1ge

Cood qua lity, Ib ... ....... .


Mrs, )l c Lartlie, of Dayton, nccompanied ll y II fril'nd. visited Dr. and Mrs. 11 . E . lIathaway, Sunday

Nnshua Blankets, Sunset brand, s ize 60x80 , in a ll wanted colors. .Priced. a pair

lIlr llnd JIIrs. D. C. Ridge, of Sioux Fn lls: S. D.. w er c week:cnd guests o f their pn ren ts, Mr, find Mrs. MahIt ,n ltidge.


Wi!! Hu ~~um and family lind Dr. G/lil RU~gllm and family , were SundllY j{uegtg of Mrs. Mary Edwards ond dllughte rs.

On the en., 3 lb. for.... .

Nnshu n dVlI !> l" Rl unk els, size 70x80 . in b('lI utiful shad cs of plaiel. Priccd . n pllir,

!llr. nnu M 1'8, Charles Weller, of C('lIte rvill c, "He Sunday gu ~sts of ~fr . and '>lrs. Mahl v n Ridge.

: _ __

k"nul, 50 lb. ... ..


~u1 H.l Br .

II - - - - -- - - - - - -

22c II ~r?r~~~?:!.~~...... 25c Popcorn, ~ou~;~eed 25 C 2~t~:Ok?I~~::y" ". 25c Meat, ~~~, ::!: 23c Ib .... _.. ...... Cbu r n go ld Ib ... .. .. ..... , .. ... .... , .l2c

fllr . lI u.1 i\Ir ~. Cl nr ence RhMd c~. :-: pril1 l!(,,'ld. · W l: r~ WnYlwHvi ll e

The women o f St. Mary's Episcopal ehul'ell will hnve t heir a nnua l market nnd "I'rOn ""le On Saturday , ,Decembl'r I I l h.


2t~~ Nut,


Plain gTay an d tan Blllnkets, with fnncy borders" size 64x76, Price d, II pllir, ,

$1..98 Single cotto n Illankets, size 70x 80 . in plain ((r ay and tan with funcy borders, cach,


Mr. Bnd Mrs. L eo Gra ha m, of Day. t on, and Mr. a nd Mrs. Wa lter Fisher spe nt Sunday at t he home o f Mr. and Mrs. George Pratt.

Nashun Robe Blankets, d ouble wovc n, sIze 72x84, colors of tan, blue, rose , grny. Priced n pair,

Mr. and Mrs. J essup, of Atlanta, Ga. , and Mrs. Maston, of Indianapolis, visited Mrs. Esther McMillan at the Friends borne, today.

$5~.9, 5

After a pleasant visit with Mr. nnd Mrs. J . W. White, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taft have return ed to the ir home in Soutb Chnrlesto n

Nashua Crih Blankets. size SOx 60, in pink llnd blul' with de cor ations of rn bbits, kittens" !\Iother Goosc, etc. , eac h

Mr. un d Mrs, Merle Kern and Mr. and Mrli Edward Carver. of Columbus. Mr. und Mrs. C. M. Robitzer hu ~. Mr. lind Mrss. C. M. Ribitzer /lnd ,bughtcr... spe nt Su nd ay with Mr. unrl Mr~. J . 1), Mnrlatt.

RAYMONWaynesville, F. Ohio HATFIELD Agen t for

$1.48 Nashll ll Crib cuc h,

si7.e 30x40,


Watch for the Gree n Soft Water La undry Truck every Tuesday and Friday. Blankets, comforts nnd qu,ilts washed . F eather beds a nd pillows washed. Rugs dust ed and r enovated. Soft Water Laundry, MahIon Ridge, agent.

Red Arrow Money Given on All Sales, Dollar for Dollar

Jesse Pre ndergast, r epresenting Waynosvi ll e Lodge F. & A. M., and Frun k Hartsock, rep r esenting Hnr,·c;... bur.: Lodge, went to Cincinnat i th IS mor ning to nttend t he 11 7th a nWaynesville, Ohio nu,,1 cOllllll un ication of the Grand Louge of ()h io, which convenes lit L.._ _ _ _ _ _•_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Llwt pine o todoy and tomo rrow. One of the big fent ures of the gTand lodge is the dcelicat ion of lh e new Sarn h JO Y wns in Leb an on on i temp le tit Ci"cin nuti w hich event MoMrs. nday . .___.....;;"'-__, will take "Iacl louu y.

Myer Hym·a n

All Forms of Insurance Life, Fire, Automobile,. Health, Acci ent, etc.

BlnnkeL~ ,


Miss Mnry Prllte r is visiting r elatives in Dayton ,

CAN . . . . .~TING

M Leban

pera H~use

ThursdaYJ ct ,ber 28 at 7:30 p.m. J

Col. Ralph D. Cole For~er

Member of Cong ress, one of Ohio's greatest orators, ~nd

.. J H. Smith spent tiro' first of the wee'k in Columb us, Good values 'in winter Millinery at Grnce L. Sm ith's. Mrs. Mnr y Adam s is spe ndin g n f ew day s in Wil m ington, Mrs. Cynthia Evans is visiting her brother and family in Franklin.


Born- T o Mr. and Mrs. Charles Day. Thursdl1Y, Oc tobe r 14, a son.

Mrs Lau ra Zell and Mrs Emerson Mas on wer e in Dayton, Tuesday. Ross Hartsock 'a nd 1\amily were Sunday guests o f Will Kersey and family, at Oregonia. Mr. and Mrs Myer Hyman and Mrs. L, A . Zimm erman were in Cin. cinnati, toda y Messrs. Carl F.'ye and Ernest Harlan went to Toledo, Tuesday night, on business for the Overland Sales company. Mr and Mrs. Lorain Taylor and daughter, of West Lafa},ette, Ohio, wore week-en d gueats of Dr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hall. Mrs. Rachel Crew, who was injured by a fall while on a villit to r elatives in Indiallla, is at home and has almost recover·ed.

Miss Rose Moriarity Member of the Ohio Indu strial Commission, will address the voters of Warren County on the issues the campaig~. The voters of Warren County should a vail themselves of the opportunity of hea ring these two excellent speakers.

'EVERYONE INVITED LENTY ·OF GOOD MUSIC, Chas. J .. Waggoner, C. C. Collins, Howard L. Cheney, , Republican Ca'm paign Committee .--

Mr. and Mrs J. L, Long and two children, and Mr. lind Mrs. Long, Sr., of Middletown, were gueste of Mr. and Mrs. F . M, Cole on Sunday.

I n the success ful trnillinl! of hors. es great p alienee. gcnt \('ncss nnd firmness nrc nccdNI. A h.IT",· should be trninecl 80 thllt til' Ihin l<~ th ere i" n(l limit to hi s I'(',\('r 10 do . the thilll!R r equi r er! of him. unrl beli eveR lhlll he h n~ nn pn wcr to dn that which i. IIgui n Rt the wi. he, o f his master. Neve r ask of 1\ hor,,, so methi ng ho can not do. To do so Illtly mll ke him ull ik y a nd worthl ess. Do not wo rk a colt ufter he is tired. Alwa ys, if thc horse can 1I0t do or cnn not be made t u do what is asked of him, milk " him clo somethi ng el.e. So long n" h" is nut nll nwcd to do what he hi\ll Self chooses he will cO l1sieler man his sup eri or ond lIIast er ,

----_ ..

- - -

GIRL LAWYER URGES RE·ElECTION OF 3 SUPREME JUDGES Colu mbul. - (Spcclnl.) - Mrs. Ma rga ret L . Hnmllton, a CinCinnati attorney and daught or·ln·law of Appela te Jull ge Franil M . lHamll. ton. of Lebanon, Rnc! II daught or of Paul John80n of Coshooton. has boo n at,. tnclIcd to th o Ju· dlc lal burea u at iWpubllcan state headQuartsrl. It " a. announced today by Cball' man Charl es R. Fredc rlclr:lIOn. MnJ. Hamilton. who Is chalrlDQD of Junior sootlon of tbe Republlcau women's organl.aUon In Hamilton count)'. Is associa ted wltb the CIn· clnna U law firm of Eckert. Conlee and Raldt. "I am Intensely Interested In _ Ins thM Chief Justice Carrington T. Marshall and Judge. Thoma. A. Jones and Edward S. Matthias ani ro-eloot04 to the supreme bench this faU," said Mu. "Hamilton. "Their records are such as to com· mend tbem to the women votor., tho bnr and the )alty." Hn mUton count)' w1l1 vow almost solidly for ber feHow -to wn smllU, Myors Y. Coopor, for govornor, Mrs. Hamilton think•. " If the people of the othor 87 COllliloe knew Mr. Coo per's busl· noss Integnt,., hi. general knowl· E!dge of public affaire &Dd bla exeeu· the ab1l1ty 81 we do they would not hesitate 10 cbooee blm to take cbargo of tbe Rip of Itato and Bleer It out ot the 8hoals of ben. rupto)',· said &ira. Hamilton. United States Senator Frank B. Wlllls, dunng hi. lint term In the natlon's highest legislative body bas become one ot the outatandlng Ugurae I nth e country. The Senator's pu bile service began when bo was 31 yean of age through his eleotlon to the Ohio House ot Reprall'Cntatives. The t axa tion measure. whicb bears bls nllme, on tbe Ohio .tatute boob a8 an ovldence of tbe Important work In which he hud a part. As a me mber of Congre88 from the old 9th dlstrlot, Benntor WIIU, Quickly achieved distinction and lifted bls hoad nhove the crowd. He won a .reputation for great tn· dustry and an ability to teke, of himself In debato from his four years In the low er houll'C at Wash· Ington and thon was cullod baoll to Ohio to serve 118 Its Governor. In his s ix years In the Unlte4 Stutes Senate, as the , succes,or tbere to the lnte Warren G. Hard· lng, Senator Willis bas acquired the nome tor fearlessness and leade!" ship. "Election of one Democratlo Senato r plMged to follow hIs part1 In the sl\crlflco of hi' countl'J m~ unite us In governmental unloD with Europe and Asia," eald a 001· legue of Senator Willie. HJ)y the re-eleotlon of Senator Willis, Ohio will aBsure Itself of a . vote to bacIl up President Coolidge 'D hI. econom y program through whlcJa taxes are beIng reduced and at the llame time the nsUonal debt. of nIneteen billIon dolla" It betq reo ~uced lit the rate of ODe bIlllOll dO),


I , ,..




Attractive Prices

·r?ilteston~ Gum-Dipped Tires






Every Tire in

Stock Reduced Orndorf's Garage Waynesville, Ohio

Phone 67

Our Guarantee Our guarantee mean. thi_that if you are not uti.. fied it i. our butinea. to __ that you are fully pleaaed. Come trade at this ttore and we will prove our .tat... mente We have very few adjustments to make, owin, to our hi,h Jrade line of merhandise, but the belt or,an· ized .tore. do make occational mi,taka. Succesaful merchandiaiD, CODti,t, of .DeI h __t dealings with the public, and pro,res.ive .torekeep.... m eans that the mercba~t muat protect hi. bu.iDes. •• well as the interest of hi, patrons with a unifQrID quality of merchandise and right treatment of hia patron ..

I ,I

Late ClassUled Ads, '



F. E. VAN ciFI:EN, -Proprietor

Phone 113

Waynesville, Ohio




Tell the Advertiser you saw his Ad. in the Miami Gazette GET READY FOR WINTER Cleanse your syatem, purify your blood and prevent colds, influenza and other winter ailment••


NEW LIFE TONIC The Great Blood Purifier and Sy.tem Cleanser Prevent. Sickne8S. Get it today at

John Hawke's Store, Waynesville, Ohio Ma4den's Drug Store, Harveysburg, Ohio

We are agents for the ,celebrated

U. S. Tires and

Used Cars An Overland "90" A 1922 Ford Touring,' S" & D. .' . A 1923' ford Touring,S. &·0.


loin. Howard Archdeacon, Mrs. FOR SALE-Estate Oak radiator in Verne Kelley, Misses Jennie and JOII, - good condition. Inquire at thill ofephine Reeves were dInner guests of fic e.. " ·020 l\fr. and Mrs. Josepb Miller, . at APPLES-Northern Spy, Fall PiJi.Springboro, recently. pins, Baldwina, White ~pplns, .Tonathonll ' Winesap. Call .1. L. MenMr and ' Mra. Elmer ' Sheeban and denha ii. ·020 Mr, and Mra. Ellis McClure and little dllughter, Haniett, returned, Mon- FOR SALE-Ba:iTeCi Rock Roosters, day ev e~ng after a pJeaaant visit '1.60 each. Mrs. Harold Whita· over tIlt. ;week-end with relatlv4!8 in ker, R. D. I, W.~emI1e, Ohio Pendleton, IneL .' . '. '· 027

'j ~,1

The Corwin Grocery·


"So you didn't take any vacation We launder your family wublng this. year1" "No; I thought I needed · a rest." by the pound. Have our Baleeman call and explain in detail. Soft Wa· ter Laundry, Mahlon R!dp, spnt. , Mra. Eva" MiUer returned to her home here, Monday, from a visit to Washington D · C.. She was accom· panied byb'er daughter, Mrs. 1. L. McCune, of Lima. '. ' . .



Waynesville Overland ' SaleS Co. , R Archdeacon . K. of P. 'Bldg.,

Wa~eaville, Ohio




..········,· ·····I"teresting ..·....·.. ·Items from the I /

State ,


Capital, i i

Prepared by Columbu8 Reporter


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ¥ . o ~ o •• --c6LlJr.-!BU::l,-:-oi ll o - O~l ds are b('ing olTer l,d hy th " , (' wh" like t o wag er Oil the r l'8ulL of pleel iunK, t.hat Frank B. Willis will not " nl y be rl't urn ed to the United tatps Sena te [or anoth er torm, but that he will b ad lhe Re publicall Stute titk et . One <.:o lumbus broker is sllid to hllve Ilt lellst $10,000 t o wuger al th e r ate o f three to fiv e on the auov e r e~ ull , tiO far wi thout tak ers. Straw vot es which are be ing tnk cro by vurious agencies indica te that Willis is a lmost certa in t o leu d the Ile publican Stute ti cket next Tu es· day whe n the vot es are tabulate d. All of which means th a t P r eRid cn t Coolidge will hl1 vc !'etu rued to the Senate onc of his most 10Yll i fri ends. a nd Ohio will continu e t o be r epre~ ented in th o great". t legislative body in all the world by one o f the grellt · cst statesm en that hus e ver r ep r esented the Buckeye State , Senator Willis hll~ put in a hard campaign, but li t tle mo ney ha s been apent in his behalf, an~ th er e will be no charges mad e aga.ln st hIS campaign like that mude t th e Buccellllful nominees in other s tat es. It has been many years since a member of the Senate fr om Ohio has ut talned the !ligh positi on and influ· e nce that has foll owed Sena tor Willis Thia has heen won by long hours an'd hard work as the r epresentative of Ohio. his loyalt¥. Lo the administra· tion, and his abihty to ha ve ever mind hi. constituents, his governm e nt nnd his party. It was Will is wh o prevented the water ateal in Ch ica · go,. nnd it will be Willis who r eturn s to the Senate for another term that will ftght f or the farm er and ull oLhers tntiUed to governm ent r elie f a nd protection. While he ser ves in the United States Senate Ohio voters n eed have no fesr of tariff modifl ca· tions or changes that will check the present prosperity, or the country be· ing entangled' in foreign ; allinnces that might prove embarraSSing. Eve n Democrats admit that the re -election of Senator Willis is practically cer. tain next Tuesday.

To the Men and "Women _ Th e frie nds (If Chie f Justice c ar- I th e J udicat ur e society, a natio nnl or ri ng tll n T. Ma rshllll pr pscnt his cnn. ({"" lzlItion o rglln.ize~i .in 19 12 to pro · . . . h mote lega l and Jud,Ci a l r eforms. In dH lncy t o t he ~o te rs of OhIO at t e 1922 . he pr om oted a n organization Novem ber electIO n fo r a second t e rm . of tho Common Pl Qas judg es an d Chid J us til'e Ma rs hall W IIS bor n was el ec te d a n hono ra ry member in 18 GH, ill u log ho use on !l f a r m th ereu r. I II 1!' 25 , t he Un iversity of al11 on", the h ills uf 1I1uslti ngum coun ly C' i, ~ cil1 n ll t i co nf~ rt' e d u pu n him th e li n d n 'ceive d hi ~ cu rl y ed ucati o n in hnnornry d eg ree o f Doc t ur of Law ~. thl' li tt le " r vel sch uol house'" nearb y, li e is u m ~ ",h"" uf t he r "es uyt(',.a nd IUl er WIIS g ra du ated fr om th e ia ll (' hurl'h, t he n elta Th ,t ll Ph i hi g h sc hno l of Zunes vill", un d co m· la w f ",,[ ernity. n lll (,lII iJ r r of l he Ci\'pi (I'd h is "duc llti un hy a com mer ciul il un clu " 'I f Co lunoh us. fi ntl wa s fo r c o ul' ~e and l he u ~ u lll law co urse in o,w yelll' in le rnnli onul pre"id cn t o f th e Un ive rsity of Cillcin nati. from · t h" a~so ci nt i( ' n of Civitu ll cl ubs. H" which ins t it uti on h ' g rad uat ed ill I is un honorury memucr o f th e Gyr o 18!12. He ta ught in the country clu b. ,of Cleve la nd. an d u III ' mbc r o f sc hoo ls for a num ber ' of y ears. H e t he Ue nevolcnt Ord e r of Elks at prllcticed law in th e cily of Zan es · Zll n~ s \ ille. • vill e fo r a per iod of 28 years" huvi ng Dur in ):, hi" fi rs t ter m he has brought a la rge cl ienta>:e a nd trying cases in t he wor k of th e (' oun u p to da te ",a ll Y uf lh~ co ullti l' H o f so ul hea st ern lin d is I(ce ping it t he n ' .. Vuring th ~ Ohio. H is p rnctic e a lso e xtended t o /irst t er m he has been a bse nt f "om the r ellt'rlll cou rls, illcludi ng the Uni oll ly tw u u [ th e open sessions of th e t ed tu t es Sup reme court. c" urt, and hUn n ev ~ r been ubse nt He iMa Illl' mhe r of th e lIIus killgum fro,,, n " i l1 ld ~ (o llsultutilJ ll . Co un ty Ba " u 8~oci u lion, th \! Stat e Bar Chid JU St ic e Ma rs ha ll has t he llsti uci ut iull IIlIll th " Ameri can Bar a s· spirit uf ~c rv i c('. No one cumes t o s oc iuti lJ n . II I' is one o f the charter th e de par t.ment to Hoe him, on eithe r me mher " o f t ht· Am ericlln Law In- otli ciul or privute business wi t hout st itute , 11. na tion al or)l:lI,:,iza tion f or an interview,. no mutte r how busy the r e8to tlll g and slmplIfymg the com be may be w' th hi" multitude of dumon law.. H e is presid eut of t he t ies a nd l heir r ens nub le li nd proper .Judicial Co uncil. He is II member of wunts ar e II Iways sup plied.- Adv ..

tober 13th, was n very s uccessful and plea sa nt a lTair. The cordial address o f welcom e WII S mnde by Mr. Chllrles Dost or , and responded t o bv the t ea chers, Mr. La rk in, supcri ntend e nt of the Harveys burg sc hools, his nssi tants Mrs. Lillinn Ca rr, Miss Murie l Ellis. Miss Rosetta Mc Millan land Miss Grace Constant ; als o by Mr. Moore of th ... Hickoryvillc, and Mr. George Bunnell, of the Wellman schools, Mrs. Ma ry Huffman of t he Flatfo rk school wus unavoidnbly Ilbsent. Memb er s of th e schoo l board wer e g ues ts of th e occnsion. Mr. Tucker of the M. E. church, ~a" e a s hort tulk. A very good musIcal program was well rend ered. Icc. cream, cake and coffe e were served.



Are Touring the East Mr ann Mrs. W ilbur Clark Rnd Mr. Dnd Mrs J . O. Cm·lwT.ight left th is morning t or a mot or lri p to Wa sh in l!ton D. C. rural communities nrc a ppa r ently sa t isfi ed wi th conditi ons. while ~he city f olks are t oo hu s ~' making m o n ~ y . Ma ny guesses ar c being mnde on t he res ult ne xt Tu ~s day's can· test but <'''<'n in th e wildest bursts of ~n thu" iaBm ne ith er the Repu~lican or V ~ mocrat lead ers arc chum· inll: th e elect ion of th eir entire State t icket.· Sen a tor Willis and other Republican cllndidates are s ure to be elected. Lots of f olks in Ohio will be glnd wh en the election is over" so' th ey CRn bon !! in th ci.r radio~ a ss ured of so mething more interesting than political babble.


The tea chers will attend th e Southwestern Ttlllche rs ' association at Cincinna t i, Friday and Saturday. ConA('g ue ntl y th er e will be no school 8essio n Friday.

Some of The Things We Sell

The following circ ular was s ent out recentl y to the mothe rs of pupils in th e school: There has been cons iderable com. ment on the subj ect of girls' baskethall in th e papers und magazines. I am writing you at this timc to get your ideas on th e subject, because I beliove that th e mothers of jrirls arc th e ones to be~t decide the matter. P er so nally I am not and never have been. a strong booster for girls' bas. kt' tball as an inter-school sport, es. pecially because of the hardship and t)XI)OSurc ' of milking the trips home nf t e r the games. The following plan is being sug. g ested. That classess and grades form 0$ many teams as they can. Playa r egular series of games lit noon time Rnd at times Bet apart for physical education as W88 done Inst year. Teams that show good form might then be allowed to play exhibition games at home before crowds but not take the trips away from I)ome to play other 8chooll. That I may know just how you feel on this sabject, will rou kindly an· swer the follow questIOns: Do you favor Girls Baeketb1l11 In any form? Do you favor It as an Inter.Scbol. astic sport? Do you favor the notion of ha ng organized team play at school at noon time and durin~ regular scheduled practice hours, Instead of with oth. er schools? F, R. MOOMAW,


Material For Your Roofs--__


. -.:____ _-


Red Cedar Shingles Mule Hide Shingie. • Carey Shingle. Asphalt 'Roll Roofing Brick Portland Cement Lime ~Ia.ter. ~ Pla.ter Board Wall Board


-~ -

• 1.1_

The hot luncheon served last by lItrs. Da vis , WDS such a great help to t ho pu pils of the new building, that it will be r epeat ed this year. Nearly a hundre d pupils ate the hot lunch every day last f,ear and it is hoped thut this ye ar WIll prove as good. To date on e hundred and f ourteen pupils havr sig nifi ed thei r Willingn ess to ordcr the hot lunch, which will begin next Monday. All th e laboratory equipment has arriv ed, and labora tory classe s will begin next Monda y.



Th e llig h Sc hoo l orchestra has reo s um ed pra ctice for lh e com ing yea r. with eig htee n member s, under the di. r ec tion of Mr. Alfred WatkinR. Seve ral pla ye rs in the orch es tra are grad e pupils. Th e orch estra e xpect s to ba a bl e to foll ow th e bask!!tba ll team.. The members of the arches. tra are a s follows : Alfred Watkin s, director .... ..... Violin Nellie Graham .. Violin Irma Rich ... .. Violin Catherine Bogan ............. Violin Evelyn Cartwright ..... .. ..... Violin Edna Shan er . . .. .... .. :..... Violin Dl'an Wal t on ... . .. . ...... Violin Sherma n Tinney .. .... .. Violin Ronnld Hard in . .. . .... .... ... ... .... Violin Beatrice Robitzer ........ ..... ....... Piano Hetman S urface .... .. .. .. ... Saxophone Roy Ellis .... .. .. . .. .. ... ..... Saxophone Evelyn Tucker .. .. .... .Saxophone Kathl een Graham .. Saxophone Maynard Ri ch ...... Saxophone Bert O'Neall ..... .. .... ........ .. Cornet Leo na K ellis .. .... .. ....... .. .. .. Cornet Therle Jon es .... . . .. .. ... " ..... .. ... Drums Keith Walton will enter the arch es. tra Bome time in Decem ber with th e trombone. At present George Hend erson is helping the orchestra with his trombne,




Mr ~ .

Albe rt 1I Ili n,'", of Spr ing- fi eld, 111 1'S. Bell e Dinwidllie, Mi s Oli ve Dinwid die an d Mastcr Paul Su va ge W"re d il"w r ~ .. e"ts of lIlr. a nd M rs. J . C. Hawk e, On ::lunda y.

Leste r S. J v i n ~ hegnll ,., tr'nch,, !' in t he rura l schll ols. He wns s u pt' rintendent o f ~ c h oo l ~ for e i ~ ht years. Alsu' he has l)('ell u mcmlo el' of th· Stat e Vcpurt n' c l1t " I' Educat iull at COIUnlb us; a n vlliee r vf th e L' ni ted Stnt!!s Bu rea u "I' l~ oI ucat i o n. ut




DEATHS Relatives were notifted of the death of Alonzo Everhartl so~ of Mn, Lne Everhart, of· Corw.1O; whlcb oecul'J'· ed Sunday. when bls automoblle' wal struck by n trai~ in CaUfornfa. His brother-in·law; wbo ' waa with him, .waa allia killed,

All of the above· m~terial can beJound in ou.. yard ~v~ry day i!l ~he year at · mOderate' prices "


., Charles W. P~pper, 56, a fo~er. relildent of Gree.n .county. died at his . home 'n°ear Ft. Ancient Monda" n'-ht. He i. survived 1!.~ his Widow, ~ho~aa . formerl, IieneJ{in~" of Spr1ng Val Ie, ,and two SODS Frank and . Beall, and hll motber. who Iivea Dear . Way. ' neavme~ . ' .FaneraJ services will he held at the llome Thuftday at 10 a. m., and


iD.nt wU1 be made' III 0IDIitc7,


Whole Number ' o724




tht· twt,h' t.· (. ' 11\.1'<1\ s t lll~'~ tll l l ll1~ hlt d a f t",. t ht' Waf p(1r ill d 1II1 d C'l" t il,' diI"C:(' ti lt ll o f t hl' L: n ill!d , 'l ll l f'~ l'IIIlt!lIi b;.; i tJJI l'l" fl f ed ucutiu tl. l i t, iii! . . Ih ,' d j ' l'Tt..:(~ :., II f l 'h. U. an d ~ I ~ . . 11 1/1'1 1 L v ll. lI lIl ) 1 ln i ·. ( 1 ~ lty and ro.l' , I I ,,, !,., ;. . t UIl )\' t'r~ lty , IJe I ": • • "., , .. , , f ti ll .....·h ,I(. 1

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p rof '~Stn i ll LdJflO(JII. I,iu 1l 1 1 1 '· (· r ~ jt \· :t l il l !: I' u n ive rs it y. a nd ut p n' ~l' l1t hl'ud o f Il l" 1:-1 t ' x . pl·e~ld(·lIt I II. ~ h,'r w oo d t he departlll ent o[ u)!T ic u ltu rl' of fan· a ~"'I'('i llt lioll lind I . Su nday , ~ l r. Ken t Stull T eac h, ·rs' e" II(' l'( l', ,lireC' - }\('Ilt el l v II "a r d .d 1.1 \ Vns h i lJ g'tll ll ,

MI'. :lnd M r~.. C. (' nler tai ned lit di nnt'r, a nd 1111'S . EU ):,N I<' J ,'lTl'ry n nd fu mily. t OI' o f r um I educu U(,n : nll ol co11 "g<, of Iw ar O r ('l'(o n i l~ . Mr. nnd Mrs. IL adviso r of fuur ·year c " u r 5~S in Kent A . . Co nne r and fam il y. State: Ill' is " III t'mb'l' uf th e Nll t ion . a l Ed uc a ti onu l assu ciati ull. H e h o ~ be<'11 p r e~ i d ell t uf the Nuti ulJa l as >-,,· MrR Jam es St oo ps , o f Va n Wer t , cia tio n uf ~ u pe r\'i "" r s (, f !Iatu re st u . Mrs. Alli e Fe rgusun, LJfJ amcsto \\, n, dy an d g a rtl,'n in!; : presid en t uf Na a nd M r •. UeTTY'"a n, of Columbu s, t luna l asso('i u ti un "ta t(: supe l'visu rs were j('lI l,,,tS I, n T h u"sd Il Y of 1111'. nnd a nd i nspc(1I1rs of rura l de hoo ls. ul ~" Mrs. J . O. Car t wr ighl. presid cn t Ohi u Sta te assuc ia tio n of LOwlI ~ hip s upe rin te nde nts : pres ide n t Ohi o Sta te teuche r t ra ining section 1111'. li nd II1 rs .Walte r McClure en· of the ::l lat c Teuc hcrs ' a ss" cintiolJ t ert ain ed at sup[) er Sat urday Mrs. an d I'resident o [ th e Ohi o S tate a go A lue rt Hai nes , ,,{ Spr ingfi e ld, 1I1rs. ri cultural secti on o f t he :->ta t t' Teach J a mes S t () O P ~ , o f Van Wer t , Mrs. er s' as"oeiui ton. He is t he a uthor U(' llc Dinwi ddi e, MiRS Oli ve Vinwid· of tc n boo ks , and nUml'rUUS stat e a nd di e a nd 1I1 ast er Pa ul Sava ge. F ed!!ral gove rnm en t litera t ure. He wrote th e wll r gar den li terat ure f or

Mr. a nd Mrs. Hoss Hartsock enter · tain ed at dinne r , Sunda y, the occa· sian being th e birthday IIn niver sary of Mr Hllrtsock. The gu ests wer t' Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Death erag e, Mr, and Mrs F. A. Hartso ck, Mr. and Mrs. A. Z. Harts ock nnd family, Wm. Lukens lind daug hter. Mary Carolyn.

her horn e S!lturdiuy evening. Th ose who e nj oyed th (! pleasant occas ion, were Mr. a nd Mrs,. Harold Forre r. Mr. a nd Mrs. J ohn IKlee, Mr. an d Mrs. Ray Dh ein. ·:,Mr. and Mrs. Wa lter Vitsker, Mr. and Mrs. H ar old Bor e n, Miss Zelm a RohH, Miss Ella Roth, Miss Irene Fisch er and Mr. Russell Stockstill.

Mr. and Mrs. l1'red M. Cole entertained a few friends Tuesday evening at a Hallowe'en party. The house was hands omely decorated in keeping with the season , land the masquerad· ers furni shed a great deal of amuse ment. After unn~asking the g uests enjoyed "500" until a late hour. when a most appetizin~: luneh was served, Thos e present were Dr. and Mrs. H . E. Hathaway, Mr. and Mrs. Fred B. He nderson, Mr. a nd Mrs. S. D. Henkle, Mr. and lIIrs. Ralph Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hawke. Mr. and Mrs C. M Robit2:er, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Zimmerman, ]lI:r. and Mrs. J. W. Edwards, Mr. aud Mrs, James Mc· Clure. Lost Wedn esda,y eve ning at th eir pleasa nt hom e ca st of t own, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith with gracious has· pitality, !!ntertaiined a group of fri ends, Six tables were made up for "500" and at: a seasonable hour the hostess assil~ted by Mrs. Keller Hoke, served a d,elicious lunch. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Butterworth, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Cornell, MI'. and Mrs. W. E . Cornell, Mr. and M:rs. Fred Braddock, lItr. and Mrs. S. S. Ellis, Mr, and Mrs. Keller Hoke, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mille r" Mr and Mrs. Jo el Stokes, Mr. and Mrs. Hu sse ll Sali sbury. Mr. and Mrs .. B ert Halrt sock. Mr. a nd Mrs. D. L Crane and !If rs, Re becca Furnas. - - - ......._ - .

In l ' ) Cl',



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Belo'\ is In t ense cd U lIu TI, hcr o f b () ldi~ ,',\ .1' !, " : \ II l hu eu r th. uute r " Fi r y F.tIl Il I ' U ~ Fa n n l 'f!'= , " Ih. I:H ! r '1", 'tb',,, ,' th l' Ah!;rdu t e zero ta kllll! h ig- b ra ll k a n w II l{ IJIl,gll'l ",. -: r :+ I' • '11,,· ClI r th 1'l\l1 s Mound o nc' t houl'a l \Y u ,. k ~. H,g cnnn r c[ion Wil e h ~ 1Il StHl~ has hroul! ht h im int o t1, L' 1"",,, "' 1. <1 mil e" a n huu r, wil hout disturb-



tI 'l' w d t~r in your glas,. Aruu nd I!." ~L n We trn v(· 1 n l m o~t a million ti>,ll' ~ " day. and heav en knows how

ligh( us a n cducutor.

many 1II''''s th roug h spac e wI t h the


WEEKLY REPORT The recepti on to th e te achers of the MUAsie To wnship schools , given by the Woman's Civic league and Clarence M. Fulkerson, 60, th e Me n's Co mmunity club at th e Miss Velma Cornell e ntertained the FROM HIGH SCHOOL Kappa To\\'n Hall. Wedn esday evening, OcDelta club and a few fri ends at acci de ntally shot and killed


Only a few more days and the elec· tions will be out of the way. Not that many seem to care, but this in· formation is imparted for the value it may have for th e few who have shown real interest in the contest, includ· Ing the condidates thems elves. Never was a campaign like the present one. No interest, no ton:h·light pa. rades or band concerts. Fond moth. ers nrc not even naming their babies after the candidates this yenr. And that is a sure sign that they are not interested in the contQl;t, ThE're are various reasons for this. The main one is that the iss ues between the Republican and Democrats arc not clear cut. The two old parties arc traveling pretty close togeth er on 1111 main iss ues, and it's reall:f a question of which of the candidates is he8t able to' serve the people of Ohio. Political meetings have not been largely attended a nywh!!I' e this year. Every possibleetfort has been made to stir up B bit of enthusiasm but the folks back home, back in th e


Has a Wide Experience in Educational ",ork

\toters of ",arren County

Reception to Teachers


o _r_e_u_t_a_a_



,'\eventy· T;;ighth· Year

was last Thu rsda~' morni nng whe n a shotgun he wa s placin g in t he rcar of a small truck WII S di scha rged, the load of shot tourin g a gapi nj(' woun d thr ough h is chest a nd itl to his heart. Mr. Fulke rson wa s th e ow ner of a f arm on t he New Burlingto n pike, sou th o f Xe nia, find w a~ i n t he hub. it of dr ivin g t her e eac h morni ng fr om his home in Sp rin g Valley t o attend to his farm work. It was his cu stom durin g certain seaso ns t o tak e hia shotg un alon g wi t h him for small gam e, and also tu kill r a ts on his property. It is supposed lha t Mr. F ulk er son may not hav e kn own lhat the gun was loaded, a nd t oo k little care in placing it in the t ruck. . The s upp osition is that he pushed it into the car with the muz zle pointing toward him and that th e hammer caught on some obstruction, discharging the cartridge. Mr Fulkerson was widely kn own throughout Green e and Warren coun ties.


The Lallies' Aid nnd th t' Men 's Brothe rh ood of the M. . church, will g ive a play at the H igh School Gymnas ium on the night o f N ov~mh c r ii. Th e play is th e Vi ll ag e Post l*lice fin d the Bus Stat ion .. Th er e will IJ C O\'c r for t y c ha r nc te rs in this pi Il Y. You can not a lTOI'd t u miss it .

~e rvice s

ap prec iated. are mor e impu rta nt than new buildings or uny so rt of fin e coll egia t e monument. Yo ung stud ents eager t o learn. a nd teach ers compet ent t o t eac h. in a ny sor t o f building will do the wo rk of educat ion. Chicag o's Sta t e str eet, hear t r,f the city. and ce nte r of retail hu siness, ce le brates with a t hree-d ny illumi. nation f estival, th e sp ending of $100,000 On 11 new lighting syste m. Stute st ree t will now be th e mOR t brightly lighted th oro ug hfare in th e world, in additi on to be ing t he gr eat. est re ta il stre"t in th e worl d. F ifth ave nUl' , New Yor k. not cxcc l' Lt-d . "Gi vc lig ht ," sl"d Vante , " and the peop le will fi nd th e ir own wa y." Chi cag o mc rc hu nt.s n rc wise 1(, g-i ving th e lIlu ~ t Ii l( ht to th ~ stree t I }Ii, t tioes the most UUti itICKS. An d it iMilllportant [or a g r eli t city to keep its r ctui l d iMt rict conc entrated. Co ncen tratcd bus iness makes poss iblc conc entra ted IId vertisi ng and mea ns e CO nOllly fu r me rchll nts. It means co nveni ence [ur wo men in the ir shopping. They I'ead t he store ne ws a t home. t he n fi nd ever ythin g that interest:; the m in O ll C neig-h uorhood. Thll nex t ste p, even Illore im po rta nt. will be t o in cr cuse tra nspurlati on f acilities f or r eochinl,; Stale s treet. Trans portati on is t o u city what circul uti o n of the blood is t o the uody


Eart h quak ~s,

winds, volcan oes, hur·

ri ean ('", tida l waves threaten us. Yet

we ra ise our fnmili es, deal in r eal es_ la te a nd slacks a nd calamity news 18 rar e. Let us be thankful, Giichi Kitazwa, ot Tokio, disappuin t ed in love , tri ed a n ~w w!ly, and ate himself to deal h. WIth h,s hard· hea r ted ador ed one across the tahle from hi~ , he deliberately stuffed him"('If with rice, curry, eggs. pourlne d .. wn whi sky and a worse drink, sake. So" n hE' wa s unconscious nnd In a few hours , dead. Let us re member, for our good, thn t whnt Mr. Kitazawa did In n few ho urs, nin e-te nths of us do in about hnlf a normal lifetime. Too much eating or wrong eating or both wUl kill th e great majority. Senator Copelnn d, who is also a doctor, saYl'. "H a lf of what we eat keeps U8 alive, the ot he r half keeps tbe doctors uli vc." Tne r eal menace to American cotton Is not the present low price, ,but impending competition abrolld, More dangerous tban cotton at 12 '1i1 cents are great dams that Brttai n is building to supply irrigation for more cotton fields In Egypt and elsewh ere in Africa. Ru ssia proposes to produce cotton and will do it.. Cotton growers and co lored cotton picke", In America will not be able to compete with cot. ton grown in Africa, picked by native Africans.

The solution might be found In cotton picking machinery, It Ibould Come ' everybody to the Motbe rs' be possible to harvest II. field by p _ Club carnival Saturday nignt, Octo· ing a "vacuum" cleaner above the ber 30, on Main st re et. In case of crop at certain iiltervals.. One small rain, ,the festiviti es will be held at air pump might take the place of • the Gym. Leav e your order for thousand cotton'picking fingers. chicke ns , pumpkin pi e and cake with ]lirs. Alvill Earnhart. Sal e of th e New York' s university for young same wilJ begin at 1 P. m., at Grange women, Ba mard culleg e, intends to haH. Delici ous hot doug h nuts will set a sid e onc milli on dollars to 1nbe on sale at the sam e tim e and pla ce crea se teachers ' salaries, a wise dlQrde rs taken at Hyman's store. A cision. . .masked parade will b~gin a t 7 o'cl uck . Well paid, sa t is fie d teachers. tbelr -Hot coffee, sand wiches, JlUm Pkill p ic, .Doughnuts, popcorn an home·ma de .candy will be on a Ie throuf,!h out th e .eve ning. A fi sh pon d f or the li t tle _____ Jolks and dan c in~ f or all. Susan Wright H aines, daughter of - - 0 Oscar and Susan Satte rthwaite Wright, was born. February 22 , 18,17 in Waynesville , Ohio. She was mar· ried to Joseph W eHley Haines OctoMr. Georg e Bun nell and hi s pupils ber 25, 1865, wi t.h whom she lived a long life wholly at Wa f,nesville-a of the Wellma n sch ool op ened th e life devoted t o Iber . family and her Hallowe'en fc ~tiv ili e s wi t h a box friends and townsp eople. The only social on Friday e ve nin g , Oct ober I daughter. Roena, having died in in- 22nd. Qpi te II larl!C crowd was presfnncy. To this family and friends ent, a numh er in masks. Prizes for th e h" st ch a racter -costhis · home was ever a loved place to visit, for the young as well 88 th e tumes wer e wun uy Mildred Wr il( ht older and to us who frequented it as an old · fa shi one d wo man; By ron so often it was ~'8 nearly an eternal Varn er, 8 8 an Irishman. lled tat ions, abiding place as th is transitory life a pe ep in th e Magi c box, a spe lling affords. We sho.!1 miss it with its match, bob binI!" for appl es ill II tub pervading spirit, as one misses the of water and f ortune tel\ing preced8ure and stable things of the world. ed the sale of boxes lind eating of ___ We loved this spirit; we loved the supper. - - - _ _ Choco la te Marshmallow, cheer, t.h e symp,athy, the sincerity, per pound . .. . . .. ... .. . . . the buoyancy p£' it all. We loved its gnerosity; we liken it to the spirit V .. nilla Wafer., pounc.l ... .. ... .... 24c Oyster Cracke ... pouad .......... 140: recorded in the olld book of Proverbs, where it says: "She stretched out The members of the Service League twin or her right hand for the poor; yea, she of St. Mary's Sundny-School, held a top, l ~-lb. loaf, each . .. , ..... reacheth forth her hands to the special me eting last Jo'riday evening Country Club, l-Ib .. ........ .. .. .. .... 7c Whole Wheat. l-Ib_ loaf ... :........ 8e needy." Surely we know that to at the home of Miss Clara Lile. E ach R.., every W.. only , 1·lb. loaf .. ........ ...... ...................... ge many such she g:ladly extended this one contributed a dish of f ood and hand. nt 6 o'clock the company sot d own Count;yClub . Susan Hainep was not an ordinary to a very appetizing meal. fresh churned, per lb ...... . woman. She was an individual livPlans for the winter work were ing a very simpl!e life, but one of discussed and it was decided to fill Eatmore Nut Oleo. Ib.. ..... .. ... .. .. ............ .. ... ........ ........... .... ...... . ............ character' becausll of these traits 80 the Christmas M.issionary box as in marked. and she loved this life, too, former years. her last words on the Sunday mornThe next meeting will be held at ....... , ... ing October 17th, were: "What a the home of Misses Esther and Louise PiII.bury, 24 ~.Ib .••cl< ........ $1.23 Clifton, 24~~lb• •ack. ....... beautiful day. I 11m so glad," and In Henderson. Coun 24 ... ck ......... ........ ... ..... ....... ,... .. .. a few minutes this conscious part oJ life was over. October 18th qlte ARE VISITING RELATIVES passed into the world of spirit to join Pure those near ones who have preceded Mr. and Mrs J. E. Janney spent Kettle rendered, Ib her, Sunday with frIends at Kingman, ---_0 '_ ..0__'--_ Delmonte, No. 2lj, heayY ,,,rap. c.n .... .. .. .. .... ........................ 230



Susan Wright Haines

Box Social

Now is Yo

e Tim ,



Service League


Bread-Co~nt? Ci~b,

____. - .0----

Republic:an ' Rally


Tomorrow night, Thursday. October ' 28tb 7 :SO p. m.\ there wiU be a grand ~epublic,an raI y at the lAb. ST. MARY'S CHURCH anon Opera hous,e. October 31, Twenty.second Sun • Col. Ralph D. Cole. and Mise Rosa Moriarity will addresa tbe voters on day after Trinity, Church School at the wuell of tbe' c"m~. You 9:30 a. m,; Morning Prayer and shOuld l0a4 up '1ollr ~1Une and .in- 'sermon at 11 o'clock, All are cordially invited to attend vito )'Our neighbors to do the satl1e, and go to Leba~lon Thursday night these services. and help make thil the. biggellt rally Rev. John J. Sc~ae«er. Rlctar. Warren county e17er had. . . Tbere wl\l . be a parade and flre~. CHRISTIAN CHURCH works, . Music bl~ the· MillIOn .~allJl . Come early and blrlng tbe ~dles, ' . '. SUllday.Sch0C?1 at . 9:30; prayer • .• . meeting Wedneilday evening at 7.:30. 'E\re":"body cordially invited, WHO C4'N TELL! • ' • •, -' " ' ---, . , , METHODIST CHUIlCH . Hubby at. dance-' Say .. dido t " 1 Sabbath School at 9:16 a. m. ~",o.~, out on th!3 porch klsaing lI01Ile ~~In. at 10 :80 a. m. EpwOrt~ .hlek! · . . e 6':16 p, m. Preachlnc at f aw .dark-I 7:8 P. m. Everybodl iDvited to thlM dea rulll • Hni


IIQ_ _be It

.;:". L. A.. WuhbUDo PuW.

8pii~1 Oc

. 16~c ~r~e~~ge . . . . . . . . 19c




Flour ~~~~p~~~~\ack Lard


~!~C!~~aD . . . . . 23c £I~~~,~~.....

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St.nd.rd, can .... ................ ....4lj.

Santo., pound ......... .... .... ......... 35e

b.n........ ....

Palmolive, 3 bara.................... :.~OO

B•• ke, .................................. $1.39

Cranhenies, g:r.- .'If:

c.... I" . .L~"C ~~~;.~":'·Jg,2. CallieS · . 'Bacon 35C ~ 23r. _."Z Cod. I


' a".ra ..e 3-lb, piece., •., .............. .

t:.: -,

... 27c



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( ",'rl ""'l'I' ttl " d the ,I.,f, 'ndll 'l l·' \

this motor car stands up in haJj ~..,

I 1


FRED M. COLE, Waynesville, Ohio

r ll r


Il l ' \\,'

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tilt' .... HUS f ·



I .1

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nANEtSpainted with Devoc . C a r Fini ~h :Ill th t:' wc al h er I.-Moto'" Car F i ni sh :Ire wear it w o u ld r.:cCI\ ,' in placed upon the slow ly turn· mnnrhs f $ r v ice Ull yo u r car . befo re it is put into rhe can. ' :lnl wheel of the "weathe r machinc." Artificial sun rays Dc\'oe Motor e nr finbh easy to a ppl y anJ levels ir"elf , ~t upon it. Artificial rain wi thout brush m ark~ o r bps. I atormspour upon it-Arti ficial ' I t is I,ru arantced tn )..-ivc sari s" ,frost attacks it. f actio n w he n app lie d aCC(l rd . ~ a few days t" is machine ing 10 di nx tions. Praclica! ~tratesonDevoeMotor tests prove Devoe Q ua li !y. l

will. 'rhe t' to of Thomas Whitn are, d"l'lU cd WlIS g ranted " . " l1l lliiO Il fl" " I illl" 'riI Il IlC I' t llX by C(lll\· t. ' I"i,'~ ' un.! 11111 nt'COllllt o f Ihe I!'UlI r· "1.\Il ~h ip of Ihcrt Ue llo nrrl mino r. Wll~ til"c1 fly ~uar"in ll A. J . 111' H l ar <i . Fi,·'t ~ n cl lillal aeC(l UII o f t1w 5· 101,· "" Thl ' llIa. ~hr wlll'li W tl~ r.1l'c.i by lh"11 1,,1' .T"It ! • hI word . . (1 \' ~1 h u , ~:! ) ~ l hl' (\nT,c s fo t' th e

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~" :l1 ,' ~t : l1l ' w d l , r;"I"'\ l'~ 1I1l dr r $ 1[1 ,000 h " n tl . \ \' 11\ \ !-~ c.'hn t' ll . . Al't na ~ .. ay mon :t1\~ 1 G ('{l r~(I .I. , ' :- \ \\' rl' HPPOlfIl,l' d l~pprn l~(' I'S" I ,ll t i ll' d l \'o n 'l' l U\'I'l1 t urr lind :lp prnl ~l' f1H..' fl t ot t he _ __ _ ' · ... l .. t'· Ilf .l l ' lI lllf" !\ \ '11lpt.>r w a ~ (\h·d b )-I P ROBATE P IROC E EDINGS ,. " ' ll t tiX. M ar~"('r ite M UI·cll ~ . Ftn,t, fin al and di ~ trihllti v(' Hl'(' Ount 1'lr <1 ""('" u nt (l r tllc " cC :tl ,' .. I' H:t,c lt " I Ih.· CH:l t (' <o f I':m ily N. S her",,,,,d ,I ( '!rll ' ('amplH-1l d ('l! l· H ~t' d . \~H!"o li l\.'d d. \·"a ... (,d , \\;l :-- n ll' d b y u dmill i ~ Lru tll l'

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t'qu ltahlt. r t' lil'f . l;\. t11i.!"\

B SLHn S\' lI \' ::;_ l'I ,\r :1 ~t l\fI-

I'. ( '11 11 V t'l 11 1. ' \ ... ,J ' " 1'. Elm,' r S hCI,h:lI ,. l\ll" 11 F, 13,," "n . ,Iu 1,: n"' I,1 III the ('Il~r " f F.oIith I,; ' I I' Sill1l1H>n8 J . \\. \\'11", ,,, IInti 'I'h,' I" , t wil J (, f .J ne S. 1' ,,1'"(,)', Yc. \'''' AI\' ~l II ill, u ::- h dlllt' , d f th \.\ Fr l d ) t . J\1I1g' \\'(' n.' n :lllit d I II ap- rt lilM ti. wns a d mltll.lcl t o prol 1ntl' Brllt ~1:lt ll. I\ \ Ildl 1\. , ... . P\·l\t·t·. dl' ~\· n ' t ·"'1. p r :lI ,~ l' th e t'stut o f ,1(' 1.1111..' G . l\c' rll- \\ !dii l ll1 t' l\,' now\' wa s ap po i n tl'd I'X -

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:-:hc r if" "" ... a ll · uf r l·;d l, .. blll ' l'ull fill ' wdl ,l f E ve rt.·tt ~I\ II \\ , tl l' \.: t.' u:Ot.'d 1 111t d III tht · l's tule I.1 r ll \'rllHlr 1', \":i~ :ldtlu ttt 'd t o pro lJ:H ,' Hn d F l'. Ilk 11,.1 \'.t lilt II' 1. . . w i!' \' s L un nl V "1\ ,',1- c· , \ I, dt' r~o l\ w us :tPllOill tl'cl a" 1' \":I'L' \! ... ,' 1' I 't HI. \ \:\:-: nJt Pl' l) \, ~' ci hy the t:ourl. ldf h\ r'-' in n o IIl llHI rt.' l.j ul n ' ,L I.l'\\':'1 Itt · tllt lit . . \\t 'r, - u n !l- r" d IHadl' . 1~ i)1': lkc, H. A , ,J tl ll l' ~ Hild ('!ydl' {' o l. l liv"!'ll !III l hC' ~I' O \U llb-i ,If 1{j ll:-~ . 111 ',\ l ' !'e na nH..· cJ I II l.l ppr ai !'> \· tth' pn ' Jl·

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\\'ilflll nbSL' nc e was th e j.{rnl1n,l ~ tul es o f Tho mas Sh ewal'L1 H IIlI Suruh Ihl' di vo rc" Itrunlet! lhe . plninti ff A n il Fos ter , rl's pcc tivcly . in t he t·". " of Russell , ' S , Lo u is," Th e las t will o f T E. Kc('lo r W!l S l1us>t ·II. ii iI' d in probate. In' thi s pruc('edillg III lilt' CO" <' of D. Clark Vnn ('omp Lu ella H . Keelor applied to ('u urt to I· S . GCltrud(· and LiJlinn Van Ca mp, ha"e some su itab le perso n :to take the pt ,I. , ~:1Il1 p lain tiff e lected 10 take depositio n of Ge or!,:c E . ' o ung WIt·


w ith ,)ul bon d L u ll1~ F r n 'll' r , Edward C, Clark n ntl ,J. F . ;-':'l a~ l'wnnd \\'l ' r e n nm e d t o n pp ra i:-;t,.· th e I r ' '1Hl rt .:,', "ht, w i ll o f \Vitliam Frun z. tl L't:{' n~­ I,d, \\ ~ I :; udlllilted t o pf uba te Kutie Frllll'! \\'ll ~ !tl'Pu in t c rl ('x l' c utr i x hl' rl.'in

I ' c'! II I' I' h l 'j'l'lI l

l\ il ll "u l bond. ~ . .L. ~1 " nl !!OI Il ~ I'Y, l · ha ~ . S, Ir win anLi 1I 0lTY 1I1uI'I'h y '\t 'I',' 1I, llll" " to np pruise.

_ ,. _


R ev, III C8 HlIn'lilton co unty, nl80 a ll'l1ct I) 7 Ill' ' CS in D~~I' 1l lei T \I. PUllni.' Me l'ur y lIiu rruy ct aI., to 1'8 11111,,1.1''. MlIrrny. carpente r, Blue Unll n l{1 Alfnl'uta Ancl r. ,III, T urtle· Hnll'h P.lltld r( ()~<,lIn Grandin. th o UII' cr ,'c k T p. RI'I·. Kirh' r li med. tli"irlcd IIIll'· fllu rlh i " l () re~t ill 68 II . baillh 'y. Fr nnklin a nd Mory in IIlIntilt n '1'p. EI! ~ n l Ho[ h \\' i)"Oll, PrAnkl h . J o hn ll : M~i e t" to Clinton Ratliff li nd Fra nk . nd erson, a lot o n Or· dlo ry ltV ' tttl " L eh u ll on. REAL ESTATE TRA S FE RS

--- -

• :lIa,)' Adll' St, Cbi r, nll,( Mi lton H . CO MMI SS IONERS' ALLOWANC ES (, Ilt ll' l" .'\ ll!lll r.. S h" rl~. lot 111 1 ill r. .. h" " " ,, . " He pt in l! In' . ft. off Lh e I H('beccll S, Ca rroll, lax re funrh'd nllrlh , iel " nf M idi t. I f il l' !I v,· )I(' nr s. $43 .70; The Weste rn ,\ Iinllil' n lld ('h ar le, II. Po unds to ~ t nl· . ~ lIl' pli (l ~ fo r el!'l'k of courts, Il ~~s i (' ~I ('Y(, I' , I\\'o trncts nl'or Ihc in· $12; S II Ill !' , M ttppli eii-, I,' r tr eos urer. t ('r ~ c rt io ll (I f the MOlltlr" Ill(' ry li nd $1:.1.50 ; SU lli e , HUl'pII C:: {or pr llbllte H,'pk ins l'i ll(' I'''atl s, $8,000. Cll urt, $I ~t ; su m o, f,lr PI'osccutin g nt· Mi""i., !' ou n ,l ~ to Bessi e torllcy , $ 1,(; SUlli e, for surveyor. $6:1 ; . II . M" Yl'!'. I H 1" 1, ill Foster I'"rk. ColullIbu" Dhtll k 130u k Co. , s up pli es S l t,lI lI K " r , hn~r to C. n. Knrs hn e r. for su r ve yur $,1.05; sume s uppli l's for 1(1 1 :J III ill FI'nrlk lin, also th ~ undivid. prus ec uti ng alt'lrney, $3 ; SUllle, 8Up ' I',f hn lf inl., ,·" , t in I"t l oll in th e l urk plil'" { " I' c ll' l'k o f c u u rt.~ , $35; DClIR Ph... ~ ,\ "diti"" t(l "" id vill,,!!e. I';. ·t.nn l"y. "mcc rtln t fu r \lros~c ut· H"" iI . :til t! Gl'l'lllrti( Mllnn, t.n in l! Iltto rn ry , Cor ((u urtl' r, $26; Jen· ('" I'l "" t! FI " r,'n cI' C. Rpiol. lot No. R nio F.. Irons, insurnllce o n boilers lit ill ,"olllh rark ," ubdiv i, i" " to Leb· ~J l'm or i ul lI a11, $ II !l AO ; Clermont an "" , Coun t y COllllll issi ulI('I'S, secund cst!· .JMl' ph Er l l' l [ II Wnltel' !'urRell 4 lIIute' of 2 :, p er cenl o n O'Dania n 1,,1, III !-','" ICr Pal·k . br idge (·o ntra,·t. S I G06.GO; Omar rll-lI j:lI "i n 1.. Pa l'l\lI hll r I n Albert F. ll ul1ind wOl'lh , b r i d~('c \J'cpnlr, Tur. li nd ~I li n ' A . \.,' wi" l(1 t N... 10 (I f th c t lccre(' k Til .. $\1- The Mul'row Lum· Hull "lI l ili " I\d di ti " n 10 F l'Il ll klin, b~r Co ., bridj.{'· Illatcriu l, $ ~ " . 4 4 ; Jno F I" r" III'!' M . lI uk('r 10 (,h<,,,tt' r und LIlW , f('Pllit 'S nn coull t y 1:0 1' fo r Kur· R,·". i" A rl· I" II'II,." n , 1,,1 71 in t he " " YOI', $\J.2 /i ; lIa rl un Wh it"ker , fin"l lIIa c' k,n n\\' Ad dit inll In l~ r onk Jin . es timn l c all c" ntrac t No. 85 4, $250. (,h" I'I,·, lin d Fl u n ' \l1I St"p \t l' nson t o (,ha r l,', '1' 1'11111 1'11-1'. fl 6 aCfL'g in Deer· Iit' ld 'fl'. ' .1 'l hn II. II n llki ll"o n III Fred O. M ,'.. k!'l'. Jil l ·1, '1l in Frnnk li n . n" "l'II. ~ lI rah F.. an d " ,' lI y W('lIs Denti.t to 1I1 ~,.t l,' lI a rris , Nu rwo od. 8 7 ncre s ,n Il allli lt o1' 1'p. Ra ~' ll l e lHl II. Wikoff l u T . C. anr! u'.:rn .. .,.iIJe National BaD" Bla,. Mar h- Lu lll al' . Inl :l OO ill Sa r nh Wi· kt> n", Ad dl1i on t t> M!I ~o n . G ertrud t· L,'oll n alld Rny Mi nor to l' lol'eli a St pphcn, on, onl' hulf ncre ~l


1 Dr. John W. Miler



rn Cooper




The Citizen

The Fri~nd 01 AgTlc~~

The Bwlnen Executive

The Workingman's Friend

The people thi s year have an opport unity to apply the wi llom of our forefathers in choosing for governor a man: whose career as a cit izen of his city, his stat e and hi s country has bel' n one of ou~ standing ac hievement. Myers y, Coop 'r embodies all th p ideals that underH e th ' principlE's of good izc'n ..h .p. He i today t' , p r~ s irl cn t of the Ohio COUlh.'i] of Churches an orc a nization dedica ted to the purpose of relig ious, advar,cem ell t.. h e Is a deacon of the Wa nut Hills Chrif. ti an C h u r c h : a 8 clt ail man of ~ Illilding, comr.littec he ra is d $200,000 with which. to build a new edifice. During the world war, Mr. Cooper p e r Ron a Ily raised $500,000 for wa'r activiti es, as d i v i s i on chairman of the Red C l'O$S and Y. M. C, A. From the public platform he r aised another half mill ion rJollars through th e !'al e of Liberty Bonds. Mr, Cooper has been president of the Ohio Fair Managers' Association t l) 1' a decade' he is a trustee of Lincoln Memorial University, president of tJ1e With row Community Center , president of the Hamilto n County A g 'r i c u 1 t urn I society, anq is past president of the Hvde Parl{ BusIness Club, lind of the Hyde Par k Community Center, which he fo unded. As Governor of Ohio he ~an be d ' p e ndell upo n to bring to t h e executive cha ir the same principles of citizenship which have made 'him an outstanding figUl'e in eveJ-y civic and public ente rprise wit h ,which he has been identified. ,

Time was when the farmer paid scant attention to the problems of state govern ment. He felt that he cou ld best ser ve his state by attending his plow, and he left the proble,ms and policies of government to other hands. ' But of late years taxation has become Illore burnensome, other problems of agriculture have Increased, and the farmer has realized the necessity of his day in court. Farmers of Ohio today hU\'e the opportunity to elect a governor whose int<?rest in agriculture was in herited at his birth. Myers Y. Cooper was born and reared on a farm in the hills of Newton township . Licking county. In his early days he learned th e problems and vicissitud eA of rural life. I is interest in" agriculture led him into the Hamil ton County ~rlcu l­ tu ra l i:iociety, of whIch or· ganization he is now t he president, He is al~ president of the Ohio Falr Ma n a ge r 5' Association with an enrollment of 1600 members, a post he has held for 10 years. He Is rcsponslble f or a ) a w bringing agriculture to the boys anu girls in the publi c: schools. He owns and operates a 320-acre farm In Butler count)'one of the model farms of the state. What Mr. O)oper h a e dorle for the advancement of agriculture in hiB private life, he will do as governor of Ohio, Be can be depended upon to use the state department of agriculture for the best interests of the farmer, and W lend an ear W any sugges. UOJl8 from those who till the soil.

The Ticket For Qoveroor.

MYERS Y.COOPER, · Cincinnati A . ucoooatul bUHln"". man. For Lieutenant QovernOf"

JAMF.'3 0 MILLS, Columbuo



eu ccelltttlil bUH1n&A8 man..

POI' 800rotal')1 of State,

CLARENCE J. BROWN, Blancheeter

A. progl'8llalvo n e" 08paper




lleulerulIlI govornor.


T I"6Mu .... r


of Stato,


.0\ \lubll o offlolAl

ot wl4e oxpe rlen oo.

Por Attom.,.- Oonoro ll


Columbu. An able lawyer, BookIng a looorid term. Fo~




.FRAN K B. WILLIS,"".,.. etntOllmo,1\ of Infiuonce


a n iI

Mbl evGm ont.

Jutlicial Ticket Republloen Noml_ for Sup .......,. , Oou~ (On &epa,.. No,..Pa;tl .... Ballo'l ) 'oP Clolef

"""'Joe 8up_ Oourt.



Beellln8' IIIICOTId twm I able, OOUnLli' - - . tw.r. . .

'or "lid..



(Vote for Two)





DllIt1n.IlI1IIhod and &ble ~I 0111t1Uod to ... ·eleotlOn on &MAr -.11;8(




Every Tuesday 8,00 ..

ID. to

4 Po . .


Walter McClure J. E. McClure FUNERAL DIRECTORS

WAYNESVILLE,OHJO Fully Equipped for Good




:\ ~


Will. Dra_ .. .. ......E...t •• S.n...

WayaeaYiIle. Ohio I

MONEY LOANED LOANS on Chattels,Stocks, Securl. ties and Second Mortgages. Note. bo ught. John Harbioe Jr., Xenia, Ohio. ·mSO.'26

Farmers, Attention! Farmen of Warren and adjolnln. counties mny obtain money 00 Ion. tim e loans, at 6 per l!ent Interelt. Cost of lIecurlng the same ie very reaso nable ,through The Federal Land Bank. For further Information caU on or address M. C. DRAKE, Treuurer, phono SI6.X. Lei anon, Ohio. LOST LOST- Red cow. 6 years old; gone Aince October 21. Finder pleaBe notify Alex Deski, R. D. S. Waynes· 027 ville, Boil: 56. Reward.


FOR SALE FOR SALE-Barred Rock Roosters, '$1.60 each. Mrs. Harold Whlta. .

ker, R. D. I, Wayneavillej Ohio


FOR SALE-Six lmmuned PolandChina IOWI, 2 lean old. -J. H. Sackett. R. D. 8. , ·027, FOR SALE-Good heatlnc .to~e. .... Mrs. Ucla Killen, JWaynWIIlle/ uhlo. 027

W ANTED-Several clrla for ' Ileneral housework In near-by famille. In a colle,e town', . Hou_ Imall. with all modern convenience.. Ad<Ire.. C. W. Putnam, Yellow Sprlnll, Ohio, ' • n8 FOR · SA~ .hoal!t ' welsh better than 100..,pollDd.. Mbert Strollli, R • D, 6, Wa)"ll"ViUI, Ohio. .017


Inc Ga. W. have aU ltfDU of materlallI1ld appllall_ to belp 70u ha tim THE BOeKLT·KING CO., 415 W. MaiD St., Xenia, Qhio. p,hoa.


"'0. FOR SALE--Foz terrier L1QIe. Leiter u Pera7, Ohio, lL D. • .0.' 118



~ft' -I'tUaie " __



. .', ,




., , ' : I BaD"

colU7 pro , p~ltlon, );u, ..,~~ can CII'




out the ellet conalduab17

Duhe ................ .,.......,

, , ;.


Large Display Room. Ambulance Service


Goocl . Governm~!1t - - lay ~bUean State eampalp

E,.. 51.1a. SpeclaU••

LebaDoD, Ohio




At Cary's Jewelry Shop

,Elect Myers Y. Cooper Governor of Ohio and Insure Administration of State Affairs That · Wi~1 Inspire the Confidence of EVERY Citizen


Harveysburg Fertilizer Co.


The state of Ohio, with Labor is the great source capital upwards of $50.from which nearly all, if 000,000 backed by assets not all, human comforts and a reserve running into and necessities are drawn. billions of d 0 11 a r S in Here In Ohio we have a natural resources, fertil e monument to labor in a farm lands, thriving insystem of com pen ·ation for dustries and successful in jured workmen which business enterprises, is one has become the model f01' of the biggest corporatione,l many other states. Myers in the world, with upwards Y. Cooper has r cp,catedly of 6,000,000 stockholders. stated his unqualIfI ed beThis corporation holds in our state system of lief its biennial stockholders' workmen's compensation, meeting on November 2. and that he will strive to when it will elect an exestrengthen and solidify it cutive; and fN.ery quali fied in every way possible. voter is entitled to express h is preference for t h (l Mr. Cooper's relationdirecting head of this gi- .shl p, through a quarte r of gan tic corporation. a century, with t h o s e who m he ' has employed, The Republican part y hus ' left a record tt.<lt is presents for this office spotless. It has mer ited Myers Y. Cooper,' who. prairie from employer a mi after more than a quartor employe alike. in 25 yea rs of a century of business of ciuse and intimate re· activity, stands out as a lation ' hip with workmen. man wi th unusual abiHty wherein th o oi'g HlI izcll as an organizer, and an t r ades have h:'t' n th e me lia executive wh')oo business through which hil3 pC' reo nal judgment has fitted him endeavol's wel'C accomp· for this all important chair lished, Mr. Coop'-.: t' lH! i'\ of executive authority. not hHd a 8ingb la Jo l' dis· He is president of the pute. Hyde Park Lumber Co.) of the Hyde Park Savings One-third of ' the men Bank the Norwood N aemployed by him a re th e tionaf Bank, the Sterling owners of their own homcf;. Lumber Co., and the RayThousands have been th r. mond Realty Co.. His conbeneficiaries of the plan tribution to Hyde Parl{ is originated by him providoutsta nning , h e having ing for the purchase of a built over 2000 homes in home on the rental paythis section alone. ment basis. Being a sincere believer Workmen in the fields of in practical economy as a indust.ry find i n M r. result of ita applicati'on to Cooper a n{an on whom his own successful enterthey can depend for prises, Myers Y. Cooper honest, straight - forward can be relied upon 118 govtreatment. ernor to apply the same principles to govemmental Mr. Cooper has had the business, with the result of endorsement of labor or. bet t e r administration, gahizations and leading greater efficlency lower , labor J~urnals because of operating costs an~ the r&. his relations with wage Bultant decrease in the earners in his home comburden of taxation. munity.

Vote for Myers Y. ·Cooper and


Pho... 8



e Great Leadership That Is Exemplified e Lif and Activities of Myers Y. Cooper

, ,r-."


i'l l'rlas on.




P lnin,

MARR IA CE LIC ENS E S Th o"Ia. 1( , fi no Prnne cs A. Spen cl' r Ottb P . Lo \\'so n fUl'm t·r . I{iti{! e· t" Wi lliu nt El nH'r Ihlr ntOll , N'c w "i llt' nnd ~I Y I· t lc Or nd orf. \\·arll cH. Y" r k. I,l) 121) in \. (' bl1n on , bt'ing the d ll" . p rpll ti " ,,~ ch" 'd ('d 10 T homn , Spencer \\ ' iJ y F Akc rH, farm e r, Frankl in hl' I·:. ". Wa Jk,, 1' ill 1!10(1. li nd Cl al'U II Zin k F r ankl ill . I sn t. ~ II " Ih m" ns ch to Fll nni c B. (,harl ,'s 1~ 1',·d" r ie k D,'nnls , W il· H ill , h,t 6n in lIInincville. l'ontnining n \ln~t"n , nnd , C orn Louige Stl'J,(cr .. t hree·follrth. of lin Hcre. SO Il! h Le ban on . Rev. La my n am e d, ,l (151' p h F . Sc hll('htc r t il Victor L, Wi lli am El bert Ledford , ,fa rtll er, SIOlll!r , I~ ;t ncr,," in Dpcr tie ld Tp., Dlanch"st"r ulld Go ldie l\Iu r ie oale, WHl'rl'n ClI unty allu 16 a cr es in Sym·



l KbookkcIJP~r, 'P lallsa'n t 11 1" ",,'m tI.

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Price, $1.50 p.r Year

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27, 1H26

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till·lI . lhN" lire thllse s igned

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_ _ ....__ WILL THE QUEEN TAKE THE Th e te rm of office of Judge R ob· ert Z. Duchw nltcr, nt present rrcsid · JACK? ing Judge of the Fil'!lt Ci rcuit Court of Appeals, bdng about lo expi re, Queen Marie was g iven n royn l wei· the Bar Association of Warren COlin· come when she set foot on the sh o r~s ty, Oh io, des ir c to exp r ess an appre. of democratic Aml'ricn. That wus ciation. befitti ng f or royaylty. Ullclo Sam Judge DuchwlIller on the bench Is always r eady to pay his r espects to has been uniformly kind. IltLcntive in foreign potentates who visit him. the presentllti on of causes, consid. But Uncle Sam is begining to won· orato 01 coun"el anti actuated by a der just what lies behind this visit high r egard fo r th e intcr.;ls of lit. of the Rouma nian queen . The old ga nts [lOd the proper determination uncl e is r eally 11 pretty I!'ood 90rt, but · of all ISsues, without regard to the IIlnce he has been termed "Shylock" amount invol ved. by all Europe he has been mode unThe Co urt of this Distri ct h ears naturally s uspicious. probably more thun any si milar court And as Charles P. Mooney, editor 111 the State of Ohio, and it is a fnct of the Memphi A Commercial Appeal, for commendation t hat out of t his points out, Queen Marie's visit is al- volume SO few Case8 ar e revi ewed, ready tilking on so mething of the re fl ecting great cr edi t as to the learn. character 01 a "hippodrome" perfor- ing in law and th e labor and care ex· mance. ercized by the m ~ mbcrs of the court. The Queen is now writing the story Ju dge Buchwalter having partici. of her visit at II price no doubt con- pated on this high tribunal fo r a sin. side rably above space rates for some g le term only, it is t he sen se of t his paper~ who have pa id the price. Association tha t he be reta ined upon Will she next follow the example of the Bl'nch. America's famous footb a ll slars. pug. We hellrlil y r ecommend Judge ilists and actresses, and (' nd orse ci· Bu chwalte r nnd Rin('r r elv h nr e the ' garettes, ha ir nets, li ng('\'ie lind per· cili ze nry \I ill supp ort him' al the COIll ha ps some famou s vitalit y builder? ing elect ion . Will the Qu een, in short, tak e t he R s pectfu ll y , ubmitlcri , jock, wherever and however s he can THE BA R ASSOC I AT ION OF get it? WARREN OUNTY , Probably not but Editor Mooney, W. Chester Mup le, PrO's. it seems. has a iegitimute ground for Frank Brttndon , S('cret.ary. com pluint. - Policinl Advertisement. _









Loren DO(,I". lIcr, of Norwood, was he n '

S ll "da~· .

GCllrl(c I';r!wnrds, of Lebun on. is her" this wee k. !IIrs. lIallic lark and Mi ss Mary CI'lrk. "f Xenia, were T uesda y call· ,'rs nn Mrs. J . C. Gray. Lyman Roush, of Chi cago, was a 10. l Sundnv ca ll ... r a t th e hume uf Dr. a nd 1IIr •. C. G. Honelllii. Mr. nnd Mrs. A. L. K('nnedy and Herb ert, spent lust week · end with re latives in LOglln county. Mrs. A. Z. Hartsock a nd children were Saturel uy I!"u es t..~ of her pa rents, Mr. nnel Mrs. W. T. J ordan . 1111'S. W. A. Haines and Mrs. G. W. Gurd on we re . hopping in Wi/· minglon. Tu esrlay afternoon. Mrs. Luura Shidaker and Mrs. W. L. Ha rvey vis iteel relatives and friend s in Dayton this week. The Misses Helen, Kathleen and Ne llie Gr!lham were shopping in Wi!· mingt~n Saturday nfternool"!' . Don ~ forget t h.e. III. E. MISSionary socIet y ~ ThanksgIVing market at the Tow nshIp house, Novembor 24. Mr· and Mrs. Harry Shldaker and fll111 li y entertallled on Sunday" Mr. and Mrs. Harl Harvey and family .. On Sundar Mrs. R,c becc~ Me rr!tt atten~e(r a b,rthday dlllner 111 Xema, ~ onor1l1g her brother. J oseph Dow n-


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out' of t1H' " h il1J1 l1 d J'n tU ·" lll l' n l i(, llctl

.,.lS!HJEO EVERY WEDNERDA Y ... l, y Mr.

Cand idate Gn non-parti '; ;111





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:-i1l'1'1 1 I : r Mrs. II n1.el Hill Lundy ancl MrA. Cnrey occompanied Ih "111 :tnrl will lI elen Hill TllyJ or, of l'Ie", UlI rlinj!' mll ke her home wit h 1111'. U Il t! II1r ~ . I !(I\. I(· f :1 111IIJl" ' . 1' ''. 1.1 11 l u n. , ' : I rt· j ll ( \ H I!I \ y' 1" ' n l l, .' I(\ ~ I no gers. (, ,' u lIl at ~ O rl n lt ll E d .' IIP f'" ' , I," Mr. and MrA. Frank Shidnker ('n· Mr. nnrl Mrs Elbert Walln ce had tlflit' '! hi s p t ,t l ll , .!) H ~ a l ll ~t II.' ; .. , ,I, , t~ rtail1etl to dinne r Suttlrllay <, v c [lin ~, for t h"ir S unday guestg. Mr. lint.! \ " rTc In t ' .. ,.. c :-':0 . l :t. ', \)!i f"\f ' Mr. and M r~. Clnt,· Bnhb. of Okln· Mrs. Walte r Lco nard t lind 80)n, J"!ich- 1I 101l )'I" a!'! l u ur l u r \ \" HII' " I , 1\ h l ". f\ lld Ihll t hn l d (' lt u ,..< \\ '\ I , I," homa. llnd IIIr. nd Mrs. frank Rtld· o rd. of New York ; Mr . and i\1,·". tl h . III IT1 J{ n il " I' I\( t · , ~ Ih .. 1 du rk nnd 8 011, H orac e. The DubQs Frank Lco nhnrdtand Mrs. Whitt in,,· Il c e(- 111 til.' r . I fJ ~ ti, I",' mai ll l'd (1\"('r !:;unday. t.,n, of Cincin nnti, nntl Mr. a nd Mrs. ;>; OI :.\I ,\N 1'; , 1 '; I I.~t' \ I : I : I·t..t,·, lrf C. IJ. Cook s pe nt Wedn l·. day in (,hurl cs Wallnce nn d children, of F " :l ll k C J\II,h ' l"f~ u ll , Al1 " rn n r or l' lil iullf l " .. :· 11 1 Cinci nnuti with his so n, Howurd, li e "'mnklin . rep ort s H oward duing nicely alth ou\! h Mr. and Mrs. W . M. Colem a n had hI' will hn\"e to remain in the plaste r for their dinner g uests Satu rdny" II1r. case six weeks longer. Hc is duing and Mrs. lI en sley, o f Illin ois. Mr s. get ImmedIate reller from som e studying a nd ~ njoy s th e radio Dayton. In the afte r noon th ey all Or. 1II00D's Matlc OlnlmeJ1\ .... GOOD INOUGH'OII TOtUY J"!oy MilJer and Mrs. Ha r old Ke llis. of very muc h. B. Y. Collett died lust Mon· moto red to Underwood's apple or· day at his home on t he Wilmin gto n chard, near Ha rveysbu rg. Miss Thelpike, u ft er on illn ess of over \I yea r 's ma Coleman ac companied them. duration. He is survived by one Mr. Bnd Mrs Charles E . J ohns endn ughter, one s ister and II host of tertained t o a bount iful dinner, S un· other r(, lolives Ilnd fri ends. Fu neral day. the foll owi ng g u estS: Mrs. services were he ld lost Wednesda y of· Bel1e Coon, ~Irs . Elizabeth Smith. temoo n from his la t e home. Misses Beulah, Bertha and Ruth Mrs. Bernice Dakin welcomed mem Coon, Mr. on d Mrs. Glenn J ohn s and bers of the Womon's Civic leag ue at childr en, Pa ul and Vivian, of Dayher home, Saturday afternoon. It t on, Mr . and Mrs. Earl Thomas and WIlS the t ime for the annual election son, Warren , of Soc ial Row Mr. and of offi cers, which resulted as fol· Mrs. Alle n Emrick a nd daughter, See UllEarly for Your Sale Datea. W. Cua..antee lows : Preside nt, Mrs. Sadie Reason ; Gladys and Mr and Mrs. Wolter Ken SaU.faction or Charge Nothln,. . . vice.president, Mrs. Bernice Shids· rick. ,., ker; secr etary, Mrs, Evalyn Shu~ maker; treasurler, Mrs. Anna Ran· Man may learn to fty like a bird dall. On Thurs day Mrs. Mary Graham but he'l1 ne ver be able to lIit comPhoae No.2 ' PhODe No. . ~ celebrated her birthday. Mrs. Grah· fortably on n barbed wire fence, aays am is 90 years old. the 'o ldest person J ed Hopple. '1 in Massie townuhip. She is in good heal th lor on e of her years, going about among he r children and other relat ives to visi t whenever she wishes. She makes her home, f or the most part, with her daughter, ~lrs, Laura Shidaker, \'11 11


U.' n



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F. T. Martin Jesse Stanley Auctioneers

. .

. W. D. H a rJan dl~d Sunday even· 1Il~ at th e home of hIS daughter, ~s. Chtf Hawk e, after sever al weeks III· nl'l:i' d M W G ' '11 . r. a n rs. m. .rlmes WI ar· ~Ive here Monday eve nmg fro m Cal· I f(~ I"III.JI (or nn ~xte n de d visit with rei· IItlves and frH.nds. The meeting of the Baptist Mission a ry Circle has been postsponed unt il Wednesday, October 2 7, owing t o Mr. and Mrs. Be n Hawke and Mrs. th e f unera l of B. Y. Collett. Ellen Copsey were Dayton visitors, Mrs. W. D. Larkins entertained Wednesday. Thursday afternoon, with a showe; Mrs. Lucy Fite, of Cineinnati, spent Thursday w ith her mother, Mrs. Em ma Foulks. Mr. and Mrs. William Bergdall were in Dayton on busineBll, Friday and Saturday. Messrs. Ever'e tt Earl y and Clyde Cox made a business trip to Columbus, Wednesday. Mr. a nd MI"!!. Harry Graham reo turn ed Wednesday, from a pleasant tr ill t o Canfield, Ohio. Mr. Bnd Mrs. Chorles Thirkleld, of F ronklin, coiled on Mr. a nd Mrs. S: H . Hain es, Wednesday. Mrs. Mary Carmony atte nded the funeral of Mrs. E lizabeth Wheaton, at St. Paris, Ohio, Monday. Mr a nd Mrs Charl es Mullinex entertained oyer the week·end the 1913-14 1926 former's mothe r, from Mt. Oreb Mrs. Cassie Cox and so n. Clyde, U .. dt.r • "Co"'lHIUtln l Tin"."' Undor Ih. Coollfln T.rtl', 1101"11 rll ll n , mplo,r.d. were Su ndoy dinner g uests of Mr. hoar ~:~~ In Ohio 'UO to .1.75 'or a t or II HI, h.. w...... an d Mrs. Jose ph Githens an d family. l7 applluftu tn CI".Jand for '-Vr11'7 poe'· C,eetn Itro.perll,7 fa, the . ' ...' .... n Mr. Ilnd Mrs. Frank Rogers and lien, .. a. t'fer bc~-'ore aU.fned In an7 co.ntr7 In the SDO,GlO ... n oat tr ' wo.k In Ohio. world', hi li lory . Mrs Lottie C,uey made a business tril) ' t o Pleasant Hill Ohio, Tu esday. Mr. und Mr:!. Kcsler Graha{ll and daughter, were Sunday gu ests bf Mr. DO YOU WISH THE RETURN OF A "COMPETITIVE" nnd Mrs. C. W. Albright, near Spring TARIFF, SUCH AS BROUGHT THE INTOLERABLE CONDIboro. Mr. an d Mm. Hurry McGin nis. of TIONS OF ]9] R-11, OR A CONTINUANCE OF THE CONDITIONS Waynesvi lle, we rc Friday d inn "r OF PROSPERITY EXISTING TODAY? guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cha rl es E. John s. THIS IS THE QUESTION FACING THE VOTERS OF OHIO Mrs. !'lusun Saylor, of Spring Vnl· ley, spent Sunday and Monday with WHO SEL]~crr A UNITED STATES SENATOR ON TUESDAY, her da ughter, Mrs. Martha Graham and husband. NOVEMBER 2nd. Mr. anel IIf rs. Earl Duvall and daughter , Joyce, of Mason, were Wedn esdllY g uests of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Coleman. The Inelics of Lytle church were AS ... MEMllER OF nIl!: 8ENATIC: pleased with the results 01 th e marS.... too F•• nk D. Willi.. Can~ldat~ for •...,I..,Unn. The n..ftuaUc NnrUd ••, .eW •• 0 tl." .,al",' pfOoo ket Ilt Waynesville last Saturday. CHUO. '.r the AMeri"....... rkln....." . Onl, on potaah ••t,ed e•• ,., U •• for the PtotN'tion of AnH' ric." 'ndul' Tbey r eali zed ~;41. and p . . nul_, neith.r of whld'l are pretia,," In. Ohio 4.d tr,. and A.-trleal "tand.nI. of life. Mrs. George Reeder and daughters h..... r "at. '.r pretHUon tor American 1.110, anel A_erin co mp n ~y with a number of relaita .. 'landar••• f HI. par17 pled .." him now ne ff' pled ..... hath penon.lI,. and, bJ' hi. part" to t. •• Ie •••In .. ho dl. ""ON. . " . In hla p.rl.F tho t ives, spent Su nday a week ago, at coaUnull lbl. pollcJ. callie •• nl.. re.-4l ... . f penona' " •• wa. Glenn Miller park, Richmond. A number fl'om here attended the Let US not havo a r epetition of tho Conditions when only 40'70 of the people of Oh io werl' reception and donation at Springbo. worklJlg or had any chance to work. ro church, Monday evening for Rev• I Raymond Stillings and family. Mr. and M1"!I. W. M. Coleman en· tertained to 6 o'clock dinner, Thurs· day, Mr. and Mrs, Kellis, of Dayton, and Mr, and Mrs, Frank Snyder. Ameri~an tJ Mesdames W F Clark, Claude Riggs and C. W. }'ounce, of Way· nesville, spent. Thursday with the formel"s mother, lIlr8. Mary Carmony Mr. and Mrs. Guy Routzahn enter· SENATOR FRANK B. WILLIS HAS BEEN AND IS A STAUNCH SUPPORTER of the poltained over the week-end Mr, and letes of the Prelliaent, under whIch the people of thl! United Statell have onjoyod for four years a Mrs Josiah Boitnott and Mr. and Frank Brown, of Tippecanoe prosperity unparlllleled in the world'. history. No President can aehieve, unlels the Congrosll SUI· City, taina him. Ohio voted for Coolidge 70b,000 strong,. Let UB now not tie hill hands by electing a Mrs. Clarence Smith 18 now In man whO'll every vote, judreCl by .his past record, would be east · against the Preaidential policle•. Dayton, where she has employment. senator WIlU. haa voted three timell for taxati~n 'reduction, Hia opponent, despite Ohio'. Mias Pauline Green, of Route 4, . 600,000 vote for~ Harding, voted "No" on the Harding taxation reduction bill 011921. spent the week·end with Miu Gladys l . ' Tlla eahfaucCt!ufull, waged b, Benator Willie agalullt the "ChIca.o Water Steal ' " one of Ute Bergdall. rrwtell'lu recent Senatorl~1 bletor" and of th utmoiltlmportan' ~ to tile laduttrial Ufe of Ol&io. , Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Jones and Mr. Therle Jonell attended a . Chairman of a moat important Senate Committee, a member of three more bi,icommitteell, dinner, Sunday, at .the eountry Senator Willis, as recently stated by one of the country'. great newspapers, ''rIghtfully take, ·JlI. of Mr. and Mr,. JOlBph Miller, p~ bellide '.ueb ·iI\ulltrloua Republlean prsdeceuOn as John ShermaJl, Manu. A, Banna, Jo.aeph Springboro. ' . . B. Foraker. Theodore E, Burton, and Warren G. ' Harding," , " . .' Mr. and Mrs. Charlu Clark, 1I1as IF yOU BELIEVE IN OHIO AND THE NATI9N, IF .YOl r WISH TO CONTINUB TH'B (lleo StaCy and Hr. Cl¥de ~ . viI­ ABUNDANT J'ROBPERI'R YOU NOW ENJOY, VOTE AGAINST THB RETURN OF A "COM· lted the latter's wife. lin. I. PBTlTIV.B" TARIFF AND WAGB SCALEB BELOW THE AMERICAN S1ANDARD OF LIVCox" at Stlllwater aanltorium, • ' R. ING. VOTE FOR A CONTINUANCE OF 'GREAT AMERICAN POLICIES BY' HBLPING TO Dayton, on Thunday. . ' RB-ELECT FRAN I[ B. WILLIS AS UNITED STATES SENA~R. ON NOVEMBER ZIuL Hallowe'en mask Sunday-SChool at Sai:ul'tlllv Adprile


Centerville, O.

New Burli.gto1l,Oa

. ",






HERE? .~ na'

It Will, and You'J1 Get a Free You rut a Bid in a Red


The nameo of thoae who earn a Red Arrow DolI"r r... 1,:·1 I Saturday. will Le poaled at each .. Red Arrow place n e :.' ~·I·' I! ,"

BllI If .'

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At HYMAN'§ If y~u think you cannot gel/the Art icle on which yo u Ar c hi dd i n g, f ' by lendln, Red Arrow MODel' to you, or change you. b id l Or " not h er n" ,


'" r

' riend i to help you

The Auction Block. Will Close Saturday, Nove mber 6, at 12, noon. Name. of winners will be publicly announced at Hyman's Store, Saturday, November 6, at 8 o'clock, or a. 800n thereafter a sp08sible. Perlonl mUlt pretent otub with oa me number .. on bidding ticket and pny bid in penon or by p!""~,, at. time. aDDo.unced. If . bi,b bid il no t paid, article goel for acco nd bid, if paid. If neither bId I. paid, article Will be lold In Open Auction after tbe Silent Auction .



Shall Industry be protected from the ! u. nt pet day labor of Europe? . . . Shall the policies of President Coolidge be Sustained?


. .fl.




..; : .



Now serving a firs t term as Chief Justice of Ohio Supreme



,J.. '







WayneaviUe' Overland. Sale. Hall ·Drug Co. " Miall:1i Theater "Myer LA. Zimmerman Fred M. Cole Miami WayneaviUe, Ohio

I CAZE'M'E Jllr~ Frl,,1 . 1 ( "I" ',\ .,~ in fl.'_' !UII, t

• "llll


The w(\m<ln of St. MAry's Epl'(:oop ul "ill 11 V" th"ir nnnulIl Il/nrkpi 111111 aprl,11 ~nl on at ll rd n~', ,Dec ' m· h~ r 1J tho ,

, (hu rrh

Mrs, La urh Sid\'~ \Va. in Duyto l1, , 'aturtlo:;:

Educ ation al Movi es


Thal s hOlllR Ii .ul,1 MI·s. J . . Hawke. Mrs, Renn th 'ol·ted into tht!ntfr 1 II., burd'l\ - Mr. Rn u Ir~, on W re In Hough and Mrs. V I' ll !\.rmit ogo w rc " r u ling · illsul'd to · ~'" t p iI','e ,II' cli Dayt on, r"nelu ', in SpriOJ.(tI lei Tu ~~ duy and \\ ed ncs- ,'d ucatl on, ern"" 1\1 l ~i "I! "1. .\ II dny lit I nd i nJ.( he ses.inns of th hi g h scholli. "'hi dl n,,,'/' n",t ""I pi<'fl. \ . ('onncr in :I[ja11li~burg, Adn111 ~ h· l\oh nnd fnmill' ~p~nt , lu un - Grand Lodge of ~; u"h' l'Il Star. r e e(luilll1l'nt mu t 11 akr ,,,,, r,f it wa s day in lI amiltu ,l. ' )hmdny . for e dll ~l\ti() n Ht pUr


lHr . INf' N lo ,'i

"r,Il,L I.~.) (I '," II t .~.I ,;1 n :n l\.. n~L 1t ~llt~ W~ th nl to U do n nl klhnv lHlW lO. In"k. . ,. \111 hl1! ~ ,::.i: ) t'U t' l'Y'~~ t il (, :ltc h Tho ')lI pCr~ ,In' ful1 "f 1( 111111)' """ ~. I, it, II n~ " I' (", il1l1', " I " '" ",~~. '" 1':111' f w. lh en' Amid tho rnu("ous I' "}', < ,ft t\.(, I;"l ,' 'I ' t .. I !I,.. '~I'l'l\t mn<l' o f cnn nlwa YII be f (}~1l1\ 1"'1'. ' I ., ,,.,1 ' , >II. ,. ',I" ,k IIlil ' "\' the \\ .,rth.wIIII,'\ common , t'ver,Ytla~. Oln ,), 11 • l)n r t of hunlool t y : ) s t !\k,' ''' :r j":\T : . 1' 1 I ' :h: I II ~v';; ' . llt're are 0 f l'\\ slItch III I t'. 'h' l h r In . \\ I e ' ; , ,I' ',\. . , f\'1I IIC :1 l\'Tm A N ew York -ocrut ,WOt1\ lIn '1 hrr " 'lrkill ).: f, " "f' ,. . q 1- 'l \' I I 1. . t o ~ l1PJ)l)l jail for non·Buppo r . w,, ~ \ , 1 I I ' "I i' ' .. II. III llll' h,,11 two childre n. IThere nlt l\\ut "'~I\· ,'n,I\I;:I" .', ~, ' , .. ,I, ",ih" hun,ln'< I,h,l· vav wher e 101 lC ~ crt1 u l\' t' " H " ' I I " . \ '. I ,nl )'-" 11(' ·, t . . lw tlll'lInl It , I \ ' t' r t u Il ..' r larf! m 1. ! 'n Spl:t e " r hl'r lI'rl"n 11. · l.,.: . , "n 8 iJrtll' r II, ~, b" hl1l"' ,:' .. ) er'T8haYI~~n of Ncwe nt, itt sO lllh "\'n EIH!'I:Il "1. " hll ,, \\'11 a s t hr [1\ f 0 d'tl . c " I ts inh nbiln nt ~ f'uc h Vl~H r M,n t "1\ ~ .. f 1\1'\\ l'r~ 10 Lo ndon. H£'Vllln~e. ,.ide II rliw nncl i!!ll llI' n',j Ih ,' h,'II>;1I11 1 iJutt r hr' to .e ll .1 crre,notl\ot~~ Sth\:t~ ho.pitni " tlH'rn . 1111' rni lway ("' l11l'lIny r\l .,) trall'p " r l · cd them without chllrgr. o b y co nu.' r in Ne w Y(w k (\ trnflk tlmrt\r h Il Ill" t rntIiIe f l'T n min. · ute ~;:ilcu'ill! r es("lIt'fl n y,' "nl' hinl l11n t had Hu npI"",.1 f .. " m n n ~s l l!, th e pnvcm r nt hut wnR ul1 l1bk In fl y. . 'f d I In Prov id e ~cc, Rhode 1, 1:\11<'1. It , nw n \\ hn hnd IMt h" w~ c a n , I . lr('~ randchil dr<'n in th e Mnrkinl lc dl<:I, [.'r 1" ~ 1 Aug u, t, n' turn,,1 Il ch I ck for ~ve hundred doll nr:; t o t he R<,d Cr,'''· ' <a)'lng: "Otlwno ,,~ cd It 111 0r r th~ ~~~olman making his r ounds "n th e F.:\.t Sille in l"c w Yur k .. wurn cd two men wh o were nrICu ing in 1" uJ l On,'" II;, " .trrct cor ner Il1t e al . It Whcn he r eturned the, wcrl' still , IIfOUling nt ellc h oth er. s~ hr jUg d thell both up. The next m ('rni n ~ th,' >' wrrl' I1rrnlgne d for dlsor · JC Ie cond~d th .. CM,' WI\.. con in \1t' d nnd b"d fixed nt $25 dolla r • . T~re Yday bef o r~ had b,'{'n rent day an d "Il(' . f. tl!" m~11 hn.(~ n ~ m Oll.'T If h stllyed away f w m work he wll uld I",r h" l"b nlld h" S l \ 11 ~htld r en w~uld go hungr y. The ollker sndly _ , hoo l< hI S hend . rcacltr<l Into 1m own pocket Rnd ~t\\''' the dl'rk th,' $~ l' t rd e,,,e Ih .. ]lrt g(\ lI~r. As you rend the n .. w~ (,1I("h da y k.·,' l' Y.,\I" CY~S l~p('n 1' th . e Iit lle r evealing glimpl'es of the noble nl1l1 tlt c l (\~:< 1 and the klml IIIf,, humnn nature that the items often show. If yo'u ~OP

~l rs. (,hilder~ w ill mllke he r home


lily Wh'

in Pa yton.



M el lo h' s Garage Sun oco Gas Sun oco Oil Mill er Tire s Pre st-O -Lit e Bat teri es ~Icohol or Gly ceri ne for Rad iato rs





. Edi l h IIl1rris "'liS shujlpill~ • Ia \' , . .~f\Ulrc . 1111''' . \\, ,, 11,'1' ('asl wn s a Dayton -: h o ppl1 r, ~a' II nluy . [)


. :\\' lllU:

~lr. nllrl ~lr" . .1. C. Il nwkr wl'r l' in L"h,, " on . ~1 " '\lIII Y· F.. N. xl,' y, nf T rQY, h.' rl' l" At W, dll('> dny.

WI''" 11

d .i tC1r

~Irs. Aria Cou r tney was a I1 l1ytOIl vis itlJl' las( Th ursday.

The ladiEo! Aid of thE M. E.. ~htlycb hold a Tbz.n.bg1;in~ ma rket on We<ines day, ~o vembe r 2-lth. Mrs. Hanvey Rye, Mrs . Ro y MallteM!, and ~l rs. Russell Salisb ury Wefe shoppin g in Dayton, Mond ay. Gilbe rt Biggs Bnd family. of Blanchest t:r , s pe nt th e wee k-end with his paren ts , Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Biggs. Mrs. S usan Wright Poyne, of Dallas, Tex., was called here on account of the dea th of her aunt, Mrs. Susan Haines,

At All Tim es

Mr. and Mrs. F. B .Hender son" L . M. Hende rso n and daughte r, Doris, nnd R. A. Cross were Dayton visitors th is nfternoo n. Mrs. Irene McKinn ey and family (If Dayton, a nd Mrs. Finn Collins. of Morrow, spe nt Sunday with Mr. a nd 1\Irs. Halp h Biggs.

We are agent s for the celeb rated

Mr. a nd Mrs. Hurry Tobias. Mrs, Harriet Stal ey nnd Mrs. Chnrles Tobias, of Dayton, were g uests of Mrs. Kate Colema n on Sunday .

Mr. und M r~. f' rank Snider, of Ly· ti c, Mr ;Ind Mrs. Elmont Sn irl ~ r. of Frnnklin , Mr. un,l Mrs. J ohn Cr,-ng <' I', o f to"plan d, I11r. ·nm] Mrs. Stew · lIIr. lind Mrs. James Stuups, uf Vlln II rt CI·cnJ.(e r. of illcillnnt i, 6pen t Sun \\' c rt. WCft ' K U l'!'Il . . . , \·tor the wcck·en d duy with ,I. H . Walle und [nmi ly. lit the hOille u f Dr. nn d :llrs. W ith, nm. . Watch for th e Green C1ft Wate r Luundry Tru ck eve ry Tu esd ay und Cha rl es W e ll " lind s isler, ,Miss Myr Frida y. Clunke ts, orts lind tic Wt'll. , of nl' fl r HiJ)J!"'\'iIlc, wcrc quilta washed. Fcnlhorcomf beds and pi lgll 'sts of J\larshal l 11 11rlll ll. lust Thurs lows washed. R ll)J!'S dusted und r l' nrlu y, oVR t CCI. Soft Water Laundry , MahlOll Ridge, nJ;e nt. Mr.. • ue lI illtt. (Of Winch l'~ter, Ind .. , nnd Mr~. l.inn 1I 1I1'{'h, of Fort Way ne , I nd .. fin' in \\' IIYIlI'~ \'i ll c for u few <IllY '.

.--- --


The Bui ck Va .. cuu m Ven tilat or pull s nOJidous en. . gine vapo rs out of the cran kcas e. New lux ury is adde d to Buic k own ersh ip by this rem arka ble device. It keeps the air insid e the car free from disagreeable en.. gine fum es. . And it prev ents dilu tionofcran k. . case oil. Eve ry Bui ck mod el has the Vac uum Ven ti. . lato r, alld man y othe r vita l im.. prov eme nts. f a GREA.11'Sf

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Archdea con spent Sunday in Springb oro, the g uests of Mrs. Archdea con's parents , Mr. nnd !III'S. Jos eph Miller.

United States Ti res


Have your winter coatll cleonod now. Suits dry 'cleaned nnd pressed , $1.00; sponged nnd pressed . 85 cents. Soft Water Laundry . MahIon Ridge. agent. Mrs. Roy Masters and daughte r, of Tampa. F la .• nrc guest s of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Salisbu ry and other relatives here. Mrs Masters was called to Ohio on account of the serious illn e's s of her father, Burdett e George at his home in Madison ville.




H. Arch deacon K. of P. Bldg., Wayn esvil le, Ohio

Insu ranc e


Ge ne ra l. In su ran ce Phone 61--2

W aynelville,


w•.wilt move ou~ office, on Nove mber lst,

Mrs. Russell Hiatt /l nd childre n s pent last week in Wilming ton, with r e latives . . Mr. and Mrs, James Finley, of Cincinn ati, spent the week-en d with their mother, ,Mrs. Annie Finley Re" . and Mrs. J . F. Young and Mrs. A. C. Me ndenhal l attende d Il Mission ary confe r ence at Frankli n, Friday, Mrs A. C" Me ndenhal l entertai ned th e Mission ary A uxiliary of the Meth odist church at her home Thurday afterno on. The fun er al of Mr. C M. Fulkerso n wus held a t th e hOlne Siltu rday nfternoo n , conduct ed by Rev, Young Bnd Rev. Co ll ins. Miss Rosn J ohn son enter tai ned her Su nday-Sc hool class of girl s of the F ri,·nds ,church at a party at her home Tuesd ay even ing. Pos tmllster F. M. Hiatt attende d lust wee k. the 1. O. O. F. secretar y's convt'nt ion at Norwoo d; ,, 190 the Grand Lodge of Masons at Cincinnati. II1rs. Arch Copsey 'enterta ined the ladies of Cla ss No. a of the Friends Sabbath School at her home ThursdllY afterno on_ A pleasan t nfternoo n was passe d and re fr~s hments in keep ing with th e seaso n were served. Rev. and Mrs. W. E Bogan and Mrs. Alice John son and daughte r attend ed the Ministe rs' nnd Worker s' confere nce at Wilmin~to n , Thursdn y They r t'port it as ueing one of the iJest confer e nces held in recent years. A splendid Rally Day program had bee n prepare d iJy t he commit tee nt t he Friends church, Sunday. While a number of the children could not iJe prese nt making the commit tee more than others notice the loss. yet th ose prese nt showed the painstak ing work of the girls in charge. , A seri es of meeting s conduct ed by Rev. Harry L. Leas ure, of Sabina, will begiu [It t he Friends church next Sabbath evening , Rev Lensure comes we ll recomm ended. While being affli ct ed with blindn ess he carries on his stuuies and preache s very forceI ful setmons. You are invited to hear him and join iq. the song service.


Mrs. A. H. Harlan is the guest ' of relative s in Dnyton . Mr. and Mrs. Albert Chenow eth have moved to Xenio. Mrs. 'Nellie C. f..nckey has gone to Indinna polis to WInter with relative s, The Indoor Chautau quo given by the Ladies' Aid, was well attende d and entertai ning. W. C. Smith, H. H. Smith. L. S. Holland , Earl Holland and Mrs. Nellie Lackey attende d the funeral of their cousin if) Knights town. Wednesday. J, L. Conard and fomily and Miss Catheri n e Noggle spent the weekend with friends in Dayton. They attende d the Wilmin gton college and D. U. football game, Miss Myra Haydoc k had as ncr guests on Wednes day, Misses by Smith and Ruth Curry; Messrs. Robert Smith and Adams Dickinso ll, Jr .• Thomas and Marjori e Haydoc k. The Masonic Lodge of this place took part In the funeral services of Clarenc e Fulkers on, Spring Valley, nn Saturda y, Decease d wos a member of this lodge 'and of the Eastern Star. ' ; Mrs. Frank Lundy and ' Mrs. Ray Tay lor were guestll of honor at, ' a tea given by Mrs, Jesse Hill and Mrs, W. D. Lnrkin at the home of the latter, in Harveys burg, Thursda y afternoon. .About 60 persona were prescnt and the guests OJ: .honor were present ed with handsomCl 'linen tablecloth s! .




to the


rOom vacat ed by the A. & P. Tea Co. Come and' Me UI in our new quart ers.

. '


-Clen.... PJaia





Ju st A W or d Bein g ill Fl orid n from SC'ptemb ' I' 8, 19 2;; until April 2R, 1~1:!6, I natunl lly c ri ed no sale:>o throllg 'h this territo ry durin g' that ti me. Sinc e retul'n in g to Ohio I have been busy :t~ l1 ~ lIal in the r eal estal!! and sa le work. As we will not goo Sottth thi s winter , IInY ,one wi!l hing to date t111'il' nexl Sp rin g- ::m Ie with m e. can do so any time, with privil ege of c h a ng-e. And please remem ber, this:

My TER MS are in keepin~ with the time ., and are the SAM E to .EVE RYB ODY . My 15 years' experi ence en ab le!! m e to g ive you infor-

mati on in r ega rd t o prepar ation, adv e rtising , clerks, etc. that m efi llS much to you on sa le day.

Real Estate, Antiques and Live Stock a SpeciallY

w. N. SEARS Auctio neer and Real Eatate .

Way nelvi lle, Ohio



F. D. ' Dakin

---_.- ..



Leban on, Ohio


Waynesville Overland Sales Co.

Ke elo r G.a rag e

I Nothing to Hide Behind I

We give you Red Arro w Money on all sales--Dolla r for Dolla r o


.l c (,tq'l lIl (!


--uttcn dct l th e Statl' cOlw<.' nti on nt ru linl! \\'IIS mllde lIl'e'·<"'It·y by I h~ St eub enville lust Wl'llnc~day , return- fu el thllt ma tt y scilo ol8 have Ul'~ 11 COil · Try tbo Miami C ... u. for Job Work ing home Friday. .

H oward (,,, \li n. anrl fllm ih' , of W,,!ter McClu r e wns n husill css Wellm nn. tln d \tuv H urt. o f Spri ng11 0 1'0, spl·nt ~u u,lay "ith Mr. and visi tur in Sp ringfil, ld, Tu esday. IIIrs. Ualpll Bigg-•. Mr nlld Mrs. Lindky Me nd enhall W e Inu nder YOll r fllmily was hing wcr~ · L"iJl1no n \' i s ilOr~ , Jl[ ollday. Two F ord t('\l rill g ("urs. 0 11 (' owned by th e poun<l . II avc our "u ll'sman by PHry ('0011. of P"rt Will in m and M I~ L. A. Zimmer man Illld daugh· call Ilnd expla In in deta il. Su ft Wa- t he "t h ~r by ,Joe 1J I' l'ger , of nellr Wil· tel' wer Dayton \' i~ it ors , Sat urdny. ter Laundry , lIIuhl on Ri dge , agent. n 1in g t ~l n. "l' rt' ~t o i ll n fnl lll th(·ir pnfk i ng place :-; in \\~ i)m i n ~to n s trl1,q s SL\[.Mr I1nd Mr". C. M . Robi tzc r and u rdllY even ing. li nd niJlludon('d nca r dauJ.(lite r W N(' in Dayton, Snturd flY· Way nesvi lle du rin ~ the night . Both cnrs Wer(' stripp ed of nIl dctor h"b l" Miss II cll' n Boke r, of Ham ilton, is tlc c('ssor i f'~, L oss(ls. cs timnle d ut th \' gues t of Adnm Melloh a nd f RQ]· a bo ut $100 in enc h ("u ~e, were not il y. eO \'ered by in sura nce. Ea rly Sunday morlling a ga ragelItr li nd Mrs. JllnH'~ 1\1(" lure \'is il· mlln nt Wll ynf's vill e wn s no tifi ed that (,d rcalti q 's nca r Beavert own , Sun. two F u r d cars wer e ub n nd o tw d on dllY· u s id e road n ear here. He in vesti. gall'd and in Coon's cur f ound a iJill ~I r< Mnl'Y A dams has r etu rn ed of sal o bea ring the own e r's name. fr om :1 >'i5lt with frie nds lfl Wilming The g-arng,'m al\ recog nized t.he car ton. li S une ho had so ld Coo n on ly n few w,'eks ago, He notified Wilmin gtun Mt; O. R. {' nglesby a nd Mrs. Jlolice or his find, and th ey in turn r r ~I\" Bird \\ ,' re Duyton \'isitllr$, Mon co mm u nica ted with the r espectil'e car d"y. owners, wh o came to \Va ynesvill e immedi ately for the I\ul os. :'011". Dou~l nss Derrybe rr y. o f KokonHl,. lnd .. IS vis'ili ng her siSler. 111 rs. Ross Hartso ck.


We also have a Wrec king Car, equip ped with a Three -Ton Hoist.

At You r Ser vice

f ll :l\'.

M i~ Rh ea JanH Carn-ri gb. of We e rn ("ollege at Orlor . W3.! h" me o,'e r the .... e.:k-end .

. , ICome in and see our Com plete Line of

• ~ .. r


Mrs. Al bert Raines. of the Ohio MBlIOn ic Home. Springfi eld. i.s vWting relali \'es here.

Spar tan Radi os, or call phon e 47 for a " demo nstra tion appo intm ent.

n~ t

Mrs . C¥nthia Evans h as r t urn ed fr om II viSIt with he r brothe r and fam ily. in Franklin .

The Pathft nders of the Air


na t'

MrH. Frn ll k Le May and da ught er and I1'Ii" 1I .· le n H awke were in Day· ton, Thu rsday.


j'0,-\( 0.:

Mrs. Goor~e D. Mills. who rece nt· t,l lh new fttg'u lnti oH •. \ 'Hi l"l hl(· .1· i\1t-~ . L tl ura ZI' \I vtitl'd rclnth'Cs In Iy r('turnc d frolll Lhe Nutionn l \V C . F pe ct o r ~ will 1l1llk,' Olld i-ol:" 11 1:"in ~ t Da)'t on , :-;at urdllY· '.1' . . convt'n ti o n ut SlIn Frn ncisco. •. ny ~c h o(l l whi("h f[ it " d" "" . T hi,

F<lr ~ul,,- Creen nnd ripc tomatoes. Mr. lind Mrs. \ , O. Rn'pcl' attendte lllkd t ho fun er;:11 u[ 1\ reln t i,·., at Park Leak . incinnl\t i, 'ru e",by. • Mr., \" 'r ll" Kelley htls' r ClUrn ,' d tn "pl'ingti elrl. ~li ~s ~s ~ l al' Y l\l'.nr~llrl:t UnJ.(lesby lind GI,,,lys Kilhn ll , or Oayto n. s pe nt , . . , :I!r~. \\ I,': ' C'"rtH' 1I W!l ~ 111 CmclI1- til<' we,' k · ~ n" at t he Un~h·sby home. . I 'L ' I

flu i ng heir showing of ftIml , to the t I ", \1'1\·,,1 typ ntirely. Director !: ::-,1 indicate s that it is hiB view I hn t' 'I chool which can, afford to own I'"d lII otion picture equipm ent (n r ,'utc rtuinmo nt purpose s has no (' ~usc for not us in" it for educlIlil'llnl tl'llln lng, Th e dlrecto r d OllS "" t di ~Rp]lro\'" l he usc ot motion pieIU; 'a for com ltluni r purposes ao IlI lI g IlH s uch II ~C Ip incident al to th e rc·gula r w(lrk o{ th" schools or (If educatiu ll ul m lue to th e commun ity.

Pullman PaII8enger..:...... No. thank you; I don't need brushin g oft'." Porter'. .-"Yas you .do, Buh, ab'l


IF you need a tire OR will be wantin g one IN a ahort time AND are lookin g FOR lometh ing LOW in price BUT are also LOOK ING for quality WE have GOOD news for you ' YOU can get a NATIO NALL Y known HIGH quality tire At a price that WILL pleaae you RIGHT here at our atore IT'S a Pathfi nder A 30x3 ~ Cord for $8.95 .t A 29x4.4 0 Balloo n for $10.95

AND other lizea EQUA LLY low in price NOW aa to quality PATH FINDE R Tirea AREm ade and guaran teed BY Goody ear THEY are built TO give you RIDIN G comfo rt LONG wear SATIS FACT ION AND every Pathfi nder WE aell il backed BY our aervice YESSI R THER E'S sound econom y AND r eal ..tidadi on AWAI TING you IN PATH FINDE RS WE thank you. L L

Wa yn esv ille Mo tor Co.

Phone 105

Waynesville, Ohio

RAYMO.N F. HATFIELD Wayne lville, Ohio

Agen t for

All Forms of Ins ura nce:' Life, Fire, AutomObile, Health, Ac~ident, etc.


Cleana e your a)'lt~mt purify your blood and pnftll t colda, influe nza and other winter allme nb.




The Great Blood Pur:ifie r and Syate. ,. CleaM er' ....... .b . Sickn e... Get it tOda, at .

John Haw)(e's Store, Waynesville, Ohio : Madden's Drug Store, Han e,.b ur•• Ohio



. . . .h . _ _ _____ _ _ • ____


-Report of Electzon in Wayne NEW CENTURY 1ownship---News Meager Todav CLUB ENTERTAINS Tho election passed off very q u iell y For Lieutenant.Governor not more thun a lhir,l o f th e r eg ular Bloo m. b 54 10 47 50 voting strenbrt h coming oul. Th t! r ~ l\Iill ~ . R .. GO 22 GO 74 Wits not much (!xcitcrn fJ nt ill Inlln i ei · For Secretary of Stal e fJ'7:7itiC8, but the cit ito !"

ill mu n y ill -


l)ol1ed n la q':t' \ !t IL'

lalu T. l' 1I S.

1\ I t onliu l! l t t till ' uh t·y \dll t~ I ' 11 , 1'1

t" I I : I, ," ~



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/I. tn ('5t d e li ghtful mre tin g of th e ~"w C" ntllI'Y cluh W llS held at th e II ,,,,,,, Iof ~ f r, . t\ 11"11 Friday ufterll oo n 'h. ~ 11 h . wilh tWL'llty - two llct iv e " ' 11.1,, ' ii/ d) t \\ II hullorn r y Inc mh c r g

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For Cleric of Court.

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Reprcaent ll li vc h I G e n e r a l A •• embly

Il olde n. I I[ amiltoll, I





:l In . Wa r d. te lting '.I( thl' work uf yest erday hilS Mi ss Wright'. 1 ,1' IlI da)'." " H,·\ 1(,\\' " l he 1(05al ie Eva ns'

). I

Chi r l

Fo'r Goy. rnor

Don ohe y, D Cooper, R



F il·"t ciiHtl'ld " il l I,e B"I "lJiJlil'un hy large pltll·ul iti cti. AI S tni~1t hUB been c l ~c t " d v;ove l'll _ or of New) o l' k fO I' t he fourth tillle. Ej ecti on 1I 0WS , cons id 'r inl; Ihe ex tremely lig ht vo le. lIl'l' c" mill l! in ver y meag erly. lind th er e is not much to giv e cith I' purty 1111 advunlage on lho head o f the t ickeL, pa rtic ularly, 111th ough ear ly rcportH indiclltee lhn~ Donahey will be th e ne xl governor, nnd Willis i. lihly t o be sellt back lo the Se I/n lc. Wny ne t own ship v ot e is as foll ows : STATE TICKET


I .d I



.. , I


, ,



f('lt lUre



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a nd th e 111 ' 1I U"nliu nee, by in l.II d ic~ Lite ral'Y d u u

1'.01 1.

1,I t


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7·1 ,12




31 f, I

An nu S" lI ers Stahl . of Fran k-

Beg in now with gra re~. Th ey ar c lion nerve cells. you won d~ r t hat we in se us on. nnd g ood f or you. are not a ll of us menta lly out of order all ot the time. Dr. Conlidg l'. o f th e General E lec-A camp a il( n has been stnrted untr ic CC) mp any . has pe r fec t ed n tu be f li r gClIl'nl li nJ,!" ealh " c)e rH y ~ . m o~t de r tlH' dil'ec t i" n o f the ve ry able ltc v. Charl es :,l telz'e "to sell religion I)lJ\\"' rf,,1 or ,, 11 t hc llI yst" rinus I'II )'S. th e m iliknn ra y cu min g lI l'x t , th e III t.he people." This means an adI' el' ea mpnigll to IIrous e interest W ull StJ'Ql' t is us "e ll sili"e us Sweet X-my t hil'l l. Thi s cath .)d t' rny , p t'~s t'H!'i llg gJ'pnt in reli ).d n n . Ali ce in th e " Id so nK. She wou ld It might I,.. \\i ,,' to hire a g ood "Sill il c \\'ith delight when yo u gave (.li:·;j n t(\~l"n t ing fvt' c(l , mny be nt ad t' h I' U sm il e, lind t remilll' wit h f<'u r nl !l1I1 St lI s~ fu l i n m e d ici n e, w h t.1n lhor- l .... t rO t1(J n H~ r. I f 111f' Two p l f'" co u l d be ,1 fro wn." oughly c(ln t ro ll l'd. App li"d to rhe Pf' TSll l-u i{1( 1 t o '" ' \It at n i ~h t , s l Hn d at till' !i ky, Tf" il J!Th e f J'(l wn thflt sturtl es th e BPl'C- hody ;, f II In () U gr fu r th e fmetio n of II alon e, Url O I n, .,. lIy. Thn t i s h o w 1I1 ulorH u oW is Eu rope 's s u ~g t.·!) ti O t1 s,·co nd. th', cu t hode I'll y cause d t he i Hn would Kn i ll, .,:. "' , " Iu n dins:r at thaL turifTs be wip ed ouL This lan d " \lO USC t" fal l npu rt, co mplet e ly di"- it ~ t tt r t,.' d. nig ht IIll lh l.! d. tit . " hip c'trr ;-'I· ' g' wo uld hll l' e r"nso n t o tr e mhl e with illt"gl'lIted ;t1t h , " " ~h Ihe.J1 esh wa~ nol him t o S t. II, I . i", ,"tcd t (, t he f eu r if th[l t "d ow n with ta rifTs" BUg- ch a rl'ed. The ~ amc rny mil!'ht \\'ork " i u ll m u s t Hum it l!'e~t i o n W 're appli ed to th e Un ite d \\' onde r, in ca ncer trc.ll tm e nt if it ~ tar s 31 1t1 sa id t hnt sullie one" " de all thnt. " S t n t e~ . co uld Ite regu la t ed. We mig-ht as we ll go out . of business, sturt all ove r uga in. wear ing This c oun tl' \, wi ll lea rn after An E nglish girl hUR bee n in a hom"" pll n and li l'ing o n our cr ops. aw hile t hnt II 1,1 ' hwllY with heavy f I h I f t ra nce l,o r t ;" t! ve mont. 5, an l fTro ~ aut "m obi les tr ll : ('I ing fifty miles a n Dllt tha t won't hap pen. Sc ie nce Sfl YS, "Kee p twe nty po unds every (1T CClI O U c o me Since re e or M h ou l' wi t h no r ' \lI~ tv kC'I)n tht'rn in u nd" J' what you think is your no rm a l to help he r . Faith cu reso f a duzcn \ plnce b Us dnn!! ;' " oU" 1S 'In y rai lroa d \\'"il!' ht and uvo id hyp erp ar ath yroid kin ds, sp iritualis ts . . he rbuit sts. A wil h its e'x pn'" Il'ai;, , . . a nese wrestlcr belte ,:es lh ut phYRlcal [n u h" nd:, 1/1 "" Iii 'in " (l ne m an is m. " Or. Pflueger dlscovered th at new trea tm (' nt ,~ o uld r eli eve her li t/lei In t urllcd Budd l'n;\' 1''' ''111 I .·hl nd a truck utstlse or'IfII }OoYf put on th e bnd,, ', IIIH ,k idd ed into ki nd of ohes ity, S'ays many have it , goo d Chrls ltall se nds a bO p g 1\ ClI l' com in!! f""1ll th (' "fl THlsitc dit hut w e do no t know it. A man wate r fr om th e nllrac ulo recti ll ll. Fou l' \'.'l'rc ki ll ,·d UI d a ll wt;igh iflg 200 pounds that oug ht to Lourd es. weig h 180 po unds could le ngth en his th e . fourtee n occupa nts o f t\~O ca rs To' the mllterial eye the cllse is that hu rt. life if he would get rid of twenty pound s. of an elec tric bell t hat will not ring. SJI ('('d should he limited s tri ct ly on The wires arc out o f order or the the public hil(hways, if necessary, by a mechanical app liunce on every car. Fat men and others not too fa t, try battery is weak. Wh en you consid er that th er e are And rock less driving r es ul ting in this. Once every month, or hetter, twice, eat nothing but fruit for 24 in th e hrain of that g irl, .as in every dcath should be punished as manhours. hum an brain, twelve thousand mil- slaughter. SWEET ALICE WALL STREET BEWARE PARATHYROIDISM 12,000,000,000 CELLS SELLING RELIGION

t ;<1" ntcd mus ici.u n. She re nd ered sevend heautifu l piano ~ e l ecti () n s, which udd "d mu ch t o the progra m. I) n be ing M licited t o g ive us a report f r om th e Federa tion Co nfcr,' nee he ld at Norwood recently. Mrs. Shnwhan, pres ident of the Lehanon cl ub, "ery kindly res jloncied t o our r equ est, afte r wh ich a two-course luncheon was se rved. And thu s an other very pleasant Miss Agnes Longacre and Mr. Mela ft er noo n has passed. Miss Wright will entertuin th e club at Mrs. Hath- vin Swank were Quietly married at 4 :3 0 o' clock, Thursday IJternoon, at away's tea room in November. the M. E. parsona~e at Springboro, . . A. F,. W . Rev. R. A. Stillings performing the cerem ony. A 6 o'clock dinn er was se rved to the imm ediate families at the home of t he brid e. Mrs. Swank is the charming daughOn Werlnesday evening, October ter o f Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Longacre, 27, a few relatives and friends gath- Mr. Swank is the son of Mr. and Mrs. n. Swank, of 'Milimisburg, and is ered at the home of Mr_ and Mrs. aA. salesman f or the Riverview garage Pearl N Corne ll to s urprise and r e- at that place. _ T he young couple left Friday morn mi nd th~m of their twenty-fi fth annh'crsa r y "silver wedding day. " and ing on a wedding trip to Toledo, and their r eturn will reside with tu say they we re surprised is express- lifter the bride's parents at Lytle. Their ing it i n a mild form. many fri ends ex t end hearty congratLatur lu nch was served to which ulations. ..... a ll did ampl e justice, after which a hundfu l of silver Quarters was presented the m by t he com pa ny in harmony \\'ith t he si lver we~ding . . T he evel\ in g wUS th e n spellt In slngmg The Hallowe'e n celebration, sponli nu chu tlin f! until a late hour. when se red uy th e Mother s' club , was II ail ,1"fJorted f"c ling the e vening hnd success in ~ pit e of the ve r y incle me nt b~e ll wllll ~ p cnt a mi one 10llg to be weather. The fe st ivities were he ld in the Gym Rnd t he attendance was t"t" ml' ln be n .l. Thus present wer e : 1\11'. lind Mrs. very go od. Games and dancing proJ oe Mc 'ray an d fami ly and lIIuther, vidcQ amuse ment for old an d you ng. ?III'S Mary C 'ornell, M.r. and Mrs. The proceeds from the sale of ediA I ol'nell, ~ir. and Mrs. Cliff Lewis, bles durin g the afternoon a nd evenM r. find Mrs. Ha rry Cornell, Mr. a nd ing netted $90. Mrs. n oy Corn e ll and son, Kenneth, The committee in charge arc very Mr and Mrs. James E va ns and fam - well pleased with the r es ult of their il y: Mr_ and Mrs. Joe Johnson and effo rts. family, of DayLo n; Mr. a nd Mrs. Carl Pickering and family, Mr. and Mrs. Clvde Whllrton nnd family, Morris Wharton and Grace Bunnell


Legion HI'" ' '


Armistice Service


On Sabbath nij('hl, .November 7th, at 7 o'clock, there will be h eld [It th e M. E. church in Waynesville the annual Armistice serv ice The pastor will preach a ' special se rm on on "Peace," and in co nn ection with this ~crvice t here will be he ld the Second Peacll Deciai'llation contest Every person in t he community is co rd ially invited to th is se r vice. A specia l ofTering in th e interest of th e Decinnwlitl n co nt est \\'ill be taken to go to · t he Ohio Counc il of Chul'ches

Mrs. .la mes McClure ctttertained the " J olly M lI lr (\ n~ " Monday afte rnoon.

Mr. li nd 111 1'S. n " lw rt We rntz entertaine d a t dinn er, Sun day. Mr. a nd Mrs. Leo nard Ti nlley a nli fA mily. Mr. fln'<l 111 1" . Ja ck Ric h. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Crunr Iln tl f am ily, were Sundu y gue s t ~ o f MI'. and 1I1r8. T. S.. Hard in .

Life Imprisonment

Charles Cal'l'if Co n. indict, .I I'or Ihe :t nd -,11" ll l," airl ll " nderson, m urd er of \' II' r' \\':Hehm an ln mes nf 11';.1'1 ,, ", a nd ~ li ~. Ilnri fi 11 IIdr)'~u n I] cn g'l'. ,HI I .. ,J ,In I:: . . :\[ :11 , h, d ll we re d ll>l1L'r I!lJ cst.. , Su nday uf 0 1'. ~cr(' J 1\ plla ,./ 1''' I:" ; I L I >llllJ n ' . W. 1I ,'n"cI'5un nn,1 fa mily. Itl5t \\' ed nl - . 01:.' ,dt"1 1 ." II. un d was "lmt cllceu hy Jllrk, _\.)'1 ,1 " l u lifr !'Ilr. ullli Mrs. PI' ntic(' Ti nnc;::-;;-f im pri"lI l1nH.'tll Ut hl\rd hll'I I1: i n t h e DII \,to n, :,Ir. I1I1lI IIl rs. l.awre nce 1111 1'- Uh iu Jlt' n jt~ ·nt lHry .. 'I'll trill I o f his bn,lhcr , Enrnest din'. of ;\Li umis burl!. Mr. and Mrs. 'I'ol lin Lawso n were S un day gues ts Gal' ri so n. w ill open on Monduy morning. Novem b.. r 15. of Mr and Mrs. J oe Tinney. ~h

Mrs. Annu Sheehan entertained f o\' MI'. and Mrs. J . E. Janney at II li- o'c1ock dinn er , on W cdn csday even ing, October 27. Covers were laid ~or twelve. 'l:he Jann ey's ure all th ctr way to Florida.

Ho..... P. Sav.... former J.lcut.nant In tho Army and a ChiCAgo


Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wadsworth, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Perkl!ls, and children, of Pasadena, OhIO, and Misscs Mary a nd Annalee Crane were u nd ay dinn er g uests of Mr. and I\1 rs. W. E . Stroud and son, Harold.

Il'ftnalt oftktal, .... elected Natfon. , . ComllUlnder of the Amertcan L" lfio" at the recent eonvvllti"f' III PhUadeiphla. . r


Mr~. Ruchel I' \I' a nd so n, F ran k, hud uq t,!"cil' If Ue~b\ SlInday. DI·. rc~' li nn son , 13()lluy I any I;nd P;'ll'l ~

HII \\ tlo n. ~t i:--:,,(':'" ".), 'lI )ic· 1\1 1d AI11.\" l{;a\\ !>I II , 1' ('ll~ IUIi 'l'n.v111l\ ti l (HIytOi1., I r. 'utd hl l i=:. 1 hlw i t l fl~W .11111 ll hl nl'a!-t L'I(lk .

· Mr'. FI'llII Ii 11 i'l,' nch. UI{I· j·<'ll!turtll ex tens i II , !"'ci llll:<t in fl'uil~ nlld h 1'ti culllll'(' \\ ti l Ill' wiLh oll lll), Ag"n l Clu"s F"id"y , N,,'· c Il1 1..:!l' f', tt> cn ll Ccl' wi th n n Il 1ll1"' I- of the· orchil!'.! men of WUI,\, n Cu unty eu nel'!'n ing th eir seasoll 's work, nnd. p lnns f or th" coming year. Durin g th e last (ew years Mr. Beach and Mr. Class hllvc kept in close to uch wi t~ the orch/lrd work of the county, but owing t o Mr. Class' a bsence t his s umm er, the), have not followed up the work a s usual. General reports from practiclllly 1\11 the fruit sections indicate lin abnormally large ' crop of apples this ),ear. But fruit growers in this coun ty and throughout Sou thc'Ilstern Ohio generall)' will not feel the effects dJ xtreme price drop as direct Ba the growers of New York, Michigan and the Pacific COllst, whose fruit involves long huuling at high ' freight rates. 'llhe nu merous Itlrl!e citic8 in the Inoostrial center" g ive the Ohio growers a natural a dvantage in marketing ·fl·u'lt a s well ns otl\f!r flU'lll prod-


._ -


· An~ on q h)tc!c ~ted In ~conferrlng with ' J\{easrs ,BenCh and Class con. ceming '- drc'kar d p~oblems, should con8ult with Col,lnty" AJt.e nt , CIa8II 'IlS to thefr schedules or call -one.. of"the 'fo-llowing places whe%1I they expect to visit F~i.dai ~ _ .. • . ' Whitacre Bros., near Butlerville. George Shiilldtl~. near Lovelariel •• Charles Bake.;, near Morr9w_ '.' T, N. Banta, ncar Lebanon. D. B • .Uhderwood, Mar HarveyabUrg.

Whole Number 5726

This Week--Brisbane Talks on Interestin~ People and National Affairs



:'1 of '" Lit·


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MI' ,".d ~I .. , I:t\,\" F i l"'~ ('lll,' 1' t!lined Slllld:\ \ .L.ll)l. ill. n ;l d falH ily oj' ~Jl d di'ctv'\I .. :';I's. ';h," ulld I

~ii~ ~ Fh·l.·s, v! LI.!!' H:lIIII, ~Il HI111 !\I r:,. ~;\lllcl" ~ l' llr ~ , vl l> a~ hlll. ;~Ir. nl1ll I\~1" :. '\ Lcw i ~ Fires Lln ~ ,·!tll d l',· 1\ a lld ~h,," r l ossi~ FiI·C5.

Mrs. A nna Sheeha ll ,' nt('l' tll ill'li

li t

ble appointmen ts wel'l.' b~ alltiflll ulld plutes wel'e laid f or eigh tee n. Every one sat down a nd hat! 1\ good t ll:ne. no one waiting to se c if any lhmg would be le ft .

i\. delightful eve nt of th e past week


the luncheon on Thul'llday at Mrs Hntha\va y's tea roo m, with Mrs. Amanda Mnilit ns hostess. A very plensant afternoon W;'ls enjoyed by the followng g ucsts : Mrs. Kate Co.leman. Miss May Wril;ht, Miss Mama Brown and MI's _D. L. Crane.

On Thursda y evening, October 28, Mr and Mrs_- S. S. Ellis entertaineo 8 number of friend s. . Cards and a dellghtful lunch WCl'e en j oyed by the following guests : MI'. and Mrs. W. E ' Cotnell, ' MI'_ and Mrs. M. A. contell, M,. and Mrs. Ernest But~er­ ,worth, Mr. and . Mrs . . Hurry Sm)th t Mr and Mrs. Glenn Borden. Mr. ana Mrs CI\arles Ellis, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence RY~l .Mr and Mrs- Keller Hoke,-Mr. ana Mrs. Joel Stokes, Mr. and Mr/!_ RU Mell SalisQury, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Braddock, Mr. and Mrs. Bert HarBock, Mrs. Eva Earnhart, Millllos Doris and Ruth Salisbu!,),.


----... ...-----'-


O. E. .S..NOnCE



- -- -

, Mblml Chapter No. lO'l 0_ E , S., Rastus -"liow don Q- yo'''h ole la· , d, IIko de ew \vashin' machine' you wHl meet in reg\l lar s eslIion, ,Monday ovcnblg, NovQmber S. Election of done bllY £9 h her ?" , Sam- " ' Itt' .jee! cn n1i got 'Used to officc1'8. LU0PtE ~RM ITAGE W. M. It . foah SPme I'eason :. Whl', ebbry .SUS;'\N lIAWKE, See'y_ time ahc doM (!et in it de paddles .~ dOI!~. kno~_~: ~w..n_._"_ _ "I like to see a man proud of tbe • . ~~~~~~~~I~to 'When a man II h.l t by an auto !!'~ 8ee. man Uve Jn It 10 thltt"Jl'- plaee 1d1l" ~ doeton lay me •....., .~ d f ....... ,. . .. ~ ....... _ ......_ ••

---_.- ...--..,......

lie Ia~' nil d~.



1)1'011 .0


- -


Silver Wedding


--Hallowe'en Carnival


----" ...----


T wenty-third Sunrlay after Trinity, N()ve ml)c r 7. Church School at 0 :30; se r mo n a nd Roly Co mmunion at II o'cloc k. All lire co rdiall y invited to attend Tho Woman's Civic League and these servi ces. the Men's Community Club of Har. veysburg, gave a Hallowe'en supper Rev. John J . Scha effer. Rector. and vaudeville entertainment at the Town Hall on Saturday evening, OcCHRISTI A N CHURCH tober 8 0th. A larg cl'o\,/d was in attendance ' ullda '-Rd,;),11 :IA !J ::,0 ; pra yer thl' young I' ~~ I in mllsquCTude. P rimC"LIIlI{ V(!dl1 ~:"h ;,- ('<'I',1l1g qt 7 :30. I.·S , .,' C,fl' giv<,n to Evely n Tucker, r;'·l:I" ~·1Jn": l".hll!dl· .n · IU 'l . , "' " ('III'Lac k a nd li ttl e Mary Car_ ,101 , I.\Ji"' Il ~ . T wo amusing playlets MJ.:; ·I IWIJI_· T CHURC H .• \ , ' " ~1 \'C ll: T he Hicks' honeymoon . a bhl\ h .~I, 111 , ,1 :· l t' : l F, n m . ,. II ieb' Uungler. The latjlrl· Hl.!h l .l.,' _t I \ 1 1. Il\. Ep w o nb " ,t 19'ccI ill a newspaper office. Ll' Uf!\1l~ II : ( I III. IJn·hr h ilig at ':.1 1 ' :t. "'Ut" lt: I'~ \\' Crc well p lnycd by -; : :~\.I tJ. 111 . ';'yll l(,l y in\'itt'd lo these ~ h: , (, f li \'n rlt('~. lil' rv icls ", \\"" l ' l1 is beco ming one of the H<:v. L. A. \\ ;,~ hll\1r n, l'lI~lor r IwltdllY l' fJisodes of the year. l'

12 o'clo'ck din ner, Sunday. T he tll-

· Frank LeMay, noar WaYll ~svlllc. CarL.Duke, near Lytle. .'


. .. .


Supper, Vaudeville



Oratorlcail Genius


The first High School party of the year was given at the Gym by t he Senior class on the evening of Oct ober 28th. The Gym was decorated with colored leaves, corn stalke, orange and black crepe paper and candle-lighted pump~in s_ Severnl maskers aroused much curio sity. The party bega n with a parade of all maske d , and were judgcd by Miss T orner, Miss Smith and Mr. Moomaw. Elizabeth Branstrator was chosen as best characterizat ion. She was dressed in a Chin esc costume of red and ye llow. 'Marie Dunham won the pr ize for most com ic. She was dressed in a clown Buit.


A ft er that everybody WitS divided into foul' gToup s t o piny games, the owls, witches , cnts a nd pumpk ins. A series of four ga mes wus played. The first was a story telling contest which th e cats won. The seco nd was a match box race, the object .being to change f rom t¥ lea ders nose. without hand, down to tho man at end . The pumpkins won. The third gam e was a cracker race-eat a cracker and then whistle The pumpkins won that. The last game Willi a buggy ride. This was a chair ride after which the rider was to say.. "Thanks for the buggy ride .. " Mr. Moomaw won this race for the cats. The pumpkins won the prize with two first and a ae cond. .

Herbert Wenig, 17 year Old high ec.'lool student of Hollywood. caUt., wee adJ',dgfld the winner of the intemll\\fmal oratorical \ eon teat held In Wuhlngton. "Knights of the atlvet tongue" from all over the ~therecl in ijw, Cllplt41






Mr. C R Arnold. farm management exterutlon specialist of Ohio Agricultural college, discussed the u ps and downM in the hog busi ness at t hree g r oups of interested (armers in Frankli n, Le ba non and Mason last week. Mr. Arn old l'l'",ented charts a nd tab les sh owin l!' 11 ,. rr.'Q ipts and priWILL SPEND WINTER IN WEST ceij prevaili ng ,.p he lending hog me tim e a l(O Mr. )lfoomuw sen t mnrkets fron l I • ~ " the prl' ~('n t Mrs. Amelia William s leaves to- Oll tSolett(' rs to the mothers of Hig h ti me. He ex p n , II tl>l' u nri erlyin J\'. ni ght for Springfield, ,M o., whor e scho g ir ls cnc erning girls' bas kct- eco nomi c fa cl. \\ hich d<' tl' rn tin ed she will spend the winter with her ball. ol The result is a s follow s : the price in !I I'" cto nltl1lldity to he sister. (1) Do you f"vur basketball in " s upply Il nd dl ·nllt nd." Thin g>} ,lI'e produc ed in order to be used ," sa id a ny f orm? No Answer Arnoldi " so whclI we have an a bYes No 1 normal y large nll mher of 'hogs prcJ23 12 By 1\. Il ( HAI'I.' 0 duce d, an exe c p t i 'lIlll ll~ lurge apple. (2) Do you favor as in ter Rchol- crop, a lower pr ice is necess ar y in nstic spo rt? orti er to bring nuo ut a greater conYes No No answer sumption of the"c commodities," he conti nu ed. 12 22 3 Numerous ill ustl'ntiu ns we re given (3) Do you favor the notion of to include this "cDnollli e phase which ha ving or ga nized tea m play at sc hool holds t ru e for tlt u II Hl Ilt/ f actu rel' and at noontime a nd durillg regular Bched city man !IS well :1" the fa rm ers. uled practice hours instead of with i'l u t the vio lenl n uet uati on:; which other sc ho ols? occu r in hogs ahou t ever y Ilvo years Yes No No Answer is due to th e irrngularity of hr eed ing 17 13 4 and producing the hogs .Wh e n prices are high many fa rme rs go into Severa[ of t he answers were con· the ho'l/: business or increase the ditioned so they w ere not counted in breeding stock so when the incre88ed this article. The result is that the r~ of hogs takes place about a year girls will not be scheduled to play later, the market must come down in order to hring about the necessary other teams away from home_ increased consumption of pork_ Then ____ a when hog prices hecome very low so many farmers cut down their pork production 80 much that within a year or IJO there are not enough hop C. M. Cartwright has been elected on the various market. to I18tiafy tbe secretary of the Ohio Society of Chi- demand which again brings about an increased price in order to stimulate cago. . It is ·something of a conincidence greater production. The object Qf these meetinga IlII to that he succeeds in that office, Ralph Haywood. Both are former Wayne.· get the farmers to understand tbue ville men, horn and reared in this basic economic principles and to ulate their farming and hog breedi~ commun:.:i..;:ty:.;_:.-_... _ ••_ _ __ operations 80 as to produce a normal average yearly supply and thus avoid the extreme upa and downlJ In boC prices. However, the heavy 100II01 from hog cholera b also an · impor....The Wayne Township Mothers club tant factor whicb will probably atwill meet at the Grade Building Fri- feet the normal and expected ~'ey~ day .afternoon, November 5. . cle." The average drop in hoC pri- ' A full attendance of membera is ces, w)lich usually takes place from ' desired 88 there are aev~ral matter. September to November. have faDed of importance to be dlsculIIICd and to com_e about thia year owing to the voted on. "_ .reduced &Ourc" beCau.. of cholera. The foreign situation .. an- outlet for lard and pork. and a pneral indo..... trial condition in the country .eN alIO ehown to ba~ coulderallit ef. fect ~ determ,nlDir the pricea ~ on the hoe market. of ' tIdI Regular C9mmunicatlon of W~.,­ vailed coanuv~.____~... _..._______ nesville LodP No. 163 F. Ii A. 11., Tuesday evenine, November 9, Election of ofllcen and lIQ11lent of 111,1. . JESSE PlUlNDERG4ST W. II.

Charles Graham, aged 52 years, died at his home southwe8t of Waynesville, Saturday night. The funeral ser vice was held Tuesday afternoon, Rev. ' Lamy. of Leuanon, in charge. Burial in Miami cemetery.



Arter the gnmes Kathleen H endel'MOn and William Thomlls furni shed th e dance music. Refreshmen ts consisting of lettuce sandwiches, salad, candy lind COCOII were served. EverYbody had a fin e Hallowe'en lillie.

--- -=- --=-=- -.= = =:==================== - - - - -_._- -_._-----


l-· ,..

Clarence E. Surface, aged 61, died early Monday morning. November 1. Death, due to an attack of the heart, was sudden. The funeral service will be held at the Chapel Tbursday afternoon at 2 o'clock.



Elected Secretary


Mothers Club Notice


1'• .& IIBNDERSON. ~.






for hnulinlt KfllVC!. S I·Hl. ! '7; Har r,dtl V. MIII'lz, SIlII\(" $301.20; n. I. \V clIl I ner, !'Ilm , $:1 lUI;); " \\' . "( mpkinA s Ulli e, $9.30; ITomtJr George, ·lt rl1i.h-

~1~lh~II~' P~~fo,st $76·.G~)~Il·\w.: O.C ll;Fr: Cnrro n,(urnl ~hing and IOtlding g l'RV_


01, $"02.90: p ncer &" Arihill,lll'('. $ I HI8.2 3: ook IllICI ,' wccn cy, I ~am c i $1/i.50; J . T. Greg~, bridgt' repuir In Clcarcreck Tp. $21. The in ~ t will of the lntc ~1 :lTY J. J . A. Hartrn lln, bridlf(> I'epnir ill Rl'ud :<trl' et wn ~ fl lNI ill problltc . \V a)' n 'I'p.. , 1i.25 ; I"nn olll o. III tho nllltler ,) f !l.'u o",i HnlJwin , G l','r~.· C. HRU r, "e c/jIl,1 ", timnl .. UII ndlllx . uf Ih ' estute of Willill m A. U'13an lon bl'idgo co n truct, $390.,6; Fi ~ I" · r . ." ~ ccns NI, \'~ . Flora 'Fishrr George . 8I1u('r. ~econ ti cstill1l1\. 'on ct Ill.. sniti .l ~ ( nd a nt wllh'cd .. ~~ igll- co ntr act 857. $21.\)0: Donne ll li nd 1Il,' nt of dower in t il(' prclllis~s by Schuy ler, nl'8t eAtilllllte 0 11 ('on tra ct Illet" . 111111 b .. ullds ulld th .. cou r t cle- No. H58 , $423: E. S. n (lnnc ll Iwr W. crvl'c1 th llt the ",tnt., I", so lrl n pri- G. Th ullIpsolI. li "t lind fi lllli c~ limnt e \,fi te slI le for $4275 nnt! th at th e dow- 011 •·.. ntme t 1'1'''. 117 , $:17:l.ri l ; W. H. .,r int (' r e~t be pnid f rum the prncc,'ds Mll dd "11 & ('0., lumber li nd nu il•. J!'~sr n Ed~i lwt .. n \\'H~ nppoin t ed $Iill. I Ii; W. N. Cox , SU PI) li e~ , $:1.40; gunrd illn 'of Jc ~se W. r~ dging lo n el Ells t End Gurage. Mus.oll . truck rea l.. Ill innl'l', IIn d" r $20(10 bon r1.· pll ir. $·1. 50; Fronk BurHk, r(' puir. Ion First IInri fillll ! Hccuu nt " f thc 1" - tuo l ~ lin" illlpl enH' nts, :$ 1G.llO; \' ictnr t.ate uf Phillip . Bllkl'r. tl l·(·N.S'·" . WIIS Villi Itiprr, supplies, $ )0 .06; P. E. liI~d hy a<llllr. OW(,II S. !l ilt!!i n.. Snyd('r" 'H Ill(' " , I :1.02: J . A. lI urt~ am('.


..., this' motor carfinish stands u in hardsenJwe

Rf'\ uli ll J,! t o lh e- 1! ~u'\rdial1~hip ,(If I1I1;n, ~aI1l0. $:~ ~ I; TIll.' ()r'(\J!(llIi a 1I11 ).!' h I' t' tl l',' \' a l. 1t11"VI'~, I.!'lIltl'limn Hlhll-!'t" l ~u , . l't ' IIl\;rs nil hr i d1.~'" ut F O t'\·~ t l' {"H' (\ r'1\('d h ..... t In I'd l! 1·\'"l lIl1 . l l"rH llhl in , ~ l ;' 1 . 1'-~; ~ am (', I·t..' p~lirs 011 thl' fll\:l l ( ttl' lIuL!'h P''' I('''' , tl'il l'lo r , ..~ ~ , ~:,; Th e Ohio \llITUg'!l tu t (", ·un aUlh " l'i~ . ' d W. F I-:lt 1.rllth. ( ·u"l·rt CO" I\\'!J H' \\',· r~ . .~ I . I 'j' . ~(l:

"d ll' L

Going I J


GO· ng


Thla ia t he F!N AL \ VEEK ( or ,' ru r hi ,, " bi ,! " " th e Auction Arride. now on di l P!ny for the big RE D ARROW AtJ CTION . Don 't del,,, ! Cd i your bid Now! The Au c tion Bloc". f o,. th ('" f1r $t R nt .1\ 1 rc- \\ AUct lC'I H w1l1 d Ole Saturday, November 6, at 5 p . m . , in.tead of 12 o'cloc k AI f o r mC'rl~ altn 0 11(,.,.1 nlfit!,. j ,f h"., h bid d er. wilt b e an nounced " t Hyman '., on Sat'tlrdaY t Noy cmLrr 6, O\t S U'cI"CK. 0" .on n .. Pl'"r.1ol ,. Ih ,.. ,.e"f ter, Phon e you r fr ie nd. to lear n how mueb Re d Arrow Mon oy you "lay b,.,rr<'"" ,~I1 '~ h ,' V I: 'h , 111 Jn t," ("1 yo u at the Auction ' 0 yo u may get 'i t f ro m them to pay yo ur bid. Make hIg h l.i,1 ..., <1 bn"o\o R, .I '\n n ..... Mon ey. Brin g the ,t ub. of yO",r bid ·

dialr ticketo wi th you . The Dew Auction A r,icl~1 (or th e AN ..Jn tl l\uctlO Ii wi'~ L~ on cl i~ p lay at the Red Ar'fow pla c e. on the Saturda, of th e lint ftuction. $5. 0 H_d n ·.·,,· I\l .....,,' ",.II be paid [Or the hi llho l t bidmade on each Article before the c.loaD of bu~'nc .)I' , c.::.1 t u rdnv ',1..\ \ .... rn h.· r 20








Will b• •1-.'_ to the or g~n ization th nt bid. hj~h.,.t fo r it. Thil Gold will be lold in the Third Arrow Red Auctioa, wLitb will be h .. ld Th" .. dn y, JanUAry 27. It ", ill be l old jUlt like any oth er article, .. ,,cept that the bid !DU. I be m ad~ b) a rep .e.ent a live of the Ori's nlzation. An, orlaaiaation i. cliRiL'<--Church, Sewing Circle, Aid Society, Red Cro .. , LodS'" School (room or , t1 ... ), Athle tic Team . " t e. Ot her ('n oh Priz... will be off". ed to OrR a ni z8 tiona in fulure Red Arrow AuctioD' act if your organ i-r.. l io n d o f' s no t win th e cn . h given in the Third Auction • • ave yOur fund. for a .-dlaB' Red Arrow Auct ian Au ch " when cuI. will be offered orlraa izatio n• .

How to He]p Y our Organization Raise Its Bid 2a"h pereon who buy. uu. of th .. Auction arlicle, in an, Auc:tiOll will be ,iven a "Red Arrow Receipt V ••da.r tt for the amount paid.

Tlti, vou c h er m Ay b e given to hi. or her f ••onte orrani... tioD.


_her.. ma be ua ed b y or r." ni7.llI ioll< jut t lik" Red ·Arrow Money. and with Red ArrCtw MoMn., for doe pAJmeat f . tbe bid made on the C",h Prize.




Waynesville Overland Sales Company Myer Hyman .Hall Drug Co. Miami Theater L. A. Zimmerman Fred M. Cole Miami Gazette Waynesville, Ohio·; Merchants for Red Arrow Money


',a Elements

M_Hide represenh a fo,·tresfS of protective strength aDd roof endurap'ce. . fio other uphalt roofing offers such attra(;tive~eaa­ each ultra-dependa bTty as M ul~Hide-the "Not a Kick in a MiIli9n feet" Roofin g. . Crown your home Multo· Hide, it "(;halleD8e. the .emeala....

"NOT AK~C*' IN A MILL/~ '------- - ---- - - - . -- ~

.--';="':;= = = == ==





! 1\


thl' ,·,tat., (Of 1·: llzah"th d.·l·l·a,,·,\' I" ,,·11 Ii\'(' , ltarl'~ o f " lIpital ,I .'rk fo r Tltl' Fir<t !'\n tilln a l Bllnk of ~l lIrn 'w. fur ' ti 5U at prl\·ut(· snllo. Th,' hO!IU " f . '\ 1\111.' .JI1I1I1,· \ · Mtll el' n.s Ildmll1l ~ ~rall"" .01 II", ,' " 1111 " lO f 1 h{)llln~ :'I1t1I<'r. decca"NI. wus I'(,ciuel, d 1'1'0111 $10.000 to $.1.000. ( ' lIu rt tlt'en'pl! that f llrn1C'r () .. J er !'!' IH' nh~(' r\'('d lind f"l lo w pt! CtlnC(' rllin glh(' "a le of th .. e ~ tlIt(· of J usl'p h F. FI'('n~ h. rke,·a se d. Fir ~ t nccuunl of lhe esta te of Wil· li um A. Fischr l', "N'Ca "NI. WIl " pre«'lltl'd by IIdIllX. Fl ul'u Jo'i5lwr, u nd nl'"r"\'(' <1 by the cou r L. C"u r L IIJlpruved t h" fir st li nd fi nn l nccullll l u f lh e


In a few lays Ihis machine .conccntrat~·50 n Devoe Motor

FRED M. COLE, Waynesville, Ohio




A man th o u ~ ht he had th e best rot dog ill the county lind told his neighbo r so . Hut while they were ta lking a huge r od!' n t wal ked leisur ely across th e yal'd, th <' do~ wh o was in the r at' s path moved Ilsi, le li nd disinterestedly \\'utched it u n til it d isupFAIR E NOUGH ~e llred hpII(". 1 h the wood pi le. A lou r! I llu ~ h burst from t he nei gh Mother tu cked her Iitt It' ,Iuughter bor 's thront. " So that 's yo' cham p into bed IIIllI IIfl.'r ki ssi nl( her WIIS ratte r ? A fine lllp dog he is!" "Wait," s aid the own er, "that WIIR about to lea\' e th r oom. one of ou r rats- justs watch him "It's IIwfully co ld in h(' re, mum when a strange ra t comes in th e my. " yard." "Yes, denr, hut j tl ~t cudule d own - an ang el will kt!l'I' yu u wa rm." HIS CHANCE After mofher hud returned to th e li vi ng room nnc\ was r eading- Mary Young Preache r (to profite ering cull ed dow n. landlord- HI think it is ve ry unju st "It's still awfully cold, mummy, that you should raise the rent of my Couldn't I exchange my angel for poor parishionel'1l over a hundred per th e hot water bottle, pleage!" cent." • Irate Landlord- "U I want to hear you preach, sir, I'll attend your regTHEN HUBBY FAINTED ular services "here you should do your preaching." Friend wife'tlad just belln presentYoung Preacher-"You may have ed with a new check book a few days that privilege next Sunday. I'm go- before. At breakfast she told John ing to preach ab. the penitentiary." that she wanted a new ~ook_ sbe had lost the fint one, but for him not to worry as she had aigned every When a man is hit by an auto and check nnd they wouldn't be of any not killed. the doctors lIOy · merely usc t o the one who found it. that he is badly run down.

o f J o n n!'i F ,

,' Lump. d cceH scd. prese n te d by IIdm r H<, h,'rl S tum p. First nnd finn l Ilccounl o f the ('s· tn t o f Ruth Trovill o, d ' c\'ased , WIIS prc"l' lltcd by ndlllx. Mnry L. Karl' ond a pp roved b y court. F irst nnd fi na l account of the es · t.nlc o f Ben jalllin W olton, by adm r . Chns. J. Waggone r, was approved. Wal te r S. We rn e r, executor of Lhe estllte o ( Henr y W ern er , deceased, prese nted his fir st und final acc ount hC l'ei n which was a llow ed. Firs t acco unt o f the esta te of Christia n J ack, d eceased, by adlllr. Milton Jack. was ap p r oved in court. F ina l account o f th o guardia ns hi p 01 Opal Eli zabeth Wylie, minor, was filed by g uardi a n Frank S. Wylie. In ventory lind Ilppratsement of the estate of Catherine Gillespie, WIlS filed by admr. E . E . Graham. In t he matte r of the settlement of the estate of Phillip E. Bakel'. admr. Owen S. Higgins' plea for exemption Crom inheritance tax herein was ordered referred to the Tax Commission of Ohio. As the exemptions of the ben eficiaries of th e estate of A lice B. 1\1 ills , will exceed their s uccessions said cstate was grnnted .exe mption from inheritance tax. G. F. Rogers W~t8 appointed administrator of the eSltate of Enos Roger s, deceased, under $1600 bond , Walter Kenrick, Howard Archdeacon and William Brown wer e appointed to appraise said property. The last will of Mary J . Brads treet d cellsed, \vas adm itted t o probate. Ca rl R Bradstr eet \V IIS named admin· istrator her ein und er $6000 bond, William J ohn so n, Charles M. Fitts a n!1 George M. SE,lIers wer e app ointted to appraise sa id propl'rty. In tho set tlement of th e estate of John Ze ll, deceased, co urt d etermined the gross value of t he c~tate a s $7452.92, co mp osed 0 5 f ollow: Perso nalty, $652.02; . r eal estate, $6800 , debts are $ 160.21i. cost of administration will be $175 . Total IImount subj ect to taxation, $6776.57 Inve ntory Il nd a ppraise ment 'of the estate of Thomlls B. Bodley, deceased were fil ed by admxs., Caherin e M. Bodley and Dollie M. J ackson. The lost will of T . E. Keelor, deceased. was admitted to probate.

AN E I "r~intl'd \I ith D e voe ~l,,,('<r riui,h arc pl.l '~ .i " POll lh t' , I.,w l \' tll rning wheel .,1 I he ' \",·:\ 11,,·1' ln adline." Anili .. ; ..! ,un rays beat u pon it. Artihoal ra in storn, . POll I' U p lln it. A rl i tid a 1 fr o st attacks it.

The ~tandnr,1 (lil ell .• flU '1 f l,r C,Htn tv trurk~. $2111.HH. . Th ,' I3 ll ldwill LuI\' Puh Co . Bolllwi n's Cod,' Sl'r vice f or I Ll26 1";1' pros. ntt y .. $:'; , p('nce r & Armilull"e. f urfUJ'II is hing and l oad ill~ g'l'IlVel, $Ci7 .a ; H. M. \\' eidn ar, hllul i n~ grllv(' I, $85 . 7n: J ohn Vun lIorn. co mp <'nMti un an d dall1a~('s , $6 ; Jason Kind er. snm t.', $;~8 ; At'tnn PaJj l' r 0. , ~ antLI, $1:1; V(lna Young, sunw , $ 1 .1. 20,


\\' ,, ~ "b u ry.

C':u F ini~ h all the w e ather ", , ' ,II' it w o uld rec ive in 11""H h ~ n" se~\'l c c o n yo ur ca .. h .. f" rc it i~ Pllt into th e can. 1 DevOl' l\ l"ln l' Car Fin ish is : l' •• ~ y li, apply ~nd Icvd s itself \l'it hOlll b rush ma rks or laps.' It is ~uaran c..'c.1 to ~lvc satisfact ion when applied accord-' ing to di rl'ctions. Practica!. usts ()rove Devoe Quality.,



1211 The SE'Cf('t service man wh o saId thnl women a r en't good detective. cou ld n 't hllve b!'cn married. .



---_0--- ..0----

MONEY LOANED LOANS on ChatlelB,Slocu, Seeun. tit.'S and Second Mortgagea. Nolee bought. John Harbloe Jr., Xenl.. -maO-'2' I Ohio.

Farmers, Attention! Fannen of Warm and ed,Iolnla. countl.. ...., obtain 1D0n., on Ion. tim. 101Jll, at & pel' eent IntafftL Coit or •• eurln~ the lame I. nr7 reaIIOMble ,tbroueb Tile rederal Lad Bank. For further laformatlon call o.n or IIddre.. M, C. DRAKE, Tnu. urer, phone 816-X. Lebanon, Ohl", FOR RENT

Dr.Frank Crane Says lAJf!r,.. . . ID~


MARRIAGI, LICENSES George W. Harris, painter, Franklin , and Goldie nu Apple, Franklin. Walte r S. Herman, farm cl', ButTwo prop l(' we haven't Illu ch use ler ville, and Add ie Whitnere , te lefor nre th" .· xtrl!mc pacifist wh o phollc oper ato r, Plensant Plain . wnnt. tn nh,,\i "h thc arlllV Hnd na\'v an d the bumpl ious ji ll~o -\\'ho think'~ REAL EST A TE TRANSFERS w~ o tl~ht a h\'fi~'s to Ii~ht ut lhe d rop 01 tho ho t. GenrgcB . and Et hcl Collier 10 Curl ' A Virgin ia pri z(1 Plym outh Rock D. /l oos ' , lots 11 2 a nd 11 S in Map le h!'n Inid 32!J eggs ill II yen r. Ev i- Par k Subd ivisio n of Warren county. . D. Kursh lle r to D .. A. Harrison, dently she n . \. 1'1' heard of the live-dn v lo t :ll!! in Frunkli n . week. . h e l B. Brant and George Boker to Qu ('e n ~ Iu ri e . it i~ ~oi u . orde red Home r and Ida I1'i1es, lots 23 and 24 corn on th e cl,b \\'hil~ on ~h c ocean un Se th G. Tuft's t'ecorded plot in lin!'r bnulld for Americil. We wou ld Malne,·ilIe. Also a pllrt of lot 39 in likc lo 8"" ju~ t once how Il q ue~1I ~ n ill c ville . wou ld ha ndl e this famo us dis h. La Ve rne White man to Mary E. lot 775 im I"ra nklin. A Chie""" .,"u ca tor predicts tha t Binegar, Myrtle And erso n Doane, of Butler w ,' Will rd urn t tl th e et hics uf th ' uilty to Edward and J ohn Kibbey, , .': ietOlriall ~·ra. Th is will be all right co o f Mo rrow, lot No.12 lind a part of 'i II,· 1\' 01 1 t rdurn to the Vi cto ria n lot J 1 in Mllineville~ lu :-\ I1i('fI~. 1/ '0. Eva M. Krohn t o C. P. Krohn. two T hey "tarleJ 10 muke thi s a wct tmcts of 5 and 3 acres in Salem Tp. "Ill! 'dry cOlllpll ign in New York and Minnie and Chnrles Hoppe to ClifIH>W they ur c, spc l~ding most of th ~ ir ford and Edwin Wichman, a tract in lime qu arr eling over t he milk sup- the Virginill Military Distsrict, beply. tween the Little Miami and Scioto rivers . . . T rotzk y hus ~ iv " n up a nd prom da Woodruff to Fannie B. Hill. I"!' d hl ~ Red co ml'lld es that he will lotU65 in Maineville. I,e good from now on. And this Stroop to Carl R. Bradstreet, pr omise is doubLless worth just as 51 John acres n ear the Centerville Union , much as the overage communistic road, 66 acres in both Warren and n n e, Montgomery counties, also 25 acres One difference between Europe and on the Centerville-Union rondo America is this: "Over in Europe ' Mary Louise Fritsch to Myrtle I . they say , "God bless the q ueen." In Purcell, 10 acres in Deerfield Tp. Amel'ica WO Bay it, "God bless the Harry a nd Mary Cain to Julius 'l:1I co ns." Mapino, of Cincinnati, 4 acres in Washington Tp . . . . Mabel F. and Mearle M. T erry, The good quee n will never really get to understand American psycho 1- to Alice E. T erry. 14 acres on the ogy unl es8 she buys a couple of lots Harv,eysburg-Oregonia road: also · a in Florida. small tract on the Waynesville-BarThe .financlers talk very learnedly veYllburg road. about the "flight of capital" from Hugh Pence to Forest W. Pence, France and other low currency eoun- an undivided half interest in the foltries We know all about this flight lowing de s~ribed r eal estate; 34 acres of capital busine88 It happft18 to on the Waynesville-Middletown road: us every Saturday night. . . 69 acres in Cle~Lrcreek Tp; ·20 acres Tho New York Tlmee ..... that In Clearcreek Tp" and another small . I tract in Clearcreek Tv. E uropean nations 'are getting tired John and Mattie Flinschum to The of having Americans tell the!R to Da P "put the ir house In order." Then ytqp ower and Light Coompany, why dont' they do ItT a right-of-way through 24 acres III -Fra!1klin Tp, . • Tho celebration of Columbt18 Day - .' . passed' pleallOntly .witho:u t Rupert; COMMISSIONE~S' ALLOWANCES H uges telling UB tha~ Columbus . . waB diSDppointed In love, that he . Penn Morten uJaI?' as courtho~ chewed fine eu't tobacco or that he Janitor; $70: J limes Folle,nol janitor ste with hla knife. ' Booond; jloor C0 1111t !t0use, ,16; The . '. w.f.1!'.tel'ri Star, dleposltory notice. $11; MiJstach,:! for fres~en are. barred lJulToughl Adding Machine Co., reo .at .C olumb.18 uII,ivenlty. this year, palts for allditoJ'; $1: 'Alfred Brant, Wben we wen~ to school. a, fr.e shPlan posta~e, $1: V. W, Tompkins, supt, wh<;l could l'!'lse a mustache~ was a Dist. No.1, payroll. $245; Fred SnyBocml celebrity. aer, IIOme, ' $405,76; Joseph Davia, It begIns to appear Il8 if Brblter "flame; $169: Fl. ·M •. Collins, IIOme. Browning'!! dear .l ittle "Peaches,j i8 $152.16;. E den ; ~el'ry, $866.40: A .. T. not one Of the cl Ing variety. h me, $666.16, R, D. Edwards, same "' . $291.45; P B. Monee Supt. Salem The New Brunswick murde!; case Tp ' payroli $6720' S Graham has become so llompliWJted now . that Wayne Tp,' $160,60; HarlAn Wblta: -we doub~ whether even Sherloek ere, same, 'Harlan Tp" $166.26' So. Holmoa himaelt could unravel It. Lebanon Garage, per O. B.




The three worns in nn y lnnguage hardest for the uvcr ngc person t o .!IllY nrc: 1 " I don't know." , H you doubt this observe the distinguished. foreign visitors who arrive to investigate our fnir lan d. . At Ih'o pier th ey ar e in terviewed. They answe r questions on r eligion, politics, IIrt, morals. mus ic, histo r y, liter at ure, biology, philosopby, clothes and t he youngeI' generati on without batting nn eye. They proclaim with the gravity of a Delphic Oracle undistu r bed in the slightest by th e evident fact that they don 't know what they are t.nlking about. The Inte Joseph Conrlld , the writer of sea s tories, is the one ref.reshing exception in r ecent memory. When plied with qu estions requiring an omnicient mind to answer, he simplY stated: " I am a novelist and of co urse lay no claim to authority on sueh subjects." Consider also the octogenarinDa, scptuagc narillns, a.n d centenarians who fill th e papers with absurd secrets for lon g life. One old woman says smoking a corncob pipe did it; a nother says scrubbing floors was responsible. . - One man suys riding n horse gave him his longevity; nnother never getting m ore th"n u few huurs' s leep. After u whil e th e truth begins t o dow n thut the y know no 11101'" nbotlt it hlln a nyo ne e lse but they can't a dmit it. . The old negro who Ra id· the sec re t 01 h is 10111': life ,\U ~ "Because I 'VIlS hor n so fur back," guve as valu"blcnnd a mu ch llwre hun st allR' er lh;lIl nltlst old people who divulge the secret of tlll·i!· lon l(l'\'ity. " Also conside r t he di stin gui~herl fe llow citizen, [\Ie speciali,1.s \\'h o huve become fumous in a single line. the inventors, Ilutolll ubilc munu (aetur rs, millionaires and novelists who gllve oracular and worthless opinioll~ on education, history and relig ion, whether th ey havc ," 'e r given them an y studv or Dot. . . Why is it that so few people are able t o admit the se lf-evident fact that they don't kn ow. Having time to think over I am abl e to admit. that ~ don'~ know. But, if somc day a reporter pulls flut n penCil and I.ntervlcws me s udderly on the subject undoubte dly II Will be able to gl\'e a nu mber of plausible, fine-sounding answers.

I'M GC 'NG. TO DO MY OlQ, ... n1A~ S \'i oPPl'JG E'A):/L.Y


HE'S HEL'PeO A. L.6r WIT'~


~I~ ~OMME19,

• PUBLISliEllS •

m~T~ S·ER1ncEf JluG.ll'_r..l)\T.orncs ,. I





GI"~ . ~IH '~t"H:!r"""G ~~ CCM.O ~~ -t>C5 ~OO:"-1~K ~eot> ~ Af¥\r1?oP ~oc.,<~-~ W~ A· ~ TIS ~t!t ~R 1







1M1 £.' ¥EAR fI'tIS,( AND Mf;> wA,NT'S' To G NE: YOlJR

,~ t

FOR RENT- Productive , high ly fertile form, g nertl l fa rmiog; np tohac '0; desirable location; uODsual opportun ity. Box 112, Waynesville. n12

i ..

LO. T- Gold Evershllrp pencil. 'Find cr plense return to Oscar Smith, and rece ivo r eward. , anS

: I

j' I



FOR SALE-Two 12-g~ Gotcuna one 16-gauge; 1 drop-leaf ash eItension table; 350 feet of 1~x18I10 clear a 8h lumber, new; spool bed. aU in good condition_ 0, E. Standitori. Waynesville, Ohio_ nl0 FOR SALE-Fox terrier pupa.- w. ter Kenrick, at Ferry, :WajnlnUle Ohio, R. D. 6 ~ " , _ ~ot" " W AN'PED-Several rirla ' jor ".qeD. eral housework in near-lly In · a college town. Housell ' amall" with 11 11 modern conveniences. Ad~ d r r·ss C. W. Putnam, Yello\,\' Springe. hln. n3 -

i ':



'f of'.


H EATIl\'G THE TlO ,E-Prese nts a costly propo"iti' IIl, but you can cut Otlt th 1)0 t cOlIsid"rll bly by consulti l1~ Ull. W have 1\11 kind s of 'material lind applianccs to help you in tht. 1'11 F: BOCK LT-}\I NG CO ., -il5 W. Main. St. , Xenia, Ohio, phon e 360. n3 FOR RENT-Have 4 or 6 rooms for rent. CaU at Lizzie Werntz, · COl'( win, Ohio. 02'1

"'bAT ~~OA~ AM K I~t'I


VU~ fIo\\S~t.X;'


"'Bur M'(' 'aLoe' MAN "'11'I'r W\ll"~ t-IO C.RI~'M"'"'




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.. IS:-llfY" EVERY WEDr./ERDAY... _

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I Ih. r uddHl~tt. at "'n ..y ncu ~;(I .. S'H~' O'lIJ c / o." "'",11 Ilf af ' «t ..

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A disp ut e which h"d it.s heginnilll: In ·thl' J.'irst Co n g re~s i ~ settled bv th e Suprcllw CO U"l'~ d cciHio n ~ivill~ till! President exc lusive ri ~ht to re1110ve executive officers: Th e CaKe cum e befo re the Sup r<' l1I <' Court when an 01'01:011 I'ostrnu!<tel' l'emovccJ by Pres ident Wil ~ n BII" ,1 fur bock PIlY. By its dec ision Ih" S"I "''' ''''' (' ' IP') renc1ers invalid t h.· 1:1\\ III' 1 I It . \ : l1ying tht.' P rp .... id"llt o f rCI It .. \" II


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The new 'cath086·itaYWbe Inveated by Dr. W. D. 9901~~jrt! may be ,of boundleaa benefit to .the 'Worm.' At pretent ( It .remains ~ 8ci,eptlfto .play. tblng, Before its r eal worth can be known It must be adapted to use by society. Bllcte ria die speedily under the effects of the TOy. Experiments with the new tube show it co ntains u many Bela rays ILS wou ld be contained in II ton of radium. Bl'ta roys are the most Impo rtan t emanating from rad ium, and only about 0 pounu of radium is kn o\vn to exist today. , This new cathode ray lub e may lead to a cure for cancer-a c ure t he mediea l world is seeking diligen Ll y. But experiments wit h rabbits So for indicate the cu re would be eve n worse t han the disease. The ray is BO powerful it burned a hole through the ear of a rabbit exposed to It for only flfty seconds.. It may likewise be a cure for bllldn_, for when the ear of a rabbit 'II'U exposed to it for one second the oriCiDal &TIlY hair fell out, to he re· ~laced two ween later by white hair

, I •

\\' I, • • I dn ' ~

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'JII I I"O\\ ,

'J'tH. :"ldaV aft

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)' " u' li IJ l' g iving it away if yo u cl"l y" ur balill t fur so me calldidut e 011 l'I<!ctiun .IllY with out knowing som e· t hiug of his platform or what s ort uf man he is. You 'll be throwing it uway, of course, if you don't vute. And you'r e a poo r citizen if you slay I1way from the vuting buoth without n gen uine r eason. It you g ive or throw you r vote awtl}', yo u're j ust as corl'upt liS LIIUse "pu li ticians" you snee r at. Among the definitions of the term " politician" in Webst er's jictionary ure two th at deserve consider ation. By the firs t definition a "politician' is "one versed or experienced in the sc ience . of government," and by the second, " one primllrily interested in political offices or their profits." Every American should be. a poli. tician of the flrst type. .The require. ments are only a little study aDd thought.. ''Phe repu bile Is IItiU on triaL Government by the people hu been lueceliSful chiefly because a laqe pro. portion of Americana were politiclaDe of, the first type in the days when the hardest battles In tbe war for po· litlcal fre edom were being fought .. Their necks had lately feit the ty· rant's foot and they were ellger for II knowl edge of their government and of the men who were to govern them. Now, only about half 'the eligible voters cast t heir ba llots in general e lections. And many of these go t o the po lls witho ut knowing who they will vote for or why they a re voting for him. . R Ollle fe ll when the Romans I!rew so la zy thoy hnd to be red out of the public grunerieH. A nd Mr. nnd Mrs. Voter might profit by the eXll mple.

J h l JI':-' lby

~1 i , ~ Ermo E\'~ ns l11e t with pai n. ful. I,ut lI ut sl'rio us inj uri es , Sunday . II h" 11 th e mn l' hine she WU H drivi ng ""II ,d"d with ulllllhor mnchine ut Van "I·Il· , ('ll rnC'r , t"" mi les north of here "" I h, . .\ ('lIill I""C. lIn machine wu. I." dly <1'"1111"," '1. T il ,· ~I'i r il .. f 1I11lluwe'l' n seemed I ·, ! I rl" .l ll IH!'o.t \\'('('k. On Thurs<I ,,)' I'I "IIi ll~ Ih " Primary room held " 1'·11'1\. ill th" 51'1,0(.1 house; on Wed. ,,," <1,, ;; 1"'l'n ill)( I h ~ nuy Scouts eel • I" 1,1l,d in til<' An nex; Friday even. '''~ w," Ih~ llil!h schoo l party with SI'" i" f' II ~ h"sls in the hi gh Rchool hll ildin~ and o n SlIlu rday ev(' ning Ih e ''; " worth Ll'lIgue enjoyed th emHI' lve. in t he Annex; on Friday cven. illl: th e upp er g'l'ari es, also, held 11 pa rt y in the sc hool building.

' 1"11 0011

{"' {' Ill n..:.

~I ri . E"II ,·,t (J"I'al d nil " dnu l! h. tcr , H us (·JUuI'Y . uf L pLarhHl! Wl' rl' ~\ cdl1l's day ni ~ht of ~ II' lind fl1rs. IV . A. I hlln,'~ and rumily. Mr. nnrl lIII' R. E. B. Dosh,r and son, Chllrlcs, spe llt from Thursday over th~ week·c nd in Cleveland . with the MIsses Mllrt ha lind Grac e McCune. 1I1r. and Mr". Co leman Jackso n nnd fllmily hLl\'e moved to Lebanon a nd Mr. LInd Mrs. Timn Freela nd and fam ily have mO"cd into the house they vnclI ted.


---_0 _ .0----

Lon Brannon bas II new coupe. Our school he ld a Hallowe'en en. SAYS SAM ter ta inme nt 011 Friday afternoon. This place was well represented at Dessert, say8 the small boy, i9 what the Retallick Sale, near Oregonia, on you eat after you're full. Saturday. Words <from--the ..Lip8 of Gl'IIlat K. E. Tbompaaon and Lon BranDon Men- "Sufl'erage and I18fety, like lib- were in Harve)'tlburg ,Saturday atternoon. erty and union are one and inaei>Cl1lSherm~n Ferria and mother, Mrs, ble."--Jamc8 A. Garfield. Ella Ferris, were shopping in Lebanon one day Jaat week. Several of our farmers and lovers of fine cattle attended the Otterbien Home cattle sale, Wednesday. George Davis and Warren Cleaver spent Saturday evening with Joe Da. vis and fam il y, at Harveysburg. Not mu ch n ews this week every body is attending our ser ies of meet. ing". ",hid, will continue ,,11 wee k. ~11·6. KUll' .Jordan an d daughter, ll ul1 l1oh, Hlld so ns Alf li nd gd, spent SUI.'dIlY til th e home of Cha rl es F ley. Will Grill1e~ tlnd wi f , of Salltu Monlcll .'al .. W. M. lea ver, of De. t !'(Ii t, ~lich . , s pcnt Thursday ,with Gl elll1 Dn\'is unu fllmily. Lon Ernn 11011 lind wife had for t h ·ir Su nday dinnrr ~ u cst.~ , K. E. Th ollIl" "lid wife. Miss l\Iary Kathleen Toom('y , W. D. Warner and so n., MOIII·1. She rm all F erris and- fa mily, C('cil Villars and fnmily attended a Burpris on Mrs. Willinm Villars, Sund ay, at the home of Charles Villars, nf ar Clllrksville.


George W. Davis and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Davis had for their Sunday dinner guests, Wiliam Grimes and wife, Warren Cleaver, Joe Davia and family, E ,C .Maonon and fllmily and James Cleaver

A ,Great Discovery The thing ' that ma()e 'bailoon tires iPt3.4~'l1. 1 '~Q'j ~l.~riomical ~ for eveiy c\8~' t Wj)s '~year~J ;discOveIt -: of

K. E. Thompsosn and A. B, Tal. mllge were summoned to Lebanon on Wednesday, October 27, to serve u petit jurors on- the cue of the State of Ohio in the Charles, Garrison case for the shootine of night watchman Benge of Franklin.



OTHERWISE RIGHT "You're all beaten up apln. Have another row with your wiI"" . "No, not a row-just .the_e old .tory. -She'll rI,ht and I didn't &iree ,With ber' quick eno.ujlb." , • - • "Yow Infel'llal .loud ke-'--k ~ I..b ...,; ,me a~e 'till ~ 0'..-.:; n~ to "That', to,o ba~if y~u had ltalid. with It jPl!t a while lone. )'ou d !r ,Ji.;~~rd lOp1e ~W'el1 .tuft from . -=:;:;:!~~~~~~~==~:' .., ,


Interesting things bave hllppened in 192 6. Commander Byrd in a Fok ker airpla ne, cir cled the North Pole Photog raphs taken in Europe were transmitted on mdio waves to Amer. ica, and published in newspapers a fe w hou rs la telr. Gertrude Ederl e, daughter of a New York bu tcher. swam the English channel one hour faster than any of the five men who had swum it bef'ore her . h anything interesting going to bappen In 19271 For one thinl~, .the Youth's Companion on April 16, will celebrate its Hundredth Birthday. During 1927 the Companion will contain more interestin~ reading than ever before during IU century of successful life Consider what you will get for $2. 00, 52 iasues, containing 9 book length serials, 260 short stories by the most popular authors, more than 100 spec· lal IIrticles, a weekly section for in . genuous boys called tbe "Y. C. Lllb" a thorough iP.rls' department and 62 pages for chlldrlm. Also, In each is· sue, an extensive survey of current events, making it easy for you to follow the affairs of thIS busy world. Don 't miss the greatest year of a great magllzine. Subscribe now, and receive : 1. The Youth's Campllnion - 62 issues in 1927, lind 2. The r emai ning issues of 1926. All for only $2.. ' 3. Or. include, McCaU's Magazine, the monthly authority on fashions. Both publicationls. only $2.60. THE YOUTH 'S COMPANION S N. Dept." Boston, Mus. Subscriptions received at this office.

Eve rybod y wnnts th nt commod ity at all timeR-now and in the f uture. Some people are a lwa ys wanting- mon ey to :wcnd, oth ers are wantin g mon ey t o buy hond <; . others are wa ntin g mo ney for vari ous purposes-but we all want money. The merchants of Waynesville are going to give away hundreds of dollars' worth of merchandise during the coming year, and you will want money to get some of the articl es th e y intend to give away during this time.

RED ARROW MONEY Is the only mon ey th a t will be goo'o t o buy th eRe arti cles to be g iv en 3\\' 11." . The propositi on is this: Ev ery tim e you mak > a purcha~e at a ny of th e Red Arro \\' ~lo reil, you get in r eturn, dollar f or dollar, t his Red Arrow Money. Then if you ~l'C Ilny a rticle pu t up t hat you are d esirous of obtu inin J.{, you ca n get an [li lction card , put the a mount you ar e willing to give for th e articl e a nd pl ace it in th e box. If you a rc hi ghest bidder you will get and pay for the articl e in Red Arrow Mon ey.


Last F ridllY eve ning, Mr and Mrs

The operetta, "Little Betty Lone. some," put on by the Primary and Intermediate grades at the Hall Wedn'ellday evening, W88 excellent... Misl!es Constant and McMillan deaerve '8 gt'tl.a t deal of credit for the splendid tramlng th~y had given the children, and the children aeserve praise for the manner in which they carried out the ideas .The little pumpkin s, wltch~. ~rowllles, farmer lads and l&88ies, plclIIcers lind cornstalks were fine, and the leaf drill WIIS beautiful. Mother 'Autumn delighted the audienc e with her solos liS did "Little Betty Loneso me." All together It was a fin e little play. At its close de licious ellts we re sold" from which a nelll S U III was clear d.



C~8rle s H. G~ay and raniily enter~

tamed to 6'0 clock dinn er, Messrs. J . W. Weeks nnd Red Dorman of Dayton, Itoy Weeks of Lebanon ~nd Mr Beam, of Kenton. ' The Baptist Missionary Cihcle met at the church Wedn esday afternoon, MI~s May Harlan led the devotions. QUIte an amount of business W8ll dis. posed of and Mrs. E. B. Doster eon. ducted an interesting lesson on "Ital. ians" .The mite boxea were opened and the contenta Idded a nIce sum to the treasury. '


P iq u n.

he like ly to Ke ll it ..


What We Will Do For You We are not offerin g articles for a uction, but we are in the Club and we will be genero us as oth el's who are offering auction articles. ~lL. . _ Q For a Paid- Up- To-Date Sub.crlptlon to· The Miami GG:lette, we will glce you

u ell

If you wa nt to tak e advantage of this generous offer, come in right away, 88 the offer may be ~vithdrawn soon. If you want to fo llow Red Arrow a dvertise ments you will be better enabled to do 80 if you a re a r ea der of the Miami Gazette.

Ii ..,

~..,.;t' : .~~ . ~~W'~.- '''''¢AIi1J!!''-''~


You want to k eep in touc h with your neighborhood, therefore the Gazette will be able to keep you inform ed every week in regard to the general news.


"Inside" Information An electric _.IDe iroD should never he greueci.

• • •

The average Ilerson over 12 years of age requires about 2700 calories in each day'll fOlld. A very busy man or boy using a large amount of mus· cular ene rgy may need as much as 4,00 0. Women seem to need from 2700 to 3300 calo ries per day.


• • •

HIl"e liver frequentlY-lIny kind is good , and ad ds to the day's supply of mi n('rllis and vilami ns. • A built·ill iron ing board, hin ged to t he waU a lld di suppenring into a wall c lOSet wh e n not in use, is a great con· -V(!llicncc.


. Waynesville

~ Ph_e 105



• •


• • •

O hio

nnd thAt ~nl l1 enti Re will hCJ

• • •

A casserole dllnner Is one of the most satisfactor:r to serve when one is both cook alii hostess. It can be cooked in the morni~g~ and reheated at dinner time for naif an hour or 80. In tbis way , the .h ousekeeper is free to finisb the other detall8 of her dinner and is Ilpared that flustered and tired feeling that results from having too many last-mInute fooda on the ftre. ~· Chicken, veal, beef, .weet bread_ny cOlm binatlon of meats and vecetBblea 1whlch go well together. may be coolted en caaaerole. . ' .. • • To I'Ct' rid of lr ats or ml~e, ~mix one part of powder< e d barium carbonate With four parta o{...4!fterent selected food, .ach BII lIleat, vetetablea or frulte, r9 Uecl o ate, Dread or com meah-whateVer n.~.ts hav, attacked. , >Dlatrlbule. ~YJt~ .different balts 'In POrtfollll bf .i .b oat a tea~ooil' ful In the .places where the animals run. 'Keer ttw! barium carbonate out


a•• YEARS b..rlCIII~olnl8l· been \a1world, wide remedy for kidney; liver and bladder dborden. ibeumatiamt JwnbIao and uric add conditloD8!




Motor eo.

............... .. A

~ ~ of the doDa ncnradQa . ,

1IuY~LFertilizer .Co. .:;,--..

Walter McClure J. E. M'c Clure WAYNESVILLE, OHIO

DR. E. M. RUDOLPH Th. Eye Speclall ..

At Cary'S Jewelry Shop . Lebanon, Ohio

Fully Equipped for Good Service. Large Di8play Room.

Ambulance Service TELEPHONB 7


Every Tuesday a,oo



to .. p.



L.M.HEND~ON. ~ NOTARY puauo • "IItlo~


wm. Dra_ .... ww;.ii..............

Dr. John ·W. Miller





r t) )"

Try cooking s:pinach 10 to 16 min- h e arln~ on or aCte r tho 10th day of utes in just the water thllt elinga to Dece:,nofiJ.iAt~ 2'/;: D OILMORl~. PlnlnWC. the leaves afte:r the firat rinsing. 02 j ·dl Chop it very fine and Beason with but- Fra'1'u~i-n:-:~~r8°;lnlntltr. ter or crellm,


Wa;aeaville, Ohio


A I"'Pl'T dr ess for m can be used for iltli nl(' J:(armen ts u nder construction, or I1Itering readymade ones ; for adap· tin g c0ll1m ercilO1 patterns, adjusting straps on pettieoats and brassieres, NO'rl C Ill To " otc ill England a womU II lIlu.t tnckin~ wash collllr8 in place. and de· T he noxle 0 1lI11or<~ . r o~ ldln g" a t En l-{ ll sh , admit ~h c is thirty yenrR old . s ign in~ n ew dresses. Those who go Carroll 'Coun t )', K e nt uck ~r . t H hf' r"'J)" no· politic ian s wh o f rllm~" thllt law kn ew away from home should leave their tltl t."' d thnt · N o rman Ed G t ltl1 r e 11 :\8 '''form s'' bohind to facilitate sewing fli ed his p etltl o ll ugnlnst h r lor dl· t heir busint'ss. vorce In Ca80 N o. 13 .4166 ot th e Co mfor them. mon Pl cRH Co urt o f \\rnr r t'n L'ounl)"


1 1

In Red Arrow Money, lor each and erler:! year.

Now Don't Miss This Proposition

_ - ._---




In Red Arrow Money, lor each and eeery year.




For an Entirely New Pald-/n-Adoance Subscription to The Miami Gaadte, we will ,ioe you


We will give you dollar for dollar on theae subserip tion8 in Red Arrow Money,

-"Super,~.:· ~r~l'~litra-'elastic, ext~(l" .durabJi}·cpni..t~bii~. glVt:.~ greater 'rId· " , jiig~ '~omfol't:'·aQ(.l~J~bger li,(e. ~ Only! ': GQodyears "are p1~de with:, • __• • •I!IIIII!I~-.J.";, dIf!.~K,hu~· ~~re~it:~:r::t: ~~ Supertwist. '.': ' \'. ... ' E .. ' . ,*" tbe rate or IDle. e.dlullJl!il:l'. . . We sen Goody~ars. ill ' I



of MrlJ. J esse l;Iu.wkln R. on W ~dne s­ day afternoon. : ' Our band took port In the Hallowe'en celebrlltion at Jamestown, MondllY after noon. . The Aid society met in the nnex on Thursuay. The first section en. tertained with a pleusi ng progrllm, Mr.s. Jalll es Stu mp WIIB called t o Chllmpa igAn. I ll., Friday, by the death of a nephe ...... Euge ne Peyton . )o're~ Rel!Ves is r rin g frorn an opera t io n (or ol>pe ndie itis in the Mc. Clellan hospital, MondllY afte rn oon. Re latives of Mr. and Mrs. 1. N. PeterHon te nder ,cd t hem II 8urpri'e on Sunday, r emin di ng them or th eir 47th wedding anniversary. Mrs. An na Oglesbee entertsined on Rundn y Mi s~ Lottie Sugers Mr. IlflU Mrs. Snyd<'r lin d dllughters, of

.'11 '" 1· 1 \11 '. ('h"rl .. , ~la' l d 0 n, ~II ~~ . 1/(' , !,UI yo u may lhink nut.hing lL L :~tll' a \t: • . J a'.d I:, !" ' rl \ ' 111"11 ' " '1'_ • \.I i l!l ' I , ~ IJ r thr owing" it awuy o n l,' , ti l f!.,th, . HII ,dl .(I(', 111 rally in L:' l~ ­

l ' O " :-'1 I I

tween th p IIII'lI l',..·,i u,,"t and lht, mnj urit y I ',,!,' rs of Cnl1l! rcss OVCI' the I·Ccu l < ~ l n .. li,," nH'''' UrC" ad opt ed as Il ml'lIlI" "I r C"lu ~i II I.: to their prop. er stutu , lh,· ~ I a l ~~ \\,h;"11 withdl'ew from t hl' L' lIiun lit I h,· I illlc of the Civ il Wur." This ,Il' t'ision grclIliv widen s the powers of t.he i'n'" I,j.:n t. Whether it will r ond er more ill. ecurc th e tetl. lire of efficient postmnRtcr_ who hllp, pe n t o be of differen t politiclIl fai th from lh p adm inistration is so mething ti me must show. It wo uld b(' sn d for the country if it sho uld r~"" rt to the days of " turn l"~ lhe rasca ls out." But probnt.. ly no adrnilli ~t rution ..... ould cllrc to go that far. Th e long strug. gle for Civil Service refo rm remains as an , object lel\8oll . . ". ...:...... ,' - ~


1'~ .- id ('lI t

tho mnju rlU \.' I' 1\4,1 11"11 11,,\ o ut, du r o ing n 14llC'Ult ·,j J'ld il l" al d ll} \' rcncc b(".


,. " I' t id:; ('o Tllntunity?

, Il \<l

. 3 __

Th~~WF. ,~UR~!.~~~~~m' I


Mr. nnd . It ". Will \' ril{hh of DIIYtOll, W" I' I.; her' :iunu: y , The Civic Lcafli ll held n deligh tful B nll ~w(!' 1\ HO 'ill nt t he Hall, FridllY ev nlnT:. ElI i~ Shiclllk'r hll rl the mipfortune to brea k his n rm lit p lay, lit 8chool, 'fuesday. ' '1'he funera l of W D. Harill n oc. cu rred TucsdllY n!lernoon nt Spring. Held ch urch . Mrs. A. S. Coll ett and Mrs B'. E. Hatton spent sllverlll days this week in Ci nc innati. . Mrs. George Dennr. went to Find. lay, Thursda y, tq. viSit her stepmoth. er , who is vcry ill. The Hallowe'en danc e at th e Hall Saturday evening Was well attend ed and th oroug hly e njoyed . dS n oIdt.mth ray" in war, . lIf r: all d IIII'M. Will Grime~, of Cal. ,furnlU, are gueSlij in th ' home uf i'O LIT ICIANS AND STATESMEN 1\11'. IIl1d ) I,.~. lo'l'ank ::ihi dakt' t·. , Mi""('" ~ Inbl'i lIl1 U ~I H rg'u l'<'l Stan', . 11 nil ,,'ra when l'IHl l'g ~ u f p,o il ticai of JJUY1' 1J',, · ~p, nl ttw \H1 l'l\-t.' ud wi th • IjJll ill" 1I C llladL' H~ rcg'u In rly H:;\ th ', I nil ilwl'. I\ II"~. ,\ m ;lr ld a St ur f" . ~ II I I't';-l , jUii t huw much wou ld A Ill" "L ~ ,,. \,1' 1'(·ltjt i\' .... fredl} Ihi ..: .,h, · 1', 1' yuur ,u\ u. 1\'l r . und Mrs. \ n. IIII I Y .. ttl (HIt-d t h e rUllI.·nll uf' (; ('0.

' .. uecriptl_on Pri"., $1.50 per Yell\r


._ _ _ 5

gt'l)' three times 88 luxuriantly as tho o ld, Y l'L rew bilid men woulll car" I" KII bJN ' b thultI~e l v.£!8 to ~u h i,rl!utl1ll'l1t' n ntLi 1111ll'V is known of the rc~ u It's. '(' 110 r II I \'ulua l)f the , roy ill not yet kntlw n.. rt re11luinK Cur science, ha villg givon th< . new ~ubc to th e worlrl. to di scover Kome prnctical usc (or it. This, sci ' nce will doubtless do. A lid science llIus l 1I0t be hurried into dra wing' . ffll~1! conclus ions. 'I'he sum e CUI'dul type uf I!xpel'imenting that Il'II tu n discovery of the tube will n, ) d oub t even tually lelld to a discov. -' ry uf its uses. ' j h" tube, at 1~ 1I8t, cunnot be put LI) II , ~ tl' u cliv" uscs, suys its inventor, fu r with t he highest voltage possible L1ll' my'. rllnge wuuld be no more IIl11n n fe w Yllrds, preventing its usc


Deati.t Na~al

Ba" BI•••

F. T. Martin Jesse Stanley ,A uctioneers See U.IEarly for Your Sal. Date.. W. Gu......IM Sati".ctl~n Or Ch..... No~•

Centerville~ . Pboae No. 2


1..:.":.::..:e.:'_.:.;II,j:.:U,;.VK_~_S_B_UR_G,-O_.!.!!.,;..;._ _ _ _ _ _ _-:~~':'"~y-......~~---~


-=-- __ '_2

t J

----- --- .-

~118S I\fay Wrig'ht is at tho F riend8

Getting Out A Paper

nomo for tho winter.

vv ·P rice ~

".1 S

eek on

Mill Run •

rice, $1.50 per cwt.


(Any Amount)


\ . l ,d L I: \ \r. i I 0 Th L' l'tl.-;adwr \\'11 :0: here \\' . N. S{,lll'. IIn,1 family were in N. I' Ji h~Lt nn fu nd i .... "I' MOllroe . '" 1\ 1' 1. t t H;,r .:-~ Itl, lill' v i it' ,. w e shou d fot' dil l lll' r. J)I"))1." • "I'l'nl lh,' \\ ~ C k ' L' ll(i with 0. H. 11· hI..! IfuutW t nl:ii "lltll~ Daytt1l1, >;aturduy. up Il C\\ S, 1'IlPII - "\ ou c.1on ' t su y SO?" ~l esl! y unti fumily . If 11',. ~to "til l u rll stl" Ill' II Iiltl<' . Willie- "Y es he II'U B. and he swore ~Ir ~ . H. E 1Ilit ha wIlY wus ill Lobu · "hl'uld ,tll Y ill the ot1\ cc IIlId UU uU l th e dill ner jUijt like you do. non, MOTld a)' aftc l' lh)On . . M. Whit e, of Lo uis \' ill e, "p ent ,"I" ''lIVS.[",1Wt' I.. ·.. nll'll li t wo .. k. Illy h(' pu t his hllnd OVf'r his eyes." the wce k..,lld with l'vIr und Mrs. i'1. L. SidL's, of nuar Lytle. You ;:,ct 'coar f:ta mps ut Cll ry ' ~ J ew <'lry ::ihop, Lehan on. Ohio. O. R. Ung lcs >y. wh o wns confined to I he hou.e Inst week wit h II ~ pruin · Mrs. Jnllws Me lure i. spendin g n cd buck, is imp roving. few dli Ys wit.h friend s in Cincinnuti. lI enry W oo lard r et urned Tu e~ d ny 111 1'. an d Mrs. \V. E. Str oud we re Ilight f rolll Hnge rsto wn , [nd., when. s hop ping in Dnytun on e dny last h.. "pent t he s ummer. wcek. ~Ir lind MrR. Chal'1 l's Zilllnll'r. , . _ ..Mr nlld Mr" .J ohn Frumm nnd mHn a n d c hilth'l.' n SPlt lit ~I1I1 Hla y w ith


Now is the Time to Buy Your Winter Potatoes





r c lat i\"(~~

Payt o n , n' l uti\'l' ~ at



it pl'~

The amount of this feed, at the ~bove price, First Come-Fi rst Served

\' i~ itl \ \l

~Ir. li nd ~I r ~ H. ~t. (',' nc c. ,~\l'h' II :-; . Oh iO t Wl ' I't.., "' !\), Il l·:-;\' dlc \' i~ ·

Increase the Feeding Value of your Oats by Bran or Mill Run limited.

.\11' . .J. 11. II nmm afll'r



.J :ll1 lt's lo \\' I L

i ",·I\l rll,·1l ~1 "nt\Il Y. '

t l' l1 . di\~~ vi :.:i l wllh hl ~ !" 'I1 . F. ·

II. lI amlll.

11, L ull l1 11iJU " .

l\I ondny .


\\ratl'lH':" . c \llc k!'l

j£'w ll ir y

p:; il'l'C1 III l ary 's JC Il"L'lry Shup, Ll·b· Cill cinnati visi tors, ·unday. a nu n. Ohi o. Mr. li nd l\'lr ~. Reuben Robe'!'!, . l,f After n d lig-htful trip East, Rev . . "lith Charl(·s to n. spent , Mo ll day wi th IIlId Mrs J . J . Scha(,{h'l' huve retllrn. ,\ Irs. Ella Mi chen c r and fam ily. l'ti to their home in Day tun. Mr. and Mrs. J . C Hnwke and lI!rs. St Mary's Guild will meet Willi Ralp h Vance lind SO n spent S undllY Mrs.' Kate COlell"llI on Thursday, with Mr. llnd Mrs. Ray Hawke, in Uliyt on . No\'em ber 4lh at 2 o'c1uck. The supreme I(ift for hristlllllsA di ll mond--5clect yours at Cary's J ",\'(·l!'y Shop , Leba non, Ohio .


2000 Bushels of Rome Beauty If you want Apples that are good to cook, eat, and that will keep until a'll are used. come to


UMiles East of Harveysburg

Our Apples were well sprayed, are cleaned and well graded to fou r sizes. You get full weight.

Prices Very Reasonable





Harveysburg I


__________I. I _______~, ~


Ask Merchan~s for

Red Arrow Money

We are agents for t h e celebrated

It is a privilege to show our beau· tiful holiday goods, and you will oblige us by considering t his a per· so na l invitntion t call and inSI)cct ou r extt) nsive n ew line of Chris tmlls novelties . Cnry's J ewelry Shop, Leb· anon, Ohio. Do you l ike to wash in cold wot· er Why. no. Would yo u ruther pay the doclor or pay the laundry. man a few cents a week for your wash? We will Inunder your clothes for as low as 6 cents per pound. Leave your call with Mahion Ridge to have t he drive r explain in de tail. Soft Wat er Laundry.

roIl.OW We give you Red Arrow Money on all sales··· Dollar for Dollar


Jewe l bra nd. eood q ua lil y. Ib .. 39c



Waynesville Overland Sales CO. H. Archdeacon K. of P. Bldg., Waynesville, Ohio






W ....... It: ....... ho_pouDd~ . .............teed 1m.....

Wayi.esViDe 'Farmers'

W ayneavill&, Ohio



our new quarters.


TIle oaIj tIMot for UIbIe cl#lDc .....,. . .t. r.....It.It T_It. ..-y ....- _ rorUIIit.t that _ IIMDmInd daprouo ~&r..oI~acId . or . . .

.General Insu.r ance j

No.5 pail ...................r - . ... .. .... . . 85c

~i!~. ~~~~:..~.~.~ . . . .. . . 9c I 2~~r?

22c ..13c

r~c~u~~a~!~~~. 9c r.~~~~••ck .. .. .. ........ ....... ............. 27c



ExchaDge Company •




.lae. Ib ...... Peac ..... Ib .. .. .. .. .... 18c

~ ... po,.ted


~~~!!'~..u.~..lb22c '. ~~~~.J.~~~~. . 24c 2~~!eI~;~~~. : . . . . 29c !!!!'!~~ 1Oc

p.i1 ......., bille 1....1. IO-Ib. p.iL ....4c red 1....1. p.U .......... 3h

pack.r., .acb ............

.. .. 32e

!ti!!~ep~k~! . ~i~~~.~~. i Dc

b.ael •••cb' Leaf. Ib ......................... . 14c

'c'" 15CI Onions,lb..... . . . .. .1. . O ..

NOD.·Sucb. p.ckare ........... .. ... 15e

SoapPowder Kroger's L.rlle pacl<a ge, each.......

LarCe 2

Sp.niah Lure .ize, 3 for ........... ..

Sma ll --

Sa IS0 d a

dry .


5c-- :' Citron

4 . 0>:. p l're. Dro med.ry .....

. Ib. pach" lre .........



O." nre- or lemon peel, 4 ol:..... 13c

.- ..

e loh's Garage ,""""'"

Sunoco Gas Sunoco Oil M iller Tires Prest-O-Lite Batteries 'Alcohol ·and Glycerine Base.






.., I ~




\. ..a

hli: .:Ic r oi the Air

Come in and sec our Compl.ete Line of Sparton Radios, or call phone 47 for a demonstration appointment.

.- .....- - -

We also have a Wrecking c:ar~ equipped with a Three· Ton Holst.

At All Times

At Your Service

The National Republic, of WlljIh· ington D. C.. announqes a student essay conte.t on the subject "The American Con.titutlon." open to a\l students in high school and graded schools with grand prize. aggregat-




• NeE ' :


. . I HA VE ' IT

.rJ '.


RAYMON F. . HI4.TF ·. .I"~ , "':

hundred be award ed Five to the 'blrb dollal'll .ehool will .tudent lub· tnlttlni' the beat e ...y. Five hun. dred doJlara will be a'Ward~ to the W.yn.,v., III ObiO' . stUdent In the vra. ap to and In. ! . c1udln. the el.hth grade. age taken Let .... mow .bout ,~j. nMda. ; I un . . . ,... .t ~Ilt into ·con.l~ratll)n. will .IJe time, el(clipt durlnr achool .houn. _. '1 awarded to the teacherl whOle Ita· . ," ~ de~ta are winnei'll. ~aved med~ ~=================::;;;'=;;;i;;;;~";;;i;;iiIi;====~ ala and large American 8agl wllf be ! • awarded the winnen In each state. To enter ill only t f,!=====~~=~=======~=~~=~!!!!!!~=~~!)\ eBlIBry for the the contellt studentIt· to lend nechili, name. home addreal. Ige and name and-claaa of school he attends! when partleulara will be farnillhed by the National Re.public. ~2~ Tenth St., . Cleanse your syst~'m, purify your blood and 'prevent N. W., ':Washlnrton, D, \I. . colds, influenza al!-d other winter ailmenb. ..-.




_ The Great Blood Purifier aild System CleanNr . .sickness. G-t It today at '_


preaslng moth·

Wayne.ville Ohio ...- - - - -_ _ _ _ _ _..... eel Fann~nNoPL· PbmUn' uuwh-

Pr..enb _


John Hawke;s Stor;; Wayneaville, Ohio Madden'. Drug Store, Ha~eyabur•• Ohio


er·!:th~:~,~ are



WITTY .1!'he elty ia8s leaned upon ... " ..."· ...." 1 and watched the farmer as

~v:;~h:~~';d. roller


."~"""""""','\.,"""""""...,."""""""~""",,, .... t

The Pa rent-Teacher club of th e Grad e school served supper elect ion night in the vacant room by the Ba· kery. T he Commu ni ty club hela a mns: qu crad c in th e T own Hall Saturdny eveni ng. Hobgoblins, witches and other IlCc ulinr people were present. Mrs. Ru ssell Hintt entertai ned Snturd uy afte r noo n in honor of .Emily's fo urth birthday. The affair WlIS in tho nature of a Hallowe'en party. Sixteen little boys and girls enjoy ed th e afternoon. . Rev. Harry L, Leasure, the blind preacher of Sabina. who is preaching at t ho -Friends church this week, is having a very good attendance.. Con. siderab le resu lts are expected to come from the meeting. You are invited to come Dnd help.



Nut, pouad ...... eburneolel, po,uad ......... .......... .32c

Small c.n., 4 (or .... .... ........ :..... 16c



Insurance Agency

v. on lst, to the ; Y" h e A. & P. Tea Co. Come

No . 10 pai l ................ ............ $1.7 0



F. D. Dakin

Lard Pure Kettle Rendpred, 33c 2 pounds for . . . .............. .

ing one thoulIBnd dollan, Any etudent I, eligible enter, and no 8ubscrlptlon to the magulne or other conlideratlon la'ileceie...,.


Go lden Santo., Ib ...... .. ...... .... .. 35c

1· lb 101lf . each ... .............. .. ... 6c Rye. I ~. Ib . loaf , ....cb .... ... .... .1Oc Wh ole Wh eal. 1. lb. loa f.... . ........ ..... .... ...... .... ......... ......... ... ......... .... 8<:


tfl,h ntJ -th your

.. .. ........ ...... .. .... 2Sc

Bread Count~y Club, l~-Ib. double 10e or spilt-top loaf, each .. . . .. .




Coffee French Brand, best quality, 47c per pound . . .. . . .. . . .. .. ... .


United States Tires


-- - -


James Zell, of Yellow Springs. Mr and lIirs. Horael! Zell and Mrs. Adams, of Xcnin,. Mr. and Mrs. Darst, of near Dayton. and Miss Hat· tic Irvin. of tl ear Bellbrook, were Sunday guests .) f Mrs. Laura Zell.


Fancy Bc·x Jon at han Apple • • 4 pound.

b ~ lIut i ful


~ ...ft*:

Apples -Ro~e B~a u ty~ g~~ir~;ti;" g 32e or cooking, 10 lbs. for . . . . .

Waynesville Mill---Coal & Ice Co. Apple~ of Quality

,~ .>

"r-)~ ", ; '.'


;\tt.~ :o: :-;r :o\. Ct.'0 rg'(" H"-' r Hh ' r~o n , 1\ (ln r (' - tll ,t h I, illw il Hn d l\luYllH l'd \\' (' Itz w C' n ,'

Th e fin est sight in t own is our st oc k of gi ft s. . c o n t.uinin~ .. ! that iR bt'ighl, fres h. n ~ w llnd nove l in holida), gouds. Cary's J ~w. Mrs. ll. V. Walter a nd Mr. Dan elry Shvp- " The lI ome of Gifts." Walte r , of Leban on . visited Waynes. Ll· btlll on. Ohio. ville relatives las t Thursday nfter· Mr. and Mrs. Roy McB('th and so n n Oon. Wendell, of Bloomingsb urg. Ohio. 1I1iss Annie U. Brown. of Colum· werc week·end g uests of Mr. and bus. spent thc' week ·end with he~ sis· Mrs. Earl Evans. ter. Miss Marne Browl! . III the Frie nds lIIr. Estel and son, Mr . Harry Es· Home. tel, who have bee n nt t he Frienrls sever a l weeks, have r eturn ·d Home 1'he wOlllen of St. Mary'S Episcopal chu rch will have t he ir annual ma rket to thei r home in Dayton. and ap r on sa l,~ On Saturday, .Decem· If it's You rex Silverseal - more ber 11 th o cannot be said. Start yo ur set at s ilMr. and lIl rs. Lest er Gordo n and verware. Five beautifu l patterns Now Ih e wire ma nufacturers of Cary's J ewerly Shop, Lebanon, Ohio. Europe lire formir. g " bi!; combina· lII rs. SU.i nn Wilkerson spent Sun day Also agent in Warren county for tion. The wire pu llers luwe already with Mr. und Mrs. St. Clair Fife. at Rogers "Hei rl oom Plate." been together several times at Gen· Wilmington. eva. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Janney and W. Mrs. Dora Childers haa Irone to It is understood F r a nce will attach 80me reservations to its debt E O'Neall left Sun day morninr for Dayton to ' make. her home ~ith will Ju~ge W, B, Sullivan. The MllI8el settiement and the r eservations are D·eland, Fl a., where the Janne"" ,Orlne ana MI~dred Henry have gone pro bably all we will ever get out spend the winter. to Saylersville', Ky., to make their of it. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Moomaw and .home with their father, Mr. Ed Hen· The Queen of Roumanis, buying family a nd Supt. Moss barger and ry. gowns in Paris for he r AmeriCAn fami\;[. spent S unday with Mr. and trip, is describpd as "slender, b obbed Mrs. ,F. R. Moo maw. Rev. and Mrs. . L. A. Washburn. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Archdeacon haired and chiC. " That's the way most of the queens in America look. Don't forget: Dr. Rudolph is here were in Laurel, Clermo nt county, on too. every Saturday night until 7 pm., Tuesday a nd Wednesday. attending the semi-an n ual conference of the It used to be that a senator' s troub· and Tuesday ilntil 8 p. m. .Cary's M. E. churches of the Hillsboro dis· lei were over when he was elected. Jewelry Shop, Lebanon. Ohio. trict. . I . But nowadays he has to put on an· The entire corps of Wayne Town· other campaign to get seat ed. . Do you like to wnsh In cold water? ship teachers attended the meeting of Over along the Jersey coast a lot the Southweste rn Ohio Teacher,,' as · Why. no. W ould you rat her pay the doctor or pay the la undry man n few of llcople arc now busy digging for sociatiun at Cincinnati, last Friday. cents a week f or your wnsh '! W e anci ent pirate treasure. and this is just as profitable a nd not nearly so Smar t.est of time keepers nrc th e will lauIHlcr yo ur c lothtls for 8S 10Jv expensive as trying to get rich by latest Gruen wutch crcati ons. Se t' us :; ca tlts pe l' puund. Lenve your bu y ing blue sky secu riti es. the m at Ca ry' J ewelry S hop, Leba· talJ with ~ I a hl (> 11 Hi d ~e to have t ht) dri ve r expla in in deta il. So ft Water W hen th e boyish bob goes out of non: Oh io, I\g nt in Warren co unty . LlIu ndry. style we wonder if the girls will next --Watc h for f he Laundry Tr uck ev· ad opt th e convict cli p. cry Tu esday and FridllY. Dry clean· That distin\!uished f or eigncr who in'g, press ing an d d ye ing. Rugs dustsaid a few wee ks ago t ha t New York' ed and r enovated. ' Mahlon Ridge, wns the saddest town he ever saw, agent. sho uld hnve wait ed until the world ~e r ics was over. Misses Klithlee n H e nd erson. Edith Mrs. Carl Sims and li ttle son left The gO\'ernme nt of Panama has im McKibbon and Helen Graham spent Sunday f or the ir home in Kenton. . ported fi OO rifles f or official usc: Friday and Saturday in Cincinnati, Miss Hele n Kyne e ntertained at a Oug ht not the disarmament confer- a nd attended the Southwestern Ohio Hallowe'en party Saturday evening. enco do something ab out this? Teachers' association. Mr. C. E. Nelson is moving his gro_ If you want good glasses that fit cer y to Bellbrook. which will leave . your eyes, let Dr. Rudolph, the eye· only one grocery here. sight specialist. mnke them for you. Johnson and daughter Mrs. Alice Consult him 'l'ucsday or Saturday at visited Mr. and Mrs. J . M. Johnson, Cary's Jewelry Shop. Lebanon. Ohio. of Yellow Springs, Sunday afternoon.




~undH Y·

Regular Price, $1.70 per cwt.

Gt!U ill t.;' lIu t U lfaP ,. i:-- no 1lkrll • l l' \\t ll tl'l j\lhl' • I " I ..,,,y \\1' ti l'

"lJ), . • ~I~' c r If~'h l :lll nnd fam il y "J)('tlt ·un· If \.\-~. d'JJ ' t. t il.'), :1:1\' \\'~ Ill" I I t Jl t'r. <illY IIflel'1!OOIl IV ith rc·lu!ivcs i ll ~(m ill ' )o- \ · I' I OU ~. ,'\I<U-·><I 'Ie dill. - 1\I"I'iun I':xca· • rt' \\ l I I Il ll'/1 '11 'I ll al IIUI U,"', lh,'~ ":,ttl l', ;\( r~ F1<l ~~ I~ '1IIl' \' a",l fili ~'~ Lu c} ::-u y ." " h1\ \ ' ,lrlt t". • A I Jay wa~ in t" IIl Clll ll atl" on J.:llllcy' W" I" " )lH.'lO Il · sho })PC I·~. Thurs. II I:t· to": :." " 1. ..•1, , ,\ ,,11 , Ih ey sur SOUNDED LIKE SWEAR ING ~J "I1 ·dllY:. <i ny. "'t· !'oh u\.! ;'j .. " i:.., n. tt, .• lIl " UI' 11\,,1 ----

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Yuu Itul Ct'llar . tamps lit J "wolry • hop. Ll'bnn'nn, hio.

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~,.venty - Bigblh




Whole Number 6726

10, 1926

r. • 1 ownship Smith-Hu~hes Boys Make Very Good Showing State Fair

First Red Arrow. Auction Proved To be Successful in Everv Respect M"a~,..

Valuable Piece. of ' Merehan-


dl •• Were Sold, and tbe Bidder.

W.,e W.II Sati.6ed

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Th l' lI igh School 1>0" fi\"(, sover,, 1 !.:1, k(·lb ,,11 I' me kt·~. 1I 0rl .. " ... " .. .. I , I I! " t lit ,' \ .•." an' d,, ·

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Mr. and Mrs . T. B. Lawso n enteI' tain ed S unday !lit dinner. Mrs Law~() n IInri ~u n. I.l·on . Mr. und Mrs. E.



L. [ "':1\\:0\ 1111 nod Mi ~!i Lillian Lawson, Th e Brotherhood and Lndies' Aid h' d 1\11 1 fl. h r ., nn d 'I r. nncl Mr. .:\It!'l.(If( ,( ' "Yill~"'1 th e M. E. churc h prese nte e! "the of lli It! Ti:111I .• lind l' hi Jdrcn.

Allh" "t.:h ~ .. v.'a l 11. 11

with n Io"" m. 1I ~ .1

Ban g I! I

Doo m! I

Miss Martha O'Nea ll was a supper guest ot ~he home of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Rob itzer. Friday evening.


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111r. P.ll :, !t· , 'i; IS Bl G PON'T l' t , O:l LAn OR B IG GEST JA Il. IN WORLD

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tUl"ll eri lJ ut for buske thn ll practi ce : Paul T (\ll1lin~" n .. SClli or " Howard Mi ssildine . "n ior Sc ni or · V,·r non Mninous .. Senior Th(·rle J unl's Clyu e Everha rt .... Senior 'Luther II nrtsoc k Senior 'Wade Turner Junior Herbert McMillan ..... . J unio r William Long . . ... ... .. .... ... .Junior Roy Ellis . . .. /... .. . . ...... Junior Morris Sherwood ... .. Sopho more Jesse Mend enhall ... ..... Sophomore Guy Hockett ... ...... . Sophomore George Henkle .. ... Sophomore Boyd Hendenon ..... .. Sophomore Frank Git11ens .Sophomor e Gilbert Frye .. . ... ... . Sophomore Harold Berryhill .... .... .... .. Sophomore Everett Sean ............ ........ Freshman Carl Hay .......... ... .......~.. .... .Freahman Everett Githens .......... ..... .Freshman Kenneth Fromm ............... .Freshman ·These boys played on the first tsam leut year. Several of the other boys _played on the aecond team or the Grade boya' team known aa the "Runta"


IState . CapitalI

Village Pbstofficc "nd Du. Station ." Ilnd li t the Gym' lust Friday ni ght to tI

\\t'rl· in llttend· lurgc and an a pprec ia tiv e ll udi t'nee.

II \\ h~ n th e an 1'1' ,I,. \': ,l1ll ng marriugc I

,1111 \ 1 11'1"\ , \If Enton. wu s • .. .d:.,Ul fif t y g- uests. I I ' .I" li as fv"ll1l'1" ly u C Miami,


Th e n

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1. 1',01 ,·



Til" fnllnwi ng list I!"in" th" l"'m l' ~

l .111

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alld ~I rs . C. M. Robitzer ente rI ' i 'I( 01 at "i ll l1<'r S unduy . 1I1r. nn d ~1 1 > V... ·.I Schwartz. Mr .and Mrs. V,'alll- ilYSIlI·t. Mr. a nd Mrs. Merle K ' I'll. Mr : and Mrs. D>!n Sarver. Miss Eclith K ' rJI a nd Le Roy Schwortz. all of '" Iumuu s ; Mr. and Mrs. J . D. Mnr lull, l\Iiss Murtha O'Neoll, and Mu 5 1'S . Lou Printz ond Charl es Buell.


The play is ty picul of Ii cuuntry posto ffic (' . with a po stm us ter lind hi" ludy uss ista nt. who r ead all th e pos· tal cards und kn ow a ll about t heir pa tro ns. The bu ~ station. ,cunnected with th e post oflic e, h us its regular qu ota of hangers·on , who supp ly ple nty of fun for the lludience. Sev· ernl loca l j okes were !1erpetrutcd. es pecililly on t he locnl postmaster lind his assistunts. and the news puper. which wer' en joyed liS much by th e victims as by the others. It is not necessary to stress the wurk of >!ny one performer. for the parts were we II cast, and very well Jlortrayed. . The school childre n. [I S usua l, were very mu ch in evidence. Solos, du cts, choruses ond two sele('tions by II male sextet were pleasing additions to the progralll. A substantial SUIll was rea li zed, Dnd will be used to delroy t he expense of u ne w roof for the parsonage. _ _ __ _ ...._ _ __


The Boy. Cet a Co'o d Slice of the Money Paid by the Ohio State for Judge. in Work .

!'om the


te st.~




I Prepared by f Columbus Reporter ..........................


"' - -=============== COL ;\lBUS. 0 1110 - Re-elec tion of Gove rn or Vi c Donahey fo r a th ird lerm melln" thllt th e re will be onother " imple inauguration dny next J on · uary. 'fh" governor has never been fav oraul e t o th.· cXIJlinditurc of Slate m ll~l e y for shuw purposes. un!!. his in· Ilug- urati';;" f or - a third term will be a " s imJlle and un pretentious as was his second inau g urati on two y~ ars ago Re ·e lection of a Re~ub!lcan house lind st'n nte do es not IIIdlcutc that the sam e st.nnd will be taken in th e fulur e as in the past ove! the nomination for office lh ut Will be made by the govern or It h a~ been r eali zed f or so me time that one of th e biggest mil<takes of the last two ge ner al assem blies was the refu sal to confirm nominations of the Democratic governor. There is a general feeling that this mistake resulted a8 much as ony oth er one thing in the election fo r a third term of Vic Donahey. After a bri~f rest the governor will begin looking ?ver the various candidates fo r aWOIetment, and when the General Al"sembly re t urns s ixty days hence he will be ready I .. s ubmit appointments for the Senate to confirm or reject.

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wou ld all ow for t1H' o f fu ur boys fr<' lll lJa nd r y cluss wh o

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~'(Incrn l l ive ~tock. 11 II oW for th e pir kill )!


who were especia lly ing dairy cattl e ull d thOBO wh o hav(: - ho' ity as corn anti I! "nj" ever, we werc ~ Ptl h · five bO)'8 in all wh" I


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cuuld be spa re d l' r ll']I • I L" \ ' ~q' k nt uu cli on. lJ it! "{' r~ mu st ue prese nt III lhe n uct io ll. tl1" th ,. goods home at that tlm ~. Th ., n"n'"i' ', led the workin g or a ,1 th,,' bl1 )'s th ey bid on wi ll ue ••, leI lut e r .. u pon eve r y teum \\ ilh hut "ne hoy M n nnd wuman. yo un g lind old. lit t o rest during cuch Clm llot. tic nnd bi g. fat lind th in . were presMr and Mrs. C. W . Younce enterThere were onu hun lin·d ulld SI!Ven t . and th e a uctio n wns fun for tained with a family dinn er, Sunduy, cn ty·two departmpnls l"l'iJ I' ·sentcd. overybody. Fri ends were borrowNove mber 7th. covers being Illid for Prizes wer e award,tI to the firs t ing money from th ir fri ends and fifteen . The guests inclu ded Mr. thirty in all cases except lho genull ho d a goood time. and Mrs. Waltl! r Cla rk and family. eral live stock. where pri zes wero The goods g- iven away varied from Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Clor k. Mr. and awarded to the first f\fty. When ladies' compncts up to aut omob ile Mrs. Claude Riggs. Mrs. Mury Carwe stop to consider that th ere were l ires.. Sev" rll l fln e a rticles g iven mony, Mildred smd Everett Clurk and more than 1800 hoys in these condit! not eVe n hllve a bid on them. Mr. Paul F lory. of Eaton. tests. we hllve just reason to be II II .! they " '(' re sold at open auction. proud. Three out of the five of our sonte of th cln bringing high prices. boys are listed among the top thirty Mr. and Mrs Howard Archdeacon SnulU children were prcsent with who win prizes. And one of our boya entertained at' dinner lit t heir hoswad s of money as big as dad ever Is lis ted as a winner in four dlfterent pit.nble home on Main street for the d nl'cd ' to cn rry. They were all InLatest. most important news Is that A most delightful meeting of the pleas ure of the following guests : classes. tp rt'sted and bid on the di/ferent ar- Marco ni. speaking cautiously aa uaThe r esults of these contests are Mr. and Mrs. Henry Carpenter, of Woman's Fore ign Missio nary society t id es put up at open auction. ual. suggests t he possibilities of powliS follows : Dayton; Mr. and Mrs. Horner Car- of the M. E. ch urch was held at the I-'ollowing are the articlell. the er tranmi88ion without wires as a Charles Day won third place over penter and daughter, and Mrs. Fet· homc of Mrs. C. W. Younce on Thurs amount paid. either on blda or at op- aclentific possibility. ' not a mere all other boys In judging Jersey heifzer and son .Carl .of Miam isburg; tlay afternoon. the 4th, with some en Iluctio n. hope There could be no greater forty-five mem bers and g uests presers. He also Ie a winner In judging Mrs Bertha C. Archdeacon and son , Wm. Cilspenon .... ....... ....... bld. ,36.80 practical Kientlflc achievement. Jerse y cows as well a8 Guern.ey ent. Bruce. of ,Slig(). 5 pounds co/f~ After the usual business of the It is r easonllbly certain. that when cows. Then when Charles went inRobt. Strou.e ........ .. aue. ,7.00 Reports from our bllt bu.lne•• On Monday. Nevember 8. - Mr. after noon. a most intercsting pro- the General Assembly convenes Jan- to the corn judl{ing contest he walkFor th e ple,asure of h er hou se 6 pounda c.raell,,, prove that It really is bls. No WaD· Crabbe rave th e r eport to the High gram was cllrri ed out. the society beed away with eighth plllce. in judgFred ' Everhart .... ........ ... ... bld. ,S6.00 der Europe envies us. While doubt- School of what his team did at the guests. Mrs. C 1If. Robitzer invit e ~ in ing very fortunate in ha ving with uary one of the first b!lIs to. be Int!0- ing white com. His score was 98,6 dueed will be that whIch Will abohsh few frienda on Saturday eve l1tng. a Box cirarll. In, Thoma&e8 uk, .... What do Jeu judlrinlt contest a t the OhIo State t hem at the meeting , Rev. a nd Mrs. per cent. while just II few points beThomas Laey ........ .. ... ... .. ....bld. $23.75 thmk of the bualne88 outlooU" re- Fair. Charles Doy succeeded In get Three tables were made up for "500" Zierer. of Ce nter ville. who have capItal punishment and do awny with low him stood Herbert McMillan with Sack flour. : ports of grellt comPllnlee anllwer the tine In8ide t he money four times, Following the games a pleasant social spe nt some time in th e Philipine Is- the electric chair. Every year. for a a score of 88.5 per cent on white decade. such a bill hilS been introSaml Butterworth .. .... .. .... .. bld .. 46,50 que8tion. . and Herbert McMillan and Frank time was spellt over a de li cious lands us miss ionuries. duced. but it a lwu)'s find s an easy corn. Frank Githens WWl a top winBalloon tire. In the first nine months of tbls Jear Glthena each s ucceeded in getting lunch. Those present were Mrs. F. The program was as foll ows death in the committee r ooms. This ner in judgi ng beef cattle. with a R. Moomaw. IIl1"s. A. T. Wri ght. Mrs. E L Harlan ...... .......... ... bid. U60.00 General Motors earned more than some of the prize money. ... .. Rev. Zeirer year there has been more discussion score of 80.7 ,Per cent. All of these F. B. Henderson Mrs. J . W. Ed- Devotionals Sheep lined coat. $149,000.000. and the big United boys will receiVe ellllh pri:r:ell. wards, Mrs Ronald Hawke. !'Ilrs. L. Sacred Solo . Mrs H. B. Earnhart both fo r and against capita l punishJesse Miche1... .... .~ .......... bld. $116.00 States teel Company more than ment than there has been for so me Mr. Moomaw al80 reported that A. Zimmerman. Mre. Fred Cole. Mrs Moslem Wo men of india.. .. .... ... . Suit case. $ 145.000.000. . Rev. Washburn tim e. Much of t his hilS been caused ... . . . J esse Thomas .............. ... .bid .. $ 11.00 It is inte restsing to see one of the the High School and Grades had won S. D. Henkle. Miss Martha O'Neall by the electrocution of three men for . Do ~n g loves. autom obile ur!!"anizatio ns making big- the radio oftered by Mr. Cole. As Mrs J. D. Mar latt and Mrs. D. L. Reading- "Hanifo" . .... Mrs. Howard Archdeacon one murder. This occurred in Septem. .. .......... 0 a. $5.00 ger prnr,ta th a n U nited States Steel. yet tbere Is nearly sixty dollars' Crone . R .A .Conner ber when State fuir crowds fill ed the Address on Missionary Work . .. Puil CII p grellso bi~g('" L i 1ttlu ~ tJ' iI\J organi zatio n in the worth of equipment that will have Clarence Elias 13urface .•eeond aOIl to be added to -mnke a complete ra. ... . Mrs. Zei rer city, a.nd natura lly attracted more .... 0 a, $8.75 world . Charles fluy, Mrs. Edith Hllrris and Mr~ . Lau ra of Daniel and Marla Surface, WBI thun usuul atte ntion. The thre e men dio set. Solo Mrs. H. B. Earnhart Man's be t. '1 n l1 in mn nths Uni ted Stutes Steel Mosher entertllined a numb er of rece ived onl y ub out $:10 each for the born near Harveysburg. September bid, $ 100.00 earned IlICl re tha n $1 .~ 1\ shure on five Wolter Cnrey ... ." frie nds ver y delight fu lly lusl Friday. A very enjoyable socia l hour fol· murder which t hey made full co n- 7. 1865. and departed tbia Ufe NoK-D driving lig ht. hundred m illiu ns of comlllon stock. At 1'2 :30 th (' hostesses conducted lowed. durin!: which time refresh- fe ssion of. but t his case hns done vember 1. 1926. having apent hili P _ L. Reason .. . ........ ... o. n. , $16.00 That WII" ollce called "thin air." it their guests to Mrs. Hathaway's tea ments were served by t he hostess, much ~ to nrousc public opinio n IIgainst entire life in this community. Mechlin tub e. \Vus n't e ve n "wnter" Now, with room, where th ey were served to a assisterl by Mrs. Emerson Earnhllrt th e e lectric When quite young he beeame a chuir. except in the most Mrs. Irwi n Mulford .. .. o. 0 •• $20.00 earnings "put back" it r epresents no At th o regular commun icatio n of three-course luncheon at b ell uti fully Ilnd Mrs. Raymond Conner. extreme cases. As usual. however, member ot. the United BrethreD String of beads. , one knows how much real wealth. Waynesville Lodge No. 163 F. & A. appoint ed tab les. Covers we r e la id ... t he bill to abolish cap ital punishment church whIch faith he kept. throulth Wm. Casperson .........f. . .. ... . o. a., $3.0 0 M.• Tuesday even ing. the following for Mrs. Anna Cadwallader. Mrs. will be thrown into the legislat ure life. Honest and upright In all bill Ladies garten Sarah Zimmerman. Mrs. Kale Coleoftlcen ~re elected for 1927: The importnnt thing. according to hopper, and as usual it will die a dealings. he was u good neighbor and Mrs. O. A. St.John .. .. .. ... .. bid, $20.00 man. Mrs. J C. Hawke. Miss Marne Stalin. Russiall boss. is for Ru"sia peaceful death in the committee r oo m a kind friend. a lways ready to lend Charles Bradbury. W. M. Hall' brush. Brown. Mrs: J .. D. Marlatt. Mrs A. to get control of "reactionary labor unless there is a decided change in a helping hand in time of need. Charles Burnett, S. W. Louise Henderlon • .. ...... 0. a .• $11.00 T. Wrigh~J Mrs. Cynthia Evans. He was married to Florence Emunion s." He mean. eapeela1l7 tha public sentiment not now mon ifest. Earl Thomn. J. W. Compact. Mrs. W. H. Allen. Mrs. J . Wilso n ma Dakin In January. 1889. To this F. B. Henderson. Secretary_ Earl Michc1... ... .:.... ....... .....c. a •• $5.00 American Federation of Labor. Edwards. Mrs James McClure. Mrs. union were born three children, two American cnpitalists ahould realize Walter McClure, Trellllurer. BOll raislna ~ Detailed statements showing what sons. George Harold. Rusaell D. and Ronald Hawke, Mrs. L. A. ZimmerFred D_ Cole, S_ D. Irwin Mulford .... ........ .. .. II. a .• $21.00 thut the American Federation of La· has been done with r evenue from man. Mi ss Trillena Edwards. Miss one daughter. Ida Marie. now MrlI. bor is a great bulwark of conaorva· Paul Booroll!z J. D•• 1 pound of candy. May Wright, Mrs. .Edith Harris, Next Friday night. November 12. gasoline tax receipts and automobile Forest Githens. of Darton, aU of F. H. Farr. Tyler. Charlet Hatfleld...... ........ o ... a .. $17.00 tism. and not try to pu.h It in the Mrs Laura M()sher and Mrs. D. L. tag license fecs. may be require d by the IQcal team of W. H. S will meet whom with his wife 8U1"V1Ve him. Al- ' directio n of Bolshevism by any sloatD. L. Crane, trultee for 3 yean. Tobacco. Crane. After "luncheon a very pleas- Centerville High school. In years automobile . associations In severnl so, two brothers. HarveYL of Penn· • Carl Jonea: .. ........ ....... ......o. a., $7.00 ing over the fact that organized lacounties of the State. It has been gone ant Ilfternoon 'was spent at the HarPllst a great amount of trouble There was a good attendance of sylvania, and W"arren, of Lytle. for power is not what It once wu. Stock tonic:. has been caused betwee n these two said thnt In some counties the officials the membersblp. and a large amount rie-Mosher home. Dan Hockett ............ .... .. .. 0. a., $3.00 Card of Thana teams by mistakes made by both have aot been 80 exact as to followof bualne88 was tranaaeted, notably ... Chicago attacks one big problem t- the report of Bro. W. M. Prender· 1 pl. Helll ' dl~. ing all requirement. of the law which teams and rooters. through those columns We desIre B. Eo Cronll ..... ....... .. ....... .0. a .• $30.00 a big way. buildin~ the "largest. beat aast'. of the Grand Lodge proceedThis year is a new one. and we specifies for what • 'Irpose this mon- to thank all of our kind friends and Double cooker. jail in the world.' The costa. with inp at Cincinnati. are going to Jet the "dead paat ey shull be e xpended In one city it neighbors for their kindness and Irwin Mulford ..... ..... ... ...o. a .• $26.00 a court house in front to help tlU bury the dead." and Centerville High is said that money has been ... Mrs. Mary Edwards Starbuck. of and Waynesville H'gh are out for used. to improve the stree t lighting synlpathy to us. during our aad beDoUble cempact. the jail. will be seven and a balf milBirmingham , Alabama. and William the good of the game; not merely system. nnd in another for improv- reaveme nt. Also. Miss Lucy Emley Dan Hockett ... ................. bid. $826.35 lions. Rooms for fourteen -criminal Frnme. of Pasadenn. Cal.. both form- who is goin~ to win. so come rooters ing a city building. The Illw spec- for he r beautifu l ~inging. And Mr. Esmond blanket. ' courts will be built with high ceilings & Son f or their efficient ser_ er rc s id cnt ~ of Wnynesville. were of WayneSV ille. all of you co me, lind ifies that this tax and license mo ney McClure Irwin Ellis .. .. .. ..... ......... ... 0. n., $1 1.00 I1 l1d bnck of t ho cou rt tlte big jail for Mr~ . Emma Surface Sweater. marr ied in Chi<: al'(o . October 26. They helll give Centerville t he reception enn be expe nded for constructio n viccs. t ho lI1011,,rtl c ri m~ urmy. " lid Chilurcn .. .... .. 0 . 11 •• $5 0.00 Mrs. R. Comphell that the H igh sc ho ol is going to give li nd maintena nce of public roods. ond There w il l he a "pcciul cumm nnicn- "'!II r e~i ,J. · in Pasllrlc nu . hil,r s coott'r. for no othcl" purpose, and if the exthem. of j 'l iI hrN1Id ng nnd t ho tion of W a Yllt'"v illC' L() d~(· J 'n. 1(\'1 High . ' chopl iti,l. lHi-I11"'.00 u SllInu .l vi!'w Th e High School orchestra will be aminers find that a ny of the money lnH I'V\ ({' L1 'ir n i n tl l~ wuu ldn't P . & . l\1. . }'u C'sti a y (? \'l" nillJ.! . 1'1C1V Pl- T Ill' nl("[I".·~ t man on ea r t h hos b een Cnl.tih! y J 1.I1i~ /. th ere to f ur nish musi.c befo r e and has bcen <li verted. officials or their bi<l , S:!GO. oo it L I It ~,\H, (j Idl'd i ll ln l ja'iluJ's we'or h£: r I G, at . i o 'C'l orl, for thl' PIJl'p t."c ' I:st' )';[ 1" Ii in '\ .1['!,S('Y t o wn. The during th e ga me, 80 as we suid be- bondsmen guilty. w ill be asked t o Cnr! liwd n··'d 1'; I1S m",b. . " ld i lb~.dl in corridors ' o r ~on fel"l"l1Ig t h,•..~e ll ()~V(· l!jl rt d cl! ~ .. ,.: 1, ... ,>1 \llId" rl"k " I' tl1l'r' hnl< lJut a me4 111 r!,lit L :I "P fore. come to the Gym and enjoy a I11l1ku all inlnwcliate refund . 'In d in . he malll nl!kC' \u lv ~s thut•. 0J.ourn rs lin d \ I~'tu rs IIr~ co rdl all~ leI" .' n til, h ~l1 l·se. -:--- \\'h l' n open .d . w ult! nooll l he ja il mVl t ('d to ~e p res~ lIt.. n"lIcer~ lit III c1"rn nffairs never pleasant evening as a host for Cenwith S('nw C"IJ\·illCinl.:" gus of th e mus_ JE SE rnE:NDERGAST .• W. III "~;t it vut" 110\\'ud a~'s . They wa lk it terville.

at oll"n

'It hnl! IH'"'' "ul!l!"c",ed he re occa· sionally II UI'illg ""vcrll l yea rs pust th at " so lut ioll of the flyin g proble m wou ld C\'cl,l uully include wireless tran smission of powe r. 'Vhat men can imagin e. th cy can do when imI al:inntio n run on su me lines. Electric waves nre power and can be sent without wires. It is not too mu ch t.I> hopc tha t power gen erated at onc place on th e earth will be Bent without wires to another place. or sc nt to muchi nes flying in the air.

W. E M. S. Meeting



Clarence E. Surface

New Officers Chosen

----_ ----



---_ ..----

---_ - ..----




-- -




'fl .



Officers of Farmers Institutes. Granges, Farmers clubs. Fllrm Bureau'. School Superintendents. Toachers of High Schools. Parent T eachers Associlltion, Boys ' and Girls' club leaders Chamber of Commerce•. Rotary. Past.l>re and Officers of other Civic aBSociationl!. are being Invited to a Farmers' Institute Conference to be held in the Farm Bureau office. Lebanon, Tuesday. ~ovember 16, beginning Il t 10 a. m. Letters were sent out by County Agent Class who is working under the dIrection · of Mr F. L. Allen, atate supervisor of Farmel'll' institute., Ohio State unl· vcrsisty. 18 t o ·be. present at the ' cO.nference. . Mr. Allen hilS had yean of experi ence in planning and dlroett.,·,the farmers' Institute ~rk of ' O\lo, '. d will bTing 'mo~ Yaluabll .~~n. to all ofBcehi anti I• •te 0 eeOllnty who .... ·.bi"~ ceaafnl in.tlt1lte ~"*. ~1&• .~ len feelll . that· tIIe ~ IMUQate .liould be broaclllr • ~d ' as to dlacil.. ~~ .. ... nitJ p~bl.~ ,f ~ eeonolnic ..~ fI!rtQItir........ Jtoek cropa ete. , "

.. _ .



~~ typo! ~ll or pe~ ma nentl y injll·ot reh, rl.:' lhl!W convicts. of cOllrse. but strullg" enolll)"h to take lhl·il' minds un' lilly jntl breaking plan ..

~R~.B~E;.N~D~E;~R~S~O~N;'~.~S~c~c~~~'.~~~u~n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~ _____ ..

Forty odd years n ~ o . Edison, n ow eighty-fo ur. WIIS pe l'so nnll y auperintendin g the ins tnllation of a small el41c tric lig hting plant ill " Harry Hills." on Houslu n s treet. New York. where J ohn L. Sullivn n used to box. He probably did 'n ot t hink that he would live to Sec e lectric lillht and power developed in to a busmese of seven thousand five hundred milliona of dollars And that is only the heginnlng. Insull in Chicago. Williams In New York. and the grcat electric companies on the Pacific coast .re constru~ Ing power plants of hundreds of thouIiaIlda of horsepower. In the world seemed when talk C)ame of reduetlolU,l, and WaU breast. Pn18ldent CooUdp aDd 8eerebe boWll that they eaa to eo-oporate ta bat DOt AlDtrt_ a_a


Le&den· anti o6IIn .1 ....-,.

IrIUllsaUOIII ..... ~ .eo

lie .....

The Y. F. II. will hold their nctilt. aa, .IIUq at the Bannel)'''.. Novem~ 14. at 7 p. . . aENal~ A atteDdanee Ia ".... beeaule it III election of ·oIIIe... · L8a0n Leader ..... .... :Laurence hJ'DN "I iUked . yOU tor • hundftd anel JOu onlJ .ent me DlDeb'. What'a Devotional Leader.. ... .............. : ... . ....., .. ., ............Geo~ Bat&utllWiLitel . the idea T!" ' _i "I beld. out the extra ten for Btampa t.I> uae ' when _a.kIng you.. for pa)'Jllen t." •._ • .



. Elected Auditor·




- - - - - - -- - - -- WI-II ~N Pf\ TRIES THE RADIO


A. B.

CHAI 'Ii" ---_.... I


M;~ ~::.::'.~"~:::e'f utll;~~~~~~!~~~'~~~~'; ~i:~~'~;~;~

ca. n.nd Mr. Mllrk P. Rogers . of Wnyneaville, were q UI.etly married at the ~nnse of th e Malll street Presb yter lun church. Leba non. Tu esday. November 2 •. a.t ? o'clock. Rev, J. H. wmy. ofllclatlllg . . Mr. anu lI~rs . MIliaI'd I~ o n s. CO U81llS of t he bride. acco mpan! ed them. .. . Th e bride, a very charming girl. IS the dau ghter of. Mr. . Onkley Pt;nce. and has a WIde Circle of fnends.. The groo m I S the son of Mr .. and ~rs . Note . Rogers. of near RIdge. Ville •. and 18 employed at the Waynesville Motor cO" j at Waynesvill~. The hUppy coup e went to theIr n~w home on North street. lmmedilltely after the ceremony. • - •

Auxiliary Meeting The Woman's Auxiliary will meet on . Friday afternoon, November 12th, with Mrs. Sarah Zimmerman ana Mrs L. A. Zimmerman at the home of tbe latter. All members are urged to be preaent as we expect to have with ~ a mieaionary who will give us a telk Oil her twelve yeal'll~ work In india. and who ls home on her second furlough, .

---_. -



.~irl •.

"At a session of th e ~ tllte Sc ,mt,· . recently. Rev. A . F. ""I1,lall. ~ h:t[l­ lai n requested . t he Sl' "H il I'S to 1"'_ peat with him th ~ LIJI" I['s PraYl'r. Only eight 'of th e "~ nU l" l" W '!'e Hille to join In its aud ible l'ep~ t i ti lln . " This Is th e news o f U", tiny ft'om Klln8U8. When y ou read it. you grin. you wink. you say, "U KUn5<'lH !" It is a funny joke. But 'I'he n you stop and t hink it over. the joke loses its zest. Eight men out of the upper house in the Legislature of a sover eign State knew the ABC of prayer. Eight men out of the hundred or BO chosen for their merit and attainments to make the laws for Kanaaa were acquainted with the wOrdll which the ages have deeided to be at once the aljlhabet and the aupreme and finished expression of devotion. A negligible percentage'· ot a body , of lawmakers could rePflBt ·the one clll88lcar ' interc:eealon tbi.t -even an illiterate child learns at the knee of all illiterate mother I Thill III not funny-It \a incredible; etarWq and stupefying. • . What wen the KabUl Mnaton when. they were reW. their eclQca. tionT On. dllu Jlotb". to ". a . relia'ionllt to· uk tliat Cllleitton i 0111 wonden who had l e~ of thillil el· ementary traint]}. in' IJtq1illh laDguage and literature. .,






WS LEANED fRO COURT HOUSE Walter McClure J. E. McClure


S . G r os~ 'I'h, ill illllli & Loan A ~~ ciIC ti oll of 1-'1' Illklin lind The MiLn u rn A.


ICIIIISUU I')!' 13uiluill1t ..... L"all. Bction for p:u"tlti,' n nf r" a l ,'sta te , accounting nll d ~ ll\litnlJk rcl iL· f. . Normnn Ed Gilmore ,'''. Roxie Gilmon ' , f or di\' orce. odult (' ry clmrg('d Alliin Surfa ce '·S. R u~ sc ll ~ lI r fnc(' , fco r rli" L1rC'e on gr«Hlnci!i of cruelt y. Delila ,.\ . " ill,' r '·S. ~lary Alice Tl'nni " N nl" for pa rtition of renl estllt(· :llId l·q uilahl e relic' f . .. 1'(' ti l iPIl \\'a ~ f1 ll'd hy th~ Warre n ('0111 t y ('P llltlli<.io l1l'rS ( " I' the trans· fc·r .,f .. II nty funds, pl! r Alty C. Donnln Dilllt ush.

WA YNESVILLE, OHIO Fully Equipped for. Good Service. Large Display Ro om . Ambulance Ser\rice TELEPHONE 7


L.M.HENDERSON NOTARY PUBLIC Natloual Will. Drawn .... .. , .. . E.tal ... S.ttl .. d

Wayneaville, Ohio

r;ro~s ,~ . .I t'!i'!o"e \'alll' ~' Building


Fi l"l a nd lin ul Ilcco unt of the ,,<_ sig nlllC'nt IIf (';"n"I;'<' W . Speaight, U~­ ~i !:n ,) r. "''''' ~liI(·d lo y J. Q. J ,'rc\un , a" ~iSt n ee ht' rt'i u.

VI)"n app lica l ion, Maud e Dumford

UP lw illt('u J:'tI:l rui :11l of Ma ry Smith, ull l'I;(.'(\ intll l11lll' tcn l . nne! go,'(, \I'll'

F. T. Martin Jesse Stanley Auctioneers See Us/Early for Yo ur Sale Dates.

We Guarantee Satlefartio n or Charge Noth ing .

Centerville, O. Ph. . No.2

New Burlington,O. Phone No. 320

$200 bond, Said guardian then Becl'p t ed ~r,o as th dower r ight of hur cha rgo in tho estat.e o( urtle "SmIth. In lhe matter of the settlement of th ~ ea tate of Eli zabeth D. Woodbur~, d!'c Ilsl'd . c(\U rl 'd ct cl'min d the gro ~H \'nluo o f th o estllte us $4566.44. compo~('d li S follows: per~onnlty $4506.44 rco l eslate nOlle . Jeb lS $52 1.1 5. The ~')8 t .,r nrl mi nistrlltion will be $4 :10. 1',) al a.'sc t" qubjcC I to tux :P615.2!1. .'IIC (·C' ~l1 r . 111 the eglllte werll nam erl . L ucllt II. Kcd or wo s mad e ('xcc · utri x of the will of thl' lute T . E, Kee lor, liS provided in sairl will, no bon d rl'q llircd. Sam ~")I1f O rt, Jllmes Fol 1l!11 ufl d J eff 'r ho mp so ll w ere n u rn~rl ul'p l'a iscr s h pt tllin .

T h 1 1I~ t will of Wnlter W. Vo orhi s, ,Iecc u"(·d . w". udmitteu t u probnt!' . Lola I Vourhis was made e xccutrh h('rein: no Ilond Ilcing r('q uircd. ClilT Stulll !'r. II. B. Thumpso n and Earl Tho ll1pslt ll


rHlllH' d


10 1t\INI< 1r.l.r A SOoI 01' Mt"' E wOOl.£'

<:n: 1\.1. -

AI\'£.", 'r" 'rOO

tllit..\Al'leo Of YOO !;> 'i:!:'Lf! 1""'':;0/ ~ TO /'IAI(E: YOu m I! 'eM

f\l-L BAGt< JuST TO lEACH ,(O.! A

III .. KIIl IlI:Y.

In 11\l' senl '11l(' llt u( til!' s tut~ of Rac lwl I'in urn phc ll ncc olln t I, f thl' tax te' Ill' paid ",us urd er",1 mude to th,· ,,"dil or . IIl\' rn tor y lin e! ap prn bcmc·nt o f th(' ,"Int.· ,Jf ~I an' .1. Hrnelstr c('t, d creu8 ':II, \\n,- 111,'u fly uelmr. Car l R. Dr:lIl -

to npPl"ui st.! .' 1r('t' t.


Local Man! Be a Detective and Win the Reward Offered!

Read the Details! AA,one caa b e a Red Arrow DeI.c:ti .... ; young a nd old, girla and boy" men and women_ It'. I.,.. of fDD, and THERE'S TWENTY.FIVE DOLLARS IN RED ARROW MONEY WAITING FOR YOU if ),ou more deyer thau the re.t of the .1"Ulh.1 On Wedu e. dny morning, Dece mbe r 22, at 8 o'clock, the r .. will h .. po.t.. d .t .. ach . ~e~ Arrow ~I.c.. , a Each place will have a d,,"cr'phon of a dtffeg!ot per.on. A $25.00 REWARD in Red Arrow Mou e y wil1 be paid by each Red ArrOw Place to tbe fir.t peraob who teJl. the propri .. tor the name of th.. one deecribed on it. poll.. r, and. $5.00 to t~ .. Dext. t .. u Dahliul th .. rilht perooD. (If mor .. Iban on ...peak. tbe cOrrect name at la"1.e tnn ..,. each wtJl be Ilv.en oa.m. r .. ward in Red Arrow MODey. ) Go to .. Red Arrow Place, get .. bandlMl, fill IU tbe blank. wltb tbe de.cMptiou of the peroon a. live .. iu tbe po.l .. r, .nd .tart yo .. r DETECTIVE work_earch fOr th .. perlOU. B .. a detecliv .. a.n d fiJI y<lur pocket wilh mon .. y.

fall d •• cription of .ome ODe living in th" community.

The'next or second Red Arrow Auction will be Wednesday, Dec. 22, 5 •• tb .. $5.00 Reward Card at any Red Arrow Place 10 I".rn the do.ial bour fo~ ear~ial tb e $5.00 in Red Arrow Money fOr making a bid :>nd Aee Ib e time that the nam". of tbe b'lb bIdden ..a!u5al' tb.. $5.00 will b .. p ooted III each R d Arrow Place. Call at tbe dill'er .. nl Red Arrow Place. t o ICC the li.t of .ucce .. ful bidd .. n at th .. Red ~rrOrw A .. ction. Each week ..... the differe nt Special Offer. pO Aled at lbe differ .. nt Red Arrow placel for l'et~lnl Red ArMoney..

SPECIAL NOTICE In th .. Third Auct ion On Thurada y, J"nunry 27, ther.. will be $25.0~ io;- G,!ld for Or.aalutioa. ONLY to bid OD. G e l your Org 8 ni ~a l io n . al wo rk for it. Each pereon b!dd,n. In aa artl~le at an,. R.... Ar. row Auction will b e Riven a Red Arow VOllch .. r showing what wa. p~ld. aJ'd thl. VO.!'lcb.r m!',. I... I'oy~a to .ome Orra uiz.ation which ma y usc il for Ih e amount writteu on .t, .to a,!p.l , ott On pa;,'ial' :be bl~ by tbe Orll_ni ,alian o n Ih .. C" ld . Th"." Vouch .. ro rna,. I........d J ... t lak.. Red Arrow Mo 'aad witb Red Arrow Monay by Or r.a n iZa"Onl.



The Western Star, court session notice. $12. same, proof or she ri ff 's proclamation, $6.25 ; The Lebanon Patriot, court session notic e, $10; sam e, bank notice, $10.50; Supt. o f Agriculture, for 1140 ear tags, $22.80; C. W. Hain Safe Co.! r epair work on treasuJ;:er's safe, $ 5; cl erk of courts, postage, $8; Ed Maloy, bridge r epair in Hamilt.on Tp., $3 ,50; W. A, Scott, same, $B; John Sargent, nttending bridge l.ante rns, $25.5 0;; Th e Gold Medal Oil Co., for oil, $35 .64. The Oregonia Elridge Co., bridge r epair, ' $40.92; Hurtley Moss, f or hnu lIng ~avel, $23.75; William Glosser . furnishing and piling sto ne. $93.a3 ; W. P. Stitt, same, $135; Orville Park_ hill, same, $317.30; Spencer & Armitage, ,furnishing nnd loadin g g rnvel, $688.20; Mary . Hopping, rent of office for County School Supt., f or quarter, $30.



- ....- - -

~£MEMec.~ SeN IK)oo.~1"'{



-p~ ..

- WIT~ NOT ~~ EXC;ep'TION -

\oIONE'>1"'( I... Til\: 6~r 1'cucy .' \~ fIERI!



New Machine Gun to Combat Bandits



any should be hu n nushlig ht , not with an open It scems some people h uven't lea rn ed th at gas ignites at other places than in stoves lind grates Walls ceilings and partitions should be shielded from the overheoting of stoves, furnaces and connecting pipes. It Buch protection Ia needed In your home, do it now. Hot aahea b elong in metal conlllinen, not in wooden bOIes and barrel• . Oil lamps and stoves are safely tilled 9ply. in dayUght, with nD open flame nea.r. . Open Aree alwaya .hould be Kreen ed when left unattended. A few of tltel!le simple precaution. may prevent a serioul fire in your home or Allve the life of a member of your family, A gas


Recent robberies of U. S. Mall have move d Ihe POlt office dC/Ja nmen l to take drastIc precautIons. Photo thoWI Col. R. N. Cutts ~ the ~! arinu demonltratinB IUD that <:an fire 400 aImed shots p<.r n\lnu le. j'oltmutcr General Harry S. Now il w.tchInS. T he new ltI uc hlue IIUD will bG IIKd to prOSect valuablo mail

"I a sked you for you on ly sen t me Lhe id.' n? 1" "I he ld out the sta mps to use when payment."

a hundred and nin ety. What'll extra ten for a sking you for





. . , " :,1.1


;'~ ~

SIMPLE PRECAUTIONS AGAINST, fIRE Last year 15,000 lives were lost In tir es in the United States, . and the property loss wns $570, 000.000. Slllrtling fig ures, to say th e least. And yet most fir es nrc preventllbl e -tl1ey arc the r esu lt of carelessness, With the approach of winter , a nd most home tires occur durin g th e

\vinte r, Il f ew s impl e fir e preve rules shoul d be kept in mind. The d i. po snl of nl " trh c~ nnd lighted'· sllIokin g moteri a ls should be watched; they are res ponsible for a heavier annua l lo.s than nny ot her kn ow couse. Matches should be kept"away from chI ldren. .Mony grown peop le do 1I0t han dle them with snfety. .E lectri.c flat irons IIlId other electrIC deVIces should be turn ed off even thC!lIC'h left hu't for a moment .• Gasoh ne und other volatile liquids make ~alll!(:ro ~" cleaning fluid s ; use the sa!' c elM/ling cpmpou nus which


- -------

Hard Water

.. eli· -

The Milli<maire'8 Secret

To be a millionaire, a man must not only get rich , he must be able to stay rich. A ct!r lll in well-known millionaire l when asked how he stay ed rich. said: "I invest my mone y only in sound, es tablished companies." That man has len rn ed a va luable secret. But a man's money, however, Is never worth so much to him ns his mind, his intellige nc e. Has it ever occurred to you thot ;you should in vest you r intelligence Just as carefully as you invest your mon ey? Why not invest your inte lligence in a .so und company by subscribing to the Youth'!! Companion? It is the oldest magazine for young people in th e world-lind nearly the oldest of aU the American magazines. . Have you suf'fer"l{l fr(7m hard water "itch"? Have It is also one of the most interesting. your hands become dry and hard-your akin ~pped-from Practically every famous author of the past one h u ndred years has Wl'itusing hard water? t en at . one time or another for the Companion . Only this fall, for exThen you' can appreciate bands that are aever roughened ample, the Companion p.ubli5hed ~ nor 'reddened-baby's tender skin that Is DeV'eII: Jefi cracked new story by Jack London. Do you like stories of lidventure? Mystery? and "itchy"-a shave that Is quick and clean. Romance? They are all in the Youth's Companion.. . y home NOW can have soft watero witbou~ ~J ~ Here are tho terms of an investcisteru ; ~d double plu~bing. ment guaranteed to be protltable. 1. The You1:h's Campanion - 52 issues in 1927, and 2, The remaining isauts of 1926. All 'for ' only $2. . 3 . . Or, include McCall's Maga::ine, ' ., the monthly authorit)' on fashiqns. .. .. ... : ". -I., \, Bothcpublicsons. only: $2.(;0: · · THE YOUTH'S COMPANIO:N - ', S N. Dept.• Boston. MUI. . .... " . ..Ri#tI4' 'Fm. Subscriptions receiyed- at tibia offlce. . R_-UI-ni , Is the product of the world'• . We will give you dolIB.r: for 'dolfar Jarrett manufacturer of 'residence WB- . . these lIubsctiptions in Re~ ~rrow ter lIystems. , It iB .simpl~ompilct­ pracdcal, May be instillled . in either old or new ~_wil1 gift a life time .A SLlGHT· ERROJl ;-; 'of setviCe at v~ l\naU CXJlIIt. ' J. .~ • ...... ~ .. ~ .I'O, .. The 'D uro Softener ha, .man, ad· The pre.cbeir was on biB way . to 'vantagee over ,o14er ~th~ iaJlO attend a party. for the..cbildre1l ot tho stain 01' congregation. LeaVblIr hi. hat and _ packing of JDmeral-ao iron l'IIIt. Regeneration ill • 's imple c'o at in tbehalJ., he . opened the living protea quickly performed, reg~ room ..door at the same time dropping • fewDilnutes al cmmpared witll 'l»an to hiB 'kneea ancl 'crawJlng In-maldne .ID ~e other typeB. ~ I . , 11 Itrange noise meant to lOund like the' nieghing of a boJ'lle, A dead IIi1l11lce creeted him. - Seming IOme1M .. '"I.... ~ "u :wro1lg be looked up into thLamued fac.. of people at dinner. n,.party 1nI8 lIut door•




of tho estllt~ of Oharl otte W . , d c~tI~ed . WII\I ent 'r ed by harll'P Munger anrl G R. RosR mllll, xf'cutors hc(ein, with ul80 th eir first uccou nt. Th e lu~t will n nd t es tnm(>nt o f Suo Mn E. H l\ine~, dcc~a8l'd, \VII S pl' oduc~d for pr ebut . . Th ird nllli fin I OCCCHllIt of th l! ~uaTl\i/ln ~h il' of Jo'rnll"Cq 1.0 ui n(' ('u r Y•• min or. wns file d U)· gUllnlian. Hu lr.h If. (':l re y. Fifth aCCO Ullt nf th e g-uanlinn ship o f Wilb u r II. McKinney. ullcgc'd illSUIl C. \VII S fil ed by gur,rtiin n J ohn Il.


I he c,lnt(' , Proo fs of publication o f noticcs of MARRIAGE LICEN SES npp oi ntmcnts w(' re filed for the f olIh\T(lld EllIe rM n Mill". po.lnl clerk lowing : Mllry E. Wolcott. ,as cx ~(:· lev land. lind [dn l\I~ ri e Kesling , ut rix of tht· c ~ tl\l C of E. n. Wolcott. d cctlas('d ; Naomi Baldw in, 118 numx. ~l'ri!lld"'ro. R(.'v. Coh'in ~leN eall y , 'orth Mint on. named . d ~ bon is non o f t h.. ('~tn t(' o'f William lIu /!h T. :-;,1(' ru·c. fa rm c r, L!'hannn , Fi ~ h"r, deet·n"cd. First lind finll l account of th e ~". HIIII Fr ic'lIn CIaI'll L"ck l'r mc vl' r, Le L· "non. R ·V. LIIIIIY II 11 lI\('d . . Int!' II f Willi nm A . I·' ishe r \\'II ~ fi led Mch 'in r:. ::;wllnk . "" I(·"'"ln. Millm hv admx .. Naomi Ba ld win . . The ense of Na omi Gnldwin. ndmx. i s h" r~. lind A):n ('" G. Longu e,'p, Lyo f t he estat e o f Willinm Fis her, ",. tho. Rl"·" tillin/!s nnmNI. Charl (·" Wa rd olli"s . tru ck driv Flura Fi"hr r (' t al.. Wlls hell rd nftc r u r c p urt u f privutl' sn ll" of rt~ u l c ~ tn t l) er . nnd Eth ,'1 Mar ie , lIm ~, L"Lh erei n. which sHI ~ proC'l.'eding WU g np ~ u no n. Rev. LOnlY. pro\'"c\ by the cuurt Fl ora Fisher Wi ll iam T 'nll e nt Bul ler " ('n~i n e e r \\'II S ):i\'l'll ,8. 42 It S hcr dnwe': por· Seal t ie, WlIsh., !l nd II n?c l Gertrud e llllw ki hS, Franldin. Rev. Webb i ~ t ion of the es lal e. Th e las t will of Louisn F. Le wis ,- num ed. decclIscd, wll a udmittcd 10 probllte . Mllu d Dumillrd fil ed her ti rst und REAL ESTA.TE TRANSFERS finnl "crount a8 guard ian of Mur y Illn J. and Sur'a h Elizabe th H oward Slllith, Seconr! und tinnl "ccou nt of th e to Frank R. C rowe a nd Chester umpb ell, a n undivi ded one-third ingunrciinnship o f Ethel M. Cole, W IlS t el'es t in two trncUl in Turtl ecl'cck filed by Benjam in T. Cole. Inventory nn d a ppraisement of the T p. P . S. and Lucy TreadwllY to John estate o f William F ranz, d eceased, was fi led by executrix Katie E. Frllnz K. !\forris, 20 acr es in Section 21. Clyde C. Colli ns to Robert W. and In ven tory and IIppr aisement ac co u n t of the estate of J ennie M. Shaw Lillie Re ichel, a tract of specifi ed hnn, deceased, \Vus fil ed by admx. boundaries in Main ville. l\Iinn ie Fox t o H enr y and Eliza beth Mll ry Binegur. Inventory and appraisement ac- Whitehead, a tract 'in Franklin, Addie G. f-!unkin so n to Lois Bishop lots 1:.!4. 125. 128, 129, 131 and 132 in the Mackinaw Addition to Frankli n. . Lvuis Bi"hop to Add ie G, Hankinso n, lot 13 4 in th e Pork Ploce Addition to Franklin. Carter Reynold s to Louis A. lind Minnie 1\1. Nunlist, lots 241 and 142 in the Mackinaw Addition to Franklin. Rose D. Vail to L. G .and Jane Ken nett, lot '445 in the Mackinaw Addition. exccJ.>ti ng 16 f ee t 011' the north side of sllld , loL John W. Smith. to William E. Smith lot 138 in the Mackinaw Addition. J. F. Kratz er to H. L. and Jennie G. Kratzer, 137 acres in Hantilton township. Robert G. and! Ethel H. MorrIs , to George V, ,Thompson, ,a tract In Clenrereek Tp. Josiah P and Florence Belle FaIrchild to C. ·E •. a:nd G. V. Demitt, tho major portion of' Jot 47 In Morrow ..... Charles F. Dynes, Chicago, to Susan E , Hamily, lot 33 in two f eet off the east side of lot 32 in Morrow. Curtis F. Sm it h to Fred ond Golda C. Elbon. 126 a cres in Deerfield Tp . • The Clinton County National bank and Trust Co .. to Frances K. Robinson, 30 acres In Vernon Tp., Clinton county, 14 IIcres in Harlan Tp. 24 acres in Wmlhington Tp., and 16. acres in Vern on Tp . Lucy D. Smith et aI., to J. B. and Mary C. Baker, III troct on Broadway, Lebanon .

Big Revvard Offered




LOANS on Chattels,Stocke, Securities lind Second Mortgagoll. Natali bo ught. John Hllrblne Jr., Xenl.. Ohio. .m80-'26

Farmers, Attentionl Farmers of Wuren and .,dJ olnl ll8 counties may obtain money on Ion. ti me loans, at Ii per cent IntarNt. Cost of securing the same III vary ..... sonable ,thrbugh The Federal Blink. For further Information cal on or addre81 M. C. DRAKE, Tre... . urer, phone Sl6-X, Leballon, Ohio.


FOR RENT FOR RENT-Productive, highly fertile farm general farming: no tobacco; desirable location; unn.ual opportunity. Box 112, WaYllelviU••







Water $ofteber


Waynesville Overland Sale. Company HAll Drug ~O. ". Miami Theater .Myer HyM~ . L A.·Zimmerman' Fred M. Cole .Miami Gazette Waynesville, Ohio ~.d

lutnaeUoae Copji,*lat.d _d PateDted, Bed Anvw Service Co., Springfield,





tI". ,.. 0,.

.... -

J . W. Burton

rOll St.LE-, Ruuet p~,atot... T. <:1. HarJaIaIi, a D. Ii. ""70_ ville, Obio. ;t....



KITCHEN are the ~eatest ~ re!ll con.etlie~ce In an,. kitchen, Seo our IIDe: all lllee alid prtc:a .tbat no large . llIall. 'order .hoWle In ,tIM country can beat.' T·R E 'BOOKLET. KING CO" 415 W. Mal" St" XIDJa, Ohio. Phone 360. '1\17 . FOR SALE-Two la~


one 11J.pute, 1. drOp-leaf aU _. ton.lon ta6\el aio leet of "a11s10 clear ub lumber, n_: ~1 ~ .. in good COnditlOD. D. & 8tandlf~ Wa)'lleavllle, Ohio. . 11,10





from the Lips of Great

Public Sale

~lcn- A « 1'11.'(' s~I' l1l -1 olit! '11 1 ear el!r



WEDNlilADJ\Y .. . 1'\,llll il' ~ 8\1 HJIY,illg PO!lJpll' wiU, t heir .... ~. IHwci ll in r tn I ~ \ n hip l\ ith deh ot:h. t the l'o"·/offi~c at \Va n«.o;1I11 ti r. "- I'l',, ~ h"'nt CQoli«.i){c, f)h/~ • •• Seco nd Cia •• M"j , "'(JIl . ~



'"lqcriptloD Price. ,1.5Q,. p.~ Yellr


?u bll.hor

NOV8M 13C;1{ 10. 1~ 2fi

EIGHT YEARS AFTER Elj.!'ht yeur~ rig') a 1n11d world cel. ('bra tctl its t emp,)r"ry retrurn t o renSOil

in n mad nwnn er .

November II, l!Jl S; will bc hard to f orget for nny one who sPC'llt il either . in a front trench g rown "II of a sud den oppr eSSively '1uie t or on Mai n atret't in un Am eri can tow 11 grown ull of u sud ucil oppre"s ive ly noisy, Bu t t.he "'~~"n ~ ' '''''' mb cr II 1!J18, shuu lt! have tuu g hl RCl' m cus; e nough to fOI·!:r(·t. Ll,,, Iao,1 ul imp,,; . Hiunntl,ly. th t! \\" 'I'ld "l'l'111" bu L lilU" n('nrer It I II~ting p(,lIce I1 I1 W I hut it 11'119 t.h (, lI. Un ivc l'"ul IJI'u lhcrhuoti i, yet ul1 ly F1 dn'um .. Whe n Lhe ul'misticc WII" signed lo e nd Lll<l grcnL,,_t war th e w"r ld had ever known. a ll nutio n. loo hd to lhe United States wit h whut amounled alm ost to rever ence. Today this at. titude i8 cbllnged, Europe has gone 80 far as to nicknam e Uncle Sam the "Shylock" of all nations. Our attitude towards European nations _ h811 also undergone a cha nge. Throughout t he world Armistice Day wllJ be' observed th ose who gave their lives in the World War. These demonstrations and th ese tributes are littlng. But they are only at public demo nstrations wherll trlb: utes will be paid to a slight return for the sacrifice t hese men made A f ar !TIore tltting tri bute would be that udvocated by a wise leader in - anoth er great war--our dedication to the task remaining before UII. On this November 11, we should renew our obligation to , the caU8e for which th ey died- the caulle of a unive~l. a~}a~tinJ .p~ce.



In Aroolltock coun,ty: M~ine, I,IPO/l the northeast tip 'of! tH. United Statu lhey grow their potatoes bill': . • T~18 year, Walter Q~mll~e, of Presque hIe, in AroostoOK county, produced 1~',OOO barrels of potatoel on 1,100 acres, which every farmer knows i8 better than an average crop The estimate cost of producing the potatoes is $l. 70 a barrel. By seilIng at $4 ,a balTel, Mr. Christie apparen£Jy s tands to clear, $354,000, Burely not a ba d year's work. Every so oCten a story of this nature is printed in the newspape rs and t rav els half around th e world. It IuuI quality called hum an in terest that makes a story good. It pictures man a8 victor in his battle with nature. And It seems to show all the farmer needs do is walk into his fi elds , and pick up the dolll1l'll, that the farm Is a gold min e needing only t o be ~J'om~ted and exploited by ita own-4lT..


~ he .-trouble with 8uch a lltory is &bat .the battle needll a background. It makee no mention of the bad years for Aroo.tock county potato raisers, • nd there.,..have been several bad ;yeara lIince 1920. And the. fJU'mer knows, too , he is II'8ttiilj[" ut s3 cents for his dollar whe m aaured again8t pre-war prieel, u ; lI"1hown in the report of the agricultural department of the Federal government. Up to October 16, a ' decline of 4 p er cent in the average of far m product prices is reported, The priCe , of all farm cropll may be shown at 130 with the pre-war prices taken as 100, but still, and he knows it, the farmer gets but 83 cents for fiis dollar when he steps Illto the market to buy with it




THE ·SMALL TOWN IS ARRIVING A 'em'ding It) thc munici pal experts (I f "Ill'iOllS kinds the era of the small ('ily ann tt)wn iA arriv ing. It is now Kee 11 t hat a city clln act uall Y grow "i~ger Ihlln i. guod lor it, and so me aultwr ili es II"C cla iming thnt the ~Tl' uL mctro poli' will in lime arrive at the Ntallll wher e it will be imposs ible I'h ys icull y to g r ow, in extent of terrilnry , lit lenst The re arc J)crhaps ma'n y r easons why the smillieI' co mmunity is ing inlo il~ ow n. Perhaps the potent of Lhe:le is that the ('ommun it y iM no longe r what it lo I"' -,i< in fnet II I~'!' e at d~11l better. Thl' "il y 0" Lo wn wilh lIluddy ~;I I ' I'I ' I ~ i~ I'll !"ply f( )und in t hi s of ~ o,, " I'II "lb Hlid HlJ l O 1l1 ()h il ('~.


CivI c l'1'id(' hn H J!rllWI1 in th e s1l11l ller IIR ,n,1I a~ till' I nl'~ I' (· it.ics, flnm Hhuck le l."il"inJ!~:l Il l'e ucing e li minuted ev·

\·r y w h ,,-· ,'C', u nci the s mullcr

conlnluni ~

lil'S n ow ha\'(· fin e puLJlic bu ilrlingR including ad('tluute BchoolMillld li um · ri ~ s, up· tv -date hORp ita ls and so on. They Ilt·o co ming to have fine parks th at would do crcil it to so me of the larg:cr Cilies of the country. But the im'l>rove ment hus not aU been ulong inanimate Jin es. The people have improved, too. Out in what was once the broad, open spaces they dress ju.t li S weU, If not better , ride in as good aut omobiles, eat better food, and have Lhe same books and ge neral entertninme nt that they do in the big citics. The time WBS when you could s pot out a stranger on Broadway or Michigan Avenue or Broad street by his general appearance. Try and do it today, and see how oasily you can be fooled. lNe hear a lot of talk about how the radio, the telep hon e an d the moving picture have lessened the distance between th e big city and the smaller town and the rurul eo mmunity. The greatest single fa ctor in this developm ent of the smaller eity and town Is not given proper credit, and that factor Is the home ne ws paper. Just stop for a moment and compare our home newspapers with what they :werQ a dozen or 110 ago. You will find that the change' lS utouDding E\ren in the very sman c ~tie. the home newspaper ill Dow ',eil 4!rflly a thriving, up-to-date u.stltu,tiOD, with metropolitan' ain Through itll outside news connections it keeps the Pllople . in touch with the very latest thought and the latest culi~ms throughout the nation. Alld by its local efforts it encourages progre88 and good citizenship at home. Give therefore. the home newllpaper its IIhare of credit for leseaning the gap between thee home town and the met ropolis. . Yes, the era of the smaller city hll8 arrived. OUTS is one oC them. It's one of the best places in America to live. Why not al1 pul1 together to make it even better? If it's good enough to raise our children in , it's go ud e noug h to boost.-National Repu blic -.



I will nITer lit puhlic ale at my d nce , :I 111 il... s ""·s i. "f ~ Ilynes'1' he W . T. U. met T hursday ,·,)S Mrs, LoWe 'arey is on the sick ville, 8 mil e::: ,a.t. uf Lc, ho!1 on two list. afternoon. ,,!, il ~s S<HILh crr Lyti c, (On the Lower J. C. Gt'ay made a busi ness visit in 8 rnngboTI/ pikl '. Oll Mr . .Joseph Smilh is r emodelin lt Leba non, Friday. his h()u 'c. rue. d ay, N., vember 23, t 926, . E. Lcvicy was in Cinc inn'a ti on , Begilll1ill)( 'lL 1 11 II, 111" the fo ll owMr. Guy Huutzllhn madc a business busi ness Thurs day. lng 1\rticl {' ~·. !J, 1.1I 1t"'-l:('~, m\ll ~ team, 7 tr i}1 Lu Dayton, Friday . Mr. and Mrs. Clint Gray were cattle. faI't11111 /:: 11111' 1,,111' nt . pou ltry, Mrs. Ann L. Smith spent Friday Rnd B ~ lI gtl ' hn Ullrl s. A irdnles. bull- with r c lativcs in Dayton . "hoppi ng in Dayton, Friday ri ogs, C OOI1 oJ , ~ F . rahhit. d"KS, watch We are g lad to r eport M. E. Sher- dOlts IJnd st ,, ('k d l1g " , Mrs, John Burson. uf Illly ton, wood liS to bc ab le to be out in his spcnt FrinllY with friend s. her e. For {('rill ' . "l,C.. see l" I'~e hills. yard. "I I<S, E~I~IA ~U RFACE . Mr. Ctarenc e Smith . w ho IiU" LJ 'en \V , N, S,';}"', AUl'1 Dr. W. E. Oglesbee i. ha vi ng a wu rkin g in Duyton , is home fill' a f ew tele)honc installed for t he convenclays. Ience of his patients, I\lr R(,ll ~Illith, of Dn ytnll . wn~ Il Mrs. Rebecca Merritt spent the wct'k:elld guest of Mr, and lIIrs. early part of the week with her sis· Rolph J ohn ~ . ter, Mrs. Elihu Underwood. Mrs Adu Chrnow/,th ~ p ~ nt T u/'sSeveral (rom here attended the day mid Wedn ('se!ay with Mrs. Frank fua er a l, Saturday morning, of Mrs. Roge rs and family, Christie ltlcKinsc y. at Corw in. Mr. ond Mrs Robe rt flurnctt an cl Mrs, Emma E llis has rl!tu rn ed Cr om so n. of (JaY Lo,i. wcr c hcre viSiting a de lightful vis it in Washinglo n D. hume folks. Fri·day. C,. with her ul·oth er. Grant Duv iA anu Mr, liob('r Smith , of Ouyton, \'i8Mrs. Duvi s, ilen h i ~ parenlS. Mr. nn d Mrs", Snm Mi ~ses Winnifrrd and 1I"le l1 St!1 rr uel Sm ith. Tucsday, nnd LJrt) Lhl'rR. Lawn' n",. lind Elt", 'r, lIIr. Waltl' r Rl on m. of Cinci n nati. W('I'() Sl1tul'dny net('m oo n ca lle r, uf Wll S n w('(,k· end gu<'st I) f Mr. nn<1 Mrs , hadl'" Gray, Mrs. Cl'\.nrl('s Mull l' nix, Capulin nnr! Mrs. Charles Garner 1I1iss t)clI nu Brisc uJl, o r SpringLJ o· nnd sun , of C:<\ IUllth li H. w('r,' wet,k .... nd rn, cullee! on M\" !lnd Mrs. S. II. gue "l ~ o f L\wir ll1 other, l\1 r~. Ma ry Haines Sond uy ufLcrrw(I " , Finch and hro th,'r. Mr. Rohert Garr. ncr . Mrs. C, A. Thompso n. Mrs. George Grahalll and dllught.e r. Miss Th elm a, Or. and Mrs, C. G. Rranda ll have were Dnyto n shuppers. Munday. go ne to Shelbyvi ll e. T en n., Cor "evera l days' visi t with the ir childr en, . 'ever a l fr om here enjoyed the piny Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Ra nda ll and "The Village Po stsoffic e," ut t he Gym family. at Way nesville, FridllY even ing , . The high school and upp er grades Mrs. Morris Miller au ended t he WIll present t he play, "The Colonel's weuding of he r cousin, Miss Ruth Maid," at the hall Friday eve ning, Herm an . at Dayton, Oll Oclob er 30. November 12. Tickets at C. E. LevMr. a nd Mrs. Hurry J ohn, an d Isy's Be sure and see it. sons. of Day ton, were Sunday dinner Mrs. W. A. Hains). Mrs. W. E. Ogg u ests of Mr. and Mrs, Jam es J ohns. lesbee, Mrs. C H. tir ay, Mrs. H. E. Mr. Iln d Mrs, J oe McCray and Mrs. Hatton, . Mrs. A.. S. Collett and Mrs. Calharine Cornell, of Mia misb ur g, Charles Denny attended th e all. day wer e callin g un Lyt le relatives, Sun· sewing at Sharon church, Thursday. day. Mrs. Rom ine Shumaker , Mrs Chas. Mr. an d Mrs. Frank Snyder moved Gray, Mr. and Mrs . W. T. Jordan last wee k t o their new home in Mispent Saturday morning in Lebanon. am isb urg, which they rece ntly purMn. Jordan visited h er sister, Mn. chased. Elmer Schrader; Mrs. Gray and Mr. Jordan took the civil , service examMr. nnd Mrs. Kessler Gra ham and ination. daughter spent Sunday in Dayton, the g uests of Mr. a nd Mrs. A. E. When coming up t he "S" hill, on White and so ns, Thunday at noon, Sabin MacDonald 10llt control of his car, which cr8llhed Mr. Seth Furnas has b een seriousthrough the guard rail. doing considly i1J for sever al days, threatened erable damage to the car, and throwwith pl'ft!um onin, but is somewhaL im· ing hi. son, Howard, against the proved at this tim e. windshield, cutting hill ehin badly. The Ladies ' Aid ha d an all-day sewing Saturday at t he home of Mrs. Ruth Savage, preparing for the bazaar at Thanksgiving tim e. Mr. and Mrs. Berne J ones. Mr. and Mrs. Edd Longacre and Mrs. Robert Hunt attend cd the District Mn. Ells Smith. who was 80 Illlaat confer ence at Laurel, Ohio last week. week is recovering slowly. Mr and Mrs. Robert Henderson An Armistice Day program baa and family moved from Mason last been planned for Thursday night. wcok to the Osburn prop,erty here, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Cline, of Dayvacated by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Snyton, were calling on friends here, der. Sunday afternoon. Mrs, Harry Burnett met with a The t eacher s of this township atpainful accident Thursday, when the tended the teachers' meeting In Co• ~UI De Paolo lid flew' off a can in which she was lumbus this week-end. heating coffee, and the conte nts bad_ • Earl Cooper ly burning her fac e Mrs. Emma Bayless, of West Un·Fl~EIUou ion, is spending a few weeks with The Euchre clu b, which was reRev. and Mrs. J. F. Young. .FftdComer cently organized at the home of Mr . and Mrs. Wilbur Hathaway, was Rev. and Mrs. J . F. Young 'enter• .'Bennett Hill entertained at th e borne of Mr. and tained at dinner, Thunday evening, Mrs. Frank Kurfus, • Dave Lewta Rev. and Mrs H, O. Collins and Mrs. Oren Collins. ' • Frau IArkhuc Mr. and Mrs. Wlliter Kenrick en· tertained t o Sunday dinn er, Mr. and • CU:ff Woodbary ~rs. Mary Copsey, Mrs. William Mrs. Roy Ober er and son, Mrs. J oCopsey atJd Mrs. Arch Copsey attendseph Grassi and children and Mrs. • BoIb McDooo&b ed the funeral of a relative at MidEva Hai nes, of Dayton . dleport, the latter part of the week. Mr. and Mrs S. H Ha ines and Mr, Good crowds are attending the and Mrs. Wa lter Kenrick spent Tuesmeetings at the Friends church, conday and Wednesday with relatives at ducted by Harry L. Leasure. Decp Piqua and Fletcher, and on Tucsday and strong sermons are being delivattended the funeral of Mr. Haines' ered. Those not able to attend are cousin, Mr. James Griffis , at Fletchmissing a great deal. er. The Methodist Quarterly conferMr. and Mrs. Albertus Swank, of ence of this circuit will be held in Mi amisburg, entertained to Sunday the Methodist church next Sunday dinn er in honor of the bride and evening. Dr. Swank will preach. groom. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Swank Regret has been expressed that this and also the fir st wedding annivermeeting is at the. BRme of the meetsary of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Swank, ings at the Friends church, but thirty of this plnce: years ago, through lack of knOWledge of time arranged for revival meet~ , Mr. Charles Pope ' died very s udings were held at both churches at denly early Monday morning at his the BBme time with good attendance hom e near the Lebanon pike, west of Lebanon, Ohio a t both plac es. Ther e are enough here. He had been in poor healt h people in and near the village to more ...~~~_~"-"~~!'!!'!'~~~~~~!! for seve ral months. but was as well than fill both churchcs at one timc. . -. - - - -as usual Sunday. He was 61 years Let us raUy and do what t he older of age. Funerl\l service was held at generation did, fill both churches. the la te r esidence W c dne~da~' afterWe can do it if we try. Interme nt at David s cemnoon. tery.

-------.. --..------SPRING VALLEY




----_..---No Hunting

----- - ..


.. -.

'n 24

A. L ....W


W . Z. ROLL Judgo of tlle Probate Court. ' Warren County. Obio.



WORkiNG ON SUNDA'\"a - \-low "SOUl" l"REe't>QM Of' THEr 'PRE'5I1il


DR. E.II. RUDOLPH At Cary's Jewelry Shop Lebanc)n, Obio

Every Tuesday

8,00 .. ID. to .. Po m. Behind every ml~d Is a bacbrv,und. Behind , ~veJ'}' overt deed alld ap.oken ","oro flow a mUll of teellnge, iJiipullle8 and Ide.. ' frOm whle\ theM! conerate thhlp are CbOlell. , ' .Men are banred alliS otherwlee 'lInlahed, for tIKi lemal 'de.d. 'they i c'" ..eompllsb; a more· just metbod' of judging humanity :would be to take into . eOllllderatlon tb. wbole back«r9und. Nob~,; can do thle but ,t he God wh~ ..m~e ' ~i ' and ",nalt ~. Ie that Hie ~hou.hte are not .. our thoiijrh~. ' ~ • ~ f'j. - , ,', . A:nd t'lili:,'l .~, ,,, pe~ect jUlltice CAn be meted out only at the -judlment "-4t on'.. thl ~,·clay. ' , What a ....~ NlOJI iii 1bJa· bacbn/uf\d o'f one'a Hlfl There Bow . ' '''.....- .. l>-lUt. what ,trance olt 'aee- and .inehoate Geedlll ' What......ate of feeUnr, The meanest man on earth hal been " what lItreamll' 0 . tendeney; w.ha~ lurking buried 'leede of beredltament I diMovered in a Jel'll4lt.!towD. The "~..ylUe ItfatJo_1 A certain part of 1111 i- known to . the world ... d We collllider that 1---' d rtak th t .' tto be 9utselyu, b~ behind ,tbls the.... ' iii. allother Part; 'o~t of ' ~::h: hea:e. ere, ' ) pu a methe visible II ereatea. ' , , ' , .- . Dancer. at modern aWain Dever I ..___--.~"'!!'!---~ ·Wild an.d. I8tyr like lusts, hoI)' loniinp, prickl"p' , of, ~o'nacletice. "alt It' out" nowadays. They walk it bondl of. obligatl9n. remorseful " aoes' !!om tbe palt.. ,' ~y plana the W -e • future all mmrle In the strange J.>..hantaJl.marorla beblnd Ithe 110111.. 0 ~ Greater than anY in~c that Wagner ever eompoaeil je'ttie niulic that 'MORE ' APPROPRIATE 'dreamed, bilt could not eXPl'll1l1l. 'Gt:eater tl1an ·any IIpeech that a rlftorator baa made ~e ' the lpeechea he thought of, but never. IlIade" love which a .man haa expreueci.1e tha~ryok of Gay boy (II'8ttbig Into tui);..lto~, Jam'e 8 1" . , hall never been able to ftnd ' exprelll'on. a man thr9.uah and throqh; therefo~ w. malt not Driver--"What d',e mlWl "lIlOIlIe,'1 I thIDD ,and IIYO o"ert)y, but ""e mUlt bore' lam~~ this Is ajlublle tut" tJiole .e11l of""faeUng w~~ have Dl1'Ir 00•• to , Well, tben, 'Home Jeae J . . . .' " . . . 2: • , ii !II' • baebround of any aalII1 '" ! l -I!ad If that of U7 _jlOI_b,I, the lIacqroulld...ta .mutdlir ~be .. pan aDd -IF


Dr. Johltl W~ Miller t






When the Hall-Mills CDse finally comcs to trial they wiJI have to call in the witnesses by serial numb ers, Othe rwise 'wher e will th ey find n place t o park a ll of them? A lawyer in th e famous McPherso n case stated that there are four kinds of ankles. But the general opinion of th e boys around our offic e i8 that the re are only two kinds those that are and those that aIn't. It used to be said that the wages of s in are death but so far a8 the bootleggers arc eoncerned the wages seem to be an eight-cylinder car and a summer home in the, country. It is announced that New Jersey hall gotten rid of its m'osQulto pest and can no longer justly be referred to as the "Mosquito State." But you can still get stung at Atlantic City. All sorts of conferences, economic and otherwise. are being held by the various European nations, and it is Ii noteworthy fact that none of them arc being staged in the domicile of the League of Nations There is one thing to be said for the flapper of She doesn't sit around for houn at a time with a pug do, on her IIIp., la talking of a tIUrht world over both pof8ll. all rlJrht, but it occurs would' be euier travelto go round the other way " The visit of the queen of Rumania to America Ia !J0ing to be Gae If 1I0mebody doun t revive that old lOng about ," Sweet Marie." The

l18y tbat the

~~~:~".~n~~~~~~~~ . manifesto "iln only for Eu·




Goodyear Supertwist

Tires and Tubes "

Waynesville Motor Co. Phone 105

Waynelville, Ohio


Some of The Things

We Sell Builders'


Nails HiDles

Door Lock. Barn Door Track Smooth Wire Barbed Wire Locust Fence POlts Farm Gates


The lessons in sympathy and understanding taught by the orphan lamb, the' bawling calf, and the pig NOTICE OF AP"OlNTMENT that wandered In the cold too long, A Kentucky woman, hunting a El lal .. of SUIlln E. Hnl'n e s. decOMod. bear, found that three bul1ets would develop respected men and women 18 h e ro!>), gIven that L ido. not stop him, so: she took a club and M .Notte.. Snwln hal been dull' IlPPolnted and beat him to death. Quallrted al executrix of th e ".rlite of imagine coming home late to a ::Iuoan .l!l. HaInes, late of Warren CounAbout al1 that some couplell lay ty Ohlu. d ecensed , wife like that! n1) for old ag~ is a grudge. bllted tbl. k'd day of Nove mber. 19U


Smith Tractor Pulleys Ford Pulleys Pierce Governors Sawyer Tractor Belts

**." **

One who stands on the aide linell r efusing ' to join the fight, ,hall no business criticizing the decision. Next year well-intentioned citizens will be damning one public official or 'another, so me judge, some executive or sOln e legislator who, the critic t hinks is false to his public duty . Fine! Honest fault-finding is the life of democratic government. But-Did you, Mr. Critic, take part In t he contest, or merely stand on the ;lideline81 In ober word88. did you register alld vote at the last election? . . _ No citizen who neglects this ,ele· mentary obligation of his citizenship has any r ight whatever to complain of l'csul ts. If incompet ent or dishon est me n Bl'e chosen t o office n largo part of the blame rests on t he shirkers .who imagine t hemselves too busy, but ore in fact to o indifferent, Lo attend t heir pal'ty primary, register and cast their ballots in Novembe r. More dcvotion to civic duty now - less criticism by the sidelinera afte r election. That's our slogan.We. the unders igned. allow no Cleveland Plain Delller. hunting, trapping or trespassing on our farms: ELIAS OGLESBEE. BEAT HIM UP •

DtFrank Crane -....._ .Says

We carry a complet~ line of

to try It

All of the above material can be found in our yard every day in the year at moderate pr.ces

w. H.l\1adden & CO. . . . Waynelville






' ...

" ""'-"",.....,

hnrl ~9 Joy was in Xenia on bURl· ~-=-=-:::;=-;:;;;;;:=================a;;=====;;a;~



\ 11l , , -' :--t t' \ j, \.:.... HCI·. J oIn J . .'




atteries ycerine Base


Also, C r t-:;, ,. .... I

;!y Denatured Alcohol





The Pathfinder f the Air

Come in and see our Complete Line of Sparton Radios, or .call phone 47 for a demonstration appointment.

At Your

At All Times






RAYMON F. HATFIELD Waynesville, Ohio

Let m. know about your needa. I can aee you at any .

time, ellcept during achool hours.

·t.~efTc r.

\,' II t il'lI.1 He ctor.


METHODIST CHURCH Snbh"th Schoo l a t !l :15 n. m. prenchi nl{ nt 10 :;3 0 n. m. Epw orth Lengu c (): 1r, p. Ill . I'renchilll( nt 7 :30 P. m . Everybody in vlte,1 t o these sen'icl's Rev. L. A. Was hburn. Pastor.

---_.- ..-



-" Attention, Juniors!


Ev ery 1111""1,, I' " f the .Tulli " r 01'd el' ill I hi:; \a: l ll l ty i:-; l' Hrrh· ~ t ly ul"$,!l' d



"' l'



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!If r :-;, ='U";:I :I Pai nt' and :-:;nn


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:-;lttld ll ), g" u,·, t;; II f 1III,·dln.


,J o hn ~Ir.

a I) 11\.

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. -I

in Cillcill-

d,i"lIl'I' I rll~·t~ .. lIlll ny. .


JIl ,'• . Kat e .

1I1r. Ult..! 1111's. J. ':\1. 1'ho ll1l'""11 and ' so n s pc nt Su nday witt. rclnti\'c ~ in Loyclnllll.

. Al bcrt Hicks, o f Call ton, vi sitcd IllS m ot Ioc r . Mrs. Kate Rick s 111011. <IllY ni ght. '

IV . J . Bah ,' r r~t'"·II' · 11 hl1llll'. ~! on · day. nftC'r ""~ Il<li" " <l' I'cral <lays ill Cilleinllllti.

lIIr. 1l1 ,, 1 ~I r ' . Hurt"n 1·~ ~I'nh lll' t. o r !layton. ' !W llt Sllnrl:ry w,t h ~Ir. :l lId Mrs. Curl 13l1hb ..

Mr. IIl1 d

h OIll~ llf

~Ir~ .

, j ... it t d tll ll , ~lIllday .

Adam 1 , 1. 1tl \('"





Mr. nnd 1\[rs. J. C. Ha wk e "I'~n t -- lI nd IlY with th,·il· <I1111 ghll'r and fllm " y Ilt I'k,,""ltt Plaill .


wi n t1ll' r

Y (l ll

belung t o

------ DEATHS

Chn rl cs P,IP". o f Routt' 5, died 8udd£>nly o f h"nrt trouble en rly Monday morning. Funeral se rvices were hel d lit lhc hom e this niternoo n and intermen t was nl D'l\'id 's church. Mrs. Chr istie McKinsey died nt her home in orwin lust Wednesday nig ht. She is survived by her two daughters. Mrs. Enrl :';wnync of near Ridgevill e, nncl Mi~s Lnura McKin. sey, a tencher in the Waynesville schools. l~ ullern l serv ices were held Snturdny morning at the . Chape l. Rev. Washburn. officiat i~. and bu. rial was in !IIinmi cemetery.

----.. - ...---

After a pleasant trip East. Mr. nnd Mrs. Wi lbur Clark nnd Mr . nnd Mrs. J . O. Cartwright arrived home last IIlt·s . R" ut'rt Fu rn n" IIlld children I·'riday. Werl' :'iulldn}' g u!"ts (1f 1111'. and M..s. Hnn·py II urh ·~· . at l\: ,'w Burlill!:'ton. The Campfire Girls will hold a mar. ket in the .Township house . Saturday, The womon II f St. Mury' ~ Elliscopal Nove mber 29, from 10 a. m .• to 1 church will hllvc lh(lil' an nu ul market p. m. Lols 01 good things to eat. n nd apron 8al(l on SlltunlllY, ,Deeem- Co me. ber 11th. . A specinl m eetin g 'of the Cnmpfir e Mrs. J\lnr~· :' 1 (' 1~ll dJ!l n . wh o undcr- Girls will be held 'nt the home of the went nn ope ration lit .\Iiami Vnlley f: uardian. MOlldny afternoon, Novemhospital lust wc e k, i ~ getting ulon g ber 16. All membe rs nre urged to very well. nttend. Mr, . Fred S,·h"",, r t? and Mrs. Frank Dysart, u f Col umb us. W(lre guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Rob itzcr sove rnl days last week.



Mr. nnd Mrs. Dean Girton and th ree son s. Mrs. Rich ard Cox and Iwo daugters. of Mason. Mr. and Mrs Clyde Egbert, of Xenia. spent S un ~ day with Mrs. J. W . Baker.

Rev. and 1Ilrs. J. J. Schaeffer a nd Mr. and Mrs. Ch url es S ingle. of DayMr. and Mrs Howard Collett and ton, spent Tuesday evenin g with Mr. Qhildren. He nrietta and Wallace. Mrs. a nd Mrs. W. H. Allen. Wallace Tibballs and daughter. Mias Flo ra. of Wilmington, and Min Mrs. Vi ola Harlan, Mr. nnd Ml'1I. Pearl Rile!J of Ridgeville. spent SUDE . L Harlan. ].11'. and Mrs H. B. day with Mr• • nd Mrs. Morris Silver. Earnhart were dinner guests, Sun· day. of Mr . and Mrs. Kennet h Hough. Do you like to wash in cold water! Why. no. Would you rather pay the Su nday dinnelr guests of Mr. ~and doctor or pny the laundry man a few Mrs. Jo e Tinn ey were Mr. nnd Mrs. ce nts a week for your wash? We Harry truax. Mr. and Mrs. Carl will launder your clothes for as low Spradling. Mr. and M!'s Har- liB 6 cents per pound. Leave your vey Pinkard. Miss Louise Ro limd and call with Mahlon Ridge to have the Mr. Ralph Truax:, all of Cincinnati. drive r explain in detail. Soft Water Laundry. Do yo u llke to wash in cold wate r Why, n u. Would you rather Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Robltzer and pay the doctor or pay the laundry. g uests. Mrs. Schwartz and Mrs Dy. man 8 few ce nts a week for your SlIrt, Mrs. J. D. Marlatt . Bca . wa s h? We will launder your clothes t rice Robitzer , E ve lyn Ca r twright. for llS low a s 6 cents per poulld. Mrs. J. W. Edwards and child/'e n Lcave y our call with Mahlnn Ridge Mrs. L. A. Zimmerman ond children: to h nl'c the c1rivl' r (·xpluin in d<'tail. .\ frs. Fr,·d Cole Ilnd childre n W(lrc Sort Wulcr Laundry. a mo ng those wh o ntte nd ed the Ch ildr en's Party at the S hrine cluh ~at­ ur(\uy nftl' rnoon.



IIlr. nnd Mrs. Cnrl McClure nnd 1' hildren. of Duyton. spe nt th e we ek- , <'nd with Mr. nnd Mrs. Walter McClure.

----- ..----


Silver Flake and Elk Lick Quality Canned Goods

And you h ave. the best that money can buy. There ia no econom y in the cheap grades of canned good.. You pay les8, but you get more water, le811 food and I ... n ur i,;h~ nt. Try our brand. and convince yourself that they are the most deliciou8 and mo.t economical yo u can buy.

I.. ~ t w " .. k.

lIr. lind Mrs.

I' is iting Ilt the Withnm.

,. on ", 'nolle table is correctly Bet j the food prop ookcd and lIerved. Select



;ll e_,r,. W alter l\!cC'lurl' lind C. W. "nrl Mrs. T. S. Gord o n mu d~ n u\1~ine ss trip t o Piqua

~r r". :-;,, "a n A I ,",ld, lI f Da~: tlln. is

' '-J

e!'ij .J ", e(' l ",d .

\' PI'''"'; Itl 1:"'1<>" 11'II A- • r.....,


Bnl\\' u

Miami Vall,,), Cuu' H·il ,'r nul. You'll ~Ir . nnd Mr_. ~",,01 BUl t""w o rth be so rry if ruu nOIl ·t. nnd Gi lhert Fn l' visited rela til'CS ill Wil milll:'tu n. Sl;,"lny. A. CA H'l'I:: R. Co uncilor TOM PIJ::I/C E, A. R. S. Mr, . Erina Hrandhu t f: a nll cIau!:'h . tcr. 1I l'I~ n " !'I·tH S Ull dn\' wilh her ,;ist " I·. ~I I'S LUll TitU H nll;1 flint ily ..

ounty is Talking

./· ~ E




to alt,·"d t lil' rq~ lIlar '1ll·,·ti,,1!' ,If ~li­ )Jr'~. 'r~ l ' :-: .11:-'\'11/ ~ :I lid :-- , 1\ , Mrs . ,\ nnn Cadwn ll :\(I~ r nllel i\l i,. IImi Yal kl' C"un c il at \\' :t\'n e~ l'illP (' l a rk, tlf t'll'\lia nd . \ 1 It ld tll:ttIYt ' !" r 'Ial'll Lil e Hpellt SU lldu y with rein. rll1x 1 Fnd .iy l" ' I' tllllJ,:' . XO\'('llllw r I:!, f H.' n ' la S t \\"\l (·k. [ II·'·S at Wa shingtol.l C. H. Th Statc (" ,'u ndl o.. nn I oth e r i\J i ~~ l\larg-nn ll E dw :II'!! :'; fln :- ~ () JH' :Stll t l' orlie-e r,' will ll(' present. l\Iut J. B. Chnpman is in GcrmlllltllwlI tl' r!' of \'ilnl iJllI'Pl'tHIlCl' to eve ry to ClIl'ollndo Ut'Hl'h, '.'l a , . t il t'o Pl' n d I'll ., where he was culled on acc ount memh r r "j' lh(' III der will be disrus8- t he wintl'r m unt h:.;, !I f thc serio us illness of his s is ter.

Radio WE WILL DE 0 ; '

I ' ..

'" " t!;".,

l'hi ld ,',n

-A twater-Kent Here's the Set the


f'I!' !'. a il e!

Tone- Volume -Selectivity -Distance •

" .

! .. ,t. ",

\, I ,.k ' ( 'I .. t :1 r 1 .• i CHR ISTIAN C HURC H Sllndny-Schul, 1 lit ~ :3 0; prayc r Mrs. Ed ith lIarri, Illl',!tin~ \\' ,'d ,w,tlay evening nt i :30. lIali last Wednl·sday. ~yc ry bod~· cordi:tlly ill\ il,',l.


We also have a Wrecking Car, equipped with a Three-Ton Holst.

'n \' i t~d

",hali \"


MI" . h otC' ,lh'mnn i~ the KU I" ! ~ I II ... IIl1d j\ lr~ . Jl Il l'''Y Turn~r . lit 111-11. 1'\ Lnltlk. . :11

os Popular Hostess ' J ~y ~ e ville and V:' cinity


IIfessr. L. 111. 1I l' IUI"r8011 n1lu \\'. ~cllrs II ure in Lc lJtln01l 611 r. tI , l I. ' (Iny. . . '


_ I t. . . . . . I ,

t .. 11 " ,'L,d" I ..


lIes~, • Illlll'dllY.

T. MARY'S HURC.H TW~lIt I'~ ( .. ur th ~UII,I: W I fH' T Trill' lty, ~ " I' II1I " 1'. I I. (' !'-.ltl h S d w ,,1 'It I' :.W: .11 .... 11111( l' rn: '(,I' :I :l tl " rOl o" All ;II',


Let Us Make You Special Prices by the Dozen or Case






- Grocery

VAN OFLEN , Propr if' tor

Waynesville, Ohio -

- - -- -...:.=.=...


-- _.._-----

P.a~c hes Co u ntry Club, 2 1·2 lb. can

2Sc 3 can., SSe

3 Can. for ... . .. .... . 69c

Avondale Pineapple or Delmonte r a can, 1ge;


Country Club, No.2 Can 3 Ca n. ror


.. 31e

Peas, Country Club Sifted , per can, 17c;

3 cane for SOc:

Beans Ca~p!.~~'~' Country Club Beans, 4 can. for

or Tomato Soup

Bread .


an8 2 S c 30c

CountryClub twin or .pllt-top ll-Zlb.loaf9c


I-pound Whit. Lo.' .... .... ... .. . .... . 6c

Who I. Wh •• t. 1.110.

10·. ' ...........

Sardines Can Lar,. In Oval 13

Ie .


To· Salle•• ca........... 3 c ••• lor ........ _.... ............... _•. _.. , ..

Rr., 1 ~.I".

_Q ............ IOc



C.o, . . . F....c........ '" ....... ................


::!... '" . . .. .. .33c

.£!~'~r.~~~ . .35c !1~~llftO t..,. .. aac~ g8e 20.0%. • qu .... 1.,.r .................... 2SC


.... Cl.... 14~-'" .ack .. $l .Q9

2'5C 30c Raisins I.... 2 p.d,.,.......... ~?n~~ ~nch 25c Clothesline . . . . . . . 19c ~~~~~~I.O~:~~~~~ .. 20c ~~u~U~ .. ~.~!~~~. .... . . . 15e BI !:~~~I~~~ ~.~25c ~i~~ ·~~~·.::::.::·.::::::~.~2~ ~~~?u~ ~. ~.~. ~. ~~:. . 37 C

Rice Fancy, Blu. Ro.e head, 4 lb . .... .



....... each ....... .. ....... ... .. .. 36c

oz .,

) 6 Dune ,.."

4 0'(001

' S••d.d or

b raided

Curra nt.. !l o z . pkg .... . ....... .. .. ,lUc

for ...

Gay boy (getting into taxi)"Home, J anle" f" Driver- "What d'yc mean "Home James ,' thi s is a public taxi." Well. t hen. 'Ho me J esse Jllmcs.'''

t .. af. pound ... ......... .................. 14c

Countr,. at,.le. Ib ....... ............... Zh

Located on Main Street, Wa,ne •• ville. Ohio. next to Dr_ H.thawa ,·. offi!:e . eon,iating 01 .tore room. four riving room.. Suitable for • beaut, parlor or millin4~ry atore; pOlle •• ioD at o nce: ve ry lo\w price; rood term.:

Apples of Quality 20.0 0 Bushels of Rome Beauty If you want Apples that are good to cook, eat, and that will keep un til all ~re used. come to



Miles East of Harveysburg



Auctioneer &nd Re.1 Eatate,

.Painful Accident Anna, dnughter ' of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Campbell. wns badly burn ed lust Friday whe n she accid e ntnlly r an aga inst h el' mother. who \vus carrying a bow l of hot grlL vy from the stove lo the tult le. cau'ing her to sp ill it on t he child's h ead.


You get full weight.

Prices Very Reasonable



, ,----------------------------..."

q;htw~naJ cure your meat thi,


Salt, I t will love ehriniroec, labor. fire ri. k ond worry . I t

Enters Mail Service

will Rive you better

flavor end perfect cure, But be sure

~~!~~~~inal ,

Bryan Prendergnst passed the Civ· il Service examination and has reo ceived nn appointment in the RaiJ· way Mail service. He will report to the chief clerk at Pittsburg. No· vember 16.

difmT £IlWARlIS PROWS -"'I '~

We. the und ersigned. allow no hunting, trapping or trespassing on our farms: ELIAS OGLESBEE_ F. A_ HARTSOCK. I. A . HARTSOCK. BEAT HIM UP

A Kentucky woman. huntinlf • bear. found that three bullets would not atop him. so. ahe took a club and beat him to death. . . . Imagine coming . home IlIte to ·. wife like that I

Theoaly meat aa1t that la .aRood for table tlae a. 10f" curinll meat. Smell It . Taa te it. You can tdl it ot once Irom .. It that haa been mized with pJ(foliaDeoua add or other danceroua cbemicf:lla.

w. bav. It. PAcked In teo powld dJ'U1III and IUataoteed IcoulDe.

Phone 25



W ayne.ville, Ohio . A.

Novem.b er lat, to the . Tea Co. Come quarters.

t~ ~ .. I W


If you do, call at this office

Waynesville Farmers' Exehang~! Company

and get full particularL


Insurance Agency


Want To Make FOLLOW Lots of THE ARROW Red Arrow Money?

or coune you 'Inn


. _.




Mrs. Hurry Burnett, nee Mary Thomas . was badly burned last week. when a can of coffee. which W88 heat ing on the stove, exploded. the hot liquid strikin,:! her in the fac e.

No Hunting

F. D. Dakin



---_.- ..---

Ask Merchants for Red Arrow Money

Boys -a nd Girls


Our Apples were well sprayed, are cleaned and well graded to four sizes.




Cleanae your eyetem,' purify YQur blood and -pr.vent ~ cold., Jnftuenza and other winter ailme~te.


HEW LIFE ·TO·Hle The Creat Blood Purlfie~ and ~ Syatem Clealuer Prevent. .' Sh:Im.... . eet it today at

John Hawke'. Store, W Madden'. D~g Store,


GAZETTE Waynesville, . Ohio

....Sevent y-r.; igh t h Yea r




. ~, ,.......




. It

NO VEM BE R .1 7.




F'l'i dny "r III.t week, n generlll ns""cnh ly rtf Ih,' l.I ig h schoo l an d Gr a des was h" ld ill t he Gy m imm ediat e ly f ollowing I hI ' nniJ ll ho ur. A t thi s m ec t.~ in!! S a m ,II,,," ilctin e lI nll Will in m Wilk"I'"" n \\'{' I' ,' ,' Iecl ed eh(,l' r lead ers f or in tl'I'-"I'hlola "tie nt hle t ics. Th C' r e fo l-


2 - YEA R - OLD ~


Mr. (in-l ' I1 , tll' ad uf t h, ' A nH' r iC' !.lfl F e cl e ."a t ion o f La hu l". h l ' H\' P I1 h h · s~

hi nt , d ~ dar c " lhn t lah" r wa nt" II ,P uwc rful nuvy , t hat Ih e l nll,· i1 ~tutc~ mny b< pc rl y dd l' ndcd li nd rea lly f or t ro uhl e. Wo r km e n wo uld he wo rse t han foo lish 10 wun t Il nllt i" n ull pre pa r ed , sI nce they b~ar th e b r ull t whe n fi·!!'ht· ing comes Uig f ell" w" di s play t heir putri ot i ~m by makin g II fli t p r ofit i n wur Little fe ll ows ~ ct shut, gassed di seased. et c.


t h 4' I 'l JJ' P0:-l(!

o f init iu ting o u r

t' lit't'r " ·:lIk ,·... 1111(1 t n p r uc t il'(l Y(l li s f or Ih ,' 1.: I"- \\ III 'il ll J.!a 1111 " lo h p Iday (\ (l t h a t " V I' f ll ll \! with tilt, Ct' lI tl ' I' \' i lle lI i ~ h ~ dl' n "


MISSIONARY Of INOlA [··::::::::::·.. ADDRESSES MEETING! from the 1' . I n'~ulnr fIlI'et'n~ State . CapItal


T hl' of t hc' \\' (1 mUll '" Axutli:,r y IV U< neld It n Fri day urt c' rrI 'H III, :-; c,,· mll l'r 12, II' lt h lIlr ti. Sarah Zilllll' c l'lll:tn ulld 1\lrs. L . A. Zimnlt'rI\", " a t tlo,' Io nme uf tlo l' lat · t r. ~l r H. ('ad w" II"';l'r o pl' "ed th ~ "W(·t inC Hlld L' "lliluc h ' d t bt' 4i (", vo t ionlll ;-H' r -

)(·\\pll an \,x l'f· t·d ing ly g'oo d IPCP m l'c ti ll ~

Whole Nu mber 5727


-------. -=-= ===:::::


\· It'\..'~

~C.-'ril' lllrni

q1Jotnti ll n ~

Prepa red by Columbus

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(' OI.t" I I1I ·S.





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OIl IO-· \\·ith

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I.!h·p n lilld d"n ;d l ilTl " n 'l, (· j \' l'd 11~' :\l l ... !'O "} ,·t ' II ,, n out 1'1' th<, \\:1)' di ~ t' UgR i on !, at h t' r i lli ' l· n ' lId"n.: ~I ~ t . who I ' I n ': I:-O· i,.. all'l 'adr 11(' ln )..' h pard ffl r I p~i~ )I! t i o n lIn ' T' uf t il" ~l (1,tll'lI Fllnd fl'l' 1i1t' th"t 11'011 I I "~" loJ, · n 11 ' \I' S tato Train ir ll.! "I' ;\1 1:-.:-:I II rHI I'Y \V ("·he,.,, ,tin .." , huil di ll f,.{ T lw l a ":; i (: f'I14' rll i A s;\ flt.: 1' lh,· I'i 'a tlin l.! d f lh(' 1l111\ \ l h .';-: :--t.'n d ,l \' tlf·cid (,d, llH ,: 1: 11(' flt '"d f' d nn e tlnd d i ... p,, :-:. a l H j" 01 h ~' I' hll ~ inL' s~ . tltl' I.a d L,ill l \l~ h , h ilt a l llll\.! d th It..; mnny f ( , l h'WIII~ d(' lt ' ~a I' S W t ' I'(' app u illt e d IJt h\\ r tdIlIHI,' r:- f:l d .. d I. I'n ' \' ,d~ · wa ys t il til t, a n l l u:l l lI ! t ~ t I II I-! I II t'IIH · iH I I JllI . il. l ld " H.' aII S f ll l- th ~ l ·" I1 ,. l r u~ttu n o f =' \I \'PlldH ' r I ,; 1" 1,..; . ,,1-wl1 th,,' Fif ll · ~I H' h :1 hu i l di llV :A -'; I~ rt' qll i r L' ci to l' l h Arlf l ! \ ( ' r~lI rv II f I lw \\' jjlllllll' S " "lb !' lH' val'l tl ll !'- =-', at " citopHrt m c nt Auxdi ;\I\ III =-"Hdht.'rl1 ()hi u is t o 1,l..' 11 " \\ \l ut ~ id!: ti ll' !'-\lhl" hilUl-H-, Only

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lill l"tllil o f I ,,} i ~ t, wa s ~, ' nt ,'(" h u ill )! t o tit" t u l' ,I f t tll' G y m II lid , bHck IIJ.!'H i n 1'1'11111 t il t· thnm ts o r the



HUll k uf l {t ' I1)(: Itl · I 'd, , /.."" \tL'~ , ,M 1 ~:-­ Ka t h"I'IJ1 l' ! ' r, ' ndt' f'Io:H :-: l. l\l r s, r,. A, ZiIII 1l 1i' l'fn U'1 ulld ~ll' s. J . 1-: . 1I1.-( ·l u l' ~; ulte r nutl", JIl l" ill u1I1" IIr (,WIl , JII rs.


t: 1· ll, III Ht;·.! Hlld t tll' bra rh..' l* Ilrl'!3 t'n ll' d ,


multitucll'. Ce fll e r vi ll ~ , th e vis itinlr o pponl' nt R, cal'l'i l'd " tl' t he H c o r ~ hu n" I'" of t he gume, wh il'h WIl H CIPIIII , .1\arcJ f o ught a nd f" ' l fr om hl'lrin nin g to end. Ce nt erv ill e Hlld \.vuync~ v i ll e w e r e,

h o w c \'f.~r

r,·('t·nt ly

t Ill' ci l' pnr tml'nl "I' lu'a lt h

ClI lll PCIiNI t o 11 111 \ {. Into n,' W qua r l ,' n'; li nd n o\\' Slatp d {'pH ft nw n t s may I'l' I ll unu from th" 1111HI Il Htut ion to (ar :-;"" Ih U(I lI il! l, ,[ n ' '' t, nnd . fr om \\:1 '<1

I, d ith il a n i, ",, 01 Mr> . E. L. '1' 1"' 1(1 - lh ~ riv",' o n tlo< ' WI · ~t III Oak nnd On tIll' thi r d d a y . N"ve llll ,CI' IH, :'>: ill ih . tl·peL, 1) (1 th (· l'II"t . Anyone t h e !leW hu ll ding' !If th t· C h i l cl r (,l l '~ \\' ith busi n R" nt "l'VI'r ll l c1 cpll rt ment9 hos p it a l wi ll In: opened , . . wi ll have II p retty fn ir t nxi hi ll it he 1\1 t hl' d" M!: " I' th e l,us l11 cs, S(''' lOll t ri c< Lu cove r t he m HII in 'HIe day. th e prllgr"m fur I he dllY WIl S tnkl 'n T here wi ll be UP lfcJ" iLi o n to dlsup. t ur binlr t he fun d_ of t he Work men's We hud th l' p ll' asu n ' of hllv inlr wi t h ' l' lllpensati o n IIl w us w,,~ p ro pose d us M iss Edi th Cr iscn l)c r r y, of No w- t wu ye ll rs UR O, but o ther ways and g o n ~, A""ll ll'. I nd ia , whu h as IIce n means tlf fi na nci nv: a n ew offi ce builde ngu g ctJ in m i~ s i lJl1 ul' Y wo r k In t hat in v: wi ll be f ou nd . I'rl.'sen t plans fllr-off 181lJ f nr II peri (,d of tw!:lv (' ar c fur the enrl y intr oductio n of s uch y~a r s ut pr ese nt bei ng home o n her a mea 'u r e in the tw o br anches of the secon d fu r lo ugh . !I'iiss Crisen her ry g e nern l ussembly so th at th er e will gllve 8 ve ry int ~ r !: s ts i n~ li nd instr uc - be no m or e de lay t ha n a bso lutelY tive t alk o n th e pc o ple n nd cu stoms is necessar y in gettin g th e work unof Indi a , show ing ha ndiw ork of th e d" r way . peop le a n um be r of pi ctures af!d dre sging so me o f the me mbers In So uthern trnffic is a lrend y sh owing cost u m!:s. S he IIn "wered the many an in cr ea se over th e mo nth of Noq ues t io ,," lI :i k~ d !l nd th e aftern oo n pUBsed a ll t uo lj u ickly. At th e cl ose ve mb er a yea r ng o, and r nilrold of her tn lk she was giv en n vot e of ngc nts r eport increased inte r est In than ks t o wh ic h she r espunded with th ll wa rm er so ut hern clima t e Tho d e Olund f or t ick ets' to Flor idll is not t he O r ien ta l sal a am . nea rl y so great 0 9 n year a~o. more Miss Ma r y Loui se Zimm ermnn interest this ye a r bei ng III other played tl pi nno solo " " S ea G II~ d e n s" s o uthern s La tes. At the prese nt time by J a mes F rll ncis Coo ke. Thi ll was chi ef inter est is in th e Southern followed by u re ci tut ion by li t tl e Marj or ie F:dw a rd s, which br ough t the Fi Mhing and huntin g g round s. Repo rts fro m the swamps of Louisiana program to a close. . . Duri n!!, th e sacm l hour de li cIOUS indi cate tha t wild duck nnd goese re m or e plentiful tha n eve r, and refreshm ents Wer e se rv ed by the uwealher co ndi t io ns ha vc been very host esses assist ed by Mrs. F . B . H en- sati sfa cto ry The Gulf of Mex ico I, derson , Mr, Runu ld Hllwk c a nd Mrs. a lwuys s plendid fishing g rou nd~ and J E McClu r e tl nd Miss Mn ry Louise cuvers en o ug h t errito ry to p r ovide Zim m erm a n. Besid es M iss Crisen uerry t he f ol- r oom f or the tho usands wh o Journey lowing g UC" t H we r e prese nt : Mrs. t o th e s hor es of Mississippi towns E _ B . 1J 0ste r , o f H ar veysburg ; Mr •. lind wint er r esor ts to en joy thla port. It is ea rly y et for Florida F. R. !\I uo III II\\,. Mrs. J . C. Hawke. .t ourists, ra ilroad age nts do not Mrs. II E. Hat ha wuy. Mrs. J . D. ti n J t he but sam e inter es t t hili y ear in Ma rlat L: Mr s. I,' mnk E lbo n, M r~. J . t he fur southern stute us that ot a E . W it ham, Mrs. Li.nd ley Ml' nden- y ear ogo . And th er e is no peason hull Mr;,. Mar y Adam. , Mrs. J uhn t o expect t he re will be during the Fro ~lIl1, Mr s. . Ll oyd Dn vi s. Miss Trille na Edwll r dR, l\l rs. Cy nt hi a E v- winter . The heuvi est month for the tou l'is l-'! to F lo rida is in January. an s, l\l u rj " ri e Edwa rds. IJ an H aw ke, .h ut lost -Nove mber found several lin d Fra n k Ta ylul' Hawke tho usllnd Ohi oan s who ventured to the So uthern state to invest condi. us

('(j u n l w in nC' r s o f t ru e, ,cl ea n

g ood ~ p" r ts man " h ip . Mlln y tha n ks Mr. Gree n li nd his Feder uti on of nr e Lo lol' ex t ('ndell 1.0 Mr . Drake, o f La bo r w ill n o d o ubt IIdvoca1.c th l' Willn in!(IO n, wh o ce r tai n ly did II fine rig ht kind of pre pllr edlll·.". A g r elll p iece uf wll rk in r ft'eteeing t he I;am e_ buill ... fl ee t in t he a ir. anothe r below th e wa l er. Sub marin es to dest r oy The sco r l's of th e two j:!lIm e ~ wer e: en emy sh ips ns th ey come; airplan es t o bent off ai rships, sin k en emy-mer - F irst tea m--C. H. S 20 chantmen nnd Wil l' vessels. T hose Fir. t t .. am - W. H . 8 7 nl'e the t hings th is cou ntr y n ceds. Second te·a m- C. II . S 20 12 Seco nd t l'l.m- W. II. S T o he too fnt doesn' t n ecessllrily H e re', t il Ill'tt(,r lu ck IlI 'xt F ri da y men n over -enting . Often it menns night, w he n t he I.l'a ", " f ro m ( ' tter de f re tiv e m etabo lis m, impe rfect el- bein High sc holll en c .. un t l't !l UI' htl ys Iminnti on . A priso nl' r fed o n brend on our ow n flo ur. and wa t er f or t wo w c~k R ga in cd thr e~ pounds. The br ead and wa ter A lsn , du l'i ng l a~ t wee k th e tl' Re hdi et pul his system t o wo rk. ers o f tl1<' lI il{h schuo l cOlllpl l' t p'; t he Inbor llto r y sd wd ul c. Il \' er y t'o mpliMoth ers and fath ers should be in- cated unll l'r t nk ing , co nsi lil'ring I he ter wst ed in th e f act that tu b~ rcul 0 8i8 fact th ut lil('re nrc t hree ~cic nce 18 incr eas ing am ong young g irls, Girls classes in hil': h sc hool unr! nol less starv e t h emselves to kee p th in and than th ir t y in an yo ne nnd o\' er fi fty tuberculosis germ" attal'k a weak in on e. Eat' h class hilS Lll b. \\' ork bod y with insufficient blood supply . two pCl·i .. d II d il l' , tw o dllY R 11 wee k. The rel!po nslbili t y is with pa rents Cn n you imal!'in e o ur Inbo rat or y wit h IIfr. li nd Mrs. W ol ter McClur e Ver y On Fri day , Nove mber 19, Mr. Virth at lose nU control of th eir child- ovp r fif t y ~ t ted 'nts, c rll wd l'd into it, pl easnntl y enter t nin ed th e W ny ne g il Overh olt und Mr. R. D. Bnrde n r en , beyond r etnini ng th e honor of OUl' h \\'o r ki nl': wi l h a PJlllratte s und Mr a nd Mlrs. Ronll ld Ha wk e e nter- e ngin eering s pecialist o f Ohio State T own ship F ll r mer , (' Iub on Thur~d oy . t ninc;1 Ilt d inn er. Run dny. Miss E dith pnyi ng th eir bills. w r iti ng'! uni ve rs ity. will a~s i s t County Agent J'l ovem ber 11 tit . C.r i,en herry. of Assa m. In dia, Mt'6. Class in de mo nst rati ng th e usc of . The uBunl sumpt uous cli nne r lI'as Edi th Harri s. M r~. Luura Mosh er nnd P yr ot ol in blowing s t umps lind in Humon be ill W' co" t money t o rai se T he c:i l'i " not ha\'ing II \ igh-sc hool buildin g a br ush and stn ke darn in a nd ma n y nrc' !lut \\' ur t h it nil, th e t eam , h,,\,(, " 1'!!allizl''; l'i n"" t l' lIm ~ fo r ~e r ved in t he Grll n!,!e diri ing ha ll. Mr. lI arri s M o ~ h e r . pr eventi o n o f soi l e ros io n. The im perfec t bei ng n il pre,e r v"c!. a nd i n t( ' r -(' III !O!~ ('I IT ! Ll'~ lS, Th (l Slt p h o1l1n rcs nftH wh ich th e club nH' m i>c' rs r echildren of th e ahlest mad e worth- nr c Ih .. ""l~' 1I 1ll' " in hi g h ~c h ou l who ",!ired t o th e McCl ure hOlll e fo r t he r.l rs C"'nth ia F:v nns entertni n ed at blasting d emonst ra t ion w ill be held pr og r nm of tit " nftcrn"ltll less by t he ir fath e rs '~ m on ey s uc - d o n ot 1111\ t ' H t{ ' allt. :Ill's . . i la t-ha \\'uy '. t e8 r oo m, Sun dllY, at t he ho me o f Mr . Ro be rt Stump. I n II we ll p r epa n ' d Jl" lw r , ~ I r ~. L. 1)1' an d l\l rs. Ren o, Mr s. Merrell nnd ab out three mi l c~ n or t hcnst of H a rcess Ca lifor nia' s S la ll' Bonrd of lI ealth A. Wa "hbu rn pTI '"c ntl'd "nlllP forc,'- d,,;, g lo t l· r. ~ I is~ He"" , And Mrs. Ella veys burg, sc he du led fo r 10 o'clock Friday mor ni ng. Th e uni vers ity s pl'esa ys n tw o-year-o ld bn hy . co ~ ts Il's. Mr . F. 11 . lIani". e nu nt )' S U)1l' ri n- f ul a n d "pp r upr iate "T hanh)!i\'in g II.,in es, al l " f C'inri nn nti. iuli sts will br ing 250 fuet o f in ta lIper day t1l11 n at a ny ot he r "I':I'- Ies" ll'nd f'l1t tl f \ \' nl'Tc' n C n lln t ~' ~c h o o l R , T houflh ts." a t ed wi r e t oge th er w it h e lect r ic maRickllcs. thll n li t II ny li me. I ('~s " x- w a s a \ i.!-;.j " I' of \V a YIH'~ \'i ll (' sc hoo ls T h e cl ub " llI'a vs \\' .. icO ml'S nn np~Ir . II nri Mrs . II. 8 . Sh an er and ch ine for eX Jl ! o din ~ seve rsl cha rge s pen se in oth er wu ys. I"" t T hll!'<,J "y HI, d r l'm ar ke cl upo n til l' portun it y o f hlt,: in!! Re'·. nn n lIlrs. (nm ih' (, llll' r t nin ed t o di nn er SlI n day, o f P yrn to l in sta nlan co usly . Thi ~ g(ln d r, 'c' itntil' n" o f th p cllI ~~(,~ As it C . S. Gro user pr('sent. On lhi s 0('- ~'1r . lI'n el ~'1rs Claud" Bn l <,~ , of Xe niu, m eth od is t h(' only "uLisf ac to r y p lan From t wo to t wenty y('a r, CO"t wn" 11 11 11l1l' XPl'Ct.('d ancl R urpri ~ e cn B, casio n Rev . Grau sl' r nd<ll'l's.c d t he II II' all d M,'" Milo Fie lds, of Lumber - f or use w ith la r ge st unes an d . t umps. me ti nl! on th e "u hj ect, " Th e Uni ted t(l C\ .' Mr and 1I1rs. J pssc F ields nnd o r f or di ggi nlr ditches or tr enc hes st eadily ri ses. A fte r sixty it fnl ls yo u mllY ,,·.. 11 imug ine ho w thrill ed we Stat eR in t he Pea ce P la n of t he off- f ewe r t ee th, ea t les". cl oth e" felt lit Ih C' co mpli ment, World." chil rll'l'n: "f Sp r ing fi c ld . Afte rn oo n t o g e t th(· d l'~ i r ~d r es ult s Inst lo nge r , li fe r u ns ' Iui ctl y a nd no n ll e r" ,,',' rl' Mr a n d. Mrs. William AlI f a r me rs ha ving la r ge st unes. U 111· - ca Mr. Grau s .. r belie ves t hnt t he • I h' ld 1\1 nnd Mrs. sense is ca lming down . stumps or exc uvnti on for whic h they ted S tlltes sho u lrl c nlt' l' mos t hea r ti ly 1\ "(' I'I'"n Hll e l' I re'Il, r. D All inter esting , but th e Stnte bonr d Th" ho t lu nch"R bping ser ved by th e into a pea ce program . " We st ill Ed \\'urd \:l cck<'lt , of oyton. li re co n"id c r ing th e U Se of explos ives. docs not t e ll us \\' hy we live at 11 11, ~I " th('ol'< ' cl ub t his yl'nr. nre se rved seem unwillin g t o pa y th e pr ice of arc in vited t o bc prcs ent li t Mr or why it is nec essury 10 put us her e d oi ly I O, ' H a hundred . Monday of peace." Mr> F:r1i t h H nr ris a n d Mrs Lnura Stump 's l"rida y mornll1g. In th e first place. this 'H' l'k , · h owever, s aw the High The s take a nd br ush dllm will b e If we ca nn ot brin lt ab out int er - ~ lt lS h ,' r l'ntertain ed u t a belluti fully . chno l hn' a d lin e. as it is jokingly natio nal peac e with nil o f our ll r es- J u l' plti ntl'd lun ch eo n at Mrs H atha- buil t a t th e f a rm o f Mr. Fronk Hart('(l lI ed. \'l'r y nll ich ~ h o rte r than uStelll. s ock, abo ut three mil es so uth east of The Reve r end Or. S tr nton . nrd ent <lu to th l' o pe ni ng o f t he hunting e nt ag encies, we cn n ne ver h.ave it. \\'ay " tl'a I'"om ,m F r iday . t he f oll ow fundam e nta list , o bj ect. t l' t h e Rev- sen W e need t o cu lt ivate a \\,111 f or Inv: ",ucs ts: 1\lI·s. J . J . SchaefT er, of H a r veys burg, o n FridllY afte rn oon . so n. Mo r e' nr c ex pect ed, h owe ver, erend Dr. F osdi ck . w hu dOl'sn't bc pea ce ilan to n ; Miss Ed it h Cri senberry , of This dem onstra tio n will s how the Ihe r el1l nind"r of th e week. Miss Blll nche Hil ey 's desc riptio n r\ S~a lll , I nd ia ; i'l l'S. E. B. Duste r, of most I'eon o mi cnll y, sa ti sfncto r y and li~ vc J oshua once st o pped th e snn L . I. W . of " Ohi o's ~a tur a l Bl'n u ty S pot ." II l1 n ·l·vshu l·lr. un d Mrs. Ronald E. prac t ical m ethud so far devised for In its j (UJ rn cy aro un d th e " a r l h, I osover co ming the e rosio n of fi elds in proved quite as inter esting a s it wus Il a " k ~ . sibly been use th e s un docsn 't go wh ich g ulli es h ave alr eady been In structive. around th e eart h . s lart ed. The stuku n nd hrush dams The m e~ti ng ad j o urn ed t o mee t o n John D. Rockl' feller Jr .. sits un O n lV f' dn csdn y e ve n i ng. Nove mb er nr c built but of old r a ils , wire . brush . Decl' m her 9th with Mr. und 1\I1's . Wil - 10, Mr. a nd ill " . S . S . Ellis en te rder Dr. F oscli ck. Sn th ll t He \,. Stra straw , chaff or oth er materi a l found t Qn attacks Mr _ Rockefl'll er , fnr not Al th C' lllst r ('gu lnr m e~ tin g o f the bur Clfi _rk_._ _ _ _ 4'~--t uit ll' d "i t h ~ a l' , b th e follow ing on t he ave r age fll rm, nnd wh e r e beJievinp: l ha t eve r y BII Ptis t sho u ld F:n ~ t(' rn S t nr lodg!', t he following of1:1I 1'sl" : 1I1r. alld !\I rs . . M. Rob it- p ro perl y const ructe d . will re c\nim he bnptlsed nIl th e wa y up t n t he t op fi rer, \\' e r ~ elec t ed t o "erve fo r the Z,·I·. ~Ir . nad ~ I r . Ju mes Mc Clur e. man y tl e l d~ in wh ic h ma ny g ulli es of hi s hend and II little hig he r . c ns u in J! y c n r : ~11' .lI nd ~ll's (,ha l'l es E: lli s, Mr a nd ur e s o deep t o nlm os t preve nt fllrm~ ! r;;. 1\ il." n ' 1': ,h"'I'c1 ~ , IIl r . an d ' Mrs. i ng opcrnlion s Fll r mer s w . 1\1. Minen'" Il ll ug h i nterest' a nlll( I 11""\,1,,. ~I r .. nn d Mrs Ha r - eel in see in g t his work sh ou Id be \\'. P . Mr. Rock e felle r m i ~ h t r ep ly , but Ke ll n ,·t h I i oll goh ' I'Y ;':a d "lt , \ 1.. , . 11'111 " O'Nea ll, Mrs. prese nt nt Mr. I-\ urt so ck 's fa rm abo ut do esn't, th nt _he is bu ildi ng apart - .I ul in Rratlhlll')' A . 1\1. I."", II:. .\ !tll , r . ,\1" !\Iary Chapma n 2 o'c lock Fri da y uft l.' rn oo n. See'y m ents to r ent at r ensonllu ll' I) ri c (' ~ t o < u ~a n IluII' kC' :I ud I ~IIY 1-: 111 ..... 1" -('11 8 thos e th at ca n't afTQ rd high prices. n e l't i(' " Iill s That every a pa r tm e nt has it s IHlth, Oln Hllrl",wk Con ti Ilt'lI' (' " " 80 every t enllnt ca n e \lj oy cn mplete J ORephil1 (, l-: :ll'n hnl't A ~~ (\ . nn. Th i ~ com mun it y nnd t he re~idc · " t $ .11, < I. ,\ . l.inlll1I' ,·mlUl e nte r t lli ned immersion thre e tim es n dn y. Dr. J e sie I oloi t zl' l' T r ust!'e o f 1I :1 1' ''f'y~h \1rJ!' we r e v ' ry l~tl di I f ,. \\· f r ll' lJ d s u ll u l' d ay ufte rn oun F osdick will te ll Dr .Strnlo n trUlt shoc l,l'd II-h(' n Ih(' \\,(.,d calli e, !'\ IIIl - ill ", I" I" aU" " "I' 1;,' 1' bi rthcl ny a nnicomplete immersion was m o r e imporda y m r n in J,!, th:. \~ H n l' lH on J1ak lll " \ ' t ' J -ta l'\' , 11I\' II lI ti" n::. W (' rr~ e xt e nd e d tant in old dny. , wh en n obody ha d of Ll'bll n (l~, hnd d.' ed " (, I' y .gUddl'TIi)··1 to t hl ' ' f"II "\\f "~~ : ~I rs. Fred B. Il ena bathtub. nnd some body had to set n ecessa r y tn f l' \' is e \"n ri o u ~ th in).!~ Mr . Dn kl.n had Ju st 1'1'tuI'II cd fl' oll' d"r<,,,,. ~ 11" . 1- . .II. R" hit zer. Mrs. Lhe g ood example, in c ludin g t ill' "j!e III \\'h ich me n m a r St. A U J;:~ s.t Ul e • . FI n., w here he had H.. " a ld It all I,,', .III" .1 . W . E:dwnrd s. ry_ been vlsltm g hiS two. so ns. H e ".1'- !l11·s. Jaml'" .Ik(,llIn', ~ I rs . J . B. C hapri ved lit ht s home. m Lcbnn o n .ll m,,". !Ii r, . \\' . E . O ' Neall, ,Mrs. At II r<,gu lar meeting of Mass ie Irving Fisher, •Yal e professor, bet s P op ula t ion wou ld Aoo n becom e un- ~ 1 :3 0, und co mJll ollll n.g of n"t fc'rl - ){"l l' h il IoJl" I' . .I1 .. s. S. D. He nkle, Gr an ge ::;lItu r<iu y eVl' ning, th e folUO to $1 that thi s will be Il nati on l!1 g \\' ell. we~ t o~ hiS b el~r"o1l'l . ~ u i11 l's . .1 . U . ( 'urtwrig h t, Mr •. E . V . of octogennrians by the end of the wieldy if n rll c,' of oc toltC' nnri nns mol' h e d o\\'~ . HIS ~"fe fo ~l o,, <;d hll ' , Bal'nhart. ·iII rs. F. M . Co le nnd Mrs, lowin g offi cer" wer e elected fo r 1927 : rie d at LlI'l' ll t y or twent y-fl v ' Y<' lIrs century. Will . A. Luk ens W. M. wn s t a lkm g . t o. hlln of hiS trip, 11 I' lIl :),(:,' II Yll lUn . That prediction is no exa~geration or age nnd \\'e nt (\11 hllv inl! children turn ed on hiS Side and cea sed br ea t h_ _ _ __ .. _ __ H E McGuinn O. n cen tury. Nnture , howfQr hnlf Men, one day, will live hnbttually to . L. C;.ssie Collett ing" ever, would fin d II wn y t o t a ke enre be 140 years. But with a life averMr, Dakin was born in Har veysLee Strat o n .. S. age of eighty yenrs only, it will be of thnt. S he IIlways docs. burg. Ohio, and left that place early ~h a rl es Doste r A S. in life to mak e his horne in Le banon, Lul a E lli s Chap. where he hns alwnys resid ed. He Mrs G. D. l\I ills , d istrict repre- Walter Ellis Trensur er was in the insurance business for se ntative of th e A nnual Re bekah Helen Gruham .. S ecretary years. and had but lately given his A ssembly, hold a t Cu nton, Ohio. is Ed Clark G. K. Mrs. Hall king h er re port t o th e district ma entire business over to his son .. Ka t hl ee n Grahum ... C, He leaves begides his widow, f our lod ges thi s we ek Mo nday evening, Mll r y Mnnn on .... P. 80ns : Carl and Paul, of Lebanon; Vi oln lod g e. at Mid dle town; Tuesday Gra ce Ri ch .... ... F. Barron nnd Max. of SL Augustine, eve ning, Palmyra lodge , Mason; Ne llie Cutrig ht .. 1. A. S. Fla. o ne broth er. Berne, besides ma- Thursday even inp'. Ed ith lodge. at Fra nk Squ ir es. Lrust eee f or 3 years. ny ~th er relntives and friends in the FrnnkIin, nt which time the annunl Rev. Kiez was present and gave cQve red dish dinn er will be served , cou nty The funeral was hold from the Friday evening the r e port will be a very g ood talk, choosing for his Oswald pnrlors, this (Wedn esday) given to Quee n E sther lodge at Leb- subject, "C o-operation." The program for th e next meeting aftern oo n at 2 o'clock , nnd interment an on_ S isters Hotfield, Olive Dinwiddie and Grace L. Smith nre ac- is in charge of th e young folk s_ wus in Miami! cemetery. Officers of th e Grnnge , Farm Bueompnnying Mr. and Mrs. Mills on reau Civic League, CQmmunity club their visits to these lodges. and Supt. Larkin m et with the Farmers' Institute officers Monday evening to plan f or an inde pendent institute In Harveys burg thts winter The Hnppy Hour club was enter----..~...- tained November 9, Ilt the h orne of Mrs, Earl Hockett, with Mrs. Frnnk Mr. nnd Mrs. Mert D. Baird reBraddock assisting. Twenty· flv.e turned home last Wednesday even. membe\'1l nnd four visitors. namely, ing. after a short wedding trip. and Mrs_ Irma O'Neall, Mrs. Elsie Elli~, were given a very cordial reception The Wayne Township Mothers' Mrs Mildred Smith nnd Mrs. SadIe by their many .friends, A nice ride c!ub !!let at the Grade building, 1')'1around town in Adam MelIoh's wreck Reason were present, After the business of the club was ing truck, to the music (1) of tin day nfternoon, November 6th. The meeting was opened by the disposed of, Mrs. Irma O'Neall ex- h orns, etc, f eatured the OCeIlS \On. The Bairds are cozily located in club repeating the Twenty-Third plained the work o f ihe "Home Care Psalm and the Lord's Prayer__ MI'II. of the Sick" Our. club is sending the Haines property on Main . ~treet. Cadwallader gave the mvocatior1. ______-.. 4" __ ______ two representat ives to their n ext After the business had been disposed meeting Novemb llr 17.. Mrs. Franof the club bad the pleasure of hearces S':tterthwuite read a selection Ing' a mQst intereltsinsg talk on "Inand Jean Hockett fav or ed us with inIs th e ne w unl'l!touchea, porftuenee,,' by Rev. Washbum_ . trait of l\t l'!I_ Frances Stevens Hall, strumental mu sic, nfter which II d eThe meetin~ ·then adjourned to enOrder was received bl' Postmaster licious two-c urse luncheon was Cup\. Chaa_ Sehully of. New York pripcipal In th e famous Hall-Mill!; C_ S. Frazer , of Xenia. Thursday, dl.· joy the social time and delicious reo f l" .'h'e,l the Con~ rl!~Blonal Medal murder c:ru<e at New 'Bnmsw:lek N. served. r ecting that Rural -Route No, 10 be freshments served by: Ml'1I Brnnnock. Adria B rad~ock; Secretary. 1oc ·1.lft! ,savinI{. During hie 18-- , _ I • nbsorbcd by Routes Noa 8 "and 7. Mrs. Crawford and Mrs. Alvin Earn.·cars Ir. thl' "bu ~! t'.'s~t' he hu She I1iid this spec:Jal picture t.ak-Alphonso .Lane. eaiTier, wili be trans- hart. -----. ~.~--",p 'cII m... e thlln 4t1v pel'solli from en bccnuBC ne wsJ?:.8per photoflTllphs f erred to Rural Route No.6 for which Mrs. J. L_ Hartsock . Is spending a dzowu1n&. , had he'/' looking like "a ~iTlble. ~. few da)'!! In DaytO!IJ WIth her daugh- n vacancy was created by retirement Charles St8nllbetT7 of Danon, was br. IIcllf~1lliDc WOmaD." of Bert Winters . ter. Mrs. Robert walton. b1UltlDc in this vicinity, Monday.


Officers Elected



Is Making Report

. -.'

Happy Hour Club

tiOfl S.

Charles Marion Pope " Pea cef ul be th y s ile nt s lumber, Peace ful in the g ru ve so low. Th ou nQ mo rl! will ·j oin our n u mber, Tho u n o mur e o u r so rrow s kn ow. Yet ngain We ho pe t o m eet lhe e, Wh en th e dny of life is fl ed , Th en in hea ven we ho pe t o greet the e Wh er e no f ar cw,,11 t ears a rc shed." Chur\ es Ma riun Pope wus born Dece mber t H, 18G5 . a nd di ed Nove mbcr 8, t !12 6. ,ag ed 6 0 years 10 mon ths' li nd 25 da ys H e wa s uom in W u s hin~ton t own ship. nenr Cent ervill e , und live d in thnt vicini t y all hi ~ life. H e WII~ th e ti on of Elishn and Eli7.a beth Pope, He wus u nited in mnrriag e Jnnuur y 2, I S!):.! . t u Ru sa Belle Yost. H e leaves h is wi dow, fnu r br oth ers. u nd une sist e r. scver al ni eces and n e p hc ws ond a hos t co f fri e n ds t o mfl ur n h is Ile pa r t ur e, t wu bro th 'r s und th r ·e sist ers huving p rel'etl cd him t o t he Gr ea t Bt·yo ntl . HI' wa< II I(ou d fri end an d n t:iK hbur Il ll d \\' ill Ill' " I'l,:tl ly lIli SSl'd ill th is CtJ lll/llUllil y. li e \\'11" a tlil iul l'" with :::;I' l'I n!! borll Hclil'f L .. dl!'" !'o:u. 1:lh . III " " I'" ,u l~ n [ Onl ,, !' o f ( Itld ( .. 11 ,,\\'", of II' h ich he ulll' nli,·d ns I.. IIV: Il " h is hc ult h

nelntives and frie nds of unfortun ates confined in State hospital. are s howing increa se d in terest. and all a r esult r eceipts fr om the pay patient low t otall ed $ 1,388,171 during the last fiscnl ye ur. Und er the law rela tives of th ese pati ents nre a88e88ed a cot in proporti on to their abillty t o pay. Colle cti ons fr om this source nrc all turne d into the State treasury , The collection s for the fiscal ycnr e nding June 30 last , were al. m os t half n million dollurs more than t hey were in 1022.

. .. .

LOCAL COAL YARD CHANGES HANDS · MI'. Se th Cunk, \\' hu has been in the coa l hu, illl'"S at Cor wi n for th irt y-fou r ye:l r", hn" sold his bus iII," S to. C. M . l(ui> \\' h "lo af( ac. '1l1i n.'d

Jll t)l'C

IUll d ti l' t h(' J' e n ns ylvn ...

n in rui lrund [ 0 L,. uil l.' to h a ndle a l a ' 'K~ r II lllu unt " f coa l. a nd d In8tallill l!' II la rg~ tl' UeH SClI 1(· . to d o nil Hind s t, f wl'il':h ill l! fll r th e pu b lic. \\' iJ u ld pe r mit hilll t il ti P ~i.l '. MI'. Bullit>.I' r will run t.hi s coal C a rd o f T h an k . YU "d in c" nn eeL iull w ith t he ' ''Ia y n esI wio h t " thank the un cl ~r t akll r , "il l" Mill-C(Jft! & l c ~ Co., ha ndling Ih l.! s ing (ll', I Ill' nl·igh b" n ; and f r il' nd s al l coul at Co r w in . H e han dles sev. for t he ir kin d nes>. el'll l ~ rnd es o f th e best conI mined. HUSH li nd in th (' rl enr futur e w ill e r ect large _______ e Mrs -- Pu pe. und modern coul bins with mac hinery to unl oa d cau l f r om th e cars t o the bins. ~

~ _ .


Th e Lad ies Ai d of th e M. g . church HOPELESS will hold II mnrk et in t he T own ship House . Wed nesd ay. Nove mber 2 4, Mother, (rcprlmand\ng) - "Now do begin ning fi t 10 a . Ill . Ordc rs mny not let me tell you aguin, Jimmy, /I be left with Mrs. Mll rlult. Mrs. Ro bJimmy-" I'm afraid I can't stop itzer a nd lIfrs Lou St J ohn. yo u."

Shall TheV Be Sdied 1


-------.-- ------A Roulsing Welcome


Mothers' Club



... .



Senate can be PWrcDll.&e(Ur "Shall they be question and any senator who so co~:~;;~~:,.;:~ . poaltion WI thOlle who voted lenatora now T Gon&-all Gone-TweDt)' .....


--. .


C FUNERAl. om r.C T

W AY NESVILLE. ====-.; F ully Equi Jr1l'd for Servj e. Large Disp lay RIl' 'ill A mbulanco ~ervk e ~1UP-'iON Ii1 1 nAY 0 [( NI an

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l't :tl .. I da Il o pOlt th e dllY ufttl r C'h r i f: lmn~ . y nu kill :-: tl~ ,n pa rt y ti l'f(, IHl nn t. 111 0 1 1" I'nul 1-\ 11(' 111 1 \'!'o, ,\ Ihf' l'l L, Ut 1. .• ct , Hrt 'full\' . h i ~ pnsi I f tn ,leci fh' whil h I nl.. , ' Il"l' d i!' m i .. ~ t· l t , ilH'S Ytlll l ik(' lws t. i l'artition Il f 1'rt.'misC's in fav u r o f


ht'~i n 111 1(111k III yt.ur pr(, !" ' l l l ~

Ot\(· \\'(,,'k nf t(' r Ch ri. tnllls . you r Ih,' l'lli inlitr W :t" .. rd e red in the cns,· pl't · f(' rt.'I1 ~·t':-\ a1' t' \"(Ity dt'finitl·, Tw o of ,\ Iii.' " :'\talw ll \' ~, M " t a Hngt\f S \\ t'e k " aftl ' r (. ' hl'i ~ l ~ltI n ~ y tH I hH\,~ 11' t' l H I. , ,1,,1' and th ink II minml' t o r cm em bH Th(' A., tlla 1'!ll'l'r ("'llIpany Wll 8 \\ ha t (I f y,' ur fri e ll.l ~ gil\'(' Y OII. madc II pa rty .h'fpllciant i n t hc casc


"" III"


Why n.' l ~i\'l' )' "ur fric-nd , :I C' hr i<t " I' \ 'nl lIl e II bl' \ , . Th e prc", nl t hlll th ey cannot f urgl'l. pc r CompallY ,·t Ill.

F. T. Martin & Jesse Stanley Auctioneers

n nd w o uld rl ,lt

STEJl - .

allG_ us. V.\T.0F1'1t.."1J


CEITERVllll OHIO, PHONE 2 NEW BURLINGTON, 0" PHONE 320 W e cond uct('d n early nil Rilles in th ,· ~ ....·t i" n lURt ye ar. Conducted 58 snles l a~t s pring. WI' hun· ""V" r rai 'l'd vllr pric~. W ~ g U~Tantee t o satis fy you in evcry TI '" p r d . o r ('h"r~(' n .. th ill~. It Will pay you t o sec us lind Il'et \lur t ~ rm ~ brfor i' dat ing your snit-. W e have sc vera l dnt,:s already tak e n for .Ja ll ua ry a" d Fchrunry. We take ca r e of ma]" " g up your "a l., hill. lin d II d v ~rti " ing. If y(l u arc going to h a ve a 8l\lc ('a ll (l r w r ih' U ~ , 0 1" :; t-' l.\ \1 ;0;. al l )tle o f our sales. Her e lire so me of ollr sale nut",,: No .... 20--Houl.ho'd lal e in N e w Burl in g lo n . No ... _ 22-L Supiow.. r , 2 mil e. "'''0 1 or Ly tl e . No.,. 23--H.racb.1 Du n h nm . 3 \{, mi l" . W . of F r a n k lin.

No .... 30--E,....iD CraEell . 2! ~ m ilol N o f C"nt e rvi ll e . DH. 1-Boran'l B'iw F .. r m 1" le 4 mi l a N. of W "Y'Iel ville . on the B.llbrook and Wa yne sville Pike·



- - -- - -

F. r. MARTIN & JESSE STANLEY AUCTIONEE RS N e w B u rlinR'to.n,' pb one 3 20



i f dwy ttl ul d '!


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ju dKOl c nt o f

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th e.' p laintiff in t he' c a ~H' o f T il11 oth\" I' I' Y w (>('k - Hfty -t w t) tint(l s in n y c nr . T . An ~ h(, l" ry \'~ , The L eh lltlll O CHi.

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$ 2. 011, wh u t pn~~ ihl y h uy that

:ll l ' d? ~(I nd

y ou r ordl' r tn the

nd d nls~

Zt' l1 !,\ t\Htilin a l Bun k, u s :\d mr, nf th(' ,' ~ t nt (' 11£ H o\" YaIlT r(ls~. dP (' tl H ~ (· d . A }!TII~~ ~I' t h'IlH' llt wh t' 1'I ' \ I\' lI ll'

plai uliff i~ t tl


$r~ "u f n );n llt l'

ch·ft"l IHlnnt \\":1 ~ agTt1l'll Ulh, n in tlll' lll' l(IW and Santa (' lnu R will take Cllr, · CII",' o f ~ I o ll i l' 1·:. J (l rtl ltn \' ~. Ol'il' ., f ,kl h"' rill)! t hl' C; ompani 011 t o your J"rdnn. hOll1l' (l r to lhl' h"lIIe o f n fr iend . Su1> ~('rib c f :'; wi ll r( ' l ' (''''C : NEW SUIT S 1. Th,· Youth 's Ca mpanion - 5~ And r pw P(·ldman \'" Ann ette L is· lS~tH' ~ 111 1~.2j . and rur ,·t III .. act ioll f" r till' nl:lf"hall i,, 1l' :! . Th e r ~mu i n illg iss u es of 1!l26 . o r 1if\n ~, SHI L' o f f l'a l c!"tat ...· to cnfo r Cl' ,\ II for ,, " ly $ <!. . :~ . (Ir . inc lud e I\1 cCIlIl's Mugn7.illl·, judl<lII t' n t Ii,'n of '. I (i~ . Th ~ CQl\s um('r , Oil Co mp a nv \' 5. th l' " "'nlhl ) a uthority on f ashi on ". W . C. l' hilli!l ~ . I II r " ,'o v~ r $271.51i. I' uhlicatilln s. onl y $2.5 0. Ida :-;o lll c r s \' s W"lt l'r 1': . Sll m~ rs. THE YOUT H 'S Ol\1 PAN lON <:,:'m[lnny , o f Ind iana plolis. for $72 1.S N. Ot'" t., B,, ~to n, Mn~s . S uL"'ri "tiol," rece ived lit thi s offic t' . {' I . The Bnlllll' r Pac ki n/!' C" mpn ny \'S . We will ~i" e yo u doll ur fo r dollar Co m011 th.·,,! suh:;criplions in Red Arr ow Nnt iolla l AI'c ountin/!' ,~ en' i c ,' pa ny. () f In dinnap" li " fll r $27 1.65. Mnllc y , _ _ _ _ _ ••- - - W. G. Th r, mp s"" vs. W illia m C. Phillip. fnr $ 100. BR EAKING IT GENTLY Fra"k S(' ifl'rt, of Minmi, b n r ~ vs. J ohn a nd Mary Holwegl'r, 'fh . PcoMurphy, on e of th e best railroad ph·'" nui lding L,m n and SII\'ings Asenginee rs t he road hnd. met w ith a sociat. ion, of L('ban on Il nd T h,· F' rnn kfota l occide nt n nd best pal was called li n Nilti ll nu l na n k. fn r mars ha lling of upon to b renk ,th e n ews t o Murphy' " lei ns lind cquitllhl c re li ef. wife. W a nting to break it g entl y, he pr oceeded in this f llsh ion PROBATE PROCEEDINGS "' M·r •. Murph y do you kn ow th nt Li ncoln is dead ?" . Ed S. Co nklin wns a ppoin te d as ap" Why, yes; o f co urse." pruiser in th e matter of the estate of "W ell, so's your old m aa." T _ E. Kl'elor. decea sed , t o tuke the p"lace of J a ml's Follen. wh o is unable to attend to his duti es in that ca pacMatrimonial nappin ess consIsts o f it y. prete ndi ng you don't k no w what th e Invento ry nnt! apprnisement acothe r half is doing. cou nt of t he c-~tat: e uf J oe S_ Kersey, decensed. was fil ed Ly executor Wil liatn C.' Kerse y. Prooh of publication of notices of a ppointmen ts wer e file d (o r Cu t he rine M 'Bodl ey and Dolli e M Jackson. as administratrices o f th e estate of Thos Bodley, deceased " o f Frank A nd erson. as executor o f th c ('state of Evctett S now. de ceas ed. o f the ap po int_ ment o f William lKer sey . a s ex('c utor of th e est ate of Joe S . K ersey, decea sed . Fourth Ilcco un t. of t he e ~tn t.c of Geo rge R. SlIge W ll ~ fil ed by Freder ick W. Hinkle and Geurge W. C roppe r. trustees h e re in. no th tru stees we re gi ven $ G!Lf;O for Rervices r endercd. Ce rtifl~llt(' " of inc\l'btl'dneRs of th(' PUI'C Milk Co- Opr'rlltivc Assoc intion, o f Cinci nn ll ti . were ord er ed rli Rtribu l ed um ong t he ~llCCr RS U rs of th o Cfitat e of .lohn A. ,Innw s(l n. deceased. November 12 i. t Il(' dute ,rt f or ,JU ft l


~l ux,...·11

• PUDLISlu..US •


To Date Your Sales With'

,Phone 2


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l 'hl' I~ l llI a s mll rtl i nL!" art' t.111' nl os t Wt'l ~ d('lI"rul. )'l' u ut i 'ul thlll .£!"::-- in tilt' WOrl. 1 l ' udt' l' , h<' ..:"I't. .1iJ.!hl of l·lu· i ~ t.Il1 .l1 !'o 1 ( ' u :-; ~' ...,~ :1rHI

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. :telln J enni ng" t o Aye rs B. ,Ten mn gs , 102 aac" in 1'u l' t l ~ c r eek 1'1'.

F. T. Martin Jesse Stanley

COMMISSIONERS' ALLOWANCES E nstl E n d ConI Yll rd. conI f or Memori al H II Il . $7.38; II . C. Reif, supplies f or Memori nl Hull. $ 1.-10; Burroughs Atldin~ MIIl'h in e Co .• mnchin e . (!(.' L:: . Early for Your S.le Datu. We Guarantee ~t'r\'ico for Il u ditor . ~& . r;5; The J ohn Satiafal't:ion or Charre Nothlnr. so n- Wn tR nn Co. su ppli es for tren s.j urer , $42.7 5: so me, supplies f or r eco rd er. $ 11i.57; .The Co lumbu s lllllnk n oo k Co., .- .Ijlphes for probate court, $5.5 0; slime for r ecorde r, $4 6 ; The l' Phone No.2 Phone No. 320 S. ;FTed Co.•cesup plifitte ('s rs fn ..r typ j llil.ewri $28,43 T he Ofll Out te r .!-_____________________________

Auctioneer s

I Centerville,

re pllir. $ 14.3 0 ; The Bll rrett Co .• Ru ppli('s for clerk of co ur ts. $ U I5 ; Drs. Ed lind Rohert Bl nir, ,tnl'd icnl s~rvic" at jail. $ 11.50; V. W. 1'omrkillS, puy r oll f or fli . t . No. I, $:l2!1.5 0 ; Fred . S nyde r . pa y roll " $283; J o"eph ])IIVIS. "nnw, $ 1(H . ~5 ; F. M. C(IIlins, su me. $ 180. 60; Ede n Terry. Ram e , $46 4.5 0; A T . H,·ttig . •sn m('. $ 147.!J2; R. D. Edwa rds . Sllml' , $2 15.40 ; lI a rl a n Wh ituc rc. S upt. II f Il llrln n T p.. pay 1',,11 . $ 140.75 : p_ H. lIIo nel', Sll lclII 1'1'., pn y roll , $7!1.fl O: W . S. Graha m. Wayne. $%.0 0. J " hn Lnw 8; SO il , fl'p " ir". g a . 1I 11 d nil ror ~hcl' i fr ,'11 1'". $·I:.!. :W ; ' " IIH' I'". IlH ir~ n il ~u r\'(.'Y lir' s F o rd. ~: n ;d p h ~ Ii n t(· r . fu r fu rni shing nnd pil' n;!

np l,o in tlll c nt of nn l..H lrniniRtt·alur f ur stont'. ~ l :t!: \\' . .T . Harkl o\\' , ~H lll t 'l t he estat e of Thom as D. ,Tam es, de- $ 100; Wm. Sh''''lllnk,'I', sll nll' , $ 10;: ,


~;~D ARROW ~

. c - -_ _


The Det.ctiYe _a~1 the d,,"cription may be .of a perloo livin, in your OWn hom... It may be you . _~ be 7Uar _.,bbor. It may be a man •• t may he a wo'm.o· It may be a boy Or wirl-



Watcb ...... rybody. Study th .. delc:riplion of each peraon you .ee 00 yOu will be ready to yell tbe _am. of the penD'.. wanted when th e . deleriptiona are palled at th e Red Arrow Placel, Wedneaday

..oralD., D.cembn 220d.

IMPORTANT THINGS TO REMEMBER 1. The Red ·I\rrow Auction Blocks'- for the next Auction will close Thursday, Dec. 21. at 9 p.nt.

2. The winners of the $5.00 for bidding highest will be posted at each Red Arrow Place on Monday, Novernber22. The $5.00 will be paid at Hall's Drug Store.


$25.00 in GoJd wiJl be sold to the Organization bidding highest on same in the third Red Arrow Auction, Thursday, January 27, 1927.

4 . • DoubJe R ed Arrow Money IS given on all cash purch ases m ad e on Wednesdays.

eell"ed. Ii' irst und fi na l nt'count (I( th e c"tn te o f A II n ie B. D ilat u' h. deccll""cI. was produc e.l b y exec utors. lI eber Dill and Frnnk A. Dil atush. and conflrm ed by th e co urt First a nd fi lia l nccount of th e est a te o f Annie B. Dilat ush, deceased, wos produc ed by executors, Heber Dill lind Frnnk A. Dilatush. und confi rm ed by t he court . The first, fin el lind di stributive ac count of the estatc of Emily N Sherwood. d ecellsed. wus entered by admini strlltor Alton F Brown and confirm ed by th e court First, fin nl and distributive account of t h e estate o[ Wilm etta Neal e. d eceased. wa s produ ced by a dmin istra tor Alton F. Brown, nnd npproved . First account of th e cstnte of Rach el Pin e Cnm pbell, deceased. was produ ced by administra tor Elmer Sheeh a n. First an d lin a l acco un t of t he es· t a t c o f n entric e P. Ki ng , decease d, \\'IIS p res ntcd by a dministrato r. R. E Ul!en e Kin g. First and fi na l ac co u nt o f the estllt e o f S usan C. Lewis. dace used. was fil ed by admi nistrato r, William C. Lewis. In ventqry an d IIpprais ement ac· co unt of th e estnt,· of Everette Snow. <l eces,.ed, was fil ed by exe cutor. F. C. An de rson. The estate o f John W. Matthews , deceased, was sold for $2 07 5. and certa in debts wem paid . The last will of S usan E. Haines. dece used, wus admitt C'd t o probute, Lidu M . Sawin was appointe d executri x of said will. n o bond r equired, William S, Grahum, Seth E . Furnas and J ohn 0 .Whi tac r e were app ointed us nppraise r R f or t.h e estate herein. In ventory nnd uppraisement account of the estu te o f Walter W. Voorhis. decellsed. was filed by executrix Lo in I. Voo rhi s. In the matte r o f' the es tate of Alvy F. Sim on tu n, decensed, executor Nor· ri s P S imonton wns authorized to sell at private. sale certain securities owned by sa id estat e. The las t will of Mary A. Ward, de· ceased, was








,· Waynesville· Overland. Sales Company ~ . ~o~ 'M iami Theater . Myer Hyman Z,mmerlnan - Fred M. <;ole Miami' Gazette W aynesviUe, Ohio

.:;· . . .IUl·

Patented, ~<!. Arrow Service Co •• Springfleld,




W. 1'. i\1r C,jrrell . rtl rni . ldn l< a nd 1" :I(iing gravl'l. $507 .'I i, ; Cllok & SWN'n ~v

Ham l', $ !i,!);\


sall H', J.!' I'ave l fo r

1> i~i ,

No. 1. $ 1\).:,0; " "I"" ld V. MII I'I.7.. (., •. hau li ng gmv(· I. $ 1~ S .(jn ; , il us OTakI' . gra ve l !jUc. P. B. Monee , bri dge mat ·r inl. $3.!15: HII I'hm W h itn .... r . $8J;5; T hr Orego n ia BrloIll'e n .. first esti mate on con tract Si; !!, $1000: liar ry E. Hill. fu r r e pnirin~ g rarle r. $:!.:,O The Kilp atr ic k· Fren c h Molol' Cn r Co. , f o: tru ck tires , 54 1.58; W. 11. Meyer , & So n, br idg£' lumber . $203.30; Inte r Cities Oil C(I .. f or g asoline, $.95. ;) 2; Willia m Mll lo t.t , ll' tires, $8.75 ; Burroug hs Addin g Machine Co.• mai ntena nce s ervice $ 7.0:; ; J . D. Adll ms & Co. , r e r a irs on gmder. $8. 16; E . B.. Sim pson, r epa irs on s urveyo r's car. $5.60 ; Intern ational Hnrvestc r Co .• truc k' repairs. $G .5:i. Fra nklin St orage Battery Sta ti on, $9 .75 ; Frn nkli n Vulca nizing Co, re' pai ring, $ 1. 35. Wa ites Gara ge. r e pnirR- on t ru ck !lnd tractor, $74. J 5 ; The Ohi o CUITIIg utl'd Cul ve r t 0 .. s ix se wer s, $204.· 50: MiliCI' Hurdwa r e. s up pli es for se r veyo r, $3 .00: L. W. Nes bit, Co .. guard rai l ma t eri a l for Hn mi lto n Tp ., $2 0. 88 ; The Morrow Lum· bel' Co.. bridge mate ri a l, $99.86; Ro bert Ro"s, f ur re)Jairing tools , $ 1 ; QUinby & Cra mcr. f or building r etaining wa ll on rond No, 26. $323_12; same for OI nki ng n fill on said r oa d $62.0.5 ; Wa ynesv ill e Fllrme rs Exc.: suppli es, $20,1. 22 ; W. W. Shurts., suP phl's , $1 .48 ; Lebanon Farmers' CoOpGra live Co., for de livering c ement on joos, $3u.95 ; some, cement, $200.95 ; South Lebanon Garage. repair work, $3 ; J ohn Collins " sam e, $3.80; Bla ir - & Leroy , ce ment, $6; Lingo Co. , sup plies f or road and bridg e r epa irs . $(; I. 3 1 ; Donnell and Schuyler final estimate on contract 858. $50; Be rnard Bntte ry Station , battery servic e , $ 10.75; J ohn Law & Son, gas and oil and Seal er of W eights and Meas ures, $.1. 80; Griswold Tire and Battery Shop. tires, $17,86; The Ohio Law Rep orter Co., for n law book, $5 ; The Ba ldwin Law Publishing Co., code servic e, $5 ; Standard Oil Co., Ic(us and oil, $353.70.


MARRIAGE LICENSES , Mark P. Rogers , mechanic, Leban on, und Marga ret H. Pence. LeQanon. Rev. Lamy named, . Howard Eo Be ltz, Franklin. and Gladys V. Shank, telephone operator Franklin, Rcv, Wilson. William King Mal'8halJ, foreman, Flint. Mich., and Bertha 0, Snyder, llIanehester. Rev. Thernbury.


BONES ARE MADE OF Where pastures are limited '. or where dry lot feeding is practiced, hogs require Bupplemental feedirig. One of the most essential mineral substances for proper nutrition in animals is ordinary salt (sodium chloride) , since this compound entors into the composition of all 1>0dy tissu.,s, gland secretions, bIQ'od, lymph, !ltc. Phosphates and carbonates of lime and magneRium are Ilecessary fer the development and 80Iidity of hOl1<' s, and must be uvalluble in sufficHmt quanti tiel/ if n&rI mul growth is to l>e attained, The following mineral mixture is giving RlltillfllctOl'y -results at the expcrim 'IIt farni of the United States pepartment e f Agriculture • . Bel~ v1l1e. Md.: " I Stea med bone milD!. .. . __ .... ..... ,, 50 l ba, Greu nd limest o ne or air-slAck ed ed lime ............... ... ,'.... ... ,... 2 5 Ib$. 16 o/t acid phosphate ..... . ......•2 6 Ib~. Common salt .. __ • .. .... ...: .. .. 5 Ibs.

REAL ESTATI1: TRANSFERS Joseph WilleT to George Apking, a tract of land 100 by 226 feet, in Deerfield Tp. . E. R. Schmidt and Sylvia Schmidt t~ Miehllel J . 'rierney. olle acre in Wayne Tp., II lot in Military Survey 56!1, fifte cn acres on Caesar's creek . It two acres also on Caesar's Creek. J. Albert and Lydia S. Cow'a n, to Thomas and ,Mary ~8 .. Corwin, a lot in Le banon on Co lumbu~ nvenue_ ' Albert L. · and Glara Utz to Paul Keuhn, 60 apres in Dee):'field Tp. S. C. and Elizal>eth Doggins to Allie Spaeth, a part of hit 268 in Mason Richard L. TaylclT to John T. Taylor n elamt 11(~etl to 35 acres on the Norma New York landlords have another tha Louella IIpace - su\'ing inve ntion. They uro Maineville, also nortJuide of lot paintlq the bede on the walla.



New BurliDgton,O.

S!!!!!! ____ _ -





It i ~ said thnt n ce nRor ship is b einK ma illtninl'Cl in It nllmnnia un th e n(lWs Ii I,,, " t th e qu e~ 1I in th e United Stn l('~. Snm e ti m ~s we fe el that n litt h..

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A philll ~(· ph \" h'HC h t, t, in n New Yo r k c' Id l l'L!'t, \\ a ~ ' JlTCHtc d t or fi gh t-

illl<, 1'; \ id "": r I'h il" "" l' hy i" Il n" t.h " r f t hll'" I h i"~ ,, w hi~ h ar(' n't wh a t t ht,y \I :', ' " t il \ 'j ('t1fl.l

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/Ii ,'w Y"rk Ihul In ll l'h wn ulrl onl y be pin m nlll~y ("I' tht' pn lice d epar t m e nt


Nor way hll" Tt' lw nlud r rnh ib ition in n pnpu lar I'(·fe rcn dllm. Th ey mu. t he · ('t lil\~ r ~ ndy t o go a ft er the !\ n",r ican toUriH t trnde_ SII fil l' li S we call leurn nobo dy in Anwri .. " ' '''R dea fen ed by the chce rin J.! which w""t lip ov e r here wh e n the inte rn a tiunn l free tra e plan was an n Ullc(ld,

Ov('r in Fm n ce II man's two wivcs met fo r th e fi rst time ut his dea th· he d. D"uhtl csH thi ~ ma de him a great dcal IWI Tt' r cs ig ned t o his fate .


On e wny to ha ve a ssur ed n big MONEY LOANED \'ote on c lcdin n tl ay wo uld ha ve bee n III start a rUlll OI' t hat Qllce n Muri e wns plun nill g lo visit all the poll ing LOANS on Chattels,Stocks, Securl. places. tics and Second MQl'tgages. Now Th(' Ilu een ha s bee n ke pt so b usy boug ht. John Harbine Jr., Xenl.. ·m30 -'26 s ine' ~ 11f' a rr ived in A mer iel! t ha t she Ohio. prohll hl y hllsn 't hnd ti me to se nd t he kin" u so u vc nir pos t ca rd .

Farmers, Attention!

Ove r i n Ohio th ey prese nte d Quee n Mll r ic wit h a silvcr SPilde t o be u'(' o\ in her gu r flen bac k home. But lII avbe th e " don 't fish with worm " [n Roumaniu. On c consolation n de fe a t ed cnndi dute has is that he is n ot nenrly so apt t o be investigated by the Senate . Anyhow we arc glad we have t o wait until 1928 to find out wh at e f fect this election will have in 192 8.

Farmers of Warren and adjolnln, coulltieB mny ohtuln money on lon, tim e loans, at 5 per cent interest. Cost of securing tho same 18 very rea. Bo nnble ,through The Federal Lancl Bank. For further Information call on or address M. C. DRAKE, TrOll.. urer. phone SI6-X, Lebanon. Ohio. FOR RENT

A British radio company sent u radi ogrnm to Mars last week but th e comp"ny didn't guurllntee delivery .

FO~ RENT-Produetive, highly fertil e (arm, generlll farming; no tohncco; desiruble location; unusual A Purisian writer says that the opportunity.. Box 89. Weynellvllle. French are II nali on of pessimists, n12 and we think this must be so. especially when it comes to debt paying, FOR SALE If the elections could only come out just as the pre-election prophets FOR SALE-Jersey c,ow, with secpredict, everybody would be satisond calf_ Harold .Wltitaker Wayfied. nesville, R. D, 1 . .n24

European scientists blame the FOR SALE-Barred Rock ·Roosters. nearness of Mars for all the storms $1 . 50 each. Mrs. Hareld WhitRwe are having. Why can't the de- ker, R. D. 1. WayneBvlUe. -n17 fested condidates I>lame the political storms onto the same planet!, FQR SALE-One dezen Barred Rock -pull eta, welrht " to 6 poundsJ 26c A · wild deer got 1008e In Central ~rUpound. Mary F. Brown, Spring Park, New York, the other da, and a.,. caused quite a commotion. A · wild FOR SALE. dear en .Broadway, however, doeg't Ford 't ractot'wlth plow cause 110 much excitement. · 1 com Ibredder and ·feed ml\der CaU . at iIIe FloR ' Berrrhl8 farm: A New York Congressman hall been on the Wayneavllle and BeUtirook sued for $250,,000. Any old time pike. n24 they want to sue us for that much FOR 'SALE ..... Klddl~Koop. with let 'em hop to it. Iprlnp, mattrea and c:an9U Coverj nuraery chalra; canv•• ·' nursery Up at Harvard they are psycho- drelllinll' table and Perfection Coal nnlllyzing th e freshmen, which may Oil heater. Mra. B. C. Prendercut, be a s bad 118 the old-fashiened hal\- MaIn atreet. _ *n24


~~ .


Speaking of international agreements, it is still our idea that the best w.a y f or Uncl e Sam to keep out of Willi is to kee p hi ~ Ilrmy and navy in good ordur_


fOR SA.LE-Double lot with sevenroom house and barn, 'en Third street. in Waynesville. Price reason. aObl!!, Mrs. Ellzie Scott. Waynesville. . hlo • . nl;7

KITCHEN' SINKS are the It'eateat . real convenience In ' any kitchen. A GE NTLE 'REMINDER See our line; all sizes and prices that no large 1JInil order house ' in the A ped ~tri t\ll knocked down by a count~y can boat, THE 'BOCKLElT. taxi .fount! hims elf in tile way of a KOlh~G CO., 4'16 W. Main St., Xenia. >;t eam Toll or: "Oh, that reminds me 10. Phone 860. n17 I Willi to bring homo Bome pancake flour." FOR SALE--.i'os terrier ~IIP" . I.-. About the only thing a does ter Kenrick, at Ferry, W.1I!~ not display nowadays. 11 tiOD. Ohio, no D. 6 '01'1. I • . , I


-- - ..-.----------



' ;'



C2 _ _ k

fly is croRfli ng he Atlantic on ship11H!l1l~ of whit ' j:rr npeB The list .. ,'S ~I]Er EVERY IVEDNESDA Y.:. \I il!ht bl! e -lond d itulcfinitoly. Hundl'o(ls Ol e lh e~(' " und e~ irlllJ l ll aliens" ~n ' . r. rI II I Ilr . I'n. 'jdnrll ot W,,"" ...l ;lI .. ho \'C' ( '0 111(1 Ln. the United States in M'rs. A. r•. K nn edy and Mrs. Karl a. Setll nd Clu .. Moll Mol' .." si mil ur Cilsh ion, nnd hllve thrived Shidokl'r ha ve bec n quite ill, but arc improved. ",II.criptlon Pr ieD. $1.50 por Y c ar hcn" III, I Iw ~x p n ~ e of our farm ers I U ll~ fruit 'To w e r s, Mr. and Mrs Charl.e s Gor don " . L.CRAN E T hey III'e cos tly. these fo re ign entertai ned the Hung ry Hou nd club p.·HtH. A IIU 11 0 une will argu e t hat to suppe r. Su nday eve ning. se " un des ira ble aliens" shoul d be th Mr. and Mrs. Charles H . Gray NOVEMIlI!:H 17, 1!126 1I1Iowed to enler th e Un ited States. wore S u nday uHern oon cillie r~ on G. C. Starr ond fam ily. near Wa yThe IIl O.t d l'I" li c st"ps by the Fed- nesville. SHUT THE SENATE DOOR IN em l hU/'Llcultul'lIl boa rd to curb t heir THEIR FACES There wili be Rhll y Day se rv ice" inO"", ~vi ll be welcomed. lit the M. E. Sunday School on SundllY morning. November 28 . C o m~ Now t hnt ~e ll utor~- (' I ec t Willinm Word ~ frum th e Lips of Grellt out and . how yo ur co lors. S. Vllre. oI Pen nsy lvnnin und Frnnk Be s ure and get your good th ings L. Smilh. of Il iillui~. hllve de monstra - Men- ooTher!.' ure two. and on ly t wo. f or Thanksgiving Ilt the M. E. Mi . . t ed to thei r own sntis fuctioll thnt found lltion. of low- eq ui ty Ilnd util- slo nllry soc iety's food sil le IIl't th e RenlM in the Unih!d Stntcs Sennte can it Y·- "Edm und Burk e. Township house • Wedn esdllY, Novcmber 24. ho purchnsed fr om the e lectomte if ---' only une hns thc rcquiHite amount uf SAYS SAM Mr, and Mrs. Howa rd Grnhnm li nd cnsh t o plunk down on tIlt! co unt ef Mr. and lIIrs. Chnr les Gord,,,, lind Eve r nolire thllt "netinn" is a part Bon, Robe rt, motored to Ft. T ho l11 lls, hefor e primary elel't.iuns. th e S ... nllll' Suturday , ,and Bpont th e dllY wit h fnc es th e questi on of whul', t o h" alf HHHt h; fuctit'Il'! " Mr. lind Mrs. lI omel' Kil'l )~)· . donf' u h o lJl i t




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"\ul'hl1tl I I)' th (· oth~' r ~('lJlltut' ~ o us i t "'li S whcn HlI nt h l' )" S( ' IIHtt' n 0

(use d tu H'at ~ Ir' . N,·wherry. Alld it iH 10 he h"ped th is Spnn t" will n\, t th:ht th t· lIu"sti,)n uut (\ 11 purl y lilll's. It is nut a pllrty que"li on. If th .. Senate is to mui nluin thc. compara ti vely high pOHition it OC('\1 . pi e~ in th e op inion of Ameri ca n cit. ize ns. that nug u. t body mu st ",lIkl' kn own t hn t it wi ll not perm ei( Sentlte MeutH tu be kn ocked ofT at auctio n t o th.e hig hest bidder. The Se nate mllY not so lve th e prob le m for a yt<ar. or it may 80 lve it when ' it is organ ized. Two opposing views nre taken of the mann er In which the question is to be attac ked. Senator Borah, of Id uho. maintains Vare and Smith mus t be Beated and lhat a 8ubsequen t r esolution to d eclare th e ir seats vacont will r equire a two-thirds vote. Senatortl Nonia. of Nebraska. and A.hhurat, of Arizona. Ny Vare and Sm ith may 'be denied aeate wben they present tb elr certifleatell and that only a majority vote will be necoa.,y to oxel ude them. But dillouaalon ot the manaer 1ft which the Senate Is to aet Ihould not lie allowed to cloud - tbe ~ real Illue. May nomination. b • • puioekued ed \~u procelles at government eorruptcd while Congrelll ,Ite by aDd 'll'atcbes American politics II In 11'00t need ot a thorough cleansing Tho Senate ahould start th e bath by retuslng to seat Vare' and Smith. - - - - . . - ••- - - '. '; 'If UNDESIRABLE ALIENS




F . A. H ,\ln: o K. 1. A. HART'(l Ch. .

- -_ ._ ..._--Public Sales

LYTLE Mr. Me ll'yn Swunk rnadp n bU Rin 08>1 tTi p til Tulcdn IURt week. i\1.r. and Mr•. Will iam Brown Rp l' nl Wctln rsuay wllh r el:lli\'('s in Day t un Mr J ohn llrl'wc r. o f cn t('TI'ill r . waH \v orkinl! in Lytl" a few do y~ Illst wpc k.


Nearl y eve r y plllnt lhat g rows in thl' United HtnteM is preye d up on by 80me destructivl' insect. The CUCum ber bug. a ~turdy Iitlle worrior Wh ose cont is cove red with service Rtripes of man y 11 hllrd enmpnign, app ears pun rtually !It the t ime he Clln do the mo~ t dam ag e. ,even th oug h your plltch be miles from your neighbor·s. And the cucumber bug is only one of 8 \ll\8t army on which anyon e who raises vegeta bl es. g1'llins" flow ers, shrubs. fru it trees or the like must wage constant war: Some of these pests are natives but a veat many of the most deatructive belong in tho claB8 of "undesirable aliens." The gypsy moth. for example, WIIS accidentally introduced Into Massa chusestts from Europe about 1870. Appropriations by the State of MasIIIlchulletts to be used In the attempt to exterminate this pest have grown from '26,000 a year to $1 60.000. In all. several million dollllrs have been Bpent in the fight agai nst th e gipsy moth but the infested area has grown with the allproprintions. Four or five yenrs' ago th e Japnnesc fruit beetle f ound it s way into this coun t r y, supposed ly on iris root.s imported from Jnpan. Whole Bcetions in New J er se y. Delaware and P e nnsylvanin bear witn (,Rs to its d estructi ve n es~ .Fruit trees, grnpe .... ines. sha<!e trees and gllrde ns hnve been ravaged by the Japanese fruit beetle. in thes~ scc tions. And it is mllrching to other regfbns despi te attempts to control it. . Westward Ilcross the com belt goes the corn borer. It has cost the farmers in the Middle, West Vllst aums. And the corn borer was introduced into the United Status from Gormany Tho boll weevil crossed tho Rio Grande from 'M exico as a atowaway At present the Mediterranean fruit

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: ell at l' ul, ll(' .\IIl·li .. n ut h"" I lIl~ Mr" A. :' (" .\1 , 11. ~f ,." II "wll rd will r c:id lofU' , '(' 11 11 thl ' ' o rller Ilf Fc.urth Grnh"m and ~I" II. E. lI "t l"n \\'(' 1_ Sll'Pl' t ali t! I ralli..J11 1 rond , \\'ay neHcorned Ijuit " II C l'l l wd q f la d ll';-I t o t h e homl' "f i h,· r "I'I)\('I'. F ridav nfte r- ,·ill t·, Ohi" ... " no ol1 (' nn t t'Joo ! s und <:." d td (" hil t formFridn y , D~"emb e r , 1926 ed th t, di\· l' f":-.ill n { !If Ih tl :, f", tOlloo n CO l1llll cneinJ.: at ~ o'duc..'k a m " and a tif' li(' iou:,; l 11 r h' ~ 1 of !-!all dwichcs: th e full n",in )!' : A lif e l im~ co ll e'c tio n salad nnd (' flCOU wa ~ ~ (>r\,pd, of article. c: o n .idered a ntiqu e ; ( ~ce larl;l'o bi lls ) , 11 .I(, l lO r lIIise lluneo us Th,· M. E. Aid I1 ll't Th u rsday af- articles. c urpcnlcr' ~ to uls. kitche n tcrl1 (,l) n with u good 1\1t~ lId ance Afut en"i1s un d w,'od , 10 s hc,'" li nd t~ r th e uu"illl'SS wn" di ' p,,"<!d or, CO Il about 500 bus hels " f uld cnm te~ t ~ w Ir {l Il rrullC't d T he Aid is L1DA M. SAW IN, equ a ll y <li vid 'd intn the Sunshi ne Ex tCc utr ix of (h" osln te Group u~d , ' Ioutly Group. euch nne, of S UHlIn E . Hain es, deccll"cU. endeavoTing 10 ac cunlUlate money to Moral W N. SE ARS, Auc t . r epl enIsh th e treas ury. A deli cious Equip your Ford with one of the new improved cuckoo cloc ks. When lun ch was f:ll' rv c d . the car rellches a speed o f 26 miles !'iU,}"I ' ''; OF' A I'I·IIl!\""llt.:!'i 'I' "The Colone l's Maid ," prese nte d an hour. the bird will come out and by l he High "c.hool. Friday evening. ER t n I t! o f Su .mn E . ll a, n CM , doc, ' n~ . ' d , ling, "Nearer My God to Thee," WIIS a s uc c,'ss III eve r y se nse of t he !' u tl c ,' I s I1ftr t!h r g l \' On ltnt. l Llthi and at 40 miles an hllur" 'Lord. I Alii word . Each eharoctcr was wellpor- M , .su\\'l n h a!-l I)c:., ,, du l y n prw irilcd u n ci cjuu lJrlt.'d n .... t ' ~l' t " l l rix tlr t h ,· t'al ll t t· of Cominll Home." tra ye,l and th e perform a nce showed HU H"n B , l-I lilll~tt, lal t: or \ Vjlf rC Il Cuu n· thnt a g r eat deal of th ought and e ft ort had bee n expe nded Upon it: The l)' ~ "~·~~~·U~I~C ~:dl~~lay or Nov firu hcr, 11126 W . Z ILOL I. Hllrveysburg orchestra furni shed J u u gc or th e probat e Cuu rt. pleasing music betwee n the acts. n !,. \Varren County , Oh i o, If YOD 'll'ork for a me. In laNYMrs. Harry Osborn entertained B en'e lIame 'll'ork tor lahn, he pa,. number of boys Saturday sftern oon. NOTICE you 'll'a~1 that luppl, ~Ol1r bread alld In honor of her son. J osep h's , t en th butter, work for bllll, lpeak well of birthday Games on the lawn furhim 8IId ltend b~ h m, and b}' the nished entertainment for the young institution be representa. I think It guests. Each prese nted J ose ph wi th I worked tor a man. I would work tor ",n aptopriBte g ift. The hostesa, him. I would not work tor him part assiste by Mrs. Clint Clellver. Ruth of his time. but all of his time. I Cleave r and Lavonn e Osborn, served would Ilive my undivided service or a toothso me lunch. none. .If put to the pinch. an ounce of loyalty t8 worth a pound of clevern esa. If you must villify, eondem nand eternally d isparnge.• why resign your position , and whcn you are outside damn t o your hea rt's co ntent. Bu t. I pray you, so long a8 you are a purt 0 f nn institution, do not conrl('m n it Not t hnt you will inj ure the in "titution- not that--but when you d ispar nge the concern 01 whic h yo u a re 1\ port, you disparage baarlem oil - rulS - been ~a 'worJd j yourself. wide remedy for kidney; liver.anel And don' t rorgct-"I fOl'got"bladder disord,ers, rhewnatiamt won't do In bu siness.-Elbert Hubburd. lumbago and wic acid c:onditioal! Writt e n by Fred O .bo rn

. The Pord is my nuto. I s hall not wulk: it IlIl1ke lh me to IiI' down in the muddy r oads ; it lelldl' th me into t rou ble: it druweth on I11Y put'se ; I go into Lhe pll t hs of de bt (or its sake; yell , though 1 u nderstand my Ford perfectly ; I f ellr mu ch evil lest the radiu s rod or Ilxle mig ht breaki it hath a blowout in the prc.e nce 01 my enemies; I annoint th e tire witb a patch; th c radi ator boilcth ove r; and aurely this thing will follow me all lhe days of my life, or I shnll dwell in the House of Poverty forever.

Don't Be ' A Knocker If

. -..0----


--- _0 _ .0____


UInside" Information Try popcorn for a breakfast cereal. served w ith mIlk or cream.

C "

• • •


S l ) L l~

eonectlnterual trouble.•.tImulatnlwl orpDI. Three abe•• AU dnigIatI.laa. OQ tIM ari&inaI IC:OWDC GoLD UmM.

To r em avo saltiness fron\ a slice of ham, let it stand In sour milk or buttermilk for an hour or two. This will help to make it tender. •


The only positve label requirement in th e F ederal food and drugs act. I. that all can~ed . food labels shall boar a correct statement of the net weight of th e contents of the can, If other statementll are made on the label. th ey must be true and must. not be false' or misleading in any pllrticu lnr.

Mr. alld ~ I r". Sp r i ll J.{ lw r u ,


\\I , AIl,rig-ht . .of S und ay L'vcni nJ.!

gUeS (s o r Mr, Ullol MrH. Kes l"r (;ra. huUl. Mi" 1i ,, 1" 11 Eat'ly i ~ "lig hlly irllp r ll vl'O ill this time, aft e r h avi ng an a fT ection of the ear fo r sev('ra l


Mr .and Mrs. E. J . Ca rm ony, ~ UII li nd daughter. o f S pringfiC'ld, wl'I'e S un day g uests o f Mrs. Mary Ca r-

Wife to ab8ent-minded husband"Can't I trust you to do anythin g right. Firat you Bit In the lunch : then you mi8s the trolley; the n you 108e the key; and now you've given the tickets to Willie to tear up for _______ _ confetti."

e Sell Lu mber for very P urpose

Material for Your Roofs

Siding Oak Flooring Edge Grain Flooring Finishing Lumber Porch Material Front Doors Cottage Windows Window Frames Window GldSS

Red Ced a rShingles Mule-hideShingles Carey Shingles Asphalt Roll Roofing' Brick Portland Cement Plaster L inle Pl aster BO;Hd . Wa ll 1)0;1 r o

Builders' Hardwa re



Rods of Wire Fence



Mr. nnd Mrs E lbert Wa llac e e nte rtain ed over the we e k-end Mr. and Mr". Fred Ah lqui st and child r en, of Unyton. Mr. and Mrs. Char les E. J ohns we r e Sunda y eve ning !tue"ts of Mr. ll nd Mrs. Am os Coo k and f umi ly n enr Wnyn esv illc , Mrs. Mary Cormony was a g uest nl th e Fllrm crK club, Thursday. at th e home o f Mr. a nd Mrs. Walter McCl ure, in Wayn esville. Mr. Frank Rogers Ilnd Mrs. Lottie Carey motored t o Pleasant Hill,

All of the above material can be found in our yard every day in the year at moderate prices

w. H'. Madden & Co.




Sunday. Mrs Carey is taking !~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!~~'!!!!~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I! trea tmen twhere of a doctor Mr. and Mrs Kes ler Graham and dou g hter. Bernice. were s ix-o'clock dinner guests. Sunday. of Mr. and Mrs. C. W . Albright, at Springboro. Mr. Seth Furnas Is slowly improving sinCe his rece nt illneB8. His father Mr Ed Furnas. of Wayn esville, Is with him. caring for the st 6ck Mr. Fra nk Miltenberg er met with a painful accident Silturday, when a horse ran away t hrowing him Un" der the wagon, breaking one bone in his ankle and olher bruises. Mr. and Mrs. All en E mrick. Mrs. J. B. J ones, Mr. Ilnd Mrs. Charl es Clark, Mr. and Mrs H. M Clark atte nded the funeral' of Mrs. Wilbur Davis, at Centervill e. Silturday afternoon Mr. Jam es Puugh return ed from Miami Vnlley hospital Silturday. where he has been f or four weeks. with a broken limb. the result of being run over. b y a tractor on the Dr. Herman farm. His limb is still In a cast. Mr. a nd Mrs. Clifford Archdeaco n and 80n, of Dilyton. were week-end guestll of the latter's parents, Mr. Ilnd Mrs. Frank Miltenberger. MrtI. Jan e Miltenberger, of Middletown. is also makinK an extended visit with her son and family.







Preventive Cleaning

Jewelry Shop

Every Tuesday

Dr. John W. Miller



Hmeyshurg Fertilizer Co.


, .J :


Nails Smooth and Barb Hinges Wire Door Locks Locust Fence Posts Barn Door Track Farm Gates




e .Things



.- ...- ---


ill ),!

The Public Utilities Commission. Ilt Columbus decided that the P ennsylvania railroad mU8t maintain a National Baak freight agency at Lytle. Mr. La wrence Sims will still have charge. Will. Drawa .. .. " .... E.fate. S.ttl.. Mr. Everett Early. who is greatly benefitted by th e agency and wh o Wayneeville. Ohio GUARANTEED CURE prcsonJilly pr~ented a petition to • • said com mission. received the word lI uhh\, _ OO I lI'ish ~n n\(' nnl' would Rancidity ill la rd iR ca used by lasts week. ' chemical actio II of th e nil'. The fed- te ll me' hoI\' Ln kill " fT ull th e"1) eral ment ill SIlt'cti on se rvice advi ses \V('(~ t ls ? " \Vhv cit m' t vot! t,, \· cult i\V1fcthat lard shou ld he we ll rend ered, free frol1l moiRtu r l' ann pa rti cles of vatill !! t111'111 Iil~(' r ou do' lh ~ n(;wcrs ' " Rcrap. Llird ' hnulrl b' pl nced in COlli If th e home hus Uc(! n rcgulut'ly pletely fill ed, ti),( htly closed co ntainThe Ey e S i ght Speclali.t ll nd systematiclllly ell1'ed for, thl! old TAKING INVENTO R Y er s. prefernhl y o f glas. or en rthenfll s hi oned stre nu uus period o f up\Vnre, and kc pt in a coul, dnrk place heavul which ou r moth ers called ""' hy IIro you cUlIllt ing yo ur f1l1for preser vntio n. uspri n ~" or u f DlI" cleanin g' is no geTS']" • IOllge r n'ecessary. Even in th e Lebanon, Ohio "I j u :" t ~ hO fl k hJlncis \d th an e x. Oiled Aoors s hou ld be Rwept with convi cto" cleu nest ho mus, howe ver. th e cha nges a soft brush nnd dusled with an oilo f th e .>caso n neccssitutes certain ed cloth or mop; Occas iona111y clean changes in th e d etails of housework them with a cloth wrung out of warm nnd som c re arra nge me nt uf one's 8:00 a. m. to 4 p. m. soapy water. followed by polishing furni shing s and storage pla cl's . with a cloth dampened with kerosene In going throug h onc's home, t he HAVE YOUR EYES EXAMINED or good f100~ oil. Use wllter and object shuuld bc not only t o ' mak e soap sparingly. _ _ __ __ Ilve rything spick and spu n f or the tim e being , but t o ma ke Buch changes WANTED JUSTICE as will help it t o r e main so with t he least possible d a ily or weekl y work. Much of th e dirt thllt gt<ts into t he "I want justice." shrieked the prishouses is blown or truck ed in. Reoner. "Justice I" Judge-"Quiet my man; remember mo ve dirt regularly from w indow Dentiat sills. porches, steps and wa lk to you're in a court of law." keep it from being blown into the Wa,...rill. Ilatlooal aaak Bla•• house Screens covered with che esecloth will stop much dust und soo t Bt windows and doors Concrete walks will reduce the amount of dirt carried in on shoes. Provide mots and scrapers to help still further. A place just inaide the entrllnce l where muddy boots and coats mBY be left is a great help. il Lessen the number ot dust collect'.' Ing places. Furnish waste bukets. Bsh trays and receptacles tor burnt .'1 • ,. 'Blf YOUaSELF matches In every room. and, .above W& GET THEM bUICICL Y AND ~° ~ .; ~r , ' !t l' to. ° '~"' ''N' ° '4. - ' .- . all, train the membertl of your fam, FREE OF c!HARGE . A commolll~!!I.,pIliUt,IID" ... "Be, 7ounelf." to help by leaVing things wbere CALL US ANY TIM! AT oua ily It III ulled'ln nnoiai' IUtaDcea. \ they belong and , in good condition. EXPENSE It "'s a ,ood deal of lntelu.rellce In It. Fe'll' people object to ~ou when Take dirt and rubbish away and disfour motiYei are eODal4.nd ~to\ be 'slncere ,ad ,enuine, You are onl~ ob •. pose of It permanently when you Jectlonable wlt~l\. iOU , Pllt, On motives that do not belon, to )'ou. have ' finlshed cleaning any given part The tblnl ~<!.,li dO '1 n~t like mOllt .of aU III to have. Joa think that 70U at the house and , make your motto HARVEYSBURG, O. "to · keep clean rathcr than to clean ean deceive tb6ni, ' All lonc .. 70'tJt act.(o~ are eenuhie . and real. they P~' up." know how ,to deal with thel'\lf' but when they are conviaced that JOU are -------..~ endeavorlnc to ovel'Cct~ them b)' "')'inc to borrow worda or aeUona or motives ft'Oftt lIome one elae; they do not Ute It.' · . , HOPELESS So they tell you to lObe yourself." , ,. 1' '. Of courae we cann ot:"expre811 all »f our emotlone or feelillra perfeetl,. j' Mother, (reprimadlng)-UNow do ' There Iii a certain amollnt 'of"sell- control requir4!d ,b y ordinary dec!encit. not let me teU you lipln, Jimmy." but at luut ,those feelings that we exp.reaa should be thOle that are oun Jimmy-"I'm afraid I · ean't atop unque~tionably and not those We think we should h!lve. , , you. u (~ , . A good many people are sorry fol' themBelvj!l. not because at the bard ~ .~. time they have; but; because ot the hard . time other people think they ought to be having I~ la vel')' !laByfor a preacher 9r an aetor 01' aome . DI"""nt Kn~"" · auah a one to think that he Ie working hard when eYerytlod,. 1811 that he lI'InIt Cabnlbal-:-'1 have... 'tamad! fa. If he 'would boneltly look at himself and consult hlB own f~elinp ache.· 8ec004 OanDlbal-'11 muat be alone. he would realile that he I. not working hard at aU. that IrI'8d-a-ste." Self-pitL arlsea from a lort ot borrowed notion of oUl'llely., OIlYn Wend lilt Holmea I8ld that there were .."ral John. 1ft one pai........ _ _ _ IL .on.....:the man John III, the man JohD thlnka he Ia, ·ed the me JOhD oth.r j)80ple ehlDk he III. ' De ,.... of IADIaDa 8ft! aDlOlll If nery ODe of Ua lIoald clIat!lIl11lah 1Ietw.... the ma :we an ael 1M . . _ _ III ... world. averagln& m.. other ~t:e tblDk we are, It would clo ma" to IaoIlItate ou ...... ~ able Illah. . la hellb!o

"0lIl willa......


The Ford

'!'.'• • .


We. th e u nderl;IKncd. a llow no hunting. lrllllp ilitl 0 1' trcspnssing on Ou r !!l r m ~:

-- - ----



No Hunting

The III nt h.' I·S cl ub met lit Lh e h" lIIc \O ( Mr;. Wiluur H athuwuy , Prida y ar t. ' rnoori PUBLI C SA LE OF GROCE RY STOCK A ND FIXTURES Mr. Curti ~ Th omp;" n ,who i_ w" rk in IJay t un. "lwn t th e we,·k -e n,1 at B,' lolI l!i llJ,: It> th t' ('s tale of F. ... e re tt ing Snow, d, ·rtlus(·d , at ~tlut h Lebn n o n h is h o me hl' r e. Ohio. u n Mr. Alhert Stac y r eturn ed Satu r· day from Wi ~en n sin, \I here he boug hl Tu el day , Novem ber 30, 1926 a ca r I"ud u f clIttl c . n egill ni ng ti t 1 o' cloc k P. m. W . N. ~E '\R S, Auct. Mr. and Mrs. Wilhur Swnnk \\'e r (' week·end guest s o f the fl) rm er' , par ents ut · Miumisuurg . I will "rr r at puhllc snle at my r ~sid(' nc c , il Itli lc~ west: o f Way nesMrs. S. H. 13urn Pll anrl Mrs. Floyd "I II l' . R Inll,," 1I(,rt h ,.e Leullno n tw o Sa\'ugc lin d da ught l' r, Croce, w e N ' mil"s ""u lh .. f Lyt Ic' , " " the Low,e r Dlly ton Sh" PII,' rs, MondllY S p ri ll g'i l(l r t) pik e , u n Mostlull1 l>S ~; li z ah (' t h ,f "lIl'" and ,iL'sTue. day . N ove n,b c r 23. 1926. s i · Lutl),(ac rt' S/IIY "B"n li u r" at th l' Vietory in Dayt" n, FridllY. H, g'''""", ',I I (1 .1 J". the foll ow . ~ l r . nn d ~I r". \I' H :'11" ,·,. 11 1S AM hN THA SA YS In~ ilI' !1t I. ·~ .; IlIq ,s, Ili ll i t' t Cll m , 7 o Mr. lin d Mrs, El i l!u H,~ 1I W"rt ' t('nd .. ," th . I"ulli o" al ,01'11/ ,1 " illll,rll ilo n (' nl t/t ' 1.111 I 1;1 II'nI' ' l l:: p o ultry. ca ll1'd t o Pra ll kl in. SntuI·oIIIV. bv t l,.. 1': vc ll ,I' fili I 111 1111 1I~\\\' (lr~ huyc gon(' , IIf lil t· 1J j:.!ToIIH! ... .. n. It,,! ,, I't l:qr dt ' n r(' l ~ and Il, ,H'I itl!!l fI \ udul(,s , hu l 1 deaLh f lh,· fOI'II,,' r' " aunt. Lt·'o, at :\ 1 ;10.;'11 1, \'. ii i, \\ j~ I Ji l. d III n n d()~ , I ,I I d 1.- . I · dl JJ.:s. wu tc h n va~c o J lil t tl' r :--\\ I' l' t will k('c p BU · uutq'HIII .I}, " iL l f·~ d. rd III \ .111 l /lllnl l He memher th .. Aid murk ... ~lld 1 >1lov'" . 11 d ,q , I d"I' LllI)l l1 c'.\ "l'f"I III·"S ill Ih(· house 1111 1.I\ur a t th l, Tuwnhip htlU ~ tl , \ \'ayrH 'sI"" ,. I I ' " j."., I ', ], lf C' (" biU s, 1!I '\' i\al Ill I'l' ! I Ill.! \' II 1'1 L' in a t h p wi lltl' l' IHIl g- . vi ll e. 11('xL :-iaturdu)" thl' 20th. .\ 11:-. I .\ DI \ .T I( FACF. . M, E. dlUII'I 1 Hit \rl dr, ," J;I\' ,'\'j ' ll . \\' . ~ '~' . '" '' , \ 1(\ l in~ , I )l~ "( 'nd ... f' 1, III I ho i I'l! l o f t he 'fl'. an d Mr~ Bt'n Hawk" II l1 d .rlltll pll hl" r. H",·. CII" f 'I'1I,'kl'f' . Ev(' r y ily :-.t.:.W "!\'l aKKil~ and ,J ig'g~ " at tht· o n e l:n ,.dJOlll\, lll\'I ! ' d til d!tl' rlt l uny 1'11" I J!l d~ 1''' 'J,!'fl ! · tI , X t· t'utrlx l, f th t: theut L' r in Dayt on ! !'1atufliu y " "l' ft -

S, \,'l ' f




!!!r . . . .

Safe All Around You're' safe all around when you Safe when you buy Goodyears. .ride- because of their de pendable quality. Safe when you buy-because there isn't a better value on the market. Why take chances? Play ~afeput on Goodyears.

Waynesville Motor Co., Phone 105

Waynesville, Ohio E ,_.




Murphy, Clnt) (, f t11 h· I r n.P·, .,,1 th" \",tld I II ,I, IIH't '" " II ~ ld (' l1t l\ntl b,' I p:tl IV:" , .I) ,.,

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T ill ' ~ lJ p n ' l1 lt ' ~ I fi f .. 1' l 'hl'l :-- tma :o: d l ill ll V fH I . ~ I 'II ('t y ll u r !"' H I Cary' :,

,h ' wl.' lr y :'. h l\P, Ll''' nn IO n , .Uh il'.

lin lil tl' ly II ft t ' li ~ :'w gl i t1lp ~ l' ~ o f th r r :tr t' )..:' Ifl :o:. o f jZ' f:l C' l \ and f ai th whi l' h

HI ·\' . a n d ~tr ~. :'\:tt ha n ,l o h fl'\H n \\ ,' r r lw r i ,dh' r i t: I Il t" (' f n ll ll lh l)S ( ' pa - hn \'t ' l'i ' t U l'lIl, d I I t h l ' I!' h l' ll ll.' in F l' rr \" :J.f t t: r ~ l' l · r\4lill J.!' tH u \\l'l ' '':-' i n 'f'r u I11. rl'\ 1I1 ~ . bu ll r l ' l/ Il l y. ~hl ' W:I ... ("arl " ~ ( I T1t ttl \V ilrning-lo n an d til E a r lh .lnl t il o ht ai n l' ..iu t'ati tlfl

Do You enJoy

Iln d " 'a s I:l'a d ll at ,' d fr om the lal l(, 1' i ll ~ t it ut i \ l n

t\,c Y Oll fe e'l ('old, jo .d ~ " · ,. ,r! J c.1 ~.t <I ) It to k ('~ 1,4 ri l ~· t ll l'ul l II to cn joy



t dI !

11 1

un t il l ~O I. I II til l' 1': 01 1 o f th a t

lII .. ll1('1'

Eat More Bread f or Health Our bread is ofullsurpassed t1a vor an c\ tex ture. A golden bLOwn crust o f the delicious, crispy kind-a rounded top and smooth surface- llrm to the touch. These are point. that characterize our perfect

wi l h

(! ' ('

C Il" \,

t iI (' ~n ' llt (' :-: t


COllra~ t.·,

Asia, A Crica. Euro pe lind N orth nncl S OIlI h Arnpricll huve contributed thi. fnll til n r ecord hrellk ing enroll· m e nt at Ohio Slat .. uni ver sity. Co· lu mhu s. bul mor e th a n !JO per ('('nt o f the s t udenLs claim t he Buckey,· s tat e as th e ir o\l' n T otnl enro llment is !l3 0!!, Within th e Un ion a ll but fiv.· s lat l's , I " w(' ll li S t he Philippines P u rto Rico urlll Hawai i have se nt stuu ents th e r e. ThL' enrol lmen t is the m ust r .. pr ~s n talive, geeographically " pea king, in th e history of t he uni· v('r"ity. r\ 11 of the 88 counties of Ohio, all o f l h e rit. i ~ s of th e State and sco r ~s of thO' ~ llInll e r comm unities are r cpr·e "~ nt,' d in thl' s tudent popu latiun. The rl'g-i"tmli .. n rec ords. just checked, s huw " n ' ' tu de n t from Wayn es ville, .101111 1\ulto l1, Coll('ge of Arts,

Melloh's Garage Sunoco 'Gas Sunoco Oil Miller Tires Prest-O-Lite Batteries Alcohol and Giycerine Base

- - - -~

- ..----

Red Cross Roll Call


While WII ' rl'n cou nty is not put-

ti ng o n nn tl r tivc RC' d Cross pro ~ rnm,

For Radiators

we- a lw ay , II :1IIt tu have a pnrt in t Il<' grt'llt Rr- d Cro ss work. a nd to rec·l lhat We a r e under Reel Cross p r "t~ct i ll n.

T 111' rf' will be no ho use tu h Oll se C ~t n v a ~s, hu t ins tead il is r equ ested t ha t ", e n,be rs pay th e ir du es lit their II ca r e, " hank. S upplies arc bein g se nt all bani!" und th ey will be glad to Hec"pt all c1ucs left wilh them .

SPARTON RADIOS The Pathfinder of the Air

----_ ..----

Come in and .see our Complete Line of a Sparton Radios, or can phone . .. 47 for demonstrati on appomtment.

Annual Election Th e annunl elec tio n 1/( the Hnr· ve ys hurr.: 1Iln sCl ni (' l " clg ~ . held last W,·d'j('sday ('v ening nt the ir hall in Harv eyshurg re sulted >IS foll ows ; .. W.M . H e rb .. rt S . Ca rr S. W Will. A Luk e ns J. W Irving We lch Secretary II. E. Hatto n TrC a~ lIr eT C. E. Lc vicy S. D. Itu ~ se ll S he rod . ,J. D. Wm. Shidnk er .. .. Tyl e r .lo,hn War,1 RllymnrHI Edwards, trus t ee :J yeul'~.

Wre c k i ~-. g

Car, equipped with a l'hrce-Te n Hoist.

At AU Times

"'-~_ _ __ _ _ _. ,&Mm!ia_ l-:.:.. :al_~_ _ _. .lr '.

Bu~ '

If you want Apples th a t are good to cook, eat, used , come to

AII.Day Shoot

Underwood's, 11 Mites East of Harveysburg

The Waynesville gun 'Club will hold un 1I 11-dIlY clay bird sho.ot at Oakciale purk, a ll Thanksgiving Day. T h c~c sho ots hav e been very popular in t he paRt ,and it is expected that severa l good shots from dieffrent cI u hs ncar here, will be present to participate in the day's sport, All of the local nimrods arc expected to be present, and 'they,' tog ether ' with the spec tators expect to hlLv(' II good time. .

Our Apples were well ra yed, pre cleaned and well graded to fo ( s i ze ~ . Youl get full weight. ,.

D. ~ '

Prices Very





. Ohio

'l'!o' 1'1I (·I:o r l. . .. r \\ 'i ,wlt " Ir r

~l rll ,'f' ;u ld ~ oll :lI lI l Frl'd

~ .. t'l illt i l ' '' ,

nf Ila y to ll.

:'jl t , lt l


S Ull d a y

Mr. nnd JIIr". C. T . T1nrn c r~,;

~.Iar y lh'll, · H:trlll·r .and ~lr. and Mr" .



c have the follo\\'illg g lc~ of COil I on hand, but are unabl e to buy s.cvcra 1 of these grades at present:

Lump or Egg Genuine Pocahontas, o Genuine Miller's Creek, Lump or Egg o Gem Lump Iue Grass Lump U .., Priscilla Lump Whi e Ash Lump






These Coals nrc heing sold below the present Il1:trkct price










Merchants for Red Arrow Money

---_. - ..---W ANTED JUSTICE

~ l i s. ~

Flllr :l Ih ·rl' r hill. of' C' ,.JlIlHhll:i, Ih,' ~l h':- t tIl' ' .\11' " ~ tI :- :l1\ l'a int' , \ \a,,1 "" " ' k.

WiI !'i

W . 11. .'\1\. ·" a f ll ' l' a \'i :.-it \ 11'

l'l·tUf'llf'tI .

~ (·\'t · .. al

TU l'~ day .




lroil and Tolt' d n. Sp p('ia l SHI(, uf


g'tlu h ,t ~ ,

at Ca r y'" .1 ,·\\ L'lry Sh o p. L ~ b"n(l n. Oh io. \lre'"" III' y,,"r IlIhk fu r Thall k~"i v in~.


White, $4• 47 P o at oes Round 2~-bu. bag for. . . . .

~l~ s " rs. Wnl ll·r ~1c· (, l lIr, · .',,01 .1. n. Cllrtw ri ght w tll lI tt""d tl«' :, I<r ill e d inn L'r nt n H,\' t H fl, t fl ll iJ,! hl

11 S, Nc.. I ,(rnd.:. 60· 1b bu .... $ 1.83

illr. ,",,1 M .., . .1. C. Haw k .. a nd ~ Ir . I an d ~I r " . L,' " 1\ n" he \\ "1'\ ' :-;1'1'I1II:fic lcl


~l Jll d HY : l ft t"r'I H11I1l

n e\' , a nJ

i\ll· ~ .

\{C'v. a nd Mr < 1. A. \\· ,, ~ hhlll' n "li d Th .. fin c~ t , ight in t o wn is (l ll r IH,. autiful . ~ I ,, ~k "f I:ifl l;. containinl: Mr'. a ncl ~lr' .· ( ' .' ~1. 1:" I,it,,·.· aL· all that IS hr ,,,ht, fl' '' "h. n"w lin d t l' lldet! til t, 1I t1 ll1 l' ·(' l' ll1i n J,: at l' l'n t e r f\(I \·· 1 i ll l!t)li dny J!' l' ld $ , Cary ':; ,J(. w - villl' . S und ay. (' lry Sh"p. "Th .. 1\ o lll e of Gifts." Lei . Mrs. Em L, Sm ith. Mr" . .1. M. Tnyl" .. un un. Uhio Mrs, Fl nsgjp Can·y IIlld ~q l1. t'ht· .. • t ~ r. a nd ~]i ss Lucy El11h'y :-;pl' n t ~ LJ n ~ Do you lik (' t o wa~ h ill colci wnt- da y wilh r(·lntives at l\1i:lll1i :- ilun..:- . e r Why, no. W o uld you rn t h('r pay the doc t or or pay the lau ndry. It is :I prh' il egc to s how nUl' b" /lu , rnnn n few ce nts II week f o r your lifu l holid ay g""ci s" a nd y" u w ill wa~ h? We wi ll Inurltler your clothes us by l!" n ~ id e rinr.: thi " n 1"' 1" for as low as 5 cents pe r pound . "sllhlige nol i "vita Lion lei ('14 11 a nd insp"ct Leave yo ur cull with Mahl un Ri, Jge Il u r extl ·ns ive n e w li nl' o f Chri s t ll1 a ~ to ~uve the drIver ex plain in detail. ""velti"s. Car y's J " we lry S huI', L .· ~ Solt Wa te r Lllundry.

Co·unl,,· Club. 1.1l>. loaf .... .... .. .. 6e Wh ole Wh e al. I . lb . loaf.. ........ 8c

Oysters That you will like ut


Celery 'and Cranberries

1:,/'& 1U)~nthyour ~naJ lIomneIJutchered MEATI • or

courwc you .,111 cur~ your mrat this .Cll,on with Smoked Salt'. It will &ave . • hrinlcoli(c,lDbor,fire

risk uno worry, Jt will Rive you be"« flavor a nd Dtt(cct cure. But b e .ure IO!~t lh.e oliaiual on ac::oumc

~~ -'-


The only m•• t ••11 th pt I....cod (or lobto \lHI .s (OT' C'ur inlZ ment, Smell it, T ••te It. You CRn t ell it ul n nce rfUm .alt lhat h .. b«n mba] with pyrulijncuua odd ocotha dauKaoUli chemical.,

We have It, PnclcetJ fn t en pouucJ and guaranteed ~eDui.oe.



Vi"" " n. I. lb . lo"f.. .... .. .. .. ... .. .. ... 7c Rye. ll ~ .lb. loar. ................. .. ... l0c

~n~I~?n~cn~:~.' ..... 14c I~~I!~!u~:~;~.i.' ..12c ... ...

~~il~~~~ ..?~~~~~~;:~.~.85c

3 pc;und •• eac h .. ... .. ..... .... .. .... $1·35

Chocolatenrops 2:~,~:~ ISc N e w low lb ... .. . .... ..... .. pro le l" ,



Cape Co d s, qu"lity. 2 lb . ... ... .. ..


20c 9C 25c 38c 25c

4 oz, pkl .... orange or lemon peel. .. pkl .. .. ...... .... .. .. .. .. ................ 13c

Dro'm ~dA ry

23 C Celery

R. A. Co nner nnd fumily a nd 1I1r. an d Mr" . C. II. She rw nncl were L,·h· :i li on v i :.; i t or~ . Sun day uftcrflo on, ,a ncl c" ll ed o n Mr. and Mrs. S, R. Snuw. d" n, lit thcir rece ntly p urehll"e d dui· r y home on the C in c irc "at i pike. If it's You rex S ilv er seal - m o re ,'a n 1I 0t be said. Start your set of ; il ve rw llr c. Fi ve beautiful pattel'.ns. Ca ry 's .Je"elry Shop , .Leba non. Ohin. o'\ Iso agen t in Warren county for Ru· g" rs ' " H eirloo m plate."

IS-Ib, pk ....... ................. ........ .... 49c

D~uble or Split-Top 1 2-pound loaf, each .. . . ....... .

a non , Ohi o ,



Delmonte, 3 can R for

69c Country Club, 3 tall cans for ... , .. . 25c Wilson, 3 tall cans for . . . . . . ..... . 28c

fumlt l,-'rs,

i ce fl' a s, S ht ' rll ~ t :o; , sa intl p llltt.·~ . (·le.,

vi ::; itt l r :i.


Delmonte, per c'an .

Country Club Peaches, 3 cans for . . ... .

C. :--: . (;nttl ~\II ' :11 11 1 G. I •. M,lI s w"rc <i .nn"r r.:ucM s, S un . !-\tl il. of \\' n pak H lld a , w, ' r ...' th:n ' t o :I t day. o r Mr, a CI d JII r ". C. JII , I\urn el' I(l nd th (1 Jo' H l' llll ' r l" (' hll, Ia :-: t T h u f."4and fa mil y. ot' l1ayt.ICI. da y .


eIs c f ,Rome Beauty Me


Wit.h 11 11 t.h e ~ illlpli city or his Qua· k .. r heritage. ,Josep h G. Ca nn on' s I bo dy \\' us borne t o the grav e UH that of 1\ pl'ivate citize n. Hon . Call n " n , wh o hns "er\'(!cl in Co ngress f or m ore thun 42 year, died llt hi s home in Dllnvill e , Ills .• Illst FridllY aite rn uo n. Not even a fla!; covc r eel the cas ket, but m a ny of hI! coworkers lIlul'che d behind his body to ilg lust res ting place;

ua· ity

and that will keep un til all

- ..

- Joseph G. Cannon - -- - :..


~I . ,

o f tw o litlle chi ldrc lI . Mar y

r (l gU \lrl'(\~

Large Enrollment

W ayl'lf:svillc, Ohio

Apples of

Il, i ~!'i i u n ~


Thompson's Bakery

At You ':ervic ~



Order y our bread toda y. We have 're. h bread twice daily.

We also have a

( ' 1 i :' l ' ld l v l'n ,

fait h nnt! \\ i St , IIHlnH~('nH.' fH h avl' hpl' n willi (,IHI ril' :- :'Il d l 'r =,on a n d family . ' ",,11,,<1 "p" n 10 pruv id , f or ttll'lll and ~lfIartt ' ~ t o f I ill1l'kt · \ 'p~' r:-t nrl' the ' t n prulI",tl' tlH'i r hes t int.' res t s. !' lll' \" ' ry fn"lul'ntly sOll i:ht nnel Intt':4 <:rll PIl \\ ut e h. (, J' l'H t in n :-' . Sct. . ~ xl" · l'i '·fll· .. d ti l(' elirl'ct l(,lIding an d lhl'lIl al . (' ~lf Y \ ,h' \\'l' \ry ~h ll J1, l.t1un I'wvi" io n o f h ~ r I1 ~uv(' n ly Father in nOli . Ohlll, ngl' lI t ill \\' 111'1'1,' 11 l'ullllt~' . maki ni: d~c i ~ i o n s lin 1 WlIS ('vcr r elldy Mr. and Mr". Will C;l'inu' , . o f C1I1· to ackn owlclige he r grntituue nnd hl'r full r elinn c(' upon Him. n ('\'l'r irorni n, lin d Mr. unci ~lrs . Frnllk Shi. yi('ldin g h p!, gOll d cheer lind hopeful· dakl' I', uf lI arn.:o ysb urg- , Wl' re di luler Irucst s. :I" H's da~· . of ~ l r . anu M r~ . nCfiS. Finally the physica l fram e could I" . 11. Dakin II II d d a ug hl l' r, n o longer s u pport th e t ax on mind a nd h ('fc rt. lIlI d sh e fell in th e baUle If YOll wnnt g n"" l r.: 1,,"scs that fi t "cllsting all her ell rc upo n Him wh" y.oll r eYl's .. l ~ t Dt·, \{lIdlllph. Ihe ('Yl" (,lIreLh for U R. " s ~ g h t spc,·."'It ~ !. IlIuke thl' lll fur you. ~' '' '' :'' t hun I uc· sda y l' l' :-;ntu rUIlY lit ( UI' Y s .I " we lry S h,. p. ,L" ba no ll, Ohi o.


Also, Completely Denatured

,\ l i:-:04 J.; d it h

n r y frll ill .-\ ...... :11 11 . I l t d l:;. ~ l' t ' nt th t' p:t :-ot ' \ I ' th H lllI Ill ' l" a U li t. :'\ 11':-:. E d i th lI a r ri o: :tll d f a lli l l y .


:--: 1I 1u rd{l \" an d ~lI;l du \' y ~a r she \\' i1~ I ll d .. ~ l'lr 't IlI n rt it·d a t ~p rin g h~H () lu .J n nl(.\ ~ S . \ \ ' 11 1t hi r 1111\ it , : l l1 d ' :1111 11 , ;\ I r. a ll ;1 . Jli ;l lt. tlf l\ irh rn nll c1 . an d durin i.: ~ {' v · ~ I. , . ~ l : d d ,," I:id ... " ,' n ~' t ' ;l r~ alt ly s u p po rll'd h im in l li~ I l"n' t r l. r ;.:'l' l Ilf. 1; ' hh.(l' h 1:-; It t" 'I ' "l Id , a~ n t t'Ht"h (' f' nt (; C' ll rJ.!(,· St' h ou l " \ I'ry :";. lllI l'd,, \' n lt.: lrl un t il " p . Ill.. T h" C a ll1ptirt · (; il' l-.t h :t\' l' p fl:o' t p n n, ' d i ll HU l" k f: ('Hun t y, Penn . t' :l r y 'z-;. tiki " m a rkl't IIHk tini t vly . ~ i ll L" I.' 1 ~IIO, (lxl'(.' l'l f ll r n f l 'w a ll d 'l' lI t ", ,j .IY 111 11i l ' : I'. III IlI d ll t h " n 'l·I.'d ing- hl' r hu s hand' :-; dl1nth " l,\ \ , ' lr ~ ~hl'P . l , t ' lj ~ tJi llll , (H II'" \\' ,. J! i\ t, c'"da r :--: t :I III\ ·";. (' :ll'y'S ill Ili l rr is lll lrJ.! , i n 10 1;), her home Jln s 1\1/". an d ~lr ~ . H l' lI C' h :1. ltIp i llll, l'tr]o:. . ,ll' \\ l' ir y !'tr l l jl , 1. " h:I II III I , Ollh ·. l wt 'll ill (; l, nnanhtWII. Penn. L l' ft

Win t er.

? •


1 ~\ ' !I.

. li ,' 1' p n r v nt $ \\'(I r(' th t' U lI m'C t'r ~ ~ I f th t· (' i. llI .,!!!, all d Bh e f l' tHHin l' O t o a ~si t Hn d 11I t ll r t t l a l:,!'l ume th C' dut i(>s o f }H ' r

I)t)I.:S \ 11(:.' keen. rrus t v air of \\·ll l (l.: r



I ~ \' I.:" l lin l~

in u ni~on. If f lh\\ la ~ t Illll (' li ng :\Ir . . . .~ lI th· ~· Ht·1l1. II lI d ),!'r ll l llld Hu gh. Hl\ d : ll'l' f tt \ t· d . tl' r ' \tIt ' P H) l. t rl \ 1'01 j f " r o.;, S u nd a.,. n ' p,

e oa

\ \ (, rI '

m i ll ll l t · ...

1I "fl '"

Ill' u r


S(!~ I'.

I. " r cl·~ ,J..·Wl' li ~ ~ hIlP , , 1.,II:l HII Il, U hi o :

t h('

\\ ,' r, n '~h l T h,' tIT :n' ur l ' r n ' l lO rt l'" h:l nd :1 \ t h l!" "' t.'l' t l ll),!'. Ht' d,ilnJ,!" T ha n J... :-'J.! 1\' 1Ill-!

P ia l t! f


I liI)

It .I III "

:-:UIlJ,! " :\ nh' r icH" n , 1:tl l\ \ ', ) I ' rt t llb ) 1r ~ . C rp!o:. ~ It,d in th (' th.' \' o l i{) Ill11 ltv I'~" .tin" I'art .. I' llil' I Gth C hu\lte r (Ij' \\-1 t.! i I.1, ( \ ,du r


CIOJ: ' =:::::IHO~ij


:11 C II rit' tl

\\11 " I


' O~ ~ar.

Friendship Club

hy. . : . r ~' U I.c:.I' to i.t ~(l t~ ~ Olll' u ld rll nn . "



Jumbo SIze, Nice tender,

~n~Y~~~~!it, ~?cl!~r~~ q~~~~ 38 C ~?n~~

3 Ib •.

Ib .. ......


Kirk Fink e,'s Low pric e, 10 bar. ... .. ... ..

Miss KlItherine Pl'end er gast, 1\11'5. L. A. Zimmerman a nd Mr" . ..lumc. i\lcClur<' are attending. fl. d ~ l e gate s f .. um th e locIII bran ch. th e ce lebraLi o n of th e fiftil,th allniversury of the Woman's Auxiliary of the' DioC"'e of S o uthern Ohio, which is being held in cunnection with the unnual meet ing ut Christ church Cinci nnati. '


Cotlon, 16


each .... .. ... .... ...... .. .. ... 36c

Tone- Volume-Selectivity-Distance

Atwater-Kent Radio

Do yo u like to walh in cold water? Why, n o. Would you rather pay the docto r o r pay the laundry man n f e w ce nts a wee k for y our wash? We will laullu er yo ur clothes f or as low AS 5 ce nts per pound. Lellv e your cn ll with Mllhlo n Ridge tu .have th" driver e xpl a in in d('tuil. ~oft Wuter Lnundl'Y.

Here's the Set the Whole'County is Talking About .



ST. MARY'S CHURCH Sun41ay Ne xt hefore Advent, Novemh,'r 21. Chu rc h Seh"ul nt !J::l0; MOl'nillg Pl'II ycr allli S""IlIon at 11 u·cWck. ' . . All are cordially invited t o a ttend th., services. . ·~ev. John J . S('hacffer. Rector.


CHRISTIAN CHURCH ,! Sunday-School at 9 ;3 0; p~er meeting Wecln ('sday evening at '~fl O' Everybody cordially Invited. ' .


F., D. Dakin

METHODIST CHURCH Sabbath School at 9:15 n. m . prea('hing at 10:30 a. m . Epworth League 6 :16 p. , m. Preachlnl!.' at 7 :30 p. m. Everybody invited to these services . ·R~v. L. A. 'Washburn, Pa.lor.

Insurance Agency



Gene'r al Insurance

Wanyesville Farmers' Late ClaSSified Ad~ Exchange'CnmpanY ~~p

Phone 61'··2


Waynesviile, Ohio

W!" will move our office, 'on N~vember ht, to the ., 'ro~Fn vac~ted by the A. & P. Tea Co. Come and ' see us in our new quarters.

FOR SALE-Male. pi,s, Big ' Phone 25 Poland C,hil1ll. Wlllte ' Plymo . "[ want justice," shrieked the prls. Rock eockerel8, U P. Fishel str •n, oner. "Justice'" Ohio W. C, and I. D_ Weloh, HarVeysborg, Waynesville Judgc mylaw." man; remember 1.&._ you're io -"Quiet a court of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1 Ohio ' ' . -CIS



\v1 ~ lJ:\E S 1 Ji Y,


:\'O \ 'E\lH I': R

F~ ITI-I Of- MI·_ '





Whol e Number

) ~J2ti

13 CI I.'\ I'I\



(By L, I. W.)




Tu('sci uy uf last week a new reo pU l't e r Wu~ chosen from the Junior und S<: lI iu r English c luss , to write up t h,' s rh,,; 01 new~ for the local pape r. "" t hat th e I,," o pl e in the vicinity of \\ ~il Y IH' :-; \' illl'

" lIlInt:l:lCl,d II 'ilI'Tl I hr-

11 11

COn1m i ~l' i \' lh't · . :-:: 1)''' 1 1I 11'iL"

if 1l0r \'l' - , k . l l' lIyi ll )! IIt H~ I '~ \ \ 1 ' I , dimin ul cd, ' We t hink we arp il U \,; ('f! " 10 n "'l'r bul

U !-.I,.!

l11 o ~ t

up a s

I. I:II-Y t;l " ,I '-', I H'id l ill d : IV ill




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t h , ' C ":HI,

1\\'I I " t,

1 1~ ltidlll""' ,



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af'J'I\' L'

• '" ,

• ,',

or even ing-


'Illtl u u~k" t b l1ll g"lIll' of th e seagon. Ll ut lila'! <Ill" 10 th l' sta d el feve r "1'_ id e nd c at t h,' 1I 01ll e, th c J.:umc I\' US cu lkd ,!If. W e ~ in cc rely hope th ut Otte r bcllI l'l'u,lJl y r e"OI'CI'" fro m Ih e ""rinu!' nLlI1l'k "f th osl' pesky liLLIe





, ,,I,·,

\ . oll

.I I





111:1' H,


t,. '. 11'11





I til.



1/'1 ~


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. 111 '


Wcdn!!sd8Y eVe the B o ~ s ' bu, kl,t· ba ll t eam of W. H . S. will journ ey 10 'lIl o"o n, II pre the de fe nd e r s of the Orange . and Bluck w ill llJee t th" .11(1 · lU rters of the GreNI a nd Whit e, A urge g ro UJl of W aynesv ille r (w [,'I'S arc e X!"'I'ted t o att e l1d li nd w ill wit'll·S~ . we nr~ sure. n tillt", cl ean Jta1l 1~ lV e II r t' I(wki ll!! f orward t Il a I:ll nw tn ,., Ih e lo n" We had II it h \Cllt"l' l'ilic


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l't,/,~ ("' d fi !'t~h' l lI I h,' ,.rl'vio uR Y' . whic h CIIIIIJH II t,,1 II. ant! r cc l l f l ~t't'Hr, " T IHlu san ,ls "I' 01,,11 ". I.

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p"lId" d in Ioutidlllg 11(' \\ huLeh ties "/l(1 tuday (lhi,. ~ t:lI1,J:; a . on e o'f th ,' fo r emost : t all' s ,"f th,' Ilio n ,Ic\'clupmcnt of th .. I!'UIl'" li~h . PIa 8 for 1\)27 , alr<:" oIy umlt'r way lJy Mr. 'Th olnllstln , ur c eve n llI tt l'C cx~cnsive t hun they Wl' rl' la ~ t yea r, a nd w itli C0 11lpl etiun "f t wo neW hatcheries mi llion. " f additiona l s ma ll fish will be nvai llilol ' fo r Ohio st r eums

Angelina Farr Devitt

Christina Ann M'Kinsey

Afl gpli no F ll rr, daughter, ,of Cyr us Franklin a nd Elizubeth Bateman Fllrr 11'11:; ""rn at S pringboro, Ohio, April 7, I R,IO. She wus the eld est "f iiI'" childrr n , Jun e F. Wright, Ju. Ii" '1', II" no"an lind Elizubeth B. Farr, who slill s urvive hc r. A I un earl)' age hpl' moth e r died 11,, 01 s he liv" d "ith 1",,' gru ndpnr e. ts unt il ~ hl ' wc nt l o li l'e with hc r uncl e . \\':11'''<' 1' ~1. Bal,' man , lit Gl e nd:ule, Ohi tl, y t'H l' !<o IntPl' J'(·tu rlli llg to =-' l'l'int!ho l'(' wh,' r .. 1;hc tHugh t in th e villa)!c _<ch o,>I.

"To lin in th e h ea rt~ of th oso we leu\'e be hind is not t o c1ie." Christina Ann Edwllrd s, da ughte r o f Is uac ami Mary Ann Ri ch Edwards. WR S born on II farm nca r Hal'vey~ burg, Ohi o" J a n uary 2, 1856, un d passed RWOY III her lat e home Nov(' mbe r :J, I !l2 G, aged 70 ye or s , 10 m o nthR and I da y. In 188 1 s he was uni t ed in morringe with Ne he mi a h McK in Bey, who departed thi s lirl' ',II Ma rch 27, I OO!). To thi s uni o n were tll. rn two ch ild-

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Miss Knthl'r inc Fromm wn8 hORtess fri e nd" hlst Friday t o a nunlbe r eveni ng.

11 .


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l\Ii"s Ruth Co" k SP"lIt th e wh ole o f lus t w,'ek in C"lull1b u:;, IItl e nding th e " C lli U IV "l'I," 1l1",' tlll l:'

Comine Eyenb Which Cut Their Shadowa Before

\ ,,'11





1 ", ,



tl llinu d s, num el y, !!;c.: arh: l f eve r ' germs.

Monday \I f thi s wee k, th e Slal£' fire insl' ecto l' visited W. H. S, Th r sce ne of llUIt summer's lire WO R 1','. view~ d an,1 viewed. A fi r e drill wo~ ul~o held .

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F ridny L .. ~ t "'rid"y l it " !'t ud l' nt s of W. IL ~ , "' c n .. \'t'r y ,a:,:-"r1y and nnx ious Jy nwa it ill J.: t l,, ' 1',,11 "I' e\'l'IItide'! V,ihy'!

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conquering l1ui ~ e, ('r" wdi ll!! it "u t "f the bru in, as in d o ing r eal work. Milli ons of brain , are ,' ut down a(l to 60 (ler ce n t in dli ci,'nr y h y n i "~ Abse nc e o f no ise mell " S !:,Tl'lIter ef· flciency, les8 wenr in mHc hi nt,s. Bul men pay n o Attpl1 t ion tl' th~ir own machinery, worn aWllY hy noise eve ry day. And to complAin o f n oises is co n · Bid e r ed effeminntc. If u" necessary noise were a cc urately clossiflod with assault nntl l)Ulte ry, lift! would be longer. Whe n th e Bible snys j pn lou8Y hAth a most ve he me nt fl um e; it doesn't cx.ggernt~. .H orrjble t estimony given by a doctor a s to th e killing or Mrs, Mills, in the Hall-Mills murde r Calle, proves It. The unfortunate woman, after three ' bullets hnd bee n fired into h"r had, was dreadfully mutilnted. lI er throllt \vas 'eut twice, he r l ongue eut out, and there were oth !'r hurri ble wounds inflicted on the d en d h"dy , The tongue 18 lupp osed to hnve h('('n cut out because lh e wOlllnn' ~ si n!!, ing had chllrll1ed her clergyman fr om hiM straight lind nllrrow path Th e hor rible cllse will ugnin 1'l'll1in, 1 men thn t whoeve r sti rs up j~ nl l)\I. Y stirs up danger . Th ey ha\'e heen 1"'mind ed of it; oft e n e noug h, for f"'l' hu ndred thOU SAnd yenrs .. hy Iolows li n the h"lId wit h s hurp lIint ", loy I'"i so n in th,' 1Iliddie AJ;L'" oy pi ~t .. Is la l ..... But th ey never seem tu lenrll.

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I, .'1 1 al lolll'lI I, \\ ,1"- Th !t nlp ~ 'III , {'hif,r l, r tbl ' ftf' h and gam e · Il n ' ·.ll 11t\ . i'X"I I'I III~,~ 1' 1' :p, klln :H\ d dl\ i ... i.ol ," r, 'pH rt th ; l: t h e .distribul " l \ l I 11:1' 'I" n li t n hI . ,- ', rI',IPI ' ( I f Ohio, h as

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int e r est ing cve nts WLh: h 1lilfqle ll in 1hat illl~titut i un. \\



- _ . --==-==:;:====

lew'l! , ', l l1flhr\ }\!'a lth o n,." ar1I i'.a ' tH'/i I .. "II 110 , , 'a l .;'7~,:, "" ·.,,,d lo

11 '1

to sc h ()<J I ~ f" J' I!'""d w(l l' k ill selling sen ls. Fu,'., 11 10 " ". I·th IIr sea ls sold. o Spel1c(lJ' F ilm sid l' projl'ctor with one h ea lth 111m will be ~ivell. Of cou r gp, oth e r fi lms may be purchased. For $r. (J w"rth o f se a l ~ , ei ther ed . F"r $5 0 . ei th e r a Fairbanks sch .. o l stnl" .. I' a Pu l Phonograph wiil b" award ed: 1'0 1' $2fi either a cOlllpl t' l ely ftlTlli s h('(1 firs t·aid box, or eq uipmt' nt r" I' th,' pre parut io n of hot lunch "s ; f,. J' $ 1r, e ither a paper t Oll' pI cn bi net fill l,,) wi th t o w c l ~ , .o r a sanilul'y ,h'ink ill/! .. up dis pen se r with on ' h" ndn,d cup _; f or s ma ller sa les, a d ttli l'l' " vuriuu ~ h o uk ~ i ~ nfTe red, 'rh n 'l' rhrislll Ji. l ~ cHI'f)IL'r ~ - min -

Wh ile th e co ndition in the coal minin!!' 8 ·etio nH o f Ohio is not by any mean M what it was " few years back, it would s ure ly hav e been much worsc had n ut Govern or Vic Donahey issued h is specia l appeal last September " s ki n!!' oil Ohio co nsumer s \0 UN!! Ohio min ed coal. in eve ry ins tituti on o f the State of Ohio only Ohio coul is bumed, and this alon e I11cnl1 ~ continu ed wO,rk f!>r thousand s of miners, PrevIous , to t h" pl'eHc nt udmini struti on, t housan ds of t o ns of We. t Virginia und Ke ntu cky min ed cuu l were used Ilt State in stit ution s, but G~)Vern or Donahey iss ued an ord er whi ch ha s been followed to th e lette r to "pur ch ase only Ohio mined coa!."

JIIr and Mr .. II I'man Conner gal'e u din'Ill'r, :-;lInday, in cele bration of th e S I ~ t hirlh dal c of I\l rs. Conner's in spurt s m :tllsilip. hut in f',{' Ol'e. We futh ' t', W illiaJl1 ~h !! r", oo d . The guests hup,' IJeLl"I', \\' (' r" Mr, lind l\,Jrs. Rob!!rt Cross und r e n ~l inni (· nnd LUlI ra, 8ire ls tlf fJ ld - c1 a J i n n i t! and $,{ r een Mr. R. A, ero.,; , il Ulldrcds o f blind pe rs o ns scatSh,' WII S u bil·thl'i)!h t nl( mher of al'!! pid un :d on th,' sea l thi H year. Thu~ . d .y..... Ih e Orth" cI" " I'l' io nd s dltJ l'e h, in With lu \\- nn d \",rl1 a nd s ingin/! voic· te red through out alm ost ever y counAt 111,1 Iii" I;'cginn ng Mr on,1 lIfrs Erlll'.l Butterwllrth which s h" \.: ,,, II r"il hf11 1 "'''1'1« '1'. or t y o f t he State ure II OW bus y ma king (' :4 t h ('y pf'(j(:lairtt th\: 1l\ L'~ sa~ e u f the Tlwnh :-; ~' i '.' IIl t.:' I hl~· \ 'H(' u t i (ln. (1_, un d t.,.) them \\'('no IJut'n fh'p cntc t'i nirll,d ~at'lll'day al n H o'cLock l'l"rs wa s " IIl' uulirul ch " r llet~r , Nat i( ,na l Tuhp rl'Uli.Jlii:-- a ~:-u ciut i o n, urticlcs that will be so ld throug h the Wall Street is \,I'ry proud of ha\'· l1l u l'r' tl i; I " ::-- u ll til :\l ll llduy Ohio Commission for the blind dureh ildr,' n - 1':lizal.dh Roo \\' ,, It (' l', J ohn <Iinll 'I', :III'. II IId :'>Irs. W . E. Co rn ell. fulfillin!!, pai", t:Jkingly he r dutic~ in all d w is h a " :\ Me J'l'y 'hris tl11as ." ing " su pplnnted Londnn ,I< th e you .1 01,1 ;:-" " :\ I\d tu s h ,' t h Ht :Ill'. II"d "I'S. ~[ . A. C" rn ell , Mr. und lif , an d l'\,el' r ea d y to hel p " t hcr" in ing the holiday season. Through Warn e r Ha y",,,n d nnd Alfre \1 Orvil i. ~ Ir s, J{ "II ,h ~ I illl' r, I\ li :scs Velmu tinH' ~ uf :-;(I rrow an d trnuhh:. She . world 's m oney le nd e r." Th is Y"nr k,' y :;l ull, d \\It h g ,,,,di es '! this commission these sig htless workTw o of lhl'"e , Walter I1nd i(ay mond, Curnell li nd Ba rll nl'll Wulto ll, Messrs. nutde fr ir nd s L'usi l y and many of the Uni t ed Sta t e" \\ ill I nd m orc t han e r arc enabled to earn fair wages , . thou sund ll1illilJlt dollartt in go ld t o hu ve prcc('ljed her , It ussell Stoc ks till !lnu Burn e tt But- th f' Jl1 . Sh" "'0" al ~o a loya l memwith out leavin g their own homes. AU !\!i !'\~ '1'ol'lu' " iR rt'turning t o h ~ r . foreign borrowcl'R, In thr(> c yeurs h(llll,' at ~l ll ri dtll f l\r t he vucation , material is furni shed them by the In 18B I t.h e family moved t o terw orth , _____ her of th " Order o f th e Ea stern iar, past this country has le nt Europe whil,' ~I i," ~mit h will v isit her f olks comm ission, and whe n th e articlo is and as lon i! liS , h" was able II vc r y Springfie ld, Ohio, and llftcr the dea th ~'rs, Kill e Coleman, Mrs. I"r ed B. four thou sand mill io n dollurs. Gmt- at ho me in Ver~ aill es com ple t ed it is solt! throug h thi s same acLiv(' mc mbe l' of th ut on l" r. itying, of course. bu t when will the y of her hu sbll nd in 189 3, she continu- il e lld!:'r,,,n a nd Mrs. IJ . L. run e Sto l e agency, and eve ry pen ny realExc e pt fo J' t \1' " years in lIIinn c· get that-money back? ized, except th e actual cost, of macd to manage their little farm and were ho stesses at a cIl'r d party o n ap olis , Minn ., her <'II Lire life wa s / London Ils world mon ey lend e r Saturday. t e rinl, is r eturn ed t o the worker. keep a hom e for the children until Fridav afternoon at the homp o f MI·s. s pe nt in thi s cO lll tllunity. charged us uully mod ernte, nnd alA di scu ~" i"n lOf the .. tf orts mud e Ohi o is a pion eer Stute in g ivin g this A h. ha! A nother basketball game. 1898 when she came t o Wuy nesv ille Co le n;nn. Th e li st of those invited Uuril1!!, the IUlL,' r part of h,'r lif e ways legal, rates of inter est. Our to live with her daughte r. Mrs inclu ded MI·S. V, Burnhurt. Mrs. RIll' live d with h l , " dllu)!htcr. Luul'U , iJ y the Ohiro ('>1 n ",' r.' associali on , in nit! t o th e bli nd, and during its hlsHigh Schou I vs. Alumni Boys, financiers lend mOlle y to Europe on mor Baily, with whom she was muk- Emma Bn r ne tt, Miss Emmll Hci~h ­ w h(1 wn s a t (' n tl ~ l' I\lI d dt'\'ot l' d com ~ c" ,o l' e J'lltiIJ " with th" Statl' , t o pre- t'HY uf less than n score of years. Sen ior Girl8 \' 8 l"reshmen Girls. a ba,is thali makes the bort;Ower pay Wayn('svili e Runts VB, Harveysburg ing her home :-vhen s he was lake n way and Mrg 11. C. olema!" of ' in· putt it.l n, u nd W h Ofll' I ' \' p ry th uLi ght wa~ \'l' nt s trl"" 11 p" lIu ti,, ", wi ll lit, "ne of th o usand of blind workers have been at the rate of 13 per ce nt fCl r th e away the mormng of Nov embe r I S, ci n nuti,; TIl rs . nHI lI artRock, Mrs. for th,' cllll1fu rt lIlid haJlpin,' ''~ o f he r Ih e fcnLuro 's "I' thl' Cunn c rs' CUII\'cn _ e nabled to ellrn enough to pay for first year, as much as 7 and II p e r W. E. Curnt'll. 1\11'1' , ItuII "ld Haw ke , nH,lhl' r. ~h e Il'lII' l" 10 nlllu rn hcr t i,." t,. II,· Iwld in r,, 11I111hu s, I " ,' CIlI - t he ir car e whil e the work has been The purpose of the game is to se- 1926 cent tbereafte r The deceased was identified with TIl r s. S ll, ll e nld ~ , M,·K. lI a r ry Sm ith, I" ss tw u daugh l,' rs, tw o Rb l ,'r:;, unc Ill'r 7-S. Th ,' CalHler" urJ.:HnizaLio n tak e n their mind from their allllccure fund s to equip our radio, which The U8\J1'er in many States loses the Society of Frie nds and f elt the JIIrs. Ern est II I.lUe rW ,JI'lh. MrS. ~ I o r · hrot he r . mallY Hill el and II tlph C' ws WlIS o Ill' of I hc lirst ill Ohi o to j"i n tio n , u nd lhey nrc e nj oying life more princjpal .and interest. S omc o C we bo ugh t with Red Arrow Money. active responsibility of he r prese nce ri s Co rn e ll I\Ir~ W. E, O'Neall, Mrs . u nd u h o s t o f rril' lll l ~. till' s tall' ill it, 1I l1 derlaki n v; t,) prevenl [o,luy than ev" r befor,e Large deCome ye all pcople. and help a rood those American lenders w ill get unevery Sabbath and at uli busin css Harvey Sa~ kctt: lilt'S, I':. L. T h o mus , I ca n n.o t say and I wi ll not say 11.., pullllti " " o f s t r cams. purtmcnt st or es in the cities will help pleasant replies later wh n they as k cuu se sessions of ihe meeting He r active lIlrs, J. W. E dward s, TlI\'~. Jnll1es Mc- Thllt s he i ~ d N HI. Sh e is j ust away; F. H , \I' "rinv;, C" lul1I bu" ch i"f of diRIltJSC o f the~ e urticles m a de by the ' for their principal. Meanwhile it is mind was kept alert by her in terest CluJ'e, Ml's Edith H a l't'i ~ , TIll'S. Luura W ith 0 ch ee ry smiIL- lin d n W''''e of tl,,' nhi" StH tf' n il' is in ll o f Sanita r y blinu, but if they cannot be secured profitable for middlemen thut get W. H. S, wishes everyone a mer- in home, s ocial and community a f - ,los her. IIlrs. 11. E. Hllth nwuy . Mr s. 1': n~i lH" ' rs , IV . F urtl. o r th e Fcd l' r,, 1 th!!rc u list of t'verything mad e by th e ha nd , the "rakeotf ," ry time over vacation. fairs, where s he enjoyed co ntact with Cv nthia El' an" , Mrs A. 1', Wrigh t , , he has w:lllci,'r 'd into nn 11nkn own I',<" .d IIn ,1 IJI' II~ dil' i, i.. " , ('intinnali; till' work er s wi ll be sent by the comI.. L. IIIII, ,' r , of Ih ,· Ohi o 1': xp"ri nH' nt Illi"sio ll with headquarte r s in th is Inl1l1. • - - ---so many friend s J B. C. "'1'". L. A, Zi1111l1<'rn1:I~, , Mrs. 1I'!'e r All farm er s and so me Co~n~l • _ • lI~'lllan, :III'S, Hall'h 111 11 11' 1', Mrs, Geo. :\nd I{' fe \I f-I dl'l,' Ulllif l g' ht\w ve ry fnir , Stn l i" " , "" ,, .. s k I' ; T . II'. ~I " r )!"n, cd I'. It i, (Jnc of the most worthy (' are wondering ",hut "clln be done (or ~ mith, ~It',. H" s, 11111' ,nele Mrs. F , I t IH! l ' d s nlll:-: t b t, :-, i nCt' :-; lH: lin~l' I' s hi t,f ~' h L' fIIIH Il l" th ~' ( ' lIu tin " 111al ( 'a n Iflli ll :: tl'i('~ o f 1he State, unt.! only t' lI l l1pally . \\ III I ll' t h l Pl"lJH' lpal :,'! lI.;tk lhnlllh' h ,low :o' uJeud id '1I.0(lC ra tio ll o f th e n ·. the farm e r:." The f .. rm e r S ill'S: 0\ . II" .-l, "'k , ~ Ir ', ,I . L. 1I".-I ~ "l' k ,M l' s' it ~ IH· op l .· h:l :-; th(' ~uc c.' ('~~ it hos "Guarantee me R definite p ri ce (or 11,: li zal, /,L h I ~ "il) 31,'- . I, H. Cha pman , Think "Ii hl'r <ttll ", t h, ' S. II" ", I say, v l':-o, my. crops." Co mmon se nse " ' YS t hat Plans f o r seeking a $183,00 appro~Ir ', I' 11. ,I Pl: ' , ' , ) ' 1' " \ \ ', II . A I· Sh t' i ~ n rli d l'ilri '1' 11 1' P I III" I P ' " ' l ll1!If , ~ ph'I." ill I nUlI lt· Ilt' t"1 1" ·::- ihIe". ~h t , 1:-' i ll!" ! away, invites ol'crl>rududion, suth us n ull' jll'n pri at iun for erectio n und eq uipMorning se rvic('. L I'd', nay, ;'\1I' I, " . ~i ;'" , '. " I. I " ' 11'". ,J. O. C ar d o f T hank , 1" :1 : IJ' I" , II' !I tn \\ .1 1"11 1'111 brea ks the price of colt('n , m~IIt " f n ne w hogpita l und new dor· ve lllbcr ~Bt h. Bi ll ic !>c h(Jnl 1"""" II, l t ) .. " ",I'" • " I" :II .. ,. I ' n I 1. ... ItI'l l' : ., 'V l' "j :-: h :, ' h', I, all \,,110' w.-reo 1 '1 r, 'I. I : I I " ! 'W ith whrot nt $ I A U ,fn rlll crs w il l mll!,,'I ," all d r Clllod elm g of col t ages "God and Il TlI " n "f Faith" ~ 1 ', r" I' " .IIIlla 1'. ' I;"r" "n, ' 0 Idu d and hi 1:'1 ,1 P I .... , ' 1' 1111 \ ' \\' H \'S 11 ,""11 'II, \1"", I' d, ..' " , l - il l' SOUTH incrcnsl' t h(l ir :lct't!ag(' b y l ,1 )I t' r Cl'llt a l ht.., tl, ~.;, ~ ~. U , Il u m e nt X en ia , s (' n n o ll. "Thl..' FUI ' l' o f ,J (,~lI~, " \ Iil .~, ... ,\l iI,\ d t Lhl ' lillI' 1-1 I !" d l':11i1 :, r rl~l r 11' 11.1 1.1'1, I :)~.t .• 1 [ " ,a ll I~ f How mu ch W lll' II L wuu ld lh l'Y pl u ut \\ l l't' IHl d at " I Il( t'c tinJ,! 1,.' 1' t he tf'll :-i - ~ll l'm b cr~ !'i ho uld nally ' ttl lil(" 1I 1qrl \\ t, ".1:- a l l ,( 11,11 1111'1' I , "1 ,' I ' ' ' . " ;1 I I " 1' " .\'" ' j,_lJ Id ( 'Illd l'{' n were- th e pric e $i .,I!) , whi c h the l al .1 I, ~" . II tl!' S<"I' VI(',' , :,j , ", 'l'I'I,," I.l, I . I"" II,'", 1 ; 1"1'( '11", '4« mers f eel Ih ey oU J.: ht tll h"vc" An d I _ _ ,,_ _ Pov ning ~,I'\· i"., a t ~ '1111 '" '. , I "; 11' I, I- 'I. \1 "11 I I , I J J:' I l ' rI, ~ 'h,1 II I, I whe r e wo uld the I,;ovcl'llm c nt J.:cl nllJII I - - - - - . - --- ;'(' r ", vn , " ,l ac .. I.·, dN un d Y "lI r ~ " P ;III'I, lIt · 1 :t Jllir'ld, \' I \ \'1 1' 1 ~tl ' 'oJ :11' J , I, .)1 , / 1 , \ \ "It .. I " " :J \'Il' ey to buy th e s ur plus $,::! A U wh cat'! '\ I');',' nl "'" :,," 1 .Iu :,t ra lian wh('a t 11 urc wek"n,,' 10 lI lI l' ~cl'\' "· " ,, . Kem r.) r, ra y

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or '

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l :",

Extensive Improvement F


erry Church of Christ


' . ,- - PU r1! UtI



~urm ers cun h elp ,l h


w hcn t :; It .. hn!'l til\' ~ I X t l)

ua.tlon by backing S ec l'etary H oav: er a plan for a. can,nl ,to th e Gull through tbe MI SSI8~ IPIJI Vall e y and another f~om tho Grcat Lukes to the AtlantiC ocean . Tbat would mllke e.very .bu~h el of wheat worth from SIX to elghtecn cents more. . , Since the wa,: rallroa~ s hove ralsed tbeir rates SIX to elgh.teen' ,c ents a b!l,hel, and s~r(llus American .wheat on Ita way to Liverpool pays that tax,

I Ann,!.

t ' I),dlb ' LJ l

Cl.' ll l :i :1.1 \, :111 -

t:lg., I\l'r l,u ~, hl'l ,,\'(' 1 " n" 'I'ICll n wh eat nt. Li ve r poo l, \\' hl'I'(' ti ll' pl'ice is nlu. le A nill" f,\" t ,',," al fl' ll Jll t he luk e" lo t he gulf \\' o uld ,,,' nd rre ight in llul'g-es c"l'r~' ill ~ " th ousnn d i ons, ns ur;alll s t box cnl's cat'ryil1~ !.ifty lo ns, hnul cd by " tug-bUilt insteud of a loco motive, A "d· t e n s uc h burges, cllrl'yin!!, t e n th oll Ran d tons, wo uld req uire 11 0 mor c 1\1 t' 11 thon one of the old-fashi onrd riv,' 1' ooa ts carrying one h u ndl'ed und fif ty ton s.

Nnlh;tll .J o h n:-;ll ll, 1\lini ~ ( · I' ,

Pen-y_ ::!'~':!S . l::lu l2t ~

Massie Grange



i\lr. Fr,'d find :\1 : , , : ' f"t.I\'

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SIBfRIAN00G51Thanks gi vin g Service I

h,lIl' r , p;l .. ttl r '1'1II' l .id I 1I \ \Jl I ~ It :1 1' 1'• \\ :l~ rt , t I1 i v(. d PI' tilt, 1'1, E . dlUt d l t !lH 'i at i ll 1!' T h ,' R egu lor me eling of Massie GrR 11~(' (: l 'r llll ' l1uy W ; l =~ \" tl lt l· .... ~l d 11.v t hL.: 1.,\ l\ l" ~ il r 1 \1t, ~,' r ' 11 (,1'1' I.., i l ll " d ,illl 'l lial :-\U lPJ'l Sl: \\ l ' Soturday_ eve ning, Novc mb el' 27th b ,"j(!l,'!'j Itt ' phl'\\' and \\ 11'1' , :\lr , lind a l't ' nhl l t ,. I l j t.~· , II t il ) (r ur r..::, .. rd l' il y at 7 :30 s harp. The lecture hour, b!!- Mr s, H.'\ Co ,,,,,, ,, ginning ot 8 o'clock, will be open t o After ,i ~ h " "1 \ i,, 11 \\'i l h 1'l,lmi l " :. :-. p,l}' t " f pU/ ,\ 1: 1 l..:l ll I'r r 'i~ " ;l lI l th i"l the public. The young f olks ha ve at Davl vn H Ill l :'\J i ; dl l1 ~ h u q,!, J\Jr. :llld .\'1 ;l J' , L ('" l1 !tl'd ~' , ,,' a la U li d hl :-- fil charge and a short play will be giv- Mrs K (,flll11 C' ri {' rt,lll l'lll·d t o 'V ay r ll'~' 1I111l! "- t" :1111 "I' VI' rlil lll' :'il )t'I' iall d " J..: ~ en. Eve ryone welcom e. viIJ(1 S un day. an d \\' l ' t't ' e n tp l' t nl lll ,d i . . l'fJlIlin y I I , 11 ;I ,\' TI'1I u t lI t ll' }'t ' qU(.':-: l

Awald','g'Whistie for First Service Game in ~...t.

L t.,I ' a n "

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-----...- ---

AII.Day Shoot



The \v ~kitatiha Campflt:e Girls held their r egular meeting at Ithe home of the Guardian. Mrs .. Moomaw, on MO'nday, November 22; Following t h e. openinl1; ceremony, the usua\.routine o·f busmcss wall attended to. LouiSE! Henderson, Sec',_


.- ...


Colema~••Sliay, h a ve receIved anmarriage of , Mr. Norwood •. and a charming


1i ' J\ I:4 t rl r1

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,II'l l ', It 1111.- , -; I :, o'(' l lIt'h,



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,t 'h, tt:' \n ~ li n 11I .1I01l :Ie"" , itt ~l llrl i ,,' " (ltt d la rk " "" l1ti l' ~ lo. ill v; a ll t itt", h ud lI1 a d" ill " lif !!lill1 " . Sl ll~ kh"ld e rs in th. , ba ll k II lso s uff ~rc'd ill'the Cl'!1 :-1h.

Ih, ' :\ 11'" fri l 'fJ d :--


fl '\',' rl aY H a gol

111 :-.1.1 .... 1 \' , '111, 11.: :, ' " I'.' I ;1.\ I ... \' q ' 1!I,III'~ 1I +I' d l ' d .

nt th(' home of Mr, Hn d ~ iI' " " R. A. f il l' a f r" ,\ t1 . 1 ~':" :-. tH I' I IIIJf T h : tllk~g iv - It ' l lI,,o n , Co nn er. They ar~ nO\\' at th eir 11l>1l1~ in J! Jlh' ~ n i ll g I. t 'll!}; 11 d ~CJl'pa l :I, H:-; you =--= -- ': on Fourth s trca't, \\'h ' re th(' y will h ll o w ,IS a d l' l' 1, ad ' r ~'nd do).!' d t'v(' }. welcome their fl'iend s, Op l'l' of w urlrl.\\·Id i Llm l', Il i ~ onn Iwr uc hil'\'( ' nH' 1l1 \\'as h i:-o: no h)riou s r u n with anu -t px lI1 mcd il'i nt III t he u 'J' riGI,· d iphtl,,' ria ""idl'ntic ill ,'I ask" in I !125 , Fo r th is bit o f Gr UVl' '- y Ill' WaR II tli e i"II)' aeknuw l"dg-u d by th e The Wayn esv ill e gun club w ill hold t e rri to ry of Ala ska in II 'wo rn testian all-day clay bird s hoot lit Ollk· monia l s ign e ,1 h y the g l'vern o r, dale park, on Thanksg iv in g Dny. We have ~tlcce ssf ull y pre\' ui ll'c1 up These shoots huve been very popu la r on Mr. Se pp uln to mak e " nying in the past ,und it is expected thn t tr ip Of t he tow ns of Miami Vnlil'Y. seve ral good s ho ts from dieffrcnt H e ,Will be in Waynesville , Friday clubs ncar he r e, will be present to Novembcr. 26, ,a t 4 o'clock. fo r five minutes. participate in lhe da y's spor t. All of the local nimrod s arc ex- . Wc will convey them in our r egpected to be prese nt, lind th ey, to- ular Santa Cla us truck. Of course, gether with the spectators expect to thi s ,is a separat e appenr:lIlce from have a good time, our Santa Claus, Reind ee r and E ski: mo troup, They will stop in the center of your town but a few minutes and then g o on. I. ..

----.. - ..----

rfr~ Il"IR 'J E

Thc " 1\." ,' (I f Rwirt IIl1 d Company , Th(l will !lr W'lIltor W. V oo rh i ~, Tn '" '·N . .f, T. Grit:; nnd hr ot h" r , et 1\1 d l.i r "a~~, ~, "":,,' lakc·n und,' r hy I lI ln Wl\ ~ ,; ~ I fur II'i ,d on Dt' cc' mlh' r ~7. I. \' {J ll rh ~~ , w id nw of salt! d ')(·(' (hm l. 1'h,' (':a ~(' !I f Vir l!'i l 1·'I1I1<.' n \"~. W ilTIll' (. · ~ <'I , [ d .· o f th" e ~ a t ,. (' 1' I . linm .-. n,,,,f ,,:" 11)(' I",u re! I) r c"mb(' " .r. In, ,·. ,J",· "n~ '· ll . W II < fl ll t h '1r i 7.~ d to 20. ~ ,' 11 liv,' .h:\t·,·~ \If ~ .'rl. , f [h,· \1 m '", T he d" l1I l1 rr el' o f th o d(' fen dlln t \1 l ' I HIIIII 111<1 I I, I ,.. ~ • I' In"", I Ull\'

Walter Me



Fully Equipped for G (lo ti Service . Large Disp lay Room. Ambul a n ce S(';,vi co

C'r,\\1 n.J ,~

111\ II.',


' 11

I I.In~· t' ,~ V I riiu, ~n 1t 1 Id: ti llt irT \\' n ~ , In h,,' r m aid' ''ll 1" l nH' , \' ,.1.1 II;o-.I",,! . ,lIu l ~i\'l,t\ po.:'sr~si\l 11


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(;t''' I'~l' ll " I·I.ltdl ~1


d"'l· t';'~f'd.

REG. u.s. VAr. orncE

,nt h:1I1 bc{' n 0 1' ,' 1" ;-'; ,w" Bul' l.,· V" . Mn r y ~ c h illin g. d pr il' llI \' " al<> I., Jln)' ccrtn in deb t s her!' '", we d t l", trnnsfl'r of nt.. f,, 1' pll l'lIlI " n nnd "qultul>ll' r eh l' l· in. :-;:01 , l'n " "' ClI" undt'T thi ~ ord cr t ;, Il(' r a l Co unty Fund W t , l' l' .'- l ptll1 !I,', .I11 (lk lal . l'u ll d.. PORBATE PROCEEDINGS .I.. h n 1' 1" ,n,· r. Frankl in. adjudg!' d ~ 1 .l\ j I 1, 11'11 fh '\\ tl'1 :1 1 hy def~n dlIb:t ' It'. \\'a : lcillliu ,,' d t il tlw Pllyt \.. n f1! ) ' "'''::1 ~i l'J:f·r i l'd \\"a. ~ oV(! rrUll' d Th(' l'sl al l' o f F n, dcri(' a l\( u ll. ' I1- ~L l t t Ia ,. II Td .

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"Il ~' 1 il till l' a !" p (If :\ nnn JnTlTl(' Y k(111)l. rt €' l'€': 1 l' rl, valued at $ l ·\ : t .L '~ ~ . ~ I \"1(14 1 HI :!! fi nnl a c(' ou nt thl' c.' :, . _ \ Ilil, '. '.I~ :111 111\': . o r th e t'~tut c o f wn~ l!T n ntt'd .~x e n~plinrl fr ll l1 ~ in lH' r i- ta h ' 1 1r' ( 'lI l' l l'I il 11 B. I t UIi Tl .'"' t n . 1. m i n '1'1 .'Pl. ;\lt lll ' r, d " l'c cnsctl , v s. \\' . tnllC' I ' t il'~;:. t t' r tui ll hond .. lof th L' t , ~ · .' 1'1->, \\:1 :-; fdnl Il y L!'u Hr- dW I1 ('! a rB B . \

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. lUl l ' \\ rn' 01' th· rc..-d d i ~ trit, l1 t -d t u t ill' 11UIII1. / : 1 ~ , I\..: t lh d , l ' t nl. I I .,' li t o f :~ ~." was .:riven th e adm ifl <11':l lrix . ~: l1\ml1 M.., II"llkarn p. >-III 'I'I' ' llI l'n l:01 :t llo! I\(·,·,, " nt " r 11 , . I 1.1 111' (,H :-, ,' (If Frn nk lrlorton In \,, ' l1 p r y H n d Hppru i::(' nH'nt n t · th t' t '- l a t. ' u f ( ' al iH'r i n e K, H ltk l '!' , .1. ,-



_ _ _ _ _ _....~................-_--~ \ .. /

11.~ ... ~ \' t King. l'O UIll ,,!' h l' c ' ~ la t C" of .h ' n l1 il' G. Ke1ll \ • 1'1'" l 'd tl ~ des c ript ion o f :10 Ill' f, d l' l· PI1:--t' d. \\, :1 :-; lill' d by l ' x (' (' u t n x I't t' hll d i n Sul(lm t o wn s hin a~ l\l n r g (' r it£' Mardi!" . Ii lh l' pl,t itin .. was c o rrected \\' i ll iu lll A . ~U t' IIH'ni n g- wn s upJl o in t I '.S(' n f Th(' P ("up l c 's Uu il cling ("Ii a :-;. , 14 1 lHini ~ tTilto r o f thf' . ·~ tntl' ti l'" ~I I nl'/ ··..·l\ tn g's C o mpnn y . o f L cb a ~ ~ n '"l1f'1 l. Irull s , dl ' t~ t'a ~ c d, until' !' .. I \'>. AI r NI Sw i!'rert (' t nl. $ 1;0011 Imlld.

" .. , u


" " :' >: " d, \\: t~ fil , d h y " X'I '{'lI tu l' A l h l' l't Un ht , !,. I n thl ' 'l ll1 lt .' .. . J( l il t, p :o' t:l l t' o f Su:-; I n r. 1I : 1 \ 'll lit' , d t' l'( ' :h t' d . t ' Xt'('tJt Hr ( ' harll·:- I\l tl \;n t ... \\' a . ;: au th n ri z t·d t o ~(. II 1\\ 11 ~ lt lll'l ' :-: of " 'n n'I ' r! C'o tl nt \" ..F lI i r li nd r 'a rk sl,.,. k nll d CI<'\,rl anoi an d t i a l'l\tl r .;IHlrJ..:' Oil ( ' ulllpany ft ttlt' k h,·In lIJd ll J:! t il tilt' l ,,>: t :d,', C, C'. 1': "1 ",, . 1.. :::., RhulI' ha n nn d C hH1'I (' ~ ,J . \VH J':').! UlIPT \ \ (' 1'(' n ntll<,d to

appr u is l' t h t, 1I11 !'O ,





Hei,ht ................ Ieel .. . , ....... inche .. . .... .. ....... ..... ..... Co mple xion ...... ......... ...... .. , ... .... ... ... .. ..... .


W.i,ht ..... ~ .. ............. .... " .. .

Color of Hair ......... .... .. .. .... ................. .. .. .. .. .... .. ........ ... . ..

.. ""pou ..ds

Ac....................... ··· .. ·.. ······

Colo," of Eye . .. ..... ..... .. ..... .. .. .... ............. .. ...... , .... ...... .. ..

a.lld.............................. ......

Size of Shoe ...... .. ........ .. ... , ........ ..

Sex ........ ............... .. .

Oth.r Char.deri.tic...... ..... .... ... .. .... ..... .... , ...... ... \ ........................................................



.... .. .

out •Lele blank. and I tudy ,'b e de.c ~iption of you r neighbor "




$25.00 Cash will be sold to the Organization that Bids Highest for it in the Red Arrow Auction of Thursday, January 27, 1927.




A $5.00 RED ARROW VOUCHER will be given each penon who r eg i.ten al th e Waynenille Oyerland Sale. Cempa .. y. belween December 22 a nd noon o'f Thuraday, J an uary 21· The ... vo.uche r. aecured by pe... o n , regli.tering. m ay b e given 10 a ny Organization which ca.n U le them nl the e qUivalent of Red Arrow Mo .. ey in pnyi .. g bid. on II. e Organizntion CRlh Pri ze. Ellch peraon will be allowed to re.i.ter Once


O n1 ~n i M ~i on . in futur e R'o d Ar row Auction.. If nn Orga nization doe. nol will thi. time, i t m a y aave . • , \ 11 "(1. to be u, ed in o n e of the futu re R e d Arrow Auction. :when

Other ea.h prizes will be lold

cBlh will ••a'in he .01d



Organiz" "

oll ly .

RED ARROW AUCT The Auctio l ,C 1' R will ·lose:1' ~ I " " "' '' ' 1 'l' u"sday evening. :tn ,,· ~ (,f Winner· will h,· pub li(·I ,· announced at 3 l'·..! uc·k. W e dn ~ · · i" y . Dece mbE'r :~ ~ at Zimmerman 's Crocery. or as . 'Jon tlw r enftPl' as possible, Watch the post i ngs alld listt'n to th e Red Arrow Goss ip, and if Y Oll t h'u k you cann ot get th e arl icl e on which you arc· i , .d ing. chungc youI' I,id t il another articl e. Br ing the stubs of yo ur Ii id ding tir ko- l~ " 0 (' om · m ittoe may explain why y ou do or d o II "t \1' 111 . I f you can not be prel'c lIt fi t the public unn '.u .... ' tOP Ol t . Ic ave your Red Arrow 1II,.ney a nd the " l"l . I·f yo ur hid ding tickets wilh a friend as bids mu r 10" ptlhl Lr 11 fri end but not paid by n m!'rchant fir d (' rk. If hill'h bid is not paid. urticle goes for : "l,n d bid. i I' paid. If neith er bid i. pnid, articl e wi ll be ~ " Id III Open Auctio n ufter t he S ilent Au ction . ' BOrTOW Red Arrow II on ey from y our friend s t his

tin\(' lind PR)' t h em ha ck in til!' future, or orgnnizo " cluh nf fril'lltl s IIlld take turn s in bidding on the Audiu" Arlie"'•. ni," hy mcrc hanl , "I' cll'rk, wi ll be thrown out I.y the Committl' c. .

Contests and Entertainments Oil eac h Aucti on Uuy. llH'rc will be held some I,r e nt l" rtainm l'nt ill which eve r y o no may lal« ' "pn rt. These Co nll'"I" and entc rtai nm e.nts are prt'parl·d for in d ividuals or organizations. Everyh (t d ,' in th c' com mun ity may tnke part. In order to ("l.•. I'''rt in th" c nt,·rtni nm ent s. it will be nec1" ,- • ;.- t" IUl\·c Red A I'n ,w Mon ey. Get and save ' . I Arn, w Money. Tim MORI!~ RED ARROW J\l I '\ J-:Y--T liE lIlORE I'-UN!

r''' 1\ t(' ~ t

Next. Red Ar r ow Entertainment Tl, l' next " Ilter tain nlent in t he Red Arrow Game \\,11 1 ue held 011 the da y of the Auction. We dnesday, ])c"l11bcr 22.

Organizations May Pay Bid with Red Arrow Money and Vouchers from any






Wayn ,

Drug C

LA. Zim

( \

~ a lllu ('t


(r' ~

REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Sallie Rand R. C. Mitchell to The Dayton Powe r and Light company, a right of way in F r anldin Tp. The F r anklin Hydraulic' company to Ra lph W. F ox, a tract in Franklin town ship. 'I'h!' Mason Lumber coml,any to J. L. Liming. lo ts 12 and 13 in Dilley's Addition to Ma,on. Clyde anrl Rul, y Brown In Churles Cole. 75 ncrt·s in Ha",i lt on 'f l'. Cc o r~u

Per.o.. Ii.,e. withi ....... .... ..

II f

T. F.. Rfl J!r rs II'n, a ppo int r d to tnkQ Ihe pine!' (I f Sl·th r. F lIrnaH as nppl'Ris er o f t h!' e ~ t u t c o f ~u ~ nn B. lI ai nes , dec ease d. In the mnll('r (I f 11 011'111'11 W . I \'i n ~ "" eXl'cu lo r o f th ~ ' ~ tll i e o f Alic() St<'l, I, d"l' (' a"l'd, " S Mury Gr ime, H ul IIft" r dll e i l1 v(' s ti~"ti u n cou rt fonnd !.hnt it i!; lll'C t'S s a ry t o ~.;p ll sa id ('s lutc tn pny r (' rl a in d e ht s G. F. Brown. Chlll'l,·, Y () nn~ und OW('II S. Higgins wer(' 11l1l11 l·d t o ap r r :l i ~ e th t' ,' st ntt· . Th e ('xr ut o l" ~ I.fl nt! of S I UUO was arpr o v~d as BUrn cil' 11 t. In the mat ter of "he s!'Ul cnH' nt o f th e ~.l8le o f C hurlcH Cobu rn. d eceased court d{'termi nell t he J,:ro ss I'alue of the ,·,tute us $ 1;;. 737 .04. com posed as fo ll o ws: pe rso na lt y. $:1.7:17.4U; real etate $ 12.000; d ebts $ 1800. Cost o f admini strnti on will bo , $4 00. T he dower inter e~ t of Ca rri e Cob urn is $2342.46. Total nss('ts of the estate subject to tnx is $11 ,1 94.58.

,#1. .....- . .

l' ~ tn tl'

dN'(' )l :;\t' cl.


Ie .Overland Sales Company Miami. Theater Myer HYman an Fred M. Cole Miami Gazette. Waynesville, Ohio rl

POULTRY fOR SALE B arron Itr:\ i n ' Vhite L~ g h or n •• Everlay Blrain B row n L eghorn. , '

Thomplon '. Baro-ed Rock •• Owe .. •• or Tompkin'l Rhode "Ia .. d Redl. Wb ite Roel... or Wh ite Wyandott ••, $1 .25 eac h. ... . Fiy.. monlh. old pull.... of •• y breed .bove. $1 ..... ch., loon 10 Roub !: cockerel., about re.d, for .eryice, $2 each. Cock free wilh oreler fo," ...... doa- ·


E . C nr nahu n . .Jaml"S an d

25 .

~li t1 i k" n

t" Da lc V. ('1l ",·1. h,t

1~ I O in Le ha n on . 1111 MullH'rl'v T . .I ,lI1("5 Te rhun e li nd Ma r y



m(~a8 urcd

Patented, Red Arrow Semql Co., Springfield,


customer would you like

a weo bit cle.J

We Guarantee Satisfartion or Charre Nothinr.


I Centerville,


New BurlingtoD,O.

Phone No.2

Phoae No., 320

WMte Leshor n ba b, chich, $8.75 -.-_ __ hundrea. Brown Legorn. baby chick., $9 '!'!'J~--------~~~~~~~!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!"'!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!! hundred. Barred Roc k baby chiel.. , $11 hu .. dre d. Rhode Islond H ~ cl chielu . $ 10 hun· Fo ~ d . \ .' I", We. the undersign ed, allow no dred Wh ite Roc1t d dc t(l'., .. I :: lUI n ..In ." c:1 I ,I w ice of monus for hunting, trapping or trespassing 011 I Wh it e W y ;,n dc-'{'j .' c l.~ . $1 1 .0 r ' ! I ,. "I " d inner depending o n our farms : ,', hundred. I the fam ily. ~'ruit cup. MR!;. ELLA MI CHENER '. ,I ,I (1 fT " I tlll·k,· y. enncii(·d , All pU f ('h n 'u .." . , of t n e :.: r :lili.t F. L1 AS OGL~~ · BEE. m e nti o n l I. ,... . " r ,lI1il l ' ITV :::'au('c , ., F. A. IIAHTSOC K. \\' (' j!' • t r:. a ttH'.... l udi \'idulIl t re mp (." ' 1 ~ .II , l!t 1111 ri ll }.! tH' (111 t op . • ..: ''I' I A. HARTSO GK. hutc hin~", '"oj ( " ! I' lll( IlH · ; d . Gr a p,·"I ' 1(I'! ' ,1. \\' ,. I' . ,j ("'; IIhp l'ri l's in the l :' l't.; . .;; a nd V '\! ' \ I' I't,d c hic ken rice C' l l l ' 11\' TRUTHFUL SAMMY

"Inside" Information

No Hunting




gll:L ' .

The fulgh u m H atchery G UBrd , U hio

A: T erhu ne to Simeon A. Goss. fl" acres ""!!!!~~~~"'_ !!!""_~!!!""~_ ~_ !!!""~ _ ~_ ~~~~ in Wa y n ~ Tp. Dan ie l !lawson to Rose Dawso n lin d Lu <"iu s A. Bowman. 212 acres in Wa "hill!!t U1l Tp ('hn ri C" M. Les li e, recei ver of the Intcrll r b[l n I{nilway cumpany , to E. D. Cnud (' n. tW(\ tracts in Un ion Tp . Chul'lcs Les lie to -David E. Dun hnm. It tract in Turtlecreek Tp. Frll nk li nd Norru Davis to Anna M(,I'I'c ll. lots Nos. 4782 Bnd 4783 in Lo v(' lnnd Pa rk. A Iicc Malo ney to Hnrry L. Darmoci y, lot R8 in the Mackinaw Additi on to Franklin. D!'llu IIlyers to Muttie Ling. a tract in Sectio1l 2 1. F'rnnk 1\ ind H to C B.. Palmer. a small tl'U c l I n Franklin·Tp. Ol'ul 1\'I 0 l'se to Inez Morse, lot 84 in Mnso n. Ti n!' Rul>(,l'ts to Carl Hawthorn e lot 1,10 i11 P(lI'k P laco Addition to F'ru nk lin.

COMMMISION ERS PROCEEDINCS Wa ldro n C. Gi lmour. f or inqllcst ~ c,.vi(' c~ as corunl'r, inques ts uf Don~ " Id I·:nn is. $7.RO; J{"y Wallace; $7 .20; W ill iam E. L and~l1burg. 57.U O; Gny tJi zu l·. $ 7 .70; lI e lcn V. Weidle. $ 1i .!lO , R"b, 'rt .J " hn son, $4fi. :{0; lI cl'man Gnu hll )'d. $ 10.60; Hn lph C. Montgom· ery . $ 7 .:10 ; I1lal'Y n. Brad e n. $4 .RO; Roy L(·n ch. $1;' I U; E V")'elte IUrh, $ 1l.!10; Cu rl l'ull('y, $7.90; Nura J . Weeks. $7.70; l\lary C. Burns, $5. 10; Christiull ../. Be )'nt·r. $22. GO; Hudso n .J. 1.amh. $ 7.8 0; Clar!' ncl' E. S urface, $7 .10; DI·. S. S. Stllhl. f o r post mol" l em o n body of Jl "rman Gllhbnrd, $!i; TIll' Ll' ban on Palo·io t. publication of shmifT·. !'Jcclio n proc lnmati on. sn; II . C. Rei f. suppli es for jail. $ 1. 62: I .. 1\1, Scoficld . sa me, $ I O.GO; Thc· W. H. Stan age Co .. supp li ~s Jor aud it o r . 75c; The Bouk Sh uI', supplics fo r C(l urt hou s('. 5 10,nO; same . s uppli e ~ ro r court sten ol!rnp her. :j;18.75; same sup plieo for s he riff .. ,~ 4. 10. The Ilook ~. h o p . supp lies f o r treasUl·('r. Ri;e ; J. K. Spt:'nccr. bl'i dg(' lum be r , $250.20; Th e L. G. An d e r~on Sons Co., bridf:e repai r materilll, $:31.45 ; E . p . KIrby. f Ul'hishing and pi li ng 108 yard s of s l o ne. $ 108; C l nr('nc~ Ry e. I! ravel. $2. 11\ ' Davis Furnas. grav/!I. $4 .20; R . M. Weidner for htluling gravel, $ 183.40; Charl es H. Co llin s. same, $148.89; Pete Benham, atone nnd gravel. $14 .80; J. T. Gregg, bridge repllir in Clca rcreek T lJ .,$26; Th e Morrow Feed and Supply Co., bridge r epuir. material, $38.93 ; The Galion Iro n Works, repairs for crusher. $7; A. T .Rettig, truck expense, $3.4 0; J. E. Simpson, for property dam aged by d l(namite, $25; The Ohio Corrugated Sewer Co., 15 sewers, $586.80; C. C. Beam. 180 ton s crushed ston c, $306; .Donnell and Schuyl cr, fir st estimate on contract 8G1, $300; The Oregonia Bridge Company, repa iring gruder plates, $ 2.80. W. H. Littlepohn, 18 sa'.c ks cement $ 14. '1 0; The Crinn er-Ho lthous Trucking Co., hnuling.. $2; S. E ., Cutler, Supt. Hamilton township pn)'TolI, $98.:! 5 ; Mildred Keever. stenogt'llphic se rvices for BOltl'd of Heviaion, $24; A. H. 1'tlrner, 'c rviees ns clerk uf the nme, $~ _'_. _

...Iec L'F ~Early for Your Sale Dates.


en pull e t . or more·

Mattie Marcum. IWll trurl s i11 Clclll' l'rec k Tp. Pou l Ke uhn t o \ ' lclor L . ,ul11J,:e . 50 acr 'M in I) c ~ l'fl~ltI 'fr,. ~ ill11~ ll n A. C uss ttl I orac c E. and 11 11tli(. E. \\' ('k h. 5 1 acl' cs i11 ~ " cti l! n er r ./" " "

F. T. Martin Jesse Stanley Auctioneers

Re nd y t " Iny 1'1I 1·cu rc·d P ulll· ts of the f oll owi1l!! iJ l'l', d:

Buick Thermostatic Control· provides smooth Engine Perfonnance at 0 0 or 90 0 in the shade Thermostatic Circulation Control is a new reason why the Buick engine is 80 easy to start and 50 pleasant to drive. in aU kinds of weather.



\ ,



,. II 01 . 111' 1 11 · .01

1:,,,. i:1,,

d Tl '~" inJ,:

lin~ l,

{' O UI' ~H' ingt ca.d if you prrfcr .

Itn th. Lettuce with is g ood.

\-" i nter D e.serh

.. j A shup WU" givin g away toy bal1001\s t ll .children. One little fellow li S -cd if h" mil!'ht IlIl\'e two. " SO I'I')'." slI id th~ clerk. "but we lI nly gil'" une bulloo n to ~ac h boy. Hav e yo u 0 brother at h ome?" The yo ung ster WIIS truthful, but be did want anoth er balloon. "No ." he re plied. regretf ully, then added. hopefully. "but my sister bu, and I wunt one for him.' 1

1 ~l '


. 1,


I''';l'd frui t , hortcnkcs make good \\'i nt ~ r d Rse r ts . Prunes, figs, dates. rai , in" , lI pricu ts llnd peachcs may be 1I .·d in this wny. Stew the fruit, ,' ,n'elc n to ta ste. rcm nving any "f the pits. a nd add such special :;cnsoning liS sp ices or n few drops of lemo n j u ice if yo u desire it. Spread the mnshed fruit p ulp on both lay..... e rs of a biscuit foundation which has "I'" hee n split in half and well buttered. MONEY LOANED C r eam, either plain or whipp ed is a n ucce ptub le udditio n to these shortI . cakes. LOANS on Chattels, Stocks, Sectarl• tics and Second Mortg8&'e.. Notel Baked Bananu bought. John Harblne Jr., XenIa, Baked ullnnnns are in order. as win- Ohio . 'mSO-'2. ter advan ces. Pcol the bananns, split IC II ;(thw ise, plllce in a boking di sh. ~ prillklc· with lemo n ju ice und s ugnr. alld h a ke \1l1lil t l·lIdcr. Se rvo warm Pormer8 of W"~ron and adJolnin, f ur dcsse rt. • counties may ohtoln money on lon, NUll t ill1e IOllns. at 5 per cent i nterest. Now t h nt n u t ~ :tJ'('I in R ('a ~ (l n . v ou Cost of securing the SllllH! is \'ury rca. cnn enjoy th (' 111 in a gn'Ol ",any ili ffcrent dishe ~ . T llC'y not IJ llly im· ~ona ble ,th rough Th e Fe deral Land pl'fl\'c t he novo!' of salnds. cak es, nnnk . Por further in f orn lll tion call hreads . scall oped di sh!'s ancl otl~r on or IIddress M. C. DRAKE, Treufood s to wh ic h yuu IIdd them. but urer, phono SlG-X, Lebanon, Ohio. t he" incrense th e food valu e ..


Farmers, Attention!


FOR RENT- Productive, highly ferti lo f[lrm. general farm ing; no to'c1ays when the Wfl m!'1l hll<1 cnough bacco; desirable location ; unusual huii' tu hav e /I .:re nuill c hair.pu lling opportunity.. Bolt 89, Waynesville, o ll ce in Hwhilc '! n12 A Bosto n fls hel'mlln saw a deer 3 mi les fl' om s hore h eud ed st raig ht BELTING- Rubber. leather and canfor the middle of the ocea n. The v.ns. Also belts for electric pumps nnimal must havc sWllllow('d a bottle und . washing machines. .Belt hooks of synthetic Scotc h which had been and fa steners of 011 kinds and secwash ed ashore. ond han d belting. THE BOCKLETTh e wets lost (l ut in I.h(' Missouri KING CO., 415 W. Main St., Xenia, dl l·(·feren dum. but then I Il l' ap ple cr op Ohio. Phone 360. out therc this fall is , uid to be a bump nr on e. FOR SALE - Poland-China gilts. Both the wets and drys were sat- Mr~. , Alma Pennewit, Sprinlr Valley, isfied with the r es ult of the election OhlOI R. D. ,I; phone 17-Y.3. d8 which is more than can b e said at the Republicans and D emocrats. FOR SALE-M I . Ma?be ~here wouldn't be so" mueh Poland ' Chlna~ e Jh~ ~~ ~~~~ cheatmg If the ma!,ried men were Rock cockerels U P. Fish I I compelled to we~r hcense platea the W . 0 and I D' Welch n, slime as automobiles are, Ohio' .. " , . er!JilC, Well, the international dlaa!'llla. . . ~:':'~ ' .• ' ' . , ," . mon t co.nference at Geneva baa faU- FOR1..r u 8 n e l cow, : .ee. ed ~u.t It wnsn't due to lack of adoila • lIuold' Wbitalti", Way. vertlStn g. . IlIIVUI., . D. 1 · '. '~1I2' · }'renr h wi ne mnke rs are !laldi:, ., , .; ',> . • i :;~\ bo h(1 I1(:( ul tha t the ·success of AI FOR 8A~e aoaen' ~ Reick pull.ta, we..lit;. to G ;GUild. 2110 S milh H ll d (lt tl wet roferendum In Ncw Y"I'I. will Roo n lead to the expor_ per llouad. Ba'ry F. Br~Wn. Sprln• Lal ill n o f cha m pagne from France · to VaU." 'al' A nU' l' icn. ' hi ch shows just bow ' we I) 1 he"" li: uropMns ' understand FOR SALE-Ford traetor with plow Anw l'i,'a. 1 com .bredder ·a nd feed ~Inder: An Atl a nt a man is ~ uing to r ecov- Call at the Flora B~rrybl farm, Or ~ 1, I , 0 I hich he claims he won on on the Wayne8vllle and Be Ibrciok tit olt. ·t iOll . !fhi s 1'\aturally lends p lk e. • n2' l et t hE' 'il \. o n "f wh I "'Qu id have' tl ,. Q."l·~' I b",t o n the election iii, FOR. SALE - KU\diea.- Koop, wltb ('I'io; .,\ ,.·j\) _ \\'; y. .~pr m gs~ mattr~ss and canvaa cov1~"")I('l' -I ~ MU Y lhat the remains of er . I!ursery chaIrs; canvaa nunsel7 n alll'i,·n l MAYU' 1 cities reveal that drjJeS8 lDl' table and Perfection Coal .tT"·,,,· pel 1'1 ' hll ll hi",h cultu r e. But. uo . h eater. Mr•• B, C, Prendel'lrUt, \. C wnn·t. 1><'1i '\'e they were really ",aID street. . .n2' . dv HZl.'d un lit ·flom c ()xplore.r exCB... '·ltt"~ 1l1' nnliqun ijl\N allhone. iOR SALE- Douhle lot with an.n• bll 11.- IOU. t be admitted ·that room hou8e and barn, OD ThJnI Ipete arc several l'ivel'B lor Govel'n- street. In Waynesville. PrIce I'UIOIlor SmUh t.o ero.. 1 betweell Albany able. Mrs. Elsie Scott. Wa)'1l~


lwarion~ b~nd beluf. Drive it and see what that

Hari f.1t .•:a







Obl~ J'


I ') :li ll

lI a v e f~

Do you rcmt:",her th e !'rllod old

For this, and many o ther vital rea~on s , the 1927 Buick is the Greatc r Ever Built. The engine is ~i.



,Citil ' J",




.·lr'li.'~ : 'Ill'

--- -- ..- -- -

Summer conditions prevail all year, und e r the Buick hood. At 90 °, or at :zero thIs valuable Buick improvement reduces the warming-up period to than three minute..!

e Garage



. ','I' li vl' -millut e cab11·1 1\' cl"l l nherr y icc

pd WIIIh!nston.


Obio •

1I'1'l •


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T HF. tv(




... 1::3~ 1J ·.1. g

"n''''' flo!





,1I'Hr ,\ tI" .. lilly n llli th ' Nl'vy de . I,,, rt lil~ I. . I "t, w hy ,vorry abOll . I!lD ERlJ A 'Ii ... t.1ll' ,,'!I).", I"owny ': l b will puy. It


: ilW3 ;)

.u t th . , I· ,~" t tlncc . ~ t ": C'fH I ' Clo .. 1}1u,I,,1 .. 'hr


6 .. ".cr ipllon Pric .. , $1.50 p er Year


Tick et.s co me hiKh f(lr th e Army. Nnv y foo tball gum e. A. i( th e ]lulitieul ~ kull - l lru !! K!' r y that to ok th e conle.t to h iellgo we re not cno.ugh (o r a ffe ring ]lub· lie t o ~tadn, it is now fuc ed with n scandlli arising out o r the s" le uf tick cts for the gam e. The governm e nt /lu uta uf tick,· t. h~ bee n aU·" " " u' lilil tn !!l'lldu. Iltes of t he tw o 1" 'ad "lll ic, "nd lo p u b. lie ufficiuls ,,,ho go l' ! H lilll it . .-!! 11I1,nlll ' l' ut $2. OU un d $:1.:,1 1 ( ' hi ,'''~'' ltics ha ve .. ,'l "I" ;{nd $ 1: price of Ow I,d" t ' 11.' k l , .. 1 is n 't nIl.



appa r e nt l)

t I l'

II I II ,I," r

Mr. " { I .\f rs. F r ed Mo ure, or DIlY. to n. W ( I'u ll( lo.y visitors o f Mr an d . ~1J .- < Huth ral'll' I. Kie J.; Ihi~ \1'," k I 1r~. J . ; MOMe. and unab le t'l u tt~'ud nl"hnr,1. EllIi l ~ ,n d £lill y IIi'al l att 'nd,'d n 1.:l'l,\' (If i\ i JLLIc: 1',.;, II I 11 " ~I r. £\' ' I tt 1 11"'1, , "f (l Uylt' II, 11':" bil'l htl " II, rll r" II TU\'~ <l ,,~ cal li ng Ull Lyt ic fl'i l' ll!j ~ , ·ullllay. I'r:\I" ; '.• 11 I t' 1', ·/. /I ( 'h I "l lll n ;-., M" . alld Mrs. 1';li HlI sK,, 11 li nd '~I r <. \. "tch I I fu r· Ollie HUlit zahn We re l'rullkli ll \' i~ilurs I'anlat a I , 1"'\'1 01 " lIwl' '" I 1Ij(.. lllll'lIb: . .\l ondny. 1\1 1'". Mary Mnrs hnll IIlId M rR. I.,IU' ~I i.,. : 1"""la F:mmkk ond LUIIII ell a Swun k were Dayton s hop p e l'8, L""' I, , . I SU ll d"y at Ih t· hom e of Mon day. till' ful'i " r. in U,,jJU I'Il. 1I11'~.

THE r' er

l' ell ll>yll'ul1 li1 .'('eIll S al In.L t o have h ' l 'U Tl Ii.' ; \ \\'ltl' l' (,1' the pair of twin ~ .Il dd,,/l ill il ~ 1'" liticu l woodpjle, And ,1( ,1 . lhat Ih l' g- rilllY helld s oi r o llen j lll l l l k :-- and rotten busi n cs have been I UCl~l' J " " by the voters, muyu c those " CU II S will th e ux. A s a pla in protest against the mel"dlJroll ~ ::icna t ori a l primary scandal , L1lc li c lllu el'lltie nomince for the Sen.•te r eceived a fifty th ousa nd mnj ority in 1't!fllIsy lva niu, exc luding Philadelphi u. The voters d id n't seem to agree with Mr. Me ll on that giving mon ey t Ll buy Se nate seats was as worthy as .: iving money t o t he church. Not by .1 fi ft y tho usand majority, did they , hink that wny. And ll UW th e Philildeiphia Pu blic , d>:"r '111 ~" ! iUll S the electiu n r esu lt s .:" "/1 (Jil l III Philadelphia. Th r I.'". I. ,. d ~, l' d"{', Il't think th e Rua \'(' I t I I . \\ f lll 1(110 1< cli a rg- c nf t lt t. I ' lit (XI d th(' true l' l '


1\1r ~, I II ii" :\111111'(' is v b il inJ! friend s a li t! 11111\ I ~ ar l t ' )' h e r pr ll lJl' rly u l h e r old h llll ' I I l't.nn sy lvania .

Mrs. P e ter Bun tu , whll iK workin g' in Dnyton, spent tilt' week·clld with ho me folks. Mrs. Clyde Wharton and ~I i", Grace Bunn ell were !Jnyto n vi s itu r ~, Wednesday. Mr. Wal t cr Ke nri c k s"rved On th e grand jury in Leban on, Thursda y and Friday.

I. till

It. ,

The8e scu l pl'l':--


Il ul ll

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t il t

't I l' :ili. I' • ;11 t \ I nt Pcnnsy l Vii upicce for t ll'I, t I , I!, ;'-\v lla l t: th e un plcu:--The Sou th I'ar k \luunl in Ch ll ."." I " I t uhk l '( It j II i' l)!, ttl ~ l:H t Mr. Vnre. piled up an expe nse "f $G UO,U UII I'", s pecial train s, en larging i:)o ldil' r, " lid ll UI;· . .. du ty "I' t he Se nate li S Field, entertaining cudets und th~ t h illg-~ II U W sta fui. l' e n l1 ~ ylvani" iK in the politicui officials from W es t Poi nt und Annap olis, decorations and ' so on. Th e s potli ght, lind s hl' fl W €H it to her self tu lind Ollt j us t IH,\V ha rd the voters board aaid It would mak e n o profit, even when tickets sold at $ 10 und of t he S t ul e ki ck t'd against corrup· tion and __ hd hcr lhey did npply th e $16. tlX th ey ha ve 1)(" " 1\ ~ hllrpcn ing for So th e scalperB get th e profit. Th e Army and Navy depa rt menl s suy it geIH·r a ti "n ". Th l' ll aliu n is interested.

Th " '1 1, 1/1 Thank sg ivin g' s erv ice il l I,,· .1' 101 thi ~ yen!' in the Frie nds ehu rl' h T lou l'Rd ilY e ve ning at 7 :30 (I 'cluck:


",,,la tc "I' ( ·!i:ll·I,·.


1 ·IJJl~.


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'\nlH'r i ~ h l, !oh y VI\" '" th'" 1\11"'" I , I 'll !"'.! hu s h i ' I ' 1I dul y , f1P j'1 1e d an ! qllitlin(,d a s eX t l ut r ix (If tll(' l':-i t ll~t· o t

(,J w rlt,s l\1 P OPl' , lute IIf \\'nrrt.:11 CO Ull ty Uhio, d cccn se: d I

th i ~


22nd day of November,


Lumber for Every Purpose---

W . Z. HOLI. ..


t he l'rob llLc 'o urt W a rn 'lI County , Ohio



Some o The Thin,!; S W ~ Sel

Siding Oak Flooring Edge Grain Flooring Finishing Lumber Porch Material Front Doors Cottage W indows Window Frames Window Glass

o f Ru~a l l J '~ . Il a l ll l ' M. 1!-:!· j ' IUl t·d t !'l IIt" r l~ l l y gl\· ':11 t ha t LI (la 1i1l8 be(' n d ill ,I,.' HllJl(dnl 'r! anJ a!ol , ' X" l' ll t rlx u r t ill' t '~tl\t , o r lI a lnt·~ . hd t..: o t Wur re ll ' u ll l1

E s ta te l"ul h.: .. ' 1\:1 , ~ Hw ln qua l lfle.! l'-i IHHi.n 8 .



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IJ{:'. Auct.

DR. E. M. RUDOLPH The Ey" Sirbt Speciali,'

1111'. anu Mrs. Huward Archu('aclI lI .

o f Wayn eSV ille , Wt'n.) !:) u ll d llY l"vl' ni ng-

Th « tJ '1):11' ." " ul r ix of th e gu ~sts of Mr. nnd Mrs. 'lia r l"s l\l ul. esta te I d I "all I II:dll t '~ ' d(l<:llusc ri , lemx. wi ll s~ 11 I'llbl tt :lliL'll llll a t hl'r lalu Mr. F r a n k Rogers and Mrs Lotti(' rc ~ id (, I H' ( ' I . n t ht· l u r!It ' r of Fuu rth Carey we r e Sunday afterno on g uest s stree l a T Ii F r a nk lin rqad, \\'aYl1e~ 4 of IIlr. nnd . Mrs. Fred Meha n and ville, Oh ",. " n famil y , at FIve Point Fri da y. December 3, 192 6 Co mlll" 1 ('i ng at (I ,,' cl oc k II. m ., is none of their affair ilS IUl1g [1 M th e Mr. and Mrs. Allen Emrick and da ug hter, Gladys, wer e S unda y din - the foll r wi n>:: A li l'e tim" collection public Ie eager t o (Ill y, un o! . it h ll ~ SAMANTHA SA YS ner guests of Mr. and Mrs, Charles of articl e . ert.:d a ntiqu ei (::lee been estimated thn t t.h e Kca lpc l's will la r¥e bil l> I , a lot " f mi scella neo us A nderso n, at Waynesville, art icles , ,· ar p c n t~r ' s. tn o ls, kitchen realize profi ts of sl' lll c whel'c in th e If phlll S and PI't' jlurali ons nrc mad e 111 rs. J essie Longacre returned neighborho od of $50 0,000. Hc vtlrul du ys uhclId , thcp 'll be no rell· ~ o m e Monday evening, after spend- utensil s alld wood . 10 s hee p und abo ut 500 bus hels o r o lu Cto rn We think what gocs on nt Army. ROil f ur a flurri ed, ,·x hall s t ed hostess Ing s eve ral days with R ev. and Mrs. LlDA M , ~A WIN, J. C. Rtlz el at Contine ntal, Ohio. on Thanksgiving Duy. Na~ footbijll gnmc is n bit of th e IExecutrix o f the es tn t~ of Su sa n E . Hain es , decease d . ]ll r .. !lnu Mrs. Charles Guit ner, of W N. , EARS, Auct. Mla~l s b urg, and Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Albr Ig ht , of Springboro, were Sat.. urday guests of Mr. and Mrs. iresler Havin g r ented my place und ex Graham. pecting l o move to taWil, I wi ll sell at public auction at my place, 2 mil es M~. Clyde Cox and mother, Mrs. of Or egonia nnd ab out 4 miles Cassie Cox, and Mrs Mary C.armony east we8t of Harveys burg, by the Flat a nd Mrs . Lulu Gith ens, visited Mrs Fork church, ,on Myrtle Cox at Sti ll water sanatorium: Mondny, and r e port he r as impro ving Tu ... d.y, November 30, 1928, . -~ nI cely. Begi nnin!: at 1 o'c lock, m y hou selIIr. and Mrs.s Charles E . John s hold ancl kitchen fU lrniture, and othDON'T OVEt:tLOAD THE IMAGINATION Mr.s. Alle n E.mrick and Mr. and Mrs: er artic k s . ORLANDO BRANNAN ,The .tt-oubl'" ~·\th JJTO,t writing and staged productions is that they sti- Walter KenrIck snw "Ben HurJO at Frank Wil son , Auct. the Victo ry, in . Day t o n, Wedn esday fl e the imagination by overloa d ing i ~ .. Th ere art! th o~e who hold that it is bettl!'!' t (l r ead n play than to see it a ft ern oo n, and In th " eve n ing visited nct ed, 10r wh e n yo u ren d your il11ag.innti un CUll picture th l' sce ne wh ereas Mrs. Myrtle Cox at t heS till water when yo u );('0 th e p Iny nil t he work of your i"",,: ill :':i,, 11 i< do nc fo r you. Sa natoTlu .m A SUK L!"(l!-ltio n to t h e imnginnli o n i:-. Ii (,tt t'!· t i!.\11 tuo Il l llC' h. Mr. 8n tl Mrs. lI arrr Grn ham OIL. The llr io "tals, ulll!<'rslu nll lhis all d t h, ir _c. I • I')' III th" play is o f n BUg tended n f" r"w ,'11 d innPl' Sun dav nt g"t't'liv(' ki ll d and j ", tl o t I"(' nl istil', F u r 11I~.. t:lIl1·l \\ 111'11 11 h oat is t o btl de - Spri ll!! \' a lle)·. ill It" no r "r th e ··Int. picte d u rU1 1 bout. it) nol hroll ~ ht 011 the ! L I.\· ", IllIt St IlIH~ co n trapti on {'· "·s I! r othe r " lr W illia m ,'lIyl nr , \\'ho tha t CUll ~ ut!i(',;t a lio,, 1. Ic;:! t S un day {'V"II I1I!! r(O r l'\~w York A Iiltl r !X iI'I !!I ts IIIl,r !' rUIi ou t " r lin ,old I ~ .1,01 1 th an s he does o ut ( ll~· •. wh e re h,' ha. fI Cash Regis t l' r of a' ·fllnt·y d II thut CLUJ o pen a nrl s h li t it " , y . 1101 t't,ncell ls u pho nog raph 1)( 1::; llI o fl H~ n ,.\Jl a irOIHJ1 , which tu lkf. . San ta (' lll ll R. hi" rt·i nder r anel 1': , . A buy gets quite as m uc h fu n "tli of r id in ·.· " "t 1'",ld l(' uf n bruoms tiek 1)1I 11110s w ill " i, il I. )'lll' Fr il hl)" Il (.. and calling it a IlOrse a s he would o ut of I' iolill >: II h"1'8<:. et' mlwl' J O III ;? o'e1 " d, flcc " l'llill /!, 10 A grcllt p"I·t o ( the fun of IIn y kind o f p l.l:; t· ', n _i"ts in using the imag- n. ll'lter r"('t· i,·pd last wI'ek by \\' al\ e r inlltion llnd lik e every other fncult y,t he il1l!lg' iIiUl ill u g els m o r e pleas ure Ken rI c k fr o /ll th e Rik,·-K u lll lt' r CII .. when It is s timulated to activity thl1l1 whon it is lo nded down by outside Dayton . R e me mber t he da te "lid pleasure . dute and meet them at th e pu bli c It is better for the henlth to tnke (,lCcr cise tha n to have massage. It is squure at th e T own pump .. better to make your own exercise thun t o hav e some one make it for you. 'm essage f r om Rike-Kuml cr In the sa me way it is bette r t o us c yo ur own imagination than to use Co.Into aWalt e r Kenri ck r eceived Tues. that 01 some one e lse. . day of this week , suys: ,Th nt Leon . This has a di stinct r eferenc ee t o s t yle , for n style is better that Is full ard Seppala and hi s fam o us t enm of of s uggcsoons than on e which is fll !1 of de scription s. genuine Siberian dogs will be in Ly. L et the mind do its own flying and do not carrY' it in the aeroplane of tI,e, Friday, November 26, at 3 :30 your own abundllnt talk. o clock for a short while. This is a '!' sepa r ate appearance of Santa, r e indeer and Esquimos troupe .

lJr.F~ Crane Says .,. ...,..


{:lII11 C'! "


iz e d ut




(( ('I'. I" ; dc O. Wutso n , the new (;l·n(,ral ~ 'e rl'lll ry nf Wilmington t y . U h h ,. \1 \ , t "'I \I'-l .~ .L LJu.l t' ti thi ~ :, nl \la.r ur :-'; 11 \, ,' /111 11 r. l ' l ~ti Y" '"'l y ~; I l' lIn!!, wi ll bc nt the \\' Z H llI.I . Mr. a nd Mrs. W. C. B er gdul l and Fri"uI \'- .,1 ur ,'h nl'x t Sundny eve ning, J u d ge o f ttl ...• j>l tdJ U{t , C.dlll Mr. a nd Mrs., Charle s E. J uhll S "pe lll til ~, r ~ ill (' H Y u un~~ P Qop l c 's g r o u p . \\' urn- n l 'u l 1Ill y, " 1110 Tuesdny in Dayton. "II you ' I 1"'''I'I l' in th l' com llluni ty The L udi eR ld d Wt' r f' \\'( ,11 pn tl ro n- II r \\h ill ' \ ' I d ('nll m ilftillio ll, a TC inv it ~U ' I ' J(..' I~

pr ima'r ~-

1\ l',, ' iJe e n c Ject l 'ti

day they




, III .

th e pub lic I,

1 \"ln' rH~t ill

r'ra h

DINNER FOR TWO He- HI t hill "() ll\ll ~ tt invi t e f r lind 1111'>: BOl'f:JOl1l t , di llJl CI', SIIOll." She - "('(' 1' :.llll;. I)" Y(, lI kllll W

tjulll' po orly.

have fo ull I t

\I f sculpcl':,


' !tU'!,

IJlthJ f dol

"'. L., CRANE




Lebanon, Ohio

Every Tuesday 8,00 •. m. 10 4 p. m.



All of the above material can be fou (Jd in our yard every day in the year at moderate prices

W.H.l\iadden & CO.



Dr. John W. Miller



NaUo." BaDk

Ha"eysburg Fertilizer Co. w.,...YlU. Phoa.8 HARVEYSBURG, 0,

N.tloaal BaD" Bla••

Try the Miami Gaa"u. for Job Work

A nu mh ..,,, f rrlln h L' t'l' :lttl'lld4'd tlh' ,,1' II !ll'lII .. n D ,l-ill . ..r L,I,


g ' ' I ., t

"' ! 1'


I' I' ~f I

'I ' , I , ,I


...: I,'



1' 1';1

, 1, n i l

a·' dfl y..... \\ il II I: Jihll ' "lIlIpr" HO ' 1. MI'. Ilnd ,\ Ir,.

hI r


JI' II J t 1' ,

E"I'relt \' ill:;I'·· " I

KtlU, B ilJ y, of Dayt on, ,HII('llt :o.; u l1d:'" wit h 1·{' IIl t. i"" s . IwI'P. .


You Can' EXpect More

From Goodyear Tires But don't •• t the Id.a that Goodyeara COlt more. Th.y COlt no more and fre~u.ntly COlt I".. than ' you pill' for tlr.. of worth. Th.,. I. no reuon why you , .hould not be ridln,r fin. quality tlr••• Wh, take a chanc.7



Drop In or phon" for our pric" of Goodyeara In your .1

on the..


HERE ARE. OU R PRICES FOR GENUINE GOODYEAR .' CORDS IN It. FEW PQPULAR SIZES , JOx3 1-2 Clincher .... , ... ,$11.05 3lx4 Strnight Side .... $19.05 32x4 Straight Sid" .... pO ,IS 32x4 1~'2 Straig ht Sid • .... $,2 4.75 "/I.~~ZI!I!Z~/MZ:tX;(W$d')'-f'~/)(/,IV~)'-z/.zzY..v-N/ZZKZ/L/.A7.ZY.Ky",z'.tgJeYrA1tiHIS

Waynesville Motor'~o~

A num ber I f ch ildrc n l\' !' r ~ nh ''''n ! from th e Primar y r oo m t hi H wC" h. Ruffe ring with scver e cold an d /!'ripp'" Mr and 1I1rs. Prnnk W ilso n SPPI1 ! one d!ly this w eek in W ashi ngt on ('. H .. With Mr. and Mrs. H erber t Fite and Jane Ellen. Mrs. W. A. Hain eR, necompnnierl her nephew Wales Smart, of L"ba . non, on a pif'asant m otor trip to Co lumbus and Delaware this week. Mrs. Charles Mndd en spent the wepk ·end in Cincinnati with Miss Nettie Evans. On Friday evening heard Madame Schumann.Heink, at at Mu sic hall. 1I1iss May Harlan entertained to ~u ]ll'er, Friday evening, Mr. ancl Mrs · GCOT!!e Denn~ and Miss Ruth, Mr. a nd Mrs. E. B. Doster and William and Chnrles Doster. Mr. Ilnrl Mrs. Harry Orr and chil· dre n. of Dayton, Mr. and Mrs. A, L, Kirk and Mr and Mrs. Wilbur Kirk a nd family, ,of Wilmington, were Sunday guests oC Mr. and Mni. R. H. Jefferis and son, Kirk. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Grayentertained to dinner, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Isnac Cobb, of Lebu " on , Mr. and Mrs, Cliff VanHorn and Mr. and Mrs. George Smith, of Olive Branch, Mr. and Mrs. Charles H . Gray and chil· dren, Robert, Alice, Kalthleen and Wayne. ' Honoring the te nth birthday of her son, Rob ert, and t he sixth birthday of h er son , Wal' n .) , Mrs, Charles H , e ntcrtait od a ·nt1mb ~r of boys even ir "( after school. A peanut h l1 nt wn ~ staged for the smnll e.~t boys. Har(l ln Tucker. winning the prize. In l," . cracke r -eating contest fo r tlle Ie r I' boys, nichnrd Franken ean'hl CJtr the prize. Th e boys then t r i:'d 'nrrying a spoo nful of wntcr aeN! the ro om und back. Rob- J ert un Way ne openrd the gift.q brou ~h ' by th!) boys, the blrtbda1 candler overe Iig htl'd, and a lunch of jello '" ith whipped cream and cake

. Phone 105 ' Waynesville, Ohio 1\-......~. .~......~. .~~~~....~1~~~





":'1'\'1 '1

A 0 YI

When we found what was most wanted. what prices were most favored. where we could secure the best, we sent our representatives over the world on our quest . Into every hidden corner they went, both here and abroad; searching out, bringing to the Miami vaney the gifts of all the

" ' lilt)


Wa:rn..vilie. Ohio

every depart. floor, intensIve study was given to ""what made Ou;stmas 1925 80' successful and what W1ll improve our service to the Miami valley and Our customers for Christmas 19261"

fUll l' I', 1I

1',,11' r

Will. Ora.... " ...... Eotel ••

aJIDOIt ment, <m e\'eI)'

Mr. and Mrs. Frnnk Harris, of Dayton, were he r e, Su nda y. . Mr~. ~. H. J effe ris was "hoppin$r III W llnll ngton. W edn esday . Mr. ,~lItl l\1t·~ . . l\lIfll l·d Lynth hn\'(:, Ol Ol' ,' tl Ill to th e lJ a w k" }1"OI" 'l' t y,




P LANS for12 this 0Dtmas 1926 mclntbs 8f>. In





In Every 1 Section of ~,This Big Dayton Store ,i With Every Kind of Gif~



earth_ Now, as the r~ult, ID every Christmas Store is ready,

way the Greater

Toyland With Gifts for Children. Ba8ement With Gifts for the Home, The Street ~ With Fashionable Qift Accessories. The Second Floor With Practical Gifts-Gifts of Bea1lty aD4 Comfort. Tlae New Fashion Floor With Gifts of Fashion. The Fourth Art Floor Is a Veritable Bower ot Gi&! '!'be Fifth PlOOI' Brings Htmdreds of Small Gifts for the a..e. The Sixth Moor Ie Crammed With Gift ~ tiG118 anlqgage and Labor~ving Devi~ Tbe Kuaie Store and the Book Shop in Our An-

nex Are ,. Haven of Gift Suggestions,



At Cary's Jewelry Shop

o 1FT--~ E




IfJ,UU <;-annot come to Da~ caD; write or phone Cornelia-she wiD shop for you. ' .

Come-The .Greater· ChriStmaS Store JB · R.ead~ Befter Than Any ChriStmas' in 13 'Yearsl




-: £



~~ \ o ca·

W ' give Cednr StJOnps. Cary's Jew lry S hop, ,Lob un on, OhIo.


. • ~f!:.~





wi n or Sin gle

oun t \ -

l ~-pou'II '


h ..

.\ . . , Whra t , 1.l b. 10 8e Cou ntry lub, I .Ib. IOIl I ..... .. ,_ ..... ... ...... .. 9 c Rai .in l' vC"'ry _ ~c:~~~ay, 1 -",.11 ' :,d 'ut.,

No.5 Pail. Each

Lard Flour Clifto n P 241 (,- Ptl !,.d

1:le u r ,



k ..


Co'untr y Club Cho ice 1",-"

',.. Ib .k. $ 1 ·09 ; ' 12 1" .lb .k .. 57c

Candy C;eoric;~o~,~JI~ l : (:~ k, Fancy Peanut 8ritl lr . II>


Countr y C lu b

C~eamery, po und . . . . Eatmore Nut 01 ,,0 , Ih

SSe 98c

j'ltr"" Kdt l ... r e ndrre d. 2 lh s" .. 31 c

J ~' e


. . ... ... .

Drlidn ... Chocolat .. Drop., Ib ISc

50C ~~,~~t J~~!~!,O~~ 27 C ----35c ~~~~~~u., lb . ...

2 2<




,2 Ib . ....... .. Fancy Layer, 2 0 o . .. .. ....... .... ... 2Sc

Jnn." ha n, 4 Ib ... ...... .'... ..... .. .... .. 2Sc

g~~~d,,~4t~ :i 2;~~.!?eEs..:.~:;;, 112~c Lettuce 1Dc

GeldeD Santo. Ib ................ .... .. 33c · 1

rackera C Butter, Soda, OYlter or

£~.I~.'!., ...



1 Iceberg Head ......... .. ..... ..


Fancy L ~"r, Ib ....... ................... IOc -



,9c ~~~~::,!~7:·;:Jq~ 35 C ~!n~~~? ox. 20c


Bacon .

Choice Lean, 3 to • averall'''' Ib......... ..


O ranlre


pkg ..

L e mon P""I, pkg .... 13c

~!!!,i~S23c I p?t~t~~-j 1.83 ottale Butt., Ib .... ... .... , ......... . 38c


2 '-

I , .• h,·' b ~g .. .. .. . .... .. ... .... $4.47

f3r health ~


~1 , •. \\,>11,' ,· ~k



.J. r•. Me lu re mutl u Lu si l1 e ~~ t rill to Leban o n. T uesday m ortli ng . ~Ir~.

F ri ellds lu r l' \I' II ~ ill Da y .


\I. ,:II'l' ( ,'of,,1' ~talllp~ Cury' " II~'\'_ i. II S .... h,.p. Ll, l' ; IIIllII , Oh lu,

!\ I i :-:~

Does the keen, frost y ail' of \\ jll ler make you feel cold, It joyless and dejected? lakes perfect health to enjoy Winter.

enJoy Winter

Eat More Breac for Health


Our bread is of I' £1surpassed Havor and tex t uT'::. A golden brown crust · ; the delicious, cl'ispy I: 'I.l.! - a rounded top and .. J!ooth surface-firm to the touch. These are points tho t chamcterize our perfect loaf. Order y our bread today. We have fre sh b. ead twice da ily.

Thompson's Bakery Ask Merchants for P. c ~i l\rrow Money

Apples <>f . . Quality ,

200Q ,.B ushels Qf Rome Beauty . If you want Applea that"are good to cook, eat, and that will keep until' lire used, come to


Underwood's, H' Miles. East of Harveysburg .' "

Our Appl~ were well 8waye~, are cleaned and ,"l~ I,taded to four sizeS.. You get full weight.

Prices Very a :easonable .~





I la \'ill ~ ~uilty



0; •

1II',· i,),·(\ In rhnnw· hi s pi,'1\ r :l1h,'r

do n1fJr\-' t 1I\n

G : lIT 14iltl,


( )"io pl'nih·uti:I!'). wh\, t! .I Ulh!l' \\ 1"I

th- ~ r l'\" :- .It U l'dH Y nH1l' u'jn )!, . H

:->t' l'uHd

lLi ~ COII\'it' ! 1I

IllUrdl' r churl

' '''In

'1 l h H. 1 tlte &:A loli n e you uae in your mot t1r .hould ur n th e whr I•. lt . hould g ive you plenly of

And , le t ua

... t u ll d Irl ! .t .

th an



0" 1


~ .. t t

Ih ., I, ill. , a n J ... ui c k pi ck . up in t ... /lic.

" .

,, 1 lrI,,'I I 'u t.:

Wlll t l' f .


G A S 0 L I Gives Your Engine More

1111-. nnd Mrs. John Lemmon, who spent Ins t wInter in Florida, have r ('turn ed t o Duyton to make their home.



For Every Type of Car Drive Iii! Free Crank Case Service """""'~"""""""""""'.""""""""""""~"'~~

A. F.

Melloh's Garage

Phone 47

Misses E sther and Louise Hender. so n will entertain the Service Guild of St. Mury's Church School on Friday afte rnoon. Don't f~rget Dr. RUdolJ?h i8 here every Saturday night until 7 p. m., a nd Tuesday until 3 p. m. Cary's J c\\''C lry S hop , Lebun on, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Russe ll' Benson a nd son, of Delaware, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Rye scveral day" last w""k ·In.rk Salisbu ry is in a hos pital recovorlllg from injul'ies austa ined while practicing football at a Clevelund High schoo l.

Insurance Agency

General Insurance

Jnmcs S al e, n life.long and high I)' r es pected resident of Wayn~svill,' die d at hi. hom p on Main street o n ~ u nclay night, No vembe r 12 1. Tht fu nera l service was he ld this (W cd . Ill,day) uCtcrno oll at his lute hom e The services were in charge of Way lIesville L odge No 163 F . & A. M Interment was ill Miwni cemetery.

Phone 61 - 2



WayneBVilIe, Ohio ,



Tone- Volume-Selectivity-Distance



---_. - ..----





Two Valul.ble Trees



Here's the Set the Whole:County i. Talking About WE WILL DEMONSTRATE IN YOUR HOME


lowed th e rl uJ.!w olid nnu p e r Sin ! n111 1I t4l b e in j u red w tll· 1I lh p IJlrger timL t.:' l 11'11'


F. 1). DAKIN

Mrg. Angelina Devitt, a well-kn ow II a nd popular resident of Wuynesville die d ' at t he home of her daught,' r ~ I 1'8 . Elizabeth Bai ly, Thursday, Nt> \'l' mbe r 18. The fu neral service \\'11 ~ hel d \It the home Saturday afterno on all u burial was in Minmi cemetery.

,,"s ocinled wilh it





Simeon Pottorf, of n ear Oregonia dicd T u esday, November 16. Th e fun eral was held at the hom e on Fri day, Mrs. Ru t h Murray, officiating Domestic r ubbit meat possesse8 Burial was in Miami cemetery delici ous tlayor, important food val· ue, and tastes more like chicken than lik e wild rabbit, says the Biologicul Lewis Dani el, infant 80n of Mr. and S urv ey of the United Stutes Depart- Mrs. Carl Ridinger, died laat week ment of Agriculture. Domestic rab- and was buried in Miami cemetery, are raised in hutch es , where they o n Friday, Novemb er 19, only limited exercise and where ca n be pro,p erly fed. They are in habit s, a nd their diet, conmuinly of oats, barley and hny, makcs the meut sweet, Persimmon nncl dogwood, 80 nee tender a nd of excellent flavor . ,·.sary for shuttll's in the textile in du stry of the world, are valuable and url' becoming incr easillgly more dif FAIR ENOUGH the United "Why do yo u go on the balcony " eu lt to obtain. say when I sing? Do n't yo u lik e to hear ~ I!lt es DC parl ll\(,lI t of AKrieulture.. \ ~ ye t no satisfactory B u bstitutes f or me si ng? " "It isn't that. I want t he neigh- lh,,"c two woods , oil her native or f or bors to see t h ut [ um not bentin):: cign, have b(' c l1 fo u n d. Ma ny ow ner" of tl o ~w oo d timber you. " Iwcau se of iL< fi lll U II Hizl' , have 1I 0t rcnliz (·d it s valu e, alld hn ve C iUll'1' not ma rl e etTor •• to mar ket it I)r hll ve al-


Waynesville, Ohio

"At Your Service"


Chicken-Flavor Rabbit




(\ll\' l ,,,dll"- :.!}O; , F ! r ~ 1 ~tJllda\- In Ad · ,\ Ii " U sil' II nw k,' Il nd I\1r. MIll" nilI'd \\" ' Ilz 'I"'nt ~undllY wiih \'(." ot ( hurdl ~ "h tlll i at ~, ,': O. a t fri " ntls in F;ti r fi ,·lof .. \\hiL'h 111\ 1\ ' III\., annllal t'iI-("tIOI1 ( I f ul lil' "I' S wil l Iw th.' It!. l\I {l I ' l1i fl ~ Pra y d' and St.: l'flHIII HI I I jj 'd ill,.' 1-.. •Miss Hut h i': ewlnn<1 . ,.f ~ lial1li IIn i. \' t't·s it y. \\'01 ": I hp W('L,k-l' n d ~ lI('st II f 1\ 11 a/'(' cllrol i"lIv ill\'it,·01 l o att e nd t l l( '5 \.' ~ l' r \'il' ( '~, MI'. alld Mrs. \Y . H. AI\,·n. Hev. J oh n J. Sc haeffe r. Rector. O. M. Mor gan a nrl fa mily, o f Lyn· dU ll . Oh i" . s pl' nt th c W" l'k-(' IHI w il h CHR ISTIAN CHURCH !Ill-. II lld ."r~. F. H Moo mllw. M Sllllollly.~c h o .. 1 li t !I ::10; p"ay{'r ',"sr" W. HAll en nnu ,J. O. JI\t, .. llll~ \\',·d lll·" III)· ,;1" ' lI i,,1' a t 7 :::1 0. ('nrlwr iK·ht lI(t~ nd e d n lh\ nk er s' I-:v e ryl",dy cordially invited . meeting a t l\1iol d ll' l ow II , TtI ('~oIny. _ ._ _ METHODIST C HURCH T~ e supr l' me gift f or Chri sl1l1 l1sSnhb"t h Sc h oo l at D: 15 n. m. A ,hl1ln o lld- sl' lect yo urs ut Car y', p rcllehi l' i: lit 10:3U II. 11 1. E pworth . J e we lry S ho p, Le ba no n, .Ohio . L c a~ li e (j : 15 p. m . Preaching lit 7 :3 0 p. n\. EvuyLod y in vite d to th ese Miss Lutie. Vand,'rv.o 0rt will spen d sl' rvic ps tilt' Tha nksgl vmg ho ltdays w ith 1\11'. Re v. L. A. Wasbburn, Pastor. a nd Mrs. Ge urge Denny, at Harveys. burg . .

.hi. from the gaa you now ule we

nl l~ '1


ti l)(·nd thl'


mo'. Turn inq w h e"f:l mn.y' be the ""m e of • book or the title vie .t": r i~ I, but J ,e re 1t mean. moviu, the whee l. of mot or car•.

~ 1, Fr:Ill Id I II , Wi !. ~ '· ldl'nl' l·d h) i lip illlpl 'i~ " "Il Il' lI l i l l U 1 .!l I 'I H':-l


Tu r ning



r e111<,ve<l.

OHlce-Aman Bldg •




9 to 11


m. 3 to 5 p.-m. 7 to 9 p m.

Telephone 30

Waynesville, Ohio

· Miss Chill' lotte Antr am of WlIshtng'lr, n V. C., is the gu~st a f her hr ot her · ilj-Iaw and sister, Mr and ~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~=~ Mrs Geo rge Hartsock. ,

If it's Yo urex S ilverseal- more

c~n no t be s ~!d. Start your set of s tlv e ~w a rc . I'lve bea utiful patterns.

Cary s. Jewelry Shop, ,Lebunon, Ohio. A Iso agent III Warren county for Roge l's ' "Heirloom plate." II orb ert Edwards, of Denver, Col., I\'n ~ hel'e Tu esday to visit his father, O. .1. Etlwnrds, and other rclntives. Hl' le ft Wednesday morning. , Mr. llnd 1\'l rs. Fred Sontag, Mr. tI1l1 ~ 1' So ntllg llnd MiRa Letitia ~ ch u l7. ll1 n n, or Ci n ci nnati, were Sun. day gu e"ts o f 1111' und Mrs. W. O. Rupl' r .

Fresh Oysters That y10u will like at


· S pecial <a l.. of goblets, tumblers, ICO t ea s " slwl'bets , salad plutes, etc., a t . Cllr.v s Jl,wclry Shop, L ebanon , ~hl o . I!ress up your toble for I hallk sglvln g. .



Celery and Cranberries

. Miss Hh e" JancL Cartwright, of W l'R ll'rn coll cf(e. was hom e for the wl't' k-c ntl ho lIday, bringing 118 he r I'l\('Rt he r l'ou1I1mate, Miss Margllret Beck . · £l ev . "11~ JIll's. \V a lt er, of Worthm"tOll, 01110, " Iwnt Sunday with Rev. Rev. [lnd Mrs. I.. A. Washburn. W nit e r ''''each ed at the morning ser. viee in the M. E. churc h •

Waynesville, Ohio


• Ihl l l

\' lI ll dt'l"\lIl1tt.


l;al'l' i:--Iql W:l S i ntlit't t·tJ " it h h I=-' ~lt·. a nd ~ II' ._ . .\ I\,'n 1 ':lI\ri~k IIn rl d ll ll>:hl,'I'. (; I"dy,' . ~ l wnl ~ lI I1JU Y with jq " t h,·,.. Ch llri l'" "T ori" Cnrl' isl'n f ,11' ti l!\ t d".'~ l·P(, IltUru l' r, in th e gluyill).! i . f ,:--'p,·t'i :d ~:t lv I)f J? l t\~~w u rc a t C a- L' hllrt.: ~ AlIlk""'1I lin d 1'1I 11111y. . IKht Wll tctllll llll .1. A. Bange •II r: - .I, .\,· Iry . h0Jl. Lcbll no n , Ohi o. ,f . ~Ili l' ra y . \\,1\4; ilH :o. h(lpn \'i s it in~ I· I'llll klin in the l' hours of ~iurc·It ~ I. " 1'.. u " pll'ud .. d ~ uilt:v to fir st de' . \ ~ I :-''';I'!''. 1-:,1,' 1 and ll Cl' k. o r Dnv. in 1):\1'1" 11. \\111 1",1\" ''''' 11 fu r A rI!'I'l'l' IlIU nl c r on Od oucr 27 unci \VI \l' t un. \\ I r~ \\' :\ Y Hl'~ \'i l l(' vh; i to r M. ~lIil' k nn sH ~ t l' \' h l:-t f ll flt H' f h ll nu', !'ol' tl t elll' ,·d t o life imprison lu ent. d:l~·. It is po inted o ut thnt "Tod" Gn r · l\ l i ~~ Lutiv Y:Ul'd l' I'\'oo r t h UH tHk (' n hlld no chnncc for pardon I 11' ,'J 1',. II. C. ,>ll' mun , of N nrw o(,d . rtl\lll1 ~ fllr thl' \.n u t "" \\ ith ~I r. and 1,. lm lc cxc,' pt by lIuthority of th sr "lIt th ,' 1It.'.'k·c nd w ith Mrs . Knt e Mr..;,. Ct·L1fJ.,:l ' ll :lllli itlitl . ull FlI u r t h 1:1, 1'l' rn Or of Ohio, while Enrnest. wh n :::.l r l'('t. t 'olt' lll a n, ,- ~u n tc nced on u second degre e mu r 1)\1 yo u likf' t l ) WR" h in l' tdJ wut e r ? d" r chllrge is 8upj l' Ct to purole by th ,'\ Ir s. L. 1\. Zi llll1lCrl1lll 11 a nd J!l u~h . \\, h)· . n,. \\', .. >1 01 )·ou nlllt,' r pit y till' Il. 'ard of Parole of qhio Howcve r . h 'r , .:\ \ 111'),' L «' u i!'ic. W(' n ' i n Dny t llrl . hIS be havio r during the curl y uuys 0 f <I'H.'lt,1' 1' 1 I,ay till.' I:l tl ndr ~' mall n fe w ~a l II r dny. l ' ('! lt!'i a \\ t TI, f H l' , 'tI U t' \\' I\ $h ? ~' e hiS t e rm witt determin e the length 0 f will lUllndt ' f" your t'iu t h \l~ f u r a s low IllS stllY be hind the wulls of the pen ~I n. 1I ,)\I'II rd Arc h<1 cn cnn SPl'II 1 liS ;-, 1' 1'f1 I ~ IHlI' IH : 111(1. I. ,,' U\, (· you r ill'ntinry. ,p\'t' r nl dllYs las t w ('ck with r~ l a · The d,'cigi o n of Eurnest Gurri son t a ra il with ,' I:lh i(l ll Hul1!t' t il ha\' l ' th e ti\' t ':o 111 Ihly t o n , . drill'r L'X !'1aII I . 10 d,·tat!. Suft \\'u t l' r l'illl nKc his p lea from not guilty t () " .. ilt y brin!fS to a close o ne of th .Watc hl·S. cl ocks n nd jcwc lry r eo I.II(lndr }· . I I, n ~ lls t murd e r cases in Wurrc II" pn ll't'oI Ill. ('a r)'" J cw , lr y :>hop . Ll'u , , ,, ullty's his t or y. The murd er n f H l to ll. U l lIlI, (1I li ce r Benge wa ~ co mmitted cnrly ~lI ndl1 Y morning , Mllrch 21, us th l' Mr. an d Mr s. (, Inrl'ne e A li en lef t :· .. Iohe r, WE' re ll'aving t hc Thirkic ld Th utMla y fI ll' Fl or id a whe r" t hey will ,I nr c with th eir loot.

S ma r t est of timekeepers arc the latest Gru e n watch crea t ions.. Sec th e m at ClIry's Jewelry Shop L ebanO ll , Ohi o, a gent in Warren ~ounty.

Do You

L utll'



Mr. und ~!I' :i. l; e(l r~l' n " nllY , o f I." \\'l' llfht d dt"" lIirH'd HUI "\ 't'Y!'Ibu r)! , \\ t' rl' ).!I h :o't!'\, :-,u ll d oy .

. ~ I ye l' Hyman and family were in CIIlC lnna l1, Su nd ay, to atte nd a dinne r g ive n in hon or cif friends who Ul't· It- a ving th~ City. '

~lIlll tl , .. t' ;\10 1' 1'1111', is ilL Lh t1 (J IlI~ [" I' t l ... lI'intl·r .

M I' nn.! ~Ir ' . 11,1\l'lll'd I\ " ltd,'(\('u r. vi silt"1 f l' i<o ll d" ill Il"~'I"l\, :'IIIlUII Y.


Th ~ fin est sight in t own is our beautIful stock of gifts containing 11 11 t ha t is. bright, fre~h, new and nllvel III hohday gopds. Cu ry's J ew. e lrY' S hoP! "Thc Home of Gifts," Leb an on, Oh,o



_. A ,-_

. It is " .p ri\'ilegp t o show o ur beau. tlfu l hohd" ,\' gonds" ancl yo u wi ll r, hh ~e u s. by . co n N id~ring this a per. sclua l IJlV ltatl o n to call and inspect ~) ul' c :< t enSII'C n e w line of Christmas n .. vpltl es.. CI\J'y's Jewelry Shop Leb an on , Oh IO, '

"&!t& ~'Wlthyour ~llnctJ HomelButchered MEAT/ • or

Mrs. Geraldine Colter, Miss Effie

' ~\'l lter, Miss Ethel Howell and Ed-

ward. Borde.n bnuer, of Norwood; Mrs, Rattle. Dnvldson alld son, ~ugh and the. MI8S~S Denny, of Williamsburg, OhIO. were guests, Sunday of Mr and Mrs.- Fred M. C o l e ' . Do you like to wash in cold water Why. no. Would you rather pay the doctor or pay t he lau ndry. man a few centll a week for your wash? We will launder YOUl' c10thee for as low as 6_ cents per pound, Leave your caU with Mahlon Ridge to have the driver explaiD in dltall.

Soft .Water LaIUlIk7.



your meat th i.


Mr. and Mrs. A. J . R oss and son , of Ge rmantown; Dr. and Mrs, Beck ," !d so n, a nd Mr. and Mrs. Oscar P. Gilmor e, of Dayton, were Sunday afte rnoon callers on Mr and Mrs. J O. Cartwright . . 1f you want good glasses that fit y.o ur eyes,. Il!t Dr, Rudolph, the eyeg.g ht specmhst, make them for you Consu lt him Tuesday or Saturday at Cory's Jewelry Shop, ,Lebanon, Ohio.

coUnc' you


ataIon with Smokci:l Salt, It wil1 lave

riak ond worry. It wlU live you bett ... O• • or ODd l>Ufcc:t cure, But be .ure





lll1attT UW~~

The oqIy m.. t .. ~t that 10 .. loed for table UK •• (or curin" meat. Smell it. Teet. It. "You can tell it ,It ooc'e rrom .att that .... bem mInd wltb ,PYToIlcneouaedd ... othu danaerou. cboauc:al ..

W. bave It. "':clI:ed ~ teA IICJIII>4 drumo -

81l&rIDteed lIanuDL

Wanyesville .Farmers' Excbmge Company' Ohio






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Whole Nu mber 5729

•• ~ •••••• ~ •••••••••• o~ ••• ,'


Interesting Item l


from the





State. Capital

Mi •• May Wright wns t he genial hostcss to the New Century club on Friday afternoo n. November 26. nt the pl easant tea roo m of Mrs. Ha thaway. ,lind while the weath er was anythinl1 uut agreeable to pedestri. ans. it was all f orgotte n as we entered the brightly lighted room nil aglow with wnrmth and g ood feeling of club me mbe rs and gue.ts. One very sad featur e murreli the plea"ure of the afternoon, f or when the n ume of ou r belovl'll mcmber. MrH. Li nn Devitt, wns rull ~ d . th ,' r~ wu ~ no respon. e. lIo w we s hall m i. s her, for to kl1 0w her w,," tl) I'we he r A ftcr lhl' n '),!lIlar uu :-\ ilil' ss or lh e

J Wru nesday night of last week the ., ~i r st bnsket bllll t pam of W. H. S., Prepare by " Ju urn eyed to Mason where a lively t illlc WUR had by all. There wall a Columbus ep , ter •~ fai r.s ized crowd of villagen and High :-;~h"ol students from Waynellville at '. . .... . th e ~nnlC . The game started with n banKI The Mason boys made the lil'st goa l. Our heam sank within CO LUMBUS, OHIO - NN'c" ity li S. h('cuuse most generally the team fnr n,·w nlC'th(),I ~ of ~ t nte finullcil1~ Who makes the first goal wins the IInrl rC"ftmping of the tnxati on 111\'.: Kl1 l11t'. Arc we superstitious? Well. w ill ll1:ak l' the I C' J! i ~ l nti \"( ' :-( (,:-:-.: j •• I \'I"! How abo ut our good-luck horse _ itll l'~ ': .JlI.task members of W.H.S. \1 Ih,· "lid of th e first ha lf th e

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I", J~ :.,II IIH h ,d lht'oug-h th e IUli , dl ,.I' tilt' " t hl'l', ( ; ,\ '" ['II ) \ , ' \ \ h"1 (; \'111 . 1I 1: . l i \ln ,~ t lw d H~ C o f the );amt ' , lJlt Hnht,y i:: \,' XJll t lld til J' t' I' n !lltll l ll I I h" ",., II' \ " . , , t ill ti ,·d. !I t il O. Af· i n h is lltl':..;.s ag- l' I II thl' H!'-o M' n lul y n I l 1 l'J' II !--Ill . "t I'{', l 11 11 overtime of five incl'CUSt' in th e' Cl l l'pll rati n ll tax or up l1I inH lls " ",; !' la \·,·tI, in which not u proxinllltdy $:!,ll OI) ,OUU per year U i ~ it1 J.;I .., go a l WH .... ;1 a ue.


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played and

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bd" re the Kong sounded, Clyde E\·crh url. "'"' jumpi ng center. mad e " d illi cull s h" l, tlnd 10. n goal! The Th r Stilt" Jl ighwllY Tl ppllrtmen t. gana· "'U" 11 ur. ! The crowd was excit,·,1. 'I'll" t.<'IlIn . although weary, n ~ wl"'l1 U ~ co un t y ..:n mm i::J: io nc l's of \\ us happy "1Il1 car~f r 'e. The t eam tlll' !'tntl·. nl ' ~ s h.. wi".\:' IIl\lIsunl inter· nnd th e c ouc h arc to be cOllgratulat_ ost in th e report o f the United Stute.; e d upun thlll g"H!lIl', hU I'eau o f puhl ic. road".' which shOWn t!.at :! '" or evclI ' 2 . i ~ "itrified puving Wilh th !! ~oming of Saturday night brick stu ot! the' most sc,'cre test. an d nnoth,'r se fl t's (,f gllmes arrived at e Hi"h Sc hool Gym. The Grade that. th.· usc uf the Lllinner brick th teum, nam l' ly "1'h" Runls," played WO llin save tall puyers of the statC' th e team from Hsrveysburg High UlU usnnds of dolla'rs ' annually. For School. Harveysburg defeated the so"e l'al months governme nt engi . " Runts" in a fine gume. The Se ni or Girls then pluyed the neers conducted tests to determine Freshmen girls, the first game of the th e wearing qualities of Pllvlng brick season. in which the Seniors dl'feat. of thickness ranging from 2 to 4 cd the Freshmen in a hard-fought inches. In this teat the general game. The Bcore was 2 to 1. plnn was to apply 3-ton, 6-ton, and 7 Y..-ton motor truc1r.a loada to a defThen came the crowning game of , inite number of time to teat each section., and to oblerve and tabulate the evening. the Alumni vs. the High the r"sult. An astounding amount School, an annual event. To the Citizens of Waynesville: of traffic was sent over tbeae· test December 6th is International Alumni High School Mrs. Kate Coleman was the Sunpavements. A total of 62,200 trucks Gold en Rule Sunday. It is spo ns'er ed da y dinner gue.t of Mrs. Amanda· Edward Burton Howard Misscldine passed over theil'!, equal to in tonnage by President Coolidge I\nd by leader s Muffitt. . to 630,000 tons, which Is equivalent Everett Donohoo Luth er Hartsock of all faith s and cullings. A repreClyde Everhart to fh'e years of traffic on the most J ohn Gons sentative National committee urges Mr and Mrs. M . A. Cornell enterThomas Burian Wade Turner heu\'ily traveled motor highway arteour participati on in its observance tllin e,i Day ton friend s Sunday at a Vernon Mainous ri e~ of th" country. The results of Edwin Ramby and I' am glad to endorse th eir re- s ix·o' clock dinner. tlh' tes t defi ni tely prove that 2 Y.. .in ch ubstilllt('s -A lumni- Nelson Wat questhri ck " f thl! quality used, when prop· kin~. 1\" II 'h' lh StJ,)hn and George Golden Rul e Sundny is most apDinn e r guests Sundny of Dr. and erlr su ppurted O il a firm f ou ndation. llu llnell. 11 igh 'ehoo l- Harold Ber- propriately plllce,1 III idway between Mrs. A. T. Wri g ht, were Mrs . Jane will \1 1 '.,,·,· satis factory f or strcc· t.s ryhill, 'I' h(·. lc JuneH lind Gilbert Frye. Thanksgivi ng and Christm as. Its pur- Wright nnd Mrs. Julia Donovan. carr y ill ~ th e hi~dlul' typ es of trallic. Th e f!'il ln t· was one round or cx- pose is twofold : Tu a\\'aken us t o n I t i, xp('d ed I hil t. the u~" o f .I. inch ci t, nll' lI t " '!II l "rill ~ fr um beginning g reater apprecialion o f our own Mr anel Mr~ . S. D. Henkle enter.brick, il common prnct icc for nUl to (' lid . T lt l' AlullIni ddented the bl e~" ings . 8n,1 l'l1lphIlRi1.(' ou r I'<' spo n, ny YI'll 1':<. will b ~ prartiell il y nbun IIi",h H" h,,, " :!11 to 12. O\'c r $20 \Vus sibility to the Ie"S [ortunn tc in n il t•• inr·ri th~ ".Ioll y Mntron s." their hus 1r,, " ,l s lin d it f"w friends, last FridllY done,1 a s II r~" ull or th .. test, lind wk " 11 in lit the' j!'ame. This is n good purts of the worlel .. thllt " ng in ~ ~,.s , A'~ n l'rl1 l1 y. wi ll Urlllp t Hlnl'l r,,1' thl' clluse we arc working The eentnrl ideo of th., dny 's ob- "iKh t th e thinner t ypes Thi ~ hus aln' lId~' fll r , nam e ly, "q uipm ell t for the radio. se rvance is th e suhstsitution uf " ~ Ir . u nd Mrs. Kenneth H ough en· bel'n tllln{" in Ro me sccliol1 5 o f th~ simple and meager "o'llhanagc" me,,1 lI'!'llI inec! III clinn cr, Sunday. Dr. and c ountry. n otlllo l~' in th e Southw est. Monduy lOf thiN week. school stnrl- in place or our usual bountiful Sun· MI·" . .I W. Ward, Mr. und Mrs. C. cd again wit h n boo m. Book r e- day dinn er In cloin" this the plight 1\1. Il o l.)(h Hnel Mrl; . Violu Harlan . Is Col. Cnrmi A. Thompso n •. the purts werl' duc. t08ts were enjoyed, of the destitute in the world's poorMrR. Lestcr Gord on and Miss Mar· m an 'who will be chose n to lelld thl' and th!' tl'lIchers were all back. There est lands is mad e more Teal to us llepublican party out of the wilder- we re nlSll two vlsiton tram last and to our children. tha O' Nt'" II were hos tesses to the To the orphaned children who nre Il(,S! In Ohi o? Many now think so. year's grodul\ting class, Luelle St Clover Len f club this. Wednesday the beneficiaries of Golden Rulc Sun- aHel'll un. Col. Thompso n for the past four J ohn lind Nelson Watkins. A rlclightful feature of day, the recent earthquakes in A rYI'nrs hus been m ention ed in conn ecthe occn~i o n was un excellent twomenla bave brought additionnl s uf· tion with the Republicl\n nominl1tion eourse IUli ch. The truant officer vlllited school for governor, but each time he has Tu esday allio, and found some more terlng. It is evident that unless we help these children they will perish. Leander Ca rey nnd family and Mr. declined ' to become a candidate. His pupils for W. H. S. I, therefore, hope that Internati onal and M rl; I'[orry Emley of ncar Doods, stre ngth is rel\lized by lellders, and Golden Rule Sunday will be obse r vMi. s Ellen Kerri ck and Mr. Chester his return to Cleveland after severnl The Mothers club will again visit ed in every home in our city. mont hs' absence in foreigll la nd s. lh e. Gond. o f Dllyto n. tlnd Mr. and Mrs. sc hool Tuellday and sew some T. E. ROGERS, Mayor. J . M. TIl)'lor w c ,',~ g uests of Mrs. was mad e the signal for a splendid more for the chest, at the Grade ____ a ••- - -Fl oss ie CU l'ey, Sunday demonstration of friendship and lor- building. During the fint four weeks alty by his muny admirers. It is snld the Mothers club has been aerving Mr. Dnd Mrs. h urlcs W. Morrlthat those who have the future of the dinners to the students and teachen ~ Oll, Mrs. O. S Ehnol·e. Messrs. J, Republican party in Ohio at heart, at the High School building. During R. Thompso n, J o~e Jl h Huines and Elmore than th e running for office, are that time the following items have ready to start the boom for Col. been bought and most of the unper. Illore Hend l'rso n. all of Cincinnnti, Thompson for governor two years i 'huble things and all of the perish. !\Jlcnt Thanksgiving wi t h 1111'S .J . M. Thompson, o f ~lain str eet. hence today if he will be given the able ones have been consumed : word. Of cours", It is curly for nny an nounce m nt, .bu t if Col, Th umpson 2625 buns. costing . .. .. $26.25 A f~I\I ; I :: ~Y""l1l'. "" "l! risil\ j.! Mrs. ... will nss um l' the (all·ty Il',,, ll'rship lin d I I gallons milk .. $:1:1.28 The Wllrren Counl)' P l'UCI' I1ccl:t- ~ : "I'\' \ ' .11111" 11' \ 1,·. :" .. 1 ~1 .. ,. ('Illude !j bu ~ llt'l s of potnto s, hc lp dil'ccl lh ,' W,Il·li. "I' th., c.'min ~ R,7fi nlution cont { fl t w i ll til' Ih 1d 111 th. H i"~;"" \11". ;1\1,1 '. 11 '. (" \ \" Y o unce 537. 12 M. K ehun'h nL Ll IIIIIII,1\ '" '1' 11\, 1" I't" d ;'1 , ' i I """ i.I , ,·c· 'nte rGe nrrul A '~ I III b l)·. U~ " 0 111 " ,' nc I'f' 1,, 7 + P';lI lI da o f meat !} C' m "('!l 0 r CCl r ll 17 .. nll y 1I11'" t rill , it iq ""ruti n t hllt Ull' rI ay nil' h t. n ,·c ,· n . lo !'r~ . •1 ,- ',1.· .:\; "I t ., , ~ rI ~11·s . I n1l1 ' e l" lld\ 1 1':0:. ( U llU '(' llf l lll' pndy w il l lu"k IW I! ' .1. 7 !1 T h("r~ 01'(' r h U I' ..'I II It '~' .li l ~ !' C\,l' I h, , ', 1 \ I far ,i t', 11 (1 11 :-: II r 111 li S! il l'tl clwl· .. (ul II nri 1'" .,"I, ill ;: t hnl', it d,,," I 2. ,I O t:-. i l vt'1· n h · tiHI. ( I n\, .. 1 LIII' ,'lqJtI " :111",' I !" I', HI {I r (" 1I t. ~ tJ p lu d~ IY, I n t Ll' HH'BlIl!!u, · \\"llh ( "u1 r l :li ll,·d ";0 is iJ'c ' lIl \\' :l ~ lit ~ \-il! l ', It j.... h l ljh' lO i ," 1. 1 ,\I 1.11'" j t ('l' 1<-1.R !", t hat Ib" 1"1' lll 'l \ til' I hI" !!' IH ill1l, •• mi Q' hlll11p:o l1 ~ ,I ",II Ill!' pl d''!' e 11, .01


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WILL AmND O. CA. A number of Warren County men have made reservations for the convention of th e Ohio Canners asso· ciation, which will ' be held In Co. lumbus ,January 7 and 8. Among them are W. C. Gilmour, ,J. Warren Wood, who is president of the a8l0ciation; Arthur Hamilton. Robert Blair and Walter Sheets, of Lebanon; Harry Harding, of South Lebanon; A.. J . Scheurer, of Morrow, and J . F. Snook. ,of Waynesville. Warren county is one of th e leading counties of th e State in the canning industry. The United States leads th e world not only In the qU81liy and quantityof canned goods, produced. but also In the consumption of foods in this form Ohio canned foods. because of their excellent qual ity. have a nation widc market.



----- - ".- - -,



Come One!





T h nnk s~i\'il1 ~ 1) , I.\' L: \ If\~l'" ( I f 1'11', llnd 1\1" 11. JL I·: '1'111< " I't W"re Mr. n llll 1I1.-s.' Hurl ,," 1·: :.... ,",,1'1. ~Ir. a nd ~I ,·s. Ma rli, oll I·:ll rllh a l' l. " f Dayton; Mr. lind Mrs. 1\ . :-:. I\ oug h. Mr. and Mrs. E L. Hurl un and Ml's. Vi ola Harlun: . _ _ __ Mr nnd Mrs. Me rle Kern, of Columbus. Rev .Ilnd Mrs'. L. A. Washburn. Mr. and Mr~. F. M. Cole and children, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Robit. zer and daughter . Beatrice, were dlnM d" J D M ncr guests of r. an nlrs. . . arlatt, on Thanksgi vin g Day. Mr. and Mrs Lester Gordon en. d very p'1easan t Iy on Th an k stertame giving DaY Mr. and Mrs. Albert WII· kerson an el daught ers, of Dayton, Mr. and Mn. StClair Fife and chil· dren, of 'Wilmingt,on, Mr. and Mn. George Smith, Mrs. Susan Wilkerson and MIllS Martha O'Neal1.


. _.


. .' Pre.~ Director Dies

AnntJal Elect."on

C·omSh - redd er A"d ent

- .....



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cla ims on wlr :ll '" Ivfl "f thllt island. The St anclll rl! nli "'l'n rea,l in t.lte puper. " Er u pt iun" fr" '11 the "olcuno eon sis t!,,1 of I:rent culum ns of oil-soaked earth . accom pani ed by sheets of flame 300 f eet high. " The passing of Senator Lafayette Young, of the Des Moines Capital, fol lowing closely upon the death of Col. onel Nelson of the KatillBS City Star. Frank A. Munsey, of the New York Sun, and Victor Lawson, of the Chi. cago News, is a 1088 to sinccre and useful newspaper work in the Uni· ted States. Lafayette Young ~voted his life and all his energy to the welfare of his State and his nation, and both will mi88 a courageous and able man.

James C. Sale. eldest son of George S. and Mahala Sale. was born at the old homestead In East Wayne township November 11. 1846.. and died in t\telr new home November 21, 1926 L aged 80 years and 10 days. A long period of time was given to our old friend to work out his destiny. Row well he Improved the yean and opportunities in huilding a suitable character. He had itut limited advantages of education, attending the country schools a brief The recent death of Houdini puz. time through the winter months, covering only a few years of his ear- zles Conan Doyle ,becausc Houdini ly bohood Naturully endowed with never drank, never smoked. Some a well-balanced mind, with a craving docton would say that helps explain for knowledge he acquired a fund of his death. Able men told E. H. Haruse!u I information by reading the best Iitcraturc. If you wish to know riman he would have lived a longer our subject well. examine his com- life had he drunk light beer and reo pany with books, mal!'azines and pa- laxed They even say that teetotalism Is pers that occupied hIS leisure time. He wa~ deeply interested in· the af- safe only tor those that do very. litfairs of his country, state and com- tle thinking, and do that little gently_ That's a terrible insult to prohblmunity. He never missed going to the polls and voting, hnving enjoyed tion and ico water, ,but that is what t he privilege of suffrage' for fifty- able scientists say. They say also, eight years. The lus t act that he by the wny, that a sure path to early • wile able to perform was on Armistice death Is bootleg whisky. Duy-his birth anniversary-the old flog that he loved and honored. he One-sixth of an inch yearly seems unfurled Rnd displayed at High mast small. But that would be a foot floating with all its bright and rich and a half a century, and with such colors in the breeze in commemora- a sinking Pike's Peuk would be be· tion of th e wonderful achievements low the Atlantic Ocean in much less of the noble fellows of 1918 and time than it took the horse to changa we arc sure he was impelled and in- to a one-toed animal. spired' In the act with the interest and great esteem he hod for hiR nephDr. Millik en says science and fee. ew, George, who was a prominent acble human imaginution can form nC) tor in the great event. Jim Sale was a man of honor and conception o f the univers e. Thllt veracity; if he snid anything we fell is eaey to believe. it must be so. Whatever he did was well performed; if you had his word When Professor Michelson. of it was as good as his written promise. Chicago University, a great scienHis last wish during his recent illness tist. was asked. 'Do you think I was granted. He expressed to his might by careful study get some idea devoted sister who was tenderly cur- of modern mathemntics?" he replied Ing for him, he hoped that he might with characteristic modesty. "You be taken away suddenly, so as not might; but I can't understand it." to be a charge on his friends. He was successful in business. With keen All WI' kn ow is th a t it. is a very insight and good management he ~ec ured a fine competency for d eclin _ bi n- lIniv~" :-i e, and ttlu t Wll un~ smnll 111icrl)bt ,~ 1111 a IlIl Il' gnli tl "If sa nd. tnl-! years. We ure berellv ed of u r~l a tivc' an,1 ~l'Vl" ' lh t' I( ·!'\."' , WL 1t"\I' it ri g hl to be fri end in thi" worlr! o f eha ll ~" IIlId proud. if nob' 1'!' I':IlI,"'- " '" ' ' ,'a n acluchun ce. Tlw l'c i ~ nil ralllil" IIr or- all \' Ihin t.. al Hl l 1f II :jI,d 'I'~ I ~ under ga n ization hU l whal sep a rali (lli S mu st "t,ind I I. Th l •

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p lI :-r lwl' t, 1.'/ 11, tin" ll' ft I h t ' I't, !'II , I.J ! ' ') " \" fa ll out, h i ~ L' a r ...; a r I • I rl .' 1 h;ll.. 1r ,·lp" the l'uul i,' ,. ,.I, •. ,1 c, illlt",d _ Thl'Y ha d 11I \ u tl ll r' 1/ .,d.' 1:-:1' j PUH: i shllll.'nt in th e dH);-I I, f Iht, ":rtlp rt-lss.

Cord of Thank. We tak e this mcn nH to ex p!'e,s our sincere grutitude to our neighbors an d fri end s for thcir kindness and help at the tim e of ou r bercilvement and to Mc Clure und Son. funeral dir ectors. for their efficient se rvke. · Mrs. Mary Wnterhouse and Son .

The criminal wat: :-- ll' ..,tC' hc J (I ul :.11 1" slIw,·d in two iL·!lj.!'thw.s,·. Tha t hu:; not yet beell r c ·iv t,,1.

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... James C. Sale ---~

_._--- - - - - -



I'il~ri!l!' ~

Dayton police were asksd last Saturday to attemp.t to capture two con· fid e nce men who swindled A. F. Shaper who runs the Ark a pleasure boat In the Miami river, just above the dam. at Franklin, out of $500. The men went into Shaper's store and offered to sell him two unaet diamonds at a bargain. They wanted $500 for them. although they declared that one of the st'o nes was worth that much money. . ShapeI' took the gems to a jeweler who confirmed the sal esmen's stories. Shaper bought the stones. After the men had left the store with the mon~y. whi ch he drew fr om the bank. In ord er to conslimmate the denl, he became susp ici ous. He fCllred that they hlld sw itc hed ~tones. He again went to UlC jew eler. He Wfi S told COniC!. \V I.! will :-\ 001l loo k UP l) l1 thi . .: Ihnt. he had bought two pi eces of noble fornl fur tlw I" . t t illle ill Ih .. Marshall W. E. Gruhant i. cn- fl es h , bUl in :-o.o nll' war. snm l' htlw an d I nh da y I': IlIss. \\' \ rc,... ~lIgcd in a search ,f or the swindlers. so mcwh cre we \\ il l l1.c,·t ,,)(aill. H CC1l5~ fr oll) Yll lll' IIIIHln~ , "it'l"l'l' , Ab o\'!! lh e llI11 untain f n·; t ,'.1111 ;-n l1 .

1.16 Tho AmeJ:,il:an fox s'luirrol will be· William Dnughter~, former Xenian' COllie extinc~ 'lIh o,qy unl ess , protecLeonard Sappala nnd his Alaskan tivjl q,eRStlTCS ure t'li<en, G'o verllo r now living in Columbus.t vetera n dog team arrived In Wnynesville Vie ptln6hllY ticlieves. R!l' hus de· oonductor on the CIncinnati divi· about on schedule time, Friday afterela\oc.d .the folt squi,rrl3 1 rllpidly is 'besian of the Pennsylvania raUroad, noon. . i.IIg sh o~ out. The 'goverllo, said he wa. retired and placed on the PennChildren Bnd adults thronged on .' yo\111I , approve. "ny ' mOllsure Which IY" pension honor rol1 November 1. Main street for a glimpse of this atHe I~ 65 years of age and wa~ retir.ed ~\' ould grunt. pro~e ctiolT to the anlmnl traction, which is brought to the Mion account of phYllcal disability. . ·Por. ttib ne,,'t lOur years,. or ~hat he ami Valley by the Rike-Kumler Com. Mr. Daughters .pent his boyhood would app,,<\vc a mc!dsur~ til ~)rotalbit pay. of Dayton. ~l se of the shotgU n it.l· squirrel nuhtThousa nds of grange memben days In Mt Rolly, and was well known Ing. f II f Ohl .. throughout Wayne township. He a are cxpecte.. entered the PennsylvanIa railroad ron! II pal·ts 0 to meet in Dayton for the annual lIervice when he wal 23 year. old. sta~e grange convention to be held a~ He was made a freight conductor in Stfik~' Memorial hall there December 14, 16 1889 and was fromoted to panenger I I. j" and 16. with a public reoeptlon to William D. Thompson, who for many ;;: ) Shor·m an· ~ SmHh, '6 2, tenant on precede the scheduled program at conductor In 1 96. - - -... - ••- - years was an engineer on the Penn. the Frlll,cra A}- WIlJiam. fann neal' the Y: M, 0, A. bu\ldlni on Monday • Oaklan(f( Cllntoil COUllty, narrowly ea- evening. A ' I aylvania railroad from Cincinnati to At 9:80 o'olook on TU"lday momMr. and loin J.~ H. Smith very Columbus, died at the home o.f his ., cal!e~ pOlllble lIerloUI fnjury lut Fri. lng, December 14, the convention wl11 _ _ ....... pleasaatly entertained on Thankslister, Mrs. R. M. Emery, at Seneca, dfif,,1f.hen 'mack Ute etiNk by a giving Day. the following guelu: Kanus, on the morning of Thanksbullet .klch he hAd tied. at-a ho, lie o.pen tor the .b:th degree work. of Join the crowd! Come to the Mr. and loin C. C. Archdeacon and giving Day. The body was brought plianned to, butcher. The yet, ftred tlie orraniaatlon. TUetlcla, attemoo.n Ilfth deane work will · be conf.rred Queen Esther play, "Inlaws and Out- son, 1. W . Lincoln, of Dayton; Mr. here Monda, and Interred in Miami frori\ ',.. dIe; Itiadt Ithe leatl(erY hide and iirlancid o.ff, atrlk. on candidates b, the Montgo.mery laWI" to be given at the Gymnasium and Mn. F. H. Miltenberger and Ion cemetery. Mr. Thompson was a IOn of the 11r!l+Smith 'on th .• . left ch.e~ an i _ county Pomona degree team, alliatf!d next' Wednesday night, pecember 8, Milo, of Lytle; Miss Mabel Smith, o.f OD at '1 :80 o'clock. Prices of admlnlon Greenfield; Mn. Ruth A. Daugherty late Samuel Thompson, former re.below. the ete. . • • . . • IIy th, SPMgboro tableau ' Tu,lday eveni~J at 8 o'clOck the are 211 and 36 cents. Seats. are not and daughter. Mill Stel1a, of thle "Ident of Corwin. . .\xth dea-ree wlU be co"erred by the raened. Come ellrly and brmg your place. _ _ _..... _ ••_ _ __ .tate office", ,All de&T8e ·wo.rk il friend.. Your patronage wm be ap. --1'.• one earlier this year than UIUal preciated. R ev. and Mrs. S. D. Chancellor and , ; f ., . Delegatel from Warren co.ani,. to - - - - - - - - - .. daughter entertained a:~ ·their delight• ' M. l ~ HaniIlY. '64; ;dtHetor of 'l'he state conventlonl for the en.uine 'ful country home near. Lumberton Antioch PrellS, died at .McClellan hos- the On account of the extremely bad two. ylears arc Mr., S. S Ell!!z Wa,. last Sunday, the following aueap from pital, . Xenia, Wednellday nl(M. at J\eevil e Ilnd Mn. G1adYII' w,.-ner, Waynesvil1e: MI:. and Mn. M; L. weather. ThanksgiVing Day, the Gun 11 :80 Deatlj was due to pneumonia of Springboro; . • The taDnurl etection 'o f offlcen .of Parshall, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hawke, !!Iub postponed ' the ",hoo.t" ""hich wlllcll 'followed an infectfon. St Mary's Church school w~ held Mr. and Mrs. C. H'. Sherwooct. Mila W. . to have taken place en that date, . Mr, Hanle'y come to Yellow Sprlnp SundlU' morring with the following Doria Hatvke, and Mqten vo.nald and will hold one on ne'n Saturday one year ago to take charge of the CCi result: Supc.rlntel)dent: D. L. Crane, and ' Dean Hawke. Afeer a genain. December 4, at Oakdale park, beain: Antioch PreSl!, having ~ispoae<l of hll --_ auittant Buperintendent, J. W. Ed- country dinner the afternoon '!f" nine _ 12 o'clock, noon. Shella will newspaper and printing plant at Ro.. Plancitt who. OVal on the wards: IM'CTetary, Louise Henderaon: ~pent In social COllve~, vocal ~d be IOld eft the ' rroandti. Stoushten. Mass Charlea Hawke farm 'north of to'Wll treasUI'IlT, 0 J. Edw.ards: organist, II1strumentahnusic. The Chancellor. ~ , --. Met willi • Yilry ll&inful aeelaent ~ Mary Loulae' Z1mmenTIan' chorister, as entertainen, are a ciaaa by tbem IIJa Kathleen Bendenoll II reo week wh. . hIai (oot WIa; caqht in. BIaieRawke: librarian, ~,d Hen· selvea, an.d the o.f the abort coverinc from a toDlil operatlo... . eorn . . . . . . . I _~deno.. ~ winter cia, came IOODo


Fi ~ Ih')"i( ' :-i . ~ Ir '

1I ,) u/,h !-'i,·.- t Th un ~ ~i\' l llj.!' '' ,\1,) A dA.l II I. Cm n bl' rr il's- "Cl'alll""' I'Y 1-' ,,· 111 ,; " ~ II' ,; Ha ilv (Pa.l'e l· rI' •• t! hy ~ Irs. 1':lllon) . Plim pk in I'ic- "\\'hilli 'r ',' I'''''m'' ~ I r s. Fan A VCI'y upp~ti 1. in" lun ch was tllI"t en joyed. Mi ss Wrij.!'ht's "Ul'st, we r.· : Mes dam es Kute ' olel1ll1l1 . ../ I)h " Fromm . Wilbur Cla r k. Frerl Hcnde r· son, Ralph Mill cr, Will C" rn cll. R O il · a id Hawk e.. Jam es McClure. Chllrl,·" Robitzer. J. O. Cnrtw ri"ht. Wilso l1 Edwards. L . A. Zimm erman. Mrs. Small and the Misses Trillcna Ell · wards , Ada Michener and Mame T. Brown" We adjourned to meet with Mrs. J. C Hawke .• December 24 for our Christmas festivities. A. F. W. Turkt- y- "Thl'

trcl\ ~ ury,


for thl' uf t crl1 '" ,n

Oys lcr's - i'O y s l t, J'



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Calling clcll r- To ,. ,~ t. til I' st. Ant! I 11m glut! to) go . For th e sweH oi l i" low, And r est is 1",, [." S . L. C.

---_. - ..----

Friendship Club The Fricndshin club will meet with Mrs Mills next Wednelday af~moon at 1.:30. Everyone bring a dime instead of' a present, as stated at the last meeting.

! In' o\\ ' s


Th e wise dep lore smoking by women, ut lenst until they fin ish huving children. Hitherto men huve d one thc foolish things, women have been wise, and children have had at least half a chance . But, after all, it is the individual woman's bUsine88 to decide about smoking. .

.--- .

MrL Jennie Antram


The body of Mn. Anselem Antram who died at her home In Findlay last week) was burled in Miami cemetery Konaay. Mn. Antram wu the lltep. mother of Mra. Geo.rge Denny. of Mrs. Amanda MafI\tt has received Haneysbu~. , word that her brother, O. L. Hamil. ton who was operated on at the McClelland hospital. Xnla" laat week, Ie getlln. on vary well.


I. Recovering

. -..----

Old Reaident Gone

Jamel Cleaver, an old and respected citizen of Maule township, died thil morning .at the home of ~eet Mannon, Ilf!ar Wllmlngtdn The fu· . Robert youn,er Ion of Mr. and eral .ervice ",m be held Friday dterMra. J. B. Chapman, · wa, painfully noon at 1:0 Sat tho chapeL interinjured when he fell, Monday. Some ment in. Miami cemetery. ' .: ,lIgam.nts of his arm were tom 10011 and a small bone near the wrillt w.. broken. . . •

Suffers. Broke~ Arm

----- -..-,...---




Public Sales


Waltea' Me Iu)' J. E. MeClu FUNERAL DIR F:

Th ll lI)ld {\ r~'ii~n(\t1. l' \. ('t:.ulri x \ f th\..' t't(tntc t' (' .'lI FHll J.;. tlail,, ' . . . (i('(' l\~it.· ". \\ ill sl' ll It l' uhHl' ItoICtiOlIl II' hl' l" IlIll' !'\.·~h l <:lil" · ~ lin ttl,' ' ~ t1 rl1 ll l' Hf Pourth

Mr('I't :tIlU I'l'rIllk lili !'tIMI , \,il l" , Ohi. , un


Fully Rquipp (



Lllrge DiRp l:1 ), Ro 111.

Am bul unrc Scrdc e

Friol .. y, Drc., mber :t, 1926


TEL!!:I' liON E '/

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"\'Il~' I H'H '

l \,nll l l( ' IH'ilu,~ ttt ~J \,'('1 011" n, Ill .. t Il\' ff\l1 o \\'in ~ : A lif" tim !' cC"lIect io n ur art idc. ('o lu ldered aflCiq u e j ( ~l'~ ' laTg \.' bill~). 1\ I~,t !I f lHi s l' p lhllll'u U"


ervire .



" a r pI' llt ", '!' t t1 t, I-.; , l.. it t'lF·1I Hlld \ \ ' IHld" 1() !"' h" I' p lind GUll bll ~ht,: I~ o f , ti d t'lIr ll. 1.11)'\ :\\. SAWIN , I';X("'ut l"lx "f thl' p, tlLl,' of ~tl''' ill1 E . llaiul", ti ('ceHsed .

lI l 4.... 1 ~ l1 s


~lu uu t

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haarlem ' oil ' hns '

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11 I t ' ,


wide remedy for kidney, liver and rhcumntisln,



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I 110 ,

lumbago and uric acid conditionL I ",I .\!,

~~ '+" 4. ',%,


l'hc Stal e of



Sai d pnq) · a::o fll l1 t)\VM: tn,"'t ; trnct tWf•• $ ft;) p e r thn 't..' a t ," 15 t) Iw r

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the or.,:inaI &enwo"




A yu un!': "elress felt deeply hurt I" ":1\1:-'1' o ne of th e critics Sll ld n few 101 1111' 1· (, lIIn.' k ~ about her ncting. Five mo n th. uI(] p ulJC f A of a n y "( Ih , thal 11I 1t1l," 8u iel n friend, rec d a b ove. $ t e a It, In l UIl l U ta Re,un g co c k e re l•• "h uu t '·t.-a cly f o r "jllI~' nil ut t(!IHi o lt to h Im, he n ever s "' rvic~. $2 eRc h , lh i" l.s fOI' hilll "c if h e- he only reCock Iree with onh ' r f or on r doz- p" a t l') wlwt ot h e r s HOY, " «' n. pull ets or IllOrt.~ , W h'i lc h u r" bnuy chick., $8.75 hundre a . Brown Lellorn, b~ by ch id ", $9



chid.. ,



G ' T(t

~l· l t'(, t ill~

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puhlh' ~ al (l n t Ill~' rt' !; ic1 (' n {'~~, kn own "" I 111, ' U, G. \\"h ~ts .'l fll r m, 2 1,/, mill," so ulh o f 1I 11 1"\' <,y>bu l" ~, I ' . mill 's' ~tlut h l'a~ t of " ' ellman, u lIlill' ~ Il tl rth

"r Clarks"illr', " n W ~d n e. d ay,

D eccmber 15 , 1926 Co mm e n c ing- at 1U p' d t1 ck, th e {o l· l 'I\\in~ iJfupt.· rt ~': :1 hor!' 4.~.s , H h end (If (' nLt It· . G1 hu~s. far m imp le m ents.

W ..u..


OHlce - Aman Bldg. OFFICI: HOUIl5

!I 10 11

II, til,

a to

6 p , m, 7 lu \) II m.

Telephone 30

Waynesville, Ohio


Some of The Things

We Sell

f ee d, liarn ess a nd flIi ~c" lI ancolls .. See bill' bills f u r tl' rIn R. FRED HOYLE. Stanl ey & Martin, i\ ucts.

Try tho Miami Guette

Material For Your Roofs--·


NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estute of Churles M. Pope, deceased. Notice is here by given that Ross B. Pope hus bcen duly nppointed a nd qunlified BS executrix of th e estate of Chnrles M P opc, Inte of Warren cOlin t y, Ohi o, d eceused Dated this 22 n cl day of Novemb er, i926, W, Z, RO LL. , J udge of th e Prohu tc Courl dB \\" m ren Cou nty, Oh i"

MARRIAGE LICENSES Fred C. Kemme!'le, retired farmer, Dayton, ~n d Mrs, Sarnh J. Murray, WayneSVIlle. Frank McIlvain, farmer. Le banon, lin d Maude Elma Tindall, Lebanon, Rev, J . J. Urton name d. Frederick G. In wood; manulacturer. Toronto. Cannda, und J , Margnret Richmo nd, t enc her, ,Lovelnnd, ,Rev. Mnrston, Peter J, Antrican, Fl'Itnkliu, nnd Mary Lu cy Davis,.,Frnnklin,

~U ' I ' I( ' I!!

Hoxll' n Jl morl',

REAL ES TATE TRANSFERS Chl.lrlps lind H es~ ip Co lI' to Willinm Ba ker, lot lU in Cox's Additio n t o

1','!l ld l llJ.: o t

F. ru:: l l~h ,

Cu rr .. .!1 C01 11l1 ,\ ', K t'l1l llc k y, I)] h ,' r.' II), n n· l !(I " l l Ih:lt =" ' I' II I.ltl 1 ~(1 ' 1lIlI1u l'o, h afl h l~ ~.. ' t i l hlH \'(lI' CC ill ( :1:-<: , ' ~'"

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Ma ~()n .

II U lIl


P I'ds


I.. I


Red Cedar Shingle. Mule Hide Shingies Carey Shingle. Asphalt Roll Roofing Brick Portland Cement Plaster Lime Plaster Board Wall Board



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_._.- - ---. --.,

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Wh eeler Whitak cl' to Leo Wrigh t, t he eu st on -half o f lot 2 , \\"ith 28 :-; 1I1: ~1.1:-; 1-:1, \:II,~IUI:": , P' a'nUCC. feet uf J"ro nialrc, in Roachl'stcr. " .\ IIt1"I ~IJIt, Tl l(lmlls 1::. I\'in!'. to W illillm 1". A I. Frn llk .Al.tu r n t· y (or 1'Ial ntlrr, o~~~d l e xundl'r, 11 5 acres in 'rut-llt' creek township. 0 01"11 Dec ker to Ben F and Go ld ie B. Il ocklll an, a I'lt in Plc!isanl Str cet, moder~Je-'price8"n,," . Alsu /I s mall tl'llc l ill Sec li'lIl :\(;. We. th e u ndersign cd, allow no Look at e ve ry On t! yu u S C l', [n cad , prnon wnn t ~ d i . pa •• in g many p eople every day. "Ifrr d H. Erslcy to Curcinnia Ha w hunting, trappin g or t r espassing on th ol'n e, Beile on !\I art in, May our fa rms : Co to any Red Arrow Place on W"dne :. d ay morll i ng, Decembe r 22, nnd aee the de lc~ iption and a nd Eunn Whitucl'l:e, about t wo a cr es lIIR S. ELLA MI CHENE R ~tar your search. in lIl nIT"w , also lots !J nnrl 10 in ELIAS OGLESBEE. !Stil ley', Ad!liLion to Enst ~Io rrow. F, A. HARTSOCK. S"l11ucl !S. Sco ville to S imeon A, Goss , 4 G nen's in Section 34; a lso n I. A, HARTSOCK. l ra ct of 70 acres in the snm e secti on Gcorge A. Zcll to Jam es E. Fruzier, n pa r l o f lot '\ in Way nesvi ll e, purts of lols 7 and 8, li nd n portion of lot 1. Begin borrowing Red Arrow Money 3 in 811 id villnge. William R . Sims to Willinm A. and from your friends and raise your bid_ Lulu C. Lcwi s, o f Lexington, Ky., 50. MONEY LOANED " Ilcres in Section 210, and 2 acres in 2. Organizations get your members to Turtl ecrcck townslhip, begin to register ' next Saturday. A $5 LOANS on Chattels,Stocks, Securities lind Second Mortgages. Not.e. COMMISSIONERS' ALLOWANCES Red Arrow Vouc her will be given to bought. John Harblne Jr" ttenla, P enn Morton" sa lary ns court Ohio, each person registering. I .m3q':"~6. h(l uSe jan itor, $7 0. ; Jam es Follen, the snme, $ 15 ; The Colu mbus Blank '. Book Co" s uppl ies for auditor, $2; Book Shop , dee d r eco rd book, $51."1 5; Contests and Entertainments RED ARROW AUCTION Mfg. and Sales Dep, o f th e O hi o Pe n- Farmers of Wllrren and adjoin In, ilPntinry, for 3 10.0. dog' ta gs, $4 6.60. ; eountles may obtain money on lon, 011 eac h A III't i"lI l IllY, t hp )" (, wi ll be held so me The Auction Blocks \\'ill 'close at !I o'clock T u!'.· J (' n nie E. Irons, pr emium on t r uck time loans, at 6 per cent interest. cil nt" s l Ill' cn tl' r LnillllH'nl in whic h every nne may day evening , Names oC Winn ers will Lc pul.l ici y insurancl', $!lO ; Eliist Enll Coal Y!l rd , l~k~' ap :lrt. Tll!':\I' e"llt""t~ and entl' rtnillm ents nre announced nt 3 o'clock, Wedn esday . l ' ", '''' r <:2 ("0111 fur Mem orial H u ll, $0 .28: Ed Cost of securing the same is very rea1'1"!'1'''I"l'd fo r indi " idUlol , ul' 1'l'lwni ions. Eve r yLII'e kel', per I;;, S. Wol'l cy, for Dodge sonable ,through Tho Federal Land at Zimm erman's Gl'ocl'ry . or ns SQOII 1,'1' "" It nd \, in th e ("fllllnt lillif), II l il Y t ak e part, I n ord e r Sl·d"" for Cuunty SUl"vl'yo r. $!I\) 5 ; Bank. For further information call til t"Ukl' pa rt ill the cnlp.· ;li nn1l'nts, it will be necpossible. Jung'(' Wrigh t, po,;tngl' fo r Comm on on or address M. C. DRAKE, TreaaC~ F af'\' tu hu\'p Jh· c1 A ' '1'0\\' ~1 (l nt'Y. Get nn d ~ nv e Wntch the p n nd Ii l l' n t" lh ' ': " 1' 1 ' w 1' 1 ' li S cOllrt . $3: The Wesle rn Star, r: l,d , \I'l" OW ~l (l IlI'Y . T il E MORE RED A HROW Gossip, and if Y O Il thit:k ) , u ('~I ( lIlUt ::' -! 'I II 'Idi t'l ..• 1\1(J , ' EY- TllE MOHI': FUN' fOI" 12 ,UU O re-!lpprlli sc m ~ nt cards urer, phone S16-X, Lebanon, Ohio. !Po: sum e, !juao vouchers for audito; on which you I,idd in"" cha nc:e y.' ur Iti d , ,' "n $:l6: same. s uppli es fvr s heriff, SH. I O, Next Red Arrow Entertainment other article, FOR RENT G. Ll'de r man, sup pli c" for prosec utBring the stubs of you r b ichli ' " t.i(' k l·' ,' Su Con .T he npxl entprtninm c nt in t hc Rcd Arrow Gam e Ing "tlurney, $3D.!JG ; E. E . Worl ey mittee may explain why yo u d" do not win . If \\. 11 iJe he ld on th l' dll~' of t he Auction, Wed nes day, suppli es fur s lH'riff, $4.90. ' FO R RENT-Abou t 60 acres of good LJC ('miJe r 22, you cannot be presen l III t he [JU dc an nouncement, V. W. Tumpkins, Supt, Dis t. No. I, level , land, Good, able bod~d paYI'o ll" $648.8 0; Fred S nider same, man with smnll family preferred. lenve your Red Arrow l\l oll ey a .1(1 the stu hs o f you r $,2GB.05; F'r.un k M aag, su me, $32.40. : In quire at the Gnzette office. bidding tickets with n fri end us bids mu y li e lJuid by SPECIAL NOTICE I' ., ~'1. Co lhns, 5243.85; J oscph W. a f riend but not paid hy a merchant or cl erk. If DaVIS , sa me, $23 7.80; Eden Terry, $25. 00 in gold will be . old ' to Or&"anizationl iD WANTED high bid is n ot paid , a rticle g oes f or secull d h id, if , nme, $573 .50: .A, , T. Rettig. "arne, the January Red Arrow Auction. $ 172 .55; J a mes Mill er. snm e , $10 2.paid, If neither bid i. paid, a rti cle will b,' sold Rc uit.trat ion p eriod from W e dneaday. Decemher 60; R. 0 , Edwa rds, s ume, $277.20' WANTED-Good place to work on a in Open Auction after t he Sile nt Auction. 22 , to no on of Thuradny,January 27. Regiater and ~. B, Munce , Su pt. Sulem Tp" $143.: fnr m near Wnyn esville, Ohio, where Borrow Red Arrow MOIll' Y fr um yo ur f l" i"" ds thi, en rn ~ $5.00 Red Arrow Voucher for your Or&"an6 0.; Fra nk MUllg, con structi on supt. I can make my home this winter and i Ult lo n, V o uch e r s Are 8. a:o'od al Red Arrow Mon. time and pay them back in t h, : futun, , r ' ,rg ani z(' bl'l dge No. 38, $173,85; W. S Gra- work f or the farmer next summer. ha m, Supt, Wayne Tp., $184,86; Cook Ha ve worked on a farm B great delll a club of friends a n d !.Uk<> 1 J rns in bilhli"g' 0 11 th e ey 1•. ,- O r gilnila tionl. Youcan DOt re.-iller after DO on on l he day o f tb ahove Red Arrow AuctioD, e ~ Sweeney, f or f Urnishing and haut- in my life. By good, sober, ,honelt Auction Articles. I mg g ravel, $7.50; same, gravel, $74: m~n . Sylvanus Bu4d, 1526 E 4th Bids by merchan I.E or l!er b wiU be tbru\\'n out DO IT NOW Spe nce r & Armitage, sa me, $ 192.93: St., Day*on. · Ohio, ·d8 , by the "Committee. W. P. McCurren, same, $675.3 3; Silas Drake, gravel,. $3, 45 ' Murray LOST Grandin, gravel, $11.85 , ' Peter Bonham, grnvel. $11,70.; Earne~t Butterworth, gravel, $4; The LOST- Shopping basket, soml\. place on Main strect. Liberal reward Is OhIO Co rrugated Culvert Co,. five sewer s, $1:18.55; The Casparis-Ohio offered. Please lea ve with Mrs, Carl . Servis, Quarries Co., 6 ton s crushed Irlone $90; George C, Bauer, per W. G: Thompso n, final estimate on contract FOR SALE- Full blood, S, C, R, I, 860, $78 1: In~ernationBI Harvester Red pullets, Mrs, John ThomPCo., t ruck repairs, $ 1.28; Fred HoI- son, ,R, 0, 4" Waynesvill, Ohio. weger, lanterns, $9, 25: Stakalta MIg Co., supplies for s urveyor, $12,80: FOR SALE- Fresh cow, Jersey, ~ W, C. Turton, 2 5 barrels ce men t years old, J ohn H_ Sackett: ,R, $62.90: Mas.o n Lumber Co" cement D, 3, dB', I , d II ' Bn~ ,lumber, $27,39; Frank Burak, 're- FOR SALE- Fr esh. cow, J~rsey" ~ pa,mn g t ool. $ f 1.35: W, N: C?X, supcalf, and n you ng Tcd 'bulV 'fO;tUt , I IU bdCI{;, pltes,. $2,30; y, W . Tompkms, ex- months olfl , Inqui re of J ; P'i Cum l . .t;! .J ' ..... ~ pcnse On eq UIpm e nt, $ 1.65 ; Famous mings, R. 3, W ayneSVille, Ohio. - -: Auto S up ply, ulcono l t'ster , $1 ; H. ' : ; ' *dl ", lIoppe a nd Co " cement, $1 0. ,60; The . ' . ", -, , J - , Columbu s Oil Cu:, same, $378,07: BELTING - Rubb er ,-lon t heT ',and cll~l J 13011 s, S rtcl'. stone, $110 vus, Al so belts !or electriC pump'!! a nd washing machmes.·, • •pelt ho.O~8 • - .- -- a nd fa steners. of all kinds a~d see, ' TABLE STAKES ond n nnd belting, ' THE BOCKLETt KING CO., 415 W. Main St., Xenia, . dl A mnn known for generous t ip- Ohio. Phone 360.. l'ft th e habit of always cat- FOR SALE -Poland-China gilta~ , ping IIIII' in the sa me dining room insisted Mrs. Alma Pen new it. Sprlnlr "ialley, upon having the some waiter-this morning n ,n w colored gentleman Ohio, R. D. I: phone 17-y-a" " d8 . came to ta ke h is cr. "What's George? He'll FOR SALE-Male Ililrs. Btl' Type lilY r cllU lar .un, •• ~,~ " Poland ChIna. WldtePlymouth -!II nL.!.-. :....~--' :-:-:--:---::--::-:-:----:--;-.::-:-:---::-·-:--:----:----~1I1 Rock cockerell, U p, FlIhel Itrab),. VIIIV ' ('atcnted; Red Arrow ' Service Co., Springfield, "W l'll, suh, serve you any W. C, and I. D, Welch, BamI~b.~urt . 'l\I_;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiIII_......_~. Ohio .... lIhot craps for lIOUliD b-oaJIld HAVE YOU SPOTTED A PE RSO N YOU THINK WILL BE WANTED AT"ONE OF THE RED AR· ROW PLACES O N W ED NES DAY, DECE MBER 22nd.

No Hunting



O\\"ing tl' ill hl' lI lth I am offerinA"

p r lJ 1H'r ly at it s HP 4




CQfTect Internal troubles, stimulate vi tal Ol'lt1Ula. Three~. All UruK&i:rts. In.itt (lCl

Cirnrd, Ohio

Frank Wilso n , Auet.

I. I<n)..!t·" · tit. a !.

Ilt't "



Wh it e Hoel.. or W h il ,' W ya "do tte" $1.2 5 IIch.

t r c me

Oft!'A ~\l()

:tpp r:I\~ ,·d

S~I:I 1'\ l' : t l' !l' "t' i : " :1"\


The Fulghum Hatchery

Bnrron .tr · i n \\' h i t c Lt..' ~I I O(n ., Ev 'r ln y . train Bro wn I..c):h u t· nb, Thh ,uplO n'. BAl" l"t.' d Rode ,. , Owen'. v f Tonlpldn'". Rhud e J.1.,,,d R~d.,

BA<re d lilY pluel' a nll l'X- hundred. lo 'town, [ will gl' ll

l' r urti d es.

. I: ~· d'\L'I"t'(' ('" n(.' l ' I'uiuJ,! l'l·a l t i ll' 1",,1 1,,1' "f i\ l i~ I ' Mahan

t HTt ' ,


\:' .

:" ,d d :II puldi(' au cLion WO R


I . .... :\1,. i "II \

that dH.-' d l' fendH nt , t it ;d frllill tlw p la in · ! .. i FL l'lk. S. L ittlf".

1 1 1 01

l 4..1'


ude I. land R'1 d chi c k •• $10 hun. lit public 1I l1 d il' n nt Ill y placl' , 2 lI1ilt,~ dre'Rh d I'ust u f Orego " in nllll .. hunt 4 mill'S Whil e Rock chic ka, $ 12 hundn'd \\"c'\t of 1I11rveysblirg , by the Flnt Whit e Wyando tt e chick. , $ t 1.50 F llrl, chu r c h, ,0 11 hundr ed. Tuud"y, Nov e n,ber 30, 1926, All purebr.e d a nd of Ihe . t ro:nl [h'gilln ill A" at 1 ,,'cl ul'k , my housC'- mentioned , h"ld ami kitc hen furniture, nn ll ulh\\'c gTlIW Ollr p oultry :llI d lI ~ ll 4..'X 4

.: . I t"1I

\ -' I II:

r' ,

been t a world -

bl ~cid('r ~ ' oord ers,


II R\'in",

plln 'h"I' d rulh'b






Il "oldy lro

!l{' rt l l1t J win~ hl' I" rI :

hlltchlng, . 'ntisfnctio n g uuranteed, We lillY postllge churges 011 chi cks Hnd ex"r'sa o n I'ull ~ts, ' L!v dcliv"1",\' g'uul"Iln ll!cd ,

----_ ..----

Do The Following

All of the above material can be found in our yard every day in the year at


w. H.l\1adden & CO. .. . .






. Farmers, Attentl0n!

Cal, at





'''WIUM rg~nul


DolLir here~ . o ,," aet a itE-V4.RROW doUdr



Co. L A. Zimmerman




Wet nigh~s, . sl,iPIl~'ryr r,~~~~'! :. ~Ji: ~on·'


dttt, .: · ~h,e. i ~O~y'e~r: All~ '.Wea'the~ :Tr;e~d"t~~es,. ~pI4::an·y,~,~~,re crete




"with.. a . never-let-go,'grip.I ..yeai' ti re has',.'more" P9w~r, more miles ' than else you can buy..

A ,Good.:

tractiol), .more

W ayne~'Ville Overland Sales ' Company

Hall 'Drug

Miami Theater " Myer :tiyman Fred M. CC?le Miami Gazette W.aynelville, Ohio




'Waynesville Motor Co. Phone lOS




. ! .- --THF. MIAMl GAZETTE .. . l ~. &h , ..

IJll:r' EVERY -NEDNIl1!';DA Y ..


~I nc!

I)". u, cu ~ ...

P ",.lullH: c (I I lVa,t n ." u';U , I" .. I\t"iI ,lI f' " '"

ill. '''.... criptioll Price. $1.50 p.r Y car


HARVEYSBURG M I·~. W. P . McCarren is quito


.\1/'s. 1\111'1 Shit/ll ke r r emain s vc ry

Mr. Will But,·., of Co lumbus, visit, d \V iI/ iB m II O)s t"I', rec ently. III'. und M 1',. C. G. RUlldull 'we re I\, dnl illJ:lIIll \ " ,lllr", W et.! lI esduy. ~I r. 11 11.1 Mrs. A. S. Co llett were : c('clIl >lI ppe l' I(u e.ts of Miss Muy WH Y THE FARMERS COM{,LAIN Ilu l·lu lI . . II .. . " 'HI ni l'S. Tripp we re Thanks'ince t he World War llIurlll ol'in g-s (11' 1Il;! IJ IIY s:;uests o f Way nesville ". ~. CRANE



lii !'l co nll' nt Iwv c 1H.' ell tw nrd f r 0 11l fl l ·il· r1c1 ~ . t tl 'lime I Hl lll lI K til e furlll ~ rt§. /)". III II I ~ll' s . W. E Fro.t enterThev l'tllll(' nu tha t th\.· J, rlel.·!'\ Id' product. hu v,· n t l'I~l' n fll:H IlIi ll .. 1I 1ll'1' ~ i s t~ r und fa Ill ily , "hanks-

l l l l l l'

""'1:' UIIlIUgll

work, ' Th.' llos~sses ~(!rved n dn in ty lunch 01' f ried chicke n, hrcud und butter, cnl nber ry suuce . lIn~ C()C Q I1 Th~ hOll tl of C. G, ~ tn l'r. 11('111' Wayncsvill ". was .the 'Cl'nt' o f u jolly fa mily gut lw ring T ha nk ~ l{i\'i n ( 11 y . Those' prcs!llIt to enj oy lh,' fe s livilil'" were. Mr. "'111 Mrs . W. ill. nla lhi n! . Misses M ahel nnd M III·I.!" II·C' t Starr, Lester un " Hay S tur~, " II of l )a ~,ton; Mr. and 111r" Puul 10l' h " li d fa mil y, Df Leban Dn ; MrN. Am unol" Starr nnd Mrs. Chari.:. Gray an d fllnll l). of thb place Mr~. Starr ucc un' iJ 'lIli,'oI .\1 1'. and Mrs. ~ 1a tthia s hOI11(, t" Rpenol t h ~ week-end . Mrs . J . n. Gray, us" i. t t.! by ) Irs. C. H. Gn, y, enle rtu in ed sCV,·" II',' n little girls. ,Suturd a y uftc rn o,''' , in honor of Ih' 7th birlhcluv "I' h, 'r ~randdaug h t e r , Kuthl<'l'1l (;j·ay. The Jelly-bean hu nt stur tl'd Ih ,· a fl ,.r noon's m er r imen t, a nd AIi('c 1l"1.!" " 1 won the prize. The g ir l ~ Ih l' n t ric d their skill (' nrrying hcnn , ."" a 10 Ii f( .. Nancy Smi t h was m," t " 'cc,'s" f,,1 winning t he prize. \' 1IJ'i n u :-; ~H I I\ " ~ wero playe d, tlte gi fts lli , ,,I,, .\·,, ,1. th r. birthday ca nd les wcrl' lio.:hll'<I . :I" d a lunch of f ruit sa lmi, cake :1l1 d caady was served to Luvoll n,· () , I' '''·Il. Marybel1 Wertz , Mir ia l" !'tllmp, 1'\"n . C)/" Hel e n li nd Geol'o.: iall na ~tll i th , Dorothy and Ruthan nu Fn·l·li" " I. 1-:01 na Mae Burl"w , Alice n "l(lIl1 . ./': ""Iy n Carr, Martl"l Ashley, Mal'l(are( An ;,, ' Gordon, 11uth Benl, Ed ith ~llI c Brooks, Al ice and Katbl,','n GI'IlY ,

lo keep lJaCl' \\ ith th cir c u~t ..{h' l lt ~ IJ ny. o r li vi ng . H"IJc rt I\' ilsun had hi. right hllnd ~ ... nl c ligur"" reel'nlly IlIl1de puLJlic I''' dl. · injlll'pd ill II cnrn huske r ail e by th e Natiuna l I," h" tri ul Co"fc l'- t/ ay las t wc,·k. enCe lwunt in diculL' tilt.' fUfllll' r s un' Th e ludic. turned out nicely for currecl in their cnnll.·lI tiun, ' Thes e fig ur c~ shull' th e fnrm o wn - lh,' ~c h "lJ l o f homc nursing, Tu ese r-ope rlllul's, l llken us u group by day lind Fridu y. itsc h, "nt.! nll owing them out o f th e ir Mrs. GC'orge Denny s pcnt Thanksfur In income U T('tu rn o f fiv e a nd givi ng /)uy III A Ildersoll, Ind., with one-hulf per cent on the il' inv"8tment h .. r s isle l', Mrs. Ey ke . - wh ic h i8 the 10wc,.t rute the ir 01'. n nd III rs. W E Oglesbee and moncy wo uld earn if in ve. t ed in furll1 mortg uges-r caliz cd but $440 per Mrs. 11. K lI alloll were shopping in farm own er-o perator a s th e return LJUYW Il , Ull W"dn csday on labor und manage me nt during th e IIIr. lind M,'s Bert Burlow and fl!m ~ crop yeur of 1925- 1926. il y ell terl ai n et.! a numb er of relativ es ... This is less tha n ha lf the t enallt ttl T hallk~g iv i fl g dinnl! r. fa rm e r"s avc r uge inco me nnt! ll'ss T he GI'Hlll.!'e prese nt ed u very en than a third of the IIvt!l'I\l{e nn nua l ining pla y during th e lec ture earnings of other occupati unal ll'na huu r ::;utUrt!IIY eve ning. groups lor the s!l llI e perioo. Mr. and Mrs. Harold ScammH ho rn In the following tabl e ar c give n MI'. and Mrs. Ed Bogan entertain - are the p nrl' nts of n Mll n. horn Salthe index lIumbers of th e average re- ed Mr. und Mr •. Geo rge VarvlIlI and urday turn to furm opera tors , owners and fum il y. un '!'hull ksgiving. The High school cnj oyc·d D pa rt y t enants combined , on their Illbor eXCleuver wen t to Chicago, p end ed on the farm, compared with SlItP.urt.!D. ay, f ul' l\ ,visit in th e home of the av erage ea rningS' of workers in other occ upatIOnal groups, including his so n, Charles , and family. industrial wage earners, railroad Seth Frost is making frequen t trips workers , clerical help, public em- to Cincinna ti, where he is taking nploy etl8, clergymen und sc hool teach· ~i um treu tm ent f or bone tumor. era, and the eft'ect of the cost of li vII1r. and Mrs. E . B. Doster and son, ing in city and country 08 affecting les, we re g uests oVer Thanksgivthe purcha8ing power of th ei.r re- Chur ing o"r relat ives in Koko mo, Ind. spective earnings: Miss Ernestin e. Willium und Frank Av•• Loobor Aver... 1t."lna per £ ..010,. uf Hough, of Bl a nchester, were Sunday ".rm..r Olbv W'''' n g uests of Am os and Clift' Hough. 1914 100 100 Mrs Clara Merritt · entertained 1924-2 6 .. . 160.6 204.2 Mrs. Emma Cline and Eurl and Jas. 1926-26 ... . 209.8 166.5 Urban 0<.1 Clille, of Duyton, on Thanksgiving FU'III .... Day. 01 W.lq of WTu.a luuex lad.. Mrs Anna Van Doren had as her 100.0 1914 100.0 guests' to Thunksgivillg Day dinner, 164,9 1 \124-26 164.3 her sisters and brothers und their 169.2 1926-2 6 . 169.7 fam ilies. Varme ... ' An. O'.rW'II·n fLu! Labor " ••. Real Miss May Harla n and Everett K . rDIDp a.rnl.... Dumford wer e Thunksgivin¥ Day 1914 100.0 100.0 guests of Miss Hurlan's aunt, 1R Mid1924-26... ..... . 91 123_8 dletown. 1926-26....... .. ... 92 124.0 Born- To Mr. and Mrs. H. Mott The country generally should begin to realize pretty 800n how truly our Cline, at their regiril'llce in Dayton, farming industry is the basis of our on TueMdny, November 23, 11 daugh ' noti onal prosperity and of most . of ter, Betty J a n e our business in small towns. Mr. a nd Mrs. W. A. Raines enterThe figures given here are s ignifi- taincn t o T hall k ~g iving dinn er " Mr. cant. The farmer faces a condition and Mrs . Ern est Uswuld and Ro senot a theory_. _ _ _ ~._ _ __ mary, lIf Lebll non. Mr. lin d 1111'S W C. . Walker and IT'S ABOUT TIME J ohn Ken nedy, o f Dayton, - were Thanksgiving Da y g uests of Mr. and After two and one-ha l! yen rs of ~ Irs A .L . Ken nedy . dillydallying while u11 the loop holes The Ii ickoryville school gave an afforded by the law's t~chnic8liti es intcrestins:; Thanksgiving program, wen' being used to delny hearing of Wed nesday e \·e ning. At its close a criminul cha rges against them, Al bert box social I\'as enj oyed. B Fall alld ~dward L . Doheny hn ve Rev.. Hinton, B missionary from finally been brought to triul. . At last th ey must fa ce the cr im in[ll Burmu, will s peak at Jonah's Run allegations g rowing ou t of t he oil church S unday morning, DecCl(lber scandals thut are a hnust unci ent his- 12. All are urged to come and hear him. tory. 'rhe mills of ju stice grind eyceed Lulu Feuly, of Middletown, ing ly slow, even t hou g h sometim es li ndMiss Luwrencc F euly. of Norwood, they grind excecding s mu ll. . were Thank Rgiving Day truests of .h;ntirely apart frolll a conslderu- th e ir purents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. tion of the g uilt or innocence of Full Feuly. and Doheny, it is long Pllst time for Mrs. Mary Graham has returned them to be haled into court. Whil e thei r clever attorneys we re taking to the h ome of her daughter, Mrs. advuntuge of every technicality in the La ura Shidaker, after an extended law promising t o deluy the cases dur_ visit at the home of Mr, and Mrs. ing the last two and one-half years , Churl es Pyle. th e court system of this country h os Ernest Gillam a member of the been on.. trial before th e public. Dennison Glee clUb, toured with the Whene ver strong p olitical or fi- club through West Virginia during nanclul inlluenc es ure brought t o bea r t he Than ksgiving vacation. singing to protect the rich and powerful who in five cities. are charged with so me offense, th e Mr. lind Mrs Howard Graham and eyes of the public follow that case closely They have been watching daughi:ers had -for Thanksgiving Day g u esta, Durward Kirbey, of Fort the Fall and Doheny cnse. And whenev er in such cases, delays Thomas, Ky., and Mr and Mrs. Wiland J,>ostponements result, as they liam Daugherty and daughter. hlLve In this the faith of the people Robert Collett, of Miami Military In the courtS is undermined. It is a In.s titu~e , spent Thanksgiving Day sad thinlf for any country when its WIth hl8 parents, Mr. and Mrs_ A. S. people come to believe the courts Collett. Other guests included Mr. mete out punishment only to the .poor and Mrs_ Howard Collett and family, and powerless while the rich and the of Wilmington. powerful . oft'ender escapes. Anythine that helps to b~ng 'a~out this Mrs_ Anselem Antram died at her opinion in any way 18 a hmdrance home in Filldlay, Saturday morning. to good government. . Funeral services werc·· conducted at Whether Fall or Doheny are ll~no­ Millmi chllpel, Monduy, at 11 o'clock. cent or gl1ilty of toe charges agamst Mrs. Antram was the step-mother of them it is time these charges were Mrs. GeOrge Denny, of this place. eiven' a thorough airing. Mrs. Howurd Graham and Mrs. Mr. Fall says he resents "deeply the humiliation of being compelled Clint Cleaver welcomed members of to appear before any jury 011 such a the Baptist Missionary Circle at the church Wednesday afternoon. Rev. charge" Impartial observers resent equally N E. Bennett conducted' ' the devodeeply the delay that hall attended tions and Mrs. M.' M. Gillam gave a very interesting account of W. W, G. his appearance on suc~ a. .;harge.

---_ - - --



~dll"s,h!y '''ening, thp Ol'lwM r. li nt! Mr3. E. . HUl'tlfo I< s pent 1l1'lru>! aCll ll!!!I" hI) t. Th!ll1k ~Jtl Y illg J)l\Y wilh Mr_ 11 0 11 M r~ Mi." Klltill'l'in' !J ullnn\l, who hos ( ' hfll: I,.~ Hru, ~' f W nYl1~s v ill l" ht'~ TI \\ (\J'kiflJ~ 111 th ~ X(!lIi,t T\: I(~ »hon ~ Tht (UIII·ril l " f M 1'. h"; ~ Sm it h t··\"l' hn n J!(~, i1 h otn (· rl)}' II f l" W dnrs. W~ ~ he"l /II the hon\(' "r h i~ ~"n ,. '/'''',

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,lEarly for Yo ur Sale Dates_ We Cusra t ee Satisfa "tion or Char ge Noth ing.

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Th e Eye Sig ht SpeciaJiot

At Cary's Jewelry Shop leban on, Ohio

Every Tuesday 8 : 00 a, m . to '1 p .


Nft lion al BAn!.




Dr. John W. Miller Dentiet

d o~ t · ·:"

Wa,ueavi ll e N at/oD.1 B a nk Bla.,


other, we made complete T HtH year,. more than MY gilt stocks and our deHvery to

. pre paratIOns both in III lIerve tbili C<lDlmuuily. Choosing tomorrow fyom tremendons asRortmCllts yon have the 68Stlrancc of baving yqur /rifLq at home with as much speed as through you had purchased it right h er e.




wish, Cornelia will shop with yem, or i1 you nro

tillable to eome in to~orrow or when you want to buy, phone, write or wire Cornelia. She will be glad to shop for JOIL

Women's Kid Gloves,

Negligees at $10.95 Luxuri ous ch enille wtvet robes, trimmed In bands of georgette.

Na.pkins, $3.98 DOz. 13x l3- in"h fin e Irish linen nnp· Idns- perf.,t.l ly plain with spoke hemstitch ed bems.

Bed Jackets, $2.95 Th nug htful gifta for ahutilUlo Dai n ty litile jackets of finest wool. III pastel shades. for Mother. in sizes 48 to 50, mak e the larget smaller.

Luncheon Sets,


A Dresden Lamp, $5 The base is a quaint Dresden figure, with her dress In orchid, ping, blue or yellow. Shades to mntc h in color, of georgette over , ilk.

Men's Smoking J acketll All wool, in many beautiful dcsign s ,vith bound <.'<Il!'Cs nnd contrnstin~ lapel and pocket facIngs. $1 8_96.

Men's Sweater Setl

Sweat er nnd gol! hose sets of all wool in V neck pull-over style, in beautiful jacquard patterns; $.12.50. Beantiful mah ogony smokin g stonds with drl\w('r nnd l"wN she!! carrying two individual ash stands lind !Is h t rnr s. $ 13_

Inwu. Rugs ,"enuin e Ind inn Numdnh ru g •. hand wov... n, with bc.'lutifu l em · broiderer! pdl"cs ; size 3 1f., x6 'h. $22.&0 to $2G.fiO.

Women 's Bloomers, $3_95

Ladi es' over nig ht cas!!s of ~en­ \line leather in 14 and 16-inch size, fitted with nine- piece toilet set In a vllri ety of color s. $16.50.

Of glove silk trimmed with Ince and net. Pink, peac h ilI1d nile. V cats to mn.tcb. $2.95_


Gift Stationery, $2

Imported intial stationery. Rippte finish, deckle edge paper. White and gray. .

Bon· Itutners

I n plaid flannel, Scotch pJalds, rayon. SwiM knit, Truha eIIk 8IId cut lIih $1.26 to $4.75.

Girls' Pajamas.


Of si~k jersey:. In two-piece style, Trimmed with Irish lace, Stu. 8 to 16 years.



Overnight Cases


Edga.r GUest PoeIIIB Cloth binding, $1.26. Red leather binding, $2. Library siz.e with fabric caverlng, $2.50. Completo sets, $5 to


Ohl1i1hm'l Bwea.ten

Of rayon and wool. Siipover style. In soft, light coIora. ·Sizes 2 to 6' yeara. $US.



In white with colored border and Initinl_ 8 in box, 75c.

Gift Bags, $5 Soft, pouchy bags of morocco grain, black patent, color ed /izard, alligator grain and pluin calf lelltber. In popular colors.. LilIk Braceletl E ve ry WOlTlfln and girl appreciat<os a bracelet as a gift. Of sterling at $1 to $3.50. Brncelets of gilt with colored stones. ~ 1.96 to $12.


Wa.ter Pitcher, $7.50

Of silver plate with etched border around top of pitcher. TwoQIlIlrt .aize. An ideal gift.

BoY8' Ties

Of eat BIlks, rayons, swtss knit aDd regular knit. ~ to $1-96.

Women's SliPP,en

With 110ft soles. Of quilted satiD with satin lining AlI shades, $3

Soft noDs

Made of firie quality plush. Pink, blue and white. An ideal cift for the $1.69! ,1.95.'


Showers R.n.dio Showers radio with built-in Utah anit lOUd speuker, complete witn alI accessories except aerial, in oil rubbed wa lnut cabinet, $ 129.

Tea. Sets, $.10

23-piecc sc t~ of imported luster warc. in gold, oran",'e, blue or penrl. Cu ps and suucers. 6 plates, t,capol, sugar and Creumer in set.


Toy Dump Truck Of heavy steel, 27 inc ~s long, has pulling cord and rubber

Smoking Stands

Pictures, $7.50 Fine color prints and pastel s. Si 7.t'~ from U ,aO to 14x:30 inches. J,nnd ~cnpes and garden scenes . V C I- ~' ~pecia lly priced .


O'niversa.l Electric Percolator These percolators are of six-c uJl capacity and finished in bcautifal nkkcl plnte. Specially priced $6.95.


P orto H.icun ha nd embroidered lu ncheon set s , uf pure linen, done in s:;ay color s. 36x36 cloth and 4 napkins to match.


Colored slipJ)Crs in r ed , ~rcen a nd blue with gray kid lining ; con~ in opera style, f,6.50_ Other Rtyl es, $2 to $6.50.

tires : $3.95.

A Fur Coat, $135

A lu xurious S ·aline coats dp , ign cd to woman app ear


French kid [lOves with turn-back or !lare cuf. Light weig ht skins.

Men's Slippers

Silk Chemise, $2_95 Beau tiful quality of crepe de chine. '!'rimmed in feather stitching in bonbon shades.

Gift Hose, .2.95




c ll ild ...' n ulI,r Ill e il' fumili.·., a l di n" K t,(,p l!u)J llpi n', hoy, " !~ :tid I\ r ~ :.t... . Will. Orpwn .. .. .. .... E. t .. te. Sell led n l' r, TIl<lnJ.. ~ gi "; "R' Duy " T hem uin't fli es. Them 's bUCkshot.' Waynesville. Ohio

Rike-Kumler "Lavender Edge" chiffon hOBe_ Very sheer and clear weave. Silk feet. Wanted colors..

it will Deva' aWl_ lDto .. • ·te~ thliIa 'in

-~ - -~~~~!!.~~~~~~~~


I ):I 'y :",u l'r ' ,ll n,I N ) awa , ', i · L :I \\' ~ . ~I usl'." gasped S,lln. ,'·\,h y XI ,1I ~'flll ;-'; {' thl"11 fli es rldl •• \\, It:' su

F i n)ey v n l , rtllllk d ' ll' r


Pho ne No_ 320

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Phon e 8


II,,"'...· ..

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A,..aclentlst telll U8 that the 'worl d will not end for at least 9911,998,000;000,000 yeare. ." So It appears that th!lre will be ti~e for a number of Ifeneratlonl! to carry on th~ accu~ulated. knowledee and folly of their father8 and .to make experi1Jl'ellts of their own-the sum of ' which process Is known as progreS8. . - Whether the scientiflc gentleman may be mistaken a fe wmonths one way or the other does not much matter, • The Importance of the statement lies in Its psychological effect_ ~ The Idea that the world wl11 B'p1n on, bearing countles8 generations of changinr meii, IB in itself a_ itllnulating one. The old conce'p tlon of a world that would end in .8 few years was' a paralyaine one ," If the world , WOUld" ~rely ~nd in a short time, .men of former tlmea . asked themIMlves, Why keep any accurate record of history? Why carry 'on exten.ive· Icientillc experlme.n ts? Why bother about .changing socl"l condition. · lNatly? 'Why 'b'eliu ' long-time projects of improvement when ~here W9u,Id, be no .time to comp.lete them? '. . _ ,. . The Idea that the world will e.o on'\ to all practical purposes, forever .. tende to ·tummen~s minds to the prob ems' of making it Il better place to . live 11<1 " ,." . . ' , .. . : ' U,wlll for!le them to face the of g ettine along amicably with one· thither. whlch '- means tbe elimination . of war. . It force them' to tum ·their attention toward the combattinrr of dr. . ,and the iiultalllnr of new sanitary Improvement. to aafewuard health same scielltlst. saytl the earth !:tsa been in emtence about ' two or something like one-flve hundreil thouaandth of the It will conthiue beyond liS' I . realln, tllat civilization is JUst belinnlDa ~t mankind II .taltering stepa on 8 long carel!' _ml·~tw~tel"_ the deepair occaaloned 'by the' chlld-mlndedna. of the ·of prqrell in mankind and tU I....nlty of the late War. the world will continue in~eflhUtely fa iaumlilll'. 1tIm.

New Bur lington,O.

.\1 I' li nd 1111'0. (', I;;. Un'ad, ," ,m(1 1"";1Phone No.2 oI~· . ~I,. . and 1I Ir, . Ed 1·:I~ w"'· lh . ~I r,; . 'I yrtl .. (;,·i"". tlf Da y,,,,, , and :\11',. :II, I II II" Ian. ",, " ;",, 1 .bUf!h- .J" I 1:." ( ',,11',,1t. ll't' Jil nt T l 'dllh " l ~j\' ill g- \\ .tll T ~l. !! t·\. H il I! .\11' ''', .1 . F . Y H U II )!' h;1I1 H ~ ~~~~~~~~~.....'!"''!'''-----~ H all: 11 ,.lld Id!tld ~. a t ~ 1 1.;tI Il ... llll l J..!" . tlat 'rr J!tI \·", I .. O \\' r T ha 11 I...... l-.!i \ III;.!. I h "lr 1 "

Boys' Pajamas Of silk, madras, broadcloth and percnlea. V-neck and eol1ar attached styles. $1.65 to $7.50;. .


Perfumes, $1 ,

Perfumes in novelty bottles ·a nd attractive1y boxed. A8sorted llo. ral odora. .




Chrie,tmas S1ore.




~ l


M/lwl ot the on litul'll l!; of milk IIrCl tthor wllsted 01' no '1",,11 III ili r.NI In tho mn n ufaclurc of hut CI Lhlln in ll1uklng ny oth r doir~' 1" I .. Incl. el l" olor d Dr. . W. Lll rson . c t." r of Lhe IlUrr"'1 of dniryin!{, t ni(C'd ~lI dc' de. Jlllrtm ' nl oe AJ.,-ricu l\ nr,'. in A r('r~ nl Ilnr l's . While t h"rc Iii'" "lit to'" WIIY ~ " f UXl I1j! nil 0(, thi q ill II h.·\! , ,. wny I hnn th l'~ lIl!'h 'i't'l',l tr", " f !' \l ' alock, be fa 1'( ' long, snid 1'", 'I'r t .m 8011, It will lw nOCeSM!lr.l· t " "" , "1ll 1 mo!'!' It cl il'f'dly ,1~ fuod ,. r . ii, wI! dlsllUtR' of It to h" Ue r a d\'l,·.·. "~ .'


: \

R. A. Conner lind family werc in I \Da~on. ,Sunday afternoon. " Attorney Denn Stanley. of Lebanon. wo s in town, Tuesday.

A t th o olu b l Oll" OilY t\ ' 0 olderly • mumllers .were di~Cll~8 ifl ~ BOtto voce, th l' tnble muml\' rs 'If 11 n C' w and not ~ plll tit'u lul'l.v J.:: ntle' lH' ll h , mem ber· Mr. nno irs. W. E Corn ell wor e "" .·11. vhllt tI thin k II - him'!" a sk 'd in Xeni n un busi n e!!8, tt1onduy. one. "V pry rc' m" rkl1 bl.·... r eplied the ·., the r. l hough{ully. Mr~ ~ I nJ.::gi!' Burnet, of Dayton, is " (' ve heurd soup go rgled ond syH o u ~ !' fM r e nt. S (' Lest!'r Cor· sIH' nc!inl!' a week wi~h relnti vcs in I h,,,,,,!!. .ul " n my tio ul thm '" th!' II Wl\y, ,,'~vi ll,'. t' r.-I ti nll' 1' \'1' ever heord it yo- tlo ll. 'h' llc.! .·· ;\1, . ~,,, I . I,'.,. II. ll. E .• rnh" rl \\ l'rr --~Ir". ' hlll'lC'~ Gr ny R(l!'nt Thunks· i.n li llY ton. ~a lun I Il Y. gi\' illl:' ",th UlLand Mrs . J . W. Bilker : 1': . ' 11 TlI F. 1\I 1.\MT GAZETTE W"I' l' til 1"IIu'i n l1 Htt



1<. E. 'l'ho (lll'~ o n hpen t III~L we ek in Lhe 'uRte r n ,,,,,.( "j' lintoll ount y in thl! int cr(' t of 1111' " . 1'. hnlls. \ilt\! hllg u f t h(· I .'H I'.)

LYTLE Mis!! V elmll Sm it h \\'l\R n Dllytnn RhCl\l..flcr , ]I! nela IIlr. lind Jl(r~ . Ib ~r l SIJl ~ r "lIt ,'r ·, t aineo t •• a ra mi lv " in nt'r. :-; IlIl!l1) . 1I11·s. K"H It'r (; r:lh:1111 '" II d;l lII~htl , Bcrni c(t ,

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',I,. " , . • r \\" "" t! " rrtln, ,'r, Lip!! or Gn·at . II 1"" ").:' ,,,". · ~I"II "Lld "' I' is ' hi' r" lll1olltion o f d h i ... .... O ! ~l ): 114..' Itu· \\ l n lt h 41f 1\ \'I ' I' y rU lI ntry,"- -J nll'lcs

Hllclt.lllull . MI'". 1I l,l lI i,· {):\\ b . "r incinllall. , is ' Iw n.linl! th is II I' I k "ith III'" ,""I\o., cr, Ml'~ . Em ma Io' t1 ulks, \\ ah. l..~ Lilt \, ':n- ~: I J I', .\1'\ II ! l lli i H,)!" ~ 1I ,lrt MH: k an d family Mrs 1I1l1ry CarnltillY wu s a T hank!'. ,, \I Ill, ' til" · ,IIIUI\ I' I<'·' . "I' \\' dllll ll ).;· Un y t ull \"i ~ ih l rs. SUIlJny . T . ' lin~ I E FIUEND FOR XMAS. Jllr. lind l\Ir ~ . lB. S. Howcll orc Kil' ing Dllv' g uest of ~ ' r. Hnd Mrs. llun. all~lI.h· d til,'" rUIIl'1'1l1 (I f 1111',. s p" ndil1!! th" wi lit er lit th eir Tal1ch Wil bu r Clark in Wa vnes ville. "lll'n'~ (nl h ,... ,Siml'''' ' I'olorf. ,ncur E \11 I '-o li n 1 1\;-'1 1fl i:t quitt.· s ick a t m' lIr l\I " i)iI.. Ala. , . Or ec!{() nin .on Frill" y. M rs e harl,'s J ohn s vi 'it cd lItr. nnd his hu nlt' "" Thinl gt N'et. Ml'~ : hllrl c~ lI ughs lind Mi R ~ Hur. ~Ii <" :\n llie Brown, of olumbus, \\' 1' 1 (' ,I n. hapllI"n :lnd familv sr " lI t t h, . wee k.en d with her sisl er nl r i t Ben n in (Jayton. Tue sd ay. l " H l',nJl.l t' \ l "' ltll r ~. T U l~!'- d l\ y . th., Fr i "lId ~ lI ome. Mrs. Cus,i t • Co x lind Hn n. Clyd C'. "pe nt Thnnk s~ iv ing OilY with Mr. and \1 r , I t' , (' r r Hn p :-I rw n l Thall h ~~ ) 11'<. G l''' r~(' Sm ith " pent the Mrs. Jose ph Git hens unci f'lmily. ci\ . ," \\ i I I'd:lti \'t ' ~ i n ilayt o n Wc.·k·t,,"1 " ilh )\Ir . lind Mrs. Philip FERRY CHURCH OF CHR IST Mr. and Mrs. C lnrenc~ Smith. wh o Z" I'L at t ·incill llati. \ I ~ 1",11 1 1:1:' lIardi n i:; , \"i ~ i t inJ! 1ll' I' lire workin g in l>a yton . Rpent Satur, A fin p lIltl'n,h ll,e.' lind UI1 inspi r · !Ho t hI.. " ~ l l' ''". ,I " l' ~h ar p, at Fa!tu (I U'h. A 1l::1 in I n ' mi n.! Ill)' Wuynesville Mr . /I\l d )11" . GI,' nn Ror.len sp('nt duy und SundllY at t1I ~i r home. hen!! in g service nt J.'(' rry churc h Inst KI..'II 1ul'hy , ' T h" nb~ivill).:' with Dr lind Mrs. C. C. A lurge crowd gre't'tcti Mr. Churll>s Lu rd' ~ Ih,y. ('''IIII' to til<' Bihl,· f " i"n ,) ~ I :lIn ill dUJr):" fir the New lI" rtl l' lI . a t ~ Ii " Illj" b url-{. S"p"ulu und his fnmOll R dOKS Friday Sc hoo l ul !I ;:10 ulld "lutly 1\ g r"lIt les· Optic a l Il '(Jll rtment of the THE S S:'\I i:--o/, '\<'; \' i rr~ i lli fl and Romu H:l r d in ,,£lernuo ll . du ri ng tlleir ~luy in L y· sOn u n " TIll' S cats n r t lw I\ li g- h ty u nel LEI( nt::ET' CUT ItATE DRUG :-- IH.' lil T lw lll\:'>gi \ in ).! w it h R E. C ru il i' STU ltE . .11\ W . We, t Th ird ·t .. OIlY ) I r. alld 'Ilrs. j ~li lt o n Th Olllpsnn II ... lie ,( red, ve ry low the Way , or th ,· L"wly'" Pu~e I .. (;tI" i I y I"" I'f' I1I Uer, yo u cun get II I1lI SlOn 'p" nt Thllllks"ivi ll g' nil\, wi th :-;, r l11 011 CHI " h th ,' G' O< (lL'1 Su ll1 - Ion. flhi ". · d . • or . . . . . .. . . ... . pn . Mr and lIll's K" slpr {; m J\I\m lind d ent." '·:\' 4' l1il1 J.!' :-:~ I f\' i t't, ut 7 \\'l'h.u.: k , " I'" i,. ., f 'l' HESS LJo: I( 'S FAMOUS ~Ir~. Lll u" a Ze ll s p <, nt Thnn\; sgi\' . O,..·illl' Cr;ly and fnlll il y. • dJlll~.d;tt' .. S IH' ll t ' T hal1k~J.:"i vi ni! ut th e' (;L ..\S ::; ~:S ('1I0 ICr-; I~O R " "'1\(0""1'" .. \\, ill ~ 11I )' ( ... "" ... . in!! i n :\ \'n ia . t he ~\Il'~ t of Mr 111111 1: 1-' ..\1 1\ :\(;' 1'(; I'I STA:">IC'P, I N A l\l iHS Hnclll' 1 IIa \' i". Mrs. Ollil' I)". ho", c of ~tr. alld ~lt·" . t· . W . Alhri ll: ht . d a, OY8ter, K roger JII r ~. l l " r n,'" Zell. . .~\ 1. 11 . .\11. ~·II '1. I . " Il L' n · ON \' i~ IInli M r ~. Nell il' 1\,'''1.'" ar e shop- 1I.' ar Sp rinl! bol'o. 1 esh, per lb , ... . .. . , .. 1'.1\11-' Il i'"I' 1\ 1'1'11 'I'tlH IC Mr. and I\ I r ~. Arthllr Creutlwu sc ~l rR . Hal'llt' I ( ' I"('W li nd Fo n, Frun\.. . (Jing ill .incinnilli tud" y. ST. MAIt Y'S C HUR C H I ~ .. I· . I ',' I 11\ ',,; I ~ '\~II;o.; ,\(In ,1 ch il dr en, o f Dlly t'"1. Wl'rc Thu r~· wpr(' Th ll nk ~ ~ i vi n!! guests u r M I' IIlId . , I Ill ' • .. ' , Thl' T n ·, ,·j,. r Mr. Rnd Mrs. F . H. M.' u maw allll tillY g ll ('s ts of Mr. nnd Mrs. Clyde SCt '()I14 1 ~lIrld . IY in \d ", ' n t. 1\ '('till Mr. L un Beckett . !t. , , ' \ .' • 1I.,,·:on •.• . \\, ill Mr H , J. Hamllllwlt l'd the N. C. Il. Wh nrl.on and famil y. her 4.. ( ' hurt'll :,l'lUt (d It l ~ . :: :I I : ~I-r .. •. ,1 III !'- ( '( ;,,~ \ ;. ~ olt'~ \' lllt" ( r it' l ll!S mo n n u t! lI ol \' (' Pltllllul\io l\ Ht 11 I,t' co,icert Su ndllY Ilft"rnoo n. Mr. IIno Mrs. Hobert WI!rntz, uf Mr. and Mrs. Carl Show ers , of ,,·c1ock . . 20 o&. Squ ... " la y" r. e aoh ...... 2So An lle l Foo d . each .. ........ .. .. ... .... .25c nnyLon. l ook Th n nk ~g ivi n A' dinn c r II1 r, and Mrs. WlIlter McClllr(' Lo veland. wer e e ntertained to Sun· All lire cII ..di :t ll y illl' itt·c1 til lIttend with I\1 r s. Lizzie Werntz. spent a short time this morn ing wi t h day dinner at the home of MI'. and th ese se rvic e ~ . Mrs. W. M. Co loman. Rour~dW~ ite8,fine8t Mr. an d Mrs. Rby McBeth and ~o n rela li ves nellr Beavc rt o\\,n . Rev. John J . SchneITer. Rector. Mr. lind Mrs: Ed Longncre had f or quahty, 2~bu .bag . . . • o f Bloo mingsburg. were weck.('nd Miss Grllc e Bee! . of Dayton, spent their Thanksg iving g ues ls, Mr. and Potato,,,, IS·pou nd. p eck ...... ...... .. .... ....... ... .. ........ .. .. ........ ....... ... ...... .. 47c guests o i Mr. 1I11l! Mrs. Earl Evan s Thnnk s~ivi n g and the week·end with Mrs. Wilbl'rt Swnnk nnd Mr. nnd CHRISTIAN CHURCH Mrs. Calvin Longacre. Miss Mubcl Smi th, of Greenfi eld. Mr. and Mrs. F . R. Mool11Uw. Sunday-School lit 9 ;:10 ; prayer Ohio. spent several days last w eek Mr. and Mrs Sherman ·l}yloc, and meeti ng Wedn csdllY ev('ning nt 7 :3 0. Misses E lsie Hawke and Marjorie dnughte with h er ruther , J. H . Smith and wife. Hubble Miss Rhea of Dayton. were Everybody cordially in\"it"d. spcnt the week-end with n S un day r,guest s of. Mr. and MI'!. For· 176 s'iu, d .ozen ..... ..... .... .... .... .. 39c col1ege fri end at hand on, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Henderson . est Graham lind daughters. Miss Es~h e r H end erson Bnd MN'. METHODIST CHURC~ After spending several weeks with Mrs. Dora White a nd 60ns, RobKate Coleman were in Dayton, on Eatrno re 2 5 r ela tives here. Mt·s. Jane Wrig ht hns ert and Paul, of Dayton . lire spendBra n d ,b ............. Monday. Snbbath ot !l :15 a. m. r eturn ed to her home in Springboro. ing II few days wilh her s ister, Mrs. " reaching otSchoo! very lo w price , 2 lb. ...... Ameri.ean Lo.• r Pimento, Ib .. 37e 10 :30 a. m. Epwor th Graham and family Kes ler Mr. and Mrs. Luther P e rkins and League (1:1 5 p. m. l'rellching Itt family, of Pasadena, were Thanksgi vDr. li nd Mrs. A. T. Wr ight wer e Mr. nnd Mrs. Irwin Hardman IIn(l 7 :00 p. m. EVl· in \'i led tn th es" ing guests of Mr . and Mrs. Otbo H en. dinne r ~ llcsls, Thursd ny, of Dr . li nd son, Nevin, spent ThanksgivIng Day 'services Country . or <~ you WIll Club derson. Mrs. Dudley Keever, at Cent erville. with the lutter' s parents. Mr. a nd h ead . ... CUM! you r meat th is Rev. L. A. Washburn. Pastor. S. .d .... Seedle... 1 t o .. ,Cftson wit h Smoked Fftnccy Leaf. Ib .... ......... ........... 17c Mrs. Ettn Priintz and Mr Joe Mrs, Noah Leisz, Ilt Cincinnati. SAlt. It. win J,&I V~ Mrs. W. E. O' Neoll. Mrs. Lester !'rin Ihnn kny,~ . lobor. 6f~ of Dnytoll. spe nt Than'ksgivMr. and Mrs. Leonard Gray, oJ Gordon and Miss Martha O'Neall lind mg tz. risk and worry. It with Mr. and !\Irs. J. M. Cincinnati and Mr. Clarence Grny. IT 'S A COOD THI NC SHE DIDN'T will it ..· C' you better H ugh O'N eall were shopping in Day- TayloDay NEED AN AUTO nsvor Dod perfect r. of Nebras ka, are visiting their par.......... ...: ... t on, Saturday, curc-, But be sun! ents, Mr. und Mrs. George Gray. P.ache•• Ib ......... _..........: ... ......... 190 t o a et the oriclnal " If we're g oing to the Billritz' s Mr. and Mrs. James Hart and son, and lenWne Mrs. Danaa Boger and ' childre n H omer. Miss Anna Meredith r eturned to hull" 1'\1 need II new; ('ve ning Itress, of Sichm Cl nd. Ind .. were weck l ow s pent Thanksg iving Day with her end guests of Mlr. and Mrs. E. T. her home in Cincinnati, FridllY, a f - d eRr," snit! t he d o tor's wife. parents, Mr. an d Mrs. George Lar· St roud. ter spending Thanks~iving with Mr. "We\1 . 1'\1 Rce. Old M'a n Gold· . rick, in Lebanon. and Mrs. Walter Whitaker and fam· bagg has sore throll~maybe I can r ra nk f Ut ter •. Ib .. .. ........ .... : .. ..... 28c Nab, I......... ".................. 29c ily. change it to appendicitis." Mr. and Mrs. Leland Calvert. of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Egbert of IIW,uDS I'IIIIUS M~. George Scott received word, Xenia, and Mrs Fred Osborn. of Day- South Charlestson, visited Dr. Fan Excellent . Quality. ton, spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and at the Friends Home last Sunday af- Monday of the death of he r brother· TIw lIIIIy_~oaIt that ,. _ROOd , .....bIe cotton, 10 in-law, Mr Brooks, in Brown county. Mrs. W. J. Baker. ternoon. .... _ r... COO"" ........ Smell it. T . . . I... 16 0 %., e.cb ...... ............ .. ............ 36e Mr. and Mrs. Scott attended the fuYou ..n tell it at ""•• from ..It that .... Ed Edwllrds spent ThanksMrs. bcmm~wt'h.p~"""""acid ... oth.. Mrs. Lee Hawke. Muter Dean giving and the week· end· in Dayton, neral on Tuesday. cIanI_ .....ic811. Hawke. Misse~ ElsIe and Doris the guest of her 80n, C. E. Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Guy Routzahn and w . ....'Jt.~ 10 .... pouDd druma Hawke and Louella WllliamBoD w er e and family. dauihters. Geneva and Bett)l, were _ .........t.ied ,",,&&10 .. Dayton visitors. Saturday. Thanksgiving. Day guests of the lat · Jeraey, pair .. ..... ... ......... ........... llSc ter's parents, Mr. and Mre Josiah J Mrs. Grace Furnas and children BoItnott, ~ Misa Mildred Hartaock, 01 Milford were at Tippecanoe City: Thanksgisving Day guests of and Mr. and Mrs Ronald· Hawke and Mr. lind Mrs. Earnest Hurley, of N ew Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johns, in 80n were Thanksgiving gueaUl of Mrs. Burlington. . • company with Mrs. EUabeth Smith Edith Harri. and family. and Mr. Everett Clark. we re 6 o'clock Mrs. M. L. Parshall and Donald dinn er g uests , Sat urduy, of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Unglelliy and Hawke spent thE! Thanksg iving holi- Mrs. Glenn Johns. uf Dayton. Miss Evelyn Unglesby. accompanied with Mr. Mrs. S. D. Chancellor by Mrs. Laura Varner Reed and Miss daYl! Mr and Mrs. Ben Hawke ente rtllin Phone 25 ncar Lumberton. Floramond. of Harveysbur&', .pent cd to' Thank sgiv in ~ dinner, lIIr. und Monday in Dayton Mrs. J ames J\ uwlw. of Lima, lIl\'. an d Ohio Mr, lind Mrs. ,Joe Tinney and son, fayneaville spent Thanks iving Day in Mrs. Sears anti fElInily lind Mr ..To· Mr. and Mrs. Harry Turner and Sherman, sepeh Hll wke, of a lJ inll, n nd I\Ir. n nn urg. the gues ts of Mr. and Mrs J. C. Hawke , or Wnyncs\'iIl e. son and Mrs. Caroline Barnett, of MIamisb Bellbrook, s pent Thanksgiving with Mrs. Lawrence Hardin. !dr and Mrs Harve y Sackett and famMary Carlllon e nle r tllin 'li "-=====",...""......."..,==:;1=========~~========::\ dinner, Sunday. Mr. yand Mr~ .. W. L _. " '" .Mr. a nd Mrs. F. B. Hend erson, to Mrll. Ily. Brs. Barnett, who had been the Misses Esther and Louise Henderson 1". Clark Mr. and Mrs. Cla ud e Rig!;"s, guest of the Sacketts several we eks , Mr. lin d Mn!. D. L. Crane spent Mr. and Mr s. C W. Younce, of W ay. relurn etl ·to h er home Thursday .night and Thank sgiving OilY with Mrs. Kate nesville; Miss ·Mildred CI.nrk. of Centerv ille. and Mr . Ever ett Cla rk, of The r egular meeti ng of St Mary's Coleman. Dayton.. .; Guild wi ll be held at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. C. H Sherwood were Mrs. HUrl·i. a nd Mrs. Mosher, on dinner Mr. and Mrs Harry Meredith, of guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Thu r.·day. December 2, at 2 o'clock. Con n e~ ThankigiviDg eve. The piece Lima, were . week.encl guests of Mr. Elccli,. n uf offic er s and payment nf Mrs. Walter Whitaker lind film· , resistance of the menu was stew· and ducs A fu ll attendance is desired, de ily, and on Sunday accompanied cd rabbit. as lhis is fl .very important meeting. them to Johnsville, where they spent the day with lI1r and Mrs ~co b Do yo u li ke to waab in cold water? Mr. lind M ~s. Claude Riggs left Mer edith. . I ., ,. Why, no. \\" ould you rather pay the M.ond ay f or 1:11\1 a, where Mr. Riggs ~octo r 0 1' puy t he la \jndrrman a f ew Will u~sume hiS duties as office man· Mr. and Mrs. Allen Emrick. Mr . r. ' Phone 61-2 Wayne8ville, Ohio cents u w"c l: fo r your wash? We age r for the NlItional Cash Regis. and Mrs. J . B. Jonea. Mr and Mrs . , . will laund e r vo ur clothes for' aB low ter Co mpan y. Ed Longacre and Mrs. James Johns as 5 cents p·e r pound, Leave you r attended the evening service lit "10 call with I\l nhlon Ridge to have the .Mr. l!nrl Mrs . W. H. Allen and Springboro church, Sunday, where driver e xp lllin in detail. Soft Wll t er MI "s Oll \'e! All en spent the Thanks· Rev. F, W. Stanton. of Franklin, Laundry. gi ving holiday" in Cincinnati, the preached. g uests of 1\11'. un d Mrs. Charles Fish· Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wo olley and er lind family. s ons, Mr William ' Hope , of Day· nd Miss Louise Wo olley, ,of Mi!\frs. Fannie ClIl'others a~d II1rs. ton. aUnivcrsilY,_O:xford. were Thurs MYI·tle heets a nd ullughtcr, Opal, ami d ay guests of Mr. and Mrs. Willi um of Leb8n~n, and :Mrs. Lllura ·Sidcs, of Brown. Mrs. Wo o1\ey WIIS taken s ick WilY nesvillc, SP,ClI t Sunday in the Thursday, lind was uDllble to return hom e of Mrs. Ollie Davis. • home until Friday mornin g. Mr. and Mrs. Geor ge Hartsock nco companied by Mass Charlotte Antrnm' sp~nt th e holida ys with Darke County frlCnd s, and took Thanksgiving dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Shoreacker, at Greenfield,. Ind. Miss An· (Delayed) tram returned to Washington on Monday. Walter Shank, of Dayton, ,wu call ing on friends' here, Saturday. S~t Whole~Countyil Do you I e to wash In cold w:tK. E. Thompson attended the Mrs. er Why. ; boo Would you ratber pay the:t4'octor or pay the laundty~ Emma' Surface sale on Tuesday. , man a lew cents a week for your K. E. Thompson and family enter wash! We will launder your clothell t-ained Wilmington friends, Sunday. I for as low as 5 cents per pound. Cecil Villars and wife celebrated WE WILL DI;MONSTRATE IN YOUR HOME Leave your call with Mablon Ridge the drivel' explain In detail. their silver wedding anniversary. on ." Sunday. Laundry. ! ~ . ."':"'" )------Emerson Surface. ex·grocery keep· ---"'I''''~'''_----, er at Ridgevi1lee, was smiling on old frienda here, Saturday. , ". ~ ~ .. The Toole familiea have rented a farm near Clarksville and will move to it in the near future.. • ' t ." We will be at the following places Ed Jordan :hu returned home afBUYIl'~G you~ gas ~1 re today an n there tomorrow r~9ults in a on dates and times mentioned for ter spending a week with his brotner the purpose of issuing Dog Lice/lses and family, at Cincinnati.. deCidedly me m I.;!;I. 1, lltor- bccause your carburetor is not for the year 1927: . Mrs. Mary Long and son, Dan of 'adjusted for the variatiom of the dilTerent ~otor fuels. MONDAY, DECEM~ER 13, 1926 Highland, were Monfllll guellUl of K. Red Lion..... .. .... ..... .... ..... ... 8 :00 a.m. ·E . T!tomp~on and faptlly. The carbureto r, !,..-in'g a delicate but highly efficient instrument Franklin .... .. .... ... ... .......... 9:00 a.m. JameB Jacobs, wife and daughter, /, Carlisle .... ...... ...... .. .. ...... .... 11 :00 lI.m. MiDnle, were Sunday. eVening gueats should Dot be touc h, d exeq Jt by au expert-and that costs money. Springboro ...... ...... .... ...... .. 1 :00. ..m of Lbn Br!,nnon and WIfe. Lytl. .... .............................. 4.00 p •• : . . . El~nllna~~ t hi,s' t!'ouble hy IJ s~n g the one gas that does not vary MI8I Marauerite Leasure. ·(Jf G~ulYil.l. Waya •• Yille ..................... : 7.00 ' p,m. m qualtty. 1 ~at s Sunoco Ga:olll'1 e ~ refined by the suo t-on TUESDAY, m~CEM1JER 14, 1926 RUD plajed and Bung a beautiful at cLumh here. Sunday eveuing. / ' Oregonia ........... ..... ............ 8:00 a.m. pany. from theIr own crudes. In t heIr own refineri.. and iD We are told that Chris \Oh&r~ Hane,."urtr ......................10100 a.lII. their own laboratories. ' Washington Tp. House .. 1 :00 p.m. bas r,nted Dr. C. G. Randall's fanil Middle~oro ... ... .................... 8:00 p.m. ~4 'wllI move to it ln ' the sprln,. , Butlerville .... ...................... 4 :00 ". m. Kate Jordan, Alf and MI8I Pleasant Plain ......... ......... ,6 :00 , . H'aDIIl~j 'were ' Sundlly guesta Rich Morrow ............ ................... ,'1:00 aDd family., near . I ", ' . Persons who cannot to GAS 0 L ' I N E Auditor's office or · of above named places. .......· A ..... _ br sending reqaJred of dog aDd poltaP cen.. ~ ~ (]~\)UDt7 anon Olilo.· All oW1ieft .and harboren of please at the .col\ve:nielrlt for )hl!~" ..~lmllt1y. D.!4!D!tiODI!d.

r'j .





31 C 14c


Crackers ---------Cakes c~:y:~:y e~~h~'. ~~lb


" 1\'"

~~~.n~ ...3Sc

P otatoes


$4 47

t(.!t£ ~Wlthyour rM fJPJ

f~f ~~~~. .~;~~.~.~. 25c ~~~!!~~~ %~~.~~~.~.~ 33c ~e~e:;!~. 0" 32c Cranberries C Raisins

10C ~e!!~~a~re


13c ~~!!;~{~~: ......... 29c Mix...

~~I~J~~~e~:. . . . 19c




30 C Mops 25 C 0.................... . r

crdino~Y~~. ~t~.i.~.~.....


.~ -,-

No.1 Ohio



11$1.7' a Bushel

10 Bu. Lots at $1.65


.. Wa{iJ;mue Farmers' Exch~e Company ,

hite sStore

Is Now Open at


' TheCorwin Grocery

Insw:an~e' Agency

Large Assortment of Toys

Geiler al ~

Come and 1001- hI. o ver before buying elsewhere ... .)u 'enlrS for alL the ·Iand. children tha t ·

Insur ance



Tone· Volume-Selectivity ..Distance


·quainted Day, Dec. 4 Free-- Grease Gun With the Purchaseof five or More Gallons Gasoline

S' unoco

Here'. the .





Look lor the Sunoco Sign

Melloh's Garage

WagnesvlUe. Ohio

~ Atwater­




Hit- ..or Miss?

'HAt Your &lTV."


the . ', About

Talking-' ..

WliNESVILLE' AUl(}'. &: QCHINERY D.. . .... .


The ~Miami Gazette



Yea r





limber 5730

Oc::lOC'=::I'Oc::lOC'==, Oc::rO=:::r' Oc:::rOC:==-Oc:::rOC'=::::1'Oc::lO WEEKLY REPORT

A Chrl-stmas


~~~:IC~:;~;h Uf)l::':'~;:Z~t~.t~)l~~(lli(~(~,~;:",::~ 0

uBs oc iuLi on , an ti wu s writlCIi by l\fi ss

Durothy IInkill,


t(,lIch('r in the llis-

Th~ ' hallo "f W. ll. S. huve b,'en end owed wilh ~ c\'er,, 1 new nrc ClC-


0 lil1J.(ui~h~rs. 0 di · pt·!II I(' n \ , " Y' ll'll.

for t ill' Lh em.


murek N. D. high .c hoo l. ~ Mi ss Dakill ha H llIany f riends in Woynesv ilh' hnving, fr om ch ildhoo,l, Light the c andl e~ o n yo ur f h tree 0 opes. This is the C hri Rt ma s season . Let h ea rt~ r e fr ei' h Hnd tak e joy and gladn ess to those who

spe nt he r KUmm el'S Ill. the h"me of her grandpare nts. th e late MI'. a nd Mrs. Gord on .1. Wright..


Even UlO uKh they a rc

)ot .k inc:, no lift I call a l\\' ~ 1. " 1'" thcrt! i, 110 ca ll 1I~(' (, I' ,,"eh ,1> t.he likes of

Till' ~1 (l l h ,' l' s dub ha\'e agni n st.... rt,." ' l'r,illK I",L lunches at t.he Old Bu ridiliK. They ~CTVC onc hot dish

FOI'g' C't t h e trialR of th e da y K ' tl . 01' th e h O\lr. now t IHit 11~ wor ld l)f ours is go v e l'll c d by a wi fl d om f ar b eyo nd the compreh e n ,;ion of m a n . Even 8R the


unil y c" ld (Inc rialg your

to t he ehil,lr(On who bring their f" e,' of charge. Any \\'h" u c~i rc~ to g ive matc· fo r llw sc lunches, I am suro help ", II I hc a ppreciated.


In education t odny th ere seemB to bc a t end e ncy to sacrifi ce de pth for brelluth. Many and vtlried arc are h e avy lad e n. s wallow's fall is gua rd e d -so the courses offered; filets arc proTL~itS is thl e Clhrfis tmahs seaslon · . f ..... 1·1 d h are you and yo urs, all m a nl.kind, o~ jectced into the heads of students at IS e n c OBe y or t e m e 0 d Y In a cr '€ <1an he w 0 lea m s t h e peace of eve l'-re lan ce Th e pulJlic schools will give a high press ure anel in ove rwh clming tion bec a use it is there for those who w ill on Him, will hav e no f e a r an d ca n we ll afford fhri stlllllS rOIlCCl't ill the neaT. funumllers. There is truining in all lurc. Watc h f ur furt her particuIa:ws. hear. Hav e al\ know t hat du p licity is dist o m a k e t hi s tla y of da ys one of r e joi c in g and I sorts of subj ects that presumably fit armed by the gazing eyes of Lov e which comprai se g h ·in g. the student for life. We arc delAda Sh allcr, n Senior in High uged with weeks- Thrift Week, Inprehends only that truth is a ll in all. C hri stm as chimes a r e rin gi ng throughout Scholl l, l'ccciH'd second pl ace in the dian Week, Swat the Fly Week- un This is the C hris tmas season. this Ian I of ollrs a nd to a most fa vo r e d peoPeace' Uecl"m"lio n contcRt, which til the patient instructor often longs And-'tis Children's Day-th e day which pi e . Th ey a r c ec hoi ng through our meadow \HIS li d" At Lc hnn tlll laat Thursfor u geography week, or a history s hould resound with th e ec hoes of th e ir lau g h land and great martR of com m e rc e. day CVl' ning. week. In spite of this interes t on the part of the public morul training ter-a true reflection of the C hild of God We , a fr ee peopl e , made so th.rough our A h. ha! At Inst ! The Girls' aeema left to chahce. No week is whose birthday it is. faith ill Hi m-must never l ose the und e rshu wcr~ have been put in. An eagprovided for it, and it is crowded inCarry gifts . Let Lov e shine. Happiness sta nding th at it is th e d e moc r ac y of our r e ~ er bunch of gi rls a ro waiting for a to an uncertain place in the pressu re is in the heart only when we ar e giving, Love. Jigiom , givin'g to everY man his right to worchane" L" be able to usc them. The ef getling student~ out of hig h school ., . None is too old-nor none too yo ung to s hip in his way. which mak es each succeedtim e is coming, ~o wa it I '~ and Into ~ollege Yet, surely, the J~ I art of right living should be ~vorthy gaze into the starf-ght night and se e agai n the in g Chris tmas further proof of His met·cy and ..\ .j) at leut the digni ty accorded to the Last Friday night saw the secvision of the manger. Feel that spirit of His goodness . . ~~?) Oy. ond game of the Waynesville Runts Him, the Child King-Jesus . None s hall perish. , ~ .~ Do you believe that the failure to The y played the Genntown HorsesHe brought to u s an everlas ting h eritage It is the Christmas s eason. F lies on our local 000 1'. At the end ".,h. 'hlld hl,h .",.dud. 01 mo· of Love, Peace, Hope. Awake and salute the, happy morn rality ' has brought about that child's of th e nrs t half t ho score stood 4 to Set aside the frown and hold out a h and of Thrill again in the j oy of s e rvice-and the '.~\Ii:JliiJUi ' ... ~ delinquency? If so, whose fault is 8 in favor of the visiting team. Dur'\\\\)'Iliiip::': It.-the home, the school, or both? ing the game wc learned that they hearty welcome to Santa Claus. It is the lov e of fellowmen. ..., 'Probably the majority of us will ,pitit of Him you wel'ome. Thu. i, the Ch",tm., " ..on. ~ lived up to their name, because we a ll kn ow that horse-flies ore persis.1 .~' '/ answer the first part of that quesI';' lion In the affirmative Fnilure to intent and stick, although small. Ellis ane,! Whitncre made the goals for rlfl'! ". '/1 stall the right standards of living in ' I I:I~ ~. ; I, the mind of the child is, in most caWaynesv ill e, while Hill and Pence malic thc goals f or Genntown. At ~:'ij .' ses. no doubt the dircct cau se of de. ~jj Iinquency. OccasionlLll y, of co urse, the end of the second half the scoro Oc:::roc,==~eO~OC:==~O~Oc:===oc:::roce==~eoc:::roce==~eo~o relllain ed the Sli me, the Runts hold\~~ ',"I we come in. c?ntact WIt h t~,~ chi~d ~::; ' who is receIvIng good trulnlllg 111 ing th cm dow n weI!. Maybe our morality, both by precept IIn,1 ClComsCQ re wasn' t higbest this time, but ~,~· I I \ '_ ~ , pie, and yet is aelinqul' lI t. That \Vc 'r~ co unting on the Runts. child i ~ inhercnUy wenk, lind pro bably no am ount o[ truining will change Th e First team came out victorihim to uny lp'cat degre e. FOI'tunlltcous in u close, hard-fo ught game with Iy, he is th e eHc pti on. Most chilKings Mills. Both t eams showcd dren are open to innucnce. the r es ult of practice, by th eiJ' speed We will ossume, then, that wo Fn ilure of a reserve tank of sn An event of mu ch interest t o peo-I A jo in t. meeting of the Pc ndl et on, In closing his annual mcssage to and splendid t eam work. Tho score agree thllt in th e maj ori ty of cases if airplane piloted by Captain Oliver pie of this community was the pub- Ri chm ond 3nd Waynesville Young Congress, President Coo lidge stres- stood, at the enu of tho game, 18 the child is taught rig ht stan na rds· Echoles, student of the engineering lic sale of the household goods be· Fri ends will be hclel at Richmond, ses the importance of making Ameri- to 2 L, in fav or of W . H. S. It was of livi ng, he will li ve up to them. school at McCook Field, Dayton, an exciting gomc. Tho s pectators Ind., next Sunday, Deccmber 12th. can ideals practical. He Bays: How do we account, then, for the out forced the plane down on a field longing to the estate of th e late The Waynesv ille gr oup will mcet at "America is not and must not bo wer e wild with excitement throughcry against the younger generutio n? near the Hugh Baugh farm, about Susan E. Haines, deceased, whil:h the Friends 'I-Ionie, Su nday at 6 :3 0 a country without ideals. They are out the whole proceedings. Many are the chargcs made against three miles west of Clarksvill e, at was held last SlIturday, Deccmber n. 111 ., pl·omptly. All of those intendThe line-up was as follows: use less if they are only visionary; them. I do not need to repeat them 2 o'clock Friday afternoon and 3rd, at her late r esi uenc e on the ing to go please r eport to Et.hel MenKina. th ey arc only valuable if they are Wayne ... i1le - they are familiar to you oil-our brough~ scores from neighboring corner of Fourth street and Franklin Hines de nhall not later than FridaY, Decem- pructical. A nation can not dw ell Il. Missildin e young people drink, donce, pet and farms hurrying to the scene. road. Garrett ber l Oth, as the Richmo nd Friends co natantly on the mountain tops. It L. Hartsock conduct themselves in an ungodly The day being ideal and thc'r e are nnxi ous t.o kn ow just how ma- hus to be replenished an d s ustained \Y. Turner Weber The pilot, who was cruising about monner; t hey are opposed to reArnold throug h the ceaseless toil of the less V. Mainou8 the countryside on a training fiight being quite a lot of antique nrticles, ny are coming. straint; they urc frivolous. emptyRandolph The regular meeti ng of the Way- inspiring valleys, But its face oug ht C. Everhart was slightly stunned as the plane collectors were here from nil th e near headed, silly, selfish and rcbellious. was brought to a stop in a rough by towns, Inelilma and Kcntucky both n esv illc Y. F. M. will not be held always t o be turned upward, its visYou know the rest. . stubble field. Several struts of the being represented, making competi- Sunday night, but will meet at the ion ought always t o be fixed on hi gh. Theso charges may be to some ex. r egu lar t ime, December 20th, at the "We need ideals that Can be folright wing were broken, the landing tive bidding quite keen. tent true If they aTe, then whose Some of tho prices obtained was Sllttcrthwaite home. loweu in daily life, that can be trll11 SgCll r was washed out and the rudder fau lt is it? The home, the school, $247 f or one candelabra; tilt-top ta-~ -luted into terms of the home. We broken. or both? ble. $40 ; olu dish, $:J1; doll , 52 1; cun not expect to be relieved fr om The ship was damaged to such In preparing this paper, I conchair, $13; secretary, $ 131; 4 fiddlct oil. but we do expect to divest it u r un extent that it was necessary to sulted three persons in Bismarck who back chairs, $36. Articles throug h degrading cOlldition. Work is honorare dealing at present with young sec ure the usistance of mechanics the sale fit tim es SGld chcap, but thc Thl' D~ ct' 111 her mcetinl:' of the Fun c ral ser vices for J. D. Clark. abl e; it is entitled to an h o n o ral , l ~ fr om the Dayton fleld before it people All three replied to the ques price more than made up. on othe rs. of Daylon. who died suudcnly last recompense. We must strive might- W omun's For <:'i"n l\1 i ~~ i o nnry soc iety could be loaded on a truck and taktion: "who is to blame?" by the posThe heaviest buyers were J. M. Friday morning. wc re he ld Monday ily, but hllving striven there is a de- " 'IIS ht·ltl at th e h" llw o f Mrs . •John O. itive statement that it is the home. e n back to the hangar, Mechanics Henderson, Columbus ; Mrs. Merkle, nH ernoo n lit th e First Bnpti s! church fect in our political and sociul sys- Wh itaker 011 Wl'dn('sday aftcl'llo on. completed the learlng down· process only in exceptional cases do wc find Columbus; J ohn Kri st, ' Xenill; Mrs. lit Dllyton. an d wel'c att cn<.lcu by hun t em if we are not in general reg/ll'd- P erl'mbe,' 1st. wilh t wenty members that the properly trained child goes early Saturday morning and the plane S. O. Hale .Xenia; lIlrs. Valentine dcds of fricnds. cd with success. To relieve the land a nd ~e vel'll! gncsts present. wrong. The home, they said, is fail- was taken by truck to the army Winters, Dayto n; Mr. Gaston, OxA fLcr the us ual business of Mr. Clark was a member of the of the burdens that Cam e from the ficld. ing. It is falling the child in many ford; Mrs. E. F. Anderson, Circle- Dayon bar a nd promin ent in church, war, to r elense to the individual aft.e rnoon . \\'as dispo,ed of, the ways, the most important of these ville; Mrs. \Y. H. Stubbs, Lebanon; lodge and political circle;;. II e was of t.he fruits of his own industry, to lowi ng proj!'l'!Im, conducted by being that it is failing to set the Mrs. O. H. Terrill, New Vienna; M:rs. well knewn and very popula r th rough increase his earning capacity and de- prov,l'/lm leade r [or t he month- Mrs. proper example. Religious training Albort Kahn, Cincinnati; Marian a t Warren c~unty, his nat.i ve home. crease his hours of lab or, t o cnln rge W nit er McClure, wns given. in many homes is a thing of the past Mayers, Boston, Mass. ; Mrs. S the circle of his vision through good \' o ~lll Duct- Mrs. Ire ne Baird and A very large c. r owd was in attenchurch attendance is decreasing, the Hiatt, Winchester, Ind.; Mrs. All r oads and transportation, t o Miss 1I ~ l e n Ha wke. dance at Evan Bogan's sale, 4 miles boy or rirl aees his father or mothMcCarty, Lexington, Ky. plnce before him the opportunity for Story o f the Picture of Ben Hur, north of Waynesville, last week. er, or both, breaking or evading the The day being short and not beeducation both in science and in Ilrt, Mrs . Lillinn Mills. A laWII. Ia it small wonder that the Everything brought top prices. Bringing the sig nificance of goo d t o leave him free to receive the inginning on time with a stop f or Vocal S,.Io>- The Heavcnly Song, team of hones lIold for ,400. cows child reacts In Buch a way that he lunch, the sale was adjourned at 4 :30 health morc closely to t he minds of spiration of religion, all these IIro 1111'S. Mill s. Is bringing down severe criticism up- ranging from $100 to ,14&; corn and concluded Saturday morning, Ashtnbula schoo l children this week, ideals which deliver him from tho Re purt uf Conventi on of HiII. boro brought 56c and e~ts 48c. Col. Maron hi mseH f lasting three hours, making the act- wlrich is beillg ubserveu liS Health servitude of the body and exalt him Distr ict W. F. M. S-Mrs. Jessie Many hom~8, then. have failod in tin !lnd Col. Stantey conduc~ed tho ual selling time nIne hours and thir- Wcck, Miss Henrietta McKinsey. to the service of tho soul. Through Robi tze r. their responaibilities. What about sale. primary supervisor of the city systy minutes. this emancipation from the things Pill no So lo-Christmas Eve- Beathe school--hu it failed, also? Is More than 1200 separate lots of tem, and Miss Mary Ruinnie, schoo l that are material ,we broaden our tr ico Robitzer. the lndletment against it as black as articles were sold, making an aver- nurse, have pro pared a hcalth playlet d~ominion ovor things that are spir- Moslem Wom en [n India-Rev. it la *iainst the home? age of more than two articles which is being given in ench school itual." Wllshburn. Since the {ormation of our governminute; total amount 'of sale was: a building during the week. The play ... .... MrtI. Alice Randall, widow of C. During the soSill1 hour; dainty rement there has been a distinct dilittle over ,2600. Considering the is coiled "The Road to Health." freshment.~ were served b y tho hosvlalon b.etween the church and ' itate, W. Randall, died at the home of her large number of small articles 8,nd Ashtabula Star-Beacon. ... tess, assisted by Mrs. Charles Gray Tb,' IOhoo!, therefore, hal made no daughter, Mrs. C. Wilber Ivins, Wed- that this was nearly three times the Waynesville stores'~ are arrayed in and Mrs. Joe Tinney. etro1'\ to rlve religioul instruction, nesday momlnC. December lilt, of appraisement value the sale was very holiday attire and the mcrchants are .. auoh. to ita stUdents. The mor- pneumonia, after an iJlneM of two satisfactory to the heirs. all carrying a complete stock of their . al and reUitouw.: training that it has weeks. The funeral wu held FriAuctioneer W. N. Sears COflduct---wares; all of which remlndll U8 that glven hu been indlrect-hidden ~ be- day aftemoon at 2 o'clock" at the ed the sale and had supervised the of Mr. Ivina, in Lebanon. Miami Chapter No. 107 O. E. S,' Christmas is not far off. ' Only 14 hind hiltory the loclal sciences and residence hd': ertising mailing nearly 2<10 blila - - - ,'"--. --:. St. Mary's Charch School Chfistliterature. Althourh «.Iven so indito buyers of antiquCll, many of will meet In regular sesalon ,Monday shopping days. mas entertainment will be held on December 18, at 7 p. m. Ther" ~JIllll, ' ~ . _ ..._-,-_ reetb', it hU had Ita effect. Often , .. hom he knew personally Without Sunday night, December 26. The be a memorial and installation. A the Influence ia more marked than doubt this wall, the largest crowd program will consist of son'g s and '~ full attendance of members is reques the teacher· reali~ea. MORt of us " that ever attended a sale of this kind recitations by the children, inter.. , tc·d. All villm'~ members welcome • .. I am conducting the ,meat store, in Waynesville. ' have felt the Influence of a teacher; The W. C. T. wlil meet in the 'spersed ,~ itb solos and ehoruses . 'l?:v i.1:.rCILt .ARMITAGE. W. M. ~ • _ ..._ __ manr of ~ can trace' a certain act formerly kl)own as t)le Sheehan Meat . Friendship ClaM room ~t the M. E. the church cholr~ , SUSAN HAWKE" Sec'y. Store, In .Mrs. Sidell" room on ' Main ' ...---~.--~street, and -solicit your patrOnage. :. Miss ·T.rillena Edwards y;1iS a Fri~ afternoon, Decembe'r JOHN A~A }JS on visitor, 1I0ilday. . ;§end th Give the Gazette fOJ: a Xmu present. 10, ~t 2 o'clock. (Contiuued o.n page 7)


_r-- _



















. .1. , - '




----... ....- - -


- - --- -

J. D. Clark Dies



-, ,~ ,




Sale Well Attended

Health Playlet

- - -...


Mrs. Alice Randall


- - -...

- - --

- ----

Ready for Shoppers


To The.·,Public


W. C. T. U. Meeting

.,. ".





JdEN 'S 0

11 \,.)

Store Open ' Every



, ;"t."

/,'" , . ,~ ' rfJIJ'


E uenillg

Til 1/

itl! c/\'ry

'1I1il litis/ mas


'.(/ .~


• 0"1" ~dl'(/i(J1l ()f 110 lidtlY


e lViII Lay Away Any Article

In White English Brondc lot h fr om 9& to $3.45

U ntil

D o


25 c

10 $

:!lId fi




Gifts Is More Compll!ldhan I !..'I er Herure Alld At L ower P riel'S





Store Open Every Evening Until Christmas ~Christmas

Christmas Gifts For Him Make a useful gift for Men, Women and Children. In nil s izes and colors SOC to $3.95 MEN'S AND WOMEN'S BATH ROBES

In good range of patterns and colors. A .• ... ' dependable Christmas g ift. . . . .. '$3.95 to $7.50 MEN'S NECKWEAR They never h ave enough Neckwear. A beautiful assortment of Four-in-Ha nd Brocaded Silk and Wool , at 4& to $1.50

Gifts For ,Her

Hou se Slippers ... .. .. .. .. .... ............ ..... :...... ..... $1.25 to $2.98 Bath Robes .. ....... ........ ............ ... ... .. ....... .... .. $3 .95 to $7.50 Traveling Bags ............. ..... .......... . ... ... ........ $1.98 to $10.00 Pajama' ............... .... ........... ..... .... ....... .. .. ...... $1.50 to $2.45 Sweaters ........... ................ .. .. ......... .... ..... " .... ... 98c to $7.50 Lumber Ja ckets ............... .. ..... .......... ...... ...... $2 .95 to $5.95 Beits .. .. .. .. ........ ...... .... .. .... .. .... .. .. .... ..... ..... ..... ..... SOc to $2.00 Su, pend ers ........... .... ......... , ................ ... ........... .35c to $1.00 Garters ..... .. ... ................ .. ........ ..... .. .. ... ............ 25e to .... 75c Garter Sets ........... .. ......... ... ................. .. ........ 50 c to $ 1.50 Nec kw ear ............. ,.. .... ...... .. ~ .... .... .. ........ .. ...... .48c to $1.50 Handkerchi efs .... .............. .. .. ... .. .. ...... .. .... ...... ..... 5c to SOc Cuff Buttons .. .................... ........ ... ....... ............ SOe to $1.50 Men's Caps .... ......... .. ................ ................ ...... .75c to $2.00 'M en's and Boys' Gl o\'c,,; .............. .. ..... ............. 75c to $3.95 Boys ' Neckties .. .. .................................. ... 5ge Boys' Lon g Pant~ ...... ............. .. ........ ... .... .... .. $1.98 to $2.95 Boys' House Slipp er:; ................. ...... .. ......... ... .. . 9Se Boys' Rub bers .. ..... .... .. .. ...... ..... .......... .............. $1.25 Roys' Lu m bCl'j ac ks .. .. .. .... ... ...... ... ....... ........... $2.95 Boys' Sweatel's .. ..... .. .. ...... .. ...... ........... .... .... .. .. 98c to $3.95 Boys' Ru bber Boot" .. ....... .. .. .................... .... .$2.25 to $3.95

i'>i lk Bl()(lI11 l'l'~ .. .......... ... .......... .. .. ........ ... .. .. ... $1.25 t o $1.95 Fancy I'lIl'~ '· :; . . . . ...... . ............ . . . ....... . .. . .... .. . .... 98e to $6.95 llandk cJ'l'hil'f" .... .. ..... ..... ................................... 5e to . 50e Hayan ilk S prea ds ... .................. .. .. ........ ...... ... $6.95 Blankets .. .... ... .... ...... .................... .. ... .. ....... $1. 98 to $5.95 Towel Sets ....... ...... ...... ........ .......... ... ..... .. .. _.. $1.25 to $1.95 Boudoir Cn p:; ..... .. .. ... ..... ....... .... ......................... 3ge to 98c C;lI·tcr Seb ..... ...... .. ... .... ........................ .......... 5ge to $1.25 Perfum es ...... ...... ..... .. ..... ... .. ................ ......... .. .... 10e to' 98e Dol ls ............ .... ...... .......... .. .. .. .. .... ... ... ...... ..... .... .50c to $3.45 El ec tric Lamps ........ .. .............. ... ................ .$1.98 to $2.98 ~il k Scarfs ......... .. ..... .. .................. ............... ... $1.25 to $3.45 Bath Robes .... ....... ... ...... ....... .. ....... ... ..... .. ...... $3.95 to $7.50 Dresser Scarfs .... ..... ........ ... ... ..... ..... .... .. ....... ..4& to $3.50 Silk Hos iery .. .... ........ .. ....... .... .. ........ .......... .... ...4ge to $3.50 ;::,tationery ...... ........ ............. ... ..... ......... ........... . 25e to $1.50 Ch ristmas Cards .. .............. ............................ .... .. le to 15e Luncheon Sets ............ ...... ..... .......... ......... .... $3.95 to $5.95 Hand Bags ....... ........... .. .... .............. .... .......... $1.25 to $5.95 Silk Umbrellas ... ........................... .. .............. $1.45 to $5.95 Compacts ... ....... .... ................ ... ........ ... ............. .25e·to $1.50

Extra Special

Extra Special

White Imported English Broadcloth Shirts, $3.00 Value,

Ladies' and Misses' Slickers, All Colors, $5.00 Value,



\ '.


; II.'

(',, :. ,. ;11 :-; ilk"

I l It!





, .l.. f.. ll,hT

'I'P!"I) "!'.







F or " ' U nll' lI .. .. .... ...... . ........ 98c to $1.50 For J\1 en ........................ .... $1.25 to $2.95 For Childl'l'n .. ............ .. ..... .98 c t o $1.25

------ - -

Ci\'l' th(,nl ... he ep- Lin ed COATS F o r l\1l'n .......................... $8.9 5 to $12.45 For Buys ..................... ....... $6.95 to $ 9.95 Gi\'e them SUITS OR OVERCOATS Spl'cia l S uits or Overcoats ...... ...... $19.7S XnHl " 'pecial, Suits or Overcoats .. $24.75 BoY,' Long Panla Suila 2-pnnIR. at .... .. .. .............. $10.75 to $17.95

Men's Hosiery

Dolls For Kiddies

Story Books


In aU the season's latest in Silks, Wool a nd Lis le


A Good Gift for lh e Chi ldren , Priccd

'''' oman's, 2' " 1., 8 . .......... ......... .. ... ..... ....... .. $2.89

and Cottons


26.c to $1.26 J


SOc to $3.45



'1;10 per Year

DBCCIIBER 8. 1926 HAIL TO THE ICING A twe1ve-~eu-old In4iana boy was croWlled klq at Chicago the other day. B. t. dI. fourth of hlB family to " .... a crown. America needs mon k1Dp of Ida Idnd. Bit II&ID. ta Thoma J Lux, and he ""U croneci Joior eorn kin g of Am.rlca at 'dIe International Live8tock ElqIOIition. The title Beems t o be heNcUt&r7 in his family. for it hIlS bean W'01l pnvloully by his two hroth... Prank and Maurice. ;ond by • coulD, Victor M. Lux. His




.fat her, Peter J. Lux. twice he ld the ti tle of "Corn King." To a n extent ove rl ooked by many people. America's prosperity depends upon her fnrmers. The migrati on of the co un try boys to the city in s uch great numbers is a real and constant Bour ce of worry. Here is a family that is ovidently content with the fll rm. The junior corn king is not li kely t o filII a victi m soon to the lure of the br ight lights. He has shown thnt he knows how to coax the Boil into yiel ding him returns. His success is a good indition thllt he li kes the life of a farmer. The country needs also to pay mor e atte ntion to the farmers' proble ms. When the farmer gets a fair return for his prod ucts, there will be for "back-to·the·fa rm" movements.

Vare. in Pe nnsylvani a. Sm ith in Illinois. Wntson in Indinna- t hese a r e so me of the s traws in the political gale. Another straw is that of Arthur R. Gould, of Maine. 1'he volers in that sto t e hove freed Mr. Gould of accusations that he exceeded the legal limit in his expenditures for the primary campaign to fill the unexpir· e d term of I he late Senator Fernald. Maine's sec retary of state. sitti ng as a cdurt, had previous ly dismissed the charges officilllly. The New Brunswick matter with which Mr. Gould had something to do and which ruin ed politically t he Prime Ministe r of New Brunswi ck has not been ex plained. And now come the accusations agai nst Senator Butler in Massachu selts. The se natoria l investigating NEEDED-AN OLD-FASHIONED committee hended by Senator Reed will look into the matter of Senator SCOURGE Butler's cllmpaign expenses. Senlltoria l campaigns nre expensive If tho wind is strong enough even golden straws wJ II show the way it t hi ngs, these straws show. They nl 80 show that m oney changers have is blowing.

lOc to 4Sc


I o


U o



Mi"s('s. II ' " to :! .... .. ........ .......... .... ..... ........ .. $2.48 Childr e ll' ~ . tj' .., (I)


::I0c::lOJ:'==:::IUc:::IO J:'

10 '.., ............. .. .. .......... .. .. ... $2.25

- o~c'c:=::rO c:l(J


and Ro nR. of Dayt on, wer e Su nda y !!I__________• .,_III!!'iIIIl'IIi1ZmlCllB:l_ __ _ _ _ _1! of Mr. and Mrs. Kcsler GraCream i:-l 'YOIII' bl' ~ l r a mI e·np. i't.....p.f') · id. '~ a steady. yca rhum. : round ill ,'lIlIle, and \\ nl' ll ~')I d l> il'{'c l t o th' Tri Stalc Mr. nnd Mr". Charles Mull enix atgi\' cs th e l,m r!lh'\' l' :,1 1 1I11~ m()n ey . tende d Ih e funcml of Miss Celinda Thayer, at the h ume II1rs. Eva lI ol'llle ll , at Sp rin gbo ro, Friday after- . noon. Sh i p Dire ct to 1\11'. Frank Kurfi s received word I ~ a t urda y. of the death of his Cincinnati, Ohio stepmother, at Middletown. Mr. and CUT OUT T~ E MIDDLEMAN ~I rs. K urns attended the f un eral, o n !I[onday. . Miss Velma Smith spent Monday Mr. a nd Mrs. William Pine and in Dnyton. dnughtcr, Marie, of Social Row, were ~:z:::=:~~~..... ~_ ~~ _"!!~ .....-~---~-~-~-~_~_~_~... ~_-_ ~~..._ ~~~~~ Little Bernice Graha m is quite ill Sunday dinner guests of the former's _ - - - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _._ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ , nt this time. moth er, Mrs. Lydia Pine an d Mrs. f · Mrs. Eleanor Mullonix WaS quite i\[u ry Mar shall. s ick n few dnys last week. Snnta Claus. his reindeer a nd EsDon't f orget to meet Santa Cluua quim os , of the Rike Kumler Co., will at the Towll pump, Friday nfternoon. be in Lytle this, Fridny, December Miss Edith Ree der, of ncar WilY, 10. at 2 p. ,m., at the sq uare nes\'illc. is visitng r elatives her o ut the Town pump .. Come and bri ng your neighbors. this week. Mrs. J. M. Stewart, of Milford, has Mr. ancI ~Irs. Charles Clurk ane! MI'. H. M. Clark spen t Thurs day charge of th e depot here f or a couple of weeks in the absence of Mr. L. in Dayton. Mr. Everett Ellrly and dau g hters, M: Sims. Mi·s. Stewnrt spent a few Helen and Huth, were Dayton snop- days with her husband here last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. pers, Saturday. Bergdall. Mrs. Clura Stacy spent a few days Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Watkins were last week Mr. and Mrs. Rnlph Earncalled to Cincinnati Inst week by the hart, ncar Pe kin. serio us illness of the former's sister, Mrs. Allen Emrick and daughter, Mrs Maud Martin. who has been a Gladys, were Wednesday dinner patient at the Hom e f or Incurables gu ests of Mrs. J. B . •10nes. for the past five years. Her death Mrs. Emma Lacy. who has employ. is expected at any time ment in Dayton, sp(mt Fridny and The Ladies Aid held an all-day Saturday at her hom (!~ere . meeting and e njoyed a covered dish Miss Alice Chenoweth of near dinner Saturday at the home of Mrs. Wayncsvsille, is visiting at the h ome Berne J ones. A pleasant day was . of Mr. a nd Mrs. Frank Hess. sp ent. Each one prese nt brought a Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Johns spent Christmas preFent and those were Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn exchanged by the members. Johns and fam ily" in Duyton. T he meeting by the lenders of the Mr. nnd Mrs. Bert Bunnell Were "Home Care of the Sick Project," t endered a s urprise Saturday even- for this neig hborhood, was held at the ing by n eighbors and friends. home of Mrs. Frank Hess', WednellThe Euchre club m. et at the home day afternoon. There were several Mule-Hide reprelents a (ortr. . of protective Itrenctb of Mr. and Mrs. Perry Wade, of the present and the work proved to be aad roof endurance. . very interesting. These lesso ns are Dayton piko, Friday evening. free und all t he Indies nenr here other asphalt roohnlr offers such attractiveneuMr. and Mrs. Snylor and such u1tra-d~pendabi1ity as Mule-Hide-the "Not a son, of Belmont, were week-end should avn il thmselves of the opporKick in a Million Feet" Roofing. ' ., . " guests of Mr. and Mrs. Will Long. tunity of learning how to care for th,e sick. . Th e next meeting will be the Crown your home with Mule-Hide, it ,ieballeDlres the Mrs. Francia Edwards and son, are flrst week in J anuary. The leaders elements". . . spendi ng a couple of weeks with Mr. arc : Mesdames Bertha BesB, E lsie and Mrs Charles Edwards, in DayHawke and Ethel Wat1!ins. ton. Mrs. Eva May Penn ewit, of near CASE DISMISSED Bellbrook, spe nt Tuesday, of last week at the home 'oj~ Mr. and ,Mrs. "Why didn' t you t hrow that fourFrank Rogers. inch flsh back- you know it'. against , . the law?" . " '.... " ' Mr. aud Mrs. Fred ,r.!a~an and bm . "It was the only one'.,! caught, your ily, of Five l'oilit, were Sunday din- honor, ' and I wanted. to .how, it to n'e r guests of Mr. and Mrs . .Frank niy wife, first." . . Rogers and Mrs. Lottie Carey. • ~ .. Mr. Orville Phillips re.turned hon\~ NOT~IN~ TO'DO 'TI~ T.O MORROW Sundqy, after spending a couple 8f '~Well, John," aald · the father to weeks with Jii~ cousins, Mr. and Mrs. ~18 lon, a young doctor. 'how's your' William Witters, near Mldedltown. practicef" .. "Well,"'1n the mornin.. practicalli Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Albriaht, of no one comea, and fa the afternoon Sprl'qboro, and lira. Do,!& Wblte the rush faUa off a bIt,,,

ma rch".! in t. o the It'mple in columns and s q u ad ~ . What iR IH!eclctl now is ",' mcl."uly wit h a g-one! ~ t() ut am, nnd a j!oo.1 , t ('lIt whip t o s co urge them oul. It is h if.! h time the Ameri can peopIc teach these high political finnncicl'S a le55 0n



The Tri-State Price December 6, 1926


per pound

The 'Tri-State Butter Co.,


C,-,allenges the Elements No


W aYneaville . ,..




'l"H£ MIAMI CAzt'M't have died In infancy but for extl'aor- . - - -_ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ ••_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. ,


dlnary scientific care.

Dt Frank Crane Says i.MjJ"I"


" I f ytl Ur wife can 't '() o k/' s ay" n r l'sln u r :"lflt Rigll , " uo n'

Ellt hL' re. a nd

k",.' p

d i\'o rcl' h('L

hel' u

1H'1. "

"" IP ,"".

awa y fr"m 1he old· fa shioned home"I" 'p''''l'd 1II1·u I8. lind eati ng food ,·t '')'''Ii (·u sid,' \\'i ll mure and more l 'l' l" PII Il'



I!..r, ,, ,, 11 :-.

('U :i t o m.

""ltI' n ~

t , 11 1.... ldl' l'

up hunds in horror

the puss ib il ities.

"Credi t '!" rejoined this parishion et, " Bilh. you puts it mild. T ha's The pnstor of u thril' i n ~ Co lured tht' wo!'"t chiId ever I seen in Il1,}' congregation in .Iacksoll\'i ll ,' WU S whole li fe . In fuc t. Eld er stric k'~ ~ pl!aking to tln l! of his fl oc·k. . bel Wee n oursc 's, we regard him ez "Urot hc r ," he said, .' . hcnrs very de w'ite sheep of de fam ily." bad reports u f your Ytl UlIgCRt so n. That boy doesn't 8e" l11 to do you much credit" fr, the Miami Ga.. ata for Job Wor.

A Stock Exchange scat sell s for

$ 170,000, the hig hest price on rec.


The Iowa state chai rma n says th e Democratic party ought to find II man like W. J. B r ya n ~ om e th in g hard t o do. Brya n had one 'great qualit y. and you could say, as It is eaid of an. other, "That ma n believes every worrl he says. Such men are dan. ge r ous."

The value of Exchange Bcats shows that it is better to buy and Bell t hings than .to make them. You know how cotton /(Towers feel just now, In somc places cotton isn't wo rth pick. ing Yesterday in. New York a seat on t he Cotton Exchange sold fo r $2,000 more t hun th e last previous sale. Whether ~tto:n stocks sell high or low, the intelligent, broker makes his profit.

What We Will Do For You W e are no t o ffe ring a r t ic les f or auction, but we are in the Club and we will be as gen ero us a s o t h e r s w h o a re offe ring a u ction at:ticles .

For a Paid-Up-To -Date Subscription to T-he Miami Gcuette, we will giVe you

For an Entirely New Paid-In-Advance Subscription to Tlte Miami Gaaette, we will ,ifle you

$1,5 .00 In Red Arrow Money, lor each and every year.

$25.00 In Red Arrow Money, lor e.clt and eFlery year,

Now Don't Miss -This Proposition I


If you want to take aavantage of this generous offer~ come In right away, 88 the offer may be withdrawn soon. If you want to follow Red Arrow advertisements you will if you are a reader of the M.iami Gazett e.


bett.e r enabled

You want to keep in touch with your neighborhood, therefore ' the able to keep you informed every week in regard to the general news.



do 80

Guette will









SP E C IAL .\ 10, '· .t ll 1~ : l k in v: P ow de r FR EE wit h each 25 pound sack of Flour thi s week. Cllt).\ ( · llrf,' ~ . on ly .. .. .. ...... .. .... .... ........ 30 c Th ... H,,!'t so ld in t own for o nl y , p o un d .. .. .. . .. .. .. ............ 4 5c


- -- -

Fresh Crisp C e le ry H ead L ettuce. Cranb e rrie!:l, 2 quarts for .. .... .. ............ 25c

B READ W e se ll WayneSVille , H o lland's and Kru g's Bread-I6 ki nds .

FRESH LAUREL CRACKERSSix k ind s to se lect from.

Qu a r t Ja1';; App le But.t e r 25c J e ll y Powd e r, s ame as Jell o 3 pa<.: k ages .................. .. ................ 25c

N e w P ure Buck w h eat F lour New Cor n M l' al

Hundre d s of articl es b est seasonable merchandise at. priceR lower th a n yo u h ave bee n Pay ing, a nd Remember, we g ive




Wit h e a c h purchase-Dollar for Dollar- an d w e al Ho g ive when we buy y our Poultry a nd Eggs ,

y ou R ed Arrow Money

We Want 5000 Young Chickens and Hens

Dreams lead to empathy. You dream you lIaw· a friend in a certain place, tblnk about It, and In a week you believe that )Iou dreamed of blm Bnd then saw blm. just wbere you had dreamed of blm And you tell , your friends h.ow your dream came true. when it did .nothing of tbe kind Beware of , empathy The world Is : . full of it. Professors JPryer and Shaw, of New York university. Invented or diB. coverld it. '

Do your buyinlr at the Red Arrow Stores, get the R e d Arrow M.oney. Buy Merchandise with your Red Arrow Money Makes your cost you less

If y o u have any to se ll ca ll u s , o u r t ruc k w ill call for t h e poult ry

Milk Fed Chi c k e ns a nd La r ge, Cand led Eggs for sa lc a ll t h e time . Fryin g C hick e n s t hi s w eek.

Some nice s m a ll


-- ..- - -

HAR1~EYSBURG Mrs. H. E. Hatton is spending tbls week in Cincinnati. with relatives Mrs. J . C. Gray was a Wednesday guest of Mr. lind Mrs. Jack Levi at Mt. Holly. A number from here were in attendance at the funeral of Chris Smith, Tuesday. Several from here attended the fu· neral of Mrn, Antl'am at Miami Chapel. Mond ~LY . Friends her!! will learn with regret of the serious ' illnellll of Mrll. Ida Howe, at her home In Dayton. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Sberwood entertained Sunday, Mr and Mrs Carl Sherwood and famUy of Waynesville. Don't fail to come to chur<:b at Jonah's Run next Sunday. to hear Rev. Hunter. Ii missionary from Burma. Mr. and MIl'S. Everett Villars and son, Billy, of Dayton, spent Sunday with Mr .and Mrs. W. P . McCarren and daughters. Mr. and MIl'S. Clilf Shanholtz and family were S unday guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hickina and family. , Mrs. Anna Van Doren and Mr. and Mrs E. C. Collier were recent guests of Mr. and )(J'8. ,... M. Sears and tami1y. at Jelferaonville. : Mre. Bern Carr Is added to our sick Iillt. Mn. W. P. McCarren is much Improved, but Mrs. Karl Sbidaker .Is not improving as her friends desire Albert Adams. respected colored cltir.en of tbiJa village. died Friday morning at hill home on Eaat Second street, after I, long iIInellll of heart trouble. Funoral services, Monday. As • climax to a Ipellin2 contest whlch baa bee.n waginC in the Inter· mediate room the put two month. the 4th and 6th rradea entertained the eth crade (the wlnnen). with • p&rt7 at the hall Wednaday .fternoon. IJvell gam.. wera enjoyed and & deUeloull lunch of .ndwichell pick]., Ice cream and cake . . .


. -.

" Rented Farms Tlaat. • 8fth of the farm IaluUords of ' thia countr7 OWD approzimaWly

d1lct.ecl hy the United Statu Depart;. ment of ~c1llt1lre the oWDU'lhlp of · reuteci Janna ill 184 couti81 ill halt tbe Statea. '



Fres h Ba ltimol'e CJ .I A e r s. so lid i\rl~ a " lI r e, No Wat e r .

halt of the rented fanna. the ~.• r four Mth& ' laavlne b1lt. 'one t.eait;t!t each. Ie indicated bl a IIII'VI, co~

, .


-' I ill ,,' "' :" . ~ pkgs ........ .... .......... ... 25c (:"t)( 1 , "I·!I. :: ' · .tll " .... ....... .... ......... .. ..... 25c ( ;" , ,, 1 I'. , . :: cali s. .. .. .............. .. .... .25c \ """ 1'1 ,,·'1 ' , l:t ·:III ,. , :1 '·a ns .. .. .. .... .. ...... .25c ( ' I II 1""'1['· 'I',)Jll :l!o So u p, only .... .... l0c .. . ........ .. 10c 1.11' 1' ,t· , · i ' ~ (·;t1 ,; up. (J ll ly I:t" " !i'III : (' :\ t~lI )1, on l ~r ....... . ..... .... .. . 15c ( ' II'lt ll (:1)1,'. only .. .. .. ... ....... .. .. ...... ... 30c :\lIt ( II ,·., . (lil ly .. . ..... .. .. ... .... .. .. .. .... . 22c I"d ilil' Salt. II n l~' .. .... .. .... ..... .... . 10c l :lIrl,ha r rll' ,; Fmll l, s, IIlI ly .. .. 25c J lIrl , han !I '~ \V ~inl'r " . ollly .. .. .. .. ...... .. 28c 1' \11'" I.:t l <l. no· 111 c· ~,n , . Ih ........ ......... 16c <; "(1 01 1:1 " \ ,,, . 10,' p a i" : d Oi't'I!. ...... $ 1.00

For our h o liday trad e .


Is t he only mon ey th at w ill be good to b uy th ese articles to be given away. The propo s ition is this : Every tim e yo u m a k e a purchase at any of the Red Arrow Stores, you g et in return, doll a r fo r dolla r , t his R e d Arrow Money. Then if you see any article put up that you are d esirous of o b t ai ning. you can get an auction card, put the amount you a r e will ing to g ive for t h e a rticl e a nd place it in the box. If you are highest bidder you w ill get and p a y for t h e article in Red Arrow Money.

Low Prices on Stap le Groceri es, E tc.

First we think about a thing with ' . ympathy, Tben we get mixed. In- ' ject ounelves iinto tbl ' affair, In our ' Ima.r!nation8. a,nd loon' are ready to Iwear, with perfect Iineerlty, that we aaw what 't!~ e never law.

Wa yn esvill e a r e going to give away hundreds of dollars'



New Dr o m e dal'~' n at!'s, p;l!· k ;\J..;,· .. .... 20c New Figf; . pound. on ly .... .. .................. 15 c New Rai s ins , pOllnd .. .... .. .... .... .... .. .. 12 '.c

Are you Incliined to empathy! It's the new word of psychologists, and explainll stories of wltnell8es. describing in de~i1 what they never Baw, The new word mlY playa part In the Halll-Mills murder caae.

worth of merchandise during the coming year, and you will want money to Iret aome of the articles they intend to give .away durin'Ir ' this time.






The merchanta' of


A f in e aaaort m e n t a t very low prices C h ocolate Drops .... .. . .. .... ..15c Je l ly Drops ............. ...... ... .......... 15c C ut Mix e d .. ...... .. ...... .. .. ,. ...... .. 15e Ass orted C ho co l al l'~ ..... ... . 20e Fre nch C r ea m s ........ ........ .20c Many Oth e r kind s .. .. .. .......... ... 15c to 3 5c

We don't believe that Asia and America would go in barness any batter than a yak Bnd a submarine. Neverthelellll, we like ABla, all but the rajahs, caBte, lI uttee and child mar· riage-and Britain Is attending to them.

Everybody w a n ts that com modity nt a ll t im es-now and In th e future . Some peopl e a r e a lways w a nting mon cy to !'}Jc n d, o t h e r s a r e wanting mone y to buy bonds , others a r e wa nti ng money f O J" vario u s p urp oses-but we all want money.

~ )l'

Christmas Candy

ord, but a grl!at deal too low. In these booming times, and with the prosperity thJlt. is ahead, every able broker ought to learn the price of a seat in a year.

There is a t remend ous power In sincerity, nnd, right or wro ng, on Rabindranath Tugore (fine, old go ld, silver or prohibition, Bryan had t hat power. poet of Bombay) joins Eu rope's hymn of Amm;ca n hate. He won't come he re agai n; did not like us last Dr. Lorenz. ' bloodless surgeo n of tim e. We are "too aggressively anVienna. 8U yS science is in j uri ng hu· ti-Asiatic and lIelfish." man ity by keeping t he unfi t allve. Nature tries to wipe out t hose not fit to per pe tuate t he species. Science We arc not "aggressivly anti-Asiprolongs t heir lives and adds unfit atic, " bu t we notice t hat India in five ch ildren to the population. thousand years has done nothing bu t Red Indians used to kill babies that turn f rom slavery under t he r aja h did not seem vigorous, and killed all to slavery under Britain and rajahs children born deformed. That didn't combined. WE!. on . the other hand, make a great conquering r ace ot the have done several t hings, steamboa t, Indians. Some of t he most useful flying mac hine, a utomobile, telephone men , Voltaire, for instance. would phonograph, radio, in much less t han fi ve thousand years.


to Eat



\\T i vL' ~ who ca n't co ol{ hav e be t" : 't ,~11 Ihe r e '" little to bowail. th e ohject of u fu silud " 1)1 cri tic iHlr f I I he I' " "d is wcll cooked, seienof lutc. til kHI I)' /lI'l' pared , cnref ull y inspected Uuth the ev ils of drunk enn ess lind "lid I'l' ~sh . u ~ fa l' Il~ the sto mach farell divorc(· ure suid t u I lU\.' L' IH'\..' n tra cked tl1l' c hall ,,'· wi ll not Le for the wo rse. buck to ill<'tIiciL'II t kitciH'll s and ill ~o ll,e cuses decidedly fo r t he A ICUI'IH!d ~ng l i s h mediCa l mu n d,.- ),dter. . clur c~, IIj( a ll YOUUK W(l men we f e Th ere is no valid r eason why wotaught tu cuuk pruperly tl1l'rc would men huve to cook the food which the be much Ie", drUIt );"" " "H" in the ;,"nl ly cut a ny more tha n make. th e world. cluth es they wear. 011 divorce. U WOIIllIl" , club speak . If thl' fou d is wholesome and noure r say~ , "1)oli c ulc ~R "n wives, wh o i8 hi n~ it is not high ly important huy mellis out inste ad of c(J uk ing whether it comes fro m a small kitchth"lIl t helllse iv es. nrc Uw ClIUHe of thl' en or II la rf.(c one. or who does t he increase in div o r ccM. " I1IU IIUII I InLor con nected with its prepOne of the most rapid ('hanl:(o " tak- arat iun. jng place tuda y i. in tile \I "y we cal. Th e reu lly importan t consideration In th e past te n ycur8 l hl' r,." t.llu- c" ncerns itsl'lf, not with eati ng at rants ha ve llIore thlln douhl l'd in th., :. 11. hut \lith th" new leisure. city of Now Yurko 'I'1ll'Y sCI'''e six WumclI who ure freed from the million meals c"ery duy. , t!lve will fin d seve ral hours of extra !loyu l S. Co pelun u. rllrIllL'" Hen lth leis lIr.! till their .hunds. C.o mmi ss jo~lcr o f !\'t'W Y1 lr k, I' I"{'. Wh "lher the y usc this for self ·i md iets th at 111 H ve ry few dtT ad£! s IlU pr U\"e lrll'lll o r was te is the mos t irnone will he "" tinl{ hnlll e-c,,,,kt'd fnod. pur ta lt l co nsi derution in the change At a ny rat o the Irend i, defini lely tn uur melhud of ea ti ng


z ·J M M ER MAN "S

P op,e, who wroto the "Essay on Man . ' and other t hinga worth whlle, wo uld have been ki lled had he lived among t he Indians. He had to be sewed up in a canvas ~ jacket each day thnt he mighb sit up and write. And consider the goorl moral effect that hel pin~ the unfit has upon the IIb ler types. Whnt we call charity iMl ar~e1y a ph ila nthropic gymnasiun, for the prosperous.

Atwater-Kent Model 35 Six Tubes, One Dial, Metal Cabinet Another good looking receiver, built on an entirely new principle. Non-radiatin g, non-squealing, beautiful appearance, simplicity o f desigtl , sturdiness of construction, are the out-standing features. The cabinet is' made to shield completely the electrical assembly inside. Finished in rich dark brown crystalline. Price with regular accessories

$125.00 ,.

Cooper Balloo.n Cord Ltngthen the life of your car, and still get ,big mileage with Cooper Balloon Tires. . Built for economy and safety, as well as comfort, .and a tire whose beauty adds to the appearanae ' J' . . . . .1 ' .any car.







Sto re Open Eoory E vening

II '" ' i (! H, ,i/.' rrH/~ Y/e rI (l)

Uuti' Ch rislmQ$

I'c' ;·:·i'(/.' t:


dhEI <'ry I'


,. ,\,·'1

0111' Sd e('/ i lJ/I (I(

Ii e W ill Lay Away A ny Article Until Christmas

In White English BroAd cloth from 9& to $3.45




I "

, .,


and r) in box


, 1t'1 1I


25c to $ .50

110 Iidu!/

Gifts Is Mo re


Cmnp lddhwi

Ec el' B (ure A nd At L ower Prices



Store Open Every Evening Until Christmas


Christmas Gifts For Him

~C hristmas

House S lip pers .. .. " ... ... ...................... " .. " ... .$1.25 to $2 .98 Bath Robes .. ........ ........ ..... ... ... ..... ... .... .. ....... $3 .95 to $7.50 Traveling Bags ....... ...... ......... ... .. .• ..... ...... ... $1.98 to $10.00 Pajama s ........ ..... .... ......... .. .. .... ...... ........ .. ,.. ... $1.50 to $2.45 Sweater: .......... .......... " ........... "." .................. .. 98c to $7.50 Lumber Ja c]<ets ... " .... .... .... ....... ... ... .. ............ $2.95 to $5.95 Belts ..... ................ ...... ...... ............. .................... 50c to $2.00 Suspend ers ... .. ...... .......... .. ............. .. .... .......... .... 35c to $1.00 Garters ..... ............. .... .. .. .. .. .. ............................ 25c to .... 75c Garter Sets ................. .. .. ........ .... ................ ... 50 c to $1.50 Nec kwear ................. ...... .. .... .. .. ........ .... ... ... ... .. 48c to $1.50 Handkerchi efs ....... .. .. .. ............................... ........ 5c to 50c Cuff Buttons .... ..................... .... .... .... .. .... ......... 50c to $1.50 Men's Caps .............................................. .. ...... 75c to $2.00 M en's and Boys' Gloves .. ................ ........... .. ... 75c to $3.95 Boys ' Neck ties ... .......... .... .... ..... .... ............ 59c Boys' Long Pants ...... ............. .... .... ............ .. .$1.98 to $2.95 Boys' House Slip pers .. ............... "",,.. ... .. .......... 98c Boys' Ru bbers .... .................. " .. " .. .......... "... ..... $1.25 Rays' Lumbe rja cks .. .. .. .. .. ....... ....... ......... ..... .. $2.95 BOYK' Sweaters .. .. " .... .............. .. ..... ........ .. ..... .. 9& to $3.95 floys' Rubber Boots ........ .. .. ... , .. ..... ... :....... . :.. $2.25 to $3.95

:-;i lk I3l unll1l'r,; .. .. .. .......... ... .............. " ........... $1.25 to $1.95 Fancy I' un.I·" ........ ... ..... ................ .... ..... " .... ..... 9 8c to $6.95 I1 Hllctk el'l: h il' f" " ...... " ................ " .... " ........... .... .. .5c to 50c Rap II Sil k S prea d s .. ...... ............................ ...... $6.95 Blan kets ... ................ ....... .. ..... ..................... $1.98 to $5.95 Tow e l ets ... ................ .. ............................... $1.25 to $1.95 Boudoir CII ps ...... .. .. .. ..... ........... ... .. .. .... .. .... .. ..... 39c to 98c Garter Sels ....................... ...... ............ ... .......... 59c to $1.25 Perfumes ................... .... .. .... .. ............... ...... .. ...... 10c to 98c Do lls ............ .. ........ ..... .... ...... ...... .. .... .. ... .... ...... .. 50c to $3.45 El ectric La mp s ........... .. ...... ... .. ... .... .. .. .. .. .. ... $.1.98 to $2.98 Sil k Scu rfs .... ...... ........ .. .. ............. .......... .. .. ..... $1.25 to $3.45 Bath Rob es .......... .... ....... ....... ........................ $3.95 to $7.50 Dresser Scarfs .... ...... .................. .... ................ 48c to $3.50 bil k Hosiery ..... .......... ............ .. ..... ....... ... ...... .. .. 49c to $3.50 :::.tationer y .... .. ............. ..... .. .. ...... .. .. .. .. .............. 25c to $1.50 Christmas Cards ...... .. ... ... .. .................. .......... ...... lc to 15c Lunch eon Sets .. .. ........ .. ..................... ... .. .... .. $3.95 to $5.95 Hand Bags ............. .. ...... .. .... ....... .................. $1.25 to $5.95 Silk Umbrel1as ... .. ....... ... .. ..... .... .... ... ... .... ...... $1.45 to $5.95 Co mpacts ... .... ........ ........ ...... .. ....... ............ ... ..... 2SC to $1.50

Extra Special

Extra Special

White Imported English Broadcloth Shirts, $3.00 Value,

Ladies' and Misses' Slickers, All Colors, $5.00 .Value,




. Make a useful g ift for Me n. \Vorne n an d Children. In nil "izetl and colors SOc to $3.95


.. ..

Gifts Fo.r ,Her



MEN'S 'NECKWEAR They never have enough Neckwear. A beautiful assortment of Four·in·Ha nd Brocaded Silk and Wool, at · 48c to $1.50

Men's Hosiery

Dolls For Kiddies

Story Books

In all the season's latest in Silks, Wool and Lisle and Cottons


A Good Gift for the Children, Priced

26c' to ,$1.25 :

===-, ~

o I




•• ....r •• '''_ ,...,.lfie_ a'

"'.."n.OPIII. . . . . . . . . . . . . " CI••••• n ••

Pn.. '1M





per Yea,

. ...Ii...n

D1IX:lUBER 8, 1926 ,




; i\'L' l h e m Slw e p-Lincd

COATS For M en .............. .... ........ $8.95 to $12.45 For Ho y,; ........................ ... .$6.95 to $ 9.95 Gi \'c them

SUITS OR OVERCOATS pc\:in l Suits or Ovel'coats ............ $19.7S X ma~ Spec ial, Suits 01' Overcoats .. $24.7S BoYa' Long Panla Suila 2-pa nts. at ....... .......... ..... $10.75 to $17.95


Mis ~es .


o o U



2' J t ,) X ................. .. ... ........ .. ....... . $2.89

J I ' " to

~ .. ....

........................ ............ $2.48

Chi ldr e ll's , 8 ' " lo 10'" ........... ........... ... .... .... . $2.25

Oc:::lOJ:'==::1'01:101:'==:1,1Oc:lOIJ:'==::1' Oc:::lOJ:'==:::a::lOC::lOI:'==::IUc:::IO J:'==::1' Oc::lO


For Wo me ll ......... . .......... 98c to $1.50 For 1\1"11 ..... ........ .... ..... .... .$1.25 to $2.95 For C hi ldi'L'1l .. ... ..... .... .. .... .... 98 c t o $1.25


tOe to 48c

60c . to $3.46






In good range of patterns nnd COlOI'M. ' A ••... ' dependable Christmas gift. '$3.95 to $7.50


I 'nnl, · i ll :-;ill, s ., II;, I I·r prlJ" r.

\ ',' : II·


HAIL TO THE KING A tweln-year-old Indiana boy was croWDed Id.q at Chicago the other

da,.. Ue Ie the fourth of hil, fam· II,. to wear • ~wn. America n eeds mON ldDp of 1IJa kind. lila aame t. Thorn.. J Lux, and ·he .... CTCIWDed JaDior com king of Ameriea at the Intematlonal Live· .tack EEpoeltiOIl. The title seems to be blNCllUr7 In ble famUy, for it bal been won prevlousl,. by his two broth. ., !Yank and Maurice, and by • eolllla. Vietor M. Lux. His

I nnd sons, of Dnyton, wer e Sunday !!I_______Dl_ _ _.:l_ _nt:!ll_iD!2I_III_ _ _ _ _ _ Vare, in Pennsylvanin, Smith in ' marchl'd into the temple in columns Illinois, Watson in Ind ill na - t hese nnd squ ndN. What is needed noW is g u est~ o ( Mr. and Mrs. Ke sle r GraCream is your lll's fa rm cro p. It (lrQ\'i l~"S A Rtea d y . yea rarc some of the st raws in the politi· so mebody with u good s t out firm and hum. afOU ll d ill" lme, a nr! II h e n ~old1Tl1' ct to the Tri Stale cal gale. a good stout whip t o scourge them Mr. and Mrs. Chari s Mullenix atgives th e )11 ·" r!\l I·l' r :rll th e m011 ey . Anothe r straw is thut o f Arthur out. te nde d the fune ra l of Miss Celinda R. Gould, of Maine. The voters in It is high time the Ameri cnn peo- Thayer. nt the home of Mrs. Eva that stute have freed Mr. Gould of pie teach t hese hig h politica l finan - II onnell, ut pringboro, Friduy afteraccusation s that he exceeded the 11'- ciers a lesson noon. Shi p Direc t to gal limit in his expenditures for the Mr. Frank Kurfi s received word I primary campaign to fiU the tII1expirSaturday, of th e death of his Cincinnati, ed term of the late Senator Fernald. Ohio step moth er, a t Midd letown. Mr. and Maine's sec'r etary of state, sitting as CUT OUT TI1 E MIDDLEMA N Mrs. Kurfis attended th e funeral, on a court, had previously dismissed the Mo nday. Miss Velma S mith sp ent Mo nday charges officially. The New BrunsMr. a nd Mrs. William Pine and wick matter with which Mr. Gould in Dayton. clllughte r, Marie, of Social Row, were ~.~~..!"'!..!"'!..!"'!..!"'! -~~~~~.-~~ -....- ....~~~~.~-_ ~_~_ !!!...~~_~!!...!!...~_ ~~!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!! had something to do and which ruin Little Bernice Graham is quite ill Sunday dinner guests of t he f ormer's _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ed politically the Prime Minister of at this t ime. mother, lIfrs. Lydia Pine and Mrs. ~ New Brunswick has not been exMrs. E leanor Mullenix was quite lI'l nry Murshall. plained. sick a few days los t week. . anta Claus, his r eindeer imd EsAnd n ow come the accusations Don't forget to meet Santa Clau s quim os, of the Rike Kumler Co. , will against Senator Butler in Massachuat the T own pump, F'I:i day ufternoon. be in Lytle this, Friday, December setts. The senatorial investigating Miss Ed ith Reeder, of near Way- 10, at 2 p. ,m., ut the square committee headed by Senator Reed, NEEDED-AN OLD-FASHIONED nesville, is visitng r elatives here ut the Town pump. Come and bri ng wm look in to the matter of Senator , SCOURGE your neighbors. thi s week. Butler's ca mpaign expenses. Mrs. J. M. Stewart, of Milford, has Mr. und lIlt-s. Charles Clark nnll If the wind is strong eno ugh even Senatorial cumpaigns are expensive charge of the depot here for a couple Mr. H. M. Clllrk s pent Thursday golden straws wJ II show the way it things, these straws show. They alof weeks in the absence of Mr. L. is blowing. 50 show t hat money changers have in Dayton . Mr. Everett Early and daughters, M: Sims. Mrs. Stewart spent a few Helen and Ruth, were Dnyton snop. days with her husband here lust week ut the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. pers, Saturday. Ilcrgdall. Mrs. Clara Stacy spent a few days Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Watkins were last week Mr. and Mrs. Rolph Earncalled to Cincinnati last week by the hart, ncar Pekin. serious illness of the former'a sister, Mrs. Allen Emrick and daug hte r, Mrs Maud Martin, who has been a Gl udys, were Wednesday dinner patient at the Home for Incurable. guests of Mrs. J . B. J ones. for the past five years. Her death Mrs. Emma Lacy, who has employ- is expected at any time mc nt in Dayton, splmt Friday and The Ladies Aid held on all-day Saturday at her homle ettere. meeting and enjoyed a covered dish Miss Alice Chenoweth of near dinner Saturday at the home of Mrs. Wayn esvsille, is visitj,ng at the home Berne Jones. A pleasant day was of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hess. spe nt. Each one present brought a Mr. a nd Mrs. C. E . Johns s pent Christmas preeent and those were Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn exchanged by the me mbers. Johns a nd family" in Dayton. The meeting by the leaders of the Mr.. and Mrs. Bert Bunnell were "Home Care of· the Sick Project," tendered a surprise Saturday even- for this neighborhood, was held at the ing by neighbors and friend s. home of Mrs. Frank Hess, WednesThe Euchre club met at the home day afternoon. There were several Mule-Hide repreienb a lortr... of protective atreqth of Mr. and Mrs. Pen'y Wade, of the present and the work proved to be and roof endurance. , . ' very interesting. These lessons are Dayton pike, Friday evening. No other asphalt roofins offera aueh attractiveneuMr. and Mrs. Saylor and free and all the ladies near here ncb u1tra-dt:pendability •• MuJe.Hide-the "Not a son, of Belmont, were week-end should avail thmselves of the oppor. Kick in Million Feet" Roofinlro t • J ." • gucsts of Mr. and Mrs. Will Long. tunity of learning how "to core for th,e sick. The next meeting will be the Crown your home with Mule-Hide, it Mehall.... the MI'II. Francia Edwards and son, are first week in Januury. The leaders element-". . .. spending a couple of weeks with Mr. are: . Mesdames Bertha Hess, Elsie and IIlrs Charles E dwards, ' in Day- Hawke and Ethel Watkins: . ton. - - -... Mrs. Eva May Pennewit, of miar CASE DIS.MISSED Bellbrook, sp ent T ues day, of last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. "Why didn't you throw that four· -inch fish bock- you know It's against Frank Rogers. . . the law?" . . Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mahan and fam "It was the oilly one 1 cau,ht, your ily, of Five Point, were Sunday. din· honor! and I wanted to show,' it to ner guests of Mr. find Mrs. Frank my ~fe, ·t1.r$t." Rogers and Mrs. Lottie Carey. Mr. pl'V'ille Ph11lips returned home NOTHII';~ TO DO 'TIl:.. TOMORROW

fother, Pete r J. Lu x, twice held the title of "Corn King." To an extent overlooked by many people, Americo's prosperity depends upon her farmers. The migration of t he co un t ry boys to the city in such great nu mbers is n r eal and constant so urce of worry. Here is a family t hat is ovldently content with the farm. The junior corn king is not likely to fall a vic-tim soon to the lure of the bright lights. He has shown that he knows how to coax the soil into yielding him returns. His success is a good indio tion that he likes t he life of a far· mer. The country needs also to pay more attention to the farmers' prob. lems. When the farmer gets a fair return for his products , there will be for "back-to-thc·farm" movements.


The Tri·State Price December 6, 1926

.- ..._--


per pound

The Tri-State Butter Co.,



G~allenfles the



- ..---



Sunday, aiter spending a llouple 8f "Well, John,'! said the father to weeki with his cousins, 'Mr, and Mrs. his son, a young doctor, 'how's yourl William Witten, near Midedltown. practice 1" "Well, In tbe 'mominp practleaJbr Mr. and loin. C. W. Albriaht, of no one come'; aDd in the afternoon S,priDaboro. ad ~ Dora ~ the r\I8b lalla off • bit. II

-w.'H.l\1adden, ~ Co. .. Waynesville ~.






have died In infancy but for extraordinary scientific care. .


Pop,e, who wrote the "Eeaay on Man. ' and other tronp worth while would have been kiUed had he lived , among the Indians. He had to be sewed up In a canvas : jacket each day that he mighb s it up and write. . And consider t he good moral effect lhat helping th e unfi t has upon the ubler types. W hat we call charily is largely a philanthropic gymn asium for the prosperous.

DtFrank Crane says la.I""" " "'CJ ••)1.

~COOKING ' IS IMPORTANT HWUy frolll Ihe. uld-fnsl;ioned homel1lL'uls , und eating food (ul . idl· will more and more




your wife cnn 't cOf)k." SIl YS a liN 'orne till' (' us t ..,nl. r C!'I.tnu r ul1t siJ,.!"tt. "l!oll't divorcl' ht ' l'. Bl, r" ,,,, I IId ' " II ~ up Iwnds in horror ~~ ut here, und keep he r" pet." I" t l i ' l . ,,, " "I" I· the possibilities. In \Vi vc ~ wh u cu n ' l,. CUllk ha ve hel' n It,df LlI\ ' I'c I< little tu bewail. II

tho objecl of u Cu siludo ul crilil'i, ,,' ur luto. But h the llvil. (If dl'unl(onn llSS a nd divnrc.· ure suid tu hu ve U Ot' 1I trucked uack lo ill ctlicient kitchen s A IllU/'ned English Illed icul llIun de. clares , 'liC nil lau~hl

you ng women


to ('ook pl'opel'ly tlH' re wuuld \'e much less drunkenn,,"" in l hl' world . On divorce. II womulI's c1uu ~ pcak .


~ Uy M .

" l)cli c alc ~!'H' n

w iv e!;, wh (.

buy meuls Ollt in stead o( couking them themsc l"e" lire the ca use o ( the

inc rease in divorceR." One of the must rllpid changes tuk-

iug place t odny is in the way we culIn th e p:'lst ten yeur, till' restnu ranls huve Illure thun duubled in l h... city. of New York . They Slll'l'C s ix mIlli on meuls eve ry <I llY Royul S. 'ope lun d. f~ rllll' r II culth C,ommisMio,:,cr


New )' (Irk ,

I'I·t' .

II lh,' r"" d i, well cooked scientilica ll y !'''!!/lured, carefu lly in~pected ANOTHER BRYAN WANTED lind 1'1'1 " ". '" fill' as the stomach fores Ih ,' <"IlaIl K" lI'il l lIul ue for the worse SCIENCE NO MENACE and in sullie Cuses decidedly for th~ bettCI'. . 170,000 AND TOO CHEAP Th ere i ~ no valid reason why woo llIe n have to cook the food which the BEWARE OF EMPATHY i" "lI ly cul any more than make the d"thcs th ey wear. If th!! foud is wholcsome and nouri,hi llJ.: it is not high ly important The Iowa state chairman says the \\ helher it comes from a small kitch- Democratic party ought to find a man (' n or 1\ la rJ,:c one, or who does the like W. J . Bryan-flomethlng hard to ,,,ulluu l ulbor cunn ccted with ils prep- do. Bryan had one 'great quality, ara t wn . and you co uld say, as it is BIIld of an· Th l! really important consideration other, "That man believes every Such men are dan· c ~ nc c rn s it Kclf. not with eating at word he says. gerous." all , bllt \\ ith Iho new leisure. \V umell \\' ho a re fr eed from the There is a tremendous power In '1 (0"" will fi nd several hours of extra si ncerit y, und, right or wrong, on It:is ure un tlwi r hunds. gold, . i1ver or prohibition, Bryan had Wh elh!! f they use this fur self-im· that power.

dlcts that In /I vet'y fe\\' decad ,," l1u pn) \' CIlll'l1l u r Wll stl! is the nlos t im ... one will be euting hUll1 e-l' uo kl'd food. "" rt<lnt consi deration in the change At any rate the trend i, definitely In our llIl'thod of eating THE COLOR OF REAL SK IN

The pastor of a thri vi ng- colured congregation in .Jlleksoll\' ille W ll s speaking lo one of his fl ock . . "Brother," he said. "I henrs vcry reports of your youngest so n. I hat buy , doesn't see m to do you much credit"

."C redit '!" rej oined thiH par ishion"Huh , you puts it mild. Thn's th(' wU '"t chilo! ever I see n In mj' whole lif('. In fncl, Elder strick'~ belwcC' n oursc's , we regard him ez de w'ite shee p of de family."

!' T,

----- ...- - -

frJ tb. Miami for Job Wor"

. A Stock Exc:hange seat sells for $170 ,000. the highest price on ree· ord, but a great deal too low. In t hese booming times, and with the prosperity that is ahead, every able broker ought to learn the price of a seat in a year. The value of Exchange scals shows that it is bettcr to buy and sell things than to make them. You know how cotlon growcrs feel just now. In some places cotto n isn't worth pick·



to S,). ;;d Low Prices on Staple Groceries , Etc.

Christmas Candy A fine assortm-ent at very low prices

:'I l in " ",.,'. ~ p k g,; ........ .. .. ...... ...... .. 25c I-".:~ l an .. .; ... ....... ... . ...... ..... ... . .. 25c 1 :1 !.! 1'1 !", ' ; (·;U IS . . . . ... . .. .. ... ... . . .. ... . . .. . 25c

Chocolate Drops .. . .. . .. .... ... . .. 15c J e ll y Drops.. .... .. .... .. 15c Cut Mixed .... _.. ... I S.: Ass orted C hoco lail' R .. .. ..... . . 20c Fr e nch Creams .. . .. .... ....... 20c Many Other kind s .. ... .. .. ..... 15c to 3 5c

(; lIlld I

\ "i',' (

Rabindranath Tngo re (fin e, old poet of Bombay) . j oins Europc's hymn of Am erican hnte. He won't cu me here again; did not like us last Dr. Lure nz, 'b loodless surgeon of time. We are "too aggressively anVienna, says science is injuring hu· ti-Asia tic and se lfish." manity by keeping the unfit alive . Nature tries to wipe out those not fit Weare not "aggressivly anti-Asito perpetuate the species. Science prolongs their lives and adds unfit atic," but we notic e that India in five thousand ycars has done nothing but children to the population. Red Indians used to ki11 babies that t urn from slavery under the r ajah did not see m vigorous, and killed all to slavery undu Britain and rajahs children born deformed. That didn't combined . We, on the other hand, make a grent conquering race of the have done seve ral things, steamboat, Indians. Some of the most useful flying machine, automobile, telephone men, Voltaire, for instance, would phonograph, radio, in much les8 than five thousand years.

I .. ' ' . 1: " :111 ' . ;; III

I i I


l':II I S

.. .


TI)nl :d u So up , o nly ... .. .. . tOc " ( ·; iI '; ll]1 . 'JlI I~' .. . ...... .. .... .. 10c


I :,"" ' I, ';1 (· ·II.-I lp . (ll ily ..... .. . .. .... .. .. . 15c ( . II .. ' 'I (; II I. I. 11 11 1Y ........ .... .. .. ... ... .. ... .30c :\UI ti l, ·" . "" Iy .. .. . ..... .. .. .... .. . .. ....... 22c 1,,<11111' :-.;;, 11. o n I', .... .. .. .. .. .. .. ... IOc 1: 11 1' 1· J.; ,r<ll· ~ FI' ;ll il( ~ . ,, "Iv .. . .. 25c 1:"1' 1,1 :1 1'1 .',; \Vl'i nt'I' ~. OI;l y .. ...... ....... 28c 1'1 ,1'. , 1... 1 d . :,(I-Il, ,' :. " , Ill ...... .......... 16c (; 1,, 11, I ,I·.\\~. 10\' P:l jl' : d oz ,' I1 " ... .. $1 .00

New Drom e dary Dates, pllc k agc .. . .. 20c New Fi g~. po und , on ly .. ... ......... .. .. .... . 15c New Raisins, pOllnd ..... .... ........ .. .. ... I2 ~"c

SPE CI! L '. 10, ,ill U:o\;i ng P o wde r FREE with each 25 pound sack of Flou r th is week .

Fresh Baltimor e OYliie l·s. !owlid l\1' ca,; ul't'. No Water.

( ;,,,,,1 ( ',, 1'1', ...:. on ly ..... .. .. ......... ... .. .. .... 30c Till' I : .. st !:" f l' l , (. so ld in t,,\\' n fo r 1I111 y . pou n d .. .. _....... .. .. .. _.. .... .... .. 45c


Yesterday in New York a seat on the Cotton Excihange so ld for $2,000 more than the last previous sale. Wh ether cotton stocks Bell hi gh or low, the inte llig'cnt, broke r makcs his profit. -


Fresh Cris p Ce le ry He ad Lettuce. Cranberrie s, 2 quarts for ....... .... .. .. .. .. 25c

BREAD 'W e s cl l Wayn esv ill e , Holl a nd's a nd K rllg' s Bread-16 kinds .

. FRESH LAUREL CRACKERSSix kinds to select from .

We don't believe that Asia and America would go in harness any better than a yak lInd a submarine. NevertheleSll. we I:ike Asia, all but the rajahs, caste, 8luttee ' and child mar. riage-and Drillsln Is attending to I them.


Are you Inclined to empathy' It's the new word of psychologlsls, and explains stories of wltneases, describ· ing in deiail what they never SaW. The new word may play a part In the Hana-Mills murder cue.

Everybody wants that commodity at all times-now and In the future. Some people are always wanti n g money t o 'Hpe nd, others a r e wanting money to buy bonds, othera are wanting mon ey fol' vadou s purposes-but we all want money. • The


RED ARROW MONEY Is .t~e o~ly ~on ey t hat w~11 be g ood to buy these articles to be given away. The prop.. oSItion IS thIs: Every t im e yo u make a purchase at any of the Red Arrow Stores, you get in return, dollar for dollar, this Red Arrow Money. Then if you see any article put up that you are desirous of obta ining, you can get an auction card, put the amount you are willing to give for the a rticle a nd place it in the box. If you are higheat bidder you will get and pay for the article in Red Arrow Money.

What We Will Do For You We are not offerin g articles for auction, but we are in the Club lind we will be as generous as others w ho are offering auction articles.

For a Paid-Up-To-Date Subscription to T.he Miami Ga~ette, we will gil1e you

For an Entirely New Paid-./n-Advance Subscription to The Miami Ga. . tte, we will ,il1e you

$15.00 .



In Red Arrow Money, lor each and every year.



In Red Arrow Mon.y, lor .ach lInd e".r.7 , : year..

Miss -This Proposition

If you want to take advantage of this generous offer, come in right away, offer may be withdrawn 800n. If you want to follow Red Arrow advertisements you will be better enabled if you are a reader of the M.iami Gazette.

as the

to do

110 '

You want to keep in touch with your neighborhood, therelore the Gu:ette will be able to keep you informed every week in regard to the general news.





Hundreds of articles best seasonable ml!n:hHlIui sc at pric es lower than you h ave bee n Paying, and Remember, we give




With each purchase-Dollar for Dollar-and w e a lso whe n we buy your Poultry and Eggs .

give you Red

Arrow Money

We Want 5000 Yol,lng Chickens and Hens

First we think abo ut a thing with Iympathy. Thlln we get milled, In· ' ject ourselves into the ' alralr, In our ' imai'ination s, a'nd loon ' are ready to awear, with p.Brfect aineerlty. that we I18W what \1;'e never aaw.

For our holiday trade.

Dreams lealil to empathy. You dream you aaw a frlerid In a certain place, think about It, and In a week you believe that you dreamed of him and then saw him, Just where you had dreamed of him And you tell I your frienda how your dream came true, when It did ,nothing of the kind Beware of, empathy The world Is full of It. I Profeseors Fryer and Shaw, of New York university. Invented or discovertd it.

Do your buyinr at the Red Arrow Stores, get the Red Arrow Money. Buy Merchandise with your Red Arrow Money Makes your merchandise coat you les.

If you have a ny to sell ca ll u s, our truck w ill ca ll for the poultry

Milk Fed Chickens and Large, Cand led Eggs for sale a ll the time. Frying Chickens this week.

Some nice small


----- ...- - -

merchant.' of Waynesville are going to give away hundred. of dollar.'

worth of merchandise during the . coming year, and you will want mon.,. to get .ome of the articles they intend to give ,away during - this time.

Quart Jurs Apple Butter 25c J e ll y Powd e r, same a s .f ello 3 packages ... .. _.............................. 25c

New Pure Buckwheat Flour New Corn M ea l


Mrs. H . E. Hatton Is spending this week in Cincinnati. with nlaUvel Mrs. J. C. Gray was a Wednesday guest of Mr. Bnd Mrs. Jack Levi at Mt. Holly. A number Irrom here were In attendance at tbe funeral of Cbris Smith, Tuesda,y. Several fro~n here attended the funeral of M!'i!l. Antram at Miami Chapel. MondllY. Friends heros will learn with regret of the serioUlI ' iIIneSll of Mrs. Ida Howe, at her home in Dayton. Mr. and Mn. M. E . Sherwood entertained Sunday, Mr and Mrs Carl Sherwood and family of Waynesville. Don't fail to come to cburch at Jonah's Run next Sunday. to hear Rev. Hunter, ,a missionary from Burma. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Villars and son, Billy. of Dayton, spent Sunday with Mr .and Mrs. W. P. McCarren and daughterfl. Mr. and Mrs. Clift' Shanholtz and family were Sunday guesls of their parenls, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hickins ond fam ily. , Mn. Anna Van Doren and Mr. and Mrs E. C. Collier were recent guests of Mr, and Mrs. L. M. Sears and family, at Jeffersonville. : Mrs. Bern Carr Is added to our sick list. Mra. W. P. McCarren is much Improved. but, Mrs. Karl Shidaker la not Improvill.ll: as her friends desire Albert Adllma, respected colored citizen of thlls village. died Friday morning at Ms home on East Second street, after III long IIIneea of heart trouble. Funeral eervicel, Monday. Aa a cUmax to a lpetllq contest wbleh baa beon WBginc In tbe Intermediate room the past two monthe the 4th and 6th p-adu entertained the 6'b crad.. (the winn .... ). with a pany at the hall Wedneeday afternoon. Lively ram.. were enjoyed and a deUelo1111 lunch of .ndwichea plckl.., Ice cream and we was aerved.

Atwater-Kent Model 35 Six Tubes, One Dial, Metal Cabinet Another good looking receiver, built on an entirely new principle. Non-radiating, non-squealing, beauti· ful appearance, simplicity of desigll, sturdiness of construction, are: the out-standing features. The cabinet is made to shield completely the electrical assembly inside. Finished in rich dark brown crystalline. Price with regular accessories


ReDt:ecl Farm. That • .flfth of the farm Iandlor4s of UlII eountry O'WD .pprozima.. ..y half of the . rented fanna. the ~r four flttha baviq bat 'one te~t eac:ll, .. Indicated b~ a lurv!1 eo':daded by the United Stat.. Depart:ment of 4\arlcnltan the ownenblp of NIltH llll'llll Ill . 186 countlea III half *Ae State&. •


Cooper Balloon· Cord Lt:ngthen the life of your car, and still get big mileage with Cooper Balloon Tires. Built for economy and safety, as well as comfort, adds to the appearan ~.' 't:.,' :and a tire whose beauty . .• .. .any car. ~

,,===========:::::;==::::::::==~~ lAYNaVILL~ AUTO & MACHINIY COMPAN¥ j


P~ODe 17


. -





,nno uncl ng



Jew e ry


ep art me nt



., ~ . t


Su r "'lle



for the tr::


Who le



~~ ~

Fam ily !!~




6 o

\ ~-.~





Prac tical Gifts in Hard ware for Fath er or M other ELE CTRIC APP LIAN CES



Kar~i Tricycle~


Soldiers Tools Pian os Dishes



fsta te Heatrola

Dolls 1 Gam es Tink er Toy s Fric tion Toy s Sleds Scoo ters Wag ons Kidd ie J

i ~lnnG~=tJrJDj

, , ~

-~ ...-





~ o o -
















PRED M. COLE, 'OJ: :lOI '=== :I'O ClO '


- .. -





W "a Y M esvi ' e, \O hi o 'OC:ZO'J:'==: r'oc :rO ,J:c ==: r'Oc:l OJ:'==:11 Oc:lCJ:'==;:1' Oc :lo c== .::t0 OJ:'=:=: tJOc ::::tc !E!2_

Second a nd final account of William Vail, in sane, was fil ed by g uar- ed by Maud Dumfor d, guardia n. Thi rd and fina l account of guardian, Charles F. Wellma n. Luella H. Keelor, executr ix of the dianship of Frances Louise Car ey. estate of T .. E. Keelor, decea sed filed minor, filed by Ralph H. Carey, guardian. h ~ r invento ry Ilnd Ilppraise ment'. Firth acco unt fil ed by J ohn H . McCnd R. lll'n.l strc f' t ap pointed adKinney, guardia n, concern ing guar. COMMO N PLEAS PROCE EDING S ministra tor with th e will annexed of Court ordered that Vernie Ward- th e estate of Mary J Bradstr eet, de- dianship , of Wilbur H. McKinn ey, insane. loW' pay to Amber Wardlow or her ceased. Fourt h acco un t of estate of Geo. attorne y, $8 a week. A ccrtfied copy of the e ntry de- R. Sage, decease d, fil ed by Frederi ck The ease of Thelma Carroll va. terminin g the inherita nce tllX to be W. Hinkle and Geo. W. Cropper , as John Carroll was dismisse d . paid, be certified without lurth er de- trustee heretofo r e flied is accepte d, In the ease of John A. J ohnson vs. lay to the Iluditor of Wllrren counthe sureties on his bond were reAdolph and Dell May Snider, court ty in the settiemElnt of the estute of leased from future li ability and Freordered the plaintiff ,to rcover the E liza beth n Woodbu ry, decease d. derick W. Hinkle retained a8 80le amount of the note, $717.18 and 01 E llen C Stouten borough, decease d trustec. costa .amount ing to $9.40. up on giving bond with securitie s. Will of Charles M. Pope, decease d In the ease of the Casparl a Ohio Ed Stoute n borough accetpe d ap- admitte d to pro bate. Quarrie s Co., va, The R. Stone Con- pointme nt as adminis trator of the Rosa B. P ope appoint ed executri x tracting Co., conrt found that there estate of Ellen C Stouten borough . of the estute of Charles M. Pope, dewall due the plalnttl ' $2897 .40, costs Bond flIed with George Gates and ceased. being taxed aa-alnst defenda nt. Frank D. Miller, freehold ers, as seRosa B. Pope accepte d trult a8 exCharlell J. Waggon er and Zimrl curities . ecutrix of estate of Charles M. Pope Worley were appoint ed CommissionGeorge p. Giltes, F r ank D. Miller deceased, n o bond rcquired . ers of juron for Warren County and and H. W. Null were appoint ed to Edward Thoams, Warren Surface were ordered by court to select 300 appraise the estute and effects of El- and O. J. Edward s appo inted ap· electors In Warren county. len C. Stouten borough . praisers fo r estate of Charles M. In the caBe of Benry W. Muhron The fo llowing account s of estutes Pope, decease d. an d Suaan Meeker , adminis trator of for settlem ent are as follows; Clara First and tinal nccount of the esestute of A. F. Meeker , deceased , B. Lewis, g uardian of Perry Baily, tate of Mollie Warnell , decease d, VB. Freema n Lampki ns and Graci e G. idiot, eleventh · and final Ilccount ; fillid by William G. Thompson, adLampkl nll, court found that ther4l is Edwa rd J oslin, adminis trlltor of the ministra tor. due the plaintiff $111 that there is estnte of Ellen J oslin, decease d; first Second and final account of the esdue the defenda nt Owen C. Gross a nd final accou nt Lidll K. Cowan, tute of Henry Dilatush, decease d, f roni d~fendBnt:a Freema n and Gra- guardia n of H"r;iet Ell en cie G. Lampki ns $480 for promis- minor, first and fina l account . Cowan, filed by Charles N. DiIatu ~h, trustee. Compro mise and settlem ent of sory note; and that there is due the Charles F. Wellma n, gUBrdinn of not es ordered in W. W. White estute. defenda nt. The Buckeye Concret e Willillm Vail. insane ,second and finFirst account of the estate of NanCo., from defenda nts, Freema n lind al account . cy L Ba ker, decease d, filed by Albert Gracie G. Lompki ns $17.8.33 , each Arabelle Dinwiddie, executri x of the C Baker, executo r t o recover cost from defenda nt. estato o f William H. Dinwiddie, dePettion filed by Margare t E. Cram_ Court granted divorce on grounds el'used, third account . er for lesve to adopt J oyce Alfreda of groSs neglect of duty in the case B. C. Pre ndergas t, adminis trator W ebb and change name of said child (Jf Benry Koettel vs. OliVe Koette!. of the esU.t c of Thomas Prender gast, W E Graha m appoin ted friend of It WIUI ordered by court that Hen- first und final account . child to act in, t he case. ry Koettel pay the sum of $4 per Robert E. Crcw, adminis trator of Sales made by Catheri ne M. Bodweek for support of Edward B enry the estute of J ohn Zoll , deceased, ley and pollie M. J ackson, adminl· Koeltel, a minor, first and fi nal acco unt. trat rices of the estate of Thomas B. Will of Mary C. Burns decease d, Bodl ey, approve d by court. NEW SUITS order ed t o be filed in probate court. Order ed by court that Miriam Duvid Mason Jr., vs. Consuelo MaDeposit ion IRsucd to Mrs. Dorothy Su emening be made guard.a n of I~ p. Gree n, New York City, for Novel- ene Irons, minor, upon giving bonda son, action fo r divorce. Paul Thcope l vs. Cossie Theopel , la L. Buns. witn~ ss to will of said with securitie s. . IIction for divorce. Mary C. Burns. Letters of guardia nship issued to The E. D. Thirhlel d & Sons Co., The will of Melissa MeEowe n, de- Midam Suemen ing in the ' matter of vs. Erskine Robison , f or moncy only. ceased, admitte d to probate court. the guardia nship of Irene Irons, miJ. Lee Thomps on, ordered to be n or Bond filed· with William L Lueappoint ed executo r of estate of Me- melling lind Fred S Simpson, freePROBA TE PROCE EDING S lissa McEowe n, decease d, and gave holders as securiti es her ein. In the matwr of t be settlem ent of bond with H B Thomps on and Lydia the Cltute of Charles Coburn deceas- ' S Thompson, f reehold ers, as secuMARRI AGE LICENS ES d, it Ie noW' ordered that a' certified rlties. Samuel O. Murray, mechani c, copy of. the entry determi ning the inW. T. Colemun, E. C. Morriso n Fra nklin and Agnes B. Parlett, heritanc e tux to be paid, be certified and R. H Wikof'r arc appointe d ap- Franklin : Rev. Frederi ck Kirk er. Without delay to tho auditor or · War- praisers of the e~ta tc of Melissa Mc~n county Arthul' W. Porter, clerk, Miamis. decease d burg, and Normo E Fink, stenogr a" FUlt and fi nal account filed by Rob Eowen, First acco unt of estate of Charlott e rapher, 'Frankli'll Nichola s Schnelc ClR. E. Cr w, adminis trator of the. w. DeNise, decease d, flied by e~ec­ der officia ling. Qate ot.John Zell, deceased. ' • •;• ,f'ftoIt'lI.IId final account of the es- utor a) Cbas. W. Munger Dave J ohnson, labor oer, Franklin , and Geo. ed 'rIaoniu PrendQr gallt, deceas_ R. Rossma n and approve d by court. and Mrs .M.ggie B. Boward , factory . ' Second and final account of guar- worker, Franklin . ~ OlO<f)y ildmlnilltratol' ~ C. 'd illnBbip of, Ethel M Cole, luinor, ttlC4rt EV~lDB; formet:, Franklin , ~nd aoov_"l of the estatAI of Wm. ed by Benjam in. T. Cole guardid an. ~ary HiSel, [aotory WOl\J( til........ . ~ b, exec:u\ris. Ara- . First and final account of guu:dia n lin. }tev. E. S. Keller. cr, fl'llnk' . . .11. , .hip of Mary Smith, incompe tent, 61. (Contin ued on page. 6)




K .• Da y's Christmas Sto re ,

Offe rs'" 1 hese

onS' I ~

1111!- ~ ,

: .. -'. ';

Below are only a few of the many artic les we' ar~ offer ing for the Chris tmas seaso n:

for Men

for Wom en

For Bov s--G irls

.P U rses '; .'i-r-\ ~! " ,

I ,,)

'n~~ J>V\:J ki~


B~g~ , ..

,.Jm.Koogan MufBers Socks Ties · Mufflers .' . ,·T;oilet !. Sets ·\~,. :~c Glov@s . Garter··Sets. '.,i·· P~rfumes Toy s ·Military Brl,lshes ' ~. D0U~ Shirts -_. ~ ~ Umbrellas . h' leaps r,· Silk ·Shir'fs ;, Gart€rs,'.,.. :. . ~r~ " S.we~ters , ., .' ,Statibri-e'ry . O,loves:' ..'. \. ~~rses . ·Hats· •..~ .1 , ~1 :'':~S~ings Con str~ction T 9YS "' .. ,' ,i , : ,·~,If 'mt:. Sets Gaps Ganles ti -, .. Tie$


• I


. ;; ,. Serving Haske'ts

... "




' _I




For Bab ies

I '\

\I '..

Shoes Hos e

Comb and Brush Sets Boottees Mittens Hoo ds

Rattlers Blocks ., Bib ·Sets Crib Blankets Sweaters

ChristDJ~~, .Trim~in,~,r;tb;;~ratj~p<s~. : .: J:I0liday Boxes, "




• '.



" '..



. . • Cih,rl,_ tma , Car.da~ (~ : GLrlstmal Stl~ersrt · . Han dker chle fs .ln Boxes I :"; ', ~.:: .. ,: ... AJia·:i\Ge aera l A"O ,rlm enl of Holi day Goods ~ ._~ •





..~ .,.....oj '







Wa yn esv ille ,' Oh io




(Conti nued from page 4) James Edward DeMoss. machinist, Newport, Ky., and Lula Maude Bevis, Newport, Ky., nnd Lula Maude Bevis, Maineville. Ancil Copeland, contractor, Hou8t Gn, Ohio, and Hettie Rayburn, hou ~e worker, Lebanon.

REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS RoUa C. Darrah to Leroy and Anna Darrogh, lot No. 106 of the Mack inaw Addition to Franklin. William P. Jentz and Herman J . J entz to Charles Earl M088myer and Iris Lea M08smyer, 101 acres of land in section 21 Also about 10 acres in section 15. Rosa DawtBon to Lucius A Bowman and Elizabeth Bowman, 188.87 acres In Washington Tp, Lucius A. Bowman and Elizabeth Bowman to Rosa Dawson, 79 .85 acres In Washington Tp. Edward M. Lukens to William A. Lukens and Levi H. Lukens 43.60 acres in Mass ie Tp. Clemmie Bell Zimmerman to Harley Doo d. a part of section No 21 in Mt. Holly. . J ohn Decker Ben F. and Goldie B. Hockman, a lot in Pleasant street Lebanon, 11 180 a smail tract in section 36. Chester Campbell t o Lida B. Young 243.90 acres in Salem and Washingto n TpB. J esse Prendergast t 0 Bryon C. Prendergast, 1 ~ acres in Wayne Tp. . Leona 8 . and Lelia A. Bally to Oscar F. and Gertrude M . Freytag, 250 acres in Washingto nTp. Sarah J. and W. R. LeFever, by sherifl' to Elizabeth Watt, lot 725 in Franklin. C. E. Demitt to G. V. Demitt, part of lots 46 and 47 in Morrow.

Our a880rment inclur'es


Candy Christmas Cards Toys Books Ha ndkerchiefs Stationery


No Gif.t could be more ap propriate or more apopreclatp.d than a Subscri ption to Some Good Magazine. We will order anyone you w,.nt~

Special Prices on Quantity Orders to School., Sunday Schools, etc.

Mrs. Frank H. Farr The Litt;e Store Beside The Gazette Office

_ _ _ _ _ _ _I!IIIii.._ _ _" "_ _ _ _-


REPUTATI N Based •• Upon : ,Value 11 Makes a Nifty Christmas Present for any Member of the Family

The world.wide reputation which FORD cars enjoy today is the result of fundamentally


conect design, quality material_nd more than twenty years of careful manufacturing. Throughout all this time it haa been the aim of the FORD MOTOR COM P ANY to make every FORD car a teatimonial to FORD quality.

COMMISSIONERS' ALLOW ANeES C. W. Unglesby Undertaklnl' Co., ' - - - - - - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..J' burial, ,100; J. B. Woodward, burtal

Wayneaville, Ohio

committee, ,1; W. H .RoblnllOn,same $1; Victoria Hermetz, per N. A. Ham i1ton, treatment for rabies, '61; Oeo.


F. D. DAKIN Insurance Agency

General Insurance Phone 61-2

,' .,'

T. Miller, same, ,61; Mathew Her-

Wayne.ville, Ohio



F. T. Martin Jesse Stanley Auctioneers ' • :Jee UslEarly for Your Sale Dates. We Guarant ... e Sati.fart:ion or Charge Nothinll'.

metz, same, $67; Mathew Hermetz. b'e.... ent and lie rum for .dolph Heretz, a minor, for rabies, '61; Frank Brandon, defenle of indt.ent ,60; W. C. Gilmour. eorener inquHt. ,11.80: Tlte Lebanon Patriot, proof of publication. tran.. fer of funda, U; A. B. Kaufman. auppliea for jail, '1.04; Lon Burna, hauling cravel, $S; DonneU and Schuyler, 2nd estimate on contrac:te No. SOl, $66S.70; P. R. R. C.• treilrht $1.31: J. D. Adamll and Co., grader repair, $14.32: The Oregonia Bridge Co., repairing grader, $2.70; S E. Cutler, bridge repairing. $1.66; S. E. Cutler, pay roll, ,100.26; Ham Helsel, pay roll, ,21.40: Ohio Penitentiary Mfg. and Sales Dept., IIUpplies for sheritr, $27; Kilpatrick• French M . C. Co., numbering machine, $12; The Oregonia Bridge Co., repairll on bridge, $58.54; C. C. Collins, truck supplies, '22.10.

utilize driving and parking apace that longer cars cannot be maneuvere d



..... . ill



I .

Centerville, O. Pbone No.


New Burlington,O. Phone No. 320

• _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.J",,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _



fact that

When you conlider the purchaae of your next automobile, remember the many advan. tagea that a FORD car offers you. FORD cara.

... :

Remember th e mechanical and structural lIuperiorities of

Bear in mind, too, their attractive appearance--and that Ford prices are the

loweat in the industry .


It has alway. been a FORD policy to provide kansporlation at lowest cost and whik

r .uch deairabl_ features



starter and balloon tires are now Itandard on a ll models, apecial

equipment which is often wanted by some purchasers, but which would h a ve to be paid for Iby all if adopt_d aa standard, is not included in FORD car prices.


Any of this equip~ent

however, be purchased at extremely low COlt by the owner who leeks to individualize hia car.


Theupon teacher asked"Mother." the claa to I write the had iubject, While grading the papen ahe tleed that three papen were .trIkIn.17 alike. Calling the three bo18 ahe questioned them about the Ilarlty of their work. Two of the b018 were brothen and claimed they were writlng .bout the same mother. "But what of 10unT" Ihe asked the third. "WeH, ml mama wasn't home 10 I went over to Tom and Willie's house and wrote about theirs."

They can in importance aa traffic on the atreets and hill'hway. becomes more ,congeated•

--; . ';;;e,,-


:1I :

FORD can are eaay to drive--quick in traffic and inexpenaive to operate.


Features that Contribute to Dual Ignition Fo,·d Simolicitl' Left-Hand Drive




Public ·Salea


Owing to ill health I am ofl'ering at public aale at my residence, known as the U. G. Whetsel farm, 2 % miles south of Harveysbul'1l', 1 % miles southeast of Wellman, 6 milea north of Clarksville, on Wed•••d.,.. Dec••lter n. It28 Commencing at 10 o'clock, the fol· lowing propert7: 8 honea, 8 head of cattle. 51 hop. farm implemel'lta, feed. barneaa and miscellaneoila.. . See ble billa for terma. FRED HOYLE. Stanley " Martin. Aueta.


NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of Angelina F. Devitt. de· eeaaed. .\ Notice is hereby given that EIbabeth B. Baily and John warne~. \'itt have been duly appointed ". qualified .. ezecutora of tbe of F. Devi~~ late of '. Ohio de~ Md. . 26th d.,. 01 No..em~r, : , W. Z.JWLL. Jud,. of Pl'ob.te · ~~. Warren County, Ohie). II. C. Drake. Att7 en •




:.1 .'





$\3-'1 ',8. iO. I



. I';




. .'



: 4 ~ " 9 "' S ..



,. . . "v 1





•i '

5 • .... ClI<







,I '



36'Q ':," 00,, · ..' .


r ~



. .~. .~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .r~.aE:aaaa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .- -





No H~DtiDI ' ~

-Waynesville NoJor C~. PhoDe . 105

Waynesville, Ohlcl .

We. ~thII udentpe;d. "iDow 110 hllnUDw. trappiq or ~ '011 farma:' JIBS. ELLA IIICIIENBB '. ' '. . BLlAS OGLBBBn . .::;. F. A. BABtSOCE. .i " ,/'

lAo JUB"~


It "•








YOU Iil G ' FT A A'I











Xm". Boxe.

Our line i.


25'. and 50' s and 100'

Leading Bra nd.

Pricr. from

f rom


25c to $5.00 - . --

2Sc to $4.50

S rn okin J Tobnc c o

in o n. e· ha l f

Christmas Packing - -





TOB 1\






•. ,


H um id or.,

Mnl'e .

SOc to $1.50

Idea Gift s


·q~hrc tll.·

Hulde r. pouche.a

T ~,lH\ CC O

no , C andy

nd 1 pound


11"I J " I"

C it, nr Cale. Ci g arette Ca..e . Perfume. Toi let W a t er.

- -


:............~............. \ATTENTION DOG OWNERS . ~ •


Interesting Items from the '

Sta t e . ( ...


W e will bl' at I

ii' ~

Prepare by Columbus epc ter

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .


No Engine Fumes in Buick Closed Can! Ia "'1927.BaIdr. the new VKUaIIl VeDdlator pan. en..... fumeI and PHIl from • •... enDlu:• ." and eJec:1I , tt.... ..,., •• dae car.


n .. fttal Dew Balc:k 1m.-

~.CllWtit doe. with aodou.odon.ltaddsputer luxury and pleuure to en.c"-d car Cll*adon.. n.~'\adIatorlelVa

......... ~ Important pur.


IIC*o WIth It. cnokaue vapan haw DO opportuD.ity to

CO"CIen_ and dUute the oil 0wDen of 1917 Buicb are ..t.t.ed to drain their c:raok,. CMe 011 cely .. tUna cL.ratc


:1 ~~.~forealllOlDV' BUICK MOTOR. COMPANY

COLU MDUS, OHIO-There is no question discu ssed more in politicnl circles thnn thut of confirmation of app ointm ents to board and commissions by Governor Vic Donahey by t h" Republicun Sen ate. For fou r years t hey have r ejected the names submitted for confirmation, and each timo the voters of the State have voiced their disapproval of this action by the return of Governor Donnhey. Never before in the history of Ohio has s uch n condition prevai led. Every govern or is e ntilled t<> , certain app oin tments, but the Republicun Sellllto r~ in lhe past, by orders from somewhe re. have rej ected with but one or two e Xl'eptions th e names of those subm itted by the governor. And this action has a lmost wrecked th e Republican party in Ohio. The Senate has not only consiste ntly refusi'd to confirm th e appointm ents of Governor Donahey, but have r ecessed instead 0 r adjourn. ing, thereby tying his hands and making the appointmentfl impossible .. Governor Vic Donahey is anxious to give Ohioans an administration ul1 his own w,ith commissions lind boards made up of men that he select.q. He has indicated the high clasM of me n that he wi\1 ask to serv e. and whut action the senate will take is a problem. Never before was the senate so very mindful of the men named by the governor , who, in su bm itting the nam es assumes al1 responsibilities. But in the pnst no name ' that wou ld have been Hubmitted would have been confirmed. 01'de!'ll were to the contrnry und the two previous se nates have fo llowed orders pretty strictly ,if anybody should ask you.


DR. C. W. HENDERSON Olftce-Aman Bid ,. O .... ICE HOURS

9 to 11 a. m. 3 to 5. p. m, 7 to !I p m. T.lephone.1 ao orne. •

('I n

c1 H tt '~

The gener al opinion prevails that the coming Sc nate should confirm every appointm c nt' sub mitted by the Democratic gove rnor. That it is admitted would be much better politics than hns been played. It would plnce the entire r espo nsibility on the governor instead of dividing it as it is today. Ma ny boards and commissions nrc to be filled. a nd if t he Senate hellrkens to the voice of Ohio voters Gove rn or Donahey is going to be vcstsed with appointments which will throw entire respo nsibility for the next two years upon his shoulders And if the Senate is n't afraid that he will nccomplish to o much with his ow n boards and commission s, and show up the present appointees, they will npprove the names submitted . Republican membe~-elect of the hou se oI representatives of th e eightf-seve nth general IIssem bly have deCided to hold thc ir caucus on next Tuesday. Republican members-elect of the Statc senate. Among the important questio ns which will be befor e the sen ate caucus will be electtion of a presiden t pro tern., a clerk and deciSIOn on matters of policy, such as confirmation of appointme nts

th~lIo\\'in): I' lare~ I

!I10 ~I ) AY.

Hr d L in n Frnnklin <"/lr!i "lr ~\lrll :):' .. II'"

I1 ECEMB E R 1:1. I\I:!G H :(10 lI. m. \1 :Va /l.m. 11 :(10 a.m . 1 :0 0

Phone 118

l'er.o ns whn cn nnot come to the Audi to r's offIce or be at any of the !l bov \, Humed p l ll r~ ~ ,can secure tag by " "'ICi i Il l! rcq" ired f cc, description of ci ol'( un d p,,"tage fo r return of Ii · cen s tng to o unty Auditor, Leb· a non, Ohi o. A II nw ,wrs and harborers of dogs will pleu s!! he nt t he most convenient plne(' for U, cm pr omptly at the time ""' 1, 1ill Il !'ci. All dog, three months old or O\'('r mu st be registered a nd th eir li ('clIse se cured before Janu ary 20 . 1 ! 1~7. or a penalty of $1.00 wi ll be ndd ed. WILL R. LEWIS, Auditor ALFRED C. BRANT,. Sherift'o

POULTRY FOR SALE Rend y to IllY purebred Pu\1cts of th," foll owinl! breed: B arron . tr .. in White Le,horn., Ever lay drain Brown Leehorn •. Tbomp.~'. Barred Rocke, Owen' • or TOlflpkin', Rhode' 'hland Red •. Wbile Roel.. or White Wyandotte., $ 1.25 eac b . .. .. Fiv" moolh, old pull"t. of any bre"d above, $1 each., .OOD to R o ung cockerel., about read,. for l e rvice. $2 each. Cock free with order for one doz.


e n pull e t. or more·

Wh'ile Leg horn bab,. chicl.. , $S.75 hundrea. Brown Lelorn, baby chick., $9 hundred. Borr"d Rock baby chick., $11 hund ra d. Rhode Re d chicke, $10 bUD' dred ' Wbite Rock chick., $12 hundr" d Wh it " Wyandotte ebiclaa. $11.50 hundred. All pu rebred and of tbe .traio,

or all persons inlo 'wh o~e hands they may come arc r cques ted to immedi· ute ly mail or deliver th ent to .F D. Dakin, a"enl, a t WnYllesville, Ohi o, ur th e Fidl!lity-Ph"," ix Fire pnSurunce Company, Chicago. I11inois. d22


• T ht:' Bnard of Revis ion oC Warren County, Ohio, ha,s comple ted its work of the equali zatiun of the new ap· praiscnwnt up on property valu es f or t.uxati on in Warren Co unty and has transnrilll'd the tax stuteme nts and r etur ns for the current year to the County Auditor; nnd tl1l'Y a re now oIWn for public ins pection nl the of· tice of the CO~Dty Auditor . . Complain ts "Kuill ·t uny vlliulltion mu st be til ed with the Auditur of said County bef ore Januar y :!O, 1927 Hnd blulIks UI" "1 whic h s uch co m· plaints mu.t be 1Il'\rle arc II OW nvail· alt le at the offic c~ uf the Audit or. A fter the com plaints have been fl ied in uccordant: ' wilh the above inst rllction ~, the Bou rd of Rl' visi" n will be in session to act upon said compillints from Janua ry 2& to Junuary 28, IIl27, inclusive between the hours of !l a. m. nlld ·1 p. Ill., Ccntrol Standani time, lit the ullice of the Bonrd oC Count.y C O l1lll\issio n er~ in the Co urt House nt Leban on, Ohio. . WILL R U~ WIS, Audit or of Warn',; Coun ty , O.


- - - - ....



Cuatomer--"¥QU dOD't Beem very quick .t kUreI. my boy'""I'm out 0' practice, .....~_ _..._ _ _ _!IIII...i_y01l .... maR of til. PDtll&1:





The .. uthorili ... and the pow"e. thai be, say th ai there Arc women '" we ll a. meo who will be wanted in tbe De tective hunt on W ednesdAY , Decemh .. r 22. At interv .. l, durioi the day, there wIll be po.t"d . Ihe de . c r ipli nn of f " ur different people at each

..... - - -


LOANS on Chattels,Stoc ks, Securi· ties aud Second M<lrlgages. Note. our poultry and tlse ext r eme care in selecting eggs for boug ht.. J ohn Harbine Jr., Xen ia, hatching. Satisfaction gu a rllnteod. Ohio. • m30 -'26 We PIlY postage chnrgc8 on chickt and express on pullets. LiVe dellv· ery gunranteed . The Fulghum Hatchery FarmsrB of Wlurren Rnd adj oining counties may obtain mon ey 'on 10111 Girard, Ohio t ime loans, at 5 per cent Interest. r--------------~ Cost of sec uring the sume 18 very rca· sonable ,through The Federal Land Bank. For further information call on or addre8s M. C. DRAKE, Trell• . urer, pbone SI6-X, Lebanon, Ohio. We

Red Ar ow Place 1. GET IN THE BIG RED ARROW GAME. 2. If you have not yet bid, come to the next Auction to see how your neighbors and friend s do it.

Farmers" 'Attention!



HomeButchered MEAT!

FOR RENT-Ab out 60 acres of good level lan d. Good, nb le bodied mlln with small family preferred. Inquire lit the Gazette office.

01 coune you wiH

curt' your meat thill with Smoked Snit. I t will Nve


Ihrinkal.,lnbor . lite



and worry. It will r ive you betttt fla vor and PU{ttt cure . Dut be lure

WANTED- Good place to work on a farm near Waynesv ille, Obio, where I can make my home this winter and work for the farmer next summ er. Have worked on a farm a great deal in my life. By good, sobe r, ,honest I man. Sylvan us Budd, 1626 E 4th St., Dayton. Ohio. OdS

FOil SALE FOR CHRISTMAS-Complete show. erwith curtain, $8.2&; white closest seat and lid , $4.95; kitchen lIi 16.14 upward ; n.ew faucets for bathfub) lavatory or sink, 86c upward ; n lew items frol'll! our stock which ~ould delight the housewife on Christmas. Come in nnd see our complete line . THE BOCKLETKING CO., 416 W. lIfain Street, Xenia , Ohio . 'd2~ FOR SALE-Used piano. $6O.0Q, if sold soon Women's Civic League, Harveysburg, Ohi o. Phone 20F 11. ". d8 FOR SALE- Silt Pola nd-Chinn brood . Sows, due to, farrow in. ],larch, 1111 Imm1!Jl~ Dnllf 'Morgan, R D ~-2, Lebapoi);i'~ n B.t ;t.•J&18lr farm. , .1' - .~ ; -diG

'PIPE, 'VAt\'):;S

AND FI'fTINpS tor alJ-purpo's!l!J, . 'Bollidet's line of plumbing and heating supplies best. THE BOCKLET-KING 415 W. Mnin st reet, Xenia, Ohio. FUR- ·sALE..... Broo'lte Turlle:;8. Cooll· erels. $11; pulUets, $5; eggs, boxe<t, 2& cents api ,ecc. Horace Stump, Harveysbu rg, Ohio. -d iG

, OB" S4LE-,-,FI/llt bJood; S. C. R. I. Re'~ pWlel'!r Mrt. J.ahn Thompson , , .;.Q 4 ~ Waynell 1, Oh!o, '.

FOR . SALE - P~land-Ohlna glltl. Mrs. Alma Penncwit. Sprlnll Valley, ~~~~~!!!"'!!!!!"'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!! Dhio, R. D. 1; phone 17·Y·3. ~ . d8


Dr. .J~hn W. Miller FOR SALE-Male. pip, Poland Ohlna. White ..,...".....w.

3. You may register for your Organization next Saturday at Hall's Drug Store. RED ARROW AUCTION

Contests and Entertainments

The Auction Blocks will close at !l o'clock Tuesday evening. Names of Winners will be publicly announced at 8 o'clock, Wednesday, December 22 at Zimmerman's Grocery. or ns soon thereafter as possible. Watch the 'postings und list en to th9 R ed A I'rnw Gossip, and If you think you cann ot get the arti cle on which you are bidding, change your hid to another article. • Bring the stubs of your b iddin g tickets so Committee may explain why you do or do not win. If you cannot be present at the public ann ounc ement, leave your Red Arrow Money and th e stults of your bidding ticltets with a friend as bid8 mny be paid by a friend bbt not paid by a m erchant or clerk. If -high bid is not paid, article goes for second bid, if paid. If neither bid Is paid, article will be sold 1\1 Open Auction after the Silent Auction. Borrow Red Arrow Money from Jour fr iends this time and pny them back in thl! tuture .. or organize a club of friend. and take turn~ In .t iljidlng on the A ucUoa Artlclu. ' Bid, by merchants or clerks ~llbe thrown out by the Committee. :

On ouch Auction Day. there will be held some co ntes t or en tertainment in which over,Y one may tRko . npnr·t. These contests a nd entertainments nre prepared f or indivi dllu ls or organizat ions. Everyhody in th e c0111m unity may take part. In orde r t o tak e Pl1l't ill the entertai nments, it will be nece~ s ar)' to have R ed Arrow Money. Get and save Red Arr ow l\1nnc y. THE MORE RED ARROW MO NEY - Til£;; 1I10HE FUN I

Next Red Arrow Entertainment The 'H'xt cnt ertnill111 cnt in the Red Arrow Gam e

wi ll bo held on the day of the Auction, Wednesday, DC~ ' lII u cr 22. '

SPECIAL NOTICE $25.00 in go ld will be .Dld to Or,aalullon. io the January ~ e d Arrow Auq,loa. R" gi. tration period from Wedauda,.. December 22, 10 noon of 1.'hurada"Ja"ua" tn. Reei.ter and ".lrn a $5.00 R" d Arrow Vou.h.r 'or ,our Or.. an. Iza lion. Vouchau are a. eood a. Red Arrow Mon. ey for Or ganization.. You caD Dot re .. i.t.r aher noonn on the day of tb •• bo.e R.iI Arrow Auctio.,



·L'!I~~Dollark.re_ . • I

rou.ow THE;


?lou !leI; a ~4)i4RROWdol4itCJt;

.', ,.

Wayneaville Overland .Sales CODlpany Hall Drug Co. . ....Miami Theater · Myer Hym~. L A. Zimmerman ~ted M. Cole Miami Gazett., . Waynesville, Ohio

Big Type


• Plan and lDIItruOUo~ OoPJrlabted,aJfll Patented, Red Arrow Service Co., Springftald"DJ. Rock coekerela, U P. FIIIhel IItrnln, W. C. ancl ·l: D. We1ch,.lIarve,.buq, lI.tI~ ..... .,...• .• Ohio " .eII'-..,._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.~~-_ _



Make )',our plan. to .pend Ihe dRY in loo kin g fo r th ese people who , 10,,11 be wanted. Durinll da)' you can ~a rD a bi r rOll of Red Arrow M n~y th at will help yo u pay your bid in tbe AUelioo tbat take. place the .ame d a y.




...- - -



W alte~ McClure J. E. McClure




Wanyesville Farmers' Exchange Company

---..... ..._---


Furnaces Installed and Repaired

II . m .


Haneyslturl Fertilizer Co.


Lytle .... .......... ................... 4:00 p . m . Waynt' . ville .... .... ...... "" .. .. 7 :00 p.m· T U E ~ nA Y. ])E "' EMR E H 1 t l 102 6 NOTICE Orel'(o nin . 8 :00 n.m , H .. rv" y.L .... o .... " ....... " I 0 :00 a.m . . Take notice that Automobile poliWa s h i n~t o n 1'1'. House .. 1:00 p.m. a :00 p.m . cie ~ 1'0 G024!)3 of the Fid elity· Micldl,'hor o Ph e nix F' ire I n s urnn c~ l'o mpuny have \3utl ervill e 4 :00 p. m. 5 :00 pm. beel! 108t lind d,, "tr oye d Not having I'lea":ln t Plnin , . 7 :00 p.m. bel'n e x{'clIicd th,'" a rC v"id. Any Morrow






I ~J .! I:

When Col Thad H. Brown eteps :!~~~:ri&inaJ out of offic e 'a s sec retary of state, he plans to r es um e the practice of ' Iaw with offic cR In Columbu s. T his was Waynesville, Ohio made plnin when hp said that he hud no idea of accepting appointment to any ot her office, and cnme in r esponse to the neWHl'ape r repor t s that he was hei ng considered by Governor DonaTh~ on ly mt ot !o lt that 1. a.,oed for tabl' hey for a place on the ut ilities comU!l~ os for cur;nJf mC!ot. Smell it . Taite It. NOTARY PUBLIC Y ou co n t el l it ut once (r om lalt that hBl mission. Colonel Brown enj oyed n bt'cn mixed with pyro li&ncoul acid wother very lucra tive prnctice before being Hatloaal Baalr dQn~e r ous chC' m ical •• e lected stnte secretary and with in· W it. Pocked in teu poWld dr11UM wale Drsw. .... ......E.tatee S.ttl.d creased fri ends gained through his nnde hove iuacontero Kenuine. term is su re to be busi ly engaged. It Wayaea.ille. Ohio is not so certai n thut Col. Brown will not be a ca ndi date two years hence for t he R<' puh lican nominntio n for govornur. al though h e nbsolu tely r efus ~1I to c1i~cu ~ s the mlltter in any way. He \Va ~ runner-up when Myers Coop er was nom inated, and interviews hel d si nce the election by your corre.ponrlont are such lUI Phone 25 to indiCAte beyond du ubt 'that he ' wou ld have bt'en a strong candidate . Waynelville Ohio Co l. Brown hail a host of friends In every nook mId corner of th e State, r..._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..: WE GET THEM QUICKLY AHD lin d it is t hese friends who may re· FREE OF CHARGE .1 fuseslaw, to abide by hisnte decisio to pracCALL US ANY TIME AT oua tice and nomin him nfor chief ;-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _., UPEHSE executive of the State in 1928. 3 One ot the most important steps that has yet been taken in connection with ita fight ogllinst fake moP..... • HARVEYSBURG, O. toring organizations In Ohio will be attempted this yenr by tbe Ohio Stllte FUNERAL DIRECTORS Automobile nSll ocilltion !Ill pnllt oC its legislati ve pr"grum. The aes{l('iWAYNESVILLE, OHIO ation at the next session at the Ohio legislature, will attempt to have en· acte d legislation which will place nU Fu ll y. Equipped for Good motoring ·organization8 under the j u. Service. risdiction of the blue sky law8, in orLarge Display Room . der that· they may' be forced to ren. ". ......IP. ~.t der the services .which they claim ta . Ambulanc~ Servi'Ce ~. . rende"l' when membership salea are TELEPHONE .7 nAY OR NIO~ attempted. lteeldenOe •



n nd t irl) ('s nu'n t i" Jl C' d fur \l 1l1'1'''"'- of . ~~. "in ~ DUI! Lin 'n. ,"

ap Z· t a l l lhfo.. th ' )' ,... ..


•• :

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IiiiEii!!=-iiiiiiiiiipiii-iiiiliilliil-------..~-I1111• .,

ACODE OF~ ETHICS FOR HIGH SCHOOLS ( Continued from pag 1) nr d cci~i~h n of OUI'S dired ly to " lpuchol·. A s f il l' as tho !<c hool hu: I{on o, th eil , in its cLhi cul t m iuing, has Ilot fuil ed , Sholl it fur ther ? Shllil I t IIdd " i t~ ull'clldy gr eut bur n"n. ct hkll l H ' form tu its already O\' ~r c l'lI lI' d c tl CII " f'iCU IUIll , And wh y should it n l I'. T he s 'h ou l ostensihly tndll s its st ll Jellts fU I' (' iti zen ship. 'fhNe ~un iJI II " fi n n found ation fur th e du ties u l c ili z ~n s hip t hut does not includl high stlllHlard, o r llIol'U lity. Till' home innue n c~ i.~ lesse nin!!, thl' church iM fighting 11 108ill l( uattl e ; 0 11 · Iy th e school is left. l{e liKi uus u l .. thien l instl'uction is rure ly I(ivell in the home; people do not g il to churl'll -li ~ (l ei' cent of u ur POPUIlltiu lI U I' ~ ll o n. c hul'c h

goc r~


s tati !" ti c ~


girl may he helped to establish ly f OI' hi mself hi8 own code o.f ethics by having the , offect 01 his act/! brou g ht definitely to his attention. A. cadf' . t hon app lied to tho problems o f hl ~ duily li fo, to his own experi. 'ICC'S a ij hI! I IISRes through high ~l'lI lIol. lIlay hcll I' fi t him (u meet II", I' .... bll'ms of to day, If w 0 II !Tr~ C thut II code of ethics, ''"'' I'l' ['ly '\l mp il cd, so si mpfc t hat it 'all IH' "",i l,,' Ulld('l'stoo d by the stu'1",,1., luci l! lilllt olll y pr incip les that 11'( ' " r pmdi" a l val uo ami thut teach 1' 1'I' SI1)11I 1 Il'SI)()JI sib ility- if we agrl'e I holt ""' h a " IHle may be of benefit, he II ('x l 111',, 101<'111 is how t o present thi s (' )'('~ d (II" code. Shull t here be n .. Iuss ill ethiclI l il1 str uction, bused on lill' pl'intip les of th e code, or shall th " princi ples be taught indirec tl y? T he lI orace Ma nn high school, con11 \' ·ted wit h TCllcher8' Collego. of C"llIn ,"i " uni ve rsity, during the year u f 1\12 ·1· 25. decided to experiment wit h "0 01 0 direct moral training by H·t t i li lt I1si d,' lin hour 11 week to dis" II SS the prll ulems of right thinking ,lll d I'ight li ving. T h" class was call· .. d " A e" ul'~C in human beillivior,"

thllt ill New lu rk city Il lon e Ie"" thll!. 5lJ per cellt of lhe chil ,ll'l' lI all 'n{1 :1 ullduy Scho ol- but the ~' ()II(\ I~ pc u' pie du go to tlay school. 'I' ll" Me hol,; Hn d W H ~ limitod to senior s. the il, bec Du se of il!i cO ln p ll i!'IlI l'Y nt The coul'se waB U stud y of fund,, tl! ndn nce, may be ab le to tU lI lli.eI'llCl. 1Ill' l1 ta l rl'llI ti onship among hum an in


s ltght

tlc g r~e ,

th e w (llI k(' rlin ),!

influ ence o f th e uverllKC horn e. eel" tni nl y it could sup plcment t he t1'1I 111 ' inK g iven in t he ho nlcs in wh ich ~ O llll' uf morality is tau!!ht.

~ tundard

How shnll th e sehou l " .. Ivc thi ~ · new prob lem? MUlly peupl c fe" 1 thut the matter ca n be sati sfud urily sol· ved through l'elig iuuM ill structio n dur ing the school period. Gllry . In· diana , hus worked out u pilln Blltis· fuctory t o itself, Ilnd I undarswnd thut the movement in Minn esotll has resulted ill marked im provement. That problem, however. is a different · (lne to hand le. because of the un· do ubted opposition that wou ld result from var io us r eligious sects. Can w e get a ny help by establish· h}i' a code of ethics in high school? r.(8ny codes and creeds hllve been compiled and printed in th e scho ol pa·pcr, with no overpow ering te8ults~ To mahy a code of ethics sce ms to milan a compilation uf rules in regard t o good manners on tho street, in th e halls and in the class rooms. A11 this may be necessary, but it will not develop independence nor Individual responsi bility. The codes that I have examined Beem to me to fail of eft'ectivene811 in three wa)'ll: fint because they are often concerned more largely with manners than with morals; second, because their principles are not applied to the problem , of high school life, and third, becaule they consist of " thou shalts" or "thou sha lt nots," without any consideration of personal respo nsibility. Cause lind etrect--l did such and 6uch a thing, therefore the result was 80 and so- are not stressed ill • most codes To be of vu lu e, a code -must bring out indcpendence of character, and it mllst be a pplied. No r should the code be beyond the experience and comprehensio n of the hig h s~h ool stud en t. A code simIlar' to th e obligation of the Big couts.. stressing the ordinury virtues of life-loya lty, he lpfulness, friendliness, courtesy and r everen ce-will be far more effecti ve thall' one d ea ling with abstruse problems. Let the compiler of the code keep his feet fi rmly on eart-h. The stud ent must learn Indiv idual ,responsibility through having his at.tention directed toward the r es ults ,of his acts. He will never grow in chnracter by being told to do thls or thut because it is not right, . He must sce what a certain act of his results in; he must see its effect, not only upon himself, but up on othors. After all, a code of ethics is whnt men li ve by. Through trial and error we gradually build up our Own code, Our individual codes vary; Ith ey arc the results of di trllrcnt experiences. The high school boy or


~ H.' i Ji gs

wh(,t her p e rsona l or gro up r e.

I n ti (l n ~ .


class tri ed tu become th e cuu ses or human behavior , and th ereby learn t o control thcm . An eff ort was made to make t he stUdents reali ze the effe cts of their own behavior , to bring home to them the filet that they can control Ilwir own actions. They made a list " f non·llcadem ic qualities of character, lind asked t hemselves whether they were sportsmanlike, honest and non·egotistical \· tl lI :-.('iuu~ o f

Various other pha8es of human be. havior we re studied; conllicting respo nsibilities that often arise In our ,'oilition ships; the res ponsibilities .,nd temptations of various vocations. A throe·fo ld lack a nd a three-fold nced, if we wo uld be g ood citizens of a ny group, was recognized; namely, the need of straight thinking, the need of good will and the need of personal r esponsibility. The resul ts of t his experiment are of course, impossible to guage. Certainly the students were made to think, to weigh the rightneu and the

wrongneu of lituation~ and relattonship ; to see the other person'a point of view; and to feel' personally re. sponslble ~o help remedy, in some way, the troubles of the world. That is one method of ~chlng ethics in high school. To me theTe !Ire two main obj~ctions. In the first place such a course requires a specially prepared teacher, and in the second place it is conflned necessarily to a limited group of the older students. It can not possibly reach all the studonts, and the chances are it would fail to r each those most in need of it. A simplor method and one more pr oductive of good results to the ent ire student body, would be to de· vise Borne systematic method of te uching and applying th e various principles in the code toward classroom problems, Students need not, necell8arily know that the code is the subject under discussion . The code or creed often makes them shy away from the subject. Allow the principles of the code to settie prob. lems of morality Bnd discip line that ma y arise. The abstract seldom IIppeals, but wi t hout doubt the practical applicatio n of the principles of such a code would appeal. If Bome such course were followed for four yell r~, it would und oubtedly be productive of results. Resu lts of this typ e can never be measured, and would no doubt be per cei ved mor e forc ibly in the second generation th an in th e first; nevertheless they wou ld go far t oward improvin g that won derful formative agent - the home. The children of tomorrow would r eceive more definite hom e trainln&" and in another generation the burden might be lifted from the Bchool, and placed again upon the home where It belongs. Therefore it seemBS to me'that a code of ethics In high aehool, carefully worked out, suitable to the high Bchool age, and systematically and tactfully applied, may do Bome real good as a supplement ·to the Inftuencec of the home. Certainly It can do no harm, Shall It be tried!





PICK-UPS The comm. real benefactor of the' human race Is the .fellow who can Invent a lelf-filling automobile tire. The election of the co~eumen ie now over but the big congre8slonal rodeo will come when they try to retain their seats. A N ew York man Bays t hat his honeymoon only lasted one blo ck, stili that might not have been so bad if he waR caught In t he five o'clock traflic jam. Over In England they have organ ized the frankfurter industry it "Hot Dog Limited." Btlt our perience with 'em is that they can't be limited to anything .. ' The old-fashioned wotn'a n who nsed to have to wear overshoes after a faU rsin now has a daughter who goes out before breakfUBt to swim the channel. Speaking of conscripting ' woalth (or war purposes, .if Uncle Sam gets Into troub le again he can have our two do llars whenever he needs it, It is Boi d that on ly seventy-five American 8 have an income of a million dollars a year. Ev idently the num ber of big bootleggers isn't as large as we thoug ht it was. Hot dogs and pie have been en from the Inuches in the New schools. That isn't an17 way to start an Americanization pr')gram. It Is said that the European was ''palnfu Ily surprised" at the tone of President Coolidg.!'s Armistice Day address. AU ·that you have to do to painfully surpril!le them Is to talk as if we expected them to pay something on the debt. Who r emembel'll the cold old when every up-to-date h ome contained a cook book! Harvard and Princeton have en off athletic relation. b,ut up time of our goln&' to pnl8 110 fonlcn or domeetio colnpl~c"tlon.1 have resulted. Qaeen Harie hal iMlen cettlnl a real tate of everythlnar In American pubUe life; Indudllll&' troubles. The radical ..naton .... be .tread, planl.. tor a 1l11~,.terl In the Dext Senate;· Well. to d(, '~m.thlq to eatertam

Christmas Greetings The coming of the Christmas season always reminds us that th~ curfew wiJl soon ring out the Old Year, and the new one is just around the corner. At this time, when we are making an estimate of the results from our labors, it is a splendid idea to also take into account the many ways in which we could have made the y~ar more cheerful and prosperous. Bill Adams says, "Blessed is the mall, or woman~ who has a job and likes it," and we all raised our hands and said, "Bill, that's us, and when the New Year comes we will be found in the' front ranks with plenty of assurance that the time spent in your service has bee~ years 'of pleaiant memories." We truly hope that you all are satisfied with the , old year, and wish for your continued happiness and prosperity for the New. Yours truly,

J. WilJ Wb.ite

_.- -

The Ideal

Christmas Present From $29.00 to $75.00

Farmers from Warren County who c~.tltueDta. atteaded the Co-operative Institute at Cincinnati Y. M. C. A., Thul'llday and SAil SAY:' Friday of lut week, report Intereeting and practical discussions from the Maybe It Isn't "",a)'JI1 true that the standpoint of the membe~, board of and managera. )I·_ rs. more a man talks, the lea he baa to Foster and Wallace, from the Rural 11&1. ,.here waa sbalttlllPeare. for 1Il. ____~.~_~.~_____ Economics department, of the Ohio .~n~~ Agricultural College, were the chief SEND THE MIAMI speakers, while represen~tive8 of the live stock, grain, milk and v~geta­ TO BOJ4E FRIEND FOR XMAS. ~ ble marketing association in Boutheastern Ohio brought out II nqmber ;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;!;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iE;;;!!;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;IE_EIi!i!i_ _Eiiii!iii=ii!liiiiiBiiiiil!!!i;;;;;;;i!!!iEiiiiiiii3_iii5iiiE!;;;;;;;:;:;;:;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;:;;;;;;;;;=:;:;;:;:;;;;;i;;;3=3iii!~.~1iI of points concerning local matt~ris, (! , Considerable discussion centered on the necessity of proper flnancing with special attentioa on depreciation of inventory brought about by the fall in prices lIin ce the war. Neceulty for handling a large volume of buslnCIII at a small margin, with a quick tum. over W811 also emphasized, as were the fundamental principlell of financing, informing the members and planning for future buslneu. ~ I Mr. P. O. Wilson, manager of the Farmers' Co·Operative Commiulon house, Cincinnati, reported that with I • a eapital of only ,35,000 they have handled over $6,000,000 ' worth of ~" "J' ' . ' : ') " l l, ':. _ , .... live stock from January 1 to Novvember I, 1926, and have laved alA three-minute dudy 01 tla ... "f • '/ mClY .aoe you ~ /rom buying an ob.olete cClr. most $25,000 for the farmers who have patronized their 88110ciatlori. He 48 inches from the toe board to the front of the rear The Overland Whippet will do 55 miles an h~l;Ir pointed out further that his firm han· seat back. Several inches more than in any light car. in the hands of the average owner-with all the ·redIes only about ' ono fourth of the serve power that this implies, hogs going through ' the Cincinnati Here at last is an autom~biJe that will run 30 miles yards, yet there are eighteen other on a gallon of gasoline-well over 1000 miles. on a galYou can drive this car 8S fast as you like with the commission firms on the market. Mr, lon of oil-with extraordinary mileage on tlres--and utmost ease of control-for no light car ever hugged Wilson declared that his same forc e the smallest'tax rating of any car in America today. the road like this before. ' " could h andle greater increased volume at practically no increased exIn traffilf it gets away with lightning pick-up-etop Imagine if you can what this saving will mean to penses, thereby bringing about still watch tests show that it accelerates up to 40 miles an the average owner in a single year. It cuts present greater savings to the farmen for hour, 18 '70 faster than other light four-cYlinder can. operating costs just about in half, Doubles th e value whom the stock is handled. '; . o( every dollar you now spend for upkeep. . The Overland Whippet will climb the grueli~g Two million of the eountry's six million five hundred farmers are ~ow grades of the Cove Mountains of Penn.eylvania. in hig~. The new principles-the new ide~s-the new standmembers of 10,803 'co-operatlve farm ards of desia-n in the Overland WhIppet are bound to In all your life you've riever driven any car like this organisations. In 1915 the eatllnatchange your whole conception of light-car m.echanical before. Its wonderful activity"';;'it8 flashing bunts of ed membership was 651,000. , features, Its high-torque motor has a 3 '" -m~h bore speed-and quick acceleration hate never been "The increa~e in membership and by a 4%-inch stroke. It is by fa r the smallest lIght car available in Bny car .of th~ ~ype. · .~. volume of bUllneu Is imposing," said engine made in America. It develops more horsepowa representative of the departm~nt er per cubic inch of piston d.isplaceme.nt ,and poun~ of Th distillictive body lines of the Overland Whipp~t of rural economics at the Ohio S\A'te car weight than any oth er light 4-cyhnder car engl~e. Ira .resemble the 'marteet custom-built automobilea' unlvenity, "Ten years ago the · toof erica and Contlnerital ·Europei '".stand tn front tal bUlinCIII handled by farm co-operIt has an 80-lb, t orque-this means greater Pl!lling of tHis car Bind you cfln imlfgilit; 10Ul'Sel1 on tbe boul· aUve. In the United States w.. 636. power-the ability to get over hills without shifting evards of' France. ~. . " million dollars, Last year It had' gears. Because of this greater efficiency the motor of • it creaaed to ovell two billion four )iUftO th". Overland Whippet costs more to ~ui1d, yet co.sts 'The dl' tor ls typically fbre1itn-every line, ,curY) dred . million doUan, almolt 400 per ),ou leBB ,t o maintain, than any other lIght car englne and contour of the body is the result of p.lnataki~. cent · Incre..e. Durine the time :~. built today. : craftamanahtp and at~dy. r. " ' i '. i . , ." volume baa Increased foul' tlm.·ln ten yeaN, the number of orcanJ!iia. Low awung-raklali--graeeful u a Whlppet-that's The Overland Whippet ,Sa the only light car that has tlons have barely doubled. ~ the only way to d_'rfb~ · it·' 'COmplete symmetry the modem force-feed oiliNr system throughout the enThe volume of c~p.ratlv. hll»tdealgn baa been ac~Yell'.~with ~ednlpaet 'enemal' elf· lin", instead ot the old.fa*Aioned Bplaali. I . . . ne" ' n Ute E..t North Ceptral 1tate8, mensions. ~Compared wlm the old.fulltoned 'blg, which Include Ohio, h.. jumped ~ It is the only light four-cyUnder car that combines bulk7 cant l lb e. Over-Jand . .tp'pe~. app.ea~ ama~ler ~nd 90 .mIlUon .to over ·U8 mlllillft dollail, amarter. That', b~auae ' ... .Ieu;th ..,. U. t'Pue lenuine Chrome alloy steel valves with ailent chain Thii ' eo-operatlve. In Oblo i_did artistic ProllOrtion. In _. Jej ~ o."'DdI r. Wlllppe' Iyou . ~"tI , tirillng gears and _pum.\» water ci~culation. 981,811 worth of bulla ... Ii 11114 have the'*~ot·rtClin ~loAr Wthe ·.odnd-witb " ,18,,,• .,010 ID 11119. the resultant Hnae of soli ~rl..1d<aliell;fe·' o' tut ame. : ~Jt- h8ll.lonir eonnectlnf, rods, l0t:tg valve guides. Ita

Desirable Chrisbnas Present Will Be an


Fred M. Cole Authorized Cro.ley n••ler

Fresh Florida Oranges Fresh Sweet Florida Oranges, $3 per box of 300 large size. Sound fruit and satisfaction guaranteed or money back. We pay express charges A box of these makes an appr eciated Christmas g ift. Remit with order.

ACME FARMS Gaaneaville, Florida.

Oil and Grease

!0,,,,WRIAND , ;'i t r;ppe..~ 'J

'", - " ,',,'

A.....•• 'N~ ",.",.h6'.




Lltlll Ow .




Waynesville's f~Drive In" Station . Drivi", to eur. 6IHIlir ~tJon Is now more than a habit with the ear owners you .ee regularly at our pumpa. The.. oWllers by actual telt have learned that there

ani .




awa7 so noticeable In t ~ conventional type of ",ir. That bigh-up.1n.the-air f ' ~lbag .. gODe--here is a Dew Idnd,of ridi... comfort. . w "t....,th... cai< aDd '70U will , be surprised to find 80 lett} ......... 'toom. ' Due' to • ita unique bod7 and dash ' Outnc::tioD'.the..... actuallT mor~ ·bead ll'OOM and lelr! ' .. .tUil',m,fu, other' ear of' thls ,p..icE~ cl"• . 41 II ,...' .....·'·d .....,~'ltb. front. :of the forei'eiLt back tri \~s-.t . albtDeh""inore ··t han 70U have belBD aeeuatome 1'0. (I' ,.,,J 1 .'It) iJI; ('

'more miles pel' gallon tn REFINERS GASOLINE AND OIL, ~d havl~ found a good ps, they are staying with It. Join the proce8l10n of satfied car oW,ner.s :who are now enjoying the prompt high-clUBS service we render,

'~A1~oaY. W8:iting.' t~ Se'rv~' y~u" .



Waynesville Service Station , North Main St. -

O. R., Prop.

» :act



To the millions of American motorists, especially women drivers, the Overland Whippet will bring_an entirely new pride of ownersbip--a new delight iDrita ~omfon ud Ita ntany reftne~enta. ' ..


, " ,.. ,H ~~--~---~----------------~--~-------~--~----------~~~---7--~~-~~~~--,:



'WltyDe rib!' '. ., P.. ~, ,,,.' ,

valve steme are unusual y 10nK. With more space above for eoplJDg. This extra space' makes for quietneas. of opeNtitul and lonKer ,life. - ' For ~he life of the en~be Ie me~ur~d bl the Ufe of t~e valves. " .


,'I\ L







A Surpris At the

Mr , 1I.Ir 'I' ~T :1 cl:. ~ t in ·. 1In)lo ll, Mon dny.






L H cr Gordo n WUR U bus i ne~~ in Morrow, Monday.

" \t OIlI",,/:,'


lov r L Nlf lilllh "


Mi .... A Uh IIOW tb Qf nenr \ ',,~ n,'wsll l", f1I \' lai~I"1\' nt t h bom o f , Jr. /lll d l\ ( .. . 1"I'llnk Ho"".

cl lL-

lO t '


L"u; 'l' , hWo illlug \lcr or Irs. L. . 7.illll1'\ermnll and Ilihl, J )" n't Hr. Ruclol l'h , "tit P ,Ir' . II. 'I 11:lI't~lIc k, p' n'l ~1'~'ll l Ra tu l'day in Dllyto n. ,-11'1 I, L h l'l \! \' ory ~n l llrd ny nll:'h I moon lit t htl h"",,, rt.,., t ,. ' , r~ \III .. , and r1dLlllItTiTZ,l' .. i 1IT1 it -, [1. m., <ln d '1'lI~~<I ;ly \ltllI l :J (;ol:'doll lind !II' Mllrlh" I)'. ' ~,ill 1'. , , 1 I Mt' .. F. , 11 "!'t ,..1(, II!' chi , I :Ill'. nl1(1 ,\IJ'~. My" r TT ymnll lIn J (1. ",. u ry'~ .l ""'t'l ry .·It ,p, L I,.•• nne 01 the m'Qn bfJn4 t 1\t.'.( Innl " ) ' :'" (' , \'·n,· tilt' ~ I I " \\ i! IIH.'r In 1.11\ '~'I i 11 ~ ' tin t T U4' ~( lny in Jnnl r,to wn. ' ,''' il1, tlbin. V. t· ha'. I' 11 lit I I tH 1 Ii" II 1 i. ,I " ilt H Ird. J\ ,. ("('n L br;dr, wnfl I t.udt.rI1d l 'lei, t' frll i tl ,li n. ' t,· h t· \ t \1 :-1. nt :\1.. I,' r Frl1n h lI lIwkc IHl ~ t he !;,r il'. II liul'll rf (' Rhnwor. ,' he WII K I" I ,' t 'l<' I ~ d,~ II, :lj th l Iii" ).. '01 ill 1,,· .1,,1111 Snt ith \I "l1t b, ;rl'l' lIl;elri t n.," ,·d I . lr" nlld ?tit s . \\' i ll ill'd flub:hi l'r. ' l· ~.d . t. ! 1,.., I , , '" FOR SALE .1 ',t' ,t It' t 1llient of u icc cl,llh\(' t il)J1 (If o:o.c.'lu l " .I ·lIlI~ '1'11\\ 11",1 11' 1 1111 """ 111 JI . . d I r \\". E. ()'Nt':d l nrrh"l'd h UHlt' f1' urn lay, t\ aU('lId th\..' rt.IIt, !~t1 (If tl rd- :\lr~. \ dn U"I :' hi 'ZC 'l" )11', G ll~ Hha\\ ., h ~ , ' h" d i\' e, 1t1'tlrl"6. " I;:" 'I; " ,., , . 1'1'" ida Il1st. \\'~ 'k. i\' (lI"'''1'I H tl. MI', a't a ~1I''' ' \\'. (~' t \ \ ' . I I\, '1 1\ , I! \l.l :-. A n l!p l'i ~lI t Chickcrin.' II I ' q.:-; \\\ no'. ~~lIl1day dinl1 l'r r 11L.... t ., 1 i l l: : " til,. " \. I ~ I ' ~ II; IH"I llc'h ulld 'w nrf: , v('t'y .f. p , F r tl llllH allcl f :ulIily alld ,\1 r :-. . ('"rwin lInmilton', o f Xl'ni n, "pent "f ,\1,·. :l I,d )1 ..". .\I " tl Zll Titll ~ 1111.1 I , :.. " :"',,1 ' n ,"1d lHuke 11 ~ " lclldi d Christ ' ::;n lurrlny in Wuync ~,·i lle. .J. C. lI awk .. W~r" Itaytun ,h " pl'er~ , t'lll dy. .\ \" 1' . ~' I"" I '·\1 ',.t,' 'I' 1\.' 1:1 . __ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ dlti' . tlld ;--',t:'.1 II L 1 I ii d ll \ - Ill : , .. l-' lll fill' !'tOIliC yo ungster. Ad:.':tlllrdny. We 111'1' pl'l' pared to grilld f Cl,d. l'I '~ " ,';11 , :-- h.~ , t I 1." I'd .111 ~ • • I Il H':- d l'\ ' , ~ B(~ x 7 fi. \V IlYllc ~villc, Ohio, I will s II lit tho lale r ('s idc II ,' c ,, [ H" Jt!"ulH l' l 'LIIH llIlIHIt':\n O tl n r \\Tay _ \\' H y n (' ~ \'UI (' Fnrmcr-. F:xchallg(l. !led (,,·dlll' Sl'ilnps nnd Movie h ut. " I"'''!'''' '" " " 1"' \1" " " '" dB ~~arta Wolklns, .in ('I'nten·illp. " " nC"'illl' T... oIll:'· ;-\CI. 1' 1'\ F. 6; A . M." 'il: k('t~ fil H ry' ~ J w 'lry Shop, Leb!-' I lj~ :-; ,\ I.I-:-- I-'I·,'"h ""W, ,Jerse y, :1I'd Frid." Decembe . 17 . 1926. TU" sda y (·,' , '11 i 1lC( . Ih' '1'1111'l'r 1·1. :\lrs. J. n. ?>torlall is \'i ~ iting hcr :1 IIu n, Ohi o. l'Id f. Al so. yOUIIIS red bull. " mo, Th,' fl1 l1 e l'l1 l "f lII rs . J"hn St o"ps. Berinn1 ng ot 1 (I' clock tll\' full,,\\,· \\, ,,, h II. thv \1 ~ 1 .1, .( """ ., I\1r". Merle Kern, in ·ul· ,old. IlI quit·!' or ,J. P. Cummings, R. who d j, .. d at h er h 0 1l1C in 'I'olct!o, 11111': House hold goods di ~ h~ s . cl'o k,'F :-;:-;I-: l'I\E:-\III': IU;AST , W. 1\1 . umbus. Mrs. II l i~e ~IcKill "cy Wfl S in !\t O l' .:. \\' ''YIIl's \'illp, Oh io. dB r i l l ~ u"y ni"ht. will be held nl th e In, u lensil8, 8 tnve~, clc . . F. B. II t:\ rn:1(:-;()N, Sec'y rllw last wel'k, \'is itillg her ~o n, J oe, lli pht l h'!'i: 1 1:- l'1 ' llId" I,d I .. l lf' I,n ' \ · Chupel. t omorrow. Thursday nftcrj LAURA W. 1'1:-11-:, Red Ced nr Stnmps nnd Movie all ,l fumily. -FO~ RENT " noun , nt ,, 'clock. lIIrs. Stoops wus 1\ all'lIt ill Iii ., ·II1T, <\lIld //. t-r t", " ,; , II I ' AJmini. lrolrix nf ;\1"rin tickets al Cary's J"welry 'S hop, LebANNUAL ELEC TION is tli l' pal't tlf wi.. dolll til 11<1\' (-' y u tlr _ _ __ \\· ntkin~. c\ l'c , · a ~,·, 1. allan, Ohio. Mr . nnd Mrs. IInn'cy Burnet, of ,bler· in · law of Adum Stoops, o( ch ildl'l 'lI i"//" III" ,-,·d . if I~l~' )' 1,,1\'[' ." " t I,' , (II II I-::\ T IInil~'s 1'1'"p-:-rl)' a ll 4th McNeil & Worrell, Allrt ~. Ccnlc rvil l(', s pcnt Tu('sdny wit h Dr. Ih i. "lace. Th,· ann11 111 .' \(' cti on of the fitoc khl"'11 :lir,·"dy. .1 . I. 1'.1.1.1 :- . , tl\.,.t '"Hl Frank li n Tlllld. Inqui re Mrs. Eloisc Thompso n, of Cincin· II n, 1 M.... II. E. II "Ulllway. - - -... - ...- - h"I.I,·I" "f Ihe Wnync"ville Nationnl _~~S~I :'~ '~ l Io-"lth 11"" • .1 . "t' ~ I ,·,. I.ida :'11. Sawi", 26.\ D" llIwllre BlI l1 k f" .. Ih ,' pU"PIJSC o( ,' Icclint-r of- nnli, i. ' visitin~ her parents, Mr. amI SEND TIlE MIAMI CAZETTE fk ~ l" flo r th e ensuing- year, will be Mrs. George Smith. ~1rR. Crace McCune ond Mi ss Bon- TO SOME FnIEND :F'OR XMAS. Try tho Mian.i Gaz e tte Cor Job Wor\. .\ \ '1'. , l'n ylnl1, Ohi o. · d IG 1... ld al 111l'ir banking ro .. m ~ , on n i,' Rced. of LinuI, ~I'(' nl the wel'kTup~dHY .•lu ll unry 11, 1!l27, btllween Anyone huving nntique urli cles or " 1111 wilh Mrs. Evn Miller. t h(\ hours o f 1 an d :l p , Ill . h ouse ho ld g oods of uny kind fu r 5 1110" L . M. Jlt,;NDEW30N, CII, hier. ST. MARY'S CHURCH cull · W. N. Sears. . ~I is s Gertrude I'al{e , of Cedarville j5 Third Sunday in Ac\ \'cont, DC'fem - -('" lIege, WIIS the guc. l uf Mi ~s r:lsic ber 12. Church Sc hool III !) ::W n. Sec the wondennul Chri s tm n~ Gifl IInwke over tho week,clld. disp lay nt Cnry's Jewelry Shop, m" ~Iorning Prayer nnd germ ,' n ,;t Lebanon, Obio. Ou r watch nnd cl ock r cpnir ,lc· 11 o'clock. partmenl cunnot be excelled. Prices All are cordiulll' invit,'d to atlend Miss Do la Schlltzmnn , of Sardini~ moderate. Cnry's ,/ ewelr y Shop, Lebthese aervicllll. was the week-e nd guest of Mr. and anon , Ohio. . Rey, John J. ScbBefl'er. Rector. Mrs. W. O. Raper. Mr. nnd Mrs. G. D. Mills, Mrs. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Miss Miriam Spence, of Cedarville Ma rne Hatfi eld nnd Miss Olive Dincollege, spent th e week·end with wid die were in Springfie ld, Sunday. Sunday-School at 9 :30; Miss Eslher IIenden;on. E verybody cordially invited. Cary's Je\\'colry Sh op, Lebonon, 0 ., We lire a~ent for Gruen watches agency for Yourex Silverseal and METHODIST CHURCH inWarren county. Cary's Jew elry Rogers Heirloom silver plate. Lasts S hop, Lebano n, Ohio. Sabbath School at 9: 16 B, m. from generalion to generation. preaching at 10 :80 a . m. Epworth League 6:16 p. m. Prcochlllg at Mr. anel Mrs. W. E. O'Neall, Mi ss Sunday dinner guests t)f Mr. a nd 7 :00 p. m. Everybody in vited t o t h cse Martha O'Neall ond Mrs. Lester Cor- Mrs. H . B. Enrnhnrt we r e Mr. and .ervice. dOJ;l were Doyton visitors, Monday. Mrs. Robe rt Crew, Mr. Phin cons Cook Rev. L. A, Washburn. Pastor. Mrs. Ru s8um, of Dayton, hos and Mr. alld Mrs. K. N. H ough nnd Mrs. Viola Harlon. beon yi ailing her mother and sister, Mrs. Mnry Edwards and daughter, Undl'cided what to give for Christ- . for several dnys. mns hu ndreds have been-yet a bri ef ~'hldl W ~ 11 III ht

I( .





, tJl





------- - - -

Public Sales



Mrs. Stoops Dead



----_ ..

CoalPricesLower We Keep in Stock

Eight Different Kinds of


Melloh's Garage

Sunoco Gas Sunoco Oil . ' ., - Miller ,.T ires Prest-O-Lite Batteries ~

Alcohol and Glycerine Base Alao, Completely Denatured Alcohol

For Radiators

:S.PARTON RADIOS· r The Pathlinder 01 the Air

Come in and see our Compl et ~ Line of ; Sp~rton Radios, or call phone 4 7 for a demonltration appointment.

Do YOII l ike to wash ill cold wotFor the man yo u honor most, wh y er Why, n o. Would you ratber not the g ift of n Cruen strap or n pocket· watch? Cary's Jewelry S hop pay the doctor 01' pny the la undryLebano n, Ohio. man a fmy cen ts . a w eek for your ~~~Sh? IWe :}vill lIi~!lder your clothp8, Mrs. Ann a Cadwu ll ader. who has Os ow li S 5 tcn ts per ,1 bcen in failing h ealth, is in McClel- Leave . your coli with Mnh lon PR~a'" Innd's for rest a nd trent- to have the drivelr exp lain in deu::t m en t Her man y fri e nJs hope f or :)oft Wllter Laundry. 1 • her U 81Jeedy r eco very The women of the Episcopnl church '~arket a nd 'j{P'l'on -sale iri wi ll hold the Town ship house on Sltturi:loy, Dccem ber 11, begin!1ing at 10 o'clock. Your patro na ~e is SQ)icited. ., '



Wrecking Car,' equipped with a Three-Ton Holst

At Your Service

At All Times

eo... t..,.

Club, Ib-Iod. white .... 6c Whole Wheat. Ib.l.... f ............ lie

Vienna, Ib. loa f .. ...... ...... ..... ..... 7" R ye. 1 U,. lb. loaL .. .............. ... . 10'"

Cakes Country~lubFruitCak~ 2-lb .. SSe 3 lb .... . "$1.35 Faaey Layer, all O."oro, 2 pound. ....... .............. .......... ... .. .... ... ... : .. .. 35" FaDcy Squ .... La,.er, 20 oz .. .. .. 25c Angel Food. 14 0% .. ......... . ........ 25" -'---' - - " _._ - - ...


- - - - - - -----


Clifton'98e 24 >1l pound sack . ... . . ..... .

Coulltry CI.b, 24 lS -1b •• ac", $1.09; .. 12 ", -lb .• aclt, 57c ; 5. lb ... c .. .. 25e eo1d Medal or Pill. bury, 24 lS .Ib, lack ...... .. .. ....... .. .. .. ....... ..... $ 1.29

Cand y. ~~.~~.~~ ~~~~~IBtCI~~~~·ll:~d~blb


2~~!'¥a~~.~~~~~~~~45 C.

47 C

Choice Cut Rock, F.ncy Peanut Brittle..and


Choice 61J.d ...... .... .. .. .. .... :... .. ...... 19c AI,!orted Chocol.te•• b ox ...... ....... ....... .... ................... ............ ..... .. 9Sc

Florida., 178 ai.e, dOE.... ..... ... 39c Florid... 200 .i .... dOE ........ ......33c

P.ot()toes ·U. • No .s. I

25c ~!e:SlaY~;. 1Dc ECOb.t~~r? ~tpl.~_., 15c( r.~!r~, Cele~LarI. 25 "aU w..c . .~Ib. C ~d

~~~~~b ~e~ i... I ••


. ,. . . . ._.

3 for ................. ......... 25"

2 Ib . ...


Grad.;'1 PI'C," ' ............. . ..... 2· ~ bwhel bar .. ........ .. .. ...... $4.35

Ib .............

22 c:

·8 tJz. p." k.g ........................... 12 ..


Nut, Ib .: .... ..... urDlrold. Ib ......... ........ ......... 32c



: . ... ...

,;.25c 31 C

J ••• ~• • lbe .. ,............... .... 2!'c · Avo"d.l., fa ,.",. lifted.• , f~~.,J ,14c Jumbo




Pure 2 Ib .. .. .

Reasonable Prices

Waynesville· Mill---Coal &Ice Co.









, , '\

1 •

. Th'~ ' ~OiJl'en of th~ Episcopal ," · ~il1 hold a m~kQt and apron sllle in th e To_~hip ' house on Saturday, Decdmber '11, beitilling at 10 o'cl ock Ydur ,patY0nage is 1I0liclted.

For Her

We hav" Red and Green Wreaths, aeUs and





., .1. ~'



'diampnaJ It ' wlll never wcar will Jje Iii style a hundreCl PI V4a" Come , 1~.lId let choose yours f oJ" Cbrlil;l. mas. J ewelry Shop, Home of Gifts, Lebanon, Ohio,

Handkerchief. Jersey Glove. Comb. Umbrellas Hose Dolla Toys


and Green Rope Decorations. ChUdren Happy


Toys of all kind. to ",.ke the


Us'e :'AII Kinds of .c anned Fruits or ,"




",i. ~e~~h.e'rt·. · Fancy, C~~~s and Pies



The ,Elk;. Lic.k, !~ Si1ver Flqke ()r .·.A. C. Products, as theIr :9uality \and flavor cannot be eq~aled anywnere at .any price. ----------------t---------'J ',, ~ Ii, A LARGE .LINE OF .


I ;:


'. ,.

' ,'


t ',

I ) .. \'"




. •_ ';

, "1~

( ,




f, •

\. : .

.Last,: but

I,: ... ~ . ,


j , I '

'f .


II '

.• ' . ' .' : . Streatm"n'. Fancy Cakes and Crackers ,I

,"' L


Littl e Mis$ J.o uillii.j:.ijougp·\ ll ieasa ntly !,urpr,i!leJi .. Ill. Ji'ri¥),'. cniQg, Decemlier 8. bY :' f!IIven . li tt.l e [rioDl,s, 4',G~~ e:I, PORCO"D, .1:8fIdy und IlppJ!!S '\velC . ~nj ot'cd . :. Those pl:escnt WW!l ' ·,MIl.\'Y nnd,;..t').n·nlllee Cm nc, DONS: Wol1de, Olive Scott, Do,rii! S#llisbury. Inna' Sears and Barbara Gray. .

Ties Hoae ' Handkerch iefs Shirts Jer.ey Gloves Belts Comba Toys

Now For The

" : "

A do~ iJ!. 'Il , fr.iflndly, "i(t_, li ves and ~ep!)l\ts YOur XP1~ . . j ng throu:~h~ut ; , ~A.\l . _y.eor, ' yolfl's nt C~,..y) JQW,~1rY.' ~ ~l\Jl; n on, Ohiu. . . .

For The Girl

JuBt to make your Chri.tma. dinner more than a meal, make it a feast, not to be forgotten, by the liberal u.e of lOme of the following. Quality Goods: CELERY ORANGES ENGLISH WALNUTS OYSTERS PEANUTS TANGf;RINES CRANBERRIES BRAZIL NUTS GRAPE FRUIT SWEET POTATOES COCOANUTS BANANAS MINCE MEAT . 'APPLES DATES: C~l':lN~D "UMPKIN

The W omnn'8 Auxilillry will rnt:!l;It with Mrs. K,\~e Colem!ln. l'I\r8. Wit Cl'uhum nnd Mr~. Lester Gordon. on TI ..frsduy afternoon , December 9, at Ih e homc of Mrs. Coleman, Election (I f offi ce rs and pa~e)lt ,tf. ., dues, PI case JI~.t~ the . doto .If'91Jl

~ ." ~


Declo rate Your Homes and Show the Christmas Spirit

Do you like to wub in cold water1 Why. DO. WOlll<.\ you rllther pay the doctor or pay the Jaundry ma n a few cenls a w eek for your wash? We will Inunder your clothes for a8 low as 5 cents .,p er : pqunli,. Leave . ca ll with Mnblon Ridge to dri ver ex plaJn .in !i¥tail . , Soft Laundry • .

1'~~.t:SdaY:l :

For The

Hanclkerchiefa Silk Hoae Lady Grey Powder Comb. Umbrella. Writing Paper Fancy Gartera Aluminum Percolators

Mr. a nd Mrs. Charles Graham, of Centerville, Mr. and Mrs. tirar1Yillc Decker, of Ridgeville, and Mrs'; Be ll e C ra ham, of Springboro, spent Su ndny with Mrs. Ruth Daugherty and daughter, Miss Stella.

lriday .to

...1-1 .

Tie. Shirts Sock. Handkerchiefs Belta Cigar. Gillette Razors Harmonicas

.. That tired, ele.e py, yawning teeling usually ' is causeP by' Qye stl,'ain. With prop"ry 'fitted gJas8ea all eye strai n is rem·o:ved. Consult Dr. Rud ~ I~I,l . nt Cllry's Jewelry Shop, Lebanon: O. Mr. and Mrs. Myel' Hym,rn nnd Mr. a nd Mrs, L, A. Zimmerma n were in DDyton Friday night, Tho gentlem an attended 1\ meeting of tho Sh rine while the hidies ottended the t.heotel'.

Bread Country Club Twin or Single, ge 1 Yz lb. loaf, each . ....... ... .. . .


Mrs. Haryey Rye and daugbter, a nd Mr. Russell Sa lis bury are visittheir parents in Cleveland. Du.r ing their .bsenco Mnl. Sdllsbury ' alld childl:,en al,'e stAying with, ~••' RY&. . 'Vo

w. allO have a

High Grade Coal

·Mr. nnd lIIrs. O. R. Ungle8by and visit 10 our slu r I' has c leared up mat,laughter, Miss Evelyn, were dinner lers in no lime. Cary's J cwelr y Shop, H Ollie of .. Cifts; Lebanon, Ohi o. /.:ue ~ ts o f Mr. IInLi Mrs. Mert Baird, Thl1r~d lly eYenin g . Mrs. Ru y Mllinou9 wns culled 10 Lcxing~on, ){¥." Iw!t week on occoun~ IIIrs. R. n. Vance and son, at PIClIsllnt Plnin, visiled her parents, of the serious illness of her sister, Mr. nnd Mrs. ,1. C. Hawke, Oil Fri- M rs. n~tn~l'; ivho ' is in Go ud Samnrito n h ospit.ul at lhllt' place. " '.. day.

., '

not. least,

a \cup of

FIVE-MINUTE BRAND COFFEE .. . . .. . .. ... ".. ;;.



Gre~nan" 'Fruit Cake.

) lS

Reventy-Righth Year


..·7.::~;·;;e::···j INTERESTING INCIDENT 1 RELATED BY PIONEER State. Capital , L .............. ... ..".e".1 from the

epc. . ter


COLUMBUS, omo - At.torney. General E. C. TUI'MI' hilS eho ' C lt Grunt E. Mouser, eity ijoJicitnr. Marion. as a member of his slaff. lIt' hlUl 'been active in t he llJtht of Ohio municipalities agulnst incrclll!ed gUll rates. The Ohio Cr ushed Slon assoeintion at its nnnuni meeting in thi ei Ly . elected those offic 1"8 : Presiden t, E. E, Evans, Toledo; vice- preMillcllts, Fred R. Putterllon, Findlay, IInu B. T. VanCamp, Cincinnali; trea"ur er, Ru ssell Rarby, Columbull ; secretal'Y, Curl L. Van Voorhis, of Mt. VeJ'lIon Dnd ColumbUS. During tho IURt yeur members of the nssociation have furnished thousands of tOilS of crushed IItone for macndam rands in Ohio.

, I.


Twenty·six per cent of the people who carry life insurance are in t 'rested additjO.l1al Insurunce for the fI!II,J!POie ';f; pli. ""m g the mortgages on thelr 'homes und other obligations. Thi s'~ nclu8ion i8 based on the reaults of a sent out by the Ohio Life Ins urance organization It was found that 36 per cent of perIlona carrying insurance nre interested in inllurancec providing for nn oldnge income. Highways are being paid for to a large extent by levies on lIlotor vehicles rather than by property taxlltlon, according to the U. S. Department of Agriculture. In 1920. the percentage of highway expenditures derived from property taxation was 1'1.02 per cent. In 1925. It wns 3.S per cent. Ohio motor bUB. operators report they are paying out 12 per cent of their income in taxes alone.


The Legilliature will be asked by the Department of Health to approprinte '10,000 for the completion of . a dental hygiene progrem. The plan was Indorsed tbis week by the State Delltal Society. Dr. J . E. Munger, .tate health dir!'ctor. says . every lebool ~hild in the State should be . examined for teeth defecls A Ught incl'~Bse 111' milk production the firlt tt-n daya of December compared with November is reportcd by the Ohio Dairy Products as ociotion. Between November 1 :lnll November ' n, practically every available reIOUrcO wns exhausted to provide t he 01110 cities with 11\1111. rJ"his WIlS \'cft_clad in generally higher prices rur milk tq the 'farmer and in SQIllO cities ine.reaICs to the consumer. The ' Adverti si n~ commission :lnd the Fifth District or the J,nterr.uti\1naJ Advertising association will meet In Columbus the latter part of Junuary In connection with th.o conVllOtion of the AAIIoclated Ohio do \11 s. NeWllpaper men' desire to havc de. ftned just what constitutes a n e~ 'spaper for legal advertisi'ng purpos· ·ea. · The Buckeye PreIS a88ociation will not JIleet until Februnry. Christ· . IIIU advertising is re'ported brisk.

---.- -...----

:!y A. :,. C

Whole Number 5731








Th e v 1I('l'oble Dr. Thomas G. Farr In st(Jad of the usuul hri stl1llls ('nnow ill hi s 80th ~reli l' , and resident at tertninm ent, th e 11I cm ber~ of the the F'ricndH lI ollle in Waynesv ille, WILS in l\ r~milliijcent mood the other School Glee clu h \\'ill Iii VI! n snct'ed dllY, uud l' cu lled Bome huppenings concert at the Gymnasi um Sun day th ll t took pillee in the iute 30's or afternoon, Dcccl1lbccr ~6, ut 2 enrly ·IO 'H vf lust century. u' clock. You are urged to be pres· Th o induents he nllrrnted a rc per" IlAPs kll owlt lo no olld elso now live nt 115 this is the fir~ t apllcuJ'u llc e of ill K; nnd t he n nlTHlive seemed of suft he Glee cl u b, ami we feel suJ'1! you Ilci('nt hbt .. riclII intel'e6t to wurnlnt will be pleased. No admissin n wi ll i<llIiI ,l!' d ow lI the Doctor'lS CHANGE TO T EA RS be charged. You nro cordially ifl(tJI· l·cCO l'd. Thr Doctor himR'lf has 1111 ill t (' rcH lin~ p(\r~o nn li ty, und pracvi ted . Tell your Iri el1 d ~. Don't FIGHTER'S DR UG S ticed 11It'r1Ici ll ~ (It ::;el 111 11, ' la rk cou nforget the dute. IN THE TURKEY'S CRAW ty . ( mOl 18 4; 3 to 188:!, und at South hll rlcsloli (1'0111 l R82 to 1 !l28, when PROSPERITY'S CHILDREN The Mothers ' club is planning' a he I'cli red fOI' a well earned rest. large seuso nub le pnrly f',1' th e people Aij II young mun the Dnctor m urof Waynesvi ll e and neig hbor i"" comried in 1 81i !l th e on ly daughter of muniti es. It will be held New Yellr's . If, as C1 hig' income taxpayer, you olonel J llllles Sweney. n I'esident Eve, December 31, at B o'clock. in hud prepared smiles for the $250.(lr Wurren county. then livinA' f our t he Gym. Tell your friend s .and lo(! mileR nurth of Leba non at Robison 'S OU().OO O r ofun d, chullge your s miles sure to come. You urc 1111 inv ited. Cross Rouds. 'l'he Doctor was a tu tefl rs teacher of the distrjct school known as Sweney, in the winter of 18G8-9, l' he $2fi O,OOU,OOO \ ill not be reThe members. of the Qu e~n Esther and was well acquainted with the loCircle, most ly Hil1h Schoul g irls, funded. calities In which the incidents that a very ID l~ ''Btl ng play, fo ll ow took plnce. 1.",n Ht.1 " ,rl " Inlaws and Outlnws. " lit ConJtress think s the money would He learned the fllcts fro m his step t he A 111 last Wednesday e v· father. A mbrose Taylor, brother of en inlf. A fu ir-sized crowd attended be bettel' In th e P ork Barrel than in Mordeeai, nnd from his uncle, Frank a nd It helped considemble with their the p ckets of payers. lin Flln. who was the father of Mrs. ,pledge. There i6 a demand for more public J esse Wright, of Springboro, and of bu ildings. the late Angelina Devittt. The DocThe High School spirit for the A lid ther'> i~ ' tho Farm Bloc. It tor's authorities were witnesses of greater part of t his season has been slIys lhnt if l:"vernment has money much that is hero trnnscribed. The normal. ac cordln¥ to last year, below late Jesse Wright was also informed Io urn, it "hou],1 spend some on solThis was somewhat reVIved, though, to as to many of the facts, but fewer (arm prol" lclIls, and cotton men Friday llig ht. when t he W. H. S. ving than tliose recalled by Dr. Farr. help tl) hold up co~n. Quintet met the Springboro five on IVllnluntil But to the narrative: ' lo UH is not coming wjth our local floor. The first team of his $250, OOO,0()O At the period referred to a slaveW. H . S. met a n oble defeat a nd were payel's thi s yenl'. bag to th e big taxowner named RIiIns was moving by good sports about it. The second \Yafl:on from Virgin in to MI88our~. team from Wnynosvill ,howcver, He had with him a cOlllliderable numwon a well eurned victory. The score Cuptain Mabbutt, manager of ber of slaves and camped with them of the flrst tcnm's game was l 5 to Dempsey's trainin g says tbe champijust ber,ond the William Gregg farm. 16. The score of the second team 's on flghter was dru~ged with poison two miles from S~ringboro on the game was 7 to 6. Both gumes we re in his coffee. That IS possible. Prize Franklin road or Pike, and north of clean, 'fast and furiou M. A great fighting is not 100 per cent ethical. Clearcrcek and the .road amount of tale nt was shown on both But there is a drug successful The eamp of the Virginian sides. The 'c heering was good.The prizellghters absorb after they get slaves attracted the attention the championship that is potent, .-;_~:.===========,==,===============:======-========== Gym fairly rang with the voices terest of the citizens of '" . the crowd. Th e yells were good apart from chemistry. Its ingredients . TMs village with a large IItting. 'fhere was no razzing. on include: T uo much money, self-InQunker population. was .h·nn either side. Keep it up, WaynesvIlle I dulgence. /lottery. They aU take slavery-:- Some of the citizens, Here's to a better score however, these drugs nnd tlrc benten by them lin Farr, Mahlon Wright and John next time. in the end. And then there is FathPotts told the slaves thnt they were e r Time; hI! drugs and knocks out now free nnd need not go 'any furthThis coming Friday night Wlavllcsl_ I.lotl or us. er. unless they wan,t ed to, being on ville will play !'vll\8on at th e local Gym free soil. On hearing this the neWhile this richest country, which A big crowd must be there. We onl\"rQes fled at once. "They scattered The regular m&eting of the The Wayne Townsbip ly ho pe that we cun hnve the kind of solemnly believes tbnt it won tbe like a flock of quails," said the narTwenty-five Waynesville Friend" anll Auxiliary' Will held with Mrs. club held their December a game . we hnd on their floor, fot', war, tr ics to fly and can't, the derator; all except one little negro were among those who attended the as you all know, it was very exciting. feated German nation goes as far whose mtister attempted to conceal Young. Friends meeting held in Ricb. Kate Coleman M:rs, Lester Gordon at the Grade building, Thursday him und er hay. mond, Ind., last Sunday. December and Mrs. Will Gillham. on Thursday ter-F~~~~ ~:8 S!CI~:ge at1~enlda.nce .t~ Two overtimes were played, but a head of us in engineering as it was Waynesv ille wus victorious. in che mistry before the war started. The Jleighborinlr lown of Frank- 12. The three meetings represented A German engineer is at work on lin at tlliR early dute, was strongly were Richmond, Pe ndleton and Way- afternoon, December 9. at the borne enjoy an interesting meeting. of Mrs. Coleman. program for ·the afternoon began . _•._,, __ , a sup erplane to carry 10.000 h. p. en. pro-Rlnvery, and here Rains the slave nesville. Miss Edith McKibbnn, a In the Ilbsence of Mrs. Cad walla- witb songa and recitations from the at the Grade building,has r p t·",.,tPc\ g ines, t en propellers, 180 pa88engers owner. me t with symplIthy on\! help A very profitable diseussion group little folks in MiBB Berryhill's room. a crew of twenty-live lind crOBB t.he in his uttempt to l'ecover . was held ill the basement of the Meet- der, Mr.. D. L. Crane opened tbe followed by two selections from tlle to ber work, ufter an illness lasti nR Atlantic in thirty-six hours. away prop~ rty. In s hort, ing house at 9 ;30 a. m., led by one of 'almost the entir~ of last week. Mrg. meeting and conducted tbe devotionHigh Scbool orchestra. ~ Merely hearing about that m,kes took RuiulI' pt\J't, and probably was the teachers of Earlham college. FolTalks on "The Parent T .... ~I,p ..,;· Bessie Anderso n was her su bstitute. us dizzy in this country. t he CIlUlle of the arre~t of Frn1)klin lowing the discussion group a most al aervice. ...:...-.-Scriptural quota1tions were given in Association" at Centerville were Furr, Mahl01l Wright and John Potts, interesting meeting for worship was en by Mrs. Himes, Mrs. Bafnett Ii QUll k cs, and of Fred Wil son, n held. At noon a delightful lunch was response to ron ~IJl. investigation of watchmen on Lone Election of officers resulted as fol- Mrs Bradstreet, of Centerville. colvt d frcc man or the vicinity. served by th e Richmond Friends. Island grnde. 'c rossings found eighDr. Mary Cook was the speaker for Th ' ch ll l')::e WIlS se up thut t he Frederick B. Suirety. an English lows: teen Of them asleep. Fourteen 81;\\1 : had ~tol 11 . /i,O OO of Rains' Friend, who is visiting varioue mect- President.. .. .. Mrs. Anna Cadwallader the afternoon, .a nd excellent "watchers" are found peaceably . lk;, Her subject was Child IUnne!, lind that lht' me n ubove-nnmed ings throughout tbe United States. Vicll.-Prcsident .. .. Mirs. E. L. Thomas slumbering on Staten Island. The had uided ond libeUed them. They, will nddreBB all of those intereated at Secretary nlld treasurer.... ............ huma n is uncertain-more reallOn \ir. Moomaw then made a few rothe citizells l1ndl.'l' n"l'est, were hur- the White Brick MEeting house Thura for persuading railroads to use deLaura Mosher marks and brought out some new I'ied . to Lchrlll oo to juiJ, where the day evening .December 16. lle is Untted Thank Ofl'erIDg Treasurer vices that do nob go to sleep. thoughts in re8ard to entertainln sher iIf 0 1' jailer, who had no sympa- particularly interested in the young Mr. lvnn McKeUip. dniry extension ......... .. .. ........... Mrs. Lester Gordon our boys and girls with a few seaBon~ thy for bolltionists boarded up .t he people, and 80 all Waynesville young specialist of Ohio Agriculturnl colReports of the Anniversary meet- able pnrties. The best is the raised or sunken windows of the jail, Lo excluda t he Friends are expected to be present. A social time followed and refrNlh- lege, will be her e to assist in discUss- Wade crossing. A good one would igbt. Dail iit" amplc amount was The regulnr meeting of Waynes- ing commemorating the fiftieth annijng the economicul feeding (If (lalry vcrsary of the orgl~niation of the W 0ments were served by Mrs. Mary L. be a shol'p right angle turn in the road prompUy f01'thcom ing, but; n ot before ville Y. }'. M. will be held at the SatEvn cows at the following seri es of meet- before evel'Y grade crossing, 'c ompellonc of the 11l'isonor8, by thl'u ~ting tert~waite !iome Sunday evening, man's AUl(lliary in Southern Oblo, Adams. Mrs. Van Omen and ings: were given by th. e delegates to tbe Davis. t hrongh the b~lrs with a chair, had December 26. Tuesday afternoon, December 21. at ing (lrive rs to stop and thin k. Swlll&'-. bl'llken orr some of the hoards nniled 1 :30 p. n;t .• at S c s room, iag r ed lights and ringing bells help. The public should have, b1,1t ' baa over the windows. Some time e/itpsed in the }lJgh School bUlldmg. WUYnot, intelligenco enough not to get bc.f"'l·e the tria l or ,hearin g, for it benesville. A mi88ionary p,l ay, "Tbe Hope CanH! necessary to send to Virginin to Tuesday even ing, December 21{ at run over- olld not to' depend qn the Nation." was l;hen given, with the watchm en , take depositions that the slave 0"'07 :30 p. m .• Mason, Reibold's ha I. or ' did not have the amount 01 money following cast of characten: ' Wednesday afternoon. Dc~emb er 22, Mr. Price. a farmer ...... Mrs. Thoma!! tbat he claimed hlld heen stolen. W ilIiaf S: Robe r ts, of Butte, at 1 :3'0 p. m.. Butlerville. Mrs. Price .. .......... ........ ...... Mrs. Harris . Sallnon P, Ohaae, ' then II Wednesday evening, December 22, at Montanu, bought a turkey and five Price. 16 yrs old .. Mrs. R. Hawke Dick lowyer a~ CIncinnati, . "'olt",t''''''oA small gold nuggcts Were found in its 7 :30 p. m .• Morrow. Ellen Price, 14 yrs old "Mra. McClure rod the d Iells e ut their npnr,nO' Thursday afternoon, Deccmb r 28, ot craw. The tUl'key came from a pack Fred Price. 12 vrs old .. lIi's. Hartsock Though the weather was quite inwas anticipated the acc11sed were ing house. Nobody knows where it 1 :30 p. m., Lebanon. Waynesville is on the ' new~ sel&!!· M r. Ga Ie, the rec. .. to r.......... M"number of .". All en element. b d a goodly ts t memb fr ee and wero .conro ider6d martyrs ted United States R oute o. 421 After adjournn~ent a pleasant so- ers an gues were presen at t e Thursday evenin~, D~cember 28. at used to cat. There is a trngedy'Springboro ' and grunt!. rascals IJ go ld mine some where. impossible 7 :30 p.m., Mal1loytllc. whicb is destined to become one or cial bour was enjioyed. durihg wbich Wayne Township Farmers club, when Franklin. . By means of a blaokboal'd Mr. Me- to locate it. Ohio's mott used motor roads, accord- delicipus refreshments were served. it met last Thursday, December 9th, Fl'Qd WilsO ll, t.he col9red man, WaR Ing to motorists. The trail crosses Kellip will fig ure out the requiTed The following g:uests 'were present: with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Clark. nlso arrested on anQthcr charge, bu t Ohio from Cincinnati to Cleveland Mrs. A. T. Wright. Mrs. Alvin Fires. But a worse tmgedy is r epresentFollowing the dinner. which was amount of corn, outs or other farm th!lught to have been in co nnection und is tbe Illost direct route between Mrs. Charles Rot,itzer, Miss Martha served in the basement of the M. E. grown 'feed io use with cotto n-secd , cd by tho 1I10n of genius. His brain wltn the .a bove . el.l s~· lind taken to these two important points. O'N II d M' L I H d church the club Rssembled nt the' oil meal or other concen trutes, lind eon tains inll!1leetual gold nuggets of Franklin foJ' trial '1'11ere was littlo ~ The route enters Ohio nt Cincinnnti ea an . ISS ou se en erson. Clark home for the afternoon's pro- their r elation t o tlte kind of hny to Il'igu n tic l.'i zo. dOllbt nmong his frien ds t hat he from the South.l.._passes through Leb• • gram. be used for the highest prod uction But, li ke the turkey with the would be cleared, but violence from and lowest cost. lumps of g(\ ld ills ide, tho ge nius cannnon. Xenia. waynesville, London. In an interesting manner Mr. J. the' mob was fenred when he should Delnware, Profits from dairying and poss i bi!Mt Gilcnd, Mansfield. Ash O. Cartwright entertained the club not tell w here he got it. Cannot be set free. The heari ng was held la ud, Medina 'IInd on into Cleveland. with a description of tbe recent ea~t. ities through higher prices and low- (Joint to the celestial mine whence "Ctel' darlt ond the Squire lifter free - It be seim that this route follows ern tour. taken in company with tbe er costs of pl'oducti on. Th e market Irenius comes. him, moved toward tbe front d001' co ntrolled by supply and demflotl State Route 28 from Cincinnati Clarks. Many on new of WashInter- as a light 80 t1)at the said Wilson through determi ne prices in which each indi o Waynesville to London and est were noted thepoint! route to railroacs have increased waleavc bv the front door. But then branches oft' to the northeast vidual working alone can have littl e /;fesI,'oofur shop ington D C., and return . men, showing in telligence friends made a Wil y fa)' l:\im to missing Columbus and strikes the : ':d i 1 In a well prepared pnper. Mr. Lee effect. Howcver, cost of production In a ll owing cl'umbs from the prospere!lcape through their n~rn,ber by the Three C route ' nt Medina, whence it The Friendship club met Wednell- Earnhart wrote on "The P0B8ibilitie8 depends entirely upon the individual ity tabl to filII within t he reach of rear door. By stooping low he mndo follows that road into Cleveland. day ' afternoon, neeember 8. at the 0bf AgriCUtltuh~e." Not beingdabble bto producer. More eco nomical ond efho work I·B. There Is prosperity exit before it was detected by his Thill new United States home of Mril Ge£lrge lIlIls. with 86 e presen , I S essay was ren y t e IIcient feeding i8 one of the main enouglt fOI' till, lInd it will lasb longenemies. In the tnll jlmBon possibilities along this lin e. Balanc- er if everybody has a little of It . i almost a direct Une from Ch~cilnDEltt. b secretary. bl\ck of the Squlre's office a ' 't o Cleveland .Bnd follows the meJJ;lbefl!. two new mem en .and 8 Rev. L. A. Washburn then pre- ed rations including the most ec" viaiton prellent. d 11 h belonging to Ambros, Taylor's Iy b etween "lllr Three C route on ~ter the uaual. bualne88 of the day sente some we c osen Christmas nomical farm feeds will greatly er, was a1:!ltloned. ,/\,aron the costs of producinl: 100 pounds Pro~Il o riLy' 9 step-children are the dina and Cleveland. w .. !taken eare of" the followln .. protthl'oonugohftsa'll.worthY o. f the considera- milk furnished Ambrose Taylor or a pound 01 butter fat. cotton gr owers lind tbe textile manuThe United States higbways are .... . pilltQls to ' tie given Every dairyman and farmer is in- fllcturers Women that used to wear to be uniformly marked witb tbe new lITalli waa given: . Especially ' appreciated were the lind mounted on tbe ' vited to these meetings. Questiond Yllnls upon yards of material now U. S. marker bearing the' number DevoUonai-Chrilitmu ~:;S;~~~'[erl musical numbers rendered at :the made his get-away. and discussions concel'ning various W(J01 ' aboat as milch as is used to of the higbway· and .alao the name ........................ Mn. JOlle ginning and close of tbe program •• ~ ...,"' •• ,,' .. bli being eet free, feeding problems will be con- w!'ap UI) II baby. of the state througb 'Which the mo- Vocal Solo .... l4n. Jo,ephine Mr .anilllrs. J'. B. Sackett. on' Second N01't 1(' rn textile workers worry torist may be paulng at the time. Readl11&'-''B_Ie''s Clirbtmaa· Much merriment was produced sidered. by a bout the removal of the ir industry Thus 8S an example ope will be ............................. .lIn. LeoDa over the exchange of ChristlP88 gifts to th e South, and they may. to travel ' from Baltimore Piano Solo-'The Shepberd's : by lot, in which many inappropriate Coal a nd iron, side by side took Francisco on United States · S011&',.. ............... .. ,....... Mrs. Harlan articles. were drawn. the h'on mills to Pittsburg. Cotton. No. 40; the only ' Vari.~OD · Piano Solo-')ly GuarcHab.. ,..... ... The meeting adjourned to meet in marken ,will be that the name ..........~ ....... :........JIra. Erneit ,J{arJan January with ~r. C. T. Hawke. Bible School nt 9 :30. lYlU'rfll",,,,- ,,,,r' cheap power and labo!;, side by Ilde, naturally take the textile irdustry $tate will be cbanged on the The Birth of' Our Sanor................ • - • mon. ·. "The Challenge of J) to the __ • \' An members requested to croAes . eacb - S~teNo. .... ... -8010-"1101)0 .... :; ..... ~Be,y. Nlcllt·· L. A. ......... Wuhbum ' In~:ld,lintl. accc.rdiing I Tbn)ilKh Ohio. U S. High..., Vocal .. . at the morning service. pll88 over the present State llOute : ..........,' .. :........ :...... JIiI. Irene B,.lrd ", Evening service 7 :00. weleome to all our semccs. 1. • - • reThe. minister of the Ferry church wail In Cincinnati last week, at the meeting of the Christian RestoratiOn I.M.QJIa.~r@nolrnlng. ass·oelation. .





.:........................ MJ:s.

. .


~rl\:~~!n~~~cr:r~ :nrdn~: MEET-I-N-G--O··F-••--~






Ferry Church News



Store Eliter.e d


~. D~uglaBB. of 'New Bollan!l, is with her sister-in-law; Mrs. Jobnat the Ferry parsonage.

I .



F uJly

E ulp!,

d f or'


S I'vi ·C .

Large Dis plll ' RC)orn. Ambulan e Service nAY on Nlr. HT TILEPHONB 7

DR. E. M. RUDOLPH At Cary's Jewelry Shop Lebanon, Ohio

Every TuesdllY 8:00 ••





to " p. m.



E. C. HAmilton, (!'Xeclltor of the I'~. latc of Mury A. Ward. tiled his inven· to ry nnd apprnisement. In the matt r of the settlament f Now thab Irving Borlln is n proud ~ho IItate of Mary J. Bradstreet dof ather we ctm cxpect SO lO ncw lul· cCllsed, it ill ordered thtlt certified o'r- ,Ill bies. l' his Is to rel\lind him th a t dcr of inheritance ta."C to be pnld be the word is one thnt certified without furth er delay to the rhymes with"cllabolic" I'colic." lIuditor. NEW SUITS Pr~mi e r Baldwi'n says thot the vicIn the mntt!'f of tho settlement of WE Ct:T THEM QUICKLY AND Tbe Majestic Compnny vs. the estnte of Sophia Buerkle. deceas· tory of the Greeks at Marathon savcd FREE OF CHARCE O'Donnell, for money and ed, it is Iou tid tha t t he estate anti E urop e {or thc fair-skinned ra ces. CALL US ANY TIME Al' OUR relief. successions are oxempt from inhori· Just thin l I If the Persian8 had won EXP ENS E th~re woul dn't havo been any blondes tll nce tax. PROBATE PROCEEDINCS In the mattor of the s e~tlemcnt of for a gentleman to prefer. the estate of Wi1Iiinm R. Lefover, deA Pennsylvania man in n fit of do· wm of Harry S. Snively, d,eceascd cenaed. it is found t hnt the estute lind sponden cy committod suicide in " HARVEYSBURC, O. Pbon .. 8 admitted to probate. . successions are exe mpt frem inheri· taxi th e other evening. That'S what Will of An~elinn F. Devitt. decellS· tu nce tax. comes of watching the taximeter. cd, ordered filed in probate co urt. In the mntter 01' the will of E. L. EllUlbeth B. Baily and John War· A N \v York minist'lr says that deceased. it was ord ered ner Devitt appo in ted aa executors of S,ience, 8nm is now lho Good Samari. that DR. C. W. HENDERSON the will of Angelina F. Devitt. de. court.the will be admitted to probnte Uncle tan. What we would like to know ceased. In the matter of the guardillnship then. is- who is the victom and who In the mattet< of the settlement of Office- Aman. Bldg. Clifford D. Ricl(lI. minor. resignn· are tho thieves that he feU amon g? tho estate of Mary J . Bra!l street, de· of tion of NUllnie B. Hicks as guurtlian The Fascist! seem to be gentlemen ceased, estate appraised $6844.38. OFFICE HOURII is nceepted. wilh conservative ideas aud a radical Concernin g the estate of Sam L. Third acco unt of the matte r 'of set· !l to II II . m, 3 to 5 p. m. Irons, deceased. William E. Suemen· tlement of the estate of Charles M. techn ique. 7 to 9 p m . ing was appointed administrator. The hinese are said to be about Pope. deceased, fin.ds thot and ConcernIng the estate of Mary A. succession s are ex('mpt 'from to lay their troubl es before the Telephonelll Ward. deceased, E. C. Hamilton was itance tax. league co uncil, which is just nnother Office , 30 appointed executor. Residence • 691'2 III the matter of the estate of wa y of giving in to Great Britain. Concernin g the estate of Mary A. Clarence E. Surface. deceased, it is France and Italy. Ward. deceased. E. C. Hamilton was ordered that nppr aiscmc nt and in ven· Waynesville, Ohio A fnmous architect says that t hc Ilppolnted executor. tory be r ecorded. Americun a udi ences demand better E . C. Hamilton. executor o f t he es· In the motter of appointing a guar acoustics. A nd better performanccs tute of Mary A. Ward, filed his in· dia n for George W. C roppo r. ulleged wouldn't hurt anybody, either. Try the Miami Cazette for .Job Work ve ntory and appraisement. incompetent. it is ordered lhat Dec. Now that Queen Marie has come 6 be fixed os the dato for hearing of and gone a lot of dress suits will go application back Into the cedar chest. III t he matter of th e estate of An. gellne H. Dakin. Karl D. Dakin ac· A lIeat in the New York !stock ex· cepted the trust as a dministrator, t he change has been Bold for $170.000. former executor. Harmon C. Dakin. This sent couldn't have cost much having di ed without fu lly administer. more had It bee n a genuine antique. ing the estate. Great Britain is gradually b ecom" In t he enso of Charles S. Mounts, administrator with will annexed of ing .Americanized. Automobiles in the estate of E lla B. Davis, deceased London are now killing three peo· vs. John Taylor and Tho AlISOciated pIe daily. Charities of the City of Cincinn ati, The way Willie Stevens handled court finds that appraisement has himself on the witncss stand ind io been made and is approved and furth cates that he mig ht make a good can· or ordered that Charles Mounts sell didate lor state's atto r ney general the r eal estate described In the peti. tition at not less thon nppraised value DIDN'T WANT TO WAIT In the matter {If settlement the estate of R. J . Irwin , deceased. it is ordered thnt certifi'e d copy of the en· " Wc'lI take in a s how-aod din· try determining inberitance tax to be ner." paid be certified to the auditor. " Where will you meet me?" The will of Jaml!s C. Sale. deceas· "On t he corner of the publlc libra· ed, was ordered filed in the records ry at 8 o·clock." of t he court. "Fine-what time will you be The will of John Blue, deceased. there?" was filed and adinitted to probate court. In the matter of the estate of John TO SOME FRIEND FOR XMAS. Blue, deceased, William Meehan, SEND THE MIAMI GAZETTE named executor of t he estate tiled alJplication for t he appointment of appraisers; NOTICE J eMe . B. Edginl~ton. guar rlian of Take notice that Automobile polio the estates of J,esse Wll1a~d and George B Edgington filed reports of cies No. 6024!l3 of t he Fidelity. appraisement ana of the property in Phenix Fire Insu.rance company have the petition described and court or· been lost an d destroyed Not having dered thot 'the 11IDd. in t he petition be been exec uted they are void. Any 8 0Td at private salE! for not less than or all persons into whose hands they may come are r equested to immedi· the apprai!'ed valli!~ ately mail or deliver them to .F D. Dakin, agent. at Wayne8ville, Ohio. MARRIAGE LICENSES or the Fidelity·Ph~llix Fire Ilrli!ur. James Coulson, 'farmer. of Mason, apce Company, Chicago. Illlnois. a nd Almeda ' McCllling, teacher, Mn· d22




Harveysburg Fertilizer Co.

Rcutly to 1 1I~' p\ll'l~b r~ d Pullets of the following bl" r' d : B.rron .troin White Lellhorn., Ev. erlay atrai n Brown Leghorn •. Thom p.a."·. S orred Ro ck•• Owe n'. or Tompkin'. Rhode bland Red •. Whit " Rock. or Whi te Wyandotte., $ 1.25 nch. .... Five month. old pull .. h of any breed abov e. $1 e"clt.. .oon In lAY, Roung cockerel ., about rendy for .erYic e. $2 each. Cocle free wi th ordo r for one doz. en pulleh or more· Wh'ite Leghorn baby chick•• $8.75 hundrea. Brown Lellorn. b ~ by chid... $9 hundred. B.rred Rock baby chick. . $ 11 hundred. Rhode 1. land Red chickl, $ 10 hun. dred WhH" Rock chick., $12 hundred White Wyandotte chic ks, $1 1.50 hundred. All purebred and of the .hain. mentioDed. We grow our poultry and use extreme care in sclecting eggs for hatching. Satisfaction g uarun teed. We pay postage chllrgcs 011 chicka and express on pullets. Lh'e deliv. ery guaranteed.


The Fulghum Hatchery Gira rd. Ohio

q;h ~rMthvour naJ WI

? •


Muy .ple.elld ...ticl •• are up for Auction, .nd one of them it YOURS if you ••.nt It ••• ata. HARD ENOUGH ? ·Borrow Red Arrow Money frOID 70ur friend. and rai.e your bid ,

Ti.. ~

Allclio• •rticl". for the Nut AuctioD al.o .ilI be Oil elr.pla,. aut Satqrda,., tb. $5.00 REWARD Card a t ·aDY Red Arrow PI.ce.

**'*'*'*'*****'*''*''*' Notice to Red Arrow Detectives J

All D.'ecth,e. of th" Community ar .. r .. qu·... ted to me.. t at ~b. Red Arro. Plcac.. .t 8,00" Jdock ..."t Saturda y mornintr to aee . th" de.cript'ion. of tbe perao ... who .......ted. . It may ... toa .. d .. acription pooted. It may be ·th.t of yo,,1' fath .. r , moth.r, child, b..o\li... or .iat.r. It •• 111 be • lot of fun findiDtr th .. m. It will ... a lot of fun watch.lai t ... D.t.cU.... bUDt .. EACH RED ARROW PLACE WILL HAVE eM d_criptiOD of a different ' peraon. Some place. Will poat t ... d ..criPtloD of mon , .... on. ........ Be oa time to egt a trood .t.rt .... d &ad mor. tba .. aDO of t .... peopl. ·d.lCrlb.d. tu.OO ia Red Arrow Money will be paid .. fir.. reward at _ch plac. to til. ODe who • .,.ao ........ . 6 ... t . . d $5.00 in Red Ar row MODey to the Deat t.a. (Duplicat. nw ...eI• • wiD be paJiI I fit i. impo •• ibl.. to t,,11 who apeao fint.)


For Your Favorite Org~atioDs


At Myer Hyman's Store RED ARROW AUCTION

Contests and Entertainments

The Auction Blecks wi!! elose at II o'clock Tues· day evening. Names of Winners will be publicly announced 'at 3 o'clock. Wednesdny, December 22 at Zimmerman's Grocery. 01' os SOOIl th orclIfter as pOl!lible. ·Watch the postings and listen to thc Red Arrow Gonip, and if you think you cannot get the article on which you are bidding. chllnge your bid to tin· other nrticle. Bring the stubs of your bidding tickels so Com· mittee may explain why you do er do not win. If you cannot be present at the public announcement. leave your .Red Arrow Money and the stubs of your bidding tickets with a friend as bids may be pnid by a friend but not paid by. (l merchant or clerk. If high bid is n ot paid, article goes for secon d bid. if paid. If neither bid is paid. article will bc sold in Open Auction after the Silent Auction. Borrow Rcd Arrow MOlley from your frie nds th is time and pay them back in the future. or organize a club of friends and take turns in bidding on tho Auction Articles. • Bids by merchants or clerka will be thrown out by the Oommittee.

On eac)! Auction Day, there wiD be held Bome contest or ente rtainment in which every one may take apart. These contests and entertainments are prcpared for individuals or organizations. Every. body in the community may take part. In order to take par t in the entertainments, it will be nec· essllry to have Red Arrow Money. Get and save Rcd Arrow Money. THE MORE RED ~RROW MONEY-THE MORE FUN !

Next Red Arrow Entertainment The n oxt entertninment in the Red Arrow Game will be hcld on the day of th e Auction. Wednesday, December 22. /

SPECIAL NOTICE $25.00 in lold ",ill be aold to Or•• uiaationa I. the January Red Arrow Auction. Re gil tration period from Weduead.7. Decemb.r 22, to noon of Thuraday.Janu.ry 27. Retritt.r ••d ea rn a $5.00 Red Arrow Voucher for 70u.. Or.a... • iz.a t io n . Voucher. are •• ~o'od •• Red Arrow Mod. ey for Ortraniz.tiona. You caD Dot J:eliater after nool} on the day of the above eel Arrow A..ctioa




REAL ESTATE . TRANSFERS Ludwig Freudenthal to Arthur Smadbeck, 34 lots in Loveland Park Warren cou.nty. Cortez M. Smith t,o Marcus T. Ead!!. 196.!l6 acres of lalnd in Salem Tp., Wllrren county.. Harry and Pearl Springer to Anna Dillon, -26 acres of land in Salem Tp., Warren county. Ethelbert Z. Cothran to Louverna Snively, 160.03 Ilcres of land in Deerfield Tp., Wanen county.

MEATI • w~ I cure y our m~nt thi. ftDSOnwitbSrnoJred Salt. It "'ttl IIIVO Ihrinlc0lte. tobor, 6", risk and worry. It will give you better flavor am! pcrf'ect c ure. But be lure to aet tho orielDal GAdaenw..e



- - -_._- -

LOAN:> on ChuUcls. Stoclts. Securities und Second l\1orLgagcs. No tea bought. J ohn Il arbine Jr.. erlia, Ohio . 'm30·' 20

Farmers, Attenti o n! runn ers of WUTen and adJ olnln. co unties mlly 01tain money on lo na time loans, at 6 per cent Interest. Cost of-securing the sume 18 very rea· sonAble .through The ' ~'edeTlIl La nd Bank. For further Information caU on or address M. C. DRAKE . 'frea.. urer. ph ono 3 16-X. l.ebanon, Ohio. LOST

LO ST- Auto tng, No. A21-60S. In· quire at the Ga zette Office. , .. t ...... FOR SALE



erwilh cu rtll in. $8.,26; white closest Ilnd lid. $4.96; kitchen sink •• $0. 1,1 upwnrd; new fa ucets for bllthlub, lavawry or sink, 86c upward; a rew items from our stock which would delight the housewife on Chrislmas. Come in and sec our complete line. THE BOCKLET· KING CO.. 415 W. Main Street, Xenia, Ohio. d22 ~(,Rt

The only m~t ..It thot Ia '.l\ood for tablo uae ft. for curi ng meat. Smell i t . T ••lO it. You can l eU it at o nce ftom 'Dlt thot hal been m lxed Wilh p yroU&nt:O\1s odd Groth« danaerou. cbcmlall .. We have it . P In t cn ,pound ond .~tHd Qeuulne.

FOR SALE-Six Poland·China brood Sows, ' due to farrow In MarCh, aU Immuncd. Da n Morgan, R. D. 2, Lebanon, on B. H . Blair farm.


PIPE, V ALVES AND FITTINGS f or nil purposes. . Bocklet's line of Illu mbillA' nnd hcating supplies are llest. THE BO CKLET·KING CO. 415 W. Mnin street, Xenia. Ohio. t1


Ready·,·to the Last Minute. to" Serve You Well in , Your Gift 'Buying

~'~~ ~'l

~~ . ~\9 ~, ~


....... ....'~

~ ~., """ "..~~. ~;;;'.'"

'Por. r



'CHRISTMAS Is just a few Bhort weeks awny. And 80, in order to make your Jtlft choosing easy, pleasant and comfortable, the Greater ChristmaS Store presents these helpful efforte 'to aid you between now and Christmas to do and buy those hundreds of things that must be . done and bought tc,. make Christmas r ing true.. Packages are delivered without cbar~e to this com· munity - almost as Quickly as thouJrh they bad not traveled mfies to reach you. And Comella is ever ready to s1!op for you or with yo-.c:aD on .bol'. • PrInting Oft Leather Goods. Leathcr Goods Departmen~trcct Floor, EnmvlnA' Silverware at Silverware DepartmentStreet Floor:

WrnppinA' PRe_gee (il'ree of cliargo In a beautiful Rilt box. If , mercbandlie Is purchased Jim) at Utllltv 'Desk readV to giv&-Rear Street Ploor.


Repalrinlt' J e ,. e J r y and PackaA'WI Clleeted ~ of charge· at 'Ut1llty Deak- ' stringing beads at Jew. Street Floor. .' . ". . . elry Department-Street Floor. Cheeka Cashed ~i UtiUty EnlO'ovtnlt' Delt Buckles, Desk-Street P1()or and Rike's Men's Shop _ Cnshlet'-8l%th i'l00J!. Street Floor. Publle Wuh Room ~ Gift Merchandise held In Womea with rest room . Lay-by Office beforo In colI~8'm!nlne Christmos until y(\U wish Floo1\. t hem delivered-Seventh Floor. Persou.1 ~ 8entee on M~:c 'l:oOJ, nand· Embroidering and Phone, wrlt4t or, WIre ~ HemminA'. Li nen DepartneJmU M ... ~ ment-~econd Floor. to COllMl to ~ ' ... Frnmln~ P~ture8, Picture , CJlll~to~~~ , Department Fourth Luneheon '~ 8cida ' Floor. FounUlm all ,da7. 'Ja ' ·Envavlnlt' GI88!1. Chinn Sixth ' F,Joor. Dtnbur,>Beoai Department -'- Fourth from 11 a . m. to~~I' p; ~.' Floor. Afternoon Tea, .' Sixth Floor .Dlnln« Room from Engravll\~ I v 0 r y'w II fe • ' 2to6p.m. '. Toilet 'Good Department -Street .Floor. Maninl( Paeb~ .:StaI,'lPI, g e l\ era I . int~rnll'tioJr­ Engravlnl( and I'rii:d;lJ;t~ Utility Dealr-'-Bear Street . Stutionery, Stat lone 'i y , Floor. ' Depnrtment - Street Floor. . Gilt ' Cetfificatcis - If yOu . don.'t know what to' give ;-or for emp'leyell- IlTlf amount - utility Deak -Street F1oo;:,cCaahierla your CODulI\11I1tv at all' -S~h Floo!;. . . _ _ tim" aurin« thIa season.




Dentiat Waytl1lnille Natlon.1 8ana. BIIII.

llTh~ ~i"e+Kumler Com.»~n!ii


.. ..

Dr. John W . Miller

FOR RENT- Hnines property on 4th street and Frankli rondo Inquire of Mrs. Llda III. Sawin, 264 Delliware 'd16 Ave., Dnyton, Ohio.

Wanyesville Farmers' Exchange Company



...... £. t. te. Settled

Waynesville. Ohio

Eatate of Angelina F. Devitt, de· ceBlied. . Notice is hereby given that Eliz • abeth B. Baily and John Warner De· vitt have been duly appointed und qualified as executors of the estate FOR SALE-Bronze Turkeys. Col!t• of Ange lina F. Devitt, late of War· ·rels. ~B; PUll!lt8, $5; eggs, boxed, ren County, Ohio deceased. . 25 ct!nt:s npiece. Hornce Stump, Dated this 26th day of November, Harveysburg, Ohio'. ' dI5 Phone 25 1926. W . Z. ROLL. Judge of Probate Court, ' ~OR SALE-Full blood, S. C. R. L . Oh 10 Warten County, Ohio. Waynesville . Red pullets. Mrll. John Thompo . , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ son, ,R. D. 4, Waynesvill. OhJo. K. C. Drake, Atty d15

-----.. ..------.

.W.aY1)e8viUe a .verland Sales Company ~g Co~ · Miami Theater 'M yer Hyman ~imme~~ . .Fre«!_Me · ' CoI~ , Miami Gazette '. ~ ," . 'WaynesVille, Ohio

or co....., you


COMMISSIONERS· ALLOWANCES Warren County Music Store, piano, $75; Bnrret Bros., supplies for sher· iff, $360 ; Barret Uros. , supplies clerk of court, $3.60; L. D. Wills, supplies for jail, $3.75; Alfred C. Brant, sheriff./.. up},eep county car, $2.35; 0 , S. HigginS, salary lIS Sec. Soldien' Relief COlD•• $80: A. D. Bar kalow.L Soldiers' R elief Com., $40; S. Lev (.;artwright, same, $41; Hal E 'Simpaon, expense, $76; The Morrow Feed and 'Supply Co., lumber anil ce· ment, . $1'27.69: Sa:nitary Supply CO,j 10 gal. glycerine,. $22: The Com, preased .Wood PreserviJ.llr Co., sated yellow. pine, $220.44; The egonia Bridge Co., repain on bri~, ,$74.42; Henchel F. JameB, truck reo pair $220.11: Internatienal Harvester Co., saJl)e. ,40.S8; The Casparia Stone Co., crushed stone, $181.89: Ben B. Sorter, atone, $21: George C. Bauer, per W. 'G. 'rhompaon, tint estimate on Contrac't N. 862, $379.80; Charles Jones, third and final estl· mate on Contract 852, $179.61; Joseph Nickolson, gra vel, $3.38; Alfred Fordyce, gravel, 416c; Herbert RosII, hauling, $42.50; J. F. Gregg, brld]re repair, $10.75; .' J~arl Sears, same, $17.50: AI Sears, same, $8.40; Hen· ry Bishop, same, $89.60; W, F . Har. per, same, $5.25; Sam Whitacre, same, $3.15; Eug'ene Harper. same, $64.80; Eugene Harper, material, $21.10, Alfred C. Brant.. sheriff, pris oners upkeep, $248.89; 1Jl'. H. L. Ro· sencrans, dental BternCe, $8.60; Valley Telephone,.co., rent. $48.50; Valley Telephone Co. , tolls, $47.10; Herschel F. James, supplies, U.13; Mon· roe & Johnst'on, repairs at court house, $139.50; Monroe & Johnston, same, $61.75: SUE!mening & 'Seiker, supplies for court house. $86.73; McGetchin's Pharmacy, supplies for ' jail, $2.20; C. O. Beam, stone, $1334: Bangham Motor 00., repairs. '$2:'20 : V. W. TompkllUl, payroU, $'62.55; Fred Snyder, sam,e, $274.25: F. M. Collin's, same, $201.26; Eden Terry, same,_ $206.60; Eden Terry, same, $63.\10: A. T. Rettig, same, $52.50; A. T. Rettig, same, $94.50; Cliff same. $200.35; Charles Spencer, same, $54.26: E. 'V{. Quimby, same, $16.1 .50: Joa. W. Davis, same, '857.-. 50; Waites' Garage, gas, 011 and la. bor, $2.60; John CoUins, tools, $2; C. C. Collins, repairs, 90c; LebanonCitizens NatIonal bank, checka, $46 .• 83; Th'e Oregonia .B ridge Co., second estimate on contract No. 869, $2000: Gro811 and Bnaore, wire and . staples! $2.•84; J. K, SpencerJ, bridge lumber! ,U6.68i W. P. lIl[c(.;arren, gas ana same, ·$116.05; W. 'W. BOWJ:er gravel, $57.75: E . A. Fugate, piling stone, ,38.00.

. Wile-"There was a poor old woman at the door today.....beatrbJc for clothes·... ' " , ., . Husband-'- . "Did 'YOu . irlve he't , an1.?" . ' . 'Yes;;.' save hell that tw,eleve··vellli'. old suit .01', yoUrs and bought week '

Will. Drnwn

HomeButchered ----------------------------,, fOR CHRISTMAS- Complete show.

------.. --..------


NOTARY PUBLIC Nalic>n.l. Bank

==========-- =========




'1'0 111111;.' to h, mumn, look 'l'l)ere th uhtl er~ilt1l(I!I, nllow 110 a blm: h\I'I" hunt ing, tl'U]'pin!t ll1' tn'sllus!iing on Ir)\hc r- "JI(\W mnny times h~e our furms: ' I tt hI )'ou n t lo pC/illl." MR . ELf, Ml HEN8lt ELIAS G1, · SBB·E.· F. A liART::;OCK. I. A.'UAH'l'SO , I{.


- - -.. .,------













A hoine-made gift · at Chriltmas .•~ I SSUEn EVERY Nl!lDNERDAY ... monns 11 home-made ap'irit accomJiaI, . _ -•• , ~ 'nying tho al£t, ond that's somethuig Ani.r.d ., 'h. Jlo,tom .. at lVa .l'n ... III. money can't buy. ' fJIIlo, •• S.eortrl Cl ... 41"" Alatter

.- ---r

o _

_ _


••_ __

.,.. _ _ •

Year Word~ from the Lips of Great - - ' - - -__ _ _ - _ Men-- '''l'here is no happineas with 1... CRANE ,'ubU.ber responsi bilities whicb cannot be met. -Jacob Ab bott.

• ,u•• crlptioD Price. $1.150 p n fl,

--- -- -- ---

DI!.GEMBf!:I{ 15, 1!l26


'" \




Congress convened for the short s sBion, will probnbly try to cnllct Sl-illC Hort of Icgisl uti nn for the reli ' f of lhe emburdcllcd farmers. But furl! crs will ' Irrobab ly save themselves i . , · 01 being disappointed if they exP(·ct little fr om this short session. Parm reli ef legislation ran all the r·l. cks in the long . scssion because there were too many pilots to steer it straight. The proced ure IHomises to be repeated with \'ariati uns durin g the short session, When farm re iie f eomeH up thal'e will no doubt be lillie t ime left to do nny law-mailing after all the views nre "ulretl." And while the doctors argue lhe patient grows worse. It is indicated that the 1111"01 relic! problem wil! be link ed t.p with that of dealing with tho trensury Murplus. Previous leg ish,ltioll to aid agriculture such as the McNary-Haugen bill wus turned down, among other reusons because it was Baid the cost would be too great to be met lit t hut time. Now the suggestion i6 being made by Western champi ons of the farmers that t he ~ urp lu s be used to give the help they Ils k. But the re are others who demand the surplu s be used to give taxpayers a rebate on t he final installments of this year's income tux es, as advocated by President CoolIdge. stln others oppose such repay1Jlents and favor general and per· mane nt tax reduction In the clash of these projects it is pOS8ible all will fnil. In addition t he problems presented by the World Oourt, ra il way consolidation, waterways, MUjlc10 Shoals, IIlien property and a dozen others will doubtless be debated. This seems a long program for a ahort aellSlon but probably little will come of it.

---_.- ..---

THE FARMERS TUNE IN For t he farmera radio baa ceased to be a novelty and has become an important utility. To-day the wo rld's iTeatelt u~er of radio 'for informational purposeI' is the United Statea Department of Agriculture. Dally It' broadc4st.8 from 100 ltationa ita educational programs lutine · for Ii halt hour or more. In addition It broadeaata market news service lind weather forecnats. Secretary 'Jardine says a potential mUlion farmers are being reached dally by the department's educlltional programs. Within a few ¥oears, Secretary Jardine adds, it wlil be poasible to hnve t he attentive ear of almost every farmer in the United States. Regular and careful g uidance by radio can place ogriculture in a strong and 8eCu.e position. A lack of unity in thought and action has worked to retard agriculture. Radio can serve to weld the farmers into n strong \jDit. . Secretnry J nrdinc declares this weldin,. process is going on today. He 'pOlDts out that day by day each fanner and ench group receives the laDle counael. Gradually, aU agricultural Interests can be expected to share more equally correct knowlechre of production and marketing . prfnclple.. thus mobilizing their strenrth. . The possibilities {or conatructive organization and concerted action were never 80 eood before the advent of the radio .


---.. ...---

'I'he 1\[. E. Aid met 'l'hursday aftemoan. MisH Hurt"iett Tucker has been qu ite ii! but is improved. Dorn- To Mr. and Mrs. Amos Debord, Sunday, December 5th, a son. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Collett attended t he Furmers club meeting at Waynesville, Thursday Mr, and Mrs. Percy Reason and son, Loren , were Sunday guests of MI·s. 'adie Reason. Alice Gray is sufi'ering with an injured shou lder, the result of a fall tluring play at school. Mr. an d Mrs. C. E. Gordon and son entortnined Mr and Mrs. Everett Villars and son, of Dayton, Sunday. Mrs. Helen Peterson haa retumed to her home in Dnyton, after spending severa l days with friends here There will he Christmas exercises at Jonah's Run church Sunday morn ing, December 26, at the preaching hour Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Mathias, of Dayton, were supper guests of their mother, Pdrs. Amanda Starr, Saturday evening. The school la preparing an entertaining Christmas program to be pre sented at the Hall Wednesday evening, December 22. Rev. Patterson, of WllminJrton, delivered an excellent sermon at vival service at the M. E. CDI~rcn. '1 Wednesday evening. Gordon's truck took a load of school cbildren and their teachers to Waynesville Friday afernoon to lice Santa and the reindeer. Misses Winnifred and Helen Starr and brother, Lester, of near Waynesville, were Tuesday evening callers at the homo) of C. H. Gray and family. A number of women were present at the Aid room Tuesday to hear Mias Watts, county home demonstration acent, on "Home Care of the Sick." Mr. and Mrs. E. Frailer, Miss Retha Frailer and Mr. Zellrler, of Dayton, were Sunday guesta of Mr. and ' Mrs. Karl Shidaker and family. Mrs. Shidaker la alowly Improving from her recent llIneaa. The home ofMr, and Mn. . Harry Cline was t he Bcene of a merry gathering SJlturday eVe'jling, December 11th, when the H A. I. e1aaa of the M .E. Sunday-School gathered there in honor of Winston Cline'. birthday. Several lively ~ames were indulged in after whIch Mrs. Cline served a dninty lunch to Misses Dorthea Davis, Nellie Graham , Evalyn Tucker, Evalyn Penney, Ruth Hanks nnd Elizabeth. Blackford, all of Harveysburg and Miss Imogene KnechtIy, of Sabina, and Davia Bopn:..,John yfred 'Cecil and Raymond . J!lakin, ,Tohn ilucker, Fred Bogan, Heber Ellis bnd Charles Moore, all of Harveysburg. At a late hour the guests departed. wishing Winston many hapuy returns of the day.


JudJe to lrisone~"You are facing trial an 110 far yOU haven't en· a lawyer to defend you Shan SAYS SAM .. appoint one or what do you want to do about IU" . Laughter, In one form or another, Prisone~"Wel1. ' your honor, u is the sauce that makes the food of far aa I'm concerned, I'm wlllillJ to life paliltabJe. . drop the Whole cUe." ~ed

Nails HiD8e~

Door ~tks' ,,'

Mr. Snmuel· Haines is on~e sick list. !'tlr. Willinm Graham WI1S ,in ton, Saturday. Mr. Everett Bunnell hoa employment ,in Dayton. 1I1r, a nd Mrs. TIerne Jones spent Saturday in the Gem Oity. Mr. Madison Cram has been quite sick the past weelt with quillsy. Mrs. Clara Thompso n and Mrs. Mary Carmony spent Monday in Dayton, Mrs. Lucy Fite, of 'Cincinnati, spent Satu rday. with her mother, ?th's, Emma F'oullw. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Longacre spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Oral Surface and family. Mr. Irwin Friend, of J acobs Busi. ness college, Dayton, was a week-end guest of home fo lks. Several Grangers from here are attendi ng the Sate Grange meetings at D~yton, this week. Mr. and MrS, Harry Graham ~pent Sunday with Mr. and Mr~. Kesler Graham an d daughter. Miss Cleo Stacy spent sever'al days last week with Mrs Esta Null nnd family , ncar l:ipri hghoro Mrs. George Da\'is, of Cincinnati, is spendi ng a f ew weeks with her moiher, Mrs. Emma Foulks, Mr, and Mrs. Clyd e W\larton attended the funeral of Mr. Robert Wade, age 68, at Miamisburg, Sunday afternoon. Miss Alma Horm ell, of near Rid~evUle, and Mr. Ralph Stowe, of Spring boro, spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Kesler Graham. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Emrick and Misses Anna and Ruth Nutt, attendcd the funeral of their relative, Mrs. Maud Martin, at Centerville, Monday. Mrs, Rhea Sheehan and daughter, of Five Point, and Mrs. Zelma Burnett lind children, were Friday dinner g uests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stacy. Mr. Frank Rogers and Mrs. Lottie Carey motored to Pleasant'HilI Sunl day. Mrs. Rogers spe.n t Sunoay at the home of Mr and Mrs Fred Maha n near Five Point. Mr. and Mrs: Walter Whitaker and daughter, and Mrs. Mary Carmony attended the Farmers club. Thursday, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W_ F. Clark, at Waynesville. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johns called to Dayton, Saturday, by serious illneas of their grandson, Paul Johne, who bas/neumonla. He is somewhat Improve at this time. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McKlrby and chlldren, of Dayton, in company with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Johns and family, were Tuesday evening guests of M.r. and Mrs. F . M. Fair and daughters. Friends here are glad to carda and letters from Mrs. Cox who has spent the past weeks at Stillwater Sanitorium, she is greatly improved and is ing fine. Gaining in weight, but in bed all the time. The Xmas service of t he beginners and the primary department of Lytle Sun day~se hoo l :will be next Sunday afternoon, December 19, at 2 p. m. In connection with this service Rev. Stillings will preach the Xmas sermon andforalsowill have a baptismal service children. ' , A very large crowd ' greeted Santa Claua, his rindeeer and Mr. Sino ok the Eaquimo, at the public lIuare at Town pump Friday afternoon, and alao enjoyed the talks by Santa and Mr. Sino ok/ bnt were BOrry that Mrs. Sinook and little Arron were not present, owing to the illness of the latter. ' Mrs. Maud Martin, aister of Mr. Rufus Watkins! of this place, died at Cincinnati, Friday. The body was brought to the home of Mr. Watldns Sunday, and the funeral w.. Monday afternoon at the Centerville M. E. church, Rev. Maddox officiating. Interment in Centerville cemetary. Mr. and 'Mra. Charles Clark talned to Sunday ing guests : Mr. Sheehan, Centlirville of

On Thursday evening of next week December 28' i at 8 o'clock the adult classes of th~ Sund'1.-Scbool will present· the ~lI!f!!Iont, 'White Gifta for the King.' Tbis service consists of Xmu antheme featuring the Maqonaa, anpla and . Wise Men, also, gUts,· of substance service and self Ever1body cordially Invited. and Mrs. Albert Stacy and met with an ac. of 1aat week, B8 way to Sidney to __ :-.. .•_..,.. of their cousin, . few mUel above on Ice


. R. • J. Murray and Wife Warnesvi,pe,_SaturciaJ', We lOrry to rePort Mn. IdA Howe qul~e lick at her home in ton. , , " MN. Grace Rleh haa for her, dinner peat on Sunday her sister, from Co. lumbua. " . The Anny iDade then:




rank Cl~ane Says c.orr"&h' Q


Som e jokes, like a kitten , apparently have n inc Ii, e ~. Dressed in new clothes, they nppear pcrcnniu ll y. Such a joke is th e old gag about t ho smal l t()w n sport who st ood before an elite eating place at meal li mes chewing a toothpick to give the impressio n he had just dined within. . Everyone laughs at tho story, With perhaps softened malice, for to . ome extent he recognizes a kinship wilh lhe hero. The genuine, sincere, unassuming IllUIl, who is content to appear what he is and nothing more, is the millionth mun. What most people wont is to be known as great rather than simply be r:-reat. Try this on yourl!elf: If you nrc of(el~e d the chance to hllve nil the po w" r and ~reatness, as we ll as all the r espo nSIbility, work and nbuse, of a president of the United States, and have no one ever know you were prllsident--never get crcd it f or great ncts if accomplished - wou ld yo u accept? Isn't reco gnition and not just pure IlchievCln ent the thing desired? or course, recol~nition is part of it, but When it becomes the most important consideration, It assumes an evil influence.


Not everyone Who says he desires power and Bucceaa rea lly desires those things. They are synonymou s with work, worry and responsibility. Whnt t hose who say they wan t them to desire 18 the by-products of power ond 8uccess, the t90thpicks and not the meal. They want the yachts the trips to Palm Beach and the Packard limousines. To rea lly eat you must pay. to chew B toothpick costs nothing. To really achieve costa work and self-denial ; to seem to achieve (for a timo ) requires only a weak conscience. Ever y "show-oft'" desires the results of achievemen t, but il unwilling to pny t he price. He would rath er chew the toothpick of fraud than eat t he su bstance of paid-In-advance actuality. To soem to be, to all but the shre)Vdest eye, has all the attractions and none of the hardships of actual being. In Sunday-School we used to lIing : "This day the noise of battle; The next the Victor's songl" The noise of battle must precede the sonlt of victory. The Royal Order of Toothpick Chewers tr)' to re reverse the sequence, and it can't be done.

son we re in Lebanon, Wednesday.


George W. Davis, A. B. Talmage, a nd wife and Mrs. Jessie Garner KenSam was charied with theft and lion attended 11 golden wedding on the judge was talking to 'hlm in court. Sunday. "Now, Sam, yo u know what hap. pens if you don't tell the truth, don't Shannon Ferris, wife and daugh- you? " ter, Lucile, Alf and Hannah Jordan "Yes, sah-Ah goes to hell and were shopping in Lebanon, Saturday burns." nfternoon. "And now what will happen I( you tell the truth 1" Howard ..McKay and family have "Ah'll done get thirty daya." gone to California to spend a couple of months with Mrs McKay's father JUST wILD' ABOUT IT and mother. M. M. Terry, ]~. E. Thompson, Har old Walker and the Misses Mary Kathleen Toomey, Helen Walker and Lucile Ferris went to Waynesville, Friday afternoon to sec the reindeers.

George W. Davia, Glenn Davia and family entertained labout IIlxty guesta lit a Sunday-School social last Friday evening. Among these from a distance who were fortunate enough to be there and hel p enjoy the jolly time, were F. A. Hartsock and wife of Waynesville, E. C. Mannon and wife, of Wilmin~ton, and Robert (Jack ) Campbell, of Lebanon. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of Ja3. C. Sale, deceased. Notice is hereby Igiven that George J. Waterhouse has been duly appointed nnd qualified as E!Xecutor of t he estate of Jas, C. Sale, late of Warren ou nty, Ohio', deceased. Dnted this 18th day of December, 1926. W. Z. ROLL, Judge of the Pro hate Court, Wnrl~en County, Ohio. Doan E. Stanley, Atty

Friend-" I hear your husband is fo nd of golf." Wife-"III he fond of it? I'll say sol Yesterday he told me It was lucky for me that we were married before he took up the game I"


Poultry Of All Kinds SERVICE AT YOOR DOOR Call

J. B. Jenkins Kingman

.- . Ohio

Clinton Phone No. 2033 ToI~hv"""

"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!"!!!!"!!!!"!!!!"!!!!"!!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!! -

.TOWNf AND COUNTRY SHOppe Gift' Suggestions Exclusive, New Importations

,}·2 Price Sale Jewelry , Perfume FI.aka .. Purses '8n4 Bags Pearl Ropes french Shawl. Cigarette Ca••• ., , cS~arf. Cigarette Holder. Pearl' Necklaces Lockets ~''Bar Pins Seed Pearls Brooche,l. Needlepoint Bags Collar, Croupoibt Baa. Chains Metal Bead Baas E.rrinlll' Ropes ,Pendanb, 'M iniature Cloc:ka I





These ArticleS are From, Our Own ,,'WeU 'Cboaen St~ . . 'I




Reputation Based Upon Value A

Makes a Nifty ('hristmas Present for an), Member'of the Familv

- _._._-------------The world.wide reputation which FORD can enjoy locl.y il the relult of fundamentally correct deaip. qaal. it,. material-.nd more than twenty yean of careful IDaIIDfacturin,. Throu,hout an thi. time it haa been the aim of the FORD MOTOR COMPANY to make every FORD CAR a teatimonial to FORD quality.

FORD can .... eaa,. _to drive-quick ia traffic and in. expenalYe to operate. Tbe,. CIlD utilize driYin, and park. ia, apace that lon,er cara cannot be maneuvered int~ fact that ia inc:realinlf in importance aa traffic on the atreeta and hl,h.aYI bec:o-ea more con,eated.

When you conaider the parchaae of your nest automobU., remember the man,. advanta,ea that a FORD CU' offen y~. Remember the mechanical and .tructural lupenori"; of FORD cara. Bear in mind, too.· their at. tractive appearanc~nd that FORD pricee are the low. eat in the iaduatry. .

It h .. al.a,.. been a FORD pol~,. to provide tranlpdroo tetlon at lowelt coat and while luch deairable feature. .. ltarter and balloon tiree are now .tandard on all moclel., apecial equipment which il often wanted b,. aome purcbaaen, but which would have to be paid for b,. all if adopted aa alandard, il not included in FORD car pricea. All,. of thia equipment can. boweyer, be purchaaecl at extremel,. low coat by the owner who ..eke to individ. ualize hi. car. .



Fordor Sedan





Mr, lind Mra, red Col and ch i'dr n 'Visited fn ndll in ltlhldletow ' und Iy ur~ernO>on. '-'-_'._'- _


, .. : l • 21, ,]. ~ c

N'orrell, Aucl .

12 BIG SPECIALS This Week at

THE FRIENDLY STORE Aspi J;ag us. per an .. .......... l5c Catsop, Li ppincott'::; .. ..... ..... ge Campbell's Beans , fOl' .... 25c Peas, dairy sifted, 2 l·a ns .. 25e Choc. Fruit cnke Jb ............ 2Oc Jello, 3 pkgs ... ........ ...... .... ... 25e Corn I Delmonte, 2 ca ns 25c Mixed Nuts, all new. lb.... 2ge Prunes, large Delmollte .... .. 10c Florida Oranges, a do z n ...... 23c. 30c and 35c Christmas Candies, Ib .... .. .. 15e

E!? e~'

hasbeen very

ST. MARY'S CHURCH }' (Ilirth Su nda yi n Advent, Deem· fri end. r. . T. Wright WM in Xenia, ber I ll. Church chool ut 9 :30 n. m.; Morning Pl'Qyt'r lind orm on ut Tue~ da y . 11 :00, o'clock. All are cordially invited to IIttend Mr. nnd II1rs. W. H. Allen arc in thello ser vices. Dnyton, todny. Rov. John J. Schael!er. Rector. Mrs. Harvey nckelt WIIS shopping in Dayton, Mondny. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Miss Lavonne Burton was a Day· Suuday-School at 9 :30 ; ton visitor, TuesdllY. Eve.r ybody cordially invited. Miss May Wright is s pendi ng the week with f riends at Leba non. METHODIST CHURCH Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Tinney were Sabbath School at 9 :15 II. m. shopping in Dayton ,Monday. preaching at 10 :30 a. m. Epworth 6:16 p. m. Preaching at Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Unglesby were League 7 :00 p. m. Everybody invited to these in Dayton, Monday afternoon. services Rev. L. A. WBllhbum, Pastor. Mrs. W. H. Allen and MiSll Olive - - _ 0 __ - - Allen spent Saturday In Dayton.

a7.ctt e to 1\

,I t





• •

.... - - - - - - t -

Miss Lillie Benham has accept ed a position a8 teacher in the Lebanon schools.


Announcemen t has been made of Je.ff Thompson, of Lebanon. was a the marriage of Miss Geneva Rogers,

=~~===~;~;====~ business visiter in Waynesville, Wed- daughter of Mr. nno ,1\1rs. WUHen

W Oi"k Guaranteed

Mrs. Ral ph MilicI' ~nt<rt 4Ii ll(> hI' J olly Ma trons " II -::utunlny Iltl' r-

nuo n.


II1r. and Mrs. Ed WlI lI:ml enter-' lailled. Su nday • . 1>[ ,'. nnLl MI'~ . ,,(~\ r Mowor. Mr. Neil Wc"t!\c iJ 11IId Mr. James prug ue, of Dayton.

urgess 45-V ott B Batteries .. Tubes


$2.90 $1.50'

Waynesville Battery Station

Mr. and Mrs. ""' red Kimmerle en· tertained the Minmisburg and Franklin Community club lust Friday evening. A very pleasant evening was spent in dancing and playingcards.



Proprietor ,

Mr. nnd Mrs. Glenn Borden had ~!!!!!!!!"!'!~!!!"!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!~~~!" as th eir recent dinner guests, Mr. and Mrs. J ohn Shultz, .Mr. und Mrs. Hur- 'rr;=====~======~= -'''~~~~~=''''',=========~::'I ry Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Braddock and Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Ellis und family.


Russel Campbell I\nd children, June I\ nd Marjorie, of paytonl Mr. and Mrs. George Thompson, of LOvelund J oe Thompson and Joseph H ui~es, of Cincinnati, M1's. Ki zzie Thompson and Edgar Smith were dinner guests of Mr and 'Mrs. Mil· to n Th ompso n, Sunday.



General Insurance

Phone 61 - 2 Wayne8ville, Ohio Rogers, or near Wnynesville, to Mr. Herm un Haller, (If Xcnin, which took Misll Lutie Vandervoort has re- place Monday, December G. 1>ir. CALL AT OUR OFFICE FOR 1927 CALENDARS nnd Mrs. Lllwrence Shepherd turn after a two weeks' visit in Bar. a!ld Mrs. Hllller ~!.!. reside in Xe~ . hadMr. as their Sunday guests in honor ve}'8burg. - ~-ot Mr. Shepherd's birthday, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Shepherd and sister, Miss FOR SALE The annual convention of the Ohio Becom4~8 Eva Woollard, Mr. and Mrs. Clint 'FOR SALE-Bourbon Red State Grange is being held in Dayton Mrs. Albert Shepherd and Bister, Mias -II Ohi both male and female. . -.lrIn. M. t his week. Wayneavi e, R. B. Monfort,. liS presiden t of the Walter Jo hnson, and Mr. and Mrs. 0 W. SOver. d29 Mias Clara Lile visited Mrs. Anna city council is Inow mayor of WII- Emory Ross and daughter, Esther. . "Where Savings Are Safe" . Cadwallader at McClelland'. hospital mingfon, fohowlng the death. Monday of Mayor E . P .West. He will in Xenill, Saturday. Mrs. A. T. Wright was hosteas at to . _• •• •• -- •• _• •• • • hold the olliee until the next general a very pleasant s6cial function last Charles Wollllrd, of Toledo. spent eledion. Friday afternoon, having brought toMr. Monfort is a native of Wa.,.. several days IBllt week with hia moth· gether a ~oup of friends at Mrs. nesville. er, Mrs. Claro Woollard. Hathaway s tea rooms, where tab[es ------_ .~1.-----were filled for "Five Hundred." AfMrs. Ella Alexander and Mrs. JesANNUAL ELECTION ter the games Mrs. Rathaway served sie Abell.of Toledo, were guests, SUll a delootable two-coune lunch. Those d"y, or Mrs Amanaa .Maffitt. The annual el'ection of the stock- included in Mn. Wright'8 JIst .were holders of the Waynesville National Mn. Kate Coleman, Mrs. Fred B. Mn. Cynthia Evans went to e· Rendenon, Mrs. Edith Harria, Mrs. cinnatl, Sunday, where she will spend Bank for the purpose or electing of- Laura Compoundt'd Mosher! Mrs. Ronuld Hawke, ficere for the en,suin/t year, will be several weeks with relatives. ~ held ot their banking rooms, on Mrs. W. H. Allen. Mrs. C. M. RoSemJ-Annuall" ... Mrs. Joel New Home for Main' Orrlce bitzor, Mrs. Cynthia Evan 8 .00B the great~t\,holiest, happiest day of Mr. lind Mrs. J. B. Cbapman and Tuesday, JanUBrl' 11, 1927. between Stokes, Mrs. Julia Donovan ' Mrs. J. 60n, Charles and Mra. EJlzabeth Bai- the hours of 1 a'nd 3 p. m. the year wi.l l .be het:e-Christmaa., . O. Cartwright, Mra. Wilson F;dwards, 20000 Members L. M. HENDERSON. Cashier. ly were in Cincinnati, Tuesday. j6 . Mrs. James McClure, Mrs. H .. E. To all our. fellow t ownsmen-to our ABSOLUTE SAJ'ETY .... nathaw~, Mrs. L. A. Zimmerman. Mr. and Mn. Harry Turner and MrIl. Lester Gordon, Mias Trillena Ed frien~, wherever they may be-we etend First mortllngc o~ real estate s8ClU'ity. The little son, of Bellrook, spent Sunday wards, Mias May Wright and Mrs. D. wit~ F. B. Henderson and family. a sincere mel$8Qge of Christma Greetings. b o~t s ·cu ri ty. Nothing Barc~otbing better. L. Crane. Hrs, Sarah Zimmennan baa been ASSETS Over 10~ lIillion Doll&ra May tlieeomini Cbnstmas be the merriest Ideas lire what really count in thia On Friday eveninl\' Mrs. Cynthia confined to the house for severa1 world. From IitUe ideas, every busiand most· proeper ous Yuletide of your exOne of th lllrgcst ' and strongetlt 888OOiationa days, the result of a fall last week. ness, everf famous product, every ar- Evane entertained With "Five .Hunin lh· sta t '. Jlerience. - Hay .the new year, 19~7, be tistic achievement. every personal dred" at her home on Main street. . Dr. J. T. Ellis. Mrs. W. E. O'Neall succes_growsl This was in the nature of a farewell Why In h c hanccs Oil Oe~lUcb-Quio1r SCh ...... filled witb all the good things of life. ' Suoh aDiI SO D, Hugh, motored to St Louis From the 8 ml~U ellt neighborhood party, Mrs. Evans leaving on Sunday llilel IORc nil. . to spend several weeks In Cincinnati. and spent .• the week-end with rela. ls our 8~ncere.. wish. " store to the greatest Industry, every tives • . thing starts from,. and lives by m41ans At the close of the very enjoyable We Kindly SOlicit VotU' patrO'llage. ' . of-Ideas. When the supply of new evening, the hostess, with Mrs. H. E . Mills ' Gail ' Nixon has returned to Ideas is exhausted in any enterprise, Hathaway wlsting, served ice cream cake and cocoa. "hoee invited were her home in Lebanon, after a it hnIts in growth a.n d then diell. wl,th her aunt, Mrs. George RobThe highest pnid men in any or- Mrs. A. T. Wright, Mrs. Edith Harertaon, of RO\lte 6. . ganization are the ones with Ideas. rill, Mrs. Laura Mosher, Mrs. Ronald Third e.nd Broo.dway Dayton, Ohio. Three . . Progreas i8 dependent upon them and Hawke, Mrs. W. H. Allen, M~ Kate 510 East Fifth St., Coleman, Mrs. Fred Henderson, Mrs. (Established 1887) Offices: Do you like to wash 10 cold wattheir ability to devia . e walll aDd ready lor 19 East Third St. er Why, no. -Would yOU rather means to further the interests of C. M. Robitzer, Mra. Wilson Edwards , pay the !foctor or pay the, laundJ'y- their company. They are the men Mrs. James McClure, Mrs. L .. A.. Zimman a tew cent. a week for . your without whom llusineas cannot get merman, Mrs. H. E. Hathaway. Mrs. wuh' . WI! wiD launder your clothea along. Greater tOfticiency in produe- J. O. Cartwright. MillS Trlllena Ed-. fO~ lIB low BII I) cents per pound. tion, in selling Clr in dlstributioD. is wardll, Mrs. S. D. Henkle. Mrs. Geo. ~~~!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!!!!~~!!2!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!!! -Leave YODr c~ with Mahlon Ridae the result of MW Ideas which are Smith and ,Mrs. D. L. Crane. to have the driver explain in detall. sound in principlE! and practical ill ap.I~_ , _-~-~;-,~-.oO Soft Water LaWl4q'_ plication. New ideas· are the meanl ot enabMr• • nd Knt Elvlft Fire. and· Mrs. Ung ourselves tel grow in our indiKate Coleman and Mrs. Laura ZeJl vidual work. Tbe man who develops WeJe l-ebanon viaitors· Monday af- new and workable Ideas on hla own ternoon. job will never be pushed Into. a rut Cream is ~ur best·farm crop. It provides 'a steady, yearfor a8 his job grows so does he and Dr. Farr, Mias Clara Llle and oth- he inevitably rises above the level. around income, and when sold Direct to t he Tri State ers from the Friends Home, called gives the producer all the money. Where do all t he good Ideas come , I<I$'S'JNG l ec Ut lEarly for Your Sale Dates. We Cuarant"le on Mre. Anna Cadwallader, at Mc- from? There aore just four main ! ur&"• Clelland's ,hospital, Xenia, Tuesday. sources. Here they are. Study them , 'SPECIALLY Satilfartion or" Charge Nothing carefully. i ~iNGLei D~emlJer :Eclwaro.; JaccomJlanled 1. One'8 own original thought. \..11'1: ! RJint, went to Dayton 2. Contact wil~h and study of lIaabe will tie the guest ture. datlghlter. Mrs. Will Russum 3. Contact and conversation with Phone No.2 Phone No~ -'3 20 Cincin~ati, . people of ideas. Ohio 4. Intelligent :reading and careful Mr. and Mrs. James Stoops and study, with purone. Mr. Holmea Stoops, of Wert: Men of of ambition and were guests at the hOllle ' ana vision, 110 Jiot neg ect any of these ~ , , Mrs. J. E. Withllll Jrolll BOUrCes. They make for strength. day until Sunday. usefulnes~ and happinellll. Are you alert for new Ideas! .'Fr!lnk ~. Crew "pec~1iziDg the repairing of 'Ford cars. .U not' conMANNERS· FIRST venient for' you to come out to my home I will call for your car. Phone Tommy- "Oh, mama, look! There 83_2~. No Sunday work. d29 is a burglar I" ~other-"How manr times hlive Messrs. Charles Bradbury, JeSlle I told you not to point.' Prendergast, G. ' J. Waterh~use and D. L. Crane' attell'de4ka meeting of pastmasters. P.t ",,, . J!iUonic lodge, which WBII neld in Mhlmi)lburg last Saturday night.

Late Classtlied Ads.

J. WI-II . Wh. Ite






- ..----



Walter McClure -. James E. McClure

West Side Building & Loan Association J



. ._.. . ;_. ._______..,_ _ _" '_,_._ .

-----... --_.---

Fa T. Martin~esse Stanley Auctioneer s

n .eTri-State. Price . SSe 13, ·1926

per · pound

CentetviHe, O.


Burling't on,O. ·

~~~~\ ~. IAsk ~~rchMtts , for .Red ~rroW' Money



FI;~~d~;:e~~i~.e.' . ....... 33c

F1ori~ 218 .i .... doze? .... .. .... 29c: F lo rida, )50 .iu, dozen ........... 390: T.D..a ... D... brl. 16S •• ,......... .... ... ... ...... ....... .................. ...... .. ... ............ 33<: .' i

Grapefruit Tah;:r~~~.8~ ~~ ~i~~~ . . 25c ·NutS·Mi'ed Braz~l, Walnuts, Fil~rt. 2 '" 9c' . and Pecans,. per pound . . ...... . .

' 64 .~~, Z for ................... ......... ) 50:

70 .ize, 4 for .... ... ... ....... ..... .... 25e

Braliil." ,.,.uiHI ... ,O;" .... ::....... :." .. 19c: Pape!' Shell Pecan~, Ib............ 59c · Blael,' Wal~uta, ~ ~o~ad.... ~ .. .......... ....... .. ::... .... .. , .. ... .... f. ....... .............. 220:

Can~dy :e~c~~\l~~a.t~~.8, ~.~~..~~~~~ .'j SC'

A ......... ~ . .d fillad, Ib.... 2Oc


Do ......:.. ..

Cll...........11 ................


Do you Uke to' waih In cold wllter' WolUd you ~ther pay tho do . or.or PI':V ~e Illimdry man Il few cen a week for your 'wash' We will launder your clothea for .. low as 6 cents per pound. Leave ),our call with MaMolI Ridlfe to have the driver explain in detay. Sott Water Laundl'l". · .

CoUDt~S.)Ich,Club Pkr...~...... 1Dc


plc, .... .... ...... .......... 15c ~

Li(,by. Moid, I.rlr. j.r.... ........ 23c :

.Bana~ ~:.~~!~ 30e ,nalt... .......d ..... : ~



e.~a.~~. . ,. 25c

Christmas Time is Candy Time

As usual, we have the best, made from pure sugar, in clean and sanita1.')' factories, . by expert white candy makers. . r Caady Decorationa, for Chriatmaa tr_a, ....... ............ :.... .. ............................ ,......, Ie Candy Can.., each ... ,.. ." ............................................ ..... .. .................. ,......................... Sc We have a Iarlre variety of Bulk Candiea priced at ........................ 15c a lb. to 35c a lb. . Finat Cream Mis to Fancy Chocolate.. ."

Wh~ no.


c:re.m •• nd jellie •• lb 1ge ........ .. ....... .. .. ........ ........ ISc

ca-..ol... Drope ar Peaaat Brittl. -


Mias Trillena Edwards left this morninl!' to join her sistser, Mias Mar. raret W. Ed'll'uds,. at . Coronado Beach, Florida. She was accompanied by Alice Jane, little daughter of Mr. lind Mn. Gail .. RUl8um, of Dayton.



Come and Look


Our .Dlsplay


Customers who ltave used. any of the following RrandtJ of Oa.AJled. F.ood;, rroducis tell you that the Quality is the be$t. If you have nQt tried them, why not ,Ive them a trial for your Ohristmal!l! dinner. . '

Elk Lick .8artlett·Peari, Elk 'Lick_Sli~ed P'~ache'J Elk Li~~ Pine~pple (R~.!!~!d) A. C, Peas. GoM as Fr~ Peas, Small Can. of Elk Lick F!'uits for sm~~ famiIiP· '; t 1O~ ,~can A.' C. and' Silver Flake Country Gent! ·" an Coin. '

Sil~er Fla~e~pi~.ach, . '~, "Sitv:er .FI.~', 7\,' Sliver flake Peaches, Large, ' l.hick , ~',es· .::

. And many other products of a quality that cannot pe gers long after. tbe price 'is 'forgotten. I

.Decorations For r


Chri.tmu Belllt ·9 iac:hu, at·'2 f4)r .... ,..... ~ RtI!II aDd G~ WJ.ea... ~, _ch .. ,.... :.... :... ~ ~lOC . Rope Dec:o-:atipu, red cd .rreen. 9 ycl'l..lOc




F~ E. ' V~ OFLEN• '~W. Uell"I~;..

, ~t'ventY'Bigbth





Whole Number 5732



In.peetor Vi.ito Scbool Mr, T. Howard Winters, state in· spector of High schools, wile a visitor at the Waynesville schools lael T hursday, December 16. He inspect. cd the equ.lpment of the schbol, the books, and the c1aMes. Only a few notes were taken, 80 that is some· ,thing of which to be )lroud.

Editol' of th e Miam i Gn7.ette-As 1\ fOl'll1 el' In IIllier of yo ur co mmunity nnll onc wh o~ ~ in tu rests in it is Htill livl'ly, 1 ha ve been mu ch grato ified lit: the r eports that have come to mc ~onccrning the wurk of you r publi c lihrary. I r ecall when r was a hoy we had 1\ librnl'Y in Wa ynesvill e t hllt was ~ tnti o n cd ill Mill .. 1m Bisph nlll's J! roeC I'Y, Some of the bonks fr om that librar \, we re r ead with liv idit y lind thc~' 'stay with me. Unful·tu· lIutdy {u ,' luck of fin a ncial s UPPOJ ,·t , thll t circ ulati ng library hnd to be closed. I felt th ell it was a dis tinct loss. I n your pr esent e nter prise you hUVll hud th fai thful , intellige nt and illrl cf ntigllh l(' effo rt. of a group of pu blic spir it erl wOlllen wh o lUI\'e sL uck to the tnsk of giv ing YO UI\ li · ein it v u bo() k c,.J lcct i() 1t woll worth while. I seldom vi sit 1\ city or village wit hout pllying illY res pects to it s lihral'Y. I arn now the seco nd oldest mernber oC the public library bourd of Evunsto n, 111., in point of continuous serv ice. I hnve a ppreciated th e immen 8 ~ vuluo o.f a library to the people: While we. in a suburbnn city of 60,000 pcople, with $42 .000 to spend every yea r in llIaintnining a library, have our problems, th e women ilt Waynesville who hllvc s pon scred and worked to keen your libra· rry on Hs feet, have - grcuter ones. They need a fine r courage and stanter hearts. I have felt often that these libra· ry mothers, if I may call them such, ha"e -done a big piece of work for Wayne township. I know the people appreciate the library a8 a vIIIuable community usset. We who have long been absent from our na· tive heath rejoice La learn of thes'e progressive movem ents back in Way· nesville. . . May r, at t his particular scason of the year, bear my greetings to those splendid library women, and congratulate them and the public 'on this institution. C. M. CARTWRIGHT.


A Pooler COnteal Last we, ·k being Safety Week, a CpNGRESS MEETS poster con test was put on in the 290,000,000 MAN POWER Grade.. I~ .. ch pupil , in the Grade, made a po'"Ler on Safety and Safety Fir8t d evi. es. The8e posters were Secretary Hoover's plan for water, urangcd together and thefirst and ways in the nited tutes is a mag· 'econd bo ~ t on os . from each r oolT nificent, commonsense prcsentatiOl, cere Sl! ICCICd. The contest winner, lrc : of what this country shl) uld do. Mr. Hoover shows thut 3,000,000 reacher- Miss Berryhill. horsepowe r, more than three times Winners-- l. Rosemary Bentley. the amount now taken from Nial!'a 2. Charles sAnderson ra Falls, could be developed on th, ~eacher-Miss Fromm Tennessee and Cumberlund rivers Winnars- l. Elmer Starr neservoirs and dam8 in connectio, 2. Henry Burks with this developm ent. would chcd Miss McKibbanfi oods In the MiRS lssippi valley, and Wlnner8- I. John Boger provide a six·foot chnnnel connect 2. Luelln Bernnrd ing the Tennessee and Cumberland ~eac her-MiM Turner with the Ohio nnd Mississippi. Winners- to Alta Mae Richards 2. Floyd Lynch Teach er-Miss Graham The South knows what that pow· Winners--l. May Treadway er, now wasted, would mean to Mary F;lIen Carter Atlanta, Birmingham, Chattanooga ~ eacher-Mr.2. StJohn Nashville. Winners -I. Thelma Herrington That is only one item in a great 2. Evelyn Neely program that the will of the Amer· rencher-Miss Lile Ican people sho ul? put through. Winners--l. Mnry Cram 2. Buford Bernard Dr. Bundesen, health Oommisslon· New Bulldillrer of Chicago, says many fathers and Sixth Grade-1. Frank Swartzel 2. Pauline Cram mothers kiss their babies into the Seventh Grade-1. Anna O'Neall grave." 2. Lena Earnhart To kiss an infant on the mouth Eighth Grade-I. Evelyn Gordon is a crime. 2. Lawrence Cook Parents stupid enough to allow strangers to kiss thoir children al· most deserve the resul~ A contest will 'be held later at the An infant's blood lacks the time of the Farmers Institute, at tectlve strength" the d isease which time prizes will be given. leucaytes, that come later in life. For that reason consumption nearly Mr. Sanity, an Engllshh Quaker, always starts before the is two wa.s a visitor at the High school last years old. Millions of Friday. He ,gave a very interesting children ha ve had the talk on the conditions of Europe, be. "-;01'm8 planted in their mouths fore the Junior and Senior English IO\' ing but ignornnt mothers. Kiss c1aues. Tbe last recruit to W. R. Hoel your baby 011 top of Its head. 'PoDst No. 230, G. A. R., Prof. J. O. Let no one else kiss or fondlo it. Falkinburg, becomes a full member Laat Friday'• .Gam •• of the Post by request. He was not The Hig). school boys played Ma. mustered in according to form, but Congress. resuming business, will Bon High 8chool at the Gym last Fri. was received and welcomed into full finel the indignant farmer sitting on day night. A close game was looked membership by his lifelong friend and the Capitol 8t 'ps telling big Income for because of the one at Masosn. comrade,S. Lev Cartwright, the only 'lIxpny crs. "Until the Government The game started with a boom. The surviving member of the Post. The pledge that was made four ,Il'" something for <1 8 farmers, You ball was tipped off and for a While don't get that ref und of $260,000,. neither "ide scored.. '1!hejn MlUlon year8 ago by Comrades Colcman, 000." made a foul. and a point was made Collier and Cartwright. to keep the Lord Rothermere says Britain by MiMlldine. After that, blUlket association alive' until the last man - misses prosperity by failure to devel· after hasket was mnde on both sides, was called, will be renE\wed in good op electric power. "The economic although Waynesville shot the most. faith and kept Inviolate until the last welfare of the United States," says At the end of the fourth quarter, of the file is broken by t he summons he, "Is baeed more than anything Waynesville was victor with a score of the Great Commander to join t he else .on the fact that she has 290,. of 17 to 6. A more exciting. clean, Grand Army above. S. L. CARTWRIGHT. 000,000 human workers." and ~ood feeling game would be very hard to find. Cincinnati, Ohio, The High School girls had a game Joseph S. Donovan knew exactly amongst December 18. 1926. themselves. The score was what he wanted when he went to 8 to 6. To Whom It May Concernwork in a carpet factory for $1.50 I, John 0., Falkinbulg, of CincLIIa week. While he was working nati, Ohio, a veteran of the Civil the shop he said he would make a . .The Junior Class has invited the War, hereby renew the pledge talcen ' million by the time he was forty·five High School aJ1d Faculty to a Christ. by me w}len admitted more than a mas ,party, to be held at the Gym and reUre. , arter of a century ngo to member· Last Septembel', 'not yet forty· Wednesday evening, December 22. s ip in the Willia m L. Guard ' Post, lour, he made' his million and retired. A new Idea. In entertainment will be a . Hamilton County, Ohio. ,ae he promisesd. Now he is dead. tried out. I again avow my allegiance to my ~-----. ------country and to the Flag, its belov ed emblem. .I gladly consecrate my life and my belongings to the welfare of this land and rejoice ill any oppor· tunity to show mv devotion to it. JOHl-f O. FALKIN,aURG, • Cincinnati, Ohio .. , 209 HartweU Ave.



Tho Lebanon LnaD'ter Walton League annual banquet Ident ' ,Karl. About forty m ••mlh ..,'A .. ,nlr.vo,,, 1Iclou8 rabbit Tho main speaker of the evenil)g Mr, A •. F. Long, president ' of the Iuak Walton League of OhiO. and ~u''''''CUIO'il~ll\e ' was followed by Mr. Carl Keller. 811,eCEIBS!lfullv, the superviaor of game. warden. in this district. ,Dr. Herschel WiIlia'."s gave a synopsIs of lut year's actlv. ities and several other speakers were called upon and all responded with short talks. . During the put year the Lebanon chapter of the buk Walton League hId I b 1 h IlS p ace a ~,rwe num er 0 p C!aa~n~ and . plaelid fifty thousand Ash , Supreme Court , Justice - William 1n n IIrren county Itreams. . _____..... _~......_. ___ Harmon Black denounces "chicken· hearted, judgea and juries" that en· cO\lrage crime, wants quick trials, I with two-thirds of th(1 ju'1 deeMIng, no unanin\ous vote necessary. . The two·thirds idea would not eult The following will close their plac· cr£mlnals, and the prosperou8 ame;' "r es of businel8 Christmu Day at U them would be obliged to purchase a. m,: at least five of tWelve jUrore, where L. A. Zimmerman as now olie or two purchased "pme D. R. Smith guys" Cla'n prevent conviction. ' KrolCr Grocen MyerHyman , A. K. D~)' , , Lee Hawk.e \' Keanl~~ Orville GraIr, • _ __

Chriltma.· "our

. _.

James A.

,.,~.J ,''--

llnteresting Item'. ' from the i

State. Capital I Prepare .. by I.......................... Columbus F eporter


COLUMBUS, OHIO- AbsolutelY nothing is being left undone by tbe ""lOnging offi cers of Ohio State insti'. uli on~ for the 26,000 unfortunate .vards of the State, th at will add to ' hci r happinilss on next Saturday. .hriRtm ns Day. Because thousands .r Lhe children in so me of these inIl itutiollS ne without relatives IIr in· .. rested fri ends, the State moat proide little prese nts of some kind, and his is bei ng done by managing oficcrs, nnd institutiona l help. There viii be special meals serv ed durinr he clay, lind hrilliantly lighted Xmas r@ S in every institution, whether it .e a penul on~ or a hospital for fee· I,,· minded, :several tons of can· lip" thousa nds of oranges, ' bushels 'I'Ple8, popcorn and other good hlngs hnve becn purchased' for the nstitutions, a nd for those without rie nds to help, there will be presnts of some kind or other, espec~ Ily those co nfined in the State ospitals for feeble minded and cpo leptic. And each of these 26,000 late wards are l ookin~ forward to :hl'istmns Day with Just aa much nxiety and pleasure as the more ·ortunate. wh o have comfortable ,o mes .with ' plenty of everything.

National banks of the State have prepared for an unusual rush durinl the week for new paper money and 'told coins. Shipments of gold colM from Washington have been unusually heavy during the past two weeb _ 04 while thousands of dollars in new. paper money has been Bent to Ohio banks for distribution during the week. Many who want to give moiley for Christmas presents seem to think that it is worth double the value if new or in gold. During the war there was restrictions on the ~~vment of gold oot, but thia baa b·een canceled. All the gold p~d out at the Christmas se880n rener· Farmers of Warren cou nty who In the little villnge of Crosswick, ally finds its way back to the banks within 30 days after tho holidays. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. C. Hllwke~ve wish to take advantage of another one and II half miles north of Waynes a prominent Columbus b~nker aaid. opportunity. to secure Pyrotol some ville, on March 22, 1868, Albert Per· their annual fnmily dinner, Sunday, of t he surplu s war explosive for ry, so n of Albert and Sarah Ellen at which all th eir children and fam· blowing stumps and stones, a re AdnlllS, first beheld t he light of day. Ii. conservation commiuion instead i1ies were present, a s fo llows: Mr. quested to call or write Cou nty Ag. Ans wered t he Divine s ummons of of the fish and 'g ame division of the Class on or before December 27. God, December 2, 1926, age 68 years fish and game division of tlie de- .. and Mrs. Rny Hawl<e and family, Mr. entClass recently received a commu. 8 months and ' 11 days. department 01 agriculture will be in; and Mrs. Carl Hawke, of Dayton; nication from the Agricultural EngiHe W8 8 the second son in a fam· Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Vance and son, nee ring depart ment of the Ohio State ily of eig ht children: Ben, Albert, stalled in Ohio after the next leg- . If members of the Izaak Wal of Pleasant Plain; Mr. and Mrs. John university, ndvi sing that another C81' Chari , J e nny, Dan, Lizzie, Luella islature ton League of Ohio and the League J Fromm nnd family, Mr. and Mrs. Lee load of Pyrotol would probably be and L:mra. Luella passed to the of Ohio Sportsmen obtain a legiala- , Hawke and fnmily. ordered for farmers of Ohio on De. Great lJeyond enrly in 1904, and the tive measure to thl¢ effect. The cember 30. father in the same year. The two leagues will cent~r, activities Oil Pyrotol is ' put up in pur~ned er followed in 1909. Ben, a ·Mrs. J . IIi. Thompso n entertained an effort to have this one measure ' paBSed at the next legis~tur4!' LeeSunday, at dinner, thc following ~artridges similar to dyna mite, and years !. te .., Charles in 1906. The parents came to Harveysburg islation proposed would ' ·lfIve .the guesta: Mil'S. O. S. Elmore, Mr. Joe IS exploded with No.6 caps and pow. T!tornpsoll, Mr. Wilbur E. Haines, of der fu se. It works satisfnctory in while t he children were small, and commission authority to make fiexiCineinnati; Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. wet grou nd or during our cold weath. Albert's industrial life was spent in ble open nnd closed SeBsons and to Morrison, of Southga te, Ky.; Mr. er conditi ons, and is especially suited this villnge. He was dependable, admini8ter affairs of the department Carl Dziech, of Newport, Ky.; Mr. for blowing stumps. rt is shipped loyal, honorable aud friendly in all The. commission woVld be ma1nt&ined unci M-1:5. Russel Campbell nnd dauJ!'h. in 50.pound boxes, delivered in War. his dealings.and made f riends where- with hunters' and anglers' I1cenae ters, June a nd Marjorie, of Dayton: ren county at 10 cents per pound. ever he went. Will be greatly missed money without cost to ~e taxpa3f.e,n, About 8000 pounds' has already by all who knew him. Mr. and Mrs. George Thompson, of except for forestry work; should that Was united in marriage to Annie department be brought into the comLoveland: Mrs. Sarah Lippincott been used by farmers ' of Warren co unty with splendid results. Elizabeth Woodson, December 29, and Mr. and Mrs. Milton Thompson, mission. All farmers who wish to take ad. 1906, nt the home of her cousin, Etof W aynes~' iII e. .vantage of this opportunity, should ta Harper, in Springfield, Ohio, The State of Ohio has double the , send money order or check to County Rev. J. T. Jordall. Together they mileage of imprClved roads of the: , Mrs. William H. Allen and Miss Agent's office by December 27. bored diligently and with the aim State of Pennsylvania, 40 per sent • _ ..._ _ __ Olive Allen entertlUned Itt their bOO1e of guiding and rearing with loving more than New York State, nearly last Saturday from 2 to 5. Holly care nnd devotion, their only son, two and a half times more tlian nVI't'eaths adided to the attractiveness Gerald, until two years, eight months IInoi8 and '60 per cent more than the of the roo01S, in wh ich eight tables ago, when Albert was prevented l in State of Michigan. These facts are were placed for Five Hundred. A a measure, by i11ness and his <lear brought out in a special report Clf substantial aud pnlataple two·course wife nssumed the greater responsi- the United Sta~es Bureau of Publle lunch followed the g ames. Mrs. J. bility; but Albert's advice and coun· roads just pubhslied. It showlI that O. Cartwrig ht and Miss May Wright sel was her first thought. In hts in Ohio there are 84,582 miles of were awarded prizes for Bcoring the many months of illness he bore up roadway of which 38,681 are imhij!'best uUln ber of points. Those in· so cheerfully and tr ied to convey to proved in some manner. Pennllylva· vited for this very enjoyable occa· The following program will be giv. his family andfrlcnds that he was sion were, Mrs. Elizabeth Bnily, en by the Waynesvsi1Je Public schools -i mproving until the very last. Wed· nin has only 16,000 miles .of improvMrs. J. B: Chapman, l\1Ts. F . R. Moo· at the Gym Sunday aftcrnoon, De. nesday evening he sang in his weak ed roads, Michigan ' 20 998 mile.. Kentucky 17,066 miles, 'IlIinois 14,maw, Mrs. Kate Co eman; Mrs. Fred cember 26, at 2 o'clock: voice along with Lizzie that ' well 173 miles and New. York 24,589 D. HOlldel' 'on, Mrs. D. L. Crane, Mrs. known hym n, "Hide Thou Me," His milliS. Rev. J. J. Schaeffer voice was often henrd in songs of A. T. Wrig ht , Mrs. L. A. Zimmerman, Invocation Mrs. E dith Harris, IIfrs. Laura Mosh· Part I-Lower Grade. praise to his Hllavenly Father. There is no Stnte law under which er, ' Mrs. Ronald Hawke, Mrs. Bert 1. The Babe in Bethlehem's Manger His many friends and r elatives autoist mar be fined for not comTh W ~ kitaUna Campfire Girls met 'Hortllock, Mrs. H. E. Hathaway, Laid .. were vel'Y kind and thoughtful for an ing to Ii ful stop at intersectiona Ml·S. C. M. Robitzer, Mrs. J. O. Cart· 2. Jingle Bells. ea . . d' M his welrnre. 1\11 knew how he en- of side roads with main thoorughf81'es at the hOnJe of theIr guar lan, r~. wl'ight, Mm. J, W . Edwurds, Mrs. R. 3 Cradle Hymn. joyed being' taken up town to Moomaw, Monday afternoon, Decen· G. Miller, Mrs. George Smith, Mrs. oS' General Chorus--"Joy to the spen d tho aft ernoon and the ev· and auto drivers can neither be Ill:berTh20th. t " w~ called to order James McClure, Mrs. L, H. Gordon, . World." enings with hi s frie nds. How he rested nor fined unless the city or e mee I~g . Mrs. F . M. Colc, Mrs. E. V. Bnrn· loved Mnmmi e Woodson. He often village council has adopted an ordiPart II-Middle Grade. by th.e preSIdent. The h~."dw s'~3 hart, Mrs. Emma Darnett, Mrs. Kel· said, "s he is very, very dear to me." nance providing for the same. It was gIven, followed ,by the 18 a cannot be dO lle under Bny supposed ler Hoke. Mrs. Irving D. Welch, Mise 1. The First Noel He leaves to mourn his los9 a lov. State cr~do.", The r-oJl call Il!,d see~~: Emma Heighway. Miss Clnra Lile, 2. "Hark th e Herald Angels Sang." ing wife, law. The matter has come to a dovoted so n, one brother, ry s report .were the'.' glyen. r Miss Marl:ha 0' call, Mis/! Muy 3. Once in Royal David's City. the attention of Director George F, three sisters nnd a host of friends I~g the business sessl,on It ~as de· Wright, Miss Helen \Veleh , Miss Co- 4. General Chorus-O Little Town Il ow swiftly the yeUl'S 0 f our pilgrim- Schlessinger, who has advised one elded to have a market the FrIday be· of Bethlehem. or two Ohio mayors that while it Ia age n y, 'fore 'New Year's. The election of rinne Welch, Miss Ada M.ichener and Part III-Hi,1a Sclaool As weckH, months and season's roll hoped that such a law will be passed ffi ' 8 hold ' and the following Miss Lutie Valldervoort. at the coming session of the general 0 cers ",va , silently by! 1. Cradled All Lowly. • were elected: there is no /luch law now, ' 2. God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen. Our dnys arc soon numbered and assembly, Many cities and municipalities have ' President .... Mary Louise Zimmerman 3. In Bethlehem that Noble Place. death sounds our knell. adopted such laws, but mbny arreN 4. General Chorus--Silent Night. We scarce know our friends Vice·President ......... _........ Helen Beltz have been made on the auppolition Secretary ...... . ,...... Evelyn Cm:i;wright Benediction Rev. Washburn Till we bid them farewell. that there was a State law covenne Tre8surer" .. ,........... Louise Henderson There is a revelntion that readeth --------.-.~.------alleged offense. In all such ca" Scribe ...... ,...... ... ,......... ....Doris Hawke to us, that our d ~ad had never died. the the fine, where paid, will, I;t.ave to Pianist ....... ... ........ Beatrico Robitzcr That it was the yoke and fetter only ses be returned. . Social Leader ... .... .. .... Bernice Hyman that they laid aside. and that live in kingdoms fairer than The Campfire Girls swill hold a At a called' meeting of the War· Fire of unknown origin destroyed that is lit by mortal sun. Ther market in t he TOWDehip hall, Friday, ren county pastors held in the M. E. a barn on the George Swartzlander quest here ' is ended and their victory December 81, at ' 10 o'clock. church, Lebanon, Monday morning. farm ncar Blanchester, early Satur• foreve r won. . ' D. E. H• December 18, at 10 o'clock, ten day morning entailing a property Card of TbaDIu tors reapolided. They were as estimated at about $2,0001 only lows: Re'V. Willis Webb, of the loBS part of which was covered by Insur. We sincerely 'desire through Baptist church, Franklin; Rev. L. A, ance. ~: ' columns of this paper to extend Washb\lrn, ; of the ,Methodist 'chu ch, .A Sow, and horse perished in the our heartfelt thanks to our relatives, Waynesvillei Rev, Spindler; of flames, and seven tons 01 soybean friends and neighbors for the kind· Your 1926 itcensea will not be the Baptist; church, Mills; Rev. and timothy hay and other kinds of ne~s and sympathy . shown us during good after December B1st. I · have a . L. Fox, of Methodist f~edll: a quant~ty of small tools; and the illness and death of Our hus· supply for 192'1' relldy fo'r sale. For Rev. Bussard, a ~Ioon touring car were destroyed in band and father, Arbert Perry Ad· Y!lur convenience 1 will beat the Rev. the !:onfiagratlon'. Some ' ams. Especially do we desire . to bank on SaturDay afternoo,"" Jan· I'9Bchlneq' W811 saved. thank the Revs. Tolliver and Cook uary lit, to Issue new· licenses. . . LollS ot the .bullding is covcred by for theIr consoling wordsJ the choir!I 'Ii'~htf'''1 ,J. O~ "CARTWRIGRT, iruluran'o ..·. a ·member of _the SWart'z. Mrs. Allce Scott for their beautifu , Olerk· of Wnyn~Township. said. Saturday. The singing, the donors of, the beautiful ~:~~~~'a~~~~:h~~e.~ fis Bl a . ml1e and a tr/butjlB, the d~cons 6.f Zion 'h I,HaDI~lst church and Mr. McClure and ;Plr:~~el~~,J::;t ~ anc ester in for their kind and ' efficient




.............................. :(\

~ _



-----_0_ ••------

Albert Perry Adams





---_. -...----

Fire Destroys Bam

HappY·-Dour Club -

Hunters and Trappers




A. Elizabeth A:dam8 and Son. • ,

. ...... " i ,r • ..-. ....- ,- - - •


dl'ive to the county seat on Saturday night and tie hIs hortle to the courthDuse hitch rack, haa a son who , all str t is gQlng to pay bonus· call leave home at dark and go to the city in timo -for the opening of e to th an''' un of $(16,000,000 tho regular program a~ the Purple Christmu. . It is to e not,ed at. thi~ bOf\lIs docs' not go to the spec· ulat()~ 'who "take 1\ long shot" en Spcalcing of Shylocks, we aTe no t margins bul to the boy" and girls ask ing tho return of that billion dol- COMMON PLEAS PROCEEDINGS who Ilctuully work in the street. lartl' worth of food and clothing we a freezing, sturving Europe folCourt fixed the bond to be ll'ivCl'n An TIlinois cand idllte states t hat gave lowing the Ar,mistice. in the case of the St.ate of OhIO VS, his campaign expenditures were Ii Dan Day at $:WOO. call of pumpkin lind two )<egs of barn A New York literary , In the CURe of lien Reed, plai ntiff nails, Wo thought the daY6 w('re is planning t o arouse new In error vs. The Lebanun- itizcns ov r when you could "open a keg of hakepeare. Why not have ..",ue,., National Bank and Trust Co., d(l· nail s ' ~ as a part of yo ur cllmpaign Hughes write something about fondant in error, (:o urt ordered lhat propagandll. early habits. the case be remanded to the Court The new Greater New ,York tele- of Common Pleas for new tria: the In New York City they aTe trying to get on ordinnnce closing lhe phone books 10r this winter contain previous judgment of the court be· cafes at 3 0. m. Back in God's coun nearly cleven hundred thousand ing rcver~ed. In the elise of Milton M, Jaek and try that's just about the time they names. Just think how much fun the telehone girls must have with Minnie M. Jack, VIii. Ella M. Harding open up 10r tho early customers. that many wrong numbers to pick court orders that the sheriff pay the "H,aUan Volcano Activo," says 8 from. , costs of the court proceed in gs Ilod current newspllper head line. We'll lhe attorney fee of I-T ank Brandon bet this bit of in (ormation will make A number of ladies met in Wash- of $1788,81; that he pay to t he tressMussoulini envious, ington the other day to abolish war. urer of Warren eounty taxes amountWho re lll m bers the days when the AU right, let 'em go ahead and do It. ing to $53,44; that' he pay to Milton Manager Bucky Hllrris of th e M, J ac,k,. admin istmtor of the f'stutc women, ~t8rtinll' tlown town on 8 cold lIftern oon, don ncd an extm petticollt Wa ~hingto n American league basc- of Chrl.tlUn S. Ja ck, deceased inherball team hilS been admitted to the ita nce tux amount ing to a t~tnl of or two, in order to keep warm'r Washington social r egister. But it ~ . 133.64; that he pay to Ella M. HarSpellking of dictlltors, we'll bet is to be doubted whether this will dlllg, one-sixth of ,the balnnce , $663.Will Hays and Judge Landis have a hel p much in getting Washington an- 37, to J. Wceley J'ack , Slime, to Emlot hl0ro fun than MusSQlini. other pennant. ma F . Smith , same, to Jam es B. J ack • _ • same, to Milton M. Jilek, snm e,; lind We are rapidly coming to the conto Herbert Jack, Slime, lesa deduction clusion that Gene Tunney is t he Sinamounting to $46f;,38 • clair Lewis of the prize -fighters

Walter ' M~Clu, e J. E. McClure 'WArNESVILLE, OHIO Fully Equipped for Good Service. Large Display Room . Ambulance Service nAY OR Nlt1UT

DR. E. M. RUDOLPH At Cary's Jewelry Shop Lebanon, Ohio

Every Tuesday 8100 ..


to 4 p.




Dr. John W. Miller Dential WapeeYllle Nat1o.AI Baak Bla ••

The best place to put the liquor which th'e bootlegger brings you these days is in the radiator. Well, don' t you s uppose Queen Marie will have a lot to tell the maids of honor, or whatever the{ call 'em now that she's back home The old-fashioned man who used , ~~~"·'I~

--------- ---.. : u::. mAl..: I"'ROM ~II< E I r

;rol<\ me

T. Martin

Jesse Stanley Auctioneers .

F. .Jee




l.s Early: for Your Sal~ Dates. We Cuaranh••


Satiafaf'tion or Charge Nothing.

(Centerville, O. ,y "ODe

New Burlington,O. Phone No. 320

No. Z

Inguisitive lady-"And, officer, tell me what that atrap undor your C)h\n i8 fo r?" Omcer--"That, lady, Is to relt my p oor old jaw when it getes tired anIIUly questions." werlng s

NEW SUITS toti s Schlink "s, Sylvester Schlink for. divorce, alimony and equitable r ohef. Bangham Motor Co., VB, E. Miller for mon ey only. Fir!Dan King, Fred King and Robert Kmg VlI. A. P. Straus, no indorsement.

, The baby Is 'n ot all orph~n! but its parents are giving it up and we have fuU permission to dis , ~. of Jt to any 8'Ood famdy iri our community. No adoption papers will be n.eceaaary, as we have

- ~, to give legal , title to the baby.



The babY, with a nurse in charge, will be brought to one of the Red Anow Places, on

Saturday, January 22, 1927

MEAT!, Of courtc you will

_. "T"~c(J,.

L{' n . ~



. ~,~ ,·' 1,

1 ;· \,c-ar·ol ..l

'''\ ' . ~), Kent\l"k~',

ta j ~1

bo y, w ~

• h C:\: l hit.:~ t in nJl the on



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L: _,,' W: ,d' .r 11ll,1


we ibH~

' -H#

in con· 'I\ten,atioll ul 'J; Chicllg(l. '; inche!i t,,1t

, ..., .. \I. t ::t.

lk'..;)5Shurts to acres or

Thursday, (


27, 1927



and Entertainments

On each Auction Day, there will be held some eopteat or, entertainment in which every one may take apart. , These contests and entertainments are prepared for individuals or organizations. Everybo!iy in the community may take part. In order to take part in the entertainments, it will be neceuary to have Red Arrow Money. Get and IIIlve Red Arrow Money. THE MORE RED ARROW KONEY-THE MORE FUNI



Arrow Entertainment

will be held on the day of the Auc:tion, January 27.

SPECIAL NOTICE $25,00 in ,old will be aold to Ora&lllaationa i. the Janua..,. Red Arrow Auclio•. Reliltratio. period Irom Wedn.ada,.. December 22, to noon 01 Thurada,.,JaDuaJ'y 27; R••ilter and earn a $5.00 Red Arrow Vouclau lor jour Oraa.i_lion. Vouche" ar. . . ao'od .. Red Arrow MoD., e,. lor Or.aniaatlona. You cannot, rllilater alt.r noon on the day of the above eel Arrow Auct'ioa

The next entertainment in the Red Arrow Game





\\"11,;;,,\0 , ..1

~II ~

rureyourmcattla.l.J . ....."" ... lthSmol",d Salt, It wlU eave llbtlnko,e,lAbor,1Ire risk and wOC<)', It will Rive you !MIter flavor and Duf'cct


anu tllan backw ood" i ~ t'''~ , ~ ,:arry "Dud" ~lillll"III , Stil1m:lII , l'!II i ti ·lIIill.

rn ll1 t's "




lJ l o e~()I'k'l III

\ ' l ~:- ~u:d

But be


to Jet the orIalnal and ,mulDo

: ire Nt'I" 1 ork hunkel, Th , I·" uf t he r i",b~ rl t" t nw l l !l t ric!'

; 1'" Iheir ( ri r a' I.. bi}) ill' , I """ ill , t l i l.~ in




AlS!c:nlln H.I uno, $:),50: Enst End Cll:11 'I'llI'd Co .• The CX1lv mfJlt •• It that I. al,ood foc t.ble Deel'- $l l .4:j; Gl',)rg(" W ,' n~k . "abry, tI .~ •• for curina meU. Smtll h . Tute It.. Sam~~l J h $20; '1'1 '\1 " ('(' uf I'u lilll' Afruh's, light., You te n N il it a t o nce from I4lt that haa in 0 nson t~ Jam es :'-Vnsh- $Il'.O~; p, B. ~ l uncl', 111'),1',,11. $0 l.0:!; bC"C'n 'nixed wit h pyroliineoul tIC~ ld or other dOUSe-fOU. dlemic:ol•• gton, ono to wn lot 11\ Frankl'n. EU~l'nc l1 :1 rper, ~:'llI t" !S~7.~5 ; J. Fi sh r, lIIo"i ng-, Hdlll W r. h a v e it. Pockal In len pound c:lrumIi ..IIud &:uaruntecd amuine. COMMISSIONERS' ALLOWANCES John Law and Son , supplies for WHY RUFUS WAS ALLUS LATE sealer, $12.55; Jn o. Low & Son, su 'lieR f or shcriff, $44.02: Warr en C~" n Home, care of Geo. B. Weir, $130 ;' "~hi s is l he f/lllfl h ",,,rning- you ialr Bros, profeSSIO na l SC \' VI ~\l~ hll"e born lEIte, Hufu • ." sni d the 1lI111l $12. 50: H. ,Reif, supplies, $lo.G!'li to hi nell'l'o chnuIT,'ur. The Western Star, publiclltion , $10.")"5, ~ lIh." I'colied HuCus. "I did 50; The , B() ~bs Merrl11 Co., s upplies ov('rr!t'cp l1Iys clf. 811h," Ph one 2S for prorccu~lI1g atto rney, $45 ; The ::WhCl,,,'g IhaL clock I gave ynu'(" In lilY ro om , "n h." Bobbs Mernl1 Co., supplies for com"Don' t you wind it lIP ~ " mon pleas, $87.50; W. A. Scott., Ohio Waynesville br~dge repair, $18,8 1; Ben B. Sorter, " Oh, Y"", ye~: I \Vil1d~ il lip . br.ldgo contract, ,5 0,; Spencer & Ar- snh." ' - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - ' mlta~e, gravel, $ 134.:10: Spencer & ;' n.l do y o u s l'! the alarm'!" Armltag~l gravel for bridge, $34.70: ' E,·' ry night, "ah. I Ret d e alarm. Eugene Harper, RllIterilll, 8.46' '1'he sah." L: G. 'Anderson I ) . e8 uB u t d.on ' t you henr the 1\11\1'", in $2441 S C ~Son.v Co ., sUPP 1 , $23'62! Th " lexallder, su pplies, th~, 1l101'/lll\g, Hufus? " 88m~ '40 e . Monow Lumber Co., ' No. sn h; d~J'c' the trouble, suh, 766'. $V·· 50 , H. S. qonovor, same, Yet' see, de thing g-ocs olT while 1'111 $ .' , Ictor VII n Riper, gas anel asleep, sah." MONEY LOANED 011, $6.24; Jeff Th ompson, tuning pi- -- - _ field,f'

Illlld 111

Wanyesville Farmers' Exchange Company


PROBATE PHOCEEDINGS In t he matter of t~he estate of iyde Thompson, deceased, court ordered that the proceedinl~~ of the LebnnonCitizens National Bank, administrator of the estate. be r ecorded. In the matter of the settlement of the estate of Joe S. Kersey, decease~ , court lound tbllt the net va lue of hIS us.~ets amountl!d to $17,1 30.93. Proof was filed of the publication of notices of t!states for settlement on tho 6th dllY of December. ' Court authorized Charles J. Wa~ goner, sole executor of the estate of George W. Jack, deceased, to BeU three shares of .t()ak in the Morrow National bank valued at . $100.00 per share. Court authorized Alfred L. Fahns· tock, 801e executor of the estate of Johanna Delfendahl, deceased to dis- DR. C. ·W. HENDERSON tribute one share of the ~ommon stoek of Dow Drug Co., ,t o Harry DelOfflce-Aman Bldg. fendah~ and Wilhelmina Hoppe. Corrme Bordenfeltcr filed applicato be appointed adminhtratrix OFFICE HOUR& of the estate of R()bert E. Bordenfel9 tex;, deceased, and accepted the apto 11 1,'. m, 3 to 5 p. tn. pomtment and court ordered that the 7 to 9 pm.' proceedipgs be rec'orded. TelePhonesl Court ordered tbat the will 01 1I1aOffice. .' 30 ry O. Bums be admitted to probate. Re8ldence. 691'2 Laura Collins, executriI og the estate of Mary G. Burns, deceased, Waynesville, Ohio made applieation for the appoint- ~~~~~~~=~;;~;;~~~I ment of appraisers, James QuilJer £ Harry Murphy al!ld William Grea~ house were appointed appraisers and ~rdered to return appraIsement withID 30 days. William L, St1emenlng, administrator 01 the estate of Sam L. Irons, deceased, filed ap:praisement and inventory ond court ordered that they be recorded. Miriam SlIemening, guardian of WE GET THEM QUICKLY AND Irene Irons, minor, filed in probate FREE OF CHARGE t~e second account of Sam L. Irons, CALL US ANY TIME AT OUR' -:Vlth vouchers for' settlement which EXPENSE 18 ordered suspenrlied. Nellie Andrews, guardian of Marie Evelyn Carl tom, minor, filed het first and final account with vouchers for settlement, which is ordered susPhon. 8 HARVEYSBURG, O. pended. It was ordered that the will of James Cleaver, deceased, he filod in probate. Court ordered t.hat letters of guarbe issul!d to Gertrude C. C~pper" in the matter of the guardianship of Geor~:e W. Cropper. Court found the net value of the assets of the esta1te of Rosa O. Hageman to be $19,0'11.14. Katie E. Frn02: filed the firtlt and baarlem' oil -haa been t 8 ' world. Anal acC'Ount of the estate of William wide remedy for kidney,liver an4 Franz, deceased, which was approved bladder disorders, rheumat:isme and confirmed. , Albert C. Baker, executor of the lumbago and uric acid COil~ti_ estate ot Cutherinl! K . Baker deceased, filed supplemental and' final account whieh was confirmed and allowed. ' Albert C. Baker, executor of the C /\ P S LJ L F S estate of J. W. Buker, filed supplemental Dnd final account which was eorrectfntemal troublet, stimulate vital confirmed and alliowed. Fiftb account o,f Jonathan M, Cook 011- Three eizesl Ali druggbta. Insile OIl the ori&iDaI ccnuJne GpLD MEDAl. executor of the C!state of Marla Cook filed his fifth a,ccount, which was approved. In tho case of the guardianship of George ' E. Blake, minor, Russell Blake filed the :first account which was approved, ~econd a~count filed by Edward WIlk~rson, In the estate of ThomasS, Wtlkerson. ' Mary Hahn J ewett. executrix of tbe estate. of E. L. Spence, deceased, filed .her IDventory and appraisement and It was order,ed recorded. Court ordered that Frank C, Kinder be appolntcld administrator of the estate of Mary E. Russell, deceased. ' W. H. Seigfritad, administrator of the es~ate of Laura Miller, deceased, filed hIS first and final account Court orde1'ed that the will 'of Jas C. Sale be admitted to probate. . J. Lee Thompson W8!l - appointed executor 01 the estate of Melissa McEowen, deceased.



Tb1a baby will be sold in OPEN AUCTION at the close of the Red Arrow Auction, on

Willa Drawn .. ' .• ' . .... Eat~l.. :Seuft4



'I f you know of aome family which needs a healthy baby to cheer them, buy the baby and


Na"o~al BuS.

r;h1JQ~Wlth,our .

Harveysburg Fertilizer Co.



Wayne.ville, Ohio




[ Healduest , ~~-=-~





MARRIAGE LICENSES William HenJ;~ PatBcluek farmer, .of Lebanon, ahd Mrs. Ethel E. Willis, postal clerk of Lebanon WiIl.iam W, W8!lhbu~, mechanic, of ChIcago, ill., ' and Mias Lono, M. VanNes8, teacheij< of Mason. Pyrse Fletchor, faetory worker of Middletown, and Golda Taylor, fa~ tory worker, ·of Kings Mills. Erbl POW(!lI, 'f anne!! of Oregonia, andkMary Elizabeth :steffl, factory wor er, of Oregonia.

nnG. U,S.lWtOl'FICB

'., '-.:;ee'N T,!f,1) WAt' ,.Tt{ r ri ~l" .CHuR:::I-t, ~VNCf\EON

Y-lU 'WEt<E tMl"R )1:) - , 1-10-." 010 YOU ~Nlqy 0-.' \-IA.\re ' A c;'OOO :rIMe '!



LOA N~ 011 huttels, tocks, Securi· lies .md Second Mortgages. Note. 'I hear tha t you wo n fuur priz(>s bought. J ohn Barbine Jr., Xenia. ·m80-'26 Ohio. at schoo l. Is that lrlic'!" "Yes!' :;'What were they 'for?" Well, one WHS for excellence of mcmory, but [ forgot wbat the oth- Farmers of Wllrren and adjolnin. ers were for." counties may ohtaln monel on Ion. time loans, at 6 per cent interest. JUST' CURIOUS Cost of securin g the some is very rea· sonnble ,through The Federal Lat). Willie-"What is a '\'link?' .. Oank. For' further information call Te,ac.her-;;-"Why do yo u ask?" on 'or IIddres8 M. C. DRAKE, Tn. . !V'llhe- Weill my book snyS Mr. EdIson waM an mventor of the first urer, phone SI6-X, Lebanon, Ohio• . ,ank." - - -- ••- - - WANTED , W!'. the , u!ldersigned, aUow no WANTED-A house to rent, above Third street, preferred, before hunting, trapPIDg or trespassing- on February 1st. Inquire at this ofour farms:

Farmers, Attention!

No Hunting


--- - - ...




LOST LOST- Auto tag, No. A21;608. qUire at the Gazette Office.

FOR SALE Estete of . Jas. C,. Sale, deceased. Notiee is hereby given that George J. Waterho~8e has been duly appoint- FO~ SA:~Good Jersey cow, fresh ed and quahfied as executor of the es-. WIth heifer calf. Lester Surface. tate of Ja8•. 0. ,Sale, late of Worren ,d2D County" OhIO, deceased. Dated this 18th dlty of December, FOR SALE-Bourbon Red' Turkellt W. Z. ROLL 19,26. . . both male and femsle. Mn. III. Judge of th,~ Probate Co~rt. W. Silver. d29 • Warren County, Ohio. ;FOR CHRISTMAS-Complete ' abow.' Oean E . S tanley, Atty . erwith curtain, ,S.25' white closest ...,...--'-scat and lid, $4.95" kitchen ,Iilks NOTICE " . ,6.14 upward; ne1W laucets for bath!


ei~ake nO~O~4~hsnt

!u~o.\!ni~~[ f~~.:.ino~~ S~();p:~r:~

Automobile p.oliPh i~' "" of the Fidelity- would delight the houeewif n 11 be:; iost Ire \ance deompa'l1 .have -Christmas. , Come in and se: o:~ been' exe~~~ed ~ roye NPI,t having complete line. THE BOOKLET. oy are .v\> d. Any KING CO 415 W Ma' S...... • or a 11 \Jersons inl\> Whose hand. they Xenia Ohi~ • III d~:"'t, m!lY com~ are requoJlted to imrnediI · ~ .. Iie~~ mati or deliver them to ·.F D. PIPE VALVES AND FITTINGS 0: ~h~ °Ji~;iit~~p~~f~e~lle, ~h.iO, I fO~!lllllUrposes.• 'Boc!det'a line of , ance Company, qhicago. nUnois. ur- ~!~ lWHEhd'B8C~IT_aMes C~ \ d22 I 416 W. Mnin street, Xenia. Ohio. tf








. Father never is "lven what he nceda in tho way of Christmllll pre$MIBB Nellie and Pmil Cutright im. el)ts, 80 he'll pl:obaj)ly have to get tertajned comp(lnny Sunday.· that new check book himself. . Ernest Gillam, student a t Denni. '''IIM1'iptla~ p .. ln, ".50 .... Year SOn university, Is home for t ho hol.ARE THEY7 iday season. ., BEWARE I "!. L CRANE i""bli.h•• Mrs. Malitlda A llen was a r ecent Women's styles are growing more guest, of Mr. atnl Mrs. Chsrles GorDbCEMBl!:l{ 22. i!l2B old·fllshioned eve ry day now, and don and bmily. nob ~ l·t Colle tt, student at Miami soon they're likely to be t hose pre· Military institute, is home fOl' the vailing in the Garden of Eden. Christmas holidays. AND THEN THINK IT OVER Mr. and Ml·S. Bob Stump spen t the SAYS SAM week·end in Sidney, with Mr. unu Officials of lhe A mericsn Auto. Mrs. Clifford Buzick. mob ile association have served notice It's just barely possible that the Mr. nnd Mrs. A. S. C0 1l ett were th ey will fight for repeal of the war farmer will get further by reducing dinner guests Thursday evening of tux on automobiles. This notice ap. his acreage thnn by cussin' Congres8 Mr. and Mrs. E. J . Collier. penred in nn editoria l In the Amereconomic laws. Quite a number of mem be rs of Mas· Ican Molorist for December under for not_repealing ____ • sie Gra nge at tended the Grange COD th e heading "Think It Over, Mr. vention in Dayton, Tuesday . President." Words from the Lips of Great Our sympathy gues out to MI'. and T he editor ia l refers to President Men: "The struggle of today is Mrs. RlIf c l' oley, ill the los~ of their Coo 'dge's Ktutement in his measage ·not altogether for today- it is for littlc daughter, lI1n ry Eleanor. to Congress thut he di d not fuvo r the the future, also." Abraham LinMr. lin d Mr:;. George Vurvull and family , of I)uyt un, were ti undllY r epeal of the three per cen t wur coln. guests of M I'. lind Mrs. Ed Brown. ... e,ltcise tux un automobiles at this Mrs. All1andll Stan and Mrs. Chas. bme. Gray :;punt Tuesday with G. Olark Says the ~di tolal: "As we see it Starr and fumily, nCI\I' Waynesville. the. \~eak . link i~ ~ e administra ion's Mr. und Mrs. E. B. Doster and pOSItio n IS th at i s hould fnvor the son:; elllcrlUi ncd tu dinn e r, Sun day , continuation of this class levy, not Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Gillam and so n, I:.rn e8t,. primnrily because the governmenl needs the rn o n~y, but, forsooth, be. Mr. and Mrs. Chad es Gordon and This story is told by Robert E. son, Robert, spent Friday and Saturonuse the car owners d erive a spec· Watson, of Minneapolis, Minn., says day with 111 r. unu l\1 I'S . Eve re lt V il· lal advantage from the money ex. la ra and son, l:llily, in Dayton. pended by th e government on Feder- the Washington Herald: .. An Irish laborer entered a drug There wi ll be n Commu nity Christnl aid." " mas tree in the sq U<lre by the hotel Then, figul"es are quoted, showing store and drawing a paper bag tra m this Chris tmas seuso n. On l"riday that taxes paid by 'car owners up to his pocket, poured on the counter a eyen ing car ols will be sung around June 80, J 92 G, a mounted to U,100,7 number of sticky and unpalIItable- the tree. Everyo ne is cordially invited to come out lind participate in 866, 988, while the t otal of Federal looking candy lozenges. "Can ye examin"e thim swales?" the holidny demonsu·atioll. aid expenditur~s up until the same On Sunday , Mr. and Mrs. Frank date wa.s only $49 9,200,636, and the he asked. "They look queer. What is the Wilso n e ntertained. their so n, Wilbur, toW Fe\jerul Aid authorized up to matt~r with them?" inquired the of Roanoke, Va., Mr. nnd Mrs. H. E. June 30, Hl29, is only ,840,000.000. druggist. Wilson, of Dayton. and Mr. and Mrs. So far, so good. "Pizen, Oi'm thinkin'. Did ye H. M. Fite a nd dau g hter, Jnne l!:1But the automobile assoc iation of- iver see Buch stuff? Dinnis Daly len. Mr. Wilbur Wi lson stopped ficials concede t hnt a "very real ad· give them to me bye, and Dinnis is off for two daysswith his parents, of! his return f rom nttending the couno friend o'mine." vantage does uccrue to t he car own· yont io n of salesmen of the Beaver "Well, I can make an analysis." ers from t he co nstruction of the Board Products Co., of Buffalo, N. "All right. Oi'1I come tom-orrow Y., which wns held in Chicago three roads and ·from the aid given by the on me way to wurruk." The Irishman had reached the days last week. All members of the rovemment." door, but suddenly stopped with hia Wilson family were present at tbe Since car ow ners do derive an ad· hand 00 the latch. parental home, Sunday, except Mrs. vantage from this construction 01 "An' how much will that 'oalys is Wilbur Wilso n and daughter, Betty Jane, who were kept at home owing roads why not divert this th;ee per be costin' me 1" to Mrs. Wilson's ill ness. "Five dollars," was the anawer. cent tax to Fedorol Aid at leut in Paddy walked over to the eounter An meeting of the Bnptist such amount as wou ld make the and swept the lozenges into the bag. Missionary Circle was held at the Fedew Aid expenditurea, at least, which he placed In his pocket. . church Wednesday. The "Never moind," he said, "niver election of officers res ulte d as equal the to tal taxea paid and fret moind. Oi'1I fade me wao to the more advantage from the contruc· lows: President, Mrs. George Dencat." oy: vice-president, Mrs. ' Charles H_ tion of more roads. ..-;/:,.' Gray; secretary, Mrs Harold Gillam; Think thnt over, too. lows: Miss Hay Harlan. The u ~~ program for the afternoon consisted of a readillg, "Joanna's First ChristORGANIZATIO'" AND THE FARMmas , Gift," by Mrs. A. S. Collett; ERS Worth Tr7'aa "A Day at Mather'S," hy Miss May Scalloped parsnips may be new to Harlan i "Christmas customs in F urFor yenrs the farmers have been your family. Cook the parsnips iD eign . Countries," by- Mrs. H. E. theri . skins in lightly aalted water ton; Edgar A. Guest's "Christmas told what they noed is ora'anization about 20 or 80 minutes. Drain, and Poem," by Mrs. W. M. Gillam, and on a large scale to brinr about co- scrape off the outer skin; split lengtb "The Christmas Trail," b~ Mrs. operative marketing of their prod- wiee, pull out any WOOlly corea and Charles H. Gra y. The Jnnuary ucts. Secretary Jardine again urgea place IIi shallow baking dish. Cover meeting will be held at the home of with a white aauce made with butter_ Mrs. W. A. Haines. such organization in his annual reo Bou.f and milk. Co'(er the top with .... port. bread crumbs mixed with melted butter, and bake in a moderate OyeD It ill true this remedy would cure Poa~age many of the iIll1 now besetting the unitl the parsnips are heated IUId the crumbs are brown_ farmen.. - But it is eltceedinaly difP,1rs. MacGregor, in Glasgow, se n~ • to her son in New York a parcel, In ficult to obtain. J"at a Rami"der which she enclosesd the ,following By the very nature of their oc· cupatlon, the farmers are hampered Don't forget to serve cottage cheese note: "Andy, I am sending your wais~ once in awhile to your family. whethin effort at organizing. They do er by itself or all a apread for sand- coat to save weight, I have cut off not fo~ a compact group, sa do the wiches in combination with otlter all the buttons. Your loving motbworkers in a particular branch of ftavors, such as green pepper. pimen- er. "P. S.- You will find them in th to, olivea, nuta or preserve .. or as an Industry. . . • _ ••_ __ ingredient of a salad, or in baUa ac- toll pocket." Then, many farmers are apedal. companying ..lada. You can make ist+ They raise com, or wheat, or various cooked dishes with cottage CHEAP CAMPAIGNING Candidate - "The opposition cotton,-or lome other crop, often not cheese, too. Savol')' rolla are subme of buying votes. T~at'8 merely because they chooae but be- stantial enough for a main. dlah, and cuses old-fashioned Dutch cheese is a fa- lie-I never bought a vote Ill .m cause other cropa do tlot thrive in vonte delBert with a foundation of life." Unsympnthetie . Crowd their locality. S~ they need o1'&'an· cottaa'e cheese. wad Piker! Cheapskate I" izations of wheat erowers, corn • growers, trult. growers and the mie. Vlta ..'l a. Via Milk l ince the did'erent fann p~docta The vltanun content of milk de, ... 6 1 present dU'eri!D~> j)roblema. pends l,rgely on the vitamin content But the farmen are organIsing in of the ration of the 'COw. .Mllk ricbCbamplons ,pjta of the dlfficultiH. Co~pera- est in vitamin. is obtained frOm cows J'tion8 re.p ortin" to the de- t)aat have .,Ienty of l'Hen feed and tive a -o'~~la ~ . • sUDlli'ht. COWl kept in .their ' &taUs partment of . agrjeulture at the end and , fed qe1y on dry few aDd of 1926 "-d a total membersbill of cured bay pl'Odac.e milk that is rela2,'100,000, ' more than ·three tlm~ tlvel)' low in vitamins. as many 88 'In 19J6. , Some of these • • • memJ)erahlps were iluplicated. But 'Color ' i~ Saimo" bidlcat.. almollt a third of, the f~nners are " Tbe color of J:anDed ialmon, indinow e~lged in co.opera~ve m~ket- eatea the ·' variety rather than the qUlillty. ' Tl\ere ' are several kinds ot ing. . . ' salmon and these 'vary in color after , If these organizations 'c ontlno!! cannina from a b~ht red to almost the prelent .· rate of hicreuea in, :white. . , members, they may lOOn ltabilile, ---- ~ • . HOPELESS agricultUre. Then' the lannen won't need aid. "And when . ~e 'they- to be ... ried'" • SAMANTHA SAYS ' " -.r "Never, I'm afraid." • • Why'"'' . Now is the time wlien an fond · ~'Well" ahe won't marry him ontil f thers ~n play with electric trainl he paya his debta, and he can't pa;r •a " th It .. his debta until she marriea him." and re~ a:way. WI .,. .


--_.- - - -


-_. - ..- ---



"Inaide InformatioD


-...- --

l5a ving

an l1uto toot I t hink h4!'8~'brinalng K. E. Thompson made a btlsine~!l HEARTRENPING her bllck_ ."_ _ _ - 4• . _ .,,- btip to Wilmina-ton ' ~n last Saturday ufternoon. , ' IMPOSS,BLETASK "1 simply oa n't sl.nnd the tu ot of E. C, Mannon and Mr. Black, of uutpmubile hM \I." T he 'Boss"':"" ',R b rt, ~ h'ope ' y(m Mrs. E. Bognn ill 01'1 tho sick list. nQar Wilmington , "wero hm'o on last all "JT ow's that 1" try ttt Ro ve half of what ~ou .ellm"?" . . 'Mrs. AHce Joh nson, who has been Wedne~d ay, 'IOA fe\lolV lop ed with my \ ire 'in Oflic(' Boy-" I don't get t ha t . ailin'g, Is much ,improved. ' M. M. 'I'erry and 1( E. Thompson n)1 hutomobilo, und 'vel'y tiille I h<;ar much, si r." . Mr. Ru fus Squir es and daughter mude u bus iness trip to Leblln Oll, Frimoved, Tuesduy, to Miamisburg. dny morn ing. Mrs. Ella Bubb spoot pllrt o! last Wayla nd ,Jord on find fumily, of ~"..--------...;.-------.------------­ week with rcilltives in WlIshington Cincinnati, spent lhe IV ek·cnd with C. H. their folks h ere. Sch ools ' will cl ose in this townHomer Hud Ro n und wife, of Xen shi p Thursday, for' the Christmtls Vl\' ia, were unda y nft e m oon Itllers on cation. . K. E. Thompso n and Wife. Mr. a nd Ml's. I n,ck Reeves are mov· Merry Christmus nnd II I-IIII) PY ing this Wed nesdD.y to the quh'es New Yellr to one ullcl nIl is th e hest wish of your Beech Grove correspo nproperty. Mrs. Ru ssell Hintt is in Wilming. dent. Mrs . Funni c IIrr , ~{lIl'i:\ Kephart. to n, called t her e by ' the serious illLee Sc hell, wife lind daughter, of ness of he r father. Miss Luna Lewis left Tuesday ev- Dllyton, culled on the J or'dan fUllIily ening for Florida , where she will Sund ay afternoo n. Littl e lWQ-yen r··old Mnry Elen nor Rpcnd her vacnti on with her par· ents. Foley, di ed Ilt the h.'llle fo 1"' 1" cnts, Mr. unci lIIrs. !t"fe Fo ley, (If A goud uudience wus present Sab· pn"um oll in , Inst Th ursdny e'·l·n i,,!!. both evening t o hear the Ch r istmas an d he!" sweet li ttle ,"II(ly was l~n· cantula, "The Chri stmas King," giv. laid to r(>st in thl' hl'llu tiful JlJi· on in t he ~lcthodi st ch urch by choirs del"iy llmi cemetery at Cor win, on tintu .·· from both churches. ThoSIl taking day afternoon. Those fr om n dis· part wer e Leader, W. E. Cri tes, Mr. who attended t he funcml were and 1I1rs. Willinm Copsey, MI'. and tllnee MJ"!:;" Lucy Fishb llugh a nd son, RobMrs. Ca rl Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Arch er Mr. und Ml"s. t. of Middleto wn, Copsey. 1\11-. nnd Mrs. Ralph Wat- Fol(>y hnve th c s ympathy of all in kins, Irs. Sam uel H oll and, Mr. and lhi s t heir darkest hour. C~ment Mrrs. E. . H urtsock, Mrs. Cha rl es M . M. Chaffi n, of Galena. Ohi o, Venable, Mrs. E. 101 .. Barley, Miss Kathedn " VanPelt, Miss Rosa John· spent Monday night with R. J. lIl ur· son, Miss La ura Copsey, Messrs. Har ray a nd \\"iCl·. Mr. ChalT"l and lI1r. old VanPelt, George Smith, John Murray hIlV(! so ld quite a number of Kreitzer and Lee Spnhr. line mares in lhis pa rt o f the Stale, and ha\'c just rec ently so ld to N. A. Gilbert , of Spri ng H ill , the fine st 4year·old gray m are that has ev(>r Uee.l sold in t his par t of the county. She stood t hird in he r class at the Slate fair t his yea r . They alsl) have just sold to Charles Henry, of Dla nGilb er t Tolle land wife were in chester, Ohio, the more that won lirst Wilmingto n, Satu rday. in t he 3-year.old class at the State Glenn Duvis and wife were shop· Cair this yea r, and s he was bred and owned in Ohio. Murray and Cha ffin ping in Lebanen, Thursday. just bought a wea nli ng fi lly, Cliff VanHorn has bought the late have 6 ¥.. months old, which weighs 900 Sim Pottorff farm, n car Oregonia . pounds. R. J . Murray ,a nd wife a te their Sunday dinner with the Rich fnmily. Our school will give their Christmas entertnhimelllt on Friday afternoon. Lon Bran non, of Wilmington, att e nded the James J aco b sale here, on Friday. J. B. McKay, wiJe nnd so n. Mnynard, of Wilmin l~toll, were Sund ay ¥.uests of Ha.r old McKay and famIly, .




Some of The Things

We Sell

Lumber for Every· Purpose



Our Own Solomon



Poultry Of All Kinds SERVICE AT YOUR DOOR Call ·

• B. Jenkins Kin.g roan

. -



Clinton Phone No, 2033 ToU Chara:ea Reversed






RedCedarShingles Siding M ule-h ideShingles Oak F loo rin g Carey Shingles Edge Grain Asphalt Roll Roofing Floo rin g Finishing LUlllber Brick Portland Porch Ma te rial . Plaster Front Doors " CottClge Windows Lime Window Frames' Plaster Board Window GldSS Wall Board

Builders' Hardware Smooth and Barb Nails Wire Hinges Locust Fence Posts Door Locks Barn Door Track Farm Gates

-----_ - - -

' Material for Your Roofs '

A h igh spee d . star ting motor, .AutoniaticHeat IC()nt:~ol and 'l "hertnostatic Circulation Control are three ,Buick 'featur~es which • :meall easter .. ~starting and ~smoother per.. formance 365 days a. yeare

MS Bon, hearken now unto the st o ry of Mila Guestit, who was the son of Ne ver Guestit, who was the son of ltfy Guestit, and who lived in the land of Ourplace. • But, behold on B day there came unto Mila Guestit a printing which ssid : "Come now into the land of Vacashun, for thou art bent with toil and need rest . .. "And thou has no peace day nor night, for the tro \ley car bingeth on the streets nnd the children aloud snd disturb thy ease. "And thy boss hath a grouch, upon thee, peradventure, and if thou co mest un to t he land of Vo· cn·snun he will hnve cause to see of what value thou art unto him." And Mita Guestit whb was sitting upon his porch in the breeze, put down the writing fr om the land of Va·ca-shun, and said: " Lo. is it not so? Verily , I am as one that is skin and bone through much toil, and I need a change. " And he put his glad raiment his trunk and he journey d unto land of Va·co-shun . And the rulers of that lnnd met him and s urrounded him, they and their cohorts. . And they. took him unto one of their castles al)d they put him into a chamber' th erein. The which was of a size that if he sat down his f eet were in the hnll and if he lay down his head was out of the window. And his trunk had t o he put in another ch_l\.m ber. And Mita Guestit sa id unto himself : "Ah, this is something like:" Now, in the land of Vn-en-shun are ' many rivers and streams, and mountains and f or ests. And upon all the moun ta ins arc large paintings which say unto alJ that look: "Ent Chewituppa," and "Smoke Last Hope," and "Drink Old Gosoline:-Good-By I" . And Mita Guestit remained in Ian d of Va-cll·shun the space of t;wo weeks. Now, when he was returned unto the land of Ourplacc he spuke unto his wile, who had .remained at home. "Take, I pray thee, this bathing ",it Bnd this outing flannel suit and hide thom so that mine eyes mnY see them no more, lest [ speak speech ef them that dodge automobiles ." "Take my purse and throw it away, for I shall not need It for mao ny years." "Behold, 1 have been unto the land of Vn·cn-shun." "And I have come home to rest . "Surely, in the land of Va-cs·shun there are wild birds of the famil y called Mus-ke·ters, and they drink the blood of men . .. And in the bosky dells there be the wicked tribe of Cblg·gers, which chew upon the nnkles and cause n man to scratch and refuse to be comforted. "And wherever a man fisheth, there is hI! told that he hath the wrong kind of bait and that he should have snother sort of tackle. . "And wherever he pitcheth his tent there doth the rain bel10t do\Vq and soak him. , "And the rulers of the land of Va( ,.-shll.n, they asy unto him: 'How many sheke\;' hast thou In thy purse? "And when he maketh reply unto them, they say: 'Such is thy bill, all thy money aJld .thy watch, and if tbou ,lickest, thy .trunk ' aIBo." "I have flnislled." , , "Say naught unto me, but boll bee~8teak thai is all lnch thick and full .meal ~ODg, for I am an hungered." ., . ,..,.: , And Mlta

3000 · Rods of Wir-e Fence


All 'of the aliove 'material can be found in our yard every day in the year at moderate prices

W.H.l\1adden & CO. . . .•





'...Reputati.on Based Upon Value...

Makes a Nifty Christmas Present for any Member of the Family . •

The world-wide reputation which FORD can enjoy today ill the result of fundamentally correct delign, quality material I-and more than twenty yean of careful manufacturing. Throughout all this tinle it hal bee~ the aim of the FORD MOTOR COMPANY to make ev4'r7 FORD CAR a telltimonial to ·FORD quality. FORD cars are easy to drive--quick in traffic an~ inexpensive to operate, They can utilize driving and parking IIpace that longer cara cannot be maneuvered into--a fact that is increasing in importance as traffic on the streeta and highways becomes more congeated. When you consider the purchase of your nest automobile, remember the many advantages that a FORD car offers you. Remember the mechanical and structural superiorities of FORD carll. Bear in mind, too. their attra ctive appearance-and that FORD prices are the lowelt in the industry. It has always been a FORD policy to provide tranlportation at lowest cost and while such desirable featur~1 as I starter and balloon tires are now standard on all modell, special equipment which is often wanted by lome pur-chasers, but which would have to be paid for by all if adopted as standard, is not included in FORD car pricea. Any of this equipment can, however, be purchaaecl at extremely low cost by the owner who seeks to individualize his car.


: -----


F. ·D. DA.KIN Insuranc~


General Insurance Phon~

J ohn 'Fromm an d fomily werc in l1ayh)n. Sn tu r d,uy.

Waynesville, Ohio

61 - 2

Mr. nnd MI' ~ . Walter in Xenin, Tuesday.



. -'


.;;",,:, , ..



lure wero

. Lest er Gordon wus n business \'isit o!' ill incinnnti, Snturday. Mi !'o.~ Elizabeth tewart will sp<'nd the holidays with relatives in Dayton. • , ~ I J \r .' I Mrs. Ida Stukes nnd Irs. Ada ou rtnc)' werc Doyton visiton, Mondn y.


IIWhere Savings Are Safe"


lIIr. and lIIrs. Leo n ard Tinney and Mrs . .Joc Tinney W I' I''' "hopping in Lebanon, TUl'sdny.

Mr and Mr •. L". ter Gnru nn and

M i s~ 'JI1urtha O' Nl!ull were shopping in I nyton. Frida)'.

Com poundrd Semi·Annually

New Home for Main Office

20,000 Members ABSOLtn'E SAFETY Finrt mortgago on reul e. tate security. Tho beat seourity. Nothing snfCI'-Dothing hetter.

ASSETS Over lOY2 Million Dollars One of the lar gest and strongest Rssociatlons in ,the stato. Why take ohances on Get-Eich -Quiok Schemes and lose all. We Kindly Solicit Your Patronage.

Weat Side Building & Loan Association Three {Third and Broadwa.y Dayton. Ohio. Offta8l: 510 East Fifth St., (Established 1887) 19 East Third St.

New Low Price on the


$ 675.00 675.00



8r./Ozi l., new crop, Ib ............... .1ge Che. tnu lo, Ib ............................ 1ge

Oranges Flori~a, thin skin, 33c 176 SIze, per doz .... . .. . F loridA, thin . kin,200 aize, d z .. 29c

T tl n ne rinelt 168 a'ize. doz .......... 29c

Fa ncy Ca lifornia NAva l. 176 . iu .... .... ........... .... ..... ........... .. .......... 49c

Bread Tl~~nl~~ l~:::t;~:~.' , . . . . . . . . . . .. 9c

Country Club, Vienna, 1- lb I f.. 7c Co unlry Club. wh ite, ,l-lb ........ 6e Country Club, wh ol.. Wheat. loaf .. .. .......... ...... ............ .... ............ 8e

~~x~~~~~~.~,~ 25c ~!!~ayer, Ib.~ 8

~i~o~n~~!p~!rrl.Crb tR~~~I~et:~bc.~

2 lb. in b O x .... .... .. ......... ... ...... .. 85e


20 C ~~~!!~~~~~~~~~:~$1.35 35 C 25C Cakes

.. ... Grime. Golden, 3 Ib ... ... ........ ... 20c Gree nin g •. 7 Ib . ... ..................... 25c

2-p'ound Laye r . Silt Plavoro, e"ch ............ . Squl\re, 2Q OZ, .... .............. 25e Angel Food, 20 OZ, ..........25c

~~~~~~e.................. 23c ~~I!~~~b,

Fllncy Leaf, Ib .... ............. ...... ... 15c

~~~~~e~~~~...~;!~ . ..25 C ~e?c~~r~nd, £~l!~!ed~t~~~r 25c Da t es 32 C Bacon Choice,

Ib ........... J ewel, Ib .... .... ...... .................... 3ge 5"nto. , Ib .. .. .. .. .. ........ ............ .. 33c

"I bought a barrel of cider and I'm drinking it for my healt h." "Is it doing you any good?" F.ncy Stulled, lb. box... "Is it? I 'm getting stronge r ev· Fancy Stuffed, 3 Ib . ................ 99c 5u garCur"d ery day. At first I couldn't lift the Bulk, Ib ................... .............. . 19c 2 10 . piece., Ib ...... . barrel--now I can li ft it easil y." ' -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--I '::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:~


Fine home on South Maio street-8 rooms and bath, hot water heat, barn and other good out-buildings, 3 acres of ground, good reasons for selling; shown by appointment.



Christmas Special SPARTON RADIOS

Call Phone 41-for Demonstration


Reduced Prices


Waynesville Ohio

We Wish All Our Friends and Patrons a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy, Prosperous New Year




The number of hogs that should be kept on a far m can usually be det erm ined by the crops which the 100 acre farm, very good farm wi\l produce most successfully and how well hogs fit into the genbuildings, all level except 20 eral plan {or that particular farm. acres, low price, goed ter..tls A study of these problems will indicate the number of brood sows which be kept to fa rrow each year Money to Loan on Farm Land can to make the most profit. This numat Low Rate of Interest should be ad hered to as nearly as possible year after yellr. Murket prices may fluctuate greatly between breeding and mar keting dates, but prices alone should not determine the number of sows to be breed at any Auction •• r and R •• I Eatate breeding season. The amo unt of available by-prodWaynellville, Ohio ucts , suc h as skim milk shattered grain {rom fields, unmarketable products {rom the tru,ck tarm, undigested grain in the droppings of fatteing steers and oeher minor wastes of feed should be considered when calculating the number of hogs to be raise_..:4~.____• ___- - - - -

"At Your Service"

flor Christmas Cheer ~hroughout the year



~and tor

You Hear It Said All Over Town:

years to come


tI/f It Co';'es from The Corwin Grocery, It's Good!"

the home that boasts a Synchrophase, the happiness of Christmas does not die with the Yule log embers. The reception is so satisfying, because so clear true to voice or instrument, that it daily happiness throughout the year. . This unusually superior reception is due ui~ to the C%rtone, an exclusive Grebe development which enables you to control the tone qual.. ity of reception irrespective of the loud ~er'. characteristics. Then the Binocular Coifs brihg ~ the station you want and exclude the othen: while the S~L-F Condensers make stadoa selection easy by preventing th~ir crowdin&'•.


Our store is loaded c'own with


" . U. 8 Pal.0II. IIIfte _ OOGtroC II tone q • • lh,.




Come to the Store of Quality and select

Grade Groceries, Candies, Fruits and 'Nuts For' the Christmaa Fea8t at a Rea80nable Price

These and other exclusive Grebe 'features . . tllo Christmas gift par ~


Here's hoping that your ChriBtm~B may be as happy as we wish it

to 'be, and better than you expect it to be. '.

·Corwin .'




B~larColll 1Iae. U. B. Pal.'01J. blinll ID the ~ .tatlon: 9th . . . rrom IQt.", . rcrtll&



Grocery ,

F. E, . VAN OFLEN, . Proprie~or

~ We




5-3c 47 c

Ib .............. Oleo, Ea l more Nut. Ib .... .. ........20e


~ Miller ~e:r~::~ Tires



............. oz. package .... ....... ............... 120

64 size . ,2 for ................... ......... 15c



••Christmas Special ••


Nuts M~:erd~ound ..... . ... .... .. ... 27c W a lnut.. new crop, 4 Ib .... .. $1.00 Pap"r Shell P ecan., lb .......... ,5ge

••.. , •.

METHODIST CHURCH Sabbath School at 9 :16 a. m. pr eaching at 10 :3 0 a. m. Epworth League 6 :15 p. m. Preaching lit 7 :00 p. m. Everybody invited to theso services Rev. L. A. Washburn, l'aator.

... ---

Phone 47

Ibrd ftn d Filled, Ib ........ .......... 20c

Also, Several Other It-Iodels to $360.0 0 Two-Dial Control with Wave Length

H.ARCHDEACON W iJ.ynesville, Ohio JC. of P. Bldg.


Special communication of Wa ynesville Lodge No. 163 F. A. M., on Monday evening, December 27, at 7 o'clock. Installation of officers. JESSE: PRENDERGAST, W. M. F. B. HENDERSON, Sec·y.

Fancy Clifton Mixed. Ib .......... 19.

$1 5. 00

NoChange NoChange NoChange

WaynesviUe Overland· Sales Co.

All Sizes at

Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Cartwright, Several members of the local Eastern StUI' lodge, attended a meeting of Miss Rhea J anet Cartwright und Mr. the order ill Lebanon, Tuesday night. Geo rge J. Waterhouse attend ed a party given by the Lebanon Shrine Mrs. Harvey Rye lind little daugh- club, Monday eveni ng, at Memorial hall. ter left thi s morning to spend Christmas and the holidays in Cleve land, Do you like to walh in cold water? Ohio Why, no. Would you r ather pay the Mr. nnd Mrs. Al!red Wright, of doctor or pay tho laundry man a few Philadelphia arrived Sundny to s pend cents a week for your wash ? We Christmlls with Dr. and Mrs. A. T. will launder your clothes f or as low as 6 cents per pound. Leave your Wright .. call with Mahlon Ridge to have the Harry Matthew, little son of 1\1r. driver explain in detail. Soit Water ... -__•_ ____ and Mrs. Harry Turner, of Bellbrook, Laundry. _ who has been quite sick, is getting better.

Candy Cut Rock, . Chocolate Drops, lSc Peanut Bnttle, per Ib .... . .

Complete, Set Up in Your Home

New Price

495.00 645.00 695.00 685.pO 695.00

CHRIST IAN CH URCH Sunday-School at 9 :30 ; Everybody cordially invited.

------- ...

Look at These Prices: Chassis'. : .... $ ,. Touring :., .. . Roadster .. _ COupe ..... _. Sedan .... __.

ST. MARY'S CHURCH . A1I10ng the I!lany hrist m!\8 cal'dB received nt thl!1 office thiS week. Sunday 'oft r hr i~t.,nns, Dccembc\' was a beautiful ono Bent to us by 20. 11l.l1'·h chao I Ill1ft brlstmns Senator Frank Willis. tt lit at 11 :;)0: ~(! 1' 1Il01l Ill h l Holy 0111lI1un ion nt 11 o·clock. III th" oven. J\1i ~ses Luella WiiliuI1I 50sn , of Ohio ing at 7 :30. Lhe hl'is tmas festivul WcsleYlIn and Rh.'lI ·J unet Cart- ~e .. vicll will lie held, wit! songs nnd wrij:(ht. of Wl'st,1!1'II collcg~, at Ox- recitati on" by the yo Ungel' lIIcmbl'I's ford, nro home :for the hohdllYs. of till' sl'llf·ol lind !;(Ilns lind Ch('rllSe8 lJy the church d lO i.". A cordial in1111'S. Sara h Zim mermnn and Mrs. vitation is cxtelllicu to lho I'ubl ic. Kllte Colemnn in compnny with Rev_ Rev. John J. Scha effer. Rector. and Mrs. J . J. SchneiTer. went to Xe nia, undllY, 10 call on Mr~. Anna Cadwallader FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST On n"count of the cl osing of the Morn ing Rcrvje,· l' :ao ; eveni ng se rt"lugl'Uph utlicc lit orwin , Chllrlcs vice. i :00 . Mo.-uiuR' sc rtnOll, ."Th e Buell hn ~ been us"igned to Roxannll, Chr ist of the Chul·ch." Eve ning SerVCI'II Armitul{e to Oregonia and Les- mon, o'Pccu linr Pt'opl~ ." ter Gordull to Xenia. A full ullCllcillnce is d .s ired on this the In8 t Lurd's nllY ill Ihe year. At n meeting (, f the Wnrrc. n coun- Co m e, and bring- others. ty Republica n Cent!'111 committee, ut The Bible Sch noi Christmas party Ll'bn non. Tuesduy nil{ht. Charles will be Iwld' 1111 l\lul\lln~' c\'cning, DeMadden wus cnd ul'sNI for posts 01as- ccmbe.· · 27 tho ' ter ut iIu"\'cyslturg, and Mary E. N . L. J ohnsnll, Pasto r. Ross, for Leban on.

Willie--"What is a 'rank?' " Teacher--" Why do you IIsk?" Charles E. Kelsey, who spent most Willie--"Well, my book says Mr . of last summ er in the vicinity of A congregational supper fentured Edison was a n inventor of the first , Wayn esville, has jron e to Fort Worth, the opening o{ the, handsome new par rank." T exas, for the winter. ish house of Christ Episcopal church, --- , Xenia, with Bishop T . I. Reese, of Miss Grace Johnson, French teach- the dioc ese of So uthern Ohio, as a er in Beaver, Pa., schools, is spend- guests of honor. ing h er holiday vacation with her paBishop Reese in an il\formal ta lk "The Pathfinder of the Air"· ren ts at the Ferry Manse. dwelt upon the :foct thot the new building wns the renlization of a long Do you like to wash in cold wat- cherished dream of t he congregation. er Why, n o. Would you rather Short talks were made by the Rev. pay the doctor or pay the laun dry- J . 'J. Schaeffer, rector of St, Mary's man a few cents a week lor your Church, W aynesville; I. S. Dincs,chair wash? We will launder your clothes man of the building committee; Mrs. for as low as 5 cents per pound. Mary Little Dice, Curl Knise ly, the Leave your csll with Mahlon Rldlfe head carpenter o:f the construction, up to have the driver explain in detail. 'and City A uditor T. H. Zell, a memSoft Water Laundry. ber of the vestry. The parish house wi\l be opened to Miss Ada Michener, Miss Mame public at an i.nformal New Year Brown and Mr. Charles Michener the motored to Columbus today, ,where Day reception. .... Miss Michener will r eceive the degree of Master ot Arts at Ohio I I At Your Seryice" A. F. Melloh's Garage State university. Miss Brown will join her sister, Miss Annie Brown, A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to All ~-an d ' t he two w ill spend Christmas at Miss Mildred Hole, daught er of Mr. Bellaire, Ohio, w ith Mr. and Mrs. Al- and Allie Ho>le, of n ear Centerbert Deffenbaugh. ville, {ormerly of this place, and Mr. ==::=::=::::':!<;:=:=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::==::=::==::::::: Russell Campbell, ot Centerville" - ~4:".""-"'" -~ - .; j .were married at Wilmington, on Thursday evening" December 16. Mrs. Campbell is a graduate of the -~ " - " .. -~ Waynesville high .school and is highIv esteemed by her school mates and Iriends.

The following new low prices on the W~ip.,et became effective, Dec. 16, 1926. Old Price


Frank W. Crew specilllizing the Hurn- To Mr. and Mr~. Murrel Ti fl l1('Y, of Glenwill ow. Ohio, Decem- replliring of Ford cars. If not con\'cniont for yuu to cOllie out t o my I,,' " I n, I tI2G. a son. home I will caB for your car. Phone d29 M r~. .1 ulin Donovnn spent last 83-2 t,/J. No Sunday work. ",,·.·k ' with her s iste r, Mrs. Ja ne J. O. a!'twright and fa mily hellTd \\'r i ~ltt, in Sp rin~b o r o. Henry A. Ditzel, organi st, IIlId the )1 iss May Wright has returned Tru mpet Quartet of Lytle's band, in from Lc uanoll. wh ere she spent the a progrlllll of Christmlls carols at the N. . R. sc hoo l house, last S un past week with friends . day aftern oo n. Mr. nnd ' Mrs. huri es Gray were 1\11'. lind Mrs. N. J ohnso n and in Franklin, Su nday, the guests of duughter, Miss Gruce, with Mrs. SuMr. nnd Mrs. J. H. Baker. ra Douglass, will dine with E: . D, Mrs. Charles Gray spent seve rnl Henderso n li nd :cu mily at New Viday s lust week in Franklin with her enna,. Mr. Henderson is a nephew of Mrs. J ohn son. dllughtcr, ,Mrs.· J. R. Baker.

Mr. and Mrs. James Odell, nee Helen Dinwiddie, of Dayton, are announcing the birth of a daughter, December 12, 1026.

_ _ L 27? _


I.idet ott, or Ohio , ~ • Icynn, Is sp filling t he hOlidllY~ With his Jl8~I~ts, It, I~nd Irs. J:\n1es Villi· den'ort, of Bo.uti' 2.

Wayneaville Ohio.

~' Arthur · L. ~uld, '18 year old senator-eleet. In ' Mldh., 'plied up ,a big rilaJodty oVl!r ' hi, D.emocratlc riyal In the ' reeent election d_t.tJi.e 1111 egatlons that ' he, like Va... of P r.n yhrania, and Smlth of II ' '"" W.~ re charRed wWi ill.... Ct... ." ~xpendlt\



~ Uo.:.... __

-...............t_ . I._rodb,. ...


COIJI• • .itd let us dtinonatr.te .1'70 U _ _ pue Grebe reception with th.t 01 other . .fa.

~, !&EB~ .~& .. ~~ttli~~~! ~~'j




Whole Number 5733

1926 q~





Chrl.tmtlB was obaerved in all the churches. At the M. E. church on Christmass Eve, a ~ . aood pro'grnm was given by the mem bera of the Sunday School and the Christmllll treat was distributed. 'The decorations were beautiful and In keeping with the season. . Santa Olaus visited the Christian Sunday School on Sunday morning 'anA presented each one with a box of candy. .


A college authority soya colJeae men foil, not t or lack of lellrnlll&', but for lack of Character. 'l'ber, ls not enough discipline in . unlv~lI... ities, Dr. Brown tella the Union Col]~g" Alumni atisociation. . , Colleges trent. boys from 18 to 23 a s though they were men, whereaa usually they are children. On the other hand the West PQ\.nt Academy aeems to overdo dIJClp!jiJe. A flrst-ycar-cadet, A. J. Van Leeuween, trying to sland strAiaht. and stiff enough to please his superlora, strained to hard and broke his neck.

st. Mary'sof ontheSunday theAtmembers Churchmorning school were given a box of candy and an oranae. The chancel was beautiful' 'With Ita white hangings and decoratlons of holly and poinsestta.The 11 o'clock service consisted of the Holy Oommunion and Christmas music. In "the evening at 7 :80 the Christmas festival was held, with a program of recitations and songs by the children and anthems and 1\0108 by the church choir. .The Friends Sunday ____ ',,..,,...,, good program and the treat was distributed Sunday-school hour, • - ••- - -


Young West Pointei'll, ,trtr and straight, are fine to see and rratif),, Ing to their superior officera. But ls an agile mind rather the 'a The West Side Building' and Lou neck that makes a great a8llbclation will close the year, JanNapolean was slouchy, al&o uary 1, 1927, showing 8n Increase ick the G~eat. "', In ex~ of It million and a half dolLord Inch cape 6ays mlaaionarlel lars. Its agls:lregnte resources wi.II ure' to blame for the upheaval againatr_llPr'oximote twelve million dollars. Britain in Chinn. This' Calla hi. This rapidly growing thrift instidignant denials from ' bishops and tution has three centrally 'located ofRce_ l9 East Third st!!reet; 610 E. others. 'Everybody sheuld k\tOw .that ml.l- Tlllnl street and Third and Broadwal sionaries have done great good, flot streets. 'i'wo of it!! offices are 10only spiritually but materially In the catcd handsome buildings 6wned For ElllIt, especially in a , medi~1 outrilL'ht. wuy. They have taught natives to . Ohrilltmas Savings clubs originattake CBre of their bodies 88 well ~ by th~ West Side Building ano 8S their souls. Loan 888ociation are proving popblar In Dayton. New members are being Some of them, it is trUll, have "Ia 4e daily enrolled and the privilege to go money. The seven greatesb surar Ie extended to others. fortunes made in Hawaii all belone- G. S. Billman, secretary of the West ed- to dese n dBnts of intelll,eDt mil- Side Building and Loan al88ociution anticipates continued good busin-sionaries. : ...But what is there wrong about In the New rear. "Our progress.has Ing the _souls of heathen, and .'n,'•.Jdi~1I'1 been substantial said Mr. Billman. "We ore giving patrons a uniform • fortune, honestly, ' at the timeT One, or ten ~leDtlI and satisfactory service, paying not be bu.r led. The Bible rate of dividends."




---- - ..


'. ~ . Comm~nity Party

"the hateful road." .

. .,


On Tuesday, December 21, 1926, The [l('cemllc r m('!'ti'ng' or th o N')w Centu r y duh \I'a > hclll lit the hOIIl<' quite a number of r elatives and " t' !ii I" . J , ( '. lI awke , whie h pr u\'cri fr ie nds gathered at the home of Mr. to he an UlItlSLlu ll y plea sanl on e. II be and lIIra. Duluney Carter, near Haring t il l' hri~ t Illa~ ~ eas o n, th er Wa S veysb urg, Ohi o, to help them cele. n great deal ·uf Illir th lit. 1'1>11 call wh(!n brnte t heir silver wedd in g. Merry sounds of congratulationa the I1lC11I1 Il ' r S rC~ I' 0 I1c1cd with u t hr ee minull' l'ntL'l' lnillnH~ n tl or pu id echoed through the rooms which were II fine "f liYe ce ll tH for notco mplying so beautif ully decorated in the Christ with th e r<,quest. Sc\'('ru l member s mas colors of red and green. T rue the dny was gloomy outside, were unavo id ahly lI uHc nL . IrK. \\' illilllllg I,.. illl! uwuy for th e yet that was all forgotten when we wintet', lefl u ItD,Pt '}" " Ch l"i :i tmu ~ Lt.. g- enter ed the portol s I)f this home ends." to IH' r('ad hy :'Ilrs. Elbon, where we found Mr and Mrs. Carter which WaS enjoy '<I ver y much. IIf rs. so animated and happy no doubt as Their joy ~llmd('n h H Il g;l\'C' u" th e benuLi ful they werc on thi s day. "Chr istmHs Story: Il ow the Great \Vus complet~ in having with them all - ~ . ~=-" Guest CUIllC." Scveral Victrola se- of their family of five sons and one lect ion8 were enjoyed by a ll present. dllughter, a ll at home. Aftbr the exchange of greetings A ftC!' th~ program gifts fr om Sa nwe were invited into the diningroom ' ta ' Iau,' shop were dist r ibu ted. This dllY, Decem ber 24th, being to adm ire the beautiful silver gifts, ==============~=============~.==========C==== t he (orly-fift h weddi nlr ann ivcr su ry Bei ng seated in the dining room an ~Il'. an d Mrs. Wilbur Cla rk ga ve Mr. Iln d Mrs. H. B. Earnhart were Mr. and Mrs. Myer Hyman spent of !Ill'. and 1111'S. Hawke, they hlld elegant tw o-course dinner Willi served a so i :-o'clock din ner, Christmas E ve, shoppi ng in Dayton , Wednesda y. the week.e nd in . Jamestown. pla nn ed R sur prise for us unsus pect- by ~1rs . J ohn Simpson and Mrs. Ell at which were present, !trr. und Mrs. ing club women, by in viting' th o hus- Simpson, brothers of Mrs. Carter and ' Claude Riggs, of Limu, 1I1iss Mi ld red Botts, Edlla of Leba non, spent bunds to come Ilnd pUI·take with us, Miss lIfurgaret Simpson ,a niece of Mrs 'Lee Hawke and daughters Clurk, of Cenlerv'/'! , ;:;vut'tt. Clurk, Christmas with La wrence Surface Dayton visitors. - -j ,;y. of R sp lendid two-co urse luncheon. Mrs. Curter. 0: \k~ of Dayton, and Mr. and Mrs. C. W. lid fam il y. All were unanimous in thei1' wish Mrs. Hawke was assisted in her set·v. Misses Edna and Ada Shanet"spent ):j> unce. ing by til l'S. J ohn Fromm , and daugh- that Mr. and Mrs. Carter's life and Miss Mary Carstensen, of Cleve' \~ Tuesdoy with Mr. d'ndi Mrs. Myer ByMrs. lIun mlh MllilI in, Jennie Mullin la nd , is visiting her sister, MI'II. L. A. ter, Katherine, Mrs. Lee Hawke and hea lt h may be prolonged until they and family. mny celebrate their gelden weddinc. two daug hters, Elsie and Dori s. and da ughter, Edn a, entertaine d the Zimmel'man. Those prescnt were, Mr. and MT8. At a late hour we wend ed ourway Carl Messrs. Mllynard Weltz and Hen- fo ll owing Chris tmns Day. homeward, after wishing our hostess Chnl'leM Scott, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Sherw ood and wife, Aaron Sears, Prof Reyno lds and wife, of St. Bcr ry Saylor wer e Sunday guests of Mr. Frllnk Har tsock clnd wife, James nard, gave Dr. and Mrs. Witham 0 and her hu sband 1110ny more yenrs of III cKnight and family, all of Xenia, and Mrs. Lee Hawke. Ohio; Mrs. Ira Reid, of New York; connubial happiness. A. F. W. Sears nnd wite, Roy Hartsock und pleasant cull last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. William Ecton and Bon wife, Harry Taylol' lin d wife, 'J nmes Miss Letitia Schatzman, of CincinMaynard, Mrs. J. McKnight, lI1is s Clara Lile and Mrs. Ella Babb nati, was the Cbristmas guest of JIlr. Hartsock and wile, Morris Sherwood Mrs. C. H. White and daughter, LouThos. Burton, Virgie Hartsock lind ur c spe nding a few dayss with the and Mrs. W. O. Raper. isa, Mr. and Mrs. Ell Simpson, Mr. Joe Hartsock. f ormer's sist.crr at Wllshing ton C. If. Announcement was made on Christ and Mrsr. Louis Brown and son, aU • mAS Day of the marriage of Mr. of New Burlington, Oh.i o; Mr. and Lester S. Ivins, of Kent, Ohio, was Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sheehan eolIIr. a nd Mrs. Myer Hyman and Ethan rane and lIIiss Isadora Mrs. Ben Jameson andtwo daughters the gu,est of Mr. and Mrs. J. O. tertoined the fo llow ing guest!! at Miss Stella Daugherty attended a Coo k, 'of Dayton, which took place II f Bellbrook; Mr. and Mrs. OarrinaCartwrighft Monday night. dinner on Chri stmus Day. Mr. s nd Masoni c party ut Le ba non, Monday ot Covington, Ky., on cptcmber 8, to n Elli s and daughter, Frieda" of Mrs. George Hun ter an d daughter , Rev. Mr. Buumgardner of the M. E. Wayn esvl11e; Mr. and Mrs. John Slin. Mrs. Grace McCune and Miss Ru t h of Middletown; Mr. and Mrs. Carl ovening. church performing the ce remony. Miller, of Lima, spent Christmas wi th Croll, of Franklin; pson and daughter, Margaret, Mr. Mr. ·and. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Shaner and For the present, Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. J ohn Stewart Mr. and Mrs. their mother. Mrs. Eva Miller. Chester Crockett, a ncl daug hter , ' Mr. son, Horace, are s pending the holCrone will reside with the bride's Lewis Wash, Mr. Moses Dawson, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Shoemaker, and Mrs. EIUs McClure a mI' daugh- idays with Mrs. Shaner's parents, at mother at 1200 Creighton Ave., Day- and Mrs. James Curtis and grand. ter, of Springboro, Mr. unci Mrs, ElAmelia, Ohi o. of . Dayton, were Christmas Day ton . . dllughter, Elizabeth and MrBr. Sarah --guests of Mr. and Mrs. Amos Men- mer Sheeh an and Mr. and !I1rs. Ward, of Wilmington. E. E. Mr. and Mrs. Will S troud enterDearth Sheehon and duug-Mer. denhall. ta in ed at supper Monday evening, lIlr. and Mrs. M. A. Cornell enter- Mrs. J . V. Hurtsock and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Clarenci:, Mendenhall . , The ma ny fri ends of Will H. and 80n, of Dayton, are !!pending the tained at n falllih' dinner on Christ- Dorothy, of Akron. Guthrie, of Flora, Ind ., will be glad holidays with Mr. and Mrs: Amos mas Day. The guests includ ed Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Cornell, Mr. and l\1rs. Mr. and 1I1 I'S. Ra y Mainous had as to learn that after bei ng confined to Mendenhall. H. A. Corne ll , Mr. lind IIfrs. Warren their Sunda y din!,ler guests, ~r. and his bed f or ten weeks, he hilS improvST. MARY'S CHURCH Mrs. J. V. Hart!!ock and daughte r Braddock and dllu ghte r, Betty, lIIr. Mrs. E. ~ . Od ell , of Price Hill, Cin- Qd encugh to be abl" t o go about on Su nday, January 2- Church School Dorothy, of Akron, are spending the Harry ] rater, Mr. a nd Mrs. Rulph cinnati . Mrs. 1I1ary Od e)), of Clin ton, cruich es, alt hough he has not been at 0 :8 0; sermon and Holy Commun. holidays In Waynesville, the guests Miller and children. Mr. an d Mrs. D. Mich., und Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Fro- out of lhe house. Mr. Guthrie wos ion at 11 o'clock. R. Solisbury and children, Mrs. Smith zier, of this pl ace. of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sherwood . taken aick with inflam matory rheuRev. John J. Schaef!!lr. Rector. an d Miss Velma Cornell. Mr. and lIfrs. Karl Babb llnd son, matism 'while he und Mrs. Guthrie Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Clark ,enwere in Ohio on a visit in Selltember. tertained to Christmas dinner, Mr. Dr. nnd Mrs. H. E. Hothowa y spent Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Earnhart and FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST family, Mr. und IIfrs. H. B. Eornhart «nd Mrs. Rollo Bolton, Vici Bolton : Christmas with Mrs. Hathaway's Lord's Day, January 2, 1927. Beand John Paul Bolton, of O. S. U., brother an d wife, in London, and of Waynesville, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest gin the New Year right, and eo me MI'II. Ruby and Miss JIllldred Dovis, with other membclrg o( the fomily Earnh ..... t "nd son, Mr. and Mrs. Madto church. Bible School 9 :80, 1_ 01 Brookville" Earl Clork and Mrs. spent Sunday with t heir parents, Mr. ison Earnhnrt, oJ Dayton, spent State Route No. 28, connectillg Co- son , Mark I, 6-20. "The ObristiaJo Clara B. LllwlS, of Dayton and Miss and Mrs. Frank Rosnllglc, at Spring- Chirstmas with their pllre nts" Mr. lu mbus nn d Cincinnati, by wny of and Mrs. Burton Earnhart, of Dayton West Jeffereson, Xenia, Wayn esville Way of Living." Sermon, "Som' bora. Lucille Clark, of Middletown. Goals for the. New Year." Lebanon an d Shllt'onville, now is pavEve~ing service, 7 :00. Song sered aU of the wily and open for trafvice, Bible Drill and sermon. Comel fic, George E. Schlessinger, stote . N. L. Johnson, PlIlItor. ftighwny director has announced. A. 8. CHAPIN

zette a very' cordial greeting--A Happy New Year

01::10'1:::::1'OE::rO1=:==:1'0 1::10'1==:::11=====1' " 'OE:lO:



It"" •

We extend to all ReadIer s of the Miami Ga-

---... - ..---



- _..

1£ Recovering



Open For Traffic


. -.


Carol Sing,i ng


The EgyptiBn Cham~ . Smit~ went ·every night to a p(lol ties has paBSed a cottoD ~~'!~~~I;.~roo=!i\i to play- for ten cent!! a ' ' Mrs. Smith wu ilwakl~nEidJ law, and fo{ three ye~~' jng in Egypt be c1tl~,dl~"m';·&1IIt!-. 1 'and 'persistent knocldng thirds. Putting her head out the The government she asked: "Who is it? best Iway to solve .lO'''-p'1'I.ce .NI.'~·1III1~ ',alo you wanU" lem. Some Ptay Mni. Smith Uve here?" ukpart of the game: man on. the' step. , •Mrs. SmlU.,~~ she ~P.!lF.a" I'm Mr. ~ Kenel' .]~~;~,~-;-:~----'-~t;W''=':\ up the street. our pool there every know that." .hooting tonight and



husband lost $1600 shooting He ought to drop dead I" h'i~"'ll'hllt'. Just whl!-t he didl. madam,

thus far, government . the b';'t thing to do farm "1"" is to do n'-litllilDg,~'I' wor~,: loin"times.

. -.

CHRISTIAN CHURCH Su.nday-School at 9 :80; Everybody cordially invited.

Although the weather was disagreea ble and there were several oth METHODIST CHURCH er attract io ns, t.he attendance at the Sabbath School at 9 :16 L m. Gym last Sunday afternoon was very good, a nd the si ngin g of Christ- preaching at 10:80 a. m. Epwciiih Preaching at 1II0S caro ls by the scl:ools was very League 6:16 p. m. 7 :00 p. m. Everybody Invited to thOle . '. mu ch enjoyed. services Rev. L. A. Washburn, Pastor.

Grange Party

·The Grunge held their Christmas party at the Gym on December J 9. A large crowd was pre~ent to enj?y games and 0 pleasant social time. . At Gra nge hall next Saturday night the officers for the coming year will be installed.

-'- ---

- .,- --

Red Arrow Auction The second Red Arrow auction was held last Wednesday u~rnoon at Zimmerman's grocery store. A vel')' large crowd was in attendance.. The names of the winning bidders will be announced next week.

Entertained Family Mr. and Mrs. Alhm Hole, of Route 6, entertained the following relatives to their annual Christmas dinner: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rye, Mrs. VIola Carey, ,Messrs. Franklin Thomas, and JeBSe Thomas, of Waynesville; Mr. and Mrs. Lester Kenrick, Mr. and MfIl. ~amea \Johns, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph .1o11ns ond daughters, Evelyn and Francis, Mr. and Mrs. RUll8ell 'Campbell. -,..-,-".••"c.-

- , . - -,..,.

Santa Wal There Qul~ a crowd gathered aroun~ the ' Community Oh1'Uttmaa tree on ChtlatmBB .,Eve and enjoyed the carols. Santa .Olau' apP'elP'ecI and 'P8BIICd 'o ut delicious' p'QPcorn. baUs to aU ,Pft_IIII...11... ._~_':-'




' .


, I

~.tAMt GAZITI'I , .


I __P.""_'__" _____...a ____c _____..'......Hic••iilt.

_ _ _ _. ., ._ _ g__ _








t·---.. -


I11!2!--~·!!"d .. "' _ .,.

..-.*- 1- _ _


il _ _


It is our sincere wish that the New Year comes to you like a treasureladen ship of old and that its cargo will malte for more hnppinessa for you.

it is our hope that we may continue to serve you in the future, not however without thanking you for your past favors, and pausing to wish all a very Happy New Year. W ......


Kroger Grocery and Baking Company




.b a • • • _, .


• • • aa

1A New Year-a New Calendar. Three hundred and sixty-five bright This is inventory tim e and so elt us take stock of Let UB consider our personal standing in the world at ply of friendship low? Are our shelves ba re of love for our fellowman .. of gentlemanly and womanly courtesies exhaustsed. See yourself as others se e you-X-ray your heart and worth while qualities. It's 1927-a New Year Let us start NOW to make it full of happiness-:oy,-p leac~eJ'" Let us start NOW to do our part in making the New Year

_• • • • • • • _• ••

. IIIJ •



May the joy of achievement and the happiness of contentment be yours for the coming New Year.

With these New Year's Greetings please also accept our wish-Happiness to you and yours, our friends.

J. W. Burton

J. C. Hawke



. ,_._.

_ .

_r_D_ ~






a_._.a'_I_~_.~a ~_ ...... _ f _~

to - a

A sincere appreciation of your patronage, past, present and future-ao a hearty wish-A Happy New Year.


t __

r _ a _~_ . a a a n _ . _


Waynesville Farmers ExchangeCo.





a l . _ _ _ _ _ a_ I _I_ oa



We had you in mind when shown this space-so here is our heartiest good wishes and a Happy New Year. ~

The Dew-Drop Inn ' , ICE CREAM

~--~----~~--------------~ ,


With a thank-you handshake we offer you our season's greetings, assuring you that our friends in busin~ are as precious as any could ever be 1n social life.

In with our stock ' We always count the greatest assets, the good-will of our customers. So at this time it 'is hefitting that we extend to you, our friends, the beat wishes of a Happy New Year.




It is not what you say but how you say it. -So we're putting all w~ ,feel into three words Happy New Year '




' ~"

DRUGS _ _ _. . . . a t . _la' ,&I _ _ ._,';'


T [

iO, -






( ~_


as . , . , - . ,



May your New Year be merry-may the gods of happiness and joy be 'e ver near you-may the remembrances from others carry ' sentiments ao pleasing as sto warm your hearts-may good cheer abound, and when the last spark of the log of 1926 dies, may the new log of 1927 burn steadily through the year, witp flames that glow with prosperity and health.

'Tis an old friend that greets you here and hopes ." y:our New Year will be running over with happine88 and good chee~. "


, .'"




_ . _


. May your New Year.' bibig ' , joy and happihellll to you- . you who have eontributed:to . OIi,riI throug~ y;o~r,~~qn- ." ," .,F., "., ;. ,' age. ' " , " :;'

M~er ;'i1

John Adams, "



____ •

_ ... 'n To our ,o ld ' friends,. to our cherished new friends;. and to those whose friendship we are striviJijfto wiD" we wish a Happy ~ew Year, and we .hOpe we Will be permitted to serve y~u fDdefinJtely. . _. ' C.-LEE HAWEE Batber

T 1


,If '. "



.~ . . . _ _ _ .am-_D~I_ ? _ ~ a ,.t r ~ -J,~~.



.. Th.nking' you. ' for ','Past favors and' ·wis1iitig one and~~ll ~ Happy ab;d :Pro8perous N~:w "e~r. ~ •



" I


IIRS. FRANXH. Fwi Ma. .zines: and Candy I f .... .


H'bman' j:',:! \ 1 , (i





' .



. -



'~-- ' --'

... TH E , MIA M I -GA ZE tTE..•.

j:::: 5 Mr. and Mrs. Kesler Ornham and Use SOntC of the grnpc- juice you dnughte r, Bernice, attendec\ a fam· ISSUEIil IWF!HY WEDNE SDA l' hllvc ~ottl e<l in ma killK (l essort..~, such ily dinner hr stntas Day, ' at the liS ·g rapo gc luli n, ai d g-rnpc shA'bet Entered at the PostoffiCle at Waynes ville, 0., nil Second Cia aMn NOTAR ¥ PUBLIC home Mr. and Mrs. Carl Albrigh t lIfrs. Emma Ellis is v~rY III. ii 1Ilatter Mr. SamU()l Haines i ~ slowy im- ncnr of I Springb oro. And on Sunday lind icc . . N.llo ...;'1 ·Li ttle EI IInor Brooka Is qulte)ll . proving . D. L. CRANE , Edilor aDd Publ.i .h.r, W.'n .....m., Ohio W('Te lit a s llrprlae (linTlllr party f or J. E. Shumak er is at nome for the, Mi~s GladYil Ber gdall s pent . Christ . _---.WiJI.-D rawn .. .. ...... E.I.I •• S.ul •• Mr.. A. r:. While, in DlJy ton. S~b8cri"tlon Price, ~1.60 pe'r year. (Jhristsma ~ holidayn, mas in Du"toTl . H • I " '\" I WI' ' " k ' r. an( ... r ·.. ,.11 leI' uta ' (H' Wayne sville. Ohio III. C. Gordon spent TuesdllY anil Mr. Guy RDutzah n spe nt T hurs du y ull d i fa mily mo l oTeo.! to Limn, TUllsWednes day in Dayton . in the Gem City. <IllY, nllU att endc d t.h e wedding Ilf Mr. and Mrs. Hel'lt1an Brown nnd Messrs. Lester GI'ny and K('s icl' ~ l isK Irenc Guo d uno Mr. Hnr old family Silent . Tho Eye Sighl Spoc i.J :. ' hr islmas rcla- GI'uhum al'e lI ril' ill ~ l1 ell' ,..,bn s. ~lt:l'cdit h , on Christ mils Oil Y. Th ey WEDNESDAY. DECEM 3ER 29,11128 lives at Cubn. Mr. and Mrs. W. . B ~ I'~t1 a ll n1l1<1<0 IlISl) vi"itcd ~ll·. II l1d 111,.". ll lrry ~le", W. P. Mc Cnrl'l' n, C. H. Gray and a bu siness tr ip t o 1':1y tuII , Friday. ,·ditl!. r ctu rn ing hUllIe Sun duy CV" llC. E. Levie'y, were in Dayton TuesMOI'I'i, Wharll, n . of DII)'t on, wru; ing. Lebano n, Ohio day afternoo n. u w"" k-e nd gu est of h O Il1 ~ fulks. 1Ilr. and ~[rs. Clydo Wh a rt on hnd Carroll Stinson is the guest of his I Mr. I\nd l\h.~. Ceorge Gra ham en · for lhe ir !,lIests Chl'is tmns Day, MI'. Tuesd ~ y mother, Mrs. Anna S t .ill so n, f or tIP WE GET THEM QUICK LY AND Christma s seaBon. lcrt uinr u the E u ~ hr c c1uu Friday ev- un d ]\)rs. Lee Gl'cath tl u"c, Mr. I\nd 8 : 00 a. m . to 4 p. m . FREE OF CHARG E Mrs. Ar thur GI'C'llth ollS<' and sun s. Mr. and 1111'S. J . C. G rR y enter- L·n iJ1g'. CALL US ANY TIME AT OUR Mr. and : .11' .•• 1I 0l'll l'C Whurtv n li nd HAVE ta ined to Christm as din ner, ,M r .. and YOUR EYES EXAMINF.D EXPEN SE 1111'. IlIi U ~!I'''. Edd LonJ:'atr c enter- so n, MI'. ~I u l' ri~ Wha rt un. of Duyto" . Mrs. C. H. Grny UlHI chi lth·cn. t!l illed t hci r dlildrcn as Christn\ns ?Ill'. ami Mrs. Sa muel Smith a nd !II is ~ Mrs. Emma Cline and so ns. Ea rl guests. Vellllll SlIii th . and Jame"" of D' ayt" lI" were Chrl·o . t · 1'1 . 't o Phone 8 " HARVE YSBUR G, O. li s ""l11munl y gave tlIe P au g h M". and JIll's. AII('II mas guests of Mrs. Clara IIl crritt. flllll ily" uuunteu us donati on for 5, enl " l't.a in "d the. [oll ..lI\\'llIe, of Rt,utc i111o( l'elnU\'c s Misses Helell RLil1(lnll and Adn Chl'btlllllS. to th eil: allnual Christma s d inn. r : G1'IlCC Underw ood, lire h" me from Dentis t !Il l'. lllHI Mrs. Forest GI'llhnm e n- MI'. nnu Mrs. Charles Rye. Wilming ton coll el!c fOI' th e hu lidll '·s. 1111'5. \,i. . d d I ' get Immediate rtller from ' tr-rlo llle ..,. utlvess f r om Duyton ola Carey, Mcssrs. Pl'Unklin Tholll as, '.v.,,,.,... iJJc Nati o nal Sank B1111r. Mis~ Est.her 1IIIIer w.... <I , wh o CI)\'iRtlll ll'. Dr.1hooD's Matlc OlnlmCll\. an d Jesse Th oma. , of Wayn esl' ill e; leaches in thl' Hir:h , ch nol a l lI i~h. . Mrs. An n L. Smi th spent Chr ist - III... lind Mrs. Lestcr Kenric!;. Mr. lind ~ Ian d- IS ho mt! r u r hr hslmns nu:a. __________________________ lion. _ _ __ ., n:<ls wil h ~I r. un d !III". All en lIardy, 1111'S. .Jalllcd John: , Mr. and 1111'S. , Ralph .Juhn Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Dnkin (,Iller· in lJot\,t s and unu lo(h ler' . ~ V<' l y n '. tI\. t.uined 1\11'5. J) ebol'U h f1 nkin and Mr. JIll'. Albc l-t Cox, uf nCar SI. Pur- UIH I r'ranC .IS, 1\11'. and Mrs. HusBell a nd M'·R. W. W. Welc h t.o Christ - is. "Ilt·nt. sen ..., 1 days last week wilh Call1pbe ll. mas dinner.





At Cary's Jewelry Shop

Eve ry


Harveysburg Fertilizer Co.

Dr. 'ohn W, l\1 iller



f ,"jeu us her e.

- - --

So me of Th e Things

- - --Mr. llnd lIIrs. (,harles S. Tucker lI'IiKS Clarahl·ll c HUllt, of Cedar. and fumily ,,"tcJ'tnin cd Mrs. Tuck - ville college, is spe nding the holidllYs er's brothl·r. JIll'. So uth, of Detroit, wit h hOllle folk s. on Christm as. lIIr. llnd Mrs. Charles Clark and lI1iHs Lula Pea ly, who t.cllche" in Mrs. Annn An derson is sufferin g Middlet own. is spendin g Chri stllHIN ~!r. S. 11. Burn ett. were Day t un wi th ne ur it is. ~ h ') JlP e rs , Thursduy. vucati on with her paren ts, Mr. and Mr. nn d Mrs. Carl ,'imR, of Ken ;111'. an d JIll'S. Albert Stac y ell leI" Mrs. J. W. Fellly. w ined lheir ch ildren Ilnd gra nd chil . t on. spl-nt Chrislm as here, n lind Mrs. Chflr les Gorner Mrs. \Vm. Copsey was the gue st and son, Bobby, of Columb uR, were drcn t o dinner, Sunday. A larJ:'e crowd att ended the Christ Christm as guests of 1I1rs. Mary J. hl'iHtmlls of Mrs J ason Neu ld. mus ent ertainlll ent of tho Sun dayFinch and Hobert Gurncr. Mr. Wi llium Peterso n is home from Ml: and Mrs. Emerso n F razier, of Schoo l Thul'~day cvc nin f:. t he. tnt u un i\'crsity for t.he holidays. Dayton, and Mr. a nd Mrs. Edd Bosmun, of hurles Shidak r . of Mr. LC (l Will e nb ~ rg is hume foJ' Osburn, were guests of MI' . .nnd JI1 rs. Indiana , were Tucsday l!u ests of his vacati un frolll school in CincinKarl Shi du ker and family. hristma s . Mr. nntl 1111'; . F:nlllk ~og rs. nat i. The Christmus progrum ut the Hsll 1\1 ,.. and Mrs. J. M. Fair gave n Mr. and Mrs. Nath a n Hawes spent Wednes day evening w'ns very inter · Chri ijlmns din ner f or the f ormer's Chri, t.mas with th eir daughte r in Belesting. The school teachers 'and pu- childr en and the ir fllmili es. mo nt. THIS NEW YEAR OF OUR' LORD pils certainl y know how to enterMr". ~I ela Rogen, Mrs. Nettie Em. Mrs. Fl ora Mason spent Christm as Let byganes be byganes , tain. ri ck and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ken- wilh her son, Erwin and family, Wha's huffed at anither in Quite a crowd gatherc d nrou nd rick spent Thursda y in Dayton. Dayton. Dinna cloot the auld days tlle Commu nity Christm as tree on IIlr. a nd Mrs. Cluude Lewis snd And the new anes tbegithe r; Miss Mnry Kalhel'i ne Copsey is Christ mas Eve and enjoyed th e carWi' the fauts and the failin.: ols. Santa Claus ·appeare d Ilnd fam il y spent Satur day with IIlr. lind spendin g t he holidays with relative s 0' past years be dune, puss cd out deliciou s popcorn balls to IIfrs. Raymon d Prior, near Lebanon . in Xenia . Wi' a grip 0' f.resh freen'sh ip . Mr. and Mrs. George Reeder and all present. The Elam S is tc r~ enterlai ned Mr. A New Year begin. Enterta ining. Christmas program s daughte rs, of Hou te 4, entertai ned und lIfrs. Wm , Smilh of Xenia, Christ So sling a Scot. Benenth the burr of hill Hiihlan d tonlr\le the mean- were presente d at the churche s. The to a family dinner, Christm as Day. mas Day. ing of some of the words may be obscure d, but the meaning Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Clllrk and H,M. of the Friends }lad theirs last Sunday m Or D. Mr_ ano.! Mrs. Weidne r entertai nverse a8 a whole is plain eno ugh. ing; Jonah's Run had theirs this Sun- Clark were Chri.stm as guests of Mr. ed Mr. and Mrs. Lee Engle at dinLet bygones be bygones. The year of 1927 eoel to join in history day morning . and the Meth od i~ts on und Mrs. Elmer Rogers .. in Waynes- ner, Sundny. the years that have gone betore. Sunday evening . \·ille. Miss Mildred Alexand er, who is Throwa way the hatehet along with the 1926 calenda r. 111 isses Mary and Margar et Sturr, Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Johns wel'e tesching in Circleville, is home for With the faults and the failings of past years be dODe. Thi. is anoth- of Dayton, came down Friday even- Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and the holiday s. er year. ing and .remaine d until Saturda y Mrs. Glenn Johns and children , in Begin it with a grip of fresh friendship. Hcv. J. F. Young preache d at the with their mother, Mrs. Amanda Dayton. Method ist church, Sunday even ing, Starr. . Mr. and Mrs. ·W. M. MathiMr. and Mrs. Frank lIfitenbe r ger instead of morning . as came down and spent Christm as NOW, MORE THAN EV~R and son, Milo, we re Christm as gu ests the face of Bupine Inaction by other Day. Miss Enda Elam, who is teaching Afterno on callers were Mr. While the Senate may not be so departm ents. and Mrs. Charles Gray and family, of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Archdea con, in Middletown, is spendin g her vacain Dnyton_ All of the abov e mate rial can be found in pure and undefile d ns was the reAnd now the Senate has gone out G. Clark Starr, Miss Helen and Lesti on with her sisters. Miss Helen Duke relurned to her nowned Sir Galahnd , it has been late- to break a lance with Governo r Small ter Starr, of ncar Waynes ville, a nd Mr. and MI'. Wesley Smith entc rour yard every day in the year at ly pointed Ollt that the collectiv e of Illinois, and his emi~ary, Frank Clark Starr, Jr., of the U. S. N., stn- work at Miami Valley hosp itlll Sun- tnined Mr. and Mrs. Thorne, of Bellday, after nose of the Sennte fu nctions rath· Smith. spendin g Christm as with brook, Christm as tioned· at Hampto n Roods, Va., who Day. mode rate price s home f olks. er well in scenting out the corrup. The Senate deserve s a rising vote is home for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hess entertionlst5 in these United States. of than ks from that large portion of 1\[r. lind !lfrs. Allen Emrick and t ained Mr_ and Mrs. Howard Graham and - .- - - - - Mr. and Mrs. Whytzel , of VirFor instance , it wrote "ex" in the America n people Who believe in daughte n entertai ned to Christm as daughte r, Glatly ~., spent Chri stmas ~inill, Chrigtm as Day. front of the title of Sellator honesty in &,ovemment. It should dinner, Mrs. Lid a 'Van Dervoo rt and Oay with Mr. lind Mrs . .1. B. Th om. Mrs. Sarah Osborn e enjoyed the conferr ed upon one Lorimer when keep up thc good work and now more IIliss Allie, Frank Branden burg and llS . in Centerv ille. JlrCHenCe of her children and grand· it ·was made plain he had spent than ever! family, Jlfr. and Mrs. Frank Bevan The telephon es in this vicinity arc - .--~---too , much money for a seat in the and son, ot Clurks\'i1le, Mr. and Mrs. all out of commission as n number chi ldren, Christm as Day. Mr. and Mrs. Willi s Marshall were Senatc; it let air in Mr. Newber ry nus IS SAID TO HAV E HAPPE N. Will Daughe rty and daughte r, Max- uf poles nre down owing t o the hellvy W ayne sviIle Christmlls guests of Mr. lind Mrs. EO IN SOUTH AFRICA and ope.l,led the door for him to walk ine, of Kings Mills, Mr. and Mrs. sleet of Christm as Day. arl Marshall. of Xenia. An i11spccto r o~ 8 C!tOO!s in South Harrison Bevan and family, out; it pulled the chair in the Cab· of LebMr. and Mrs. George G"aham and inet out from · under Mr. Denby; it Africa invited some bOY8 ' ~0 join him a non, Mr. lind Mrs. J esse Webb and fsmily were Mrs. Ella Bnbb has gone to WaySaturdu y dinner guests would not conflrm the Warren ap- in u swim ill the laltoon. The boy~ daughle r, I'hyllis, Mr. and 1111'S. J . (I f lhe lutter's 1I10ther, Mrs . Hebecea nesville to spend several weeks wit.h pointme nt because it held its dealings watehed him undress and go in, but' V. Bevan, of Dayton, I,Ind Mrs; Ma- Tho mpson, in Sp her neice, Miss Clam Lile. ringb oro . with lhe Sugar Trust did mot make themsel ves remaine d on the bank. ry Graham , of Ra·rveysbu ,·g. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Coffelt spent 1I1r. and Mrs. Fred Mehan and him sweet; .it drove ~ut Mr. DaughAiter a long and enjoyab le swim Chri stmas with their Bo n, Mr. Foy dllughte rs wer e Sunday dinner erty {rom 'the pepartm ent pt Jus- the inspecto r chaffed the boys for not guests of II1r. nil (I Mrs. Frank Rog- Coffelt and \Vif e,of Xenia. tice; it showed the people of the coun comlnr in, and said: "I suppose Mr. and Mrs. Hany Hurley enter· ers and Mrs. Lottie Carey. try that tile oil 'reserve affail' was you are afraid to bathe with an inta ined their children and grandch ilMr. und Mrs. William greasy.; .it has 'i nvestiga ted the char· spector !" Brown re' lume" hom e, Sunda y, after spendin g dren at Christm as dinner. res 'of large expelliii tu'res in the pri"No, air,h said one of the boys, The J ordan family attende d church hristm l1s with Mr. and Mrs. Mary Vetters enj oyed a visit Mrs. Frank mari.ell In, II num,ber ilf atates. "but we saw a crocodile In this la- at Waynesville Christm as Day. Christm as Day from her son,' Wm . Woo lley and family, in Dayton: To be sure, ·I.n most of these C!\ses goon yesterda y." Glen Davis and wife an d Bert BoMiss Muriel Sykes, who has bee n White and daughte r, Hazel. it did ' not .require an exceptio nally ---- • gan were shoppin g in Dayton, TuesMiss Eva Griffy entertai ned her boardin g with 1111'S. J ames Johns, left keen sense of smell to discover the Deadl, P,olaon I"ro", the Up... day of Ins week. last week to mal.e her home in Day- S und"y School class of little girls stench. But the point is that ~h'e 'l'lle 1m. neat .... ounl! (110m ¥ arrow Bert Bogan and mother spent t on uml atlend high lit her home Sunday afternoo n. school there. Senate did discove r it and did act in lipped with tll' pollon 1811:en trom Ibe Christm as in Lebanon with Carleton Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Al exander and Ipal A llumuuI' Of·J ..a Ia tatal. of parents and frie nds Dunn and fumily. enjoYQIJ t he school entertai nment at family spent Chr istmas with Mr. and ' The Davis fn11lily ate their Chr is~t Sen oa)' house, Friday afterno on, in Mrs. P. A. A lexllndc r, in Xenia. mus dinner with the lIfannoh family, charge of Mr. Banta and Miss Mr. and Mrs. Bert Giffy had a s Marnear Wilming ton. latt. ' their Christm as guests, tbeir son, R. J. Murray and wife spent their Mrs. Will ia m Long spent several Mr. Lee Griffy and wife, of Detroi t. Christm as in Waynes ville with W. J. uays last week wit h Mr. 11ft-. and Mrs. Ray Eagle enterand Mrs. Sherwoo d and family. Hermon Saylor, os they arentov ing to tained Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cecil Tone, wife and son, of near Bellbrook, where t hey have purchns - Krug and Mr. Ilnd Mrs. A. C. MenVillars Chapel, were Sunday guest s ed property . denhal1. ,, of Gilbert Tone Ilnd family. Pl'iends here are pleased t o learn The annua l Mende11 hal1 [Ilm il y dinYOU CAN ,CET AWAY FROM YOURS ELF Mrs. Jennie Haywor th and daugh- that Mrs . Samuel 'VVilIiam son, of Day ner was held Christ.mas Day at the ter, Miss Eliznbet h, of Wilming ton, ton, who hns been qui Some time ago I wrote an a~icle self to be heroic. te ill at lI1i- home of Mr. lind Mrs. A. C, Menattended church here Sunday. ami Valley hos pita l, is much improv- denhall. . about a book in which a man who . There are times to such people The Ferris families and Ed Wil- I'd at this time. had lost his hearing told of the whJ!n getting aW8y from Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Watkins atthemsel ves son and wife spent their .ch ristmas Mr. and Mrs. J . B. J ones and son tended the Watkins fllmily . .. necjlsaa ry part of life. dinner, near Lebanon 'with John Wilson and Therle and Miss Cleo IJtrange 'silent world which the d~af St.ucy attend- Sunday, at the home of Mrs. Maude ~ow to. do It in the rirht way Is sister. ed t he State 'Grange meeetin g at Day Peterson . jnhabit. . . " 1.1\0' problem ton last week and took the 6th deAmo~g the letters reee:ved rei a- The Q'ther. day I called upon . Mr. ' and Mrs. Hugh Harper and a Alex Diske, Jr., who. shot himself gree of that order. tl've >. it was from. a woman InBrook ,y'"u.n g mo~ family, . of Clevelan d, arc visiting who had been sIck I"n bed through the foot one day last week, .., .. '" Is getting along a8 well as could be Harpel' snd l)'it, Ne~ york, part ,of Yfhlch is quo; forr. two,.-'l\ears. Lying Mr. and ,.ur. and Mrs. S. H. Burnett spent Mrs. Nettie on his back, expecte d. W V P It Christm as with lIfr. and Mrs. Robert ted below: Mrs. T. . an e. i.. onable to hold a book, he got away I: '~Due . ttl an operat:on .. my' ear from Now is a 'good time. to tum over Sumett and son ill Dayton, Who acMr. Arnold Drewes and Miss La. himself by ' having a map hung co~pa!lic!i t hem h()me, and remaine d rena Drewes left Frid,ay morning drums were , broken. To _lose one's on a , 8t~!,lg . over, his bed. to a new leaf, at the beginni ng of a until Sunday evening . .' . spend the holidays with their par.bearing, In adult life requl!;CS a ~eat He memo~laed- the of the New Year. Also to subscrib e tor T f ' M _ r. and 'Mrs. Ed Bergdal l, Mr. and ents near Napoleo n, Oh'10. Inward . adjustm ent. ,n the Miami Gazette and get aU the act" t h e s "0 ... tes an d the countria s and MrS. Forest. ' Git.hens j · of Daytoll, IItrurgle ,18 19 . ~a at tim~s that one 8itfon· .1n :reJatiol]·.to each their po· Mr.. and Mrs. P. S. Hudson entcrother, and news 811 the year. . I ~ I Mrs. Cassie Cox and Clyde Joaes faith In !veryth ing. Cox Wllre tained Captain and Mrs. Oylor and ." ".;I. m..d.e .t rips ,iri..bli.lmar lnation-.. . If you buy 0 oh J. Pric~ Moon " and ' family, of New Christm aB dinner ,... guests '··Yet f,o ,ahQut from tile Houile ' toP,e .... Jle a180 . bd ' ·,lIlta bung of Mr. and Lee and Jane Gornwall, of Columb us on the Vienna, Mrs. Jennie Hawort h anil Mrs, 'Joe Githens I We'll II S If it .ell y<i~ "1i quali k a'nd ty tire that will beat mail tt' family. . ....... d I.-d' and I Miss . , s. o f• .nq a~Il~. .. J!:va · "1 .Hu<;lnon f th , C,inc.i nnati. r;, ..... is8 Elizabe th. ' of Wily , ma ea , an .... earneu at 0 . e dau"'hte . . eVen m<ire ' discourae·p . " .'~ order .,ric~.. ging, as to ·ton· S.nng , Mr,. "me~lca~'- preaille nt. and' Mrs. P'loyd . " ' in Savage order, and and _... , .minKton IIfr. Harold , 'Were Solters Christm is ' home as ' gueats of for a .-...... eentr. :':u pon a.if,~ jU. • P w~kI, lIg ,ald' h" .1OO. n w.'''ulcl'be.• the on'. . hI' f h I man ' Harold McKay. an . d family. children were Saturda y If guests of short VJSlt ., efore eavmg or Ie 00 on Quali ty .,. 'I iarther Intot the channel of aullen- In 'the "orld , who •. " Belle Dinwiddie Wayne~lle at Phi1a~elphilL nell;t Friday, where \ ~ame. all of TWenty-one vb itors attende~ our Mr., ness. '; Therefo re. ' there but -tlit ~vic,-iruld';htia.efiuld and ' IIpent Sunday' at'' intlie We'lI .ell you . tires that home '. will of he beat :will ' ; study " the achool price. mechan enterta ical aild · dentistr in~ent y. last Friday afaile WAY; tc{ tIl90ae +to try .to eit Ho , had " ~Coveftd one 1>£ 'the best ttjrnopn. Among the many laueba, out-r un the milea ge of other first grade Prlr. '1( 'and ..... Mrs. Wil\hlm Oraiianf. away ' ·from self; .tf:. ~t I• . hUlllali l, wa,. 01 the Rev. and Mrs. W. · E. Bogan problem o'f bIll- Ihcident 8 w~ the recitatio n _by ~. Ke$ler draharri i'nd' dillighte r. tertained.. ChristmaB ·DaY; their en"p08llIbl~." .' , '." If you wont the Best ' , - .~ '. .~, i~~ to . .~ aWlay,f frotn 'F~urself; . . . little two.3:'ea r.~nt •. Juni~r ' Sel~man. Be~ce,:l underWent' tonsil operatIo ns 6i dren and families", Rev. .':' There are tho.u~nda ' arid · brave;, h~ ;ft!e~!Ia. w~I~, •.eDr!eh Jour ,men.• The ylilt~rs , We'~1 .sell you tires. that are'be yond coml~.~~~l~ enjoym g ' the ~ft~rnoon . at , .a le 1l08P:~al Wil"!lnirtop; <In; Mew. 1I , role People lQc,e thin,. womlln . wb~ ~ ft,nlrit ual NlOure ,Neal, 6!-, Xenia; and Mr. and, ~ and thole ,,!,!lre ; ~a1'Qld ¥cKay and . Wlfe, Sher- da of "lnat ~eek. ~~tb ~e , doln,c l,Ioraee Com,~n,. are C!at:r¥lnr, on~ tryib, to ma\e 'the ht "hlch the 'actlVlty ~edtli AND' 1:ijEY . ~ GOOD , YEAR S •. ot1i~! man . Ferrli and wife ~ E. finl!, anq, Mr. g~m e~.e~~ ,to re-, 'c€onside rable llnxiety was ~at of .1Ife twiltlilid ukew by "1]110' are>-lllalt ,4'ec:tif t. (elt " - . ThoniplOn and wife, Harley Walket tu"l.,td'l w~ 800n. . fortune . TbeJ r.lH tbe. sum t(.tal ' . M~ Luna who was .on ber FOr . . ~m. :roUHU 1ft .. ~d ' WIfe, .Chrls Ch,arlea !l\1d wife, Mrs. • Mary C~~ony. attende d a :WaY lOutb .to oJ 'bumah hilrolaD lln tile world; " ~'1r. 'lIt or 'a-eOciIal. ~ 'Uld- ~. pme ' Jaeoba, Wlnnie Jacobs, tile holidays with JetIIIle family I!;athering, ' Ghriatm!lB• . • t .t he Iter For wbeft alckDeu , alIIIdIo n o-r .!/C!<l ~Yi~ ",G' ftR '01111 ~hrough Ge. OjIe1I)1I¥"ennon, Hlll~nab Jordan, Anna' TDlle, bOrtle IJ~ Mr. ""d )1[ra. E. J. Canuo- near., ~~ mdden' haJldl~ tumbl,e ~ ·~featna ren; mind, bat altO nap ","<;11;, but the feeUq ~N &llImR..... Blanche Sellman.. Ed 'ny 'llt Sprinrll eld, and Jl Sunday ~ ~.. of a lifetime abOa,i • P~ft.'" ~e, t'f dolllr '0....... wonta mOQllnl(r wu. with 10rdoll, Tburma n t.harI.., John spent the .~1 at th(l hQJ}1e of ~. Mli ~,. J1II' ,to make tU .,.. of If. ~ 111 .... ,0111' lite. _he ba'{I JPIDlowe aDd


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- -_.----




An y Wa y Yo u Fig ure


you ' bu~



0 . '



lIrL "Ilbar Clark, in Wap~

' 'II;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-_;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;__liiiIiilIOiIiI




,Waltel' McCluJ e


WAYNESVILLE, OHIO Fully Equipped for Good Service. Large Display Ro om, Ambulance Service TmLBPHON& 7





of ,' II ~.


g,lle, Ii!!c Mod. h,'l\ thnt George otic(' l ~ lj('[('b 1. Wnt<!r!1l1'II,.e lin ' \)e II duly all poin teli 1I1I t! !tuHltl ,n II~ (·x 'ut"r (If t h e csru l e n f .111:,. . , 'lI k, lU le vf WarrclI ou nty, hint dl'l· l'H S l\ (1. D:ll ed thi, I :\(11 dl\~' IIf Dt'cember , 1!)2 G. 1\'. (.. ROLL.

{'I f the I' rl hut~ ' ourt't \\' l" 'l'l'tl ( /t llnty, Oh io. alli l"' Y, I tt y


Dr., n r . K (' ~ I'


•bl'l'~ d

ill II n!1llilult' d box, ernc k(',., ill tij(ht t ins.


Poultry Of All Kinds


B. Jenkins A high speed J. Kingman Ohio Clinton Phone No. 2033 starting motor, Toll Charges Reveraed AutomaticHeat Control and DR. C. W. HENDERSON Office- Aman Bldg. Thermostatic 9 to 11 a. m, 3 to 5 p. m. Circulation 7 to 9 p m. Telephonell Office, ao Control are Residence , 69F2 Waynesville, Ohio three Buick features which mean easter starting and smoother perHomeButchered formance 365 MEAT! days a year. OFFICE HOURS





I'!he Greatest


flav or and perfect CU!'e. But be l ure to Jot tho criaJDal llDeI,CIIu1De



The OQly moot ..It that I. u aoocl for tabl. uae •• fot CUMI meat. Sme.ll it . T •• tt It. You can t ell it At once rrom ..It tb.t ba. ....,., mu.ed with pyroliancoua od d or other


danaer-oua c hcmicala.




Of coune you will cure your m~t thil " u OQwitbSmoted Salt. It will .... 1hrln1ma., labor,1iR rilk worry. It ",ill alv. you bd1<T

Buva Buick. You will enjoy t tt' drivmgt.

W. have It. Pocked In ton pound _ llDeI auaraaloed lIonuin••


Wanyesville Farmers' Eichange Company

Keelor Garage

Phone 25


Le"anon, Ohio


I.lIl1lbl'r l rur dlvo l'c . .


Wi lliam I ,om bcrt






ur fncc w as uppoin led cxoc utri l( "r t he eslnll! of Clur cnce E . S urfa ce . decens('d. Willi nlll H. LlYH" -executor uf t he esl ll t e nf George W. ll yers, dcc t!:1st'd, ~\' Us ord ercd to sell :In shll r es of pr ef(' rrl'cI stock in t he Dnyt on. Powe r a nd Light Co .: a nd 20 sha r es of capit.a l st ock ill th e F r a nkli n Nnt iollul bank Ilt no l c~s th un S08 un d $l{i5 per sh nn' . Will in m Meeha n, executor of th e estnt e o f J ohn B1 u(', dcccnsed. fil ed Eml1ll\ }' .


_ L __ ( _'_ _ _ _!!

$0/15; The B ook Shop, 81\mo. $2 ; The Bouk ShOJI, sallie, 8.1l0; TIL DQok hop, samo, $1 50; Lewis und Drnk , sume, , '10. 40 ; Lewis n nd Droke, Ir ight und d rllynge, 76c ; Th o olum bus Blun k Dook Co. , s upplies for t he t.1·e ll~ Ul' er, $2.80 ; sa me, s ll pplies fo r Ilrobllto co ur t, $ .\.!1.25; Wille, supplies Co r lI udito r, $0 .7 6 ; so me, supplies f or I' I' OS. ntty., $ ,1. to ; SIIIllC, s up plies fo r . prOSt'cut mg .Itty. , $4. 15; SlI m", s u p· p lies Co r pro<. at ty., $2.30; Ll'bllnon Icc and Coni Co., cou l, $17 ; David Wnl ke r, s ta n t!, $ 137. 80; Donnell und Schuyle r , :ld nnd fin a l es t. on Co nt. G1. $ 127 .30 ; l''t'ed Snyder pllyroll, :ji l !J8.'15 ; F.dlll T e rry, payroll , $4 70 .70 ; l';do n T er ry, ',ome, $3 0.:10 ; A. T. R('tt ig. sa me. $3 09.2.0 ; E . W. Quimby, sa me, $ 171.40 ; Chas. A. Spe ncc r, SOllie, $293 ; J os. Davis, slime. $3 14.50. - - -- - - - --



---- ----------..,.."..-



f. T. Martin.

Jesse Stanley Auctioneer s

WITHOUT HANDS In one of the la rge jewelry ahops in t ho on ciCll t city of LO ll don, is II k b Ie wi nd ow dL, ploy. mos t remlll'!1 Hert! nr c r u nci a ll kinds of t illll! rec ording IIl"trumenls uSC!d by t.he hunt on race in nil POl'ts of th e wo rl d "i nCI' tim e mCnSlIl'omcnt fir st bt'gllll until l he prese nt. And in t he cl' lIter stands n hu ge cl ock without nny h"n ds.. From 1111 np pClI rOllces lhis clock i5 in good running c\l nditi on. The pe ndulU Ill moves li nd the wOl'ks are in mo ti on. Even its lou nd tic king cun be hE'nrd. Its fll ce hilS 1111 the num ber s but no hands m o\'c ar ound to ma rk th e passing hours. It docs everything but indicate ti me lind that "'liS the one thing for

wh ich the cl oc k hnd been made. his inve nt or y a nd a pp ra ise men t " wh ic h were ordered r ecord cd. So me people nrc like that clock.. La ul'll 01lin5. exec utrix of the Th eil' li ves arc f ull of motion and estnte of l\IlIry C. Burn s, dec eased , - - --activ ity but th e mo t iO)1 n e ver comes fll ~d her in\'(,ntory and ap praise ment Our most domestic anim a l is the to anythin g. Thcir Ilctivi ty ~l eve r whic h· we re orde red record ed. cat. Some nuth oriti es cuntend lhut r{'all y CO Ull ts becaus they a ccomEd S loute nbo rough, admin istrator th e dog hns first place, but their co n- plish no d efi nite lIchievement. They of thc estllte of Ell en C. Stout enbor. li re like c locks without hands" in con ough fil ed his inve nto ry und appraise. te ntio n is weak because a g reat mu- stun t moti on but without any set pur ment whi ch wer e or der ed record ed. ny dogs do not live· in the house at pose. You can hear the tick" E . C. Dunham filed app lication t o a ll , while n Cllt that can'l live in the .. tic k.. .. of their lives but you c~n be a ppointed adm inistrator of the es- house qu its the inhos pitable place nevcr tell tim e from them. t ate of Sam a nth a J. Zentmeyer, de, 'fh erc n rc tin y wa tche$ ly ing at and goes to so mebody 's house that h f ccnsed, an d W 05 a ppointed. t coot o f th is huge, handless clock. The wi ll of J a mes Clen ve r , deccos- it can live in .. wm any fllu ll al tlat- They ma ke 110 fu ss lind from outed. wus admitted t o probate. urolist, fr om Nairobe to the north wllrd n" "earoll ces ure without moErnest C. Mllnnon was appointed pole, sa y that a dog will lIet thus 7 If tion bu t close inspection proves that e xecutor of the estate of J llmes he will, he is a nature fakir, not to th ey ha ve hands that move and inCleave r .. rl icate the passing hours. 0 t h er people arc like these tiny Geo rge J . Waterhoue was appoint- usc II shorter and uglier word. ed executor of the estate of Jas. C. The fa mily line of the cot is felin e, watches. Without any outward fuss Sa le, decea sed, and filed application and it is divided into two great class- or bustle they accomplish much bef or t he appointme nt of appraisers. es, the tom and the puss, the tom be- , ~ause they have a definite purpose Eleventh lind fi nal account of Clar ing mas culine and the puss f eminine. 11\ hfe . . You ca nnot hear their ponra B. Lewis, guardia n of Perry Baider ous tIck because they do not work ley, was filed lind approved. They have equal . rights. There are that way. To the world they fill a First a nd final account of Edward no suffragettes nmong cats, thoug h s mull place but they fill it well and Joslin, administrator of the estate of there may be c:ats among suffra- accomplish definite ac hievements. Allen J oslin, was filed and approved. gettes, and when they meet to disThe pe ople who tick and bustle Second and final account of Lida cuss questions o:f common interests and frantically move abo ut but nev. K. Cowan, guardian of Harriet Ellen all ha ve a voice and all use it with- e r keep tim e are a part of the waste Cowlln , minor was filed and approv. out stint. W hiskers also nrc worn by material of the world. Those who ed. both sexes, but Ithe mustache is ta· accomplish their purpose without osSecond and final account of Chas. booed. Race s uicide is frowne d up· te ntlltion are the ones who keep the F. Wellman, guardian of William on by t he entire neighborhood. IIctivities of the world in motion. Vail, was filed and npproved. There are more kinds of cats than Third account of Arabel Dinwiddie you can throw 11 brick at. If you SAGACIOUS FATHER executrix of the estate of Wm. H. doubt this, just try it so me time in Dinwiddie W08 filed and approved. t he soft and stilly night, when slum· "Shut off dot wireless, Izz'y," First and final account of B. C. ber's c hain don't bind you, and when "But, papa, it's u s we ll pillno 8010." ., I Prendergast, administrator of the you h ave thrown t he ast brick the estate of Thomas Prendergast, was concert on t he back fence will be "Eggsactly. Don't be wasteful. tiled. going on pretty much as if nothing Oiser t Ulle in on a fu ll orchestra 01' First and final account of Robert had happened to disturb the harmony toin it oft'I"


Ea rly fo r Your Sale Dates.

We G uarant .. e Sa tisfa r n or Ch arge Not hing.

r. ·nte rviHe, O .

New Burlington,O,

Phone No. 2

"Inside InformatioD"

Phone No. 32"


TClicher- "Whllt is the meaning A thick slicc of hnlll, with raw t he word 'mlltrim ony,' Robert." " lke,1 po ta to('g s pread v,'e r it , allel !1"bcrt- " Plense miss, my fut her :bilked in mil k fo l' abou t ull IW l lI ' and "II Y" it is n 't a word; it's a sen~I haH. is un usual ly goll ud. Spriakle l l 'IlC C . the p tllt oes wit h !l uu r whe n yv u pUl • 1helll in the dis h. THE PROFLIGATE ONE • •



fIli lk SO Ul'S ","1 mil h pll ddi ugs J "d go- "S il',' you lire fi lled $10 contl'ih ute t o th e to tal . amount f ur cUll t em pt of court. " uf m ilk the childre n tak e, li S d o mil k Mall - " Ju tlg c, $10 won't express 5a UI' CS lind f1 u\'OI'cd mil k drill k". Illy Clll1 tl'lIIll t for yo ur · 0 • • • • Som ct imess n dr ul\' store straw wi ll cv ur t ; ht!l'u 's $2 0." he lp in persua ding II fillick y l'hdJ tv try one of th ese milk dri lli<s.

No Hunting

• • •

The on ly way to be sur c of a pi ece of colored goods won't r un is t o take We . the undersigned, allow no a slIlI1 ple hOllle an d Wllsh it. I r you hUllting, trupping or tres passing on think it mig ht f a Ile, cove r par t o f it ou r (IIrma: i\I HS. ELLA MI CH E NER a nd ex poso th e rest to s unli rrht for E LI AS OGLI!;SBEE. at lellst a week. H o usc hold met hF . A HARTSOCK ods f or setting colors arc lIseless. I. A .' HARTSOCK . .

• • •

Mll ny p eople beli eve lhal beml6 . &'\Ich liS the nav y, lim n alld ot her kinds of dried beans, a l'(, slll>slitute~ for meat fro m t he stll ndl"'i nt of the ir nu t ritive vnlue. R e<!~l\t research by the Unite d States D 1>lIl'tment of Agriculture on t he kin d uf [lrotein contained in di tf er ent foods has shown that the protein of meal is super.i or to thnt ~f benns from t he standpomt of meetlll g the lI eeds clf t he body. The protein in meat is caUed "complete" or "efficient" while that in beolls is elllled "inco mplete," because it locks certn in essentinl acids. Thc av erllgo mea l that Americans eat, however, us ually co ntains bread and other foods tha t contain some kind of protein. G~nerally II,. combination of these With the protein in beans will s u puly the body what it needs. So far as nutritive value goes it is th e re· fore all right to use beans occlls ionally in place of meat fo r di!lller.



LO~ NS on Chlltle ls, Locke, Sceurl·

I. tIes and Seco nd Mortgages. ~oh~~~t.

John Harblne



F'lrmerS Attentl'on' C

.. ,


FI.rmu·s or W"rren and Ildjolninl ~o ulILies may ohtuln 1II0ney all lonl lime 101l llS , at 6 per cent Interest. Cos t a r ~ecurl"g Lhe sallie is very rea· sO llllble .thro ugh T he Federal Land Bank. For f urther Information call . 011 or Ilddre88 M. C. DRAKE, Tre..· ure r. phone 3 16-X. Lebanon. Ohl·o. WANTED

W ANTED---A house to rent above E. Cr ew, administrator of the estate Cats cannot sinl!r. They arc like ~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!' . Third street, preferred,' before Fe bruar y 1st. Inquire at th is ofof John Zell, was filed. some people, they only . think they . fice. 0J5 First, final and distributive ac- can. Thllt is ~'hy the noise they couat of the estnte of Jessie Evelt, make so ullds like a concert. Of the deceased, filed by Joseph T. Dcardoff vllrious kinds, 'One is ~ tab cat LOST If administrator and Willi suspended. This is so called becuuse because F rancis B, Davis was appointed you cannot 'keep tab on it any more LOST- Tan handbug, between Harveysburg and Lebanon pike by way administratrix of the estate of Ed- than you can on the other killd. of Lytle, wi.tll Wilmer C. W~ek8, Jr., ward V. Davis ,deceased, and filed There is also Persian cat,. which is Da yton, OhIO, on tag. NotiIy J. C. her application for the nppointment not 80 named be'~ause of its purr beHawke. of appraisers. ing different. .. Spenking of purr, LO'STAuto tag, No. A21-608 InAudrey C. Beltzler was appointed most peoole know why a cat purrs, quit·c at the Gllze t te Offi ne. . administratrix of the estate of C. B. but very few know how it purrs. Do Conover. you know? No? Here, lao. But In the matter of the estate of John let that pass . Angora cats are all FOR SALE Compounded G. Macy, deceased, court authorized fuss a nd and feathers, and they have Semi.Annuall,. Bert C. Hartsock, ~xecutor, to dis- tails t hat could weI) be used for New MOille for Main Office FOR SALE-Fresh Jersey cow with tribute 20 shores of capital &ock of lamp chimney cl eaners, but t he Ancalf . '1'. B. tested.. Burnett 'Bro. R. D. 6, phone 69-3. Wayneaville, O. 20,000 Members of the American Finance Co., be- goras haven't n disposition that will tween Mildred Eagle, Sallie Wright stand for it. The Angorll is . more ABSOLUTE SAFETY PLUMBING F IXTURES - Kitchen Terre l Macy, Winifred Hartsock and ornamental than useful. Look at it s inks, bath tubs, lavatories, cloa. Firat mor~ga ge on real estate seourity. The ets, gas and coal oil water heaters Edytha Macy. and see, IUld if lrOU have any doubts best securIty. Nothing safer-nothing better. ~lId tanks at REDU CED PRICES dur Fred A. Caskey, adminis trator of try to use its Itail that way. The mg January. THE BOCKLET-KlNG the estnte of Mary Caskey, filed ap-. Maltese cat lo?ks like it might be a ASSETS Over 10% Million Dollars CO·, 4 16 W . Main St., Xenia, Ohio. plication for the exemption inheri- Quaker from Its color.. but appearJ12 ~ne of the larg~8t and strongeat associations tnnce tax, which was certified to the ances are deceptive. It gets its name FOR SALE- Yellow pop cocrn. WalIn tb e stut e. Tax Commission of Ohio. from the malt that lay in the house ter Kenrick, Lytie Ohio. Why tlilt e IIhances on Get-JUoh-Quick Sohemel T he will of Hiram B. Cadwallader that Jack built. You know the stoand lose all. . FOR SALE- Good J ersey cow, fresh deceased, was ordered filed in court. ry.. with heifer · calf. Lester Surface. We Kindly Solicit Your Patronage. Frank C, Kindler, administrator of The kid of a cat Is a kitten and d29 the estate of Mary E. Russell, de- its as full of playas it later be~ome9 FOR SALE-Bourooll :RIll Tarke~ ceased, filed his inventory and ap- f ull of night noises. Everybody, ex· both male and female. Mrs IL praisement which were ordered re- cept the totnlly deaf, knows how full W. Silver. . d29 Thlrd a.nd Broadway corded. that is, and a di.a gram is not necesDayton, Ohio. Three J PIPE, V ALVES AND FITTINGS 510 East Fifth St., (Established 1887) Fir st and final account of. Emma sary. Kittens arl) born blind. This is Offices: for !ill purposes. • Boekle!', line ot 19 Eut '1'hIrd Eft. Molenkamp, administratrix of . the so that they mal' not find their way piumblllg and heating . supplie. are " estote of F rederick Mollencamp, de- back when taken to the water in earbest. THE BOCKLET-KING CO ceased, waa filed. I~ .i~fancy, liS iSI the cust om among 416 W. Main street, Xenia, Ohio. t1 elV1ltze~ people. A ea t with its tyea open Will always come back if forciMARRIAGE LICENSES bly abducted. You mig ht pack one Harry H. King, bue driver of in the bottom of a large trunk and Frankli n" IInl Mary Anna Buch~nan take it to Africa with you, and when of Franklin. ' you came home again from wanderCurl G. Backemeyer, salesman of ing on a foreign shore it would be sit Indianapolis, and Pearl C. Thurston, ting on the front steps waiting for of Lebanon. you. . This is iflli tinct, for a cat has no scent sense and could not follow REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS the back trail. If a blind cat tried E. F. Henry to Anna E. Sheehan, to have fun witlh a mouse .. a8 cats tw o lots in Waynesville. do, the rodent would get away from A. B. Kaufman and Rosa Kauf- it in no time. mlln to Henry W. Stsrkwellther and .C ats . are very cleanly. They de· Mable Starkw eather, .037 town acres splse dirt, and . they will waah their in Leb'1l non. faces a dozen times a day, but never Adllm Allmeyer to George AU. with water. Cats hate water. No, all cats are not born in Kentucky. meyer, one lot in Franklin. Marjorie Squier and Helen Eld. Why did you ask? • PDBLISBEllS • ridge to Louis Bishop, one town lot Somo! authorities on domestic IIclTEa Siml'VlC1!I in Franklin. ence say that women .are cats, but aEG. U.s. 'PAT.ODJCB Louis A. Nunlist and Minnie B. this is not true. Women are angels, Nunlist to Carter Reynolds, 91.63 and angela are Dlot quadrupeds. The acres in Clearcreek Tp. cat is a quadruped. Laura B. Conover to Audrey 'C. Cats love pIa«:ea rather than peo· Bitzler, one town lot in Franklin. pie. .Cats mak,e friends with any. L. A . Bowman and Elizabeth L. body, and if they were more partlcBowman to W. M. Birmingham and ular their habits might improve. Harriet N. Birmingham, 11.79 acres A cat ia like a Bilk hat, It is all in Washington Tp. right if you don't rub it. far the Thos. C. Welch to the Union Gas wrong way.. and Electric Co., 0.01'1 acres, Salem Cats are very electric.. That is Township. why one pole of a battery is ealled Wm. L. Suemening to Albert H. a cat:-electrode. Also the program Turner and Osie E . Turner,. lot 20'1 ?f a cat show is a catalogue, although in Lebanon. ' It might as well be a eatero~• Mattie M. and .W. Raymond Deck- Cats have flt., hence. catalep.y• . er to Stephen· A. Stilwell lot 68 in' These are a mere Idtten~ play .upon Lebanon. ' worda and are ICo8'ed at by real, faunal naturaliata. · When • cat be-

Where Savings Are Safe"



West Side Building & Loan Association



Have you ever suffered fnTm hard water ''itch''? Havc your hands become dry and hard-your skin ~ped-from using hard water? Then you can appreciate banda that are aner roughened nor reddened-baby's tender skin that is aeva: Ieb ~cked and "itcliy"-a shave that is quick and c1eIID. Every home NOW can have soft water .~ pt ~ cistern and double plumbing.

DURO Water__SofteDer - ~R


Is die latest product of the world'. lariat IIWIwac;turel' of residence WII· 8JStemI- It la aimple-c:ompactprac::ti'cal. May be' lD,talled in either old 01' . . bQnl~ give a life tim. of ~ at "'" mWl c:ost. Ii.. TIll D9ro Softener ' haI many ad. .......... ~ oJdel' ~here i. Do . . . . . .f6 ~al-no ' red stain or . , lroDt"-iiiIIL 'R~tion il a simple . £:a 'cn~LquIc", per{ormtd, !,equirinc Ntr _lItH a. compared WIth houra tel'

. . . otJMtc · ~· .. ,. ".


.J~ W. Buiton'

COMMIS.S I.O NEIlS' ALLOWANCES comel profoundly agitated it. hair .tands on end.. Bald-beaded m~ Alton F. Brown, Jepl lervices are not like cata•• $600; Oawald Funeral Home, rent ~f There Is more that mlaht be aald cbaira, 8; Reid'. DIal Jtore, np- OD this ,ubject, but wb)' la dom..uc pu... ,1.60; TIIe"~ Star, np- matten lilt the cat ~lIt of the . . ,u., ".10; nppIIeI, al&oa~er!









- r _ ' _.~_ ~ _ A _ U _ -~-

.-". ...

....:.u_ u _ g _ ~ _ a _a_ r_:M..>q ,,~

I' I:

With keen apprec iation of the pleasan,t busine ss r elation ship yo u have permItted us to enj oy in the past: we ta ke this means of wishin g you a ll the compliments of t he season.




a ___








' MII _ _






'[he Way nesv ille Mot or Com pany



Way nesv ille Ove rlan d Sales · CompallY



It is our hope th at we may contin ue to serve you in th e fu ture-n ot however withou t thanki ng you for your past favo rs and pa using to wish you all a very Hap py New Year,


of~ time- our relatio nship to those around us.



OtlllL ;:J!!IIi ~_I~;_q§ ' ~;..


Is our sup_

l _


I __

kind words and tender though t remain ing? Is our stock at this time? . . ·Are you an asset to the world --or are you a bankru pt of



__ g _

U__ D____

a_ ' • •• o_ •••••

WlIl--lmre and every noble name within the langua ge.. and happy -and the world a better place to live in. 0- -


__ • •


I I •

• •


We have enjoye d a bountiful trade during the past year, and we know to whom we are indebt ed. Our friends we thank you.

The loyal suppor t and patronage of our .friend s has made ours a happy Christmas and it is our wish that they too" every one, enjoy a Happy New Year.

Way nesv ille Serv ice Station

W aynesvilJe Aut o & Machinery Co.


. b••...•..

This organi zation has been extend ing New' Year's Greet ings to the good citizen s of Wayne sville for thirty years but never more heartil y or sincere ly than now, to you.





. --




_ .


Accep t our season 's greetings in the eood old-fashioned way_ We wish you joy and happin ess for the New Year.

Lav onn e Bur ton




' w

__ ~

RESTA URAN T ~.. ..-,c~



J _ ~ _ 8 _ _ a. -..-.. •


__ a_., . .

Walter McClure J. 'E~ McClure · UNDERTAKERS




'this store and its worke rs take this opportunity to extend to you its most cordia l p'e~t­ lng" A H~ppy N~w Year.

May the ship of Golden Oppor tunities and Success dock at your port and may we be listed nmong your friend s who wish you a Happy New Year wheth er it does or: not_


It is our hope that we may contin ue to serve you in the future -not,h owever, withou t thanki ng you for your past favors. and pausing to wish all a very Happy and Prospe rous New Year







•• '.1.1 •• 1.



aa _ _ _ _


10 -




. . _a _ _ _ la_w • • • _a _ _ v

_ _ _ _. _

. 7-




• • •-

\ -..00<'


A sincere apprec iation of your patron age" past, pres.: ent and futul'e, ~BO' a' hearty gooa wish~A ~app~ New Y:ear. ,. : ", " " . "

,. ' W~'.~"'i'S~~'~,~ .'



1!j..r) I





. May your .heart be filJed to ov~i'flowing with choi~e,t ..&itt;. i8 our New Year'~ wish. for you and you,rs• . '





,Dr.. llath awa y · . ' "


Here's to the New Year- ma'y it hold Jar you pro,sperity tenfol d-may it make up to you .in worldl y goods and for aHy 1088es' in "the pas~may it keep you at the top health of the wa\'e, and help us to merit your' ,contin ued and apprec iative patron age. .

~. H. ~ADDEN ' &COM·PANY "



._ MI




. We ' hoP~7our New Y,.t will ~~, happy' one , .

~d that B;e&lth, pwpe ~nd Weali h wJlI he 10,," tbroua boQt therily coDlilll



• •


Mrs. Ella Babb, of Spnng V a lle)', is the.guest of MIHs <-'Ilrll DIe. Mr. and Mrs'. W. S; Graham. spcnt Ohristmas with their cltildl'CIl in Dayton. .'. . 1I1r. and Mrs. Clifford Buzick, of Miss Lilla BllnllRm anel MrS. Glenn idncy, ~p nt 'unduy wilh lI1 r. and Dordoll were Dayton visito rs, Tu es- Mrs. A. L. King. dny. JIIr. und Mrs. Andrews, of ClnrkMiss Lulu F('!l ly, of' the Middletown vill£'. "'1' 1'1.) wc,·k·c nd KUllsts of Fl'Ilnk ~chool8 was :a Waynesville visit or, St ansberry lind flllllii y. Tuesday. Mr. lind Mrs. E. R. Hurlan nr e Mr. and Mrfl. Chester Cutler, of spending the holidnys with Mrs. Norwood, spent Christmus with . Ray Hurlun ·. parents, at Lewi sto n, IIl!. Mills nnd fnmi ly. Mr. and Mrs D. A. Standiford spent Mr. and Mrs. Will Harvey, of Har- Christmas Duy with Mr. an d Mrs. veysbu rg, nnd Mr. and Mrs. H. E.. Elsworth Haines, ut Spri ng Vnlley. Stokes are wintering in Florida. Mrs. O. R. Unglcsby iR spending a Supt. F. R. Moomaw is in Colum- few days with her da ug hter, Mrs. bus white he is attending li S a del- N. P. Blatt and fa mi ly, nt Monroe. ega te, a conventio n of Ohi o teBchBryan PJ'('ndeJ'gust, who is in the ers. Railw ay Mai l ~cn'icc, art' ivcd home

Start the hew Year Right Advertise in





Country Club I h lb . Tw in 0 1' Split- op loaf, each . . . .. . I-lb. loa( .. ............. ...... Gc 1- \{,. Ib 10,,( ...... ....... .. . .... ...... ..

Ry e.

Club, $1 • 09 FI our Country 24'y:!-pound sack . . . . . . . . . .

Coun t ry Club, 1 2 '4 -lb . • acl<. ... 57c


-----_.------_.- -- - --- - ---- -----

2 ~~ bu . hel b" l1 .. .. ... ................ .. .... .... . .... ........ .. .. ................ .. .... .. .. .. $4.35

~~t~~~~b creamery,53C 2~~2 20c 25C !o~}L ~~~~~r~klJ' 15c Oats Country pkr ...... .... Nut, lb ..... ......

Churn B'o ld , Ib ..... .. ...... .. .......... .32e

.. .

!!.a~~~sc~~~.~.~.~~.. .... 25c Clifton, can .. ... .... ....... ..... .. ..... .. 1ge

176 . iu, dozen ........ .....

Florid .., 200 .ize. do zen .... .. .. .. 25c



3-lb. piece or mor.,. Ib .. .


pkg ...... ... ..... :........... .......... 23c

These Re.col·d Calendars are free to adu lts by calling at our store. We ~ r e hoping that nothing but joy a nd good cheer a nd every glad thing in th e wol'ld be yours -now, next year and a lways. We are wishing you a Happy, H ealthy and Prosperous New Year. Sincerely YO U1'S

The Corwin Grocery. ,

New ,_ Year ,Greetings At the close of t h e old and b eg inning of the new, we wish t o thank a ll our f riends , both far a nd near, for all sales we h ave re~ ei\red ' n-d the co-operation we have been accord ed in condu ctin g them .. We are n ow ating seve ral sal es f or January,February and March, a round Waynesville. If you are . going to mak e a sale it will pay you to see us. We guarantee to satisfy you, or ' chm'ge Nothing. A call and ·your sale will be immediate ly taken care of. For Sale Dates, Call or Write,

Jesse Stanley

F. T. Martin Centerville, Ohio Phone No.2

Ne\V" Burlington, Ohio Phone 32C? • •



. I


Mr. and Mrs_ Wilbur Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Riggs, Miss Mildred Clark and Mr. Everett Clark were Christmas Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Carmony, at Springfield.

F. D. DAKIN . Insurance- A'gen~y. .


Genel:al Insurance .. Phone







Do you like to wah in cold water? Why, no. Would you rather pay .the doctor or pay the laundry man a few cents a week for your wash? We will launder your clothes for as low as 6 cents per pound. Leave your call with MahJ.on Ridge to have the driver explain iln detail. Sott Water Laundry.

A Live Baby will be givenat·t he next regular Red Arrow ADetioD Sale,"Thursday, .J anuary 27, 1927. Bal your .merchandise at the folloWhig places and receive Red Arrow: Mo..ey.. $25.0~ in gold will be " Day. ': soJ'- .to · tbe Organization bidding

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Turner and 80n, of Bellbrook, Mre. Kate Coleman Mr. and Mra. D. L. Crane were dinner gueets ot Mr. and Mra ' F. B. Hendenon and 'daughten, Christmas


.. ,.'


WaJllea-rille Ov~rland Sales Company . Drug Co. " ~ami Theater .' Myer HyiDan ' Zimmerman Fred M. Cole Miami Gazette Waynesville, Ohio

When Is a ' telephone man not • t.lephone man 1 Here's the answer: When h. becomes • moving picture actor. • Warner Baxter, the well known .creen st.r, started out In lile aa a telephone .man, being employed In Columbus. Like Tria Speaker, former manager 01 the Cl\lvelaqd ball club; Grover Clevehmd Alexander, hero of the lll8t worla aeries, and WaltQr John,on, the - gr~atest pitcher of hi. time, Baxter turned from the telephone ranke to another field and 11k. 't he three, hal made a Buccess. .' , ,Many of the present-day telephon.e people In Columbu. ~ur reo. member Barler and · nner ,fall til ! lee him woen fllml" which ' h'e t: appears are shown In .theIr city. .


Lyman P. RO~8h, of Meml'his, ·Tenn., arrived in Waynesville Wed- . ' ' ' \." .~ nesday evening and Ipent· the remain. ·der of;· the '\teek with Lawrence 'Sur- PLBASAN~ VQICE,REAL.,A88B'i " .More, and mon It .11 becoming face 'ana family, of Route 4, . Mr• • Rouah II . trayellb; auditor for the lmown that . a .,pleasant volee over . the telephone 11 a real BpcIaJ and Equl~lIl~j Life Accurance .. Soclety, bollnesa· alHt. The .yot.,. .... 1O\lr':" with Jieallqu~rt~!1 At N,,,, y.,r~ ClW Wttphone penonaUq., : Peopl.. . '. ~o 1ID'....i teiephODe JlanoDalttt. . ~ve 1....!:'Ile4 to cOlltro. th,Ir ..,... I\) ~t, .....n when ~, .DItt(d Of DllDtany dlltre"iId .... , do .00" th... emotlona to be . . . . tile wile aDd paued .. ....a.. '11M, who fs 1IOi~ ~.""~1


.... fw .... .


It is Olll' earnest desire to co-operate with t he farmers in the u pbuilding of a mu tua l pros perity in t h e community and with this end in view w e have secured a New Farm Record Cale nd ar fo r use to our frien ds and patrons. We consider it a most va luable di}-ily reference g uide. Its app roved lI system, authol'itativ'e artie les on t h e ca r e of live stock a nd many other departments, will be a va luable aid in getting more production and ' increasing prosperitY' on t he farm.

Telephone Man

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pyle had their family with them for Xmas dinner and were ejoillled in the evening by and were joineld In the evening by ' Mrs. J. V_ Halrtsock, of Akron.

- - _

Dear Friends and Customers---

Mr. and Mr.8. Elmer Rogel'll and granddaughter, Margaret, entertained Chrilltmas Day Mr. and Mrs. Milton Sheehan, o:f Centerville, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clark and H. M. Clark of Lytle.

· blglJ~t.

Sunbrite, 3 ean . ........................ 13c -

Frank W_ Crew specializing the repairing of Ford cal'll. If not convenient for you to come out to my home I will call for yonr ear. Phone 88-2~. No Sunday work. d29

Call Phone 112



M-ovie Star


....... 7 0 . i ~ ., . 4 for ....... ... .. ... .. .. ........ .25c

GolDen or Rom e., 4 lb. ...

tained at dinner on Christmas Day, I=============== Miss Belle Gatch, of Xenia, Mrs. Mary Adams, Mi88 Clara Lile, Mis!! May Wright and Dr. Farr. &gan


~~~~!k~lu~~~~ . . . . . 9c

5 lb . • "ck ..... .. ..... .. ... ... .. .... .. ...... 27e .

~Ioradll s,

.- ---

You The Best

large packa ge ............... ......... .. 19c

29C i 9~z~~~o~~~.~.~ 25c Apples ~a..i~:;x 27 C £~~,~~! .~;:..~:.~ . . . 25c Bacon l5c tI~~~ty~~b~.~~~ 32c ~!~~~~Pkr.... . . . . . . Be sl~~c~~~~n. . . . . . 15c .





Quick cook. 3


Mr. and Merle Kern and Miss Edith Kern, of ColtJnlbu8, spent Christmas and a part of -the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. J. D_ Marlatt and Mr. and Mrsr. C. M. Robitzer.

31 c

No. 10 pai l ... .. ........ ..... .. ...... .. $1.60

Potatoes RoundWhites, U.S.No.l 45c Grade, IS-lb. peck .... .

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Archdeacon Master Milton 'Graham, who has • • • • • • • • • • 'been staying with his grandparcnts, with their guests, Mr. and Ml's. Ken. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Graham, has join ty and so ns, of Columbus, and Mr. Ralph Miller, of Dayto n, spent Suned his parents in Dayton. day at Springb ol'o with Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Mame Hatfield, of the Tele- Joe Miller. : ,. , ,, . '1r.! · Q·'<;;I.. . ~ lf ~ ~I,j"'l' I phone Exchanl!:e, was called to LebN. P. Blatt and family, of Monroe, anon, Sunday night, on account of Mr. an d Mrs. M. D. Baird, Mr. and the death of hllr mother. ·Mrs. Nelson Watkins and Miss l'daF. C. Hanso,ek and family, of Mil- ry Margaret Unglesby spent Christforrd and Ronald dHawke and fam- mas with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. ily were Christmas guests of Mrs. O. R. Unglesby. Edith Harris and Mrs. Laura MoshMr. and Mrs. J oe llfi1l1er, of er. Springboro, Mr. and Mrs. Frank KenMr. and Mrs_ James Good and Mr. ty and so ns, J oseph Bnd Bartley, of and Mrs. Irwin Marks, of Dayton, Columbus, and Mr. Ralph Miller, of were Christmws Day guests of Mrs. Dayton, were Christmas Day g uests Ruth Daugherty and daughter, Miss of Mr. and Mr. Howard Archdeacon. Do you like to wash in cold watStella. er Why, no. Would you l'IIther E. L. Thomas and family and Mr. pay the doctor or pay the laundryand Mn. HIUT'Y Burnett were enter-. man a few cents a week for your tained Christmas Day at the home wash! We will launder your clothes of Mr. and Mrs. Seth Thomas, in for as low as 5 cents per pound. L~ve your call with lflablon Ridge Dayton. to have the driver explain in detail. Mr_ and Mrs. Ben Champion, Mr. Soft Water Laundry. and Mrs. Will Wright, Mrs. ' Miller --and son, of DSlyton, were Christmas Willing to Be Convlnclld. John-"Do you renlly believe that dinner guests of Charles Anderacn absence makes the heart &row tood. and family. err' ~"Well, you ml,bt b7 II Dr. and Mrs. H. E. Hathaway and tor a month or two."-The AmertcaD Mr. and Mrs. 'Wilbur Hathaway at- 1Ali0D WHId:r. .... tended the funeral of their brotherin-law, S. K. Davis, at . Genntown, Thought (or the DIY. A ..ntlemln II IUIt 110 much the Monday afternoon. -.n wbo fOTJets blmself aI &he IIUUI Mr. and Mrsr. W. H. Allen enter- .Iao thInU 01 41th... .

We Can Guarantee

Clif to n , 21\ ~6 -lb. s ack .......... .... 98c

P~r;!~~~e f~;~~.e.r.e.~,. . . . . . . .

No. 5 P"i l ............... .. ........... ...... 85e

Howard Surface. wife and son, Christm!ls mOl'ning after a six W(!ck,v Edwin, spent Christmas with Mari- run. on Osborn and family, at HarveysMr. nnd 1111'S. Alfred Wright left burg. Monday for their home in PhiladelMr. and Mrs. Will Lippincott and phia, afte r a plCUSlIllt week with th(' ir daughter, Miss Eva, spent Christmas puren ts, Dr. und I\1rs. A. T. Wright. Day with their daughter and family , lIIr. nnd 1\Irs. Clyde Egbert of Xenin .Dayton. ia, llir. and Mrs. Clifford Buker and Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Yo unce attend sons, Walter John and Ray, spent cd a family dinner on Sunday at the Christmns Day with Mr. und Mrs. W. home of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Younce J. Buk('r. Sr., in Dayton. Dr. lind Jllrs. A. T . Wright, 1\11'. Mrs. Susan Surface spent Christ- and Mrs. Alfred Wright spe nt Christmas Day with Emerson Surface and n)as Day with the Doctor's sisters, at family, at the home of Mrs. Laura Springboro, and Sunday with Dr. and Mrs. Dudley Keever, lit Centerville. Crane, at Pekin.


Wh o le wh.,,,t, ' . Ib . loa f .. ... .. ... 8e ... .. ..... .. .. .. ................... .. ...... 10e

. ," :




: _

. ; G)

Seven ty-Nin th Year WAY NESV ILLE, OHIO , WEDN ESD_\.Y, JANU ARY 5,




Whole Numb el' 573



i·····. ·········


ATTRACT BIG CROWD 1 [I"te;::~n~~tem.

Som e Imp orta nt Item s from Eac h of the. Fifty -Tw o Is· sues of The Mia mi Gaz ette of the year 192 5


..... ...

The Wukitat inn . Campfir e Girls were orga'liz ed and charlere d NoFollowin g is th e li s t of articles and vemb" r 15, I 925. Our recognit ion the [lIllo un ts t he y s old f or nnd t he fit Nutionu l headllu arters wus cnsil r hield~r.: ga ined, but like most all ne w iden;, J H'lbertll el'Olle, bid Prepa re by $23 8, 85 C a nuary ont uined re Rume of the cle'.IIhs , Charl es Wuo d , Magdali n e 1 (Ill il of Cu nd y. it WH 8 very diffieulL to get started in t1 ,~ e mp l,,)," ," h(""C IIn cl 1" a\'eR; i\l r><. yeur 1!J~ 5; deat h of Al ias Rnc he l Bnll il1g('l'. Fmnk Colum bus . ep< rte .. !\II" . Irwin Carns , 1\11'". Thol\1a~ . hi d l li .75 our "w n co mmunity. l\''' I'Il," 1 c' lass I'eu,) i.. ,,; W,lIia ms,," Ri dge nod lIl l's. F lure llr e Lawso n. Ida 1I1 ann un. il Ill' Candy . . Our GUllrdiun , Mrs. F. Hay 1\100- January 13 - Vin· C" lIier w('oIdill/( dat I' a"n" un ccd ' N ~ IlI i "a " MtJ l·I{UII. bid a t I,'r Sll.OO ic ncl " . 1I . I1111e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . .. . May 19 OL ilU II '·~'. l\I ul'yEbcr l y mnw, wus for awhil e not aLle to take ,kalh", l 'huri c, ~I;'allda . ~II" . dcut h of 1\Irs. I. uc \' P l'IIlt: " nU "t\''' C'luck . R Oll SI'; Warr!.'n County No rma l un "clive purt in our work, so the ull Clurk. J O~ I'(lh I\er,cy, I'au l, Mi :lll er e nlertllill H Jl appy Hour club. COOD NEWS C" nllllC n C e m~nt; JUlies - Bach man 60 .00 assista nt, Mrs. C. W. Younce. 8t"r l- January 20- Mu soll COl.UMBU~, O HIO-If " ~ny at: ~· -ll id . ,," " I' ~I I'. ull ci ~II'" . AI- Jacob !Scott. bid I'l'ug h udcl l'ess 100 Cigar• . \q ·cld ill lt" IIl1 nolllll'c ,l; s rvere : lo rm lempt iK mnd e t .. inc rease the presCANAL S, CROPS, PROSP ERITY ed us out with a n enrullm e nt of fifIn' rl Gr:IY , es Furm er s clul> ; dell t h o f J ohn Eel Stulld VISI(S C(, Il 14I1 U,"ty. i ford. hid [00. teen girls. 00 Septeml Jer 29 - \\" a )"nc~\' ille cil izl'lIs /(us" line tux. '"' has bee n suggest ed, Ze ll . WE ARE HOMOC ENOUS M .~y 26 - LJ<):tth s. Coo ker. \\,ill ia", Il ud ley , il1 FIoJriti n .-("rnl; I\<,)"s ,.<,u ll ioll; Our progress was slow, and we en- . Ja~uary 2! - J( e ll U"l of th e l11emhc· rs of tl,,' general assembl y annual 111 ('('tLyl\1an M,'" Dny Ea , , o. t c r u Smith . Cec 20,0 il II 0 o Cl\'er counter , will finn united ''I,pos ition. Charles deaths. Ta ylu,' Friller. Th omlls ed muny obstacle s which were ALL ALIKE of blrm Burea u ; cleath' in FloI' J ar Arlllullcl' ~ ICllnsi ll g. L,,"is .Ien ld lls , L"f aY ~ lle G" a ham , co nqu ered for th e most rU I.t. but (' . .Jnn s, sec relar ·. of the Ohio State .I IIIlICS, ~II·". :\ c,rl\ WCI·ks ; "l' purl 'rI" o f W.. N. , ({ uyuurn; Lin culn ~h·s. H""l1 ld Il:1wkc, I'h ilil' LlllT i,·k . El izabeth o. II 50 .00 school an d other acti vities came fir st A " utom bile assodal i" n. sa id that evI' "c hllol a cti VI t ies. lIulllll hl'l·Y. olHtllar y. N,dlObu n ; Counci l J( ·Iigious Edu - Oclober 6-- O,.ncl,' (;,,1. I'c'crless Paillt. so in early 1920 we beca me ve ry ill- Februar y 3- 0b.tullr ery lIutomob il e IIssllciut ion in the rf ~:Ir ll l,(e hu rglur- ~ l l's, ie" of Ne lli" A. catio n : c l ( , ~ in g of schu ll I yell ". It's renlly 0 pros perous country acti\'e Cumpfir Geurg ia Gorde ll. bid 12.00 ,tut e would ' oppose th e propose d inh ed; F . B . Il c ncl' r"" n c" lIIrh·te< e girls. Howeve r, JUSt: W ell e r n n.dJe,., n, c .M . II '.IY, ~I ncl Dr. Jun ~ 2 --Sl1lit_h - l ~ig l1('s I d', '.e n T nb lct s. w ~ li ve ill, UIIU the pros perily hos before school wus out in the buys go ~o C'r ell Be from two to [our cents per ;!f, yell "" ,n t h .. rllne l lIlail '~ r \" i c c; spring, ,\hom us Sh~' ~"HH I. Nell Ie Katlll'yn lIar tcr \\ ,,,,,st(· ·Ml'In ,:; Xe n,a blly druwned en cl"a~h". Ell,," It"g!' I's, I·:tl nll Kn t ire, bid 200 .00 gallo n on gasoline . The present law only COIllIll(' lI ced. Ar thur ]{cynolcl s, II new IntoreR t was gained, nnd our th "yn 1 h UllIli R bu, nH to c1 cflth . . Crosle A y . I 111111 Bucli , I"IVC u. I tu lie. " ; ~' I emnc'lal DIlY ce lebru iK providin g amp le fund s for the Edg lul:lt. n, 11 . 11. \\,i lkl'J'Hu n. ab le Chicligo bllllk er, says our 11I'os- Guurdiu ll became one o[ us. Bu t Februar y 10- FII "m ers ,n st,lll le: J . t hell Mrs. 102.5 0 IIlUilltenl1nCe of highw ays, Mr. Janes resigned and [)or- 11. SlIph e r a rl drc s ~c s furm e rs ; ueath A. 11<, 11; <I ell t hs, M"rton I.. RoLerts . J. October 13- R"I'II ,'ls (rum poultry H. G. Cr"ss. Lid Ill-rity' will lust through 1!127. It is Hawke Younce Brannoc ilIull ket. k . Cha rle;; William Cox. fr on' (l uu lt,·y fa l'lll ' ; denlhs, MII"v was mad e new ussia tant su id. "in fllct. too lIluc h for some of Mrs. Annl1 MIller ; ti cllth of 11 ,1- JUD e -9 - B o h l nnder-~ I will ulsu lust lhrough 1!J27 und be- gunrdia n. e~li ll il n 18 5. 00 of the muni cipaliti es of t he stote, wed .I . \' 1' 11 I':a rllhlll'(, ill 1'". J acoh LlJTui8\' Smith, bid me r EdgIn g ton. . din g ; l\fi "s .. w Knthr ~ 1 Set. yn t't a rk lind Mr, .·c'lll The s pirit of a callIp soo n begon to ; ma l'l'illg"". l1 ar old WiIond the money is being used for othyond. if we ~i ve It u chance. really , Februar y 17- lIfnniag e of ~I is.: Luui,,· Henders on, bid Clau de Higgs lllurril·U li t ~Jiami , 25.00 er rurr oses. A tnx of fou r cents per lilllll SOIl II lI d Vuruthy ('" l1 i~ r he_Mary L c fT~rso n and Ado lph Sunwork nnd do 1I0t cheat euch uther spring up , so ideas (01' milking mon1·'ln.; .cl cnth o f . V (D ick) M,, "on, Il un ci kcl'eh icfs. ey were sought. We held sa ndwi ch tN gall on on gosolin<! would be entirely CU l ler and HUlh " l1I'n h";·l . Otis d eI'S. at lIf,udl et own; H ig h S(' hoo l too mu ch. at Bellhroo k . D",·i. ",,"ucrs oll. bid sales, lunches, markets had campfir e 17. 70 unfuir to aulo ow ners. and our assoI.a\\ ~,, " all d ~ll· rl" Or ll J orf. oper eUa. ; J . W. Burton fell Hncl June 16- (' onv 'I cat ionnl Hauclk ' rchiefs. picnic; sole Octoher Tag day and many other things, and ciation 20- Mlirri ui(C of Mr. Dona ld will <10 its utmost to defeat broke hI S le/C. W right . bid . " urvi\'o r u r W'. R. Ho,,1 Post; locnl Revised govern ment repbrts on wcre well backed by th e public. 50.00 s uch a mens ure should it come beIIcllclc rsun UIIU ~ Ii s~ Gruce f; haOl- EVilGcnts Februar y 24;- Deat.h s- 1I1rs. L<lI S tc"dwl'~ l'ec e,V" ,hrl onl lls from ."clO r f. crops put corn f o r this year ut two Wh en camp week came the g irl ss f ore buu!(h; the genera l assembl y. Ohio WU.Ten Cuunty tenche rs' Nutt, lI1r~. 1>hldrcd I':~gle, ~lrH. Mil Wilming to n cII I'I('g'e; d eat hs. J . F. billion s ix hundred nnd forty -five were very much enthuse d and anxa uto owners today ore contribu ting meet,n).\' ; ri cuth s, Mrs. Su, "n ll ui ne s Belt. Il U tlldll ~os, e r, Mrs. Eilzn be th Frye. r\ SIUIllP, illY lI urki ns. bid Mrs_ ll llnna h Antrnm , lil a-I million bushe ls, wheat at eight hun- ,o~s to go. Our group had dwindle d 26 .20 Illore than $35,000 .000 nnnually in B. Y. Cull ett, Rubert Donold PotC. Lester . o ~ k ey . . , COl\1pllet Set. 1'1(.'11 Walt!.' l· M'II l"r ny ; marriag !' (If dred and thirty-tw o millioy three qUite a lot, but seven girls ond lheir March taxes und e r existing laws, and any l or i". 3Lym.' 1 1 f; ,h'e r se l"l ou~l y Puwder. ll le" f) A It linn Tlw mas unci Mr, Mllclhundr ed lind live thou slInd bushels - guardia n, all full of pep, arrived at i ncrease of this bunion must be conb~rn('(J; Dr. . FII,... celehrn t " All th . - - i. "11 1 ·:nl'l1ha l"t Kalhleen . Henders camp on, Linger bid <;>clober 27 - Many, BOCIn I eV,enls ; acund forly million bushe ls of rye, forLonger Saturda y July 5;; .00 ~t rued a s on attempt on the part of b,rthday annIvers a r y; d!'lI ths. Mar· Ju 'ne 2 3-- ~Ir. E1'II('s t limh,·c,n". Ha rlem an d cld ent.~1 deat h o f Illrence I' ulk el'son ty -one milli on bu shels of rice, eigh- 24 , where Mrs. C. 111. Ro bitze~ was othe r interest . tu di vert a part of garet Ann Whels e l. Ma tth ew SlIlc. Miss II clen Prick ett murri"d ' Mi llm Ann" Iloyle, bid of t""n million six hundred and eigh- camp mother and Mrs. L. A. Zimmer (Jrc.t! 11 counly ; othel' d!'uths, AI14:' 00 t hei r j ust shore of support ing the Eva Be nnett Dixo n. is ddl'at Lehllnon al H a l' l11o ~ pork : Hug. Clnzo Iwerh a rt. horles W. Peppel'. teen thuu sand buIes of colton, thir- man wos ca mp nurso. A happy and March 10-De aths. lIfrs. L State governm ent . The suggest ed . IlL He n- cie ll th" . !\Ir~. Theodor e lJis hop Wil- Novem~er ty -three lIIillion nine hundred thou- eventfu l week wus well spent. with 10.00 plan of usillg a part of t he gas tax 3- New Cc ntr uy club cn- Mildred Wri g ht bid . derso n, Mrs , Mil ry .Cas key ; !>1 r. Tie . ill 111 \\' an, irk. ' ' BU ild boxes o ( oranges, etc., and you plenty of experien ce and adventu re tc rtallls Le banon Lit erlll'y clu b; money for the building of new roads and !\Irs. Pc~ry Ke nre ck ce lcbrate JUlle 30- All nulI I r eu ni on nf lIess hll ve II slight idea of whot prosper ity for I! II , the latter especial ly, when ~I r . lind Mrs. Pea rl ornell cele- urI Cray, bid 10.00 will also be ollposed by the state asfifteenth a~l nl\'ers ary of murri ngc; 'ia mil)·:. n ogun fnmi ly reu nio n ; IsTie. the river came out of it-~ banks hold Pentu-C n unl~ bllskelb bral means. e s il\,e,: sociatio wedding n," Mr. Janes said, declarin g ; wlln k-Long_ Erwin Elli., nll t ourn ume nt ane \\ "lt CIll L eague d istrib utes bid ing us in the immedi ate surrou'n ding ncre llIarreag c ; dealh" 55.00 t hat " s uch a pl.a n forces the burden lare nc e af Blanche ster. , . fis Tire h; wo~k Pump. l11nn cnished by truck. of camp, 'urfae!' moslly of , mud the Cha improve rl and es ,r"hll water And unlike oi l, thesc crops are m ent upon one class of for ~arch 17- Dcaths. Mrs, .W,lham Edgor Smith , bid ne ll/, Sprlllg Vnll ey ; dealh, Hobert Novemb er 10- lIl. E. l11. 50.0/) citizens while the improve ment bene xhuu sted. but go on forever, lncrens several days_ Brother h ood artl~g e r" Mrs. B elle Sq u~re s, of Au to J a ck. L. I::lliutl, of ·c nterville . Our first ceremon ial was held at nnu Ludi cs efit.s Aicl another present ing. class Lund in Frllnce planted to "The entirely ." VilSPtlng \ all~y, Am os HarnIsh . Ed- July 7- Poultry cl ub orgnniz!'ll ; 2.40 lage Postoftice an d Bus Stu tion' " Hichard Adoms , bid ...... ". wheat f ur centurie s produce s more camp, and &e~era l Of. the mothers n:i Beckelt , Toyl o r-Ch lld e r~ trogBottle Auto Polis h. rt,:nt hs, M!·s. E sther L o \~ry Wurmn rrill ~e. , William bushe ls per acre now than it did and others witnesse d It and seemed Frame and M;'5 e y. . . of the attorney -genera l to w,ck . Wlileam Satte rth wait e, Mrs. Ma ry Edward s Sturbuc k, ~Iiss lI'1ar Konn eth St J ohn, bid "" '"'' 50.00 theHuling 200 years ago. The pity is that very pleased with the work the girls Marc;h 24-De alh of Lymll.n Silver; effect t hat the cost for services 30x3'k Michelin Tube. Sal'Oh F ost e r, Lo uis C,·ee d. I:aret Pe nce " nd Mr. Mnrk Rogers when furmers hnve big cr ops they had done. This yenr we have won trcbute to Mrs. Lee Hend er 50 n: ut- JUly 14- MiolOis lose t o L eba non' "" 66_00 in cases of garnish ment where the 1I1,·s. Irene Bird and Mr Mert Baird Clyde P earson, bid ".. get small prices. Combin ation aales nbout three hundred honor8_ Some ~emf,t mude to burglar i.ze Cc>I.e's salary for services is garnish eed, ~Ox3 2 Vikin~ Tire. poultry inspecti o n; dea th of Mrs: death s. Charles Pope 'Mrs Chrysond voti ng could help that, but for- of the fascinat ing and useful things rW,'are st?re; annu a l IIls pectlOn lIlary Brown, bId .. . " .... .. ...... . 97.00 ca nnot under any circums tances exWal ter B oga n; lIfassie Tp. Pig and we have learned, through the help tie l\!c Kinsey. mers do not yet know how, ' . 0 aynesVl lle L odge F . & A. M.; ceed $2 .60 will tend to lessen the CnsRer ole. CoIf cl u b meding. of .our guardia n are, bead weaving , Novemb er I7- Suddell dcuth of H deaths, A. V. Sc ha effer, twenty- July 21 - Walter ]\[cClur number of such cuses in the opinion .Jack Knife, o. IJ , e and J . E. whIch we used for our head and nrm mon Dakin' coal '" ' ~lonthsH a rold dllughte r of of Mr. and McClure cnler tllin fUll eral diOther good news for 01\ Ameri- bands, reed work, which hllnus ' Miss ' Edith C~is edb chonge! Nettie Tinney, bid ""'" ..... .. 41.25 costsattorney s. In many cases the included ba8_ rs. h l~nrYh'h ~Vester Flashlig ht. nrc too often a vital considman ; eig ht- r ec lors ; Seni or I'owd er 1IIi ll ex- Indin 'odcires ses Woma :.. cnn is this: "The lake cities will be kets., trays und other pieces for e~~~ir· ~ ? ~t -oB c.' o f II1r. and Mr s. eration in such . cases, JIInd it has connect ed with the Mississi ppi, the ChrIstm as gifts, plodes; dellth s, Hev. J ohn K. H owary ' death of l\Iorgll l'et C Hintt ,- Evelyn Cartwri ght. bid " ....... 93_S0 been ond a great deal in 'c or . urres , nee Lenn Conncr. reported onser"o Cooker. e ll, Horace Prott.. that many times t.hey Gu lf and all ports 9f the world by the arts of cooking and sewing. .' March 31 - Easter progrnm ; death s, July 28- Klln -Rit.e Klub meeting ; Novemb IIII "ignhle waterwa ys through legis..... ... ..... .. 3001} nmount to more than the claim InThursda y of lust week we met at er 24-Mu rrl al:es , Mr~ . Sar- Cecil DIlVis , bid Leafy Emley Wood, Mrs .. Adda volved. de ath, ap ta in MOR!'s Walton. Eve rsharp Ruling Illtion that should pass this winter. the High School domesti c science hall Brow Pencil. of the attOl'l1e y-genIIh . !II urrllY and Mr. Fred K,mmer n, Leban on; Lebanon resldellc e Auguo u 4-Appe nl mode for Mrs. Arthur, o. u ..... .. " ." ..... . 90.00 era I is to the effect that the total A nd a cllllnl I rom the lakes to the and prepare d all of our articles for county Ie, ~11~s Shay and Frnn~est royed by fire; Ed Burton slars Normal ; a nni ver sa ry o f Pellch Tree costs, includin g the justice of the I oll ste l·. Atlnntic IIlso seems probabl e if an our New Year's market on Friday. c ~s Co leman, deoth ~, A ngehna DeIn I~ask e tbal!. buttle; Goo d-cut Cluthi ng club Perco lalor. peace, as well as all constab le fees, ugreeme nt enn be made with Canada Some of us have put our sewing vltt .. Jumes • ul!l •. Sim eoa Poltorff , 4pral 7Wlnner s o f Poster COIImeetillg; ~[jss Edna H owland writes E. L, Sherwoo d, bid ... ... .. ..... .. 41 •.00 sholl flOt exceed a total of $2 .60. f or joint use of the St. Lawrenc e. knowled ge iryto practice by making Le w's Dan,el Huhnge r. test ~ nn ouneed; Stokes cut~le sa le ; Watch. lette r o f appreci uti on. . our .ceremo lllal gowns. Decemb e r 1 Denths, W:i1liam m D. n rr'ng~ Of. Clifford Buz,ck and August l1 - YounJl: Frie nds on ferTh - ht I Id b ' \I Thon!pso n, at Se ne ca, Kan. ; lIfrs. .1"IIlRnCeS have been rather hard, as The 86th generol assembl y which Th ere was 0 grent deal of enthuMISS OIhe MIller; Bnno.uncem e nl.o C e nc e in Iowa; 4-H c1uL camp g reat Amer~c:~g ware:~a;'°f~om ~h:nIJe; With most all organiz Jan ,:"e. An,tr~m, Jllm es Cleover , s iasm nt the auction and the people hns been in recess for almost two the date of the morr,nge of MISS through New York atate, and that a smalr group we feel ations but for s u cces~ r e uni on of sc hoolmat es at ChrIstion Snllth; Will Daught ers are taking more interest than they years, is in session again. Or it was, we h'ave done Mary Thomas and Mr. Harry Burwill come. But it would cost five well. We Friend~ Home. Monday , but not for the transac tion conduct or r etires on pens ion. campfir e manuals . n~t; deaths, Jud so n Hess. ' d id at the fi rnt one. or ·six hundred millions more than t he and most of have . AU lI' uol 18Waynes vill e stree L~ torn Decemb er 8- Chris tmas edili on of Pult'oni ze th e Hed Arrow places of any bu s in~ss except to hear, a few the girls take the Camp_ AJlr.1 14- Death of Charles . qu, res ; low costs of the St. Lawren ce canal, fire magazin e, "Every up by cl oud burst; you ng boy reports. Snves und Next week the member s o! g et Red Arrow Money, and bid Gu zette, eig ht pages of ads news Girls." t"I~ ' D.ay op~ns stor.e in PhillillS which probabl y will come first. t wo from dl'llwll ing nellr Morrow ; the 87th come t Columb us to be.Too. we have four new mem etc; death s, Mrs. Jno. to op's , Mrs: on son:e of the vllluab le presents . UI ing,. ClnclOn ati pIke closed lo nfler J 7 years of service in J . W. Farmel'll are deeply interest ed in MIldred Ames, Velma Armi gin their Th e work and just how long interest Alice in th e Live Baby Han dall. J. D. the .publlc. lhese canal projects , for which Sec- ry L. Edward s and White's st ore, Prank Hobinso n re- Decemb er 15 R mi . Cla rk. auction is increas ing, and Red Ar- they will be here is a problem . Some Mary J. 'pr.1 f 21D Explosio n a t Ki ngs retary Hoover deserve s O'I"A"'''R' tI \,,:hich now makes. a s ig ns and acc·epl.s pos ition i n the I Farr ' Santl-;-CI~usn~s want to make the 8c8sion a ehort one cdnce a .~. re w ~ ' o n e y is being daily sought. group of tel) .:a_ster n Star gives s~ower praise. He is a worker. The Kr oger Gr ocery slore; Foulks reSev<!rul organiz ations are making and then adjo urn sine die. But with gIrls and the guardia n and her assisWU Y;lesvill c ' HlIller~Ro party VISit l '11 or . . rl t e, death .of lIfrs. f Lou,s I Kel tant.. U1l1 01l. ringe ' d eat h' of 1\1 ' L gersu mor- str e nuous efforts to get the $25 offer- importa nt taxation issues before er, IIlcrense d d'~ldend s for Day- August fr~m c~heafr:i;ch~g~no twe ve 25- llom e Co min g at. Beech We are looking forward now to , . them it is probabl e that it will be ISS aura . cn r .Y. ed this month. t~n Power and LIght stockh old er s. Crave and odd twelve cents to churc h ; Ache-D e nnis w ed- Decemb er 22- lI1arr,ag e of .I\1,SS 11111_ our. second ceremon ial, which will al- Apr.1 28--;-Deo ths. , ~Ima around the palmy days of May be- . ~ -.----price. III. Leffer- din g ; ,Yos l family r euniun; Younce so IIlclude a Mother and Daughte r fore t hey get through . The State dre~ Hole. und ,111 1'. Russell Campson, ~hlhp Hopkms . Mrs. R. A. fllnllly banquet . The new member s will be bell, of MISS E\e~rn_ ynglesby a~d revenue s must be increase d afld just Cross , Co.unty W: C. T. U. meets Septem berr eIllnion. - Ha lph Mon tg'o mery of come "woo~gl!," and some of Mr. Nelson Watkms , J 0 FlllklOhow -this is to be done is one of the at Oregon ia; murrlag e. of Miss Cleo Franklin . ki lle cl by trnin; sc\,ring Harness ing._ the Colorad o river the others 'Plremo kcrs," the second burg ~ecolllc.s ~tll1 member of W most difficult problem s of the GenLllwson and Mr. Irw'n Lawson . muchine cli nic a t Cru de bu ilding' ,,'cms 1I0t fnr "WilY. thnnks to anum degree 01 the organiz ation. H. Hoel Po~t. death eral s, JO B. A. KeurAssemb ly. Govern or Vic DonAlso, May 5 - Mrs. C. W .. Younce a.nnoun cber of 'ellrnest mon, includin g Senll- so.veral honors, badges and d C}lth uf i\lrs. Amos Coo k; Titu; . n ey, l\J r~. B,s, Mrs. ahey will present his message next El11ma Hamchevron s e~ the approachll1g marTlag e of fa mi ly rcuni(1 l1. tor Hiram J ohnso n, Secreta ries Work WIll be awarded . ,ltOIl, i?'!II,cl week. q,lmore It IS to be brief and to the Howlan d, MaM,.s8 Kathryn . Chll'k a!,d Mr. Claude Sept ... mber 8- Wn ynes\'ilI a nd Hoover. lind others. The ree schools The Wnkitat ina Campfir e Girls ry ElmoI' I'oley, Stunl ey Dixon. point, and he may point the way to RI~gs; JUnl O r -S el1l o t~ ba nquet; maining difliculty see ms to be arrung met at the home opell : deat hs. Mi ss Afi da Gmhom , Albert Perry Ad oms; lribute to Lisolving the taxation question . He of their Guardia n. obItuar y o.r 1>13y R. Cross; deo th Dr_ Th eodllre Keeler; ing nn ogreem ent between Califor- Mrs. ' Moomaw , Monday The Home Nursing course given in has been g iving the matter Youn g Friend s brnry Board : considof Mrs. W,ll ~looney. nia nnd Arizollll . The dnm would The hand sign was given,after Bchoo!. IHes!'nt play. Decemb er 29- Two pages o[ mer· Worrell co unty under the supervi s- erab le thought 'lnd because of this be in Arizona , n greut part of the the . "Law an.d Credo." followed bl' May t2-:--0 penll1g of base ball sea - Septem ber 15- Hough- Roessler we dc~ant's fact New there Y~ is al' During much Greetin interest the ion gs; carol of son; the home agent, Miss Watts, in his BIshop ~eese adminis t ers rite power and irrigatio n would be used bUSiness sessio n dinp; lind recep tio n; r ea l estute message . It is expecte d to be short, SlIIglOg ut the Gym; hU3banu s in- is proving it was decided to of confirlll allon at St. Mary's Ir1 Csliforn ia. lo be a very popular and others dea ls ; work of nigh sc hool faculty The dum would be take part in the Campfir vited will t o be New submitt e Century recognied 88 club; occa~hurch; murMrs. Hannah Antram inused in Cali fornia. · The .prosper lty tion, the "Tree Year ,tnd other. school notes. ri oge of Mr. Elhon Crolle and Miss course. fn the nine townshi ps tak- sion requires during the session. Honor contest" Jured by fal1; ~others club picnic; Septem ber 22- Farm of one state is reflected in nil atates. which i ng the work there hand is a di total smllnof 117 Inaugur ation ceremon ies flext MonIsadol'O Cook. will end 1>1a~ch 17th, the fif- _ Cnliforn ia cannot thrive without benlead er s and nssistan ts who meet in day arc tQ be very sim ---teenth birthday of Campfir e. ple, and no efitting Florida and Maine_ their differ ent cominun ities to re- money wiII be taken from the State The meeting adjourn ed to meet Arizona , the g reat state of cop- again cei ve the in structio n. These tr leadeasury to meet the expense s, this January 17th. . per, cotton , citrus, climate and the ors held n total of 52 neighbo rhood being at the order of Govern DORIS E. HAWK E, Scribe. or DonColorad o, will "rove itaelf the state me etings foll owing their first les~on ahey, who enters his ' third term. of brother lr concilia tion. The thing lit which 393 other women received 1'he Farmers Institut e sellson opens design ed's to use the country 's the ins truction given in the first lesin Wanen' counly next week with G. F. Schl!'sin ger, director of high wenlth, wate.- nnd po\\'-er especinI ly, so n. This mak es a total of 510 diffive sessions nt Aurveys burg Wednes nnd thus build up the entire nation. ferent lodies in the county who have ways, warns motoris ts to be especday und Thurs doy. Jnnuary 12 nnd Arizona will not unwisel y withhol d had a ll of the firs t pllrt of the work. iully careful in driving over the 4- H club work in Warren cou nty and 13 I1nd at Lebo non o n Friday [rom develop ment and use that Th e leaders ure giving extra time to stu te road s duri Itg the winter seaoncl Satul'da Mrs. J. y V. [oll Harlsoc owing. k, of Akron, who help th eir neighbo Abram Hathaw ay died at his home for 1926 will wind up with a s £'r ies Mr. Th os. son on oecount of the slippery conwhich, at the moment , she herself in Peru, Ind_, Wednes day, Decemb l'r of ' Achieve ment meeting s to be held D. Phillips, sllperin telident of the with her dllllghl 1', . Dorothy spen t inl mention mightrs catch up. Spec- dition of the surface during wet, cannot use. be mnde of the Ohi" S tute uni ve rsit y farm. will di s- the holidays in Woynes v ill e th~ gllest 21). The funeral and burial was held over the county. New Hope neighbo rhood, with Mrs. freezing weathet l or sno wy weather at Peru In these meeting s the clubs will cus. the [81'111 topics , while Mrs. Idol of her grandm othcr, Mrs. C. ll. Sher- Jacob Lafller ond her daughte Friday the 31st. Mr. This is written on the writer's Hathaw ay,onwho r nct- co ndition s. There is no type of pavA: wood, Dur bin r eceived , of Frederi a long cktown, distance Ohi,>, ~old call a was a former resi~egular club me eting, including us lelld ers. Fourtee n of the 16 ing . urfnc e thot is skid proof and eleventh trip across the' contine nt clc1!t of thIs WIll ThurscU lend lY eve the ning, homc t(1 discuss the effect ions mg commun thot o f bUSines ity, s, demons trations and a WBS a broth_ in the contmun it)' are taking IIccident s due to careless driving at in fourteen months. The oftener you er-In-law her hus band had been fo und unco n- ladies of Mrs. Amos Menden hall recreoti onal program so their friend s interest to women. lhe work. 'fh!'i r goa l is a hundred this time o f the year are occurin g cross, the more uniform ity of . life and Mrs. Harry The ll:orvey sburg ses~ions ,. ill I,,' scious in his CUt at the s ide of the may know what the 4-H club work is and will continu e to occur on all Stokes. per CC11t neig hb orhood. nnd manner s in Americn amazes you. held in the T own Hall. while the road betwee n Mt. Vernon and Collike. kinds of r onds. The division of high Th e tntal ~ by townshi The young man i'l1 semi-bn Jloon ps follow: Lebunoll will be g iv'en the Memo- umbu s , having been o\'ercom e by gas Hllmillo n, Mrs. Clyde Walker wnys has erected warning signs at Mrs. Harley Frye, 32, died last renThe thirty-s ix 4-H clubs in War- rinl Hall. Commu nil y in tro users, left in New York, you find lender, po fumes from a def ectiv e l' xhaust pipe 59; interests county will be very glad to hove i'nts that are especiol ly hazardo us Eos t Turtlec reek, lIlrs. "gain in Chicago , Kansas City, To- Friday morning at her home near all Fred EIrece ive to which special a heatcr WIIS attoched . emphasi s. who are in terested in the boys bon, leader, 48; Washin gton, Mrs. on d arc toking measure s to place peka, Gal1up, Albuque rque, Barstow Wellma n. The funeral service was A physicis n_ wn s summon ed from and girls work" to attend one of e Kersey, Ill/lder, 01; Harllln, cin ders and other simi lar materia l lind tejls of thou sn nds of him in Los held at the Chapel Monday afternoo n. these Mt. Vernon. who, 8 ftcr lin hour of F)orenc Mrs. Roy Hoss, leader, SI; Salem, on th e surface to reduce the slipRev. L. A. Washbu rn, Otliciating_ 7 :30 meetings. They will begin at Angeles . hard ' work, r evived him, but only for p . m., slow time, at the fa 1I0wZ. O. Worley, lead er, 17; Deer- periness where conditio ns are esBurial wa. In Miami cemeter y_ a sho rt time. whe!! the unfortu nate Mrs. ing places: . field, Mrs. Murie Hause, leader, 71; pecially bad. Howeve r, the motoris t mun again became unc on. cious. Travel a short distance from the January 3- Rarlan Tp_ is urgcd to keep well within ' the leA Wayne, IIIrs. W.- E- O'Neall, pulmoto r. procure d fro Rhores of Brittany to the mountai ns Mrs_ Alice Pearl, wife of AlexanJanunry 4-Deer field Tp., Reit he Mt. 62; J"rankli n, Mrs_ A. D. Bond,Icader, gal speed limit at all · times and apThe W nynesvi lle Indepen dent bas- Vernon Fire Departm ent,IIIproved lead- ply brakes of A uvergne , in France, and you der Traylor , of Ferry, died sudden- bold's Hall, Mason. efwith caution_ The diaer, 71. ketball team hns n f llst gome sched- fective and Mr. Hartsoc k find languag e and clothes chan~ed ly, Decemb er 28. The funeral serJanuary Ii- Hamilto n Tp., School uled mond shaped warning sigos mark ab le for next Soturda y evening , when to return to Akron the nextwos complet ely, also interest s, habits and vices were held at the Ferry church, house, Mainvil le. day. points on t.he roads where the mo__ the fast Monroe Indepen dents come The latest report from Mrs. manners . Thursda y morning , Rev. Nathan John January O- Franklin nnd Spring- to the loclil torist should slow down and proceed 9ym for a re t urn engage sock is that he is improvi ng. . HurtHere, fronl Miami to Por :i8'ld, we son in charge. Burial was at Cen- boro, Masonic hall, Frankli n. with his cor under complet e control. ment with the local players. The all know the same boseball and foot- terville. January 7-Way ne and Massie two tellnl S met in a fast and exciting The Valley Telepho ne Compan y, ball scores, see the same moin" picTp., Grange Hull, Waynes ville. gllme at Monroe one evening last with exchullg es ot Waynes ville, Lebtures, weRr the same cloth~' p, get January S- Turtlec reek n nd Wash week Charles Kamp, 50, died suddenl y and our boys brought home the anon, Hal'veys burg, Morrow and Maabout the same wages. at his home in Clarksv ille, last Fri- Ington Tps.. and O. N_ C. Club, largo end of 0 23 to lS score. son, has 0 new manage r, Johr. H. day. The ,funeral was held Monday Grange hall, Lebanon . Eddie Burton, one of the very- best Miss Helen Hawke, assisted by Thomps on, who has St. Mary's annual parish meeting that position at the M. E. church in Clarksv ille, , basketb all players Waynes ville evCl' L. A. Washbu rn and Mrs, lIfrs. fol' several years, held ~~-tendere d was held fa st Monday night at the with Rev_ Tucker officiati ng. Burial produce d is captain ing the Monroe Baird, entertai ned the member Mel·t his resignat ion to having be effective the home of Mr. and Mrs_ Lester Gordon of was in Clarklv ille cemeter y. team, and in this game will make the M_ E. choir, their wives and shusfirst of the yenr. The re'ports of the differen t lreas\lrhis first local appeara nce In any oth- bands last Friday night. ers were read, all showing a BUber than a Waynes ville uniform After the . We The infant child of Mr. and M1'II. stantial balance_ rehearsa l, games i The annual Achleve mellt program wish Eddie success c~t all times, ex- and a generalchoir Morris Osborne , ·of near ,Harvey sburg good time precede d It The present wardens and ve.trydied ,Sunday night,. and was buried will be held at · Granqe tall, Friday cept when Waynes viUe's team is op- deliciou s lunch. As the New Year men were re-elect ed. Delegat es to was u~hered in Rev. L. A. Washbu rn Tuesday morning at the Springfi ed eve, January 7, at 7 :30_ After a posed to his. the IInnuaI convent ion were .elected . brief program the prizes and certiflead In prayer. Altoget her is was .-~~--church ·cemete ry. Plans for .. the year were dlacuue d icates will be 'awarde d , to the club a very pleasan t evening . Miomi Chapter N0l 107 O. E. S., and. commit tees were . appoim ed by member s of Wayne and MlUlSie town -'. .will meet in regular session Janu- the rector. " Mr. Lilley, an aged man ef Mor- shipI, ' who coml)le ted last year's ary 10th at 7 :3 0. A fuJI attenda nce rowt .' who was 110 severly burned while work. There will also is . be earnestl an exbibiy desired: Visiting memworKing in il powder plant, died Fri- tlon, consisti ng of Anme bers welcom e, of the things day night, Decemb er 81 made by the respecti ve club ' mem- Regular commun ication of Waynes MINER VA BOUGH , W. M. • ___'____ ~ bers. -A cordial ' invitatlp n is ex- ville Lodge, No. 163 F. & A. M., will • At the regular meeting SUSAN HAWK E. Sec'y, tended to all thOBe' Interest ed In the be held Tuesday evening , JonuatY 11 lJng . Lcq~e No. 10li,' on ..of Wyon!1'hursda y, a~ .7 p. m. SOjourn ing brethren and a!lual'Y , 6, t.!'e club:wo rk. . ofllcers foi: the enVISitOrs are coraiull y welcome . . aU1D1f ~,!,: wtll be. installed . • \ . , r CRAS. BR*DB1 lJRY W M T;he IDltiato ry degree will a1ao be F • .B. HENDE R80N' Se~'Y' conferre d. ' All member s requeste 'd • • -''' " . to be J?.reaent. Vieitora w-lllcOme. ) RAYMO N F. HATFIB LD, N. G '. GEORG E '0. .M,~, See'y. •


State . Caoital












----- -...------DEATHS


Farm ers' Insti tute





Bask et Ball G ime

----- ..- - -

New Man ager

Ente rtain ed Choi r

- - -•• - ••---=---

Annu al Meet ing




Achi evem ent p rogra m

.-.._ ---

.0. E. So NOTICE



I. O. O. F .. lnata l.l ation

------._..----..---- -'

5,hower for Bride

Doug hnuit Sale -

Sophom ore chuls of ·W. H. hold


Friend8hip Club





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Harveysburg Fertilizer CO. HARVEYSBURG, O.


3 to 5 p . m. 7 to 9 p m.





Re.ldence •


Seven-Six-Fovr, Ring Three

. .. g"







/1 ~'. ; .~

Office-Aman Bide. 9 to 11 a. m,


f [L-_C_o_O_

li-d_"C_ AOPoint£ 1" F'uneral Honle, burl 1, $1110 I O'v~n S. Higgins, s ervices on burial comL _________. ________________-" __ mittee. $1 j The Western Star. s up· plies. $ 194 ; L. f. Scofield, sUl'p lic'l, " $6; Eas t End Coni Yard. 8upp li s, $19.60; Alfred C. Brant. sheriff. pas Luge. $ 1; aa me. s upplies. 50c; Penn MOl·lon. s alary. $70 ; Jumes Pollen . .f:" salary. ~1 5 i Dr. F. A. Junn er, SUlle PROBATE PROCEEDINGS ", ." Vet .• dog tags. $24,40 i Noami Run· F ran k C. Kindl er, administrutor of yan. r efund on tax es. $ 10.46 : G eo rl!'~ J __ ___ _ _ ._ \ _ _ _ _ _ _ , " th e cst nte of 1\Ia ry E . Ru ssell, de· Lllrrick. solary. $20; C. C. Benrn , ..)" cea ~e d, was order ed to se ll the per- st olle . $672 i The Qu een ity r . '• •' q {;J <......,~ sonal pr opcl' t.y of the eslate. Slo n!! and Sa nd Co., s tone, $ 1 R7 ; Eliza beth 13. Baily a nd J ohn War· Th e euspar is St one Co., ston c, $303.· R.) ckviJlc' \' illuge ' n<'stl es close yet, hnve you ?Th e ~t ory must 13:0 to II c r Devi tt. t:xec uto r~, 0 r the estate of 81l; T he Van Ca mp Stone Co., stone, am on" t he Gr('e n mo un ta ins, hemmed prellS in a n hOllr. Clln't yo u help li S A ngolina F. n ev itt, :fi led t heir in ve n- $ 1!l!ll).57; The Ohio Carr. Cul vert in nn y w a y 1" tor y Imd ap l' rIli scnwl) t . Co. , sewer, $33 ; T he Orcgonia in b~' hills plcnsanl t o look u pon in Wi th only a mome nt' s hesit at io n Alfred L. FllhnRtQck. sa le c xcc ut or Bridge Co., sundl·ies. $ 10 9. 03 j The SUlI11'n er , bu t on whose b are sides the t he girl r eplied :"1 will do th e best I or th e est"t " of .rohann n Delfenda hl , OreJ:;oni u Bridge Co .• sundries. $:1 1. win d hllwls d ismully ill wint er. Its call. I will go myse lf to the wreck wus a uth or ize d to se ll 1 shure of 22 iWnites' Gnrage, repairs, $31.25 ; onl \' claim to d is tinc t ion is the facl a nd get the slo ry f or yo u if possi- stock o f th e Dow Drug Co. The Lingo Hardwllre Co.. su pplies, Mar y E. Ellsto n accep ted thl' ap' $38 .83; J . W. Weeks' concr ete work that it is a ra ilroad j unction. ' A {('w ble." ," At the lhought of an y h arm com- po in t ment r,f ndministrntrix of th c $362.50 ; Wel ch nnd Dakin , s upplie, low, ram bling' hou, cs. II rllilroa el SU I~i () n li nd t~ le r ho n e office a rc t he on ly ing to he r fath er, a ll th e g irl's love (!state of Fl urn B. Gray. Cour t a p- $46.55; Re id 's Drug Store, sup plies. dw elli ngs \\ hich pr escnt a n y sig ns of for him and his inte rests W AS IIrous- pointe d E. D. Graham. George Sel- $2.95; Th e Book Shop, suppli es, Ii fe . . cd. It seemed as th ough she ne ver ler s und Ga rrett Clevenger. as ap· $33. 60; The Good Hoads Mllchine ", ~ ~ Twe nt y miles dishmt is the cIty could Ite t ready. but wh en once sta rt- pra is er s. Co.• truck l·epairs. $ 1.60 i L ewis and ... • .~:"\ l ' . • Flora Leh r, guard ia n of Viola Drnk e, I nc. , . f'\V cr pipe, $ 18.01; Le wof Bar to n. Ther e is a goo d dea l of cd fe a r lent wings to her f eet ond ~;~ tg.l, , " minor. filed her second acco unt Lehr, intercourse betwee n Roc kville lind s he a lmost flew up the track. As she is tlnd Dra ke, Inc .. cement. $29.30 ; 11 J J . Me rrill Bone. guardia n o f S. Ed C. Nobl e, bridge repniJ', $ ~ .2 0; Bnrt on for Lhe r ctl~o n that the village drew n ear the wreck s he met the s u· ...... X , .... / .. . ." .. Mabol Mor ris. filed his firs t and final EU l3:ene Harp er , salli e, $2. 40 ; H l!nry is 1\ small ecn lcr o f rnih'oad tra ffic. peri nt cnd cnt. The pIneo c,rn bon s~ of two t el· "Ha\' e yo u seen Mr. Fl etcih er ?" account. Bi shop, some. $ 18.4 0; AI Scars. sam e , I I l "l l"\·ict.' rv 1'\1.-; I·:. I\' who h". h,,,,, Oakl ey R. Unglesb y, adm inistrator $0.60 ; Earl Seors, sam e, $5.60: Ed epllone oprra lor: who Te lg n supreme, she asked, anxi ous ly. ", 1 :"0 1 .JU!11 1 npp;)int l"\ tn the I ntcr ~ l a t i' I aile by dllY and ,' nc by ni ght. in th e "Why, yes. Ho was around he re o f th e est utc of J ose phin e Webst er Grady, su me, $ 14.40; J . T. Gregg. I I ' \',! S l; rI· IlwrCt' l ' \'1l\nu !'o:- ion by P rt'~ lill ie box.I:k<' ,t ru ctu re no l much only a short tim e ago gath er ing the ,o ld th e bOllds of th e estul e by or· Slime, $ 1 ~ ; George Knapp, Il'rI\vcl, , " r,l,lt' I II 1I 1Ul'h ath' ll hllt e I II ;,1,,,.,, of r . I. CO ~ \. " la rger tha n 8 ~ \\ Leh housc. . de tails of the wreck f or t hat pap er dt'r of t.h e court. $ 1; Ed A. Fu~at c , st one , $22 ; Rich • l.' l '( h" .11.: " , " I UIIl!' Ma l'Y Hele n J cwi tt, ex ecutrix of Co nstructi un Co. , gra vel, $ 13.00: O. About 11 o'cl" ck on a cold. wll1d y o f his. I Il'ave him th e sto ry as best J CI :,> t ' \: \\! h l !-~ 1 ~ t"1l1 e'(p ' f\' '. \ . pa:":;.;: ;1 :a r d 1,,\\' c'ullc' night in March 1I1i.. F letcher! ~h e 1 cou ld. Why, what's th e trouble ? t he estat e uf E. L . Spence , decease d, L. Bro wTI , gra ve l, $G; W. P. McCa r· fi ),th t 'hl t l ll\ :-'1~ l\a lc! l... C\p . wo~ " r(h'rco d by co url tu sell pe rsoll Rl I'en . gravcl. $706.3 5 ; Spe nc er and night t elephone t' ~Jl' rllto~. was An ything wr ong?" r~ ' l1 l l . di sco nso lntdy by the wllldow. which T he n th e g irl told him her s tor y goo ds lin II c h 8 lto l ~. A l'lni la~e . g rave l, $ 137.7 0 ; Spencl' r J . Lee Thompsu n, c xcc utor of the rnttled no isily us t he wind h owled and end ed by say ing : "A nd I have and ArmiU1 ~c. grnvcl. S3 ·12.lJ B: Spcn_ around the otHee. She was thinking promised to get th e story to the m cs tn te of Me lissa MeE owen, fil ed his Cl' r a nd Armitage. g ra vel, $433'.\)3 ; ove r th e past nnd the changes which as s oon as poss ible . Could you te ll inve nlory n nd appproisement. S. E. Cutle r, pnyroJl, $27. 50 ; V" W. H. B. Thompson accepted t he Ill" T ompki ns, samc, $964.70; F. M . Col. fate had wrought in her ca reer. Ho~ me wh at you t old my- that is, what pointment of admini strator of th e lins, sam e. $1 2.26 ; p . M. Coll ins, di fl'er cnt W llS her lot fr om what It you told Mr. Fletcher ?" might have bee n. had she only heed- The superinte ndent t old her and the esta te of Finley Thompso n. E. C. sa me. $ 164.26 : Cliff Houg h, ~ tl m e . ed her fa th er s wise a dvice. She had girl started back for the office. She Morrison, Frank V. Stitt (lnel H. D. $389. 97 i P. B. lI'1onco , 8am e. $8 9.4 0 ; trusted her lover sO completely an'd had not gone far when s he heard a McVey were ap pointed appr u i s l!~s . W. S. Gruham. same , $36.5 0; S. A. The will of Hiram B. Cadwallurl er Swigert, co mpen sati on and damnges, ill the face of her father's refusal of faint call from down the bank. Wi t hou t hes itation s he began to WlIS admitted to probate. Walter $ 15; P. O. Ma n fort. e xpen 3~S . ~ 3 7 .· her marriage ahe had run away with him. At first, how happy ahe lIad climb d own the icy bank, and, slip- Ca dw a llad er WIUI a ppointed e xecutor 39 ; Standard Oil 0 ., gns BIll! oil , Early ror Your Sale Date R. We Guarant .. e becn! But la te r-a shgbt shudder ping and sliding. she at llUlt r eached of the estate. $650.02 ; The Childre n's h ~ s pi ta l , H ele n L. Robin son, admini stra- care of Ho ward Hogo n, $45.5 0. Sat i sfa .... ion or Charge Nothin g , Then all was different. How she had th e r iver si de. As she stopped to shook t he g irl's fra me. Ah! later! tisten a gain f or the voice s he saw a trix of the estat e of Callie Robin so n suspected- how she had Ilnally found dark s hape lying severnl f eet away made application for 'appointment. out tha t he was not the man she from her lind liS she s tarted toward Ja m ~ R. Brown. H . B. Anderson and had thought him to be. it she was sUlrtl ed t o hear so me o ne T. E. Barnhart wer.) nppointe d. Anna M. Nutt, admlni strntrix of At last she had secured this posi- call "76 4 ri ng 3." th e telephone call Phone No. 321\ "'hont' No.2 tion as night telephone girl, only 20 of the Barton Gaz ette! It nlust he the estate of Lois A. Nutt. filed miles from where her father lived. - yes. it was- her fathe r! As she her fil'st and final and distributive Her fatberl How kind he· had al- kn elt beside him shc snw that he wa. acc oun t . Alvin H. Driever, administ.ra tor of woys been to herl Mllnaging editor half dead with cold. H e had eviof the Barton GezeUe, he had been dently sl ipped at the top of the bunk th e estate of Willia m C. Burak, filed railroad I'UII S out o f Nome to a min· his firs t and fi nal acc ount. able to satis fy her every request. and fallen the full length. He WIIS There is an interesting st ory of the ing camp. The e ll Lerpl' i~ i ng Ar ct ic H. B. Stok es , administrator of th e How could she have doubt~d now lying with one leg doubl ed u'njudgment. der him, elelirious cnlling lor "764 eSUlte of Virginia P. Lucas. fil ed hi. activities of th e United SUltes Post - Circle mnil mnn hilc hes his dllg t CH Ill office departm ent in th e current issue to a \lun d Ctl l' lIlId scoo ts up t he first a nd fin al account. Her thougbts were interrupted by ring 3," MON E Y LOANED William F. Sch(~ nck t ook und er of the Nllti onal Repub lic. The story mountain s ide wi l h the mu il. the entrance of the s upcrinendent Jumping up t he girl climbed- al"Last yea r th e lIir mail 1)llI n{'s flew of the railroad. most crawled on her hands and knees the will of Cornelia B. Evans ry is in the form of a personal in· 2,500 ,000 miles c a !'ry i ll ~ 14, 1 ~5 , li ·10 ter view with Postmaster Harry S. "Beg pardon, Miss Fletcher, but - up the bank and hurried to the Schenck, deceased. ,U oI "'~ UII c.;h"ll c l~ , ti t o ck s . ti ccuri· The g ross value of the estate of New, by Henry Olney, anel it gives l e ~lers. " I wish to use the telephone," he ex- wreck, where she f ound s everal men, t ic. und :Suc.un d Mortga ges. Notel claimed. "There has 5een a wreck to whom she told her story. They E. L. Spence was f ound to be $213 ( 1. some {acts not generally known about this "biggest . s ingle busin ess I,o u!;' ht. J ohn tl orbi ne Jr.. Xenia, about a mile up the track and I hastened with her back . t o the office 61. THE AUTHOR the world." Conc erning the ~ i z e in In the case of E. C. Dunham. ex·m30· '26 Ohio. to &end to Barton for the W1',,.,.lI:ln •• land, calling up "764 ring 3" asked ecutor of the estate of Joseph B. and scope of posstoffice activities Mr. train." . After telephonini to for the city editor. . French vs. Julia H. French, court Ne,Y" is quoted as saying:. A schoohuastcr nllmed Bir d was main office in Barton he picked "I have the story tOT' you," she _ Every year t~e postal servIce, on a lways being remind ed of this Cact his hat to leave. said. " ond I can tell you why Mr. found that the sale' was made legoi· Iy and was therefOlre confirmed. The an avel'age, elehvers 112 !ett~r~ to r by the boys. On ce on ent ering the "High water-bridge Fletch er did not call up ." ~train ran off," the Then she told him of the accident executor was orderled to pay all t!I.X- eve.ry mon, woman and chIld III the class-room he f ound th e boys loo k- Fllrm ers at Wl.rren and IIdjoinlnl es and expenses im:urred in the sale U~lted States. . ing so grave thnt he loo ked around w unties moy ohtuill money on lonl jeJ;ked out laconically, an to her father and how ahe had found Every year the postal. servIce han- for signs of t ro uble. Sure enoug h tim e loans, at 5 per cellt interest. slamming the door behind him. him oven In his delirium, trying to of the premises and that the ba lancr! About an hour and a half later call the newspaper office and angry of the sum "'~ ~is tributed according dIes 23.000.000,000 articles. Every on the black board app eared 1\ fomil ' year the increase in number of orti- iar quotation: - Lost of secul'lll g the 611111 e is very rea· the telephone rang several times in at central because he thought she to the will. cles in themailsism or e thanabi!.. Hailtothee.blithespirit. solluble.lIl\.1lUgh TIle fe ci!!!'" I ~~II~ 8uecessidn. Upon taking up the re- would not give him the number. lion. .. .Bird who ne Vl' r werC' RUllle. For rurth or jnfp rnlU\!oll fil II ceiver thelll! rather startling words And for exactly half an hour the NEW SUITS greeteli her: "Hello I This is the girl dictated the whole story to the Lam"Old Man Atlas would have had a "W~p wrpte tllIlt ?" ~e r llpp ed out 0 11 or " dt!ress M. r. D~I\K I!;. TroM' Mary Lambert VB. William ough time of It lI!t1ng the annual shl\rpJ~. city editor . of Barton Gazett~. Do city editor. As she finished he ex- bert for divorce. oad of lettere alone that tha postlll Dead silenc e re igned tor some mo. ur" t. ph ollo :1 I O· X. Le ull ll on , Ohio. you know a Mr. F1etcher trom .tbls claimed: "Splendid, splendid; that's Rahama Moyer vs. George H. May· service moves. It is estimated to to- menta. 'l' hen a small boy said : paper?" The girl smiled ~lIghtly to fine! If ever you want a job come er, for divorce. , " tal 133.360 tons." . "Pleas e, s ir, I think It Wu , :Shakes. berself as she ariawered "Yea, air:" to m,." WANTED Fred C. Wellner vs. Grudgen for "Every second of the twenty-four peare." v "Well, have you seell hlm' there Time clragge4 bL'lI ily on the girl'~ hours of every day there ore 389 letRockvUJe, .tol)lgbt? New. of hands until six in the morning, WPlln money only. ---ters dropped into letter boxes; every 'IVl'eck reached 'this ollice !ome she ,wail ~ue :'to leave the offiCI. Ai W ANT E IJ- A house to re nt tlbove ago. All the reportrs were out ahe. staJt~ ' for her boarding place COMMON PJ.EAS PROCEEDINGS minute, 23,334, and ever hour about . T hird Sl reet , prcfen 'ed, ' be fore ahll. •.bought a morning paper, where Mr. Fletcher went to the wreck In the case of Hehamll Mpyer vs. 1,400,000. 1: ebrullry 1st. I" quire a t this of"self on the wrecki ng train. Nothing she saw, in big black headlines. the George A. Moyer, .court ordered lhat . "Close. ~p 49,g,l!~ JI.ostmen ~!,!!y de~~ °ifi . d f liver mill I to 'n1J1lOn!l of"bom@s and baa been heard from him since. Tbe story of ,he wreck. Upon entering th e d e f en d ant bI' rE!strame rom sel- business houses in American cities. ~tory must go to press in a short the hou/Je the girl tiptoed into the ling or disposing of any property, The farmer is not neglected by the time. We're getting worried . because room where har father lay with clos- which he owns and from visiting or pos tal service. Today 45,314 rural LOST The E,.. Si,hl Spe.i.II.~ cd eyes, but with fingers moving annoying the plaint iff, he hal! not asent us any word." In the case of Ida V, Hopkins YS, routes supply mail to 7.620,000 fam"I' m sorry air," the girl answer· restlessly up and down the ipfead. LOST- Tan h a n dlJa ~ , be tween HarRollI! 'V. Hppl.l.·n , court granted the lies, or 31,000.000 individuals. ed, "he hasn't been here JUld I have "Father,' she called. R "Out west the postal service has vcysl urll; IIl1d Le ba non pike by way heard nothing about hlll\." lIfr. Fletcher's eyes opened quic"- defendant Il!lIvlj h;i IiII! hi~ answer established a veritable automobile of Lyt Ie, wi.tlt Willller C. W'ecks Jr., ~gain 'her thoughts werelnterrupt. ly and as he caught sight of his Lebanon, Ohio and cross petitIon Immediately: raiJroali 125 mile" long to the fruitDayton, Oh iO, un l ug. Notify ed -by the ring of the telephone and daug,hte r standing br his bedside he In the case of Virgil Fullen '1s. U " .' . Ha wk e. . . "of abe heard the voice of the I'd 1- half rose lind stretchIng out his arms Wm. S. Roof, the defendant was ful nl~a" vaUey R U~ilh to wmsh tor saying: "Haven't cried: "Heleil, III)' daughter, can I granted permission to file an amend- no private rail line hSI pen.trafed : L O S ~' - A ul n tag, No. A21· 60B. In· ed answer. "At the end of the flscal year, really believe my eyaij?" 8,QO •• m. to 4 p. m. · June 30, 1926, the pOltoffice depart'1U II'C lit the tJ uz elte OOice, "It is really I, father, cornij to a~ Court or d ere d t h e motion of thll ment had more than 868,000 people your forgiveness . Can you forriv. plllliitfif tPf II n ew trial in the case n Its employ. Besides the 48,716 me, daddy?" HAVE YOUR EY~S EXAMINED the U. 8. 'Ia(llljty 11!l9 GIJ~ranty etter carriers, there are 67.671 FOR SALg "Forgive you?" the old man ask- of CO. VI. Charles Jonee, rrl l1 rs , 6(J,6Ill ed, 13 he stroked her head, "forgive In the case of Ben Reed VII. the clerlul, 41i,l!11 {UrIlJ you, why it ,~ i'0u who 'should forgive Lebanon-Citizens National bank and postmasters lind 20,411 rl\jI\va'y'" ~iil- .~~==!ll!!!:I~=~~:!!!!!~~~~ clerM. . _ ...",. -~~._.f t FOR SA LE- f'\'esh Jersey cow tVi .... me for belnl' 110 lI~rll)) as to drIve Trust Co.• the defendant made mo- tal"The 50,601 nostma"ters run as Q If 'f B d ' " ..,. you from home." t'Ion th a t th e p lam ' t I'if b e requIre . d to many offices. There "~D . teste . Burnett Bro" is one postoffice 0 I R . 1\. D. 5 ,p 59 -3. WayneSville, O. • "And now, daddy, dear, I bav~ rive Imher securi,t y for costs. f flf I something to show you," said the Court ' g"'at1~4 "'"fendant leave to or every ty-e ght square miles of PL • "" t ~ '" territory. D lJ MDING FIXTURES - Kitchen girl, ' and she lifted the paper so that III e answer an era., Pttitillll "The 363,000 full and part time enti,t slIIks, balh tubs, lavatories clo8!!ould see tbe big type telUng his cLal.sllecaro.t Andrew Feldm4n ~~. jiOlt.Y· WriPlo"~ "~l!rnx6'ets,d gas k and coal oil water h'eatens eto,.... of ~he wreck. , ... ~/J fDai" r tI.. " W4!~ .... III. Nallo".1 Baok Blar. Court granted defendant leave to ma~ely ' $~41, 22, 11 IIn1\1I11 1 ' f ; ~n tlln s at REDUCED PRICES "The GiSz,tt¥ /" Mr. Fletcher ex. , ...- .. IO~ ,rllnllllrv, 'I'll)'; HO~.Ell-KI claimed. "Why, flow 41a~ that be? file answer and cross petition in tbe theIr services. "Almost every conceivable type of C ., 41 6 \~, Mni n st, Agnla;Oho, I was ~ get that Itory 6n4'':'::'1 '/1'~- ~B~.e o. f Frank Sei:fert VB. John Holcd." . . wiiieJ!. . transportation ii used to move the ~1' "No, listeD, fa~h!lr," . the girl said. The repDI't III u-w"rd w. Ivins mails - railroads steamboats auto• • POR S L - -NOTARY PUBLIC A E:-Ye llow pop ,cocrD. Walt And after .s he had read him the and Fred. B. Zart~;,"'I'rll,.JivIIP·". of mobiles, airplanes, motor boats, wagth S P 0 t"V ~ ons, ROlSS!!,. pneumatic tubes, belt ler Kenrick, Lytle Ohio'. ... story 01 tlu! Wl{!ck, she r,ead him, too, the Itory of bow II lrirl ha.d gone to Nallo".1 Bank PI PE, V ALVES AND FITTINGS the 'wreck. got the ' "to,y jlfjg tele.. W fa; nil purposes. Boc:~let's lilleJlIl plton,ed it in and OD ner way ' fWI . , e ~ase 0 f P a~1 ~heopel VB . CaB- ~ar. "Tho 'dog car,' by the way Is an III. Itrawl! " ., " .... E.I.le. Sellled plumulllll- ' und nllatinR 811I1Pli ... ,.,~~ucd the old newspaper mlln, 1I1e! co",1 Wijlj .cI i~~lssed. Al k . ' [,e~t. THE DOCKLET-KING~ C<ij !oun4 !ylnl!' jnjur.e d by tile rlv~r In the cas~ ol"taurll 1\.. (jr~ss vs. as lin mvention. An abondoned Waynelville, Ohio '11 0 W M i bAnk, Jesse S. Grols,court orderact th,.t .. And that girl wafJ'--1" the old partition of the said estate be made ~ ~ mnn ...ked. . jp f!!ovor of the plaintiff and tin! de"I, father," ~./I~~nt "n~ C.har. ~1ia M. Munger, . F. That was how the old newspaper O. ~1I~r !I~~ ~, t;l, )3arnhart were lie!,!:· "'11> 'ge'f -lIP¥! man fell down on " story, but found IlPP olnt!!4 gomplP!lllijo~~r~ ,~ i'!l~, gllse, ~U~& I'll M~~ A /'olE W "" ~. e. ru~ -1't'OI\IL-Y II {laughter and a star reporter. ~~I 'n\1~ YEJ>,Q - Lh ME

Waynesville, Ohio





. •


,,-'--~ -,"M Home Butchered ,MEATI . withyour

:. . .



,~ . ~

',~hHI~ .....\.


or 00U1'Ie pou will CUrt your meat thll

_ _ withSmoiced SaIl . It will aavo ohrinlal.n. labor. lire risk and worry. It wm live y ou better fteVDl'



cure.. But be .ure to tlet tho cri&\QaJ andC...lIIDo

F. T. Martin Jesse Stanley Auctioneers



Ct'n t pJviBe, O.

New B'urlington,O.




The ani,. moat th.t I, •• load tabt. UN •• cu.riftl; meet.. Smell it. Teate It. You can teU it at once rrom N It that bat bam miaed will> pyrolllDeoua.dd . . other daAltroua chemicaJa.


We """ It.. In tal pound <IruIm and .......,teeI .-uine.


WanyesviDe Farmers' . ExdJange Phone 2~



Walter McClure J. E. McClure FUNERAL DIRECTORS


Fully Equipped for Good Service, . Large Display Room.' Ambulance Service T&LItPRONB




- ----

F A ' , arnlerS, ttentlon.

DR. E. M. RUDOLPH At Cary'S Jewelry Shop

J. ,.,

Every Tuesday


=--------_.r. J h n W. M·ll er


Some of The Things


We Sell

__ n_.-.......


__ a.


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.. - ...- - -



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All of'the above material can be found in out yard every .daY in the' year at . moderate pHcea

.l\ladden & CO.'.

"Cane cream," a new product made entirely from the juice of the sugaJ' cane, has been originated as are· suIt of experiments by the United States Department oJ Agriculture. It has the color and, flavor of cane sirup and the smooth, attractive con. sisteney of, the soft centers of chocolate-coated cream candy. When made of thin consistency it fiows like thick eirup, and may be used like sirup on bread, hot cakes waffies and similar foods. When of thic:ker consistency cane cream is excellent in sandwiches and also makes an attractive ready-made cake icing with typit:al cane flavor. All that is necessary is to melt it in a doubl\! boiler and pour. A limited amount of cane cream will be available this season 'through grocery stores,

- - -... .- ...---

. '.~I~lide 'i nforination': . Why not put up Bome cranberry Jam like other preserves, in aterillzed ,Iaues covered with paraffin T

• • •

Wild rabbits have a good, IIImey flavor! but the domeetie rabbits are even Detter, and are very similar in tate to chicken.

MARRIAGE: LICENSES Harry L. Littell machinillt, of Dayton and Mrs. Angeline J. Littell, ta~tory worker, of Franklin. JAm"S L. Tatman, steel worker. of Middletown, /Ina Floro E, Smith, factory worker. of Lebano.,. Roy Leo Mathias; truck 4rlvu. of Marion, Ind., and Harriett Lucile Ke1 ley, factory worker, of Carlisle. EdwlIl'd 0, Beall. clerk of Cincinnati. and Ida A. SBnford, of Lebano!! DaVid B. Denlinger. farmer of Franklin, afld Saratt J. Blapkburn, housekeeper. of Franklin. Walter W. BeglE~y, laborer of FOIter, and DaIsy V. Moore. of Foster. James O. Hutton, electrician, of Franklin, IlndGen~f)' Cook, of Franklin. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS William A. and Mary E. Whetzel to Arthur C. and Christine T oO Fran~ dart. 37 acres of land in section 28 between the Miami rivera in Warren county. . Frarik Goodwin to Earl and Linnie Goodwin, 85.74 aelrell of land in Harlan Tp. Joseph and Helttie ' Ertel to E. J . Kiefer, . 6 town IClts in Foster park Deerfield Tp. ' . George C, and C,a nie Davidso'n . Elsie Shel'V{ood, ~l town lots In Mi. ami Park, Deerfield Tp. . <1oseph Ertel to Barry C and Ley tia E. Reele ! 4 town lots in Foster Park, Deerfie d Tp. Loull 'B ishop to Jacob .Huff, 8 lots in Franklin. John and Katherine Roth to J. C. and lubel Stewart, 3,88 town . _ in Muon. E~lIa and ROD C. Lewia to Lyman Scott, 1,200 ' acrea In BamiltoD


. MS" I,Ilt'e Y~ROA'1' ..~ tWA'S CONG; 10 '5<..HQCI. - ~A$'t~A~

~~E WHAt'!" CAN '! 'TI,)~ AN~ LEI\l'" ilIl3OlJT ;


~~~E A~ p~'J"o( 01" 1't:Qjv~ 1t11"1C;b t 1)0- \. CAt.! ntl/'ol~ 01' A HAL" POl.EN "l).\1"IG9 I CA"I 'iiW EAP r"J" 1' 01'-

AT "l'II11' llMer I wPo'#' "TkJvIN~ "TO L.i~ VI'" 10 II




t AAo MAce..


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Wl:LL,CUEl)~ t , HIGHt' AT, We!LI... ' EA.~ IJI' 'I\I~~ REt;-




GA ZE TTE ....


ISSUED EV E RY WEDN E SDAY Second e lMs !\Iuil JII at.t er

L. CRANE, Editor and Publiaher, Wayu • • "lII., Ohio Subscr iption Price, U .50 per yea r.



Wi t hout it . mlln is wor t h 98 cen t s. Wi th it, he may be w or t h untold ·sums.

Ame rican investmen ts abroad in 1!l!W yield ed a ret urn o f nearly $(;0 0,000.000, Fedcl'Ql Reserve Board


a nd Co mm ercll Departme nt fi g ures indicu te. Div idends un d inte rest on fo r eign holdillb'S in 1925 were gi ve n by the COlllmerce ·n e)J urlmt'nt at $52 0,000 ,· 000, an Ll I ' I! secu rit ies, indus trial li nd ~overn lll ellt" l , pu bli cly floa te d III t his co untry IlS $ 10,405,000,000. The fig ures of 1.!J2 G ind icate an in · cr ease in A mericn n holdin gs ab rond of ubout $ 1.:!5U,OUO,UOO ill publicly l\oa ted a nd pri vute in vcstm ents, making t he tota l mo unt t o a bo ut $ 12,0 00,00 0, 000. One of th e most s ignificant f ea tures o f t hese forcign hold ings is thllt the heuviest investme nts in in· d uslrial ve nlu ros ure in La tin· Ame r· ica. Ofliciah r egard Latin· Ame rica a8 potentia lly t he best ma rk et for t his cou ntry. It is co mpara t ive. ly n ew and Is b.e ing raJlidly de veloped. Ca na du is the second most. im por · tunt· fi eld fOI' Ame ri can in vestmen ts, the figures show , with Eu r ope run· ning t hird. Other investments nre held in As ia a nd Afri ca. These figu res nrc sta rtling in t h elll ~c l ves . They refl ec t t he pros· porit y of 19211 in t he Uni ted Stutes.

We may be rolling in wealth a nd still be po~o:. fl eck up.

----- ----


Ma n wi th oul a soul wo ul d be worth about 98 ce nts on th e open mar1(et. That is what thc chemic .. ls that go to ma ke u p man would c ost, scien· t ists hllve fi g ured. The cb ief physical c le men ts in a ma n IIrc oxyge n, carb on, hydrogen, calcium, phosp horu s, potassium, sulphu r, chlori ne, sodium, magnesi um nitroge n a nd iron. In addition are minu te qu antiti es of flu orine silicon a nd iod ine. Oxyge n forms about 0 5 per cent of a man standing fl ve fe et e ight inches high and we ig hing 1 54 pound s. This oxygen togeth er wit h hydrogen, to th e extent of ten per cent, are in the body fluids. Thc carRo n1 ollllliuf\l a nd mtIg nes ium Ilr Q ill ~h e boo!!!, In th(l l!oJle~, \>10011 amI mu sclt~.s gr @ n itroge n, potastiillm IIml lll\O ~, phor us, ,"IIi1e t\l e blood conta ins mo s ~ pf i he chlorine a nll ~o dll1tt1, Tho 'IQn is fo und in f@Q co rp"s le~ of tll@bloj'd I\nd til !lul l'hur In varlOUa pl'rt. of tho body. Scillllce Clln te11 where these chemicals are a nd In what proporti on t hey exist . But even so . they know only a little about the chemist.ry of life. T hey could bur the chemicals and t hey could combine t hem in the proportions found in . the body. Bu ~ th,e thing they woul~ m ~ke W\"! \llt\ ~I! far in fe ri!!r tl:' ;hl! l' (! p ~SSr x us~ fo r


Q ~liilliltll '''n,

n is t ho 1'0,"e8810n at what Is ttlrn1cd a eo ul that makes a man.



The g ifts I most e nj oy giving are th oo" to f olk!! who aro unable t o g ive g ifts t o me.

_._ -----

Words from the Lips of Great Men - " T o labor and be content with t hat u ma n hath is a sweet lifo."Alber t Gallatin.


OF MUSCLES A scientifis writer has given his opinion why drunken men see d ouble In the first place it is essential that the "elevated" party must have two good eyes . No a mount of liquor would make a one·eyed man sec two half dollars where only one existed. When we wish to see distinctly we adjust the eyes by converging them more or less, so that t he image fall a upon the sensitive point of the retina. If the obj'ect Is too far oft' to enable us to get a di stinct imnge in cither eye the eyes are so constructed that they can bring the object n earer , or we 'can , by contracting the eye mu scles, bring the retina n earer th e lena, t hus ge tting a clear sight of t he objecl Both eyes may be m oved either upward or downward or to the right or to the left, but It Is impossible to direct onll of them upward and the oth.r downward. If we converge the eyes 110 that the two images fa\l on tbe selUlltive point of the carre· spondlng retinas, wo get In the brain a sharp image. It, however, from any "1au, • • we are not able to move the eye balls so a s to have this image fnll squarely on to the retina we dou ble. This seeing d ouble can be caused by temporary or permanent · paraly. sis of the musclell of the eyeba lls. For permanent paralys is there may be anyone of several causes. Exces· sive use of alcohol or of tobacco will produce temporary parlilYai" Under the influence of 1\\1'11\11' dri nk thc eon t rolling 1I1\1111les of the eye, like oth· ers ot t/.l~ pody, lire not under coml1uUlll. IwnQe, ~omo drunken men slum mer In their IIpeech, others stagg er in their walk and otbers see double. .


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·''-''N' vu1"


Those \yho object, like th e n g r;, in this story, t o th e h igh fees .o f a 1I"00d ph ysicia n, do not always r ea l. Ize wha t they a rll puyi ng f or. Th e doctor in quostlon was called out t o attQl1d a l1 unk nown patient. Wh '~r. he arrived he fo und that a d ecr e Dit neg ro wanted his a tte ntio n. . The s ick ma n first lIsked, " How much yo' charge, Docl:ah ?" "Fi ve dollars a visit," snid t he oth. er, and wh en t he negr o ha d g as p",] his surprise, he contin ed : "That in. cludes, you kn ow my time, experience, advice und the medicin e." "A pore old nlggah like me don't need all dem extras," remarked the patient. "Jist give me t en cents' wo 'th. of yo' cough med' eine un' dat' ~ enough fo' me." .

Little WiIlie- "Mamma, ia papa going to heaven when he dies!'" Mother- "Why, son, who put such an absurd Idea into your head?"


It should be remembered that the causo of prosperity ·in a country is not only It.· ability to produce, but ita· ability to consume. America Is prosperous not only because its labor ill efficient, it · hu great ,kill, lind Pf o{iuCtS a IIIrfl'!! RUllfli1W of 8'Pllilll, ilut ~IS!l ~"lIau.1! 1* cpnt\lln, 'a " , ry lar.p prOPof tl0l\ III ·p~ opl!l wno want"a ' great many tbings.s . The superiority of America over Europe is not only caused by the fecundlty of the American workman, but also by tho 'upremagr of Amer!elln ~I\Jlt.. Rt'cent 1\g\!!ell ahow. that I:@al l"Ur geg tJij! 'Unltfld Slat! s'; that Is; wagei in terms of food, clothes and rent. says George W. Hinman, are double the relll wares in Great Britain 'and throe or four times the real wage~ on the continent of Europe, This 18 due not only to Qllf @n~r~9u!l ~upp\le~, 1I.ll\ eQ!l!lll)' d~1' ~ pur !lnor: (Ilp\ill demand. In ·thl! pz:osporlty of II Eounti y mu§t bit taken fnto account Its ability to manufaC)£ur, .anit tranl\~ ppr.t, bllt t qually Importan~ I~ I~


abni~y ~ I]p!!~\!!!Iel


The advertisements In the newspa· peril are eons.t antly creating new de· .ires · among our people. They are stimulating the want for more and better things and thus creatinJ an enormous market for our progucta. ThUll thel'C t~ ~I~\l' \!onnectto~ be· twejin tn .. III1Pllrlor newspapers of the United States and it. superior prosperity. Whatever induces a people to want more and better goods is valuable, as well a. whatever stimulatell the", to produce more 8ng bl!ttttt' geods. Jt l!I\I§t .alw!l)18 b, t:emembered ~a~ pro!lperlty ~8 two.edged. It must Include a 8harp domand aa well lUI a sharp lIupply. Because the people of this countr;y live 80 well and ask 80 many luxuries, there ill a constant demand ' tor the goods we produce. We lell much goods abroad and the profits from Ollf txt@~a\ trade 81'@ ~01\!i.11!@11I~1\l. Bu~ ~lios~ profits are 8ma,1 cQmpared WI*" the ad vantage of our Internal consumption An<1r~w tlaJ'n,gI, said some years aio ~ha~ tlIe Pennaylania railroad alono carrle~ mPff ~!ld!l tlla" ~ho

..n*lr. lI11lpplll, Qt: Crea~ :Brita"••

"Where'. S~vinll. A,!-e Sale" •



Mrs. Hu ld a h Burnet.t is ill with the grippe. IIIrs. Emma Smith was n Dayton shopper, W~dn"8dIlY. Mr. Everett Ea rly made a busineHg t rip to Columbus, ~ruesduy. Litt le B<>t.tie Louise Routza hn hM been qu ile ill ~he pust week. Mr. an d l\11'~ . F'r ank Roger s were in Leblln on 011 b u s ine ~s , F r idllY. I\1csdllmcs Nel.tie 8m r ick and E liz. IIbet h .Jo lles were Day ton s hopper", MOIllII1Y. II1r. ~~ve relt r.: .. l'l y Ilnd son, Rob· crt, we re in Middl e town on business Wedn esday. Mr . und Mrs. Allen Emrick ente r· tained ~11- . and JI1 rs. J . B. J ones to !:i un day dinne r . IIl r . a nd Mrs. Ru dd Suylor and ba · by. of IJaylon, wcre week .en d guests of relatives he r e. Mr. a nd Mrs. Ru ssell Berg dall, ' of ter, Glad ys. Ill a de a bus iness t r ip to Leba non, .Wedn esdIl Y. Th e Bucher clu b enjoyed a Watch pany F r iday even ing at the home of M r . and M r~s . Lowell T homas. II1 r. a nd Mrs. Robert Burnett and so n are spending a few' duys thi~ we~k wit h 1111". a nd Mrs. S. H. Burnett . Mrs. W illiam Lo ng returned home Monday evening uiter spe ndi ng sev· e rlll day s with re latives at. Mia mis· burg. Miss Edith Sides, of Dayto n, spe n t New Yea r' ~ Dny a nd Sunday wit h her pa rents, Mr. and ~ I rs . A. L. Sides. M I'. Hnd ~ I rs . J U'IIles J ohns a tte nd· cd a fnnli ly d inn er, Sunday tit the home 01 Mrs. Vi ola Carey, in Way · nesvill e. lIlr. and Mrs. Alfred Haines , of T oledo. spe nt Friday and Saturday with Mr . and Mr s. S. H. Haines and fa mily. 1I·l r. William Huines and ch ildren, . Robe rt and lara , of , Belmoll t. spent und a y at t he home of Mr. a nd Mrs. Wa lte r Ke n r ick. T he fun cr ill o f Mrs. Alex Traylor wus hel d at thc Fe rry chur ch, Th u rsduy Ilflcl'nllon. I nte r ment in Cen· te n 'ille cemetery. Mrs. George Finkbone an d SOil , J ohn , of Mid dlet wn. were F r iday dinne r g uests a t t ho home of M r . and Mrs. Wolte r Ke nri ck. Rev. Ray mon d Stilli ngs, of Springboro, was coll ing on Lytle fo lks F r i· da y an d was t he din ne r guests of Mr. a nd Mrs. Allen Em rick. Misses E va Wh ~j r to n a nd Ve lma mith visited at the ho me of Mr. and Mrs. L ee Greath ouse in Dayton, f rom Wedn esda y until r r ida y. ,. The Llldi es Aid wi ll ha'C a n a ll· day meeti ng an d covered di sh di n· ncr next Saturday t he 8th, at the home of Mrs. Ja mes J ohns. Mr . an d Mrs. Geo rge Gray, Mr. und MI·,. Leon ard . Gray motor ed to Ke ntucky UI U s pent last wee k wit h relntives and friends the re. M is~ Ruth Huhble, daughte r uf 1\1 1'. and JIll's. Fl'ed Hubb le. is se l·io u8· Iy ill with pneumv"ia. She is u nder the cnre of U I·. L. G. Brock. JIIr. and Mrs. IRll lph J ohns n nd dau ghters nnn Mr: lJo' r an k Smith wer e Sunda y di nn er g uests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Me Kirby . in Dayton. lIl r . an d l\ l r ~.s Ru sse ll Bergdall . of Da yto n, a nd 1\1 iss i'Huline Gree n, of n(' ur Leban u n, sJlu nt SundllY with 11k and Mr . Will iam Bergdull and daug h te r. Miss Helen Early u nd er we nt a ton· sil operati on at Miam i Valle y hos· pital, Thu rsday , and r emai ned unt il Fridll¥ eve ning. She is r eco,'er · ixlg I1Ice Iy. Mr. a nd Mrs. Geor ge Moran and family mo\'ed Monday from the Stacy farm lo Mr . Erlllest Miller's dairy farm, near Centclrville, where Mr. Moran has employment. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Emrick and da ug hter , ~r. and Mrs. Charles Johns and Mr. and Mrs. Walter K en_ rick wer e New Year's Eve guests of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Routzahn . The second lesson of the "HOllie Ca re of the Sick" will bo Kiven at t he home of !'fIrs. Charles E. John s Wed nesda y, J al1l1l1 ry 12, beginning at 12 :30. All ladies cordially invi· ted. Mr. alld Mrs. A. E. White and so ns , of Dayto n, JIll'. a nd Mrs. C. W. Al br il'\'ht. Miss Alm a Il ol'm ell and 111 1'. Hu Ip h St owe', o£ Springboro, slJ<'nt SU ll dl1Y wit h Mr. and Mrs. Kes I ~ r Gruha m und datlg hter. Mrs. l~rn nk Rog,e rs suffcred a seri ous a nd ve r y pa inful accident, Sunday, wh en she fell on the ice neo r th e office o f Dr. Randall, at Hal' vcysburg. She wa s badly bruised lind thc liga ments torn in th ll right limb. She W illi oroug ht to her hom e here, Sunday morn illg In t he Mc Clure 11m.

o o







20.000 .• embers . ABlOJ.UD


real , "tate aeourit,.. 11a. liest IlfourltJ.· Nothln, safc~othln. better. ,

·first mortgage


~T8' ; oYer 1-0% , ~o~ D.ouliis '.

One of tb. w8~t · ~4- $opg~t l¥Oala~~ in the



'' .

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Wby talte etI.h~pe~ All ~~.Q~ ~ aM l!l~ ~ .. '.



KtlaIllJ' Boneft



W Side BuilttltS & Loa. Aa.ocIatioa 0IaID.

Ask f or lIur cutu lllg show ing ~ up c l·io r lI1echunica l constru ction a nd you will see why th<> NE ·W I DEA is sti ll thc sa fe sprea der for yIn!. Tn sist on · the Ge nu ine .a nd d on 't buy a lIIachinc that me r. l y looks like it ., r is said t o be as good. Play slife!

New Idea Transplanter Pays f or itself on :1 al'rc. of U'nnsplantable plant" set 6 inches OJ' further npurt on level la nd or ririges. th rough lowel' Ill bol' Ct'RtS. lI1inimum loss oJ "Innts, and in c}"cascd crop. F ull line of att a chments in cluding poili to plnn ing lind wire check. I t is a NE W I1 DEA- full y cover ed by pate nts

Husks cleun-Ve r y liltle shelling. Easy feeding. Big capacity. All metal Hardened Steel Gears r unni ng in enclosed du st-p r oof oil cos~ s . Can be operated a t I!ood ca pacity by sma ll t rncto r . It's a NE W ID EA- the se ns:lt ion in thc Shredd er fie ld. Fu ll y covered b y patents.

Waynesville Motor Co.

Phone 105

Waynesville, Ohio






0 g


A Live Baby will be giv~n at the next regular Red Arrow Auction Sale; Thursday, January 27, 1927. Buy your merchandise at the .f ollowing places an.d receive Red ,4rrow Money. $25.00 in gold will be sold . to ~he Organization bidding highest. Waynesville Overland Sales Hall Drug Co. Miami Theater L. A. Zimmerman Fred M. Cole \ Waynesville, Ohio


Myer Hyman Miami Gazette

bulanc ~ .



More than 250. 000 new spreaders will be needed in this country in 1927.) . . NEW IDEA witll its originality and prestige will get ( the bulk of the business.

n The U

Diacontinll\n" tarming, I will make a closing-out sale of aU chatteb, located 2'>!a miles S. E . 0 Waynes. ville, on the ' Middletown and Wash• i1)gton C. H. pike, dlrClotly opposite W. E. O'Neall l • tatm, on the farm known 8S tbe George O'Neall ~ann, on . . . Monelay, JaGua..,. 11, 19a'7, . Beginning at 10 o'clock a. m., tbe following: . . . Five head good hOrlles; ·23 48 hogs; teed; hamellS; 'farm menta and some bou.8eh'C;0· lndiTT~I;,,,,a-. CRAS. E. ' . Martin &: ' S~nley, Aueta:


The New Idea Husker and Shredder


Mr. a nd Mrs. Wa lter Whltukol' en_ t erta ined at d inner Now Year 's DaYj ill honor o( IIh.. a nd Mrs. Ha rola MCl'tldtt h, a l,l'ide an d groom of re, cent dnte . T hoSEI pres ent WQI'!! I. Mr. an d Mrs. Harold Meredith, Mr. and Mrs. Hnrry Me r dit!\i Ill ·Liti,a. Mr. and Mrs. 'am M ijl'uiht I, Mr. i1nd Ml·&. .J.ucol1 M\l rediLh an d daughtl!r. of J olrn sv!11c; Miss Anna Meredith, of Cincinnat i; Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Parker, of Atlanta , Go . ; Mr. nnd Mrs. Herb Mcredith and family, M~\ and Mrs. Samuel Meredith J{. , ~·,\(l famll~L Mrs. Rebecc,\ fllfnall and son, !\lor. and M!4!' K9Uer Hoke a,nd family, of Wl\yne,vUl,.



D o



Ri gid R, II11'rc'ncl' to thlll po licy find s th e N EW I DEA st ill t he · Ico dc l-. I nventors an d DesignerR - success ful for th eH!' lIIany yea rs. we hllve nevcr bui lt 0 belLer sprt'aricr than the presen t mo del 8 - both in wurk nHlnRhiJl and matcrin l ~ us well li S performuncc in the fie ld.


Public Salea BeaI.AnnIUlU,

TW ENTY ·S E VEN years ago the NEW IO EA wos the only wid"spr eutl slJremle r on the market. I t was un inv enl ion- nol a n ImilnlioD. T he fi rst successf ul s llI'cuder - the mllchine t hlll i.. respo nsible for the nllli on·wid " use of sprea ders todR Y. Its coming inllu <:,urnte d the NEW I DEA poliey of st rictest qua li ty in mllnufnctu l·e and increa sing effort Ilt imp r-') vclllent to mllinta in this leaders hip .



. Office


~ Pioneer--and still the Leader o







a.Frank Crane Says '-"""_ ....

[~OI~e====Ft~ '==~IO~OC I ==:2S0~oce==~FO~1


Most of the yo ung folks naye bee n e njoying cousting on the "S" hill, th is holiday time. Mrs. F lol'e nce Curl', of Kil1l!man, s pent se ve r a l .Iays thi R wee k with Mr. and Mrs. Born arr and fumi ly. Mi ss Helen Randall d e li g htf ully ente r tai ned a number of young people I't u card purty Friday eve ning. Miss .. ~ Do r thea a nu Virg in ia Davis spen t th eir ChriHtmas vllcatio n in Da yto n, with thl'ir aunt, Mrs. Ira HIlli.sock a nd MI'. Il llrt sock. Mr. a nd Mrs. Cha r leM H. Gray had liS th eir g uests Sunuay to di nne r. Mr. a nd MrH. W . M. Ma thias und Misses Ma bel a nd Marg aret Sta r r, of Day. to n, and Mrs. Amand a Starr. Mr. an d Mrs. George De nny and flllnily entertuined to Chr istmas dinner. Mr. an d Mr • . A. S. Collett and so n, Rober t. Mr. lind Mrs. E . B. Dos ter lin d so ns, W illiam und Chas. , Miss May Har iun an d Miss Lutie Vllnd er voo r t. Mr. li nd Mrs. A. S. o ll ett a nd so n, Robert. en t e r tained to dinn cl' New Yea r 's Day, Dr . und Mrs. H. E. Hatton, IIlr. and lIIrs. Prank Shida. ke r, Mr. und Mrs. GeorKe Denn y, and fa mi ly, MI'. alld l"ll's. E. B. Dos· tel' a nd sons, Wi llium an d Chll rl es, und Miss Nun Collett. The F r iends un.1 Baptist Mission· ary soc ieties met Wednesday in an ull. d ay 8essio n at the Fri ends chu r ch. The object o f the meeting was th e stu dy and di"cu<sion o f the ir yea r's stud y boo k, "Mos l('m W ome n." Mrs. Ann a StinMon pres ided and t he di I· fere nt cha pters wer e a bly ha ndled by Mrs. H. K lI utto n, Mrs. W. E . Og. lesbee, Mrs. Sabi n McDonald, Mrs, Her ber t ar r . Mrs. George Den ny, Mrs. E . B. Doste r, Jlh's. Cha rl es Gray, Mrs. W. W. Welc h, Miss May Harlan and MI·s. Wa lter Gray. At noon a covered d ish menl was t hor. oug hl y e njoyed by a ll prese nt.





En tel'cd at the POHtoffi ce at Wa ynoBViIIe, 0 .•


.... T HE MIJ\.Mi


'1JOUrSa1e io

thisNerws. paJMT. 'I t will hrl.g ~ou ),qea


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.- -_ .- -.--



Jomes ornwoll /lnd fa/lli1y an<L Kendul1 l 'nyl or1."f Da~on. lI1iss Belle 0' cull nnd Miss Martho O'Neall were New Year's Day guests of Dr. ond Mrs. of. T. Elli s.

Lo ok af Th es e N·ew Lo w Pr ice s on the

The member s of tho . Wlly'nesville Shrine club were hosts at a th eut cr party at Keith's . Duyton, lust Wednesday night. T he gllests were t he ir Mrs. Huldah B urnott has been very families a nd friends. s ick. W. D. Tinney, son of Mr. lind l\frR. Mrs. Wnl ter McC lure spent Satur- J oo Tinney, is C)( ~' octcrl to complet e his courae with th e Amcl'icn n schoo l day in Dayton. in Chicngo so un . H e will t hun enter Millmi·J acobs business coll ege to stu· J ohn Deach was. in Dayton a tew dy scc retu riul work. day >s last week.

·O E ' LAWhipp et ,

Mr. nnd Mrs. P uul Fisher and son, W . N. Scar s and fam ily were in of Ind ianapoli s. Ind.. Miss Muriul! Dayton lus t week. Hutclilf , of Hoches ter. N. Y., nnd Mi ss F. 1\1. Cole made u bu siness trip to Lois Grigsby . a toncher in Centrul High school, Xenia. were guests of Spri ngfield, Monday . Miss Oliv e Allen over the week-e nd . Messrs. Russell and Hnrvey S urDo you lik e to wash in cold water ? fac e left lust w,oek for Florida. Why, no. Would you rathe r puy t he doctor or pay the laun dry man a few Mrs. Kate Colema n und Miss Marce nts u week f or your wash? We thun O' Neall a rc o n the sick list. will Inun der your cloth es for as l ow Miss Kathryn Graham s pent the as 6 cents pe r poun d. Leave yo ur ca ll with Mahlon Ridge to have t he week· e nd with Miss l rene Crone. driver explain in de tail. Soft Water Mrs. W.O. Raper is the g uest of Laundry . r elatives in Cincinn ati this week. A few YO ll ng people werc delight. R. E. Cr one hEtS accepte d the man - fully ent ertained Inst Wcdnes dny evening ut the home uf Joh n Go ns. agemon t of the Mason Milling Co. At n seaso nable hOllr a delicio us lunch was enjoyed by Miss Mary Ma rgaret Hobert Werntz and fa mily, of Day- Unglesb y, Miss Luci lle St J oh n. Mis. ton spent the holidays with relative s. Faith Tomlin son. Mi~s Ruth Tom lin . soan. Miss Esth er Hen derso n. 111 1'. and Messrs. George Hender son and . Mrs. Nelson Wa tkins, Messrs. Ed. Kenneth Kilbon s pent Sunda y in win Ramby. Roy Ellis. George Bun . Cincinn ati. nell , Geo rge Sutterth waite an d J ohn Mrs .. Ethan Craine, of Dayton, spent Gons. New Year's Day with Mr. a nd Mrs. D. L. Crane.

(\. 1", I ",! _ __


--- _.._- - ---

FOR SALE Eia" om "ou'., batlt, bot wat· ... I ...... lot. S ....a·r oom Iaou ••, batb. farDac. , &e. Iocatida.• pl.Dty fruit. S.aU ........ witb .dra lar... I~t at( a . .ry law p';" •• Small b ...I. __• propert , OD MeiD • -to ••italli. for beaut, parlor or t . . room, .t ·a bar... iD. All propert " .bowa 10" appolDt m •• t. T.I.pha•• m. for .ale dat•• , tlU'Dl' IQ ."1')'lao d".




Aactlo..... aad E.tat. WAYN ESVIu. E, OHIO


Farm Bure au Farmers (Jf Warren county will be interest ed to know t ha t the ann ual Farm Bureau meeting is schedul ed for Friaay, Janu ary 21, M,emorial hall, Lebanon . Bes ides the local offic crs nnd extension workers . several hijZ'h officials {-rom the State Federat ion. Columb us and represen tatives of co.opera tive marketi ng associat ions will speak. It wi ll be an meeting . The details of which will be announ ced next week.

---.. -_.-- IN A HURRY .


"How Jong will yo u be pruning tbat tree. Bill 1" "Oh. another coupl e of hours," "Well, be lUI quick as you can, as I've been told to cut it down."

De lici ous Bre akf ast +

For these crisp, frosty mornings is Panca kes and, of course, with syrup. We carry Best Yet, Little Crow

Pancake and Little Crow Buckwheat · Prepared Floun.


have a full line of

Sta ley' s Quality Syr ups

Maple, So,.h um, Golden flavo red and Crystal White. We recommend these brands to our friends

as the best qualit y obtain able at the right price.

And, to compl ete that . breafkast, you should bave a cup Qf our .

Five-Minute Bra nd Cof fee which bas an aroma tbat makes it distinc tive. Its flavor is far above tbe average- all due to the care in ~lecting, roastin g ~nd blendi ng.

The Corwin Gr oc ,ry' -We Dellver Phone 113

Waynesville, Ohio

.'.COMMUNITY PUBLIC AUCTION.'. F. Saturday, January 15, 1921


M. Cole' . Ware house in Wayn esvill e, 0., on

Comm encing at 1:00 o'clock , p. m.

We have been requ ested many t im es the past few months to open a' place where househo ld goods, farm impleme nts. li ve stock, etc., can be Bold. This place is opened to Bell anythin g you have what ever, whether large or small amount. Small commis sion charged for handlin g; 110 by.bidd ing allow. ed nor anythin g accepte d for saJe with any rese rve. Tbre. · paD' f ••dln.. ho.... one peD brood .ow., new BI.d, Ha.k. maDar• •pr.ader . tbr.....cond band .preade r., 100 rod. of ae.. f •• c., 100 .t••1 po.h, lot of Dew .mall article••• ucb a. fo ..... , .pad••, lard alr.ady Ii.ted Everyth ing must be listed by Saturda y night, J anuary 8th, if you want it advertis ed on large bills. For further Informa tion call Cole's Hardwa re Store, Or W. N. Seal'll, the auction eer. Your patrona ge is solicited .



Com mun ity Sale s Co.

W. N. SEARS. Auctlon•• r. '



I· N 5 U···'.R A N 'C E·

. Renewals or New Polic ies WriH en

·Watch ·tha t 'Expiration ·Dat e"

YMON -F. HATFIELD Wliy"esvlllle, Ohl.

A SURE SIGN Maizie, the cnshicr- uYou'd bett"r give me a week off to regain my hea lth ; my beauty is beginni ng to fade." Mr. J ensen- "Why do you think so?" Maizl __"The men are beginnin g to co unt their change. "

- ---

TELEPHONE GROWTH MEANS ADDED COST ·One Telephone Added to System Requir es Many New Connections LARO E seale producU on r esultll In ms.n), econom Ies. The more automob iles built tbe greater the savlnge In the coat of product ion lind the lower the coat ot each cat to the buyer. Why does thIs rule not apply to the telephon e T Wh, IB It that telephone service In the la rger clUe. aosts more than In tbe BmaJler o1ttes T In reall.., there I, II rema.r kable Bavlng In the cost of telephon e service 81 the number ot telephon ea In an excbang e Increue a. Telepho ne sernce I, more valuabl e u the number of telepho ne. In the BlIohange Incr8ulI II. If a . butlnesB man In a Bmall town hal 1100ess to only .00 telephon e usen In hIs exchang e and payB " .00 per month tor servIce he Is payIng one cent per month per uaer or per J)08Blble buyer of his oommodlty. He can reach that number of families to sell hll gooda, or that number of famllle. Call call hIm to ordor trom hIm. It thIs aame rate for Bervice were effeot.lvo In Ohio cities. a buelne . teb' phone In ColumbuB would coat $600.00 per month, In Clevelan d U,l!OO .OO . In some of tbe Bmaller OhIo cltieB the rate would be: Lan coster 140.00, MarIett a U8.00. MIddletown '55.00. Piqua U8.00. Sprin gfield U 80 .00, East LIverpool $4S.00 . Ma BB lllOli U2.00. Steuben ville '62.00. Flndl., ' 45.00 an d Sandusk), $114 .00. Er.cb &Ichang o must be desIgne d to ennble any telephon e user to reach any otber telephon e on a momont 's notice. Telepho ne oomponies ha ve to provIde the Interco nn ecting equIpm ent to make thIs posslblo. The subscrIb er havIng n telephon e In hIs reel· deace 'may not desIre to call even ~ per eent ot tho tolephon ea In hIs exchang e, but equIpm ent must be provIded BO that he ma,. reach I1ny one. for he never known whea he will' call a new num ber that be has never betor. dosl red to r eRch. Take n sheet ot paper and make live dots on It. Dr.\lw \tnos con· nectlng eacb dot wIth every othllP dot. Thore will be ten lines. Now put on e more dot on the paper . Connect It with each of th" other dots. Then thero wlU be fift een lines. In thIs case one more dot mlla ns live more line •. If )'ou add and connect another dot. that wtll mean six more IInos. An eighth dot adds Beven Itn_. A nInth dot adds eIght IInee. And 80 on. If you had 9,999 dotB and added anotber . ths.t 10.000t h dot would mean ad<flng 8.999 IInoB If It were to be conneot ed wIth ovol7 other dot. The number of dltrerent connectl onll poslllble among thOle 10,000 dote reaches the 'tupend oul total of 49,995.0 00. That'B how telephon e 11IItem.t grow. EVer), tlmll a telephon e 14 added to the BYltem It mullt be ·made possIble to oonneot It wIth every other tel ephone. or cOUre&, theBe connect ions are mad. through eentral olllcalw ltohboar da. But an InQxorable mathem atical lI~w eauael the n'fDber of po.lble connectlonB to Incrll&lle by leaJ)t lind 110undB at the lI,..te/l1 grow.. Tha"blggGr the .,nem. the more complex It become .. . That Is . . penBlve for the telepllon e companlllll, but It iii unavoId able. In 1910 78 per cent of the Bell .".tem' , wIre mileage .&1 tn cabl.. .Toda, over 90 per cent 01

tile ...~~!~~. ~ t1!.111 PJote0&a4. -

. --!-.

Ch ass is

Miss Irene Crone is s lowly recovering fr om s icknes8, ca used by an acciden t whlle coaElti ng last week. . St. Mary's Guild will meet with Mrs. L. A. Zimmel 'man on Thursda y afternoo n, J anuary 6th at 2 o·clock.

Com muni ty Part y

, Charles Michene r is n ow manage r of the Waynes ville Farmer s Exchange, in place of R. E . Cron e, re. signed.

Co up e • . $6 25 Fo ur- Do or ed an $7 25

La nd au Se da n • $7 55 AI ~

Pric es F. O. B., Toledo

Waynesville OVflland Sales


H. ARCHDEACON K. of P. Build ing Waynesville, Ohio

CHRIST IAN CHURC H Su nday-Sc hool at 9 ;30; Everybo dy cordiall y invited. METHO DIST CHURC H Sabbath School at 9 :16 .. m. preachi ng at 10 :30 a. m. Epworth League 6:16 p. m. Preachi ng at 7 ;00 p. m. Everybo dy Invit.ed to these services Rev. L. A. Wlishbu rn. Paltor.


$4 45 To uri ng • . 1$ 62 5 Ro ad ste r. . '$6 95 Tw o-D oo r Se dal t $6 25

FERRY CHURC H OF CHRIST Robert . little son at Mr. an d Mrs. Robert Furnas, is s uffering with in· Bible School 9 :3 0 a. m ,. lesson. flamm ato ry rheu matism. "The Standar d of Christiu n Living," Luke G, 27 -:18. Se rmon, "T he Gos· Miss Elizabe th Stewart return ed pel Y nrdstick ." home Saturda y, after a pleasan t visit Evenin K. 7 ;00. Song service, Biwith relative s in Dayton . ble drill li nd sermo n, on "A mazing Things, " Heb. 10 :26. A ll we lcome to Miss Li lla Benh am r eturned to our services . Lebunon Monday . after spendin g the N. L. J ohnson, Putor. holidays a t her home. here .

Mrs. E loise Th·c, mpso n. of Cincinnati, s pent the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo rge Smith.


Effe ctiv e At Onc e

ST. MARY 'S CHURC H Mrs. Lizzie We.rntz is spend ing the January 9- Fi rs t Sunday after winter with her daughte r in Weath- Epiphnn y. Church School at 9 :30; e rford, TelQUl. Morning Prayer a nd Sermo n at 11 Mr. a nd Mrs. T homas Hardin and o·clock. Rev. Jo hn J. Schacl!e r. Rector. tamily s pe nt Sunday with R. E. Cron e a nd family_

Mrs. Charles Gr:ny I!Pcnt the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Baker. at Plain View Manor, Franklin .



II ' M'ricu 's N e.c·-Type Light (,', :r


Mr. and Mrs. Ben Parke r, at Atlanta. Ga., spent the holidays with r elatives here.


Ou r Pri ces · on


Th ere was a fine uttenda nce at the co mmunit y party which was held in Miss He nri etta McKins ey returne d th e Gym on New Year's ·Eve. The to Ashtabu la Sunday, after spendin g affai r, aponscr ed by the Mo thers club, the holidays with ,her mother. Mrs. was a decid ed success. Games and dancing featured the Alice McKins ey. evening , and everyo ne had a good Guy Kibler aa d family, and Mrs: time. Euphem ia Hough, IO f Dayton, spent Sunday with rotr. and Mrs. Vern Hough and family.

Ar e Ri gh t -

Moth ers' Club


Mr. and Mrs. Donald Henders on The regular meeting of the Mothand Mrs. Kenneth Kilbon, of Day- ers club will be he ld at the Grade t on. were week-en d Iguests of Dr. and building , Friday afterno on. January and Mrs. C. W. Hen,derson. 7. at 2 o·clock. Rev. and Mrs. Edward Zeirer, of Centerv ille, returne d Mrs. C. M. Rob:itze r entertai ned mission aries, will give an illustrat ed the Bridge club on Thurs day nlcht lecture on the . Philippi nes. Everyof last week. and on Saturda y after- body come. noon· was hostess -to the "Jolly Matrons."


Mr. and Mrs. Le:s ter Mrs. Susan Wi lkerson Year's Day and Sunday ton , the guests of .Mr. Clair Fife.

C9 ffee Je;ee~ ~~~:'!i ..... .. .... '" 39 c

Gordon and spent New in Wilming and Mrs. St

Frenc" Brand, Ib .. .... ... ............. 47e

Peaches c~;~;, ~~"C~~~ .~~~ .... 1 Sc try Club, Twin or Single , 9c Bread Coun 1% lb. loaf,

Mr. and MrB. Walter William s an d children have gone to Deland, Fla., where they will spend the winter with Mrs. William s' parents , Mr. and .Mrs. J . E. Janney

Count.. , Club. boa."

.,r., can .. 25e

Avonda le, in .~uP. caa ... ..... .... 22c

each .. . . ..... . . ... .

Count ry Club R"e, 1 MI·lb IOaf.. ......... .. ..... .. ........... ......... ...... ,.... Wbol. Wheat, I-lb. lo.f ........... . 8c Vien n•• 1·lb loaf .......... .. ...... ... IOc ......... ... 7c

Mr. and .Mrs. J. l~. McClur e were in Columb us, Tuesday , where Mr. lIJcClurc attended a meeting of the officers of the Ohio State Funeral Directo rs assoc,i ation.

Flo ur Clifto nlBra nd Pastry Flour , per 24)t2-p ound sack ..

. .. . .

9S c

Country Club. 24 ~' lb ••ck .. $1.09 Country Club, 12 ~ .lb •• ck .... .. S7c Gold Medal or Pill.bur y, 24 ~ .lb .ack .... .. ... ......... .: .. ..... .. ............... .. . 1.29

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Werntz en"ter tained at dinn er. Sunday, January 2. at a six·o'clo ck di nner. the fo\1ow_ ing guests : Mr. and .Mrs. Tollian Lawso n and son ; Mil'. and Mrs. J oe Tinn ey and fa mily, Mlr . an d Mrs. Dal· las Boger and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Tinney an d f amily.


15c ~~~~tJ e~.~~~,t~~........22e !:~d~~ 25c ~~~!~~Ub. 1"---...... .. 55e 31'C !~!!!.B;t~~~... . . . 25c Lard .~~~~!e..~.~~:~~. . . . .:.27e ~p~~~.a~7n;,.lb~~~~ 25c Cor~ . 25c ~!~~~1~~~~~~·. . 1Dc 10c !~~~~b.~~.~~~.;..,. . . .25c Beans . !c~!~~g~!~.~~.~~~~.~ 25c Potatoes 'U. 4' 8: '. C Club. 2 Pkg •. .. Larre .iz.. package . eacb .......... 19c

Do you like to wa.s h in cold watpay the doctor or pay the laundry man a f ew cents a week for your waeh? We wllJ launder your clothes for as low as 6 cents per pound. Leave your call with Mahlon Ridge to have the driver explain in detail. Soft Water Laundry .

pack, 3 ean • ... Avonda le early June. c.n ..... .. .14c

Eatlm ore Nut Oleo, Ib" ..... ..........aOc,

Kettle pure, 2 lb . ...... .

Avonda le. 2·lb. can .................. " 12c

.. ... Green;D I" 7 lb . .......... .... ...... .... 25c

..-J1 ~ng Mav l-l e U ; ]

B_o_v_H_e_a_le_r_ _

4-._ _

Golden Santo•• Ib ................ " .,.33.:

Packare · ....... ............ .... ...... ......... ge

StaDd.r d pack, 3 caD'.. . Avandal o, caD ...... :.. .. ............ 12 ~ c Country Club, can ............ ........15c


Standa rd. SlriDI1... , c:aa .. Ayondal o, C.D .........., ....1.·..... : 12~c

L"af Lettuce , Ib .. .......... .... .. ... .25c

S. No, 15-lb. peck1·. Fin. coo.• • r.. ................. ..


F. D.· DAKIN hisurance Agency'


Scol'es ot people claIm to have been healed when A'bram G-eorge eleven year old Indilln boy lay hi; .hands upon them. lOa great wu . Latest photo of Rlrohlto fonner the pre s nbout him a~ R\lcheat er PrInce Regent will) b::COll).CB the N. Y., tOOt the 1M ooUapMd iro~ II4IW Empero r of Japan, throfl&"h t:bt '/lhAuadoAo • .. " rtOtA~ dtUb gf hie lathe£. '"



.. ... _-



_General ·; Insu~ance !




. . -

~veDty-Ninth Year




'" .

Monday morning of last week, when t he 8 :3 0 go ng s ou nded. every o ne knew that SC hOO l h ad begun in earne ~t . All of th u te ac hers a nd almost all of t he pu pils were back afte r 'a gr nn d and glori ous vacation. Ol course,' bo th tenc he rs an d pu pils wer e t her e befor e 8 :3 0. bu t t hat was visitin g t ime. Why did it begin In A DR. WORK WHO WORKS en rn est ? W hy; because mid-yenr BE PATIENT WITH STATIC exams nrc only a f e w days off a nd e veryone is stud ying a nd r eviewin g "XMAS " A SACRLlEC E for th em. In the past yea rs, pupils CHRISTIANITY A FAILURE? with a n ave r age of B + or above, we re exe mp t irom t he exams, bu t t his yea r every bod y is compelled to Dr. Work, Secr etury of the Inter ta ke th em . ior, says of the 1927 ou tl ook: "There is not a single d istr ess sign on the T he Mothers club are doi ng a prof whole eco nomic horizon." itable bus iness this yea r se rv ing Secretury Wor k doesn 't sit a t his warm lunches to the pupi1s of t he des k. guessing. H e trave ls ove r the new buildi ng Over $60 are to their country constantly. studying oppor credit in t he ba nk as clea r money tunities f OI' nlltiO llul imp rovement. All except ab out $I 0 has bee n made li e kn ows co nditi ons. und his opinion d uring t he eig ht weeks f r om th e first is important und enco uruging. of Nove mb er t o vacat ion tim e. in December. Besides t his the y ha ve some Sho\l ld millions ot wo men r ead oi goods still in th e larder unused. The the death of Sir Oliver Lodge. Marunused goods consists of pota t oes con i. Millik in a nd Ii doze n other an d di ffer ent kinds of canned vegeg reut 's cit'"tista the majorit y woul.d tables. During t he past eig ht weeks say, "That's too bad." and be not of lunch serv ing th e f ollowing ma temuch inter ested. r inls were purchased : Eery one of millions will be in tereste d t o hea r tha t J ean P hillipe Worth. the fa mous dressmaker. has go ne to a la nd wher e there is no sewing. His ho use dresse d queens and empresses of state alld' IIn ance. also yv ung la tl les with whom t hei r sons ,un aro u nd in Paris. Hi" word mennt Ill ()re in rca l u uthor ily t o t he wurlu's women than all the decisions of a thou8and high judges. Be patient with static. when It interferes with jazz m usic o r prb;e figh t news co ming swee tly over your radi o. P rol essor P upin, of Columbiu college. s uys stulic a hd "fading" ene mies of radio enthusiasts. rea lly indicate t ha t other pla nets a re t ryIng to ta lk to us. They send powerful messa ge that in ter fe re with o ur fe eble radio. a nd Pupin . think.. we shall und er stand those messages within twenty-live years.

Brea d 679 6 bun s Butter 30 ',!, Ibs But ter .......... ....... . 226 gal Cr eam ..... . ',!, gal. Po tatoes ............. .... .. 22 bush. Meat ...... .. ................ . 361 ',!, Ibs. Co rn 9 cases Catsup 2 gallons 126 Ibs. Sugar Mustard .... 6 ga ls: Crackers . . .... . 9 cans Snit .... 13 Ibs. Flour . ........ .. ............. 24 Ihe. Cocoa ...... .......... ........... 40 Ibs. Onins '" ................ ........ .. .. .. 4 ',!, Ibs. Pepper .. .. ......... ... ............ 1 lb. Soa p ............. .... .. ....... . 46 bars Macaroni ............. . 46 lbs. Beallll, 16 cans ................. 166 Ibs. Sa lmon ... ..... .. ....... ...... ... 48 cans Kerose ne ... ....... ...... 6 gals. Kra ut . .... ... 16 Ibs. T omatoes . .. .. .. 46 cans P eas .................. .. .. .... 48 cans Cheese ..... ........ .. ........... .. 3 Ibs. Spice ................. .. ..... :.. .... 1 lb. Ora nges ............. ............. 1 doze n Grapes ...... , ................. 3 dozen Bananas ...... 4 dozen Pinea llple .. .. .......... 2 cans Oysters 2 gals. Hardware- 2 kettl es. 1 pan. 2 lids. 2 dish pans. Dishes , . ........ a doz plates St ove a nd F ittings .. .. .. .. ... 1 Sala ry f or 7 ~ weeks .. .

If planets millions of years older than our ea rth co uld t en us wbat they know, our science mig ht jump ahead na ra pidly as a child a dvances in knowledge after it has lea r ned t o talk and r ead. We light little bonllres. heat steam, and thus obtain power. Mars might t each U8 to harness the power of the 8Un. and t ransmits ellerg y without wire, which would do away with enThe Mother s club has also been g ines, or f ue l on IIY'i ng mach ines, ser ving about 100 childre n a t the old an'd givll us unlim ite'd power. building. The children at t he Grade It Is said that in this country buildi ng who bring their luncmes also t he re is mor e commercial "flying br~ ng po ta toes. dry beans. tomatoes. r ice. etc .• which are cooked and servmileage" t han in any other. F or tha t thanks are due to Presi- ed to the children with their cold dent Coolidge und Postmaster-Gen- lunches. eral New, who have e nco ura ge d air Friday evening of last week saw mail routes. But fly ing back and for t h by ma il carrie rs. most desira- the first Hig h School basketball game ble. docs no t mea n building up na- of the New Year, 1927. The i>ings 1IIUls H igh School boys team and t he tional a erial defense. IIrst team of W. H. S. met in a closeOur oge l istens indiffer e ntly to ly contested game. It was a thriller 11ews. but . no man can exagge.r ate from beginning to end. As aoon as the whistle blew the lirst time the i t~ importance. friendly battle waged back and forth. And for our commercial flying we F irst in the favor of one side ancl de pend o n pr iva te initiative. citizens then in the favor of the other, as building planes that will "get by" far as playing went, but as for basand enable them to make money car- kets or goals, it was more largely in r ying mai l. That isn't a govern- favor of the loyal supporters of the mcnt program fo r promoting aviation Orange and Black. The score was 21 to 2 in our favor. Clergymen a re protesting against th e abbreviated "Xmlls." which r eOur team will meet C ente~"lle ••• duces the name of Christ to "X." Friday night, January 14 on their Iloor. Although their floor is smallThe abbreviation is ' disrespectful to t he most beautiful word in history er ' than ours, and their baskets difand it is disrespectful to the Eng lish ferent and they defeated us on our la nguage. Anybody who was in too own floor, we are hoping hard against much 'of a hu r ry to write out "Christ hope that we can defeat them on their own floor_ Every one. rememmas" should not use t he word. bers the game between C. H. S and Wise men in Milwaukee will de- W. H.S at the beginning of the seavote three days to discussing high son. We wa·n t ple nty of s upporters qu estions, including tbis: "Can and rooters for W. H. S. and good. Christianity be of any practical' use clean cheering. Let's show them that we can take a larger crowd with in changing e xisting conditions?" Christiani t y haa been changing ex- U8 than they brought with them. _ _ __ is ti ng condit ions for about ninteen 'Fhe Runts of Waynesville played hundred years, there Is no reason wh y it should break down now. To the Imps. of Xenia, on our floor also, " love thy 'neighb or as thyself," try- iast Friday evening. It was eV.e n a ing to help him, instead of trying to more closely conteSl;ed game than rob him. wiil always improve condi- the High school one. It was 'fallt and furious, and hard fought. The ti ons it men mean it. Xenia players , were larger than Anoi hru: suggestion before Con- most of our boys, 'IIIhich was in their g r esa is t o forbid exp..· iment with favor. At the end of the game, a scientific study of polson ease&.however, the score . was tied 14 to 'f he peak of absurdi~y III to IIUi- 14. One overtime waa ' played, and g est that' we must not know about as the result ' !>f • foul shot by Erpoi. oj! giules. Can ' we . not. trust win EIlIII, the Runta ·.won, 16 to 14. ou.reelve.. '. ,'; . - • ,," I1'he Seniol''' Gtrla ptay~ the" .rut of.' ~e :HigJl School girla' . team, In which: the' laiter'_re victorious. · . , . .. ' . .Miss Lucille Clark, dauchter ' o'i. U delired by eno_h stu~entil of Mr. and Mrs. 'Yalter Clark, Is IIrow- "lV, H. S., and if the tlJ?2e can Iy convaillcllllt Irq" • touail opera- l':l.IIged, .ever,al new .tudiel will .,. UOD at the Illddletou . hOlJlital, placed in the Blah IChool the ltOond *here the II taJdq tnlaIq. W_ &Del "qulra.

'be u-








- - - - By A. B. C H g.



Whole Nu mber 5735

ANNUAL MEETIN'G .......................... COUNTY fARM BUUEAU

I Jnte;~::::h~tem·

On Friuuy. Jnnuary 2] . at l.ebano n Memo r ia l hull. farmer s of Wurren co u nty may bc a~s ured of the best unu most interesti ng nnnual meeting ever held by the County Vurm bureau, accoruin g t o annou ncements lI'rom lhe local officers un d I:xtt'n sion ugel1 t..~. Class and Watts. The progra m is scheduled to begin at 10 o'c lock, Cen tral Standa rd tim e, and the co mn,i ttec ill charge wishes to emphasize lhll t so me of lhe mos t illlpl. rLun L f~alur os of lhc day wi ll uc given in t he for en oo n. so it is necessary for farmer~ to be prese nt all <luy in order to get the f u ll content "lid va l ue from the meeting. After the opclIing music and invO('ll li" ", Ihe pI' 's idenL's address will be gi,'cn by Mr. Carl J . Miller. f olluwetl by rcp OI·t and finnncin i statement by C. C. Meloy, secretary. Rep rt K con(' ernin g t he Co-Operative ~JuI' kct activities which co ncern t he farm 'c rs of Warren co unty, wi ll next ue givcn. The Ci ncinnati Co-Operative Com mission ussociation will be tl i scu :!.~ e tl by Mr. P. C. Wilson. manuger of the com mission firm since it was organized a lm ost two year s ago. The WorK of tho Co-Operative Pure Milk nssoc iation will be rep orted by lll r. Waller D. Hunnicutt. fie ld ser vice man of th e Farmers Co-Operath'e o rgunizatio n. And the Miami Valley Co-Opernlive Milk association L wil l be treated by C. W. Lawren ce, manage r of th e pla n in Dayton, a nd a lso dire'clor of lhe work t hro ughout the Miami Valley. These reporls and ta lks will be of vita l interest to every farmer in t he co unty. as th ey cover the marketing of producls u niversally produced in The ma ny friend s t hro ughout t he the cuunly. Wool Marketing will althe co un ty of Strawder A. R inger. so be bri efl y reviewed by the local will be please d to learn t hat he hns offi cc l's in charge. as well as the state been g ran led a Life Special Certi f- spen ker. Din ne r will be se rved on t he lowicate in commecial educational s ubjects by t he Ohio State Board of er Iloo r of the Memor ial hall, so it Examiners . wil l not be necessary fo r a nyone t o F or t he past nine years Mr. R inger go out of the building fo r lunch. has been a t eacher in South Hills The Grlu,Ige committee has engaged High school. Pitts burg. Pa., an d this the kitchen fac ilities at the r ecently is his second Life Ce r tifica te, hav- louilt Memo ria l hall an d pro mise e ving a lrendy been granted one in the ery effort t o render t he best service possible to th ose wh o a ttend t he anState of Pennsylvania. nua l mee ti IIg. Proceeds will go to the socia l com mittee of th e Lebanon Gra nge. Afte r lunch the nominating comEarnest E ar nhart, of Carlisle. Ohio m ittee will re port a nd o'ffi ce rs will hns accepted a pos ition with th e Un- be electe d for the e nsuing year. ion Gas a nd E lectr ic Co ., who ar e Miss Ne ll ie Watts, home dem onstraputt ing up a sub-station at t hat place t ion ngent an d Co un ty Agent Class will hext I'opo rt concerning their past yea r 's wo rk and outline plans for the f ut ure. Mr. M. D. L incoln, With the ncw year the Franklin executive secretary of the Ohio Chronicle ta kes on the d ignity of a Farm Bureau Federation , Columbus. managi ng edi to r . T his position will wi ll tho n give the ma in address of be fi ll ed by MI'. Ross F ar quha r. who t he day, in whic h he wil l view fully for the past eight yea r s, has bee n the many activities of t he Stat e fe didcntified with the paper lUI t he li n- eration. and prese nt a num ber of the econom ic problems co nfro nt in g otype oper at or . the fa r mer s of Ohi o and other states A s I\h-. Linco ln h us recently made n comprehensive s tud y of agricu lt ure in re lat ion to oth er industries, he is ful ly informed a nd able t o discuss this subject. All sessions are years the rcs t of Spnin was busy open to t he public. Bus inc ;s and with her ow n affairs. nnd the Counts profess iona l men aro inv ited lUI we ll of Portuga l grew str onger. F inally as farmers. ... one of them assu med th c t itle of ki ng. Portugnl s ig ned a treaty with Enn-Ia " nd I"n 138 6 a nd t he close relat'Ions a f f n' en d S h'Ip h nve ca n t tnue ' d ta the pr ese nt t ime. T hc gove rnm en t an d social cond it ions ar e s imilar t o th ose of Spai n. "

On Saturda y night. J a nu ar y 16. Otterbein Ho me t eam w ill play a t the Gym. This game is being played as a be nefit game t o our fi rst team. The entire school is interested in having t he public tum o ut in large numbers to t his game.



Ethan Cra ne. for th e past s eve ra l months city edito r of t he Wil mingto n News- J ourn,~ I , has resigned. effect ive th is weElk. H e will become a member of the editorial staff of t he Dayton H erald. He wil l be succeeded by Lawrence Aust in , a Wilmington boy, g raduate of the Ohio Wesleyan Un il'ersity School of J ou rn a lis m, and. until recently. on t he staff of the Columbu s, Dispatch.

An Apology A mist ake crept into t he pe rsonal column of last week's issue. which caused qui te a bit of comment and inquiry. "Mr ." was converted into .. Mrs .... by th e li notype acc identally dropping th e letter "s." muking t he ite m r ead Mrs. Ken neth Kilbon . instead of Mr. As far as we k now, t her e is no Mrs. Kenneth Kil bon . and no prospect of one.

F:umers' Institute

Th e Farmers I nstitute season opens wilh fin; session 's in Hnrvcysburg on . W edn esday un d T hu rsday. of t his week • .Januar y 1 2 and ]3. T wo machines wer e tla magcd last Mr. Thomus D. Phi llirs. superinSunday even ing on Fra nklin Road, ten clent of Lhe Ohio State uni"eraity ncar the Ellis farm. whe n Arthur farm. will discuss the fa r m topics. Thomas atte mpted to pass t he mu- whi le Mrs. Ida A. Durbin . or Fredchine drive n by Ha r old Smith. Th e 1cricktowll , Ohio, will lead the home wheels of the two m achines locked di!<cussions of inte r est to wome n. and before they co uld be ri ghte d. , The lI oT\'esybu rg sessions w ill be both machines went into t he ditch . held at lhe T own Ha ll.

Auto Accident

Two Life Certificates

Accepts New Position

Managing Editor

1he Republics of Latin America The following paper , wri tten by a High School pupil. and is wo r thy o.f publicatio n.-Ed. PART 1 EUROPEAN BACKGROUND The I be r ian Pen ins ul a co nsists of two count ries. Spai n an d Por t ugal. They d ifl'er mainly in history lind have both been moulded by t he same

their colonies. One was II tliX on comm crc inl t l'lInsactions defin ite ly set at ten per cent. This had a blij\'h ting effect on trade <lltd industry~ An other · was the Bulin de la Cru zado which was com·p ulso r y. Altho ug h Ferd in unad and IsabeIla wer e stl'on!!, al most fa nutica l Catholies th ey r efuMd to let t he Chur ch

d ominate the state. However. th ey geogra ph1c:al Inllu ences. Being a l- believed that e\'e ry one sho uld IIc cept most s urroun ded by wate r they look- the Catholic fait h. Fo r th is purpose cd to marit ime ex pa nsi on. while t he t he In quisition w a g introd uced. T houPyrenees on the nort h almost isolate d sands of J ews and 1\1oo rs, wh o rethem from the rest of Europe. T he fu sad to accapt the faith were put peninsula contains a gr eat varie t y of to dea t h. while othel's wer e ba nished climate and geograph ica l featm·cs. nnd th eir possess ions seized. The modern Spaniards and Por t ugu.ese are desce nd ed fro m a grell t Th e popul ati on of Spa in at tho acntlmber of different races. The Tbe- cessio n of t he Catholic mona r chs has riuns arc the first of who m a nything bee n estima t ed between se vend a nd a is known. They a re sup posed t o half and .te:1 million. . Th~ Nobles ha"le crossed from Africa a s early as were at the head of t he socllli scale. 2U00 B. C. Between the fourth and M~ny wer e illl lYl~ n~el Y weult hy a nd sixth centuries B. C.• the Celts came. e nJoyed rn uny prlVll eg~s. They wer e They were a pa rt of the western m i- eXQmpt f ro m .th~' h e~v l er tuxes. an d gration that entered most of E urope could not ~e Im priso ned fo r de~t. at that tim e The Pheon ieians and They were Indo lent a nd proud, d lsGreeks andCarthaginians succes~ively daini.n~ all ki nds of manu nl. labor a nd gained a foothold between the e l- des pISing trade. The nlld dle ' an.d eventh and second century B. C. But l?wer cl ~ses wer e pros pero us a t t hi S these did not leave much o f nn im- tIme. Silk and wool wer e manufac pression on the country. Then the t ured in ~he lar~:er ci.ties. Commerce Romans held sway for six centuries. grew r aP ancl agrICult ure was 'alTheir language formed the basis of so /1ourishlng. 'modern Spaniah and t hey left lRiAt Columbus' discover y of Amerpos ing buildings and monuments, as ica no nat ion in Europe was better well as rellgJon, laws SB :td political prepared for ·colonizati on . The coun institutions. A number of · German- try WIIS prosperQus a nd all t he states ic. tribes then gained possession. ex,cept Portugal , were united under a They left little or no influence, and strong central government, They adopting rather the . language, reU~- had an abundancc,,Of bra ve '~nd d~rIon and lawlI of t he inhabitants. The iJlg aoldler v :whQ bad -been well t rainMoors inva4ed Spain in 711. They ed du.rin t the Moorish wars. . conquered pncticlllly "aU of .Spain, The dev.e,lopmen of P &r tugal in but after yenrll of J1ghting ~hey were many reappcts ill similar to ~hat of slowly , dHv~n' back. However l t hel.' Spain. 'B eforA the' eleven~ ' cc'ntury left thel~' in .tluences an'd 80me of the ir bistroy me~eB 'intO -that , o~ the them inter-married and - retilained r es' of Spa in. . Af\long the Crusaders' with the Spanish. • ' 'who ea~e ~o he)p Spain ,d ~ive out the Spain began' as a great power, wit h Moors wa a COWlt 'Henry, of Berthe marrla ,0 of...'F erdlnaiic! and 18&- g\ll)dy, \VIao, in '. 1096: Duuiled' the ben. ,I n 1'-il9. Some, waya of tax- dauchter of tb, King of Leon. The lq wen introduced d~ their Uttle 'country of PortllDl was • . part NIp, wblob were Ia~ broqht iDto. of hel' doWl'J. For.- number of


--- ----


P r ince H enry. of Portugal. devotT he f oll OWing was taken f r om the cd the better part 'Of his life to Co lumbus Dispatch, T uesd ay. J a nmarit ime ex plora t io ns. His ca pta ina uary 4th: made ma ny importa nt discove ries. Edw" rd W. H ug hos. stat e 'pa rli aIn 16 00 Pedro Elva rez Ca bral dis- mentn ri an. now has a life job. The cover ed Braz il. Mea nwhile Colum- le<rislnt ure, Tu esday, a dopt ed a J' " bus had discovered America for reso lution employ ing him un til his Spai n, This caused u rivalry be- Sliccesso r elected a nd qualified. tween t he two co un tries. but it was Hug hes 'is th e offic ial parliamenset t led peaceably by the Pope by his tarian of the legis lat ure, settling all fa mous Li ne of Dema r cation. which questio ns co nce rnin g parlia mentary so g reatly affecte d t he la ng uage and procedul'c t hat lIl ay a rise. He is settl eme nt of South Ame rica . a uthorized a lso to decide pa rli amenAs South America wo's explored tary qu estio ns t hat may be su bmitted it was sfound th at ma ny t ribes of In- to hi m by city councils or othe r pubdill ns ' occ upied t he te rri tory. They lie legis latie bod ies. wcre not advanced beyond the s tone He is the author of a num ber of age and bronze age. However. some works on pa rli amenta r ian pract ice. of them had huilt wonderful build- Be is nn inva lid, nnd is co nstantly a tings a nd kn ew the vnlue of gold. te nded by his fai th ful wife. . Among the most important of these 1\'1 1'. H ughes. who freq uently s pends tri bes werc th e NahUQs. of Mexic o, some t imo each yea r in W ay nesville Aztecs of Mexico. Mayas of Central wit h his i rie,Hls. Mr. William Kemp Ame rica, Chlbchas of Columbin and a nd N. P. Jor da n, has sever al f ri ends Incus of South America. The lan- hel'c who congl'8t u le him on I}is sucg uage of the Tupi Guaranis prior to cess. t he discovery was th e most widely spoken in S. A. It is still used by the ' majority of the Inhabitants of P8J;aguay, ... nd is the only Indian la·n guage in the ·West ern Hemisphere . Carl MllIer. of Franklin. took in; ~hi~h newspapers a,nd boo~ are his dutie~ a s a county commissIoner 8~11I prlOted. ·,.· ~. I n t he place of SaUl D. H enkle, Before' lihe en,d of ·the 16th Qen- 'lirst of the year.' Mr . , Millet tury the Spanish 'col!lnlal emp~e .had seryed on the board be~!>re , and' almost a~tained, its . full groy;t1i. It we" acq~ainted with his dutJea. _ reached fr<\ll1 the Rio ' Gr4nae. t~ the ., ltfr.. Hen"le n as b een very efficient sautbllrn part' of ' Chile'. Th'! POPllta- In hia duties s ince ' he hu been: tlo!" of the, Span'iah Com'muJiis~ was ~he :hoard. . la' ~lia1: \1tith a bout UIO,OOI) and,bvel' 6,OOO,Opo In.. work_ ~ . a J!i'r 'e eer 'And diana Iiad been brought UDder IUb.. knowledge baa . tood him in jeet#on apd .,~y ,atalld. It is with n~et that (End ,of Pm I) . public seel hlm term.lIaat. h1I . (To ~ 'Clontmuecl) neetioM. W\tb board.


----_ ..--- -

Change in Board



State . Caoital


j ............... ......... Prepare by Colum bus I ep rte r ~


Many plans ore being discussed fo r th" raising of additi on al fu nds with

whi ch to m uct the requ irements of lhe Slate by lhe present legislature. IlI1d exactly whllt method will be 101lowed is a mll tt er of cons iderable uncerta inl y. It is {;e ne rally agreed t hn t th e corporati on franc hise tax will be r estored to the point t hat it will produce nn amount. equal to the old "Willi s ncl." It would not be at a ll s urpri8ing if u stamp tax was also imposed upon mortgllges. and I}robllbly deeds and othe r conveyances which must be recurded. The e ntire proceeds of these stamp acts wou ld be t ur ned into t he State trellsury. with the exception of the actua l cost of ope ration. A billboard .tax is a lso be ing disc ussed and may be passed . Oh io has never faced such a condition a s thot of. today. Rapidly growing in every nook and coriter, and work of operation of State de partments must olso of necessity increase, and with increased wOl'k there is a dd itiona l cost. The fina l solutio n of the Stale's financial diffic ul ties is fa r from being settled, and at no time in during his administration h as Gove.rnoer Vic Do nahey spent as much lime in studying every a ng le of the problem as he has that o"f increasing t he State's revenues. Member~ of both branches of t he General . ssembly are d oing the same. and a solutio n that will be as equi tably d istributed as possible may be ex pected. fiflee n co un ties reported no auto mob ile fatalit ies during the lirst ten months of 19 26, and several of them have never had a n automobile fatality. It is noticeable that most of t he coun ties not recorded Iii ' t he death list have fe w or no Stat e roads Adams county, wh!>se flnli imptoved highway became a vailable in 1926, celebrate d t he event by ste pping into the deu th column with t wo fataliities. T hose coon t ies without fatal automob ile accidents during the period ar c : Brown. Carroll, Cle.r mont, Clinton, Defiance. Fayet te, Henry, Hig hla nd . Holmes, Monroe, Morgan, Pike. Preble. Put nam and VintOn. With t he passing of the las t Gencral Assembly s everal officials wholle nam es and f aces are familiar and kindly known to thousands of Ohio voters. will retire t o private life. And it is with regret in some of these cases th at such a condition comes to pass. One of the m ost popular of these officials is Charley Lewi., of Harpste r. who. for two years has served as lieutenant governor of the State, and the presiding offieH of the Senate. Mr. Lewis came f r0l1l a bllsy busi ness life into stal e polltics; bnd lcaves it tem porary at least to J:eturn to look afte r hls' large private interests. Few men during their short t enure of office have made so many fri ends, and while his future pla ns arc f or s t rict attention to his business, it is said that others who find in him a ty pical man for elevatio n in public life. have other plans. No Stat e offi cia l has given better service. more hOllest and more observa nt t o t he actua l needs of the people of Ohio tha n Charley Lewis durin g t he past two yea rs. a nd wi th his vast tance, his future will be an in teresti ng matter, especially to the many who wa nt t o see hiQl ,ret urn ed to a much higher office 'than that whicb he , bas just rel!nqujsn~. Unt il fund s are available n~ mof e contracts of highway improvements , a re to be awarded by the State Highway departl'lent. Decisi9n, tQ. thl.s effect was nnnounced ' by the Stite Hig hwuy director af ter a conference with Goern or Donahey, wbo is watch ing t he s tate treasury and ita bala nc es wit h an eagle eye. George F. Schlesinger. State Highway director, says that th ere will be no lettlnp for new highway construction or reconstruction of any magnitude untO after t he legislature has takeq action in regard to the appropriation of additional funds for this purpOBe. Payments on contractol'~s estimates for, new conlltrUctionf"l'lI1e ..·, I10W baln, partially met from thl/ , maintenallce and re~alr'; ~u~dll r r;hiph ~e ~ temporarily tranaferreil 'to the struction fund. This was due to the State not being a hle the obligations of ' the appropriation new constructipn Iii .·the due to the . state . u •••·... u~'¥. will


.. THEM'" i bAZEi Ii o ..__________ ___ __ .-.- _ _

~f"'" __ ~

While our office is not as large as the metropolital' shops, yet we are prepared to serve the people you want to serve, and we can serve them as well as any other shop. in the country. Don't be duped into the idea that out of town shops can serve you better than we ca~.

Sale Bills ~LeHer

Heads BiU Heads

Booklets Blank Work of All Kinds

State~enb Envelop~s And, in fact, any ~ind . of printing is done at this shop with dispatch and accuracy.

Our Sale Bills are gotten out In such a manner that the buyers can " read as they run." ' fry us.,

Then,' also, The Miami Gazette's circulation is such as will bring you buyers. Our circulation is far be,yond that of the ordinary small town paper, and is of general circulation. An adv. will bring buyers for miles. This has been proven.

Ring the phone-No. 112-and we will a~end to your wants.


NEWS GLEANED FROM' COURT HOUSE COMMON PLE AS PROCEEDINGS T h o c ...~() of haTters D. Ma ple, ndmr. \/8, }' eueral urety Co" 1\ cor porotion, waR di smi 8ed. 'l'he jury found K. Du r b in Fisher, who was indict ed nn !l charge of mnn~ l l\ulth ter , not guilty. Alma ' Surface was g r an te d a d iVOTce from Rus.pll Surf aco by order of cour t, Court granted Gln dys Abn er a di· vorce fro m Ro y A bner. Dan Day was s~lI t enc e d to th e Warren co u nty jail fo r a peri od of three mont hs. The case of V ir~ il Fullen VS, Wm. S. Roo f WIIS d ismIssed without r ecord. The eose of t he Bnng ham Motor CO. V8, E . MllIer, was dismissed without r e cord , George B. Stansell was granted Il di vo r ce from Cla ra Stan sell by orde r or co urt . W. H. Ful kreth was appoint ed deputy sheriff of Warren cou nty. his term to expire the fi rst Mond ay in J anua ry, 1929. . Co urt granted Ida M. Somers a dIvorce f rom Walter E. Somers, defcndont to pay $ 16 per week alim ony. , Roy Abn er was f ound gUIlty of con t emp t 01 court lind waa confined t o th e Warren conn t y jail f or a period of twenty da ys. Emma Loui se Todd owas granted a divorc e f rom Jo hn Todd and was rest or e d to her maiden name. Jam es E . Burke was appointed official court stenographer. A $500 bond was given and Ch915. Haines was r eleased from prison. J ohn HaveJls was released from jail on a $600 hand.

NEW SUITS The Rending Bnnk vs. Ans ley Stewart Cannon and Ro se Marjorie Cannon and S, C, DogJins, William H. Baker and Nellie Baker, for money. Ruth McAvo y, .administratrix at the e state of Daniel Evers vs. The Eavcy Co., a corporation, for damages. Grace B. Haines s. Amos Haines f or divorce.

MARRIAGE LICENSES William J. Bruce, truck driver, of Franklin an'd Bessie Lillian Mldlam, of Franklin. Horace E. Bailey, machinist, of Franklin and Ruth Eisenmenger, office clerk, of Franklin. William F. Kroener, farmer, of Loveland, and Inez Rasnic, factory worker, of Maineville. Patrick O. Boyle, steward, of Franklin, and Ethel Lowman, of Franklin. Curtis Alford Reedy, farmer, of CenterviJIe, and Myrtle lana Beltz, mill worker, of Sprlngboro_ Karl F. Leber, assembler of Miamisburg, and Agnes M. Woodward, machine operator, of Springboro. Jessie David Fowler, factory worker, of Dayton, and Myra Moore, of Lebanon. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Richard Franz to Caythryn E. Franz, one town lot in Lehanon. Estella Lewis and Ross C. Lewis to L~an Scott. 1.20 town acres in Hamilton T'p., Carrie Wi. and Wi11iam L. Suemening to Joseph A. and Roxie M. Schilling, one town lot in Lebano·n. N. C. Mary and Lucy Cornm to L. Goodman, 96 acres of land on the Little .llaml river. L. Goodman to M. F. Little 96 aerea of land on the Little Miami river, in Warren county. P. R. and Ida Wic.l to R. J. and Core Fitzgerald, 91.48 acres of land in Clearcreek Tp. Nelson Carpenter to Andrew and Fennie Turner, 8.79 town acres In Franklin. ' Nelson AndreW!! to Andrew and Fennie Turner, 8.79 town aerea in Franklin. '. Ethel L Basore to P. A. Kemper, one town lot in Franklin. Edwin ' 0. Weaver to Howard J. and MarY S. Corwin, one town lot in Franklin. . " Oharles H : and Bernice Collin. to Clyde ·C. · Collins, 78.9'6 6 "erea in, Union Tp. Charlea a Colllna to Clyde Col. Unl, one town lot in South Lebanon. f






, e Ls Early: for Your Sale D ates.

We Gu a rant .. e Sa ti sfart: ion or C h arge Not hin g.

one" \ X I~.A1' IO N

New Burlington,O.

Centerville, O.

ilolH l" l )(l- tnufl.'i h 'n t l(\n w o rk I ~ orgnn · Iz,· " on t h~ . l tH.: al h' rhl e I'Hhh) I'ns ls There 3.rl' a nlllll\" ' 1'" o r l" ' agUn d (or lh l. IHtH b o ,t. Mort))) o pit.' ..:nn ho r ~ ut: h t!tl ; (t"\'t l ul)nwllt o r 1Ut..' 1\ 1 I caders m(lans

Phone No. 32(1

Phone No.2

tho d (, " ,' h )I,)f fl e nt o( ,'o m nlllnll v I,' uucr h~lp th ~

l!I h l p whic h w1l1 Ul lier

\\' 10' 11

Ih n L

ttl' ltv,' f'Ht U I1t1 t


,'omU\unitr t n

t hun i n k!-xlt'Il~lo n w o r k , ~, I1 t' l gl\ bol' , ~ t u k l n g UI1

C~c t

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w v rk l\N) UioH! l-' In t ur · th O l>lIq~II'U" I) f t hi ti

'w o r k am o ng tho othor n eh;hbor6, Tht!' H UllI e Agem:, o r ~tnlt:.~ Spccln ll a t

gtv~ t h ~~(' t ca(\ rt:l !oIpl.'C lld lnd nlng :UIU tho y In t U1' 1I 1'1\ 88 th hl lu forma t lon 011 t o th ()~ u: wit h w h u m Ih ~ y I.\t" w o r k i n g, In 1111 Lh e r e Wer e 3:':7 lo c' al l l~ udo r ij h e Jpl n ~ to cn lTy 0 11 Ih l' 1\,111 )( wOJ' l< In

\Y uri- n ( '(,UnL)', an d ,HI lu"~ 1 !.>ndt' rs In

th e (;11'1 $' clUbs wurk , l!: Vi'ry t ow n 6h tr lIut Solem hu, ~ f r ont on,-' t v nvu ~- I

clu!> •.



s eco n d


4- lt l ' ItTII l ) wa s h~ l f l n l F l , A I,~ I"'H Wllh I;e lHl~8 I1I Hl t{l r ls a nd t :! londcns Ur" th"llt. t: l aI:"H"tS I n 1\1I.:d( o t l')" l udur, ' r' t lltl)' II 1\11 l'U \l U wfJrk l U 1l1 ti\\'I I111 " 1111; \\t rt' t:\ u Hht. Tilt; ddltlr\.'n 11l\' ld .... d !rHo l(1U,' lI'iUctt ( o r t he i r wor k tH lli pin y utili a Mit 'nl ,le' HI o f rr le n d l}' rlndl'.) (ox hllt.!d :t,,=, tll who i;ouhl d o t ho 1Jt.!~t wo rh.. 'rhcy to ok C'hu r gC' or pro,;rnll1lj t or \ ,' spe n:, H il t! 4

F;\,ef' r y to w n.hl p 18 n180 ,c n.nrylng at t ~ ll tH one Adu l t Pro j nc l. CIII(m t UWB - ,t ;;~~'~/~~ II;;!e ltr~:I ' I :t'i: ' m)~~i~"~ n~t ~~!J n)~~I.~ fl htp hOD littl e centra l I nt er es t a n d 80 llu: o u td o or 11f t.! )4o ncra ll y , One nigh t Is or ~a nl , d w ith t ho t1 u rJ'o ul\ u lng wh e n till' H l O r111 hu.d llt-lnY,-'d th ul l' B UIlt uw n ~h lp s nL th e il' oWn t ("tlUeat , p e t tu l' t.Wl.J 'hOUl'lS , Ill l'l tCHd or l!!I ltll n ,.; rrt.·lI cou nt y h1i8 a H o m e Ex t on - aro u nd Ktll ll1 u ll n~ ,, 1"Ju t It, t h(·\' II lh,l o 810 11 co m mitt ee, c om po se d o C (l r ep l'e - up .o n g~ abou t it nnll sa ng t h e m t lu Ck ~enta U \,t} woman f r oUl eac h t o wn Sh I p. anli f or th amu n K t h e teut s , Til ,' jelli l It Thl6 c:olIHnHteo t n t-o Ls llt t he call or (,t co-o p erati o n 1\11(1 Koo d , w11 1 e xhl L lt ,I th a chalrmn n t o mak o d ec18 1au ns CO'Tl - wns worlh a lone, u ll t h\! l Uurt p u t c ornl nt-;" co unl y-wldu w u r\t Hll d t o ad .. fo nh by the lea den!); to IIH\k c th e l'lUII P \' t h' lI ome A ~(! nL conl"'ern i u " t he a YUt' CUS tl . Il fob l ellltl u. n lJ I nl l! r t~H t I'n a ll p luta or the co un t)·. They hel l) 10 fin d 10c ,, 1 WAIUU,:S (" II ' NT'''S 1,'lIlS'I' 1l 1J 1t ." . It'ad c rs or lu h -IZl 6 t:-o u ce r nl tl K l iw ln und WOM~N ' S \ ' A <,: ,\'1' ''':11 (~HII' t n k, ' c hul-gtJ oC t tl ...• co u nt y wid e ne Ll ... \ Vns 1\ 0\(.1 Imm t"dl nldy fo ll ow I ll ';: t litl ltt e¥, tt lidL as l h~ Hu r u l \Vom e ll ' ~ " u4 · 11 (' 1\111 11, Wit h r. :! w o me n r rn nt t.he en t l u n amp, cou nty o..lld 8 In 8l ruo t ortt a n d he.dp e r s (' I.UD WOIlK Ilr"Hc nt. lin d \\ hI! nQ lIIan In C.- Illlll), I'IIIH cnmp t ~eg a n on Tue.l§ dny ('v~ nh l "'" 4· 11 club work hilS Cor I\a I' urllou< nnd Ins l \.' 1..1 u ntil J"rldny mornin g, F ur t h e. tU il k o f' cont ri buti n g t o l he d e " e.l · I n &t ru(' Uon t he w o mo n ask \' d Cu r hl\!iOP IIl Cflt o r oo)'s u n u glrl !J In t h-., COU ll- k (! t ry, r eu dlng nnd p l c l\l rt! ~ In the tr)' , \\-~ ,wan t t h e m l o h uv e lL ri c h er h otnt: nn tI b t ory tc l l111g, ·J'lhl't.· p IIIJJtnICa n d rull er ho m o nn d com m u n l l y 11(0 t or a w e r e Ho n t f r u m Lh o t a t e d" IHi. l' l1\1l~ \York towa rd t hu l cnll. Clu b wor k m o nt Il n d O llH~r ft vit:lil ud t h e. c n.m l l (or 121 or~a n lzed on o n e o f tho lI o un d iHl l n 8 e~s i o n 0 ,' t w o, T h tt \\' 0 11\ n hn J Il. ~duC U l l onH. l p l' lnclpl &, t hey l co.·rn t o good t ime lU lu vo t c tl unnn i muu s ly rur a n other Ca ml) n e xt y car. f . H Glr l8' clube In Wnr : T h e c aHlp hllH tdlH'Q 'url\ t s h ~ t.l cxc e l re n cou nty Bum m er, In cluding i b lo nl leaders In proj e ct w u rk , It e \' e n Clot hh' !f clu b. 8 Food nnd 2 0 11'13' help ,I In ,\ I. l rI Ota III \\'h loh t'her ' had R OOlll c l ubs _ T h o l' O we r e 28ft g i rls ~ n· hc(' n n o r cprcs ,' n t l l l h'c>H I n H it. l'll fll p . r o ll co i n th ese c l ubs of w h u m 2& 5 CO Il1 - On e to mmuulty had not res po nd e d to r,1. ted It nd "" lulled ILl U IC) COU l\t.l· U Il )' r':xt en s iofl \\urk Hlnc\, n t i n ni e


d°"I'I~~re~~~n~. t~118

The ll'!l ll\ p p'uuSetl outs ide th e gllt e . "Cl ea r !lU i." "hrt ute fi t he ludy o f 1he hou. f' . ."1 aiu ' t ICnt 11\1 ",,,,,d 10 Brow Il ch up.. T h ~ r e a ill't n\, th;n~~ you "" uld LlIY ~c t lill ~ dt)

hl) r e."

l ;tt.: .)

" ' l lHV 'S Hlutlg ~ "

yo ur n ew o Ake

, lI (,'s gu t t.Jl1ngs s o

" i'" l1ll· 1

"B ut. mnd am , lh (\1'(! i ~ , '" rct orted ", "erl li p Ihlll I cou ldll 't get alollg t he wny fnn·,. , wit h di fir';t ~·. "I c!t uld \\' Il ho ut hillt. " give you n few less-ons ill 1!1'l11ll11l11r. " SOME DAY IT MA Y BE A WHAL E

Public Sales

TomIllY- " Oo fi sh gro\\' vcr), [,," t '! ' Bill y- " [ slltllll<l Ihink "I' ! Fulil er lJis"olllillu illg fa rmin g, 1 will make ca ught ol\e (\lIce and it I:r,,\\'~ <i x u c l u~ 1I1 g-() U t Htd e of ull my chuttels, in ches bigg'e l' a ch time I H~ "I1H\n li o n s I,,"aleel :! 'fa lIlilcs S, K of WaYllesit. " \'ille 0 11 th e ~ l i d,lI o to \v1l and Washmgt;, n C, II . pi ke, directly opposite II , 1::. U'Ncn ll''S fu rlll, o n th e farm IlIl u\\,1I 11 8 the licurgc O'Ntmll illrm, un

Mond ay , January 17, 1927, II Cg lnl tl llg at III u'cluck a. m., the foll o.wi ng: I"; vc heml goo d horses ; 23 cattle; ·1:) ho gs ; ["e el; harne.s ; iur m imple\\I c nts un d slI mo huu.ehold goo ds. CIlA !:>. E. SH UTl'S, Martin &. S ta nl ey, A ucts.

a \~. 18 Interostlng

Age nt hHd be 'l1 In

th ~

Uccid ing to qUit farming, I will sell by wny of pu llllc a uction all my chuncis, lucated :! lIIiles north of 'v~ nVll csvill u, on t ho Fe rry road, on the - b lmcr Kelsey far lll, on

coun t y. bu t SIl loi

t o noLe tha t thO! IU tli n t t h o}' hnu h e ard 80 m u c h nbuu l th o who compe ted in t he Clu th tnK co. tn lJ n n d th e olh o l" n,(' th' ltl es o r tlll' cluba malle 160 drlls.e. 1\1\\1 33 7 un der- w o m e n tha t tI ",~- did n o t wa n t t o get garl1l nl, In I\d(\l lIo n near ly a lI ull- m l ¥fled again a n d t h ey I)r oducod t hroe dr ctt Ollace lln noo uA a r Id ee, lende r s ( o r t he Nu rEI i nJr( project. Th e Dv.c:: h t! l o r Gir ls won ttl t h e II ~IMAII" .... n~: !l U I , '1'!I d emon s tra t io n con t elt a nd »e nt

g ir ls



th e!r team to Ihe Stll te Calr to COI1lpote with th e etato. The ~ oJ\abel gir l.

H a mllt o.n t ow n ship. f\ t 01\'nahlll wo n In t h In dividual de m o n s t rl\ t io n o f poo r la n d n nd s hirting p op ula ti on. nnd Be nt l h ,"' lr .. e pr ~(ontlL ti·Y&. Do rls Lh ar e a r e o r ga. nl z l n g tor th firs t. tim e Snoo k to t ho Sta l o fnl r u lao, l.A!nc.le r s U t o h et n &; bro u gh t t o ll goh t 'I'h . Bac h lor Gir l. ' l athi ng clu b. from t holle who on,) n o t p r c- v l ous!)or Wa shi ngto n t()WMhl (). Mr •. H . A. hod a chl<no e to 8how t heir ab ili ty.


leader. ra nk. t ho hlg hes L In Ot h<lr It adcrs a re b ing develope d ou t

Clo th i ng. c l ube t hi s yea r , a nd th e Ll v,! Wire clu lt, or Muon, Mr ... Ka lil f\lrl>e(l,

Icader. 18 th e hl g h O.~ ~ III tho 0lrl8' Roo m ~Iu b . , Iva MlIIl\rd. at the Dacholor Olrls. a l80 won 1\ Lr lP to th e Na tional Dnlry 8how at I etro t, belns ono or two sent by the Delroll L.nn,l bo.nk from the • Ix countlea In tllll! "OtiOD of the .tate A s I Vll was ODe o r th e wrnnlo g- t eam

le nt to t h a S l a t e t a lr, and a 180 "' ... 11

~! Ulr~t\~ ~tfllc~~~,il~cl~ltY T~;£e;:~e t~l~~

It .eem. stran ge to t bom to Itav tho HOllie Ins t rucll on orfered to Ihom with o ut

801100L LV . ' 011

FICt een rural .chool. are I e ring at leaS t one hot dI sh at noon. under Ihe IndIrect super visio n or !.'he Home Ag ent This a id I. some l.lm es given In talka t o Pll r e.nt B t o s ecure t he Ir co-op eratlon wtlh th e teuc.h.. r, i n helpi ng tho teache r plan m e nu ,"" tn fu r nls hl ng r oc l"es, In helping to pIa ". th e work or In the e&Curlns_ o f equ ipm e n t. The 'W a yne.v lll" High so houl I. hav·

Jiow ~v e r,

oht\I'g e,



lende r o r grOUI> h as g r ns ped tho Idl'a.

o f th e w urk th o), huve b Oeo 111e th e DlU.! l

u nth uBlos Uc co - w o rk e rlS,

On th o oth er 'Iu\nd In t he fow n8h lps . Harla n nnd Wa)'ne. group8 ot lel\ders h"vo r ('celved Instru c tion t n DreiS onst ruc t lo n nl1 d Dress Desig n ror Ihe pao t two )'tlllre. but h",' not been o.ble r to get any of Ihe lr neIghbors In tcre.tell In th e ir local da 8!es. N ow , In th e !fome Cnre of Ibe Ick projec t Ihe leadere !Waking up to the (act t hat

t he trip to ClUb Weel<. at Columbul. ohe I. a muon · t ravele4 girl Iohls IUI\l· mer a.nd wlll be In fl rln e position to helD with olub work another year. b"-o.ur Irlrla !lncl t wo bO YS won tri p. to the Slate Cl ub Week at Columbu •. ot'he r by th e excollenco of their clu b work.

w ,o men

cn, n

con d ucl c l a ss es


the .Dome nmOUnt o f trai n ing ll n d Wno hn\'o,

p C'r h np8,

l e"8

n aLurn l

a b l 1tt y

than tlley bav". Th ey ha vo let the h ig h es t gO lLle o f t he coun t )' n n d a r e do-I ng nil In th eir power Lo nlak e th em g ood, Th e y lLr e o.nnoull c1 n g meo l ln gs , g i v in g sh o rt d e1nonst rntlo n s to sco t Lhe wo m e n a t M o th e r'lI' clubs llnd Ora.n g es

telephoning' und doIn g nil tll nt th ey to a rouse Inter . t, It mn)' be t hnt tho t yr, e ot I>rOjcct hl\8 " groa t. r In-

ClI ll

t e r ea t to a ITetlta r num be r 0 '( people. but l'he fn e l r e m ai n s t ha t th e women lng un u 8ua l Bu cceall ,w i t h lfh elr 8Ohoo ) L\r o o r gn n lz hlK In n commun ity w ld o. lunch, w h l-ch i8 co nd uc t e d u n ~ \.! r t he for the rlr.t ti me a nd li re begIndi rect su pe rvi sion of the MoUI" r . "I ul>, work nIn g t o a '0, t hei r comm lln ltl •• 8.s II, They turnLoh a 88. ndw lch. hol HOUIl ur wh ole nnd flr e mukln g It their reaponv ege t a lJle a nd co<:oa or mtl!{ t or t no alb lllt )' to make It a be Ll er ()o mrnun -

. urn of t e n c e n t8, a n d p ny a ll p"p enntl!ll Ity. Illcluding th e se rvi ces or a cook. Ex tra sn ndwJ ch ee a nd npp l ea m ay Illway e b e h a d a l n n om ~ nal Bum,

In m Oat of th o li,c ho o J th e lunch cou 81st8 ot ono hot dh, h ))rorared nt .ohool

by pup il s, lel\<>he. or mot her and t he mal er lala prov ldcul by th e"" l' 0 0 1 chil-

dr e n_



CI,O'r'II l'VG, All U I.T


oJn conelu . lon the t wo" town shi ps. Moas le " nd HUlon. hn." e or gn nlzed III adu lt ..·ork for t h ti n t tim e In t he lall yea':.i t ho leuder. In the town. hI,," Hu rl" n. ""Iem fl nd WO )OM. a re tln dl ng oth ers be, lde. t h""I •• lve. Wh o aTO In. t. rea ted In th e ex tens ion wo.k "nd In H" rlnn a nd WO)lnn, eapoclull y, a re making a record In the numbers rea chod ; eMh of the other lownshlp. h ..vo opened up naw dlslrlct. Which .have hitherto been unrepresented. and are improvIng upon th eir good roeords at Iaat year. The outlook for the future i.. very good in the opinion ot the Home Agent Th e "Wom en are showing an Interest not onl y In th e present program, but In th o poe.lbllitl e. for th e future. A:n Increas ing num be r ot reqlle!lts to. "I d for both IndiV iduals and communltics are be in g Bont tn, The · Home Demons tratIon Agent wo uld a lso lik e to ea~' th .. t sho h as t horoug hly enjo )'ed th e !W ork in War-

·fhuraday. J a nuary 20, 1927,

ficJ.{ln llillg at 111 :3 U a. Ill., the fol-

Again in 1926, hogg!; I'0Uof ho rses; head of cattle: 9 : 5 goo d ewes ; fee d : harn ess; imple ments , e tc. more Buicks LA W a r;NCE BROWN. l\1 a r t in & Sta nley, Aucts . toured through YellowstonePark Dr. John W. MIHer Dentiat than any other ••• iIJ. NatioDal car except the one *u......._lo . --._ ~ of lowest price. lowin~ :




aaok 814 • •


Buickhasheldthis MONEY LOANED same honor every LOANS Chll u c ls.Sto cks, SecurI· lies and Seco nd i\I qr tgngell. Note. lJo ug ht. J ohn lI ul' bi nc Jr., Xenia, yearsincethePark Ohio. . m:JO-' 26 was opened to Farmers, Farm ers o r W••rren and adjoinln. automobile travel. counties may ohtain mOll ey on Ion. un

.Here,is convincing evidence of Buick reliability-striking proof of the faith which Buick owners repose tn their car.

li lll o loan. , lit 6 per cent Interelt.

at 0 ( ~e cu ring the same is ver)' rea. son ubl e ,lhroug h The Federal Land Ouu l(. For further information caU Oil or IIddres8 M. C. DRAKE, Treuurer, phone il16·X, Lebanon, Ohio.

Scve'n townshi ps compleled til e work In Ore"" Design n.ntl Co nstru ction \ru t "pring. The"" courses Included 8 0 dress lel\ders t rained by tb e Home LOST Agent, who In tllrn help 170 other. with the Iw ork, 'I.'hese g roups report e d 260 dr e88e~ mlld e, u s in g th e p rlnLOST- A va lua ble s et of beads, 3 CIDI.s tau g ht In th e cour06. strnnd s, al Ihe High School build'rho two townships which completed Ore•• Cons tructi on, are now working ing , f{cward, Return to tne Miami In Ores. Dealgn :wlth practically the GlIzeUe otlice. J 12 sag}~e '~':,te~~Y _Wld " meeting WBI hcld with Ihe ClothIng specia lis t, 101188 Butler. who talk cd 011 color In drese. FOR SALE We h eld two aeries ot Sew·lng Mo.ob ille clinics. wlt b th e tul81. tn.nce ot Mr. Darden oC the Rural Enginee rIn g departlnont or Ohio Stale unIversity, r en cou nt y s in ce com lnlX h e r e n 1Ittl o 'pLUMB ING FIXTURES - Kitchen Ninety wome n brought th eIr sewing more th a n n year a go, Sh e 11 48 n C" e r sin ks, bath tubs, lavatories, c1os. macblnea to theee l1I"etolga anti Ic.. rn- Wo rk pl ) w ith (L ~ roup W hich was rn ore od to take them a part put th enl to- ag reeab lo, of whi c h w a s mor ' ready TH E GR.EAT EST BUICK ets l glls a nd coni oil water heaten gether all and adjlult them. About 27 to arop Indiv idu a l ,\I rt erenc"" In tavor 11 M ta n ks at REDUCED PRICES dur oth er' wom en present wIthout at communIty c!evolOll ll1enl. EVER BUILT in g Jlln unry. THE BOCKLET-KING their machInes, to receive the inetruc· NEJ.,LJ El W ATTS. tlon, MachLnee .... re brought In from CO., 4l1i W. Mai n St" Xenia, Ohio. Home Dcmonatrntlon Agent 5 to 66 years of age and went a wa y j12 Leba'llon. Ohio. noting like they lInd just come fr om the factory. Th e blgge8t .value lay, FOR SA LE- Lurge gasoline stove; however. not I'n the f/160 saved by t'he women doIn g It themselve8, but In the I'LL SAY SO 1 .oa k dresse r; 1 drop-leaf table. tact tbat th ey will be a!>le to do It the In qU ire a t thi s office. J12 next tim e tll o ma",hlne ne ed" cleaning Grandmother - "I Suppose you or adjusting. Anothe. 8crlee ot Clinics PI PE, VALVES AND FITTINGS havo :been requost ed tor next sprillg. have to stay up very late at coltlOME C ARE OF '1'tllll SICK PIlO.lECT lege," for ~Il purposes. . Bocklet's line of Nine tDW\JIahlp. Q,ave tnken up thl. plumb mg and hentlng s upplies are Grandson-uYes; but really grand work, ThIs Include a a total of 116 local lenders, 'U 18 the o.lm to h",' e mother. if" wl'lrt)' H " best. THE BOCKLET-KING CO , Lebanon, Ohio at least two wome n coming In to t he 416. W. Mnin street, Xenia. Ohio. if lea d e r 8' district tra i ntng from Which eac}l ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ achool or ~eetlng neIghborhood Is otherwI se centro.lIzed. receive the In atrucUo.n and tben hold th eir neigh borhood cla""cs. The Homo Agent hag given the s e cond lesson In Bev en Of the nine townshl"" at tho Um e ot ISlrlAl"So . I'U. Vhla report. Thea e seven town,hlps 13el" I CAN STILt. report a toto.l ot fOO womnn reaeh e<1 with all or tho flr at lesson. The wo rk ell!' A I'IGV~E' 8 ot the other tOowm.hlps wlllpTobably AND WRI't'E' MY brin g this num ber to 500. Hamilton NAME: - wH~N t lownshlp wIth Itn U leadere flvlng tho tlrat le.... on ()of the project to 90th WAS A ""to er wom en and pa"t.. of it to 43 more. 1 WA'S "l'Hc Jt 18 their aim to Incre,,"e tthe numbor of their cIa"",," to a total at .75. , 8est Si<:A'ti;R Harlan towJUlhlp h as reach ed 81 wltll IK 'OWH.' al\ of the first 1ell<lon, Ono leader hop· ed to ·h ave 16 In her cIa.. and .ho had I 21. Anothe. said she did not expec t more Vhan 9 and had 28. Still a nolhe. expected 15 and here were only 8. but III98e 8 a.e going to help the otber 7 who could ,I\ot be present at th e flrat meeUllg to catch up In tim e tor th e second.

-----. - ..- ---




Three Recreallonal Conferences were held In tbe county. These conferences we. attended by l,epreeenlatlvos from m.. ny organizatlonl. In th o county W'ho wore ·lntereste (J In ' Home Tal e nt production.. A total or 31) organlzaUona were 'represented by 62 leader.. The purpo.e ot thIs work was to help put ",ore talen t In Home Talen t a!l1d to Instruct leade .... 1n the value at recrelion In ·the community, and give them, wo.ys and mean. or working out tllelr new programs, W bolesome tun Is nec-

-n~"R E: HE GOES'-DQwflt '0 MAkE A DA",iI/


"!'COL 01'

supplleB, $14.27: The Office OutfitW. J. Wright./. postage" $8; The Casparla Stone \';0" IItone, $166; Spencer and Armitage, gravell $42.60: The· State of -Ohio VB. John Holweger, criminal (!Olta,· $26.76: The State of Ohio VI. 'Alb'e rt Albel'llon, same, U2.46.; ·The, State of ' Ohio. VII. Mrs. Jos. Shinkle, I8me, $10.90; .The State of Ohio 'VI. Martin ' :stepp, same, $63.86 i The State of Ohio.•VII. C. Haggerty, same, '11.80; State of Ohio VI. Carl 'Ran,i:iall, I8me, $18.•36 The Stilte of 0\)10, VI. Ffrman aa,n. baJt, aame, $19.ilo; The State of Ohio VB • .Tame. Henry, eame, U~.~O; The State of Ohio, VB. Jamea 1Ienl'1, .. me, ,17.60; Th~ State of Clar.~. H8IJr8rty,

coal. 'U7'· BeD G. '~n, .UD and L. E. Gurley, VI. C1arene. HaC- Blank Book Col'~"P'~i!! fl. 84; Th. DaJtoD r~' ~, $

.. Ii:The° ~ta or 'DIe . 00..- ..... 'UA


F. T.·Martin · J~sse Stanley Auctioneer s

he fo llowing Report is th e result of t h o Home D (!IllOllstralion W ork , cllrrl"d on ill t he county for the past yea r:

~lIIl n rd

PROBATE PROCEEDINGS George J . Waterhouse, executor of the estate of James C. Sale, deceased, tiled his inventory and appraisement. Frances B. Davis, adminsitratrix of the estate of Edw8l'd V. Davis dece8lled, illed her inventory and appraisement. Court found the elltate of Edward B. Davis . exempt ' from any inheritance tax. Court ordered that an applicatlon be made to the superintendent of the Dayton State hospital for the ad mission of Earl V. Herhst. Proof of the pUhlication of the notice of ·the appointment of Laura ColIlns as exeeutrix 01 the estate of Mary C. Burns, was flIed, In the estate of Robert E. Bordenfelter the same was flied. In the estate of E. L. Spence the same was flied. In the estate of Angeline H. Dakin the same we tiled. Real estate belonging to the estate of Lassie E. Kirklin we ordered sold. Gertrude C. Cropper, guardian at George W. Cropper, filed her inventory of the estate. Oscar B. Cain, guardian of the estate of Anna M. Grandin, was ordered to sell 7 7-10 shares of stock in The Brownell Co., of Dayton. Fred A. ClIlIkey, administrator of the estate of Mary Caskey, tiled his fint and tlnal account. Howard W. Ivins, executor of the estate of Allee Steele was ordered to sell the real estate and make a return of his proceedlnjts. Court authorized Miriam Suemen· ing, guardian of Irene Irons, minor, to sell one $100 Liberty bond. Rosa M. Pope, executrix of the estate of Charles M. Pope, filed her first and final account, William L, Suemening, administrator of the estate of Sam L. Irons was ordered to dispose of a 1919 N8IIh touring car.


• ",ork In the' (,ovnty for the Past Year



'(1;AAS ':"' UNLEW

ItWA"lHl: l<'INo "r\i AT"



:PoPtlLAQ e.E;I'O~.

1>~HI amON


rALL~ HE'll rALL IWIc.e -ONe!:; ON 'rH' tce AN IN ~E ~ t:\iER'( liME HE'

OF "'\~ SON '

. I


OH,WELl. -,~I!"S'$' r MIQHT" Po... ·wraLL PI~ ~p


AND HII:"" A U,l 1tIf

WA~R so HIrCMa""~:' , HOT 1'00" BATH lO 'nIAW




•... T H E MIAM i

.C AZ-E T·T.E••••

the drums by ag n ostic.' thll t orgnn" ized r e ligion is' on t he de cline. The l SSU ED EVERY WEDNESD AY . r esults wor e g enol'l\lIy the slim e In Entered 'at tbe Postoffice lit Waynesville, 0., as Second Class Mail Mlltter 1111 the ci t ies il1 which t he poll wns lukcn. E ven in NelV York , commonl y termed a " Rodless ci ty," the D. 1.. CRA'N E, Editor and Publilher, Wayne.rille, Ohio boliever ll outn um bllr ed t he non-beSubscript.lon Prici. ,L60 per year. lievers. , This poll should he lp to squelch tu.rel~11 Advert"'ln};, Rlf'prtC l:nf. t ' l\,t' 8k cptic~ who made a the bla tnnt ; 111 • \1l'. RI CANP l t l~S 5 .\ Q~1I 1\1 ,r" g rea t d eal of noise II bo u t t he decay of l he church. Hu t it pr obubly wou't. W E DN ES DA Y . JA N UARY 12. In7 T hey rof use to be c\lnvinced by Iln y Ul'l'ay of fucls und Ii,;u res. PRIMARY HERE TO STAY·

Th e great mi nd. of Mr. Mellon lI ~ d Mr. Vare. of Pen nsylvnn in, li nd d Co l. Smit h, of Illi no is. nre lik ely t o be str nille ci ,olllewhllt In arrivi ng li t - 011 a nswer lat e ly lI~ked by Sena. tor Beveri dge, of I ndiana . MI". Mellon. Mr. Vure und Col. Sm ith. it will be recalled. ad vance the pileous plcu t hat eOM"lI ption is In se parable trom the pr-i 1ll1l1'y SYH. tem . Pity theHI' pOOl" polilicinl" l orced into bu ying 8eut~ ill the Sen· u Le by our p.~ r ll icillu ~ pr imu r y syg tum. Wh y, as has. heen po in te d OUI by onl! of 1I11"<' h i~h n nfl ncicr~, Co n. t ri bu tl ng mo n<')1 to be usu d to buy scats in th e Senul<' is "j nst likl> giv. Inl!' .money 10 Q c hu rch." Rut t he 'l U e~ti " 1\ Senntor B<,v('I'. id!!:" wo uld lik e to hllve a ns wered ie: " If th e primary Wtl S th e cause o f fl ood ing t wo Rtutes with mi ll io ns, why did not th e same ca use pl'odu ce th o su me effe ct in other slutes? " Senator Beve ridg will liKcly wnit 8 long tim e tor an a ns wer . Mr . blellon, Mr. Var e nnd Col. Sm ith f a " ur th e old conve ntion system. Une er it, politicians with ple nty of money and no co mpunction ubo ut spend ing it, could plunk d ow n th ei r ca sh, kn owing the business transucti on would remain effe ctually co ncealed. The primnry sys tem has its faults as has all the oth er wo rks of hum a n hands and minds but it cll n hardly lJc blamed f or the hig h COlSt of Senate seats in Pe nnsylvan ia and ill inois. Men with mor e money than mOrllls nre to blll lll e f or this. Senator Beveridge's Question will

pro bnlJl y ha ve far-r eac hin g res ults in Indiana . T hel'e th e f oes of th e prirna l'y nre lJ und ing together to rep eal the la w. Se nat or Beveridge has thrown down the gauntlet to th em, "l1 d h a~ virtually ann ou nced that he wi ll ug'nl n champi on th e p r imary SYR. te m Ulici defent th e ir carefully concocted sc he me. as he did once bef or e. MAY BE DIFFERENT, BUT MORE RELIGION . T he notio n he ld by n ce rtai n g r oup of peop le t hnt th e churches hav e hee n IObin!\, g r ou nd of lat e shoul d hnve suffe red 1\ sever e jolt when the rosu lts of t ho r ece nt nat io nal relig. io us poll tuken by th e newsPllpers \\'e re pl·inted. A clln stu nt inc rense in church affi lia ti ons is in dicn ted by the p oll. .J us t befo re t he close of lhe Revoluiona ry Wnr, less t ha n sove n per cent of th e people belonged to church. Now the poll Rhows t hat more than ~ 3 pe r cent of th e peo ple now ·sub. scri be to some f a ith or other. Ther e seellls to even be a rising tid e of morality sweeping over th e lund , Illthoug h so me among us believe no ne of t he he uthen courts were more in elig ious tha n we are in the United States. P erhaps t her e has been a falling off in fervor a mollg many of t he church membe rs but there !:,re grou nds for b c lievin~ the decline has been chiefly ill th ll old-time fanaticisll1 and sectarian intoler ance. No cause exists f or weeping over th e total los8 01 e it her of these enemies o f true relig ion. The polls served as an answer to


I 1.

Sometimes all i; bright and serene, and other ti mes it is da rk und cloudy. Sometimes it Is cleur weat)ler and sometimes stormy. As in the cuse of the winds. of which we know not whence they come nor whither they go, but take their blowing . as an act of God, beyond our control, so our moods nnd tempers seem to llt'ise we know not how. The bes t we cnn do is to maintain our poise as much rut possible and turn toward our ideals· when the Willds or pessimism a nd doubt are upon us, alld remain as equable as we CAn. We speak 01 getting out of bed In the morning with the wronB: foot foremo st. It is another way of sayhig that we ate in the grip of a mood that is beyond our control. • How many acts of our fellows that seem to liS malicious arc simply due to the prevalence of some uneontrol-, lable mood in them? There are sonle people, thanks be,

that nre always bright and cheery. One who has thjs ' sunny disposition is to be congratulated, and even more to be felicitated are those about him. If one Can be a point of sunshine in 'this storm-tossed world he has cerlainly added much to human well being. The alternation of moods, however, is common to all ' of U8. We should all expect s ome dark days a nd resist their inftuence a8 much as possible. We can do very much with our will. Our judgment should tell us t he donger of letting ourselves go when "wind is from the east." We should wait nntil the times change and not give way to dark humors. It can be accomplished if we are but fixed in our determination to encourage cheerful moods and discourage untoward feelings. We cannot control our feelings, It Is true, but by a set purpose we can make them strenghten UB.


Great. Corn Belt Is 7hreatened By European Borer Pes t



Harveysburg Fertill'zer Co..






No other aI.phait ~ oIfen.lUch attractivenela.aCti altN-dependahility a. Mlile-Hkle-tho "Not. 'ICiddn .. MilIioa Feet" Rdof'.... . . . .~ ~ with .MUle-Hide, it '~aDellp8, Ii.

Crown b .. .. _I~









'h!t£ nd/:;::

HomeButch red }"fJlATI • or

coun~ you ",til cure your meat th is

lenton with Smoked SnIt. I t wiU 'l1\'e

o hdnJw~e. J(lbor,


rlslt and worry. It will StYe You bCt tl:r

flavor ond perfect cure. BUl bl: .ura to the orlaino J ond aeouine


~ ,-. !DWARDS ......... PROUSS

The' only menlso lt t hot i. as Kood (or table II le 1)8 (nr curin" meat. Smel1 il. T aI te it. Y OII ('IUl ldl it o t once ( rom uli t ha t h a, beC"1l nlL~ c..U with Dy r oIiHneou •• cid Qt' oth e.r

dOIJHcroUIJ chcm i ell i s.

W e: hov e it. P QC kf~d in len puund <hum.a Wld guaronteed a CI. \.i uc:.

DR EMRUDOLPH Wanyesville Farmers'



At Cary's Jewelry Shop

Exchange Company Phone 25



Every Tuesday



The li ti:le child born to Mr. a nd Mrss. Ma urice Osbo rn e, Friday, Dece mb er 31, di ed Sunday, January 2. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Doster a nd so ns, William and Charl es, we re Sun day guests of friends in Springfield. Mrs. J. W. Clark was a rece n t guest of her s ister, Mrs. L ou McCr... ight and daug hters, in Wilming ton.


Little Albert Lee Tannage is some better.

'. '0 fix the IlUlIQry 01 the C lrrk the u •• ~ .. of Pnhlle Att.lrJl. It ortlnl ll ('d b}' th L' ollllc il 0 1

M. M. 'I'erry and K. E. Thompson were in Lytle, Tuesday. M. 1If. Chaffin, of Ga lena. Ohio, was here Inst week selling sheep. Bert Bo~an and mother were shopping in WIlmington, Thursday. K.. Thompson halt several bushels of fine J onathan allules for sale. Miss Lottie Lewis entertained our Ladies Aid WedneSday afternoon. The Terry. Brothers came ncar losing one of their best horses last week.

Iho Vllln ll'O or Wa ynesville. SlUte ot


$ 1~'-'1' 1 N 1- 1·/,a( trw 8, lnrl' or th CI .. k of th u T ru Alec 8 of Pul.ll e Af f n.lrs bu $1{tO. OO pt!r ye::u', I,nyubto quar t e r' l ), SEC" I O~ If - T hn t u ll (,rdhmn c e.M IJ ll.I' ts or onll nanc M I.n l'O ll r lf C l w it h


t h is u,'tll n u u co b e " n d

Lh o 8a m e nrc

h e r e !.y }"(' p e n l(.rl . SI';C'llIu~ l'tI - 1i hi. ortl lnn.nco shn ll tn k c erCcct nn tl b e In Coreo t rom and h~~\~·.r thu ear li es t I> c r io l.l 1111 0 WCtl b y 1'''8" d December 31. 1926. Att 81T . E . HOOEUS. L . ,\ . Z l l1lJE t ~ l AN. Clerk.

M. M. Terry, K. E. Thompso n and Ed Wilson were in Waynesvill e, Man day morning. Gilbert Tolle, wife and K. E. CHARTER NO. 11617 Thompson w ere in Wilmington one dav last week. A man from near Kingman is mov Of' condition the Harveysburg ing on the Frunk Wils on stock farm, National Bank Ilt Harveysburg in nenr Oregonia. the State of Ohio. at the clos~ of The Wellman people are entertainbusinoll8, on De!e 31. 1926, ing the bride and groom. Here are n ElSOuncEs congratulations I Loan s & dl8COUn(s.$09. 650. 15 au 080 a& • U :37 This plnce is well represented at OverdroJft.s. un secured. 93 .37 other Un ited S lM c. Govthe Farmers' Institute at Harveys. All 1.014.1 9 crnm ollt securiti e s . . l. OH . to burg this week. Oth er bonds. s t ock.. seCUr! t ies.. etc.• owned .. . . ...... 876765 5 We are told that Ed Wilson and Ua.nk Ing h01l sc ... .. U.9 00.00 .. wife are getti ng rea dy to move to the FUrniture & (I~ t urea . 6.800.00 U.700.00 n Oonl 08tat e owned ()lher lhlln Wilson farm, near Lebanon. banking house .. ...... .... . aoo.OO Charles Kibler, wife and daughter 1.n IVtU) r es c rve w ith F edornl rv c Banlt .. •. • ..•• of the Green .Brier neig4borhood, at- Cnsh' Heoe In vaull a.nd am o unt tended church here, Sunday. due trom Z-II,Llona.1 banka ... S.958 .17 Totala Of Itoms 9. 10 II 12. A family from Dayton has moved and 18 . . ....... ... B.968.1 j 195.00 into the Emma Swindler farm, form- Misc ellaneous clUbi Iloml. • erly known as Sunnyside farm. Totlll, .. . . . .. . . •......•.... '128.368. 21 L[ABIL ITIES Rev. Jnllon Biddlectim, who has recently returned from Iowa, preach- Capita.l atocK pa.ld fn . .... . . . 4.260.00 ed at the church here, Sunday morn- Surplua run d.. ..... . ..... ... Und ivided proflt. . • . 10f.S3 . ing. Leu ourre n!;. e xpenaes patd . 1.04.8S Individual a.poslta 8ul)Ject "Mrs. Nellie Bunnell, of near Wa~;­ to cheCk . ...... ; .......... . 91.494.88 100.00 nellville, CAme over' a nd spent a day Other d.mana depoalts ... : .. or de mand depoalta laat week with her mother, Mrs. Han- Total (other than bank' depOelte) nab Bogan. ._ lubject to Reserve, Itema .

o~ :. Springbol'o, aton SundaY'. Mr. fill'me,rlv ii reiJldent of thi. neli"'borlloo,d I!ev~l'a~ yean., Rafe Foley and family wil1 ' from the Ell 'Dean farm to the ker f~. ea9t of Bane)'lbuq. on the Harveyablll'lr and 'Wllm1ilcton



TWENTY-SEVEN years ago tlt e NEW ID EA W /IS the only wi despread sprender on the market. It was a ll invention- not an Imitation . T he first successf ul spl'eade r - t he mach ine thnt is respo ~si­ ble f or the natio n-wide use of spreaders lodny. Its coming inaug nrated th e NEW IDEA pobey of stric test Qua li ty in manu facture and inc reas ing effort at improvemen t to ma in tain this leader"ip.

o o o o o

As k f or our cata log show ing s lI pcri.,1' mechan ical cons tr ucti on an d you will sec why the NEW IDEA is still the safe spread er f or you. Insist on the Genuine and do n't buy a machine that merIy looks like it or is sa id t o be as good. P lay safe !



Husks clean- VerY'·.little she ll ing. Easy f el'd ing. Big ca pacity. All metal Hardened Steel Gears running in enclosel) du st.proof oi l eRSt's . CUll lJe opcl'ntcd at good capacity by small tractor. It's a NEW IDEA- th e sensation in th e Shredder fie ld . Fully cov rred b y patents.





o o





More than 250.000 new spreaders Will be needed in this country in NEW IDEA wilh its originality and prestige will get ( the bulk of the business.

The Waynesville Motor Co. D Phone lOS _


Waynesville, Ohio 0




7.nO. OO

38. 37 B:od 38 •.••••• 7.410.00 ' ..

-'-" 12-8-.8-58-.~:-1




New Idea Transplanter

Pays for itself on 3 a cres of tnll1splantllble pla n ts se t 6 inches or further apart on level land or ridges, through lowe,. lalJol' c osts, mi ll imu m loss of plants, nnd in cr eased crop. Full line of attachments including po tnto plnn ti ng n nd wire ch eck. It is a NEW IID E A-fully cove red by patents

The New Idea Husker and Shredder



Rig id a dhe re nce to t hnt po licy find s the NEW IDE A still the lead er. I nventors and Designers -success ful for th ese ma ny yen r~, w(' huvc neve r built a better spre a de r thun the present model 8- both in wo r kmanship a nd m nteria ls us we ll as per form ance in th e fi eld. -


I_ad y (to butcher boY) - "Do you kn ow lIfrs. Up pe r to n in t his road. my la d?" , . Bo?' -"Upperton? Let mo ~ sec. 'Tain t pork and n o .fa t.-that's No. 2. An d it ain 't ItWO pound of rump a nd ju ic y- th nt 's N o.7. I know whel'e ·tis. ft 's top s ide lind t ender, lI ll' don 't pay-No.6, that's it, mum!"

. 29. 30. 31 • .§ 2, 33




84 ............... 91.69$.88 Karl' Deatherage, J ohh Edwards' and 'o~ (other Ed Wilson met with our township Cortl'Clcale. than tor n\oney borrow.,,) trustees Monday afte.rnoon ·to pre- Total or lim e dopoalt. BUbJect to · R eaerve. l~em. aG. lient. a dog-ki) ling sheep ~lalm. . '


Pioneer--and still the Leader



:t.... Be

Fully Equipped for Good Service. Large Display Room. Ambulance Service

o o








Waltel' McClure J. E. McClure


Mr. and Mrs. E . M. Villars and son, of Dayton, were Sunday gues ts of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. McCarren and daughters. Friends of Charles Madden will be gratified to learn that he has been appointed to the p oetmaatership or thIS village. The Sparrowhea d-Rattail contest, which the Community club organized r ecently, closed Saturday evening. The captains in th e contest were Charles E. Gordon and William Doster. Interest was intense and the contest waged m errily, but in th e final count Saturday night, Gordon's Mr. and Mrs. Car l Morgan and s ide came out ' winners by over 4000 poin ts. The losers· will entertain Mr. and Mrs. Wendill Morgan were the winn ers to an oys ter suppe~, on hosts and hostes.s ess in entertaining Class No. 4 of the Friends S'lbba th Wednesday evening. School at the home of MI'. a nd Mrs. Ca rl Morgan. Friday eve ning.

There were f orty at church Sundny mom ing.

.. -----

Ther e will be a U nio n mee tin g a t Wi ll. Dra wn .. .. ...... E.tal ... Settled Willing to Be Convinced. t he Friends chu rch. Sund ay morn ing. J llh n"Do YQU r ~III1 .I· bHlel'e th at W a ynesville, Ohio Li e ute nant a nd 1I1 rs Ozni Cornwell are moving into th e Box ley nbsen ce lUa kes the II l'a rl grow ron der?" Loulse-"Well. yOU might try It p roperty. tor a montb or two."-1'he Amer1caD Try tbe Mi ami CUeUe for Job Work The Young P eoples' meeting will Le~lon WCf!lcly. be held at the Methodist church nex t un day llve ning. Mrs. George B enson en tertaine d the Ladies Aid, o f t he F riends church Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Mary F ,e rguson entertained the Lad ies Aid of the Richland church, ThursdaJI a fternoon. Sunda y e vening in t he Met hodist church, the Met hodist pastor from Cen ter vi lle will give u lecture. The new groce ry was ope ned f or busin ess Sat urd a y. Th e propriet or s will live in the Byron Kyn e res ide nce Mr . a nd Mrs. Allen have moved in to th e Ky ne proper ty. near the Bag ley Oil station, where Mr. Allen is empl oyed.


C"a"eng"s 'he E'emen'.


!J to 11 u. m.


MuIe.Hide I'IQpreeenta a lortr... of protective atrenath aDd roOf enduraac:e. · . .

OHlce- Aman Bldg.


AI! and Hannah J ordan attended church at Waynesville, Sunday morning.


::l I ,) 5 Jl . Ill. Written especia ll y f or the Mia mi The bor er mi!\'ht do more dllmage 7 t n !J I' n L Gu zette by 1 ube,·t Full er. here than the uvll weevil did ill il ~ Telepll0nca: I'ui ds 1111 th" South, fol' t his regi on i ~ Office • Farmcrs in Al1Icr icu'g gr.,at corn Il .e cente,' o f tire Jlation's corn and 30 nce • Reside 60'2 belt, l "dilllltl t.o the H() d: l,,~ . IIl'e puck prudil ctiull und o f the dairy ill ' tt'{Jub led ovc r th e ndvun cl! ld' t he Eu- ,lu GtI'Y. Waynesville, O hio RCllro', "...· thu '' the IIO Thi twan!uenl udvancc of th<' cflrn I'er RiswCR conseq ly of g reat imropoan corn bor(!r. destructive worlll hns JI ll ' he d we~t I" rtu llce to the nution at lurge . ward us ful' a s Ka l" rnaz ol1. Mich .. The ""n'" is a lI un-q uot n il11mi il11\'e led to cunl\!renc e betwce n fnr - :!I'a nl fr olll eHst c<'ntr,,1 EII I·ope. AISAM SAYS nl llrs n nd coun t y agents t o devise th uu).!h it h,, ~ d,\nQ lIluch dUlIluge in Born e effective defense aguinst the l<lIm p('. this h"s UN' II lessened bv th e pest. futt tha t furlllers th ere usc every Doug h ur di':;. _ .._ __ _ Among the pr'o posals 1I1rendy made S " 'lIP of stll ik. ~illcc the bo rer li ves to co mbat t he bor e,' ti re n 53.000.000 ill. stJ.l lk ~ II li d stlluble thruugh th . SAMANTHA SAYS Federal ap prop r iation and u fi fty- \\ II.te r even th llu~ h the te"'pcrnture Illile qUll r llnline belt ur ollnd the in- dmp t o 40 IJc iow. it will ue more r egio n. d iflic ult to pl'"v('nt il s ~ pr ell,1 und Cnstl es in th e nil', buil t of pros- rested W E G ET T HE M QUI CKL Y AN D 'r he bf))"cr hu s dOll..:! much clumagc C 11l SCqucliL dllllla g l' in this co unt.r;y FR EE OF CHA RGE pective fi owe r ,;nrd cns, ure on the in thc Ill st two (,r t hree yenl's on whel'e l1Iu ch of the . lUlk i~ lefl slundCALL US A NY T I ME AT OU R way t o reali ziltio n if yo u pla n on bQt h sides of th E~ Iukes in t he Ontario ing. EXPE NS E \1'111'111 wcnthel' n ll d. th(> ho rer lind Eric regio ns. I II t1,i ~ countl'YI pape r nolV. Lhe d is tricts hit hardest UI'I! westel'n la yin!!: ~g~s which halch ilil " mulhs New York , n OI" thern Pelln sylvallla , ahle to lI y [W\'nly mil c" fUl'lh (> ,' in to Words f rom th e Li ps of Gl'eat Oh io and ""u th e rn Michigan. . IInill fe·s ted \..(""I"it .. ry. 1~ ll t i n ).! ~ " it Pho ne 8 HARVEYSBURG, O. In these I'<'g-inlls the quara nti ne g "es th e Lol'c l' uurrllws UI' Ih .. stal k m on: "May th e Lord lev('1 in t he uust th ose who would de pri" e th e method ha. a ll'llIlIly be e n Iri d, bu t "" t il th e corn break s and fnll s ",'c " on n s",a ller ~(,., I e . Mutorists there h.·fo re the <'IlI' S ha ve ripened. !:iullIl'- ~~!"'.!"'.!"'..~ ___~-""....!"'.~~~~~~~~~~ pcop le of t he ir Iibe rty." -J oh n Ha mp o ,'e fam iliar wit h "avi n!\, Inlltern s times it ~"I!" tI CYllll I''; the ea rs den. (hilt f orce ha s ty appli cutions of t hemsel\"(' ·. ..... bl'akes at n ight ulon g roatls lead ing Al tholl!\' h n" efTertuai rellledy hns 1'1 from 8 11 .infes ted county t " lOne fr ee h(' ,·" found , it hll" IIc\: n d l'c() vcr .. d fr olll the pest. Stule lind Feder,,1 th o t a wnsp-like pU"asi l . rec ds Oil the I '" ag,mts in t hes' stutes have ha lted IJo'·c t'. In gcn ..... 1. th ll ugh lhe L ••" t millions of auto mobi les in the a t- I'em edy known Ilt Jll'\!s('nt ' is tn ru t The Eye Sillhl Spe cial;.t tempt to pl'e vent t he westward the cor" us early ti S Il I.ssilJlc and t o C ha rl e~ Ma dd en wns a Ci nc innati ~p .. ead o f the bo rer, Lut its up pea r- d"~I I'OY nil the cr"p not \l sed or' to ance in region s beyond the (pa ron · " tIt it in s ilos. wh e re the bo l'PI' di s vis ito r , Tu esday. tine indicates t. he meth" d is int!f· II l1 d to plant som e other crop the fu l ~ Mr. and MI·s. H . S. T ucke r a nd f'cct UII I. luw ing Y·' :lr. 1 l e banon, Ohio dau!\,hter s el1t erta ined co m pany on Grave da nger f accs t he fafme rs S lIl'h remeriy w(Juld be m",.e difliSunda y. of the eOl'n belt if the lJl".v,· shou ld cult i n the curn belt tllIIn ill t he rcNate Gray is Ruffer ing wit h a bad- s ucceed in di gg ing h im self in th ere. gi a ns of llIul'<: div crsified fal'lning. 8 :00 a . m . to 4 p . m. ly injure d ank le, the r esult of a f all on the ice. HAVE YOUR EYES EXAMINED LATE N E WS Mrs. Sadie Reason is spe ndin g a fe w weeke in Bedford, Ind·.. wiLh lie who se lls r iblJons- "llhl yo u her sist er, Mrs. Th omus. HHy. ' T hi s is so . Ilducn' \\,hl'lI 1\1 ... Mr. and M,·s. A. S. Collett and Mr. 1\1rs. EliznlJeth Hollcy is yc r y iJI. ]{ US"mllll p roruRed'!" and Mrs. E. B. Doster we r c s hopShe ( leaving to be morri eci)_ ping in Da yton , Frida y. 111 ,·. E r nest "Ree ves is suffering "1 didn't have th e audacily." f r um chicken PO:IC. He who se lls, clc.- "\I'hy ?" Miss. Amelia Ca rr spen t a f ew NOTARY PUBLIC S he- " W II , you kno\\' ho\\' !(II SSdays recently wit h Mr. a n d Mrs. Mrs. C. E. B!ll:ford is iii wi t h a seI11nn stutt ers." Na tional Bank Baxter Beatty , in Springfield. ve re cold nn d so re t hront.

The T olle famPy nre movi ng to t he John .M cMlllan farm. near Villars Chapel.




HaO· DrUg Co. L A. Zimmerman

Overland Sales Miami Theater

Fred M. Cole

an tbe apl'oinl mt'nt comes kI him .. a Ilrmllotion by thc new ownere of llll \'y T Icphone 0,

--- -


- --"''---

Bank Elect ion


Arch K. Hall. v ternn [tM World War and n mClllb r of ,0, E., which wal recrulte ci fr m Lebllnnn and vicinity, died at hlB hom o ,,~ Lebanon, at 'to o'el ck 'tllurdtly , ,J unu Ary 1. H was 0 ye rs ol.! IlIld hO B been' alllicted with ptlT $ls for the last , two year., which was probnbl y brougbt on by injuries and gnssing durina- tbe war. He is survived by hia wife, mother • two brothor s and a elater,

The Criterion's

At the nnnual

election in the.i r btinki;ljf rooms, Tuesday alternoo n. nJl oMkcl's an d di r (,ClOt'S of lho Wayc.\'illc l\atiull:l l batik were 1'c-oloc('u r l" 1hc ell lIing year.

-_.- ... ---- -

1\11 arria ges Incre ase

Ma r riage licenses r ecorded in the Probnt\' courl of Warren county n,,"rly fifty more than those of last yenr. A survey of the r ecords I'l'vea S that 19 1 Ii cnses t o wed were issued to Wrlrren county couples in I !l2 G whil e last y ea r there wcre only John Wilkers on, tor foul' years 164. connect ed with the Valley Telepho ne Co., has been named general manaA n lown reforme r is going to New rer, succeed ing John H. Thomps on, York to "dry up" lhe city. If he who resigned January 1, cnn do lhllt he ought to be able to Mr. Wilkers on hl\8 been wire chief co ll~c t the French debt.

. -.

Phon e Man ager

--- --- --


At F. M. Cole' . Ware house in Wayn esvill e, 0., on

Saturday, January 15, 1921 Comm encing at 1 :00 o'clock , p. m.

Three p.a. feedi n , hO', I, one pea brood ,ow', Dew BI....,. Hawn mUllr. apr.ade r. thr . . .econd hand .pread.... 100 rod. of ... w fenc •• 100 .teel po. to, lot of new .mall artiel••, .uch •• ,orin, .pad••• lard Call', 1 Home Comfor t Rea,. io .lttr. ,ood cooditlo n 1 No. 28 Clermoo t ' wood oloye, 2 Dew 9" 12 Cre" Ru, ••• mall 1 dolr. DeW BIaDketa. Suit c. ••• , broo",.. .tone ware. ,raDite war., ,CaDned Coo .... SaH, Flour. R..lor., Gloy•• , Fldur anel maD)' "th.r a.r ticl.. Dot mention ed. .Small commis sion charged for handlin g; no by-bidd ing allow· ed nor anythin g accepte d for cale with any reserve. For further inlorma tlon call Oole's Hardwa re Store. or W. N. Seara, the auctiOll eer. Your patrona ge Ie IOlicited.



Com mun ity Sales Co. .

Ma tte r of Good Ta ste You will find it in the

Food Products of the Corwi~ Grocery you tried our

A. C. Fancy Sweet Peas Fre.h •• the d.y they left the fielda. A. C. Pe•• do not any of their e.s, ess or'the delic. te fl •• yor th.t h .. them such f.vori te.. Select ed for their qualit y, they .... the be.t you c.n buy, and the . pric~ i. no high.r th.n an inferio r grade of p.... You have tried the rest, now try the beat. The ta.te linger s long aft.r the price i. forgot,t.n. 10M

Th e Co rw in Gr o.c ery -We

Dellv erWaynesville, Ohio '

CoHee Je::~ !:~nn~ , .. , ... , . .... . .35 c Bre ad Coun try Club, Twin or Split- top 9c ' 1%

French BraDd. Ib ........ :............ ..7c

SaD to., Ib .................................. 33c

lb. loaf, each .. ...... . . . .... ,

l-Ib. loaf ........................ ,........• 6c Whql. Wheat. l-Ib IDilf, ......... 8c

Vienna. 1.1b loaf 7c Rye, J ~-Ib. 10af::::::::::::::::::::::lOc

Be ans Coun try Club, with Pork and Sauce ,

Campbe ll'. POrk aDd


4 cans for . . .. , . .

25 c

3 c.n...... ............... .. .. "...... ........ .. ..........25c

Soap PWhite & C, Kirk' . Flake or' Cryst al 38 c , 10 bar~ for . . ...... . .. , .

Palatoll y.. 3 ban for ............. ,.. ",. ,............................. ............ ........... . 22c

Candy Cat Rock, Hard ....d

Filled or Cream. a.Dd J.llI... tb ............. . ,


1Dc 22c £~}~!7.r 53c

WaJDula, Ib..... Coco•• ut •• 3 for ................ ,....•25c


CGaDtry ' CIII" CN&.JIMl'7, lb ... " ..... ,

J ohn Squires was in Oolumbus. Tuesday. George J, Waterhouse was a Dayton visitor, FridllY, Mi ss May

Wr i~rht

is visiting friends

in Lebanon ' this week.

Russell SlI lisbury was called t o Clevelafid , Sunday . on business. Mr. and Mrs. Ethan Cran e, of Day lon, "isitcdr elotives here. Sunday . .


Forrest Ridge, of Niagaro Falls, is Eugene Evans, age 89, died neaday morning at his marne on the visit ing his paren ts, Mr. and Mrs. O. Waynes ville and Lebanon pike. The M. Ridge. funeral services will be held at his F. B. Mclnots bft of West Alexanlate home Friday afternoo n at 1 :30. dria , was a buslllles s visitor in WayBurinl in Miami cemeter y. nesville. Tuesday• Edward Starling , who, ' several years ago conduct ed a restaura nt where the Burton restaura nt now is, died Ja nuary 2, in St, Petersb urg, Fla" where is has been located since leaving Wayn esvill e. Burial was at St. Petersb urg.


------.. .----- -~

Doug hnut Sale

- ..


Miss Eloise ' T,ho mpson, of Cincinnati, is visiting her parents. Mr. lind and Mrs. George Smith. Misses Elsie and Doris Hawke and guest, Mias El:lzabe th Badstup er, were Dayton visitors , Saturda y. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Turner and son, of Bellbroo k, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Haney Sackett . Walter McClu:r e was called to Beavert own early this morning , on account of the illness of his father.

of our entire stock of Men 's, Young Men's and Boys' Finest Suits and Overc oats - Mi(ha el -Stern and Frat makes-a ll wool Bud ha ndl tai\ored, Many o f these suits are in good mediu m weigh ts - suitab le for yea r-roull d wear.


Ilalkl. 2 f

S,a usag e


....... $1 9.5 0 .,$2 3.5 0 $ ~:~~c~~7 t~~ ~.~i~~ .a,~~ ~~~~c.o.a.t~ .. _..... . . , . .. . . .... .. . . . $ 27 .50 $4~:~~c!;2t~~ .~~i~~ .~~~ .~~~~~~~l~ $3 1.5 0 S4~:~~c!:7t~0 .~~i~~ .a.~~ .~~~~~~a,~,.". , $3 5.5 0 ...... . . . _ . .. .. . . . , . .. , . . . ... . . . . . ,.


on our Fine Neckw ear

I,. Pkr.


·~I~~,~~. ..:. . . . 13c OW .O'... I _ ...... " .......; ...... llc


"..4..41Dt.e fer, 1Jad. QRd • ~

10 7~


on All Heavy Work Cloth ing

22 South Detroit Stree t,

Xeni a, Ohio - -- - -

Mi. and Mrs. Ben Hu"wke, son and 1daughte r, II1rs. Ellen Copsey, Mr. and 1\Irs. Fra nk Kurfu 8 and children, were Friday evening g uests. of Mr. ST. MARY' S CHURC H Si xty-six suits f or divorce wer e Miss Ruth Early is on t he sick list. and Mrs, Charl es Johns. Mrs. Sherma n Dyke and son. WilJanuary 16--Scc ond Sunday after Mrs. J . M. Fair is ill at this time. Mrs, Frank Rogers, who fell on the fi led in lhl! Wurren Cou nty Common Epiphan y, Church School at 9 :30; liam, of Dayton, spent Tuesday at Mrs. Louella Swank was in Day- ice a week ago last Sunday, was ta- Pleas Co urt during t he year, 1926. Morning Prayer and Sermon at 11 the home of Mrs. Huldah Burn ett ken in the McOlure ambulan ce to Gross neglect was the outstand ing ton. Monday. o'clock. and sons. compluint, thirty-se ven of the suits Rev. John J. Schaefl'er. Rector. Mrs. Robert Hunt was a Dayton Hale hospital . Wilming ton, Monday where an X-ray was taken, which be ing on this charge. F ifteen were Mr, and Mrs. Wilbur Hawke and shopp er" Saturda y. show.ed a fracture d hip and also a en lered QII a comp laillt of extreme Mrs. Walter Thomps on has been family, of Harveys burg, spent SunFERRY CHURC H OF CHRIST fracture of the bone above the knee. cruelty, six on continu ed absence and. Next Sunday at 9 :30 a. m., and day with 1\Ir. lind Mrs. Walter Un- very sick the past week. Dr. Hale and Dr. Randall set the one on a charge of habitual drunkat 2 :00 p. m. Come and bring your derwood . Mr. A. C. Thompson made a busi- bones Tuesday morning . Rog- en ness. lunch. Prof. Willoug hby, of Cincinneu trip to Dayton. Tuesday . ers haa the sympath y of her ma ny nati Bible Semina ry will preach. Messrs. Oal'l Frye. George ZeU and Mrs, Mary Carmon y spent Sunday friends. Subl cribe to the Miami Gu.U •. Nathan Johnson , Ministe r. Herman Conner made a trip to Towith relative s in Waynes ville. Nathan Johnson , Pl\8tor. ledo • . Tuesday, Ireturnin g Wednes The little daughte r of Mr. and Mrs, day with new Overlan d cars. B~rt Bunnell has been quite ill ' CHRIST IAN CHURC H Mr. and Mrs. Carl Croll, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. ~harl~s Clark and WE ARE HEA DQU A.RT ERS FOR Sunday .School at 9 :30; Mrs. Ellis McClur e and daughte r, Mr. Wea Benham spent Friday in Everybo dy cordiall y invited. spent Saturda y night and Sunday Dayton . with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sheehan . MI!!8 Helen Early is greatly imMETHO DIST CHURC H proved and able to return ·to school, Sunday' dinner guests of Mr, and Sabbath School at 9 :16 l. m. Monday . preachi ng at 10 :30 a. m. Epwortb Mrs, W. E. Corn.ell were Mr, and kev. Raymon d Stillings , of SpringLeague 6 :16 p. m. Preachl llg at Mra. Ralph Miller and children . Mr. 7 :00 p. m, Everybo dy Invited to thele and Mrs. Russell boro. was calling on friends here. on Salisbur y and chilservices Wednes day 'afterno on, dren Rev. L. A. Wasbbu rn. Putor. Mrs. Eva Mae Penniw it, of near The Woman 's Auxilia ry will meet Bellbroo k. visited her aunt. Mrs. on Friday afternoo n. Jaduary 14. Frank Rogers. Thursda y. NO. 2220 with Mrs. D. L. Cl'8ne and Mrs. F. B. Mr, Everett Early and daughte r, REPO RT Henders on at the home of Mrs. Mi!!8 Helen, visited Dr. H. V. Dutrow in Dayton, Saturda y. Of the Conditi on of the WayneE- Crane. ALS O, WE ARE AGE NTS FOR v!1le NatiQna l Bank; at Way neB Mr. and Mrs. Harry Graham were Mrs. Kate Ricks" who has been visville in the State of Ohio, at the Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Sucan close of busines s • .Dec 31, 1926 iting in Oanton, returne d home last week. She was accomp anied by her Saylor. near Spring Valley, RESOU HCEB 80n, Albert, who is: spendin g a couple Loan. and III.cOunt., Includ Mr. and Mrs. A. E, White. of DayIng r elli scounta , acceptan ces of weeks with her. ton. were Sunday guests of Mr. and or oth or banks, a nd for eign bU l B ot e x ch ango or d ra tta Mrs. Kesler Graham and daughte r, sold wlLh Indor.oment Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thomps on; nee Lhls bu nk ., .. . . ' 258,988,7or8 Mr. and Mrs, Frank Woolley and LeVern e Dyke. of Dayton, are an· Tolal louns ........ . . ,. " . .' 258 ,988. 76 sons. of Dayton, were Sunday dinOverdra ft'l, unl ec ured. 127.9 nouncin g the birth of a daughte r, at Deposited lo secu re clrculatloll (U. S. bondd. par val· Miami Valley hospital . January 10. ner guests Qf Mr, and Mrs, William ue>, , .... " , . ' " . . 60.000.00 Brown. 1927. A It other U. S. Governm ent securitie s ' . . ,., . .. , 700,00 50,100.00 Mr, and Mrs. Oalvin Longt.c re M U Oth er bOllds,st ocks,securltlea 178,883.27 r. and mrs. D. L. Crane and Mrs, spent the past week at the home of ~: :!.~~~ ~e~~~\~: ~. itb'I-.,o:gr~~ 8.000.00 Kate Colema n were pleasan tly en· Mr. and Mrs. Max Hamilto n. at c~:~e~ri e \'~~~~ .. ild· '~;';o~;'i 21,881,63 tertaine d as dinner guests of Mr. and Hamilto n. du e rrom national banka.. 15,178.n Mrs. Lester Gord~ln and Miss ' MarMr. and Mrs. Leonard Gray, of Amount due Cram Slale tha O'Neall . on TU4&sday eveDI·n", bn nka, b u.nk e re and trust Cincinn ati, were week-en d guests of III compani es In the U, 8. (olher lhnn Included In Ilema Mr. and Mrs, Woo E, Cornell enter- tbe former' s parents . Mr. and Mrs. ~ot9':1 lo°l-Item. · 9" .iii: 'l 'i . i2 20801.5' talned at a six o'clock dinner Satur- George Gray. H.AR CHDE ACON and 13 ... . . ... :, day night 'the followin g: Mr and About a dozen ladies of the Aid 1I1Iac. cash IleIDJI." 18.087.85 . 626,U 526.83 K. of P. Build Redemlltlon fund with ing o. Waynesville, Ohio Mrs, E, L. Thomas , Mr; and Mrs. M. enjoyed the covered dish dinner and s. Treasur er .. ........ .. _ _2_,5_0_0_.0_0 A. Oornell. Mr and Mrs. Ernest But- social time at the home of Mrs. Jas. ,UM9f.7 0 terwort h and M18s, Grace Reising er Johns, Saturda y. LIABILITIES Mr. and Mrs, Joshua Chenow eth Capltnl stock paid In . ..... ,ioo:oo·O',OO and Miss Velma Oornell. of Dayton. Surplu8 fund ' . . ... ... .. .. &0.000,00 Undivided prorlta 19.934.25 Mrs. J. O. Cartwri ght WBS hostess are staying at the home of Mr. and Ml'B. Carl Pickerin g. at Centerv ille, Le .~ current expen.. . 1':'34. %6 at a pleasan t social function on for a few weeks. dl~~ul';'ii';w' ·';utata.ndIna . •.. , . . ,. ,. . .. . . , .. ,.. .e"OOO.OO Tuesday afterno on An elabora te Mr. H. H. Clark returne d home Amt. due to National baDk. two-cou rse luncheo n at 12 :30, was Cuhler. chocks out.tand lng 16,OOa,Oo 2,2f6,50 follow!!d by bridge. The gue8ts were. Sunday evening , ,after spendin g a ' l N~~~ ~f: 17~:65U Mrs. W. H. Allen, M,.. A. T. Wiight, week with his wife at the home of IndiVidual depoalta aubJact to check .... . .... ...... .... 258,821.32 Mrs, Ralph Miller. Mrs Ronald her son, Robert Whalen , at Elgin. Certtrlc ate. ot depollt due IlL In I... than ao da" • . ....• 73.00 Hawke" Mrs. Bert Hartsoc k. M,., J . DIvidend. unpaid ,. , ••.. 2,000.00 W. Edward s and ~,. J. E McClur e ". Mr. and Mrs. Olarenc e Smith, of Total or demand depo.lta (other than bank depo.lta Dayton. spent the week-en d at their eUbject to Re.erve, Item.· ) home here. and entertai ned to Sun29. aO,a1. 81, as and Sf . ........ .... . 2CO.IU.32 day dinner their son, Allen. of Day. OUier time depoaIU ., .. ,.. . All Kinds of Insura nce Ie,an.pc ton. Tohl of ,tlllle 4ell<*&11 IUbjec& D, D. Thlrkiel d. who for the past to "-"., "ema 10, 18. 11 h ud IS. '.. , .... , ... 118.185081 tree years has been Identified with Mesus. Allen Emrick, Berne Jones ~':I~.ri';.~ bl~I~.:-~~~~~~nt:~ the account ing . departm ent of the Samuel and Herman Smith attende d ~m:r o,a~:C·h"~~: ~~r':l~t. Qglesby Paper compan y. at Middle;. installat ion of officers at I. O. O. F .old with Indor88l\1ent ot town. hl\8 been nanled .. director of .lodge at Waynea ville, ThUl'llday· ev~~bIMI~~ oth'';~ 'than 'thai. '.000,00 personn el for the Sorg-Og lesby and ening. above atated •• " •.• , ••'•. , • 16'.'1 ,Smith paper compan ies, Misa Ruth Hubble· Ie sli,btly Im, $6IU94,70 "Dick," who ie wllll known in Wayproed after being ,Ill with pneumo , State ot Ohio, County ot Warren••a: nesville. will have tbe I, L. M.. Henderaon, cullier of the eqlploym ent, aa!etl7 anddirectio n of nia. Dr. McClellan. of Xenia, met industri al Dr, Brock above-named do aolemoly awear < Tuesday alternoo n ' tor that the abovebank. atatemo nt· I. true to the relatloM for the three .plante. He council. beet or my knowledge and bellof. ' bU' been occupie d for several ' months 1.. M. HENDERSON, Cuhler Sub.crl b" ..nd aworn to beror. m. 'p alt formula ting plans for Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stacy . and the new thl. 5th ...." cit JanuUltil~~2~ldgDi departm ent, which lbecame 'a definite Misa Oleo, villted Sunday Mn. Correet AU •• t: Notar" Pub Ie. part ...oI'-the inaus,t rial program of ah Nuu...who il very m-at the home' -w; H. ALLIIlN, .t. _111J. B, P.l!lNCE. WIese ....... at ,the 'beglnn iq of tbe of her IOn. Mr. : WiII NoD aDd fam· ;1. W. ~j ~ Dew Yeai'. Uy, of 'DIIl' SPlilll~, ......... ~;;;5."_'-;;;;;;;;;;;Iiiii__;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;PIlillilIlillil_;;;


Gross Neglect


Un.i te d St at es . Ti re s

W hi pp et s Overlands W illy s- Kn ig ht s

Waynesville, OVflland Sales CO. ·1 N S U 'R A N C E· Renewals or. New Pollcht.s Wrlt te.n ,


"W atch That !xp irat ion' i)_t e" ,,,

. .


Head s New Depa rtme nt


'the' .

Speci al Prices


IIlL ,


$25 and S2G.50 Suits and Overcoats l{educ ed to ." ...... ... . . . ...... .. .. . .. . . .. . . , , $30 and $3250 Suits and Overc oats Reduc ed to . •..... . ,.... _..... . . ... . . . , . . . .. . .. . . " .', .

Miss Lutie Vander voort was the dinner guest of Miss May Wright, last Wednes day at the. Friends home, Miss Elizabe th Badstup er, of Cedarville college, opent the week-en d with Mr. and Mra.s Lee Hawke and family.




SDlokect. ,ood qu.tlt)',


Mr . W. H. Allcn \\' Os in Lebanon , Monday.

Mrs. Walter McClur e and Mrs, J. A.nna, age 45 , wife of William Curtis, died sud den ly Tuesday at her E. McCl ure wore in Cincinn ati, Monhome on the Bellbrook pike. Fun- day. eral services will be held at the house Thursda y afternoo n at 2 o'clock . Mr. and Mrs. J . B. Chapma n an d Burial in Miami cemeter y. Fred Devitt wer e in Cincinn ati, last Thursda y

- - -..

When it'. a




W. N. Sears was in Dayton, Friday,

Mrs. Huldah Burnett , who h as been very sick, is slowly r ecoverin g.

The Sophom ore class of W. H. S, will hold a doughn ut sale at the Towns hip bouse Saturda y afternoo n and eveni ng. January 16, starting at 2 o'clock. Leave your ordera Thelma Hartsoc k or Boyd Hender 80n.

N. SEARS. 'Auctio neer.

Phon e w

One ' mnn Wa s killed and another in ju'r e when a batch of fulmina te which they. were mill ing, explode d at the King Powder omp any's plant In Kings Mills last wl!ok. Tho fulminat.e, which is n v~\'y high cxplosive, is mixed o~' c r :walcr and the greatest precaut ion is taken with it. It is not kn own what the exnct cause of the explosion was, but it ill ! UPposed that some of the f ulminat e may have been stepped on. Grover Clever, 36, was killed and Step hen Dagroo, foreman , was slight Iy injured , It Is said that Dugroo' s back WIlS filled wilh s plinte rs from lhe shuck which was demolis hed by the force of t he explosio n. Clever is survived by hh wife and a 12 -yearold son.





fa., ,

'Seventy-Ninth Yea{





Whole Number 5736



Mothers' Club Program Oil January 7, 1027, about 140 members and friends gathered at the Grade building for the first meeting of the new year of the Mothera club. Mrs. Wi11iamson led the devotional exercises by reading the 18th Chapter of Matthew, followed by prayer by Rev. Zierer. The children from the Second Grade, Miflll McKibban's and MiSll Fromm's room, gave a splendid program. The prize of attendance was again awarded Miss Berryhill's room. A fter disc ussions and reports from various committees, a most interesting iIIustruted lecture on "Japan" was given by' Rev. Zierer and Mrs. Zierer, of Centerville, 'l'he scenes were beautiful, the lecture inst ructive and both were greatly enjoyed by the Mother ss club. The meeting then adjourned to meet the first Friday in February. During the soscial hour dainty refreshments were served by Mrs. Crabbe, Mrs. Ella Cook and Mrs. Branstrator.

Girl. ~ampfire Meeting WAYNE TOWNSHIP .......................... WEEKLY REPORT . FARM BUREAU lJnt.;;:~n:h~t.~. FROM' HIGH SCHOOL



The Wakitatina Campfire Girls met at the home of their guardian, Mrs. Moomaw, Monday after achool. The hand sign, law and credo were giv. en, followed by the business session Lut week-end there were many during whic:h plans for the future headaches among the pupu. of W. H· were di~cussed. Many ' profitable S.,Why, did you ask? For the only suggestions and ideas were brought reason that ' the studentll overtaxed forth nnd the girls arc looking fortheir brains, or at least more than ward to a very happy and successful common, studyitlg for exams. year. During the program Louise HenWednesday ufternoon, Thursday and Friday of Bast week the exams derson earned an honor by giving a were handed out in fine form. Each splendid review of "Ben Hur;" also student received a nice type-written Mary Louise Zimmermsn gave the list of questions for each subject. history of her chosen torch bearer, Also, lareg, long sheets of clean, yel- Julia Ward Howe, writer of the fll· low paper for the answers to be writ mous hymn, "Battle Hymn of the Reten on. Some failed to answer pubUc." Some of these will be giveR enough of the questions correctly, at each meeting. Watch for lhem and to receive a passing grade in some see what your girls Ilre doing. On Monday night of lost week the studies, but the majority of the pupils did, and rec eived anywhere from Campfire Girls had a surprise for their guardian at the home of the asan A to a C on their report cards. sistant guardian. After a serenade Friday eve, after the event of the by.the girls, the' evening was spent exams and other events of the week, in playing games and sleight 0' hand Light refreshments the first and second basketball teams performances of W. H. S. went to Centerville and were served, shortly after which put up a losing fight. The second some went coasting Doris E. Hawke, Scribe. team had bad luck throughout the game. At tbe end of the fourth quarter the score stsood 9 to 26 in favor of C. H. S,.

State. Caoital

The Wayne Township Farm Bu· reou caHad t o order by Chairman THE STRUGGLE FOR INDEPEND. Lee Earnhnrt, after a sumptuous oYs Prepare by ENCE IN SPANISH SOUTH ter supper served to about 56, inAMERICA cluding members. their families and Columbus ep< rter guests. Chairman Elarnhart said . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . . . . . . the Farm Bureau hud been considerThe Creoles and Meztizos, Amer· ed 1\ men's organization but said -~============== ican born Spaniards, of whom the Miss Watts had shown thl1t wom e n majority of the population consistSOLDIERS FOLLOW LOANS CO LUM~ BUS, OlHO - The 87th were more than willing to co operate . ed, grew dissatisfied with the treatGeneral Assembly can perform no LAUCH MONTH Noted that offi cers of Farm Bureau ment which Spoin gave them. Ex· greater service t o the people of Ohio are always willing to help. Service JUST SPOILED cessive monopolies were placed on in ~en e rnl than tn abnlish the fee free ' lo members nn example. A II th e Colonies, nntl the Inquisition atsystem in connecLi.,n with lawenSHE FLATTERED HIM extension servic e rend er ed is due to tempted to censor nil the printed forcement, in the up inio n of Judge the efforts of the Farm Bureau matter brought in. nnd isolate them Carl V. Weygandl, of Cleve lan d. Ohio legislature giving aUention from the intellectual movements of The fee system in the opinion of the Senalor Shipslcad. of Minnesota, the rest of the world. Then they had to rep resentatives of the State Farm well-kn ow jurist lellds itself to comhasn't been in Wnshington long the ex ampl es of tho American Re voBuren u. official con f\lre;nces both mercialization, and the extent to eno ugh t o kn ow what respectahle leg lution and the more recent French tatc and Federal. Congressional which it is curried at lhe present Islntors IlWO to high finance, and will Revolution constantly before them lenders are asking advice of repretime breeds contempt to th e law snd investigate American bunkers, lonns and they realized how these countries sentatives of Farm Bureau federadisrespect to authorized officers. Justo South American countries, includ· were prospering. In 1806 lhe Brittion. Average bushels per acre of tice for r evenue only meuns justice ing Nicaragun. Investigating such ish captured Buenos Aires, but soon wheat in Warren county was 14 in denied, Judge Weygant suys, addl o~ n s might explain landing of UnI- the militia of Buenos Aires was able l a20 . Since County Agent Class ing that where the fce of the court ted States tronps here nnd there. to regain the city and succesefully has been here it has increased to and constables depend upon the conTroops sometimes go where loans go. held it a year later against annther 15 'h bushels, an increase of 60,000 viction of the person arrested, it is bushels in the county. Corn has inBritish attack. This encouraged reasonably certain that they will be creased 4 bushels due to Improved Senator Shipstead says Americans them, for twice they had defeated found guilty. methods and seed. made 11 seven million dollar loan to well equipped English forces without Mrs. Mendenhall spoke of the work Nicaragua in ' 1912, during a con- the aid of home authorities and deChllS. C. Janes, secretary of tho of the Home Agent, Miss Watts. servative regime. That would be serted by their viceroy. Ohio Automobile association, agrees Sewing classes, vacation camp, hc.m4' In the first half of the first team's soven million good reasons for AmerAt this lime Spain was seized by care of the sick, an appeal to every with the Cleveland judge adding, game, the 8core was tied most of the ican intervention to keep Nicaragua Napoleon. This threw the Colonies At a meeting of the superintendone. In this work she expected to "that we favor the arrest of all vioLiberals from kicking out 11 govern- on their own resources. They set ents of the various high 'schools in time, but at the last of thA fame the reach 500 women in the county, and lators of any and every law . We do score was 16 to 81 In favor of Cen'm ent that they don't want, ae this up governments of their own and this county, held at Lebanon, it was The Friendship club was enter- a last reports had reached 590. 119 not make any brief in their behalf, ~ountry did in 1776. made such a succes f them that by decided to hold the county baaketball terville. There was a large crowd but we do oppose the arrest of BUtothe t ime Spain was again able to look tournament in Franklin again this rooting for both lIides and we hope tained Wednesday afternoon, Janu- of these are assistants. iats by these rural court officers, ary 12th, at the home of Mrll. RobChairman Earnhart advocated findAll of those private. loans to South out for them they could take care year, as that school was the best sit- W. H. S. continues to IIUpport her ert Cross, with forty-one members ing out cost of production by use of who get nothing out of it unlellB the players. Anlorlcnn republica, like loans that of themselves. In 1810 all the col- uated and the best equipped place and ten visitors present. farm accounts. Lack of interest In victim pleads guilty or is adjudged lIome of our bankera are making in onies of Spanish America were in to hold this annual aft'air Thia will Saturday night of the IIIIme week, The meeting was called to order Farm Bureau is due to lack of knowl '!uilty by the rural justice." All fee a rebellion. Dut after Ferdinand VlI Europe, are dangerous, especially make the fifth consecutive year. The Otterbein was our vialtinlr opponeutll by the president. Mrs. Reba Brad- edge ~oncerning it. Report of nom- collected should be turned into the when. as Is usual, they are thorough- was again called to the thrc'nt' of date has been set for Friday and The game was a regular thriller. Our dock led In devotionals, by reading Inating committee, Mr. Mendenhall, state \.reasuary and it we must have Spain, he tried to force them under Saturday, February 25 and 26. ly usurious loans. these rural officers, t hey should be boy!! did fine in the flnt half the the 150 Psalm. The following pro- chairman, is as follows: subjection, and by 1815 hai ~moth­ Six &iris' teams, Otterbein, Mason, score was 12 to 2 in our favor: but gram was enjoyed: paid a salary in proportion to the Chairman , Lee Earnhart. Dr. Charlotte De Galillre Daven- ered all of 'these except in the pro- Springboro, Morrow, Lebanon and whether fate had a grudge against Bells of St. Mary's.............. Victrola work they perform, and not be deVice-chairman, H. A. Cornell. vince of la Plata. port, charming lady who lectures on Franklin, and eight boys' teams, pendent upon fining every penon Secretary, Roscoe Furnas. But in 1817 San Martin to 'Jk Waynesville, Mason, Lebanon, Otter- us, or whether Otterbein had a Solo . .................... Mrs. Irene Baird health, looks about forty, and Is acbrought before them. There was a lucky streak the score was 16 to 14 A letter of thanks from the WortbTreasurer, C. T. Ellis. charge of a weJl-equ ipped army and tually 102 years old. time, when roads were bad, travel bein, Morrow, Kings Mills, Springbo_ when the last wbistle blew. ington Home for a Christmas The report was accepted and nomThe lady has RUflIIian and French won a seriee of brilliant victories in ro and Franklin, are entered. difficult and cities and villages far ---oft'ering sent by the Friendship inees elected. Announcement of blood, both good for long life. And, the Andes, Chile and Peru. At lhe The drawing wilJ not take place apart, that rural justices were ~eed­ This coming Friday night, Jan. 21, Club, was read by the secretary. nual meeting of Farm Bureau, same time Bolivar cleared the Roymost importont, s~e weighs 120 ed. . But conditions have chanked, un til an hour or so before the first Mr. Barnaby, a well-known lecturer Reading ................. .... .. Mrs. Whitaker which t he State secretary of pounds. Your body is an irrigation alists from the northern colonies. game starts on Friday afternoon. and with the coming of good roada, and entertainer, will give an enterVictrola ................ .. ...... ...... Selection Bureaus will give views of what farm. Your heart the pump. Your San Martin and Bolivar then attempautomobiles electric or bus linea The prizes will be a large silver tainment at the local Gym, beginning Solo ....................... Mrs. G. D. Mills should do as farm members. I>lood the water. A light body calla ted to unite their armies, but it was cup to the boys' and girls' teams win at 7 :30. penetrating almost every nook and Admillliion will be 16c and Reading ............ ..... Mn. Leona Hall Mr. Mendenhall said co-operation for light pumping making the heart's impolIBible for them to agree, so Ssn ning first place, a small 's ilver cup to 25c. This money will go to a wor- Victrola ....... .... .. ..... .... ....... Selection of Farm Bureau with the County corner of the State, the neceBllity of Martin withdrew from the field anel work easy. Cut down ,your weight, the girls' and boys' teams winning thy cause. Your presence is greatAfter the program we enjoyed a Agent had been of great value, as he country courts at every crOlla roads wisely, lind add to your life. Every left Bolivar in charge Bolivnr in second place, and the baaket balls Iy desired~ Come t '\ social hour, during which a dainty is able to bring in everything in the isn't an indication of the adftIIN1824 utterly defeated the Spaniards added pound means more work for used during the tournament to the - - -- - - - lunch was served by Mn~ Cross and way of new information given by ments and progress of the State that in their last stronghold in upper Pe- girls' and boys' teams getting third the heart. her assistants, Mrs. Lester Surface, experiment stations and agriculture hils taken place." ru 'and the independence of SOllth place. Mrs. Oakley Unglesby, Mrs. Harold' departments of the State universaity America was won. The month of January, 1927, in -------~ Whitaker, Mrs. .Walter Sheehan and If members don't get it, it is bePurchase of the Roseville hrlck Each of the colonies set up govwhich good resolutions are now ooz- ernments of their own as lIeparate cause they don't go after it. Mrs Will Stroud. plant, just completed by the State, Ing away, is to be "national laugh provinces, San Martin suggested The bill soon to be brought up be- is going to make it possible to devel. Elsie Stroud, Sec'y. month." Moving picture potentates that a limited monarchy should be ---_a - • fore the legislature with regard to op the clay industry in Ohio more and others have decided and ar- organized for all the stales, but the The next Red Arrow auction will changing the law sponser!ng county than anything else that ,has ever been The regular meeting of the Woranged it. -Amerieans . are to laugh, very word monarchy was distasteful be held on Thursday afternoon, at 2 man's Auxiliary was held on Friday agents and home agents, was dis- done in all its history. Brick manlind thus keep up their "morale." cussed .• and synonomous with slavery and des o'clock. Get your bid in before the afternoon, Janual'y 14, with Mrs. D. ufacturers, without a single excepThe members and guests of the Discussed tubercular test that was tion, joined in the movement for the Boliviar ~uggellted a loose Red Arrow Auction Blocks close at L. Crane and Mrs. F. B. Hendenson be . better to locate laugh potism. Wayne Township Farmen club lUlent sponsored by Warren county Farm purchase of the plant, wblch will alIt would looking f orm of eo nf e d erat Ion. B . u t th e great 6 P. m., Wednesday, January 26. a t th e horne 0 fMC 1M!. rane. F D mbonkt b i n )ecem ber. tbBOfof much distnncos between centers of popula- High bidders will be announced at The meeting was opened by Hns. a very pleasan.t day, January 3l, Bureau and brought out the fact that so be a means of employment for with Mr. C. T. Hawke and daughter. Wayne township was the banner several hundred prisoners now In i k . . the Community sales Warehouse, on ac over e even mon h i ' g and little t on, lac of ways of commUnicatIon E. L. Thomas, v ice-president, whQ F.ollowing the usual good dinner township. Out of 2000 cattle test- the Idle house at the penitentiary. prom! i se, muc rehslo vlwnould be ea'y local jealousies, dift'erences In envir- Thursday, January 27 at 2 p. m., or conducted the devotional service. which was served in the ballement of ed there were less than 20 reators. per ormance, i aug ng t d ' t . e wi h d'f as 800n as possible t hereafter. The Recent investigations of the Federal an. m t I. Scriptural quotations were given the M. E. churCh, the club allBemThere I• 'uch a thing 6. overdoing onmen f erent I n dIan trl bes a II ten d ed to baby will be on exhibition about two in response to roll call Motion carried that the Farm Bu- government, shsowing that 2 ~ or ' 'mok · '. ll ' ke bled in the Hawke home for the af- reau give $10 for farmer's institute even 2-inch. vitrified paving brick Iaughi ng, t or la ugh 109 k f f' I 'bl hours before. The names of the merchants and After a short business lIeMion, ternoon program. Ing. When you do either, you don't ma e any orm .o Union mpo.) e. this year, which was gratefully ac- will stand the mOllt severe teat, and The newly-~ormed. republica had the articles offered follow: the following program 'was rendered: h' k And what the American peoMr. Moomaw, essayist for the af- cepted by the !president of the inthat thinner brick will IIIIve tax paytlln . d . thO Id g a number of dil1\cultles to surmount. Rending-"The MillBionary District ternoon, presented topics of much inp e nee IS more 10 n . ZIMMERMAN-$5 box of cigara; stitute, Lyman Day. en of the State thousands of dolAgriculture was not far advanced; 50-lb. sack Albina flour; 5 Ibs. Amer. of Alaska...... J. W. Edwards terest at the present time:, "The J. B. "Crabbe asked for support of lars annually, has revived. Piano Solo-"En la Plaza de Toros" Me.x ican Question." J. N. Moore, UnlvCl'sity of Illinois moat of the time had been given to corn show at the farmer'a institute. in brick paved roads; and among the Cedric Lemont .. Esther HenderSon Sophomore, wrote, before kllilng seeking precious metals. . Land Eagle 45c colfee; $1.75 box ehocoThree numbers were well rendered Also announced the coming short fi.rst experiments to be made by stuowned by the rich, and those Intes: 5 Ibs. Laurel crackers; box of Reading-"Story of a Great Missionwas himBelf, '''It raises tbe devil with me by a ladies' quartet. coures in agrieulture to be offered. ary, Sarah Conway Ramllaur" dents from the engineering departto think of having to slave around who tilled ,It were little better than Baby Ruth candy; . ~2.50 double The topics, "Immigration, Over. Mr. Mendenhall brought up 1lhe ment of Ohio State university at the u R Id Ha k and work like the :devil and .. just seds. There was no prosperous cooker COLE _ 1 Thermos bottle; milk ................... ..... ona w e production and Farm Relief Bills" question of telephone companies of Roseville plant, will be the manuPlano Solo-"Un Pasco en la Plaza" brought out a good discussion. -grow old. I can't II e the idea. of middle cl~. They freely mndeled Ohio having brought suit in 87 their contitution after that of the bucket; cream can; water pail; meat ,Cedric Lemont .... Esther Henderson factureo! these thinner paving brick wadinlt thrQugh school,' then dash There being no February meeting of 88 counties of the State, have An 'interellting feature was a IIhort bravely out and get a biC old job at United States without understanding saw; hammer; keg nails; buck saw' the club adjourned to meet Marcb appraisement of property lowered. what it meant or ' making allowances . HYMAN Indian blanket; b~d talk by Miss Edith Crlsenberry, of As Heavy snows reported from many a hundred a month." 10, 1927, with W. A. Sw~zel. Urged investigation by Farm Bu.reau sections of the State during the past In six ' words of his letter the for the dliferences In the con"ihtlon spread; ~oH; umbrella; belt;· electric sam, . India, who i. doinl' deputatioo members. Motion carried to have two weeks made it necessary for the young man explains what Is really In the countriell. However, they IS'iRCHDEACON _ Arvan S eclal work for the Balltist ~onferencel in regular quarterly meetings of Wayne p Southwestern Ohio, and had dropped fish and game department to feed the matter with him, "I am just progreaaed slowly and painfully toTownship Farm Bureau. heater for Ford; Arvan heater for In for a two dl,.' visit with her aunt thousands of quail. Dent O. Thompspoiled, I suppose." If all the IIpoll- ward the /Joal of self-goverpment. Meeting adjourned in regular form. (End of Part II) Chevrolet Mrs. Edith Harris, on her way to The memben of the Y. F. M. will son, chief of the division, said that ed children in thia foollllh country J. B. Crabbe, Sec'y pro tem. HALL-$1.25 electric curling iron Cincinnati. be the Ituests of Ethel Mendenhall, game wardens and deputies are feedcommitted sul.clde, there would not To be continued 1 quart meat smoke; '2.75 Thennos During the delightful IOci.1 hour at the White Brick Meetinghouse, ing cereals to quail to keep them be' enough graveyards. ' luncb kit. .• _ • delieious refreshments were IBrved Sunday evening, January 28. from starving while the ground Is Mrs. Katherine Trilling; on trl8J by the hostell8es, aaaisted by Ml'II. Faith Tomlinson is devotlonalleadcovered with snow. Efforts are being mnde to remove quail from the for murdet'in Donver, married HerP.~ul 'E than Crane, Mrs.. Kate Coleman er and George Bunnell baa charge man Trilling in New York, when tu. ' and MillB Esther lEIendenson of the lesson, which will be, Chap. song-bird list nnd make at least two " . . The followlnlt guests were present: vii,. "The Christian Ideal of a berculosis had .reduc:ed hlni to ninety weeks open season each year, but the pounds wllight. She worked in t~lA popular ente.r tamment has beep Miss Edith Crlsenberry, Mrs. A. T. Home." ' opposition to the plan is so strong or shops to pay his eJlpens~ at ~ . . arranged for Friday evening at the Wright, Mns. Elliott W'ri&ht, Mn. J. A mite attendance .is desired, as that such a bill would fail to paaa. IIIInatorium for - conaumpt!ves, ' tneti ,:, •. G~, l Wh~::d pa~!~~:a:ab;:a~~:; D. Marlatt, Mrs H. E Hathawa,., Mn' I group of young people from New Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Allen and Sportsmen nre also sponserlng a bill wblch would separate the game sold her 'f urniture lind 'everythlng she Employes of the Brown Publish- :uaic a~d art. p The price of admia: Ethan Crane~ Mrs.. Ralph Miller, Mrs. Burlington are expected to be pres- MillB Olive Allen had a narrow had, raised a thousand !lollin al')d Ing Company of the five plants ten· sion wlll be 26c for adults and 16c Charles RO~ltzer, Mrs. J. B. Chap- ent. • _ • cape from serious injury last Mon- and fish division from the present took him Colorado to save his life. d~red a conipllme!1tarY ' dinner to Mr. for children. A program of Shake&- man and MlII8 Ellther Henderson. day morning when their automobile agricultural department where it haa , and Mrs. Clarence J. Bro'\Vn, Thurs- peare will be giveri free to achool • , DEATHS skidded on. the ice about three miles been for several years. . "She says he shot hi~. by accident. -day evening, ~t the Marilyn reatau- ,p upil. and friends Friday afternoon this side of Xenia, and slipped to the The prosecuting attorney ,says sl,le rant, Lebanon. Mr. Brown la pres· at 2 o'clock. While the school ftlls J. S. McClure, a fonner and high- aide of the road. In trying to Records of the state show that ehot him purposely in t.he back' be- Ide,nt'Of the e.omp, an, "I and was Inaul(' the G"'" qui.e full we ahan be ----into the road, Mr. AJlen seemed to never before in all ita history has a Ul"h t do 'IOU ,--• Iy respected resident of Waynesville, (:Il)lBe she j ea !." ?a urated Secretaof State, Monday Ille.'ed to hav'e - many oth.- as The Community 1liiIe, which was and . father of Walter McClure, local lost control of the car and , it swung governor been inaugurated where -J _ .suppose the jury w ill say at ·Columbu.. Can be acommodated. · held In the Cole Warehouse, Saturaround striking a Ford coupe that absolutely no funds were taken ';l'he emplo:ves ~ame from the Wesday, January 16th, and while it was undertaker, died at the bome of his was pallBing. The Allen car, a Frank from the State treasul"J to meet the Mr, Bruce" AusL;!11\.n ?reinier, tern, a,tar , pl-.l.. t .L ebano.n. , the Star• - • the coldeat day of the year was weU daulthters, Mrs. Ida Kelae:v and Mrs. Un Sedan, was upset, and "It was with expense, as was the caBe when Gov. t modest in thlil couo 1IJl., d eel ' I Omar Barnett, on Sunda:v evening, .a~ w. are 00. . - Republican plant at Blanchester, the attended an 'amount to aevera J 16 t 6 'I k t tb difficulty that the occupants were ex- ernor Vic Donahey took- the oath of' try-that'. qUIte . a lIurp"riae-and News plant MiA'J,;ilbura, the Rec. hundred doUar. more than was u- :n::ry ,a 0 C oc , a e.ace tricated Mr. Lee Hawke, who was office for Bnother two year term. The we Dught til teJl' the .world what won ord ' plent . a~ . Milford and the 'Newli peeted_ 0 Fun!:::"'lIervicee were held .thla, on his way to Ced~l'Yille, came ceremony of the most simple natui-.. der:C~l t~!n~ I~\~ve ~on~~II;~:: !Slant .t ~~lib~~. 'The empleyel DISADV~NTAGE The next sale will be held at the Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at jUllt after the aCCIdent and took th,e and except for the many beautiful d~I~., ! ,0 , no 'UPpo~ bere . were ac.~ompaid'\ll by thelr·1!ivea, IIIIme place Tbunctay, January 27th. he home of ReV. ' Ne~n Thome, of- A,Uena on to Xe~la. floral offerings sent in by admirlDc ~ountl'J on .the" clvlU"~ ,10 mO~.ln ap,p' ropriafe .:.!ro....m "-t folbe,mninc at 12:30. . . It Was thouglit at tinst that, friends, there was no indication of ' and~~ , uia.JlIftly mii •.h ..i lled., low ~('el d .the'i d'-n':r "!no~:; ~r-¥'Bro"n . ' . ftciatfaa!. was ml"ounderstoo" l:' ,. i . ..... __ .... • ... ' Of! cemeterr. Burial. .in·BeUbrook , c!eptinc the abock, no one was in- such an important event taldq place, . ·" than the c,~nit.d SWl~ ~1' . e,l. ,who, '" 'of/ the :Pllbllabainlt' comThe elollng of. the tel~craph . ~fjUred; 'but later it was found'that No >one knows more about .the de" -' .. '.. ).. ":. I.L " Pa!.1y, hia 'b~ ,a •.a~ceaatul' ~ecu- ftce 'at ~rwin, is ~f,.~at dlU.dvanOUI'le t~ ~D . MIi. Florence BracJmey; wife of lilaa Ollv, Allen had Buffered a bra- plated state treaaUl'7 th,n Gov' Tb~ , AU8~lan . ,Mmler ,....,.~ tiv and .who ".. an outBtandinlt ' fig- . , e to Way~ea~Ue .a nd the lar-. . .' '. . ~ ."Braclme:v, at. the Dayton and lte,ll rib. ". ern or himself, and lie aet a 'fill' ex.. ;~t .tQt.~ ~o not; lIlt~ ~~lf "crt~. ~. ()~ Ohio 1I0ilttc., .has ~~ined Il ro~d\ng te~tory. , It- -leavn,; the, ~ We are plannllll: to atart ou~ abort n pike, ~ away . at the ''.~ 1!!leel of the car was broken, bu.t ample to 'othen when he ""told the ' e.p~, wb,1l .'PI':v; . don t. l"tan4 hlft Gille.:'" U\.e cQVeI'!'ment of ~. ~w.n Without ~Ie~phlc ,~o~JIIu!ll- eoune next weak, . and w!lald like ~ II~Wn liOlpital bn: Saturda" at'; ,otbennae it w~ not damaged. The . of any"moiley, from ' the"sttte ;'," to , pa~. "'1I4 .tM U1\l~d S~~ does S~&e. ~ ~, e;ation ." except by telep,hoJilQ m,s-; .~~01;8, wbo may ~el ~~ .,to " f!O~ tefnOon J'anaU7 16.~ TIi. -Iaaeral ndiator and a fender ~ of . the ' Ford tre&au~ lIa, , for . 1.~ti01l _ , ~ot ~ee.d . aClOc\ - ~ prop~cla . , ..... in and oat ~ ~iile'l1~~1'- .ult 118: ~ere WiU',be 110 ~ (0, 'w.. bald- at th. CApel OD was damaaed' l;o, some ·.e~ilt.. . Setemonles. " -'. ., .~ . '" ame" o~e( !,at\!)lIs a. ~ch;:.. If lI!i oIBee} whicb entaUa UIID~ w~o .nrolL AU are ~. 'I'lI-4u ~Ina • 11 o'e!oolr, Bev That ' no 'one was .erio~ " : . -;..~... , - _ -, · It.'lda the 'rlaht kind of ' $ t i q .Ir aPeM. Tbe It_eral OJll!doD fa bot~ yollD&' .and 1,1«1;' bo~ mft .... 't;, A.. ''\W~ IIIcIatlq B~ ill the' accident -lIIS ~moat fiH~ and 9th~ . eqQI~ment . for de , ~t ~r9 is .u1I\~t · basin_ her. wOlllen_, It wiU . paj ~u: to IDI'O . . 1iJaIii(.,0 " uloua. · , t,.!'I!! ~d r.~b~~n. \ " ',' BOOD, . .. thOle wllo a&illld the ~ ~ , ' t. '. _ Ii PART II



Red Arrow Auction


! I

.- -



Farmers Club Meet.










Y. F. Meeting


J. Barnaby



Community Sale








. Be' •





to :





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trWa frleDdl ill

11807 apecl.


'will ha... the liar .. to

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at OaT. I",q pUP. ,I. ,8. . ~

~~D. OhIo.





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IIn.jlor ....... ·W . dbmer lin Xat. lUcb' aDd • • Albert Ill ..... _ 'ftiIn4arL ICn. WI1bar JUeb 'apeat SIUIda7 'WIth Ik. I Alma.Calhnlllal". ...... uti ~ If. ~ IJbio1ML lin. Alta Laddlil8toli. ;~f1~~~':~eM1n~iI

CoIllAlt •




JeS$e Stanley

[Elephone Personalities -

. . . Auctioneers


,R. B. Thompso n,






__ n




_ a_ a _ _ '-'C

While our office is not as. large as the metropolitall shops, yet we are prepared to serve the people you want to serve, and we can serve them as well as any other shop in the country. 'Don't be duped into .the idea that ·out of to'\vn shops can serve you ' better than we can


BookletS Blank Work 'o f All Kinds



Stitemenb,,, Envelopes And, in f~ct; any ~ind of printing is done at,this .s hopwith dispatch and ..


.:t "


, .



ndmllli ~t. rntor

of t.he est.nte of Finley 'f hompson. flied his in v ntory and Il(lpruisemont. Ch url s K Jclm , executor of the estlllC of R('sn O. Ungemnn, flied his first, flnnl and distributive account. Proof of the publicntion or the uppointment of Ed Stoutenboro ugh as nrlmlnistrntor of t he estnte of E llen Stoutenborough, was f\1cd . Proof of publi~ ntio n of the appointment of Frunl. C. Kinder, as administrator of tho clltute of Mary E. Russoll, was filed . Proof of pUblicnton of the nppointment of William Meehun as executor of the estnte of J ohn Blue Was fil ed. Court ordered that a certified copy of t he entry determining inheritance tux to be puid from the estaLe or Warren D. Hurlan be certified to the auditor. Court ordered t hat a warrant for the conveyance of Winifred Lonif to the Ohio Instituti on for Feeble·MlIlded be issued to A. R. Crane. Karl D. Dakin WaS appointed administrator of the estate of Harmon C. Dakin. Second ann final account o r Chas. N. Dilatush, trustee in the estate of Henry Dilatush, was approved, allowed and confirmed. First and final account of William G Thompson, admnistrator of the es'tnte of Mollie Warnell, was approved', allowed and confirmed. First account of Albert 0 Baker, executor of the estate of Nancy L. Baker, was approved, allowed and confirmed . Second account of Miriam Suemen ing, guardian of Irene Ivins, minor , was approved, allowed and confirmed. Fil'!lt and final account of Nellie Andrews, guardian of Mary Evelyn Carlton. was approved, allowed and confirmed. Mary E . Easton, admnistratrix of the estate of Floru B. Gray, filed her inventory and appraisement. .A certified coPy of entry determining amount of mheritance tax to be paid from the estate of Robert A. McCutcheon was ordered certified to the auditor. Oourt found thnt the value of the estate of Ella Ford was ,4704 :95. Court ordered that H. B. ThompBOn sell the personal property of the estate of Finley Thompson. Court authorized Mary A. Montgomery, admnistratrix of the estate of Ralph Montgomery to settle a claim for damages against the Baltimore & Ohio R. R. • . Nannie Stewart, admiD1stratrlX of the estate of Ella Ford filed her first and filial account. A report of Miriam Suemenng, guardian of Irene Irons, a minor, was approved and confirmed.

Our .Sale Bills are' gotten out in such a that the buyers can '.'read as they nin." 'fry us!



'Then, a,Iso, The Miami Gazette's circulation is such as will bring you buyers. ' . Our circulation is far be.yond that of the ordinary small town . paper, and is of ·general circulation. .An adv. will bring buyers for miles. This has been proven.

RJng the ·phone-No. 112-and

.we will attend to your wants. ~ .

'. , .

r ew

Ct nter ville, O.

Burlington,O. Phone No. 32(\

Pbone No.2


pani C's

hU\' l'




pair, $7.80; l~. Siims, Borne, $2.40: J H Kipp, same, $:23.05; C. C. Clark same, $9.80; HarlEm Whituker same, $16.80 ; E. W. Quimhy, same, $8; EImer Cramer. same, $9.60; Wm . J ohnson, same, $5.60; Blair nnd Leroy, stone, $21.90; C. W. McClung, Rravel, $1.20; SpencE,r and Armi tage, gravel, $103.28; Slame, gravel, $72.26; The Morrow Lumber Co .• cement, $24.75; W. C. Turton, same, $17.60; S. C. Alexander, sUlpplies, $1.80; The Columhus Oil Co .• same, $91.30; Internationul Harveut er Co., repairs, $18 .96; Waynesvil!le Farmers Evchange, cement, $2:8; The Ohio CorCu lvert Co., sewer" $16; Herschel F. James, repair. $17:2.95: O. C. Beam, stone, $192; W. H. Meyer & Son, lumb.e r, $100; L. C. Anderson Sons Co., same, $872 .48; C. O. 'Collins, repair, $1.25; Elizab'eth A. Maple , garage rent, ,6.50; lli'rank Bursk, tool repail'!l, $2.80; Bernard Bjlttery Station, recharging butteries, $7.76 ;The Oregonia Bridge IC O. repairs, 80c; Waites Garage, stipples, $16.60; E. S. Whorley, 8uppHes, $55.50; Tigflar and Charleton, spikes, $1.26; F. M. Collins, .s up,plies, $4.20; East End Garage Co .• labor, $.10.80; W. N. Cox, s upplies, $2.76; Jno. Law NEW SUITS & Son, supplies, 166c; Fred Snider, The · Crocker-Fels Co., a corpora- same; $1.20; The Jr. W. Liingo Hdwe tion vs. W . . Hoffer, for money. Co., same, $51..0 9 ;; Ralph Wise, unSusie Buchanan VB,' John Buchanan loading stone, $25Ii.51. for 'divorce. George W. M. Mullen. ' administrator of the estate of Stephen ,H. :McMullen VB. the Baltimore and Ohio Southwestern R. R. Co., and t he Bal tim ore al)d Ohio R. R. Co. corp., for Crisp salads oflrer a most 'appemoney only. tizing way of getting enough fruits Malile E. Jennings vs. Walter V. and vegetable8 in the day's meals. Jennings, for divorce. Waynesville Motor Co., VS. H. O. Serve some kind of a salad every Putman, for money only. day. ' . . The E. B. 'thirkield and Sons Co., vs. Walter Wills, for -money only. Information about oil burners for Mary Wakefield vs, S. Duncan house h,e ating is' IIlvailable up 00 reWakefield, fjir, divorce . . The Fil'!lt and Merchants National quest from the Un.ited States Depart Bank, of Middletown, VB_ John Hol- ment of Agricultu:re. weger, for money only. Mary C. Watkins VB. E. H. BushIf the lower pe~rt of the kitchen nell, constable of T~rtJecreek Tp. wall, which receives the hardest wear and gets soiled soonest, is marked off MA"RRIAGE LICENSES four or five feet above the fioor by a Elbert Earl Rich, farmer, of veysburg, and Catherine Alida Gray, wooden strip and painted or stained a different .tone frlom the rest of the school teacher, of Wellman. wall. thnt part can. be cleaned or refinish ed without making the upper REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS wall look shahby. Geo. W. and Gertrude Orr to Albert Goocey, 97.68 acres of land in Lifting laundry water in and out Salem Tp. ' . Eberly Farquer to Fred L. Kibbey, of portable tubs makes wash day the 58.87 acres of land in Olearcreek hardest ofl aU in rnany rural homes. The latest publicat:ion of home launTp, . . Samuel K. Davis to Adda Davia dering i.ssued by the United States 14.71 acres of land in Turtlecreek Department of A~:riculture contains a runt for reducilng this task to a Tp, James Pyle and F. W. Franz to J. minimum, Pipe t.he water to t)1e B. Riddell, 8 town lata in Franklin. tubs by means of a flexible hose, if Olitl'ord and Addie Yost to S. A. possible,and by all means siphon off the waste water with a hose when Buerkle, 2 town lots in Mason. ready to empty the tubs. To make J. W. Lamb to Cynthia A. Oarpen- such a siphon, fill a short length of ter; 2 town lots In Franklin. Catherine· Randall to Georga and the hose with wat,er, close the ends and invert it,. placing one end und'lr Kate Wolf, 1 town lot in Mason. Hayes Dalton to Tine Roberts, 1 the s urface of tfie water and the other at a lower lev,el. Open without town lot in Frl' Iklln. William E. Haseltlne to Abbie E. removing the shorter end fr om the Haseltine, 78.03 acres of land in Tp. water. A faucet soldered nto the end of the wash boiler facilitates No. 4. ......._ __ Frank Tucker to Mary E, Tucker, emptyin:::.g..:i~t.~_ 2 town lots in Mason. Walter PUl'!lcll to Joseph H. HUman and Jobn R. Criswell, 2 ·town lots in Foster Park. Karl Thiem to Louise T. Theim, 7 town acres in Deerfield Tp. Having rented our farm, we will J. S. Riddell to James Pile and offer at public audion on the farm F. W. Franz, 2 town lots in Franklin known as the Isaslc Wilson farm, 8 NeUa Tracy to Joseph Depew, and miles north of. Halrveysburg, 5 miles Vaanie Depew, 1 town lot in Frank- east of W,.aynesvU!e, on the New lin. Burlington and Heirveysburg pike, Tony Rittrrer and Mabel L. Rittner W.da ••day, F"brual")' 2, 1927 to Elizabeth C. Baker, 1 town lot in .... Oommencing at 10 o'Clock, the fol Mason. . lowing: 4 hOl'!lel,. 2 brood lOWS, a Fordson tractor alnd appliances; lot COMMISSIONERS' ALLOWANCES harness an!! farmlnat implements. J. F ' DISBiROW & WIFE Ph one Co., rent, U8.50 i Martin 41.' StanlclY,' Aucts. 00., tolls, $88; Alfrea 1!upplies for prisonDeciding to. quit farming, I . will same, account, $12.20 sell by. way of public auction all my inl'nm.n,l .. tI dogs, ' .1 95; chattels, located :2 miles north of liul~Jllles, $1.95; Bell Press WayneSVille, on the FerrY road, on and Son, the Elmer Kelsey j[arm, on Son, same nur.~,., Jaa"ar,. 20, 1927, ,tI;uaman. dental Beginning at 10 :30 ·a. m., the fol • . Af~ lowing: Four hOl'!les; .. head of cattle; 9 hOggaj' '6 good ewes; ' feed; harness; t~ mplements, latc. , LAWR:ENCE BROWN. ......... M,lIl'tin & Stanley, Aucta.


"Inside Information"




Public Sales

: Wild

r',••.• Life :ProtectioD Jt ~_

:, ',The proteetlon of ' game animals .and birds,. 'fur anlimals and fislr is backed by the Federal government, §~te .gqvllprnments· and by infer~ Ill!t!o,nal,' l}atlonal ,state lind local orgaDlzatlonll, '. and :is encouraged by Audubon , socIeties . and other n'atule clubs; · . ~lthourh the Motions of al\ these grOUPII hllve to do w.ith 'the encour~gement at 'Wild.Jife cons~rva­ E1on ' Jn an educat:iolnal way 'or cOthetaatual' enfor,eeinent of game ' fish Jaws in the handa .ot or goV8l'DIDIIIltal

. ·. . a...

\\ hu ll" ' '''!' tu :x l' S Url' Il' \' il\d

rid ers , uf t hl' Stutc,"

!-'Hy S


l' Otll -

11Iitlucc 0 11 pu lllic utilities. "During' [!1:.lG se\'en le,' n CCIl l. ULiI of «vcry dollar whi ch lhe C"II ~ unICI',' plliu (or ga. wenl ro,. taxes. "Eleven cent. uut uf every dllI i.lI· which ,cons unwr$ paid fl'" "Iel" t ric ligh l and power went fM t"x c,.. "Eleven cent!; out uf ev ~;' v <l v ll"" whi ch the USCI'~ pa id f ~ _' tel " l'h''''e service went for tuxe~ . "Eleven c('nts out of evcry dullH1' paid in electric rnilwuy farcs ,"l'lI I fo r taxes. ...... This mellns t hat if your gal< bill averaged $3 a month, you pllid $8.1 : in tuxes during the year. I f vnu l' ~Iecl ri c light bill avoraged ~:l u muulh, yo u paid $::l.!Jtl in tu ,,,' , during the yenr. If your te lephlln e h:1I ovcrngcd $3 a month. you paid $~ .!Iij ill tuxes dul'ing the year. 1; 0" every dime you put in clce.tric I'II l h ' ''Y fa re boxes, one cent went [ 0 1 taxes; if you r ode the electr ic cal's lwi·o h day, you poid during the yenr ' between $6 and $7 in taxes."


CERTAINLY MADAM Bri de (on phone)-"Hello. J oncs butcher shop1 Please send ~le a pound of mince meat. and be sure it's n nic e young mince"· AMBITIOUS "Why did you turn down the of· fer to be presid ent of the compa ny? " "There wasn't any chance for advancement." '

r-------------_ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"'!!!



A stude nt in Warsaw the oLher day fir ed several shots in resisting eft'orts of acquuintances to have his hair cut. Thnt shows whllt communist propaganda. will do to you. It is said that there WBS a German WE GET THEM QUICKLY AND landslide in the city elections in PolFREE OF CHARGE ish Silesia the other doy . This ought CALL US ANY TIME AT OUR to be sufficient to warmnt a Senate EXPENSE investigation. . , ~_. _ It is sa id that the demand for me: dicinl11 whisky in the United Lntes is 2,000,000 gallons a year. Thert' Phon. 8 HARVEYSBURG, O. must be II. regular epidemic of s unke bites .. It i~ nOw claimed that WrnllJ:(l'1 Island I'cully belongs to the United States. II so, thut ought , to be u . good place to hold Senate in vestiga. tions . Now they nre ha ving. tI communist revolt in JnvlI and wc suppose that n.. Eye Silbt Special;.t means anoth er rise in the price of coffee. We suggest that Harvard artd Princeton settle th"ir troubles by per Lebanon, Ohio mitting thoh' cheer leaders t o get to-' gether and see who can muke th e. most noise. A British doctor lauds woman's 8.00 .. m. to .. p. m. scnnty ,ar~ and tells the women to as httle as thcy con. ThiS \vear HAVE YOUR EYES EXAMINED seems to ba one time whe n they are fo llowing the doctor's ad vice. ~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!~~~~ It is said that four-fi fths a r the whisky sold for medicina l purposes is watered . But as long os they don't put anything worse thnn wnter in it there's no cause fo r worry. Now a movemen t has been star ted for full dinner pails for working E. , McClur~ girls. But most of them will C(lntinue t o prefer the noo n-time salad FUNERAL DIRECTORS with icc crenm. WAYNESVILLE, OHIO The old-fashioned girl who used to tremble every time she ,,,ns asked to Fully Eg.uipped for Good recite "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" in the parlor, now has a dau ghter Service. of her own who isn't afraid to Si ng, Large Display Room. "Yes, sir; '1'hat's My Baby," anywhere. Ambulance Service Calles, of lIlexico, , eems TELEPHONE 7 n.n OR NIGHT to President be that man who rnises the nick in Nicaragua.


Ha"eysburg Fertilizer Co.

DR. E. M. RUDOLPH At Cary'S Jewelry Shop

Every Tuesday


Walten' .M·cClure



~ - - - --


011 Iht'llI IIrc ill l·n·eeL tax !c"i,'s on thp (' h't' tril' li ght n ll ll Illl wel', ,;ns lin j te l· Olt! ~flli<l cphu llu u en, nnd electric r.dh':H!. Illud .. !lIt.' H

A Tl'PIOAL wmE OHmF'S UE!:IK HID wire ohlef In n telephone oftlce Is nn ImVllrtanl In.llv\clunl. It II he who tes ts the Itnes to see tha t they are In porrect wo rk Ing order. directs the IIn eDlllm on service nnd troubl e, Se"8 thnt tho "ontral olllce eQuIpment 18 ttlllotlonin g properly , keeps In t O Il~h with wenther cond itions, calls out tbe men In case or emergency nnrt In general acts RS the Hubscrtbers' guardIan 80 far as equipment and wlr08 are concerned. There Is a saylng to the errect that n success ful wire chlor Is born and not ou\do and from tbe mulUpllclty or his d u11 08. this In enslly beli eved. Every telephone excbango has n wIre cb let. and even though he 18 seldom heard of outside at telop hone circl es. lIe Is a mIghty Important eog In rend erln, satisfactory t elephone servIce to all subscrlbel·s. '


" l ;I'OlCiuli S ml!, ~lIu!" ~.; hc. cried, " 11I 1\~' ~t i d< y yo ur hUlld ~ are." " " " w,,, ,, d ~' () ur s bl' ." I'eplied Elhl l hl' Jl uhli c uti lit y ("Inn · .iI' l , · ,\( · I~· . " if )' U ll had tw o lIIorillgu es 110 ot lw l' ~ 1I111' l' l' lif n ," · a lld " .. h,' l·" lllt u edll ir in YOUI' mufr."

their se n 'iec, it Il l·l· l·.,,,ril)' fo llo ws that

Lr in~in~

1"' 1111 ' f rol\l II 1'111'1.\' a!llL tonk hur hllml t" Ill'll' hl'l' liP " h ill'h (,III'U "tillH'.

L'lIl1e thUI1 thl' r a tl 's du '), eha l"g'L' 1' 0 1'

. .. .


Early for Your Sale Dllles . We G uur unt .. e Satisfar·tioll or Charge Nothing.

·"1 wish Gud hud madc 11I nll."

\il'lIlhi ma .. iJ u U' l worry, y ou IlIltY I! luJ v ile yet. / •


Dr. John W. lVliller Denti.t w.yD"nille NalioDal iSaDk Bfaa.

GLASSlflEOADS. MONEY LOANED LUANS ull ·huUe ls.tiloclis, Securi· tics ulld ::kcUlld J\IortJ:'u~es. Notel IJU ug'hl. J uhn lI arbine Jr., Xenia, Ohio. • rn30.'20

Farmers, Attention! I,' urmers of WI.rron and adj oinin, "ollnties may oHal n money on lon, Lime loans, at 5 per cen t Interest. I ;osl 0 f sccul'ing the same is ve r y rea· <ollll t.le .throu gh The Fedornl Land lla llk. FOI' further h,form nLion c811 In or "ddl'egs M. C. DRAKE, Treas· lireI'. phone S I6 -X. Leblluon, Ohio. SALESMEN WANTED

- - - --- TO solicit orders for Auto and Tractor Oi:s, Groases, Paints. etc. Previous experience n ot as necessary as tI ''' ide acquaintance, especially in the farming comm uni ty. Address THE E. T. SARGENT REFINING CO., Cleveland. Ohio. "JI8 FOR RENT FOR RENT- Good fnrm. well located. Apply at this office. - JI9



=========== FOUND

POUND- Slrny dog ot W. C. Phillips residence. since January 6th. ·J18 FOR SALE SPRAYI NG IS AT HAND-When in l1(>od of a ncw spray pump, no mntLer how largc or small, spray hose, nO lzles. complete pu mps, Icathet't!, rubber packing's, etc., call on THE UOCKLET. KJNG CO., 415 W. Main tf street, XEN lA , OHIO.' FOR SA LE-Red, Shorthol',n Bull, 7 1110. old; also two 3 mo. old; can be registered; and tested for tuber"f2 culosis. J. Wilson Edwurds. }o' OR SALE-A good touring car, new rubber and curtains, in good conci itio n ; run very little. MI'!I. Ricks, over Gazette officc. "J19 PIPE. VALVES AND FITTINGS for a il purposes. BockIet's line of plumhing and heating s upplies are best. '1'HE BOCKLET-KING 00., 415 W. Main street, Xenia, Ohio. tf






. - .. THE MIAM i

GAZE,TTE ....,




GAZETrE _ u.


J iggs of the Mari I)es Is dead.:Tho illltire marine I brigade stood Miss Ruth Early remllins on t he Ente.r ed at thll postoma!) at Wllynesville, 0., aB Second Cl1l89 Mail Matter, stiffly at attention while Captain Rome led tho exercises llnd the body sick list. of Jiggs was bing lowered to the Mr. WesB Benham is s pending this D. L CRANE, Editor aDd Publi.her, WaJne."iIIe, Ohio ' grave. A marine nag cover ed t he week in Dayton. Subscrh.t,lon Pdc., $1.GO per yoar. coffin of Sergeant Major J iggs. Little Ge ne'';l 1I,lae Routzuhn is on No mor e will J iggs wink his liP- t he sick list Uds wcek. I provlIl as the troo ps swin g by on Mr. Alber t Sluc·y wus 'O il t ho Kra tHI parade. Jiggs has heard " taps." j ury at L banon , Saturd ay . Sergeant· Major J iggs was u dog. The lowest telllpcruture he re the WEDNESDAY, JANUAHY 19, 1927 He traveled mol" 1I1l1n u hund red past week WII S ~ IJclpw zero. thousan d mil e~ with the MarinesMrs. I\la ry lJunta ente rtai ned ller in a ir, by la nd n wuter, Because DESTRORYING PROSPERITY es. And Mr, .Babson cmphnsizes lha t he was brave, he won his stripes- sister f rom Dnytl) n. Sunday. Miss Ruth Hullblc is slowly imtuxes nt'e pUld, not out 01 gross in- and commission, The civilian may laug h- but not proving, but is se ri ously III yet. :rhe farmer is being tuxe d to ruin. come, but Ollt of net profits, . ueh lending uusinc8.. nnu lyst.s and These stnggering tuxcs pni~ by th e t he Marines. Wherein Jiggs is conMessrs. Everett Early and Clyde cClIIlOmists us Rogel' Subso n, Profes-I fnrm er ren ct upon the busin ess of cern ed. They, know the bravery, Cox spent Thursda y in Cincinn ati. S O l' Irving Fisher, of Yu ie, Professor the cuuntry . While there ure only end ul'Unce, loyalty and resou rcefulMrs. Claren ce Smith 18 now work(!ulliso n Brown, of Lhe University of ub oul ~ ix million furmers in the ness of dogs-and of Jiggs in par tic- in!:" at ~h e Y. W. C. A., In Dayton. M:ssouri, and so on down nn impos- United Stutes, their families and ular. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Haw ke enterthosc dependent upon farm trnd e But, if you must lau gh or sn cer , (>l ined the card club Saturda~' evenswell t he numbe r of people in the make sure there arc no l'I'lurines ~"Iit Of N£T PItp,na P""D OUT IN 'Wcp ing. group representing the fnrm pur· nbo ut. Mrs. A lle n E mrick and Mrs. Chas. chasing power to about forty millionl ,. "Ptr;r'a N eo E J ohns werc l1ayton visitors, F riWhile this group of forty milliun day. is hit the hard est, it is vitai nlso t o I Mrs. F rank R O I~e l's is r esting easy the industries which need lhe farm""'"'I"'~ and gcttinJ{ a long very nicely ut this er's trude. The politlcinns ure responsible for time. Ira Syfred is qui te ill. ~ this drain on the farmer's purse. Mrs, Adu Chenoweth, of CenterThe school childre n enj oyed (?) They are doing nothing to correct mid-year exams, Thursday a nd Fri- ville, ca ll ed on Mrs. Frank Rogers, ,..,,-.., it. They will act only when th ey day, Monday . ~ are forced to, and then there is th e -., Miss Pauline Green, of n ear WayA. L, Kenne dy is able ~o be out usual amount of red tape to be un. wound before anything can be ac- after suffe ring severa l days with t he nes\'iI!c, spen t the week-end with grippe. Miss GladYB Bergdall. cumplished. Messrs. Russell Burnett and AlMrs. Tom McGuinn fell in h er But it is time the farmer is beillg list hnve pointed out ag uin and kitchen Thurs day mo ming and broke bert S lacy mude a business trip to ginning to prod and prod hard , agui n that ou r syst e m o f taxation is Cov ington, Ohio, Thursday, her arm. ubsolete un d unscientific, lilT. Heber Sm ith, of Dayto n, was On January SO, the preaching ser· The burd en of this un scientific The prize complaint of long stand- vice at the 111. E. church will be in a Saturduy and Sunday guest of his tu xation flllls upon all classes but ing is thnt of the straphanger who Lhe evening. pare nts, Mr. a nd Mrs, Samu el Smith. most heuvil y upon the furmer, claims he is never able to get a. seat IIfr nnd Mrs. Walter Deardoff, of The M. E. Aid will meet Friday Consider cllrefully tho dillgrom in the car on his way home from nfternoon of this week, in stead of Fran klin , were Wednesday evening rep roduced here. It was published work, g uesU! of Mr, a nd Mrs, Kesler GraT hu rsday, the usual day. by Roger Bubso n, the leading busi... ham . Of course the members of th e ness analyst nnd statistiCian in this Several automobiles have been The short skirts of today have Community club enjoyed the oyster country. ditc hed · and 80 m!! damaged on acIt shows the fllrmer is paying out certainly· increased the number of s upper Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Gray and count of the icy r oads in an d a round 83 per cent of his net profits in tax- joint discussionB. family entertained to dinn e r, Sun- Lytie. Reports are tha t Mrs. Charles day, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Gray. Mrs. Clara Conner slipped on the Pope has so ld her farm near the Dayice, Wednesday morning . .and fe ll, ton nn d Le banon pike, to a Dayton breaking her left arm at the elbow. pa rty. ISSUED


---- I



- ._._- -

' I i






... .......... ...

:~ ~ffl


:.=:.. .



- - -...



nt.Frank Crane .........,..... Says


CITY LIFE NOT SO ROSY During tho past year, according to to the city are Bubstituted. n report made by the Department The automobile, making quick h h b d runs to the city after Bupper for mo' . I of t ure, t ere as een a e- vies and other entertainment pOBsicre!,se III the farm population of the ble, has given young people of the United States of nearly half a mil- farmng communities a taste of city lion. . life in ita brightest aspect, The year before that It decreased They see the eity relaxed, They 182,000. see it in ,the role of play-boy. And The populaton of the country a8 they like it. a whole is increasing; that of the ruThe movies, shown in eevry crossrul distric ts is decreasing. roads village pictures life in the city The definitc trend is away frQm the as on'e of adventure, fine clothes and farm to the city. quick wealth. A cable from Paris tells the same There is no hay to pitch; no mules story. . to eurry and no meadow larks to The population of the country dis- listen to before dawn. tricts of Fra nce continues to flow HoweY'er , the dust-filled, sardineto the large cities in spite of all ef· can subways and the high coat of Iiv_ forts of the government to stem it, ing in the city are left out of the The general cens us, just taken, picture. J'The farm is where they work; shows a declining population in all rural areas there except those adja- the city is where they play." cent to Illrge industrial centers, This idea abetted by the auto and In AmeriCa" -the automobile and movie has its effect in leading young the movie have been the two big people no the farms to choose the elements in accolerating this move- city when they grow up. ment from the farm to the city. It has played a large part in th e In old times entertMnment WIlS trend toward urban life which ha~ found in country affairs; now trips been noted in recent years. ~~~~~!!!!!':'!!!!~!!!!!!!!'!!!!'!!!!!'!!!'!!!!!'!!""!!!--'!!'!!.!!!!'!!~!!'!!~!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!'''''!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'

Robert Gamer had the mi sfortu ne to fall down the steps at Shidaker's barber shop and cut his face and head badly. . Mr. and Mrs. 'Hugh Burgett and family, of Belmont, were Sunday guests of Mrs. Cla,r a Conner and Mrs. Ethel Smith and 80ns, Mrs. Will Carr, .Mrs. Charles Madden and Herbert Carr attended the Farmers institute at Lebanon Friday. Mr. Carr gave a talk on pure bred ho"',

Several Indies Elttended the meeting of the "Home Care of the Sick" at the home of Mrs. Charles Johns, Wednesday afternoon.




Thirty valu ab le articles are alTered for Auction.

Get your high IJid ill hefore the Red Arrow Auction Bloc 's close at 6 o'dock p. m" on Wednesday, J anua ry 2G, 1927. High bidders will be a nnollnced ~ t the Community Sales Waro::house on Thursday, January 27, at 2 o'clock p. m., or a , SOOIl as possible thereafter. The baby will be on exhibition about tw hours before.

Who will Bid Highest on the Baby? What Organization will Bid Highest on the $25.00 Cash.

For Further Informatlan, Ask at Any of the




Mrs. James J ohns visited Mrs. Harry J ohns and family, in Da yton, F'riday. The latt e r, Mrs. J ohns, is quite poo rly at th'is time. Mrs. A, E. White and ert and Paul, of Dayton, eral days last week with Mrs. Kesler Graha m and

80ns, Robspent sevher sister" family.


Waynesville Overland Sales Company Hall Drug Co. Miami Theater Myer Hyman L. A. Zimmerman Fred M. Cole Miami Gazette Waynesville, Ohio .,

"u Last week guests of Mrs. Emma - The Massie Township Sunday School convention will meet at the Foulks were : Mr .. alld Mrs. George I'll., E. ehurch Sunday, January 23, at Davis, Mr. an d MI·s. Raymond Davis, and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Patton, of 2 p, m. Rev. Wilson ; of the Christian ehureh at Wilmington, will de- Cincinnati. liver the address. Mr. and Mrs. J ose ph Champion, of The Fanners Institute certa inly Route 0 , ure enj oy ing electric lights went' over with a bang. The Wed- whic h they I'ccent,ly instlllled The nesday morning session opened with Dayton Power and Lig ht Compa'n y line passes through thei r farm . remarks by President H. E . Hatton, DR. C. W. HENDERSON and invocation by Rev. Amos Cook. Mrs. Donn Brac'kney, of t he Duy. NOTARY PUBLIC Office-Am an BidS· The school gave a short play, and lon an d L eba non pike, died Saturday Prof. Phillips, of the O. S. U., gave a fe w hours ufter EIIl operation at the Nalional Bank OFFICE HOURI an,intellesting talk, and committees Middleto wn h ospital. Fun eral serWill. Drawn .... ...... E. tale. Settled 9 to 11 a. m, 3 to 5 p. m. were appointed. Mrs. Ida Durbin, vices was held at t he Chapel Tuesdav 7 to 9 p , m. of Frederickstown, gave the first tnlk morning. I nterment in Miami cemWaynesville, Ohio of the afternoon. The upper grades etery. Telephonee. The a nnual meeting of the Chau80 . Office • . and high school being prese nt at her ta uqua board of trustees was held 891"2 Resldenoe • request. Prof . Phillips followed in Dayto n last week, !lnd matters of with another instruetive talk. Mr. Waynesville, Ohio vital inte rest to the institution and T., ... MI••• c_... ,•• J.b W••• \ Class also made a few r emarks Ul'gthe Miami valley were carefully gone ing' farmers to attend Farmers Weck Into. The report of the gen eral s ec· The Dorcas so ciety of the M. E. at Columbus Jan 31 to February 4 At retary showed that during the period the evening session ,the Graham sis- church met at th(~ home of 1\1:rs. T. of lost year 's assembly, there '''as n ot C. Hayd ock, Thur!;day. ters furnished two pleasing musical a deficit, but a bal ance In t he trea~Our community sympathizes with ury. numbers. Mr. Class showed slides . on tuberculosis, followed by another Mr_ .and Mrs, Lyle Morris in the loss The Board of Managers wer e di· excellent talk by Mrs. Durbin, Miss of an infa nt daug hter. r ected t o co-oporate in working out Helen Graham and lIlrS. Herbert A, C. Blair hus 'p urchased the bar- mutu ally sa t isfact ory details for the <:arr delighted 11 9 with a piano duct ber equipment of Jesse Ary and is expansion of the dining-room and and Mr. H. S, Tucker and Mr. Her- continuing the bu:siness in the same kitchen. bert Carr sang in their usual engag- roo""s. ' April I, 1927, the bond issue will ing manne.r. Mrs. Cliff Hawke The losing side of the clay-bird be due. The bom'd plnns to as k the pleased the audience with a clever shoot ' gave a banquet to the winning bond holders to meet Mr. Lorenz in reading. Mrs, Mary Mnnnon presid- side at the school house on Monday his generous offer to don ate bonds ed at the Ladies' session, Thursday to Chautaqua, or ha ve tho bond hoI· evenin g of last week. morning. Miss Watts, the Rome ders exchange their bonds for lots Lewis Holland and family have agent, was present, giving us n few or take new bonds in place of the remarks in her usual cheery manner. moved to the Weaver furm · cast of old. tow n and R. C. Bogan and family and leading the singing. Mrs. DurCottagers ,viII be glad to know bin again addressed Us and we Were moved to the farm vacated by the thnt final arra nge ments have been Hollands. favoreo with music by Mr. nnd Mrs. made for the p la tting of the Weldon Heller. Prof Phillips gave grove. These lots will be unusually another instructive talk, Miss Watts attractive because of the large trees led the singing at t he afternoon sesand good shade. The lots will face sion and Mrs. Durbin and Prof. Phil the river and have either threo or lips gave excellent talks. The nomfour lots between avenues. A sixty· inating committee gave their report foot boulevard will run through the and the fo llowing offleers were electcenter of the grounds on a curve. ed: President, Herhert Carr; viceThe loU! will be somewhat larger president, Charles Doster; secretarthan the lots in the olde~ part of the ry, Howard McGuinn; treasurer, grounds. Tenth avenue will be opHoward Graham; corresponding-secened to the road with fine trees on retary, Mrs. , Adah Talmage; presieither side of the avenue. Then, dent of ladies' session, Mrs. Marie from the boulevard east, trees llayo or eoune you wm -Gray. The ladies of the M. E. Aid been planted which will add very CUnl; your meat th •• served excellent dinners both days of much to t he value of these lots. ~r."'ni'!~l\"~~ the Institute. We closed, earnestly thrinkole. labor, fire The 1927 assembly will be held ritlt and worry. It hoping to have an institute again July 30th to August 14th. will Itive you better flavor and perfect next year.





Some of The Things We Sell

Builders' Hardware-

We- lDo All The ;Work ,

You won',t need to write a -i~tter, get a money order, wait several day., pay expre.. or parcel post char,es- a.,r' then PUT THEM ON YOURSELF when ypu buy tires here at ,home "from us. We put' 'em on-inflate 'em ' to correct pr..-8Iurea,-inspect, tliem regul..rly-and we .are at your call 36~ d,.y. in the yeat for S~RVICE. ,






, , ,.,


. '

'pj.~De wayPesville. Motor',~. lOS W.,...... Ohio

Nails Hinges Door Locka Barn Door Track Smooth Wire Barbed Wire Locuit Fence POlt,

r,;,/,& ~withyour J"nU4 II



- --.. - ...-



,Percy-"Oh, I have the most glorious news I" Esther (his i!ousin)-"What ·lll it?" ·Percy- "Peggy hAs promised to be my wifel" Esther-"So ·that's what you ' call newe I A , month ago she alked me to be hs.r bridesmaid I" , '


,~. ,-




',' Clerk-"WeU"lirl can (ihow you" • " , autui (Ilunthig ' for Ii new oveicoa\)-'-"'Well" I done w.n~ one 0', . 'dem IQng 6lacik ' coata-ah' pll8l dey calla 'sm Englilh uleen;" " or..



But tie lure

to let the oriciAal aDd,<Ill1iDo

ORDINANGE NO. 116 To till i.e .al • ..,. of t.e Ole", of "e 'rnatee. o' rubl.e Aftal .... Be It ordnlned by tho Council 'of the Village or 'Vay·nclvllle, State ot °'l:l~61ON I~~hat ,tb e .alary ot ' the. lerk of th Tril Bte e8 of pub lic Aftalra be UOO.OO pcr yenr, pilyable quarte rly. SEOTION II- That all ordinances or pa rts of ordlnnnceo In conflict wIth thl. ordlnnnce be and , tho same are h llrebY r llO·\lalca . ' SEC.'11l'ON 111"':''I')110 or6Inam2!. ahalt tue: effect ~nd lie In torce t~ID' and t!!:r' - t~e ca~lIost periOd al10 ed !?f , pu.ed necemher 1l".!U81. ' ' , ' . T. Jil. RuuER.., lIaror.


The CIftl,. m..t ..It thtt" ...ClOd for ••hle Ute .1 fur curin. m"'t. smell it. T .... e it.. Yw can tell it at once rra.4 ..It that b ..

...... ml .... with pyrollltnooua a d d or other d .....~ch~~ ' . .' " .: W. baYll' I ~ PIlCh<! In tell poUDd ~ .....' .........tecd ._~. '"


W8nJ~e .Fanners'

Excblnge Company

Attut- , _ . , 1.. 11:;. ZIlDlEJ.l!lA~.:.,.~.:C~le::.:r.::k~._


.'UNDERcuw'U~D ·,


Farm Gatel



,All of , the .' a bove mate.ri"'. can be found ' ~D' ,our. y'ar~ ' every'.daY in the ye.... a(, , inoderate :pn~~ v

Get edar Stamps at Cary's J u\\'· clry • hop, Lebl\nun, hio.


Scene shoW'8 ftrenron searc:!rlng the balcony ot the Laurier Theatre, Montronl Oonada, where 76 ohlldren lost their lives. Panic gripped the tiDY ~88rtS at tho cry of FIRE, and death took heavy tol[

Florence E. Brackney

Late CJassl'fl'ed AdSI


F. D. DAKIN Insurance Agency

General Insurance



T. Wright. .

SECOND .COMMUNITY AUCTION At F.M. Cole'. Warehouse in Waynesville, 0., on

THURSDAY, JANUARY 21, 1927 Commencinr at 12:30 o'clock, p. m"


Livestock, Farm Machinery, Dry Goods, Groceries, 'Fence, Posts, Small Hardware a~d many other small articles. Bring anything-whatever you want to sell. No reserves or by-bidding.

Community Sales Co. w.

·1 N 5 U RAN C E· Renewals or New Policies Written

"Watch That Expiration Date"

RAYMON F. HATFIELD Wa ynesvlllle, Ohio

Peaches Avond~le, in syrup, 19c No. 2Yz can, each .. .... . p.IneappIe :~~hP'.. ~~' 1-.2. ~.~~ : 25c

CounljrJ Club in he.",. .yrup .. 25c

Delmonte in heavy .yrup ........ 29c

Country Club, In h ea vy ,2. . .. . . . Counlry Club, No. 2 c.n .. ............... ......... .... .. ...... ........ .. ...... .............. 22c Ayonadle or Delmonte Ir.ted, No.2 c n n .. ..... .. .... .... .............. ......... 17c

Bread Coun~ry Club, Twin or Single 9c 1 lb. loaf, each .. . ... . . ... ... . ~

Country Club, 10.£.. ........ Gc Whole Whea l , ) -lb. 10aL .. ...... 8c Vienna, I-lb. 1caf.. ..... .... ... ... ... 7c Rye , I K -lb. lo\lf ... .. .......... ....... l0c R.jlin, every Wedn esd.y, I-If loaf ... .... .. ..... .. ............. ................. 9c


Co;~t;;o~!.d~'. ... . . ... . . . . . 53c

01_, E.tinor. Nut. Ib ............ 19c


Fancy Rom e Beauty

or Wine,.pI, 3 lb....... ..

Churnrrold, Ib .......................... 32c

20 C Rice


Fancy Blue ROle be.d, 4 lb . .. .. .... .. ..

25c 29C

do.27c Prunes ~~.~~~~ fb~~.I.~~.. 20c ~!~~!~~~.~. . ·. . 15c ~~~~~.!.. . . ... . . .. 1Oc Florid• ., 200 .iaze,

t4 .• in, 3 for ............ .... ........ .. .. 20c

Country Club, 2 Ib Large . ize, package"".. .

No. 3 c.n .... .. ..... .. ...... .. .... ......... UJc

51D0 . . . .



pouad ............. Ib .......,' .............. 3Sc


of the yea r, our diets are lacking In vegetables. So many o f us think vegeta b les are for Spring a n d S u mmer , but the y s hould be included in the diet every day of the yenr. MOll t people have more s ic\tnesl! in the wi nter, due to the la c k of veg e tabl e s in th e ir dRily diet. Vegeta~le. cont ai n some of tbe life- g ivin g elements ca ll e d , vltam in s, whi ch w e r ad so much about now-a-days. Th ere nre ·four vitamin s kno wn today.

Mr. a nd Mrs. F . M. Cole and chilchildren and Mrs. L. A. Washburn spent the week-end with relatives at Georgetown.


Smartest of time keepers ar e t he latest Gruen watch creations. See Following is thl~ program of the them at Cary's Jewelery Shop, Leb- Warren County Farm Bureau at their anon, Ohio. an nual meeting at Lebanon Memor· ial hllll, on Frida~~, Janua.r y 21, at Our Watch and Clock repa ir de- 10 o'clock : partment cannot be excelled. CharMusic, led by Walter Davis; invoges moderate. Cary's Jewelry Shop cation, Rev. Frederick Kirker; presLebanon, Ohio. ident's address, Ca rl J. MIller ; secreLllry's r eport and. financial stateSunday ,"nner guests of Mra. Anno Sheehan were Mr. and Mrs. Mil- ment, C. C. Meloy; Cincinnati Cooperative Livestoc:k Commission aston. Sheehan, Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Wilson; work of the Sheehan and daughter, Mr. and Jdns sociation, CUff Himes, of Centerville; Mr. and Co-operative Pure Milk associat iOil, Walter D. Hunnicutt; The Miami Mrs. Earl Thomas and son, of Social VlI1Iey Co-operath'e Milk Prllducore Row; Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Earnhart association , C. W. Lawrence ; Co-op. and children. erative Wool Marketing, D. D. Dun Don't forget Dr. Rudolph, the Eye hAm; appointment of committees; . Specialist, is here every Saturday Lunch.. At 1 p. m., mUisic, led by Walter night unt il 7 p. m., and Thursday un til S p. m. Cary's Jewelry Shop, Davis; 'report of nominating committee; Borne Demonstration Work, Lebanon, Ohio. Miss Nellie Watts; County AAgent Last Saturday afternoon at the Activities, Chas. F. Class; Agriculhome of Mrs. O. R. Unglesby, Mrs. ture and its Relations to Other InNelson Wat kins, nee Evelyn Ungles- dustri es, M. D. Lincoln. Thc above program is a cordial by, and Miss Mary Margaret Unglesby, were hostesses at a miscellane- a 8 well as urgent invitation to be ous shower in honor of Mrs. Russesll present at your annual County Farm Campbell , of Ce'llterville, nee Mil- Bureau meeting. Note the impordred Hple, formerly of this place. tant talks planned for the forenoon, Several guests were present and the so plan to come all day. County officers are to be elected bride received many useful gifts and and delegates to the annual State best wishes for future happiness. Farm Bureau meet ing to be chosen. Bring your family and invite yo ur Whose Eyes in your family need an examination at this time? Come friends and neighbors, also. Every in and let Dr. Rudolph, the Eye body welcome. Specialist, give your eyes a care1ul Examination, Free, at Cary's Jewelry Shop. On Tuesday until 3 p. m. anl1 . Saturday until 7 p. m.

Spinach contains Three of those ·Vitamins We h a ve the

Fresh Spinach which can be served in severa l ways. extra good qu a l ity of the


Photo Carl tlIe DeW ualatant U. S. Treasury. Be WiDSton who b8a


. •...

Mrs. George Smith and daughter, Mrs. Eleoise Thompson, extended cor dial hospitality to a small group of friends on Monday evening. Arrangement had been made for two tables o ~ "Five Hundred," and after the games a dainty salad course wus senjoyed. The guests were Mra. Julia Donovan, Mrs. Elizabeth Baily, Mrs. J. B. Chapman, Mrs. Kate Coleman, Mrs. Fred B. Henderson and lIfrs. D. L. Crane.


One of the big mine fires in Southern Ohio is out but another i. still raging. Investigation this week disclosed that the fire which haa been burning in Mine No. 268 of the Sunday Creek Cool COJlIpany near Rendville, has been extinguished, after burning 80 yeara. The lollS is placed at $760,000. How the fire started has never been de,termined. The other fire, ,,~hich is near New Suits dry cleaned and pressed, $1; Straitsville, has boen burning since Sponged and pressed, 36c. Try us the big coal strike of 188'. Efforts and be convinced of our excellent at times to extinguish it have heen dry cleaning and pressing. Leave unsuccessful and Elccording to Willyo ur call with Mahlon Ridge. Soft iam S. Harman, Columhus coal opeWater Laundry. - rator, it prohably will continue five years more. Already more than Prominent among the many pleas- 16,000 acres of coal, with the vein ant social events of the winter, was eight feet in thickness the finest ever the "Five Hundred" party given by found in the State, has been consumMr. and Mrs. M. A. Cornell at their I'd. Mr. Harman operates II mine iri charming country homo. last Wed· the same vein of coal, hl ~ operation~ nesday night. After the games a being separated from the burning delicious hot lunch was served. mine by· a deep volley. Those invited to enjey this d.e lightThe Harman mine oocupies hi~­ ful occasio'1 were Mr. and Mra. Joel toric ground. Here was constructed Stokes, Mr. and Mre. Ernest .Butter- more t han a quarter and a century worth, Mr. and Mrs. Emest Hart- ago the famous Baird's furnar.c in sock, !IIr. 'and Mrs. Ruasell . Salis- which the shot used by Commodore bury, !lIt. and Mre. W. E. Cornell, Perry in his fllm ous bllltle on Lake Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith, Mr. and Erie was made. The shot . accordin~ Mrs. Earl Bockett, Mr. and Mrs. S. to the stor,es told, was haul~d from S. Ellis, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bart- th.e furnace to the lakl's ill carts sock, Mr · and Mrs. Ralph Miller, pillle4 by oxen. Native ores togethJ . Mr. and Mra. F. B. ' Benderaon, Mr. er with the cliaracter of cqal at l,and and ~~. Fran!, A. Hartsock, .Mr. and mad!! this ~he ideal spot for t he loca. Mrs. D. L •. Crane, Mra. Kate Cole- tion of a blast futnacll nnd it willi man, MIllS Velma Cornell, MeMI'If. eagerly seized 'upon by the patriots Harry Cornell and RuaseJl Stockstill of those days. . Small clouds of smOKe rising from Agency for Yourex SU\'eraeal and .~ hillsides around Baird mark the Borers BIl.!rlo~m pla~. :Lasts trom pyt'e1lS, if such they may be caned, generation to generation. ~'a of ~be finest deposit of coal every disJewelry Shop, Lebanon, Ohio, . covered in tlIe Stat .. >




We also ' have an

Canned Spinach put up under the SILVER FLAKE BRAND, which we guarantee to be satisfa ctory . Solid pack; fresh from the fields when c a nned; as small amo unt of water al can be used in canning, the r efore gi ving more food for your money than an infe rior article .


IIIICl"etaI7 ot

suoceeda:JohQ. roUnd.


Sunestions for Preparation Cheerfully Given


The Corwin Grocery

ST. MARY'S CHURCH Third Sunday after Epiphany. January 23. Church School at () :30; Morning Prayer and Serm on at 11 o'clock. Rev. John J . Schaeffer. Rector.

--We Deliver.Waynesville, Ohio

Phone U3


FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST lIIornin g ser vice, 9 :3 0. Bible Sc hoo l, Commun io n and Serm onSub ject of discou rse, "Peculiar Peo· pie." No evening service.

"What a delightful day last Lord's

:!:\:,. , The

atte ndan ce



good , the service inte resting and help ful and t he lunch at the noon hour very enjoyable. We were especially pl eased with the Ii ne gospel message in the afternoon service brought by Prof. W D Willoughby, of Cincinnati Bible Seminary. Nathan J ohnson, Minister.




CHRISTIAN CHURCH Sunday-School at 9 :30; Everybody cordially invited . . METHODIST CHURCH Sabbath 'S chool at 9 :15 a. m. preaching at 10 :3 0 a. m. Er,worth League 6:15 p. m. Preach ng at 7 :00 p. m. Everybody invited to these services l1.ev. L. A. Washburn, Pastor.

Spa'c ial


United States Tires

Nathan Johnson, Pastor.


N. SEARS, Auctioneer.

All Kinds of Insurance

- I

At this time

Mony spe ia ls lit or y's Je welry . Mrs. Hathaway's attracti\'e t ea 'hop, L bUllon, Ohio. rOCl m was Ule sc ene of il pleasant liWe Nocil.\l 'affair lnst Sntur dny afnlr. :tnd lIt.·s. Nelson Wutkins were tern oon when Mrs. D. n. mit h enin Dayhm, Mondny. tertained a few l r'ends with cards. Mrs. C. W. Henderson was a Day. At the close of the games Mrs. Hathawny sen 'ed II dainty and to oth ton visitor, MondllY. s" lII e lunc h to tile rollo.wing : MI1I. Gel edllr StulllPS at Cury's J ew· Quincy GOllS, Mrs. Fred GOllS. Miss Alice Gons, 1I1t·s. nusscll Snlisbury. elry Shop, Lebanon, Ohio: Mr.. Kell er lI o k~ , Mrs. Ronuld !I1essrs. O. R. Unglesby and Chas. Hnwk ~ . Mrs. Bert Hartsock, Mrs. J . Ames were Lebnnon visitors, Mon- W. Et.l\\srds, Mrs. L. A. "- imm ermun day. ·Mrs. Rn lph Mi ll er. Mrs. Fred M. ' 011'. 1Ilrs. J . O. Cn rtwrlght nnd Mrs. ' Ke nneth Kilbon spent the week- Smih. (' nd with Dr. C. W. Hende rson and fa mily.

Mrs. J . B. Chapman and so n. Florence E., dllu~rhter of David and Charles, were Cincinnati visitors, Sllrah Lash ley. \VII S born January 16, Tuesday. 180r. . Was marri~, d to Doan Brack----- - - -- - -Miss Doris Hawke spent the week- ney Aug ust 28, JIS()f). To this unreArs old. work any place. J . W. end wit h her sister, Miss Elsir, Ilt ion wus born one son. Melvin: He was tuken fr om them by death alRolllnd . Spring Vallcy, Ohio, R. F. D. Cedarvi lle. mo ~t seve n years a.go . 1. · Jl9 Miss Kathleen and Mr. George She quietly pa!>Sed away at the FOR SALE Henderson were Cinci nnati visit ors. hospital in Middletown, January 16, FOR SALE-Two Jersey cows, good F- re iK:n Ad ..:;; li si- ; n. e pr~ .c nl n tl ve I Saturday. J 927, IIged 62 yellrs. In her early ones, Sand 4 yeurs old; 1 marc, 12 -- T i ll AMER ICAN PR f.~ S ASSOC I" T ION life she united with the Friend s Postmnsler Ross Hartsock is on ch urch and has lived II quiet unasdu ty again after being confined to suming life. She leaves t o mourn his home with g rip. her departure a husblln d, one sister, Mrs. Kate Ricks, Miss Lutie Van- Mrs. Rebecca Cox,. and t hree brothdervoort and Mr. Albert Ricks spent ers, Alfre d, Wmiam and Robert LlIshley. Monday in LebanO'D. " The golden gates were open A gentle voice l;ad, come I Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Graham left Sunday fo r Fort Worth, Tex., and And with farewell s unspoken She calmly entered home." other points in the South. Card of Thank. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Stroud a nd We desire t o thank our neighson, Harold, were guests of Mr. and bors and fr iends an d a1l who in any Mrs. Otho Henderson, S,unday. Phone 61'-:2 Waynesville, Ohio way aided to our comfort at the time of t he death of our loved wife and Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Wright, of , Ister. Doan Brackney. Detroit, spent several days last week William and IRobert Lashley. with their parents, Dr. and Mrs. A.


A Health Suggestion

Have your ~vashing laundered tho oft Wat r way. Your clotheR wlIRnl'<i nrtt.l r 'lurned in a damp con~ dition f or 5c n pound. oit Welter Laundry, Mllhlon Ridge, age nt.






Whippets Overlands Willys-Knights


~~~~!d~~!sed 50c

Waynesville Overland Sales

Soft Water Laundry

H. ARCHDEACON Waynesville, Ohio K. of P. Building

Here's Your Chance

Mahlon Ridge, Alent


The Criterion's

Annual Winter • .J

-S ALE of our entire stock of Men's, Young Men's and Boys' Finest Suits Hnd Overcoats -Michael-Stern and Frat makes-all wool and hand tailored. Many of these suits are in good medium weights-suitable ' O f year-round wear.




130.00 and $32.50 Suits an . . Overcoats Red l.ced to . . . . . .. . . ... . : . . .. . ... . .

... $2'3 .50 $3~~~u~~~ ~~~'~? ~.u.i~ ~~.~ ?~~r.c~~.t~ .... . . .. . . ...... . ... . . $2 7.50 S4~~~u~~~ ~!~.~~. ~.~i~ ~.~~ ?~~~c~.a.t~ . .. . . . " . ... .. . .. ... .. . $3'1.60 $4~~~:c~~ ~!~.~~. ~.u.i~~ ~~~ ?~~r.c~.a.t~ . ... ... . . .. . .. ~ ..... '. . $36.5~:: •

$50.00 and $55.00 Suits and Overccats Reduced to ................ . ..... '.'


Special Prices on ' our · Fine Neckwear

• ••

' S

Seventy-Ninth Year






YEAR - - -___

Wllole Numb




r···· . ··················· I II"te;::~n:h~tem' i State. (avilal

The membership "lid fri ' IIIIo (lr the Warren Co unt y Farlll Ilure"u held the annua l meetin g , Fr idny, J un Prepa~e b y uary 21, convening at lO :llO ll. m. PART III The pl'ogrum began wi th ~ il1ging Columbus ep( rte r In 1811 both houses of the United led by Walter Davis, with l\Ir ~ . Du. • •••••••••••••• ~.4 •••••••• Stutes Congress voted to look with \'i. at the pian o. The invocation by fuvor upon the South American revolution. Although the United Re v. Keller was follow ed by u s hor t EVEN A LITTLE address from Presiden t . J. Milic I'. States remained neutral they watchr()LT·~lR( 'S. OIlIT - The Ohio OPERA ON THE AIR ed the eve nts in South America with He confined hi8 rcm urps largely to S late S af~I\' (·" unri l. repl-esenting the se ri ous und thrent ening danger JlI'a ct il'a lly ('\' l!!' .\' ei '.' it: II r)!a n iz3tio n interest. In 1822 President Monroe 3 TO THE ELECTR IC . CHAIR proposed the r ecignition of Buenos from sprend of the co rn borer. It "r tlw Stitt,·. \\"'IIt .. n l'eco J'd as faRELIGIOUS TAX see lllS but a qllestion of a s hort lim e VUri fli( UII' l i ('('n~ i ll~ "r nil perso ns Aires, Columbia, Chile und Mexico until our own county must take s te ps w hn dri v(\ HlI t ll n1n l,il. ·... in Ohi o. The as independent countries. Congress for protectio n uganst th is harmf ul co un cil 01'1'0>(', tl,,· 1,1:>11 who compel promptly agreed. In 1824 Brazi l Calles, Mexican President, accus- was r ecognized and the other counpest. liability inslirullct.' l'"lides t o be ed Catholic bishops of ordering Mell: tries later on. P. O. Wilso n, of he Cincinnati Pro- cn r oi~d by dri "e r ~ :l nd ow ners of iean uprisings that killed seventydu cers Co-o peru tive Commission as- uutos, but will as k the ICg'i ~l l\ tu re to One of the reasons of the United nvc protesting Catholic8 and twen- States for recognizing thes e South soc iation, then l!'nvc a mORt interest- paijg a bill to I ken~1' "ve r y perso n ty four Mexican soldier s. He ac- Americun countries VoIlIS to un iing sum mary of the company's bus- wh o dri ves a machine. th e fcc being CU8es th e bishops of urging the faith pate a numQer of European couniness dur ing the year ju st closed. not t o exceed ~ !) cen ts annua lly, a nd Cui to march ngainst the Government tries who bad formed the Holy AlliMr. Wi lso n stands very high in the the meas ure b(' ing one (or safety under a banner insc ribed, "Long ance intending to seize parts of est imat ion of t he farmer s of this J'Rther for revenu e. ~Ir . J nnes, Live Christ, the King I" s ection not only as a sn(e and able who is vice-pre~ i s "("'t of the CuUIlSouth A merica, and also land claim!: That banner has traveled a long ed by the U. S. on the North Amerhu ~in ess man, b ut ns a gen ial und cil, said t.ha t UK rl'el1lcnt on the bill way in the past and won many ican Pacific coast. To gua,r d against forceful speaker. The pas t year hO R had bee n rellch ed af te r mallY months fights. shown II suabstantial increase in vo l- co nsidernti on, alld t lint it \\'!J ulll be this damage the famous Monroe um e of business done in nil lin es of int.roduced inboth th e h ous~ and senYoung gentlemen, it pays to eave. Doctrine was issued. It stated that livestoc k, but not enough of War- ate this week. Attending the m eetthe American continents from that Even a little may be worth while. ren county's livestock is billed to ing and agreeing upon th e bill were Mr. Couzens asked to pay nine time on WOUld. not be open to colonithe co-operntive compony. This the State farm an d labo r fede rati ons zation by European powers and if million dollars more income tax, had company should huve a s hipping or- civil and safety council s of many citthey attempted to extend their saved $900 when he met Ford. That ganization. $20,000 more of the ies, the Ohio Mallufacturer's associa.gave him his chance. By and by claims In this hemisphere the U. S. debt has been pnid and II divid end tion, Ohio Reta il Dealers' nssocaahe sold his inte rest to Ford for thirty would con8ider it dangeroua to their of 18 per cent declared. tnn, the State Board of Henlth and million dollnrs. It he had'nt saved peace .Ilnd safety. Although theJe The clear and concise manner in others. I t is virtually agreed tbat ,the nine hundred dollars, he could were the maIn statements in the Man H . W. Lawrence set forth the which with this bucking the bill will soon .not hnve the Government suing him roe Doctrine at the first it has been expe ri onces and attainments of the become n law. Provisions are for it interpreted from time to time to for nine million dollars. Miumi Vlllley Co-operative Milk to become effective July I, 1927. Moral: Save something, if noll' cove,r all occnsions and is recognized Produc ers ass ociation was highly when every pe rson operating an auby otber countries as the buls of .a little. ap preciated and closely followed by tomoble must be provided with a the United States foreign lIoUoy. the. audience. He was pleased to State license. Another movement whlci!' is someThe Chicago Civic Opera company state that t her e was complete har~ ll broadcast. its entire performance what parallel to the Monroe Docmony between his organization and Members of the Senate are going .an e nlightened and pnblic-spirlted trine, Is Pan Americanism. It ill a the Cincin.nnli Co-operative Milk pro to have an awful time in explaining union of the independent states of .course, ducers. A small loss hae not only when t hey return ho me if they reThe Metropolitan Opera in New the Western Hemisphere, baaed up. been retrieved, but substantial prof- fU Be to confirm all appoin tments 'Y ork will do likewise some day and on certain principles which they do Its have accrued to members of the submi tted by Go\'ernor Vic Donahey. CIIft'ord S. Ridge, died In a hosprofit by it. , Artists . making talk- not have in common with Europe, u organization, in addition to the in- All admit that the very bi ghest class pital at Chical~o last Wednesday, ing machine records know that pub- belief in democracy, the use of law creased price paid for their product. men have !Jeen induced to enter the rather than force In the Bettllng of January 19, following an operation. licity Is valuable. H e stated that the monthly report State service, a nd seve ral of them disputes, non-intervention of EuMr. Ridge wus a 80n of the late s howed that the price paid always Bre m a king actual Rnneia i sacrifices. rope in purely American aft'ail'l, and Prof. John Ridg~e and wa born lind ;Meanwhile Mr. Kahn and his as· the solution of their common prob. Farmers of Warren county espec- renred in Waynesville. He graduaThe f ollowIng High School pupils corresponds to the num ber of mem- Of course the Senators will take aociates in .New York's Metropol\lems and safeguardln&' tHeir . com. ially Interested In feeding and breed ted from the Wilynesville high school received all A'~ In the semester ex. bers contributing. Mr. Lawrence time. and while they have confirmed tall Opera will make a good start stated that Warren county, as rep- two industr'ia l commission appointIng swtne, are Invited to enroll in in the class of '9 1, and a few yeBI'!I am inatlons: in their new opera house building. mon aft'ain. resented by the Waynesville local, ments, it is hinted that they are not Violet Bogan The fint Pan-Amercan Cn~ess the Ohio Ton Litter Olub cOlltest later Wlla mar'rled to Annie K,. providlJ)g excellent seats at reasonhos co-o perated most nobly with the going to give the Governorl control Geneva Denlinger Jlble prices. from which the operll met in ~aDl,:ma in 1826. Only four this week. as the time for receiving daughter 01 the late Drew Sweet. parent organization. He anticipates of the utilities commission. A. repubhca were represented and Catberine Branstratter He Is survived by his widow, one Same will be seen and heard, a s good for S. of the two delegates lIent by th" application blanks expires February 80n, 17, a student in the Unlvell!lty a continued and even a more ag_ mistake \Vus mude two and four Bertha Flier .eeing and hearing as 'those built gressive oPp08i lion ' in the future, U. S. one died en route and the othI. according to announcement from of Chicago, one daughter, 15, a senyears ago, and if Senutore put for the exhibiton of pearls and daiTbe heavy re ins of laBt week caua. from tbe old creameries. er arrived after the close of the lea- County Agent Class. The State Ton ior In High .sehool, and a sister, Miss power of corporatio ns and utilities monds. D. E. Dunham in reporting on co- above State service an d political pared no li ttle amount ot dlsturbanco .sion.: Nothing much was done, but Litter club Includes all farmers of Carrie Ridge, of Cinclnnstl. The funeral ~ervice was held In in the schools. Last Wednesday and operative marke ting of wool, ex- ty mayb e the Governor Vic may be Givernor Smith, of New York, is ~~~ sld;:r:a:e kteptt a~ In. 18.88 en· Ohio, who produce a litter.of pigs Tbursday the attendance was very pressed a feeling tbat encouraging now a candidate for the Democratic th; ume pun p a o:~rngton lor weighing 2000 pounds or more at sill Chicago on Thursday and the body irregular but by Friday it was agaIn prospects lie ahead f or all co-oper- compelled to follow thl\ style set by WII~ brought to Wnynesville Satur New York's governor and become a nomination In 1928: He intimated ences were h~do~:ter ~r u::onl;r- months of age. All winn ers arc glv. day morning and interred In the fam- almost normal. This -week every ative marketing and especially is this candidate fo r a fourth term. 'One it semi-humorously In. a recent ad- gradually grew. Now th~n Pan-~me~~ en Stllte recognition and a medal of true of wool. Last year more than thing is in good shape again. ily lot In MiamI cemetery, the Rev. thing seem ~ to be certuin, and that ill d~e8S. H,i. followers rn N~w York ieaD Union is housed In a beautiful honor . to wear permanently lIB a Hollister Lynch" of Cincinnati, forAlso. because of the high water. 12,000 pounds of wool were shipped. that Governor Donahey has no illuCIty announced It voclferoualy at an bu'Uding in W hi t th 'f ' f watch fob. the entertainment which was to be The excellent business judgment enthuaiastlc banquet. Andrew Carne~e ng on, e gl • 0 Ton Litter clubs are organized In mCI' roctor of the family, reading the held last Friday evening in the local shown by the officers in charge of the s ions aboult the Democratic nominatin for the presidency, and no other . Other Democrats that would like In 1916 19fe . other states throughout the corn belt committal scrvic:e. Gym, was postponed Wateh and State wool pool was highly com- political offices as far as can be as· the 1928 Democratic Presidential Wall held i~ wall~::i!:: ~~:r;:: all a~med to demonstrate the value wllit for it though, for it will be ene inended. certained. Right now he i8 busy nO\lllnatlon will ftnd in Governor ceedlngs fill ten thl k ) b t Bnd Importance of proper type and W. D. Hunnicutt sent word through trying to g ive a four-sguare adminwhiCh you can not atYord to miss. Smith an opponent that understands the most 8i Iflcant wVo urnes, u management of brood sows, and the Mr. Paul J . Barnaby is a well-known Mr. Wilson that the pressure of of- ist rlltion, and taxing problems and politlca and the American people. ing the relaroDs with Ee::op~~ncern- advantages of raising large litters. fice duties prevented his coming, but stnte issues concern him more than entertainer. When the United States e~tered Effic~ency and economy of pork proreques ted that a dairy meetin~ for does any possible political office that Dfapatchea from BOlton describe the World Wa t h d duction 18 tJius demonstrated by the Mr. Keonestrick, state supervl!or Ridge School n ext Monday evening, could be m enti oned. r everyone wac e d d f ,,' T Litt triple judicial killing In Charlestown with interest to Bee it the other na. fee an care a tue on . ers. of voc[ltional schools, and cou nty su- be announced at which he would State prison, just after midnight tlons of the Pa -A ri f U Hundreds of farmers of OhIO an.d perintendent F . B. Harris, were vis- speak. Col. Thad H. Brown, who retired yesterday. Three young men passId f II n me can aJ? y . other states have demonstra ted theIr Pres ident Miller here annbunced A change in the plan of farming itors at the Wayne T ownship schools ed from th.e electric chair to anoth. wouo ow her example. EIght ability to qUlllify in the Ton Litter at Otterbein Home which will pro- Tues day, J anua ry 25. Everything tbe nominating committee with a re- two weeks ago ns Secretary of State, er . destination .for clubbin .. 'an old of them eventually dec~ared ~ar, five club but only one man in Warren vide a number of rented farms wag was found sa tis fu cto ry. quest that it r eport immediately fol - is now in Washington having report• others broke oft' relations WIth Ger· 't" h f dal ni&'ht wateh\llan to death,' d" d coun y as 80 ar won a me . lowing n oon recess. The meet- ed for duty at the war d epartment announ ced this wef,lk by Otterbein Edward H. Heinlein was first to many an seven remalne neutral. Albert Irons. about two miles Home It is planned to Last F l' idny evenin g the High then adjourned to luncheon served where he is .erving as first LieutenflO. As he walked to the electric One of t~e great~t eft'ects. of the southeast of Lebanon, in 1928, won rent out on share basis ubout 200 School bas ketball team and a few by .the business committee of the ant.tColonel in the Officers ·Reserve .chair, repeating the words of a wdardon Ladtm Amertl~a .fa the lOcreas-- with two litters-one weighing 2275 acres, lying principally in t he Wl'st rooter s went to Franklin and played Lebanon Grange. Co rps. He will be in Washington e epen ence on nell' own resour· h 5 d prayer yb the Reverend .Father Mieh cea and initiative. It alao increas- pounds, and the at er 215 poun s. end of the Ottllrbein territory The afternoon sesion was openell until probably for anotellr week or basketba ll. Everything seemed to -jl) J. Murpby, great cro,!da ,atb- ed the commercial and fI ancial re- whe~ : 180 days old. A committee There will be an opportunity for be against them, however. Sickness with music led by Walter Davis. len days when he ret urns to Columered ?utside, automobl!e horna were lations between them and ihe U 't d of dJsmterested farmers helps the farmers to rent from 50 to 60 acres kept some of our best players home. The nominating comm ittee then 're- bus to resume his· practice of law. boom mg. photol'ltlph,ers' flashll&,bts States. It also reaulted in a n~:w county ~gent follow up the plans up to 600 or 600 Bcres. There ore the high waters kept our rooters at ported for president, C. C. Meloy; Co l. Brown bas ,"ways boen interllKhted up -the crowd. And .a t , the 'attitude of friendliness toward the and certtfy tht; final weIghts. • houses and other buildings on the home, Ilnd Fru)Jklin won the game. vice-president, J. L. Mendenhall ; .\a- este d in army affairs, having served real' exit· from the priaon another United Statea All breeds, crosses and grade hogs proPllrty thus providing a complete dy directors at laTge for County during the World War almost from crowd was waiting to see the tbree On' e . of th • rta t are eligible. Any farmer can enter farm for those, Who desire to rent -t ' This coming Friday evening Steele board, Mrs. Jennie Graham, Mrs. the first to the last duy. Efforts to l . ) 'I' e mos Impo n presI'tt h t A Hig h sc hool from Dayton , i s our vis- Charles Cooli; and Mrs. Chnrle ~ have him talk concerning his future ~dlCI\ carri e d . out. A .Jlec~a :po Ice ent-dilY problems Is that of the as man~ I ers as e cares o. . farming land. 10rf;e ';Vall obliged ta fight the deeply League of Natlons. Nearl all the nomi.natlon fee of only fifty cents IS Beca us e of tbe large dairying pro- iting oppone nt. Come on Wllynesville Hause; delegates to annus l State politicul activities by Washington cor intereSted crowd. Latin American republlea ~elong to ~qulre~ from . ~ach . farmer enroll- ject of Otterbein Home the authori- let's show Dayton what we can dol Farm Bureau meeting , Mr. and Mra. responden ts who lire especially fitIt while tbe Unit d Stat d t mg, whIch permIts hIm .t o any num- ties are to ha l d practica lIy all the The High School teams guurantee C. L. Duke; alternates. Mr. und Mrs. ted for th at gnme have been without . e e8 oes no • bel' of ' brood 80WS PIgs mlltlt be pasture lands, bU't will allow each a good game, and we want Wayne! - C. C, Meloy. results. Tho' many friends of Col. Orowd8 that howled around the ThIS .means that these nations shar. farrowed from Febr~ary 1st to April French guillotine, or that tilted up certam farmer to h av.~ sufficient stock t(l ville to guarnntee a good crowd anJ Tbe report of Miss Watts, Home Brown in Ohio are doing a lot of duties and obligations from 30 . I . their gin bottles as they shouted en· which the United States is excluded. provide his nellds, it is said. The plenty of support. Don't forget. Agent, covered all ~n cs of Home tulking, and it wouldn't be a bit sur• me uSlve. . couragement to murder~n on the These nationa are bound to submit The State rule re~ulres that all lund will be rented on a strictly Friday, January 28, 1927, at 7 :00 Extension work and was most com- prising to see him in t he thick of the Briti.h pllows, were not entirely their problems to the League for enrollments must bo 10 by Februury shBre in crops propositio n . p. m. Don't fail to support your prehensive as well as interesting. fray in 1928. dlft'erent from human beinge at to- settlement, which is mB4e up of ma- 1st, 110 all Intereate.d are urged to The figures and data given proves This plan follows t o some extent own team and schon I. Plans hav e been co mpleted for the day. ny of the EuroP41an nations. The call at county agents . office at .once, the old method used by t he Shapken beyond question that most pJ'Dctical I1roblem is whether the United States or send name and address to hIm by under James Fennessey, who now All the Grade children n1d Mr. and helpful projects are being suc- twnety-first an nual convention of Authontles In Braunschweig pro- will allow these Ellropean nations above dllte. State the num~er of lives in LebunoTl. Cubbe's classes are making posters cessfully carried out under her su- the Ohi o Association o f Builders vince · Iearn that wben religion In~ to atep in and meddle on South brood BOWS kept, and also mclose for the Farmers' Institute, whieh pervision and that she is getting a Exchllnges, to be h('ld in Columbus volves extra taxea many Germans American afi'alre, which would be your enrollment .f ee of fifty centa. will be held Februnry 11 und 12, In most hearty r esponse from the farm next Tu esday and Wedn esday. Pre· ceding the openi ng session of t he get alon&' without religion_ contrary to the policy at the Man- Postage stamps.:~!!._~:ePted. the Gymnasium. Prizes will be of. girls and women of the cou nty. con \l ention, members of the ·exec ufered for the best ot the postal's. (Continu;ed on page 3) Registering as the member . of any roe Doctrine. ManY suggestions ---tive cOlllmi ttee will convene for the church in Germany, you must pay .bave been . made for an American Melburn Hatlhaway died January Come to the Institute, hear the renliering of com mitt ee report s. t he taxes to the State, and the money LealrUe . which will not be ,arbitrary 18, at a sanator:ium In EI Pa.,o, Tex., speukers and see the work. • -= • outlining of a progrum f or 1927 and then goes to t he cliurches. Braun- to the League of Nationa, but as He was the SOli of Roy Hathaway, for s pecial consid eratio n of a legis)8chweig has been obli&,ed to employ yet nothing satisfactory baa been former resident of Waynesville but lative program. The convention will ~ddltional cterka to register those done. It II hoped that the Pan-Amernow of Centerville. and grand~o n of Arthur Hamilton, Warren Coun- be otliciall y opened when President ~at wish to be put down as ''with- lea'n Union cah lie modified so as to . Mil ton Earnhart, of Lebanon. ty's representative in the lower John Clemmer will deliv er the adDut religious faith." sottle the matter peacablr. The remains were brought to Leb house of the Ohio General Assem- dress of welcome, and Phillip P. Gatt President Coolidge has sesnt to anon , where the funeral service was bly, has been appointed to threl' very secretary nl a kes his annual report. J)l!ntlata warn women that excelThe EacH the Senate the nomination of Justin held in St. Fran cis de Sales Roman Important committees by O. S. Gray, Other mp ortant questions to come smoking bTings ' on "ViDc'ent's . • W. Harding. of Franklin. to be Uni· Catholic ' church, Mondpy morning. Speaker of tbe House. Mr. Hamil- before the delegntes will be the J)IMUe," also called the "Trench' ted States attorney for the fint divi- Interment in Lebanon cemetery. On Wednesday ni ght, February 2 ton is on the Committee on Banks building outlook for 1727, the wage ,"outh." This (disease which attack' ____ .aion of Alaska. ---~. - - - - ut 7 :15, the Methodist Church of and Banking, Public Utilities and on rutcs, su pp ly of building mechanics, ed soldiers that had riothlng to do Mr. Harding was recommended for Waynesville will begin a ten days' schools. mechnnic lien legislation, amend-----,. but smoke, while waiting In' the trenCongrel!Bman Charles Brand, 7th the appointment by Senators Frank revival meeting, Rev. R, A. StiUment to workmen'R compensation chea, fa painful, :,.attackl the tlasuee, Dfatrict, O.hio,. WlII a~dreaa the an· B. WiIIi8 and Simeon D. Feaa; of ing, of Springboro, will be the evanact, and a reque8~ of the Ohio ·brick. destroys the i)lma, c;aUS81 bleeding. lIU,al meetmg of the IUinoll Farm Ohio, and the two Ohio senators are The Wayne Township 'Farmers' gelistic singer and have charge of layers, who seek an increase in wagHowever, if women want to 8tnok~ Bureau at Peoria, III" on January to urge his 8peedy confirmation by Institute will be held in the Gym, at the music, and will prellch on FcldllY es to $1.76 an bour, and u five-day dentists won't s~p' them. This ~- .28th; the ,Ohio Dairymen's lea,u'e the Senate. His candidacy was in- Wayrt~svi11e, on Friday and Satur· night, February 4. Rev. J. C. RobThe continuous rains of last week \veck. te.r tried tt .In vII In, twenty·five yean at the Ohio State university on Feb. dorsed by leading Republicans in day, February 10 and 11. ' The erts, of Blanchester, will preach on caused the Little Miami to overflow ago, by w,rnlng women · tlat Imoll;. ~ 2ndj and the annual meeting Ohio. State speaken are W. D. Zlnn, of Saturday night, ' Sabbath momin&, the bottoms and the avenue, and it ing makea their nOlea re~, ana .m.lfll!l .ot' " ~e ' Micblgan Farm Bureau at Mr. Harding I. a native of Frank· Phillippi, W ~t Virginia. and Mn. and night, February 6 and 6. Saba fa said the Miami Valley has expetheir moultclllhea IP'OW. Still fliey, lla.,..dng, Mlch., on February 8rei. · -tin, and practiced law for several D. S. Bachman, of Columbus. Both bath, February 6, will be observed as rienced the highest water since 1913. wouldn't atop. , ,. ; " ' , Hia lubject will be the' .McNary. years in Lebanon. . He Is a graduate of these speaken are of the highest Decision Day in the Sabbath IIcboo). For several days the avenue was imThe following real estate deala ' . • _. . ' ;;I' .. ' aaucen BJU,"Wh.tch will be ,v~"1i up· of Phillips-Exeter academy, and the c:\sss, and all who attend will be We. would be grad to see the en. p_ble and mails were taken and lVere put through the ~ Paat II _1_ onAn . C6~ 1!I, the ~.rly part. of Univenity at Michigan. , H41 fa a ~eat'y benefitted. · . tire community rally to the support brought by the way of Roxanna. week. The Cemetery Ass!). aold the , paMle . a . 1 of .. ' r..brlllllTo ( , veteran 'of the - World War, havin&, ,W atch for the progTllm in next of these. services imd every person ' • - .. Allie Hole property all Fourth .. '. . .\ .,' .' " - . . 1 -. _ entered the service in May, ·19·17, 'as week'1I lasue. , , In the community attend. eacb iertr t Oh I Sh M nl• 'Well1n~~ AIl "Btar. .J) ; . .. n ~. i 'I ' a c!aptain of Infantry, l-ater he w~ , ," ._ ~ . Vice. These aervicea are intended, . cy' s eet 0 at' es utts: J'II. ton, p)IIYe,d. th~ if... Tllel'l ~d ~~iIt '.' , t,~rop'o,~ ~\ll. ~.. 'pl'Qmoted .to in~jbr. , ~e p~ the ~' t for' the help of ~e -entire commu- , . " . ' . ~~~:~aI'lB·~:a:~r;~~:~t~~onEt.~:.: In all snappy . . . . " " " ', ",," , ., . " '.greater .,art of 1,919 In· AJuka, and . .~, ~ I' nity. , · · A,tendance at c~urch services ~as street. and John 'l'h.Rm80n ball parJ!lnyed In' t1)e . ~~.~, I.I'wW p; Wotfe, bue 'operaWl' at. la said to ,be familiar with conditions, ' '. '. ~ ' Come an.d lend s' belpinlr bani!, Il!1all In WaynesvlU? Sunday morn· chased the l:irick houee oa Main . !t· Stars. '19, • . WDqiiqtOn, baa 'petltioned the Ohio tliere. ... . Twenty.four Qreene and Warren and it }Yin do you ,ood;· ·.'Pre~ lng, due . to the shppe~y condition street, . o'c cupie;' by W:Ji..~.Bnale,. Come IPld ..... pia,. 'nat Ten OUbUo UtUlu. for penltlseioll .. to .. Mr: Harding fa a fermer >ft\ember county. flU'JD.n have ,Jormecl a cow- to . 'meet 'lour God." ' ''Put thine of the IItreets. The temperature and owned by W, B. ~~ . '.. "l'Iaen! ill aJ( Jadepenitnt-< team 1N dl - ..'~rt ' . b~ route fr,om Wilmington of ilie Oblo General Aasembl,., hay· telting uap:dltion; with 'Frank' Wolf house tn order for th~Q .halt. aurel)' feU Saturday night IIDd the rain • _ ., '. , up' ot ~' School ~_ E\" ~o 1..banon" via B;arve7lburc, W,,.- ing aerved, ln the 83m, 84th nd 86th of Xenia, .. president. Other of- die." "What would It prollt · a DWi tUr,led -to ice, mak~ traveling lor .; , . , 10M ~,.... . . . ,w..VllI. ad Corwblj aceo....... to .the General Aasem~li81 .as ~ reprea.n- leera .... : ' Yl~e-pr.4d.nt, Walter if he pin th. whole world and 10M p~esttian. and 'autoe very daqer- Messn. UUl ~ , L.ook ¥; \tate. . We WUm~" N.-...TvUl'llAl. ~D~ \ad.. ~m Warren couut" . Ellis, HarvflPb1ll'lr~ ucretaI7,' Law- bil own lOuL" . ous. About noon the hmperat)lrt! Miller ' attendecl the ~ 01: II-" ..,. troa aft ...... odt of ¥t tlda JJenDIIiIoli .. IrUted W&J'1l'" Mr. Barding Jw mat frieMi In rence -N.blt!. LOveland; ....tant ~~and worshlp with U, and we bepll to rise and the lee 1001\ dill- bum Ba'tba'fl'Q' at LdIu~II, wna4 lit . . . , _~_ W~.. "lao willi Idm - - . \ftUUrV, Coy. XeJda. will do tbM ~ appeared. . W monUq. INTERNATIONAL ·.RELATIONS OF LATIN AMERICA



Clifford S. Ridge

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Member of Committees


Will Addreal Farmer.


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Re 11 Estate Deal.

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Illlnmv1" 'tBeeauso tbe i1nys ar I ng'r,"

Walter McClur e I) Jo E~ McClure FUNERAL D1RECTQRS


Fully Equi pped for Good Service. Large Display Room. Ambulance Service TBLEPHONli1 7


\~~~0~1~~~~~~n?;~;~r~2~cn.tiQn~Or 1:;:~il!~'hi!~~~~:!i3:d ~\~I J.:i~i{ ·.~3


"Nefti' borr 'iN 'money from ~h lll lllan, he 11 a Shylull. In whiter be . tak • 60 per ~ nt, and in Ku mmer • t~" . .. Ilt wby docs h tnlie PlOI'" ill

W.ElflH ANNUAL ~';f:::' i::::~~~e~ftat~c e~· COMMI SSIONERS' ~LOWA~GES. tilt of mtlndu L. McKay, 611:11 hla fROM' COURT HOUSE \'x~v~p~~ CLUB WEEK AT IIccount. \\ IIldron Gilmour, III quest, Artltllr D Bluckburn, exeoutor of $2 J.OO: The Leb non Patriot, prQoe the c8tulci of Thon;lls H Blackbur n, of Jlublicutiol) , $G; l'ho Lebnno n .NEW UTTS COLUMBUS, O. 111 d his and final account I'lI lriot. !l.50; n. . . Bevis,

Ann 'l H II . Gw ln \'S. G,\'in f,)I' divorc~. lI\II1')!'nret A. IInl11i1l li n vs. \\' . 1I :\lllill<' l\ (ur 'div or e. :\tllrri~ 1 . Si ~1101\tOI\ th e Il~tn tl' of .-\h·y F .

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execulO I' of \' ~.

Simo nton

A licc A " l.tock a ll d G or~e A. Moon,

tllon',,·,\" on lv. Frt·" Kllhn V~. Ode Jordan lind th e l.c1.)lIIIU II-Citizl'ns Nalional bu nk III1d Tru,L Company, for money und 01 her r<,\ief.

flO I'


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,J. Q: ::;hupcrt, administrator . of tho estate of J ames W . loore. flied hi~ first and finn\ lIccount. EI'n ~st . Manu o n. execu or of the estate of Jom es Clellv"r, filed his first lind finul UCCOUllt. n wos orde red tillit a ~unl ' diun b nppoillh'd for Earl V. 1I(·rh ~l. wh o IS on tined in the Dnyton Stnte hos· pilDl. ada D. Herbs t wus appointed gunrdlun of Enrl V. He rh t..

PROBATE PROCEEDINGS MARRIAG E LICENSES Cou rt or,lcred that a wnrront be Juntes Inn ITend er so n, brakeman , issu"d Lo ,hC'l'itT Brnnl comlllanu ing of Lebnnon and E1I1l F. rances Werhi nt 10 bri ll~ Edward Paillter before line, of Wayn c~v ill e. t he ('oUl'l f o r ~xnminlltil1n . Rob rt 111. West. f arm er of Vun Pr,,"f <'f publiento n of the apr oint Wert and Edith M. Rob insI' n, of . Betzle r. liS ad- F ranklin. m c nt of Audrey m illi "trntri" of thC' estllte of C. B. ChariI'll Clifford tiffy, "cclion Oil over, was fil"d. hAnd of Orego ni u. and Ethel Ma c After duC' eXllminuLi on, court or- Bellson, faclory worker. of Lebad ered thul npplicaLion ' be made to nun. tlIe Darton State hospitnl fo r lhe a dmission of Edward Paintel·. REAL ESTATE TRANSFE R5 E lmer Sheehlln, admi nistruto r of t he 'es tate of Ruchel Pine Cam pbell, J oseph B. French to Mary C. Bnu~h fi led his first, fina l and dist r ibu- 1.30 t own acres n \vu ~hingt ow ll ti ve acc ount. township of Wurrell cOUlIty nnd W. l~ . Eltzrot h. administrato r of Vernon town ship of Clintol\ county . t he est.ate of Elizubet.11 D. WoodJose ph nnd Hel en Ertel t o C. J. b ury. filed his first, and final acco n nt Worley, 2 town lots ill Foster pnrk . Co urt ordered that a certified copy A I'\ll'eline F. Devitt 10 Elizabeth 0 f lh(' entry determining the inheri- B. Bllily • . 50 town ncres in Wayne a nee tax ~o be paid by the estate Tp. 0 f Ella Ford. be certified to the lIudElizabeth B. Baily to Alfred O. it or. Dcvtl, 50 town ner es, sume. Proof of publicntion of t he apRaymond and Mabe l Poll y lo Geo. p ointment of Ernest C. Mannon. ex- E. H ull , 1 tow n lot in F rnnklin . e eutor of the estnt e of James ClenvlIIrs. l one Jones to George and e r , was recorde d. Elizubeth \l!ueller. part of a lot II Proof of publication of the ap- Pleasan t Plain . p ointment of E. . Dunham as adAnnu L. Pottorf to Clifford W. nlinistrator of the estate of Snmnn- lind Funnic I VunHorn, 35.GO acrcs t ha J . Zentmeyer, was recorded. of land in W~yne Tp. Proof of publication of the npElgie and Ad a Colebnnk to John point ment of Frllnces B. Davis was and Anno· Fischer , 34 acres of land r ecorded. · in Clenrcreek Tp. Mary E. Trisler, nd ministratrix of Elisha Phillips find J oh n H. Philt he cstute of James T. Trisler, filed lips to W. C. Lewis, 1 town lot in her first and fina l ncco unt. A \'nlon Heights. Mary E. Rogers, g uardian of SaW. C. Lewis find E mma Lewis to mantha J . 'Zentmeyer , filed her BeC- Lizzie Drake, 1 to wn lot in Avalon and and final acco unt. Heighls. Belen L. Robinson, administratrix Silas and Lizzie Droke to W. C. of the estate of Callie Robinson, fil- lind Emma Lewis, 1 town lot in ed her in ventory and appraisement. Deerfield T p. Benrilltta D. Jnckso n was apA. B. and Carrie Brandenburg t o pointed administratrix of the estate E. R. and Luerna Stevens, 1.20 town of Susan B. Thoussen and filed ap- acres in 4th Tp. plication for appolntmll_~ t of appraisD. C. Darrah to George E. Ball, ers. 2 town lots in Franklin. Barry J . Voller was appointed ad-r J. M. Bakes to Mary E. Hakes, 2 tlllinistrator of the estate of John town lots in Middleboro.

Dr. John W. Miller Ic


Denti.t NaUoDaJ BaDa. Blal.

DR. E. M. RUDOLPH . n.

Er. SpeciaJl·t

At Cary's Jewelry Shop Lebanon, Ohio

Every Tuesday • •00 .. m. to 4 p. m.




I ;rBEAD · .STO,C~




Ban...... Fertilizer Co.

~. ' ~~VEYSBURG, O.



.. ,

A Gripping Story of the ·E arly West

trl'lItlllcnt for rabi<!R, $50 ; MeG tchin s Phllrnuh· Y. sUl?plie •.. $1.8~;. : J . WngltonCT, ' I'n-ICcJ;, $fiO: ~Imr;t Worl ey. ~1I1l1C. $ riO ;D. W. Bishop, SU pp!iI'S. $0; The B ~ok ' ho p, SU OlO, IjOc; The BOI)k ShOll, 8111lle. GOc; Th,' Book Shvp, ~nllle. 10c; The Wes Iprn Stnr, ~nm (~ . $4; The Western Slu r. !<JlIlIe. $5; The 'olumbns TUu nk Book Co .. ' ~ lIm~, 6.25 ; Ed D. Th ompson. supplies nn tl 1111101'. $28. \15; Ell D. Thum pso n. "IInW, $ 18.06; The I1l1 kin I II:;UI'll II Cl' Agency. prem ' ium, $G~: EII:!t End COll i Yllrii. COll i SI!: The State o f Ohio \'s. Killdllrd Burn " criminlll cost. $1:1.10; The ~tntl' IIf Ohio vs. lT enry Berger, MIm e, $ l a . 1Il; Th Stntl' of Ohi o '·s. Ifurm on lIil1, sum~ . $13.10; The ;; tntc of Ohio V". (,hllrlc' f>lrKl'cvl'I' ~n l1l(" ~20.01i ; Th e ~tnte uf Uhi" vs. rtlllrlc ~ Wnrd. "n llle S20.~\l; Th,' Stu ndard Oil Cl'.. I'IIS nn il ni l, $4 1. 24 ; W. II . 1I1uddcn ulld 0 ., s upplil·s. $.1:1.80: Hoy E . Miller, exr Cn ""R, $ Thl' Ohio Cor r, u ln·l·t (' 0. , se WI'r, S120.!IO; Ed D. Th{IIHPSOJl,


S2 .:I ~:

Lewis and

Drak .. Inc .. coul. $:! I; Will. Wl'isC'r, j:!'rllnl, $!1.60; Wnrre n rton. "time, $~. ·IU; Su m Wh itllcr(·. bricl)te rcpnir. $:1.15: Eugene ll nrp er. ""TIl·. $ Hi.! 0 T~t('

Dakin I n sura nl'll l pr llliul11, $4;

Th e Stllte of Ohio ,·S. (,hllries HowIll'll, crimi nlll COlltS. 13.n6 .

Ill' II {l'I' "

A n air Rervkc expC'rl

Centerville; O.

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.. \U 111-: \1 / 1'11 1.l:!t " . ' I ' U I!: AI IU ; :jlj H. III .. 'I' lll '~ dor. Dr . E. H, U a ,\ hU I'H t, prllf, '.o,l :&u I' uf l-"ullllc !-I r utl.h at PI1 I\' (>f!'t ll ,v . t o ld U~ " Il u.w tu l' e l ' jI WE'll wl11 10 In l·o l uJl\hll~." lit , ~wld I hnt w(' 1I11 1~ l u i,. . y IIl(' HaUl laws. ,,' .-' Wt'I·'-' n Ul Ilf r ll id of l h!! m ille or leo c rCll m H$ ntl lIIilk l~ IHUHtlt' r i7. ' Ii anl l co m,·:! (1'0 111 l "f41HCd h C'f "" or <'8 t t l i , . 'I'll" 'Wilt r Itl 811 f t.' , aM It run .i throu~h 1\ tlltrnticH1 plnnt. I t ('u~ lM tw o t.:'tHlts

f~tU;HI~Ood t ~\ ll~~" 1~\~~l~~:~1O~ 11~ ,:i~nc :~r,r ' :! :

LhlH n ~rHu l1 H11IOllflL o r !odlUi' lJ reNi"·n l In the wRtu r o r t ood pr(' \'~lIl s J{OIt ClL

Hwhlllili n l: 1' '''01 8 are no l"t uc tl y 1'h,' y havu Harl! l C IJ In Colu ill . as it I~ 111111.](.' trom doubIY' -dINttll"41 wnter . t TI1(· h o t o l rooms l\r e sufe. HI'- u()vlHou IlN n o t t o l'u~h In ~'n 8 0 o r flr"c. H e approv d lit " nccl na. .. lIun ( or \'url o ua dlseluh!8. A cco r d .. Inl( t o his tnlk we shOU ld walk ,y lth O Ur loes Rtf'nlgh t nhCllu nnd wear brond- t oed .shoel, !i;().('.h per80n shou l d have nln hount oC Bleau cncth n igh t. \ ' 0\1 should n o t h Ood t o nd\'c rti e o.mel1 t 8 of tlirfere.n klnd d o f m e dicine. Th ero wna o nl y one h N lllh m aga.zlne which ho npllro ,' ed or a nd thut was [h e " H y· !fen,' \\' h lch h(l t hought 8h ou ld bo in n il sc hool libraries. Th C'

enrl.·, l,u~

"Ut e " l unch th \\' l1l1ng Work e r8' Olub , ot Li c kin g county. gn " 6 a d e m ons tralion o n t ho prOPer ,wa y lO co n du ct n clu b 11l (>1 · lI ng. ond 1\180 ll n e rrl!c lh"c

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II0 311il Ir.C Cl:\'().' III ('S 1 .J1lC'l'Vnr~ At 3 : 00 p , moo l\th,,~ Grn ce \\T a lker cho ee rut h er 8uhJecl. " M y I ~oo m.' " ~h hnd n gro up uf tH'r hom(1' eco nomics clafi8 of lh e- l ' nh' pruJLy lo gh'(' n UCUlOnlftrutlOH o n the (\t'l'a n gclll c nl or 11 room. ' \, 11\) 11 th (l c urtain "Otl drnwn.


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Th.e gir l Wll9 6 UI.poseu to th H I'nom did nOl k n o w how t o llrr·n n,l{e It I JI'OI)(" 'ly, A grOU tJ ot he r girl f rlt'ndH cOll8(' nt ud t o come 80 nu! afte rn oo n n fHI hl' h> he l', 1"h c}" CU ln O n n d wh n th o)' Iha ll ri n l lih rc l t..h~ r oo m )oo k f:d ver,· n ice, Th e g il' l S to l d h e r thal IS h c sho llJd j oi n th ~ lOris' !tuu m h n l)or- .. c lub nnd lIlhe WOUld l ea.rn th I n. nt fae to J's rc~nrcJlng t il'" lJroJH!r ar ... r:lll1l{ertl c ut or II. roo m , r o om.

0 '\'11

'-"0 ".:: ,'1/1'1-1 '1',,\ LI<' " 'ctlnesday m or n i ng nl 10 : 30 u n tn. l ("relH lng ,h eillth t n lk .wns g{ve n b y MI.. ClndY8 ·oon. or t'he Nntlon·. 1 I,I §·I'E..~


s how. She tol d U9 thaI we mu"

Im ugl ne th ll We w e rt: nuto l1l o' llles , Ie OU r p rl\' lIe b c t o chos e th o kind


( ,t

n mac hin e that wa wanl. "'to b e. " e us uully lik e t o !s ee p 9U " Ilut() mobll " .

On 1\ good ga r nge. n.nd 80 We mus t k eep OUI' hom es ol ean anti n ea t us th (y nre our gnrngNl, \V c nhvnY8 lik e l O k ee p OU r nl/lch ln es high l y poll.hed. lIk c wlBo with our bodi es We mu st

lenst th o wn y. do to wash b eth lnd the mud-

g-un r d8 <th e ears) . O ur a utomob il es 'r0n' t r u n un l ess t h oy hav e 0. b o.t ery . She suggcosted (or o u r ba UerY! a. small • box or bask e t oc n tn Jntn g t rul l s co.! ren l. . milk , voge tnbles and nil at ho" rood. n cded by the body. We nls o I<n-ow that OUr mu.chl n e81 won*t run u nl e •• wo keep th o r:ldlntor tilled. 80 \ VO H1U8t d r ink pl e nty of 'w a t er 'Ve don ' l lik e to C1"lve a mnchln o tha't you have to crank . 80 w e m us t IULvo a solf s t a rt r on our In,(lchJ ne. thaI: i s. we

The only fellow wh o ean afford to drink bootleg liquor is t he one who has seen all ther·e IS to see anyhow. Europeans say t hat during the year 1926 Am eri ca lost caste, which is the first t ime we knew t hat we mu s t not hax e ~o be cOR.xed or drug hand any. a 10 nl;, and w e mu s t ge l un without hnvt ng to be cnlled 0. number or tim es A Cleveland mlln in n French vil- ' Yo havo t Q Ihl1\, o Ou r m aC hln os overu Jnd eve r y BO ort e n, lJ k owhJO with lage who gnve (!ach me mber of a hu t ho body. 'h c u.lth oxnmln ntlo n (\rc n ochatallion a n Amelriclln dollnr bill was lIIade nn honorary corporal of the ol'gani zation. Maybe if he had loosened up for a ten s pot he could hnv/' go t to be a brigadier generul.


c on l t! ~t

1"1'\' 111



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IJI ..·. '.H

Will. '


Buick reliability is one reason why the. majority of new Buicks every year are purchased by old Buick owners.


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LOAN. 0 11 Chllttels.Stocks, Securl- ' . ties and Second Morlgages. Not•• bought. J ohn Harbine Jr., Xenl .. Ohio. .m30-'26

For they have discovered the great Farmers, Attention! pleaSure of own- Farmer! of Wuren and adjolnln. counties may obtain money on Ion. lime loans. at 6 per cent Interut. ing a car with one Cost of securing the same is very r ••. sonab le .through The Federal Land s"feguard after Bank. For further Information eall on or Address M. C. DRAKE, Tre.,. another in its de- urer. phone S I6·X , Lebanon, Ohio. WANTED sign, to preven.t Mrs. Jam es Kerrick. trouble. WANTED- Sewin g ot P


Keelor Garage Lebanon, Ohio







IF you need a new set of Bandll f9 r yo ur car, coli Frank W. Cre"" 0J26 ph one 83-2 '.2.


." Id more enjoyable motor car!



Buy a Buick. Itisa ..".. .)r~ r-! -, .dable

k ee p th e m c l en n . l al(e n bnLh at r org~ t

II I. .

.\! .I' I ...·l·, :ltlvll ... I II til u:t j\1 ' QlIl

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lu ,\\dl r alld nUlg t.' we r e U.III.!i" 8. \I WI ' t!luk 1" up ,'r l 'u r' O or vu r tJo(l lc8 ,tlld Itlll th, ' 1"ll P"!' tU. I. t. .·'0'; .' 1'::\ '1'1':., S t ' IIUI ,_" 1t 8 U .. ·!t Thai ( ' \ " ' Il,ng l:nuHla \ I \'lU ll prUHtl n-

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1I11 1'fl' I ' ~II)' ~\' 1I11 1 ; \"1l1l11 r H. " (Ull I· ~l." Th, ' ";'"111114 \\ I..! I ..' dldd o d In IV ftllli dl fft!' , li t Ii:lllallll ll.-l , II lil a· lU I" In I hhll.!,\,!J (I f ~· tH · ll. j "'I1 { ":oi l g 1111 \1



1 ~.27 .

Phone No. 320 ~l!~

, \t tl .V II a

to ~clling goo d pred iet inns thc furmer has it on 011 the rcst of us. ( A judge ut ~ I illllli, FI(l dda. frce d nine loners because th e Mifl nli jlli l WIlS too cold for CUm fort. Cu1iforn ia JlllpC'rs plense copy. Tlie Fren ch now suy lhe British owe them billions for the ellre of wllr prisoners bo·ck in 1803. Now t he British will dou btless rep I), by sending in u bill for the bourd and lodging of WilIill!ll the Conq uero r and his 'Soldiers, duo since 10G6. A matrimonial expert says th e kind of a g irl f or a fell ow l o marry one with a big appetite. This may be the kind to mllrry but it is not the kind to take with you to a night club. A scientist at Philadelphia t r(lc~ s nia n back t o a primitive fish. And sometimes we think tha t most of u ~ haven't got fur a way from Ule home plale even yet. A lot of £ell ows who celebroted the New Year with bootleg liquor are unable to look forward to anythi ng. Mussolini over in Ita ly hns bnlTed the dancing of th e Charleston and the BlackboUom. Probably he is fenrful lest they might start up old Vesuvius a gai n. "London Phone Girls Learn Our l\','um bers," says a headline in t he New York Tim ~!s. They'll have to show us. The De po rtme nt of Agriculture is bringing t o Ame rica f rom Chi·na a giant strawberry, the eating of which, it is said, will make one bea u tifu!' If this is true why don't t he Chinese eat it thllmselves? A New York bird fancier was fined $25 for promoting a fight in his -hop between a hawk and a cnnur y. The hawk won, t herelby proving thnt the fight wasn't fixed.

New Burlington,D.

Ohio J'n rr1l 0r, 'r hoJ'f~ \\ (' 1 j ' nil .\ It I"" " II t'ou nty m,l n , hU l M r. I ",,-'\')'1 11' 1 · "JlI't, ~ . 'lI h\ { 1 G r oe n co ullt y . U .e I ~ \\\.'11 ktlu" II ntj u n 11I8Utut t.· Hp,·nker. J\ re\\ \ , .;\ I'~ a~o h u ttuokl.· ut \\ nyne»-

flying is snfer t.han sta nding uehiml (:nt 1lJ I' ;\ \ ' 1\' 11.1 11 d ldn't u lojuc1 Wt' ..:ulllil li h'I' ' :1'111111111:1 1.1\'l.'I~·. the busilless enn of n mule. But thut l 'lI 1':/11 ' 11 d:I~ ' w.· \\' ,111 1(1 ~p" nt1 an Il n ul' \ ' k~ tllll' nlerit if tr u(! d n c~ n ' l pro\'e Ihnt l\· trh .\ll t-!'! J\IIIII,' II IH' h fIl H\1I o f ti l l ur T :dk lll ~ .\II1 Cld ",· ""' Ulllnn), wh,} adalion is Jlllrt il'l"nrl~' healthful. II.H I ellal .:, . I) r t l h"~ II t'l1I"~ (':d lkd "~I,, · .\ PJl I· ..·l· l:ltiull .. tht.· \'urlous MeAll ngl'icu1tu ra l ('xl'('rts rrrdict ,."it.It' I ' I jO II S \\ ",'t' 1,la ,\ (.l , 1 xl " , \\' o.)ul ,1 tel l thnt fa rming is gtl in~ to La IllO l'e UM !lIt). f:i l ury Ihul lh C!y bro u gltl tv h,' r prllSp rOUt; in


Early for Yo'ur Sale Date8. We Guarant ... . Sati8fart:ion or Charge Nothing.

Mil !" ,


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• I· ,W. ·I'I' III IH 1" hv SeT1a to r f"Ol) llo r , of Kiln -

h/'l alt(:. "" t,




F. I -. Martin Jesse Stanley Auctioneer s

Phone No.2

. b · 1l




The II "'Ite of Janle8 F. Trisler wn" ucres or land in townshl" No.4 .




FOR SA LE- Cypress incubator, 240 egg capncity. Mrs. Dallas Bocer, Route 3, Waynesville, Ohio. SPRAYING IS AT HAND-When in need of a n ew sp ray pump. no matter how large or small. spray ho.. , nozzles, complete pumps, leathere, rubber packings, etc., call on THE BO CKLET-KING CO., 415 W. Main street, XENIA, OHIO. tf FOR SA LE-Red. Shorth01'11 Bun, 7 mo . old; also two 3 mo. old; ea. be registered; and tested for tuberculosis. J . Wilson Edwards. .fZ


PIPE. VALVES AND FITTINGS for all purp oses. Bocklet'll line of plumbing and heating lIUj1pliell ..... best. TH~ BOCKLET-KING CO. 416 W.· Main street, Xenia, Ohio. U



--- - --- --~-

Subscribe for the Miami Gazette.

Shorter and Fewer


Former books by this great Americall writer are "Circle K," "The City of the Sun," "Bar B," .and "White Indians." You will enjoy "Clay Chimney Trail:'

7 his thrilling story will begin in the Febniary 2nd of

Issue For '.

The Miami Gazette "Clay Chimney TrsU" --a story from the West, by E dwin Legrand Sabin-moving fast In plot and actlon_nd complete In twelve instnlments.

111 "Clay Chimney Trail," our new serial story, first instalment of which will reach you next ...k, the ac:tion Iltarta in one of those ruil ghost camps of 1885. which aprung up ov.ernight--to lift a beetle six months before railroad builders pushed tendrils of steel in to the west--and. with the.. Weat the men and women- leaving in the wake--only black, stark, crumbling chimneys of l


, 4 p~1m

rides' wu't to these scenes-advised by t)1e family doctor to find' a ' clime high and dry •

. ~lo" , bi8 train r eaehes the Wyoming state line--actioO: !!tarts 'f or him and his state of health is "!IOGB torcotten 'in the whirl of adventure-both dramatic and romantic during the .twenty wakeful ~~an of the vivid dal17" life in Benton, Wyoming.

T" tII_"'

a~. ~u


trains'; gambling fllm-8am of the Bill' Tent--two-gun w.eaterne~wh5s­ b ~ bad interest; a battle ' to the death" "Indans al!d tqen-t~clng East the JI'OirIIi .. lIot alone, because Blue.eYe& go with ' blm_nd is hapl1Y.

~.·Next se~n women's sldrta /will ' be s h.ortel'-;-also less will -be worn underneath.1 We have this start-

ling. fallhlcin statement from. no les8 an authority than lime. Ger. maine De Cu8OpaC, noted sty1in in Amedc:a from ParIJ. LIUd _ armed ,._

_...TH E MIA M i

GA ZE TT E••••



. Pub lic Salea




LOng-guWering tallor- "You reOHlee -Aman Bldl. W. P. McCnrr en made a business I Mr. H. M .. Clark spent Thursda y Co.mmaBit ,. Sale Ju.a"" 27 cently inherIte d money. Why not trip to Detroit, Wednes day; in Dayton. pay me whnt you owe me?" OPFICI HOURI J. F_ Dl.brow;; ;""2 D_ 1.. CRA~E, Edi~or a~d Puhli.h er, Wayp •• vllle, Obi.. Ris client-- "[ wQulcln 't, like pooMrl\. A. B. Gmnpte ll is criticall y Mrs. Ellen Copsey. spent last week Wm. F. ~1I.;' 9 to 11 II. m. 3 to 5 p. m. Februa r, 7 plo to think that inheriti ng ill nt her home on Seco nd street. mone y with relative s in Dayton. 7 to \) pm. ' Subticrh ,tlon PriCQ, $1.60 per yenr. I Curti. It Allen hilS chllnged my habits." Februar y 8 Mrs. Horaco Stump isablc to be ' Mr. William Long, Sr., Teleph haa one.l been E. W. Ro •• ()ut agaill, foll owing two weeks of ill since Frida.y, with neuralg Februa r, 10 Office • 80 ia. Reside nce • 69F2 D_ R. illness. ty TAKE THAT Februa r, 14 The Longac:re family have all been The .M. E . Misiso!l ary society held sick with grippe the past Edward Cook Waynesville, Ohio Februar y 15 week. thei r r egular meeti ng Thu rsdny n!WEDNESDAY . JANUAHY 26. 1927 "Now, th en, whnt. s houl d II polite Mr. nnd ~fl:s. Cla ud e Lewis enter- J. S. Thom.o n Februar 23 y ternoan . little boy BUY to " Illdy who hil S tnined the Cn.rd club, Monday evengiven him Il penny fol' cll rrying her William Luk ens, Paul Cutrigh t ing. I The Beco nd Comm unity sale will parcels'! " and Churles Dost er attende d th e A GOOD SLOGA N Mrs. William Bergdal l and daugh- be held Ilt the Fred M. Cole Ware" I am to o (lolite to say it, madGrn nge Worker s' confere nce at Lebter, Gladys, were Dayton visitors, r ousos in Waynes ville, on NOTARY PUBLIC am." unon , W cdne"da y. Floridn hilS c hose n "Optim' hm a nd , Saturda y. ihunda W nrk" as the Stot e slogn n, f ollow." JaDuary 27, 1927 Nallon.1 Bank Mr. and Mrs. George Denny, Mr. Mr. a nd Mnl. Wilbert Swank spent In J(' the big wind nnd tempora ry lund (Contin ued from page 1) Beglnni ni at 12 :30 o' clock. Go;;'ds lind lIIrs. Hownl'll Grnhom. Dr. miiJ A LITTLE AT A TIME Will. Sunday Drawn a t th .. .. ......E.tat•• S.ttl•• e home of t ormer's un- such as Manure Spreade r, live· S:UI11 I). It·s an excellen t slogan , es111 r~. Mu rrny D. Lincoln, executive sec- and II. E. Halto n a nd Miss Nelli e cle, north of Dnyton. pecially if you put th e henvy nccent stock, hogs, grocerie s , dry goode, Paul Cutri ght were in WilmingWayne aville. Ohio "cta ry of thc State Farm Bureau ton . Monday on "W o r k., t Accordn g t o a morning paper woMr. Clyde Cox visited Mrs. Cox at fence. posts, hllrdwar e. etc., will be . . Florid a's futur e is uRsured as one Cedernti oll , th en gnve us one of his men sold are to now the high buying est bidder. dresses on the Mr. I1l1d Mrs. W. C. Wnlker, J ohn Stillwu ter sanntor ium, Saturda y, and of th e grent nntionnl BU;' pllrlors. charncte ristlc hard-he aded. straigh t instalm ent system. We seem t o have COMMUNITY SALES CO. r~p o rts her doing fine. In cidentall y. ut this mom e nt •. Y(IU fr om the shou ld'cr t a lks. Cor which Ke nn ell}'. Mr. und Mrs. W. 111 . Ma· Been some of th em wearing the first W. N. Sears, Auc t. Messr s. Albert Stacy and Russell CUll 't for lo,'c, money or pull , engage he is noted. To h ellr t his nddress thiuR li nd M i A~ es Mab el und Margainstalme nt. Tr~ the Miami Ga.ett. 'f or Job Work ret alone Sturr, Burnett was nil wo of r mot th Dnyton, one ored half th e unn ual to Richmo nd, Ind., spent SunHaving rent ed our farm, we will rooms f or the SCR" OIl ut t he big Plllln <Ill du Y with es. on th H e business oi r relat ives here. first discusse d. the proposofl'er at public a uction on the farm , Thursda y. Deuc h hotels. known as the isaac Wilson fa rm, 3 Another J('llod siogull for Florida ed legisluti on looking to ward furm Ur. und Jll rb. 11 . E. Ha tto n enterMr. Kerr Routzah n and son, Carl, mileH north of Harveys burg, 6 miles would be "Gi,'c llR rnilroad men li ke relief. He is not convinc ed thnt it tllincd tu /I 6 o'clock dj nn er and of near Centerv ille. visited Mr. Guy east of Waynes ville, on the New ",,, ul d in the end help th e far mer. " oUO" Ilft,·rwll S. Div icR Wnrtftel d ." Trall ~ p orto­ rd .on Tuesduy even- Routzah n an d family, Sunday . Burling ton and Harveysb urg pike, tion is to 1\ State whut blofld is t o t l might if alwn ys adm inistere d by ing. th e ( oll .. willg gUCHt~: Dr. an d On accoun Wodne. day. Februa r, 2, 1527 t he Carmer t of icy or r oads, hi. friend Rev_ R. The Cnrm Mrs. W. E. Ogl(,H"y, Mr. and MrB. the body. Mr. Wurlfiel d. a born fight e r. und orgnni 7.nlion has been function in g A. S. Co llett, Mr. and Mr s. Clint A. Still ings was un able to fill the .. .. Comme nci ng at 10 o'Clock, the f ol pulpit at Lytle Sunday afternoo n. lowing:· 4 horses. 2 brood 80WS, a .ucces~flll in the fnc e of vicious op- for six y'e nrs and the fight is on ly Clenvc r . Mr. nnd Mrs. Hownrd GraFordson tractor and applianc es; lot positio n. hus forced new branches of "('gun. Muny oC the deducio ns were hum, Mi ss Nail Cu ll et t, Mrs. E. B . Mr. and Mrs. J . B. Jon es, Mrs. harness an d farming impleme nts. his S('nbu ard Ai r Line sys tem in based u(lon most in terest ing stutis- iJ oster and William and Charles Dos- Allen E mrick and Mrs. Lester KenJ . F DISBRO W & WIFE Florida. carrying ' pnsse ngers direct tiCH The Carme rs' weal th is stupen- te r. r ick spent Satu rday in the Gem City. Martin &' Stanley , Aucts. from th e North to Miami without dous but th e Nation's we ulth is inTh Mr. e M. and E . Mrs. Aid met Harry cr easing in th Graham e Aid while pnratt he agricult ural chunge of cnrM. I will sell at public auction on my A Cnr-sigh ted rllilrond mll n is 08 wealth is decreas ing . The r ute of lor Friday aCternoo n with Miss Lau - tend ed the f u neral of the lntter's farm, 1 mile east of Lytle and 3 un cle, m Ward. Mr. Kump, Mrs. A. in a t Xenia, Thurs- miles West of Waynes co me on fanner 's inves tments in L. Kenned y, Mrs. va lullble to n State liS a great Govville , on the 1926 und 1926 "'tiS 2.3 per cent, Run SarloI', Mrs. Hen ry Orndorf f. dny. ern or , and liS scarce. Waynes ville and Lytle pike, on hos tesses. T he co mmittee reported while that of other industri es was Mrs. John Heiner, of Middlet own, Monda" Februa r, 7, 1922, 10 lind 11 per cent. Th e farmers ulm ost $60 clea red on the dinners spent Friday with Mr. and LET'S ADOPT THE METRI C ret urn for a year 's labor ave raged serveu during the Fnrmers ' institu te Frank Rogers and Mrs. Lottie Mrs. Beginni ng pt 1 o'clock, the followCafrom 1919 to 1926, $646; other la- The "Sunshi ne lind Oloud" cont est rey. Ing: 2 horses, 3 Jersey cows, farm SYSTEM boring men got $ 1400. During t ha t closed wit h the " Cloud" gFO Up easy ing impleme nts, corn and hay. IIIr. and Mr!!. William Lackey, of winners. The " Sunshin e" group will WM. F. ALLEN . A11 the civili>:ed world except the same t ime his income went to 8 per cn~ e rtllin Middlet own, were Friday dinner them in cent the W. N. Sears, Auct. near below future. what it wall in 1914. British empire and the United States guests Ilt the home of Mr. and Mrs. During the social hour a delici ous use the metric syst em . of weights whi le other industri es guve 27 per lun ch Albert Stacy. of snndwic The undersig ned will sell at public and measures. British and Ameri- cent higher income. Form bankrup fee was served hes, sulad and cof, Mr. nnd Mrs. Kesler Grahnm and sale at the r ellidence of Mr. Curtis can scientis ts use it beclluse it sim- cies increase d 1000 per cent in the Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Collett wer e daugh t er were six o'clock dinner on the J. M. Keys fnrm, located 2 plifies th eir calcu lations. We use it lost t ew yen rs; others 23 pe r cent. in recokon ing our money and kn ow 27 per cent of the farmer' s income recent guests of Mr. and M,·s. OmitI' guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Al- miles north of WayneBville, on the Waynesville and Bellbroo k pike, on goes out in taxes. Out of every 70 Holl ingswor th, ncar Oregon bright, nera Springb oro. how con ven ie nt it is. in. Mrs. W. A. Haines and Miss Nellie Tu ••da" Fehruar y 8, 1927, The Gillett-B ritten bill being con- who paid income tax one was a forThe young people here are pracCutrigh t were host esses to the Ba p. ticing for n p lay, sidered by Congres s would give mer. Beginni ng at 10 O'clock, the fol"The Fortuna te The fa rm er is robbing the soil at tist lI1ission nry Circle at the home Cala the Departm ent of Comme rce nut~or mi ty," to be given in t he 'near lowing: 4. horses, shredde d fodder, ity after 1986 to standar di ze the t he rate of 400 billions a year, as o[ Mrs. Ha in es. Wednes day /lfter- f utur e for the benefit of the Ladies 6 tona mixed hay, farming imples hown by decreas ed product ion. So noon. Mrs. George Denny co yard to the meter . the Quart to he nduct- Aid. ments, etc. as n result of this, he has money ed the devoti liter, and the pound to 600 gram~. ons. In th e absence of WILLIA M F. CURTIS to spend for Mr. autos, a nd movies, Mrs. Edgar etc. the Can Patton, of secretar y, Mrs. Charles Gray nil deCimal ly divided and easily fig'JOHN A. ALLEN . the r emedy Ci ncinnat be obtained i, are t hrough leg- was nppoint ed pro t ern . Mrs. E. B. now staying at the ured. Martin & Stanley , Aucts. Probabl y not. It wlll Doster gave an inspirin g lesson on home of Mr. and Mrs. Edd Longac re It i8 not t he first time C<n'gres s islation ? come more an d Mr. Patton is working with Mr. surely through educa- " Early Baptist Mission aries and PihilS conside red adoptin g the metric I will offer at public nuction at my oneers." A dainty lu nch of sand- Loniacr e in Duyton. system. George Washin gton urged t io n and organi zation. residenc e on the Ridge Road, one When the farmer learns what are wic hes. crnnber ry sauce, doughn It in his flrst message to Congres s. Mrs. Chnrles :Eo Johns snd Mr. and mile north ot Harveys burg, on the uts The renson for such n change is his best inlerest s and who a r e really an d coffee was served. The next Mrs. Walter Ke nrick spent Friday in Nathan Gray farm, known u the his friends, be will have token a very meeting will be h eld F~bruary 23, at Dayton 4'nd in the afterno plain. We now have four difl'eren t on called old Wilaon farm, on sizes of pints, quarts and gnUons; importa nt step towards the solution the home of Mrs. Laurn Shidake r. on Mrs. E va Haines and Mrs. JoTburoda y, Februa r, 10,' 1927, of his problem s. Then let him idenrou r differen t lons; t hree differen t For a surprise on her husband, se pb Gralsi and children . BeginnI ng at 11 o'clock, the tollowmiles; three kinds of ounccs, drllms tify himself with a farm organiza - in honor of his Mr. and Mra_ Warren Kenrick and ing : 3 borses, 2 cows, 20 aheep, and pou nds: three differen t sizes of tion such lUI the Form Bureau, and Mrs. E. J . Co llierbi.rthdn y" his wife, called togethe r a daughte r, Marga ret, and Mr. Harry com, tarming impleme nta, harncas, gills, to say nothing of minor meall- he has traveled a long way toward number of friends. ures, 8ucb a9 pecks, poles, stones, th e end of his troubles . Everyt hinr ing. To sny t hat heSaturda y eve n- Kenrick , of Centerv ille, were Wed- and miscella neous. E. W. ROSS; min ims. fahoms, sc.r uples, cords and that the Farm Bureau has essnycd to is putting it mildly. was 8urprise d nesday evening guesta at the home Gnmea, can- of Mr. and Mra. Walter Kenrick . do , officially. has been done BorneMartin & Stanley , Aucta. the like. versato n a nd mus ic, f ormed the wher.e, evsome way, by some one and Adoptin g this metric system, would Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mulleni x ening's entertai nment and a lunch Having decided to quit farming , bring ord er out of 101 this chaos. It Il high degree of pride is justified in of sand wiches, fruit were called to Mt. Oreb, Ohio, last salad and cofI will offer at public 1liiIe on the fann would give us, in nddition . a system the reco rd of its first six yenrs of fee was served Wednes day by t:he Illness and death to the followin g known as the Frank Elbon farm, at of weights and mensure s in harmon y existclICe. of the former County Agent Class, in a brief guests: Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wil- al was held 's mother. The tuner- the soutl) edge of Waynes ville, alao with that of the rest of the world. on Snturda y. They re- locally known as the old liam son and Miss Edith McKibb an, Creame ry, It would aid us in extendi ng our foJ'. tnlk. illustrat ed by means of black- of Wa~'nesv i11 e; t urned home Sunday ~lVe nil\&'. Dign commer ce, partIcul arly In Latin boa rd, how prices are de te.r min ed by McKenzie. Mr Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Moada,. , FebruU 7 14, 1827 " -nnd' Mrs. James Col.America. where our greatest chanc- su pply and demand . Individu al far - lett and son, Thomas Beginni ng at 10 o'clock, the folmod~ra~e , Mr. and Mrs. es appeal\ to lie. The metric system mel'll working alone, cannot affect Frank Shidake r, Mr. lowing: 20 horses and 'mules, 80 nnd Mrs. the price line much, but organiz a- Clint Is overwhelmingly fnvored by our cattle, 60 hogs, farming impleme nta, Sherma n Ilnd dnughte r, Labusiness men . It should be ad opted. tion and co-oper ation mllY help. Too vonne, Mr. lind Mrs. Mell hnrness, feed and hllY, 60 W. WyanBniley, Mr. high (lriees . caused Increase d producdOUe pullets, etc. und Mrs Charles Collier, Mr. and tion, which mny again necessit ate Lon Brannon and wife have movD. R. SALISB URY. lower prices. III are , uniform and Mrs. Willinm Shidake r and son, Ron ed from Wi1minl~ o n to Xenia. GRAB FAT CONTR ACTS Sears & Stanl ey, Aucta. regulate d product ion was suggest ed. nld, Mr. nnd Mrs. George Denny and ! K. E. Thomps on was at Sabina and . . Lowerin g • cost of product ion by daughte r, Ruth and son, John. , New Vienna on Monday and Tues• • Discont inuing farming , I wlll make The swImmI ng c~amplo.ns of ear· higher acretheyields, • better produci ng lier days ulled to sWIm theIr way into. co ws and more eggs a closing- out BIlle of all my chattela , < I I. ~.lf'fillI ' day. • per ben were DOT'S NIZE song and story, but now they ~re ul80 advocat ed by Class, Mrs. Ella Ferris 8pent Friday wltb located 1 ~ miles north ot Waynea who gave able to grab oft' only fat vnudevll1e figures to show that her sister lind brotber, near Leba- ville, 6 milea south of Bellbroo k, on such efficiency "Vnt you doink, Abie?" the Waynes ville and Bellbroo k road, contract s. • _ • leaves a greater chance :Cor profit. non. " I'm drunk. JJ on the Geo. Hartsoc k farm, on Every farmer thus determi nes his "Vat's dat?" About twent:~-five attende d the SAYS SAM own cost line. By better soil fertilTa •• "'" F.braar y 15, 1827, "Sure ; I'm drunk pictures on the social at the School bouse on Friday ity methods, or putting margina l pnperl" Beginni ng at 10 o'clock tho folnight land down to grass increase d use hf lowinr 4 horses, 2 cows, In the wInter a young man's fan- legumes , the eliminat ion Gilbert ToJle, wife and K. E. 8OW8, 8 faU pigs, 8 ewes, 8 brood tarming cy heavily turnl to thought a of last cows, by . se'l ling the cull of boarder ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.!!'''''!~~- Thomps son spent Saturda hen and by y in Wilm- impleme nts, feed and poultry. 8ummer ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ ington_ similar mellnS, the modern farmer EDW ARD COOK. has a greater chance of getting Martin & Stanley , Aucts. The Priscilla club met with Mrs. SAMAN THA SAYS nhcad. Karl Deather age last Wednes day af--~ ... Aa I have rented my farm, locatt ernoon. These rainy gloomy days are the ed 2 ~ miles aouth of Waynes ville, TO MAKE SURE Ed, George aJld le6ll0n to lew upon brjght colored Misll Hannah Jor- on the Waynes ville and Lebanon dan attende d the Lawren ce Brown pike, known aa the old Emley w ..h goodl. .' place, snle last week. I will oft'er at public sale on " If every young girl had a hobby at home half ol.\r saxopbo ne players . THAT'S WHAT WE ALWAY S The Priscilla club will meet with Wed •••da,., F.bruar y 23, 1927, would be out of work," announc es a Mrs. J. W. Edward s the third WedWOND ERED Beginni ng at 10 o'clock, the :Coldaily paper. Then,l suggest s that nes- in Februar y_ lowinlf: 2 borses, 1 cow, bull, Rhode every young girl should hnve two R. J . Murray , our sheep man, fa leland Red chicken s, fanninr impleThe teacher had been lecturin g his hobbies at home. very busy selling and deliveri ng menu, organ, etc. elIas on the wisdom often displaye d sheep. This will 800n be a sheep J. S. THOMS ON. by animals and birds. He compare d country . Martin & Stanley , Aucta. RESUL TS It with t hat of humnn beings, to the latter's disRdva ntage. Our horse dealers have been turnHoving flnl Bhed h is discours e, he Thursda y I lost a gold watch ing their attentio n to sbeep here late So Warm Yet invited his pupUs to- ask question s which I valued very highly, I)" and have pla(!ed several flocb of as it bellring on the subject. sheep among the farmera here Stylish was an heirloom . I Immedi ately InOne small boy held up his hand. serted an advertIs ement in your Lost Mrs. Jessie Kennon , Mrs. Patienc e "Well," suid the teacher, "what and Found column, and waited. YesThomps on, W. H. Terry and Uttle is it you want to \mow?" Albert Lee Talmag e, who have all "I want to know elr," was tbe re- terday I went home and found the watch ill the pocket of another 8uit. been sick the put week, are better. Ply, "whnt makes chicken s know how God bless your paper! bllt our egg-cup s are 1" Mr. H. C. Tolle reached hil 76th mile 8tonll on last Sunday, JanuaJIY 23. 1927. Those who braved the ice and sleet to spend tbe day with him and enjoy the I~ood dinner, were: Mrs. Martha Gaffin and children , Lena, Ray. Orville, Roy and Artbur Tollo, ot near Kingma n; !Ira. Gay Gordley and aon, Earl, of Wilmlnl fton ; Mn. Stella Gaftln and daughte r c..rt'. . . . . . . . Thelma Ruth, of Beaver Pond. AdIf your old tire. are appro ach in, the am. county; Mr. Ray Scruehf leld, of LOVE IS IMPOR TANT Burton. vllle; · Cecil Tolle, wife and "dan ,erou . age" come in and sell y'!ur Probabl y the most Importa nt erillis IIny other decision . And 80n, Dean, of Clarksv ille. . The dinit iM wdll in any Individu al'. lire III w~len lie known that love plays ner waa at the home ot Gilbert Tolle trou\» l. chan~. to u.. We'll allow you the moat imor ahe fslls In love. and family, of tbbJ place. The Beeeh portant part in every womAn's liff'. a fair price for your prese nt aet in part Grove teporte w•• IUl afterno on c.\ILove hu been respons ible for ~ Thia la the ,most Intense experl- moat human happine sa and for a er. paym ent ' for ' brand new Good year AlIen~ io wh1eli huma~ity (a aUbJect. great part of human . tragedy . There is only' It haa 'mo~ to do' with the hap pione Jllace in til" There is no criais In one's career Weat her. or Good year- built Path~der 'IIW~J!lCDIworld. wbere tbe lun !PPat,n U, lett nesl of one's HCe, more to do with where he needa to \.llle more judgtwice a day It" ~t J4tk, ttl hat. the l makinr; or unmaki ng of one:a ment and guidfng inte\1lge Tire. and "::ub, .. Equip ment of know n nce than !:':t.~r~::I!..'::. ~:.ft~f~~ ford,hlr t!, E"'~~d, ,' ,'D. p.e"o~ ( ; charact er than almost anythin g eille. In this crisis. ' You .. n teU It et 0IIte from ..,t that.... I!P~: ~ quite .Iampl, 19110 .KJ)laln'ed, depen dable quali ty that will get . you Moat of ua do not lI.."e in ·. ou,r In.. ~ye ,I" one those !nspil'at ions ==~&.:...roUcneoua""I4«·~a. t elliaenc e but we live ,tn our emo- that eame from of A j""td moulltaln.; ~(l altllat.d ~ o. we ktiow not where. _ely throu gh the winte r and mow you , UI, weat of the 'WW!I, _ ill the ~ tlons. We l(ve . bYal ' 8 'i fltlm en 1 t. At!ld The BbUddhiAt& ~hat tjhe y ~ ~~~I!I:~M!! pag!Id .<INa the ' eXI,erience, of t l nc .l ~ ove I trtl ,emem e-: aome ie~I~ .. t\le . !lun . . .~~ 'th"' :~ oecurre,nce , n a f O~ . a real ..ving in tire co.ta. . Come in any d~r&q_ comea Oil; t he deepest emotion~ of the human mer career. PeMlpa Uia~ 'w ....... fs as good sumi,t;. the ....1111 aN llabteJI aDd time. hr l1 rt . · . .' . . ;.,.. ' an explana tion of For I ..i.!11 app,ren Uy n'tlh~ baa ~ ill But It I~ is doubtfu l . wbethllr any. ~rl!'- "hOll' I~ve . Qom~\f~ 1!8rr1u ~ any. allbdo '. \ ' hJll not, tor In. th.e Ipa~ of aD hour t h e work ta ,ev-, u~~,rtaV)l unle.. It. , . .".. "f . . or 10, the lun 'reappeaI'II .....n tbro' u (\er tbe IIthl'"ilul ' of kla.p~lon, I t " IU1'IoUI' to ~fteet that thla ' I' __ mpan ' an _ We ! know tbat the .ilnellt ' ln poetl'V, matter fa In- the h~4a openl... ,~ the aide of the moun'U W tain, and dafllch t In Music and· In ~Iter.ture owes til !'· ~ratlve fOUlI, ' people. of' tba eom-~ .,peaft . ·. In other , . ' Artlftca l .. ltrhte, It Itl Inceptio n. utiIIIUIaIIed 'aDd . "any I~'·rd'" the deelllot r of a ,ubjeet that ' -,. . been Phone 25 dayllrh t apill pr<Bval\s untO . . - It. Is more importa nt tor a man 111 mOlt Importa Dt ~~n, but. 0 deacud e below ~lte openiDc ..... tM ~~ r1rhtly to . p~d, out the ldnd 'o~ wo- 'depend upon the oldIn ~rlife do.. not pony·..... · ...... .II!~ ..... the m.tUie, Wa)'l luvill e -hlo ' lecond ~ folJ.oWl. ud nat afcItt lara cu",l . . , whom lie II to· loy. Ulan to ~. but Upon thl roll", fl\d ·lmpulai . v.. "'-~~---"!"!'i.-~,. onnbad OWI tllli eutIa. Entered at t he Postoffic e at Waynes v iile, 0., 08 Second ClaBS Mail .MatLer


--- ---- --



Annual Farm Bureau Meeting

Some of Th e Things W e Sell

Lum ber for Ever y Purp ose

Mate rial for Your Roof s

Siding Oak Floo ring Edg e Grai n Floo ring Fini shin g Lum ber .Porc h Material Fron t Doo rs Cott age Win dow s Win dow ·Fram es Win dow Glass

Red Ced arSh ingl es M ule-liideShi ngles Care y Shingles

Asphalt Roll Roofing

Bric k .. Port land Cem ent Plas ter Lim e Plas ter Board Wal l Boa rd

Bui lder s' Har dwa re Nails Smo oth and Barb Hinges Wir e Doo r Locks Locust Fenee Posts Barn Doo r Tra ck Farm Gate s



Rods of Wir e Fence

300 0

All of the abov e mate rial can be found in our yard every day in the year at prices

- ..


W.H.l\1adden &. CO. Way neav ille





.. - ----





Ge t Ou r Tr ad e-i n Pr op os iti on on



DtFrank Crarte Says



Wanye ' s, We Farmers' r-diaage J'



. .









bron lIriJDmu tv

I _n ·..... ..... .dllI.11 1 ''I




Late Classified Ads,

,\ woman working regularly fit Ict edar f:t.nm(1R \It C/lr~··... fe\ • 1.1'0 ' ntH' ko dlllll;hlcrs luny '~!leciuls lit C.ry'5 Jewelry Ilutdoo r farm \ o rk. even un the elry hop, 1.cbIlMn, Ohio. in D· ~'ton , • IUI'dl y. ~11l'1, L 'uonon, Ohio. I ho m fut'm nnc;l without wugc~, i~ _ __ _ _..:.__ FOR SALE 0('1. (,,1m" . til II ,~nt '31'>" ,I ' wVernon 'M~Iineus h05 been c nfin. B,-yJ h and rson is. confined to tlle II tod liS 1\ far-Ill laborer. but n woOl· _ ' rl CO Ilis home for o"ornl d~ys \\'Ith heHl~ with II sprn ined ankle, lIll, doi n'g housework in hor own I' lry I !tllP. 1.. hano ll , Ohio. MJ'l'.


lr HlHI MI'l;. O. 'R.. l n ~l ~ by were r.~I.u .;(. " ~,I <\1'8 Mond ay nfternoo n , ;\lr. It ''' ) Mr, CI. r) !lie 'lllre and .l",\('lry f'hilJ n'l. , Il!' I ) Irt11n. ~Jwnt l hc:- \\~C 'k· (,,"1 \\ Ill! ;.Ir. :\1,,1 ~,,-,; . \\' all" r Me. MillS 1)orls n nd(' r",," wos n .[Iny- Clurc. loft vi.ltor, Tlieedoy. WhOH' 1-:\',,, in ~ u" r rllmil~' need t'~n oni l1ail '''' ,I l hi g tillll"! ome C. M, Robiher wns II busill""' " i,- 1111 til /lil t! kt ill'. I{utlolph . Ihe Eye ltor in Cincinlllltj, FrielllY. ::;p~ci:di.1. 1-\'1\' ( ' ~'o tl r l' Y" ~ a careful Mr. nnd Mrs.•1, 1. Jo'I'Olllm, Mi"," EX ~ lll i n:lt lun . F n! \l. at C: l ry's Jewel· I'Y SI", I'. On 1' ut'~dI\ Y u:lltil 3 p. m., Katherin e Fromm II l1d Mrs. J. 1111 ,1 S:tillr<IIlY UII I il 7 p. 111 . Hawke were in Dnyton, 1II onday.

Mliny 8 pecl lll~ lit ('u, Shop, Lebanon, hiD.




Mother- " ow, Johnny, go up. stuirs lI')d wush your caa- and comb )'O ur halr." . y- "Oh, ~oo'dy, we're goln~ grlppo. homc, is HRLed ns hnvi ng no omptQY- FOR ALE- h CVl'olot Touring and to .Inhnn huv company." '. Murilln Gorlh,.,;. "r nn rvcy~burg, mont. Th t' cluu \\" )ll1cn b IIC\'o that Illwrol~t OUpll, 1. 22 model. G. Mothll "Yell. Your father I. l\I SSt!!. Orville Grny and J. M'. IIII H h" ' 11 d.iti ll~ . l\1c. ond fr!!. LO!I' " thl' hom is 1111 stublishnH'nt of A, Zen. 'J20 o\lming hom e (or dinner." ThornpNlln wel'e ill Lllbanon, Jon- IN l, nnl"n . pUl"nnlount importu nce in busincss." lill y U (( orn oo n. )Ii ~~ Olh'''' AIl('n, tCltl'llc T in 'cnill f SCOTCH :'Ifr. nnd 1\Jrs. 'Pl'('d B. llend{'t'lIo n II lb h ,c1w.)1, who sugtnl ncd a broken an,1 duu ghl('r" we ro shopping in "Ih Il li d \\ ,,~ ("onsid"rnbly shnken up " Neyer borrow mon y from th;,t Xen ia, Suturday. in t hlll l' uuto nc citJcnt l :l ~t we ok, i:.i hy loc k. In winter he I I king n muc!t-ut"ed d r est at her IlInn, he is a takes 60 per cent, Hnd in SUlllmer Mrs. A. M. Archdencoll, of pr ing- home h.'re . - ~ ixty . " UoI'O ; is viRitng MI'. an d M!'s. HowThere's no finer delicacy than " Dul why does ftc tnke mure in ~I i~ , 1 '; liwul'l h D"ot. luLer, or c~­ al'd Arc hd ('ucon. cI"rville ""Ilel'(l', M,,"s.·s. Willium eummer ?U Mi!!., Snrllh .J oy hilS returned after Thonlu ti. MaYIl,,!'. 1 Welt z und Hemry "Bccuu:\e t he dnys nrl1 longel', " a n extended visit ,\olth her sister in Sl\y l ~r w ~ rc sunday "i llne l' guc st~ 'Iermon!. cou nty. or Mr nnd 111 )'S. Hawke and They are the most tender part of the Aiparagul Ipear; f:imil y: Dr. nnd Mr~. A. T. Wright sow there is no waste- all food; easy to prepare, and add " Benu: Geste" at the Victory thellte.Mi ~~ 'Inrll Lile. MisR !.nUTA Mesuch a variety to your meals. Delicioul when· lerved in in Dllylon lust ~'riclIlY nfternoon. I\i ll~ey nn d tllr. S. I". Ctlrlw ri~hl salads, creamed or Asparagus shortcake. ST. MARY'S CHURCH \\ ClI t tu :\ cnia T UL' . da~' nft Hnooli tn Mr. lind Mrs. II nny PllUfl" . I,f ' d' Mr •. Cnolw nlla d r lind (" und ht'1' The A: C. BRAND of Asparagus Tips are the Jnnuury :10. Fourth Sundny nrter $t' Y('n Mile. were ~~lll'!; h~ l~ 1\ ;\'t o ndu y ('(lliditi nn 1I 0t li S w~1I liS lhey would Mammoth White Tips, very large, sweet and tender. l~p iJ1 h any. Chu rch 8('hoo l ut 9 :3 0 ; of Rev. nnd Mrs. L. A. Washbu rn. like. l\lorning Pruyer and sermon lit The SILVER FLAKE BRAND are the large green 10:30. AKellcy for Yourex Sil\' l'r~('al u ll .1 W. 11 . All en wus in Cinci nn ati, tips, and are very delicious. Rev. John J . Schaef!er . Rect~r. Rogers Heirloom pl a le. Lusts rrom Mondny nnd TuesdllY nttending the When you ask for either brand, you are aSlured of ~c nerntion to g vneration. Cary ' ~ fifly -third IInl1ual C(ln\'('ntinn of the the best and most delicious canned aiparagul obtainJvwe lry Shop, Lebnllon, Ohio. Epi st'u pu l chll rch of the Diocese of CHRISTIAN CHURCH Southcrn Ohio. T uesday, t he 25 . able. Always guaranteed to give 8atisfaction, and price Miss Hazel Salisbury is in Ja ne wos lhe thirty-eighth nnniversnry of Sundny-School nt 9 :3 0; no higher than other brands of leas quality, Ravor or Case hospitnl, Delaware, r ecovering nishop Boyd Vincent's consecration. Eve rybody cordially invited. fr om nn operation f or appendicitis. food value. murtest of time k~epers nre the METHODIST CHURCH Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hawke, of Day- \:1\<>8t Gl'ue n wutel! crcnti olls. Sec Recipe for Asparagus . Shortcake Given Free ton, Mr. Ilnd Mrs. J. C. Hawke wer c th('m ut Cary's J ewelry Shop, LebSnbbath School at 9 :16 a. m. Upon Request Su nda y gues ts of l\I r. and Mrs. J ohn Oll on, Ohio. preaching at 10:30 a . m. Epworth From m. Lengue 6 :15 p. m. Preachmg at On Mo nd ay eve ning Mr. and Mrs. 7 :00 p. m. Everybody Invited to these Beginning next Sunday and co n- Wilson Ed wards entertained ns din- services Rev. L. A. Washburn, Pastor. tinuing until April 1, serv ice at St. nct· guests IIIr. lind Mrs. Ronald Mnry'a hurc h will be at 10 :30, Hawke, Mr. and l\'~rs , Bert Hartsock , - We Deliver instead of 11 o'clock. Mr. nn d Mrs. C. M. Robitzer, Mr. Phone U3 Waynesville, Ohio Don't forge t Dr. Rudolph, the Eye and IIIrs. J . O. Cartwright, Mr. nnd Mrs Hnlph lIl iller nnd l\lr and Mrs. Spe ~aJi st , is h ~ re every Saturday James tllcClurc. night until 7 p. m" nnd Thursday un Ira Scraggy, of Dayton, is vi s i~_ til 3 p. m. Cury's J('welry Shop, Mr. a nd Mrs. Glenn Borden are iug relatives here. ~. moving to Frankl in whe re Mr. BorMiss Thelm u White. of Jamestown Mr. nnd Mrs.Alonzo Tilus, Mrs. C. den has opened nn a~o accesso ry is at th e home of her [aUlcr, T. A. W. Ratliff and Mrs. C. W. Phillips store. Mr, a nd Mrs. Gorden have attended t he f un eral of Mr. Titus' mode many friend s during their r es- White. sister, Mrs. Rose Pcnquite, at Mor- idellco in Wnynesville, who nre loath The SU,lls hine society held its row, Monday. to have them lenve, bUl wish for mon thly social ut the home of Rebeccn and Ruth Miars, Saturday. Cal Burns is very sick. On ac- them success in their new venture. The "M erry Wi ves'" club wa'S count of his illness Mrs. Burns was Those from out of town who atabsent f rom Sunday School last tended the committal se rvice for the pleasantly ('ntertnined nt the home of Mrs. R. D. Collett, Wednesday. Su nday, the first time in twenty In le C. S. Ridge, were, Mrs. Ridge years, an ullltlUal record. and children, of Chicago ; Mr. and EaTcle Wisecu p nnd family, of MI'. and Mrs. Myer Hyman and Mrs . Clyde Cole man, Mr. nnd Mrs. Ceda rville, ~pc r, t severa l dny. Inst WElyn to s\ I 110, Ohio All Kinds of Insurance son, Bobby, a r c in Cincinnati, where George Beac h, of Norwood; Dr. a nd week with MI'. and Mrs. George Hi te. Mr. Hyman will undergo an opera- IIIrs. T. 1. Way, Mr. and Mrs. E. Caesar's Cre ek a nd Andrew's F ork tion on his f oot tomorrow morning V. Barnhnrt, Mrs. Emma Barnett. streams on either side of the v\llnge, Miss Elizabeth Ridge, Rev. G. Holat the Jewish hospital. list er Lynch. of Cincinnnti; Dr. Tom overfiowed their bunks several days last week. No dwellings hod to be Our Watch and Clock repair de- Kearney, of Washington D. C" nn d vllcated, howeve r. partment cannot be excelled. Char- Mr. W. R. Green, of Toledo. ges moderate. Cary's Jewelry Shop With delightful hospitality, Mr. Lebanon, Oho. f a nd tlus. Bert Hartsock entertained a compnny of lrilends lit their pleas· ant country homll last Friday evening. Seven tabl'es were made up Mrs. Flora Muson wns on the sick for "Five Hundr,c d," nnd nfter th e list Inst week. gomcs, Mrs. Coara Mllcy and Mrs. Mrs. Carl Smith und Mrs. George J ames McClure ass isted Mrs. Hnrtsock ' in serving a most appetizing Smith entertained the Sunday school lunch. Those invited were Mr. and class of which they lire members, on Mrs. M. A .Cornell, Mr. and Mrs. Wednesday evening. Ernest Butterworth, Mr. alld , Mrs. Mrs, ElIli Babh has retulfned home D. R. Salisbury, Mr. and Mrs. Harry from the Martinsville Sanatorium at Smith, Mr. and Mrs: Quincy Gons, Martinsville, Ind., where she hall Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Ellis, Mr, and !Jeen taking treatment. Mrs. W. E. Corn.lll, Mr and Mrs. R. The Young Peoples' meeting will M Hawke, Mr anld Mrs. C. M. Robitzer, Mr. and Mrs. Rulph Miller, Mr. be held in the Methodist church next and Mrs. Harvey Rye, Mr. and Mrs. Sunday evening. The topic, "How James McClure, Mr. ond Mrs. D. L. Should a Christian Get Even." Crane, Mrs. Cora Macy and Mr. H. Rev. Lawrence Andrew, of Mid· A Cornell.. dletown, will 'preach at the Metho-~... diat church next Sunday morning. This will be a union service of the two churches.

. I _


--'- --- - - --


A. C. or Silver Flake




Club, $1 • 09 FIour Country 24Y2-pound aack . . . . . . . . . . Country Club, 12

lb . • ack


Clifton. 24 '. lb. sac k


Lard ~ure Open Kettle Rendered, 15c per pound ... .... .. . . . ..... . . . . E"tmore Nut, per pound .. ... .... . . 19c Oleo Churn gold, per pound . . . . . . ..... . 32c Beans Country Club, with Pork . 25c and Sauce, 4 cans for . . . . . . . ~

Michigan No. I Pea Bean., 4 pound. for ...... .

r~~~~ 1!;::~:~e'..:.19c £~~~~~!: ~~r~n~:.~~r.~ . . 25c Bananas "'dale SlIced,GratedNo.2can


. . . . . . .. 25c


Yellow Fruit, 2 lb.


25c 25c

. 12c 15c. 23c 25c

. ...

Co.!try CI.b. 3 large ....,. Club, 3 .mall can...... I3c

Celery Large Bleached Stalks, 2 for .,

Ri~~ Fancy, Blue Ron He.d, .. lhe ....... .

Lettuce Iceberg Large .olid head., 3 for .

The Corwin Grocery


II------..............•..••••. -I N 5 U RAN C ERenewals or New Policies


"Watch That Expiration Date"


---_. - ._---




· 1}OUi-Sa1e io



Insurance Agency

You Like Western Stories

General Insurance Waynesville, Ohio

? •

Do not fail to start reading our !lew serial, which begins in our next issue, entitled

Have you ever sufFer~a fr<1m hard water "itch"? Have your handa become dry and hard-your skin chapped-from using hard water? Then you can appreciate handa that are aner ~ugbened nor reddened-baby's tender skin that is neve( left cracked and "itcby"-a shave that is quick and clean. Every home NOW can have soft water .Itbaat cost


Chimney 7 rail"


cistern and double plumbing.

DURO Water Softener R.w RoI.- U"ZNmJ Ft.",

II !tie latut product of the world'. ~eat manufacture.- of residence wa-

tes' .~ema. It ia ~ple-compact­ practical. May be mstalled in either old or new homes-Will give a life timo

You , will be fascinated by this new story, and if you are not a regular reader of The Miami Gazette, get in. line and start on this wondedul story.

of eenice lit very .1IIIIIll cost. .. The .Dvm Softener has many ad-


pa,..... ·I t 'Will bring





.. -


Money and capital do not mean the same thing. It has been said that if all the mooney in the United States were divided equally IImong the whole population of the country each man, 'womnn and child would receive aboul fifty dollars. Yet the capital invested in this country is considerably more than fifty dollars per person. A man with a million dollllrs in gold, stranded upon a desert island, might starve to d,e ath, perish of cold fall a victim. to disease or insects, and find all h,s money utterly valueless in helping him. Money is simply a medium of Ilxchange; while cap ital, on the other hand, is stored up labor, usually in' the form of machinery and buildings, capable of pro ducing the things which people need 01' want. Though a business/concern may be capitalized at a million dollars, that figure means nothing unless the money i8 translated into terms of land, b'ui1dings, machinery equipment, raw materlale and a sum set aside as "w.)rking capital," to pay wages and the expenses of upkeep until some o:f the fruits of manufacturing return in the form of payment for fini llhed product. The renl capital is not the money, but the productive things into which it may be translated by exchange. This is lin 'age o~ capItalism simply because capitalism stands the test of the survival of the fittest. Human labor is more produt:tive when applied in [:onjunctron with Invested capItal than by Itself, nnd great increases in capital in a nation go hand in hand . with a higher stand urd of living. II~ this country capital totals higher per inhabitant than anywhere elee' in the world, and the return for a day's labor is the highest.-Exchllnge. l


..._ _ __


HOME-KEEPING IS Women's clubs of the. .United are u~ng that the Census enumeration " list hou sework with "trade, profession and pnrticular kind of work" 'They believe that "a, woman housework in her own houlle and hllving no other employment hal a dignified and Worthy occupation with a money el1,uivlllent, and .that lIuch occupation should be riVeD a distinct Dam.." ~tatcs

.. ..... odur typea.



Wei; and


The Criterion's

Annual Winter SALE of our entire stock of Men's, Young Men's and Boys' Finest All-Wool HandTailored Suits and Overcoats. A good big stock to select from in our well known Michael-8tern, Pencil Blue, Frat and PerfeCligD makes. Manhattan Shirts and Special Lots Men's Fine Hats and Sweaters included in this sa'le.



$2~~U~~~ ~~~:~ .~~~ts ~~~ .~~~~~~~t.s....... . ... . ....... .. .... . $19.50 13~~ ~~ ~!~'.~ .~~i.~.~~~ ?~~~~~~~s........ .......... ..... _.. ;$23.50

S3~~:C:~ :!::~ .~~i.~ .~~~ ?~~~~~~~..... .,................... $27 ~50 S4~~u~:~ ~:~:~~ .~~i.t~.~~~.~~~~~~~~s..... ; . . . _; ......••......

$31.50 $35.50

$4~~~u~:~ ::~:~~ .~~~t~.~~~.~~~~~~~~s............ , ..............

S5~~~u~:~ :~~:~ .~~:~.~~~.~~~~~~~~................... _'.; ~ .~ t .S39.50 I


......... over older ~there is no . ~ of mineraJ.--no xred stain or IrOIl -~ Regeneration i. a simple , PI: at III qulclll,. performed. requinng . . . . aaburtea compared ' with houn

!Iou ~




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